
Sample records for cimento portland em

  1. Avaliação de pastas de cimento Portland contendo cinza pesada moída


    Pilar, Ronaldo; Schankoski, Rudiele Aparecida; Moro, Agostinho João Dal; Repette, Wellington Longuini


    Neste trabalho avalia-se a influência da incorporação de cinza pesada moída, obtida da combustão de carvão mineral, em pastas de cimento Portland. A cinza pesada foi incorporada as pastas de cimento em três distribuições granulométricas distintas e dosadas para teores de substituição ao cimento, em volume, de 10%, 30% e 50%. As pastas foram dosadas com duas relações água/aglomerante, em massa, de 0,35 e 0,40. As primeiras idades foram investigadas por calorimetria isotérmica. Após passarem po...

  2. Estudo do reaproveitamento do cimento Portland de alta resistência inicial

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    A. G. de Araújo Jr.

    Full Text Available Resumo Devido aos impactos ambientais gerados pela construção civil, muitos pesquisadores têm estudado os resíduos de construção e demolição. É possível encontrar na literatura científica trabalhos focados na pasta de cimento endurecido. Neste estudo, pasta de cimento Portland hidratada (PCH preparada a partir de cimento Portland CP V-ARI (CP-V foi desidratada via tratamento térmico a 700 °C (700-PCD e a 900 °C (900-PCD, sendo em seguida reidratada. A estrutura e microestrutura durante hidratação, desidratação e reidratação foram investigadas. Para a caracterização das mudanças morfológicas, difração de raios X, espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier e microscopia eletrônica de varredura foram utilizadas. A análise termogravimétrica foi utilizada para estudar as etapas de desidratação da pasta de cimento hidratada original. O estudo de desidratação da PCH mostrou que a 700 e 900 °C os novos nesossilicatos e CaO estão claramente presentes nas amostras. Durante a reidratação das amostras de 700-PCD e o 900-PCD, ocorreram reidratação parcial e carbonatação. Corpos de prova a partir de CP-V e 0%, 2%, 10%, 40% e 60% de pó de cimento desidratado (PCD foram preparados. Corpos de prova preparados com até 40% de PCD apresentaram propriedades semelhantes, quando comparado com corpos de prova de pasta de cimento puro preparados com CP-V, enquanto adições de 60% de PCD resultaram em um decréscimo da resistência à compressão.

  3. Acompanhamento da hidratação de cimento Portland simples com resíduo de bauxita

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    R. C. O. Romano

    Full Text Available Resumo A substituição parcial de cimento Portland por resíduo de bauxita (RB resulta em produtos com, no mínimo, propriedades similares às dos produtos fabricados com o ligante puro. No entanto, as interações físico-químicas entre os diferentes tipos de cimento e o RB durante a reação de hidratação ainda é pouco explorada em literatura. A elevada quantidade de sódio e a presença de Al2O3, SiO2 e Fe2O3 são fatores que afetam a formação dos produtos hidratados e dependem do tipo de cimento utilizado na mistura. Sendo assim, este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto da presença do resíduo de bauxita em associação ao cimento Portland simples nas primeiras idades de hidratação. Calorimetria de condução isotérmica, difração de raios X, análise termogravimétrica e espectroscopia de infravermelho foram as técnicas escolhidas para o monitoramento. Os resultados ilustraram que a presença do resíduo coletado na planta da Alcoa (Poços de Caldas aumenta o tempo de indução, o consumo de portlandita, e as quantidades de etringita e monossulfoaluminato formadas. Ao mesmo tempo, houve formação de silicoaluminato de sódio e bicarbonato de sódio, devido às reações com silicatos, aluminatos e com o carbonato do cimento.

  4. Potencialidades da metacaolinita e do tijolo queimado moído como substitutos parciais do cimento Portland Potentialities of metakaolin and crushed waste calcined clay brick as partial replacement of Portland cement

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    João de Farias Filho


    Full Text Available Avalia-se, neste trabalho, a potencialidade do uso da metacaolinita e dos resíduos de produção de tijolos cerâmicos queimados finamente moídos, como substitutos parciais do cimento Portland. Os materiais foram caracterizados física, química e mineralogicamente, além de determinado o índice de atividade pozolânica com cimento Portland. A evolução da resistência a compressão e a flexão das argamassas foi avaliada até as idades de, respectivamente, 365 e 208 dias. As porcentagens de substituição do cimento Portland, em peso, pelos materiais pozolânicos, variaram de 20 a 50%, enquanto o fator água/cimento variou de 0,37 a 0,45. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a metacaolinita e o tijolo moído queimado possuem elevada atividade pozolânica e que a resistência a compressão, aos 28 dias, das argamassas mistas, foi superior à das argamassas de cimento Portland para os níveis de substituição e fatores água/cimento estudados. Um modelo matemático para predição da resistência à compressão das argamassas mistas é proposto com base em um desenho fatorial de experimentos.This paper evaluates the potentiality of metakaolin and crushed waste fired clay brick as cement replacement materials. They were characterised physically, chemically and mineralogically and their activity with Portland cement determined. The influence of the partial replacement of Portland cement on the development of compressive and flexural strength was evaluated until the age of, respectively, 365 and 208 days. The percentage of cement replacement, in weight, ranged from 20 to 50%, whereas the water/cement ratio ranged from 0.37 to 0.45. The results obtained show that the metakaolin and crushed calcined clay brick presented a good pozolanic activity and that the compressive strength of the blended mortars after 28 days of cure was higher than that observed for the reference Portland cement for all levels of cement replacement and water/cement ratio. A

  5. Avaliação da atividade pozolânica da cinza pesada moída em pastas de cimento Portland


    Pilar, Ronaldo


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil O uso de adições minerais finamente moídas em substituição parcial do clínquer é prática comum na produção de cimento Portland. Normalmente estas substituições estão amparadas por razões técnicas, econômicas e ambientais. Embora já se tenha conhecimento de uma vasta gama de materiais que possuem propriedades pozolânicas, ainda existem alguns com grande disponib...

  6. Análise da estabilização por solidificação de lodo de fosfatização em matrizes de cimento Portland e de cerâmica vermelha para a utilização na construção civil

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    Feliciane Andrade Brehm

    Full Text Available O lodo de fosfatização gerado no tratamento de efluentes do processo de revestimento fosfático de aço é um resíduo sólido Classe IIA - Não Inerte, geralmente disposto em aterro industrial. Uma alternativa para o tratamento de resíduos é a estabilização por solidificação em matrizes cerâmicas e à base de cimento Portland. Isto permite a reciclagem do resíduo como matéria-prima para a construção civil, diminui os custos de tratamento e disposição final e reduz áreas de aterros. O presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar a estabilização por solidificação de lodo de fosfatização em matrizes de cerâmica vermelha, empregada na produção de blocos cerâmicos de alvenaria, e em concretos de cimento Portland. Foram realizadas caracterizações dos materiais envolvidos e ensaios de lixiviação e solubilização das matrizes estudadas com e sem a incorporação do lodo. Os resultados indicam que há uma tendência à estabilização por solidificação dos parâmetros avaliados tanto na matriz cerâmica quanto na matriz de cimento Portland.

  7. Resistência à compressão do solo-cimento com substituição parcial do cimento Portland por resíduo cerâmico moído Compressive strength of soil-cement with partial replacement of the Portland cement by crushed ceramic waste

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    Rivanildo Dallacort


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, apresenta-se o estudo experimental da resistência à compressão do solo-cimento, com substituição parcial do cimento Portland por resíduo cerâmico moído. Para tanto, foram ensaiados 81 espécimenes cilíndricos desse material à compressão, em que parte do cimento foi substituída por material cerâmico moído. Realizou-se uma programação fatorial, na qual três variáveis foram selecionadas para estudo: o teor de material ligante (cimento + resíduo cerâmico, a umidade do solo e o teor de resíduo cerâmico adicionado. É apresentado um estudo estatístico através de análise de variância da massa específica do material e da resistência a compressão. Tal estudo permitiu concluir-se que substituições de 25 e 57% do teor de cimento por material cerâmico podem produzir blocos de solo-cimento com resistências superiores a 2 MPa, com teor de material ligante de 6 e 8%, respectivamente.In this paper, an experimental study of the compressive strength of soil-cement with partial replacement of the Portland cement by crushed ceramic waste is presented and discussed. For this, eighty-one cylindrical specimens of soil-cement were tested, where part of cement percentage was replaced by crushed ceramic waste. The experiment was conducted in factorial design and three variables were selected and studied: the binding material content (cement + ceramic waste, soil moisture content and the ratio of ceramic waste. A statistical study using variance analysis of the specific mass and compressive strength of the material is presented. This study concluded that replacement ratios of 25 and 57% of the Portland cement by crushed ceramic material can be used to fabricate soil-cement bricks with strength higher than 2 MPa, for a binding material content of 6 and 8% respectively.


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    Camila Stockey Erhardt


    Full Text Available Com o intuito de otimizar o ciclo do biodiesel, houve a preocupação de utilizar os resíduos produzidos durante o processo de sua fabricação. Os materiais resultantes do processamento do biodiesel como, torta, farelo e casca, geralmente tem fins que não aproveitam todo o seu potencial. Os co-produtos, como assim são chamados, podem ser reaproveitados se incorporados com outras matrizes, trazendo benefícios para os produtores. O trabalho teve por objetivo incorporar as partes aéreas do girassol na matriz cimentícia, apartir da mistura de caule, folhas e capítulo para a formação de um compósito, para gerar renda como novo material dentro do mercado da construção civil. Inicialmente realizou-se três etapas no processo. Etapa I: moagem e desumidificação; etapa II: classificação, granulometria e pesagem; etapa III: incorporaçã o e mistura dos materiais formando o corpo de prova. Por se tratar de um compósito de matriz cimentícia foi necessária uma série de testes para o acolhimento de seu melhor traço para se utilizar no processamento da argamassa. Na etapa I realizou-se a moagem das partes aéreas do girassol no moinho de facas. Posteriormente as amostras foram encaminhadas para o processo de secagem afim de se retirar a umidade do material. Já na etapa II os resíduos eram pesados e colocados nas peneiras com o intuito de realizar o ensaio de granulometria por meio de um agitador mecânico. Com o objetivo de se utilizar resíduos em substituição ao agregado (areia, estabeleceu-se uma granulometria igualitária para os dois materiais em análise. Para isso foi realizado o ensaio de peneiramento segundo a NBR NM ISSO 2395, para assim fazer a análise granulométrica das partes aéreas do girassol. Como aglomerante foi utilizado o cimento Portland que é o principal material utilizado na construção civil. No presente estudo, utilizou-se o cimento Portland CP IV, qu! e é um c imento constituído por materiais pozol

  9. Estudo comparativo da análise de ciclo de vida de concretos geopoliméricos e de concretos à base de cimento Portland composto (CP II

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    Paulo Henrique Ribeiro Borges

    Full Text Available A Análise de Ciclo de Vida (ACV é um método que inclui a compilação e avaliação das entradas, saídas e dos impactos de um produto ao longo do seu ciclo de vida. Os resultados desta análise são utilizados para escolher alternativas favoráveis para uma aplicação específica. Este artigo utilizou as ferramentas de ACV, apoiada pelo software Umberto, para comparar o processo de obtenção de concretos de cimento Portland com o de concretos geopoliméricos, obtidos da ativação alcalina de aluminossilicatos. O impacto ambiental foi avaliado considerando 1 m³ de cada concreto, sendo (i as emissões de CO2 (kg CO2/ m³ e (ii a demanda energética (MJ/m³ as variáveis para determinar o potencial sustentável de ambos materiais. O objetivo principal foi avaliar se os concretos geopoliméricos são mais sustentáveis do que os concretos tradicionais. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o consumo energético é reduzido em 45,8% na produção do concreto geopolimérico, quando comparado à produção do concreto de cimento Portland de desempenho mecânico equivalente. Com relação às emissões de CO2, o concreto geopolimérico reduz as emissões em 72,4%, em comparação ao concreto tradicional de cimento Portland CPII. Assim, o primeiro se mostra uma alternativa a ser considerada, na produção de materiais de construção de menor impacto ambiental.

  10. Materiais compósitos particulados em matriz epóxi reforçados com serragem, cimento e silicato de magnésio

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    Zélia Maria Velloso Missagia

    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar propriedades físicas (densidade volumétrica e absorção de água e mecânicas (módulo de elasticidade e resistência à compressão de materiais compósitos particulados em matriz epóxi reforçados com serragem de madeira, cimento Portland e silicato de magnésio. Um planejamento experimental inicial foi elaborado envolvendo apenas a resina epóxi e a serragem de madeira. Posteriormente, elegeu-se o tratamento que forneceu os maiores valores para o módulo de elasticidade na compressão. Sobre a condição escolhida, foram desenvolvidas outras quatro, incorporando-se 10% e 20% em frações mássicas de partículas de silicato de magnésio e cimento Portland sobre a resina. Os compostos com 30% de serragem de madeira Eucalyptus grandis e faixa granulométrica 50-80 US-Tyler apresentaram os melhores valores para o módulo de elasticidade na compressão, sendo utilizados como condição de referência para a inclusão das partículas de cimento e do talco. O emprego do cimento nos compostos conferiu aumentos significativos no módulo de elasticidade à compressão, densidade e redução na absorção de água.

  11. Efeito do tempo de cura na rigidez de argamassas produzidas com cimento Portland Effect of the curing time on the stiffness of mortars produced with Portland cement

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    G. C. R. Garcia


    Full Text Available O concreto de cimento Portland é um dos materiais mais usados no mundo inteiro, entretanto, devido a sua estrutura ser muito complexa, torna-se imprescindível estudar suas propriedades com bastante profundidade. O concreto é produzido a partir de uma argamassa, de areia e cimento, com adição de agregados graúdos, sendo que suas propriedades estão basicamente suportadas nessa argamassa de constituição. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a variação da rigidez de duas argamassas de composições com razão cimento:areia de 1:2 e 1:3 em função do tempo de cura, tendo como parâmetro a variação do módulo de Young. Os resultados mostraram que o módulo de Young cresce até atingir o valor máximo no oitavo dia, sendo que nos três primeiros dias esse crescimento é mais acentuado. A análise dos resultados indica que grande parte do processo de hidratação do cimento, com formação das ligações químicas responsáveis pela rigidez da argamassa, acontece nos primeiros dias de cura.Concrete produced with Portland cement is one of building materials most widely used worldwide. However, due to its highly complex structure, its properties require in-depth studies. Concrete is a mortar consisting of a mixture of cement, sand and coarse aggregates, and its properties are represented basically by the mortar base. The aim of this work was to study the change in stiffness of two mortar compositions cured at 25 ºC with a cement-to-sand ratio of 1:2 and 1:3, as a function of curing time using the variation of Young modulus as the measuring parameter. The results showed that Young modulus increases up to a maximum value on the 8th day, and that this increase is more pronounced during the first three days. An analysis of the results indicates that a large part of the cement hydration process, involving the formation of chemical bonds that are responsible for the mortar stiffness, takes place in the early days of curing.

  12. Potencialidades de um caulim calcinado como material de substituição parcial do cimento portland em argamassas Potentialities of a calcined kaolin as material of partial replacement of portland cement in mortars

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    Marilia P. de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A utilização de argilas calcinadas na forma de metacaulinita, como material pozolânico para argamassas e concretos, tem recebido atenção considerável nos últimos anos. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o desempenho mecânico de argamassas, nas quais foi utilizado um caulim calcinado proveniente do Estado da Paraíba, como material de substituição parcial do cimento Portland. Utilizaram-se duas finuras do caulim: passando nas peneiras ABNT 200 (0,074 mm e 325 (0,044 mm e calcinados nas temperaturas de 700, 800 e 900 ºC pelo tempo de 2 h. As amostras foram caracterizadas através de análise química, análise térmica diferencial, difração de raios-X e área específica. Obteve-se o índice de atividade pozolânica com a cal e o cimento Portland. O percentual de substituição adotado foi de 0, 10, 20, 30 e 40%. A relação aglomerante: areia foi de 1:1,5 e a relação água/aglomerante fixada igual 0,4. O efeito da substituição parcial do cimento na argamassa foi avaliado através da resistência à compressão simples, nas idades de 7, 28 e 90 dias. As argamassas estudadas apresentaram resistência superior em relação à da referência, até o nível de 30% de substituição.The use of burnt clays, in the metakaolin form, as pozzolanic material for mortars and concretes has received a remarkable attention in the last years. This paper aimed to evaluate the mechanical property of mortars, in which a calcined kaolin originating from the State of Paraiba, was used as partial cement replacement material. Two finess of the kaolin were used: ABNT 200 (0.074 mm and 325 (0.044 mm and burnt at temperatures of 700, 800 and 900 ºC for a period of 2 h. Both materials were characterized by chemical analysis, differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, specific area tests. The pozolanic activity index was obtanied using lime and cement Portland. The amounts of replacement were 10, 20, 30 and 40%, besides the reference mortar. The binder

  13. Potencial da cinza do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar como material de substituição parcial de cimento Portland Potential of sugarcane bagasse ash as a partial replacement material for Portland cement

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    Marcos O. de Paula


    Full Text Available Este trabalho, voltado para a avaliação do potencial da cinza do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar (CBC como material de substituição parcial do cimento Portland em argamassa, objetivou apresentar opção viável para a destinação deste resíduo, cuja quantidade gerada aumentará significativamente nos próximos anos, em decorrência da ampliação do setor de produção de álcool combustível; além disso, o emprego da CBC como adição mineral, substituindo parte do cimento em argamassas e concretos, contribui para a redução do impacto ambiental desses materiais, em boa parte decorrente da produção do cimento. O procedimento experimental abordou não só caracterização da CBC mas também a avaliação, através de ensaios físicos e mecânicos, em que os resultados mostraram que o bagaço apresenta rendimento de CBC de 10%, com a cinza sendo composta de 84% de SiO2 e 5% de Carbono. A sílica na CBC apresenta-se na fase amorfa e nas fases cristalinas de cristobalita e quartzo. Os índices de atividade pozolânica comprovam a reatividade da CBC. Do ponto de vista da resistência à compressão, argamassas com teores de CBC entre 0 e 30% indicaram a possibilidade de substituição de até 20% do cimento pela CBC.This study is focused on the evaluation of the effects of the partial replacement of Portland cement by sugarcane bagasse ash (CBC in mortars. The main objective was to find a suitable destination for an agricultural residue generated in an increasing amount in Brazil, as a result of the boom of the use of ethanol as an alternative fuel to gasoline. Also, the use of CBC as a mineral admixture in mortars and concretes contributes to a decrease in the environmental impact of these materials related to cement production. Experimental techniques were applied both for the CBC characterization and for the evaluation of its use as a mineral admixture in mortars, based on mechanical and physical tests. The yield of CBC from sugarcane

  14. Microscopic analysis of dog dental pulp after pulpotomy and pulp protection with mineral trioxide aggregate and white Portland cement Análise microscópica da polpa dental de cães após pulpotomia e proteção pulpar com agregado de trióxido mineral e cimento Portland branco

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    Renato Menezes


    Full Text Available Considering previous studies on the similarity between the chemical composition of the mineral trioxide aggregate and the Portland cement, the purpose of this study was to investigate the pulp response of dog's teeth after pulpotomy and direct pulp protection with MTA Angelus and white Portland cement. Thirty eight pulp remnants were protected with these materials. One hundred and twenty days after treatment, the animals were sacrificed and the specimens removed and prepared for histological analysis. Both materials demonstrated the same results when used as pulp capping materials, inducing hard tissue bridge formation and maintaining pulp vitality in all specimens. The MTA Angelus and the white Portland cement showed to be effective as pulp protection materials following pulpotomy.Considerando estudos anteriores sobre a similaridade entre a composição química do agregado de trióxido mineral e o cimento Portland, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a resposta pulpar de dentes de cães após pulpotomia e proteção pulpar direta com MTA Angelus e cimento Portland branco. Trinta e oito remanescentes pulpares foram recobertos com esses materiais. Cento e vinte dias após o tratamento, os animais foram sacrificados e os espécimes removidos e preparados para análise histológica. Ambos os materiais demonstraram os mesmos resultados quando utilizados como materiais de capeamento pulpar, induzindo a formação de ponte de tecido mineralizado e mantendo a vitalidade pulpar em todos os espécimes. Ambos matérias se mostraram efetivos como protetores pulpares após pulpotomia em dentes de cães.

  15. Análise da viabilidade da utilização da cinza de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar como substituição parcial do cimento Portland (doi.:10.5216/reec.V9i3.32023

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    Rodrigo Gustavo Delalibera


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Utilização de cinza de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar como material suplementar ao cimento Portland, visando minimizar a retirada de calcário, reduzindo a emissão de gás carbônico e preservando jazidas naturais. Foi avaliada a viabilidade do uso parcial de cinza de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar na substituição do cimento Porltand, através da análise de ensaios de resistência à compressão de corpos de prova cilíndricos de concreto aos 7, 14 e 28 dias de idade, apresentando uma substituição em massa de 10, 20 e 30% do cimento Portland. Considerando-se os resultados de resistência à compressão obtidos verificou-se que é viável a substituição parcial de cinza de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, desde que a relação água/cimento e a porcentagem em massa a ser substituída sejam adequadas. Deste maneira, espera-se que a utilização da cinza do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar possa interferir economicamente e ecologicamente na produção do concreto. ABSTRACT: This paper examines the sugarcane bagasse ash use as supplementary material to Portland cement for the purpose of minimize the limestone removal to reduce emissions carbonic gas preserving natural deposits. The feasibility sugarcane bagasse ash use were analyzed. Through an analysis of results test of cylindrical concrete on 7, 14 and 28 days that showed a 10, 20 and 30 percent weight replacement by Portland cement. The reviewed about this cement and sugarcane bagasse were realized. After that, a experimental study with analysis were realized. Test of granulometry were made in every material that we used for the concrete production. Based on these results, it was concluded that the sugarcane bagasse ash use is feasible, since the water/cement and the mass percentage replaced are appropriate.

  16. Swine deep bedding ashes as a mineral additive for cement based mortar Cinzas de cama sobreposta de suínos como adição mineral em argamassas de cimento

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    Melissa Selaysim Di Campos


    Full Text Available The sustainability of intensive swine production demands alternative destinations for the generated residues. Ashes from swine rice husk-based deep bedding were tested as a mineral addition for cement mortars. The ashes were obtained at 400 to 600ºC, ground and sieved through a 325 mesh sieve (# 0.045 mm. The characterization of the ashes included the determination of the index of pozzolanic activity with lime. The ashes were also tested as partial substitutes of Portland cement. The mortars were prepared using a cement:sand proportion of 1:1.5, and with water/cement ratio of 0.4. Three percentages of mass substitution of the cement were tested: 10, 20 and 30%. Mortar performances were assessed at 7 and 28 days determining their compressive strength. The chosen condition for calcinations at the laboratory scale was related to the maximum temperature of 600ºC since the resulting ashes contained vitreous materials and presented satisfactory values for the pozzolanic index under analysis. The pozzolanic activity indicated promising results for ashes produced at 600ºC as a replacement of up to 30% in cement masses.A sustentabilidade das regiões de produção intensiva de suínos requer destinos alternativos para os resíduos gerados. Cinzas de cama sobreposta de suínos à base casca de arroz, foram testadas como adição mineral em substituição ao cimento. As cinzas foram obtidas nas temperaturas de 400 a 600ºC, moídas e passadas por peneira ABNT 325 (# 0,045 mm. A caracterização de cinzas incluiu a determinação do índice de atividade pozolânica com a cal. As cinzas também foram testadas como substitutos parciais de cimento Portland. As argamassas foram preparadas na proporção cimento:areia de 1:1,5 e com fator água-cimento de 0,4. Três porcentagens de substituição do cimento comercial foram usadas: 10, 20 e 30% em massa. O desempenho das argamassas foi avaliado aos 7 e aos 28 dias com a determinação da resistência

  17. Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial action of MTA, calcium hydroxide and Portland cement Avaliação comparativa da ação antimicrobiana do MTA, hidróxido de cálcio e cimento Portland

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    Caroline Sousa Ribeiro


    Full Text Available The present study aimed to evaluate and compare the antimicrobial effect of MTA Dentsply, MTA Angelus, Calcium Hydroxide and Portland cement. Four reference bacterial strains were used: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Bacteroides fragilis, and Enterococcus faecalis. Plates containing Mueller-Hinton agar supplemented with 5% sheep blood, hemin, and menadione were inoculated with the bacterial suspensions. Subsequently, wells were prepared and immediately filled with materials and incubated at 37ºC for 48 hours under anaerobic conditions, except P. aeruginosa. The diameters of inhibition zones were measured, and data analyzed using ANOVA and the Tukey test with 1% level of significance. MTA Dentsply, MTA Angelus and Portland cement inhibited the growth of P. aeruginosa. Calcium Hydroxide was effective against P. aeruginosa and B. fragillis. Under anaerobic conditions, which may hamper the formation of reactive oxygen species, the materials failed to inhibit E. faecalis, and E. coli.O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar e comparar o efeito antimicrobiano do MTA Dentsply, MTA Angelus, hidróxido de cálcio e cimento Portland sobre quatro cepas bacterianas: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Bacteroides fragilis, e Enterococcus faecalis. Placas contendo agar Muller-Hinton suplementadas com 5% de sangue de carneiro, hemina e menadiona foram inoculadas com as suspensões bacterianas. Poços foram confeccionados com auxílio de perfuradores e imediatamente preenchidos com os materiais, e incubados a 37ºC por 48 horas em atmosfera de anaerobiose, exceto P. aeruginosa. O diâmetro dos halos de inibição foi medido e os dados analisados usando o teste estatístico ANOVA e o de Tukey com nível de significância de 1%. O MTA Dentsply, MTA Angelus e Cimento Portland inibiram o crescimento da P.aeruginosa. O hidróxido de cálcio foi efetivo contra P. aeruginosa e B. fragillis. Sob atmosfera de anaerobiose, condição que pode

  18. Avaliação preliminar do emprego de arenito zeolítico da região nordeste do Brasil como material pozolânico para cimento Portland Preliminary evaluation of sandstones from northeastern Brazil with pozzolanic properties for Portland cement

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    M. S. Picanço


    Full Text Available As zeolitas possuem atividade pozolânica normalmente sem a necessidade de ativação térmica, por isto têm sido empregadas na produção de cimento e concreto hidráulicos desde a época do império romano. Hoje em dia são utilizadas na fabricação do cimento Portland através da substituição do clinquer em percentuais que variam entre 5 e 20%, dependendo da reatividade e da finura da zeólita. Em razão disto, são muito importantes do ponto de vista econômico e ambiental, principalmente quando não necessitam de tratamento térmico para adquirirem caráter pozolânico satisfatório, porque reduzem significativamente a energia de produção do clinquer e a liberação de CO2 proveniente tanto da descarbonatação da calcita como da combustão de combustíveis fósseis. Contudo, dados sobre reservas de zeólitas naturais são escassos e imprecisos. No Brasil, não existe conhecimento sobre depósitos naturais de zeólitas que possam ser explorados comercialmente. No nordeste do Brasil existe a ocorrência de zeolitas sedimentares relacionadas a arenitos descoberta nos anos 2000. Estes arenitos são constituídos de quartzo, argilominerais e zeolitas naturais (estilbita. O objetivo geral desse trabalho foi avaliar se esta zeólita natural presente no arenito possui atividade pozolânica satisfatória para ser empregada como adição mineral em cimentos Portland. No programa experimental o arenito zeolítico passou por beneficiamento através da remoção, por peneiramento, do quartzo e outros minerais inertes, de modo a concentrar a zeólita estilbita e com isto verificar as propriedades pozolânicas deste mineral. No estudo experimental foram empregadas as técnicas de difração de raios X, calorimetria, ensaios químicos e de determinação da atividade pozolânica em argamassas de cal hidratada e cimento Portland. Os resultados mostraram que o arenito zeolítico acelerou a hidratação do cimento Portland devido a extrema finura do

  19. Avaliação da reologia, da RAA e das propriedades de argamassas no estado fresco utilizando cinza de eucalipto como substituição parcial ao cimento Portland

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    Débhora Flávia Soto França

    Full Text Available Resumo De acordo com o Balanço Energético Nacional (ano-base 2013, o consumo nacional de lenha foi de 79,29 milhões de toneladas. Estima-se uma geração de cinza na ordem de 3% durante esse processo, o que ocasiona problemas de armazenamento e de descarte. Sendo assim, a potencial transformação desses resíduos em matéria-prima para elementos construtivos apresenta-se como uma oportunidade para a preservação do meio ambiente e para a redução do custo de materiais da construção civil. O presente trabalho objetiva, portanto, avaliar a viabilidade desse reaproveitamento por meio da análise das propriedades das argamassas no estado fresco, incluindo a reologia, além da reatividade potencial (RAA, utilizando cinza proveniente da queima de cavacos de eucalipto com teores de 10%, 20% e 30% de substituição, em massa, ao cimento Portland. Através dos ensaios realizados verificou-se que a utilização da cinza de eucalipto como substituição parcial ao cimento não altera significativamente as propriedades de argamassas no estado fresco e não apresenta reatividade significativa, apresentando-se como uma alternativa de uso tecnicamente viável.

  20. Análises do comportamento físico de um solo contaminado por borra oleosa ácida e encapsulado com cimento Portland Analyses of physical behavior of a soil contaminated by acidic oily sludge and encapsulated with cement Portland

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    José Waldomiro Jiménez Rojas


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo aplicar a técnica de encapsulamento em um solo contaminado com crescentes quantidades do resíduo industrial borra oleosa ácida, utilizando como agente encapsulante o cimento Portland CP-V ARI. A aplicação da técnica de encapsulamento consistiu na realização de estudos pós-tratamento, analisando fisicamente o solo contaminado através de ensaios de resistência à compressão simples e durabilidade. Os resultados apontam que quanto maior a quantidade de borra oleosa ácida presente no solo encapsulado, menor a resistência à compressão simples e maior a perda de massa.The objective of this study is applying the encapsulation technique in soil contaminated with increasing amounts of acidic oily sludge industrial residues, using Portland cement CP-V ARI as the encapsulating agent. The application of the encapsulation technique consisted in the accomplishment of post-treatment studies, analyzing the contaminated soil physically through unconfined compressive strength and durability tests. The results showed that an increasing amount of acidic oily sludge in the encapsulated soil ends up lowering the unconfined compressive strength as well as increasing the mass loss.

  1. Efeitos da cal e do cimento na modificação dos solos para fins rodoviários: mecanismos de reação, parâmetros de caracterização geotécnica e resistência mecânica


    Portelinha, Fernando Henrique Martins


    Nessa pesquisa, avaliou-se o emprego de pequenos teores de cal hidratada e de cimento Portland na estabilização química de dois solos residuais de gnaisse da Zona da Mata Norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil, com vistas a aplicações em estradas. O estudo abrangeu os seguintes tópicos: (i) caracterização tecnológica dos solos e misturas, envolvendo ensaios de caracterização (granulometria e limites de Atterberg) dos solos melhorados com cimento e com cal, considerando-se diferentes teores de estabili...

  2. A influência do tipo de cimento no desempenho de concretos avançados formulados a partir do método de dosagem computacional The influence of cement type on the performance of advanced concretes designed by computing mix proportion technique

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    A. L. de Castro


    Full Text Available Ao se produzir uma mistura de concreto, especialmente de alto desempenho, a primeira escolha a ser feita é quanto ao tipo de cimento a ser empregado, o que faz deste ligante um material essencial para a produção desses materiais. As características reológicas de formulações de concretos de alto desempenho estão relacionadas com a hidratação dos aluminatos do cimento, enquanto o desenvolvimento da resistência mecânica é dependente dos silicatos hidratados formados. Assim, variações nas características do cimento influenciam as propriedades dos concretos, sendo observados comportamentos distintos para misturas produzidas com diferentes cimentos. O presente artigo visa avaliar a influência do tipo de cimento sobre o desempenho de concretos especiais aplicados na construção civil, dosados a partir de um método computacional. As propriedades no estado fresco foram avaliadas medindo-se o índice de fluidez e determinando-se o comportamento reológico do material. No estado endurecido, a resistência mecânica foi avaliada pelos ensaios de compressão uniaxial, tração por compressão diametral e flexão em 3 pontos, enquanto o módulo de elasticidade foi avaliado pelos métodos estático e dinâmico. Comparando-se todas as propriedades medidas, verifica-se que os concretos produzidos com cimento Portland apresentaram desempenhos superiores ao do concreto produzido com cimento aluminoso, sendo o cimento Portland de alta resistência inicial ainda mais eficiente que o cimento Portland composto com escória para a produção de misturas de alto desempenho e até os 28 dias de idade.When a concrete is produced, especially a high performance one, the first concern is the cement type to be used, making this binder an essential compound. The rheological properties of high performance concretes are related to the hydration of cement aluminates phase, whereas the development of mechanical strength depends on the hydrated silicates formed

  3. Análise comparativa da resistência de união de um cimento convencional e um cimento autoadesivo após diferentes tratamentos na superfície de pinos de fibra de vidro

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    Juliana das Neves MARQUES

    Full Text Available Resumo Introdução Os pinos de fibra de vidro são uma alternativa aos núcleos metálicos e apresentam vantagens, tais como: estética, módulo de elasticidade semelhante à dentina e cimentação imediata após o término do tratamento endodôntico. Ainda, apresentam a capacidade de aderir ao cimento resinoso e este, à dentina, por meio de técnicas adesivas. Objetivo Comparar a adesão de um cimento resinoso convencional e um autoadesivo a pinos de fibra de vidro, e os efeitos de diferentes tratamentos de superfície na resistência adesiva dos pinos. Material e método Trinta pinos foram divididos em três grupos: Controle: sem tratamento na superfície; Jateamento: jateamento com óxido de alumínio por 30 segundos, e Peróxido: imersão em peróxido de hidrogênio 24% por um minuto. Em seguida, corpos de prova foram obtidos a partir de cilindros de cimento resinoso contendo o pino de fibra posicionado no centro de seu longo eixo. Em cada grupo, cinco pinos foram associados ao adesivo Âmbar + cimento convencional AllCem Core e os outros cinco pinos, ao cimento autoadesivo RelyX U200. O conjunto pino/cimento foi segmentado e avaliado em relação à resistência de união (RU por push-out. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes de ANOVA e Tukey (p<0,05. Resultado Os cimentos avaliados exibiram valores de RU semelhantes. Em relação aos tratamentos de superfície, os maiores valores de RU foram encontrados no grupo Jateamento. Conclusão O cimento convencional, AllCem Core, e o cimento autoadesivo, RelyX U200, mostraram valores de resistência de união semelhantes. Ainda, o jateamento com óxido de alumínio favoreceu a adesão dos pinos aos cimentos.

  4. Análise da influência do traço nas propriedades do compósito cimento-madeira

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    Alessandra Monique Weber


    Full Text Available Os compósitos de cimento com adição de madeira apresentam vantagens, quando comparados a outros materiais convencionais da construção civil, como resistência à água, ao fogo e aos agentes deterioradores. Um dos obstáculos para o uso desse compósito é a inibição causada pela madeira na cura do cimento, devido aos componentes da madeira afetarem as reações, tendo como consequência um compósito de baixa qualidade. Dessa forma, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar diferentes traços do compósito cimento-madeira, utilizando resíduos de Pinus spp., por meio de ensaios de laboratório. Foi utilizado o cimento Portland CP II Z 32, relação água/cimento igual a 0,4; o aditivo químico escolhido foi o cloreto de cálcio para acelerar a pega. Para a comparação de desempenho, foram delimitadas quatro dosagens diferentes, com teores de adição de madeira de 10%, 20%, 25% e 33% em relação à massa de cimento. Para a análise, foram feitos ensaios das propriedades físicas e mecânicas para todas as dosagens, sendo, posteriormente, submetidas à análise da variância e teste de Tukey. Os resultados dos ensaios das propriedades físicas e mecânicas dos compósitos demonstraram que, para as relações escolhidas, quanto menor for a adição de madeira melhores serão os resultados das propriedades, mas mesmo os traços com maiores teores de madeira apresentam resultados relevantes, atentando-se apenas para o fato da relação água/cimento ser baixa para os casos analisados, e, devido a isso, ter influenciado negativamente nos resultados.

  5. Avaliação da radiopacidade de quatro cimentos endodônticos

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    Augusto César Werlang


    Full Text Available Introdução: A radiopacidade é um importante fator no tratamento endodôntico, através dela os cimentos obturadores são visualizados e, assim, pode-se avaliar a qualidade da obturação do sistema de canais radiculares. Objetivo: Foi verificar o nível de radiopacidade de 04 cimentos obturadores de diferentes composições, sendo eles: Endofill, à base de Óxido de Zinco e Eugenol, Pulp Canal Sealer, à base de Óxido de Zinco e Eugenol mais Prata, Sealapex, à base de Hidróxido de Cálcio, e AH Plus, à base de resina. Metodologia: Foram avaliados 3 corpos de prova para cada material obturador utilizando tubos de silicone de medidas: 05 mm de diâmetro e 2 mm de altura, espatulou-se os cimentos de acordo com a recomendação do fabricante, o cimento obturador foi escoado em um tubo de silicone, utilizando vibrador de gesso evitando a formação de bolhas no material. Os corpos de prova foram expostos a raios-x em tempo de sensibilização de 0,5 segundos utilizando a radiografia digital com o sistema Suarez Sensor. Os corpos foram deixados em estufa por 72 horas, umidade do ar em 100%, à 37º. Para comparação da radiopacidade, foi feita uma exposição de cada amostra cimento, as imagens foram analisadas e comparadas pela escala de cinza e avaliadas em histograma através do software CorelDraw®. Resultados: A ordem de radiopacidade obtida, de mais radiopaco para menos, foi: AH Plus, Pulp Canal Sealer, Sealapex e Endofill. Conclusão: Independente do método radiográfico empregado, digital ou convencional, a ordem de radiopacidade dos cimentos não foi alterada.

  6. Estudo do consumo de cimento no Brasil no periodo 1980-1995


    Julio Cesar Recuero


    Resumo: Este trabalho analisa a mudança no consumo de cimento no Brasil nas últimas duas décadas. Para tanto, avaliou-se a evolução do consumo de cimento frente aos demais indicadores econômicos do país. Baseando-se nestes indicadores e em modelos para o setor da construção civil de outros países, foi elaborado um modelo exploratório de consumo de cimento. No período estudado, observa-se a relação inversa entre o consumo de cimento e a taxa de inflação, a taxa de juros e a taxa de desemprego,...

  7. O cimento de ionômero de vidro na odontologia

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    Ian Matos Vieira


    Full Text Available O Cimento de ionômero de vidro foi inventado no início da década de 70 do século passado, a partir do desenvolvimento do cimento de silicato. Desde então, passou a exercer um papel significante na odontologia restauradora. Primeiramente, era utilizado apenas como material restaurador em cavidades pequenas, posteriormente, passou a ser utilizado como material de cimentação de peças protéticas, como núcleo de preenchimento, material para base e forramento de cavidades dentárias e selamentos de fóssulas e fissuras. Mais recentemente passou a ser o material de escolha na técnica restauradora atraumática (ART, e também tem sido utilizado na medicina e fonoaudiologia em tratamentos em regiões ósseas. Sua popularidade evidenciou-se devido as suas propriedades biologicamente favoráveis, pois apesar de ainda possuir uma solubilidade inicial crítica e um comportamento estético insatisfatório, o cimento ionomérico libera flúor para o meio bucal, possui uma adesão química à estrutura dental e demonstra ser biocompatível. Com isso, ele evidencia propriedades anticariogênicas importantes, podendo assim ser utilizado em diversas situações na odontologia.

  8. Immobilization of citric acid solutions in portland cement; Imobilizacao de solucoes de acido citrico em cimento Portland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopes, Valdir M.; Rzyski, Barbara M. [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Decontamination processes by using citric acid on certain items used in the nuclear area, can result in large volumes of liquid wastes with low activity or effluents, contaminated with uranium and some elements dangerous to the environment. A great number of installations that have decontamination processes adopt the zero discharge philosophy. So, one of the forms to isolate the solutions is by reducing its volume through the evaporation process. The generated must can be neutralized and encapsulated or immobilized in Portland cement. This work propose a chemical technique to destroy the citric acid in the decontamination solutions instead of neutralization and, depending on the installation convenience, a direct cement immobilization of these solutions or of the evaporation mud. The results obtained in this work involve data about the workability, setting time and mechanical resistance, after 28 days of sealed cure, for samples with water-cement ratios of 4, 0.5 and 0.6, by weight. (author). 5 refs., 2 tabs.

  9. The influence of cement type and admixture on life span of reinforced concrete utility poles subjected to the high salinity environment of Northeastern Brazil, studied by corrosion potential testing A influência do tipo de cimento e adição na vida útil de postes de concreto armado submetidos ao ambiente de alta salinidade do Nordeste do Brasil, estudada pela técnica de potencial de corrosão

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    A. Joukoski


    é conhecido como um dos mais agressivos destes elementos, causando, entre outros danos, corrosão da armadura de aço e posterior degradação da matriz de concreto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a influência do tipo de cimento na resistência e durabilidade de corpos-de-prova de concreto armado com 25 mm de cobrimento, quando submetido a envelhecimento em uma solução aquosa de 3,4% de cloreto de sódio e pela exposição a uma atmosfera marinha de alta salinidade. Postes de concreto armado foram confeccionados seguindo a um mesmo procedimento de mistura e, após o período de cura, foram expostos à atmosfera em uma estação de corrosão situada próximo de Aracaju, estado de Sergipe, na costa nordeste do Brasil. Dois traços de concreto foram elaborados usando-se cimento CPII-F 32 (cimento Portland composto com fíler: uma mistura sem qualquer adição e uma com adição de 8% de sílica ativa, em substituição aos agregados miúdos. Uma outra mistura foi preparada com cimento CPV-ARI RS (cimento Portland de alta resistência inicial, resistente a sulfatos. Todas as três misturas foram definidas para um consumo de cimento de aproximadamente 350 kg/m³. O desempenho das estruturas foi avaliado a partir dos resultados de testes físico-químicos, mecânicos e eletroquímicos, após mais de um ano de envelhecimento natural. Os potenciais de corrosão dos corpos-de-prova de concreto armado e dos postes confeccionados foram medidos em função do tempo de envelhecimento no ambiente natural e sob envelhecimento acelerado por íon cloreto no laboratório. As medidas de potencial de meia-célula mostraram que os melhores resultados foram obtidos pela mistura contendo cimento CPII-F 32 e sílica ativa, seguidos pelo concreto preparado com cimento CPV-ARI RS. A mistura feita apenas com cimento CPII-F 32 apresentou o pior desempenho em termos de durabilidade.

  10. Presence of arsenic in different types of MTA and white and gray Portland cement. (United States)

    Monteiro Bramante, Clóvis; Demarchi, Ana Claudia Cardoso Oliveira; de Moraes, Ivaldo Gomes; Bernadineli, Norberti; Garcia, Roberto Brandão; Spångberg, Lars S W; Duarte, Marco Antonio Hungaro


    The presence of arsenic in various types of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cements were evaluated to verify if they comply with the ISO-recommended limit for water-based cements of 2 mg arsenic/kg material. An amount of 5 mL of hydrochloric acid was added to 2 g each of MTA and Portland cement to be analyzed. After 15 minutes, the material was filtered and the volume of supernatant was diluted with reagent-grade water up to 40 mL. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry readings were performed in triplicate. The following mean values were obtained: CPM (Egeo, Buenos Aires, Argentina) 11.06 mg/kg; CPM sealer (Egeo) 10.30 mg/kg; MTA-Obtura (Angelus, Londrina, PR, Brazil) 0.39 mg/kg; Experimental MTA: 10.30 mg/kg; White MTA-Angelus (Angelus) 1.03 mg/kg; Gray MTA-Angelus (Angelus) 5.91 mg/kg; ProRoot-MTA (Dentsply/Tulsa Dental Specialties, Tulsa, OK) 5.25 mg/kg; Gray Portland cement (Votorantim Cimentos, Cubatão, SP, Brazil): 34.27 mg/kg; and White Portland cement (Cimento Rio Branco, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil) 0.52 mg/kg. All tested materials presented arsenic in their composition. The form of arsenic was not analyzed nor the toxicity of the arsenic found. Only MTA-Obtura, White MTA-Angelus, and White Portland cement presented arsenic levels below the limit set in the ISO 9917-1 standard.

  11. Propriedades mecânicas de materiais compósitos à base de cimento Portland e resina epoxi Mechanical properties of composite materials based on portland cement and epoxy resin

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    T. H. Panzera


    Full Text Available O estudo de materiais de alto desempenho e multifuncionais, como os compósitos poliméricos cimentícios, tem sido o foco de inúmeras pesquisas na indústria da construção civil. Este trabalho investiga o efeito da combinação de uma fase polimérica termorrígida, uma resina epóxi, com cimento Portland branco estrutural, seguido da avaliação da resistência à compressão e módulo de elasticidade. Este compósito, quando comparado individualmente com as suas matérias-prima originais, promove um aumento da resistência mecânica à compressão, redução da massa específica e, também uma mudança significativa do comportamento mecânico. As mudanças nas propriedades mecânicas estão associadas à hidratação da fase cimentícia na presença da resina, fato comprovado através da análise espectroscópica na região do infravermelho.The study of multi-functional materials of high performance, as the polymeric-cementitious composites, has been the focus of several researches in the industry of the civil engineering. This work investigates the effect of the combination of a thermorigid epoxy phase and the white Portland cement, followed by the evaluation of its compressive strength and modulus of elasticity. This composite, when the phases are individually compared, provides an increase of the compressive strength, a reduction of the density, and a significant change of the mechanical behaviour. The changes in mechanical behaviour are associated with the hydration of cement in the presence of resin, which was evident after infrared spectroscopy analysis.

  12. Incorporação de casca de arroz e de braquiária e seus efeitos nas propriedades físicas e mecânicas de tijolos de solo-cimento Incorporation of rice and brachiaria husk and their effects on physical and mechanical properties of soil-cement bricks

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    Régis de C. Ferreira


    Full Text Available A forma indiscriminada de extração dos recursos naturais e a poluição gerada pelos resíduos promovem impactos sobre o meio ambiente e é motivo de grande preocupação. Visando a oferecer alternativas de destinação de resíduos agrícolas, o presente trabalho estudou composições da mistura de solo-cimento-resíduo agrícola, tendo como objetivo principal determinar os teores máximos de resíduos a serem incorporados sem o comprometimento de suas características mecânicas. Foram utilizados dois tipos de resíduos vegetais (cascas de arroz e de braquiária e utilizou-se o cimento Portland CP II-F-32 para a composição dos tratamentos. Nas combinações, os teores de cimento e resíduo variaram desde 100% de cimento e 0% de resíduo, até 60% de cimento e 40% de resíduo. Os tijolos foram prensados com o auxílio de máquina de fabricação de tijolos e submetidos aos ensaios de compressão simples e absorção de água. Os melhores resultados, em termos de resistência à compressão simples e de absorção de água, foram obtidos pelos tratamentos com substituição de 10% de resíduos vegetais em relação ao teor de cimento. De forma geral, os resultados sugerem a possibilidade do uso desses resíduos no teor de 10%, sem o comprometimento das propriedades mecânicas relacionadas à resistência e à absorção de água dos tijolos de solo-cimento.The aim of this research was to study the effect of vegetable wastes addition on physical and mechanical properties of soil-cement bricks. It was used two types of wastes (rice and Brachiaria brizantha rusk.The Portland cement content used on the soil stabilization was of 10%. The combinations of cement and vegetable wastes contents varied from 100% of cement content and 0% of wastes content to 60% of cement content and 40% of waste content. The bricks were submitted to the compression tests and to the water absorption test. The best results, in terms of compression strength and water

  13. Avaliação da liberação de flúor e da capacidade de recarga em diferentes cimentos de ionômero de vidro

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    Yasmine Mendes Pupo

    Full Text Available Objetivo Avaliar a liberação e a capacidade de recarga de flúor de diferentes cimentos de ionômero de vidro, durante a simulação de desafio cariogênico. Material e método Foram confeccionados 12 corpos de prova para cada grupo experimental, com cimentos de ionômero de vidro convencionais – Maxxion R (FGM, Ketac Molar EasyMix (3M ESPE; cimento de ionômero de vidro modificado por resina – Vitrebond (3M ESPE, e resina composta, Filtek™ Z350XT (3M ESPE, como controle negativo. Os corpos de prova foram imersos alternadamente em sistema de ciclagem de pH, permanecendo 6 horas na solução de desmineralização e 18 horas na de remineralização, sendo mantidos em estufa a 37°C. Liberação de flúor foi verificada 1, 2, 7 e 14 dias antes e após a recarga com flúor, com eletrodo específico acoplado ao aparelho analisador de pH/fluoretos, calibrado a cada medição com soluções de fluoreto de sódio a 1 e 10 ppm, preparadas com TISAB II. Para leitura, foi adicionado 0,5 mL da amostra a igual volume de TISAB II. Recarga foi realizada com flúor neutro 2% por 4 minutos nas amostras, lavadas e imersas novamente nas soluções do sistema de ciclagem de pH. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste de Tukey (α=0,05. Resultado A liberação inicial de fluoreto (μgF/cm2 foi de 45,36; 37,49, e 26,35 para Maxxion R, Vitrebond e Ketac Molar EasyMix, respectivamente. Diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os materiais foram verificadas antes e após a recarga (p=0,001. Após a aplicação tópica de flúor, os cimentos de ionômero de vidro apresentaram capacidade de recarga de flúor. Conclusão Cimentos de ionômero de vidro avaliados foram capazes de liberar flúor em soluções de ciclagem de pH e podem recarregar flúor através da aplicação tópica.

  14. Gradientes térmicos em whitetopping ultradelgado na pista experimental instrumentada na USP

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    Deividi da Silva Pereira


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    Este trabalho apresenta, primeiramente, uma sucinta descrição da execução de um trecho experimental de <em>Whitetopping em>Ultradelgado (WTUD no campus da Universidade de São Paulo (USP bem como de sua instrumentação. São apresentados e discutidos os resultados referentes a temperaturas obtidos por esta instrumentação durante o outono, analisando as diferenças encontradas nos diferenciais térmicos para placas de diferentes dimensões, obtidos por termoresistores instalados nos cantos, bordas e centro das mesmas. Com base em medidas de deformação obtidas por <em>strain-gages em>são avaliados valores típicos das tensões induzidas no WTUD pelo efeito isolado do gradiente térmico sobre as placas de concreto de cimento Portland (CCP.

  15. Partial replacement of Portland cement by red ceramic waste in mortars: study of pozzolanic activity; Substituicao parcial do cimento Portland por residuo de ceramica vermelha em argamassas: estudo da atividade pozolonica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, A.R. da; Cabral, K.C.; Pinto, E.N. de M.G.l., E-mail: [Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Arido (UFERSA), Mossoro, RN (Brazil)


    The objective of this study is to analyze the pozzolanic activity of red ceramic residue on the partial replacement of Portland cement in mortars. The mortars were prepared by substituting 25% of the Portland cement for ground of ceramic residue with water cement’s factor of 0.48. The concrete used to construct the reference mortars and those with addiction was CPII-Z-32 (compound of Portland pozzolana cement). The chemical analysis and physical ceramic waste showed that this meets the requirements of NBR12653 (2014) for use as pozzolanic material. The pozzolanic activity index (IAP) obtained for the ceramic waste to twenty-eight days cure rate was 80.28%. (author)

  16. Utilização de resíduo à base de polímero superabsorvente e fibra celulósica como agente de cura interna em matrizes de cimento Portland


    Koppe, Angélica


    A falta de cura adequada e, consequentemente, os problemas de má hidratação do cimento e manifestações patológicas, como retração e fissuras, estão entre os principais responsáveis pela redução da durabilidade de estruturas de concreto. Aliados ao aumento da velocidade de execução das obras, esses tendem a piorar uma vez que há falhas recorrentes nas atividades de pós-concretagem. A cura, com o objetivo de manter a umidade necessária para a correta hidratação do cimento e minimização da retra...



    de Oliveira, Josiane Rodrigues; do Amaral, Adriana Garcia; Schneider, Roselene Maria


    O modo inadequado de extração de recursos naturais e a poluição provocada por resíduos geram impactos sobre o meio ambiente. Visando oferecer alternativas de destinação dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, como os resíduos de tornearia mecânica, objetivou-se analisar as características físicas e mecânicas de tijolos compostos por misturas ternárias de solo-cimento-resíduo e avaliar a viabilidade da sua utilização em construções. Os tijolos solo-cimento-resíduo foram moldados em prensa manual, empreg...

  18. Dosagem de concreto ecológico com base em estudo de empacotamento de partículas


    Londero, Carolina


    Orientador : Profª. Drª. Nayara Soares Klein Co-orientador : Prof. Dr. Wellington Mazer Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Construção Civil. Defesa: Curitiba, 29/04/2016 Inclui referências : f. 119-126 Area de concentração : Materiais e estruturas Resumo: As questões ambientais que envolvem a produção de concreto vêm sendo muito estudadas, uma vez que o consumo elevado de cimento Portland causa impactos amb...

  19. Viabilidade do emprego de cinza de casca de arroz natural em concreto estrutural. Parte I: propriedades mecânicas e microestrutura

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    Geraldo Cechella Isaia

    Full Text Available A casca de arroz, para ser utilizada em concreto estrutural, necessita de queima com temperatura controlada e de moagem prévia para lhe conferir maior reatividade pozolânica. Este trabalho discute o emprego da cinza de casca de arroz (CCA natural e residual, queimada sem controle de temperatura e sem moagem, de forma a simplificar o processamento da CCA e ampliar seu uso em concretos convencionais, em locais próximos onde é produzido, Estudou-se a sequência de colocação e o tempo de mistura dos materiais na betoneira, para obtenção do melhor desempenho da automoagem no tambor. Foram testadas misturas de concreto de referência com cimento Portland e com 15% e 25% de substituição de cimento, em massa, por CCA natural e moída. Foram realizados ensaios de resistência à compressão axial, tração por compressão diametral, módulo de elasticidade, retração total, porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio, água quimicamente combinada e MEV. A análise dos resultados revela a viabilidade da substituição de 15% de cimento por CCA natural, com perda não significativa de resistência à tração e módulo de elasticidade a 28 dias, com recuperação total a 91 dias, para concretos com resistências à compressão entre 25 MPa e 40 MPa.


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    Ádila Michele Santos


    Full Text Available À medida que a construção civil impacta negativamente o meio ambiente, buscam-se cada vez mais soluções que viabilizem a relação desenvolvimento-sustentabilidade. Visando encontrar o material e proporção ideais para produzir solo-cimento acrescido de resíduo que seja estável, resistente e durável, diversos materiais têm sido utilizados em estudos no comportamento técnico e mecânico do composto solo-cimento. O presente trabalho baseia-se na análise do desempenho do solo-cimento incorporado com fibra de ráfia, proveniente de sacarias residuais do município de Cruz das Almas - BA. Os resultados obtidos dos ensaios de resistência à compressão axial e absorção de água por imersão, indicaram que com o aumento da quantidade de fibra, a resistência mecânica evoluiu até certo ponto, a partir do qual, voltou a reduzir, e com o aumento da proporção de resíduo, houve redução da absorção de água em razão de ter-se elevado a impermeabilidade do composto.

  1. Reforço em compósito de cimento portland através da adição nanotubos de carbono de paredes múltiplas

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    Rogerio Daltro Knuth


    Full Text Available A pesquisa desenvolvida no presente trabalho esta embasada na aplicação da nanotecnologia a novos compósitos cimentícios, visando à melhoria das propriedades das argamassas. O objetivo do trabalho foi o de analisar o desempenho físico e mecânico e a ancoragem de uma argamassa de revestimento produzida com nanotubos de carbono de paredes múltiplas (NTCPM, adicionados na quantidade de 0,30% em relação à massa de cimento do compósito, comparativamente ao desempenho com uma argamassa industrializada. Para o presente estudo foi necessário funcionalizar e dispersar os NTCPM, utilizando-se os ácidos sulfúrico (H2SO4 e nítrico (HNO3, e a dispersão foi por ultrassom. Os NTCPM funcionalizados foram neutralizados com hidróxido de amônio (NH3. Foram realizados ensaios de caracterização física e mecânica no estado fresco e no estado endurecido nas argamassas de revestimento com NTCPM e industrializada e análise microestrutura. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a argamassa com NTCPM apresenta melhor desempenho que a argamassa industrializada, no tocante a densidade, consistência, viscosidade, resistência à tração e resistência a compressão axial. Palavras-chave: Argamassas de revestimento. Nanotubos de carbono. Compósitos. Propriedades físicas e mecânicas. Microestrutura.

  2. Desempenho de telhas de escória de alto forno e fibras vegetais em protótipos de galpões Performance of tiles composed of blast furnace slag and vegetable fiber in prototype barns

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    Maristela N. da Conceição


    Full Text Available Busca-se, em todo o mundo, a substituição do cimento amianto por alternativas seguras para o ambiente e para a saúde do trabalhador, além de econômicas, razão por que o uso de fibras vegetais como aglomerado em países tropicais onde estes resíduos são abundantes, tem-se mostrado bastante viável. No presente experimento foram comparadas telhas de cimento amianto pintadas com tinta reflexiva, telhas cerâmicas e telhas compostas de uma matriz à base de cimento Portland CPII 32Z (ABNT NBR-5735, escória de alto-forno (EAF e sílica ativa, reforçadas com fibras de polpa celulósica de sisal (Agave sisalana. Utilizaram-se protótipos de galpões avícolas nos quais o calor produzido pelas aves foi simulado por lâmpadas incandescentes. Para caracterização do ambiente térmico lançou-se mão dos índices de conforto: ITU (índice de temperatura e umidade, ITGU (índice de temperatura de globo e umidade, CTR (carga térmica radiante e entalpia (H em que os resultados demonstraram que as telhas compostas apresentaram comportamento térmico semelhante ao das telhas cerâmicas, podendo ser utilizadas em substituição às telhas de cimento amianto.The substitution of cement asbestos by safer and equally economical alternatives has being searched for throughout the world. The usage of vegetal staple fiber as agglomerate in tropical countries where these residues are abundant has shown it self to be viable. In this study, roofing tiles fabricated with cement base Portland CPII 32Z (ABNT NBR-5735, blast furnace slag (EAF, active silica reinforced with cellulose pulp staple fibers of sisal (Agave sisalana were compared with cement asbestos roofing tiles with white paint and ceramic roofing tiles. Prototypes of poultry facilities were used and lamps simulated the heat produced by the birds. Indices ITU, ITGU, CTR and entalpy (H were employed for the characterization of the thermal atmospheric comfort and the results showed that the alternative

  3. Contribuição ao estudo de propriedades do solo-cimento autoadensável para fabricação de paredes monolíticas

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    Ana Paula da Silva Milani

    Full Text Available Resumo Foram estudadas as propriedades físico-mecânicas do solo-cimento autoadensável (SCAA, de forma a desenvolver misturas de solo, cimento, água e aditivos para o alcance de desempenho mínimo para sua aplicação em fôrmas monolíticas sem a necessidade de compactação e adensamento mecânico. Para tal, pesquisou-se com as misturas de SCAA nos traços 1:8 e 1:12 (cimento:solo, em massa a influência da relação água-solo, do teor e do tipo de aditivo, e adotou-se como consistência fluida adequada do SCAA o diâmetro de espalhamento de 250 mm no ensaio de determinação de índice de consistência de argamassas. Posteriormente, foram realizados os ensaios de compressão axial, compressão diametral, retração e fissuração para a análise do desempenho físico-mecânico. Os resultados mostraram que o SCAA alcança autoadensabilidade a partir do uso de aditivos superplastificantes na faixa de 0,8% a 1,2% em relação à massa de cimento, sendo os parâmetros de relevância para fabricação do SCAA e atendimento às solicitações usuais de paredes monolíticas a dosagem mínima de cimento na ordem de 8% em relação à massa de solo arenoso; e os Limites de Atterberg como referência para a relação água-solo mínima.

  4. Características físicas e mecânicas de misturas de solo, cimento e cinzas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar Physical and mechanical characteristics of soil-cement-bagasse ash mixtures

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    Martha Del C. Mesa Valenciano


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por finalidade analisar algumas características de misturas de solo, cimento e cinzas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar para sua possível utilização na fabricação de materiais alternativos de construção. Para tal, amostras de cinzas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar foram submetidas a um tratamento prévio que consistia de peneiramento e moagem, antes de serem incorporadas às misturas de solo e cimento. Diferentes combinações de cimento-cinzas foram estudadas, determinando-se, para cada uma delas, a consistência normal e a resistência à compressão simples, aos 7 e 28 dias. Posteriormente, corpos-de-prova moldados com tais misturas de solo-cimento-cinzas foram submetidos a ensaios de compactação, compressão simples e absorção de água. Os resultados indicaram a possibilidade de substituir até 20% do cimento Portland, na mistura, por cinzas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, sem prejuízo da resistência à compressão simples.This work was done with the objective of studying some physical and mechanical characteristics of the sugarcane bagasse ash added to a soil-cement mixture, in order to obtain an alternative construction material. The sugarcane bagasse ash pre-treatment included both sieving and grinding, before mixing with soil and cement. Different proportions of cement-ash were tested by determining its standard consistence and its compressive resistance at 7 and 28 days age. The various treatments were subsequently applied to the specimens molded with different soil-cement-ash mixtures which in turns were submitted to compaction, unconfined compression and water absorption laboratory tests. The results showed that it is possible to replace up to 20% of Portland cement by sugarcane bagasse ash without any damage to the mixture's compressive strength.

  5. Evaluation of apical microleakage of teeth sealed with four different root canal sealers Avaliação da microinfiltração apical em dentes obturados com quatro diferentes cimentos endodônticos

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    Fábio Dultra


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: to compare the apical sealing ability of four root canal sealers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: forty extracted human maxillary canines were instrumented 1 mm short of the anatomical apex and randomly assigned to four groups (n=10, according to the root canal sealer used for obturation: Endofill, AH Plus, EndoREZ and Epiphany. Root canals were obturated with gutta-percha points, except for the Epiphany group, in which resin points (Resilon were used. The teeth were immersed in India ink for seven days and clarified using methyl salicylate. The extent of apical dye penetration was measured with a measuroscope in all aspects of the canal. RESULTS: AH Plus (0.02 mm ± 0.07, Epiphany (0.00 mm ± 0.00 and EndoREZ (0.32 mm ± 0.62 did not differ statistically to each other (p>0.01. EndoFill presented the highest dye penetration mean (0.83 mm ± 0.73 and was statistically different from the other sealers (pOBJETIVOS: comparar a capacidade de selamento apical de quatro cimentos endodônticos. MÉTODOS: quarenta caninos superiores humanos extraídos foram instrumentados 1 mm aquém do ápice anatômico e distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos (n=10, de acordo com o cimento endodôntico utilizado para a obturação: Endofill, AH Plus, EndoREZ e Epiphany. Os canais radiculares foram obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral com os cimentos e com cones de guta-percha, exceto o grupo do Epiphany, no qual os cones de resina (Resilon foram utilizados. Os dentes foram imersos em nanquim por sete dias e submetidos ao processo de diafanização e, então, clarificados empregando-se o salicilato de metila. A extensão de penetração via apical do corante foi medida por meio de um microscópio de mensuração em todas as faces do terço apical. RESULTADOS: AH Plus (0,02 mm ± 0,07, Epiphany (0,00 mm ± 0,00 e EndoREZ (0,32 mm ± 0,62 não diferiram estatisticamente entre si (p>0,01. EndoFill apresentou a maior média de penetração do corante (0

  6. Avaliação da influência da solução de irrigação na resistência adesiva de um cimento resinoso

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    Veridiana Camilotti

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A contaminação do substrato dentinário pode interferir na qualidade de união entre materiais adesivos e o dente. OBJETIVO: Investigar a influência de diferentes soluções de irrigação na resistência de união de um cimento resinoso. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram selecionadas 40 coroas dentais bovinas, divididas em quatro grupos: G0 = soro; G1 = clorexidina; G2 = EDTA; G3 = clorexidina 0,12%, após condicionamento ácido. Em seguida, foram confeccionados cilindros de cimento resinoso utilizando-se uma matriz de Tygon com diâmetro interno de 1 mm e 2 mm de altura. A fotoativação foi realizada por aparelho de luz LED com 900 mW/cm² por 40 segundos. Foram confeccionados quatro cilindros de cimento resinoso para cada coroa bovina, totalizando 40 corpos de prova de cimento resinoso para cada grupo avaliado. O teste de resistência adesiva por microcisalhamento foi realizado após 24 horas. Decorrido esse período, os cilindros de cimento resinoso foram testados em uma máquina universal de ensaios (EMIC. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística pelos testes ANOVA e Tukey (p = 0,001. RESULTADO: Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos estudados, com exceção para o G3, que apresentou de forma significativa os menores valores de resistência adesiva. CONCLUSÃO: As diferentes soluções irrigadoras utilizadas previamente ao condicionamento ácido na dentina não interferem na resistência de união por microcisalhamento.

  7. Evaluation of cytotoxicity of two endodontic cements in a macrophage culture Avaliação da citotoxicidade de dois cimentos endodônticos em cultura de macrófagos

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    Celso Emanoel de Souza Queiroz


    Full Text Available Compared to gutta-percha, the endodontic cements are used in small quantity to seal root canals, but are indispensable to achieve hermetically sealed margins, where its biocompatibility depends on the sum of responses of each cell present in the periapical region. The object of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity of two endodontic cements, one based on epoxy resin (Sealer 26 and the other containing zinc oxide eugenol (Endofill by using cultured peritoneal macrophages from Swiss mice to measure the induced production of nitric oxide. After solidification and pulverization, aliquots of 100mul of suspension containing 18mg/mL of the respective cements were added to 96-well tissue culture plates containing the tissue culture of macrophages at a concentration of 5.0X10(6 cells/ml. In the positive control group the cell culture was treated with 10mg/mL of lipopolyssaccharide from Escherichia coli 026:B6 and the cell culture alone represented the negative control. After 48 hours of incubation, at 37ºC, in 5% CO2, the cultures were placed in an ELISA automatic reader to evaluate the release of nitric oxide. The production of nitric oxide for cement Sealer 26 was between 36.1 and 313.0 mumols, with a mean of 143.82±111.03mumols, while for the Endofill these values were significantly less (p=0.01, varying from 50.8 to 125.7mumols, with a mean of 80.33±28.42 mumols. In the positive and negative control groups the mean release of nitric oxide was of 162.75mumols and 4.42mumols, respectively. There was no significant difference between the positive control group and cement Sealer 26 (p>0.05. Therefore, the cement Sealer 26 caused significantly greater toxicity to the macrophages, possibly due to the components from the epoxy resin and formaldehyde release during polymerization.Comparativamente à guta-percha, os cimentos endodônticos são utilizados em pequena quantidade nas obturações dos canais radiculares, mas são imprescindíveis para

  8. Resistência de união entre liga de níquel-cromo e cimentos resinosos

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    FRANÇA Rodrigo de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi a determinação da retentividade, por ensaio de tração, entre uma liga de níquel-cromo e cimentos resinosos (Comspan, Panavia Ex e All-Bond C & B, com quatro tratamentos superficiais (liso, microjateado, ataque eletrolítico e silicoater e armazenagem por 3 e 30 dias em solução de NaCl a 0,9%, a 37° C e termociclagem intercalada na segunda (a 5 e 55° C, por 1 minuto em cada banho, perfazendo 600 ciclos. Os corpos de prova eram discos, providos de alça fixadora entre si dois a dois. Os resultados permitiram concluir que: superfícies lisas conduzem a baixíssimas retentividades e tratadas com silicoater a altíssimos valores, com qualquer cimento e condição de armazenagem; Panavia Ex com superfícies microjateadas também conduz a altas retentividades; a maior retentividade foi obtida pela combinação silicoater/All-Bond C&B.

  9. Análise da resposta tecidual de dois cimentos endodônticos Analysis of the tissue answer regarding two root canal sealers

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    Maria Renata Giazzi Nassri


    Full Text Available No presente estudo foram analisados comparativamente dois cimentos endodônticos, Sealapex® e Apexit®, em relação à sua compatibilidade biológica, em tecido subcutâneo. Para tanto, foram utilizados doze ratos, machos, pesando em média 250g, divididos em três grupos, de acordo com o tempo de observação de 7, 21 e 45 dias. Como parte do estudo, foram feitas quatro incisões na região dorsal de cada rato, onde foram implantados quatro tubos de polietileno preenchidos com os cimentos em teste. Decorridos sete, vinte e um e quarenta e cinco dias da cirurgia, os animais foram sacrificados e os tecidos passaram por tramitação laboratorial para obtenção de cortes histológicos corados por hematoxilina-eosina, e posterior análise qualitativa dos resultados. Verificou-se que houve constante atividade macrofágica com o uso dos dois materiais, tendo o cimento Apexit® provocado uma reação tecidual mais agressiva em relação ao cimento Sealapex®, ao mesmo tempo em que, este último, mostrou melhores resultados quando analisadas a intensidade inflamatória provocada e a evolução da reparação tecidual.On the present study, two root canal sealers have been comparatively analysed, Sealapex® and Apexit®, in relation to its biological compatibility to subcutaneous tissue. For this analysis, twelve male rats weighing in average 250 g have been used, divided in three groups, according with its experimental time, 7, 21 and 45 days. Making part of the study, four incisions on the dorsal area of each rat have been made, where were implanted four polyetilene tubes, filled with the testing root canal sealers. After seven, twenty-one and forty-five days of the surgery, the animals have been sacrified and the tissues have been laboratory processed to obtain the histological cut coloured by hematoxilin-eosin, and subsequent quality analysis of the results. From this results, were verified that both sealers caused tissue's intense macrofagic

  10. cimento portland

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    Fábio Akira Mori


    Full Text Available The characteristics of cement bonded particleboards can be jeopardized by chemical incompatibility between some lignocellulosic materials and cement, which can inhibit the glue of this cement; however, this effect can be minimized with chemicals treatments of the materials. The different species of Eucalyptus can be promising as raw material in the production of these panels, mainly residues produced in form of barks. The objective of the work was to evaluate chemical compatibility of wood and barks (without and with chemical treatment of Eucalyptus grandis with cement. The chemical treatment of barks was carried out with sodium hydroxide. Results showed that the Eucalyptus grandis wood presented a moderate aptitude with cement, the treated barks presented high aptitude and the untreated bark presented extremely low aptitude. It was verified positive influence of the chemical treatment in the barks, making possible, in the future, the incorporation of these elements in the manufacturing of cement-bonded particleboard.

  11. Avaliação in vitro da atividade antibacteriana de um cimento odontológico à base de óleo-resina de Copaifera multijuga Hayne

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    Kátia Regina Felizardo Vasconcelos

    Full Text Available Um dos materiais utilizados para a adequação do meio bucal no serviço público é o cimento produzido a partir de óxido de zinco e eugenol. Entretanto, o eugenol é uma substância citotóxica que pode desencadear alguns efeitos adversos. Por essa razão, procura-se substituir o eugenol por uma substância que apresente baixa toxicidade, mantendo ou mesmo melhorando as propriedades do cimento. O óleo-resina de copaíba é um produto natural, utilizado pelas populações amazônicas e reconhecido por suas propriedades medicinais. Baseando-se nas propriedades desse óleo-resina, na ação antimicrobiana comprovada do hidróxido de cálcio e na ação anti-séptica do óxido de zinco, propôs-se formular um cimento odontológico obtido da associação do ZnO, Ca(OH2 e óleo-resina de Copaifera multijuga Hayne e avaliar sua atividade antibacteriana através do teste de diluição em meio líquido frente às cepas padrão de Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175 e S. sanguinis (ATCC 15300. Nesse ensaio, utilizaram-se os seguintes grupos experimentais: o cimento contendo ZnO, Ca(OH2 e óleo-resina de copaíba (G1 e cada um dos constituintes isoladamente, ZnO (G2, Ca(OH2 (G3 e óleo-resina de copaíba (G4. Todos os grupos analisados demonstraram atividade antibacteriana, o G4 apresentou os melhores resultados e o G1 mostrou-se um cimento promissor a ser utilizado em odontologia.

  12. "Estudo in vitro do potencial cariostático dos selantes resinosos, dos cimentos ionoméricos, do diamino fluoreto de prata e do verniz fluoretado, aplicados em superfície oclusal de molares permanentes humanos".


    Thereza Christina Lopes Coutinho


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, in vitro, ao Microscópio de Luz Polarizada (MLP), o potencial cariostático dos selantes resinosos, dos cimentos ionoméricos, do diamino fluoreto de prata e do verniz fluoretado aplicados em superfície oclusal de molares permanentes humanos. Para tanto, 70 terceiros molares humanos hígidos, extraídos por razões clínicas, foram divididos aleatoriamente em sete grupos (N=10): GI – controle (sem selamento); GII – selante resinoso sem flúor Delton ®; G III – ...

  13. Atividade pozolânica dos resíduos do beneficiamento do caulim para uso em argamassas para alvenaria Pozolanic activity of kaolin processing residues for use in masonry mortars

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    Romualdo R. Menezes


    Full Text Available A indústria do beneficiamento do caulim gera enorme quantidade de resíduos, descartados indiscriminadamente no meio ambiente; assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a viabilidade técnica e a atividade pozolânica dos resíduos do beneficiamento do caulim para a produção de argamassas. Os resíduos foram caracterizados através da determinação de sua distribuição granulométrica e composição química, difração de raios X e análise térmica diferencial e gravimétrica; em seguida, determinou-se o índice de atividade pozolânica dos resíduos de caulim com a cal e o cimento Portland. Argamassas de cimento:cal:areia foram preparadas e o resíduo, na condição natural e após queima a 600 °C por 2 h, substituiu parcialmente o cimento nas proporções de 5, 10, 15 e 20% em massa. Corpos-de-prova foram moldados e determinada sua resistência a compressão simples. Conclui-se, com base nos resultados, que os resíduos são constituídos de caulinita, mica e quartzo e que a utilização do resíduo calcinado aumenta a resistência das argamassas após 28 dias de cura em até 150%.The kaolin processing industry generates large amounts of waste, which is indiscriminately dumped in open-air sites. This work evaluates the technical suitability and pozolanic activity of kaolin processing wastes for the production of mortars. The wastes were characterized by particle size distribution and chemical composition determination, X-ray diffraction and thermal differential and gravimetric analyses. The pozolanic activity index was determined using lime and Portland cement. Cement:lime:sand mortars were formulated and the kaolin wastes replaced cement by 5, 10, 15 and 20% on weight basis. The kaolin wastes were used in their natural condition and after thermal treatment at 600 °C for 2 h. Test specimens were produced and their compression strength determined. The results indicated that the waste consists of quartz, kaolinite and mica, and

  14. Avaliação do desempenho das propriedades mecânicas de concretos self compacting elaborados com diferentes tipos de cimentos submetidos à cura térmica

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    L.F. Santos

    Full Text Available A cura térmica a vapor é um dos mecanismos utilizados na indústria de pré-moldados para acelerar o ganho da resistência dos elementos estruturais. Os valores de temperatura e tempos de cura ideais para ocorrer esse ganho de resistência variam conforme o cimento e o traço utilizado no concreto. Pouco se conhece sobre o comportamento do concreto auto-adensável (CAA quando submetido ao processo de cura acelerada a vapor, principalmente em relação as suas propriedades mecânicas. O presente artigo avalia a resistência a compressão de duas composições de concreto auto-adensáveis de classe 40 MPa elaborados com cimentos distintos, cimento CP III 40-RS e cimento CP II E-32 submetidos à cura normal (de acordo com a NBR 5738:2003 ([2] e à cura térmica a vapor. Foram utilizadas duas temperaturas de cura térmica distintas, 65°C e 80°C e, três patamares isotérmicos, 4 h, 6 h e 8 h. O estudo foi feito no Laboratório CESP de Engenharia Civil - LCEC - Ilha Solteira/SP, onde foram ensaiados corpos-de-prova cilíndricos de 10 cm x 20 cm. As resistências à compressão foram obtidas ao fim do patamar de cura térmica a vapor (denominada resistência imediata ao ciclo e nas idades de 3, 7, 28, 56 e 91 dias (denominadas resistências nas idades avançadas e, para os concretos submetidos à cura normal, as idades de ruptura foram realizadas com 3, 7, 28, 56 e 91 dias. Foram feitas análises de correlação entre os valores de ruptura dos concretos submetidos à cura normal com os valores de resistência imediata ao ciclo e também para as resistências nas idades avançadas. As análises comparativas foram realizadas em função do tipo de cimento empregado, temperatura de cura e tempo no patamar isotérmico. Os resultados encontrados mostram que em termos globais, o concreto com cimento CP II E-32 apresentou a 65ºC, para o patamar isotérmico de 4 horas o melhor valor de resistência a compressão quando submetido a estas condições de

  15. Mensuração digital da radiopacidade de diferentes cimentos obturadores resinosos e de base zinco-enólica = Digital radiopacity measurement of different resin- and zinc oxide-based root canal sealers

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    Bodanezi, Augusto


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar a radiopacidade produzida por sete cimentos comercialmente disponíveis (AH Plus, Epiphany, Sealapex, Acroseal, Sealer 26, Endomethasone and Endofill e um em estágio experimental (MBP. Metodologia: Depois de homogeneizados os materiais, o teste de radiopacidade foi executado conforme a especificação no 57 da ANSI/ADA. Radiografou-se os espécimes junto a uma escala de Alumínio e as imagens resultantes foram digitalizadas. As densidades radiográficas expressas em milímetros de Alumínio (mm Al foram comparadas por meio da análise de variância e teste de Tukey (a=0. 05. Resultados: Os cimentos AH Plus (10 mm Al e Epiphany (9 mm Al apresentaram as maiores radiopacidades seguidos pelo Sealapex (8 mm Al, Endofill (7 mm Al, Endométhasone (7 mm Al, MBP (7 mm Al e Sealer 26 (6 mm Al. Acroseal (5 mm Al mostrou a menor radiopacidade entre os cimentos testados (P<0. 05. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que as diferentes radiopacidades dos cimentos testados estão acima do nível mínimo recomendado pela especificação nº 57 da ANSI/ADA

  16. Avaliação da Microinfiltração de um cimento resinoso autoadesivo em diferentes substratos dentais

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    Daniele Marques dos Santos


    Conclusão: O cimento resinoso autoadesivo Relyx U200 não apresentou diferença na microinfiltração entre esmalte e dentina. Sendo necessário a realização de outros estudos para avaliar o desempenho deste material.

  17. Misturas de um solo laterítico com cimento e bentonita para uso em cortinas verticais Mixtures of a lateritic soil with cement and bentonite for slurry wall purposes


    Priscila Batista; Adilson do Lago Leite


    É crescente mundo afora o uso de cortinas verticais para contenção da contaminação em água subterrânea. Os solos lateríticos, pela sua ampla distribuição no Brasil, possuem grande potencial de aplicação nessas obras. Entretanto algumas questões ainda carecem de maior investigação, como a interação e compatibilidade desses solos com a bentonita e o cimento, principais aditivos usados para melhorar as propriedades das cortinas. O presente artigo avalia propriedades de um solo laterítico e suas ...

  18. Avaliação in vitro da liberação e da recarga de flúor em cimentos de ionômero de vidro

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    Evelyn Lopez Leite

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este estudo avaliou a absorção de íons flúor em cimentos de ionômero de vidro de manipulação mecânica e manual, por uma única aplicação tópica de flúor. METODOLOGIA: Os cimentos de ionômeros de vidro (CIVs Riva Self Cure® (RSC-SDI e Ketac Molar Easymix® (KME- 3M-ESPE foram testados com um material controle (RC-resina composta ICE-SDI, após preparo de dez corpos de prova de cada um (n = 30. Esses corpos foram pesados e armazenados em água deionizada para as aferições da liberação de flúor (eletrodo específico, Orion 9606-BN em dois períodos: antes (PI: 1, 2, 7 e 14 dias e após aplicação tópica de flúor (PII: 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 e 30 dias. No 15.º dia, cinco espécimes de cada material (n = 15 foram submetidos à aplicação tópica de fluoreto de sódio neutro a 2% ou de gel placebo de Natrosol (n = 15. RESULTADO: A maior liberação de íons flúor para ambos os CIVs ocorreu no primeiro dia do PI (KME = 13,44 ± 6,05; RSC = 6,88 ± 0,62 e a quantidade liberada foi semelhante no PII (KME = 6,22 ± 0,80; RSC = 6,67 ± 1,63. A comparação entre os períodos mostrou diferença significante somente para o KME, com maior liberação de flúor no PI (p 0,05. A análise de variância e o teste de Tukey (p < 0,05 não indicaram diferenças significantes entre os materiais antes e após a recarga. CONCLUSÃO: Os CIVs de manipulação mecânica ou manual possuem habilidade semelhante para captar íons flúor, quando submetidos a uma única aplicação tópica de fluoreto de sódio a 2%.

  19. Estudo tecnico e economico da manutenção de um pavimento de concreto


    Gustavo Garnett Neto


    Resumo: Pavimentos Rígidos de Concreto de Cimento Portland são utilizados, em geral, como revestimentos de vias com tráfego muito intenso e para as quais se pretende uma longa vida útil e nenhuma necessidade de manutenção. Estes pavimentos, quando bem projetados e bem construídos, geralmente atendem a essas expectativas. Porém, na construção de pavimentos de grande extensão, podem ocorrer defeitos em algumas de suas placas, que, posteriormente, demandarão reparos corretivos, para a preservaçã...

  20. Estudo do solo-cimento-autoadensável produzido com solos da região do Porto-PT. PARTE I: caracterização de propriedades mecânicas (D.O.I.: 10.5216/reec.v9i1.29945

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    Marco Antônio Morais Alcantara


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O artigo apresenta um estudo do solo-cimento autoadensável, fluido, buscando associar alguns parâmetros de dosagem com o desempenho mecânico resultante, e procurando tomar em consideração as condições de compacidade alcançadas no processo. Busca ainda apresentar uma visão geral do comportamento reológico no estado fresco. Para tanto, foi realizado um experimento a partir da utilização de um solo residual da região do Porto-Pt, cimento Portland, água, e aditivo de atuação estérica e eletrostática. A proporção dos materiais foi adotada a partir do peso seco do solo, conforme teores que variaram de 20, 25, e 30% de cimento, 41, 44 e 47% para a água, e 0,66, 0,80 e 0,93% para a variação do teor do superplastificante. Os ensaios realizados no estado fresco procuraram seguir os protocolos de avaliação utilizados para os casos de argamassas, e de concretos autoadensáveis; dentre eles, os ensaios de espalhamento com a utilização do mini-cone, de fluidez com o auxílio do funil; e, no estado endurecido, foram realizados os ensaios de resistência à compressão simples, resistência à flexão, de avaliação da massa específica aparente, e de porosimetria. Os resultados do estado fresco indicaram haver aproximação entre o solo-cimento-auto-adensável e os concretos e argamassas; os valores de resistência mecânica apresentaram correlação com os valores da relação água/cimento, variando entre 2,7 e 6,5 MPa para os casos de resistência à compressão simples; bem como, os valores de resistência à flexão se apresentaram proporcionais aos valores de resistência à compressão simples. As variações no valor da resistência mecânica guardaram relações preferencialmente com os valores das relações água/cimento, do que com os valores alcançados para as massas específicas aparentes alcançadas, e da porosimetria. ABSTRACT: The article presents a study of the soil-cement self-compacting, fluid, seeking


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    . Utilizando o aditivo em dose até de 0,6 % em peso do cimento, aumentou o tempo de atraso a valores entre 550 e 600 min com o aumento do conteúdo de aditivo. De forma similar, com o aumento no conteúdo do aditivo retardante balxou a resistência inicial e aumentou a resistência final do morteiro. Com dose crescentes de aditivo acelerante diminuiu o tempo de pega das misturas estudadas.In the present work the variability in the performance of mortars by using different batches of two types of additives, one retardant and one accelerant of setting was studied, for this purpose, their behavior was compared with a mortar without additive. The physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of the gray Portland cement type III from Cementos Rioclaro, the initial and final setting times using different doses of additive were measured; besides, compression strength tests of mortars with retardant additive were made. Between the additives batches studied a small variability was found; the retardant additive used with a content of 0,6 wt % of cement showed that as the higher initial setting time, final setting time is higher. Using the additive in doses up 0,6 % wt of cement and increase of the retard time around 550 y 600 min with the increase in the additive content. Similarly, with the increase of the retardant additive diminishes the initial strength and increases the final strength of the mortar. With growing doses of accelerant content additive diminished the setting time of the mixes studied.

  2. Influence of citric acid as setting retarder in CPV portland cement pastes and mortars; Influencia do acido citrico como retardador de pega em pastas e argamassas de cimento portland CPV ARI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mendes, B.C.; Lopes, M.M.S.; Alvarenga, R.C.S.S.; Fassoni, D.P.; Pedroti, L.G. [Universidade Federal de Vicosa (UFV), MG (Brazil); Azevedo, A.R.G. de, E-mail: [Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (UENF), Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ (Brazil)


    This work aims to study the availability of using and the influence of citric acid in the properties of pastes and mortars made with Portland cement CPV ARI both in fresh and hardened form. The citric acid dosages were 0, 0.4%, and 0.8% relative to the cement mass. The produced cement pastes were tested to determine normal consistency water and initial and final setting times. Mortars were tested to determine the consistency index, specific gravity, air entrained content in the fresh stage, hardened bulk density, compressive strength at ages 7, 14, and 28 days, and analysis by XRD technique. The results show that citric acid, besides improve the mortar workability, contribute to an increase in mechanical strength in older than 14 days. (author)

  3. Propriedades nanomecânicas de pastas de cimento

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    F. Pelisser

    Full Text Available O entendimento da influência de cada fase do concreto, dentre as quais merece destaque a pasta de cimento, é importante para o desenvolvimento de um concreto mais eficiente, com maior velocidade de hidratação e resistência à propagação de fissuras. O módulo de elasticidade do concreto é um dos principais parâmetros de projeto de estruturas e têm grande influência na velocidade do processo de construção e na durabilidade das estruturas. A capacidade de deformação do concreto depende das características intrínsecas dos produtos de hidratação do cimento, agregados, zona de transição e poros, além de variáveis inerentes ao processo, como velocidade de hidratação e condições climáticas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades mecânicas de módulo de elasticidade e resistência superficial (dureza para uma pasta de cimento, através da técnica da nanoindentação instrumentada e, complementarmente, comparar este valor do módulo de elasticidade, utilizando o método normatizado para concreto. Os resultados obtidos pela nanoindentação foram de 17,2 GPa para o módulo de elasticidade e de 0,90 GPa para a dureza. A determinação do módulo de elasticidade tangente inicial calculado pela NBR 6118 1 foi de 9,6 GPa. A nanoindentação mostrou-se uma ferramenta válida para avaliar modificações nanoestruturais de pastas de cimento.

  4. Resistência de união imediata por tração de diferentes cimentos de ionômero de vidro a uma liga de Ni-Cr = Immediate tensile bond strength of different glass ionomer luting cements to a NiCr alloy

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    Ferraz, Roberta Penteado


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resistência de união imediata por tração de diferentes cimentos de ionômero de vidro: convencional (Vidrion C, Vidrion C Caps, Ketac Cem, resinomodificado (Rely X, Protec Cem e o cimento de Fosfato de Zinco a uma liga de NiCr. Foram confeccionados pares de dispositivos metálicos em NiCr, com superfícies planas, próprios para a cimentação e testes de tração. Foram cimentados 12 pares metálicos de NiCr para cada agente cimentante, preparados de acordo com as recomendações do fabricante, totalizando 72 corpos de prova. Para manter os corpos de prova em posição e com carga constante durante a cimentação utilizou-se uma mesa metálica. Os corpos de prova foram armazenados em água destilada a 37° C durante 1 hora e, em seguida, submetidos aos testes de tração. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos a ANOVA e Teste de Tukey (p < 0. 05. As médias de resistência, em MPa, encontradas foram: Vidrion C = 8,86; Vidrion C Caps = 10,91; Ketac Cem = 11,48; Rely X = 9,48; Protec Cem = 10,06; Fosfato de Zinco = 2,69. Todos os cimentos de ionômero de vidro testados apresentaram a média de resistência de união imediata por tração maior e estatisticamente significante que o cimento de Fosfato de Zinco. Não houve diferença significativa entre as médias de resistência obtidas para o Ketac-Cem, Vidrion C Caps, Protec Cem e Rely X, porém, o Ketac-Cem apresentou média estatisticamente significante e superior ao Vidrion C

  5. Cimentos endodônticos - selamento marginal apical imediato e após armazenamento de seis meses Endodontic cements - immediate apical sealing and after a six-month storage

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    Marcia Carneiro VALERA


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou o selamento marginal apical de canais radiculares obturados com os cimentos endodônticos Sealapex, Apexit, Sealer 26 e Ketac Endo. Utilizaram-se 136 raízes, cujos canais radiculares, após o preparo biomecânico, foram obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral ativa com os cimentos em estudo. Metade das amostras, imediatamente após as obturações, foram imersas na solução de azul de metileno a 2% e a outra metade após 6 meses de armazenamento em plasma sangüíneo humano. Observou-se que os cimentos Sealapex e Sealer 26 apresentaram infiltrações médias estatisticamente iguais entre si e menores que as observadas para os demais cimentos (p The aim of this study was to verify the apical sealing of root canals obturated with Sealapex, Apexit, Sealer 26, and Ketac Endo cements. A hundred and thirty six dental roots were used for the experiment. After biomechanical preparation and lateral condensation filling, half of the roots were placed in human blood plasma storage medium for 6 months. The remaining samples were immediately placed in methylene blue, under a temporary vacuum, and after one week the amount of dye penetration measured. The stored samples were similarly treated after the 6-month storage period. Statistical analysis of the results revealed that the groups obturated with Sealapex and Sealer 26 showed the smallest amount of apical leakage (p < 0.05. There were significant differences in the amount of dye penetration after 6 months of storage (1.275 mm, when compared to the results found without storage (0.829 mm (p < 0.05.

  6. Infiltração marginal de agentes cimentantes em coroas metálicas fundidas Marginal microleakage of cast metal crowns luting agents

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    Tomie Nakakuki de CAMPOS


    Full Text Available Um dos principais objetivos do cimento, que fixa a restauração protética ao dente, é o selamento da fenda existente entre os mesmos. Para avaliar a infiltração marginal, foram feitos preparos cavitários padronizados, em 20 dentes naturais extraídos. As coroas totais foram fundidas em NiCr, sendo 10 cimentadas com cimento de fosfato de zinco e 10 com cimento resinoso Panavia 21. As amostras foram submetidas à ciclagem térmica e em seguida foram colocadas em solução de azul de metileno a 0,5%. Após o seccionamento vestíbulo-lingual, os corpos-de-prova foram examinados com lupa de aumento. Houve diferença significante entre os dois cimentos testados, sendo que 100% das amostras cimentadas com cimento de fosfato de zinco apresentaram infiltração atingindo dentina e polpa e 100% das amostras cimentadas com Panavia 21 não sofreram qualquer tipo de infiltração. Conclui-se que: o cimento resinoso Panavia 21 apresentou melhores resultados, quanto ao grau de infiltração, quando comparado com o cimento de fosfato de zinco, na cimentação de coroas metálicas fundidas em NiCr.One of the main goals of the luting agent, which bonds the cast restoration to the prepared tooth, is to seal the gap between them. Standardized preparations were made on 20 extracted teeth in order to evaluate microleakage. The crowns were made in NiCr, and in one group of 10 crowns zinc phosphate was used as the luting agent; in the other 10, Panavia 21 was used. The samples were thermocycled and then put into methylene blue solution (0.5%. After buccolingual sectioning of the cemented crowns, the samples were examined with a magnifier. There was a significant difference between the two groups: 100% of the zinc phosphate cemented crowns presented microleakage reaching the dentin and the pulp and 100% of the samples with Panavia 21 did not suffer any microleakage. So, as to the marginal microleakage with cast metal crowns in NiCr, the Panavia 21 luting agent

  7. A coincineração de resíduos em fornos de cimento: riscos para a saúde e o meio ambiente Co-incineration in cement kilns: health and environmental risks

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    Bruno Milanez


    Full Text Available O objetivo do artigo é discutir a forma como a coincineração de resíduos em fábricas de cimento vem crescendo no Brasil, bem como seus impactos sobre a saúde humana e o meio ambiente. Informações gerais sobre mercado e efeitos sobre a saúde foram obtidas através de revisão bibliográfica e alguns estudos de caso, escolhidos a partir de debate com integrantes da Rede Brasileira de Justiça Ambiental, foram construídos para ilustrar a situação no Brasil. Os estudos encontrados mostraram que, independente do nível de desenvolvimento tecnológico dos países, a saúde dos trabalhadores e das pessoas que moram próximas às fábricas de cimento vem sendo prejudicada pela poluição emitida pelas empresas de cimento, em especial por aquelas que praticam a coincineração. Além disso, no contexto brasileiro, a vulnerabilidade das instituições e populações afetadas tende a agravar este problema. Como conclusão, defende-se o aumento da capacidade institucional dos órgãos brasileiros responsáveis pelo monitoramento das atividades industriais, bem como uma rediscussão mais aprofundada dos aspectos políticos e éticos ligados ao transporte e comércio de resíduos industriais.In this article we discuss the development of hazardous waste co-incineration in cement kilns in Brazil as well as its impacts on health and the environment. Information was gathered through an extensive review on social and environmental impacts of co-incineration, and case studies, chosen after discussion with social movement representatives concerned with the co-incineration issue and related to the Brazilian Network on Environmental Justice, are described to illustrate the reality of co-incineration in Brazil. Studies showed that workers and community health suffers negative impacts from such practices in high-, middle- and low-income countries. In the Brazilian context, the institutional and social vulnerability intensifies these problems. To conclude, we

  8. Development of the Portland cement slurries with diatomaceous earth to the oil industry; Desenvolvimento de pastas de cimento Portland com adicao de diatomita para a industria do petroleo

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    Brito, Roseane A; Melo, Dulce M.A.; Martinelli, Antonio E.; Simao, Cristina A.; Paiva, Maria D.M. [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, RN (Brazil); Melo, Marcus A.F. [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Pesquisas (CENPES)


    The class-G Portland cement has been used with success in oil well cementing. The material is usually shipped to the Northeast Brazil, because the only plant that manufactures class-G is located in Cantagalo/RJ. The present work investigates the influence of the partial substitution of Portland cement by diatomaceous earth, aiming at reducing the costs in oil well cementing, improving the slurry properties and using local raw material. The diatomaceous earth has pozzolanic properties and can be used as extenders of cement slurries. This properties added to the lower cost and availability of this material in Northeast Brazil, make the diatomaceous earth a candidate material to produce light cements, to well conditions in advanced phases of production. It were evaluated the rheological properties of the slurries (at 25 and 52 deg C), volume of free water, compressive strength after curing for 8, 24 and 48 h at 38 deg C, and consistometry tests. The results show that the diatomaceous earth maintain the viscosity values and gel force suitable for use in oil well cementing. No free water was observed in the formulations. It was also verified that the compressive strength of slurries hardened with diatomaceous earth is similar to those with only Portland cement and that the minimum compressive strength of 300 psi, after curing for 8 h was reached. The thickening time was longer than the average value and the application value. (author)

  9. Comportamento de estacas escavadas compostas de solocimento e resíduo de beneficiamento de pedras preciosas a partir de provas de carga estática

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    Patrícia Edler

    Full Text Available A utilização de resíduos e subprodutos industriais na construção civil apresenta-se como uma alternativa efetiva para diminuição do impacto ambiental deste setor. O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo avaliar a viabilidade do emprego de solo-cimento e resíduo de beneficiamento de pedras preciosas em estacas escavadas (SCR para utilização em habitação unifamiliar. Inicialmente foi definida uma mistura ótima com os materiais que constituiriam as estacas. A mistura que melhor atendeu as características de resistência e trabalhabilidade foi àquela composta por 50% de resíduo de beneficiamento de pedras preciosas e 50% de solo, com 10% de teor de cimento Portland, em relação a massa seca dos materiais. Para os ensaios de campo foram executadas três estacas escavadas de 0,23m de diâmetro e 3 metros de profundidade. Os resultados obtidos através das provas de carga estática foram comparados a resultados de estacas escavadas com mesmas características geométricas e compostas por concreto convencional. O estudo concluiu que o emprego da mistura de solo-cimento e resíduo de beneficiamento de pedras preciosas em estacas escavadas moldadas in loco é tecnicamente viável, uma vez que apresentam capacidade de carga semelhante às executadas com concreto convencional. Além disso, a partir da análise de custos, onde se comparou o valor de execução para estacas de concreto e estacas de solo-cimento e resíduo, verificou-se que o custo final de uma estaca escavada produzida com a mistura proposta apresenta uma economia de 38%, se comparado ao custo final de uma estaca escavada composta por concreto convencional.

  10. Caracterização Estrutural e da Capacidade de Absorção de Água em Bloco de Cimento com Adição de Resíduo de Pneu (Ecobloco = Water Absorption Capacity and Structural Characterization of Cement Block with Addition of Tire Residue (Ecobloco.

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    Maria da Conceição S. Gomes


    Full Text Available Foram feitos caracterizações estruturais com ensaios em corpo de prova, medidas granulométricas do resíduo, docimento, do pó de brita e da areia, e a medida da capacidade de absorção de água em blocos de cimento (chamados de ecoblocos com adição de 5%, 10%, 15%, 25% e 35% de resíduo de pneu, obtido por meio de raspagem de pneus automotivos inservíveis. A geometria de confecção dos ecoblocos foi projetada para serem encaixados no empilhamento vertical, requerendo o mínimo de massa de cimento para a confecção de parede de vedação. = Experiment for structural characterizations were made in test body as well as measurements of the capacity of water absorption in cement blocks (called ecoblocos with the addition of 5%, 10%, 15%, 25% and 35% of tire residue.These additions are obtained by means of worn out tire’s scratching. The ecoblocos´ design was projected for them to be inserted in the vertical piling up, requesting the minimum of mortar for the construction of walls.

  11. Estudo para o aproveitamento de resíduos pétreos de marmorarias, como agregados para concreto de cimento Portland

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    Fábio Conrado de Queiroz


    Full Text Available In this paper, it is presented a study for the utilization of marble shops waste (stone by-products as aggregate of Portland cement concrete. First, the material were separated and classified by lithologic type. After that, they were mixed in a crusher, producing the required aggregates. Several tests for technological characterization of the material were done, intending to evaluate the use of the material as aggregate. Some simulations of Portland cement concrete dosage were done with variation in fine and coarse aggregate composition, water/cement ratio and mortar percentage. The materials were submitted to uniaxial compression test at 7th, 14th and 28th days, showing similar resistances, around to 35 MPa, independent of the aggregate mix and concrete dosage.

  12. Mineral trioxide aggregate as root canal filing material: comparative study of physical properties = MTA como cimento endodôntico: estudo comparativo de propriedades físicas

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    Silva, Wander José da


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou as propriedades físicas de dois cimentos MTA disponíveis comercialmente. Metodologia: A resistência a compressão (CS dos materiais avaliados foi realizada após 21 horas e 14 dias de imersão em água. A avaliação da radiopacidade (RD dos materiais foi mensurada em função de espessura de alumínio. Com relação à propriedade de tempo de presa (ST, tanto os tempos de presa inicial e final foram mensurados. A solubilidade foi calculada em função da percentagem de massa perdida após armazenamento em água. Os valores de pH foram mensurados em três diferentes tempos (inicial, 1 e 24 horas de armazenamento em água. Todos os testes foram realizados de acordo com a norma ISO 6876-2: 2001. Resultados: Ambos os materiais apresentaram valores de CS e pH em acordo com os valores da norma ISO. Os dois cimentos apresentaram RD superiores ao limite de 3 mm de alumínio. Ambos os materiais mostraram resultados de SB inferiores ao limite de 3%. ST e pH também estão de acordo com a norma ISO 6876-2: 2001. Adicionalmente foram avaliadas as superfícies dos materiais por MEV, e ambos apresentaram fases estruturais amorfas e cristalinas. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que ambos os materiais avaliados estão de acordo com as normas ISO, permitindo o seu uso como material de preenchimento de canais radiculares

  13. Avaliação da atividade pozolânica dos resíduos de cerâmica vermelha produzidos nos principais polos ceramistas do Estado de S. Paulo

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    E. Garcia


    Full Text Available Com intuito de se obter vantagens técnicas, econômicas e ambientais, vem se acentuando o interesse da indústria do cimento para adições minerais em substituição parcial ao clínquer no cimento Portland. Uma das adições minerais mais comuns e que vem ganhando espaço no mercado brasileiro corresponde à argila calcinada, que agrega basicamente as características de pozolanicidade aos seus produtos compostos. Um material com propriedades potencialmente similares às argilas calcinadas e ainda não aproveitado como pozolana no país refere-se aos resíduos da indústria de cerâmica vermelha (RCV. Este trabalho buscou aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as propriedades cimentícias dos RCV, focalizando-se as propriedades pozolânicas de oito amostras coletadas em cerâmicas representativas de quatro dos principais polos paulistas, e suas relações com as composições das matérias-primas utilizadas (massas cerâmicas e com a temperatura de queima. Os resíduos cerâmicos, após moagem controlada, mostraram-se adequados para a utilização como aditivo pozolânico para o cimento Portland. As amostras ensaiadas apresentaram um consumo médio de 500 mg de Ca(OH2/grama de amostra no Ensaio Chapelle, suplantando em 14,7% o valor mínimo normatizado. A máxima reatividade verificada situa-se na faixa de temperatura de queima entre 700 °C e 800 °C. Esse intervalo de maior reatividade corresponde aos patamares de queima usuais praticados nas empresas de cerâmica vermelha, o que corrobora com o potencial de aproveitamento de seus resíduos como adição mineral, fazendo com que o RCV possa constituir uma nova fonte de material pozolânico para o setor cimenteiro no país.

  14. Obtenção e utilização de microesferas de parafina para confecção de arcabouços teciduais baseados em cimento de α-fosfato tricálcico Production and use of paraffin microspheres for tissue scaffolds based on α-tricalcium phosphate cement

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    J. L. de M. Machado


    Full Text Available Um dos fatores mais importantes na técnica conhecida por engenharia de tecidos é o crescimento de células em suporte porosos tridimensionais conhecidos por arcabouços. Os arcabouços guiam o crescimento celular e facilitam a formação de tecidos e órgãos funcionais. Cimentos ósseos são materiais desenvolvidos há aproximadamente uma década para aplicações biomédicas. Um cimento deste tipo pode ser preparado misturando um sal de fosfato de cálcio com uma solução aquosa para que se forme uma pasta que possa reagir à temperatura corporal dando lugar a um precipitado que contenha hidroxiapatita. O desenvolvimento de estruturas porosas de cimento de fosfato de cálcio é de grande utilização em engenharia de tecidos, além de outras áreas da traumatologia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o uso de cimento de α-TCP (α-fosfato tricálcico para obtenção desses arcabouços, através da obtenção e utilização de esferas de parafina como corpos geradores de poros. O α-TCP foi sintetizado por resfriamento brusco de seus precursores e, as esferas foram produzidas por suspensão em uma solução aquosa de poli (álcool vinílico e sulfato de sódio. As quantidades de cada um destes reagentes foram estudadas com relação ao tamanho das esferas formadas. Pela análise de difração de raios X foi detectada a presença de β-TCP como fase indesejada no processo de síntese do α-TCP e de hidroxiapatita deficiente em cálcio após a reação de pega do cimento. Foi analisada a extração da parafina dos arcabouços por utilização de um método térmico. A porosidade dos arcabouços confeccionados com esferas de parafina foi observada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, mostrando tamanho, forma e interconectividade dos corpos porosos, que se mostrou adequada para o crescimento celular.One of the most important factors in tissue engineering is the three-dimensional cells growth in porous support known by scaffolds. The scaffolds

  15. Comportamento à compressão de solo estabilizado com cimento utilizado em colunas de DEEP Soil Mixing


    Geraldo Vanzolini Moretti


    Resumo: Apresenta-se neste trabalho o estudo comportamento à compressão não confinada de um solo argiloso aluvionar estabilizado segundo a metodologia Deep Soil Mixing (DSM). Esta técnica consiste no tratamento de solos moles através da mistura deste com agentes químicos estabilizantes, podendo-se utilizar cal e/ou cimento. Para a condução deste trabalho foram executadas colunas de DSM sob um aterro rodoviário localizado no nordeste do Brasil, com aproximadamente 300m de extensão. O sítio de ...

  16. X-ray diffractometry of steam cured ordinary Portland and blast-furnace-slag cements; Difratometria de raios X de pastas de cimento Portland comum e de alto-forno submetidas a cura termica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Camarini, G [Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Engenharia; Djanikian, J G [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Escola Politecnica


    This work studies some aspects of the phases produced by hydration of ordinary and blast-furnace-slag cements, at normal conditions and steam cured (60 and 95{sup 0} C), using an X-ray diffraction technique. The blast-furnace-slag cement was a mixture of 50% of ordinary Portland cement and 50% of blast-furnace-slag (separately grinding). After curing the X-ray diffraction reveals that, in relation to ordinary Portland cement, the main phases in blast-furnace-slag cement are hydrated silicates and aluminates, hydro garnet, etringitte and mono sulphate. After steam curing the hydration of blast-furnace-slag cement proceeds. This is a result of the slag activation by the curing temperature. (author). 8 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab.

  17. Chapa aglomerada de cimento-madeira de Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.


    Okino,Esmeralda Yoshico Arakaki; Souza,Mário Rabelo de; Santana,Marcos Antonio Eduardo; Sousa,Maria Eliete de; Teixeira,Divino Eterno


    Chapas de partículas de cimento-madeira foram confeccionadas com a madeira de quatro clones de Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg. (seringueira): IAN 717, IAN 873, GT 711 e AVROS 1301. Confeccionaram-se as chapas na proporção de 1:4:1 (madeira:cimento:água) por peso e nas dimensões de 450 x 450 x 13 mm e densidade nominal de 1,4 g/cm³, com a adição de 4% de cloreto de cálcio di-hidratado (CaCl2.2H2O) como acelerador. Foram testadas partículas fervidas e não-fervidas dos quatro clones, totaliza...

  18. Características físicas e mecânicas de misturas de solo, cimento e casca de arroz Physical and mechanical characteristics of soil-cement and rice husk mixtures

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    Ana P. S. Milani


    Full Text Available Na presente pesquisa, estudaram-se os efeitos da adição da casca de arroz nas propriedades físico-mecânicas da mistura de solo-cimento, visando a obter composições de solo-cimento-casca de arroz com potencialidade para fabricação de materiais alternativos de construção. Foram realizados o fracionamento, o peneiramento e o pré-tratamento em solução de cal da casca de arroz. Foram determinadas as características físicas do solo e da casca de arroz, sendo executados ensaios de dosagem das misturas de solo-cimento-casca de arroz, aplicando-se às mesmas os ensaios de compactação normal de Proctor e o de compressão simples. Posteriormente, as composições de solo-cimento-casca de arroz foram submetidas aos ensaios de compressão simples e de tração na compressão diametral, aos 7 e aos 28 dias de idade, e de absorção d'água. Depois de determinadas as principais características físicas e mecânicas, pôde-se concluir que as misturas de solo + teor de 12% de combinações de cimento e casca de arroz se apresentaram como materiais promissores para a fabricação de elementos construtivos, a serem utilizados em construções e instalações rurais.The main objective of this work is the study of the effect of rice husk addition on the physical and mechanical properties of soil-cement, in order to obtain an alternative construction material. The rice husk preparation consisted of grinding, sieving, and the pre-treatment with lime solution. The physical characteristics of the soil and of the rice husk were determined. Different amounts of soil, cement and rice husk were tested by compaction and unconfined compression. The specimens molded according to the treatments applied to the mixtures were subsequently submitted to compression testing and to tensile splitting cylinder testing at 7 and 28 days of age and to water absorption testing. After determining its physical and mechanical characteristics, the best results were obtained



    Renan Felinto de Farias Aires; Leonardo Gevezier Braga; Jose Camelo Silveira Neto; Afrânio Galdino de Araújo


    O setor da construção civil é um dos mais dinâmicos setores da economia brasileira, impactando toda a complexa cadeia de atividades ligadas à construção, como, por exemplo, a produção de cimento. Assim, todas as indústrias ligadas à produção desse material necessitam tomar decisões da melhor maneira de forma a competirem no acirrado mercado brasileiro de cimento - quarto maior produtor do mundo. Por conta disso, o objetivo deste estudo é desenvolver um modelo multicritério para apoiar a compr...

  20. Influência de aditivos dispersantes e acelerador na hidratação de cimento e cimento-matriz Influence of dispersant and accelerator additives on hydration of calcium aluminate cement and cement-matrix

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    I. R. Oliveira


    Full Text Available A aplicação de concretos refratários, principalmente na siderurgia, é um processo em constante evolução, que apresenta uma forte dependência dos avanços dos conhecimentos sobre os ligantes hidráulicos. Isso se deve a influência exercida por estes ligantes nas propriedades reológicas e desenvolvimento de resistência mecânica de concretos. O processo de hidratação dos ligantes é sensivelmente influenciado pela presença de aditivos, afetando o tempo requerido para efetuar a desmoldagem do corpo conformado. Além disso, a adição de alumina ao cimento também influencia o seu comportamento de hidratação, bem como a extensão do período de indução, a composição das fases e dos produtos de hidratação. Assim, neste trabalho foi estudada a influência da presença de aditivos dispersantes e/ou acelerador no processo de hidratação de cimento e cimento-matriz. Independente do sistema, os aditivos dispersantes atuaram como retardadores do processo de hidratação, principalmente para o caso do ácido cítrico e citrato de diamônio. Tais aditivos apresentaram-se também como os mais eficientes para a combinação com o acelerador Li2CO3, resultando em um tempo de pega intermediário. Isto mostra ser possível controlar a trabalhabilidade reduzindo o tempo para a desmoldagem.A growing demand for refractory castables with specific behaviors has been promoting a continuous technological evolution, in which, one of the most important aspects concerns in a deep knowledge of hydraulic binders. These materials present a great influence on the rheological properties and mechanical strength development of castables, defining their workability periods and demoulding times, respectively. The hydration process of calcium aluminate cement is influenced by the presence of additives, which affects the setting and demoulding time of the shaped body. Besides that, the alumina addition to cement also influences the hydration behaviour, as well

  1. Dispersão e comportamento reológico de concretos refratários ultra-baixo teor de cimento no sistema Al2O3-SiC-SiO2-C

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    Oliveira I. R. de


    Full Text Available Concretos refratários no sistema Al2O3-SiC-SiO2-C vêm sendo amplamente utilizados em indústrias siderúrgicas como revestimento de canais de corrida de altos-fornos, em virtude principalmente da sua elevada refratariedade aliada a altas resistências ao choque térmico e ao ataque por escória e metal fundido. Neste trabalho, investigou-se a influência de diferentes tipos de aditivos na trabalhabilidade e dispersão de concretos refratários de ultra-baixo teor de cimento nesse sistema. Apesar da sua alta capacidade de complexar íons de cálcio, moléculas de citrato não foram capazes de controlar adequadamente o tempo de pega do concreto estudado, contradizendo a idéia geral de que os íons de citrato devem ser utilizados para controlar a sua trabalhabilidade. Por outro lado, o aditivo polimetacrilato de sódio mostrou-se eficiente na otimização simultânea da dispersão e da trabalhabilidade do concreto devido provavelmente ao retardamento da dissolução dos íons advindos do cimento.

  2. Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of each component in Grossman’s sealer Avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana de cada um dos componentes do cimento de Grossman

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    Ricardo Novak Savioli


    Full Text Available The antimicrobial activity of Grossman’s sealer and its components was evaluated on 13 different strains using the double layer well-diffusion method. Results revealed that Grossman’s sealer presented antimicrobial activity against all the tested strains. Among the components of the cement, sodium tetraborate presented the greatest antimicrobial activity, both in type and diameter of the halo and ring of inhibition. Sealer powder, rosin, and eugenol presented similar activity, with no effect on P. aeruginosa and C. albicans. Among these, only eugenol had an effect on E. coli. Zinc oxide was only active against S. sobrinus and E. coli. Barium sulfate and bismuth subcarbonate did not show any antimicrobial effect.Os autores estudaram a atividade antimicrobiana do cimento de Grossman e de seus componentes sobre 13 diferentes cepas pelo método de difusão de poço em camada dupla. Os resultados revelaram que o cimento de Grossman apresentou atividade antimicrobiana contra todas as cepas utilizadas. Dos componentes do cimento, o tetraborato de sódio foi o que apresentou maior atividade antimicrobiana, tanto por tipo como por tamanho do halo e aro de inibição. O pó do cimento, o breu e o eugenol apresentaram atividades semelhantes, sendo que eles não tiveram ação sobre P. aeruginosa e C. albicans e, dos três componentes, somente o eugenol teve ação sobre E coli. O óxido de zinco somente teve ação sobre S. sobrinus e E. coli. O sulfato de bário e o subcarbonato de bismuto não tiveram nenhuma ação antimicrobiana.

  3. Co-disposição de lodo centrifugado de Estação de Tratamento de Água (ETA em matriz de concreto: método alternativo de preservação ambiental Disposal of centrifuged sludge from Water Treatment Plant (WTP in concrete matrix: an alternative method for environmental protection

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    C. Hoppen


    Full Text Available O crescimento da demanda por água potável tem implicado em um aumento da quantidade de resíduos nas estações de tratamento de água (ETA. Apesar destes terem sido gerados por processo erosivo do solo nos mananciais que antecedem as ETAs, o tratamento químico requerido para a sua remoção obriga a uma disposição correta para não impactar, negativamente, o meio ambiente. Até agora, o destino mais comum para o lodo de ETA são os cursos d'água, mesmo ele sendo considerado um resíduo sólido. Neste trabalho, é proposta alternativa de co-disposição deste resíduo, ainda úmido, em matrizes de concreto, substituindo-se parcialmente seus insumos: os agregados miúdos e o cimento, cuja extração e emprego também causam impacto ambiental. Inicialmente, caracterizaram-se os insumos do concreto (cimento Portland CPII-F 32, areia e brita, além do lodo extraído da ETA Passaúna, localizada na região metropolitana de Curitiba. Para os estudos de dosagem, utilizou-se um concreto-referência (sem adição de lodo e traços de concreto com teores de 3, 5, 7 e 10% de lodo em relação ao peso de areia e em substituição à mesma. Nos concretos resultantes foram avaliadas propriedades tanto no estado fresco quanto no endurecido. O lodo é constituído, praticamente, de compostos de Si, Al e Fe, e do argilomineral do grupo caulinita, tendo teor de umidade em torno de 87%. Nos ensaios de resistência à compressão, as dosagens até 5% apresentaram um f c28 maior que 25 MPa. Para as dosagens com teores de lodo superiores a 5%, o f c28 foi menor, principalmente, para a dosagem de 10%. A análise dos dados permite concluir que os traços com até 5% de lodo podem ser aplicados em situações que vão desde a fabricação de artefatos e blocos até a construção de pavimentos em concreto de cimento Portland. Em relação às misturas com teores acima de 5%, a sua utilização é restrita a aplicações em que a trabalhabilidade não é um par

  4. Cinzas de biomassa geradas na agroindústria do cacau: caracterização e uso em substituição ao cimento

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    Rebeca Bastos Silva

    Full Text Available ResumoCinza de biomassa é um resíduo sólido gerado em grande quantidade em caldeiras para produção de energia e calor. Na indústria de processamento de cacau, que usa casca de amêndoa de cacau (20% e madeira de eucalipto (80% como combustível, são geradas cinzas volantes e cinzas de fundo, cujas propriedades são pouco conhecidas, o que limita sua correta disposição ou aplicação. Neste trabalho, cinza fornalha (fundo e ciclone (volante foram coletadas, durante o processo de limpeza da caldeira, e caracterizadas quanto a composição química, morfologia (MEV, granulometria e mineralogia (DR-X com o objetivo de avaliar a potencialidade das cinzas para uso como adição mineral. As cinzas foram beneficiadas com moagem e queima controlada a 500, 700 e 900º C. Para avaliação do efeito da cinza, foram moldadas quatro argamassas com 5% de substituição de cimento por cinza ciclone e cinza fornalha, in natura e moídas. Os resultados dos testes de absorção de água e resistência mecânica (compressão e tração na flexão demonstraram um aumento da absorção e da porosidade para todas as misturas, mas a manutenção das propriedades mecânicas para mistura com cinza ciclone moída, quando comparada com a argamassa sem adição, demonstrando a potencialidade desta cinza como adição mineral.

  5. 77 FR 15263 - Security Zone; Portland Rose Festival on Willamette River; Portland, OR (United States)


    ... Zone; Portland Rose Festival on Willamette River; Portland, OR AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION: Notice of enforcement of regulation. SUMMARY: The Coast Guard will enforce the Portland Rose Festival... Willamette River during the Portland Rose festival. During the enforcement period, no person or vessel may...


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    Renan Felinto de Farias Aires


    Full Text Available O setor da construção civil é um dos mais dinâmicos setores da economia brasileira, impactando toda a complexa cadeia de atividades ligadas à construção, como, por exemplo, a produção de cimento. Assim, todas as indústrias ligadas à produção desse material necessitam tomar decisões da melhor maneira de forma a competirem no acirrado mercado brasileiro de cimento - quarto maior produtor do mundo. Por conta disso, o objetivo deste estudo é desenvolver um modelo multicritério para apoiar a compra de uma linha de ensacamento e paletização de pós para uma indústria de cimentos e derivados. Para isso, este estudo de caso exploratório empregou o método ELECTRE II ao problema a partir de quatro critérios. O resultado é apresentado por meio de um ranking das alternativas estudadas e as implicações deste. Concluiu-se que os resultados apresentados foram satisfatórios devido à robustez e a implicação prática dos mesmos.

  7. Materiais compósitos à base de gesso contendo eva (Etileno Acetato de Vinila) e vermiculita: otimização de misturas e propriedades termomecânicas


    Oliveira, Marilia Pereira de


    O gesso é um dos materiais de construção mais antigos que se tem conhecimento. Algumas de suas propriedades lhe confere vantagens como, resistência ao fogo, isolamentos térmico e acústico. Em virtude de ser um ligante menos agressivo ao ambiente que o cimento Portland, seu uso deve ser incentivado e novas aplicações estudadas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as propriedades físico-mecânicas e térmicas de compósitos à base de gesso com a incorporação de vermiculita e de...

  8. Avaliação experimental de blocos prensados de solo-cimento com adição de grits

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    Márcia Lana Pinheiro

    Full Text Available A produção de resíduos pelas indústrias de papel e celulose vem crescendo continuamente, gerando custos com estocagem e aumentando os impactos ambientais. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a viabilidade de incorporação do resíduo grits, oriundo dessas indústrias, na fabricação de blocos prensados de encaixe de solo-cimento, como um novo material de construção. Foi verificada a maior quantidade de resíduo possível de ser utilizada, respeitando-se as exigências normativas. Para tanto, realizou-se caracterização física e mecânica de diversas proporções de solo-grits e foram fabricados blocos com as proporções investigadas. Após a cura, foram realizados, além de outros, os ensaios de resistência à compressão e absorção de água. Em relação à caracterização física, constatou-se que todos os teores de solo-grits atenderam às exigências normativas. Com relação à resistência à compressão e absorção de água, tem-se que as percentagens com plasticidade suficiente para fabricar os blocos também atenderam às exigências normativas. A porcentagem em massa de 37,5-62,5 de solo-grits pode ser definida como o teor que utiliza a maior quantidade de resíduo e tem plasticidade mínima necessária para a fabricação de blocos. Portanto, o uso do grits na produção de blocos de solo-cimento surge como uma tecnologia viável, além de minimizar a degradação ambiental.

  9. Avaliação in vitro da infiltração via coronária em função de diferentes cimentos endodônticos resinosos =An in vitro evaluation of coronal leakage of different resin-based endodontic sealers

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    Martins, Alessandra de Souza et al.


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a infiltração coronária permitida por diferentes cimentos endodônticos resinosos. Foram utilizados 44 pré-molares humanos extraídos. Após a eliminação das coroas dentárias, as raízes foram padronizadas em 15 mm. O preparo do canal foi realizado pela técnica escalonada regressiva, empregando-se como solução irrigadora o NaOCl 1% e ao final EDTA. Realizada a impermeabilização da superfície externa, com uma camada de cola Araudite® e duas de esmalte para unhas, os canais radiculares foram obturados pela técnica do cone único de guta-percha, empregando-se diferentes cimentos resinosos, de acordo com os grupos experimentais: G1 – AH Plus®; G2 – experimental MBP; G3 – EndoREZ® e G4 – AH 26®. Quatro dentes foram utilizados como controle (positivo e negativo. Em seguida, foram imersos em tinta nanquim por 15 dias a 37°C e 100% de umidade. Decorrido este período as raízes foram lavadas por 24 horas e submetidas ao processo de diafanização (descalcificação em ácido nítrico 5%, desidratação em bateria de álcool ascendente e transparência em salicilato de metila. A análise da infiltração coronária foi realizada por meio de escores numéricos, através de microscópio com aumento de 40×. O teste estatístico de Kruskal-Wallis mostrou que o cimento EndoREZ® apresentou o pior resultado e diferença estatística significante com relação aos demais grupos, que não apresentaram diferença estatística significante entre si (p The aim of this study was to evaluate the coronal leakage of four different endodontic sealers. Forty-four extracted human pre-molars constituted the sample. Theirs crowns were cut and the roots standardized in 15 mm. The canals were prepared by the step-back technique, using NaOCl 1% and EDTA for irrigation. The specimens were recovered with Araudit® and then with two layers of nail varnish. The canals were obturated by the single cone gutta

  10. Analysis of the film thickness of a root canal sealer following three obturation techniques Análise da espessura da linha de cimento endodôntico em três técnicas de obturação

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    Gustavo André De Deus


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to obtain a quantitative analysis of the film thickness of a root canal sealer formed after filling by three different techniques. Thirty human maxillary incisors were selected and access cavities were prepared using high-speed diamond stones and water spray. A size #15 K-Flexofile was introduced in the canal of each specimen until it was seen just at the apical foramen. The working length was determined to be 1 mm short of that position and the canals were prepared to an apical size of #45 K-Flexofile. Copious irrigation with 5.25% NaOCl (sodium hypochlorite was used during and after instrumentation. The samples were divided into three groups and obturated as follows: G1 - lateral condensation, G2 - lateral condensation with an accessory cone, and G3 - continuous wave of condensation. The samples were evaluated in the cervical, middle and apical thirds. The film thickness of the root canal sealer was measured through a microscopic evaluation. Statistical analysis was obtained using the Wilcox test. Statistical analysis showed significant differences between G3 and G1, G3 and G2 (p O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise quantitativa da espessura da linha de cimento endodôntico formada por três técnicas de obturação. Trinta incisivos centrais superiores humanos foram selecionados e acessados de modo convencional. Uma lima nº 15 K-Flexofile foi usada para a verificação da patência foraminal e para determinação do comprimento de trabalho, que foi estabelecido a 1 mm aquém do forame apical. Os canais foram preparados até a lima nº 45. Hipoclorito de sódio a 5,25% foi usado durante toda a instrumentação. Os dentes foram divididos em 3 grupos e obturados pelos seguintes critérios: G1 - condensação lateral; G2 - compressão hidraúlica e G3 - onda de condensação. Os dentes foram seccionados e analisados nos terços cervical, médio e apical. A espessura do filme de cimento foi determinada por

  11. At the source of western science: the organization of experimentalism at the Accademia del Cimento (1657-1667). (United States)

    Beretta, M


    The Accademia del Cimento, founded by the Medici princes, Ferdinando II, Grand Duke of Tuscany, and his brother, Leopoldo, later Cardinal, had members and programmes of research very different from earlier academies in Italy. The Cimento foreshadowed later European academies and institutions specifically devoted to research and improvement of natural knowledge. It issued only one publication, the Saggi di naturali esperienze, and most of the observations and experimental results from its brief life remain unpublished. The Roman Accademia fisica-matematica, associated with Queen Christina of Sweden, continued to some extent its emphasis on experiment, while The Royal Society, with which it maintained links, placed even greater reliance on experiment and its validation through unvarnished publication. Comparisons between the Cimento and its contemporaries, The Royal Society and the French academy, illuminate the origin of scientific institutions in the early modern period.

  12. Influence of different kinds of rosins and hydrogenated resins on the setting time of Grossman cements Influência de diferentes tipos de breus e resinas hidrogenadas sobre o tempo de endurecimento dos cimentos do tipo Grossman

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    Manoel Damião SOUSA NETO


    Full Text Available In this study, the effect on the setting time by the addition of different kinds of rosin and hydrogenated resin on the Grossman cement powder was evaluated. The experiments were carried out following the American Dental Association’s specification number 57 for root canal sealers. For this analysis, different Grossman cement powders were prepared using different rosins (X, WW and WG and hydrogenated resins (Staybelite and Staybelite ester 10. The study of the physicochemical properties of the Grossman cements obtained the different kinds of rosins and hydrogenated resins interference on the cement’s setting time. The hydrogenated resin, having a higher pH, increased the setting time of the cement when compared to the X, WW and WG rosins.No presente estudo, analisou-se o efeito da adição de diferentes tipos de breus e resinas hidrogenadas ao pó do cimento de GROSSMAN sobre o tempo de endurecimento. Os experimentos foram realizados de acordo com a Especificação 57 para materiais obturadores de canais radiculares da American Dental Association (ADA. Para análise, foram aviados pós do cimento de GROSSMAN com diferentes tipos de breu (X, WW e WG e resinas hidrogenadas (Stabylite e Stabylite éster 10. Os estudos das propriedades físico-químicas dos cimentos tipo GROSSMAN obtidos de diferentes tipos de breus e resinas hidrogenadas interferem no tempo de endurecimento do cimento. A resina hidrogenada, obtida do processo de hidrogenação tem o pH mais alto, provocando um aumento do tempo de endurecimento do cimento em relação aos breus tipo X, WW e WG, que têm pH mais ácido.

  13. Chapa aglomerada de cimento-madeira de Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg. Cement-bonded particleboard of Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.

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    Esmeralda Yoshico Arakaki Okino


    Full Text Available Chapas de partículas de cimento-madeira foram confeccionadas com a madeira de quatro clones de Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg. (seringueira: IAN 717, IAN 873, GT 711 e AVROS 1301. Confeccionaram-se as chapas na proporção de 1:4:1 (madeira:cimento:água por peso e nas dimensões de 450 x 450 x 13 mm e densidade nominal de 1,4 g/cm³, com a adição de 4% de cloreto de cálcio di-hidratado (CaCl2.2H2O como acelerador. Foram testadas partículas fervidas e não-fervidas dos quatro clones, totalizando oito tratamentos, sendo em cada um destes, com quatro repetições, avaliadas as propriedades mecânicas e físicas das chapas, segundo a norma ASTM D 1037 - 96a. De forma geral, os melhores resultados de propriedades físicas e mecânicas foram obtidos nas chapas com partículas do clone AVROS 1301. No teste de hidratação do cimento, a madeira de seringueira in natura foi classificada como de "inibição extrema", porém com a adição de CaCl2 o foi como de "baixa inibição". Essa madeira se mostrou tecnicamente viável à produção de chapas de cimento-madeira, independentemente do clone.Cement-bonded particleboards of rubberwood were manufactured with four clones of Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg. (rubberwood: IAN 717, IAN 873, GT 711 and AVROS 1301. Boards of 450 x 450 x 13 mm were manufactured in a ratio of 1:4:1 (wood/cement/water, weight basis, with 1.4 g/cm³ density and 4% calcium chloride dihydrated - CaCl2.2H2O as accelerator. The particles of four clones were tested in treated and untreated conditions, totaling eight treatments. In each treatment with four replicates, the physical and mechanical properties were evaluated according to ASTM D 1037 - 96a standard. Overall, the best mechanical and physical results were obtained with the cement-bonded particleboard made with particles from clone AVROS 1301. Rubberwood has shown to be "highly inhibitory" in the hydration test, however when CaCl2 was added the inhibition index decreased and

  14. 75 FR 20778 - Security Zone; Portland Rose Festival Fleet Week, Willamette River, Portland, OR (United States)


    ...-AA87 Security Zone; Portland Rose Festival Fleet Week, Willamette River, Portland, OR AGENCY: Coast... during the Portland Rose Festival Fleet Week from June 2, 2010, through June 7, 2010. The security zone... is a need to provide a security zone for the 2010 Portland Rose Festival Fleet Week, and there is...

  15. Ensaio mecânico da resistência ao impacto do cimento ósseo puro e associado a duas drogas anestésicas locais Mechanical essay of impact resistance of acrylic bone cement used singly or the cement in combination with two local anesthetic drugs

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    Vincenzo Giordano


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar o comportamento mecânico da combinação de anestésico local e cimento ósseo in vitro. MÉTODOS: Foram comparados dois cimentos ortopédicos (Simplex® e Biomecânica® e duas drogas anestésicas locais de largo uso na clínica anestesiológica (lidocaína e bupivacaína. Os anestésicos utilizados estavam em pó. Elaboraram-se seis grupos de investigação, baseados na combinação ou não das drogas. Nos grupos em que o polímero foi combinado à medicação, a mistura consistiu de 40g de polimetilmetacrilato com 2g de anestésico local. Foram confeccionados 60 corpos de prova prismáticos, medindo 5 x 120 x 30mm (n = 30 e 5 x 60 x 30mm (n = 30. Os corpos de prova foram testados mecanicamente em máquina universal. Foram realizados ensaios mecânicos de resistência ao impacto direto. Foi realizada análise estatística para verificar o efeito do cimento (Simplex® e Biomecânica® e da medicação (lidocaína e bupivacaína na resistência do corpo de prova, com alfa = 5%. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que existe influência significativa da medicação na resistência do corpo de prova (p = 0,0001. Pelo teste de comparações múltiplas de Tukey, identificou-se, ao nível de 5%, que a mistura com bupivacaína apresentou resistência significativamente maior do que com a lidocaína e com o polímero puro. Não existe diferença significativa na resistência entre a lidocaína e o polímero puro. Existe influência significativa do cimento na resistência do corpo de prova (p = 0,015. Mostrou-se que o cimento Simplex® apresentou resistência significativamente maior do que o Biomecânica®. Existe influência significativa da interação cimento-medicação na resistência do corpo de prova (p = 0,035. A análise dos contrastes mostrou que o cimento Simplex® apresentou resistência significativamente maior do que o Biomecânica® apenas quando sem adição da medicação (p = 0,002. Não existe diferença significativa na

  16. Atividade antifúngica de Cimentos de Ionômero de Vidro puros e associados à Cinnamomum zeylanicum

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    Gabriela Lacet Silva Ferreira


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Considerando a importância da atividade antimicrobiana dos materiais restauradores odontológicos, objetivou-se verificar a atividade antifúngica in vitro de Cimentos de Ionômero de Vidro (CIV puros, associados a nistatina e ao óleo essencial de Cinnamomum zeylanicum (canela sobre Candida albicans (ATCC 289065. Foram avaliados Vitro Fil®, Maxxion R® e Vitro Cem®. A inibição do crescimento fúngico foi dada pela medição do diâmetro dos halos de inibição nos testes de difusão em meio de cultura sólido. Os CIV foram manipulados de acordo com as orientações dos fabricantes e inseridos em poços, confeccionados no meio de cultura, com 6 mm de diâmetro com o auxílio do sistema Centrix (DFL®. Quando preparadas as associações, as substâncias sintética e natural foram adicionadas ao Cimento de Ionômero de Vidro no momento da manipulação. As placas de Petri foram armazenadas em estufa a 37ºC, sob condições ideais de CO2, durante 48h e posteriormente foi feita a leitura dos resultados com auxílio de um paquímetro. O estudo foi realizado em triplicata e os dados foram analisados a partir do teste de Friedman, seguido de pós-teste de Dunns. Frente a cepa de Candida albicans, houve inibição do crescimento fúngico na maioria das associações, exceto quando o Vitro Fil® foi associado a emulsão do óleo essencial da canela (Cinnamomum zeylanicum.  /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabela normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso

  17. In vitro activity of zinc oxide-eugenol and glass ionomer cements on Candida albicans Atividade in vitro dos cimentos de óxido de zinco e eugenol e ionômero de vidro sobre Candida albicans

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    Anna Carolina Aguiar Cassanho


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the antimicrobial activity of glass ionomer (GIC and zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE cements against Candida albicans. Standardized GIC and ZOE specimens were maintained in contact with C. albicans suspension (1 ´ 10(6 cells/ml at 37°C for 24 h, 48 h or 7 days. A control group without any testing cement was included. After the incubation period, aliquots of 0.1 ml were plated on Sabouraud's agar, and then the number of colonies was counted. The results were expressed as values of logarithms of colony-forming units per milliliter (log CFU/mL and were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA. After 48 h of incubation, the ZOE group presented no growth of C. albicans. GIC and control groups presented similar mean values at all tested periods. According to the results obtained, it could be concluded that, under the experimental conditions, ZOE cement was more effective in vitro against C. albicans than GIC.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar in vitro a atividade antimicrobiana dos cimentos de ionômero de vidro (CIV e óxido de zinco e eugenol (OZE sobre Candida albicans. Corpos-de-prova padronizados de CIV e OZE foram mantidos em contato com suspensão (1 ´ 10(6 células/ml de C. albicans a 37°C por 24 horas, 48 horas ou 7 dias. Um grupo controle sem nenhum cimento teste foi incluído. Após o período de incubação, alíquotas de 0,1 ml foram semeadas em ágar Sabouraud e o número de colônias foi contado. Os resultados foram expressos em logaritmos de valores de unidades formadoras de colônias por ml (log UFC/mL e analisados estatisticamente pelo teste ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis. Após 48 horas de incubação, o grupo OZE não apresentou crescimento de C. albicans. Os grupos CIV e controle apresentaram médias similares em todos os períodos testados. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pode ser concluído que, sob as condições experimentais testadas, o cimento OZE apresentou-se mais efetivo in

  18. Obtenção de concretos auto-escoantes zero-cimento a partir do controle reológico da matriz Production of self-flow zero-cement castables based on matrix rheological control

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    A. R. Studart


    Full Text Available Os concretos refratários auto-escoantes com reduzido teor de cimento têm se destacado pelo fato de associarem a facilidade de aplicação dos concretos de elevada fluidez, com o bom desempenho termomecânico dos refratários contendo baixo teor de CaO. Através do controle simultâneo da distribuição granulométrica e do estado de dispersão da matriz, é possível eliminar o cimento aluminoso (fonte de CaO e quaisquer outros ligantes hidráulicos do concreto, mantendo sua auto-escoabilidade. Os concretos obtidos, denominados zero-cimento, apresentam resistência mecânica a verde compatível com aplicações industriais e excelentes propriedades a altas temperaturas. Neste trabalho, são apresentadas as condições de dispersão da matriz necessárias para a obtenção dos concretos zero-cimento, após um ajuste granulométrico prévio. As faixas de pH e de teor de dispersante ideais para a otimização da reologia da matriz são apresentadas graficamente em um mapa de estabilidade, o qual mostrou-se uma ferramenta bastante útil para a formulação dos concretos auto-escoantes zero-cimento.Self-flow low-cement refractory castables have attracted much attention in the latest years because they combine the installation benefits of high-flowability castables with the good thermomechanical behaviour of low CaO-content refractories. By simultaneously controlling the castable particle size distribution and the matrix dispersion state, it becomes possible to eliminate the aluminous cement (CaO source or any other hydraulic binder in the castable, keeping its self-flow ability. Such castables, named self-flow zero-cement castables, exhibit pre-firing mechanical strength compatible with industrial applications and outstanding high temperature properties. The matrix dispersion conditions necessary to obtain these castables are presented in this work. The optimum range of pH and dispersant amount for the matrix rheological optimisation are

  19. development and characterization of new bone cements


    Ramalho, Arsénio César Amoreira


    A prática comum dos profissionais da saúde em situações de regeneração de defeitos ósseos contidas ou fixação de próteses, consistem em recorrer aos cimentos designados por acrílicos. Os referidos cimentos possuem inúmeras limitações, para o doente e para a equipa médica, porém não existem cimentos alternativos com capacidades de preenchimento e de fixação simultânea. O objectivo deste trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento de cimentos ósseos com propriedades semelhantes aos cimentos acrílicos...

  20. Resistência à microtração entre uma cerâmica hidrotérmica, silanizada ou não, aderida à uma resina composta por um cimento resinoso


    Lopes, Angela; Leite, Fabiola; Valandro, Luis Felipe; Siqueira, Luciana; Pimenta, Luiz André; Neisser, Maximiliano Piero


    Esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a resistência adesiva entre uma cerâmica hidrotérmica (Symbio ceram, Degussa), silanizada ou não e aderida à uma resina composta (Filtec Z100- 3M ESPE) por um cimento resinoso (Panavia F, Kuraray). Foram confeccionados 2 blocos, divididos em 2 grupos assim constituídos: Grupo I-tratamento de superfície da cerâmica com ácido fluorídrico a 10% e união a um substrato (resina compost...

  1. Perbandingan Sifat Fisik Beton Yang Menggunakan Semen Portland Pozzolan Dan Semen Portland Tipe I


    Yusnita, Heni


    The research about concrete by using the Portland pozzolan cement and Portland cement type I has been done with the variation of submersion time is 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. The test is done for physics of the concrete. The sample is made from the ingredients 1 cement : 2 sand : 3 pebble. The result of the researching shows that the used of the Portland pozzolan cement can raise the impact of the concrete as much as 9,15% from concrete which uses the Portland cement type I. Orther side for the ...

  2. The effect of microsilica and refractory cement content on the properties of andalusite based Low Cement Castables used in aluminum casthouse O efeito do teor de microsílica e de cimento refratário nas propriedades de LCCs usados em moldagem de alumínio

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    E. A. Firoozjaei


    Full Text Available The bonding system in low cement castables is achieved by the use of calcium aluminate cement, microsilica and reactive alumina. The lime/silica ratio critically impacts the liquid phase formation at high temperatures and subsequently the corrosion resistance and the mechanical and physical properties of the refractory. In the current study, the effects of microsilica and cement contents on the corrosion resistance and the physical and mechanical properties of Andalusite Low Cement Castables (LCCs refractories were investigated. Alcoa Cup test was used to evaluate the corrosion resistance of the castables at 850 ºC and 1160 ºC. The study showed that an increase in the microsilica/cement ratio improves the physical and mechanical properties of the castable, but at the expense of the corrosion resistance. When a fixed amount of BaSO4 was added to the base refractory material, barium celsian along with glassy phase formation was observed to increase with the increase in the microsilica/cement ratio in the refractory. The presence of the glassy phases was noted to lower the positive effect of Ba-celsian formation on improving the corrosion resistance of the refractory. The observed results were validated using thermodynamic calculations which indicated that Ba-celsian phase was more resistant than Ca-anorthite for applications involving contact with molten aluminum.O sistema de ligantes em concretos de baixo cimento é produzido com o uso de cimento de aluminato de cálcio, microsílica e alumina reativa. A razão cálcia/sílica tem importância crucial na formação de fase líquida a altas temperaturas e posteriormente na resistência a corrosão e nas propriedades mecânicas e físicas do refratário. Neste trabalho foram investigados os efeitos do teor de microsílica e de cimento na resistência à corrosão e nas propriedades mecânicas e físicas de refratários de baixo teor de cimento Andalusita (LCC. O teste da Alcoa foi usado para

  3. Compressive and diametral tensile strength of glass ionomer cements Resistência à compressão e à tração diametral de cimentos de ionômero de vidro

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    Eduardo Bresciani


    Brasileiros [Vitro Molar (DFL e Bioglass R (Biodinamica], recentemente lançados no mercado, ambos indicados para o Tratamento Restaurador Atraumático (ART, em diferentes períodos de tempo. Foram confeccionados quinze corpos-de-prova com 6,0 mm de diâmetro x 3,0 mm de altura para o teste de TD e quinze com 6,0 mm de diâmetro e 12,0 mm de altura para o teste de RC, para cada ionômero a ser testado. Os corpos-de-prova foram armazenados em recipientes plásticos, com água deionizada, e mantidos em estufa a 37ºC e 100% de umidade, até a realização dos testes. Cinco corpos-de-prova de cada material foram submetidos aos testes de TD e RC em cada período de tempo: 1-hora, 24-horas e 7-dias, em uma máquina de testes universal (EMIC - DL 500 a uma velocidade de 1,0 mm/min para RC e 0,5mm/min para TD. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos aos testes ANOVA a dois critérios e Tukey (á=0,05. Os valores médios de RC e TD variaram de 42,03 a 155.47 MPa e de 5,54 a 13,72 MPa, respectivamente para os períodos analisados. O Fuji IX e o Vitro Molar não apresentaram diferenças em relação aos testes de RC e TD, exceto para RC no período de 1-hora. O Bioglass R apresentou os menores valores de RC dos cimentos testados. Na TD o Bioglass R não apresentou diferença em relação aos outros cimentos testados no período de 1-hora e não foi diferente do Vitro-Molar nos períodos de 24-horas e 7-dias. Mais estudos são necessários para avaliar outras propriedades mecânicas desses novos cimentos de ionômero de vidro brasileiros, tais como: tenacidade e desgaste, bem como composição química e biocompatibilidade.

  4. Influência de diferentes substâncias auxiliares do preparo biomecânico na adesividade dos cimentos AH Plus e Epiphany à dentina intraradicular


    Waleska Vergne Vilanova


    O presente estudo avaliou, in vitro, por meio do teste push-out, a força adesiva dos cimentos AH Plus e Epiphany à dentina radicular tratada com substâncias auxiliares do preparo biomecânico na forma de solução e gel. Raízes de 100 caninos foram seccionadas transversalmente na junção amelocementária e a 4 mm da mesma no sentido apical, originando cilindros de dentina que foram incluídos em anéis de alumínio com resina acrílica. Após preparo dos canais com broca diamantada troncônica, os es...

  5. Desempenho físico-mecânico de minipainéis de terra crua tratada com aditivos químicos Physical and mechanical behavior of soil mini panels treated with chemical additives

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    Régis de C. Ferreira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo pesquisar o efeito da incorporação ao solo de estabilizantes químicos (cal e cimento associados ao silicato de sódio. Os tijolos foram moldados e assentados na forma de minipainéis que tiveram suas características físico-mecânicas determinadas em laboratório e seu comportamento tecnicamente avaliado por meio de métodos destrutivos e não-destrutivos (método acústico do ultra-som. Foram pesquisados um solo arenoso e outro siltoso. Os teores de cimento e cal adicionados foram de 6% e 10% em relação à massa seca do solo, e o teor de silicato de sódio foi de 4% em relação à massa seca de solo-cimento ou solo-cal. Os tijolos foram prensados e colocados em câmara úmida por 7; 28; 56 e 91 dias. Aos 28; 56 e 91 dias, os minipainéis foram submetidos ao ensaio de ultra-som para a obtenção do módulo de elasticidade dinâmico, seguido do ensaio de compressão simples. Os melhores resultados, em termos de resistência à compressão simples, capacidade de absorção de água e propriedades elásticas (módulo dinâmico, foram obtidos pelo solo arenoso adicionado de 10% de aglomerante associado ao silicato de sódio. De forma geral, os resultados sugerem uso promissor do silicato de sódio para a melhoria das propriedades físico-mecânicas relacionadas à resistência e à durabilidade de tijolos de terra crua.The aim of this research was to study the effect of chemical additives (lime and Portland cement associated with sodium silicate on soil in order to obtain compressed soil bricks. Mini panels were constructed with such bricks being their physical and mechanical characteristics determined in laboratory conditions and their behavior evaluated through the association of destructive and non-destructive methods. For this purpose a sandy soil and a finely divided one were added to Portland cement and lime in the dosage of 6% and 10% taken in dry weight basis in relation to the dry soil. The

  6. Ataque de matrizes cimentícias por sulfato de sódio:adições minerais como agentes mitigadores

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    J. Hoppe Filho


    Full Text Available A degradação do concreto por sulfatos ocorre a partir de suas reações químicas com os compostos hidratados do cimento Portland e que, em estágios avançados, promovem a formação de produtos expansivos que geram a sua fissuração e desagregação. A utilização de adições minerais na composição, em substituição parcial ao cimento, provoca alterações microestruturais que interferem na porosidade da matriz hidratada e, principalmente, na distribuição e na interconectividade dos poros, influenciando no ingresso de água contaminada. No presente trabalho avaliou-se o potencial de mitigação do ataque por íons sulfato quando da inclusão de adições minerais na composição do material. A determinação da variação dimensional de barras de argamassa, conforme a NBR 13.583, foi utilizada para avaliar o potencial de mitigação do material ligante composto por cimento CP V - ARI (referência e minerais em substituição parcial a este, no teor de 10%, em massa, como sílica ativa, metacaulim, sílica de casca de arroz, fíler calcário e quartzoso, além de resíduo de cerâmica vermelha, com diferentes finuras. A argamassa de referência apresentou elevada expansão, bem como as que continham metacaulim, fíler calcário e resíduo de cerâmica vermelha, independentemente da distribuição granulométrica. A utilização de sílica ativa, sílica de casca de arroz ou fíler quartzoso na composição do material reduziu a expansão a valores aceitáveis, atribuindo resistência ao ataque por sulfatos às argamassas.

  7. Influência da variação da velocidade de rotação e do tipo de cimento nas propriedades de argamassas de revestimento nos estados fresco e endurecido

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    D. R. Torres

    Full Text Available Resumo A etapa de mistura influencia as condições de execução do revestimento de argamassa, visto que desde o primeiro contato dos materiais sólidos com água uma série de eventos de aglomeração e desaglomeração no sistema é verificada. Acontece que durante o processamento das argamassas em obra a utilização de equipamentos com distintos mecanismos de mistura pode modificar o desempenho do sistema de revestimento. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da condição de mistura durante o processamento de argamassas aditivadas com incorporador de ar e formuladas com diferentes tipos de cimento. As misturas foram realizadas em um reômetro rotacional variando-se a velocidade de rotação, porém mantendo-se o tempo total de batimento. Reometria de mistura, ciclo de cisalhamento e teor de ar incorporado foram as propriedades avaliadas no estado fresco, enquanto porosidade, resistência mecânica, módulo de elasticidade e permeabilidade ao ar foram utilizados para avaliação do estado endurecido. Com base nos resultados obtidos pôde-se afirmar que a variação da velocidade de rotação e o tipo de cimento utilizado impactaram as propriedades das composições nos estados fresco e endurecido.

  8. Orthodontic cements: immediate protection and fluoride release Cimentos ortodônticos: proteção imediata e liberação de flúor

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    Rogério Lacerda dos Santos


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: The objective of the authors was to evaluate fluoride release of 3 glass ionomer cements with immediate protection of fluoride varnish (Cavitine, SS White, divided into 3 groups: Group M (Meron, VOCO, Group V (Vidrion C, SS White and Group KC (Ketac-Cem, 3M ESPE. METHODS: Fluoride release was measured during 60 days by means of an ion-selective electrode connected to an ion analyzer. After 4 weeks, the test specimens were exposed to a solution of 0.221% sodium fluoride (1000 ppm of fluoride. RESULTS: Results showed that the cements reached a maximum peak of fluoride release in a period of 24 h. There was a statistically significant difference between the amount of fluoride released after the applications of fluoride among the groups from the 31st to 60th day (p> 0.05. CONCLUSION: The Vidrion C and Meron cements showed better performance to uptake and release fluoride when compared with Ketac-Cem cement.OBJETIVO: o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a liberação de flúor dos seguintes três cimentos de ionômero de vidro, com proteção imediata de verniz fluoretado (Cavitine, S. S. White: Meron / VOCO (Grupo M; Vidrion C / S. S. White (Grupo V; e Ketac Cem / 3M ESPE (Grupo KC. MÉTODOS: a liberação de flúor foi medida durante 60 dias, através de eletrodo íon seletivo conectado a um analisador de íons. Após quatro semanas, os corpos de prova foram expostos a uma solução de fluoreto de sódio a 0,221% (1.000ppm de flúor. RESULTADOS: os resultados evidenciaram que os cimentos atingiram o pico máximo de liberação de flúor com 24h após a presa inicial. Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos, quanto à quantidade de flúor liberado após as aplicações de flúor, do 31º ao 60° dia (p > 0,05. CONCLUSÃO: os cimentos Meron e Vidrion apresentaram maior capacidade de captação e liberação de flúor, em comparação ao cimento Ketac Cem.

  9. Durabilidade de solos estabilizados quimicamente com vistas á aplicação em estradas florestais Durability of chemically stabilized soils for forest road applications

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    Carlos Cardoso Machado


    Full Text Available Este artigo é direcionado à caracterização do parâmetro durabilidade de dois solos típicos da microrregião de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, para fins de aplicação em estradas florestais, considerando-se, para tanto, as seguintes condições: (a solos estabilizados com o resíduo industrial "grits"; (b solos melhorados com cal ou cimento; e (c solos estabilizados com grits e melhorados com cal ou cimento, a partir de resultados de ensaios de durabilidade por molhagem e secagem. Trabalhou-se com um solo residual maduro (solo 1 e um solo residual jovem de gnaisse (solo 2 da Zona da Mata Norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil. O programa de ensaios de laboratório envolveu: (a teor de grits: 24% calculado em relação ao peso de solo seco; (b teor de cal ou cimento: 10 e 20%, calculados em relação ao peso de grits seco; (c energias de compactação: referentes aos ensaios Proctor normal e modificado; e (d período de cura: sete dias em câmara úmida. Os resultados do programa de ensaios indicaram que: (a as misturas solo-cal, solo-cimento, solo-grits-cal e solo-grits-cimento, em ambas as energias empregadas, resistiram a todos os ciclos do ensaio de durabilidade por molhagem e secagem; (b a mistura solo 1 + grits + cal apresentou o melhor resultado, quando compactada na energia modificada, com perdas da ordem de 7%; com relação ao solo 2, o melhor resultado foi obtido quando se trabalhou com grits mais cimento, na energia modificada, com perdas da ordem de 9%; e (c sob o aspecto durabilidade, as misturas solo-grits só apresentam potencial para emprego como material de construção rodoviária quando melhoradas com cal ou cimento.This paper addresses the assessment of the durability properties of mixtures of two soils using laboratory wetting and drying durability tests for forest road applications, as follows: (a soils stabilization with the industrial waste grits; (b soil improvement using lime or cement; (c soil stabilization using grits, and soil

  10. In vivo evaluation of the sealing ability of two endodontic sealers in root canals exposed to the oral environment for 45 and 90 days Avaliação, in vivo, da capacidade de selamento de dois cimentos endodônticos em canais radiculares expostos ao meio bucal por 45 e 90 dias

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    Patrícia Maria Poli Kopper


    Full Text Available This in vivo study evaluated the sealing ability of a resin-based sealer (AH Plus and a zinc oxide-eugenol sealer (Endofill in dogs' teeth, exposed to the oral environment for 45 and 90 days. Forty eight lower incisors from 8 dogs were endodonticaly treated. A stratified randomization determined the sealer use in each root canal. All canals were filled using the lateral condensation technique. The excess filling material at the cervical portion of the root canal was sectioned, leaving a 10-mm obturation length inside the canal. Teeth were provisionally sealed with glass ionomer cement for 24 h and the canals were exposed to the oral environment for either 45 or 90 days. Therefore, the experimental groups were as follows: A45- AH Plus for 45 days; A90- AH Plus for 90 days; E45- Endofill for 45 days; and E90- Endofill for 90 days (n=12. After the experimental period, the dogs were killed and the lower jaw was removed. The incisors were extracted and the roots were covered with two coats of nail varnish. The teeth were immersed in India ink for 96 h and submitted to diaphanization. Dye leakage (in mm was measured using stereomicroscopy (10x magnification. The results were statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey test for multiple comparisons (á = 0.05. Group E90 (2.03±0.94 showed significantly higher mean leakage value than all other groups (pEste estudo in vivo avaliou a capacidade de selamento de um cimento endodôntico resinoso (AH Plus e um a base de óxido de zinco eugenol (Endofill, em dentes de cães, expostos ao meio bucal, por 45 e 90 dias. Foi realizado o tratamento endodôntico de 48 incisivos inferiores de 8 cães. Uma randomização estratificada determinou o tipo de cimento a ser usado em cada canal que foram tratados pela técnica de condensação lateral. Após a obturação, o excesso de material obturador, na porção cervical do canal radicular foi seccionado, restando o comprimento de 10 mm no interior do canal

  11. Propriedades e bioatividade de um cimento endodôntico à base de aluminato de cálcio Properties and bioactivity of endodontic calcium aluminate cement

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    I. R. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Desde sua introdução na endodontia como um material retro-obturador e selador de defeitos da raiz dental, o agregado de trióxido mineral (MTA tem sido considerado como um material endodôntico revolucionário. Apesar disso, este material apresenta algumas propriedades limitantes, necessitando alterações em sua composição bem como desenvolvimento de novos materiais. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi mostrar a influência de aditivos no desenvolvimento de um cimento endodôntico à base de cimento de aluminato de cálcio (ECAC. Além disso, foram avaliadas as propriedades do ECAC em comparação com o MTA, quando em contato com solução de fluido corporal simulado (SBF. Testes de manipulação e medidas de resistência à compressão, porosidade aparente, tempo de endurecimento, pH e condutividade iônica, foram realizados para os materiais MTA puro e ECAC contendo aditivos. Considerando as propriedades apresentadas pelo ECAC, este material alternativo pode ser indicado para múltiplas aplicações em endodontia.The mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA, a material primarily developed as a root-end filling has been extensively investigated as an innovative product for endodontic applications. However, changes in its formulation/composition involving its mineral aggregates and the development of alternatives of materials have been proposed in an attempt to overcome its negative physical-chemical characteristics. In this work, the influence of additives addition on the development of a novel endodontic cement based on calcium aluminate, has been evaluated. In addition, the properties of endodontic calcium aluminate cement (ECAC were compared with the gold standard mineral-trioxide-aggregate in contact with simulated body fluid (SBF. Manipulation tests and measurements of compressive strength, apparent porosity, setting time, pH and ionic conductivity were carried out on plain MTA and calcium aluminate cement with and without various additives

  12. Retention of oral microorganisms on conventional and resin-modified glass-ionomer cements Retenção de microrganismos bucais em cimentos de ionômero de vidro convencionais e modificados por resina

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    Denise PEDRINI


    Full Text Available Secondary caries are a worldwide public and socioeconomic problem. The placement of restorations can lead to the development of environmental conditions favorable to microbial colonization, especially on the tooth/restoration interface, which is a predisposing factor for secondary caries. The aim of this study was to evaluate microbial retention on conventional (Chelon-Fil and Vidrion R and resin-modified (Vitremer and Fuji II LC glass-ionomer cements, in situ, using a hybrid composite resin (Z100 as a control. Twelve volunteers wore Hawley appliances with specimens made of all tested filling materials for 7 days. The specimens were then removed from the appliances and transferred to tubes containing 2.0 ml of Ringer-PRAS. Microorganisms from the samples were inoculated onto blood agar and Mitis Salivarius Bacitracin agar and incubated under anaerobiosis (90% N2, 10% CO2, at 37°C, for 10 and 2 days, respectively. The resin-modified glass-ionomer cements and the composite resin retained the same levels of microorganisms on their surfaces. The resin-modified glass-ionomers retained less mutans streptococci than the composite resin and conventional glass-ionomer cements. The conventional glass-ionomer cements retained less mutans streptococci than the composite resin, but that difference was not statistically significant.A cárie secundária representa problema de saúde pública e socioeconômico no mundo. A restauração de dentes acometidos por cárie pode criar condições favoráveis à proliferação microbiana na superfície do material restaurador ou na interface dente/restauração, criando ambiente propício para o estabelecimento de cárie secundária. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a capacidade de retenção de placa bacteriana em cimentos de ionômero de vidro convencionais (Chelon-Fil e Vidrion R e modificados por resina (Vitremer e Fuji II LC e de resina composta híbrida (Z100, utilizada como controle. Nos testes de reten

  13. Rice husk derived waste materials as partial cement replacement in lightweight concrete Utilização de resíduos derivados da casca de arroz como substitutos parciais do cimento no concreto leve

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    Celso Yoji Kawabata


    Full Text Available In this study rice husk ash (RHA and broiler bed ash from rice husk (BBA, two agricultural waste materials, have been assessed for use as partial cement replacement materials for application in lightweight concrete. Physical and chemical characteristics of RHA and BBA were first analyzed. Three similar types of lightweight concrete were produced, a control type in which the binder was just CEMI cement (CTL and two other types with 10% cement replacement with, respectively, RHA and BBA. All types of similar lightweight concrete were prepared to present the same workability by adjusting the amount of superplasticizer. Properties of concrete investigated were compressive and flexural strength at different ages, absorption by capillarity, resistivity and resistance to chloride ion penetration (CTH method and accelerated carbonation. Test results obtained for 10% cement replacement level in lightweight concrete indicate that although the addition of BBA conducted to lower performance in terms of the degradation indicative tests, RHA led to the enhancement of mechanical properties, especially early strength and also fast ageing related results, further contributing to sustainable construction with energy saver lightweight concrete.Neste trabalho, cinzas de casca de arroz (RHA e cinzas de cama de frango (BBA, dois resíduos agrícolas, foram avaliadas para uso como substitutos parciais do cimento para produção de concreto leve. Características físicas e químicas de RHA e BBA foram analisadas. Três tipos semelhantes de concreto leve foram produzidos, um controle em que o ligante era totalmente cimento CEM I (CTL e dois outros tipos de concreto, com substituição de 10% com RHA e BBA, respectivamente. Todos os tipos de concreto leve foram feitos através do ajuste da quantidade de superplastificante para apresentarem a mesma trabalhabilidade. Propriedades de concreto investigados foram resistência à compressão e à flexão em diferentes idades

  14. Procedures for reducing the incompatibility between simplified-step adhesive systems and dual-cured resin cements = : Procedimentos para redução da incompatibilidade entre sistemas adesivos simplificados e cimentos resinosos de dupla ativação


    Ariene Arcas Topal Paes Leme


    Resumo: Neste estudo avaliou-se o efeito: (1) da adição de resina de troca aniônica (AER) a um cimento experimental, para reduzir a incompatibilidade entre sistemas adesivos simplificados e cimento resinoso de polimerização dupla, quando ativado quimicamente; (2) da aplicação de uma camada extra de adesivo entre o sistema adesivo simplificado e o cimento resinoso, na resistência da união, propriedades nanomecânicas da camada de cimento e micropermeabilidade na interface adesiva. Discos de res...

  15. Análise da retração por secagem em argamassas autonivelantes utilizando adições minerais como substitutos parciais do cimento portland


    Carvalho, Henrique Duarte Sales


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, Florianópolis, 2015 Uma das principais dificuldades geradas na produção de argamassas autonivelantes para pisos está relacionada com o empenamento dos cantos (curling), ocasionado pela retração. A utilização de adições minerais é um tema que vem sendo explorado na área de materiais de construção civil com a finalidade de melhorar as propriedades das argamassas...

  16. Compósitos de cimento - borracha de pneus: efeito da escória nas propriedades Tire rubber-cement composites: effect of slag on properties

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    N. Segre


    Full Text Available Compósitos de cimento-borracha de pneus preparados com cimentos tipo I e contendo adições de três diferentes escórias foram estudados. Resistência à flexão, absorção de água e resistência ao ataque ácido foram investigadas. Um decréscimo no módulo de ruptura (MOR foi observado para todos os corpos de prova contendo borracha, quando comparados com os corpos de prova sem borracha (controles. Para as pastas controle e com borracha e argamassas controle, preparadas com cimento com escória, o MOR aumenta com o aumento da atividade hidráulica da escória utilizada, até valores indistinguíveis dos obtidos para as argamassas e pastas preparadas com cimento tipo I. Argamassas com borracha apresentaram valores de MOR independentes do cimento utilizado. Uma redução na sorção de água é observada para corpos de prova controle e contendo borracha, preparados com todos os cimentos contendo adição de escória, quando comparados com os corpos de prova preparados com cimento tipo I. Para corpos de prova de argamassa com borracha, quanto mais baixa é a basicidade da escória, menor é a sorção de água dos compósitos. Estes resultados indicam baixa porosidade e consequentemente uma melhor adesão entre a borracha e a matriz de cimento nestes corpos de prova. Além disso, uma velocidade menor de sorção de água é observada para os corpos de prova com borracha, com destaque para os corpos de prova com cimento que contém a escória menos básica, quando comparados com os controles. Resultados de ataque ácido aos corpos e prova de argamassas, preparadas com os cimentos contendo adição de escória, mostram que a susceptibilidade dos corpos de prova frente à degradação por ácido é governada não somente por aspectos microestruturais, como porosidade e permeabilidade, mas também por aspectos químicos, como diferenças na quantidade de álcalis presentes nas escórias ou quantidade de escória não reagida nos corpos de prova

  17. Caracterização de argamassa modificada por particula vegetal para nivelamento de contrapiso


    Francisca Julia França Ferreira de Melo


    Resumo: O presente trabalho se propõe desenvolver uma argamassa para nivelamento de contra piso modificada com partículas vegetais de Pinus caribaea e avaliar suas características físicas e mecânicas. Os resíduos de Pinus utilizados são provenientes do processo de fabricação de lápis. Os traços tiveram seu fator água/cimento determinado pela trabalhabilidade. As misturas foram elaboradas com Cimento Portland CPII-E 32, areia, adição de partículas vegetais de Pinus e água proporcional ao traço...

  18. Influence of the waste glass in the axial compressive strength of Portland cement concrete; Influencia dos residuos vitreos na resistencia a compressao axial do concreto de cimento Portland

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    Miranda Junior, E.J.P.; Paiva, A.E.M., E-mail: [Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Maranhao (PPGEM/IFMA), Sao Luis, MA (Brazil). Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Engenharia de Materiais


    In this work, was studied the influence of the incorporation of waste glass, coming from the stage of thinning and polishing of a company of thermal glass treatments, in the axial compressive strength of Portland cement concrete. The coarse and ground aggregates used was crushed stone and sand, respectively. For production of the concrete, percentages of glass residues of 5%, 10% and 20% had been used in substitution to the sand, and relations water/cement (a/c) 0,50, 0,55 and 0,58. The cure of the test bodies was carried through in 7, 14 and 28 days. The statistics analysis of the results was carried out through of the analysis of variance for each one of the cure times. From the results of the compressive strength of the concrete, it could be observed that the concrete has structural application for the relation a/c 0,5, independently of waste glass percentage used, and for the relation a/c 0,55 with 20% of waste glass. (author)

  19. Efeito da argila calcinada sobre a durabilidade de argamassas reforçadas com fibras curtas de sisal Effect of calcined clay on aging of sisal short fiber reinforced mortar

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    João de Farias Filho


    Full Text Available O interesse pelo uso de fibras vegetais como reforço de matrizes, à base de cimento, tem crescido em todo o mundo nos últimos anos, sendo limitado pela baixa durabilidade das fibras no meio alcalino. Com o tempo, as fibras podem mineralizar devido à migração de hidróxido de cálcio (CH da matriz para o lúmen e paredes das fibro-células. Procurou-se consumir, no presente estudo, o CH livre utilizando-se resíduo de tijolo moído e metacaulinita em substituição parcial, de 20 e 40% em peso, do cimento portland. Compósitos com fibras de sisal e matrizes cimento-pozolana foram submetidos a ensaios de resistência a flexão, após 28 dias de cura em água, 135 e 180 dias de envelhecimento natural e após 94 ciclos de molhagem e secagem. Os resultados indicaram que é possível consumir todo o CH da matriz, o que resultou na manutenção da tenacidade inicial do compósito e no aumento da sua resistência a flexão após exposição natural ou ciclos de molhagem e secagem.In the last few years a growing interest in the use of sisal fibers as reinforcement in cement based composites has been observed. However, the main concern for its use is related with the durability of the fibers in the alkaline water of concrete as they can mineralize due to the migration of calcium hydroxide to the fiber lumen and cell walls. In this study, the alkalinity of the matrix was reduced using metakaolin and crushed waste calcined clay bricks as cement replacement. The percentage of cement replacement ranged from 20 to 40% on weight basis. Flexural tests were carried out in the composites after 28 days of cure in water, 135 and 180 days of ageing in the open air and after 94 cycles of wetting and drying. These results indicated that the mixture with cement replacement consumed all calcium hydroxide and kept the toughness over time.

  20. Structural behavior of load bearing brick walls of soil-cement with the addition of ground ceramic waste Comportamento estrutural de paredes estruturais de tijolos de solo-cimento com adição de resíduo cerâmico moído

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    Humberto C. Lima Júnior


    Full Text Available An experimental study of three load bearing walls is presented and discussed in this paper. The walls were of soil-cement bricks made with three different material proportions, in which two of them had part of the cement amount replaced by crushed ceramic waste. The walls were 95.20 cm high, 75.32 cm wide and 12.56 cm thick and had their bricks layered with cement paste. The walls were tested under compression and their displacements were measured with 5 dial gages. The walls had satisfactory behaviour and their strengths were suitable as required by Brazilian popular houses. The differences between the brick strength and the wall strength were less than 20%. A finite element analysis (FEA was performed and the uniformity of the compressive stress distributions in the walls was evaluated. Finally, it was observed that the partial replacement of the cement by crushed ceramic waste is possible.Neste trabalho, apresenta-se resultados do estudo experimental de três paredes estruturais, construídas com tijolos de solo-cimento. Os tijolos foram fabricados com três diferentes proporções de materiais, nas quais duas delas tiveram parte do cimento substituído por resíduo cerâmico moído. As paredes apresentavam altura de 95,20 cm, largura de 75,32 cm e espessura de 12,56 cm e tiveram seus tijolos rejuntados com pasta de cimento, que foram ensaiadas sob compressão centrada e tiveram seus deslocamentos avaliados por cinco relógios medidores de deslocamento. Observou-se comportamento estrutural satisfatório e resistências compatíveis com as requeridas pelas paredes das casas populares brasileiras. Em todos os casos, as diferenças entre as tensões máximas nas paredes e as resistências dos tijolos, foram inferiores a 20%. Para concluir o estudo, realizou-se análise por meio do método dos elementos finitos (MEF com o intuito de avaliar a uniformidade na distribuição das tensões ao longo das paredes. Finalmente, observou-se que a substitui

  1. Ultrafine portland cement performance

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    C. Argiz


    Full Text Available By mixing several binder materials and additions with different degrees of fineness, the packing density of the final product may be improved. In this work, ultrafine cement and silica fume mixes were studied to optimize the properties of cement-based materials. This research was performed in mortars made of two types of cement (ultrafine Portland cement and common Portland cement and two types of silica fume with different particle-size distributions. Two Portland cement replacement ratios of 4% and 10% of silica fume were selected and added by means of a mechanical blending method. The results revealed that the effect of the finer silica fume mixed with the coarse cement enhances the mechanical properties and pore structure refinement at a later age. This improvement is somewhat lower in the case of ultrafine cement with silica fume.

  2. Análise microscópica da polpa dental de cães após pulpotomia e proteção pulpar com agregado de trióxido mineral e cimento Portland branco


    Menezes, Renato; Bramante, Clóvis Monteiro; Garcia, Roberto Brandão; Letra, Ariadne; Carvalho, Vanessa Graciela Gomes; Carneiro, Everdan; Brunini, Sérgio; Oliveira, Rodrigo Cardoso; Canova, Giovana Calichio; Moraes, Fernanda Gomes de


    Considering previous studies on the similarity between the chemical composition of the mineral trioxide aggregate and the Portland cement, the purpose of this study was to investigate the pulp response of dog's teeth after pulpotomy and direct pulp protection with MTA Angelus and white Portland cement. Thirty eight pulp remnants were protected with these materials. One hundred and twenty days after treatment, the animals were sacrificed and the specimens removed and prepared for histological ...



    Carvalho dos Santos, Wagna Piler; IFBA; Suzart, Vivian Patricia; IFBA; Ferreira da Silva Júnior, Nelicio; IFBA


    A fibra extraída da bananeira (Musa Musácea) após a colheita dos cachos de bananas, que geralmente são descartadas, serve no preparo de um compósito à base de solo-cimento formado para a preparação de tijolo ecológico, com baixo custo e boa qualidade, podendo até mesmo ser utilizado por uma mão de obra não qualificada. O presente artigo tem como objetivo realizar um estudo de prospecção tecnológica relacionado à aplicação do compósito à base de solo-cimento de fibra de bananeira para a fab...

  4. Influence of eugenol-containing temporary restorations on the microleakage of total-etch and self-etching adhesive systems = Influência de restaurações temporárias contendo eugenol na microinfiltração de sistemas adesivos convencional e autocondicionante

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    Azevedo, Eduardo Costa de


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Este estudo in vitro avaliou a influência de um cimento restaurador temporário à base de óxido de zinco-eugenol (CT-OZE no selamento marginal de restaurações diretas, utilizando dois sistemas adesivos. Metodologia: Cavidades classe V foram preparadas em 20 incisivos bovinos e restauradas com dois cimentos temporários, CT-OZE (IRM® ou cimento livre de eugenol (Cavit® (n=10/ cimento temporário. Após sete dias, cinco dentes de cada grupo de cimento temporário foram restaurados utilizando o sistema Single Bond® (SB e os demais cinco com o sistema Adper Prompt® (AP. As cavidades foram restauradas com resina composta (Filtek Z-250, termocicladas (500 ciclos, imersas em fucsina básica e longitudinalmente seccionadas. A penetração do corante foi avaliada em microscópio ótico. Os dados analisados por teste de Kruskal-Wallis (P = 0,05. Resultados: A infiltração em dentina foi similar à do esmalte. Em esmalte, o grupo com Cavit® e AP apresentou infiltração significativamente maior. Em dentina, AP exibiu maior infiltração que SB, e não houve diferença entre CT-OZE e Cavit®. Conclusão: Em geral, SB produziu melhor selamento marginal que AP, e CT-OZE não aumentou a penetração de corante. A presença de eugenol no material restaurador temporário não afetou o selamento marginal de restaurações adesivas

  5. Melhoria do processo Hatschek, por meio de tratamento de dados históricos, para fabricação de telhas onduladas.


    Aline Basso de Oliveira


    As telhas de cimento-amianto são utilizadas mundialmente nas construções comerciais, residenciais e industriais. O amianto foi a primeira aplicação de fibra natural em escala industrial. Esta fibra foi incorporada na forma do mineral (asbesto) como reforço de matrizes à base do cimento. O processo de fabricação de telhas de cimento-amianto mais utilizado mundialmente foi patenteado em 1900 por Ludwig Hatschek, recebendo o mesmo nome. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a melhoria do processo indust...

  6. Comportamento resiliente de um solo argiloso da região de Viçosa-MG no estado natural e estabilizado com cimento e alcatrão fracionado

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    Sant'Anna Giovanni Levi


    Full Text Available A importância do estudo das características resilientes dos solos e das misturas estabilizadas quimicamente justifica-se pela necessidade de conhecer o seu comportamento mecânico, sob a ação de cargas repetidas e transientes, quando constituintes do pavimento de estradas florestais. O método tradicional de determinação do módulo de resiliência, em laboratório, requer o emprego de um equipamento triaxial de cargas repetidas, que é relativamente complexo e caro, o que leva à necessidade de se desenvolver métodos mais simples para determinação do módulo de resiliência. Assim, buscou-se com este trabalho determinar o módulo de resiliência de um solo argiloso comum na região de Viçosa-MG em seu estado natural e quando estabilizado com cimento e alcatrão, como também propor correlações empíricas entre este e outros parâmetros geotécnicos de fácil obtenção em laboratório.

  7. Basalt waste added to Portland cement

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    Thiago Melanda Mendes


    Full Text Available Portland cement is widely used as a building material and more than 4.3 billion tons were produced in 2014, with increasing environmental impacts by this industry, mainly through CO2 emissions and consumption of non-removable raw materials. Several by-products have been used as raw materials or fuels to reduce environmental impacts. Basaltic waste collected by filters was employed as a mineral mixture to Portland cement and two fractions were tested. The compression strength of mortars was measured after 7 days and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM and Electron Diffraction Scattering (EDS were carried out on Portland cement paste with the basaltic residue. Gains in compression strength were observed for mixtures containing 2.5 wt.% of basaltic residue. Hydration products observed on surface of basaltic particles show the nucleation effect of mineral mixtures. Clinker substitution by mineral mixtures reduces CO2 emission per ton of Portland cement.

  8. Avaliação biomecânica do cimento ortopédico combinado com antibiótico e azul de metileno Biomechanical evaluation of orthopaedic cement combined with antibiotic and methylene blue

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    Marcos Felipe Marcatto de Abreu


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O cimento acrílico é utilizado há anos nas cirurgias ortopédicas, especialmente nas artroplastias do joelho, merecendo atenção também quando utilizado com o acréscimo de antibióticos (para tratamento de infecções ou corantes (para facilitação de uma possível retirada. Neste estudo procurou-se avaliar diferenças mecânicas entre o cimento ortopédico puro e quando misturado com antibiótico e/ou corante. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados cimento acrílico ortopédico Surgical Simplex®P Stryker, vancomicina em pó e azul de metileno e as misturas submetidas a testes físicos e mecânicos de acordo com a norma ABNT NBR ISO 5833. Avaliou-se: tempo para a formação de massa, capacidade de intrusão, resistência à compressão, resistência ao dobramento (tensão e temperatura máxima atingida pelas misturas. RESULTADOS: As misturas avaliadas foram aprovadas quanto ao tempo de preparação da mistura, temperatura máxima alcançada, profundidade da intrusão e resistência à compressão. Somente aquela contendo apenas cimento puro foi aprovada no ensaio de flexão. CONCLUSÃO: O acréscimo de vancomicina e/ou azul de metileno ao cimento ortopédico Surgical Simplex®P Stryker reduz a resistência da mistura à flexão, sendo reprovada pela norma ABNT NBR ISO 5833.OBJECTIVE: Acrylic cement has been used for years on orthopaedic surgeries, especially on knee arthroplasties, deserving special attention when added to antibiotics (for treatment of deep bone infections or stains (to facilitate its removal. The present study was conducted in order to evaluate potential mechanical differences between the orthopaedic cement itself and when this is added to antibiotic and/or stains. METHODS: Surgical bone cement Simplex®P Stryker, vancomycin and methylene blue were used, and the mixtures were submitted to physical and mechanical tests according the ABNT NBR ISO 5833 rule. The parameters studied here were: time for mass formation

  9. Chemical constitution, physical properties, and biocompatibility of experimentally manufactured Portland cement. (United States)

    Hwang, Yun-Chan; Kim, Do-Hee; Hwang, In-Nam; Song, Sun-Ju; Park, Yeong-Joon; Koh, Jeong-Tae; Son, Ho-Hyun; Oh, Won-Mann


    An experimental Portland cement was manufactured with pure raw materials under controlled laboratory conditions. The aim of this study was to compare the chemical constitution, physical properties, and biocompatibility of experimentally manufactured Portland cement with those of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement. The composition of the cements was determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive x-ray analysis (EDAX). The setting time and compressive strength were tested. The biocompatibility was evaluated by using SEM and XTT assay. SEM and EDAX revealed the experimental Portland cement to have a similar composition to Portland cement. The setting time of the experimental Portland cement was significantly shorter than that of MTA and Portland cement. The compressive strength of the experimental Portland cement was lower than that of MTA and Portland cement. The experimental Portland cement showed a similar biocompatibility to MTA. The experimental Portland cement might be considered as a possible substitute for MTA in clinical usage after further testing. Copyright © 2011 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Lithofacies and petrophysical properties of Portland Base Bed and Portland Whit Bed limestone as related to durability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dubelaar, C.W.; Engering, S.; Hees, R.P.J. van; Koch, R.; Lorenz, H.G.


    This study focuses on the differences in lithofacies and petrophysical properties of Base Bed and Whit Bed Portland limestone and the presumed relationships between these characteristics and the durability of this building stone. As Portland limestone probably will be used as a stone for several

  11. Lithofacies and Petrophysical Properties of Portland Base Bed and Portland Whit Bed Limestone as Related to Durability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dubelaar, C.W.; Engering, S.; Van Hees, R.P.J.; Koch, R.; Lorenz, H.G.


    This study focuses on the differences in lithofacies and petrophysical properties of Base Bed and Whit Bed Portland limestone and the presumed relationships between these characteristics and the durability of this building stone. As Portland limestone probably will be used as a stone for several

  12. Cinza de palha de cana-de-açúcar como adição mineral em fibrocimento

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    Michelle S. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de cana-de-açúcar e sua indústria sucroalcooleira gera grande quantidade de resíduos líquidos e sólidos, dentre eles a palha da cana-de-açúcar. Com o objetivo de agregar valor a este resíduo produziu-se, neste trabalho, cinza de palha de cana-de-açúcar por meio da queima controlada a 700 °C e se avaliou sua aplicação como adição mineral em compósitos de fibrocimento. A cinza foi caracterizada pelas técnicas de fluorescência de raios X, difração de raios X, granulometria a laser e superfície específica. Nos compósitos foram avaliadas as propriedades de absorção de água, porosidade aparente, massa específica aparente, módulo de ruptura, energia específica, módulo de elasticidade e limite de proporcionalidade. A caracterização das cinzas indicou superfície específica e porosidade elevadas, além de apresentar um halo de amorficidade no seu difratograma. Compósitos produzidos com as cinzas mostraram características físicas e mecânicas similares àquelas do controle o que viabiliza a substituição parcial do cimento Portland por esse tipo de cinzas.

  13. Ex vivo analysis of marginal apical sealing ability of a mta Fillapex® = Avaliação ex vivo do selamento apical marginal do mta Fillapex®

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    Pinto, Nilce Mendes Faria


    Full Text Available Objetivos: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar ex vivo a capacidade de selamento apical do cimento endodôntico MTA FILLAPEX® comparando com Sealapex, Pulp Canal Sealer e AH26. Metodologia: Foi avaliada a capacidade deste cimento em prevenir a infiltração de uma cultura de Enterococcus Faecalis através da obturação do canal radicular. Foram utilizados 48 dentes unirradiculados de humanos, que depois de instrumentados e obturados pela técnica da condensação vertical da guta-percha aquecida, foram divididos em 4 grupos experimentais (n=10, um grupo controle positivo (n=4, ou um grupo controle negativo (n=4. A inoculação microbiana foi realizada a cada três dias, sempre com cultura de 24 horas, durante um período de 60 dias. Os dados foram tabulados e analisados estatisticamente por Análise de Sobrevivência, onde se comparou o desempenho dos quatro cimentos, utilizando o Teste Log-Rank Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que o grupo obturado com MTA FILLAPEX®, apresentou todas as amostras infiltradas. Os cimentos Sealapex e Pulp Canal Sealer apresentaram 90 e 80 e 30% de amostras infiltradas respectivamente. O cimento AH26 foi significativamente mais eficiente em retardar a infiltração, embora com 30% das amostras infiltradas. Conclusão: O cimento MTA FILLAPEX® quando comparado aos outros cimentos avaliados, apresentou a maior infiltração frente a uma cultura de Enterococcus Faecalis

  14. Evaluation of Portland cement from X-ray diffraction associated with cluster analysis; Avaliacao de cimento Portland a partir da difracao de raios X associada a analise por agrupamento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gobbo, Luciano de Andrade, E-mail: [Panalytical Brasil, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Montanheiro, Tarcisio Jose, E-mail: [Instituto Geologico, Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Montanheiro, Filipe, E-mail: [Universidade Estadual Paulista (LEBAC/UNESP), Rio Claro, SP (Brazil). Departamento de Geologia Aplicada. Lab. de Estudos de Bacias; Sant' Agostino, Lilia Mascarenhas, E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Instituto de Geociencias. Departamento de Geologia Sedimentar e Ambiental


    The Brazilian cement industry produced 64 million tons of cement in 2012, with noteworthy contribution of CP-II (slag), CP-III (blast furnace) and CP-IV (pozzolanic) cements. The industrial pole comprises about 80 factories that utilize raw materials of different origins and chemical compositions that require enhanced analytical technologies to optimize production in order to gain space in the growing consumer market in Brazil. This paper assesses the sensitivity of mineralogical analysis by X-ray diffraction associated with cluster analysis to distinguish different kinds of cements with different additions. This technique can be applied, for example, in the prospection of different types of limestone (calcitic, dolomitic and siliceous) as well as in the qualification of different clinkers. The cluster analysis does not require any specific knowledge of the mineralogical composition of the diffractograms to be clustered; rather, it is based on their similarity. The materials tested for addition have different origins: fly ashes from different power stations from South Brazil and slag from different steel plants in the Southeast. Cement with different additions of limestone and white Portland cement were also used. The Rietveld method of qualitative and quantitative analysis was used for measuring the results generated by the cluster analysis technique. (author)

  15. Energy costs and Portland water supply system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Elliott, W.M.; Hawley, R.P.


    The changing role of electrical energy on the Portland, Oregon, municipal-water-supply system is presented. Portland's actions in energy conservation include improved operating procedures, pump modifications, and modifications to the water system to eliminate pumping. Portland is implementing a small hydroelectric project at existing water-supply dams to produce an additional source of power for the area. Special precautions in construction and operation are necessary to protect the high quality of the water supply. 2 references, 7 figures.

  16. Comparação de três sistemas digitais em relação à densidade óptica de cimentos de ionômetro de vidro = Comparison of three digital systems in relation to the optical density of glass ionomer cements

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    Hehn, Lisiane


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar três sistemas digitais, dois do tipo placas ópticas e um sensor, quanto à densidade óptica de três cimentos de ionômero de vidro restauradores. Materiais e Método: Foram obtidas imagens radiográficas dos corpos de prova confeccionados com cada um dos materiais, em espessuras de 1, 2, 3 e 4 mm, posicionados entre as metades de um pré-molar humano, extraído e seccionado no sentido mésio-distal. As medidas de densidade óptica, em valores de pixels, foram realizadas de acordo com as especificações do sistema correspondente ao receptor de imagem utilizado e analisadas por meio do teste não-paramétrico de Friedman (a = 1%. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram diferenças significativas nas médias dos valores de densidade óptica entre os sistemas digitais. As maiores médias foram determinadas no sistema CYGNUS, seguido pelo DENOPTIX e menores valores para o DIGORA (p = 0,01. Entretanto, não se observou diferenças estatísticas quando comparadas as médias das variações de densidade óptica decorrentes do aumento na espessura do corpo de prova. Conclusão: Portanto, pode-se concluir que, apesar de diferirem quanto aos valores de densidade óptica, os sistemas testados apresentam padrões semelhantes quando expressam a variação em função da espessura do material utilizado

  17. Nuevos conglomerantes complementarios del cemento portland


    Argiz, Cristina; Menéndez, Esperanza; Moragues, Amparo; Sanjuan-Barbudo, Miguel


    El desarrollo de nuevos conglomerantes complementarios al cemento portland se presenta como una alternativa que permitirá reciclar residuos, entre otros posibles beneficios. Estos nuevos materiales difícilmente podrán competir con el cemento portland ya que sus aplicaciones son limitadas y su coste, en general, más elevado.

  18. Estudos preliminares sobre estabilização/solidificação - e/s - de lodo de tratamento de lavanderia têxtil para reutilização como argamassa de construção: exame de caso para Maringá, Estado do Paraná Preliminary studies on mud stabilization / solidification, from textile laundry treatments, for re-utilization as building mortar

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    Carmen Lúcia da Rocha Pietrobon


    Full Text Available As lavanderias e tinturarias industriais geram efluentes líquidos que, após tratamento por decantação da matéria em suspensão, produzem lodo. Esse resíduo tem composição química variada em virtude dos produtos usados no processo. Tal resíduo é considerado inadequado para a disposição, in natura, no meio ambiente, devendo ter como destinação final um aterro industrial. No caso em exame, não se dispõe desse tipo de aterro, e os resíduos são transportados por via rodoviária até cerca de 400km de distância, causando um forte impacto financeiro na produção de um emergente mercado local de indústria têxtil e de confecção. Este trabalho apresenta a caracterização físico-química do lodo proveniente de uma lavanderia industrial, para o estudo de sua disposição final, em processo de E/S, em pasta de cimento e em argamassa de cimento e areia normal. A adição de cimento portland - CPI 32 ou CP II Z - visa ao seu reaproveitamento em materiais de construção civil e objetiva minimizar os custos de disposição final deste resíduo. Nesta caracterização, analisaram-se: sedimentação, DQO, sólidos totais, fixos e voláteis no lodo, densidade, pH, e a presença de metais, sendo detectada a presença dos metais Fe, Mg, Al, Sn, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn e Zn. Corpos de prova de pasta e argamassa foram submetidos à análise de resistência à compressão e também testes de lixiviação na argamassa. Os resultados demonstraram que na pasta de cimento e lodo os valores de resistência mecânica, aos 28 dias, atingem valores maiores que 10 MPa. E, as argamassas com adição de teores de lodo menores que 25% em relação à massa de cimento, possuem valores de resistência mecânica maiores que 10 Mpa, aos 28 dias, o que permite sua utilização como material de construção civil secundário, sem função estrutural. Também de maneira geral, a lixiviação ocorrida nos corpos de prova de argamassa sem lodo incorporado foi da mesma

  19. Estudo do solo-cimento-autoadensável produzido com solos da região do Porto-PT. PARTE II: avaliação da resistência e desempenho mecânico por meio da medição da resistividade elétrica e velocidade de propagação de ondas de ultrassom.

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    Marco Antônio Morais Alcantara


    Full Text Available (D.O.I.: 10.5216/reec.V9i1.29946 RESUMO: O artigo apresenta um estudo do solo-cimento autoadensável, sobre utilização da medição das propriedades relativas à resistividade elétrica e da velocidade de propagação de ondas de ultrassom, como meios de se buscar subsídios para esclarecer o processo de estabilização, bem como de se encontrar um meio indireto para a estimativa do valor da resistência e do desempenho mecânico. Para tanto, foi realizado um experimento a partir da utilização de um solo residual da região do Porto-Pt, cimento Portland, água, e aditivo de atuação estérica e eletrostática. A proporção dos materiais foi adotada a partir do peso seco do solo, conforme teores que variaram de 20, 25, e 30% de cimento, 41, 44 e 47% para a água, e 0,66, 0,80 e 0,93% para a variação do teor do superplastificante. Os ensaios no realizados no estado fresco procuraram seguir os protocolos de avaliação utilizados para os casos de argamassas e de concretos autoadensáveis; e, no estado endurecido, foram realizados os ensaios de resistência à compressão simples, resistência à flexão, e a avaliação dos valores da resistividade elétrica e da velocidade da propagação de ondas ultrassom. Os resultados indicaram haver aproximação entre o solo-cimento-auto-adensável e os concretos e argamassas; bem como, a variação dos valores da resistividade elétrica e da velocidade de propagação de ondas de ultrassom se apresentaram coerentes com a idade de cura e com os valores de resistência mecânica alcançados. ABSTRACT: The article presents a study of the soil-cement self-compacting, on the feasibility of using the measurement of the properties on the electrical resistivity and the speed of propagation of ultrasound waves as a means of seeking information to clarify the stabilization process as well as to find an indirect means for estimating the value of resistance and mechanical performance. Therefore, an experiment

  20. Poet Portland Approval (United States)

    This update August 9, 2016 letter from EPA approves the petition, with modifications, from Poet Biorefining-Portland, LLC, regarding non-grandfathered ethanol produced through a dry mill process, qualifying under the Clean Air Act for renewable fuel

  1. Compressive strength of glass ionomer cements using different specimen dimensions Resistência à compressão de cimentos de ionômero de vidro utilizando-se diferentes tamanhos de corpos-de-prova

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    André Mallmann


    40 CP. Estes CP foram armazenados em água destilada e ensaiados 24 horas após a manipulação do material, sob uma carga de compressão em uma Máquina de Ensaio Universal (EMIC a uma velocidade de 0,5 mm/min. Foi realizada a análise estatística para comparação dos resultados utilizando-se o teste Kruskal-Wallis (5%. As médias dos testes de resistência à compressão (MPa foram: 54,00 ± 6,6 e 105,10 ± 17,3 para a amostra de 12 mm x 6 mm utilizando-se Vitro Fil e Vitro Fil LC, respectivamente, e 46,00 ± 3,8 e 91,10 ± 8,2 para a amostra de 6 mm x 4 mm utilizando-se Vitro Fil e Vitro Fil LC, respectivamente. O cimento de ionômero de vidro modificado por resina obteve melhores resultados independentemente do tamanho do corpo-de-prova. Para ambos os cimentos de ionômero de vidro, a matriz de 12 mm x 6 mm apresentou maiores valores de resistência que a matriz de 6 mm x 4 mm. Uma maior variabilidade nos resultados pôde ser observada quando os cimentos ionoméricos foram utilizados nas matrizes maiores.


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    E.A. El-Alfi


    Full Text Available Effect of gradual substitution of ordinary Portland cement by a few percent of silica fume (0.0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 wt.% on the hydration properties of slag-Portland cement pastes up to 12 months was investigated. The results show that the composite cement pastes containing silica fume give the higher physico-mechanical properties than that of the slag-Portland cement. Also, the XRD results reveal that the peak of Ca(OH2 shows higher intensity in the sample without silica fume and completely disappears in the sample containing 7.5 wt.% silica fume content. Also, the intensity peaks of C4AH13 sharply increase with silica fume content.

  3. 40 CFR 81.51 - Portland Interstate Air Quality Control Region. (United States)


    ... Quality Control Regions § 81.51 Portland Interstate Air Quality Control Region. The Portland Interstate Air Quality Control Region (Oregon-Washington) has been revised to consist of the territorial area... Portland Interstate Air Quality Control Region (Oregon-Washington) will be referred to by Washington...

  4. Comparison of the physical and mechanical properties of MTA and portland cement. (United States)

    Islam, Intekhab; Chng, Hui Kheng; Yap, Adrian U Jin


    This study evaluated and compared the pH, radiopacity, setting time, solubility, dimensional change, and compressive strength of ProRoot MTA (PMTA), ProRoot MTA (tooth colored formula) (WMTA), white Portland cement (WP), and ordinary Portland cement (OP). The results showed that PMTA and Portland cement have very similar physical properties. However, the radiopacity of Portland cement is much lower than that of PMTA. The compressive strength of PMTA was greater than Portland cement at 28 days. The major constituent of PMTA is Portland cement. Given the low cost of Portland cement and similar properties when compared to PMTA, it is reasonable to consider Portland cement as a possible substitute for PMTA in endodontic applications. However, industrially manufactured Portland cement is not approved currently for use in the United States and therefore no clinical recommendation can be made for its use in the human body. Further in vitro and in vivo tests, especially with regards its biocompatibility, should be conducted to ascertain if it meets the FDA requirements for use as a medical device.

  5. Radiopacity of portland cement associated with different radiopacifying agents. (United States)

    Húngaro Duarte, Marco Antonio; de Oliveira El Kadre, Guâniara D'arc; Vivan, Rodrigo Ricci; Guerreiro Tanomaru, Juliane Maria; Tanomaru Filho, Mário; de Moraes, Ivaldo Gomes


    This study evaluated the radiopacity of Portland cement associated with the following radiopacifying agents: bismuth oxide, zinc oxide, lead oxide, bismuth subnitrate, bismuth carbonate, barium sulfate, iodoform, calcium tungstate, and zirconium oxide. A ratio of 20% radiopacifier and 80% white Portland cement by weight was used for analysis. Pure Portland cement and dentin served as controls. Cement/radiopacifier and dentin disc-shaped specimens were fabricated, and radiopacity testing was performed according to the ISO 6876/2001 standard for dental root sealing materials. Using Insight occlusal films, the specimens were radiographed near to a graduated aluminum stepwedge varying from 2 to 16 mm in thickness. The radiographs were digitized and radiopacity compared with the aluminum stepwedge using Digora software (Orion Corporation Soredex, Helsinki, Finland). The radiographic density data were converted into mmAl and analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and Tukey-Kramer test (alpha = 0.05). The radiopacity of pure Portland cement was significantly lower (p cement/radiopacifier mixtures were significantly more radiopaque than dentin and Portland cement alone (p cement/bismuth oxide and Portland cement/lead oxide presented the highest radiopacity values and differed significantly from the other materials (p cement/zinc oxide presented the lowest radiopacity values of all mixtures (p cement as radiopacifying agents. However, the possible interference of the radiopacifiers with the setting chemistry, biocompatibility, and physical properties of the Portland cement should be further investigated before any clinical recommendation can be done.

  6. Avaliação da dureza superficial de cimentos de ionômero de vidro reforçados por nanotubos de carbono

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    Mayra Manoella Perez Reis dos Santos

    Full Text Available Introdução Os cimentos de ionômero de vidro (CIV são materiais com baixa resistência à tração e ao cisalhamento, mostrando-se, portanto, contraindicados para áreas sujeitas às grandes cargas oclusais. Objetivo Avaliar o efeito da incorporação de nanotubos de carbono em CIV por meio de dureza superficial Knoop. Material e método Foram confeccionados 48 espécimes, divididos em quatro grupos, de acordo com o tipo de CIV (n=12 – convencional ou de alta viscosidade, incorporados ou não de nanotubos de carbono (NC a 2%: (A Vidrion R; (B Vidrion R + NC 2%; (C Vitro Molar, e (D Vitro Molar + NC 2%. Os espécimes foram preparados utilizando-se seringa Centrix, para inserção do material em moldes plásticos, e armazenados em água deionizada por 24 horas. Após polimento, realizou-se o teste de dureza superficial com penetrador do tipo Knoop. Foram realizadas cinco endentações em cada espécime, distanciadas entre si em 100 µm. Resultado Os valores médios de dureza foram 58,96 ± 8,29 (A, 34,81 ± 5,78 (B, 60,84 ± 4,91 (C e 41,97 ± 5,45 (D. O teste ANOVA detectou diferenças estatisticamente significantes para os dois parâmetros estudados, tipo de material (p=0,016 e inclusão de NC (p0,05, enquanto os grupos B e D apresentaram diferenças significativas (p<0,05. Ao comparar o fator incorporação ou não de NC, observou-se diferença significativa entre os grupos A e B, e entre os grupos C e D (p<0,05. Conclusão A incorporação de nanotubos de carbono influenciou negativamente os valores de dureza superficial para os dois tipos de CIV utilizados.

  7. Microstructure and durability of Portland cement-carbon nanotube composites


    MacLeod, Alastair James Neil


    The incorporation of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), fibres with diameters less than 100 nanometres that exhibit a tensile strength in excess of ten times greater than steel, into Portland cement (OPC) is a relatively novel, yet promising, development for next-generation construction materials exhibiting enhanced strength and ductility, even multifunctionality. When added to Portland cement, creating a Portland cement-CNT nanocomposite material (OPC-CNT), CNTs promote the nucleation of the princi...

  8. Análise física de um solo argiloso cimentado e contaminado

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    José Rojas


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a influência da quantidade de cimento, da porosidade, da umidade de moldagem e do contaminante sobre o comportamento físico de um solo argiloso artificialmente cimentado. O programa experimental consistiu em caracterizar os materiais utilizados e analisar fisicamente a mistura solo-cimento-contaminante, através de ensaios de resistência à compressão simples. O contaminante utilizado nesta pesquisa foi o resíduo borra oleosa ácida, oriundo de uma refinaria que realiza o re-processamento de óleos lubrificantes. Para a obtenção dos parâmetros de moldagem (peso específico máximo seco e umidade ótima do solo natural e das misturas solo/cimento e solo/cimento/contaminante, foram realizados ensaios de compactação com energia Proctor normal, intermediária e modificada. Os resultados, quanto à caracterização, apresentaram um material argiloso, oriundo de rochas riodacitos; quanto à resistência à compressão simples observou-se que a quantidade de cimento exerceu um efeito de acréscimo de resistência do material. Verificou-se que o aumento da massa específica aparente seca influenciou no ganho de resistência para um mesmo teor de cimento adotado, sendo que o acréscimo de resistência foi maior para teores de 20% de cimento, quando comparado com teores de 5%. Concluiu-se que a quantidade de cimento e a diminuição da porosidade ocorrida pela maior densificação influenciam em ganho de resistência e menor consumo de cimento. A variação de umidade de moldagem, mantendo-se constante o peso específico aparente seco, afetou a resistência à compressão simples do solo cimentado contaminado.

  9. Avaliação clínica de um cimento de ionômero de vidro utilizado como selante oclusal: a clinical evaluation Use of a glass ionomer cement as an occlusal sealant

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    Pedro Cheque BERNARDO


    Full Text Available Sabendo-se do papel do flúor na Odontologia Preventiva, cada vez mais procuram-se materiais restauradores com propriedades de liberação deste íon. Dentre os selantes oclusais, grande expectativa existe em relação aos cimentos de ionômero de vidro, particularmente os fotopolimerizáveis, por possuírem melhores propriedades. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar um destes cimentos, Vitremer (3M, aplicado em: combinação ou não com um adesivo. A avaliação foi realizada em 159 dentes, 6 e 12 meses após a aplicação do selante, observando-se sua retenção e a presença ou ausência de lesão de cárie. Concluiu-se que a técnica modificada, com adesivo, propiciou significativamente melhor retenção após 6 e 12 meses que a técnica convencional, não havendo diferença entre molares e pré-molares. Apenas um dente do grupo sem adesivo desenvolveu lesão de cárie após a perda do material.Since fluoride’s properties are widely known in the field of Preventive Dentistry, fluoride-releasing materials have been extensively investigated. Among the occlusal sealants, there is great expectation regarding the results that can be achieved with light-curing glass-ionomer cements due to their excellent properties. The aim of this study was to assess the use of one of these cements, Vitremer (3M as an occlusal sealant. The material was applied using two different techniques; either associated or not with an adhesive system. After 6 and 12 months of observation, an evaluation was performed in 159 teeth to verify its retention as well as the presence of caries lesions. The technique that included the adhesive system showed better retention than the conventional one. Total retention was 84.9% for the experimental technique and 37.2% for the conventional technique after 12 months. There was no difference between bicuspids and molars regarding retention. Caries lesion was observed in a single tooth, for which a total loss of material was observed


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    Romildo Dias Toledo Filho

    Full Text Available RESUMO Esta é a primeira parte de um artigo dividido em duas partes e visa avaliar, analítica e experimentalmente, o comportamento em compressão de argamassas reforçadas com fibras naturais. No presente artigo pretende-se mostrar, de forma experimental, como a adição de fibras de sisal e coco afeta, em várias frações volumétricas e comprimentos, o comportamento tensão-deformação, em compressão, de duas matrizes de argamassa. A influência dessas fibras no processo de fratura das argamassas é também avaliada. O efeito da substituição parcial do cimento Portland (OPC por micro- sílica e escória de alto forno no comportamento dos compósitos é também discutido. Os resultados indicam que a adição de fibras naturais reduziu a resistência a compressão das matrizes em cerca de 18% a 32% e, de forma desprezível o seu módulo de elasticidade mas, não modificou, de forma significativa, o coeficiente de Poisson. Por outro lado, as fibras confinaram o material retardando a propagação da primeira fissura e aumentando a tenacidade pós-carga de pico do material. Com relação ao processo de fratura da argamassa, os resultados indicam que, até a tensão de ruptura, o efeito da adição de fibras de sisal e coco é similar às características produzidas pelo acréscimo da quantidade de areia na matriz de argamassa. A substituição parcial de OPC por escória e micro-sílica conduziu a misturas com uma resistência a compressão ligeiramente mais alta que a das preparadas apenas com OPC. A substituição do OPC resultou tanto na redução quanto no aumento do módulo de elasticidade, enquanto o coeficiente de Poisson não foi modificado significativamente.

  11. 76 FR 28315 - Security Zone; Portland Rose Festival on Willamette River (United States)


    ... Zone; Portland Rose Festival on Willamette River AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION: Notice of enforcement of regulation. SUMMARY: The Coast Guard will enforce the Portland Rose Festival Security Zone in... River during the Portland Rose festival. During the enforcement period, no person or vessel may enter or...

  12. Preterm delivery among people living around Portland cement plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, C.-Y.; Chang, C.-C.; Tsai, S.-S.; Huang, H.-Y.; Ho, C.-K.; Wu, T.-N.; Sung, F.-C.


    The Portland cement industry is the main source of particulate air pollution in Kaohsiung city. Data in this study concern outdoor air pollution and the health of individuals living in communities in close proximity to Portland cement plants. The prevalence of delivery of preterm birth infants as significantly higher in mothers living within 0-2 km of a Portland cement plant than in mothers living within 2-4 km. After controlling for several possible confounders (including maternal age, season, marital status, maternal education, and infant sex), the adjusted odds ratio was 1.30 (95% I=1.09-1.54) for the delivery of preterm infants for mothers living close to he Portland cement plants, chosen at the start to be from 0 to 2 km. These data provide further support for the hypothesis that air pollution can affect he outcome of pregnancy

  13. Synthesis of pure Portland cement phases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wesselsky, Andreas; Jensen, Ole Mejlhede


    Pure phases commonly found in Portland cement clinkers are often used to test cement hydration behaviour in simplified experimental conditions. The synthesis of these phases is covered in this paper, starting with a description of phase relations and possible polymorphs of the four main phases...... in Portland cement, i.e. tricalcium silicate, dicalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate and tetracalcium alumino ferrite. Details of the The process of solid state synthesis are is described in general including practical advice on equipment and techniques. Finally In addition, some exemplary mix compositions...

  14. Eficiência da estabilização do solo e qualidade de tijolos prensados de terra crua tratada com aditivos químicos, avaliadas pela combinação de testes destrutivos e não-destrutivos Efficiency of soil stabilization and quality of bricks manufactured with soil added with chemical additives and evaluated through the association of destrutive and non-destructive methods

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    Régis de C. Ferreira


    Full Text Available A qualidade de tijolos prensados de terra crua tratada quimicamente é influenciada basicamente pelo tipo de solo, adições químicas e período de cura. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a combinação de métodos destrutivos e não-destrutivos associados à análise estatística, para a avaliação da qualidade e da eficiência da estabilização de tijolos prensados de terra crua tratada com cimento, cal e silicato de sódio. Os teores de cimento e cal foram 0; 6 e 10%, e a dose de silicato de sódio foi de 4% em relação ao peso seco da mistura solo-aditivo. Após a sua moldagem, os tijolos foram submetidos à cura durante os períodos de 7; 28; 56 e 91 dias. As propriedades físico-mecânicas dos tijolos foram determinadas por meio de testes destrutivos, tais como a resistência à compressão simples e a absorção de água, e não-destrutivos por meio do ensaio acústico do ultra-som. Adotou-se o parâmetro "resistência anisotrópica" para simplificar as interpretações estatísticas. A adição química que conferiu a melhor qualidade técnica aos tijolos, foi a de 10% de cimento. O parâmetro resistência anisotrópica mostrou-se promissor com vistas à avaliação da qualidade técnica dos tijolos.The aim of this research was the studying of the efficiency of soil stabilization and the technical quality of bricks manufactured with two types of soil treated with chemical additives. For this purpose a sandy soil and a clayey one were added of Portland cement, lime and sodium silicate being their mechanical characteristics evaluated through both non-destructive and destructive methods. The Portland cement and lime admixture contents were 0; 6 and 10%, and the sodium silicate dosage was 4%. Those two methods were associated in order to describe precisely a quantitative parameter called "anisotropical resistance". The results showed that such a parameter could be used as a good index for brick's technical quality evaluation.

  15. Avaliação do impacto na infestação por Aedes aegypti em tanques de cimento do município de Canindé, Ceará, Brasil, após a utilização do peixe Betta splendens como alternativa de controle biológico Evaluation of the impact on Aedes aegypti infestation in cement tanks of the municipal district of Canindé, Ceará, Brazil after using the Betta splendens fish as an alternative biological control

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    Luciano de Góes Cavalcanti Pamplona


    Full Text Available Canindé apresenta uma população de 71.235 habitantes. Em abril de 2001 iniciou a utilização de peixes larvófagos em tanques de cimento, localizados ao nível do solo, como forma de controle biológico para larvas de Aedes aegypti. Durante a visita do agente, ao invés de se tratar os tanques com larvicida, colocou-se um espécime do peixe Betta splendens por depósito. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os resultados desta intervenção. Com os levantamentos do número de imóveis e depósitos existentes, estimou-se este número mês a mês determinando então o número de depósitos existentes por imóvel. Com esta estimativa e o número de imóveis visitados mensalmente analisou-se a infestação deste tipo de depósito. Em janeiro de 2001, 70,4% dos tanques examinados apresentavam larvas; e apenas 7,4% em janeiro de 2002. Em dezembro de 2002 este índice caiu para 0,2%. Demonstrou-se com clareza a capacidade do Betta splendens como agente de controle biológico, em tanques de cimento, reduzindo 320 vezes a infestação deste tipo de recipiente de grande volume.Canindé has a population of 71,235 inhabitants. In April 2001, the city started using larvivorous fish in cement water tanks, as a means of biological control of Aedes aegypti larvae. During house-to-house visits by health agents, instead of treating the water tank with larvicide, a Betta splendens fish was introduced into each tank. The number of houses and the number of tanks was estimated by monthly surveys. Then, the number of tanks per house was determined. Taking into account this estimated number and the number of houses visited, the infestation level for each kind of deposit was analyzed. In January 2001, 70.4% of the water tanks presented mosquitoes. Following the intervention, in January 2002 only 7.4% were positive and by December 2002 the rate had dropped to 0.2%. The efficacy of Betta splendens as a biological control agent in cement water tanks was

  16. Mechanical behavior of cementitious composites with processed sugar cane bagasse ashes; Comportamento mecanico de cimento Portland com cinza de bagaco de cana-de-acucar processada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bezerra, Augusto C.S.; Saraiva, Sergio L.C.; Sena, Natalia O.; Pereira, Gabriela M.; Rodrigues, Conrado S.; Ferreira, Maria C.N.F., E-mail: [Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), MG (Brazil); Castro, Laurenn W.A.; Silva, Marcos V.M.S. [Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais, MG (Brazil); Gomes, Romero C. [Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP), MG (Brazil); Aguilar, Maria T.P. [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), MG (Brazil)


    Sugar cane bagasse is waste from the sugar and ethanol industry and is primarily intended for burning in boilers to generate energy. As waste from the cogeneration of energy, sugar cane bagasse ashes (SCBA) are produced with no honorable destination. This paper studies the use of SCBA to partially replace Portland cement in producing cementitious composites. The ashes were processed by reburning and grinding, and after processing were characterized by a scanning electron microscope, x-ray diffraction, laser granulometry, and x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. After characterization, cement compounds were fashioned, replacing 0, 10, 20 and 30% of the cement with SCBA. The composites were mechanically evaluated by means of compression strength tests, tensile strength tests by bending. The results proved significant, indicating the possible use of SCBA when added to the cement on manufacture. (author)

  17. Understanding mineral trioxide aggregate/Portland-cement: a review of literature and background factors. (United States)

    Steffen, R; van Waes, H


    This was to carry out a review of the literature concerning mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement with regards to clinical, biological and mechanical findings and a possible substitution of MTA through Portland cement for endodontic use. Electronic literature search of scientific papers from January 1993 to January 2009 was carried out on the MEDLINE and Scopus databases using specific key words. In total, 57 papers were identified that dealt with MTA and Portland cement in a relevant way. The review of 50 papers conforming to the applied criteria showed that MTA and Portland cements have the same clinical, biological and mechanical properties. In animal experiments and technical characterisations both materials seemed to have very similar properties. The only difference is bismuth oxide in MTA added for better radio opacity. It seems likely that MTA materials are based on industrial Portland cements mixed with bismuth oxide. More studies, especially some long-term studies comparing MTA and Portland cement, are necessary. The existing literature gives a solid base for clinical studies with Portland cement in order to replace MTA as an endodontic material. Portland cement could be a substitute for most endodontic materials used in primary teeth.

  18. Analyses of heavy metals in mineral trioxide aggregate and Portland cement. (United States)

    Schembri, Matthew; Peplow, George; Camilleri, Josette


    Portland cement is used in the construction industry as a binder in concrete. It is manufactured from chalk, limestone, and clay, which are clinkered at very high temperatures and ground with gypsum to form Portland cement. The raw materials and the manufacturing process can result in the inclusion of heavy metals in Portland cement. Portland cement with a four to one addition of bismuth oxide is marketed as mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), which is used mainly as a dental material. Heavy metal inclusion can be of concern because MTA is in contact with hard and soft tissues. Measurements of arsenic, lead, and chromium in hydrated gray and white Portland cement, ProRoot MTA, and MTA Angelus were conducted with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry after acid digestion on the hydrated material. The leaching of the metal ions from the solid material in water and simulated body fluid (SBF) was also determined. All cement types showed high relative values of leached chromium compared with arsenic and lead in both the total metal content and leached species. The gray Portland cement showed the highest total amount of metal. The white Portland and both MTAs had lower values for all the leached metal ions. Both MTAs released more arsenic than the amount specified in ISO 9917-1 (2007). Portland cements and MTAs showed evidence of heavy metals in the acid-soluble form as well as leaching in deionized water and SBF. MTA contained levels of arsenic higher than the safe limit specified by the ISO 9917-1 (2007). Copyright 2010 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Evaluation of the radiopacity of root canal sealers by digitization of radiographic images Avaliação da radiopacidade de cimentos endodônticos por meio da digitalização de imagens radiográficas

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    Juliane Maria Guerreiro Tanomaru


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of a zinc oxide and eugenol-based (Endofill, a calcium hydroxide-based (Sealapex, two resin-based (Sealer 26 and AH Plus, and a silicone-based root canal sealer (Roeko Seal. Specimens, measuring 10mm in diameter and 1mm in thickness, were radiographed simultaneously with an aluminum step wedge using occlusal films, according to ISO 6876/2001 standards. Radiographs were digitized, and the radiopacity of sealers was compared to the different thicknesses of the aluminum step wedge, using the VIXWIN 2000 software. Results demonstrated that AH Plus was the most radiopaque sealer, while Sealapex was the least radiopaque (pO objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a radiopacidade de cimentos endodônticos à base de óxido de zinco e eugenol (Endofill, hidróxido de cálcio (Sealapex, resina (Sealer 26 e AH Plus e silicone (Roeko Seal. Os corpos de prova foram padronizados com 10 milímetros de diâmetro e 1 milímetro de espessura e radiografados conjuntamente com uma escala de alumínio empregando-se filmes oclusais, de acordo com as Normas ISO 6876/2001. As radiografias foram digitalizadas e as radiopacidades dos cimentos comparadas à escala de alumínio com diferentes espessuras, utilizando o software VIXWIN 2000. Os resultados demonstraram que o AH Plus foi o cimento mais radiopaco e o Sealapex apresentou menor radiopacidade (p<0,05, sendo intermediários os resultados para os cimentos Roeko Seal, Endofill e Sealer 26. Sealapex apresenta menor radiopacidade que outros tipos de cimentos endodônticos.

  20. Effect of blended materials on U(VI) retention characteristics for portland cement solidification product

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan Hongbin; Ma Xiaoling; Li Yuxiang


    Using the simulated groundwater as leaching liquid, the retention capability of U(VI) in solidification products with Portland cement, the Portland cement containing silica fume, the Portland cement containing metakaolin and the Portland cement containing fly ash was researched by leaching experiments at 25 degree C for 42 d. The results indicate silica fume and metakaolin as blended materials can improve the U(VI) retention capability of Portland cement solidification product, but fly ash can not. (authors)

  1. 76 FR 28318 - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From the Portland Cement Manufacturing... (United States)


    ... Cement Manufacturing Industry and Standards of Performance for Portland Cement Plants AGENCY... Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry Response to... by the Portland Cement Industry and the New Source Performance Standards for Portland Cement Plants...

  2. 76 FR 2832 - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From the Portland Cement Manufacturing... (United States)


    ... Cement Manufacturing Industry and Standards of Performance for Portland Cement Plants AGENCY...) from the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry and Standards of Performance (NSPS) for Portland Cement... Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant From the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry Docket, Docket ID No...

  3. 77 FR 46371 - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Portland Cement Manufacturing... (United States)


    ...-AQ93 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Portland Cement Manufacturing... Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry and Standards of Performance for Portland Cement Plants,'' which was... Manufacturing Industry and Standards of Performance for Portland Cement Plants'' under Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR...

  4. Immediate and delayed solubility of mineral trioxide aggregate and Portland cement

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    Augusto Bodanezi


    Full Text Available This study investigated the solubility of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA and Portland cement since its mixture until 672 hours, by means of two complimentary methods. Metal ring molds filled with the cements were covered with distilled water and, at each experimental time (3, 24, 72, 168, 336 and 672 hours, were weighed as soon as the plates in which the samples have been placed. Empty rings served as the control group (n=8. Mean weight gain and loss was determined and analyzed statistically by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test for all pairwise comparisons. Only Portland cement showed less than 3% weight loss through 24 hours. Detached MTA residues were heavier than those of Portland cement over the 3 to 168 hours. The weight of MTA rings increased more than that of Portland rings within 672 hours (p=0.05. The findings of the present study indicate that, in an aqueous environment MTA is more soluble than Portland cement and exceeds the maximum weight loss considered acceptable by ISO 6876 standard (2001.

  5. Immediate and delayed solubility of mineral trioxide aggregate and Portland cement. (United States)

    Bodanezi, Augusto; Carvalho, Nara; Silva, Daniela; Bernardineli, Norberti; Bramante, Clovis Monteiro; Garcia, Roberto Brandão; de Moraes, Ivaldo Gomes


    This study investigated the solubility of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement since its mixture until 672 hours, by means of two complimentary methods. Metal ring molds filled with the cements were covered with distilled water and, at each experimental time (3, 24, 72, 168, 336 and 672 hours), were weighed as soon as the plates in which the samples have been placed. Empty rings served as the control group (n=8). Mean weight gain and loss was determined and analyzed statistically by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test for all pairwise comparisons. Only Portland cement showed less than 3% weight loss through 24 hours. Detached MTA residues were heavier than those of Portland cement over the 3 to 168 hours. The weight of MTA rings increased more than that of Portland rings within 672 hours (p=0.05). The findings of the present study indicate that, in an aqueous environment MTA is more soluble than Portland cement and exceeds the maximum weight loss considered acceptable by ISO 6876 standard (2001).

  6. Addition of polyurethane dispersions to Portland G for oil wells steam injection submitted to vapor injection; Adicao de poliuretana em dispersao a Portland G para cimentacao de pocos de petroleo sujeitos a injecao de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, L.B. da; Lima, F.M. de; Martinelli, A.M.; Bezerra, U.T.; Mello, D.M.A. [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, RN (Brazil); Araujo, R.G.S. [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Portland cement is by far the most important binding material used in oil well cementing. The cement sheath is responsible for both the mechanical stability of the wellbore and zonal isolation. During primary cementing and the production lifespan of the well, the cement sheath is exposed to adverse thermo-mechanical conditions, which may crack the intrinsically brittle cement material. Cracking affects the mechanical integrity of the sheath resulting in the contamination of oil or gas pay zones, as well as in the increase of producing costs related to the extraction of pebble and water. This scenario is especially encountered in wells containing heavy oils, typical of the Northeastern region of Brazil. The objective of the present study was to improve the fracture toughness of hardened Special Portland Cement slurries by the addition of aqueous polyurethane to Portland-based slurries used in primary cementing, plug backs and squeeze operations, improving environmental and economical impacts. The results revealed that the addition of polyurethane increased the viscosity of the slurry but still within the limits established by oil well cement guidelines. No significant increase was observed in the compressive strength of the cement. However, the addition of polyurethane improved the toughness of the cement increasing its ability to withstand thermo-mechanical cycles typical of heavy oil recovery. In addition, significant reduction in permeability was observed as the contents of polyurethane increased, contributing to the reduction in set time and gas migration through the cement sheath. (author)

  7. Negligible expression of arsenic in some commercially available brands of Portland cement and mineral trioxide aggregate. (United States)

    De-Deus, Gustavo; de Souza, Maria Claudia Brandão; Sergio Fidel, Rivail Antonio; Fidel, Sandra Rivera; de Campos, Reinaldo Calixto; Luna, Aderval S


    This study was designed aiming to determine and compare the amount of arsenic in some brands of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement. In the present study, arsenic species (As[III], As[V], and dimethylarsinic acid) were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a strong anion exchange column and converted into arsines by online HG. The instrumental coupling, HPLC-HG-AFS, was applied to 0.2 g of each cement that was prior digested in a solution of HCl, HNO(3), and HBF(4). Data were expressed as a part per million, and the preliminary analysis of the raw pooled data revealed a bell-shaped distribution. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance for multiple comparisons. In all chromatograms obtained, only type III arsenic could be detected. The minimum amount of arsenic was detected in samples of white MTA ProRoot (3.3 x 10-4) and the maximum in the samples MTA Bio Angelus (Angelus, Londrina, PR, Brazil) (8.6 x 10-4). In the Gray MTA (Angelus), gray ProRoot MTA (Tulsa/Dentsply, Tulsa, OK) and CP Juntalider (Brasilatex Ltda, Diadema, SP, Brazil) did not detect any trace of arsenic. The values of arsenic found in CP Irajazinho (Votorantim Cimentos, Rio Branco, SP, Brazil) and white MTA Angelus were intermediaries to minimum and maximum values. The nonparametric test Kruskal-Wallis showed statistically similar results among all cements tested (p > 0.5). Overall, the present study showed that all cements showed insignificant amounts of type III arsenic as well as no trace of arsenic DMA and type V could be detected.

  8. In vitro evaluation of marginal microleakage of class II bonded amalgam restorations using a dentin adhesive and a glass ionomer cement Avaliação in vitro da microinfiltração marginal em restaurações de amálgama tipo classe II usando adesivo dentinário e cimento de ionômero de vidro

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    Edmêr Silvestre PEREIRA JÚNIOR


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vitro the effectiveness of the dentin bonding system All Bond 2 associated with Resinomer (Bisco, and of Vitrebond (3M glass ionomer cement fresh-mixed, both used in the bonded amalgam technique, to prevent short-term microleakage in class II cavities restored with Dispersalloy (Dentsply, an admixed alloy. The control group utilized the Copalite (Cooley & Cooley varnish. Forty five sound human extracted premolars were used. Class II cavity preparations were made on the mesial and distal surfaces of non-carious teeth, with the gingival margins wall established 1mm under the cementum enamel junction. The specimens were divided randomly into three groups with thirty cavities in each group. The teeth were stored in distilled water for 24 hours and were thermocyled through 500 cycles in distilled water between 5°C and 55°C with a dwell time of 15 seconds. The apices and roots of the teeth were sealed. They were placed in a 37°C bath of 0.5% basic fuchsin dye for 24 hours. The teeth were washed in tap water for 24 hours and cut. The microleakage scores per restoration were averaged and three values of various test groups were subjected to the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn test at a significance level of p O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar in vitro a efetividade na prevenção da microinfiltração do sistema adesivo All Bond 2 associado ao Resinomer (Bisco, e do cimento de ionômero de vidro Vitrebond (3M, sem polimerização, em amálgama adesivo classe II, restauradas com Dispersalloy (Dentsply. No grupo controle utilizou-se o verniz cavitário Copalite (Cooley & Cooley. Para tanto, 45 pré-molares humanos íntegros e extraídos, com finalidade ortodôntica, receberam cavidades classe II, sendo uma na face mesial e outra na face distal de cada dente, com a parede cervical localizada a 1mm além da junção cemento-esmalte, sendo 30 cavidades em cada grupo. Após as restaurações os dentes foram estocados

  9. Electrically conductive Portland cement concrete. (United States)


    There is a need for an effective, simple-to-install secondary anode system for use in the cathodic protection of reinforced concrete bridge decks. In pursuit of such a system, carbon fibers and carbon black were incorporated in portland cement concre...

  10. Langstroth hive construction with cement-vermiculite Construção de colméia Langstroth com cimento-vermiculita

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    Maria Cristina Affonso Lorenzon


    Full Text Available Exfoliated vermiculite is a light-weight and cheap product that, because of its thermal resistance, has become a valuable insulating material. With regard to its use in beekeeping, this research tested whether the box for honey bees constructed with cement-vermiculite mortar (CVM presents physical characteristics similar to those of wood. The experiment was carried out at Seropédica, RJ, Brazil, for eight months. The cement-vermiculite mortar was compared with a control material (pinewood, in the construction of Langstroth boxes and boards, in a completely randomized design, with respect to thermal control, thermal conductivity and its capacity to absorb and lose water. The production cost for a CVM box was estimated. There were no internal temperature differences between CVM and wooden boxes. Thermal conductivity values for CVM and pinewood were similar. CVM absorbed more water and lost water faster than pinewood. Since CVM boxes can be easily constructed, at a low cost and with similar characteristics as traditional boxes, made of wood, the material can be recommended for use in non-migratory beekeeping.A vermiculita expandida é um material leve, barato e sua resistência térmica permite sua utilização como material isolante. Referente ao seu uso na Apicultura, esta pesquisa testou se a caixa para abelhas melíferas construída com argamassa cimento-vermiculita (ACV apresenta características similares às da madeira. O estudo foi realizado em Seropédica (ERJ, Brasil, durante oito meses. Comparou-se a argamassa com o material controle, que foi a madeira pinho, em caixas de abelhas e em placas, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, quanto ao: controle térmico, a condutividade térmica, a capacidade de absorver e perder água. O custo de produção da caixa ACV para abelhas foi estimado. Não se observaram diferenças da temperatura interna entre as caixas de ACV e de madeira. A condutividade térmica foi similar nas placas de ACV

  11. Estratégias para a minimização da emissão de CO2 de concretos

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    Vanessa Carina Heinrichs Chirico Oliveira

    Full Text Available A maior parte das emissões do concreto originam-se na produção do cimento. A estratégia tradicional de minimização da pegada de CO2 tem privilegiado o grau de substituição do clínquer. No momento atual estima-se que a indústria cimenteira utilize toda a escória de alto forno gerada no país e a quase totalidade das cinzas de melhor qualidade. Desta forma, aumentando a demanda de cimento, a produção de clínquer aumenta, e o teor de adições no clínquer diminui dentro das extensas faixas permitidas pelas normas técnicas. O aumento do teor de adições em um tipo de cimento também pode ser realizado à custa da redução do teor de adições em outro tipo. Neste cenário, a seleção de um tipo de cimento em detrimento de outro não traz benefícios ambientais para o país, embora possa reduzir o impacto de uma obra específica. Outros fatores podem influenciar no total de emissões além da escolha do cimento, como a eficiência do processo de formulação, da variabilidade do processo de produção, etc. O objetivo do artigo é verificar o impacto de diferentes variáveis na pegada de CO2 do concreto estrutural, fornecendo subsídios à cadeia produtiva de concreto para minimização do seu impacto ambiental.

  12. Thermophysical properties of blends from Portland and sulfoaluminate-belite cements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mojumdar, S.C.; Janotka, I.


    The behavior of mortars with blends consisting of sulfoaluminate-belite cements and ordinary Portland cement made with cement to sand ratio of 1:3 by weight and w/c = 0.5 maintained for 90 days at 20 0 C either at 60% relative humidity - dry air or 100% relative humidity - wet air. The results show insufficient character of hydraulic activity of sulfoaluminate-belite cements. Their quality has been improved. The replacement of 15 wt % of sulfoaluminate-belite cement by ordinary Portland cement influences strength positively and elasticity modulus values as well as hydrated phases and pore structure development of sulfoaluminate-belite/ordinary Portland cement blends relative to pure sulfoaluminate-belite cement systems. The above statements confirm the possible making technologies, when improvements in sulfoaluminate-belite cements quality will be achieved. One would then anticipate the competition in usages between sulfoaluminate-belite/ordinary Portland cement and blast furnace-slag Portland cement systems in the practice. It is important to consider because sulfoaluminate-belite cements are of great advantage from the viewpoint of energy savings and quantity of CO 2 released during their production. Thermal characteristics of the samples were studied by thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis from room temperature to 1000 0 C in air atmosphere. Generally, four significant temperature regions on thermogravimetry curves with the respective differential thermal analysis peak temperature for all types of samples are observed (Authors)

  13. Portland cement versus MTA as a root-end filling material. A pilot study. (United States)

    da Silva, Sérgio Ribeiro; da Silva Neto, José Dias; Veiga, Daniela Francescato; Schnaider, Taylor Brandão; Ferreira, Lydia Masako


    To assess periradicular lesions clinically and by computed tomography (CT) after endodontic surgery using either Portland cement or mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as a root-end filling material. Three patients diagnosed with periradicular lesions by cone-beam CT underwent endodontic surgery with root-end filling. Patient A was treated with MTA as the root-end filling material, patient B was treated with Portland cement and patient C had two teeth treated, one with MTA and the other with Portland cement. Six months after surgery, the patients were assessed clinically and by CT scan and the obtained results were compared. Periradicular tissue regeneration was observed in all cases, with no significant differences in bone formation when comparing the use of MTA and Portland cement as root-end filling materials. Both mineral trioxide aggregate and Portland cement were successful in the treatment of periradicular lesions.

  14. Classificação tecnológica de solos e resíduos industriais, com e sem tratamento térmico, para fins rodoviários Technological classification of soils and industrial residues with and without thermal treatment for forest road pavement

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    Carlos Cardoso Machado


    Full Text Available Estudou-se o comportamento mecânico das misturas solo-alcatrão, solo-cal-alcatrão e solo-cimento-alcatrão, com base nos ensaios de limites de liquidez e plasticidade, CBR, compressão simples e permeabilidade, visando a aplicabilidade destas em rodovias. Trabalhou-se com três amostras de solos (ETA, NV e VS, representativos das ocorrências da microrregião de Viçosa-MG. Foram empregados alcatrão, nos quantitativos de 0,25, 0,5, 1, 2, 4 e 6%, cal hidratada e cimento Portland, em conjunto com o alcatrão, na dosagem de 2%, considerando-se a energia do ensaio de compactação AASHTO Normal. A adição de alcatrão reduziu significativamente os valores de LL dos solos, mas com pouca variação nos valores de IP. Conclui-se que o alcatrão contribuiu para melhorar as características mecânicas e hidráulicas dos solos, para alguns tratamentos, não atingindo, entretanto, os padrões de resistência mecânica exigida pelo DNER para camadas de sub-base de pavimentos flexíveis. Quanto às misturas solo-cal-alcatrão e solo-cimento-alcatrão, constatou-se melhoria substancial nos parâmetros de resistência mecânica em relação aos solos, principalmente devido à ação cimentante da cal e do cimento, e que para alguns tratamentos esta ação foi potencializada pelo alcatrão, incidindo em resistência mecânica superior à das misturas solo-cal e solo-cimento. O alcatrão, em alguns tratamentos, ocasionou decréscimos na permeabilidade das misturas, com relação ao solo, de até dez vezes. O alcatrão mostrou ser um estabilizante de interesse para fins rodoviários apenas para determinadas condições, envolvendo tipo de solo e tipo e teor de alcatrão, o que indica que estudos nesta direção devem apresentar uma característica regional.The behavior of the mechanical mixtures soil-wood tar, soil-lime-wood tar and soil-cement-wood tar, based on the Atterberg limits California Bearing Ratio (CBR, Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS and

  15. 40 CFR 81.78 - Metropolitan Portland Intrastate Air Quality Control Region. (United States)


    ... Quality Control Region. 81.78 Section 81.78 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY... Air Quality Control Regions § 81.78 Metropolitan Portland Intrastate Air Quality Control Region. The Metropolitan Portland Intrastate Air Quality Control Region (Maine) consists of the territorial area...

  16. EnviroAtlas - Portland, OR - Meter-Scale Urban Land Cover (MULC) Data (2012) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The EnviroAtlas Portland, OR Meter-Scale Urban Land Cover (MULC) dataset includes data for the Portland metropolitan area plus the city of Vancouver, Washington and...

  17. Biocompatibility of Portland cement combined with different radiopacifying agents. (United States)

    Lourenço Neto, Natalino; Marques, Nádia C T; Fernandes, Ana Paula; Rodini, Camila O; Duarte, Marco A H; Lima, Marta C; Machado, Maria A A M; Abdo, Ruy C C; Oliveira, Thais M


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of rat subcutaneous tissue to Portland cement combined with two different radiopacifying agents, iodoform (CHI3) and zirconium oxide (ZrO2). These materials were placed in polyethylene tubes and implanted into the dorsal connective tissue of Wistar rats for 7 and 15 days. The specimens were then stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and inflammatory reaction parameters were evaluated by light microscopy. The intensity of the inflammatory response to the sealants was analyzed by two blind calibrated observers throughout the experimental period. Histological analysis showed that all the materials caused a moderated inflammatory reaction at 7 days, which then diminished with time. At 15 days, the inflammatory reaction was almost absent, and fibroblasts and collagen fibers were observed indicating normal tissue healing. The degrees of the inflammatory reaction on different days throughout the experimental period were compared using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test. Statistical analysis demonstrated no significant differences amongst the groups, and Portland cement associated with radiopacifying agents gave satisfactory results. Therefore, Portland cement used in combination with radiopacifying agents can be considered a biocompatible material. Although our results are very encouraging, further studies are needed in order to establish safe clinical indications for Portland cement combined with radiopacifying agents.

  18. Influence of ultrasonic radiation on the amorphous zeolite - Portland cement system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jakevicius, L.; Vaiciukyniene, D.; Demcenko, A.


    This paper considers the investigation of influence of an amorphous synthetic zeolite with inserted $Ca^{2+}$ ions additive (ASZ) on the hydration temperature of Portland cement paste. In this investigation the sonicated Portland cement paste is compared to the non-sonicated paste; and then the

  19. Portland-pfa cement: a comparison between intergrinding and blending

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Monk, M


    Portland-pfa cements containing 20-40% (by weight) pfa have been prepared in the laboratory both by intergrinding the ashes with clinker and by blending with cement. Cement properties have been assessed according to BS 4550 and scanning electron microscopy was used to examine the effects of grinding upon the pfa particles. The work has shown that intergrinding leads to an improvement in the water-reducing properties of coarse pfas and also in their pozzolanic activity as indicated by compressive strength development at later ages. Setting times have been found to be essentially the same for blended and interground cements, both being considerably longer than for typical ordinary Portland cements. Thus the results of this investigation indicate that, provided pfa's are chemically acceptable, they can be used for Portland-pfa cement manufacture by intergrinding irrespective of their coarseness.

  20. 77 FR 42367 - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Portland Cement Manufacturing... (United States)


    ... and 63 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Portland Cement Manufacturing... Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry and Standards of... manufacturing plants. Federal government Not affected. State/local/tribal government.... Portland cement...

  1. Influence of the sealer and a plug in coronal leakage after post space preparation Influência do cimento obturador e de um "plug" na infiltração coronária após preparo para pino

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    Roberto Holland


    Full Text Available The subject of this paper was to conduct an in vitro study of the coronal leakage after root canal filling and post space preparation. One hundred single-rooted human teeth had their crowns removed and the canals prepared and filled by the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha points and the sealers CRCS and Endofill (a Grossman cement. After post space preparation, the remainder of the filling was protected or not with 1mm of a plug of the following materials: Coltosol, Super Bonder (cyanoacrylate-ester, CRCS and Endofill. After 24 hours in saline, the specimens were immersed in a 2% methylene blue solution in a vacuum environment for 24 hours. The teeth were then sectioned longitudinally, leakage was evaluated linearly and the obtained data were submitted to the Kruskal-Wallis test. The results with the two sealers studied were similar between themselves and worse (pO objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar "in vitro" a infiltração marginal coronária após obturação de canal e preparo para pino, empregando-se ou não um "plug" protetor. Cem dentes humanos unirradiculares extraídos tiveram suas coroas removidas, e os canais preparados biomecanicamente e obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral com cones de guta-percha e os cimentos CRCS e Endofill. Após preparo para pino, os remanescentes das obturações foram ou não protegidos por 1 mm de um "plug" dos seguintes materiais: Coltosol, Super Bonder, CRCS e Endofill. Após permanecerem 24 horas em soro fisiológico, os espécimes foram imersos em solução de azul de metileno a 2%, em ambiente com vácuo, por 24 horas. Os dentes foram então seccionados longitudinalmente, as infiltrações marginais mensuradas linearmente, e os dados obtidos submetidos à análise de variância e teste de Kruskal-Wallis. Os resultados com os 2 cimentos estudados foram semelhantes entre si e piores (ñ<0,01 do que os grupos com "plugs" protetores. A análise estatística ordenou os grupos

  2. Caracterização de massas cerâmicas do estado de S. Paulo para produção de agregados leves para concreto

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    B. C. Santis


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo a caracterização de diferentes massas cerâmicas do estado de S. Paulo para a produção de agregados leves de argila calcinada visando à utilização em concretos de cimento Portland. A caracterização das massas cerâmicas deu-se por meio das técnicas de limites de liquidez e plasticidade, análise granulométrica, análise química e difração de raios X. Os corpos de prova confeccionados com essas massas cerâmicas, queimados a 900 ºC, foram caracterizados por meio da avaliação da retração linear, absorção de água, porosidade aparente, massa específica aparente, expansão por umidade e resistência à compressão. Os resultados desta pesquisa indicaram a viabilidade da produção de agregados leves de argila calcinada para utilização em concretos e os valores da massa específica (1,555 a 1,785 kg/m³ e da resistência à compressão (18,0 a 55,8 MPa apresentaram-se em um patamar intermediário entre os observados para a argila expandida (agregado leve comercial e para o agregado convencional (basalto.

  3. Recycled materials in Portland cement concrete (United States)


    This report pertains to a comprehensive study involving the use of recycled materials in Portland cement concrete. Three different materials were studied including crushed glass (CG), street sweepings (SS), and recycled concrete (RC). Blast furnace s...

  4. 2015 City of Portland, Maine, Lidar (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — 2015 City of Portland Maine Lidar Data Acquisition and Processing Woolpert Order No. 75564 Contractor: Woolpert, Inc. This task is for a high resolution data set of...

  5. Analysis of Chemical Composition of Portland Cement in Ghana: A Key to Understand the Behavior of Cement


    Bediako, Mark; Amankwah, Eric Opoku


    The performance of Portland cement in concrete or mortar formation is very well influenced by chemical compositions among other factors. Many engineers usually have little information on the chemical compositions of cement in making decisions for the choice of commercially available Portland cement in Ghana. This work analyzed five different brands of Portland cement in Ghana, namely, Ghacem ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and Portland limestone cement (PLC), CSIR-BRRI Pozzomix, Dangote OPC, a...

  6. 75 FR 54969 - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From the Portland Cement Manufacturing... (United States)


    ... Hazardous Air Pollutants From the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry and Standards of Performance for... Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry and Standards of... (NESHAP) from the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry and to the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS...

  7. 76 FR 2860 - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From the Portland Cement Manufacturing... (United States)


    ... Cement Manufacturing Industry and Standards of Performance for Portland Cement Plants AGENCY... Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry Docket, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0051, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave... Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry Docket, EPA West, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington...

  8. Avaliação comparativa da citotoxicidade dos cimentos MTA Fillapex e AH Plus: revisão integrativa


    Marinho, Jéssica Cristina Soares; Cunha, Ludmila de Almeida; Lacerda, Mariane Floriano Lopes Santos; Lacerda, Gabriel Pinheiro; Coelho, Renato Girelli; Girelli, Caroline Felipe Magalhães


    Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão integrativa comparando a citotoxicidade dos cimentos MTA Fillapex e AH Plus aos tecidos periapicais. Métodos: Foram utilizados artigos na íntegra, nos idiomas português e inglês, publicados durante os períodos de 2010 a 2017, selecionados na base de dados Scielo e Pubmed, utilizando os seguintes descritores: AH Plus, MTA Fillapex e citotoxicidade. Foram excluídos, os trabalhos no idioma não inglês, artigos sem resumo, trabalhos realiz...

  9. Stabilization of marly soils with portland cement (United States)

    Piskunov, Maksim; Karzin, Evgeny; Lukina, Valentina; Lukinov, Vitaly; Kholkin, Anatolii


    Stabilization of marlous soils with Portland cement will increase the service life of motor roads in areas where marl is used as a local road construction material. The result of the conducted research is the conclusion about the principal possibility of stabilization of marlous soils with Portland cement, and about the optimal percentage of the mineral part and the binding agent. When planning the experiment, a simplex-lattice plan was implemented, which makes it possible to obtain a mathematical model for changing the properties of a material in the form of polynomials of incomplete third order. Brands were determined for compressive strength according to GOST 23558-94 and variants of stabilized soils were proposed for road construction.

  10. 76 FR 78240 - Gray Portland Cement and Clinker From Japan: Continuation of Antidumping Duty Order (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-588-815] Gray Portland Cement and... Department) initiated the third sunset review of the antidumping duty order on gray portland cement and... of the antidumping duty order on gray portland cement and clinker from Japan would likely lead to...

  11. Portland cement concrete air content study. (United States)


    This study took the analysis of Portland cement concrete air content. Based on the information gathered, this study hold the results were : 1) air-entrained concrete was more durable than non-air entrained concrete all other factors being equal; 2) A...

  12. Efeito do tratamento do canal radicular com EDTA na retenção de pinos de fibra de vidro


    Luis Alfonso Arana Gordillo


    A proposição deste estudo foi analisar o efeito do tratamento da dentina radicular com EDTA na retenção de pinos de fibra de vidro utilizando dois tipos diferentes de cimentos resinosos. Foram utilizados 40 dentes humanos pré-molares hígidos. Após a extração os dentes foram armazenados em água até seu uso. Em seguida, os dentes foram tratados endodonticamente com técnica step back para ser obturados por condensação lateral com cones de guta percha e cimento endodôntico AH Plus. Após a obturaç...

  13. Study of thermocycling effect on the bond strength between an aluminous ceramic and a resin cement Estudo do efeito da ciclagem térmica na resistência da união adesiva entre uma cerâmica aluminizada e um cimento resinoso

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    Osvaldo Daniel Andreatta Filho


    Full Text Available This study evaluated the effect of thermocycling on the bond strength between Procera AllCeram (Nobel-Biocare and a resin cement (Panavia F, Kuraray CO. Nine ceramic blocks with dimensions of 5x6x6mm were conditioned at one face with Rocatec System (Espe. After, they were luted with Panavia F to composite resin blocks (Clearfil AP-X, Kuraray CO. The nine groups formed by ceramic, cement and composite resin were split up obtaining 75 samples with dimensions of 12x1x1mm and adhesive surface presenting 1mm²±0.1mm² of area. The samples were divided into 3 groups (n=25: G1 - 14 days in distilled water at 37ºC; G2 - 6,000 cycles in water (5ºC - 55ºC - 30s; G3 - 12,000 cycles in water (5ºC - 55ºC - 30s. The samples were tested in a universal testing machine (EMIC at a crosshead speed of 1mm/min. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey tests. The results indicated that mean values of rupture tension (MPa of G1 (10.71 ± 3.54 did not differ statistically (p Este trabalho avaliou o efeito da ciclagem térmica sobre a resistência adesiva entre a cerâmica aluminizada (Procera AllCeram, Nobel-Biocare e um cimento resinoso (Panavia F, Kuraray CO. Nove blocos de cerâmica, com dimensões de 5x6x6mm, foram condicionados em uma de suas faces com o Sistema Rocatec (ESPE. A seguir foram cimentados a blocos de resina composta (Clearfil AP-X, Kuraray CO. Os conjuntos cerâmica-cimento-resina foram cortados em 75 corpos-de-prova com formato retangular com dimensões de 12x1x1mm e superfície adesiva apresentando 1mm² ± 0,1mm². Os corpos-de-prova foram divididos em três grupos (n=25: G1 - 14 dias em água destilada a 37ºC, G2 - 6000 ciclos em água (5ºC e 55ºC e G3 - 12000 ciclos em água (5ºC e 55ºC. Os corpos-de-prova foram ensaiados sob velocidade de 1mm/min em máquina de ensaio universal (EMIC. Os dados foram tratados estatisticamente com os testes de Anova e Tukey e indicaram que os valores médios de tensão de rupturas (MPa de G1 (10,71 ± 3

  14. Effect of mineral trioxide aggregates and Portland cements on inflammatory cells. (United States)

    Shahi, Shahriar; Rahimi, Saeed; Yavari, Hamid Reza; Mokhtari, Hadi; Roshangar, Leila; Abasi, Mehran Mesgary; Sattari, Sahar; Abdolrahimi, Majid


    Recently, some studies have compared mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) with Portland cements, concluding that the principal ingredients of Portland cements are similar to those of MTA. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of gray MTA, white MTA, and gray and white Portland cements on inflammatory cells in rats. Fresh mixtures mixed with distilled water were placed in polyethylene tubes, which were implanted in the dorsal subcutaneous connective tissue of 60 Sprague-Dawley rats along with empty tubes as controls. Tissue specimens were collected after the rats were sacrificed after 7, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days. The specimens were fixed, stained, processed, and histologically evaluated under a light microscope. Inflammatory reactions were classified as grade 0: without inflammatory cells, grade I: sporadic infiltration of inflammatory cells, grade II: moderate infiltration (125 cells). Data were analyzed with the nonparametric (two factor) analysis of variance and Kruskal-Wallis H-test. All the groups showed grade III inflammation after 7 and 15 days; there was a decrease in the inflammatory process after 30, 60, and 90 days. After 90 days, gray MTA, white MTA, and control groups had grade 0 inflammatory process, but gray Portland cement and white Portland cement groups showed grade 0 to grade I inflammatory processes. MTAs were more biocompatible; however, more studies are required. Copyright (c) 2010 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Synthesis of Portland cement and calcium sulfoaluminate-belite cement for sustainable development and performance (United States)

    Chen, Irvin Allen

    Portland cement concrete, the most widely used manufactured material in the world, is made primarily from water, mineral aggregates, and portland cement. The production of portland cement is energy intensive, accounting for 2% of primary energy consumption and 5% of industrial energy consumption globally. Moreover, portland cement manufacturing contributes significantly to greenhouse gases and accounts for 5% of the global CO2 emissions resulting from human activity. The primary objective of this research was to explore methods of reducing the environmental impact of cement production while maintaining or improving current performance standards. Two approaches were taken, (1) incorporation of waste materials in portland cement synthesis, and (2) optimization of an alternative environmental friendly binder, calcium sulfoaluminate-belite cement. These approaches can lead to less energy consumption, less emission of CO2, and more reuse of industrial waste materials for cement manufacturing. In the portland cement part of the research, portland cement clinkers conforming to the compositional specifications in ASTM C 150 for Type I cement were successfully synthesized from reagent-grade chemicals with 0% to 40% fly ash and 0% to 60% slag incorporation (with 10% intervals), 72.5% limestone with 27.5% fly ash, and 65% limestone with 35% slag. The synthesized portland cements had similar early-age hydration behavior to commercial portland cement. However, waste materials significantly affected cement phase formation. The C3S--C2S ratio decreased with increasing amounts of waste materials incorporated. These differences could have implications on proportioning of raw materials for cement production when using waste materials. In the calcium sulfoaluminate-belite cement part of the research, three calcium sulfoaluminate-belite cement clinkers with a range of phase compositions were successfully synthesized from reagent-grade chemicals. The synthesized calcium sulfoaluminate

  16. Incidência de ocratoxina A em diferentes frações do café (Coffea arabica L.: bóia, mistura e varrição após secagem em terreiros de terra, asfalto e cimento Incidence of ochratoxin A in fraction diferents coffee beans (Coffea Arabica L: "boia", mixes and "varrição"

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    Luís Roberto Batista


    Full Text Available A incidência de ocratoxina A foi estudada em café mistura, bóia e varrição secas em três tipos de terreiro: terra, cimento e asfalto. Foram analisadas 238 amostras coletadas em 11 municípios da região sul do Estado de Minas Gerais, sendo 35 bóia, 97 - mistura e 106 varrição. Das amostras analisadas, em 40% não foi detectada a presença de ocratoxina A, em 31%, foram detectadas a presença de ocratoxina A em níveis que variaram de 0,1 a 5,0 µg/Kg de café. Estes resultados demonstram que 169 amostras (71% analisadas estariam dentro dos limites em estudo da Legislação Européia que regulamenta a concentração máxima de ocratoxina A em grãos de café torrado. As espécies de Aspergillus identificadas como produtoras de ocratoxina A foram Aspergillus ochraceus, A. sclerotiorum e A. sulphureus. Os níveis de contaminação de ocratoxina A em grãos de café foram maiores na fração varrição e nas frações bóia e mistura, secas em terreiro de terra. Os resultados deste estudo concluem que o terreiro de terra aumenta o risco de contaminação com ocratoxina A em grãos de café. A fração varrição devido aos riscos de exposição a ocratoxina A, deve ser reduzida através da adoção de boas práticas agrícolas e não ser utilizada para fins de consumo humano e animal.The ochratoxin incidence was studied in coffee it mixes, it "bóia" and "varrição" dry in three yard types: earth, cement and asphalt. 238 samples were analyzed collected in 11 municipal districts of the south of Minas Gerais state, being 35 "bóia", 97 - it mixes and 106 varrição. Of the analyzed samples, in 40% the ochratoxin A presence it was not detected, in 74 samples, 31%, ochratoxin A presence were detected the in levels that varied from 0,1 to 5,0 µg/Kg of coffee beans. These results demonstrate that in 169 samples (71% analyzed they would be inside of the limits in study of the European Legislation that regulates the maximum concentration of

  17. 33 CFR 165.1312 - Security Zone; Portland Rose Festival on Willamette River. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Security Zone; Portland Rose Festival on Willamette River. 165.1312 Section 165.1312 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD... § 165.1312 Security Zone; Portland Rose Festival on Willamette River. (a) Location. The following area...

  18. 78 FR 4331 - Safety Zone; Sellwood Bridge Move; Willamette River, Portland, OR (United States)


    ... Sellwood Bridge as it is being moved. This safety zone will also allow full maneuverability for... 1625-AA00 Safety Zone; Sellwood Bridge Move; Willamette River, Portland, OR AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS... the Sellwood Bridge, located on the Willamette River in Portland, Oregon, while it is being relocated...

  19. The existence state of uranium(VI) in portland cement matrix material immobilization body

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan Hongbin; Li Yuxiang


    The basis of Portland cement material reaction with uranium, the corrosion of uranium minerals in nature and the state of study on immobilization of uranium by Portland cement matrix material are introduced, and some considerations are presented. (authors)

  20. Gravity Data for the Greater Portland Area (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The gravity station data (1,522 records) were compiled by the Portland State University. This data base was received in August 1990. Principal gravity parameters...

  1. Formula of Moulding Sand, Bentonite and Portland Cement toImprove The Quality of Al-Si Cast Alloy


    Andoko Andoko; Poppy Puspitasari; Avita Ayu Permanasari; Didin Zakaria Lubis


    A binder is any material used to strengthen the bonding of moulding sand grains. The primary function of the binder is to hold the moulding sand and other materialstogether to produce high-quality casts. In this study, there were four binder compositions being tested, i.e. 5% bentonite + 5% Portland cement, 4% bentonite + 6% Portland cement, 6% bentonite + 4% Portland cement, and 7% bentonite + 3% Portland cement. Each specimen was measured for its compressive strength, shear strength, tensil...

  2. Lift : Special Needs Transportation in Portland, Oregon (United States)


    The report covers Portland, Oregon's Special Needs Transportation (SNT) project - the Lift - during its first year of operation. The purposes of this UMTA Service and Methods Demonstration (SMD) is to: (1) test a transit operator's ability to provide...

  3. Utilization of Iron Ore Tailings as Raw Material for Portland Cement Clinker Production

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    Li Luo


    Full Text Available The cement industry has for some time been seeking alternative raw material for the Portland cement clinker production. The aim of this research was to investigate the possibility of utilizing iron ore tailings (IOT to replace clay as alumina-silicate raw material for the production of Portland cement clinker. For this purpose, two kinds of clinkers were prepared: one was prepared by IOT; the other was prepared by clay as a reference. The reactivity and burnability of raw meal, mineralogical composition and physical properties of clinker, and hydration characteristic of cement were studied by burnability analysis, differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, and hydration analysis. The results showed that the raw meal containing IOT had higher reactivity and burnability than the raw meal containing clay, and the use of IOT did not affect the formation of characteristic mineralogical phases of Portland cement clinker. Furthermore, the physical and mechanical performance of two cement clinkers were similar. In addition, the use of IOT was found to improve the grindability of clinker and lower the hydration heat of Portland cement. These findings suggest that IOT can replace the clay as alumina-silicate raw material for the preparation of Portland cement clinker.

  4. Modelling porewater chemistry in hydrated Portland cement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berner, U.R.


    Extensive employment of concrete is foreseen in radioactive waste repositories. A prerequisite for modelling the interactions between concrete and formation waters is characterization of the concrete system. Available experimental data from high pressure squeezing of cement pore-water indicate that, besides the high pH due to alkali hydroxide dissolution, cement composition itself influences the solubility determining solid phases. A model which simulates the hydration of Portland cement assuming complete hydration of the main clinker minerals is presented. The model also includes parameters describing the reactions between the cement and blending agents. Comparison with measured pore-water data generally gives a consistent picture and, as expected, the model gives correct predictions for pure Portland cements. For blended cements, the required additional parameters can, to some extent, be derived from pore-water analysis. 14 references, 1 figure, 4 tables

  5. Ação sonoquímica e influência das condições de tratamento térmico na preparação de cimentos do sistema binário CaO-Al2O3 Sonochemical action and the influence of heat treatment conditions on the preparation of cements of the CaO-Al2O3 binary system

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    R. R Lourenço


    Full Text Available Foram preparados cimentos do sistema binário CaO-Al2O3 por meio de uma rota que emprega o processo sonoquímico seguido de tratamento térmico. Convencionalmente estes compostos são fabricados a partir da fusão ou da sinterização de uma mistura de calcário com bauxito ou com alumina. O maior inconveniente associado a este tipo de síntese é a necessidade de temperaturas elevadas e o grande consumo de energia. Na rota sonoquímica a cálcia, juntamente com a alumina em suspensão aquosa, são introduzidas num banho de ultra-som por tempo determinado. Em seguida, após a evaporação da água, o material resultante é tratado termicamente. Quando um sistema é submetido ao processo sonoquímico, alterações na morfologia superficial das partículas podem ser induzidas pelas ondas ultra-sônicas, incluindo a redução do tamanho dessas partículas. Como conseqüência, estes materiais tornam-se mais reativos, facilitando a síntese final dos aluminatos de cálcio durante o tratamento térmico. Foi estudada a ação das ondas ultra-sônicas e a influência das condições de tratamento térmico em duas composições molares de cálcia:alumina de 1:1 e 1:2. As temperaturas empregadas foram 1000 ºC, 1200 ºC e 1300 ºC com patamares de 1 e 6 h. O material obtido foi caracterizado por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, difração de raios X e as fases presentes foram semi-quantificadas pelo método de Rietveld. Também foram realizados ensaios de compressão diametral para avaliar a resistência mecânica dos produtos da síntese. Foram preparadas pastas constituídas de cimento, alumina e água, utilizando como cimento os aluminatos de cálcio preparados pelo processo sonoquímico e um cimento comercial, como referência.Cements of the CaO-Al2O3 binary system were prepared through a sonochemical process at room temperature followed by heat treatment. The conventional production consists of a reaction in which a stoichiometric mixture of

  6. Análise da influência das cinzas do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar no comportamento mecânico de concretos

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    Z. L. M. Sampaio

    Full Text Available O concreto é o segundo produto mais consumido no mundo e a incorporação de resíduos agroindustriais, tais como a Cinza do Bagaço da Cana-de-açúcar (CBC, a este material pode apresentar soluções para o aproveitamento de subprodutos de outros setores, reduzindo assim o impacto ambiental. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi de analisar o comportamento mecânico dos concretos contendo incorporações de CBC de três diferentes espécies de cana-de-açúcar (SP911049, RB92579 e SP816949, mediante ensaios de consistência, índice de vazios, absorção, porosidade total e resistência à compressão. Foram produzidos 13 corpos de prova para o concreto padrão e para cada teor de incorporação de CBC (10%, 20% e 30% das três variedades coletadas, totalizando 130 amostras de concreto. Foi empregado o traço 1:2:3 (cimento:areia:brita em relação à massa do cimento com um fator água/cimento de 0,532 e 1% de aditivo Tec Mult 400 também baseado na massa do cimento. Os resultados mostraram que a variedade da cana-de-açúcar, utilizada na produção das CBC, influenciou no comportamento mecânico dos concretos resultantes. Todos os concretos com adição de CBC apresentaram uma redução de no mínimo 10% nas propriedades relacionadas à permeabilidade e um incremento na resistência à compressão de até 20% em relação ao concreto padrão aos 28 dias. O uso da CBC em adição ao concreto se mostrou uma opção bastante viável na melhoria das propriedades mecânicas do concreto para uso em construção civil em geral e também uma destinação adequada ao subproduto agro-industrial.

  7. 33 CFR 100.1302 - Special Local Regulation, Annual Dragon Boat Races, Portland, Oregon. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Special Local Regulation, Annual Dragon Boat Races, Portland, Oregon. 100.1302 Section 100.1302 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST... § 100.1302 Special Local Regulation, Annual Dragon Boat Races, Portland, Oregon. (a) Regulated area. All...

  8. Influência do tempo máximo de mistura e transporte especificado pela ABNT NBR 7212:2012 na resistência a compressão de concretos usinados

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    Lucas da Silva Barboza


    Full Text Available A ABNT NBR 7212:2012, estipula o tempo máximo para a entrega e lançamento total do concreto em 150 minutos; porém, na prática por vários fatores como logística, congestionamento, problemas com caminhão, entre outros, o tempo limite é extrapolado. Geralmente, por falta de conhecimento técnico, adiciona-se água ao concreto como forma de alterar sua consistência dando a trabalhabilidade desejada, a fim de facilitar o lançamento e obter adequado acabamento do concreto. Este artigo tem como objetivo principal avaliar, em situação real, a variação da consistência do concreto e a percentagem de perda de sua resistência à compressão, no decorrer de um período de 6 horas após o início da hidratação do cimento Portland, ocasionado pela adição de água para correção da fluidez perdida. Os resultados, como esperados, mostram uma redução na trabalhabilidade do concreto com o passar do tempo, obtendo-se, já nas 2 primeiras horas de mistura, um abatimento médio de 105 mm, ou seja, 11,54% inferior ao abatimento médio encontrado no tempo T(0 de 118,7 mm. A correção do abatimento do concreto através da adição de água, no tempo T(6, resultou no aumento do fator água/cimento ocasionando perda de 57,47% de resistência à compressão, quando comparada com as amostras do tempo T(0, aos 28 dias. As soluções oferecidas para este problema são: instruir os funcionários relacionados à concretagem; melhora da logística e utilização de aditivos, garantindo a resistência à compressão prevista na dosagem do concreto.

  9. Hospital waste ashes in Portland cement mortars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Genazzini, C.; Zerbino, R.; Ronco, A.; Batic, O.; Giaccio, G.


    Nowadays, most concretes incorporate mineral additions such as pozzolans, fly ash, silica fume, blast furnace slag, and calcareous filler among others. Although the technological and economical benefits were the main reasons for the use of mineral additions, the prevention of environmental contamination by means of proper waste disposal becomes a priority. The chance of incorporating hospital waste ashes in Portland cement-based materials is presented here. Ash characterization was performed by chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, radioactive material detection, and fineness and density tests. Conduction calorimetry and setting time tests were developed on pastes including ash contents from 0% to 100%. Mortars were prepared including ash contents up to 50% of cement. The results of setting time, temperature development, flexural and compressive strengths, water absorption, density, and leachability are analyzed. Results indicate that Portland cement systems could become an alternative for the disposal of this type of ashes

  10. Influência da adição no comportamento reológico da pasta autoadensável de alto desempenho - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v30i2.5466

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    Igor André Rodrigues Piovezam


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa propõe o estudo da influência da área específica, forma e textura superficial das adições no comportamento reológico da pasta autoadensável de alto desempenho (PAAD. As adições selecionadas são o filer calcário e o filer basalto, por se tratarem de subprodutos industriais a fim de contribuir, desta forma, para o desenvolvimento sustentável. A pasta em estudo é constituída de cimento, sílica ativa, filer calcário ou filer basalto, água e aditivo superplastificante de última geração. São fixadas as relações água/cimento = 0,40 L kg-1, sílica ativa/cimento = 0,10 kg kg-1, e as relações filer/cimento e superplastificante/cimento são determinadas por meio de ensaios de cone de Marsh e de “mini-slump”. Os resultados mostram que, para as mesmas relações de filer/cimento, os teores de superplastificante para pasta com filer calcário são significativamente inferiores ao da pasta com filer basalto. A análise dos resultados permite concluir que a área específica, forma e textura superficial das adições influenciam significativamente o comportamento reológico das PAADs.

  11. Radiopacity evaluation of Portland and MTA-based cements by digital radiographic system. (United States)

    Borges, Alvaro Henrique; Pedro, Fabio Luiz Miranda; Semanoff-Segundo, Alex; Miranda, Carlos Eduardo Saraiva; Pécora, Jesus Djalma; Cruz Filho, Antônio Miranda


    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the radiopacity of Portland and MTA-based cements using the Digora TM digital radiographic system. The performed tests followed specification number 57 from the American National Standard Institute/American Dental Association (2000) for endodontic sealing materials. The materials were placed in 5 acrylic plates, especially designed for this experiment, along with a graduated aluminum stepwedge varying from 1 to 10 mm in thickness. The set was radiographed at a 30 cm focus-object distance and with 0.2 s exposure time. After the radiographs were taken, the optical laser readings of radiographs were performed by Digora TM system. Five radiographic density readings were performed for each studied material and for each step of the aluminum scale. White ProRoot MTA (155.99±8.04), gray ProRoot MTA (155.96±16.30) and MTA BIO (143.13±16.94) presented higher radiopacity values (pPortland (119.76±22.34), gray Portland (109.71±4.90) and white structural Portland (99.59±12.88) presented lower radiopacity values (pcements were the only materials presenting radiopacity within the ANSI/ADA specifications.

  12. A comparative evaluation of compressive strength of Portland cement with zinc oxide eugenol and Polymer-reinforced cement: an in vitro analysis. (United States)

    Prakasam, S; Bharadwaj, Prakasam; Loganathan, S C; Prasanth, B Krishna


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ultimate compressive strength of 50% and 25% Portland cement mixed with Polymer-reinforced zinc oxide eugenol and zinc oxide eugenol cement after 1 hour, 24 hours, and 7 days. One hundred and eighty samples were selected. The samples were made cylindrical of size 6 × 8 mm and were divided into six groups as follows with each group consisting of 10 samples. Group 1: Polymer-reinforced zinc oxide eugenol with 50% Portland cement (PMZNPC 50%) Group 2: Polymer-reinforced zinc oxide eugenol with 25% Portland cement (PMZNPC 25%) Group 3: Polymer-reinforced zinc oxide eugenol with 0% Portland cement (PMZNPC 0%) Group 4: Zinc oxide eugenol with 50% Portland cement (ZNPC 50%) Group 5: Zinc oxide eugenol with 25% Portland cement (ZNPC 25%) Group 6: Zinc oxide eugenol with 0% Portland cement (ZNPC 0%) These samples were further subdivided based on time interval and were tested at 1 hour, 24 hours and at 7 th day. After each period of time all the specimens were tested by vertical CVR loaded frame with capacity of 5 tones/0473-10kan National Physical laboratory, New Delhi and the results were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Scheffe test. Polymer-reinforced cement with 50% Portland cement, Zinc oxide with 50% Portland cement, Polymer-reinforced cement with 25% Portland cement and Zinc oxide with 25% Portland cement exhibited higher compressive strength when compared to Zinc oxide with 0% Portland cement and Polymer-reinforced cement with 0% Portland cement, at different periods of time. The difference between these two groups were statistically significant (P Portland cement in Zinc oxide eugenol and Polymer-modified zinc oxide cement can be used as core build up material and permanent filling material. It is concluded that 50% and 25% Portland cement in zinc oxide eugenol and polymer-modified zinc oxide eugenol results in higher compressive strength and hence can be used as permanent filling material and core built

  13. Interfacial morphology and domain configurations in 0-3 PZT-Portland cement composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaitanong, N.; Zeng, H.R.; Li, G.R.; Yin, Q.R.; Vittayakorn, W.C.; Yimnirun, R.; Chaipanich, A.


    Cement-based piezoelectric composites have attracted great attention recently due to their promising applications as sensors in smart structures. Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) and Portland cement (PC) composite were fabricated using 60% of PZT by volume. Scanning Electron Microscope and piezoresponse force microscope were used to investigate the morphology and domain configurations at the interfacial zone of PZT-Portland cement composites. Angular PZT ceramic grains were found to bind well with the cement matrix. The submicro-scale domains were clearly observed by piezoresponse force microscope at the interfacial regions between the piezoelectric PZT phase and Portland cement phase, and are clearer than the images obtained for pure PZT. This is thought to be due to the applied internal stress of cement to the PZT ceramic particle which resulted to clearer images.

  14. 78 FR 4381 - Foreign-Trade Zone 45-Portland, Oregon; Application for Reorganization and Expansion Under... (United States)


    ... following sites: Site 1 (1,830 acres)--Rivergate Industrial Park, Port Terminal Nos. 5 and 6, and the... Way and NE Alderwood Road, Portland; Site 3 (254 acres)--Portland Ship Repair Yard, 5555 N. Channel...

  15. Longevidade de restaurações ART em cavidades ocluso-proximais utilizando diferentes técnicas de inserção e proteção superficial


    Daniela Hesse


    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a longevidade de restaurações ocluso-proximais realizadas pelo Tratamento Restaurador Atraumático (ART) com duas formas de inserção do cimento de ionômero de vidro (CIV - técnica convencional e técnica em duas camadas), assim como avaliar a influência do tipo de proteção superficial (vaselina sólida e resina fluida com nanopartículas - G-Coat Plus® - GC Corp). Além disso, investigou-se o desgaste clínico das restaurações convencionais de ART protegidas co...

  16. 76 FR 54206 - Gray Portland Cement and Clinker From Japan: Final Results of the Expedited Third Sunset Review... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-588-815] Gray Portland Cement and... portland cement and clinker from Japan. As a result of this third sunset review, the Department finds that... initiation of the third sunset review of the antidumping duty order on gray portland cement and clinker from...

  17. Chemical composition, radiopacity, and biocompatibility of Portland cement with bismuth oxide. (United States)

    Hwang, Yun-Chan; Lee, Song-Hee; Hwang, In-Nam; Kang, In-Chol; Kim, Min-Seok; Kim, Sun-Hun; Son, Ho-Hyun; Oh, Won-Mann


    This study compared the chemical constitution, radiopacity, and biocompatibility of Portland cement containing bismuth oxide (experimental cement) with those of Portland cement and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). The chemical constitution of materials was determined by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. The radiopacity of the materials was determined using the ISO/6876 method. The biocompatibility of the materials was tested by MTT assay and tissue reaction. The constitution of all materials was similar. However, the Portland cement and experimental cement were more irregular and had a larger particle size than MTA. The radiopacity of the experimental cement was similar to MTA. The MTT assay revealed MTA to have slightly higher cell viability than the other materials. However, there were no statistically significant differences between the materials, with the exception of MTA at 24 h. There was no significant difference in the tissue reaction between the experimental groups. These results suggest that the experimental cement may be used as a substitute for MTA.

  18. Optimization of calcium chloride content on bioactivity and mechanical properties of white Portland cement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torkittikul, Pincha; Chaipanich, Arnon


    This research investigates the optimization of calcium chloride content on the bioactivity and mechanical properties of white Portland cement. Calcium chloride was used as an addition of White Portland cement at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10% by weight. Calcium chloride was dissolved in sterile distilled water and blended with White Portland cement using a water to cement ratio of 0.5. Analysis of the bioactivity and pH of white Portland cement pastes with calcium chloride added at various amounts was carried out in simulated body fluid. Setting time, density, compressive strength and volume of permeable voids were also investigated. The characteristics of cement pastes were examined by X-ray diffractometer and scanning electron microscope linked to an energy-dispersive X-ray analyzer. The result indicated that the addition of calcium chloride could accelerate the hydration of white Portland cement, resulting in a decrease in setting time and an increase in early strength of the pastes. The compressive strength of all cement pastes with added calcium chloride was higher than that of the pure cement paste, and the addition of calcium chloride at 8 wt.% led to achieving the highest strength. Furthermore, white Portland cement pastes both with and without calcium chloride showed well-established bioactivity with respect to the formation of a hydroxyapatite layer on the material within 7 days following immersion in simulated body fluid; white Portland cement paste with added 3%CaCl 2 exhibited the best bioactivity. - Highlights: ► Optimization CaCl 2 content on the bioactivity and mechanical properties. ► CaCl 2 was used as an addition at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10% by weight. ► CaCl 2 resulted in a decrease in setting time and an increase in early strength. ► Addition of 3%CaCl 2 exhibited the optimum formation of hydroxyapatite.

  19. Binding of chloride and alkalis in Portland cement systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nielsen, Erik P.; Herfort, Duncan; Geiker, Mette R.


    A thermodynamic model for describing the binding of chloride and alkalis in hydrated Portland cement pastes has been developed. The model is based on the phase rule, which for cement pastes in aggressive marine environment predicts multivariant conditions, even at constant temperature and pressure. The effect of the chloride and alkalis has been quantified by experiments on cement pastes prepared from white Portland cements containing 4% and 12% C 3 A, and a grey Portland cement containing 7% C 3 A. One weight percent calcite was added to all cements. The pastes prepared at w/s ratio of 0.70 were stored in solutions of different Cl (CaCl 2 ) and Na (NaOH) concentrations. When equilibrium was reached, the mineralogy of the pastes was investigated by EDS analysis on the SEM. A well-defined distribution of chloride was found between the pore solution, the C-S-H phase, and an AFm solid solution phase consisting of Friedel's salt and monocarbonate. Partition coefficients varied as a function of iron and alkali contents. The lower content of alkalis in WPC results in higher chloride contents in the C-S-H phase. High alkali contents result in higher chloride concentrations in the pore solution

  20. Contribución al estudio de los reacciones de hidratación del cemento portland por espectroscopia infrarroja II. Estudio de clínkeres y de cementos portland anhidros

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    Vázquez-Moreno, Tomás


    Full Text Available Not availableEn un artículo anterior (1 se dio cuenta de los trabajos realizados sobre la aplicación de la espectroscopia IR al estudio de las principales fases sintetizadas del clínker de cemento portland como fase previa al estudio de diversos clínkeres, obtenidos por nosotros en el laboratorio a partir de crudos industriales, y de distintos cementos portland comerciales anhidros.

  1. Stabilization of chromium salt in ordinary portland cement

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) samples containing the chromium salt have been investigated using differential microcalorimetry, conductometry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic analysis. The effect of chromium on OPC hydration was evaluated by continuous observing of early hydration.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Aparecido Canova


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Resíduos de pneus inservíveis têm sido avaliados em materiais a base de cimento. Assim, este trabalho objetivou estudar os efeitos desses resíduos em argamassa mista de revestimento, com foco na fissuração. Utilizou-se a cal virgem e areia natural no traço 1:6 (em volume. A mistura maturada foi seca em estufa, recebeu o cimento compondo o traço 1:1,5:9 (em volume e adições de pó de borracha nas proporções (6%, 8%, 10% e 12% em volume de agregado. Avaliou-se a massa específica, o teor de ar incorporado e a retenção de água no estado plástico, a resistências à compressão axial, a resistência à tração por compressão diametral, o módulo de deformação estática e a absorção de água por imersão no estado endurecido. Em corpos de prova aplicados sobre substratos avaliou-se a aderência à tração e a fissuração. A argamassa com resíduos de pneus apresentou menores incidências de fissuras visíveis, redução nas propriedades mecânicas e aumento no teor de ar incorporado. Como contribuição principal do trabalho, conclui-se que o produto estudado representa uma potencial alternativa que contribui para a redução de fissuras em revestimentos além de contribuir com a redução do passivo ambiental dos pneus inservíveis. ABSTRACT: Waste scrap tires have been appraised in cement base materials. Thus, this work aimed study the effects of these residues in the plastering mixed mortar, with a focus on cracking, we used quicklime powder and sand (natural sand in a proportion 1:6 (by volume. The ripened mixture was previously dried in an oven, this received cement, resulting in the proportions 1:1,5:9 (by volume and the addition of rubber powder in the proportions 6%, 8%, 10% and 12% by aggregate volume. We evaluated the specific mass, air content, water retention in the plastic state, the axial compressive strength, the tensile strength by diametrical compression, static deformation module, and water absorption

  3. Evaluation of the strength and radiopacity of Portland cement with varying additions of bismuth oxide. (United States)

    Saliba, E; Abbassi-Ghadi, S; Vowles, R; Camilleri, J; Hooper, S; Camilleri, J


    To study the effect of addition of various proportions of bismuth oxide on compressive strength and radiopacity of Portland cement. The compressive strength of white Portland cement and cement replaced with 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% bismuth oxide was evaluated by testing cylinders 6 mm in diameter and 12 mm high. Twelve cylinders were tested for each material under study. The radiopacity of the cements tested was evaluated using an aluminium step-wedge and densitometer. The optical density was compared with the relevant thickness of aluminium (Al). Statistical analysis was performed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with P = 0.05 and Tukey test to perform multiple comparison tests. Various additions of bismuth oxide had no significant effect on the strength of the material when compared with the unmodified Portland cement (P > 0.05). The radiopacity of the cements tested ranged from 2.02 mm Al for Portland cement to 9.79 mm Al for the highest bismuth replacement. Addition of bismuth oxide did not affect the compressive strength of Portland cement. All the bismuth oxide cement mixtures had radio-opacities higher than 3 mm thickness of aluminium.

  4. EnviroAtlas - Portland, ME - Ecosystem Services by Block Group (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset presents environmental benefits of the urban forest in 146 block groups in Portland, Maine. Carbon attributes, temperature reduction,...

  5. EnviroAtlas - Portland, OR - Ecosystem Services by Block Group (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset presents environmental benefits of the urban forest in 1176 block groups in Portland, Oregon. Carbon attributes, temperature reduction,...

  6. Silica fume effect on retention characteristics of portland cement for uranium (VI)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan Hongbin; Ma Xiaoling; Li Yuxiang


    With simulated groundwater as leachant, the retention capabilities of the portland cement, which contains different amount of silica fume, are investigated under 25 degree C and 42 days. The results indicate that silica fume can improve the retention capabilities of portland cement for uranium. When the cement contains 15% silica fume, the diffusion coefficient is 7 x 10 -3 cm 3 · -1 . It is only 5.5% of the cement without containing fume. (authors)

  7. Comportamento de ensaios de arrancamento de placas embutidas em camadas de solo-cimento-fibra


    Vinícius Girardello


    Fundações diretas submetidas a carregamentos de compressão vertical têm sido frequentemente ensaiadas e seus comportamentos já são bem conhecidos no ramo de projeto de fundações. Fundações submetidas à tração têm crescido em importância devido ao aumento de perspectivas de uso de fontes de energia renováveis tais como turbinas de energia eólica e não renováveis tais como plataformas petrolíferas, bem como torres de transmissão de energia, cujas cargas de tração podem ser de grande importância...

  8. Sealing ability of mineral trioxide aggregate and Portland cement for furcal perforation repair: a protein leakage study. (United States)

    Shahi, Shahriar; Rahimi, Saeed; Hasan, Maryam; Shiezadeh, Vahab; Abdolrahimi, Majid


    The purpose of this study was to compare the sealing ability of gray mineral trioxide aggregate (GMTA), white MTA (WMTA), and both white and gray Portland cement as furcation perforation repair materials. A total of 120 human mandibular first molars were used. After root canal obturation and preparation of furcal perforations the specimens were randomly divided into four groups of 25 teeth each. In groups A, B, C, and D furcation perforations were filled with WMTA, GMTA, white Portland cement, and type II Portland cement, respectively. Ten teeth were used as positive controls with no filling materials in the perforations and 10 teeth with complete coverage with two layers of nail varnish were used as negative controls. A protein leakage model utilizing 22% bovine serum albumin (BSA) was used for evaluation. Leakage was noted when color conversion of the protein reagent was observed. The controls behaved as expected. Leakage was found in the samples from group A (WMTA), group B (GMTA), and in the two other groups (white and gray Portland cement). There were no statistically significant differences between GMTA and WMTA or white and gray Portland cement, but significant differences were observed between the MTA groups and the Portland cement groups. It was concluded that Portland cements have better sealing ability than MTA, and can be recommended for repair of furcation perforation if the present results are supported by other in vivo and in vitro studies.

  9. Agentes ligantes e seus efeitos em concretos refratários alumina-magnésia Binders and their effects on alumina-magnesia refratory castables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. A. L. Braulio


    Full Text Available Concretos refratários alumina-magnésia são comumente ligados por cimentos de aluminato de cálcio. Estes materiais apresentam, em temperaturas elevadas, uma reação de caráter expansivo decorrente da espinelização in-situ (MgAl2O4. Quando ligados por cimentos, reações adicionais (formação de CA2 e CA6 contribuem para a expansão. Uma alternativa para controlar a estabilidade volumétrica é a substituição do cimento tipicamente utilizado (~30%-p CaO por outro de menor teor de cálcio (~20%-p CaO ou por alumina hidratável. Tais substituições podem afetar as propriedades dos concretos, como a resistência mecânica a frio, a hidratação da magnésia e as propriedades durante e após a sinterização. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o impacto destes ligantes no processamento de concretos alumina-magnésia. Sendo assim, pretende-se utilizar a fonte de ligante como uma ferramenta para a obtenção de concretos refratários com expansão engenheirada, visando-se aumentar a flexibilidade na seleção de materiais aplicados em panelas de siderurgia.The usual binder of alumina-magnesia castables is the calcium aluminate cement. Due to in-situ spinel (MgAl2O4 formation at high temperatures, these materials present an expansive behavior. When bonded with cement, further reactions (CA2 and CA6 formation also contribute to the overall expansion. Changing the most common cement used (~ 30 wt.% CaO for other containing less calcia (~ 20 wt.% CaO or for hydratable alumina are suitable alternatives for controlling the castables' volumetric stability. Nevertheless, the binder replacement may affect castables properties, such as cold mechanical strength, MgO hydration degree and properties during and after sintering. Therefore, the objective of the present paper is to analyze the effects of these binders on the alumina-magnesia castables processing. As a result, the binder systems can be used as a tool for designing the alumina

  10. Mineral trioxide aggregate and Portland cement promote biomineralization in vivo. (United States)

    Dreger, Luonothar Antunes Schmitt; Felippe, Wilson Tadeu; Reyes-Carmona, Jessie Fabiola; Felippe, Gabriela Santos; Bortoluzzi, Eduardo Antunes; Felippe, Mara Cristina Santos


    Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement have been shown to be bioactive because of their ability to produce biologically compatible carbonated apatite. This study analyzed the interaction of MTA and white Portland cement with dentin in vivo. Seventy-two human dentin tubes were filled with MTA Branco, MTA BIO, and white Portland cement + 20% bismuth oxide (PC1) or PC1 + 10% of calcium chloride (PC2) and implanted subcutaneously in 18 rats at 4 sites from the dorsal area. Empty dentin tubes, implanted in rats of a pilot study, were used as control. After 30, 60, and 90 days, the animals were killed, and the dentin tubes were retrieved for scanning electron microscope analysis. In the periods of 30 and 60 days, the mineral deposition in the material-dentin interface (interfacial layer) and in the interior of dentinal tubules was detected in more tubes filled with MTA Branco and MTA BIO than in tubes filled with PC1 and PC2. After 90 days, the interfacial layer and intratubular mineralization were detected in all tubes except for 3 and 1 of the tubes filled with PC2, respectively. It was concluded that all the cements tested were bioactive. The cements released some of their components in the tissue capable of stimulating mineral deposition in the cement-dentin interface and in the interior of the dentinal tubules. MTA BIO and MTA Branco were more effective in promoting the biomineralization process than Portland cements, mainly after 30 and 60 days. Copyright © 2012 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Alkali binding in hydrated Portland cement paste

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chen, Wei; Brouwers, Jos


    The alkali-binding capacity of C–S–H in hydrated Portland cement pastes is addressed in this study. The amount of bound alkalis in C–S–H is computed based on the alkali partition theories firstly proposed by Taylor (1987) and later further developed by Brouwers and Van Eijk (2003). Experimental data

  12. Hydration of Blended Portland Cements Containing Calcium-Aluminosilicate Glass Powder and Limestone

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moesgaard, M; Poulsen, Søren Lundsted; Herfort, D


    M. MOESGAARD, S.L. POULSEN, D. HERFORT, M. STEENBERG, L.F. KIRKEGAARD, J. SKIBSTED, Y. YUE, Hydration of Blended Portland Cements Containing Calcium-Aluminosilicate Glass Powder and Limestone, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95, 403 – 409 (2012).......M. MOESGAARD, S.L. POULSEN, D. HERFORT, M. STEENBERG, L.F. KIRKEGAARD, J. SKIBSTED, Y. YUE, Hydration of Blended Portland Cements Containing Calcium-Aluminosilicate Glass Powder and Limestone, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95, 403 – 409 (2012)....

  13. Sulfatos en el cemento portland y su incidencia sobre el falso fraguado: Estado actual del conocimiento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    de la Cruz, Ignacio


    Full Text Available A bibliographical study is carried out of the sulphates which may be present in the clinker and Portland cement, as likewise the effects of the aeration and temperature on the setting. This work is a prior phase of a wide experimental investigation carried out in the IETCC, on anomalies or setting and phenomena of "lumping" in Portland cement.

    Se realiza un estudio bibliográfico de los sulfatos que pueden estar presentes en el clínker y cemento portland, así como de los efectos de la aireación y temperatura sobre el fraguado. Este trabajo es la fase previa de una amplia investigación experimental realizada en el IETCC, sobre anomalías de fraguado y fenómenos de "aterronamiento" en el cemento portland.



    Lessa Dias, Henrique; Geraldo Dias e Monica Lessa Dias; Viana, Leonardo Ferreira; Uni BH; Gomes, Izabela Moreira; Uni BH; Santos Martins, Robert Brendel; Uni BH; Correia de Souza, Rodrigo Costa; Uni BH; Cordeiro, Leonardo Amaral; Uni BH; Rebouças, Arthur Souza; Uni BH; de Almeida Ramos Miranda, Matheus Soares; Uni BH


    A Construção Civil tem gerado uma grande quantidade de resíduos sólidos em seus processos produtivos. Buscando solucionar os problemas gerados por tais resíduos estão sendo feitas pesquisas de melhor reaproveitamento dos mesmos. O tijolo artesanal Krafterra é um meio de solucionar a contaminação do ambiente gerada pelo papel Kraft, componente dos sacos de cimento e diminuir os custos de construções. O Krafterra, além do papel, tem como componentes: cimento, terra argilosa e seiva de babosa. A...

  15. Reciclagem secundária de rejeitos de porcelanas elétricas em estruturas de concreto: determinação do desempenho sob envelhecimento acelerado Secondary recycling of electrical insulator porcelain waste in Portland concrete structures: determination of the performance under accelerated aging

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. F. Portella


    Full Text Available O uso de entulhos, entre outros rejeitos industriais e domésticos, pela construção civil vem sendo prática comum em diversos países desenvolvidos, em razão tanto do aumento da quantidade de rejeitos e conseqüente esgotamento de espaços apropriados para seu destino final, quanto da constante e cada vez mais rigorosa fiscalização e punição pelos organismos ambientais competentes. Antecipando maneiras para solução desses problemas, propôs-se o estudo da reciclagem e imobilização de rejeitos de porcelanas elétricas em concreto, em substituição parcial aos agregados graúdos e miúdos naturais. A vantagem não foi total por causa do indício de reações expansivas que poderiam prejudicar determinadas aplicações. Assim, foi proposto o estudo das condições ideais de dosagem para mitigar os efeitos de tais reações pela presença de contaminantes destes rejeitos. Os resultados demonstraram a efetiva promoção de reações do tipo álcali-agregado, e que o uso de cimentos especiais poderá diminuir o efeito prejudicial dos subprodutos formados.The use of rubbish and other kinds of domestic and industrial wastes on civil construction has been a common practice in many developed countries, due either to the increase in the amount of waste and the resultant reduction of appropriate places to its final disposal, as well as to the severity and steadiness of environmental inspection organizations. In order to provide beforehand manners to solve or reduce these problems, study of recycling and co-disposal of waste from porcelain electrical insulators in concrete was proposed. Besides the occurrence of expansive reactions, which may be harmful to the stability of important structures, the overall results were encouraging. Some contaminants found in the three phases of porcelain contributed to the happening of alkali-aggregate reaction, which can easily inhibited by the using of special cements, such as a sulfur-resistant one.

  16. Physicochemical Properties of MTA and Portland Cement after Addition of Aloe Vera. (United States)

    Henrique Borges, Alvaro; Aguirre Guedes, Orlando; Evaristo Ricci Volpato, Luiz; Siebert Filho, Gilberto; Meireles Borba, Alexandre; Zina, Omar; Piva, Evandro; Estrela, Carlos


    The aim of this in vitro study was to determine the liquid-powder ratio, setting time, solubility, dimensional change, pH, and radiopacity of white structural and non-structural Portland cement, ProRoot MTA and MTA Bio, associated with a 2% glycolic solution containing Aloe Vera, as vehicle. Five samples of each material were used for each test, according to the American National Standards Institute/American Dental Association (ANSI/ADA) specification No. 57. Statistical analyses were performed using ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance. When sample distribution was not normal, non-parametric analysis of variance and the Kruskal-Wallis test were used ( α =0.05). No statistical differences were found in liquid-powder ratios among the tested materials. ProRoot MTA showed the longest setting time. Dimensional change values were acceptable in all groups. Also, no significant differences were found in pH values and pH was alkaline in all samples throughout the experiment. Mean radiopacity results obtained for white Portland cements did not meet ANSI/ADA requirements, and were significantly lower than those obtained for MTA-based cements. Finally, Portland cements showed significantly higher mean solubility values compared to the other samples. The physicochemical properties of the tested materials in association with Aloe Vera were compatible with ANSI/ADA requirements, except for the white Portland cements, which failed to meet the radiopacity specification.

  17. Hydration characteristics of zirconium oxide replaced Portland cement for use as a root-end filling material. (United States)

    Camilleri, J; Cutajar, A; Mallia, B


    Zirconium oxide can be added to dental materials rendering them sufficiently radiopaque. It can thus be used to replace the bismuth oxide in mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Replacement of Portland cement with 30% zirconium oxide mixed at a water/cement ratio of 0.3 resulted in a material with adequate physical properties. This study aimed at investigating the microstructure, pH and leaching in physiological solution of Portland cement replaced zirconium oxide at either water-powder or water-cement ratios of 0.3 for use as a root-end filling material. The hydration characteristics of the materials which exhibited optimal behavior were evaluated. Portland cement replaced by zirconium oxide in varying amounts ranging from 0 to 50% in increments of 10 was prepared and divided into two sets. One set was prepared at a constant water/cement ratio while the other set at a constant water/powder ratio of 0.3. Portland cement and MTA were used as controls. The materials were analyzed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the hydration products were determined. X-ray energy dispersive analysis (EDX) was used to analyze the elemental composition of the hydration products. The pH and the amount of leachate in Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS) were evaluated. A material that had optimal properties that satisfied set criteria and could replace MTA was selected. The microstructure of the prototype material and Portland cement used as a control was assessed after 30 days using SEM and atomic ratio diagrams of Al/Ca versus Si/Ca and S/Ca versus Al/Ca were plotted. The hydration products of Portland cement replaced with 30% zirconium oxide mixed at water/cement ratio of 0.3 were calcium silicate hydrate, calcium hydroxide and minimal amounts of ettringite and monosulphate. The calcium hydroxide leached in HBSS solution resulted in an increase in the pH value. The zirconium oxide acted as inert filler and exhibited no reaction with the hydration by-products of Portland

  18. Effect of three natural pozzolans in portland cement hydration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rahhal, V.


    Full Text Available Natural pozzolans have been used since ancient times and continues to be used today. The chemistry and morphological composition of natural pozzolans and their particle size distribution allows classifying them as more or less reactive pozzolan. In this research several techniques have been used to study the influence of pozzolan on portland cement hydration as much as to evaluate the mechanical and durable properties of concretes, mortars and pastes containing pozzolans. This paper describes the effect of incorporating three natural pozzolans to two cements with very different mineralogical composition. The techniques used were: conduction calorimetry and Fratini test. Results proved that pozzolanic activity and the acceleration and retardation of hydration reaction depend on the mineralogical composition of the portland cernent used. Effects of dilution, stimulation, acceleration or retardation reactions, behavior into areas of heat dissipation and pozzolanic activity depend on the percentage of pozzolan used and the age in which it has been analyzed.

    El uso de las puzolanas naturales se remonta a la antigüedad, no obstante, actualmente continúa su utilización. La composición química y morfológica de las puzolanas naturales, sumado al tamaño de sus partículas, las califican como más o menos reactivas. En el estudio de las mismas, se han aplicado variadas técnicas para el análisis de sus interferencias en las reacciones de hidratación de los cementos portland; así como para la evaluación de las propiedades resistentes y duraderas que pueden conferirle a los hormigones, morteros o pastas de los que formen parte. Este trabajo versará sobre los efectos que produce la incorporación de tres puzolanas naturales a dos cementos portland de muy diferente composición mineralógica. Las técnicas aplicadas para su estudio han sido: la calorimetría de conducción y el ensayo de Fratini. Los resultados obtenidos permiten determinar

  19. Research on the nanolevel influence of surfactants on structure formation of the hydrated Portland cement compositions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guryanov Alexander


    Full Text Available The research of the structure formation process on a nanolevel of the samples of hydrated Portland cement compositions containing the modifying additives has been conducted with the help of small angle neutron scattering method. Carbonate and aluminum alkaline slimes as well as the complex additives containing surfactants were used as additives. The influence of slimes and surfactants on structural parameters change of Portland cement compositions of the average size of the disseminating objects, fractal dimension samples is considered. These Portland cement compositions are shown to be fractal clusters.

  20. Pulp tissue response to Portland cement associated with different radio pacifying agents on pulpotomy of human primary molars. (United States)

    Marques, N; Lourenço Neto, N; Fernandes, A P; Rodini, C; Hungaro Duarte, M; Rios, D; Machado, M A; Oliveira, T


    The objective of this research was to evaluate the response of Portland cement associated with different radio pacifying agents on pulp treatment of human primary teeth by clinical and radiographic exams and microscopic analysis. Thirty mandibular primary molars were randomly divided into the following groups: Group I - Portland cement; Group II - Portland cement with iodoform (Portland cement + CHI3 ); Group III - Portland cement with zirconium oxide (Portland cement + ZrO2 ); and treated by pulpotomy technique (removal of a portion of the pulp aiming to maintain the vitally of the remaining radicular pulp tissue using a therapeutic dressing). Clinical and radiographic evaluations were recorded at 6, 12 and 24 months follow-up. The teeth at the regular exfoliation period were extracted and processed for histological analysis. Data were tested using statistical analysis with a significance level of 5%. The microscopic findings were descriptively analysed. All treated teeth were clinically and radiographically successful at follow-up appointments. The microscopic analysis revealed positive response to pulp repair with hard tissue barrier formation and pulp calcification in the remaining roots of all available teeth. The findings of this study suggest that primary teeth pulp tissue exhibited satisfactory biological response to Portland cement associated with radio pacifying agents. However, further studies with long-term follow-up are needed to determine the safe clinical indication of this alternative material for pulp therapy of primary teeth. © 2015 The Authors Journal of Microscopy © 2015 Royal Microscopical Society.

  1. Efeito do plasma de oxigênio na dentina previamente exposta ao NaOCl

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maíra do PRADO

    Full Text Available Resumo Introdução O tratamento de plasma é uma tecnologia eficaz que pode manter as propriedades internas dos materiais inalteradas após o tratamento, modificando apenas a superfície. Objetivo Avaliar o efeito do plasma de oxigênio na dentina previamente exposta ao NaOCl 6%. Material e método Foram utilizados 60 incisivos bovinos. A coroa foi removida, a raiz foi dividida e as faces planificadas, totalizando 120 segmentos referentes ao terço cervical. As amostras foram divididas em dois grupos: controle (imersa em NaOCl 6%, lavada com água destilada, seca, imersa em EDTA 17%, lavada e seca e plasma de oxigênio (após tratamento descrito no grupo controle, plasma de oxigênio foi aplicado por 30 s. As amostras foram avaliadas qualitativamente em relação à topografia por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, utilizando-se microfotografias com ampliação de 1.000×. O goniômetro Ramé-hart foi utilizado para a mensuração do ângulo de contato entre as superfícies e as seguintes soluções foram utilizadas: água, etilenoglicol e di-iodometano. Em seguida, a energia de superfície, representada pelas componentes polar e dispersiva, foi calculada. Avaliou-se também o escoamento dos cimentos Pulp Canal Sealer EWT (PCS e Real Sal SE (RS na superfície dentinária. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente utilizando os testes Kruskal-Wallis e Mann-Whitney U (p<0,05. Resultado O tratamento com plasma levou à formação de uma camada semelhante à smear layer na superfície dentinária. Este tratamento levou a um aumento da energia de superfície e da componente polar, favorecendo a hidrofilicidade da superfície. Entretanto, desfavoreceu o escoamento do cimento PCS e não influenciou no escoamento do cimento RS. Conclusão O plasma de oxigênio ocasionou mudanças topográficas na superfície dentinária, favorecendo a hidrofilicidade desta. Contudo, não favoreceu o escoamento dos cimentos endodônticos na dentina.

  2. Partial replacement of Portland cement by red ceramic waste in mortars: study of pozzolanic activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, A.R. da; Cabral, K.C.; Pinto, E.N. de M.G.l.


    The objective of this study is to analyze the pozzolanic activity of red ceramic residue on the partial replacement of Portland cement in mortars. The mortars were prepared by substituting 25% of the Portland cement for ground of ceramic residue with water cement’s factor of 0.48. The concrete used to construct the reference mortars and those with addiction was CPII-Z-32 (compound of Portland pozzolana cement). The chemical analysis and physical ceramic waste showed that this meets the requirements of NBR12653 (2014) for use as pozzolanic material. The pozzolanic activity index (IAP) obtained for the ceramic waste to twenty-eight days cure rate was 80.28%. (author)

  3. Root perforations treatment using mineral trioxide aggregate and Portland cements. (United States)

    Silva Neto, José Dias da; Brito, Rafael Horácio de; Schnaider, Taylor Brandão; Gragnani, Alfredo; Engelman, Mírian; Ferreira, Lydia Masako


    Clinical, radiological and histological evaluation of root perforations treated with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) or Portland cements, and calcium sulfate barrier. One molar and 11 premolar teeth of a male mongrel dog received endodontic treatment and furcations were perforated with a high-speed round bur and treated with a calcium sulfate barrier. MTA, Portland cement type II (PCII) and type V (PCV), and white Portland cement (WPC) were used as obturation materials. The teeth were restored with composite resin and periapical radiographs were taken. The animal was euthanized 120 days post-surgery for treatment evaluation. Right lower first premolar (MTA), right lower third premolar (PCV), left lower second premolar (MTA), and right lower second premolar (WPC): clinically normal, slightly radio-transparent area on the furcation, little inflammatory infiltrate, and new-bone formation. Left lower third premolar (PCII), right upper first premolar (WPC), right upper third premolar (PCII), and left upper first molar (PCV): clinically normal, radiopaque area on the furcation, and new-bone formation. Right upper second premolar (MTA), left upper second premolar (WPC), left upper third premolar (PCII): presence of furcation lesion, large radiolucent area, and intense inflammatory infiltrate. All obturation materials used in this study induced new-bone formation.

  4. Alternatieven voor Portland Cement in ontwikkelingslanden onderzocht : continue-kalkoven maakt toepassing van kalk pozzolaan cement mogelijk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Egmond - de Wilde De Ligny, van E.L.C.; Jongsma, Ivo


    In de discussie over bouwmaterialen in ontwikkelingslanden wordt vaak gepleit voor alternatieven voor Portland Cement. De productie van Portland Cement is kapitaal- en energie-intensief en draagt weinig bij aan de ontwikkeling van deze landen. De klein schaliger productie van alternatieven voor

  5. Desempenho estrutural de protótipo de alvenaria construída com blocos de terra crua estabilizada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aluísio Braz Melo

    Full Text Available Uma das dificuldades na difusão de tecnologias de construção não convencionais é a ausência de informações técnicas sobre os sistemas construtivos existentes. Exemplos de construção eco-eficiente, em pequena escala, feita com blocos de terra crua, desenvolvidos pelo Prof. Roberto Mattone, do Politecnico di Torino, Itália, podem ser encontrados no Brasil, Itália e Argentina. Estes blocos feitos com prensa manual apresentam intertravamentos entre si que melhoram a resistência e a rigidez da alvenaria. Testes em protótipos construídos com eles são necessários para atender as exigências técnicas e se obter credibilidade nas agências governamentais financiadoras. Este artigo apresenta resultados referentes a avaliação de desempenho estrutural de alvenaria (protótipo construído em escala real feita com blocos de terra crua estabilizada, mecânicamente por prensagem e químicamente por adição de cimento Portland. As avaliações de cargas de ocupação e impactos na alvenaria foram realizadas através de ensaios de impactos de corpo mole e de corpo duro, solicitações transmitidas por fechamentos bruscos de porta e solicitações de cargas provenientes de peças suspensas. A partir dos resultados pode-se afirmar que o protótipo apresentou desempenho satisfatório em relação à segurança estrutural. Destaca-se que os blocos avaliados tem grande potencial para reduzir o impacto ambiental das edificações.

  6. Clinical evaluation of glass-ionomer cement restorations Avaliação clínica de restaurações de cimento de ionômero de vidro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin John Tyas


    Full Text Available This article mentions the general structure, properties and clinical performance of conventional and resin-modified glass-ionomer cements, focusing on adhesion, caries inhibition effect and recommendations of their use.Este artigo menciona a estrutura geral, propriedades e performance clínica de cimentos de ionômero de vidro convencionais e modificados por resina, enfocando propriedades como adesão, efeito anti-cariogênico e recomendações de uso.

  7. Exploratory characterization of volcanic ash sourced from Uganda as a pozzolanic material in portland cement concrete

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buregyeya, A.; Quercia Bianchi, G.; Spiesz, P.R.; Florea, M.V.A.; Nassingwa, R.; Uzoegbo, H.C.; Schmidt, W.


    The need for alternative cementing materials to ordinary Portland cement (OPC) has promoted characterization research on pozzolana as an important ingredient in cement production. In Uganda, natural pozzolana application in cement production is done by only two producers of Portland cement and at a

  8. Physical and Thermodynamical Properties of Water Phases in Hardening Portland Cement Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, T. Bæk

    The present study is devoted to the description of water phases in hardening portland cement paste systems containing a significant amount of micro-filler and having a low to moderate water/powder ratio. Emphasis has been placed on the early stages of the hardening process.......The present study is devoted to the description of water phases in hardening portland cement paste systems containing a significant amount of micro-filler and having a low to moderate water/powder ratio. Emphasis has been placed on the early stages of the hardening process....

  9. City of Portland: Businesses for an environmentally sustainable tomorrow

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The sustainable business development program in Portland (OR) is known as BEST. BEST stands for Businesses for an Environmentally Sustainable Tomorrow. The Portland Energy Office operates BEST as a {open_quotes}one-stop service center{close_quotes} for business owners and managers. BEST provides information and assistance on resource efficient buildings and business practices. The results of BEST`s two years of operation have been generally impressive. Nearly 150 new or expanding businesses have been connected with utility design assistance programs. Businesses have also received assistance with water conservation, telecommuting, construction debris recycling, and alternative fuel vehicles. BEST has received local and national publicity and BEST services have been the topic at more than a dozen conferences, meetings, or other speaking engagements. A guidebook for communities wishing to start a similar program will be available in early 1996.

  10. Resistência à remoção por tração de coroas totais metálicas cimentadas em dentes com e sem reconstrução coronária Tensile strength of metal crowns cemented on dental and buildup surfaces

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    Eduardo Batista FRANCO


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a resistência à remoção por tração de coroas totais metálicas cimentadas com o cimento de ionômero de vidro Ketac-Cem (ESPE em dentes adequadamente preparados, com e sem o pré-tratamento dentinário com o ácido poliacrílico a 40%, assim como sobre dentes previamente reconstruídos com o cimento ionomérico Vitremer (3M. Para efeito de comparação, empregou-se o cimento de fosfato de zinco (SS White. Foram selecionados 50 dentes humanos (primeiros pré-molares superiores sendo os mesmos fixados em bases cilíndricas de resina acrílica poliestirênica e divididos em 5 grupos de 10 elementos cada. Após a cimentação, os espécimes foram termociclados nas temperaturas de 5ºC, 37ºC e 55ºC e posteriormente acoplados à máquina de ensaios universal (Kratos, para a realização dos testes de resistência à tração. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos a ANOVA, observando-se diferença estatística significante ao nível de 5% entre as diferentes condições estudadas. Com relação aos dentes sem reconstrução, verificou-se um resultado superior para o cimento Ketac-Cem quando da utilização do ácido poliacrílico. Para os grupos reconstruídos com o Vitremer, não observou-se diferença estatística significante entre os dois agentes cimentantes. A reconstrução coronária não prejudicou a retentividade das coroas totais metálicas.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the tensile strength of metal crowns cemented with Ketac-Cem (ESPE glass ionomer cement, on teeth properly prepared with and without previous treatment of 40% polyacrylic acid, as well as on built-up teeth reconstructed with Vitremer (3M ionomer cement. For comparison purposes, zinc phosphate cement (SS White was also employed. Fifty upper pre-molar human teeth were selected, embedded in epoxy resin, and divided into 5 groups of 10 elements each. After cementing, the specimens were submitted to thermocycling at 5

  11. Structure investigations on Portland cement paste by small angle neutron scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dragolici, C.A.; Lin, A.


    Hydrated Portland cement is a very complex material. Cement paste consists of many crystalline and non-crystalline phases in various ranges of sizes (μm and nm scale). The crystalline phases are embedded in amorphous phases of hydration products. We investigated the structural changes of hydrating phases in a time interval up to 18 days, at Budapest Neutron Center's SANS spectrometer. The small angle neutron scattering of Portland cements prepared with a various water-to-cement ratios, gave us information about the microstructure changes in the material. Fractals were a suitable way for structure modelling. Some comments regarding the opportunity of using the most common models are pointed out. (authors)

  12. Reaction of rat subcutaneous tissue to mineral trioxide aggregate and Portland cement: a secondary level biocompatibility test. (United States)

    Karanth, P; Manjunath, M K; Kuriakose, E S


    This secondary-level animal study was conducted to assess and compare the subcutaneous tissue reaction to implantation of white mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and white Portland cement. Polyethylene tubes filled with either freshly mixed white MTA (Group I) or white Portland cement (Group II) were implanted subcutaneously into 12 Wistar Albino rats. Each animal also received an empty polyethylene tube as the control (Group III). After 7, 14, 21 and 30 days, the implants, together with surrounding tissues were excised. Two pathologists blinded to the experimental procedure, evaluated sections taken from the biopsy specimens for the severity of the inflammatory response, calcification and the presence and thickness of fibrous capsule surrounding the implant. Statistical analysis was performed using the Cross-tabs procedure, Univariate analysis of the variance two-way and the Pearson product moment correlation to assess inter-rater variability between the two evaluators. At 7 days, there was no significant difference in the severity of inflammation between the control group, white MTA, and white Portland cement groups. In the 14 day, 21 day and 30 day test periods, control group had significantly less inflammation than white MTA and white Portland cement. There was no significant difference in the grading of inflammation between white MTA and white Portland cement. All materials exhibited thick capsule at 7 days and thin capsule by 30 days. Both white MTA and white Portland cement were not completely non-irritating at the end of 30 days as evidenced by the presence of mild inflammation. However, the presence of a thin capsule around the materials, similar to the control group, indicates good tissue tolerance. White MTA and white Portland cement seem to be materials of comparable biocompatibility.

  13. EnviroAtlas - Portland, ME - BenMAP Results by Block Group (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset demonstrates the effect of changes in pollution concentration on local populations in 146 block groups in Portland, Maine. The US EPA's...

  14. EnviroAtlas - Portland, OR - BenMAP Results by Block Group (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This EnviroAtlas dataset demonstrates the effect of changes in pollution concentration on local populations in 1176 block groups in Portland, Oregon. The US EPA's...

  15. Assessment of Pollution Potentialities of some Portland Cement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Chemical analysis of some Portland cement commonly used in Nigeria was carried out. All the cement studies were found to be good for concrete work especially where no special property is required. The concentration levels of heavy metals in all the cement samples were above the tolerance limit and therefore need to ...

  16. 76 FR 12370 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-Portland Cement... (United States)


    ... Production Act of 1993--Portland Cement Association Notice is hereby given that, on February 02, 2011... seq. (``the Act''), Portland Cement Association (``PCA'') has filed written notifications..., Praxair, Danbury, CT; Metso Minerals, York, PA; Lehigh Cement Company LLC, Allentown, PA; Lehigh Northwest...

  17. 76 FR 34252 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993; Portland Cement... (United States)


    ... Production Act of 1993; Portland Cement Association Notice is hereby given that, on May 12, 2011, pursuant to.... (``the Act''), Portland Cement Association (``PCA'') has filed written notifications simultaneously with... plaintiffs to actual damages under specified circumstances. Specifically, Drake Cement, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ...

  18. Borracha de pneus como modificador de cimentos asfálticos para uso em obras de pavimentação

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    Sandra Oda


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta estudo sobre a incorporação de borracha de pneus em ligantes asfálticos utilizados em obras de pavimentação. Trata-se de uma alternativa para solucionar um grave problema ambiental, pois no Brasil, anualmente, são descartados mais de 30 milhões de pneus, dos quais a maior parte é disposta em locais inadequados, servindo para a procriação de vetores de doenças e representando risco de contaminação do meio-ambiente. Os efeitos dos principais fatores que condicionam o comportamento do ligante asfalto-borracha (teor e granulometria da borracha, temperatura de mistura, tempo de reação são avaliados através de ensaios tradicionais de caracterização de ligantes asfálticos e ensaios do Método Superpave, diretamente relacionadas ao desempenho dos pavimentos no campo. Os resultados da análise estatística evidenciam o efeito preponderante do teor de borracha e, principalmente, que o ligante asfalto-borracha pode aumentar a resistência ao acúmulo de deformação permanente e ao aparecimento de trincas por fadiga do revestimento

  19. Structure investigations on Portland cement paste by small angle neutron scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dragolici, C. A.; Len, A.


    Portland cement pastes consist of many crystalline and non-crystalline phases in various ranges of sizes (nm and mm scale). The crystalline phases are embedded in amorphous phases of the hydration products. We investigated the structural changes of hydrating phases in the time interval of 1-30 days at Budapest Neutron Center's SANS diffractometer. The small angle neutron scattering of Portland cements prepared with a water-to-cement ratio from 0,3 to 0,8 gave us information about the microstructure changes in the material. Fractals were a suitable way for structure modelling. The variation of fractals size depending on the preparation-to-measurement time interval and water-to-cement ratio could be observed. (authors)

  20. The Social Acceptance of Community Solar: A Portland Case Study (United States)

    Weaver, Anne

    Community solar is a renewable energy practice that's been adopted by multiple U.S. states and is being considered by many more, including the state of Oregon. A recent senate bill in Oregon, called the "Clean Electricity and Coal Transition Plan", includes a provision that directs the Oregon Public Utility Commission to establish a community solar program for investor-owned utilities by late 2017. Thus, energy consumers in Portland will be offered participation in community solar projects in the near future. Community solar is a mechanism that allows ratepayers to experience both the costs and benefits of solar energy while also helping to offset the proportion of fossil-fuel generated electricity in utility grids, thus aiding climate change mitigation. For community solar to achieve market success in the residential sector of Portland, ratepayers of investor-owned utilities must socially accept this energy practice. The aim of this study was to forecast the potential social acceptance of community solar among Portland residents by measuring willingness to participate in these projects. Additionally, consumer characteristics, attitudes, awareness, and knowledge were captured to assess the influence of these factors on intent to enroll in community solar. The theory of planned behavior, as well as the social acceptance, diffusion of innovation, and dual-interest theories were frameworks used to inform the analysis of community solar adoption. These research objectives were addressed through a mixed-mode survey of Portland residents, using a stratified random sample of Portland neighborhoods to acquire a gradient of demographics. 330 questionnaires were completed, yielding a 34.2% response rate. Descriptive statistics, binomial logistic regression models, and mean willingness to pay were the analyses conducted to measure the influence of project factors and demographic characteristics on likelihood of community solar participation. Roughly 60% of respondents

  1. 75 FR 4423 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-Portland Cement... (United States)


    ... Production Act of 1993--Portland Cement Association Notice is hereby given that, on December 14, 2009... seq. (``the Act''), Portland Cement Association (``PCA'') has filed written notifications... Cement, Hannibal, MO has been added as a party to this venture. Also, the following parties have...

  2. Nanotechnology-Based Performance Improvements For Portland Cement Concrete - Phase I (United States)


    A fundamental understanding of the nano-structure of Portland cement concrete (PCC) is the key to realizing significant breakthroughs regarding high performance and susta : (MBTC 2095/3004) using molecular dynamics (MD) provided new understanding of ...

  3. Study of the bismuth oxide concentration required to provide Portland cement with adequate radiopacity for endodontic use. (United States)

    Bueno, Carlos Eduardo da Silveira; Zeferino, Eduardo Gregatto; Manhães, Luiz Roberto Coutinho; Rocha, Daniel Guimarães Pedro; Cunha, Rodrigo Sanches; De Martin, Alexandre Sigrist


    The purpose of this study was to determine the ideal concentration of bismuth oxide in white Portland cement to provide it with sufficient radiopacity for use as an endodontic material (ADA specification #57). 2-mm thick standardized test specimens of white MTA and of white Portland cement, as controls, and of white Portland cement with the experimental addition of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% or 30% of bismuth oxide were radiographed and compared with various thicknesses of pure aluminum, using optic density to determine the observed grayscale levels of radiopacity in a scale ranging from 0 to 255. The data was submitted to ANOVA (pcement with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% of bismuth oxide presented mean readings of 63.3, 95.7, 110.7, 142.7, 151.3, 161.0 and 180.0 respectively. MTA presented a mean reading of 157.3. The readings of MTA and white Portland cement with 15% bismuth oxide did not differ significantly from the reading observed for a thickness of 4 mm of aluminum (145.3), which is considered ideal for a test specimen by ADA specification #57 (2 mm above the thickness of the test specimen). White MTA and white Portland cement with 15% bismuth oxide presented the radiopacity required for an endodontic cement.

  4. 77 FR 5573 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-Portland Cement... (United States)


    ... Production Act of 1993--Portland Cement Association Notice is hereby given that, on January 6, 2012, pursuant... seq. (``the Act''), Portland Cement Association (``PCA'') has filed written notifications..., Newark, DE, has been added as a party to this venture. Also, Texas-Lehigh Cement Company, Buda, TX...

  5. Toxicity and Histopathological Effects of Portland Cement Powder in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Hepatic lesions in the liver tissues of fish exposed to Portland cement powder in solution were characterized by degeneration of hepatocyte, vascuolization of cell cytoplasm, fatty degeneration and hypertrophy of hepatocytes. Histological comparison of tissues indicated that most damage occurred in the gill rather than in ...

  6. Viscosidade cinemática de pastas cimentícias com incorporadores de ar avaliadas em diferentes temperaturas Kinematic viscosity of cement pastes with air-entrained admixtures evaluated in different temperatures

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    R. C. O. Romano


    Full Text Available A presença de aditivos incorporadores de ar (AIA em suspensões cimentícias torna esses materiais sensíveis às etapas de processamento e às condições ambientais de preparo das composições. Diversos estudos têm sido reportados em literatura avaliando o efeito de incorporadores de ar nas propriedades de materiais cimentícios, sobretudo no estado endurecido. Porém o efeito da temperatura na incorporação de ar e nas propriedades reológicas dessas composições tem sido menos investigado, sendo este o objetivo do presente trabalho. Para tanto, foram avaliadas as características de pastas cimentícias, compostas por cimentos CPIIF ou CPIIE e dois tipos de AIA, em função da variação da temperatura. O conceito de viscosidade cinemática foi adotado na análise dos resultados para compensar diferenças de inércia das pastas com densidades distintas. Os resultados mostraram que o tipo de cimento, a presença do aditivo e a temperatura influenciaram significativamente na incorporação de ar e nas propriedades reológicas.Air-entrained admixtures (AEA makes the cementitious pastes very sensitive to the mix process, environmental conditions and, consequently modifies the final properties. Many studies have been found in literature evaluating the AEA effect on the material properties, mainly in the hardened state. However, the temperature effect in the air incorporation and rheological properties have been less investigated, and this has been the objective of our work. The properties of cementitious pastes formulated with CPIIE or CPIIF and different air-entrained admixtures were evaluated in distinct temperatures. Furthermore, the concept of kinematic viscosity was used in the analysis of the results to compensate the differences in the inertia of cement pastes with different densities. The results shown that the cement type, the additive presence and the temperature significantly affects the air incorporation and the rheological

  7. Viabilidade do aproveitamento de resíduos de fibras vegetais para fins de obtenção de material de construção Suitability of vegetable fiber residues as construction material

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    Holmer Savastano Junior


    Full Text Available O presente estudo abordou a existência e as principais características de vinte resíduos de fibras vegetais, resultantes de processos agroindustriais, voltados para a obtenção de oito diferentes tipos de fibras comerciais. Com base em critérios de seleção inicialmente estabelecidos, foram identificados seis resíduos de maior interesse. Os resultados indicaram a potencialidade do seu emprego, no reforço de matrizes frágeis, à base de cimento Portland, para aumento de sua ductilidade. Telhas produzidas a partir de compósitos reforçados com fibras residuais de sisal "baler twine", coco, polpa de eucalipto, malva e banana, além de combinação entre fibras de coco e polpa de eucalipto, resistiram a cargas na flexão, superiores a 680 N, em conformidade com especificações internacionais.Twenty vegetable fiber by-products from agro-industrial production of eight different commercial fibers were analyzed in this study. Based on previously established selection criteria, six main types of residue were identified. Results showed that the selected by-products may be used as reinforcement of fragile cementitious matrices, for ductility improvement. Tiles produced with composites reinforced by residual fibers of sisal baler twine, coir, eucalyptus pulp, malva, banana, or a mixture of coir fibers and eucalyptus pulp, supported flexural loads in excess of 680N in keeping with international specifications.

  8. Utilization of steel slag for Portland cement clinker production. (United States)

    Tsakiridis, P E; Papadimitriou, G D; Tsivilis, S; Koroneos, C


    The aim of the present research work is to investigate the possibility of adding steel slag, a by-product of the conversion of iron to steel process, in the raw meal for the production of Portland cement clinker. Two samples of raw meals were prepared, one with ordinary raw materials, as a reference sample ((PC)(Ref)), and another with 10.5% steel slag ((PC)(S/S)). Both raw meals were sintered at 1450 degrees C. The results of chemical and mineralogical analyses as well as the microscopic examination showed that the use of the steel slag did not affect the mineralogical characteristics of the so produced Portland cement clinker. Furthermore, both clinkers were tested by determining the grindability, setting times, compressive strengths and soundness. The hydration products were examined by XRD analysis at 2, 7, 28 and 90 days. The results of the physico-mechanical tests showed that the addition of the steel slag did not negatively affect the quality of the produced cement.

  9. Network Level Carbon Dioxide Emissions From On-road Sources in the Portland OR, (USA) Metropolitan Area (United States)

    Powell, J.; Butenhoff, C. L.; Rice, A. L.


    To mitigate climate change, governments at multiple levels are developing policies to decrease anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The City of Portland (Oregon) and Multnomah County have adopted a Climate Action Plan with a stated goal of reducing emissions to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. The transportation sector alone accounts for about 40% of total emissions in the Portland metropolitan area. Here we show a new street-level model of on-road mobile CO2 emissions for the Portland, OR metropolitan region. The model uses hourly traffic counter recordings made by the Portland Bureau of Transportation at 9,352 sites over 21 years (1986-2006), augmented with freeway loop detector data from the Portland Regional Transportation Archive Listing (PORTAL) transportation data archive. We constructed a land use regression model to fill in traffic network gaps with traffic counts as the dependent variable using GIS data such as road class (32 categories) and population density. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) model was used to estimate transportation CO2 emissions. The street-level emissions can be aggregated and gridded and used as input to atmospheric transport models for comparison with atmospheric measurements. This model also provides an independent assessment of top-down inventories that determine emissions from fuel sales, while being an important component of our ongoing effort to assess the effectiveness of emission mitigation strategies at the urban scale.

  10. Radiopacity and histological assessment of Portland cement plus bismuth oxide. (United States)

    Coutinho-Filho, Tauby; De-Deus, Gustavo; Klein, Leila; Manera, Gisele; Peixoto, Carla; Gurgel-Filho, Eduardo Diogo


    The present study evaluated the subcutaneous connective tissue reactions and the radiopacity of MTA, Portland cement (PC), and Portland cement plus bismuth oxide (BO). Forty rats were divided into 5 groups (n = 8 per group): A1: Control (empty capsule); A2: Pro-Root MTA; A3: PC; A4: PC + BO 1:1; and A5: PC + BO 2:1. Polyethylene tubes were filled with the test materials and standardized radiographic images were taken. Histological evaluation was done after 7 and 60 days. Student t test and Fisher's test were used in the statistical analysis (P A4 > A5 > A3. No differences were found for the tissue response in the 2 experimental periods. A positive correlation between BO concentration and radiopacity of PC was determined. The histological evaluation suggests that all studied materials were biocompatible at 7 and 60 days.

  11. Comparative study of the properties of ordinary portland cement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study explored metakaolin as alternative material to cement. It compares the properties of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) concrete and binary concrete containing metakaolin as partial replacement of OPC. Two set of concrete samples; one with 10% Metakaolin (MK) replacing OPC by weight, and the other without ...

  12. 76 FR 50252 - Gray Portland Cement and Cement Clinker From Japan; Scheduling of an Expedited Five-Year Review... (United States)


    ... INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION [Investigation No. 731-TA-461 (Third Review)] Gray Portland Cement and Cement Clinker From Japan; Scheduling of an Expedited Five-Year Review Concerning the Antidumping Duty Order on Gray Portland Cement and Cement Clinker From Japan AGENCY: United States International...

  13. Ettringite and C-S-H Portland cement phases for waste ion immobilization: A review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gougar, M.L.D.; Scheetz, B.E.; Roy, D.M.


    The formation, structure and chemistry of the ettringite and C-S-H phases of Portland cement have been reviewed as they relate to waste ion immobilization. The purpose of this review was to investigate the use of Portland cement as a host for priority metallic pollutants as identified by the Environmental Protection Agency and as a host for radioactive waste ions as identified in 40 CFR 191. Ettringite acts as host to a number of these ions in both the columnar and channel sections of the crystal structure. Substitutions have been made at the calcium, aluminum, hydroxide and sulfate sites. C-S-H also hosts a number of the waste species in both ionic and salt form. Immobilization mechanisms for C-S-H include sorption, phase mixing and substitution. The following ions have not apparently been reported as specifically immobilized by one of these phases: Ag, Am, Np, Pu, Ra, Tc, Th and Sn; however, some of these ions are immobilized by Portland cement

  14. Enriquecimento com calda do CCR para face de barragens

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    A. P. Wendler

    Full Text Available A construção de barragens de CCR prioriza a minimização de interferências, como a execução da face de montante, para garantia da produtividade. O estudo procurou avaliar as propriedades físicas do CCR enriquecido com calda, em substituição ao concreto convencional usualmente empregado na face, utilizando os mesmos materiais, central de concreto, mão de obra e equipamentos, empregados na construção da Usina Hidrelétrica Mauá. Para tanto foram feitos prismas experimentais de campo (com diferentes relações água/cimento e quantidades de calda e posterior extração de testemunhos, os quais foram submetidos a ensaios mecânicos e de permeabilidade. Os resultados mostraram que para relações água/cimento 0,74, o material resultante atendeu às especificações de projeto, para consumos de cimento notadamente menores (entre 70 e 85% do CCV.

  15. Participação do colmo principal e dos afilhos na produtividade do arroz irrigado, em função da densidade de semeadura

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    Eduardo do Valle Lima


    Full Text Available Entre as práticas culturais a serem consideradas na implantação da cultura do arroz destaca-se a densidade de semeadura, que deve estabelecer, em grande parte, a participação do colmo principal e dos afilhos nos componentes da produção, possibilitando a obtenção da máxima produtividade. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a participação do colmo principal e dos afilhos na produtividade de grãos de arroz, cv. IAC 102, no sistema irrigado por inundação, em função da densidade de semeadura. O experimento foi desenvolvido sob túnel plástico, em Botucatu (SP, em caixas d'água de cimento amianto de 500 L, contendo Neossolo Flúvico Ta Eutrófico, com profundidade de 30 cm. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. As densidades de semeadura foram: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 e 600 sementes viáveis por m², em 4 linhas de 1 m por caixa, espaçadas com 20 cm. A elevação da densidade de semeadura diminui o afilhamento e proporciona a maior participação dos colmos principais, porém, não resultando em incremento de produtividade, devido à plasticidade das plantas de arroz, que proporciona o ajustamento dos componentes da produção.

  16. Una nota sobre los Hormigones de Cemento Portland (HCP y Hormigones de Cemento Portland con Adiciones (HCPA

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    Talero Morales, Rafael


    Full Text Available El hombre contemporáneo ha dividido el proceso evolutivo de la humanidad en macroperíodos de tiempo relacionados con avances significativos obtenidos en el campo de los materiales. Así se define la edad de piedra, bronce, hierro, cobre, etc. Y siguiendo esta tendencia, probablemente las generaciones futuras podrán hablar de esta época como la "edad del hormigón" y mostrar los monumentales vestigios que, en su mayor parte, se han construido con hormigón de cemento portland.

  17. Portland cement hydration in the presence of admixtures: black gram pulse and superplasticizer

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    Viveka Nand Dwivedi


    Full Text Available Effect of admixtures such as black gram pulse (BGP and sulfonated naphthalene based superplasticizer (SP on the hydration of Portland cement has been studied. The hydration characteristics of OPC in the presence of BGP and SP were studied with the help of non evaporable water content determinations, calorimetric method, Mössbauer spectroscopic and atomic force microscopic techniques. Results have shown that both BGP and SP get adsorbed at the surface of cement and its hydration products. The hydration of Portland cement is retarded in the presence of both the admixtures and nanosize hydration products are formed.

  18. Properties of Portland-Composite Cements with metakaolin: Commercial and manufactured by Thermal Activation of Serbian Kaolin Clay

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    Mitrovic A.


    Full Text Available Portland-composite cements (CEM II were prepared with addition of 5 to 35% of metakaolin (MK, manufactured by thermal activation/calcination of Serbian kaolin clay, and commercial matakaolin (CMK. Performance of the composite cements was evaluated, through the setting time (initial and final, compressive strengths (for ages 2, 7, 28, 90 and 180 days and soundness, and compared with control cement (Portland cement – CEM I. Setting time (initial and final is accelerated in Portlandcomposite cements, for both metakaolins used. The acceleration is higher in cement with addition of commercial metakaolin. Lower compressive strength is obtained after 2 days of curing for all Portland-composite cements in comparison with control cement, since pozzolanic reaction still did not show its effect. After 7 days, pozzolanic reaction show its effect, manifested as compressive strength increase of Portland-composite cements with addition of up to 35% of CMK, and 25% in the case of cements with MK. After 28 days compressive strength was higher than that for control cement for cements prepared with addition of CMK, and with addition of up to 25% MK. After 90 days increased compressive strength was noticed with addition of 10 - 20% of CMK, and with 10 and 15% of MK, while after 180 days addition of both metakaolins influences compressive strength decrease. The results of the soundness, 0.5 mm for CEM I, and 1.0 mm in most Portland-composite cements indicate soundness increase with addition of metakaolins. Generally, better performance of Portland-composite cements was obtained with addition of commercial metakaolin, which may be attributed to the differences in the pozzolanic activity of the applied metakaolins, 20.5 MPa and 14.9 MPa for CMK and MK, respectively. By our previous findings pozzolanic activity of the thermally activated clay may be increased by subsequent milling of the metakaolin manufactured by thermal activation process.

  19. Experimental and modeling study of Portland cement paste degradation in boric acid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benakli, A.; Chomat, L.; Le Bescop, P.; Wall, J.


    In the framework of Spent Fuel Pools (SFP) lifetime studies, an investigation of the Portland cement degradation in boric acid has been requested by the Electric Power Research Institute. The main goal of this study is to identify the physico-chemical degradation mechanisms involved in boric acid media. Both experimental and modeling approaches are considered. Concerning degradation experiments, sample of cement paste are immersed during three and nine months in a boric acid solution at 2400 ppm that is periodically renewed. Boric acid concentration has been chosen to be representative of SFP solution. Results will be confronted with reactive transport numerical calculations performed by the reactive transport code HYTEC associated with a dedicated extended database called Thermoddem. The analysis of degradation solution revealed a main ions release mechanism driven by diffusion especially for calcium, nitrate, sodium and sulfate. Leaching behavior of magnesium seems to be more complex. Decalcification is the major degradation process involved, even if a non-negligible contribution of further cations (Mg 2+ , Na + ) and anions (SO 4 2- ) has been noticed. Analysis of degradation soution also revealed that kinetic of Portland cement paste degradation in boric acid is higher than in pure water, regarding the degraded depths measured and calcium leaching rate. This observation has been confirmed by solid characterization. Microstructure analysis of degraded Portland cement paste showed a global porosity increase in the degraded zone that might be mainly attributed to Portlandite dissolution. An Ettringite reprecipitation in the degraded zone has been suspected but could also be Ettringite-like phases containing boron. The analysis techniques used did not allow us to differentiate it, and no others specific mineral phases containing boron has been identified. Profile pattern by XRD analysis allowed us to identify four zones composing the degraded Portland cement paste

  20. Compósito de colágeno com silicato e hidroxiapatita como material para endodontia: preparação e caracterização = Collagen composite with silicate and hydroxyapatite as endodontic material: preparation and characterization

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    E'Gues, Miguel Antônio Menezes


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Este trabalho teve por objetivo preparar e caracterizar um novo compósito de colágeno com silicato e hidroxiapatita que possa vir a ser utilizado como material endodôntico em capeamento pulpar direto e em pulpotomia. Metodologia: Os materiais utilizados como matéria-prima foram colágeno do tipo I na forma aniônica, silicato (cimento Portland Branco e hidroxiapatita sintetizada. Estes materiais foram misturados em proporções variadas de modo a obter um material compósito na forma de pasta. Os materiais obtidos foram caracterizados por técnicas de calorimetria exploratória diferencial, termogravimetria, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV, espectrometria de dispersão de energia de Raios-X e espectroscopia na região do infravermelho. Resultados: A presença de colágeno no compósito foi demonstrada por transições térmicas típicas daquelas encontradas para o colágeno do tipo I (~48ºC, independentemente da proporção utilizada, e também por imagens de MEV, onde as fibras colagênicas também puderam ser observadas interligando as partículas de silicato. A composição química de todos compósitos de colágeno foi praticamente idêntica à do silicato utilizado. Conclusão: Os resultados mostraram que a estrutura da matriz de colágeno nos compósitos testados não foi alterada. Esta é uma característica importante para a utilização em endodontia do material compósito proposto, objetivando uma reparação tecidual de forma "mais natural"

  1. Use of red mud as addition for portland cement mortars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro, D.V.; Morelli, M.R.


    The aim of the present research work was to investigate the possibility of adding red mud, an alkaline leaching waste that is obtained from bauxite during the Bayer process for alumina production, in the raw meal of Portland cement mortars. The red mud is classified as dangerous, according to NBR 10004/2004, and world while generation reached over 117 million tons/year. This huge production requires high consuming products to be used as incorporation matrix and we studied the influence of red mud addition on the characteristics of cement mortars and concrete. In this paper the properties of Portland cement mortars incorporating high amounts of red mud was evaluated: pH variation, fresh (setting time, workability or normal consistency and water retention), and hardened state (mechanical strength, capillary water absorption, density and apparent porosity). Results seem promising for red mud additions up to 20 wt%. (author)

  2. Study of irradiation damage by fast neutrons in samples of Portland cement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lucki, G.; Rosa Junior, A.A.


    The effect of neutron irradiation in samples of Portland cement was evaluated, using the resonance frequency method and pulse velocity of ultra-sound techniques. The samples were divided in three groups: 1) monitoring samples; 2) samples submitted to gamma heating; 3) Irradiated samples. In the sample preparation, it was used the Portland Santa Rita CP 320 cement, and water-cement rate of 0.40 l/Kg. The irradiation was done in the research reactor IEA-R1, at IPEN - CNEN/SP, with an integrated flux of 7.2 x 10 18 n/cm 2 (E approx. 1 MeV). Some damage were detected, due to the neutron flux, and by the thermal effect of gamma heating. (E.G.) [pt

  3. Avaliação da permeabilidade de filtros de aerossóis para altas temperaturas, preparados a partir da técnica de adição de espuma aquosa em suspensão cerâmica Permeability characterization of hot aerosol filters prepared with foaming of ceramic suspensions

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    M. D. M. Innocentini


    Full Text Available Este trabalho é parte de um projeto de desenvolvimento de filtros cerâmicos para a remoção de material particulado disperso em correntes gasosas em temperaturas elevadas. Os filtros cerâmicos utilizados para esta finalidade devem apresentar elevada porosidade aliada a uma distribuição homogênea de poros interconectados, resultando em estrutura permeável e com boa resistência mecânica e eficiência de coleta. Uma rota de processamento recentemente desenvolvida é utilizada para o processamento das peças, já que permite a obtenção de todas as características requeridas para uma filtração eficiente. Nesta técnica, os materiais porosos são processados a partir da incorporação de espumas aquosas em uma suspensão cerâmica de alumina e consolidados a partir da adição de cimento aluminoso. Comparado com outras rotas de processamento, este processo é mais atrativo, pois permite a fabricação de peças com geometrias complexas, economicamente viáveis e sem utilização de aditivos tóxicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi otimizar a composição cerâmica de modo a atender aos requisitos de permeabilidade do filtro, tendo como base sua operação econômica em temperaturas elevadas em processos como incineração de resíduos, produção de cimento ou queima de biomassa em caldeiras em plantas químicas.This work is part of a project to develop ceramic filters to treat flue gases from cement plants, biomass boilers and waste incinerators. Ceramic filters used for these purposes must present high porosity, homogeneous porous distribution (interconnected to result in bodies with high mechanical strength, permeability and collection efficiency for fine particles. A method recently developed has been used for the filters processing. In this new processing route, the porous samples were prepared through the incorporation of aqueous foams into alumina-based suspensions. Compared to other techniques, this process seems to be an

  4. Otimização da permeabilidade de filtros de aerossóis para altas temperaturas preparados a partir da técnica de adição de espuma aquosa em suspensão cerâmica Permeability optimization of hot aerosol filters prepared from foaming of ceramic suspensions

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    M. D. M. Innocentini


    Full Text Available Este trabalho é parte de um projeto de desenvolvimento de filtros cerâmicos para a remoção de material particulado disperso em correntes gasosas em temperaturas elevadas. Os filtros cerâmicos utilizados para esta finalidade devem apresentar elevada porosidade aliada a uma distribuição homogênea de poros interconectados, resultando em estrutura permeável e com boa resistência mecânica e eficiência de coleta. Uma rota de processamento recentemente desenvolvida é utilizada para o processamento das peças, já que permite a obtenção de todas as características requeridas para uma filtração eficiente. Nesta técnica, os materiais porosos são processados a partir da incorporação de espumas aquosas em uma suspensão cerâmica de alumina e consolidados a partir da adição de cimento aluminoso. Comparado com outras rotas de processamento, este processo é mais atrativo, pois permite a fabricação de peças com geometrias complexas, economicamente viáveis e sem utilização de aditivos tóxicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi otimizar a composição cerâmica de modo a atender aos requisitos de permeabilidade do filtro, tendo como base sua operação econômica em temperaturas elevadas em processos como incineração de resíduos, produção de cimento ou queima de biomassa em caldeiras em plantas químicas.This work is part of a Brazilian project to develop ceramic filters to treat flue gases from cement plants, biomass boilers and waste incinerators. Ceramic filters used for these purposes must present high porosity, homogeneous porous distribution (interconnected to result in bodies with high mechanical strength, permeability and collection efficiency for fine particles. A method recently developed has been used for the filters processing. In this new processing route, the porous samples were prepared through the incorporation of aqueous foams into alumina-based suspensions. Compared to other techniques, this process seems to be

  5. Hydration kinetics modeling of Portland cement considering the effects of curing temperature and applied pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin Feng; Meyer, Christian


    A hydration kinetics model for Portland cement is formulated based on thermodynamics of multiphase porous media. The mechanism of cement hydration is discussed based on literature review. The model is then developed considering the effects of chemical composition and fineness of cement, water-cement ratio, curing temperature and applied pressure. The ultimate degree of hydration of Portland cement is also analyzed and a corresponding formula is established. The model is calibrated against the experimental data for eight different Portland cements. Simple relations between the model parameters and cement composition are obtained and used to predict hydration kinetics. The model is used to reproduce experimental results on hydration kinetics, adiabatic temperature rise, and chemical shrinkage of different cement pastes. The comparisons between the model reproductions and the different experimental results demonstrate the applicability of the proposed model, especially for cement hydration at elevated temperature and high pressure.

  6. Ecological indices of manufacture of Portland cement clinker and production of the dolomite clinker

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    Vinnichenko Varvara


    Full Text Available It is shown that the production of dolomite clinker in comparison with that of Portland cement is environmentally appropriate. When calcining dolomite for cementitious binder, the pollution of the atmosphere by carbon dioxide is reduced due to its isolation during decarbonization reactions of calcium carbonates. Reducing fuel consumption for clinker burning provides less carbon dioxide emissions from combustion products. Reducing the firing temperature creates obstacles to the formation of nitrogen oxides. The production of binders from dolomite in comparison with the production of Portland cement helps to protect the environment from contamination

  7. Portland Public Schools Project Chrysalis: Year 2 Evaluation Report. (United States)

    Mitchell, Stephanie J.; Gabriel, Roy M.; Hahn, Karen J.; Laws, Katherine E.

    In 1994, the Chrysalis Project in Portland Public Schools received funding to prevent or delay the onset of substance abuse among a special target population: high-risk, female adolescents with a history of childhood abuse. Findings from the evaluation of the project's second year of providing assistance to these students are reported here. During…

  8. Aplicação da Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida na análise de impactos ambientais de materiais de construção inovadores: estudo de caso da pegada de carbono de clínqueres alternativos

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    Ana Carolina Badalotti Passuello

    Full Text Available O setor da construção civil é reconhecido como um grande consumidor de recursos, e responsável por diversas emissões que causam impactos substanciais ao ambiente. Muitos destes impactos estão diretamente relacionados à produção de materiais de construção. Por isso, mundialmente cresce a tendência de se propor o uso de materiais de construção inovadores, que considerem a mitigação de seus impactos ambientais no processo produtivo. Para avaliar todos os impactos ambientais relacionados a estes materiais, é necessário que se avalie todas as fases de seu ciclo de vida. Para isso, propõe-se a aplicação da Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV, metodologia internacionalmente consagrada na avaliação ambiental de produtos, processos e serviços, sendo também normatizada para o cálculo de declarações ambientais de produtos da construção civil. Sabe-se que a produção cimento emite quantidade pronunciadas de gases do efeito estufa. Por isso, neste trabalho, a ACV é aplicada para o cálculo da pegada de carbono de clínqueres alternativos produzidos em laboratório. Os resultados obtidos demonstram uma redução em 22% da pegada de carbono do clínquer alternativo em relação ao clínquer Portland, indicando as etapas do processo produtivo que mais colaboram para estes valores. Ainda, evidencia-se a ampla aplicabilidade da ferramenta ACV ao setor da construção.

  9. Utilização de caulim e meta-caulim em substituição à microssílica em concretos refratários aluminosos auto-escoantes

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    Gerotto M. V.


    Full Text Available O aprimoramento na aditivação e no empacotamento de partículas, associado ao surgimento de novas matérias-primas como microssílica e aluminas calcinadas especiais tem promovido um grande desenvolvimento tecnológico na classe dos materiais refratários. Em especial, a microssílica tem mostrado ser um importante componente na evolução dos concretos refratários. Seu tamanho micrométrico, forma arredondada e pureza proporcionam concretos com elevada densidade de empacotamento, possibilitam a auto-escoabilidade e ainda a formação da mulita in-situ em temperaturas próximas a 1400 ºC, melhorando consideravelmente as propriedades a altas temperaturas desses produtos. Neste trabalho foi investigada a possível substituição da microssílica em concretos aluminosos auto-escoantes e sem-cimento (0,07% de CaO de alto desempenho a quente, por caulim e meta-caulim, ambos de alta pureza e tamanho micrométrico, similares à microssílica. O menor custo destas matérias-primas, associado ao fato de formarem mulita em temperaturas próximas a 1200 ºC, muito inferiores à da microssílica, são fatores que os tornam muito promissores para aplicações em concretos aluminosos. Os resultados mostram que a utilização do caulim promove características de fluidez e empacotamento muito similares às dos concretos com microssílica, enquanto que o uso de meta-caulim não proporciona valores tão expressivos. A formação de mulita ocorre próximo a 1200 ºC, muito inferior àquela observada para a microssílica (1400 ºC. Contudo, a resistência mecânica a quente dos concretos com caulim/meta-caulim foi afetada pela formação de trincas na matriz, provavelmente decorrente da superior sinterabilidade dessas matérias-primas silico-aluminosas.

  10. Regional economic impact assessment: Evaluating remedial alternatives for the Portland Harbor Superfund Site, Portland, Oregon, USA. (United States)

    Harrison, David; Coughlin, Conor; Hogan, Dylan; Edwards, Deborah A; Smith, Benjamin C


    The present paper describes a methodology for evaluating impacts of Superfund remedial alternatives on the regional economy in the context of a broader sustainability evaluation. Although economic impact methodology is well established, some applications to Superfund remedial evaluation have created confusion because of seemingly contradictory results. This confusion arises from failure to be explicit about 2 opposing impacts of remediation expenditures: 1) positive regional impacts of spending additional money in the region and 2) negative regional impacts of the need to pay for the expenditures (and thus forgo other expenditures in the region). The present paper provides a template for economic impact assessment that takes both positive and negative impacts into account, thus providing comprehensive estimates of net impacts. The paper also provides a strategy for identifying and estimating major uncertainties in the net impacts. The recommended methodology was applied at the Portland Harbor Superfund Site, located along the Lower Willamette River in Portland, Oregon, USA. The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) developed remedial alternatives that it estimated would cost up to several billion dollars, with construction durations possibly lasting decades. The economic study estimated regional economic impacts-measured in terms of gross regional product (GRP), personal income, population, and employment-for 5 of the USEPA alternatives relative to the "no further action" alternative. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2018;14:32-42. © 2017 The Authors. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (SETAC). © 2017 The Authors. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (SETAC).

  11. Influencia del yeso sobre la velocidad de hidratación del cemento portland

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    Yamaguchi, G.


    Full Text Available Not availablePara esclarecer la Influencia del yeso sobre el fraguado y endurecimiento del cemento, los autores estudiaron el grado de hidratación de los cuatro principales minerales del clínker de cemento Portland y el efecto del yeso sobre ellas. Haciendo uso del análisis cuantitativo de rayos X, se determinó la porción no hidratada. Simultáneamente, se determinaron los tiempos de fraguado y las resistencias. Los ensayos se llevaron a cabo sobre tres clínkeres sintéticos de diferentes composiciones y sobre dos clínkeres de cemento Portland comerciales.

  12. Rheological Properties of Very High-Strength Portland Cement Pastes: Influence of Very Effective Superplasticizers

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    Adriano Papo


    Full Text Available The influence of the addition of very effective superplasticizers, that are commercially available, employed for maximising the solid loading of very high-strength Portland cement pastes, has been investigated. Cement pastes were prepared from deionized water and a commercially manufactured Portland cement (Ultracem 52.5 R. Cement and water were mixed with a vane stirrer according to ASTM Standard C305. The 0.38 to 0.44 water/cement ratio range was investigated. Three commercial superplasticizing agents produced by Ruredil S.p.a. were used. They are based on a melamine resin (Fluiment 33 M, on a modified lignosulphonate (Concretan 200 L, and on a modified polyacrylate (Ergomix 1000. Rheological tests were performed at 25°C by using the rate controlled coaxial cylinder viscometer Rotovisko-Haake 20, system M5-osc., measuring device MV2P with serrated surfaces. The tests were carried out under continuous flow conditions. The results of this study were compared with those obtained in a previous article for an ordinary Portland cement paste.

  13. Estudo comparativo da infiltração marginal em restaurações de classe V

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    FARIAS Débora Gonçalves de


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento laboratorial de adesivos dentinários, cimentos ionoméricos modificados por resina e resinas compostas modificadas por poliácidos, no selamento das margens gengivais de cavidades de classe V preparadas na junção amelocementária. Quarenta cavidades foram executadas nas faces vestibular e palatina/lingual de 20 terceiros molares humanos extraídos, e restauradas com os seguintes materiais: grupo 1 (G1- Vitremer (3M; grupo 2 (G2- Vitremer (3M e Syntac Sprint/Tetric Ceram (Vivadent; grupo 3 (G3- Syntac Sprint/Tetric Ceram (Vivadent; grupo 4 (G4- Prime & Bond 2.1/Variglass (Dentsply. Após termociclagem em corante azul de metileno, os espécimes foram seccionados longitudinalmente e analisados em lupa estereoscópica para avaliação do grau de infiltração marginal. Os resultados após teste estatístico de Mann-Whitney revelaram melhor vedamento marginal para o grupo 1, quando comparado com o grupo 4 (p = 0,05, mas não foram demonstradas diferenças significantes entre os demais grupos. Nas condições desse experimento, o material Vitremer ofereceu melhor vedamento marginal que o sistema Prime & Bond 2.1/Variglass.

  14. Thermodynamic modelling of the effect of temperature on the hydration and porosity of Portland cement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lothenbach, Barbara; Matschei, Thomas; Moeschner, Goeril; Glasser, Fred P.


    The composition of the phase assemblage and the pore solution of Portland cements hydrated between 0 and 60 deg. C were modelled as a function of time and temperature. The results of thermodynamic modelling showed a good agreement with the experimental data gained at 5, 20, and 50 deg. C. At 5 and at 20 deg. C, a similar phase assemblage was calculated to be present, while at approximately 50 deg. C, thermodynamic calculations predicted the conversion of ettringite and monocarbonate to monosulphate. Modelling showed that in Portland cements which have an Al 2 O 3 /SO 3 ratio of > 1.3 (bulk weight), above 50 deg. C monosulphate and monocarbonate are present. In Portland cements which contain less Al (Al 2 O 3 /SO 3 < 1.3), above 50 deg. C monosulphate and small amounts of ettringite are expected to persist. A good correlation between calculated porosity and measured compressive strength was observed

  15. Grau de infiltração marginal de duas técnicas restauradoras com cimento de ionômero de vidro em molares decíduos: estudo comparativo " in vitro Microleakage between two filling restorative techniques using glass ionomer cement in primary molars: comparative "in vitro " study

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    Paulo Floriani Kramer


    Full Text Available A técnica do condicionamento ácido e o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento de novos materiais restauradores com características adesivas têm levado a mudanças importantes nas concepções e nos princípios da dentística operatória e restauradora. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a microinfiltração marginal em cavidades proximais de molares decíduos restaurados com cimento de ionômero de vidro modificado por resina (Vitremer, 3M comparando duas diferentes técnicas: a técnica convencional (conforme recomendações do fabricante e a técnica de hibridização (ácido fosfórico-37% e sistema adesivo Scotchbond Multi-Uso, 3M . Foram utilizados 20 molares decíduos hígidos, onde foram preparadas cavidades proximais. A amostra foi dividida aleatoriamente em 2 grupos. No grupo 1 foi utilizado a técnica convencional e no grupo 2 a técnica com condicionamento ácido e aplicação de sistema adesivo. Os dentes foram submetidos ao processo de ciclagem térmica, impermeabilizados, mantendo uma área de 2mm² na margem cervical da restauração e imersos em solução de azul de metileno a 0,5%, por 72 horas. A seguir, foram seccionados e avaliados por um único examinador, que estabeleceu o grau de microinfiltração. Os dados obtidos revelaram que as duas técnicas utilizadas apresentaram microinfiltração marginal em diferentes graus, e que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre elas.This study evaluate the marginal microleakage in deciduous molars cavities restored with ionomer cement modified by resin (Vitremer, 3 M comparing two different techniques: the conventional (according to manufacturer instructions and with the hybridization technique (acid phosphoric 37% and adhesive system Scotchbond Multi Pourpose , 3M. Proximal cavities were prepared in 20 sound deciduous molars, right after extraction. The samples were randomly divided in two groups. Group 1 consisted in teeth prepared with the conventional technique and


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    Tirta Djusman Arief


    Full Text Available Adding sodium chloride, as admixture, and Portland Cement, as stabilizer, to a very soft clay increase its plasticity index (PI, Californian Bearing Ratio (CBR, and Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS. This paper presents the results of testings done to very soft clay from Margomulyo, Surabaya. The results show a promising tendency. Anyhow a wider and comprehensive research is still needed to ensure the long-term effect of the soil stabilization. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penambahan garam (sodium chloride dan PC (Portland Cement meningkatkan PI (Plasticity Index, CBR (Californian Bearing Ratio, dan UCS (Unconfined Compression Strength dari tanah lempung sangat lunak. Dalam makalah ini disajikan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap lempung sangat lunak dari daerah Margomulyo, Surabaya. Hasilnya menunjukkan kecenderungan yang menggembirakan, namun penelitian yang luas dan komprehensif masih diperlukan untuk peningkatan stabilitas tanah dalam jangka panjang.

  17. Ex vivo assessment of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity in murine fibroblasts exposed to white MTA or white Portland cement with 15% bismuth oxide. (United States)

    Zeferino, E G; Bueno, C E S; Oyama, L M; Ribeiro, D A


    To evaluate whether white mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) or white Portland cement with 15% bismuth oxide were able to induce genetic damage and cellular death ex vivo. Aliquots of 1 × 10(4) murine fibroblasts were incubated at 37 °C for 3 h with MTA (white) or white Portland cement with 15% bismuth oxide, at final concentrations ranging from 10 to 1000 μg mL(-1) individually. Data of three independent repeats from the comet assay and the trypan blue exclusion test were assessed by the one-way anova followed by Tukey's test. Mineral trioxide aggregate or Portland cement containing bismuth oxide did not produce genotoxic effects with respect to the single-cell gel (comet) assay data for all concentrations evaluated. Furthermore, no cytotoxicity was observed for MTA or Portland cement. White MTA or white Portland cement containing 15% bismuth oxide were not genotoxic and cytotoxic. © 2010 International Endodontic Journal.

  18. Allergic contact dermatitis among construction workers detected in a clinic that did not specialize in occupational dermatitis Dermatite alérgica de contato entre pedreiros, num serviço não especializado em dermatoses ocupacionais

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    Rosana Lazzarini


    grupo de pedreiros com um grupo sem pedreiros. MÉTODOS: análise retrospectiva de testes de contato. Pacientes foram separados em 2 grupos: 1 pedreiros e 2 não pedreiros. RESULTADOS: dentre os 525 testes de contato analisados, 466 (90% eram de não pedreiros e 53 (10% de pedreiros. As mãos foram acometidas em 38 (61%. 13 pacientes (24% tinham Dermatite de Contato por Irritação Primária e 40 (76% tinham Dermatite Alérgica de Contato. O grupo de pedreiros apresentou alta freqüência de sensibilização ao cimento, e 29 (54,7% tinham sensibilização a agentes vulcanizadores da borracha. 23 pacientes (43,4% pedreiros tinham sensibilização tanto ao cimento quanto à borracha. CONCLUSÕES: entre os pedreiros a presença de Dermatite Alérgica de Contato ao cimento e à borracha no mesmo paciente foi comum e demonstrou a importância do teste de contato.

  19. EnviroAtlas - Portland, ME - Meter-Scale Urban Land Cover (MULC) Data (2010) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The EnviroAtlas Portland, ME Meter-Scale Urban Land Cover (MULC) data was generated from USDA NAIP (National Agricultural Imagery Program) four band (red, green,...


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    Anezka Zezulova


    Full Text Available Nowadays, nuclear power plants are widespread around the world and research is of great interest. Together with nuclear research, shielding of different types of radiation is an important current topic of research aiming at their safety. Portland cement has been an elementary building material for centuries. Since barium is very efficient in shielding different types of radiation, it can be assumed that the radiation shielding capability of cement can be improved by incorporation of barium. This work deals with the influence of barium oxide, added in the form of barium carbonate and sulphate, on the formation and properties of Portland clinker. The structure of burnt clinkers and the ratio of clinker phases were studied by polarizing microscopy and by X-ray diffraction. With increasing barium content, the alite-belite ratio decreases and the content of free lime gradually increases. Moreover, sulphates induce the growth of alite crystals. The ability of barium to be a part of the clinker minerals was observed by scanning electron microscopy. Belite and clinker melt contain the highest amount of barium, but aggregates of barium oxide are formed in the clinker melt. Furthermore, the rate of alite crystallization was studied under isothermal conditions.

  1. Setting time and flowability of accelerated Portland cement mixed with polycarboxylate superplasticizer. (United States)

    Wongkornchaowalit, Norachai; Lertchirakarn, Veera


    Important limitations of mineral trioxide aggregate for use in clinical procedures are extended setting time and difficult handling characteristics. The removal of gypsum at the end stage of the Portland cement manufacturing process and polycarboxylate superplasticizer admixture may solve these limitations. Different concentrations of polycarboxylate superplasticizer (0%, 1.2%, 1.8%, and 2.4% by volume) and liquid-to-powder ratios (0.27, 0.30, and 0.33 by weight) were mixed with white Portland cement without gypsum (AWPC-experimental material). Type 1 ordinary white Portland cement mixed with distilled water at the same ratios as the experimental material was used as controls. All samples were tested for setting time and flowability according to the International Organization for Standardization 6876:2001 guideline. The data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance. Then, one-way analysis of variance and multiple comparison tests were used to analyze the significance among groups. The data are presented in mean ± standard deviation values. In all experimental groups, the setting times were in the range of 4.2 ± 0.4 to 11.3 ± 0.2 minutes, which were significantly (p setting time and increased flowability of cement, which would be beneficial for clinical use. Copyright © 2011 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Improved quantification of alite and belite in anhydrous Portland cements by 29Si MAS NMR: Effects of paramagnetic ions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Søren Lundsted; Kocaba, Vanessa; Le Saoût, Gwenn


    The applicability, reliability, and repeatability of 29Si MAS NMR for determination of the quantities of alite (Ca3SiO5) and belite (Ca2SiO4) in anhydrous Portland cement was investigated in detail for 11 commercial Portland cements and the results compared with phase quantifications based...

  3. Biological evaluation of a new pulp capping material developed from Portland cement. (United States)

    Negm, Ahmed M; Hassanien, Ehab E; Abu-Seida, Ashraf M; Nagy, Mohamed M


    This study evaluates the biological properties of a new pulp capping material developed from Portland cement. This study was conducted on 48 teeth in 4 dogs (12 teeth/dog). The dogs were classified into two equal groups (n=24 teeth) according to the evaluation period including: group A (3 weeks) and group B (3 months). Each group was further subdivided into three equal subgroups (n=8 teeth) according to the capping material including: subgroup 1: mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), subgroup2: Portland cement+10% calcium hydroxide+20% bismuth oxide (Port Cal) and subgroup 3: Portland cement+bismuth oxide. After general anesthesia, a class V buccal cavity was prepared coronal to the gingival margin. After pulp exposure and hemostasis,the capping materials and glass ionomer filling were placed on the exposure sites. All histopathological findings, inflammatory cell count and dentin bridge formation were recorded. Data were analyzed statistically. After 3 months, the histopathological picture of the pulp in subgroup 1 showed normal pulp, continuous odontoblastic layer and complete dentin bridge formation while subgroup 2 showed partial and complete dentin bridge over a normal and necrotic pulps. Subgroup 3 showed loss of normal architecture, areas of necrosis, complete, or incomplete dentin bridge formation, attached and detached pulp stones and fatty degeneration in group B. For group A, MTA subgroup showed the least number of inflammatory cell infiltrate followed by Port Cal subgroup. While subgroup 3 showed the highest number of inflammatory cell infiltrate. For group B, the mean inflammatory cell count increased with the three tested materials with no statistical difference. Regarding dentin bridge formation at group A, no significant differences was found between subgroups, while at group B, MTA subgroup exhibited significantly higher scores than other subgroups. In conclusion, addition of calcium hydroxide to Portland cement improves the dentin bridge formation

  4. Prediction of potential compressive strength of Portland clinker from its mineralogy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svinning, K.; Høskuldsson, Agnar; Justnes, H.


    Based on a statistical model first applied for prediction of compressive strength up to 28 d from the microstructure of Portland cement, potential compressive strength of clinker has been predicted from its mineralogy. The prediction model was evaluated by partial least squares regression...

  5. Production of portland cement using Moroccan oil shale and comparative study between conventional cement plant and cement plant using oil shale

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doumbouya, M.; Kacemi, K.E.; Kitane, S.


    Like the use of coal ash from power plants as an addition to cement, oil shale are used for cement production on an industrial scale in Estonia, China, USA and Germany. Oil shale can be utilized in manufacturing the cement. In addition to the utilization of these by-products after combustion, it can also reduce the required temperature for the clinkering reactions during the production of Portland clinker. We performed a study on the Moroccan oil shale to maximize the use of oil shale ash in the manufacturing of Portland cement. We found that Moroccan oil shale ash can be used up to 30% with 70% Portland clinker without altering its principle properties. The corresponding temperature required to generate the required liquid for the clinkering reactions as well as the essential ingredients for clinker was found to be around 850 to 1000 deg. C. The operating temperatures for this optimized blend ratio were found to 1000 deg. C. The resulting Portland clinker from this ratio will need further testing in accordance with international standards for Portland cement to examine properties like strength and setting time. (author)

  6. Final Rule: NESHAP for the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry: Alternative Monitoring Method (United States)

    EPA is extending its approval for the use of an alternative method to show compliance with hydrogen chloride (HCl) emissions limits in the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry

  7. High-volume natural volcanic pozzolan and limestone powder as partial replacements for portland cement in self-compacting and sustainable concrete

    KAUST Repository

    Celik, Kemal; Jackson, Marie D.; Mancio, Mauricio; Meral, Cagla; Emwas, Abdul-Hamid M.; Mehta, P. Kumar; Monteiro, Paulo José Meleragno


    A laboratory study demonstrates that high volume, 45% by mass replacement of portland cement (OPC) with 30% finely-ground basaltic ash from Saudi Arabia (NP) and 15% limestone powder (LS) produces concrete with good workability, high 28-day compressive strength (39 MPa), excellent one year strength (57 MPa), and very high resistance to chloride penetration. Conventional OPC is produced by intergrinding 95% portland clinker and 5% gypsum, and its clinker factor (CF) thus equals 0.95. With 30% NP and 15% LS portland clinker replacement, the CF of the blended ternary PC equals 0.52 so that 48% CO2 emissions could be avoided, while enhancing strength development and durability in the resulting self-compacting concrete (SCC). Petrographic and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) investigations of the crushed NP and finely-ground NP in the concretes provide new insights into the heterogeneous fine-scale cementitious hydration products associated with basaltic ash-portland cement reactions. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  8. Analysis of heavy metal contents in gray and white MTA and 2 kinds of Portland cement: a preliminary study. (United States)

    Chang, Seok Woo; Shon, Won Jun; Lee, WooCheol; Kum, Kee Yeon; Baek, Seung Ho; Bae, Kwang Shik


    The levels of 10 heavy metals (arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, and zinc) in gray Portland cement (GPC), white Portland cement (WPC), gray MTA (GMTA), and white MTA (WMTA) were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). One gram of each material was digested with 80 degrees C "aqua-regia" (7 mL of 60% HNO3 and 21 mL of 35% HCl), filtered, and analyzed by ICP-AES. The analysis was performed 6 times and the data were analyzed statistically. Arsenic and lead concentrations were the highest in GPC (P cements (P Portland cement versus MTA, the differences in purity may be considered. Copyright 2010 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Evaluation of physico-chemical properties of Portland cements and MTA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Luis Gonçalves


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to evaluate the hydrogenionic potential and electrical conductivity of Portland cements and MTA, as well as the amount of arsenic and calcium released from these materials. In Teflon molds, samples of each material were agitated and added to plastic flasks containing distilled water for 3, 24, 72 and 168 h. The results were analyzed with a Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test for global comparisons and a Dunn-Tukey test for pairwise comparisons. The results revealed no significant differences in the pH of the materials (p > 0.05. The electrical conductivity of the cements were not statistically different (p > 0.05. White non-structural cement and MTA BIO released the largest amount of calcium ions into solution (p 0.05. The results indicated that the physico-chemical properties of Portland cements and MTA were similar. Furthermore, all materials produced an alkaline environment and can be considered safe for clinical use because arsenic was not released. The electrical conductivity and the amount of calcium ions released into solution increased over time.

  10. Evaluation of physico-chemical properties of Portland cements and MTA. (United States)

    Gonçalves, Jorge Luis; Viapiana, Raqueli; Miranda, Carlos Eduardo Saraiva; Borges, Alvaro Henrique; Cruz Filho, Antônio Miranda da


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the hydrogenionic potential and electrical conductivity of Portland cements and MTA, as well as the amount of arsenic and calcium released from these materials. In Teflon molds, samples of each material were agitated and added to plastic flasks containing distilled water for 3, 24, 72 and 168 h. The results were analyzed with a Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test for global comparisons and a Dunn-Tukey test for pairwise comparisons. The results revealed no significant differences in the pH of the materials (p > 0.05). The electrical conductivity of the cements were not statistically different (p > 0.05). White non-structural cement and MTA BIO released the largest amount of calcium ions into solution (p 0.05). The results indicated that the physico-chemical properties of Portland cements and MTA were similar. Furthermore, all materials produced an alkaline environment and can be considered safe for clinical use because arsenic was not released. The electrical conductivity and the amount of calcium ions released into solution increased over time.

  11. organizado pelo Ibracon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nivaldo Venâncio da Silva


    Full Text Available Concursos podem proporcionar vivência prática em problemas de caráter técnico, como a idealização de uma forma adequada para a construção de um pórtico em concreto armado, considerando-se os aspectos estruturais e a formulação dos materiais constituintes, tais como cimento, agregados, fibras, aditivos e aço. Este trabalho deve basear-se tanto em informações adquiridas durante o curso de graduação quanto em técnicas modernas e apropriadas para a aplicação no projeto.

  12. Experimental study of chloride diffusivity in unsaturated ordinary Portland cement mortar

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhang, Y.; Ye, G.; Santhanam, M.


    Experiments are carried out to investigate the chloride diffusivity in partially saturated ordinary Portland cement mortars with water-to-cement (w/c) ratios of 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6. Based on resistivity measurement and Nernst-Einstein equation, the chloride diffusivities of cement mortars at various

  13. X-ray diffractometry of steam cured ordinary Portland and blast-furnace-slag cements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camarini, G.; Djanikian, J.G.


    This work studies some aspects of the phases produced by hydration of ordinary and blast-furnace-slag cements, at normal conditions and steam cured (60 and 95 0 C), using an X-ray diffraction technique. The blast-furnace-slag cement was a mixture of 50% of ordinary Portland cement and 50% of blast-furnace-slag (separately grinding). After curing the X-ray diffraction reveals that, in relation to ordinary Portland cement, the main phases in blast-furnace-slag cement are hydrated silicates and aluminates, hydro garnet, etringitte and mono sulphate. After steam curing the hydration of blast-furnace-slag cement proceeds. This is a result of the slag activation by the curing temperature. (author). 8 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab

  14. Comparative Study of Portland Cement-based and Zeolite-based Concretes in Terms of Hexavalent Chromium Leaching

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oravec Jozef


    Full Text Available The paper presents the results of the leaching study of Portland cement-based and zeolite-based concretes regarding water soluble hexavalent chromium. Three leaching water media (distilled water, rain water, and Britton-Robinson buffer of various pH values were under investigation. The correlation between pH and leached-out concentrations of chromium was not confirmed. The content of hexavalent water-soluble chromium in leachates of zeolite-based concretes was found to be higher than that in leachates of Portland cement-based samples.

  15. Portland cement concrete pavement review of QC/QA data 2000 through 2009. (United States)


    This report analyzes the Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QC/QA) data for Portland cement concrete pavement : (PCCP) awarded in the years 2000 through 2009. Analysis of the overall performance of the projects is accomplished by : reviewing the Calc...

  16. Natural cement as the precursor of Portland cement: Methodology for its identification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varas, M.J.; Alvarez de Buergo, M.; Fort, R.


    When cements appeared in the 19th century, they took the place of traditional binding materials (lime, gypsum, and hydraulic lime) which had been used until that time. Early cements can be divided into two groups, natural and artificial (Portland) cements. Natural cements were introduced first, but their widespread usage was short-lived as they were quickly replaced by artificial cements (Portland), still the most important and predominant today. The main differences between natural and artificial cements arise during the manufacturing process. The final properties of the cements are greatly influenced by differences in the raw materials and burning temperatures employed. The aim of this paper is to assess the efficiency of traditional analytical techniques (petrographic microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)) used to differentiate natural and artificial cements

  17. Four Decades of Systems Science Teaching and Research in the USA at Portland State University

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    Wayne Wakeland


    Full Text Available Systems science is defined in general fashion, and a brief background is provided that lists some of the systems science-related societies, conferences, journals, research institutes, and educational programs. The Systems Science Graduate Program at Portland State University in Portland, OR, USA, is described in detail, including its history, curriculum, students, faculty, and degrees granted. Dissertation topics are summarized via word diagrams created from dissertation titles over the years. MS degrees, student placement, and undergraduate courses are also mentioned, and future plans for the program are described including its support for sustainability education.

  18. Archaea como componentes da microbiota endofítica de frutos do cafeeiro


    Oliveira, Marcelo Nagem Valério de


    Este é o primeiro estudo de diversidade genética da comunidade de Archaea associada a frutos de café (Coffea arabica L.). Ele foi realizado em amostras de frutos no estádio cereja das cultivares Bourbon Amarelo, Bourbon Vermelho, Catuaí Amarelo, Catuaí Vermelho e Catucaí Vermelho, em diferentes altitudes. A diversidade de arqueas presentes durante a secagem natural de grãos despolpados em terreiro revestido com cimento também foi estudada. A adição de proteases durante a etapa de lise celular...

  19. Recycled Portland cement concrete pavements : Part II, state-of-the art summary. (United States)


    This report constitutes a review of the literature concerning recycling of portland cement concrete pavements by crushing the old pavement and reusing the crushed material as aggregate in a number of applications. A summary of the major projects cond...

  20. Pulpal response of dogs primary teeth to an adhesive system or to a calcium hydroxide cement Resposta pulpar de dentes decíduos de cães a um sistema adesivo ou ao cimento de hidróxido de cálcio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosângela Almeida RIBEIRO


    de cada cavidade. A hemorragia foi controlada com "bolinhas" de algodão esterilizadas. O esmalte, dentina e local da exposição pulpar de cinco dentes foram condicionados com ácido fosfórico a 35%, seguido da aplicação de um sistema adesivo (Scotchbond Multi-Uso - 3M. Nos outros cinco dentes, um cimento de hidróxido de cálcio (Hydro C - Dentsply foi aplicada no local da exposição pulpar antes da aplicação do mesmo sistema adesivo. Todos os dentes foram restaurados com uma resina composta (Z-100 - 3M. Após 7, 30 ou 45 dias os cães foram anestesiados e perfundidos com solução salina seguida de uma solução de formalina neutra tamponada. A maxila e a mandíbula foram seccionadas em três partes e estocadas em uma solução para desmineralização. Após a desmineralização óssea, todos os dentes foram cortados, incluídos em parafina e seccionados longitudinalmente. A seguir todos os dentes foram corados com hematoxilina e eosina e observados em microscópio de luz. Os resultados demonstraram a presença e persistência de uma resposta inflamatória de diferentes intensidades nos três períodos experimentais. Não houve variação na resposta inflamatória pelos diferentes tratamentos propostos.

  1. Thermal analysis of borogypsum and its effects on the physical properties of Portland cement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elbeyli, Iffet Yakar; Derun, Emek Moeroeydor; Guelen, Jale; Piskin, Sabriye


    Borogypsum, which consists mainly of gypsum crystals, B 2 O 3 and some impurities, is formed during the production of boric acid from colemanite, which is an important borate ore. In this study, the effect of borogypsum and calcined borogypsum on the physical properties of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) has been investigated. The calcination temperature and transformations in the structures of borogypsum and natural gypsum were determined by differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. Thermal experiments were carried out between ambient temperature and 500 deg. C in an air atmosphere at a heating rate of 10 deg. C min -1 . After calculation of enthalpy and determination of conversion temperatures, borogypsum (5% and 7%), hemihydrate borogypsum (5%) and natural gypsum (5%) were added separately to Portland cement clinker and cements were ground in the laboratory. The final products were tested for chemical analysis, compressive strength, setting time, Le Chatelier expansion and fineness properties according to the European Standard (EN 196). The results show that increasing the borogypsum level in Portland cement from 5% to 7% caused an increase in setting time and a decrease in soundness expansion and compressive strength. The cement prepared with borogypsum (5%) was found to have similar strength properties to those obtained with natural gypsum, whereas a mixture containing 5% of hemihydrate borogypsum was found to develop 25% higher compressive strength than the OPC control mixtures at 28 days. For this reason, utilization of calcined borogypsum in cement applications is expected to give better results than untreated borogypsum. It is concluded that hemihydrate borogypsum could be used as a retarder for Portland cement as an industrial side. This would play an important role in reducing environmental pollution

  2. Portland blended cements: demolition ceramic waste management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trezza, M.A.; Zito, S.; Tironi, A.; Irassar, E.F.; Rahhal, V.F.


    Demolition ceramic wastes (DCWs) were investigated in order to determine their potential use as supplementary cementitious materials in Portland Blended Cements (PBCs). For this purpose, three ceramic wastes were investigated. After characterization of the materials used, the effect of ceramic waste replacement (8, 24 and 40% by mass) was analyzed. Pozzolanic activity, hydration progress, workability and compressive strength were determined at 2, 7 and 28 days. The results showed that the ground wastes behave as filler at an early age, but as hydration progresses, the pozzolanic activity of ceramic waste contributes to the strength requirement. [es

  3. Avaliação da microinfiltração marginal e profundidade de penetração dos cimentos de ionômero de vidro utilizados como selantes oclusais Evaluation of marginal microleakage and depth of penetration of glass ionomer cements used as occlusal sealants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina de Lourdes Calvo Fracasso


    Full Text Available OBJETIVE: the aim of this study was to conduct an in vitro comparison of marginal microleakage (MM and the depth of penetration (DP of glass ionomer cements (GIC and a resin sealant (RS into occlusal pit and fissures. METHODS: for that purpose, 60 intact third molars were equally distributed to 5 groups: G1 - 37% phosphoric acid / Delton; G2 - 40% polyacrylic acid / Ketac-Molar / nail varnish; G3 - Fuji Plus conditioner / Fuji Plus/ nail varnish; G4 -37% phosphoric acid / Vitremer / Finishing gloss; G5 -37% phosphoric acid / Vitremer prepared with a 1:4 ratio of powder / Finishing gloss. The teeth were submitted to a thermal treatment corresponding to 300 cycles (15 sec, 5/55(0C, followed by complete coating with nail varnish, except for 1mm beyond the contour of the sealant. Afterwards, the teeth were immersed in 0.5% basic fuchsine for 24 hours. Thereafter, the teeth were sectioned in buccolingual direction and microscopically analyzed (150x magnification by means of predetermined scores. The results were subject to the Kruskal-Wallis test. RESULTS: there was no statistical difference between the materials tested in relation to the DP, being that all groups displayed nearly complete filling of the fissures. No sealant material was able to prevent dye penetration; however, the GICs provided better results of MM, with significant difference when compared to the RS. CONCLUSION: all materials investigated presented a satisfactory degree of penetration into the fissures; however, the glass ionomer cements displayed better performance in the marginal microleakage test compared to the resin sealant.OBJETIVO: o objetivo deste estudo foi comparar in vitro a microinfiltração marginal (MM e o grau de profundidade de penetração (DP de cimentos de ionômero de vidro (CIV e um selante resinoso (SR em fossas e fissuras oclusais. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: para tanto, 60 terceiros molares hígidos foram igualmente distribuídos em 5 grupos: G1- ácido fosf

  4. Cement for oil well developed from ordinary cement: characterization physical, chemical and mineralogical; Cimento para poco de petroleo desenvolvido a partir de cimento comum: caracterizacao fisica, quimica e mineralogica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, D.N.S.; Neves, G. de A.; Chaves, A.C.; Mendonca, A.M.G.D.; Lima, M.S. de [Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), PB (Brazil); Bezerra, U.T., E-mail: [Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia da Paraiba (IFPB), Campina Grande, PB (Brazil)


    This work aims to characterize a new type of cement produced from the mixture of ordinary Portland cement, which can be used as an option in the cementing of oil wells. To enable this work we used the method of lineal programming for the new cement composition, then conducted tests to characterize through particle size analysis by laser diffraction, chemical analysis by EDX, TGA, X-ray diffraction, time grip, resistance to compression. The overall result showed that the new cement had made low-C3A, takes more time to the CPP, thermal stability up to 500 ° C, the kinetics of hydration and low levels of major components consistent with the specifications of ABNT. (author)

  5. Influence of limestone on the hydration of Portland cements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lothenbach, Barbara; Le Saout, Gwenn; Gallucci, Emmanuel; Scrivener, Karen


    The influence of the presence of limestone on the hydration of Portland cement was investigated. Blending of Portland cement with limestone was found to influence the hydrate assemblage of the hydrated cement. Thermodynamic calculations as well as experimental observations indicated that in the presence of limestone, monocarbonate instead of monosulfate was stable. Thermodynamic modelling showed that the stabilisation of monocarbonate in the presence of limestone indirectly stabilised ettringite leading to a corresponding increase of the total volume of the hydrate phase and a decrease of porosity. The measured difference in porosity between the 'limestone-free' cement, which contained less than 0.3% CO 2 , and a cement containing 4% limestone, however, was much smaller than calculated. Coupling of thermodynamic modelling with a set of kinetic equations which described the dissolution of the clinker, predicted quantitatively the amount of hydrates. The quantities of ettringite, portlandite and amorphous phase as determined by TGA and XRD agreed well with the calculated amounts of these phases after different periods of time. The findings in this paper show that changes in the bulk composition of hydrating cements can be followed by coupled thermodynamic models. Comparison between experimental and modelled data helps to understand in more detail the dominating processes during cement hydration

  6. 76 FR 76760 - Gray Portland Cement and Cement Clinker From Japan (United States)


    ... and Cement Clinker From Japan Determination On the basis of the record \\1\\ developed in the subject... duty order on gray Portland cement and cement clinker from Japan would be likely to lead to... and Cement Clinker from Japan: Investigation No. 731- TA-461 (Third Review). By order of the...

  7. Durabilidad de un suelo contaminado y tratado con cemento portland Durability of a contaminated soil treated with portland cement


    José W Jiménez Rojas; Nilo C Consoli; Karla Salvagni Heineck


    Este trabajo tiene por objetivo la aplicación de la técnica de solidificación/estabilización de suelos contaminados, analizando específicamente el comportamiento físico del suelo a través de ensayos de durabilidad. El suelo fue contaminado en laboratorio con residuo oleoso y la aplicación de la técnica tuvo cómo agente de encapsulamiento el cemento Portland CP V-ARI. Los ensayos de durabilidad, realizados según la NBR 13554 (1996), tuvieron como objetivo estudiar el grado de desagregación y v...

  8. Evaluation of dynamic elasticity module in samples of Portland (type 1) cement paste exposed to neutronic irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosa Junior, A.A.; Lucki, G.


    The fast neutron radiation effects and temperature on Portland cement are studied. The Dynamic Elasticity Module (Ed) in samples of Portland cement paste was evaluated. Ultrassonic technics were applied (resonance frequency and pulse velocity). The samples were irradiated with fast neutrons to fluence of 7,2 x 10 18 n/cm 2 (E approx. 1 MeV), at temperature of 120 + - 5 0 C, due to gamma heating. This temperature was simulated in laboratory in a microwave oven. (Author) [pt

  9. Portland cement hydration and early setting of cement stone intended for efficient paving materials (United States)

    Grishina, A.


    Due to the growth of load on automotive roads, modern transportation engineering is in need of efficient paving materials. Runways and most advanced highways require Portland cement concretes. This makes important the studies directed to improvement of binders for such concretes. In the present work some peculiarities of the process of Portland cement hydration and early setting of cement stone with barium hydrosilicate sol were examined. It was found that the admixture of said sol leads to a shift in the induction period to later times without significant change in its duration. The admixture of a modifier with nanoscale barium hydrosilicates increases the degree of hydration of the cement clinker minerals and changes the phase composition of the hydration products; in particular, the content of portlandite and tricalcium silicate decreases, while the amount of ettringite increases. Changes in the hydration processes of Portland cement and early setting of cement stone that are caused by the nanoscale barium hydrosilicates, allow to forecast positive technological effects both at the stage of manufacturing and at the stage of operation. In particular, the formwork age can be reduced, turnover of molds can be increased, formation of secondary ettringite and corrosion of the first type can be eliminated.

  10. Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Portland Cement for Direct Pulp Capping in Dog: A Histopathological Evaluation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maryam Bidar


    Full Text Available Background and aims. Mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium hydroxide are considered the gold standard pulp-capping materials. Recently, Portland cement has been introduced with properties similar to those of mineral trioxide aggregate. His-topathological effects of direct pulp capping using mineral trioxide aggregate and Portland cements on dog dental pulp tis-sue were evaluated in the present study. Materials and methods. This histopatological study was carried out on 64 dog premolars. First, the pulp was exposedwith a sterile bur. Then, the exposed pulp was capped with white or gray mineral trioxide aggregates and white or gray Port-land cements in each quadrant and sealed with glass-ionomer. The specimens were evaluated under a light microscope after 6 months. Statistical analysis was carried out using Kruskal-Wallis test. Statistical significance was defined at α=5%. Results. There was no acute inflammation in any of the specimens. Chronic inflammation in white and gray mineral triox-ide aggregates and white and gray Portland cements was reported to be 45.5%, 27.3%, 57.1% and 34.1%, respectively. Al-though the differences were not statistically significant, severe inflammation was observed mostly adjacent to white mineral trioxide aggregate. The largest extent of increased vascularization (45% and the least increase in fibrous tissue were ob-served adjacent to white mineral trioxide aggregate, with no significant differences. In addition, the least calcified tissue formed adjacent to white mineral trioxide aggregate, although the difference was not significant. Conclusion. The materials used in this study were equally effective as pulp protection materials following direct pulp cap-ping in dog teeth.

  11. Liberação de flúor de cimentos ortodônticos antes e após recarga com solução fluoretada = Fluoride release of orthodontic cements before and after recharge with fluoride solution

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    Santos, Rogério Lacerda dos


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a liberação de flúor de cimentos de ionômero de vidro (CIV utilizados para cimentação ortodôntica, antes e após recarga de flúor. Metodologia: Foram avaliados três CIV: Meron (VOCO, Vidrion C (SS WHITE e Ketac-Cem (3M ESPE. A liberação de flúor foi medida através de eletrodo íon seletivo conectado a um analisador de íons após 1 h e 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias. Para avaliação da recarga de flúor e capacidade de retenção de flúor, os espécimes foram expostos a uma solução de fluoreto de sódio a 0,221 % (1000 ppm de flúor por 5 min nos dias 28, 30, 31 e 32 para medição após 24 h. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA e teste de Kruskal-Wallis ao nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: O padrão de liberação de flúor foi similar para os diferentes CIV avaliados, sendo que todos os materiais apresentaram uma maior liberação de flúor no primeiro dia e um decréscimo rápido até o sétimo dia. A exposição à solução fluoretada proporcionou maior liberação de flúor pelos materiais, mas sem atingir os mesmos níveis do primeiro dia. Conclusão: Os cimentos Meron e Vidrion C apresentaram maior liberação de flúor comparado ao cimento Ketac-Cem, tanto antes quanto após a recarga de flúor. O uso de solução com flúor permite elevar a quantidade de captação e liberação de flúor pelos CIVs

  12. Predicting the durability of Portland cement systems in aggressive environments--Laboratory validation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maltais, Y.; Samson, E.; Marchand, J.


    Portland cement systems are often exposed to severe environments, and their long-term performance is of concern. The main results of a comprehensive investigation of deterioration processes that may affect the behavior of Portland cement systems exposed to chemically aggressive environments is presented. As part of this investigation, well-cured cement paste discs were fully characterized and exposed to deionized water and sodium sulfate solutions. Degradation experiments were conducted under saturated and unsaturated conditions. At the end of the exposure period, microstructural alterations were investigated by microprobe analyses, scanning electron microscope observations and energy-dispersive X-ray analyses. Test results provide information on the basic aspects of various degradation phenomena, such as decalcification and external sulfate attack. Experimental results were also compared with results obtained by a numerical model. The analysis reveals that the intricate microstructural features of the degraded samples could be accurately reproduced by the model

  13. Use of thermodynamic chemical potential diagrams (µCaO, µCO2 to understand the weathering of cement by a slightly carbonated water Uso de diagramas de potencial químico termodinâmico (µCaO, µCO2 para o entendimento da resistência do cimento à água levemente carbonatada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Blandine


    Full Text Available Cement is a ubiquitous material that may suffer hazardous weathering. The chemical weathering of cement in natural environment is mostly characterized by the leaching of CaO and the addition of CO2. The different weathering zones that develop at the expense of the cement may be predicted by the help of chemical potential phase diagrams; these diagrams simulate the behaviour of systems open to some chemical elements. Some components have a so-called inert status, that is to say the system is closed for these components, their amount in the system remains constant; some other components have a mobile status, that is to say these components can be exchanged with the outside of the system, their amount can vary from one sample zone to another. The mobile components are represented in the model by their chemical potentials (linked to their concentrations that are variable in the external environment. The main features of the weathering of a cement system open to CaO and CO2 are predicted in a phase diagram with µCaO et µCO2 as diagram axes. From core to rim, one observes the disappearance of portlandite, ettringite and calcium monosulfoaluminate, the precipitation of calcite and amorphous silica, the modification of the composition of the CSH minerals (hydrated calcium silicates that see a decrease of their c/s ratio (CaO/SiO2 from the core to the rim of the sample. For the CSH minerals, we have separated their continuous solid solution into three compositions defined by different CaO/SiO2 ratios and called phases 1, 2 and 3: CaO = 0.8, 1.1, 1.8 respectively for one mole of SiO2 knowing that H2O varies in the three compositions.Cimento é um material de ampla utilização que pode ser sujeito a modificação pelo tempo. A modificação química do cimento em meio natural é principalmente caracterizada por lixiviação de CaO e adição de CO2. As diferentes zonas de resistência que se desenvolvem às custas do cimento podem ser previstas com os

  14. NESHAP for the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry: Fact Sheets for Actions Since 2015 (United States)

    EPA is extending its approval for the use of an alternative method to show compliance with hydrogen chloride (HCl) emissions limits in the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry

  15. Reposição de nutrientes durante três cultivos de alface em hidroponia

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    Backes Fernanda Alice A.L.


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado em estufa plástica na UFSM, de agosto a novembro/99. Avaliou-se cinco formas de reposição de nutrientes na solução nutritiva com base na condutividade elétrica (CE, no sistema 'NFT' (Nutrient Film Technique e duas cultivares de alface: Regina e Deisy, cultivadas em bancadas de sustentação formadas por telhas de fibro-cimento revestidas com tinta betuminosa Neutrolâ. Foram dispostas 14 plantas por canal para cada repetição e uma cultivar em cada três canais, totalizando 84 plantas por bancada de produção. Comparou-se a eficiência de métodos de reposição de nutrientes na produção de alface, assim como a utilização da mesma solução, com reposição de nutrientes, durante três cultivos consecutivos. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, com três repetições, em esquema fatorial 5x2. Os resultados demonstraram que o desempenho das cultivares avaliadas não foi influenciado pelos métodos de reposição de nutrientes. A ausência de reposição de nutrientes na solução nutritiva, durante um cultivo, permitiu maior produtividade da cultura, não se recomendando a reposição quando o objetivo for renovar a solução ao final do cultivo. As formas de reposição de nutrientes na solução nutritiva, durante o primeiro e segundo cultivos, não alteraram a produtividade da cultura em relação à renovação completa da solução nutritiva ao final do cultivo hidropônico. Para a reutilização de solução nutritiva, recomenda-se a reposição de nutrientes sempre que a CE diminuir 50% da inicial, possibilitando a produção por pelo menos três cultivos.

  16. Fontes e níveis de proteína bruta em dietas para alevinos de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernandes João Batista Kochenborger


    Full Text Available Foi conduzido um experimento, com 100 dias duração, utilizando-se 288 alevinos de pacu, distribuídos em 36 caixas de cimento amianto com volume de 100 litros, para avaliar a substituição da farinha de peixe por farelo de soja e os níveis protéicos nas dietas. Durante o período experimental, a temperatura média da água permaneceu em 28ºC e os demais parâmetros limnológicos (oxigênio dissolvido, pH, alcalinidade e condutividade apresentaram-se dentro dos níveis adequados para o desenvolvimento desta espécie. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, em que foram avaliados nove tratamentos em esquema fatorial 3 x 3, três níveis de proteína bruta (22, 26 e 30% e três níveis de substituição da farinha de peixe pelo farelo de soja (0, 50 e 100%. O nível de 26% de proteína bruta foi mais adequado. A farinha de peixe pode ser substituída parcial ou totalmente pelo farelo de soja, sem influir no ganho de peso, na conversão alimentar, na taxa de crescimento específico e na taxa de eficiência protéica dos alevinos. A substituição das fontes protéicas também não influenciou a composição corporal dos peixes, a eficiência de retenção de nitrogênio, o nitrogênio corporal, a gordura corporal e o nitrogênio e a gordura no ganho de peso.

  17. Healing of apical rarefaction of three nonvital open apex anterior teeth using a white portland cement apical plug

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    Amitabha Chakraborty


    Full Text Available The major challenge of performing root canal treatment in an open apex pulp-less tooth is to obtain a good apical seal. MTA has been successfully used to achieve a good apical seal, wherein the root canal obturation can be done immediately. MTA and White Portland Cement has been shown similarity in their physical, chemical and biological properties and has also shown similar outcome when used in animal studies and human trials. In our study, open apex of three non vital upper central incisors has been plugged using modified white Portland cement. 3 to 6 months follow up revealed absence of clinical symptoms and disappearance of peri-apical rarefactions. The positive clinical outcome may encourage the future use of white Portland cement as an apical plug material in case of non vital open apex tooth as much cheaper substitute of MTA.

  18. Elemental atmospheric pollution assessment via moss-based measurements in Portland, Oregon (United States)

    Demetrios Gatziolis; Sarah Jovan; Geoffrey Donovan; Michael Amacher; Vicente Monleon


    Mosses accumulate pollutants from the atmosphere and can serve as an inexpensive screening tool for mapping air quality and guiding the placement of monitoring instruments. We measured 22 elements using 346 moss samples collected across Portland, Oregon, in December 2013. Our objectives were to develop citywide maps showing concentrations of each element in moss and...

  19. Trees in the city: valuing street trees in Portland, Oregon (United States)

    G.H. Donovan; D.T. Butry


    We use a hedonic price model to simultaneously estimate the effects of street trees on the sales price and the time-on-market (TOM) of houses in Portland. Oregon. On average, street trees add $8,870 to sales price and reduce TOM by 1.7 days. In addition, we found that the benefits of street trees spill over to neighboring houses. Because the provision and maintenance...

  20. Effects of chemical and mineral additives and the water/cement ratio on the thermal resistance of Portland cement concrete

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cesar, Leandro Cesar Dias; Morelli, Arnaldo C.; Baldo, Joao Baptista


    The exposure of Portland concrete to high temperatures (>250 deg C) can damage drastically the microstructural integrity of the material. Since the water/cement ratio as well as the inclusion of superplasticizers and mineral additives (silica fume) can alter constitutively and micro structurally the material, in this work it was investigated per effect of these additions on the damage resistance of portland concrete after exposure to high temperatures. (author)

  1. Recycling of porcelain tile polishing residue in portland cement: hydration efficiency. (United States)

    Pelisser, Fernando; Steiner, Luiz Renato; Bernardin, Adriano Michael


    Ceramic tiles are widely used by the construction industry, and the manufacturing process of ceramic tiles generates as a major residue mud derived from the polishing step. This residue is too impure to be reused in the ceramic process and is usually discarded as waste in landfills. But the analysis of the particle size and concentration of silica of this residue shows a potential use in the manufacture of building materials based on portland cement. Tests were conducted on cement pastes and mortars using the addition of 10% and 20% (mass) of the residue. The results of compressive strength in mortars made up to 56 days showed a significant increase in compressive strength greater than 50%. The result of thermogravimetry shows that portlandite is consumed by the cement formed by the silica present in the residue in order to form calcium silicate hydrate and featuring a pozzolanic reaction. This effect improves the performance of cement, contributes to research and application of supplementary cementitious materials, and optimizes the use of portland cement, reducing the environmental impacts of carbon dioxide emissions from its production.

  2. Performance Characteristics of Waste Glass Powder Substituting Portland Cement in Mortar Mixtures (United States)

    Kara, P.; Csetényi, L. J.; Borosnyói, A.


    In the present work, soda-lime glass cullet (flint, amber, green) and special glass cullet (soda-alkaline earth-silicate glass coming from low pressure mercury-discharge lamp cullet and incandescent light bulb borosilicate glass waste cullet) were ground into fine powders in a laboratory planetary ball mill for 30 minutes. CEM I 42.5N Portland cement was applied in mortar mixtures, substituted with waste glass powder at levels of 20% and 30%. Characterisation and testing of waste glass powders included fineness by laser diffraction particle size analysis, specific surface area by nitrogen adsorption technique, particle density by pycnometry and chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence spectrophotometry. Compressive strength, early age shrinkage cracking and drying shrinkage tests, heat of hydration of mortars, temperature of hydration, X-ray diffraction analysis and volume stability tests were performed to observe the influence of waste glass powder substitution for Portland cement on physical and engineering properties of mortar mixtures.

  3. D90: The Strongest Contributor to Setting Time in Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Portland Cement. (United States)

    Ha, William N; Bentz, Dale P; Kahler, Bill; Walsh, Laurence J


    The setting times of commercial mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cements vary. It was hypothesized that much of this variation was caused by differences in particle size distribution. Two gram samples from 11 MTA-type cements were analyzed by laser diffraction to determine their particle size distributions characterized by their percentile equivalent diameters (the 10th percentile, the median, and the 90th percentile [d90], respectively). Setting time data were received from manufacturers who performed indentation setting time tests as specified by the standards relevant to dentistry, ISO 6786 (9 respondents) or ISO 9917.1 (1 respondent), or not divulged to the authors (1 respondent). In a parallel experiment, 6 samples of different size graded Portland cements were produced using the same cement clinker. The measurement of setting time for Portland cement pastes was performed using American Society for Testing and Materials C 191. Cumulative heat release was measured using isothermal calorimetry to assess the reactions occurring during the setting of these pastes. In all experiments, linear correlations were assessed between setting times, heat release, and the 3 particle size parameters. Particle size varied considerably among MTA cements. For MTA cements, d90 was the particle size characteristic showing the highest positive linear correlation with setting time (r = 0.538). For Portland cement, d90 gave an even higher linear correlation for the initial setting time (r = 0.804) and the final setting time (r = 0.873) and exhibited a strong negative linear correlation for cumulative heat release (r = 0.901). Smaller particle sizes result in faster setting times, with d90 (the largest particles) being most closely correlated with the setting times of the samples. Copyright © 2015 American Association of Endodontists. All rights reserved.

  4. Portland cement for SO.sub.2 control in coal-fired power plants (United States)

    Steinberg, Meyer


    There is described a method of removing oxides of sulfur from the emissions of fossil fuel combustion by injecting portland cement into the boiler with the fuel, the combustion air, or downstream with the combustion gases. There is also described the cement products that result from this method.

  5. Portland cement for SO/sub 2/ control in coal-fired power plants (United States)

    Steinberg, M.


    A method is described for removing oxides of sulfur from the emissions of fossil fuel combustion by injecting portland cement into the boiler with the fuel, the combustion air, or downstream with the combustion gases. The cement products that result from this method is also described. 1 tab.

  6. Carbonated deep in non-NBR 9831/2006 Portland cements in oil well; Carbonatacao em cimentos nao especificados pela Norma NBR 9831/2006 quando empregados em pocos de petroleo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hastenpflug, D.; Moraes, M.K.; Dalla Vecchia, F.; Costa, E.M. [Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Centro de Excelencia em Pesquisa sobre Armazenamento de Carbono (CEPAC); Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Engenharia e Tecnologia de Materiais (PGETEMA)], Email:; Abreu, J.V. [Holcim Brasil S.A., Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Centro Tecnologico


    The NBR 9831/2006 well cements are indicated to well completions to sequestration of CO{sub 2} in geologic formations, being cement class G the most popular. However, studies have shown that Class G cement might suffers considerable degradation due to exposure to CO{sub 2} under geologic sequestration conditions. In order to increase cement resistance to acid attack, admixtures and additives as fly ash, fume, limestone and mineral wastes have been investigated. In this paper experiments were conducted to evaluated four commercial non- NBR 9831/2006 cements generally used in pavement area, in cracks completion and in concretes for use in aggressive environments. These cements were chosen because they have mineral additive into their specifications. This paper analyses the carbonated deep after accelerated carbonation reaction tests that simulate the well's geological conditions, when exposed to water saturated with supercritical CO{sub 2} and wet supercritical CO{sub 2} at 70 deg C and 15 MPa, during 7 days. In addition, compressive strength and the workability of these pastes were evaluated. The results were compared to the ones realized at the same condition with cement class G. It was observed that the cement used in pavement area (Pavifort) has a good resistance to CO{sub 2} attack when compared to the other types of cement, but its compressive strength is very low. (author)

  7. Influence Of Cement Kiln Dust As Partial Replacement On Some Properties Of Ordinary And White Portland Cement

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    Salah Sharif


    Full Text Available Cement Kiln Dust (CKD is produced as a solid waste with large quantities during manufacturing of Portland cement clinker. The possibility of utilizing CKD as partial replacement for Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC and White Portland Cement (WPC produced in factories of the Iraqi cement state company has been examined in this study to fulfil the environmental and economical aims. Different percentages of CKD were blended with OPC and WPC mixes. The results show that the amount of water for normal consistency were increased with about 39 % and 31 % for OPC and WPC blended with 25 % CKD. The setting time (initial and final decreases with increasing percent of CKD added. Compressive strength decreases slightly with increasing CKD content up to 10 %. For 7- day curing time, it decreases 7 % and 9 % for OPC and WPC mixes, respectively. As percent of added CKD increases to more than 10 %, the compressive strength and other parameters where affected significantly. Overall results proved that OPC and WPC blended with up to 10 % CKD are admissible for passing relevant specification requirements.

  8. Physicochemical and mechanical properties of zirconium oxide and niobium oxide modified Portland cement-based experimental endodontic sealers. (United States)

    Viapiana, R; Flumignan, D L; Guerreiro-Tanomaru, J M; Camilleri, J; Tanomaru-Filho, M


    To evaluate the physicochemical and mechanical properties of Portland cement-based experimental sealers (ES) with different radiopacifying agents (zirconium oxide and niobium oxide micro- and nanoparticles) in comparison with the following conventional sealers: AH Plus, MTA Fillapex and Sealapex. The materials were tested for setting time, compressive strength, flow, film thickness, radiopacity, solubility, dimensional stability and formaldehyde release. Data were subjected to anova and Tukey tests (P 0.05) and lower solubility when compared with MTA Fillapex and Sealapex (P Portland cement-based experimental endodontic sealers presented physicochemical properties according to the specifications no 57 ANSI/ADA (ADA Professional Product Review, 2008) and ISO 6876 (Dentistry - Root Canal Sealing Materials, 2012, British Standards Institution, London, UK). The sealers had setting times and flow ability that was adequate for clinical use, satisfactory compressive strength and low solubility. Additional studies should be carried out with the purpose of decreasing the film thickness and to determine the ideal ratio of radiopacifying agents in Portland cement-based root canal sealers. © 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Hydration kinetics for the alite, belite, and calcium aluminate phase in Portland cements from 27Al and 29Si MAS NMR spectroscopy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skibsted, Jørgen; Jensen, Ole Mejlhede; Jakobsen, Hans Jørgen


    29Si magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectroscopy is shown to be a valuable tool for obtaining the quantities of alite and belite in hydrated Portland cements. The hydration (1-180 days) of a white Portland cement with 10 wt.% silica fume added is investigated and the degrees of hydration for alite...

  10. The biomineralization ability of mineral trioxide aggregate and Portland cement on dentin enhances the push-out strength. (United States)

    Reyes-Carmona, Jessie F; Felippe, Mara S; Felippe, Wilson T


    Recently, it was shown that the interaction of each of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement with dentin in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) promotes a biomineralization process that leads to the formation of an interfacial layer with tag-like structures at the cement-dentin interface. This study analyzes the influence of the biomineralization process on the push-out strength of ProRoot MTA (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK), MTA Branco (Angelus Soluções Odontológicas, Londrina, PR, Brazil), MTA BIO (Angelus Soluções Odontológicas), or Portland cement with and without calcium chloride. Dentin discs with standardized cavities were filled with ProRoot MTA, MTA Branco, MTA BIO, white Portland cement + 20% bismuth oxide (PC1), or PC1 + 10% of calcium chloride (PC2). The specimens were randomly divided into two groups: cement in contact with a wet cotton pellet for 72 hours or immersed in PBS for 2 months. The bond strengths were measured with the Instron Testing machine (Model 4444; Instron Corp, Canton, MA), and the fractured surfaces on the root walls were observed by scanning electron microscopy. All samples immersed in PBS displayed a significantly greater resistance to displacement than that observed for the samples in contact with a wet cotton pellet for 72 hours (p Portland cements. It was concluded that the biomineralization process positively influenced the push-out bond strength of the cements, particularly the MTA groups. Copyright 2010 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Experimental investigation of the multiple scatter peak of gamma rays in portland cement in the energy range 279-1332 keV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Tejbir; Singh, Parjit S


    The pulse height spectra for different thicknesses of portland cement in the reflected geometry has been recorded with the help of a NaI(Tl) scintillator detector and 2 K MCA card using different gamma-ray sources such as Hg 203 (279 keV), Cs 137 (662 keV) and Co 60 (1173 and 1332 keV). It has been observed that the multiple scatter peak for portland cement appears at 110 (±7) keV in all the spectra irrespective of different incident photon energies in the range 279-1332 keV from different gamma-ray sources. Further, the variation in the intensity of the multiple scatter peak with the thickness of portland cement in the backward semi-cylinders has been investigated.

  12. XRF analysis of portland cement for major and trace elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdunnabi, A. R.


    Libyan portland cement produced in several factories around the country, in Lip tis, Zoltan, Souq-Elkamis, Dernah and El-Fatach, were analyzed for quantitative major and trace elements and mineral content, which were compered with those imported from Spain, Romania, Cyprus, and Egypt. X-ray fluorescence spectro X lab 2000 spectrometer equipped with Rh-and X-ray tube was used for the analysis of various samples. The detector Si(Li) with a resolution of 148 eV at Mn K-a=5.9 keV facilitates the determination of a wide range of elements from sodium to uranium, with a detection limit at sub levels. Cement samples in the powder form were analyzed using the pellet-technique. The pellets were prepared by mixing 4g of the cement powder with 0.9 g of binder (HWC) and pressed at high pressure. A ful analysis including, background counting, matrix correction and all relevant corrections were achieved automatically by XLAB 2000 software package. For major and trace elements X RF results were higher for most of the elements than those analyzed with atomic absorption spectrometry. The mineral content showed that Libyan cement is comparable to the imported ones, also the Libyan cement meets the requirements of the international specifications of the portland cement. (Author)

  13. A Histologic Evaluation on Tissue Reaction to Three Implanted Materials (MTA, Root MTA and Portland Cement Type I in the Mandible of Cats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. Sasani


    Full Text Available Statement of Problem: Nowadays Mineral Trioxide aggregate (MTA is widely used for root end fillings, pulp capping, perforation repair and other endodontic treatments.Investigations have shown similar physical and chemical properties for Portland cement and Root MTA with those described for MTA.Purpose: The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the tissue reaction to implanted MTA, Portland cement and Root MTA in the mandible of cats.Materials and Methods: Under asepsis condition and general anesthesia, a mucoperiosteal flap, following the application of local anesthesia, was elevated to expose mandibular symphysis. Two small holes in both sides of mandible were drilled. MTA, Portland cement and Root MTA were mixed according to the manufacturers, recommendation and placed in bony cavities. In positive control group, the test material was Zinc oxide powder plus tricresoformalin. In negative control group, the bony cavities were left untreated. After 3,6 and 12 weeks, the animals were sacrificed and the mandibular sections were prepared for histologic examination under light microscope. The presence and thickness of inflammation, presence of fibrosis capsule, the severity of fibrosis and bone formation were investigated. The data were submitted to Exact Fisher test, chi square test and Kruskal-Wallis test for statistical analysis.Results: No statistically significant differences were found in the degree of inflammation,presence of fibrotic capsule, severity of fibrosis and inflammation thickness between Root MTA, Portland cement and MTA (P>0.05. There was no statistical difference in boneformation between MTA and Portland cement (P>0.05. However, bone formation was not found in any of the Root MTA specimens and the observed tissue was exclusively of fibrosis type.Conclusion: The physical and histological results observed with MTA are similar to those of Root MTA and Portland cement. Additionally, all of these three materials are biocompatible

  14. Determination of coefficient of thermal expansion for Portland Cement Concrete pavements for MEPDG Implementation (United States)


    The Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) is an important parameter in Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement analysis and design as it is directly proportional to the magnitude of temperature-related pavement deformations throughout the pavement s...

  15. 2014 Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) Oregon Lidar: Metro Portland, OR (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The dataset encompasses 1221.6 square miles in portions of the greater Portland Metro area in the state of Oregon. The highest hit digital surface models (DSM)...

  16. The influence of shrinkage-cracking on the drying behaviour of White Portland cement using Single-Point Imaging (SPI). (United States)

    Beyea, S D; Balcom, B J; Bremner, T W; Prado, P J; Cross, A R; Armstrong, R L; Grattan-Bellew, P E


    The removal of water from pores in hardened cement paste smaller than 50 nm results in cracking of the cement matrix due to the tensile stresses induced by drying shrinkage. Cracks in the matrix fundamentally alter the permeability of the material, and therefore directly affect the drying behaviour. Using Single-Point Imaging (SPI), we obtain one-dimensional moisture profiles of hydrated White Portland cement cylinders as a function of drying time. The drying behaviour of White Portland cement, is distinctly different from the drying behaviour of related concrete materials containing aggregates.

  17. Study irradiation damage by fast neutrons in Portland cement by means of ultra-sound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosa Junior, A.A.


    The effect of neutron irradiation in samples of Portland cement paste was evaluated, using the resonance frequency method and pulse velocity of ultra-sound technique. The samples were divide in three groups: 1) Monitoring samples; 2) Samples to gamma heating simulation; 3) Fast neutron irradiated samples in reactor core. Santa Rita Portland cement was utilized for samples preparation with water-cement rate of 0,40 l/kg. The irradiation was performed in the research reactor IEA-R1, at IPEN-CNEN/SP, with an integrated flux of 7,2 X 10 sup(18) n/cm sup(2) (E approx. 1 Mev). The samples of group 2 were submitted to special micro-waves heat treatment-with the same number of cycles of the reactor-which allowed the detection of fast neutron radiation effects within the predominant thermal effects. (author)

  18. Ordinary Portland Cement matrix for solidification of cellulosic protective clothes hazardous wastes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shatta, H.A.; Saleh, H.M.


    The used cellulosic protective clothes constitutes considerable fraction of the hazardous and radioactive wastes accumulated during the practical daily life. The direct solidification of these wastes with ordinary Portland cement resulted in waste forms having undesired characters, therefore, it is recommended to immobilize the secondary waste solutions coming from the oxidative degradation of the used protective clothes waste simulates rather than direct imbedding. IR analyses, X-ray diffraction and thermal characteristics for products of both direct encapsulation of the waste and the cementation of its degradation products were performed to evaluate the properties of the final waste cemented form before their disposal. Based on the results reached from X-ray diffraction, IR spectrograms and thermal analyses reports, it could be stated that no detectable changes in hydration and curing coarse of ordinary Portland cement when mixing the residual secondary waste solution resulting from the oxidative degradation of the used protective clothes waste simulate compared with mixing cement with water and in reverse with imbedding the unprocessed waste in cement matrix

  19. Bioactive coatings on Portland cement substrates: Surface precipitation of apatite-like crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gallego, Daniel; Higuita, Natalia; Garcia, Felipe; Ferrell, Nicholas; Hansford, Derek J.


    We report a method for depositing bioactive coatings onto cement materials for bone tissue engineering applications. White Portland cement substrates were hydrated under a 20% CO 2 atmosphere, allowing the formation of CaCO 3 . The substrates were incubated in a calcium phosphate solution for 1, 3, and 6 days (CPI, CPII, and CPIII respectively) at 37 deg. C to induce the formation of carbonated apatite. Cement controls were prepared and hydrated with and without CO 2 atmosphere (C+ and C- respectively). The presence of apatite-like crystals was verified by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). The substrate cytocompatibility was evaluated via SEM after 24 hour cell cultures. SEM revealed the presence Ca(OH) 2 on C-, and CaCO 3 on C+. Apatite-like crystals were detected only on CPIII, confirmed by phosphorus EDS peaks only for CPIII. Cells attached and proliferated similarly well on all the substrates except C-. These results prove the feasibility of obtaining biocompatible and bioactive coatings on Portland cement for bone tissue engineering applications

  20. Portland cement with additives in the repair of furcation perforations in dogs. (United States)

    Silva Neto, José Dias da; Schnaider, Taylor Brandão; Gragnani, Alfredo; Paiva, Anderson Paulo de; Novo, Neil Ferreira; Ferreira, Lydia Masako


    To evaluate the use of Portland cements with additives as furcation perforation repair materials and assess their biocompatibility. The four maxillary and mandibular premolars of ten male mongrel dogs (1-1.5 years old, weighing 10-15 kg) received endodontic treatment (n=80 teeth). The furcations were perforated with a round diamond bur (1016 HL). The perforations involved the dentin, cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone. A calcium sulfate barrier was placed into the perforated bone to prevent extrusion of obturation material into the periradicular space. The obturation materials MTA (control), white, Type II, and Type V Portland cements were randomly allocated to the teeth. Treated teeth were restored with composite resin. After 120 days, the animals were sacrificed and samples containing the teeth were collected and prepared for histological analysis. There were no significant differences in the amount of newly formed bone between teeth treated with the different obturation materials (p=0.879). Biomineralization occurred for all obturation materials tested, suggesting that these materials have similar biocompatibility.

  1. Effect of radiopaque Portland cement on mineralization in human dental pulp cells. (United States)

    Min, Kyung-San; Lee, Sang-Im; Lee, Yoon; Kim, Eun-Cheol


    The aim of this study was to investigate whether radiopaque Portland cement (RPC) facilitates the mineralization process in human dental pulp cells (HDPCs) compared with pure Portland cement (PC). Under a scanning electron microscope (SEM), cellular morphology was evaluated. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was analyzed, and nodule formation was assessed by performing Alizarin Red S staining. In addition, the mRNA expressions of mineralization-related proteins were evaluated by performing a real-time polymerase chain reaction. On SEM evaluation, healthy HDPCs were found adhering to the surfaces of PC and RPC. The ALP activity increased in the PC and RPC groups compared with the control group at 1 day. Alizarin Red stain increased in the PC and RPC groups compared with the control group at 2 and 3 weeks. The mRNA expression of dentin sialophosphoprotein increased at 14 days in the PC and RPC groups. These results show that PC and RPC have similar effects in terms of mineralization and suggest that RPC also has the potential to be used as a clinically suitable pulp-capping material.

  2. Effect of wastewater on properties of Portland pozzolana cement (United States)

    Babu, G. Reddy


    This paper presents the effect of wastewaters on properties of Portland pozzolana cement (PPC). Fourteen water treatment plants were found out in the Narasaraopet municipality region in Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Approximately, from each plant, between 3500 and 4000 L/day of potable water is selling to consumers. All plants are extracting ground water and treating through Reverse Osmosis (RO) process. During water treatment, plants are discharging approximately 1,00,000 L/day as wastewater in side drains in Narasaraopet municipality. Physical and chemical analysis was carried out on fourteen plants wastewater and distilled water as per producer described in APHA. In the present work, based on the concentrations of constituent's in wastewater, four typical plants i.e., Narasaraopeta Engineering College (NECWW), Patan Khasim Charitable Trust (PKTWW), Mahmadh Khasim Charitable Trust (MKTWW) and Amara (ARWW) were considered. The performance of four plants wastewater on physical properties i.e., setting times, compressive strength, and flexural strength of Portland pozzolana Cement (PPC) were performed in laboratories and compared same with reference specimens i.e., made with Distilled Water (DW) as mixing water. No significant change was observed in initial and finial setting time but setting times of selected wastewaters were retarded as compared to that of reference water. Almost, no change was observed in 90 days compressive and flexural strengths in four plants wastewaters specimens compared to that of reference water specimens. XRD technique was employed to find out main hydration compounds formed in the process.

  3. Characterization of floodflows along the Arkansas River without regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John Martin Reservoir, Southeastern Colorado (United States)

    Little, John R.; Bauer, Daniel P.


    The need for a method for estimating flow characteristics of flood hydrographs between Portland, Colo., and John Martin Reservoir has been promoted with the construction of the Pueble Reservoir. To meet this need a procedure was developed for predicting floodflow peaks, traveltimes, and volumes at any point along the Arkansas River between Portland and John Martin Reservoir without considering the existing Pueble Reservoir detention effects. A streamflow-routing model was calibrated initially and then typical flood simulations were made for the 164.8-mile study reach. Simulations were completed for varying magnitudes of floods and antecedent streamflow conditions. Multiple regression techniques were then used with simulation results as input to provide predictive relationships for food peak, volume, and traveltime. Management practices that may be used to benefit water users in the area include providing methods for the distribution and allotment of the flood waters upstream of Portland to different downstream water users according to Colorado water law and also under the Arkansas River Compact. (USGS)

  4. Description of the structural evolution of a hydrating portland cement paste by SANS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haeussler, F.; Eichhorn, F.; Baumbach, H.


    On the spectrometer MURN at the pulsed reactor IBR-2 dry Portland cement, silica fume, and a hydrating Portland cement paste were studied by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). By using the TOF-method a momentum transfer from 0.07 nm -1 to 7 nm -1 is detectable. Every component (dry cement powder, clinker minerals, hydrating cement pastes) shows a different scattering behaviour. In the measured Q-region the hardening cement paste does not show a Porod-like behaviour of SANS-curves. In contrast the Porod's potential law holds for dry powder samples of clinker minerals and silica fume. In experiments carried out to observe the hydration progress within the first 321 days the characteristics of the scattering curves (potential behaviour, the radius of gyration, and the macroscopic scattering cross section at Q = 0 nm -1 were measured. Some evolution of the inner structure of the hardened cement paste was noted. (orig.)

  5. Effect of blastfurnace slag addition to Portland cement for cationic exchange resins encapsulation

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    Stefan L.


    Full Text Available In the nuclear industry, cement-based materials are extensively used to encapsulate spent ion exchange resins (IERs before their final disposal in a repository. It is well known that the cement has to be carefully selected to prevent any deleterious expansion of the solidified waste form, but the reasons for this possible expansion are not clearly established. This work aims at filling the gap. The swelling pressure of IERs is first investigated as a function of ions exchange and ionic strength. It is shown that pressures of a few tenths of MPa can be produced by decreases in the ionic strength of the bulk solution, or by ion exchanges (2Na+ instead of Ca2+, Na+ instead of K+. Then, the chemical evolution of cationic resins initially in the Na+ form is characterized in CEM I (Portland cement and CEM III (Portland cement + blastfurnace slag cements at early age and an explanation is proposed for the better stability of CEM III material.

  6. Effect of addition of Sikament-R superplasticizer on the hydration characteristics of portland cement pastes

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    Safaa.M. El Gamal


    Full Text Available The effect of addition of Sikament-R superplasticizer (modified lignosulphonate base on the hydration characteristics of hardened Portland cement pastes were studied at different curing conditions. Four mixtures were prepared using 0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 wt% addition of Sikament-R superplasticizer (SR of cement. These pastes were hydrated under two different conditions; (i normal curing at room temperature; 25 °C up to 90 days periods and (ii hydrothermal curing at a pressure of 8 atm. of saturated steam up to 24 h. The compressive strength, combined water content, free lime content, gel/space ratio and microstructure of hardened cement pastes were studied. The results revealed that addition of SR superplasticizer promote the dispersion of cement particles and interacts with Ca(OH2. The addition of SR superplasticizer exhibits Portland cement better workability during the preparation of pastes. In addition, amore compact structure were obtained leading to higher values of compressive strength for all the hardened hydrated pastes under both normal and hydrothermal curing. The results indicated that the addition of SR superplasticizer to Portland cement does not alter the types of hydration products formed during normal or hydrothermal conditions; only it caused a decrease in the degree of the porosity of the formed pastes.

  7. Possibility of using waste tire rubber and fly ash with Portland cement as construction materials. (United States)

    Yilmaz, Arin; Degirmenci, Nurhayat


    The growing amount of waste rubber produced from used tires has resulted in an environmental problem. Recycling waste tires has been widely studied for the last 20 years in applications such as asphalt pavement, waterproofing systems and membrane liners. The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing fly ash and rubber waste with Portland cement as a composite material for masonry applications. Class C fly ash and waste automobile tires in three different sizes were used with Portland cement. Compressive and flexural strength, dry unit weight and water absorption tests were performed on the composite specimens containing waste tire rubber. The compressive strength decreased by increasing the rubber content while increased by increasing the fly ash content for all curing periods. This trend is slightly influenced by particle size. For flexural strength, the specimens with waste tire rubber showed higher values than the control mix probably due to the effect of rubber fibers. The dry unit weight of all specimens decreased with increasing rubber content, which can be explained by the low specific gravity of rubber particles. Water absorption decreased slightly with the increase in rubber particles size. These composite materials containing 10% Portland cement, 70% and 60% fly ash and 20% and 30% tire rubber particles have sufficient strength for masonry applications.

  8. Compósitos à base de cimento reforçados com polpa celulósica de bambu. Parte I: Determinação do teor de reforço ótimo Cement-based composite reinforced with bamboo pulp. Part I: Determination of optimum reinforcement percentage

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    Marcos A. S. dos Anjos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta os resultados experimentais de um estudo em que se procurou desenvolver compósitos de matriz cimentícia reforçada com polpa de bambu. Foram usados dois tipos de polpa: refinada e sem refino. Fez-se variar o teor de fibras de 0 a 16% em massa de cimento e se desenvolveu um processo com sucção, moldagem e prensagem para fabricação dos compósitos. As relações constitutivas dos compósitos foram definidas através de ensaio a compressão e tração de corpos-de-prova cilíndricos de 5x10 cm e do ensaio de flexão em três pontos. A partir delas, foi obtida a capacidade de absorção de energia. Determinaram-se, também, algumas propriedades físicas, como absorção, porosidade aparente, densidade seca e úmida dos compósitos. Os resultados mostraram melhor performance dos compósitos com fibras refinadas em relação àquelas com fibras sem refino e também indicaram que o teor ótimo de fibras refinadas se situou em torno de 8%, quando promoveram notáveis melhoramentos das propriedades mecânicas dos compósitos em relação à matriz plena.This work presents the experimental results of a study which intended to develop a composite with cementations matrix reinforced with bamboo pulp. Two types of pulps were used: refined and unrefined pulps. The fibre content varied between 0 and 16% cement (weight basis. After the preparation of fresh composite mix the experimental specimens were prepared applying a specially developed process based on Hastshek method using suction then moulding and pressing. The compression, tension and the flexural behavior and their constitutive relations were established using 5 cm diameter by 10 cm high cylindrical specimens and three point bending tests at respectively. The energy absorbing capacity of the new composites was also established. Physical properties such as water absorption, apparent porosity, dry and humid density were also obtained. The results showed a better performance

  9. Characterization and chemical activity of Portland cement and two experimental cements with potential for use in dentistry. (United States)

    Camilleri, J


    To evaluate the chemical activity of Portland cement and two other cement types with similar chemical composition to mineral trioxide aggregate with the aim of developing these cements for further applications in dentistry. The chemical composition of the three cement types namely Portland cement, calcium sulpho-aluminate cement and calcium fluoro-aluminate cement was evaluated by elemental analysis using energy dispersive analysis with X-ray under the scanning electron microscope and by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) to determine the phases. The constituents of the hydration reaction by-products were evaluated by XRD analysis of the set cements at 1, 7, 28 and 56 days and by analysis of the leachate by ion chromatography. The pH of both cements and leachate was determined at different time intervals. Cements admixed with micro-silica were also tested to determine the effect of micro-silica on the reaction by-products. All three cement types were composed of tricalcium silicate as the main constituent phase. The hydration reaction of Portland cement produced calcium hydroxide. However, this was not present in the other cements tested at all ages. Admixed micro-silica had little or no effect on the cements with regard to reaction by-products. The pH of all cements tested was alkaline. Both the experimental calcium sulpho-aluminate cement and calcium fluoro-aluminate cement had different hydration reactions to that of Portland cement even though calcium silicate was the major constituent element of both cement types. No calcium hydroxide was produced as a by-product to cement hydration. Micro-silica addition to the cement had no effect on the hydration reaction.

  10. Development of Mix Design Method in Efforts to Increase Concrete Performance Using Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) (United States)

    Krisnamurti; Soehardjono, A.; Zacoeb, A.; Wibowo, A.


    Earthquake disaster can cause infrastructure damage. Prevention of human casualties from disasters should do. Prevention efforts can do through improving the mechanical performance of building materials. To achieve high-performance concrete (HPC), usually used Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). However, the most widely circulating cement types today are Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) or Portland Composite Cement (PCC). Therefore, the proportion of materials used in the HPC mix design needs to adjust to achieve the expected performance. This study aims to develop a concrete mix design method using PPC to fulfil the criteria of HPC. The study refers to the code/regulation of concrete mixtures that use OPC based on the results of laboratory testing. This research uses PPC material, gravel from Malang area, Lumajang sand, water, silica fume and superplasticizer of a polycarboxylate copolymer. The analyzed information includes the investigation results of aggregate properties, concrete mixed composition, water-binder ratio variation, specimen dimension, compressive strength and elasticity modulus of the specimen. The test results show that the concrete compressive strength achieves value between 25 MPa to 55 MPa. The mix design method that has developed can simplify the process of concrete mix design using PPC to achieve the certain desired performance of concrete.

  11. Clinical and computed tomographic evaluation of portland cement pulpotomy in primary molar: A case report

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    Kamrun Nahar


    Full Text Available The present case describes the clinical & radiographic outcome of a Portland Cement pulpotomy. The 5 years old girl presenting extensive carious exposure in her mandibular left 2nd deciduous molar and was suffering pain in her left lower jaw only on exposure to cold for last 2 days. She was ultimately diagnosed clinic-radio-graphically as a case of irreversible pulpitis. Coronal pulpotomy procedure was carried out in the responsible tooth and Portland cement (PC was applied as a medicament after pulpotomy. At the 3 & 6-months follow-up appointments, treated tooth was asymptomatic clinically and radiographic examinations revealed no sign of periradicular pathosis in the pulpotomized teeth. Additionally, the formation of a dentin bridge immediately below the PC in the treated tooth was confirmed by RVG and CBCT.

  12. Solidification of ion exchange resins saturated with Na+ ions: Comparison of matrices based on Portland and blast furnace slag cement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lafond, E.; Cau dit Coumes, C.; Gauffinet, S.; Chartier, D.; Stefan, L.; Le Bescop, P.


    This work is devoted to the conditioning of ion exchange resins used to decontaminate radioactive effluents. Calcium silicate cements may have a good potential to encapsulate spent resins. However, certain combinations of cement and resins produce a strong expansion of the final product, possibly leading to its full disintegration. The focus is placed on the understanding of the behaviour of cationic resins in the Na + form in Portland or blast furnace slag (CEM III/C) cement pastes. During hydration of the Portland cement paste, the pore solution exhibits a decrease in its osmotic pressure, which causes a transient expansion of small magnitude of the resins. At 20 °C, this expansion takes place just after setting in a poorly consolidated material and is sufficient to induce cracks. In the CEM III/C paste, swelling of the resins also occurs, but before the end of setting, and induces limited stress in the matrix which is still plastic. - Highlights: • Solidification of cationic resins in the Na + -form is investigated. • Portland and blast furnace slag cements are compared. • Deleterious expansion is observed with Portland cement only. • Resin swelling is due to a decrease in the osmotic pressure of the pore solution. • The consolidation rate of the matrix is a key parameter to prevent damage.

  13. Puzzolanic cements of greater resistance at the attack of selenitic waters than the high sulfate resistance portland cements, and viceverse

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    Talero, Rafael


    Full Text Available This work confirms the certainty of the predictions of useful service given by Kaluosek and al. for the sulphate resistant portland cements (type V, USA, subject to severe selenitic attack. Two sulphate resistant portland cements, were tested by means of the Le Chatelier Anstett method. The tarts were destroyed at ages of three years, having detected in them the presence of thaumasite by XRD. Even so, the impossibility and possibility thaumasite formation was confirmed in pozzolanic cements tarts, which either had or did not have adequate amount of pozzolana (diatomite for such purpose.

    Este trabajo confirman las predicciones de vida útil dadas por Kalousek y colaboradores, para los cementos portland de elevada resistencia al ataque de los iones sulfato (tipo V, USA, sometidos a un severo ataque selenitoso. Se ensayaron dos cementos portland de elevada resistencia al ataque del yeso, mediante el ensayo de Le Chatelier-Anstett. Sus tortas correspondientes se destruyeron a la edad de tres años, habiéndose detectado en las mismas la presencia de thaumasita por DRX. Asimismo se confirmó la imposibilidad y posibilidad de formación de thaumasita en tortas de cementos puzolánicos, los cuales tenían, o no, respectivamente, una adecuada cantidad de puzolana (diatomita para tales fines.

  14. Avaliação da transmissão de luz através de zircónia: translucidez e polimerização de um cimento de resina: um estudo piloto


    Pomares, Vânia Alexandra Cândido


    Tese de mestrado, Medicina Dentária, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, 2011 O presente estudo laboratorial foi realizado com o objectivo de avaliar a influência da cerâmica de zircónia na polimerização de um cimento de resina fotopolimerizável, sendo igualmente avaliada a transmissão de luz através da mesma. Foram avaliadas três cerâmicas de zircónia: Lava (3M ESPE), Zirconia Traslucent (Zirkonzahn) e Zirconia Prettau (Zirkonzahn). De cada uma das cerâmicas mencionada...

  15. Análise da Fragilidade do Core - Quando reconstruído com diferentes resinas e pinos pré-fabricados não metálicos


    Ávilal, Gisseli Bertozzi; Dias, Sérgio Cândido; Ribeiro, José Carlos Rabelo; Gomes, Priscila Nogueira; Moysés, Marcos Ribeiro


    Para realização deste estudo vinte condutos artificiais foram construídos em blocos formados por esmalte e dentina, a partir de dentes bovinos. Dez pinos de fibra de vidro e dez de fibra de carbono foram cimentados nos condutos com cimento resinoso C&B. Empregou-se matriz de policarbonato para confecção do core em resina composta, perfazendo quatro grupos: Grupo (1) pino de fibra de vidro e core com resina composta Charisma; Grupo (2) pino de fibra de carbono e core com resina composta Charis...

  16. 2014 Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) Oregon Lidar DEM: Metro Portland, OR (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The dataset encompasses 1221.6 square miles in portions of the greater Portland Metro area in the state of Oregon. The highest hit digital surface models (DSM)...

  17. Effect of calcined clay on aging of sisal short fiber reinforced mortar


    Farias Filho, João de; Toledo Filho, Romildo D.; Lima, Paulo R. L.


    O interesse pelo uso de fibras vegetais como reforço de matrizes, à base de cimento, tem crescido em todo o mundo nos últimos anos, sendo limitado pela baixa durabilidade das fibras no meio alcalino. Com o tempo, as fibras podem mineralizar devido à migração de hidróxido de cálcio (CH) da matriz para o lúmen e paredes das fibro-células. Procurou-se consumir, no presente estudo, o CH livre utilizando-se resíduo de tijolo moído e metacaulinita em substituição parcial, de 20 e 40% em peso, do ci...

  18. Influência da adição no comportamento reológico da pasta autoadensável de alto desempenho = Influence of admixture on the rheological behavior of high performance self-compacting paste

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    Igor André Rodrigues Piovezam


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa propõe o estudo da influência da área específica, forma e textura superficial das adições no comportamento reológico da pasta autoadensável de alto desempenho (PAAD. As adições selecionadas são o filer calcário e o filer basalto, por se tratarem de subprodutos industriais a fim de contribuir, desta forma, para o desenvolvimento sustentável. A pasta em estudo é constituída de cimento, sílica ativa, filer calcário ou filer basalto, água e aditivo superplastificante de última geração. São fixadas as relações água/cimento = 0,40 L kg-1, sílica ativa/cimento = 0,10 kg kg-1, e as relações filer/cimento e superplastificante/cimento são determinadas por meio de ensaios de cone de Marsh e de “mini-slump”. Os resultados mostram que, para as mesmas relações de filer/cimento, os teores de superplastificante para pasta com filer calcário são significativamente inferiores ao da pasta com filer basalto. A análise dos resultados permite concluir que a área específica, forma e textura superficial das adições influenciam significativamente o comportamento reológico das PAADs.This research proposes to study the influence of the specific area, mould and surface texture of admixtures on the rheological behavior ofhigh performance self-compacting paste (HPSCP. The selected admixtures are calcareous filler and basalt filler, which are industrial residues, thus contributing to sustainabledevelopment. The paste is made up of cement, silica fume, calcareous filler or basalt filler, water and superplasticizer additive. For this study, the water/cement ratios are fixed = 0.40L kg-1; silica fume/cement = 0.10 kg kg-1; the filler/cement and superplasticizer/cement ratios are determined through Marsh cone and mini-slump tests. The results show that for same filler/cement ratios, the ratios of superplasticizer to paste with calcareous filler are significantly lower than those of paste with basalt filler. The results show

  19. The Arabic Version of the Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory 4: A Validation Study (United States)

    Hamed, Razan; Tariah, Hashem Abu; Malkawi, Somaya; Holm, Margo B.


    The Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory 4 (MPAI-4) is a valid and reliable assessment tool to detect clinical impairments in patients with acquired brain injury. The tool is widely used by rehabilitation therapists worldwide, given its good psychometric properties and its availability in several languages. The purpose of this study was to…

  20. Relation between Portland cement carbonation, range of clinker burning and some expansive phenomena in the autoclave test

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    Ruiz de Cauna, A.


    Full Text Available Not availableEn este trabajo se estudia el doble pico que aparece en la región de altas temperaturas de las curvas derivatométricas, realizadas en atmósfera de vapor de agua, de los cementos portland anhidros e hidratados y en general el efecto de la carbonatación sobre los silicatos y aluminatos presentes en los cementos portland, especialmente sobre el perfil de las curvas derivatométricas de los cementos portland anhidros e hidratados. Se recogen y examinan los cambios experimentados en el doble pico al someter los cementos a la acción de diversos tratamientos y de agentes modificantes, tales como el tiempo, el CO2, la hidratación normal, las hidrataciones bajo agua a ebullición, en autoclave y en suspensión acuosa con agitación, la adición de puzolana y de fuertes proporciones de S04Ca. Se estudia y compara, asimismo, el comportamiento al análisis térmico bajo vapor de agua y al ensayo de autoclave de algunos clínkeres y cementos que presentan el doble pico en forma acusada y poco apreciable, respectivamente. De los resultados obtenidos se deducen conclusiones que explican los comportamientos experimentales observados. Las principales conclusiones se refieren a la interpretación de los picos que aparecen en las curvas derivatométricas o de velocidad de pérdida de peso de los cementos portland anhidros e hidratados, y a algunos aspectos de su carbonatación, a la probable existencia de un compuesto intermedio, consecuencia de la incompleta formación del silicato tricálcico y a la explicación de determinadas grandes expansiones producidas en el ensayo de autoclave.

  1. A thermodynamic approach to the hydration of sulphate-resisting Portland cement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lothenbach, Barbara; Wieland, Erich


    A thermodynamic approach is used to model changes in the hydrate assemblage and the composition of the pore solution during the hydration of calcite-free and calcite-containing sulphate-resisting Portland cement CEM I 52.5 N HTS. Modelling is based on thermodynamic data for the hydration products and calculated hydration rates for the individual clinker phases, which are used as time-dependent input parameters. Model predictions compare well with the composition of the hydrate assemblage as observed by TGA and semi-quantitative XRD and with the experimentally determined compositions of the pore solutions. The calculations show that in the presence of small amounts of calcite typically associated with Portland cement, C-S-H, portlandite, ettringite and calcium monocarbonate are the main hydration products. In the absence of calcite in the cement, however, siliceous hydrogarnet instead of calcium monocarbonate is observed to precipitate. The use of a higher water-to-cement ratio for the preparation of a calcite-containing cement paste has a minor effect on the composition of the hydrate assemblage, while it significantly changes the composition of the pore solution. In particular, lower pH value and higher Ca concentrations appear that could potentially influence the solubility and uptake of heavy metals and anions by cementitious materials

  2. Effectiveness of shrinkage-reducing admixtures on Portland pozzolan cement concrete

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    Videla, C.


    Full Text Available Drying shrinkage causes tensile stress in restrained concrete members. Since all structural elements are subject to some degree of restraint, drying shrinkage is regarded to be one of the main causes of concrete cracking. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of SRA in reducing drying shrinkage strain in Portland pozzolan cement concrete. The major variables examined included slump, admixture type and dose, and specimen size. The measured results indicate that any of the admixtures used in the study significantly reduced shrinkage. Concrete manufactured with shrinkage reducing admixtures shrank an average of 43% less than concrete without admixtures. As a rule, the higher the dose of admixture, the higher was its shrinkage reduction performance. The experimental results were compared to the shrinkage strain estimated with the ACI 209, CEB MC 90, B3, GL 2000, Sakata 1993 and Sakata 2001 models. Although none of these models was observed to accurately describe the behaviour of Portland pozzolan cement concrete with shrinkage reducing admixtures, the Sakata 2001 model, with a weighted coefficient of variation of under 30%, may be regarded to be roughly adequate.

    La retracción por secado es un fenómeno intrínseco del hormigón que produce tensiones de tracción en elementos restringidos de hormigón. Puesto que todos los elementos presentan algún grado de retracción, se considera a la retracción por secado como una de las principales causas de agrietamiento en proyectos de construcción en hormigón. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la efectividad de los aditivos reductores de retracción (SRA en hormigones fabricados con cemento Portland puzolánico. Las variables principales estudiadas incluyen el asentamiento de cono de Abrams, marca y dosis de aditivo reductor de retracción, y tamaño de espécimen de hormigón. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que el uso de

  3. Influence of bismuth oxide concentration on the pH level and biocompatibility of white Portland cement. (United States)

    Marciano, Marina Angélica; Garcia, Roberto Brandão; Cavenago, Bruno Cavalini; Minotti, Paloma Gagliardi; Midena, Raquel Zanin; Guimarães, Bruno Martini; Ordinola-Zapata, Ronald; Duarte, Marco Antonio Hungaro


    To investigate if there is a relation between the increase of bismuth oxide and the decrease of pH levels and an intensification of toxicity in the Portland cement. White Portland cement (WPC) was mixed with 0, 15, 20, 30 and 50% bismuth oxide, in weight. For the pH level test, polyethylene tubes were filled with the cements and immersed in Milli-Q water for 15, 30 and 60 days. After each period, the increase of the pH level was assessed. For the biocompatibility, two polyethylene tubes filled with the cements were implanted in ninety albino rats (n=6). The analysis of the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate was performed after 15, 30 and 60 days. The statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn and Friedman tests for the pH level and the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests for the biological analysis (p0.05). For the inflammatory infiltrates, no significant statistical differences were found among the groups in each period (p>0.05). The 15% WPC showed a significant decrease of the inflammatory infiltrate from 15 to 30 and 60 days (pPortland cement did not affect the pH level and the biological response. The concentration of 15% of bismuth oxide resulted in significant reduction in inflammatory response in comparison with the other concentrations evaluated.

  4. The Influence of Diatomite on the Strength and Microstructure of Portland Cement

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    Liu Jun


    Full Text Available To study the influence of the types and mixing amount of diatomite on the Portland cement, we prepared the cement specimen doped with the calcined first-grade, first-grade and second-grade diatomite ,tested the 3d, 7d, 14d compressive strength, and studied and discussed phase, structure and morphology of diatomite in the binary system by the method of XRD, SEM . Experimental results show that with the addition of diatomite, the strength of cement paste increase; the optimal contents of calcined first-grade ,first-grade and second-grade diatomite in Portland cement are 5%,Compared to the blank group, the strength of specimen can be increased by 54.6%, 15.4% and 10.2%, respectively; At the same time ,the 7d microscopic hydration of different diatomite particles were analyzed through the experiment , and the shell of calcined diatomite particles were better hydrated than that of first-grade and second-grade diatomite particles. The results indicate that the diatomite can improve the strength of cement paste, the hydration of different diatomite particles can influence the growth of cement paste strength.

  5. Characteristics of novel root-end filling material using epoxy resin and Portland cement. (United States)

    Lee, Sang-Jin; Chung, Jin; Na, Hee-Sam; Park, Eun-Joo; Jeon, Hyo-Jin; Kim, Hyeon-Cheol


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical properties and cytotoxicity of a novel root-end filling material (EPC) which is made from epoxy resin and Portland cement as a mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) substitute. EPC, developed as a root-end filling material, was compared with MTA and a mixture of AH Plus sealer and MTA (AMTA) with regard to the setting time, radio-opacity, and microleakage. Setting times were evaluated using Vicat apparatus. Digital radiographs were taken to evaluate the aluminium equivalent radio-opacity using an aluminium step wedge. Extracted single-rooted teeth were used for leakage test using methylene blue dye. After canal shaping and obturation, the apical 3-mm root was resected, and a root-end cavity with a depth of 3 mm was prepared. The root-end cavities were filled with MTA, AMTA, and EPC for 15 specimens in each of three groups. After setting in humid conditions for 24 h, the specimens were tested for apical leakage. For evaluation of the biocompatibility of EPC, cell (human gingival fibroblast) viability was compared for MTA and Portland cement by MTT assay, and cell morphological changes were compared for MTA and AH Plus by fluorescence microscopy using DAPI and F-actin staining. The setting time, radio-opacity, and microleakage were compared using one-way ANOVA and Scheffe's post hoc comparison, and the cytotoxicity was compared using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test. Statistical significance was set at 95%. EPC had a shorter setting time and less microleakage compared with MTA (p Portland cement, was found to be a useful material for root-end filling, with favourable radio-opacity, short setting time, low microleakage, and clinically acceptable low cytotoxicity. The novel root-end filling material would be a potentially useful material for a surgical endodontic procedure with favourable properties.

  6. Effect of calcium/silicon ratio on retention of uranium (VI) in portland cement materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan Hongbin; Li Yuxiang


    Calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) materials of varied calcium to silicon (Ca/Si) ratios were prepared by hydrothermal synthesis at 80 degree C, with calcium oxide and micro-silicon employed. These products were determined to be of gel phase by XRD. Leaching tests with 1% hydrochloric acid indicated that more Uranium (VI) was detained by CSH with lower Ca/Si ratios. Alkali-activated slag cement (with a lower Ca/Si ratio) was found to have a stronger retention capacity than Portland cement (with a higher Ca/Si ratio), at 25 degree C in 102-days leaching tests with simulated solidified forms containing Uranium (VI). The accumulative leaching fraction of Uranium (VI) for Alkali-activated slag cement solidified forms is 17.6% lower than that for Portland cement. The corresponding difference of diffusion coefficients is 40.6%. This could be correlated with the difference of Ca/Si ratios between cements of two kinds. (authors)

  7. Measurement of the leaching rate of radionuclide 134Cs from the solidified radioactive sources in Portland cement mixed with microsilica and barite matrixes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaaban, Ismail; Assi, Nasim


    Portland cement was mixed with radionuclide 134 Cs to produce low-level radioactive sources. These sources were surrounded with cement mixed with different materials like microsilica and barite. The leaching rate of 134 Cs from the solidified radioactive source in Portland cement alone was found to be 4.481 x 10 -4 g/cm 2 per day. Mixing this Portland cement with microsilica and with barite reduced significantly the leaching rate to 1.091 x 10 -4 g/cm 2 per day and 3.153 x 10 -4 g/cm 2 per day for 1 wt.% mixing, and to 1.401 x 10 -5 g/cm 2 per day and 1.703 x 10 -4 g/cm 2 per day for 3 wt.% mixing, respectively. It was also found that the application of a latex paint reduced these leaching rates by about 6.5%, 20.3% and 13.3% for Portland cement, cement mixed with microsilica and with barite, respectively. The leaching data were also analyzed using the polynomial method. The obtained results showed that cement mixed with microsilica and with barite can be effectively used for radioactive sources solidification.

  8. Durabilidad de un suelo contaminado y tratado con cemento portland Durability of a contaminated soil treated with portland cement

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    José W Jiménez Rojas


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene por objetivo la aplicación de la técnica de solidificación/estabilización de suelos contaminados, analizando específicamente el comportamiento físico del suelo a través de ensayos de durabilidad. El suelo fue contaminado en laboratorio con residuo oleoso y la aplicación de la técnica tuvo cómo agente de encapsulamiento el cemento Portland CP V-ARI. Los ensayos de durabilidad, realizados según la NBR 13554 (1996, tuvieron como objetivo estudiar el grado de desagregación y vulnerabilidad del material con diversas combinaciones de dosificaciones de cemento y residuo oleoso, así cómo estudiar la variación volumétrica de los mismos. A partir de los resultados es posible observar que cuanto mayor la cantidad de contaminante, mayor es la pérdida de masa. Sin embargo, cuánto mayor es la cantidad de cemento, menor es la pérdida de masa y menor la variación volumétrica.This work seeks the application of solidification/stabilization techniques to contaminated soils analyzing specifically de physical behavior of the soil through tests of durability. The soil was contaminated in laboratory with acidic oily sludge industrial residues and the application of that technique had an encapsulate agent, the Portland cement CP V-ARI. The tests were carried out according to NBR 13.554 (1996, and they aimed to study the level of degradation and the vulnerability of the material with several combinations of cement and acidic oily sludge as well as study their volumetric variations. Starting from the results, it is possible to observe that the larger the contamination the larger the mass loss; however the larger the amount of cement, the smaller the mass loss and the more stable the volumetric variation.

  9. Properties of expansive cements, made with Portland cement, gypsum and high alumina cement

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    Monfore, G. E.


    Full Text Available Not availableLos cementos expansivos se han desarrollado durante las tres décadas pasadas, principalmente por las investigaciones llevadas a cabo en Francia, URSS y Estados Unidos. Los cementos expansivos que fueron utilizados en los estudios de los cuales se da cuenta en el presente trabajo se obtuvieron mediante la mezcla de cemento Portland, cemento aluminoso y yeso. En las investigaciones se utilizaron morteros con los cuales se pudo determinar los efectos de la composición, tiempo y temperatura de curado sobre las resistencias, dilatación libre, retracción y desarrollo de resistencias en probetas pretensadas. Se hace una revisión sobre los estudios hechos con cementos expansivos y desarrollados en la Universidad de California. Las propiedades de taIes hormigones son, en términos generales, comparables a aquellos obtenidos con mezclas de cementos portland, cemento aluminoso y yeso. Es necesaria más información sobre pérdidas de tensión en los aceros y durabilidad de los hormigones autopretensados.

  10. Feixes de fibras Lignocelulósicas refinadas mecanicamente em compósitos cimentícios para avaliação da resistência à tração

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    Flávio Airton knuth


    Full Text Available As fibras vegetais têm características particulares em relação a outros tipos de fibras usadas em compósitos. Os estudos utilizam, em sua maioria, fibras cuja lignina fora previamente removida pelo processo de polpação. Segundo a literatura, a lignina prejudica a ancoragem fibra-matriz. No entanto, sem a lignina, é necessário que seja feito tratamento superficial no conjunto fibroso. Isso por que as fibras sofrem processo de inchamento e retração no interior da matriz devido a seu caráter hidrofílico, o que diminui sua vida útil. No entanto, a despeito das considerações literárias, esse trabalho se propõe a fazer uso da vantagem de proteção, estruturação e impermeabilização que a lignina exerce sobre as fibras vegetais. Isso implica na necessidade de suprir a redução da resistência do compósito, especialmente à tração, que a lignina causa pela sua atuação negativa na ancoragem fibra-matriz. Para tanto, fibras lignocelulósicas extraídas de talos de banana foram submetidas a processo de refinamento mecânico. Segundo a literatura, a fibra sofre modificações na sua parede externa quando submetida a esse refinamento. Ao final do processo, foram obtidas fibras com formato helicoidal e superfície corrugada o que resultou em maior aderência no conjunto fibra-matriz. As fibras submetidas ao maior grau de refinamento aumentaram a resistência do compósito à tração na compressão diametral em 40% em relação a corpo de prova de cimento puro.

  11. Radioactive waste-Portland cement systems: I, radionuclide distribution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jantzen, C.M.; Glasser, F.P.; Lachowski, E.E.


    Crystal chemical stabilization of radioactive wastes can be achieved during clinkering of, or with, ordinary portland cement. Waste loadings of 20 to 30 wt% are achieved by dilute solid solution of waste ions into cementitious host lattices. Higher waste loadings result in compatible noncementitious radiophases. The cementitious phases hydrate without loss of compressive strength. Crystallochemical relationships predict that the radionuclide partitioning in the anhydrous clinkered phases will be maintained in the hydration products. These cementitious hydroxylated radiophases would be in internal equilibrium under anticipated repository conditions. The radionuclide distributions observed are described in the context of established phase equilibria for commercial waste cement systems, but are applicable to transuranic, medium- and low-level wastes

  12. Winter Storm Jupiter of January 2017: Meteorological Drivers, Synoptic Evolution, and Climate Change Considerations in Portland, Oregon (United States)

    Dean, S.; Loikith, P. C.


    Although the Pacific Northwest has some of the highest wintertime precipitation in the United States, most urban areas receive little in the way of snow. While 37 inches of wintertime rain fall in Portland on average annually, the city only receives four inches of snow on average. Although wintertime extreme snowstorm events are rare in Portland, in the last century they have occurred about once every ten years. On January 10-12th, 2017, winter storm Jupiter brought 11 inches of snow to downtown Portland within a 12-hour period, making it the largest snowstorm for the city in twenty years. The city declared a state of emergency, over 30,000 citizens lost power, and thousands of businesses were forced to shut down. The anomalously cold air and high amounts of snowfall in a short amount of time made the storm different from others in recent years. This study aims to discover the meteorological drivers behind the January 2017 snowstorm in Portland, Oregon. We also aim to understand how this storm compared with other local storms in the past, and assess the likelihood of a similar event occurring in the future. To do this, reanalysis data were used to display the synoptic evolution of the January 2017 storm. We compared this storm with two other extreme snowfall events from December 2008 and January 1980, assessing meteorological similarities and differences between storms. Results show that the 2017 event was associated with a slow moving, strong low-pressure system accompanied by a 500 hPa trough. These large-scale features helped drive slow moving, locally heavy snow bands over the city of Portland. At the same time, an unusually strong Arctic high-pressure system moved into the interior Pacific Northwest allowing for strong cold air advection west through the Cascade Mountain Range and Columbia River Gorge. Temperature trends show warming of 1-2 °C in the Pacific Northwest since the middle of the last century. Because of this, uncertainty associated with

  13. Evaluation of the effect of intrinsic material properties and ambient conditions on the dimensional stability of white mineral trioxide aggregate and Portland cement. (United States)

    Camilleri, Josette


    A number of factors affect the dimensional stability of a material. These factors include curing conditions, material solubility, leaching, and time. The aim of this study was to evaluate the restrained dimensional change in the vertical direction as a function of the ambient conditions, fluid uptake, solubility, and leaching of white mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement stored in Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS) over a period of 28 days. The dimensional change in the vertical direction over a 28-day period was determined using a linear variable differential transducer (LVDT) on laterally restrained test samples. The fluid uptake and solubility of both MTA and Portland cement was also evaluated. The leaching in water and HBSS was assessed using inductively coupled plasma. MTA was more soluble than Portland cement. Both materials absorbed water and physiological solution, with Portland cement displaying a lower uptake than MTA. Both cements exhibited a net expansion when in contact with a physiological solution and released high levels of calcium. MTA leached bismuth. Both calcium and bismuth ion release was higher in HBSS than in water. Phosphorus ions in HBSS were depleted when in contact with both MTA and Portland cement. The MTA was very susceptible to ambient conditions. The addition of bismuth oxide to MTA reduced the leaching of calcium hydroxide, increased the material solubility, and caused deterioration in material dimensional stability. Further research is necessary to establish the material porosity and its effect on the dimensional stability. Copyright © 2011 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Solidification of ion exchange resins saturated with Na{sup +} ions: Comparison of matrices based on Portland and blast furnace slag cement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lafond, E. [CEA, DEN, DTCD, SPDE, F-30207 Bagnols-sur-Cèze cedex (France); Cau dit Coumes, C., E-mail: [CEA, DEN, DTCD, SPDE, F-30207 Bagnols-sur-Cèze cedex (France); Gauffinet, S. [Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne UMR 6303 CNRS-Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, 9 Av Alain Savary, BP 47870, 21078 Dijon cedex (France); Chartier, D. [CEA, DEN, DTCD, SPDE, F-30207 Bagnols-sur-Cèze cedex (France); Stefan, L. [AREVA, Back End Business Group, Dismantling & Services, 1 Place Jean Millier, 92084 Paris La Défense (France); Le Bescop, P. [CEA, DEN, DPC, SECR, F-91192 Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    This work is devoted to the conditioning of ion exchange resins used to decontaminate radioactive effluents. Calcium silicate cements may have a good potential to encapsulate spent resins. However, certain combinations of cement and resins produce a strong expansion of the final product, possibly leading to its full disintegration. The focus is placed on the understanding of the behaviour of cationic resins in the Na{sup +} form in Portland or blast furnace slag (CEM III/C) cement pastes. During hydration of the Portland cement paste, the pore solution exhibits a decrease in its osmotic pressure, which causes a transient expansion of small magnitude of the resins. At 20 °C, this expansion takes place just after setting in a poorly consolidated material and is sufficient to induce cracks. In the CEM III/C paste, swelling of the resins also occurs, but before the end of setting, and induces limited stress in the matrix which is still plastic. - Highlights: • Solidification of cationic resins in the Na{sup +}-form is investigated. • Portland and blast furnace slag cements are compared. • Deleterious expansion is observed with Portland cement only. • Resin swelling is due to a decrease in the osmotic pressure of the pore solution. • The consolidation rate of the matrix is a key parameter to prevent damage.

  15. Preparation and Physical Assessment of Portland Cement Base Composites Containing Nano Particles


    Amir Mahmoudi


    In this research the effects of adding silica and alumina nanoparticles on flow ability and compressive strength of cementitious composites based on Portland cement were investigated. In the first stage, the rheological behavior of different samples containing nanosilica, nanoalumina and polypropylene, polyvinyl alcohol and polyethylene fibers were evaluated. With increasing of nanoparticles in fresh samples, the slump flow diameter reduced. Fibers reduced the flow abilit...

  16. Tensile bond strength of glass fiber posts luted with different cements Resistência à tração de pinos de fibra de vidro cimentados com diferentes materiais

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    Gerson Bonfante


    Full Text Available Proper selection of the luting agent is fundamental to avoid failure due to lack of retention in post-retained crowns. The objective of this study was to investigate the tensile bond strength and failure mode of glass fiber posts luted with different cements. Glass fiber posts were luted in 40 mandibular premolars, divided into 4 groups (n = 10: Group 1 - resin-modified glass ionomer RelyX Luting; Group 2 - resin-modified glass ionomer Fuji Plus; Group 3 - resin cement RelyX ARC; Group 4 - resin cement Enforce. Specimens were assessed by tensile strength testing and light microscopy analysis for observation of failure mode. The tensile bond strength values of each group were compared by ANOVA and Tukey test. The significance level was set at 5%. The failure modes were described as percentages. The following tensile strength values were obtained: Group 1 - 247.6 N; Group 2 - 256.7 N; Group 3 - 502.1 N; Group 4 - 477.3 N. There was no statistically significant difference between Groups 1 and 2 or between Groups 3 and 4, yet the resin cements presented significantly higher tensile bond strength values than those presented by the glass ionomer cements. Group 1 displayed 70% of cohesive failures, whereas Groups 2, 3 and 4 exhibited 70% to 80% of adhesive failures at the dentin-cement interface. We concluded that resin cements and glass ionomer cements are able to provide clinically sufficient retention of glass fiber posts, and that glass ionomer cements may be especially indicated when the application of adhesive techniques is difficult.A seleção adequada do agente cimentante é essencial para evitar falhas por perda de retenção em coroas retidas por núcleos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a resistência à tração e o tipo de falha de pinos de fibra de vidro cimentados com diferentes materiais. Cimentaram-se pinos de fibra de vidro em 40 pré-molares inferiores, divididos em 4 grupos (n = 10: Grupo 1 - ionômero de vidro modificado

  17. Manufacturing of mortars and concretes non-traditionals, by Portland cement, metakaoline and gypsum (15.05%

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Talero, R.


    Full Text Available In a thorough previous research (1, it appeared that creation, evolution and development of the values of compressive mechanical strength (CS and flexural strength (FS, measured in specimens 1x1x6cm of mortar type ASTM C 452-68 (2, manufactured by ordinary Portland cement P-1 (14.11% C3A or PY-6 (0.00% C3A, metakaolin and gypsum (CaSO4∙2H2O -or ternary cements, CT-, were similar to the ones commonly developed in mortars and concretes of OPC. This paper sets up the experimental results obtained from non-traditional mortars and concretes prepared with such ternary cements -TC-, being the portland cement/metakaolin mass ratio, as follows: 80/20, 70/30 and 60/40. Finally, the behaviour of these cements against gypsum attack, has been also determined, using the following parameters: increase in length (ΔL%, compressive, CS, and flexural, FS, strengths, and ultrasound energy, UE. Experimental results obtained from these non-traditional mortars and concretes, show an increase in length (ΔL, in CS and FS, and in UE values, when there is addition of metakaolin.

    En una exhaustiva investigación anterior (1, se pudo comprobar que la creación, evolución y desarrollo de los valores de resistencias mecánicas a compresión, RMC, y flexotracción, RMF, proporcionados por probetas de 1x1x6 cm, de mortero 1:2,75, selenitoso tipo ASTM C 452-68 (2 -que habían sido preparadas con arena de Ottawa, cemento portland, P-1 (14,11% C3A o PY- 6 (0,00% C3A, metacaolín y yeso (CaSO4∙2H2O-, fue semejante a la que, comúnmente, desarrollan los morteros y hormigones tradicionales de cemento portland. En el presente trabajo se exponen los resultados experimentales obtenidos de morteros y hormigones no tradicionales, preparados con dichos cementos ternarios, CT, siendo las proporciones porcentuales en masa ensayadas, cemento portland/metacaolín, las siguientes: 80/20, 70

  18. Hydration rate and strength development of low-heat type portland cement mortar mixed with pozzolanic materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsui, Jun


    Recently, low-heat type Portland cement was specified in Japan Industrial Standards (JIS). Its hydration proceeds slowly. The results of the research so far obtained indicate that slow hydration of cement and mixing of pozzolanic materials with cement make micro-structure of harded cement paste dense and durable. In this study, a blended cement using low-heat type Portland cement and some of pozzolanic materials has been newly developed and its strength property and hydration ratio were checked. The followings are conclusion. (1) Hydration rate of cement paste varies with the replacement ratio of pozzolanic materials. (2) A good liner relationship between strength and total hydration rate of cement paste was observed. (3) A proper replacement ratio of both base-cement and pozzolanic material for manufacturing a blended cement is 50%. (author)

  19. Phased-Resolved Strain Measuremetns in Hydrated Ordinary Portland Cement Using Synchrotron x-Rays (Prop. 2003-033)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biernacki, Joseph J.; Watkins, Thomas R.; Parnham, C.J.; Hubbard, Camden R.; Bai, J.


    X-ray diffraction methods developed for the determination of residual stress states in crystalline materials have been applied to study residual strains and strains because of mechanical loading of ordinary portland cement paste. Synchrotron X-rays were used to make in situ measurements of interplanar spacings in the calcium hydroxide (CH) phase of hydrated neat portland cement under uniaxial compression. The results indicate that strains on the order of 1/100 000 can be resolved providing an essentially new technique by which to measure the phase-resolved meso-scale mechanical behavior of cement under different loading conditions. Evaluation of these strain data in view of published elastic parameters for CH suggests that the CH carries a large fraction of the applied stress and that plastic interactions with the matrix are notable.

  20. Parameters of Alumina Cement and Portland Cement with Addition of Chalcedonite Meal (United States)

    Kotwa, Anna


    Aluminous cement is a quick binder with special properties. It is used primarily to make non-standard monolithic components exposed to high temperatures, + 1300°C. It is also a component of adhesives and mortars. It has a very short setting time. It is characterized by rapid increase in mechanical strength and resistance to aggressive sulphates. It can be used in reinforced concrete structures. Laying of concrete, construction mortar made of alumina cement can be carried out even at temperatures of -10°C. This article discusses a comparison of the parameters of hardened mortar made of alumina cement GÓRKAL 40 and Portland cement CEM I 42.5R. The mortars contain an addition of chalcedonite meal with pozzolanic properties, with particle size of less than 0.063μm. The meal was added in amounts of 5% and 20% of cement weight. Chalcedonite meal used in the laboratory research is waste material, resulting from chalcedonite aggregate mining. It has the same properties as the rock from which it originates. We have compared the parameters of hardened mortar i.e. compressive strength, water absorption and capillarity. The addition of 20% chalcedonite meal to mortars made from aluminous cement will decrease durability by 6.1% relative to aluminous cement mortar without addition of meal. Considering the results obtained during the absorbency tests, it can be stated that the addition of chalcedonite meal reduces weight gains in mortars made with cement CEM I 42.5 R and alumina cement. Use of alumina cement without addition of meal in mortars causes an increase of mass by 248% compared to Portland cement mortars without additions, in the absorption tests. The addition of chalcedonite meal did not cause increased weight gain in the capillary action tests. For the alumina cement mortars, a lesser weight gains of 24.7% was reported, compared to the Portland cement mortar after 28 days of maturing.

  1. Alkali segregation in Portland cement pastes

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    Triviño, F.


    Full Text Available Not availableEn el presente trabajo se pone de manifiesto experimentalmente la formación y presencia de aphthitalita -sulfato doble de potasio y sodio en la relación S04K2/S04Na2 = 3/1 en las pastas puras de cemento portland, desde el comienzo del fraguado de las mismas. Se estudia el mecanismo de la citada formación, íntimamente relacionada con el proceso general de formación de eflorescencias salinas, a base de una emigración de sulfatos alcalinos hacia las partes externas de las pastas, en virtud de fenómenos de exudación equivalentes a arrastres capilares. Se sintetiza y aísla la aphthitalita por dos procedimientos y se obtiene su rayos· X, a efectos de su identificación y de la confirmación de los resultados experimentales obtenidos, así como de la interpretación de los mismos.

  2. Portland's experience with land use tools to promote green roofs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, M.


    In the late 1990s, the City of Portland, Oregon faced environmental challenges that prompted the City to mandate environmentally sensitive development. Several programs were developed in response to these challenges, some of which resulted in the creation of land use policies and incentives that promote green roofs. Zoning code provisions were adopted in 2001 to promote eco-roofs in an effort to reduce stormwater runoff, mitigate urban heat island effects, provide habitat for birds, and improve air quality and energy efficiency. The Central City Fundamental Design Guidelines were also revised to encourage eco-roof development. In 2002, the South Waterfront Plan was created to integrate ecological design into an urban environment through sustainability principles and practices. Land use tools were developed to introduce developers to an approach that reduced energy costs and stormwater costs, while also contributing to a project's marketability. These tools were created with the support of programs and policies such as the CSO (Combined Sewer Overflow) Program; eco-roof research which began in 1995 to determine the stormwater management potential of eco-Green roofs; technical assistance to encourage and highlight sustainable development practices; the Stormwater Management Manual that set standards for the amount and quality of stormwater runoff leaving development sites; the G/Rated Program that offers resources for green building practices; the Green Investment Fund that supports the G/Rated Program; and, the Portland Development Commission Green Building Policy financing tool for earth-friendly designs and materials. 34 refs., 2 figs

  3. Flow properties of MK-based geopolymer pastes. A comparative study with standard Portland cement pastes. (United States)

    Favier, Aurélie; Hot, Julie; Habert, Guillaume; Roussel, Nicolas; d'Espinose de Lacaillerie, Jean-Baptiste


    Geopolymers are presented in many studies as alternatives to ordinary Portland cement. Previous studies have focused on their chemical and mechanical properties, their microstructures and their potential applications, but very few have focussed on their rheological behaviour. Our work highlights the fundamental differences in the flow properties, which exist between geopolymers made from metakaolin and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). We show that colloidal interactions between metakaolin particles are negligible and that hydrodynamic effects control the rheological behaviour. Metakaolin-based geopolymers can then be described as Newtonian fluids with the viscosity controlled mainly by the high viscosity of the suspending alkaline silicate solution and not by the contribution of direct contacts between metakaolin grains. This fundamental difference between geopolymers and OPC implies that developments made in cement technology to improve rheological behaviour such as plasticizers will not be efficient for geopolymers and that new research directions need to be explored.

  4. Influence of moisture condition on chloride diffusion in partially saturated ordinary Portland cement mortar

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhang, Y.; Zhang, M.; Ye, G.


    Experiments have been carried out to study the influence of moisture condition, including moisture content and its distribution, on the chloride diffusion in partially saturated ordinary Portland cement mortar. The mortar samples with water-to-cement (w/c) ratios of 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6, cured for 1

  5. The impact of zirconium oxide radiopacifier on the early hydration behaviour of white Portland cement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coleman, Nichola J.; Li, Qiu


    Zirconium oxide has been identified as a candidate radiopacifying agent for use in Portland cement-based biomaterials. During this study, the impact of 20 wt.% zirconium oxide on the hydration and setting reactions of white Portland cement (WPC) was monitored by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), 29 Si and 27 Al magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MAS NMR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Vicat apparatus. The presence of 20 wt.% zirconium oxide particles in the size-range of 0.2 to 5 μm was found to reduce the initial and final setting times of WPC from 172 to 147 min and 213 to 191 min, respectively. Zirconium oxide did not formally participate in the chemical reactions of the hydrating cement; however, the surface of the zirconium oxide particles presented heterogeneous nucleation sites for the precipitation and growth of the early C-S-H gel products which accelerated the initial setting reactions. The presence of zirconium oxide was found to have little impact on the development of the calcium (sulpho)aluminate hydrate phases. - Highlights: ► This is the first study of Portland cement-based biomaterials by 27 Al and 29 Si NMR. ► 20 wt.% ZrO 2 radiopacifier accelerates the early cement hydration reactions. ► Extent of hydration after 6 h is increased from 5.7% to 15% in the presence of ZrO 2 . ► Initial and final setting times are reduced by 25 and 22 min, respectively. ► ZrO 2 provides nucleation sites for the precipitation of early hydration products.

  6. Infiltração marginal em restaurações de resina composta com diferentes materiais adesivos intermediários = Marginal leakage in resin composite restorations lined with different adhesive materials

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    Moraes, Rafael Stanziona de


    Full Text Available Este estudo avaliou a capacidade de selamento de restaurações de resina composta com diferentes materiais adesivos intermediários. Cavidades Classe V padronizadas, com margens em esmalte e dentina/cemento, foram confeccionadas em incisivos bovinos. A resina de alto escoamento Fill Magic (Vigodent e o cimento ionomérico Vitremer (3M ESPE foram empregados como intermediários de restaurações com os compósitos Charisma e Solitaire (Heraeus Kulzer, formando 6 grupos (n = 14: [C1] – compósito microhíbrido Charisma; [C2] – Fill Magic + Charisma; [C3] – Vitremer + Charisma; [S1] – compósito condensável Solitaire; [S2] – Fill magic + Solitaire; [S3] – Vitremer + Solitaire. Após acabamento e polimento, as amostras foram armazenadas em solução fisiológica a 37ºC, por 30 dias, e então imersas em solução de fucsina básica a 0,5% por 24h. Os dentes foram longitudinalmente seccionados e a penetração do corante avaliada sob magnificância (40×, por dois examinadores, com escores padronizados. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste estatístico não-paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis. Nas margens em esmalte, diferenças significativas foram verificadas apenas para a associação de intermediários à resina Solitaire, com os grupos S2 (p < 0,05 e S3 (p < 0,001 apresentando escores de infiltração significativamente maiores em relação aos demais. As margens em dentina/cemento apresentaram maior penetração em relação às margens em esmalte (p < 0,001. Apenas a associação do Vitremer às duas resinas melhorou o selamento deste substrato, com os grupos C3 (p < 0,001 e S3 (p < 0,05 apresentando os menores escores de infiltração

  7. Pembuatan dan Pengujian Kualitas Semen Portland Yang Diperkaya Silikat Abu Ampas Tebu


    Suci Wulandari, Indah Pratama


    Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh penambahan abu ampas tebu terhadap kuat tekan mortar dan sifat fisis semen portland komposit, meliputi: kehalusan semen, kebutuhan air semen, waktu pengikatan semen, pemuaian dan komposisi kimia semen. Dari hasil penelitian, besar kuat tekan pada penggunaan abu ampas tebu dengan kadar 9% merupakan penambahan optimum pada mortar yang direndam larutan kapur jenuh Sedangkan dari hasil pengujian fisis yang meliputi kehalusan semen, kebutuhan air semen, waktu pengi...

  8. The influence of the amount addition and kind of the active silica fume in the mechanical properties of the cement Portland concrete

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, I.J. da; Melo, A.B. de; Liborio, J.B.L.; Souza, M.F. de


    This study presents an evaluation of the influence of the amount addition and of active silica type deriving from residues of the production of Iron-Silicon alloys of brasilian industries, on the mechanical properties of the concrete made with basaltic aggregates with D max ≥9,5 mm using Portland cements CP II E 32. The study has for objective to evaluate the efficiency of the active silica on the mechanical resistance of the high performance concrete (CAD), when used in substitution of the Portland cement, even so maintaining the same amount of agglomerant material. They are appraised amount of 5%, 8%, 10%, 12% and 15% of active silica in relation to Portland cement mass. The results suggest that for the appraised silicas there is little efficiency. Other aspects related to the mixtures just with addictive water reducers are commented with the purpose of also providing a high performance concrete. (author)

  9. A Thermoelectric Waste-Heat-Recovery System for Portland Cement Rotary Kilns (United States)

    Luo, Qi; Li, Peng; Cai, Lanlan; Zhou, Pingwang; Tang, Di; Zhai, Pengcheng; Zhang, Qingjie


    Portland cement is produced by one of the most energy-intensive industrial processes. Energy consumption in the manufacture of Portland cement is approximately 110-120 kWh ton-1. The cement rotary kiln is the crucial equipment used for cement production. Approximately 10-15% of the energy consumed in production of the cement clinker is directly dissipated into the atmosphere through the external surface of the rotary kiln. Innovative technology for energy conservation is urgently needed by the cement industry. In this paper we propose a novel thermoelectric waste-heat-recovery system to reduce heat losses from cement rotary kilns. This system is configured as an array of thermoelectric generation units arranged longitudinally on a secondary shell coaxial with the rotary kiln. A mathematical model was developed for estimation of the performance of waste heat recovery. Discussions mainly focus on electricity generation and energy saving, taking a Φ4.8 × 72 m cement rotary kiln as an example. Results show that the Bi2Te3-PbTe hybrid thermoelectric waste-heat-recovery system can generate approximately 211 kW electrical power while saving 3283 kW energy. Compared with the kiln without the thermoelectric recovery system, the kiln with the system can recover more than 32.85% of the energy that used to be lost as waste heat through the kiln surface.

  10. Influence of bismuth oxide concentration on the pH level and biocompatibility of white Portland cement

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    Marina Angélica MARCIANO


    Full Text Available Objectives: To investigate if there is a relation between the increase of bismuth oxide and the decrease of pH levels and an intensification of toxicity in the Portland cement. Material and Methods: White Portland cement (WPC was mixed with 0, 15, 20, 30 and 50% bismuth oxide, in weight. For the pH level test, polyethylene tubes were filled with the cements and immersed in Milli-Q water for 15, 30 and 60 days. After each period, the increase of the pH level was assessed. For the biocompatibility, two polyethylene tubes filled with the cements were implanted in ninety albino rats (n=6. The analysis of the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate was performed after 15, 30 and 60 days. The statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn and Friedman tests for the pH level and the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests for the biological analysis (p0.05. For the inflammatory infiltrates, no significant statistical differences were found among the groups in each period (p>0.05. The 15% WPC showed a significant decrease of the inflammatory infiltrate from 15 to 30 and 60 days (p<0.05. Conclusions: The addition of bismuth oxide into Portland cement did not affect the pH level and the biological response. The concentration of 15% of bismuth oxide resulted in significant reduction in inflammatory response in comparison with the other concentrations evaluated.

  11. Low porosity portland cement pastes based on furan polymers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Darweesh, H.H.M.


    The effect of three different types of Furan polymers on the porosity, mechanical properties, mechanism of hydration and microstructure of Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) pastes was investigated. The results showed that mixing the OPC with Furan polymers, the standard water of consistency of the different cement pastes decreases and therefore the setting times (initial and final) are shortened. The total porosity of the hardened cement pastes decreased, while the mechanical properties improved and enhanced at all curing ages of hydration compared with those of the pure OPC pastes. The hydration process with Furan polymers proceeded according to the following decreasing order: > > F.alc. > OPC

  12. Strategic Planning to Advance Equity on Campus: A Case Study at Portland State University (United States)

    Zapata, Marisa; Percy, Stephen; Andrews, Sona


    Propelled by many factors, including a newly appointed Board of Trustees responsible for governance of our university, resource shortages, and enrollment swings, Portland State University embarked on a strategic planning effort in 2014 with the intent of reunifying a divided campus and creating a bold vision for moving forward in the next five…

  13. Biocompatibility and setting time of CPM-MTA and white Portland cement clinker with or without calcium sulfate. (United States)

    Bramante, Clovis Monteiro; Kato, Marcia Magro; Assis, Gerson Francisco de; Duarte, Marco Antonio Hungaro; Bernardineli, Norberti; Moraes, Ivaldo Gomes de; Garcia, Roberto Brandão; Ordinola-Zapata, Ronald; Bramante, Alexandre Silva


    To evaluate the biocompatibility and the setting time of Portland cement clinker with or without 2% or 5% calcium sulfate and MTA-CPM. Twenty-four mice (Rattus norvegicus) received subcutaneously polyethylene tubes filled with Portland cement clinker with or without 2% or 5% calcium sulfate and MTA. After 15, 30 and 60 days of implantation, the animals were killed and specimens were prepared for microscopic analysis. For evaluation of the setting time, each material was analyzed using Gilmore needles weighing 113.5 g and 456.5 g, according to the ASTM specification Number C266-08 guideline. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test for setting time and Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn test for biocompatibility at 5% significance level. Histologic observation showed no statistically significant difference of biocompatibility (p>0.05) among the materials in the subcutaneous tissues. For the setting time, clinker without calcium sulfate showed the shortest initial and final setting times (6.18 s/21.48 s), followed by clinker with 2% calcium sulfate (9.22 s/25.33 s), clinker with 5% calcium sulfate (10.06 s/42.46 s) and MTA (15.01 s/42.46 s). All the tested materials showed biocompatibility and the calcium sulfate absence shortened the initial and final setting times of the white Portland cement clinker.

  14. Comparative study of physico-chemical properties of MTA-based and Portland cements. (United States)

    Borges, Alvaro H; Pedro, Fábio L M; Miranda, Carlos E S; Semenoff-Segundo, Alex; Pécora, Jesus D; Filho, Antônio M Cruz


    The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the physicochemical properties of gray and white structural and nonstructural Portland cement, gray and white ProRoot MTA and MTA BIO. The water/powder ratio, setting time, solubility and pH (hydrogen-ion potential) changes of the materials were evaluated. Tests followed specification #57 from the American National Standard Institute/American Dental Association (2000) for endodontic sealing materials and pH was determined by a digital pH meter. The test results were statistically analyzed by variance analyses for global comparison and by the complementary Tukey's test for pairwise comparisons (5%). Considering the water/powder ratio, no significant difference (p > 0.05) was observed among the cements. MTA BIO (33.10 +/- 2.30) had the lowest setting time (p Portland cement (2.55 +/- 0.08) had the highest solubility (p 0.05) was observed among materials when considering pH evaluation. The pH levels were highly alkaline immediately after immersion in solution, remaining stable throughout the test period. The authors conclude that the cements had similar water/powder proportions. MTA BIO had the shortest setting time and gray ProRoot MTA had the lowest solubility. All cements had similar behavior in the pH analysis.

  15. Elementary characterization of samples of Portland cement, natural gypsum and phosphogypsum mortars from Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Narloch, Danielle Cristine; Paschuk, Sergei Anatolyevich; Corrêa, Janine Nicolosi; Torres, Catarina Alzira Peddis; Mazer, Wellington; Macioski, Gustavo [Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana (UTFPR), PR (Brazil); Lara, Alessandro [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Departamento de Fisica; Casali, Juliana Machado, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina (IFSC), Florianópolis, SC (Brazil)


    Portland cement, the basic ingredient of concrete and is manufactured by crushing, milling and proportioning limestone, sand, clay, iron ore and secondary materials such as shells, chalk or marl combined with shale slate or blast furnace slag, fly ash, gypsum, phosphogypsum, and some others. Evaluating the physical and mineralogical characteristics of the cement and its chemical composition is essential to establish the quality of the product. Therefore, the objective of this work was to characterize and quantify the most common chemical elements in the samples of Brazilian Portland cement, natural gypsum, and phosphogypsum mortars by means of X-ray dispersive energy spectroscopy (EDXRF), as well as to evaluate the strength of these mortars. For analysis of the compressive strength, initially prepared samples were submitted to a destructive mechanical test. Subsequently samples were milled and compacted to form thin tablets, which were submitted to the EDXRF analysis. The qualitative and quantitative analyzes showed that for phosphogypsum mortar the largest mass fractions were found of 49.8±2.5% (Si), 24.66±0.96% (S) and 22.10±0.42% (Ca). For gypsum mortar those values were found of 43.41±0.45% (Ca), 33.8 ± 0.8% (S) and 18.9±1.2% (Si), respectively; and for Portland cement mortar, the predominant elements in those samples have the mass fractions of 64.20±0.52% (Ca) and 27.3±1.5% (Si). The results showed that obtained values of mass fraction of the elements Si, S, K, Ca, Ti, Fe are in rather good agreement with quantities indicated for manufacture. Besides, gypsum and phosphogypsum presented almost the same composition and compressive strength. (author)

  16. Elementary characterization of samples of Portland cement, natural gypsum and phosphogypsum mortars from Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narloch, Danielle Cristine; Paschuk, Sergei Anatolyevich; Corrêa, Janine Nicolosi; Torres, Catarina Alzira Peddis; Mazer, Wellington; Macioski, Gustavo; Lara, Alessandro


    Portland cement, the basic ingredient of concrete and is manufactured by crushing, milling and proportioning limestone, sand, clay, iron ore and secondary materials such as shells, chalk or marl combined with shale slate or blast furnace slag, fly ash, gypsum, phosphogypsum, and some others. Evaluating the physical and mineralogical characteristics of the cement and its chemical composition is essential to establish the quality of the product. Therefore, the objective of this work was to characterize and quantify the most common chemical elements in the samples of Brazilian Portland cement, natural gypsum, and phosphogypsum mortars by means of X-ray dispersive energy spectroscopy (EDXRF), as well as to evaluate the strength of these mortars. For analysis of the compressive strength, initially prepared samples were submitted to a destructive mechanical test. Subsequently samples were milled and compacted to form thin tablets, which were submitted to the EDXRF analysis. The qualitative and quantitative analyzes showed that for phosphogypsum mortar the largest mass fractions were found of 49.8±2.5% (Si), 24.66±0.96% (S) and 22.10±0.42% (Ca). For gypsum mortar those values were found of 43.41±0.45% (Ca), 33.8 ± 0.8% (S) and 18.9±1.2% (Si), respectively; and for Portland cement mortar, the predominant elements in those samples have the mass fractions of 64.20±0.52% (Ca) and 27.3±1.5% (Si). The results showed that obtained values of mass fraction of the elements Si, S, K, Ca, Ti, Fe are in rather good agreement with quantities indicated for manufacture. Besides, gypsum and phosphogypsum presented almost the same composition and compressive strength. (author)



    Marcelo Adriano Duart


    O uso de adições minerais em concretos é um tema bastante estudado por vários pesquisadores que buscam características como: redução do consumo de cimento para redução de custos, aumento da durabilidade, aumento da resistência mecânica e aproveitamento de resíduos industriais para redução da poluição ambiental. Este estudo pretende analisar a microestrutura dos concretos dosados com adição de cinza de casca de arroz residual sem controle de queima e sem moagem (CCAN), em substitui...

  18. Effect of addition of opaline siliceous rocks at different proportions to portland cement

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    de Luxan, M. P.


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estudia la influencia de la presencia de rocas silíceas opalinas, procedentes de las provincias de Salamanca, Zamora y Avila, en las propiedades de los cementos mixtos fabricados con cemento portland y proporciones variables de estas rocas utilizadas como adiciones activas. La caracterización de estos materiales y el estudio de las propiedades de los cementos preparados revelan la capacidad puzolánica de las rocas opalinas, y su singularidad respecto a otras puzolanas naturales, así como su posibilidad de empleo en la fabricación de cementos con adiciones.

    En este trabajo se estudia la influencia de la presencia de rocas silíceas opalinas, procedentes de las provincias de Salamanca, Zamora y Avila, en las propiedades de los cementos mixtos fabricados con cemento portland y proporciones variables de estas rocas utilizadas como adiciones activas. La caracterización de estos materiales y el estudio de las propiedades de los cementos preparados revelan la capacidad puzolánica de las rocas opalinas, y su singularidad respecto a otras puzolanas naturales, así como su posibilidad de empleo en la fabricación de cementos con adiciones.

  19. Food mirages: geographic and economic barriers to healthful food access in Portland, Oregon. (United States)

    Breyer, Betsy; Voss-Andreae, Adriana


    This paper investigated the role of grocery store prices in structuring food access for low-income households in Portland, Oregon. We conducted a detailed healthful foods market basket survey and developed an index of store cost based on the USDA Thrifty Food Plan. Using this index, we estimated the difference in street-network distance between the nearest low-cost grocery store and the nearest grocery store irrespective of cost. Spatial regression of this metric in relation to income, poverty, and gentrification at the census tract scale lead to a new theory regarding food access in the urban landscape. Food deserts are sparse in Portland, but food mirages are abundant, particularly in gentrifying areas where poverty remains high. In a food mirage, grocery stores are plentiful but prices are beyond the means of low-income households, making them functionally equivalent to food deserts in that a long journey to obtain affordable, nutritious food is required in either case. Results suggested that evaluation of food environments should, at a minimum, consider both proximity and price in assessing healthy food access for low-income households. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Evaluation of the use of red mud as a pozzolanic additive in Portland cement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fortes, Gustavo Mattos; Balbino, Thiago Gabriel Ferreira; Lourenco, Rafaela Roberta; Rodrigues, Jose de Anchieta


    It is estimated that the aluminum industry generates approximately 13.7 million tones/year of red mud (RB) in Brazil. Although, being the RB rich in Al 2 O 3 and SiO 2 and partially amorphous, a potential pozzolanic activity is suggested. Thus, this work aims to evaluate the application of 15w-% of RB, as a pozzolanic additive, to the ordinary Portland cement (CPI), simulating a pozzolanic compost Portland cement (CPII-Z). To study the pozzolanic activation of the RB, this one was added without calcination, calcinated at 400°C and at 600°C. The compressive strength was measured in mortars of CPI with additions of RB, of CPI and CPII (references), after 28 days of curing. The analysis of the apparent porosity and the characterization of the hydration products were done to complement the evaluation. The mortars with calcinated RB showed good results of mechanical strength, reaching more than 85% (45 MPa) of the CPI's strength and higher values than the CPII-Z32. (author)

  1. Utilização da Areia Industrial em Argamassas de Revestimento

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    Luana Cechin


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo a caracterização da Areia Industrial identificando suas propriedades físicas e mecânicas, através de ensaios de laboratório. Esse trabalho compara essas propriedades com os resultados obtidos utilizando a areia natural, na confecção de argamassas. Para fazer estas análises foram realizados ensaios nas areias conforme as Normas Técnicas da ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas, bem como nas argamassas moldadas em corpos de prova prismáticos. Foram realizados ensaios de compressão, e de tração na flexão. Para a comparação da ação dessas areias, foram usados (cinco traços diferentes na composição da argamassa, ou seja: 100% areia natural; 75% areia natural e 25% areia artificial; 50% areia natural e 50% areia artificial; 25% areia natural e 75% areia artificial; e 100% areia artificial. Como resultado observou-se que a areia industrial possui características que possibilitam o seu uso como componente de pastas de argamassas de revestimento. Observou-se ainda que para um mesmo fator água/cimento, ocorre a redução da trabalhabilidade, quando se compara com a argamasse feita com a areia natural.

  2. The origins of American industrial success: Evidence from the US portland cement industry


    Prentice, David


    The contributions of innovations, factor endowments and institutions to American industrialization are examined through analysing the rise of the American portland cement industry. Minerals abundance contributed in multiple ways to the spectacular rise of the industry from the 1890s. However, the results of a structural econometric analysis of entry suggests geological surveys, institutions highlighted by David and Wright, played a contributing rather than critical rol...

  3. Early hydration of portland cement with crystalline mineral additions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahhal, V.; Talero, R.


    This research presents the effects of finely divided crystalline mineral additions (quartz and limestone), commonly known as filler, on the early hydration of portland cements with very different mineralogical composition. The used techniques to study the early hydration of blended cements were conduction calorimeter, hydraulicity (Fratini's test), non-evaporable water and X-ray diffraction. Results showed that the stimulation and the dilution effects increase when the percentage of crystalline mineral additions used is increased. Depending on the replacement proportion, the mineralogical cement composition and the type of crystalline addition, at 2 days, the prevalence of the dilution effect or the stimulation effect shows that crystalline mineral additions could act as sites of heat dissipation or heat stimulation, respectively

  4. Rat subcutaneous tissue response to MTA Fillapex® and Portland cement. (United States)

    Marques, Nádia Carolina Teixeira; Lourenço Neto, Natalino; Fernandes, Ana Paula; Rodini, Camila de Oliveira; Duarte, Marco Antônio Hungaro; Oliveira, Thais Marchini


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of rat subcutaneous tissue to MTA Fillapex® (Angelus), an experimental root canal filling material based on Portland cement and propylene glycol (PCPG), and a zinc oxide, eugenol and iodoform (ZOEI) paste. These materials were placed in polyethylene tubes and implanted into the dorsal connective tissue of Wistar rats for 7 and 15 days. The specimens were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and evaluated regarding inflammatory reaction parameters by optical microscopy. The intensity of inflammatory response against the sealers was analyzed by two blinded and previously calibrated examiners for all experimental periods (kappa=0.96). The histological evaluation showed that all materials caused a moderate inflammatory reaction at 7 days, which subsided with time. A greater inflammatory reaction was observed at 7 days in the tubes filled with ZOEI paste. Tubes filled with MTA Fillapex presented some giant cells, macrophages and lymphocytes after 7 days. At 15 days, the presence of fibroblasts and collagen fibers was observed indicating normal tissue healing. The tubes filled with PCPG showed similar results to those observed in MTA Fillapex. At 15 days, the inflammatory reaction was almost absent at the tissue, with several collagen fibers indicating normal tissue healing. Data were analyzed by the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test (α=0.05). Statistically significant difference (p0.05). MTA Fillapex and Portland cement added with propylene glycol had greater tissue compatibility than the PCPG paste.

  5. The regulation of hazardous air pollutants under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: Effects on the Portland cement industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mikols, E.H.; Gill, A.S.; Dougherty, A.


    Title III of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) addresses the control of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) from major sources of air pollution in the US. In the CAAA, Congress defined 189 compounds as hazardous air pollutants in need of additional control by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Congress directed EPA to identify the major source categories which emit HAPs and to prepare regulations that would reduce and control future HAP emissions. This paper outlines the activities undertaken by EPA to regulate HAP emissions from Portland cement plants and the program developed by the Portland cement manufacturing industry to cope with Title III

  6. Effect of the use nickeliferous laterite and pumice as additives in the performance and durability of the Portland cement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Carolina Rueda-Gualdrón


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se evalúa el comportamiento puzolánico de la laterita niquelífera de Cerromatoso (Córdoba y la pumita de Cemex (Boyacá en la preparación de morteros según normas NTC para agregados finos. Los morteros se prepararon con adiciones de 2,5%, 5% y 10% como sustitutos del cemento Portland tipo I, los cuales fueron sometidos a ensayos de resistencia mecánica antes y después de ser sometidos a ambientes extremos (altas temperaturas y ataques químicos como H2 SO4 y MgSO4 . Los resultados demuestran cómo estos materiales alternativos incrementan o disminuyen su grado de puzolanidad, así como el efecto de estos aditivos al interior de las mezclas de mortero en el tiempo, demostrando propiedades similares con relación a los morteros preparados con cemento Portland tipo I. Por lo tanto, los morteros tienen una respuesta aceptable ante las condiciones evaluadas, aunque es posible mejorar su desempeño y durabilidad, colaborando no solo con el ahorro energético en la producción del cemento Portland tipo I sino también en el uso de aditivos alternativos que permitan mitigar el impacto ambiental provocado por la industria cementera.

  7. A randomized clinical trial on the use of medical Portland cement, MTA and calcium hydroxide in indirect pulp treatment. (United States)

    Petrou, Marina Agathi; Alhamoui, Fadi Alhaddad; Welk, Alexander; Altarabulsi, Mohammed Basel; Alkilzy, Mohammed; H Splieth, Christian


    Studies on indirect pulp treatment (IPT) show varying success rates of 73 to 97 %. The necessity of re-opening the cavity and the question of the optimal capping material is still under debate. The aim of this prospective in vivo study was to compare the clinical and microbiological outcomes of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), medical Portland cement, and calcium hydroxide on the dentin-pulp complex of permanent and primary teeth treated with two-step IPT. In 86 regular patients (51 % men; 49 % women; age 17.2 years ±13.8), one deep carious lesion each was treated with incomplete caries removal, randomly selected capping with either calcium hydroxide (n = 31), medical Portland cement (29) or white MTA (26), and re-entry (6.3 months ±1.0). Clinical (color, humidity, and consistency of dentin) and microbiological (Lactobacilli/Mutans Strep. counts) parameters were recorded at the first and second treatment. The IPT had a high success rate of 90.3 % regardless of the material used (p = 0.72). The arrested lesions showed consistently darker, dry, and therefore, sclerotic dentine (p Portland cement. The findings of this study could promote the improvement of the IPT as a one-step treatment of deep carious lesions when the remaining demineralized dentin would be sealed with durable restorations.

  8. Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial activity of three cements: new endodontic cement (NEC), mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland. (United States)

    Hasan Zarrabi, Mohammad; Javidi, Maryam; Naderinasab, Mahboube; Gharechahi, Maryam


    Using the agar diffusion method, we conducted an in vitro study to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), new endodontic cement (NEC) and Portland cement at different concentrations against five different microorganisms. A base layer was made using Muller-Hinton agar for Escherichia coli (ATCC 10538) and Candida (ATCC 10231). For Actinomyces viscosus (ATCC 15987), Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 10541) and Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175) blood agar medium was used. Wells were formed by removing the agar, and the materials were placed in the well immediately after manipulation. The plates were kept at room temperature for 2 h for prediffusion, and then incubated at 37 degrees C for 72 h. The inhibition zones were then measured. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and the Tukey test to compare the differences among the three cements at different concentrations. The positive controls showed bacterial growth, while the negative controls showed no bacterial growth. All materials showed antimicrobial activity against the tested strains except for Enterococcus faecalis. NEC created larger inhibition zones than MTA and Portland cement. This difference was significant for Portland cement (P 0.05). Among the examined microorganisms, the largest inhibition zone was observed for Actinomyces group (P < 0.05). The antimicrobial activity of the materials increased with time and concentration (P < 0.05). It was concluded that NEC is a potent inhibitor of microorganism growth.

  9. Estudo do uso de agregados reciclados de concreto e substituição do cimento por resíduo de polimento de porcelanato na produção de piso intertravado de concreto


    Eduardo Bruno da Purificacao


    O uso de resíduos de construção e demolição RCD, da indústria da cerâmica e de pneus na forma de agregados miúdos e graúdos para diversos produtos ou artefatos de cimento tem sido, nos dias de hoje, cada vez mais presente na construção civil, por tratar de uma alternativa sustentável (do ponto de vista econômico, social e ambiental), correta e interessante para os três vértices da sociedade: população, poder público e empresa privada. Neste estudo foi realizada a produção de pisos intertravad...

  10. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry Subpart LLL Rule Guidance (United States)

    This Spring 2016 document is intended for the use of EPA staff, State and Local regulatory agencies and their staff, and industry plant managers for the NESHAP for the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry.

  11. Incorporation of phosphorus guest ions in the calcium silicate phases of Portland cement from 31P MAS NMR spectroscopy. (United States)

    Poulsen, Søren L; Jakobsen, Hans J; Skibsted, Jørgen


    Portland cements may contain small quantities of phosphorus (typically below 0.5 wt % P(2)O(5)), originating from either the raw materials or alternative sources of fuel used to heat the cement kilns. This work reports the first (31)P MAS NMR study of anhydrous and hydrated Portland cements that focuses on the phase and site preferences of the (PO(4))(3-) guest ions in the main clinker phases and hydration products. The observed (31)P chemical shifts (10 to -2 ppm), the (31)P chemical shift anisotropy, and the resemblance of the lineshapes in the (31)P and (29)Si MAS NMR spectra strongly suggest that (PO(4))(3-) units are incorporated in the calcium silicate phases, alite (Ca(3)SiO(5)) and belite (Ca(2)SiO(4)), by substitution for (SiO(4))(4-) tetrahedra. This assignment is further supported by a determination of the spin-lattice relaxation times for (31)P in alite and belite, which exhibit the same ratio as observed for the corresponding (29)Si relaxation times. From simulations of the intensities, observed in inversion-recovery spectra for a white Portland cement, it is deduced that 1.3% and 2.1% of the Si sites in alite and belite, respectively, are replaced by phosphorus. Charge balance may potentially be achieved to some extent by a coupled substitution mechanism where Ca(2+) is replaced by Fe(3+) ions, which may account for the interaction of the (31)P spins with paramagnetic Fe(3+) ions as observed for the ordinary Portland cements. A minor fraction of phosphorus may also be present in the separate phase Ca(3)(PO(4))(2), as indicated by the observation of a narrow resonance at delta((31)P) = 3.0 ppm for two of the studied cements. (31)P{(1)H} CP/MAS NMR spectra following the hydration of a white Portland cement show that the resonances from the hydrous phosphate species fall in the same spectral range as observed for (PO(4))(3-) incorporated in alite. This similarity and the absence of a large (31)P chemical shift ansitropy indicate that the hydrous (PO(4

  12. Temperature Characteristics of Porous Portland Cement Concrete during the Hot Summer Session

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liqun Hu


    Full Text Available Pavement heats the near-surface air and affects the thermal comfort of the human body in hot summer. Because of a large amount of connected porosity of porous Portland cement concrete (PPCC, the thermal parameters of PPCC are much different from those of traditional Portland cement concrete (PCC. The temperature change characteristics of PPCC and the effects on surrounding environment are also different. A continuous 48-hour log of temperature of a PCC and five kinds of PPCC with different porosity were recorded in the open air in the hot summer. The air temperatures at different heights above concrete specimens were tested using self-made enclosed boxes to analyze the characteristics of near-surface air temperature. The output heat flux of different concrete specimens was calculated. The results show that the PPCC has higher temperature in the daytime and lower temperature in the nighttime and larger temperature gradient than the PCC. The air temperature above PPCC is lower than that of PCC after solar radiation going to zero at night. The total output heat flux of PPCC is slightly smaller in the daytime and significantly smaller at night than that of PCC. The results of tests and calculations indicate that PPCC contributes to the mitigation of heating effect of pavement on the near-surface air.

  13. Low-cost computer classification of land cover in the Portland area, Oregon, by signature extension techniques (United States)

    Gaydos, Leonard


    Computer-aided techniques for interpreting multispectral data acquired by Landsat offer economies in the mapping of land cover. Even so, the actual establishment of the statistical classes, or "signatures," is one of the relatively more costly operations involved. Analysts have therefore been seeking cost-saving signature extension techniques that would accept training data acquired for one time or place and apply them to another. Opportunities to extend signatures occur in preprocessing steps and in the classification steps that follow. In the present example, land cover classes were derived by the simplest and most direct form of signature extension: Classes statistically derived from a Landsat scene for the Puget Sound area, Wash., were applied to the Portland area, Oreg., using data for the next Landsat scene acquired less than 25 seconds down orbit. Many features can be recognized on the reduced-scale version of the Portland land cover map shown in this report, although no statistical assessment of its accuracy is available.

  14. Effect of ProRoot MTA, Portland cement, and amalgam on the expression of fibronectin, collagen I, and TGFβ by human periodontal ligament fibroblasts in vitro. (United States)

    Fayazi, Sara; Ostad, Seyed Nasser; Razmi, Hasan


    Today many materials have been introduced for root-end filling materials. One of them is mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) that is mentioned as a gold standard. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the reaction of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts to the root-end filling materials, such as ProRoot MTA, Portland cement, and amalgam. Eight impacted teeth were extracted in aseptic condition. The tissues around the roots were used to obtain fibroblast cells. After cell proliferation, they were cultured in the chamber slides and the extracts of the materials were added to the wells. Immunocytochemical method for measuring the expression of Fibronectin, collagen I and transforming growth factor beta (TGF®) was performed by Olysia Bioreport Imaging Software. The results were analyzed by SPSS 13.0 and Tukey post hoc test with PPortland cement group showed the most expression of collagen significantly and after 1 week, Portland cement and MTA groups had the most expression of collagen but there was no significant difference between these 2 groups. After 1 week, the Portland cement group demonstrated a higher amount of TGF® and fibronectin. The results suggest that Portland cement can be used as a less expensive root filling material with low toxicity. It has better effects than amalgam on the fibroblasts.

  15. The Influence of Diatomite on the Strength and Microstructure of Portland Cement


    Liu Jun; Shao Peng; Wang Shihao


    To study the influence of the types and mixing amount of diatomite on the Portland cement, we prepared the cement specimen doped with the calcined first-grade, first-grade and second-grade diatomite ,tested the 3d, 7d, 14d compressive strength, and studied and discussed phase, structure and morphology of diatomite in the binary system by the method of XRD, SEM . Experimental results show that with the addition of diatomite, the strength of cement paste increase; the optimal contents of calcin...

  16. Quantitative study of Portland cement hydration by X-Ray diffraction/Rietveld analysis and geochemical modeling (United States)

    Coutelot, F.; Seaman, J. C.; Simner, S.


    In this study the hydration of Portland cements containing blast-furnace slag and type V fly ash were investigated during cement curing using X-ray diffraction, with geochemical modeling used to calculate the total volume of hydrates. The goal was to evaluate the relationship between the starting component levels and the hydrate assemblages that develop during the curing process. Blast furnace-slag levels of 60, 45 and 30 wt.% were studied in blends containing fly ash and Portland cement. Geochemical modelling described the dissolution of the clinker, and predicted quantitatively the amount of hydrates. In all cases the experiments showed the presence of C-S-H, portlandite and ettringite. The quantities of ettringite, portlandite and the amorphous phases as determined by XRD agreed well with the calculated amounts of these phases after different periods of time. These findings show that changes in the bulk composition of hydrating cements can be described by geochemical models. Such a comparison between experimental and modelled data helps to understand in more detail the active processes occurring during cement hydration.

  17. Effect of silica fume on reaction products of uranium (VI) with portland cement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan Hongbin; Shaanxi Univ. of Technology, Hanzhong; Li Yuxiang


    Simulation of radioactive waste of U(VI) by uranyl nitrate and the effects of different additive quantities (12%, 20%, 30%, 35%, 40%) of silica fume on the products of U(VI) with Portland cement were studied at a hydrothermal condition of 180 degree C for a duration of one week. The X-ray powder diffraction examination results showed that the calcium uranate would be transformed into uranophane when the cement contained 30% silica fume. (authors)

  18. Radon in homes of the Portland, Oregon Area: Radon data from local radon testing companies collected by CRM (Continuous Radon Measurement) machines (United States)

    Whitney, H.; Lindsey, K.; Linde, T.; Burns, S. F.


    Students from the Department of Geology at Portland State University paired up with the Oregon Health Authority to better understand radon gas values in homes of the Portland metropolitan area. This study focuses on radon values collected by continuous radon measurement (CRM) machines, taken by local radon testing companies. The local companies participating in this study include Alpha Environmental Services, Inc., Cascade Radon, Environmental Works, The House Detectives, LLC, and Soil Solutions Environmental Services, Inc. In total, 2491 radon readings spanning across 77 zip codes were collected from local companies in the Portland metropolitan area. The maximum value, average value, percentage of homes greater than 4 pCi/L and total rank sum was calculated and used to determine the overall radon potential for each zip code (Burns et al., 1998). A list and four maps were produced showing the results from each category. Out of the total records, 24 zip codes resulted in high radon potential and the average reading for the entire Portland Metropolitan area was 3.7 pCi/L. High potential zip codes are thought to be a result of sand and gravel (Missoula Flood deposits) and faults present in the subsurface. The CRM data was compared with both long-term and short-term data provided by the Oregon Health Authority to validate radon potentials in each zip code. If a home is located in a zip code with high or moderate radon potential across two types of data sets, it is recommended that those homes be tested for radon gas.

  19. The Portland Basin: A (big) river runs through it (United States)

    Evarts, Russell C.; O'Connor, Jim E.; Wells, Ray E.; Madin, Ian P.


    Metropolitan Portland, Oregon, USA, lies within a small Neogene to Holocene basin in the forearc of the Cascadia subduction system. Although the basin owes its existence and structural development to its convergent-margin tectonic setting, the stratigraphic architecture of basin-fill deposits chiefly reflects its physiographic position along the lower reaches of the continental-scale Columbia River system. As a result of this globally unique setting, the basin preserves a complex record of aggradation and incision in response to distant as well as local tectonic, volcanic, and climatic events. Voluminous flood basalts, continental and locally derived sediment and volcanic debris, and catastrophic flood deposits all accumulated in an area influenced by contemporaneous tectonic deformation and variations in regional and local base level.

  20. Influência do uso de aditivo retentor de água à base de éter de celulose nas propriedades das argamassas de assentamento em alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto

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    Alexandre Lima Oliveira

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a influência do uso de aditivo retentor de água à base de éter de celulose em argamassa de assentamento para alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto. Foi empregado um hidroxipropil-metilcelulose (HPMC em uma argamassa mista de cimento e cal, em diferentes teores (0,00%, 0,03%, 0,06% e 0,09% em relação à massa total de materiais secos para a avaliação da influência do referido aditivo nas propriedades das argamassas no estado fresco e endurecido. Além disso, foram confeccionados prismas com três blocos e miniprismas, com pedaços serrados de blocos, para avaliação da resistência à compressão, módulo de deformação e tensão de aderência. Os resultados mostraram que existe potencial para se empregarem retentores de água à base de éter de celulose para a confecção de argamassas de assentamento para alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto, haja vista que houve aumento da capacidade de retenção de água das argamassas e que o uso do referido produto não exerceu influência na resistência à compressão delas e na resistência à compressão dos prismas. Contudo, a resistência à compressão das juntas de assentamento, o módulo de elasticidade dos prismas e a resistência à aderência na flexão sofreram reduções significativas quando do emprego do éter de celulose.


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    Mauro Froes Meyer


    Full Text Available Assim como toda atividade baseada na extração de recursos naturais, as pedreiras também causam extremos impactos ambientais desde a fase de abertura da mina até sua exaustão. O material produzido nas pedreiras destina-se exclusivamente ao ramo da construção civil. Por isso, estas empresas necessitam situar-se próximas a centros urbanos para que o custo de transporte do material não seja inviável. Entretanto, o crescimento desordenado das cidades, devido á falta de planejamento urbano, por vezes, acaba por acentuar os impactos ambientais gerados pela atividade, causando conflitos entre as comunidades que circundam a mina e donos do empreendimento. Com o propósito de testar e aperfeiçoar o check-list elaborado pelo CREA para fiscalizar empresas de mineração foi realizado um estudo de caso na unidade Macaíba da Votorantim Cimentos segundo todos os aspectos contidos nesse check-list como geologia, lavra e beneficiamento o que proporcionou a ampliação do mesmo, incluindo questões que ainda não haviam sido abordadas, bem como sua maior eficácia.

  2. 33 CFR 165.1315 - Safety Zones: Fireworks displays in the Captain of the Port Portland Zone. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Safety Zones: Fireworks displays... Coast Guard District § 165.1315 Safety Zones: Fireworks displays in the Captain of the Port Portland Zone. (a) Safety zones. The following areas are designated safety zones: (1) Cinco de Mayo Fireworks...

  3. A new aluminium-hydrate species in hydrated Portland cements characterized by 27Al and 29Si MAS NMR spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersen, Morten Daugaard; Jakobsen, Hans J.; Skibsted, Jorgen


    Recent 27 Al MAS NMR studies of hydrated Portland cements and calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) phases have shown a resonance from Al in octahedral coordination, which cannot be assigned to the well-known aluminate species in hydrated Portland cements. This resonance, which exhibits the isotropic chemical shift δ iso = 5.0 ppm and the quadrupole product parameter P Q = 1.2 MHz, has been characterized in detail by 27 Al MAS and 27 Al{ 1 H} CP/MAS NMR for different hydrated white Portland cements and C-S-H phases. These experiments demonstrate that the resonance originates from an amorphous or disordered aluminate hydrate which contains Al(OH) 6 3- or O x Al(OH) 6-x (3+x)- units. The formation of the new aluminate hydrate is related to the formation of C-S-H at ambient temperatures, however, it decomposes by thermal treatment at temperatures of 70-90 o C. From the experiments in this work it is proposed that the new aluminate hydrate is either an amorphous/disordered aluminate hydroxide or a calcium aluminate hydrate, produced as a separate phase or as a nanostructured surface precipitate on the C-S-H phase. Finally, the possibilities of Al 3+ for Ca 2+ substitution in the principal layers and interlayers of the C-S-H structure are discussed

  4. Mechanical behavior of concrete at early ages : properties and deformation monitoring


    Silva, Andreia Daniela Maciel da


    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil (área de especialização em Perfil de Estruturas e Geotecnia) O caráter exotérmico das reações de hidratação do cimento pode originar substanciais mudanças de temperatura no interior das estruturas de betão durante as primeiras idades. Por se tratar de um material com baixa condutividade térmica e elevado calor específico, o betão não é capaz de dissipar rapidamente a energia térmica gerada nas reações de hidratação para o ex...

  5. Geospatial Analysis of Pediatric EMS Run Density and Endotracheal Intubation

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    Matthew Hansen


    Full Text Available Introduction: The association between geographic factors, including transport distance, and pediatric emergency medical services (EMS run clustering on out-of-hospital pediatric endotracheal intubation is unclear. The objective of this study was to determine if endotracheal intubation procedures are more likely to occur at greater distances from the hospital and near clusters of pediatric calls. Methods: This was a retrospective observational study including all EMS runs for patients less than 18 years of age from 2008 to 2014 in a geographically large and diverse Oregon county that includes densely populated urban areas near Portland and remote rural areas. We geocoded scene addresses using the automated address locator created in the cloud-based mapping platform ArcGIS, supplemented with manual address geocoding for remaining cases. We then use the Getis-Ord Gi spatial statistic feature in ArcGIS to map statistically significant spatial clusters (hot spots of pediatric EMS runs throughout the county. We then superimposed all intubation procedures performed during the study period on maps of pediatric EMS-run hot spots, pediatric population density, fire stations, and hospitals. We also performed multivariable logistic regression to determine if distance traveled to the hospital was associated with intubation after controlling for several confounding variables. Results: We identified a total of 7,797 pediatric EMS runs during the study period and 38 endotracheal intubations. In univariate analysis we found that patients who were intubated were similar to those who were not in gender and whether or not they were transported to a children’s hospital. Intubated patients tended to be transported shorter distances and were older than non-intubated patients. Increased distance from the hospital was associated with reduced odds of intubation after controlling for age, sex, scene location, and trauma system entry status in a multivariate logistic

  6. Effect of thermocycling on the bond strength of a glass-infiltrated ceramic and a resin luting cement Efeito da ciclagem térmica sobre a resistência de união entre uma cerâmica infiltrada com vidro e um cimento resinoso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Osvaldo Daniel Andreatta Filho


    ílica/ silanização foi cimentada com Panavia F, sob peso constante de 750g, a outro bloco idêntico de resina composta Clearfil AP-X (Kuraray. Os blocos de resina foram obtidos por meio de duplicação daqueles de cerâmica a partir de moldes com silicona de adição Express (3M. Os quatro conjuntos formados por cerâmica, cimento e resina foram seccionados em 20 corpos-de-prova com forma de palitos, de modo que a região adesiva apresentasse 1mm² de área. Dois grupos (n=10 foram constítuidos: G1- estocagem por 7 dias em água deionizada à 36 ± 2ºC; G2- 1500 ciclos entre 5ºC e 55ºC com intervalos de 30 segundos. A seguir, foi realizado o teste de microtração em máquina de ensaio universal (EMIC com velocidade de 0,5 mm/min. Os resultados mostraram que os valores médios de tensão de ruptura (MPa para o grupo G2: (22,815 ± 5,254 não tiveram diferenças estatisticamente significantes daqueles do grupo G1: (25,628 ± 3,353 (t= 1,427; gl = 18; p-valor = 0,171, ao nível de significância de 5%. A partir destes resultados, entendemos lícito concluir que o efeito da ciclagem térmica não produziu alterações estatisticamente significantes nos valores da resistência adesiva.

  7. Arsenic Encapsulation Using Portland Cement With Ferrous Sulfate/Lime And Terra-BondTM Technologies - Microcharacterization And Leaching Studies (United States)

    This work reports the results of an investigation on the treatment and encapsulation of arsenic-containing materials by Portland cement with ferrous sulfate and lime (PFL) and Terra-BondTM, a commercially available patented technology. The arsenic materials treated we...

  8. 33 CFR 165.1318 - Security and Safety Zone Regulations, Large Passenger Vessel Protection, Portland, OR Captain of... (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Security and Safety Zone Regulations, Large Passenger Vessel Protection, Portland, OR Captain of the Port Zone 165.1318 Section 165.1318 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) PORTS AND...


    Conti, Taísa Regina; Sakai, Vivien Thiemy; Fornetti, Ana Paula Camolese; Moretti, Ana Beatriz Silveira; Oliveira, Thais Marchini; Lourenço, Natalino; Machado, Maria Aparecida Andrade Moreira; Abdo, Ruy Cesar Camargo


    Two clinical cases in which Portland cement (PC) was applied as a medicament after pulpotomy of mandibular primary molars in children are presented. Pulpotomy using PC was carried out in two mandibular first molars and one mandibular second molar, which were further followed-up. At the 3, 6 and 12-month follow-up appointments, clinical and radiographic examinations of the pulpotomized teeth and their periradicular area revealed that the treatments were successful in maintaining the teeth asymptomatic and preserving pulpal vitality. Additionally, the formation of a dentin bridge immediately below the PC could be observed in the three molars treated. PC may be considered as an effective alternative for primary molar pulpotomies, at least in a short-term period. Randomized clinical trials with human teeth are required in order to determine the suitability of PC before unlimited clinical use can be recommended. PMID:19148409

  10. The influence of calcium nitrate on setting and hardening rate of Portland cement concrete at different temperatures (United States)

    Kičaitė, A.; Pundienė, I.; Skripkiūnas, G.


    Calcium nitrate in mortars and concrete is used as a multifunctional additive: as set accelerator, plasticizer, long term strength enhancer and as antifreeze admixture. Used binding material and the amount of calcium nitrate, affect the characteristics of the concrete mixture and strength of hardened concrete. The setting time of the initial and the final binding at different temperatures of hardening (+ 20 °C and + 5 °C) of the pastes made of different cements (Portland cement CEM I 42.5 R and Portland limestone cement CEM II/A-LL 42.5 R) and various amounts of calcium nitrate from 1 % until 3 % were investigated. The effect of calcium nitrate on technological characteristics of concrete mixture (the consistency of the mixture, the density, and the amount of air in the mixture), on early concrete strength after 2 and 7 days, as well as on standard concrete strength after 28 days at different temperatures (at + 20 °C and + 5 °C) were analysed.

  11. Alternative Fuel for Portland Cement Processing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schindler, Anton K; Duke, Steve R; Burch, Thomas E; Davis, Edward W; Zee, Ralph H; Bransby, David I; Hopkins, Carla; Thompson, Rutherford L; Duan, Jingran; ; Venkatasubramanian, Vignesh; Stephen, Giles


    The production of cement involves a combination of numerous raw materials, strictly monitored system processes, and temperatures on the order of 1500 °C. Immense quantities of fuel are required for the production of cement. Traditionally, energy from fossil fuels was solely relied upon for the production of cement. The overarching project objective is to evaluate the use of alternative fuels to lessen the dependence on non-renewable resources to produce portland cement. The key objective of using alternative fuels is to continue to produce high-quality cement while decreasing the use of non-renewable fuels and minimizing the impact on the environment. Burn characteristics and thermodynamic parameters were evaluated with a laboratory burn simulator under conditions that mimic those in the preheater where the fuels are brought into a cement plant. A drop-tube furnace and visualization method were developed that show potential for evaluating time- and space-resolved temperature distributions for fuel solid particles and liquid droplets undergoing combustion in various combustion atmospheres. Downdraft gasification has been explored as a means to extract chemical energy from poultry litter while limiting the throughput of potentially deleterious components with regards to use in firing a cement kiln. Results have shown that the clinkering is temperature independent, at least within the controllable temperature range. Limestone also had only a slight effect on the fusion when used to coat the pellets. However, limestone addition did display some promise in regards to chlorine capture, as ash analyses showed chlorine concentrations of more than four times greater in the limestone infused ash as compared to raw poultry litter. A reliable and convenient sampling procedure was developed to estimate the combustion quality of broiler litter that is the best compromise between convenience and reliability by means of statistical analysis. Multi-day trial burns were conducted

  12. Imaging a fossil oolitic system with GPR, insights into the exposures of the Isle of Portland (UK) (United States)

    Moreau, Julien; Hansen, Trine L.; Nielsen, Lars


    The Isle of Portland shows exposure of uppermost Jurassic oolitic carbonate all along its coast. The stone of Portland properties are famous as standards for concrete composition, as building material but also for sculpture. As a consequence, the Isle has been quarried intensively for hundreds of years. The regional exposure quality is very high with a potential 3D control. The site has seen generations of geologist trainees coming for field work. The Wessex Basin where the Isle is sitting contains an active petroleum system and the geologists visiting/training there use the carbonates of Portland as an analogue to equivalent Middle-East oil and gas reservoir. Surprisingly, although the site has a tremendous potential to understand the 3D architecture and the sedimentary dynamic of an oolitic system, only punctual observations of logs (1D), sometimes correlated have been published. Several studies place a shore line between the Isle and the continent striking NEE-SWW and facing towards the Channel. Facies changes are attributed to rapid sea-level variations and Walter's Law. We have collected an extensive GPR survey of the same stratigraphic interval (The Portland Freestone). With a total of 99 GPR profiles, we have produced grids on top of most of the coastal cliffs and quarry faces. We have encountered 3 main architectures: 2-m-high bars with steep clinoforms, 10s of metres-wide channels plugged with a variety of organisms and stacked aggrading bundles of multidirectional dunesets. Our dataset does not illustrate any major unconformity which could be attributed to a sharp sea-level drop. We have interpreted our sedimentary architecture to be the result of various hydrodynamic conditions associated with a mix of wave and tide influences. The Isle shows an island barrier complex which progrades into the basin but also expands laterally filling up the available space and cannibalising itself. More proximal facies are effectively observed in the north of the island

  13. Resistance to acid attack of portland cement mortars produced with red mud as a pozzolanic additive

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balbino, Thiago Gabriel Ferreira; Fortes, Gustavo Mattos; Lourenco, Rafaela Roberta; Rodrigues, Jose de Anchieta


    Portland cement structures are usually exposed to aggressive environments, which requires the knowledge of the performance of these materials under deleterious conditions. In this study, it was evaluated the resistance to acid attack of mortars that contain ordinary (CPI) and compost (CPII-Z) Portland cements, adding to the first red mud (RB) as a pozzolanic additive in different conditions: without calcination, calcined at 400 ° C and at 600 ° C. The specimens were subjected to HCl and H 2 SO 4 solutions, both with concentration of 1.0 Mol L -1 for 28 days, monitoring the weight loss and leached material nature by atomic emission inductively coupled plasma (ICP). The hydration products were studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) of the hydrated cement pastes. It was observed a reduction of portlandite amount in the RB containing cement pastes, indicating a possible pozzolanic activity of the red mud. The mortars prepared with RB were more resistant to HCl, while that ones with calcined RB present a better performance in H 2 SO 4 attack. (author)

  14. 78 FR 8493 - Foreign-Trade Zone 45-Portland, OR; Notification of Proposed Production Activity; SoloPower Inc... (United States)


    ...; Notification of Proposed Production Activity; SoloPower Inc. (Thin Film Photovoltaic Solar Panels); Portland... of FTZ 45. The facility is used for the production of thin film photovoltaic solar panels. Pursuant... procedures that applies to the thin film solar panels (duty-free) for the foreign status inputs noted below...

  15. Red mud addition in the raw meal for the production of Portland cement clinker. (United States)

    Tsakiridis, P E; Agatzini-Leonardou, S; Oustadakis, P


    The aim of the present research work was to investigate the possibility of adding red mud, an alkaline leaching waste, which is obtained from bauxite during the Bayer process for alumina production, in the raw meal for the production of Portland cement clinker. For that reason, two samples of raw meals were prepared: one with ordinary raw materials, as a reference sample ((PC)Ref), and another with 3.5% red mud ((PC)R/M). The effect on the reactivity of the raw mix was evaluated on the basis of the unreacted lime content in samples sintered at 1350, 1400 and 1450 degrees C. Subsequently, the clinkers were produced by sintering the two raw meals at 1450 degrees C. The results of chemical and mineralogical analyses as well as the microscopic examination showed that the use of the red mud did not affect the mineralogical characteristics of the so produced Portland cement clinker. Furthermore, both clinkers were tested by determining the grindability, setting time, compressive strength and expansibility. The hydration products were examined by XRD analysis at 2, 7, 28 and 90 days. The results of the physico-mechanical tests showed that the addition of the red mud did not negatively affect the quality of the produced cement.

  16. The impact of zirconium oxide radiopacifier on the early hydration behaviour of white Portland cement. (United States)

    Coleman, Nichola J; Li, Qiu


    Zirconium oxide has been identified as a candidate radiopacifying agent for use in Portland cement-based biomaterials. During this study, the impact of 20 wt.% zirconium oxide on the hydration and setting reactions of white Portland cement (WPC) was monitored by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), (29)Si and (27)Al magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MAS NMR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Vicat apparatus. The presence of 20 wt.% zirconium oxide particles in the size-range of 0.2 to 5 μm was found to reduce the initial and final setting times of WPC from 172 to 147 min and 213 to 191 min, respectively. Zirconium oxide did not formally participate in the chemical reactions of the hydrating cement; however, the surface of the zirconium oxide particles presented heterogeneous nucleation sites for the precipitation and growth of the early C-S-H gel products which accelerated the initial setting reactions. The presence of zirconium oxide was found to have little impact on the development of the calcium (sulpho)aluminate hydrate phases. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Evaluation of <em>HER2em> Gene Amplification in Breast Cancer Using Nuclei Microarray <em>in em>S>itu em>Hybridization

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    Xuefeng Zhang


    Full Text Available Fluorescence<em> em>>in situ em>hybridization (FISH assay is considered the “gold standard” in evaluating <em>HER2/neu (HER2em> gene status. However, FISH detection is costly and time consuming. Thus, we established nuclei microarray with extracted intact nuclei from paraffin embedded breast cancer tissues for FISH detection. The nuclei microarray FISH (NMFISH technology serves as a useful platform for analyzing <em>HER2em> gene/chromosome 17 centromere ratio. We examined <em>HER2em> gene status in 152 cases of invasive ductal carcinomas of the breast that were resected surgically with FISH and NMFISH. <em>HER2em> gene amplification status was classified according to the guidelines of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and College of American Pathologists (ASCO/CAP. Comparison of the cut-off values for <em>HER2em>/chromosome 17 centromere copy number ratio obtained by NMFISH and FISH showed that there was almost perfect agreement between the two methods (κ coefficient 0.920. The results of the two methods were almost consistent for the evaluation of <em>HER2em> gene counts. The present study proved that NMFISH is comparable with FISH for evaluating <em>HER2em> gene status. The use of nuclei microarray technology is highly efficient, time and reagent conserving and inexpensive.

  18. Mechanical characterization of Portland cement mortars containing petroleum or coal tar

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    Garcés, P.


    Full Text Available This article discusses experimental data on the flexural and compressive strength of Portland cement mortars containing additions or cement replacements consisting in petroleum or coal tar, by-products of the oil and coal industries. The materials studied were two coal (BACA and BACB and two petroleum (BPP and BPT tars. The results show that it is feasible to use such materials as a partial replacement for cement in mortar manufacture. This should lead to the design of a new sustainable product that will contribute to lowering the environmental impact of construction materials while at the same time opening up an avenue for the re-use of this type of industrial by-products.En este artículo se presentan datos experimentales de resistencia a flexión y a compresión de morteros de cemento Portland con adición y sustitución de breas de petróleo y de alquitrán de carbón, que son subproductos de la industria del carbón o del petróleo. Los materiales estudiados son breas de alquitrán de carbón A (BACA y B (BACB, y dos breas de petróleo (BPP y (BPT. Los datos demuestran la viabilidad del uso de estas breas en la fabricación de morteros con menores contenidos de cemento, permitiendo diseñar un nuevo material sostenible con el medio ambiente y que contribuya a reducir el impacto ambiental de los materiales de construcción, hecho que permite abrir una nueva vía de valorización de estos subproductos.

  19. Neonatal Phosphate Nutrition Alters <em>in em>Vivo> and <em>in em>Vitro> Satellite Cell Activity in Pigs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chad H. Stahl


    Full Text Available Satellite cell activity is necessary for postnatal skeletal muscle growth. Severe phosphate (PO4 deficiency can alter satellite cell activity, however the role of neonatal PO4 nutrition on satellite cell biology remains obscure. Twenty-one piglets (1 day of age, 1.8 ± 0.2 kg BW were pair-fed liquid diets that were either PO4 adequate (0.9% total P, supra-adequate (1.2% total P in PO4 requirement or deficient (0.7% total P in PO4 content for 12 days. Body weight was recorded daily and blood samples collected every 6 days. At day 12, pigs were orally dosed with BrdU and 12 h later, satellite cells were isolated. Satellite cells were also cultured <em>in vitroem> for 7 days to determine if PO4 nutrition alters their ability to proceed through their myogenic lineage. Dietary PO4 deficiency resulted in reduced (<em>P> < 0.05 sera PO4 and parathyroid hormone (PTH concentrations, while supra-adequate dietary PO4 improved (<em>P> < 0.05 feed conversion efficiency as compared to the PO4 adequate group. <em>In vivoem> satellite cell proliferation was reduced (<em>P> < 0.05 among the PO4 deficient pigs, and these cells had altered <em>in vitroem> expression of markers of myogenic progression. Further work to better understand early nutritional programming of satellite cells and the potential benefits of emphasizing early PO4 nutrition for future lean growth potential is warranted.

  20. Environmental justice and factors that influence participation in tree planting programs in Portland, Oregon, U.S (United States)

    Geoffrey H. Donovan; John Mills


    Many cities have policies encouraging homeowners to plant trees. For these policies to be effective, it is important to understand what motivates a homeowner’s tree-planting decision. Researchers address this question by identifying variables that influence participation in a tree-planting program in Portland, Oregon, U.S. According to the study, homeowners with street...

  1. Evolution of porosity in a Portland cement paste studied through positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Consolati, G.; Quasso, F.


    Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy experiments were carried out in an ordinary Portland cement paste characterized by a water-to-cement ratio w/c=0.8, in order to monitor the porosity of the paste. It was found that ortho-positronium intensity is a suitable quantity to this purpose, being sensitive to the amount of water contained in the pores. The experimental data show good agreement with the porosity calculated according to the Powers' thin filmsodel

  2. Petrographic Analysis of Portland Cement Concrete Cores from Pease Air National Guard Base, New Hampshire (United States)


    Petrographic Analysis of Portland Cement Concrete Cores from Pease Air National Guard Base, New Hampshire E n g in e e r R e s e a rc h a n, age of the concrete being evaluated and tests performed...4 3 Preface This study was conducted in support of the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) to assess concrete obtained from Pease

  3. Immobilization of citric acid solutions in portland cement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopes, Valdir M.; Rzyski, Barbara M.


    Decontamination processes by using citric acid on certain items used in the nuclear area, can result in large volumes of liquid wastes with low activity or effluents, contaminated with uranium and some elements dangerous to the environment. A great number of installations that have decontamination processes adopt the zero discharge philosophy. So, one of the forms to isolate the solutions is by reducing its volume through the evaporation process. The generated must can be neutralized and encapsulated or immobilized in Portland cement. This work propose a chemical technique to destroy the citric acid in the decontamination solutions instead of neutralization and, depending on the installation convenience, a direct cement immobilization of these solutions or of the evaporation mud. The results obtained in this work involve data about the workability, setting time and mechanical resistance, after 28 days of sealed cure, for samples with water-cement ratios of 4, 0.5 and 0.6, by weight. (author). 5 refs., 2 tabs


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    Rüdiger Daniel Ollhoff


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho, mediram-se o crescimento e o desgaste do casco dos quatro dígitos laterais, em duas posições (dorsal e lateral, em quatro garrotes da raça Jersey e quatro da raça Gir, mantidos em "tie-stall", sobre piso de cimento recoberto por alta camada de maravalha. O trabalho transcorreu no período de novembro de 1997 a abril de 1998. As medidas de crescimento e desgaste do casco foram obtidas empregando-se a técnica clássica descrita por Hahn et al. (1986. Não ocorreram diferenças significativas no crescimento e no desgaste dos cascos entre as raças estudadas, assim como entre as unhas dos cascos dos membros anteriores e posteriores. Em ambas as raças, foram constatados maiores desgaste e crescimento da região lateral (lado abaxial do casco, em relação à região dorsal, indicando que grande parte do contato e sustentação do corpo ocorre na área lateral do casco. A apara funcional acelera o crescimento do casco, porém não altera a taxa de desgaste.Rates of hoof growth and wear, on both dorsal and lateral surfaces of front and rear outside claws, were measured in four Jersey and four Gir yearling steers kept on a tie-stall system on a concrete ground covered by deep layer of sawdust. Measurements were taken from November 1997 to April 1998 according to the classical technique described by HAHN et al. (1986. No significant differences in the growth and wear of the claws were found between the two breeds. There was no significant difference of growth and wear rates between front and rear claws. Horn of the lateral walls grew and wore faster in taurine and zebuine cattle, indicating that most of the weight-bearing and contact to the soil is given through this region. Functional trimming increases claw horn growth but does not interfere with wear rates.

  5. The AFm phase in Portland cement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matschei, T.; Lothenbach, B.; Glasser, F.P.


    The AFm phase of Portland cements refers to a family of hydrated calcium aluminates based on the hydrocalumite-like structure of 4CaO.Al 2 O 3 .13-19 H 2 O. However OH - may be replaced by SO 4 2- and CO 3 2- . Except for limited replacement (50 mol%, maximum) of sulfate by hydroxide, these compositions do not form solid solutions and, from the mineralogical standpoint, behave as separate phases. Therefore many hydrated cements will contain mixtures of AFm phases. AFm phases have been made from precursors and experimentally-determined phase relationships are depicted at 25 deg. C. Solubility data are reported and thermodynamic data are derived. The 25 deg. C stability of AFm phases is much affected by the nature of the anion: carbonate stabilises AFm and displaces OH and SO 4 at species activities commonly encountered in cement systems. However in the presence of portlandite, and as carbonate displaces sulfate in AFm, the reaction results in changes in the amount of both portlandite and ettringite: specimen calculations are presented to quantify these changes. The scheme of phase balances enables calculation of the mineralogical balances of a hydrated cement paste with greater accuracy than hitherto practicable

  6. Avaliação in vitro da resistência ao cisalhamento e liberação de flúor de dois cimentos de ionômero de vidro reforçado por resina = In vitro evaluation of shear bond strength and fluoride release from two resin-reinforced glass ionomer cements

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    Pithon, Matheus Melo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os cimentos de ionômero de vidro reforçados com resina Fuji Ortho LC e Fuji Ortho Band (GC América Corporation, Tokyo, Japan quanto a resistência ao cisalhamento e liberação de flúor. Para avaliação da resistência ao cisalhamento utilizou-se 60 incisivos inferiores permanentes bovinos divididos em três grupos (n = 15. No Grupo 1, 2 e 3, as colagens foram realizadas com Transbond XT, Fuji Ortho LC e Fuji Ortho Band respectivamente. Após a colagem realizou-se o ensaio de cisalhamento de toda amostra à velocidade de 0,5 mm por minuto. A liberação de flúor dos materiais foram medidas durante 28 dias (1h, 24 h, 3, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias através de eletrodo íon seletivo conectado a um analisador de íons. Os resultados demonstraram que quanto a resistência ao cisalhamento (MPa houve diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos 1 e 3, 2 e 3 (p > 0,05. Quanto a liberação de flúor os resultados evidenciaram diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos 1 e 3 e 2 e 3 em todos os tempos (p = 0. 00 e entre os grupos 1 e 2 na avaliação de 3 dias de liberação de flúor (p = 0. 00. Baseado nos resultados obtidos conclui-se que os materiais Transbond XT e Fuji Ortho possuem melhor resistência ao cisalhamento porém menor liberação de flúor quando comparado ao Fuji Ortho Band

  7. Large-scale Meteorological Patterns Associated with Extreme Precipitation Events over Portland, OR (United States)

    Aragon, C.; Loikith, P. C.; Lintner, B. R.; Pike, M.


    Extreme precipitation events can have profound impacts on human life and infrastructure, with broad implications across a range of stakeholders. Changes to extreme precipitation events are a projected outcome of climate change that warrants further study, especially at regional- to local-scales. While global climate models are generally capable of simulating mean climate at global-to-regional scales with reasonable skill, resiliency and adaptation decisions are made at local-scales where most state-of-the-art climate models are limited by coarse resolution. Characterization of large-scale meteorological patterns associated with extreme precipitation events at local-scales can provide climatic information without this scale limitation, thus facilitating stakeholder decision-making. This research will use synoptic climatology as a tool by which to characterize the key large-scale meteorological patterns associated with extreme precipitation events in the Portland, Oregon metro region. Composite analysis of meteorological patterns associated with extreme precipitation days, and associated watershed-specific flooding, is employed to enhance understanding of the climatic drivers behind such events. The self-organizing maps approach is then used to characterize the within-composite variability of the large-scale meteorological patterns associated with extreme precipitation events, allowing us to better understand the different types of meteorological conditions that lead to high-impact precipitation events and associated hydrologic impacts. A more comprehensive understanding of the meteorological drivers of extremes will aid in evaluation of the ability of climate models to capture key patterns associated with extreme precipitation over Portland and to better interpret projections of future climate at impact-relevant scales.

  8. Immobilisation Of Spent Ion Exchange Resins Using Portland Cement Blending With Organic Material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zalina Laili; Mohd Abdul Wahab; Nur Azna Mahmud


    Immobilisation of spent ion exchange resins (spent resins) using Portland cement blending with organic material for example bio char was investigated. The performance of cement-bio char matrix for immobilisation of spent ion exchange resins was evaluated based on their compression strength and leachability under different experimental conditions. The results showed that the amount of bio char and spent resins loading effect the compressive strength of the waste form. Several factors affecting the leaching behaviour of immobilised spent resins in cement-bio char matrix. (author)

  9. Concentration of electrolyte reserves of the juvenile african catfish clarias gariepinus (burchell, 1822) exposed to sublethal concentrations of portland cement powder in solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adamu, M.K.; Francis, O.A.


    The study investigated the effect of sublethal concentrations (39.10, 19.55, 9.87 and 0.00 mg/l) of Portland cement powder in solution on the electrolyte reserves (sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride and inorganic phosphorus) in the serum, liver and kidney of the juvenile African catfish Clarias gariepinus after a 15 day exposure period. The basic function of the determined electrolyte reserves in the body lies in controlling fluid distribution, intra and extra cellular acidobasic equilibrium, maintaining osmotic pressure of body fluid and normal neuro-muscular irritability. The result revealed significant (P 0.05) changes in inorganic phosphorus. Sodium, calcium, chloride and inorganic phosphorus and potassium were significantly (P 0.05) different in liver and kidney, respectively. Ipso-facto, the effector organs viz: liver and kidney of teleost species - Clarias gariepinus which are primarily responsible for regulating water and ionic movement between external and internal milieu of fishes are susceptible to deleterious effects of Portland cement powder thus sublethal concentration (39.10 mg/l) of Portland cement powder in solution after a 15 day exposure has been most toxic and debilitating to the test fish. (author)

  10. Influence of Ba2+ and Sr2+ ions on the hydration process of portland cement and blended cements

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    Živanović, B. M.


    Full Text Available This study concerns the influence of the concentration of Sr2+ and Ba2+ ions in mortar batch waters upon the hydration process of various Portland and additive cements. An increase in the mechanical resistence of said cements is observed, after 28 days, when the concentration of Ba2+ and Sr2+ ions in the mortar batch waters increases. This suggests a possible microstructural explanation of said phenomenon.En el presente trabajo se estudia la influencia de la concentración de los iones Sr2+ y Ba2+ en las aguas de amasado sobre el proceso de hidratación de varios cementos portland y de adición. Se comprueba un incremento de las resistencias mecánicas de dichos cementos, a los 28 días, cuando aumenta la concentración de los iones Ba2+ y Sr2+ en las aguas de amasado, lo cual sugiere una posible explicación microestructural a dicho fenómeno.

  11. Evolution and quantification of the main Sensitisers in commercial portland cements

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    Frías, M.


    Full Text Available The commercial Portland cements contain minor elements in their chemical compositions. The presence of these elements has a direct incidence in different aspects: rheological behaviour, reaction kinetics, environmental, etc. Some of them also have a negative effect on the human health; so, chromium (Cr, nickel (Ni and cobalt (Co are the main allergens present in Portland cements, causing of Professional Dermatitis in construction workers. The current study is focussed on the quantification of total and soluble chromium, nickel and cobalt in a wide range of Spanish commercial cements. These values can represent a contribution to the establishing of possible limitations or reductions of these elements in forthcoming standards. Analytical data show that clinkers are the main responsibles of the presence of soluble chromium in commercial cements. This fact could be indicating that chromium solubility (from inert Cr III to soluble Cr VI would be closely related to the clinkerisation conditions. On the other hand, there is not a direct ratio between total chromium and soluble chromium; it means that analytical results are punctual and not any case can be extrapolating ones. Ni and Co solubility in water is practically negligible either raw as clinkers.

    Los cementos Portland comerciales contienen elementos minoritarios en su composición química. La presencia de estos elementos tiene una incidencia directa en diferentes aspectos: comportamiento reológico, cinética de reacción, contaminación ambiental, etc. Algunos de ellos, aparte de su incidencia mencionada anteriormente, tienen un efecto negativo en la salud humana. Así, el cromo (Cr, níquel (Ni y cobalto (Co son los principales alérgenos contenidos en los cementos y, por lo tanto, los principales causantes de la Dermatitis Profesional. Este trabajo se centra en la cuantifîcación de los contenidos totales y solubles de cromo, níquel y cobalto presentes en los cementos comerciales

  12. Argamassas fotocatalíticas e concretos com adição de fibras de coco e sisal para a redução de impactos ambientais de gases poluentes

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    M. M. Bonato


    Full Text Available A construção civil movimenta, anualmente, toneladas de cimento para as suas mais diversas aplicações, mas, a sua fabricação gera teores elevados de poluentes ambientais. Decorrente disto tem-se uma constante busca por novos métodos sustentáveis e alternativos de fabricação. Neste trabalho, a pesquisa foi direcionada em dois aspectos: a adição de fibras de coco (FC e de sisal (FS a um concreto referência, com a intenção de aumentar suas demandas nacionais e diminuir o impacto ambiental resultante da quantidade de resíduos descartados no ambiente após o consumo do fruto, com redução do consumo de cimento em cada dosagem, respectivamente; e, a fotocatálise de gases poluentes por argamassas à base do nanocomposto dióxido de titânio, fase anatásio. Para a avaliação do concreto com adições foram realizados ensaios de resistência à compressão axial, variação dimensional de barras de argamassa expostas em solução agressiva de sulfato e o acompanhamento da durabilidade de corpos de prova (CPs envelhecidos em câmaras de intemperismo de névoa salina e de dióxido de enxofre pela técnica do potencial de corrosão. As argamassas com TiO2 foram avaliadas quanto ao seu potencial fotocatalítico para a redução na concentração de gases tipo NOx em câmara de UV-A, produzida para esta verificação. Os resultados indicaram um aumento em até 16% da resistência mecânica dos concretos com adições e uma eficiência das argamassas com teores de nano TiO2-fase anatásio a partir de 20% em massa, para promover a fotocatálise do NOx ao redor de 40%, em presença de radiação UV-A.

  13. "Why Is This the Only Place in Portland I See Black People?": Teaching Young Children about Redlining (United States)

    Johnson, Katharine


    As in many historically black neighborhoods in the United States, the gentrification of northeast Portland rests on an older history of economic injustice perpetrated by banks, realtors, governments, and white property owners. Redlining was one piece of an elaborate puzzle denying people of color access to housing and to wealth. The term refers to…


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    Kaziliunas A.


    Full Text Available Preparation of phosphogypsum to produce the binders requires a much higher input than preparation of natural gypsum stone. This makes it uncompetitive material. The investigations presented therein are meant to reduce this input by looking for the ways of rendering impurities harmless. Soluble acid orthophosphates are the main harmful impurity of phosphogypsum. The studies show that dry insoluble calcium orthophosphates hydrates (1.09 % and 2.18 % P2O5 in gypsum have little effect on W/C, setting times and soundness of Portland cement pastes. Insoluble calcium orthophosphates hydrates {CaHPO4∙2H2O, Ca8(HPO42(PO44∙5H2O and Ca9(HPO4(PO45(OH∙4H2O} formed in acidic medium (pH = 4.2 - 5.9 have been destroyed in alkaline medium and reduce standard compressive strength of cement up to 28 %. Calcium orthophosphates hydrates of hydroxyapatite group are stable in alcaline medium, while in dry state they reduce the standard compressive strength of cement until 10 %, but their suspensions prolong setting times of Portland cement as soluble orthophosphates – 2 - 3 times. Alkalis in cement increase pH of paste, but do not change the process of formation of calcium orthophosphates hydrates of hydroxyapatite group: it takes place through an intermediate phase - CaHPO4·2H2O, whose transformation into apatite lasts for 2 - 3 months.

  15. 77 FR 39793 - Notice of Intent To Rule on Request To Release Airport Property at Portland-Hillsboro Airport... (United States)


    ... To Release Airport Property at Portland--Hillsboro Airport, Hillsboro, OR AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of Proposal to Release Airport Property. SUMMARY: The FAA proposes to... provisions of Section 125 of the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment Reform Act for the 21st Century (AIR 21...

  16. Resistência à remoção de braquetes ortodônticos sob ação de diferentes cargas contínuas Shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets using different static loading application

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    Carla Giannini


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: testar se existe alteração na resistência adesiva de dois cimentos utilizados na colagem de acessórios ortodônticos ao esmalte dentário bovino, sendo um de polimerização química (Concise ortodôntico e outro fotopolimerizável (Transbond XT, após a aplicação de cargas contínuas. METODOLOGIA: foram utilizados para este estudo 80 dentes bovinos e 80 braquetes metálicos. O esmalte bovino foi condicionado com ácido fosfórico a 37% por 1 minuto e depois lavado e seco. A aplicação dos adesivos, manipulação e aplicação dos dois cimentos foram feitas de acordo com as instruções dos fabricantes. Após 24 horas, todos os braquetes foram submetidos a cargas contínuas de 30g, 70g e 120g, menos o grupo controle, que não recebeu carga alguma. Os espécimes ficaram imersos em água filtrada por 28 dias dentro de uma estufa a 37°C. Depois deste período, as amostras foram submetidas a testes de cisalhamento em uma Máquina de Ensaios Universal Kratos. Os resultados foram registrados e enviados para análise estatística. CONCLUSÕES: (1 o cimento Concise apresentou maior resistência à remoção que o cimento Transbond XT para todas as cargas utilizadas, (2 não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na resistência adesiva frente às três cargas utilizadas para os dois cimentos testados; (3 no momento da fratura, conforme ocorreu o aumento da carga, a porcentagem de fratura do esmalte diminuiu para o Concise, ao contrário do cimento Transbond XT, onde a porcentagem de fratura de esmalte se manteve constante com o aumento das cargas.AIM: The purpose of this study was to test differences on bond strength between auto-cured (Concise and light-cured (Transbond XT cements after static loading and shear test. METHODS: Eighty bovine teeth and metallic orthodontic brackets (Morelli Ortodontia Braquete Edgewise/Rickets were tested after static loads of 30, 70 and 120grs. Bovine enamel was conditioned with 37% phosphoric

  17. Determination of the Apical Sealing Abilities of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, Portland Cement, and Bioaggregate After Irrigation with Different Solutions. (United States)

    Bayram, H Melike; Saklar, Feridun; Bayram, Emre; Orucoglu, Hasan; Bozkurt, Alperen


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the sealing ability of root-end filling materials such as mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), Portland cement, and bioaggregate (BA) after irrigation with different solutions. We examined 130 human maxillar central teeth. After cutting the teeth at the cementoenamel junction, the root canals were expanded using nickel-titanium rotary instruments. Root canals were filled with AH-plus and gutta-percha. Then, the roots were cut apically, and 3 mm deep retrograde cavities were prepared. The roots were divided 12 experimental groups, consisting 10 teeth each; the positive and negative control groups contained five teeth each. The retrograde cavities were rinsed using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), chlorhexidine (CHX), BioPure(™) mixture of a tetracycline isomer, an acid, and a detergent (MTAD), or distilled water. Next, groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 were sealed with MTA; groups 5, 6, 7, and 8 were sealed with Portland cement; and groups 9, 10, 11, and 12 were sealed with BA. Then, apical microleakage was evaluated by using a computerized fluid filtration method. The results of the leakage test were statistically evaluated by the post-hoc Tukey's test. MTA, Portland cement, and BA root-end filling materials showed the least leakage in the CHX and distilled water groups. The highest leakage was observed in the EDTA and MTAD groups. The sealing ability of BA was as good as that of MTA. EDTA and MTAD increased the apical leakage and CHX and distilled water decreased the leakage of the root-end filling materials examined in this study.

  18. Oiling and cleanup issues in wetlands, M/T Julie N spill, Portland, Maine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michel, J.; Lehmann, S.M.; Henry, C.B.Jr.


    The clean up and environmental assessment techniques which were used following the September 1996 oil spill from the M/T Julie N in Portland Harbor, Maine were reviewed and documented. The spill resulted in heavy oiling of wetland. Aerial photography, ground-truth surveys, transects and chemical sampling were conducted to try to assess the impact to wetlands and to decide on appropriate cleanup options. A range of cleanup methods were attempted including low-pressure flushing, shoreline cleaning agents, vegetation cutting, and natural recovery. 9 refs., 3 tabs., 1 fig

  19. The Estimation of Compaction Parameter Values Based on Soil Properties Values Stabilized with Portland Cement (United States)

    Lubis, A. S.; Muis, Z. A.; Pasaribu, M. I.


    The strength and durability of pavement construction is highly dependent on the properties and subgrade bearing capacity. This then led to the idea of the selection methods to estimate the density of the soil with the proper implementation of the system, fast and economical. This study aims to estimate the compaction parameter value namely the maximum dry unit weight (γd max) and optimum moisture content (wopt) of the soil properties value that stabilized with Portland Cement. Tests conducted in the laboratory of soil mechanics to determine the index properties (fines and liquid limit) and Standard Compaction Test. Soil samples that have Plasticity Index (PI) between 0-15% then mixed with Portland Cement (PC) with variations of 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%, each 10 samples. The results showed that the maximum dry unit weight (γd max) and wopt has a significant relationship with percent fines, liquid limit and the percentation of cement. Equation for the estimated maximum dry unit weight (γd max) = 1.782 - 0.011*LL + 0,000*F + 0.006*PS with R2 = 0.915 and the estimated optimum moisture content (wopt) = 3.441 + 0.594*LL + 0,025*F + 0,024*PS with R2 = 0.726.

  20. Assessment of diabetic teleretinal imaging program at the Portland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center. (United States)

    Tsan, Grace L; Hoban, Keely L; Jun, Weon; Riedel, Kevin J; Pedersen, Amy L; Hayes, John


    We conducted a retrospective chart review of 200 diabetic patients who had teleretinal imaging performed between January 1, 2010, and January 1, 2011, at Portland Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center outpatient clinics to assess the effectiveness of the diabetic teleretinal imaging program. Twenty patients (10%) had diabetic retinopathy. Ninety percent of the available teleretinal imaging studies were of adequate quality for interpretation. In accordance with local VA policy at that time, all teleretinal imaging patients should have been referred for a dilated retinal examination the following year. Image readers referred 97.5% of the patients to eye clinics for subsequent eye examinations, but the imagers scheduled appointments for only 80% of these patients. The redundancy rate, i.e., patients who had an eye examination within the past 6 mo, was 11%; the duplicate recall rate, i.e., patients who had a second teleretinal imaging performed within 1 yr of the eye examination, was 37%. Rates of timely diabetic eye examinations at clinics with teleretinal imaging programs, particularly when teleretinal imaging and eye clinics were colocated at the same community-based outpatient clinic, were higher than those without a teleretinal imaging program. We concluded that the Portland VA Medical Center's teleretinal imaging program was successful in increasing the screening rate for diabetic retinopathy.

  1. Tabular data base construction and analysis from thematic classified Landsat imagery of Portland, Oregon (United States)

    Bryant, N. A.; George, A. J., Jr.; Hegdahl, R.


    A systematic verification of Landsat data classifications of the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area has been undertaken on the basis of census tract data. The degree of systematic misclassification due to the Bayesian classifier used to process the Landsat data was noted for the various suburban, industrialized and central business districts of the metropolitan area. The Landsat determinations of residential land use were employed to estimate the number of automobile trips generated in the region and to model air pollution hazards.

  2. The effect of urban trees on the rental price of single-family homes in Portland, Oregon (United States)

    Geoffrey H. Donovan; David T. Butry


    Few studies have estimated the effect of environmental amenities on the rental price of houses. We address this gap in the literature by quantifying the effect of urban trees on the rental price of single-family homes in Portland, Oregon, USA. We found that an additional tree on a house's lot increased monthly rent by $5.62, and a tree in the public right of way...

  3. Effect of saliva and blood contamination on the bi-axial flexural strength and setting time of two calcium-silicate based cements: Portland cement and biodentine. (United States)

    Alhodiry, W; Lyons, M F; Chadwick, R G


    This study evaluated the effect of contamination with saliva and blood on the bi-axial flexural strength and setting time of pure gray Portland cement and Biodentine (Septodont, Allington, UK). A one-way ANOVA showed that contamination caused no significant difference between the cements in bi-axial flexural strength (P> 0.05). However there was a significant difference in setting time (PPortland cement taking longer than Biodentine, regardless of the contaminant, and contamination with blood increased the setting time of both materials. Biodentine was similar in strength to Portland cement, but had a shorter setting time for both contaminated and non-contaminated samples.

  4. Reference Gene Selection in the Desert Plant <em>Eremosparton songoricuem>m>

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    Dao-Yuan Zhang


    Full Text Available <em>Eremosparton songoricum em>(Litv. Vass. (<em>E. songoricumem> is a rare and extremely drought-tolerant desert plant that holds promise as a model organism for the identification of genes associated with water deficit stress. Here, we cloned and evaluated the expression of eight candidate reference genes using quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reactions. The expression of these candidate reference genes was analyzed in a diverse set of 20 samples including various <em>E. songoricumem> plant tissues exposed to multiple environmental stresses. GeNorm analysis indicated that expression stability varied between the reference genes in the different experimental conditions, but the two most stable reference genes were sufficient for normalization in most conditions.<em> EsEFem> and <em>Esα-TUB> were sufficient for various stress conditions, <em>EsEF> and <em>EsACT> were suitable for samples of differing germination stages, and <em>EsGAPDH>and <em>Es>UBQ em>were most stable across multiple adult tissue samples. The <em>Es18Sem> gene was unsuitable as a reference gene in our analysis. In addition, the expression level of the drought-stress related transcription factor <em>EsDREB2em>> em>verified the utility of<em> E. songoricumem> reference genes and indicated that no single gene was adequate for normalization on its own. This is the first systematic report on the selection of reference genes in <em>E. songoricumem>, and these data will facilitate future work on gene expression in this species.

  5. Utilization of the national Portland cement for immobilizing radioactive wastes - Physical characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rzyski, B.M.; Suarez, A.A.


    This paper shows the results obtained in the study of the national Portland cement, P320, as matrix for radioactive nitric waste incorporation. Cement use practice in other countries is common for this purposes and demonstrates to be cheap and accessible when low and medium level wastes are immobilized. Some of physical characteristics as: homogeneity,mechanical strenght, setting and porosity are analysed due to water-cement ratio and salt contents. Those characteristics which are proper of the final product, must be controlled in such way to assure a long time integrity of the wasteform. The establishment of process and quality control criteria are based in such kind of data. (author) [pt

  6. A bumblefoot outbreak and fatal septicemia in captive aquatic birds in Brazil Surto de esparavão e septicemia fatal em aves aquáticas cativas no Brasil

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    Marcus Vinícius Romero Marques


    Full Text Available A bumblefoot outbreak with different prognosis according to host species was studied in captive aquatic avian species. Six wood ducks (Aix sponsa, three scarlet-ibis (Eudocimus ruber, two black-swans (Cygnus atratus, five white-faced ducks (Dendrocygna viduata and two roseate spoonbills (Platalea ajaja were kept in a common pen with abrasive pavement pond margin, predisposing to podal skin wear. Incoordination and mortality occurred in the two roseate spoonbils and one black swan. Coagulase-positive penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from the synovial fluid and from the liver. All birds sharing the pen presented active or cicatricial foot lesions, indicating a possible challenge to the environmental Staphylococci. However, except for the roseate spoonbill and the black swan, which had fatal disease, for all other species the case did not evolve to a clinically debilitating or fatal disease. The different susceptibility to a fatal Staphylococcus aureus coagulase positive infection is discussed.Este trabalho relata um surto de esparavão em aves aquáticas cativas com prognóstico variado conforme a espécie de ave. Foram examinados um marreco carolina (Aix sponsa, três guarás (íbis vermelha (Eudocimus ruber, dois cisnes negros (Cygnus atratus, cinco marrecas piadeiras (Dendrocygna viduata e dois colhereiros (Platalea ajaja mantidos em recinto comunitário, em cativeiro e em criatório. No recinto, a piscina é margeada por borda de cimento abrasivo que possibilita a abrasão da pele podal. Todas as aves apresentaram erosões da pele na face de apoio dos pés, indicando fator predisponente (erosão similar e possível semelhante desafio infeccioso. Entretanto, incoordenação e mortalidade ocorreram em colhereiros e no cisne negro, mas não nas outras espécies. Staphylococcus aureus coagulase positivo e resistente à penicilina foi isolado do líquido sinovial e do fígado das aves recém-mortas e conservadas em geladeira

  7. Microstructure Development and Transport Properties of Portland Cement-fly Ash Binary Systems : In view of service life predictions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yu, Z.


    Fly ash is a by-product of burning coal in electric power generating plants. It is commonly known that owing to its pozzolanic properties fly ash is widely used as a partial replacement for Portland cement in concrete. The use of fly ash in concrete not only reduces the landfill costs of fly ash,

  8. Hydration of Portland cement with additions of calcium sulfoaluminates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Le Saoût, Gwenn; Lothenbach, Barbara; Hori, Akihiro; Higuchi, Takayuki; Winnefeld, Frank


    The effect of mineral additions based on calcium aluminates on the hydration mechanism of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) was investigated using isothermal calorimetry, thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, solid state nuclear magnetic resonance and pore solution analysis. Results show that the addition of a calcium sulfoaluminate cement (CSA) to the OPC does not affect the hydration mechanism of alite but controls the aluminate dissolution. In the second blend investigated, a rapid setting cement, the amorphous calcium aluminate reacts very fast to ettringite. The release of aluminum ions strongly retards the hydration of alite but the C–S–H has a similar composition as in OPC with no additional Al to Si substitution. As in CSA–OPC, the aluminate hydration is controlled by the availability of sulfates. The coupling of thermodynamic modeling with the kinetic equations predicts the amount of hydrates and pore solution compositions as a function of time and validates the model in these systems.

  9. com aditivo

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    Márcio Joaquim Estefano de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O emprego de agregado reciclado de resíduo de concreto e de rejeitos cerâmicos se apresenta como alternativa promissora para a fabricação de componentes e elementos de construção civil, com a finalidade de atender às questões técnicas, econômicas, sociais e ambientais. A matéria-prima empregada na pesquisa foi o resíduo de concreto descartado pelas obras de construção civil que, muitas vezes, contém restos de materiais cerâmicos provenientes de blocos e azulejos, com idade, composição e outros parâmetros originais diferentes. O objetivo do trabalho foi melhorar as propriedades do concreto obtido com agregado reciclado, pelo emprego de aditivo terpolímero acrílico em emulsão aquosa, com incorporador de bolhas de ar para tornar o concreto leve e melhorar a consistência, a trabalhabilidade, a impermeabilidade e a resistência mecânica do concreto. O cimento Portland, os agregados graúdos naturais e os agregados graúdos reciclados foram caracterizados de acordo com as normas brasileiras. O concreto de referência e o concreto com agregado reciclado foram dosados para uma tensão de ruptura média de 30 MPa aos 28 dias de idade e estudados quanto à resistência, à compressão, resistência à tração, absorção de água e massa específica. Fez-se também interpretação da microestrutura dos concretos por meio de análise petrográfica e da microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV. A viabilidade técnica deste novo material vai ao encontro do desenvolvimento sustentável, na medida em que minimiza impactos ambientais e cria a possibilidade do emprego de sistemas construtivos mais otimizados, facilitando a construção de edifícios convencionais e de interesse social.

  10. Endocrine disruptors and dental materials: health implications associated with their use in Brazil Desreguladores endócrinos e materiais dentários: implicações para a saúde decorrentes de sua utilização no Brasil

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    Antonio Jorge Molinário Coelho


    Full Text Available This study analyzes international historical trends in the use of different types of materials in dental practice. The author describes the chemical properties of their ingredients and the potential and observed adverse effects in patients and dental technicians resulting from clinical or occupational exposure to various metals like beryllium, used to produce metal alloys. The growing use of various products (resin cements, ionomer cements, aesthetic restorative materials, resins, endodontal cements, and others based on the compound bisphenol-A, whose chemical structure is similar to that of estrogen. Considering the demographic and contemporary work force characteristics of those involved in dental practice in the Brazil, the study highlights the possible effect of the use of these materials in both male and female patients and all age strata, as well as in health professionals with occupational exposure to products containing bisphenol-A.Neste trabalho são analisadas as tendências históricas observadas, no plano internacional, quanto ao emprego das diferentes modalidades de materiais dentários na prática odontológica. São especificados as propriedades químicas de seus constituintes e os efeitos adversos potenciais e observados em pacientes e técnicos de prótese, decorrentes da exposição ocupacional a metais diversos como o berílio, usado na confecção de ligas metálicas. Posteriormente, se analisa a transformação observada na prática odontológica, a partir da década de sessenta, com a introdução crescente de diversos produtos (cimentos resinosos, cimentos de ionômero, materiais restauradores estéticos, resinas, cimentos endodônticos, entre outros à base do composto bisfenol A, com estrutura química apresentando similaridades aos hormônios estrogênicos. O trabalho destaca o possível efeito no Brasil, decorrente do amplo emprego desses materiais em pacientes de ambos os sexos e todas as faixas etárias, bem como em

  11. Thermal performance of sisal fiber-cement roofing tiles for rural constructions Desempenho térmico de telhas de fibrocimento reforçadas com polpa de sisal para construções rurais

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    Gustavo Henrique Denzin Tonoli


    Full Text Available Roofing provides the main protection against direct solar radiation in animal housing. Appropriate thermal properties of roofing materials tend to improve the thermal comfort in the inner ambient. Nonasbestos fiber-cement roofing components reinforced with cellulose pulp from sisal (Agave sisalana were produced by slurry and dewatering techniques, with an optional addition of polypropylene fibers. Nonasbestos tiles were evaluated and compared with commercially available asbestos-cement sheets and ceramic tiles (frequently chosen as roofing materials for animal housing. Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of tiles were determined by the parallel hot-wire method, along with the evaluation of the downside surface temperature. Cement-based components reinforced with sisal pulp presented better thermal performance at room temperature (25ºC, while those reinforced with sisal pulp added by polypropylene fibers presented better thermal performance at 60ºC. Non-asbestos cement tiles provided more efficient protection against radiation than asbestos corrugated sheets.O telhado fornece a principal proteção contra a radiação solar direta em galpões para animais. Propriedades térmicas apropriadas dos materiais contribuem para o melhor conforto térmico no interior das construções. Telhas sem amianto reforçadas com polpa de celulose de sisal (Agave sisalana e com adição opcional de fibras de polipropileno foram produzidas pela técnica de mistura e sucção do excesso de água. Telhas corrugadas de cimento amianto, telhas cerâmicas e telhas à base de cimento reforçadas com polpa de celulose (com ou sem adição de fibras sintéticas foram comparadas quanto às suas propriedades térmicas. A condutividade térmica e a difusividade térmica foram determinadas pelo método do fio quente paralelo, assim como a temperatura da superfície inferior das telhas foi avaliada em diferentes períodos. Telhas de cimento reforçados com polpa de

  12. A specimen of <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> in Barn Owl's pellets from Murge plateau (Apulia, Italy / Su di un <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> (Insectivora, Soricidae rinvenuto in borre di <em>Tyto albaem> delle Murge (Puglia, Italia

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    Giovanni Ferrara


    Full Text Available Abstract In a lot of Barn Owl's pellets from the Murge plateau a specimen of <em>Sorex> sp. was detected. Thank to some morphological and morphometrical features, the cranial bones can be tentatively attributed to <em>Sorex samniticusem> Altobello, 1926. The genus <em>Sorex> was not yet included in the Apulia's fauna southwards of the Gargano district; the origin and significance of the above record is briefly discussed, the actual presence of a natural population of <em>Sorex> in the Murge being not yet proved. Riassunto Viene segnalato il rinvenimento di un esemplare di <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> da borre di <em>Tyto albaem> delle Murge. Poiché il genere non era stato ancora segnalato nella Puglia a sud del Gargano, viene discusso il significato faunistico del reperto.

  13. Efecto de extractos vegetales de <em>Polygonum hydropiperoidesem>, <em>Solanum nigrumem> y <em>Calliandra pittieriem> sobre el gusano cogollero (<em>Spodoptera frugiperdaem>

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    Lizarazo H. Karol


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    El gusano cogollero <em>Spodoptera frugiperdaem> es una de las plagas que más afectan los cultivos en la región de Sumapaz (Cundinamarca, Colombia. En la actualidad se controla principalmente aplicando productos de síntesis química, sin embargo la aplicación de extractos vegetales surge como una alternativa de menor impacto sobre el ambiente. Este control se emplea debido a que las plantas contienen metabolitos secundarios que pueden inhibir el desarrollo de los insectos. Por tal motivo, la presente investigación evaluó el efecto insecticida y antialimentario de extractos vegetales de barbasco <em>Polygonum hydropiperoidesem> (Polygonaceae, carbonero <em>Calliandra pittieriem> (Mimosaceae y hierba mora <em>Solanum nigrumem> (Solanaceae sobre larvas de <em>S. frugiperdaem> biotipo maíz. Se estableció una cría masiva del insecto en el laboratorio utilizando una dieta natural con hojas de maíz. Posteriormente se obtuvieron extractos vegetales utilizando solventes de alta polaridad (agua y etanol y media polaridad (diclorometano los cuales se aplicaron sobre las larvas de segundo instar. Los resultados más destacados se presentaron con extractos de <em>P. hydropiperoidesem>, obtenidos con diclorometano en sus diferentes dosis, con los cuales se alcanzó una mortalidad de 100% 12 días después de la aplicación y un efecto antialimentario representado por un consumo de follaje de maíz inferior al 4%, efectos similares a los del testigo comercial (Clorpiriphos.

  14. Reuse of a residue from petrochemical industry with portland cement Reutilización de un residuo de la industria petroquímica como adición al cemento portland

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    Janneth Torres Agredo


    Full Text Available In this article the possibility of using waste from the petrochemical industry,as partial replacement of Portland cement is studied, evaluating the presenceof contaminants in the waste and the encapsulation, once it is confined on the cement. This has been done, in order to find a use to this residue without cause damage to the environment. This residue, called spent fluid catalytic cracking catalyst (FCC, is mainly formed by a type Y zeolite, which is dispersing in an inorganic oxides matrix. The toxicity characteristic leaching proceeding was applied, in mortars adding with 20% of FCC as Portland cement replacement. The results showed that the residue does not represent a problem from the point of view of the leaching of elements, such as As, Pb, Zn, Cr, and La, which were below to the permissible limits. Additionally, the pozzolanic activity of FCC was evaluated according to ASTM C311, where the efficiency of the residue as pozzolanic addition is demonstrated. With the results the importance of reusing a residue of the petrochemical industry is emphasized, that decreases the amount of cement to be used and improves the mechanical resistance of the materials containing it.En el presente artículo se estudia la posibilidad de utilizar un residuo de la industria petroquímica, como sustitución parcial del cemento Portland, evaluando la presencia de elementos contaminantes en el residuo y su encapsulación, una vez se haya confinado con el cemento. Lo anterior, con el fin de determinar si su uso como material de construcción, puede o no causar un efecto negativo al medio ambiente. El residuo, denominado catalizador usado de craqueo catalítico (FCC, es un material que está compuesto por una zeolita tipo Y, dispersa en una matriz de óxidos inorgánicos. Se aplicó la técnica de TCLP (del inglés Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, en morteros adicionados con un 20%, de FCC con respecto a la cantidad de cemento. Los resultados

  15. In Vitro Bioactivity and Setting Times of White Portland Cement Combined with Different Radio Pacifying Agents

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    Coleman Nichola Jayne


    Full Text Available Commercial formulations based on 80:20 mixtures of Portland cement and bismuth oxide (a radiopacifying agent are used in dentistry as root-filling materials. This study compares the impact of two alternative radiopacifiers, barium sulphate and zirconium oxide, with that of bismuth oxide, on the setting times and bioactivity of white Portland cement. The findings indicate that bismuth oxide prolongs both the initial and final setting times of the cement, and that barium sulphate and zirconium oxide have no effect on this parameter. Hydroxyapatite (HA formed on the surfaces of all test samples within 7 days of exposure to simulated body fluid, indicating that they possess the potential to stimulate new hard tissue formation. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, the traditional technique for the identification of HA, was not appropriate for the analysis of these cement systems owing to the overlap of signals from each of the radiopacifiers with the characteristic P-O bending modes of HA in the 570 – 610 cm−1 region. In this respect, the P-O band at 965 cm−1 of HA in the Raman spectrum was found to be a suitable means of detection since it is discrete with respect to all signals arising from the radiopacifying agents and cement phases.

  16. Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Formocresol, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, Portland Cement, and Enamel Matrix Derivative in Primary Teeth Pulpotomies: A Two Year Follow-Up. (United States)

    Yildirim, Ceren; Basak, Feridun; Akgun, Ozlem Marti; Polat, Gunseli Guven; Altun, Ceyhan


    The aim of this study was to evaluate and to compare clinical and radiographic outcomes of 4 materials (formocresol, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), Portland cement and enamel matrix derivative) using in primary teeth pulpotomies. Sixty-five patients aged 5-9 years (32 female, 33 male) were included in this study. A total of 140 primary first and second molars with deep caries were treated with pulpotomy. All teeth were then restored with stainless steel crowns. The treated teeth were evaluated clinically and radiographically at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. At 24 months, the clinical success rates of formocresol, MTA, Portland cement, and enamel matrix derivative were 96.9%, 100%, 93.9%, and 93.3%, respectively. The corresponding radiographic success rates were 84.4%, 93.9%, 86.7% and 78.1%, respectively. Although there were no statistically significant differences in clinical and radiographic success rates among the 4 groups, MTA appears to be superior to formocresol, Portland cement, and enamel matrix derivative as a pulpotomy agent in primary teeth.

  17. Rapid Development of Microsatellite Markers with 454 Pyrosequencing in a Vulnerable Fish<em>,> the Mottled Skate<em>, Raja em>pulchra>

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    Jung-Ha Kang


    Full Text Available The mottled skate, <em>Raja pulchraem>, is an economically valuable fish. However, due to a severe population decline, it is listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. To analyze its genetic structure and diversity, microsatellite markers were developed using 454 pyrosequencing. A total of 17,033 reads containing dinucleotide microsatellite repeat units (mean, 487 base pairs were identified from 453,549 reads. Among 32 loci containing more than nine repeat units, 20 primer sets (62% produced strong PCR products, of which 14 were polymorphic. In an analysis of 60 individuals from two <em>R. pulchra em>populations, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 1–10, and the mean allelic richness was 4.7. No linkage disequilibrium was found between any pair of loci, indicating that the markers were independent. The Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium test showed significant deviation in two of the 28 single-loci after sequential Bonferroni’s correction. Using 11 primer sets, cross-species amplification was demonstrated in nine related species from four families within two classes. Among the 11 loci amplified from three other <em>Rajidae> family species; three loci were polymorphic. A monomorphic locus was amplified in all three <em>Rajidae> family species and the <em>Dasyatidae> family. Two <em>Rajidae> polymorphic loci amplified monomorphic target DNAs in four species belonging to the Carcharhiniformes class, and another was polymorphic in two Carcharhiniformes species.

  18. Properties of SiMn slag as apozzolanic material in portland cement manufacture

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    Frías, M.


    Full Text Available The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the behaviour of SiMn slag as a pozzolanic material in commercial Portland cement manufacture. This necessitated exploring different scientific and technical aspects to ensure a correct valuation. The results obtained revealed that silica and calcium are the main components of SiMn slag, whose pozzolanic activity occupies an intermediate position between silica fume and fly ash; it reduces heat of hydration and mortars made with cement containing SiMn slag exhibit compressive strength values similar to the figures for standard mortar. Consequently, the use of SiMn slag as an active addition to cement is feasible, inasmuch as the resulting product meets the requirements laid down in the present legislation.

    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es evaluar el comportamiento de la escoria de SiMn como material puzolánico en la fabricación de cementos Portland comerciales. Para ello, resulta necesario investigar diferentes aspectos científicos y técnicos que conlleven a una correcta valorización de las mismas. Los resultados obtenidos en el presente trabajo han puesto de manifiesto que la escoria de SiMn presenta una naturaleza sílico-cálcica, actividad puzolúnica intermedia entre el humo de sílice y ceniza volante, reduce el calor de hidratación y los morteros con escoria de SiMn muestra alcanzan resistencias a compresión similares a las del mortero patrón. Por lo tanto, la utilización de la escoria de SiMn como adición activa al cemento es viable, cumpliendo con las exigencias recogidas en la norma vigente.

  19. Immobilisation of strontium, nickel and iodide by a sulphate-resisting Portland cement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wieland, E.; Tits, J.; Spieler, P.; Dobler, J.-P.


    The interaction of Sr(II), Ni(II) and I(-I) with sulphate-resisting Portland cement was investigated under highly alkaline conditions. Batch-sorption studies were performed by contacting HTS cement (haute teneur en silice, sulphate-resisting Portland cement, Lafarge, France) with artificial cement pore water (ACW). The composition of ACW was 0.18 M KOH, 0.114 M NaOH and 1.2 mM Ca(OH) 2 . 85 Sr, 63 Ni and 125 I were used as tracers. In the experiments with Sr(II) and Ni(II), isosaccharinic acid (ISA) was added to ACW at 10 -5 M to 10 -2 M in order to study the effect of complexing ligands on radionuclide retention. The stability of the tracer solutions and the cement suspensions were first assessed. Moreover, the inventory of the stable elements were determined in cement and cement pore water. We then studied the kinetics of the radionuclide-cement interaction process and measured the dependence of the distribution ratio (R d ) on the concentration of ISA and on the concentration of cement particles (S:L ratio). In the case of 63 Ni and 125 I a strong decrease in the distribution ratio (R d ) with increasing S:L ratio was observed. There is strong indication that the inventory of the stable fraction of an element present in cement pore water accounts for the retention of the radioisotope fraction. The results further indicate that phase transformations may occur in non-pre-equilibrated cement systems (non-equilibrium conditions) which affect 63 Ni uptake by HTS cement. The distribution ratios measured on HTS cement were compared with values obtained from measurements on important cement components (portlandite, CSH/C(A)SH-phases)

  20. Industrial Wastes as Alternative Mineral Addition in Portland Cement and as Aggregate in Coating Mortars


    Oliveira, Kamilla Almeida; Nazário, Bruna Inácio; Oliveira, Antonio Pedro Novaes de; Hotza, Dachamir; Raupp-Pereira, Fabiano


    This paper presents an evaluation study of wastes from pulp and paper as well as construction and demolition industries for application in cement-based materials. The alternative raw materials were used as a source of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and as pozzolanic material (water-reactive SiO2) in partial replacement of Portland cement. In addition to the hydraulic binder, coating mortars were composed by combining the pulp and paper fluidized bed sand residue with construction and demolition wa...