
Sample records for surete mene par

  1. Organization and methodology applied to the control of commissioning tests to guarantee safe operation of nuclear units; Organisation et methodologie appliquees au controle des essais de mise en service pour assurer la surete de fonctionnement des tranches electronucleaires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clausner, J P; Jorel, M


    ) pour chaque systeme elementaire afin de tester la fonction correspondante. Ces documents donnent les principes, les objectifs et la nature des essais devant etre menes, ainsi que les criteres qui permettent de juger la validite des resultats d'essais. La methode d'analyse du DAS est la suivante: verification de la coherence avec les notes d'etudes et avec les fonctionnements transitoires, adequation des criteres, representativite de la simulation des essais periodiques, evaluation comparative pour juger de l'homogeneite des methodes de controle entre les differents systemes. Les PPE relatifs aux systemes importants pour la surete comportent, a la demande des organismes de surete, une 'analyse d'exhaustivite' qui permet de verifier que l'ensemble des performances et des parametres fonctionnels sont testes, mesures et suivis dans toutes les configurations d'utilisation requises. Le suivi continu et 'en temps reel' des differentes phases d'essais et de leur enchainement est assure par un ingenieur du DAS detache sur le site pour la duree du demarrage. Il analyse les comptes rendus d'execution, controle leurs resultats, examine les faits notables et les incidents survenus pendant le deroulement des essais. Le DAS participe aux reunions de la commission d'essais sur site (CES) qui constituent des etapes importantes du deroulement du programme de demarrage. Cette instance a pour role principal de s'assurer, a differents moments du deroulement des essais et plus particulierement en matiere de surete, que les objectifs definis ont bien ete atteints et permettent d'engager la phase suivante selon des dossiers complets et a jour, apres que les autorisations reglementaires necessaires ont ete obtenues. Un tel controle de la qualite de l'execution des programmes d'essais de demarrage ainsi que l'evaluation des resultats et du traitement des problemes rencontres contribuent a la verification du niveau global de surete des installations. L'application de cette methode sera illustree

  2. Mening i arbejdslivet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn, Ib


    begrebet, hvorfor det defineres her: Et fænomen giver mening, når man indser, hvordan det indgår i en større sammenhæng. Mening i arbejdslivet gives da af oplevelsen af, at man gennem sit arbejde indgår i en større sammenhæng. En konceptualisering med fire delfaktorer udledes, der tilsammen skønnes at give...... mening i arbejdslivet: 1. Styrkerealisering: Den enkelte bruger sine styrker og talenter; 2. Værdiskabelse: Ens arbejdsplads skaber reel værdi og livskvalitet for kunder og brugere. 3. Bidrag: Man oplever at yde et vigtigt bidrag gennem sit arbejde. 4. Fællesskab: Man indgår i et produktivt fællesskab...

  3. Some particular aspects of control in nuclear power reactors; Conception de la surete en france et influence des imperatifs de surete sur la conception des reacteurs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vathaire, F de; Vernier, Ph; Pascouet, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This paper reviews the experience acquired in France on the question, of reactor safety. Since a special paper is being presented on reactors of the graphite gas type, the safety of the other types studied in France is discussed here: - heavy water-gas reactors, - fast neutron reactors, - water research reactors of the swimming-pool and tank types. The safety rules peculiar to the different types are explained, with emphasis on their influence on the reactor designs and on the power limits they impose. The corresponding safety studies are presented, particular stress being placed on the original work developed in these fields. Special mention is made of the experimental systems constructed for these studies: the reactor CABRI, pile loop for depressurization tests, loops outside the pile, mock-ups etc. (authors) [French] La presente communication propose une synthese de l'experience acquise en France en matiere de surete des reacteurs. Les reacteurs de la filiere graphite-gaz faisant l'objet d'une communication particuliere, on examine ici la surete des autres types de reacteurs etudies en France: - reacteurs eau lourde-gaz, - reacteurs a neutrons rapides, - reacteurs de recherche a eau des types piscines et tank. Les imperatifs de surete propres aux differentes filieres sont developpes, en mettant l'accent sur leur influence sur la conception des reacteurs et sur les limitations de puissance qu'ils entrainent. Les etudes de surete correspondantes sont presentees, en insistant plus particulierement sur les travaux originaux developpes dans ces domaines. On indique notamment les moyens d'essais qui ont ete construits pour ces etudes: le reacteur CABRI, boucle en pile pour essais de depressurisation, boucles hors pile, maquettes, etc. (auteurs)

  4. Historiemisbrug - giver det mening?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peters, Rikke Louise Alberg; Brunbech, Peter Johan Yding


    Giver det mening at tale om ”historiemisbrug” i en undervisningssammenhæng, eller er misbrug en uklar moralsk motiveret dom, vi fælder over det, vi tager afstand fra? Denne artikel er en redigeret diskussion af dette spørgsmål mellem Rikke Alberg Peters og Peter Brunbech....

  5. La imprescriptibilidad de los crímenes contra la humanidad en Uruguay

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    José Manuel Sánchez Patrón


    Full Text Available La ratificación del Convenio sobre la imprescriptibilidad de los crímenes de guerra y de los crímenes de lesa humanidad por parte de Uruguay, constituye un primer paso dirigido a limitar la impunidad de los partícipes en la comisión de estas infracciones internacionales. Para la consecución de esta misma finalidad, el Estado Uruguayo ha dado un segundo paso, consistente en la ratificación del Estatuto de la Corte Penal Internacional, lo que ha llevado a efecto casi un año después del anterior. Ambas decisiones demuestran la intención de Uruguay de comprometerse Internacionalmente con el fin de evitar la impunidad de los responsables de la comisión de determinadas figuras delictivas, especialmente los crímenes de guerra y los crímenes contra la humanidad, ya que en tomo a estas dos infracciones internacionales gravitan los convenios internacionales a los que nos acabamos de referir.Contenido: imprescriptibilidad de los crímenes contra la humanidad en el pasado. Imprescriptibilidad de los crímenes contra la humanidad en el presente. Imprescriptibilidad de los crímenes contra la humanidad en el futuro. Conclusiones

  6. Mening eller måling?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kruse, Tove Elisabeth


    Artiklen diskuterer med udgangspunkt i regeringens universitetspolitiske strategi og tiltag , hvad der motiverer mennesker, der arbejder på et universitet, og hvad der giver deres arbejdsliv mening, og argumenterer for, at de stadigt mere udbredte præstationsmålinger, der ensretter og sammenligne...

  7. Análisis de regímenes aduaneros


    Maruri P., Cristina


    El presente documento contiene el análisis de cada Régimen Aduanero que las empresas en calidad de Exportadores e Importadores deben utilizar para un mejor manejo de sus actividades comerciales Internacionales. Los Regímenes Aduaneros se clasifican: Regímenes Comunes, Especiales, Particulares y de Excepción cada uno de ellos con subdivisión, sus definiciones, los requisitos y garantías que se debe cumplir de acuerdo a cada actividad empresarial. El documento cuenta también con ejemplo de Regí...

  8. Algunos interrogantes sobre las modalidades de juzgamiento de los crímenes estatales masivos

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    Daniel Feierstein


    Full Text Available El artículo propone un análisis criminológico de las categorías jurídicas creadas para lidiar con los crímenes estatales masivos (crímenes de guerra, crímenes contra la humanidad, genocidio, señalando las potencialidades, límites y desafíos de cada una de ellas, al tratarse de figuras que por primera vez aplican la capacidad de juzgar sobre el propio poder punitivo, lo cual genera ciertas paradojas. Se destaca la problematicidad de la figura de crímenes contra la humanidad como un posible "tipo abierto" y su utilización como ariete para vulnerar los ordenamientos jurídicos y derechos soberanos de las naciones en desarrollo. Se señala la necesidad de una mejor codificación del concepto de genocidio que, garantizando la inclusión de todos los grupos y la igualdad ante la ley, podría resultar una figura más sólida y menos peligrosa que la de crímenes contra la humanidad. Asimismo, el texto propone repensar los modos procesales en el juzgamiento de crímenes estatales masivos, con el fin de enfrentar con eficiencia aquellos delitos que son organizados por el propio poder punitivo, en condiciones de clandestinidad,  y donde la propia lógica de la prueba del delito es puesta en cuestión.

  9. Applicability of ICRP principles for safety analysis of radioactive waste geological storage; Etude de l'applicabilite des principes de la CIPR a l'analyse de surete du stockage geologique des dechets radioactifs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lombard, J; Hubert, P; Pages, P


    modalites de stockage) doit etre determine par un processus comparatif visant a selectionner le niveau conduisant au meilleur compromis entre es depenses de protection et les risques residuels. Ces recommandations, particulierement Ia seconde, s'ecartent des principes des analyses de surete suivis jusqu'a present en France et a l'etranger; cette etude envisage les avantages et inconvenients potentiels lies a l'introduction de ce second principe. Dans ce but on se base sur differentes analyses realisees au niveau international integrant partiellement au moms ces principes. II ressort de cet examen que ces principes sont applicables mais que leur mise en oeuvre necessite une reorientation de modeles d'evaluation en particulier pour s'affranchir d'hypotheses trop conservatrices. Cette mise en oeuvre necessite par ailleurs davantage d'informations que dans le cas d'une approche deterministe de Ia surete puisqu'il faut estimer les consequences et les probabilites de I'ensemble des evenements possibles et ce pour es diverses modalites de stockage que l'on se propose de comparer. L'integration d'evaluation de ce type est cependant plus riche d'enseignements et constitue de ce fait une aide a Ia decision qui peut etre feconde. On peut enfin souligner que cette approche permet un meilleur dialogue entre les differentes instances decisionnelles et plus generalement entre les acteurs du debat, dans Ia mesure ou elle apporte un langage de discussion commun. On notera d'ailleurs que ce souci de clarification s'exprime quelle que soit I'optique de surete adopte (deterministe ou probabiliste), comme en temoignent les interrogations sur le sens du 'scenario central' de I'etude KBS. Par ailleurs, ii semble que ces principes seront vraisemblablement suivis au plan international afin d'uniformiser en outre les modes de gestion de Ia radioprotection dans ses diff?rentes composantes. (author)

  10. Menedžment projektov in finančna dodana vrednost

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    Marko Brcar


    Full Text Available Raziskovalno vprašanje (RV: Ali obstajajo statistično značilne povezave med dejavniki planiranja, organiziranja, vodenja in kontroliranja in finančno dodano vrednostjo gradbenih projektov. Namen: Namen raziskave je bil opraviti empirično raziskavo o vplivu dejavnikov menedžment projektov na finančno dodano vrednost v izbranih slovenskih gradbenih podjetjih ter podati predloge za izboljšanje stanja. Metoda: V kvantitativni raziskavi je sodelovalo 77 anketirancev iz slovenskih gradbenih podjetij, med katerimi je bila večina menedžerjev projektov. Rezultati: Na podlagi raziskave je razvidno, da imajo natančneje planirani gradbeni projekti statistično značilen vpliv na finančno dodano vrednost projektov, pri čemer imata največji vpliv ustrezno planiranje in preverjanje ciljev ter obvladovanje sprememb na projektu. Organizacija: Izidi raziskave bodo lahko v praktično pomoč vsem tistim, ki se ukvarjajo s področjem gradbenih projektov in njihovo uspešnostjo. Empirične ugotovitve iz raziskave naj bi spodbudile podjetja in druge organizacije, da bodo več časa namenila planiranju projekta. Originalnost: Prispevek raziskave k menedžerski znanosti in stroki je opravljena empirična raziskava in analiza vpliva dejavnikov menedžmenta na finančno dodano vrednost projekta, saj v zadnjih desetih letih v gradbeništvu ni bilo podobne raziskave. Omejitve: V raziskavi smo se omejili le na finančno dodano vrednost projektov, nismo se osredotočali na ostale dejavnike učinkovitosti projektov, na primer kakovost proizvoda ali procesa, zadovoljstvo uporabnika, zadovoljstvo odjemalcev in podobno.

  11. Una aproximación al concepto de crímenes contra la humanidad

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    José Manuel Díaz Soto


    Full Text Available El presente artículo explora el concepto de “crímenes contra la humanidad”, a partir de una revisión histórica y del análisis de los distintos instrumentos internacionales que han consagrado esta categoría normativa. De igual modo, pretende ilustrar al lector acerca de la teoría de los crímenes contra la humanidad formulada por el profesor de la Universidad de Georgetown David J. Luban, para quien el rasgo definidor de estos delitos es que atentan contra la naturaleza política del ser humano. Por último, se destaca la influencia del pensamiento de Luban en la reciente jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia acerca de los crímenes contra la humanidad.

  12. Safety report concerning the reactor Pegase - volume 1 - Description of the installation - volume 2 - Safety of the installations; Rapport de surete du reacteur pegase - tome 1 - Description des installations - tome 2 - Surete des installations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lacour, J. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Legoin, P. [S.E.M. Hispano-Suiza, 92 - Colombes (France)


    In the first volume: This report is a description of the reactor Pegase, given with a view to examine the safety of the installations. The Cadarache site at which they are situated is briefly described, in particular because of the consequences on the techniques employed for building Pegase. A description is also given of the original aspects of the reactor. The independent loops which are designed for full-scale testing of fuel elements used in natural uranium-gas-graphite reactor systems are described in this report, together with their operational and control equipment. In the second volume: In the present report are examined the accidents which could cause damage to the Pegase reactor installation. Among possible causes of accidents considered are the seismicity of the region, an excessive power excursion of the reactor and a fracture in the sealing of an independent loop. Although all possible precautions have been taken to offset the effects of such accidents, their ultimate consequences are considered here. The importance is stressed of the security action and regulations which, added to the precautions taken for the construction, ensure the safety of the installations. (authors) [French] Dans le volume 1: Ce rapport est une description du reacteur Pegase, afin d'examiner la surete des installations. Le site de CADARACHE ou elles sont situees, a ete sommairement decrit, en particulier, a cause des consequences sur les techniques mises en oeuvre pour la realisation de Pegase. Nous nous sommes egalement attache a decrire les aspects originaux du reacteur. Les boucles autonomes destinees a tester en vraie grandeur des elements combustibles de la filiere uranium naturel graphite-gaz, ainsi que leurs dispositifs de controle et d'exploitation, figurent egalement dans ce rapport. Dans le volume 2: Dans le present rapport, nous examinons des accidents pouvant endommager des installations du reacteur Pegase. Les origines d'accidents examines

  13. Safety report concerning the reactor Pegase - volume 1 - Description of the installation - volume 2 - Safety of the installations; Rapport de surete du reacteur pegase - tome 1 - Description des installations - tome 2 - Surete des installations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lacour, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Legoin, P [S.E.M. Hispano-Suiza, 92 - Colombes (France)


    In the first volume: This report is a description of the reactor Pegase, given with a view to examine the safety of the installations. The Cadarache site at which they are situated is briefly described, in particular because of the consequences on the techniques employed for building Pegase. A description is also given of the original aspects of the reactor. The independent loops which are designed for full-scale testing of fuel elements used in natural uranium-gas-graphite reactor systems are described in this report, together with their operational and control equipment. In the second volume: In the present report are examined the accidents which could cause damage to the Pegase reactor installation. Among possible causes of accidents considered are the seismicity of the region, an excessive power excursion of the reactor and a fracture in the sealing of an independent loop. Although all possible precautions have been taken to offset the effects of such accidents, their ultimate consequences are considered here. The importance is stressed of the security action and regulations which, added to the precautions taken for the construction, ensure the safety of the installations. (authors) [French] Dans le volume 1: Ce rapport est une description du reacteur Pegase, afin d'examiner la surete des installations. Le site de CADARACHE ou elles sont situees, a ete sommairement decrit, en particulier, a cause des consequences sur les techniques mises en oeuvre pour la realisation de Pegase. Nous nous sommes egalement attache a decrire les aspects originaux du reacteur. Les boucles autonomes destinees a tester en vraie grandeur des elements combustibles de la filiere uranium naturel graphite-gaz, ainsi que leurs dispositifs de controle et d'exploitation, figurent egalement dans ce rapport. Dans le volume 2: Dans le present rapport, nous examinons des accidents pouvant endommager des installations du reacteur Pegase. Les origines d'accidents examines comprennent la seismicite

  14. Mechanism of MenE inhibition by acyl-adenylate analogues and discovery of novel antibacterial agents. (United States)

    Matarlo, Joe S; Evans, Christopher E; Sharma, Indrajeet; Lavaud, Lubens J; Ngo, Stephen C; Shek, Roger; Rajashankar, Kanagalaghatta R; French, Jarrod B; Tan, Derek S; Tonge, Peter J


    MenE is an o-succinylbenzoyl-CoA (OSB-CoA) synthetase in the bacterial menaquinone biosynthesis pathway and is a promising target for the development of novel antibacterial agents. The enzyme catalyzes CoA ligation via an acyl-adenylate intermediate, and we have previously reported tight-binding inhibitors of MenE based on stable acyl-sulfonyladenosine analogues of this intermediate, including OSB-AMS (1), which has an IC50 value of ≤25 nM for Escherichia coli MenE. Herein, we show that OSB-AMS reduces menaquinone levels in Staphylococcus aureus, consistent with its proposed mechanism of action, despite the observation that the antibacterial activity of OSB-AMS is ∼1000-fold lower than the IC50 for enzyme inhibition. To inform the synthesis of MenE inhibitors with improved antibacterial activity, we have undertaken a structure-activity relationship (SAR) study stimulated by the knowledge that OSB-AMS can adopt two isomeric forms in which the OSB side chain exists either as an open-chain keto acid or a cyclic lactol. These studies revealed that negatively charged analogues of the keto acid form bind, while neutral analogues do not, consistent with the hypothesis that the negatively charged keto acid form of OSB-AMS is the active isomer. X-ray crystallography and site-directed mutagenesis confirm the importance of a conserved arginine for binding the OSB carboxylate. Although most lactol isomers tested were inactive, a novel difluoroindanediol inhibitor (11) with improved antibacterial activity was discovered, providing a pathway toward the development of optimized MenE inhibitors in the future.


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    Herbert Morales Ríos


    Full Text Available Se describe la experiencia del uso de pre-exámenes o exámenes de prueba como una estrategia didáctica para el mejoramiento en el rendimiento y en el desempeño estudiantil en los cursos propios de la carrera de física. El objetivo principal de la experiencia era determinar, a priori, las deficiencias, tanto matemáticas como físicas, que tiene el estudiantado, corregirlas antes de administrarle el examen definitivo y establecer una evaluación formativa en el curso. En particular, el tema evaluado era el de oscilaciones lineales del curso de Mecánica Teórica. Se detalla en qué consiste dicha estrategia, la motivación de su implementación y los roles tanto docente como estudiantil. Se analizan los resultados de la experiencia para concluir con las bondades, limitaciones y proyecciones futuras del uso de los pre-exámenes, con el fin de mostrarlos como una herramienta más dentro de la labor docente universitaria.

  16. Seasonality and potential of Ceranisus menes for control of thrips on ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Seasonality and potential of Ceranisus menes for control of thrips on French beans. LM Gitonga. Abstract. No Abstract. Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology Vol. 10 (1) 2008: pp. 56-69. Full Text: EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT.

  17. Cztery kategorie menedżerów projektów

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ritter, Thomas; Lund Pedersen, Carsten


    Niewiele kwestii w większym stopniu przyciąga uwagę kadr zarządzających niż optymalny sposób rozwoju ich organizacji. Niemniej niewielu menedżerów najwyższego szczebla systematycznie pracuje z osobami, które są im niezbędne do zrealizowania rozmaitych szans rozwojowych....

  18. Ansiedad ante los exámenes en alumnos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria || Anxiety in students from junior high-school

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    Alba Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar el grado de ansiedad ante los exámenes. Para llevar a cabo el estudio se ha utilizado el Cuestionario de Evaluación de Ansiedad ante los Exámenes (CAEX administrado a 325 estudiantes de ESO. Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto que el perfil de estudiante que posee mayores niveles de ansiedad ante los exámenes es una mujer de 12 años, que estudia 1º ESO en un colegio privado-concertado y aprueba todas las asignaturas. Se puede concluir en primer lugar que la ansiedad ante los exámenes afecta significativamente a los estudiantes de la muestra, y en segundo lugar, se han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las variables edad, sexo, tipo de centro, curso y rendimiento académico.


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    Rodrigo Briceño Briceño


    Full Text Available Desde inicios de la década de los ochenta el tema de la reforma a los sistemas de pensión en América Latina ha sido fuente de las más diversas polémicas. La disyuntiva entre los conceptos de solidaridad y subsidariedad que persiguen estos sistemas ha puesto en boga diferentes mecanismos para paliar la crisis en el área de la seguridad social. En el presente artículo se analizan de forma sucinta algunas de las principales características que ha asumido el proceso de reforma de los sistemas de pensión en América Latina, donde el ejemplo más notable ha sido el caso de Chile. Luego se hace referencia al proceso de reforma que se ha aplicado a los diferentes regímenes de pensiones existentes en el país. El énfasis se pone en los regímenes de Invalidez, Vejez y Muerte de la Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social y en el del Magisterio Nacional por ser los de mayor participación relativa, tanto en lo que respecta a funcionarios cotizantes como pensionados.

  20. Apprendre et maîtriser LabVIEW par ses applications

    CERN Document Server

    Martaj, Nadia


    Cet ouvrage traite de l'apprentissage du langage LabVIEW a travers ses applications dans des domaines industriels et academiques, qui permettront a l'ingenieur, technicien ou etudiant d'apprehender rapidement et efficacement ce langage. L'ouvrage commence, dans la partie I, par traiter les differents types de donnees du langage LabVIEW (tableaux, clusters, complexes, chaines de caracteres...), leur manipulation dans des structures d'execution (boucles While, For, la structure Condition, etc.), le langage textuel MathScript, des scripts Matlab, la boite de calcul utilisant la syntaxe du langage C ainsi que les nœuds de propriete qui permettent d'obtenir ou definir la propriete d''un VI. Cette etude est menee a travers des applications d'ingenierie.La partie II est consacree a l'etude de l'outil « Conception de controle et simulation » avec lequel nous pouvons simuler des systemes analogiques ou discrets.La partie III contient differentes applications qui traitent de nombreux themes comme la regulation (diff...

  1. Estrategias de aprendizaje y ansiedad ante los exámenes en estudiantes universitarios

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    Luis Alberto Furlan


    Full Text Available Diversas investigaciones coinciden en señalar que la elevada ansiedad frente a los exámenes está asociada a la baja habilidad para el estudio y al uso de estrategias superficiales de procesamiento de la información, existendo influencias recíprocas entre dichas variables. De acuerdo a esta perspectiva, se evaluó el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje en 816 estudiantes universitarios con elevada, media o baja ansiedad frente a los exámenes. Adicionalmente, se analizaron las relaciones entre las cuatro dimensiones de la ansiedad y las estrategias de aprendizaje. Los estudiantes con elevada ansiedad utilizaron más frecuentemente estrategias de repetición y búqueda de ayuda académica y los de baja ansiedad, estrategias de estudio reflexivo. La falta de confianza correlacionó negativamente con estrategias de estudio reflexivo, repetición, búsqueda de ayuda académica y regulación del tiempo y esfuerzo. En sentido opuesto, la preocupación se asoció positivamente con tres de estas estrategias.

  2. Evaluación diagnóstica del niño con parálisis cerebral Diagnostic evaluation of cerebral palsy in the child

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    Gerardo R. Robaina Castellanos


    Full Text Available La parálisis cerebral es la discapacidad física más frecuente de la niñez. A pesar de ello, a menudo se presentan dificultades en su diagnóstico. Se realiza una actualización de la evaluación diagnóstica del niño con parálisis cerebral. El diagnóstico de esta discapacidad es fundamentalmente clínico, lo cual comprende una anamnesia detallada de los factores de riesgo y del desarrollo psicomotor del niño, además del examen neuromotor. Resulta necesaria la aplicación de una serie de instrumentos para determinar el grado de limitación funcional y las alteraciones asociadas. Dentro de los exámenes complementarios, los exámenes neuroimaginológicos son los más importantes en la búsqueda de causas probables y la determinación del momento de la lesión cerebral. Otros exámenes (electroencefalograma, estudios genéticos, metabólicos y de coagulación tienen indicaciones específicas. Para la evaluación integral de estos niños se requiere del concurso de múltiples especialidades médicas, psicopedagógicas y sociales.Cerebral palsy is the most frequent physical disability in childhood. In spite of this, it is often difficult to diagnose it. An updating on the diagnostic evaluation of the child with cerebral palsy was provided in this paper. The diagnosis is essentially clinical, which comprises a detailed description of risk factors and the psychomotor development of the affected child in addition to a neuromotor exam. The application of a series of instruments to determine the level of functional limitation and associated disturbances is required. Among the supplementary tests, neuroimaging is the most important to search for likely causes and to determine the moment of cerebral injure. Other tests (electroencephalogram, genetic, metabolic and coagulation studies, etc have specific indications. For a comprehensive assessment of these children, the participation of many medical, psychoeducational and social specialties is

  3. Insomnio, latencia al sueño y cantidad de sueño en estudiantes universitarios chilenos durante el periodo de clases y exámenes

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    Samuel Durán Agüero


    Full Text Available Objetivo:Determinar los factores asociados a la cantidad de horas de sueño, somnolenciadiurna e insomnio antes y durante un periodo de clases y exámenes.Material y métodos:Se evaluó a 384 alumnos de ambos sexos (74,1% mujeres, quienesreportaron su peso y estatura. A cada estudiante se le aplicó el Cuestionario de Insomnio y laEscala De Somnolencia de Epworth en el periodo de clases y periodo de exámenes.Resultados:Al comparar la somnolencia diurna, insomnio, latencia al sueño y cantidad dehoras de sueño entre periodo de clases y exámenes se observó un incremento en la latencia alsueño (p<0,05 durante los exámenes. Al realizar la comparación según estado nutricional seobservó, en el caso de las mujeres, que aquellas que presentan sobrepeso/obesidad tienen unamenor cantidad de horas de sueño en ambos periodos (p<0,05; en hombres, los que presentansobrepeso/obesidad tienen una mayor somnolencia diurna en exámenes (p<0,01. Al realizarla regresión logística tomando como variable dependiente somnolencia diurna, en mujeres seincrementa el riesgo de somnolencia diurna:OR=3,1 (IC95 % 1,1-8,8; en cambio, la ausenciade insomnio es un factor protector para somnolencia diurna:OR=0,06 (IC95 % 0,01-0,35.Conclusión:En periodo de exámenes se incrementa significativamente la latencia al sueño, enespecial en mujeres; en hombres se observa una disminución de las horas de sueño. Finalmente, las mujeres presentan un mayor riesgo de somnolencia diurna; en cambio, la ausencia deinsomnio es un factor protector. Ni el estado nutricional ni el consumo de cafeína se asociaroncon problemas de sueño.

  4. Eficacia de una Intervención para Disminuir la Ansiedad frente a los Exámenes en Estudiantes Universitarios Argentinos

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    Luis Alberto Furlan


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la efectividad de un programa para disminuir la ansiedad ante los exámenes, la procrastinación académica e incrementar la autoeficacia regulatoria, con 19 estudiantes universitarios de Argentina. El programa estimula el automonitoreo de las estrategias de aprendizaje implementadas, el aprendizaje de técnicas cognitivo-conductuales de control de la ansiedad y el ensayo anticipado de exámenes. Al comparar los resultados pre- y posintervención, se constataron mejorías moderadas. Se deben revisar los procedimientos para incrementar la adherencia al programa y la validez de los resultados.

  5. Ansiedad ante exámenes y estrategias de aprendizaje en estudiantes de secundaria de Lima Metropolitana

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    Alberto A. Alegre


    Full Text Available El estudio buscó determinar la relación entre la ansiedad ante exámenes y las estrategias de aprendizaje en estudiantes de cuarto y quinto grados de educación secundaria de colegios estatales de Lima Metropolitana. La muestra se obtuvo por un procedimiento intencional, evaluándose a 469 estudiantes, siendo el 45.6% de sexo masculino y el 54.4% femenino, pertenecientes a cuatro colegios estatales de Lima Metropolitana. Se evaluó a los estudiantes con el Cuestionario de Ansiedad y Rendimiento – CAR y la Escala de Estrategias de Aprendizaje – ACRA. Se encontró que la ansiedad ante exámenes (puntuaciones en sus tres dimensiones: preocupación, emocionalidad y facilitación y las estrategias de aprendizaje (puntuaciones en sus cuatro dimensiones: adquisición, codificación, recuperación y apoyo al procesamiento de la información presentaron correlaciones bajas y en algunos casos negativas; siendo todas estas significativas.

  6. Safety balance: Analysis of safety systems; Bilans de surete: analyse par les organismes de surete

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delage, M; Giroux, C


    Safety analysis, and particularly analysis of exploitation of NPPs is constantly affected by EDF and by the safety authorities and their methodologies. Periodic safety reports ensure that important issues are not missed on daily basis, that incidents are identified and that relevant actions are undertaken. French safety analysis method consists of three principal steps. First type of safety balance is analyzed at the normal start-up phase for each unit including the final safety report. This enables analysis of behaviour of units ten years after their licensing. Second type is periodic operational safety analysis performed during a few years. Finally, the third step consists of safety analysis of the oldest units with the aim to improve the safety standards. The three steps of safety analysis are described in this presentation in detail with the aim to present the objectives and principles. Examples of most recent exercises are included in order to illustrate the importance of such analyses.

  7. Colección de exámenes de la asignatura Aplicación de Ordenadores 2005 – 2011: fundamentos de programación y algoritmia


    Quereda Gómez, Emmanuel David; Bañón Blázquez, Luis


    Esta divulgación docente recoge los ejercicios resueltos de aquellos exámenes realizados durante los curso 2005-2011, correspondientes a la asignatura Aplicación de Ordenadores de 3º curso de la titulación de Ingeniería Técnica de Obras Públicas de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante. El contenido de esta colección de exámenes versa sobre fundamentos de programación y algoritmos.

  8. ¿Qué hay detrás del miedo a los exámenes?

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    R. Sender

    Full Text Available Introducción: Se analizan las características psicológicas de una muestra de 32 estudiantes de medicina que solicitan ayuda para afrontar el miedo a los exámenes. Material y método: Las pruebas seleccionadas para el análisis de esta población son el GHQ-28, el STAI de rasgo, la escala de percepción de estrés del UNCAHS y la Sensibilidad al Castigo y a la Recompensa (SCRS. Los puntajes obtenidos se compararon con los de un grupo control de estudiantes de primer curso. Resultados: 90 % de los sujetos de la muestra fueron mujeres y el 25 % recibieron o estaban recibiendo atención psicológica o psiquiátrica. Entre los estudiantes que solicitaron ayuda había un nivel más alto de psicopatología, una más alta sensibilidad al castigo y una más baja sensibilidad a la recompensa que en el grupo control. Conclusiones: Los estudiantes con ansiedad ante los exámenes presentan más sensibilidad al castigo y menos sensibilidad a la recompensa, y muestran más síntomas depresivos y obsesivos que los estudiantes del grupo control.

  9. Variaciones de la infracomunidad parásita durante la ontogenia de Chromis cyanea(Perciformes: Pomacentridae en la costa norte de La Habana, Cuba

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    Ramón Alexis Fernández Osorio


    Full Text Available Chromis cyaneaes una de las especies marinas más comunes y abundantes de los arrecifes cubanos. En este estudio se cuantifica la infracomunidad de parásitos durante el desarrollo ontogenético de Chromis cyanea(Pisces: Pomacentridae de la costa norte de La Habana, Cuba. Los objetivos son probar que las especies núcleo son responsables de la estructura en la infracomunidad y aparecen antes que las especies raras y estocásticas. Determinar si existe relación entre los descriptores ecológicos de la infraco-munidad parásita con la longitud total. Se capturaron 278 ejemplares de C. cyaneadurante la estación de seca (Abril del 2010. Se analizó un rango de tallas de 1.5 a 11.5 cm de largo total y se incluyeron ejemplares juveniles y adultos. Se recolectaron 2 861 especímenes parásitos pertenecientes a 20 taxa: Crustacea (5, Nematoda (5, Trematoda (4, Cestoda (2, Monogenea (2, Turbellaria (1 y Ciliophora (1. Los taxa Tetraphyllidea y Anilocra chromisconstituyen el núcleo de la infracomunidad parásita. La secuencia de aparición y la persistencia de estos taxa durante el desarrollo ontogenético apoyan la hipótesis de las especies núcleo. Los cambios en la infracomunidad, a partir de la talla de 6 cm, podrían ser el resultado de un efecto acumulativo unido a cambios en la dieta que provocan la ingestión de nuevos estadíos infectivos. Se concluye que el desarrollo ontogenético de C. cyaneaconstituye una variable importante en la formación de la infracomunidad parásita.

  10. Afrontamiento de la ansiedad ante los exámenes universitarios mediante un programa de Inoculación de Estrés: Caso Clínico


    Escolar-Llamazares, M.C.; Serrano-Pintado, I.


    Introducción: Partiendo de la definición del constructo ansiedad ante los exámenes que realiza Spielberger y de la diferenciación de Wolpe entre problemas de ansiedad racional y problemas de ansiedad irracional se ha aplicado un programa basado en Inoculación de Estrés. Objetivo: Disminuir la ansiedad ante los exámenes que manifestaba una estudiante de Enfermería de la Universidad de Salamanca. Método: Se trata de un estudio cuasi-experimental de caso único con diseño AB sin retirada del trat...

  11. Insomnio, latencia al sueño y cantidad de sueño en estudiantes universitarios chilenos durante el periodo de clases y exámenes


    Samuel Durán Agüero; Giovanni Rosales Soto; Cristóbal Moya Cantillana; Paula García Milla


    Objetivo:Determinar los factores asociados a la cantidad de horas de sueño, somnolenciadiurna e insomnio antes y durante un periodo de clases y exámenes.Material y métodos:Se evaluó a 384 alumnos de ambos sexos (74,1% mujeres), quienesreportaron su peso y estatura. A cada estudiante se le aplicó el Cuestionario de Insomnio y laEscala De Somnolencia de Epworth en el periodo de clases y periodo de exámenes.Resultados:Al comparar la somnolencia diurna, insomnio, latencia al sueño y cantidad deho...

  12. Las urgencias en la atención primaria: uso de exámenes complementarios y medicamentos Emergencies in primary health care: use of complementary tests and drugs

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    José Díaz Novás


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: los servicios de urgencias requieren de un soporte de exámenes y medicamentos que apoyen su capacidad resolutiva y que se utilicen con eficiencia. OBJETIVOS: identificar el uso de exámenes complementarios y medicamentos, sus costos y relación con la morbilidad observada. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, longitudinal y retrospectivo sobre la utilización de exámenes complementarios, medicamentos y sus costos, en el servicio de urgencias del Policlínico-Hospital "Raúl Gómez García", en el período de enero a marzo de 2007. Se correlacionó el uso de exámenes y medicamentos con la morbilidad observada. RESULTADOS: el chequeo de la tensión arterial, las infecciones respiratorias agudas y las crisis agudas de asma bronquial fueron las causas más frecuentes de consulta. Se observó 1 de cada 21,3 pacientes atendidos. El 19,7 % de los pacientes requirieron la realización de exámenes complementarios. El laboratorio clínico, fue el medio diagnóstico más utilizado. Los medicamentos más utilizados fueron: el aerosol de salbutamol, la dipirona y la aminofilina. La indicación de exámenes y medicamentos, generalmente, estuvo justificada por los problemas de salud atendidos. Los exámenes de rayos X, los electrocardiogramas y entre los medicamentos la hidrocortisona, fueron los que más gastos ocasionaron. CONCLUSIONES: la morbilidad observada estuvo acorde con lo esperado para un servicio de urgencias primario, y justificó, en la mayoría de los casos, los exámenes y medicamentos utilizados. El empleo racional del método clínico puede mejorar el uso de recursos y los costos.INTRODUCTION: the emergency services require tests and drugs that support their resolving capacity and that be used with efficiency. OBJECTIVES: to identify the use of complementary tests and drugs, their costs and their connection with the morbidity observed. METHODS: an observational descriptive, longitudinal and

  13. Examinando exámenes. Consideraciones acerca de las pruebas de medición en ELE

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    Yagüe Barredo, Agustín


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar acerca del concepto y el diseño de exámenes de español como lengua extranjera. Con criterios empíricos se subrayan las limitaciones técnicas de las pruebas y la pobreza de información que ofrecen a docentes y a candidatos sobre su actuación. El trabajo propone algunas alternativas que deben ser refrendadas en situaciones de aula.

  14. Modelo climático de los páramos de la Cordillera Oriental colombiana aplicado a regímenes de temperatura del suelo

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    Carlos Enrique Castro Méndez


    Full Text Available La aplicación (con criterios consistentes de los regímenes de temperatura del suelo, no había sido necesaria y decisiva, hasta ahora, ya que se consideraba suficiente esta información de carácter descriptivo. La temperatura asignada al suelo provenía de la reclasificación directa del clima ambiental al edáfico con valores medios anuales dados a cada franja altitudinal hace más de 200 años, esto no es acorde con los cambios, que desde la geografía biofísica, se han percibido en el ambiente. Se propone un modelo climático, basado en isotermas del suelo, para determinar los regímenes de temperatura a partir de información bajo coberturas vegetales y del suelo, para cada vertiente montañosa en particular. Se encontraron gradientes de temperatura (ºC/100 m de 0,73 y 0,61 en la vertiente occidental y oriental, respectivamente. La temperatura del suelo fue 1.9 ºC mayor que la del aire y se delimitaron los regímenes térmicos del suelo cryico, isofrígido e isomésico.

  15. Resultados comparativos de exámenes estatales del 2006 al 2012 en la Facultad de Estomatología de Camagüey

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    Sarah Teresita Gutiérrez Martore

    Full Text Available Fundamento: La ampliación de matrícula con la diversidad de vías de ingreso ha constituido un reto en la educación médica y la evaluación de graduación implica la certificación de la competencia de los egresados, por eso se hace necesario analizar los resultados obtenidos en estas etapas. Objetivo: Comparar los resultados de los ejercicios prácticos, teóricos y notas finales obtenidas por los estudiantes presentados a Exámenes Estatales Ordinarios de los cursos del 2006 al 2012 de la Facultad de Estomatología en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva con 410 estudiantes presentados a exámenes estatales ordinarios en el período 2006-2012. Se clasificaron los grupos con menos o más de 40 estudiantes por cursos. Se obtuvieron las calificaciones de cada ejercicio y nota final estatal por cursos. Se utilizó el método porcentual, media aritmética y mediana obtenida en cada curso. Resultados: Los cursos del 2006-2009 sumaron 99 estudiantes y en los cursos del 2009-2012 se incrementaron hasta 311 educandos. En los exámenes estatales prácticos, los grupos pequeños obtuvieron calificación media de 99,2 y una mediana de 99 y 100; en los grupos numerosos las calificaciones disminuyeron hasta llegar a una media de 93 y una mediana de 95. En los exámenes teóricos, en los tres primeros cursos la media de calificación fue 83,5 y en el grupo numeroso de 83,7. Conclusiones: En los resultados se mantiene la calidad de la base científica de la actuación en todos los cursos, pero ha disminuido la del desempeño en los cursos con incremento de estudiantes.

  16. Relación entre ansiedad ante los exámenes, tipos de pruebas y rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios

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    José Hernando Ávila-Toscano


    Full Text Available Abstract This research paper shows the results of the assessment of anxiety in university students of different careers in relation to examinations, the types of tests made and their academic performance. 200 students at a private university were evaluated through a correlational design to determine cognitive manifestations, physiological and motor anxiety. Data were analyzed using Pearson Chi square and showed significant relationships for each set of symptoms with academic performance (p<.05. Group work, tests such debates, argumentative tests, among others were significantly related to anxious symptoms. It can be concluded that test anxiety significantly affects university students which becomes a problem that requires comprehensive interventions. Resumen El presente artículo de investigación muestra los resultados de la evaluación de la ansiedad en universitarios de diferentes carreras con relación a los exámenes, los tipos de pruebas académicas realizadas y su rendimiento académico. Se evaluaron 200 estudiantes de una universidad privada mediante un diseño correlacional para determinar manifestaciones cognitivas, fisiológicas y motoras de ansiedad. Los datos se analizaron con Chi cuadrado de Pearson, mostrando relaciones significativas de cada conjunto de síntomas con el rendimiento académico (p<.05. Los trabajos grupales, exámenes tipo debates, las pruebas argumentativas, entre otras, se relacionaron significativamente con los síntomas ansiosos. Se puede concluir que la ansiedad ante los exámenes afecta significativamente a estudiantes universitarios, constituyéndose en una problemática que requiere intervenciones integrales.

  17. Terrorismo de Estado y subjetividad : Escenarios actuales: juicios por crímenes de lesa humanidad


    Cicconi, María Luján; Oñativia, Xavier Andrés; Vedio, Marta; Shapiro, Hernán


    El desarrollo de los juicios por crímenes de lesa humanidad cometidos por el Terrorismo de Estado durante la última dictadura cívico-militar configura un nuevo espacio de interés para la Psicología Pese a lo reciente de la implementación de estos procesos judiciales ya se cuenta con algunos antecedentes que proporcionan la suficiente información para revisar indicadores de impacto en la subjetividad de los actores intervinientes en dichas experiencias. Este Taller propone un espacio para la p...

  18. Directed and persistent movement arises from mechanochemistry of the ParA/ParB system. (United States)

    Hu, Longhua; Vecchiarelli, Anthony G; Mizuuchi, Kiyoshi; Neuman, Keir C; Liu, Jian


    The segregation of DNA before cell division is essential for faithful genetic inheritance. In many bacteria, segregation of low-copy number plasmids involves an active partition system composed of a nonspecific DNA-binding ATPase, ParA, and its stimulator protein ParB. The ParA/ParB system drives directed and persistent movement of DNA cargo both in vivo and in vitro. Filament-based models akin to actin/microtubule-driven motility were proposed for plasmid segregation mediated by ParA. Recent experiments challenge this view and suggest that ParA/ParB system motility is driven by a diffusion ratchet mechanism in which ParB-coated plasmid both creates and follows a ParA gradient on the nucleoid surface. However, the detailed mechanism of ParA/ParB-mediated directed and persistent movement remains unknown. Here, we develop a theoretical model describing ParA/ParB-mediated motility. We show that the ParA/ParB system can work as a Brownian ratchet, which effectively couples the ATPase-dependent cycling of ParA-nucleoid affinity to the motion of the ParB-bound cargo. Paradoxically, this resulting processive motion relies on quenching diffusive plasmid motion through a large number of transient ParA/ParB-mediated tethers to the nucleoid surface. Our work thus sheds light on an emergent phenomenon in which nonmotor proteins work collectively via mechanochemical coupling to propel cargos-an ingenious solution shaped by evolution to cope with the lack of processive motor proteins in bacteria.

  19. La política de la protesta en regímenes autoritarios: síntesis crítica

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    Felipe Sánchez Barría

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Introducción A través de una revisión crítica de la literatura reciente, el ensayo explora la relación entre protesta contenciosa y regímenes autoritarios, y examina las dinámicas y consecuencias que emergen durante el conflicto político. Métodos Para lo anterior se discuten tres elementos que los especialistas han identificado como los principales en esta relación: oportunidades y amenazas políticas; ciclos de protesta y sostenibilidad de los movimientos sociales; y la relación entre violencia estatal y acción colectiva. Resultados La recurrencia de la protesta en regímenes represivos muestra la capacidad de la sociedad civil para articular este tipo de acciones contenciosas. Discusión No obstante, las trayectorias y resultados dependen, por una parte, de las características políticas del régimen y la competencia del gobierno para responder a los desafíos colectivos; y, por otra parte, de la capacidad de los oponentes de montar ciclos de protestas densos en participación durante un periodo significativo, del tipo de tácticas adoptadas, y de la capacidad de adaptación y resiliencia a la violencia estatal.

  20. Mecanismos fisiológicos implicados en la ansiedad previa a exámenes

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    Annia Yolanda del Toro Añel


    Full Text Available En el campo de la salud mental, llama la atención de clínicos e investigadores la situación de los estudiantes universitarios en cuanto al estrés académico, puesto que las exigencias en este sentido, particularmente la presión ante los exámenes, es reconocida por los propios jóvenes como uno de los factores más estresantes que genera estados de ansiedad en ellos y, por ende, afecta su rendimiento académico. En este artículo se destacan las interacciones entre el sistema nervioso y endocrino, así como las influencias del estrés psicológico sobre el rendimiento académico

  1. La insurgencia reprimida. Regímenes de Seguridad Nacional contra la revolución

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    Pedro Rivas Nieto


    Full Text Available En este artículo se estudia tanto el concepto que los regímenes de Seguridad Nacional tenían de la llamada guerra revolucionaria como la respuesta que le dieron. Allá en donde implantaron su dominio -especialmente en el Cono Sur de América- pensaban que las guerras revolucionarias eran nuevas técnicas de lucha más que un tipo definido de guerra, que todas respondían al mismo modelo revolucionario y que eran la estrategia del comunismo internacional para adueñarse del mundo. Por eso atacaron con especial dureza a los movimientos de izquierda, pensando que eran la avanzadilla moscovita para acabar con las democracias latinoamericanas.

  2. FooPar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hargreaves, F. P.; Merkle, D.


    We present FooPar, an extension for highly efficient Parallel Computing in the multi-paradigm programming language Scala. Scala offers concise and clean syntax and integrates functional programming features. Our framework FooPar combines these features with parallel computing techniques. Foo......, results based on a empirical analysis on two supercomputers are given. We achieve close-to-optimal performance wrt. theoretical peak performance. Based on this result we conclude that FooPar allows programmers to fully access Scalas design features without suffering from performance drops when compared...

  3. Phosphorylation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ParB participates in regulating the ParABS chromosome segregation system. (United States)

    Baronian, Grégory; Ginda, Katarzyna; Berry, Laurence; Cohen-Gonsaud, Martin; Zakrzewska-Czerwińska, Jolanta; Jakimowicz, Dagmara; Molle, Virginie


    Here, we present for the first time that Mycobacterium tuberculosis ParB is phosphorylated by several mycobacterial Ser/Thr protein kinases in vitro. ParB and ParA are the key components of bacterial chromosome segregation apparatus. ParB is a cytosolic conserved protein that binds specifically to centromere-like DNA parS sequences and interacts with ParA, a weak ATPase required for its proper localization. Mass spectrometry identified the presence of ten phosphate groups, thus indicating that ParB is phosphorylated on eight threonines, Thr32, Thr41, Thr53, Thr110, Thr195, and Thr254, Thr300, Thr303 as well as on two serines, Ser5 and Ser239. The phosphorylation sites were further substituted either by alanine to prevent phosphorylation or aspartate to mimic constitutive phosphorylation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed a drastic inhibition of DNA-binding by ParB phosphomimetic mutant compared to wild type. In addition, bacterial two-hybrid experiments showed a loss of ParA-ParB interaction with the phosphomimetic mutant, indicating that phosphorylation is regulating the recruitment of the partitioning complex. Moreover, fluorescence microscopy experiments performed in the surrogate Mycobacterium smegmatis ΔparB strain revealed that in contrast to wild type Mtb ParB, which formed subpolar foci similar to M. smegmatis ParB, phoshomimetic Mtb ParB was delocalized. Thus, our findings highlight a novel regulatory role of the different isoforms of ParB representing a molecular switch in localization and functioning of partitioning protein in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

  4. Phosphorylation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ParB participates in regulating the ParABS chromosome segregation system.

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    Grégory Baronian

    Full Text Available Here, we present for the first time that Mycobacterium tuberculosis ParB is phosphorylated by several mycobacterial Ser/Thr protein kinases in vitro. ParB and ParA are the key components of bacterial chromosome segregation apparatus. ParB is a cytosolic conserved protein that binds specifically to centromere-like DNA parS sequences and interacts with ParA, a weak ATPase required for its proper localization. Mass spectrometry identified the presence of ten phosphate groups, thus indicating that ParB is phosphorylated on eight threonines, Thr32, Thr41, Thr53, Thr110, Thr195, and Thr254, Thr300, Thr303 as well as on two serines, Ser5 and Ser239. The phosphorylation sites were further substituted either by alanine to prevent phosphorylation or aspartate to mimic constitutive phosphorylation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed a drastic inhibition of DNA-binding by ParB phosphomimetic mutant compared to wild type. In addition, bacterial two-hybrid experiments showed a loss of ParA-ParB interaction with the phosphomimetic mutant, indicating that phosphorylation is regulating the recruitment of the partitioning complex. Moreover, fluorescence microscopy experiments performed in the surrogate Mycobacterium smegmatis ΔparB strain revealed that in contrast to wild type Mtb ParB, which formed subpolar foci similar to M. smegmatis ParB, phoshomimetic Mtb ParB was delocalized. Thus, our findings highlight a novel regulatory role of the different isoforms of ParB representing a molecular switch in localization and functioning of partitioning protein in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

  5. Drugi pored mene. Antologija priča i eseja pisaca Jugoistočne Evrope (anthologie éditée par Ričard Švarc

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    Pieter Troch


    Full Text Available L’anthologie Drugi pored mene… (L’Autre à côté de moi. Anthologie de nouvelles et d’essais d’écrivains de l’Europe du sud-est comprend vingt et une nouvelles et essais écrits par des auteurs contemporains serbes (David Albahari, Vladimir Arsenijević, László Végel, Charles Simic, Biljana Srbljanović, Dragan Velikić, kosovars (Beqë Cufaj, croates (Slavenka Drakulić, Bora Ćosić, Miljenko Jergović, Irena Vrkljan, bulgares (Dimitré Dinev, Vladimir Zarev, bosniaques (Aleksandar Hemon, Saša Sta...

  6. ParA and ParB coordinate chromosome segregation with cell elongation and division during Streptomyces sporulation (United States)

    Donczew, Magdalena; Mackiewicz, Paweł; Wróbel, Agnieszka; Flärdh, Klas; Zakrzewska-Czerwińska, Jolanta


    In unicellular bacteria, the ParA and ParB proteins segregate chromosomes and coordinate this process with cell division and chromosome replication. During sporulation of mycelial Streptomyces, ParA and ParB uniformly distribute multiple chromosomes along the filamentous sporogenic hyphal compartment, which then differentiates into a chain of unigenomic spores. However, chromosome segregation must be coordinated with cell elongation and multiple divisions. Here, we addressed the question of whether ParA and ParB are involved in the synchronization of cell-cycle processes during sporulation in Streptomyces. To answer this question, we used time-lapse microscopy, which allows the monitoring of growth and division of single sporogenic hyphae. We showed that sporogenic hyphae stop extending at the time of ParA accumulation and Z-ring formation. We demonstrated that both ParA and ParB affect the rate of hyphal extension. Additionally, we showed that ParA promotes the formation of massive nucleoprotein complexes by ParB. We also showed that FtsZ ring assembly is affected by the ParB protein and/or unsegregated DNA. Our results indicate the existence of a checkpoint between the extension and septation of sporogenic hyphae that involves the ParA and ParB proteins. PMID:27248800

  7. Efecto de diferentes regímenes de fertilización sobre la relación fitoplancton-bacteríoplancton en mesocosmos


    Monserrate Vite, Marita Elizabeth


    Efecto de diferentes regímenes de fertilización sobre la relación fitoplancton-bacterioplancton en mesocosmos Se estudió el efecto de la adición de fertilizantes inorgánicos y orgánicos sobre la relación bacterioplancton – fitoplancton en mesocosmos (24 tanques de una tonelada de capacidad), llenados con agua del canal reservorio de la camaronera COFIMAR (Palmar, Ecuador).

  8. Diseño y validación de la plataforma PLEVALEX como respuesta a los retos de diseño de exámenes de lenguas para fines específicos

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    Jesús García Laborda


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe las necesidades de diseño y validación que llevaron al desarrollo de la Plataforma de Evaluación Valenciana de Lenguas Extranjeras (PLEVALEX para exámenes orales y escritos a través de Internet. Aunque la plataforma es multilingüe, en este trabajo nos referiremos a su uso para exámenes de inglés con fines específicos. La plataforma fue desarrollada por el Grupo de Investigación en Lenguas para Fines Específicos (GILFE de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. La validación se hizo en cooperación con el Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías Gráficas (CITG de la misma universidad. La prueba de ergonomía se realizó a tres niveles: diseñadores, expertos y usuarios. El seguimiento realizado con estudiantes de comunicación audiovisual y profesores de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia indicó una reacción positiva hacia la plataforma de exámenes en red.

  9. Par Pond water balance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiergesell, R.A.; Dixon, K.L.


    A water budget for the Par Pond hydrologic system was established in order to estimate the rate of groundwater influx to Par Pond. This estimate will be used in modeling exercises to predict Par Pond reservoir elevation and spillway discharge in the scenario where Savannah River water is no longer pumped and discharged into Par Pond. The principal of conservation of mass was used to develop the water budget, where water inflow was set equal to water outflow. Components of the water budget were identified, and the flux associated with each was determined. The water budget was considered balanced when inflow and outflow summed to zero. The results of this study suggest that Par Pond gains water from the groundwater system in the upper reaches of the reservoir, but looses water to the groundwater system near the dam. The rate of flux of groundwater from the water table aquifer into Par Pond was determined to be 13 cfs. The rate of flux from Par Pond to the water table aquifer near the dam was determined to be 7 cfs


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    Morales Ríos Herbert


    Full Text Available Resumen:Se describe la experiencia del uso de pre-exámenes o exámenes de prueba como una estrategia didáctica para el mejoramiento en el rendimiento y en el desempeño estudiantil en los cursos propios de la carrera de física. El objetivo principal de la experiencia era determinar, a priori, las deficiencias, tanto matemáticas como físicas, que tiene el estudiantado, corregirlas antes de administrarle el examen definitivo y establecer una evaluación formativa en el curso. En particular, el tema evaluado era el de oscilaciones lineales del curso de Mecánica Teórica. Se detalla en qué consiste dicha estrategia, la motivación de su implementación y los roles tanto docente como estudiantil. Se analizan los resultados de la experiencia para concluir con las bondades, limitaciones y proyecciones futuras del uso de los pre-exámenes, con el fin de mostrarlos como una herramienta más dentro de la labor docente universitaria.Abstract:We discuss our experience of using sample tests as a teaching strategy that allows us to improve the student grades in courses that belong to the College Physics Program. The main purpose of our experience was to find out the common mistakes both in mathematics and in physics made by the students and to correct them before the actual test, so that we could accomplish a formative evaluation. In particular, the evaluated subject was linear oscillations in the Classical Mechanics course. We describe what the strategy consists of, our motivation for using it and both the professor and the student roles. We analyze our results obtained in its implementation to conclude with the pros and cons of this teaching strategy and also with its future applications as a useful tool for improving college teaching.

  11. suPAR

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hodges, Gethin W; Bang, Casper N; Wachtell, Kristian


    The fundamental role of inflammation in cardiovascular disease (CVD) has prompted interest in numerous biomarkers that detect subclinical levels of inflammation. Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a novel biomarker that correlates significantly with cardiovascular events ...... comprehensive review of suPAR in CVD and explore its function and usefulness in predicting cardiovascular events....

  12. C9.A/14 steelwork joints de poutres par plaque frontale : assemblages par gousset

    CERN Document Server


    Les Tables de résistances ultimes des assemblages boulonnés par plaque frontale et par gousset, complétées par une description des modèles de calcul et des exemples d’application, ont pour but de faciliter la tâche de l'ingénieur et du constructeur. Cette première partie C9.A/14 contient les chapitres suivants: - Joints de poutres par plaque frontale en acier S235 et S355 - Assemblages par gousset en acier S235 et S355 Les Tables contiennent des données relatives à la géométrie ainsi que les valeurs de calcul correspondantes des résistances ultimes des assemblages ; elles remplacent le chapitre « Assemblages par plaques frontales et boulons HR » des anciennes Tables C9.1 de 1983 / 2002. Le calcul de ces assemblages par plaque frontale est basé sur les hypothèses du modèle de la méthode des composants décrite dans la norme SN EN 1993-1-8. Les vérifications sont effectuées selon la norme SIA 263:2013. Les assemblages par gousset remplacent les assemblages par double cornière, (telle...

  13. Parásitos intestinales, desnutrición y condiciones de vida de niños en Urabá (Colombia: soledad y olvido

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    Jaime Carmona-Fonseca


    Full Text Available AntecedentesLas parasitosis intestinales y el hambre y la desnutrición son manifestación de las desigualdades prevalecientes en salud, determinadas por inequidad social, económica y política. Estos problemas de salud pública tienen elevada frecuencia mundial y poco se hace por resolverlos, a pesar de existir los conocimientos y herramientas científico-tecnológicos para hacerlo.ObjetivoMedir las prevalencias de desnutrición y parásitos intestinales patógenos en niños del Urabá Antioqueño, en Colombia, y analizarlas según las condiciones de vida imperantes.MetodologíaEl estudio se hizo en Turbo (Urabá, en menores de 15 años, con diseño descriptivo prospectivo (encuesta de prevalencia. Los niños se captaron en sus casas o escuelas. Se hicieron exámenes coprológico, hemograma, ferritina, retinol, proteína C reactiva.ResultadosSe evaluaron 1600 niños y hallamos: desnutrición crónica en 25%; hemoglobina menor de 11 g/dL en 45%; ferritina y retinol bajos en 20% y 26%, respectivamente; parásitos intestinales patógenos en 87%.ConclusionesLos hallazgos, analizados en función de información disponible, revelan peor situación sanitaria y social de los niños y familias de Urabá, comparada con el panorama general de Antioquia. Desnutrición, anemia y deficiencias de hierro y vitamina A están presentes en una proporción muy alta. Parásitos, hambre y desnutrición coexisten en los menores de 15 años de Urabá. Las condiciones de vida vigente en Urabá generan y mantienen las condiciones descritas, al tiempo que impiden mejorarlas y resolver los problemas.

  14. Realización y corrección automática de exámenes con hoja de cálculo

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    Sánchez García, Juan Francisco


    Full Text Available La forma habitual de realizar exámenes de tipo test es mediante formularios en papel que posteriormente son tratados con un escáner y un software específico que facilita la corrección así como la emisión de informes y la exportación de datos a aplicaciones de hoja de cálculo. En las asignaturas de informática de gestión llama la atención que en algunos casos se hace evaluación de términos informáticos y utilización de aplicaciones informáticas sobre papel, cuando el hacerlo directamente sobre el ordenador permitiría además comprobar los conocimientos prácticos del alumno.Con la idea de facilitar al alumno la cumplimentación de este tipo de exámenes hemos desarrollado una metodología propia utilizando la hoja de cálculo Microsoft Excel. De esta forma el formulario de examen se sustituye por un fichero de hoja de cálculo que posteriormente será tratado para obtener los resultados contenido en el mismo y facilitar su corrección, la cual también se efectuará con la propia hoja de cálculo, utilizando programación en Visual Basic para Aplicaciones (VBA.

  15. Stable Analogues of OSB-AMP: Potent Inhibitors of MenE the o-succinylbenzoate-CoA Synthetase from Bacterial Menaquinone Biosynthesis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lu X.; Swaminathan S.; Zhou R.; Sharma I.; Li X.; Kumar G.; Tonge P. J.; Tan D. S.


    MenE, the o-succinylbenzoate (OSB)-CoA synthetase from bacterial menaquinone biosynthesis, is a promising new antibacterial target. Sulfonyladenosine analogues of the cognate reaction intermediate, OSB-AMP, have been developed as inhibitors of the MenE enzymes from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (mtMenE), Staphylococcus aureus (saMenE) and Escherichia coli (ecMenE). Both a free carboxylate and a ketone moiety on the OSB side chain are required for potent inhibitory activity. OSB-AMS (4) is a competitive inhibitor of mtMenE with respect to ATP (K{sub i} = 5.4 {+-} 0.1 nM) and a noncompetitive inhibitor with respect to OSB (K{sub i} = 11.2 {+-} 0.9 nM). These data are consistent with a Bi Uni Uni Bi Ping-Pong kinetic mechanism for these enzymes. In addition, OSB-AMS inhibits saMenE with K{sub i}{sup app} = 22 {+-} 8 nM and ecMenE with K{sub i}{sup OSB} = 128 {+-} 5 nM. Putative active-site residues, Arg222, which may interact with the OSB aromatic carboxylate, and Ser302, which may bind the OSB ketone oxygen, have been identified through computational docking of OSB-AMP with the unliganded crystal structure of saMenE. A pH-dependent interconversion of the free keto acid and lactol forms of the inhibitors is also described, along with implications for inhibitor design.

  16. Parálisis cerebral :


    Cabrero Izquierdo, María del Carmen


    Se aborda el tema de la parálisis cerebral definiendo qué es, clasificando los tipos de parálisis dependiendo de la afectación y las características principales. Se explican algunos de sus tratamientos, se dan sistemas alternativos y/o aumentativos de comunicación para un alumno con PC (parálisis cerebral).

  17. Novel role for proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) in membrane trafficking of proteinase-activated receptor 4 (PAR4). (United States)

    Cunningham, Margaret R; McIntosh, Kathryn A; Pediani, John D; Robben, Joris; Cooke, Alexandra E; Nilsson, Mary; Gould, Gwyn W; Mundell, Stuart; Milligan, Graeme; Plevin, Robin


    Proteinase-activated receptors 4 (PAR(4)) is a class A G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) recognized through the ability of serine proteases such as thrombin and trypsin to mediate receptor activation. Due to the irreversible nature of activation, a fresh supply of receptor is required to be mobilized to the cell surface for responsiveness to agonist to be sustained. Unlike other PAR subtypes, the mechanisms regulating receptor trafficking of PAR(4) remain unknown. Here, we report novel features of the intracellular trafficking of PAR(4) to the plasma membrane. PAR(4) was poorly expressed at the plasma membrane and largely retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in a complex with the COPI protein subunit β-COP1. Analysis of the PAR(4) protein sequence identified an arginine-based (RXR) ER retention sequence located within intracellular loop-2 (R(183)AR → A(183)AA), mutation of which allowed efficient membrane delivery of PAR(4). Interestingly, co-expression with PAR(2) facilitated plasma membrane delivery of PAR(4), an effect produced through disruption of β-COP1 binding and facilitation of interaction with the chaperone protein 14-3-3ζ. Intermolecular FRET studies confirmed heterodimerization between PAR(2) and PAR(4). PAR(2) also enhanced glycosylation of PAR(4) and activation of PAR(4) signaling. Our results identify a novel regulatory role for PAR(2) in the anterograde traffic of PAR(4). PAR(2) was shown to both facilitate and abrogate protein interactions with PAR(4), impacting upon receptor localization and cell signal transduction. This work is likely to impact markedly upon the understanding of the receptor pharmacology of PAR(4) in normal physiology and disease.

  18. Los exámenes preliminares de la Corte Penal Internacional en América Latina: el caso colombiano y su impacto sobre futuras negociaciones de paz en la región

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    Héctor Olásolo Alonso


    Full Text Available El artículo comienza analizando la función de la Fiscalía de la Corte Penal Internacional en la aplicación del principio de complementariedad, a través de los exámenes preliminares realizados durante los diez primeros años de funcionamiento de la Corte Penal Internacional. Se subraya la relevancia de los exámenes preliminares para fortalecer los órganos jurisdiccionales nacionales y el Estado de Derecho en los Estados afectados, y se constata que cada situación bajo examen requiere de una estrategia de actuación diferente debido a las particulares circunstancias que la rodean. A continuación, se analizan las características del fenómeno de la lesa humanidad en Colombia y las consecuencias de su configuración como crímenes internacionales de ius cogens. A la luz de lo anterior, se aborda el impacto del examen preliminar que la Fiscalía de la CPI viene desarrollando sobre la situación de Colombia para las actuales negociaciones de paz entre el Gobierno y las FARC. Para finalizar, el autor realiza algunas observaciones finales sobre la importancia de este examen preliminar más allá de Colombia para futuras negociaciones de paz en la región.

  19. Stable analogues of OSB-AMP: potent inhibitors of MenE, the o-succinylbenzoate-CoA synthetase from bacterial menaquinone biosynthesis. (United States)

    Lu, Xuequan; Zhou, Rong; Sharma, Indrajeet; Li, Xiaokai; Kumar, Gyanendra; Swaminathan, Subramanyam; Tonge, Peter J; Tan, Derek S


    MenE, the o-succinylbenzoate (OSB)-CoA synthetase from bacterial menaquinone biosynthesis, is a promising new antibacterial target. Sulfonyladenosine analogues of the cognate reaction intermediate, OSB-AMP, have been developed as inhibitors of the MenE enzymes from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (mtMenE), Staphylococcus aureus (saMenE) and Escherichia coli (ecMenE). Both a free carboxylate and a ketone moiety on the OSB side chain are required for potent inhibitory activity. OSB-AMS (4) is a competitive inhibitor of mtMenE with respect to ATP (K(i) =5.4±0.1 nM) and a noncompetitive inhibitor with respect to OSB (K(i) =11.2±0.9 nM). These data are consistent with a Bi Uni Uni Bi Ping-Pong kinetic mechanism for these enzymes. In addition, OSB-AMS inhibits saMenE with K(i)(app) =22±8 nM and ecMenE with K(i)(OSB) =128±5 nM. Putative active-site residues, Arg222, which may interact with the OSB aromatic carboxylate, and Ser302, which may bind the OSB ketone oxygen, have been identified through computational docking of OSB-AMP with the unliganded crystal structure of saMenE. A pH-dependent interconversion of the free keto acid and lactol forms of the inhibitors is also described, along with implications for inhibitor design. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Environmental and Geologic Assessment to Locate a Manual Sanitary Refill in the Mene de Mauroa Church, Venezuela

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    Simón E. Morales-Soto


    Full Text Available The inadequate disposal of urban wastes is nowadays an environmental issue having a negative impact on several communities. The objective of this investigation is to select the most adequate place to locate a manual sanitary landfill to dump the solid wastes from the Mene de Mauroa (Venezuela church. A total of 19 variables were subjected to a series of evaluations applying the scale and weight method. This method consists of comparing the variables according to their level of priority. The area with the highest score is to be selected as the most adequate area for the sanitary landfill according to a weighting scale of 5 values for the scoring of each variable.

  1. The reprocessing of irradiated fuels by halides and their compounds; Le traitement des combustibles irradies par les halogenes et leurs composes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bourgeois, M; Faugeras, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A brief description is given of the experiments leading to the choice of the process volatilization of fluorides by gas phase attack. The chemical process is described for certain current types of clad Fuels: the aluminium or the zirconium cladding is first volatilized as chloride by attack with gaseous hydrogen chloride. The uranium is then transformed into volatile hexafluoride by attack with fluorine. These reactions are carried out consecutively in the same reactor in the presence of a fluidized bed of alumina which facilitates heat exchange. The experiments have been carried out in quantities from 100 gms to several kilograms of fuel, first without activity, and then with tracers. A description is given of the laboratory research which was carried out simultaneously on the separation of uranium and plutonium fluorides. Finally, an apparatus is described which is intended to test the process on irradiated fuel at an activity level of several thousands of curies of fission products. (authors) [French] On rappelle brievement les experimentations qui nous ont permis de decider du procede adopte volatilisation des fluorures par attaque en phase gazeuse. On decrit le processus chimique pour certains types courants de combustibles Gaines: dans un premier stade, l'aluminium ou le zirconium est volatilise sous forme de chlorure par action de l'acide chlorhydrique. Ensuite, l'uranium est transforme en hexafluorure volatil par action du fluor. Ces operations se font successivement dans un meme reacteur, en presence d'un lit fluidise d'alumine qui a pour but de faciliter les echanges thermiques. L'experimentation a ete conduite sur des quantites allant de 100 g a plusieurs kg de combustibles, en inactif, puis avec des traceurs. On decrit les etudes de laboratoire menees parallelement sur la separation des fluorures d'uranium et de plutonium. Enfin, on decrit une installation en construction destinee a experimenter le procede sur combustible irradie, a l'echelle de

  2. Par Pond vegetation status 1996

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mackey, H.E. Jr.; Riley, R.S.


    The water level of Par Pond was lowered approximately 20 feet in mid-1991 in order to protect downstream residents from possible dam failure suggested by subsidence on the downstream slope of the dam and to repair the dam. This lowering exposed both emergent and nonemergent macrophyte beds to drying conditions resulting in extensive losses. A survey of the newly emergent, shoreline aquatic plant communities of Par Pond began in June 1995, three months after the refilling of Par Pond to approximately 200 feet above mean sea level. These surveys continued in July, September, and late October, 1995, and into the early spring and late summer of 1996. Communities similar to the pre-drawdown, Par Pond aquatic plant communities continue to become re-established. Emergent beds of maidencane, lotus, waterlily, watershield, and Pontederia are extensive and well developed. Measures of percent cover, width of beds, and estimates of area of coverage with satellite data indicate regrowth within two years of from 40 to 60% of levels prior to the draw down. Cattail occurrence continued to increase during the summer of 1996, especially in the former warm arm of Par Pond, but large beds common to Par Pond prior to the draw down still have not formed. Lotus has invaded and occupies many of the areas formerly dominated by cattail beds. To track the continued development of macrophytes in Par Pond, future surveys through the summer and early fall of 1997, along with the evaluation of satellite data to map the extent of the macrophyte beds of Par Pond, are planned

  3. Contamination des produits agricoles et de la nappe phréatique par ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Au Senegal, les enquetes menees dans la zone agricole des Niayes ont revele une mauvaise gestion des pesticides de la part des producteurs peu soucieux de leur impact sur lfenvironnement et la qualite des productions. Lfanalyse chromatographique apres extraction et purification a montre la presence de residus de ...

  4. Crímenes de frontera: la criminalidad en la frontera sur de Brasil (1845-1889

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    Mariana Flores da Cunha Thompson Flores


    Full Text Available Los espacios de frontera establecen el límite y el contacto a la vez, concertando la paradoja de inestabilidad e integración, sobretodo en el siglo XIX cuando los Estados intentaban demarcarse constantemente. De esta manera, estos espacios limítrofes ofrecían márgenes de acción y negociación a los individuos que actuaban a través de la frontera valiéndose de las brechas existentes entre las soberanías yuxtapuestas a fin de mantenerse e reproducirse en este espacio complejo. Considerando que el contexto de frontera constituía un elemento importante a ser llevado en cuenta en las estrategias cotidianas de los fronterizos, el presente artículo pretende demostrar la valencia estratégica de la frontera en el campo de la criminalidad, analizando crímenes ocurridos en este espacio

  5. Ejercicios resueltos de investigación operativa : exámenes propuestos en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales


    Castro Íñigo, Belén; Díez Sánchez, Henar; Urrutia Careaga, Ana Marta


    La asignatura Investigación Operativa es una asignatura cuatrimestral dedicada fundamentalmente a la introducción de los modelos deterministas más elementales dentro de la investigación de operaciones. Esta asignatura se ha impartido en los últimos años en el tercer curso de la Licenciatura de Administración y Dirección de Empresas (L.A.D.E.) en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la UPV/EHU. Esta publicación recoge los problemas resueltos propuestos en los exámenes de la...

  6. Protease-activated receptor (PAR)-2 is required for PAR-1 signalling in pulmonary fibrosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lin, Cong; von der Thüsen, Jan; Daalhuisen, Joost; ten Brink, Marieke; Crestani, Bruno; van der Poll, Tom; Borensztajn, Keren; Spek, C. Arnold


    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is the most devastating diffuse fibrosing lung disease of unknown aetiology. Compelling evidence suggests that both protease-activated receptor (PAR)-1 and PAR-2 participate in the development of pulmonary fibrosis. Previous studies have shown that bleomycin-induced

  7. Cuestión social y regímenes militares. Argentina y Chile durante los años setenta

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    Gabriela Gomes


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analizan las políticas sociales destinadas a la búsqueda del consenso que llevaron adelante la Secretaría de Estado de Promoción y Asistencia a la Comunidad del Ministerio de Bienestar Social durante la “Revolución Argentina” (1966-1973 y la Dirección de Organizaciones Civiles y el Ministerio del Interior durante la dictadura chilena (1973-1988. El abordaje propuesto apunta a complejizar la noción de Estado burocrático autoritario, puesto que se considera como hipótesis que ambos regímenes no solo se dedicaron a reprimir las actividades políticas de los sectores populares, sino que buscaron reorganizarlos bajo nuevas coordenadas sociales.

  8. Afrontamiento ante exámenes : desarrollos de los principales modelos teóricos para su definición y medición


    Piemontesi, Sebastián Eduardo; Heredia, Daniel Esteban


    El modelo transaccional del afrontamiento desarrollado por Lazarus y Folkman (1984) ha sido el más aceptado en la investigación sobre afrontamiento. Sus aportes han permitido el estudio de los exámenes como una situación de estrés especifica caracterizada como un proceso complejo con cambios significativos en el uso de varias estrategias a través de sus distintas etapas. Si bien existen numerosos estudios y medidas de afrontamiento creadas a partir de este modelo, sus desarrollos se han compl...

  9. Study of a photomultiplier for the measurement of low light flows by photon counting; Etude d'un photomultiplicateur en vue de la mesure des faibles flux lumineux par comptage de photons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haye, Kleber


    'amplitude des impulsions ainsi que les variations relatives du rendement quantique pour diverses longueurs d'onde. Nous avons parallelement a l'etude par comptage mene une etude par la methode bien connue de mesure du courant moyen.

  10. Heat transfer by gas-liquid mixture in forced turbulent flow with weak vaporization of the liquid phase (1962); Transfert de chaleur par melange de liquide et de gaz en convection forcee turbulente avec faible vaporisation de la phase liquide (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huyghe, J; Mondin, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The present study deals with measures of heat transfer and pressure drop in two-phase liquid flow. The stream is of annular dispersed type, obtained by introducing a small quantity of liquid in a gas turbulent flow. The heat transfer experiments are performed without vaporization of the liquid phase. A notable improvement of the heat transfer coefficient of such a stream is observed, compared with a gas-alone or liquid-alone flow. The improvement concerning the gas-alone is of about 20 when it is compared with the same gas Reynolds's number, of about 8 when it is compared with the same total mass flow rate. A hydrodynamic study of the flow pattern lets us know the original structure of the flow, and allows to foresee the experimental results by means of a simplified theory. (authors) [French] II est fait etat de mesures de transfert thermique et de perte de charge dans un ecoulement en double phase gaz-liquide. L'ecoulement est du type annulaire disperse, obtenu par injection d'une faible quantite de liquide dans un ecoulement gazeux en regime turbulent. Les experiences de transfert thermique sont menees sans vaporisation de la phase liquide. On note une amelioration sensible du coefficient de transfert thermique dans un tel ecoulement par rapport a un ecoulement de gaz seul ou de liquide seul. L'augmentation est de l'ordre de 20 par rapport au gaz seul si on opere a meme nombre de REYNOLDS du gaz, de l'ordre de 8 si on opere a meme debit massique total. Une etude hydrodynamique rapide de l'ecoulement permet de connaitre la structure originale de l'ecoulement, puis de prevoir par une theorie simplifiee le phenomene thermique observe. (auteurs)

  11. Experimental contamination of margaritana margaritifera (L) (a Fresh water bivalve) by caesium 137; Contamination experimentale de margaritana margaritifera (L) (bivalve d'eau douce) par le cesium 137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Foulquier, L; Bovard, P; Grauby, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Cadarache (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The hydro biological research carried out in the Radio-Ecology Section has led the authors to study some Margaritana sampling stations situated down-stream from the Monts d'Arree nuclear power station. They describe the preservation and contamination methods used for fixing the {sup 137}Cs concentration factors in the case of Margaritana Margaritifera (L). The results of experiments carried out over a period of one hundred days show that the specific activity of the various organs is stabilized after thirty to thirty-five days. The authors have noticed a relatively low adsorption on the shell through the intermediary of micro-organisms, and a strong and rapid absorption in the soft parts. The concentration factors have values, at equilibrium, of around: 9 for the shell, 300 for all the organs, and 38 for the whole animal. A comparison of these results with work published by other authors makes it possible to draw general conclusions concerning the mechanism of {sup 137}Cs fixation by lamellibranch, as well as their capacity of fixation. (author) [French] Les etudes hydrobiologiques effectuees au sein de la Section de Radio-Ecologie ont amene les auteurs a etudier des stations de prelevement de Margaritana en aval de la Centrale Nucleaire des Monts d'Arree. Ils decrivent les methodes de conservation et de contamination utilisees pour l'etablissement des facteurs de concentration du {sup 137}Cs par Margaritana margaritifera (L). Les resultats des experimentations menees pendant cent jours montrent que les activites specifiques de la coquille et des differents organes se stabilisent au bout de trente a trente-cinq jours. Les auteurs constatent une adsorption relativement faible sur la coquille par l'intermediaire des micro-organismes et une absorption forte et rapide dans les parties molles. Les facteurs de concentration se situent, a l'equilibre, autour de: 9 pour la coquille, 300 pour l'ensemble des organes et 38 si l'on considere l'animal total. Cette etude

  12. CO{sub 2} direct cycles suitable for AGR type reactors; Cycles directs de gaz carbonique applicables aux reacteurs du genre AGR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maillet, E [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique. Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    The perspectives given by the gas turbines under pressure, to build simple nuclear power plants and acieving significantly high yield, are specified. The CO{sub 2} is characterised by by good efficiency under moderate temperature (500 to 750 Celsius degrees), compactness and the simpleness of machines and the safe exploitation (supply, storage, relief cooling, thermosyphon). The revision of thermal properties of the CO{sub 2} and loss elements show that several direct cycles would fit in particular to the AGR type reactors. Cycles that would diverge a little from classical models and able to lead to power and heat generation can lead by simple means to the best results. Several satisfying solutions present for the starting up, the power regulation and the stopping. The nuclear power plant components and the functioning safety are equally considered in the present report. The conclusions stimulate the studies and realizations of carbon dioxide gas turbines in when approprite. [French] Les perspectives offertes par la turbine a gaz sous pression, pour construire des centrales nucleaires simples et de rendement progressivement eleve, se precisent actuellement. le CO{sub 2} se distingue par sa bonne efficacite a temperature moderee (500 a 750 degres celsius), la compacite et la simplicite des machines, et la surete qu'il apporte a l'exploitation ( approvisionnement, stockage, refroidissement de secours, thermosiphon). La revision des proprietes thermophysiques du CO{sub 2} et des elements de pertes montre que divers cycles directs conviendraient en particulier aux reacteurs agr ou derives. Des cycles s'ecartant peu des modeles classiques, et se pretant ulterieurement a la production simultanee d'electricite et de chaleur, peuvent conduire par des moyens simples aux meilleurs resultats d'ensemble. Plusieurs solutions satisfaisantes se presentent pour le demarrage, le reglage de la puissance et l'arret. Les composants de la centrale et la surete de fonctionnement sont

  13. Par Pond vegetation status Summer 1995 -- Summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mackey, H.E. Jr.; Riley, R.S.


    The water level of Par Pond was lowered approximately 20 feet in mid-1991 in order to protect downstream residents from possible dam failure suggested by subsidence on the downstream slope of the dam and to repair the dam. This lowering exposed both emergent and nonemergent macrophyte beds to drying conditions resulting in extensive losses. A survey of the newly emergent, shoreline aquatic plant communities of Par Pond began in June 1995, three months after the refilling of Par Pond to approximately 200 feet above mean sea level. These surveys continued in July, September, and late October, 1995. Communities similar to the pre-drawdown, Par Pond aquatic plant communities are becoming re-established. Emergent beds of maidencane, lotus, waterlily, and watershield are extensive and well developed. Cattail occurrence continued to increase during the summer, but large beds common to Par Pond prior to the drawdown have not formed. Estimates from SPOT HRV, remote sensing satellite data indicated that as much as 120 hectares of emergent wetlands vegetation may have been present along the Par Pond shoreline by early October, 1995. To track the continued development of macrophytes in Par Pond, future surveys throughout 1996 and 1997, along with the continued evaluation of satellite data to map the areal extent of the macrophyte beds of Par Pond, are planned

  14. La marea autoritaria: nacimiento, desarrollo y consolidación de regímenes parafascistas en Austria y España

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Ángel del Arco Blanco


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se explica el nacimiento y propagación de los movimientos fascistas a partir de las secuelas de la I Guerra Mundial y del escenario político y social que le siguió. Los casos que analizamos en el presente trabajo, Austria y España, encajan perfectamente en ese contexto; y de ello deriva el interés de su estudio para la comprensión de la llegada e implantación del fascismo en Europa, así como del parafascismo (regímenes que, aunque no fueron plenamente fascistas, sí compartieron algunas características y fueron fuertemente influenciados por el fascismo en su nacimiento, implantación y consolidación. El análisis y comparación de regímenes como el Ständestaat y el franquista quizá pongan de manifiesto que el parafascismo pudo ser más la norma que la excepción a la alternativa plenamente fascista en la Europa de entreguerras.______________________ABSTRACT:The present work tries to explain the birth and the spread of facist movements from the consequences of theFirst World War and the political and social scene that followed it. The cases that we analyzed in this work, Austria and Spain, fit perfectly in that context; this kind of analysis facilitates the understanding of the coming and implantation of fascism in Europe, as well as of parafascism phenomenon (a kind of regime that, although is not totally facist, it shares some characteristics and is strongly influenced by the fascism in its birth, implantation and consolidation. The analysis and comparison of regimes just as the Ständestaat and the Franquista's one can show that the parafascism could be the norm in lieu of the exception to the totally facist alternative in the inter-war Europe.

  15. Regímenes estacionales de precipitación en la vertiente mediterránea de la Península Ibérica


    Luis Arrillaga, Martín de; González Hidalgo, José Carlos; Longares, Luis Alberto; Stepanek, Petr


    Ponencia presentada en: VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Tarragona del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2008. [ES]En este trabajo analizamos los regímenes estacionales de precipitación de la fachada Mediterránea de la Península Ibérica empleando la base de datos de precipitaciones mensuales MOPREDAMES (1113 series mensuales; periodo 1951-2000). En cada observatorio se estimó el régimen de precipitación promedio y anualmente se calculó el régime...

  16. ParABS system in chromosome partitioning in the bacterium Myxococcus xanthus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio A Iniesta

    Full Text Available Chromosome segregation is an essential cellular function in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The ParABS system is a fundamental player for a mitosis-like process in chromosome partitioning in many bacterial species. This work shows that the social bacterium Myxococcus xanthus also uses the ParABS system for chromosome segregation. Its large prokaryotic genome of 9.1 Mb contains 22 parS sequences near the origin of replication, and it is shown here that M. xanthus ParB binds preferentially to a consensus parS sequence in vitro. ParB and ParA are essential for cell viability in M. xanthus as in Caulobacter crescentus, but unlike in many other bacteria. Absence of ParB results in anucleate cells, chromosome segregation defects and loss of viability. Analysis of ParA subcellular localization shows that it clusters at the poles in all cells, and in some, in the DNA-free cell division plane between two chromosomal DNA masses. This ParA localization pattern depends on ParB but not on FtsZ. ParB inhibits the nonspecific interaction of ParA with DNA, and ParA colocalizes with chromosomal DNA only when ParB is depleted. The subcellular localization of ParB suggests a single ParB-parS complex localized at the edge of the nucleoid, next to a polar ParA cluster, with a second ParB-parS complex migrating after the replication of parS takes place to the opposite nucleoid edge, next to the other polar ParA cluster.

  17. Experimental contamination of margaritana margaritifera (L) (a Fresh water bivalve) by caesium 137; Contamination experimentale de margaritana margaritifera (L) (bivalve d'eau douce) par le cesium 137

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Foulquier, L.; Bovard, P.; Grauby, A. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Cadarache (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The hydro biological research carried out in the Radio-Ecology Section has led the authors to study some Margaritana sampling stations situated down-stream from the Monts d'Arree nuclear power station. They describe the preservation and contamination methods used for fixing the {sup 137}Cs concentration factors in the case of Margaritana Margaritifera (L). The results of experiments carried out over a period of one hundred days show that the specific activity of the various organs is stabilized after thirty to thirty-five days. The authors have noticed a relatively low adsorption on the shell through the intermediary of micro-organisms, and a strong and rapid absorption in the soft parts. The concentration factors have values, at equilibrium, of around: 9 for the shell, 300 for all the organs, and 38 for the whole animal. A comparison of these results with work published by other authors makes it possible to draw general conclusions concerning the mechanism of {sup 137}Cs fixation by lamellibranch, as well as their capacity of fixation. (author) [French] Les etudes hydrobiologiques effectuees au sein de la Section de Radio-Ecologie ont amene les auteurs a etudier des stations de prelevement de Margaritana en aval de la Centrale Nucleaire des Monts d'Arree. Ils decrivent les methodes de conservation et de contamination utilisees pour l'etablissement des facteurs de concentration du {sup 137}Cs par Margaritana margaritifera (L). Les resultats des experimentations menees pendant cent jours montrent que les activites specifiques de la coquille et des differents organes se stabilisent au bout de trente a trente-cinq jours. Les auteurs constatent une adsorption relativement faible sur la coquille par l'intermediaire des micro-organismes et une absorption forte et rapide dans les parties molles. Les facteurs de concentration se situent, a l'equilibre, autour de: 9 pour la coquille, 300 pour l'ensemble des organes et 38 si l'on considere

  18. Radical, reformist and aborted liberalism: origins of national regimes in Central America Liberalismo radical, reformista y frustrado: orígenes de los regímenes nacionales en América central

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    James MAHONEY


    Full Text Available During the twentieth century, the countries of Central America were characterized by remarkably different political regimes: military-authoritarianism in Guatemala and El Salvador, progressive democracy in Costa Rica and traditional-authoritarianism in Honduras and Nicaragua. This article explains these contrasting regime outcomes by exploring the agrarian and state-building reforms pursued by political leaders during the nineteenth– and early twentieth century liberal reform period. Based on differences in the transformation of state and class structures, three types of liberalism are identified: radical liberalism in Guatemala and El Salvador, reformist liberalism in Costa Rica and aborted liberalism in Honduras and Nicaragua. It is argued that these types of liberalism set the Central American countries on contrasting paths of political development, culminating in diverse regime outcomes.Durante el siglo XX, los países de América Central se caracterizaron por tener regímenes políticos muy diferentes: el autoritarismo militar en Guatemala y El Salvador; la democracia progresista en Costa Rica y el autoritarismo tradicional en Honduras y Nicaragua. Este artículo explica los resultados de estos distintos regímenes mediante la exploración de las reformas agrarias y de la construcción del Estado llevadas a cabo por los líderes políticos durante el siglo XIX y principios del periodo de reformas liberales del siglo XX. Basándose en las diferencias de la transformación del Estado y de las estructuras de clases, se pueden identificar tres tipos de liberalismo: liberalismo radical en Guatemala y El Salvador; liberalismo reformista en Costa Rica y liberalismo frustrado en Honduras y Nicaragua. Se argumenta que estos tipos de liberalismo condujeron a los países de América Central a caminos contrarios al desarrollo político, culminando así en regímenes con resultados diversos.

  19. Analysis of ParB-centromere interactions by multiplex SPR imaging reveals specific patterns for binding ParB in six centromeres of Burkholderiales chromosomes and plasmids. (United States)

    Pillet, Flavien; Passot, Fanny Marie; Pasta, Franck; Anton Leberre, Véronique; Bouet, Jean-Yves


    Bacterial centromeres-also called parS, are cis-acting DNA sequences which, together with the proteins ParA and ParB, are involved in the segregation of chromosomes and plasmids. The specific binding of ParB to parS nucleates the assembly of a large ParB/DNA complex from which ParA-the motor protein, segregates the sister replicons. Closely related families of partition systems, called Bsr, were identified on the chromosomes and large plasmids of the multi-chromosomal bacterium Burkholderia cenocepacia and other species from the order Burkholeriales. The centromeres of the Bsr partition families are 16 bp palindromes, displaying similar base compositions, notably a central CG dinucleotide. Despite centromeres bind the cognate ParB with a narrow specificity, weak ParB-parS non cognate interactions were nevertheless detected between few Bsr partition systems of replicons not belonging to the same genome. These observations suggested that Bsr partition systems could have a common ancestry but that evolution mostly erased the possibilities of cross-reactions between them, in particular to prevent replicon incompatibility. To detect novel similarities between Bsr partition systems, we have analyzed the binding of six Bsr parS sequences and a wide collection of modified derivatives, to their cognate ParB. The study was carried out by Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging (SPRi) mulitplex analysis enabling a systematic survey of each nucleotide position within the centromere. We found that in each parS some positions could be changed while maintaining binding to ParB. Each centromere displays its own pattern of changes, but some positions are shared more or less widely. In addition from these changes we could speculate evolutionary links between these centromeres.

  20. La pelade par plaques (United States)

    Spano, Frank; Donovan, Jeff C.


    Résumé Objectif Présenter aux médecins de famille des renseignements de base pour faire comprendre l’épidémiologie, la pathogenèse, l’histologie et l’approche clinique au diagnostic de la pelade par plaques. Sources des données Une recension a été effectuée dans PubMed pour trouver des articles pertinents concernant la pathogenèse, le diagnostic et le pronostic de la pelade par plaques. Message principal La pelade par plaques est une forme de perte pileuse auto-immune dont la prévalence durant une vie est d’environ 2 %. Des antécédents personnels ou familiaux de troubles auto-immuns concomitants, comme le vitiligo ou une maladie de la thyroïde, peuvent être observés dans un petit sous-groupe de patients. Le diagnostic peut souvent être posé de manière clinique en se fondant sur la perte de cheveux non cicatricielle et circulaire caractéristique, accompagnée de cheveux en « point d’exclamation » en périphérie chez ceux dont le problème en est aux premiers stades. Le diagnostic des cas plus complexes ou des présentations inhabituelles peut être facilité par une biopsie et un examen histologique. Le pronostic varie largement et de mauvais résultats sont associés à une apparition à un âge précoce, une perte importante, la variante ophiasis, des changements aux ongles, des antécédents familiaux ou des troubles auto-immuns concomitants. Conclusion La pelade par plaques est une forme auto-immune de perte de cheveux périodiquement observée en soins primaires. Les médecins de famille sont bien placés pour identifier la pelade par plaques, déterminer la gravité de la maladie et poser le diagnostic différentiel approprié. De plus, ils sont en mesure de renseigner leurs patients à propos de l’évolution clinique de la maladie ainsi que du pronostic général selon le sous-type de patients.

  1. Size and distribution of Pandarus satyrus (Copepoda: Pandaridae on the blue shark Prionace glauca (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae in Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Rodrigo Rojas M.


    Full Text Available A total of 80 specimens of Pandarus satyrus, a cosmopolitan ectoparasitic copepod, were taken from fishery catches of blue sharks (Prionace glauca in the Eastern Pacific coast of Costa Rica. All specimens were found in the dorsal surface of pectoral fins (8-30 per shark. Longer specimens were most abundant.Un total de 80 especímenes de Pandarus satyrus, un copépodo ectoparásito cosmopolita, fueron tomados de tiburones azules (Prionace glauca capturados en la costa del Pacífico Oriental de Costa Rica. Todos los especímenes fueron encontrados en la superficie dorsal de las aletas pectorales (entre 8 y 30 por tiburón. Los parásitos más grandes son los más abundantes.

  2. Keratometric alterations following the 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless pars plana vitrectomy versus the conventional pars plana vitrectomy. (United States)

    Citirik, Mehmet; Batman, Cosar; Bicer, Tolga; Zilelioglu, Orhan


    To assess the alterations in keratometric astigmatism following the 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless pars plana vitrectomy versus the conventional pars plana vitrectomy. Sixteen consecutive patients were enrolled into the study. Conventional vitrectomy was applied to eight of the cases and 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy was performed in eight patients. Keratometry was performed before and after the surgery. In the 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless pars plana vitrectomy group, statistically significant changes were not observed in the corneal curvature in any post-operative follow-up measurement (p > 0.05); whereas in the conventional pars plana vitrectomy group, statistically significant changes were observed in the first postoperative day (p = 0.01) and first postoperative month (p = 0.03). We noted that these changes returned to baseline in three months (p = 0.26). Both 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless and conventional pars plana vitrectomy are effective surgical modalities for selected diseases of the posterior segment. Surgical procedures are critical for the visual rehabilitation of the patients. The post-operative corneal astigmatism of the vitrectomised eyes can be accurately determined at least two months post-operatively.

  3. Centromere pairing by a plasmid-encoded type I ParB protein

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ringgaard, Simon; Löwe, Jan; Gerdes, Kenn


    The par2 locus of Escherichia coli plasmid pB171 encodes two trans-acting proteins, ParA and ParB, and two cis-acting sites, parC1 and parC2, to which ParB binds cooperatively. ParA is related to MinD and oscillates in helical structures and thereby positions ParB/parC-carrying plasmids regularly......, hence identifying the N terminus of ParB as a requirement for ParB-mediated centromere pairing. These observations suggest that centromere pairing is an important intermediate step in plasmid partitioning mediated by the common type I loci....

  4. Analysis of ParB-centromere interactions by multiplex SPR imaging reveals specific patterns for binding ParB in six centromeres of Burkholderiales chromosomes and plasmids.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flavien Pillet

    Full Text Available Bacterial centromeres-also called parS, are cis-acting DNA sequences which, together with the proteins ParA and ParB, are involved in the segregation of chromosomes and plasmids. The specific binding of ParB to parS nucleates the assembly of a large ParB/DNA complex from which ParA-the motor protein, segregates the sister replicons. Closely related families of partition systems, called Bsr, were identified on the chromosomes and large plasmids of the multi-chromosomal bacterium Burkholderia cenocepacia and other species from the order Burkholeriales. The centromeres of the Bsr partition families are 16 bp palindromes, displaying similar base compositions, notably a central CG dinucleotide. Despite centromeres bind the cognate ParB with a narrow specificity, weak ParB-parS non cognate interactions were nevertheless detected between few Bsr partition systems of replicons not belonging to the same genome. These observations suggested that Bsr partition systems could have a common ancestry but that evolution mostly erased the possibilities of cross-reactions between them, in particular to prevent replicon incompatibility. To detect novel similarities between Bsr partition systems, we have analyzed the binding of six Bsr parS sequences and a wide collection of modified derivatives, to their cognate ParB. The study was carried out by Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging (SPRi mulitplex analysis enabling a systematic survey of each nucleotide position within the centromere. We found that in each parS some positions could be changed while maintaining binding to ParB. Each centromere displays its own pattern of changes, but some positions are shared more or less widely. In addition from these changes we could speculate evolutionary links between these centromeres.

  5. ¿Qué hay detrás del miedo a los exámenes? Why do people fear exams?

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    R. Sender


    Full Text Available Introducción: Se analizan las características psicológicas de una muestra de 32 estudiantes de medicina que solicitan ayuda para afrontar el miedo a los exámenes. Material y método: Las pruebas seleccionadas para el análisis de esta población son el GHQ-28, el STAI de rasgo, la escala de percepción de estrés del UNCAHS y la Sensibilidad al Castigo y a la Recompensa (SCRS. Los puntajes obtenidos se compararon con los de un grupo control de estudiantes de primer curso. Resultados: 90 % de los sujetos de la muestra fueron mujeres y el 25 % recibieron o estaban recibiendo atención psicológica o psiquiátrica. Entre los estudiantes que solicitaron ayuda había un nivel más alto de psicopatología, una más alta sensibilidad al castigo y una más baja sensibilidad a la recompensa que en el grupo control. Conclusiones: Los estudiantes con ansiedad ante los exámenes presentan más sensibilidad al castigo y menos sensibilidad a la recompensa, y muestran más síntomas depresivos y obsesivos que los estudiantes del grupo control.Introduction: Psychological traits are analysed in a sample of medicine students (n=32 who requested treatment for their fear of examinations. Material and method: Psychopathological variables were evaluated by GHQ-28 and STAI; perceived stress by the UNCAHS, and sensitivity to punishment and reward by the SPSR questionnaire. The group’s scores were compared with those obtained by a control group comprising first-year medicine students. Results: 90% of the sample were woman and 25% had received (or were receiving psychological or psychiatric attention. Among students who asked for treatment there was a higher rate of psychopathology, a higher sensitivity to punishment and lower sensitivity to reward than among controls. Conclusions: Students with fear of examinations were more sensitive to punishment and less sensitive to reward, and showed more depressive and obsessive symptoms than controls.

  6. CFD analysis of PAR performance as function of inlet design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Kweonha; Khor, Chong Lee


    Highlights: • The new concept of PAR (passive autocatalytic recombiner) was proposed and analyzed. • Guidance wall was added at the bottom of PAR to enhance the flow rate through the catalyst. • The new concept of PAR was proved to have a better hydrogen removal performance. - Abstract: Passive autocatalytic recombiner (PAR) is very useful hydrogen mitigation measurement. It is widely implemented in the current and advanced light water reactors (ALWRs). The design of the PARs should be optimized for the specific use under severe accident scenarios. Several techniques and innovations have been fused into the PAR, as an effort to increase its efficiency of hydrogen mitigation. This study proposes different concepts of PAR, which applied some changes to the honeycomb catalyst PAR made by the Korea Nuclear Technology (KNT) Inc. Two slices of plate are added to the bottom of PAR model, which intended to act as a reflection wall and promote the gas flow into PAR. Hydrogen volume fraction was given 4 vol. % which tested by KNT to investigate the performance of PAR in different direction gas flow conditions to see maximum hydrogen recombination rate. The new concept of PAR was proved to have a better hydrogen removal performance compared to the original honeycomb catalyst PAR.

  7. CFD analysis of PAR performance as function of inlet design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Kweonha, E-mail: [Division of Mechanical and Energy systems Engineering, Korea Maritime University, Dongsam-dong, Yeongdo-gu, Busan 606-791 (Korea, Republic of); Khor, Chong Lee, E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Maritime University (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: • The new concept of PAR (passive autocatalytic recombiner) was proposed and analyzed. • Guidance wall was added at the bottom of PAR to enhance the flow rate through the catalyst. • The new concept of PAR was proved to have a better hydrogen removal performance. - Abstract: Passive autocatalytic recombiner (PAR) is very useful hydrogen mitigation measurement. It is widely implemented in the current and advanced light water reactors (ALWRs). The design of the PARs should be optimized for the specific use under severe accident scenarios. Several techniques and innovations have been fused into the PAR, as an effort to increase its efficiency of hydrogen mitigation. This study proposes different concepts of PAR, which applied some changes to the honeycomb catalyst PAR made by the Korea Nuclear Technology (KNT) Inc. Two slices of plate are added to the bottom of PAR model, which intended to act as a reflection wall and promote the gas flow into PAR. Hydrogen volume fraction was given 4 vol. % which tested by KNT to investigate the performance of PAR in different direction gas flow conditions to see maximum hydrogen recombination rate. The new concept of PAR was proved to have a better hydrogen removal performance compared to the original honeycomb catalyst PAR.

  8. Par Pond Fish, Water, and Sediment Chemistry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paller, M.H.; Wike, L.D.


    The objectives of this report are to describe the Par Pond fish community and the impact of the drawdown and refill on the community, describe contaminant levels in Par Pond fish, sediments, and water and indicate how contaminant concentrations and distributions were affected by the drawdown and refill, and predict possible effects of future water level fluctuations in Par Pond

  9. Par Pond Fish, Water, and Sediment Chemistry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paller, M.H. [Westinghouse Savannah River Company, AIKEN, SC (United States); Wike, L.D.


    The objectives of this report are to describe the Par Pond fish community and the impact of the drawdown and refill on the community, describe contaminant levels in Par Pond fish, sediments, and water and indicate how contaminant concentrations and distributions were affected by the drawdown and refill, and predict possible effects of future water level fluctuations in Par Pond.

  10. Concerning the dynamic instability of actin homolog ParM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Popp, David; Yamamoto, Akihiro; Iwasa, Mitsusada; Narita, Akihiro; Maeda, Kayo; Maeda, Yuichiro


    Using in vitro TIRF- and electron-microscopy, we reinvestigated the dynamics of native ParM, a prokaryotic DNA segregation protein and actin homolog. In contrast to a previous study, which used a cysteine ParM mutant, we find that the polymerization process of wild type ATP-ParM filaments consists of a polymerization phase and a subsequent steady state phase, which is dynamically unstable, like that of microtubules. We find that the apparent bidirectional polymerization of ParM, is not due to the intrinsic nature of this filament, but results from ParM forming randomly oriented bundles in the presence of crowding agents. Our results imply, that in the bacterium, ParM filaments spontaneously form bipolar bundles. Due to their intrinsic dynamic instability, ParM bundles can efficiently 'search' the cytoplasmic lumen for DNA, bind it equally well at the bipolar ends and segregate it approximately symmetrically, by the insertion of ParM subunits at either end

  11. First-in-human uPAR PET

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Persson, Morten; Skovgaard, Dorthe; Brandt-Larsen, Malene


    A first-in-human clinical trial with Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) in patients with breast, prostate and bladder cancer, is described. uPAR is expressed in many types of human cancers and the expression is predictive...... for targeted molecular imaging with PET. The safety, pharmacokinetic, biodistribution profile and radiation dosimetry after a single intravenous dose of (64)Cu-DOTA-AE105 were assessed by serial PET and computed tomography (CT) in 4 prostate, 3 breast and 3 bladder cancer patients. Safety assessment...... of invasion, metastasis and indicates poor prognosis. uPAR PET imaging therefore holds promise to be a new and innovative method for improved cancer diagnosis, staging and individual risk stratification. The uPAR specific peptide AE105 was conjugated to the macrocyclic chelator DOTA and labeled with (64)Cu...

  12. uPAR as anti-cancer target

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Ida K; Illemann, Martin; Thurison, Tine


    , and a potential diagnostic and predictive impact of the different uPAR forms has been reported. Hence, pericellular proteolysis seems to be a suitable target for anti-cancer therapy and numerous approaches have been pursued. Targeting of this process may be achieved by preventing the binding of uPA to u...... using mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against mouse uPA or uPAR. These reagents will target uPA and uPAR in both stromal cells and cancer cells, and their therapeutic potential can now be assessed in syngenic mouse cancer models....

  13. Protease-activated receptor (PAR2, but not PAR1, is involved in collateral formation and anti-inflammatory monocyte polarization in a mouse hind limb ischemia model.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lisa G van den Hengel

    Full Text Available AIMS: In collateral development (i.e. arteriogenesis, mononuclear cells are important and exist as a heterogeneous population consisting of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory/repair-associated cells. Protease-activated receptor (PAR1 and PAR2 are G-protein-coupled receptors that are both expressed by mononuclear cells and are involved in pro-inflammatory reactions, while PAR2 also plays a role in repair-associated responses. Here, we investigated the physiological role of PAR1 and PAR2 in arteriogenesis in a murine hind limb ischemia model. METHODS AND RESULTS: PAR1-deficient (PAR1-/-, PAR2-deficient (PAR2-/- and wild-type (WT mice underwent femoral artery ligation. Laser Doppler measurements revealed reduced post-ischemic blood flow recovery in PAR2-/- hind limbs when compared to WT, while PAR1-/- mice were not affected. Upon ischemia, reduced numbers of smooth muscle actin (SMA-positive collaterals and CD31-positive capillaries were found in PAR2-/- mice when compared to WT mice, whereas these parameters in PAR1-/- mice did not differ from WT mice. The pool of circulating repair-associated (Ly6C-low monocytes and the number of repair-associated (CD206-positive macrophages surrounding collaterals in the hind limbs were increased in WT and PAR1-/- mice, but unaffected in PAR2-/- mice. The number of repair-associated macrophages in PAR2-/- hind limbs correlated with CD11b- and CD115-expression on the circulating monocytes in these animals, suggesting that monocyte extravasation and M-CSF-dependent differentiation into repair-associated cells are hampered. CONCLUSION: PAR2, but not PAR1, is involved in arteriogenesis and promotes the repair-associated response in ischemic tissues. Therefore, PAR2 potentially forms a new pro-arteriogenic target in coronary artery disease (CAD patients.

  14. Apoplejía pituitaria con parálisis del III par craneal: Reporte de caso

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    Miguel Pinto Valdivia


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso de un varón de 65 años de edad, sin antecedentes patológicos de importancia, que acudió a emergencia del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia por presentar cefalea intensa y ptosis palpebral izquierda. El examen físico mostró parálisis aislada del III par craneal izquierdo. Los análisis de laboratorio mostraron hiponatremia e hipopituitarismo y la resonancia magnética nuclear un adenoma pituitario con áreas de hemorragia e invasión de los senos cavernosos. El tratamiento incluyó glucocorticoides y descompresión quirúrgica transesfenoidal. La anatomía patológica confirmó el diagnóstico de infarto hemorrágico de un adenoma pituitario. El paciente fue dado de alta con terapia sustitutiva de levotiroxina y prednisona. La ptosis palpebral izquierda se recuperó en forma parcial. La apoplejía pituitaria es un síndrome clínico producido por un proceso expansivo dentro de la silla turca, secundario a hemorragia o infarto de un adenoma pituitario, que se caracteriza por cefalea, déficit visual, oftalmoplejía y alteración del nivel de conciencia. Este proceso expansivo puede comprimir los pares craneales en los senos cavernosos, produciendo diferentes grados de parálisis de los músculos oculomotores. La parálisis aislada del III par craneal es rara.(Rev Med Hered 2011;22:186-189.

  15. Copenhagen uPAR prostate cancer (CuPCa) database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lippert, Solvej; Berg, Kasper D; Høyer-Hansen, Gunilla


    AIM: Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) plays a central role during cancer invasion by facilitating pericellular proteolysis. We initiated the prospective 'Copenhagen uPAR Prostate Cancer' study to investigate the significance of uPAR levels in prostate cancer (PCa) patients. METHODS...

  16. Responsabilidad internacional del individuo y responsabilidad internacional del Estado: Encuentros y desencuentros en torno a la figura de los `crímenes de derecho internacional´


    Chinchón Álvarez, Javier


    Lo que nos va a ocupar en la presente contribución es la necesidad de una clara distinción entre lo propio de la responsabilidad internacional del Estado y lo relativo a la responsabilidad internacional del individuo; en un ámbito singular como es el de los conocidos como "crímenes de derecho internacional". Cuestión que, a nadie escapa, tiene unas implicaciones esenciales para no naufragar en los procelosos mares del Derecho internacional contemporáneo

  17. Recombination in the human Pseudoautosomal region PAR1.

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    Anjali G Hinch


    Full Text Available The pseudoautosomal region (PAR is a short region of homology between the mammalian X and Y chromosomes, which has undergone rapid evolution. A crossover in the PAR is essential for the proper disjunction of X and Y chromosomes in male meiosis, and PAR deletion results in male sterility. This leads the human PAR with the obligatory crossover, PAR1, to having an exceptionally high male crossover rate, which is 17-fold higher than the genome-wide average. However, the mechanism by which this obligatory crossover occurs remains unknown, as does the fine-scale positioning of crossovers across this region. Recent research in mice has suggested that crossovers in PAR may be mediated independently of the protein PRDM9, which localises virtually all crossovers in the autosomes. To investigate recombination in this region, we construct the most fine-scale genetic map containing directly observed crossovers to date using African-American pedigrees. We leverage recombination rates inferred from the breakdown of linkage disequilibrium in human populations and investigate the signatures of DNA evolution due to recombination. Further, we identify direct PRDM9 binding sites using ChIP-seq in human cells. Using these independent lines of evidence, we show that, in contrast with mouse, PRDM9 does localise peaks of recombination in the human PAR1. We find that recombination is a far more rapid and intense driver of sequence evolution in PAR1 than it is on the autosomes. We also show that PAR1 hotspot activities differ significantly among human populations. Finally, we find evidence that PAR1 hotspot positions have changed between human and chimpanzee, with no evidence of sharing among the hottest hotspots. We anticipate that the genetic maps built and validated in this work will aid research on this vital and fascinating region of the genome.

  18. Plasma suPAR is lowered by smoking cessation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eugen-Olsen, Jesper; Ladelund, Steen; Sørensen, Lars Tue


    BACKGROUND: Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a stable inflammatory biomarker. In patients, suPAR is a marker of disease presence, severity and prognosis. In the general population, suPAR is predictive of disease development, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease a...

  19. La obligación de investigar las desapariciones forzadas y su aplicación a los crímenes del franquismo en España


    Galella, Patricio


    La sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de España en el caso por prevaricato contra el juez Garzón por pretender investigar los crímenes del franquismo ha cerrado la vía judicial como medio para canalizar las reclamaciones de los familiares de víctimas del franquismo. En su lugar, el Tribunal sostuvo que otros mecanismos eran los apropiados. La práctica indica, sin embargo, que los juzgados competentes han archivado sistemáticamente las causas y la Ley de Memoria Histórica es insuficiente, colocand...

  20. Analizando los regímenes de violación en la intersección entre la guerra y la paz en el Perú


    Boesten, Jelke


    Utilizando el conflicto político en el Perú (1980-2000) como estudio de caso, en este trabajo sostengo que el hecho de entender la violación como arma de guerra oculta otros regímenes de violación que tuvieron lugar durante el conflicto armado interno y que no encajan necesariamente con esta definición.Estas prácticas incluyen la violación como consumo, la violación oportunista, la violación perpetrada por vecinos o miembros de la familia, la prostitución forzada y la violación en el periodo ...

  1. The inflammatory marker suPAR after cardiac arrest

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rundgren, Malin; Lyngbaek, Stig; Fisker, Helle


    . This pilot study aimed at investigating suPAR levels in relation to outcome after CA and mild induced hypothermia. METHODS: suPAR levels were measured at 6, 36, and 72 hours in patients treated with hypothermia after CA. suPAR levels were analyzed in relation to survival after 6 months. Receiver operating...

  2. Linear study and bundle adjustment data fusion; Application to vision localization; Recherche lineaire et fusion de donnees par ajustement de faisceaux; Application a la localisation par vision

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Michot, J.


    de reduire le temps de convergence des minimisations. Une difficulte des algorithmes de localisation en temps reel par la vision (SLAM monoculaire) est que la trajectoire estimee est souvent affectee par des derives: derives d'orientation, de position et d'echelle. Puisque ces algorithmes sont incrementaux, les erreurs et approximations sont cumulees tout au long de la trajectoire, et une derive se forme sur la localisation globale. De plus, un systeme de localisation par vision peut toujours etre ebloui ou utilise dans des conditions qui ne permettent plus temporairement de calculer la localisation du systeme. Pour resoudre ces problemes, nous proposons d'utiliser un capteur supplementaire mesurant les deplacements de la camera. Le type de capteur utilise varie suivant l'application ciblee (un odometre pour la localisation d'un vehicule, une centrale inertielle legere ou un systeme de navigation a guidage inertiel pour localiser une personne). Notre approche consiste a integrer ces informations complementaires directement dans l'ajustement de faisceaux, en ajoutant un terme de contrainte pondere dans la fonction de cout. Nous evaluons trois methodes permettant de selectionner dynamiquement le coefficient de ponderation et montrons que ces methodes peuvent etre employees dans un SLAM multi-capteur temps reel, avec differents types de contrainte, sur l'orientation ou sur la norme du deplacement de la camera. La methode est applicable pour tout autre terme de moindres carres. Les experimentations menees sur des sequences video reelles montrent que cette technique d'ajustement de faisceaux contraint reduit les derives observees avec les algorithmes de vision classiques. Ils ameliorent ainsi la precision de la localisation globale du systeme

  3. It's quicker "Par Avignon"!

    CERN Multimedia


    For a few years, the CERN Library has been receiving books from the University of Hanover sent via Avignon, at least that's what it says on the envelope. Such a detour would mean that parcels were travelling 720 km more than the distance separating Geneva and Hanover, which would be a very strange state of affairs. The explanation lies in a spelling mistake. The sender has been stamping parcels with a stamp that says "Par Avignon prioritaire" (first-class via Avignon) instead of "Par Avion prioritaire" (First Class Air Mail), a source of much amusement to the librarians!

  4. Serum suPAR in patients with FSGS: trash or treasure? (United States)

    Maas, Rutger J H; Deegens, Jeroen K J; Wetzels, Jack F M


    The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) has important functions in cell migration. uPAR can be shed from the cell membrane resulting in soluble uPAR (suPAR). Further cleavage gives rise to shorter fragments with largely unknown functions. Recent studies have demonstrated that both overexpression of uPAR on podocytes and the administration of suPAR cause proteinuria in mice. The common pathogenic mechanism involves the activation of podocyte β3-integrin. Increased activation of β3-integrin is also observed in patients with focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). These observations form the basis for the hypothesis that suPAR may be the circulating factor causing FSGS. A recent study fosters this idea by demonstrating increased suPAR levels in the serum of patients with FSGS and reporting an association with recurrence after transplantation and response to plasmapheresis. However, this study was heavily biased, and subsequent studies have given conflicting results. Although the experimental work is very suggestive, at present there is no proof that any known human suPAR fragment causes FSGS in humans. We therefore suggest that the measurement of suPAR using currently available assays has absolutely no value at the present time in decision-making in routine clinical practice.

  5. Proteinase-Activated Receptor 1 (PAR1 regulates leukemic stem cell functions.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicole Bäumer

    Full Text Available External signals that are mediated by specific receptors determine stem cell fate. The thrombin receptor PAR1 plays an important role in haemostasis, thrombosis and vascular biology, but also in tumor biology and angiogenesis. Its expression and function in hematopoietic stem cells is largely unknown. Here, we analyzed expression and function of PAR1 in primary hematopoietic cells and their leukemic counterparts. AML patients' blast cells expressed much lower levels of PAR1 mRNA and protein than CD34+ progenitor cells. Constitutive Par1-deficiency in adult mice did not affect engraftment or stem cell potential of hematopoietic cells. To model an AML with Par1-deficiency, we retrovirally introduced the oncogene MLL-AF9 in wild type and Par1-/- hematopoietic progenitor cells. Par1-deficiency did not alter initial leukemia development. However, the loss of Par1 enhanced leukemic stem cell function in vitro and in vivo. Re-expression of PAR1 in Par1-/- leukemic stem cells delayed leukemogenesis in vivo. These data indicate that Par1 contributes to leukemic stem cell maintenance.

  6. Proteinase-Activated Receptor 1 (PAR1) regulates leukemic stem cell functions. (United States)

    Bäumer, Nicole; Krause, Annika; Köhler, Gabriele; Lettermann, Stephanie; Evers, Georg; Hascher, Antje; Bäumer, Sebastian; Berdel, Wolfgang E; Müller-Tidow, Carsten; Tickenbrock, Lara


    External signals that are mediated by specific receptors determine stem cell fate. The thrombin receptor PAR1 plays an important role in haemostasis, thrombosis and vascular biology, but also in tumor biology and angiogenesis. Its expression and function in hematopoietic stem cells is largely unknown. Here, we analyzed expression and function of PAR1 in primary hematopoietic cells and their leukemic counterparts. AML patients' blast cells expressed much lower levels of PAR1 mRNA and protein than CD34+ progenitor cells. Constitutive Par1-deficiency in adult mice did not affect engraftment or stem cell potential of hematopoietic cells. To model an AML with Par1-deficiency, we retrovirally introduced the oncogene MLL-AF9 in wild type and Par1-/- hematopoietic progenitor cells. Par1-deficiency did not alter initial leukemia development. However, the loss of Par1 enhanced leukemic stem cell function in vitro and in vivo. Re-expression of PAR1 in Par1-/- leukemic stem cells delayed leukemogenesis in vivo. These data indicate that Par1 contributes to leukemic stem cell maintenance.

  7. Serum suPAR in patients with FSGS: trash or treasure?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maas, R.J.H.; Deegens, J.K.J.; Wetzels, J.F.M.


    The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) has important functions in cell migration. uPAR can be shed from the cell membrane resulting in soluble uPAR (suPAR). Further cleavage gives rise to shorter fragments with largely unknown functions. Recent studies have demonstrated that both

  8. Accouchement par forceps: indications et pronostic materno-foetal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'accouchement par voie basse, peut être parfois compromis par des facteurs maternels, foetaux ou materno-foetaux nécessitant des moyens thérapeutiques comme le forceps pour achever l'accouchement par voie naturelle. Le forceps, une méthode qui n'est pas sans risque pour la mère et le nouveau-né. Nous avons ...


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    Luis Alberto Furlan


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la efectividad de un programa para disminuir la ansiedad ante los exámenes, la procrastinación académica e incrementar la autoeficacia regulatoria, con 19 estudiantes universitarios de Argentina. El programa estimula el automonitoreo de las estrategias de aprendizaje implementadas, el aprendizaje de técnicas cognitivo-conductuales de control de la ansiedad y el ensayo anticipado de exámenes. Al comparar los resultados pre- y posintervención, se constataron mejorías moderadas. Se deben revisar los procedimientos para incrementar la adherencia al programa y la validez de los resultados.

  10. Sobre el dominio territorial como requisito del elemento político en la definición de los crímenes de lesa humanidad. Un análisis enfocado en la calificación jurídica de los actos de la izquierda armada en Argentina

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    Juan Francisco Iosa


    Full Text Available Ofrezco primero una caracterización  de la teoría de los dos demonios. Esta teoría, tras gozar del rol de discurso de Estado luego de la recuperación democrática en Argentina, ha sido explícitamente rechazada en la segunda generación de juicios: aquí se consideró que sólo los militares (no las organizaciones de izquierda cometieron crímenes contra la humanidad. Mi interés está centrado en evaluar las razones que sustentan esa distinción. Con vistas a ese fin, segundo, presento la figura de los crímenes contra la humanidad tal como está fijada en el Estatuto de Roma y distingo cuatro concepciones relativas a cómo debe delinearse su  elemento político. Tercero, reconstruyo la interpretación que la Corte y los tribunales argentinos hacen de los requisitos necesarios para que un delito califique como crimen contra la humanidad. Hago foco en  el elemento político y específicamente en las condiciones que una organización debe satisfacer para ser capaz de cometer dichos crímenes. Cuarto, comparo las decisiones argentinas con las tomadas por las cortes internacionales. Quinto, ofrezco una reconstrucción de los requisitos que a mi entender deben ser tenidos en cuenta (según la concepción normativa que considero correcta en la definición legal de los crímenes contra la humanidad. Con esta herramienta conceptual en mano evalúo las decisiones jurisprudenciales mencionadas más arriba. Por último, presento la que considero como la calificación jurídica adecuada de los delitos cometidos por la izquierda armada en los setenta. 

  11. Predictibilidad de los exámenes de conocimientos para ingresar a las preparatorias de la Universidad De La Salle Bajío

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    Humberto de Anda Padilla


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se determinó, como una medida del grado de predictibilidad, la correlación que hay entre los exámenes de conocimientos que sustentan los alumnos al ingresar a la preparatoria en la Universidad De La Salle Bajío y el desempeño académico durante el primer año de estudios de los propios alumnos. Adicionalmente a lo anterior se trabajó con una tercera variable que corresponde al promedio de los dos primeros años de secundaria y que conjuntamente con el examen de conocimientos aumenta el grado de predictibilidad. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva y se calcularon los coeficientes de correlación entre las puntuaciones obtenidas en el examen de admisión, global y por área evaluada, y las calificaciones finales obtenidas en cada materia al terminar el primero y segundo semestre, así como el promedio de calificaciones del primer año. Fueron analizadas las características del instrumento para medir cada una de las áreas que lo componen y sus posibles variaciones entre las versiones equivalentes aplicadas a dos cohortes diferentes en los campi que componen la Universidad (2005 y 2006. La hipótesis de investigación plantea que los coeficientes de correlación entre las puntuaciones de los exámenes de conocimientos y las calificaciones del primer año serán al menos del 0.3. Se trabajó con datos correspondientes al total de sustentantes que concluyeron el segundo semestre de estudios de la preparatoria. Entre los resultados se encontró que el promedio de los dos primeros años de estudio de secundaria y las puntuaciones obtenidas en el examen de admisión presentan junto con el promedio de cada materia una correlación mayor a 0.3 en las 20 materias que se cursan en los dos primeros semestres de preparatoria. Alcanzando la relación más importante con los promedios de calificaciones de 1° y 2° semestre y todo el primer año, con coeficientes de correlación de r1er sem=0.57, r2do sem=0.58 y r1er año=0

  12. Protease-Activated Receptor 4 (PAR4): A Promising Target for Antiplatelet Therapy. (United States)

    Rwibasira Rudinga, Gamariel; Khan, Ghulam Jilany; Kong, Yi


    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are currently among the leading causes of death worldwide. Platelet aggregation is a key cellular component of arterial thrombi and major cause of CVDs. Protease-activated receptors (PARs), including PAR1, PAR2, PAR3 and PAR4, fall within a subfamily of seven-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). Human platelets express PAR1 and PAR4, which contribute to the signaling transduction processes. In association with CVDs, PAR4 not only contributes to platelet activation but also is a modulator of cellular responses that serve as hallmarks of inflammation. Although several antiplatelet drugs are available on the market, they have many side effects that limit their use. Emerging evidence shows that PAR4 targeting is a safer strategy for preventing thrombosis and consequently may improve the overall cardiac safety profile. Our present review summarizes the PAR4 structural characteristics, activation mechanism, role in the pathophysiology of diseases and understanding the association of PAR4 targeting for improved cardiac protection. Conclusively, this review highlights the importance of PAR4 antagonists and its potential utility in different CVDs.

  13. PAR1 activation affects the neurotrophic properties of Schwann cells. (United States)

    Pompili, Elena; Fabrizi, Cinzia; Somma, Francesca; Correani, Virginia; Maras, Bruno; Schininà, Maria Eugenia; Ciraci, Viviana; Artico, Marco; Fornai, Francesco; Fumagalli, Lorenzo


    Protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1) is the prototypic member of a family of four G-protein-coupled receptors that signal in response to extracellular proteases. In the peripheral nervous system, the expression and/or the role of PARs are still poorly investigated. High PAR1 mRNA expression was found in the rat dorsal root ganglia and the signal intensity of PAR1 mRNA increased in response to sciatic nerve transection. In the sciatic nerve, functional PAR1 receptor was reported at the level of non-compacted Schwann cell myelin microvilli of the nodes of Ranvier. Schwann cells are the principal population of glial cells of the peripheral nervous system which myelinate axons playing an important role during axonal regeneration and remyelination. The present study was undertaken in order to determine if the activation of PAR1 affects the neurotrophic properties of Schwann cells. Our results suggest that the stimulation of PAR1 could potentiate the Schwann cell ability to favour nerve regeneration. In fact, the conditioned medium obtained from Schwann cell cultures challenged with a specific PAR1 activating peptide (PAR1 AP) displays increased neuroprotective and neurotrophic properties with respect to the culture medium from untreated Schwann cells. The proteomic analysis of secreted proteins in untreated and PAR1 AP-treated Schwann cells allowed the identification of factors differentially expressed in the two samples. Some of them (such as macrophage migration inhibitory factor, matrix metalloproteinase-2, decorin, syndecan 4, complement C1r subcomponent, angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1) appear to be transcriptionally regulated after PAR1 AP treatment as shown by RT-PCR. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Protease-Activated Receptor 4 (PAR4: A Promising Target for Antiplatelet Therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gamariel Rwibasira Rudinga


    Full Text Available Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs are currently among the leading causes of death worldwide. Platelet aggregation is a key cellular component of arterial thrombi and major cause of CVDs. Protease-activated receptors (PARs, including PAR1, PAR2, PAR3 and PAR4, fall within a subfamily of seven-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR. Human platelets express PAR1 and PAR4, which contribute to the signaling transduction processes. In association with CVDs, PAR4 not only contributes to platelet activation but also is a modulator of cellular responses that serve as hallmarks of inflammation. Although several antiplatelet drugs are available on the market, they have many side effects that limit their use. Emerging evidence shows that PAR4 targeting is a safer strategy for preventing thrombosis and consequently may improve the overall cardiac safety profile. Our present review summarizes the PAR4 structural characteristics, activation mechanism, role in the pathophysiology of diseases and understanding the association of PAR4 targeting for improved cardiac protection. Conclusively, this review highlights the importance of PAR4 antagonists and its potential utility in different CVDs.

  15. Jurisdicción Universal sobre Crímenes de Guerra: Evolución Histórica y su Codificación en el Derecho de Ginebra

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    Francisco J. Bariffi


    Full Text Available En lo que podríamos calificar como una postura doctrinaria ampliamente mayoritaria, se podría afirmar que el derecho internacional humanitario (DIH establece la obligación(en el ámbito convencional o la facultad (en el ámbito consuetudinario de los Estado de la Comunidad Internacional de ejercer su jurisdicción criminal para juzgar y sancionar actos calificados como crímenes de guerra sin necesidad de acreditar vínculo de territorialidad, nacionalidad, carácter de beligerante, o defensa de intereses nacionales. Aunque la práctica internacional en este sentido, es más bien escasa, la incorporación de este principio en las legislaciones nacionales parece evidenciar una clara tendencia.A pesar la anterior afirmación, y que, desde la creación de la Cruz Roja en 1863, y la adopción un año más tarde del Convenio para aliviar la suerte de los militares heridos de los ejércitos en campaña, el DIH aplicable a los conflictos armados no ha cesado de desarrollarse, la represión de la criminalidad de guerra por la sociedad internacionalorganizada no comienza, realmente, hasta la finalización de la Segunda Guerra Mundial(II G.M. Antes de dicho hito histórico, no resulta fácil identificar normas vinculantes sobre represión penal de crímenes guerra, y con posterioridad al mismo, las escasas disposiciones codificadas por el Derecho de Ginebra, no parecen haberse puesto enpráctica.

  16. Vote par sondage uniforme incorruptible


    Blanchard , Nicolas


    International audience; Introduit en 2012 par David Chaum, le vote par sondage uniforme (random-sample voting) est un protocole de vote basé sur un choix d'une sous-population représentative , permettant de limiter les coûts tout en ayant de nombreux avantages, principalement lorsqu'il est couplé a d'autres techniques comme ThreeBallot. Nous analysons un problème de corruptibilité potentielle où les votants peuvent vendre leur vote au plus offrant et proposons une variation du protocole reméd...

  17. The double par locus of virulence factor pB171: DNA segregation is correlated with oscillation of ParA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ebersbach, G; Gerdes, K; Charbon, Gitte Ebersbach


    Prokaryotic plasmids and chromosomes encode partitioning (par) loci that segregate DNA to daughter cells before cell division. Recent database analyses showed that almost all known par loci encode an ATPase and a DNA-binding protein, and one or more cis-acting regions where the proteins act. All...

  18. The role of pars flaccida in human middle ear sound transmission. (United States)

    Aritomo, H; Goode, R L; Gonzalez, J


    The role of the pars flaccida in middle ear sound transmission was studied with the use of twelve otoscopically normal, fresh, human temporal bones. Peak-to-peak umbo displacement in response to a constant sound pressure level at the tympanic membrane was measured with a noncontacting video measuring system capable of repeatable measurements down to 0.2 micron. Measurements were made before and after pars flaccida modifications at 18 frequencies between 100 and 4000 Hz. Four pars flaccida modifications were studied: (1) acoustic insulation of the pars flaccida to the ear canal with a silicone rubber baffle, (2) stiffening the pars flaccida with cyanoacrylate cement, (3) decreasing the tension of the pars flaccida with a nonperforating incision, and (4) perforation of the pars flaccida. All of the modifications (except the perforation) had a minimal effect on umbo displacement; this seems to imply that the pars flaccida has a minor acoustic role in human beings.

  19. Movement and equipositioning of plasmids by ParA filament disassembly

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ringgaard, Simon; van Zon, Jeroen; Howard, Martin


    , plasmids consistently migrate behind disassembling ParA cytoskeletal structures, suggesting that ParA filaments pull plasmids by depolymerization. The perpetual cycles of ParA assembly and disassembly result in continuous relocation of plasmids, which, on time averaging, results in equidistribution...

  20. PAR-1 contributes to the innate immune response during viral infection (United States)

    Antoniak, Silvio; Owens, A. Phillip; Baunacke, Martin; Williams, Julie C.; Lee, Rebecca D.; Weithäuser, Alice; Sheridan, Patricia A.; Malz, Ronny; Luyendyk, James P.; Esserman, Denise A.; Trejo, JoAnn; Kirchhofer, Daniel; Blaxall, Burns C.; Pawlinski, Rafal; Beck, Melinda A.; Rauch, Ursula; Mackman, Nigel


    Coagulation is a host defense system that limits the spread of pathogens. Coagulation proteases, such as thrombin, also activate cells by cleaving PARs. In this study, we analyzed the role of PAR-1 in coxsackievirus B3–induced (CVB3-induced) myocarditis and influenza A infection. CVB3-infected Par1–/– mice expressed reduced levels of IFN-β and CXCL10 during the early phase of infection compared with Par1+/+ mice that resulted in higher viral loads and cardiac injury at day 8 after infection. Inhibition of either tissue factor or thrombin in WT mice also significantly increased CVB3 levels in the heart and cardiac injury compared with controls. BM transplantation experiments demonstrated that PAR-1 in nonhematopoietic cells protected mice from CVB3 infection. Transgenic mice overexpressing PAR-1 in cardiomyocytes had reduced CVB3-induced myocarditis. We found that cooperative signaling between PAR-1 and TLR3 in mouse cardiac fibroblasts enhanced activation of p38 and induction of IFN-β and CXCL10 expression. Par1–/– mice also had decreased CXCL10 expression and increased viral levels in the lung after influenza A infection compared with Par1+/+ mice. Our results indicate that the tissue factor/thrombin/PAR-1 pathway enhances IFN-β expression and contributes to the innate immune response during single-stranded RNA viral infection. PMID:23391721


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    Juan Pablo Pérez-León Acevedo


    Full Text Available La presente investigación busca estudiar el proceso de surgimiento y afianzamiento de la figura de la responsabilidad internacional individual por crímenes de guerra cometidos en el contexto de conflictos armados no internacionales, los cuales han caracterizado el Derecho internacional contemporáneo. Para tal efecto, se hace un estudio de la respectiva norma de Derecho internacional consuetudinario la cual se cristalizó en el Derecho internacional convencional, representado por el Estatuto de la Corte Penal InternacionalThe present research seeks to study the process of emergence and consolidation of the institution of international individual responsibility for war crimes committed in the context of non-international armed conflicts, which have characterized contemporary International law. In order to reach that purpose, it is studied the respective customary international humanitarian law rule which crystallized in the treaty international law, represented by the International Criminal Court Statute

  2. «Al fin voy a recuperar la oscuridad»

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    Ramón Chao


    Full Text Available Entre 1978 y 1985 Jorge Luis Borges concedió en París una serie de entrevistas, condensadas por el autor. Alojado en el mismo hotel de la calle Beaux-Arts donde murió Oscar Wilde, una de sus admiradas lecturas, el gran escritor argentino deslumbra con sus habituales reflexiones y es interpelado sobre sus simpatías por los regímenes militares, la guerra de Malvinas y su muerte, inminente.

  3. Edad y crecimiento del jurel Trachurus murphyien el Perú

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    Teobaldo Dioses


    Full Text Available Se determinó la edad y se estimó el crecimiento del jurel Trachurus murphyiNichols 1920, mediante la lectura y medición de anillos anuales de crecimiento en 977 pares de otolitos de especímenes entre 3 y 71 cm de longitud total colectados dentro del dominio marítimo peruano durante el año 1978 y parte de 1977 y 1979. Se comprobó la validez de las marcas anuales en 50 otolitos con 5 marcas o zonas anuales, y también con el análisis del incremento marginal mensual en 240 otolitos de especímenes entre 35 y 39 cm obtenidos entre julio 1977 y junio 1979. A partir de las medidas de los anillos anuales y sus respectivas tallas retrocalculadas se estimaron los parámetros de crecimiento en longitud y peso de la ecuación de von Bertalanffy: longitud infinita (L ∞ =80.77 cm, peso infinito (W ∞ = 3744.10 g, coeficiente de crecimiento (k = 0.155 y edad teórica a la longitud 0 (t 0 = –0.356. Se discuten las diferencias y semejanzas con las curvas y parámetros de crecimiento calculados por otros autores, haciendo énfasis en aquéllos cuyos resultados contribuyen a validar los estimados en el presente trabajo. Según los parámetros estimados, el T. murphyi peruano tendría una velocidad de crecimiento mayor que el T. murphyide más al sur.

  4. Peptide-Based Optical uPAR Imaging for Surgery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juhl, Karina; Christensen, Anders; Persson, Morten


    Near infrared intra-operative optical imaging is an emerging technique with clear implications for improved cancer surgery by enabling a more distinct delineation of the tumor margins during resection. This modality has the potential to increase the number of patients having a curative radical...... tumor resection. In the present study, a new uPAR-targeted fluorescent probe was developed and the in vivo applicability was evaluated in a human xenograft mouse model. Most human carcinomas express high level of uPAR in the tumor-stromal interface of invasive lesions and uPAR is therefore considered...... an ideal target for intra-operative imaging. Conjugation of the flourophor indocyanine green (ICG) to the uPAR agonist (AE105) provides an optical imaging ligand with sufficiently high receptor affinity to allow for a specific receptor targeting in vivo. For in vivo testing, human glioblastoma xenograft...

  5. Dynamic Filament Formation by a Divergent Bacterial Actin-Like ParM Protein.

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    Anthony J Brzoska

    Full Text Available Actin-like proteins (Alps are a diverse family of proteins whose genes are abundant in the chromosomes and mobile genetic elements of many bacteria. The low-copy-number staphylococcal multiresistance plasmid pSK41 encodes ParM, an Alp involved in efficient plasmid partitioning. pSK41 ParM has previously been shown to form filaments in vitro that are structurally dissimilar to those formed by other bacterial Alps. The mechanistic implications of these differences are not known. In order to gain insights into the properties and behavior of the pSK41 ParM Alp in vivo, we reconstituted the parMRC system in the ectopic rod-shaped host, E. coli, which is larger and more genetically amenable than the native host, Staphylococcus aureus. Fluorescence microscopy showed a functional fusion protein, ParM-YFP, formed straight filaments in vivo when expressed in isolation. Strikingly, however, in the presence of ParR and parC, ParM-YFP adopted a dramatically different structure, instead forming axial curved filaments. Time-lapse imaging and selective photobleaching experiments revealed that, in the presence of all components of the parMRC system, ParM-YFP filaments were dynamic in nature. Finally, molecular dissection of the parMRC operon revealed that all components of the system are essential for the generation of dynamic filaments.

  6. The Politics of Subnational Undemocratic Regime Reproduction in Argentina and Mexico La política de reproducción de los regímenes subnacionales no democráticos en Argentina y México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agustina Giraudy


    Full Text Available This article studies the continued existence of subnational undemocraticregimes in Argentina and Mexico, two countries that have recently experiencednational democratization. The first part of the article offers a conceptualizationof subnational democracy and measures its territorial extension across all subnational units. The second part explores a common, albeit not systematically tested explanation about subnational undemocratic regime continuity, namely, that these regimes persist because they meet national incumbents’ strategic political needs. This claim is tested using statistical analyses to contrast patterns of spending across undemocratic subnational units during the presidencies of Menem (1989-1999, De la Rúa (2000-2001, Duhalde (2002, and Kirchner (2003-2007 in Argentina, and Fox (2000-2006 in Mexico. Contradicting conventional wisdom, the results show that presidents only reproduce a handful of subnational undemocratic regimes, as not all of them can meet presidential needs. In addition, the results reveal that the strategic calculation of presidents regarding this  reproduction is dictated by factors that have been largely overlooked by the literature. Este artículo estudia la existencia de regímenes subnacionales no-democráticos en Argentina y México, dos pa��ses que recientemente han experimentado procesos de democratización a nivel nacional. La primera parte del artículo conceptualiza y define la democracia subnacional y mide su extensión territorial en la totalidad de los distritos subnacionales. La segunda parte explora la validez de una de las explicaciones más habituales en esta área de estudio según la cual los regímenes subnacionales no-democráticos permanecen en el poder debido a que son útiles para satisfacer las necesidades políticas de los funcionarios nacionales. La validez de esta explicación se testea con análisis estadísticos que determinan los patrones de distribución territorial de

  7. First (18)F-labeled ligand for PET imaging of uPAR

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Persson, Morten; Liu, Hongguang; Madsen, Jacob


    Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) is overexpressed in human prostate cancer and uPAR has been found to be associated with metastatic disease and poor prognosis. AE105 is a small linear peptide with high binding affinity to uPAR. We synthesized an N-terminal NOTA......-conjugated version (NOTA-AE105) for development of the first (18)F-labeled uPAR positron-emission-tomography PET ligand using the Al(18)F radiolabeling method. In this study, the potential of (18)F-AlF-NOTA-AE105 to specifically target uPAR-positive prostate tumors was investigated....

  8. Narrative Identities and the Plebiscite in Pará: An Analysis of the Front Pages for O Liberal and Diário do Pará

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alda Cristina Silva da Costa


    Full Text Available On December 11, 2011, a plebiscite was held in Pará proposing to create two separatist states, Carajás and Tapajós, out of the state of Pará. The public voted against both projects. This article analyzes the narrative identities found on the front pages of O Liberal and Diário do Pará newspapers about the plebiscite in Pará. Depth Hermeneutics (DH, as proposed by Thompson (2011, was used as the methodological reference. DH emphasizes the object of analysis as a meaningful symbolic construction requiring interpretation. Narrative analysis, as proposed by Motta (2007, was the main research technique used to highlight the movement of construction of journalistic (discursive characters. The narrative identities built by the two newspapers showed that both were against the creation of the new states, but for very different reasons. The flag of Pará was the main object used to induce the idea of unity. Em 11 de dezembro de 2011, o plebiscito no Pará propôs a criação dos estados de Carajás e de Tapajós a partir da divisão do estado do Pará. O resultado da consulta pública foi negativo aos dois projetos. O artigo analisa as identidades narrativas constituídas pelas primeiras páginas dos jornais O Liberal e Diário do Pará sobre o plebiscito no Pará. Utilizou-se como referencial metodológico a Hermenêutica em Profundidade (HP, proposta por Thompson (2011. A HP evidencia o fato de que o objeto de análise é uma construção simbólica significativa, que exige uma interpretação. Como principal técnica de pesquisa, a análise narrativa, proposta por Motta (2007, com ênfase no movimento de construção de personagens jornalísticas (discursivas. As identidades narrativas construídas pelos dois jornais indicaram que ambos eram contrários à criação dos novos estados, porém por motivos divergentes. A bandeira do Pará foi o principal elemento utilizado para evocar a ideia de unidade. En 11 de diciembre de 2011, el plebiscito en

  9. Limnological database for Par Pond: 1959 to 1980

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tilly, L.J.


    A limnological database for Par Pond, a cooling reservoir for hot reactor effluent water at the Savannah River Plant, is described. The data are derived from a combination of research and monitoring efforts on Par Pond since 1959. The approximately 24,000-byte database provides water quality, primary productivity, and flow data from a number of different stations, depths, and times during the 22-year history of the Par Pond impoundment. The data have been organized to permit an interpretation of the effects of twenty years of cooling system operations on the structure and function of an aquatic ecosystem

  10. Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) in acute care

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Line Jee Hartmann; Ladelund, Steen; Haupt, Thomas Huneck


    for age, sex, Charlson score and C reactive protein. Area under the curve for receiver operating characteristics curve analysis of suPAR for 30-day mortality was 0.84 (95% CI 0.81 to 0.86). Furthermore, in the entire cohort, women had slightly higher suPAR compared with men, and suPAR was associated...

  11. Características de los exámenes de laboratorio en pacientes con dengue grave en un hospital de Puerto Maldonado - Perú

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús Rojas-Jaimes


    Full Text Available Introducción: Puerto Maldonado, capital del Departamento de Madre de Dios, es catalogado como zona endémica de dengue. La clasificación de dengue considera al dengue grave (hemorrágico cuando se produce shock, distrés respiratorio o compromiso de órgano blanco. Objetivos: Determinar las características de los exámenes de laboratorio en pacientes con dengue grave hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intermedios del Hospital Santa Rosa de Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios, Perú. Diseño: Estudio retrospectivo de corte transversal. Institución: Laboratorio Central y Departamento de Epidemiología del Hospital Santa Rosa, Madre de Dios, Perú. Materiales: Cincuenta y cinco historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de dengue grave hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intermedios, en el periodo junio de 2010 a noviembre de 2011. Métodos: Se analizó los resultados de exámenes de laboratorio solicitados durante la hospitalización. Principales medidas de resultados: Valores de transaminasas, creatinina, hemograma completo y examen de orina. Resultados: El mayor número de pacientes con dengue grave procedió de Puerto Maldonado (84%. El grupo etario mayormente afectado fue el de 40 a 49 años (32%. En 83% de los pacientes hospitalizados se presentó elevación de las transaminasas y de la creatinina sérica. El recuento de plaquetas estuvo dentro de rangos normales, excepto en el grupo de 10 a 19 años (11%, en quienes se halló concentraciones séricas de plaquetas menores a 150 000/mL. Conclusiones: En la mayoría de pacientes hospitalizados por dengue grave en Puerto Maldonado existió elevación sérica de transaminasas y creatinina. El recuento de plaquetas fue normal, pero existió plaquetopenia en el grupo de 10 a 19 años.

  12. Intact and cleaved uPAR forms: diagnostic and prognostic value in cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasch, M.G.; Lund, I.K.; Hoyer-Hansen, G.


    identified in tissue and body fluids. It is well-established, that the total amount of all uPAR forms is a strong prognostic marker in different types of cancer. Using immunoassays, measuring the individual uPAR forms, has revealed that the cleaved uPAR forms are even stronger prognostic markers and have...... diagnostic utility. This review will focus on the mechanism of uPAR cleavage and the functional consequences, as well as the clinical applicability of cleaved uPAR forms Udgivelsesdato: 2008...

  13. EL3 reactor description and safety analysis report; Pile EL3, rapport descriptif et de surete

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    concue pour fonctionner a une puissance thermique maximale de 20 mW. Elle fournit un flux maximal thermique de 10{sup 14} neutrons/cm{sup 2}/sec. Elle dispose de nombreux dispositifs experimentaux. La pile EL-3 est contenue, avec ses auxiliaires des circuits des fluides, dans une enceinte etanche, en legere depression. Le circuit d'eau lourde de refroidissement primaire est entierement contenu dans cette enceinte. Son refroidissement est assure, par l'intermediaire d'un circuit secondaire en eau legere, par des refrigerants atmospheriques. Les circuits de ventilation de l'enceinte etanche et du bloc pile ne rejettent l'air a l'exterieur, en fonctionnement normal, par une cheminee particulierement etudiee, qu'apres filtrage et eventuellement dilution. La contamination eventuelle de l'eau legere, ou de l 'air, par des produits actifs, est controlee en permanence, pour permettre l'arret du reacteur et eviter le rejet a l'atmosphere de produits dangereux. La pile El3, mise en chantier en mai 1955, a diverge en juillet 1957, effectue sa premiere montee en puissance en decembre 1957 et a atteint sa pleine puissance en avril 1958. La mise en place du combustible actuel (cristal de Neige) s'est effectue durant l'ete 1964. Pile a vocation experimentale, elle est utilisee pour des etudes theoriques et technologiques par irradiation de materiel dans les canaux experimentaux et dans les cellules memes du coeur, avec possibilites de constituer des boucles independantes (en ce qui concerne les fluides de refroidissement). Trente canaux verticaux sont reserves a la fabrication de radioelements artificiels. (auteur)

  14. EL3 reactor description and safety analysis report; Pile EL3, rapport descriptif et de surete

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    ). Elle est concue pour fonctionner a une puissance thermique maximale de 20 mW. Elle fournit un flux maximal thermique de 10{sup 14} neutrons/cm{sup 2}/sec. Elle dispose de nombreux dispositifs experimentaux. La pile EL-3 est contenue, avec ses auxiliaires des circuits des fluides, dans une enceinte etanche, en legere depression. Le circuit d'eau lourde de refroidissement primaire est entierement contenu dans cette enceinte. Son refroidissement est assure, par l'intermediaire d'un circuit secondaire en eau legere, par des refrigerants atmospheriques. Les circuits de ventilation de l'enceinte etanche et du bloc pile ne rejettent l'air a l'exterieur, en fonctionnement normal, par une cheminee particulierement etudiee, qu'apres filtrage et eventuellement dilution. La contamination eventuelle de l'eau legere, ou de l 'air, par des produits actifs, est controlee en permanence, pour permettre l'arret du reacteur et eviter le rejet a l'atmosphere de produits dangereux. La pile El3, mise en chantier en mai 1955, a diverge en juillet 1957, effectue sa premiere montee en puissance en decembre 1957 et a atteint sa pleine puissance en avril 1958. La mise en place du combustible actuel (cristal de Neige) s'est effectue durant l'ete 1964. Pile a vocation experimentale, elle est utilisee pour des etudes theoriques et technologiques par irradiation de materiel dans les canaux experimentaux et dans les cellules memes du coeur, avec possibilites de constituer des boucles independantes (en ce qui concerne les fluides de refroidissement). Trente canaux verticaux sont reserves a la fabrication de radioelements artificiels. (auteur)

  15. A Bipolar Spindle of Antiparallel ParM Filaments Drives Bacterial Plasmid Segregation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gayathri, P; Fujii, T; Møller-Jensen, Jakob


    the spindle between ParRC complexes on sister plasmids. Using a combination of structural work and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, we show that ParRC bound and could accelerate growth at only one end of polar ParM filaments, mechanistically resembling eukaryotic formins. The architecture...... of ParM filaments enabled two ParRC-bound filaments to associate in an antiparallel orientation, forming a bipolar spindle. The spindle elongated as a bundle of at least two antiparallel filaments, thereby pushing two plasmid clusters toward the poles....

  16. PAR-2 expression in the gingival crevicular fluid reflects chronic periodontitis severity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henrique FUKUSHIMA

    Full Text Available Abstract Recent studies investigating protease-activated receptor type 2 (PAR-2 suggest an association between the receptor and periodontal inflammation. It is known that gingipain, a bacterial protease secreted by the important periodontopathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis can activate PAR-2. Previous studies by our group found that PAR-2 is overexpressed in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF of patients with moderate chronic periodontitis (MP. The present study aimed at evaluating whether PAR-2 expression is associated with chronic periodontitis severity. GCF samples and clinical parameters, including plaque and bleeding on probing indices, probing pocket depth and clinical attachment level, were collected from the control group (n = 19 at baseline, and from MP patients (n = 19 and severe chronic periodontitis (SP (n = 19 patients before and 6 weeks after periodontal non-surgical treatment. PAR-2 and gingipain messenger RNA (mRNA in the GCF of 4 periodontal sites per patient were evaluated by Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR. PAR-2 and gingipain expressions were greater in periodontitis patients than in control group patients. In addition, the SP group presented increased PAR-2 and gingipain mRNA levels, compared with the MP group. Furthermore, periodontal treatment significantly reduced (p <0.05 PAR-2 expression in patients with periodontitis. In conclusion, PAR-2 is associated with chronic periodontitis severity and with gingipain levels in the periodontal pocket, thus suggesting that PAR-2 expression in the GCF reflects the severity of destruction during periodontal infection.

  17. Structures of actin-like ParM filaments show architecture of plasmid-segregating spindles. (United States)

    Bharat, Tanmay A M; Murshudov, Garib N; Sachse, Carsten; Löwe, Jan


    Active segregation of Escherichia coli low-copy-number plasmid R1 involves formation of a bipolar spindle made of left-handed double-helical actin-like ParM filaments. ParR links the filaments with centromeric parC plasmid DNA, while facilitating the addition of subunits to ParM filaments. Growing ParMRC spindles push sister plasmids to the cell poles. Here, using modern electron cryomicroscopy methods, we investigate the structures and arrangements of ParM filaments in vitro and in cells, revealing at near-atomic resolution how subunits and filaments come together to produce the simplest known mitotic machinery. To understand the mechanism of dynamic instability, we determine structures of ParM filaments in different nucleotide states. The structure of filaments bound to the ATP analogue AMPPNP is determined at 4.3 Å resolution and refined. The ParM filament structure shows strong longitudinal interfaces and weaker lateral interactions. Also using electron cryomicroscopy, we reconstruct ParM doublets forming antiparallel spindles. Finally, with whole-cell electron cryotomography, we show that doublets are abundant in bacterial cells containing low-copy-number plasmids with the ParMRC locus, leading to an asynchronous model of R1 plasmid segregation.

  18. Par and IR reflectance, transmittance, and absorptance of four crop canopies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wanjura, D.F.; Hatfield, J.L.


    Reflectance, transmittance and absorptance of electromagnetic radiation by cotton, soybeans, grain sorghum, and sunflower was measured at three growth stages in two wavebands (PAR: 0.4 to 0.7 pun and IR: 0.7 to 1.1 yim). As leaf area increased in each crop there were increases in IR reflectance and PAR absorptance and decreases in PAR reflectance and both PAR and IR transmittance. IR radiation was concentrated at the soil surface between rows by reflectance from the sides of canopies when crop cover was less than 80%. Across all crops one parameter, leaf overlap index, explained 81 and 71% of the PAR reflectance and another, crop cover, explained 86 and 94% of IR reflectance from rows and interrows, respectively. Attenuation of PAR radiation through the canopies of cotton and sunflower was similar (K = 0.62 and 0.67) but different from that of soybeans and grain sorghum (K = 0.46 and 0.43) which were the same

  19. Épidémiologie de l'intoxication par envenimation chez les enfants ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: L'intoxication par envenimation est l'ensemble des manifestations locales et générales induites par la pénétration dans l'organisme d'une substance toxique produite par un animal venimeux. Le but de notre travail était d'étudier les signes cliniques des intoxications par envenimation chez les enfants de 0 à 15 ...

  20. PARs for combustible gas control in advanced light water reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hosler, J.; Sliter, G.


    This paper discusses the progress being made in the United States to introduce passive autocatalytic recombiner (PAR) technology as a cost-effective alternative to electric recombiners for controlling combustible gas produced in postulated accidents in both future Advanced Light Water Reactors (ALWRs) and certain U. S. operating nuclear plants. PARs catalytically recombine hydrogen and oxygen, gradually producing heat and water vapor. They have no moving parts and are self-starting and self-feeding, even under relatively cold and wet containment conditions. Buoyancy of the hot gases they create sets up natural convective flow that promotes mixing of combustible gases in a containment. In a non-inerted ALWR containment, two approaches each employing a combination of PARs and igniters are being considered to control hydrogen in design basis and severe accidents. In pre-inerted ALWRs, PARs alone control radiolytic oxygen produced in either accident type. The paper also discusses regulatory feedback regarding these combustible gas control approaches and describes a test program being conducted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and Electricite de France (EdF) to supplement the existing PAR test database with performance data under conditions of interest to U.S. plants. Preliminary findings from the EPRI/EdF PAR model test program are included. Successful completion of this test program and confirmatory tests being sponsored by the U. S. NRC are expected to pave the way for use of PARs in ALWRs and operating plants. (author)

  1. Formy nauczania poprzez grę w kształtowaniu kompetencji ekonomicznej przyszłych menedżerów oświaty: „Krok po kroku – razem do sukcesu!”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tetiana Burłajenko


    Full Text Available Prezentujemy wypracowania optymalnego programu „Krоk po kroku – razem dо sukcesu!” z użyciem nauki w formie gry przy kształtowaniu kompetencji ekonomicznej przyszłych menedżerów oświaty, w którym przyszli zawodowcy mogą zdobyć doświadczenia w komunikacji, aktywnej współpracy, umiejętność mówienia krótko i konstruktywnie, oceniać siebie i innych, zrozumieć innych

  2. Brulure par Plaque de Bistouri Electrique: a Propos de Quatre Cas (United States)

    Khales, A.; Achbouk, A.; Belmir, R.; Cherkab, L.; Ennouhi, M.A.; Ababou, K.; Ihrai, H.


    Summary La brûlure par plaque de bistouri électrique est un accident rare mais grave par la profondeur de la lésion et par sa localisation, surtout quand qu’elle survient dans un contexte chirurgical dont le vécu reste difficile de la part du malade et du chirurgien. Cette brûlure bien que imprévisible reste grave par la profondeur et la localisation de la brûlure et par sa survenue dans un contexte opératoire, chez des patients malades. La prise en charge de la brûlure doit se faire en milieu spécialisé. La prévention reste le seul moyen d’éviter ce type d’accident. PMID:21991216

  3. Elusloom lennukiga puhkusele / Inge Parring

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parring, Inge


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 1. okt. lk. 13. Air Cargo Estonia/ACE Logisticsi müügijuht Inge Parring tutvustab elusloomade transpordivõimalusi. Vt. samas: Loomade transportimiseks vajalikud dokumendid

  4. suPAR

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eugen-Olsen, Jesper; Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Evangelos J


    Investigation of biomarkers that can promptly predict unfavourable outcome of critically illness is an emerging necessity taking into consideration the need for early intervention, the shortage of available beds in intensive care units and the considerable cost of hospitalisation. The most...... promising biomarker is soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR). Three studies in large populations of critically ill patients and patients admitted to the emergency department have shown that concentrations >12ng/mL can safely predict unfavourable outcome. This review presents...

  5. Urine suPAR levels compared with plasma suPAR levels as predictors of post-consultation mortality risk among individuals assumed to be TB-negative: a prospective cohort study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rabna, Paulo; Andersen, Andreas; Wejse, Christian


    -suPAR was measured using a commercial ELISA (suPARnostic®). We found that U-suPAR carried significant prognostic information on mortality for HIV-infected subjects with an area under the ROC curve of 0.75. For HIV-negative individuals, little or no prognostic effect was observed. However, in both HIV positives...... and negatives, the predictive effect of U-suPAR was found to be inferior to that of P-suPAR....

  6. Brésil : La contamination par le mercure en Amazonie | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    11 janv. 2011 ... En tentant de déceler la source de la contamination de l'Amazone par le ... par Jean-Rémy Davy Guimaraes de l'Université fédérale de Rio de Janeiro ... ces mattes est circonscrite par la conservation et la restauration en rive.

  7. Electron microscope study of vacancy clusters produced by quenching in magnesium; Etude par microscopie electronique des amas de lacunes crees par trempe dans le magnesium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Levy, V; Espinasse, J; Mairy, C; Hillairet, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Vacancy clustering in quenched magnesium has been studied by transmission electron microscopy. The nature of the vacancy loops observed, seems to depend essentially on the impurity content of the metal; this effect can be attributed to a variation of the stacking fault energy of magnesium due to impurities. (authors) [French] On a etudie par microscopie electronique en transmission les defauts crees par trempe dans le magnesium. Un effet considerable des impuretes du metal sur la nature des boucles obtenues par condensation de lacunes a ete mis en evidence; cet effet semble s'expliquer de facon satisfaisante par un abaissement de l'energie de faute d'empilement du magnesium du aux impuretes. (auteur)

  8. ParABS Systems of the Four Replicons of Burkholderia cenocepacia: New Chromosome Centromeres Confer Partition Specificity† (United States)

    Dubarry, Nelly; Pasta, Franck; Lane, David


    Most bacterial chromosomes carry an analogue of the parABS systems that govern plasmid partition, but their role in chromosome partition is ambiguous. parABS systems might be particularly important for orderly segregation of multipartite genomes, where their role may thus be easier to evaluate. We have characterized parABS systems in Burkholderia cenocepacia, whose genome comprises three chromosomes and one low-copy-number plasmid. A single parAB locus and a set of ParB-binding (parS) centromere sites are located near the origin of each replicon. ParA and ParB of the longest chromosome are phylogenetically similar to analogues in other multichromosome and monochromosome bacteria but are distinct from those of smaller chromosomes. The latter form subgroups that correspond to the taxa of their hosts, indicating evolution from plasmids. The parS sites on the smaller chromosomes and the plasmid are similar to the “universal” parS of the main chromosome but with a sequence specific to their replicon. In an Escherichia coli plasmid stabilization test, each parAB exhibits partition activity only with the parS of its own replicon. Hence, parABS function is based on the independent partition of individual chromosomes rather than on a single communal system or network of interacting systems. Stabilization by the smaller chromosome and plasmid systems was enhanced by mutation of parS sites and a promoter internal to their parAB operons, suggesting autoregulatory mechanisms. The small chromosome ParBs were found to silence transcription, a property relevant to autoregulation. PMID:16452432

  9. MODIS-derived daily PAR simulation from cloud-free images and its validation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Liangfu; Gu, Xingfa; Tian, Guoliang [State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Jointly Sponsored by Institute of Remote Sensing Applications of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100101 (China); The Center for National Spaceborne Demonstration, Beijing 100101 (China); Gao, Yanhua [State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Jointly Sponsored by Institute of Remote Sensing Applications of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100101 (China); Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101 (China); Yang, Lei [State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Jointly Sponsored by Institute of Remote Sensing Applications of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100101 (China); Jilin University, Changchun 130026 (China); Liu, Qinhuo [State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Jointly Sponsored by Institute of Remote Sensing Applications of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100101 (China)


    In this paper, a MODIS-derived daily PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) simulation model from cloud-free image over land surface has been developed based on Bird and Riordan's model. In this model, the total downwelling spectral surface irradiance is divided into two parts: one is beam irradiance, and another is diffuse irradiance. The attenuation of solar beam irradiance comprises scattering by the gas mixture, absorption by ozone, the gas mixture and water vapor, and scattering and absorption by aerosols. The diffuse irradiance is scattered out of the direct beam and towards the surface. The multiple ground-air interactions have been taken into account in the diffuse irradiance model. The parameters needed in this model are atmospheric water vapor content, aerosol optical thickness and spectral albedo ranging from 400 nm to 700 nm. They are all retrieved from MODIS data. Then, the instantaneous photosynthetically available radiation (IPAR) is integrated by using a weighted sum at each of the visible MODIS wavebands. Finally, a daily PAR is derived by integration of IPAR. In order to validate the MODIS-derived PAR model, we compared the field PAR measurements in 2003 and 2004 against the simulated PAR. The measurements were made at the Qianyanzhou ecological experimental station, Chinese Ecosystem Research Network. A total of 54 days of cloud-free MODIS L1B level images were used for the PAR simulation. Our results show that the simulated PAR is consistent with field measurements, where the correlation coefficient of linear regression between calculated PAR and measured PAR is 0.93396. However, there were some uncertainties in the comparison of 1 km pixel PAR with the tower flux stand measurement. (author)

  10. PAR-2 expression in the gingival crevicular fluid reflects chronic periodontitis severity. (United States)

    Fukushima, Henrique; Alves, Vanessa Tubero Euzebio; Carvalho, Verônica Franco de; Ambrósio, Lucas Macedo Batitucci; Eichler, Rosangela Aparecida Dos Santos; Carvalho, Maria Helena Catelli de; Saraiva, Luciana; Holzhausen, Marinella


    Recent studies investigating protease-activated receptor type 2 (PAR-2) suggest an association between the receptor and periodontal inflammation. It is known that gingipain, a bacterial protease secreted by the important periodontopathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis can activate PAR-2. Previous studies by our group found that PAR-2 is overexpressed in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) of patients with moderate chronic periodontitis (MP). The present study aimed at evaluating whether PAR-2 expression is associated with chronic periodontitis severity. GCF samples and clinical parameters, including plaque and bleeding on probing indices, probing pocket depth and clinical attachment level, were collected from the control group (n = 19) at baseline, and from MP patients (n = 19) and severe chronic periodontitis (SP) (n = 19) patients before and 6 weeks after periodontal non-surgical treatment. PAR-2 and gingipain messenger RNA (mRNA) in the GCF of 4 periodontal sites per patient were evaluated by Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR). PAR-2 and gingipain expressions were greater in periodontitis patients than in control group patients. In addition, the SP group presented increased PAR-2 and gingipain mRNA levels, compared with the MP group. Furthermore, periodontal treatment significantly reduced (p periodontitis. In conclusion, PAR-2 is associated with chronic periodontitis severity and with gingipain levels in the periodontal pocket, thus suggesting that PAR-2 expression in the GCF reflects the severity of destruction during periodontal infection.

  11. Molecular mechanism of bundle formation by the bacterial actin ParM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Popp, David, E-mail: [ERATO ' Actin Filament Dynamics' Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, c/o RIKEN Harima Institute at Spring 8, 1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, 61 Biopolis Drive, Proteos, 138673 Singapore (Singapore); Narita, Akihiro [ERATO ' Actin Filament Dynamics' Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, c/o RIKEN Harima Institute at Spring 8, 1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Nagoya University Graduate School of Science, Structural Biology Research Center and Division of Biological Sciences, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601 (Japan); Iwasa, Mitsusada [ERATO ' Actin Filament Dynamics' Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, c/o RIKEN Harima Institute at Spring 8, 1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Maeda, Yuichiro [ERATO ' Actin Filament Dynamics' Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, c/o RIKEN Harima Institute at Spring 8, 1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Nagoya University Graduate School of Science, Structural Biology Research Center and Division of Biological Sciences, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601 (Japan); Robinson, Robert C. [Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, 61 Biopolis Drive, Proteos, 138673 Singapore (Singapore)


    The actin homolog ParM plays a microtubule-like role in segregating DNA prior to bacterial cell division. Fluorescence and cryo-electron microscopy have shown that ParM forms filament bundles between separating DNA plasmids in vivo. Given the lack of ParM bundling proteins it remains unknown how ParM bundles form at the molecular level. Here we show using time-lapse TIRF microscopy, under in vitro molecular crowding conditions, that ParM-bundle formation consists of two distinct phases. At the onset of polymerization bundle thickness and shape are determined in the form of nuclei of short helically disordered filaments arranged in a liquid-like lattice. These nuclei then undergo an elongation phase whereby they rapidly increase in length. At steady state, ParM bundles fuse into one single large aggregate. This behavior had been predicted by theory but has not been observed for any other cytomotive biopolymer, including F-actin. We employed electron micrographs of ParM rafts, which are 2-D analogs of 3-D bundles, to identify the main molecular interfilament contacts within these suprastructures. The interface between filaments is similar for both parallel and anti-parallel orientations and the distribution of filament polarity is random within a bundle. We suggest that the interfilament interactions are not due to the interactions of specific residues but rather to long-range, counter ion mediated, electrostatic attractive forces. A randomly oriented bundle ensures that the assembly is rigid and that DNA may be captured with equal efficiency at both ends of the bundle via the ParR binding protein.

  12. The purification by ion exchange resins of the heavy water la the reactors EL1 and EL2. B - study of the general properties of the resins used; Purification par resines echangeuses d'ions de l'eau lourde de reacteurs EL1 et EL2. B - etude des proprietes generales des resines utilisees

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fourre,; Platzer, [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Within the programme of the pile heavy water purification project, organized by the stable Isotopes Section, we have carried out a certain number of tests on ion exchange resins. The problem posed by the stable Isotopes Section was to determine the conditions of utilisation of ion exchange resins, knowing that they would be employed in a system branching off the heavy water circuit in the piles. These investigations were carried out in close collaboration with the stable Isotopes Section, and were guided chiefly by the extremely short delay permitted between the laboratory study and its application to the piles. The tests are divided into two groups: 1- General properties of the resins. 2- Utilisation of the resins, particularly in an apparatus similar to those mounted on the piles but of smaller dimensions. (author) [French] Dans le cadre du projet d'epuration de l'eau lourde des piles, traite par la Section des Isotopes stables, nous avons fait un certain nombre d'essais sur les resines echangeuses d'ions. Le probleme pose par la Section des Isotopes stables etait de determiner les conditions d'utilisation des resines echangeuses d'ions sachant qu'elles devraient etre employees dans un appareil place en derivation sur le circuit d'eau lourde des piles. L'ensemble de l'etude a ete mene en collaboration etroite avec la Section des Isotopes stables et a ete guide principalement par le delai extremement court dans lequel l'etude de laboratoire devait etre appliquee aux piles. Les essais se divisent en deux groupes: 1- Proprietes generales des resines. 2- Utilisation des resines, en particulier dans un appareil analogue a ceux montes sur les piles, mais de dimensions reduites. (auteur)

  13. Par Pond vegetation status Summer 1995 -- October survey descriptive summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mackey, H.E. Jr.; Riley, R.S.


    The water level of Par Pond was lowered approximately 20 feet in mid-1991 in order to protect downstream residents from possible dam failure suggested by subsidence on the downstream slope of the dam and to repair the dam. This lowering exposed both emergent and nonemergent macrophyte beds to drying conditions resulting in extensive losses. A survey of the emergent shoreline aquatic plant communities began in June 1995, three months after the refilling of Par Pond to approximately 200 feet above mean sea level and continued with this late October survey. Communities similar to the pre-drawdown Par Pond aquatic plant communities are becoming re-established; especially, beds of maiden cane, lotus, waterlily, and watershield are now extensive and well established. Cattail occurrence continues to increase, but large beds common to Par Pond prior to the drawdown have not formed. Future surveys throughout 1996 and 1997, along with the continued evaluation of satellite data to map the areal extent of the macrophyte beds of Par Pond, are planned

  14. Par Pond vegetation status Summer 1995 -- September survey descriptive summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mackey, H.E. Jr.; Riley, R.S.


    The water level of Par Pond was lowered approximately 20 feet in mid-1991 in order to protect downstream residents from possible dam failure suggested by subsidence on the downstream slope of the dam and to repair the dam. This lowering exposed both emergent and nonemergent macrophyte beds to drying conditions resulting in extensive losses. A survey of the emergent shoreline aquatic plant communities began in June 1995, three months after the refilling of Par Pond to approximately 200 feet above mean sea level and continued with this mid-September survey. Communities similar to the pre-drawdown Par Pond aquatic plant communities are becoming re-established; especially, beds of maidencane, lotus, waterlily, and watershield are now extensive and well established. Cattail occurrence continues to increase, but large beds common to Par Pond prior to the drawdown have not formed. Future surveys during the late growing seasons of 1995, and throughout 1996 and 1997, along with the evaluation of satellite data to map the areal extent of the macrophyte beds of Par Pond, are planned

  15. Improved Satellite-based Photosysnthetically Active Radiation (PAR) for Air Quality Studies (United States)

    Pour Biazar, A.; McNider, R. T.; Cohan, D. S.; White, A.; Zhang, R.; Dornblaser, B.; Doty, K.; Wu, Y.; Estes, M. J.


    One of the challenges in understanding the air quality over forested regions has been the uncertainties in estimating the biogenic hydrocarbon emissions. Biogenic volatile organic compounds, BVOCs, play a critical role in atmospheric chemistry, particularly in ozone and particulate matter (PM) formation. In southeastern United States, BVOCs (mostly as isoprene) are the dominant summertime source of reactive hydrocarbon. Despite significant efforts in improving BVOC estimates, the errors in emission inventories remain a concern. Since BVOC emissions are particularly sensitive to the available photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), model errors in PAR result in large errors in emission estimates. Thus, utilization of satellite observations to estimate PAR can help in reducing emission uncertainties. Satellite-based PAR estimates rely on the technique used to derive insolation from satellite visible brightness measurements. In this study we evaluate several insolation products against surface pyranometer observations and offer a bias correction to generate a more accurate PAR product. The improved PAR product is then used in biogenic emission estimates. The improved biogenic emission estimates are compared to the emission inventories over Texas and used in air quality simulation over the period of August-September 2013 (NASA's Discover-AQ field campaign). A series of sensitivity simulations will be performed and evaluated against Discover-AQ observations to test the impact of satellite-derived PAR on air quality simulations.

  16. SAFARI 2000 PAR Measurements, Kalahari Transect, Botswana, Wet Season 2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Ceptometer data from a Decagon AccuPAR (Model PAR-80) were collected at four sites in Botswana during the SAFARI 2000 Kalahari Transect Wet Season Campaign (March,...

  17. Lumbar lordosis and pars interarticularis fractures: a case-control study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bugg, William G.; Lewis, Mark; Juette, Arne; Cahir, John G.; Toms, Andoni P.


    The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between lumbar lordosis and pars interarticularis fractures. In this retrospective case-control study we compare the angle of lumbar lordosis and the angle of the S1 vertebral endplate (as a measure of pelvic tilt) in patients with bilateral L5 pars interarticularis fractures with age- and sex-matched control cases with normal MRI examinations of the lumbar spine. Twenty-nine cases of bilateral L5 pars interarticularis fractures with matched control-cases were identified on MRI (16 male, 13 female, age 9-63 years). The angle of lordosis was measured between the inferior L4 and superior S1 vertebral endplates on a standing lateral lumbar spine radiograph for both groups. The mean angle of lordosis about the L5 vertebra was 36.9 (SD = 6.5 ) in the pars interarticularis fracture group, and 30.1 (SD = 6.4 ) in the control group. The difference between the two groups was significant (mean difference 6.8 , Student's t test: P < 0.001). The mean angle of sacral tilt measured was 122.2 (SD = 10.16 ) for controls and 136.4 (SD = 10.86 ) for patients with pars defects. The difference in the means of 14.2 was statistically significantly different (P < 0.0001). Sacral tilt represented by a steeply angled superior endplate of S1 is associated with a significantly increased angle of lordosis, between L4 and S1, and pars fractures at L5. Steep angulation of the first sacral vertebral segment maybe the predisposing biomechanical factor that leads to pincer-like impingement of the pars interarticularis and then spondylolysis. (orig.)

  18. Lumbar lordosis and pars interarticularis fractures: a case-control study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bugg, William G; Lewis, Mark; Juette, Arne; Cahir, John G; Toms, Andoni P [Cotman Centre, Norwich Radiology Academy, Norwich, Norfolk (United Kingdom)


    The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between lumbar lordosis and pars interarticularis fractures. In this retrospective case-control study we compare the angle of lumbar lordosis and the angle of the S1 vertebral endplate (as a measure of pelvic tilt) in patients with bilateral L5 pars interarticularis fractures with age- and sex-matched control cases with normal MRI examinations of the lumbar spine. Twenty-nine cases of bilateral L5 pars interarticularis fractures with matched control-cases were identified on MRI (16 male, 13 female, age 9-63 years). The angle of lordosis was measured between the inferior L4 and superior S1 vertebral endplates on a standing lateral lumbar spine radiograph for both groups. The mean angle of lordosis about the L5 vertebra was 36.9 (SD = 6.5 ) in the pars interarticularis fracture group, and 30.1 (SD = 6.4 ) in the control group. The difference between the two groups was significant (mean difference 6.8 , Student's t test: P < 0.001). The mean angle of sacral tilt measured was 122.2 (SD = 10.16 ) for controls and 136.4 (SD = 10.86 ) for patients with pars defects. The difference in the means of 14.2 was statistically significantly different (P < 0.0001). Sacral tilt represented by a steeply angled superior endplate of S1 is associated with a significantly increased angle of lordosis, between L4 and S1, and pars fractures at L5. Steep angulation of the first sacral vertebral segment maybe the predisposing biomechanical factor that leads to pincer-like impingement of the pars interarticularis and then spondylolysis. (orig.)

  19. Lumbar lordosis and pars interarticularis fractures: a case-control study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bugg, William G.; Lewis, Mark; Juette, Arne; Cahir, John G.; Toms, Andoni P. [Cotman Centre, Norwich Radiology Academy, Norwich, Norfolk (United Kingdom)


    The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between lumbar lordosis and pars interarticularis fractures. In this retrospective case-control study we compare the angle of lumbar lordosis and the angle of the S1 vertebral endplate (as a measure of pelvic tilt) in patients with bilateral L5 pars interarticularis fractures with age- and sex-matched control cases with normal MRI examinations of the lumbar spine. Twenty-nine cases of bilateral L5 pars interarticularis fractures with matched control-cases were identified on MRI (16 male, 13 female, age 9-63 years). The angle of lordosis was measured between the inferior L4 and superior S1 vertebral endplates on a standing lateral lumbar spine radiograph for both groups. The mean angle of lordosis about the L5 vertebra was 36.9 (SD = 6.5 ) in the pars interarticularis fracture group, and 30.1 (SD = 6.4 ) in the control group. The difference between the two groups was significant (mean difference 6.8 , Student's t test: P < 0.001). The mean angle of sacral tilt measured was 122.2 (SD = 10.16 ) for controls and 136.4 (SD = 10.86 ) for patients with pars defects. The difference in the means of 14.2 was statistically significantly different (P < 0.0001). Sacral tilt represented by a steeply angled superior endplate of S1 is associated with a significantly increased angle of lordosis, between L4 and S1, and pars fractures at L5. Steep angulation of the first sacral vertebral segment maybe the predisposing biomechanical factor that leads to pincer-like impingement of the pars interarticularis and then spondylolysis. (orig.)

  20. Croissance epitaxiale de GaAs sur substrats de Ge par epitaxie par faisceaux chimiques (United States)

    Belanger, Simon

    La situation energetique et les enjeux environnementaux auxquels la societe est confrontee entrainent un interet grandissant pour la production d'electricite a partir de l'energie solaire. Parmi les technologies actuellement disponibles, la filiere du photovoltaique a concentrateur solaire (CPV pour concentrator photovoltaics) possede un rendement superieur et mi potentiel interessant a condition que ses couts de production soient competitifs. La methode d'epitaxie par faisceaux chimiques (CBE pour chemical beam epitaxy) possede plusieurs caracteristiques qui la rendent interessante pour la production a grande echelle de cellules photovoltaiques a jonctions multiples a base de semi-conducteurs III-V. Ce type de cellule possede la meilleure efficacite atteinte a ce jour et est utilise sur les satellites et les systemes photovoltaiques a concentrateur solaire (CPV) les plus efficaces. Une des principales forces de la technique CBE se trouve dans son potentiel d'efficacite d'utilisation des materiaux source qui est superieur a celui de la technique d'epitaxie qui est couramment utilisee pour la production a grande echelle de ces cellules. Ce memoire de maitrise presente les travaux effectues dans le but d'evaluer le potentiel de la technique CBE pour realiser la croissance de couches de GaAs sur des substrats de Ge. Cette croissance constitue la premiere etape de fabrication de nombreux modeles de cellules solaires a haute performance decrites plus haut. La realisation de ce projet a necessite le developpement d'un procede de preparation de surface pour les substrats de germanium, la realisation de nombreuses sceances de croissance epitaxiale et la caracterisation des materiaux obtenus par microscopie optique, microscopie a force atomique (AFM), diffraction des rayons-X a haute resolution (HRXRD), microscopie electronique a transmission (TEM), photoluminescence a basse temperature (LTPL) et spectrometrie de masse des ions secondaires (SIMS). Les experiences ont permis

  1. ParTIES: a toolbox for Paramecium interspersed DNA elimination studies. (United States)

    Denby Wilkes, Cyril; Arnaiz, Olivier; Sperling, Linda


    Developmental DNA elimination occurs in a wide variety of multicellular organisms, but ciliates are the only single-celled eukaryotes in which this phenomenon has been reported. Despite considerable interest in ciliates as models for DNA elimination, no standard methods for identification and characterization of the eliminated sequences are currently available. We present the Paramecium Toolbox for Interspersed DNA Elimination Studies (ParTIES), designed for Paramecium species, that (i) identifies eliminated sequences, (ii) measures their presence in a sequencing sample and (iii) detects rare elimination polymorphisms. ParTIES is multi-threaded Perl software available at ParTIES is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence v3. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  2. Effect of simvastatin and ezetimibe on suPAR levels and outcomes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hodges, Gethin W; Bang, Casper N; Forman, Julie L


    -lowering therapy also lowers suPAR levels is unknown. METHODS: We investigated whether treatment with Simvastatin 40 mg and Ezetimibe 10 mg lowered plasma suPAR levels in 1838 patients with mild-moderate, asymptomatic aortic stenosis, included in the Simvastatin and Ezetimibe in Aortic Stenosis (SEAS) study, using...... and Ezetimibe treatment impeded the progression of the time-related increase in plasma suPAR levels. Year-1 suPAR was associated with all-cause mortality, MCE, and AVE irrespective of baseline levels (SEAS study: NCT00092677)....... cardiovascular events (MCE) composed of ischemic cardiovascular events (ICE) and aortic valve related events (AVE). RESULTS: After 4.3 years of follow-up, suPAR levels had increased by 9.2% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 7.0%-11.5%) in the placebo group, but only by 4.1% (1.9%-6.2%) in the group with lipid...

  3. Paracrine Apoptotic Effect of p53 Mediated by Tumor Suppressor Par-4

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ravshan Burikhanov


    Full Text Available The guardian of the genome, p53, is often mutated in cancer and may contribute to therapeutic resistance. Given that p53 is intact and functional in normal tissues, we harnessed its potential to inhibit the growth of p53-deficient cancer cells. Specific activation of p53 in normal fibroblasts selectively induced apoptosis in p53-deficient cancer cells. This paracrine effect was mediated by p53-dependent secretion of the tumor suppressor Par-4. Accordingly, the activation of p53 in normal mice, but not p53−/− or Par-4−/− mice, caused systemic elevation of Par-4, which induced apoptosis of p53-deficient tumor cells. Mechanistically, p53 induced Par-4 secretion by suppressing the expression of its binding partner, UACA, which sequesters Par-4. Thus, normal cells can be empowered by p53 activation to induce Par-4 secretion for the inhibition of therapy-resistant tumors.

  4. Efficacy and safety of the pars plana clip in the Ahmed valve device inserted via the pars plana in patients with refractory glaucoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Diaz-Llopis


    Full Text Available Manuel Diaz-Llopis1,2,3, David Salom1,3, Salvador García-Delpech1,2,3, Patricia Udaondo1,3, Jose Maria Millan3,5, J Fernando Arevalo61Department of Ophthalmology, La Fe University Hospital of Valencia, Valencia, Spain; 2Department of Ophthalmology of the Valencia University, Valencia, Spain; 3Biomedical Network Research Centre on Rare Diseases (CIBERER, Valencia, Spain; 4Catholic University San Vicente Martir, Valencia, Spain; 5Department of Genetics, La Fe University Hospital of Valencia, Valencia, Spain; 6Clinica Oftalmologica Centro Caracas, Retina and VItreous Service, Caracas, DC, VenezuelaPurpose: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the pars plana clip (PPC in the Ahmed valve tube inserted via the pars plana in patients with secondary refractory glaucomas.Methods: Prospective and interventional case series that included 10 patients with secondary refractory glaucoma. The pars plana vitrectomy and the implant of the modified tube were performed during the same surgery. Control of intraocular pressure (IOP and the development of intra- and postoperative complications were evaluated during the follow-up.Results: Follow-up time was twelve months in all the patients. Control of IOP was achieved in 90% of patients, and 70% needed no antiglaucoma treatment. The complications that occurred were transient hypotony in three cases, choroidal detachment in two cases, and one case of intraocular hemorrhage. No case of tube extrusion or tube kink was observed.Conclusions: Our data suggests that implantation of the Ahmed tube modified with the PPC via the pars plana is safe and effective in patients with secondary refractory glaucomas. Keywords: pars plana clip, Ahmed valve, refractory glaucoma, pars plana vitrectomy

  5. Effects of solar PAR and UV radiation on tropical biofouling communities

    KAUST Repository

    Dobretsov, SV


    We investigated the effect of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) on the development of tropical micro- and macrofouling communities for 30 d. The experimental design involved 3 treatments: full spectrum (PAR+UVR), PAR only, and minimal light (reduced PAR and UVR). Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis demonstrated that different light conditions resulted in the formation of highly different microbial communities. The lowest densities of bacteria were found under the full spectrum treatment, while the lowest densities of diatoms were found in the minimal light treatment. Macrofouling communities consisted of 13 species and differed among light treatments. In the presence of UVR, communities had low species diversity, evenness, and richness, while in minimal light and PAR treatments, communities had high species diversity, evenness, and richness. Similarity percentage (SIMPER) analysis revealed that the tubeworm Hydroides elegans, the alga Ulva (Enteromorpha) sp., and the bivalve Perna viridis were the species responsible for most of the dissimilarities in macrofouling communities among treatments. While densities of H. elegans were similar in the PAR and minimal light treatments, this polychaete had higher growth rates under minimal light conditions. We conclude that UVR and PAR directly control the development of shallow micro- and macrofouling communities by inhibiting the recruitment and growth of sensitive species and promoting the growth of resistant species, but also that these forms of solar radiation influence the surface cues available to competent larvae by altering the development of the microbial community.

  6. Paternal age related schizophrenia (PARS): Latent subgroups detected by k-means clustering analysis. (United States)

    Lee, Hyejoo; Malaspina, Dolores; Ahn, Hongshik; Perrin, Mary; Opler, Mark G; Kleinhaus, Karine; Harlap, Susan; Goetz, Raymond; Antonius, Daniel


    Paternal age related schizophrenia (PARS) has been proposed as a subgroup of schizophrenia with distinct etiology, pathophysiology and symptoms. This study uses a k-means clustering analysis approach to generate hypotheses about differences between PARS and other cases of schizophrenia. We studied PARS (operationally defined as not having any family history of schizophrenia among first and second-degree relatives and fathers' age at birth ≥ 35 years) in a series of schizophrenia cases recruited from a research unit. Data were available on demographic variables, symptoms (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; PANSS), cognitive tests (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised; WAIS-R) and olfaction (University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test; UPSIT). We conducted a series of k-means clustering analyses to identify clusters of cases containing high concentrations of PARS. Two analyses generated clusters with high concentrations of PARS cases. The first analysis (N=136; PARS=34) revealed a cluster containing 83% PARS cases, in which the patients showed a significant discrepancy between verbal and performance intelligence. The mean paternal and maternal ages were 41 and 33, respectively. The second analysis (N=123; PARS=30) revealed a cluster containing 71% PARS cases, of which 93% were females; the mean age of onset of psychosis, at 17.2, was significantly early. These results strengthen the evidence that PARS cases differ from other patients with schizophrenia. Hypothesis-generating findings suggest that features of PARS may include a discrepancy between verbal and performance intelligence, and in females, an early age of onset. These findings provide a rationale for separating these phenotypes from others in future clinical, genetic and pathophysiologic studies of schizophrenia and in considering responses to treatment. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Par Pond vegetation status Summer 1995 -- June survey descriptive summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mackey, H.E. Jr.; Riley, R.S.


    The water level of Par Pond was lowered approximately 20 feet in mid-1991 in order to protect downstream residents from possible dam failure suggested by subsidence on the downstream slope of the dam and to repair the dam. This lowering exposed both emergent and nonemergent macrophyte beds to drying conditions resulting in extensive losses. A survey of the shoreline aquatic plant communities in June 1995, three months after the refilling of Par Pond to approximately 200 feet above mean sea level, indicated that much of the original plant communities and the intermediate shoreline communities present on the exposed sediments have been lost. The extensive old-field and emergent marsh communities that were present on the exposed shoreline during the drawdown have been flooded and much of the pre-drawdown Par Pond aquatic plant communities have not had sufficient time for re-establishment. The shoreline does, however, have extensive beds of maidencane which extend from the shoreline margin to areas as deep as 2 and perhaps 3 meters. Scattered individual plants of lotus and watershield are common and may indicate likely directions of future wetland development in Par Pond. In addition, within isolated coves, which apparently received ground water seepage and/or stream surface flows during the period of the Par Pond draw down, extensive beds of waterlilies and spike rush are common. Invasion of willow and red maple occurred along the lake shoreline as well. Although not absent from this survey, evidence of the extensive redevelopment of the large cattail and eel grass beds was not observed in this first survey of Par Pond. Future surveys during the growing seasons of 1995, 1996, and 1997 along with the evaluation of satellite date to map the areal extent of the macrophyte beds of Par Pond are planned

  8. [Ambroise Paré, his death and his historians]. (United States)

    Dumaître, P


    Ambroise Paré died December the 20th., 1590. What happened after his death and what are we knowing about his life? Never forgotten, though a lack of care, we were waiting till the XIXth. century to get recollection upon a subject sustained only by accounts of his travels. After Percy, a surgeon who tried to write Paré's biography through the "Biographie universelle ancienne et moderne, de Michaud (1822)" and some second rank authors, Malgaigne is the first who inside a printing of the "Oeuvres complétes de Paré (1840-41)" has a fine look upon the question, though his work is incomplete and allows many mistakes. Doctors Chéreau and Jal, an historian, analysing civil status records, gave new information enlarged by doctors Le Paulmier, Turner and the U.S. native Janet Doe.

  9. Bacterial mitosis: Partitioning protein ParA oscillates in spiral-shaped structures and positions plasmids at mid-cell

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ebersbach, G.; Gerdes, Kenn


    The par2 locus of Escherichia coli plasmid pB171 encodes oscillating ATPase ParA, DNA binding protein ParB and two cis-acting DNA regions to which ParB binds (parC1 and parC2). Three independent techniques were used to investigate the subcellular localization of plasmids carrying par2. In cells......A-GFP oscillated in spiral-shaped structures. Amino acid substitutions in ParA simultaneously abolished ParA spiral formation, oscillation and either plasmid localization or plasmid separation at mid-cell. Therefore, our results suggest that ParA spirals position plasmids at the middle of the bacterial nucleoid...

  10. TMS suppression of right pars triangularis, but not pars opercularis, improves naming in aphasia (United States)

    Naeser, Margaret A.; Martin, Paula I.; Theoret, Hugo; Kobayashi, Masahito; Fregni, Felipe; Nicholas, Marjorie; Tormos, Jose M.; Steven, Megan S.; Baker, Errol H.; Pascual-Leone, Alvaro


    This study sought to discover if an optimum 1 cm2 area in the non-damaged right hemisphere (RH) was present, which could temporarily improve naming in chronic, nonfluent aphasia patients when suppressed with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Ten minutes of slow, 1 Hz rTMS was applied to suppress different RH ROIs in eight aphasia cases. Picture naming and response time (RT) were examined before, and immediately after rTMS. In aphasia patients, suppression of right pars triangularis (PTr) led to significant increase in pictures named, and significant decrease in RT. Suppression of right pars opercularis (POp), however, led to significant increase in RT, but no change in number of pictures named. Eight normals named all pictures correctly; similar to aphasia patients, RT significantly decreased following rTMS to suppress right PTr, versus right POp. Differential effects following suppression of right PTr versus right POp suggest different functional roles for these regions. PMID:21864891

  11. First-in-human uPAR PET: Imaging of Cancer Aggressiveness (United States)

    Persson, Morten; Skovgaard, Dorthe; Brandt-Larsen, Malene; Christensen, Camilla; Madsen, Jacob; Nielsen, Carsten H.; Thurison, Tine; Klausen, Thomas Levin; Holm, Søren; Loft, Annika; Berthelsen, Anne Kiil; Ploug, Michael; Pappot, Helle; Brasso, Klaus; Kroman, Niels; Højgaard, Liselotte; Kjaer, Andreas


    A first-in-human clinical trial with Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) in patients with breast, prostate and bladder cancer, is described. uPAR is expressed in many types of human cancers and the expression is predictive of invasion, metastasis and indicates poor prognosis. uPAR PET imaging therefore holds promise to be a new and innovative method for improved cancer diagnosis, staging and individual risk stratification. The uPAR specific peptide AE105 was conjugated to the macrocyclic chelator DOTA and labeled with 64Cu for targeted molecular imaging with PET. The safety, pharmacokinetic, biodistribution profile and radiation dosimetry after a single intravenous dose of 64Cu-DOTA-AE105 were assessed by serial PET and computed tomography (CT) in 4 prostate, 3 breast and 3 bladder cancer patients. Safety assessment with laboratory blood screening tests was performed before and after PET ligand injection. In a subgroup of the patients, the in vivo stability of our targeted PET ligand was determined in collected blood and urine. No adverse or clinically detectable side effects in any of the 10 patients were found. The ligand exhibited good in vivo stability and fast clearance from plasma and tissue compartments by renal excretion. In addition, high uptake in both primary tumor lesions and lymph node metastases was seen and paralleled high uPAR expression in excised tumor tissue. Overall, this first-in-human study therefore provides promising evidence for safe use of 64Cu-DOTA-AE105 for uPAR PET imaging in cancer patients. PMID:26516369

  12. Rat beta-LPH, gamma-LPH and beta-endorphin biosynthesized by isolated cells of pars intermedia and pars distalis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gianoulakis, C.; Seidah, N.G.; Routhier, R.; Chretien, M.


    Rats pars intermedia cells were incubated for 3 h with the following amino-acids: a) 35 S-methionine and 3 H-phenylalamine; b) 3 H-valine; and c) 3 H-valine and 3 H-lysine. Radioactive gamma-lipotropin, beta-lipotropin and beta-endorphin were purified on carboxy- methyl-cellulose and characterized by polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis af pH 4.5, molecular weight estimation and microsequencing. Rat gamma-lipotropin was shown to differ slightly from ovine gamma-lipotropin in its NH 2 -terminal amino acid sequence, in containing no methionine and having phenylalanine at position 6, valine at positions 13 and 27, and lysine at position 20. The same variations were observed in the sequence of rat beta-lipotropin, while rat beta-endorphin was shown to be identical to the ovine beta-endorphin. Following a 3-h pulse of rat pars distalis, the cells were extracted with care to avoid beta-lipotropin degradation by proteolytic enzymes. A peptide was purified and identified to be rat beta-endorphin, thus demonstrating that beta-endorphin is biosynthesized in pars distalis and is not an extraction artifact. (author)

  13. Identification of a new epitope in uPAR as a target for the cancer therapeutic monoclonal antibody ATN-658, a structural homolog of the uPAR binding integrin CD11b (αM.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiang Xu

    Full Text Available The urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR plays a role in tumor progression and has been proposed as a target for the treatment of cancer. We recently described the development of a novel humanized monoclonal antibody that targets uPAR and has anti-tumor activity in multiple xenograft animal tumor models. This antibody, ATN-658, does not inhibit ligand binding (i.e. uPA and vitronectin to uPAR and its mechanism of action remains unclear. As a first step in understanding the anti-tumor activity of ATN-658, we set out to identify the epitope on uPAR to which ATN-658 binds. Guided by comparisons between primate and human uPAR, epitope mapping studies were performed using several orthogonal techniques. Systematic site directed and alanine scanning mutagenesis identified the region of aa 268-275 of uPAR as the epitope for ATN-658. No known function has previously been attributed to this epitope Structural insights into epitope recognition were obtained from structural studies of the Fab fragment of ATN-658 bound to uPAR. The structure shows that the ATN-658 binds to the DIII domain of uPAR, close to the C-terminus of the receptor, corroborating the epitope mapping results. Intriguingly, when bound to uPAR, the complementarity determining region (CDR regions of ATN-658 closely mimic the binding regions of the integrin CD11b (αM, a previously identified uPAR ligand thought to be involved in leukocyte rolling, migration and complement fixation with no known role in tumor progression of solid tumors. These studies reveal a new functional epitope on uPAR involved in tumor progression and demonstrate a previously unrecognized strategy for the therapeutic targeting of uPAR.

  14. The protein kinase SIK downregulates the polarity protein Par3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vanlandewijck, Michael; Dadras, Mahsa Shahidi; Lomnytska, Marta


    on Par3. Functionally, this mechanism impacts on tight junction downregulation. Furthermore, SIK contributes to the loss of epithelial polarity and examination of advanced and invasive human cancers of diverse origin displayed high levels of SIK expression and a corresponding low expression of Par3...

  15. PET imaging of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) in prostate cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skovgaard, Dorthe; Persson, Morten; Kjaer, Andreas


    Overexpression of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptors (uPAR) represents an important biomarker for aggressiveness in most common malignant diseases, including prostate cancer (PC). Accordingly, uPAR expression either assessed directly in malignant PC tissue or assessed directly in plasma...... and prognostic imaging method. In this review, we will focus on the recent development of uPAR PET and the relevance within prostate cancer imaging. Novel antibody and small-molecule radiotracers-targeting uPAR, including a series of uPAR-targeting PET ligands, based on the high affinity peptide ligand AE105......, have been synthesized and tested in vitro and in vivo in preclinical murine xenograft models and, recently, in a first-ever clinical uPAR PET study in cancer patients, including patients with PC. In this phase I study, a high and specific uptake of the tracer 64Cu-DOTA-AE105 was found in both primary...

  16. Par3L enhances colorectal cancer cell survival by inhibiting Lkb1/AMPK signaling pathway

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Taiyuan; Liu, Dongning; Lei, Xiong; Jiang, Qunguang


    Partitioning defective 3-like protein (Par3L) is a recently identified cell polarity protein that plays an important role in mammary stem cell maintenance. Previously, we showed that high expression of Par3L is associated with poor survival in malignant colorectal cancer (CRC), but the underlying mechanism remained unknown. To this end, we established a Par3L knockout colorectal cancer cell line using the CRISPR/Cas system. Interestingly, reduced proliferation, enhanced cell death and caspase-3 activation were observed in Par3L knockout (KO) cells as compared with wildtype (WT) cells. Consistent with previous studies, we showed that Par3L interacts with a tumor suppressor protein liver kinase B1 (Lkb1). Moreover, Par3L depletion resulted in abnormal activation of Lkb1/AMPK signaling cascade. Knockdown of Lkb1 in these cells could significantly reduce AMPK activity and partially rescue cell death caused by Par3L knockdown. Furthermore, we showed that Par3L KO cells were more sensitive to chemotherapies and irradiation. Together, these results suggest that Par3L is essential for colorectal cancer cell survival by inhibiting Lkb1/AMPK signaling pathway, and is a putative therapeutic target for CRC. - Highlights: • Par3L knockout using the CRISPR/Cas system induces apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells. • Par3L interacts with Lkb1 and regulates the activity of AMPK signaling cascade. • Par3L knockout cells are more sensitive to treatment of different chemotherapy drugs and irradiation.

  17. Profils des enfants infectes par le vih en debut du traitement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    But : Décrire les profils des enfants infectés par le VIH au début du traitement antirétroviral. Matériels et méthode: Les dossiers des enfants infectés par le VIH dans la région maritime ont été analysés de mai 2008 à février 2010 par le comité thérapeutique. Résultats: Parmi les 96 dossiers analysés, 66,67% venaient du ...

  18. Brief communication: Population variation in human maxillary premolar accessory ridges (MxPAR). (United States)

    Burnett, Scott E; Hawkey, Diane E; Turner, Christy G


    The purpose of this brief communication is to report the results of an analysis of maxillary premolar accessory ridges (MxPAR), a common but understudied accessory ridge that may occur both mesial and distal to the central ridge of the buccal cusp of upper premolars. We developed a new five-grade scoring plaque to better categorize MxPAR variation. Subsequently, we conducted a population analysis of MxPAR frequency in 749 dental casts of South African Indian, American Chinese, Alaskan Eskimo, Tohono O'odham (Papago), Akimel O'odham (Pima), Solomon Islander, South African Bantu, and both American and South African Whites. Northeast Asian and Asian-derived populations exhibited the highest MxPAR frequencies while Indo-European samples (South African Indians, American and South African Whites) exhibited relatively low frequencies. The Solomon Islanders and South African Bantu samples exhibited intermediate frequencies. Our analysis indicates that statistically significant differences in MxPAR frequency exist between major geographic populations. As a result, the MxPAR plaque has now been added to the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System, an important contribution as maxillary premolar traits are underrepresented in analyses of dental morphology. 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  19. Intoxication par la paraphényléne-diamine

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    9 mars 2011 ... remède contre la douleur par Averbukh [8], ou contre la constipation par Schemesh [9], mais l´utilisation à des fins autolytique reste toujours prédominante. Le tableau clinique de l´intoxication à ... une anurie ayant nécessité le recours à l´hémodialyse. Ce taux de survenue d´IRA anurique est relativement ...

  20. Profiling gene expression induced by protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2 activation in human kidney cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacky Y Suen

    Full Text Available Protease-Activated Receptor-2 (PAR2 has been implicated through genetic knockout mice with cytokine regulation and arthritis development. Many studies have associated PAR2 with inflammatory conditions (arthritis, airways inflammation, IBD and key events in tumor progression (angiogenesis, metastasis, but they have relied heavily on the use of single agonists to identify physiological roles for PAR2. However such probes are now known not to be highly selective for PAR2, and thus precisely what PAR2 does and what mechanisms of downstream regulation are truly affected remain obscure. Effects of PAR2 activation on gene expression in Human Embryonic Kidney cells (HEK293, a commonly studied cell line in PAR2 research, were investigated here by comparing 19,000 human genes for intersecting up- or down-regulation by both trypsin (an endogenous protease that activates PAR2 and a PAR2 activating hexapeptide (2f-LIGRLO-NH(2. Among 2,500 human genes regulated similarly by both agonists, there were clear associations between PAR2 activation and cellular metabolism (1,000 genes, the cell cycle, the MAPK pathway, HDAC and sirtuin enzymes, inflammatory cytokines, and anti-complement function. PAR-2 activation up-regulated four genes more than 5 fold (DUSP6, WWOX, AREG, SERPINB2 and down-regulated another six genes more than 3 fold (TXNIP, RARG, ITGB4, CTSD, MSC and TM4SF15. Both PAR2 and PAR1 activation resulted in up-regulated expression of several genes (CD44, FOSL1, TNFRSF12A, RAB3A, COPEB, CORO1C, THBS1, SDC4 known to be important in cancer. This is the first widespread profiling of specific activation of PAR2 and provides a valuable platform for better understanding key mechanistic roles of PAR2 in human physiology. Results clearly support the development of both antagonists and agonists of human PAR2 as potential disease modifying therapeutic agents.

  1. par genes in Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium smegmatis are arranged in an operon transcribed from "SigGC" promoters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Casart Yveth


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The ParA/Soj and ParB/Spo0J proteins, and the cis-acting parS site, participate actively in chromosome segregation and cell cycle progression. Genes homologous to parA and parB, and two putative parS copies, have been identified in the Mycobacterium bovis BCG and Mycobacterium smegmatis chromosomes. As in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the parA and parB genes in these two non-pathogenic mycobacteria are located near the chromosomal origin of replication. The present work focused on the determination of the transcriptional organisation of the ~6 Kb orf60K-parB region of M. bovis BCG and M. smegmatis by primer extension, transcriptional fusions to the green fluorescence protein (GFP and quantitative RT-PCR. Results The parAB genes were arranged in an operon. However, we also found promoters upstream of each one of these genes. Seven putative promoter sequences were identified in the orf60K-parB region of M. bovis BCG, whilst four were identified in the homologous region of M. smegmatis, one upstream of each open reading frame (ORF. Real-time PCR assays showed that in M. smegmatis, mRNA-parA and mRNA-parB levels decreased between the exponential and stationary phases. In M. bovis BCG, mRNA-parA levels also decreased between the exponential and stationary phases. However, parB expression was higher than parA expression and remained almost unchanged along the growth curve. Conclusion The majority of the proposed promoter regions had features characteristic of Mycobacterium promoters previously denoted as Group D. The -10 hexamer of a strong E. coli σ70-like promoter, located upstream of gidB of M. bovis BCG, overlapped with a putative parS sequence, suggesting that the transcription from this promoter might be regulated by the binding of ParB to parS.

  2. Material tipo de helmintos en el Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, (MUSM, Lima, Perú

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizabeth Morales


    Full Text Available Se presenta una lista de 44 especies correspondiente al material tipo de 511 especímenes (34 holotipos, 9 alotipos, 418 paratipos y 50 sintipos de helmintos (Trematoda, Monogenea, Cestoidea, Nematoda y Acanthocephala , parásitos en vertebrados e invertebrados de Perú, Chile y Estados Unidos de Norte América, que se encuentran depositados en la Colección Helmintológica del Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (MUSM, Lima, Perú. Se incluye también algunos comentarios nomenclaturales.

  3. Quand l’internaute bouscule la rédaction. Mutations journalistiques liées aux commentaires en ligne au Burkina Faso.


    Marie-Soleil Frère


    Les contributions des internautes sur les sites d’information ont déjà fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches dans le contexte européen ou nord-américain (Degand & Simonson 2011, Falguères 2008, Paulussen & Ugille 2008, Rebillard & Touboul 2010, Calabrese 2014). Sur base d’une étude de terrain menée au Burkina Faso en 2012, cet article vise à cerner les mutations induites par les commentaires des internautes postés sur les sites des médias en ligne. Ces mutations concerne...

  4. Par-4-mediated recruitment of Amida to the actin cytoskeleton leads to the induction of apoptosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boosen, Meike; Vetterkind, Susanne; Koplin, Ansgar; Illenberger, Susanne; Preuss, Ute


    Par-4 (prostate apoptosis response-4) sensitizes cells to apoptotic stimuli, but the exact mechanisms are still poorly understood. Using Par-4 as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified Amida as a novel interaction partner, a ubiquitously expressed protein which has been suggested to be involved in apoptotic processes. Complex formation of Par-4 and Amida occurs in vitro and in vivo and is mediated via the C-termini of both proteins, involving the leucine zipper of Par-4. Amida resides mainly in the nucleus but displays nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling in heterokaryons. Upon coexpression with Par-4 in REF52.2 cells, Amida translocates to the cytoplasm and is recruited to actin filaments by Par-4, resulting in enhanced induction of apoptosis. The synergistic effect of Amida/Par-4 complexes on the induction of apoptosis is abrogated when either Amida/Par-4 complex formation or association of these complexes with the actin cytoskeleton is impaired, indicating that the Par-4-mediated relocation of Amida to the actin cytoskeleton is crucial for the pro-apoptotic function of Par-4/Amida complexes in REF52.2 cells. The latter results in enhanced phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain of myosin II (MLC) as has previously been shown for Par-4-mediated recruitment of DAP-like kinase (Dlk), suggesting that the recruitment of nuclear proteins involved in the regulation of apoptotic processes to the actin filament system by Par-4 represents a potent mechanism how Par-4 can trigger apoptosis

  5. Prognostic value of suPAR and hs-CRP on cardiovascular disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Diederichsen, Marie Zöga; Diederichsen, Søren Zöga; Mickley, Hans


    Background and aims: Studies have shown that soluble urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor (suPAR) and CRP (both inflammatory markers) and coronary artery calcification (CAC) are independent risk predictors for cardiovascular (CV) disease. The aim of this study is to assess whether suPAR and CRP...... have an increased predictive prognostic value beyond the traditional CV risk factors and the CAC score. Methods: A population sample of 1179 subjects, free of CV disease was included. The subjects underwent traditional CV risk evaluation, CAC assessment and blood sampling for suPAR and CRP. CV events...

  6. mTORC2 activation is regulated by the urokinase receptor (uPAR) in bladder cancer. (United States)

    Hau, Andrew M; Leivo, Mariah Z; Gilder, Andrew S; Hu, Jing-Jing; Gonias, Steven L; Hansel, Donna E


    Mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2) has been identified as a major regulator of bladder cancer cell migration and invasion. Upstream pathways that mediate mTORC2 activation remain poorly defined. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) is a GPI-anchored membrane protein and known activator of cell-signaling. We identified increased uPAR expression in 94% of invasive human bladder cancers and in 54-71% of non-invasive bladder cancers, depending on grade. Normal urothelium was uPAR-immunonegative. Analysis of publicly available datasets identified uPAR gene amplification or mRNA upregulation in a subset of bladder cancer patients with reduced overall survival. Using biochemical approaches, we showed that uPAR activates mTORC2 in bladder cancer cells. Highly invasive bladder cancer cell lines, including T24, J82 and UM-UC-3 cells, showed increased uPAR mRNA expression and protein levels compared with the less aggressive cell lines, UROtsa and RT4. uPAR gene-silencing significantly reduced phosphorylation of Serine-473 in Akt, an mTORC2 target. uPAR gene-silencing also reduced bladder cancer cell migration and Matrigel invasion. S473 phosphorylation was observed by immunohistochemistry in human bladder cancers only when the tumors expressed high levels of uPAR. S473 phosphorylation was not controlled by uPAR in bladder cancer cell lines that are PTEN-negative; however, this result probably did not reflect altered mTORC2 regulation. Instead, PTEN deficiency de-repressed alternative kinases that phosphorylate S473. Our results suggest that uPAR and mTORC2 are components of a single cell-signaling pathway. Targeting uPAR or mTORC2 may be beneficial in patients with bladder cancer. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  7. Réduction du risque d'infection par le VIH au Botswana - essais ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Au Botswana, ce sont les jeunes femmes qui sont le plus touchées par les nouvelles infections par le VIH. Le présent projet a pour but de réduire le nombre de nouveaux cas d'infection par le VIH, en particulier chez les femmes de 15 à 29 ans. Bien que l'on recense des cas de VIH/sida dans la plupart des régions du ...

  8. A mechanism for ParB-dependent waves of ParA, a protein related to DNA segregation during cell division in prokaryotes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hunding, Axel; Gerdes, Kenn; Charbon, Gitte Ebersbach


    in an autocatalytic process. We discuss this mechanism in relation to recent models for MinDE oscillations in E.coli and to microtubule degradation in mitosis. The study points to an ancestral role for the presented pattern types in generating bipolarity in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.......Prokaryotic plasmids encode partitioning (par) loci involved in segregation of DNA to daughter cells at cell division. A functional fusion protein consisting of Walker-type ParA ATPase and green fluorescent protein (Gfp) oscillates back and forth within nucleoid regions with a wave period of about...

  9. [Ambroise Paré in French literature]. (United States)

    Dumaitre, P


    The 16th century by its passionate side has been the favourite one of authors of historical novels in which among the heroes of "cloak and dagger stories" appears sometime Ambroise Paré. Alexandre Dumas (the father) has shown him at the court of Charles IX in La Reine Margot (1845) where he does not however play a great role. On the contrary, Balzac in Le Martyr calviniste (1842) has given him a capital part close to the dying François II, whom he intended to trepanize but had to give up this idea as a consequence of the opposition of the queen-mother Catherine de Médicis. In the present century, Robert Merle in Paris ma bonne ville (Fortune de France, 3, 1980) shows Paré at the time of the Saint Barthélemy.

  10. Les dispensées par fantaisie en éducation physique et sportive ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cette étude vise à comprendre les raisons avancées par les élèves dispensés par fantaisie des cours d'EPS, pour justifier leur attitude et principalement leur forfait. Une enquête par questionnaire écrit a été menée dans 13 établissements publics de la ville de Porto-Novo au Bénin. Au total, 203 élèves parmi les 771 élèves ...

  11. Complexation de l'aluminium par des hétéropolyanions lacunaires ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'objectif visé par cette étude est la dépollution des eaux à partir de la complexation d'un métal toxique, l'aluminium en solution, par des hétéropolyanions lacunaires (HPA) de type Dawson. Les complexes formés sont récupérés par membrane liquide émulsionnée (MEL).Les résultats de la complex1ation de l'aluminium ...

  12. Removal of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) factor suPAR using CytoSorb. (United States)

    Schenk, Heiko; Müller-Deile, Janina; Schmitt, Roland; Bräsen, Jan Hinrich; Haller, Hermann; Schiffer, Mario


    Treatment of primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and its recurrence after kidney transplantation associated with rapid deterioration of kidney function remains to be challenging despite advances in immunosuppressive therapy. The presence of circulating factors has been postulated to be a pivotal player in the pathogenesis of FSGS, although suPAR and CLCF-1 have been identified as the most promising causative factors. The potential therapeutic effect of suPAR elimination in an FSGS patient using CytoSorb, a hemoadsorption device that gained attention in the cytokine elimination in septic patients, was studied. Efficiency of total plasma exchange to remove suPAR was determined. CytoSorb hemoadsorption caused a 27.33% reduction of the suPAR level in a single treatment, whereas total plasma exchange showed a suPAR level reduction of 25.12% (n = 3; 95% confidence interval, 0.2777-0.8090; P < 0.01), which may indicate therapeutic potential in the treatment of primary FSGS and its recurrence in a kidney transplant. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Thrombin induces rapid PAR1-mediated non-classical FGF1 release

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duarte, Maria; Kolev, Vihren; Soldi, Raffaella; Kirov, Alexander; Graziani, Irene; Oliveira, Silvia Marta; Kacer, Doreen; Friesel, Robert; Maciag, Thomas; Prudovsky, Igor


    Thrombin induces cell proliferation and migration during vascular injury. We report that thrombin rapidly stimulated expression and release of the pro-angiogenic polypeptide fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1). Thrombin failed to induce FGF1 release from protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1) null fibroblasts, indicating that this effect was dependent on PAR1. Similarly to thrombin, FGF1 expression and release were induced by TRAP, a specific oligopeptide agonist of PAR1. These results identify a novel aspect of the crosstalk between FGF and thrombin signaling pathways which both play important roles in tissue repair and angiogenesis

  14. Examining relational empowerment for elementary school students in a yPAR program. (United States)

    Langhout, Regina Day; Collins, Charles; Ellison, Erin Rose


    This paper joins relational empowerment, youth empowerment, and Bridging Multiple Worlds frameworks to examine forms of relational empowerment for children in two intermediary institutions-school and a youth participatory action research after-school program (yPAR ASP). Participants were twelve children, most of whom were Latina/o and from im/migrant families, enrolled in a yPAR ASP for 2 years. A mixed-method approach was utilized; we analyzed children's interviews, self-defined goals, and their social networks to examine their experiences of relational empowerment. We conclude that children experienced each of the five relational empowerment factors-collaborative competence, bridging social divisions, facilitating others' empowerment, mobilizing networks, and passing on a legacy-in the yPAR ASP setting, and some factors in school. These experiences, however, were more pronounced in the yPAR ASP setting. Additionally, social network analyses revealed that a small but meaningful percentage of actors bridged worlds, especially home and family, but by year 2, also school and the yPAR ASP. Finally, most helpers for school-based goals came from school, but a sizable number came from family, friends, and home worlds, and by year 2, also came from the yPAR ASP. Implications range from theoretical to methodological development, including the use of social network analysis as a tool to descriptively examine relational power in context.

  15. Elevated soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) predicts mortality in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mölkänen, T; Ruotsalainen, E; Thorball, C W


    The soluble form of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a new inflammatory marker. High suPAR levels have been shown to associate with mortality in cancer and in chronic infections like HIV and tuberculosis, but reports on the role of suPAR in acute bacteremic infections...... are scarce. To elucidate the role of suPAR in a common bacteremic infection, the serum suPAR levels in 59 patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAB) were measured using the suPARnostic ELISA assay and associations to 1-month mortality and with deep infection focus were analyzed. On day three, after...... the first positive blood culture for S. aureus, suPAR levels were higher in 19 fatalities (median 12.3; range 5.7-64.6 ng/mL) than in 40 survivors (median 8.4; range 3.7-17.6 ng/mL, p = 0.002). This difference persisted for 10 days. The presence of deep infection focus was not associated with elevated su...

  16. The polarity protein Par6 is coupled to the microtubule network during molluscan early embryogenesis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Homma, Taihei [Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 (Japan); Shimizu, Miho [Kuroda Chiromorphology Team, ERATO-SORST, JST, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902 (Japan); Kuroda, Reiko, E-mail: [Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 (Japan); Kuroda Chiromorphology Team, ERATO-SORST, JST, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902 (Japan); Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902 (Japan)


    Research highlights: {yields} The cDNAs encoding Par6 and aPKC homologues were cloned from the snail Lymnaea stagnalis. {yields} L. stagnalis Par6 directly interacts with tubulin and microtubules and localizes to the microtubule cytoskeleton during the early embryogenesis. {yields} Identical sequence and localization of LsPar6 for the dextral and the sinistral snails exclude the possibility of the gene being the primary determinant of body handedness. -- Abstract: Cell polarity, which directs the orientation of asymmetric cell division and segregation of fate determinants, is a fundamental feature of development and differentiation. Regulators of polarity have been extensively studied, and the critical importance of the Par (partitioning-defective) complex as the polarity machinery is now recognized in a wide range of eukaryotic systems. The Par polarity module is evolutionarily conserved, but its mechanism and cooperating factors vary among different systems. Here we describe the cloning and characterization of a pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis homologue of partitioning-defective 6 (Lspar6). The protein product LsPar6 shows high affinity for microtubules and localizes to the mitotic apparatus during embryonic cell division. In vitro assays revealed direct binding of LsPar6 to tubulin and microtubules, which is the first evidence of the direct interaction between the two proteins. The interaction is mediated by two distinct regions of LsPar6 both located in the N-terminal half. Atypical PKC, a functional partner of Par6, was also found to localize to the mitotic spindle. These results suggest that the L. stagnalis Par complex employs the microtubule network in cell polarity processes during the early embryogenesis. Identical sequence and localization of LsPar6 for the dextral and the sinistral snails exclude the possibility of the gene being the primary determinant of handedness.

  17. The polarity protein Par6 is coupled to the microtubule network during molluscan early embryogenesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Homma, Taihei; Shimizu, Miho; Kuroda, Reiko


    Research highlights: → The cDNAs encoding Par6 and aPKC homologues were cloned from the snail Lymnaea stagnalis. → L. stagnalis Par6 directly interacts with tubulin and microtubules and localizes to the microtubule cytoskeleton during the early embryogenesis. → Identical sequence and localization of LsPar6 for the dextral and the sinistral snails exclude the possibility of the gene being the primary determinant of body handedness. -- Abstract: Cell polarity, which directs the orientation of asymmetric cell division and segregation of fate determinants, is a fundamental feature of development and differentiation. Regulators of polarity have been extensively studied, and the critical importance of the Par (partitioning-defective) complex as the polarity machinery is now recognized in a wide range of eukaryotic systems. The Par polarity module is evolutionarily conserved, but its mechanism and cooperating factors vary among different systems. Here we describe the cloning and characterization of a pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis homologue of partitioning-defective 6 (Lspar6). The protein product LsPar6 shows high affinity for microtubules and localizes to the mitotic apparatus during embryonic cell division. In vitro assays revealed direct binding of LsPar6 to tubulin and microtubules, which is the first evidence of the direct interaction between the two proteins. The interaction is mediated by two distinct regions of LsPar6 both located in the N-terminal half. Atypical PKC, a functional partner of Par6, was also found to localize to the mitotic spindle. These results suggest that the L. stagnalis Par complex employs the microtubule network in cell polarity processes during the early embryogenesis. Identical sequence and localization of LsPar6 for the dextral and the sinistral snails exclude the possibility of the gene being the primary determinant of handedness.

  18. MARK/Par1 Kinase Is Activated Downstream of NMDA Receptors through a PKA-Dependent Mechanism.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura P Bernard

    Full Text Available The Par1 kinases, also known as microtubule affinity-regulating kinases (MARKs, are important for the establishment of cell polarity from worms to mammals. Dysregulation of these kinases has been implicated in autism, Alzheimer's disease and cancer. Despite their important function in health and disease, it has been unclear how the activity of MARK/Par1 is regulated by signals from cell surface receptors. Here we show that MARK/Par1 is activated downstream of NMDA receptors in primary hippocampal neurons. Further, we show that this activation is dependent on protein kinase A (PKA, through the phosphorylation of Ser431 of Par4/LKB1, the major upstream kinase of MARK/Par1. Together, our data reveal a novel mechanism by which MARK/Par1 is activated at the neuronal synapse.

  19. Tumour Microenvironments Induce Expression of Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor (uPAR) and Concomitant Activation of Gelatinolytic Enzymes (United States)

    Magnussen, Synnøve; Hadler-Olsen, Elin; Latysheva, Nadezhda; Pirila, Emma; Steigen, Sonja E.; Hanes, Robert; Salo, Tuula; Winberg, Jan-Olof; Uhlin-Hansen, Lars; Svineng, Gunbjørg


    Background The urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) is associated with poor prognosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), and increased expression of uPAR is often found at the invasive tumour front. The aim of the current study was to elucidate the role of uPAR in invasion and metastasis of OSCC, and the effects of various tumour microenvironments in these processes. Furthermore, we wanted to study whether the cells’ expression level of uPAR affected the activity of gelatinolytic enzymes. Methods The Plaur gene was both overexpressed and knocked-down in the murine OSCC cell line AT84. Tongue and skin tumours were established in syngeneic mice, and cells were also studied in an ex vivo leiomyoma invasion model. Soluble factors derived from leiomyoma tissue, as well as purified extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, were assessed for their ability to affect uPAR expression, glycosylation and cleavage. Activity of gelatinolytic enzymes in the tissues were assessed by in situ zymography. Results We found that increased levels of uPAR did not induce tumour invasion or metastasis. However, cells expressing low endogenous levels of uPAR in vitro up-regulated uPAR expression both in tongue, skin and leiomyoma tissue. Various ECM proteins had no effect on uPAR expression, while soluble factors originating from the leiomyoma tissue increased both the expression and glycosylation of uPAR, and possibly also affected the proteolytic processing of uPAR. Tumours with high levels of uPAR, as well as cells invading leiomyoma tissue with up-regulated uPAR expression, all displayed enhanced activity of gelatinolytic enzymes. Conclusions Although high levels of uPAR are not sufficient to induce invasion and metastasis, the activity of gelatinolytic enzymes was increased. Furthermore, several tumour microenvironments have the capacity to induce up-regulation of uPAR expression, and soluble factors in the tumour microenvironment may have an important role in the

  20. Tumour microenvironments induce expression of urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR and concomitant activation of gelatinolytic enzymes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Synnøve Magnussen

    Full Text Available The urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR is associated with poor prognosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC, and increased expression of uPAR is often found at the invasive tumour front. The aim of the current study was to elucidate the role of uPAR in invasion and metastasis of OSCC, and the effects of various tumour microenvironments in these processes. Furthermore, we wanted to study whether the cells' expression level of uPAR affected the activity of gelatinolytic enzymes.The Plaur gene was both overexpressed and knocked-down in the murine OSCC cell line AT84. Tongue and skin tumours were established in syngeneic mice, and cells were also studied in an ex vivo leiomyoma invasion model. Soluble factors derived from leiomyoma tissue, as well as purified extracellular matrix (ECM proteins, were assessed for their ability to affect uPAR expression, glycosylation and cleavage. Activity of gelatinolytic enzymes in the tissues were assessed by in situ zymography.We found that increased levels of uPAR did not induce tumour invasion or metastasis. However, cells expressing low endogenous levels of uPAR in vitro up-regulated uPAR expression both in tongue, skin and leiomyoma tissue. Various ECM proteins had no effect on uPAR expression, while soluble factors originating from the leiomyoma tissue increased both the expression and glycosylation of uPAR, and possibly also affected the proteolytic processing of uPAR. Tumours with high levels of uPAR, as well as cells invading leiomyoma tissue with up-regulated uPAR expression, all displayed enhanced activity of gelatinolytic enzymes.Although high levels of uPAR are not sufficient to induce invasion and metastasis, the activity of gelatinolytic enzymes was increased. Furthermore, several tumour microenvironments have the capacity to induce up-regulation of uPAR expression, and soluble factors in the tumour microenvironment may have an important role in the regulation of posttranslational

  1. Influencia de los parámetros de proceso, en el comportamiento del parámetro vibración absoluta en turbinas de vapor.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. de la Torre Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabajo muestra el estudio realizado en turbinas de vapor de pequeña capacidad de generación de las centrales termoeléctricas cubanas, relacionadas con la influencia estadística entre parámetros de proceso de la turbina, respecto al parámetro vibración absoluta, medidos en las chumaceras de la turbina. Se utilizan las bases de datos de los sistemas de monitoreado on-line de la turbina. Se exponen las relaciones existentes entre los principales parámetros seleccionados para este estudio.This work show the study in small steam turbine capacity of generation in cubans thermoelectric power station to relative with statistical influence between steam process parameters regarding absolute vibration parameter, in the steam housing measurements. Themselves use database as steam on-line monitoring systems. Expose the existing relation between the principal selection parameters for this study.

  2. Contamination potentielle des aliments par des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    SARA Computers

    la notion de la pollution et de l'exposition aux PCBs, lorsque 77% n'ont pas conscience de cette situation de risque ... 2018). Quoique la contamination par les. PCBs soit de faible niveau, elle est ...... Université Paris-Est, Paris, France ; 183.

  3. Aspectos políticos y literarios de una obra de Alexandr Solschenizyn: Pabellón de cáncer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel García Pérez


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza la obra literaria, Pabellón de cáncer, de Alexandr Solschenizyn, desde su concepción como parábola de la decadencia del estalinismo. La asociación entre crítica y literatura radica en una necesaria introspección del dolor de las víctimas. La parábola y las analogías de una obra perjudican a veces al valor político e histórico del texto. Nuestro artículo intenta recuperar la percepción demoledora que el autor ruso tiene sobre el estalinismo a través de unos personajes que ponen en crisis la estabilidad de un sistema que es una dictadura. La parábola no es solo una metáfora, sino también la constatación de un problema y, en el caso del estalinismo, de unos crímenes, de un oprobio,de una censura y de una estrategia sistemática de abandono y exclusión hacia el intelectual disidente

  4. Accouchement par césarienne et mortalité maternelle du postpartum


    Deneux-Tharaux , Catherine; Carmona , Elodie; Bouvier-Colle , Marie-Hélène; Bréart , Gérard


    Objectifs Une augmentation continue du taux d'accouchements par césarienne (CS)est observée dans la plupart des pays depuis 20 ans. Cette évolution a suscité l'émergence d'un débat controversé sur les risques et les bénéfices associés à la CS. L'objectif de cette étude était d'estimer le risque de mort maternelle du postpartum lié directement à la CS par comparaison à l'accouchement par voie basse, globalement et en distinguant les CS pre- ou intra- partum . Méthode Etude cas/témoins. Les cas...

  5. Prise en charge des intoxications par envenimation chez les enfants ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les signes cliniques étaient dominés par les douleurs (98%) suivies des hémorragies (73,80%) pour les morsures de serpent, la douleur pour les piqures de scorpion (100%) et les oedèmes pour les piqures d'abeilles (100%). Les cas de morsure de serpent ont été traités par le sérum antivenimeux polyvalent. Conclusion: ...

  6. Memoria colectiva, emociones y cultura política: análisis de los actos públicos presentados por el Movimiento Nacional de Víctimas de Crímenes de Estado - MOVICE, capítulo Bogotá


    González Caballero, David Eduardo


    Este escrito presenta los resultados de la investigación dedicada al estudio de las actividades adelantadas por el Capítulo Bogotá del Movimiento Nacional de Víctimas de Crímenes de Estado – MOVICE, en particular de los actos públicos mediante los cuales estas víctimas buscan transmitir su memoria colectiva al conjunto de la sociedad. El texto propone repensar el concepto de cultura política como la lucha por el sentido de lo social, para adaptarlo a las necesidades de un trabajo cualita...

  7. Experimental study about the regulating effect of Par-4 gene overexpression on the nephroblastoma sensitivity to cisplatin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hui-Lin Mao


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the regulating effect of Par-4 gene overexpression on the nephroblastoma sensitivity to cisplatin. Methods: Nephroblastoma SK-NEP-1 cells were cultured and divided into four groups, control group were treated with RMPI-1640 without serum or drugs, cisplatin group were treated with serum-free RMPI-1640 containing 5 μg/mL cisplatin, Par-4 group were transfected by Par-4 overexpression plasmids with serum-free RMPI-1640, and cisplatin + Par-4 group were transfected by Par-4 overexpression plasmid with serum-free RMPI-1640 containing 5 μg/mL cisplatin. The cell proliferation activity as well the expression of apoptosis genes, migration genes and invasion genes was measured. Results: 8 h, 16 h and 24 h after different conditions of treatment, the cell proliferation activity of cisplatin group, Par-4 group and cisplatin + Par-4 group were significantly lower than that of control group, and the cell proliferation activity of cisplatin + Par-4 group was significantly lower than that of cisplatin group and Par-4 group; 24 h after different conditions of treatment, Bim, PDCD4, WT1, RGS4, Axin, KAI1, E-cadherin, PPARγ and PTEN mRNA expression in cisplatin group, Par-4 group and cisplatin + Par-4 group were greatly higher than those in control group whereas GDNF, GFRα1, TUBB3, NME1 and FGF1 mRNA expression were greatly lower than those in control group; Bim, PDCD4, WT1, RGS4, Axin, KAI1, E-cadherin, PPARγ and PTEN mRNA expression in cisplatin + Par-4 group were greatly higher than those in cisplatin group and Par-4 group whereas GDNF, GFRα1, TUBB3, NME1 and FGF1 mRNA expression were greatly significantly lower than those in cisplatin group and Par-4 group. Conclusion: Par-4 gene overexpression can increase the nephroblastoma sensitivity to cisplatin, reduce cell proliferation activity, promote apoptosis and inhibit cell migration and invasion.

  8. Nanomechanical recognition of prognostic biomarker suPAR with DVD-ROM optical technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bache, Michael; Bosco, Filippo G; Brøgger, Anna L; Frøhling, Kasper B; Boisen, Anja; Alstrøm, Tommy Sonne; Hwu, En-Te; Chen, Ching-Hsiu; Hwang, Ing-Shouh; Eugen-Olsen, Jesper


    In this work the use of a high-throughput nanomechanical detection system based on a DVD-ROM optical drive and cantilever sensors is presented for the detection of urokinase plasminogen activator receptor inflammatory biomarker (uPAR). Several large scale studies have linked elevated levels of soluble uPAR (suPAR) to infectious diseases, such as HIV, and certain types of cancer. Using hundreds of cantilevers and a DVD-based platform, cantilever deflection response from antibody–antigen recognition is investigated as a function of suPAR concentration. The goal is to provide a cheap and portable detection platform which can carry valuable prognostic information. In order to optimize the cantilever response the antibody immobilization and unspecific binding are initially characterized using quartz crystal microbalance technology. Also, the choice of antibody is explored in order to generate the largest surface stress on the cantilevers, thus increasing the signal. Using optimized experimental conditions the lowest detectable suPAR concentration is currently around 5 nM. The results reveal promising research strategies for the implementation of specific biochemical assays in a portable and high-throughput microsensor-based detection platform. (paper)

  9. Effect of a physical activity intervention on suPAR levels

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rohde, Christopher; Polcwiartek, Christoffer; Andersen, Eivind


    OBJECTIVES: Soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a novel inflammatory marker, associated with lifestyle diseases and mortality risk. No studies have investigated whether physical activity may reduce suPAR levels using a randomized controlled design. DESIGN AND METHODS......: suPAR and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were determined in blood samples from a previous randomized controlled trial with Pakistani immigrants in Norway, 2008. The study included physically inactive men that were randomized to an intervention group (supervised group exercises) or a control group...... and followed for 5 months. A linear regression model was used and adjusted for age, inactivity level at baseline, and mean difference in CRP levels. RESULTS: Overall, 80 and 53 participants were included in the intervention and control group, respectively. Obesity and smoking were associated with higher su...

  10. uPAR Expression Pattern in Patients with Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dohn, Line Hammer; Pappot, Helle; Iversen, Benedikte Richter


    The objective of the present study was to confirm the expression and localisation pattern of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) focusing on its possible clinical relevance in patients with urothelial neoplasia of the bladder. uPAR is a central molecule in tissue remodelling...... during cancer invasion and metastasis and is an established prognostic marker in various cancer diseases other than bladder cancer. Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tumour-tissue blocks from 186 patients treated with radical cystectomy were analysed. uPAR expression was scored as either negative...... or positive as well as by the actual score. Separate scores were obtained for cancer cells, macrophages and myofibroblasts at the invasive front and in tumour core. We were able to confirm, in an independent patient cohort, the tissue expression and localisation pattern of uPAR as investigated...


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    Nora Domínguez


    literatura ha ido a la par de esos datos, proponiéndose como un campo de fuerzas donde la violencia y el terror, sustrato políticode estas ficciones, deviene en exploración literaria. A partir del análisis de “La parte de los crímenes” de 2666 de Roberto Bolaño (2004, El trabajo de Aníbal Jarkowski (2007 y Le viste la cara a Dios de Gabriela Cabezón Cámara (2012, este artículo piensa los cuerpos de mujeres como los disparadores narrativos que modulan las versiones político-literarias en las que el intercambio mafioso, la prostitución como amenaza neoliberal o la trata de personas funcionan como núcleos duros de verdades del presente. Los textos literarios afincados en límites verbales no logran colmar la experiencia desnuda del sufrimiento y el dolor, pero manipulan los signos materiales que pueden evocarlos y otorgarles significado.

  12. uPA/uPAR system activation drives a glycolytic phenotype in melanoma cells. (United States)

    Laurenzana, Anna; Chillà, Anastasia; Luciani, Cristina; Peppicelli, Silvia; Biagioni, Alessio; Bianchini, Francesca; Tenedini, Elena; Torre, Eugenio; Mocali, Alessandra; Calorini, Lido; Margheri, Francesca; Fibbi, Gabriella; Del Rosso, Mario


    In this manuscript, we show the involvement of the uPA/uPAR system in the regulation of aerobic glycolysis of melanoma cells. uPAR over-expression in human melanoma cells controls an invasive and glycolytic phenotype in normoxic conditions. uPAR down-regulation by siRNA or its uncoupling from integrins, and hence from integrin-linked tyrosine kinase receptors (IL-TKRs), by an antagonist peptide induced a striking inhibition of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR/HIF1α pathway, resulting into impairment of glucose uptake, decrease of several glycolytic enzymes and of PKM2, a checkpoint that controls metabolism of cancer cells. Further, binding of uPA to uPAR regulates expression of molecules that govern cell invasion, including extracellular matrix metallo-proteinases inducer (EMPPRIN) and enolase, a glycolytyc enzyme that also serves as a plasminogen receptor, thus providing a common denominator between tumor metabolism and phenotypic invasive features. Such effects depend on the α5β1-integrin-mediated uPAR connection with EGFR in melanoma cells with engagement of the PI3K-mTOR-HIFα pathway. HIF-1α trans-activates genes whose products mediate tumor invasion and glycolysis, thus providing the common denominator between melanoma metabolism and its invasive features. These findings unveil a unrecognized interaction between the invasion-related uPAR and IL-TKRs in the control of glycolysis and disclose a new pharmacological target (i.e., uPAR/IL-TKRs axis) for the therapy of melanoma. © 2017 UICC.

  13. uPAR Expression Pattern in Patients with Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder--Possible Clinical Implications.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Line Hammer Dohn

    Full Text Available The objective of the present study was to confirm the expression and localisation pattern of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR focusing on its possible clinical relevance in patients with urothelial neoplasia of the bladder. uPAR is a central molecule in tissue remodelling during cancer invasion and metastasis and is an established prognostic marker in various cancer diseases other than bladder cancer. Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tumour-tissue blocks from 186 patients treated with radical cystectomy were analysed. uPAR expression was scored as either negative or positive as well as by the actual score. Separate scores were obtained for cancer cells, macrophages and myofibroblasts at the invasive front and in tumour core. We were able to confirm, in an independent patient cohort, the tissue expression and localisation pattern of uPAR as investigated by Immunohistochemistry as well as a significant association between uPAR positivity and increasing tumour stage and tumour grade. This demonstrates the robustness of our previous and current findings. In addition the association between uPAR positive myofibroblasts and poor survival was reproduced. The highest hazard ratios for survival were seen for uPAR positive myofibroblasts both at the invasive front and in tumour core. Evaluating uPAR expression by the actual score showed a significant association between uPAR positive myofibroblasts in tumour core and an increased risk of cancer specific mortality. Our investigations have generated new and valuable biological information about the cell types being involved in tumour invasion and progression through the plasminogen activation system.

  14. Proteinase-Activated Receptor-1 and Immunomodulatory Effects of a PAR1-Activating Peptide in a Mouse Model of Prostatitis (United States)

    Stanton, M. Mark; Nelson, Lisa K.; Benediktsson, Hallgrimur; Hollenberg, Morley D.; Buret, Andre G.; Ceri, Howard


    Background. Nonbacterial prostatitis has no established etiology. We hypothesized that proteinase-activated receptor-1 (PAR1) can play a role in prostatitis. We therefore investigated the effects of PAR1 stimulation in the context of a new model of murine nonbacterial prostatitis. Methods. Using a hapten (ethanol-dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid- (DNBS-)) induced prostatitis model with both wild-type and PAR1-null mice, we examined (1) the location of PAR1 in the mouse prostate and (2) the impact of a PAR1-activating peptide (TFLLR-NH2: PAR1-TF) on ethanol-DNBS-induced inflammation. Results. Ethanol-DNBS-induced inflammation was maximal at 2 days. In the tissue, PAR1 was expressed predominantly along the apical acini of prostatic epithelium. Although PAR1-TF on its own did not cause inflammation, its coadministration with ethanol-DNBS reduced all indices of acute prostatitis. Further, PAR1-TF administration doubled the prostatic production of interleukin-10 (IL-10) compared with ethanol-DNBS treatment alone. This enhanced IL-10 was not observed in PAR1-null mice and was not caused by the reverse-sequence receptor-inactive peptide, RLLFT-NH2. Surprisingly, PAR1-TF, also diminished ethanol-DNBS-induced inflammation in PAR1-null mice. Conclusions. PAR1 is expressed in the mouse prostate and its activation by PAR1-TF elicits immunomodulatory effects during ethanol-DNBS-induced prostatitis. However, PAR1-TF also diminishes ethanol-DNBS-induced inflammation via a non-PAR1 mechanism by activating an as-yet unknown receptor. PMID:24459330

  15. Solar PAR and UVR modify the community composition and photosynthetic activity of sea ice algae. (United States)

    Enberg, Sara; Piiparinen, Jonna; Majaneva, Markus; Vähätalo, Anssi V; Autio, Riitta; Rintala, Janne-Markus


    The effects of increased photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on species diversity, biomass and photosynthetic activity were studied in fast ice algal communities. The experimental set-up consisted of nine 1.44 m(2) squares with three treatments: untreated with natural snow cover (UNT), snow-free (PAR + UVR) and snow-free ice covered with a UV screen (PAR). The total algal biomass, dominated by diatoms and dinoflagellates, increased in all treatments during the experiment. However, the smaller biomass growth in the top 10-cm layer of the PAR + UVR treatment compared with the PAR treatment indicated the negative effect of UVR. Scrippsiella complex (mainly Scrippsiella hangoei, Biecheleria baltica and Gymnodinium corollarium) showed UV sensitivity in the top 5-cm layer, whereas Heterocapsa arctica ssp. frigida and green algae showed sensitivity to both PAR and UVR. The photosynthetic activity was highest in the top 5-cm layer of the PAR treatment, where the biomass of the pennate diatom Nitzschia frigida increased, indicating the UV sensitivity of this species. This study shows that UVR is one of the controlling factors of algal communities in Baltic Sea ice, and that increased availability of PAR together with UVR exclusion can cause changes in algal biomass, photosynthetic activity and community composition. © FEMS 2015. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  16. PAR-Complex and Crumbs Function During Photoreceptor Morphogenesis and Retinal Degeneration. (United States)

    Pichaud, Franck


    The fly photoreceptor has long been used as a model to study sensory neuron morphogenesis and retinal degeneration. In particular, elucidating how these cells are built continues to help further our understanding of the mechanisms of polarized cell morphogenesis, intracellular trafficking and the causes of human retinal pathologies. The conserved PAR complex, which in flies consists of Cdc42-PAR6-aPKC-Bazooka, and the transmembrane protein Crumbs (Crb) are key players during photoreceptor morphogenesis. While the PAR complex regulates polarity in many cell types, Crb function in polarity is relatively specific to epithelial cells. Together Cdc42-PAR6-aPKC-Bazooka and Crb orchestrate the differentiation of the photoreceptor apical membrane (AM) and zonula adherens (ZA) , thus allowing these cells to assemble into a neuro-epithelial lattice. In addition to its function in epithelial polarity, Crb has also been shown to protect fly photoreceptors from light-induced degeneration, a process linked to Rhodopsin expression and trafficking. Remarkably, mutations in the human Crumbs1 (CRB1) gene lead to retinal degeneration, making the fly photoreceptor a powerful disease model system.

  17. Potential Ecological Effects of Contaminants in the Exposed Par Pond Sediments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paller, M.H.; Wike, L.D.


    Sediment and small mammal samples were collected from the exposed sediments of Par Pond in early 1995, shortly before the reservoir was refilled after a 4-year drawdown. Sampling was confined to elevations between 58 and 61 meters (190 and 200 feet) above mean sea level, which includes the sediments likely to be exposed if the Par Pond water level is permitted to fluctuate naturally. Both soil and small mammal samples were analyzed for a number of radionuclides and metals. Some of the soil samples were also analyzed for organic contaminants. The objective of the study was to determine if contaminant levels in the Par Pond sediments were high enough to cause deleterious ecological effects

  18. The pars intermedia: an anatomic basis for a coordinated vascular response to female genital arousal. (United States)

    Shih, Cheryl; Cold, Christopher J; Yang, Claire C


    The pars intermedia is an area of the vulva that has been inconsistently described in the literature. We conducted anatomic studies to better describe the tissues and vascular structures of the pars intermedia and proposed a functional rationale of the pars intermedia in the female sexual response. Nine cadaveric vulvectomy specimens were used. Each was serially sectioned and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Masson's trichrome. Histologic ultrastructural description of the pars intermedia. The pars intermedia contains veins traveling longitudinally in the angle of the clitoris, supported by collagen-rich stromal tissues. These veins drain the different vascular compartments of the vulva, including the clitoris, the bulbs, and labia minora; also, the interconnecting veins link the different vascular compartments. The pars intermedia is not composed of erectile tissue, distinguishing it from the erectile tissues of the corpora cavernosa of the clitoris as well as the corpus spongiosum of the clitoral (vestibular) bulbs. The venous communications of the pars intermedia, linking the erectile tissues with the other vascular compartments of the vulva, appear to provide the anatomic basis for a coordinated vascular response during female sexual arousal. © 2012 International Society for Sexual Medicine.

  19. PAR-1 and thrombin: the ties that bind the microenvironment to melanoma metastasis. (United States)

    Zigler, Maya; Kamiya, Takafumi; Brantley, Emily C; Villares, Gabriel J; Bar-Eli, Menashe


    Progression of melanoma is dependent on cross-talk between tumor cells and the adjacent microenvironment. The thrombin receptor, protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1), plays a key role in exerting this function during melanoma progression. PAR-1 and its activating factors, which are expressed on tumor cells and the surrounding stroma, induce not only coagulation but also cell signaling, which promotes the metastatic phenotype. Several adhesion molecules, cytokines, growth factors, and proteases have recently been identified as downstream targets of PAR-1 and have been shown to modulate interactions between tumor cells and the microenvironment in the process of melanoma growth and metastasis. Inhibiting such interactions by targeting PAR-1 could potentially be a useful therapeutic modality for melanoma patients. ©2011 AACR.



    Abdulla , Galal; Mellouk , Hamid; Belghit , Abdelhamid; Allaf , Karim


    International audience; Dans cette étude, nous avons évalué les performances d'un nouveau procédé de séchage dans le cas du liège en granulés. Ce procédé (La déshydratation par détentes successives : DDS) consiste à soumettre le matériau liège dans une chambre hermétique aux variations cycliques de la pression. Chaque cycle est composé d'une compression et d'une décompression. La phase de compression est réalisée en injectant de l'air comprimé à température ambiante provenant d'un compresseur...

  1. Par Pond vegetation status summer 1995 - July survey descriptive summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mackey, H.E. Jr.; Riley, R.S.


    A survey of the emergent shoreline aquatic plant, communities began in June 1995, three months after the refilling of Par Pond to approximately 200 feet (61 meters) above mean sea level, and continued with this July survey. Aquatic plant communities, similar to the pre-drawdown Par Pond communities, are becoming reestablished. Beds of maidencane (Panicum hemitomon), lotus (Nelumbo lutea), water lily (Nymphaea odorata), and watershield (Brasenia schreberi) are now extensive and well established. In addition, within isolated coves, extensive beds of water lilies and spike-rush (Eleocharis sp.) are common. Cattail occurrence has increased since refill, but large beds common to Par Pond prior to the drawdown have not formed. Invasion of willow (Salix sp.) and red maple (Acer rubrum) occurred along the lake shoreline during drawdown. The red maples along the present shoreline are beginning to show evidence of stress and mortality from flooding over the past four months. Some of the willows appear to be stressed as well. The loblolly pines (Pinus taeda), which were flooded in all but the shallow shoreline areas, are now dead. Future surveys are planned for the growing seasons of 1995, 1996, and 1997, along with the evaluation of satellite data for mapping the areal extent of the macrophyte beds of Par Pond

  2. Project Plan 7930 Cell G PaR Remote Handling System Replacement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinney, Kathryn A.


    For over 40 years the US Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessors have made Californium-252 ( 252 Cf) available for a wide range of industries including medical, nuclear fuels, mining, military and national security. The Radiochemical Engineering Development Center (REDC) located within the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) processes irradiated production targets from the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). Operations in Building 7930, Cell G provide over 70% of the world's demand for 252 Cf. Building 7930 was constructed and equipped in the mid-1960s. Current operations for 252 Cf processing in Building 7930, Cell G require use of through-the-wall manipulators and the PaR Remote Handling System. Maintenance and repairs for the manipulators is readily accomplished by removal of the manipulator and relocation to a repair shop where hands-on work can be performed in glove boxes. Contamination inside cell G does not currently allow manned entry and no provisions were created for a maintenance area inside the cell. There has been no maintenance of the PaR system or upgrades, leaving operations vulnerable should the system have a catastrophic failure. The Cell G PaR system is currently being operated in a run to failure mode. As the manipulator is now 40+ years old there is significant risk in this method of operation. In 2006 an assessment was completed that resulted in recommendations for replacing the manipulator operator control and power centers which are used to control and power the PaR manipulator in Cell G. In mid-2008 the chain for the bridge drive failed and subsequent examinations indicated several damaged links (see Figure 1). To continue operations the PaR manipulator arm is being used to push and pull the bridge as a workaround. A retrieval tool was fabricated, tested and staged inside Cell G that will allow positioning of the bridge and manipulator arm for removal from the cell should the PaR system completely fail. A fully functioning and

  3. PAR-1 mediated apoptosis of breast cancer cells by V. cholerae hemagglutinin protease. (United States)

    Ray, Tanusree; Pal, Amit


    Bacterial toxins have emerged as promising agents in cancer treatment strategy. Hemagglutinin (HAP) protease secreted by Vibrio cholerae induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells and regresses tumor growth in mice model. The success of novel cancer therapies depends on their selectivity for cancer cells with limited toxicity for normal tissues. Increased expression of Protease Activated Receptor-1 (PAR-1) has been reported in different malignant cells. In this study we report that HAP induced activation and over expression of PAR-1 in breast cancer cells (EAC). Immunoprecipitation studies have shown that HAP specifically binds with PAR-1. HAP mediated activation of PAR-1 caused nuclear translocation of p50-p65 and the phosphorylation of p38 which triggered the activation of NFκB and MAP kinase signaling pathways. These signaling pathways enhanced the cellular ROS level in malignant cells that induced the intrinsic pathway of cell apoptosis. PAR-1 mediated apoptosis by HAP of malignant breast cells without effecting normal healthy cells in the same environment makes it a good therapeutic agent for treatment of cancer.

  4. La doctrina de los cuatro elementos de Crisipo: su lugar en la teoría estoica de la conflagración y sus orígenes en Anaxímenes

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    Ricardo SALLES


    Full Text Available En este trabajo discuto el argumento de Crisipo a favor de la indestructibilidad del cosmos que aparece en Eusebio, Praeparatio Evangelica 15.18.1-3. Este argumento complementa al que aparece en Plutarco, De Stoicorum Repugnantiis 1052C, pero descansa sobre una base distinta, a saber, la teoría de la disolución de los cuerpos complejos en los cuatro elementos y la teoría sobre cómo estos últimos se transforman los unos en los otros. Según veremos, existen antecedentes importantes de estas teorías en Anaxímenes y su teoría del cambio. Al final, me ocupo de dos objeciones que los propios estoicos formularon en contra del argumento de Crisipo.

  5. La educación costarricense al servicio de los grupos de poder: Una visión desde de los exámenes estandarizados, las regulaciones y guías disciplinarias.

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    Vivian Carvajal Jiménez


    Full Text Available Muchas de las políticas, estatutos y propuestas que orientan la práctica educativa de nuestro país, tienen su origen en intereses económicos y políticos que nada tienen que ver con el enriquecimiento y desarrollo de los implicados en el proceso escolar. Algunas regulaciones, guías disciplinarias y los exámenes estandarizados, promueven la segregación de ciertos grupos y el mantenimiento del estatus de otros. En este sentido, está en manos de los docentes la promoción de un modelo divergente que, a pesar de los lineamientos establecidos, estimule la igualdad y motive la inserción de todos los estudiantes al sistema social y productivo del país.

  6. Comparaison du Pangola (Digitaria decumbens) et du Stargrass (Cynodon nlemfluensis) exploités par des ovins


    Boval, Maryline


    A la Martinique l'utilisation comparée de Digitaria decumbens (Dd) et de Cynodon nlemfuensis (Cn) par des brebis allaitantes a été étudiée pendant une période d'observation de 6 mois. Le cheptel est à un taux élevé de 1 600 kg de poids vif par hectare et par an, obtenu par une fertilisation de 450 kg/ha/an en azote.





    El hemograma es uno de los exámenes de laboratorio solicitado con mayor frecuencia y forma parte del estudio básico requerido para orientación diagnóstica y evaluación de los pacientes. La vigencia de este examen se ha mantenido desde la introducción de los clásicos índices eritrocitarios descritos por Wintrobe en los años 30, evolucionando con la automatización de los recuentos celulares desarrollada por Coulter en los años 50 y la incorporación de nuevos parámetros como amplitud de distr...

  8. Síndrome vestibular por accidente cerebrovascular asociado a hipotiroidismo secundario


    Esparza, Erwin; Rodríguez, Diego; Benavidez, Edwin


    El síndrome vestibular es una patología asociada a múltiples causas que afecta a perros de cualquier edad, sexo y raza. El tratamiento y el pronóstico dependerán siempre de la causa primaria y de la localización de la lesión. En este reporte se expone el caso de un paciente canino criollo que fue llevado a la Clínica Veterinaria Dover por presentar inclinación de la cabeza hacia el lado izquierdo, nistagmo horizontal, ataxia y caídas ocasionales hacia el mismo lado. Se realizaron exámenes par...

  9. ParFit: A Python-Based Object-Oriented Program for Fitting Molecular Mechanics Parameters to ab Initio Data. (United States)

    Zahariev, Federico; De Silva, Nuwan; Gordon, Mark S; Windus, Theresa L; Dick-Perez, Marilu


    A newly created object-oriented program for automating the process of fitting molecular-mechanics parameters to ab initio data, termed ParFit, is presented. ParFit uses a hybrid of deterministic and stochastic genetic algorithms. ParFit can simultaneously handle several molecular-mechanics parameters in multiple molecules and can also apply symmetric and antisymmetric constraints on the optimized parameters. The simultaneous handling of several molecules enhances the transferability of the fitted parameters. ParFit is written in Python, uses a rich set of standard and nonstandard Python libraries, and can be run in parallel on multicore computer systems. As an example, a series of phosphine oxides, important for metal extraction chemistry, are parametrized using ParFit. ParFit is in an open source program available for free on GitHub ( ).

  10. Application of passive auto catalytic recombiner (PAR) for BWR plants in Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, K.; Murano, K.; Yamanari, S.; Yamamoto, Y.


    The passive auto-catalytic recombiner (PAR), which can recombine flammable gases such as hydrogen and oxygen with each other to avoid an explosion in case of a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), installed in the primary containment vessel does not require a power supply or dynamic equipment, while the existing flammability gas control system (FCS) of most BWRs as an outer loop of the primary containment vessel needs them to make flammable gases circulate through blowers and heaters in the system. PAR offers a number of advantages over existing FCS, such as high reliability, low cost due to much smaller amount of materials needed, good maintainability, good operability in case of a LOCA, and smaller space for installation. An experimental study has been carried out for the purpose of solving the problems of applying PAR to Japanese BWR plants instead of existing FCS, in which we grasped the basic characteristics of PAR. (author)

  11. Pars plana Ahmed valve and vitrectomy in patients with glaucoma associated with posterior segment disease. (United States)

    Wallsh, Josh O; Gallemore, Ron P; Taban, Mehran; Hu, Charles; Sharareh, Behnam


    To assess the safety and efficacy of a modified technique for pars plana placement of the Ahmed valve in combination with pars plana vitrectomy in the treatment of glaucoma associated with posterior segment disease. Thirty-nine eyes with glaucoma associated with posterior segment disease underwent pars plana vitrectomy combined with Ahmed valve placement. All valves were placed in the pars plana using a modified technique, without the pars plana clip, and using a scleral patch graft. The 24 eyes diagnosed with neovascular glaucoma had an improvement in intraocular pressure from 37.6 mmHg to 13.8 mmHg and best-corrected visual acuity from 2.13 logarithm of minimum angle of resolution to 1.40 logarithm of minimum angle of resolution. Fifteen eyes diagnosed with steroid-induced glaucoma had an improvement in intraocular pressure from 27.9 mmHg to 14.1 mmHg and best-corrected visual acuity from 1.38 logarithm of minimum angle of resolution to 1.13 logarithm of minimum angle of resolution. Complications included four cases of cystic bleb formation and one case of choroidal detachment and explantation for hypotony. Ahmed valve placement through the pars plana during vitrectomy is an effective option for managing complex cases of glaucoma without the use of the pars plana clip.

  12. La syphilis congenitale revelee par une fracture spontanee

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    Mounia Lakhdar Idrissi


    Full Text Available Alors qu�elle est actuellement oubliee dans les pays developpes, la syphilis congenitale se voit encore chez nous faute du depistage antenatal. Ses formes cliniques sont polymorphes et orientent a tord vers d�autres pathologies surtout en periode neonatale. Le diagnostic n�est donc pas toujours facile. La revelation d�une syphilis congenitale par une fracture spontanee est exceptionnellement decrite. Nous rapportons dans ce travail le cas d�un nourrisson de 2 mois ramene en consultation pour limitation douloureuse des mouvements du bras droit. Le diagnostic est evoque sur les donnees radiologiques et confirme par la serologie syphilitique. Le traitement a repose essentiellement sur l�administration de la penicilline G avec une bonne evolution clinique.

  13. [Roles of protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2), a G protein-coupled receptor, in modulation of exocrine gland functions]. (United States)

    Nishikawa, Hiroyuki


    Protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2), a G protein-coupled receptor, is activated by proteolytic unmasking of the N-terminal extracellular tethered ligand that presumably binds to the extracellular loop 2 of the receptor itself. PAR-2 is widely distributed in the mammalian body and plays various roles in biological events in the cardiovascular, respiratory, alimentary, and central neurons systems. PAR-2-activating peptides administered systemically to mice and rats trigger prompt salivation in vivo. In an in vitro study, PAR-2 agonists including the endogenous PAR-2 activator trypsin induce secretion of amylase and mucin from isolated rat parotid glands and sublingual glands, respectively. PAR-2-activating peptides administered systemically also modulate pancreatic exocrine secretion in vivo as well as in vitro. In the gastric mucosa, PAR-2 stimulation enhances secretion of mucus and pepsinogen and suppresses acid secretion. Tear secretion can also be caused by PAR-2-related peptides in PAR-2-dependent and -independent manners. PAR-2 thus plays a general or key role in the regulation of exocrine secretion. This review focuses on the physiologic and/or pathophysiologic roles of PAR-2 in glandular exocrine secretion. The possibility of PAR-2 as a target for drug development is also discussed.

  14. Avaliação tomográfica de parâmetros morfométricos do processo odontoide relacionados à fixação interna com parafusos Evaluación tomográfica de parámetros morfométricos del proceso odontoides relacionados con la fijación interna con tornillos Tomographic evaluation of odontoid parameters related to its internal fixation

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    Murilo Tavares Daher


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: avaliar, por meio da tomografia computadorizada, os parâmetros morfométricos do processo odontoide relacionados com a sua fixação interna. MÉTODOS: cinquenta e cinco exames de tomografia computadorizada (TC da coluna cervical que permitissem o estudo do áxis foram utilizados para o estudo. Destes, 24 (47% pertenciam a pacientes do sexo masculino e 31 do sexo feminino. A média de idade foi de 42,05 anos (± 15,82. Foram excluídos os casos com diagnóstico de tumores, infecções, sequelas de fratura, artrose muito avançada ou malformações congênitas. Nenhum dos exames tinha como indicação problemas relacionados à coluna cervical alta. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: 1 - comprimento estimado do implante (CEI, 2 - angulação do parafuso (aP, 3 - diâmetro transverso mínimo (DTmín e 4 - diâmetro anteroposterior mínimo (DAPmín. Foi utilizado o teste t de Student para comparar os resultados entre o grupo de pacientes do sexo masculino e do feminino. RESULTADOS: o valor médio do CEI foi de 37,95 mm ± 3,44 para a população geral do estudo. O valor médio da angulação do parafuso (aP foi de 60,91º ± 4,06. O diâmetro transverso mínimo (DTmín foi de 9,05 mm ± 0,88 e o diâmetro antero-posterior mínimo DAPmín foi de 10,35 mm ±1,04. Os valores do CEI e do DAPmín na população masculina foram significativamente maiores do que aqueles encontrados na feminina, enquanto os outros parâmetros não apresentaram diferenças entre os dois sexos na população estudada. Dos 55 pacientes, 39% apresentaram DTmín OBJETIVOS: evaluar, por medio de la tomografía computarizada, los parámetros morfométricos del proceso odontoides relacionados con su fijación interna. MÉTODOS: para el estudio, fueron utilizados 55 exámenes de tomografía computarizada (TC de la columna cervical que permitieran el estudio del axis. De éstos, 24 (47% pertenecían a pacientes del sexo masculino. El promedio de edad fue de 42.05 a

  15. Etk/Bmx regulates proteinase-activated-receptor1 (PAR1 in breast cancer invasion: signaling partners, hierarchy and physiological significance.

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    Irit Cohen

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: While protease-activated-receptor 1 (PAR(1 plays a central role in tumor progression, little is known about the cell signaling involved. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show here the impact of PAR(1 cellular activities using both an orthotopic mouse mammary xenograft and a colorectal-liver metastasis model in vivo, with biochemical analyses in vitro. Large and highly vascularized tumors were generated by cells over-expressing wt hPar1, Y397Z hPar1, with persistent signaling, or Y381A hPar1 mutant constructs. In contrast, cells over-expressing the truncated form of hPar1, which lacks the cytoplasmic tail, developed small or no tumors, similar to cells expressing empty vector or control untreated cells. Antibody array membranes revealed essential hPar1 partners including Etk/Bmx and Shc. PAR(1 activation induces Etk/Bmx and Shc binding to the receptor C-tail to form a complex. Y/A mutations in the PAR(1 C-tail did not prevent Shc-PAR(1 association, but enhanced the number of liver metastases compared with the already increased metastases obtained with wt hPar1. We found that Etk/Bmx first binds via the PH domain to a region of seven residues, located between C378-S384 in PAR(1 C-tail, enabling subsequent Shc association. Importantly, expression of the hPar1-7A mutant form (substituted A, residues 378-384, which is incapable of binding Etk/Bmx, resulted in inhibition of invasion through Matrigel-coated membranes. Similarly, knocking down Etk/Bmx inhibited PAR(1-induced MDA-MB-435 cell migration. In addition, intact spheroid morphogenesis of MCF10A cells is markedly disrupted by the ectopic expression of wt hPar1. In contrast, the forced expression of the hPar1-7A mutant results in normal ball-shaped spheroids. Thus, by preventing binding of Etk/Bmx to PAR(1 -C-tail, hPar1 oncogenic properties are abrogated. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This is the first demonstration that a cytoplasmic portion of the PAR(1 C-tail functions as a scaffold

  16. Comparison of Direct Pars Repair Techniques of Spondylolysis in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients: Pars Compression Screw Versus Pedicle Screw-Rod-Hook. (United States)

    Karatas, Ali F; Dede, Ozgur; Atanda, Alfred A; Holmes, Larry; Rogers, Kenneth; Gabos, Peter; Shah, Suken A


    Retrospective clinical cohort study. To compare the clinical and radiographic outcomes of patients who were treated with intrasegmental pars fixation by either laminar compression screw (LS) or a pedicle screw, rod, and laminar hook (PSRH) construct. Spondylolysis is a nonunion defect of the pars interarticularis. In symptomatic spondylolysis, direct repair of the pars interarticularis defect can preserve motion and prevent abnormal stresses at the adjacent levels. Sixteen patients who failed nonoperative treatment and underwent direct pars repair by using LS (n=9) or PSRH (n=7) constructs were included in the study. Clinical outcome was assessed by using the MacNab criteria. Radiologic fusion and complications were evaluated using plain radiographs or computed tomography images and patient charts. The healing rate was 100% after 6 months. The healing time was similar in both the groups: LS, 6.5 months; PSRH, 6.2 months. Patients with PSRH (5.9 mo) were more likely to return to sports earlier relative to patients with LS (7.7 mo). There were no complications in the LS group; in the PSRH group, 1 patient had mild sensory deficit and 2 had superficial wound infections. The MacNab criteria for pain assessment showed an excellent or good outcome in 8 of 9 patients in LS group and 6 of 7 patients in PSRH group. Relative to LS patients, there was a significant increase in surgical time and estimated blood loss among PSRH patients. Either of the mentioned 2 techniques appears to produce acceptable results. Biplanar fluoroscopy and navigation systems could minimize the risk of screw misplacement with LS construct. Familiarity with the various fixation techniques will allow the surgeon to select the most appropriate surgical technique.

  17. PAR-Complex and Crumbs Function During Photoreceptor Morphogenesis and Retinal Degeneration

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    Franck Pichaud


    Full Text Available The fly photoreceptor has long been used as a model to study sensory neuron morphogenesis and retinal degeneration. In particular, elucidating how these cells are built continues to help further our understanding of the mechanisms of polarized cell morphogenesis, intracellular trafficking and the causes of human retinal pathologies. The conserved PAR complex, which in flies consists of Cdc42-PAR6-aPKC-Bazooka, and the transmembrane protein Crumbs (Crb are key players during photoreceptor morphogenesis. While the PAR complex regulates polarity in many cell types, Crb function in polarity is relatively specific to epithelial cells. Together Cdc42-PAR6-aPKC-Bazooka and Crb orchestrate the differentiation of the photoreceptor apical membrane (AM and zonula adherens (ZA, thus allowing these cells to assemble into a neuro-epithelial lattice. In addition to its function in epithelial polarity, Crb has also been shown to protect fly photoreceptors from light-induced degeneration, a process linked to Rhodopsin expression and trafficking. Remarkably, mutations in the human Crumbs1 (CRB1 gene lead to retinal degeneration, making the fly photoreceptor a powerful disease model system.

  18. L'analyse par activation de neutrons de réacteur (United States)

    Meyer, G.


    Quand les neutrons traversent la matière, certains sont transmis sans interaction, les autres interagissent avec le milieu traversé par diffusion et par absorption. Ce phénomène d'absorption est utilisé pour se protéger des neutrons, mais aussi pour les détecter; il peut également être utilisé pour identifier les noyaux “absorbants" et ainsi analyser le milieu traversé. En effet par différentes réactions nucléaires (n,γ), (n,p), (n,α), (n,fission), on obtient des noyaux résiduels qui sont souvent radioactifs; on dit que l'échantillon est “activé". Si l'on connaît le rendement d'activation et donc le pourcentage de noyaux ainsi “transmutés", les mesures de radioactivité induite vont permettre de déterminer la composition de l'échantillon irradié. Cette méthode dite d'analyse par activation neutronique est pratiquée depuis la découverte du neutron. Elle a permis grâce à sa sélectivité et à sa sensibilité d'avoir accès au domaine des traces et des ultra-traces dans des champs d'application très divers comme la métallurgie, l'archéologie, la biologie, la géochimie etc...

  19. Etude par simulation hil des performances d'un statcom pour la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ce travail présente l'étude par simulation Hardware In the Loop (HIL) des performances d'un STATCOM pour la stabilisation de la tension délivrée par une génératrice asynchrone triphasée auto excitée dans un réseau autonome. Nous avons combiné l'utilisation du logiciel de simulation LABVIEW et la carte ARDUINO ...

  20. Protease activated receptors (PARS) mediation in gyroxin biological activity; Mediacao dos receptores ativados por proteases (PARs) em atividades biologicas da giroxina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Jose Alberto Alves da


    Gyroxin is a serine protease enzyme from the South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) venom; it is only partially characterized and has multiple activities. Gyroxin induces blood coagulation, blood pressure decrease and a neurotoxic behavior named barrel rotation. The mechanisms involved in this neurotoxic activity are not known. Whereas gyroxin is a member of enzymes with high potential to become a new drug with clinical applications such as thrombin, batroxobin, ancrod, tripsyn and kalicrein, it is important to find out how gyroxin works. The analysis on agarose gel electrophoresis and circular dichroism confirmed the molecules' integrity and purity. The gyroxin intravenous administration in mice proved its neurotoxicity (barrel rotation). In vivo studies employing intravital microscopy proved that gyroxin induces vasodilation with the participation of protease activated receptors (PARs), nitric oxide and Na+K+ATPase. The leukocytes' adherence and rolling counting indicated that gyroxin has no pro inflammatory activity. Gyroxin induced platelet aggregation, which was blocked by inhibitors of PAR1 and PAR4 receptors (SCH 79797 and tcY-NH{sub 2}, respectively). Finally, it was proved that the gyroxin temporarily alter the permeability of the blood brain barrier (BBB). Our study has shown that both the protease-activated receptors and nitric oxide are mediators involved in the biological activities of gyroxin. (author)

  1. Un « gouvernement des journalistes par le Pouvoir politique » par défaut ?

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    Matthieu Lardeau


    Full Text Available Cet article présente les interactions de deux mouvements concomitants apparusprincipalement dans les décennies 1950 à 1970 dans le champ de la presse française : d’un côté les initiatives – consécutives à la démarche pionnière, en 1951, de création de la première Société des journalistes (SDJ au sein du Monde – menées par les journalistes de rédactions de quotidiens pour créer des SDJ dont la destination peut aller jusqu’à gouverner les journaux; de l’autre côté, les « réponses » apportées par les Pouvoirs politique et public pour contenir ces initiatives visant à étendre le pouvoir des journalistes dans la gestion et la gouvernance de leurs journaux. Cette étude exploratoire repose principalement sur l’analyse de deux types de littérature, souvent déconsidérés ou négligés par le champ académique, en dépit de leur grande richesse : (1 la littérature professionnelle, ayant pour principaux auteurs les journalistes et managers de presse (Périer Daville, Boegner, Pigasse, etc., florissante depuis 1944 et singulièrement durant les décennies 1960 et 1970 ; (2 la littérature grise constituée notamment par des rapports publics rédigés par des institutions comme les services du Premier ministre (commissions Lindon de 1970 et Serisé de 1972, le Conseil économique et social, etc. Nos principaux résultats montrent que les propositions ou actions menées par les journalistes (1 restent le plus souvent inexploitées in concreto par les journalistes eux-mêmes; (2 entrent le plus souvent en opposition avec les politiques de nouveaux actionnaires ou directions de journaux et avec les projets des autorités politiques et publiques qui cherchent à encadrer l’autonomie de la profession journalistique pour mieux gouverner celle-ci ; (3 combien in fine les représentants des différents acteurs impliqués s’accordent pour contenir l’émergence d’un « gouvernement des journalistes » par les

  2. Measures and modelling of PAR (photosynthetically-active radiation) for the Northeast of Brazil; Medidas e modelagem da radiacao PAR (photosynthetically-active radiation) para o nordeste do Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tiba, Chigueru; Leal, Sergio da S.A. [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Energia Nuclear], e-mail:


    Photosynthetically active solar radiation, known by its acronym in the English language as PAR, is the principal driving force of innumerable biological and physical processes related to biomass production, such as, the evolution of vegetal covering, agricultural productivity, and countless environment aspects, among others. Unfortunately in Brazil and particularly in the Northeast of Brazil, the PAR radiation measures are not a routine part of meteorological station measures, and therefore are still rarer than solar irradiation measures. In this context, a station was installed in Recife, Pernambuco in 2003, to carry out simultaneous measures of daily solar irradiation and PAR irradiation, which permits the modelling and valuation of the relationship between these two parameters and thus makes the estimation of PAR radiation possible, where there used to be only information on solar irradiation. Three others stations are being installed, one on Fernando de Noronha-PE, another in Pesqueira-PE, and the other in Xingo-SE, which complete a group of 4 between Latitudes 8 deg and 10 deg South and Longitudes 34 deg to 38 deg West, each having differentiated Equatorial Climates: island maritime, continental maritime, sylvan (Agreste) and semi-arid. (author)

  3. A method for estimating the diffuse attenuation coefficient (KdPAR)from paired temperature sensors (United States)

    Read, Jordan S.; Rose, Kevin C.; Winslow, Luke A.; Read, Emily K.


    A new method for estimating the diffuse attenuation coefficient for photosynthetically active radiation (KdPAR) from paired temperature sensors was derived. We show that during cases where the attenuation of penetrating shortwave solar radiation is the dominant source of temperature changes, time series measurements of water temperatures at multiple depths (z1 and z2) are related to one another by a linear scaling factor (a). KdPAR can then be estimated by the simple equation KdPAR ln(a)/(z2/z1). A suggested workflow is presented that outlines procedures for calculating KdPAR according to this paired temperature sensor (PTS) method. This method is best suited for conditions when radiative temperature gains are large relative to physical noise. These conditions occur frequently on water bodies with low wind and/or high KdPARs but can be used for other types of lakes during time periods of low wind and/or where spatially redundant measurements of temperatures are available. The optimal vertical placement of temperature sensors according to a priori knowledge of KdPAR is also described. This information can be used to inform the design of future sensor deployments using the PTS method or for campaigns where characterizing sub-daily changes in temperatures is important. The PTS method provides a novel method to characterize light attenuation in aquatic ecosystems without expensive radiometric equipment or the user subjectivity inherent in Secchi depth measurements. This method also can enable the estimation of KdPAR at higher frequencies than many manual monitoring programs allow.


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    Full Text Available Dans le cadre de la spectroscopie RMN, notre objectif est de déterminer le spectre d'absorption du signal de précession libre FID par la méthode de prédiction linéaire (PL. Ceci revient à résoudre le problème de prédiction linéaire en exploitant la méthode de corrélation par l'utilisation de la décomposition en valeurs singulières SVD pour l'inversion de la matrice de corrélation. Or, cette technique est la source d'un certain nombre de problèmes lorsque le signal est noyé dans du bruit. Aussi sera-t-elle coûteuse en temps lorsque les dimensions de la matrice de corrélation sont importantes. Afin de résoudre ce problème, nous exploitons les propriétés d'une nouvelle technique dérivée de la SVD, la décomposition ULV pour minimiser le coût du traitement et assurer une inversion correcte de la matrice de corrélation. Dans ce but, nous déterminons le spectre d'absorption par la technique ULV et nous le comparons avec le spectre déterminé par la SVD et  la FFT. Nous comparons par la suite la qualité des spectres obtenus par rapport au spectre d'absorption idéal  déterminé par FFT.

  5. CFD modelling of hydrogen stratification in enclosures: Model validation and application to PAR performance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoyes, J.R., E-mail:; Ivings, M.J.


    Highlights: • The ability of CFD to predict hydrogen stratification phenomena is investigated. • Contrary to expectation, simulations on tetrahedral meshes under-predict mixing. • Simulations on structured meshes give good agreement with experimental data. • CFD model used to investigate the effects of stratification on PAR performance. • Results show stratification can have a significant effect on PAR performance. - Abstract: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models are maturing into useful tools for supporting safety analyses. This paper investigates the capabilities of CFD models for predicting hydrogen stratification in a containment vessel using data from the NEA/OECD SETH2 MISTRA experiments. Further simulations are then carried out to illustrate the qualitative effects of hydrogen stratification on the performance of Passive Autocatalytic Recombiner (PAR) units. The MISTRA experiments have well-defined initial and boundary conditions which makes them well suited for use in a validation study. Results are presented for the sensitivity to mesh resolution and mesh type. Whilst the predictions are shown to be largely insensitive to the mesh resolution they are surprisingly sensitive to the mesh type. In particular, tetrahedral meshes are found to induce small unphysical convection currents that result in molecular diffusion and turbulent mixing being under-predicted. This behaviour is not unique to the CFD model used here (ANSYS CFX) and furthermore, it may affect simulations run on other non-aligned meshes (meshes that are not aligned perpendicular to gravity), including non-aligned structured meshes. Following existing best practice guidelines can help to identify potential unphysical predictions, but as an additional precaution consideration should be given to using gravity-aligned meshes for modelling stratified flows. CFD simulations of hydrogen recombination in the Becker Technologies THAI facility are presented with high and low PAR positions

  6. A Single-Cell Biochemistry Approach Reveals PAR Complex Dynamics during Cell Polarization. (United States)

    Dickinson, Daniel J; Schwager, Francoise; Pintard, Lionel; Gotta, Monica; Goldstein, Bob


    Regulated protein-protein interactions are critical for cell signaling, differentiation, and development. For the study of dynamic regulation of protein interactions in vivo, there is a need for techniques that can yield time-resolved information and probe multiple protein binding partners simultaneously, using small amounts of starting material. Here we describe a single-cell protein interaction assay. Single-cell lysates are generated at defined time points and analyzed using single-molecule pull-down, yielding information about dynamic protein complex regulation in vivo. We established the utility of this approach by studying PAR polarity proteins, which mediate polarization of many animal cell types. We uncovered striking regulation of PAR complex composition and stoichiometry during Caenorhabditis elegans zygote polarization, which takes place in less than 20 min. PAR complex dynamics are linked to the cell cycle by Polo-like kinase 1 and govern the movement of PAR proteins to establish polarity. Our results demonstrate an approach to study dynamic biochemical events in vivo. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. The superoxide scavenger TEMPOL induces urokinase receptor (uPAR expression in human prostate cancer cells

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    Francis Joseph


    Full Text Available Abstract There is little understanding of the effect that reactive oxygen metabolites have on cellular behavior during the processes of invasion and metastasis. These oxygen metabolites could interact with a number of targets modulating their function such as enzymes involved in basement membrane dissolution, adhesion molecules involved in motility or receptors involved in proliferation. We investigated the effect of increased scavenging of superoxide anions on the expression of the urokinase receptor (uPAR in PC-3M human prostate cancer cells. Urokinase receptor is a GPI-linked cell surface molecule which mediates multiple functions including adhesion, proliferation and pericellular proteolysis. Addition of the superoxide scavenger 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyloxy (TEMPOL to PC-3M cultures stimulated expression of uPAR protein peaking between 48 and 72 hours. Cell surface expression of the uPAR was also increased. Surprisingly, uPAR transcript levels increased only slightly and this mild increase did not coincide with the striking degree of protein increase. This disparity indicates that the TEMPOL effect on uPAR occurs through a post-transcriptional mechanism. TEMPOL presence in PC-3M cultures reduced intracellular superoxide-type species by 75% as assayed by NBT dye conversion; however this reduction significantly diminished within hours following TEMPOL removal. The time gap between TEMPOL treatment and peak uPAR protein expression suggests that reduction of reactive oxygen metabolites in prostate cancer cells initiates a multistep pathway which requires several hours to culminate in uPAR induction. These findings reveal a novel pathway for uPAR regulation involving reactive oxygens such as superoxide anion.

  8. Numerical analysis of the influence of PAR unit elevation within a vessel on its performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kotouč, Miroslav


    On the basis of successful validation of the MELCOR code on several experiments from the international OECD/NEA programme THAI, a numerical parametric study has been conducted at NRI Řež evaluating the influence of PAR's vertical position within a vessel on its performance. Simulations were carried out for an Areva PAR unit which was considered to be placed at 5 different elevations in the THAI test vessel, the sixth simulation comprised a model of blower, simulating thus forced convection. The initial conditions were those of the THAI HR-12 test, which was characterized by steam-saturated atmosphere at elevated pressure and temperature. The results show that the overall hydrogen mass recombined monotonically decreases with PAR elevation. This behavior is due to hot, light and hydrogen-lean plume, coming out from the PAR outlet, which, due to buoyancy forces, eventually fills the upper part of the vessel and prevents thus the PAR unit from efficient operation (if the latter is placed near the top). It was also demonstrated that the effect of forced convection is favorable since it breaks the gas stratification and increases thus hydrogen concentration at the PAR inlet. (author)

  9. Increased Soluble Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator Receptor (suPAR Levels in Plasma of Suicide Attempters.

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    Filip Ventorp

    Full Text Available The soluble form of the urokinase receptor, suPAR, has been suggested as a novel biomarker of low-grade inflammation. Activation of the immune system has been proposed to contribute to the development of depression and suicidal behavior. In order to identify depressed and suicidal individuals who could benefit from an anti-inflammatory treatment, a reliable biomarker of low-grade inflammation is vital. This study evaluates plasma suPAR levels as a biomarker of low-grade inflammation in patients with major depressive disorder and in patients who recently attempted suicide. The plasma suPAR and an established biomarker, C reactive protein (CRP of suicide attempters (n = 54, depressed patients (n = 19 and healthy controls (n = 19 was analyzed with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The biomarker attributes of sensitivity and sensibility were evaluated using ROC curve analysis. Both the depressed patients and suicide attempters had increased plasma suPAR. The levels of suPAR discriminated better between controls and suicide attempters than did CRP. In the future, plasma suPAR might be a superior prognosticator regarding outcome of treatment applying conventional antidepressants in conjunction with anti-inflammatory drugs.

  10. Pars plana vitrectomy for disturbing primary vitreous floaters: clinical outcome and patient satisfaction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nie, K.F. de; Crama, N.; Tilanus, M.A.D.; Klevering, B.J.; Boon, C.J.F.


    BACKGROUND: Primary vitreous floaters can be highly bothersome in some patients. In the case of persistently bothersome floaters, pars plana vitrectomy may be the most effective treatment. The aim of this study is to evaluate the incidence of complications, and patient satisfaction, after pars plana

  11. Active zone proteins are transported via distinct mechanisms regulated by Par-1 kinase.

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    Kara R Barber


    Full Text Available Disruption of synapses underlies a plethora of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disease. Presynaptic specialization called the active zone plays a critical role in the communication with postsynaptic neuron. While the role of many proteins at the active zones in synaptic communication is relatively well studied, very little is known about how these proteins are transported to the synapses. For example, are there distinct mechanisms for the transport of active zone components or are they all transported in the same transport vesicle? Is active zone protein transport regulated? In this report we show that overexpression of Par-1/MARK kinase, a protein whose misregulation has been implicated in Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs and neurodegenerative disorders, lead to a specific block in the transport of an active zone protein component- Bruchpilot at Drosophila neuromuscular junctions. Consistent with a block in axonal transport, we find a decrease in number of active zones and reduced neurotransmission in flies overexpressing Par-1 kinase. Interestingly, we find that Par-1 acts independently of Tau-one of the most well studied substrates of Par-1, revealing a presynaptic function for Par-1 that is independent of Tau. Thus, our study strongly suggests that there are distinct mechanisms that transport components of active zones and that they are tightly regulated.

  12. Separation of calcium isotopes by counter-current electromigration in molten salts (1962); Separation des isotopes du calcium par electro-migration a contre-courant en sels fondus (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Menes, F; Dirian, G; Roth, E [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The method of counter-current electromigration in molten salts has been applied to calcium bromide with an alkali metal bromide added to the cathode compartment. Enrichments on calcium-46 greater than a factor of two were obtained at the anode. The mass effect was found to be about 0.06. An estimation of the cost of energy for a process based on this method has been made. (authors) [French] La methode d'electro-migration a contre-courant en sels fondus a ete appliquee au bromure de calcium additionne dans le compartiment cathodique d'un bromure alcalin. On a pu ainsi obtenir avec surete des enrichissements anodiques superieurs a 2 sur l'isotope 46, determiner l'effet de masse (environ 0,06) et faire une estimation sommaire du cout energetique d'un procede base sur cette methode. (auteurs)

  13. Localization of amylin-like immunoreactivity in melanocyte-stimulating hormone-containing cells of the pars intermedia but not those of the pars distalis in the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) pituitary. (United States)

    Suzuki, Hirohumi; Yamamoto, Toshiharu


    Immunohistochemical techniques were employed to investigate the distribution of amylin-like immunoreactivity in the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) pituitary. Amylin-immunoreactive cells were observed in the pars intermedia, and these cells were found to be immunoreactive for α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (αMSH) as well. In contrast, αMSH-immunoreactive cells in the pars distalis were immuno-negaitive for amylin. These light microscopic findings were confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy. Amylin-immunoreactive signals were located on the haloes of presumable secretory granules in association with αMSH-immunoreactive signals in the amylin-positive cells. However, in the pars distalis, the αMSH-positive cells did not contain amylin-immunoreactive secretory granules. Western blot analysis of axolotl pituitary extracts revealed the labeling of a protein band at approximately 10.5-kDa by the anti-rat amylin serum, which was not labeled by the anti-αMSH antibody. These findings indicate that amylin secreted from MSH-producing cells in the pars intermedia may modulate MSH secretion in an autocrine fashion and may participate in MSH functions such as fatty homeostasis together with MSH. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  14. evaluation de la fertilite femelle des arabusta par le niveau de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les hybrides Arabusta sont caractérisés par une faible fertilité exprimée par des taux de caracolis élevés et des taux de loges vides importants induisant des productivités faibles. Pour une stratégie plus efficiente des sélections, il est important de connaître les niveaux de fertilité femelle des différents types de caféiers ...

  15. MMP-1/PAR-1 signal transduction axis and its prognostic impact in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Hong-hua Peng


    Full Text Available The matrix metalloprotease-1 (MMP-1/protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1 signal transduction axis plays an important role in tumorigenesis. To explore the expression and prognostic value of MMP-1 and PAR-1 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC, we evaluated the expression of two proteins in resected specimens from 85 patients with ESCC by immunohistochemistry. Sixty-two (72.9% and 58 (68.2% tumors were MMP-1- and PAR-1-positive, respectively, while no significant staining was observed in normal esophageal squamous epithelium. MMP-1 and PAR-1 overexpression was significantly associated with tumor node metastasis (TNM stage and regional lymph node involvement. Patients with MMP-1- and PAR-1-positive tumors, respectively, had poorer disease-free survival (DFS than those with negative ESCC (P = 0.002 and 0.003, respectively. Univariate analysis showed a significant relationship between TNM stage [hazard ratio (HR = 2.836, 95% confidence interval (CI = 1.866-4.308], regional lymph node involvement (HR = 2.955, 95%CI = 1.713-5.068, MMP-1 expression (HR = 2.669, 95%CI = 1.229-6.127, and PAR-1 expression (HR = 1.762, 95%CI = 1.156-2.883 and DFS. Multivariate analysis including the above four parameters identified TNM stage (HR = 2.035, 95%CI = 1.167-3.681, MMP-1 expression (HR = 2.109, 95%CI = 1.293-3.279, and PAR-1 expression (HR = 1.967, 95%CI = 1.256-2.881 as independent and significant prognostic factors for DFS. Our data suggest for the first time that MMP-1 and PAR-1 were both overexpressed in ESCC and are novel predictors of poor patient prognosis after curative resection. The MMP-1/PAR-1 signal transduction axis might be a new therapeutic target for future therapies tailored against ESCC.

  16. MMP-1/PAR-1 signal transduction axis and its prognostic impact in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peng, Hong-hua; Zhang, Xi; Cao, Pei-guo [Department of Oncology, the Third Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan Province (China)


    The matrix metalloprotease-1 (MMP-1)/protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1) signal transduction axis plays an important role in tumorigenesis. To explore the expression and prognostic value of MMP-1 and PAR-1 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), we evaluated the expression of two proteins in resected specimens from 85 patients with ESCC by immunohistochemistry. Sixty-two (72.9%) and 58 (68.2%) tumors were MMP-1- and PAR-1-positive, respectively, while no significant staining was observed in normal esophageal squamous epithelium. MMP-1 and PAR-1 overexpression was significantly associated with tumor node metastasis (TNM) stage and regional lymph node involvement. Patients with MMP-1- and PAR-1-positive tumors, respectively, had poorer disease-free survival (DFS) than those with negative ESCC (P = 0.002 and 0.003, respectively). Univariate analysis showed a significant relationship between TNM stage [hazard ratio (HR) = 2.836, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.866-4.308], regional lymph node involvement (HR = 2.955, 95%CI = 1.713-5.068), MMP-1 expression (HR = 2.669, 95%CI = 1.229-6.127), and PAR-1 expression (HR = 1.762, 95%CI = 1.156-2.883) and DFS. Multivariate analysis including the above four parameters identified TNM stage (HR = 2.035, 95%CI = 1.167-3.681), MMP-1 expression (HR = 2.109, 95%CI = 1.293-3.279), and PAR-1 expression (HR = 1.967, 95%CI = 1.256-2.881) as independent and significant prognostic factors for DFS. Our data suggest for the first time that MMP-1 and PAR-1 were both overexpressed in ESCC and are novel predictors of poor patient prognosis after curative resection. The MMP-1/PAR-1 signal transduction axis might be a new therapeutic target for future therapies tailored against ESCC.

  17. Radiological findings and healing patterns of incomplete stress fractures of the pars interarticularis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunn, Andrew J.; Campbell, Robert S.D.; Mayor, Peter E.; Rees, Dai


    The objective was to retrospectively record the CT and MRI features and healing patterns of acute, incomplete stress fractures of the pars interarticularis. The CT scans of 156 adolescents referred with suspected pars interarticularis stress fractures were reviewed. Patients with incomplete (grade 2) pars fractures were included in the study. Fractures were assessed on CT according to vertebral level, location of cortical involvement and direction of fracture propagation. MRI was also performed in 72 of the 156 cases. MRI images of incomplete fractures were assessed for the presence of marrow oedema and cortical integrity. Fracture healing patterns were characterised on follow-up CT imaging. Twenty-five incomplete fractures were identified in 23 patients on CT. All fractures involved the inferior or infero-medial cortex of the pars and propagated superiorly or superolaterally. Ninety-two percent of incomplete fractures demonstrated either complete or partial healing on follow-up imaging. Two (8%) cases progressed to complete fractures. Thirteen incomplete fractures in 11 patients confirmed on CT also had MRI, and 92% demonstrated oedema in the pars. Ten out of thirteen fractures (77%) showed a break in the infero-medial cortex with intact supero-lateral cortex, which correlated with the CT findings. MRI incorrectly graded one case as a complete (grade 3) fracture, and 2 cases as (grade 1) stress reaction. Six fractures had follow-up MRI, 67% showed partial or complete cortical healing, and the same number showed persistent marrow oedema. Incomplete fracture of the pars interarticularis represents a stage of the evolution of a complete stress fracture. The direction of fracture propagation is consistent, and complete healing can be achieved in most cases with appropriate clinical management. CT best demonstrates fracture size and extent, and is the most appropriate modality for follow-up. MRI is limited in its ability to fully depict the cortical integrity of

  18. Radiological findings and healing patterns of incomplete stress fractures of the pars interarticularis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dunn, Andrew J.; Campbell, Robert S.D. [Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Teaching Hospitals, Department of Medical Imaging, Liverpool (United Kingdom); Mayor, Peter E. [Leighton Hospital, Department of Medical Imaging, Crewe, Cheshire (United Kingdom); Rees, Dai [Robert Jones and Agnes-Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Oswestry, Shropshire (United Kingdom)


    The objective was to retrospectively record the CT and MRI features and healing patterns of acute, incomplete stress fractures of the pars interarticularis. The CT scans of 156 adolescents referred with suspected pars interarticularis stress fractures were reviewed. Patients with incomplete (grade 2) pars fractures were included in the study. Fractures were assessed on CT according to vertebral level, location of cortical involvement and direction of fracture propagation. MRI was also performed in 72 of the 156 cases. MRI images of incomplete fractures were assessed for the presence of marrow oedema and cortical integrity. Fracture healing patterns were characterised on follow-up CT imaging. Twenty-five incomplete fractures were identified in 23 patients on CT. All fractures involved the inferior or infero-medial cortex of the pars and propagated superiorly or superolaterally. Ninety-two percent of incomplete fractures demonstrated either complete or partial healing on follow-up imaging. Two (8%) cases progressed to complete fractures. Thirteen incomplete fractures in 11 patients confirmed on CT also had MRI, and 92% demonstrated oedema in the pars. Ten out of thirteen fractures (77%) showed a break in the infero-medial cortex with intact supero-lateral cortex, which correlated with the CT findings. MRI incorrectly graded one case as a complete (grade 3) fracture, and 2 cases as (grade 1) stress reaction. Six fractures had follow-up MRI, 67% showed partial or complete cortical healing, and the same number showed persistent marrow oedema. Incomplete fracture of the pars interarticularis represents a stage of the evolution of a complete stress fracture. The direction of fracture propagation is consistent, and complete healing can be achieved in most cases with appropriate clinical management. CT best demonstrates fracture size and extent, and is the most appropriate modality for follow-up. MRI is limited in its ability to fully depict the cortical integrity of

  19. Equações de chuvas intensas para o estado do Pará Intense rainfall equations for the state of Pará, Brazil

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    Rodrigo O. R. de M. Souza


    Full Text Available As equações de chuvas intensas têm sido usadas como ferramenta importante para o dimensionamento de obras hidráulicas. Devido à grande carência de informações relativas às equações de chuvas intensas, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a obtenção das relações de intensidade, duração e frequência de precipitação pluvial para o Estado do Pará, utilizando-se a metodologia da desagregação da chuva de 24 h. Foram utilizadas séries históricas de dados pluviométricos de 74 cidades do Estado do Pará, obtidas no Sistema de Informações Hidrológicas da Agência Nacional de Águas-ANA. As equações de intensidade-duração-frequência foram devidamente ajustadas e apresentaram bom ajuste, com coeficientes de determinação acima de 0,99. A maioria das estações (51,4% apresentou intensidade de precipitação entre 90 e 110 mm h-1, para uma duração de chuva de 30 min e um tempo de retorno de 15 anos. Pode-se perceber uma concentração das maiores precipitações na região próxima ao litoral do nordeste paraense e no sudeste da Ilha do Marajó.The intense rainfall equations have been used as an important tool for design of hydraulic structures. Considering the lack of intense rainfall equations, this study aimed to determine the relations of intensity, duration and frequency of intense rainfall in the Pará State (Brazil, using the one-day rain disaggregation method. In this research rainfall data of 74 cities in the State of Pará were used, obtained from the Hydrological Information System of the National Water Agency-ANA. The equations of intensity-duration-frequency were adjusted and presented good adjustment with coefficients of determination above 0.99. Most stations (51.4% showed intensity of precipitation between 90 and 110 mm h-1 for duration of 30 min and rainfall return period of 15 years. The highest rainfall intensities were in the region near the northeast coast of Pará State and southeast of the Marajo

  20. Plant-derived SAC domain of PAR-4 (Prostate Apoptosis Response 4 exhibits growth inhibitory effects in prostate cancer cells

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    Shayan eSarkar


    Full Text Available The gene Par-4 (Prostate Apoptosis Response 4 was originally identified in prostate cancer cells undergoing apoptosis and its product Par-4 showed cancer specific pro-apoptotic activity. Particularly, the SAC domain of Par-4 (SAC-Par-4 selectively kills cancer cells leaving normal cells unaffected. The therapeutic significance of bioactive SAC-Par-4 is enormous in cancer biology; however, its large scale production is still a matter of concern. Here we report the production of SAC-Par-4-GFP fusion protein coupled to translational enhancer sequence (5′ AMV and apoplast signal peptide (aTP in transgenic Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun NN plants under the control of a unique recombinant promoter M24. Transgene integration was confirmed by genomic DNA PCR, Southern and Northern blotting, Real-time PCR and Nuclear run-on assays. Results of Western blot analysis and ELISA confirmed expression of recombinant SAC-Par-4-GFP protein and it was as high as 0.15% of total soluble protein. In addition, we found that targeting of plant recombinant SAC-Par-4-GFP to the apoplast and endoplasmic reticulum (ER was essential for the stability of plant recombinant protein in comparison to the bacterial derived SAC-Par-4. Deglycosylation analysis demonstrated that ER-targeted SAC-Par-4-GFP-SEKDEL undergoes O-linked glycosylation unlike apoplast-targeted SAC-Par-4-GFP. Furthermore, various in vitro studies like mammalian cells proliferation assay (MTT, apoptosis induction assays, and NF-κB suppression suggested the cytotoxic and apoptotic properties of plant-derived SAC-Par-4-GFP against multiple prostate cancer cell lines. Additionally, pre-treatment of MAT-LyLu prostate cancer cells with purified SAC-Par-4-GFP significantly delayed the onset of tumor in a syngeneic rat prostate cancer model. Taken altogether, we proclaim that plant made SAC-Par-4 may become a useful alternate therapy for effectively alleviating cancer in the new era.

  1. Hep par-1: a novel immunohistochemical marker for differentiating hepatocellular carcinoma from metastatic carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanif, R.


    To evaluate the diagnostic utility of Hep par-1 in differentiating hepatocellular carcinoma from metastatic carcinoma taking histopathology as a gold standard. Study Design: Comparative cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Pathology Department, Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Lahore, from April 2007 to February 2008. Methodology: Hep par-1 immunohistochemical stain was performed on 60 cases of liver carcinoma, 30 cases each of metastatic and hepatocellular carcinoma. Information regarding patient age, gender, sign and symptoms, radiographic findings, histological grade of tumour, and expression of Hep par-1 on hepatocellular and metastatic carcinoma were recorded on proforma sheet. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and accuracy of Hep par-1 were calculated using the formulas. Results: Hep par-1 expression was noted in 25 out of 30 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (83%). Out of 30 cases of metastatic carcinoma, only one case expressed staining in < 5% tumour cells and remaining 29 cases showed no reactivity. The age of the patients with hepatocellular carcinoma ranged from 40 to 76 years with a median age of 60.5 years and 40 - 75 years for metastatic carcinomas with a median age of 57.5 years. Conclusion: Hep par-1 is a reliable immunohistochemical marker for cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It can be used along with other markers in morphologically difficult cases when differential diagnosis lies between poorly differentiated HCC and metastatic carcinoma of liver. (author)

  2. Paraplégie compliquant une plaie abdominale antérieure par arme blanche (United States)

    Elahmadi, Brahim; Awab, Almahdi; El Moussaoui, Rachid; El Hijri, Ahmed; Azzouzi, Abderrahim; Alilou, Mustapha


    Les traumatismes médullaires sont des complications rares des plaies abdominales antérieures par arme blanche. Son diagnostic est difficile parfois retardé. L'imagerie par résonance magnétique reste l'examen de choix. Le traitement dépend du tableau clinique et de la gravité de la souffrance médullaire. Le pronostic est corrélé à l’étendue et à la nature de la lésion médullaire. Nous rapportons un cas exceptionnel d'un traumatisme médullaire chez une patiente victime d'une plaie abdominale antérieure par arme blanche. PMID:25995808

  3. In vitro activity of five quinolones and analysis of the quinolone resistance-determining regions of gyrA, gyrB, parC, and parE in Ureaplasma parvum and Ureaplasma urealyticum clinical isolates from perinatal patients in Japan. (United States)

    Kawai, Yasuhiro; Nakura, Yukiko; Wakimoto, Tetsu; Nomiyama, Makoto; Tokuda, Tsugumichi; Takayanagi, Toshimitsu; Shiraishi, Jun; Wasada, Kenshi; Kitajima, Hiroyuki; Fujita, Tomio; Nakayama, Masahiro; Mitsuda, Nobuaki; Nakanishi, Isao; Takeuchi, Makoto; Yanagihara, Itaru


    Ureaplasma spp. cause several disorders, such as nongonococcal urethritis, miscarriage, and preterm delivery with lung infections in neonates, characterized by pathological chorioamnionitis in the placenta. Although reports on antibiotic resistance in Ureaplasma are on the rise, reports on quinolone-resistant Ureaplasma infections in Japan are limited. The purpose of this study was to determine susceptibilities to five quinolones of Ureaplasma urealyticum and Ureaplasma parvum isolated from perinatal samples in Japan and to characterize the quinolone resistance-determining regions in the gyrA, gyrB, parC, and parE genes. Out of 28 clinical Ureaplasma strains, we isolated 9 with high MICs of quinolones and found a single parC gene mutation, resulting in the change S83L. Among 158 samples, the ParC S83L mutation was found in 37 samples (23.4%), including 1 sample harboring a ParC S83L-GyrB P462S double mutant. Novel mutations of ureaplasmal ParC (S83W and S84P) were independently found in one of the samples. Homology modeling of the ParC S83W mutant suggested steric hindrance of the quinolone-binding pocket (QBP), and de novo prediction of peptide structures revealed that the ParC S84P may break/kink the formation of the α4 helix in the QBP. Further investigations are required to unravel the extent and mechanism of antibiotic resistance of Ureaplasma spp. in Japan. Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  4. Etude par imagerie radar des pollutions pétrolières

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    G. Rees


    Full Text Available En Russie, chaque année, les déversements de pétrole représentent un cinquième de la production totale. Les plus importants se produisent dans le domaine périglaciaire où le milieu naturel est d’une extrême fragilité. Les pipelines sont soumis à de rudes conditions notamment à la corrosion et aux processus cryogéniques. Le risque de rupture augmente en conséquence. La surveillance des déversements d’hydrocarbures, contrainte par l’immensité et la fréquente inaccessibilité du réseau de pipelines, peut être réalisée par le recours à la télédétection. L’objectif de ce travail est de fournir, à travers l’exemple de la catastrophe d’Usinsk (Rép. de Komi survenue en 1994, des outils d’analyse des images radar. Outre leur capacité à s’affranchir du couvert nuageux, les capteurs radar apportent des informations complémentaires à celles fournies par des capteurs optiques. L’exploitation thématique de ces images est rendue difficile par un certain nombre de facteurs perturbateurs tels que les caractéristiques propres du capteur, la direction de visée, la topographie et le phénomène de chatoiement (speckle. Le travail présenté montre le rôle prépondérant joué par ces corrections qui permettent de disposer de données quantitatives comparables d’une date à une autre. La méthode mise au point ici pour le suivi temporel de l’épanchement de pétrole d’Usinsk à partir de trois images radar, est discutée notamment dans ses limites et son aspect opérationnel possible.

  5. Increased plasma soluble uPAR level is a risk marker of respiratory cancer in initially cancer-free individuals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langkilde, Anne A; Hansen, Tine Willum; Ladelund, Steen


    BACKGROUND: Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a stable plasma biomarker associated with inflammation and disease. This study tested the association between suPAR levels and incident respiratory, gastrointestinal or other types of cancer in initially cancer-free individuals...... with respiratory, gastrointestinal and other cancer types, respectively.CONCLUSIONS: Elevated suPAR levels were associated with increased risk of incident respiratory cancer and other types of cancer, but not gastrointestinal cancers, independently of established risk factors, CRP and leukocyte numbers. Impact.......RESULTS: suPAR levels ranged from 0.6-22 ng/ml, and median suPAR level was 4.01 ng/ml. 1 ng/ml increase in baseline suPAR was associated with adjusted hazard ratios (HR) of 1.61 (95% CI: 1.23-2.11, P

  6. Lambeaux autofermants pour le traitement des brulures electriques du scalp par haut voltage (United States)

    Hafidi, J.; El Mazouz, S.; El Mejatti, H.; Fejjal, N.; Gharib, N.E.; Abbassi, A.; Belmahi, A.M.


    Summary Les brûlures électriques par haut voltage sont responsables de gros dégâts tissulaires en immédiat et dans les jours suivant l’accident du fait de la chaleur importante dégagée par effet joule et de la thrombose microvasculaire évolutive. Les pertes de substances du scalp secondaires à ces brûlures nécessitent une couverture par lambeaux vu la destruction du périoste et du calvarium en regard. De juin 1997 à juin 2008, 15 patients ont été traités pour des pertes de substance du scalp secondaires à des brûlures électriques par haut voltage de diamètre allant de 8 à 11 cm et siégeant dans la région tonsurale. Ces patients ont été opérés dans la première semaine suivant l’accident. Les pertes de substance du scalp de taille moyenne secondaires à ces brûlures peuvent être couvertes per primam de façon fiable par des lambeaux locaux axialisés et multiples. Nous relatons l’expérience du Service de Chirurgie Plastique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn-Sina, Rabat, Maroc, dans la gestion et la prise en charge de ces brûlures. PMID:22262963

  7. Spondylolysis outcomes in adolescents after direct screw repair of the pars interarticularis. (United States)

    Snyder, Laura A; Shufflebarger, Harry; O'Brien, Michael F; Thind, Harjot; Theodore, Nicholas; Kakarla, Udaya K


    Isthmic spondylolysis can significantly decrease functional abilities, especially in adolescent athletes. Although treatment can range from observation to surgery, direct screw placement through the fractured pars, or Buck's procedure, may be a more minimally invasive procedure than the more common pedicle screw-hook construct. Review of surgical databases identified 16 consecutive patients treated with Buck's procedure from 2004 to 2010. Twelve patients were treated at Miami Children's Hospital and 4 at Barrow Neurological Institute. Demographics and clinical and radiographic outcomes were recorded and analyzed retrospectively. The 16 patients had a median age of 16 years, and 14 were 20 years or younger at the time of treatment. Symptoms included axial back pain in 100% of patients with concomitant radiculopathy in 38%. Pars defects were bilateral in 81% and unilateral in 19% for a total of 29 pars defects treated using Buck's procedure. Autograft or allograft augmented with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein as well as postoperative bracing was used in all cases. Postoperatively, symptoms resolved completely or partially in 15 patients (94%). Of 29 pars defects, healing was observed in 26 (89.6%) prior to 1 revision surgery, and an overall fusion rate of 97% was observed at last radiological follow-up. There were no implant failures. All 8 athletes in this group had returned to play at last follow-up. Direct screw repair of the pars interarticularis defect as described in this series may provide a more minimally invasive treatment of adolescent patients with satisfactory clinical and radiological outcomes, including return to play of adolescent athletes.

  8. Sexual dimorphism in Ramphastos toco and Ramphastos dicolorus (Piciformes, Aves

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Márcio S. Castro


    Full Text Available Con frecuencia, en la familia Ramphastidae no hay un dimorfismo sexual aparente, excepto en Pteroglossus viridis y en el género Selenidera. Muchos criadores de aves silvestres creen que los especímenes de Ramphastos toco pueden ser sexados usando las caracteríticas del pico. En este estudio, fueron analizadas algunas variables feno-típicas discriminantes en aves cuyo sexo fue previamente determinado con metodos citogenéticos. Un total de 51 especimenes de R. toco y 20 de R. dicolorus fueron estudiados. Los parámetros estadísticos significativos que son útiles para distinguir el sexo en estas especies son la longitud del culmen y del tomium, la longitud del pico corneo inferior y de la cloaca. Usando estos parámetros, los criadores de aves cautivas pueden sexar los especimenes de Ramphastos toco mediante análisis fenotípico y formar parejas reproductoras más rapidamente.

  9. Compression robuste du signal par la transformée avec les B ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Par contre, elle diminue de façon considérable pour les b-splincs et les paquets dbndelcttes de Haar. Du point de vue entropie, la compression par bfsplines est bonne que celle de la TCD. Nous donnons ci-dessous un tableau récapitulatif des résultats de quelques méthodes utilisées pour deux signaux EMG. Le facteur de ...

  10. Planar Cell Polarity Breaks the Symmetry of PAR Protein Distribution prior to Mitosis in Drosophila Sensory Organ Precursor Cells. (United States)

    Besson, Charlotte; Bernard, Fred; Corson, Francis; Rouault, Hervé; Reynaud, Elodie; Keder, Alyona; Mazouni, Khalil; Schweisguth, François


    During development, cell-fate diversity can result from the unequal segregation of fate determinants at mitosis. Polarization of the mother cell is essential for asymmetric cell division (ACD). It often involves the formation of a cortical domain containing the PAR complex proteins Par3, Par6, and atypical protein kinase C (aPKC). In the fly notum, sensory organ precursor cells (SOPs) divide asymmetrically within the plane of the epithelium and along the body axis to generate two distinct cells. Fate asymmetry depends on the asymmetric localization of the PAR complex. In the absence of planar cell polarity (PCP), SOPs divide with a random planar orientation but still asymmetrically, showing that PCP is dispensable for PAR asymmetry at mitosis. To study when and how the PAR complex localizes asymmetrically, we have used a quantitative imaging approach to measure the planar polarization of the proteins Bazooka (Baz, fly Par3), Par6, and aPKC in living pupae. By using imaging of functional GFP-tagged proteins with image processing and computational modeling, we find that Baz, Par6, and aPKC become planar polarized prior to mitosis in a manner independent of the AuroraA kinase and that PCP is required for the planar polarization of Baz, Par6, and aPKC during interphase. This indicates that a "mitosis rescue" mechanism establishes asymmetry at mitosis in PCP mutants. This study therefore identifies PCP as the initial symmetry-breaking signal for the planar polarization of PAR proteins in asymmetrically dividing SOPs. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariana Rodrigues Faleiro


    Full Text Available Prostatic lesions such as prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN and proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA are studied in human and canine species due to their malignance potential. The plasminogen activator (PA system has been suggested to play a central role in cell adhesion, angiogenesis, inflammation, and tumor invasion. The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR is a component of the PA, with a range of expression in tumor and stromal cells. In this study, uPAR expression in both canine normal prostates and with proliferative disorders (benign prostatic hyperplasia-BPH, proliferative inflammatory atrophy-PIA, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia-PIN, and carcinoma-PC was evaluated by immunohistochemistry in a tissue microarray (TMA slide to establish the role of this enzyme in extracellular matrix (ECM remodeling and in the processes of tissue invasion. A total of 298 cores and 355 diagnoses were obtained, with 36 (10.1% normal prostates, 46 (13.0% with BPH, 128 (36.1% with PIA, 74 (20.8% with PIN and 71 (20.0% with PC. There is variation in the expression of uPAR in canine prostate according to the lesion, with lower expression in normal tissue and with BPH, and higher expression in tissue with PIA, PIN and PC. The high expression of uPAR in inflammatory and neoplastic microenvironment indicates increased proteolytic activity in canine prostates with PIA, PIN, and PC.

  12. In vitro and in vivo inhibition of proangiogenic retinal phenotype by an antisense oligonucleotide downregulating uPAR expression. (United States)

    Lulli, Matteo; Cammalleri, Maurizio; Granucci, Irene; Witort, Ewa; Bono, Silvia; Di Gesualdo, Federico; Lupia, Antonella; Loffredo, Rosa; Casini, Giovanni; Dal Monte, Massimo; Capaccioli, Sergio


    Neoangiogenesis is the main pathogenic event involved in a variety of retinal diseases. It has been recently demonstrated that inhibiting the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) results in reduced angiogenesis in a mouse model of oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR), establishing uPAR as a therapeutic target in proliferative retinopathies. Here, we evaluated in cultured human retinal endothelial cells (HRECs) and in OIR mice the potential of a specific antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotide (ASO) in blocking the synthesis of uPAR and in providing antiangiogenic effects. uPAR expression in HRECs was inhibited by lipofection with the phosphorotioated 5'-CGGCGGGTGACCCATGTG-3' ASO-uPAR, complementary to the initial translation site of uPAR mRNA. Inhibition of uPAR expression via ASO-uPAR was evaluated in HRECs by analyzing VEGF-induced tube formation and migration. In addition, the well-established and reproducible murine OIR model was used to induce retinal neovascularization in vivo. OIR mice were injected intraperitoneally with ASO-uPAR and retinopathy was evaluated considering the extent of the avascular area in the central retina and neovascular tuft formation. The ASO-uPAR specifically decreased uPAR mRNA and protein levels in HRECs and mitigated VEGF-induced tube formation and cell migration. Noteworthy, in OIR mice ASO-uPAR administration reduced both the avascular area and the formation of neovascular tufts. In conclusion, although the extrapolation of these experimental findings to the clinic is not straightforward, ASO-uPAR may be considered a potential therapeutic tool for treatment of proliferative retinal diseases. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Protease activated receptors (PARS) mediation in gyroxin biological activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, Jose Alberto Alves da


    Gyroxin is a serine protease enzyme from the South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) venom; it is only partially characterized and has multiple activities. Gyroxin induces blood coagulation, blood pressure decrease and a neurotoxic behavior named barrel rotation. The mechanisms involved in this neurotoxic activity are not known. Whereas gyroxin is a member of enzymes with high potential to become a new drug with clinical applications such as thrombin, batroxobin, ancrod, tripsyn and kalicrein, it is important to find out how gyroxin works. The analysis on agarose gel electrophoresis and circular dichroism confirmed the molecules' integrity and purity. The gyroxin intravenous administration in mice proved its neurotoxicity (barrel rotation). In vivo studies employing intravital microscopy proved that gyroxin induces vasodilation with the participation of protease activated receptors (PARs), nitric oxide and Na+K+ATPase. The leukocytes' adherence and rolling counting indicated that gyroxin has no pro inflammatory activity. Gyroxin induced platelet aggregation, which was blocked by inhibitors of PAR1 and PAR4 receptors (SCH 79797 and tcY-NH 2 , respectively). Finally, it was proved that the gyroxin temporarily alter the permeability of the blood brain barrier (BBB). Our study has shown that both the protease-activated receptors and nitric oxide are mediators involved in the biological activities of gyroxin. (author)

  14. Avis 6 sur la formation à et par la recherche


    Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement


    La formation à et par la recherche s’appuie sur la démarche scientifique, les savoirs, les connaissances à transmettre, tout autant que l’acquisition de compétences en gestion de projet, de capacités au travail en équipe, d’une ouverture d’esprit qui favorisera la créativité. Elle doit permettre de prendre conscience de la responsabilité endossée par la communauté scientifique vis-à-vis de la société et de l’environnement, mais aussi préparer l’avenir professionnel de celle ou de celui qu...

  15. Désadification biologique des vins par les levures de fleur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Le processus de désacidification bactérienne du vin par la fermentation malolactique est bien connu. Le vin acquiert ainsi une plus grande souplesse au goût et une stabilité biologique indispensable à sa conservation en bouteilles. Cependant, les levures Schizosaccharomyces pombe peuvent aussi fermenter l'acide malique (RIBÉREAU-GAYON et PEYNAUD, 1962. TARANTOLA et GANDINI, 1967 ont décrit des essais semi-industriels de désacidification biologique d'un moût blanc piémontais ; provoquée aussi bien par l'ensemencement de bactéries malolactiques  que de Schizosaccharomyces pombe.

  16. "Parīzes šiks" mūsdienu restorānu interjera dizainā


    Kalnarāja, Agnese


    Diplomdarbā “Parīzes šiks mūsdienu restorānu interjera dizainā” sastāv no piecām nodaļām. Pirmajā nodaļā tiek aprakstīta Parīzes arhitektūras un interjera dizaina vēsture, tā ietekme uz “Parīzes šika” veidošanos, kā arī pētīta restorānu vēsture. Otrajā nodaļā tiek pētīti elementi, kas raksturo “Parīzes šika” interjeru. Trešajā nodaļā tiek analizēti un aprakstīti psiholoģiskie faktori, kas ietekmē restorānu dizainu – apgaismojums, krāsu lietojums un atmosfēras nozīme interjerā. Empīriskajā...

  17. Funding Research Through the Online Partnership to Accelerate Research (OnPAR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin A. Dueñas, MPA


    Full Text Available OnPAR—the Online Partnership to Accelerate Research—seeks to provide a second opportunity for funding of high-quality, unfunded applications originally submitted to the National Institutes of Health and other national and international funding agencies. OnPAR will match applicable, unfunded applications with the research priorities of nongovernment organizations such as private biomedical foundations, pharmaceutical companies, venture capital funds, and other private funds. Funding organization members will review and make final funding decisions through a simple, 2-step process whereby applicants can submit public abstracts directly to OnPAR. If a member requests additional information, then, by invitation only, an applicant can submit their original unfunded application and their peer review summary statement. Advancing research discovery and drug development to improve clinical outcomes for patients afflicted with or at risk for disease is the primary goal of OnPAR. OnPAR invites the scientific community to fully participate in this new funding paradigm by submitting their National Institutes of Health public abstracts so that funding members can review and potentially support these high-quality, unfunded applications.

  18. Factor Xa stimulates fibroblast procollagen production, proliferation, and calcium signaling via PAR1 activation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanc-Brude, Olivier P.; Archer, Fabienne; Leoni, Patricia; Derian, Claudia; Bolsover, Steven; Laurent, Geoffrey J.; Chambers, Rachel C.


    Fibroblast proliferation and procollagen production are central features of tissue repair and fibrosis. In addition to its role in blood clotting, the coagulation cascade proteinase thrombin can contribute to tissue repair by stimulating fibroblasts via proteolytic activation of proteinase-activated receptor-1 (PAR 1 ). During hemostasis, the coagulation cascade proteinase factor X is converted into factor Xa. We have previously shown that factor Xa upregulates fibroblast proliferation via production of autocrine PDGF. In this study, we further examined the effects of factor Xa on fibroblast function and aimed to identify its signaling receptor. We showed that factor Xa stimulates procollagen promoter activity and protein production by human and mouse fibroblasts. This effect was independent of PDGF and thrombin production, but dependent on factor Xa proteolytic activity. We also showed that PAR 1 -deficient mouse fibroblasts did not upregulate procollagen production, mobilize cytosolic calcium, or proliferate in response to factor Xa. Desensitization techniques and PAR 1 -specific agonists and inhibitors were used to demonstrate that PAR 1 mediates factor Xa signaling in human fibroblasts. This is the first report that factor Xa stimulates extracellular matrix production. In contrast with endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts appear to be the only cell type in which the effects of factor Xa are mediated mainly via PAR 1 and not PAR 2 . These findings are critical for our understanding of tissue repair and fibrotic mechanisms, and for the design of novel approaches to inhibit the profibrotic effects of the coagulation cascade without compromising blood hemostasis

  19. Recherche documentaire par titrage automatique


    Lopez , Cédric; Prince , Violaine; Roche , Mathieu


    Nous proposons dans cet article un système facilitant la recherche d'information dans un ensemble de documents textuels, basé sur le titrage (et sous-titrage) automatique. Ce dernier peut se révéler crucial, par exemple, dans le cadre de la problématique de l'accessibilité des pages web (norme W3C). Notre processus de titrage automatique consiste à extraire des syntagmes nominaux pertinents dans les textes, pouvant constituer des titres ou sous-titres candidats. Une approche originale combina...

  20. Shutdown channels and fitted interlocks in atomic reactors; Chaines de securite et verrouillages installes sur les piles atomiques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Furet, J; Landauer, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This catalogue consists of tables (one per reactor) giving the following information: number and type of detectors, range of the shutdown channels, nature of the associated electronics, thresholds setting off the alarms, fitted interlocks. These cards have been drawn up with a view to an examination of the reactors safety by the 'Reactor Safety Sub-Commission', they take into account the latest decisions. The reactors involved in this review are: Azur, Cabri, Castor-Pollux, Cesar-Marius-2, Edf-2, EL3, EL4, Eole, G1, G2-G3, Harmonie, Isis, Masurca, Melusine, Minerve, Osiris, Pegase, Peggy, PAT, Rapsodie, SENA, Siloe, Siloette, Triton-Nereide, and Ulysse. (authors) [French] Ce catalogue est compose d'un ensemble de tableaux (a raison de un tableau par pile) donnant les renseignements suivants: nombre et nature des detecteurs, dynamique des chaines, nature de l'electronique associee, seuils provoquant des actions de securite, verrouillages installes. Ces fiches ont ete etablies en vue de l'examen de la securite des piles par la 'Sous-Commission de Surete des Piles', et tiennent compte des decisions de celle-ci. Les reacteurs concernes sont: Azur, Cabri, Cator-Pollux, Cesar-Marius-2, Edf-2, EL3, EL4, Eole, G1, G2-G3, Harmonie, Isis, Masurca, Melusine, Minerve, Osiris, Pegase, Peggy, PAT, Rapsodie, SENA, Siloe, Siloette, Triton-Nereide, et Ulysse. (auteurs)

  1. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) as a promising new imaging target

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Persson, Morten; Kjaer, Andreas


    modalities such as optical imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, single photon emission computer tomography (SPECT) and positron emission topography (PET). In this review, we will discuss recent advances in the development of uPAR-targeted imaging ligands according to imaging modality. In addition, we...... will discuss the potential future clinical application for uPAR imaging as a new imaging biomarker....

  2. Protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) is upregulated by Acanthamoeba plasminogen activator (aPA) and induces proinflammatory cytokine in human corneal epithelial cells. (United States)

    Tripathi, Trivendra; Abdi, Mahshid; Alizadeh, Hassan


    Acanthamoeba plasminogen activator (aPA) is a serine protease elaborated by Acanthamoeba trophozoites that facilitates the invasion of trophozoites to the host and contributes to the pathogenesis of Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK). The aim of this study was to explore if aPA stimulates proinflammatory cytokine in human corneal epithelial (HCE) cells via the protease-activated receptors (PARs) pathway. Acanthamoeba castellanii trophozoites were grown in peptone-yeast extract glucose for 7 days, and the supernatants were collected and centrifuged. The aPA was purified using the fast protein liquid chromatography system, and aPA activity was determined by zymography assays. Human corneal epithelial cells were incubated with or without aPA (100 μg/mL), PAR1 agonists (thrombin, 10 μM; TRAP-6, 10 μM), and PAR2 agonists (SLIGRL-NH2, 100 μM; AC 55541, 10 μM) for 24 and 48 hours. Inhibition of PAR1 and PAR2 involved preincubating the HCE cells for 1 hour with the antagonist of PAR1 (SCH 79797, 60 μM) and PAR2 (FSLLRY-NH2, 100 μM) with or without aPA. Human corneal epithelial cells also were preincubated with PAR1 and PAR2 antagonists and then incubated with or without PAR1 agonists (thrombin and TRAP-6) and PAR2 agonists (SLIGRL-NH2 and AC 55541). Expression of PAR1 and PAR2 was examined by quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR), flow cytometry, and immunocytochemistry. Interleukin-8 expression was quantified by qRT-PCR and ELISA. Human corneal epithelial cells constitutively expressed PAR1 and PAR2 mRNA. Acanthamoeba plasminogen activator and PAR2 agonists significantly upregulated PAR2 mRNA expression (1- and 2-fold, respectively) (P aPA, and PAR2 agonists induced PAR2 mRNA expression in HCE cells (P aPA, significantly upregulated PAR1 mRNA expression, which was significantly inhibited by PAR1 antagonist in HCE cells. Acanthamoeba plasminogen activator and PAR2 agonists stimulated IL-8 mRNA expression and protein production, which is significantly diminished by PAR2 antagonist

  3. Parijs is een meervoud. Adriaan van Dis en de heruitvinding van de Hollander in Parijs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koffeman, M.N.; Koffeman, Maaike; Montoya, Alicia C.; Smeets, Marc


    Parijs, tot halverwege de 20ste eeuw het onbetwiste centrum van de Europese cultuur, heeft van oudsher een grote aantrekkingskracht uitgeoefend op Nederlandse kunstenaars en schrijvers. Velen van hen verbleven er kortere of langere tijd, op zoek naar internationale erkenning. De vrijere seksuele moraal

  4. Childhood Pars Planitis; Clinical Features and Outcomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Homayoon Nikkhah


    Full Text Available Purpose: To evaluate the demographic and clinical features of childhood pars planitis, and to determine the therapeutic and visual outcomes of the disease. Methods: Medical records of pediatric patients (less than 16 years of age at diagnosis with pars planitis and at least 6 months of follow-up who were referred to Labbafinejad Medical Center, Tehran, Iran over a 22 year period were reviewed. Results: Overall, 117 eyes of 61 patients including 51 (83.6% male subjects were included. Mean age at the time of diagnosis was 7.8΁3.2 (range, 3-16 years. Mean best corrected visual acuity (BCVA was 0.88΁0.76 logMAR at presentation which improved to 0.39΁0.51 logMAR at final visit (P<0.001. Endotheliitis was present in 23 (19.6% eyes and was significantly more prevalent in subjects younger than 9 years (P=0.025. Cataract formation (41.9% and cystoid macular edema (19.7% were the most prevalent complications. Univariate regression analysis showed that better baseline visual acuity (OR=0.38, 95%CI 0.21-0.70, P=0.002, age older than 5 years at disease onset (OR=0.36, 95%CI 0.14-0.9, P=0.029, absence of endotheliitis (OR=0.39, 95%CI 0.15-0.99, P=0.047 and female gender (OR=3.77, 95%CI 1.03-13.93, P=0.046 were significantly associated with final BCVA of 20/40 or better. Conclusion: Childhood pars planitis was much more common among male subjects. Endotheliitis may be a sign of inflammation spillover and is more prevalent in younger patients. Visual prognosis is favorable in most patients with appropriate treatment.

  5. suPAR associates to glucose metabolic aberration during glucose stimulation in HIV-infected patients on HAART

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Ove; Eugen-Olsen, Jesper; Kofoed, Kristian


    extend these findings by investigating the association of suPAR to glucose metabolic insufficiency during an oral glucose challenge (OGTT). METHODS: In 16 HIV-infected patients with lipodystrophy and 15 HIV-infected patients without lipodystrophy, glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity (ISI......PAR correlated inversely with ISI(composite) and positively with 2h plasma glucose, fasting insulin secretion, fasting intact proinsulin and FFA level during the OGTT (all P...-RNA, duration of HIV infection), and dyslipidemia (plasma total cholesterol, triglyceride and free fatty acid level during the OGTT) were included, suPAR remained a significant marker of glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. Plasma suPAR exhibited a small CV (11%) during the 3h OGTT. CONCLUSIONS: su...

  6. Eficacia de los antivirales en la parálisis de Bell


    Vázquez, María Cristina; Sánchez, Nury; Calvo, Judith; Perna, Abayubá


    Introducción: la parálisis de Bell es una afección frecuente que presenta en 15% de los casos una recuperación incompleta. En los últimos años se ha acumulado evidencia del posible rol del virus herpes simple tipo 1 en su etiología. Objetivos: comparar la eficacia de valaciclovir y prednisona versus prednisona placebo en la parálisis de Bell. Material y método: se realizó un ensayo prospectivo, randomizado y placebo controlado. De los 41 pacientes incluidos, 21 fueron tratados con valaciclovi...

  7. CRP and suPAR are differently related to anthropometry and subclinical organ damage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lyngbæk, Stig; Sehestedt, Thomas; Marott, Jacob L


    BACKGROUND: Low-grade inflammation is a marker for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The inflammatory biomarkers C-reactive protein (CRP) and soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) independently predict CVD. We tested the hypothesis that these biomarkers reflect different aspects...... of the inflammation associated with CVD. METHODS: We studied 2273 subjects without CVD. Log-transformed CRP and suPAR were included in general linear and logistic regression models to compare associations with measures of anthropometry and subclinical organ damage (SOD). Owing to interactions on body mass index (BMI......) (P3: 1.31 (1.16-1.47), whereas log-CRP was not (1.00 (0.89-1.11))). CONCLUSIONS: CRP is positively associated with anthropometric measures, whereas suPAR is linked to endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis....

  8. Sucralfate modulates uPAR and EGFR expression in an experimental rat model of cervicitis. (United States)

    Mannari, C; Santi, S; Migliori, M; Filippi, C; Origlia, N; Sansò, M; Boldrini, E; Giovannini, L


    Sucralfate is a drug used in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcer; it is cytoprotective and able to increase the bioavailability of several growth factors, modulating the wound healing process. In this study we tested the possible therapeutic effect of Sucralfate in the treatment of ulcerative lesions occurring in uterine cervix; to investigate such effect we used an experimental rat model of cervicitis in which the uPAR and EGFR expression were evaluated. Cervicitis was induced in wild and ovariectomized Wistar female rats by an acetic acid-soaked tampon. The animals were divided into two main groups (4 and 7 days) and Sucralfate was administered topically until the day they were sacrificed. In order to distinguish physiological and drug-induced healing, quantitative and qualitative uPAR and EGFR expression were evaluated by using Western blot and Immunohistochemistry techniques. Western blot analysis demonstrated an increased expression of both receptors after 4 days from wounding in wild and ovariectomized animals. In particular in ovariectomized animals the expression of uPAR and EGFR increased after 4 days while it reduced following the administration of Sucralfate. In wild rats the same was observed for uPAR expression, while EGFR was different; in fact, its expression increased significantly at day 4 in the animals treated with the drug and only at day 7 in those untreated. Immunohistochemistry highlighted a noteworthy epithelial colocalization of EGFR and uPAR after 4 days in the animals treated with Sucralfate. We conclude that Sucralfate can promote the healing of ulcerative cervicitis and moreover, it reduces the normal healing time because of its modulatory property on uPAR and EGFR expression.

  9. The role of gyrA and parC mutations in fluoroquinolones-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from Iran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roghayeh Nouri

    Full Text Available Abstract The aim of this study was to examine mutations in the quinolone-resistance-determining region (QRDR of gyrA and parC genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates. A total of 100 clinical P. aeruginosa isolates were collected from different university-affiliated hospitals in Tabriz, Iran. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs of ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin were evaluated by agar dilution assay. DNA sequences of the QRDR of gyrA and parC were determined by the dideoxy chain termination method. Of the total 100 isolates, 64 were resistant to ciprofloxacin. No amino acid alterations were detected in gyrA or parC genes of the ciprofloxacin susceptible or ciprofloxacin intermediate isolates. Thr-83 → Ile substitution in gyrA was found in all 64 ciprofloxacin resistant isolates. Forty-four (68.75% of them had additional substitution in parC. A correlation was found between the number of the amino acid alterations in the QRDR of gyrA and parC and the level of ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin resistance of the P. aeruginosa isolates. Ala-88 → Pro alteration in parC was generally found in high level ciprofloxacin resistant isolates, which were suggested to be responsible for fluoroquinolone resistance. These findings showed that in P. aeruginosa, gyrA was the primary target for fluoroquinolone and additional mutation in parC led to highly resistant isolates.

  10. Contribution de la tomographie par coherence optique au diagnostic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Contribution de la tomographie par coherence optique au diagnostic de la neuropathie optique toxique. C.O.A. Abouki, S Alamou, C.R.A. Assavedo, L Odoulami-Yehouessi, I Sounouvou, S Hounnou-Tchabi ...

  11. La lecture de Merleau-Ponty par Renaud Barbaras

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pechar, Jiří


    Roč. 11, č. 2 (2015), s. 1-6 ISSN 1336-6556 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : Merleau-Ponty * Husserl * phenomenology * linguistics of Ferdinand de Saussure Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion

  12. Monoradiculopathy and secondary segmental instability caused by postoperative pars interarticularis fracture: a case report. (United States)

    Kaner, Tuncay; Tutkan, Ibrahim


    Instability can develop after lumbar spinal surgery. What is also known as secondary segmental instability is one of the important causes of failed back syndrome. In this paper, we described a 45-year-old female patient who was diagnosed with secondary segmental instability caused by left L3 pars interarticularis fracture after a high lumbar disc surgery and was subsequently treated with re-operation. We evaluated the clinical course, diagnosis, and treatment methods for secondary segmental instability caused by postoperative pars interarticularis fracture. Furthermore, we emphasized the importance of preserving the pars interarticularis during upper lumbar disc surgeries in order to avoid a potential stress fracture.

  13. Influence of P-Reactor operation on the aquatic ecology of Par Pond: a literature review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilde, E.W.; Tilly, L.J.


    Par Pond is a 1012 hectare reservoir that was constructed in 1958 to provide cooling water for Savannah River nuclear reactors. The purpose of this report is to summarize all known studies on the Par Pond system and point out demonstrable or probable effects that can be correlated with reactor operations. Reactor operation effects the Par Pond ecosystem through: (1) pumping, (2) thermal alteration, and (3) the addition of Savannah River makeup water. The influence of each of these factors is discussed. 108 references, 24 figures, 34 tables. (MF)

  14. Par Pond refill water quality sampling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koch, J.W. II; Martin, F.D.; Westbury, H.M.


    This study was designed to document anoxia and its cause in the event that the anoxia caused a fish kill. However, no fish kill was observed during this study, and dissolved oxygen and nutrient concentrations generally remained within the range expected for southeastern reservoirs. Par Pond water quality monitoring will continue during the second summer after refill as the aquatic macrophytes become reestablished and nutrients in the sediments are released to the water column

  15. ParShield: A computer program for calculating attenuation parameters of the gamma rays and the fast neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elmahroug, Y.; Tellili, B.; Souga, C.; Manai, K.


    Highlights: • Description of the theoretical method used by the ParShield program. • Description of the ParShield program. • Test and validation the ParShield program. - Abstract: This study aims to present a new computer program called ParShield which determines the neutron and gamma-ray shielding parameters. This program can calculate the total mass attenuation coefficients (μ t ), the effective atomic numbers (Z eff ) and the effective electron densities (N eff ) for gamma rays and it can also calculate the effective removal cross-sections (Σ R ) for fast neutrons for mixtures and compounds. The results obtained for the gamma rays by using ParShield were compared with the results calculated by the WinXcom program and the measured results. The obtained values of (Σ R ) were tested by comparing them with the measured results,the manually calculated results and with the results obtained by using MERCSFN program and an excellent agreement was found between them. The ParShield program can be used as a fast and effective tool to choose and compare the shielding materials, especially for the determination of (Z eff ) and (N eff ), there is no other programs in the literature which can calculate

  16. SuPAR predicts postoperative complications and mortality in patients with asymptomatic aortic stenosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hodges, Gethin W; Bang, Casper N; Eugen-Olsen, Jesper


    complications with a HR of 2.7 (95% CI 1.5 to 5.1, P=0.002), per doubling in suPAR. After adjusting for the European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation or Society of Thoracic Surgeons risk score, suPAR remained associated with postoperative mortality with a HR 3.2 (95% CI 1.2 to 8.6, P=0.025) and 2...

  17. Results of Preliminary Tests of PAR Bunch Cleaning

    CERN Document Server

    Yao, Chihyuan; Grelick, Arthur; Lumpkin, Alex H; Sereno, Nicholas S


    A particle accumulator ring (PAR) is used at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) to collect multiple linac bunches and compress them into a 0.3-ns (rms) single bunch for booster injection. A 9.77-MHz fundamental rf system and a 117.3-MHz harmonic rf system are employed for initial beam capture and bunch length compression. Satellite bunches with very low charge form due to rf phase drifts or beam loading change. These satellites, when injected into the booster and then into the storage ring (SR), cause bunch impurity at three buckets from the target bucket. Storage ring and booster bunch cleaning was tried but proved to be difficult due to the top-up mode of operation in the storage ring and tune drift in the booster synchrotron. Recently we implemented a PAR bunch-cleaning system with tune-modulated harmonic rf knockout. Preliminary tests gave a measured SR bunch purity of better than 10

  18. Analysis of clinical features and visual outcomes of pars planitis. (United States)

    Berker, Nilufer; Sen, Emine; Elgin, Ufuk; Atilgan, Cemile Ucgul; Dursun, Erdem; Yilmazbas, Pelin


    To evaluate the demographic characteristics, clinical features, treatment and outcomes of patients with pars planitis in a tertiary referral center in Turkey. Medical records of patients with pars planitis were retrospectively reviewed. The data including demographic and ocular features and treatment outcomes were recorded. The distribution of clinical findings and complications were evaluated according to age and gender groups. The changes in final BCVA compared to the initial BCVA were noted. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software (Version 18.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). Twenty-seven patients (54 eyes) were included in this study. 16 patients were male (59.3%), and 11 were female (40.7%). Mean age at diagnosis was 12.84 ± 8.26 (range 4-36) years. Mean follow-up period was 61.3 ± 52.15 (range 9-172) months. Mean BCVA was 0.58 ± 0.36 (range 0.03-1.00) (0.40 ± 0.45 logMAR) at presentation, and 0.81 ± 0.28 (range 0.10-1.00) (0.14 ± 0.27 logMAR) at final visit (P = 0.001). Vitreous inflammation (100%), vitreous haze (92.6%), snowballs (74.1%), snowbanks (66.7%), anterior chamber cells (66.7%) and peripheral retinal vascular sheathing (48.1%) were the most common presentations. Ocular complications included vitreous condensation (51.9%), cystoid macular edema (22.2%), cataract (18.5%), inferior peripheral retinal detachment (11.1%), glaucoma (5.6%) and vitreous hemorrhage (3.7%). Treatments included topical, periocular, intravitreal and systemic corticosteroids, immunosuppressives, peripheral laser photocoagulation and pars plana vitrectomy when needed. Pars planitis is an idiopathic chronic intermediate uveitis mostly affecting children and adolescents. In spite of its chronic nature with high potential of causing ocular complications, adequate treatment and close follow-up lead to favorable visual outcomes.

  19. Could soluble urokinase plasminogen receptor (suPAR) be used as a diagnostic biomarker for ventilator-associated pneumonia? (United States)

    Sunnetcioglu, Aysel; Sunnetcioglu, Mahmut; Adıyaman, Fırat; Binici, Irfan; Soyoral, Lokman


    Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a biomarker that is increasingly used for evaluation of systemic inflammation. This study was performed to investigate whether suPAR may possess a diagnostic value in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). This clinical study was performed in the anesthesia intensive care units (ICUs) of our university. In addition to descriptive data, WBC, serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and suPAR prior to and after development of VAP were noted and compared in 31 patients (22 men, 9 women) diagnosed with VAP (Study Group) and 19 patients without VAP (Control Group) in ICU (14 men, 5 women). The suPAR (P = 0.023), CRP (P = 0.037), WBCs (P = 0.024) in patients with VAP were significantly higher than patients without VAP. There was no remarkable difference in terms of WBCs (P = 0.052) and suPAR levels (P = 0.616) between groups on the first day of connection to mechanical ventilator. The suPAR and CRP levels in patients with VAP were significantly higher than prior to development of VAP (P = 0.001 for both). Area under curve value after diagnosis of pneumonia was found 0.248 (P = 0.002). To conclude, our results suggest that suPAR can be a useful diagnostic biomarker in patients with VAP. However, clinical trials on larger series are warranted to explore the clinical significance more accurately. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Dios, Patria, Autoridad: la Iglesia Católica y la fascistización de los regímenes ibéricos, 1933-1945

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    Manuel Loff


    Full Text Available La crisis de los sistemas liberales ibéricos en la Europa de entreguerras es especialmente interesante por el papel específico que ocupa en ella el componente católico de laidentidad y de las coaliciones que sostuvieron los dos regímenes autoritarios. El catolicismo político tuvo un papel muy relevante en el proceso de modernización de las derechas españolas y portuguesas de la primera posguerra. Salazar y Franco presentaron los regímenes que ellosmismos construyeron y sobre los que gobernaron como siendo intrínsicamente católicos, y los católicos fueron actoresprincipales de las coaliciones políticas y sociales que sostuvieron ambos dictadores. En su lucha contra la Primera República Portuguesa (1910-26 y la Segunda República Española (1931-39, las fuerzas políticas conservadoras y de extrema derecha concedieron un papel estratégico a los católicos politicamente organizados en lo que se refiere a la movilización de las masas y en la constitución de un amplia coalición que pudiese crear una alternativa sólida a la democracia liberal y a un movimento obrero cada día más fuerte. En los años centrales de la «Era del Fascismo», las derechas católicas ibéricas y la jerarquía de la Iglesia sancionaron un giro muy notorio hacia una lectura crecientemente fascistizada del contexto político europeo posterior a la Revolución Soviética.The crisis of the Iberian liberal systems in inter-war Europe is especially interesting to study because of the specific role ofthe Catholic component of both the sustaining political coalition and the identity of these two of the European 20th century authoritarian regimes. Political Catholicism was a major actor in the modernisation process of Spanish and Portuguese post-World War I rightwing movements. Salazar and Franco presented the regimes they built up and ruled upon as being intrinsically catholic, and Catholics were major partners in the political and

  1. Spectral variations of UV-A and PAR solar radiation in estuarine waters of Goa

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Talaulikar, M.; Suresh, T.; Silveira, N.; Desa, E.; Matondkar, S; Lotlikar, A

    radiation (400 to 700 nm), PAR and ultraviolet radiation in the range 350-400 nm (UV-A) are presented here. The mean PAR values at the surface were 327 W/m sup(2) and reduced to 84 W/m sup(2) at first optical depth, Z sub(90) (m) in water. The first optical...

  2. Contribution to the study of the reduction of sulfate by the yolk sac of the chicken embryo; Contribution a l'etude de la reduction du sulfate par le sac vitellin de l'embryon de poulet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bourgeois, Claude


    This academic reports addresses additional information obtained about the reduction of sulfate into sulphite by the yolk sac of a chicken embryo. Two important difficulties have been faced: the impossibility to isolate this reduction from reactions which immediately use the formed sulphite, and the impossibility to obtain an acellular preparation able to reduce the sulfate. Then, the problem of reduction of sulfate into sulphite by the yolk sac is associated with the problem of permeability of yolk sac cells to the studied substances. Thus, the author studied whether other animal species could provide a better material than the chicken embryo for this study of sulfate reduction. It appears that some vertebrate embryos present some evidence of sulphur metabolism similar to that of chicken embryo. However, this last one revealed to be the most favourable for the study. The author reports the study of the evolution of the reduction activity of the yolk sac sulfate with respect to the embryo age, and the effect of some metabolic inhibitors on this activity [French] Dans le present travail nous avons obtenu quelques renseignements concernant la reduction du sulfate en sulfite par l'embryon de poulet. Cette etude a ete menee, a l'aide de substances marquees par le soufre {sup 35}S, par les methodes qui avaient permis anterieurement a Chapeville et Fromageot de mettre en evidence cette reaction et les reactions qui lui font suite au cours de la synthese des aminoacides soufres. Pour apprecier la reduction du sulfate {sup 35}S, nous avons mesure la quantite d'acide cysteique {sup 35}S et de taurine {sup 35}S formes a partir du sulfite {sup 35}S. Appliquant ces techniques aux embryons d'especes animales variees, nous avons constate que quelques embryons de vertebres etaient capables d'utiliser le sulfite a la synthese d'acide cysteique: les embryons de roussette et de rat avec un rendement faible, l'embryon d'un passereau de la famille des turdides, comme celui du poulet

  3. Programa para el cálculo de los regímenes de operación de la red soterrada

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    Manuel Barroso Baeza


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de software para el análisis de los regímenes de trabajo normalesde la red soterrada; específicamente abarca el desarrollo y adecuación de algoritmos para flujo de carga,elaborando el producto informático propuesto empleando las técnicas de la programación visual. El programaobtenido permite analizar estudios completos del comportamiento de la red soterrada, nunca antes posible,pues se carecía de la herramienta adecuada para realizar tales estudios, o bien por falta de capacidadsuficiente en cuanto a memoria requerida para modelar la red completa , lo cual sucedió en las décadasanteriores o porque los programas que existían entonces eran desarrollados para la transmisión.  This work has as objectives the software development for the analysis of the normal load flow of the undergroundsecondary network, specifically sandal the development and adaptation of algorithms for load flow, elaborating theproposed computer product using the techniques of the visual programming. The obtained program allows toanalyze complete studies of the net behavior it was never before possible, because you lacked the appropriatetool to carry out such studies, or for lack of enough capacity as for memory required to model the complete net,that which happened in the previous decades or because the programs that existed then were developed for thetransmission. As a result final of this project a software will be reached that using a base data common to othertechnical studies, facilitate to make any of the mentioned analysis, responding to the particularities of the undergroundsecondary network.

  4. Repérer des sites similaires à une recherche par Google


    Ginouvès, Véronique


    Repérer des sites similaires à une recherche par Google Afficher graphiquement les liens d’un site avec d’autres sites similaires TouchGraph GoogleBrowser crée des agrégations de sites à partir de l’interrogation de Google. Vous visualisez ainsi des nébuleuses de sites à l’intérieur desquelles vous pouvez naviguer facilement, en sautant d'un groupe à l'autre afin de voir les nuages autour de sujets ou de communautés de sujets. Cet outil a été développé par Alex Shapiro, à partir de la version...

  5. Le dysfonctionnement socio-spatial des grands ensembles en Algérie: technique de l’analyse wayfinding par méthode “movement traces” et l’analyse morphologique (syntaxe spatiale par logiciel “depthmap”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amara Hima


    Full Text Available Résumé La technique de l’analyse syntaxique de la visibilité (Visibility Graph Analysis – VGA et de l’accessibilité (All Line Analysis – ALA par logiciel “DepthMap©(UCL, Londres” et l’analyse du dysfonctionnement wayfinding par méthode “movement traces”, sont utilisées dans ce papier afin de développer un modèle d’analyse et d’investigation de l’impact des changements spatiaux sur le dysfonctionnement socio-spatial du wayfinding, ainsi sur la reproduction urbaine, notamment les transformations des façades et l’appropriation des espaces extérieurs dans les grands ensembles en Algérie. Nous donnons ici le cas d’étude de la cité 1000 logt-Biskra et la cité 500 logt-M’sila. Afin de vérifier cette hypothèse, un modèle d’analyse hybride a été développé par croisement des résultats d’analyses des deux techniques. Par conséquent, le schéma de l’interférence montre que la majorité des piétons préfèrent parcourir les axes courts et droits — caractérisés par une forte propriété syntaxique de visibilité et d’accessibilité (l’intégration, la connectivité et l’intelligibilité — en directions des équipements adjacents et aux milieux des deux cités. Ces itinéraires ont un impact sur les transformations des façades et l’appropriation des espaces extérieurs. Le modèle développé promet de futures recherches sur le plan de la quantification, la modélisation et la simulation du processus de la reproduction urbaine, notamment par les automates cellulaires.

  6. Infection par le VIH chez les patientes atteintes de cancer du sein en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'objectif était de déterminer la prévalence de l'infection à VIH chez les patientes atteintes de cancer du sein et de comparer les caractéristiques anatomocliques et thérapeutiques de ces cancers du sein par rapports aux patientes non infectées par le VIH. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective et analytique comparant les ...

  7. A cluster of aspartic residues in the extracellular loop II of PAR 4 is important for thrombin interaction and activation of platelets. (United States)

    Sánchez Centellas, Daniel; Gudlur, Sushanth; Vicente-Carrillo, Alejandro; Ramström, Sofia; Lindahl, Tomas L


    Thrombin activates platelets via proteolytic cleavage of protease-activated receptors (PARs) 1 and 4. The two PARs have distinct but complementary roles. The mechanisms responsible for PAR1 activation by thrombin have been extensively studied. However, much less is known regarding thrombin activation of PAR4, especially the potential involvement of regions of PAR4 other than the N-terminal, which is bound to the catalytic site of thrombin. We have studied PAR4 in S. cerevisiae strain MMY12, an expression system in which the GPCR receptors are connected to a Lac Z reporter gene resulting in increased β-galactosidase activity. This approach was used to assess PAR4 mutants to evaluate the contribution of different aspartic residues in facilitating PAR4 activation. Furthermore, peptides mimicking parts of the PAR4 N-terminal and the second extracellular loop (ECLII) were tested for their ability to inhibit platelet activation by thrombin. Binding of these peptides to γ-thrombin was studied by monitoring the decrease in tryptophan fluorescence intensity of thrombin. We conclude that not only the N-terminal but also the electronegative aspartic residues D224, D230 and D235 (located in ECLII) are be important for PAR4 binding to thrombin. We further suggest that they play a role for the tethered ligand binding to the receptor, as mutations also affected activation in response to a PAR4-activating peptide mimicking the new N-terminal formed after cleavage. This agrees with previous results on PAR1 and thrombin binding. We suggest that the ECLII of PAR4 could be a potential target for antithrombotic drug development. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Preliminary Analysis For Wolsong Par Effects Using ISACC Calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Yong Mann; Kim, Dong Ha


    In the paper, hydrogen control effects using PARs only are analyzed for severe SBO station blackout (SBO) sequences beyond the design basis accidents in WS-1 which are of CANDU6 type reactor. As a computational tool, the latest version of ISAAC4.3 (Integrated Severe Accident Analysis Code for CANDU), which is a fully integrated and lumped severe accident computer code, is used to simulate hydrogen generation and transport inside the reactor building (R/B) before its failure. For the performance of hydrogen removal, the depletion rate equation of K-PAR developed in Korea is applied. In a CANDU reactor, three areas are identified as sources of hydrogen under severe accidents: fuel-coolant interactions in intact channels, suspended fuel or debris interactions in-calandria tank and debris interactions in-calandria vault. The first two origins provide source for the late ('late' terminology is used because it takes more than one day before calandria tank failure) potential hydrogen combustion before calandria tank failure and all the three origins would provide source for the very late potential hydrogen combustion occurring at or after calaria tank failure. If the hydrogen mitigation system fails, the AICC (adiabatic isochoric complete combustion) burning of highly flammable hydrogen may cause Wolsong R/B failure. So hydrogen induced failure possibility is evaluated, using preliminary ISAAC calculations, under several SBO conditions with and without PAR for both late and very late accident periods

  9. fortification des farines tropicales par l'introduction de proteines ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    2Université d'Abomey Calavy, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Bénin ... valeur recommandée par le Codex Alimentarius pour ce type de complément alimentaire destiné aux enfants. ..... neurotransmission, coagulation sanguine et.

  10. Parasitisme des champs semenciers de cacaoyers par les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 janv. 2015 ... J. Appl. Biosci. Parasitisme des champs semenciers de cacaoyers par les loranthaceae dans la localité de Nkoemvone (sud Cameroun). 7795 to the various clones, Phragmanthera capitata was the most abundant Loranthaceae; the level of parasitism of cacao trees is more important at the cacao trees of ...

  11. Crónica de una muerte anunciada: la jurisdicción de los tribunales españoles sobre crímenes internacionales antes y después de la Ley Orgánica 1/2014 relativa a la justicia universal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Carnero Rojo


    Full Text Available En marzo de 2014, el Parlamento español reformó la jurisdicción universal de los tribunales nacionales. El presente artículo analiza la evolución legislativa que condujo a esta reforma, sus orígenes políticos y sus consecuencias en la práctica judicial. Tal análisis demuestra que las limitaciones al ejercicio de la jurisdicción española sobre crímenes internacionales cometidos en el extranjero contra víctimas no españolas  comenzaron por vía judicial en el año 2003. Cuando dichas limitaciones fueron declaradas contrarias a la Constitución española, el legislador enmendó la ley en 2009 para establecer límites al ejercicio de la jurisdicción universal por razones económicas y diplomáticas y lo hizo de nuevo en 2014, con la intención aparente de impedir directamente el ejercicio de dicha jurisdicción. Esta última reforma, llevada a cabo de manera unilateral y expedita, impuso estrictas condiciones legales a la jurisdicción universal en España y desnaturalizó por completo su ejercicio. La deficiente calidad jurídica de la reforma no solo ha generado tensiones dentro de los tribunales, al impedirles seguir conociendo de la mayoría de los crímenes internacionales que estaban siendo investigados, sino que también ha dado lugar a una preocupante falta de seguridad jurídica de cara a procesos futuros.

  12. Decontamination of lead by fusion (1962); Decontamination du plomb par fusion (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boutot, P; Giachetto, L; Capitaine, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Various attempts to decontaminate using mechanical and chemical methods having given questionable results, a fusion method has been developed. The apparatus consists of a propane-heated oven fitted with a steel crucible of 1 400 kg capacity, with two ventilation systems, and with a vacuum gauge for preventing the diffusion of toxic gases. There are three operational controls : 1. On the samples taken before during and after the operation, 2. On the plugs taken from the ingots, 3. On the ingot itself. The continuous sanitary control is done by a radioactive aerosol recorder and by periodic sampling. This decontamination process will be improved, especially as far as the productivity and the safety precautions are concerned. (authors) [French] Divers essais de decontamination par voies mecaniques et chimiques ayant donne des resultats discutables, un procede par fusion a ete mis au point. L'appareil se compose d'un four, chauffe au propane, muni d'un creuset en acier d'une capacite de 1 400 kg, de deux systemes de ventilation et d'un deprimometre afin d'eviter la diffusion de vapeurs nocives. Trois controles d'activite sont effectues: 1. sur des echantillons preleves avant, pendant et apres l'operation, 2. sur des carottages realises sur les lingots, 3. sur le lingot lui-meme. Le controle sanitaire permanent est assure par un enregistreur d'aerosols radioactifs et par des prelevements periodiques. Ce procede de decontamination doit encore etre ameliore, principalement en ce qui concerne la productivite et la securite. (auteurs)

  13. The rate of endophthalmitis after pars plana vitrectomy and its risk factors. (United States)

    Tabatabaei, Seyed Ali; Soleimani, Mohammad; Vakili, Hadi; Naderan, Morteza; Lashay, Alireza; Faghihi, Houshang; Yaseri, Mehdi


    To study the incidence of endophthalmitis after pars plana vitrectomy, its causative organisms, and visual acuity outcomes. In this retrospective, comparative study, the medical records of patients with acute-onset postoperative endophthalmitis after pars plana vitrectomy at Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran, Iran, during a 12-year period between January 2004 and November 2015 were reviewed. To compare the endophthalmitis patients with other cases who underwent pars plana vitrectomy at the same day and also the same operating room, a control group was developed by gathering the data from surgical records. In the present study, the incidence rate of pos- vitrectomy endophthalmitis was 0.04% (16/39783). The organisms identified in aqueous or vitreous cultures (culture positive 44%) included Streptococcus pneumoniae (two patients, 12.5%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (two patients, 12.5%), fungi (two patients, 12.5%), and Streptococcus viridans (one patient, 6.25%). Visual acuity after treatment for endophthalmitis ranged from light perception (7 eyes) to hand motion (1 eye), and evisceration was performed in 8 eyes (50%). When comparing the cases (patients developing endophthalmitis) and controls (patients with no complications operated in the same day and place of operation with the case group), only not using tamponade showed a statistically significant relation with the occurrence of endophthalmitis (p = 0.034). Our results indicated low incidence of endophthalmitis after pars plana vitrectomy comparable to previous studies which resulted in poor visual acuity. It seems that not using tamponade might increase the risk of endophthalmitis among these patients.



    MEDJAHDI, Sarah ines


    CE TRAVAIL DE recherche rentre dans le cadre général de modélisation de la réduction des oxydes d'azote . l'utilisation des réacteurs a plasma froid non-thermique généré par des décharges couronnes est actuellement l'une des techniques les puis promettre .ses pour la destruction des oxydes d'azote .en effet , le traitement des gaz pollués par les décharges couronnes est notamment rendu possible par la multiplication des décharges Électriques .

  15. Evaluation of the Stability After Orthodontic Treatment Using PAR Index

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chaitra Ramanathan


    Full Text Available The aim of the present study is to establish the results using the scores obtained from the methodology that was applied for assessing the stability after 2 years post orthodontic treatment and stability in a sample of 69 individuals. After applying PAR index to the collected group of patients, a series of scores were obtained, which were then needed to be evaluated further to establish the results. The scores were evaluated using the nomogram. A comparison was done between the post treatment and the 2 years post treatment PAR weighting scores to determine if the results were stable after orthodontic treatment. The majority of the orthodontic patients were treated to a good standard and that the results appeared to be stable.

  16. Epuration des effluents industriels par électroflottation Belkacem ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    étudié la séparation de quelques métaux lourds tels que le fer, le nickel, ... the separation of some heavy metals such as iron, nickel, copper, zinc, lead and ... généralement basées sur l'adsorption (par ... Différents essais de concentration en.

  17. L'initiative Agua Limpia para Perú est dirigée par un ancien titulaire ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    9 juil. 2014 ... Au Pérou, de nombreuses sources d'eau sont contaminées par de ... l'accès à une eau propre et la formation sur l'assainissement, les eaux usées et les ... par AguaSAN Perú aux fins du traitement des eaux (en espagnol).

  18. Insectos parásitos que afectan a loros de Argentina y métodos para su obtención


    Aramburú, Rosana


    Las aves son parasitadas por una comunidad diversa de artrópodos, que pueden ser la causa principal de morbilidad y mortalidad en pichones y adultos. En este trabajo se brinda información sobre métodos para obtener insectos parásitos, distinguiendo métodos sobre el ave (para parásitos permanentes) y de búsqueda en el nido (para parásitos temporarios). Se ofrecen comentarios sobre algunos de los grupos más importantes de insectos parásitos de loros que se distribuyen en Argentina: piojos masti...

  19. Criticality Experiments Performed in Saclay and Valduc Centers, France (1958-2002)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barbry, F.; Grivot, P.; Girault, E.; Fouillaud, P.; Cousinou, P.; Poullot, G.; Anno, J.; Bordy, J.M.; Doutriaux, D.


    Since 1958, the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique and then the Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (previously the Institut de Protection et de Surete Nucleaire) have carried out criticality experiments first in Saclay and then in the Valduc criticality laboratory. This paper is a survey of the programs conducted during the last 45 yr with the different apparatuses. This paper also gives information about plans for the future. Programs are presented following the chronology and the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project classification. Among the numerous series of experiments, now 22 series (corresponding to 407 configurations) have been included in the 'International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments'

  20. "It was like reading a detective novel": Using PAR to work together for culture change. (United States)

    Fortune, Darla; McKeown, Janet; Dupuis, Sherry; de Witt, Lorna


    Participatory action research (PAR), with its focus on engagement and collaboration, is uniquely suited to enhancing culture change initiatives in dementia care. Yet, there is limited literature of its application to culture change approaches in care settings, and even less in dementia specific care contexts. To address these gaps in the literature, the purpose of this paper is to examine the complexities of a PAR project aimed at changing the culture of dementia care in two diverse dementia care settings, including a long term care (LTC) and community care setting. Drawing from data gathered throughout the PAR process, we unpack the challenges experienced by participants working together to guide culture change within their respective care settings. These challenges include: overextending selves through culture change participation; fluctuating group membership; feeling uncertainty, confusion and apprehension about the process; frustratingly slow process; and seeking diverse group representation in decision making. We also highlight the potential for appreciative inquiry (AI) to be integrated with PAR to guide a process whereby participants involved in culture change initiatives can develop strategies to mitigate challenges they experience. We view the challenges and strategies shared here as being constructive to would-be culture change agents and hope this paper will move others to consider the use of PAR when engaging in culture change initiatives. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Inhibiting trophoblast PAR-1 overexpression suppresses sFlt-1-induced anti-angiogenesis and abnormal vascular remodeling: a possible therapeutic approach for preeclampsia. (United States)

    Zhao, Yin; Zheng, YanFang; Liu, XiaoXia; Luo, QingQing; Wu, Di; Liu, XiaoPing; Zou, Li


    Is it possible to improve vascular remodeling by inhibiting the excessive expression of protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR-1) in trophoblast of abnormal placenta? Inhibition of trophoblast PAR-1 overexpression may promote placental angiogenesis and vascular remodeling, offering an alternative therapeutic approach for preeclampsia. PAR-1 is high-affinity receptor of thrombin. Thrombin increases sFlt-1 secretion in trophoblast via the activation of PAR-1. It is reported that the expression of both thrombin and PAR-1 expression are increased in placentas of preeclampsia patients compared with normal placentas. Trophoblast cells were transfected with PAR-1 short hairpin RNA (shRNA) or PAR-1 overexpression plasmids in vitro. Tube formation assays and a villus-decidua co-culture system were used to study the effect of PAR-1 inhibition on placental angiogenesis and vascular remodeling, respectively. Placentas from rats with preeclampsia were transfected with PAR-1 shRNA to confirm the effect of inhibiting PAR-1 overexpression in placenta. The trophoblast cell line HTR-8/SVneo was transfected with PAR-1 shRNA or PAR-1 overexpression plasmids. After 48 h, supernatant was collected and the level of sFlt-1 secretion was measured by ELISA. Human umbilical cord epithelial cells and a villus-decidua co-culture system were treated with conditioned media to study the effect of PAR-1 inhibition on tube formation and villi vascular remodeling. A preeclampsia rat model was established by intraperitoneal injection of L-NAME. Plasmids were injected into the placenta of the preeclampsia rats and systolic blood pressure was measured on Days 15 and 19. The effect of different treatments was evaluated by proteinuria, placental weights, fetal weights and fetal numbers in study and control groups. The level of serum sFlt-1 in rats with preeclampsia was also measured. Changes in the placenta microvessels were studied by histopathological staining. PAR-1 shRNA inhibited PAR-1 expression and

  2. Le coût par QALY rapporté au PIB (CQP): suggestion d'un nouvel ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le coût par QALY rapporté au PIB (CQP): suggestion d'un nouvel indice économique évaluant l'impact réel du coût du bénéfice des molécules onéreuses en oncologie par rapport aux moyens économique d'un pays.

  3. uPAR Targeted Radionuclide Therapy with 177Lu-DOTA-AE105 Inhibits Dissemination of Metastatic Prostate Cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Persson, Morten; Juhl, Karina; Rasmussen, Palle


    The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) is implicated in cancer invasion and metastatic development in prostate cancer and provides therefore an attractive molecular target for both imaging and therapy. In this study, we provide the first in vivo data on an antimetastatic effect...... of uPAR radionuclide targeted therapy in such lesions and show the potential of uPAR positron emission tomography (PET) imaging for identifying small foci of metastatic cells in a mouse model of disseminating human prostate cancer. Two radiolabeled ligands were generated in high purity and specific...... value of 100 nM in a competitive binding experiment. In vivo, uPAR targeted radionuclide therapy significantly reduced the number of metastatic lesions in the disseminated metastatic prostate cancer model, when compared to vehicle and nontargeted 177Lu groups (p

  4. Traitement De La Peripneumonie Contagieuse Bovine Par L ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Traitement De La Peripneumonie Contagieuse Bovine Par L'oxyteTracycline Longe Action Et Transmission Experimentale de la Maladie A Partir de Bovins Traites. ... Tous les 14 animaux ont séroconverti et l'analyse post-mortem a montré la présence des lésions chroniques dont des séquestres pulmonaires chez 4 d'entre ...

  5. Parasitisme de Dacryodes edulis par le genre Tapinanthus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 août 2013 ... Parasitisme de Dacryodes edulis par le genre. Tapinanthus (Loranthaceae) et répartition de la myrmécofaune associée à Logbessou Plateau. (Douala, Cameroun). Massako F1*, Tchatat M2, Mony R3, Ladoh Yemeda CF1, Dibong SD1,4,5. 1Laboratoire de Biologie et Physiologie des Organismes ...

  6. Solution volumes finis polynomiale par morceaux pour les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nous présentons dans ce papier un concept de solution volumes finis continue pour des problèmes de diffusion-convection avec des données régulières. Nous comparons dans certains cas particuliers la solution proposée avec la solution volumes finis classiques (qui est une fonction constante par morceaux) et la ...

  7. Cyclanthaceae no estado do Pará, Brasil Cyclanthaceae in Pará State, Brazil

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    Eduardo da Silva Leal


    Full Text Available Cyclanthaceae apresenta distribuição exclusiva na região neotropical sendo bem diversificada nas terras baixas das florestas pluviais tropicais, ocorrendo do sul do México até a Mata Atlântica do sul do Brasil. Consistem de ervas terrestres, epífitas, hemiepífitas ou lianas. O tratamento taxonômico de Cyclanthaceae no Pará foi baseado em coleções de herbário, trabalhos de campo e consulta a bibliografia referente à família. Foram registradas 11 espécies: Asplundia altiscandens E.S. Leal, A. fanshawei (Maguire Harling, A. glandulosa (Gleason Harling, A. heteranthera Harling, A. latifrons (Drude Harling, A. schizotepala Harling, A. xiphophylla Harling, Cyclanthus bipartitus Poit. ex A. Rich., Evodianthus funifer (Poit. Lindm., Ludovia lancifolia Brongn. e Thoracocarpus bissectus (Vell. Harling. São apresentadas chave de identificação, descrições e ilustrações das espécies, além de comentários sobre distribuição geográfica, hábitat e período de floração e frutificação.Cyclanthaceae is a family with a distribution exclusively in the Neotropics and is well diversified in lowland rainforests, occurring from southern Mexico to the Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil. The family consists of terrestrial herbs, epiphytes, hemiepiphytes and lianas. This taxonomic treatment of the Cyclanthaceae from the state of Pará was based on herbarium specimens, fieldwork, and the literature. Eleven species were recorded: Asplundia altiscandens E.S. Leal, A. fanshawei (Maguire Harling, A. glandulosa (Gleason Harling, A. heteranthera Harling, A. latifrons (Drude Harling, A. schizotepala Harling, A. xiphophylla Harling, Cyclanthus bipartitus Poit. ex A. Rich., Evodianthus funifer (Poit. Lindm., Ludovia lancifolia Brongn. and Thoracocarpus bissectus (Vell. Harling. An identification key, descriptions and illustrations of species are presented. Additional information on the geographic distribution, habitat, and flowering and

  8. suPAR remains uninfluenced by surgery in septic patients with bloodstream infection

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    Rabensteiner, Jasmin


    Full Text Available Surgical trauma induces activation of the immune system and may cause an increase of inflammatory biomarkers tested postoperatively in septic patients treated for bloodstream infection. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of surgical interventions on the novel sepsis biomarker soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR and to compare results with those of routine laboratory parameters CRP, PCT, and IL-6 in patients with culture-proven bloodstream infection. Forty-six adult patients with positive blood culture undergoing minor or major surgical intervention were investigated, 12 blood culture positive patients served as control group. Blood was collected 24 hours before and after surgical intervention for determination of the sepsis biomarkers suPAR, CRP, PCT, and IL-6. Within the surgical study cohort, a non-significant increase of suPAR, CRP, and PCT was observed postoperatively ( 0.642; 0.773; 0.087. In contrast, a slight decrease of IL-6 ( 0.599 was observed. A significant correlation was calculated for the pre- and postoperative difference of CRP ( 0.028 and PCT and type of surgical intervention received: after minor surgical intervention only PCT decreased significantly (<0.001, while after major surgical interventions no significant differences were observed for all biomarkers evaluated. In the control group, a significant decrease of CRP ( 0.005 and PCT ( 0.005 was observed. In patients treated adequately for bloodstream infections, postoperative suPAR levels remained uninfluenced of the surgical trauma and might therefore be a reliable parameter for postoperative infectious monitoring. After minor surgical intervention, PCT seems to be the most reliable parameter.

  9. Equilibrios de óxido-reducción. Variación del potencial de un par con el pH. Reacción entre el par dicromato-cromo y yodo-yoduro. Problema interactivo.


    Milla González, Miguel


    El potencial redox de los oxoaniones oxidantes varía en función de la concentración de protones del medio. Eso le ocurre al par dicromato-cromo(III). Sin embargo, el potencial del par yodo-yoduro es formalmente independiente del pH. En este ejercicio es necesario calcular el pH para el que la reacción entre ambos pares no va teóricamente en ningún sentido.

  10. Evaluation of Passive Autocatalytic Recombiner (PAR) Implementation in a Konvoi NPP Containment Type

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez-Alonso, E.; Papini, D.; Jimenez, G.


    The evaluation of Passive Autocatalytic Recombiner (PAR) implementation has been developed under the methodology extracted from the IAEA document, analysing the size, location and number of the PARs capable to minimize the combustion risk, which arises from a hydrogen release generated during a severe accident and its distribution in containment building. A detailed three-dimensional model of Konvoi (PWR) containment with GOTHIC 8.1 code was used for the simulations. The hydrogen preferential pathways and the accumulation points were studied and identified on the basis of a base case scenario without any mitigation measure. The PAR configuration offers an improvement in the chosen accidental scenario; decreasing the possibility of hydrogen combustion and leading to concentration values below the flammability limit (hydrogen concentration below 7%), in all the containment compartments at the end of the transient. Furthermore, from the analysis, it is concluded that the time required to reach hydrogen concentrations below the combustion limit is considerably reduced. (Author)

  11. Indications and visual outcome of first hundred pars plana ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: To review the indications and visual outcome of the first one hundred pars plana vitrectomies performed at the newly established surgical retina unit of Makkah Specialist Eye Hospital, Kano, Kano State, Nigeria. Materials and Methods: Aretrospective chart review was performed. Data recorded from the patient ...

  12. Stress reactions involving the pars interarticularis in young athletes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jackson, D.W.; Wiltse, L.L.; Dingeman, R.D.; Hayes, M.

    A stress reaction involving the pars interarticularis of the lumbar spine was confirmed in seven young athletes with a positive technetium pyrophosphate bone scan. No pars defects were detectable on their lumbosacral roentgenograms, which included oblique views. The return to normal levels of radioactive uptake on repeat bone scans correlated closely with their clinical course. If the bony reaction is recognized early, it may heal at a subroentgenographic level and prevent the development of lumbar spondylolysis. These early lesions usually show unilateral increased uptake at one lumbar level on the bone scan and, initially, the athlete localizes the pain to the corresponding unilateral lumbar paraspinous area. The ''one-legged hyperextension test'' is positive on the ipsilateral side and aggravates the pain. Treatment consists of avoiding the aggravating activities and resting. The average time for return to pain-free competition was 7.3 months. These developing defects may be the source of considerable prolonged disability in the young athlete, particularly if undiagnosed and untreated.

  13. Stress reactions involving the pars interarticularis in young athletes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jackson, D.W.; Wiltse, L.L.; Dingeman, R.D.; Hayes, M.


    A stress reaction involving the pars interarticularis of the lumbar spine was confirmed in seven young athletes with a positive technetium pyrophosphate bone scan. No pars defects were detectable on their lumbosacral roentgenograms, which included oblique views. The return to normal levels of radioactive uptake on repeat bone scans correlated closely with their clinical course. If the bony reaction is recognized early, it may heal at a subroentgenographic level and prevent the development of lumbar spondylolysis. These early lesions usually show unilateral increased uptake at one lumbar level on the bone scan and, initially, the athlete localizes the pain to the corresponding unilateral lumbar paraspinous area. The ''one-legged hyperextension test'' is positive on the ipsilateral side and aggravates the pain. Treatment consists of avoiding the aggravating activities and resting. The average time for return to pain-free competition was 7.3 months. These developing defects may be the source of considerable prolonged disability in the young athlete, particularly if undiagnosed and untreated

  14. Modification de la surface du cuivre par implantation ionique par source plasma (IISP): applications à l’érosion cathodique dans les systèmes à arcs


    Roy, F


    L’érosion cathodique est un phénomène bien connu qui limite la durée de vie de l’électrode négative dans les systèmes à arcs. Dans le présent mémoire, nous avons tenté de voir si la formation de précipités nanométriques d’oxyde de cuivre pouvait réduire l’érosion cathodique nécessaire au maintien de l’arc en mode thermo-champ (T-F). Les dits précipités ont été produits par implantation ionique par source plasma (IISP). Avec l’aide de techniques de caractérisation telle que la microscopie à fo...

  15. Apoptosis induced by knockdown of uPAR and MMP-9 is mediated by inactivation of EGFR/STAT3 signaling in medulloblastoma.

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    Ramaprasada Rao Kotipatruni

    Full Text Available Medulloblastoma is a highly invasive cancer of central nervous system diagnosed mainly in children. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9 and urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR are over expressed in several cancers and well established for their roles in tumor progression. The present study is aimed to determine the consequences of targeting these molecules on medulloblastoma progression.Radiation is one of the foremost methods applied for treating cancer and considerable evidence showed that radiation elevated uPAR and MMP-9 expression in medulloblastoma cell. Therefore efforts are made to target these molecules in non-irradiated and irradiated medulloblastoma cells. Our results showed that siRNA-mediated knockdown of uPAR and MMP-9, either alone or in combination with radiation modulated a series of events leading to apoptosis. Down regulation of uPAR and MMP-9 inhibited the expression of anti-apoptotic molecules like Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, survivin, XIAP and cIAPI; activated BID cleavage, enhanced the expression of Bak and translocated cyctochrome C to cytosol. Capsase-3 and -9 activities were also increased in uPAR- and MMP-9-downregulated cells. The apoptosis induced by targeting MMP-9 and uPAR was initiated by inhibiting epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR mediated activation of STAT3 and NF-κB related signaling molecules. Silencing uPAR and MMP-9 inhibited DNA binding activity of STAT3 and also reduced the recruitment of STAT3 protein at the promoter region of Bcl-2 and survivin genes. Our results suggest that inhibiting uPAR and MMP-9 reduced the expression of anti-apoptotic molecules by inactivating the transcriptional activity of STAT3. In addition, treating pre-established medulloblastoma with siRNAs against uPAR and MMP-9 both alone or in combination with radiation suppressed uPAR, MMP-9, EGFR, STAT3 expression and induced Bak activation leading to apoptosis.Taken together, our results illustrated that RNAi mediated targeting of

  16. Améliorer l'immunité innée des macrophages par la modulation des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les maladies causées par une infection guérissent le plus souvent grâce à une réaction immunitaire déclenchée par des cellules pour éliminer les agents étrangers. Ces cellules comprennent les macrophages, le principal type de cellule qui élimine les agents infectieux au cours d'un processus appelé phagocytose, ...

  17. Tuberculose lymphonodale cervicale chez les enfants vaccines par ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La tuberculose ganglionnaire cervicale est une localisation extrapulmonaire relativement fréquente chez l'enfant. Elle pose essentiellement des difficultés de prévention. L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier les particularités diagnostiques et thérapeutiques chez des enfants vaccinés par le BCG. Matériel et méthodes: Nôtre ...

  18. Candido: Uma Leitura Paródica de Candide

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    Maria Gloria Cusumano Mazzi


    Full Text Available O presente artigo estuda a leitura paródica que Leonardo Sciascia (1921-1989 faz de Voltaire (1694-1778 mediante o cotejo das obras: o hipertexto Candido ovvero Un sogno fatto in Sicilia (1977 e o hipotexto Candide ou l’optimisme (1759. Apresenta ainda outra possibilidade de leitura, ou seja, Candido como metáfora da própria intertextualidade.

  19. Manufactering of par-fried french-fries. Part 3: a blueprint to predict the maximum production yield

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Somsen, D.J.; Capelle, A.; Tramper, J.


    Very little research on the production yield of par-fried French-fries has been reported in the literature. This paper bridges the knowledge gap and outlines the development of a model to predict the maximum production yield of par-fried French-fries. This yield model can be used to calculate the

  20. parámetros en híbridos de populus

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    O. S. Vallejos-Barra


    Full Text Available La variable diámetro a la altura del pecho, medido a 1.3 m desde el suelo (DAP es lognormal si log(DAP-θ se distribuye normalmente. Para simplificar el ajuste de esta función de densidad de probabilidad (fdp se supone que el parámetro de localización (θ es cero en híbridos de Populus; sin embargo, en algunos casos esta simplificación no asegura el mejor ajuste de la fdp, incidiendo en la representación de la estructura horizontal de los híbridos. El objetivo de la investigación fue calcular el parámetro θ que proporcione el mejor ajuste de la fdp lognormal del DAP en los híbridos I-488 e I-63/51. Para este cálculo se utilizó un algoritmo de búsqueda binaria, que minimizó el estadístico Dn de la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. 38 % de las parcelas presentó un parámetro θ distinto de cero, originando una mejoría del valor de probabilidad (P entre 0.02 y 55.4 %. Se hizo un análisis de varianza no paramétrico de la variable “√n * Dn”, ya que la variable original y múltiples transformaciones no permitieron aceptar los supuestos del análisis paramétrico. El tipo de ajuste presentó diferencias estadísticas altamente significativas con un valor de 17.1 (P0.800 y las edades un valor de 11.2 (P>0.260.

  1. La preuve par le nombre

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    Hélène Verdier


    Full Text Available S’il en était besoin, la question des usages et de la finalité des résultats de l’inventaire général pourrait être abordée par le nombre : nombre d’œuvres répertoriées, de communes inventoriées, de clichés photographiques réalisés, de dossiers, de consultations des notices dans les bases de données… Les additions aujourd’hui sont éloquentes, mais elles laissent dans l’ombre le rôle de l’inventaire qui, en mettant en œuvre une démarche systématique de connaissance, participe à l’ identificatio...

  2. Analysis of biomechanical parameters extracted from anorectal manometry of fecally-continent and incontinent patients Análisis de parámetros biomecánicos extraídos de la manometría recto-anal de pacientes con continencia e incontinencia fecal Análise de parâmetros biomecânicos extraídos da manometria anorretal de pacientes continentes e com incontinência fecal

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    Bianca Espindola


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the average resulting area from the Pressure x Time curves resulting from the manometric anorectal exam and compare it with the support capacity of voluntary squeeze. Materials and METHODS: the data set was represented by data from 11 exams from continent patients and eight exams from patients with grade III fecal incontinence. The manometric curves were delineated, and the areas and support capacity of voluntary squeeze calculated, by means of the R computer language and the algorithm developed. RESULTS: the resulting averages for support capacity of voluntary squeeze in continent patients and patients with grade III fecal incontinence were 33.07 seconds and 30.76 seconds (p>0.05 and the averages for area were 2362.04 mmHg x second and 947.92 mmHg x second (pOBJETIVO: evaluar el área media resultante proveniente de las curvas Presión versus Tiempo pertenecientes al examen manometría rectal y afrontarla con la capacidad de sustentación. Materiales y MÉTODOS: la casuística fue representada por datos de 11 exámenes de pacientes moderados y ocho exámenes de pacientes con incontinencia fecal grado III. Por medio del lenguaje computacional R y del algoritmo desarrollado fueron delineadas las curvas manométricas y calculadas las áreas y capacidades de sustentación. RESULTADOS: los medios resultantes de la capacidad de sustentación de pacientes moderados y con incontinencia fecal grado III fueron 33,07 segundos y 30,76 segundos (p>0,05 y las de la área, 2362,04 mmHg x según y 947,92 mmHg x según (pOBJETIVO: avaliar a área média resultante, proveniente das curvas pressão versus tempo, pertencentes ao exame manometria anorretal e confrontá-la com a capacidade de sustentação. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: a casuística foi representada por dados de 11 exames de pacientes continentes e oito exames de pacientes com incontinência fecal grau III. Por meio da linguagem computacional R e do algoritmo desenvolvido foram


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    Ingryd Maturo Andreazzi

    Full Text Available RESUMO Introdução: O Brasil tem o maior número de academias do mundo (cerca de 20 mil e aproximadamente de 3,6 milhões de brasileiros praticam atividade física nesses locais. Torna-se necessária uma padronização da triagem de praticantes de academia a fim de reduzir ao máximo o risco de morte súbita e outras morbidades associadas ao exercício físico. Objetivo: Comparar o Questionário de Prontidão para Atividade Física (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire, PAR-Q com o exame físico pré-participação esportiva na detecção de risco à saúde em praticantes de academia. Métodos: Estudo transversal, realizado nas cidades de São Bernardo do Campo e Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram avaliados 50 indivíduos, de ambos os sexos, entre 18 e 35 anos que iniciariam atividades físicas. Realizou-se anamnese, exame físico geral e ortopédico, teste de flexibilidade e o PAR-Q. As variáveis quantitativas foram analisadas pela média, desvio padrão e porcentagens. A comparação das variáveis contínuas com distribuição normal foi feita pelo teste t e a comparação das variáveis qualitativas, pelo teste do qui-quadrado ou teste exato de Fisher. Fixou-se em 5% a hipótese de nulidade. Resultados: O PAR-Q foi positivo em 20% dos entrevistados, assemelhando-se aos dados da anamnese, em que 28% relataram alguma doença. O questionário teve associação positiva em indivíduos que faziam uso de medicação (p = 0,001, história familiar de hipertensão arterial sistêmica (p = 0,001 e antecedentes de cirurgia (p = 0,03. Os participantes com PAR-Q positivo tiveram os maiores valores de índice de massa corpórea, pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica, mas a diferença não foi estatisticamente significante. O PAR-Q não foi capaz detectar morbidades clínicas como: asma (8%, dislipidemia (4%, hipotireoidismo (2%, tabagismo (8% e cirurgias prévias (40%. O exame abdominal e cardiopulmonar estava alterado em quatro

  4. Row orientation effect on UV-B, UV-A and PAR solar irradiation components in vineyards at Tuscany, Italy (United States)

    Grifoni, D.; Carreras, G.; Zipoli, G.; Sabatini, F.; Dalla Marta, A.; Orlandini, S.


    Besides playing an essential role in plant photosynthesis, solar radiation is also involved in many other important biological processes. In particular, it has been demonstrated that ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation plays a relevant role in grapevines ( Vitis vinifera) in the production of certain important chemical compounds directly responsible for yield and wine quality. Moreover, the exposure to UV-B radiation (280-320 nm) can affect plant-disease interaction by influencing the behaviour of both pathogen and host. The main objective of this research was to characterise the solar radiative regime of a vineyard, in terms of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and UV components. In this analysis, solar spectral UV irradiance components, broadband UV (280-400 nm), spectral UV-B and UV-A (320-400 nm), the biological effective UVBE, as well as the PAR (400-700 nm) component, were all considered. The diurnal patterns of these quantities and the UV-B/PAR and UV-B/UV-A ratios were analysed to investigate the effect of row orientation of the vineyard in combination with solar azimuth and elevation angles. The distribution of PAR and UV irradiance at various heights of the vertical sides of the rows was also studied. The results showed that the highest portion of plants received higher levels of daily radiation, especially the UV-B component. Row orientation of the vines had a pronounced effect on the global PAR received by the two sides of the rows and, to a lesser extent, UV-A and UV-B. When only the diffused component was considered, this geometrical effect was greatly attenuated. UV-B/PAR and UV-A/PAR ratios were also affected, with potential consequences on physiological processes. Because of the high diffusive capacity of the UV-B radiation, the UV-B/PAR ratio was significantly lower on the plant portions exposed to full sunlight than on those in the shade.

  5. Organizations putting in place in case of accident in a french nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noc, B.; Queniart, D.


    In case of accident entraining radiological consequences on or near the site of nuclear power reactor, organizations are putting in place. These organizations include as well as side of operating authority (generally Electricite de France) or public organizations including safety organizations (Service Central de Surete des Installations Nucleaires, Institut de Protection et de Surete Nucleaire), one local organization and one centralized national organization. Informations exchange and coordination necessary between these organizations are governed by protocols. These protocols include particularly, the problems of mobilizing experts and of dealing with the saturation of normal telecommunications channels. The lessons acquired during accident simulation exercises carried out in recent years are progressively put in place in these protocols [fr

  6. Situation des personnes transgenres par rapport au VIH/IST en Suisse : rapid assessment


    Bize, R.; Koutaissoff, D.; Dubois-Arber, F.


    Ce rapport permet d'identifier le sous-groupe des personnes transgenres pratiquant ou ayant pratiqué le travail du sexe comme une population clairement exposée à un risque notoirement élevé d'infection par le VIH et les IST. L'ampleur rapportée du phénomène justifie pleinement l'inclusion de cette population dans le dispositif de surveillance comportementale du VIH et des autres IST, mais également la réalisation urgente d'actions de prévention communautaire. Par contre, il ne nous permet pas...

  7. Incorporating GOES Satellite Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Retrievals to Improve Biogenic Emission Estimates in Texas (United States)

    Zhang, Rui; White, Andrew T.; Pour Biazar, Arastoo; McNider, Richard T.; Cohan, Daniel S.


    This study examines the influence of insolation and cloud retrieval products from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) system on biogenic emission estimates and ozone simulations in Texas. Compared to surface pyranometer observations, satellite-retrieved insolation and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) values tend to systematically correct the overestimation of downwelling shortwave radiation in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The correlation coefficient increases from 0.93 to 0.97, and the normalized mean error decreases from 36% to 21%. The isoprene and monoterpene emissions estimated by the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature are on average 20% and 5% less, respectively, when PAR from the direct satellite retrieval is used rather than the control WRF run. The reduction in biogenic emission rates using satellite PAR reduced the predicted maximum daily 8 h ozone concentration by up to 5.3 ppbV over the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) region on some days. However, episode average ozone response is less sensitive, with a 0.6 ppbV decrease near DFW and 0.3 ppbV increase over East Texas. The systematic overestimation of isoprene concentrations in a WRF control case is partially corrected by using satellite PAR, which observes more clouds than are simulated by WRF. Further, assimilation of GOES-derived cloud fields in WRF improved CAMx model performance for ground-level ozone over Texas. Additionally, it was found that using satellite PAR improved the model's ability to replicate the spatial pattern of satellite-derived formaldehyde columns and aircraft-observed vertical profiles of isoprene.

  8. Diversidade de Arctiinae (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae em área alterada em Altamira, Amazônia Oriental, Pará, Brasil Diversity of Arctiinae (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae in disturbed area at Altamira, Eastern Amazon, Pará, Brazil

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    José Augusto Teston


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou a fauna de Arctiinae em Altamira, Pará, numa área com forte ação antrópica, por meio de armadilhas luminosas, com capturas de duas noites a cada fase de lua nova por mês, no período de dezembro de 2007 a novembro de 2008. Na avaliação foram utilizados os parâmetros: riqueza, abundância, constância, índices de diversidade e uniformidade de Shannon (H’ e E’ e Brillouin (H e E, dominância de Berger-Parker (BP. As estimativas de riqueza foram feitas através dos procedimentos não paramétricos, “Bootstrap”, “Chao 1”, “Chao 2”, “Jackknife 1”, “Jackknife 2” e “Michaelis-Mentem”. Foram capturados 420 espécimes pertencentes a 64 táxons de Arctiinae, sendo 19 espécies registradas pela primeira vez no estado do Pará. Os valores dos parâmetros analisados para todo o período foram: H’= 4,69, E’= 0,781, H= 4,37, E= 0,732 e BP= 0,183. Durante o período menos chuvoso (junho-novembro foram encontrados os valores mais significativos para todos os parâmetros analisados. No período mais chuvoso (dezembro-maio foram encontrados os mais significativos percentuais de similaridade entre os meses. Os estimadores previram o encontro de mais espécies, entre 18,7% a 60,9%.This work evaluates the Arctiinae fauna in Altamira, Pará, in an area with strong human pressure, using light-traps during two nights at each stage of the new moon each month, from December 2007 to November 2008. The evaluation parameters were: richness, abundance, constancy, diversity index and evenness (Shannon H ‘and E’ and Brillouin (H and E, dominance of Berger-Parker (BP. The richness estimatives were made by means of non-parametric procedures, Bootstrap, Chao 1, Chao 2, Jackknife 1, Jackknife 2 and Michaelis-Mentem. We captured 420 specimens belonging to 64 species of Arctiinae, and 19 species recorded for the first time in the state of Pará. The values of the parameters analyzed for the total period were: H

  9. Glaucoma de ángulo abierto posterior a la vitrectomía pars plana

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    Kenia Galindo Reymond

    Full Text Available Con este trabajo nos proponemos revisar las evidencias científicas relacionadas con la aparición del glaucoma de ángulo abierto posterior a la vitrectomía pars plana. Se revisaron las evidencias científicas relacionadas con la aparición del glaucoma de ángulo abierto posterior a la cirugía de vitrectomía pars plana. Para la investigación documental se examinaron los artículos de la temática indexados en las bases de datos Pubmed, Pubmed Central y Scielo, que correspondieron a los descriptores DeCs-MeSH: glaucoma de ángulo abierto y vitrectomía pars plana. En la búsqueda de avanzada se utilizó el booleano AND y la restricción de tiempo entre los años 2004 y 2014. De los 38 artículos identificados, se desecharon 16 por no tenerse acceso íntegro al documento. El tratamiento de los datos se realizó mediante el análisis de contenido de tipo directo. Los mecanismos patológicos que causan glaucoma de ángulo abierto posterior a la vitrectomía pars plana son múltiples y complejos. La hipótesis del daño por estrés oxidativo en las celdas de la malla trabecular y su repercusión en la salida del humor acuoso, tiene un sustento científico en su patogenia que la hace plausible. El tratamiento para controlar la hipertensión ocular en estos pacientes después de la vitrectomía es individualizado; puede transitar desde el tratamiento médico y hasta el uso de técnicas quirúrgicas simples o complejas en algunos casos. Aún no se han esclarecido los mecanismos fisiopatológicos del glaucoma de ángulo abierto posterior a la vitrectomía pars plana, por lo que son necesarias nuevas investigaciones sobre el tema.

  10. Screening of phytochemicals against protease activated receptor 1 (PAR1), a promising target for cancer. (United States)

    Kakarala, Kavita Kumari; Jamil, Kaiser


    Drug resistance and drug-associated toxicity are the primary causes for withdrawal of many drugs, although patient recovery is satisfactory in many instances. Interestingly, the use of phytochemicals in the treatment of cancer as an alternative to synthetic drugs comes with a host of advantages; minimum side effects, good human absorption and low toxicity to normal cells. Protease activated receptor 1 (PAR1) has been established as a promising target in many diseases including various cancers. Strong evidences suggest its role in metastasis also. There are no natural compounds known to inhibit its activity, so we aimed to identify phytochemicals with antagonist activity against PAR1. We screened phytochemicals from Naturally Occurring Plant-based Anticancer Compound-Activity-Target database (NPACT, ) against PAR1 using virtual screening workflow of Schrödinger software. It analyzes pharmaceutically relevant properties using Qikprop and calculates binding energy using Glide at three accuracy levels (high-throughput virtual screening, standard precision and extra precision). Our study led to the identification of phytochemicals, which showed interaction with at least one experimentally determined active site residue of PAR1, showed no violations to Lipinski's rule of five along with predicted high human absorption. Furthermore, structural interaction fingerprint analysis indicated that the residues H255, D256, E260, S344, V257, L258, L262, Y337 and S344 may play an important role in the hydrogen bond interactions of the phytochemicals screened. Of these residues, H255 and L258 residues were experimentally proved to be important for antagonist binding. The residues Y183, L237, L258, L262, F271, L332, L333, Y337, L340, A349, Y350, A352, and Y353 showed maximum hydrophobic interactions with the phytochemicals screened. The results of this work suggest that phytochemicals Reissantins D, 24,25-dihydro-27-desoxywithaferin A, Isoguaiacin

  11. L’octroi de crédits aux femmes entrepreneuses libanaises par les banquiers : le cas du dispositif Kafalat

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inaya Wahidi


    Full Text Available L’accès au crédit bancaire sans garantie est quasi impossible au Liban, d’où le dispositif Kafalat qui représente une solution face à cette difficulté. Selon la littérature, l’entrepreneuriat des femmes souffre de discrimination par rapport aux hommes quant à l’octroi de crédits bancaires. Notre objectif est d’essayer de voir dans quelle mesure cette situation existe au Liban. L’étude exploratoire conduite par entretiens semi-directifs auprès des banquiers exclusivement fournit les premiers éléments sur le profil de ces femmes entrepreneuses libanaises et sur la discrimination éventuelle qui pourrait exister du fait de leur sexe pour l’obtention de crédits bancaires. Les résultats semblent montrer que les banquiers ne font pas de distinction entre les entrepreneurs hommes ou femmes, même si les entrepreneuses ont peut-être moins d’informations concernant les garanties offertes par le dispositif Kafalat et sont souvent soutenues par leur mari qui accepte une hypothèque comme garantie du crédit demandé par leur femme ou qui passe par leur femme pour obtenir le crédit nécessaire au développement de leur propre entreprise.

  12. Análisis de parámetros objetivos y subjetivos en Pre-Amplificadores de Audio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier A. Beltrán Bríñez


    Full Text Available El siguiente artículo explica los resultados de las mediciones en cinco (5 diferentes pre-amplificadores, entre estado sólido y válvulas al vacío, de parámetros objetivos de THD –Análisis de Fourier- y función de transferencia, y parámetros subjetivos de calidez y brillo, en una muestra no probabilística de expertos con ingenieros de grabación que cuentan con una experiencia entre quince (15 y veinticinco (25 años, con el fin de encontrar una correspondencia directa entre estos parámetros y determinar qué elementos electrónicos están relacionados con la percepción auditiva de calidez y brillo en una grabación realizada con estos dispositivos.

  13. Association entre le travail par quarts et l’obésité chez les hommes dans le nord-est de l’Ontario

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne Grundy


    Full Text Available Introduction : Même si certaines études suggèrent une association entre le travail par quarts et l’obésité, peu sont fondées sur la population ou tiennent compte de divers horaires de travail par quarts. L’obésité étant associée à plusieurs problèmes de santé chroniques, il est important de comprendre quelles formes de travail par quarts ont une incidence sur elle et d’effectuer des travaux permettant d’évaluer de façon plus détaillée l’exposition au travail par quarts. Méthodologie : Au moyen d’une régression logistique polytomique multivariée, nous avons étudié l’association entre le travail par quarts (de soir ou nuit, par quarts ou autre type de rotation et le surpoids et l’obésité, en fonction d’une mesure transversale de l’indice de masse corporelle chez 1 561 hommes. Ces hommes avaient déjà servi de témoins dans une étude cas-témoins sur le cancer de la prostate menée dans le nord-est de l’Ontario de 1995 à 1999. Nous avons obtenu l’information sur leurs antécédents de travail (notamment sur le travail par quarts, leur taille et leur poids à partir de données autodéclarées recueillies par questionnaire. Résultats : Nous avons observé une association entre le fait d’avoir déjà travaillé par quarts (par opposition au fait de n’avoir jamais travaillé par quarts et le surpoids (RC [rapport de cotes] = 1,34; IC [intervalle de confiance] à 95 % : 1,05 à 1,73 ainsi que l’obésité (RC = 1,57; IC à 95 % : 1,12 à 2,21. Nous avons également observé des associations statistiquement non significatives avec le fait d’avoir déjà travaillé (par opposition au fait de n’avoir jamais travaillé de façon permanente selon un quart de soir ou de nuit. Nous avons par ailleurs observé une tendance à la hausse statistiquement significative en ce qui concerne le risque de surpoids et d’obésité en fonction de la durée du travail par quarts. Conclusion : Tant l

  14. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR), tissue factor (TF) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Anders; Kiss, Katalin; Lelkaitis, Giedrius


    Background: Tumor-specific biomarkers are a prerequisite for the development of targeted imaging and therapy in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator Receptor (uPAR), Tissue Factor (TF) and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) are three biomarkers that exhib...... with a reduced survival. uPAR seems to be a prognostic biomarker in oral cancer....

  15. Organizing a complex transport while guaranteeing safety and transparency: the example of vitrified wastes sent back to Germany

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krochmaluk, Julie; Lebrun, Marc; Delmestre, Alain; Barbey, Pierre; Bonvalot, Vanessa; Belleville, Didier; Rollinger, Patrice; Alter, Ulrich


    This chapter is made of several small articles entitled: - 'Les controles avant le depart du convoi franco-allemand' (Controls before the departure of the French-German convoy); - 'La supervision des transports de matieres radioactives: une approche extensive de la surete des operations' (The supervision of radioactive material transports: an extended approach of operation safety); - 'Le dispositif d'information du public sur le transport des substances radioactives mis en place par l'ASN' (The plan implemented by the ASN for public information on nuclear materials transport); - 'Le recours de l'ASN a l'expertise de l'ACRO sur le convoi de colis de dechets vitrifies vers l'Allemagne' (The appeal of the ASN to the ACRO's expertise on the vitrified parcel convoy to Germany); - 'La participation du collectif STOP-EPR a l'inspection de l'ASN du convoi de colis de dechets vitrifies vers l'Allemagne' (The participation of the STOP-EPR collective to the control by the ASN of the vitrified parcel convoy to Germany); - 'La securite et la surete: des valeurs que le Groupe SNCF partage' (Security and safety: values which are shared by the SNCF Group); - 'Le transport de matieres nucleaires entre la France et l'Allemagne au cours des 40 dernieres annees' (Transport of nuclear materials between France and Germany during the last 40 years). Addressing the case of vitrified wastes transported back to Germany, the articles indicate the controls performed in France before convoy departure, discuss the approach adopted for the safety of radioactive material transport, comment the management of public information by the ASN for such transports, comment the intervention of the ACRO (Association for the control of radioactivity in western France) on the request of the ASN and the participation of a collective group (STOP-EPR) to the inspection of a convoy, outline the commitment of the French Railways (SNCF) in terms of security and safety, and give a qualitative and quantitative

  16. Heat exchanges during the re-flooding of a water reactor core - within the framework of the 'reference accident'; Echanges thermiques lors du renoyage d'un coeur de reacteur a eau - dans le cadre de 'l'accident de reference'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andreoni, Daniel


    After a brief presentation of reported studies made in different countries and regarding the so-called 'reference accident', this research thesis reports the study of reactor re-flooding when the reactor is completely dried and heating elements have reached a temperature between 300 and 900 C, with a constant water flow rate entering the test section, with a constant dissipated electrical power, and by using very simple geometries. After a first part addressing the experimental study, the author reports the development of conduction calculation codes used to compute the flow extracted by the two-phase flow, present the thermal-hydraulic code used to compute local values and to study the correlation of the upstream area exchange coefficient. The author finally reports an analysis of the different existing models and the study of a re-flooding model [French] La presente etude est consacree a l'un des aspects de la surete des reacteurs a eau sous pression, et plus precisement a l'accident tres important qui consiste en une perte de fluide caloporteur (Loss of Coolant Accident - 'LOCA'). Le but de l'etude est de fournir des renseignements necessaires a l'interpretation des experiences effectuees sur des grappes, de donner une correlation de coefficient d'echange dans la zone aval, et de donner aussi un modele de progression du front de trempe pour les analyses de surete. Une etude bibliographique preliminaire nous a permis de faire le point sur les experiences entreprises concernant le refroidissement de secours. Ensuite, les chapitres suivants seront decrits: 1) Le chapitre II, consacre a l'etude experimentale (boucle, sections d'essais, resultats globaux). 2) Le chapitre III ou seront presentes les codes de calcul de conduction, necessaires au calcul du flux extrait par le melange diphasique, le code de thermohydraulique necessaire au calcul des grandeurs locales et l'etude de la correlation du coefficient d'echange de la zone aval. 3) Enfin le chapitre IV ou, apres

  17. Les Brulures Electriques par Haut Voltage - A Propos de 10 Cas (United States)

    Belmir, R.; Fejjal, N.; El Omari, M.; El Mazouz, S.; Gharib, N.; Abassi, A.; Belmahi, A.


    Summary Les accidents électriques par haute tension (AEHT) provoquent des brûlures profondes par effet Joule le long des axes vasculo-nerveux entre les points d'entrée et de sortie, qui sont le siège de lésions délabrantes. Les Auteurs rapportent une série de dix cas d'AEHT admis au service de chirurgie réparatrice et de brûlés de l'Hôpital Ibn Sina de Rabat à travers laquelle ils étudient les caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques. Tous les patients étaient des adultes de sexe masculin dont l'âge moyen était de 31 ans. Dans 70% des cas, ces brûlures étaient secondaires à un contact avec les distributeurs d'électricité avec une surface brûlée inférieure à 20%. Le traitement des lésions électrothermiques a nécessité des interventions itératives avec amputation des segments de membres nécrosés dans 70% des cas, dont les suites étaient marquées par des séquelles fonctionnelles invalidantes. La prévention des AEHT, en particulier pour les accidents du travail au sein des professions exposées, reste fondamentale. PMID:21991124

  18. Galectin-3 facilitates cell motility in gastric cancer by up-regulating protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1 and matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seok-Jun Kim

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Galectin-3 is known to regulate cancer metastasis. However, the underlying mechanism has not been defined. Through the DNA microarray studies after galectin-3 silencing, we demonstrated here that galectin-3 plays a key role in up-regulating the expressions of protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1 and matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1 PAR-1 thereby promoting gastric cancer metastasis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We examined the expression levels of Galectin-3, PAR-1, and MMP-1 in gastric cancer patient tissues and also the effects of silencing these proteins with specific siRNAs and of over-expressing them using specific lenti-viral constructs. We also employed zebrafish embryo model for analysis of in vivo gastric cancer cell invasion. These studies demonstrated that: a galectin-3 silencing decreases the expression of PAR-1. b galectin-3 over-expression increases cell migration and invasion and this increase can be reversed by PAR-1 silencing, indicating that galectin-3 increases cell migration and invasion via PAR-1 up-regulation. c galectin-3 directly interacts with AP-1 transcriptional factor, and this complex binds to PAR-1 promoter and drives PAR-1 transcription. d galectin-3 also amplifies phospho-paxillin, a PAR-1 downstream target, by increasing MMP-1 expression. MMP-1 silencing blocks phospho-paxillin amplification and cell invasion caused by galectin-3 over-expression. e Silencing of either galectin-3, PAR-1 or MMP-1 significantly reduced cell migration into the vessels in zebrafish embryo model. f Galectin-3, PAR-1, and MMP-1 are highly expressed and co-localized in malignant tissues from gastric cancer patients. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Galectin-3 plays the key role of activating cell surface receptor through production of protease and boosts gastric cancer metastasis. Galectin-3 has the potential to serve as a useful pharmacological target for prevention of gastric cancer metastasis.

  19. Estradiol attenuates EGF-induced rapid uPAR mobilization and cell migration via the G-protein-coupled receptor 30 in ovarian cancer cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henic, Emir; Noskova, Vera; Høyer-Hansen, Gunilla


    : rapid mobilization of uPAR from detergent-resistant domains, increased mRNA, and decreased degradation. G-protein-coupled receptor 30 (GPR30) is a newly identified membrane estrogen receptor (ER).The objective of this study was to explore the effects of 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) on uPAR expression...... for ERalpha, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Estradiol attenuates the stimulatory effect of EGF on cell migration and uPAR expression. Specifically, E(2) reduces the very rapid increase of detergent extractable uPAR, which occurs within minutes of EGF stimulation and probably represents...... agonist G1, mimicked the effect of E(2) on uPAR expression and cell migration. OVCAR-3 cells express mRNA for GPR30.Estradiol attenuates EGF-induced mobilization of ligated uPAR from detergent-resistant domains and subsequent migration in ovarian cancer cells. The response to various ER ligands indicates...

  20. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) expression is associated with T-stage and survival in urothelial carcinoma of the bladder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dohn, Line Hammer; Illemann, Martin; Høyer-Hansen, Gunilla


    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the expression-and localization pattern of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR), focusing on its clinical implications in patients with urothelial neoplasia of the bladder treated with radical cystectomy. uPAR is a central molecule in tissue remodeling...... during cancer invasion and metastasis and is an established prognostic marker in cancer. The expression and localization of uPAR and its prognostic significance is only limitedly investigated in urothelial bladder neoplasia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The expression-and localization pattern of u......PAR was investigated in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor tissue from 149 patients treated with radical cystectomy between 1988 and 2005. uPAR expression was determined by immunohistochemistry and scored as either negative or positive. Separate values were obtained for cancer cells, macrophages...

  1. Metastatic breast cancer to the liver with hepatoid features and Hep Par 1 antibody positive mimicking hepatocellular carcinoma. (United States)

    Affleck, Authur; Lyman, William B; Jacobs, W Carl; Livasy, Chad A; Martinie, John B; Iannitti, David A; Vrochides, Dionisios


    The hepatocyte paraffin 1 antibody (Hep Par 1) has a high positive predictive value for differentiating hepatocellular carcinoma from cholangiocarcinoma and metastatic carcinoma. 1 We report a case of metastatic breast cancer to the liver with hepatoid histology and strong positive staining for Hep Par 1 mimicking hepatocellular carcinoma. To our knowledge, primary breast carcinoma staining Hep Par 1 positive has not been reported in the setting of hepatic metastasis. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  2. Parálisis del músculo oblicuo superior atípica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Daniel Castro Pérez

    Full Text Available Las paresias y parálisis oculomotoras implican todos aquellos procesos susceptibles de producir un déficit parcial o total de los movimientos del globo ocular. La lesión puede estar en cualquier parte del sistema oculomotor que incluye la corteza cerebral, el tronco cerebral, nervios, placa neuromuscular y del propio músculo. Las paresias y/o parálisis del músculo oblicuo superior o IV par craneal constituye una de las más frecuentes en la práctica médica estrabológica, puede ser de etiología congénita o adquirida, se caracteriza por hipertropía que aumenta con la inclinación de la cabeza hacia el hombro del lado del ojo afectado (signo de Bielschowsky, anisotropía en V, exciclotropía. Los pacientes con paresias y/o parálisis adquirida muestran diplopía vertical y torsional que aumenta con la mirada hacia abajo, tortícolis con inclinación de la cabeza hacia el lado opuesto del ojo afectado y descenso del mentón. El paciente acude a consulta por presentar diplopía vertical y torsional de 13 años de evolución. Al examen de la motilidad ocular había ortotropía en la Posición Primaria de la Mirada con hiperforia al cover test ojo izquierdo, 10 Dp base inferior por barra de prismas, exciclotropía 5*, tortícolis hacia la derecha y Bielschowsky positivo hacia el lado izquierdo. La impresión diagnóstica fue paresia adquirida del músculo OS izquierdo de etiología no precisada. El tratamiento realizado fue la retroinserción del recto superior del ojo izquierdo 4 mm más el desplazamiento temporal de un 1/4 de la inserción con el objetivo de eliminar la diplopía vertical y torsional y la posición anómala de la cabeza.

  3. Effects of solar PAR and UV radiation on tropical biofouling communities

    KAUST Repository

    Dobretsov, SV; Gosselin, L; Qian, P


    We investigated the effect of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) on the development of tropical micro- and macrofouling communities for 30 d. The experimental design involved 3 treatments: full spectrum

  4. Predicting spectral and PAR light attenuation in Greenlandic coastal waters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Murray, Ciarán; Markager, Stiig; Stedmon, Colin

    (CDOM), phytoplankton pigments and inorganic particles. These differences are due in part to hydrography and to the sources of meltwater: respectively, fjord-terminating and land-terminating glaciers. We present a model to explain the variation in spectral and PAR irradiance in terms of the variation...

  5. Estuarine morphometry governs optically active substances, Kd(PAR) and beam attenuation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund-Hansen, L. C.; Nielsen, J. M.; Blüthgen, J.


    estuaries using OACs as input parameters. It is concluded that there are no large differences in OAC concentrations between the two estuaries. The spatial distributions of OACs and optical properties were significantly different and governed by the estuary morphometry, i.e. a power distribution......°N) at high discharges. The major difference was the spatial distribution of the optical properties against distance, best described by significant power functions in the ria, compared to significant linear functions in the coastal plain. It was hypothesized that estuarine morphometry could explain...... this spatial distribution. Partition and multiple regression analyses showed that Chl-a governed Kd(PAR) and beam attenuation coefficient in both estuaries. Significant, high correlations were obtained by multiple regression analyses in the estimation of Kd(PAR) and beam attenuation coefficients in the two...

  6. Youth empowerment in context: exploring tensions in school-based yPAR. (United States)

    Kohfeldt, Danielle; Chhun, Lina; Grace, Sarah; Langhout, Regina Day


    In much of the youth empowerment literature, researchers focus on the relationship between youth and adults involved in empowerment programs while neglecting the broader social framework in which these relationships and the program itself functions. Utilizing an ecological model, the current research examines the tensions that surfaced in attempts to create an empowering setting in an after-school PAR program with fifth-graders. Challenging assumptions about youth, structural challenges, and conflicting theories of change are highlighted. Results examine the role of sociocultural context as PAR researchers attempt to create a setting in which students gain skills to become change agents within their school. The study suggests that youth empowerment is a context dependent process that requires attention to a multiplicity of factors that influence possibilities for empowerment via second order change.

  7. Regulator of G protein signaling 2 (RGS2 and RGS4 form distinct G protein-dependent complexes with protease activated-receptor 1 (PAR1 in live cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sungho Ghil

    Full Text Available Protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1 is a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR that is activated by natural proteases to regulate many physiological actions. We previously reported that PAR1 couples to Gi, Gq and G12 to activate linked signaling pathways. Regulators of G protein signaling (RGS proteins serve as GTPase activating proteins to inhibit GPCR/G protein signaling. Some RGS proteins interact directly with certain GPCRs to modulate their signals, though cellular mechanisms dictating selective RGS/GPCR coupling are poorly understood. Here, using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET, we tested whether RGS2 and RGS4 bind to PAR1 in live COS-7 cells to regulate PAR1/Gα-mediated signaling. We report that PAR1 selectively interacts with either RGS2 or RGS4 in a G protein-dependent manner. Very little BRET activity is observed between PAR1-Venus (PAR1-Ven and either RGS2-Luciferase (RGS2-Luc or RGS4-Luc in the absence of Gα. However, in the presence of specific Gα subunits, BRET activity was markedly enhanced between PAR1-RGS2 by Gαq/11, and PAR1-RGS4 by Gαo, but not by other Gα subunits. Gαq/11-YFP/RGS2-Luc BRET activity is promoted by PAR1 and is markedly enhanced by agonist (TFLLR stimulation. However, PAR1-Ven/RGS-Luc BRET activity was blocked by a PAR1 mutant (R205A that eliminates PAR1-Gq/11 coupling. The purified intracellular third loop of PAR1 binds directly to purified His-RGS2 or His-RGS4. In cells, RGS2 and RGS4 inhibited PAR1/Gα-mediated calcium and MAPK/ERK signaling, respectively, but not RhoA signaling. Our findings indicate that RGS2 and RGS4 interact directly with PAR1 in Gα-dependent manner to modulate PAR1/Gα-mediated signaling, and highlight a cellular mechanism for selective GPCR/G protein/RGS coupling.

  8. Contamination des eaux de puits traditionnels par les nitrates sur le ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 juin 2014 ... Objectif : La contamination des eaux souterraines par les nitrates est un ... Methodology and Results: the origin of nitrate water from traditional wells of Lobo's watershed was ...... 12 water supply wells, Yucatan, Mexico.

  9. Densité, morphologie urbaine et qualité de vie. Une approche par le projet


    Occhiuto, Rita; Goossens, Marc; Fisher, Axel


    La recherche "Densification des tissus urbanisés en Wallonie: forme, acceptabilité et modalités pour accompagner la mutation des tissus bâtis" s'articule en plusieurs volets thématiques, parmi lesquels figure le volet "formes urbaines, modes d'habitat". Ce dernier volet est abordé selon deux approches parallèles et complémentaires qui se valident mutuellement: la première dite "par le projet" (approche qualitative et opérationnelle) et la seconde par analyse statistique et cartographique (ap...

  10. Flow cytometry analysis reveals different activation profiles of thrombin- or TRAP-stimulated platelets in db/db mice. The regulatory role of PAR-3. (United States)

    Kassassir, Hassan; Siewiera, Karolina; Talar, Marcin; Przygodzki, Tomasz; Watala, Cezary


    Recent studies have shown that it may be the concentration of thrombin, which is discriminative in determining of the mechanism of platelet activation via protease activated receptors (PARs). Whether the observed phenomenon of differentiated responses of mouse platelets to various thrombin concentrations in non-diabetic db/+ and diabetic db/db mice depends upon the concerted action of various PARs, remains to be established. We found elevated reactivity of platelets, as well as the enhanced PAR-3 expression in response to both the used concentrations of AYPGKF in db/db mice, as compared to db/+ heterozygotes. At low concentration of thrombin platelets from diabetic mice demonstrated hyperreactivity, reflected by higher expression of PAR-3. For higher thrombin concentration, blood platelets from db/db mice appeared hyporeactive, compared to db/+ animals, while no significant differences in PAR-3 expression were observed between diabetic and non-diabetic mice. The novel and previously unreported finding resulting from our study is that the increased expression of PAR-3 in response to either TRAP for PAR-4 or low thrombin (when PAR-4 is not the efficient thrombin receptor) may be one of the key events contributing to higher reactivity of platelets in db/db mice. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. The urokinase receptor (uPAR) and the uPAR-associated protein (uPARAP/Endo180)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Behrendt, Niels


    The breakdown of the barriers formed by extracellular matrix proteins is a pre-requisite for all processes of tissue remodeling. Matrix degradation reactions take part in specific physiological events in the healthy organism but also represent a crucial step in cancer invasion. These degradation...... on the surface of various cell types that serves to bind the urokinase plasminogen activator and localize the activation reactions in the proteolytic cascade system of plasminogen activation. uPARAP is an integral membrane protein with a pronounced role in the internalization of collagen for intracellular...... degradation. Both receptors have additional functions that are currently being unraveled. The present discussion of uPAR and uPARAP is centered on their protein structure and molecular and cellular function....

  12. Modélisation multi-échelles en viscoplasticité endommageable de composites thermoplastiques renforcés par des fibres discontinues




    Un nouveau modèle multi-échelles en régime viscoplastique endommageable est développé pour un composite à matrice polypropylène renforcé par des fibres de verre courtes. Basé sur l’approche en champs moyens de Mori Tanaka, il intègre une matrice viscoplastique modélisée par un modèle phénoménologique nommé par ses auteurs DSGZ et des fibres de verres modélisées par un comportement élastique linéaire. Le modèle multi-échelles permet d’intégrer la microstructure du composite préalablement carac...

  13. Improved PET Imaging of uPAR expression using new Cu-64-labeled cross-bridged peptide ligands

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Persson, Morten; Hosseini, Masood; Madsen, Jacob


    The correlation between uPAR expression, cancer cell invasion and metastases is now well-established and has prompted the development of a number of uPAR PET imaging agents, which could potentially identify cancer patients with invasive and metastatic lesions. In the present study, we synthesized......, the more stable of the new uPAR PET tracers, (64)Cu-CB-TE2A-PA-AE105, exhibits a significantly reduced liver uptake compared to (64)Cu-DOTA-AE105 as well as (64)Cu-CB-TE2A-AE105, (p...... and characterized two new cross-bridged (64)Cu-labeled peptide conjugates for PET imaging of uPAR and performed a head-to-head comparison with the corresponding and more conventionally used DOTA conjugate. Based on in-source laser-induced reduction of chelated Cu(II) to Cu(I), we now demonstrate the following...... ranking with respect to the chemical inertness of their complexed Cu ions: DOTA-AE105 95%) were achieved in all cases by incubation at 95ºC. In vivo, they display identical tumor uptake after 1h, but differ significantly after 22 hrs, where the DOTA-AE105 uptake remains surprisingly high. Importantly...

  14. Examples of analysis by activation; Exemples d'analyse par activation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leveque, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    We were used various nuclear reactions to do some analysis by neutron or by X-ray activation. We used the french reactor core Zoe as neutrons sources and an Allis-Chalmers betatron as X-rays sources for the dosage of the light elements. The described processes were revealed fast and particularly useful for determination of traces. The fact that most of them don't require any chemical operations, is especially substantial when the solubilization of the sample is difficult. (M.B.) [French] Nous avons utilise des reactions nucleaires diverses pour effectuer des analyses par activation neutronique ou par rayon X. Nous avons utilise la pile francaise Zoe comme sources de neutrons et un betatron Allis-Chalmers comme sources de rayons X pour le dosage des elements legers. Les procedes decrits se sont reveles rapides et particulierement utiles dans la determination des traces. Le fait que, pour la plupart, ils n'exigent pas d'operations chimiques, est particulierement appreciable lorsque la solubilisation des echantillons est difficile. (M.B.)

  15. A comparison of four aerial radiological surveys of Par Pond and the surrounding area, Savannah River Site, Aiken, South Carolina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feimster, E.L.


    A series of gamma radiation surveys was conducted over Par Pond at the Savannah River Site (SRS) in August 1993, October 1991, and August 1992 as part of an effort to monitor the radiological changes around Par Pond as its water level was lowered. The results of an April 1989 survey, which was about one-half the area of those surveys listed above, were used as baseline data for the comparison. Gamma energy spectrum analysis revealed that the only man-made gamma ray emitter detected during the four surveys in the Par Pond area was cesium-137. The comparisons revealed that: (1) significant change in the radiological environment occurred along the Par Pond shoreline as the water levels were lowered, (2) the activity in Lower Three Runs Creek varied slightly as the level/flow rate changed during the pumping process, (3) minor changes occurred in areas adjacent to the Par Pond, and (4) little or no change occurred between surveys in the spatial distribution or kind of sources detected. All changes were directly related to the moisture variations (Par Pond water lowering, rainfall, waterway flow rates) between the survey periods. The distribution, kind, and activity of sources detected beyond the pond bed were consistent between surveys. 60 figs., 14 tabs


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    Full Text Available Dans ce travail, nous avons cherché à savoir si l’éthylène pouvait être impliquée lors de la stimulation de la production alcaloïdique par les cytokinines dans les suspensions cellulaires de Catharanthus roseus. La stratégie expérimentale a été double: 1 modifier les teneurs en éthylène endogène en traitant les cellules par différents agonistes ou antagonistes de la voie de biosynthèse de l’éthylène, 2 soumettre les cellules à des apports exogène d’éthylène.      Les résultats obtenus montrent que les inhibiteurs de l’éthylène AVG, Co+2  bloquent partiellement la stimulation alcaloïdique dans les cellules traitées par les cytokinines alors que le précurseur de l’éthylène ACC n’a pas d’effet sur la production alcaloïdique dans les cellules non traitées par les cytokinines. En revanche, lorsque l’éthylène est apporté de manière exogène (traitement par l’éthephon, la production alcaloïdique est multipliée par quatre.

  17. Cartographie par carroyage et précision spatiale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrice LANGLOIS


    Full Text Available Dans le cadre d'une cartographie par carroyage, on étudie la désagrégation de variables zonales, en revenant sur l'hypothèse de l'équirépartition spatiale des populations. L'objectif est d'approcher des règles différenciées de désagrégation des variables en fusionnant des plans d'information de nature morphologique, topologique et environnementale.

  18. Les Lesions Oculaires Par Jeu de Feu au Cours de Achoura (United States)

    El Ketani, A.; Amir, F.; Ali, T.B.; Hamdani, M.; Zaghloul, K.


    Summary Les enfants célèbrent la fête de Achoura au Maroc par des jeux de feu, ce qui occasionne des blessures oculaires plus au moins graves. Nous rapportons 15 observations de malades traités au Service d'Ophtalmologie Pédiatrique de l'Hôpital 20 Août 1953 de Casablanca. L'âge moyen des patients était de 12 ans et demi, avec des extrêmes de 3 et 25 ans. Les pétards, la première cause des accidents (50%), ont occasionné des contusions oculaires avec parfois un oedème de Berlin (deux cas). L'atteinte oculaire par fusée a occasionné un éclatement de globe et une plaie de paupière. Les bombes de carbone ont été responsables de brûlures de deuxième degré palpébrales et conjonctivo-cornéennes avec de multiples corps étrangers cornéens profonds. Les «étoiles» et la limaille de fer ont provoqué des brûlures cornéennes moins graves avec des corps étrangers superficiels. Les pistolets à bille ont été responsables de contusions oculaires. La réglementation de vente des jeux de feu et la sensibilisation du grand public par les moyens audiovisuels permettraient de prévenir ces blessures oculaires. PMID:21991053

  19. BOREAS TE-9 PAR and Leaf Nitrogen Data for NSA Species (United States)

    Hall, Forrest G. (Editor); Curd, Shelaine (Editor); Dang, Qinglai; Margolis, Hank; Coyea, Marie


    The Boreal Ecosystem-Atmospheric Study (BOREAS) TE-9 (Terrestrial Ecology) team collected several data sets related to chemical and photosynthetic properties of leaves in boreal forest tree species. This data set describes the relationship between photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) levels and foliage nitrogen in samples from six sites in the BOREAS Northern Study Area (NSA) collected during the three 1994 intensive field campaigns (IFCs). This information is useful for modeling the vertical distribution of carbon fixation for these different forest types in the boreal forest. The data were collected to quantify the relationship between PAR and leaf nitrogen of black spruce, jack pine, and aspen. The data are available in tabular ASCII files. The data files are available on a CD-ROM (see document number 20010000884), or from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).

  20. Usefulness of suPAR as a biological marker in patients with systemic inflammation or infection: a systematic review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Backes, Yara; van der Sluijs, Koenraad F.; Mackie, David P.; Tacke, Frank; Koch, Alexander; Tenhunen, Jyrki J.; Schultz, Marcus J.


    Systemic levels of soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) positively correlate with the activation level of the immune system. We reviewed the usefulness of systemic levels of suPAR in the care of critically ill patients with sepsis, SIRS, and bacteremia, focusing on its

  1. La parálisis cerebral en el contexto escolar /


    González Vara, Azucena


    Se analiza el concepto de parálisis cerebral, los diferentes tipos y sus características. También las adaptaciones que se deben realizar a nivel de centro, de aula, y a nivel individual para estos alumnos, conocer los diferentes sistemas alternativos y aumentativos de comunicación y aplicar las ayudas técnicas que precisa este alumnado

  2. Adoption d'innovations agricoles par le truchement de services ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'agriculture est le fer de lance de nombreuses économies en développement, mais la capacité des petits agriculteurs privés de ressources à adopter des innovations agricoles est freinée par le manque d'accès à des services financiers adéquats. Des experts internationaux estiment qu'il existe un manque à gagner ...

  3. EFP1 is an ER stress-induced glycoprotein which interacts with the pro-apoptotic protein Par-4

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarah Appel


    Full Text Available Sarah Appel1,2,6, Susanne Vetterkind1,2,6, Ansgar Koplin1,3, Barbara Maertens1,4, Meike Boosen1,5, Ute Preuss11The Institute of Genetics, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany; 2Department of Health Sciences, Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA; 3Center for Molecular Biology Heidelberg (ZMBH, Heidelberg, Germany; 4Institute of Biochemistry II, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany; 5Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University Hospital of Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; 6These authors contributed equally to this work.Abstract: We have isolated the rat ortholog of EFP1 (EF-hand binding protein 1 as a novel interaction partner of the pro-apoptotic protein Par-4 (prostate apoptosis response-4. Rat EFP1 contains two thioredoxin domains, the COOH-terminal one harboring a CGFC motif, and has a similar protein domain structure as members of the protein disulfide isomerase (PDI family. In REF52.2 and CHO cells, EFP1 colocalized with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER marker PDI. Furthermore, EFP1 possesses catalytic activity as demonstrated by an insulin disulfide reduction assay. Western blot analysis revealed two EFP1 protein bands of approximately 136 and 155 kDa, representing different glycosylation states of the protein. Complex formation between EFP1 and Par-4 was confirmed in vitro and in vivo by co-immunoprecipitation, dot blot overlay and pull-down experiments. In CHO cells, coexpression of EFP1 and Par-4 resulted in enhanced Par-4-mediated apoptosis, which required the catalytic activity of EFP1. Interestingly, EFP1 was specifically upregulated in NIH3T3 cells after induction of ER stress by thapsigargin, tunicamycin, and brefeldin A, but not by agents that induce oxidative stress or ER-independent apoptosis. Furthermore, we could show that the induction of apoptosis by Ca2+ stress-inducing agents was significantly decreased after si

  4. Distinctive G Protein-Dependent Signaling by Protease-Activated Receptor 2 (PAR2 in Smooth Muscle: Feedback Inhibition of RhoA by cAMP-Independent PKA.

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    Wimolpak Sriwai

    Full Text Available We examined expression of protease-activated receptors 2 (PAR2 and characterized their signaling pathways in rabbit gastric muscle cells. The PAR2 activating peptide SLIGRL (PAR2-AP stimulated Gq, G13, Gi1, PI hydrolysis, and Rho kinase activity, and inhibited cAMP formation. Stimulation of PI hydrolysis was partly inhibited in cells expressing PAR2 siRNA, Gaq or Gai minigene and in cells treated with pertussis toxin, and augmented by expression of dominant negative regulator of G protein signaling (RGS4(N88S. Stimulation of Rho kinase activity was abolished by PAR-2 or Ga13 siRNA, and by Ga13 minigene. PAR2-AP induced a biphasic contraction; initial contraction was selectively blocked by the inhibitor of PI hydrolysis (U73122 or MLC kinase (ML-9, whereas sustained contraction was selectively blocked by the Rho kinase inhibitor (Y27632. PAR2-AP induced phosphorylation of MLC20, MYPT1 but not CPI-17. PAR2-AP also caused a decrease in the association of NF-kB and PKA catalytic subunit: the effect of PAR2-AP was blocked by PAR2 siRNA or phosphorylation-deficient RhoA (RhoA(S188A. PAR2-AP-induced degradation of IkBa and activation of NF-kB were abolished by the blockade of RhoA activity by Clostridium botulinum C3 exoenzyme suggesting RhoA-dependent activation of NF-kB. PAR2-AP-stimulated Rho kinase activity was significantly augmented by the inhibitors of PKA (myristoylated PKI, IKK2 (IKKIV or NF-kB (MG132, and in cells expressing dominant negative mutants of IKK (IKK(K44A, IkBa (IkBa (S32A/S36A or RhoA(S188A, suggesting feedback inhibition of Rho kinase activity via PKA derived from NF-kB pathway. PAR2-AP induced phosphorylation of RhoA and the phosphorylation was attenuated in cells expressing phosphorylation-deficient RhoA(S188A. Our results identified signaling pathways activated by PAR2 to mediate smooth muscle contraction and a novel pathway for feedback inhibition of PAR2-stimulated RhoA. The pathway involves activation of the NF-kB to

  5. Douleurs induites par les soins: la réalité au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Befelatanana Antananarivo, Madagascar (United States)

    Mahavivola, Ernestho-Ghoud Indretsy; Olivah, Razanaparany Miarisoa Mireille; Mihary, Dodo; Hendriniaina, Rakotoharivelo; Lalao, Randriamboavonjy Rado; Henintsoa, Rakotonirainy Oliva; Fahafahantsoa, Rapelanoro Rabenja


    La douleur induite par les soins correspond à la douleur survenant lors des actes à visé diagnostique et/ou thérapeutique. A notre connaissance, nous n'avons pas encore des données disponibles pour les douleurs induites par les soins à l'Hôpital de Befelatanana. Nos objectifs étaient de décrire le profil épidémiologique de la douleur induite par les soins, d'identifier les principaux facteurs influençant sur l'intensité de la douleur et leurs retentissements chez les patients. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective, transversale type un jour donné menée dans les douze services de Médecines au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Befelatanana en Novembre 2013. Cent deux patients ont été retenus dans l’étude et trois cent vingt trois actes douloureux étaient enregistrés. La fréquence de la douleur induite par les soins était de 69,86%. Le genre féminin prédominait dans 52% des cas (n = 53) avec un sex-ratio à 0,92. L’âge moyen était de 46 ans. Les ponctions vasculaires étaient l'acte prédominant dans 49,54% (n = 109) des cas. Les infirmiers réalisaient les soins dans 47,05% (n = 48) des cas. L'information verbale était la mesure préventive utilisée dans 57,84% des cas (n = 59). Le transport par marche à pied et au dos représentait 16,67% des cas (n = 17). Les patients naïfs des gestes étaient plus anxieux. Ces patients gardaient de mauvais souvenir dans 64,71% des cas (n = 66). La fréquence de douleur induite par les soins était trop élevée. Un effort important est nécessaire pour réduire la douleur induite par les soins PMID:25932071

  6. Minimally Invasive Direct Repair of Bilateral Lumbar Spine Pars Defects in Athletes

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    Gabriel A. Widi


    Full Text Available Spondylolysis of the lumbar spine has traditionally been treated using a variety of techniques ranging from conservative care to fusion. Direct repair of the defect may be utilized in young adult patients without significant disc degeneration and lumbar instability. We used minimally invasive techniques to place pars interarticularis screws with the use of an intraoperative CT scanner in three young adults, including two athletes. This technique is a modification of the original procedure in 1970 by Buck, and it offers the advantage of minimal muscle dissection and optimal screw trajectory. There were no intra- or postoperative complications. The detailed operative procedure and the postoperative course along with a brief review of pars interarticularis defect treatment are discussed.

  7. Study of the critical scattering of neutrons by iron; Etude de la diffusion critique des neutrons par le fer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galula, M; Jacrot, B; Mangin, J P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France)


    The critical scattering of very slow neutrons by iron near critical point is measured by time of flight techniques. The VAN HOVE formula is verified and the geometrical parameters K{sub 1} et r{sub 1} introduced in this theory are determined. (author) [French] On etudie la diffusion critique des neutrons tres lents par le fer dans la region du point de Curie par une methode de temps de vol. On verifie la formule de VAN HOVE et on determine les parametres geometriques K{sub 1} et r{sub 1} introduit par ce dernier. (auteur)

  8. The prognostic value of the suPARnosticTM ELISA assay in HIV-1 infected individuals is not affected by uPAR promoter polymorphisms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schneider, Uffe Vest; Nielsen, Rikke Lyngaa; Pedersen, Court


    BACKGROUND: High blood levels of soluble urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor (suPAR) are associated with poor outcomes in human immunodeficiency-1 (HIV-1) infected individuals. Research on the clinical value of suPAR in HIV-1 infection led to the development of the suPARnosticTM assay...... for commercial use in 2006. The aim of this study was to: 1) Evaluate the prognostic value of the new suPARnosticTM assay and 2) Determine whether polymorphisms in the active promoter of uPAR influences survival and/or suPAR values in HIV-1 patients who are antiretroviral therapy (ART) naive. METHODS: DNA...... and an A to G transition at -465 comparative to the transcription start site. These promoter transitions did not influence neither the suPAR levels nor patient survival. CONCLUSION: Plasma suPAR levels, as measured by the suPARnosticTM assay, were strongly predictive of survival in ART-naive HIV-1 infected...

  9. A flexible multidomain structure drives the function of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mertens, Haydyn D.T.; Kjærgaard, Magnus; Mysling, Simon


    -deuterium exchange, and surface plasmon resonance to develop a structural model describing the allosteric regulation of uPAR. We show that the flexibility of its N-terminal domain provides the key for understanding this allosteric mechanism. Importantly, our model has direct implications for understanding uPAR-assisted...... cell adhesion and migration as well as for translational research including targeted intervention therapy and non-invasive tumor imaging in vivo....

  10. IMAGE AND PRESS IN THE AMAZON: the configuration of the photograph in the newspaper Estado do Pará

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    Netilia Silva dos Anjos Seixas


    Full Text Available Este estudo busca contribuir para o entendimento da trajetória da fotografia nos jornais paraenses, a partir de um dos principais impressos do Estado, o Estado do Pará (1911-1980. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, com base em pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e análise dos dados empíricos, usando os métodos iconográfico e iconológico, de Erwin Panofsky e Boris Kossoy. Foram observadas as fotografias publicadas em 1912, quando uma das primeiras fotografias jornalísticas foi encontrada no impresso, 1920, 1960 e 1980, nos meses de janeiro, abril, julho e outubro, correspondendo a cerca de 30 por cento do total de edições de cada ano selecionado. O jornal Estado do Pará iniciou sua edição com apresentação gráfica inovadora, destacando-se, mais tarde, com a publicação de imagens fotográficas e participando do estabelecimento da imprensa na Amazônia.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Fotografia de imprensa; Jornal Estado do Pará; Amazônia.     ABSTRACT This study seeks to contribute to the understanding of the trajectory of photography in the newspapers of Pará, from one of the main printed forms of the country, the State of Pará (1911-1980. It is an exploratory study, based on bibliographical research, documentary and empirical data analysis, using the iconographic and iconological methods of Erwin Panofsky and Boris Kossoy. Photographs published in 1912 were observed, when one of the first journalistic photographs was found on the press, 1920, 1960 and 1980, in the months of January, April, July and October, corresponding to about 30 percent of the total editions of each year selected. The newspaper Estado do Pará began its edition with an innovative graphic presentation, highlighting, later, with the publication of photographic images and participating in the establishment of the press in the Amazon.   KEYWORDS: Press photography; Newspaper Estado do Pará; Amazon.     RESUMEN Este estudio pretende contribuir a la comprensi

  11. Evaluation of passive autocatalytic recombiners (PARS) performance for a PWR-konvoi containment type with Gothic 8.1 code; Evaluacion de la implementacion de recombinadores autocataliticos pasivos (PAR) en una contencion tipo Konvoi con el codigo Gothic 8.1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez-Alonso Conty, E.; Papini, D.; Jimenez Varas, G.


    The study presented in this work analyses the evaluation of Passive Autocatalytic Recombiners (PARs) performance for a PWR-Konvoi containment type as a result of an international collaboration between the Paul Scherrer institute (PSI) and the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM). The implementation study analyzes the size, location and number of the PARs to minimize the risk arising from a hydrogen release and its distribution in the containment building during a hypothetical severe accident. A detailed 3D model of containment was used for the simulations developed for the Gothic 8.1 code. In the first place, the hydrogen preferential pathways and points of hydrogen accumulation were studies and identified starting from the base case scenario without any mitigation measure. The severe accident scenario chosen is a fast release of hydrogen-steam mixture from hot leg creep rupture during SBO (Station Black-Out) accident. Secondly a configuration of PARs was simulated under the same conditions of the unmitigated case. The PAR configuration offered an improvement in the chosen accident scenario, decreasing the hydrogen concentration values below the flammability limit /hydrogen concentration below 7%) in all the containment compartments. (Author)

  12. Mening med tiden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nærværende antologis mangeartede bidrag er fælles om at udforske temaer inden for triaden tid, logik og etik. Den handler om tid, tilblivelse, øjeblikket og evigheden i relation til sproget, logikken, universet, etikken og litteraturen. Antologien giver et grundlæggende indblik i disse temaer, som...

  13. Meninger om mening

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schultz Hansen, Søren; Skakon, Janne


    Artiklen handler om forståelsen af de digitale indfødte som medarbejdere er begrænset og præget af sparsom forskning – denne generation er kun netop blevet voksne, og det har ikke tidligere været muligt at kortlægge generationen i forhold til arbejdsmarkedet. Bl.a. derfor er opfattelsen stadig pr...

  14. Analysis of gyrA and parC mutations in enterococci from environmental samples with reduced susceptibility to ciprofloxacin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, A.; Jensen, Lars Bogø


    The quinolone resistance determining regions of gyrA and parC in four species of enterococci from environmental samples with reduced susceptibility to ciprofloxacin were sequenced. The nucleotide sequence variations of parC could be related to the different enterococcal species. Mutations...... in Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium related to reduced susceptibility were identical to mutations detected in E jaecalis and E. faecium of clinical origin. A minimal inhibitory concentration of 8 mug ml(-1) to ciprofloxacin was not associated with any mutations in the gyrA and parC gene...... of Enterococcus casseliflavus and Enterococcus gallinarum. These two species may be intrinsically less susceptible to ciprofloxacin....

  15. Kriterijum efikasnosti i optimizacija mase fragmenta projektila parčadnog dejstva / Efficiency criterion and optimization of fragment mass in fragmentation projectiles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Predrag Elek


    Full Text Available U radu se razmatra problem optimizacije mase parčadi koja nastaju fragmentacijom projektila parčadnog dejstva. Pokazano je da optimalna masa parčeta prvenstveno zavisi od njegovih kinetičkih karakteristika na cilju kao i od usvojenog kriterijuma efikasnosti. Proračuni pokazuju da su postojeći kriterijumi, minimalna zahtevana kinetička energija fragmenta odnosno minimalna kinetička energija po jedinici napadne površine, nesaglasni - odnosno da daju bitno različite vrednosti optimalne mase. Zaključeno je da kriterijum specifične energije parčeta podrazumeva manju masu optimalnog parčeta i ukazuje na značaj parčadi veoma male mase sa stanovišta efikasnosti. Jasno je da ovako određena optimalna masa efikasnog parčeta predstavlja veoma važan parametar projektila parčadnog dejstva, pa je neophodna eksperimentalna verifikacija dobijenih teorijskih rezultata. / This paper considers the problem of optimizing the mass of HE projectile fragments. It is shown that the optimum fragment mass is a function of its kinetic characteristics at the target and an adopted efficiency criterion. Computations show that the most prominent criteria, minimum required kinetic energy and minimum kinetic energy per unit of cross--sectional area, are incompatible - i. e. they provide significantly different values of the optimum mass. It is concluded that the criterion of specific kinetic energy corresponds to a lower optimum fragment mass, which indicates the importance of fragments of low masses from the aspect of efficiency. The theoretically determined optimum fragment mass represents a very significant parameter for design optimization of fragmentation projectiles, but experimental verification of obtained results is essentially important as well.

  16. Elevated urinary levels of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma identify a clinically high-risk group

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sorio, Claudio; Scarpa, Aldo; Mafficini, Andrea; Furlan, Federico; Barbi, Stefano; Bonora, Antonio; Brocco, Giorgio; Blasi, Francesco; Talamini, Giorgio; Bassi, Claudio


    The urokinase plasminogen activator receptor is highly expressed and its gene is amplified in about 50% of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas; this last feature is associated with worse prognosis. It is unknown whether the level of its soluble form (suPAR) in urine may be a diagnostic-prognostic marker in these patients. The urinary level of suPAR was measured in 146 patients, 94 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and 52 chronic pancreatitis. Urine from 104 healthy subjects with similar age and gender distribution served as controls. suPAR levels were normalized with creatinine levels (suPAR/creatinine, ng/mg) to remove urine dilution effect. Urinary suPAR/creatinine values of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients were significantly higher (median 9.8; 25 th -75 th percentiles 5.3-20.7) than those of either healthy donors (median 0; 0-0.5) or chronic pancreatitis patients (median 2.7; 0.9-4.7). The distribution of values among cancer patients was widespread and asymmetric, 53% subjects having values beyond the 95 th percentile of healthy donors. The values of suPAR/creatinine did not correlate with tumour stage, Ca19-9 or CEA levels. Higher values correlated with poor prognosis among non-resected patients at univariate analysis; multivariate Cox regression identified high urinary suPAR/creatinine as an independent predictor of poor survival among all cancer patients (odds ratio 2.10, p = 0.0023), together with tumour stage (stage III odds ratio 2.65, p = 0.0017; stage IV odds ratio 4.61, p < 0.0001) and female gender (odds ratio 1.85, p = 0.01). A high urinary suPAR/creatinine ratio represents a useful marker for the identification of a subset of patients with poorer outcome

  17. Diagnostic accuracy of soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) for prediction of bacteremia in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome. (United States)

    Hoenigl, Martin; Raggam, Reinhard B; Wagner, Jasmin; Valentin, Thomas; Leitner, Eva; Seeber, Katharina; Zollner-Schwetz, Ines; Krammer, Werner; Prüller, Florian; Grisold, Andrea J; Krause, Robert


    Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) serum concentrations have recently been described to reflect the severity status of systemic inflammation. In this study, the diagnostic accuracy of suPAR, C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) to predict bacteremia in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) was compared. A total of 132 patients with SIRS were included. In 55 patients blood cultures had resulted positive (study group 1, Gram positive bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus spp., n=15; study group 2, Gram-negative bacteria, n=40) and 77 patients had negative blood culture results (control group, n=77). Simultaneously with blood cultures suPAR, CRP, PCT, IL-6 and white blood count (WBC) were determined. SuPAR values were significantly higher in study group 1 (median 8.11; IQR 5.78-15.53; p=0.006) and study group 2 (median 9.62; IQR 6.52-11.74; p<0.001) when compared with the control group (median 5.65; IQR 4.30-7.83). ROC curve analysis revealed an AUC of 0.726 for suPAR in differentiating SIRS patients with bacteremia from those without. The biomarkers PCT and IL-6 showed comparable results. Regarding combinations of biomarkers multiplying suPAR, PCT and IL-6 was most promising and resulted in an AUC value of 0.804. Initial suPAR serum concentrations were significantly higher (p=0.028) in patients who died within 28 days than in those who survived. No significant difference was seen for PCT, IL-6 and CRP. In conclusion, suPAR, IL-6 and PCT may contribute to predicting bacteremia in SIRS patients. Copyright © 2012 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Contact-free trans-pars-planar illumination enables snapshot fundus camera for nonmydriatic wide field photography. (United States)

    Wang, Benquan; Toslak, Devrim; Alam, Minhaj Nur; Chan, R V Paul; Yao, Xincheng


    In conventional fundus photography, trans-pupillary illumination delivers illuminating light to the interior of the eye through the peripheral area of the pupil, and only the central part of the pupil can be used for collecting imaging light. Therefore, the field of view of conventional fundus cameras is limited, and pupil dilation is required for evaluating the retinal periphery which is frequently affected by diabetic retinopathy (DR), retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), and other chorioretinal conditions. We report here a nonmydriatic wide field fundus camera employing trans-pars-planar illumination which delivers illuminating light through the pars plana, an area outside of the pupil. Trans-pars-planar illumination frees the entire pupil for imaging purpose only, and thus wide field fundus photography can be readily achieved with less pupil dilation. For proof-of-concept testing, using all off-the-shelf components a prototype instrument that can achieve 90° fundus view coverage in single-shot fundus images, without the need of pharmacologic pupil dilation was demonstrated.

  19. Antibody-based PET of uPA/uPAR signaling with broad applicability for cancer imaging

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yang, Dongzhi; Severin, Gregory; Dougherty, Casey A.


    Mounting evidence suggests that the urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and its receptor (uPAR) play a central role in tumor progression. The goal of this study was to develop an 89Zr-labeled, antibody-based positron emission tomography (PET) tracer for quantitative imaging of the uPA/uPAR system....... An anti-uPA monoclonal antibody (ATN-291) was conjugated with a deferoxamine (Df) derivative and subsequently labeled with 89Zr. Flow cytometry, microscopy studies, and competitive binding assays were conducted to validate the binding specificity of Df-ATN-291 against uPA. PET imaging with 89Zr-Df-ATN-291...... was carried out in different tumors with distinct expression levels of uPA. Biodistribution, histology examination, and Western blotting were performed to correlate tumor uptake with uPA or uPAR expression. ATN-291 retained uPA binding affinity and specificity after Df conjugation. 89Zr-labeling of ATN-291...

  20. Ultrasonic Inspection following Heat Treatment of Uranium Alloys; Controle des Traitements Thermiques d'Alliage d'Uranium par Ultrasons; Kontrol' termicheskoj obrabotki uranovykh splavov s pomoshch'yu ul'trazvuka; Control Ultrasonico de los Tratamientos Termicos de Aleaciones de Uranio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Destribats, Marie-Therese; Cherpentier, C.; Papezik, F.; Pigeon, M. [Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires Desaclay (France)


    To improve the behaviour of low uranium alloys in reactors it is often necessary to reduce grain size by heat treatment. It has proved essential to provide for inspection of the whole element and the entire output in order to discover the exact quality of the fuel used. This inspection cannot be made by micrography because of the time required and the fact that the data obtained are incomplete. The inspection system adopted is based on the principle of absorption of ultrasonic waves by materials. This absorption depends on the structure of the medium. If {lambda} is small in relation to grain size G, absorption is low; whereas if G is of the order of {lambda}/2, absorption is very high. The tests were made first in air, using the multiple-echo system, then by measuring the height of the first echo, and finally by transmission in water, the height of the transmitted echo being compared with that of the initial signal. In industrial use, the amplitude of the echo transmitted by the material is compared with the echo obtained from a standard of the same characteristics and shape. Inspection takes place in a special machine in which the materials are rotated by rollers and adjustable transducers move over the element. The helicoidal scanning is carried out with a pitch of less than 5 mm. The ultrasonic generator includes a control system ensuring a constant reference echo. The paper quotes a series of records showing the results obtained with various alloys and in particular the faults observed in elements treated by induction upon linear displacement. The arrangement can detect faulty treatment zones of less than 1 cm{sup 2}. The system is at present used to inspect all low alloy uranium fuels of the G2, EL3, EDF1, EDF2 and INCA reactors, i.e. rods and tubes with diameters between 20 and 95 mm. (author) [French] Afin d'obtenir une meilleure tenue des alliages d'uranium faiblement allies dans les reacteurs, un affinage du grain par traitements thermiques est souvent

  1. Den eneste ene - hvordan etniske minoritetsunge i Danmark danner par

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Singla, Rashmi

    Rapporten handler om etniske unges måde at danne par på. Rapporten er baseret på en større empirisk undersøgelse gennemført af forfatteren i 2003 og er desuden inspireret af forfatterens egen ph.d.-afhandling: "Ungdom, etnicitet og psychosocial intervention" (2000, Københavns Universitet). Rappor...

  2. Priapisme induit par la chlorpromazine: A propos de deux cas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. Marrag


    Le priapisme veineux est une urgence urologique. Il constitue un des effets secondaires des neuroleptiques parmi les quels la chlorpromazine. Cet effet iatrogène, qui est rare mais grave, doit être connu par les cliniciens afin d’être mieux prévenu pour éviter les séquelles érectiles.

  3. Protection des ions organiques contre les dommages induits a l'ADN par les electrons de basse energie (United States)

    Dumont, Ariane

    Il a ete demontre que les electrons de basse energie (EBE) peuvent induire des cassures simple brin (CSB) a l'ADN, via la formation d'anions transitoires qui decroissent par attachement dissociatif, ou dans d'autres etats electroniques dissociatifs menant a la fragmentation. Afin d'effectuer une etude complete des effets des electrons de basse energie sur la matiere biologique, il est necessaire de comprendre leur mecanismes d'interaction non seulement avec l'ADN, mais avec les constituants de son environnement. Les histones sont une composante importante de l'environnement moleculaire de l'ADN. Leur charge positive leur permet de s'associer aux groupements phosphate anionique de l'ADN. Le role principal de ces proteines basiques consiste a organiser l'ADN et l'empaqueter afin de former la chromatine. Les cations sont une autre composante importante de la cellule; ils jouent un role dans la stabilisation de la conformation B de l'ADN in vitro par leurs interactions avec les petits et grands sillons de l'ADN, ainsi qu'avec le groupement phosphate charge negativement. Avec les histones, ils participent egalement a la compaction de l'ADN pour former la chromatine. Cette etude a pour but de comprendre comment la presence d'ions organiques (sous forme de Tris et d'EDTA) a proximite de l'ADN modifie le rendement de cassures simple brin induit par les electrons de basse energie. Le Tris et l'EDTA ont-ete choisis comme objet d'etude, puisqu'en solution, ils forment le tampon standard pour solubiliser l'ADN dans les experiences in vitro (10mM Tris, 1mM EDTA). De plus, la molecule Tris possede un groupement amine alors que l'EDTA possede 4 groupements carboxyliques. Ensembles, ils peuvent se comporter comme un modele simple pour les acides amines. Le ratio molaire de 10 :1 de Tris par rapport a l'EDTA a pour but d'imiter le comportement des histones qui sont riches en arginine et lysine, acides amines possedant un groupement amine charge positivement additionnel. Des films d

  4. La prise en charge des suicides par précipitation en traumatologie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdelmajid Elmrini


    Full Text Available OBJECTIFS: A travers ce travail, l’épidémiologie et la psychopathologie du suicide par précipitation seront rappelées, le rôle du chirurgien traumatologue dans la restauration physique et psychique sera démontré. METHODES: Nous rapportons une étude rétrospective de 15 suicidants par précipitation admis pour des traumatismes complexes de l’appareil locomoteur entre 2004 et 2007. RESULTATS: Il s’agissait de primosuicidants, comprenant 10 femmes et 5 hommes. L’âge moyen des hommes est de 26,5 ans (24-34 ans et celui des femmes de 40,7 ans (17-45 ans. Le bilan lésionnel des suicidants a retrouvé 14 fractures des membres inférieurs, 4 traumatisme du rachis avec compression médullaire dans 1 cas, une fracture du bassin; deux traumatismes du membre supérieur. Aucun de ces patients n’a présenté de lésions viscérales ni de traumatismes crâniofacial. 80% (n = 12 des patients souffraient d’une affection psychiatrique avant leur passage à l’acte suicidaire : 8 pour une pathologie dépressive et 4 pour une schizophrénie. Chaque suicidant a subi au moins un acte chirurgical. Tous les patients avaient poursuivi la prise en charge psychiatrique en ambulatoire. Nos résultats fonctionnels étaient satisfaisants sans complications. Aucun des patients n’a récidivé. La pathologie suicidaire représente un problème de santé publique. Le suicide par précipitation représente 5 % de l’ensemble des modalités suicidaires. Les traumatismes occasionnés par ce mode suicidaire sont complexes et graves. Leur prise en charge nécessite une collaboration multidisciplinaire. CONCLUSION: La réparation chirurgicale permet à la fois le rétablissement de la fonction et l’amélioration psychique du sujet prévenant contre une rechute dépressive ou une récidive suicidaire.

  5. Détermination de la contamination par l'Aflatoxine B1 de la pâte d ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    de déterminer par CCM si les niveaux de contamination naturelle par l'AFB1 des pâtes d'arachide vendues sur les marchés d'Abidjan étaient supérieurs aux limites maximales de résidus autorisées. ... l'Hépatite C, le risque de développer un cancer du foie est extrêmement élevé lorsqu'ils sont exposés aux Aflatoxines.

  6. Mapping the topographic epitope landscape on the urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) by surface plasmon resonance and X-ray crystallography

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhao, Baoyu; Gandhi, Sonu; Yuan, Cai


    The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR or CD87) is a glycolipid-anchored membrane protein often expressed in the microenvironment of invasive solid cancers and high levels are generally associated with poor patient prognosis (Kriegbaum et al., 2011 [1]). uPAR is organized as a dy...... of these mAbs by X-ray crystallography alone and in complex with uPAR [deposited in the PDB database as 4QTH and 4QTI, respectively]....

  7. Estimation of the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fPAR) in maize canopies using LiDAR data and hyperspectral imagery. (United States)

    Qin, Haiming; Wang, Cheng; Zhao, Kaiguang; Xi, Xiaohuan


    Accurate estimation of the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fPAR) for maize canopies are important for maize growth monitoring and yield estimation. The goal of this study is to explore the potential of using airborne LiDAR and hyperspectral data to better estimate maize fPAR. This study focuses on estimating maize fPAR from (1) height and coverage metrics derived from airborne LiDAR point cloud data; (2) vegetation indices derived from hyperspectral imagery; and (3) a combination of these metrics. Pearson correlation analyses were conducted to evaluate the relationships among LiDAR metrics, hyperspectral metrics, and field-measured fPAR values. Then, multiple linear regression (MLR) models were developed using these metrics. Results showed that (1) LiDAR height and coverage metrics provided good explanatory power (i.e., R2 = 0.81); (2) hyperspectral vegetation indices provided moderate interpretability (i.e., R2 = 0.50); and (3) the combination of LiDAR metrics and hyperspectral metrics improved the LiDAR model (i.e., R2 = 0.88). These results indicate that LiDAR model seems to offer a reliable method for estimating maize fPAR at a high spatial resolution and it can be used for farmland management. Combining LiDAR and hyperspectral metrics led to better performance of maize fPAR estimation than LiDAR or hyperspectral metrics alone, which means that maize fPAR retrieval can benefit from the complementary nature of LiDAR-detected canopy structure characteristics and hyperspectral-captured vegetation spectral information.

  8. Comprendre la ville par la chrono-chorématique: un essai prometteur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roger Brunet


    Full Text Available Cet ensemble de chrono-chorématique urbaine est exemplaire par ses méthodes et par ses résultats. Travail pluridisciplinaire de recherche de grande qualité éthique et esthétique, il livre une approche efficace à la compréhension du développement et des structures urbaines. Il ouvre de larges perspectives comparatives et des voies d’amélioration des modèles généraux de l’élaboration et des transformations des espaces urbains, en relation avec les modèles généraux de la production de l’espace géographique. On souhaite que se multiplient les études de cas, et qu’elles s’étendent à d’autres milieux urbains, à d’autres cultures.

  9. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) ligation induces a raft-localized integrin signaling switch that mediates the hypermotile phenotype of fibrotic fibroblasts. (United States)

    Grove, Lisa M; Southern, Brian D; Jin, Tong H; White, Kimberly E; Paruchuri, Sailaja; Harel, Efrat; Wei, Ying; Rahaman, Shaik O; Gladson, Candece L; Ding, Qiang; Craik, Charles S; Chapman, Harold A; Olman, Mitchell A


    The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked membrane protein with no cytosolic domain that localizes to lipid raft microdomains. Our laboratory and others have documented that lung fibroblasts from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) exhibit a hypermotile phenotype. This study was undertaken to elucidate the molecular mechanism whereby uPAR ligation with its cognate ligand, urokinase, induces a motile phenotype in human lung fibroblasts. We found that uPAR ligation with the urokinase receptor binding domain (amino-terminal fragment) leads to enhanced migration of fibroblasts on fibronectin in a protease-independent, lipid raft-dependent manner. Ligation of uPAR with the amino-terminal fragment recruited α5β1 integrin and the acylated form of the Src family kinase, Fyn, to lipid rafts. The biological consequences of this translocation were an increase in fibroblast motility and a switch of the integrin-initiated signal pathway for migration away from the lipid raft-independent focal adhesion kinase pathway and toward a lipid raft-dependent caveolin-Fyn-Shc pathway. Furthermore, an integrin homologous peptide as well as an antibody that competes with β1 for uPAR binding have the ability to block this effect. In addition, its relative insensitivity to cholesterol depletion suggests that the interactions of α5β1 integrin and uPAR drive the translocation of α5β1 integrin-acylated Fyn signaling complexes into lipid rafts upon uPAR ligation through protein-protein interactions. This signal switch is a novel pathway leading to the hypermotile phenotype of IPF patient-derived fibroblasts, seen with uPAR ligation. This uPAR dependent, fibrotic matrix-selective, and profibrotic fibroblast phenotype may be amenable to targeted therapeutics designed to ameliorate IPF.

  10. PAR-2 activation enhances weak acid-induced ATP release through TRPV1 and ASIC sensitization in human esophageal epithelial cells. (United States)

    Wu, Liping; Oshima, Tadayuki; Shan, Jing; Sei, Hiroo; Tomita, Toshihiko; Ohda, Yoshio; Fukui, Hirokazu; Watari, Jiro; Miwa, Hiroto


    Esophageal visceral hypersensitivity has been proposed to be the pathogenesis of heartburn sensation in nonerosive reflux disease. Protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2) is expressed in human esophageal epithelial cells and is believed to play a role in inflammation and sensation. PAR-2 activation may modulate these responses through adenosine triphosphate (ATP) release, which is involved in transduction of sensation and pain. The transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor 1 (TRPV1) and acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are both acid-sensitive nociceptors. However, the interaction among these molecules and the mechanisms of heartburn sensation are still not clear. We therefore examined whether ATP release in human esophageal epithelial cells in response to acid is modulated by TRPV1 and ASICs and whether PAR-2 activation influences the sensitivity of TRPV1 and ASICs. Weak acid (pH 5) stimulated the release of ATP from primary human esophageal epithelial cells (HEECs). This effect was significantly reduced after pretreatment with 5-iodoresiniferatoxin (IRTX), a TRPV1-specific antagonist, or with amiloride, a nonselective ASIC blocker. TRPV1 and ASIC3 small interfering RNA (siRNA) transfection also decreased weak acid-induced ATP release. Pretreatment of HEECs with trypsin, tryptase, or a PAR-2 agonist enhanced weak acid-induced ATP release. Trypsin treatment led to the phosphorylation of TRPV1. Acid-induced ATP release enhancement by trypsin was partially blocked by IRTX, amiloride, or a PAR-2 antagonist. Conversely, acid-induced ATP release was augmented by PAR-2 activation through TRPV1 and ASICs. These findings suggested that the pathophysiology of heartburn sensation or esophageal hypersensitivity may be associated with the activation of PAR-2, TRPV1, and ASICs. Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.

  11. Argon activation analysis, application to dating by the potassium-argon method; Analyse par activation de l'argon. Application a la datation par la methode potassium-argon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dumesnil, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Activation analysis using radiogenic argon-40 has been applied to rock-dating by the K-Ar method. The argon is extracted from the sample, purified, activated to saturation in a flux of 2 X 10{sup 13} neutrons/cm{sup 2} sec{sup -1} and measured by gamma spectroscopy. The sensitivity obtained is such that it is possible to measure amounts of argon corresponding to age of a few thousand years only. However since it has not been possible to measure the amount of pollution of radiogenic argon by atmospheric argon with any accuracy, the measurable age limit is in fact of the order of MY. The method has been applied to basalts from the Mont-Dore region. The results obtained are in fairly good agreement with geological, stratigraphic and paleomagnetic data. (author) [French] L'analyse par activation de l'argon 40 radiogenique a ete appliquee a la datation des roches par la methode K-Ar. L'argon est extrait de l'echantillon, purifie, active a saturation dans un flux de 2.10{sup 13}{sup -2}.s{sup -1} et mesure en spectrometrie gamma. La sensibilite obtenue est telle qu'il est possible de mesurer des quantites d'argon correspondant a des ages de quelques milliers d'annees seulement. Cependant la correction de pollution de l'argon radiogenique par l'argon atmospherique n'ayant pu etre etablie avec precision, la limite d'age mesurable pratique est de l'ordre de 1 Ma. La methode a ete appliquee aux basaltes de la region du Mont-Dore. Les ages obtenus sont en assez bon accord avec les donnees geologiques, stratigraphiques et paleomagnetiques. (auteur)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emil José Hernández Ruz


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Between September, 2007, and August, 2009, six field excursions were conducted on the northern Brazilian coast (Romana and Maiandeua islands, state of Pará for the collection of specimens of freshwater turtles (Rhinoclemmys punctularia and Kinosternon scorpioides in natural ponds. Hoop-nets were used and 35 specimens of brown-banded water snakes, Helicops angulatus, were captured as bycatch in the traps. Thus, in addition to turtles, the procedure may be useful for the sampling populations of aquatic snakes. RESUMEN Entre septiembre de 2007 y agosto de 2009, seis excursiones de campo se llevaron a cabo en la costa norte de Brasil (islas Romana y Maiandeua, estado de Pará para la recolección de especímenes de tortugas de agua dulce (Rhinoclemmys punctularia y Kinosternon scorpioides en posos naturales. Utilizamos trampas en embudo. 35 ejemplares de la serpiente acuática Helicops angulatus, fueron capturados como pesca incidental en las trampas. Por lo tanto, además de las tortugas, el procedimiento puede ser útil para la toma de muestras de las poblaciones de serpientes acuáticas.

  13. Plasma suPAR levels are associated with mortality, admission time, and Charlson Comorbidity Index in the acutely admitted medical patient

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haupt, Thomas Huneck; Petersen, Janne; Ellekilde, Gertrude


    . METHODS: We included 543 patients with various diseases from a Danish Acute Medical Unit during a two month period. A triage unit ensured that only medical patients were admitted to the Acute Medical Unit. SuPAR was measured on plasma samples drawn upon admission. Patients were followed-up for three......, and it is speculated that suPAR is a low-grade inflammation marker reflecting on disease severity. The aim of this prospective observational study was to determine if the plasma concentration of suPAR is associated with admission time, re-admission, disease severity/Charlson Comorbidity Index Score, and mortality...... months after inclusion by their unique civil registry number and using Danish registries to determine admission times, readmissions, International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition (ICD-10) diagnoses, and mortality. Statistical analysis was used to determine suPAR's association...

  14. Choriocarcinome gestationnel révélé par une métastase rénale

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    B. Sadiki

    d'une néphrectomie d'hémostase en cas d'hématurie persistante. La néphrectomie peut être remplacée par une embolisation sélective. [10]. Conclusion. Les métastases rénales du CG sont rares. Cette éventualité doit être évoquée par l'urologue en présence d'un syndrome tumoral rénal chez les patientes en âge de ...

  15. An aerial radiological survey of Par Pond and associated drainage pathways of the Savannah River Site, Aiken, South Carolina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The first of a three-phase effort to radiologically monitor the lowering of Par Pond and associated drainage pathways was conducted over three areas of the Savannah River Site (SRS). The areas surveyed during this first phase included Par Pond, the Savannah River swamp from Steel Creek to Little Hell Landing, and Lower Three Runs Creek from the mouth of Lower Three Runs to the Highway 301 Bridge. The first phase was conducted to coincide with the lowering of the water level of Par Pond to an elevation of 190 feet above sea level. Additional surveys were conducted when the water level was at an elevation of 180 feet and prior to refill. The first survey began August 19, 1991, and was completed September 11, 1991. The second survey was conducted in October/November, 1991, during the SRS site-wide survey, and the third survey was conducted in August/September, 1992. Only the Par Pond area itself was surveyed during the third and final phase. The radiation detected over the Creek Plantation portion of the Savannah River swamp and Lower Three Runs areas during the August 1991 survey was consistent with the spatial distribution, quantity, and kinds of radionuclides detected during the 1983 and 1986 surveys. No migration of man-made gamma emitting materials was detected when compared to the prior surveys. The major differences occurred along the Par Pond shoreline where lowered water levels exposed the contaminated pond bed. The activity in the pond bed was attenuated by the water cover prior to the start of the lowering of Par Pond in June 1991. The data collected during each survey were processed in the field and were presented to SRS. A comparison report is being generated after the completion of each survey. A final report will be generated for the three surveys and will include a quantitative comparison of the three surveys in the Par Pond area only

  16. Use of gamma spectroscopy in activation analysis; Utilisation de la spectrographie gamma dans l'analyse par activation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leveque, [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Brief review of the principles of activation analysis: calculation of activities, decay curves, {beta} absorption curves, examples of application. - Principle and description of the {gamma} spectrograph. - Practical utilisation of the {gamma} spectrograph: analysis by activation, analysis by {beta} - x fluorescence. - Sensitivity limit of the method and precision of the measurements. - Possible improvements to the method: {gamma} spectroscopy with elimination of the Compton effect. (author) [French] Bref rappel des principes de l'analyse par activation: calcul des activites, courbes de decroissance, courbes d'absorption {beta}, exemples d'utilisation. - Principe et description du spectrographe {gamma}. - Utilisation pratique de la spectrographie {gamma}: analyse par activation, analyse par fluorescence {beta} - x. - Limite de sensibilite de la methode et precision des mesures. - Ameliorations possibles de la methode: spectrographe {gamma} avec elimination de l'effet Compton. (auteur)

  17. Harmonization and development of resources and tools for Italian natural language processing within the PARLI project

    CERN Document Server

    Bosco, Cristina; Delmonte, Rodolfo; Moschitti, Alessandro; Simi, Maria


    The papers collected in this volume are selected as a sample of the progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP) performed within the Italian NLP community and especially attested by the PARLI project. PARLI (Portale per l’Accesso alle Risorse in Lingua Italiana) is a project partially funded by the Ministero Italiano per l’Università e la Ricerca (PRIN 2008) from 2008 to 2012 for monitoring and fostering the harmonic growth and coordination of the activities of Italian NLP. It was proposed by various teams of researchers working in Italian universities and research institutions. According to the spirit of the PARLI project, most of the resources and tools created within the project and here described are freely distributed and they did not terminate their life at the end of the project itself, hoping they could be a key factor in future development of computational linguistics.

  18. Identificación de parámetros en geotecnia aplicación a la excavación de túneles


    Ledesma Villalba, Alberto


    En esta tesis se desarrolla una metodología general para la identificación de parámetros en problemas geotécnicos. Dado un problema especifico se supone fijado un modelo (determinista) y se consideran conocidos algunos valores de las variables de estado que caracterizan el sistema (observaciones). La identificación de parámetros o resolución del problema inverso consiste en estimar los parámetros del modelo que mejor ajustan predicciones y medidas. Como criterio de identificación se ha escogi...

  19. 27 Segmentation par logique floue pour l'estimation du nombre de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    bagui kossan olivier

    Le diagnostic rapide est par conséquent, une urgence médicale car, le ... Vision Allied Technology, avec un capteur de MT9P031 de Micron / Aptina), avec ..... [4] - O. K. BAGUI, J. T. ZOUEU, C. WÄHLBY, Automatic malaria diagnosis by the ...

  20. Analysis of the multimer resolution system encoded by the parCBA operon of broad-host-range plasmid RP4

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eberl, Leo; Sternberg, Claus; Givskov, Michael Christian


    specific sites situated in the promoter region of the parCBA operon. The two ParA proteins that are produced as a result of independent translation initiation at two different start codons within the same open reading frame were overexpressed in Escherichia coli and partially purified. Both forms...

  1. MR imaging of lumbar spondylolysis: signal intensity change in the pars interarticularis and adjacent structures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jang, Suk Whan; Lee, Ghi Jai; Shim, Jae Chan; Kim, Ho Kyun [Inje Univ. College of Medicine, Kimhae (Korea, Republic of)


    To assess changes in MR signal intensity in the pars interarticularis and adjacent structures in patients with lumbar spondylolysis. The MR images of 36 patients with lumbar spondylolysis, confirmed by plain radiographs, were retrospectively analyzed. Using a 1.0T unit, we evaluated the signal intensity of a total of 216 parts interarticulares and adjacent structures from L3 to L5, as seen on sagittal images, and differences between areas with and without spondylolysis. The signal intensity of T1-and T2-weighted images was graded 0(more hypointense than spinal body), 1(as isointense as spinal body), 2(more hyperintense than spinal body and more hypointense than epidural fat), or 3(as isointense as epidural fat). Signal intensity change in endplates and degree of spondylolisthesis were analyzed, and the relationship between these factors was determined. Spondylolysis was noted at L5 in 61 cases, at L4 in 22, and of L3 in no case. In three cases spondylolysis was unilateral, and in the remainder it was bilateral. The degree of signal intensity was the same on T1-and T2-weighted images, and no case was grade 0. Eighty-six of 133 areas without spondylolysis were grade 1, 43 were grade 2, and four were grade 3. In 42 of 47 cases, signal intensity change was localized at pedicles. Among 83 areas with spondylolysis,on the other hand, nine were grade 1, 48 were grade 2, and 26 were grade 3. Signal intensity change was most commonly observed at the pars interarticularis, pedicle, and lamina(50/74)({rho}<0.001). Signal intensity change at the pars interarticularis and adjacent structures was accompanied in most cases by degenerative endplate change(10/11) and spondylolisthesis(11/13)({rho}<0.001). In patients with spondylolysis, signal intensity was frequently higher at the pars interarticularis and adjacent structures, and is thought to have a close relationship with degenerative endplate change and spondylolisthesis. Increases in signal intensity at the pars

  2. MR imaging of lumbar spondylolysis: signal intensity change in the pars interarticularis and adjacent structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jang, Suk Whan; Lee, Ghi Jai; Shim, Jae Chan; Kim, Ho Kyun


    To assess changes in MR signal intensity in the pars interarticularis and adjacent structures in patients with lumbar spondylolysis. The MR images of 36 patients with lumbar spondylolysis, confirmed by plain radiographs, were retrospectively analyzed. Using a 1.0T unit, we evaluated the signal intensity of a total of 216 parts interarticulares and adjacent structures from L3 to L5, as seen on sagittal images, and differences between areas with and without spondylolysis. The signal intensity of T1-and T2-weighted images was graded 0(more hypointense than spinal body), 1(as isointense as spinal body), 2(more hyperintense than spinal body and more hypointense than epidural fat), or 3(as isointense as epidural fat). Signal intensity change in endplates and degree of spondylolisthesis were analyzed, and the relationship between these factors was determined. Spondylolysis was noted at L5 in 61 cases, at L4 in 22, and of L3 in no case. In three cases spondylolysis was unilateral, and in the remainder it was bilateral. The degree of signal intensity was the same on T1-and T2-weighted images, and no case was grade 0. Eighty-six of 133 areas without spondylolysis were grade 1, 43 were grade 2, and four were grade 3. In 42 of 47 cases, signal intensity change was localized at pedicles. Among 83 areas with spondylolysis,on the other hand, nine were grade 1, 48 were grade 2, and 26 were grade 3. Signal intensity change was most commonly observed at the pars interarticularis, pedicle, and lamina(50/74)(ρ<0.001). Signal intensity change at the pars interarticularis and adjacent structures was accompanied in most cases by degenerative endplate change(10/11) and spondylolisthesis(11/13)(ρ<0.001). In patients with spondylolysis, signal intensity was frequently higher at the pars interarticularis and adjacent structures, and is thought to have a close relationship with degenerative endplate change and spondylolisthesis. Increases in signal intensity at the pars interarticularis and

  3. Contribution to the communication: European fuel behaviour perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pickmann, D.O.; Marin, J.F.; Weidinger, H.; Junkrans, S.; Bairiot, H.


    The safety and security problems particular to pressurized water reactors are reviewed. These problems are followed up at statutory level by the Service Central de Surete des Installations Nucleaires (Central Department of Nuclear Installation Safety) and at technical level by the Institut de Protection et de Surete Nucleaire (Nuclear Protection and Safety Institute) linked to the CEA. The safety analysis is based on the design standards and the technical specifications of reactor components and nuclear substances. They relate to the behaviour of a reactor under normal or accidental operation. The fuel elements are studied in the reactor and outside it by means of loops and power ramps. This information is embodied in models which describe the behaviour of the various parts of the reactor during the accident [fr

  4. Strong movement data currently available at IPSN/DAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamaide, D.; Mohammadioun, B.; Mohammadioun, G.


    The collection of recordings and other data on strong seismic motion compiled by the Departement d'Analyse de Surete de l'Institut de Protection et de Surete Nucleaire (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique) to form a data base known as ''sismotheque'' are presented. Following an introduction wherein the necessity of creating such a repertory for evaluating seismic hazard on the sites of nuclear facilities is explained, a description is given of the means engaged, i.e. motion recorded by the DAS's own laboratory or data procured from other research units in France or abroad. The quantity and quality of the data now available are summarized, as well as the techniques designed to gain access to desired information, illustrated by concrete examples. The paper concludes with recommendations for future developments [fr

  5. Identification of the first PAR1 deletion encompassing upstream SHOX enhancers in a family with idiopathic short stature. (United States)

    Benito-Sanz, Sara; Aza-Carmona, Miriam; Rodríguez-Estevez, Amaya; Rica-Etxebarria, Ixaso; Gracia, Ricardo; Campos-Barros, Angel; Heath, Karen E


    Short stature homeobox-containing gene, MIM 312865 (SHOX) is located within the pseudoautosomal region 1 (PAR1) of the sex chromosomes. Mutations in SHOX or its downstream transcriptional regulatory elements represent the underlying molecular defect in ~60% of Léri-Weill dyschondrosteosis (LWD) and ~5-15% of idiopathic short stature (ISS) patients. Recently, three novel enhancer elements have been identified upstream of SHOX but to date, no PAR1 deletions upstream of SHOX have been observed that only encompass these enhancers in LWD or ISS patients. We set out to search for genetic alterations of the upstream SHOX regulatory elements in 63 LWD and 100 ISS patients with no known alteration in SHOX or the downstream enhancer regions using a specifically designed MLPA assay, which covers the PAR1 upstream of SHOX. An upstream SHOX deletion was identified in an ISS proband and her affected father. The deletion was confirmed and delimited by array-CGH, to extend ~286 kb. The deletion included two of the upstream SHOX enhancers without affecting SHOX. The 13.3-year-old proband had proportionate short stature with normal GH and IGF-I levels. In conclusion, we have identified the first PAR1 deletion encompassing only the upstream SHOX transcription regulatory elements in a family with ISS. The loss of these elements may result in SHOX haploinsufficiency because of decreased SHOX transcription. Therefore, this upstream region should be included in the routine analysis of PAR1 in patients with LWD, LMD and ISS.

  6. Guerras, normalizaciones, crisis del Estado-nación en África subsahariana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Traducción Pilar Lozano Ortiz de Zárate


    Full Text Available Los conflictos armados de ciertos países africanos en la última década son analizados como el signo de una dificultad de sus regímenes para construir la nación que dicen defender. Esta tesis se apoya sobre la crisis del Estado- Nación y la difícil gestión de la diversidad. Dos paradigmas que resultan reveladores de un divorcio entre la aspiración a la democracia y la nación. La conflictividad en estos países modifica las relaciones y creencias de los actores en la capacidad del Estado para detentar el monopolio de la violencia legítima a la vez que invierte los parámetros de una economía de paz.

  7. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the peptidylprolyl isomerase Par27 of Bordetella pertussis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wohlkönig, Alexandre; Hodak, Hélène; Clantin, Bernard; Sénéchal, Magalie; Bompard, Coralie; Jacob-Dubuisson, Françoise; Villeret, Vincent


    Par27 from B. pertussis, the prototype of a new group of parvulins has been crystallized in two different crystal forms. Proteins with both peptidylprolyl isomerase (PPIase) and chaperone activities play a crucial role in protein folding in the periplasm of Gram-negative bacteria. Few such proteins have been structurally characterized and to date only the crystal structure of SurA from Escherichia coli has been reported. Par27, the prototype of a new group of parvulins, has recently been identified. Par27 exhibits both chaperone and PPIase activities in vitro and is the first identified parvulin protein that forms dimers in solution. Par27 has been expressed in E. coli. The protein was purified using affinity and gel-filtration chromatographic techniques and crystallized in two different crystal forms. Form A, which belongs to space group P2 (unit-cell parameters a = 42.2, b = 142.8, c = 56.0 Å, β = 95.1°), diffracts to 2.8 Å resolution, while form B, which belongs to space group C222 (unit-cell parameters a = 54.6, b = 214.1, c = 57.8 Å), diffracts to 2.2 Å resolution. Preliminary diffraction data analysis agreed with the presence of one monomer in the asymmetric unit of the orthorhombic crystal form and two in the monoclinic form



    BENBACHIR, Hayet


    Ce mémoire est consacré à l'étude de l'applicabilité des procédés d’oxydation avancée pour le traitement des eaux contaminées par des polluants organiques. Dans cette étude, nous avons mis en évidence que la cinétique de dégradation et les rendements de minéralisation de 4-Chlorophénol pouvaient être significativement augmentés, par variation des différents paramètres expérimentaux (pH, le rapport R, la concentration du polluant…). Nous avons également déterminé au cours de ce ...

  9. Identification of C-terminal hydrophobic residues important for dimerization and all known functions of ParB of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mierzejewska, J.; Bartosik, A.A.; Macioszek, M.; Plochocka, D.; Thomas, C.M.G.; Jagura-Burdzy, G.


    The ParB protein of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is important for growth, cell division, nucleoid segregation and different types of motility. To further understand its function we have demonstrated a vital role of the hydrophobic residues in the C terminus of ParB(P.a.). By in silico modelling of the

  10. Canning by the diffusion caused by a heated die; Gainage par diffusion par filiere chauffante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gauthron, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    In this process, the uranium fuel is clad with a zirconium can by passing the element through a die. The operation takes place at a temperature varying between 500 and 1000 deg. C. The heating is obtained by passing low voltage electric current through the can. This process differs from the co-extrusion process in that the uranium is not deformed. The uranium is therefore machined to the final dimensions before canning, it can also be hollow. Two types of processes can be adopted for the extrusion: a) Process in which the binding of the can to the uranium is obtained without diffusion (here the can is at high temperature - subsequently cooled - and the uranium is at a low temperature); b) Process in which uranium-zirconium diffusion is initiated. No matter which process is adopted the element is subsequently heat treated in an over at 800 deg. C in order to obtain the final diffusion. The quality of this diffusion is dependent on the initial state of the surfaces and on the degree of vacuum maintained during the operation. (author) [French] Dans ce procede, la gaine zirconium est plaquee sur le combustible uranium par passage dans une filiere. L'operation a lieu a chaud, a une temperature variant entre 500 et 1000 deg. C. Le chauffage est assure par passage d'un courant basse tension dans la gaine. A la difference du procede de cofilage, l'uranium ne subit pas de deformation durant l'operation. Il est donc prealablement usine aux cotes definitives et peut etre creux. Deux processus sont possibles pendant le passage dans la filiere: a) Obtention d'un frettage de la gaine sur l'uranium sans diffusion (avec une gaine a haute temperature et un tube d'uranium a basse temperature, eventuellement refroidi); b) Obtention d'un commencement de diffusion uranium-zirconium. Quelque soit le processus adopte, la cartouche est ensuite traitee dans un four a 800 deg. C pour obtenir la diffusion definitive. La qualite de celle-ci depend essentiellement des etats de surface initiaux

  11. PAR1 deletions downstream of SHOX are the most frequent defect in a Spanish cohort of Léri-Weill dyschondrosteosis (LWD) probands. (United States)

    Benito-Sanz, Sara; del Blanco, Darya Gorbenko; Aza-Carmona, Miriam; Magano, Luis F; Lapunzina, Pablo; Argente, Jesús; Campos-Barros, Angel; Heath, Karen E


    Léri-Weill dyschondrosteosis (LWD) is a skeletal dysplasia characterized by disproportionate short stature and Madelung deformity. Mutations or deletions of the SHOX gene have been previously identified as the main cause of LWD. We recently identified the existence of a second class of pseudoautosomal region 1 (PAR1) deletions which do not include SHOX, implicated in the etiopathogenesis of LWD. The deletions map at least 30-250 kb downstream of SHOX, are variable in size and clearly cosegregate with the LWD phenotype. In order to determine the frequency of this new type of deletions in the Spanish population we analyzed the distribution of PAR1 defects, including the screening of SHOX deletions, mutations, and PAR1 deletions downstream of SHOX, in a total of 26 LWD probands by a combination of MLPA, microsatellite analysis, SNP genotyping, dHPLC, and DNA sequencing. A molecular defect was identified in 16/26 LWD patients (61.5%): 10 PAR1 deletions downstream of SHOX, four SHOX encompassing deletions, and two SHOX mutations. No apparent phenotypic differences were observed between patients with SHOX defects and those with PAR1 deletions downstream of SHOX. In the examined cohort of Spanish LWD probands, PAR1 deletions downstream of SHOX represent the highest proportion of identified mutations (38%) compared to SHOX deletions (15%) and mutations (8%). As a consequence of our findings, the screening of this region should be included in the routine genetic testing of LWD. Also, LWD patients who tested negative for SHOX defects should be re-evaluated for PAR1 deletions downstream of SHOX.

  12. Envenimation mortelle par morsure de serpent chez une femme ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les auteurs rapportent un cas de morsure de serpent au niveau de la face chez une femme enceinte, dont l'évolution a été marquée par l'installation d'un oedème cervico-facial nécessitant une trachéotomie en urgence, et une mort foetale in utero avec troubles de l'hémostase responsable du décès maternel dans un ...

  13. Influence des herbicides sur l'infestation par les adventices, la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 juin 2015 ... Keywords: Wheat, herbicides, weed, density, dry matter. INTRODUCTION. Une des raisons majeures de la chute des rendements des cultures céréalières comme les blés dans la zone «non chernozem» de la Russie et le reste du monde, demeure une forte infestation par différentes espèces adventices.

  14. Determining fPAR and leaf area index of several land cover classes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (fPAR), are three fundamental biophysical characteristics of the plant canopy that should parameterise ecophysiological models of water use (evapotranspiration) and carbon sequestration. Although Earth observation provides values and time series for both these parameters, ...

  15. Compensator design using the par scientific miller and ADAC Pinnacle tps

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arthur, G.; White, S.


    Full text: Ideal compensators are designed so that a uniform dose is given to a specific plane within the treatment volume despite variation in surface contour and non-homogeneity within the volume. Traditionally our department has designed compensators based on missing tissue alone and using lead sheet. We have now acquired a Par Scientific compensator miller and ADAC Pinnacle compensator design software. This poster sets out the investigations carried out to design compensators using this equipment. The investigation consisted of four parts. Part one was an evaluation of the Par Scientific miller's ability to accurately and to reproducibly mill various shapes from foam and cerrobend. It also included an examination of the effects due to varying the parameter options available in the software and the use of substitute milling bits. The second part was the choice of material to be used for the compensator. The following were investigated for moulds: steel grit; steel shot and cerrobend and for direct milling: cerrobend. Part three consisted of an investigation into the effects on compensator design with changes in the many parameter options available in ADAC software. For the final part compensators were designed using the ADAC software for both a Head and Neck, and a Mantle case. The compensators were made using the Par Scientific miller. This consisted of milling the required shape in foam and then filling it with cerrobend. TLDs were used to evaluate the compensators. Evaluation consisted of examining the uniformity of dose in the selected plane. The compensators were also compared to the traditional method for the same cases. Finally a comparison was made of the measured dose with that calculated by the ADAC Pinnacle planning system. The Par Scientific was found to be accurate and consistent, however not suitable for milling solid cerrobend directly. Investigations so far have shown that the use of molten cerrobend poured into milled foam moulds is the most

  16. Evaluation of passive autocatalytic recombiners (PARS) performance for a PWR-konvoi containment type with Gothic 8.1 code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez-Alonso Conty, E.; Papini, D.; Jimenez Varas, G.


    The study presented in this work analyses the evaluation of Passive Autocatalytic Recombiners (PARs) performance for a PWR-Konvoi containment type as a result of an international collaboration between the Paul Scherrer institute (PSI) and the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM). The implementation study analyzes the size, location and number of the PARs to minimize the risk arising from a hydrogen release and its distribution in the containment building during a hypothetical severe accident. A detailed 3D model of containment was used for the simulations developed for the Gothic 8.1 code. In the first place, the hydrogen preferential pathways and points of hydrogen accumulation were studies and identified starting from the base case scenario without any mitigation measure. The severe accident scenario chosen is a fast release of hydrogen-steam mixture from hot leg creep rupture during SBO (Station Black-Out) accident. Secondly a configuration of PARs was simulated under the same conditions of the unmitigated case. The PAR configuration offered an improvement in the chosen accident scenario, decreasing the hydrogen concentration values below the flammability limit /hydrogen concentration below 7%) in all the containment compartments. (Author)

  17. Activated protein C (APC) can increase bone anabolism via a protease-activated receptor (PAR)1/2 dependent mechanism. (United States)

    Shen, Kaitlin; Murphy, Ciara M; Chan, Ben; Kolind, Mille; Cheng, Tegan L; Mikulec, Kathy; Peacock, Lauren; Xue, Meilang; Park, Sang-Youel; Little, David G; Jackson, Chris J; Schindeler, Aaron


    Activated Protein C (APC) is an anticoagulant with strong cytoprotective properties that has been shown to promote wound healing. In this study APC was investigated for its potential orthopedic application using a Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 (rhBMP-2) induced ectopic bone formation model. Local co-administration of 10 µg rhBMP-2 with 10 µg or 25 µg APC increased bone volume at 3 weeks by 32% (N.S.) and 74% (pAPC are largely mediated by its receptors endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR) and protease-activated receptors (PARs). Cultured pre-osteoblasts and bone nodule tissue sections were shown to express PAR1/2 and EPCR. When pre-osteoblasts were treated with APC, cell viability and phosphorylation of ERK1/2, Akt, and p38 were increased. Inhibition with PAR1 and sometimes PAR2 antagonists, but not with EPCR blocking antibodies, ameliorated the effects of APC on cell viability and kinase phosphorylation. These data indicate that APC can affect osteoblast viability and signaling, and may have in vivo applications with rhBMP-2 for bone repair. © 2014 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. Soudage de bois feuillus par friction rotationnelle


    Belleville, Benoît


    Les différentes colles utilisées actuellement par l’industrie du meuble au Canada nécessitent des temps de polymérisation constituant un goulot dans la production des meubles et limitant l’atteinte de la production unitaire. Ces adhésifs synthétiques généralement issus de la pétrochimie nécessitent énormément d’énergie lors de leur confection. L’utilisation de connecteurs métalliques ou plastiques, quant à elle, limite les phases de découpage et sablage subséquentes. La présence d’adhésifs et...

  19. La bio-indication de la pollution aquatique par les microalgues (Cas ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ecosystCmes et introduisent des micro- organismes pathogmes qui ... organismes vivants dont on connait la sensibilite et les exigences ..... En effet, certains genres proliferent dans des milieux acides, alors que d'autres preferent des milieux alcalins. Par ailleurs, dans les milieux a fortes teneurs en elements acides tel que ...

  20. Análisis del comportamiento de la inflación trimestral en Colombia bajo cambios de régimen: Una evidencia a través del modelo "Switching" de Hamilton.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Fernando Melo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como propósito estudiar la evolución de la inflación trimestral en Colombia, durante el período comprendido entre 1954 y 1996, a través de la metodología de Hamilton(1989 y segundo presentar algunos conceptos relacionados con dicha metodología, la cual introduce cambios de régimen en el análisis convencional de series de tiempo. En general, esta metodología permite estimar modelos ARIMA con parámetros o varianzas cambiantes en el tiempo. En este caso, tales cambios en el modelo de la inflación se suponen asociados a posibles regímenes distintos donde la inflación presenta cambios en su nivel o en su variabilidad. Esta modelación posibilita el reconocimiento de los distintos regímenes a través del tiempo (por ejemplo dos regímenes: inflación alta e inflación baja en lo referente a su tiempo promedio de duración y a la probabilidad asociada de cada uno de ellos, es decir, la probabilidad de estar en un régimen particular en un momento dado del tiempo. Las probabilidades de transición estimadas, permiten concluir, por ejemplo, que al estar en un régimen de inflación trimestral moderado, la probabilidad de permanecer en éste es muy alta (0.94, en tanto que pasar de éste a un régimen de inflación promedio alta tiene una probabilidad de (0.05, la cual es cinco veces mayor que la estimada para la transición de moderada a baja (0.01. Adicionalmente, se puede observar que la máxima probabilidad de permanecer en un mismo régimen se tiene en aquel caracterizado como de inflación y variabilidad moderadas.

  1. Expression of MMP-1/PAR-1 and patterns of invasion in oral squamous cell carcinoma as potential prognostic markers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fan HX


    Full Text Available Hai-Xia Fan,1 Yan Chen,1 Bo-Xiong Ni,1 Shan Wang,1 Miao Sun,2 Dong Chen,2 Jin-Hua Zheng11Department of Anatomy, Basic Medical Science College, 2Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Stomatological Hospital, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, People’s Republic of ChinaBackground: Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-1 degrades type I collagen of the extracellular matrix and also activates protease activated receptor (PAR-1 to induce angiogenesis. The aims of this study were to evaluate microvessel density (MVD and the expression of PAR-1 and MMP-1 in oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC specimens with different patterns of invasion (POI and to evaluate their association with clinical outcomes.Methods: Seventy-four surgically obtained oral SCC samples were classified by POI according to hematoxylin-eosin staining. MVD and the localization and intensity of PAR-1 and MMP-1 expression were detected by immunohistochemistry.Results: Of the 74 oral SCC samples, 18, 5, 34, and 17 showed type I, II, III, and IV POI, respectively. MVD and expression levels of MMP-1 and PAR-1 differed between POI types I–II and POI types III–IV. Patients with low tumor expression of MMP-1 and PAR-1 and low MVD had a longer survival time than those with high tumor expression of MMP-1 and PAR-1. Moreover, the survival time of patients with POI types III–IV was shorter than that of patients with POI types I–II.Conclusion: POI combined with expression levels of MMP-1 and PAR-1 may be a valuable tool for assessing the clinical prognosis of patients with oral SCC.Keywords: oral squamous cell carcinoma, pattern of invasion, immunohistochemistry, clinical outcomes

  2. uPAR-targeted optical near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging and PET for image-guided surgery in head and neck cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Anders; Juhl, Karina; Persson, Morten


    . Histological analysis showed co-localization of the fluorescent signal, uPAR expression and tumor deposits. In addition, the feasibility of uPARguided robotic cancer surgery was demonstrated. Also, uPAR-PET imaging showed a clear and localized signal in the tongue tumors. Conclusions: This study demonstrated...

  3. Japānas un Amerikas Savienoto Valstu kauja par Okinavu 1945. gada: 1.aprīlis – 22. jūnijs


    Leimanis, Normunds


    Bakalaura darba tēmas nosaukums ir „Japānas un Amerikas Savienoto Valstu kauja par Okinavu 1945. gada: 1. aprīlis – 22. jūnijs ”. Tā ir viena no lielākajām un asiņainākajām kaujām, kura notika Otrā Pasaules kara laika beigās. Tā bija viena no pēdējām kaujām Otrā Pasaules kara laikā. Kaujā par Okinavu piedalijās amerikāņu un japāņu karaspēki, kas cīnījās par savu valsti un tās godu. Galvenie Okinavas kaujas dalībnieki bija japāņu 32. armija un amerikāņu 10.armija. Galvenais atbildīgais par ...

  4. Selective abrogation of the uPA-uPAR interaction in vivo reveals a novel role in suppression of fibrin-associated inflammation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Connolly, Brian M; Choi, Eun Young; Gårdsvoll, Henrik


    the interaction between endogenous uPA and uPAR is selectively abrogated, whereas other functions of both the protease and its receptor are retained. Specifically, we introduced 4 amino acid substitutions into the growth factor domain (GFD) of uPA that abrogate uPAR binding while preserving the overall structure...... a principal in vivo role of the uPA-uPAR interaction in cell-associated fibrinolysis critical for suppression of fibrin accumulation and fibrin-associated inflammation and provides a valuable model for further exploration of this multifunctional receptor....

  5. Adsorption of volatile organic compounds by polytetra-fluor ethylene; Adsorption de composes organiques volatils par le polytetrafluor ethylene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinet, J.M. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The sorption of organic vapours by microporous polytetra-fluor ethylene has been studied gravimetrically using a Mc Bain-Baker type sorption balance. The amount of sorption, the peculiarities observed on the isotherm curves, the small influence of temperature, and smallness of hysteresis suggests that mainly physical adsorption occurs when the temperature is around 25 deg. C. The values of the surface areas obtained from the adsorption isotherms using organic vapours differ greatly from those derived from N{sub 2} adsorption measurements. This discrepancy cannot be completely attributed to differences in the structure and chemical function of the adsorbate molecules, or to the porous structure of the adsorbent. On the contrary, the surface area values obtained by sorbing high volatile freons conform with those measured by nitrogen adsorption, which seems to imply a connection between the area of sorbed monolayers and volatility of the adsorbate. (author) [French] La sorption de vapeurs organiques par du polytetrafluor ethylene microporeux a ete etudiee gravimetriquement a l'aide d'un appareillage du type balance de Mac Bain. La valeur de la masse adsorbee, les particularites observees dans la forme des isothermes, le peu d'influence de la temperature, la faiblesse de l'hysteresis suggerent l'intervention d'une adsorption physique, du moins au voisinage de 25 deg. C. Les isothermes relatives a l'absorption de vapeurs organiques conduisent a des valeurs de la surface specifique tres differentes de celles obtenues par adsorption d'azote. Ces divergences ne peuvent s'expliquer par la seule intervention de la structure moleculaire et de la fonction chimique de l'adsorbat, ni par la structure poreuse de l'adsorbant. Par contre, l'adsorption de freons tres volatils conduit a des valeurs de la surface specifique analogues a celles obtenues par adsorption d'azote ce qui semble etablir un lien entre la

  6. Adsorption of volatile organic compounds by polytetra-fluor ethylene; Adsorption de composes organiques volatils par le polytetrafluor ethylene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinet, J M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The sorption of organic vapours by microporous polytetra-fluor ethylene has been studied gravimetrically using a Mc Bain-Baker type sorption balance. The amount of sorption, the peculiarities observed on the isotherm curves, the small influence of temperature, and smallness of hysteresis suggests that mainly physical adsorption occurs when the temperature is around 25 deg. C. The values of the surface areas obtained from the adsorption isotherms using organic vapours differ greatly from those derived from N{sub 2} adsorption measurements. This discrepancy cannot be completely attributed to differences in the structure and chemical function of the adsorbate molecules, or to the porous structure of the adsorbent. On the contrary, the surface area values obtained by sorbing high volatile freons conform with those measured by nitrogen adsorption, which seems to imply a connection between the area of sorbed monolayers and volatility of the adsorbate. (author) [French] La sorption de vapeurs organiques par du polytetrafluor ethylene microporeux a ete etudiee gravimetriquement a l'aide d'un appareillage du type balance de Mac Bain. La valeur de la masse adsorbee, les particularites observees dans la forme des isothermes, le peu d'influence de la temperature, la faiblesse de l'hysteresis suggerent l'intervention d'une adsorption physique, du moins au voisinage de 25 deg. C. Les isothermes relatives a l'absorption de vapeurs organiques conduisent a des valeurs de la surface specifique tres differentes de celles obtenues par adsorption d'azote. Ces divergences ne peuvent s'expliquer par la seule intervention de la structure moleculaire et de la fonction chimique de l'adsorbat, ni par la structure poreuse de l'adsorbant. Par contre, l'adsorption de freons tres volatils conduit a des valeurs de la surface specifique analogues a celles obtenues par adsorption d'azote ce qui semble etablir un lien entre la volatilite de l'adsorbat et l'etendue des couches monomoleculaires

  7. Clinical comparison of high-speed rare-earth screen and par-speed screen for diagnostic efficacy and radiation dosage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robinson, T.; Becker, J.A.; Olson, A.P.


    One hundred patients underwent excretory urography and a comparison was made of ten-minute, well-collimated images that were obtained with both par-speed and rare-earth screens, the latter being 6.5 times faster than the par-speed calcium tungstate screens. Radiation dose was greatly reduced with the rare-earth screens. There were fewer inferior examinations, even though fine detail was imaged poorly, and there was a slightly increased quantum mottle, which was only a minor problem at this low 65 kVp. Since quantum mottle increases with kVp, however, our results are not applicable to higher kVp examinations. Despite reduced detail and increased mottle, the overall image quality obtained with the rare-earth screen was superior to the image quality obtained with the par-speed screen

  8. Anaplasmose bovina: parâmetros clínicos e de patologia clínica em bezerros infectados experimentalmente.: parâmetros clínicos e de patologia clínica em bezerros infectados experimentalmente.


    Leonardo Costa Tavares Coelho


    Avaliou-se o comportamento dos parâmetros de patologia clínica em cinco bezerros HPB, com idade entre 90 e 120 dias, inoculados com Anaplasma marginale. O período médio de incubação foi de 13 dias, a duração do período patente, quando foram realizadas as análises, foi de 14 dias e o período convalescente durou 10 dias. Foram avaliadas as alterações no equilíbrio ácido-básico, perfil eletrolítico, parâmetros bioquímicos e hematológicos. Os animais apresentaram anemia, inicialmente normocítica ...

  9. Infestation by Haematopinus quadripertusus on cattle in São Domingos do Capim, state of Pará, Brazil Infestação por Haematopinus quadripertusus em bovinos de São Domingos do Capim, Estado do Pará, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandra Scofield


    Full Text Available Severe infestation with lice was observed on crossbred cattle (Bos taurus indicus ×Bos taurus taurus in the municipality of São Domingos do Capim, state of Pará, Brazil. Sixty-five animals were inspected and the lice were manually collected, preserved in 70% alcohol and taken to the Animal Parasitology Laboratory, School of Veterinary Medicine, Federal University of Pará, Brazil, for identification. The adult lice were identified as Haematopinus quadripertusus, and all the cattle examined were infested by at least one development stage of this ectoparasite. The specimens collected were located only on the tail in 80% (52/65 of the cattle, while they were around the eyes as well as on the ears and tail in 20% (13/65. Nits, nymphs and adults of the parasite were respectively collected from 98.46% (64/65, 38.46% (25/65 and 23.08% (15/65 of the animals examined. This is the first report of bovine pediculosis caused by H. quadripertusus in the state of Pará, Brazil. Further studies should be conducted to determine the occurrence pattern of this species in Brazil and its importance to livestock production.Alta infestação por piolhos foi observada em vacas mestiças Bos taurus indicus e Bos taurus taurus do município de São Domingos do Capim, Estado do Pará, Brasil. Sessenta e cinco animais foram inspecionados e os piolhos foram coletados manualmente, armazenados em álcool 70% e transportados ao Laboratório de Parasitologia Animal da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Pará para a identificação. Os exemplares adultos foram identificados como Haematopinus quadripertusus e todos os animais examinados apresentaram pelo menos um estágio de desenvolvimento do ectoparasito. Em 80% (52/65 dos animais, os exemplares coletados localizavam-se somente na cauda e em 20% (13/65 na região periocular, orelha e cauda. Lêndeas, ninfas e adultos foram coletados, respectivamente, em 98,46% (64/65, em 38,46% (25/65 e em 23

  10. The relationship between levels of plasma-soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) and presence of migraine attack and aura. (United States)

    Yılmaz, Nigar; Yılmaz, Mustafa; Sirin, Burcu; Yılmaztekin, Sureyya; Kutlu, Gülnihal


    Migraine is one of the most common types of pain associated with sterile inflammatory conditions. Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a potential novel inflammatory marker. We aim to determine the association between serum values of suPAR, procalcitonin, fibrinogen, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and migraine disease characteristics. The study involved a total of 60 migraine patients (33 patients in the interictal period, 27 patients in the attack period) and 30 healthy individuals. The serum values of suPAR were found to be significantly higher in migraine patients in the attack period than in migraine patients in the interictal period, and in healthy individuals (p migraine with aura patients than in migraine without aura patients. When we subdivided migraine patients according to frequency of attack (attacks/month), significant differences were found between the suPAR and procalcitonin levels (measured during the attack period) of those in the frequent-attack group (4-5 or more) versus those in the less frequent attack group (less than 4). Serum levels of procalcitonin were shown to be significantly higher in migraine patients during the attack period compared with migraine patients in the interictal period and in control subjects (p = .001 for both). Significant differences were found between plasma levels of fibrinogen in migraine patients versus control subjects (p migraine patients versus the control group. These findings may show that presenting a high level of suPAR in migraine patients with attack and aura results to predisposition to occurring on the symptoms and that high levels of suPAR, procalcitonin and fibrinogen in patients with migraine result in neurogenic inflammation during migraine headaches.

  11. Enseñanza de la parasitología veterinaria a partir del uso de organismos vivos y tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Efraín Benavides Ortiz


    Full Text Available Los parásitos son organismos que viven en otros organismos vivos o sobre ellos para obtener nutrientes sin brindar compensación a cambio. En las ciencias médicas y veterinarias, generalmente, se acepta como “parásito” solamente a eucariotas y metazoarios; es decir, protozoarios, helmintos y artrópodos. Algunos incluyen bacterias transmitidas por artrópodos, las rickettsias. La enseñanza de esta disciplina ha hecho hincapié en componentes taxonómicos de los organismos y ha descuidado aspectos del entendimiento de la relación huéspedparásito, la comprensión de interacciones ecológicas y ciclos silvestres, la coevolución en los nichos, que sustenta la posible selección de animales resistentes a los parásitos y los argumentos de genética de poblaciones, que permiten comprender la problemática del desarrollo de resistencia a los antiparasitarios. En este artículo se presentan experiencias docentes de la cátedra de Parasitología Veterinaria en la cual, aunque se continúan utilizando especímenes fijados en alcohol y formol para demostrar estructuras parasitarias, cada vez usa más organismos vivos como base del proceso didáctico, junto con tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC para facilitar la comprensión sobre los procesos parasitarios en condiciones naturales del trópico.

  12. Prognostic value of plasma soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) in Danish patients with recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer (REOC)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Begum, Farah Diba; Høgdall, Estrid V S; Riisbo, Rikke


    ovarian cancer (REOC). For determination of suPAR, pre-chemotherapeutic blood samples from the patients with REOC were processed into plasma (EDTA) within one working day from venipuncture. The plasma suPAR level is not correlated with performance status (p=0.41), FIGO stage (p=0.09), treatment...... of REOC patients. Multivariate analysis showed that only TFI of 12 months (p=0.001) and performance score status of 2 (p=0.02) were independent prognostic factors. Our study indicates that pre-chemotherapeutic measurement of plasma suPAR level in REOC patients may not be useful to identify a subgroup...... of patients with poor prognosis....

  13. Un procédé de validation des métamodèles par les métadonnées


    Plantec , Alain; Ribaud , Vincent


    International audience; La norme STEP a pour objet de standardiser des modèles de données par métier. Ce standard a développé un procédé de validation de la conformité des modèles dans lequel l'instanciation est un composant essentiel : un modèle est valide si un ensemble d'instances conformes au modèle est jugé sémantiquement correct par un expert du domaine. Appliqué à la métamodélisation, cette approche permet de construire et de valider les métamodèles par ranements successifs. Cette méth...

  14. Nanomechanical recognition of prognostic biomarker suPAR with DVD-ROM optical technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bache, Michael; Bosco, Filippo; Brøgger, Anna Line


    In this work the use of a high-throughput nanomechanical detection system based on a DVD-ROM optical drive and cantilever sensors is presented for the detection of urokinase plasminogen activator receptor inflammatory biomarker (uPAR). Several large scale studies have linked elevated levels...

  15. Prognostic value of plasma soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) in Danish patients with recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer (REOC)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Begum, Farah Diba; Høgdall, Estrid V S; Riisbo, Rikke


    The level of the soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is elevated in tumour tissue from several types of cancer. This is the first study aiming to predict the prognosis for survival by the use of a pre-chemotherapeutic plasma suPAR value in 71 patients with recurrent epithelial...

  16. Utilisation du partographe modifie de l'oms par les sages-femmes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ) de l'OMS par les sages-femmes de Lomé et leur position face à cet outil de surveillance du travail. Matériel et méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude prospective, transversale descriptive, menée du 01er juillet au 30 septembre 2011 (soit une période ...

  17. CFD Recombiner Modelling and Validation on the H2-Par and Kali-H2 Experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mimouni, S.; Mechitoua, N.; Ouraou, M.


    A large amount of Hydrogen gas is expected to be released within the dry containment of a pressurized water reactor (PWR), shortly after the hypothetical beginning of a severe accident leading to the melting of the core. According to local gas concentrations, the gaseous mixture of hydrogen, air and steam can reach the flammability limit, threatening the containment integrity. In order to prevent mechanical loads resulting from a possible conflagration of the gas mixture, French and German reactor containments are equipped with passive autocatalytic recombiners (PARs) which preventively oxidize hydrogen for concentrations lower than that of the flammability limit. The objective of the paper is to present numerical assessments of the recombiner models implemented in CFD solvers NEPTUNE C FD and Code S aturne. Under the EDF/EPRI agreement, CEA has been committed to perform 42 tests of PARs. The experimental program named KALI-H 2 , consists checking the performance and behaviour of PAR. Unrealistic values for the gas temperature are calculated if the conjugate heat transfer and the wall steam condensation are not taken into account. The combined effects of these models give a good agreement between computational results and experimental data

  18. Development of French technical safety regulations: safety fundamental rules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lebouleux, P.


    The technical regulation related to nuclear safety in France is made of a set of regulation texts, of a different nature, that define the requirements for the construction, commissioning and operations of nuclear facilities. Simultaneously, the safety authorities (Service Central de Surete des Installations Nucleaires: SCSIN) issue recommendations or guides which are not strictly speaking regulations in the juridical sense; they are called ''Regles Fondamentales de Surete'' (RFS). The RFS set up and detail the conditions, the respect of which is deemed to be complying with the French regulation pratice, for the subject to which they relate. Their purpose is to make known rules judged acceptable by safety authorities, thus making the safety review easier. The RFS program is described. A RFS -or a letter- can also give the result of the examination of the constructor and operator code (RCC) by safety authorities

  19. Development of French technical safety regulations: safety fundamental rules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lebouleux, P.


    The technical regulation related to nuclear safety in France is made of a set of regulation texts, of a different nature, that define the requirements for the construction, commissioning and operating of nuclear facilities. Simultaneously, the safety authorities (Service Central de Surete des Installations Nucleaires: SCSIN) issue recommendations or guides which are not strictly speaking regulations in the juridicial sense; they are called Regles Fondamentales de Surete (RFS). The RFS set up and detail the conditions, the respect of which is deemed to be complying with the French regulation practice, for the subject to which they relate. Their purpose is to make known rules judged acceptable by safety authorities, thus making the safety review easier. The RFS program is described. A RFS - or a letter - can also give the result of the examination of the constructor and operator codes (RCC) by safety authorities

  20. Comportamiento de algunos parámetros de los azúcares crudos analizados durante el quinquenio 2006-2010. Parte 2


    Roberto J. Rodríguez-Mambuca; Julián Rodríguez-López; Jesús Mesa-Oramas; Alejandra Sánchez-Herrera; Miriam Gay-Querol Camacho


    El objetivo del presente trabajo es brindar información sobre el comportamiento de diferentes parámetros con incidencia en la calidad del azúcar crudo producido durante el quinquenio 2006-2010 tales como: par- tículas ferromagnéticas, ceniza, granulometría, insolubles, dextrana y almidón, y evaluar las tendencias de esos índices por provincias.

  1. Par Pond phytoplankton in association with refilling of the pond: Final Report for sampling from February 1995 -- September 1996

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilde, E.W.; Johnson, M.A.; Cody, W.C.


    This report describes the results of phytoplankton analyses from Par Pond samples collected between February 1995 and September 1996. The principal objective of the study was to determine the effect of refilling of Par Pond following repair of the dam on the phytoplankton community. Algal blooms are often responsible for fish kills and other detrimental effects in ponds and lakes, and it was postulated that decaying vegetation from formerly exposed sediments might trigger algal blooms that could result in fish kills in Par Pond following the refill. Sporadic algal blooms involving blue-green algae were detected, especially during the summer of 1996. However, the data derived from the study demonstrates that overall, the refilling effort caused no significant negative impact to the pond attributable to phytoplankton dynamics

  2. Par Pond phytoplankton in association with refilling of the pond: Final Report for sampling from February 1995 -- September 1996

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wilde, E.W.; Johnson, M.A.; Cody, W.C.


    This report describes the results of phytoplankton analyses from Par Pond samples collected between February 1995 and September 1996. The principal objective of the study was to determine the effect of refilling of Par Pond following repair of the dam on the phytoplankton community. Algal blooms are often responsible for fish kills and other detrimental effects in ponds and lakes, and it was postulated that decaying vegetation from formerly exposed sediments might trigger algal blooms that could result in fish kills in Par Pond following the refill. Sporadic algal blooms involving blue-green algae were detected, especially during the summer of 1996. However, the data derived from the study demonstrates that overall, the refilling effort caused no significant negative impact to the pond attributable to phytoplankton dynamics.

  3. Calibration of langmuir probes by a microwave method; Etalonnage des sondes de langmuir par une methode hyperfrequence

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Consoli, T [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Measurements of the electronic density of a plasma between 10{sup 6} and 10{sup 8} e/cm{sup 3}, made by the Langmuir probe and by resonance frequency shift of a cavity are compared. (author) [French] On compare les mesures de la densite electronique d'un plasma peu dense 10{sup 6} < ne < 10{sup 8} e/cm{sup 3}, par sonde de Langmuir et par glissement de la frequence de resonance d'une cavite contenant le plasma. (auteur)

  4. Argon activation analysis, application to dating by the potassium-argon method; Analyse par activation de l'argon. Application a la datation par la methode potassium-argon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dumesnil, P. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Activation analysis using radiogenic argon-40 has been applied to rock-dating by the K-Ar method. The argon is extracted from the sample, purified, activated to saturation in a flux of 2 X 10{sup 13} neutrons/cm{sup 2} sec{sup -1} and measured by gamma spectroscopy. The sensitivity obtained is such that it is possible to measure amounts of argon corresponding to age of a few thousand years only. However since it has not been possible to measure the amount of pollution of radiogenic argon by atmospheric argon with any accuracy, the measurable age limit is in fact of the order of MY. The method has been applied to basalts from the Mont-Dore region. The results obtained are in fairly good agreement with geological, stratigraphic and paleomagnetic data. (author) [French] L'analyse par activation de l'argon 40 radiogenique a ete appliquee a la datation des roches par la methode K-Ar. L'argon est extrait de l'echantillon, purifie, active a saturation dans un flux de 2.10{sup 13}{sup -2}.s{sup -1} et mesure en spectrometrie gamma. La sensibilite obtenue est telle qu'il est possible de mesurer des quantites d'argon correspondant a des ages de quelques milliers d'annees seulement. Cependant la correction de pollution de l'argon radiogenique par l'argon atmospherique n'ayant pu etre etablie avec precision, la limite d'age mesurable pratique est de l'ordre de 1 Ma. La methode a ete appliquee aux basaltes de la region du Mont-Dore. Les ages obtenus sont en assez bon accord avec les donnees geologiques, stratigraphiques et paleomagnetiques. (auteur)

  5. PAR-Q & YOU Questionnaire and cardiovascular history of elderly patients on dialysis engaged in physical activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Enrique Moreno-Collazos


    Full Text Available Introduction: During the last few years, physical activity has become a therapeutic tool and a protective mechanism for the elderly; it reduces cardiovascular risk in patients undergoing different types of dialysis and receiving palliative care. Objective: The aim of this study was to establish the inclusion criteria for a therapeutic physical activity program through the use of the PAR-Q & YOU Questionnaire with elderly patients treated with different types of hemodialysis, and to relate it with cardiovascular risk factors. Methods: Pearson's chi-squared test was used to determine the possible association among variables, considering the medical history and discomfort caused by physical activity against the results of PAR-Q & YOU. Binary logistic regression was used with the variables in the chi-squared test. Conclusions: Through logistic regression, we found that cardiovascular history was 10.44 times more significant to establish the relevance of the PAR-Q & YOU as a basic assessment instrument for the inclusion in a physical activity program which is part of a physiotherapy-led renal rehabilitation.

  6. "Derecho de locomoción", desplazamientos de cearenses al Pará y en el Pará(1889-1916

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    Franciane Gama Lacerda


    Full Text Available El desplazamiento de personas de diferentes lugares, de la región que hoy se conoce como Nordeste en Brasil, hacia diversas áreas de la Amazonia, se consagró en la historiografía brasileña a partir de la participación de los emigrantes en la extracción de caucho a finales del siglo xix. Tal proceso migratorio, entretanto, es más complejo y está constituido de motivaciones e intereses varios. Este texto discute algunas de las motivaciones para los desplazamientos al Pará y los caminos deseados y/o tomados por los grupos de emigrantes que salieron del Ceará y llegaron a tierras paraenses entre 1889 y 1915.

  7. The conditioning of radioactive waste by bitumen; Conditionnement des dechets radioactifs par le bitume

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodier, J; Scheidhauer, J; Malabre, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Chusclan (France). Centre de Production de Plutonium de Marcoule


    The separation of radioactive sludge and waste by bitumen is studied. Results are given concerning various trials carried out on the lixiviation of the final product by water as a function of the pH, of the time, and of the composition. The conditions for carrying out this process of coating the waste are controlled from a radioactive point of view. (author) [French] L'isolement de boues radioactives et de dechets par le bitume est etudie. Les resultats de divers essais portant sur la lixiviation par l'eau du produit fini en fonction du pH, du temps et de la composition sont exposes. Les conditions de realisation de l'enrobage sont controlees au point de vue du risque radioactif. (auteur)

  8. Dosimetry of 64Cu-DOTA-AE105, a PET tracer for uPAR imaging

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Persson, Morten; El Ali, Henrik H.; Binderup, Tina


    64Cu-DOTA-AE105 is a novel positron emission tomography (PET) tracer specific to the human urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR). In preparation of using this tracer in humans, as a new promising method to distinguish between indolent and aggressive cancers, we have performed PET...... studies in mice to evaluate the in vivo biodistribution and estimate human dosimetry of 64Cu-DOTA-AE105. MethodsFive mice received iv tail injection of 64Cu-DOTA-AE105 and were PET/CT scanned 1, 4.5 and 22h post injection. Volume-of-interest (VOI) were manually drawn on the following organs: heart, lung......Favorable dosimetry estimates together with previously reported uPAR PET data fully support human testing of 64Cu-DOTA-AE105....

  9. Parálisis facial permanente: corrección quirúrgica con la técnica de Labbé

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubén Yangali


    Full Text Available La parálisis facial genera un gran déficit estético y funcional. Las diversas técnicas quirúrgicas han ido evolucionando, a fin de corregir este defecto de la forma más estructural y fisiológica posible. Consideramos que la mioplastia de alargamiento del temporal constituye actualmente la técnica de elección para corregir los casos de parálisis facial permanente.

  10. Infection par le VIH chez les patientes atteintes de cancer du sein en Guinée (Afrique de l'Ouest) (United States)

    Traore, Bangaly; Diane, Solomana; Sow, Mamadou Saliou; Keita, Mamady; Conde, Mamoudou; Traore, Fodé Amara; Kourouma, Tidiane


    L'objectif était de déterminer la prévalence de l'infection à VIH chez les patientes atteintes de cancer du sein et de comparer les caractéristiques anatomocliques et thérapeutiques de ces cancers du sein par rapports aux patientes non infectées par le VIH. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective et analytique comparant les dossiers de patientes atteintes de cancers du sein histologiquement confirmés, infectées ou non par le VIH à l'unité de chirurgie oncologique de Donka, CHU de Conakry, de 2007 à 2012. Nous avons colligé 278 patientes présentant un cancer du sein dont 14 (5,0%) infectées par le VIH et 264 (95,0%) non infectées par le VIH. Les différences observées entre ces deux groupes de patientes étaient respectivement: âge médian (36,8 vs 49,0 ans), la ménopause (21,4% vs 53,4%), le nombre des patientes traitées (50,0% contre 77,1%) et la survenue de décès (78,6% vs 50,8%). Aucune différence n'a été notée dans la présentation clinique, histologique et le retard de consultation. Dans notre étude, la prévalence de l'infection à VIH chez les patients atteints de cancer du sein est élevée. L’âge jeune des patients, la faible accessibilité au traitement et la mortalité élevée doivent être confirmés par une étude sur un échantillon plus large. PMID:26523196

  11. A la búsqueda de la confiscada facultad de juzgar: Una propuesta iusconstructivista al dilema del juzgamientos de los crímenes de Estado

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    Daniel Feierstein


    Full Text Available En este artículo, se busca reflexionar sobre los componentes fundamentales de la facultad humana de juzgar y su vinculación con la tarea del juicio realizada por los jueces en el contexto del marco jurídico. Se intentará poner en cuestión la estricta delimitación que propone el positivismo[1] entre la capacidad humana de juzgar (que proviene del criterio moral y la acción jurídica, ya que dicha delimitación pareciera postular la posibilidad de prescindir del ejercicio de la facultad de juzgar a la hora de aplicar el derecho positivo. Actualizando el dilema ius-naturalismo/ius-positivismo para pensar críticamente el juzgamiento de crímenes de Estado, se aventurará una tercera salida, bautizada como ius-constructivismo y basada en los desarrollos de la psicología y la epistemología genéticas. [1] .- Carlos Nino distingue en las escuelas jurídicas como "positivismo conceptual" (donde ubica a autores Bentham, Austin, Kelsen, Ross o Hart, entre otros a la postulación de que los sistemas normativos no requieren derivar de principios morales previos para ser considerados válidos, sino que su propia existencia y producción normativa los valida como tales. Nino también distingue lo que llama un "positivismo ideológico", que incluso cuestiona la existencia de principios morales. Aquí, sin embargo, se entenderá como positivismo jurídico al positivismo conceptual y será con dichas posiciones que se darán los debates fundamentales. Véase, entre otras obras, Nino (1984, 1985.

  12. CALiPER Application Summary Report 20. LED PAR38 Lamps

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report analyzes the independently tested photometric performance of 38 LED PAR38 lamps. The test results indicate substantial improvement versus earlier CALiPER testing of similar products, and performance comparable to recent data from LED Lighting Facts and ENERGY STAR. Additional testing that focuses on performance attributes beyond those covered by LM-79-08 is planned for this group of lamps, and will be presented in subsequent reports.

  13. Resultat du traitement d'un craniopharyngiome kystique par de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction Le craniopharyngiome est une tumeur bénigne qui provient de nids épithéliaux ou de zones de métaplasies squameuses liées à l'embryogenèse hypophysaire. Touchant surtout l'enfant, peut être potentiellement agressive et caractérisée par un taux élevé de récidive après traitement chirurgical. La bléomycine ...

  14. Favoriser l'autonomisation des femmes par l'entremise d'Internet ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Favoriser l'autonomisation des femmes par l'entremise d'Internet. L'organisme Coding Rights mise sur des approches féministes créatives pour soutenir les droits numériques. 23 octobre 2017. Que changeriez-vous si vous vous sentiez menacée en ligne ? Une récente étude menée aux États-Unis a révélé que plus de 70 ...

  15. Influencia de los parámetros de proceso, en el comportamiento del parámetro vibración absoluta en turbinas de vapor. // Influence of process parameters of the behaviour of absolute vibration parameters in steam turbine.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. de la Torre Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabajo muestra el estudio realizado en turbinas de vapor de pequeña capacidad de generación de las centralestermoeléctricas cubanas, relacionadas con la influencia estadística entre parámetros de proceso de la turbina, respecto alparámetro vibración absoluta, medidos en las chumaceras de la turbina. Se utilizan las bases de datos de los sistemas demonitoreado on-line de la turbina. Se exponen las relaciones existentes entre los principales parámetros seleccionados paraeste estudio.Palabras claves: Monitorado on-line, Monitorado de la condición, Parámetros de proceso, Vibraciónabsoluta, Turbinas de vapor.______________________________________________________________________________AbstractThis work show the estudy in small steam turbine capacity of generation in cubans thermoelectric power station to relative withstatistical influence between steam process parameters regarding absolute vibration parameter, in the steam housing measurements.Themselves use database as steam on-line monitoring systems. Expose the existing relation between the principal selection parametersfor this study.Key Words: On.line monitoring, Condition monitoring, Process parameters, Absolute vibration, SteamTurbine.

  16. Plasma levels of soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR and early mortality risk among patients enrolling for antiretroviral treatment in South Africa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bangani Nonzwakazi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Serum concentrations of soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR have a strong independent association with HIV-1-related mortality. The practical utility of plasma suPAR in assessing short-term all-cause mortality risk was evaluated in patients with advanced immunodeficiency enrolling in an antiretroviral treatment (ART programme in South Africa. Methods An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA was used to measure plasma concentrations of suPAR in patients at the time of enrolment to the ART programme. The association between plasma suPAR concentrations, baseline patient characteristics and cohort outcomes after 4 months of ART were determined. Results Patients (n = 293, 70% female had a median age of 33 years and were followed up for a median of 5 months from enrolment. The median CD4 cell count was 47 cells/μl (IQR = 22–72 and 38% of patients had WHO stage 4 disease. 218 (74% patients remained alive after 4 months of ART; 39 (13% died and 36 (12% were lost to the programme for other reasons. Patients who died had significantly higher plasma suPAR concentrations compared to those who either survived (P 10 suPAR concentrations were significantly associated with lower CD4 cell counts, WHO clinical stage 4 disease and male sex. In multivariate analysis to identify factors associated with death, log10 suPAR concentration was the most strongly associated variable (P Conclusion Plasma suPAR concentration was the strongest independent predictor of short-term mortality risk among patients with advanced immunodeficiency enrolling in this ART programme. However, lack of a discriminatory threshold did not permit this marker to be used to triage patients according to short-term mortality risk.

  17. The Effects of UV Radiation on Chloroplast Clumping and Photosynthesis in the Seagrass Halophila stipulacea Grown under High-PAR Conditions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yoni Sharon


    Full Text Available Since potentially harmful ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 280–400 nm and high photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm are present in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Aqaba where part of the seagrass Halophila stipulacea's population thrives, we examined the effects of high PAR with and without UVR on its photosynthesis and midday chloroplast “clumping phenomenon” (Sharon and Beer 2008. It was found that midday clumping occurred only under high PAR in the presence of UVR, which resulted in a 44% reduction in the absorption cross section (or absorption factor, AF of the leaves and, accordingly, a parallel lowering of midday electron transport rates (ETR. In addition, UVR had a direct effect on the photosynthetic apparatus by lowering quantum yields and, thus, ETRs, while pigment relations remained unaltered. We conclude that the potentially harmful effects of UVR and high PAR on the photosynthetic apparatus of Halophila stipulacea are mitigated by their activation of chloroplast clumping, which functions as a means of protecting most chloroplasts from high irradiances, including UVR.

  18. cAMP-secretion coupling is impaired in diabetic GK/Par rat β-cells: a defect counteracted by GLP-1. (United States)

    Dolz, Manuel; Movassat, Jamileh; Bailbé, Danielle; Le Stunff, Hervé; Giroix, Marie-Hélène; Fradet, Magali; Kergoat, Micheline; Portha, Bernard


    cAMP-raising agents with glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) as the first in class, exhibit multiple actions that are beneficial for the treatment of type 2 diabetic (T2D) patients, including improvement of glucose-induced insulin secretion (GIIS). To gain additional insight into the role of cAMP in the disturbed stimulus-secretion coupling within the diabetic β-cell, we examined more thoroughly the relationship between changes in islet cAMP concentration and insulin release in the GK/Par rat model of T2D. Basal cAMP content in GK/Par islets was significantly higher, whereas their basal insulin release was not significantly different from that of Wistar (W) islets. Even in the presence of IBMX or GLP-1, their insulin release did not significantly change despite further enhanced cAMP accumulation in both cases. The high basal cAMP level most likely reflects an increased cAMP generation in GK/Par compared with W islets since 1) forskolin dose-dependently induced an exaggerated cAMP accumulation; 2) adenylyl cyclase (AC)2, AC3, and G(s)α proteins were overexpressed; 3) IBMX-activated cAMP accumulation was less efficient and PDE-3B and PDE-1C mRNA were decreased. Moreover, the GK/Par insulin release apparatus appears less sensitive to cAMP, since GK/Par islets released less insulin at submaximal cAMP levels and required five times more cAMP to reach a maximal secretion rate no longer different from W. GLP-1 was able to reactivate GK/Par insulin secretion so that GIIS became indistinguishable from that of W. The exaggerated cAMP production is instrumental, since GLP-1-induced GIIS reactivation was lost in the presence the AC blocker 2',5'-dideoxyadenosine. This GLP-1 effect takes place in the absence of any improvement of the [Ca(2+)](i) response and correlates with activation of the cAMP-dependent PKA-dependent pathway.

  19. Prevalencia de parásitos intestinales en las áreas de salud de Acosta y Coronado


    Nuria, Bolaños; Guevara, Aixa; Free, Enrique


    Se estudió la prevalencia de parásitos intestinales en las muestras de heces de los habitantes de todos los sectores de las Áreas de Salud de Acosta y Coronado que asistieron a las consultas programadas y de morbilidad de los Equipos Básicos de Atención Integral de Salud (EBAIS), durante el periodo de enero a junio de 1997. En el Area de Salud de Acosta se analizaron 2 684 muestras de heces de 17 486 habitantes encontrándose un 73.4% de positividad por parásitos, mientras que el Area de Salud...

  20. Plataforma terapeútica basada en Kinect para niños con parálisis cerebral infantil


    Duro González, Belén


    El sistema SONRIE (Sistema de terapia, basadO en KiNect, paRa nIños con parálisis cErebral), realizado como Proyecto Fin de Grado por Dña. Estefanía Sampedro Sánchez, se desarrolló con el fin de permitir el proceso de rehabilitación de los músculos faciales en niños con Parálisis Cerebral Infantil (PCI). SONRIE se compone de una plataforma de juegos cuyo objetivo es lograr una mejora terapéutica en la musculatura orofacial de niños diagnosticados de PCI con edades comprendidas entre los 4 y l...

  1. Evaluation de la Qualité de surface par la Dimension Fractale et les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Evaluation of surface quality by Fractal Dimension and Volume. Parameters .... du microscope électronique à balayage la. FEG.SUPRA 40. ... telle configuration le rapport (L/Dp), est tel que : L0 ,75 ..... du contrôle par la dimension fractale ;.

  2. Structure, function and expression on blood and bone marrow cells of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor, uPAR

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plesner, T; Behrendt, N; Ploug, M


    patients with the rare blood disease paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) that fail to express glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins including uPAR, show a very significantly reduced transmigration over an endothelial barrier. Cell-associated plasminogen activation by PNH......Several important functions have been assigned to the receptor for urokinase-type plasminogen activator, uPAR. As implied by the name, uPAR was first identified as a high affinity cellular receptor for urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA). It mediates the binding of the zymogen, pro......-uPA, to the plasma membrane where trace amounts of plasmin will initiate a series of events referred to as "reciprocal zymogen activation" where plasmin converts pro-uPA to the active enzyme, uPA, which in turn converts plasma membrane-associated plasminogen to plasmin. This is an efficient machinery to generate...

  3. Emociones y cultura política: análisis de las galerías de la memoria presentadas por el Capítulo Bogotá del Movimiento Nacional de Víctimas de Crímenes de Estado (Movice

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    David Eduardo González Caballero


    Full Text Available El texto propone repensar el concepto de cultura política como la lucha por elsentido de lo social, para adaptarlo a las necesidades de un trabajo cualitativo y deperspectiva microsocial, mediante la inclusión de insumos teóricos y metodológicosprovenientes de las sociologías de los movimientos sociales y de las emociones.Una vez planteada esta concepción renovada de dicho concepto, el texto se ocupadel análisis de las galerías de la memoria desplegadas por el Capítulo Bogotá delMovimiento Nacional de Víctimas de Crímenes de Estado (Movice, argumentandoque el principal objetivo de estos actos públicos de memoria es la transformaciónde la cultura política de quienes los observan, en un proceso de resocializacióncognitiva, emocional y moral dirigido contra los significados, reglas emocionalesy principios morales que dan soporte a determinadas estructuras y relaciones dedominación en el ámbito macrosocial.

  4. Parálisis facial periférica después de amigdalectomía extracapsular

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    Erwin Alejandro Racines-Alava


    Full Text Available Introducción y objetivo: La amigdalectomía extracapsular es uno de los procedimientos más frecuentes en Otorrinolaringología. No suelen ocurrir complicaciones salvo las derivadas de problemas de sangrado. Presentamos dos casos de parálisis facial en el postoperatorio inmediato y sus posibles causas. Material y Método: Realizamos la adenoamigdalectomía siempre bajo anestesia general. Colocamos a los pacientes en posición de Rose, y usamos un abrebocas de Mc Ivor. La adenoidectomía se realizó mediante curetaje. Posteriormente se infiltró bupivacaina + epinefrina 2.5/0.005 mg/ml en cada pilar anterior. La amigdalectomía total se realizó con pinza bipolar con mínimo sangrado. Caso 1: Niña de 4 años con un peso de 11Kg con antecedente de retardo de crecimiento, diagnosticada de SAHOS moderado, se le realizo adenoamigdalectomía total. La paciente abandonó el quirófano en buenas condiciones. En la sala de recuperación se observa una parálisis facial periférica grado IV de la clasificación House-Brackmann. La parálisis facial se resolvió en las siguientes 12 horas, se administró una pauta descendente de prednisona 1mgkg/día. Caso 2: Niña de 2 años con un peso de 17 kg sin antecedentes de importancia, diagnosticada de SAHOS moderado, se le realizó una adenoamigdalectomía total. En el posoperatorio inmediato, al extubar a la paciente se observa una parálisis facial izquierda grado III de la clasificación de House-Brackmann. Finalmente, la parálisis mejoró progresivamente en 6 horas, se administró una dosis de prednisona 1mg/kg. Resultados: La dosis máxima de Bupivacaína en los niños es de 2mg/kg. La presencia de vasoconstrictor disminuye la velocidad de absorción, con lo que disminuye la toxicidad sistémica, prolonga la duración de acción, aumenta la intensidad del bloqueo y disminuye la hemorragia quirúrgica. En la literatura nos encontramos escasos casos descritos de parálisis facial siguiendo amigdalectom

  5. L'urétroplastie par résection anastomose terminoterminale pour ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    K.H. Sikpa

    Résumé. Objectif : évaluer l'uretroplastie par résection anastomose terminoterminale (URAT) au CHU Sylvanus. Olympio de Lomé au Togo. Patients et méthodes : étude descriptive, rétrospective sur 30 mois, portant sur 34 patients qui ont subi une. URAT. Résultats : L'âge moyen des patients était de 44,79+/-15 ans.

  6. CALiPER Report 20.3: Robustness of LED PAR38 Lamps

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A small sample of each of the CALiPER Application Summary Report 20 PAR38 lamp types underwent stress testing that included substantial temperature and humidity changes, electrical variation, and vibration. The results do not directly address expected lifetime, but can be compared with one another, as well as with benchmark conventional products, to assess the relative robustness of the product designs.

  7. Tsitutu , ou mecanisme local de mediation et de reconciliation « par ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Par ailleurs, ce rituel qui tente de proposer des solutions endogènes aux crises, fait office d'une médiation qui retrace une diplomatie africaine de résolution des conflits. Mots clés: Tsitutu, mécanisme, médiation, réconciliation, rituel, sociopolitiques. English Title: Tsitutu, or a local mechanism of mediation and reconciliation ...

  8. Optimisation de la production d'éthanol par les techniques d ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nous avons évalué les paramètres optimum pour la production d'alcool à partir de l'efficacité d'hydrolyse de l'amidon: chimique (HCl), enzymatique (amylase de Aspergillus niger ou de malt) et mixte (chimique et enzymatique). La fermentation alcoolique par la levure de bière est suivie, à travers l'influence du pH, de la ...

  9. Piqures massives par un essaim d�abeilles chez un enfant

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    Mohamed Adnane Berdai


    Full Text Available Les piqures multiples d�abeilles sont responsables d�envenimation severe. Nous rapportons un cas d�une attaque massive par un essaim d�abeilles chez un enfant de sept ans. Sa gravite est liee a la localisation cephalique et au nombre important des piqures qui etait d�environ 270. Ses complications etaient l�insuffisance renale, l�anemie et une conjonctivite. La prise en charge etait symptomatique avec bonne evolution clinique et biologique.

  10. Hydronéphrose géante sur rein ectopique pelvien révélée par un ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les auteurs rapportent un cas d'hydronéphrose majeure sur un rein gauche ectopique en position pelvienne, chez un patient de 17 ans, révélé par une occlusion intestinale aigüe. Un drainage premier par néphrostomie per-cutanée écho-guidée a permis de soulager la patient. Le traitement définitif a consisté en une ...

  11. New peptide receptor radionuclide therapy of invasive cancer cells: in vivo studies using 177Lu-DOTA-AE105 targeting uPAR in human colorectal cancer xenografts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Persson, Morten; Rasmussen, Palle; Madsen, Jacob


    -of-concept for a theranostic approach as treatment modality in a human xenograft colorectal cancer model. MethodsA DOTA-conjugated 9-mer high affinity uPAR binding peptide (DOTA-AE105) was radiolabeled with 64Cu and 177Lu, for PET imaging and targeted radionuclide therapy study, respectively. Human uPAR-positive CRC HT-29...... for the first time the in vivo efficacy of an uPAR-targeted radionuclide therapeutic intervention on both tumor size and its content of uPAR expressing cells thus setting the stage for future translation into clinical use. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved....

  12. ¡París!

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    Beatriz Caballero


    Full Text Available El día no le alcanzaba para caminarlo. Conocía cada puente, cada calle,plaza, museo, rincón, iglesia, café, y la mesa con el mejor ángulo para mirar siempre una iglesia, ojalá Saint-Germain-des-Pres, o Notre-Dame. Siempre contaba la impresión que le había causado a Bolívar ver allí cuando el papa coronó a Napoleón. Él se iba para la oficina todos los días, Luis a un taller a pintar, Antonio a estudiar ciencias políticas, yo al colegio y mamá hacía las cosas prácticas. Aprendíamos francés todos al tiempo y por la noche nos contábamos lo nuevo que cada uno había aprendido. Mamá después, cuando ya se quería volver, decía que París nos había maleado a todos. Estaba en pleno furor el cine francés de la "nueva ola", pero ella sólo me llevaba a ver películas de vaqueros pues no se fiaba de la clasificación de los periódicos.

  13. Algoritmo PSO para identificación de parámetros en un motor DC

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    César Duarte


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta la aplicación del algoritmo Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO como estrategia de búsqueda para determinar los parámetros de un sistema tipo caja gris. Este proceso de identificación se ilustra utilizando la respuesta a un escalón de un motor DC en lazo abierto. Para agilizar la identificación del sistema a través del uso de PSO, se limita el espacio de búsqueda usando la información que puede extraerse de la respuesta en el dominio del tiempo del sistema a identificar. Los resultados del proceso de identificación de los parámetros del motor se obtienen utilizando la herramienta PSOt disponible para entorno Matlab® desarrollada por Brian Birge.

  14. Federalismo Cooperativo e Plano de Ações Articuladas (PAR – algumas aproximações teóricas

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    Karla Cristina Silva Sousa


    Full Text Available O artigo discute o federalismo brasileiro a partir da matriz teórica self rule plus shared rule, ou seja, o federalismo enquanto pacto. A partir desta matriz teórica defende-se que a política educacional voltada para dinamizar o pacto federativo na área educacional por meio do regime de colaboração por ora denominada de Plano de Ações Articuladas (PAR constitui-se na realidade um mecanismo de center constraining aos subgovernos nacionais em que a União situa-se como a grande demos constraining do federalismo brasileiro, caracterizando-se um pacto incompleto. Palavras-Chave: Federalismo Cooperativo. Plano de Ações Articuladas. Pacto federativo. Federalism Cooperative and Action Plan Articulated (PAR – some theoretical approaches ABSTRACT The article discusses the Brazilian federalism from the theoretical matrix self rule plus shared rule, ie federalism while pact. From this theoretical framework it is argued that the educational policy to streamline the federal pact in education through collaboration scheme now called Articulated Action Plan (PAR constitutes in fact a center constraining mechanism to sub governments national where the Union stands as the great demos constraining the Brazilian federalism, characterizing na incomplete agreement. Keywords: Cooperative Federalism. Plan Linked Shares. Federal pact. Federalismo Cooperativo y Plan de Acciones Articuladas (PAR – algunos enfoques teóricos RESUMEN El artículo discute el federalismo brasilero a partir de la matriz teórica self rule plus shared rule. O sea el federalismo como pacto. A partir de esta matriz teórica se defiende que la política educacional está encaminada para dinamizar el pacto federativo en el área educacional por medio del régimen de colaboración por ahora denominado Plan de Acciones Articuladas (PAR se constituye en una realidad, un mecanismo de center constraining a los subgobiernos nacionales donde la unión se sitúa como la grande demos

  15. Accurate measurement of heteronuclear dipolar couplings by phase-alternating R-symmetry (PARS) sequences in magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hou, Guangjin, E-mail:, E-mail:; Lu, Xingyu, E-mail:, E-mail:; Vega, Alexander J., E-mail:, E-mail:; Polenova, Tatyana, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716, USA and Pittsburgh Center for HIV Protein Interactions, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 1051 Biomedical Science Tower 3, 3501 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261 (United States)


    We report a Phase-Alternating R-Symmetry (PARS) dipolar recoupling scheme for accurate measurement of heteronuclear {sup 1}H-X (X = {sup 13}C, {sup 15}N, {sup 31}P, etc.) dipolar couplings in MAS NMR experiments. It is an improvement of conventional C- and R-symmetry type DIPSHIFT experiments where, in addition to the dipolar interaction, the {sup 1}H CSA interaction persists and thereby introduces considerable errors in the dipolar measurements. In PARS, phase-shifted RN symmetry pulse blocks applied on the {sup 1}H spins combined with π pulses applied on the X spins at the end of each RN block efficiently suppress the effect from {sup 1}H chemical shift anisotropy, while keeping the {sup 1}H-X dipolar couplings intact. Another advantage over conventional DIPSHIFT experiments, which require the signal to be detected in the form of a reduced-intensity Hahn echo, is that the series of π pulses refocuses the X chemical shift and avoids the necessity of echo formation. PARS permits determination of accurate dipolar couplings in a single experiment; it is suitable for a wide range of MAS conditions including both slow and fast MAS frequencies; and it assures dipolar truncation from the remote protons. The performance of PARS is tested on two model systems, [{sup 15}N]-N-acetyl-valine and [U-{sup 13}C,{sup 15}N]-N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe tripeptide. The application of PARS for site-resolved measurement of accurate {sup 1}H-{sup 15}N dipolar couplings in the context of 3D experiments is presented on U-{sup 13}C,{sup 15}N-enriched dynein light chain protein LC8.

  16. A confecção de desenhos de peixes oceânicos das "Viagens philosophicas" (1783 ao Pará e à Angola The making of sketches of ocean fish during the "philosophical travels" (1783 to Pará and Angola

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    Ermelinda Moutinho Pataca


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar a confecção e a utilização de imagens na Viagem Philosophica de Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira, avaliaremos os desenhos de peixes oceânicos produzidos por J. J. Freire e J. J. Codina durante a travessia entre Lisboa e Belém. Para apreendermos as técnicas e os métodos de desenhar comuns em todas as representações, compreendemos que devemos confrontar os desenhos resultantes das Viagens Philosophicas ao Pará e às colônias portuguesas na África, pois seus 'desenhadores' (ou riscadores, como eram denominados os desenhistas na época foram formados em conjunto e designados para a mesma função, do risco de produtos de história natural. Através dos documentos textuais resultantes das Viagens Philosophicas ao Pará e para Angola, como relações de remessas de coleções, correspondências de viagens e inventários de museus, localizamos e comparamos os desenhos de peixes oceânicos confeccionados pelos desenhadores das duas expedições.With the aim of evaluating the creation and use of images in Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira's Viagem Philosophica, the article examines the drawings of ocean fish made by J. J. Freire and J. J. Codina during their crossing from Lisbon to Belém, Pará. To help understand the techniques and methods common to these images, drawings produced during the "Philosophical Travels" to Pará were compared with those from voyages to Portugal's African colonies, since the draftsmen had been trained together and assigned the same task: sketching the products of natural history. Through reference to written documents from the journeys to Pará and to Angola - including manifests of collections, travel correspondence, and museum inventories - sketches of ocean fish made by draftsmen from both expeditions were located and compared.

  17. Applications of electrical resistivity measurements to research into the purification of uranium using floating molten zone by electronic bombardment; Applications des mesures de resistivite electrique a l'etude de la purification de l'uranium par fusion de zone flottante par bombardement electronique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pascal, J L [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The purification of uranium has been achieved by zone melting. Because of the high affinity of uranium towards elements such as oxygen, contamination has been avoided by adopting the floating zone technique and by working under high vacuum. The difficulties created by the deformations of uranium rod, which are caused by anisotropy of dilatation of phases {alpha} and {beta} and allotropic transformations {alpha} {r_reversible} {beta} and {beta} {r_reversible} {alpha}, have been overcome by the use of electron bombardment stabilized by feedback. A rough control of the purification was obtained by micrographic examination, microhardness measurements, and tests of secondary recrystallization, allowed us to appreciate the new degree of purity of the uranium obtained. The investigation of the purity degree was pursued by electrical resistivity measurements at 20 deg. K. But one had to take care in the interpretation of those measurements of the anisotropy of the uranium resistivity and the influence of structure on residual resistivity. Those measurements have led us, by determination of single crystal and uranium resistivity, to be able to distinguish between the principal resistivity against axis [100] and [010]. (author) [French] La purification de l'uranium a ete realisee par l'application de la methode dite de la zone fondue. L'uranium etant particulierement reactif vis-a-vis d'elements tels que l'oxygene, les risques de contamination ont ete supprimes en adoptant la technique de la zone flottante et en operant sous vide eleve. Les difficultes creees par les deformations du barreau d'uranium, dues a l'anisotropie de dilatation des phases {alpha} et {beta} et ou passage des deux points de transformation allotropiques {alpha} {r_reversible} {beta} et {beta} {r_reversible} {alpha}, ont pu etre surmontees par l'emploi du chauffage par bombardement electronique, stabilise par un systeme tres simple de contre reaction. Un premier controle de la purification effectue par

  18. Olhando Teresa e pensando parâmetrosp.51-67


    Sztajn, Paola


    O presente trabalho pretende enriquecer a discussão sobre Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais através do estudo de caso de uma professora que se depara com um documento curricular e tenta implementá-lo em sua sala de aula. O documento em questão é o Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM, 1989) e Teresa, a professora, leciona na terceira série primária. Apesar das diferenças entre o caso americano e a realidade brasileira, olhando as dificuldade enfrentadas por Teresa,...

  19. Structure par RMN d'un complexe AlcR(1-60)-ADN: Reconnaissance du petit sillon par la partie N-terminale (United States)

    Cahuzac, B.; Félenbok, B.; Guittet, E.


    Aspergillus nidulans is a filamentous fungus able to use ethanol as sole energy source. The activation of the ethanol regulon genes expression is mediated by the AlcR protein. Its DNA-binding domain is located in the N-terminus (residues 1 to 60), and its NMR solution structure shows a global zinc binuclear cluster fold, with two helices in addition to the basic binuclear motif. A small number of crystallographic structures of DNA complexes of binuclear cluster proteins is yet known, and points out the major groove and the first helix as the principal sites of interaction on the DNA and the protein respectively. In this article we show evidences that the N-terminus of the protein is involved in binding to the minor groove. Aspergillus nidulans est un champignon filamenteux capable d'utiliser l'éthanol comme source unique d'énergie. La protéine AlcR est responsable de l'activation de l'expression des gènes du régulon éthanol. Le domaine de liaison à l'ADN est situé dans la partie N-terminale de la protéine (a.a. 1 à 60), et sa structure déterminée par RMN en solution montre un repliement global en bouquet binucléaire à zinc, avec deux hélices supplémentaires par rapport au motif de base. Alors que les structures déjà connues de complexes ADN - bouquets binucléaires permettent de situer dans le grand sillon la quasi-totalité des interactions, nous montrons dans la présente étude l'implication du début de la séquence dans la reconnaissance du petit sillon de l'ADN (a.a. 5 et 6).

  20. Mécanisme de l'usure par polissage des cylindres de moteurs diesel Bore Polishing Wear Mechanism in Diesel Engine Cylinders

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    Fayard J. C.


    Full Text Available Une méthode rapide et économique d'évaluation des lubrifiants et des combustibles vis-à-vis de l'usure par polissage des cylindres de moteurs diesel suralimentés a été mise au point sur moteur monocylindre de laboratoire dans le cadre d'une convention de recherche Société Nationale Elf Aquitaine - Institut Français du Pétrole (SNEA-IFP. Cette méthode référencée IFP-UP-4/80, permet également de juger de la tendance à la formation de dépôts et au gommage, de l'usure des segments et de la tendance à la consommation d'huile des lubrifiants. Elle est en bonne corrélation avec l'essai CEC-Ford Tornado et discrimine très bien les huiles de référence RL 47 et RL 48 du Conseil Européen de Coordination (CEC. Elle a permis l'étude du mécanisme de l'usure par polissage en recherchant l'influence de paramètres essentiels : - Constitution du lubrifiant : le phénomène est influencé par la nature de l'huile de base et par sa viscosité, par la quantité de polymères améliorant l'indice de viscosité et surtout par le choix des additifs détergents. En première approximation et pour des familles d'huiles homogènes, l'usure par polissage augmente lorsque la stabilité thermique de l'huile diminue. - Fonctionnement du moteur : le polissage croît très vite avec la charge du moteur à partir d'un certain seuil, son évolution en fonction du temps, observée par cotation endoscopique, présente une allure caractéristique en S, le polissage commence du côté poussée et en haut du cylindre. - Constitution du combustible : l'augmentation de la teneur en soufre du gazole diminue fortement l'usure par polissage provoquée par une huile réputée mauvaise sur ce plan mais est sans effet sur une bonne huile. - Etat de surface du cylindre : le prépolissage de la chemise par pierrage extrêmement fin ne conduit pas aux mêmes phénomènes que ceux observés lorsque la chemise est polie in situ dans le moteur en fonctionnement. En