
Sample records for sangue animal empregando

  1. Detecção de DNA de Brucella spp. em amostras de sangue e de suabe vaginal ou prepucial de cães do município de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

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    Annielle Regina da Fonsêca Fernandes


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho detectar o DNA de Brucella spp. em amostras de sangue e de suabe vaginal ou prepucial de 80 cães sorologicamente positivos para brucelose pela prova de imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA, no município de Natal, estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Amostras de sangue total foram colhidas com anticoagulante (citrato de sódio juntamente com amostras de suabe vaginal e prepucial, para extração de DNA e posterior realização da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR empregando-se os primers ITS66 e ITS279. O DNA de Brucella spp. foi amplificado em seis animais, sendo um animal em ambas as amostras, dois cães em amostras de sangue e três em amostras de suabe do trato reprodutivo. Concluiu-se que a infecção por Brucella spp. está presente em cães no município de Natal, e que a detecção de DNA do agente em amostras de suabe do trato reprodutivo podem ser utilizadas como ferramenta suplementar no diagnóstico de brucelose canina.

  2. Produtos sanguíneos lábeis


    Amaral, Soraia Necho


    O Instituto Português do Sangue (IPS) é o único organismo competente e responsável pela gestão da medicina transfusional a nível nacional. As suas funções compreendem: a coordenação de todas as atividades relacionadas com a transfusão de sangue, desde a colheita da dádiva à administração do componente sanguíneo; o planeamento do Sistema Nacional de Hemovigilância, certificando-se da segurança dos componentes sanguíneos disponíveis e distribuídos; e a garantia da continuidade dos seus serviços...

  3. Furio Jesi, Irène Némirovsky e la macchina mitologica del sangue ebraico

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    Andrea Rondini


    Full Text Available A partire dagli studi di Furio Jesi sull’accusa del sangue rivolta nei secoli contro gli ebrei, l’articolo analizza alcuni romanzi della scrittrice francese Irène Némirovsky in riferimento al tema del sangue. In particolare viene preso in considerazione Il Signore delle anime nel quale sembrano emergere tutte le caratteristiche mitologiche e gli stereotipi antisemiti collegati all’accusa del sangue, dal vampirismo alla natura selvaggia dell’ebreo alla sua capacità/necessità di mimetizzarsi all’interno della società. Starting from Furio Jesi’s studies on blood accusation directed against Jews over the centuries, the article analyses some novels of French writer Irène Némirovsky in reference to the theme of blood. In particular the article takes into consideration Master of souls in which seem to emerge all the mythological features and the  anti-Semitic stereotypes related to blood accusation, from vampirism to the wild nature of the Jew to his ability/need to camouflage himself within society.

  4. Modelagem e simulação de uma residência empregando o Sistema Estrutural Light Steel Frame (LSF)


    Chong, Cesar Rodrigo Faraone Wing


    Metadados do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso: Modelagem e simulação de uma residência empregando o Sistema Estrutural Light Steel Frame (LSF), pela/o discente: Cesar Rodrigo Faraone Wing Chong do Centro de Tecnologia e Infraestrutura, curso de Engenharia Civil e Infraestrutura da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), no Repositório Institucional da UNILA (RI-UNILA) Modelagem e simulação de uma residência empregando o Sistema Estrutural Light Steel Frame (L...

  5. Associação de plasma sanguíneo ao tratamento de envenenamento botrópico em equino: relato de caso

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    A.C. Camplesi

    Full Text Available RESUMO O presente trabalho tem por objetivo relatar um caso de envenenamento botrópico em um equino, fêmea, seis anos de idade, da raça Quarto de Milha, pesando 460kg, que foi atendido no hospital veterinário da FCAV/Unesp, Campus de Jaboticabal, SP. No exame clínico, observou-se aumento bilateral de narina, com extrema sensibilidade ao toque, presença das marcas da presa da serpente na região rostral de focinho, mucosas róseas com petéquias. No exame de sangue, pôde-se detectar alteração no tempo de coagulação sanguínea (>30 minutos. O animal permaneceu internado, sendo instituída a seguinte terapia: soro antiofídico polivalente, transfusão de plasma sanguíneo equino, fluidoterapia intensa, flunixin meglumine e sulfa associado ao trimetoprim. A associação da transfusão de plasma sanguíneo equino ao tratamento convencional foi de extrema importância para correção da coagulopatia causada pelo acidente ofídico. A égua apresentou melhora clínica e resolução do quadro de envenenamento após cinco dias da internação.

  6. Sistema em fluxo para determinação espectrofotométrica de uréia em plasma de sangue animal empregando leguminosa como fonte natural da enzima urease

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    Luca Gilmara C.


    Full Text Available A spectrophotometric flow injection analysis (FIA procedure employing natural urease enzyme source for the determination of urea in animal blood plasma was developed. Among leguminous plants used in the Brazilian agriculture, the Cajanus cajan specie was selected as urease source considering its efficiency and availability. A minicolumn was filled with leguminous fragments and coupled to the FIA manifold, where urea was on-line converted to ammonium ions and subsequently it was quantified by spectrophotometry. The system was employed to determine urea in animal plasma samples without any prior treatment. Accuracy was assessed by comparison results with those obtained employing the official procedure and no significant difference at 90 % confidence level was observed. Other profitable features such as an analytical throughput of 30 determinations per hour, a reagent consumption of 19.2 mg sodium salicylate, 0.5 mg sodium hipochloride and a relative standard deviation of 1.4 % (n= 12 were also obtained.

  7. O imaginário do sangue e de sua pureza na antiga França

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    Arlette Jouanna


    Full Text Available A palavra sangue, na França dos primeiros tempos modernos, por um lado designava o líquido vital que corria nas veias, e por outro a linhagem, a "raça". O sangue era com efeito considerado o veículo das qualidades físicas e morais hereditárias que caracterizavam a personalidade de uma linhagem. Sua pureza devia facilitar o exercício das virtudes. Essa crença permitia explicar a superioridade da nobreza e afirmar que a hierarquia social era justa, já que natural; era igualmente ela que legitimava o poder dos reis, caracterizados pela excelência de seu sangue.

  8. Detecção de manchas de sangue pelo luminol onde houve entintamento das paredes – estudo de caso

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    Geraldo Elias Miranda


    Full Text Available O luminol é um teste presuntivo para detecção de manchas de sangue, muito sensível, efetivo e seletivo. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a eficácia do luminol na detecção de sangue após o entintamento das paredes em um local onde ocorreu um homicídio. Os peritos se dirigiram para a casa do suspeito e com o uso de uma espátula metálica retiraram parte do revestimento da parede do quarto e após nova aplicação do luminol observaram a mancha branco-azulada, intensa e de duração típica de sangue latente. Os fragmentos retirados da parede foram enviados para o laboratório de DNA que confirmou tratar-se de sangue da vítima. A aplicação dessa técnica no caso em questão encontrando manchas de sangue sob a pintura ajudou a perícia a traçar a dinâmica do evento, ficando mais clara a posição da vítima quando foi alvejada com tiros pelo seu agressor além de ligar aquele local à vítima. O luminol não é capaz de detectar sangue que está sob a tinta da parede. A deteção do sangue latente somente ocorre quando a camada de tinta é retirada.

  9. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte Doping sanguíneo e eritropoetina

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    Consuelo Laudo Pardos


    Full Text Available A utilização de sangue ou substâncias relacionadas, como a eritropoetina, estão criando uma grande polêmica na prática de esportes competitivos. Estamos diante de um problema de grande magnitude no qual as questões éticas são fundamentais, visto que este tipo de doping representa uma técnica realmente ergogênica, ou seja, com possibilidade de melhorar a capacidade aeróbica de um indivíduo, além de poder causar sérios problemas. Por outro lado, o seu controle é difícil, tanto pela sistemática de obtenção da amostra biológica - sangue - quanto pela ausência de uma técnica capaz de identificar com certeza a sua prática. Atualmente não existe nenhum método capaz de confirmar com total segurança se um atleta realizou doping sanguíneo ou não. Por isso, é fundamental difundir entre os desportistas a necessidade de manter um comportamento ético e também fazer com que conheçam todos os possíveis riscos para a saúde conseqüentes à utilização dessas técnicas.

  10. Competências da enfermeira para a triagem clínica de doadores de sangue

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    Débora Zmuda Padilha


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar competências da enfermeira para a triagem de doadores de sangue, dentre as preconizadas pelo Conselho Internacional de Enfermagem. Tratpu-se-se de um estudo qualitativo do tipo estudo de caso. Foi realizado no Serviço de Hemoterapia Unidade Banco de Sangue de um hospital universitário da cidade de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Foram observadas 25 entrevistas de cinco enfermeiras que trabalhavam no setor. Para a análise das observações foi utilizada a adequação ao padrão. Foram identificadas seis competências da área prática profissional, ética e legal e onze da área provisão e gerenciamento do cuidado. As competências identificadas neste estudo contribuem para o preparo e prática das enfermeiras generalistas na a realização da triagem clínica de doadores de sangue.

  11. Frecuencia de grupos sanguíneos y factor Rh en donantes de sangre, Colombia ,1996

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    Mauricio Beltrán


    Full Text Available El establecer un patrón nacional de distribución de los grupos sanguíneos por seccionales de salud con base en los datos de donantes de banco de sangre, permite la localización e intercambio de sangre y componentes con fines de transfusión de una manera oportuna, mejora la disponibilidad de sangre y ofrece, además, información útil para áreas como las de genética para identificación personal y pruebas de paternidad, y en el campo antropológico para hallar diferencias raciales según su distribución. Con el fin de estimar la frecuencia y distribución de los grupos A, 8, AB y O y factor Rh por seccionales de salud en donantes de sangre, se analizó la información enviada durante 1996 por todos los bancos del país a la Coordinación Nacional de Bancos de Sangre con sede en el lnstituto Nacional de Salud. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de la información, diferenciando por grupos sanguíneos y la presencia o ausencia del factor Rhesus. Durante 1996, los 180 bancos de sangre del país recolectaron 393.063 unidades de sangre; éstos reportaron los datos de pruebas de grupos sanguíneos A, B, AB , O y factor Rhesus de 338.063 (86% unidades; no se obtuvo información de las unidades restantes. Del total de unidades hemoclasificadas, 91,16% correspondió al factor Rhesus positivo; para este factor, la distribución por grupos sanguíneos fue de 56,2% para el grupo 0; 26,0% para el grupo A; 7,3% para el grupo B, y 1,4% para el grupo sanguíneo AB. El 8,83% de las unidades de sangre restantes correspondió al factor Rhesusne-a ativo. con una distribución por grupos sanguíneos de 5,1%'para el grupo 0; 2,7% para el grupo A; 0,7% para el grupo B, y para el grupo AB 0,31%. Los bancos de sangre de las seccionales de Antioquia, Caldas y San Andrés, reportaron la mayor proporción de unidades de sangre hemoclasificadas como factor Rhesus negativo. Esta información debe ser utilizada por todos los bancos de sangre, para ubicar e

  12. Percepção dos receptores sanguíneos quanto ao processo transfusional

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    Maritza Margareth Faquetti


    Full Text Available Pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória descritiva, que objetivou conhecer a percepção dos receptores sanguíneos quanto ao processo transfusional. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma unidade de hemoterapia de um município da região sul do Brasil e os dados foram analisados por meio do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Foram entrevistados, por meio de instrumento semiestruturado, onze pacientes, homens e mulheres entre 30 e 95 anos, em recuperação pós-cirúrgica de cirurgia cardíaca, submetidos à transfusão sanguínea. Emergiram quatro Ideias Centrais: Perda e reposição sanguínea; Preservação da vida; Reconhecimento do processo transfusional e Segurança transfusional. A percepção sobre a mudança que os pós-transfundidos começam a vivenciar a partir do processo transfusional traz à tona uma ressignificação da própria vida. Este estudo mostrou que os pacientes transfundidos percebem o processo transfusional como uma alternativa de sobrevivência e, mesmo tendo conhecimento sobre o processo e seus significados, permanecem receios e angústias que podem ser minimizados pela equipe multiprofissional.

  13. Topografia dos vasos sanguíneos arteriais e venosos nos rins de Cavalos Puro Sangue Inglês

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    Paulo Sérgio de Moraes Barros


    Full Text Available As doenças renais em equinos, geralmente estão associadas a problemas respiratórios e digestórios, entretanto não são frequentes as intervenções cirúrgicas neste órgão para estes animais. O estudo dos vasos sanguíneos relativos aos rins nos animais domésticos e selvagens é de fundamental importância para o entendimento de diversos aspectos de sua fisiologia e nutrição. Neste trabalho, foram utilizados 30 pares de rins de equinos Puro Sangue Inglês, dos quais 15 machos e 15 fêmeas, de diferentes faixas etárias, provenientes de doação do Jockey Club de São Paulo. Durante a necropsia dos animais, os rins unidos por meio de suas artérias e veias renais foram retirados em bloco. Em seguida, foram fixados em solução de formol a 10%, por aproximadamente 48h, para a dissecação e individualização dos componentes dos pedículos renais. Para a análise dos resultados foram demarcados os quadrantes cranioventral, craniodorsal, caudoventral e caudodorsal, com duas linhas uma craniocaudal e a outra dorsoventral. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que: os ramos arteriais da região hilar são observados no rim direito em número de dois em 50%, no esquerdo em número de dois (33,3%, os ramos arteriais na região justahilar são computados no rim direito em número de quatro a cinco em 20% e no rim esquerdo em número de seis (16,7%, e nos ramos dispostos na região extrahilar são registrados no rim direito em número de três (26,7% e no esquerdo em número de três (20%.

  14. Proposta do uso de pool de sangue total como controle interno de qualidade em hematologia


    Schons,Carina Daniele; Tavares,Rejane Giacomelli


    INTRODUÇÃO: A confiabilidade dos resultados do laboratório é garantida pela realização do controle de qualidade, que tem como funções básicas análise, pesquisa e prevenção da ocorrência de erros laboratoriais por meio de programas que abrangem tanto o controle interno quanto o externo. OBJETIVO: Propor a padronização de utilização de pool de sangue total como controle interno de qualidade no setor de hematologia. MÉTODO: Foram selecionadas amostras de sangue total, colhidas com ácido etilenod...

  15. Dengue antibodies in blood donors Pesquisa de anticorpos antidengue em doadores de sangue

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    Rejane Cristina Ribas-Silva


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Dengue is an urban arbovirus whose etiologic agent is a virus of the genus Flavorius with four distinct antigen serotypes (DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4 that is transmitted to humans through the bite of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. The Campo Mourão region in Brazil is endemic for dengue fever. OBTECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies specific to the four serotypes of dengue in donors of the blood donor service in the city of Campo Mourão. METHODS: Epidemiological records were evaluated and 4 mL of peripheral blood from 213 blood donors were collected in tubes without anticoagulant. Serum was then obtained and immunochromatographic tests were undertaken (Imuno-Rápido Dengue IgM/IgG TM. Individuals involved in the study answered a social and epidemiological questionnaire on data which included age, gender and diagnosis of dengue. RESULTS: Only three (1.4% of the 213 blood tests were positive for IgG anti-dengue antibodies. No donors with IgM antibody, which identifies acute infection, were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the current analysis show that the introduction of quantitative or molecular serological methods to determine the presence of anti-dengue antibodies or the detection of the dengue virus in blood donors in endemic regions should be established so that the quality of blood transfusions is guaranteed.OBJETIVO: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar uma triagem sorológica para detectar a presença de anticorpos IgG e IgM específicos para os quatro sorotipos da dengue em doadores de sangue atendidos pelo Hemonúcleo de Campo Mourão-PR. MÉTODOS: foram aplicadas fichas epidemiológicas e coletados 4 mL de sangue periférico em tubos sem anticoagulante de 213 doadores de sangue. Posteriormente, foi obtido o soro e realizado o teste imunocromatrográfico (Imuno - Rápido Dengue IgM/IgG. Os indivíduos envolvidos neste estudo responderam um questionário s

  16. Índices para estimar o tempo transcorrido entre o surto hemorrágico subaracnóideo e a colheita de líquido cefalorraqueano

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    José M. Marlet


    Full Text Available O autor simulou, experimentalmente, acidente vascular cerebral hemorrágico em cães injetando sangue do próprio animal no espaço subaracnóideo, colhendo amostras diárias de LCR durante 14 dias, sendo estudada a evolução das concentrações de oxiemoglobina e de bilirrubina, empregando métodos espectrofotométricos. Define um coeficiente hemoglobínico como a relação entre a concentração de oxiemoglobina e o total de pigmentos do LCR e um índice hemoglobina-bilirrubina como a relação entre as concentrações de oxiemoglobina e bilirrubina. Depois do tratamento estatístico, chega à conclusão de que ambos permitem estimar o tempo transcorrido desde o surto hemorrágico subaracnóideo e a colheita de LCR. São apresentadas sugestões quanto à aplicabilidade prática destes indicadores em Neurologia e Medicina Preventiva.

  17. Avaliação Comparativa de Teste Imunocromatográfico para Identificação Forense de Sangue Humano

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    Paulo Eduardo Longo


    Full Text Available A determinação de especificidade humana pode indicar a presença de sangue humano, mesmo em amostras antigas provindas de investigações criminais, contaminadas ou em estado de putrefação. O presente estudo visa analisar se há coerência entre os resultados obtidos pelos testes de orientação e específico para sangue humano utilizados rotineiramente na análise forense em comparação com o teste imunocromatográfico para detecção da hemoglobina humana. O diagnóstico por meio do anticorpo anti-hemoglobina humana tem se mostrado eficiente na detecção qualitativa de hemoglobina humana em amostras de sangue depositadas em peças e locais de crime.

  18. Efeito da heparina liofilizada e da líquida sobre a medida do pH do sangue do cordão umbilical

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    Madi José Mauro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito da heparina liofilizada e da líquida sobre a medida do pH do sangue do cordão umbilical. MÉTODOS: estudo prospectivo que incluiu cento e duas amostras de sangue arterial do cordão umbilical de recém-nascidos no Serviço de Obstetrícia do Hospital Geral de Caxias do Sul. As amostras foram divididas em 51 seringas previamente preparadas com heparina liofilizada (seringa A e 51 seringas preparadas com heparina líquida (seringa B no momento da coleta sangüínea. A obtenção das amostras foi realizada por duplo clampeamento do cordão entre pinças, imediatamente após o desprendimento fetal. O pH arterial do sangue obtido foi analisado em no máximo 20 minutos, em analisador de pH da marca AVL OMNI (Viena, Áustria. RESULTADOS: a média dos valores de pH no sangue contido nas seringas dos grupos A e B foi de 7,246±0,086 e 7,244±0,084, respectivamente. A análise estatística demonstrou não haver diferença significante entre os valores de pH entre as amostras de sangue contidas em ambos os conjuntos de seringas. CONCLUSÃO: as duas formas de heparinização de seringas assemelham-se quanto aos efeitos sobre o pH do sangue dos vasos umbilicais, o que permite a escolha daquela de menor custo.

  19. Marketing social para doação de sangue: análise da predisposição de novos doadores

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    Stephanie Ingrid Souza Barboza


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva compreender os fatores motivacionais que influenciam os indivíduos a doarem sangue, com a finalidade de subsidiar as ações de marketing social orientadas à captação de novos doadores. Com base em uma revisão teórica, um modelo de hipóteses foi elaborado, para análise de influências e interações de construtos na formação da predisposição das pessoas a serem doadores de sangue. Foi feito o levantamento de campo por meio de um questionário estruturado, junto a uma amostra de 346 pessoas. Para análise, foram usadas técnicas de análise descritiva, avaliação de consistência psicométrica e modelagem de equações estruturais com estimação por mínimos quadrados parciais. Como resultados, verificou-se principalmente que há uma influência negativa do medo e positiva do grupo de referência na predisposição dos sujeitos em doar sangue. Isso indicou que as ações de marketing social para a doação de sangue são mais eficientes em incentivar novos doadores se mantiverem foco nesses dois fatores.

  20. 'Superman' savours Sangu success

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morgan, D.


    The president of Halliburton Energy Development, Norman Chambers, has been instrumental in defining and implementing his company's ''Contract to Produce'' (CTP) strategy. Based on yet greater integration of operator and contractor effort, he has claimed that this concept could help unburden oil companies and transform marginal field economics. Contrary opinion is that field operators will be reluctant to see their risk-reward territory being shared by contractors wanting to extend their field of interest. An interview with Norman Chambers is reported in which he recalled a strategic review in 1993 which revealed that among oil companies there is a widespread wish to concentrate on their core competencies of finding and selling and that the production function was one capability with which some companies were less than happy. Halliburton can offer engineering, construction and project management capabilities and sub-surface experience and is prepared to share in the reservoir and other risks. The CTP concept is particularly attractive to smaller companies. Halliburton's first significant venture is in the small but strategically important Sangu gasfield offshore Bangladesh with the independent United Kingdom Cairn Energy. Many of the other business opportunities identified for the company to-date are also with small companies. (UK)

  1. Contribuições para a efetividade da comunicação da doação de sangue a partir de uma abordagem persuasiva


    Ludwig, Silvia Terra


    A doação de sangue é uma necessidade para países e pessoas. O crescimento da violência, dos acidentes de trânsito, junto com a disseminação de doenças transmissíveis e com o envelhecimento da população, trazem dificuldades aos hemocentros e instituições de saúde para assegurar um adequado e consistente suprimento de sangue para atender às necessidades dos pacientes. São realizadas campanhas via TV, rádio, jornal, etc, e foi observado que as pessoas se sensibilizam com a necessidade de sangue,...

  2. Sangue e Coca-Cola: a carnavalização e a literatura pop de Roberto Drummond

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    Ernest Bowes


    Full Text Available Este estudo se propõe à reflexão sobre as obras de Roberto Drummond, mais especificamente Sangue de Coca-Cola - romance que integra o ciclo Coca-Cola do autor. A pesquisa se propõe a demonstrar que a arte pop não é estática e que se materializa através da interação com outras linguagens e com a cultura. Assim, o trânsito entre distintos campos discursivos como a Filosofia, Sociologia e a Teoria da Literatura apresentou-se, então, como a estratégia mais apropriada para discutir a questão.   Palavras-chave: Carnavalização, Literatura Pop, Sangue de Coca-Cola.

  3. Avaliação da coleta de sangue em papel de filtro para diagnóstico molecular da dengue


    Célia Luiza de Lima Rodrigues


    O diagnóstico rotineiro da dengue é realizado com amostra de sangue dos casos suspeitos. A coleta tradicional de sangue (por punção venosa) é um procedimento que dificulta a realização de exames e pesquisas por ser um procedimento invasivo que nem sempre é prático para crianças e bebês, requer pessoal especializado e necessita de um local para armazenamento da amostra sob refrigeração ou congelamento. O propósito deste estudo foi coletar amostras por punção digital com uma nova tecnologia (FT...

  4. Participação da comunidade no 7° dia de doação de sangue na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

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    Cibele Rodrigues Paes Leme


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa mostra o perfil social dos doadores que participaram do 7° Dia de Doação de Sangue na UERJ e tem como objetivo a análise dos fatores que incentivaram a comunidade a doar sangue e a avaliação da divulgação de tal evento entre os doadores. Utilizou-se o método descritivo e a técnica de investigação social através de um questionário composto de 14 perguntas, sendo sete objetivas e sete subjetivas, que foi respondido pelos doadores no ato da doação de sangue. A amostra foi constituída de 129 doadores. A campanha de doação de sangue foi realizada no "Campus" da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no dia 24 de abril de 1991, das 08 às 17 horas. Como resultado pode-se observar uma amostra composta em sua maioria de adultos jovens, do sexo masculino, de cor branca, solteiros, estudantes do 3° Grau, tendo a solidariedade como a principal razão para doar sangue. Recomenda-se aos organizadores do evento maior divulgação das futuras campanhas, visando com isso uma participação efetivamente significativa da comunidade como um todo.

  5. Conhecendo os Meandros da Doação de Sangue: Implicações para a Atuação do Enfermeiro na Hemoterapia

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    Gilce Erbe de Miranda Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivo: o estudo tem como objetivo discutir os significados apreendidos pelos não doadores de sangue, considerando o contexto e as consequências para a atuação do enfermeiro na hemoterapia. Método: optou-se pela abordagem qualitativa, com o referencial teórico do Interacionismo Simbólico e o método daGrounded Theory. A produção de dados foi realizada por entrevista intensiva com sujeitos de três grupos amostrais de um Hospital Universitário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Resultados: o fenômeno gerou duas categorias de análise: "Percebendo a questão do sangue" e "Refletindo sobre as campanhas de doação de sangue". Observou-se que o ambiente do não doador é composto pelo contato com o outro e com as informações que este possa alcançar, inclusive a mídia. Conclusão: estas foram as principais bases para o conhecimento sobre a doação de sangue, que fazem nexo com as suas crenças, cultura e valores. Portanto, todos estes aspectos devem ser considerados pelo enfermeiro que atua na captação de doadores.

  6. Aspectos morfológicos e ultraestruturais de células sanguíneas de Crotalus durissus terrificus

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    Lívia M. Kindlovits

    Full Text Available RESUMO: A avaliação hematológica, de importância comprovada como um meio auxiliar de diagnóstico ao clínico de pequenos animais domésticos, vem se tornando comum em animais selvagens não apenas para a clínica, mas para a avaliação do manejo e como estudo auxiliar para a fisiologia das várias espécies. Tendo em vista o aumento da demanda para a produção de várias drogas de importância farmacêutica, a criação de serpentes peçonhentas vem se tornando comum a ponto destes animais já serem reconhecidos como sendo de produção. O conhecimento do manejo e da clínica destes animais ainda é escasso e a mortalidade é elevada nos criatórios, tornando urgente a ampliação destes. Embora alguns estudos hematológicos já tenham sido realizados em cascavéis (Crotalus durissus os dados analisados ainda são insipientes, notadamente em relação à caracterização das células do sangue e poucos estudos em microscopia eletrônica foram realizados em serpentes. Com o objetivo de caracterizar as células sanguíneas morfologicamente, sob microscopia óptica e ultraestrutural, foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 52 de indivíduos da subespécie Crotalus durissus terrificus para a realização de esfregaços sanguíneos e avaliação ultraestrutural. Concluiu-se que a coloração hematológica de Giemsa permite a avaliação morfológica e a diferenciação das células sanguíneas em serpentes assim como a visualização de hemoparasitos. A avaliação ultraestrutural permite evidenciar as organelas celulares e a diferenciação entre as células, inclusive entre os tipos leucocitários, porém ainda são necessários outros estudos para que seja elucidada a hipótese da existência dos eosinófilos na espécie estudada assim como é necessária melhor caracterização dos grânulos dos azurófilos para que se confirme uma possível diferença entre os monócitos típicos e os azurófilos.

  7. Taller “Aproximaciones experimentales en terapia génica: Las células sanguíneas y su reprogramación”


    Domínguez Vías, Germán; Fernandez Ponce, Cecilia Matilde; Narbona Sánchez, Isaac


    BREVE RESEÑA DE LA MENTORÍA (principales contenidos que abordará): Como todo tejido, la sangre se compone de células y componentes extracelulares (su matriz extracelular). Estas dos fracciones tisulares vienen representadas por los elementos formes y un medio isotónico denominado plasma sanguíneo. Los elementos formes de la sangre son variados en tamaño, estructura y función, y se agrupan en las células sanguíneas, que son los glóbulos blancos o leucocitos, los glóbulos rojos (también lla...

  8. Comparação de metodologia utilizada para a detecção de Hemoglobina S (Hb S em doadores de sangue

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    Prudêncio Brígida C. A. B.


    Full Text Available O Brasil apresenta alta prevalência de hemoglobina S, com nítidas diferenças regionais marcadas pelos processos de miscigenação da população. A presença desta hemoglobina tem sido objeto de estudo, não só em pacientes com anemia falciforme (homozigotos para hemoglobina S - Hb SS, mas também em portadores desta variante de hemoglobina em heterozigose (Hb AS. As complicações clínicas dos portadores são influenciadas por fatores genéticos e ambientais. De acordo com a portaria 1376 de 19 de novembro de 1993 para Normas técnicas de coleta, processamento e transfusão de sangue, componentes e derivados, do Ministério da Saúde, deve ser realizada a detecção de hemoglobinas anormais em doadores de sangue. Diante desta normatização e às taxas de hemoglobina S em nossa população, objetivamos no presente trabalho a identificação da hemoglobina S, utilizando técnicas de triagem utilizadas na rotina de Bancos de Sangue, como o kit de identificação para hemoglobina S da Diamed, comercializado pela designação ID-Hb S, e o teste de solubilidade. Os casos que apresentaram positividade nesta triagem foram posteriormente confirmados em eletroforese em pH alcalino e ácido. Do total de 5.416 doadores de sangue analisados pelo teste de triagem (ID - Hb S Diamed e solubilidade, 50 (0,92% apresentaram hemoglobina S. Após confirmação eletroforética evidenciamos a compatibilidade das técnicas em 100 % dos casos analisados. O teste da Diamed apresenta custo de R$ 1,20 por doador e o de solubilidade R$ 0,14. Pelos resultados obtidos sugerimos o uso do teste de solubilidade como de escolha, para triagem de hemoglobina S em bancos de sangue, não só pela eficácia e praticidade, como também pelo baixo custo.

  9. Ação de raios gama sobre formas sanguícolas de Trypanosoma cruzi: estudo experimental em camundongos

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    Gentilda K. F. Takeda


    Full Text Available Amostras de sangue de animais infectados com cepa Y de Trypanosoma cruzi foram submetidas, respectivamente, a 200 e 300 krad de radiação gama. Para verificar a eficácia do método na eliminação do parasita, o material foi inoculado em camundongos e os parâmetros utilizados na avaliação foram: parasitemia, cultura, xenodiagnóstico, subinoculação, reinoculação com cepa virulenta e exame anátomo-patológico das vísceras. Os sangues expostos às duas diferentes intensidades de radiação e inoculados em dois períodos após o processo, mostraram-se inócuos quanto a capacidade de produzir infecção nos animais

  10. Grupos sanguíneos ABO, RhD y esclerosis múltiple ABO and RhD blood groups in multiple sclerosis

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    Leslie Pérez-Ruiz


    Full Text Available La fisiopatología de la esclerosis múltiple es incierta; la hipótesis más fundada es la existencia de un proceso autoinmune en el que existe predisposición genética. El sistema de grupos sanguíneos está compuesto por antígenos fácilmente detectables, por lo que constituye excelente marcador genético. Para determinar frecuencia de distribución de los grupos sanguíneos en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple, se estudiaron 70 enfermos, de quienes se obtuvieron datos demográficos, clínicos y de escalas evolutivas. Se seleccionaron 180 controles al azar simple mediante muestreo multietápico del universo integrado por 4 747 donantes de sangre. Se determinaron los grupo sanguíneos ABO y RhD. Se calculó X² con precisión del 95 % e intervalo de confianza de las diferencias porcentuales. En ambos grupos fue más frecuente el RhD+ (85,7 % casos y 90 % controles. El grupo sanguíneo A estuvo en el 60 % de los pacientes y el grupo O predominó en los donantes (55 %, con diferencia significativa p=0,003 y OR=2,85. De acuerdo con este estudio, existe una asociación entre el grupo sanguíneo A con la esclerosis múltiple.The physiopathology of multiple sclerosis is uncertain. The best founded hypothesis is the existence of an autoimmune process in which genetic predisposition plays a role. The system of blood groups consists of easily detectable antigens; therefore, it is an excellent genetic marker. To determine the distribution frequency of blood groups in patients with multiple sclerosis, 70 ill persons were studied, about whom demographic, clinical and evolutionary scale data were obtained. 180 controls were selected by simple random multistage sampling of a universe of 4 747 blood donors. Blood groups ABO and RhD were determined. X² was calculated with a 95% accuracy and confidence interval of percent differences. RhD+ was more frequent in both groups (85.7 % cases and 90% controls. Blood group A was found in 60 % patients, whereas

  11. Quantificação de células CD 34+ em sangue periférico, produto de aférese e cordão umbilical: estudo comparativo de três diferentes metodologias


    Bacal Nydia S.; Guerra João C. C.; Ferreira Eurípedes; Nozawa Sonia T.; Kanayama Ruth H.; Di Pietro Daniel; Pasternack Jacyr; Hamerschlack Nelson; Rosenfeld Luiz G. M.


    A quantificação das células CD34+ em sangue periférico é utilizada para determinar o melhor momento de iniciar a aférese, enquanto que na leucoaférese e no sangue de cordão umbilical determinam a quantidade de células CD34+ para o transplante de células progenitoras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar três diferentes metodologias de quantificação de células CD34+. Foram utilizados três diferentes tipos de amostras: a) 32 amostras de sangue periférico, coletadas de pacientes estimulados co...

  12. Estudo sobre a eventual utilidade de raios gama na profilaxia da malária transmissível por transfusão de sangue A study on the fortuitons advantage of gamma irradiation in the prophylaxis of transmissible malaria by blood transfusion

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    Lúcia Maria Almeida Braz


    Full Text Available O estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a eventual utilidade de raios gama na profilaxia da malária transmissível por transfusão de sangue, tendo sido, para isso, usados camundongos infectados pelo Plasmodium berghei. Na primeira fase, quando submetemos sangue deles retirado a 2.500 e 5.000rad, com associação ou não de metronidazol, não obtivemos sucesso, já que todos os animais antes sem a parasitose apresentaram parasitemia e morreram após inoculação do sangue irradiado. Porém, ocorreu êxito parcial na segunda fase, ao serem empregados 10.000 e 15.000rad, porquanto 20% e 40% dos roedores, respectivamente, embora tenham ficado infectados, sobreviveram, com posterior negativação quanto à presença do P. berghei.This study was carried out to evaluate the fortuitons advantage of using gamma irradiation in the prophylaxis of transmissible malaria by blood transfusion, with mice as the experimental model. In the first step, when the infected blood with Plasmodium berghei was submitted to 2,500rad and 5,000rad, with or without metronidazol, there was no success, because the animals presented parasitaemia and died after inoculation of irradiated blood. However, there was partial success in the second step, when the infected blood received 10,000 and 15,000rad, and was inoculated in mice, which showed infection, and presented a survival rate of 20% and 40%, respectively, with later negativation of blood infected by P. berghei.

  13. Eosinofilia no sangue periférico de mulheres com candidiase vaginal recorrente


    Queiroz Filho,José; Gonçalves,Ana Katherine; Cavalcante Júnior,Geraldo Barroso; Pessoa,Daliana Caldas; Eleutério Júnior,José; Giraldo,Paulo César; Sales,Valéria Soraya de Farias


    OBJETIVO: Quantificar o número de células de defesa e os níveis de imunoglobulina E (IgE) no sangue periférico em amostra de mulheres com candidíase vaginal recorrente. MÉTODOS: Estudo de corte transversal com 60 mulheres, 40 com candidíase vulvovaginal e 20 do grupo controle (sem doença). As células de defesa foram identificadas utilizando um sistema de impedância combinada com a citometria de fluxo, os níveis de IgE total e específica foram medidos por meio de técnicas de quimiluminescência...

  14. Tipificación de marcadores genéticos sanguíneos en raza Hereford


    Quinteros, Indalecio Rodolfo; Tejedor, Eugenio Daniel; Poli, Mario Andrés; Antonini de Ruiz, Alicia Graciela


    El paso inicial de esta investigación ha sido tipificar al Bovino Hereford de Argentina para definirlo mediante la metodología de la Inmunogenética. Se buscaron "expresiones" propias y coincidencias con los "marcadores genéticos sanguíneos" descubiertos en esta raza por otros países. Su gran adaptabilidad a "hábitats" diferentes induce a mantener intacto su germoplasma y enriquecerlo con el agregado de nuevos genes. No obstante su homogeneidad racial, el Hereford Argentino presenta destacado ...



    Geice Peres Nunes


    A presente dissertação de mestrado intitulada As ressonâncias da literatura popular do nordeste no Romance dA Pedra do Reino e o príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta foi elaborada por Geice Peres Nunes sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. Lawrence Flores Pereira, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Nesse estudo, debruçamo-nos na influência da Literatura popular do nordeste e da poesia oral no Romance dA Pedra do Reino e o Príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta, de Ariano Suassuna. Para tanto, lançamos m...

  16. Uso de sangue arterial e venoso no exame do equilíbrio ácido-básico de novilhos normais ou com acidose metabólica Arterial and venous blood in the assessment of blood gas and acid-base status in healthy steers or steers with metabolic acidosis

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    Maria Claudia Araripe Sucupira


    Full Text Available Doze novilhos foram utilizados para comparar os resultados hemogasométricos de sangue arterial e venoso. Esses animais foram divididos em três grupos idênticos, recebendo: 1- dieta balanceada, proporcionando ganho de peso de 600g/d; 2- dieta de mantença em proteína e energia e 3- dieta com teores 20% abaixo da mantença. Amostras de sangue arterial (artéria auricular caudal e venoso (veia jugular foram colhidas por 11 quinzenas consecutivas, num total de 132 amostras. Ao término do experimento, os animais dos grupos 2 e principalmente 3 apresentaram acidose metabólica moderada. Maiores valores de pH e de pO2 foram constatados no sangue arterial enquanto os teores de bicarbonato, TCO2, BE e pCO2 foram superiores no sangue venoso. Existiram altas correlações entre os valores do sangue arterial e venoso para o pH (r = 0,81, bicarbonato e TCO2 (r = 0,94, sendo esta correlação média, mas significativa, no caso da pCO2 (r = 0,56 e inexistente na pO2 (r= -0,06. Quanto maiores foram os valores de pCO2 maiores foram os teores de bicarbonato (r = 0,54 e TCO2 (r =0,56. Apesar das discrepâncias de pH, das concentrações de bicarbonato, TCO2, e mesmo de pCO2 obtidos no sangue venoso e arterial, é possível estimar, adequadamente, a partir do primeiro esses valores nas amostras arteriais em novilhos normais e com moderado grau de acidose metabólica. Nos casos de alterações respiratórias, amostras de sangue arterial devem ser colhidas para determinação de pO2. A colheita de sangue venoso foi mais facilmente realizada que do sangue arterial.Twelve steers were used to compare the blood gas and acid-base status. The animals were randomly divided in three equal groups according to the following diets: 1- adequate, for gaining 600g/head/d ; 2- protein and energy levels to meet the maintenence; 3- protein and energy 20% below the maintenance levels. One hundred thirty-two arterial blood (caudal auricular artery or venous blood (jugular vein

  17. Proliferación y diferenciación osteogénica de células madre mesenquimales en hidrogeles de plasma sanguíneo humano

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    Itali M. Linero


    Full Text Available Introducción. La utilización de las células madre mesenquimales en la práctica clínica ha aumentado considerablemente en la última década, ya que juegan un papel favorable en los procesos de reparación y regeneración tisular, siendo la principal herramienta de la terapia celular para el tratamiento de enfermedades que afectan funcionalmente el tejido óseo y cartilaginoso. Objetivo. Evaluar la proliferación y capacidad de diferenciación osteogénica in vitro de células madre mesenquimales derivadas de tejido adiposo humano en un hidrogel de plasma sanguíneo. Materiales y métodos. Se obtuvieron células madre mesenquimales a partir de explantes de tejido adiposo humano y se caracterizaron por citometría de flujo; se buscó demostrar su multipotencialidad por su capacidad de diferenciación osteogénica y adipogénica. Se evaluó la proliferación celular y la capacidad de diferenciación osteogénica de las células cultivadas en hidrogeles de plasma sanguíneo. Resultados. Las células madre mesenquimales derivadas de tejido adiposo cultivadas en el hidrogel de plasma sanguíneo humano mostraron un patrón de proliferación muy similar al de las células cultivadas en monocapa y, además, mantuvieron su capacidad de diferenciación hacia el linaje osteogénico. Conclusiones. El hidrogel de plasma sanguíneo humano es un soporte adecuado para que las células madre mesenquimales derivadas de tejido adiposo humano proliferen y se diferencien hacia el linaje osteogénico y constituye un vehículo adecuado para su administración en regeneración del tejido óseo.

  18. Viscosidade do Sangue como Parâmetro de Diagnóstico da Síndrome Ascítica em Linhagens de Frangos de Corte com Diferentes Suscetibilidade


    Fontes,SF; Hernandes,R; Macari,M; Bernal,FM


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o desenvolvimento de ascites em duas linhagens diferentes de frangos de corte, Hubbard e Pescoço-pelado, através da variação da viscosidade do sangue. As aves foram criadas até 45 dias de idade em duas temperaturas ambiente diferentes (termoneutra e fria) e com dieta de ração à base de milho e farelo de soja, peletizada e de alta energia. Aos 28 e 45 dias de idade, amostras de 8 mL de sangue foram obtidas para determinação da viscosidade aparente em um...

  19. Grupos sanguíneos e lúpus eritematoso crônico discoide Blood groups and discoid lupus erythematosus

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    Andréia de Almeida Tamega


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: Lesão discoide é a manifestação cutânea mais comum do lúpus eritematoso, e formas cutâneas crônicas apresentam características imunológicas próprias, direcionadas ao polo Th1. Diversas doenças possuem associação com grupos sanguíneos, o que não foi ainda estudado no lúpus discoide. OBJETIVO: Investigar a associação entre tipos sanguíneos (ABO e Rh e lúpus eritematoso discoide. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo tipo transversal envolvendo tipagem sanguínea ABO e Rh, inquérito de dados clínicos e dosagem de FAN e C4 de portadores de lúpus discoide sem critérios de doença sistêmica, atendidos em hospital universitário. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 69 pacientes, sendo 71,0% do sexo feminino (p 1:160, em 31,9%; e níveis baixos de C4, em 8,7%. Não houve diferença significativa entre as frequências dos grupos sanguíneos dos pacientes e da população local; entretanto, o grupo A foi associado às formas disseminadas da doença (OR 4,1 e p Background: Discoid lesion is the commonest cutaneous finding in lupus erythematosus and chronic types have their own immunological features, with Th1 inflammation profile. Although many diseases have association with blood-group systems, this fact was not enlightened in discoid lupus erythematosus. Objective: To investigate the association between blood groups (ABO and Rh and discoid lupus erythematosus. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study assessing clinical information, blood group systems (ABO and Rh, FAN and C4 serum levels from discoid lupus patients without characteristics of systemic disease, was carried out at a clinic from a Brazilian university hospital. Results: Sixty-nine patients were enrolled in the study, 71.0% were females (p1:160 in 31.9%, and low levels of C4 in 8.7%. There was no significant difference between the frequency of blood groups from discoid lupus patients and local population, however, blood group A was associated to

  20. Alterações citológicas do sangue periférico e da medula óssea de cães com cinomose Cytological alterations of the bone marrow and peripheral blood of dogs with canine distemper

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    R.K. Almeida


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se o mielograma, o hemograma e a ocorrência de apoptose no sangue periférico e na medula óssea de cães com cinomose de ocorrência natural. Foram utilizados 15 cães distribuídos em dois grupos: (a controle - seis animais clinicamente saudáveis com RT-PCR negativa para o vírus da cinomose canina (CC; (b infectado - nove animais com manifestações clínicas de CC e RT-PCR positiva. Dos cães com CC, oito (88,9% apresentaram anemia discreta a moderada (hematócrito: 30,6%, normocítica (VCM: 67,9fL e normocrômica (CHCM: 34,1g/dL. Todos os animais apresentaram contagens médias normais de leucócitos totais (11600 células/µL e neutrófilos segmentados (8802 células/µL. Linfopenia foi observada em cinco animais (55,6% e desvio nuclear dos neutrófilos para a esquerda em oito (88,9%. As contagens médias de linfócitos e neutrófilos bastonetes foram, respectivamente, 1054 e 1508células/µL. No mielograma, todos os animais apresentaram celularidade e relação M:E dentro dos limites de referência. O hemograma e a medula óssea dos cães-controle não apresentaram alteração e não havia células em apoptose no esfregaço sanguíneo desses animais. Nos cães com CC, a média do índice apoptótico foi 0,73% no esfregaço sanguíneo e 1,87% na medula óssea. A apoptose, portanto, pode estar envolvida na patogênese das alterações hematológicas observadas na CC.The myelogram, the hemogram, and the occurrence of apoptosis in peripheral blood and bone marrow in dogs with canine distemper (CD of natural occurrence were studied. Fifteen dogs were distributed into two groups: (a control - six clinically healthy animals with RT-PCR negative for canine distemper virus (CDV; and (b infected - nine animals showing clinical CD manifestations and RT-PCR positive. The majority of dogs with CD (88.9% presented discrete to moderate (hematocrit: 30.6%, normocytic (MCH: 67.9fL and normochromic (MCHC: 34.1g/dL anemia. All animals showed

  1. Frecuencia de grupos sanguíneos y factor Rh en donantes de sangre, Colombia ,1996


    Mauricio Beltrán; Maribel Ayala; Jorge Jara


    El establecer un patrón nacional de distribución de los grupos sanguíneos por seccionales de salud con base en los datos de donantes de banco de sangre, permite la localización e intercambio de sangre y componentes con fines de transfusión de una manera oportuna, mejora la disponibilidad de sangre y ofrece, además, información útil para áreas como las de genética para identificación personal y pruebas de paternidad, y en el campo antropológico para hallar diferencias raciales según su distrib...

  2. Determinação de eletrólitos, gases sanguíneos, osmolalidade, hematócrito, hemoglobina, base titulável e anion gap no sangue venoso de equinos destreinados submetidos a exercício máximo e submáximo em esteira rolante Determination of electrolytes, hemogasometry, osmalility, hematocrit, hemoglobin, base concentration, and anion gap in detrained equines submitted a maximum and submaximum exercise on treadmill

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    M.A.G. Silva


    Full Text Available Estudaram-se as alterações nos eletrólitos, nos gases sanguíneos, na osmolalidade, no hematócrito, na hemoglobina, nas bases tituláveis e no anion gap no sangue venoso de 11 equinos da raça Puro Sangue Árabe, destreinados, submetidos a exercício máximo e submáximo em esteira rolante. Esses animais passaram por período de três dias de adaptação à esteira rolante e posteriormente realizaram dois exercícios testes, um de curta e outro de longa duração. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue venoso antes, imediatamente após e 30 minutos após o término dos exercícios. Após a realização do exercício máximo, observou-se diminuição significativa no pHv, na PvCO2, no HCO3, na cBase além de elevação no AG. Detectou-se também aumento do K+, do Ht e da Hb. Ao final do exercício submáximo, constatou-se somente aumento significativo no pHv, na cBase, na SatvO2 e na PvO2. Conclui-se que os equinos submetidos a exercício máximo desenvolveram acidose metabólica e alcalose respiratória compensatória, hipercalemia e aumento nos valores de hematócrito e hemoglobina. No exercício submáximo, os animais apresentaram alcalose metabólica hipoclorêmica e não ocorreram alterações no equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico.Changes in electrolytes, blood gas, osmolality, hematocrit, hemoglobin, base concentration, and anion gap in 11 detrained Arabian horses during exercise on a high-speed treadmill were investigated. After a period of three days of adaptation on the rolling mat, the animals were submitted to two exercises: one of short (maximum and other of long duration (submaximum. Venous blood samples were obtained right before, and 30 minutes after the exercise. After the maximum exercise, it was observed a significative decrease in pHv, PvCO2, HCO3, and cBase and an increase in AG. It was also observed hypercalemia and increase in Ht and Hb. At the final of the submaximum exercise, it was observed significative increase in pH, c

  3. Estratégia analítica para determinação de nitrito e amônia empregando spot test e análise de imagem digital

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    J. L. O. Santos


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho é proposta uma estratégia simples para determinação simultânea de nitrito e amônia empregando spot test e imagem digital. O método é baseado na reação do nitrito com a sulfanilamida, formando um cátion de diazônio que posteriormente é acoplado ao dicloreto de N-(1-nafitil etilenodiamina formando uma diazo composto de coloração rósea. A determinação da amônia foi realizada empregando a reação de berthelot modificada, onde o íon amônio em presença de salicilato, nitroprussiato e hipoclorito reage formando um composto de coloração verde. Os sinais analíticos foram obtidos a partir das intensidades de coloração por imagem digital no spot test do produto da reação. Após otimizações do sistema de análise e detecção, as seguintes figuras de mérito foram obtidas: concentração linear entre 0,2 a 10,0 mg L-1 para nitrito e 1,0 a 10,0 mg L-1 para a amônia. Os limites de detecção para o nitrito e amônia foram 0,05 mg L-1 e 0,27 mg L-1, respectivamente. A estratégia proposta foi aplicada com sucesso na determinação de nitrito e amônia em amostras de água subterrânea da zona urbana da cidade de Barreiras-Ba.

  4. El sistema cerrado en la prevención de las infecciones del torrente sanguíneo


    Álvarez, Carlos; Beer, Idal; Cifuentes, Luis Fernando


    Los pacientes hospitalizados están en continuo riesgo de infecciones del torrente sanguíneo (ITS), especialmente en las unidades de cuidado intensivo (UCI). Las ITS constituyen 14% de las infecciones nosocomiales (IN) y representan casi un tercio de las muertes asociadas con IN. Es así que se han establecido pautas de prevención y protocolos de manejo para reducir el impacto de las ITS asociadas a catéteres (CR). Entre ellas están las diferencias entre contenedores de infusión intravenosa (IV...

  5. Variaciones hematológicas y de presión sanguínea en perros después de una picadura de abejas

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    Jorge Muñoz G.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los cambios hematológicos y de presión arterial en perros después de una picadura cutánea de abejas. Material y métodos. Se utilizaron 10 perros adultos, a los cuales se les inoculó veneno de abeja mediante una picadura cutánea controlada. De cada animal se extrajo una muestra de sangre previa y los 15 y 300 minutos post inoculación. Se registró la presión arterial sistólica (PAS, diastólica (PAD, media (PAM y de pulso (PP desde 15 minutos previos hasta 45 minutos posteriores a la inoculación. Resultados. El recuento de eritrocitos, el hematocrito y la concentración de hemoglobina se redujeron a los 15 minutos post-inoculación (p0.05. Conclusiones. La picadura cutánea de abejas produce un descenso transitorio del recuento de eritrocitos, hematocrito y concentración de hemoglobina, junto con una disminución en el recuento de reticulocitos y del recuento relativo de eosinófilos, sin alterar mayormente la presión sanguínea.

  6. Digestibilidade aparente, crescimento folicular e concentração de metabólitos sanguíneos de éguas recebendo concentrado com semente de linhaça integral (Linum usitatissimum L. = Apparent digestibility, follicular growth and concentration of blood metabolites of mares receiving concentrate with whole linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.

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    Mara Regina Schimmack Pedro Soncin


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado para se avaliar a inclusão da semente de linhaça integral na dieta de éguas por meio da avaliação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e seuefeito no crescimento folicular e na concentração de metabólitos sanguíneos. Foram utilizadas 16 éguas, alimentadas com dois concentrados, sendo um sem semente de linhaça integral e outro com10% de semente de linhaça integral, utilizando-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Foram avaliados os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDa para a MS, MM, PB, FB, FDN, FDA eEE. Para determinação dos parâmetros reprodutivos (duração do estro, intervalo entre aplicação da prostaglandina F2 alfa e o estro e tamanho do folículo ovulatório e sanguíneos (glicose, triglicerídeos, progesterona, colesterol total, HDL, LDL e VLDL, os animais receberam prostaglandina F2 alfa na dose de 1 mL animal-1 intramuscular-1 e no décimo dia, após ovulação, foi realizada a coleta de sangue. A inclusão da semente de linhaça integral aumentou (p 0,05 entre os dois tratamentos para os CDa da PB e EE. A inclusão da semente de linhaça integral na dieta de equinosmelhorou a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, em especial da fração fibrosa da dieta e não apresentou alterações nos parâmetros reprodutivos e sanguíneos.The experiment was conducted to evaluate the inclusion of whole linseed in the diet of mares through the evaluation of the apparent digestibility coefficients of the nutrients and their effect inthe follicular growth and concentration of blood metabolites. Sixteen mares were used, fed with two concentrates – one without whole linseed and the other with 10% whole linseed, using a randomized experimental design. The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC were measured for DM, MM, CP, CF, NDF, ADF and EE. In order to determine the reproductive parameters (duration of the estrus, interval between application of the prostaglandin F2

  7. Uso de algoritmo de otimização na determinação de tipos de animal funcional Use of optimization algorithm for determining of animal functional types

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    Carlos Eduardo Nogueira Martins


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o uso de algoritmo de otimização na determinação de tipos funcionais de animais da raça Braford para diferentes condições ambientais. Foram utilizados algoritmos específicos de otimização por meio do progama computacional SYNCSA, com o objetivo de determinar subconjuntos ótimos de atributos que definem diferentes tipos funcionais, tendo em vista a eficiência de utilização da pastagem pelos animais. Tais algoritmos estão fundamentados na definição de matrizes de incidência que relacionam as variáveis de interesse. No presente estudo, a matriz B definiu a relação animais x medidas corporais; a matriz W, a relação produtividade acumulada x graus de sangue; e a matriz E, a relação graus de sangue x ambientes (com e sem restrição alimentar. Os resultados mostraram a existência de três tipos funcionais: animais de maior estrutura corporal; animais de estrutura intermediária e animais com menor estrutura, com exceção do atributo largura do peito. Os animais de maior estrutura corporal obtiveram 30 e 47,7kg a mais de terneiros desmamados, no ambiente sem restrição alimentar, que os animais de estrutura corporal média e pequena, respectivamente. No ambiente com restrição alimentar, o tipo de animal de estrutura média apresentou melhor desempenho produtivo, sendo este 18,5 e 36,8% superior aos tipos de maior e menor estrutura corporal, respectivamente. Os resultados deste trabalho demonstram que o algoritmo criado para determinação de tipos funcionais pode ser utilizado na busca do melhor biótipo animal para os diferentes sistemas de produção.This study aimed to evaluate the use of optimization algorithm to determine functional types of animals Braford for different environmental conditions. We used specific optimization algorithms through the computer program SYNCSA in order to determine optimal subsets of attributes that define different functional types in view

  8. Autotransfusión y terapia de componentes sanguíneos autológos en cirugía cardíaca: consideraciones generales y experiencia en el Hospital México


    Eduardo Induni López; Manuel Alvarado; Edgar Méndez; Juan Pucci


    Introducción: La autotransfusión sanguínea y terapia de componentes autólogos ha sido una modalidad que se ha utilizado desde hace más de 2 siglos experimentando gracias a los avances técnicos recientes, su implementación en maniobras que redundan en ahorro y eliminación de pérdidas sanguíneas en procedimientos quirúrgicos extensos, así como los riesgos inherentes a la transfusión homóloga. Objetivos: Disminuír el número de días de estancia hospitalaria en pacientes preparándose para cirugía ...

  9. Contribuição ao estudo do mal de cadeiras na Ilha de Marajó

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    Geth Jansen


    Full Text Available Como resultado de inspeções feitas à ilha de Marajó o autor assinala: 1º O mal de cadeiras continua existindo na ilha de Marajó sob a forma enzoótica, ao contrário do que pensavam os criadores, julgando-o extinto. As doenças designadas por estes como "barriga inchada" e "mormo seco", responsaveis pela grande mortalidade dos equinos, foram identificadas pelo autor como tal de cadeiras. 2º O autor considera indispensável para a pesquisa do trypanosoma o processo de inoculação em animais de laboratório, tendo utilizado para esse fim camondongos e ratos brancos. 3º Os surtos epizoóticos anuais coincidem com a época das chuvas, ocasião em que surgem os insetos hematófagos, o que faz pensar no papel desses últimos como transmissores. 4º Os cavalos podem atravessar o ano com trypanosomas no sangue e em estado de saude aparente, constituindo assim depositários do mal de cadeiras. 5º O extermínio da capivara, em consequência do seu aproveitamento econômico não modificou o carater endêmico da doença na ilha de Marajó. 6º O autor observou que os trypanosomas no tubo digestivo de Stomoxys e Tabanideos, ao cabo de 8 horas, apresentavam com movimentos diminuidos e em formas arrendondadas, não conseguindo inoculações positivas com esse material. 7º A saliva de um morcego do gênero Desmodus, que se infectou no laboratório, alimentando-se em animal doente, colhida de modo a evitar lesões da mucosa e consequente contaminação pelos trypanosomas do sangue circulante, mostrou-se incapaz de infectar, por inoculação, animais sensiveis. Este mesmo morcego não transmitiu a doença a um cão, o qual sugou durante 80 dias. Recentemente (1941 empregando um exemplar do gênero Desmodus, também infectado experimentalmente por alimentação em animal de laboratório, conseguimos transmitir o Trypanosoma equinum a uma cobaia normal. Este assunto será ventilado posteriormente.

  10. Concentrações de ferro, cobre, zinco e manganês em equinos da raça Puro-sangue Lusitano, antes e após exercício

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    Rodrigo A.B. Minini


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou determinar a atividade sérica dos microminerais ferro, cobre, zinco e manganês em 30 equinos atletas da raça Puro-sangue Lusitano (PSL, antes e depois de exercícios, atestados por avaliações clínicas e laboratoriais. Amostras de sangue foram colhidas, antes e imediatamente após 20 minutos de exercício físico de trote e galope suaves realizados em pista de areia, para a realização das dosagens dos microminerais. A concentração dos microelementos foi determinada por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Observou-se que após o exercício, a atividade sérica de ferro não sofreu variações (P=0,2365, enquanto os valores de cobre se elevaram significativamente após o treinamento (P<0,001. Já o zinco e o manganês diminuíram após o exercício (P<0,001. Pode-se concluir que o exercício físico de curta duração pode gerar sudorese capaz de alterar as concentrações séricas de ferro, cobre, zinco e manganês em cavalos atletas da raça Puro-sangue Lusitano.

  11. Valor da Taxa de Eritroblastos no Sangue da Veia Umbilical de Recém-Nascidos como Marcador Hematológico da Hipóxia Perinatal

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    Behle Ivo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: examinar se a taxa de eritroblastos, no sangue da veia umbilical de recém-nascidos, tem relação com a hipoxia perinatal, analisada pelos parâmetros que expressam o equilíbrio ácido-básico (EAB do sangue funicular. Métodos: de recém-nascidos vivos com pelo menos 37 semanas de gestação, assistidos no Hospital de Alvorada-RS, foram coletadas amostras de sangue da veia umbilical antes da instalação da respiração. Parte do sangue foi coletado em frasco contendo EDTA, determinando-se as séries vermelha e branca. No sangue coletado em seringa com heparina, foram determinados valores do pH, pO2, pCO2 e calculado o EAB. Em lâmina corada pelo corante panótico, procedeu-se à contagem manual do número de eritroblastos. A taxa de eritroblastos foi calculada em relação ao número de leucócitos. Resultados: dos 158 casos que compõem o estudo, em 55 as condições perinatais permitiram considerá-los como isentos de acometimento de processo hipóxico. A média da taxa de eritroblastos foi 3,9%, com o desvio-padrão de 2,8%. Os valores mínimo e máximo foram 0% e 10%, respectivamente. Dentre os 158 casos, a taxa dos eritroblastos foi 5,7%, com desvio-padrão de 5,3%. Os valores mínimo e máximo foram 0% e 28%, respectivamente. A aplicação do teste de Pearson a taxa dos eritroblastos e valores dos parâmetros do EAB mostrou correlação significativa para o pH e pCO2. A elaboração da curva ROC revelou que 5% de eritroblastos e pH de 7,25 representam pontos de corte que contrabalançam a sensibilidade e especificidade (54% e 56%, respectivamente. Dos 23 conceptos com taxa de eritroblastos maior que 10%, 7 (30,4% estavam acidóticos, 11 (48,7% eram grandes para a idade gestacional, 3 (13% eram pequenos para a idade gestacional, 7 (30,4% tinham anemia e em 3 (13% não foram constatadas anormalidades. Conclusões: em recém-nascidos de gestações e partos sem complicações, a taxa de eritroblastos ao nascimento foi menor do

  12. Estudio sobre las formas de presentación de una galleta nutritiva a base de proteína de plasma sanguíneo de bovino para niños en edad escolar


    Alizo, María Alexandra; Márquez Salas, Enrique J.


    Debido a la carencia en la producción de proteínas en los países en desarrollo, diferentes alternativas han sido propuestas, una de ellas es la utilización de las proteínas del plasma sanguíneo como suplemento alimenticio. El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo determinar, mediante pruebas de degustación, las características físicas (sabor, forma, diseño de empaque) y aceptación por parte de los niños de bajos recursos de una galleta nutritiva elaborada a base de plasma sanguíneo. La metodolog...

  13. Correlação entre a positividade do xenodiagnóstico artificial e a quantidade de sangue e triatomíneos utilizados no exame, em pacientes chagásicos crônicos


    Franco,Yara Bandeira Azevedo; Silva,Ionizete Garcia da; Rassi,Anis; Rocha,Alessandra Carla Rodrigues Galvão; Silva,Heloisa Helena Garcia da; Rassi,Gustavo Gabriel


    Estudou-se a correlação entre a positividade do xenodiagnóstico artificial e a quantidade utilizada de sangue e de triatomíneos, em 200 pacientes na fase crônica da doença de Chagas. Colheram-se 10 ou 40ml de sangue através de tubos a vácuo, heparinizados com 20,4UI, sendo realizado com 60 e 360 triatomíneos, respectivamente. Usou-se Dipetalogaster maximus, Triatoma infestans, Triatoma vitticeps e Rhodnius neglectus, nos estádios 1°, 3°, 3° e 4°, respectivamente. A coproscopia dos triatomíneo...

  14. Sangue e Coca-Cola: a carnavalização e a literatura pop de Roberto Drummond

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    Ernest Bowes


    Full Text Available Este estudo se propõe à reflexão sobre as obras de Roberto Drummond, mais especificamente Sangue de Coca-Cola – romance que integra o ciclo Coca-Cola do autor. A pesquisa se propõe a demonstrar que a arte pop não é estática e que se materializa através da interação com outras linguagens e com a cultura. Assim, o trânsito entre distintos campos discursivos como a Filosofia, Sociologia e a Teoria da Literatura apresentou-se, então, como a estratégia mais apropriada para discutir a questão.

  15. Resistência contra ectoparasitas em bovinos da raça Crioula Lageana e meio-sangue Angus avaliada em condições naturais

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    Cristina P. Cardoso


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a resistência aos ectoparasitas em bovinos jovens da raça Crioula Lageana e meio-sangue Angus em condições naturais. Foram utilizados 10 machos castrados em cada grupo, recém desmamados (6-8 meses e mantidos sob as mesmas condições de manejo, em pastagens cultivadas de inverno e verão, no município de Monte Castelo - SC, sofrendo infestação natural por ectoparasitas. A cada 28 dias, fêmeas de carrapatos (Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus com tamanho acima de 4 mm foram quantificadas nos dois lados do corpo de cada animal, bem como os nódulos com larvas de Dermatobia hominis. A espessura da capa do pelame foi também avaliada a cada coleta e os animais foram classificados quanto à coloração do pelame. Os animais da raça Crioula Lageana foram mais resistentes às infestações por D. hominis e R. microplus. Não houve diferença entre a disposição de carrapatos e bernes conforme os lados direito e esquerdo dos animais. Os animais de pelagem escura albergaram a maior porcentagem de ectoparasitas nos grupos avaliados.

  16. Avaliação nutricional, em tilápias-do-nilo, de farinhas de sangue bovino obtidas por três métodos de processamento Nutritional evaluation, in Nile-tilapia, of bovine blood meals obtained by three processing methods

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    Antonio Celso Pezzato


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se farinhas de sangue obtidas pelos métodos de processamento em tambor, convencional e atomização. As farinhas foram submetidas ao processo de extração e fracionamento da proteína para determinação do perfil do tamanho molecular, que foi comparado ao do sangue bovino in natura. Nas amostras, submetidas ou não ao processo de desengorduramento, foram realizadas análises da digestibilidade in vitro da proteína. Para determinação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade dos nutrientes in vivo, foram confeccionadas quatros rações, sendo uma sem farinha de sangue, denominada ração-referência purificada. Para essa etapa, juvenis de tilápia-do-nilo com peso médio inicial de 100,0±5,0 g foram estocados em aquários de 250 L, em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e dez peixes/unidade experimental. As rações-teste foram obtidas com a introdução de 30% das farinhas de sangue em estudo. O processamento afetou a estrutura proteica original do sangue in natura em condições de alta temperatura e tempo prolongado, efeito traduzido pela alta proporção de peptídeos de baixo peso molecular e aminoácidos livres, correspondendo a baixos valores de digestibilidade da proteína da farinha de sangue nos testes in vivo e in vitro. A farinha de sangue atomizada e a de tambor são eficientemente utilizadas por tilápias-do-nilo. Na farinha de sangue convencional, a proteína teve valor biológico inferior ao das outras duas farinhas. Na formulação de rações contendo farinha de sangue para tilápias-do-nilo, a isoleucina deve ser considerada o primeiro aminoácido limitante, seguida pela metionina+cistina, arginina e treonina, que foram encontradas em níveis críticos para essa espécie, principalmente na farinha de sangue convencional.Three kinds of blood meal coming from different processing conditions (spray-dried, drum-dried and vat-dried blood meals were evaluated. Protein extraction and fractionation

  17. Lactato sanguíneo em atletas de judô: relato da experiência de coleta durante combates sucessivos em uma competição oficial

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    Alexandre Velí Nunes


    Full Text Available Este artigo é um relato de experiência que faz parte de uma investigação sobre a avaliação de atletas de judô de elite. Seu objetivo é comunicar à comunidade científica a metodologia utilizada, assim como descrever os procedimentos e as dificuldades encontradas na execução dessa metodologia. Nessa experiência, foram feitas 155 coletas de lactato sanguíneo em atletas de judô que participaram de uma competição internacional realizada em Porto Alegre, em julho de 1997. Os atletas da seleção gaúcha de judô, previamente selecionados (n = 21, submeteram-se à coleta de sangue do lóbulo da orelha antes e logo após os combates. Além desses, todos os atletas que participaram das lutas finais das respectivas categorias foram incentivados a submeter-se à coleta ao final do combate. Também foi verificada a FC dos atletas através de palpação radial em 15s, no momento da coleta de sangue. Utilizou-se o analisador de lactato portátil AccusportTM (Boehringer Mannheim Corp., Mannheim, Alemanha com Test Strips BM Lactate e caneta com microlancetas descartáveis da mesma marca. Constatou-se que a utilização da metodologia e do equipamento acima descritos é apropriada para esse tipo de população e situação, e que os resultados encontrados podem contribuir para a avaliação da intensidade do esforço desses atletas.

  18. Histological study of the liver and biochemistry of the blood of Wistar rats following ligature of right hepatic duct Estudo histológico do fígado e bioquímico do sangue de ratos após ligadura do ducto hepático direito

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    Abel Botelho Quaresma


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To observe the histological alterations in the liver and biochemistry in the blood that can happen in Wistar rat, after the ligature of right hepatic duct. METHODS: In this study were used rats (n=46 of Wistar pedigree. The animal groups (n=46 were distributed in 6 experimented sub-groups (n=6. It was held a ligature surgery of the right hepatic duct and euthanasia in 7, 14, 21, 28, 60 and 90 days and the biochemistry control group (n=10, that animals had 2ml of their blood taken by cardiac puncture for biochemistry study with value analyses of bilirubins, transaminasis, lactic desidrogenasis, alkaline phophatase and gamma-glutamil-transferase. Given the expected time of each group, the animals were submitted to anesthesia procedure and cavity re-opening, being held intra-cardiac puncture and with 2ml blood collected for biochemistry analyses. It was proceeded the liver resection, being the liver putted in formol solution to 10% for a period of 24 hours and taken to the histology. RESULTS: It was not possible to identify results that express significant differences as the existence of alterations histological and biochemistrily between the different groups. CONCLUSION: At the end of the study, it was not possible to identify histological and biochemistrily alterations that express significant differences between livers of the animals from the right linked hepatic duct and the animals of the control group.INTRODUÇÃO: a colestase é uma situação grave e geralmente letal. Habitualmente a obstrução do fluxo da secreção biliar ocorre por lesão iatrogênica. Cerca de 80% das lesões das vias OBJETIVO: Observar as alterações histológicas que possam ocorrer no fígado e bioquímicas no sangue de ratos Wistar, após ligadura do ducto hepático direito. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo foram utilizados ratos (n=46 da linhagem Wistar. O grupo de animais (n=46 foi dividido em 2 grupos: A experimento (n=36 e B controle bioquímico (n=10, sendo o

  19. Hemopoietic progenitor cell identification in fetal and adult blood Célula progenitora hamatopoética - identificação em sangue fetal e de adulto

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    Aixa Müller


    Full Text Available Hemopoietic progenitor cells give rise to all cellular elements of the blood and are of importance as a potential source of cells used for correction of various pathological conditions. The main objective of this study was to identify and quantitative hemopoietic progenitor cell in antenatal fetal blood, in cord blood at the time of delivery and in adult blood, using monoclonal antibodies to surface markers and flow cytometry. CD34+ cells, most of them probably representing progenitor cells, were detected in prenatal fetal blood as early as the 17th week of gestation. The proportion of these cells showed a tendency to decrease as the pregnancy progressed. Within the population of CD34+ cells, a relatively low proportion (less than 1% were negative for the surface marker CD33 or HLA-Dr, indicating a population of primitive stem cells, i.e., progenitor cells no committed to a specific lineage. On the contrary, another group coexpressed CD33 or HLA-Dr, being more mature progenitor cells already committed to differentiate along a specific lineage. The percentage of CD34+ obtained in blood of adult patients after mobilization with chemotherapeutic agents and growth factors showed an average value of 2.7± 3.1%. The percentage of CD34+ in the apheresis products of various patients varied from 0.58 to 1.48. In some cases the cells were reinfused in the patient with good results. Our findings are in agreement with previous studies suggesting that CD34+ stem cells is a heterogeneous population, with each subset having variable degree o commitment to differentiate toward a specific cell lineage.As células progenitoras hematopoéticas são as responsáveis pela produção de todos os elementos do sangue e são as potenciais fontes de células usadas para o tratamento de várias condições patológicas. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar as células progenitoras hematopoiéticas no sangue fetal do período pré-natal, no

  20. Incidence of bloodstream infection among patients on hemodialysis by central venous catheter Incidencia de infección de la corriente sanguínea em los pacientes sometidos a hemodiálisis por catéter venoso central Incidência de infecção da corrente sanguínea nos pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise por cateter venoso central

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    Cibele Grothe


    Full Text Available This study evaluated the incidence and risk factors of bloodstream infection (BSI among patients with a double-lumen central venous catheter (CVC for hemodialysis (HD and identified the microorganisms isolated from the bloodstream. A follow-up included all patients (n=156 who underwent hemodialysis by double-lumen CVC at the Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP, Brazil, over a one-year period. From the group of patients, 94 presented BSI, of whom 39 had positive cultures at the central venous catheter insertion location. Of the 128 microorganisms isolated from the bloodstream, 53 were S. aureus, 30 were methicillin-sensitive and 23 were methicillin-resistant. Complications related to BSI included 35 cases of septicemia and 27 cases of endocarditis, of which 15 cases progressed to death. The incidence of BSI among these patients was shown to be very high, and this BSI progressed rapidly to the condition of severe infection with a high mortality rate.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la incidencia y los factores de riesgo de infección de la corriente sanguínea (ICS en pacientes con catéter venoso central (CVC doble lumen, para hemodiálisis (HD e identificar los microorganismos aislados en la corriente sanguínea. Como método, se uso el acompañamiento, realizado en el período de un año, incluyendo todos los 156 pacientes que estaban en tratamiento de HD por CVC doble lumen, en la Universidad Federal de Sao Paulo - UNIFESP. Los resultados mostraron que de los 156 pacientes estudiados, 94 presentaron ICS, de estos, 39 tuvieron culturas positivas en el local de inserción del catéter. De los 128 microorganismos aislados de la corriente sanguínea, 53 eran S.aureus, de los cuales 30 eran sensibles a la metilcilina y 23 resistentes. Entre las complicaciones relacionadas a la ICS, hubo 35 casos de septicemia y 27 casos de endocarditis, de los cuales 15 resultaron en muerte. La incidencia de ICS en este grupo de pacientes se mostr

  1. Quantificação de células CD 34+ em sangue periférico, produto de aférese e cordão umbilical: estudo comparativo de três diferentes metodologias

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    Bacal Nydia S.


    Full Text Available A quantificação das células CD34+ em sangue periférico é utilizada para determinar o melhor momento de iniciar a aférese, enquanto que na leucoaférese e no sangue de cordão umbilical determinam a quantidade de células CD34+ para o transplante de células progenitoras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar três diferentes metodologias de quantificação de células CD34+. Foram utilizados três diferentes tipos de amostras: a 32 amostras de sangue periférico, coletadas de pacientes estimulados com G-CSF 50 mg/Kg/dose total, sem quimioterapia na mobilização. b 31 amostras de produto de aférese de pacientes estimulados com o mesmo protocolo de G-CSF. c 20 amostras de sangue de cordão coletadas em CPDA-1, por punção de veia umbilical. As amostras permaneceram à temperatura ambiente no máximo até 24h da análise. O citômetro de fluxo utilizado foi o Epics XL-MCL (Coulter com os protocolos de dupla plataforma: ISHAGE e Mulhouse modificado para análise de maior numero de eventos, e o citômetro Imagn 2000 (Biometric Imaging de plataforma única, conforme técnicas recomendadas. Os anticorpos monoclonais utilizados foram: CD45-FITC, CD34-PE, e isotipo IgG1-PE da Immunotech. As análises estatísticas foram: ANOVA e correlação de teste t de Student. Os resultados não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos três métodos.

  2. Utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas formuladas com base em proteína bruta e proteína ideal para frangos de corte de 1 a 21 dias de idade


    Cancherini,Luciana Cardoso; Junqueira,Otto Mack; Oliveira,Maria Cristina de; Andreotti,Marcelo de Oliveira; Barbosa,Maria José Baptista


    Foi conduzido um experimento para avaliar a utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas para frangos de corte, formuladas com base na proteína bruta ou proteína ideal. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2x2+1, com duas fontes de proteína de origem animal (farinha de vísceras de aves e farinha de sangue bovino), dois conceitos de formulação (proteína bruta e proteína ideal) e uma dieta testemunha à base de milho e farelo de soja, com quatro repetições. As ...

  3. Prevalência do tabagismo em doadores de sangue da região serrana de Santa Catarina - Brasil Smoking prevalence in donors from the mountain region of Santa Catarina - Brazil

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    Celso Spada


    Full Text Available O tabagismo é um problema de saúde pouco explorado nos bancos de sangue, um dos motivos que objetivou este estudo, para tornar os dados disponíveis a outros pesquisadores, de forma a garantir a realização de novos estudos interdisciplinares sobre a situação transfusional e a qualidade do sangue doado pelo fumante, melhorando a qualidade de vida do doador. O estudo foi realizado mediante uma pesquisa de 3 mil candidatos aptos à doação de sangue no Hemocentro Regional de Lages. Para abordar o tabagismo foi elaborado um questionário que foi inserido na triagem clínica realizada rotineiramente com os candidatos à doação de sangue. Dos 3 mil doadores avaliados na pesquisa, 373 (12,4% eram fumantes, sendo 66,5% do sexo masculino, 77,2% da cor branca, 57,5% com idade entre 18 a 35 anos. O grau de escolaridade foi o ensino fundamental com 42,1%. Em relação ao número de doações anteriores, 43,1% doaram pela 1ª vez, 56,9% dos doadores eram de repetição. O número de cigarros fumados entre um e cinco por dia foi 30,8% e de seis a dez/dia, 33,2%. Os valores de hematócrito e hemoglobina, comparando grupos não fumantes e fumantes, diferiram significativamente uns dos outros. A prevalência de doadores fumantes verificada neste estudo foi considerada pequena, possivelmente não interferindo na qualidade do sangue, pois o percentual que traz problemas em relação a carboxi-hemoglobina está relacionado aos grandes fumantes, sendo a minoria dos doadores estudados. Faz-se necessário conhecer o perfil do doador fumante nos bancos de sangue do País para poder levar o conhecimento e informações através de campanhas educativas e preventivas.Exposure to smoking is a public health problem not very often explored in blood banks. This study was carried out for the purpose of making these data available to other researchers in order to develop new interdisciplinary studies concerning the blood quality donated by smokers. Exposure to smoking

  4. Efeito do tempo de conservação de polimorfonucleares do sangue de bezerros sobre o metabolismo oxidativo e a atividade de fagocitose de Escherichia coli

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    Elizabeth Bohland


    Full Text Available Foram avaliados os efeitos do tempo sobre o metabolismo oxidativo e a fagocitose de Escherichia coli, em amostras de polimorfonucleares (PMN do sangue, de cinco bezerros hígidos, conservadas em banho de gelo por duas (t2, quatro (t4, seis (t6, 12 (t12 e 24 (t24 horas. O metabolismo oxidativo foi avaliado utilizando o Diacetato 2' 7' Diclorofluoresceína (DCFH-DA e a E. coli, como estímulo. Para a fagocitose a mesma bactéria foi utilizada. As amostras foram analisadas por citometria de fluxo. O metabolismo oxidativo basal dos PMN do sangue de bezerros foi maior nos tempos t4, t6 e t12, do que em t2 (p<0,05. A intensidade de fluorescência do metabolismo oxidativo induzido pela bactéria foi maior nos tempos t4 e t6 do que em t2 (p<0,05. A comparação entre o metabolismo basal e induzido pela bactéria, em cada um dos tempos, mostrou que a maior diferença ocorreu em t2, com valores da média geométrica e desvios padrão respectivos de 18,3 ± 4,4 e 26,7 ± 1,8 (p< 0,05. A atividade de fagocitose, medida pela intensidade de fluorescência, foi maior para as amostras mantidas em gelo por 6 horas do que para t2, t4 e t12 (p<0,05. O percentual de fagocitose não diferiu entre os tempos. O tempo ideal para análise do metabolismo oxidativo foi o de duas horas. Maiores estudos são necessários para se verificar a influência do tempo de conservação na fagocitose de E. coli por PMN do sangue de bovinos.

  5. Eosinófilos sanguíneos e fecais em crianças infectadas por helmintos e protozoários


    Silva, Vanessa Marques de Araújo


    Em infecções parasitárias helmínticas a eosinofilia é um dos fatores essenciais à resistência do hospedeiro, entretanto, infecções com protozoários raramente resultam em eosinofilia periférica. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar infecções por enteroparasitas em crianças e associá-las com eosinófilos sanguíneos e fecais. Os exames parasitológicos efetuados pelo método de Blagg, a pesquisa de eosinófilos pelo tricômio e coloração por Leishman foram realizados em 346 crianças. Amostras posi...

  6. Utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas formuladas com base em proteína bruta e proteína ideal para frangos de corte de 22 a 42 dias de idade


    Cancherini,Luciana Cardoso; Junqueira,Otto Mack; Oliveira,Maria Cristina de; Andreotti,Marcelo de Oliveira; Barbosa,Maria José Baptista


    Foi conduzido um experimento para avaliar a utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas para frangos de corte de 22 a 42 dias de idade, formuladas com base nos conceitos de proteína bruta e proteína ideal. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2x2+1, ou seja, duas fontes de proteína de origem animal (farinha de vísceras de aves e farinha de sangue bovino), dois conceitos de formulação (proteína bruta e proteína ideal) e uma dieta controle à base de milho e f...

  7. Serum macro minerals in adults Thoroughbred horses, before and after the high intensity exercise. Macrominerais séricos em equinos atletas da raça Puro Sangue Inglês, antes e após exercício físico de alta intensidade

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    Regina Kiomi Takahira


    Full Text Available With the aim of analyzing the effect of high intensity physical activity on the serum values of macro minerals, 19 clinically health adults Thoroughbred horses, males and females from 3 to 5 years of age, were submitted to a galloping in a 2,000 meters sand track. Two blood samples were collected from each animal, one before and another after the high intensity exercise. The results had shown some significative changes (p<0.05 with an increase in the serum values of calcium and magnesium and a decrease in serum and potassium. Meanwhile, there were no alterations (p>0.05 in the concentration of phosphorus and potassium. It is concluded, therefore, that the high intensity exercise leads to transitory and physiologic changes in the serum concentration of macro minerals.Com o objetivo de analisar o efeito da atividade física de alta intensidade sobre os valores séricos dos macrominerais, 19 equinos adultos, com idade entre três e cinco anos, machos e fêmeas, clinicamente saudáveis da raça Puro Sangue Inglês, foram submetidos ao galope de corrida em pistas de areia, na distância de 2000 metros. De cada animal foram colhidas duas amostras de sangue, uma antes e outra após a realização do exercício físico de alta intensidade. A análise dos resultados obtidos demonstrou que houve alterações significativas nos valores séricos do cálcio e magnésio, que apresentaram elevação, e do sódio e cloreto, que apresentaram redução, enquanto não foram verificadas variações significativas nos teores séricos do fósforo e potássio. Conclui-se, portanto, que a atividade física de alta intensidade (galope de corrida altera, transitória e fisiologicamente, a concentração sérica dos macrominerais.

  8. Novo Jornalismo: fronteiras litero-factuais em A sangue Frio e em Radical Chique

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    Francisco Aquinei Timóteo Queirós


    Full Text Available A pesquisa busca analisar de que forma fato e ficção se entrecruzam no “movimento” do Novo Jornalismo, a partir das obras A sangue Frio e Radical Chique e o Novo Jornalismo, de Truman Capote e Tom Wolfe, respectivamente. Pretende-se, a partir da investigação do corpus em estudo, revelar os aspectos que aproximam o fato jornalístico, a notícia e a reportagem às técnicas literárias do romance, do conto e da crônica. O estudo investiga o Novo Jornalismo sob o viés de textos centrais das áreas de teoria literária e estudos jornalísticos utilizando autores como Mikhail Bakhtin, Hayden White, Paul Ricoeur, Muniz Sodré; além de referenciar outros escritores que, como Tom Wolfe e Truman Capote, fizeram parte de um grande movimento renovador do jornalismo literário nos anos 1950, 1960 e 1970 chamado, genericamente, de Novo Jornalismo.

  9. Ultrastructural characterization of bovine umbilical cord blood cells Caracterização ultra-estrutural das células sanguíneas do cordão umbilical bovino

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    Gustavo C Rodrigues


    Full Text Available The umbilical cord blood (UCB is an important source of pluripotent stem cells, which motivated researches on ontogeny and transplantation. The morphological characterization of umbilical cord cells is the first step to establish subsequent experiments on these areas. Although some information on humans can be found, no data on UCB is available for bovines. Therefore, this work is the first attempt to conduct an ultrastructural characterization of bovine umbilical cord blood. Blood was collected from the umbilical cord of twenty fetuses by punction of the umbilical vein. Samples were processed for whole leucocytes observation by centrifugation and the buffy coat was collected. Cells were washed and pelleted and prepared according to the standard protocol of the transmission electron microscopy. The presence of cells with morphologic characteristics compatible with the precursors from the erythrocytic, neutrophilic, eosinophilic, basophilic, and lymphocytic lineages was observed. Atypical cells with peculiar morphological features, strongly similar to apoptotic cells, were seen. Bovine neutrophils with three types of cytoplasmic granules were also found in the blood. The ultrastructural characteristics of observed bovine UCB cells where similar to those found in other species, suggesting that bovines could possibly constitute an experimental model for approaches on UCB cells research.O sangue de cordão umbilical (SCU é uma importante fonte de células progenitoras pluripotentes, que motiva pesquisas em ontogenia e transplantes. A caracterização morfológica das células de cordão umbilical é o primeiro passo para se estabelecer experimentos subsequentes nessas áreas. Embora algumas informações sobre SCU em humanos possam ser encontradas, não existe nenhuma informação disponível sobre elas em bovinos. Portanto, este trabalho é a primeira tentativa de se conduzir uma caracterização ultra-estrutural do sangue de cordão umbilical

  10. Importancia de implementar el bienestar animal durante embarque y desembarque de bovinos

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    Laura Marcela Arias Sánchez


    Full Text Available La ciencia del bienestar animal permite dar al animal las condiciones idóneas para mejorar su calidad de vida, esta ciencia evalúa el estado de un individuo frente a los intentos de afrontar los cambios del ambiente, basándose en el estado físico, fisiológico y mental de cada animal. En los sistemas de producción bovinos se desarrollan actividades que conllevan cambio de ambiente para los animales y el aumento de la interacción humano – animal, lo que ocasiona una alteración de las condiciones físicas, mentales y fisiológicas del animal, donde la actividad que genera mayores alteraciones en los bovinos es el transporte, especialmente el embarque y el desembarque, debido a las caídas, golpes, resbalones y cambios de ambiente que se reflejan en la presencia de hematomas, fracturas, contusiones y aumento de los niveles de estrés. Lo cual genera  lesiones de la canal que son el resultado de un impacto de los tejidos blandos acompañado de la ruptura de vasos sanguíneos y alteración de las propiedades organolépticas de la carne, donde el parámetro más importante es el pH, ya que si éste aumenta por los elevados niveles de estrés ante-mortem, favorece la proliferación de microorganismos, reduciendo así la vida útil del producto y convirtiendo el producto en un riesgo para la salud pública. Es por ello que el presente artículo busca identificar y analizar la importancia de implementar el bienestar animal en las actividades de embarque y desembarque en los sistemas de producción bovinos.

  11. Utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas para frangos de corte com base no conceito de proteínas bruta e ideal, no período de 43 a 49 dias de idade


    Cancherini,Luciana Cardoso; Junqueira,Otto Mack; Andreotti,Marcelo de Oliveira; Barbosa,Maria José Baptista; Oliveira,Maria Cristina de


    Foi conduzido um experimento para avaliar a utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em rações para frangos de corte, formuladas com base nas proteínas bruta e ideal no período de 43 a 49 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 600 frangos machos distribuídos em arranjo fatorial 2x2+1, com duas fontes de proteína de origem animal (farinha de vísceras de aves e farinha de sangue bovino), dois conceitos de formulação (proteínas bruta e ideal) e uma ração testemunha à base de milho e de farelo de soja...

  12. Digestibilidade aparente, crescimento folicular e concentração de metabólitos sanguíneos de éguas recebendo concentrado com semente de linhaça integral (Linum usitatissimum L. - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v31i2.598 Apparent digestibility, follicular growth and concentration of blood metabolites of mares receiving concentrate with whole linseed (Linum usitatissimum L. - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v31i2.598

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    Alessandra Aparecida Silva


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado para se avaliar a inclusão da semente de linhaça integral na dieta de éguas por meio da avaliação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e seu efeito no crescimento folicular e na concentração de metabólitos sanguíneos. Foram utilizadas 16 éguas, alimentadas com dois concentrados, sendo um sem semente de linhaça integral e outro com 10% de semente de linhaça integral, utilizando-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Foram avaliados os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDa para a MS, MM, PB, FB, FDN, FDA e EE. Para determinação dos parâmetros reprodutivos (duração do estro, intervalo entre aplicação da prostaglandina F2 alfa e o estro e tamanho do folículo ovulatório e sanguíneos (glicose, triglicerídeos, progesterona, colesterol total, HDL, LDL e VLDL, os animais receberam prostaglandina F2 alfa na dose de 1 mL animal-1 intramuscular-1 e no décimo dia, após ovulação, foi realizada a coleta de sangue. A inclusão da semente de linhaça integral aumentou (p 0,05 entre os dois tratamentos para os CDa da PB e EE. A inclusão da semente de linhaça integral na dieta de equinos melhorou a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, em especial da fração fibrosa da dieta e não apresentou alterações nos parâmetros reprodutivos e sanguíneosThe experiment was conducted to evaluate the inclusion of whole linseed in the diet of mares through the evaluation of the apparent digestibility coefficients of the nutrients and their effect in the follicular growth and concentration of blood metabolites. Sixteen mares were used, fed with two concentrates – one without whole linseed and the other with 10% whole linseed, using a randomized experimental design. The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC were measured for DM, MM, CP, CF, NDF, ADF and EE. In order to determine the reproductive parameters (duration of the estrus, interval between application of the

  13. Estudio de la hematología y la bioquímica sanguínea de las rapaces nocturnas ibéricas


    Agustí Montolío, Susana


    La importancia de la hematología y la bioquímica sanguínea en medicina aviar se refleja en el incremento de estudios destinados a la obtención de los intervalos de referencia en muchas especies de aves en general y en las Estrigiformesen particular. Para interpretar correctamente sus valores se requiere conocer la influencia que los factores ambientales, fisiológicos y metodológicos ejercen sobre los mismos. La edad es un factor muy relevante, especialmente en el primer periodo de vidalas ave...

  14. Proposta do uso de pool de sangue total como controle interno de qualidade em hematologia Proposal for the use of a pool of whole blood as internal quality control in hematology

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    Carina Daniele Schons


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A confiabilidade dos resultados do laboratório é garantida pela realização do controle de qualidade, que tem como funções básicas análise, pesquisa e prevenção da ocorrência de erros laboratoriais por meio de programas que abrangem tanto o controle interno quanto o externo. OBJETIVO: Propor a padronização de utilização de pool de sangue total como controle interno de qualidade no setor de hematologia. MÉTODO: Foram selecionadas amostras de sangue total, colhidas com ácido etilenodiaminotetracético (EDTA, de mesmos grupo sanguíneo e fator Rh, livres de interferentes, como hemólise, lipemia e icterícia. De um total de 30 ml de sangue total, obtiveram-se três alíquotas de 10 ml cada, às quais foram adicionados, respectivamente, 0 ml (sem adição, 1 ml e 5 ml de glicerol (conservante. As amostras foram avaliadas em contador automático ADVIA® 60. Após determinação dos valores de média e DP, todas as amostras foram avaliadas por um período de 45 dias úteis para confecção do gráfico de Levey-Jennings e verificação da estabilidade da amostra. RESULTADO E CONCLUSÃO: Podemos verificar que o pool de sangue total, preparado de acordo com a metodologia proposta, não apresenta estabilidade necessária para sua utilização, como controle interno alternativo no setor de hematologia.INTRODUCTION: The reliability of laboratory results is ensured by the implementation of quality control, which has basic functions, such as analysis, research and prevention of laboratory errors through programs that encompass both internal and external control. OBJECTIVE: To propose a standard method to use pooled whole blood as internal quality control in the Hematology division. METHOD: The selected whole blood samples were collected with EDTA, belonged to the same blood group and Rh factor and did not present interfering factors, such as hemolysis, lipemia and icterus. From a total of 30 ml of whole blood it was obtained 3

  15. Estudo comparativo entre o xenodiagnóstico artificial realizado imediatamente e quatro horas após a coleta de sangue


    Castro,Cleudson; Santos,Martinho Candido A.; Silveira,Celeste Aida


    Foi realizado xenodiagnóstico artificial, imediatamente e quatro horas após a coleta do sangue, em 63 pacientes, sendo 29 (46%) do sexo masculino e 34 (54%) do sexo feminino. A idade mínima foi 18 anos e a máxima 68, sendo a idade média 39 anos. Onze (17,5%) pacientes apresentaram resultados positivos, sendo 8 (12,7%) no exame imediato e 7 (11,1%) no exame 4 horas após. Os oito pacientes do exame imediato apresentaram 17 pools positivos e os sete do xenodiagnóstico de quatro horas mostraram 1...

  16. Screening of diseases transmissible by blood in recipients prior to transfusion at a university hospital in the northeast of Brazil Triagem de doenças transmissíveis por sangue em receptores de um hospital universitário no nordeste do Brasil, antes da transfusão

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    Cristina F. V. Carrazzone


    Full Text Available The Brazilian Ministry of Health has made tests for HIV1 and HIV2, HTLV I and HTLV II, HCV, HBV, T. cruzi, T. pallidum and Plasmodium in endemic areas, mandatory for all blood collection bags used in the country. However, blood-borne infectious diseases are not investigated in blood recipients before transfusion. For this study, a serological evaluation of recipients before transfusion was carried out. Prior to transfusion, serum samples from 159 blood recipients were analyzed using the same tests used in the serological screening of blood donors. The blood recipients were divided into three groups: Group 1 (G1, patients who had never received blood, Group 2 (G2, patients who had received multiple transfusions and Group 3 (G3 one-off recipients. SPSS v.8 was used for statistical analysis. Values of pO Ministério da Saúde brasileiro determina a realização de testes sorológicos para HIV 1 e 2, HTLV I e II, HCV, HBV, T. cruzi, T. pallidum e Plasmodium nas áreas endêmicas, em todas as bolsas de coleta de sangue utilizadas no País. Entretanto, as doenças infecciosas transmissíveis através do sangue não são inves­tigadas nos receptores de sangue (RS antes da transfusão. Neste estudo, realizamos uma avaliação sorológica dos RS anterior à transfusão. Amostras de soro de 159 RS foram analisadas aplicando-se os mesmos testes utilizados na triagem soro­lógica dos doadores de sangue. Os RS foram divididos em três grupos: Grupo 1 (G1, pacientes que nunca receberam sangue, Grupo 2 (G2, pacientes politransfundidos e Grupo 3 (G3 receptores eventuais. Para a análise estatística utilizou-se o pro­grama SPSS v.8. Valores de p<0,05 foram considerados signi­ficantes. Os resultados mostraram que 62 RS apresentaram positividade para uma ou mais doenças infecciosas trans­missíveis pelo sangue. Além disso, vários RS desconheciam seu estado sorológico anterior à transfusão. A identificação de doenças infecciosas transmissíveis pelo

  17. Heterozigose para hemoglobinopatias em doadores de sangue do Centro de Hemoterapia de Sergipe Heterozigosity to hemoglobinopathies in blood donors from the Hemotherapy Center in Sergipe, NE-Brazil

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    Wanessa L. P. Vivas


    Full Text Available As hemoglobinopatias, distúrbios geneticamente determinados da hemoglobina (Hb humana, estão presentes com freqüência elevada em várias partes do mundo, sendo que no Brasil as Hb anormais S e C são as mais prevalentes. Com o objetivo de identificar a presença de portadores saudáveis de genes para hemoglobinopatias entre doadores de sangue do Centro de Hemoterapia do Estado de Sergipe (Hemose, foram analisadas 1.345 amostras de doadores de sangue. Em todas as amostras foram realizados eritrograma automatizado e eletroforese de hemoglobina em acetato de celulose utilizando-se tampão Tris-EDTA-Borato pH 8,6. As amostras que apresentaram hemoglobinas anormais foram submetidas a teste de falcização, teste de solubilidade e Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Performance (HPLC. Foram identificadas 76 amostras com hemoglobinas anormais (5,6%, das quais 55 (4,1% com traço falciforme (Hb AS, 19 (1,4% com Hb AC, uma com Hb AD e outra sugestiva de beta-talassemia. Os resultados encontrados demonstram a necessidade de implantação da triagem para hemoglobinopatias entre doadores de sangue, pois desta maneira o receptor de sangue é beneficiado com produto de melhor qualidade, e o doador com a identificação de uma alteração genética que pode vir a se manifestar em seus descendentes.Hemoglobinopathies are genetically determined disorders that present in significant high frequencies in certain parts of the world. Despite of the existence of hundreds of known hereditary hemoglobinopathies, Brazilian studies have demonstrated that abnormal hemoglobins S and C are the most prevalent. With the objective of identifying the profile of hemoglobinopathies of blood donors at the Hemotherapy Center in the State of Sergipe (Hemose, 1345 samples of blood were analyzed. Initially automatic blood testing and electrophoreses in cellulose acetate using a Tris-EDTA-Borate buffer at pH 8.6 were carried out for all samples. Samples that presented with abnormal

  18. Ocular toxoplasmosis with positive polymerase chain reaction in peripheral blood: report of two cases, São Paulo State, Brazil = Toxoplasmose ocular com reação em cadeia da polimerase positiva em sangue periférico: relato de dois casos, estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Barbosa, Amanda Pires


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Descrever o uso da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR no sangue periférico e demonstrar sua importância no acompanhamento clínico de pacientes com toxoplasmose ocular. Descrição dos casos: Dois pacientes imunocompetentes foram clinicamente diagnosticados com toxoplasmose ocular aguda. Rotineiramente, a avaliação clínica foi feita por fundoscopia com o uso de oftalmoscópio binocular indireto, retinografia colorida, angiografia fluorescente e tomografia de coerência óptica espectral. A sorologia foi realizada por ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA e confirmada por ensaio imunoenzimático fluorescente ELFA (IgG, IgM. O diagnóstico molecular foi realizado por PCR em sangue periférico usando o gene B1 de Toxoplasma gondii como marcador. O paciente mais jovem era do sexo masculino, apresentava lesão prévia no olho direito, queixa de baixa acuidade visual no olho esquerdo e estava sob tratamento. O paciente mais velho era do sexo masculino, apresentava descolamento de retina e súbita diminuição de visão no olho direito. A fundoscopia revelou cicatriz coriorretiniana no olho esquerdo. Ambos os pacientes tinham IgG reagente, IgM não reagente e PCR positivo em sangue periférico. Novas amostras de sangue foram coletadas para monitoramento sorológico e molecular e a PCR permaneceu positiva em ambos os casos. Seis semanas após o início do tratamento com sulfadiazina e pirimetamina oral, os resultados do PCR tornaram-se negativos. Conclusões: Os resultados mostram que antígenos de T. gondii podem ser encontrados em sangue periférico durante as reativações oculares e que a PCR parece ser uma boa ferramenta para o acompanhamento de pacientes com toxoplasmose ocular

  19. Novo Jornalismo: fronteiras litero-factuais em A sangue Frio e em Radical Chique

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    Francisco Aquinei Timóteo Queirós


    Full Text Available A pesquisa busca analisar de que forma fato e ficção se entrecruzam no “movimento” do Novo Jornalismo, a partir das obras A sangue Frio e Radical Chique e o Novo Jornalismo, de Truman Capote e Tom Wolfe, respectivamente. Pretende-se, a partir da investigação do corpus em estudo, revelar os aspectos que aproximam o fato jornalístico, a notícia e a reportagem às técnicas literárias do romance, do conto e da crônica. O estudo investiga o Novo Jornalismo sob o viés de textos centrais das áreas de teoria literária e estudos jornalísticos utilizando autores como Mikhail Bakhtin, Hayden White, Paul Ricoeur, Muniz Sodré; além de referenciar outros escritores que, como Tom Wolfe e Truman Capote, fizeram parte de um grande movimento renovador do jornalismo literário nos anos 1950, 1960 e 1970 chamado, genericamente, de Novo Jornalismo.

  20. Utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas para frangos de corte com base no conceito de proteínas bruta e ideal, no período de 43 a 49 dias de idade Utilization of animal by-products in broilers diets based on the concept of crude and ideal protein in the period from 43 to 49 days of age

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    Luciana Cardoso Cancherini


    Full Text Available Foi conduzido um experimento para avaliar a utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em rações para frangos de corte, formuladas com base nas proteínas bruta e ideal no período de 43 a 49 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 600 frangos machos distribuídos em arranjo fatorial 2x2+1, com duas fontes de proteína de origem animal (farinha de vísceras de aves e farinha de sangue bovino, dois conceitos de formulação (proteínas bruta e ideal e uma ração testemunha à base de milho e de farelo de soja, com quatro repetições cada. As características avaliadas foram ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, rendimento de carcaça, peito e porcentagem de gordura abdominal. Os melhores ganho em peso e conversão alimentar foram obtidos quando a dieta à base de milho e farelo de soja foi utilizada. As farinhas de vísceras e de sangue e os conceitos de formulação não exerceram influência sobre as características avaliadas.One experiment was conducted to study the utilization of animal by-products in broilers diets based on the concept of crude and ideal protein form 43 to 49 days of age. Sixty hundred Ross male broilers were used in a factorial arrangement 2x2+1 (two animal sources by-products - poultry viscera meal and bovine blood meal crude and ideal protein and one basal diet (corn + soybean meal, envolving a total of five treatments with four replications of thirty broilers each. Weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion, carcass and breast yield and the abdominal fat percentage were evaluated. The best weight gain and feed conversion were obtained when birds were fed a corn and soybean meal based diet. The poultry viscera and bovine blood meals and formulation concepts did not influence on evaluated parameters.

  1. Importância da avaliação sorológica pré-transfusional em receptores de sangue The importance of pre-transfusional serological screening in blood transfusion recipients

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    Cristina F. V. Carrazzone


    Full Text Available A triagem sorológica em doadores de sangue, não possibilita segurança de 100% quanto à possibilidade de transmissão de agentes infecto-contagiosos. O Ministério da Saúde determina a realização de testes para sífilis, hepatite B e C, HIV, doença de Chagas, HTLV I/II e malária nas áreas endêmicas, em todas as unidades de sangue coletadas no Brasil. A amostra do doador deve ficar armazenada por um período mínimo de seis meses. Com relação aos receptores de sangue, o Ministério determina a realização de testes imuno-hematológicos pré-transfusionais tais como classificação ABO/Rh, pesquisa de anticorpos irregulares e testes de compatibilidade. Nesse caso, a amostra do receptor deve ficar armazenada por um período de dez dias. Considerando que algumas patologias testadas, quando não detectadas no doador, podem ser transmitidas e cursar durante décadas sem apresentar sintomas, um estudo de provas entre receptores e seus respectivos doadores fica comprometido. Um recente estudo no Brasil, envolvendo receptores sem passado transfusional, eventual e politransfundidos mostrou uma importante prevalência de patologias que podem ser transmitidas pelo sangue. O estudo revelou também que uma elevada percentagem dos receptores que apresentaram reatividade não tinha conhecimento prévio à transfusão do seu estado sorológico. A segurança transfusional e a importância da aplicação de testes sorológicos em receptores de sangue antes da transfusão são pontos discutidos na presente revisão.The serological screening of blood donors does not constitute a 100% guarantee of protection against the possible transmission of infectious and contagious agents. The Ministry of Health determines that tests for syphilis, hepatitis B and C, Aids, Chagas' disease and HTLV I/II, as well as malaria in endemic areas, are mandatory in all the blood collection bags used in Brazil. The samples from blood donors must be stored for six months

  2. Efeitos da orientação genetica fornecida a doadores de sangue com o traço falciforme : riscos e beneficios


    Roberto Benedito de Paiva e Silva


    Resumo: A triagem populacional de heterozigotos assintomáticos para fins de orientação genética é um procedimento bastante controvertido, por envolver o risco de rotulação, discriminação, estigmatização, perda de auto-estima e invasão de privacidade. Assim sendo, investigou-se no presente trabalho os efeitos da orientação genética fornecida a doadores de sangue portadores do traço falciforme (heterozigotos AS). Foram convidados, por carta, 92 doadores AS para receber orientação genética gratu...

  3. Efecto de la aplicación de oxitocina en variables críticas sanguíneas de cerdas distócicas


    González-Lozano, Miguel; Trujillo Ortega, Ma. Elena; Becerril-Herrera, Marcelino; Alonso-Spilsbury, María; Ramírez-Necoechea, Ramiro; Hernández-González, Rafael; Mota-Rojas, Daniel


    Con el propósito de evaluar las respuestas maternas a dosis baja de oxitocina en estado avanzado del parto en cerdas con eutocia y distocia materno-fetal, se seleccionaron 60 cerdas de la cruza Yorkshire x Landrace, 30 eutócicas y 30 con distocia materno-fetal. Las cerdas de cada grupo fueron divididas en subgrupos: 15 recibieron 0.083 UI/kg de oxitocina después de la expulsión del quinto lechón, las otras 15 no fueron tratadas. Se obtuvieron muestras sanguíneas en cada una de las cerdas medi...

  4. Lípidos sanguíneos en cerdos alimentados con pijiguao (Bactris gasipaes Kunth y lisina sintética

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    Janeth Colina R.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto de la harina de pijiguao y lisina sintética sobre los lípidos sanguíneos de cerdos en crecimiento y engorde. Materiales y métodos. El estudio se realizó en dos etapas. En la primera etapa se utilizaron 72 cerdos castrados en crecimientode 30 ± 0.5 kg, en un arreglo factorial 2x3: dos niveles de lisina sintética (0 y 2.70 g/kgy tres niveles de harina de pijiguao (0, 160 y 320 g/kg. En la segunda etapa se utilizaron 16 cerdos en engorde de 67.25 ± 1.17 kg, en un arreglo factorial 2x2: dos niveles de lisinasintética (0 y 2.70 g/kg y dos niveles de pijiguao (0 y 175 g/kg. Se determinaron las concentraciones séricas de triacilgliceroles, colesterol total y ácidos grasos. Resultados. Los cerdos en crecimiento que consumieron pijiguao presentaron menores (p<0.001concentraciones de colesterol que el grupo control (2.27 y 2.23 mmol/l vs 2.56 mmol/l y triacilgliceroles (0.34 y 0.28 mmol/l vs 0.42 mmol/l. El ácido oleico incrementó (p<0.01con el mayor nivel de pijiguao (20.78% a 28.84%, y la lisina aumentó (p<0.05 el ácidolinoleico (27.83% a 31.29%. Los cerdos alimentados con pijiguao y lisina mostraron menor (p<0.001 ácido palmítico que el grupo con pijiguao sin lisina (0.23 y 0.19% vs 0.45 y 0.62%, respectivamente. En la etapa de engorde los triacilgliceroles disminuyeron (p<0.05 en los cerdos alimentados con pijiguao y lisina (0.46 a 0.36 mmol/l. Los cerdos alimentados con pijiguao mostraron menor ácido linoleico y mayor ácido oleico (p<0.001. Conclusiones. Las dietas con pijiguao y lisina sintética no causaron efectos negativos sobre los lípidos sanguíneos de cerdos.

  5. Utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas formuladas com base em proteína bruta e proteína ideal para frangos de corte de 22 a 42 dias de idade Use of animal by-products in diets formulated based on crude and ideal protein fed to broilers from 22 to 42 days of age

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    Luciana Cardoso Cancherini


    Full Text Available Foi conduzido um experimento para avaliar a utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas para frangos de corte de 22 a 42 dias de idade, formuladas com base nos conceitos de proteína bruta e proteína ideal. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2x2+1, ou seja, duas fontes de proteína de origem animal (farinha de vísceras de aves e farinha de sangue bovino, dois conceitos de formulação (proteína bruta e proteína ideal e uma dieta controle à base de milho e farelo de soja, com quatro repetições. As características avaliadas foram ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, rendimentos de carcaça e de peito e gordura abdominal. O ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar não foram afetados pelas fontes de proteína e conceitos de formulação, no entanto, o teor de gordura abdominal foi menor nas aves alimentadas com farinha de vísceras que naquelas alimentadas com dieta contendo farinha de sangue.An experiment was conducted to evaluate the use of animal by-products in diets of broilers from 22 to 42 days of age, formulated based on crude and ideal protein concepts. The experimental design was a completely randomized in a factorial arrangement 2x2+1 with two animal protein sources (poultry viscera meal and bovine blood meal, two formulation concepts (based on crude and ideal protein and a control diet based on corn and soybean meal, with four replications. The evaluated characteristics were weight gain, feed intake, feed: gain ratio, carcass and breast yield and abdominal fat content. Weight gain, feed intake and feed: gain ratio were not affected by the protein sources and formulation concepts, however, abdominal fat content of broilers fed diets with poultry viscera meal was lower compared to birds that fed diets containing bovine blood meal.

  6. Plasma rico em plaquetas de coelhos: introdução a um modelo animal experimental Platelet-rich plasma in rabbits: introduction of one experimental animal model

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    Marco Antonio de Oliveira-Filho


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Muitas dúvidas ainda permanecem no que se refere às ações dos fatores de crescimento e do plasma rico em plaquetas sobre o mecanismo de reparação tissular. Há necessidade de serem esclarecidos pontos controversos ainda existentes. OBJETIVO: Obter o plasma rico em plaquetas em coelhos através de um método simplificado e ao mesmo tempo adequado, introduzindo um modelo experimental que possa ser utilizado em estudos posteriores. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 25 coelhas da raça Nova Zelândia e sem doenças prévias. Quinze mL de sangue de cada animal foi coletado, sendo 10 mL submetidos à dupla centrifugação. Para comprovar a efetividade do método proposto realizou-se contagem mecânica do sangue, bem como do produto final. RESULTADO: Obteve-se uma concentração média de plaquetas no plasma rico em plaquetas 687% maior que a contagem inicial observada no sangue venoso periférico. Para as variáveis: contagem inicial de plaquetas, contagem de plaquetas no plasma rico em plaquetas e enriquecimento, foram obtidos os limites de 95% de confiança para suas médias, sendo que, no que se refere ao percentual de enriquecimento, existe 95% de chance de que o intervalo de (530-844 contenha a média real de enriquecimento de plaquetas. CONCLUSÃO: O método simplificado utilizado permite a obtenção de plasma rico em plaquetas adequado permitindo seu uso em estudos dos fatores de crescimento nos mecanismos de reparação tecidual.BACKGROUND: Multiple uncertainties still exist about the action of the growth factors and the platelet-rich plasma on the mechanism of repair. AIM: To obtain the platelet-rich plasma in rabbits through a simplified and suitable method, creating an experimental model. METHODS: Twenty-five female New Zealand rabbits without previous diseases were used. Fifteen mL of blood of each rabbit was collected and 10 mL of the collected blood were twice centrifugated. To check the effectiveness of the proposed method

  7. Folato, vitamina B6 e B12: Ingestão dietética, níveis sanguíneos e relação com a concentração sérica de homocisteína em adolescentes de Indaiatuba, SP


    Josiane Steluti


    Introdução: O folato e outras vitaminas do complexo B estão metabolicamente relacionadas à elevação sanguínea do aminoácido homocisteína (hcy). Este, por sua vez, se mostrou associada ao aumento de risco de eventos adversos, sobretudo as doenças cardiovasculares. Objetivo: Investigar a ingestão dietética e níveis sanguíneos das vitaminas folato, B6, e B12, e sua relação com a concentração sérica de hcy, entre adolescentes Métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal, em adolescentes de ambos os...

  8. Avaliação de oxigenadores de sangue utilizando principios de transferencia de massa e tecnica de perda de carga


    Luis Melchert Faber Schmutzler


    Resumo: Oxigenadores de sangue tipo de membrana são construídos para trocarem gases de respiração através de uma área de contato, a sua chamada área de troca. Devido a características do processo de fabricação, esta área pode softer variações. Neste trabalho procurou-se desenvolver métodos de avaliação da variação desta área, por meio da medição da transferência de massa e da perda de carga. A técnica utilizando transferência de massa gerou dois métodos de avaliação, um utilizando como fase l...

  9. Sideropenia sem anemia em doadores de sangue do Hemocentro do Amazonas - Hemoam Sideropenia without anemia in blood donors of the Amazon Blood Bank - Hemoam

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    Leny N. M. Passos


    Full Text Available Uma doaç��o de aproximadamente 475mL de sangue depleta em média 242 ± 17 mg de ferro do doador, o que pode ter conseqüências variáveis em suas reservas e na sua saúde. Tivemos por objetivo avaliar se doadores de sangue do Hemocentro do Amazonas - Hemoam desenvolvem sideropenia sem anemia após doações consecutivas. A ferritina sérica foi medida em 528 doadores de sangue, do sexo masculino, com idade entre 18 a 61 anos, divididos em 313 doadores de repetição, com 4 ou mais doações regulares, e 215 primodoadores, que compareceram ao Hemocentro do Amazonas no período de setembro de 2001 a junho de 2002. Depleção do depósito de ferro, definida por níveis de ferritina menores de 20 ng/L, foi encontrada em 7,4% [16/215] dos primodoadores e em 48,6% [152/313] dos doadores de repetição. Utilizando-se de um critério mais rigoroso, como valores de ferritina A blood donation of 475 mL could deplete 242 ± 17 mg of iron from blood donors. The objective of this report is to evaluate if blood donors could develop sideropenia without anemia after several donations. Serum levels of ferritin were measured in 528 male blood donors, with ages ranging from 18 to 61 years old. A total of 313 of them had made 4 or more donations and 215 of them were first time donors. They donated blood in the Hemocentro do Amazonas - Hemoam, from September 2001 to June 2002. Deletion of iron stores characterized by serum ferritin levels of less than 20 ng/L was found in 7.4% (16/215 of first time donors, and in 48.6% (152/313 of multiple donors. With more stringent criteria of ferritin values less than 12 ng/L, 3.7% (8/215 of first-time donors as opposed to 24.9% (78/313 of multiple donors showed severe depletions. We concluded that multiple donors, after more than 5 repeated donations, are at risk of depleted iron and ferritin levels. It is important to implant protocols of iron supplementation for these donors to avoid damage to their health and

  10. Guerra-Peixe: da trilha sonora do filme O diabo mora no sangue ao Prelúdio nº 2 para violão Guerra-Peixe: from the soundtrack of the film O diabo mora no sangue [The Devil dwells in the blood] to the Prelude No 2 for classical guitar

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    Clayton Vetromilla


    Full Text Available O presente texto apresenta as conclusões a que chegamos ao verificar a afirmação do violonista Nélio Rodrigues, segundo a qual o Prelúdio nº 2 para violão (1970 de César Guerra-Peixe foi "idealizado" a partir da trilha sonora do filme O diabo mora no sangue (1967 de Cecil Albery Thiré. Depois de discutir questões gerais acerca da partitura dos cinco Prelúdios para violão publicada em 1973, aproximamos as características do Prelúdio nº 2 não só com os recursos anteriormente utilizados por Guerra-Peixe na música composta para o citado filme, como também nos duos para canto e violão Nesta manhã; Resta, sim, é remover; e Mãe d'água (1969.The present text presents our conclusions on examining guitar player Nélio Rodrigues's statement that Prelude No. 2 for Guitar (1970 by César Guerra-Peixe was "idealized" from the soundratck of the film O Diabo Mora no Sangue (1967, The Devil Dwells in the Blood, by Cecil Albery Thiré. After discussing general questions relating the score of the five Preludes for Guitar published in 1973, we compare the characteristics of Prelude No. 2 not only to the resources previously used by Guerra-Peixe in the music composed for the mentioned film but also to those used in the duos for song and guitar Nesta Manhã (This Morning; Resta, Sim, É Remover (It Will Have to Be Removed; and Mãe d'Água (1969.

  11. Guerra-Peixe: da trilha sonora do filme O diabo mora no sangue ao Prelúdio nº 2 para violão Guerra-Peixe: from the soundtrack of the film O diabo mora no sangue [The Devil dwells in the blood] to the Prelude No 2 for classical guitar


    Clayton Vetromilla


    O presente texto apresenta as conclusões a que chegamos ao verificar a afirmação do violonista Nélio Rodrigues, segundo a qual o Prelúdio nº 2 para violão (1970) de César Guerra-Peixe foi "idealizado" a partir da trilha sonora do filme O diabo mora no sangue (1967) de Cecil Albery Thiré. Depois de discutir questões gerais acerca da partitura dos cinco Prelúdios para violão publicada em 1973, aproximamos as características do Prelúdio nº 2 não só com os recursos anteriormente utilizados por Gu...

  12. Leucodistrofia metacromática: estudo dos aminácidos livres no sangue, urina, saliva e líquido cefalorraqueano

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    Ovidio D. Escalante


    Full Text Available É registrado, presumivelmente pela primeira vez na literatura, o aumento da aminacidúria em casos de leucodistrofia metacromática. Mediante cromatografia circular e bidimensional foram estudados os aminácidos livres na urina, sangue, saliva e líquido cefalorraqueano de dois casos familiais de leucodistrofia metacromática. No sangue foi verificado aumento da concentração de cistina, ácido as-pártico, glicina, ácido glutâmico, alanina, prolina, tirosina e fenilalanina. Na urina encontravam-se elevados o ácido aspártico, cistina, alanina, prolina, tirosina e fenilalanina. Na saliva foi notado aumento do ácido a-y-diaminobutírico, ácido glutâmico, alanina e prolina. No líquido cefalorraqueano o ácido aspártico, alanina, prolina e fenilalanina encontravam-se em maiores concentrações. Além disso, estavam presentes 6 aminácidos não identificados. Um dêles desintegrava-se em três componentes e uma destas frações comportava-se como um polipeptídeo, provàvelmente identificável a uma substância composta de ácido glutâmico, glicina e ácido aspártico. Esta substância poderia integrar um complexo polipéptido-lipídico resultante de um dismetabolismo lipídico, já conhecido nas leucodistrofias, associado a um distúrbio do metabolismo protêico, agora relatado. Os resultados são comparados com os dados referidos na literatura relativa às concentrações de aminácidos no líquido cefalorraqueano e urina de algumas afecções nervosas de caráter desmielinizante. No líquido cefalorraqueano o perfil da leucodistrofia metacromática se assemelha aos anteriormente encontrados na moléstia de Niemann-Pick, na degeneração ce-rebromacular e na "esclerose difusa". Na urina as alterações se aproximam das que ocorrem na moléstia de Hartnup.

  13. Utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas formuladas com base em proteína bruta e proteína ideal para frangos de corte de 1 a 21 dias de idade Use of animal by-products in diets formulated based on crude and ideal protein fed to broiler from 1 to 21 days of age

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    Luciana Cardoso Cancherini


    Full Text Available Foi conduzido um experimento para avaliar a utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas para frangos de corte, formuladas com base na proteína bruta ou proteína ideal. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2x2+1, com duas fontes de proteína de origem animal (farinha de vísceras de aves e farinha de sangue bovino, dois conceitos de formulação (proteína bruta e proteína ideal e uma dieta testemunha à base de milho e farelo de soja, com quatro repetições. As características avaliadas foram ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar. Houve efeito significativo das interações entre fontes de proteína de origem animal e conceitos de formulação para consumo de ração e ganho de peso. Quanto à conversão alimentar, não houve diferença significativa na interação e os melhores valores de conversão alimentar foram encontrados quando se incorporou a farinha de vísceras às dietas. Os melhores ganhos de peso foram obtidos com as dietas com farinha de sangue formuladas com base na proteína bruta e com farinha de vísceras de aves com base na proteína ideal.An experiment was conducted to evaluate the use of animal by-products in broiler diets, formulated based on crude and ideal protein. The experimental design was a completely randomized in a factorial arrangement 2x2+1, with two animal protein sources (poultry viscera meal and bovine blood meal, two formulation concepts (based on crude and ideal protein and a control diet based on corn and soybean meal, with four replications. The evaluated characteristics were weight gain, feed intake and feed: gain ratio. There was a significant effect of the interaction animal protein source x formulation concepts on feed intake and weight gain. There was not significant effect of the interaction on feed: gain ratio and the best values were found when the poultry viscera meal was added to the diets. The best weight gains were obtained with the

  14. Guerra-Peixe: da trilha sonora do filme O diabo mora no sangue ao Prelúdio nº 2 para violão


    Vetromilla, Clayton


    O presente texto apresenta as conclusões a que chegamos ao verificar a afirmação do violonista Nélio Rodrigues, segundo a qual o Prelúdio nº 2 para violão (1970) de César Guerra-Peixe foi "idealizado" a partir da trilha sonora do filme O diabo mora no sangue (1967) de Cecil Albery Thiré. Depois de discutir questões gerais acerca da partitura dos cinco Prelúdios para violão publicada em 1973, aproximamos as características do Prelúdio nº 2 não só com os recursos anteriormente utilizados por Gu...

  15. Entrenamiento con restricción del flujo sanguíneo e hipertrofia muscular. [Blood flow restriction training and muscle hypertrophy].

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    Carlos Reina-Ramos


    Full Text Available El entrenamiento de fuerza orientado a aumentar la masa muscular se ha convertido en un objetivo común en programas de entrenamiento tanto en deportistas de alto rendimiento como en personas que realizan programas de actividad física con objetivo de mejorar su salud o calidad de vida. Generalmente, el trabajo de fuerza orientado hacia la hipertrofia muscular se ha asociado con la utilización de altas cargas de trabajo (70-85% de 1 RM. Actualmente, se ha propuesto que el entrenamiento de fuerza con cargas de tan solo el 20% de 1 RM realizadas en condiciones de restricción del flujo sanguíneo podría provocar incrementos en los niveles de fuerza y masa muscular similares a los observados al ejercitarse con cargas altas. Dado que ciertos colectivos podrían beneficiarse del empleo de bajas cargas en sus programas de entrenamiento orientados a incrementar la masa muscular, el objetivo del presente trabajo de revisión bibliográfica ha sido el de revisar en la literatura las evidencias que existen en torno a la efectividad del entrenamiento con restricción del flujo sanguíneo a la hora de provocar hipertrofia muscular. Abstract Strength training focuses on increasing muscle mass has become in a frequent target in training programs in both elite athletes and people performing physical activity programs to improve their health or quality of life. Generally, the resistance training oriented muscle hypertrophy has been associated with the use of high workloads (70-85% of 1RM. Currently, it has been proposed that the resistance training with loads of only 20% 1RM under conditions of restricted blood flow can induce increases in strength levels similar to resistance training with high intensities. Because certain groups could benefit from the use of low loads in their strength training programs designed to increase muscle mass, the objective of the present study was to review the literature on the existing evidence about the effectiveness of blood

  16. Efeitos da suplementação carboidratada e de diferentes tipos de treinamento físico sobre as concentrações de células sanguíneas

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    Airton José Rombaldi


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A participação dos atletas em sessões de exercício intenso e prolongado pode fazer declinar o número circulante e a capacidade funcional dos leucócitos. Por outro lado, o consumo de uma solução carboidratada pode atenuar os efeitos imunossupressivos do exercício. OBJETIVO: Verificar os efeitos do exercício aeróbio e anaeróbio, além da suplementação carboidratada sobre as concentrações sanguíneas da contagem total e diferencial de leucócitos, hemoglobina e glicose sérica de ratos Wistar. MÉTODOS: Sessenta e nove Ratos machos Wistar (60 dias foram divididos em seis grupos: sedentários não suplementados (n = 12 e suplementados (n = 12; treinados em estado estável máximo de lactato (EEML não suplementados (n = 11 e suplementados (n = 11; treinados em alta intensidade não suplementados (n = 12 e suplementados (n = 11. O protocolo de treinamento consistiu de oito semanas de natação em padrão contínuo em EEML (60 min.dia-1 ou intermitente (dois períodos de 30 minutos, com intervalo de 10 minutos, com sobrecargas correspondentes a 5% e 10% do peso corporal, respectivamente. Durante 37 dias os animais foram suplementados com uma dose diária de 0,48 de maltodextrina dissolvida em água ou receberam água pura. RESULTADOS: Não houve efeito da suplementação carboidratada e dos dois tipos de treinamento nas concentrações de leucócitos sanguíneos. O exercício anaeróbio (p = 0,04 e o uso da maltodextrina (p = 0,003 proporcionaram elevações nas concentrações de hemoglobinas sanguíneas, enquanto o exercício aeróbio ocasionou aumento na concentração da glicose sérica (p < 0,02. CONCLUSÃO: Os diferentes tipos de exercícios não estiveram envolvidos com leucopenia, hipoglicemia ou anemia que poderiam levar a fadiga muscular precoce e queda do desempenho.



    Carvalho, Thiago Bernardino de; Menezes, Shirley Martins; Zen, Sergio de; Lot, Luiz Rodrigo Teixeira


    O Brasil é reconhecidamente um dos maiores fornecedores mundiais de carnes, responsável por parte do abastecimento de diversos países. Nesse início de 2006 o MAPA relaciona 270 matadouros de bovinos e 123 de suínos distribuídos em todo o território nacional como SIF. De acordo com os dados do IBGE, os abates de bovinos totalizam cerca de 20,7 milhões de cabeças em 2005 e os de suínos, 21,8 cabeças, volumes que vêm aumentando ano após ano. O aproveitamento do sangue, assim como de outros subpr...

  18. Efeito do tempo de conservação de polimorfonucleares do sangue de bezerros sobre o metabolismo oxidativo e a atividade de fagocitose de Escherichia coli


    BOHLAND, Elizabeth; SÁ-ROCHA, Vanessa de Moura; CYRILLO, Fernanda Cavallini; BENESI, Fernando José


    Foram avaliados os efeitos do tempo sobre o metabolismo oxidativo e a fagocitose de Escherichia coli, em amostras de polimorfonucleares (PMN) do sangue, de cinco bezerros hígidos, conservadas em banho de gelo por duas (t2), quatro (t4), seis (t6), 12 (t12) e 24 (t24) horas. O metabolismo oxidativo foi avaliado utilizando o Diacetato 2' 7' Diclorofluoresceína (DCFH-DA) e a E. coli, como estímulo. Para a fagocitose a mesma bactéria foi utilizada. As amostras foram analisadas por citometria de f...


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    Christine Noiville


    Full Text Available Neste artigo teve-se por objetivo refletir sobre o caráter simbólico da circulação do sangue e a exploração de informações genéticas de povos indígenas. Para esse fim, compararam-se dois casos, colocando em jogo a coleta de sangue irregular. O primeiro, a respeito do povo Yanomami, foi objeto de um acordo internacional, realizado entre o Ministério Público Federal e universidades norte-americanas, o que resultou no repatriamento das amostras de sangue ao Brasil. O segundo, a respeito do povo Karitiana, deu lugar a uma ação civil pública, proposta pelo Ministério Público Federal, que resultou em uma indenização ordenada pelo Tribunal Regional Federal da 1ª Região por dano moral sofrido pelos índios. Os dois casos convidam a examinar três questões sensíveis: a vulnerabilidade dos povos indígenas em face ao princípio do consentimento livre e esclarecido, exigido para a coleta do material genético; a insuficiência do princípio da gratuidade e o desafio da repartição de benefícios, quando se trata de explorar as informações genéticas humanas; e as recompensas comparadas da indenização financeira e da restituição das amostras em face às aspirações igualitárias dos povos indígenas em questão. Palavras-chave: Coleta de sangue. Consentimento livre e esclarecido. Contrato de repartição de benefícios. Dano moral. Povos indígenas.

  20. Prevalência de paracoccidioidomicose-infecção determinada através de teste sorológico em doadores de sangue na região Noroeste do Paraná, Brasil

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    Maluf Márcia Luzia Ferrarezi


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho, empregamos uma metodologia de alta sensibilidade, o teste de ELISA clássico, com o objetivo de avaliar os níveis de anticorpos anti Paracoccidioides brasiliensis em indivíduos saudáveis, residentes na região Noroeste do Paraná. Foram analisados 680 soros de doadores de sangue aprovados pela triagem sorológica clássica de Bancos de Sangue. Os doadores eram residentes em quatro municípios. O exo-antígeno empregado foi o Ag7dias, soros diluídos 1/400, conjugado anti-IgG humana marcada com peroxidase e revelada com orto-fenilenodiamina. Foi possível detectar 181 (27% soros com níveis de anticorpos acima do valor de corte. Essa porcentagem variou entre os municípios amostrados: Campo Mourão, Maringá, Cianorte e Umuarama. Nossos resultados, aliados às condições climáticas e geográficas favoráveis, além de relatos anteriores de casos de PCM autóctones da região, permitem sugerir que a região Noroeste do Paraná seja região endêmica para PCM.

  1. Comparing the prevalence rates of social phobia in a community according to ICD-10 and DSM-III-R Comparando estimativas de prevalência da fobia social na comunidade empregando-se a CID-10 e a DSM-III-R

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    Fábio Lopes Rocha


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This population-based study aimed to compare the prevalence rates of social phobia using DSM-III-R and CID-10, based on the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI, in a Brazilian community. METHODS: This survey was carried out in a representative sample of 1,041 residents from Bambuí, Minas Gerais, Brazil (attrition rate = 14.7%. The Brazilian version of the CIDI was used. One-month, one-year and lifetime social phobia prevalence rates were estimated, employing the DSM-III-R and ICD-10 classifications, using the CIDI computer program. RESULTS: One-month, one-year, and life prevalence rates of social phobia, based on the DSM-III-R (7.9, 9.0 and 11.7% respectively were higher than those based on the ICD-10 (4.7, 5.2 and 6.7% respectively; p OBJETIVO: Este estudo populacional visa comparar estimativas de prevalência de fobia social empregando-se a CID-10 e a DSM-III-R em uma comunidade brasileira. MÉTODOS: O levantamento foi realizado em uma amostra representativa de 1.041 residentes de Bambuí, Minas Gerais, Brasil (perda = 14,7%. Foi utilizada a versão brasileira da Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI. As prevalências de 1 mês, 1 ano e vida foram estimadas empregando-se as classificações CID-10 e DSM-III-R, utilizando-se o programa de computador da CIDI. RESULTADOS: As prevalências de 1 mês, 1 ano e vida da fobia social, baseadas na DSM-III-R (7,9, 9,0 e 11,7% respectivamente foram mais elevadas que aquelas baseadas na CID-10 (4,7, 5,2 e 6,7%, respectivamente; p < 0,01 para todos. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados reforçam a hipótese de que as taxas de prevalência de fobia social são mais elevadas quando baseadas na DSM-III-R em comparação com a CID-10.

  2. Rastreamento sorológico para doenças infecciosas em banco de sangue como indicador de morbidade populacional Serological screening for infectious diseases in blood donors as morbidity indicator

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    Ana Lúcia S. S. de Andrade


    Full Text Available É discutido o valor do rastreamento sorológico para doença de Chagas, sífilis, hepatite B e AIDS realizado por bancos de sangue como indicador de morbidade populacional. Foram analisados os dados referentes a 62.814 doações de sangue obtidas em dois bancos de sangue públicos e três privados correspondendo ao total das doações no período de outubro de 1985 a outubro de 1987 em Goiânia, Goiás (Brasil. A soroprevalência foi comparada com dados obtidos pela notificação compulsória das doenças e com inquéritos epidemiológicos disponíveis. Foi encontrada soroprevalência para AIDS de 0,0@% para um único exame de ELISA, estimando-se em 1.900 o número de indivíduos supostamente infectados em Goiás, número compatível com o esperado quando se trabalha com dados de notificação. Para a doença de Chagas, hepatite B e sífilis foram observadas soroprevalências de até 3,3%, 1,3% e 4,1%, respectivamente. Foram discutidas as dificuldades encontradas para validação desses resultados pela ausência de notificação compulsória e características particulares dos inquéritos sorológicos.Screening tests of 62,814 blood donations carried out between October 85 and October 87 in all five blood banks of Goiânia, Central Brazil, were analysed. The private institutions (3 blood banks collected 80% of all donations and the remaining were collected by public blood banks. Seroprevalence of HIV, HBsAg, Chagas' disease and syphilis were compared with data obtained in the surveillance system and from previous surveys in an attempt to validate this source of health information. A seroprevalence of 0.07% for AIDS (one ELISA test was calculated, which may suggest the presence of 1900 infected individuals, in the population of the State of Goiás as a whole. This figure seems reasonably close to the official data obtained by compulsory notification. For Chagas' disease, hepatitis B and syphilis seroprevalence of 3.3%, 1.3% and 4.1% were

  3. Chumbo no sangue de crianças e passivo ambiental de uma fundição de chumbo no Brasil Blood lead levels in children and environmental legacy of a lead foundry in Brazil

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    Fernando Martins Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar os níveis de chumbo no sangue de crianças que moravam próximo a uma fundição de chumbo desativada na Cidade de Santo Amaro da Purificação, Estado da Bahia, em setembro de 1998; e identificar fatores associados à variação destes níveis. MÉTODOS: Estudo de corte transversal com crianças de 1 a 4 anos de idade que residiam a menos de 1 km da fundição. Mães ou responsáveis por 47 crianças responderam questionários sobre transtornos do hábito alimentar (comer barro, terra, reboco ou outros materiais e outros aspectos epidemiológicos relevantes. A concentração de chumbo no sangue foi determinada por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. RESULTADOS: O nível médio de chumbo foi de 17,1 ± 7,3 mig/dL. Os níveis de chumbo no sangue foram cerca de 5 mig/dL mais elevados em crianças que tinham transtorno do hábito alimentar, independentemente da idade, presença de escória visível no peridomicílio, situação de emprego do pai, história familiar de intoxicação pelo chumbo e desnutrição. CONCLUSÕES: O passivo ambiental da fundição de chumbo, desativada em 1993, permanece como um fator de risco relevante para elevar os níveis desse metal no sangue de crianças, particularmente aquelas que apresentam transtornos do hábito alimentar.OBJECTIVE: To determine the blood lead levels in children living an inactive lead foundry in the city of Santo Amaro da Purificação,state of Bahia, in September of 1998; and to identify factors associated with differences in these levels. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with children between 1 and 4 years of age living within 1 km of the lead foundry. Mothers or guardians of 47 children answered a questionnaire concerning ingestion of clay, soli, plaster and / or other materias (pica,and other relevant epidemiological aspects. The concentration of lead in blood was determined by atermined by atomic absorption espectrophotometry. RESULTS: The mean lead level was 17

  4. Importância do método de gota espessa de sangue no diagnóstico de filárias simpátricas no Amazonas, Brasil The importance of thick blood film method for sympatric filarial diagnosis in Amazon basin

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    Jansen F Medeiros


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho relata os métodos de diagnósticos para filárias humanas no sangue, referindo-se a importância do método de gota espessa em relação aos métodos de filtração em membrana de policarbonato e Knott na diferenciação das espécies de microfilárias, principalmente em áreas de ocorrência de mais de uma espécie, como em regiões do Amazonas. Lâminas com microfilárias de Mansonella ozzardi foram montadas e fotografadas pelos diferentes métodos de diagnósticos. O método da gota espessa de sangue é o mais confiável, pois permite visualizar com nitidez o espaço cefálico e caudal, disposição dos núcleos caudais e formato da cauda, que são características morfológicas que diferenciam as espécies de microfilárias sanguíneas que ocorrem no Amazonas.In this work, the visual diagnostic methods for human filarias in the blood are evaluated. The thick blood film method is more faithful to identify the microfilariae species if compared to policarbonate membrane filtration and Knott methods, especially in areas where more than one species occur, as in Amazon basin. Slides with Mansonella ozzardi microfilariae were mounted and photographed by different diagnosis methods. The thick blood film method is much easier to see the diagnostic morphological characters as cephalic and caudal space, pattern of nucleation of the tail and tail shape that can separate the blood Amazonian microfilariae species.


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    Júlio Augusto Naylor Lisbôa


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de verificar o tempo de viabilidade de amostras de sangue venoso bovino destinadas ao exame hemogasométrico, quando conservadas em banho de água gelada, selecionaram-se 14 bovinos (7 machos e 7 fêmeas, clinicamente sadios, entre 1 e 5 anos de idade. Colheram-se, de cada animal, 2 amostras de sangue (10ml cada, por punção da veia jugular, com o emprego de seringas plásticas contendo cerca de 1.000UI de heparina sódica, tomando-se os cuidados de eliminar quaisquer bolhas de gás presentes, e de manter vedada a extremidade da agulha com rolha de borracha. Cada uma do par de seringas foi mantida, distintamente, à temperatura ambiente (entre 23 e 30ºC ou submersa em água gelada (entre zero e 4ºC. As determinações do pH, pressões parciais venosas de dióxido de carbono (PvCO2 e de oxigênio (PvO2, bicarbonato (HCO3-, total de dióxido de carbono (TCO2, excesso ou déficit de bases (BE, bicarbonato padrão (StB, saturação de oxigênio (SatO2 e do conteúdo de oxigênio (O2 foram realizadas imediatamente e com 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 e 24 horas após a colheita. Em cada um dos critérios de manutenção do material, os resultados foram avaliados por meio da análise de variância de medidas repetidas. Consideradas as diferenças entre os valores médios obtidos em cada tempo e aquele da avaliação inicial, os resultados indicaram que as alterações "in vitro" das amostras não conservadas já eram marcantes a partir de 2 ou 3 horas, caracterizando-se por reduções contínuas do pH, PvO2, BE, StB, Sat O2 e O2, e por elevação gradativa da PvCO2. No sangue conservado, ao contrário, o valor de pH não exibiu diferença do original durante as primeiras 4 horas, e os de PvCO2, BE e StB mantiveram-se inalterados por até 6 horas após a colheita. A análise dos resultados permitiu concluir que as amostras de sangue venoso bovino destinadas ao exame de hemogasometria podem permanecer viáveis por até 6 horas, quando

  6. Uma nova hemogregarina no sangue de Bufo crucifer wied, 1821 do Brasil A new hemogregarine in the blood of Bufo crucifer wied, 1821 from Brazil

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    Maria Auxiliadora de Sousa


    Full Text Available A ocorrência de hemagregarinas no sangue dos sapos que examinamos (Bufo crucifer, B. marinus e Melanophryniscus moreirae revelou-se extremamente rara; apenas um exemplar de B. crucifer procedente de Manguinhos (Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara apresentou-se parasitado. As formas sanguíneas encontradas eram intra-eritrocitárias, medindo em média 10,8/ 3,6µ; não as identificamos como trofozoítos ou gametócitos e discutimos este fato. As hemácias parasitadas tinham dimensões normais, porém podiam ter o núcleo deslocado. Supomos ser esta a primeira referência a hemogregarinas neste hospedeiro. Não encontramos identidade entre as formas que descrevemos e aquelas referidas em outras espécies de sapos; fornecemos uma lista das hemogregarinas achadas nestes hospedeiros. Denominamos provisoriamente os parasitos que encontramos Haemogregarina "sensu lato", até que novos dados sobre seu ciclo evolutivo sejam conhecidos.The occurrence of hemogregarines in the blood of Brazilian toads that we have examined (Bufo crucifer, B. Marinus and Melanophryniscus moreirae has displayed very scarce; only one specimen of B. crucifer from Manguinhos (Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara was infected. The blood forms that we found were intraerythrocytic, averaging 10,8 by 3,6µ; we did not differenciate them as thophozoites or as gametocytes and we discuss this fact. The infected erythrocytes were not hypertrophied and their nucleus was normal and sometimes displaced. We think that it is the first reference to hemogregarines in this host. We did not evidence identity among the forms that we described and those reported in other species of toads; we give a list of hemogregarines found in those hosts. We provisorily named the parasites that we found Haemogregarina "sensu lato", until new data about their life cycle become known.

  7. Blood carbonyl protein measurement as a specific oxidative stress biomarker after intestinal reperfusion in rats Dosagem da proteína carbonilada sanguínea como biomarcador específico do estresse oxidativo após reperfusão intestinal em ratos

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    Márcio José Jamel


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: An experimental study was performed to investigate the use of protein carbonyl group as a specific biological marker for oxidative stress in a rat model of intestinal ischaemia-reperfusion. METHODS: Twenty four male Wistar rats were randomly distributed into three groups with eight animals each: Group 1 - Control group; Group 2 - Sham; Group 3 - Intestinal ischaemia by clamping ileal branches of the superior mesenteric artery for one hour, followed by another hour of reperfusion. Blood samples were taken in order to analyze the protein carbonyl level by Slot blotting assay. RESULTS: In group 3 a significant increase of protein carbonyl level was observed if compared to the homogenous levels of groups 1 and 2. CONCLUSION: From the results it may be concluded that the protein carbonylation may be used as a specific marker for measuring oxidative stress in rat intestinal reperfusion model.OBJETIVO: Realizou-se um estudo experimental com a finalidade de investigar o uso da proteína carbonilada como um marcador biológico específico do estresse oxidativo em um modelo de isquemia e reperfusão intestinal, em ratos. MÉTODOS: Vinte e quarto ratos da linhagem Wistar, machos foram distribuídos, aleatoriamente, em três grupos compostos por oito animais cada: Grupo 1 - Controle; Grupo 2 - Simulação e Grupo 3 - Submetido à isquemia, mediante clampeamento de ramos ileais da artéria mesentérica superior por uma hora, seguida de reperfusão, por igual período. Amostras sanguíneas obtidas foram utilizadas para analise dos níveis de proteína carbonilada, através do método Slot blotting. RESULTADOS: No grupo 3 houve uma elevação significante da concentração de proteína carbonilada sérica se comparada aos níveis sanguíneos homogêneos encontrados nos grupos 1 e 2. CONCLUSÃO: Fundamentado nos resultados é possível concluir que, a carbonilação protéica pode ser utilizada como um marcador específico para a mensuração do

  8. Efeitos agudos de vários métodos de treinamento de força no lactato sanguíneo e características de cargas em homens treinados recreacionalmente Los efectos de variados métodos de entrenamiento de resistencia sobre el lactato sanguíneo y características medias en hombres entrenados de forma recreativa The acute effects of varied resistance training methods on blood lactate and loading characteristics in recreationally trained men

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    Paulo Gentil


    Full Text Available Diversos métodos de treinamento de força (MTF foram desenvolvidos com o propósito de manipular os estímulos fisiológicos e obter melhores resultados com o treinamento. O propósito do presente estudo foi comparar as respostas metabólicas e mecânicas entre sete diferentes MTF descritos na literatura. Os MTF foram comparados com relação ao lactato sanguíneo, tempo sob tensão (TST e sobrecarga total (TST x carga em jovens treinados do sexo masculino. Os MTF testados foram 10RM, superlento, isométrico funcional, oclusão vascular adaptada, 6RM, repetições forçadas e séries descendentes. Todos os MTF produziram elevações significativas no lactato sanguíneo, sem diferenças entre eles. O método de séries descendentes produziu maior tempo sob tensão e sobrecarga total em comparação com os outros MTF testados.Diversos métodos de entrenamiento de fuerza (RTM fueron desarrollados con el propósito de manipular los estímulos fisiológicos y obtener mejores resultados con el entrenamiento. El propósito del presente estudio ha sido el de comparar las respuestas metabólicas y mecánicas entre siete diferentes RTM descritos en la literatura. Los RTM fueron comparados con respecto al lactato sanguíneo, tiempo bajo tensión (TUT y sobrecarga total (TUT x carga en jóvenes entrenados del sexo masculino. Los RTM evaluados fueron 10RM, superlento, pico de contracción, oclusión vascular adaptada, 6RM, repeticiones forzadas y series descendentes. Todos los RTM produjeron incrementos significativos en el lactato sanguíneo, sin diferencias entre ellos. El método de series descendente produjo mayor tiempo bajo tensión y sobrecarga total cuando comparado con los otros RTM evaluados.Several resistance training methods (RTM have been developed in order to manipulate physiological stimuli and obtain better results with training. The purpose of this study is to compare the metabolic and mechanical responses among seven different RTM reported

  9. Índices para estimar o tempo transcorrido entre o surto hemorrágico subaracnóideo e a colheita de líquido cefalorraqueano Appraisement of the time elapsed between cerebro-vascular accidents and cerebrospinal fluid examination. An experimental study

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    José M. Marlet


    Full Text Available O autor simulou, experimentalmente, acidente vascular cerebral hemorrágico em cães injetando sangue do próprio animal no espaço subaracnóideo, colhendo amostras diárias de LCR durante 14 dias, sendo estudada a evolução das concentrações de oxiemoglobina e de bilirrubina, empregando métodos espectrofotométricos. Define um coeficiente hemoglobínico como a relação entre a concentração de oxiemoglobina e o total de pigmentos do LCR e um índice hemoglobina-bilirrubina como a relação entre as concentrações de oxiemoglobina e bilirrubina. Depois do tratamento estatístico, chega à conclusão de que ambos permitem estimar o tempo transcorrido desde o surto hemorrágico subaracnóideo e a colheita de LCR. São apresentadas sugestões quanto à aplicabilidade prática destes indicadores em Neurologia e Medicina Preventiva.Hemorrhagic cerebro-vascular accidents were simulated in dogs by injecting their own blood in the subarachnoidal space. Gathering daily samples of cerebrospinal fluid during 14 days the evolution of the concentrations of oxyhemoglobin and bilirubin using the spectrosphotometric method was studied. The author defines hemoglobin coefficient as being the relatinship between the oxyhemoglobin concentration and the sum of the cerebrospinal fluid pigments and the hemoglobin-bilirubin index as the relationship between the oxyhemoglobin and the bilirubin concentration. After statistical treatment the author concludes that both permit to calculate the time span between the subarachnoidal hemorrhage and the examination of the cerebrospinal fluid. Some suggestions on the practical applicability of these indexes in Clinical Neurology and Preventive Medicine are discussed.

  10. Concentrações de imunoglobulinas G em colostro de vacas mestiças holandês-zebu Colostral immunoglobulin G concentrations in crossbred holstein-zebu dairy cows

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    Paulo Martins Soares Filho


    Full Text Available Oitenta e oito vacas leiteiras mestiças holandês-zebu (HZ foram distribuídas de acordo com a percentagem de grau de sangue holandês em quatro grupos: Grupo 1 = animais com menos de 70% de grau de sangue holandês (19 vacas; Grupo 2 = animais com 75% de grau de sangue holandês, que equivale a ¾ HZ (46 vacas; Grupo 3 = mestiços entre 80 e 90% de grau de sangue holandês, que corresponderam a 13/16 HZ e 7/8 HZ (11 vacas; Grupo 4 = vacas com mais de 90% de grau de sangue holandês (12 vacas. Após o parto, amostras de colostro da primeira ordenha foram colhidas e, posteriormente, submetidas à imunodifusão radial simples para determinações dos níveis de imunoglobulinas G (IgG. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que as concentrações de IgG não são influenciadas pelos graus de sangue estudados e seus valores médios (145,94mg/m são muito superiores aos relatados para animais de raças taurinas puras. Por esse motivo, não se justifica o emprego de métodos artificiais de fornecimento do colostro em se tratando de mestiços HZ. Ademais, o nível elevado de IgG observado no colostro sugere que a adoção da prática da mamada natural assistida seja adequada para assegurar que, na maioria das vezes, os neonatos não venham a apresentar falhas de transferência de imunidade passiva.Eighty-eight healthy crossbred holstein-zebu (HZ dairy cows were distributed in four groups as follow: Group 1 = less than 70% HZ (19 cows; Group 2 = 75% HZ animals, corresponding to ¾ HZ (46 cows; Group 3 = crossbred animals between 80 to 90% HZ, corresponding to 13/16 HZ and 7/8 HZ (11 cows; Group 4 = cows more than 90% HZ (12 animals. After birth, colostrum samples were obtained from each cow and than were analyzed for immunoglobulin G (IgG concentration by single radial immunodifusion assay. IgG colostral concentrations were not influenced by group of crossbred HZ and its mean concentration (145.97mg/m were higher than that related for purebreds Bos

  11. Estudo eritroleucométrico e proteinograma sérico do sangue do cordão umbilical e jugular de eqüinos ao nascimento e de suas respectivas mães Erythrocytometry and seric proteinogram of umbilical cord and jugular of foals at birth and respective mothers

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    R.F. Godoy


    Full Text Available Colheram-se amostras de sangue do cordão umbilical (SCU e do sangue circulante de cinco eqüinos neonatos, imediatamente após o nascimento, e o sangue da própria mãe, utilizando-se um sistema a vácuo. O material foi submetido à contagem global de hemácias e leucócitos e à determinação do volume globular e da concentração de hemoglobina; à contagem diferencial de leucócitos em esfregaços sangüíneos; e ao cálculo dos índices eritrocitométricos. Foram realizadas a dosagem de proteínas séricas totais e a eletroforese das proteínas séricas em gel de agarose. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os parâmetros do SCU e do sangue da jugular dos potros. No SCU dos potros observaram-se valores mais elevados para contagem global de hemácias (9,75x10(6/µl, dosagem de hemoglobina (14,65g/dl e concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média (37,23g/dl; e valores menores para volume corpuscular médio (40,50fl, proteína total (4,37g/dl, alfa-globulinas (0,65g/dl, beta-globulinas (1,10g/dl, gama-globulinas (0g/dl e contagens global (5,40 x 10³/µl e diferencial de leucócitos, exceto contagem de neutrófilos bastonetes e monócitos, quando comparados com os valores obtidos no sangue de suas mães.Umbilical cord blood (UCB and systemic blood samples were collected from five equine neonates, immediately after birth. Systemic blood samples from their mothers were also collected at the same time, using a vacuum system. The samples were submitted to the following analyses: red blood cell and total white blood cell counts; determinations of packed cell volume and hemoglobin concentration; differential white cell count in blood smears; and determination of erythrocytometric values. Total serum proteins quantification and serum proteins electrophoresis in agarose gel were done. No significant difference (P<0.05 was noted between averages in neonate jugular blood and equine UCB. Equine UCB showed higher values of red blood cell

  12. Transplante de sangue de cordão umbilical - SCU Umbilical cord blood transplantation

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    Celso A. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available A frequente utilização de sangue de cordão umbilical - SCU como fonte de células- tronco hematopoéticas - CTH, tanto em crianças, como em adultos, que não dispõem de doador na família, tem levado ao estabelecimento da padronização de critérios em sua seleção, objetivando a obtenção de melhores resultados. A escolha da unidade de SCU deve basear-se no número total de células nucleadas e no número de diferenças de antígenos leucocitários humanos (HLA. Diante de uma unidade com celularidade mínima, deve-se considerar a possibilidade da utilização de duplo cordão. Frente a mais de uma unidade com características semelhantes, a realização da contagem de células CD34 e da compatibilidade ABO, assim como a qualidade e a rapidez para obtenção da unidade, podem definir a escolha.The frequent use of umbilical cord blood as the source of hematopoietic stem cells, both in children and adults who do not have related donors, has led to the establishment of a better standardization of selection criteria aiming at improving the results. The choice of the umbilical cord blood unit should be based on the total number of nucleated cells and the number of differences in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA system. When a unit has minimal cellularity, the use of a double cord blood transplant should be considered. When two or more units have similar characteristics, the choice may be determined by the CD34 count, ABO compatibility and the quality and speed to obtain the unit.

  13. Determination of carcinoembryonic antigen levels in peripheral and draining venous blood in patients with colorectal carcinoma Determinação dos níveis do antígeno carcinoembriônico no sangue periférico e no efluente venoso em doentes com carcinoma colorretal

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    Jaques Waisberg


    greater than 5 ng/mL. CONCLUSION: The CEA-p and CEA-d levels in the colorectal carcinoma patients were not shown to be different. The results from this study suggest that, in colorectal neoplasm without venous invasion, there may not be notable CEA drainage from the tumor by the portal vein effluent blood.RACIONAL: O problema da relação entre os níveis de CEA no sangue e o conteúdo de CEA tissular no carcinoma colorretal e os mecanismos de liberação do CEA das células neoplásicas nos tecidos vizinhos à neoplasia e sua conseqüente entrada dentro do sangue periférico são importantes para o entendimento da biologia do carcinoma colorretal. Ainda não foi convenientemente elucidado se o CEA no sangue é drenado principalmente pelo sangue do sistema portal ou pelos linfáticos para o ducto torácico ou, ainda, por ambos os sistemas. OBJETIVO: Estudar o comportamento dos níveis do CEA no sangue periférico (CEA-p e no sangue do efluente venoso (CEA-d de doentes com tumores colorretais operados curativamente. MÉTODO: foram estudados 28 doentes, sendo 12 (42,9% homens e 16 (57,1% mulheres. A média de idade foi de 66,1 anos (43 a 84 anos. Imediatamente após a laparotomia, o sangue venoso periférico foi extraído por punção venosa antecubital e o sangue do efluente venoso coletado da veia principal de drenagem das lesões. Os valores de CEA-p, CEA-d e do gradiente entre o CEA-d e CEA-p abaixo de 5,0 ng/mL foram considerados normais. RESULTADOS: Oito (28,6% doentes foram classificados no estádio A de Dukes, 9 (32,1% no estádio B e 11 (39,3% no estádio C. A neoplasia estava localizada no reto em 14 (50,0%, no cólon transverso em 5 (17,9%, no cólon sigmóide em 4 (14,3%, no ceco e/ou cólon ascendente em 3 (10,7%, e no cólon descendente em 2 (7,1% enfermos. O exame histopatológico revelou adenocarcinoma bem diferenciado em todos os enfermos. Em apenas um (3,6% doente a neoplasia, estadiada como Dukes C, exibia invasão venosa. O gradiente entre os níveis de

  14. Fatores epidemiológicos associados a doenças respiratórias em potros Puro Sangue Inglês em quatro propriedades na região de Bagé/RS, Brasil


    RIBAS, Leandro do Monte


    O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar fatores epidemiológicos associados com doenças respiratórias em potros Puro Sangue Inglês (PSI) alojados em 4 propriedades na região da cidade de Bagé-RS, Brasil. Além da coleta de dados ligados ao manejo de criação, as avaliações consistiram no monitoramento clínico diário e exames complementares de diagnóstico a partir de secreções colhidas do trato respiratório de potros com enfermidade respiratória. Entre os 349 potros monitora...


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    Lucienne Dalla Bernardina

    Full Text Available Os membros da equipe de enfermagem submetem-se muitas vezes a agressões posturais quer devido a própria exigência da atividade, quer pela utilização de postura corporal inadequada durante a execução das mesmas. O presente estudo tem por objetivo averiguar o tipo, duração e freqüência das posturas adotadas pelos membros da equipe de enfermagem durante a execução das técnicas de colheita de sangue, administração de medicação endovenosa e soroterapia. Através da observação direta foram registradas 10 atividades correspondentes a cada uma das técnicas mencionadas, realizadas na assistência a pacientes de uma unidade de internação de um Hospital Universitário. Os resultados evidenciam que a atividade de colheita de sangue foi efetuada na posição de pé-inclinado (50,35%, seguida pela posição de pé-ereto (49,64%. A administração de medicação endovenosa foi executada com adoção das posturas de pé-ereto (51,09% em especial com braço em extensão frontal, de pé-inclinado (45,74% e sentado (3,15%. A técnica de soroterapia foi executada com adoção da posição de pé-ereto (86,88%, em especial corn braços em extensão frontal e de pé-inclinado (13,11%. A adoção freqüente da postura inclinada indica que o pessoal de enfermagem vem tornando possível a ocorrência de agressões na coluna vertebral desnecessárias, principalmente devido a má utilização da mecânica corporal. Sugere-se maior atenção para esses aspectos principalmente nos cursos de enfermagem.

  16. Spray-dried plasma in the recovery of light piglets at weaning: production performance, blood profile, diarrhea frequency and economic viabilityPlasma sanguíneo desidratado na recuperação de leitões leves ao desmame: desempenho zootécnico, perfil hematológico, freqüência de diarréia e viabilidade econômica

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    Débora Barbosa Braz


    Full Text Available The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of spray-dried plasma (SDP on the performance, hematological profile, diarrhea frequency and economic viability of this ingredient in diets for light piglets at weaning, with 21 days of age. The trial was done using 72 pigs, 48 castrated male and 24 female (PenArLan, with an initial age of 21 days. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks, with 4 treatments and 6 repetitions (each pen with two males and one female was considered a repetition. The treatments were: T1 - heavy weight weaned pigs, without supplementation; T2 - light weight weaned pigs, supplemented with 10g/animal/day of SDP; T3 - light weight weaned pigs, supplemented with 20g/animal/day of SDP; T4- light weight weaned pigs, without supplementation. The SDP were fed daily directly at the feeder three times per day. At 35 and 70 days old piglets were subjected to blood collection, and 8 animals in each treatment were used. Daily evaluation was made of diarrhea frequency. There was difference to feed:gain (P 0,05 on frequency of diarrhea. There were differences in feed cost with advantage to T3 in the period of 21 to 35; 36 to 49 and 21 to 49 days of age. In total period (21 to 70 days of age T3 showed the best index of economic efficiency.O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho, perfil hematológico, freqüência de diarréia e potencial econômico de uso do plasma sanguíneo desidratado (PSD na dieta de leitões desmamados com baixo peso, aos 21 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 72 leitões, sendo 48 machos castrados e 24 fêmeas (PenArLan com idade média inicial de 21 dias. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com 4 tratamentos e 6 repetições por tratamento (cada baia com dois machos e uma fêmea foi considerada uma repetição. Os tratamentos foram: T1 - animais pesados ao desmame, sem suplementação; T2 - animais leves ao desmame, suplementados com 10g/animal/dia de PSD; T3 - animais

  17. Avaliação de óleos, carvão vegetal e vitamina E no desempenho e nas concentrações lipídicas do sangue e dos ovos de poedeiras Evaluation of oil, vegetal charcoal and E vitamin on performance and on blood and egg lipid concentrations of laying hens

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    Flavia Escapini Fanchiotti


    Full Text Available Foram estudados os efeitos de duas fontes de óleo vegetal, de carvão e de vitamina E sobre o desempenho e os níveis lipídicos do sangue e dos ovos de poedeiras comerciais. Utilizaram-se poedeiras Lohmann Brown e Lohmann LSL com 58 semanas de idade. O experimento teve duração de 84 dias, divididos em três períodos de 28 dias, e foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, tendo nas parcelas um esquema fatorial 8 x 2, com oito dietas e duas marcas comerciais, e nas subparcelas os períodos. Para avaliação das características produtivas, colesterol total, triglicérides e HDL sanguíneos, utilizaram-se quatro repetições de seis aves por unidade experimental e, para determinação do colesterol total das gemas, duas repetições. As dietas foram acrescidas de 2,0% de óleo de soja ou de linhaça em combinação ou não com vitamina E (60 mg/kg de ração e/ou carvão (2,0%. Os resultados não evidenciaram diferenças entre as dietas experimentais sobre as variáveis de desempenho. Consumo de ração, espessura da casca, colesterol total e triglicerídios no sangue foram influenciados pelas marcas comerciais e peso médio dos ovos, espessura da casca, colesterol total e triglicerídios no sangue, pelos períodos experimentais. O uso de óleos vegetais, carvão e vitamina E nas dietas experimentais não influencia as características de desempenho nem o perfil lipídico do sangue e de colesterol total da gema dos ovos. Aves Lohmann LSL apresentam maiores consumos de ração e níveis mais altos de colesterol e triglicérides no sangue.This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of two vegetal oils sources, charcoal and vitamin E on performance and lipid levels in blood and eggs of commercial laying hens. It was used Lohman Brown and Lohman LSL laying hens at 58 weeks of age. The experiment lasted 84 days split in three 28-day periods and it was carried out in a complete random

  18. A doação de sangue sob a ótica de escolares: concepções e valores Blood donation in the view of schoolchildren: conceptions and values

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    Regina Pagotto Bossolan


    Full Text Available Nesta pesquisa investigou-se o nível de informação, percepção, motivos e sentimentos de escolares sobre a doação de sangue. 145 escolares do pré, 2ª, 4ª séries com seis, oito e 10 anos de idade foram submetidos a provas piagetianas, responderam uma entrevista, se posicionaram frente a um dilema. Verificou-se pouca informação e informações errôneas sobre a doação. A escola foi a fonte de informação menos citada. A maioria dos entrevistados tanto na entrevista, como no dilema, justificou a doação de sangue como um ato solidário, permitindo supor que valores como generosidade podem ser adquiridos na fase pré-operatória. Discute-se o papel da escola nos programas de Educação em Saúde voltados a comportamentos que serão emitidos a longo prazo e que beneficiam a coletividade.This study investigated children's values and perceptions of blood donation. A hundred forty-five students (preschool, second- and fourth-graders aged 6, 8 and 10 years old answered Piagetian tests. They were also interviewed on blood donation and faced a moral dilemma. Lack of information and misinformation were observed. The school was the least frequently cited information source. Findings showed that the participants justified blood donation as an act of solidarity. It indicates that children have a conception of values since the preoperational stage of cognitive development. It is also presented a discussion on the role of schools in Health Care Education, particularly targeting specific behaviors which will be expressed in the long term such as blood donation.

  19. Avaliação do perfil lipídico sanguíneo de atletas corredores no ensaio ergoespirométrico de bruce utilizando espectroscopia no infrevermelho

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    Francielle Pasqualotti Meinhardt


    Full Text Available Os constituintes do perfil lipídico compõem o sangue e são importantes marcadores bioquímicos de doenças cardiovasculares, que é reconhecida como grande causa de morbidade e mortalidade. Para um diagnóstico mais amplo das possíveis alterações do perfil lipídico se apresenta o método da espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR que consiste de uma técnica analítica que envolve a identificação de misturas complexas. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a aplicação da espectroscopia de infravermelho na obtenção de dados do perfil lipídico de atletas corredores. Trata-se de um estudo analítico observacional comparativo, tendo como método de referência os ensaios enzimáticos baseados na reação de Trinder, comparados à espectroscopia no infravermelho por reflectância difusa com Transformada de Fourier (DRIFTS, com auxílio das ferramentas quimiométricas de análise exploratória por agrupamento hierárquico (HCA e análise preditiva por mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS para previsão destes marcadores bioquímicos. Foram sujeitos 14 atletas da equipe de Atletismo da UNISC, de 18 a 30 anos, de ambos os sexos, avaliados em repouso e após o teste ergoespirométrico de Bruce. Os resultados apontam que, na avaliação de atletas, a técnica de infravermelho (DRIFTS juntamente com o PLS, foi adequada para a construção de modelos de calibração e na definição da correlação entre testes bioquímicos padrões no perfil lipídico e na determinação pelo infravermelho. Nessa perspectiva, considera-se possível a utilização da FTIR na obtenção de dados que determina o perfil lipídico em amostras de sangue total em atletas.

  20. Bioquímica sanguínea y concentración plasmática de corticosterona en pollo de engorde bajo estrés calórico

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    Elvis Alexander Díaz López


    Full Text Available Las altas temperaturas ambientales propician susceptibilidad al estrés calórico en los pollos de engorde, lo que genera cambios metabólicos. Se buscó determinar los cambios en la bioquímica sanguínea y la concentración plasmática de corticosterona del pollo de engorde sometido a estrés calórico crónico y a las condiciones de temperatura ambiental del piedemonte amazónico colombiano, sobre las concentraciones plasmáticas de corticosterona, glucosa, proteínas totales, albumina, globulina, sodio, cloro, potasio, magnesio, fósforo y calcio. Se utilizaron pollos machos de 2 estirpes de 21 días de edad, distribuidos en un diseño experimental irrestrictamente al azar, en un esquema bifactorial, con 4 tratamientos. Se hicieron 5 repeticiones por tratamiento y 25 animales por unidad experimental. Las aves fueron alimentadas con una dieta básica de maíz y torta de soya con 3,100 Kcal de EM y 19,5 % de proteína hasta los 42 días de edad. El factor estirpe no tuvo efecto en las variables evaluadas (p ≥ 0,05. No obstante, existió diferencia estadística significativa (p ≤ 0,05 en todas las variables evaluadas al ser comparadas las concentraciones de los metabolitos de las aves en condiciones de estrés calórico crónico con las de las aves expuestas a las condiciones de temperatura del piedemonte amazónico colombiano. Se concluyó que la bioquímica sanguínea sufrió modificaciones significativas bajo las 2 temperaturas experimentales, con mayor detrimento fisiológico de las aves con estrés calórico crónico. La concentración de corticosterona se constituyó en el indicador más sensible y constante de la condición fisiológica de estrés crónico por calor.

  1. Novel Resuscitation from Lethal Hemorrhage - Suspended Animation for Delayed Resuscitation (United States)


    a temperatura alvo emn doentes fora do hospital ou jA intemados permanece urn desaflo. Este estudo procurou testar a exequibilidade do arrefecimento...Durante a normotensiio espontfinea, o arrefecirniento veno-venoso forniecia sangue A veia cava a uma temperatura de 6.2 ’CC desvio padr~o (SID 1.4) e...dirninuiu a temperatura da membrana timpfinica (fly) de 37.5 para 34.0’C aos 5 min (SID 0.7) e para os; 32 ’C aos 7.9 min (SID 1.3). 0 arrefecimento da

  2. Ecocardiografia de equinos Puro Sangue Árabe após exercício de enduro de diferentes intensidades Echocardiography in Arabian horses after endurance exercise of different intensities

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    Camila Alfaro de Oliveira Bello


    Full Text Available A ecocardiografia é um método não invasivo e adequado para a avaliação das alterações cardíacas em equinos, identificando assim aqueles animais que apresentaram melhor adaptação e condicionamento ao exercício a que foram submetidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar por meio de exames ecocardiográficos em modo-M e bidimensional os índices funcionais cardíacos de 15 equinos Puro Sangue Árabe, sendo nove machos e seis fêmeas, com idade variando de seis a 12 anos, submetidos a diferentes intensidades de exercício prolongado de enduro. Para tanto, foram divididos em três grupos, sendo que quatro animais percorreram 30km (GI, seis animais percorreram 90km (GII e cinco animais percorreram 120km (GIII. As avaliações ocorreram antes do início de cada prova, sendo considerado o momento zero (M0 e 30 minutos após percorrerem o último anel da correspondente prova, caracterizando o momento final (Mf. Diante do tratamento estatístico, não se verificaram diferenças significantes entre os índices obtidos no M0 e Mf do GI. De outra forma, no GII para VS, FC, VEs e VEd, assim como no GIII para VS, FC, VEs, VEd e SIVd, observou-se diferença estatística. Portanto, em equinos de enduro a ecocardiografia revelou que o exercício físico permitiu o estabelecimento de índices funcionais cardíacos próprios, de acordo com a intensidade do exercício imposto.Echocardiography is a noninvasive and accurate evaluation of cardiac abnormalities in horses, thereby determining those animals that show better adaptation to exercise and conditioning to which they were submitted. The aim of this study was to verify by echocardiographic M-mode and two-dimensional cardiac functional indices of 15 purebred Arabian horses, nine males and six females, ranging in age from 6 to 12 years, subjected to different intensities prolonged endurance exercise. Thus, both groups were divided into three, in which four animals traveled 30km (GI, six animals

  3. Desempenho da tilápia-do-Nilo arraçoada com dietas contendo farinha de sangue bovino atomizado ou convencional = Performance of nile tilapia fed with spray-dried or vat-dries bovine blood meal

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    Willian Vicente Narváez-Solarte


    Full Text Available Foi avaliado o desempenho e os índices de rendimento da tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus alimentada com níveis crescentes de farinha de sangue atomizado (FSA ou de farinha de sangue convencional (FSC em dietas formuladas com base em aminoácidos digestíveis. Foram utilizados 252 alevinos, distribuídos num delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial (2 x 4 + 1, duas classes de farinha de sangue com quatro níveis de inclusão de cada farinha na dieta, e uma dieta-controle, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram em uma dieta-controle à base de farelo de soja, contendo 34% de proteína digestível (PD e 3.200 kcal de energia digestível kg-1 (ED, mais quatro rações formuladas com FSA e quatro rações com FSC, com inclusões de 5, 10, 15 e 20% de cada farinha na ração, mantendo-se os níveis de PD, ED, fósforo, cálcio, lisina, metionina, treonina e triptofano idênticos aos da dieta-controle. Concluiu-se que é possível utilizar até 15% da FSC em rações para tilápia-do-Nilo na fase de 5 a 150 g de peso vivo.The study evaluated the performance and carcass composition index of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus fed with diets containing increasing levels of spray-dried blood meal (SDBM and vat-dried blood meal (VDBM and formulated based on digestible amino acids. Two hundred and fifty-two fingerlings were distributed in a completelyrandomized design, in a (2 x 4 + 1 factorial model, two types of blood meal with four levels of each blood meal in the diet, and a control diet (without blood meal, with four replications. The treatments consisted of soybean meal-based control diet, with 34%digestible protein (DP and 3,200 kcal of digestible energy kg-1 (DE, plus four diets formulated with SDBM and four diets with VDBM, containing 5, 10, 15 and 20% of each meal in feed, maintaining identical DP, DE, phosphorus, calcium, lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan levels as those of the control diet. The

  4. Efecto de la torta de Sacha inchi (plukenetia volúbilis l. en el perfil bioquímico sanguíneo e histopatología del hígado de aves de postura

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    Leidy Hurtado-Ramirez


    Full Text Available La torta de sacha inchi es un insumo de alto valor proteico para la alimentación animal, sin embargo, contiene elevado contenido de factores antinutricionales lo cual limita su uso. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los efectos de la torta de sacha inchi (TSI  en el perfil bioquímico sanguíneo e histología del hígado de  gallinas de postura en la etapa de levante. Para esto se utilizó 64 pollitas de 30 días de edad, de la línea Hy Line Brown las que fueron divididas en 4 tratamientos T0, T1, T2 y T3 y alimentados con 0%, 6%,10% y 14 % de TSI respectivamente.  Las muestras de sangre fueron obtenidas  a los 30, 44, 72 y 100 días de edad; el diseño estadístico usado fue el DCA con arreglo factorial 4x3+1. Los niveles de TSI en la dieta mostró efecto sobre los niveles del hematocrito, hemoglobina y ALT (p<0,05. En el tejido hepático en el T3 se observó mayor concentración de hepatocitos con  disminución del lumen de los espacios sinusoides e incremento de núcleo en los hepatocitos a comparación del T1. En conclusión, la TSI cambió los niveles de hematocrito, hemoglobina y ALT y tuvo efecto hepatotóxico en las gallinas.

  5. Efecto de la torta de Sacha inchi (plukenetia volúbilis l. en el perfil bioquímico sanguíneo e histopatología del hígado de aves de postura

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    Leidy Hurtado Ramírez


    Full Text Available La torta de sacha inchi es un insumo de alto valor proteico para la alimentación animal, sin embargo, contiene elevado contenido de factores antinutricionales lo cual limita su uso. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los efectos de la torta de sacha inchi (TSI  en el perfil bioquímico sanguíneo e histología del hígado de  gallinas de postura en la etapa de levante. Para esto se utilizó 64 pollitas de 30 días de edad, de la línea Hy Line Brown las que fueron divididas en 4 tratamientos T0, T1, T2 y T3 y alimentados con 0%, 6%,10% y 14 % de TSI respectivamente.  Las muestras de sangre fueron obtenidas  a los 30, 44, 72 y 100 días de edad; el diseño estadístico usado fue el DCA con arreglo factorial 4x3+1. Los niveles de TSI en la dieta mostró efecto sobre los niveles del hematocrito, hemoglobina y ALT (p<0,05. En el tejido hepático en el T3 se observó mayor concentración de hepatocitos con  disminución del lumen de los espacios sinusoides e incremento de núcleo en los hepatocitos a comparación del T1. En conclusión, la TSI cambió los niveles de hematocrito, hemoglobina y ALT y tuvo efecto hepatotóxico en las gallinas.

  6. Animal welfare: an animal science approach. (United States)

    Koknaroglu, H; Akunal, T


    Increasing world population and demand for animal-derived protein puts pressure on animal production to meet this demand. For this purpose animal breeding efforts were conducted to obtain the maximum yield that the genetic makeup of the animals permits. Under the influence of economics which is the driving force behind animal production, animal farming became more concentrated and controlled which resulted in rearing animals under confinement. Since more attention was given on economics and yield per animal, animal welfare and behavior were neglected. Animal welfare which can be defined as providing environmental conditions in which animals can display all their natural behaviors in nature started gaining importance in recent years. This does not necessarily mean that animals provided with good management practices would have better welfare conditions as some animals may be distressed even though they are in good environmental conditions. Consumers are willing to pay more for welfare-friendly products (e.g.: free range vs caged egg) and this will change the animal production practices in the future. Thus animal scientists will have to adapt themselves for the changing animal welfare rules and regulations that differ for farm animal species and countries. In this review paper, animal welfare is discussed from an animal science standpoint. Crown Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Seroepidemiological study of human cysticercosis with blood samples collected on filter paper, in Lages, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2004-2005 Estudo soroepidemiológico da cisticercose humana com amostras de sangue total coletado em papel filtro, em Lages, Estado de Santa Catarina, 2004-2005

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    Maria Márcia Imenes Ishida


    úde. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas por meio de punção digital em papel filtro entre agosto 2004 e maio 2005. Verificou-se que 850 amostras estavam adequadas para análise. No ELISA, utilizou-se o antígeno heterólogo liquido vesicular de Taenia crassiceps. Para assegurar a confiabilidade dos resultados de ELISA, foram pareadas 77 amostras de soro e sangue eluido do papel filtro. A confirmação do diagnóstico sorológico foi feita por immunoblot (IB com glicoproteínas purificadas de Taenia crassiceps. RESULTADOS: A reatividade de IgG eluída de sangue em papel filtro mostrou-se compatível com a dos soros correspondentes. A triagem por ELISA de 850 indivíduos revelou 186 (21,9% positivos. De 213 pessoas convidadas a colher soro para IB (186 ELISA positivo e 27 com amostras de sangue total inadequadas, compareceram 130. O IB foi positivo em 29 (3,4% de 850 amostras. Houve correlação significativa entre IB positivo e a prática de criação de suínos e de horta caseira (p = 0,0364. CONCLUSÕES: ELISA com sangue total em papel filtro mostrou-se adequado para inquéritos populacionais para cisticercose. A transmissão da cisticercose humana na área estudada mostrou correlação com criação suína domestica e horta caseira. A prevalência obtida foi semelhante à relatada em áreas endêmicas da América Latina.

  8. Assessement of glycaemia and serum activities of aspartate aminotransferase, creatinekinase, gamma glutamyltransferase and lactate dehydrogenase in thoroughbred horses submitted to exercise of different intensities/ Avaliação da glicemia e da atividade sérica de aspartato aminotransferase, creatinoquinase, gama-glutamiltransferase e lactato desidrogenase em eqüinos puro sangue inglês (PSI submetidos a exercícios de diferentes intensidades

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    Joandes Henrique Fonteque


    Full Text Available In order to evaluate the influence of exercise of different intensities on biochemical parameters in Thoroughbred horses blood was collected from 60 animals, 30 males and 30 females.The animals were subdivided in two groups : 30 horses, 15 males and 15 females with 24 to 36 months of age and not in training, and after 12 months of training; 30 horses, 15 males and 15 females with 36 to 48 months of age in training. Blood samples were collected before and after trot and gallop. Plasmatic glucose was analyzed through a colorimetric method, while aspartate aminotransferase (AST, creatine kinase (CK, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH and gammaglutamyltransferase (GGT were analyzed through kinetic methods. Results show a statistically significant increase in plasmatic glucose after trot and gallop independent of gender, while the increases in CK and LDH were different for males and females. Variations for AST and GGT were not statistically significant.O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as alterações na bioquímica sérica em eqüinos PSI submetidos a exercícios de diferentes intensidades. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 60 eqüinos PSI, distribuídos nos seguintes grupos: 30 animais sendo 15 machos e 15 fêmeas, com idade de 24 a 36 meses, não submetidos a treinamento e após um período de 12 meses de treinamento e 30 eqüinos de 36 a 48 meses, em fase de treinamento, antes e após o trote . Dos animais de 36 a 48 meses foram selecionados 20 machos e 10 fêmeas e colhido sangue antes e após o galope. Determinou-se, por métodos colorimétricos, os valores da glicose plasmática e, por métodos cinéticos, as enzimas aspartato aminotransferase (AST, creatinoquinase (CK, lactato desidrogenase (LDH e gama-glutamiltransferase (GGT. A análise estatística dos resultados comprovou a ocorrência de aumento significativo (p < 0,05 dos valores da glicose plasmática após o trote e galope para ambos os sexos. Para as enzimas CK e LDH ocorreram

  9. Bioethical Problems: Animal Welfare, Animal Rights. (United States)

    March, B. E.


    Discusses various bioethical issues and problems related to animal welfare and animal rights. Areas examined include: Aristotelian views; animal welfare legislation; Darwin and evolutionary theory; animal and human behavior; and vegetarianism. A 14-point universal declaration of the rights of animals is included. (JN)

  10. Método rápido para la cuantificación de leucocitos sanguíneos y su utilidad en la evaluación del estado de salud en trucha arcoíris Oncorhynchus mykiss

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    Libertad Alzamora-Gonzales


    Full Text Available El análisis de la proporción y cantidad de células sanguíneas es una forma muy confiable de evaluar el estado de salud en humanos y otras especies. El objetivo fue estandarizar una metodología para la cuantificación rápida de poblaciones de leucocitos sanguíneos de Oncorhynchus mykiss (trucha arcoíris. Se procesaron muestras de leucocitos obtenidos de la sangre de un grupo de truchas juveniles saludables mantenidas en el laboratorio. Las muestras fueron analizadas empleando el minicitómetro Scepter™ y los resultados fueron contrastados con los obtenidos por citometría de flujo. Los histogramas generados por ambos métodos mostraron un máximo correspondiente a la población de linfocitos/trombocitos y otro a la de monocitos/neutrófilos. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los resultados de ambos métodos (P > 0,05. El método con el minicitómetro se utilizó para evaluar muestras de truchas procedentes de una piscigranja, el perfil obtenido mostró la disminución significativa de neutrófilos compatible con los signos clínicos de enfermedad observados en los especímenes evaluados. Estos resultados indican que la metodología aplicada es válida y útil para determinar las concentraciones y proporciones celulares en muestras de sangre en trucha arcoíris y permiten el análisis rápido de su estado de salud.

  11. Concordância do sistema de pontos para controle de colesterol e gordura no sangue

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    Nacif Marcia de Araujo Leite


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a compreensão do sistema de pontos para controle de colesterol e gordura no sangue, como instrumento de intervenção dietética para pacientes hipercolesterolêmicos. MÉTODOS: Estudados 153 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 20 e 65 anos, atendidos em um hospital e uma unidade básica de saúde, divididos em três grupos: hipercolesterolêmicos; sem diagnóstico de hipercolesterolemia e profissionais da área de saúde. Aplicado recordatório de 24h em cada indivíduo, que fazia a pontuação de índice de colesterol e gordura saturada de sua dieta, consultando o sistema de pontos, e a pesquisadora confirmava os cálculos de cada participante, sendo esta considerada o padrão de referência. O entendimento do sistema foi avaliado pela comparação entre a medida de referência e os dados obtidos pelos entrevistados, utilizando-se o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes sem diagnóstico obtiveram alta correlação em todas as refeições. O café da manhã, a merenda e a ceia foram as refeições que obtiveram maior correlação (r=1. Nos hipercolesterolêmicos, a ceia foi a refeição que mais concordou com a pontuação de referência (r=1 e quanto aos profissionais de saúde obteve-se coeficiente de correlação de 1 em todas as refeições, exceto o almoço (r=0,99. CONCLUSÃO: O sistema de pontos mostrou-se rápido, simples e fácil de ser compreendido e aceito pela população estudada.

  12. Blood biochemical parameters, nitrogen balance and gross energy metabolizability in pigs fed with different dietary electrolyte balancesParâmetros bioquímicos sanguíneos, balanço de nitrogênio e metabolizabilidade da energia bruta em suínos alimentados com dietas contendo diferentes balanços eletrolíticos

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    Luís Daniel Giusti Bruno


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate different dietary electrolyte balance (DEB on the blood biochemical parameters, nitrogen balances and crude metabolizable energy of swine in the initial phase. Sixteen barrows were used, averaging 27.95 kg of initial weight, allotted individually in metabolic cages in a randomized blocks design with four treatments (DEB of 160, 208, 257 and 305 mEq/kg and 4 replicates. The blood biochemical parameters analyzed were chloride, potassium, sodium and urea in blood. Urine pH was also evaluated, and the parameters evaluated in nitrogen (N balance were N intake, fecal N, N excreted in urine, absorbed N, N retention, retained N/absorbed N and total excretion of N. The gross energy digestibility and metabolizibility coefficients were determined, and the respectives values of digestible and metabolizable energy. The values of urinary pH increased (P 0.05 between the evaluated DEB. A linear increase (P Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar diferentes balanços eletrolíticos das dietas (BED sobre os parâmetros bioquímicos sanguíneos, balanços de nitrogênio e a metabolizabilidade da energia bruta, de suínos na fase inicial. Foram utilizados 16 suínos, machos castrados, com peso inicial de 27,95 kg, distribuídos individualmente em gaiolas metabólicas, em um delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso com quatro tratamentos (BED de 160, 208, 257 e 305 mEq/kg e quatro repetições. Os parâmetros bioquímicos sanguíneos avaliados foram cloretos, potássio, sódio e uréia no soro. O pH da urina também foi avaliado, e as variáveis utilizadas no balanço de nitrogênio (N foram o N ingerido, N excretado nas fezes, N excretado na urina, N absorvido, N retido, N retido/N absorvido e excreção total de N. Foram determinados os coeficientes de digestibilidade e metabolizabilidade da energia bruta e seus respectivos valores de energia digestível e metabolizável. Os valores de pH urinário aumentaram (P 0,05 entre

  13. Molecular and serological detection of Leishmania spp. in captive wild animals from Ilha Solteira, SP, Brazil Detecção sorológica e molecular de Leishmania spp. em animais selvagens do zoológico de Ilha Solteira, SP, Brasil

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    Márcia Mariza Gomes Jusi


    Full Text Available Leishmaniasis is a zoonotic disease that affects 12 million people worldwide. Several mammalian species can serve as a reservoir for this disease. Dogs are the main reservoir for visceral leishmaniasis in urban areas, which has become a serious public health concern in Brazil. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of Leishmania spp. in captive wild animals from Ilha Solteira, São Paulo, Brazil. Blood and various tissues samples were collected from animals of five different species: Speothos venaticus, Chrysocyon brachyurus, Cerdocyon thous, Pseudalopex vetulus, and Procyon cancrivorus. Antibodies against Leishmania spp. were detected in three wild canids by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA. PCR analyses of blood and bone marrow from all animals were negative, but Leishmania DNA was found in the tissues and skin of seropositive animals. Positive PCR samples were also positive for Leishmania donovani complex. Analysis of sequenced PCR products showed similarities with different regions of Leishmania (Leishmania infantum and Leishmania (Leishmania chagasi kinetoplastids. Measures to control visceral leishmaniasis in wild animals kept in Brazilian zoos should be established, as no disease control programs are currently available.Leishmaniose é uma doença zoonótica que afeta cerca de 12 milhões de pessoas no mundo todo. Várias espécies mamíferas podem servir de reservatório para a doença. Os cães são considerados os principais reservatórios para a leishmaniose visceral em áreas urbanas, o que tem se tornado um sério problema de saúde pública no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a presença de Leishmania spp. em animais selvagens mantidos no zoológico de Ilha Solteira, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram coletados amostras de sangue e tecidos de cinco espécies diferentes: Speothos venaticus, Chrysocyon brachyurus, Cerdocyon thous, Pseudalopex vetulus, e Procyon

  14. Anti-epileptic drug intake adherence: the value of the blood drug level measurement and the clinical approach Aderência à ingestão de medicamentos antiepilépticos: o valor da avaliação dos níveis sanguíneos e a abordagem clínica

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    Full Text Available It was evaluated the patient antiepileptic drug (AED intake adherence in a pilot cross-sectional study carried out at a neurologic out-patient clinic of a university hospital. Ninety-three AED blood concentration (phenobarbital, phenytoin, carbamazepine were analyzed from 24 patients. The variability of the AED blood level was measured (in the steady state period by means of the variation coefficient and compared with the self-reported antiepileptic medication non-adherence, AED blood level according to the range (therapeutic or not, and the seizure control. It was not observed any strong correlation between the higher value of variability and the other three parameters of no adherence. The highest correlation was with the blood drug level (therapeutic or not. The evaluation of blood drug measurement alone, except in cases of extreme low adherence and variability of drug intake, is not enough for the recognition of incorrect drug intake, but the clinical markers and the self-reported adherence have to be also considered for this sort of evaluation.Avaliou-se a aderência à ingesta de drogas antiepilépticas (DAE em estudo piloto transversal conduzido em ambulatório de hospital neurológico universitário. Noventa e três amostras sanguíneas com concentraç��o de DAE (fenobarbital, fenitoína, carbamazepina foram analisadas de 24 pacientes. A variabilidade dos níveis sanguíneos das DAE (em estado estável - steady state period, analizada por meio do coeficiente de variação foi comparada com a auto-referida não aderência à ingesta da DAE, níveis sanguíneos das DAE de acordo com a faixa (terapêutica ou não e o controle das crises epilépticas. Não foi observada correlação forte entre o maior valor da variabilidade e os outros três parâmetros de aderência, apesar da maior correlação com o nível sanguíneo (terapêutico ou não. A avaliação do nível sérico isolado, exceto em caso de extrema baixa aderência e

  15. Freqüência de anticorpos neutralizantes contra o vesiculovirus Piry, em doadores de sangue de Uberaba , Minas Gerais, Brasil Frequency of neutralizing antibodies to the vesiculovirus Piry, in blood donors from Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    José Tavares-Neto


    Full Text Available Na cidade de Uberaba, Estado de Minas Gerais, dos 162 doadores de sangue, 13 (8,0% apresentaram anticorpos neutralizantes contra o vesiculovirus Piry. Nos indivíduos positivos foi estatisticamente mais freqüente o relato de residência anterior em área rural (p Thirteen (8.0% of 162 blood donors from Uberaba - Minas Gerais State showed neutralizing antibodies to the vesiculovirus Piry. The previous residence in rural area (p < 0.0001 and in the cities of the São Paulo State (p < 0.05 were statistically more frequent in the Piry seropositive group.

  16. Diferença de tempo de positividade: método útil no diagnóstico de infecção de corrente sanguínea relacionada com cateter? Differential time to positivity: a useful tool for the diagnosis of catheter-related infections?

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    Karoline de Lemes Giuntini Corrêa


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As infecções de corrente sanguínea relacionadas com cateter (ICSRCs apresentam impacto significativo na morbidade e na mortalidade de pacientes internados, além de elevar custos hospitalares. A utilização de equipamentos automatizados no processamento de hemoculturas gerou uma alternativa para diagnóstico de ICSRC por meio da análise da diferença de tempo de positividade (DTP entre hemoculturas pareadas (coletadas simultaneamente de sangue periférico e sangue de cateter. Um diagnóstico acurado e rápido dessas infecções pode otimizar as condutas clínicas e terapêuticas, poupando a retirada precoce dos cateteres. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar na rotina a DTP como ferramenta auxiliar no diagnóstico de ICSRC e determinar os principais microrganismos isolados. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas retrospectivamente hemoculturas coletadas no complexo do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC/FMUSP de maio a agosto de 2008. Somente amostras que apresentaram DTP maior que 120 minutos foram consideradas possíveis ICSRCs pelo critério laboratorial. RESULTADOS: A seção processou 11.017 hemoculturas aeróbias durante o período de estudo; somente 5% foram coletadas de forma pareada. Destas, 148 (28% foram positivas, sendo 9% com crescimento somente em sangue periférico, 41% somente em sangue de cateter e 50% em ambas as amostras com 88% de homologia de microrganismos identificados. A DTP apresentou valores acima de 120 minutos em 50% dos casos e os microrganismos mais isolados foram Staphylococcus aureus (22%, Candida spp. (18%, Klebsiella spp. (7% e Enterobacter spp. (7%. CONCLUSÃO: A determinação da DTP como ferramenta auxiliar no diagnóstico de ICSRC é viável e fácil de ser executada em laboratórios de rotina com automação, porém o processo de coleta das amostras pareadas deve ser rigidamente padronizado.INTRODUCTION: Not only do catheter related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs have

  17. Influência da suplementação aguda e crônica de creatina sobre as concentrações sanguíneas de glicose e lactato de ratos Wistar Influencia de la suplementación aguda y crónica de creatina sobre las concentraciones sanguíneas de glicosis y lactato en ratones Wistar Influence of the short and long term supplementation of creatine on the plasmatic concentrations of glucose and lactate in Wistar rats

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    Renato Aparecido Souza


    Full Text Available Estudos recentes sugerem que a suplementação de creatina pode interferir com a captação de glicose e a produção de lactato durante a atividade física. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos da suplementação aguda (5g.kg¹ durante uma semana e crônica (1g.kg¹ durante oito semanas de creatina sobre as concentrações sanguíneas de glicose e lactato de ratos sedentários e exercitados (natação a 80% da carga máxima tolerada. Setenta e dois ratos Wistar machos (240 ± 10g foram utilizados e divididos igualmente em quatro grupos experimentais (n = 18: CON - ratos sedentários não suplementados; NAT - ratos exercitados não suplementados; CRE - ratos sedentários e suplementados; CRE + NAT - ratos exercitados e suplementados. As amostras sanguíneas foram obtidas antes e após o teste de determinação da carga máxima realizado semanalmente durante todo o experimento. Antes do teste de carga máxima, com exceção do grupo CRE-NAT (3-5 semanas, que apresentou concentrações plasmáticas de glicose inferiores em relação os demais grupos, todos os outros resultados foram semelhantes entre os grupos experimentais. Após o teste de carga máxima todos os grupos experimentais apresentaram redução das concentrações plasmáticas de glicose e aumento das concentrações plasmáticas de lactato. Contudo, em relação à glicose, esta redução foi significativamente (p Estudios recientes sugieren que la suplementación de creatina puede interferir con la captación de glicosis y la producción de lactato durante la actividad física. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido el de investigar los efectos de la suplementación aguda (5g.kg¹ durante 1 semana y crónica (1g.kg¹ durante 8 semanas de creatina sobre las concentraciones sanguíneas de glicosis y lactato en ratones sedentarios y ejercitados (natación a 80% de carga máxima tolerada. Setenta y dos ratones Wistar machos (240 ± 10g fueron utilizados y divididos igualmente

  18. [Animal experimentation, animal welfare and scientific research]. (United States)

    Tal, H


    Hundreds of thousands of laboratory animals are being used every year for scientific experiments held in Israel, mostly mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, and a few sheep, cattle, pigs, cats, dogs, and even a few dozen monkeys. In addition to the animals sacrificed to promote scientific research, millions of animals slain every year for other purposes such as meat and fine leather fashion industries. While opening a front against all is an impossible and perhaps an unjustified task, the state of Israel enacted the Animal Welfare (Animal Experimentation) Law (1994). The law aims to regulate scientific animal experiments and to find the appropriate balance between the need to continue to perform animal experiments for the advancement of research and medicine, and at the same time to avoid unnecessary trials and minimize animal suffering. Among other issues the law deals with the phylogenetic scale according to which experimental animals should be selected, experiments for teaching and practicing, and experiments for the cosmetic industry. This article discusses bioethics considerations in animal experiments as well as the criticism on the scientific validity of such experiments. It further deals with the vitality of animal studies and the moral and legal obligation to prevent suffering from laboratory animals.

  19. Farinha de sangue tostada e dietas práticas para tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus L. - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v26i1.1895 Blood meal on practical diets for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L. - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v26i1.1895

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    Hamilton Hisano


    Full Text Available Os efeitos da substituição da proteína do farelo de soja pela proteína da farinha de sangue no desempenho produtivo e parâmetros hematológicos da tilápia do Nilo foram avaliados após 15 semanas experimentais. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, apresentando 4 tratamentos (0%; 10%; 30% e 60% de substituição e 8 repetições. A estrutura constou de 32 aquários de 200L, com biofiltro, termostato e aquecedores. A temperatura foi mantida a 25,0 ± 2,0C. Foram distribuídos 128 alevinos, peso médio inicial de 6,00 ± 0,39g, em uma lotação de 4 peixes/aquário. Avaliaram-se o ganho médio de peso, conversão alimentar aparente, sobrevivência, eritrócitos, leucócitos, hemoglobina, hematócritos, proteína plasmática total, ferro sérico, aspectos macroscópicos do fígado, concentração de ferro no músculo e fígado. A farinha de sangue não substitui totalmente o farelo de soja em rações para tilápia do Nilo; valores até 10,0% de farinha de sangue podem ser considerados; a farinha de sangue não determinou efeitos adversos nos parâmetros hematológicos e as concentrações de ferro do fígado e filé são responsivas à concentração de ferro da ração.The effects of soybean meal protein replaced by blood meal protein on growth performance and hematological parameters of Nile tilapia were analyzed after 15 experimental weeks. The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments (0%; 10%; 30% e 60% of replacement and eight replicates. 128 fingerlings (6.00 ± 0.39g initial weight were randomly stocked into 32 200L aquaria at a density of 4 fish/aquarium. Aquaria were supplied with biofilter and heater, which kept the temperature at 25.0 ± 2.0C. At the end of experiment were evaluated the average weight gain, feed conversion ratio, percentage of survival, red blood cell count, white blood cell count, concentration of hemoglobin, percentage of hematocrit, total plasmatic protein

  20. Determinação dos valores hematológicos e das concentrações séricas de ferro e ferritina em sangue de cordão umbilical de recém-nascidos de termo e pré-termo no Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein de São Paulo

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    Silber Marcelo


    Full Text Available Determinaram-se os valores hematológicos (Hb, Ht, VCM, HCM, CHCM, reticulócitos e as concentrações séricas de ferro e ferritina no sangue de cordão umbilical de recém-nascidos (RN no Hospital Albert Einstein. A amostra continha 32 RN de termo (T e 30 RN pré-termo (PT. Os RN apresentavam-se clinicamente sadios, sendo excluídos os que apresentaram intercorrências clínicas ou no momento do parto. O sangue foi colhido por punção da veia umbilical até 5 minutos após a dequitação e encaminhado ao laboratório de patologia clínica para processamento laboratorial. Os valores hematológicos encontram-se mais elevados no grupo de RNT em relação ao grupo de RNPT (p<0,05. Ajustando-se um modelo de regressão logística múltipla, o Ht tem valor preditivo para a prematuridade, observando-se uma relação inversamente proporcional entre o valor do Ht e a idade gestacional.

  1. The wild animal as a research animal

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Swart, JAA


    Most discussions on animal experimentation refer to domesticated animals and regulations are tailored to this class of animals. However, wild animals are also used for research, e. g., in biological field research that is often directed to fundamental ecological-evolutionary questions or to

  2. Testes sanguíneos de biomarcadores para diagnóstico e tratamento de desordens mentais: foco em esquizofrenia

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    Sabine Bahn


    Full Text Available A descoberta e a aplicação clínica de biomarcadores para desordens mentais são confrontadas com muitos desafios. Em geral, os atuais métodos de descoberta e validação de biomarcadores não produziram os resultados que foram inicialmente aguardados depois da finalização do Projeto Genoma Humano. Isso se deve principalmente à falta de processos padronizados conectando a descoberta de marcadores com tecnologias para a validação e a tradução para uma plataforma que ofereça precisão e fácil uso em clínica. Como consequência, a maior parte dos psiquiatras e praticantes em geral são relutantes em aceitar que testes de biomarcadores pode suplementar ou substituir os métodos de diagnóstico utilizados baseados em entrevista. Apesar disso, agências regulatórias concordam agora que melhoras nos correntes métodos são essenciais. Além disso, essas agências estipularam que biomarcadores são importantes para o desenvolvimento de futuras drogas e iniciaram esforços no sentido de modernizar métodos e técnicas para suportar esses esforços. Aqui revisamos os desafios encontrados por essa tentativa do ponto de vista de psiquiatras, praticantes em geral, agências reguladoras e cientistas de biomarcadores. Também descrevemos o desenvolvimento de um novo teste sanguíneo molecular para esquizofrenia como um primeiro passo a esse objetivo.

  3. Animal rights and animal experimentation. Implications for physicians. (United States)

    Gelpi, A. P.


    Practicing physicians are just becoming aware of the animal rights movement, which during the 1980s spawned numerous acts of violence against research facilities throughout the United States. The animal rightists are challenging physicians to show moral justification for the human exploitation of nature and the world of subhuman species. They have aroused public interest in animal welfare, sparked protective legislation for experimental animals, and indirectly encouraged the creation of committees to oversee the conduct of animal experimentation and the conditions of animal confinement. This controversy has necessitated a closer look at the questions of animal experimentation and animal rights against the backdrop of human experimentation and human rights. Physicians and specialists in animal care seek to alleviate suffering and anxiety, and, as moderates, they may be able to bring both sides of the animal rights controversy together in a spirit of mutual tolerance and in the common cause of promoting both human and animal welfare. PMID:1949772

  4. Hematología y citoquímica de las células sanguíneas de Rhinella fernandezae (Anura: Bufonidae en Espinal y Delta-Islas del río Paraná, Argentina

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    Mariana C Cabagna Zenklusen


    Full Text Available La descripción de la hematología de los anfibios anuros es escasa, habiéndose realizado la mayoría de los trabajos en especies de Norteamérica, Asia y Europa. Con el propósito de obtener datos hematológicos para Rhinella fernandezae, fueron estudiados 23 especímenes provenientes de zonas protegidas de las provincias de Santa Fe y Entre Ríos. Se les extrajo sangre por punción cardíaca y se realizaron hemogramas. En los extendidos sanguíneos, se efectuaron la descripción morfológica y citoquímica de las células sanguíneas y búsqueda de parásitos. Se observaron cinco tipos de leucocitos, donde predominaron los linfocitos pequeños. Heterófilos y eosinófilos resultaron positivos para PAS, Sudan B y peroxidasa; contrariamente, los eritrocitos y sus precursores fueron negativos. Los puntajes de las reacciones citoquímicas fueron variables para basófilos, linfocitos, monocitos y trombocitos. Las frecuencias de micronúcleos y de alteraciones nucleares fueron escasas. No se observaron diferencias significativas (p>0.05 entre sexos en el hemograma ni en la morfología sanguínea. Los únicos hemoparásitos encontrados fueron microfilarias (Nematoda: Filaroidea, cuya prevalencia e intensidad de infección fueron bajas. Las características hematológicas estudiadas fueron semejantes a los valores reportados para otros anfibios, pudiendo inferir que los individuos de R. fernandezae estudiados se encuentran en un buen estado nutricional e inmunológico.Hematology and blood cell cytochemistry of Rhinella fernandezae (Amphibia: Anura from Espinal and Delta-Islands of Paraná River, Argentina. The description of amphibian hematology is scarce and most of these studies have been done in species from North America, Asia and Europe. With the purpose to obtain basic hematological information of Rhinella fernandezae, 23 blood samples from Santa Fe and Entre Ríos natural reserves were studied. Blood of each individual was extracted by cardiac



    Over several decades, animal welfare has grown into its own free-standing field of scientific study, from its early beginnings in laboratory animal research to eventually include exhibited animals and farm animals. While it has always been present to some degree, consideration of animal welfare for free-ranging animals has lagged behind, developing as a field of study in the last 20 yr or so. Part of that increase was that animal welfare legislation was finally applied to studies being done on free-ranging animals. But it is the appreciation by the biologists and veterinarians working on wild animals, in which the quality of their results is largely controlled by the quality of the animals they use in their studies, which has resulted in increased attention to the well-being or welfare of the animals that they use. Other important influences driving the recognition of wildlife welfare have been changes in the public's expectations of how wild animals are dealt with, a shift in focus of wildlife professionals from managing animals that can be hunted or angled to include nongame species, the decrease in participation in hunting and fishing by members of the public, and the entry of large numbers of women into fish and wildlife agencies and departments and into veterinary medicine. Technical improvements have allowed the safe capture and handling of large or dangerous animals as immobilization drugs and equipment have been developed. The increasing use of sedating drugs allows for handling of animals with reduced stress and other impacts. A number of topics, such as toe-clipping, branding, defining which taxa can or cannot feel pain, catch-and-release fishing, and more, remain controversial within wildlife science. How we treat the wild animals that we deal with defines who we are as wildlife professionals, and animal welfare concerns and techniques for free-ranging animals will continue to develop and evolve.

  6. Comparison of the fluorescent polarization (TDx and the enzymatic competitive (EMIT 2000 immune assays for the measurement of cyclosporin A blood concentration Comparação dos imuno-ensaios de fluorescência polarizada (TDx e enzimático competitivo (EMIT 2000 na dosagem da concentração de ciclosporina A no sangue total

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    Elias David-Neto


    Full Text Available Evaluation of Cyclosporin A (CyA blood concentration is imperative in solid organ transplantation in order to achieve maximal immunosuppression with the least side effects. We compared the results of whole blood concentrations of CyA in 50 blood samples simultaneously evaluated by the fluorescent polarization immune assay (TDx and the enzymatic competitive immune assay (EMIT 2000. There was a strong correlation between both kits for any range of CyA blood concentration (R=0.99, pA avaliação da concentração sanguínea de ciclosporina A (CyA é necessária em transplantes de órgãos sólidos para obter-se máxima imunosupressão e mínimos efeitos colaterais. Nós comparamos os resultados da concentração de CyA em 50 amostras sanguíneas analisadas pelos métodos dos imuno-ensaios de fluorescência polarizada (TDx e enzimático competitivo (EMIT 2000. Houve uma forte correlação entre ambos métodos para qualquer faixa de concentração de CyA (R=0.99, p<0.001. Os coeficientes de variação intra e interensaio foram menores que 4% para ambos os métodos. O custo para cada análise de CyA foi 50% menor para o EMIT em comparação com o TDx. Concluímos que a metodologia EMIT é tão acurada quanto a de TDx para dosar CyA em amostras sanguíneas. Além disso, a metodologia EMIT é mais prática para ser realizada e mais barata, sendo ainda possível adotá-la para dosagens de CyA em vários horários de um mesmo dia.

  7. Animals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Skuterud, L.; Strand, P. [Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (Norway); Howard, B.J. [Inst. of Terrestrial Ecology (United Kingdom)


    The radionuclides of most concern with respect to contamination of animals after a nuclear accident are radioiodine, radiocaesium and radiostrontium (ICRP 30, 1979). Of the other significant anthropogenic radionuclides likely to be released in most accidents, only small proportions of that ingested will be absorbed in an animals gut, and the main animal products, milk and meat, will not normally be contaminated to a significant extent. Animal products will mostly be contaminated as a result of ingestion of contaminated feed and possibly, but to a much lesser extent, from inhalation (for radioiodine only). Direct external contamination of animals is of little or no consequence in human food production. Radioiodine and radiostrontium are important with respect to contamination of milk; radiocaesium contaminates both milk and meat. The physical and chemical form of a radionuclide can influence its absorption in the animal gut. For example, following the Chernobyl accident radiocaesium incorporated into vegetation by root uptake was more readily absorbed than that associated with the original deposit. The transfer of radiocaesium and radiostrontium to animals will be presented both as transfer coefficients and aggregated transfer coefficients. For most animal meat products, only radiocaesium is important as other radionuclides do not significantly contaminate muscle. Farm animal products are the most important foodstuff determining radiocaesium intake by the average consumer in the Nordic countries. The major potential source of radioiodine and radiostrontium to humans is milk and milk products. Of the different species, the smaller animals have the highest transfer of radiocaesium from fodder to meat and milk. (EG). 68 refs.

  8. Animals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skuterud, L.; Strand, P.; Howard, B.J.


    The radionuclides of most concern with respect to contamination of animals after a nuclear accident are radioiodine, radiocaesium and radiostrontium (ICRP 30, 1979). Of the other significant anthropogenic radionuclides likely to be released in most accidents, only small proportions of that ingested will be absorbed in an animals gut, and the main animal products, milk and meat, will not normally be contaminated to a significant extent. Animal products will mostly be contaminated as a result of ingestion of contaminated feed and possibly, but to a much lesser extent, from inhalation (for radioiodine only). Direct external contamination of animals is of little or no consequence in human food production. Radioiodine and radiostrontium are important with respect to contamination of milk; radiocaesium contaminates both milk and meat. The physical and chemical form of a radionuclide can influence its absorption in the animal gut. For example, following the Chernobyl accident radiocaesium incorporated into vegetation by root uptake was more readily absorbed than that associated with the original deposit. The transfer of radiocaesium and radiostrontium to animals will be presented both as transfer coefficients and aggregated transfer coefficients. For most animal meat products, only radiocaesium is important as other radionuclides do not significantly contaminate muscle. Farm animal products are the most important foodstuff determining radiocaesium intake by the average consumer in the Nordic countries. The major potential source of radioiodine and radiostrontium to humans is milk and milk products. Of the different species, the smaller animals have the highest transfer of radiocaesium from fodder to meat and milk. (EG)

  9. Knowledge of the Animal Welfare Act and Animal Welfare Regulations Influences Attitudes toward Animal Research (United States)


    Recent public-opinion polls indicate that Americans have shown a decline in support for animal experimentation, and several reports suggest a relationship between people's knowledge of animal welfare regulations and their attitudes toward animal research. Therefore, this study was designed to assess respondent's knowledge of several provisions in the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and Animal Welfare Regulations (AWR), and determine whether exposure to elements of this legislation would influence an individual's attitudes toward the use of animals in research. A survey was used to assess knowledge of animal research regulations and attitudes toward animal research from a sample of individuals recruited through Amazon's Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing marketplace. Results from study 1 confirmed the hypothesis that respondents had little knowledge of various federal regulations that govern animal research activities. Data from study 2 revealed that exposure to elements of the AWA and AWR influenced participants’ attitudes toward the use of animals in research. These results suggest that providing information to the general public about the AWA and AWR that protect laboratory animals from abuse and neglect may help alleviate concerns about using animals in research settings. PMID:25651094

  10. Animal research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsson, I.A.S.; Sandøe, Peter


    This article presents the ethical issues in animal research using a combined approach of ethical theory and analysis of scientific findings with bearing on the ethical analysis. The article opens with a general discussion of the moral acceptability of animal use in research. The use of animals...... in research is analyzed from the viewpoint of three distinct ethical approaches: contractarianism, utilitarianism, and animal rights view. On a contractarian view, research on animals is only an ethical issue to the extent that other humans as parties to the social contract care about how research animals...... are faring. From the utilitarian perspective, the use of sentient animals in research that may harm them is an ethical issue, but harm done to animals can be balanced by benefit generated for humans and other animals. The animal rights view, when thoroughgoing, is abolitionist as regards the use of animals...

  11. Impacto de Leishmania amazonensis y la Sangre de Ave en el Potencial Biológico y Fecundidad de Lutzomyia migonei y Lutzomyia ovallesi (Diptera: Psychodidae

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    Elsa Nieves


    Resumo. Nos flebotomíneos (Diptera: Psychodidae o hábito pela hematofagia é responsável pela indução de vários processos fisiológicos também na transmissão de Leishmania Ross. O presente estudo compara o sangue de ave, de mamífero e com infecção por Leishmania amazonensis Lainson & Shaw sobre o potencial biológico de Lutzomyia migonei (França e de Lutzomyia ovallesi Ortiz. Foram utilizadas fêmeas das duas espécies alimentadas artificialmente com sangue de hamster (Mesocricetus auratus Waterhouse e frango (Gallus gallus Linnaeus, infectados com L. amazonensis. Os grupos controle foram alimentados somente com sangue, sem parasitas. Foram determinados o grau de repasto sanguíneo, o tempo de digestão, o padrão de diurese, o tempo de oviposição, a sobrevivencia a oviposição e a fecundidade. A espécie L. migonei quando alimentada com sangue de hamster e frango apresentaram maior fecundidade do que as fêmeas de L. ovallesi, a maior fecundidade foi com sangue de frango. A presença de Leishmania no sangue de frango ou sangue de hamster diminuiu significativamente o seu consumo, o que resultou na diminuição da sobrevida das fêmeas após a oviposição em L. migonei alimentados com sangue de frango e não com sangue de hamsters. Entretanto, não afetar a quantidade de sangue e a sobrevivência de oviposição de L. ovallesi. A infecção com L. amazonensis causo um aumento no número de ovos retidos e diminuiu o número de ovos postos por L. migonei e L. ovallesi, especialmente com sangue de frango e também reduz o tempo de digestão do sangue em ambas as espécies com sangue de frango, mas não com sangue de hamster. Embora o sangue de frango foi menos eficaz do que o sangue de hamster sobre o potencial biológico de L. migonei e L. ovallesi, não exclui o sangue de frango como uma fonte de sangue para a manutenção das populações de ambas as espécies nas casas.

  12. Composição química e aminoacídica e coeficientes de digestibilidade verdadeira dos aminoácidos de farinhas de penas e sangue determinados em galos cecectomizados Chemical and amino acid composition and true digestibility coefficients of amino acids of feather and blood meals, determined in cecectomized cocks

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    Cinthia Eyng


    Full Text Available Foram determinados a composição química e aminoacídica e os coeficientes de digestibilidade verdadeira dos aminoácidos (CDVaa de farinhas de penas e sangue para aves obtidas de diferentes fornecedores. Utilizaram-se 30 galos cecectomizados distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro farinhas de penas e sangue (farinhas 1, 2, 3 e 4 e um tratamento no qual as aves permaneceram em jejum, seis repetições sendo a unidade experimental composta por um galo. As variações na composição química das farinhas de penas e sangue podem estar relacionadas à falta de padronização no processamento a que são submetidas. Os coeficientes médios de digestibilidade verdadeira dos aminoácidos essenciais e não-essenciais para as farinhas de penas 1, 2, 3 e 4 são, respectivamente, 75,14 e 68,41; 73,34 e 67,17; 78,99 e 75,41; 78,55 e 73,40%.Chemical and amino acid composition and true digestibility coefficients of amino acids of feather and blood meals for birds from different suppliers were determined. Thirty cecectomized cocks were distributed in a completely randomized design, with 4 different feather and blood meals (meals 1, 2, 3 and 4 and one treatment in which the birds remained fasting, with six replications as the experimental unit composed of one rooster. The variations in the chemical composition of the feather and blood meals can be related to the lack of standardization in the processing to which they are submitted. Mean true digestibility coefficients of essential and non essential amino acid for feather and blood meals 1,2, 3 and 4 are 75.14 and 68.41; 73.34 and 67.17; 78.99 and 75.41; 78.55 and 73.40%, respectively.

  13. Animal rights, animal minds, and human mindreading. (United States)

    Mameli, M; Bortolotti, L


    Do non-human animals have rights? The answer to this question depends on whether animals have morally relevant mental properties. Mindreading is the human activity of ascribing mental states to other organisms. Current knowledge about the evolution and cognitive structure of mindreading indicates that human ascriptions of mental states to non-human animals are very inaccurate. The accuracy of human mindreading can be improved with the help of scientific studies of animal minds. However, the scientific studies do not by themselves solve the problem of how to map psychological similarities (and differences) between humans and animals onto a distinction between morally relevant and morally irrelevant mental properties. The current limitations of human mindreading-whether scientifically aided or not-have practical consequences for the rational justification of claims about which rights (if any) non-human animals should be accorded.


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    Sandro Henrique de Faria

    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivos avaliar o desempenho do GPR (Ground Penetrating RADAR para aplicações batimétricas em ambiente controlado e do aplicativo “GPR Bathymetry”, desenvolvido para análise de radargramas batimétricos. O estudo foi realizado em uma caixa de decantação da estação de tratamento de água da qual se tem o “as-built”, obtido com estação total, que será empregado nos testes de validação. Realizaram-se três testes de comparação: comparações pontuais; entre Modelos Digitais de Elevação (MDE gerados a partir do interpolador Topo to Raster; e entre os volumes calculados a partir dos MDE’s. Na comparação pontual a maior amplitude de discrepância entre as médias foi de 8cm. Para a amostra de discrepâncias entre os MDE’s, a amplitude foi de 9cm, média de 2cm, acurácia estimada de 4cm e o RMS de 3cm. Na comparação volumétrica obteve-se o valor de 800,6m³ com dados de referência e 806,4m³ com dados do GPR, resultando numa diferença de 1% entre os modelos. Conclui-se que para um reservatório construído em concreto armado, profundidades variando de 3 a 3,5 metros, o levantamento do relevo submerso empregando um GPR apresentou resultados promissores e um MDE com acurácia estimada de 4cm e discrepâncias de até 9cm

  15. Ethical dilemmas in blood transfusion in Jehovah's Witnesses: a legal-bioethical analysis Dilemas éticos en la transfusión sanguínea de Testigos de Jeová: un análisis jurídico-bioético Dilemas éticos na hemotransfusão em Testemunhas de Jeová: uma análise jurídico-bioética

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    Inacia Sátiro Xavier de França


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To identify knowledge production by healthcare professionals about blood transfusion in Jehovah's Witnesses (JW, listing the therapeutic alternatives for blood transfusion in these individuals and citing the legal, ethical and bioethical standards regarding blood transfusion in JWs. METHODS: Data were collected in the LILACS and SciELO databases, Nursing journals and on Articles focusing on blood transfusion in JWs were included, and texts that were repeated or did not approach this theme were excluded. Content analysis was used. RESULTS: The thematic categories show that the JWs accept self-transfusion and are opposed to the medical practice of blood transfusion, even if it represents the continuity of life. CONCLUSION: Healthcare professionals experience ethical dilemmas when they need to perform blood transfusion in JWs due to the fact that religious freedom is not an absolute value, and the apparent collision of fundamental rights demands that a decision be made, centered on legal standards and bioethical principles.OBJETIVO: Identificar la producción de conocimiento por los profesionales de salud respecto a la transfusión sanguínea de Testigos de Jeova (TJ, listar las alternativas terapéuticas de la transfusión sanguínea en esos individuos y citar la ordenanza jurídica, ética y bioética en lo que concierne a la transfusión sanguínea en TJ. MÉTODOS: Se recolectaron datos en las bases de datos LILACS y SciELO, periódicos de Enfermería y en el Se incluyeron artículos enfocando la transfusión sanguínea en TJ, y se excluyeron a los que no abordaban esa temática o estaban repetidos. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido. RESULTADOS: Las categorías temáticas señalan que los TJ acatan la auto-transfusión y se contraponen a la práctica médica de la transfusión sanguínea, aunque ella represente la continuidad de la vida. CONCLUSIÓN: Los profesionales de salud

  16. Factors influencing interactions in zoos: animal-keeper relationship, animal-public interactions and solitary animals groups

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    Giovanni Quintavalle Pastorino


    Full Text Available Interactions that animals experience can have a significant influence on their health and welfare. These interactions can occur between animals themselves, but also between animals and keepers, and animals and the public. Human and non-human animals come into contact with each other in a variety of settings, and wherever there is contact there is the opportunity for interaction to take place. Interaction with companion animals are well known, but human–animal interaction (HAR (Hosey, 2008 also occurs in the context of farms (Hemsworth and Gonyou, 1997; Hemsworth, 2003, laboratories (Chang and Hart, 2002, zoos (Kreger and Mench, 1995 and even the wild (e.g. Cassini, 2001. This project proposes a permanent monitoring scheme to record animal-human interactions and animal-animal interactions in zoos. This will be accompanied by a survey of animal personality for welfare, husbandry, breeding programs and reintroduction purposes. The pilot project is currently based on direct monitoring of animal behaviour, use of time lapse cameras and animal personality questionnaires completed by experienced keepers. The goal of this project is to create a network between zoos to explore the aforementioned interactions to produce husbandry protocols and explore personality and behavioural traits in multiple species. We present provisional data regarding polar bear (Fasano Zoosafari, Italy, Sumatran tigers, Amur tigers and Asiatic lion (ZSL London and Whipsnade zoo interactions with humans and conspecifics. This data is collected across a broad range of environmental conditions and outlines the monitoring protocols developed to collect this data. The first year data show the great adaptability of these species to ex situ environments, low or absent negative impact of visitors’ presence and the relevance of individual personality in these interactions.

  17. Does size matter? Animal units and animal unit months (United States)

    Lamar Smith; Joe Hicks; Scott Lusk; Mike Hemmovich; Shane Green; Sarah McCord; Mike Pellant; John Mitchell; Judith Dyess; Jim Sprinkle; Amanda Gearhart; Sherm Karl; Mike Hannemann; Ken Spaeth; Jason Karl; Matt Reeves; Dave Pyke; Jordan Spaak; Andrew Brischke; Del Despain; Matt Phillippi; Dave Weixelmann; Alan Bass; Jessie Page; Lori Metz; David Toledo; Emily Kachergis


    The concepts of animal units, animal unit months, and animal unit equivalents have long been used as standards for range management planning, estimating stocking rates, reporting actual use, assessing grazing fees, ranch appraisal, and other purposes. Increasing size of cattle on rangelands has led some to suggest that the definition of animal units and animal unit...

  18. Viscosidade do Sangue como Parâmetro de Diagnóstico da Síndrome Ascítica em Linhagens de Frangos de Corte com Diferentes Suscetibilidade Blood Viscosity as Diagnostic Parameter for Ascites in Broiler Chickens Strains of Different Susceptibility

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    SF Fontes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o desenvolvimento de ascites em duas linhagens diferentes de frangos de corte, Hubbard e Pescoço-pelado, através da variação da viscosidade do sangue. As aves foram criadas até 45 dias de idade em duas temperaturas ambiente diferentes (termoneutra e fria e com dieta de ração à base de milho e farelo de soja, peletizada e de alta energia. Aos 28 e 45 dias de idade, amostras de 8 mL de sangue foram obtidas para determinação da viscosidade aparente em um viscosímetro de cilindros concêntricos da marca Brookfield, modelo LVDII+ e para determinação do hematócrito. Aos 28 dias de idade foram verificadas algumas ocorrências de ascite nas aves da linhagem Hubbard criadas à temperatura ambiente fria, e aos 45 dias de idade, todos os frangos de corte dessa linhagem criados no ambiente frio apresentaram ascite. A linhagem Pescoço-pelado foi resistente ao desenvolvimento de ascite em todas as idades e temperaturas ambiente. A análise dos resultados da viscosidade aparente do sangue indicaram que aves com valores similares ou maiores que 4 cP (centipoise apresentaram ascite. Podemos concluir que na linhagem comercial o valor de 4 cP para a viscosidade aparente parece identificar o desenvolvimento de ascite.The objective of this work was to investigate the development of ascites in broilers from Hubbard and Naked-neck strains based on the change in blood viscosity. The broilers were reared up to 45 days of age at different environmental temperatures (thermoneutral or cold and fed pelleted diets with high energy content. At 28 and 45 days, blood samples were obtained to measure the apparent blood viscosity, using a viscosimeter of concentric cylinders, and hematocrit. The results showed that at 28 days of age, some occurrence of ascites was verified in Hubbard birds living in the cold environment, but at 45 days of age all the birds reared at cold temperature had developed ascites. The Naked

  19. Learning Anime Studio

    CERN Document Server

    Troftgruben, Chad


    Anime Studio is your complete animation program to help you create 2D movies, cartoons, anime, and cut out animations. You can create your own animated shorts and use Anime Studio to produce cartoon animations for film, video, or streaming over the Web, which can be enjoyed on YouTube, Vimeo, and other popular sites. Anime Studio is great for hobbyists and professionals alike, combining tools for both illustration and animation. With Anime Studio's easy-to-use interface, you will be creating an animated masterpiece in no time. This practical, step-by-step guide will provide you with a structur

  20. Controle de esterilidade de produtos de células progenitoras hematopoéticas do sangue periférico Sterility control of hematopoietic progenitor cells from peripheral blood products

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    Igor D. Almeida


    Full Text Available A taxa de contaminação microbiana dos produtos de células progenitoras hematopoéticas do sangue periférico é baixa. Neste estudo pesquisou-se a prevalência de hemoculturas positivas em células progenitoras hematopoéticas do sangue periférico (CPHSP no Serviço de Hemoterapia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Do total de 618 coletas realizadas no período de 2000 a 2007, 26 (4,2% apresentaram contaminação por bactérias. O Staphylococcus coagulase-negativo foi predominantemente isolado nas hemoculturas. A antibioticoterapia pré e pós-infusão foi estabelecida de acordo com o microorganismo e seu antibiograma, sendo que, em cinco das doze infusões contaminadas realizadas, não foram administrados antimicrobianos profilaticamente. Episódios febris foram observados em sete pacientes (58%, enquanto cinco (42% não apresentaram febre. Das doze infusões contaminadas realizadas, seis (50% apresentaram hemocultura pós-descongelamento positivas, enquanto as restantes (50% foram negativas. Isto se deve às propriedades bactericidas do DMSO, de células fagocitose-ativas e de temperaturas muito baixas atingidas na criopreservação. Autores têm relatado sucesso neste procedimento após a infusão desses produtos contaminados com o mínimo de consequências clínicas.The rate of microbial contamination of hematopoietic progenitor cell products from peripheral blood is low. In this study, we investigated the prevalence of positive blood cultures of hematopoietic progenitor cells from peripheral blood in a hemotherapy service. Of a total of 618 samples taken during the period from 2000 to 2007, 26 (4.2% were contaminated by bacteria. Staphylococcus coagulase-negative was the predominant bacterium isolated in blood cultures. Pre- and post-infusion antibiotic therapy was established depending on the microorganism and antibiogram, whereas in five out of twelve contaminated infusions, no antibiotics were administered prophylactically

  1. Animal-Computer Interaction: Animal-Centred, Participatory, and Playful Design

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pons, Patricia; Hirskyj-Douglas, Ilyena; Nijholt, Antinus; Cheok, Adrian D.; Spink, Andrew; Riedel, Gernot; Zhou, Liting; Teekens, Lisanne; Albatal, Rami; Gurrin, Cathal

    In recent years there has been growing interest in developing technology to improve animal's wellbeing and to support the interaction of animals within the digital world. The field of Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI) considers animals as the end-users of the technology being developed, orienting

  2. Parâmetros eletrocardiográficos de equinos Puro Sangue Árabe submetidos a exercício prolongado de enduro Electrocardiographic parameters of Arabian horses submitted to prolonged exercise of endurance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cinthia Beatriz da Silva Dumont


    Full Text Available Foram estabelecidos os parâmetros eletrocardiográficos de 20 equinos Puro Sangue Árabe em repouso e após exercício prolongado de enduro. A frequência cardíaca média foi de 35,85bpm em repouso, com predominância do ritmo sinusal, e de 53,78bpm, com taquicardia sinusal após o exercício. Como variação fisiológica, observou-se marcapasso migratório, e como não fisiológica, complexo ventricular prematuro. No pós-exercício, ocorreu aumento da amplitude das ondas P, R, S e T, com onda P tendendo a se tornar única em 35% dos animais e bífida positiva em 65%, e a onda T monofásica positiva. Houve redução da duração das ondas, dos intervalos e dos segmentos, e alongamento do QTc; porém, o complexo QRS quase não se alterou. O eixo elétrico, no plano frontal, apresentou desvios à direita e à esquerda em repouso sugestivo de aumento de câmara e hipertrofia secundárias ao treinamento, ao passo que, após o exercício, demonstrou desvio extremo para a direita, indicando alterações eletrolíticas. O escore cardíaco médio foi de 128,45ms, o que caracteriza os animais como atletas, sendo reduzido a 118,60ms após o exercício.Electrocardiographic parameters of 20 Thoroughbred Arabian horses were established at rest and after prolonged endurance exercise. The mean heart rate was 35.85bpm at rest with predominant sinus rhythm, and 53.78bpm with sinus tachycardia after exercise. As physiological variation, wandering pacemaker was observed, and as non physiological, premature ventricular complex was noted. At post-exercise there was an increase of the amplitude of waves P, R, S and T, with P wave tending to become single in 35% of the animals and bifid positive in 65%, and with monophase positive T wave. There was a reduction in the duration of the waves, intervals and segments, and elongation of QTc, but the QRS complex hardly changed. The electrical axis in the frontal plane showed deviations to the right and to the left at rest


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    Tim Ingold


    Full Text Available Animism is often described as the imputation of life to inert objects. Such imputation is more typical of people in western societies who dream of finding life on other planets than of indigenous peoples to whom the label of animism has classically been applied. These peoples are united not in their beliefs but in a way of being that is alive and open to a world in continuous birth. In this animic ontology, beings do not propel themselves across a ready-made world but rather issue forth through a world-in-formation, along the lines of their relationships. To its inhabitants this weather-world, embracing both sky and earth, is a source of astonishment but not surprise. Re-animating the ‘western’ tradition of thought means recovering the sense of astonishment banished from offi cial science.

  4. Animal welfare and use of silkworm as a model animal. (United States)

    Sekimizu, N; Paudel, A; Hamamoto, H


    Sacrificing model animals is required for developing effective drugs before being used in human beings. In Japan today, at least 4,210,000 mice and other mammals are sacrificed to a total of 6,140,000 per year for the purpose of medical studies. All the animals treated in Japan, including test animals, are managed under control of "Act on Welfare and Management of Animals". Under the principle of this Act, no person shall kill, injure, or inflict cruelty on animals without due cause. "Animal" addressed in the Act can be defined as a "vertebrate animal". If we can make use of invertebrate animals in testing instead of vertebrate ones, that would be a remarkable solution for the issue of animal welfare. Furthermore, there are numerous advantages of using invertebrate animal models: less space and small equipment are enough for taking care of a large number of animals and thus are cost-effective, they can be easily handled, and many biological processes and genes are conserved between mammals and invertebrates. Today, many invertebrates have been used as animal models, but silkworms have many beneficial traits compared to mammals as well as other insects. In a Genome Pharmaceutical Institute's study, we were able to achieve a lot making use of silkworms as model animals. We would like to suggest that pharmaceutical companies and institutes consider the use of the silkworm as a model animal which is efficacious both for financial value by cost cutting and ethical aspects in animals' welfare.

  5. Impactos de se ignorarem os efeitos genéticos não-aditivos de dominância na avaliação genética animal Impacts of ignoring the non-additive genetic effects of dominance on animal genetic evaluation

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    Elizângela Emídio Cunha


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os impactos de se ignorarem os efeitos de dominância sobre a estimação de parâmetros genéticos e a predição de valores genéticos pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita sob modelo animal aditivo empregando-se o MTDFREML. Para a mesma arquitetura genômica, foram simulados dois modelos de ação gênica: um deles incluiu apenas efeitos aditivos dos genes e o outro, efeitos aditivos e dominância completa e positiva para 100% dos locos. Sob cada modelo genético, foram geradas três populações-base correspondentes às características com herdabilidades de 0,15 (baixa, 0,30 (média e 0,60 (alta. A partir das populações-base, foram geradas as populações iniciais, que, submetidas a seleção e a acasalamentos ao acaso, durante seis gerações consecutivas e discretas, resultaram cada uma em 18.000 indivíduos com registro. As estimativas dos componentes de variância e herdabilidade obtidas no modelo com ação gênica aditiva foram semelhantes aos seus valores reais para todas as características, ao passo que, sob ação gênica de dominância, todos os componentes foram superestimados, principalmente a variância genética aditiva. A variância de dominância não-estimada pelo modelo animal adotado foi redistribuída entre os componentes genético aditivo e residual estimados. Houve perda na acurácia da avaliação genética sob o modelo genético com dominância e essa perda foi traduzida por correlações mais baixas entre os valores genéticos verdadeiros e preditos dos animais. Há necessidade de novos estudos, já que os genomas simulados podem não corresponder aos sistemas biológicos verdadeiros.The objective of this study was to evaluate impacts of ignoring the dominance effects on the estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of genetic values by the restricted maximum likelihood method, under the additive animal model, using MTDFREML. Two gene action models were

  6. Current status of animal welfare and animal rights in China. (United States)

    Lu, Jiaqi; Bayne, Kathryn; Wang, Jianfei


    In the past few years, new social passions have sparked on the Chinese mainland. At the centre of these burgeoning passions is a focus on animal welfare, animal treatment, and even animal rights, by the public and academic sectors. With China's rapid economic changes and greater access to information from around the world, societal awareness of animal issues is rising very fast. Hastening this paradigm shift were several highly public incidents involving animal cruelty, including exposés on bear bile harvesting for traditional Chinese medicine, the thousands of dogs rescued from China's meat trade, and the call to boycott shark fin soup and bird nest soup. This article outlines the current status of campaigning by animal advocates in China (specifically the animal rights movement) from three interlinked perspectives: wildlife conservation, companion animal protection, and laboratory animal protection. By reviewing this campaigning, we attempt to present not only the political and social impact of the concept of animal rights, but also the perceptions of, and challenges to, animal rights activities in China. 2013 FRAME.

  7. Tratamento de grave hemorragia digestiva baixa sem uso de sangue em paciente dependente de hemodiálise: relato de casodoi: 10.20513/2447-6595.2016v56n2p51-53

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    Walberto Monteiro Neiva Eulálio Filho


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um relato de caso de uma paciente Testemunha de Jeová, feminina, 66 anos, com insuficiência renal crônica dialítica, apresentou episódio de grave enterorragia e choque hemorrágico. Como a paciente recusara transfusões de sangue foram adotadas condutas alternativas para estabilização hemodinâmica. Devido a sucessivas hemodiálises apresentou queda dos níveis de hemoglobina de 7,3 g/dl no pós-operatório imediato (POI para o valor mínimo atingido de 3,9 g/dl no 11º dia pós-operatório. Permaneceu internada recebendo altas doses de eritropoietina, ferro, vitamina B12 e ácido fólico até que os níveis de hemoglobina se reestabelecessem.

  8. Seeing the animal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harfeld, Jes Lynning; Cornou, Cecile; Kornum, Anna


    This article discusses the notion that the invisibility of the animalness of the animal constitutes a fundamental obstacle to change within current production systems. It is discussed whether housing animals in environments that resemble natural habitats could lead to a re-animalization...... of the animals, a higher appreciation of their moral significance, and thereby higher standards of animal welfare. The basic claim is that experiencing the animals in their evolutionary and environmental context would make it harder to objectify animals as mere bioreactors and production systems. It is argued...... that the historic objectification of animals within intensive animal production can only be reversed if animals are given the chance to express themselves as they are and not as we see them through the tunnel visions of economy and quantifiable welfare assessment parameters....

  9. Fostering Kinship with Animals: Animal Portraiture in Humane Education (United States)

    Kalof, Linda; Zammit-Lucia, Joe; Bell, Jessica; Granter, Gina


    Visual depictions of animals can alter human perceptions of, emotional responses to, and attitudes toward animals. Our study addressed the potential of a slideshow designed to activate emotional responses to animals to foster feelings of kinship with them. The personal meaning map measured changes in perceptions of animals. The participants were…

  10. Gaps in US Animal Welfare Law for Laboratory Animals: Perspectives From an Animal Law Attorney. (United States)

    Frasch, Pamela D


    The use of animals in biomedical, toxicological, and basic research has been common practice, and a tool for scientists and researchers, for many years. And yet, serious conflict continues to exist between those who believe that the use of animals in research will yield scientific results that benefit humans and those who believe such practices are unethical regardless of use or outcome. High-profile undercover cases have further raised public awareness and have put the entire industry under pressure to be transparent, accountable, and aggressive in its adoption of reduction, refinement, and replacement (3R) principles. Many animal law attorneys are deeply frustrated by what they see as weak US laws that are unevenly enforced, especially when compared with legal advances in other countries and regions. This article (1) explores those gaps in US animal welfare laws with an emphasis on the Animal Welfare Act, (2) argues in favor of stronger laws and rigorous enforcement, and (3) suggests steps to advance these goals. These steps include (1) expanding the definition of "animal" in the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), (2) improving and expanding minimum care requirements in USDA regulations, (3) instituting mandatory reporting requirements, improving Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees, and allowing easier accessibility to laboratory reports and plans, (4) adding a citizen suit provision to the AWA, and (5) continuing education about the emotional and social capacities of animals and a stronger commitment to 3R principles. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:

  11. Animals Alive! An Ecological Guide to Animal Activities. (United States)

    Holley, Dennis

    Animals Alive! is designed to help teachers develop an inquiry-oriented program for studying the animal kingdom in which, whenever possible, live animals are collected locally, studied, observed, and then released completely unharmed back into their natural habitats. By careful selection and modification of the chapter questions, activities, and…

  12. Imunoblot como teste suplementar para detecção de anticorpos contra o vírus da hepatite C em doadores de sangue Immunoblot as a supplemental test to detect antibodies to hepatitis C virus in blood donors

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    Francisco José Dutra Souto


    Full Text Available Testes suplementares para melhorar a especificidade do anti-VHC por ELISA nos bancos de sangue não são oficialmente recomendados no Brasil. No intuito de avaliar a taxa de falso-positivos, 70 doadores com transaminases normais e anti-VHC por ELISA foram submetidos a imunoblot de 3ª geração no Hemocentro de Mato Grosso, que não dispõe da técnica da reação de cadeia de polimerase. O teste confirmou o anti-VHC em 44 (62,9%, sendo negativo em 22 (31,4% e indeterminado em 4 (5,7%. Confirmação pelo imunoblot ajuda a identificar os testes ELISA que são falso-positivos, tranqüilizando o grande contingente de doadores nessa situação e separando os que necessitam de acompanhamento médico. Com esse objetivo, sugere-se que o imunoblot poderia ser útil nos bancos de sangue brasileiros que não contam com técnicas de Biologia Molecular.Supplemental tests using Immunoblot are recommended to improve specificity of anti-HCV by ELISA. In Brazil immunoblot is not officially recommended. Aiming to identify EIA false-positive rate 70 positive EIA anti-HCV blood donors were submitted to 3rd generation immunoblot at Hemocentro of Mato Grosso State where polymerase chain reaction tests are not performed. There were 44 (62.9% immunoblot-positive, 22 (31.4% negative and 4 (5.7% indeterminate. Anti-HCV immunoblot can distinguish blood donors with false-positive ELISA from those who need medical assessment. Our data suggest that immunoblot could be useful in Brazilian blood banks where molecular biology tests are not available.

  13. Concepts of animal welfare in relation to positions in animal ethics. (United States)

    Schmidt, Kirsten


    When animal ethicists deal with welfare they seem to face a dilemma: On the one hand, they recognize the necessity of welfare concepts for their ethical approaches. On the other hand, many animal ethicists do not want to be considered reformist welfarists. Moreover, animal welfare scientists may feel pressed by moral demands for a fundamental change in our attitude towards animals. The analysis of this conflict from the perspective of animal ethics shows that animal welfare science and animal ethics highly depend on each other. Welfare concepts are indispensable in the whole field of animal ethics. Evidence for this can be found by analyzing the structure of theories of animal ethics and the different ways in which these theories employ welfare concepts. Furthermore, the background of values underneath every welfare theory is essential to pursue animal welfare science. Animal ethics can make important contributions to the clarification of underlying normative assumptions with regard to the value of the animal, with regard to ideas about what is valuable for the animal, and with regard to the actions that should follow from the results of animal welfare science.

  14. [Alternatives to animal experimentation v.s. animal rights terrorism]. (United States)

    Kurosawa, Tsutomu Miki


    Systematic modern animal experimentation was established by Bernard Claude who wrote "An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine" in 1865. At this point, the public was already asking that the pain and distress of experimental animals be reduced. For this, scientists, William Russell and Rex Burch in 1959 proposed the principles of alternatives to animal experimentation, the "3Rs". Since that time, animal welfare advocates have promoted the 3Rs concept in biomedical research communities. However, cruel animal experiments have continued and there are reports of radical extremists showing their opposition by invasion, arson, theft and even bombing of institutions involved, resulting in killing of the animals. SHAC, one extremist group believed to be animal welfare activitists was recognized as a terrorist group after the 9.11 tragedy in USA and the government viewed their activities very seriously. In 2001, British animal extremists invaded Japanese universities and stole laboratory resources; one individual was arrested and sentenced to prison for three years; Japanese who assisted in the incident were arrested and one was sentenced for one year. In 2006, SHAC USA members were prosecuted and sentenced for up to 6 years for their terrorism activities including arson. We need to consider the background of these activities which are financially supported by animal welfare advocates. The way we, as scientists who conduct such experiments can respond is by promoting alternatives to this experimentation. In Japan, the animal welfare law was revised in 2005 stressing the importance of 3Rs in scientific activities with animals. The promotion of 3Rs should be strengthened in the pharmaceutical community.

  15. Produção leiteira, composição do leite e perfil bioquímico sanguíneo de vacas lactantes sob suplementação com sal aniônico Milk yield, milk composition and biochemical blood profile of lactating cows supplemented with anionic salt

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    Lúcia Treptow Marques


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de sal aniônico na dieta sobre as características físicas e a composição química do leite, o perfil bioquímico sanguíneo, a produção de leite, o peso e a condição corporal de vacas em lactação. Foram utilizadas 20 vacas da raça Jersey distribuídas em duas dietas, uma sem adição de sal aniônico e outra com adição de 0,25 kg/dia de cloreto de amônio. O delineamento empregado foi o completamente casualizado. As vacas sob suplementação com sal aniônico apresentaram menor pH urinário e aumento das concentrações sanguíneas de ureia, cálcio e magnésio. Com a dieta aniônica, o leite precipitou com menores concentrações de etanol, apresentou menor densidade, porcentagens de lactose, proteína e imunoglobulina, porém maior teor de cálcio iônico. O fornecimento de dieta aniônica durante a lactação resultou em acidose metabólica, o que alterou o perfil bioquímico sanguíneo e as características físico-químicas do leite.The objective of this work was to evaluate the inclusion of anionic salt in the diet on the physical characteristics and chemical composition of milk, biochemical blood profile, milk yield, body weight and condition. It was used 20 Jersey cows, distributed into two diets, a diet with no addition of anionic salt and one diet with addition of 0.25 kg/day of ammonium chloride. It was used a completely randomized design. Cows supplemented with anionic salt presented lower urinary pH and increase of blood contents of urea, calcium and magnesium. With the anionic diet, milk precipitated with lower ethanol concentration and it presented lower density, percentages of lactose, protein and immunoglobulin, but higher ionic calcium content. Supply of anionic diet during lactation resulted in metabolic acidosis, which altered the blood biochemical profile and milk physical-chemical characteristics.

  16. A eficiência do sistema superprecoce com bovinos de diferentes proporções do genótipo Bos indicus


    Cucki, Thalita Oliveira [UNESP


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da proporção de sangue zebuíno no desempenho animal em confinamento, mensuração do crescimento animal, bem como as características de carcaça ao abate de bovinos jovens. Foram utilizados 96 novilhos não castrados, sendo, 24 da raça Nelore (N), 24 three cross Angus x Nelore x Brahman (TBH), 24 da raça Brangus (BG) e 24 three cross Angus x Nelore x Pardo - Suíço (TPS). Maior peso ao abate foi apresentado pelo grupo TPS (

  17. [Animal Health Law-- the National Animal Health Act and the European Animal Health Law]. (United States)

    Bätza, Hans-Joachim; Mettenleiter, Thomas


    The Animal Health Act that replaces the Animal Disease Act, which is currently in force, creates a regulatory framework in order to not only, as has been the case so far, control animal diseases that had already broken out, but in order to already prevent in advance possible outbreaks of animal diseases by means of preventive measures. The instruments to this effect are described here. At European level, too, the idea of prevention is set to play a greater role in the future, with the draft EU legal instrument on animal health, that has to date only been discussed at Commission level, also contributing to a simplification and easier implementation by the persons subject to law by harmonising the currently fragmented Community law. It remains to be seen when the deliberations in the Council and European Parliament will begin.

  18. Adapting Animal-Assisted Therapy Trials to Prison-Based Animal Programs. (United States)

    Allison, Molly; Ramaswamy, Megha


    Prison-based animal programs have shown promise when it comes to increased sociability, responsibility, and levels of patience for inmates who participate in these programs. Yet there remains a dearth of scientific research that demonstrates the impact of prison-based animal programs on inmates' physical and mental health. Trials of animal-assisted therapy interventions, a form of human-animal interaction therapy most often used with populations affected by depression/anxiety, mental illness, and trauma, may provide models of how prison-based animal program research can have widespread implementation in jail and prison settings, whose populations have high rates of mental health problems. This paper reviews the components of prison-based animal programs most commonly practiced in prisons today, presents five animal-assisted therapy case studies, evaluates them based on their adaptability to prison-based animal programs, and discusses the institutional constraints that act as barriers for rigorous prison-based animal program research implementation. This paper can serve to inform the development of a research approach to animal-assisted therapy that nurses and other public health researchers can use in working with correctional populations. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Animated Reconstruction of Forensic Animation


    Hala, Albert; Unver, Ertu


    An animated accident display in court can be significant evidentiary tool. Computer graphics animation reconstructions which can be shown in court are cost effective, save valuable time and illustrate complex and technical issues, are realistic and can prove or disprove arguments or theories with reference to the perplexing newtonian physics involved in many accidents: this technology may well revolutionise accident reconstruction, thus enabling prosecution and defence to be more effective in...

  20. Evolución del método de transfusión sanguínea y alternativas terapéuticas Evolution of the blood transfusion method and therapeutic alternatives

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    Arístides de Jesús Luna González


    Full Text Available La tendencia mundial sobre las transfusiones sanguíneas se dirige a restringir en lo posible su uso y el de los derivados alogénicos, teniendo en cuenta el riesgo asociado, los problemas de biodisponibilidad, ciertas creencias religiosas y la mejor comprensión de los mecanismos compensadores de la anemia.Al respecto se revisó la bibliografía médica disponible sobre el tema, con vista a exponer un esquema terapéutico basado en una reconsideración total del problema, en aras de disminuir o evitar la transfusión de sangre homóloga.The world trend on blood transfusions is directed at restricting their use if possible and that of allogeneic derivatives as well, taking into account the associated risk, bioavailability problems, certain religious beliefs and the best understanding of compensatory mechanisms of anemia. In this regard the available medical literature on the subject was reviewed to exhibit a therapeutic regime based on a total review of the problem with the purpose of reducing or avoiding homologous blood transfusion.

  1. Does the Animal Welfare Act apply to free-ranging animals? (United States)

    Mulcahy, Daniel M.


    Despite the long-standing role that institutional animal care and use committees (IACUCs) have played in reviewing and approving studies at academic institutions, compliance with the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) is not always complete for government natural resource agencies that use free-ranging animals in research and management studies. Even at universities, IACUCs face uncertainties about what activities are covered and about how to judge proposed research on free-ranging animals. One reason for much of the confusion is the AWA vaguely worded exemption for "field studies." In particular, fish are problematic because of the AWA exclusion of poikilothermic animals. However, most university IACUCs review studies on all animals, and the Interagency Research Animal Committee (IRAC) has published the "IRAC Principles," which extend coverage to all vertebrates used by federal researchers. Despite this extended coverage, many scientists working on wild animals continue to view compliance with the AWA with little enthusiasm. IACUCs, IACUC veterinarians, wildlife veterinarians, and fish and wildlife biologists must learn to work together to comply with the law and to protect the privilege of using free-ranging animals in research.

  2. Determinación de residuos de plaguicidas organoclorados en suero sanguíneo de trabajadores de cultivo de Café y plátano en el departamento del quindío por gc-μecd

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    Santiago Bedoya P


    Full Text Available La falta de conocimiento del potencial nocivo de los plaguicidas por parte de los trabajadores agrícolas puede ocasionar graves problemas en su salud y en la de los consumidores. Se determinó la residualidad de plaguicidas organoclorados (OCP, por sus siglas en inglés en muestras de suero sanguíneo de trabajadores agrícolas de cultivos de café y plátano en el departamento del Quindío. Para la extracción de los analitos se implementó un método rápido, seguro, económico y eficiente de microextracción dispersiva en fase líquida (DLLME, por sus siglas en inglés asistida por sonicación, logrando la extracción de 20 OCP de 200 μL de suero sanguíneo en un tiempo de 35 min con porcentajes de recuperación mayores al 87 %. Se empleó cromatografía de gases con detector de micro captura de electrones (GC-μECD para el análisis de los OCP. Para cada analito, los coeficientes de correlación obtenidos a partir de las curvas de calibración interna fueron superiores a 0,9996, los límites de detección (LOD se establecieron entre 0,02 a 0,04 ng/mL y los límites de cuantificación (LOQ por debajo de 0,14 ng/mL. En el 55 % de las muestras analizadas (166 se evidenció la presencia de: 4,4-DDE, alfa y gamma BHC, endrin aldehído, endosulfan II, endosulfan sulfato, heptacloro y metoxicloro, compuestos que están prohibidos por la regulación nacional e internacional.

  3. Animal Bodies, Colonial Subjects: (ReLocating Animality in Decolonial Thought

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    Billy-Ray Belcourt


    Full Text Available In this paper, I argue that animal domestication, speciesism, and other modern human-animal interactions in North America are possible because of and through the erasure of Indigenous bodies and the emptying of Indigenous lands for settler-colonial expansion. That is, we cannot address animal oppression or talk about animal liberation without naming and subsequently dismantling settler colonialism and white supremacy as political machinations that require the simultaneous exploitation and/or erasure of animal and Indigenous bodies. I begin by re-framing animality as a politics of space to suggest that animal bodies are made intelligible in the settler imagination on stolen, colonized, and re-settled Indigenous lands. Thinking through Andrea Smith’s logics of white supremacy, I then re-center anthropocentrism as a racialized and speciesist site of settler coloniality to re-orient decolonial thought toward animality. To critique the ways in which Indigenous bodies and epistemologies are at stake in neoliberal re-figurings of animals as settler citizens, I reject the colonial politics of recognition developed in Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka’s recent monograph, Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights (Oxford University Press 2011 because it militarizes settler-colonial infrastructures of subjecthood and governmentality. I then propose a decolonized animal ethic that finds legitimacy in Indigenous cosmologies to argue that decolonization can only be reified through a totalizing disruption of those power apparatuses (i.e., settler colonialism, anthropocentrism, white supremacy, and neoliberal pluralism that lend the settler state sovereignty, normalcy, and futurity insofar as animality is a settler-colonial particularity.

  4. Animal subjectivity : a study into philosophy and theory of animal experience

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lijmbach, S.


    For many people, laypeople as well as animal scientists and philosophers, animal welfare involves animal feelings. Scientifically, however, animal feelings are problematic. In the concluding remarks of a conference about the welfare of domestic animals in 1994, for example, two questions

  5. animation : An R Package for Creating Animations and Demonstrating Statistical Methods

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    Yihui Xie


    Full Text Available Animated graphs that demonstrate statistical ideas and methods can both attract interest and assist understanding. In this paper we first discuss how animations can be related to some statistical topics such as iterative algorithms, random simulations, (resampling methods and dynamic trends, then we describe the approaches that may be used to create animations, and give an overview to the R package animation, including its design, usage and the statistical topics in the package. With the animation package, we can export the animations produced by R into a variety of formats, such as a web page, a GIF animation, a Flash movie, a PDF document, or an MP4/AVI video, so that users can publish the animations fairly easily. The design of this package is flexible enough to be readily incorporated into web applications, e.g., we can generate animations online with Rweb, which means we do not even need R to be installed locally to create animations. We will show examples of the use of animations in teaching statistics and in the presentation of statistical reports using Sweave or knitr. In fact, this paper itself was written with the knitr and animation package, and the animations are embedded in the PDF document, so that readers can watch the animations in real time when they read the paper (the Adobe Reader is required.Animations can add insight and interest to traditional static approaches to teaching statistics and reporting, making statistics a more interesting and appealing subject.

  6. Animal models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gøtze, Jens Peter; Krentz, Andrew


    In this issue of Cardiovascular Endocrinology, we are proud to present a broad and dedicated spectrum of reviews on animal models in cardiovascular disease. The reviews cover most aspects of animal models in science from basic differences and similarities between small animals and the human...

  7. AnimalCatcher: a digital camera to capture various reactions of animals


    Tsukada, Koji; Oki, Maho; Kurihara, Kazutaka; Furudate, Yuko


    People often have difficulty to take pictures of animals, since animals usually do not react with cameras nor understand verbal directions. To solve this problem, we developed a new interaction technique, AnimalCatcher, which can attract animals' attention easily. The AnimalCatcher shoots various sounds using directional speaker to capture various reactions of animals. This paper describes concepts, implementation, and example pictures taken in a zoo.

  8. Animal experimentation. (United States)

    Kolar, Roman


    Millions of animals are used every year in often times extremely painful and distressing scientific procedures. Legislation of animal experimentation in modern societies is based on the supposition that this is ethically acceptable when certain more or less defined formal (e.g. logistical, technical) demands and ethical principles are met. The main parameters in this context correspond to the "3Rs" concept as defined by Russel and Burch in 1959, i.e. that all efforts to replace, reduce and refine experiments must be undertaken. The licensing of animal experiments normally requires an ethical evaluation process, often times undertaken by ethics committees. The serious problems in putting this idea into practice include inter alia unclear conditions and standards for ethical decisions, insufficient management of experiments undertaken for specific (e.g. regulatory) purposes, and conflicts of interest of ethics committees' members. There is an ongoing societal debate about ethical issues of animal use in science. Existing EU legislation on animal experimentation for cosmetics testing is an example of both the public will for setting clear limits to animal experiments and the need to further critically examine other fields and aspects of animal experimentation.

  9. Animal experimentation


    Laz, Alak; Cholakova, Tanya Stefanova; Vrablova, Sofia; Arshad, Naverawaheed


    Animal experimentation is a crucial part of medical science. One of the ways to define it is any scientific experiment conducted for research purposes that cause any kind of pain or suffering to animals. Over the years, the new discovered drugs or treatments are first applied on animals to test their positive outcomes to be later used by humans. There is a debate about violating ethical considerations by exploiting animals for human benefits. However, different ethical theories have been made...

  10. Color doppler evaluation of the influence of type of delivery, sex, postnatal age and time post feeding on full term healthy newborns cerebral blood flow Doppler colorido na avaliação da influência do tipo de parto, sexo, idade pós-natal e tempo pós-mamada no fluxo sanguíneo cerebral em recém-nascidos a termo e saudáveis

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    Carlos Alberto Aranha


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate with Color Doppler the influence of type of delivery, sex, postnatal age and time post feeding on full term healthy newborns cerebral blood flow. METHOD: 50 newborns were studied. The Doppler parameters, peak-systolic velocity, end-diastolic velocity, mean velocity, pulsatility index and resistance index, were measured in the anterior cerebral artery, middle cerebral artery, posterior cerebral artery, and basilar artery. The data were compared and analyzed by statistical tests. Informed consent was obtained from all parents, and the study was approved by institutional ethical committee and review board. RESULTS: We observed not statistically significant differences on cerebral blood flow Doppler parameters in relation to type of delivery, sex, postnatal age and feeding in full term healthy newborns. CONCLUSION: We believe that the knowledge of these cerebral hemodynamic profile of newborns in the first days of life can contribute in an accurate interpretation of cranial Doppler abnormal findings when pathologic flow velocities are analyzed.OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar com Doppler colorido a influência do tipo de parto, sexo, idade pós-natal e tempo pós-mamada no fluxo sanguíneo cerebral de recém-nascidos a termo e saudáveis. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 50 recém-nascidos. A Dopplervelocimetria foi obtida nas artérias cerebral anterior, cerebral média, cerebral posterior e basilar. Os parâmetros foram comparados e analisados pelos testes estatísticos Esta pesquisa foi aprovada pela comissão ética e de pós-graduação das instituições e o consentimento informado dos pais foi obtido em todos os casos. RESULTADOS: Não observamos diferenças estatísticamente significativas na Dopplervelocimetria do fluxo sanguíneo cerebral em relação ao tipo de parto, sexo, idade pós-natal e tempo pós-mamada dos recém-nascidos normais e saudáveis estudados. CONCLUS

  11. Keeper-Animal Interactions: Differences between the Behaviour of Zoo Animals Affect Stockmanship. (United States)

    Ward, Samantha J; Melfi, Vicky


    Stockmanship is a term used to describe the management of animals with a good stockperson someone who does this in a in a safe, effective, and low-stress manner for both the stock-keeper and animals involved. Although impacts of unfamiliar zoo visitors on animal behaviour have been extensively studied, the impact of stockmanship i.e familiar zoo keepers is a new area of research; which could reveal significant ramifications for zoo animal behaviour and welfare. It is likely that different relationships are formed dependant on the unique keeper-animal dyad (human-animal interaction, HAI). The aims of this study were to (1) investigate if unique keeper-animal dyads were formed in zoos, (2) determine whether keepers differed in their interactions towards animals regarding their attitude, animal knowledge and experience and (3) explore what factors affect keeper-animal dyads and ultimately influence animal behaviour and welfare. Eight black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), eleven Chapman's zebra (Equus burchellii), and twelve Sulawesi crested black macaques (Macaca nigra) were studied in 6 zoos across the UK and USA. Subtle cues and commands directed by keepers towards animals were identified. The animals latency to respond and the respective behavioural response (cue-response) was recorded per keeper-animal dyad (n = 93). A questionnaire was constructed following a five-point Likert Scale design to record keeper demographic information and assess the job satisfaction of keepers, their attitude towards the animals and their perceived relationship with them. There was a significant difference in the animals' latency to appropriately respond after cues and commands from different keepers, indicating unique keeper-animal dyads were formed. Stockmanship style was also different between keepers; two main components contributed equally towards this: "attitude towards the animals" and "knowledge and experience of the animals". In this novel study, data demonstrated unique dyads

  12. Evaluation of the use of real-time PCR for human T cell lymphotropic virus 1 and 2 as a confirmatory test in screening for blood donors Análise do uso da PCR em tempo real para HTLV-1 e 2 como teste confirmatório na triagem de doadores de sangue

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    Rafaela Gomes Andrade


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: HTLV-1/2 screening among blood donors commonly utilizes an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA, followed by a confirmatory method such as Western blot (WB if the EIA is positive. However, this algorithm yields a high rate of inconclusive results, and is expensive. METHODS: Two qualitative real-time PCR assays were developed to detect HTLV-1 and 2, and a total of 318 samples were tested (152 blood donors, 108 asymptomatic carriers, 26 HAM/TSP patients and 30 seronegative individuals. RESULTS: The sensitivity and specificity of PCR in comparison with WB results were 99.4% and 98.5%, respectively. PCR tests were more efficient for identifying the virus type, detecting HTLV-2 infection and defining inconclusive cases. CONCLUSIONS: Because real-time PCR is sensitive and practical and costs much less than WB, this technique can be used as a confirmatory test for HTLV in blood banks, as a replacement for WB.INTRODUÇÃO: A triagem para HTLV-1/2 em doadores de sangue geralmente utiliza imunoensaio enzimático, seguido de um método confirmatório como Western blot quando o EIA é positivo, mas este algoritmo mostra alta taxa de resultados inconclusivos, e elevado custo. MÉTODOS: Dois ensaios qualitativos de PCR em tempo real foram desenvolvidos para detectar HTLV-1 e 2 e um total de 318 amostras foram testadas por PCR (152 de doadores de sangue, 108 de portadores assintomáticos, 26 de pacientes HAM/TSP e 30 de indivíduos soronegativos. RESULTADOS: A sensibilidade e especificidade das PCR em relação aos resultados de WB foram de 99,4% e 98,5%, respectivamente. As PCR foram mais eficientes em identificar o tipo viral, a infecção pelo HTLV-2 e úteis para definir casos inconclusivos. CONCLUSÕES: Por serem sensíveis, práticas e de custo muito inferior ao do WB, as técnicas de PCR em tempo real podem ser usadas como teste confirmatório do HTLV em bancos de sangue, em substituição ao WB.

  13. Animal Deliberation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Driessen, C.P.G.


    While much has been written on environmental politics on the one hand, and animal ethics and welfare on the other, animal politics, as the interface of the two, is underexamined. There are key political implications in the increase of animal protection laws, the rights of nature, and political

  14. Erosão na cultura do milho em sucessão à aveia preta e pousio descoberto, em preparo convencional e plantio direto, com tração animal e tratorizada

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    R. Levien


    Full Text Available Empregando chuva simulada em Argissolo Vermelho distrófico arênico, com declividade média de 0,12 m m-1, avaliou-se a erosão na cultura do milho (Zea mays L. em preparo convencional e plantio direto, utilizando tração animal e tratorizada, antecedida de pousio descoberto e aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schieb no inverno, no período compreendido entre 1994 e 1995. Chuvas simuladas na intensidade de 64 mm h-1 e duração de 60 a 105 min foram aplicadas em quatro épocas: logo após a semeadura, 30 e 60 dias após a emergência e logo após a colheita do milho. A cobertura do solo propiciada pela cultura de inverno foi reduzida em 90% após o preparo convencional, independentemente da forma de tração. As perdas de solo e água medidas durante o desenvolvimento do milho foram sempre maiores sob preparo convencional do que sob plantio direto, independentemente da forma de tração, exceto logo após a colheita, quando a resteva estava uniformemente distribuída na superfície do solo. No preparo convencional, a erosão na cultura do milho foi, na média das formas de tração, 45% menor, quando antecedida de aveia preta no inverno do que quando antecedida de pousio descoberto. Por sua vez, a cultura do milho, por si só, reduziu a erosão em 60%, na média das formas de tração, comparada à do solo descoberto. A forma de tração influenciou a erosão somente no preparo convencional, com a animal apresentando perdas totais de solo 55 e 15% inferiores à tratorizada, respectivamente na cultura do milho e em solo descoberto. A perda de água por enxurrada foi mais afetada pela forma de tração no preparo convencional, totalizando, em média, 44% na animal e 57% na tratorizada, em relação ao volume total de chuva aplicado.

  15. Solidarity with Animals: Assessing a Relevant Dimension of Social Identification with Animals. (United States)

    Amiot, Catherine E; Bastian, Brock


    Interactions with animals are pervasive in human life, a fact that is reflected in the burgeoning field of human-animal relations research. The goal of the current research was to examine the psychology of our social connection with other animals, by specifically developing a measure of solidarity with animals. In 8 studies using correlational, experimental, and longitudinal designs, solidarity with animals predicted more positive attitudes and behaviors toward animals, over and above existing scales of identification, and even when this implied a loss of resources and privileges for humans relative to animals. Solidarity with animals also displayed predicted relationships with relevant variables (anthropomorphism, empathy). Pet owners and vegetarians displayed higher levels of solidarity with animals. Correlational and experimental evidence confirmed that human-animal similarity heightens solidarity with animals. Our findings provide a useful measure that can facilitate important insights into the nature of our relationships with animals.

  16. Blood tranfusion in critically ill patients: state of the art Transfusão de sangue em pacientes críticos: estado da arte

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    Ludhmila Abrahão Hajjar


    Full Text Available Anemia is one of the most common abnormal findings in critically ill patients, and many of these patients will receive a blood transfusion during their intensive care unit stay. However, the determinants of exactly which patients do receive transfusions remains to be defined and have been the subject of considerable debate in recent years. Concerns and doubts have emerged regarding the benefits and safety of blood transfusion, in part due to the lack of evidence of better outcomes resulting from randomized studies and in part related to the observations that transfusion may increase the risk of infection. As a result of these concerns and of several studies suggesting better or similar outcomes with a lower transfusion trigger, there has been a general tendency to decrease the transfusion threshold from the classic 10 g/dL to lower values. In this review, we focus on some of the key studies providing insight into current transfusion practices and fueling the current debate on the ideal transfusion trigger.A transfusão no paciente crítico vem sendo alvo de discussões recentes considerando seus reais benefícios na redução de morbi-mortalidade e os riscos associados ao procedimento. Nos últimos anos, alguns estudos controlados e randomizados tiveram como objetivo comparar desfechos clínicos entre pacientes que receberam transfusão de maneira mais liberal (hemoglobina alvo em torno de 9 g/dL e transfusão de maneira mais restritiva (hemoglobina em torno de 7 g/dL. Os resultados demonstram a não superioridade da estratégia liberal comparada com a restritiva. Além disso, em alguns subgrupos de pacientes menos graves ou de menor idade, a transfusão foi associada com piores desfechos clínicos. Os riscos da transfusão de sangue no paciente crítico incluem desde incidência maior de infecções bacterianas, infecções virais, imunodepressão, reações hemolíticas e lesões teciduais inflamatórias, dentre outros. Algumas estratégias v

  17. [Animal ethics in the 19th century and Swiss animal protection law]. (United States)

    Bloch, I


    The development of animal ethics and animal rights from the antiquity up to modern times is described. The relationship of humans to animals was primarily based on fear and animal cult, developed by the domestication to a partnership. The philosophers of the early modern age denied the animals the reason, what was disadvantageous to the position of the animals in the society and the behavior of humans to the animals. By the end of the 19th century the animal protection concept developed with numerous postulates for legal regulations. With the Swiss animal protection law, which came into force in 1981, most of the postulates could be realised. It is shown, how animal protection has developed since that time.

  18. Enhancing human-animal relationships through veterinary medical instruction in animal-assisted therapy and animal-assisted activities. (United States)

    Schaffer, Caroline Brunsman


    Instruction in animal-assisted therapy (AAT) and animal-assisted activities (AAAs) teaches veterinary medical students to confidently and assertively maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of this union of animals and people. Instruction in AAT/AAA also addresses requirements by the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education that accredited schools/colleges of veterinary medicine include in their standard curriculum the topics of the human-animal bond, behavior, and the contributions of the veterinarian to the overall public and professional health care teams. Entry-level veterinarians should be prepared to: (1) assure that animals who provide AAT/AAA are healthy enough to visit nursing homes, hospitals, or other institutions; (2) promote behavior testing that selects animals who will feel safe, comfortable, and connected; (3) advise facilities regarding infection control and ways to provide a safe environment where the animals, their handlers, and the people being visited will not be injured or become ill; and (4) advocate for their patients and show compassion for their clients when animals are determined to be inappropriate participants in AAT/AAA programs. This article presents AAT/AAA terminology, ways in which veterinarians can advocate for AAT/AAA, the advantages of being involved in AAT/AAA, a model AAT/AAA practicum from Tuskegee University's School of Veterinary Medicine (TUSVM), and examples of co-curricular activities in AAT/AAA by TUSVM's student volunteers.

  19. Animal Transports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Ludrovcová


    Full Text Available Purpose and Originality: The research is aimed to the animal transports issue, from two points of view – first is the animal cruelty and second is the policy and economic consideration. The goal is to acquaint the readers with the transports risks and its cruelty and evaluation of the economic, political aspects for he involved countries. The study is oriented on more points of view, what is rare in works with a similar theme. Method: This paper examines many issues and examinations from different authors and subsequently summarized the findings with authors own knowledge to one expanded unit. Results: Results proves, that livestock transports have negative impact on animal´s health, environment. Number of transported animals is rising every year. Society: Research familiarize the society with the animal transports, cruelty against animals during them, and influence of transports on some countries, their economy, policy. People get better informed and can form their own opinion on this topic. They may start acting, undertaking some steps to improve the present situation, what could help a lot to animals and environment. Limitations / further research: Future research could show progress and improvement of transports, quality of food supply and economics.

  20. Evaluation of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and 2 antibodies detection in dried whole blood spots (dbs samples Pesquisa de anticorpos contra o vírus da imunodeficiência humana tipos 1 e 2 em amostras de sangue seco coletadas em papel filtro

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    Andréa Cauduro de Castro


    Full Text Available Human Immunodeficiency Vírus Type 1 and 2 antibodies detection was performed in 457 dried whole blood spots samples (S&S 903. Q-Preven HIV 1+2 was the screening test used. The results were compared with the gold standard serum tests by ELISA (Cobas Core e Axsym HIV1/2 gO and imunofluorescence was the definitive confirmatory test. The samples were obtained from the Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil, through whole blood transfer to filter paper card and sent to Caxias do Sul, RS - Brazil where the tests were performed. The dried whole blood spot stability was evaluated with two different panels. The first one was composed of five negative and five positive samples stored at room temperature, 4 ºC, -20 ºC and -70 ºC, while the second was composed of two negative and three positive samples stored at 37 ºC (humidity Foram realizados 457 testes para detectar anticorpos contra o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana tipos 1 e 2, em amostras de sangue total seco coletadas em papel filtro (S&S 903, com o teste de triagem Q-Preven HIV 1+2, comparando-se com os resultados dos testes de triagem no soro (Cobas Core e Axsym HIV1/2 gO, sendo a imunofluorescência indireta o teste confirmatório. As amostras foram obtidas no Hospital Conceição em Porto Alegre, pela transferência de sangue total para cartão de papel filtro e encaminhadas para Caxias do Sul para a realização dos testes. Foi analisada a estabilidade da amostra em papel filtro com a utilização de dois painéis: o primeiro com cinco amostras negativas e cinco positivas armazenadas por seis semanas à temperatura ambiente, 4 ºC, -20 ºC e -70 ºC; o segundo com duas negativas e três positivas armazenadas por seis semanas com avaliações semanais a 37 ºC (umidade <50%. Os resultados de todas as amostras testadas foram mantidos. A sensibilidade foi de 100%, a especificidade de 99,6%, o valor preditivo positivo de 99,5% e o valor preditivo negativo de 100

  1. A clinical, epidemological, laboratorial, histological and ultrasonographical evaluation of anti-HCV EIA-2 positive blood donors Avaliação clínica, epidemiológica, laboratorial, histológica e ultrassonográfica de doadores de sangue anti-HCV EIA-2 positivos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando L. GONÇALES JR


    RIBA-2 positive subjects, in 37.5% of the indeterminate RIBA-2 donors and in 9% of the negative RIBA-2 donors. Chronic hepatitis has also been observed in 50% of the histopathological exams of the anti-HCV EIA-2 reagent donors which were indeterminate RIBA-2. Among 18 blood donors with minimal changes histopathological exam 11 (61% were HCV-RNA positive. Our blood donors anti-HCV reagent generally had clinical, laboratorial and histopathological features observed in patients with chronic HCV hepatitis and a high proportion could be identified in interviews and medical evaluation realized in blood blanks. Generally, these HCV infected donors are identified and discharged only by the serological tests results.Entre 1992 e 1997 foram avaliados, ambulatorialmente, 790 doadores de sangue com teste anti-HCV EIA-2 fortemente reagente (relação entre a densidade ótica da amostra / "cut-off" > 3, que haviam sido detectados na triagem sorológica do banco de sangue. Todos eram negativos para doença de Chagas, sífilis, hepatite B (HBsAg e AIDS. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas, na primeira consulta ambulatorial, para a realização de hemograma, exames bioquímicos e novos testes sorológicos para a HVC (anti-HCV EIA-2. Em 226 doadores anti-HCV EIA-2 repetidamente reagentes, realizou-se o teste suplementar de "immunoblot" para a HVC (RIBA-2. Em 209 doadores, pesquisou-se a presença do RNA do VHC pelo teste do PCR, através de exame automatizado (HCV-AMPLICOR, ROCHE. A ultra-sonografia abdominal foi realizada em 366 doadores e a biópsia hepática em 269 concordantes. Notou-se que 95,6% eram EIA-2 repetidamente reagentes, 94% eram assintomáticos e que apenas 2% referiram icterícia pregressa. Em 47% detectou-se, pelo menos, um fator de risco para a transmissão do VHC, sendo o uso de drogas E.V. o principal deles (27,8%. A transfusão de sangue foi o segundo fator na transmissão da HVC (27,2%. Hepatomegalia foi encontrada em 54%. Esplenomegalia e sinais de hipertens

  2. 9 CFR 51.6 - Destruction of animals; time limit for destruction of animals. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Destruction of animals; time limit for destruction of animals. 51.6 Section 51.6 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION... ANIMALS DESTROYED BECAUSE OF BRUCELLOSIS Indemnity for Cattle, Bison, and Swine § 51.6 Destruction of...

  3. Occupational Animal Allergy. (United States)

    Stave, Gregg M


    This review explores animal allergen exposure in research laboratories and other work settings, focusing on causes and prevention. (1) Consistent with the hygiene hypothesis, there is new evidence that early childhood exposure to pets produces changes in the gut microbiome that likely lead to a lower risk of allergy. (2) Anaphylaxis from laboratory animal bites occurs more frequently than suggested by prior literature. (3) Animal allergens represent an occupational hazard in a wide variety of work settings ranging from fields that work with animals to public settings like schools and public transportation where allergens are brought into or are present in the workplace. Exposure to animal allergens can result in allergy, asthma, and anaphylaxis. Animal allergy has been most studied in the research laboratory setting, where exposure reduction can prevent the development of allergy. Similar prevention approaches need to be considered for other animal work environments and in all settings where animal allergens are present.

  4. All about Animal Adaptations. Animal Life for Children. [Videotape]. (United States)


    Animals change to better adapt to their environment. Over long periods of time, nature helps the animals adapt by changing their body shape and color as well as adjusting their methods of getting and eating food, defending themselves, and caring for their young. In this videotape, students learn what changes different animals go through in order…

  5. Positive animal welfare states and encouraging environment-focused and animal-to-animal interactive behaviours. (United States)

    Mellor, D J


    Affective neuroscience, incorporating neurophysiology and neuropsychology, is providing increasing evidence that certain behaviours of animals may be interpreted in terms of what they are intending to achieve, i.e. their goals. It is also providing evidence that allows inferences to be made about the affective contents of some goal-directed behaviours. These neuroscience-supported inferences are aligned with recommendations based on prior behaviour-based investigations of animals' preferences, aversions and priorities, and these observations together support the cautious use of particular behaviours to infer what the accompanying affects may be. In this review, therefore, some attention is given to negative affects and their relationships to poor animal welfare, but the primary focus is the positive affects animals may experience when they successfully engage in rewarding goal-directed behaviours, encapsulated in the concept of positive affective engagement. The review draws together reports of environment-focused and animal-to-animal interactive behaviours observed in a range of species and under diverse circumstances in order to illustrate the likely widespread occurrence of the positive affects that may accompany them. Particular consideration is given to affects that are potentially associated with some aspects of exploration and food acquisition in stimulus rich or impoverished environments, and to those that may be associated with aspects of the affiliative interactions of bonding or bond affirmation, maternal care, play and sexual activity. It is concluded that animals given the opportunity to engage in such activities may experience some positive affects. However, the intensity of an animal's experience of particular positive affects is likely to range from zero to very high because the associated behaviours occur intermittently, variation may occur during different phases of a goal-directed behaviour, and other positive or negative affects experienced at

  6. Animator (United States)

    Tech Directions, 2008


    Art and animation work is the most significant part of electronic game development, but is also found in television commercials, computer programs, the Internet, comic books, and in just about every visual media imaginable. It is the part of the project that makes an abstract design idea concrete and visible. Animators create the motion of life in…

  7. Exposure to acellular blood products and risk of HIV infection in hemophiliacs from Belo Horizonte, Brazil Exposição de produtos do sangue, acelulares e o risco da infecção pelo VIH, em hemofílicos de Belo Horizonte, Brasil

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    Fernando A. Proietti


    Full Text Available Results of a HIV prevalence study conducted in hemophiliacs from Belo Horizonte, Brazil are presented. History of exposure to acellular blood components was determined for the five year period prior to entry in the study, which occurred during 1986 and 1987. Patients with coagulations disorders (hemophilia A = 132, hemophilia B = 16 and coagulation disorders other than hemophilia = 16 were transfused with liquid cryoprecipitate, locally produced, lyophilized cryoprecipitate, imported from São Paulo (Brazil and factor VIII and IX, imported from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil, Europe, and United States. Thirty six (22% tested HIV seropositive. The univariate and multivariate analysis (logistic model demonstrated that the risk of HIV infection during the study period was associated with the total units of acellular blood components transfused. In addition, the proportional contribution of the individual components to the total acellular units transfused, namely a increase in factor VIII/IX and lyophilized cryoprecipitate proportions, were found to be associated with HIV seropositivity. This analysis suggest that not only the total amount of units was an important determinant of HIV infection, but that the risk was also associated with the specific component of blood transfusedResultados de um estudo da prevalência de infecção pelo VIH, realizado em hemofílicos em Belo Horizonte são apresentados. História prévia de exposição a componentes acelulares do sangue foi determinada para o período de 5 anos anteriores à entrada no estudo, que transcorreu durante 1986 e 1987. Pacientes com distúrbios da coagulação (hemofilia A n = 132, hemofilia B n = 16 e outros distúrbios da coagulação que não hemofilia n = 16, foram transfundidos com crio-precipitado líquido, localmente produzido, crio-precipitado liofilizado, importado de São Paulo, e Fator VIII e IX, importado do Rio de Janeiro, Europa e Estados Unidos. Trinta e seis (22% resultaram

  8. When Humans Become Animals: Development of the Animal Category in Early Childhood (United States)

    Herrmann, Patricia A.; Medin, Douglas L.; Waxman, Sandra R.


    The current study examines 3- and 5-year-olds' representation of the concept we label "animal" and its two nested concepts--"animal"[subscript contrastive] (including only non-human animals) and "animal"[subscript inclusive] (including both humans and non-human animals). Building upon evidence that naming promotes object categorization, we…

  9. Comportamento ingestivo e parâmetros sanguíneos em ovinos que receberam dietas contendo aditivos à base de extratos de própolis em pó

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    O.P. Prado-Calixto

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos do extrato de própolis (LLOSC2 sobre o comportamento ingestivo e os parâmetros sanguíneos em cordeiros alimentados com dieta concentrada. Foram utilizados quatro cordeiros machos, castrados, sem raça definida e com peso médio inicial de 32±1,92kg, mantidos em gaiolas metabólicas individuais durante todo o período experimental. O delineamento experimental foi em quadrado latino 4x4, com quatro animais, quatro dietas e quatro períodos experimentais. As dietas diferiram em relação à adição ou não de extratos de própolis à ração. As dietas testadas diferiam na adição de zero (controle, 1(88,16mg/g de flavonoides, duas (176,32mg/g de flavonoides ou três (264,48mg/g de flavonoides doses de aditivo à base de extrato de própolis LLOSC2. A dieta tinha relação volumoso:concentrado de 40:60 e foi formulada para ganhos de 250g. A ração concentrada era composta de milho e farelo de soja. O comportamento ingestivo dos animais foi observado por 24 horas, divididas em quatro períodos de seis horas. As coletas de sangue eram realizadas no último dia do período. Não houve efeito das doses LLOSC2 sobre o tempo despendido em alimentação, ruminação, ócio e ingestão de água. A duração do ciclo ruminativo foi maior nos animais que receberam duas doses de LLOSC2, e o número de movimentos mastigatórios também tendeu a aumentar no período que compreendia das 13 às 19h. Já a dieta contendo uma dose de LLOSC2 aumentou a duração da ruminação do bolo bem como o seu número total de mastigações no período de uma a sete horas. Houve uma diminuição nos níveis séricos de cortisol com a adição de três doses de LLOSC2. O hemograma, o leucograma, o perfil bioquímico e as imunoglobulinas não foram afetados pela inclusão das doses de LLSOC2. A administração de extrato de própolis LLOSC2 à dieta de ovinos não afetou seu comportamento ingestivo, os parâmetros hematol

  10. Animation & Neurocinematics*

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carpe Pérez, Inmaculada Concepción


    , indeed, can be considered a social/ emotional learning media, which goes beyond the limitations of live action movies. This is due to the diversity of techniques, and its visual plasticity that constructs the impossible. Animators are not real actors but more like the midwife who brings the anima...... into aliveness, which requires knowing how emotions work. Ed Hooks as an expert in training animators and actors, always remarks: “emotions tend to lead to action”. In this paper we want to argue that by producing animated films, as we watch them, cause a stronger effect, not only in our brains, but also in our...... bodies. By using animation as a learning tool we can explore the world of emotions and question beliefs, feelings and actions in order to express our voices and enhance our communication, and well-being, both, internally and with others. Animation can be the visual expression of the emotions in movement...

  11. Animal experiments in radiotherapy. II. Large animals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Probert, J C; Hughes, D B


    A review has been made of factors of importance when using large animals for organ or partial body irradiation research. The problem has been considered from the viewpoint of the clinician. The rabbit, cat, dog, pig and monkey have been examined in detail for suitability as laboratory animals. Dosimetric and volume features have been reviewed.

  12. Commodifying animals: ethical issues in genetic engineering of animals. (United States)

    Almond, B


    The genetic modification of living beings raises special ethical concerns which go beyond general discussion of animal rights or welfare. Although the goals may be similar, biotechnology has accelerated the process of modification of types traditionally carried out by cross-breeding. These changes are discussed in relation to two areas: biomedicine, and animal husbandry. Alternative ethical approaches are reviewed, and it is argued that the teleological thesis underlying virtue ethics has special relevance here. The case for and the case against genetic engineering and patenting of life-forms are examined, and conclusions are drawn which favour regulation, caution and respect for animals and animal species.

  13. Chapter 7. Radioactivity of animals and animal organs and factors influencing their value

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toelgyessy, J.; Harangozo, M.


    This is a chapter of textbook of radioecology for university students. In this chapter authors deal with radioactivity of animals and animal organs and factors influencing their value. Chapter consist of next parts: (1) Natural radioactivity of animals; (2) Radioactive contamination of animal tissues; (3) Connection of radioactive contamination with species of animals and discriminatingly ability of animal organism; (4) Connection of radioactive contamination with age of animal and with biological half-life T b ; (5) Factors influencing radioactive contamination of biological cycle: food - animal; (6) Possibilities of decreasing of radioactive contamination of foods with animal origin

  14. Enclosure for small animals during awake animal imaging (United States)

    Goddard, Jr., James S


    An enclosure or burrow restrains an awake animal during an imaging procedure. A tubular body, made from a radiolucent material that does not attenuate x-rays or gamma rays, accepts an awake animal. A proximal end of the body includes an attachment surface that corresponds to an attachment surface of an optically transparent and optically uniform window. An anti-reflective coating may be applied to an inner surface, an outer surface, or both surfaces of the window. Since the window is a separate element of the enclosure and it is not integrally formed as part of the body, it can be made with optically uniform thickness properties for improved motion tracking of markers on the animal with a camera during the imaging procedure. The motion tracking information is then used to compensate for animal movement in the image.

  15. Niveles de plomo sanguíneo en madres y recién nacidos derechohabientes del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social

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    Navarrete-Espinosa Joel


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Establecer la relación entre el nivel de plomo sanguíneo materno (PSM y el de sangre en cordón umbilical (PSC al momento del parto, así como determinar los principales predictores del PSM en derechohabientes del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS, en el Distrito Federal (D.F.. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio transversal en el que se reclutaron voluntarias con embarazo normoevolutivo y se les tomaron muestras de sangre al momento del parto, en cuatro hospitales del IMSS en el D.F., de 1991 a 1993. Se tomó, además, muestra de sangre de cordón umbilical. Los datos fueron analizados mediante regresión lineal simple y múltiple. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron un total de 1 404 binomios madre-hijo; el promedio de edad de las madres fue de 25 años. La media de PSM fue 10.7 ± 6.5 µg/dl; no se encontraron variaciones significativas por hospital, edad o estado civil. Para el PSC la media fue de 10.4 ± 6.2 µg/dl. Por cada aumento en una unidad logarítmica de PSM, el PSC aumenta 0.62 (p<0.01 unidades logarítmicas. La correlación entre ambos fue de 0.61 (p<0.01. Los principales predictores de PSM fueron el uso de loza vidriada, el consumo de leche y jugo de naranja, estos últimos se asociaron inversamente con el PSM. Un 47% de las madres y 50% de los niños tuvieron valores superiores a 10 µg/dl. En 578 recién nacidos se registraron niveles de plomo superiores a los de la madre. CONCLUSIONES: Se sugiere continuar la línea de investigación para proponer tipos de intervención.

  16. The Protection of Animals in Thailand--An Insight into Animal Protection Legislation

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    Sulaiman Dorloh


    Full Text Available There are many critics of current Thai law concerning the welfare of animals. They argue that the PACPAWA,2014 is inadequate to protect the welfare of animals. The absence of clear guidelines in the legislation concerning animal welfare has resulted in animal welfare receiving inadequate protection. There are other limitations contributing to the inadequacy of existing laws in protecting animals in Thailand. The possible penalties are very low. For the offence of cruelty against an animal, the PACPAWA,2014 sets a maximum fine of TBH 2000. This is considered inadequate and ineffective in preventing cruelty to animals. The study utilises doctrinal legal research or library-based research approach to provide valuable insights in understanding the law and and ascertaining the principles of legal interpretation and analysis. The study also provides possible suggestions to enhance the protection of the welfare of animals in Thailand. The research suggests that education should play an important role in promoting kindness towards animals.

  17. Human-animal relationships: from daily life to animal-assisted therapies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marine Grandgeorge


    Full Text Available Humans have a long history of relationship with domestic animals and nowadays pets often act as "social substitutes" through bonding. There is some evidence that pet presence at home may induce well being in people and the development of social skills in children. Animal assisted therapies aim at developing these skills in patients on the basis of human animal interactions. Experimental data obtained on animal models suggest that this is indeed a promising line. There is however a lack of clear scientific data that would help defines what the most appropriate procedures or species may be. Improvements are observed, but again sound scientific data are mostly missing. Attention must be given to the welfare of the animals being used.

  18. Animal Feeding Operations (United States)

    ... type=”submit” value=”Submit” /> Healthy Water Home Animal Feeding Operations Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir ... of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) What are Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs)? According to the United States ...

  19. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance (United States)

    ... Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products Animal & Veterinary Home Animal & Veterinary Safety & Health Antimicrobial Resistance Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance Share Tweet Linkedin Pin ...

  20. Comparing the Effect of Animal-Rearing Education in Japan with Conventional Animal-Assisted Education. (United States)

    Nakajima, Yuka


    An increasing number of teachers are introducing animals into their class so that pupils foster cognitive, physiological, and social skills through their interaction with animals. Along with such an educational style termed animal-assisted education (AAE), Japanese formal education has also utilized animals for education. Japanese animal-rearing education is unique regarding the following two points: (1) it takes the form of "education through assisting animals" rather than "animals assisting education" and (2) animal rearing is embedded in formal education. While conventional AAE expects the benefit from the social support of animals, Japanese animal-rearing education expects benefit from nurturing and caring for animals. The present study aims to identify effective methods for using animals for education by highlighting the benefits of Japanese animal-rearing education. An overview of Japanese animal-rearing education is followed by a critical review of empirical studies of conventional AAE and Japanese animal-rearing education. Despite the differences in the educational styles, it was found that both systems commonly help children adapt to school. Additionally, conventional AAE were effective in enhancing cognitive and athletic ability of students and foster social skills, while Japanese animal-rearing education enhanced academic knowledge and skills and cultivated sympathy for animals and other people. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the experience of raising animals affects children's development for a long time even after children stop raising animals. In order to determine the effect of animal presence at school, however, more empirical studies with various viewpoints are necessary for both styles of education. Concerning Japanese animal-rearing education, the effects of the differences such as the amount of exposure to animals, developmental stage or character of individual children, the types of animals need to be controlled for a more sophisticated


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    Yustin Sartika


    Full Text Available Bear is usually depicted as a strong, brawny and blood-curdling animal. On the contrary, Pooh Bear is the fun-loving and caring main character while Masha Bear can handle all house works. Their characteristics can be related to Jungian gender theory which states that man is bisexual having both feminine and masculine sides. A focus on anima animus is established through qualitative research analysis of bear characters' actions and the characters around within the plots of Winnie-the-Pooh and Masha and the Bear. Masha and the Bear is adapted from the real story in Russia. The use of anthropomorphic storytelling in those animations can bridge the conceptual and moral gulf which separate human from animal. By using anthropomorphism perspective, this research is aimed to find the feminine and masculine stereotype of Pooh and Bear characters. Anthropomorphism is divided into the animation of physical and psychological qualities. The result shows that small bright yellow body on a short red t-shirt makes Pooh look more lovable. Another woman stereotype is portrayed from the name given, Winnie, and his most favorite honey. Masha Bear‘s physical qualities are quite identical to a real bear. Beyond his strong and brawny body, he is a spick-and-span bear. He is a merciful bear who becomes a caregiver for Masha, the parentless girl. Anthropomorphism creates great empathy in humans. This empathy can be combined with a simplified narrative to provoke genuine feeling from audiences. It draws attention to feminine and masculine stereotype of human to identify in animal animation.

  2. Comparing the Effect of Animal-Rearing Education in Japan with Conventional Animal-Assisted Education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuka Nakajima


    Full Text Available An increasing number of teachers are introducing animals into their class so that pupils foster cognitive, physiological, and social skills through their interaction with animals. Along with such an educational style termed animal-assisted education (AAE, Japanese formal education has also utilized animals for education. Japanese animal-rearing education is unique regarding the following two points: (1 it takes the form of “education through assisting animals” rather than “animals assisting education” and (2 animal rearing is embedded in formal education. While conventional AAE expects the benefit from the social support of animals, Japanese animal-rearing education expects benefit from nurturing and caring for animals. The present study aims to identify effective methods for using animals for education by highlighting the benefits of Japanese animal-rearing education. An overview of Japanese animal-rearing education is followed by a critical review of empirical studies of conventional AAE and Japanese animal-rearing education. Despite the differences in the educational styles, it was found that both systems commonly help children adapt to school. Additionally, conventional AAE were effective in enhancing cognitive and athletic ability of students and foster social skills, while Japanese animal-rearing education enhanced academic knowledge and skills and cultivated sympathy for animals and other people. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the experience of raising animals affects children’s development for a long time even after children stop raising animals. In order to determine the effect of animal presence at school, however, more empirical studies with various viewpoints are necessary for both styles of education. Concerning Japanese animal-rearing education, the effects of the differences such as the amount of exposure to animals, developmental stage or character of individual children, the types of animals need to be

  3. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products Animal & Veterinary Home Animal & Veterinary Safety & Health Antimicrobial Resistance Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance Share Tweet Linkedin Pin ...

  4. Demonstrating idAnimate : a multi-touch system for sketching and rapidly manipulating animations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Quevedo Fernandez, Javier; Martens, J.B.O.S.


    This demonstration presents idAnimate, a multi-touch application for sketching animations. Thanks to the affordances provided by multitouch interfaces, idAnimate yields a novel, intuitive and easy to use animation technique named transformation-by-example, that allows users to author animations in

  5. Animal violence demystified

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Natarajan, Deepa; Caramaschi, Doretta


    Violence has been observed in humans and animals alike, indicating its evolutionary/biological significance. However, violence in animals has often been confounded with functional forms of aggressive behavior. Currently, violence in animals is identified primarily as either a quantitative behavior

  6. The role of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) to facilitate the international trade in animals and animal products. (United States)

    Brückner, G K


    The international trade in animals and animal products has become a sensitive issue for both developed and developing countries by posing an important risk for the international spread of animal and human pathogens whilst at the same time being an essential activity to ensure world-wide food security and food safety. The OIE has since its founding in 1924, applied a democratic and transparent decision-making process to continuously develop and review international standards for animal health and zoonoses to facilitate trade in animals and animal products. The role of the OIE is also mandated by the World Trade Organization (WTO) as international reference point for standards related to animal health. In support of its overall objective of promoting animal health world-wide, the OIE has also launched several other initiatives such as the improvement of the governance of veterinary services within its member countries and territories and to enhance the availability of diagnostic and scientific expertise on a more even global geographical distribution. Several trade facilitating concepts such as country, zonal and compartment freedom from disease as well the trade in disease free commodities has been introduced to enhance the trade in animals and animal products for all its members including those from developing and transitional countries who are still in the process of enhancing to full compliance with international sanitary standards.

  7. Carotenoids in Marine Animals (United States)

    Maoka, Takashi


    Marine animals contain various carotenoids that show structural diversity. These marine animals accumulate carotenoids from foods such as algae and other animals and modify them through metabolic reactions. Many of the carotenoids present in marine animals are metabolites of β-carotene, fucoxanthin, peridinin, diatoxanthin, alloxanthin, and astaxanthin, etc. Carotenoids found in these animals provide the food chain as well as metabolic pathways. In the present review, I will describe marine animal carotenoids from natural product chemistry, metabolism, food chain, and chemosystematic viewpoints, and also describe new structural carotenoids isolated from marine animals over the last decade. PMID:21566799

  8. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Emitting Products Vaccines, Blood & Biologics Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products Animal & Veterinary Home Animal & Veterinary Safety & Health ... Emitting Products Vaccines, Blood & Biologics Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products

  9. Animal Bites (United States)

    Wild animals usually avoid people. They might attack, however, if they feel threatened, are sick, or are protecting their ... or territory. Attacks by pets are more common. Animal bites rarely are life-threatening, but if they ...

  10. 75 FR 11451 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Zilpaterol (United States)


    .... FDA-2010-N-0002] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Zilpaterol AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of three abbreviated new animal drug applications (ANADAs) filed...

  11. 78 FR 76059 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Bambermycins (United States)


    .... FDA-2012-N-0002] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Bambermycins AGENCY: Food and Drug... amending the animal drug regulations to remove dairy replacement heifers from the pasture cattle class . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: FDA has noticed that the animal drug regulations for bambermycins...

  12. 76 FR 60721 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Melengestrol; Monensin (United States)


    .... FDA-2011-N-0003] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Melengestrol; Monensin AGENCY: Food and... amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a supplemental abbreviated new animal drug application (ANADA) filed by Ivy Laboratories, Division of Ivy Animal Health, Inc. The supplemental ANADA...

  13. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Radiation-Emitting Products Vaccines, Blood & Biologics Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products Animal & Veterinary Home Animal & Veterinary Safety & ... Radiation-Emitting Products Vaccines, Blood & Biologics Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products

  14. Desempenho da tilápia-do-Nilo arraçoada com dietas contendo farinha de sangue bovino atomizado ou convencional - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v33i3.10736 Performance of nile tilapia fed with spray-dried or vat-dries bovine blood meal - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v33i3.10736

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo do Valle Polycarpo


    Full Text Available Foi avaliado o desempenho e os índices de rendimento da tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus alimentada com níveis crescentes de farinha de sangue atomizado (FSA ou de farinha de sangue convencional (FSC em dietas formuladas com base em aminoácidos digestíveis. Foram utilizados 252 alevinos, distribuídos num delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial (2 x 4 + 1, duas classes de farinha de sangue com quatro níveis de inclusão de cada farinha na dieta, e uma dieta-controle, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram em uma dieta-controle à base de farelo de soja, contendo 34% de proteína digestível (PD e 3.200 kcal de energia digestível kg-1 (ED, mais quatro rações formuladas com FSA e quatro rações com FSC, com inclusões de 5, 10, 15 e 20% de cada farinha na ração, mantendo-se os níveis de PD, ED, fósforo, cálcio, lisina, metionina, treonina e triptofano idênticos aos da dieta-controle. Concluiu-se que é possível utilizar até 15% da FSC em rações para tilápia-do-Nilo na fase de 5 a 150 g de peso vivo.The study evaluated the performance and carcass composition index of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus fed with diets containing increasing levels of spray-dried blood meal (SDBM and vat-dried blood meal (VDBM and formulated based on digestible amino acids. Two hundred and fifty-two fingerlings were distributed in a completely randomized design, in a (2 x 4 + 1 factorial model, two types of blood meal with four levels of each blood meal in the diet, and a control diet (without blood meal, with four replications. The treatments consisted of soybean meal-based control diet, with 34% digestible protein (DP and 3,200 kcal of digestible energy kg-1 (DE, plus four diets formulated with SDBM and four diets with VDBM, containing 5, 10, 15 and 20% of each meal in feed, maintaining identical DP, DE, phosphorus, calcium, lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan levels as those of the control diet

  15. 76 FR 76894 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Tilmicosin (United States)


    .... FDA-2011-N-0003] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Tilmicosin AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a supplemental new animal drug application (NADA) filed by...

  16. 75 FR 9334 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Chlortetracycline (United States)


    .... FDA-2010-N-0002] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Chlortetracycline AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a supplemental new animal drug application (NADA) filed by ADM...

  17. 75 FR 54019 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feed; Ractopamine (United States)


    .... FDA-2010-N-0002] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feed; Ractopamine AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of two supplemental new animal drug applications (NADAs) filed by...

  18. 75 FR 34361 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Florfenicol (United States)


    .... FDA-2010-N-0002] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Florfenicol AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a supplemental new animal drug application (NADA) filed by...

  19. 77 FR 24138 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Tiamulin (United States)


    .... FDA-2012-N-0002] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Tiamulin AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a supplemental new animal drug application (NADA) filed by...

  20. 75 FR 60308 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Melengestrol (United States)


    .... FDA-2010-N-0002] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Melengestrol AGENCY: Food and Drug... amending the animal drug regulations to more accurately reflect the recent approval of two supplemental new animal drug applications (NADAs) filed by Pharmacia & Upjohn Co., a Division of Pfizer, Inc. The...

  1. 77 FR 4228 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Monensin (United States)


    .... FDA-2011-N-0003] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Monensin AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a supplemental new animal drug application (NADA) filed by...

  2. 76 FR 79064 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Monensin (United States)


    .... FDA-2011-N-0003] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Monensin AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a supplemental new animal drug application (NADA) filed by...

  3. Marcadores sorológicos de hepatite B em indivíduos submetidos a exames de sangue em unidades de saúde Serological markers of hepatitis B in people submitted to blood testing in health care clinics

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    Lucia VG Miranda


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar aspectos da epidemiologia da hepatite B em pessoas submetidas à coleta de sangue em unidades de saúde. MÉTODOS: Indivíduos dos quais se coletou sangue em unidades de saúde de Ribeirão Preto, independentemente do motivo, foram solicitados a fornecer uma quantidade adicional de material, obtida no momento da coleta e submetida à detecção de marcadores de hepatite B. Simultaneamente, por meio de questionário padronizado, foram obtidas informações de possíveis fatores de risco para a doença. Os dados foram analisados por meio de um modelo de regressão logística. RESULTADOS: As prevalências de HBsAg e de anti-HBcAg foram de 0,3% e 13,9%, respectivamente. Os fatores de risco associados à infecção foram: idade, residência na cidade há menos de um ano, antecedente de hepatite, exposição prévia a casas de correção e homo/bissexualismo masculino. CONCLUSÕES: Devido a dificuldades crescentes de obtenção de sangue de indivíduos sadios, essa pode ser uma alternativa para estudos que objetivem fornecer informações sobre a circulação de agentes infecciosos na população. Embora não se possa generalizar os dados obtidos pela metodologia usada, ela traz conhecimento referente à circulação do vírus de hepatite B.OBJECTIVE: To study some of the epidemiological aspects of hepatitis B in a non-representative sample of patients seen in health care clinics. METHODS: The study population comprised 632 patients who were seen at health care clinics in the city of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, for the purpose of blood testing, regardless the reason. After signing a written consent, an additional amount of blood was drawn from the same venous puncture site used to collect the original sample for the testing assigned to the patient at the health care clinic. A questionnaire was applied to each participant, looking for the presence of risk factors for hepatitis B. The blood samples were tested for HBV markers, using

  4. Mentalizing animals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kasperbauer, Tyler Joshua


    Ethicists have tended to treat the psychology of attributing mental states to animals as an entirely separate issue from the moral importance of animals’ mental states. In this paper I bring these two issues together. I argue for two theses, one descriptive and one normative. The descriptive thesis...... holds that ordinary human agents use what are generally called phenomenal mental states (e.g., pain and other emotions) to assign moral considerability to animals. I examine recent empirical research on the attribution of phenomenal states and agential states (e.g., memory and intelligence) to argue...... that phenomenal mental states are the primary factor, psychologically, for judging an animal to be morally considerable. I further argue that, given the role of phenomenal states in assigning moral considerability, certain theories in animal ethics will meet significant psychological resistance. The normative...

  5. 77 FR 22667 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Tiamulin (United States)


    .... FDA-2012-N-0002] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Tiamulin AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect the withdrawal of approval of those parts of a new animal drug application...

  6. Animal welfare and the human-animal bond: considerations for veterinary faculty, students, and practitioners. (United States)

    Wensley, Sean P


    Consideration of the human-animal bond typically focuses on the benefits of companion animals to human health and well-being, but it is essential that in realizing these benefits the welfare needs of the animals, both physical and mental, are also met. Positive emotional relationships with animals are likely to increase recognition of animal sentience and so help create positive attitudes toward animals at the societal level, but, at the individual level, the animals to which humans are bonded should also benefit from the human-animal relationship. A strong human-animal bond may benefit animal welfare (e.g., by motivating an owner to commit time and funds to necessary veterinary medical treatment), but may also be the source of compromised welfare. Highly bonded owners may, for example, be reluctant to permit euthanasia on humane grounds, and the anthropomorphic nature of many human-companion animal bonds can contribute to the development of problem behaviors and obesity. The challenge for the veterinary profession is to ensure that widespread positive sentiment toward animals, which the human-animal bond generates, is translated in to human behavior and actions that are conducive to good animal welfare. This, it is suggested, can be achieved through adequate veterinary education in veterinary and animal welfare science, ethics, and communication.

  7. 77 FR 58021 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Monensin (United States)


    ... [Docket No. FDA-2012-N-0002] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Monensin AGENCY: Food and Drug... amending the animal drug regulations to remove a warning for growing cattle on pasture or in dry lot and to... . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: FDA has noticed that the animal drug regulations for certain monensin free-choice...

  8. Measuring general animal health status: Development of an animal health barometer. (United States)

    Depoorter, Pieter; Van Huffel, Xavier; Diricks, Herman; Imberechts, Hein; Dewulf, Jeroen; Berkvens, Dirk; Uyttendaele, Mieke


    The development of an animal health barometer, an instrument to measure the general health of the Belgian livestock population on a yearly basis and to monitor its evolution over time, is described. The elaboration of a set of 13 animal health indicators (AHIs) as the basis for the animal health barometer is discussed. These indicators were weighted by experts - including scientists, policy makers and agro-industrial representatives - to determine their relative weight in the barometer. The result of the barometer is expressed as a comparison with a previous year. Based on the results of the 13 AHIs, it is concluded that general animal health in Belgium shows a positive evolution since 2008. The animal health barometer provides a composite view of the status of livestock health in Belgium and is a tool to communicate in an intelligible, comprehensible manner on aspects of animal health to consumers and professional stakeholders in the animal production and food chain. Together with the food safety barometer (Baert et al., 2011. Food Res. Int. 44, 940) and the plant health barometer (Wilmart et al., 2014. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. doi: 10.1007/s10658-014-0547-x), the animal health barometer is one of the three instruments to provide a holistic view on the overall status of the safety of the food chain in Belgium. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. [Labeling, defects, possibilities--animal welfare in the identification of animals]. (United States)

    Wormuth, H J


    Marking is necessary not only for handling animals, but also because of animal welfare. The method itself, however, can sometimes reveal deficiencies concerning protection of animals. These deficiencies are presented and discussed. In this context, the new electronic identification system--based upon implantable microchips--is considered. It is judged upon as particularly positive compared to other methods. Ideas are presented regarding special fields of application.

  10. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Español Search FDA Submit search Popular Content Home Food Drugs Medical Devices Radiation-Emitting Products Vaccines, ... Biologics Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products Animal & Veterinary Home Animal & Veterinary Safety & Health Antimicrobial Resistance Animation of ...

  11. Animal bites - self-care (United States)

    Bites - animals - self-care ... Most animal bites come from pets. Dog bites are common and most often happen to children. Cat bites are ... which can cause deeper puncture wounds. Most other animal bites are caused by stray or wild animals, ...

  12. First Aid: Animal Bites (United States)

    ... last rabies vaccination, if known any recent unusual behavior by the animal the animal's location, if known if the animal ... Scratches First Aid: Cuts First Aid: Skin Infections Cat Scratch ... Safe Around Animals Cuts, Scratches, and Abrasions Rabies Cuts, Scratches, and ...

  13. Animal tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gillette, E.L.


    There are few trained veterinary radiation oncologists and the expense of facilities has limited the extent to which this modality is used. In recent years, a few cobalt teletherapy units and megavoltage x-ray units have been employed in larger veterinary institutions. In addition, some radiation oncologists of human medical institutions are interested and willing to cooperate with veterinarians in the treatment of animal tumors. Carefully designed studies of the response of animal tumors to new modalities serve two valuable purposes. First, these studies may lead to improved tumor control in companion animals. Second, these studies may have important implications to the improvement of therapy of human tumors. Much remains to be learned of animal tumor biology so that appropriate model systems can be described for such studies. Many of the latter studies can be sponsored by agencies interested in the improvement of cancer management

  14. Animal serial killing: The first criminal conviction for animal cruelty in Brazil. (United States)

    Salvagni, Fernanda Auciello; de Siqueira, Adriana; Fukushima, Andre Rinaldi; Landi, Marina Frota de Albuquerque; Ponge-Ferreira, Heidi; Maiorka, Paulo Cesar


    Animal cruelty is a known behavior of psychopaths, and although the serial killing of humans is widely acknowledged worldwide, this type of crime against animals is seldom discussed. This report describes the necropsy and toxicological findings of 37 dogs and cats, which were found dead in plastic bags in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The animals had all been in the care of an alleged animal rescuer and were to be referred for adoption before being found dead. In the necropsy, the animals showed varying degrees of putrefaction, indicating different periods of death, as well as single or multiple perforations on the thorax. The perforations reached the heart, lungs or large thoracic vessels, culminating in hemopericardium and hemothorax that led to death by circulatory failure and cardiac tamponade. Blood from the heart and thoracic cavity was analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and tested positive for ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic. The suspect declared that she had killed only five of the animals and that they had all been fatally sick. The necropsy proved that all 37 animals were killed in the same way, that none of the animals had any terminal diseases and that a restricted drug was used. The suspect was sentenced to 12 years, 6 months and 14days of prison for the killing of the 37 animals. This was the first conviction for the crime of animal cruelty in Brazil. The combined role of police, forensic veterinary pathologists and prosecutors were essential to the conviction, which was a great historical occasion in the fight against animal cruelty. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Carotenoids in Marine Animals


    Maoka, Takashi


    Marine animals contain various carotenoids that show structural diversity. These marine animals accumulate carotenoids from foods such as algae and other animals and modify them through metabolic reactions. Many of the carotenoids present in marine animals are metabolites of β-carotene, fucoxanthin, peridinin, diatoxanthin, alloxanthin, and astaxanthin, etc. Carotenoids found in these animals provide the food chain as well as metabolic pathways. In the present review, I will describe marine a...

  16. ANIMAL code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lindemuth, I.R.


    This report describes ANIMAL, a two-dimensional Eulerian magnetohydrodynamic computer code. ANIMAL's physical model also appears. Formulated are temporal and spatial finite-difference equations in a manner that facilitates implementation of the algorithm. Outlined are the functions of the algorithm's FORTRAN subroutines and variables

  17. Discussing Animal Rights and Animal Research in the Classroom. (United States)

    Herzog, Harold A.


    Reviews two prominent philosophical justifications for animal liberation and describes a simulation that facilitates class discussion of animal research issues. Students reported that the exercise increased their awareness of the issues and of the complexity of making ethical decisions. (DB)

  18. Animal ethics dilemma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dich, Trine; Hansen, Tina; Algers, Anne


    ) the blind hens; (2) ANDi the genetically modified monkey; (3) euthanasia of a healthy dog; (4) animal slaughter; and (5) rehabilitation of seals. Special consideration has been given to enhancing the pedagogic value of the program. Students can control their learning by selecting a variety of ways......'Animal Ethics Dilemma' is a freely available computer-supported learning tool ( or which has been developed primarily for veterinary undergraduates but is applicable also to students in other fields of animal science. The objectives of the computer...... program are to promote students' understanding of the ethics related to animal use, to illustrate ethical dilemmas that arise in animal use, to broaden students' moral imagination, and to enable students to differentiate between types of ethical argument. The program comprises five case studies: (1...

  19. Determinação de resíduos de nitrofurazona, furazolidona e nicarbazina em tecidos de origem animal Determination of nitrofurazone, furazolidone and nicarbazin residues in animal tissues

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Scheilla V. C. SOUZA


    Full Text Available Foi padronizado e validado um método analítico para determinação de resíduos de nitrofurazona, furazolidona e nicarbazina em tecido muscular empregando-se extração com acetonitrila, purificação com cartuchos de sílica e C18 e detecção e quantificação por CLAE/UV. Nos ensaios com amostras fortificadas entre 5 e 200mg/kg as recuperações médias obtidas variaram de 73,6 a 95,6% com valores de C.V. entre 4,8 e 26,4%. O limite de detecção e quantificação do método foi de 5mg/kg, para cada um dos três resíduos estudados.A method for determination of nitrofurazone, furazolidone and nicarbazin residues in muscle tissues was standardized and validated using acetonitrile extraction, clean-up with silica and C18 cartridges and detection and quantification by HPLC/UV. In the assays using spiked samples in levels varying from 5 to 200mg/kg the average recovery values ranged from 73.6 to 95.6% with C.V. values between 4.8 and 26.4%. The limits of detection and quantification of this method was 5mg/kg for each studied residue.

  20. Animal Bites: First Aid (United States)

    First aid Animal bites: First aid Animal bites: First aid By Mayo Clinic Staff These guidelines can help you care for a minor animal bite, such ... 26, 2017 Original article: . Mayo ...

  1. How animals move: comparative lessons on animal locomotion. (United States)

    Schaeffer, Paul J; Lindstedt, Stan L


    Comparative physiology often provides unique insights in animal structure and function. It is specifically through this lens that we discuss the fundamental properties of skeletal muscle and animal locomotion, incorporating variation in body size and evolved difference among species. For example, muscle frequencies in vivo are highly constrained by body size, which apparently tunes muscle use to maximize recovery of elastic recoil potential energy. Secondary to this constraint, there is an expected linking of skeletal muscle structural and functional properties. Muscle is relatively simple structurally, but by changing proportions of the few muscle components, a diverse range of functional outputs is possible. Thus, there is a consistent and predictable relation between muscle function and myocyte composition that illuminates animal locomotion. When animals move, the mechanical properties of muscle diverge from the static textbook force-velocity relations described by A. V. Hill, as recovery of elastic potential energy together with force and power enhancement with activation during stretch combine to modulate performance. These relations are best understood through the tool of work loops. Also, when animals move, locomotion is often conveniently categorized energetically. Burst locomotion is typified by high-power outputs and short durations while sustained, cyclic, locomotion engages a smaller fraction of the muscle tissue, yielding lower force and power. However, closer examination reveals that rather than a dichotomy, energetics of locomotion is a continuum. There is a remarkably predictable relationship between duration of activity and peak sustainable performance.

  2. Ethics in Animal Experimentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yusuf Ergun


    Full Text Available Experimental animals are frequently used to obtain information for primarily scientific reasons. In the present review, ethics in animal experimentation is examined. At first, the history of animal experimentation and animal rights is outlined. Thereafter, the terms in relation with the topic are defined. Finally, prominent aspects of 3Rs constituting scientific and ethical basis in animal experimentation are underlined. [Archives Medical Review Journal 2010; 19(4.000: 220-235

  3. Animal Production Research Advances

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Animal Production Research Advances is a peer-review journal established expressly to promote the production of all animal species utilized as food. The journal has an international scope and is intended for professionals in animal production and related sciences. We solicit contributions from animal production and ...

  4. Indian draught animals power

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. L. Phaniraja

    Full Text Available With the modernization of agriculture, the use of mechanical power in agriculture has increased but draught animal power (DAP continues to be used on Indian farms due to small holdings and hill agriculture. More than 55% of the total cultivated area is still being managed by using draught animals as against about 20% by tractors. India possessed the finest breeds of draught animals. Bullocks, buffaloes and camels are the major draught animals for field operations. Horses, mules, donkeys, yak and mithun are the pack animals for transport. The quality of work from the draught animals depends upon the power developed by them. The design of traditional implements is based on long experience and these have served the purpose of the farmers. However there is plenty of scope to improve the design based on animal-machine-environment interaction so as to have more output and increased efficiency without jeopardizing animal health. [Vet World 2009; 2(10.000: 404-407

  5. Ethics and Animal Experimentation in the Laboratory. A Critical Analysis of the Arguments for"Animal Rights"and"Animal Equality"


    Tagha, Yuninui Eric


    Growing up as a child, we had a Dog. To us, it was like a means to an end. That is, hunting other animals for food and for protection, with no special care and treatment given to this animal. Butas days passed by I began to witness a wind of change against such actions. I was made to understand that we were committing two crimes-: using the Dog as a means to an end (for hunting and for eating animals). Today almost every newspaper has something to say about the treatment of animals by humans,...

  6. Sketching with animation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vistisen, Peter

    This book offers a contribution to the theory, method and techniques involved in the use of animation as a tool for temporal design sketching. Lifted from its traditional role as a genre of entertainment and art and reframed in the design domain, animation offers support during the early phases...... of exploring and assessing the potential of new and emerging digital technologies. This approach is relatively new and has been touched upon by few academic contributions in the past. Thus, the aim of the text is not to promote a claim that sketching with animation is an inherently new phenomenon. Instead......, the aim is to present a range of analytical arguments and experimental results that indicate the need for a systematic approach to realising the potential of animation within design sketching. This will establish the foundation for what we label animation-based sketching....

  7. Hepatites pós-transfusionais na cidade de Campinas, SP, Brasil: II. Presença dos anticorpos anti-HBc e anti-HCV em candidatos a doadores de sangue e ocorrência de hepatites pós-transfusionais pelo vírus C nos receptores de sangue ou derivados Post-transfusional hepatitis in the city of Campinas, SP, Brazil: II- Presence of anti-HBc and anti-HCV antibodies in blood donors and occurrence of post-transfusional hepatitis C virus in recipients of blood or derivates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Lopes Gonçales Júnior


    Full Text Available Pesquisamos os anticorpos anti-HBc e anti-HCV em amostras de soros provenientes de 799 candidatos a doadores, que tiveram suas unidades de sangue ou derivados transfundidas a 111 receptores. O anti-HBc e o anti-HCV foram reagentes, em respectivamente 9 e 2,1% dos doadores testados. Observamos que entre os 111 receptores, 44 haviam recebido pelo menos uma unidade anti-HBc positiva e 67 haviam sido transfundidos somente com unidades anti-HBc negativas. Houve um risco 4,5 vezes maior de aquisição de hepatite por vírus C pelos receptores que receberam pelo menos uma unidade anti-HBc positiva Se a pesquisa do anti-HBc fosse realizada na triagem sorológica dos doadores de sangue, cerca de 56% dos casos de HVC nos receptores saiam evitados. A população de receptores que recebeu pelo menos uma unidade anti-HCV reagente, apresentou um risco 29 vezes maior de adquirir esta hepatite, quando comparada aos receptores transfundidos com todas as unidades anti-HCV negativas. A realização do teste para a pesquisa do anti-HCV na triagem dos doadores de sangue, preveniria 79% dos casos de HVC pós-transfusionais. Os candidatos a doadores brasileiros parecem ser acometidos simultânea ou sequencialmente, pelos vírus B e C das hepatites, pois, 44,4% dos doadores anti-HCV positivos, também foram anti-HBc positivos. A realização dos testes para as pesquisas dos anticorpos anti-HBc e anti-HCV, nas triagens hemoterápicas, está indicada para prevenir a transmissão de hepatites pós-transfusionais, em nosso meio.We have analysed anti-HBc and anti-HCV antibodies in serum samples from 799 donors which had their blood or derivates transfused to 111 recipients. Anti-HBc and anti-HCV were reactive in respectively 9 and 2.1% of the donors tested. We have observed that among the 111 recipients, 44 had received at least one positive anti-HBc unit and 67 had been transfused only with negative anti-HBc, units. The risk of developing hepatitis C virus was 4.5 times

  8. Animal ethics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Palmer, Clare; Sandøe, Peter


    This chapter describes and discusses different views concerning our duties towards animals. First, we explain why it is necessary to engage in thinking about animal ethics and why it is not enough to rely on feelings alone. Secondly, we present and discuss five different kinds of views about...

  9. 76 FR 65109 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Melengestrol; Monensin; Tylosin (United States)


    .... FDA-2011-N-0003] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Melengestrol; Monensin; Tylosin AGENCY...) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a supplemental abbreviated new animal drug application (ANADA) filed by Ivy Laboratories, Division of Ivy Animal Health, Inc. The...

  10. Textbook animal breeding : animal breeding andgenetics for BSc students

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oldenbroek, Kor; Waaij, van der Liesbeth


    This textbook contains teaching material on animal breeding and genetics for BSc students. The text book started as an initiative of the Dutch Universities for Applied (Agricultural) Sciences. The textbook is made available by the Animal Breeding and Genomics Centre (ABGC) of Wageningen UR

  11. Animal computer interaction (ACI) & designing for animal interaction (AXD)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Morrison, Ann Judith; Turner, Jane; Farley, Helen


    This workshop invites researchers and practitioners from HCI and related fields who work in some capacity with animals and who recognise the sentient nature of their being. We call for those who want to better understand how to work with animals and learn from them. We are a small team looking...... to build an Australian chapter of the Animal Computer Interaction Community. The workshop will elicit discussion, forge new partnerships and head up a new group on the state of the art within this field in Australia, including comparative international studies. For more information see

  12. Physics for Animation Artists (United States)

    Chai, David; Garcia, Alejandro L.


    Animation has become enormously popular in feature films, television, and video games. Art departments and film schools at universities as well as animation programs at high schools have expanded in recent years to meet the growing demands for animation artists. Professional animators identify the technological facet as the most rapidly advancing…

  13. Cortisol sérico, concentração de lactato e creatinina em cavalos de corrida Puro Sangue Inglês com diferentes idades e estágios de treinamento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guilherme de Paula Nogueira


    Full Text Available Exercício pode ser definido como um "estressor normal" estimulando as funções corpóreas. Alguns trabalhos sugerem o lactato como estimulador da secreção de cortisol , enquanto que a creatinina varia em função da quantidade de tecido muscular. No presente estudo é investigada a relação entre creatinina, lactato e cortisol séricos em cavalos em treinamento. Vinte e três potras Puro Sangue Inglês foram utilizadas, divididas em 3 grupos de acordo com a idade e protocolo de treinamento: G1, 1-2 anos de idade (n=7 mantidas a pasto, G2, 2-3 anos (n=9 começando a ser montadas e G3, 3-4 anos (n=7 competindo no Jockey Club. Amostras de sangue foram colhidas semanalmente durante 6 meses próximo às 13 h, enquanto os animais descansavam. O cortisol foi quantificado através de kits comerciais (Coat-a Count® e a creatinina sérica e o lactato foram avaliados através de um auto-analyzer, usando reagentes comerciais. Os resultados foram avaliados utilizando testes estatísticos não-paramétricos com nível de significância P<0,05. As concentrações de cortisol foram 149ª + 7, 126b + 6, e 101c + 5 nmol/l, as concentrações de lactato foram 2,1ª + 0,1, 2,0ª + 0,1, e 1,75b + 0,1 mmol/l, e as concentrações de creatinina foram 125ª + 2, 132ª + 2 145b + 3 mimol/l nos grupos G1, G2 e G3, respectivamente. Somente o G2 apresentou uma pequena, mas significante correlação positiva do cortisol com o lactato e correlação negativa do cortisol com a concentração de creatinina. Foi possível concluir que o cortisol, lactato e a creatinina variaram em função da idade e do condicionamento físico. A diminuição do cortisol observada nos animais do G2, reflete o melhor condicionamento físico adquirido durante o treinamento, que pode ser inferido através do aumento da concentração de creatinina, relacionada a quantidade de massa muscular. A diminuição do cortisol observada nos animais do G3 pode também ser conseqüência do aumento da

  14. Animal Interdependency. Animal Life in Action[TM]. Schlessinger Science Library. [Videotape]. (United States)


    This 23-minute videotape for grades 5-8, presents the myriad of animal life that exists on the planet. Students can view and perform experiments and investigations that help explain animal traits and habits. No organism on Earth can exist independently. Students find out more about animal relationships such as predator/prey relationships and…

  15. Associations between different motivations for animal cruelty, methods of animal cruelty and facets of impulsivity


    Newberry, Michelle


    Associations between specific motivations for animal cruelty, particular methods of animal cruelty and different facets of impulsivity were explored among 130 undergraduate students. Participants completed an adapted version of the Boat Inventory on Animal-Related Experiences (BIARE) which asked participants to state whether they had intentionally harmed or killed an animal, the species of animal(s) involved, their motivations for harming or killing the animal(s) and the method(s) used. Parti...

  16. Associations between different motivations for animal cruelty, methods of animal cruelty, and facets of impulsivity


    Newberry, Michelle


    Associations between specific motivations for animal cruelty, particular methods of animal cruelty and different facets of impulsivity were explored among 130 undergraduate students. Participants completed an adapted version of the Boat Inventory on Animal-Related Experiences (BIARE) which asked participants to state whether they had intentionally harmed or killed an animal, the species of animal(s) involved, their motivations for harming or killing the animal(s) and the method(s) used. Parti...

  17. Survey of animal welfare, animal behavior, and animal ethics courses in the curricula of AVMA Council on Education-accredited veterinary colleges and schools. (United States)

    Shivley, Chelsey B; Garry, Franklyn B; Kogan, Lori R; Grandin, Temple


    OBJECTIVE To explore the extent to which veterinary colleges and schools accredited by the AVMA Council on Education (COE) have incorporated specific courses related to animal welfare, behavior, and ethics. DESIGN Survey and curriculum review. SAMPLE All 49 AVMA COE-accredited veterinary colleges and schools (institutions). PROCEDURES The study consisted of 2 parts. In part 1, a survey regarding animal welfare, behavior, and ethics was emailed to the associate dean of academic affairs at all 49 AVMA COE-accredited institutions. In part 2, the curricula for the 30 AVMA COE-accredited institutions in the United States were reviewed for courses on animal behavior, ethics, and welfare. RESULTS Seventeen of 49 (35%) institutions responded to the survey of part 1, of which 10 offered a formal animal welfare course, 9 offered a formal animal behavior course, 8 offered a formal animal ethics course, and 5 offered a combined animal welfare, behavior, and ethics course. The frequency with which courses on animal welfare, behavior, and ethics were offered differed between international and US institutions. Review of the curricula for the 30 AVMA COE-accredited US institutions revealed that 6 offered a formal course on animal welfare, 22 offered a formal course on animal behavior, and 18 offered a formal course on animal ethics. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggested that AVMA COE-accredited institutions need to provide more formal education on animal welfare, behavior, and ethics so veterinarians can be advocates for animals and assist with behavioral challenges.

  18. Refining animal experiments: the first Brazilian regulation on animal experimentation. (United States)

    de A e Tréz, Thales


    The very first law on animal experimentation has been approved recently in Brazil, and now is part of a set of the legal instruments that profile the Brazilian government's attitude toward the use of animals in experiments. Law 11794/08 establishes a new legal instrument that will guide new methods of conduct for ethics committees, researchers and representatives of animal protection societies. This comment aims to analyse critically the implications that this law brings to Brazilian reality. The link between it and the Russell and Burch's Three Rs concept is defined, and certain problems are identified. The conclusion is that the body of the law emphasises the refinement of animal experiments, but gives little importance to the principles of reduction and replacement.

  19. Animated Asphalt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paldam, Camilla Skovbjerg


    to be understood? How does animation differ in different media? And in particular by focusing on and questioning the gender positions inherent in Mitchell’s theory. Animation has an erotic component of seduction and desire, and what pictures want, becomes for Mitchell, what women want. There is of course no simple...

  20. 75 FR 7555 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Bacitracin Zinc; Nicarbazin (United States)


    .... FDA-2010-N-0002] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Bacitracin Zinc; Nicarbazin AGENCY: Food... amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of an original abbreviated new animal drug... generic copy of NADA 141-146, sponsored by Phibro Animal Health, for combination use of BACIFERM...

  1. Comparing the Effect of Animal-Rearing Education in Japan with Conventional Animal-Assisted Education


    Nakajima, Yuka


    An increasing number of teachers are introducing animals into their class so that pupils foster cognitive, physiological, and social skills through their interaction with animals. Along with such an educational style termed animal-assisted education (AAE), Japanese formal education has also utilized animals for education. Japanese animal-rearing education is unique regarding the following two points: (1) it takes the form of “education through assisting animals” rather than “animals assisting...

  2. International standards: the World Organisation for Animal Health Terrestrial Animal Health Code. (United States)

    Thiermann, A B


    This paper provides a description of the international standards contained in the TerrestrialAnimal Health Code of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) that relate to the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases. It identifies the rights and obligations of OIE Member Countries regarding the notification of animal disease occurrences, as well as the recommendations to be followed for a safe and efficient international trade of animals and their products.

  3. Biotecnologia animal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Lehmann Coutinho


    Full Text Available A biotecnologia animal tem fornecido novas ferramentas para os programas de melhoramento e, dessa forma, contribuído para melhorar a eficiência da produção dos produtos de origem animal. No entanto, os avanços têm sido mais lentos do que antecipados, especialmente em razão da dificuldade na identificação dos genes responsáveis pelas características fenotípicas de interesse zootécnico. Três estratégias principais têm sido utilizadas para identificar esses genes - mapeamento de QTL, genes candidatos e sequenciamento de DNA e mRNA - e cada uma tem suas vantagens e limitações. O mapeamento de QTL permite determinar as regiões genômicas que contêm genes, mas o intervalo de confiança do QTL pode ser grande e conter muitos genes. A estratégia de genes candidatos é limitada por causa do conhecimento ainda restrito das funções de todos os genes. Os sequenciamentos de genomas e de sequências expressas podem auxiliar na identificação da posição de genes e de vias metabólicas associadas à característica de interesse. A integração dessas estratégias por meio do desenvolvimento de programas de bioinformática permitirá a identificação de novos genes de interesse zootécnico. Assim, os programas de melhoramento genético se beneficiarão pela inclusão da informação obtida diretamente do DNA na avaliação do mérito genético dos plantéis disponíveis.Animal biotechnology is providing new tools for animal breeding and genetics and thus contributing to advances in production efficiency and quality of animal products. However, the progress is slower than anticipated, mainly because of the difficulty involved in identifying genes that control phenotypic characteristics of importance to the animal industry. Three main strategies: QTL mapping, candidate genes and DNA and mRNA sequencing have been used to identify genes of economic interest to animal breeding and each has advantages and disadvantages. QTL mapping allows

  4. Development of MRI radiofrequency coils to study neurophysiological changes in a neonatal animal model at 9.4T


    Silva, Andreia Capaz


    Tese de mestrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2013 A lesão cerebral hipóxico-isquémica é uma causa comum de lesão cerebral em recém-nascidos, resultando num alto risco de morte prematura ou deficiência. Estas lesões cerebrais devem-se a um fluxo insuficiente de sangue (isquémia) e a um fornecimento reduzido de oxigénio (hipóxia) ao cérebro, eventos que provocam lesões cerebrais agudas resultando numa série de a...

  5. Animal Detectives (United States)

    Mulvey, Bridget; Warnock, Carly


    During a two-week inquiry-based 5E learning cycle unit, children made observations and inferences to guide their explorations of animal traits and habitats (Bybee 2014). The children became "animal detectives" by studying a live-feed webcam and digital images of wolves in their natural habitat, reading books and online sources about…

  6. 75 FR 5887 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Ractopamine; Monensin (United States)


    .... FDA-2010-N-0002] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Ractopamine; Monensin AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of an original new animal drug application (NADA) filed by Elanco...

  7. 76 FR 16534 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Florfenicol; Correction (United States)


    .... FDA-2010-N-0002] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Florfenicol; Correction AGENCY: Food and...) published a document in the Federal Register of June 17, 2010 (75 FR 34361) revising the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a supplemental new animal drug application (NADA). That document contained...

  8. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... video) Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance (text version) Arabic Translation of Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance Chinese Translation of Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance French Translation of ...

  9. Ian Ingram: Next Animals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Ian Ingram: Next Animals is an exhibition catalogue presenting research on the work by Ian Ingram in relation to his exhibition Next Animals at Nikolaj Kunsthal in 2015.......Ian Ingram: Next Animals is an exhibition catalogue presenting research on the work by Ian Ingram in relation to his exhibition Next Animals at Nikolaj Kunsthal in 2015....

  10. Indicatoren voor dierenwelzijn en diergezondheid = Indicators for animal welfare and animal health

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leenstra, F.R.; Neijenhuis, F.


    The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality requires a monitor for animal welfare and animal health to evaluate progress in this field. This report describes which indicators for animal welfare and health can be used for the monitor

  11. Animal welfare impact assessments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandøe, Peter; Gamborg, Christian


    aimed at dealing with wild animals. McCulloch and Reiss argue that this could be remedied by means of a “mandatory application of formal and systematic Animal Welfare Impact Assessment (AWIA)”. Optimistically, they consider that an AWIA could help to resolve controversies involving wild animals. The aim...... is a welfare issue. Furthermore, we argue that AWIA is unlikely to prevent serious moral disagreements over how to weigh concerns about wild animals against priorities in human health, the health of domestic and farm animals, and biodiversity, but that it may nonetheless serve to limit harms imposed......Control of wild animals may give rise to controversy, as is seen in the case of badger control to manage TB in cattle in the UK. However, it is striking that concerns about the potential suffering of the affected animals themselves are often given little attention or completely ignored in policies...

  12. Animals In Synchrotrons: Overcoming Challenges For High-Resolution, Live, Small-Animal Imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Donnelley, Martin; Parsons, David; Morgan, Kaye; Siu, Karen


    Physiological studies in small animals can be complicated, but the complexity is increased dramatically when performing live-animal synchrotron X-ray imaging studies. Our group has extensive experience in high-resolution live-animal imaging at the Japanese SPring-8 synchrotron, primarily examining airways in two-dimensions. These experiments normally image an area of 1.8 mmx1.2 mm at a pixel resolution of 0.45 μm and are performed with live, intact, anaesthetized mice.There are unique challenges in this experimental setting. Importantly, experiments must be performed in an isolated imaging hutch not specifically designed for small-animal imaging. This requires equipment adapted to remotely monitor animals, maintain their anesthesia, and deliver test substances while collecting images. The horizontal synchrotron X-ray beam has a fixed location and orientation that limits experimental flexibility. The extremely high resolution makes locating anatomical regions-of-interest slow and can result in a high radiation dose, and at this level of magnification small animal movements produce motion-artifacts that can render acquired images unusable. Here we describe our experimental techniques and how we have overcome several challenges involved in performing live mouse synchrotron imaging.Experiments have tested different mouse strains, with hairless strains minimizing overlying skin and hair artifacts. Different anesthetics have also be trialed due to the limited choices available at SPring-8. Tracheal-intubation methods have been refined and controlled-ventilation is now possible using a specialized small-animal ventilator. With appropriate animal restraint and respiratory-gating, motion-artifacts have been minimized. The animal orientation (supine vs. head-high) also appears to affect animal physiology, and can alter image quality. Our techniques and image quality at SPring-8 have dramatically improved and in the near future we plan to translate this experience to the

  13. Animal magic (United States)

    Denny, Mark


    Writing a popular-science book about animal biophysics is hard work. Authors must read through hundreds of research papers as the subject is so multidisciplinary. On both counts of research and writing, Matin Durrani and Liz Kalaugher have done a good to excellent job with their book Furry Logic: the Physics of Animal Life

  14. Emotional Support Animals, Service Animals, and Pets on Campus (United States)

    Von Bergen, C. W.


    For decades, universities have been accommodating physically disabled students who require guide dogs and other types of service animals. Within the past several years, however, mentally disabled students have increasingly petitioned colleges with no-pet policies to permit them to bring their animals on campus because they need a companion or…

  15. The Effect of Steps to Promote Higher Levels of Farm Animal Welfare across the EU. Societal versus Animal Scientists’ Perceptions of Animal Welfare (United States)

    Averós, Xavier; Aparicio, Miguel A.; Ferrari, Paolo; Guy, Jonathan H.; Hubbard, Carmen; Schmid, Otto; Ilieski, Vlatko; Spoolder, Hans A. M.


    Simple Summary We studied different EU production standards and initiatives to determine whether there is still room or not for further animal welfare improvement, and which should be the best way to achieve it. Many of the adopted measures in these standards and initiatives are scientifically supported, but other aspects that are equally important for animal welfare are not included in any of them. Animal welfare improvement should consider, for each country, those aspects actually benefiting animals, but also the social expectations within each country. Economic constraints might explain the gap between what society demands, and what farm animals actually need. Abstract Information about animal welfare standards and initiatives from eight European countries was collected, grouped, and compared to EU welfare standards to detect those aspects beyond minimum welfare levels demanded by EU welfare legislation. Literature was reviewed to determine the scientific relevance of standards and initiatives, and those aspects going beyond minimum EU standards. Standards and initiatives were assessed to determine their strengths and weaknesses regarding animal welfare. Attitudes of stakeholders in the improvement of animal welfare were determined through a Policy Delphi exercise. Social perception of animal welfare, economic implications of upraising welfare levels, and differences between countries were considered. Literature review revealed that on-farm space allowance, climate control, and environmental enrichment are relevant for all animal categories. Experts’ assessment revealed that on-farm prevention of thermal stress, air quality, and races and passageways’ design were not sufficiently included. Stakeholders considered that housing conditions are particularly relevant regarding animal welfare, and that animal-based and farm-level indicators are fundamental to monitor the progress of animal welfare. The most notable differences between what society offers and what

  16. A case-control study of HTLV-infection among blood donors in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil - associated risk factors and trend towards declining prevalence Estudo da infecção do HTLV entre doadores de sangue de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Augusto Mota


    Full Text Available Previous data suggest that Salvador, the capital of the State of Bahia, a northeastern state of Brazil, has the highest prevalence of HTLV infection in blood donors among Brazilian cities. The aim of this case-control study was to identify the determinants of risk for HTLV infection among blood donors in the city of Salvador. Between January 2000 and December 2003, 504 blood donors with positive screening tests for HTLV infection (unconfirmed prevalence of 0.48% were invited to participate in our study. A total of 154 had performed a Western Blot (WB test, 139 were of which found to be positive (false positive screening rate 9.9%. Using a standardized questionnaire, a single interviewer obtained information on demographic, socio-economical and educational characteristics, as well as sexual behavior from 91 out of the 139 positive by WB and from 194 HTLV-negative blood donors. Prevalence of HTLV infection was 0.48%. Multivariate analysis revealed women (OR 3.79 [1.61-8.88], p=0.002, low family income* (OR 3.37 [1.17-9.66], p=0.02, self-reported history of sexual transmitted diseases (OR 6.15 [2.04-18.51], p=0.001, 2 or more sexual partners during life (OR 9.29 [2.16-39.94], p=0.0020 and inconsistent use of condoms (OR 4.73 [1.98-11.26], p=0.0004 as risk factors for HTLV infection. In accordance with previous published data, our results point to an association between low socio-economical level, poor education and unsafe sexual behavior with HTLV infection. We observed a lower prevalence of HLTV infection when compared to previous data.Estudos anteriores sugerem que Salvador, capital da Bahia, um estado do Nordeste do Brasil, tem a maior prevalência de infecção por HTLV em doadores de sangue entre as cidades brasileiras. O objetivo deste estudo caso-controle foi identificar os determinantes de risco para a infecção por HTLV entre doadores de sangue em Salvador. Entre janeiro 2000 e dezembro 2003, 504 doadores de sangue positivos para a infec

  17. Animal behavior and well-being symposium: Farm animal welfare assurance: science and application. (United States)

    Rushen, J; Butterworth, A; Swanson, J C


    Public and consumer pressure for assurances that farm animals are raised humanely has led to a range of private and public animal welfare standards, and for methods to assess compliance with these standards. The standards usually claim to be science based, but even though researchers have developed measures of animal welfare and have tested the effects of housing and management variables on welfare within controlled laboratory settings, there are challenges in extending this research to develop on-site animal welfare standards. The standards need to be validated against a definition of welfare that has broad support and which is amenable to scientific investigation. Ensuring that such standards acknowledge scientific uncertainty is also challenging, and balanced input from all scientific disciplines dealing with animal welfare is needed. Agencies providing animal welfare audit services need to integrate these scientific standards and legal requirements into successful programs that effectively measure and objectively report compliance. On-farm assessment of animal welfare requires a combination of animal-based measures to assess the actual state of welfare and resource-based measures to identify risk factors. We illustrate this by referring to a method of assessing welfare in broiler flocks. Compliance with animal welfare standards requires buy-in from all stakeholders, and this will be best achieved by a process of inclusion in the development of pragmatic assessment methods and the development of audit programs verifying the conditions and continuous improvement of farm animal welfare.

  18. 9 CFR 95.20 - Animal manure. (United States)



  19. Road transport of farm animals: effects of journey duration on animal welfare

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Birte Lindstrøm; Dybkjær, Lise; Herskin, Mette S


    Transport of farm animals gives rise to concern about their welfare. Specific attention has been given to the duration of animal transport, and maximum journey durations are used in legislation that seek to minimise any negative impact of transport on animal welfare. This paper reviews the relati...

  20. Animal models of gastrointestinal and liver diseases. Animal models of acute and chronic pancreatitis (United States)

    Zhan, Xianbao; Wang, Fan; Bi, Yan


    Animal models of pancreatitis are useful for elucidating the pathogenesis of pancreatitis and developing and testing novel interventions. In this review, we aim to summarize the most commonly used animal models, overview their pathophysiology, and discuss their strengths and limitations. We will also briefly describe common animal study procedures and refer readers to more detailed protocols in the literature. Although animal models include pigs, dogs, opossums, and other animals, we will mainly focus on rodent models because of their popularity. Autoimmune pancreatitis and genetically engineered animal models will be reviewed elsewhere. PMID:27418683



    Czerw, Monika


    The benefits of relations between humans and animals have encouraged both scientists and members of other communities to popularize the knowledge in the field of animal-assisted therapy. Currently, animal-assisted therapy has been used not only in therapy, but also in resocialization. The increasing popularity of this form of supporting maladjusted people who are isolated from society or people with disabilities encouraged both practitioners and researchers to organize knowledge, thus reducin...

  2. Perfil do doador de sangue autoexcluído no Hemocentro Regional de Uberaba-MG (HRU no período de 1996 a 2006 Self-exclusion profiles of blood donors of the Regional Blood Bank in Uberaba, Brazil (HRU in the period of 1996 to 2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo R. J. Martins


    Full Text Available Candidatos a doação são submetidos a triagem clínica e sorológica para minimizar o risco de transmissão de doenças via transfusão. Uma de suas limitações é a janela imunológica, que possibilita a transfusão de sangue contaminado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o índice de autoexclusão de acordo com idade, gênero, estado civil, cor e tipo de doação, as variações anuais de autoexcluídos e sua eficácia em evitar a transfusão de sangue contaminado. Os dados foram analisados através do teste qui-quadrado, odds ratio e regressão linear. De 1996 a 2006, o Hemocentro Regional de Uberaba (HRU coletou 176.097 bolsas de sangue, das quais 2,72% foram desprezadas por autoexclusão, com significativo predomínio de homens, maiores de 29 anos, solteiros, não brancos e primeira doação (pBlood donor candidates are submitted to clinical and serological screening to minimize the risk of disease transmission. One of the limitations of this screening is the immunological window, a period that may contribute to the transfusion of contaminated blood. The aim of this study was to evaluate self-exclusion rates related to age, gender, marital status, race, type of donation, annual variations in self-exclusion and the efficacy of self-exclusion to prevent the transfusion of contaminated blood. A retrospective study was conducted and the data were analyzed using the chi-square test, odds ratio and linear regression. Of the 176,097 blood bags collected at the Uberaba Regional Blood Center (HRU between 1996 and 2006, 2.72% were discarded due to self-exclusion. There was a predominance of first-time, unmarried, non-white male donors over the age of 29 years old (p<0.0001. An inverse association was observed between long-term commitment and self-exclusion, suggesting that the higher the return rate, the lower the incidence of self-exclusion. Positive serology for HIV1 (0.35% and HIV2 (0.23% was significantly higher among self-exclusion donors

  3. Treinamento aeróbio em natação melhora a resposta de parâmetros metabólicos de ratos durante teste de esforço Aerobic swimming training improves metabolic parameters response during exertion test in rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliana Silveira Freitas


    Full Text Available Foram investigados os efeitos do treinamento aeróbio em natação com baixa intensidade sobre as respostas do lactato e da glicose sanguíneos de ratos durante teste de esforço. Ratos Wistar adultos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: sedentário (n = 6 e treinado (n = 6. Todos receberam água e ração ad libitum e foram mantidos em ambiente com temperatura de 22 ± 2ºC e ciclo claro/escuro de 12 horas. O grupo treinado foi submetido a um programa de natação contínua sem sobrecarga, 30 min/dia, cinco dias/semana, por seis semanas. Três dias após a última sessão de treino, as concentrações sanguíneas de lactato e glicose foram medidas em três momentos durante dois testes de esforço de 20 minutos (repouso, 10 min e 20 min, sendo um sem carga e outro com carga (5% do peso corporal, separados por dois dias. Observou-se correlação inversa entre lactato e glicose durante o exercício (ρ = - 0,74; P 0,05. Conclui-se que o treinamento aeróbio em natação aplicado foi capaz de alterar as respostas do lactato e glicose sanguíneos de ratos durante os testes de esforço.The effects of low intensity aerobic swimming training on blood lactate and glucose responses in rats were investigated during exertion test. Twelve adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups: sedentary (n= 6 and trained (n= 6. All animals received water and food ad libitum and were kept in a room with temperature of 22 ± 2ºC and dark/light cycle of 12 hours. Animals from trained group were submitted to a swimming training protocol of 30 min/day, 5 days/week, for 6 weeks. Sedentary animals did not exercise. Three days after the last training session all animals were submitted to two 20-minute swimming tests with 48 hour-interval, being one unloaded and the other with a load of 5 % of body weight. Blood lactate and glucose were measured at rest, 10 min and 20 min of exercise. Negative correlation between blood lactate and glucose levels

  4. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Home Food Drugs Medical Devices Radiation-Emitting Products Vaccines, Blood & Biologics Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products Animal & ... back Food Drugs Medical Devices Radiation-Emitting Products Vaccines, Blood & Biologics Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products

  5. Grief and Bereavement Issues and the Loss of a Companion Animal: People Living with a Companion Animal, Owners of Livestock, and Animal Support Workers (United States)

    Chur-Hansen, Anna


    Companion animals play various roles in people's lives and these roles can impact on loss, grief, bereavement and mourning when the animal has been lost, whether that is through death, when missing, or when relinquished. This paper considers not only companion animal owners, but also those who own farm animals and those who work in animal service…

  6. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Animal & Veterinary Safety & Health Antimicrobial Resistance Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it More sharing ... CVM) produced a nine-minute animation explaining how antimicrobial resistance both emerges and proliferates among bacteria. Over ...

  7. Aceturato de diminazeno e dipropionato de imidocarb no controle de infecção por Trypanosoma evansi em Rattus norvegicus infectados experimentalmente


    Silva,Aleksandro Schafer da; Tochetto,Camila; Zanette,Régis Adriel; Pierezan,Felipe; Rissi,Daniel Ricardo; Santurio,Janio Morais; Monteiro,Silvia Gonzalez


    Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do aceturato de diminazeno e do dipropionato de imidocarb no controle da infecção por Trypanosoma evansi em ratos (Rattus norvegicus) infectados experimentalmente. Cinqüenta e quatro ratos machos foram inoculados via intraperitonial com 104 tripomastigotas de T. evansi/animal. Os ratos foram monitorados diariamente por meio de esfregaço sanguíneo periférico. No momento em que se observassem oito protozoários por campo microscópico de 1000x, era ...

  8. Diminazene aceturate and imidocarb dipropionate in the control of Trypanosoma evansi infection in Rattus norvegicus experimentally infected


    Silva, Aleksandro Schafer da; Tochetto, Camila; Zanette, Régis Adriel; Pierezan, Felipe; Rissi, Daniel Ricardo; Santurio, Janio Morais; Monteiro, Silvia Gonzalez


    Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do aceturato de diminazeno e do dipropionato de imidocarb no controle da infecção por Trypanosoma evansi em ratos (Rattus norvegicus) infectados experimentalmente. Cinqüenta e quatro ratos machos foram inoculados via intraperitonial com 104 tripomastigotas de T. evansi/animal. Os ratos foram monitorados diariamente por meio de esfregaço sanguíneo periférico. No momento em que se observassem oito protozoários por campo microscópico de 1000x, era ...

  9. Free the animals? Investigating attitudes toward animal testing in Britain and the United States. (United States)

    Swami, Viren; Furnham, Adrian; Christopher, Andrew N


    In this study, 185 British and 143 American undergraduates completed a battery of tests that measured attitudes toward animal testing and various individual difference variables. Attitudes toward animal testing factored into two interpretable factors: general attitudes toward animal testing, and animal welfare and conditions of testing. Overall, there was support for animal testing under the right conditions, although there was also concern for the welfare of animals and the conditions under which testing takes place. There were small but significant national difference on both factors (with Americans more positive about testing and less positive about animal welfare), and a significant sex difference on the first factor (women were more negative about testing). Correlation and regression analyses showed that there were few significant individual difference predictors of both factors. These results are discussed in relation to past and future work on attitudes toward animal testing.

  10. Principles of animal extrapolation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calabrese, E.J.


    Animal Extrapolation presents a comprehensive examination of the scientific issues involved in extrapolating results of animal experiments to human response. This text attempts to present a comprehensive synthesis and analysis of the host of biomedical and toxicological studies of interspecies extrapolation. Calabrese's work presents not only the conceptual basis of interspecies extrapolation, but also illustrates how these principles may be better used in selection of animal experimentation models and in the interpretation of animal experimental results. The book's theme centers around four types of extrapolation: (1) from average animal model to the average human; (2) from small animals to large ones; (3) from high-risk animal to the high risk human; and (4) from high doses of exposure to lower, more realistic, doses. Calabrese attacks the issues of interspecies extrapolation by dealing individually with the factors which contribute to interspecies variability: differences in absorption, intestinal flora, tissue distribution, metabolism, repair mechanisms, and excretion. From this foundation, Calabrese then discusses the heterogeneticity of these same factors in the human population in an attempt to evaluate the representativeness of various animal models in light of interindividual variations. In addition to discussing the question of suitable animal models for specific high-risk groups and specific toxicological endpoints, the author also examines extrapolation questions related to the use of short-term tests to predict long-term human carcinogenicity and birth defects. The book is comprehensive in scope and specific in detail; for those environmental health professions seeking to understand the toxicological models which underlay health risk assessments, Animal Extrapolation is a valuable information source.

  11. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Animal & Veterinary Safety & Health Antimicrobial Resistance Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it More sharing options ... of Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance More in Antimicrobial ... Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System About NARMS 2015 NARMS Integrated ...

  12. Animals as disgust elicitors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kasperbauer, Tyler Joshua


    This paper attempts to explain how and why nonhuman animals elicit disgust in human beings. I argue that animals elicit disgust in two ways. One is by triggering disease–protection mechanisms, and the other is by eliciting mortality salience, or thoughts of death. I discuss how these two types...... of disgust operate and defend their conceptual and theoretical coherence against common objections. I also outline an explanatory challenge for disgust researchers. Both types of disgust indicate that a wide variety of animals produce aversive and avoidant reactions in human beings. This seems somewhat odd......, given the prominence of animals in human lives. The challenge, then, is explaining how humans cope with the presence of animals. I propose, as a hypothesis for further exploration, that we cope with animals, and our disgust responses to them, by attributing mental states that mark them as inferior...

  13. The Effect of Steps to Promote Higher Levels of Farm Animal Welfare across the EU. Societal versus Animal Scientists' Perceptions of Animal Welfare. (United States)

    Averós, Xavier; Aparicio, Miguel A; Ferrari, Paolo; Guy, Jonathan H; Hubbard, Carmen; Schmid, Otto; Ilieski, Vlatko; Spoolder, Hans A M


    Information about animal welfare standards and initiatives from eight European countries was collected, grouped, and compared to EU welfare standards to detect those aspects beyond minimum welfare levels demanded by EU welfare legislation. Literature was reviewed to determine the scientific relevance of standards and initiatives, and those aspects going beyond minimum EU standards. Standards and initiatives were assessed to determine their strengths and weaknesses regarding animal welfare. Attitudes of stakeholders in the improvement of animal welfare were determined through a Policy Delphi exercise. Social perception of animal welfare, economic implications of upraising welfare levels, and differences between countries were considered. Literature review revealed that on-farm space allowance, climate control, and environmental enrichment are relevant for all animal categories. Experts' assessment revealed that on-farm prevention of thermal stress, air quality, and races and passageways' design were not sufficiently included. Stakeholders considered that housing conditions are particularly relevant regarding animal welfare, and that animal-based and farm-level indicators are fundamental to monitor the progress of animal welfare. The most notable differences between what society offers and what farm animals are likely to need are related to transportation and space availability, with economic constraints being the most plausible explanation.

  14. Animal models of dementia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsson, I. Anna S.; Sandøe, Peter


    This chapter aims to encourage scientists and others interested in the use of animal models of disease – specifically, in the study of dementia – to engage in ethical reflection. It opens with a general discussion of the moral acceptability of animal use in research. Three ethical approaches...... are here distinguished. These serve as points of orientation in the following discussion of four more specific ethical questions: Does animal species matter? How effective is disease modelling in delivering the benefits claimed for it? What can be done to minimize potential harm to animals in research? Who...... bears responsibility for the use of animals in disease models?...

  15. Can experiments on animals constitute a criminal offence of cruelty to animals?

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    Ristivojevic Branislav


    Full Text Available The criminal offence “killing and torturing animals” under Article 269 of the Criminal Code says that it can be committed only “contrary to regulations”. The regulations governing the treatment of experimental animals are the Animal Welfare Law from 2009 and the Law on the Ratification of the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes amended by the Protocol of amendment to the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes from 2010. The first one imposes numerous obligations and introduces numerous prohibitions in the treatment of experimental animals, which at first sight make the possibilities of committing this criminal offence greater. The other law does not contain most of the prohibitions and restrictions that are included in the Animal Welfare Law. Thanks to a legal rule which says that a later law regulating the same subject replaces the former one (lex posterior derogate legi priori and the aforementioned unconstitutionality of many provisions of the Animal Welfare Law, researchers and teachers in Serbia are not in particular danger of criminal prosecution. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179079: Biomedicine, Environmental Protection and the Law

  16. Medication of Production Animals – Cure of Malfunctioning Animals or Production Systems?

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    Chrièl Mariann


    Full Text Available Medication is used in all intensive animal productions. However, the increasing problems with resistant bacteria in all animal productions and in humans are supported by a number of reports. Special attention is given to the risk for transmitting food-borne (multi resistant zoonotic agents to humans due to failure in antibiotic treatment resulting in lower cure rates or higher case fatality rates. The use of medication in humans per se is capable of selecting for resistance in human pathogens. Nevertheless, the amount of used medication/antimicrobials in treatment of Danish production animals goes far beyond the amount used for human consumption. The increase in consumption has not been followed by a similarly increased mortality, e.g. illustrated by the number of rendered animals, increased use of injection medicine for veterinary treatments of diseased animals, or increased number of remarks on the carcasses from the slaughterhouses. Medication in animal production is facing its limits and relevant economic alternatives have to be developed. The strategy for the future must concentrate on using medication only for clinically diseased animals and not as a strategic treatment of the whole herd in order to maximise growth and camouflage of suboptimal production systems and insufficient management.

  17. Animal models of gastrointestinal and liver diseases. Animal models of acute and chronic pancreatitis. (United States)

    Zhan, Xianbao; Wang, Fan; Bi, Yan; Ji, Baoan


    Animal models of pancreatitis are useful for elucidating the pathogenesis of pancreatitis and developing and testing novel interventions. In this review, we aim to summarize the most commonly used animal models, overview their pathophysiology, and discuss their strengths and limitations. We will also briefly describe common animal study procedures and refer readers to more detailed protocols in the literature. Although animal models include pigs, dogs, opossums, and other animals, we will mainly focus on rodent models because of their popularity. Autoimmune pancreatitis and genetically engineered animal models will be reviewed elsewhere. Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society.

  18. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Skip to common links HHS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services U.S. Food and Drug Administration ... Tobacco Products Animal & Veterinary Home Animal & Veterinary Safety & Health Antimicrobial Resistance Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance Share Tweet ...

  19. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Animal & Veterinary Safety & Health Antimicrobial Resistance Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it More sharing options ... CVM) produced a nine-minute animation explaining how antimicrobial resistance both emerges and proliferates among bacteria. Over time, ...

  20. [Dignity or integrity - does the genetic modification of animals require new concepts in animal ethics?]. (United States)

    Schmidt, Kirsten


    Animal genetic engineering seems to point at a normative gap beyond pathocentric welfare theories in animal ethics. Recently developed approaches aim to bridge this gap by means of new normative criteria such as animal dignity and animal integrity. The following comparison of dignity and integrity in the context of animal ethics shows that the dignity concept faces serious problems because of its necessarily anthroporelational character and the different functions of contingent and inherent dignity within ethical reasoning. Unlike animal dignity the concept of animal integrity could prove to be a useful enhancement for pathocentric approaches.

  1. 75 FR 20917 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Melengestrol, Monensin, and Ractopamine (United States)


    .... FDA-2010-N-0002] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Melengestrol, Monensin, and Ractopamine... (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of a supplemental abbreviated new animal drug application (ANADA) filed by Ivy Laboratories, Div. of Ivy Animal Health, Inc. The...

  2. 9 CFR 117.2 - Animal facilities. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Animal facilities. 117.2 Section 117.2 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VIRUSES... Animal facilities. Animal facilities shall comply with the requirements provided in part 108 of this...

  3. Marketing animal-friendly products

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Riemsdijk, van Lenka; Ingenbleek, Paul T.M.; Trijp, van Hans C.M.; Veen, van der Gerrita


    This article presents a conceptual framework that aims to encourage consumer animal-friendly product choice by introducing positioning strategies for animal-friendly products. These strategies reinforce the animal welfare with different types of consumption values and can therefore reduce

  4. Animal models of gastrointestinal and liver diseases. Animal models of acute and chronic pancreatitis


    Zhan, Xianbao; Wang, Fan; Bi, Yan; Ji, Baoan


    Animal models of pancreatitis are useful for elucidating the pathogenesis of pancreatitis and developing and testing novel interventions. In this review, we aim to summarize the most commonly used animal models, overview their pathophysiology, and discuss their strengths and limitations. We will also briefly describe common animal study procedures and refer readers to more detailed protocols in the literature. Although animal models include pigs, dogs, opossums, and other animals, we will mai...

  5. Companion Animals as a Source of Viruses for Human Beings and Food Production Animals. (United States)

    Reperant, L A; Brown, I H; Haenen, O L; de Jong, M D; Osterhaus, A D M E; Papa, A; Rimstad, E; Valarcher, J-F; Kuiken, T


    Companion animals comprise a wide variety of species, including dogs, cats, horses, ferrets, guinea pigs, reptiles, birds and ornamental fish, as well as food production animal species, such as domestic pigs, kept as companion animals. Despite their prominent place in human society, little is known about the role of companion animals as sources of viruses for people and food production animals. Therefore, we reviewed the literature for accounts of infections of companion animals by zoonotic viruses and viruses of food production animals, and prioritized these viruses in terms of human health and economic importance. In total, 138 virus species reportedly capable of infecting companion animals were of concern for human and food production animal health: 59 of these viruses were infectious for human beings, 135 were infectious for food production mammals and birds, and 22 were infectious for food production fishes. Viruses of highest concern for human health included hantaviruses, Tahyna virus, rabies virus, West Nile virus, tick-borne encephalitis virus, Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus, Aichi virus, European bat lyssavirus, hepatitis E virus, cowpox virus, G5 rotavirus, influenza A virus and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Viruses of highest concern for food production mammals and birds included bluetongue virus, African swine fever virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, lumpy skin disease virus, Rift Valley fever virus, porcine circovirus, classical swine fever virus, equine herpesvirus 9, peste des petits ruminants virus and equine infectious anaemia virus. Viruses of highest concern for food production fishes included cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (koi herpesvirus), viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus and infectious pancreatic necrosis virus. Of particular concern as sources of zoonotic or food production animal viruses were domestic carnivores, rodents and food production animals kept as companion animals. The current list of viruses provides an objective

  6. Cultural Image of Animal Words

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    This paper,after introducing the definition and forms of cultural image,focuses on the detailed comparison and analysis of cultural image of animal words both in English and in Chinese from four aspects,that is,same animal word,same cultural image;same animal word,different cultural images;different animal words,same cultural image;different animal words,different cultural images.

  7. Pursuing an understanding of animal consciousness: Implications for animal morality and a creaturely theology

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    Cornel W. du Toit


    Full Text Available The importance of animals in the evolutionary history of homo sapiens comes to the fore in light of an increasingly trans-human techno-scientific environment. New research on consciousness, and animal consciousness in particular, has prompted questions relating to animal rights, animal morality and the emergence of a creaturely theology and theological primatology. The possibility of understanding nonhuman animals is investigated with reference to notions like consciousness, thinking, awareness, language and communication, including the importance of emotion in communication. Special attention is given to the nature of animal communication as it came to the fore in bonobo and other chimpanzee research. Building on the notion of awareness and communication, the article focuses on the notion of animal morality and comments on some aspects of a creaturely theology.



    Leena Lakhani


    Animals have range of defensive markings which helps to the risk of predator detection (camouflage), warn predators of the prey’s unpalatability (aposematism) or fool a predator into mimicry, masquerade. Animals also use colors in advertising, signalling services such as cleaning to animals of other species, to signal sexual status to other members of the same species. Some animals use color to divert attacks by startle (dalmatic behaviour), surprising a predator e.g. with eyespots or other f...

  9. receptores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salete Regina Daronco Benetti


    Full Text Available Se trata de un estudio etnográfico, que tuvo lo objetivo de interpretar el sistema de conocimiento y del significado atribuidos a la sangre referente a la transfusión sanguínea por los donadores y receptores de un banco de sangre. Para la colecta de las informaciones se observaron los participantes y la entrevista etnográfica se realizó el análisis de dominio, taxonómicos y temáticos. Los dominios culturales fueron: la sangre es vida: fuente de vida y alimento valioso; creencias religiosas: fuentes simbólicas de apoyos; donación sanguínea: un gesto colaborador que exige cuidarse, gratifica y trae felicidad; donación sanguínea: fuente simbólica de inseguridad; estar enfermo es una condición para realizar transfusión sanguínea; transfusión sanguínea: esperanza de vida; Creencias populares: transfusión sanguínea como riesgo para la salud; donadores de sangre: personas benditas; donar y recibir sangre: como significado de felicidad. Temática: “líquido precioso que origina, sostiene, modifica la vida, provoca miedo e inseguridad”.

  10. Sixty years of animal biometeorology (United States)

    Gaughan, John B.; Lees, Angela M.; Sejian, Veerasamy


    Animal biometeorology (insects excluded) has been part of the International Journal of Biometeorology since its inception in 1958. Over the first 60 years of the journal, 480 animal biometeorology papers were published. Thus, approximately 14% of published papers dealt with animals. Over the first 60 years, data from more than 50 animal species was presented, with the lead authors coming from 48 countries. The two most common species used in animal papers between 1957 and 2016 were cattle (109 papers: 22.7% of all animal papers) and rats (96 papers: 20.0% of all animal papers). Although cattle and rats dominated, the species in the most cited paper (240 citations) was chickens, followed by bird migration (155 citations), and general livestock (118 citations). Overall, five papers exceeded 100 citations, and a further two exceeded 200 citations. In the last decade, 126 animal papers were published (26% of all animal papers). Many of these papers had a focus on livestock production in developing countries especially Brazil.

  11. Animal-free toxicology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Lisbeth E


    Human data on exposure and adverse effects are the most appropriate for human risk assessment, and modern toxicology focuses on human pathway analysis and the development of human biomarkers. Human biomonitoring and human placental transport studies provide necessary information for human risk...... assessment, in accordance with the legislation on chemical, medicine and food safety. Toxicology studies based on human mechanistic and exposure information can replace animal studies. These animal-free approaches can be further supplemented by new in silico methods and chemical structure......-activity relationships. The inclusion of replacement expertise in the international Three Rs centres, the ongoing exploration of alternatives to animal research, and the improvement of conditions for research animals, all imply the beginning of a paradigm shift in toxicology research toward the use of human data....

  12. Animal toxicology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amdur, M.


    The chapter evaluates results of toxicological studies on experimental animals to investigate health effects of air pollutants and examines the animal data have predicted the response to human subject. Data are presented on the comparative toxicity of sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid. The animal data obtained by measurement of airway resistance in guinea pigs and of bronchial clearance of particles in donkeys predicted clearly that sulfuric acid was more irritant than sulfur dioxide. Data obtained on human subjects confirmed this prediction. These acute studies also correctly predicted the comparative toxicity of the two compounds in two year studies of monkeys. Such chronic studies are not possible in human subjects but it is a reasonable to assume that sulfuric acid would be more toxic than sulfur dioxide. Current findings in epidemiological studies certainly support this assumption.

  13. Método bundle na redução de infecção de corrente sanguínea relacionada a cateteres centrais: revisão integrativa Método bundle en la redución de infecciones relacionadas a catéteres centrales: una revisión integrativa Care bundle to reduce central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection: an integrative review

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    Juliana Dane Pereira Brachine


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, que objetivou identificar intervenções baseadas em evidência que compõem o método bundle, designados à redução de infecção de corrente sanguínea relacionada ou associada a cateter intravenoso central. Para a coleta de dados online, em bases nacionais e internacionais, foram utilizados a palavra-chave bundle e os descritores catheter-related infection, infection control e central venous catheterization, resultando, após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão, amostra de quinze artigos. Este trabalho evidenciou cinco intervenções como as mais frequentemente empregadas na construção dos bundles: higienização das mãos, gluconato de clorexidina como antisséptico para pele, uso de barreira máxima de precaução durante a inserção cateter, evitar acessar veia femoral e verificar necessidade diária de permanência do cateter, com sua remoção imediata quando não mais indicado. A maioria dos estudos demonstrou resultados estatisticamente significantes na redução de infecção de corrente sanguínea relacionada ou associada a cateter intravenoso central.Esta es una revisión integradora tuvo como objetivo identificar intervenciones basadas en evidencias que componen método bundle de reducción de infección sanguínea relacionadas o asociadas con catéter intravenoso central. Para recopilar los datos en las bases brasileñas e internacionales, utilizando la palabra clave bundle y los descriptores infecciones relacionadas con catéteres, control de infecciones y cateterización venosa central, identificando, con los criterios de inclusión, muestra de quince artículo. Este estudio muestra cinco intervenciones como comúnmente empleadas en los métodos bundles: higiene de las manos, clorhexidina como antiséptico para la piel, uso de precaución de barrera máxima durante la inserción del catéter, evitar el acceso de la vena femoral y comprobar la necesidad diaria del cat

  14. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... menu Skip to common links HHS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services U.S. Food and Drug Administration ... Tobacco Products Animal & Veterinary Home Animal & Veterinary Safety & Health Antimicrobial Resistance Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it More ...

  15. Society’s attitude towards animals


    Brčinović, Brigita


    In my diploma thesis I decided to write about relationship between society and animals, mostly because I love animals very much. Although slow, I think that relationship between society and animals is changing to better in last few years. In lots of cases a child is growing up with an animal since his young ages, animals are included in preschool programs in different ways, and not rarely children have animals on visit or even in their own group in kindergarden. Also, in specialized literatur...

  16. Diagnosis of hepatitis C virus in Brazilian blood donors using a reverse transcriptase nested polymerase chain reaction: comparison with enzyme immunoassay and recombinant protein immunoblot assay Diagnóstico da hepatite por vírus C em doadores de sangue brasileiros, usando a reação de transcrição reversa e a reação em cadeia da polimerase "nested": comparação com os ensaios imunoenzimáticos e imunoblot recombinante

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    Neiva S. L. GONÇALES


    Full Text Available Screening blood donations for anti-HCV antibodies and alanine aminotransferase (ALT serum levels generally prevents the transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV by transfusion. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of the enzyme immunoassay (EIA screening policy in identifying potentially infectious blood donors capable to transmit hepatitis C through blood transfusion. We have used a reverse transcriptase (RT-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR to investigate the presence of HCV-RNA in blood donors. The prevalence of HCV-RNA positive individuals was compared with the recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA-2 results in order to assess the usefulness of both tests as confirmatory assays. Both tests results were also compared with the EIA-2 OD/C ratio (optical densities of the samples divided by the cut off value. ALT results were expressed as the ALT quotient (qALT, calculated dividing the ALT value of the samples by the maximum normal value (53UI/l for the method. Donors (n=178 were divided into five groups according to their EIA anti-HCV status and qALT: group A (EIA > or = 3, ALT or = 3, ALT>1, group C (11 and group E (EIA or = 3 and detectable HCV-RNA by RT-nested PCR. We have also noted that blood donors with RIBA-2 indeterminate presented a high degree of detectable HCV-RNA using RT-nested PCR (75%, especially when the c22.3 band was detected.Na prevenção da transmissão de Hepatite por Vírus C (HCV em transfusões de hemocomponentes, utiliza-se rotineiramente, como testes de triagem de doadores de sangue, ensaios que detectam anticorpos anti-HCV e dosagens da enzima alanina-aminotransferase (ALT. O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal avaliar a eficiência do ensaio imunoenzimático de segunda geração (EIA-2 como teste de triagem, na identificação de doadores de sangue potencialmente infectados, e portanto, capazes de transmitir hepatite C pelos hemocomponentes. Nós utilizamos o ensaio de transcri

  17. Efecto de la alternación de fuentes sanguíneas sobre la fecundidad y la fertilidad de Rhodnius prolixus Stal (Heteroptera: Reduviidae

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    Elis José Aldana


    blood ingested and the fecundity were differents according to alternation of blood sources offered in each meal. A linear relation was found between the fecundity and the time of oviposition in every alternation of meal sources. On the other hand there was a slope increase in the second feeding of every experiment. The fertility was above 95% in each experiment. Efeito da alternação de fontes sanguíneas sobre fecundidade e fertilidade de Rhodnius prolixus Stal (Heteroptera ReduviidaeNeste trabalho evidencia-se que o sucesso reprodutivo de Rhodnius prolixus Stal esta relacionado à fonte alimentícia, então as necessidades biológicas do inseto são satisfeitas em modos diferentes segundo o tipo de alternância entre ditas fontes de alimentação; tais diferenças são reveladas mediante mudanças em fertilidade e fecundidade do inseto. Realizaram-se nove testes, em cada um foram subministradas duas alimentações, sendo que em alguns foi alternada a fonte de alimentação e nos controles foram subministradas duas alimentações com a mesma fonte. As fontes alimentícias foram pomba, galinha e humano, esta ultima mediante um aparelho de alimentação artificial; estas fontes foram escolhidas no suposto que são fontes alimentícias encontradas nos ecótopos silvestres, peridomicilio e domicilio respectivamente. Em todos os tipos de alternância foi encontrada uma relação lineal entre a fecundidade e o tempo de oviposição, que a relação entre quantidade de sangue ingerida e a fecundidade variam, que a taxa de fecundidade aumenta na segunda alimentação respeito à primeira e que a fertilidade foi superior ao 95%.

  18. Infecção via oral por Trypanosoma evansi em animais de laboratório Oral infection by Trypanosoma evansi in rats and mice

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    Aleksandro Schafer da Silva


    Full Text Available Testou-se a infecção de Trypanosoma evansi pela via oral em ratos e camundongos, através de sangue contaminado de ambas as espécies. Dez ratos e dez camundongos foram alocados em quatro grupos iguais A e B (ratos, C e D (camundongos. Os grupos A e C receberam sangue contaminado de um rato e o grupo B e D de um camundongo, através de uma sonda. O volume de sangue administrado foi de 0,2ml, o qual apresentava uma concentração de 10(7 tripanossomas ml-1. Os animais foram mantidos em temperatura e umidade constantes (25°C e 80% UR, sendo realizados esfregaços sanguíneos diários para identificar o período pré-patente e a evolução do parasita na circulação. Nos grupos A e B, o período pré-patente variou de 19 a 25 dias, e o período entre a detecção dos parasitas e a morte dos animais foi em média de 12,7 dias. Os camundongos do grupo C e D não apresentaram infecção pelo parasita, sendo estes avaliados por 60 dias. Os ratos foram susceptíveis a infecção por T. evansi pela via oral; entretanto, os camundongos não se contaminaram com o protozoário por via digestiva.In this research, Trypanosoma evansi infection was tested in rats and mice by oral ingestion of contaminated blood. Groups of ten rats and ten mice were disposed in four experimental groups: A and B (rats, C and D (mice. The groups A and C were contaminated by rat-contaminated blood; B and C groups by mouse-contaminated blood. The blood was given using a probe filled with 0.2ml of contaminated blood with 10(7 trypanosomes ml-1. These animals were maintained at constant temperature and humidity (25°C and 80% UR. Dairy blood smear were done to identify the prepatent period and evolution of parasite in the circulation. In the A and B groups, the pre latency period varied from 19 to 25 days and the period of parasite detection and animals death was an average of 12.7 days. The C and D groups did not present infection by the parasite even when evaluated for 60 days

  19. Computer facial animation

    CERN Document Server

    Parke, Frederic I


    This comprehensive work provides the fundamentals of computer facial animation and brings into sharper focus techniques that are becoming mainstream in the industry. Over the past decade, since the publication of the first edition, there have been significant developments by academic research groups and in the film and games industries leading to the development of morphable face models, performance driven animation, as well as increasingly detailed lip-synchronization and hair modeling techniques. These topics are described in the context of existing facial animation principles. The second ed

  20. 9 CFR 117.4 - Test animals. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Test animals. 117.4 Section 117.4 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VIRUSES, SERUMS, TOXINS, AND ANALOGOUS PRODUCTS; ORGANISMS AND VECTORS ANIMALS AT LICENSED ESTABLISHMENTS § 117.4...

  1. Draught animals and welfare. (United States)

    Ramaswamy, N S


    In fifty developing countries, which contain half of the total human population of the world, there is a heavy dependence on draught animals as an energy source. These animals are used for agriculture operations in 52% of cultivated areas of the world, as well as for hauling 25 million carts. This situation is likely to continue for at least another fifty years. The work performed annually by these draught animals would require 20 million tons of petroleum, valued at US$6 billion, if it were performed by motorized vehicles. The poor working conditions of these animals often adversely affect their productivity. The application of improved technology and better management (i.e. through better feed and health services, and improved design of agricultural implements and carts) could considerably improve the welfare of these animals. Improved systems would generate sufficient benefits for the economy to justify the required investment. High priority should therefore be given to draught animal power in the economic development agenda.

  2. Animal based parameters are no panacea for on-farm monitoring of animal welfare

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bracke, M.B.M.


    On-farm monitoring of animal welfare is an important, present-day objective in animal welfare science. Scientists tend to focus exclusively on animal-based parameters, possibly because using environment-based parameters could be begging the question why welfare has been affected and because

  3. Morris Animal Foundation (United States)

    ... Yours Today » Give the Gift of Health to Animals This Holiday Season. Until December 31, your gift ... bizarre molecules. Learn More » A Tireless Advocate for Animals and Science. “If it has a heartbeat, I ...

  4. Animal experimentation--a personal view. (United States)

    Gershoff, Stanley N


    Disagreement about the use of animals in biomedical research has resulted in absurd positions by both sides. Increasingly, some zealots against animal experimentation have resorted to violence or other illegal acts to support their points of view. The value of animal research in providing better health for man and animals is incontrovertible. This is illustrated by references to animal research in the field of nutrition.

  5. 9 CFR 116.6 - Animal records. (United States)


    .... Complete records shall be kept for all animals at a licensed establishment. Results of tests performed... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Animal records. 116.6 Section 116.6 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VIRUSES...

  6. Animal Science Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Researches carried out in the 'Animal Science Project' of the Agricultural Nuclear Energy Center, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, are described. Such researches comprise : immunology and animal nutrition. Tracer techniques are employed in this study. (M.A.) [pt

  7. Efeitos do estresse da orquiectomia na citologia broncoalveolar de bezerros da raça Holandesa

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    Jessyca Beraldi Bellinazzi


    Full Text Available A identificação do impacto que certas formas de estresse causam ao bem estar animal e equilíbrio orgânico, representa um desafio á adoção de boas práticas de criação. Assim, a presente pesquisa verificou o impacto de um desafio doloroso rotineiro dos bovinos na imunidade pulmonar e sistêmica. Avaliou-se hemograma e cortisol, em quatro momentos, sendo M1, M6, M7 e M8 (respectivamente sete dias antes e um, três e oito dias depois do desafio doloroso e citologia broncolaveolar, obtida por broncoscopia, nos momentos M1, M6 e M8. Houve uma redução dos valores do eritrograma no primeiro dia após o desafio, compatível com anaplasmose e agravada pela perda de sangue durante a cirurgia e um influxo de leucócitos para a região pulmonar. Oito dias após o desafio, evidenciou-se aumento de cortisol, gerando uma leucocitose por neutrofilia e monocitose no sangue com provável redução de quimiotaxia para o pulmão, tornando o trato respiratório potencialmente mais susceptível a infecções, sugerindo que esta prática de manejo, mesmo acompanhado de protocolo analgésico, pode ser considerada um fator de risco a penumonias afetando o bem estar animal.

  8. Sound at the zoo: Using animal monitoring, sound measurement, and noise reduction in zoo animal management. (United States)

    Orban, David A; Soltis, Joseph; Perkins, Lori; Mellen, Jill D


    A clear need for evidence-based animal management in zoos and aquariums has been expressed by industry leaders. Here, we show how individual animal welfare monitoring can be combined with measurement of environmental conditions to inform science-based animal management decisions. Over the last several years, Disney's Animal Kingdom® has been undergoing significant construction and exhibit renovation, warranting institution-wide animal welfare monitoring. Animal care and science staff developed a model that tracked animal keepers' daily assessments of an animal's physical health, behavior, and responses to husbandry activity; these data were matched to different external stimuli and environmental conditions, including sound levels. A case study of a female giant anteater and her environment is presented to illustrate how this process worked. Associated with this case, several sound-reducing barriers were tested for efficacy in mitigating sound. Integrating daily animal welfare assessment with environmental monitoring can lead to a better understanding of animals and their sensory environment and positively impact animal welfare. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Copper and ceruloplasmin contents in the blood serum of peripheral and pre-hepatic veins Concentrações de cobre e ceruloplasmina no soro sanguíneo de veias periférica e pré-hepática

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    H. M. Canelas


    Full Text Available Copper and ceruloplasmin contents were determined in samples of peripheral and pre-hepatic venous blood of 11 patients with Manson's schistosomiasis and one patient with hepatolenticular degeneration, all of çhich submitted either to porto-caval or spleno-renal shunt. Individual difference were not significant in any of the non-Wilsonian patients. The results are discussed in regard to the current knowledge on the pathogenesis of Wilson's disease.Foram determinadas as concentrações de cobre e ceruloplasmina em amostras de sangue venoso periférico e pré-hepático de 11 pacientes esquistossomóticos e de 1 paciente com degeneração hepatolenticular, submetidos a anastomose portocava ou esplenorrenal. Nos 11 pacientes não wilsonianos, as diferenças individuais não se revelaram estatisticamente significantes. Os resultados são comentados em relação aos conhecimentos atuais sobre a patogenia da moléstia de Wilson.



    Bruno Alves Catão; Claudia Rosa Acevedo; Eduardo Correa de Godoy


    O presente estudo é uma análise etnográfica das tribos de animes, com o objetivo de desvendar os valores, as práticas de consumo, a organização, o comportamento e a cultura da tribo. Utilizamos registros de vídeo, fotos e anotações de campo para coletar as informações da pesquisa de observação participante. Concluímos que os animes influenciam os estilos visuais, hábitos e padrões de consumo dos integrantes. O anime é o centro da atenção dos jovens. É uma espécie de “totem” da tribo de consum...

  11. "Name" that Animal (United States)

    Laird, Shirley


    In this article, the author describes a texture and pattern project. Students started by doing an outline contour drawing of an animal. With the outline drawn, the students then write one of their names to fit "inside" the animal.

  12. Ganho de peso, conversão alimentar, ingestão diária de nutrientes e digestibilidade de garrotes não-castrados de três grupos genéticos em recria e terminação Weigh gain, feed conversion, daily ingestion of nutrients and apparent digestibility of bulls of three genetic groups in growing and termination

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    Henrique Jorge Fernandes


    Full Text Available Para se avaliar o desempenho (ganho de peso e conversão alimentar, o consumo de nutrientes e a digestibilidade aparente de vários nutrientes, foram utilizados 36 garrotes inteiros, 12 Nelore, 12 ½ sangue Holandês-Nelore e 12 ½ sangue Caracu-Nelore. Foram utilizados animais em recria, com peso inicial próximo a 205 kg, e animais em terminação, com aproximadamente a 310 kg. Os animais foram mantidos em regime de confinamento até o abate, realizado de acordo com peso: 310 a 330 kg PV para os animais em recria e 450 a 480 kg PV para aqueles em terminação. Foi fornecida a mesma dieta a todos os animais, com 50% da matéria seca à base de concentrado e o restante de silagem pré-seca de coastcross. Os animais foram alimentados ad libitum e pesados a cada 28 dias. Foram retiradas amostras semanais de ração e de sobras individuais, que foram agrupadas em amostras para cada período de 28 dias. Realizou-se um ensaio de digestibilidade no 50º dia de experimento. Não se observou efeito significativo de grupo genético sobre o consumo de matéria seca (6,06 kg/dia para recria e 9,05 kg/d para a terminação, ganho de peso vivo (0,994 kg/d e 1,293 kg/d para a recria e terminação, respectivamente ou para os coeficientes de digestibilidade dos nutrientes analisados. Os animais ½ sangue Caracu-Nelore da categoria recria apresentaram conversão alimentar 30% maior que aqueles dos demais grupos genéticos. A ingestão de NDT esteve, em média, 26% abaixo dos valores preditos pelo NRC (1996 para animais com estes pesos vivos e valores de ganho de peso.Thirty-six young bulls (12 Nellore, 12 ½ crossbred Holstein x Nellore, and 12 crossbred ½ Caracu x Nellore were used to evaluate weight gain, feed conversion, ingestion capacity and apparent digestibility of various nutrients. We use growing and finishing animals. The growing animals had initial weight of 205 kg, and the finishing ones, initial weight of 310 kg. The animals were fedlot to reach

  13. Forensic aspects of animal abusing

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    Aleksić Jelena


    Full Text Available Animal abuse is important social issue, which includes a wide range of behaviors of humans that are harmful to animals, starting from unintentional neglect to intentional cruelty. Types of animal abuse are different and they can include physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect. Training dogs for fights and dog fighting are considered to be neglection of animals. Forensic veterinarians are called for testifining more often now for presenting the evidence that can lead to making a case regarding animal abuse. This study will include an explanation of forensic vet's role and different types of animal abuse.



    Scalas , Giulia


    International audience; In this paper I aim at analysing one passage of the Refutatio omnium haeresium (I 22, 5 = 340 Usener) to understand whether it is consistent with the Epicurean doctrine of soul. First, I provide an account of the historical context of the Refutatio. Secondly, I provide a comparison between the content of the passage and the Epicurean psychology. As a result, the theory according to which " souls are blood " , which occurs in the passage, appears to be inconsistent with...

  15. Treinamento físico de natação promove remodelamento cardíaco e melhora a perfusão sanguínea no músculo cardíaco de SHR via mecanismo dependente de adenosina

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    Juliana Gonçalves de Barros


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Exercícios físicos são utilizados como terapia não farmacológica para o tratamento da hipertensão arterial, e o treinamento físico (TF por natação é reconhecido por produzir remodelamento cardíaco em animais experimentais. Entretanto, a ação vasodilatadora da adenosina (ado resultante do exercício físico como prevenção e tratamento da hipertensão é pouco explorada. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o remodelamento cardíaco e o papel da adenosina na distribuição do fluxo sanguíneo para o miocárdio após treinamento físico em SHR. Método: 28 SHR machos babies e adultos foram submetidos ao TF aeróbio de natação, durante 10 semanas (5x/sem -1h/dia. Foram utilizados protocolos de microesferas coloridas para avaliar fluxo sanguíneo, técnicas de morfologia para avaliar hipertrofia cardíaca e análises bioquímicas para verificar atividade de enzimas envolvidas na formação de adenosina. RESULTADOS: TF por natação atenuou a evolução da HA em SHR babies (S: 145 ± 2; T: 140 ± 2mmHg, promoveu bradicardia de repouso em SHR adultos (S: 340 ± 4; T: 321 ± 6bpm e desenvolveu HC nos dois grupos (TB: 12%; TA: 10%. Na condição basal, o TF aumentou o FS coronário em SHR babies (S: 4.745 ± 2.145; T: 6.970 ± 2.374mi/coração e maior resposta vasodilatadora à infusão de adenosina foi observada (S: 18.946 ± 6.685; T: 25.045 ± 7.031mi/coração. Neste grupo, o TF promoveu maior atividade da enzima 5'-nucleotidase, levando à maior formação de adenosina (S: 0,45 ± 0,09; T: 1,01 ± 0,05. CONCLUSÃO: O TF de natação, além de desenvolver HC e apresentar maior hidrólise de AMP, promoveu aumento no FS coronário, sendo mostrado que desempenha um importante papel na regulação da hipertensão

  16. Perfil sorológico para doença de Chagas dos doadores de sangue do Hemocentro Regional de Uberaba Serological profile concerning Chagas' disease of blood donors at Uberaba Blood Center

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    Helio Moraes-Souza


    Full Text Available Atualmente, um dos maiores problemas na triagem sorológica de doadores de sangue para doença de Chagas é a alta freqüência de reações indeterminadas, o que faz com que muitos indivíduos sadios sejam rotulados como portadores de uma doença grave. O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar o comportamento sorológico para doença de Chagas dos doadores do Hemocentro Regional de Uberaba, MG e propor mecanismos para reduzir o índice de inaptidão sorológica para essa doença. Através de estudo retrospectivo, foi analisado o resultado sorológico de 79.729 amostras obtidas de doações de sangue realizadas neste Serviço entre janeiro de 2000 e dezembro de 2004. Os resultados foram analisados quanto às variáveis: tipo de doador (novo e de retorno, gênero e idade (inferior ou igual a 30 anos e superior a 30 anos. Para a análise estatística foram realizados os testes do Qui-Quadrado e de comparação de proporções (Z. A ocorrência de doações com sorologia não negativa para doença de Chagas entre doadores novos foi significativamente superior aos de retorno, com pCurrently one of the major problems in the serological selection of blood donors in respect to Chagas' disease is the high incidence of indeterminate reactions, making a large number of healthy individuals incorrectly diagnosed as seriously ill. This paper aims at evaluating the serological pattern of Chagas' disease of donors of the Uberaba Blood Center and also to propose mechanisms to reduce the rate of serological ineligibility due to suspicion of this disease. A retrospective study of the serological results of 79,729 samples of blood was carried out between January 2000 and December 2004. The results were analyzed according to the following variables: type of donor (first-time and multiple, gender and age (less than or equal to 30 or more than 30 years old. The statistical analysis was made using the chi-square test and a comparison of proportions (Z

  17. Animals Alive! An Ecological Guide to Animal Activities. Revised Edition. (United States)

    Holley, Dennis

    This guide is designed to help teachers develop an inquiry-oriented program for studying the animal kingdom in which live animals are collected locally, studied, observed, and then released completely unharmed back into their natural habitats. This book addresses such concerns of life science teachers as the environmental soundness of methods and…

  18. [The diversity of animal ethics]. (United States)

    Vilmer, J B Jeangène


    Animal ethics is not a set of rules telling humans how to behave when interacting with animals, but an area for research into the moral responsibility of humans towards animals as individuals. The present article studies the subject by examining a number of dichotomies: French humanism and Anglo-Saxon animal ethics, justice vs. compassion, welfarism and abolitionism, and the divide between proponents of animal rights and those who prefer to speak of "interests".

  19. 78 FR 79299 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Bambermycins; Correction (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration 21 CFR Part 558 [Docket No. FDA-2013-N-0002] New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds; Bambermycins; Correction AGENCY: Food and... amended the animal drug regulations to remove dairy replacement heifers from the pasture cattle class for...

  20. Ethical issues in animal cloning. (United States)

    Fiester, Autumn


    The issue of human reproductive cloning has recently received a great deal attention in public discourse. Bioethicists, policy makers, and the media have been quick to identify the key ethical issues involved in human reproductive cloning and to argue, almost unanimously, for an international ban on such attempts. Meanwhile, scientists have proceeded with extensive research agendas in the cloning of animals. Despite this research, there has been little public discussion of the ethical issues raised by animal cloning projects. Polling data show that the public is decidedly against the cloning of animals. To understand the public's reaction and fill the void of reasoned debate about the issue, we need to review the possible objections to animal cloning and assess the merits of the anti-animal cloning stance. Some objections to animal cloning (e.g., the impact of cloning on the population of unwanted animals) can be easily addressed, while others (e.g., the health of cloned animals) require more serious attention by the public and policy makers.

  1. Phylogenomic Insights into Animal Evolution. (United States)

    Telford, Maximilian J; Budd, Graham E; Philippe, Hervé


    Animals make up only a small fraction of the eukaryotic tree of life, yet, from our vantage point as members of the animal kingdom, the evolution of the bewildering diversity of animal forms is endlessly fascinating. In the century following the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species, hypotheses regarding the evolution of the major branches of the animal kingdom - their relationships to each other and the evolution of their body plans - was based on a consideration of the morphological and developmental characteristics of the different animal groups. This morphology-based approach had many successes but important aspects of the evolutionary tree remained disputed. In the past three decades, molecular data, most obviously primary sequences of DNA and proteins, have provided an estimate of animal phylogeny largely independent of the morphological evolution we would ultimately like to understand. The molecular tree that has evolved over the past three decades has drastically altered our view of animal phylogeny and many aspects of the tree are no longer contentious. The focus of molecular studies on relationships between animal groups means, however, that the discipline has become somewhat divorced from the underlying biology and from the morphological characteristics whose evolution we aim to understand. Here, we consider what we currently know of animal phylogeny; what aspects we are still uncertain about and what our improved understanding of animal phylogeny can tell us about the evolution of the great diversity of animal life. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Is animal experimentation fundamental? (United States)

    d'Acampora, Armando José; Rossi, Lucas Félix; Ely, Jorge Bins; de Vasconcellos, Zulmar Acciolli


    The understanding about the utilization of experimental animals in scientific research and in teaching is many times a complex issue. Special attention needs to be paid to attain the understanding by the general public of the importance of animal experimentation in experimental research and in undergraduate medical teaching. Experimental teaching and research based on the availability of animals for experimentation is important and necessary for the personal and scientific development of the physician-to-be. The technological arsenal which intends to mimic experimentation animals and thus fully replace their use many times does not prove to be compatible with the reality of the living animal. The purpose of this paper is to discuss aspects concerning this topic, bringing up an issue which is complex and likely to arouse in-depth reflections.

  3. Animal-assisted therapy with farm animals for persons with psychiatric disorders

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    Bente Berget

    Full Text Available Animal-assisted therapy (AAT with farm animals for humans with psychiatric disorders may reduce depression and state anxiety, and increase self-efficacy, in many participants. Social support by the farmer appears to be important. Positive effects are best documented for persons with affective disorders or clinical depression. Effects may sometimes take a long time to be detectable, but may occur earlier if the participants are encouraged to perform more complex working skills. Progress must however be individually adapted allowing for flexibility, also between days. Therapists involved with mental health show a pronounced belief in the effects of AAT with farm animals, variation being related to type of disorder, therapist's sex and his/her experience with AAT. Research is still scarce and further research is required to optimize and individually adapt the design of farm animal-assisted interventions.

  4. Animal-assisted therapy with farm animals for persons with psychiatric disorders. (United States)

    Berget, Bente; Braastad, Bjarne O


    Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) with farm animals for humans with psychiatric disorders may reduce depression and state anxiety, and increase self-efficacy, in many participants. Social support by the farmer appears to be important. Positive effects are best documented for persons with affective disorders or clinical depression. Effects may sometimes take a long time to be detectable, but may occur earlier if the participants are encouraged to perform more complex working skills. Progress must however be individually adapted allowing for flexibility, also between days. Therapists involved with mental health show a pronounced belief in the effects of AAT with farm animals, variation being related to type of disorder, therapist's sex and his/her experience with AAT. Research is still scarce and further research is required to optimize and individually adapt the design of farm animal-assisted interventions.

  5. 43 CFR 423.35 - Animals. (United States)


    ... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Animals. 423.35 Section 423.35 Public... Animals. (a) You must not bring pets or other animals into public buildings, public transportation vehicles, or sanitary facilities. This provision does not apply to properly trained animals assisting...

  6. Brazilian blood donation eligibility criteria for dermatologic patients Critérios brasileiros de elegibilidade à doação de sangue para pacientes dermatológicos

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    Carlos Gustavo Wambier


    Full Text Available A focused and commented review on the impact of dermatologic diseases and interventions in the solidary act of donating blood is presented to dermatologists to better advise their patients. This is a review of current Brazilian technical regulations on hemotherapeutic procedures as determined by Ministerial Directive #1353/2011 by the Ministry of Health and current internal regulations of the Hemotherapy Center of Ribeirão Preto, a regional reference center in hemotherapeutic procedures. Criteria for permanent inaptitude: autoimmune diseases (>1 organ involved, personal history of cancer other than basal cell carcinoma, severe atopic dermatitis or psoriasis, pemphigus foliaceus, porphyrias, filariasis, leprosy, extra pulmonary tuberculosis or paracoccidioidomycosis, and previous use of etretinate. Drugs that impose temporary ineligibility: other systemic retinoids, systemic corticosteroids, 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, vaccines, methotrexate, beta-blockers, minoxidil, anti-epileptic, and anti-psychotic drugs. Other conditions that impose temporary ineligibility: occupational accident with biologic material, piercing, tattoo, sexually transmitted diseases, herpes, and bacterial infections, among others. Discussion: Thalidomide is currently missing in the teratogenic drugs list. Although finasteride was previously considered a drug that imposed permanent inaptitude, according to its short halflife current restriction of 1 month is still too long. Dermatologists should be able to advise their patients about proper timing to donate blood, and discuss the impact of drug withdrawal on treatment outcomes and to respect the designated washout periods.Uma revisão centrada no impacto de doenças e intervenções dermatológicas no ato solidário de doar sangue é apresentada aos dermatologistas para melhor aconselhamento dos seus pacientes. Esta é uma revisão das atuais normas técnicas brasileiras sobre procedimentos hemoterápicos conforme



    Albrecht, Ingrid; Rhoden, Sandro Augusto; Pamphile, João Alencar


    A biotecnologia aplicada na produção de medicamentos vem se tornando uma área economicamente estratégica dentro das grandes indústrias farmacêuticas. Medicamentos biológicos ou biofármacos são substâncias que interagem com proteínas humanas e são produzidos a partir de microorganismos, tecidos de origem animal ou vegetal, ou cultura de células modificadas geneticamente. São alguns exemplos os antibióticos, vacinas, hormônios, fatores sanguíneos, anticorpos monoclonais, entre outros. O process...

  8. Environmental enrichment for aquatic animals. (United States)

    Corcoran, Mike


    Aquatic animals are the most popular pets in the United States based on the number of owned pets. They are popular display animals and are increasingly used in research settings. Enrichment of captive animals is an important element of zoo and laboratory medicine. The importance of enrichment for aquatic animals has been slower in implementation. For a long time, there was debate over whether or not fish were able to experience pain or form long-term memories. As that debate has reduced and the consciousness of more aquatic animals is accepted, the need to discuss enrichment for these animals has increased. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Efecto in vitro del látex de Ficus insipida sobre la cascada de la coagulación sanguínea.

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    Fernando Concha-Benavente


    Full Text Available Es necesario investigar drogas naturales nuevas que aporten principios farmacológicos activos para ser utilizadas como una alternativa terapéutica. Por este motivo nos propusimos estudiar a Ficus insipida, cuyo látex ha sido usado como antihelmíntico durante muchos años en la amazonía, pero se investigó solo superficialmente su efecto anticoagulante in vitro. Objetivo: Comprobar el efecto anticoagulante in vitro y determinar la vía de la coagulación sobre la que actúa el látex de Ficus insípida. Material y métodos: Se obtuvo el látex de Ficus insipida y se prepararon diferentes concentraciones del mismo. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre venosa periférica de 5 donantes voluntarios, anticoagulándolas con citrato de sodio. Luego, éstas se mezclaron con las diluciones del látex, se centrifugaron y se extrajo el plasma. Posteriormente, se obtuvo un pool de plasma para cada concentración del látex y se procedió a determinar el Tiempo de Protrombina (TP y el Tiempo de Tromboplastina Parcial activada (TTPa, respectivamente. Resultados: Se encontró que el látex de Ficus insipida prolongó el TP a una concentración mayor o igual a 0,03125% (V/V, y ambos, el TP y TTPa a una concentración mayor o igual a 0,15% (V/V. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten afirmar que el látex de Ficus insipida posee un efecto anticoagulante in vitro dosis dependiente sobre la vía extrínseca de la coagulación sanguínea a una concentración igual o mayor a 0,03125% (V/V y que a una concentración igual o mayor a 0,15% (V/V posee un potente efecto anticoagulante sobre ambas vías de la coagulación.(Rev Med Hered 2010;21:146-152.

  10. Ethical and Animal Welfare Considerations in Relation to Species Selection for Animal Experimentation. (United States)

    Webster, John


    Ethical principles governing the conduct of experiments with animals are reviewed, especially those relating to the choice of species. Legislation requires that the potential harm to animals arising from any procedure should be assessed in advance and justified in terms of its possible benefit to society. Potential harms may arise both from the procedures and the quality of the animals' lifetime experience. The conventional approach to species selection is to use animals with the "lowest degree of neurophysiological sensitivity". However; this concept should be applied with extreme caution in the light of new knowledge. The capacity to experience pain may be similar in mammals, birds and fish. The capacity to suffer from fear is governed more by sentience than cognitive ability, so it cannot be assumed that rodents or farm animals suffer less than dogs or primates. I suggest that it is unethical to base the choice of species for animal experimentation simply on the basis that it will cause less distress within society. A set of responsibilities is outlined for each category of moral agent. These include regulators, operators directly concerned with the conduct of scientific experiments and toxicology trials, veterinarians and animal care staff; and society at large.

  11. Study on Romanian Consumers’ Opinion Regarding the Animal Welfare Labelling of Animal Products

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    Ludovic Toma Cziszter


    Full Text Available The aim of the paper was to investigate the influence some factors on the consumers’ opinion regarding the animal welfare labelling of animal products. The analysed question was: “When purchasing eggs, meat or milk can you easily identify from the label those products sourced from animal welfare friendly production systems?” Respondents chosen only one answer out of the five offered: yes, most of the time; yes, some of the time; no, very rarely; no, never; and don’t know. Thirty three percent of females considered they could find sometime information regarding the animal welfare on the labels, while males considered that this information could be found very rarely. Up to 55 years of age, 50% of the consumers consider that the labels do not contain the information about animal welfare, while after this age most of consumers consider they found this information on the labels. Over 50% of Orthodox and Roman Catholic responders considered that the information on animal welfare on the labels was found some of the time or very rarely. Respondents, irrespective of their living area or monthly income, considered that there is scarce information regarding animal welfare on the labels. Internet access significantly influenced the consumers regarding the availability of the information on the labels.

  12. Animal Encounters in Environmental Education Research: Responding to the "Question of the Animal" (United States)

    Oakley, Jan; Watson, Gavan P. L.; Russell, Constance L.; Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy; Fawcett, Leesa; Kuhl, Gail; Russell, Joshua; van der Waal, Marlon; Warkentin, Traci


    The "question of the animal" represents an area of emergent interest in the environmental education field, as researchers critically consider human-animal relations and animal advocacy in their work. Following a group discussion at the 10th Seminar in Health and Environmental Education Research, the authors of this paper share experiences,…

  13. Becoming Sheep, Becoming Animal..

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grum, Charlotte; Svabo, Connie

    reading of a particular historical subject and to explore the messy constituents of the very categories of women and animals. In general she is occupied with how to animate and perform the intra-active entanglement of subjectivity and materiality.The “Becoming Sheep” project produced a variety of visual......-acting and becoming with the heath habitat, the other by-passing human and non-human animals, the changing weather and their fluctuating biological needs. She wanted to explore the discursive and material effects of a site specific human-nonhuman animal intra-action, to challenge the gendered and anthropocentric...... practice.Continuing explorations of how to undo authorship, activate multiple subject positions and animate the very resources through which we practice and continuously become, for this conference artist Charlotte Grum has invited Connie Svabo, Associate Professor in Performance-Design at Roskilde...

  14. 78 FR 52429 - New Animal Drugs; Withdrawal of Approval of New Animal Drug Applications; Diethylcarbamazine... (United States)


    ... 558 [Docket No. FDA-2013-N-0839] New Animal Drugs; Withdrawal of Approval of New Animal Drug...: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect the withdrawal of approval of three new animal drug applications (NADAs) at the sponsors' request...

  15. Plant or Animal? (United States)

    Bowman, Frank; Matthews, Catherine E.


    Presents activities that use marine organisms with plant-like appearances to help students build classification skills and illustrate some of the less obvious differences between plants and animals. Compares mechanisms by which sessile plants and animals deal with common problems such as obtaining energy, defending themselves, successfully…

  16. Scientific assessment of animal welfare. (United States)

    Hemsworth, P H; Mellor, D J; Cronin, G M; Tilbrook, A J


    Animal welfare is a state within the animal and a scientific perspective provides methodologies for evidence-based assessment of an animal's welfare. A simplistic definition of animal welfare might be how the animal feels now. Affective experiences including emotions, are subjective states so cannot be measured directly in animals, but there are informative indirect physiological and behavioural indices that can be cautiously used to interpret such experiences. This review enunciates several key science-based frameworks for understanding animal welfare. The biological functioning and affective state frameworks were initially seen as competing, but a recent more unified approach is that biological functioning is taken to include affective experiences and affective experiences are recognised as products of biological functioning, and knowledge of the dynamic interactions between the two is considered to be fundamental to managing and improving animal welfare. The value of these two frameworks in understanding the welfare of group-housed sows is reviewed. The majority of studies of the welfare of group-housed sows have employed the biological functioning framework to infer compromised sow welfare, on the basis that suboptimal biological functioning accompanies negative affective states such as sow hunger, pain, fear, helplessness, frustration and anger. Group housing facilitates social living, but group housing of gestating sows raises different welfare considerations to stall housing, such as high levels of aggression, injuries and stress, at least for several days after mixing, as well as subordinate sows being underfed due to competition at feeding. This paper highlights the challenges and potential opportunities for the continued improvement in sow management through well-focused research and multidisciplinary assessment of animal welfare. In future the management of sentient animals will require the promotion of positive affective experiences in animals and this

  17. The multifaceted phenomenon of animation: Analysing the background and aims of different types of animations

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    Anna Dudová


    Full Text Available The word animation is used in different contexts (film, theatre, computers,culture. The object of this study is animation in the context of social pedagogy, socialwork and pastoral care. The importance of animation in education lies in nondirectiveeducational influence, which is enabled by the use of the animation approach. Theessence of animation is derived not only from the etymology of the word animation(imparting life, but also from its understanding in the particular historical development.The authors analysed in detail the development of animation in France andthen in other countries (Italy, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic,Slovakia. They drew on foundational works of renowned authors in the field (Gillet,Opaschowski, Pollo as well as on the comparison of the individual – often fragmented– bits of information that can be found on animation in educational literature. Theresult is an attempt to summarise common and different attributes of various typesof animation in the social science fields in Europe. It seems that all current types ofanimation are created on foundations of at least two of the four social variables: thesociety – education – culture – art.

  18. Animal transportation networks (United States)

    Perna, Andrea; Latty, Tanya


    Many group-living animals construct transportation networks of trails, galleries and burrows by modifying the environment to facilitate faster, safer or more efficient movement. Animal transportation networks can have direct influences on the fitness of individuals, whereas the shape and structure of transportation networks can influence community dynamics by facilitating contacts between different individuals and species. In this review, we discuss three key areas in the study of animal transportation networks: the topological properties of networks, network morphogenesis and growth, and the behaviour of network users. We present a brief primer on elements of network theory, and then discuss the different ways in which animal groups deal with the fundamental trade-off between the competing network properties of travel efficiency, robustness and infrastructure cost. We consider how the behaviour of network users can impact network efficiency, and call for studies that integrate both network topology and user behaviour. We finish with a prospectus for future research. PMID:25165598

  19. Radioactivity transfer to animal products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coughtrey, P.J.


    Information on the behaviour of strontium, caesium, ruthenium, plutonium and americium in a range of domestic animals is reviewed to form a basis for the specification of time-dependent mathematical models describing uptake, distribution and retention in various domestic animals. Transfer factors relating concentration in animal product to daily radioactivity intake are derived after 100 d continuous intake and at equilibrium. These transfer factors are compared with the available published literature and used as a basis for the derivation of feedingstuff conversion factors relating limiting concentrations in animal feedingstuffs to limiting concentrations in human foodstuffs for application to animals receiving commercial feedingstuffs after a nuclear accident. Recommended transfer factors for animal products in conditions of continuous discharge and models for application to field conditions after a nuclear accident are also presented. Transfer of caesium to animal products is more effective than that for the other elements considered here. Transfer to meat of lamb, fattening pig, and chickens is generally more effective than that for other animals and other products

  20. Institutional transparency improves public perception of lab animal technicians and support for animal research. (United States)

    Mills, Katelyn E; Han, Zetta; Robbins, Jesse; Weary, Daniel M


    The use of animals in research is controversial and often takes place under a veil of secrecy. Lab animal technicians responsible for the care of animals at research institutions are sometimes described as performing 'dirty work' (i.e. professions that are viewed as morally tainted), and may be stigmatized by negative perceptions of their job. This study assessed if transparency affects public perceptions of lab animal technicians and support for animal research. Participants (n = 550) were randomly assigned to one of six scenarios (using a 3x2 design) that described identical research varying only the transparency of the facility (low, high) and the species used (mice, dogs, cows). Participants provided Likert-type and open-ended responses to questions about the personal characteristics (warmth, competence) of a hypothetical lab technician 'Cathy' and their support for the described research. Quantitative analysis showed participants in the low-transparency condition perceived Cathy to be less warm and were less supportive of the research regardless of animal species. Qualitative responses varied greatly, with some participants expressing support for both Cathy and the research. These results suggest that increasing transparency in lab animal institutions could result in a more positive perception of lab animal researchers and the work that they do.

  1. Anti-Taenia solium metacestodes antibodies in serum from blood donors from four cities of Triângulo Mineiro area, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1995 Anticorpos anti-formas metacestódeas de Taenia solium em amostras de soros de doadores de sangue de quatro cidades da região do Triângulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais, Brasil, 1995

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    Elisângela de Paula SILVEIRA-LACERDA


    Full Text Available Serological survey was performed to detect IgG antibodies anti-Taenia solium metacestodes in blood donors of Hemocentro Regional de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. A total of 1133 sera from blood donors coming from four cities of Triângulo Mineiro area were analyzed by the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT and the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA. Specific IgG antibodies were found in 5.6% of the studied population, showing differences in the positive rates according to their origin: Araguari (13.5%, Tupaciguara (5.0%, Monte Alegre de Minas (4.8% and Uberlândia (4.7%. The results indicate the probable endemicity of cysticercosis in this population.Realizou-se pesquisa sorológica para detectar anticorpos IgG anti-formas metacestódeas de Taenia solium em doadores de sangue do Hemocentro Regional de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brasil. O total de 1133 amostras de soros de doadores de sangue de quatro cidades do Triângulo Mineiro foi analisado pelo teste de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI e o teste imunoenzimático (ELISA. Anticorpos IgG específicos foram detectados em 5,6% da população estudada, mostrando diferenças nas taxas de positividade de acordo com suas cidades de origens: Araguari (13,5%, Tupaciguara (5,0%, Monte Alegre de Minas (4,8% e Uberlândia (4,7%. Os resultados indicam a provável endemicidade de cisticercose nesta população.

  2. Red Blood Cell Distribution Width (RDW in thorougbred horses from 12 to 24 months of age/ Valores da amplitude de distribuição do tamanho dos eritrócitos (RDW – Red Cell Distribution Width em equinos da raça puro sangue inglês (PSI de ambos os sexos de 12 a 24 meses de idade

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    Raimundo Souza Lopes


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to establish reference values for red blood cell distribution width (RDW in health horses. We obtained blood samples through jugular punctured from 90 clinicaly health thorougbred horses between 12 and 24 months of age. Blood was obtained in a Cell-Dyn 3500 (Abbott Diagnostic cell counter. Mean ± standart deviation values for RDW in male horses were 26,90 ± 1,41, whereas in females values were 26,89 ± 1,75. There were no differences in the RDW values between sexes, therefore, our reference values can be used in both males and females.O objetivo do presente estudo foi estabelecer valores da amplitude de distribuição do tamanho dos eritrócitos (RDW em eqüinos clinicamente sadios. Foram utilizadas 90 amostras de sangue de eqüinos da raça Puro Sangue Inglês (PSI, clinicamente sadios de 12 a 24 meses de idade, obtidas por venipunção jugular em tubos à vácuo contendo EDTA 10%. Posteriormente as amostras foram processadas no contador automático de células Cell-Dyn 3500 (Abbott Diagnostic. Os valores médios e o desvios-padrão para o RDW (% de machos foi de 26,90 ± 1,41 e para as fêmeas de 26,89 ± 1,75. Os resultados demonstram não haver diferenças nos valores de RDW para machos e fêmeas, podendo ser utilizados como referência para ambos os sexos.

  3. Who likes circus animals?


    Zanola, Roberto


    Using a sample based on 268 questionnaires submitted to people attending the Acquatico Bellucci circus, Italy, this paper analyzes the circusgoers's preferences for circus animals. Results show that higher preferences for circus animals are related to frequency of consumption. However, differently from what commonly expected, more educated and younger people seem to be less sensitive to the claims of animal welfare organizations.

  4. [Ethical issue in animal experimentation]. (United States)

    Parodi, André-Laurent


    In the 1970s, under pressure from certain sections of society and thanks to initiatives by several scientific research teams, committees charged with improving the conditions of laboratory animals started to be created, first in the United States and subsequently in Europe. This led to the development of an ethical approach to animal experimentation, taking into account new scientific advances. In addition to the legislation designed to provide a legal framework for animal experimentation and to avoid abuses, this ethical approach, based on the concept that animals are sentient beings, encourages greater respect of laboratory animals and the implementation of measures designed to reduce their suffering. Now, all animal experiments must first receive ethical approval--from in-house committees in the private sector and from regional committees for public institutions. Very recently, under the impetus of the French ministries of research and agriculture, the National committee for ethical animal experimentation published a national ethical charter on animal experimentation, setting the basis for responsible use of animals for scientific research and providing guidelines for the composition and functioning of ethics committees. Inspired by the scientific community itself this ethical standardization should help to assuage--but not eliminate--the reticence and hostility expressed by several sections of society.

  5. Weighing Animal Lives : A Critical Assessment of Justification and Prioritization in Animal-Rights Theories


    Karlsson, Fredrik


    The project underlying this dissertation aims at analyzing three pro-animal-rights theories, evaluating the theories, and outlining an alternative theoretical account of animal rights. The analytical categories are justification and function of animal rights, the definition of the right holder, and the resolution approach to rights conflict. The categories are applied to a naturalist, a theocentric, and a contractarian approach to defend animal rights. The evaluation is substantiated by the a...

  6. Animal Welfare in Air Transport

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    Boris Popović


    Full Text Available Animal welfare is becoming an evermore-important factorfor air carriers from the economical viewpoint, due to its importantimpact on the carrier public image. High standard care hasto be taken of animals during transport in order to satisfy an importantsegment of airline customers, either the Business/Firstclass passengers travelling with pets, or influential shippers ofracing horses, dogs, Zoo species etc.Air transp011 of animals, disregarding other advantages,may pose a threat to their health and welfare being a significantmultifactorial stressor. Along with cardiovascular, endocrineand metabolic abe1mtions, it affects the immune response ofan animal and increases susceptibility to infection. Therefore,strict conditions for air transport of eve1y animal species havebeen imposed. Transport of only healthy animals is approved,as it is necessG/y to prevent the spread of disease during transportand to provide satisfactOJy environment for animals to betransported.

  7. Ethics of animal research in human disease remediation, its institutional teaching; and alternatives to animal experimentation. (United States)

    Cheluvappa, Rajkumar; Scowen, Paul; Eri, Rajaraman


    Animals have been used in research and teaching for a long time. However, clear ethical guidelines and pertinent legislation were instated only in the past few decades, even in developed countries with Judeo-Christian ethical roots. We compactly cover the basics of animal research ethics, ethical reviewing and compliance guidelines for animal experimentation across the developed world, "our" fundamentals of institutional animal research ethics teaching, and emerging alternatives to animal research. This treatise was meticulously constructed for scientists interested/involved in animal research. Herein, we discuss key animal ethics principles - Replacement/Reduction/Refinement. Despite similar undergirding principles across developed countries, ethical reviewing and compliance guidelines for animal experimentation vary. The chronology and evolution of mandatory institutional ethical reviewing of animal experimentation (in its pioneering nations) are summarised. This is followed by a concise rendition of the fundamentals of teaching animal research ethics in institutions. With the advent of newer methodologies in human cell-culturing, novel/emerging methods aim to minimise, if not avoid the usage of animals in experimentation. Relevant to this, we discuss key extant/emerging alternatives to animal use in research; including organs on chips, human-derived three-dimensional tissue models, human blood derivates, microdosing, and computer modelling of various hues. © 2017 The Authors. Pharmacology Research & Perspectives published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, British Pharmacological Society and American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.

  8. Características eletrocardiográficas em eqüinos clinicamente normais da raça Puro Sangue Inglês Electrocardiographic parameters in clinically healthy Thoroughbred horses

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    W.R. Fernandes


    Full Text Available Determinaram-se as características eletrocardiográficas de amplitude, duração, ritmo e eixo cardíaco no plano frontal de potros, sobreanos e éguas prenhes clinicamente normais, da raça Puro Sangue Inglês. Estudaram-se 50 potros e 50 sobreanos, machos e fêmeas, e 11 éguas prenhes. Concluiu-se que a freqüência cardíaca diminui com a idade e que nos potros e sobreanos as características apresentaram valores intermediários entre os valores padrão de neonatos e adultos. Nos sobreanos eles estão mais próximos dos de referência para adultos. Nas éguas em gestação a única diferença observada com o padrão foi o leve desvio para a direita do eixo cardíaco.The determination of the electrocardiographic parameters of amplitude, duration, rhythm and electrical axis in the frontal plane from clinically healthy Thoroughbred foals, yearlings and pregnant mares was performed. Fifty foals and 50 yearlings, males and females, and 11 pregnant mares were used. It was concluded that the heart rate decreases with age and that foals and yearlings had intermediate values between reference values of neonates and adults. In yearlings, these values were more similar to the reference values of adults. In pregnant mares, the only difference observed when compared to reference values was the slight right displacement of the electrical axis.

  9. Character animation fundamentals developing skills for 2D and 3D character animation

    CERN Document Server

    Roberts, Steve


    Expand your animation toolkit and remain competitive in the industry with this leading resource for 2D and 3D character animation techniques. Apply the industry's best practices to your own workflows and develop 2D, 3D and hybrid characters with ease. With side by side comparisons of 2D and 3D character design, improve your character animation and master traditional principles and processes including weight and balance, timing and walks. Develop characters inspired by humans, birds, fish, snakes and four legged animals. Breathe life into your character and develop a characters personality w

  10. Why not look at animals?

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    Anat Pick


    Full Text Available Revisiting John Berger’s seminal essay ‘Why Look at Animals?’ (1980, this essay inverts Berger’s title in order to explore instances where the visibility of animals is at stake and where seeing is linked to forms of surveillance and control. In the context of advanced optical and tracking technologies that render animals permanently visible, the possibility of not-seeing emerges as a progressive modality of relation to animals that takes seriously the notion of animal privacy and the exposed animal’s resistance to the human gaze.

  11. 3D Animation Essentials

    CERN Document Server

    Beane, Andy


    The essential fundamentals of 3D animation for aspiring 3D artists 3D is everywhere--video games, movie and television special effects, mobile devices, etc. Many aspiring artists and animators have grown up with 3D and computers, and naturally gravitate to this field as their area of interest. Bringing a blend of studio and classroom experience to offer you thorough coverage of the 3D animation industry, this must-have book shows you what it takes to create compelling and realistic 3D imagery. Serves as the first step to understanding the language of 3D and computer graphics (CG)Covers 3D anim

  12. Companion Animals as a Source of Viruses for Human Beings and Food Production Animals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    L.A. Reperant (Leslie); I.H. Brown (Ian); Haenen, O.L.; M.D. de Jong (Menno); A.D.M.E. Osterhaus (Albert); A. Papa (Anna); Rimstad, E.; Valarcher, J.-F.; T. Kuiken (Thijs)


    textabstractCompanion animals comprise a wide variety of species, including dogs, cats, horses, ferrets, guinea pigs, reptiles, birds and ornamental fish, as well as food production animal species, such as domestic pigs, kept as companion animals. Despite their prominent place in human society,

  13. Welfare aspects of the long distance transportation of animals — the Animal Transportation Association

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    Tim Harris


    Full Text Available The international and long distance movement of animals is a far larger business than most people imagine. Some reasons are outlined in this paper, along with the history of the AATA (Animal [Air] Transportation Association. This trade association has been involved for over 30 years in developing standards and procedures for the movement of all types of animals. The competence of animal handlers is of paramount importance. Competence of flying grooms is assessed by the AATA. This paper is written from the viewpoint of someone who has been a member since the Association's inception. The subject will be of interest to airlines, transporters, veterinarians, farmers, animal relocators, zoological establishments and legislators.

  14. Companion Animals as a Source of Viruses for Human Beings and Food Production Animals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reperant, L. A.; Brown, I. H.; Haenen, O. L.; de Jong, M. D.; Osterhaus, A. D. M. E.; Papa, A.; Rimstad, E.; Valarcher, J.-F.; Kuiken, T.


    Companion animals comprise a wide variety of species, including dogs, cats, horses, ferrets, guinea pigs, reptiles, birds and ornamental fish, as well as food production animal species, such as domestic pigs, kept as companion animals. Despite their prominent place in human society, little is known

  15. Fantastic animals as an experimental model to teach animal adaptation

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    Veronesi Paola


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Science curricula and teachers should emphasize evolution in a manner commensurate with its importance as a unifying concept in science. The concept of adaptation represents a first step to understand the results of natural selection. We settled an experimental project of alternative didactic to improve knowledge of organism adaptation. Students were involved and stimulated in learning processes by creative activities. To set adaptation in a historic frame, fossil records as evidence of past life and evolution were considered. Results The experimental project is schematized in nine phases: review of previous knowledge; lesson on fossils; lesson on fantastic animals; planning an imaginary world; creation of an imaginary animal; revision of the imaginary animals; adaptations of real animals; adaptations of fossil animals; and public exposition. A rubric to evaluate the student's performances is reported. The project involved professors and students of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and of the "G. Marconi" Secondary School of First Degree (Modena, Italy. Conclusion The educational objectives of the project are in line with the National Indications of the Italian Ministry of Public Instruction: knowledge of the characteristics of living beings, the meanings of the term "adaptation", the meaning of fossils, the definition of ecosystem, and the particularity of the different biomes. At the end of the project, students will be able to grasp particular adaptations of real organisms and to deduce information about the environment in which the organism evolved. This project allows students to review previous knowledge and to form their personalities.

  16. Fantastic animals as an experimental model to teach animal adaptation (United States)

    Guidetti, Roberto; Baraldi, Laura; Calzolai, Caterina; Pini, Lorenza; Veronesi, Paola; Pederzoli, Aurora


    Background Science curricula and teachers should emphasize evolution in a manner commensurate with its importance as a unifying concept in science. The concept of adaptation represents a first step to understand the results of natural selection. We settled an experimental project of alternative didactic to improve knowledge of organism adaptation. Students were involved and stimulated in learning processes by creative activities. To set adaptation in a historic frame, fossil records as evidence of past life and evolution were considered. Results The experimental project is schematized in nine phases: review of previous knowledge; lesson on fossils; lesson on fantastic animals; planning an imaginary world; creation of an imaginary animal; revision of the imaginary animals; adaptations of real animals; adaptations of fossil animals; and public exposition. A rubric to evaluate the student's performances is reported. The project involved professors and students of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and of the "G. Marconi" Secondary School of First Degree (Modena, Italy). Conclusion The educational objectives of the project are in line with the National Indications of the Italian Ministry of Public Instruction: knowledge of the characteristics of living beings, the meanings of the term "adaptation", the meaning of fossils, the definition of ecosystem, and the particularity of the different biomes. At the end of the project, students will be able to grasp particular adaptations of real organisms and to deduce information about the environment in which the organism evolved. This project allows students to review previous knowledge and to form their personalities. PMID:17767729

  17. What makes an animal? The molecular quest for the origin of the Animal Kingdom. (United States)

    Paps, Jordi


    What makes an animal? To find the answer we need to integrate data from disciplines such as phylogenetics, palaeontology, ecology, development, anatomy and physiology, as well as molecular biology and genomics. Knowledge of which groups branched before and after the origin of animals is essential. Recent advances in molecular phylogenetics, together with the discovery of new eukaryotic lineages, have drawn a new picture of the ancestry of animals. The nature of the early diverging animal lineages and the timing of the transition are in a state of flux. Various factors have been linked to this striking transition to multicellularity, including changes in environmental conditions and the ecological interactions between unicellular eukaryotes. The current wealth of genomic data has also shed new light on this question. The analysis of the genome of various close relatives of animals has revealed the importance that recycling of ancient genes into metazoan biological functions played into animal origins. A recent study reconstructing the genome of the last common ancestor of extant animals has unveiled an unprecedented emergence of new genes, highlighting the role of genomic novelty in the origin of metazoans.

  18. Understanding Adolescents’ Categorisation of Animal Species (United States)

    Connor, Melanie; Lawrence, Alistair B.


    Simple Summary When people try to make sense of the world they often use categorisations, which are seen as a basic function of human cognition. People use specific attributes to categorise animals with young children using mostly visual cues like number of legs, whereas adults use more comprehensive attributes such as the habitat that the animal lives in. The aim of the present study was to investigate how adolescents categorise different types of animals. A card sorting exercise in combination with a survey questionnaire was implemented. Adolescents were asked to group images of a variety of common British farm, pet, and wild animals that were printed on cards. Furthermore, adolescents were asked to rate a number of animals regarding their utility, likability, and fear, which served as affective responses. Results show that adolescents primarily use an animal’s perceived utility as a means for their categorisation along with their affective feelings towards those animals. In other words, adolescents group animals into farm, pet, and wild animals with one exception, birds. Birds, regardless of their role in society (pet, farm, or wild animal), were mostly grouped together. The results are important to understand adolescents’ perception of animals, which may explain the different attitudes and behaviours towards animals. Abstract Categorisations are a means of investigating cognitive maps. The present study, for the first time, investigates adolescents’ spontaneous categorisation of 34 animal species. Furthermore, explicit evaluations of 16 selected animals in terms of their perceived utility and likeability were analysed. 105 British adolescents, 54% female, mean age 14.5 (SD = 1.6) participated in the study. Results of multidimensional scaling (MDS) techniques indicate 3-dimensional data representation regardless of gender or age. Property fittings show that affect and perceived utility of animals explain two of the MDS dimensions, and hence partly explain

  19. International Clostridium difficile animal strain collection and large diversity of animal associated strains

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Janezic, Sandra; Zidaric, Valerija; Pardon, Bart


    Background: Clostridium difficile is an important cause of intestinal infections in some animal species and animals might be a reservoir for community associated human infections. Here we describe a collection of animal associated C. difficile strains from 12 countries based on inclusion criteria...... of one strain (PCR ribotype) per animal species per laboratory. Results: Altogether 112 isolates were collected and distributed into 38 PCR ribotypes with agarose based approach and 50 PCR ribotypes with sequencer based approach. Four PCR ribotypes were most prevalent in terms of number of isolates...... as well as in terms of number of different host species: 078 (14.3% of isolates; 4 hosts), 014/020 (11.6%; 8 hosts); 002 (5.4%; 4 hosts) and 012 (5.4%; 5 hosts). Two animal hosts were best represented; cattle with 31 isolates (20 PCR ribotypes; 7 countries) and pigs with 31 isolates (16 PCR ribotypes; 10...

  20. 9 CFR 93.806 - Animals refused entry. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Animals refused entry. 93.806 Section 93.806 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EXPORTATION AND IMPORTATION OF ANIMALS (INCLUDING POULTRY) AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS IMPORTATION OF...

  1. Travelers' Health: Animal-Associated Hazards (United States)

    ... Chapter 2 - Safety & Security Chapter 2 - Environmental Hazards Animal-Associated Hazards Heather Bair-Brake, Ryan M. Wallace, G. Gale Galland, Nina Marano HUMAN INTERACTION WITH ANIMALS: A RISK FACTOR FOR INJURY AND ILLNESS Animals, ...

  2. Animal Bites of the Hand (United States)

    ... Therapist? Media Find a Hand Surgeon Home Anatomy Animal Bites Email to a friend * required fields From * ... key to prevent problems from a bite. CAUSES Animal Bites Millions of animal bites occur in the ...

  3. Role of radiotracer in animal science

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sivaprasad, N.


    Radiotracers have been used as radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases in cattle and pet animals. In fact the veterinary nuclear medicine based on radiotracer as radiopharmaceuticals is established medical technique for functional studies and imaging of vital organs such as heart, lung, brain, spleen, liver, kidney etc for diagnosis as well as treatment of diseases such as cancers in animal. Besides, radiation from radioisotopes has been in use for radiation therapy of cancers in animals. The nuclear imaging using positron emitting radiotracer is gaining importance in the evolution of drug in small animals. In this respect, small animals have also contributed significantly in the development of radiopharmaceuticals particularly for biodistribution and bioscan studies. In fact, the quality control of radiopharmaceuticals in animals to test the safety is a mandatory requirement in the production of radiopharmaceuticals. In brief the animal science has contributed in various areas and facets of radiotracer techniques and its application vice versa the radiotracer techniques have contributed towards the progress of animal science. The animal science in combination with radiotracer has also contributed to the progress of other basic and applied sciences. Thus there exists a bond between radiotracer techniques and animal science. Some aspects of mutual dependence of animal science and radiotracer are elaborated

  4. 9 CFR 53.6 - Disinfection of animals. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Disinfection of animals. 53.6 Section 53.6 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF... of animals. Animals of species not susceptible to the disease for which a quarantine has been...

  5. 9 CFR 151.7 - Examination of animal. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Examination of animal. 151.7 Section 151.7 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ANIMAL BREEDS RECOGNITION OF BREEDS AND BOOKS OF RECORD OF PUREBRED ANIMALS Certification of...

  6. Animal violence demystified. (United States)

    Natarajan, Deepa; Caramaschi, Doretta


    Violence has been observed in humans and animals alike, indicating its evolutionary/biological significance. However, violence in animals has often been confounded with functional forms of aggressive behavior. Currently, violence in animals is identified primarily as either a quantitative behavior (an escalated, pathological and abnormal form of aggression characterized primarily by short attack latencies, and prolonged and frequent harm-oriented conflict behaviors) or a qualitative one (characterized by attack bites aimed at vulnerable parts of the opponent's body and context independent attacks regardless of the environment or the sex and type of the opponent). Identification of an operational definition for violence thus not only helps in understanding its potential differences from adaptive forms of aggression but also in the selection of appropriate animal models for both. We address this issue theoretically by drawing parallels from research on aggression and appeasement in humans and other animals. We also provide empirical evidences for violence in mice selected for high aggression by comparing our findings with other currently available potentially violent rodent models. The following violence-specific features namely (1) Display of low levels of pre-escalatory/ritualistic behaviors. (2) Immediate and escalated offense durations with low withdrawal rates despite the opponent's submissive supine and crouching/defeat postures. (3) Context independent indiscriminate attacks aimed at familiar/unfamiliar females, anaesthetized males and opponents and in neutral environments. (4) Orientation of attack-bites toward vulnerable body parts of the opponent resulting in severe wounding. (5) Low prefrontal serotonin (5-HT) levels upon repeated aggression. (6) Low basal heart rates and hyporesponsive hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis were identified uniquely in the short attack latency (SAL) mice suggesting a qualitative difference between violence and

  7. Animal violence demystified

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deepa Natarajan


    Full Text Available Violence has been observed in humans and animals alike, indicating its evolutionary/ biological significance. However, violence in animals has often been confounded with functional forms of aggressive behavior. Currently, violence in animals is identified primarily as either a quantitative behavior (an escalated, pathological and abnormal form of aggression characterized primarily by short attack latencies, and prolonged and frequent harm-oriented conflict behaviors or a qualitative one (characterized by attack bites aimed at vulnerable parts of the opponent’s body and context independent attacks regardless of the environment or the sex and type of the opponent. Identification of an operational definition for violence thus not only helps in understanding its potential differences from adaptive forms of aggression but also in the selection of appropriate animal models for both. To begin with, we address this issue theoretically by drawing parallels from research on aggression and appeasement in humans and other animals. We also provide empirical evidences for violence in mice selected for high aggression by comparing our findings with other currently available potentially violent rodent models. The following violence-specific features namely 1. Display of low levels of pre-escalatory/ritualistic behaviors. 2. Immediate and escalated offense durations with low withdrawal rates despite the opponent’s submissive supine and crouching/defeat postures. 3. Context independent indiscriminate attacks aimed at familiar/unfamiliar females, anaesthetized males and opponents and in neutral environments. 4. Orientation of attack-bites toward vulnerable body parts of the opponent resulting in severe wounding 5. Low pre-frontal serotonin (5-HT levels upon repeated aggression. 6. Low basal heart rates and hyporesponsive hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA axis were identified uniquely in the short attack latency (SAL mice suggesting a qualitative


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ionela MiĠuko VLAD


    Full Text Available In terms of foreign trade, in Romania there were some major changes over the past 20 years. In this paper we have focused on the Romanian external trade. The products which have been taken into account were live animals and animal products. Thus, we have made an analyse on the Romanian imports and exports at the global level and at the European level. Focused on the animal products, on the global level, there were registered major differences during the first seven years in the analysed period. Breaking by branches, we have pointed out huge distinctions between imports and exports, where the balance of trade was completely negative. Meanwhile, to have a good view on the international trade there were made links, based on some indexes between imports, exports, GDP and investments.

  9. 9 CFR 53.4 - Destruction of animals. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Destruction of animals. 53.4 Section 53.4 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF... animals. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, animals infected with or exposed to...

  10. 9 CFR 2.131 - Handling of animals. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Handling of animals. 2.131 Section 2.131 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ANIMAL WELFARE REGULATIONS Miscellaneous § 2.131 Handling of animals. (a) All licensees who maintain wild...

  11. Physiology, propaganda, and pound animals: medical research and animal welfare in mid-twentieth century America. (United States)

    Parascandola, John


    In 1952, the University of Michigan physiologist Robert Gesell shocked his colleagues at the business meeting of the American Physiological Society by reading a prepared statement in which he claimed that some of the animal experimentation being carried out by scientists was inhumane. He especially attacked the National Society for Medical Research (NSMR), an organization that had been founded to defend animal experimentation. This incident was part of a broader struggle taking place at the time between scientists and animal welfare advocates with respect to what restrictions, if any, should be placed on animal research. A particularly controversial issue was whether or not pound animals should be made available to laboratories for research. Two of the prominent players in this controversy were the NSMR and the Animal Welfare Institute, founded and run by Gesell's daughter, Christine Stevens. This article focuses on the interaction between these two organizations within the broader context of the debate over animal experimentation in the mid-twentieth century.

  12. Animal evolution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Claus

    This book provides a comprehensive analysis of evolution in the animal kingdom. It reviews the classical, morphological information from structure and embryology, as well as the new data gained from studies using immune stainings of nerves and muscles and blastomere markings, which makes it possi......This book provides a comprehensive analysis of evolution in the animal kingdom. It reviews the classical, morphological information from structure and embryology, as well as the new data gained from studies using immune stainings of nerves and muscles and blastomere markings, which makes...

  13. The globalisation of farm animal welfare. (United States)

    Fraser, D


    Animal welfare has achieved significant global prominence for perhaps three reasons. First, several centuries of scientific research, especially in anatomy, evolutionary biology and animal behaviour, have led to a gradual narrowing of the gap that people perceive between humans and other species; this altered perception has prompted grass-roots attention to animals and their welfare, initially in Western countries but now more globally asthe influence of science has expanded. Second, scientific research on animal welfare has provided insights and methods for improving the handling, housing and management of animals; this 'animal welfare science' is increasingly seen as relevant to improving animal husbandry worldwide. Third, the development and use of explicit animal welfare standards has helped to integrate animal welfare as a component of national and international public policy, commerce and trade. To date, social debate about animal welfare has been dominated bythe industrialised nations. However, as the issue becomes increasingly global, it will be important for the non-industrialised countries to develop locally appropriate approaches to improving animal welfare, for example, by facilitating the provision of shelter, food, water and health care, and by improving basic handling, transportation and slaughter.

  14. The Impact of Animal Rights on the Use of Animals for Biomedical Research, Product Testing and Evaluation. (United States)

    Baier, Stephen W.


    Clarifies the issues of animal rights as they effect animal use in research and education through an examination of the current use of animals, a historical look at animal use, and a consideration of the philosophical underpinnings of the animal rights and pro-use viewpoints. (PR)

  15. Animal and non-animal experiments in nanotechnology - the results of a critical literature survey. (United States)

    Sauer, Ursula G


    A literature survey funded by the Foundation Animalfree Research was performed to obtain an overview on animal experiments in nanotechnology. Scientific articles from Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland published between 2004 and 2007 were collected. A total of 164 articles was retrieved covering in vivo nanotechnological research. The majority of animal experiments were conducted in "nanomedicine", i.e. nanotechnology in the health care area, to study targeted drug, vaccine or gene delivery. Further areas of research relate to nanotechnology-based imaging technologies, the toxicity of nanomaterials, tissue engineering for regenerative treatments, and magnetic tumour thermotherapy. Many experiments were classified as moderately and even severely distressful to the animals. Due to the significance of the scientific topics pursued, the possible scientific benefit of the research depicted in the articles is also assigned to be moderate to high. Nevertheless, it has to be asked whether such animal experiments are truly the only means to answer the scientific questions addressed in nanotechnology. An overview on non-animal test methods used in nanotechnological research revealed a broad spectrum of methodologies applied in a broad spectrum of scientific areas, including those for which animal experiments are being performed. Explicit incentives to avoid animal experiments in nanotechnology currently can only be found in the area of nanotoxicology, but not in the area of nanomedicine. From the point of view of animal welfare, not least because of the new technologies that arise due to nanotechnology, it is time for a paradigm change both in fundamental and applied biomedical research to found research strategies on non-animal test methods.

  16. Our love for animals. (United States)

    Scruton, Roger


    Love does not necessarily benefit its object, and cost-free love may damage both object and subject. Our love of animals mobilises several distinct human concerns and should not be considered always as a virtue or always as a benefit to the animals themselves. We need to place this love in its full psychological, cultural, and moral context in order to assess what form it ought to take if animals are to benefit from it.

  17. Marine animal stings or bites (United States)

    Stings - marine animals; Bites - marine animals ... Things you can do to prevent a marine animal sting or bite include: Swim near a lifeguard. Observe posted signs that may warn of danger from jellyfish or other hazardous marine life. ...

  18. The ethics of international animal law


    Kivinen, Tero


    This thesis analyzes international animal law, understood broadly as any international legal regulation pertaining to animals. The purpose of the thesis is to explain the moral implications of this branch of international law: how the law perceives the animal and how it believes animals ought to be treated. It attempts to do so by contrasting the law with moral philosophy pertaining to the status and treatment of animals as well as the core characteristics of the branch of animal law found in...

  19. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... produced material may be copied, reproduced, and distributed as long as FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine is cited as the corporate author. Animation Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance ( ...

  20. Environmental chemistry of animal manure (United States)

    Animal manure is traditionally regarded as a valuable resource of plant nutrients. However, there is an increasing environmental concern associated with animal manure utilization due to high and locally concentrated volumes of manure produced in modern intensified animal production. Although conside...

  1. Communication in Animal Social Networks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Snijders, Lysanne; Naguib, Marc


    Animal social networks and animal communication networks are key disciplines for understanding animal social behavior, yet these disciplines remain poorly integrated. In this review, we show how communication and social networks are inherently linked, with social signals reflecting and affecting

  2. 9 CFR 117.3 - Admittance of animals. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Admittance of animals. 117.3 Section 117.3 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VIRUSES, SERUMS, TOXINS, AND ANALOGOUS PRODUCTS; ORGANISMS AND VECTORS ANIMALS AT LICENSED...

  3. 9 CFR 50.7 - Destruction of animals. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Destruction of animals. 50.7 Section 50.7 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE COOPERATIVE CONTROL AND ERADICATION OF LIVESTOCK OR POULTRY DISEASES ANIMALS DESTROYED BECAUSE OF...

  4. 9 CFR 117.5 - Segregation of animals. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Segregation of animals. 117.5 Section 117.5 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VIRUSES, SERUMS, TOXINS, AND ANALOGOUS PRODUCTS; ORGANISMS AND VECTORS ANIMALS AT LICENSED...

  5. 9 CFR 117.6 - Removal of animals. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Removal of animals. 117.6 Section 117.6 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VIRUSES, SERUMS, TOXINS, AND ANALOGOUS PRODUCTS; ORGANISMS AND VECTORS ANIMALS AT LICENSED ESTABLISHMENTS...

  6. Towards Farm Animal Welfare and Sustainability. (United States)

    Buller, Henry; Blokhuis, Harry; Jensen, Per; Keeling, Linda


    As farm animal welfare becomes an increasingly important component of contemporary global livestock production, animal welfare science and animal welfare policy-making need to find new ways of entering global debates over food security and sustainability. In this paper, we explore the means by which both animal welfare science and policy should articulate with these emerging global debates. Having first established the important gains in animal welfare policy and the maturity of animal welfare science, we identify and explore the potential impact of these current debates and argue that they have the potential for profound change in our understanding of, and our response to, the welfare of animals. We conclude the paper with a number of possible recommendations for how a scientifically informed, sustainable animal welfare policy might flourish.

  7. Ethical and Animal Welfare Considerations in Relation to Species Selection for Animal Experimentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Webster


    Full Text Available Ethical principles governing the conduct of experiments with animals are reviewed, especially those relating to the choice of species. Legislation requires that the potential harm to animals arising from any procedure should be assessed in advance and justified in terms of its possible benefit to society. Potential harms may arise both from the procedures and the quality of the animals’ lifetime experience. The conventional approach to species selection is to use animals with the “lowest degree of neurophysiological sensitivity”. However; this concept should be applied with extreme caution in the light of new knowledge. The capacity to experience pain may be similar in mammals, birds and fish. The capacity to suffer from fear is governed more by sentience than cognitive ability, so it cannot be assumed that rodents or farm animals suffer less than dogs or primates. I suggest that it is unethical to base the choice of species for animal experimentation simply on the basis that it will cause less distress within society. A set of responsibilities is outlined for each category of moral agent. These include regulators, operators directly concerned with the conduct of scientific experiments and toxicology trials, veterinarians and animal care staff; and society at large.

  8. 9 CFR 55.6 - Mortgage against animals. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Mortgage against animals. 55.6 Section 55.6 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF... DISEASE Chronic Wasting Disease Indemnification Program § 55.6 Mortgage against animals. When cervids have...

  9. Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi in mammals in Yucatan, Mexico: a serological and parasitological study Infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi em mamíferos em Yucatan, México: estudo sorológico e parasitológico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J Zavala-Velázquez


    Full Text Available In order to determine Trypanosoma cruzi infection among mammals in Yucatan, Mexico, 372 animals, both wild and synanthropic including carnivores, marsupials and rodents were studied. Serological studies by indirect haemagglutination (IHA were carried out to detect antibodies to T. cruzi and a parasitological study was also performed (blood smear and histopathology. Of all the animals tested 18.54% were serologically positive, with a significantly higher frequency among the wild ones (33.33% compared to the synanthropic ones (17.79%. To determine T. cruzi in positive animals, blood was inoculated into a white mouse (webster type to prove myocardium colonization. The serological and parasitological positivity of these animals, as well as their behavior in the environment, taken together with the socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of the population, suggest that in Yucatan, Mexico, Canis familiaris, Didelphis marsupialis and Rattus rattus act as a link with the wild cycle.Para determinar a infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi em mamíferos em Yucatan, México, foram estudados 372 animais selvagens e sinantrópicos incluindo carnívoros, marsupiais e roedores. Estudos sorológicos pela hemaglutinação indireta (IHA foram realizados para detectar anticorpos contra o T. cruzi e estudos parasitológicos (esfregaços de sangue e histopatologia. De todos os animais testados 18,54% foram sorologicamente positivos com freqüência significativamente maior entre os silvestres (33,3% em comparação com os sinantrópicos (11,79%. Para determinação do T. cruzi nos animais positivos, o sangue foi inoculado em camundongos brancos (tipo Webster para provar a colonização miocárdica. Através da sua positividade sorológica e parasitológica, bem como seu comportamento no meio ambiente acompanhado pelas características sociais, econômicas e culturais da população, deduz-se que em Yucatan, México, Canis familiaris, Didelphis marsupialis e Rattus

  10. Forensic aspects of animal abusing


    Aleksić Jelena; Jović Slavoljub


    Animal abuse is important social issue, which includes a wide range of behaviors of humans that are harmful to animals, starting from unintentional neglect to intentional cruelty. Types of animal abuse are different and they can include physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect. Training dogs for fights and dog fighting are considered to be neglection of animals. Forensic veterinarians are called for testifining more often now for presenting the evidence that can lead to making a case rega...

  11. Genomic Tools and Animal Health. (United States)

    Zanella, Ricardo


    Animals have been selected to improve their productivity in order to increase the profitability to the producer. In this scenario, not much attention was given to health traits. As a consequence of that, selection was made for animals with higher production and a shortened productive life. In addition to that, the intense production system used in livestock has forced animals to be exposed to higher pathogen loads, therefore predisposing them to infections. Infectious diseases are known to be caused by micro-organisms that are able to infect and colonize the host, affecting their physiological functions and causing problems in their production and on animal welfare. Even with the best management practices, diseases are still the most important cause of economic losses in the animal industry. In this review article we have addressed the new tools that could be used to select animals to better cope with diseases and pathogens.

  12. Animal Classification. Animal Life in Action[TM]. Schlessinger Science Library. [Videotape]. (United States)


    This 23-minute videotape for grades 5-8, presents the myriad of animal life that exists on the planet. Students can view and perform experiments and investigations that help explain animal traits and habits. They learn what the terms "kingdom", "phylum", and "order" mean, and discover how the 3.5 million-plus organisms found on Earth fit into…

  13. 77 FR 14272 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration 21 CFR Part 558 New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds CFR Correction In Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 500 to 599, revised as of April 1, 2011, on page 490, in Sec. 558.500, (e)(1)(i) is reinstated to read as...

  14. 75 FR 15610 - New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration 21 CFR Part 558 New Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds CFR Correction In Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 500 to 599, revised as of April 1, 2009, in Sec. 558.55, on page 408, at the end of the table to...

  15. Conservation physiology of animal migration (United States)

    Lennox, Robert J.; Chapman, Jacqueline M.; Souliere, Christopher M.; Tudorache, Christian; Wikelski, Martin; Metcalfe, Julian D.; Cooke, Steven J.


    Migration is a widespread phenomenon among many taxa. This complex behaviour enables animals to exploit many temporally productive and spatially discrete habitats to accrue various fitness benefits (e.g. growth, reproduction, predator avoidance). Human activities and global environmental change represent potential threats to migrating animals (from individuals to species), and research is underway to understand mechanisms that control migration and how migration responds to modern challenges. Focusing on behavioural and physiological aspects of migration can help to provide better understanding, management and conservation of migratory populations. Here, we highlight different physiological, behavioural and biomechanical aspects of animal migration that will help us to understand how migratory animals interact with current and future anthropogenic threats. We are in the early stages of a changing planet, and our understanding of how physiology is linked to the persistence of migratory animals is still developing; therefore, we regard the following questions as being central to the conservation physiology of animal migrations. Will climate change influence the energetic costs of migration? Will shifting temperatures change the annual clocks of migrating animals? Will anthropogenic influences have an effect on orientation during migration? Will increased anthropogenic alteration of migration stopover sites/migration corridors affect the stress physiology of migrating animals? Can physiological knowledge be used to identify strategies for facilitating the movement of animals? Our synthesis reveals that given the inherent challenges of migration, additional stressors derived from altered environments (e.g. climate change, physical habitat alteration, light pollution) or interaction with human infrastructure (e.g. wind or hydrokinetic turbines, dams) or activities (e.g. fisheries) could lead to long-term changes to migratory phenotypes. However, uncertainty remains

  16. 21 CFR 510.7 - Consignees of new animal drugs for use in the manufacture of animal feed. (United States)


    ... manufacture of animal feed. 510.7 Section 510.7 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF... Provisions § 510.7 Consignees of new animal drugs for use in the manufacture of animal feed. (a) A new animal drug intended for use in the manufacture of animal feed shall be deemed to be unsafe unless at the time...

  17. Radiation stability of animate nature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Romanov, G.N.; Spirin, D.A.


    The main principles of radiation safety for animate nature including provisions for biological species protection and main requirement for animate nature radiation protection, which is the guarantee of any ecosystem integrity, are discussed. Ecosystem should be taken as the objective unit for animate nature radiation protection. The maximum dose of biot irradiation may amount to 0.5 Gy/year, which is 20-fold lower than the main dose limit for animate nature and 40-fold lower than ecological dose limits for conifers as the weakest radiostable member in ecosystem, at environment radioactive contamination determined by radiation safety standards. The radiation protection of animate nature is guaranteed at such levels of environment radioactive contamination

  18. Use of a Mycoplasma suis-PCR protocol for screening a population of captive peccaries (Tayassu tajacu and Tayassu pecari Uso de um protocolo de PCR para a detecção de Mycoplasma suis para avaliação de uma população de catetos e queixadas de cativeiro (Tayassu tajacu and Tayassu pecari

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    Rafael Felipe da Costa Vieira


    Full Text Available Mycoplasma suis is a hemotropic bacteria of red blood cells and the causative agent of swine eperythrozoonosis. Diagnosis of infection may be reached by direct examination of blood smears; however, the use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR of the 16S RNA gene of M. suis improves the sensitivity and specificity of detection. The aim of this study was to screen peccaries (Tayassu tajacu and T. pecari for M. suis infection using a specific conventional PCR. A total of 28 blood samples from captive collared and white-lipped peccaries were collected, DNA extracted and a specific M. suis PCR assay performed. All samples were negatives by both blood smear examination and PCR testing. To verify the presence of amplifiable DNA, PCR for beta-actin gene was performed in all samples. This study was part of an active surveillance program, which is crucial for monitoring animal health status, particularly in wildlife species.Mycoplasma suis é uma bactéria hemotrópica dos eritrócitos e é o agente causador da eperitrozoonose suína. O diagnóstico da infecção pode ser realizado pelo exame direto de esfregaços sanguíneos; entretanto, o uso da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR baseada no gene 16S RNA de M. suis aumenta a sensibilidade e especificidade da detecção. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar catetos e queixadas (Tayassu tajacu e T. pecari para a infecção por M. suis, utilizando PCR convencional específico. Um total de 28 amostras de sangue de catetos e queixadas de cativeiro foram coletadas, o DNA foi extraído e a PCR específica para a detecção de M. suis realizada. Todas as amostras foram negativas pelo esfregaço sanguíneo e PCR. Para verificar a presença de DNA amplificável, PCR para o gene da beta actina foi realizada em todas as amostras. Este estudo foi parte de um programa de vigilância ativa, o qual é crucial para o monitoramento do estado de saúde animal, particularmente em espécies selvagens.

  19. Lightning safety of animals. (United States)

    Gomes, Chandima


    This paper addresses a concurrent multidisciplinary problem: animal safety against lightning hazards. In regions where lightning is prevalent, either seasonally or throughout the year, a considerable number of wild, captive and tame animals are injured due to lightning generated effects. The paper discusses all possible injury mechanisms, focusing mainly on animals with commercial value. A large number of cases from several countries have been analyzed. Economically and practically viable engineering solutions are proposed to address the issues related to the lightning threats discussed.

  20. Ethical guidelines, animal profile, various animal models used in periodontal research with alternatives and future perspectives. (United States)

    Pasupuleti, Mohan Kumar; Molahally, Subramanya Shetty; Salwaji, Supraja


    Laboratory animal models serve as a facilitator to investigate the etiopathogenesis of periodontal disease, are used to know the efficacy of reconstructive and regenerative procedures, and are also helpful in evaluation of newer therapeutic techniques including laser and implant therapies prior to application in the human beings. The aim of this review is to know the different animal models used in various specialties of dental research and to know the ethical guidelines prior to the usage of experimental models with main emphasis on how to refine, replace, and reduce the number of animal models usage in the laboratory. An online search for experimental animal models used in dental research was performed using MEDLINE/PubMed database. Publications from 2009 to May 2013 in the specialty of periodontics were included in writing this review. A total of 652 references were published in PubMed/MEDLINE databases based on the search terms used. Out of 245 studies, 241 were related to the periodontal research published in English from 2009 to 2013. Relevant papers were chosen according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After extensive electronic and hand search on animal models, it has been observed that various animal models were used in dental research. Search on animal models used for dental research purpose revealed that various animals such as rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbit, beagle dogs, goats, and nonhuman primates were extensively used. However, with the new advancement of ex vivo animal models, it has become easy to investigate disease pathogenesis and to test the efficacy of newer therapeutic modalities with the reduced usage of animal models. This review summarized the large amount of literature on animal models used in periodontal research with main emphasis on ethical guidelines and on reducing the animal model usage in future perspective.

  1. Ethical guidelines, animal profile, various animal models used in periodontal research with alternatives and future perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohan Kumar Pasupuleti


    Full Text Available Laboratory animal models serve as a facilitator to investigate the etiopathogenesis of periodontal disease, are used to know the efficacy of reconstructive and regenerative procedures, and are also helpful in evaluation of newer therapeutic techniques including laser and implant therapies prior to application in the human beings. The aim of this review is to know the different animal models used in various specialties of dental research and to know the ethical guidelines prior to the usage of experimental models with main emphasis on how to refine, replace, and reduce the number of animal models usage in the laboratory. An online search for experimental animal models used in dental research was performed using MEDLINE/PubMed database. Publications from 2009 to May 2013 in the specialty of periodontics were included in writing this review. A total of 652 references were published in PubMed/MEDLINE databases based on the search terms used. Out of 245 studies, 241 were related to the periodontal research published in English from 2009 to 2013. Relevant papers were chosen according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After extensive electronic and hand search on animal models, it has been observed that various animal models were used in dental research. Search on animal models used for dental research purpose revealed that various animals such as rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbit, beagle dogs, goats, and nonhuman primates were extensively used. However, with the new advancement of ex vivo animal models, it has become easy to investigate disease pathogenesis and to test the efficacy of newer therapeutic modalities with the reduced usage of animal models. This review summarized the large amount of literature on animal models used in periodontal research with main emphasis on ethical guidelines and on reducing the animal model usage in future perspective.

  2. The economics of animal welfare. (United States)

    Gibson, T J; Jackson, E L


    This paper examines four examples of animal welfare issues, demonstrating the interactions between welfare and economic principles. Welfare issues associated with purebred companion animals are examined in terms of predicted inherited diseases, highlighting the power of supply and demand in perpetuating traits in pets that compromise their well-being. The livestock industry is presented from the point of view of pig production and the impact that a major disease (pleurisy) has on production and the animals' welfare. The authors investigate the conflicting and complementary demands of animal welfare and economic gains during the transport and slaughter of livestock and poultry. Finally, wildlife species are considered in terms of their prevalence as pests, and the different types of economic analysis that have been conducted to understand the losses caused by these organisms. Also included in this example are decisions made about cost effectiveness and opportunity costs, and regulatory and financial barriers to the development of humane control agents. In conclusion, animal welfare is illustrated as a central factor in the benefits that humans enjoy from the role played by animals in society. There are, however, tradeoffs between optimal animal welfare and meeting the needs of modern human society.

  3. Development of FAME Animation System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasegawa, Yukihiro; Hamamatsu, Kiyotaka; Shirai, Hiroshi; Matsuda, Toshiaki; Watanabe, Hideto; Itakura, Hirofumi; Tahata, Yasunori


    In order to monitor an animation of magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium calculated by the FAME-II (Fast Analyzer for Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibrium-II) system, a FAME Animation System was developed. This system provides automatically the animation on workstations connected to network with the same period of JT-60U discharge sequence. Then, the system can supply the important information for JT-60U operators to determine control parameters of the succeeding discharge. This report describes the overview of the FAME Animation System. (author)

  4. Professor: The Animal Planet Optimization


    Satish Gajawada


    This paper is dedicated to everyone who is interested in making this planet a better place to live. In the past, researchers have explored behavior of several animals separately. But there is scope to explore in the direction where various artificial animals together solve the optimization problem. In this paper, Satish Gajawada proposed The AnimalPlanet Optimization. The concept of this paper is to imitate all the animals on this planet. The idea is to solve the optimization problem where al...

  5. The green, blue and grey water footprint of animals and animal products

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mekonnen, Mesfin; Hoekstra, Arjen Ysbert


    The projected increase in the production and consumption of animal products is likely to put further pressure on the globe’s freshwater resources. The size and characteristics of the water footprint vary across animal types and production systems. The current study provides a comprehensive account

  6. Animal health and production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kallfelz, F.A.; Lengemann, F.W.


    Some applications of the use of radioisotopes and radiation in animal health and production research are reviewed. These include various techniques associated with both the qualitative localization and quantitative measurements of isotopes in animals; comparator studies in which measurement of the radioactivity in one part of a system will allow computation of the mass or volume in another part; in vivo and in vitro applications of isotope dilution studies; and the use of isotopes in dynamic systems analyses. The use of stable isotopes in mass spectrometry, activation analysis and nuclear magnetic resonance in animal research is also briefly reviewed. Finally some of the successful uses of radiation produced by radioactive sources or various types of generators of electromagnetic radiations in animal production and health studies are described. (U.K.)

  7. [Alternatives to animal testing]. (United States)

    Fabre, Isabelle


    The use of alternative methods to animal testing are an integral part of the 3Rs concept (refine, reduce, replace) defined by Russel & Burch in 1959. These approaches include in silico methods (databases and computer models), in vitro physicochemical analysis, biological methods using bacteria or isolated cells, reconstructed enzyme systems, and reconstructed tissues. Emerging "omic" methods used in integrated approaches further help to reduce animal use, while stem cells offer promising approaches to toxicologic and pathophysiologic studies, along with organotypic cultures and bio-artificial organs. Only a few alternative methods can so far be used in stand-alone tests as substitutes for animal testing. The best way to use these methods is to integrate them in tiered testing strategies (ITS), in which animals are only used as a last resort.

  8. Efeito da inclusão de fontes lipídicas na dieta de cabras em lactação sobre os parâmetros sanguíneos Effect of fat source inclusion in the diet of lactating goats on blood parameters

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    Guilherme de Lira Sobral Silva


    Full Text Available Conduziu-se o estudo do perfil metabólico, com o objetivo de avaliar o estado nutricional ou possíveis distúrbios metabólicos que podem comprometer a saúde e, consequentemente, o desempenho do rebanho. No presente trabalho foi avaliado o perfil metabólico de cabras em lactação, submetidas a dietas com diferentes fontes de lipídios. Foram utilizadas 16 cabras da raça Saanen com peso vivo médio de 35 Kg e produção média diária de 1,2 kg de leite, distribuídas em quadrado latino com três repetições. Os tratamentos experimentais consistiram nas seguintes dietas: sem suplementação lipidica (TC; semente de faveleira (SF; torta de faveleira (TF e caroço de algodão (CA. O experimento foi desenvolvido em quatro períodos experimentais de 14 dias, sendo 10 dias de adaptação à dieta e quatro dias de coleta de dados. No último dia de cada período foram coletadas amostras de sangue. A inclusão de semente de oleaginosa na dieta de cabras em lactação diminuiu o consumo de matéria seca por unidade metabólica (CMSU e consumo de proteína bruta por unidade metabólica (CPBU. Dentre os quatro tratamentos não se observou diferença significativa no que se refere à concentração sérica de uréia, creatinina, GGT (gama glutamiltransferase, cálcio, fósforo, magnésio e glicose. Os níveis séricos de albumina dos animais que receberam TF foram maiores (PThe study of the metabolic profile has as objective to evaluate the nutritional status or possible metabolic disturbances that can damage the health and consequently the herd performance. In this work, the metabolic profile of lactating goats was evaluated, submitted to diets with different fat sources. 12 Saanen goats with BW of 35 kg and daily milk production of 1,2 kg were used, distributed into a Latin square with three repetitions. The diet comprised, without fat supplementation, TC (control and with fat supplementation: SF (favelone seed; TF (favelone cake and CA (cotton

  9. Counteracting Animal Homelessness and Providing Care for Stray Animals as a Task of a Commune


    Szalewska, Małgorzata


    The analysis of Polish binding law acts allows one to assume that, on normative level, the obligation of public administration to provide care for stray animals is deeply embedded. Both the Animal Protection Act, as well as the Act on Maintaining Cleanliness, indicate the tasks of a commune in the scope of providing care for stray animals, catching homeless animals and counteracting their homelessness. Simultaneously, the analysis of jurisdiction, and inquiries as well as considerations emerg...

  10. Differences in exoenzyme production and adherence ability of Candida spp. isolates from catheter, blood and oral cavity Diferenças na produção de exoenzimas e habilidade de aderência entre isolados de espécies de Candida provenientes do cateter, sangue e cavidade bucal

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    Carolina Rodrigues Costa


    Full Text Available Phospholipase and proteinase production and the ability of adhesion to buccal epithelial cells (BEC of 112 Candida isolates originated from oral cavity of HIV infected patients and from blood and catheter of intensive care unit patients were investigated. The proteinase production was detected by inoculation into bovine serum albumin (BSA agar and the phospholipase activity was performed using egg yolk emulsion. A yeast suspension of each test strain was incubated with buccal epithelial cells and the number of adherence yeast to epithelial cells was counted. A percentage of 88.1% and 55.9% of Candida albicans and 69.8% and 37.7% of non-albicans Candida isolates produced proteinase and phospholipase, respectively. Non-albicans Candida isolated from catheter were more proteolytic than C. albicans isolates. Blood isolates were more proteolytic than catheter and oral cavity isolates while oral cavity isolates produced more phospholipase than those from blood and catheter. C. albicans isolates from oral cavity and from catheter were more adherent to BEC than non-albicans Candida isolates, but the adhesion was not different among the three sources analyzed. The results indicated differences in the production of phospholipase and proteinase and in the ability of adhesion to BEC among Candida spp. isolates from different sources. This study suggests that the pathogenicity of Candida can be correlated with the infected site.A produção de proteinase e fosfolipase e habilidade de adesão à célula epitelial bucal de 112 isolados de Candida originadas da cavidade bucal de pacientes infectados pelo HIV e de sangue e cateter de pacientes hospitalizados foram investigados. A produção de proteinase foi detectada por inoculação em ágar soro albumina bovina e a atividade de fosfolipase foi realizada usando emulsão de gema de ovo. A suspensão de levedura de cada isolado foi incubada com célula epitelial e o número de leveduras aderidas a c

  11. Understanding Adolescents' Categorisation of Animal Species. (United States)

    Connor, Melanie; Lawrence, Alistair B


    Categorisations are a means of investigating cognitive maps. The present study, for the first time, investigates adolescents' spontaneous categorisation of 34 animal species. Furthermore, explicit evaluations of 16 selected animals in terms of their perceived utility and likeability were analysed. 105 British adolescents, 54% female, mean age 14.5 (SD = 1.6) participated in the study. Results of multidimensional scaling (MDS) techniques indicate 3-dimensional data representation regardless of gender or age. Property fittings show that affect and perceived utility of animals explain two of the MDS dimensions, and hence partly explain adolescents' categorisation. Additionally, hierarchical cluster analyses show a differentiation between farm animals, birds, pet animals, and wild animals possibly explaining MDS dimension 3. The results suggest that utility perceptions predominantly underlie adolescents' categorisations and become even more dominant in older adolescents, which potentially has an influence on attitudes to animals with implications for animal welfare, conservation, and education.

  12. All about Endangered and Extinct Animals. Animal Life for Children. [Videotape]. (United States)


    While there are thousands of different animals in the world, some have been extinct for many years and others are on the verge of extinction. In this videotape, students learn about the natural and man-made factors that lead to the endangerment and extinction of animals. Children find out why it is essential for people to help all forms of…

  13. Narrating Animal Trauma in Bulgakov and Tolstoy

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    Anastassiya Andrianova


    Full Text Available Following the recent “animal turn” in literary studies, which has inspired scholars to revisit traditional human-centered interpretations of texts narrated by animals, this article focuses on the convergence of animal studies and trauma theory. It offers new animal-centered close readings of Tolstoy’s Strider and Bulgakov’s Heart of a Dog, paying attention to animal pain rather than seeing it, and the text as a whole, as an allegory of human society. Like many other authors of literary fiction featuring animal narrators, Tolstoy and Bulgakov employ a kind of empathic ventriloquism to narrate animal pain, an important project which, however, given the status of both the animal and trauma outside human language, and thus susceptible to being distorted by it, produces inauthentic discourse (animal-like, rather than animal narration; therefore, these authors get closest to animal pain, not through sophisticated narration, but through the use of ellipses and onomatopoeia. Ultimately, any narratological difficulty with animal focalization is minor compared to the ethical imperative of anti-speciesist animal-standpoint criticism, and the goal is to reconceive the status of animals in literature so as to change their ontological place in the world, urging that this critical work and animal rights advocacy be continued in the classroom.

  14. Engineering visualization utilizing advanced animation (United States)

    Sabionski, Gunter R.; Robinson, Thomas L., Jr.


    Engineering visualization is the use of computer graphics to depict engineering analysis and simulation in visual form from project planning through documentation. Graphics displays let engineers see data represented dynamically which permits the quick evaluation of results. The current state of graphics hardware and software generally allows the creation of two types of 3D graphics. The use of animated video as an engineering visualization tool is presented. The engineering, animation, and videography aspects of animated video production are each discussed. Specific issues include the integration of staffing expertise, hardware, software, and the various production processes. A detailed explanation of the animation process reveals the capabilities of this unique engineering visualization method. Automation of animation and video production processes are covered and future directions are proposed.

  15. The Function of HumAnimAllegory

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    Sean Meighoo


    Full Text Available This article presents a critical reading of the function of the animal-human allegory or the “humanimallegory” in both the animated films Animal Farm and Chicken Run. Based on George Orwell’s novel of the same name, Animal Farm provides an allegorical representation of the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalinism in the Soviet Union by relaying Orwell’s story of a revolution led by a group of farm animals and its aftermath. Animal Farm ultimately reduces its fictional animal characters to simple metaphors for real human subjects, thus serving the most common function of the animal-human allegory in literature as well as film. In contrast, improvising on the many prisoner-of-war films that were produced during the first few decades following World War II, Chicken Run tells the story of a group of chickens who attempt to escape from an egg farm. Chicken Run complicates the function of the animal-human allegory, though, by resisting the allegorical reduction of its fictional animal characters to simple metaphors for real human subjects. By presenting a critical reading of these two different films, this article suggests that the literary concept of allegory itself remains circumscribed within the philosophical tradition of humanism.

  16. Pain and Laboratory Animals: Publication Practices for Better Data Reproducibility and Better Animal Welfare.

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    Larry Carbone

    Full Text Available Scientists who perform major survival surgery on laboratory animals face a dual welfare and methodological challenge: how to choose surgical anesthetics and post-operative analgesics that will best control animal suffering, knowing that both pain and the drugs that manage pain can all affect research outcomes. Scientists who publish full descriptions of animal procedures allow critical and systematic reviews of data, demonstrate their adherence to animal welfare norms, and guide other scientists on how to conduct their own studies in the field. We investigated what information on animal pain management a reasonably diligent scientist might find in planning for a successful experiment. To explore how scientists in a range of fields describe their management of this ethical and methodological concern, we scored 400 scientific articles that included major animal survival surgeries as part of their experimental methods, for the completeness of information on anesthesia and analgesia. The 400 articles (250 accepted for publication pre-2011, and 150 in 2014-15, along with 174 articles they reference included thoracotomies, craniotomies, gonadectomies, organ transplants, peripheral nerve injuries, spinal laminectomies and orthopedic procedures in dogs, primates, swine, mice, rats and other rodents. We scored articles for Publication Completeness (PC, which was any mention of use of anesthetics or analgesics; Analgesia Use (AU which was any use of post-surgical analgesics, and Analgesia Completeness (a composite score comprising intra-operative analgesia, extended post-surgical analgesia, and use of multimodal analgesia. 338 of 400 articles were PC. 98 of these 338 were AU, with some mention of analgesia, while 240 of 338 mentioned anesthesia only but not post-surgical analgesia. Journals' caliber, as measured by their 2013 Impact Factor, had no effect on PC or AU. We found no effect of whether a journal instructs authors to consult the ARRIVE

  17. Pain and Laboratory Animals: Publication Practices for Better Data Reproducibility and Better Animal Welfare. (United States)

    Carbone, Larry; Austin, Jamie


    Scientists who perform major survival surgery on laboratory animals face a dual welfare and methodological challenge: how to choose surgical anesthetics and post-operative analgesics that will best control animal suffering, knowing that both pain and the drugs that manage pain can all affect research outcomes. Scientists who publish full descriptions of animal procedures allow critical and systematic reviews of data, demonstrate their adherence to animal welfare norms, and guide other scientists on how to conduct their own studies in the field. We investigated what information on animal pain management a reasonably diligent scientist might find in planning for a successful experiment. To explore how scientists in a range of fields describe their management of this ethical and methodological concern, we scored 400 scientific articles that included major animal survival surgeries as part of their experimental methods, for the completeness of information on anesthesia and analgesia. The 400 articles (250 accepted for publication pre-2011, and 150 in 2014-15, along with 174 articles they reference) included thoracotomies, craniotomies, gonadectomies, organ transplants, peripheral nerve injuries, spinal laminectomies and orthopedic procedures in dogs, primates, swine, mice, rats and other rodents. We scored articles for Publication Completeness (PC), which was any mention of use of anesthetics or analgesics; Analgesia Use (AU) which was any use of post-surgical analgesics, and Analgesia Completeness (a composite score comprising intra-operative analgesia, extended post-surgical analgesia, and use of multimodal analgesia). 338 of 400 articles were PC. 98 of these 338 were AU, with some mention of analgesia, while 240 of 338 mentioned anesthesia only but not post-surgical analgesia. Journals' caliber, as measured by their 2013 Impact Factor, had no effect on PC or AU. We found no effect of whether a journal instructs authors to consult the ARRIVE publishing guidelines

  18. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Veterinary Safety & Health Antimicrobial Resistance Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it More sharing options ... produced a nine-minute animation explaining how antimicrobial resistance both emerges and proliferates among bacteria. Over time, ...

  19. Animation of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... FDA Submit search Popular Content Home Food Drugs Medical Devices Radiation-Emitting Products Vaccines, Blood & Biologics Animal & ... by Product Area Product Areas back Food Drugs Medical Devices Radiation-Emitting Products Vaccines, Blood & Biologics Animal & ...

  20. Breeding against infectious diseases in animals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rashidi, H.


    Infectious diseases in farm animals are of major concern because of animal welfare, production costs, and public health. Farms undergo huge economic losses due to infectious disease. The costs of infections in farm animals are mainly due to production losses, treatment of infected animals, and

  1. Animals in Environmental Education Research (United States)

    Spannring, Reingard


    Over the past few decades, the increase in public and scholarly attention to human-animal relations has inspired an animal turn in a number of academic disciplines including environmental education research. This paper reviews the literature on animals in environmental education with respect to its theoretical foundations in critical pedagogy,…

  2. História da Hemoterapia no Brasil History of Brazilian Hemotherapy

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    Pedro C. Junqueira


    Full Text Available A transfusão de sangue teve dois períodos: um empírico, que vai até 1900, e outro científico, de 1900 em diante. No Brasil, em 1879, um relato discutia se a melhor transfusão seria com sangue de animais para humanos ou entre seres humanos. Na era científica, os pioneiros da hemoterapia foram cirurgiões do Rio de Janeiro. Por volta de 1920 surgem os primeiros serviços organizados e de constituição bastante simples. Destaca-se, nos anos 40, no Rio de Janeiro, o STS (Serviço de Transfusão de Sangue por ter, além da conotação assistencial, atividades científicas. No final desta década, é promovido o I Congresso Paulista de Hemoterapia, que forneceu as bases para a fundação da Sociedade Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia, em 1950. Em 1965 cria-se, por iniciativa do Ministério da Saúde, a Comissão Nacional de Hemoterapia, estabelecendo normas para proteção dos doadores e receptores de sangue. Mesmo assim, chegamos em 1979 com um sistema desorganizado e desigual na qualidade dos serviços prestados. Nos anos 80, a criação da Política Nacional do Sangue, a campanha da doação altruísta de sangue da SBHH e a Constituição de 1980 deram outra dimensão à hemoterapia brasileira. Chegamos então ao contemporâneo onde a desastrosa ocorrência da AIDS em pacientes transfundidos obrigou a novos conceitos e cuidados. Além disso, outros fatos importantes contribuíram para a hemoterapia no País, como o conceito da hemoterapia clínica, fatores econômicos, desenvolvimento da genética molecular e biotecnologia, a terapia celular, a renovação de equipamentos, a automação e computação, os sistemas da qualidade e o interesse do hemoterapeuta por áreas científicas de ponta.Blood transfusion had two major periods: one empiric to 1900, and another scientific from 1900 on. In 1879, in Brazil, a report discussed if the best transfusion would be between animals and men or between human beings. The pioneers of hemotherapy

  3. Animal use for science in Europe. (United States)

    Daneshian, Mardas; Busquet, Francois; Hartung, Thomas; Leist, Marcel


    To investigate long-term trends of animal use, the EU animal use statistics from the 15 countries that have been in the EU since 1995 plus respective data from Switzerland were analyzed. The overall number of animals used for scientific purposes in these countries, i.e., about 11 million/year, remained relatively constant between 1995 and 2011, with net increases in Germany and the UK and net decreases in Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden. The relatively low and constant numbers of experimental animals used for safety assessment (toxicology, 8%) may be due to the particularly intensive research on alternative methods in this area. The many efficiently working NGOs, multiple initiatives of the European Parliament, and coordinated activities of industry and the European Commission may have contributed to keeping the animal numbers in this field in check. Basic biological science, and research and development for medicine, veterinary and dentistry together currently make up 65% of animal use in science. Although the total numbers have remained relatively constant, consumption of transgenic animals has increased drastically; in Germany transgenic animals accounted for 30% of total animal use in 2011. Therefore, more focus on alternatives to the use of animals in biomedical research, in particular on transgenic animals, will be important in the future. One initiative designed to provide inter-sector information exchange for future actions is the "MEP - 3Rs scientists pairing scheme" initiated in 2015 by CAAT-Europe and MEP Pietikäinen.

  4. Animal-based measures for welfare assessment

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    Agostino Sevi


    Full Text Available Animal welfare assessment can’t be irrespective of measures taken on animals. Indeed, housing parametersrelatedtostructures, designandmicro-environment, evenifreliable parameters related to structures, design and micro-environment, even if reliable and easier to take, can only identify conditions which could be detrimental to animal welfare, but can’t predict poor welfare in animals per se. Welfare assessment through animal-based measures is almost complex, given that animals’ responses to stressful conditions largely depend on the nature, length and intensity of challenges and on physiological status, age, genetic susceptibility and previous experience of animals. Welfare assessment requires a multi-disciplinary approach and the monitoring of productive, ethological, endocrine, immunological and pathological param- eters to be exhaustive and reliable. So many measures are needed, because stresses can act only on some of the mentioned parameters or on all of them but at different times and degree. Under this point of view, the main aim of research is to find feasible and most responsive indicators of poor animal welfare. In last decades, studies focused on the following parameters for animal wel- fare assessment indexes of biological efficiency, responses to behavioral tests, cortisol secretion, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, lymphocyte proliferation, production of antigen specific IgG and cytokine release, somatic cell count and acute phase proteins. Recently, a lot of studies have been addressed to reduce handling and constraint of animals for taking measures to be used in welfare assessment, since such procedures can induce stress in animals and undermined the reliability of measures taken for welfare assessment. Range of animal-based measures for welfare assessment is much wider under experimental condition than at on-farm level. In welfare monitoring on-farm the main aim is to find feasible measures of proved validity and reliability

  5. Modelling Farm Animal Welfare (United States)

    Collins, Lisa M.; Part, Chérie E.


    Simple Summary In this review paper we discuss the different modeling techniques that have been used in animal welfare research to date. We look at what questions they have been used to answer, the advantages and pitfalls of the methods, and how future research can best use these approaches to answer some of the most important upcoming questions in farm animal welfare. Abstract The use of models in the life sciences has greatly expanded in scope and advanced in technique in recent decades. However, the range, type and complexity of models used in farm animal welfare is comparatively poor, despite the great scope for use of modeling in this field of research. In this paper, we review the different modeling approaches used in farm animal welfare science to date, discussing the types of questions they have been used to answer, the merits and problems associated with the method, and possible future applications of each technique. We find that the most frequently published types of model used in farm animal welfare are conceptual and assessment models; two types of model that are frequently (though not exclusively) based on expert opinion. Simulation, optimization, scenario, and systems modeling approaches are rarer in animal welfare, despite being commonly used in other related fields. Finally, common issues such as a lack of quantitative data to parameterize models, and model selection and validation are discussed throughout the review, with possible solutions and alternative approaches suggested. PMID:26487411

  6. Naturalness and Animal Welfare. (United States)

    Yeates, James


    Naturalness is considered important for animals, and is one criterion for assessing how we care for them. However, it is a vague and ambiguous term, which needs definition and assessments suitable for scientific and ethical questions. This paper makes a start on that aim. This paper differentiates the term from other related concepts, such as species-typical behaviour and wellbeing. It identifies contingent ways in which naturalness might be used, as: (i) prompts for further welfare assessment; (ii) a plausible hypothesis for what safeguards wellbeing; (iii) a threshold for what is acceptable; (iv) constraints on what improvements are unacceptable; and (v) demarcating what is not morally wrong, because of a lack of human agency. It then suggests an approach to evaluating animals' behaviour that is quantitative, is based on reality, and which assesses naturalness by degrees. It proposes classing unaffected wild populations as natural by definition. Where animals might have been affected by humans, they should be compared to the closest population(s) of unaffected animals. This approach could allow us both to assess naturalness scientifically, and to make practical decisions about the behaviour of domestic animals.


    Dubreuil, J. Daniel; Isaacson, Richard E.; Schifferli, Dieter M.


    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is the most common cause of E. coli diarrhea in farm animals. ETEC are characterized by the ability to produce two types of virulence factors; adhesins that promote binding to specific enterocyte receptors for intestinal colonization and enterotoxins responsible for fluid secretion. The best-characterized adhesins are expressed in the context of fimbriae, such as the F4 (also designated K88), F5 (K99), F6 (987P), F17 and F18 fimbriae. Once established in the animal small intestine, ETEC produces enterotoxin(s) that lead to diarrhea. The enterotoxins belong to two major classes; heat-labile toxin that consist of one active and five binding subunits (LT), and heat-stable toxins that are small polypeptides (STa, STb, and EAST1). This chapter describes the disease and pathogenesis of animal ETEC, the corresponding virulence genes and protein products of these bacteria, their regulation and targets in animal hosts, as well as mechanisms of action. Furthermore, vaccines, inhibitors, probiotics and the identification of potential new targets identified by genomics are presented in the context of animal ETEC. PMID:27735786

  8. Attitudes of veterinarians, animal control directors, and county prosecutors in Michigan regarding enforcement of state animal cruelty legislation. (United States)

    Stolt, L B; Johnson-Ifearulundu, Y J; Kaneene, J B


    To determine attitudes of veterinarians, animal control directors, and country prosecutors in Michigan toward enforcement of state animal cruelty legislation and to identify factors associated with whether veterinarians would report suspected cases of animal cruelty. Survey. Questionnaires were sent to 1,146 Michigan Veterinary Medical Association member veterinarians, 139 animal control directors, and 83 county prosecutors in Michigan. 740 (65%) veterinarians, 70 (50%) animal control directors, and 43 (52%) prosecutors responded. Six hundred forty six of 735 (88%) veterinarians reported having treated an animal that they believed had been a victim of animal cruelty, but only 192 of 719 (27%) had ever reported a case of animal cruelty, and only 217 of 734 (30%) had ever testified in an animal cruelty case. Logistic regression analysis of responses revealed that the only factor associated with whether veterinarians would report cases of suspected animal cruelty was the potential reactions of the involved clients to the accusation of animal cruelty. Veterinarians who rated reaction of the involved client as important, very important, or essential to their decision whether to report a case of animal cruelty were less likely to report such cases than were veterinarians who rated potential client reaction as somewhat important or unimportant. Concern about potential client reaction was the most important factor in whether veterinarians would report cases of suspected animal cruelty.

  9. Animal Production Research Advances: Editorial Policies

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Focus and Scope. Animal production research advances is a peer-review journal established expressly to promote the production of all animal species utilized as food. The journal has an international scope and is intended for professionals in animal production and related sciences. We solicit contributions from animal ...

  10. What about animals dealing with working dogs, pets and other animals during terrorism incidents and disasters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eifried, G.


    It is highly likely that K9 teams (patrol, search and rescue, and cadaver) will be exposed to hazardous materials as a result of an act of CBRN terrorism, and thus require decontamination. Service animals and pets which have been exposed to toxic agents and materials will also need to be decontaminated, along with their owners. Emergency evacuation and sheltering plans need to consider how service animals, pets and livestock will be handled. The United States has recently made significant changes to focus in this regard, to the extent that caring for animals must now be addressed in disaster preparedness planning. In this paper we describe lessons learned from work done by the Massachusetts Urban Search and Rescue Team (USAR), and the response to hurricane Katrina, concerning the handling and decontamination of animals following major incidents. We discuss: how the new Federal and state mandates have changed evacuation and sheltering concepts; cooperation among government entities, veterinarians, animal facilities, humane societies, animal rescue organizations and animal owners; and describe some practical considerations and solutions to sheltering and mass decontamination of animals along with their humans.(author)

  11. "Sport Guts" in Japanese Girl Anime


    Miho Tsukamoto


    "Sport Guts" in Japanese anime developed not only to strengthen mentality but also to challenge for objectives. This paper helps to understand the development of Japanese girl anime, and its philosophical concepts of Japanese amine. This paper focuses on girls' sport anime "Sport Guts,", which is the major philosophy of Japanese girl anime and centers on a girl who is enthusiastic about volleyball and makes an effort to compete in the World Series by focusing on girl anime b...

  12. Classical Cosmology Through Animation Stories (United States)

    Mijic, Milan; Kang, E. Y. E.; Longson, T.; State LA SciVi Project, Cal


    Computer animations are a powerful tool for explanation and communication of ideas, especially to a younger generation. Our team completed a three part sequence of short, computer animated stories about the insight and discoveries that lead to the understanding of the overall structure of the universe. Our principal characters are Immanuel Kant, Henrietta Leavitt, and Edwin Hubble. We utilized animations to model and visualize the physical concepts behind each discovery and to recreate the characters, locations, and flavor of the time. The animations vary in length from 6 to 11 minutes. The instructors or presenters may wish to utilize them separately or together. The animations may be used for learning classical cosmology in a visual way in GE astronomy courses, in pre-college science classes, or in public science education setting.

  13. Animal models of papillomavirus pathogenesis. (United States)

    Campo, M Saveria


    Tumorigenesis due to papillomavirus (PV) infection was first demonstrated in rabbits and cattle early last century. Despite the evidence obtained in animals, the role of viruses in human cancer was dismissed as irrelevant. It took a paradigm shift in the late 1970s for some viruses to be recognised as 'tumour viruses' in humans, and in 1995, more than 60 years after Rous's first demonstration of CRPV oncogenicity, WHO officially declared that 'HPV-16 and HPV-18 are carcinogenic to humans'. Experimental studies with animal PVs have been a determining factor in this decision. Animal PVs have been studied both as agents of disease in animals and as models of human PV infection. In addition to the study of PV infection in whole animals, in vitro studies with animal PV proteins have contributed greatly to the understanding of the mechanisms of cell transformation. Animal PVs cause distressing diseases in both farm and companion animals, such as teat papillomatosis in cattle, equine sarcoids and canine oral papillomatosis and there is an urgent need to understand the pathogenesis of these problematic infections. Persistent and florid teat papillomatosis in cows can lead to mastitis, prevent the suckling of calves and make milking impossible; heavily affected animals are culled and so occasionally are whole herds. Equine sarcoids are often recurrent and untreatable and lead to loss of valuable animals. Canine oral papillomatosis can be very extensive and persistent and lead to great distress. Thus the continuing research in the biology of animal PVs is amply justified. BPVs and CRPV have been for many years the model systems with which to study the biology of HPV. Induction of papillomas and their neoplastic progression has been experimentally demonstrated and reproduced in cattle and rabbits, and virus-cofactor interactions have been elucidated in these systems. With the advancements in molecular and cell culture techniques, the direct study of HPV has become less

  14. Clay Animals and Their Habitats (United States)

    Adamson, Kay


    Creating clay animals and their habitats with second-grade students has long been one of the author's favorite classroom activities. Students love working with clay and they also enjoy drawing animal homes. In this article, the author describes how the students created a diorama instead of drawing their clay animal's habitat. This gave students…

  15. Cadmio en sangre y su relación con el consumo de tabaco en una población laboral hospitalaria Blood cadmium and its relationship with smoking in a hospital employee population Cádmio presente no sangue e a sua relação com o consumo de tabaco numa população de trabalhadores de um hospital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Fernández Pérez


    atomization atomic absorption spectrometry.The median blood cadmium concentration was 0.29 μg/L. The median cadmium of current smokers (0.83 μg/L was the highest, while that for ex-smokers (0.31 μg/L was also higher than that for those who had never smoked. Among the smokers, an association was observed between the concentration of blood cadmium and the number of cigarettes inhaled.The group of ex-smokers showed an association with the number of cigarettes they had consumed and a negative correlation between the elapsed time between quitting smoking and the concentration of blood cadmium.In never smokers, there was a difference between the concentration of cadmium in those who were passive smokers (0.24 μg/L and those who were not (0.20 μg/L.The concentration of cadmium in blood is related to the tobacco consumption. Further studies are needed to confirm the finding of higher concentrations of cadmium in passive smokers.A exposição da população em geral ao cádmio é um problema de saúde pública, sendo as principais fontes o consumo de tabaco e a exposição ambiental ao fumo do mesmo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a concentração de cádmio no sangue numa população de trabalhadores de um hospital e a sua associação com o consumo de tabaco. Aplicou-se um questionário PESA® a 395 indivíduos. O cádmio no sangue mediu-se por espectrometria de absorção atómica com atomização eletrotérmica. A mediana de cádmio no sangue foi 0,29 μg/L. A mediana de cádmio nos fumadores (0,83 μg/L foi a mais elevada e a dos ex-fumadores (0,31 μg/L foi superior à dos indivíduos que nunca tinham fumado (0,21 μg/L. Dentro do grupo de fumadores, observou-se uma associação entre a concentração de cádmio e o número de cigarros fumados. No grupo de ex-fumadores observou-se uma associação com o número de cigarros que tinham consumido e uma correlação negativa entre o tempo decorrido desde o abandono do hábito tabágico e a concentração de c

  16. Assessment of the safety of aquatic animal commodities for international trade: the OIE Aquatic Animal Health code. (United States)

    Oidtmann, B; Johnston, C; Klotins, K; Mylrea, G; Van, P T; Cabot, S; Martin, P Rosado; Ababouch, L; Berthe, F


    Trading of aquatic animals and aquatic animal products has become increasingly globalized during the last couple of decades. This commodity trade has increased the risk for the spread of aquatic animal pathogens. The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) is recognized as the international standard-setting organization for measures relating to international trade in animals and animal products. In this role, OIE has developed the Aquatic Animal Health Code, which provides health measures to be used by competent authorities of importing and exporting countries to avoid the transfer of agents pathogenic for animals or humans, whilst avoiding unjustified sanitary barriers. An OIE ad hoc group developed criteria for assessing the safety of aquatic animals or aquatic animal products for any purpose from a country, zone or compartment not declared free from a given disease 'X'. The criteria were based on the absence of the pathogenic agent in the traded commodity or inactivation of the pathogenic agent by the commercial processing used to produce the commodity. The group also developed criteria to assess the safety of aquatic animals or aquatic animal products for retail trade for human consumption from potentially infected areas. Such commodities were assessed considering the form and presentation of the product, the expected volume of waste tissues generated by the consumer and the likely presence of viable pathogenic agent in the waste. The ad hoc group applied the criteria to commodities listed in the individual disease chapters of the Aquatic Animal Health Code (2008 edition). Revised lists of commodities for which no additional measures should be required by the importing countries regardless of the status for disease X of the exporting country were developed and adopted by the OIE World Assembly of Delegates in May 2011. The rationale of the criteria and their application will be explained and demonstrated using examples. © 2012 Crown Copyright. Reproduced

  17. Advancing research on animal-transported subsidies by integrating animal movement and ecosystem modelling. (United States)

    Earl, Julia E; Zollner, Patrick A


    Connections between ecosystems via animals (active subsidies) support ecosystem services and contribute to numerous ecological effects. Thus, the ability to predict the spatial distribution of active subsidies would be useful for ecology and conservation. Previous work modelling active subsidies focused on implicit space or static distributions, which treat passive and active subsidies similarly. Active subsidies are fundamentally different from passive subsidies, because animals can respond to the process of subsidy deposition and ecosystem changes caused by subsidy deposition. We propose addressing this disparity by integrating animal movement and ecosystem ecology to advance active subsidy investigations, make more accurate predictions of subsidy spatial distributions, and enable a mechanistic understanding of subsidy spatial distributions. We review selected quantitative techniques that could be used to accomplish integration and lead to novel insights. The ultimate objective for these types of studies is predictions of subsidy spatial distributions from characteristics of the subsidy and the movement strategy employed by animals that transport subsidies. These advances will be critical in informing the management of ecosystem services, species conservation and ecosystem degradation related to active subsidies. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Animal Ecology © 2017 British Ecological Society.

  18. Progress on dedicated animal PET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Wei


    Positron emission tomography, as the leading technology providing molecular imaging of biological processes, is widely used on living laboratory animals. High-resolution dedicated animal PET scanners have been developed. Although the dedicated animal PET faces obstacles and challenges, this advanced technology would play an important role in molecular biomedicine researches, such as diseases study, medicine development, and gene therapy

  19. Animals & Livestock | National Agricultural Library (United States)

    News Contact Us Search  Log inRegister Home Home Animals & Livestock NEWT: National Extension fisher occupancy of small, 1 km^2^ grid cells of forest habitat. Animals and Livestock html Data from consisting of IL-12Rβ1 and IL-23R, and activates the JAK/STAT signaling pathways. Animals and Livestock html

  20. Animated Cell Biology: A Quick and Easy Method for Making Effective, High-Quality Teaching Animations (United States)

    O'Day, Danton H.


    There is accumulating evidence that animations aid learning of dynamic concepts in cell biology. However, existing animation packages are expensive and difficult to learn, and the subsequent production of even short animations can take weeks to months. Here I outline the principles and sequence of steps for producing high-quality PowerPoint…

  1. Alternatives to animal testing: A review. (United States)

    Doke, Sonali K; Dhawale, Shashikant C


    The number of animals used in research has increased with the advancement of research and development in medical technology. Every year, millions of experimental animals are used all over the world. The pain, distress and death experienced by the animals during scientific experiments have been a debating issue for a long time. Besides the major concern of ethics, there are few more disadvantages of animal experimentation like requirement of skilled manpower, time consuming protocols and high cost. Various alternatives to animal testing were proposed to overcome the drawbacks associated with animal experiments and avoid the unethical procedures. A strategy of 3 Rs (i.e. reduction, refinement and replacement) is being applied for laboratory use of animals. Different methods and alternative organisms are applied to implement this strategy. These methods provide an alternative means for the drug and chemical testing, up to some levels. A brief account of these alternatives and advantages associated is discussed in this review with examples. An integrated application of these approaches would give an insight into minimum use of animals in scientific experiments.

  2. Regulación del flujo sanguíneo uterino. II. Funciones de estrógeno y receptores estrogénicos α/β en acciones genómicas y no-genómicas del endotelio uterino * (United States)

    Mayra, Pastore R.; Rosalina, Villalón L.; López, Gladys; Iruretagoyena, Jesús; Magness, Ronald


    Resumen El embarazo está marcado por cambios y adaptaciones cardiovasculares que son importantes para el crecimiento y mantenimiento de la placenta y el feto. Durante este periodo, las adaptaciones vasculares uterinas manifiestan cambios clasificados como de corto o largo plazo los cuales están relacionados con adaptaciones vasodilatadoras, angiogénicas o de remodelación. El estrógeno y los receptores estrogénicos clásicos (REs), RE-α y RE-β, han demostrado ser parcialmente responsables por facilitar el incremento dramático en el fluido sanguíneo uterino necesario durante el embarazo. En ésta revisión bibliográfica se discuten la base estructural para la diversidad y selectividad funcional de los REs por el estrógeno, el papel de los REs sobre los efectos genómicos y no-genómicos en células endoteliales de arterias uterinas (CEAU). Estos temas integran el conocimiento científico sobre la regulación molecular de CEAU para mantener el incremento fisiológico en la perfusión útero-placentaria observada durante un embarazo normal. PMID:26113751

  3. Animal and human influenzas. (United States)

    Peiris, M; Yen, H-L


    Influenza type A viruses affect humans and other animals and cause significant morbidity, mortality and economic impact. Influenza A viruses are well adapted to cross species barriers and evade host immunity. Viruses that cause no clinical signs in wild aquatic birds may adapt in domestic poultry to become highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses which decimate poultry flocks. Viruses that cause asymptomatic infection in poultry (e.g. the recently emerged A/H7N9 virus) may cause severe zoonotic disease and pose a major pandemic threat. Pandemic influenza arises at unpredictable intervals from animal viruses and, in its global spread, outpaces current technologies for making vaccines against such novel viruses. Confronting the threat of influenza in humans and other animals is an excellent example of a task that requires a One Health approach. Changes in travel, trade in livestock and pets, changes in animal husbandry practices, wet markets and complex marketing chains all contribute to an increased risk of the emergence of novel influenza viruses with the ability to cross species barriers, leading to epizootics or pandemics. Coordinated surveillance at the animal- human interface for pandemic preparedness, risk assessment, risk reduction and prevention at source requires coordinated action among practitioners in human and animal health and the environmental sciences. Implementation of One Health in the field can be challenging because of divergent short-term objectives. Successful implementation requires effort, mutual trust, respect and understanding to ensure that long-term goals are achieved without adverse impacts on agricultural production and food security.

  4. Farm animal proteomics - A review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bendixen, Emøke; Danielsen, Marianne; Hollung, Kristin


    In agricultural sciences as in all other areas of life science, the implementation of proteomics and other post-genomic tools is an important step towards more detailed understanding of the complex biological systems that control physiology and pathology of living beings. Farm animals are raised...... and cattle are relevant not only for farm animal sciences, but also for adding to our understanding of complex biological mechanisms of health and disease in humans. The aim of this review is to present an overview of the specific topics of interest within farm animal proteomics, and to highlight some...... of the areas where synergy between classic model organism proteomics and farm animal proteomics is rapidly emerging. Focus will be on introducing the special biological traits that play an important role in food production, and on how proteomics may help optimize farm animal production...

  5. Ethics in Animal-Based Research. (United States)

    Gross, Dominik; Tolba, René H


    In recent years, there have been a number of new demands and regulations which have reignited the discussion on ethics in animal-based research. In the light of this development, the present review first presents an overview of underlying core ethical questions and issues. This is followed by an outline of the current discussion on whether animals (used for experimentation) should have rights ascribed to them and whether animals need to have certain characteristics in order to be the beneficiaries of rights. The discourse on concepts of sentience and the 'sociozoological scale' in particular is mapped out in this regard. There follows an outline of relevant ethical positions and current moral approaches to animal-based research (animal rights position, utilitarianism, 'convergence position', intrinsic cultural value of fundamental research, 'contractarianism', anthropocentrism, principle of the three Rs). 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  6. 21 CFR 178.3120 - Animal glue. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2010-04-01 2009-04-01 true Animal glue. 178.3120 Section 178.3120 Food and... and Production Aids § 178.3120 Animal glue. Animal glue may be safely used as a component of articles..., transporting, or holding food, subject to the provisions of this section. (a) Animal glue consists of the...

  7. 21 CFR 184.1415 - Animal lipase. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2010-04-01 2009-04-01 true Animal lipase. 184.1415 Section 184.1415 Food and... Substances Affirmed as GRAS § 184.1415 Animal lipase. (a) Animal lipase (CAS Reg. No. 9001-62-1) is an enzyme preparation obtained from edible forestomach tissue of calves, kids, or lambs, or from animal pancreatic...

  8. Incorporation of a stand-alone elective course in animal law within animal and veterinary science curricula. (United States)

    Whittaker, Alexandra L


    Animal law is a burgeoning area of interest within the legal profession, but to date it seems to have received little attention as a discrete discipline area for animal and veterinary scientists. Given the increased focus on animal welfare both within curricula and among the public, it would be remiss of educators not to consider this allied subject, especially since it provides those tools necessary for implementing welfare standards and reducing cruelty. Recommended subject matter, teaching modality, and methods of assessment have been outlined in this article. Such a course should take a multidisciplinary approach and highlight contentious areas of animal law and trends within the wider societal framework of human-animal interactions. From a pedagogical standpoint, a variety of teaching methods and assessment techniques should be included. A problem-based learning approach to encourage the assimilation of facts and promote higher-order learning is favored. The purpose of this article is to provide some guidance on the structure of such a course based on the author's experience in teaching animal law to veterinary and animal science undergraduates in Australia.

  9. Animal Health Ireland: providing national leadership and coordination of non-regulatory animal health issues in Ireland. (United States)

    More, S J; Doherty, M L; Downey, L; McKenzie, K; Devitt, C; O'Flaherty, J


    Livestock production plays an important role in the Irish economy. Regulatory animal health issues are the responsibility of government, but until recently there has been no national coordination of non-regulatory animal health issues. This gap has recently been filled with the establishment of Animal Health Ireland (AHI), a not-for-profit, partnership-based organisation providing national leadership and coordination of non-regulatory animal health issues in Ireland. Animal Health Ireland provides benefits to livestock producers and processors by providing the knowledge, education and coordination required to establish effective control strategies, both on-farm and nationally. This paper presents a brief overview of the context for AHI, and of its establishment and initial activities. Non-regulatory animal health issues have been prioritised. A series of work programmes (each focusing on a high-priority issue) have been established. Partnership is critical to success, both for AHI as an organisation and for effective farm-level transfer of knowledge. This model for national leadership and coordination of non-regulatory animal health issues may be of relevance elsewhere.

  10. Pengembangan ANIME (Animation Learning Media Berbasis Multimedia untuk Pembelajaran Dasar Sistem Komputer Bahasan Instalasi Hardware

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I Made Gede Sunarya


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang, mengimplementasi Anime (Animation Learning Media Berbasis Multimedia untuk Pembelajaran Dasar Sistem Komputer Bahasan Instalasi Hardware serta mengetahui respon mahasiswa terhadap penerapan Anime berbasis multimedia tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development. Desain pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model Dick & Carey. Pengembangan Anime sebagai sebuah produk akhir dari penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan yang disebut System Development Life Cycle (SDLC berbasis Waterfall yang merupakan standar pengembangan sebuah perangkat lunak. Validasi yang dilakukan dalam pengujian produk yaitu validasi produk secara teknis, validasi oleh para ahli dan uji terbatas. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pemberian angket kepada mahasiswa. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif. Rancangan dan implementasi media anime terdiri dari 3 menu utama, yaitu menu pengenalan hardware, menu perakitan komputer, menu troubleshooting komputer. menu pengenalan hardware terdiri dari 4 sub menu, yaitu alat input, alat output, alat pemroses, alat penyimpanan. Menu perakitan komputer terdiri dari submenu perakitan tanpa casing dan perakitan dengan casing. Respon mahasiswa terhadap pengembangan media anime dalam kategori sangat positif.

  11. Organic Animal Production and Mycotoxins

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nurcan Çetinkaya


    Full Text Available Organic animal production; is a form of production without using any chemical inputs from production to consumption. In organic livestock production; organic breeding, feedstuff and animal nutrition conditions are stated in the Regulation on the Principles and Implementation of Organic Agriculture. Organic animal products must be prevented from recontamination. There are three different contamination hazards; biological (mold-toxins and pathogenic micro-organisms, chemical (pesticide residues, and physical (broken metal or glass, etc.. Molding and mycotoxin formation in organic feeds is one of the most important problems since they adversly affect animal health and toxines pass through the products. Since any chemical method cannot be applied to the organic feedstuffs especially in the struggle with mycotoxin in organic animal production, this should be considered in the measures to be taken and in the systems to be applied and the system should be planned to include organic agriculture. Countries that have established HACCP and ISO 22000 food safety management systems are able to avoid the problem of mycotoxin pollution in organic animal foods. The establishment of the feed safety system based on HACCP principles and its application in production have been made compulsory by Feed Hygiene Regulation issued in Turkey since 2011. In this review, the relationship between organic animal production and mycotoxin, and the precautions to be taken are discussed.

  12. The Biblical Word of Animals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Maria Wajda


    Full Text Available Numerous references to animals in the Bible show that biblical authors had a broad knowledge of nature. According to the current classification of living organisms and method of research used by modern zoology, it is stated that these observations do not have the characteristics of scientific research. In spite of this, they are the evidence of the clear-sighted observation of animals, which is reflected not only in the knowledge of the appearance of individual species, but also of specific behaviours related to their way of life. It concerns not only domestic animals, raised for the purpose of gaining meat, fur, hide and labour, but also wild representatives of the fauna. Bible references concerning the latter apply to the species perceived as highly dangerous to man and domestic animals, i.e.: lions, wolves, bears, leopards or snakes. Amongst the Bible animals one can distinguish these which aroused admiration because of their appearance, such as gazelle, deer, ibex or dove. At the same time, it is essential to emphasise the fact that this rich animal world is just a vivid background of the biblical story of Salvation and a tool used to translate God’s address into human language. For this reason, the knowledge of animal symbolism in the Sacred Scripture makes more accurate understanding of the pericopes possible.

  13. ERIC/RCS Report: Animals in Literature. (United States)

    O'Donnell, Holly


    Notes children's continuing interest in animal stories, examines some characteristics of animal stories as discussed in ERIC documents, and suggests booklists that include listings of animal stories. (ET)

  14. Animating the Discussion about Climate Change (United States)

    Ratner, A.


    Abstract concepts such as climate change are extremely difficult for both students and adults to grasp. Given that many of these concepts involve issues at global scales or at a microscopic level, photos and video are simply insufficient much of the time. Through an innovative partnership between The Marine Mammal Center, a marine mammal hospital and education facility, and the California College of the Arts Animation Department, we have been able to provide animation students real-world experience in producing scientific animations, and the Center has been able to create an animated video highlighting the science of climate change and effects on marine mammals. Using the science direct from our veterinary and research teams, along with scientifically tested communication strategies related to climate change from the National Network of Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation and Frameworks Institute, this video enables us to teach students and adults of all ages these complex scientific concepts in a fun, engaging, and easily understandable way. Utilizing the skill set and expertise of the College professor as director (currently a lead animator at Pixar Animation), this video provided animation students critical experience in the animation field, exposure and engagement in a critical environmental issue, and an understanding of the opportunities available within the field of animation for educational and scientific purposes. This presentation will highlight the opportunities to utilize animation for educational purposes and provide resources surrounding climate change that could be beneficial to educators at their own organizations.

  15. Environmentally friendly animal litter (United States)

    Chett, Boxley; McKelvie, Jessica


    A method of making an animal litter that includes geopolymerized ash, wherein, the animal litter is made from a quantity of a pozzolanic ash mixed with a sufficient quantity of water and an alkaline activator to initiate a geopolymerization reaction that forms geopolymerized ash. After the geopolymerized ash is formed, it is dried, broken into particulates, and sieved to a desired size. These geopolymerized ash particulates are used to make a non-clumping or clumping animal litter. Odor control may be accomplished with the addition of a urease inhibitor, pH buffer, an odor eliminating agent, and/or fragrance.

  16. Mainstreaming animal-assisted therapy. (United States)

    Palley, Lori S; O'Rourke, P Pearl; Niemi, Steven M


    The term animal-assisted therapy (AAT) commonly refers to the presentation of an animal to one or more persons for the purpose of providing a beneficial impact on human health or well-being. AAT is an ideal example of "One Health" because of numerous studies and widespread testimonials indicating that many humans feel better in the presence of pets and other domesticated animals, and, conversely, that some of those creatures appear to respond positively to human company for their emotional and perhaps physical betterment. Many AAT studies have claimed a wide range of human health benefits, but much of the research is characterized by small-scale interventions among disparate fields, resulting in criticisms about weak study design or inconsistent methodology. Such criticisms contrast with the strongly held belief among many that interaction with friendly animals has a strong and innate value for the persons involved. Consequently the appeal of AAT in human medicine today may be generally characterized as a "push" by enthusiastic advocates rather than a "pull" by prescribing physicians. To fully integrate AAT into conventional medical practice as an accepted therapeutic modality, more convincing intervention studies are necessary to confirm its clinical merits, along with an understanding of the underlying mechanism of the human response to the company of friendly animals.

  17. Owners' Perceptions of Their Animal's Behavioural Response to the Loss of an Animal Companion. (United States)

    Walker, Jessica K; Waran, Natalie K; Phillips, Clive J C


    The loss of a companion animal is recognised as being associated with experiences of grief by the owner, but it is unclear how other animals in the household may be affected by such a loss. Our aim was to investigate companion animals' behavioural responses to the loss of a companion through owner-report. A questionnaire was distributed via, and advertised within, publications produced by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) across Australia and New Zealand, and through a selection of veterinary clinics within New Zealand. A total of 279 viable surveys were returned pertaining to 159 dogs and 152 cats. The two most common classes of behavioural changes reported for both dogs and cats were affectionate behaviours (74% of dogs and 78% of cats) and territorial behaviours (60% of dogs and 63% of cats). Both dogs and cats were reported to demand more attention from their owners and/or display affiliative behaviour, as well as spend time seeking out the deceased's favourite spot. Dogs were reported to reduce the volume (35%) and speed (31%) of food consumption and increase the amount of time spent sleeping (34%). Cats were reported to increase the frequency (43%) and volume (32%) of vocalisations following the death of a companion. The median duration of reported behavioural changes in both species was less than 6 months. There was consensus that the behaviour of companion animals changed in response to the loss of an animal companion. These behavioural changes suggest the loss had an impact on the remaining animal.

  18. Specific genetic modifications of domestic animals by gene targeting and animal cloning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhou Jiangfeng


    Full Text Available Abstract The technology of gene targeting through homologous recombination has been extremely useful for elucidating gene functions in mice. The application of this technology was thought impossible in the large livestock species until the successful creation of the first mammalian clone "Dolly" the sheep. The combination of the technologies for gene targeting of somatic cells with those of animal cloning made it possible to introduce specific genetic mutations into domestic animals. In this review, the principles of gene targeting in somatic cells and the challenges of nuclear transfer using gene-targeted cells are discussed. The relevance of gene targeting in domestic animals for applications in bio-medicine and agriculture are also examined.

  19. The Effect of Animal Dissections on Student Acquisition of Knowledge of and Attitudes toward the Animals Dissected. (United States)

    McCollum, Terry L.

    A conflict exists over the use of animals in the classroom. One aspect of this use involved the dissection of animals. Animal protection advocates report that dissections constitute abuse of the animals dissected. The advocates state that what is learned by dissection could be more effectively learned by other means. Some science educators state…

  20. Endangered & Extinct Animals. Animal Life in Action[TM]. Schlessinger Science Library. [Videotape]. (United States)


    This 23-minute videotape for grades 5-8, presents the myriad of animal life that exists on the planet. Students can view and perform experiments and investigations that help explain animal traits and habits. Due to environmental factors and human interference, many of Earth's creatures have ceased to exist or are on the verge of extinction. In…