
Sample records for beverage penentuan kadar

  1. Penentuan Kadar Asam Lemak Bebas Dari CPO Non Edible Oil Yang Diperoleh Dari Pencampuran CPO Dan PFAD (4 : 1)


    Sri Agustina


    Telah dilakukan penentuan kadar asam lemak bebas dari CPO Non Edible Oil dengan menggunakan cara titrasi volumetri. Salah satu parameter yang digunakan dalam analisis mutu produksi adalah kandungan asam lemak bebas (Free Fatty Acid), karena CPO Non Edible Oil ini masih mengandung sejumlah komponen lain yang dapat memenuhi mutu produksi. Dari titrasi ini diperoleh bahwa kadar asam lemak bebas untuk CPO Non Edible Oil adalah 21.87 %. Dari hasil analisis kadar asam lemak bebas CPO Non Edible Oil...

  2. Identifikasi dan Penentuan Kadar Boraks dalam Lontong yang Dijual di Pasar Raya Padang

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    Rizki Amelia


    Full Text Available AbstrakKeamanan makanan merupakan salah satu masalah yang harus mendapatkan perhatian terutama di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia, karena bisa berdampak buruk terhadap kesehatan. Penyebabnya adalah masih rendahnya pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan tanggung jawab produsen pangan terhadap mutu dan keamanan makanan terutama pada industri kecil atau industri rumah tangga. Hal ini menyebabkan produsen sering menambahkan bahan kimia ke dalam produk makanan, salah satunya boraks. Konsumsi boraks dapat menyebabkan mual, muntah, kanker bahkan kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi dan penentuan kadar boraks pada lontong yang dijual di Pasar Raya Padang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang dilakukan di Laboratorium FMIPA Universitas Andalas Padang dari bulan Januari sampai bulan Desember 2013. Identifikasi dan penentuan kadar boraks dilakukan terhadap 10 sampel lontong yang diambil secara random. Metoda yang digunakan adalah metoda titrasi dan menggunakan larutan standar NaOH. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap 10 sampel, didapatkan tidak ada satupun sampel lontong yang mengandung boraks.Kata kunci: boraks, lontong, titrasiAbstractThe food safety is one of problems that should get attention, especially in developing countries like Indonesia, because it can gives a negative impact for health. The cause is lack of knowledge, skill, and responsibility for the quality and safety of food, especially in small industries or home industry. It causes producers often add chemicals to food products, one of which borax. Consumption of borax can cause nausea, vomiting, cancer and even death. This research was to identify and determination of borax in lontong which sold at Pasar Raya Padang. This was a descriptive study at The Chemistry Laboratory, Andalas University Padang from January to December 2013. The identification and determination of borax on 10 samples of lontong taken by random. The method used is titration

  3. Penentuan Umur Simpan Lengkuas dengan Model Arrhenius Berdasarkan Kadar Air dan Kadar Sari Larut dalam Air

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    Rita Khathir


    Full Text Available Abstrak. Lengkuas (Alpinia galanga adalah salah satu tanaman penting bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Tanaman ini dapat digunakan untuk bumbu masakan dan obat herbal. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menduga umur simpan lengkuas segar dengan menggunakan model Arrhenius. Lengkuas segar yang baru dipanen dibersihkan dan dipotong-potong dengan ukuran 2cm, kemudian disimpan pada suhu 5, 10 dan 28°C. Evaluasi dilakukan oleh 25 orang panelis dengan menggunakan skala hedonic dari sangat suka sampai sangat tidak suka terhadap warna, kesegaran, aroma dan tekstur. Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar air dan kadar sari larut dalam air. Parameter tersebut diamati dalam interval 3 hari selama 21 hari atau sampai sampel dinyatakan tidak disukai oleh panelis pada salah satu kriteria hedoniknya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pad asuhu 28°C, lengkuas dapat disimpan selama 3 hari, sedangkan pada suhu 10 dan 5°C, lengkuas dapat disimpan selama 12 dan 21 hari. Energi aktivasi (EA dan tingkat perubahan mutu (Q10 karena kadar sari larut dalam air lebih besar dari energi aktivasi (EA dan tingkat perubahan mutu (Q10 karena kadar air lengkuas. Namun demikian, kedua parameter tersebut tidak tepat digunakan untuk menduga umur simpan lengkuas.   Shelf-Life Prediction of Galanga by Using Arrhenius Model Based on Its Moisture and Water Soluble Extract Content Abstract. Galanga (Alpinia galanga is one of important plants for Indonesian people. It can be used as spices and also as herbal medicine. The aim of this study is to predict the shelf-life of fresh galanga by using Arrhenius model. Fresh harvested galanga, which was cleaned and chopped at width about 2 cm, was stored at temperatures 5, 10, and 28°C. The evaluation was done by 25 respondents by using hedonic scale from the range of like very much until dislike very much. This hedonic evaluation was assessed, based on colour, freshness, aroma, and texture. Parameters observed were moisture and water soluble extract

  4. Analisis Penentuan Variabel dari Biaya Kapal Sebagai Acuan Penentuan Subsidi untuk Kapal Perintis :Studi Kasus Maluku

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    Rio Jagarin Silaban


    Full Text Available Subsidi diberikan untuk menjembatani ketidak-seimbangan antara harga atau tarip yang ditetapkan produsen dengan kekuatan daya beli konsumen dikarenakan konsumen tersebut tidak dapat membayar sesuai dengan tarip yang ditetapkan. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji formula penentuan subsidi saat ini dan mengeloborasi dengan solusi alternatife. Studi dilakukan dengan  menentukan  variabel jarak, yang ada di biaya kapal perintis dan dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan penentuan  subsidi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penentuan subsidi saat ini  hanya ditentukan oleh variabel Jarak saja dan variabel penentu saat ini belum bisa menghitung besaran subsidi dengan lebih objektif karena ada beberapa variabel penentu lainnya yang bisa dijadikan sebagai acuan penentuan subsidi seperti GT, BHP, ABK dan Umur.


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    Asterina Asterina


    Full Text Available AbstrakDewasa ini penggunaan bahan tambah makanan yang terlarang masih sering ditemukan, bahkan semakin meningkat terutama pada pengusaha pangan yang umumnya dihasilkan oleh industri kecil atau rumah tangga. Hal ini harus diwaspadai bersama baik oleh produsen maupun konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menetapkan kadar boraks pada mie basah yang beredar di beberapa pasar di kota Padang yang dilakukan dilaboratorium Kesehatan Padang dari bulan Maret sampai bulan September 2006. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif, sampel diambil dari produsen mie yang berbeda secara total sampling, ditemukan sebanyak 10 produsen yang dianalisis dengan metode titrsasi alkalimetri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 50% dari mie basah yang dianalisis dijumpai mengandung boraks, dengan kadar masing-masing 384,805 ppm, 394,79 ppm, 478,55 ppm, 484,87 ppm, dan 557,14 ppm. Rata-rata kadar boraks yang ditemukan adalah 460,031  71,249 ppm. Dapat disimpulkan masih ada produsen yang menggunakan boraks pada mie basah yang beredar di pasar kota Padang.Kata kunci : boraks, mie basah, alkalimetriAbstractThe currently the use of the forbidden foods are often found, in particularly in food company which is generally produced by small industri or households was increasing. This should be alert with both the producens and custamers.This reseach is animed to identify and defined the borax level in wet noodles spread in some market in Padang city which performed in the health of laboratory in Padang from March until September 2006. The study design is descriptive. Sample taken from the different noodles producers by totally sampling, was found 10 producers analyzed by titration alkalimetric method. The result suggest 50% of wet noodles analyzed, was found 384.805 ppm; 394.79 ppm; 478.55 ppm; 484.87 ppm; and 557.14 ppm respectively. The average of borax level found are 460.031 ± 71.249 ppm. Could be concluded that remain the producers using borax at wet noodles


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    andri ani


    Full Text Available Perubahan pola demografi di negara maju dan negara berkembang, angka kejadian infertilitas di negara maju dilaporkan sekitar 5%-8% dan di negara berkembang sekitar 30%.WHO memperkirakan sekitar 8%-10% atau sekitar 50-80 juta pasangan suami istri di seluruh dunia mengalami masalah infertilitas, sehingga membuat infertilitas menjadi masalah mendesak. Untuk itu diperlukan pengendalian infertilitas, salah satunya adalah kewaspadaan perubahan gaya hidup, perubahan ini juga mempengaruhi pola konsumsi makanan dengan lebih banyak mengkonsumsi jenis makanan cepat saji yang banyak mengandung zat aditif (penyedap rasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian monosodium glutamate terhadap kadar hormon estradiol dan kadar hormon progesteron pada tikus putih betina ( Rattus norvegicus .Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan post test only control group design, terhadap tikus putih betina dengan berat 200 – 250 gr. Sampel terdiri dari 24 ekor tikus yang dibagi 4 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol ( K , perlakuan I, II dan III . Kelompok perlakuan diberikan monosodium glutamat dengan dosis masing-masing : 45 mg, 54 mg dan 63 mg setiap hari diberikan peroral yang dilarutkan dengan aquabides 2 ml selama 20 hari yang dimulai pada awal fase proestrus. Setelah 20 hari perlakuan tikus di korbankan dan diambil darahnya. Pemeriksaan kadar hormone estradiol dan progesteron menggunakan Elisa Spectrophotometer.  Kemudian hasilnya dianalisa dengan menggunakan One Way ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Multiple Comparison jenis Bonferroni.Hasil penelitian pemberian  monosodium glutamat dengan dosis 45 mg/ ekor/ hari, 54 mg/ekor/ hari dan 63 mg/ ekor /hari dapat menurunkan kadar hormon estradiol tikus putih betina (Rattus norvegicus secara signifikan. Dan pemberian monosodium glutamate dengan dosis 45 mg/ ekor/ hari dapat menurunkan kadar hormon progesteron tikus putih betina (Rattus norvegicus walaupun tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan , dan pada


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    Jevi Rosta


    Full Text Available Perencanaan agregat merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam penentuan sumber daya serta penentuan biaya dalam proses produksi. Dengan perencanaan agregat metode heuristik, perusahaan dapat menentukan tingkat produksinya untuk memenuhi permintaannya melalui alokasi tenaga kerja, persediaan dan subkontrak atau kombinasi antara beberapa alternatif (hibrid. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan perencanaan untuk 4 alternatif yaitu variasi tenaga kerja, persediaan, subkontrak dan kombinasi lembur dan persediaan. Dan diperoleh hasil bahwa variasi tenaga kerja adalah alternatif yang terbaik dengan biaya yang paling minimum.





    2015 Proses Penentuan Harga Jual Pada Rumah Makan Citra Minang di Makassar The Process of Determining the Selling Price at Citra Minang Restaurant in Makassar Nadylah Sulpa Abdul Hamid Habbe Darmawati Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses penentuan harga jual menurut Rumah Makan Citra Minang dan nilai harga jual produk bila dihitung menggunakan metode cost plus pricing. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari data...

  9. Pengaruh Pengurangan Kadar Air dan Penggunaan Bahan Pengikat Kadar Air dalam Pembuatan Cake Bengkuang

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    Wilsa Hermianti


    Full Text Available Yam contains a high water content ranging from 86-90% therefore when be processed to be a product such as cake will also result a high water content and cause the product is not durable. By the nature characteristics of the yam was then made utilization efforts became yam cake in order to develop yam processing, increase value added, and diversify food processing based on raw materials of local potential in Padang City. Yam can be used by processing them into a semi wet food such as cake with a dominant amount of yam up to 50% of the cake batter, but only had a shelf life for 3 days. To increase the shelf-life study was carried out water content reduction of raw materials and using of a binder in the making of yam cake. The treatment of water content reduction of yam was done using juicer and pressing. A comparison as a control was performed without reduction of water content. The use of water content binder was conducted with the addition of coconut, cornstarch, and rice flour. Yam cake formulas using binder of water content  with cornstarch and reduction the water content of raw material by pressing showed optimal results with a preferred value of organoleptic panelist, the water content 28.50%, carbohydrate 56.31%, protein 6.13%, fat 10.23%, energy 341.86 kcal/100g, dietary fiber 5.98%, calcium 27.77 mg/100g, and 5.92% inulin, storability for 5 days at room temperature and 4 weeks at refrigerator temperature.ABSTRAKBengkuang mengandung kadar air yang tinggi berkisar 86-90% sehingga jika diolah untuk menjadi produk berupa cake akan memberikan kadar air yang juga tinggi dan menyebabkan produk menjadi tidak tahan lama. Dengan sifat alami bengkuang tersebut maka dilakukan upaya pemanfaatannya menjadi cake bengkuang dalam rangka pengembangan olahan dari bengkuang, peningkatan nilai tambah, dan diversifikasi olahan pangan berbasis bahan baku lokal yang cukup potensi di kota Padang. Bengkuang dapat dimanfaatkan dengan mengolahnya menjadi pangan

  10. Hubungan Kadar Feritin Serum dengan Gangguan Fungsi Paru Pasien Thalassemia Mayor Anak

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    Marte Robiul Sani


    Kesimpulan. Terdapat hubungan bermakna kadar feritin serum dengan gangguan fungsi paru pasien thalassemia mayor anak dan kadar feritin 4.839 μg/L merupakan batasan kadar feritin yang berhubungan dengan gangguan fungsi paru.


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    Muchlas Ichsan


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Produksi etanol melalui beberapa proses tahapan dari pemarutan bahan baku (ketela pohon dilanjut dengan komposisi yang sudah ditentukan, kemudian proses fermentasi, dan dilanjutkan tahapan distilasi. Komposisi fermentasi terdiri dari: ketela pohon, enzym alfa amylase, enzym gluco amylase, NPK, urea, dan ragi (yeast. Lama fermentasi berpengaruh terhadap kadar hasil destilasi, produksi etanol dari hasil destilasi dilakukan untuk mendapatkan kadar hasil etanol yang tinggi. Harapannya sumber energi alternatif ini merupakan sumber energi yang terbarukan dan menjadi energi alternatif bagi masyarakat. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui lama fermentasi ketela pohon yang paling baik untuk menghasilkan kadar etanol yang tinggi dengan mesin destilator model reflux. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengambilan data dengan mengadakan pengujian dan pengamatan terhadap lama fermentasi terhadap kadar etanol. Serta mengunakan metode pengujian secara langsung dan pengumpulan data kadar etanol hasil distilasi cairan fermentasi 3, 5, dan 7 hari. Dari kesimpulan hasil rata-rata data lama fermentasi 3, 5, dan 7 hari yang menghasilkan kadar etanol paling tinggi yaitu dari lama fermentasi 7 hari yang mengasilkan kadar etanol tertinggi yaitu: 92% etanol. Dengan komposisi fermentasi: ketela pohon = 10 kg, air = 15 liter, enzym alfa amylase = 10 ml, enzym gluco amylase = 10 ml, NPK = 5 gram, Urea = 20 gram, ragi (yeast = 15 gram Kata kunci: etanol, ketela pohon, lama fermentasi.


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    Sri Hartini


    Full Text Available Salah satu kunci kompetitif sebuah perusahaan make to order adalah ketepatan dalam pemenuhan waktu penerimaan pesanan pada konsumen yang telah dijanjikan perusahaan ( received date. Penentuan received date yang selama ini dilakukan oleh JI  kurang tepat karena hanya memperkirakan waktu sekitar 10 – 12 minggu tanpa mempertimbangkan faktor produksi. Penelitian ini merancang received date dengan model load-oriented manufacturing control dimana penentuan received date didasarkan pada perhitungan manufacturing lead time yang mempertimbangkan waktu pengiriman order ke konsumen, kapasitas yang tersedia pada tiap stasiun kerja, waktu proses pada stasiun kerja dan aliran produksi di lantai produksi. Hasil validasi perhitungan  penentuan received date order sesuai  dengan sistem produksi PT JI dan lebih valid dibanding sistem awal. Kata kunci : make to order, received date, manufacturing leadtime, load-oriented manufacturing control   One of the competitive key of a make to order company is the accuracy in fulfilling orders which has been promised by the company towards the consumers (received date. Determining received date which has been applied by JI recently is not sufficient because it only predicts 10-12 weeks of time without considering production factors. This research designs received date with load-oriented manufacturing control model where determining received date is based on calculating manufacturing lead time that considers the time needed to deliver orders to the consumer, capacity available for each work station, work station process time, and production flow within the production floor.  Validation results from the calculations for determining received date order is adjusted to PT JI  production system and is more valid than the first system. Keywords : make to order, received date, manufacturing leadtime, load-oriented manufacturing control


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    Ruddy - Suwandi


    Full Text Available Ikan gabus (Channa striata merupakan jenis ikan air tawar yang sudah banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Ikan gabus hidup di muara sungai, danau, rawa, dan dapat pula hidup di air kotor dengan kadar oksigen rendah. Ikan gabus belum banyak dibudidayakan secara luas dan belum banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai produk olahan ikan. Informasi mengenai proporsi tubuh ikan gabus masih kurang dan belum banyak dikaji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan proporsi bagian-bagian tubuh ikan dan komposisi kimia daging ikan gabus pada berbagai ukuran (0,5 kg; 1 kg; dan 2 kg dan jenis kelamin. Prosedur yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu pengukuran proporsi tubuh ikan dan analisis proksimat. Ikan gabus betina memiliki rendemen daging yang lebih tinggi dibanding ikan gabus jantan. Rendemen terbesar terdapat pada daging dengan bobot tubuh ikan 2 kg. Kadar air dan kadar abu tertinggi terdapat pada ikan gabus jantan 0,5 kg yaitu 80,41% dan 1,47%. Kadar protein tertinggi yaitu 20,14% terdapat pada ikan gabus betina 1 kg. Kadar lemak tertinggi terdapat pada ikan gabus jantan 2 kg yaitu sebesar 1,69%. Kadar karbohidrat tertinggi terdapat pada ikan gabus betina 2 kg yaitu 2,71%.Kata kunci: ikan gabus, proksimat, proporsi tubuh


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    Kondang Budiyani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pelatihan manajemen diri dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah pada penderita diabetes melitus tipe II. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah ada perbedaan tingkat kadar gula darah antara pretest dan post test. Kadar gula darah lebih rendah pada saat post test. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 3 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi experimental design dan rancangan eksperimen the one group pretest-posttest design. Hasil analisis berdasarkan pemeriksaan visual (visual inspection yaitu dengan penyajian secara grafik menunjukkan tidak terjadi penurunan kadar gula darah sesudah pelatihan manajemen diri. Namun, pada saat pelatihan manajemen diri terlihat penurunan kadar gula darah menjadi kurang dari 200 mg/dl Kata kunci : kadar gula darah, pelatihan manajemen diri, penderita diabetes melitus tipe II

  15. Penetapan Kadar Protein Pada Kecap Dengan Metode Kjeldahl


    Muhammad, Mahatir


    Kecap merupakan pelengkap makanan dan masakan yang hampir setiap hari di konsumsi oleh masyarakat di negara kita. Kualitas dari kecap ditentukan dari kadar/kandungan proteinnnya. Protein merupakan zat makanan yang berguna pada tubuh karena zat ini berfugsi sebagai bahan bakar juga sebagai zat pembangun dalam tubuh. Kecap harus melalului serangkaian pengujian untuk menentukan kualitas kecap tersebut. Salah satunya adalah penetapan kadar dengan metode kjeldahl. Tujuan pengujian ini adalah untuk...

  16. Gambaran Kadar Kolesterol Total Pada Penderita Hipertensi Sebeum Dan Sesudah Terapi Bekam Basah

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    Sistiyono Sistiyono


    Full Text Available Hipertensi merupakan faktor resiko utama dari perkembangan penyakit jantung dan stroke. Penyakit hipertensi berkembang secara perlahan, tetapi secara potensial sangat berbahaya. Hipertensi biasanya dikuti dengan penyakit lain yang menyertainya seperti hiperlipidemia Salah satu profil lipid yang dapat diukur adanya hiperlipidemia adalah kadar kolesterol total. Upaya pengendalian hipertensi yang disebabkan kadar kolesterol total yang tinggi yaitu dengan cara pengobatan baik sercara farmakologi maupun non-farmakologi. Pengobatan non-farmakologi salah satunya adalah terapi bekam basah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui selisih rata-rata kadar kolesterol total pada penderita hipertensi sebelum, sesudah diberikan terapi bekam basah pertama dan kedua dengan pola tiga titik. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre-experimental dengan desain penelitian pre and post test without control yaitu kadar kolesterol total sebelum dilakukan terapi bekam basah adalah pre test, sedangkan kadar kolesterol total setelah dilakukan terapi bekam basah adalah post test. Hasil didapatkan rata – rata kadar kolesterol total sebelum dilakukan terapi bekam basah adalah 194,89 mg/dl, setelah dilakukan terapi bekam basah pertama sebesar 200,89 mg/dl dan setelah dilakukan terapi bekam basah kedua menjadi 200, 33 mg/dl. Kesimpulann dari penelitian ini adalah selisih rata – rata kadar kolesterol total sebelum terapi bekam basah dengan setelah terapi bekam basah pertama adalah 6,00 mg/dl atau mengalami kenaikan sebesar 3,08% sedangkan selisih rata – rata kadar kolesterol total sebelum terapi bekam basah dengan setelah terapi bekam basah kedua adalah 5,44 mg/dl atau mengalami kenaikan sebesar 2,79%.


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    Indah Purwaningsih


    Full Text Available Abstract : Comparative Using Citric Acid Immersion And Lime To Decrease The Level Of Calcium Oxalic Taro. The aim of this study is to reduce the levels of calcium oxalate in taro by using a solution of citric acid and lemon juice concentration of 1%, 5%, and 10%. The level of calcium oxalate in this study using titration methods permanganometry The results show that the effective concentration in the lower levels of calcium oxalate in the taro were the solution of citric acid concentration of 5%, which could reduce levels of calcium oxalate up to 41.7456% compared to baseline values and lime juice concentration of 5%, whereas levels of calcium oxalate decreased by 47, 6668% compared to baseline values. Abstrak : Perbandingan Perendaman Asam Sitrat Dan Jeruk Nipis Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Kalsium Oksalat Pada Talas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi kadar kalsium oksalat pada talas dengan menggunakan larutan asam sitrat dan air perasan jeruk nipis dengan konsentrasi 1%, 5% dan 10%. Pemeriksaan kadar kalsium oksalat menggunakan metode titrasi permanganometri. hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi yang efektif dalam menurunkan kadar kalsium oksalat pada talas adalah larutan asam sitrat konsentrasi 5%, dimana mampu menurunkan kadar kalsium oksalat hingga 41,7456% dibandingkan kadar awal dan air perasan jeruk nipis konsentrasi 5%, dimana kadar kalsium oksalat mengalami penurunan sebesar 47,6668% dibandingkan kadar awal.


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    Dewi Susanna


    Full Text Available The purpose of this descriptive study is to assess smoke nicotine level of six cigarette brands soldin the markets. The samples consist of three brands of filtered cigarette and three brands of `kretek'  unfilteredcigarette. The nicotine content was measured from both main-stream smoke and side-stream smoke by usingHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography. Each of brand measured three times. The average of nicotine content in each cigarette was shown in the table including comparison between the main-stream smoke andthe side-stream smoke. It was found that the nicotine content of`kretek' cigarettes is higher than filteredcigarette. The highest nicotine content of the filtered cigarettes was in Filter "C" brand, meanwhile the lowestwas Filter "A" brand. The highest nicotine content of the`kretek'  cigarettes was in Filter "X" brand with thelowest nicotine content was in Filter "Z" brand. The nicotine cigarette content of main-stream smoke was 4 —6 fold than side-stream smoke. From this study, it can be recommended that nicotine content should be puton every cigarette pack label, and there should be a follow up study on other brand of cigarettes and also the effects of cigarettes on active and passive smokers.

  19. Pengaruh Pemberian Snack Bar Kedelai Terhadap Kadar Kolesterol Ldl Dan Hdl Wanita Hiperkolesterolemia


    Setyaningsih, Aryanti; Pramono, Adriyan


    Latar Belakang: Kedelai (hitam dan kuning) mengandung antosianin dan isoflavon yang dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL dan meningkatkan kadar kolesterol HDL. Selain itu ubi jalar ungu juga mengadung antosianin. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian snack bar ubi jalar ungu dicampur kedelai terhadap kadar kolesterol LDL dan HDL pada wanita hiperkolesterolemia. Metode: Desain peneitian ini adalah quasi-experimental dengan pre-post test control group design. Subyek penelitia...

  20. Pengaruh Dexketoprofen Dengan Ketorolac Terhadap Kadar Kortisol Plasma Pada Tikus Wistar Yang Mengalami Insisi


    Pranowo, Devina Adiyani; Witjaksono, Witjaksono


    Latar belakang: Luka pasca pembedahan seperti insisi dapat menimbulkan nyeri yang akan merangsang timbulnya respon stress metabolik (MSR) berupa peningkatan kadar kortisol. Meningkatnya kadar kortisol menyebabkan penekanan respon imun dan melambatnya penyembuhan luka. Pemberian Dexketoprofen dan Ketorolac akan mengurangi rasa nyeri yang berefek pada penurunan kadar kortisol dan mempercepat penyembuhan luka.Tujuan: Membuktikan adanya perbedaan pengaruh Dexketoprofen intramuskular dengan Ketoro...





    Kadar logam yang terlarut dalam air sumur salah satunya adalah logam Mangan (Mn). Terlarutnya kadar mangan dalam air menyebabkan warna air tersebut berubah menjadi kuning coklat setelah terjadi kontak dengan udara. Diperlukan teknologi untuk menurunkan kandungan mangan pada air sumur agar layak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) untuk menganalisis efektivitas media filtrasi manganese greensand dan zeolit terpadukan resin terhadap penurunan kadar Mangan (Mn) dalam air. (2...


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    Toto Sudargo


    digunakan  untuk  melihat  perbedaan  antara  masing-masing  kelompok  suplementasi  dengan  plasebo, sedangkan  ANOVA  digunakan  untuk  melihat  perbedaan  kadar  glukosa  dan  laktat  darah  antara  semua kelompok perlakuan.  Hasil menunjukkan bahawa kadar glukosa darah pada kelompok suplementasi MCT + CHO  +BCAA, memiliki hasil  yang signifikan (p <0,05  dibandingkan dengan plasebo, dan kadar laktat dalam waktu 3 menit latihan dalam kelompok ditambah  CHO + MCT telah menurun secara signifikan (p < 0,05. Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok perlakuan, baik kadar glukosa dalam darah (p =  0,098  dan  kadar  laktat  darah  (p  =  0,273  dan p  =  0,972.  Dapat  disimpulan  bahwa  terdapat  perbedaan kadar  glukosa  dan  laktat  darah  yang  signifikan  antara  kelompok  atlet  yang  diberi  suplementasi  MCT  + CHO  +  BCAA  dibandingkan  dengan  plasebo.  Tidak  ada  perbedaan  yang  signifikan  antara  kelompok perlakuan, baik kadar glukosa darah dan kadar laktat darah. Kata kunci: karbohidrat ,lemak, protein suplementation, laktat darah, glukosa darah

  3. Perbedaan Kadar Calprotectin Sebelum Dan Sesudah Radioterapi Pada Pasien Karsinoma Nasofaring Akibat Infeksi Epstein-Barr Virus

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    Rurie Ratna Shantiningsih


    Full Text Available Latar belakang: Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV adalah anggota herpes virus berkaitan dengan etiologi karsinoma nasofaring (KNF. Pada pasien KNF jumlah monosit dalam sel darah tepi mengalami penurunan dan kebanyakan masih dalam bentuk immature sehingga menurunkan respon imun pasien serta meningkatkan kemungkinan terjadinya penyakit periodontal. Radioterapi merupakan salah satu metode terapi yang banyak digunakan untuk kasus KNF. Calprotectin diproduksi dalam sitoplasma sel monosit dan levelnya meningkat pada beberapa penyakit inflamasi, termasuk inflamasi jaringan periodontal, ditandai dengan peningkatan kadar calprotectin pada cairan sulkus gingiva (CSG. Tujuan: mengkaji perbedaan kadar calprotectin pada pasien KNF sebelum dan setelah dilakukan radioterapi, pada sel monosit, serum dan CSG. Metode Penelitian: sepuluh pasien KNF akibat infeksi EBV digunakan sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini. Lima orang sebagai sampel kelompok sebelum radioterapi dan 5 orang sebagai sampel kelompok sesudah radioterapi. Dari masing-masing pasien diambil sel monosit dan serum darah tepi serta CSG. Kadar calprotectin diukur menggunakan metode ELISA. Hasil: kadar calprotectin pada kelompok sampel sebelum radioterapi lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok sam pel sesudah radioterapi dilihat melalui sel monosit dan serum darah tepi. Sementara dari CSG, kadar calprotectin kelompok sampel sebelum radioterapi nampak lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok sesudah radioterapi. Hasil analisis statistik Anova menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p<0,05. Kesimpulan: terdapat perbedaan kadar calprotectin pada sel monosit, serum darah tepi dan CSG pasien KNF antara sebelum dan sesudah radioterapi. Pada sel monosit dan serum darah tepi, terjadi penurunan kadar calprotectin, sementara pada CSG terjadi peningkatan kadar calprotectin antara sebelum dan sesudah radioterapi.

  4. Kandungan Komponen Fenolat, Kadar Fenolat Total, dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Madu dari Beberapa Daerah di Jawa dan Sumatera

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    Ichda Chayati


    phenolic contents. The best antioxidant activity was found in coffee honey, and this activity did not correlated with its total phenolic contents. Keywords: antioxidant, monofloral honey, phenolic ABSTRAK Latar Belakang. Banyak penyakit yang dapat timbul karena proses degeneratif yang dapat diperlambat dengan adanya sistem antioksidan. Madu merupakan salah satu bahan pangan yang diketahui memiliki aktivitas antioksidan. Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan berbagai jenis madu dari beberapa daerah di Jawa dan Sumatera. Metode. Penelitian laboratorium terhadap empat jenis madu yaitu madu bunga kopi, sawit, randu dan rambutan. Penentuan kandungan komponen fenolat dilakukan dengan High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC dan pengukuran kadar fenolat total dilakukan dengan reagen folin-ciocalteu. Aktivitas antioksidan diukur berdasarkan peredaman radikal bebas 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH dan retensi dalam sistem asam linoleat dengan standar butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT. Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan Analysis of varian (Anova dilanjutkan Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT. Korelasi antar analisis dilakukan dengan uji korelasi Pearson. Hasil. Keempat jenis madu yang diteliti mempunyai kandungan fenolat berupa asam klorogenat, asam kafeat, asam ρ-koumarat, asam ferulat, pinobanksin, quercetin, luteolin, pinocembrin dan chrysin. Komponen fenolat dominan untuk tiap madu bervariasi tergantung jenis madunya. Kadar fenolat total pada keempat jenis madu antara 2.000 sampai 4.400 ppm. Kandungan fenolat total paling tinggi terdapat pada madu randu, namun aktivitas antioksidan paling tinggi ditunjukkan oleh madu kopi. Urutan besarnya aktivitas antioksidan berturut-turut adalah madu kopi, madu randu, madu sawit, dan madu rambutan. Aktivitas antioksidan yang tinggi tidak berbanding lurus dengan kandungan fenolat totalnya. Kesimpulan. Madu dari beberapa daerah di Jawa dan Sumatera mengandung sembilan senyawa aktif, dengan kadar fenolat


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    ali mahmudi


    Full Text Available Perhiasan emas dan perak, dari dulu sampai sekarang, sudah menjadi gaya hidup di masyarakat. Perhiasan dipakai sebagai penunjang penampilan maupun sebagai alat investasi. Dalam perkembanganya perhiasan dapat terbuat dari campuran bahan logam mulia seperti tembaga, perak dan emas. Sistem informasi ini dirancang untuk membantu proses penjualan di Toko Perhiasan Rejeki Denpasar-Bali. Applikasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, database MySql dan MySql konector 6.1.3 sebagai konektor. Sistem informasi ini dilengkapi dengan aplikasi untuk menghitung kadar perhiasan. Di samping itu, aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi denganalat hitung untuk menentukan campuran emas, perak dan tembaga untuk membuat emas dengan kadar tertentu. Metode gosok batu adalah metode tradisional untuk mengetahui kadar perhiasan. Metode ini dilakukan dengan cara menggosokan perhiasan ke batu dan kemudian ditambahkan cairan kimia. Metode ini kurang akurat untuk menentukan kadar perhiasan. Oleh sabab itu, dibangunlah sistem informasi penjualan dan penghitungan kadar perhiasan. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah dalam pendataan penjualan dan pesanan perhiasan di Toko perhiasan Rejeki Denpasar-Bali. Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi Penjualan, Emas, aplikasi hitung kadar, perhiasan.


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    Sandjaja Sandjaja


    Full Text Available Latar Belakang: Status vitamin A ibu menyusui dan bayinya telah dibuktikan mempunyai hubungan yang erat. Bayi dari ibu yang menderita kurang vitamin A mempunyai risiko yang tinggi menderita KVA. Asumsinya hubungan tersebut dimediasi oleh kadar vitamin A dalam ASI sebagai sumber vitamin A utama. Tujuan: Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status vitamin A ibu menyusui dan kadar vitamin A dalam ASI. Metode: Studi dilakukan pada 440 ibu menyusui yang bayinya umur 6-12 bulan di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya dan Ciamis. Serum vitamin A dalam darah dan kadar vitamin A dalam ASI dikumpulkan dan dianalisis dengan metode HPLC. Kovariat antropometri, morbiditas, karakteristik ibu dan bayi yang berperan dalam serum vitamin A dan vitamin A ASI dikumpulkan. Analisis uji-t, ANOVA dan ANCOVA dilakukan untuk menguji peran status vitamin A ibu terhadap vitamin A ASI. Hasil: Hasil studi menunjukkan KVA ibu menyusui berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap rendahnya kadar vitamin A dalam ASI setelah dikontrol oleh kovariat status gizi ibu menyusui. Rerata vitamin A dalam ASI pada ibu yang KVA dan non KVA 47,0 μg/dL dan 88,2 μg/dL. Kesimpulan: Setelah dikontrol oleh kovariat status gizi ibu menyusui, kurang vitamin A pada ibu menyusui berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap rendahnya kadar vitamin A dalam ASI.

  7. Penentuan Alternatif Lokasi Pengembangan Kawasan Agroindustri Berbasis Komoditas Pertanian Unggulan Di Kabupaten Lamongan

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    Ajeng Nugrahaning Dewanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan alternatif lokasi pengembangan kawasan agroindustri berbasis komoditas pertanian unggulan di Kabupaten Lamongan guna meningkatkan nilai tambah sektor pertanian. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan beberapa alat analisis yakni analisis LQ dan analisis Shift Share yang digunakan untuk menentukan komoditas unggulan, analisis regresi linier berganda untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap penentuan lokasi kawasan agroindustri, serta analisa pembobotan untuk menentukan lokasi yang paling potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai kawasan agroindustri. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperoleh bahwa komoditas pertanian unggulan di kabupaten Lamongan adalah komoditas padi. Selanjutnya didapatkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penentuan lokasi pengembangan agroindustri di Kabupaten Lamongan yakni tenaga kerja, aksesibilitas, listrik kuantitas bahan baku, dan pasar. Kemudian berdasarkan faktor-faktor tersebut didapatkan lokasi-lokasi yang potensial untuk pengembangan kawasan agroindustri berbasis komoditas unggulan di Kabupaten Lamongan yakni Kecamatan Babat, Paciran, Kedungpring, Lamongan, Modo, dan Brondong.

  8. Kadar Hemoglobin dan Kecerdasan Intelektual Anak

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    Yuni Kusmiyati


    Full Text Available Kualitas sumber daya manusia dipengaruhi oleh inteligensi anak. Skor kecerdasan intelektual yang tidak menetap pada usia tertentu dapat berubah karena faktor genetik, gizi, dan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan kadar hemoglobin dengan kecerdasan intelektual anak. Penelitian observasional dengan desain potong lintang ini dilakukan pada populasi siswa kelas VI Sekolah Dasar Negeri Giwangan Yogyakarta, tahun 2013. Penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan metode simple random sampling terhadap 37 sampel siswa. Instrumen untuk mengukur kecerdasan intelektual dengan Cultural Fair Intelligence Quotient Test yang dirancang untuk meminimalkan pengaruh kultural dengan memperhatikan prosedur evaluasi, instruksi, konten isi, dan respons peserta. Tes dilakukan oleh Biro Psikologi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta, kadar hemoglobin diukur menggunakan Portable Hemoglobin Digital Analyzer Easy Touch secara digital.Variabel luar indeks massa tubuh diukur langsung menggunakan parameter tinggi badan dan berat badan. Analisis menggunakan uji regresi linier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan indeks massa tubuh tidak berhubungan dengan kecerdasan intelektual (nilai p = 0,052. Anemia berhubungan cukup dengan kecerdasan anak (r = 0,491 dan berpola positif, semakin tinggi kadar hemoglobin semakin tinggi kecerdasan intelektual anak. Nilai koefisien determinasi 0,241 menerangkan bahwa 24,1% variasi anemia cukup baik untuk menjelaskan variabel kecerdasan intelektual. Ada hubungan antara kadar hemoglobin dengan kecerdasan intelektual (nilai p = 0,002. Quality of human resources is influenced by the child’s intelligent. Intelligence Quotient (IQ score will not settle at a certain age and can change due to genetic factors, nutrition, and the environment. The objective is known relationship of anemia with IQ to child. Method of observational study with cross sectional design. Population are students of class VI elementary school of Giwangan Yogyakarta in


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    Nurlailah Nurlailah


    Full Text Available Pemanis merupakan salah satu komponen yang sering ditambahkan dalam bahan makanan. Pemanis buatan yang banyak beredar di masyarakat adalah siklamat. Konsumsi siklamat yang melebihi dosis akan mengakibatkan kanker kandung kemih. Selain itu akan menyebabkan tumor paru, hati, dan limfa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya siklamat dalam es krim yang melebihi ambang batas yang dipersyaratkan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah survey deskriptif. Sampel penelitian adalah es krim produksi rumah tangga dari seluruh pedagang es krim di Banjarbaru utara yaitu dengan jumlah 11 pedagang es krim. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah kadar siklamat yang terdapat dalam es krim. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 11 sampel es krim yang diperiksa, 9 sampel mengandung siklamat dengan kadar tertinggi 7,37 g/kg sebagai asam siklamat. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah es krim yang mengandung siklamat ditemukan sebanyak 82% (9 sampel, sedangkan 18% (2 sampel lainnya negatif, dari 9 sampel yang positif mengandung siklamat, 89% tidak memenuhi syarat PERMENKES Nomor 208 tahun 1985 yaitu melebihi 2 gr/kg sebagai asam siklamat. Perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan yang lebih spesifik untuk analisis kadar siklamat dengan metode lain seperti Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT


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    Ibnu Gunawan


    Full Text Available USCPACK Software from University of Carolina is one of the pioneers of computerized drug dosage system. This software uses Bayesian method. The algorithm that used in this software is known as NPEM (Non Parametric Expectation Maximization. After knowing how USCPACK work, then we made new software that has the same use like USCPACK but with new algorithm that different from NPEM. These paper will describe the how to make the software based on NPAG algorithm. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Software USCPACK buatan University of Carolina merupakan salah satu pelopor dimungkinkannya penentuan dosis obat persatuan waktu tertentu untuk pasien secara umum menggunakan komputer. Software ini bekerja dengan menggunakan metode dasar Bayesian. Algoritma yang digunakan oleh software ini adalah NPEM (Non Parametric Expectation Maximization. Setelah mengetahui cara kerja dari USCPACK maka dibuatlah sebuah software pendosisan obat menggunakan algoritma non parametrik lain selain NPEM. Paper ini akan membahas pembuatan software pendosisan obat menggunakan algoritma newton – raphson dalam penentuan dosis obat terkomputerisasi. Kata kunci: Pendosisan terkomputerisasi, optimasi, Bayesian, NPEM, Newton Raphson,USCPACK

  11. Korelasi Kadar Magnesium Serum dengan Albuminuria pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

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    Tri Juli Edi Tarigan


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran magnesium pada nefropati diabetes dan mendapatkan proporsi albuminuria pada pasien DM tipe 2 dengan hipomagnesemia dan magnesium normal serta mendapatkan korelasi kadar Mg dengan albuminuria. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan consecutive sampling pada pasien DM tipe 2 yang terdiagnosis nefropati diabetes di Poliklinik Diabetes RSCM pada bulan Maret-Juni 2014. Dilakukan anamnesis faktor risiko, pemeriksaan fisik, kadar magnesium, albumine creatinine ratio dan A1C. Terdapat 38 subjek yang diikutsertakan dalam penelitian yang sebagian besar berusia lebih 50 tahun dan memiliki kontrol glikemik yang buruk (81,6%. Pada subjek penelitian yang memiliki kadar Mg<1,7 mg/dl 80% mengalami albuminuria, sedangkan pada subjek yang memiliki kadar Mg ≥ 1,7 mg/ dl sebanyak 63,6% mengalami albuminuria. Didapatkan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,006 yang menunjukkan hubungan yang lemah antara kadar magnesium dalam darah dengan albuminuria. Disimpulkan tidak terdapat korelasi antara kadar magnesium dengan derajat albuminuria. Kata kunci: kadar magnesium, albuminuria, diabetes melitus tipe 2   Correlation between Magnesium Level and Albuminuria in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Abstract The purposes of this study are to know: the role of magnesium in diabetic nephropathy, the proportion of albuminuria in type 2 DM with hypomagnesemia and normal magnesium level, and correlation between magnesium level and albuminuria. This cross-sectional study was done in Diabetes Clinic RSCM from March to June 2014 with consecutive sampling for type 2 DM patients who had been diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy. History taking, physical exam, albumin creatinine ratio test, and A1c level were done. Thirty eight subjects included in this study were mostly more than 50 years old and had poor glycemic control (81,6%. 80% of subjects with Mg level < 1.7 mg/dl experienced albuminuria and 63.6% of subjects with Mg level


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    Lisavina Juwita


    Full Text Available According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF there are 382 million people living with diabetes in the world by 2013. It is estimated that of the 382 million people, 175 million of whom remain undiagnosed, so the danger of developing progressive complications unwittingly and without prevention. Complications from diabetes can be prevented or delayed by keeping blood sugar levels are in the normal category so that metabolism can be well controlled. Blood sugar levels can be maintained by a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of this study was to determine the control of blood sugar levels by making healthy lifestyle in patients with diabetes mellitus type II in London in 2017: a grounded theory study. Participants in the study of 18 people. Intake of participants in this study begins with purposive sampling. The results showed the main concept of grounded theory is "Behavior Control Blood Sugar Levels". Forms of behavior in blood sugar control in this study consisted of a the body's response to changes result DM, b forms of motivation patients with DM, c Physical Activity DM patients, d Compliance diet, e Management DM therapy, f Compliance controls, g A healthy lifestyle DM family, h Impact of changes in lifestyle. The results of this study can serve as a reference, especially for people with diabetes mellitus and family in order to implement the behavior of controlling blood sugar levels.  Menurut International Diabetes Federation (IDF terdapat 382 juta orang yang hidup dengan diabetes di dunia pada tahun 2013. Diperkirakan dari 382 juta orang tersebut, 175 juta diantaranya belum terdiagnosis, sehingga terancam berkembang progresif menjadi komplikasi tanpa disadari dan tanpa pencegahan. Komplikasi akibat diabetes dapat dicegah atau ditunda dengan menjaga kadar gula darah berada dalam kategori normal sehingga metabolisme dapat dikendalikan dengan baik.  Kadar gula darah dapat dijaga dengan melakukan gaya hidup yang sehat. Tujuan

  13. Hubungan Kadar Vitamin C Plasma dengan Serangan Asma pada Anak

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    Azwar Aruf


    Hasil. Karakteristik subyek, antara lain umur, jenis kelamin, riwayat kontak hewan peliharaan, riwayat kontak tungau debu rumah, perokok pasif, alergi makanan, infeksi saluran pernapasan, kadar vitamin C plasma. Analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan uji kemaknaan (nilai p<0,05, dan rasio Odds. Kadar vitamin C plasma kelompok asma dalam serangan dan tidak dalam serangan tidak berbeda bermakna dengan nilai p=0,77 dan rasio Odds 1,18 (IK95%: 0,32;3,64. Infeksi pernapasan merupakan faktor risiko serangan asma yang bermakna dengan nilai p=0,006 dan rasio Odds 3,6 (IK 95% 1,41;9,19.


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    Inswiasri Inswiasri


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The increasing number of unofficial dry battery recycling done by households and small industries could have an impact on public health. During the recycling process there will be Pb emissions (battery major component into the air. Pb exposure, especially to children can cause health effects such as anemia microcytic and hyprochromic. This study aims to discover the effect of Pb exposure from used batteries recycling on the cases of children with anemia (aged 7-13 years in Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi in the year 2014. Study design was cross-sectional, with the sample of children as many as 418. Levels of lead in children's blood was measured using Lead Care Analyzer II, and hemoglobin levels in the blood with Hemoque 2.1. The results showed that 36.6% of children suffer from anemia. The test results indicate a statistically significant relationship (p <0.05 between Pb levels in the blood with anemia (low Hb levels; with a very weak correlation (correlation coefficient: 0.124. Need more thorough studies on aspects of health impacts from battery recycling. Keywords: Battery recycling, lead (Pb, haemoglobin, children   ABSTRAK Pajanan Pb terutama terhadap anak-anak dapat menimbulkan dampak kesehatan berupa anemia microcytic dan hyprochromic. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pajanan Pb dari kegiatan daur ulang aki bekas terhadap kejadian anemia anak-anak (usia 7–13 tahun di Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi, tahun 2014. Desain penelitian adalah potong lintang, dengan jumlah sampel anak-anak sebanyak 418 orang. Kadar Pb dalam darah anak-anak diukur dengan menggunakan Lead Care Analyzer II, dan kadar Hb dalam darah dengan Hemoque 2.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 36,6% anak-anak menderita anemia. Hasil uji statistik mengindikasikan adanya hubungan yang signifikan (p<0,05 antara kadar Pb dalam darah dengan kejadian anemia (kadar Hb rendah; dengan korelasi sangat lemah (koefisien korelasi: 0,124. Perlu

  15. Komposisi Kimia, Kadar Albumin Dan Bioaktivitas Ekstrak Protein Ikan Gabus (Channa Striata Alam Dan Hasil Budidaya

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    Ekowati Chasanah


    Full Text Available Khasiat kesehatan ikan gabus (C. striata telah dikenal secara luas dan saat ini C. striata telah digunakan sebagai bahan baku industri produk suplemen. Tingginya permintaan akan produk suplemen tersebut menimbulkan masalah pada ketersediaan C. striata yang sebagian besar ditangkap dari sungai dan danau sebagai tempat hidupnya. Ikan gabus budidaya dipercaya memiliki kualitas tidak sebaik ikan gabus alam.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai komposisi kimia, termasuk albumin dan potensi ekstrak protein kasar ikan gabus alam dan hasil budidaya sebagai antioksidan dan anti hipertensi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ikan gabus alam dan hasil budidaya memiliki kadar protein yang tidak berbeda secara nyata, tetapi berbeda pada kadar air, abu, dan lemak. Ikan gabus alam memiliki kadar lemak dan abu lebih rendah tetapi kadar air lebih tinggi dibanding ikan gabus budidaya. Ikan dari kedua sumber memiliki bagian yang dapat dimakan atau edible portion (EP sebesar 36%,dengan kadar mineral makro (Na, K, Ca dan mikro (Zn, Fe pada ikan hasil budidaya lebih tinggi dibanding kedua kelompok mineral pada ikan gabus alam. Kadar albumin ikan gabus alam lebih tinggi daripada kadar albumin ikan gabus budidaya. Namun demikian, hasil analisis asam amino menunjukkan bahwa ikan gabus hasil budidaya memiliki kuantitas asam amino yang lebih tinggi daripada ikan gabus alam. Asam amino non essensial dominan adalah alanin, asam aspartat, glisin, alloisoleusin, prolin, dan glutamin, sedangkan asam amino esensial didominasi oleh leusin, lisin, dan fenilalanin. Kedua ikan gabus yang diperoleh dari tempat yang berbeda tersebut memiliki bioaktivitas sebagai antioksidan yang lemah, namun berpotensi sebagai antihipertensi (penghambat Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE dengan kekuatan 1/10 kekuatan kontrol obat hipertensi captopril.

  16. Komposisi Kimia, Kadar Albumin dan Bioaktivitas Ekstrak Protein Ikan Gabus (Channa striata Alam dan Hasil Budidaya

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    Ekowati Chasanah


    Full Text Available Khasiat kesehatan ikan gabus (C. striata telah dikenal secara luas dan saat ini C. striata telah digunakan sebagai bahan baku industri produk suplemen. Tingginya permintaan akan produk suplemen tersebut menimbulkan masalah pada ketersediaan C. striata yang sebagian besar ditangkap dari sungai dan danau sebagai tempat hidupnya. Ikan gabus budidaya dipercaya memiliki kualitas tidak sebaik ikan gabus alam.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai komposisi kimia, termasuk albumin dan potensi ekstrak protein kasar ikan gabus alam dan hasil budidaya sebagai antioksidan dan anti hipertensi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ikan gabus alam dan hasil budidaya memiliki kadar protein yang tidak berbeda secara nyata, tetapi berbeda pada kadar air, abu, dan lemak. Ikan gabus alam memiliki kadar lemak dan abu lebih rendah tetapi kadar air lebih tinggi dibanding ikan gabus budidaya. Ikan dari kedua sumber memiliki bagian yang dapat dimakan atau edible portion (EP sebesar 36%,dengan kadar mineral makro (Na, K, Ca dan mikro (Zn, Fe pada ikan hasil budidaya lebih tinggi dibanding kedua kelompok mineral pada ikan gabus alam. Kadar albumin ikan gabus alam lebih tinggi daripada kadar albumin ikan gabus budidaya. Namun demikian, hasil analisis asam amino menunjukkan bahwa ikan gabus hasil budidaya memiliki kuantitas asam amino yang lebih tinggi daripada ikan gabus alam. Asam amino non essensial dominan adalah alanin, asam aspartat, glisin, alloisoleusin, prolin, dan glutamin, sedangkan asam amino esensial didominasi oleh leusin, lisin, dan fenilalanin. Kedua ikan gabus yang diperoleh dari tempat yang berbeda tersebut memiliki bioaktivitas sebagai antioksidan yang lemah, namun berpotensi sebagai antihipertensi (penghambat Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE dengan kekuatan 1/10 kekuatan kontrol obat hipertensi captopril.


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    wahdah norsiah


    hemoglobin levels over the patient's clinical condition. Keywords: sianmethemoglobin methods, centrifugation, leukocytosis Abstrak: Pemeriksaan kadar hemoglobin metode sianmethemoglobin dipengaruhi leukositosis yang menyebabkan pengukuran absorban meningkat signifikan dan kadar hemoglobin meningkat palsu maka sampel darah yang sudah diencerkan dengan larutan Drabkins di sentrifugasi 3000 rpm selama 10 menit kemudian absorban supernatant diukur dengan fotometer pada λ 546 nm. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan pemeriksaan kadar hemoglobin metode siamethemoglobin dengan dan tanpa sentrifugasi pada sampel leukositosis. Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian observasional laboratorik. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah penelitian cross sectional. Sampel penelitian diambil dari sisa sampel darah pasien yang sudah diperiksa jumlah leukositnya lebih dari 20.000/µL dengan Hematology Analyzer (CEL-DYN Ruby Pebruari-April 2014, dan dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok berdasarkan kriteria jumlah leukosit yaitu kelompok 1. 20.000/µL-29.999/µL, kelompok II. 30.000/µL-39.999/µL, kelompok III. 40.000/µL-49,999/µL, kelompok IV. Lebih dari 50.000/µL. Jumlah sampel yang diambil adalah 20 sampel setiap kelompok, jumlah sampel seluruhnya 80 sampel. Hasil analisis menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang bermakna kadar hemoglobin metode siamethemoglobin dengan dan tanpa sentrifugasi pada sampel leukositosis dengan nilai p = 0,000 lebih kecil dari α 0,05. Kekeruhan leukositosis berpengaruh terhadap selisih kadar hemoglobin dengan dan tanpa sentrifugasi, semakin tinggi jumlah leukosit semakin besar selisih kadar hemoglobin, hasil penelitian pemeriksaan kadar hemoglobin berdasarkan kriteria jumlah leukosit diperoleh selisih kadar hemoglobin dengan dan tanpa sentrifugasi pada kelompok I. 0,22 ± 0,07 g/dL, kelompok II 0,40 ± 0,22 g/dL, kelompok III. 0,44 ± 0,14 g/dL,kelompok IV. 0,85 ± 0,41 g/dL. Pemeriksaan kadar hemoglobin metode sianmethemoglobin pada sampel leukositosis dengan jumlah

  18. Penentuan Batas Pengelolaan Wilayah Laut Antara Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Provinsi Bali Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2014

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    Rainhard Sumarto Simatupang


    Full Text Available Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah merupakan pembaharuan dari undang-undang sebelumnya yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 dikarenakan beberapa hal yang sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan perkembangan keadaan pada saat ini[1]. Beberapa perubahan peraturan dalam hal penentuan batas wilayah pengelolaan laut daerah yang terkandung dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 dari undang-undang sebelumnya yaitu mengenai penentuan garis pantai, batas wilayah bagi hasil kabupaten/kota, serta kewenangan setiap daerah baik provinsi maupun kabupaten/kota. Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 ditetapkan bahwa batas maksimal wilayah laut provinsi sejauh 12 mil laut, sedangkan batas bagi hasil kelautan kabupaten/kota maksimal sejauh 4 mil laut. Apabila wilayah laut antar provinsi tidak mencapai batas maksimal masing-masing, maka batas akan dibagi sama jarak dengan prinsip garis tengah (median line. Penelitian ini merupakan bentuk pengaplikasian Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 dalam memperbaharui penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut daerah. Dalam penelitian ini  dibahas bagaimana menentukan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut daerah serta dilakukan analisa dari hasil penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut. Lokasi Penelitian ini adalah Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Provinsi Bali tepatnya perbatasan pada Kabupaten Banyuwangi (Jawa Timur dan Kabupaten Buleleng (Bali sampai Kabupaten Jembrana (Bali. Penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut dilakukan dengan metode kartometrik menggunakan data Citra Satelit SPOT 7 2015 dan data Peta Lingkungan Pantai Indonesia (LPI 2002. Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan median line sepanjang 40,3 km yang dibentuk oleh 41 titik, serta diperoleh luas wilayah pengelolaan laut Provinsi Jawa Timur sebesar 233,37 km2 dan Provinsi Bali sebesar 233,77 km2 (sesuai batasan lokasi dengan selisih sebesar 0,4 km2 serta batas wilayah bagi hasil kelautan untuk kabupaten/kota. Dihasilkan juga peta batas

  19. Peningkatan Kadar Geraniol Dalam Minyak Sereh Wangi Dan Aplikasinya Sebagai Bio Additive Gasoline


    Astuti, Widi; Putra, Nur Nalindra


    Sereh wangi merupakan salah satu tanaman penghasil minyak atsiri yang banyak mengandung geraniol. Geraniol merupakan senyawa penyedia oksigen sehingga minyak sereh wangi dimungkinkan dapat digunakan sebagai bio additive gasoline. Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan kadar geraniol dalam minyak sereh wangi dan menggunakannya sebagai bio additive gasoline.Penelitian dilakukan dalam tiga tahap, yaitu pemungutan minyak sereh wangi dari daun sereh wangi, peningkatan kadar geraniol dalam minyak...

  20. Penentuan Arah Teleskop Digital Melalui Komunikasi Wi-Fi

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    Prima Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Teleskop bintang adalah sebuah perangkat instrument yang digunakan untuk melihat benda-benda langit yang jaraknya sangat jauh menjadi terasa dekat. Teleskop yang tersedia pada umumnya belum dilengkapi dengan sistem digital untuk pencitraannya dan otomatisasi untuk penentuan arahnya. Pada tugas akhir ini dibuat suatu sistem digital dan otomatisasi pada teleskop konvensional. Sistem digital digunakan untuk perekaman hasil yang didapatkan oleh teleskop dan ditampilakan pada komputer. Sistem otomatisasi dibuat untuk menentukan pergerakan sudut teleskop dengan sebuah GUI. Mekanik pergerakan teleskop diberikan 2 motor dc sebagai penggerak. Masing-masing motor dc berfungsi untuk menggerakkan tiap sumbu X dan sumbu Y. Digunakan sebuah sistem mikrokontroler menggunakan ATmega 32 sebagai pengolahan data. Fitur ADC mikrokontroler digunakan untuk mengubah data analog perubahan tegangan yang terjadi pada potensiometer menjadi perubahan data digital yang akan dikonversi menjadi nilai pergerakan perubahan sudut. Sistem ini ditambahkan sebuah router yang berfungsi sebagai akses poin untuk jalur pengiriman dan penerimaan data antara komputer dengan mikrokontroler. Ditambahkan sebuah wiznet yang mampu mengkonversi data dari komunikasi serial ke data protokol TCP/IP dan sebaliknya. Pengujian pergerakan sudut sumbu X dilakukan pada sudut 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 255, 270, 315, dan 360 sedangkan pergerakan sumbu Y dilakukan pada sudut 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, dan 90. Hasil pengujian pada sumbu X dan Y didapatkan beberapa error pada titik-titik tertentu dengan tingkat kesalahan mencapai 3.8% untuk sumbu x dan 2.5% untuk sumbu y. Penentuan pergerakan sudut dilakukan melalui komputer dengan menggunakan komunikasi wi-fi.

  1. Kontrasepsi Hormonal Meningkatkan Kadar α-Amylase Saliva

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    Juni Handajani


    Full Text Available Salivary α-amylase atau α-amylase saliva (SAA adalah salah satu enzim dalam saliva yang berperan penting pada inisiasi digesti karbohidrat dan fungsi interaksi bakteri. Kontrasepsi hormonal sangat populer di Indonesia untuk mencegah kehamilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar SAA wanita pemakai kontrasepsi pil dan suntik. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 30 perempuan usia 20-35 tahun. Prosedur penelitian telah mendapat persetujuan dari Komite Etik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. Subjek dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok (pemakai kontrasepsi pil, suntik, dan kontrol, masing-masing 10 perempuan. Kriteria subjek antara lain subjek sehat, tidak menggunakan alat ortodontik, protesa atau mahkota, serta menggunakan kontrasepsi hormonal lebih dari 3 bulan. Sampel saliva dikumpulkan pada sore hari (16.00-18.00 WIB selama 1 menit dengan metode tanpa stimulasi. Kadar tingkat SAA diukur menggunakan ELISA kit (Salimetrics LLC dengan Optical Density (OD pada 405 nm. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA (p<0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar SAA tertinggi pada perempuan pemakai kontrasepsi  pil dan ada perbedaan yang signifikan diantara tiga kelompok. Disimpulkan bahwa kontrasepsi hormonal meningkatkan kadar SAA. Hormonal Contraceptive Increased The Level of Salivary Α-Amylase. Salivary α-amylase (SAA is one of the most important enzymes in saliva. This enzyme was mainly involved in the initiation of the digestion of starch in the oral cavity and has significant bacterial interactive function. Hormonal contraceptives are very popular in Indonesia to avoid pregnancy. This study aimed to evaluate the level of SAA in woman who taking pill and by injection contraceptives. Thirty women were in subjects, 20-35 years old, approval ethical clearance from Ethic Committee Medical Faculty of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta Indonesia. Subjects were divided into three groups (taking pill contraceptive, by injection contraceptive and

  2. Asupan vitamin C berhubungan dengan kadar glukosa darah pada pasien rawat jalan DM tipe 2

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    Riya Purwaningtyastuti


    Full Text Available ABSTRACKBackground: High sugar levels in people with diabetes mellitus causes changes in the body. One of its detrimental process called oxidation reaction that causes the increased formation of harmful substances called free radicals. Antioxidant vitamin A, C, and E helpful to reduce oxidative damage in people with diabetes mellitus and prevent complications. Objectives: The know relationship intake antioxidant with blood glocuse level outpatient type 2 diabetes mellitus in RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul Yogyakarta. Methods: This study was observasional with of cross sectional. The subjects in this study were outpatients with diabetes mellitus type 2 with sampels of 89 respondents. Purposive sampling technique. Data consumption pattern of antioxidant, used semi quantitative food frequency (SQFFQ laboratories to examination and blood glucose levels. Data analysis used Fisher’s Exact Test. Results: There is significant association between vitamin C intake with blood sugar levels in patients diabetes mellitus the value of p = 0.004. The existence of a no signifi cant association between vitamin E intake with blood sugar levels in patients diabetes mellitus the value of p = 0.073 and there is no signifi cant association between vitamin A intake with blood sugar levels in patients diabetes mellitus the value of p = 0.252. Conclusion: There is a relationship between vitamin C intake with blood sugar levels, while the intake of vitamin A and E are not related to blood sugar levels KEYWORDS: type 2 diabetes mellitus, blood glucose level, vitamin C intake, vitamin A intake, vitamin E intake. ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Kadar glukosa yang tinggi pada penderita kencing manis/DM menyebabkan berbagai perubahan di dalam tubuh. Salah satu proses merugikan dinamakan reaksi oksidasi yang menyebabkan peningkatan pembentukan zat berbahaya yang disebut radikal bebas. Antioksidan vitamin A,C dan E bermanfaat dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah. Tujuan: Untuk


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    Lies Sunarmintyastuti


    Full Text Available Peramalan penentuan jumlah permintaan konsumen berbasis teknologi informasi terhadap produk bordir di Kota Tasikmalaya, mempunyai tujuan khusus untuk menentukan jumlah kebutuhan permintaan konsumen secara periodik, berkala dan pola kebutuhan permintaan konsumen dimasa yang akan datang secara trend, musiman. Penelitian ini berawal dari konsep pemikiran bagaimana supaya produsen bordir di Kota Tasikmalaya mendapatkan pendapatan yang optimal dan efisien dalam biaya produksi bordir mereka. Pendekatan peramalan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Time Series dengan menggunakan Single Exponential Smoothing Modeluntuk mendapatkan nilai peramalan secara periodik, Double Exponential Smoothing Modeluntuk mendapatkan nilai peramalan secara trend dan Triple Exponential SmoothingModeldengan Multiplicative Seasonal Modeluntuk mendapatkan nilai peramalan secara musiman, serta pengujian peramalan menggunakan MAD, MAPE dan MSE untuk mencari error terkecil. Pada tahap berikutnya dibangun sebuah sistem peramalan penentuan permintaan konsumen dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem waterfall dan pembuatansoftware yang dirancang menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java dengan editor NetBeans dan database MySQL.

  4. Perbedaan Kadar Thyroid Stimulating Hormone dan Free Thyroxine pada Pasien Talasemia Β-Mayor dengan Kelasi Besi Deferasirox dan Deferiprone

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    Aries - Krisbiyantoro


    Hasil. Rerata usia pasien 12,5+3,12 tahun. Rerata kadar TSH kelompok deferiprone dan deferasirox adalah 3.051,78 IU/ml dan 2.351,29 IU/ml. Sedangkan rerata kadar FT4 untuk kelompok deferiprone dan deferasirox 15.424,12 mmol/l dan 15.822,75 IU/ml. Tidak terdapat perbedaan kadar TSH dan FT4 pada kelompok yang mendapatkan deferasirox dan deferiprone berturut-turut nilai TSH (p=0,148; p>0,05 dan FT4 (p=0,836; p>0,05. Kesimpulan. Tidak terdapat perbedaan kadar TSH dan FT4 pada pasien talasemia beta mayor yang mendapatkan kelasi deferasirox maupun deferiprone.


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    Hafifatul Auliya Rahmy


    Full Text Available Diabetes melitus (DM adalah penyakit metabolik dengan karakteristik hiperglikemia. DM dan komplikasinya menyebabkan sekitar 4% kematian dari seluruh total kematian di dunia dan 3% di Di Indonesia. Skrining melalui pemeriksaan kadar gula darah sangat diperlukan untuk mencegah DM. Penelitian ini bertujuan  mengetahui kadar gula darah dan hubungan indeks massa tubuh, rasio lingkar pinggang pinggul dan riwayat diabetes pada keluarga dengan kadar gula darah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain cross sectional pada PNS di Direktorat Jenderal Perimbangan Keuangan bulan Februari - April 2014. Jumlah sampel berdasarkan hasil perhitungan sampel sebanyak 147 responden yang dipilih secara random. Analisis yang digunakan meliputi analisis univariat dan bivariat (regresi linear sederhana dan ­t test independen. Rata-rata kadar gula darah yang didapatkan adalah 177,52±27,67 mg/dl, rata-rata IMT adalah 23,93±4,20 m/kg2 pada perempuan dan 26,23±4,07 m/kg2 pada laki-laki dan rasio lingkar pinggang pinggul adalah 0,87±0,06 pada perempuan dan 0,90±0,04 pada laki-laki. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara indeks massa tubuh, rasio lingkar pinggang pinggul dan riwayat diabetes pada keluarga dengan kadar gula darah (p value < 0,05. Pencegahan DM dapat dilakukan dengan skrining khususnya pada kelompok berisiko dengan pemantauan status gizi.

  6. Analisis Kadar Kofein Kopi Luwak Dengan Variasi Jenis Kopi, Spesies Luwak Dan Cara Pengolahan Dengan Metoda TlC Scanner

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    Rahma Yulia


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian analisis kadar kofein kopi luwak dengan variasi jenis kopi, spesies luwak dan cara pengolahan dengan metoda TLC Scanner. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan 8 sampel kopi luwak R.Ab.K ; R.Ab.B ; R.Ph.K ; R.Ph.B ; A.Ab.K ; A.Ab.B ; A.Ph.K ; A.Ph.B yang diekstraksi dengan pelarut diklorometana ( DCM . Pemisahan dengan KLT dilakukan dengan fasa diam plat silika gel GF254 dan fasa gerak campuran diklorometana : metanol ( 9,5 : 0,5 . Kadar kofein dihitung dengan menggunakan persamaan regresi y = 2715,112 + 4,389x dan memberikan persentase kadar berturut-turut 1,91 ; 2,04 ; 1,30 ; 1,89 ; 1,29 ; 1,45 ; 1,25 ; 1,42 %. Kadar kofein paling tinggi diberikan oleh kopi robusta yang diberikan pada luwak A. binturong dan diolah secara basah dengan persentase 2,04 %. Sedangkan kadar kofein paling rendah diberikan oleh kopi arabika yang diberikan pada luwak P. hermophroditus dengan persentase 1,25 %. Pengolahan data dengan statistik anova tiga jalan SPSS 21 menunjukkan hasil bahwa jenis kopi, variasi luwak dan cara pengolahan memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kadar kofein dengan p < 0,05.



    Triyanto, Hesti


    Penentuan harga jual suatu produk atau jasa merupakan salah satu keputusan penting manajemen karena harga yang ditetapkan harus dapat menutup semua biaya dan mendapatkan laba yang diharapkan oleh perusahaan. Pada saat low season, pihak hotel menerapkan harga jual yang paling rendah dalam penentuan harga jualnya agar pihak hotel tidak mengalami kerugian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa tarif sewa kamar dan selisih tarif sewa kamar Hotel Puri Artha Yogyakarta pada saat low seas...

  8. Analisis Hubungan Kluster Industri dengan Penentuan Lokasi Pelabuhan: Studi Kasus Pantai Utara Pulau Jawa

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    Maulana Prasetya Simbolon


    Full Text Available Proses distribusi barang merupakan suatu rangkaian proses yang terkait dalam upaya penguasaan areal pasar terluas melalui maksimisasi penjualan dan minimisasi biaya produksi (transportasi. Sebagian contoh nyata di beberapa wilayah, proses distribusi barang tidak didasarkan pada aspek minimisasi biaya transportasi/trucking (teori lokasi tradisional dimana pengiriman barang tidak melalui pelabuhan muat yang dekat dengan lokasi industri. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan hubungan antara industri dengan penentuan lokasi pelabuhan serta faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode komparasi hasil perhitungan model deterministik (Linear Programming dan Gravitasi dengan Pembatas Tunggal dengan data yang ada, serta analisis korelasi (model uji kebebasan dan Crammer’s-Coefficient of Association dalam mengukur keeratan hubungan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dalam penentuan lokasi pelabuhan. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan adanya hubungan/ korespondensi antara lokasi pelabuhan dengan lokasi industri dimana lokasi kluster industri terlebih dahulu ada dan diikuti lokasi pelabuhan. Faktor utama yang berpengaruh dalam penentuan lokasi pelabuhan adalah jumlah kunjungan kapal. Prosentase hasil komparasi (selisih hasil perhitungan model gravitasi dengan data yang ada untuk variabel jumlah kunjungan kapal (2,2%; daya tampung gudang/CY (2,3%; biaya transportasi/trucking (12,7%. Nilai koefisien korelasi variabel jumlah kunjungan kapal = 0,866 (keeratan hubungan: kuat/tinggi, daya tampung gudang/CY = 0,878 (kuat/tinggi, biaya transportasi (inland = 0,699 (sedang/cukup. Persebaran muatan (ekspor dari: Jawa Timur ke pelabuhan Tanjung Perak (97%, Tanjung Emas (1%, Tanjung Priok (2%; Jawa Tengah & D.I.Yogyakarta ke pelabuhan Tanjung Emas (72%, Tanjung Perak (15%, Tanjung Priok (13%; Jawa Barat ke pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (97,2%, Tanjung Emas (1,5%, Tanjung Perak (1,3%; DKI Jakarta & Banten ke pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (99

  9. Pengaruh Pemberian Aspartam terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Tikus Diabetes Melitus Diinduksi Aloksan

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    Ega Purnamasari R.D


    Full Text Available AbstrakAspartam merupakan gula pengganti rendah kalori yang sering dikonsumsi oleh pengidap diabetes, tetapi keamanannya masih kontroversi. Intensitas rasa manis aspartam yang tinggi diduga dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah. Penelitian lain menyebutkan hasil metabolisme aspartam berupa asam aspartat dan fenilalanin dapat menjadi prekursor glukosa melalui glukoneogenesis. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian aspartam terhadap kadar glukosa darah tikus diabetes melitus diinduksi aloksan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental dengan post-test only control group design. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 20 ekor tikus Wistar jantan yang dibagi menjadi kelompok kontrol negatif (KN, kontrol positif (KP, perlakuan 1 (P1, perlakuan 2 (P2. Aloksan 150 mg/kgBB diinduksikan pada kelompok KP dan P2, aspartam 315 mg/kgBB diberikan pada kelompok P1 dan P2 selama 4 minggu. Kadar glukosa darah puasa diukur setelah 4 minggu menggunakan spektrofotometer. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan rerata kadar glukosa darah puasa kelompok KN (88,39 mg/dL, KP (134,11 mg/dL, P1 (93,95 mg/dL, dan P2 (66,66 mg/dL. Analisis data dengan Uji ANOVA nilai p= 0,000 (p<0,05, terdapat perbedaan kadar glukosa darah puasa yang bermakna pada semua kelompok. Keimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh pemberian aspartam terhadap penurunan kadar glukosa darah puasa tikus diabetes melitus diinduksi aloksan.Kata kunci: aspartam, kadar glukosa darah, diabetes melitus, aloksanAbstractAspartame is a low-calorie sugar substitute that is often consumed by people with diabetes, but the safety of aspartame is still controversial. The high intensity of aspartame sweetness could be expected to lower blood glucose levels. Other study said the results of the metabolism of aspartame such aspartic acids and phenylalanine which can be a precursor of glucose through gluconeogenesis. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of aspartame on blood

  10. Penentuan Posisi Hiposenter Gempabumi dengan Menggunakan Metoda Guided Grid Search dan Model Struktur Kecepatan Tiga Dimensi

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    Hendro Nugroho


    Full Text Available Salah satu penelitian ilmu kebumian yang perlu dilakukan untuk membantu upaya mitigasi bencana gempabumi adalah menentukan pusat gempa dengan presisi tinggi. Dalam hal ini ketelitian sangat diperlukan oleh karena adanya heterogenitas materi bumi yang dilewati gelombang gempa dari hiposenter ke stasiun pencatat. Oleh karena itu dengan bantuan model geotomografi (model struktur 3D kecepatan rambat gelombang gempa diharapkan akan dapat diperoleh posisi sumber gempa yang lebih baik. Untuk studi ini daerah penelitian yang diambil adalah Jawa dan sekitarnya, yaitu : 7° LS - 11° LS dan 105° BT - 114° BT. Data yang digunakan adalah waktu tiba gelombang P dari seismogram yang direkam pada seismograf broadband di Indonesia. Penentuan hiposenter menggunakan metoda guided grid search dengan model kecepatan 3D untuk busur Sunda. Hasil penentuan hiposenter gempa dengan pendekatan ini memberikan tingkat kesalahan yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan jika digunakan model kecepatan 1D.

  11. Kajian awal kadar merkuri (Hg dalam ikan dan kerang di Teluk Kao, Pulau Halmahera

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    Edward Edward


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to determine the concentration of Hg  in some species of fish and mussels harvested from Kao Bay . Fish and mussels samples were purchased from fishermen at Kao Bay  in November 2015. The Hg concentration was measured by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS.The results showed that the highest concentration of Hg was found in gurara fish (Nemipterus japonicus  that is 0.98 ppm, followed by suo fish  (Sphyraena jello  0.89 ppm,  tatameri fish (Gazza minuta  0.38 ppm, gaca fish (Lutjanus argentimaculatus 0.31 ppm, totodi fish (Synodus foetens  0.24 ppm,  bubara fish (Caranx sp 0, 19 ppm, ngafi fish (Stolephorus indicus 0.19 ppm and biji nangka fish (Upeneus vittatus 0.15 ppm. In the shelfish meat, the highest concentration of Hg is found in the blood mussels (Anadara granosa, that is 0.42 ppm, and then followed by papaco (Telescopium telescopium 0.05 ppm. The concentration of Hg in all samples of fish and shelfish were below from the threshold value for seafood fish and shellfish of 0.5 ppm and 1.0 ppm, respectively. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar Hg dalam beberapa jenis ikan dan kerang yang ada di Teluk Kao dalam kaitannya dengan kesehatan makanan hasil laut. Contoh ikan dan kerang di beli dari nelayan di Teluk Kao pada bulan November 2015. Kadar Hg  diukur dengan menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (AAS. Hasilnya menunjukkan kadar Hg tertinggi dalam ikan dijumpai dalam daging ikan gurara (Nemipterus japonicus yakni 0,98 ppm, selanjutnya diikuti oleh ikan suo (Sphyraena jello 0,89 ppm, ikan tatameri (Gazza minuta 0,38 ppm, ikan gaca (Lutjanus argentimaculatus 0,31 ppm, ikan totodi (Synodus foetens 0,24 ppm, ikan bubara (Caranx sp 0,19 ppm, ikan ngafi (Stolephorus indicus  0,19 ppm, dan ikan biji nangka (Upeneus vittatus 0,15 ppm. Dalam daging kerang kadar Hg tertinggi dijumpai dalam kerang darah (Anadara granosa yakni 0,42 ppm selanjutnya dikuti oleh kerang papaco (Telescopium

  12. Pengaruh Timbal (Pb Terhadap Kadar MDA Serum Tikus Putih Jantan

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    Endrinaldi .


    Full Text Available AbstrakTimbal (Pb merupakan logam berat bersifat toksik yang konsentrasinya di lingkungan saat ini dipandang sebagai zat berbahaya. Pb dalam bentuk senyawa berasal dari pembakaran bahan bakar kendaraan bermotor, emisi industry dan dari penggunaan cat bangunan yang mengandung Pb. Toksisitas Pb menghambat enzim yang berperan sebagai antioksidan dan merusak sel hati.Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh timbal (Pb terhadap kadar malondialdehid (MDA tikus putih jantan. Desain penelitian ini adalah eksperimental menggunakan 25 ekor tikus putih jantan yang dibagi menjadi lima kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol, dan kelompok perlakuan dengan pemberian Pb asetat dengan dosis konsentrasi 5, 10, 20 dan 40 mg/kg BB selama 26 hari.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan rerata kadar MDA serum secara bermakna (p < 0,05, setelah pemberian Pb asetat selama 26 hari. Peningkatan kadar MDA secara bermakna terjadi antara kelompok kontrol dibandingkan dengan kelompok tikus yang diberi dosis 5, 10, 20 dan 40 mg/kg BB.Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari studi ini adalah bahwa pemberian Pb asetat meningkatkan kadar MDA serum tikus.Kata kunci: Pb asetat, MDAAbstractLead (Pb is atoxi cheavy metal concentrationsin the environment are now seenas a dangerous substance. Pb in the form of compounds derived from burningmotor vehicle fuel. Pb toxicityinhibitsan enzyme that acts as an antioxidant and liver cell damage.The purpose of this study was to observe the effect of lead (Pb on levels of malondialdehyde (MDA male whiterats. Experimental research design was used 25 white male rats were divided into five groups, namely the control group and the group treated with the administration of Pb acetate at a dose concentration of 5, 10, 20, and 40 mg / kg body weight for 26 days.The results showed an average increase in level of MDA, after administration of Pb acetate for 26 days were significantly (p <0.05. Increase in level of MDA of serum were significantly (p


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    Widi Astuti


    Full Text Available Sereh wangi merupakan salah satu tanaman penghasil minyak atsiri yang banyak mengandung geraniol. Geraniol merupakan senyawa penyedia oksigen sehingga minyak sereh wangi dimungkinkan dapat digunakan sebagai bio additive gasoline. Penelitian ini bertujuan  meningkatkan kadar geraniol dalam minyak sereh wangi dan menggunakannya sebagai bio additive gasoline.Penelitian dilakukan dalam  tiga tahap, yaitu  pemungutan minyak sereh wangi dari daun sereh wangi, peningkatan kadar geraniol dalam minyak sereh wangi dan aplikasi minyak sereh wangi yang mengandung geraniol tinggi sebagai bio aditive gasoline.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemungutan minyak sereh wangi yang dilakukan dengan metode distilasi uap menghasilkan rendemen sebesar 0,76% dengan kadar geraniol 5,36%.Kadar geraniol dapat ditingkatkan menjadi 21,78% melalui proses distilasi vakum pada suhu 120oC. Pengujian minyak sereh wangi dengan kadar geraniol tinggi sebagai bio additive gasoline meliputi uji performa dan efisiensi konsumsi bahan bakar dengan variasi perbandingan volume gasoline dengan bio additive. Hasilnya, penambahan minyak sereh wangi dengan perbandingan volume gasoline ; minyak sereh wangi = 1000:2 mampu meningkatkan power mesin dari 7,8HP menjadi 8,6HP. Sementara, pada pengujian efisiensi bahan bakar, penambahan minyak sereh wangi dengan perbandingan volume gasoline : minyak sereh wangi = 1000:2 dapat meningkatkan efisiensi mesin sebesar 10,8%. Citronella contains geraniol which is an oxygen provider substances, so it may be used as bio additive. The purpose of this research  is to increase geraniol content in citronella oil and use it as a gasoline bio additive. This research is conducted  in three steps including take the citronella oil from citronella leaf, increase geraniol content in citronella oil and use citronella oil as a gasoline bio additive. The result show that citronella oil produced from citronella leaf using vapor distillation method contains geraniol


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    Vivi Mayangsari


    Full Text Available Energi terbarukan sangatlah diperlukan karena semakin meluasnya krisis energi sehingga memerlukan alternatif selain penggunaan bahan bakar fosil, penggunaan bioethanol merupakan alternatif yang baik karena banyak kelebihanya. Lemna minor merupakan salah satu tumbuhan yang berpotensi sebagai bioethanol, hal ini dapat dilihat dari kandungan glukosanya yang tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan waktu dan suhu pada proses hidrolisis terhadap nilai kadar glukosa serta mengetahui hubungan densitas terhadap kadar etanol. Proses ekstrasi glukosa menggunakan perbandingan volume HCl dengan kosentrasi 0,1 N, berat serbuk Lemna minor dan volume aquades yaitu 1:10:100 dengan variasi waktu ekstrasi 60, 90, dan 120 menit pada variasi suhu 60, 70, 80 °C dengan ukuran serbuk 60 mesh. Hasil penelitian ekstrasi hidrolisis terbaik pada menit ke-90 didapatkan panjang gelombang tertinggi 415 nm. Semua glukosa pada ekstrasi 90 menit difermentasi menggunakan bakteri Saccharomiches cerevisiae sebanyak 10% dari volume glukosa dengan waktu 144 jam, setelah fermentasi selesai sampel didestilasi untuk menghilangkan kadar air dan dihasilkan kadar ethanol terbaik 0,47% dengan densitas 0,9345 gr/ml3pada panjang gelombang larutan glukosa 316 nm.


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    Enggar Wijayanti


    Full Text Available Diabetes Mellitus (DM adalah penyakit metabolik yang berlangsung kronik progresif, dengan gejala hiperglikemi, yang disebabkan oleh gangguan sekresi insulin, gangguan kerja insulin, atau keduanya. Prevalensi penderita DM di dunia maupun di Indonesia meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Penatalaksanaan diabetes mellitus meliputi edukasi, terapi gizi medis, latihan jasmani/aktivitas fisik serta intervensi farmakologi. Ramuan jamu yang terdiri atas Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata, Brotowali (Tinospora crispa, Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza, kunyit (Curcuma domestica dan Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri melalui uji praklinik dan klinik telah terbukti dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah. Di Rumah Riset Jamu (RRJ “Hortus Medicus” selama ini belum dilakukan intervensi gizi terhadap penderita DM tipe 2. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh intervensi gizi dan ramuan jamu anti diabetes terhadap kadar gula darah pasien di RRJ “Hortus Medicus”. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian the one group pre and post test. Intervensi gizi berupa edukasi gizi dan diet dilakukan selama kurang lebih 30 menit dilakukan pada saat pasien datang pertama kali serta dilakukan pengukuran kadar dula darah sewaktu. Selama 28 hari pasien juga diberikan ramuan jamu untuk diabetes. Setelah 28 hari kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar gula darah sewaktu dan evaluasi terhadap program diet. Penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada 35 orang subjek, terdapat penurunan kadar gula darah, hasil uji t-berpasangan menunjukkan perbedaan kadar gula darah sebelum dan sesudah intervensi (p value<0,05. Intervensi gizi dan ramuan jamu untuk diabetes pada penderita DM tipe 2 di RRJ Hortus Medicus Tawangmangu mampu menurunkan kadar gula darah sewaktu. Kata kunci: Diabetes mellitus, intervensi gizi, ramuan jamu, kadar gula darah ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus (DM is a metabolic disease that lasts a chronic progressive, with symptoms of hyperglycemia, which is caused by impaired insulin

  16. Hubungan Aktivitas Fisik dengan Kadar Nitric Oxide (NO Plasma pada Masyarakat di Kota Padang

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    Ghozi Natul Isral


    Full Text Available AbstrakNitric oxide merupakan faktor relaksan yang disentesis oleh endotel pembuluh darah yang kadarnya dapat dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas fisik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan aktivitas fisik dengan kadar NO plasma pada masyarakat di kota Padang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan data sekunder dari penelitian Delmi Sulastri dkk dalam “Pengaruh Asupan Antioksidan terhadap ekspresi Gen eNOS3 pada penderita Hipertensi Etnik Minangkabau”. Subyek penelitian adalah semua responden penelitian Delmi Sulastri dkk dalam “Pengaruh Asupan Antioksidan terhadap ekspresi Gen eNOS3 pada Penderita Hipertensi Etnik Minangkabau” berjumlah 130 orang yang dinilai aktivitas fisiknya dengan menggunakan kuisioner Baecke dkk. dan dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar NO plasma. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden memiliki tingkat aktivitas fisik ringan dan NO plasma rendah dengan dengan rerata 26,3±15,2 μmol/L. Dari analisis data didapatkan bahwa responden dengan aktivitas fisik ringan lebih banyak memiliki kadar NO plasma rendah (61,7% dibandingkan kadar NO plasma normal (38,3%. Dari analisis statistik uji Chi-Square didapatkan nilai p = 0,007 yang berarti terdapat hubungan bermakna antara aktivitas fisik dengan kadar NO plasma (p<0,05. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah sebagian besar masyarakat di kota Padang memiliki tingkat aktivitas fisik ringan dan kadar NO plasma rendah. Dari uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan bermakna antara aktivitas fisik dengan kadar NO plasma pada masyarakat di kota Padang.Kata kunci: Aktivitas fisik, NOAbstractNitric oxide is relaxan factor that is synthesized by endothelial cell of blood vessel. From previous research showed that plasma NO level influenced by physical activity. The purpose of this study is to know correlation between physical activity with plasma NO level to Padang city people. The research is a research with secondary data by Delmi Sulastri et al., in


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    Tin Yunis Mahfudloh, Mohammad Tirono


    Full Text Available Air adalah bahan yang berperan penting dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia. Air steril dengan kandungan mineral yang cukup dan tidak terpolusi dapat berperan sebagai cairan yang menata keseimbangan tubuh. Apabila air yang dikosumsi manusia telah tercemar oleh sampah dan limbah industri yang mengandung zat-zat kimia/logam berat yang bersifat racun akan berbahaya Seperti kromium/krom dengan kode kimiawi Cr. Penelitian dilakukan untuk membuat alat ukur kadar krom dalam air dengan metode absorpsi dengan instrumen fotometri. Alat ukur kadar krom dalam air menggunakan prinsip spektroskopi serapan atom terdiri dari 2 sistem, yaitu sistem optik dan sistem elektronik. Sistem optik terdiri dari lampu halogen, filter cahaya dengan panjang gelombang 520.4, kuvet dan sensor photodioda. Sedangkan sistem elektronik terdiri dari ADC 0804, MCU AT89S51 dan LCD.  Prinsip keja alat ini adalah cahaya polikromatis yang dipancarkan oleh lampu halogen akan melewati filter sehingga cahaya polikromatis akan bersifat monokromatis. Cahaya akan melewati air dengan kadar krom 0% untuk mereset reagen dan pelarut kemudian dideteksi oleh sensor sehingga menghasilkan data I0. Setelah dideteksi air  akan bergeser ke atas dan sensor bergeser kebelakang untuk mendeteksi sampel yang mempunyai kadar krom tertentu dan menghasilkan data I1. Di dalam sampel ini terjadi penyerapan intensitas cahaya oleh atom krom. Kemudian data I0 dan I1 akan diolah oleh MCU AT89S51 dan ditampilkan pada LCD. Sampel yang digunakan adalah larutan H2O dengan K2Cr2O7 sebanyak 10 sampel dengan variasi kadar 0%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, 3%, 3.5%, 4%, 4.5%, dan 5%. Larutan krom diperoleh dengan cara mengencerkan 10gr K2Cr2O7 dalam 100ml H2O sehingga didapatkan K2Cr2O7 10% sebagai larutan stok, selanjutnya untuk mendapatkan K2Cr2O7 dengan kadar tertentu, maka diambil dari larutan stok kemudian diencerkan sampai volume 25 ml sesuai dengan rumus M1 V1 =M 2 V2 Hasil pegujian pada sistem elektronik menunjukkan

  18. Yoghurt kedelai hitam (black soyghurt dapat menurunkan kadar LDL tikus hiperkolesterolemia

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    Slamet Riyanto


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTBackground: Hypercholesterolemia is a main risk factor of cardiovascular disease that remains the higher cause of deaths in the world. Black soy bean containing protein, fiber, vitamin, isoflavon, and flavonoid can decrease serum cholesterol level. Yoghurt contains lactic acid bacteria that decrease total and LDL cholesterol, triglyceride, and increase the HDL cholesterol. Processing of black soy bean into black soyghurt can increase its isoflavon’s activity by forming aglicone, which has higher activity to decrease cholesterol.Objectives: To know the effect of black soyghurt feeding to LDL, HDL, and HDL ratio of hypercholesterolemic rats.Methods: This research was true-experimental using post test only with control group design. Subjects were 20 male Sprague dawley rats, 2 months old, inducted hypercholesterolemia, given black soyghurt diet using 2 mL, 3 mL, and 4 mL dosage for 21 days. Serum lipid profile were measured by CHOD-PAPand GPO-PAP methods respectively. Normality of the data were tested by Shapiro Wilks test. Data were analyzed by paired t test and Anova continued by LSD test using computer program.Results: The study revealed that black soyghurt 4 mL/day decreased LDL (p=0.02 at the most significant level. The other doses did not significantly influence the levels of LDL (p>0.05 . There was also no effect of black soyghurt feeding on serum HDL cholesterol levels (p=0.11 and the ratio of LDL /HDL (p=0.087.Conclusions: The feeding of black soyghurt at the dosage of 4 mL/day to hypercholesterolemic rats could decrease the serum LDL, but could decrease the ratio of LDL / HDL significantly.KEYWORDS: black soyghurt, LDL/HDL ratio, hypercholesterolemicABSTRAKLatar belakang: Hiperkolesterolemia merupakan faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskuler yang menjadi penyebab kematian utama di dunia. Kedelai hitam mengandung protein, vitamin, serat, isoflavon, dan flavonoid yang mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol. Yoghurt

  19. Studi Penentuan Kecepatan Aliran Darah dan Frekuensi Terimaan Pasien Atherosclerosis Menggunakan USG Color Doppler


    Mulyani, Emba


    Jurnal Fisika Medik Studi Penentuan Kecepatan Aliran Darah dan Frekuensi Terimaan Pasien Atherosclerosis Menggunakan USG Color Doppler Mulyani H211 08 507 Pembimbing Utama Sri Dewi Astuty Ilyas,Ssi, Msi Nip.19750513 199903 2 001 Pembimbing Pertama Dahlang Tahir, Msi, Ph.D Nip.19750907 200003 1 001 ABSTRACT Research about Study of determination blood speed of current and freq uency give patient atherosclero sis uses plane USG Color Doppler had be...

  20. Korelasi Kadar Feritin dengan Jumlah CD4, CD8, dan Rasio CD4/CD8 pada Penyandang Talasemia Mayor Anak

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    Bonnie Arseno


    Hasil. Didapatkan jumlah CD4 absolut, CD4%, CD8 absolut dan rasio CD4/CD8 menurun. Selain itu, terdapat jumlah CD4 absolut, CD8 absolut dan CD8% meningkat. Pada kelompok usia ≤5 tahun, korelasi kadar feritin dengan CD8 absolut, CD8%, dan rasio CD4/CD8 berturut-turut menghasilkan koefisien korelasi 0,691, 0,557, -0,680, dan p<0,05. Sementara pada kelompok lama terapi ≤5 tahun korelasi kadar feritin dengan CD8 absolut, CD8%, dan rasio CD4/CD8 menghasilkan koefisien korelasi 0,709, 0,571, -0,726 dengan p<0,05. Kesimpulan. Tidak terdapat korelasi antara kadar feritin dengan jumlah CD4, CD8, rasio CD4/CD8. Peningkatan kadar feritin akan diikuti dengan peningkatan jumlah CD8 absolut dan CD8%, serta penurunan rasio CD4/CD8 pada penyandang talasemia mayor anak berdasar atas usia dan lama terapi ≤5 tahun.

  1. Efek Interaksi Ragi Tape dan Ragi Roti terhadap Kadar Bioetanol Ketela Pohon (Manihot Utilissima, Pohl Varietas Mukibat

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    Tri Budi Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Ketela pohon (Manihot utilissima, Pohl varietas mukibat berpotensi sebagai bahan baku bioetanol. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek interaksi ragi tape dan ragi roti terhadap kadar bioetanol ketela pohon mukibat dan menentukan interaksi terendah yang efektif menghasilkan bioetanol yang dapat terbakar. Sampel yang digunakan adalah ketela pohon mukibat umur 7 bulan dengan berat rata-rata 500 gram. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola faktorial, yaitu konsentrasi ragi tape (0%, 0,3%, 0,6% dan 0,9% dan konsentrasi ragi roti (0%, 0,3%, 0,6% dan 0,9% dengan 3 kali ulangan. Parameter yang diukur meliputi jumlah sel khamir (data pendukung dan kadar bioetanol (data utama. Data kadar bioetanol yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan anava dua arah dan dilanjutkan uji Duncan (DMRT pada taraf kesalahan 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh interaksi ragi tape dan ragi roti terhadap kadar bioetanol ketela pohon mukibat p>0,05. Konsentrasi ragi tape dan ragi roti yang tinggi menghasilkan kadar bioetanol yang tinggi. Interaksi ragi tape 0,6% dan ragi roti 0,3% (T2R1 merupakan interaksi terendah yang efektif menghasilkan kadar bioetanol yang dapat terbakar (36%. Interaksi ragi tape 0,9% dan ragi roti 0,9% (T3R3 menghasilkan kadar bioetanol tertinggi dengan rata-rata mencapai 49,8%.Cassava (Manihot utilissima, Pohl var Mukibat is potential for bioethanol feedstock. The study aimed to determine the effects of the interaction of bread yeast and tape yeast on the concentration of mukibat cassava bioethanol and to determine the lowest effective interaction can produce flammable bioethanol. The samples used were mukibat cassava aged 7 months with an average weight of 500 grams. Research design was completely randomized design factorial, tape yeast concentration (0%, 0.3%, 0.6% and 0.9% and the concentration of yeast bread (0%, 0.3%, 0.6% and 0.9% with 3 replications. Parameters measured include the number of yeast cells (supporting data


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    Ocbrivianita Mulyaningtyas Utomo


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaaan kadar gula darah penderita diabetes antara kelompok yang melaksanakan senam dan kelompok yang tidak melaksanakan senam. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kohor. Populasi terpapar dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien diabetes mellitus tipe II di RS.Panti Wilasa Dr.Cipto Semarang yang mengikuti klub senam diabetes, dan populasi tidak terpapar adalah yang tidak mengikuti klub senam diabetes. Sampel terpapar dan tidak terpapar masing-masing berjumlah 42 orang. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat (menggunakan uji wilcoxon dengan p = 0,05. Hasil dari penelitian ini terdapat perbedaan kadar gula darah sewaktu sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada kelompok terpapar (nilai p = 0,0001, pada kelompok tidak terpapar (nilai p = 0,0001, pada kelompok terpapar dan tidak terpapar (nilai p = 0,0001 dengan penurunan rata-rata gula darah pada kelompok terpapar 2,3 kali lebih besar daripada kelompok tidak terpapar (31,5 mg/dl berbanding 13,5 mg/dl. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah senam efektif dalam menurunkan kadar gula darah. The purpose of this study to determine the differences in blood sugar levels of diabetes among the groups who perform gymnastics and groups who not perform gymnastics. This type of research is cohort. Exposed population in this study were patients with diabetes mellitus type II in Panti Wilasa Hospital Dr.Cipto Semarang diabetes who follow gymnastics club and population unexposed were patient who do not follow gymnastics club diabetes. Samples of each exposed and unexposwd were 42 people. Data analysis was performed univariate and bivariate (using the Wilcoxon test with p = 0.05. The result of this study there is a difference in blood sugar levels before and after the intervention while the exposed group (p-value = 0.0001, in the unexposed group (p-value = 0.0001, the exposed and unexposed groups (p-value = 0.0001 with an average decline blood sugar in the exposed group 2

  3. Bekatul (Oryza sativa L. Menghambat Peningkatan Kadar Kolesterol Darah

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    Astri Kania


    Full Text Available Abstrak Penyakit kardiovaskuler merupakan penyebab utama kematian dan kecacatan di seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Penyakit kardiovaskuler disebabkan oleh pembentukan aterosklerosis pada pembuluh darah. Konsumsi larutan tepung bekatul (Oryza sativa L. dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mencegah terjadinya aterosklerosis dengan cara menghambat peningkatan kadar kolesterol darah. Penelitian ini untuk menilai efek larutan tepung bejatul terhadap penghambatan peningkatan kadar kolesterol darah. Penelitian eksperimental laboratorik dengan rancangan acak lengkap telah dilakukan pada 20 ekor tikus putih jantan galur Wistar yang dibagi menjadi lima kelompok. Kelompok I adalah kontrol negatif yang diberikan diet tinggi lemak dan propiltiurasil (PTU 0,01%, kelompok II merupakan kontrol positif yang hanya diberi pelet. Kelompok III, IV, dan V adalah kelompok perlakuan yang diberikan sediaan uji 0,27 gram/200 gram BB, 0,54 gram/200 gram BB, dan 1,08 gram/200 gram BB, DTL dan PTU 0,01% secara bersamaan. Pengukuran kadar kolesterol darah dilakukan sebelum diberikan perlakuan (hari ke-7 dan setelah diberikan perlakuan (hari ke-21 dengan menggunakan metode kolorimetrik enzimatik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa larutan tepung bekatul memiliki efek penghambatan terhadap peningkatan kadar kolesterol darah dengan dosis 0,54 gram/200 gram BB. Efek penghambatan tersebut diakibatkan oleh mekanisme interaksi  dari orizanol, fitosterol, dan omega-3 yang terdapat dalam larutan tepung bekatul. Kata kunci: Bekatul, efek penghambatan, kolesterol darah   Rice Bran (Oryza sativa L. Inhibit the Increase of Blood Cholesterol Level Abstract Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of mortality and morbidity in the world, including Indonesia. This disease caused by atherosclerosis formation in blood vessel. Consumption of rice bran is one alternative to prevent atherosclerosis by inhibiting the increase of blood cholesterol level. The Aim of study was to

  4. Perbedaan Kadar Formalin pada Tahu yang Dijual di Pasar Pusat Kota dengan Pinggiran Kota Padang

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    Siti Ardina Sari


    Full Text Available AbstrakTahu merupakan makanan yang digemari oleh masyarakat.Tahu mempunyai daya tahan sekitar 1 - 2 hari sehingga pedagang sering menambahkan formalin sebagai pengawet. Formalin merupakan bahan pengawet yang dilarang oleh pemerintah yang penggunaannya masih terdapat secara luas di masyarakat dan bila dilihat dari tekstur tahu yang dijual di pasar kota Padang, dicurigai tahu memiliki kandungan formalin.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar formalin pada tahu yang dijual di pasar pusat kota dengan pinggiran kota Padang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di laboratorium Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Padang.Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik yang telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni-September 2013. Jumlah sampel adalah sebanyak 36 buah yang terdiri dari 18 sampel tahu yang berasal dari pasar pusat kota dan 18 sampel tahu yang berasal dari pasar pinggiran kota Padang. Uji kualitatif formalin pada tahu dilakukan dengan metode asam kromatropat dan uji kuantitatif formalin menggunakan metode titrasi asam basa. Analisis data dilakukan secara bivariat dengan menggunakan uji t. Hasil penelitian didapatkan kadar formalin pada tahu di pasar pusat kota Padang dari 18 sampel yang diperiksa terdapat 17 sampel yang positif formalin dengan kadar paling tinggi adalah 3.65%. Kadar formalin pada tahu di pasar pinggiran kota Padang dari 18 sampel yang diperiksa terdapat 17 sampel yang positif formalin dengan kadar paling tinggi adalah 2.73%. Rata-rata kadar formalin pada pasar pusat kota adalah 1.08% dan pasar pinggiran kota adalah 0.67%.Kata Kunci: kadar formalin, tahu, pasar pusat kota Padang, pasar pinggiran kota PadangAbstractTofu is a favorite food among the community. Tofu has resistance 1 - 2 days so that merchant often add formalin as a preservative. Formalin is a preservative which is banned by the government that there is still widespread use in the community and the texture of tofu sold in the market is suspected for having


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    Anny Thuraidah


    Full Text Available Abstract: Water is an essential requirement. Part of Indonesian people still using well as the source of water Resulting from the increased of human activity and industries, the well water maybe contaminated by manganese ( Mn. That is needed processing to make well water usefull for mankind. One of the type for processing water is the absorbtion methode .Banana shell was kitchen waste and the dried of Kepok Banana (Musa paradisiaca Shell was used as adsobent to reduce Manganese level in water. This study aimed to determine the reduce of Manganese level in water. This research was real experiment pretest and posttest study design with a control group. Persulfate research instruments colorimetric and spectrophotometric measurements. The addition of the dose banana shell were 0,06 ; 0,07; 0,08; 0,09; 0,1 gram . By those dose cumulatively decreased to 0; 21,84; 32,34; 44,56; and 52,92%. The Manganese maximum reduced by 0,1 gram dried banana shell in 100 cc well water in 30 minutes. Stastically , the significan value was 0,000 less than 0,05(α , it was meant that the variety dose of dried Kepok banana shell influence to decrease Manganese level in water. These decreased way can be used as an alternative to increase the water quality. Keywords: manganese, kepok banana shell Abstrak: Air merupakan kebutuhan utama bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Sumber air yang banyak digunakan adalah air tanah, yaitu air sumur. Diakibatkan dari meningkatnya aktivitas manusia dan industri, air sumur dapat tercemar mangan (Mn. Untuk dapat menjadikan air sumur sebagai sumber air bersih, perlu dilakukan pengolahan. Proses pengolahan ini dapat dilakukan dengan metode adsorpsi. Bahan yang dipakai dapat dimanfaatkan dari limbah dapur rumah tangga seperti kulit pisang kepok (Musa paradisiaca L. sebagai bahan adsorben. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui penurunan kadar mangan dalam air dengan menggunakan kulit pisang kepok (Musa paradisiaca L. yang dikeringkan. Penelitian ini

  6. Hubungan antara Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Kadar Nitrit Oksid pada Masyarakat Etnik Minangkabau di Kota Padang

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    Nidia Purwadianti


    Full Text Available AbstrakObesitas merupakan masalah kesehatan yang kompleks dengan penyebab multifaktorial. Obesitas berkaitan erat dengan peningkatan risiko sejumlah komplikasi seperti hipertensi. Salah satu mekanisme yang menghubungkan obesitas dengan hipertensi adalah disfungsi endotel sebagai akibat penurunan kadar nitrit oksid (NO. Pengukuran Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT merupakan salah satu indikator untuk menentukan obesitas. .Tujuan penelitian ini ialah menentukan hubungan IMT dengan kadar nitrit oksid pada masyarakat etnik Minangkabau. Desain penelitian adalah studi potong lintang dengan populasi masyarakat etnik Minangkabau usia 30 – 65 tahun di 4 kecamatan terpilih di Kota Padang. Jumlah subjek sebanyak 130 orang. Data responden merupakan data sekunder yang dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson dan uji beda rerata dengan metode independent sample t-test. Hasil penelitian pada kelompok obesitas diperoleh p-value = 0,982 dengan r = -0,003. Pada kelompok tidak obesitas didapatkan p-value = 0,924 dan r = -0,013. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara IMT dengan kadar NO. Kadar nitrit oksid rerata pada responden obesitas adalah 28,37±17,45 μmol/L dan tidak obesitas adalah 23,91±11,55 μmol/L dengan p-value=0,084. Terdapat perbedaan rerata kadar NO kelompok obesitas dan tidak obesitas pada masyarakat etnik Minangkabau di Kota Padang namun tidak bermakna secara statistik. Diharapkan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan mempertimbangkan faktor lain yang mempengaruhi kadar NO selain IMT.Kata kunci: indeks massa tubuh, kadar nitrit oksid, obesitas AbstractObesity is a complex health problem with multifactorial causes. Obesity is strongly related to risk increase of many complications such as hypertension. One of the mechanisms that links obesity and hypertension is endhotelial disfunction due to nitric oxide (NO level decrease. Body Mass Index (BMI measurement is one of the indicators to determine obesity


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    Handoko Sugiharto


    Full Text Available The conventional method of water content measurement of aggregate and fresh concrete need along time to perform. As an alternative the use of microwave oven is explored in this research. The microwave oven used has 900 watt power and equiped with a turn table. Nine (9 type of aggregate consist of five (5 type of fine aggregate and four (4 type of coarse aggregate with varions water absorbsion value, are unvestigated. The rater contents measured is then compared with the once obtained using conventional oven. Four (4 type of mix using aggegate with varions water absorbsion values. Water content used for the fresh concrete mix is 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7. The test results show that this method can beused to measure water content of fine and coarse aggregate regardless of the water absorbsion values of the aggregates. For fine aggregate nine (9 minutes drying time is needed to get 100% accuracy while for coarse aggregate 11 minutes with 96% accuracy. For fresh concrete using aggregate with less than 5% absorbsion value 18 minutes is neede to get 98% accuracy, while for aggregate with 40% absorbsion value 35 minutes is needed to get 80% accuracy. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Pengukuran kadar air pada agregat dan beton segar dengan metode konvensional memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama, maka dilakukan penelitian penggunaan microwave oven sebagai metode alternatifnya. Microwave oven yang digunakan mempunyai daya 900 watt dan dilengkapi dengan piring putar. Dilakukan penelitian terhadap 9 tipe agregat (5 jenis agregat halus dan 4 jenis agregat kasar dengan berbagai nilai absorpsi. Sedangkan untuk beton segar dibuat 4 macam campuran dengan berbagai nilai absorpsi agregat. Faktor air-semen yang digunakan adalah 0.3, 0.5 dan 0.7. Hasil pengukuran kadar airnya dengan microwave oven dibandingkan terhadap oven standard. Hasil tes yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa metode ini dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kadar air agregat halus dan kasar dengan tidak tergantung pada


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    Arif Nurmawan Toro


    Full Text Available Latar belakang: Masyarakat Indonesia masih menitikberatkan pada komoditas kacang kedelai sebagai sumber utama protein, sedangkan pemanfaatan komoditas lain seperti koro benguk masih sangat minim. Minimnya pemanfaatan koro benguk ini karena di dalamnya terkandung senyawa alami berupa glokusida sianogenik yang dapat mengalami hidrolisis enzimatis menjadi asam sianida (HCN yang bersifat racun. Karena asam sianida bersifat asam yang sangat mudah larut dalam air, maka dilakukan perendaman menggunakan air kapur (Ca(OH2 bersifat basa yang dirasa cukup efektif menetralkan HCN dalam koro benguk.   Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui pengaruh lama perendaman koro benguk dalam air kapur terhadap kadar asam sianida dan mengetahui apakah air kapur lebih efektif dibandingkan air biasa dalam menetralkan HCN koro benguk.   Metode Penelitian: Penelitian dengan desain post test with control group. Obyek penelitian ini adalah koro benguk varietas benguk putih berumur 4-6 bulan yang diperoleh di Dusun Nogosari, Desa Purwosari, Kecamatan Girimulyo, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, DIY yang dilakukan perendaman dalam air sebagai kelompok kontrol dan air kapur 100 mg/L sebagai kelompok perlakuan selama 12, 24 dan 36 jam kemudian dilakukan destilasi. Destilat direaksikan dengan asam pikrat 1% kemudia diukur kadar HCN secara spektrofotometri.   Hasil: Kadar HCN  koro benguk pada perendaman dalam air selama 12 jam adalah 20,736 mg/kg, selama 24 jam adalah 19,348 mg/kg dan selama 36 jam adalah 16,786 mg/kg. Sedangkan kadar HCN pada perendaman air kapur 100 mg/L selama 12 jam adalah 19,020 mg/kg, selama 24 jam adalah 1,635 mg/kg dan selama 36 jam adalah 9,307 mg/kg. Hasil Uji ANOVA satu jalan pada kelompok perlakuan didapatkan nilai signifikansi 0.000 (p< 0.05.   Kesimpulan: Ada pengaruh bermakna lama perendaman koro benguk dalam air kapur terhadap kadar asam sianida. Perendaman dalam air kapur terbukti lebih efektif menetralkan asam sianida koro benguk dibandingkan perendaman dalam


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    Purnawan Adi W


    Full Text Available Pengendalian dan perawatan inventori merupakan suatu permasalahan yang sering dihadapi seluruh organisasi dalam berbagai sektor ekonomi. Salah satu tantangan yang yang harus dihadapi dalam pengendalian inventori adalah bagaimana menentukan ukuran lot yang optimal pada suatu sistem produksi dengan berbagai tipe. Analisis batch produksi (production lot dengan pendekatan hybrid simulasi analitik merupakan salah satu penelitian mengenai ukuran lot optimal. Penelitian tersebut menggunakan pendekatan sistem singlestage dimana tidak adanya hubungan antar proses di setiap stage atau dengan kata lain, proses yang satu independen terhadap proses yang lain. Dengan menggunakan objek penelitian yang sama dengan objek penelitian diatas, penelitian ini kemudian mengangkat permasalahan penentuan ukuran production lot dengan pendekatan multistage. Pertama, dengan menggunakan data-data yang sama dengan penelitian sebelumnya ditentukan ukuran production lot yang optimal dengan metode programa linier. Selanjutnya ukuran production lot digunakan sebegai input simulasi untuk menentukan ukuran transfer batch. Rata-rata panjang antrian dan waktu tunggu menjadi ukuran performansi yang digunakan sebagai acuan penentuan ukuran transfer batch dari beberapa alternatif ukuran yang ada. Pada penelitian ini, ukuran production lot yang dihasilkan sama besarnya dengan demand tiap periode. Sedangkan untuk ukuran transfer batch, hasil penentuan dengan menggunakan simulasi kemudian dimplementasikan ke dalam model. Hasilnya adalah adanya penurunan inventori yang terjadi sebesar 76,35% untuk produk connector dan 50,59% untuk produk box connector dari inventori yang dihasilkan dengan pendekatan singlestage. Kata kunci : multistage, production lot, transfer batch     Abstract   Inventory maintenance and inventory control is a problem that often faced by all organization in many economic sectors. One of challenges that must be faced in inventory control is how to determine the


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    Ani Isnawati


    Full Text Available Usaha untuk mendapatkan hasil pertanian yang meningkat tidak ekonomis jika tidak menggunakan pestisida untuk menanggulangi serangan hama tanaman. Selain memberikan keuntungan bagi petani, disisi lain residu pestisida dapat membahayakan konsumen dalam batas-batas tertentu. Pemakaian pestisida  organoklorin telah dilarang penggunaannya melalui Menteri Pertanian nomor 434.1/kpts/TP.270/7/2001 karena sifatnya yang persisten. Oleh karena itu untuk mengetahui sejauh mana residu pestistda organoklorin masih ada dikomoditi makanan, maka dilakukan penetapan kadar residu pestisida organoklorin dan melakukan perhitungan taksiran resiko terhadap kesehatan masyarakat. Sampel adalah 10 jenis makanan (beras, }agung, kacang panjang, pisang ambon, tahu tempe, daging sapi, daging ayam, ikan mas, ikan gabus yang paling banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat yang digolongkan sebagai makanan pokok, lauk, sayur dan buah. Tempat pengambilan sampel dipilih secara purposif dt wilayah propinsi Jawa Barat dari 3 kota besar, yaitu Bandung, Cirebon dan Serang. sepuluh jenis sampel diambil secara acak sederhana di beberapa kios di satu pasar tradisional dart tiap kota. Penetapan kadar residu organoklorin dilakukan dengan menggunakan kromatografi gas. Sampel diambil secara acak sederhana dibeberapa kios di satu pasar tradisional dari tiap kota. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daging sapi yang berasal dari Bandung merupakan jenis makanan yang terdeteksi pestisida organoklorin, yaitu: alfa-endosulfon dan beta endosulfon dengan kadar masing-masing 0,0284 mg/kg dan 0,0249 mg/kg. Kadar yang didapat masih di bawah BMR (Batas Maksimum Residu dan nilai ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake untuk endosulfon, sehingga tidak berisiko terhadap masyarakat yang mengkonsumsinya.


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    Kamilatussaniah Kamilatussaniah


    Full Text Available Timbal (Pb merupakan salah satu logam berat yang berasal dari emisi pembakaran bahan bakar. Peningkatan penggunaan bahan bakar pada mesin industri dan kendaraan bermotor menyebabkan peningkatan kadar Pb di udara. Masuknya Pb ke dalam tubuh akan mengganggu keseimbangan molekul lain sehingga menjadi radikal bebas. Ketidakseimbangan antara radikal bebas dengan antioksidan menyebabkan stres oksidatif yang ditandai dengan menurunnya total satus antioksidan (TSA dan meningkatnya malondialdehid (MDA. Madu kelengkeng adalah suplemen kesehatan yang mengandung flavonoid, vitamin C, vitamin E dan beta karoten yang berperan sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh madu kelengkeng terhadap kadar TSA dan MDA darah tikus putih yang diinduksi Pb. Desain penelitian ini adalah eksperimental dengan 25 ekor tikus putih jantan galur Wistar yang dibagi dalam 5 kelompok, yaitu kelompok A (tikus normal, B (tikus dengan induksi Pb 10 mg/kgBB dan C, D, E merupakan kelompok perlakuan suplementasi madu secara berturut-turut 0,45, 0,9, 1,8 ml/200 gramBB dan induksi Pb 10 mg/kgBB selama 14 hari. Data TSA dan MDA dianalisis menggunakan one way anova dan uji LSD untuk mengetahui perbedaan setiap kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan madu dengan dosis 1,8 ml/200 gramBB dapat meningkatkan kadar TSA dan menurunkan kadar MDA secara signifikan. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah madu dapat meningkatkan kadar TSA dan menurunkan kadar MDA pada tikus putih yang diinduksi Pb. Lead (Pb is heavy metal which comes from waste fuel emissions. Increased use of fuel in industrial machinery and vehicles causes increased levels of lead in the air. The entry of Pb into the body will disturb the ballance other molecules and became a free radicals. The imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants cause oxidative stress which characterized by decreased total antioxidant statue (TAS and increased malondialdehid (MDA. Longan honey is health suplement which

  12. Lama Pemberian Obat Anti Tuberkulosa dan Kadar Zinc Serum Pasien Paru Anak (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Bogor

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    Made Dewi Susilawati


    Full Text Available LAMA PEMBERIAN OBAT ANTI TUBERKULOSA DAN KADAR ZINC SERUM PASIEN PARU ANAK (STUDI KASUS DI KABUPATEN BOGOR   Anti Tuberculosis Drugs Treatment Duration and Serum Zinc Level of Child Patients (A Case Study in Bogor District ABSTRACT Background. Zinc is a potent mediator to body endurance against infection by affecting the function of the cellular immune system which act as the main response in tuberculosa infection. Low level of zinc in the blood, called hipozinsemia, is more often found in child tuberculosis (TB patients who have not taken anti tuberculoses drugs than those who have received drug therapy. Several previous studies show that there were no different levels of zinc between intensive phase and follow-up phase of therapies, however others indicated contrary results. Objective. The purpose of study is to determine whether there is any differences of serum zinc levels in the intensive phase and follow-up phase of anti-tuberculosis drug as well as to assess the relationship between treatment duration and serum zinc levels. Method. A cross-sectional study design was used with research subjects were children aged 6-59 months who were taken anti-tuberculosis drugs in Bogor District, in 2013. Data analysis used was independent t test and correlation test. Results. There was significant mean difference of serum zinc levels between subject who took anti-tuberculosis drugs in the intensive phase compare to those in the follow-up phase (p=0.015.There was a significant positive correlation between the duration of treatment and the serum zinc levels after controlling nutritional status (r=0.363 p=0.003. Conclusion. Serum zinc levels will increase linearly with tuberculosis drugs treatment duration. A further research is needed to determine whether there is any benefit of zinc supplementation in the intensive phase. Keywords: anti tuberculosis drug, pulmonary tuberculosis, zinc.   ABSTRAK Latar Belakang. Zinc merupakan mediator yang memiliki


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    Susilawati Susilawati


    Full Text Available Abstract: Utilization Spuit Used As Media biofilters on Reducing levels of BOD and COD Wastewater Laundry. The aim of this study was to test the ability of the media syringe biofiltration method used in lowering levels of BOD and COD in waste water laundry Hospital Dr. Soedarso Pontianak. This research is a quasi-experimental research design with one group pretest-posttest. Laboratory results mean BOD levels before processing is 103.63 mg/L and the average after processing into 46.41 mg/ L, with a value of 55.21 % effectiveness. While the average COD level before processing is 413.70 mg / L and the average after processing into a 195.88 mg/L with a value of 45.92% effectiveness. Expected to other researchers to control the pH and blowers before treatment and during treatment, as it will affect the final result. Abstrak : Pemanfaatan Spuit Bekas Sebagai Media Biofiltrasi Dalam Menurunkan Kadar BOD dan COD Air Limbah Laundry. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menguji kemampuan metode biofiltrasi dengan media spuit bekas pakai dalam menurunkan kadar BOD dan COD pada air limbah laundry RSUD Dr. Soedarso Pontianak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan rancangan penelitian one group pre test post test. Hasil laboratorium rata-rata kadar BOD sebelum pengolahan yaitu 103.63 mg/L dan rata-rata setelah pengolahan menjadi 46.41 mg/L, dengan nilai efektivitas 55,21 %. Sedangkan rata-rata kadar COD sebelum pengolahan yaitu 413.70 mg/L dan rata-rata setelah pengolahan menjadi 195.88 mg/L dengan nilai efektivitas 45,92 %. Diharapkan kepada peneliti lain untuk mengontrol pH dan blower sebelum perlakuan dan pada saat perlakuan, jika melakukan penelitian sejenis karena akan mempengaruhi hasil akhir.

  14. Pengaruh Pemberian Aspartam terhadap Kadar Low-Density Lipoprotein dan High-Density Lipoprotein pada Tikus Wistar Diabetes Melitus Diinduksi Aloksan

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    Revivo Rinda Pratama


    Full Text Available AbstrakAspartam telah disetujui oleh FDA untuk dikonsumsi. Konsumsi pemanis buatan ini menggunakan dosis ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake yaitu 50 mg/kgBB. Individu dengan diabetes melitus kemungkinan menjadi antusias terhadap adanya aspartam. Aspartam dapat mempengaruhi metabolisme profil lipid. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh pemberian aspartam terhadap kadar LDL dan HDL tikus diabetes melitus diinduksi aloksan. Ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan randomized post test only control group design. Subjek penelitian adalah 15 ekor tikus Wistar jantan yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif, kelompok kontrol positif, dan kelompok perlakuan. Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari lima (5 ekor tikus. Pemberian aspartam (dosis 315 mg/kgBB tikus diberikan kepada kelompok perlakuan selama empat (4 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian aspartam pada tikus diabetes melitus diinduksi aloksan berpengaruh terhadap penurunan kadar LDL dan peningkatan kadar HDL. Kadar LDL pada kelompok kontrol positif adalah 30 ± 2 mg/dl, pada kelompok perlakuan adalah 24 ± 2 mg/dl. Sedangkan kadar HDL pada kelompok kontrol positif adalah 19 ± 1 mg/dl, pada kelompok perlakuan adalah 22 ± 1 mg/dl. Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada kadar LDL dan HDL antara kelompok kontrol positif dengan kelompok perlakuan. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah pemberian aspartam pada tikus diabetes melitus diinduksi aloksan berpengaruh terhadap penurunan kadar LDL dan peningkatan kadar HDL.Kata kunci: aspartam, diabetes melitus, LDL, HDLAbstractAspartame has been approved by the FDA for consumption. Consumption of artificial sweeteners is using ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake dose which is 50 mg/kg. Individuals with diabetes mellitus would likely be enthusiastic consumers of aspartame. Aspartame can influence the metabolism of lipid profile. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of aspartame on levels of LDL

  15. Suplementasi Besi Mampu Memperbaiki Kadar Hormon TSH Anak Sekolah di Daerah Endemik GAKI

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    Yusi Dwi Nurcahyani


    , termasuk defisiensi mikronutrien lain diantaranya zat besi. Di negara berkembang, banyak anak-anak menderita GAKI dan defisiensi besi secara bersamaan. Defisiensi besi dapat mengganggu metabolisme tiroid dan mengurangi efektivitas garam beriodum. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh suplementasi besi dosis 60 mg/minggu terhadap hormon tiroid pada anak sekolah di daerah endemik GAKI. Suplementasi besi diberikan pada anak sekolah dasar umur 9-12 tahun di daerah dengan kasus kretin, di Kertek Wonosobo (n = 35 dan kelompok lainnya mendapatkan plasebo (n = 35. Awal penelitian dilakukan pengukuran antropometri, kadar TSH, ferritin, UIE dan kadar garam. Setelah 13 minggu suplementasi dilakukan pengukuran yang sama. Tingkat kepatuhan subyek mengonsumsi bahan intervensi 100%, tetapi 2 orang dikeluarkan dari analisis karena data biokimia yang ekstrim dibandingkan rerata keseluruhan. Umur dan jenis kelamin subyek tidak berbeda secara statistik. Setelah suplementasi, status gizi, kadar UIE dan kadar iodium dalam garam tidak berbeda nyata, tetapi ada peningkatan kadar ferritin yang signifikan pada kelompok Fe (31.0 menjadi 44.8 μg/l, p <0.05. Ada perbedaan asupan protein dan zat besi yang signifikan (p <0.05 antara kelompok Fe dan plasebo, tetapi tidak pada asupan energi. Tidak ada perbedaan perubahan kadar TSH yang signifikan antara kelompok Fe dan plasebo. Setelah memperhitungkan efek modifikasi (kecukupan protein >70% AKG, terbukti suplementasi besi berpengaruh terhadap perubahan TSH (p <0.05. Peningkatan status besi dapat memperbaiki hormon TSH setelah memperhitungkan tingkat kecukupan protein (AKG. Kata kunci: GAKI, suplementasi besi, fungsi tiroid.


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    Adriyan Pramono


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to determine prevalence of at risk inadequate intake of dietary zinc, and to analyze differences of zinc serum level between dietary zinc quintile and stunting status. A cross sectional study was conducted to 70 school children (9-12 years selected by simple random sampling. Height was measured by stadiometer and weight was measured using calibrated digital weight-scale. Zinc serum level was analyzed by Atomic Absorbance Spectrophotometry (AAS method, and dietary intake of zinc and iron was obtained using semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ. Data were analyzed using Anova test. Seventy percent subjects were at risk inadequate intake of dietary zinc based on Estimated Average Requirement (EAR cut off and zinc serum levels among all subjects in this study were <65 μg/dl. There were 47.1% stunting children found in this study. Mean zinc serum levels significantly differences between dietary zinc quintile (p=0.000 and between stunting status (p=0.000. At risk inadequate dietary zinc still contributed to zinc deficiency in coastal school children population. Zinc status was significantly different between stunted and normal children.Keywords: coastal area, dietary zinc, EAR, stunting, zinc serum levelsABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi risiko kurangnya asupan seng dan menganalisis perbedaan kadar serum seng antara kuintil asupan seng dan status stunting. Studi cross sectional dilakukan terhadap 70 anak sekolah (9-12 tahun yang dipilih secara acak sederhana. Tinggi badan diukur dengan stadiometer dan berat diukur dengan menggunakan timbangan digital terkalibrasi. Kadar seng serum dianalisis dengan metode Atomic Absorbance Spectrophotometry (AAS, dan data asupan seng dan besi diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ. Data dianalisis dengan metode analisis statistik Anova. Sejumlah 70% subjek berisiko kurangnya asupan seng makanan berdasarkan


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    Yunita Diana Sari


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTOne of the main risk factor for atherosclerosis is hypercholesterolemia as measured by elevated LDL cholesterol level. Life style change by lack of fruits and vegetables consumption considered a risk to increased cholesterol level. Intake of dietary fiber provide many health benefits. Dietary fiber intake may reduced the risk for the occurrence of various diseases, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. The aim of this study was to measure the association between dietary fiber consumption and the content of LDL cholesterol for the people of 25-65 years of age at Kebon Kelapa Village in Bogor in 2013. The study was a cross-sectional design. The study utilized baseline data from Cohort Study of Non Communicable Disease Risk Factors conducted by National Institute of Health Research and Development using bivariate analysis. The result showed that the proportion of high LDL cholesterol was 78.3% with the mean cholesterol level 120 mg/dl. The mean daily dietary fiber consumption was 7 gram/day. All samples significant consumed food fiber below RDA(<25 gram/day which 78.3 percent of them had high LDL cholesterol levels. Age, intake of fat and vegetable protein had a significant association with LDL cholesterol levels.Keywords: LDL cholesterol, dietary fiber intake, HypercholesterolemiaABSTRAKSalah satu faktor risiko utama penyebab aterosklerosis adalah hiperkolesterolemia yang ditunjukkan dengan terjadinya peningkatan kadar kolesterol LDL. Perubahan pola hidup yang ditandai dengan kurang mengonsumsi sayuran dan buah merupakan salah satu risiko terjadinya peningkatan kadar kolesterol LDL. Asupan serat makanan memberikan banyak keuntungan bagi kesehatan. Asupan serat-makanan dapat mengurangi risiko untuk terjadinya berbagai penyakit, seperti PJK, stroke, hipertensi, diabetes,dan obesitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan serat-makanan dengan kadar kolesterol LDL pada penduduk usia 25

  18. PENURUNAN KADAR GULA DARAH AKIBAT PEMBERIAN EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL (Studi pada Tikus Galur Sprague Dawley yang Diinduksi Pakan Tinggi Lemak)


    SH Bintari; K Nugraheni


    Prevalensi penyakit diabetes mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah hiperglikemia yang dipicu oleh pola makan tinggi lemak. Alternatif cara pengobatan dan pencegahannya adalah mengkonsumsi minyak zaitun. Diperlukan bukti ilmiah bahwa minyak zaitun dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh pemberian minyak zaitun ekstra virgin terhadap kadar glukosa darah tikus putih yang diinduksi pakan tinggi lemak. Desain penelitian...

  19. Penurunan Kadar Gula Darah Akibat Pemberian Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Studi Pada Tikus Galur Sprague Dawley Yang Diinduksi Pakan Tinggi Lemak)


    Bintari, SH; Nugraheni, K


    Prevalensi penyakit diabetes mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah hiperglikemia yang dipicu oleh pola makan tinggi lemak. Alternatif cara pengobatan dan pencegahannya adalah mengkonsumsi minyak zaitun. Diperlukan bukti ilmiah bahwa minyak zaitun dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh pemberian minyak zaitun ekstra virgin terhadap kadar glukosa darah tikus putih yang diinduksi pakan tinggi lemak. Desain penelitian...


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    Ance M. Dahro


    Full Text Available plementasi yodium pada ibu menyusui dan bayi di 2 kecamatan Magelang. Responden adalah ibu menyusui sebanyak 216 orang dan bayinya yang berumur 7-12 minggu dalam keadaan sehat. Responden dibagi ke dalam empat kelompok perlakuan yaitu I: ibu dan bayi diberi kapsul yodium; II: hanya ibu yang diberi kapsul yodium; III: hanya bayi yang diberi kapsul yodium; IV: ibu dan bayi sebagai pembanding. Yodium yang diberikan pada ibu menyusui dosis 200 mg, sedangkan untuk bayi dosis 100 mg. Dilihat dampaknya pada status yodium melalui pemeriksaan yodium dalam urin bayi pada hari ke 0, 1, 7, 60, 90 dan 180 dihitung dari hari pertama intervensi; kadar hemoglobin pada hari ke 180 dan status gizi bayi berdasarkan hasil pengukuran anthropometri pada hari ke 0, 90 dan 180. Dari hasil penelitian didapati median kadar yodium dalam urin bayi kelompok I, II dan III naik mencapai puncaknya pada hari pertama setelah pemberian kapsul yodium masing-masing yaitu 27450 ug/l, 15500 ug/l dan 26000 ug/l. Bila dibandingkan dengan awal pemeriksaan kenaikan ekskresi yodium dalam urin kelompok I, II dan III masing-masing adalah 283 kali, 152 kali dan 245 kali. Yodium dalam urin bayi kelompok I dibandingkan dengan kelompok II diasumsikan tidak sama pada setiap waktu pemeriksaan ternyata cenderung tidak terlalu berbeda. Yodium dalam urin bayi pada hri pertama kelompok II dan kelompok III yang bila dibandingkan dengan ekskresi yodium urin kelompok I menunjukkan bahwa ekskresi kadar yodium urin bayi makin tidak konsisten bila dosis suplemen makin tinggi. Ekskresi yodium dalam urin bayi yang mendapat yodium dosis hanya 100 mg ternyata jumlahnya cenderung sama dengan ekskresi yodium dalam urin ibu yang memperoleh dosis 200 mg, yang menunjukkan adanya perbedaan toleransi penyerapan yodium oleh tubuh bayi dan dewasa. Bayi yang hanya mendapat ASI saja (kelompok II ekskresi yodium dalam urinnya sudah menggambarkan kecukupan perolehan yodium pada bayi hingga hari ke 180. Pada akhir penelitian

  1. Preference mapping of lemon lime carbonated beverages with regular and diet beverage consumers. (United States)

    Leksrisompong, P P; Lopetcharat, K; Guthrie, B; Drake, M A


    The drivers of liking of lemon-lime carbonated beverages were investigated with regular and diet beverage consumers. Ten beverages were selected from a category survey of commercial beverages using a D-optimal procedure. Beverages were subjected to consumer testing (n = 101 regular beverage consumers, n = 100 diet beverage consumers). Segmentation of consumers was performed on overall liking scores followed by external preference mapping of selected samples. Diet beverage consumers liked 2 diet beverages more than regular beverage consumers. There were no differences in the overall liking scores between diet and regular beverage consumers for other products except for a sparkling beverage sweetened with juice which was more liked by regular beverage consumers. Three subtle but distinct consumer preference clusters were identified. Two segments had evenly distributed diet and regular beverage consumers but one segment had a greater percentage of regular beverage consumers (P beverage consumers) did not have a large impact on carbonated beverage liking. Instead, mouthfeel attributes were major drivers of liking when these beverages were tested in a blind tasting. Preference mapping of lemon-lime carbonated beverage with diet and regular beverage consumers allowed the determination of drivers of liking of both populations. The understanding of how mouthfeel attributes, aromatics, and basic tastes impact liking or disliking of products was achieved. Preference drivers established in this study provide product developers of carbonated lemon-lime beverages with additional information to develop beverages that may be suitable for different groups of consumers. © 2013 Institute of Food Technologists®

  2. Pengembangan Adsorben dari Limbah Lumpur Industri Crumb Rubber Yang Diaktivasi dengan H3PO4 Untuk Menyerap Ion Cr(VI

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    Salmariza Salmariza


    Full Text Available Developing an adsorbent from activated sludge waste of crumb rubber industry which was activated by H3PO4 for Adsorption of Cr(VI had been done. The research was carried out by characterization of activated carbon in accordance with Indonesia National Standard (SNI 06-3730-1995, involved determination of iodine absorption, water content, and bounded carbon content. The research was conducted in batch system for activated carbon and adsorbent without activation, by observed pH sollution, contact time, and initial concentration of the treatment solution. Determination of maximum absorption capacity of activated carbon on Cr(VI used the Langmuir isotherm equation. From the characterization study of activated carbon was obtained that adsorption of iodine 482.6 mg/g, water content 0.14%, and bonded carbon content 24.925%. The results revealed that H3PO4 activator affected the adsorption of Cr(VI. Research with batch systems were obtained the optimum pH 2, contact time 120 minutes, and the optimum concentration 50 mg/L for adsorbent without activation and optimum pH 3, contact time 60 minutes, and the optimum concentration 50 mg/L for activated carbon. The maximum adsorption capacity was obtained 1.16 mg/g for adsorbent without activation and 1.99 mg/g for activated carbon.ABSTRAK Pengembangan adsorben dari limbah lumpur aktif Industri Crumb Rubber yang diaktivasi dengan H3PO4 untuk menyerap ion Cr(VI telah dilakukan. Pada penelitian dilakukan karakterisasi karbon aktif sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI 06-3730-1995, meliputi penentuan daya serap terhadap iodin, kadar air, dan kadar karbon terikat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan sistem batch terhadap karbon aktif dan adsorben tanpa aktivasi, dengan mengamati pH larutan, waktu kontak, dan konsentrasi awal larutan. Penentuan kapasitas serapan maksimum karbon aktif terhadap Cr(VI menggunakan persamaan Isoterm Langmuir. Hasil penelitian karakterisasi karbon aktif didapatkan daya serap terhadap

  3. Hubungan Kadar FT4 dengan Gejala Klinis yang Terkait Efek Simpatis berdasarkan Indek Wayne pada Nagari Koto Salak Kabupaten Dharmasraya

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    Nining Kurniawati


    Full Text Available AbstrakPeningkatan aktivitas saraf simpatis dapat terjadi pada keadaan hipertiroid dan sebaliknya pada hipotiroid. Pengukuran kadar hormon tiroid dilakukan dengan mengukur kadar FT4, FT3, TSH, dll. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan kadar FT4 dengan gejala klinis yang terkait efek simpatis di Nagari Koto Salak Kabupaten Dharmasraya. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional study. Hasil penelitian didapatkan subjek dengan peningkatan kadar FT4 12,96%. Subjek dengan gejala klinis palpitasi, penurunan berat badan, nervous, berkeringat lebih dan tremor jari halus dengan persentase berturut-turut adalah 42,59%, 38,89%, 46,30%, 25,93% dan 44,44%. Analisis bivariat dengan menggunakan uji statistik chi-square diperoleh hasil tidak ada hubungan hubungan kadar FT4 dengan 5 gejala klinis yang terkait efek simpatis berdasarkan indeks Wayne (p > 0.05. Penelitian ini masih sederhana dan belum bisa menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara kadar FT4 dengan gejala klinis yang terkait efek simpatis. Sebaiknya untuk penelitian yang akan datang diharapkan dapat memiliki jumlah sampel yang banyak dan cakupan gejala klinis lain yang terlibat dalam aktivitas saraf simpatis yang lebih luas sehingga dapat lebih lengkap dan spesifik.Kata kunci: Kadar FT4, efek simpatis, gejala klinis AbstractIncreased sympathetic nerve activity may occur in the state of hyperthyroidism and conversely in hypothyroidism. Measurement of thyroid hormone levels is done by measuring the levels of FT4, FT3, TSH, etc. The objective of this study was to identify the relation between FT4 levels and the clinical symptoms of sympathetic effects in Nagari Koto Salak Kabupaten Dharmasraya. This research used cross sectional study design. According to the research found that subjects with elevated levels of FT4 12.96%. There are subjects with clinical symptoms of palpitations, weight loss, nervousness, sweating more and fine finger tremor by the following

  4. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Dalam Penentuan Pertukaran Pelajar Di Sma Negeri 2 Tasikmalaya Dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (Ahp

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    Teuku Mufizar


    Full Text Available SMAN 2 Tasikmalaya adalah salah satu sekolah yang terpilih sebagai mitra Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia dalam program pertukaran pelajar ke Australia. Dalam proses pemilihan dan penilaian peserta saat ini masih belum efektif ,hal ini mengakibatkan keraguan dalam pengambilan keputusan yang memungkinkan terjadi kesalahan keputusan yang kurang tepat. Peserta yang terpilih kadang jauh dari yang diharapkan karena peserta tersebut tidak memiliki kriteria yang layak. Maka dari itu diperlukan sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan yang bisa mengoptimalkan dalam penentuan pertukaran pelajar. dalam sistem pendukung keputusan ini didukung oleh suatu metode dalam pengambilan keputusan yaitu metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP yang dikonversikan kedalam bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic.NET yang dapat menunjang dalam pengolahan data. alat bantu pemodelan sistemnya menggunakan Data Flow Diagram (DFD, sedangkan teknik perancangan basisdata menggunakan Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD. Adapun Kriteria yang ditetapkan oleh sekolah diantaranya : Nilai Toefl, Ranking, Nilai Wawancara, Nilai Pengetahuan Indonesia, Nilai Pengetahuan Australia, Nilai Kesenian, Nilai Kepribadian. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa sistem pendukung keputusan dalam penentuan pertukaran pelajar di SMA Negeri 2 tasikmalaya dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP dapat membantu pengambil keputusan dalam menentukan peserta yang terpilih.


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    Setyaningrum Arivianti


    ekstraksi terhadap kapasitas antioksidan (aktivitas penangkapan radikal DPPH dan reducing power dan kadar komponen bioaktif (fenolik total dan vitamin C buah salak. Penelitian ini juga mengkaji korelasi antara kapasitas antioksidan buah salak terhadap kadar fenolik total dan vitamin C. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL yang terdiri dari dua faktor yaitu jenis kultivar (Pondoh, Nglumut dan Bali dan jenis pelarut (etanol dan air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa salak kultivar Nglumut dan Bali memiliki kadar fenolik total, kadar vitamin C dan aktivitas penangkapan radikal DPPH yang tidak berbeda nyata namun secara signifikan lebih tinggi dibanding kultivar Pondoh. Reducing power salak kultivar Nglumut secara signifikan lebih tinggi dibanding kultivar Bali maupun Pondoh. Ekstrak etanol salak memiliki kadar fenolik total, vitamin C dan kapasitas antioksidan yang secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada ekstrak air. Setiap kultivar salak memiliki korelasi yang nyata antara kapasitas antioksidan dengan  kadar fenolik total (r = 0.83 – 0.97, p<0.01 maupun kadar vitamin C ( r = 0.77 – 0.95, p<0.01

  6. Hubungan Kadar Ft4 Dengan Kejadian Tirotoksikosis berdasarkan Penilaian Indeks New Castle Padawanita Dewasa di Daerah Ekses Yodium

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    Harsa Rusda


    Full Text Available AbstrakTirotoksikosis merupakan manifestasi klinis yang terjadi akibat peningkatan kadar hormon tiroid dalam darah. Kelebihan yodium merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya tirotoksikosis. Ini ditandai dengan hasil pemeriksaan kadar Ekskresi Yodium Urin (EYU > 199 μg/L. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar FT4 dengan kejadian tirotoksikosis berdasarkan penilaian indeks New Castle pada wanita dewasa di daerah ekses yodium. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis data yang dikumpulkan secara Cross Sectional Study terhadap 37 wanita dewasa menggunakan metoda total sampling di Nagari Koto Salak, Kecamatan Koto Salak Kabupaten Dharmasraya yang merupakan daerah ekses yodium (median EYU 323,5 μg/L. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan penilaian Indeks New Castle dan pengambilan darah untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar FT4 dalam serum. Hasil: Analisis univariat didapatkan jumlah penduduk wanita dewasa dengan kadar FT4 meningkat sebanyak 14 persen dan nilai rata-rata 1,71 ng/dl. Penilaian indeks New Castle dalam kategori doubtful 16 persen dan tidak ditemukan penduduk yang termasuk dalam kategori toxic. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik Chi-square, didapatkan p value=1. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar FT4 dalam serum dengan kejadian tirotoksikosis pada wanita dewasa di derah ekses yodium. Saran: Perlu dilakukan penyuluhan mengenai asupan yodium kepada masyarakat dan diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi masukan kepada pemerintah dalam mengambil kebijakan terhadap pemberian kapsul yodium serta melakukan kontrol kadar EYU secara teratur dan berkala.Kata kunci: FT4, tirotoksikosis, indeks New Castle, wanita, ekses yodium, tiroidAbstractThyrotoxicosis is a clinical manifestation that occurs due to elevated levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. Iodine excess is one of the causes of thyrotoxicosis. This is indicated by the results of urine iodine excretion levels (EYU


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    Izam Nur Hakim


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan rata-rata kadar TSS sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan dengan tanaman eceng gondok. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu. Obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah limbah cair industri tempe skala rumah tangga dari proses perendaman kedelai selama 24 jam di Kelurahan Pasar Batang, Kecamatan Brebes, Kabupaten Brebes. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan tes laboratorium. Data yang didapat dari penelitian ini diolah dengan statistik uji t berpasangan dengan derajat kemaknaan (?=0,05. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa kadar rata-rata pretest TSS adalah 6043,0 mg/l. Kadar rata-rata TSS kelompok kontrol pada perendaman 2 hari sebesar 4551,42 mg/l (p=0,023, perendaman 4 hari sebesar 4677,17mg/l (p=0,002, dan perendaman 6 hari 4392,33 mg/l (p=0,003. Kadar rata-rata TSS kelompok perlakuan dengan eceng gondok pada perendaman 2 hari sebesar 3776,17 mg/l (p=0,001, perendaman 4 hari sebesar 2356,67 mg/l (p=0,0001, dan perendaman 6 hari sebesar 1265 mg/l (p=0,0001. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan rata-rata kadar TSS sebelum dan sesudah penanaman Eceng Gondok pada limbah cair. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in average levels of TSS before and after treatment with water hyacinth plants. This type of research is a quasi-experimental. Objects in this study was wastewater from the household soybean soaking for 24 hours at the Pasar Batang village, Brebes district, Brebes city. Techniques of data collection is done by observation and laboratory tests. Data obtained from this study treated with a paired t test statistic with degrees of significance (? = 0.05. Based on survey results revealed that the average pretest levels of TSS was 6043.0 mg / l. Average levels of TSS in the control group 2 days of immersion of 4551.42 mg / l (p = 0.023, immersion four days of 4677.17 mg / l (p = 0.002, and 6 days of immersion 4392.33 mg / l (p = 0.003. Average


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    Wiwit Agus Triyanto


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Strategi pemasaran produk merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi perusahaan dimana strategi pemasaran merupakan pendekatan pokok yang digunakan oleh unit bisnis dalam mencapai sasaran yang di dalamnya tercantum keputusan-keputusan mengenai target pasar, penempatan produk, bauran pemasaran, serta tingkat biaya pemasaran yang diperlukan. Untuk dapat melakukan strategi pemasaran produk yang lebih efektif dan effisien, maka perlu dilakukan pengolahan data penjualan. Metode pengolahan data seperti ini sering disebut sebagai data mining. Pada penelitian ini akan menggunakan algoritma K-Medoids untuk pengelompokan data penjualan, sehingga akan ditemukan informasi yang dapat digunakan untuk penentuan strategi pemasaran produk yang tepat. Hasil dari penelitian ini menghasilkan 5 cluster dengan cluster pertama terdiri dari 909 record transaksi, cluster kedua terdiri dari 166 record transaksi, cluster ketiga terdiri dari 66 record transaksi, cluster keempat terdiri dari 132 record transaksi, cluster kelima terdiri dari 87 record transaksi. Strategi pemasaran produk dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan promosi pada cluster kelima yang memiliki kombinasi jumlah barang dibeli yang paling tinggi Kata kunci: strategi, pemasaran, produk, cluster, k-medoids.


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    Ningrum Suhenda


    Full Text Available Penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan pakan dengan variasi kadar karbohidrat dan lemak untuk pertumbuhan benih patin jambal telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Nutrisi Ikan, Bogor. Rancangan percobaan yang dipergunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Sebagai perlakuan yaitu pakan dengan variasi kadar karbohidrat dan lemak. Kadar lemak pakan berkisar antara 4% sampai 10% sedangkan kadar karbohidrat berkisar antara 20% sampai 40%. Pakan diberikan dalam bentuk remah sebanyak 12% dari bobot total ikan per hari untuk 2 minggu ke-1 dan 10% untuk 2 minggu ke-2. Wadah penelitian yang digunakan yaitu akuarium dengan volume air 50 liter yang dilengkapi dengan sistem resirkulasi dan pemanas air dengan debit 4 liter/menit. Benih ikan patin jambal dengan bobot rata-rata 0,326 g ditebar dalam akuarium dengan padat penebaran 50 ekor/akuarium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pakan dengan variasi kadar lemak dan karbohidrat memberikan laju pertumbuhan spesifik tubuh, bobot akhir rata-rata, konversi pakan, retensi protein, dan rasio efisiensi protein yang tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05. Nilai retensi lemak antar perlakuan berbeda nyata (P0.05 among the treatments for the average final body weight, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, protein retention, and protein efficiency ratio. However, there was a significant difference (p>0.05 for lipid retention values. The lowest lipid retention (47.20% was found in treatments containing lipid level of 10% and carbohydrate level of 20%. These values did not differ significantly (p>0.05 with other diet treatments that have lipid levels of 8% and carbohydrate of 32% (the ratio between carbohydrate and lipid was 4. Diet treatments that have ratio of 4 between carbohydrate and lipid showed specific growth rate of 9.10%, feed conversion ratio of 0.85, protein retention of 42.87%, and protein efficiency ratio of 3.36. The average final body weight for the diet was 4.17 g per


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    Frans Saputra


    Full Text Available Buah anggur merah diduga memiliki kandungan pterostilbene, resveratrol, proantosianidin dan likopen yang memiliki efek terhadap penurunan kadar trigliserida. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental laboratorium dengan metode pre and post test with control group design. Objek penelitian 25 ekor tikus putih jantan, Rattus Novergicus, berat badan 150-200 gram, berumur 3-4 bulan yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok dengan teknik simple random sampling, kontrol negatif (aquadest, kontrol positif (Simvastatin 0,2mg/200gramBB/hari, kelompok perlakuan dosis I (100mg/200gramBB/hari, dosis II (250mg/200gramBB/hari, dosis III (500mg/200gramBB/ hari. Ekstrak etanol anggur merah dosis I, dosis II, dosis IIIdapat menurunkan kadar trigliserida darah dengan rerata penurunan secara berturut-turut adalah 147,4mg/dL, 135,2mg/dL, 97,2mg/dL. Pada uji statistic menggunakan one-way ANOVA didapatkan nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05, sehingga terdapat perbedaan signifikan kadar trigliserida darah tikus putih antar kelompok. Ekstrak etanol 96% anggur merah dosis 100mg; 250 dan 500 /200 gramBB/hari dapat menurunkan kadar trigliserida darah tikus putih.   Kata kunci :Ekstrak Anggur Merah, Trigliserida, Rattus Novergicus

  11. Substitution of sugar-sweetened beverages with other beverage alternatives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zheng, Miaobing; Allman-Farinelli, Margaret; Heitmann, Berit Lilienthal


    alternatives on long-term health outcomes. METHOD: We systematically retrieved studies from six electronic databases from inception to November 2013. Prospective cohort studies and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) examining the effects of substituting beverage alternatives for SSBs on long-term health...... to high. Evidence from both cohort studies and RCTs showed substitution of SSBs by various beverage alternatives was associated with long-term lower energy intake and lower weight gain. However, evidence was insufficient to draw conclusions regarding the effect of beverage substitution on other health...... outcomes, and which beverage alternative is the best choice. CONCLUSIONS: Although studies on this topic are sparse, the available evidence suggests a potential beneficial effect on body weight outcomes when SSBs are replaced by water or low-calorie beverages. Further studies in this area are warranted...



    Ruddy - Suwandi; - - nurjanah; margaretha - winem


    Ikan gabus (Channa striata) merupakan jenis ikan air tawar yang sudah banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Ikan gabus hidup di muara sungai, danau, rawa, dan dapat pula hidup di air kotor dengan kadar oksigen rendah. Ikan gabus belum banyak dibudidayakan secara luas dan belum banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai produk olahan ikan. Informasi mengenai proporsi tubuh ikan gabus masih kurang dan belum banyak dikaji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan proporsi bagian-bagian tubuh ikan dan komp...

  13. Pengaruh Waktu Fermentasi Teh Kombucha Kadar 50% terhadap Glukosa Darah Tikus Putih




    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian teh kombucha kadar 50% terhadap kondisi glukosa darah dengan variasi waktu fermentasi. Teh kombucha termasuk pangan fungsional karena memiliki karakteristik sensori seperti penampakan, warna, tekstur, atau konsistensi dan citarasa yang dapat diterima oleh konsumen. Hewan uji yang dipakai adalah tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus)jantan sebanyak 16 ekor umur 2 bulan, dengan perlakuan teh kombucha yang difermentasi selama 6, 9 dan 12 ha...

  14. Penentuan Distribusi Suhu pada Permukaan Geometri Tak Tentu Menggunakan Metode Random Walk

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    Balduyanus Yosep Godja


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penentuan distribusi suhu dalam keadaan tunak pada sebuah plat bergeometri tak tentu menggunakan metode Random Walk yang dilengkapi fungsi green. Setiap sisi plat dikondisikan bervariasi terhadap suhu dalam rentang 10°C sampai 100°C dengan 4 (empat konfigurasi berkeadaan steady. Persamaan Laplace yang mendeskripsikan permasalahan ini dihampiri dengan mensimulasikan sejumlah walker pada setiap titik domain permasalahan untuk kemudian secara acak disebar menuju ke setiap sisi plat. Hasil yang diperoleh untuk setiap kondisi plat menunjukkan kesalahan relatif terhadap solusi numerik metode iterasi jacobi yang telah menghampiri solusi analitik, secara rata-rata adalah 0,85%. Nilai kesalahan tersebut diperoleh dengan menggunakan 5000 walker. Penelitian ini juga mendapatkan bahwa akurasi hampiran ditentukan oleh banyaknya walker yang digunakan. Secara umum, semakin banyak jumlah walker yang digunakan maka akurasi hampiran akan semakin baik.

  15. The shifting beverage landscape. (United States)

    Storey, Maureen


    STOREY, M.L. The shifting beverage landscape. PHYSIOL BEHAV, 2010. - Simultaneous lifestyle changes have occurred in the last few decades, creating an imbalance in energy intake and energy expenditure that has led to overweight and obesity. Trends in the food supply show that total daily calories available per capita increased 28% since 1970. Total energy intake among men and women has also increased dramatically since that time. Some have suggested that intake of beverages has had a disproportional impact on obesity. Data collected by the Beverage Marketing Corporation between 1988-2008 demonstrate that, in reality, fewer calories per ounce are being produced by the beverage industry. Moreover, data from the National Cancer Institute show that soft drink intake represents 5.5% of daily calories. Data from NHANES 1999-2003 vs. 2003-06 may demonstrate a shift in beverage consumption for age/gender groups, ages 6 to>60years. The beverages provided in schools have significantly changed since 2006 when the beverage industry implemented School Beverage Guidelines. This voluntary action has removed full-calorie soft drinks from participating schools across the country. This shift to lower-calorie and smaller-portion beverages in school has led to a significant decrease in total beverage calories in schools. These data support the concept that to prevent and treat obesity, public health efforts should focus on energy balance and that a narrow focus on sweetened beverages is unlikely to have any meaningful impact on this complex problem. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Hubungan Kadar FT4 dan TSH Serum dengan Profil Lipid Darah pada Pasien Hipertiroid yang Dirawat Inap di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang Tahun 2009 - 2013

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    Aga Pratama


    Full Text Available AbstrakHipertiroid merupakan sindroma klinis yang terjadi bila jaringan terpajan dengan jumlah hormon tiroid yang berlebihan karena hiperaktivitas kelenjar tiroid. Hal tersebut akan memberikan efek spesifik terhadap metabolisme sel, termasuk metabolisme lipid. Perubahan metabolisme lipid pada hipertiroid akan menimbulkan manifestasi klinis seperti gangguan mood, peningkatan perilaku depresi, dan peningkatan perilaku agresif. Dalam diagnosis pasien hipertiroid, pemeriksaan kadar FT4 dan TSH serum menjadi tes fungsi tiroid yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana hubungan antara kadar FT4 dan TSH serum dengan profil lipid darah pada pasien hipertiroid. Penelitian ini menggunakan data deskriptif di Instalasi Rekam Medis RSUP dr. M. Djamil Padang pada bulan Februari 2013 sampai Juli 2013. Data yang dikumpulkan berasal dari catatan rekam medik pasien hipertiroid yang dirawat inap berjumlah 21 orang dengan teknik total sampling. Analisis bivariat digunakan untuk melihat hubungan antara kadar FT4 dan TSH serum dengan profil lipid darah. Dari sampel yang ada diperoleh data rerata profil lipid, yakni: 143,33 mg/dl (kolesterol darah total; 42,06 mg/dl (HDL; 85,45 mg/dl (LDL; dan 77,19 mg/dl (trigliserida. Berdasarkan uji korelasi regresi, terdapat korelasi negatif antara kadar FT4 dengan kadar kolesterol darah total, HDL, dan LDL, tetapi tidak terdapat korelasi antara kadar FT4 dengan trigliserida. Hubungan antara kadar TSH serum dengan kolesterol darah total dan LDL mempunyai korelasi positif, tetapi tidak terdapat korelasi antara kadar TSH serum dengan HDL dan trigliserida. Penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa sebagian besar profil lipid darah mempunyai korelasi dengan kadar FT4 dan TSH serum, kecuali trigliserida.Kata kunci: kadar FT4 dan TSH serum, profil lipid darah, hipertiroidAbstractHyperthyroidism is a clinical syndrome that occurs when tissues are exposed by excessive amount of thyroid hormones due to thyroid gland


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    Rinza Rahmawati Samsudin


      Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh bioaktifitas ekstrak bunga sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis l. terhadap  kadar kolesterol darah mencit (Mus musculus yang mengalami hiperkolesterolemia dengan diet tinggi lemak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental murni, dengan menggunakan rancangan randomized post-test only control group design. Bunga sepatu mengandung pigmen antosianin yang termasuk golongan flavonoid yang berperan sebagai antioksidan. Sebanyak dua puluh delapan mencit dibagi menjadi empat kelompok (K1, K2, K3 dan K4. Kelompok K1 adalah kelompok yang mendapat perlakukan pakan tinggi lemak dan aquadest setelah aklimatasi. Kelompok K2, K3, dan K4 adalah kelompok  terapi yang mendapat perlakukan pakan tinggi lemak, ekstrak bunga septum sebanyak 1 ml dan aquadest setelah aklimatasi. Pemberian pakan tinggi lemak berlangsung selama 28 hari. Selama penelitian berlangsung penimbangan berat badan tikus dilakukan sebanyak lima kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian 1 ml ekstrak bunga sepatu selama dua puluh delapan hari dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol mencit dimana nilai p<0.05.   Kata kunci: ekstrak bunga sepatu, kadar kolesterol, diet tinggi lemak

  18. Perbedaan kadar glukosa darah puasa pasien diabetes melitus berdasarkan pengetahuan gizi, sikap dan tindakan di poli penyakit dalam rumah sakit islam jakarta

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    Ahmad Syauqy


    Full Text Available Latar belakang :Perilaku makan yang tidak tepat dapat menyebabkan meningkatnya kadar glukosa darah penderita diabetes. Perilaku dibagi menjadi tiga domain yaitu pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan. Tujuan penelitian :Melihat perbedaan kadar glukosa darah berdasarkan pengetahuan gizi, sikap dan tindakan pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2. Metode analisis : Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan crosssectional. Sampel sebanyak 50 responden, dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien diabetes melitus yang menjalani pemeriksaan kadar glukosa darah di Poli Penyakit Dalam Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta. Pengetahuan gizi diukur berdasarkan indikator pengertian penyakit diabetes, prinsip dan syarat diet, penukar bahan makanan dan aktivitas atau olahraga ; tingkat sikap diukur berdasarkan indicator pemeriksaan penyakit diabetes, aktifitas/olahraga, kesadaran diet, bahan makanan dan jumlah porsi ; tingkat tindakan diukur berdasarkan indikator pemilihan makanan/minuman, kebiasaan makan, jadwal makan, aktifitas/olahraga dan bahan makanan penukar. Pengujian One Way Anova digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Hasil :Sebanyak 12 responden (24% memiliki pengetahuan gizi kurang, 14 responden (28% memiliki sikap yang kurang baik, 8 responden (16% memiliki tindakan kurang. Rata – rata glukosa darah berbeda menurut tingkat pengetahuan (F = 4,448 ; p = 0,017, sikap (F = 3,930 ; p = 0,026 dan tindakan (F = 3,427 ; p = 0,041. Simpulan :Ada perbedaan bermakna kadar glukosa darah berdasarkan pengetahuan gizi, sikap dan perilaku terhadap pasien dengan diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta. Diperlukan  penelitian tentang pengaruh konseling gizi terhadap perilaku pasien agar dapat mengetahui keberhasilan Dietisien.

  19. Development of a Brief Questionnaire to Assess Habitual Beverage Intake (BEVQ-15): Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Total Beverage Energy Intake (United States)

    Hedrick, Valisa E.; Savla, Jyoti; Comber, Dana L.; Flack, Kyle D.; Estabrooks, Paul A.; Nsiah-Kumi, Phyllis A.; Ortmeier, Stacie; Davy, Brenda M.


    Introduction Energy-containing beverages, specifically sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB), may contribute to weight gain and obesity development. Yet, no rapid assessment tools are available which quantify habitual beverage intake (grams, energy) in adults. Objective Determine the factorial validity of a newly developed beverage intake questionnaire (BEVQ) and identify potential to reduce items. Methods Participants from varying economic and educational backgrounds (n=1,596; age 43±12 yrs; BMI 31.5±0.2 kg/m2) completed a 19-item BEVQ (BEVQ-19). Beverages that contributed beverage, or SSB, energy and grams were identified for potential removal. Factor analyses identified beverage categories that could potentially be combined. Regression analyses compared BEVQ-19 outcomes with the reduced version’s (BEVQ-15) variables. Inter-item reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s Alpha. Following BEVQ-15 development, a subsequent study (n=70; age 37±2 yrs; BMI 24.5±0.4 kg/m2) evaluated the relative validity of the BEVQ-15 through comparison of three 24-hour dietary recalls’ (FIR) beverage intake. Results Three beverage items were identified for elimination (vegetable juice, meal replacement drinks, mixed alcoholic drinks); beer and light beer were combined into one category. Regression models using BEVQ-15 variables explained 91–99% of variance in the four major outcomes of the BEVQ-19 (all Pbeverage energy (R2=0.59) were more highly correlated with FIR than previously reported for the BEVQ-19. The BEVQ-15 produced a lower readability score of 4.8, which is appropriate for individuals with a fourth grade education or greater. Conclusion The BEVQ-19 can be reduced to a 15-item questionnaire. This brief dietary assessment tool will enable researchers and practitioners to rapidly (administration time of ~2 min) assess habitual beverage intake, and to determine possible associations of beverage consumption with health-related outcomes, such as weight status. PMID

  20. Targeted Beverage Taxes Influence Food and Beverage Purchases among Households with Preschool Children. (United States)

    Ford, Christopher N; Ng, Shu Wen; Popkin, Barry M


    How beverage taxes might influence purchases of foods and beverages among households with preschool children is unclear. Thus, we examined the relation between beverage taxes and food and beverage purchases among US households with a child 2-5 y of age. We examined how a potential tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), or SSBs and >1% fat and/or high-sugar milk, would influence household food and beverage purchases among US households with a preschool child. We aimed to identify the lowest tax rate associated with meaningful changes in purchases. We used household food and beverage purchase data from households with a single child who participated in the 2009-2012 Nielsen Homescan Panel. A 2-part, multilevel panel model was used to examine the relation between beverage prices and food and beverage purchases. Logistic regression was used in the first part of the model to estimate the probability of a food/beverage being purchased, whereas the second part of the model used log-linear regression to estimate predicted changes in purchases among reporting households. Estimates from both parts were combined, and bootstrapping was performed to obtain corrected SEs. In separate models, prices of SSBs, or SSBs and >1% and/or high-sugar milk, were perturbed by +10%, +15%, and +20%. Predicted changes in food and beverage purchases were compared across models. Price increases of 10%, 15%, and 20% on SSBs were associated with fewer purchases of juice drinks, whereas price increases of 10%, 15%, and 20% simulated on both SSBs plus >1% fat and/or high-sugar milk (combined tax) were associated with fewer kilocalories purchased from >1% fat, low-sugar milk, and meat, poultry, fish, and mixed meat dishes. Our study provides further evidence that a tax on beverages high in sugar and/or fat may be associated with favorable changes in beverage purchases among US households with a preschool child. © 2015 American Society for Nutrition.

  1. Targeted Beverage Taxes Influence Food and Beverage Purchases among Households with Preschool Children123


    Ford, Christopher N; Ng, Shu Wen; Popkin, Barry M


    Background: How beverage taxes might influence purchases of foods and beverages among households with preschool children is unclear. Thus, we examined the relation between beverage taxes and food and beverage purchases among US households with a child 2–5 y of age.


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    Elmatris Sy


    Full Text Available AbstrakHidroterapi atau terapi air putih merupakan metode perawatan danpenyembuhan dengan menggunakan air putih untuk mendapatkan manfaat terapisdalam penanganan penyakit. Diabetes Mellitus adalah salah satu penyakitdegeneratif, yang mana perlu suatu upaya untuk menekan terjadinya peningkataninsiden penyakit tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efekhidroterapi terhadap penurunan kadar gula darah sesaat pada penderita DM tipe 2.Metode penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan control groupdesign with pretest and posttest. dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yangdigunakan adalah non probability sampling dengan pendekatan purposivesampling. Total responden adalah 27 orang, 15 responden untuk kelompok kontroldan 12 orang kelompok intervensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kurangdari separoh (40% responden yang mengalami penurunan kadar gula darah sesaat(KGDS setelah pemberian terapi oral, dan didapatkan semua responden (100%mengalami penurunan KGDS setelah diberikan terapi oral dan hidroterapi. Dapatdisimpulkan bahwa Terdapat pengaruh hidroterapi pada penderita diabetes melitustipe 2 yang diberi terapi oral, ini terlihat terdapatnya perbedaan yang signifikandengan p = 0,00 (p<0,05 dari rata-rata kadar gula darah sesaat (KGDS antarakelompok intervensi (pemberian terapi oral dan hidfroterapi dan kelompokkontrol (hanya pemberian terapi oral.Kata kunci: Hidroterapi, kadar gula darah sesaat, dan diabetes mellitusAbstractHydrotherapy or water therapy is a method of treatment and healing withwater for get the profit therapeutic in the treatment of disease. Diabetes Mellitus isa degenerative disease, which need an effort to suppress the increased incidenceof the disease. This the aims of the research to determine the effect ofhydrotherapy to decrease blood sugar random diabetes mellitus type 2 patients.The method of this research is a quasi experimental control group design approachwith pretest and posttest. the sampling

  3. Perbandingan Zat Besi dengan dan Tanpa Vitamin C terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Wanita Usia Subur

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    Tuti Anggriani Utama


    Full Text Available Anemia pada wanita pekerja masih merupakan masalah kesehatan yang dapat menurunkan produktivitas kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan zat besi dengan dan tanpa vitamin C terhadap kadar hemoglobin. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Quasy Experimental dengan Pre Test and Post Test Control Group Design. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 600 orang dan sampel berjumlah 60 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan, wawancara, pemeriksaan hemoglobin, dan data sekunder. Pada kelompok perlakuan diberi tablet zat besi dan dVitamin C, pada kelompok kontrol hanya diberi tablet zat besi. Intervensi yang dilakukan adalah pemberian tablet zat besi dengan dan tanpa vitamin C, satu kapsul perminggu.Nilai rata-rata kadar hemoglobin pada kelompok kontrol pada sebelum intervensi yaitu 9,15 gram/dL dan setelah intervensi meningkat menjadi 10,19 gram/dL. Pada kelompok perlakuan rata-rata kadar hemoglobin sebelum intervensi sebesar 9,5 gram/dL dan meningkat menjadi 11,44 gram/dL sesudah inter- vensi. Hasil uji T berpasangan menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan pada nilai mean kadar hemoglobin pada kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan (nilai p = 0,000. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu masukan perencanaan dan evaluasi program gizi yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka meningkatkan pola hidup sehat wanita pekerja di PT Sarana Mandiri Mukti Kepahiang. Anemia in women workers, remains a health problem that can reduce work productivity. The study aimed to compare iron with and without vitamin C to hemoglobin levels. Quasy experimental research was conducted with pre test and post test control group design. Study population were of 600 people and 60 people as sample with random sampling technique. Data was collected through observations, interviews, examination of hemoglobin and secondary data. In the treatment group were given iron and plus Vitamin C, in the control group were given


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    Meiliana Liem


    Full Text Available Abstrak Pada banyak negara berkembang, defisiensi vitamin A menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang serius. Pemanfaatan bahan pangan nabati yang dapat menjadi sumber utama vitamin A merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Daun singkong adalah salah satu bahan pangan nabati yang kaya β-karoten, dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap kebutuhan vitamin A, dan mudah didapatkan oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh variasi pengolahan daun singkong terhadap kadar β-karoten. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental rancangan acak lengkap (RAL dengan unit eksperimental 100 gram daun singkong yang mirip dengan variasi Adira 4, segar, berwarna hijau cerah, tidak ada cacat atau noda pada permukaan kulit, dan bagian pucuk tanaman (3-5 susun daun. Daun singkong dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok perlakuan pengolahan (segar, perebusan dengan air garam, perebusan dengan air garam dilanjutkan perebusan dengan santan, dan perebusan dengan air garam dilanjutkan dengan penumisan dengan minyak goreng dengan 5 kali replikasi. Kadar β-karoten olahan daun singkong diukur dengan metode spektrofotometri. Hasil menunjukkan kadar β-karoten berbeda secara signifikan pada semua kelompok perlakuan pengolahan (p=0,001. Perlakuan yang satu dengan perlakuan yang lain pada semua pasangan perlakuan juga memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan. Kadar β-karoten olahan daun singkong dari yang tertinggi berturut-turut didapatkan dari pengolahan perebusan dengan air garam (79,534 ± 5,784 µg/g, perebusan dengan air garam dilanjutkan penumisan dengan minyak goreng (65,926 ± 6,244 µg/g, daun singkong segar (43,530 ± 11,062 µg/g, dan perebusan dengan air garam dilanjutkan perebusan dengan santan (19,022 ± 3,509 µg/g. Variasi cara pengolahan mempengaruhi kadar β-karoten dalam daun singkong akibat faktor-faktor pengolahan, seperti suhu, pH, waktu, matriks pangan, dan pemakaian minyak kelapa sawit. Daun singkong

  5. Mothers’ Perceptions of Toddler Beverages

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    Manuela Rigo


    Full Text Available Background: The prevalence of obesity among Australian pre-school children is a major concern with links to poor health outcomes. One contributing factor is excess energy intake. Sugar-sweetened beverages are energy-dense, nutrient-poor, readily available and have been implicated in the increasing prevalence of obesity. Furthermore, preschooler beverage consumption may develop into dietary habits that track into adulthood. There is little research on factors influencing parents’ decision-making when serving beverages to their preschoolers, or on mothers’ perceptions of preschooler’s beverages. The aim of this study was to explore mothers’ perceptions of commonly consumed preschooler beverages. Methods: The Repertory Grid Technique and the Laddering Technique methodologies were utilized in interviews with 28 mothers from Melbourne, Australia, to explore beverage perceptions. Results: A large number of diverse perceptual categories (‘constructs’ (n = 22 about beverages were elicited, demonstrating the complexity of mothers’ perceptions when making beverage choices for their preschoolers. The five most common categories were related to health, sugar, dairy, packaging, and additives. Thematic analysis of responses from the laddering method identified three major themes: concerns about the types of beverages mothers would like to provide their preschoolers, the healthiness of a beverage, and the sugar content. Conclusions: Mothers’ perceptions of beverages are sophisticated and need to be included in the design of health communication strategies by health promoters and government agencies to influence mothers’ beverage selections for their preschoolers.


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    s suwahono


    Pada metode diatas, butir-butir tes ditentukan tingkat kesulitannya, ke- mudian butir-butir tersebut diurutkan berdasarkan tingkat kesulitannya yang selanjutnya menjadi nomor halaman. Pelaksanaan metode ini melibatkan guru kimia berpengala- man sebagai panelis yang menentukan pada halaman bera- pa peserta mulai tidak bisa mengerjakan, dan memerlukan suatu tes/perangkat ujian mata pelajaran kimia yang ter- standar, dan instrumen sederhana untuk menuliskan hasil tiap panelis. Tahap pelaksanaan yaitu pelatihan, putaran 1, dan putaran 2. Rerata hasil putaran 1 dan 2 merupakan hasil penentuan batas kelulusan mata pelajaran kimia

  7. Kadar leptin saliva dan kejadian karies gigi anak obesitas (Salivary leptin levels and caries incidence in obese children

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    Elfrida Atzmaryanni


    Full Text Available Background: Children with obesity have a lower incidence of caries. Salivary leptin levels of obese children is higher than normal children. Leptin is protein hormone, contained in saliva. Salivary proteins maintain the balance of the ecosystem in the mouth. Purpose: The article was aimed to study the correlation of salivary leptin levels with caries incidence in obese children. Review: Mouth is reflection of the health status and so many changes occur as a weight gain. Child with obesity has a low incidence of caries than normal. This condition is associated with changes in oral cavity, especially the increase in salivary leptin. Caries is a disease of hard tissues cause by the activty of microorganisms, especially Streptococcus mutans. Salivary proteins maintain the balance of the ecosystem in the mouth. Leptin is a protein saliva, produced predominantly in adipose tissue and conduct active transport to saliva. Salivary leptin works in two ways: as an antimicrobial which prevents the attachment of bacteria on tooth surface or by inducing cytokine that affect the immune system in oral cavity. Conclusion: Salivary leptin is higher in obese children than in normal children. The low incidence of caries on obesity is associated with salivary leptin. Alteration in salivary composition and flow rate also decreased caries in obesity.Latar belakang: Anak yang mengalami obesitas memiliki insiden karies yang rendah. Kadar leptin saliva anak obesitas lebih tinggi dari anak normal. Leptin merupakan salah satu protein hormon yang terdapat di saliva. Protein saliva berfungsi untuk menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem di mulut. Tujuan: Artikel ini bertujuan mempelajari hubungan antara kadar leptin di dalam saliva dengan kejadian karies anak obesitas. Tinjauan pustaka: Rongga mulut merupakan cerminan dari status kesehatan dan banyak perubahan yang terjadi seiring peningkatan berat badan seseorang. Anak Obesitas memiliki insiden karies yang rendah jika dibandingkan


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    Candra Purnawan


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penurunan kadar protein limbah tahu telah dilakukan dengan pemanfaatan karbon Bagasse teraktivasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi optimum dari karbon teraktivasi NaOH dan H2SO4 dalam menurunkan kadar protein limbah cair tahu dan mengetahui jenis isoterm adsorpsi dari karbon aktif yang digunakan untuk menyerap protein limbah cair tahu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi NaOH yang optimum untuk aktivasi karbon aktif 15%, massa optimum karbon bagasse teraktivasi NaOH adalah 2 g dan penurunan kadar proteinnya 71,95%, sedangkan massa optimum karbon bagasse teraktivasi H2SO4 adalah 1 g dengan penurunan kadar protein sebesar 38,19%. Waktu kontak optimum karbon bagasse teraktivasi  NaOH dan H2SO4 adalah 12 jam. Adsorpsi protein oleh karbon bagasse teraktivasi NaOH mengikuti isoterm adsorpsi Langmuir dan Freundlich sedangkan karbon bagasse teraktivasi H2SO4 dominan mengikuti isoterm Freundlich.   ABSTRACT The protein reduction of tofu wastewater using activated carbon from bagasse  had been conducted. The purposes of this research were to analysis optimum condition of activated carbon bagsse using NaOH and H2SO4 for reduction protein in tofu wastewater, and analysis adsorption isotherm of activated carbon with protein. The result showed that optimum mass of carbon bagasse activated NaOH was  2 g with 71.95% protein reduction, while carbon bagasse activated H2SO4 has 1 g with 38.19% protein reduction. The optimum contact time between protein and activated carbon (with NaOH and H2SO4 was happened in 12 hours. Adsorption protein with carbon bagasse activated NaOH had followed Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm, while adsorption with carbon bagasse activated H2SO4 dominantlyhad followed Freundlich adsorption isotherm

  9. Rehydration beverage (United States)

    Greenleaf, John E. (Inventor)


    A novel rehydration beverage containing sodium chloride, sodium citrate, and aspartame useful for rapid restoration of hydration homeostasis is disclosed. The beverage is particularly useful for restoration of normal body fluid volumes and their intracellular and extracellular distribution during a hypohydration state observed in astronauts and air passengers.

  10. Targeted Beverage Taxes Influence Food and Beverage Purchases among Households with Preschool Children123 (United States)

    Ford, Christopher N; Ng, Shu Wen; Popkin, Barry M


    Background: How beverage taxes might influence purchases of foods and beverages among households with preschool children is unclear. Thus, we examined the relation between beverage taxes and food and beverage purchases among US households with a child 2–5 y of age. Objectives: We examined how a potential tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), or SSBs and >1% fat and/or high-sugar milk, would influence household food and beverage purchases among US households with a preschool child. We aimed to identify the lowest tax rate associated with meaningful changes in purchases. Methods: We used household food and beverage purchase data from households with a single child who participated in the 2009–2012 Nielsen Homescan Panel. A 2-part, multilevel panel model was used to examine the relation between beverage prices and food and beverage purchases. Logistic regression was used in the first part of the model to estimate the probability of a food/beverage being purchased, whereas the second part of the model used log-linear regression to estimate predicted changes in purchases among reporting households. Estimates from both parts were combined, and bootstrapping was performed to obtain corrected SEs. In separate models, prices of SSBs, or SSBs and >1% and/or high-sugar milk, were perturbed by +10%, +15%, and +20%. Predicted changes in food and beverage purchases were compared across models. Results: Price increases of 10%, 15%, and 20% on SSBs were associated with fewer purchases of juice drinks, whereas price increases of 10%, 15%, and 20% simulated on both SSBs plus >1% fat and/or high-sugar milk (combined tax) were associated with fewer kilocalories purchased from >1% fat, low-sugar milk, and meat, poultry, fish, and mixed meat dishes. Conclusions: Our study provides further evidence that a tax on beverages high in sugar and/or fat may be associated with favorable changes in beverage purchases among US households with a preschool child. PMID:26063069

  11. Pembuatan Karbon Aktif Dari Arang Tempurung Kelapa Dengan Aktivator Zncl2 Dan Na2co3 Sebagai Adsorben Untuk Mengurangi Kadar Fenol Dalam Air Limbah

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    Gilar S. Pambayun


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat karbon aktif dari arang tempurung kelapa sesuai dengan SII No.0258 – 79 ; untuk mengetahui karateristik kadar air, kadar abu,  iodine number dan surface area karbon aktif dari arang tempurung kelapa ; untuk mempelajari pengaruh konsentrasi dan jenis aktivator terhadap efisiensi penurunan kandungan konsentrasi fenol (persen removal menggunakan karbon aktif dari arang tempurung kelapa ; menentukan kapasitas optimum penyerapan fenol dengan karbon aktif dari arang tempurung kelapa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa karbon aktif dapat dibuat dari arang tempurung kelapa dengan aktivasi kimia ZnCl2 dan Na2CO3 disertai pirolisis pada suhu 700 oC selama 4 jam. Karakteristik karbon aktif yang dihasilkan telah sesuai dengan SII No.0258–79, kadar air sebesar 0,382-1,619%, kadar abu 2,28-7,79%, iodine number 448,02-1599,72 mg/g, surface area 189,630-1900,69 m2/g. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi aktivator maka semakin tinggi persen removal dari fenol yang telah diadsorbsi oleh karbon aktif. Persen removal tertinggi didapat pada karbon aktif dengan zat aktivator Na2CO3 5% dengan persen removal sebesar 99,745%. Kapasitas optimum penyerapan fenol dengan karbon aktif dari arang tempurung kelapa terbaik didapat pada karbon aktif dengan zat aktivator Na2CO3 5% dengan kapasitas serapan sebesar 220,751 mg fenol/gram karbon aktif

  12. Penentuan Kadar Air Dan Kadar Kotoran Minyak Inti Sawit Di PTPN III PKS Kebun Rambutan – Tebing Tinggi


    Nadapdap, Nova Dana Isabela


    PTPN III PKS Kebun Rambutan – tebing tinggi is factory which manufactures CPO starting from fresh fruit bunch to be crude oil.And the second product produced by PTPN III is Palm kernel.The proses of palm kernel oil within several steps are separation,solution,drying and storage.In other to be distributed,palm kernel must the following the quality specification free fatty acid 0,5 %,water content 7,0 %,pollutant content 6,0 %,ang these are the standart for obtaining high quality palm kernel.An...

  13. Safety of Bottled Water Beverages Including Flavored Water and Nutrient-Added Water Beverages (United States)

    ... Food Resources for You Consumers FDA Regulates the Safety of Bottled Water Beverages Including Flavored Water and Nutrient-Added Water Beverages ... addition, the flavorings and nutrients added to these beverages must comply with all applicable FDA safety requirements and they must be identified in the ...

  14. Perbedaan Kadar Kolesterol Total Dan Trigliserida Pada Wanita Vegetarian Tipe Vegan Dan Non-vegan


    Pamungkas, Mira Rizky; Margawati, Ani


    Latar Belakang : Wanita vegetarian non-vegan berisiko memiliki kadar kolesterol total dan trigliserida yang tinggi dibandingkan dengan vegan. Hal tersebut berkaitan dengan vegetarian non-vegan masih mengkonsumsi produk hewani antara lain susu, telur dan produk olahannya. Selain itu, faktor usia, lama menjadi vegetarian, indeks massa tubuh (IMT), aktivitas fisik menjadi faktor yang tidak dapat diabaikan. Metode : Desain penelitian cross sectional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif kualitatif. Jum...

  15. Identifikasi Golongan Senyawa Kimia Estrak Etanol Buah Pare (Momordica charantia dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Glukosa Darah Tikus Putih Jantan (Rattus novergicus yang Diinduksi Aloksan

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    I Ketut Angga Yuda


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui golongan senyawa kimia ekstrak etanol buah pare (M. charantia sebagai penurun kadar glukosa darah tikus putih jantan (R. novergicus yang diinduksi aloksan. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 25 ekor tikus putih jantan (R. novergicus berumur 3 bulan dengan berat rata-rata 150-300 g. Rancangan yang digunakan berupa Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL dengan lima perlakuan sebagai berikut, perlakuan I sebagai kontrol yaitu tikus normal tanpa perlakuan, Perlakuan II kontrol diabetes, perlakuan III tikus diabetes dan ekstrak buah pare 100 mg/kg bb, perlakuan IV tikus diabetes dan ekstrak buah pare 50 mg/kg bb, dan perlakuan V tikus diabetes dan glibenklamid 1 mg/kg bb. Hasil penelitan menunjukan buah pare mengandung zat flavonoid, polifenol, dan saponin. Pemberian ekstrak etanol buah pare (M. charantia dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah tikus putih (R. novergicus penderita diabetes dengan diinduksi aloksan secara signifikan P<0,05 yang sebanding dengan pemberian glibenklamid. Dengan demikian, ekstrak etanol buah pare dapat digunakan sebagai penurun kadar glukosa darah.

  16. Pengaruh Lama Pemberian Diet Tinggi Kolesterol terhadap Kadar LDL dan TGF-Β Serum Tikus Putih (Rattus novergicus strain Wistar

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    Biomechy Oktomalioputri


    Full Text Available AbstrakDiet tinggi kolesterol ini akan meningkatkan kadar Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL sebagai penanda hiperlipidemia yang berdampak pada terjadinya aterosklerosis. Transforming Growth Factor β (TGF-β memiliki peranan dalam proses terjadinya aterosklerosis ini. Keterlibatannya dalam hiperlipidemia sebagai faktor risiko utama aterosklerosis belum banyak diketahui. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan pengaruh lama permberian diet tinggi kolesterol terhadap kadar LDL dan TGF-β pada tikus putih (Rattus novergicus strain Wistar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode post test only control group design yang dilakukan terhadap tikus Rattus novergicus jantan umur 3-4 bulan, berat 200-250 gram. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 24 ekor tikus yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol, A, B dan C. Selain kelompok kontrol, kelompok tikus diberi diet tinggi kolesterol berupa lemak kambing 10%, telur puyuh 5%, selama 10 hari untuk kelompok A, 20 hari untuk kelompok B dan 30 hari untuk kelompok C. Pada akhir percobaan darah tikus diambil dan dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar LDL dan TGF-β serum. Hasil penelitian diolah secara bivariat. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu uji oneway Anova. Hasil penelitian diketahui terdapat pengaruh lama pemberian diet tinggi kolesterol terhadap peningkatan kadar LDL serum tikus dengan p=0,01 (p<0,05. Terdapat pengaruh lama pemberian diet tinggi kolesterol terhadap penurunan kadar TGF-β dimana p=0,04 (p>0,05. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh lama pemberian diet tinggi kolesterol terhadap kadar LDL dan tikus putih Rattus novergicus strain Wistar.Kata kunci: diet tinggi kolesterol, LDL, TGF-β AbstractHigh-cholesterol diet will increase Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL levels which impact to atherosclerosis. Transforming Growth Factor β (TGF-β play a role in atherosclerosis process. But its involvement in hyperlipidemia as the main risk factor of atherosclerosis still unknown. The objective of this study was

  17. Food and Beverage Stylist and Photography


    BEKAR, Aydan; KARAKULAK, Çisem


    A food and beverage stylist makes food and beverage look appetizing by preaparing them properly in order to get customers’ attention. A food and beverage photographer gets the most impressive image by using different shooting techniques. Food and beverage stylists and phtographers prepare attractive and unusual menus ,brochures, banners and ads for food and beverage enterprises so that products can look better when customers see them. People see the works of food and beverage styling and phot...

  18. Hubungan antara Fatigue, Jumlah CD4, dan Kadar Hemoglobin pada Pasien yang Terinfeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV

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    Kusman Ibrahim


    Full Text Available Keberadaan Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV di dalam tubuh secara terus menerus menyebabkan gangguan pada hampir semua sistem tubuh yang berdampak pada munculnya gejala kelelahan (fatigue. Fatigue banyak dilaporkan pada penderita HIV/AIDS dengan prevalensi berkisar antara 20% sampai 60%. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji hubungan antara fatigue dengan jumlah CD4 dan kadar Hb pada pasien HIV/AIDS. Sebanyak 77 responden direkrut secara purposif di sebuah Klinik Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit di Kota Bandung. Fatigue diukur menggunakan kuesioner HIV Related Fatigue Score (HRFS. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan uji pearson correlation. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara fatigue dengan jumlah CD4 dalam darah (r = -.289, p< 0.05 dan kadar Hb (r = -.349, p< 0.05. Selain itu, kadar Hb memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan jumlah CD4 pada pasien HIV/AIDS (r = .360, p < .01. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan perlunya monitoring kadar CD4 dan Hb secara berkala dan melakukan intervensi untuk mengatasi penurunan Hb dan CD4 sesegera mungkin sehingga dapat mencegah agar fatigue tidak berkelanjutan. Kata kunci: CD4, fatigue, hemoglobin, HIV/AIDS.   The Correlation of Between Fatigue, CD4 Cell Count, and Hemoglobin Level among HIV/AIDS Patients Abstract The existence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV in the body continuously causes disruption in almost all body systems that impact on the emergence of symptoms of fatigue. Fatigue was widely reported in HIV/AIDS patients with prevalence ranging from 20% to 60%. This study examined the relationship between fatigue and CD4 cell count and hemoglobin levels in HIV/AIDS patients. A total of 77 respondents were recruited purposively in Outpatient Clinic, General Hospital Bandung City. Fatigue was measured using the HIV Related Fatigue Score (HRFS questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using pearson correlation product moment. The results showed there were significant

  19. Penentuan Kawasan Agroindustri Berbasis Komoditas Unggulan Sektor Pertanian di Kabupaten Probolinggo

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    Firda Nurul Lailia


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan kawasan agroindustri di Kabupaten Probolinggo yang berbasis komoditas unggulan sektor pertanian. Sasaran pertama yang dilakukan adalah menentukan komoditas unggulan yang potensial menggunakan alat analisis LQ dan Shift-Share, kedua menentukan bobot faktor-faktor penentu kawasan agroindustri menggunakan analisis AHP, kemudian ketiga menentukan kawasan agroindustri berdasarkan komoditas unggulan sektor pertanian Kabupaten Probolinggo dengan analisis penilaian variabel. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 18 komoditas unggulan yang kemudian dikelompokkan menjadi tiga subsektor unggulan yaitu Subsektor Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura, Subsektor Peternakan dan Subsektor Perikanan. Dalam penentuan kawasan agroindustri, faktor ketersediaan bahan baku memiliki nilai bobot (tingkat pengaruh paling besar baik untuk subsektor tanaman pangan dan hortikultura, subsektor peternakan, dan subsektor perikanan. Berdasarkan analisa penilaian variabel adapun kecamatan yang terpilih sebagai kawasan yang paling potensial sebagai kawasan agroindustri subsektor tanaman pangan dan hortikultura yaitu Kecamatan Tongas dengan komoditas unggulan mangga dan jagung, kawasan agroindustri subsektor peternakan yaitu Kecamatan Kraksaan dengan komoditas unggulan sapi potong, dan kawasan agroindustri perikanan di Kecamatan Paiton dengan komoditas unggulan perikanan laut.

  20. Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Program Acara Di KSTV Kediri Dengan Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy AHP

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    Mufid Ali Fatoni


    Full Text Available Abstract Penentuan program acara pada suatu stasiun televisi merupakan denyut nadi dari penyiaran pertelevisian. Mekanisme semacam ini harus didukung dengan sistem pendukung keputusan yang bukan hanya mempermudah suatu pekerjaan, tetapi efektifitas dan efisiensinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sistem pendukung keputusan yang dapat memberikan rekomendasi alternatif program acara sesuai dengan perbandingan kriteria dan alternatif yang telah dievaluasi dengan menggunakan metode Fuzzy AHP. Kriteria yang digunakan pada sistem meliputi biaya produksi, daya tarik, tema, segmentasi, profit, orientasi program, dan etika. Dengan adanya sistem pendukung keputusan ini akan mempermudah divisi program acara dalam menentukan program acara yang akan ditayangkan. Selain itu, sistem juga memberikan kemudahan bagi manager operasional dalam mengawasi acara-acara yang ada dalam proses broadcast KSTV.


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    Indrawati Gandjar


    Full Text Available Disamping kacang kedele dan kacang tanah sejumlah kacang-kacangan yang kurang dikenal juga dimakan penduduk daerah-daerah tertentu di Pulau Jawa. Diantaranya biji-biji koro benguk (Mucuna pruriens. Hasil fermentasi dari biji-biji ini dikenal sebagai tempe benguk.Dalam penelitian ini telah digunakan campuran biji koro benguk varitas abu-abu dan varitas hitam dalam perbandingan 1:1.Hasil isolasi mikroflora dari contoh-contoh tempe benguk yang dijual belikan ialah species dari marga (genus Rhizopus. Strain 90 II/3 dari desa Donomulyo Malang Selatan yang diidentifikasi sebagai R. arrhizus menghasilkan tempe benguk yang baik dan dipakai dalam penelitian ini.Telah dilakukan analisa zat gizi kedua varitas biji-biji koro benguk mentah, begitu pula dari substrat sebelum fermentasi dan tempe benguknya. Kadar protein dari tempe benguk dengan strain 90 II/3 ialah 14.1%.Proses perebusan, perendaman dan pengukusan telah menghilangkan seluruh HCN dalam substrat. Dari segi kandungan aflatoksin tempe benguk dalam penelitian ini tidak membahayakan karena kandungannya hanya 1.04 ppb.Hasil fermentasi biji-biji koro benguk dapat merupakan suatu sumber protein murah bagi penduduk yang makanan pokoknya terutama serealia dan umbi-umbian.

  2. Pemberian Whey-Dangke dalam Air Minum Menekan Kadar Kolesterol, Trigliserida dan Lipoprotein Darah Ayam Broiler

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    Sulmiyati Sulmiyati


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan whey dangke terhadap kadar kolesterol, trigliserida, LDL (low density lipoprotein, HDL (high density lipoprotein, VLDL (very low density lipoprotein darah ayam broiler dan mengukur konsentrasi pemberian whey dangke dalam air minum yang diberikan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan enam perlakuan pemberian whey dangke dalam air minum dengan empat ulangan. Konsentrasi P0 adalah kelompok kontrol 0%; P1=pemberian whey dangke dengan konsentrasi 10%; P2 = pemberian whey dangke dengan konsentrasi 20%; P3 = pemberian whey dangke dengan konsentrasi 30%; P4 = pemberian whey dangke dengan konsentrasi 40%; dan P5 = pemberian whey dangke dengan konsentrasi 50%. Pemberian whey dangke pada ayam broiler strain cobb SR 707 dilakukan selama 15 hari (umur 20–35 hari. Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar kolesterol, trigliserida, LDL, HDL, dan VLDL darah ayam broiler. Data dianalisis dengan analisis sidik ragam, dan jika menunjukkan pengaruh nyata dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian whey dangke dalam air minum tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P>0,05 terhadap parameter kolesterol, trigliserida, dan lipoprotein. Namun, terlihat kecenderungan penurunan kadar kolesterol seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi pemberian whey dangke. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil uji in vivo menunjukkan pemberian whey dangke dalam air minum pada ayam broiler pada konsentrasi 50% memperlihatkan penurunan kadar kolesterol hingga 15%. Abstract The purposes of research is to determine the effect of whey dangke against cholesterol levels, triglycerides, LDL, HDL, and VLDL broiler blood and measuring the concentration of whey dangke in water provided. The research was conducted using a completely randomized design with six treatments and four replications. P0 is the control group 0%; P1 = whey dangke added with a concentration

  3. Perbedaan Kadar Hemoglobin dan Hematokrit Bayi Baru Lahir Akibat Perbedaan Waktu Penjepitan Tali Pusat

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    Nuriah Arma


    Full Text Available AbstrakBayi baru lahir memiliki 80 ml darah dari plasenta pada 1 menit setelah kelahiran dan 100 ml pada 3 menit setelah lahir, volume ini akan memasok 40-50 mg/kg ekstra besi untuk memiliki 75 mg/kg besi tubuh bayi yang cukup bulan yang dapat mencegah kekurangan zat besi pada tahun pertama kehidupan. Oleh karena itu pemotongan tali pusat yang terlalu cepat setelah persalinan akan mengurangi kandungan besi sekitar 15-30%, sedangkan bila ditunda 3 menit dapat menambah volume sel darah merah sekitar 58%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan adanya perbedaan kadar Hb (hemoglobin dan Ht (hematokrit akibat perbedaan waktu penjepitan tali pusat. Penelitian ini dilakukan di tempat Bidan Praktek Mandiri Kota Padang. Jenis penelitian eksperimental dengan post-test only controll group design. Pengambilan sampel secara consecutive sampling sampai tercapai jumlah 36 bayi yang terbagi atas 18 bayi baru lahir pada tiap kelompok. Data dianalisis dengan uji t. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rerata kadar Hb dan Ht pada kelompok penjepitan 3 menit setelah lahir lebih tinggi daripada penjepitan 1 menit. Terdapat perbedaan kadar Hb yang bermakna antara kelompok penjepitan 3 menit setelah lahir daripada 1 menit dengan nilai P=0,004.  Ada terdapat perbedaan Ht yang bermakna antara kelompok penjepitan 3 menit dan 1 menit dengan nilai P=0,001. Kesimpulan penelitian ini ialah kadar Hb dan Ht lebih baik pada penjepitan tali pusat ditunda 3 menit setelah lahir dibandingkan dengan penjepitan 1 menit setelah lahir.Kata kunci: hemoglobin, hematokrit, penjepitan tali pusat AbstractThe newborns contain 80 ml of blood from the placenta in 1 minute after birth and 100 ml in 3 minute after birth. This volume supply 40 to 50 mg/kg of extra iron to have 75 mg/kg of body iron baby full-term that can prevent iron deficiency in the first year of life. Therefore, cutting the umbilical cord too soon after birth will reduce the iron of content about 15 to 30%, whereas when

  4. Hubungan Kadar Gula Darah saat Masuk Rumah Sakit dengan Jenis Sindroma Koroner Akut di RS Dr. M. Djamil Padang

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    Willy Valerian


    Full Text Available AbstrakSindrom Koroner Akut (SKA merupakan spektrum dari penyakit arteri koroner yang tidak stabil, mulai dari angina pektoris tidak stabil sampai infark miokardium. SKA terbagi atas Unstable Angina Pectoris (UAP, ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI, Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan hubungan antara kadar gula darah saat masuk rumah sakit dan jenis SKA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Instalasi Rekam Medik RS Dr. M. Djamil Padang dengan mengambil data pasien SKA dari Januari 2012 sampai Desember 2012. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan jenis SKA dengan gula darah yang tidak normal dari 60 sampel, yaitu: UAP 25%, NSTEMI 35%, STEMI 40%. Hasil pengolahan data dapat dilihat bahwa nilai p = 0,592 yang artinya tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar gula darah saat masuk rumah sakit dengan jenis SKA. Hal ini terjadi mungkin karena terlalu sedikitnya sampel dan banyak sampel kriteria ekslusi dalam pencarian data. Sebaiknya dalam penelitian yang akan datang dapat memperbanyak sampel.Kata kunci: sindrom koroner akut, kadar gula darah, hubungan kadar gula darah dengan SKA AbstractAcute Coronary Syndrome (ACS is a spectrum of coronary artery disease that is not stable, ranging from unstable angina to myocardial infarction. Acute Coronary Syndrome is divided into Unstable Angina Pectoris (UAP, ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI, non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between blood sugar levels when admitted to hospital and Acute Coronary Syndrome type by using cross sectional study. The study was conducted at the Medical Records RS Dr. M. Djamil Padang. The ACS data collected from January 2012 until December 2012. The results of this study was found the SKA with abnormal blood sugar of 60 samples, i.e. UAP25%, NSTEMI35%, 40% STEMI. On the results of data

  5. Beverage Consumption Patterns among Norwegian Adults. (United States)

    Paulsen, Mari Mohn; Myhre, Jannicke Borch; Andersen, Lene Frost


    Beverages may be important contributors for energy intake and dietary quality. The purpose of the study was to investigate how beverage consumption varies between different meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper/evening meal, snacks) and between weekdays and weekend-days in Norwegian adults. A cross-sectional dietary survey was conducted among Norwegian adults (n = 1787) in 2010-2011. Two telephone-administered 24 h recalls were used for dietary data collection. Breakfast was the most important meal for milk and juice consumption, dinner for sugar-sweetened beverages and wine, and snacks for water, coffee, artificially sweetened beverages, and beer. Consumption of sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened beverages did not differ between weekdays and weekend-days among consumers. The average intake of wine and beer (men only) was higher on weekend-days. Higher age was positively associated with wine consumption and negatively associated with consumption of water, sugar-sweetened, and artificially sweetened beverages. Higher education was associated with consumption of water, beer, and wine, whereas lower education was associated with sugar-sweetened beverage consumption. Beverage consumption patterns among Norwegian adults vary between different meal types and in subgroups of the population. Alcohol consumption was higher on weekend-days. Knowledge regarding beverage consumption patterns in the population should be considered when revising dietary guidelines in the future.

  6. an Unrecorded Alcohol Beverage

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Chemical analysis of volatile compounds fromkhadi, an unrecorded alcoholic beverage from Botswana, was ... quality, some of them may be contaminated and toxic, thereby ... home-brewed alcoholic beverages exist in Botswana and are.

  7. Substitution of sugar-sweetened beverages with other beverage alternatives: a review of long-term health outcomes. (United States)

    Zheng, Miaobing; Allman-Farinelli, Margaret; Heitmann, Berit Lilienthal; Rangan, Anna


    Excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) has become an intractable public health concern worldwide, making investigation of healthy beverage alternatives for SSBs imperative. To summarize the available evidence on the effects of replacing SSBs with beverage alternatives on long-term health outcomes. We systematically retrieved studies from six electronic databases from inception to November 2013. Prospective cohort studies and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) examining the effects of substituting beverage alternatives for SSBs on long-term health outcomes in both children and adults were included. The quality of included studies was assessed using the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network 50 methodology checklists. Six cohort studies and four RCTs were included in the systematic review with the quality rating ranging from acceptable to high. Evidence from both cohort studies and RCTs showed substitution of SSBs by various beverage alternatives was associated with long-term lower energy intake and lower weight gain. However, evidence was insufficient to draw conclusions regarding the effect of beverage substitution on other health outcomes, and which beverage alternative is the best choice. Although studies on this topic are sparse, the available evidence suggests a potential beneficial effect on body weight outcomes when SSBs are replaced by water or low-calorie beverages. Further studies in this area are warranted to fully understand the long-term health implications of beverage substitutions. Copyright © 2015 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. PENURUNAN KADAR GULA DARAH AKIBAT PEMBERIAN EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL (Studi pada Tikus Galur Sprague Dawley yang Diinduksi Pakan Tinggi Lemak

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    SH Bintari


    Full Text Available Prevalensi penyakit diabetes mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah hiperglikemia yang dipicu oleh pola makan tinggi lemak. Alternatif cara pengobatan dan pencegahannya adalah mengkonsumsi minyak zaitun. Diperlukan bukti ilmiah bahwa minyak zaitun dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh pemberian minyak zaitun ekstra virgin terhadap kadar glukosa darah tikus putih yang diinduksi pakan tinggi lemak. Desain penelitian pre experimental dengan rancangan post test only randomized controlled group design. Subjek penelitian adalah 28 ekor tikus putih jantan galur Sprague Dawley usia 8 minggu, berat badan 180-220 gram, dan kondisi sehat. Tikus dibagi menjadi empat kelompok secara simple random sampling. Kelompok kontrol diberi akuades, kelompok perlakuan P1, P2, dan P3 berturut-turut diberi minyak zaitun ekstra virgin sebanyak 0,5 g/hari; 0,7 g/hari; dan 0,9 g/hari. Penelitian dilakukan selama 6 minggu. Pengukuran kadar glukosa darah menggunakan metode glukosa oksidase (GOD PAP. Data dianalisis dengan uji Kruskal Wallis dengan derajat kemaknaan 95%. Pemberian minyak zaitun ekstra virgin pada dosis 0,5 g/hari; 0,7 g/hari; dan 0,9 g/hari dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah tikus putih. Penurunan ini terbukti bermakna pada semua kelompok perlakuan. Persentase penurunan kadar glukosa darah paling tinggi ditemukan pada dosis pemberian 0,9 gram/hari yaitu sebesar 62,23%. Minyak zaitun ekstra virgin terbukti dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah akibat dislipidemia. The prevalence of diabetes has increased from year to year. It is caused by hyperglycemia induced by high-fat diet. Several alternative methods of treatment and prevention widely used is consuming olive oil. Therefore we need scientific evidence that olive oil can lowered blood sugar levels. The purpose of research to determine the effects of extra virgin olive oil on blood glucose levels of white rats induced by high

  9. Kandungan Tembaga (Cu dan Timbal (Pb pada Lamun Enhalus accoroides dari Perairan Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia

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    Ismarti Ismarti


    Full Text Available The objective of the present study was to analyze the metal content of copper and lead in Enhalus accoroides seagrass in Batam Island waters. Samples of seagrass (E. accoroides were collected from six locations along the western region of Batam Island then dried and performed with acid destruction. The measurements of Cu and Pb in the samples were conducted by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The result showed that there was an increasing of copper and lead contaminant level on sample E accoroides during two periods in a year.  The Cu level ranged from 0.63 to 46.1 mg/kg, meanwhile, lead level ranged from  2.14 to 10.52mg/kg respectively. The highest accumulation of copper and lead were recorded on leaves, it was reached 10.81 mg/kg and 5.98mg/kg, respectively. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kandungan logam tembaga (Cu dan timbal (Pb pada lamun Enhalus accoroides di sepanjang perairan barat Pulau Batam. Sampel lamun dikumpulkan dari enam lokasi  kemudian dikeringkan dan dilakukan destruksi dengan asam. Penentuan kadar logam tembaga dan timbal dalam sampel dilakukan dengan spektrometri serapan atom. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya peningkatan kadar logam Cu dan Pb pada sampel lamun E. accoroides selama 2 periode sampling dalam 1 tahun. Kadar logam Cu dan Pb pada lamun secara berturut berada pada rentang 0.63-46.1 mg/kg dan 2.14-10.52mg/kg. Akumulasi logam Cu dan Pb dalam lamun E. accoroides tertinggi pada bagian daun sebanyak 10.81 mg/kg Cu dan 5.98 mg/kg Pb.


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    Puji Lestari


    Full Text Available Bullwhip effect adalah suatu kondisi dimana terjadi peningkatan variasi permintaan dalam suatu rantai pasok. Bullwhip effect ini dapat diakibatkan oleh beberapa faktor salah satunya yaitu jumlah pemesanan. Jumlah pemesanan yang dilakukan oleh masing-masing pemasok akan mempengaruhi jumlah pemesanan pada pemasok yang lain. Perbedaan jumlah pemesanan antar pemasok ini akan menimbulkan bullwhip effect. Penelitian ini akan menunjukkan pengaruh penentuan jumlah pemesanan terhadap bullwhip effect dengan menggunakan metode Silver Meal dan Lot For Lot. Hasil yang diperoleh diukur dengan melihat perbedaan biaya per unit pada keseluruhan rantai pasok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pihak pembeli lebih baik menggunakan metode Silver Meal karena variasi permintaan masih mewakili permintaan yang sebenarnya sedangkan pada pihak penjual lebih baik menggunakan Lot For Lot karena variasi permintaan sudah tidak dapat mewakili permintaan sebenarnya. Penggunaan metode Lot For Lot pada pihak penjual menyebabkan variasi permintaan yang sudah tidak mewakili permintaan sebenarnya tidak diperhitungkan. Abstract Bullwhip effect is the increased variability of demand in supply chain. Order quantity could be a factor that cause bullwhip effect. Deciding order quantity by an actor in supply chain will affect the order quantity by the other actors. Different order quantity is known as bullwhip effect. This research will show the effect of lot sizing, Silver Meal and Lot For Lot, on bullwhip effect. The result could be seen on the cost per unit in supply chain. The result shows that Silver Meal is better used by a buyer because demand variation could present the real demand, while Lot For Lot is better used by a seller because demand variation could not present the real demand. Using Lot For Lot causes the demand variation is not included.

  11. Energy Beverage Consumption Among Naval Aviation Candidates. (United States)

    Sather, Thomas E; Delorey, Donald R


    Since the debut of energy beverages, the consumption of energy beverages has been immensely popular with young adults. Research regarding energy beverage consumption has included college students, European Union residents, and U.S. Army military personnel. However, energy beverage consumption among naval aviation candidates in the United States has yet to be examined. The purpose of this study was to assess energy beverage consumption patterns (frequency and volume) among naval aviation candidates, including attitudes and perceptions regarding the benefits and safety of energy beverage consumption. A 44-item survey was used to assess energy beverage consumption patterns of 302 students enrolled in the Aviation Preflight Indoctrination Course at Naval Air Station Pensacola, FL. Results indicated that 79% of participants (N = 239) reported consuming energy beverages within the last year. However, of those who reported consuming energy beverages within the last year, only 36% (N = 85) reported consuming energy beverages within the last 30 d. Additionally, 51% (N = 153) of participants reported no regular energy beverages consumption. The majority of participants consumed energy beverages for mental alertness (67%), mental endurance (37%), and physical endurance (12%). The most reported side effects among participants included increased mental alertness (67%), increased heart rate (53%), and restlessness (41%). Naval aviation candidates appear to use energy drinks as frequently as a college student population, but less frequently than expected for an active duty military population. The findings of this study indicate that naval aviation candidates rarely use energy beverages (less than once per month), but when consumed, they use it for fatigue management.

  12. Beverage Consumption Patterns among Norwegian Adults (United States)

    Paulsen, Mari Mohn; Myhre, Jannicke Borch; Andersen, Lene Frost


    Beverages may be important contributors for energy intake and dietary quality. The purpose of the study was to investigate how beverage consumption varies between different meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper/evening meal, snacks) and between weekdays and weekend-days in Norwegian adults. A cross-sectional dietary survey was conducted among Norwegian adults (n = 1787) in 2010–2011. Two telephone-administered 24 h recalls were used for dietary data collection. Breakfast was the most important meal for milk and juice consumption, dinner for sugar-sweetened beverages and wine, and snacks for water, coffee, artificially sweetened beverages, and beer. Consumption of sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened beverages did not differ between weekdays and weekend-days among consumers. The average intake of wine and beer (men only) was higher on weekend-days. Higher age was positively associated with wine consumption and negatively associated with consumption of water, sugar-sweetened, and artificially sweetened beverages. Higher education was associated with consumption of water, beer, and wine, whereas lower education was associated with sugar-sweetened beverage consumption. Beverage consumption patterns among Norwegian adults vary between different meal types and in subgroups of the population. Alcohol consumption was higher on weekend-days. Knowledge regarding beverage consumption patterns in the population should be considered when revising dietary guidelines in the future. PMID:27649236


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    Zainal Syam Arifin


    Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk berdampak pada peningkatan kebutuhan energi. Di lain pihak, industri pembangkit energi dituding sebagai salah satu penyumbang karbon dioksida sekitar 25% dari total emisi CO2 di seluruh dunia. Disisi lain, produksi biogas yang bertujuan untuk mengatasi peningkatan kebutuhan energi justru menghasilkan karbon dioksida pada kisaran 25 – 50% volume. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, diperlukan metode yang murah, optimum dan efisien serta ramah lingkungan dalam mengurangi kadar CO2 dengan menggunakan spirulina platensis.  Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat model matematik dan menemukan kecepatan aliran yang optimum untuk menurunkan kadar CO2 dengan menggunakan Spirulina Platensis. Penelitian ini menggunakan reaktor tubularterbuat dari kaca (D = 2,6 cm pada suhu 30°C dan disinari dengan lampu TL Philips fluoresen 36 Watt, temperatur warna: 6.200K cool daylight, light output: 2.600 lm, 72 lm/W. Reaktor tubular ditempatkan dalam kotak yang dilapisi dinding dengan kertas perak pada ketiga sisinya. Dengan model matematik reaktor tubular, dapat diprediksi konstanta kecepatan reaksinya. Berdasarkan grafik hasil perhitungan data, kecepatan volumetrik optimumnya juga dapat diprediksi. Variasi flowrate yaitu 0,25 mL/detik, 0,35 mL/detik, 0,5 mL/detik, 0,75 mL/detik, 1 mL/detik. Sumber karbon adalah CO2 99,99%. Pengamatan pertumbuhan Spirulina dilakukan pada flow rate 0,25 mL/detik dengan kadar berat kering mula – mula 2,1208 g/L. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aliran lambat (flowrate rendah merupakan cara yang lebih efektif dalam mengurangi karbon dioksida menggunakan spirulina platensis (= 2,82×10-4 detik-1. Nilai konversi tertinggi diperoleh pada kecepatan aliran volumetrik 0,25 mL/detik dan kecepatan optimumnya pada kisaran 0,3 – 0,4 mL/detik. Laju flux CO2 masuk sebaiknya kurang dari 0,047 mL/cm2.detik. Nilai Specific Growth Rate (µ Spirulina Platensis dalam penelitian ini yaitu 2,56×10-2 menit-1.   Kata Kunci: Spirulina platensis, reaktor tubular

  14. Beverage consumption and adult weight management: A review. (United States)

    Dennis, Elizabeth A; Flack, Kyle D; Davy, Brenda M


    Total energy consumption among United States adults has increased in recent decades, and energy-containing beverages are a significant contributor to this increase. Because beverages are less satiating than solid foods, consumption of energy-containing beverages may increase energy intake and lead to weight gain; trends in food and beverage consumption coinciding with increases in overweight and obesity support this possibility. The purpose of this review is to present what is known about the effect of beverage consumption on short-term (i.e., meal) energy intake, as well as longer-term effects on body weight. Specific beverages addressed include water, other energy-free beverages (diet soft drinks, coffee and tea), and energy-containing beverages (soft drinks, juices and juice drinks, milk and soy beverages, alcohol). Existing evidence, albeit limited, suggests that encouraging water consumption, and substituting water and other energy-free beverages (diet soft drinks, coffee and tea) for energy-containing beverages may facilitate weight management. Energy-containing beverages acutely increase energy intake, however long-term effects on body weight are uncertain. While there may be health benefits for some beverage categories, additional energy provided by beverages should be compensated for by reduced consumption of other foods in the diet.

  15. Pengaruh Penurunan Kadar Air Terhadap Perubahan Fisiologi Dan Kand Ungan Biokimia Benih Eboni (Diospyros Celebica Bakh.)


    Yuniarti, Naning; Syamsuwida, Dida; Aminah, Aam


    Eboni (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) merupakan jenis tanaman yang potensial untuk dikembangkan pada pembangunan hutan tanaman. Secara alami benih eboni mengalami kemunduran dengan bertambahnya waktu.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui Perubahan fisiologi dan biokimia yang terjadi pada benih eboni selama pengeringan (penurunan kadar air). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 3 kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Perub...

  16. Efek Ekstrak Pomegranat terhadap Kadar Malondialdehida dan Pembuluh Darah Jantung Tikus

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    Feri Fadillah


    Full Text Available Pomegranat (Punica granatum adalah buah yang mengandung antioksidan tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak pomegranat terhadap kadar malondialdehyde (MDA dan gambaran mikroskopik pembuluh darah jantung tikus. Penelitian eksperimental menggunaan tikus strain sprague dawley yang dipajankan asap rokok 2-3 jam perhari selama 2 minggu. Tikus dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok: kelompok pertama sebagai kontrol positif, kelompok kedua mendapatkan ekstrak pomegranat 5% dan kelompok ketiga mendapatkan ekstrak pomegranat k 10%. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada awal penelitian, hari ke-8 dan hari ke-15. Hasil analisis menunjukkan kadar MDA lebih tinggi pada kelompok tikus kontrol dibandingkan dengan kelompok tikus intervensi (p<0,05. Gambaran mikroskopik menunjukkan kerusakan sel endotel dan perdarahan mikro di pembuluh darah tikus sebagai dampak hipoksia jaringan.Kata kunci: Punica granatum, malondialdehida, pembuluh darahEffect of Pomegranate’s Extract to Malondialdehyde Level andRat’s Heart VesselAbstractPomegranate (Punica granatum contains high level of antioxidant. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of pomegranate extract on MDA level and histopatological findings in rat’s heart vessel that is exposed to cigarette smoking. Experimental study included sprague dawley rats that were exposed to cigarette smoke 2-3 hours a day for 2 weeks. The rats were divided into 3 groups: the first group was a control group, the second group received 5% pomegranate extract, and the third group was given 10% pomegranate extract. Measurement of MDA levels was done before and after the intervention (at the 8th day and 15th day. The MDA levels were significantly higher in control group than those among intervention group (p<0,05. Histopathological finding showed damage of endothelial cell and microhemorrhagic in rat’s heart vessel due to tissue hypoxia.Keywords: Punica granatum, malondialdehyde, heart vessel

  17. The sugar-sweetened beverage wars: public health and the role of the beverage industry. (United States)

    Welsh, Jean A; Lundeen, Elizabeth A; Stein, Aryeh D


    To discuss the current data on sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption trends, evidence of the health impact, and the role of industry in efforts to reduce the consumption. Previously rising SSB consumption rates have declined recently, but continue to contribute added sugars beyond the limit advised by the American Heart Association. A recent meta-analysis concluded that SSBs likely increase body weight and recent long-term studies support the previous findings of increased risk of diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. Beverage companies have played an active role in some SSB reduction efforts by reducing the sale of SSBs in schools, limiting television advertising to children, and increasing the availability of smaller portion-size options. Industry has opposed efforts to restrict the availability of large portion sizes and implement an excise tax. Current industry efforts include the promotion of alternative beverages perceived to be healthier as well as SSBs through Internet and social media. Continuing high SSB consumption and associated health risks highlight the need for further public health action. The beverage industry has supported some efforts to reduce the consumption of full sugar beverages, but has actively opposed others. The impact of industry efforts to promote beverage alternatives perceived as healthier is unknown.

  18. The sugar-sweetened beverage wars: public health and the role of the beverage industry (United States)

    Welsh, Jean A.; Lundeen, Elizabeth A.; Stein, Aryeh D.


    Purpose of review To discuss the current data on sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption trends, evidence of the health impact, and the role of industry in efforts to reduce the consumption. Recent findings Previously rising SSB consumption rates have declined recently, but continue to contribute added sugars beyond the limit advised by the American Heart Association. A recent meta-analysis concluded that SSBs likely increase body weight and recent long-term studies support the previous findings of increased risk of diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. Beverage companies have played an active role in some SSB reduction efforts by reducing the sale of SSBs in schools, limiting television advertising to children, and increasing the availability of smaller portion-size options. Industry has opposed efforts to restrict the availability of large portion sizes and implement an excise tax. Current industry efforts include the promotion of alternative beverages perceived to be healthier as well as SSBs through Internet and social media. Summary Continuing high SSB consumption and associated health risks highlight the need for further public health action. The beverage industry has supported some efforts to reduce the consumption of full sugar beverages, but has actively opposed others. The impact of industry efforts to promote beverage alternatives perceived as healthier is unknown. PMID:23974767

  19. Identifying Key Attributes for Protein Beverages. (United States)

    Oltman, A E; Lopetcharat, K; Bastian, E; Drake, M A


    This study identified key attributes of protein beverages and evaluated effects of priming on liking of protein beverages. An adaptive choice-based conjoint study was conducted along with Kano analysis to gain insight on protein beverage consumers (n = 432). Attributes evaluated included label claim, protein type, amount of protein, carbohydrates, sweeteners, and metabolic benefits. Utility scores for levels and importance scores for attributes were determined. Subsequently, two pairs of clear acidic whey protein beverages were manufactured that differed by age of protein source or the amount of whey protein per serving. Beverages were evaluated by 151 consumers on two occasions with or without priming statements. One priming statement declared "great flavor," the other priming statement declared 20 g protein per serving. A two way analysis of variance was applied to discern the role of each priming statement. The most important attribute for protein beverages was sweetener type, followed by amount of protein, followed by type of protein followed by label claim. Beverages with whey protein, naturally sweetened, reduced sugar and ≥15 g protein per serving were most desired. Three consumer clusters were identified, differentiated by their preferences for protein type, sweetener and amount of protein. Priming statements positively impacted concept liking (P 0.05). Consistent with trained panel profiles of increased cardboard flavor with higher protein content, consumers liked beverages with 10 g protein more than beverages with 20 g protein (6.8 compared with 5.7, P appeal. © 2015 Institute of Food Technologists®

  20. Hubungan Kadar Profil Lipid dengan Kejadian Hipertensi pada Masyarakat Etnik Minangkabau di Kota Padang Tahun 2012

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    Rahmat Feryadi


    Full Text Available AbstrakHipertensi merupakan masalah kesehatan yang banyak dijumpai pada masyarakat dan berkorelasi dengan penyakit lainnya. Banyak faktor penyebab terjadinya hipertensi, salah satunya adalah gangguan profil lipid. Profil lipid dapat memicu terjadinya hipertensi melalui berbagai mekanisme, baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti lebih lanjut tentang hubungan obesitas dengan kejadian hipertensi. Penelitian dilakukan pada masyarakat Etnik Minangkabau di 8 kelurahan di kota Padang. Ini adalah studi komparatif menggunakan desain cross sectional study, dengan jumlah subjek 160 responden. Pengumpulan data responden dilakukan dengan wawancara. Pengukuran tekanan darah dilakukan berdasarkan cara yang direkomendasikan WHO dan penetapan nilainya berdasarkan JNC VII. Profil lipid diukur dilaboratorium dengan acuan penilaian berdasarkan NCEP ATP III. Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah uji chi square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar gangguan kadar kolesterol terdapat pada penderita hipertensi dari pada normotensi. Uji statistik chi square menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida dengan kejadian hipertensi (total kolesterol p < 0,05; OR = 2,40, trigliserida p< 0,05; OR = 2,49. Kadar HDL dan LDL tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna terhadap kejadian hipertensi (p > 0,05. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian fraksi profil lipid mempengaruhi kejadian hipertensi pada etnik Minangkabau yang berada di kota Padang, yaitu kadar kolesterol total dan trigliserida.Kata kunci: Hipertensi, kolestertol total, HDL, LDL, Trigliserida, etnik Minangkabau.AbstractHypertension is a common disease in the community and have correlation with other diseases. Many factor can leads hypertension, such as disturbance of lipid profile. Lipid profile can lead hypertension through a variety of mechanism, either directly or indirectly. This study aims to investigate

  1. Pengaruh Penambahan Susu Bubuk Fullcream Terhadap Mutu Produk Minuman Fermentasi dari Ekstrak Ubi Jalar Merah (Ipomoea batatas L

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    Novelina Novelina


    Full Text Available This study was aimed to find exact volume of fullcream milk powder which added in the fermented beverage of red sweet potatoes extract (Ipomoea batatas L, as well as to investigate physical and chemical characteristics, and organoleptic. So it was obtained the fermented beverages which fulfilled the quality requirements of yogurt according to SNI 01- 2981-1992. Analysis was conducted on total Lactobacillus, total plates count, total lactic acid, pH, total solids, viscosity, and fat content. Organoleptic test of the color, texture, flavor, consistency, and taste was also carried out. The best product was analyzed for the chemical properties such as protein content, ash and crude fiber. The design used in this study was completely randomized design (CRD with four treatments of fullcream milk powder addition 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% respectively with 3 replications. The organoleptic test of the most preferred by the panelists was a fermented beverage with the addition of 10% fullcream milk powder. This product contained Lactobacillus total; 7.3 x 108 CFU/ml, total plate count; 1.4 x 107 CFU/ml, total lactic acid; 1.56%, pH; 4.42, total solids; 25.62%, viscosity; 25.5 dPa.s, fat content; 3.4%, protein content; 6.34%, ash content; 0.11%, and crude fiber content; 0.17%.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah penambahan susu bubuk fullcream yang tepat pada minuman fermentasi ekstrak ubi jalar merah (Ipomoea batatas L, sertakarakteristik fisik, kimia dan organoleptik, sehingga diperoleh minuman fermentasi dariekstrak ubi jalar merah yang memenuhi persyaratan mutu yogurt menurut SNI 01 - 2.981- 1.992. Analisis dilakukan pada total Lactobacillus, angka lempeng total, asam laktat total, pH, total padatan, viskositas, kadar lemak dan organoleptik warna ,tekstur, rasa, konsistensi, rasa. Produk terbaik yang didapatkan dianalis sifat kimia seperti kadar protein, abu dan serat kasar. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan

  2. Penentuan Pelabuhan Hub untuk Crude Palm Oil (CPO Ekspor di Indonesia

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    Eko Andi Haranto


    Full Text Available CPO (Crude Palm Oil merupakan salah satu komoditi ekspor terbesar di Indonesia. Moda angkut darat dan sungai menjadi pilihan untuk didistribusikan menuju calon pelabuhan hub. Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk merencanakan pola operasi armada pengangkut CPO, dan penentuan pelabuhan hub untuk ekspor CPO. Metode Transportasi digunakan untuk memilih pabrik pengolahan CPO sebagai pemasok utama. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa penggunaan moda darat menggunakan truk lebih optimal dibandingkan menggunakan tongkang hal ini dikarenakan kondisi sungai di Kalimantan Tengah yang dangkal. Dengan menggunakan metode transportasi didapatkan empat lokasi pabrik pengolahan minyak kelapa sawit. Pelabuhan hub yang terpilih berlokasi di Bagendang dan Bumi Harjo. Kedua titik tersebut dipilih karena sudah memiliki tangki timbun dan dermaga untuk ekspor CPO, selain itu pemilihan berdasarkan hasil analisa didapatkan biaya dari Pabrik PT. ATLANTIS ke Pelabuhan Bagendang dengan truk berukuran 10 ton memerlukan biaya sebesar Rp. 333.016,25/TRIP/TRUK. Pabrik PT. ATLANTIS II ke Pelabuhan Bagendang Rp. 237.868,75/TRIP/TRUK. Pabrik PT. TIGER ke Pelabuhan Bumi Harjo Rp. 475.737,50/TRIP/TRUK. PT. TIGER II merupakan pabrik yang dapat melakukan pengiriman langsung menggunakan tongkang berukuran 1800 DWT melewati sungai Barito, dengan biaya Rp.123.007.828,27,- /voyage.


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    Muhammad Iqbal


    Penentuan fitur dalam membuat website bidang pariwisata dan kebudayaan dibutuhkan untuk mengetahui fitur yang bisa diimplementasikan. Untuk membantu menentukan fitur tersebut, digunakan analisis domain dengan metode Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA. Metode tersebut mempunyai tahapan dimulai dari tinjauan aplikasi terhadap ketiga website sebagai sampel untuk mengambil fitur. Selanjutnya tahapan analisis konteks yang mendapatkan diagram struktur dan diagram konteks. Berikutnya tahapan pemodelan domain yang dibagi dua langkah yaitu analisis fitur untuk mendapatkan fitur-fitur pada aplikasi web melalui diagram fitur dengan penjelasan melalui kamus terminologi domain. Langkah berikutnya adalah pemodelan entity-relationship dengan membuat diagram entity-relationship untuk pembuatan database. Terakhir, pemodelan arsitektur dengan membuat arsitektur domain untuk pengembangan aplikasi yang hanya fokus pada fitur.  Hasil dari analisis fitur adalah didapatkan sebanyak 38 fitur mandatory yang berarti fitur tersebut wajib diimplementasikan dalam aplikasi web untuk pariwisata dan kebudayaan.  Kata kunci: Pariwisata, Kebudayaan, Website, Fitur, Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis

  4. Yenilikçi Bir Fiyatlandırma Yöntemi Olarak Dilediğin Kadar Öde Fiyatlandırması

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    Dilaysu Çınar


    Full Text Available Artan teknolojik gelişim ve beraberinde tüketiciye sunulan yenilik ve kolaylıklar, firmaları da her geçen gün rekabet üstünlüğü elde edebilme amacıyla farklı uygulamalar yapmaya teşvik etmektedir. Firmaların tüketici nezdinde rakiplerine göre daha üstün olarak algılanması için çoğunlukla ürüne yönelik yenilikler getirdikleri gözlemlenmekle birlikte bunun tek başına yeterli olmayacağı aşikârdır. Bu sebeple, firmalar fiyat stratejileri konusunda da yenilikçi stratejileri gittikçe artan biçimde uygulamaya başlamıştır. Söz konusu stratejilerden en dikkat çekenlerden biri de dilediğin kadar öde fiyatlandırması yöntemidir. Bu yöntemde, satıcı fiyatın belirlenmesi yetkisini tamamen tüketiciye devretmektedir. Araştırmada dilediğin kadar öde fiyatlandırmasına ilişkin literatür incelemesi gerçekleştirilmiş ve söz konusu fiyatlandırma yönteminde ödeme gönüllülüğüne etki eden faktörler ortaya konulmuştur. Ek olarak, dilediğin kadar öde fiyatlandırması yöntemi teorik perspektiften ele alınmış

  5. Perbedaan Kadar LDL-kolesterol pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 dengan dan tanpa Hipertensi di RS Dr. M. Djamil Padang Tahun 2011

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    Finisia Noviyanti


    Full Text Available AbstrakHipertensi seringkali menjadi kondisi komorbid yang menyertai diabetes melitus tipe 2. Diabetes melitus, hipertensi dan peningkatan LDL kolesterol merupakan keadaan yang sering dijumpai saling berkaitan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat perbedaan kadar LDL kolesterol penderita diabetes melitus tipe 2 dengan dan tanpa hipertensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional comparatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi data rekam medis pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 dengan dan tanpa hipertensi tahun 2011 di RS. Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji chi-square dan uji t-berpasangan. Hasil penelitian menemukan kadar LDL kolesterol pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 dengan hipertensi (137,56±41,43 mg/dl lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanpa hipertensi (94,39±35,36 mg/dl. Uji chi-square menunjukkkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara peningkatan kadar LDL kolesterol dengan kejadian hipertensi (p<0,05. Uji t-berpasangan menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan bermakna kadar LDL kolesterol antara kelompok pasien diabetes melitus dengan hipertensi dan tanpa hipertensi (p<0,05. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna kadar LDL kolesterol pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 dengan hipertensi dan tanpa hipertensi di RS. Dr. M. Djamil Padang.Kata kunci: LDL kolesterol, diabetes melitus tipe 2, hipertensi AbstractHypertension is often a comorbid conditions that accompany diabetes mellitus type 2. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension and increased LDL cholesterol is a condition that is often be found related one another. The objective of this study was to determine difference LDL cholesterol level among diabetes melitus type 2 with hypertension and without hypertension.This research used cross-sectional comparatif design. The data was collected through observation of the patient’s medical records diabetes mellitus type 2 with hypertension and without hypertension in 2011 at the hospital Dr. M


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    Zakia Umami


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the cow’s milk powder to increased serum levels of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL of white male rat model with diabetes mellitus type 2. The design of this study was a post-test control group study conducted in 30 male rats which randomly divided into five groups. Negative control group was the group of rats which fed normally, the positive control group was induced by streptozotocin (STZ without given cow’s milk, group P1, P2, P3 were given a normal diet and cow’s milk 0.9; 1.8, and 2.7 g orally every day. The results of this study were the levels of HDL in K(-=44.22 mg/dl, K(+=47.45 mg/dl, P1=56.56 mg/dl, P2=51.82 mg/dl, and P3=59.45 mg/dl. The conclusion was the milk powder was not significantly increase levels of HDL (p>0.05. More longer intervention was suggested for further research to get more significant of HDL level on type 2 diabetes mellitus.Keywords: HDL serum level, high fat diet, milk powder, streptozotocinABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh pemberian susu sapi bubuk terhadap peningkatan kadar serum High Density Lipoprotein (HDL tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus berjenis kelamin jantan model diabetes melitus (DM tipe 2. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian post test control group dengan 30 ekor tikus dibagi secara acak menjadi lima kelompok. Kelompok K(- adalah tikus yang diberi pakan normal, kelompok K(+ diinduksi dengan streptozotocin (STZ tanpa diberi susu, kelompok P1 sampai P3 diberi diet normal dan susu 0,9; 1,8, dan 2,7 g secara oral setiap hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar HDL pada K(-=44,22 mg/dl, K(+=47,45 mg/dl, P1=56,56 mg/dl, P2=51,82 mg/dl, dan P3=59,45 mg/dl. Susu sapi bubuk mampu meningkatkan kadar HDL tikus model DM tipe 2 akan tetapi tidak signifikan (p>0,05. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan waktu lama penelitian yang berbeda sehingga bisa berdampak yang lebih signifikan untuk kadar HDL pada DM tipe 2.Kata kunci

  7. Caloric beverage consumption patterns in Mexican children

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    Rivera Juan A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Mexico has seen a very steep increase in child obesity level. Little is known about caloric beverage intake in this country as well as all other countries outside a few high income countries. This study examines overall patterns and trends in all caloric beverages from two nationally representative surveys from Mexico. Methods The two nationally representative dietary intake surveys (1999 and 2006 from Mexico are used to study caloric beverage intake in 17, 215 children. The volume (ml and caloric energy (kcal contributed by all beverages consumed by the sample subjects were measured. Results are weighted to be nationally representative. Results The trends from the dietary intake surveys showed very large increases in caloric beverages among pre-school and school children. The contribution of whole milk and sugar-sweetened juices was an important finding. Mexican pre-school children consumed 27.8% of their energy from caloric beverages in 2006 and school children consumed 20.7% of their energy from caloric beverages during the same time. The three major categories of beverage intake are whole milk, fruit juice with various sugar and water combinations and carbonated and noncarbonated sugared-beverages. Conclusion The Mexican government, greatly concerned about obesity, has identified the large increase in caloric beverages from whole milk, juices and soft drinks as a key target and is initiating major changes to address this problem. They have already used the data to shift 20 million persons in their welfare and feeding programs from whole to 1.5% fat milk and in a year will shift to nonfat milk. They are using these data to revise school beverage policies and national regulations and taxation policies related to an array of less healthful caloric beverages.

  8. Gradual reduction of free sugars in beverages on sale by implementing the beverage checklist as a public health strategy. (United States)

    Luger, Maria; Winzer, Eva; Schätzer, Manuel; Dämon, Sabine; Moser, Nadine; Blagusz, Karin; Rittmannsberger, Barbara; Schätzer, Julia; Lechleitner, Monika; Rieder, Anita; Hoppichler, Friedrich


    Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are a major source of free sugar intake and contribute to obesity and obesity-related diseases. Therefore, we analyzed the effect of a gradual sugar reduction strategy within the so-called 'beverage checklist' on free sugar content in beverages on sale in Austria. From 2010 until 2017, data on the amount of free sugar of sweetened beverages (sweetened with sugars, fruit juice and artificial sweeteners) with 0.20-0.75l serving sizes in all main supermarkets and from industry was collected. These data were published annually as the beverage checklist, which displays beverages on sale in Austria. The checklist aims to encourage beverage production with a free sugar content of ≤7.4 g/100 ml and no artificial sweeteners. Free sugar content in the total supply decreased significantly [7.53 (2.86) vs. 6.75 (2.79) g/100 ml; 10.4%; P strategy, conducted by a small non-profit organization, showed a reduction in the mean free sugar content by working with the industry to voluntarily reformulate beverages. More beverages with less added sugar were brought to the market, which implies healthier choices. The challenge now is to further engage the industry and also policy makers to achieve a greater reduction in the future.

  9. Alcoholic Beverage Consumption and Chronic Diseases

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    Yue Zhou


    Full Text Available Epidemiological and experimental studies have consistently linked alcoholic beverage consumption with the development of several chronic disorders, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and obesity. The impact of drinking is usually dose-dependent, and light to moderate drinking tends to lower risks of certain diseases, while heavy drinking tends to increase the risks. Besides, other factors such as drinking frequency, genetic susceptibility, smoking, diet, and hormone status can modify the association. The amount of ethanol in alcoholic beverages is the determining factor in most cases, and beverage types could also make an influence. This review summarizes recent studies on alcoholic beverage consumption and several chronic diseases, trying to assess the effects of different drinking patterns, beverage types, interaction with other risk factors, and provide mechanistic explanations.

  10. Optimisasi Suhu Pemanasan dan Kadar Air pada Produksi Pati Talas Kimpul Termodifikasi dengan Teknik Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT (Optimization of Heating Temperature and Moisture Content on the Production of Modified Cocoyam Starch Using Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT Technique

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    I Nengah Kencana Putra


    Full Text Available One of the physically starch modification technique is heat-moisture treatment (HMT. This technique can increase the resistance of starch to heat, mechanical treatment, and acid during processing.  This research aimed to find out the influence of heating temperature and moisture content in the modification process of cocoyam starch  with HMT techniques on the characteristic of product, and then to determine the optimum heating temperature and moisture content in the process. The research was designed with a complete randomized design (CRD with two factors factorial experiment.  The first factor was temperature of the heating consists of 3 levels namely 100 °C, 110 °C, and 120 °C. The second factor was the moisture content of starch which consists of 4 levels, namely 15 %, 20 %, 25 %, and 30 %. The results showed that the heating temperature and moisture content significantly affected water content, amylose content and swelling power of modified cocoyam starch product, but the treatment had no significant effect on the solubility of the product. HMT process was able to change the type of cocoyam starch from type B to type C. The optimum heating temperature and water content on modified cocoyam starch production process was 110 °C and 30 % respectively. Such treatment resulted in a modified cocoyam starch with moisture content of 6.50 %, 50,14 % amylose content, swelling power of 7.90, 0.0009% solubility, paste clarity of 96.310 % T, and was classified as a type C starch.   ABSTRAK Salah satu teknik modifikasi pati secara fisik adalah teknik Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT. Teknik ini dapat meningkatkan ketahanan pati terhadap panas, perlakuan mekanik, dan asam selama pengolahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu dan kadar air pada proses modifikasi pati talas kimpul dengan teknik HMT terhadap karakteristik produk, dan selanjutnya menentukan suhu dan kadar air yang optimal dalam proses tersebut. Penelitian ini dirancang

  11. Factors that influence beverage choices at meal times

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mueller Loose, Simone; Jaeger, S. R.


    Beverages are consumed at almost every meal occasion, but knowledge about the factors that influence beverage choice is less than for food choice. The aim of this research was to characterize and quantify factors that influence beverage choices at meal times. Insights into what beverages are chosen...... consumers. Participants (n=164) described 8356 meal occasions in terms of foods and beverages consumed, and the contextual characteristics of the occasion. Beverage choice was explored with random-parameter logit regressions to reveal influences linked to food items eaten, context factors and person factors....... Thereby this study contributed to the food choice kaleidoscope research approach by expressing the degree of context dependency in form of odds ratios and according significance levels. The exploration of co-occurrence of beverages with food items suggests that beverage-meal item combinations can be meal...

  12. Hubungan Kadar Iodium dalam Garam Beriodium di Rumah Tangga dengan Kecukupan Iodium Berdasarkan Nilai Ekskresi Iodium Urin (EIU pada Wanita Usia Subur

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    Donny Kristanto Mulyantoro


    tanah dan air setempat kurang mengandung iodium. Pada daerah tersebut Wanita Usia Subur (WUS adalah segmen penduduk yang rawan mengalami GAKI. Sebagai upaya penanggulangan, saat ini dilakukan fortifikasi iodium pada garam. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur hubungan antara kadar iodium dalam garam beriodium di rumah tangga dengan kecukupan iodium berdasarkan nilai ekskresi iodium urin (EIU. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Kragilan, Kecamatan Pakis, Kabupaten Magelang. Sebanyak 68 wanita usia 18 – 45 tahun terlibat dalam penelitian ini, yang diukur kadar iodium dalam garam yang digunakan di rumah tangga, kecukupan iodium berdasarkan kadar iodium urin (EIU, konsumsi garam beriodium dan makanan sumber iodium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa median EIU sebesar 124,6 μg/L, proporsi subyek penelitian mengalami defisiensi iodium sebesar 41,1%, dan mengalami excess sebesar 5,9%. Rata-rata kadar iodium dalam garam beriodium di rumah tangga sebesar 19,6 ppm dan proporsi garam beriodium memenuhi syarat (≥ 30 ppm KIO3 sebesar 52,9%. Hasil analisis korelasi pearson menunjukkan ada hubungan bermakna antara kadar iodium dalam garam beriodium di rumah tangga dengan kecukupan iodium berdasarkan nilai EIU (rho = 0,5, p < 0,01. Hasil analisis multi variabel diperoleh persamaan Y = 22,199 + 6,076 X1. Dengan persamaan tersebut, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan iodium, kadar iodium dalam garam beriodium berkisar antara 13 – 29 ppm iodium atau 22 – 49 ppm KIO3. Kata kunci: iodium, garam beriodium, kecukupan iodium, EIU, wanita.

  13. Physical Activity and Beverage Consumption among Adolescents

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    Maria del Mar Bibiloni


    Full Text Available This study assessed the relationship between physical activity and beverage consumption among adolescents with a population based cross-sectional survey was carried out in the Balearic Islands, Spain (n = 1988; 12–17 years old. Body composition, educational and income level, physical activity (PA, and beverage consumption and energy intake were assessed. Sixty-two percent of adolescents engaged in >300 min/week of PA. Boys were more active than girls, younger adolescents were more active than older counterparts, low parental income was associated with physical inactivity, and time spent watching TV (including, TV, Internet or handheld cellular devices was inversely associated with PA practice. The average beverage intake of the studied adolescents was 0.9 L/day, higher in boys than in girls. Beverage intake was positively associated with PA practice, and the highest amount of energy intake from beverages was observed in active boys and girls. Most of the studied adolescent population met the PA recommendations. Gender, age, parental income, and time spent watching TV were significant determinants of PA. Type and amount of beverages drunk varied according to gender and PA, and general daily total beverage intake was lower than recommended adequate fluid intake. PA behavior should be considered when analyzing beverage consumption in adolescents.

  14. Physical Activity and Beverage Consumption among Adolescents (United States)

    Bibiloni, Maria del Mar; Özen, Asli Emine; Pons, Antoni; González-Gross, Marcela; Tur, Josep A.


    This study assessed the relationship between physical activity and beverage consumption among adolescents with a population based cross-sectional survey was carried out in the Balearic Islands, Spain (n = 1988; 12–17 years old). Body composition, educational and income level, physical activity (PA), and beverage consumption and energy intake were assessed. Sixty-two percent of adolescents engaged in >300 min/week of PA. Boys were more active than girls, younger adolescents were more active than older counterparts, low parental income was associated with physical inactivity, and time spent watching TV (including, TV, Internet or handheld cellular devices) was inversely associated with PA practice. The average beverage intake of the studied adolescents was 0.9 L/day, higher in boys than in girls. Beverage intake was positively associated with PA practice, and the highest amount of energy intake from beverages was observed in active boys and girls. Most of the studied adolescent population met the PA recommendations. Gender, age, parental income, and time spent watching TV were significant determinants of PA. Type and amount of beverages drunk varied according to gender and PA, and general daily total beverage intake was lower than recommended adequate fluid intake. PA behavior should be considered when analyzing beverage consumption in adolescents. PMID:27347993

  15. Physical Activity and Beverage Consumption among Adolescents. (United States)

    Bibiloni, Maria Del Mar; Özen, Asli Emine; Pons, Antoni; González-Gross, Marcela; Tur, Josep A


    This study assessed the relationship between physical activity and beverage consumption among adolescents with a population based cross-sectional survey was carried out in the Balearic Islands, Spain (n = 1988; 12-17 years old). Body composition, educational and income level, physical activity (PA), and beverage consumption and energy intake were assessed. Sixty-two percent of adolescents engaged in >300 min/week of PA. Boys were more active than girls, younger adolescents were more active than older counterparts, low parental income was associated with physical inactivity, and time spent watching TV (including, TV, Internet or handheld cellular devices) was inversely associated with PA practice. The average beverage intake of the studied adolescents was 0.9 L/day, higher in boys than in girls. Beverage intake was positively associated with PA practice, and the highest amount of energy intake from beverages was observed in active boys and girls. Most of the studied adolescent population met the PA recommendations. Gender, age, parental income, and time spent watching TV were significant determinants of PA. Type and amount of beverages drunk varied according to gender and PA, and general daily total beverage intake was lower than recommended adequate fluid intake. PA behavior should be considered when analyzing beverage consumption in adolescents.

  16. Pemisahan Dan Penentuan Kadar Asam Sitrat Dari Buah Asam Jawa (Tamarindus Indica.L)


    Napitupulu, Piktor Mangarahon


    Determination of citric acid in the flesh of tamarind (Tamarindus Indica Linn) by spectrophotometric had been carried out. Principle of Reaction was oxidation citric acid become acetone, then bromide compound was ready become penta bromoacetone, which was determinated by spectrophotometric with wave length 520 nm. Separation of citric acid from tamarind was done by extraction with methanol as solvent. Then methanol was vapored and citric acid was determinated by spectrophotometric. According ...

  17. Foods and Beverages Associated with Higher Intake of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (United States)

    Mathias, Kevin C.; Slining, Meghan M.; Popkin, Barry M.


    Background Although consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) is associated with higher caloric intakes, the amount SSBs contribute to higher intakes has not been addressed. Purpose To estimate the amount SSB contribute to higher caloric intakes and determine how the diets of SSB consumers and nonconsumers differ. Methods The WWEI America (What We Eat in America), NHANES 2003–2010 surveys were combined into a sample of 13,421 children; analyses were conducted in December 2012. To determine the contribution of SSB to higher caloric intakes, total non-SSB, food, and non-SSB beverage intakes of SSB consumers and nonconsumers were compared using linear regression models controlling for demographic and socioeconomic factors. Analyses also compared intakes between nonconsumers and SSB consumers with different amounts of SSB consumption. Results For children aged 2–5 years and 6–11 years, non-SSB intakes did not differ between nonconsumers and SSB consumers at any level of SSB consumption, indicating that SSBs were primarily responsible for the higher caloric intakes among SSB consumers. A similar finding was observed among children aged 12–18 years; however, both food and SSB contribute to higher caloric intakes of adolescents consuming ≥500 kcal of SSBs. Among those aged 12–18 years, higher intakes of foods (e.g., pizza, burgers, fried potatoes, and savory snacks) and lower intakes of non-SSB beverages (e.g., fluid milk and fruit juice) were associated with increased SSB intake. Conclusions Sugar-sweetened beverages are primarily responsible for the higher caloric intakes of SSB consumers, and SSB consumption is associated with intake of a select number of food and beverage groups, some of which are often unhealthy (e.g., pizza and grain-based desserts). PMID:23498100

  18. Haze in beverages. (United States)

    Siebert, Karl J


    Beverages such as beer, wine, clear fruit juices, teas, and formulated products with similar ingredients are generally expected by consumers to be clear (free of turbidity) and to remain so during the normal shelf life of the product. Hazy products are often regarded as defective and perhaps even potentially harmful. Since consumers are usually more certain of what they perceive visually than of what they taste or smell, the development of haze in a clear product can reduce the likelihood of repeat purchasing of a product and can have serious economic consequences to a producer. Hazes are caused by suspended insoluble particles of colloidal or larger size that can be perceived visually or by instruments. Hazes in clear beverages can arise from a number of causes, but are most often due to protein-polyphenol interaction. The nature of protein-polyphenol interaction and its effect on haze particles, analysis of haze constituents, and stabilization of beverages against haze formation are reviewed.


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    Eko Dini Danafi


    Full Text Available Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus adalah satwa endemik Jawa dan Bali. Populasi lutung Jawa semakin mengalami penurunan dan masuk kategori satwa yang dilindungi. Penurunan populasi lutung jawa dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai macam penyakit yang diperparah dengan tingginya tingkat stres pada satwa. Javan Langur Center yang berlokasi di Cangar, Batu merupakan salah satu tempat untuk merehabilitasi lutung Jawa sebelum dilepasliarkan ke alam. Javan Langur Center terdiri dari tiga kandang yaitu kandang perawatan, kandang karantina dan kandang sosialisasi. Respon stress pada primata dapat dievaluasi dengan menggunakan indikator pengukuran hormon kortisol dan rasio neutrofil per limfosit. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar kortisol dan rasio neutrofil per limfosit sebagai indikator stres pada lutung Jawa di kandang perawatan dengan kandang karantina. Lutung Jawa dengan umur 2-7,5 tahun dan berjenis kelamin jantan dan betina. Pengukuran kadar kortisol dengan metode ELISA Indirect gelombang pada 450 nm dan diferensial leukosit diukur dengan hematology analizer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampel pada kandang perawatan memiliki rata-rata kadar kortisol yang lebih tinggi (116,1 ng/mL daripada kandang karantina (87,5 ng/mL, dan pengukuran rasio N/L pada kandang perawatan lebih tinggi (11,3 daripada kandang karantina (1,2.

  20. Hubungan Kadar Glukosa Darah Saat Masuk Rumah Sakit Dengan Lama Hari Rawat Pasien Sindrom Koroner Akut (SKA Di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang

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    Rosi Oktarina


    Full Text Available AbstrakHiperglikemia masih menjadi topik penelitian yang sering dihubungkan dengan kejadian sindrom koroner akut (SKA di dunia, terutama hiperglikemia saat masuk rumah sakit. Hal ini didasari oleh beberapa pengaruh kadar glukosa darah yang tinggi terhadap sistem kardiovaskuler seperti gangguan fungsi ventrikel kiri, stroke volume yang menurun, regurgitasi katup mitral berulang, gangguan pada waktu pengisian diastolik hingga risiko tinggi untuk arritmia, serta hubungannya dengan peningkatan risiko trombosis. Sehingga semakin memperjelas pengaruh hiperglikemia yang tidak hanya dapat meningkatkan risiko terjadinya SKA, melainkan juga dapat memperburuk kondisi pasien SKA sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi hubungan kadar glukosa darah sewaktu dengan lama hari rawat pasien Sindrom Koroner Akut (SKA. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian analitik dengan menggunakan desain penelitian Cross Sectional Study. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang diambil di Instalasi Rekam Medik (Medical Record, yakni data rekam medik pasien yang didiagnosis sebagai Sindrom Koroner Akut (SKA yang dirawat inap di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat DR. M. Djamil Padang Periode Januari–Desember 2011. Ditemukan sebagian besar pasien SKA masuk rumah sakit dengan kadar Glukosa Darah Sewaktu (GDS sebesar ≥ 200 mg/dl (40% dan lama hari rawat sebesar ≥ 7 hari (52%. Dari hasil analisa bivariat dengan menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman ditemukan adanya hubungan searah antara kadar glukosa darah saat masuk rumah sakit dengan lama hari rawat pasien SKA dengan kekuatan hubungan yang sedang, r = +0,492, p = 0, 000 (p<0,05. Pemantauan terhadap kadar GDS yang diperiksa saat pasien masuk rumah sakit perlu dilakukan dan untuk penelitian yang akan datang diharapkan dapat diteliti lebih lanjut faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi lama hari rawat pasien SKA.Kata kunci: Kadar glukosa darah saat masuk RS, lama hari rawatAbstractHyperglicemia is still become a research

  1. Efek Hipoglikemik Kecambah Beras Merah pada Tikus yang Diinduksi STZ-NA dengan Parameter Kadar Insulin, Indeks HOMA-IR dan HOMA β

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    Nurhidajah Nurhidajah


    Full Text Available The process of germination of grains such as rice, could increase some nutritional values of  amino acids and dietary fiber. Red rice and its sprouts are believed to be able to decrease blood glucose in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM. The aim of this study was to evaluate the hypoglycemic effect of red rice sprouts in STZ-NA induced diabetic rats on blood glucose level, insulin level, and HOMA-IR and HOMA-β index. This experimental study was conducted based on randomized post test only control group design using 24 male Wistar rats aged 2.5 months. Rats were divided into 4 groups, one group without induction of STZ-NA fed with a standard diet (control and three groups of STZ- NA induced with a standard diet, red rice and red rice germ. Experiments were conducted for 6 weeks. The results showed that sprouted red rice lowered blood glucose levels by 61.88 % and the value of HOMA-IR (insulin resistance parameters by 56.82%. Insulin level increased by 16.35 % and HOMA-β by 763.6 %. This study showed that red rice germ was able to decrease blood glucose levels and increase insulin resistance of DM rats and the strength of the pancreatic beta cells.   ABSTRAK Proses perkecambahan biji-bijian seperti beras, dapat meningkatkan beberapa nilai gizi seperti asam amino dan serat pangan. Beras merah dan kecambahnya diyakini mampu menurunkan glukosa darah pada penderita diabetes melitus (DM. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi efek hipoglikemik kecambah beras merah pada tikus diabetes yang diinduksi STZ-NA terhadap kadar glukosa darah, insulin, serta indeks HOMA-IR dan HOMA β. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental in vivo pada hewan coba tikus Wistar jantan usia 2,5 bulan sebanyak 24 ekor dengan desain penelitian randomized post test only control group. Tikus dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, masing-masing 1 kelompok tanpa induksi STZ-NA dengan diet standar dan 3 kelompok diinduksi STZ-NA dengan diet standar, beras merah dan kecambah beras merah


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    Akhmad Hafidz Irfandi


    Full Text Available Republik Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia yang memiliki lebih dari 17.000 pulau dengan pertumbuhan demografi yang sangat pesat, hal ini menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara berpenduduk terbesar ke-empat di dunia. Pesawat udara merupakan alat transportasi yang paling efektif dalam mendukung mobilitas penduduk.Navigasi atau pandu arah adalah penentuan kedudukan (position dan arah perjalanan baik di medan sebenarnya atau di peta. Navigasi ini dilakukan pada pesawat udara yang dipandu dari darat melalui sinyal yang dipancarkan oleh instrumen terpasang pada menara (ground base maupun sinyal dari satelit (satellite base.Dalam navigasi ada beberapa macam radar yang umum digunakan yaitu Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR dan Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR.Kedua jenis radar baik PSR maupun SSR mempunyai cara kerja berbeda. Pada PSR sifatnya aktif dan pesawat yang ditargetkan sifatnya pasif.Karena PSR hanya menerima pantulan gelombang radio dari refleksi pesawat tersebut (echo.Sedangkan pesawat itu sendiri tidak ikut aktif dengan pancaran sinyal radar di bawah. Pada SSR, baik radar maupun pesawat kedua-duanya aktif. Hal ini dapat dilakukan karena pesawat terbang telah dilengkapi dengan transponder. Pesawat-pesawat yang tidak dilengkapi transponder tidak akan dapat dilihat pada radar scope seperti identifikasi pesawat, ketinggiannya, dan lain-lain.SSR merupakan peralatan untuk mendeteksi dan mengetahui posisi dan data target yang ada di sekelilingnya secara aktif, dimana pesawat ikut aktif jika menerima pancaran sinyal Radio Frequency (RF radar sekunder. Pancaran radar ini berupa pulsa-pulsa mode, pesawat yang dipasangi transponder, akan menerima pulsa-pulsa tersebut dan akan menjawab berupa pulsa-pulsa code ke sistem penerima radar.

  3. The nutritional limitations of plant-based beverages in infancy and childhood. (United States)

    Vitoria, Isidro


    Breastfeeding, infant formula and cow's milk are basic foods in infant nutrition. However, they are being increasingly replaced either totally or partially by plant-based beverages.The composition of 164 plant-based beverages available in Spain was reviewed based on the nutritional labeling of the package and the manufacturers' webpages. This was compared to the composition of cow's milk and infant formula. In addition, the nutritional disease associated with consumption of plant-based beverages in infants and children was reviewed by means of a literature search in Medline and Embase since 1990 based on the key words "plant-based beverages" or "rice beverages" or "almond beverages" or "soy beverages" and "infant" or "child".The nutritional composition of 54 soy beverages, 24 rice beverages, 22 almond beverages, 31 oat beverages, 6 coconut beverages, 12 miscellaneous beverages and 15 mixed beverages was described. At least 30 cases of nutritional disease in children associated with nearly exclusive consumption of plant-based beverages have been published. A characteristic association has been observed between soy beverage and rickets, rice beverage and kwashiorkor, and almond-based beverage and metabolic alkalosis.The nutritional quality of plant-based beverages is lower than that of cow's milk and infant formula, therefore they are not a nutritional alternative. Predominant or exclusive use of these beverages in infant feeding can lead to serious nutritional risks. In the case of nonexclusive feeding with these beverages, the pediatrician should be aware of the nutritional risks and limitations of these beverages in order to complement their deficiencies with other foods.

  4. Multi-Criteria Decision Making Dalam Penentuan Jurusan Siswa Pada Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (LPP Penerbangan

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    - Safrizal


    Full Text Available Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (LPP Penerbangan adalah Lembaga pelatihan profesi yang memdidik, melatih dan menyalurkan kerja dalam bidang penerbangan. Dalam menentukan jurusan siswa ada LPP Penerbangan yaitu jurusan Airlines Staf, Travel Agent Staf dan Cabin Staf diperlukan banyak kriteria yang dibutuhkan agar jurusan yang ditentukan sesuai dengan bidang pekerjaan yang ada pada perusahaan penerbangan dan pihak manajemen dapat merekomendasikan untuk ditempatkan pada maskapai tersebut. Untuk itu perlu adanya sebuah Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK serta penerapan metode AHP yang akan membantu mengolah data siswa tersebut. Metode AHP dinggap baik karena dapat membandingkan antara kriteria yang ditetapkan dengan alternatif. Penerapan metode metode  AHPmenjadi suatu kerangka untuk mengambil keputusan dengan efektif atas persoalan yang kompleks dengan menyederhanakan dan mempercepat porses pengambilan keputusan dengan memecahkan pesoalan tersebut kedalam bagian-bagiannya untuk mempengaruhi hasil dalam membantu pihak manajemen dalam merekomendasikan atau menentukan jurusan yang sesuai dengan kemampuan siswa tersebut. Kata kunci -Sistem-Pendukung-Keputusan, Penentuan Jurusan, LPP Penerbangan, AHP

  5. Beverage Intake among Children: Associations with Parent and Home-Related Factors (United States)

    Zahid, Arwa; Davey, Cynthia


    Beverage intake can influence child diet quality in a positive or negative manner depending on the beverage type and amounts consumed. Parenting practices such as role modeling and control of home beverage availability have been associated with child beverage intake, whereas examination of the influence of parental beverage nutrition knowledge has been more limited. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between sugar-sweetened and dairy beverage intake among children (9–12 years) and home and parental factors. A questionnaire was administered among a convenience sample of parents (n = 194) to assess beverage nutrition knowledge, beverage intake and home availability of beverages. Children completed a questionnaire to estimate usual beverage intake. Daily sugar-sweetened beverage intake by children ranged from 0.4 to 48 oz. Logistic regression analysis was used to examine relationships. Parents were mostly female, white, well educated, and employed. Home availability of sugar-sweetened and dairy beverages was positively associated with child sugar-sweetened (OR = 1.48, p = 0.03) and dairy beverage intake (OR = 1.34, p = 0.03), respectively. Parent dairy beverage intake was associated with child dairy beverage intake (OR = 1.06, p = 0.01). Parent knowledge about sugar in beverages was related to child dairy beverage intake (OR = 1.46, p = 0.02), whereas calcium/dairy knowledge and general beverage nutrition knowledge were not related to child beverage intake. Parenting practices and knowledge may play a role in determining child beverage intake. PMID:28820455

  6. Penurunan Kadar IL-1β Makrofag Terpapar Agregat Bakteri Actinomycetemcomitans setelah Pemberian Minyak Atsiri Temu Putih

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    Juni Handajani


    Full Text Available Kunci regulator terhadap respons inflamasi diketahui melalui aktivasi interleukin-1β (IL-1β. Makrofag merupakan sel fagosit mononuklear berperan dalam sistem imun innate dan adaptif. Sitokin yang disekresikan makrofag sebagai respons terhadap patogen antara lain IL-1, IL-6, IL-12, TNF-α, dan chemokine. Minyak atsiri temu putih (Curcuma zedoaria Rosc. diduga memiliki efek anti inflamasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kadar IL-1β pada makrofag terekspose aggregat bakteri actinomycetemcomitans setelah pemberian minyak atsiri temu putih. Subjek penelitian adalah 10 ekor tikus Wistar jantan yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok (perlakuan dan kontrol, masing-masing kelompok terdiri atas 5 ekor. Kelompok perlakuan diberi minum minyak atsiri temu putih dosis 30,6 μl/ml dan kelompok kontrol diberi aquabides selama 14 hari. Gingiva anterior rahang bawah tikus diolesi A.actinomycetemcomitans sebanyak 100 μl dalam CMC 2% pada hari ke-7 setelah pemberian minum bahan uji dan kontrol selama 7 hari. Pada hari ke-15, tikus pada masing-masing kelompok dianestesi lalu makrofag dikoleksi dari cairan peritoneal. Kadar IL-1β makrofag diukur menggunakan ELISA kit (R&D Systems, USA, selanjutnya data dianalisis menggunakan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat penurunan kadar IL-1β setelah perlakuan. Perbandingan kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p < 0,05. Disimpulkan bahwa minyak atsiri temu putih kemungkinan memiliki efek anti inflamasi melalui penurunan kadar IL-1β makrofag. IL-1β level of macrophage exposed to A. actinomycetemomitans decreases after administration Curcuma Zedoaria volatile oil. Activation of interleukin-1β (IL-1β is a key regulator of the inflammatory response. Macrophage is a phagocytic mononuclear cell that plays an important role in innate and adaptive immune response. The cytokine secreted by macrophages in response to pathogen are IL-1, IL-6, IL-12, TNF-α and chemokine

  7. Public Knowledge about Herbal Beverages in Penang, Malaysia

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    Munaver Nazir


    Full Text Available AIM OF STUDY:To explore public knowledge and perceptions of the efficacy, safety and reason to consume herbal beveragesincluding ginseng tea, gingko biloba tea and tongka ali tea.METHOD:This study was conducted in the state of Penang in June 2007. Participants were recruited at random;respondents were interviewed using a 19 item questionnaire. Non- parametric statistics was applied to analysethe data.RESULTS:Four hundred participants were recruited. Most of the respondents 228(57.0% were habitual consumers ofherbal beverages. 249(62.25% respondents believed that herbal beverages improved their health status.193(48.25% believed that herbal beverages boost the energy level of user and 120(30.0% used them toprevent diseases. 300(75% respondents agreed with the statement that herbal beverages are safe to use andthat they have less side effect than conventional medicines available on the market. Female respondents weremore likely to report using herbal beverages for slimming 78(19.5% and for cosmetic purposes 74(18.5%.However, the use of herbal beverages to boost energy levels was more frequent among male respondents.Respondents aged 18 – 25 years were significantly more likely to report the use of herbal beverages to preventcoughs and flu.CONCLUSION:This potentially ill advised and dangerous consumption of herbal beverages may delay appropriate help seekingfor various medical illnesses. In addition lack of knowledge about the side effects of herbal beverages may putusers at risk of side effects.

  8. The effects of energy beverages on cultured cells. (United States)

    Doyle, Wayne; Shide, Eric; Thapa, Slesha; Chandrasekaran, Vidya


    The popularity and prevalence of energy beverages makes it essential to examine the interactions between the ingredients and their effects on the safety of these beverages. In this study, we used in vitro assays to examine the effects of two energy beverages on mesenchymal, epithelial and neuronal cells. Our results showed that treatment of epithelial and mesenchymal cells with either energy beverage resulted in a dose dependent delay in wound closure, in a scratch wound healing assay. In rat embryonic fibroblasts, treatment with the energy beverages led to decreased lamellipodia formation and decreased proliferation/viability; whereas in MDCK cells, energy beverage treatment resulted in actin disorganization without any effects on cell proliferation. This suggests that the mechanisms underlying delayed wound healing might be different in the two cell types. Interestingly, the delays in both cell types could not be mimicked by treatment of caffeine, taurine and glucose alone or in combinations. Furthermore, treatment of chick forebrain neuronal cultures with energy beverages resulted in a dose dependent inhibition of neurite outgrowth. The cellular assays used in this study provide a consistent, qualitative and quantitative system for examining the combinatorial effects of the various ingredients used in energy beverages. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Food and Beverage Marketing to Youth. (United States)

    Cheyne, Andrew; Mejia, Pamela; Nixon, Laura; Dorfman, Lori


    After nearly a decade of concern over the role of food and beverage marketing to youth in the childhood obesity epidemic, American children and adolescents - especially those from communities of color - are still immersed in advertising and marketing environments that primarily promote unhealthy foods and beverages. Despite some positive steps, the evidence shows that the food and beverage industry self-regulation alone is not likely to significantly reduce marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages to youth. A variety of research is needed to monitor industry marketing of unhealthy products to young people, and identify the most promising approaches to improve children's food marketing environments. The continued presence of unhealthy marketing toward children despite years of industry self-regulation suggests it is time for stronger action by policymakers to protect young people from harmful marketing practices.

  10. Beverage Consumption and Adult Weight Management: A Review


    Dennis, Elizabeth A.; Flack, Kyle D.; Davy, Brenda M.


    Total energy consumption among United States adults has increased in recent decades, and energy-containing beverages are a significant contributor to this increase. Because beverages are less satiating than solid foods, consumption of energy-containing beverages may increase energy intake and lead to weight gain; trends in food and beverage consumption coinciding with increases in overweight and obesity support this possibility. The purpose of this review is to present what is known about the...

  11. Efektifitas Ekstrak Daun Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Glukosa Darah Tikus Putih Jantan (Rattus novergicus Yang Di Induksi Aloksan

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    Yesy Febnica Dewi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak daun sirih merah (Piper crocatum terhadap penurunan kadar glukosa darah tikus putih jantan (Rattus novergicus yang diinduksi aloksan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 20 ekor tikus putih jantan  (Rattus novergicus yang diadaptasi selama tiga minggu dan dibagi secara acak menjadi lima kelompok dan masing-masing kelompok berjumlah empat ekor. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL. Ada lima perlakuan yang diberikan sebagai berikut: perlakuan I sebagai kontrol diabetes tanpa diberikan perlakuan, perlakuan II sebagai kontrol negatif (aloksan 120 mg/kg bb, perlakuan III aloksan + suspensi ekstrak daun sirih merah 2% (dosis 50 mg/kg bb, perlakuan IV aloksan + suspensi ekstrak daun sirih merah 2% (dosis 100 mg/kg bb, perlakuan V sebagai kontrol positif (Aloksan + Glibenklamid 1 ml/kg bb. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun sirih merah (Piper crocatum 2% pada dosis 50 mg/kg bb, maupun dosis 100 mg/kg bb dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah tikus putih jantan (Rattus novergicus dan ekstrak daun sirih merah (Piper crocatum 2% memiliki efek yang sebanding dengan glibenklamid sebagai penurun glukosa darah.

  12. Beverage Consumption Patterns among Overweight and Obese African American Women

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    Terryl J. Hartman


    Full Text Available The goal of this research was to assess patterns of beverage consumption and the contribution of total beverages and classes of beverages to overall energy intake and weight status. We conducted an analysis in a community-based study of 280 low-income overweight and obese African American women residing in the rural South. Participants provided baseline data including demographic characteristics, weight and two 24-h food and beverage dietary recalls. Mean energy intake from beverages was approximately 273 ± 192 kcal/day or 18.3% of total energy intake. The most commonly reported beverage was plain water, consumed by 88.2% of participants, followed closely by sweetened beverages (soft drinks, fruit drinks, sweetened teas, sweetened coffees and sweetened/flavored waters consumed by 78.9% of participants. In multiple regression analyses total energy and percent energy from beverages and specific categories of beverages were not significantly associated with current body mass index (BMI. It is widely accepted that negative energy balance may lead to future weight loss. Thus, reducing consumption of beverages that contribute energy but not important nutrients (e.g., sugar sweetened beverages could be an effective strategy for promoting future weight loss in this population.

  13. Optimal composition of fluid-replacement beverages. (United States)

    Baker, Lindsay B; Jeukendrup, Asker E


    The objective of this article is to provide a review of the fundamental aspects of body fluid balance and the physiological consequences of water imbalances, as well as discuss considerations for the optimal composition of a fluid replacement beverage across a broad range of applications. Early pioneering research involving fluid replacement in persons suffering from diarrheal disease and in military, occupational, and athlete populations incurring exercise- and/or heat-induced sweat losses has provided much of the insight regarding basic principles on beverage palatability, voluntary fluid intake, fluid absorption, and fluid retention. We review this work and also discuss more recent advances in the understanding of fluid replacement as it applies to various populations (military, athletes, occupational, men, women, children, and older adults) and situations (pathophysiological factors, spaceflight, bed rest, long plane flights, heat stress, altitude/cold exposure, and recreational exercise). We discuss how beverage carbohydrate and electrolytes impact fluid replacement. We also discuss nutrients and compounds that are often included in fluid-replacement beverages to augment physiological functions unrelated to hydration, such as the provision of energy. The optimal composition of a fluid-replacement beverage depends upon the source of the fluid loss, whether from sweat, urine, respiration, or diarrhea/vomiting. It is also apparent that the optimal fluid-replacement beverage is one that is customized according to specific physiological needs, environmental conditions, desired benefits, and individual characteristics and taste preferences.

  14. Adults Who Order Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (United States)

    Taksler, Glen B.; Kiszko, Kamila; Abrams, Courtney; Elbel, Brian


    Introduction Approximately 30% of adults consume sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) daily, many at fast food restaurants. Researchers examined fast food purchases to better understand which consumers order SSBs, particularly large SSBs. Methods Fast food customers in New York City and New Jersey provided receipts and participated in a survey during 2013–2014 (N=11,614). Logistic regression analyses predicted three outcomes: ordering no beverage or a non-SSB, a small/medium SSB, or a large SSB. Among respondents who ordered a beverage (n=3,775), additional analyses predicted number of beverage calories and odds of ordering an SSB. Covariates included demographic and behavioral factors. Results Respondents aged 18–29 years were 88% more likely to order a large SSB than a non-SSB or no beverage, as compared with respondents aged ≥50 years (pbeverage, respondents ordered more beverage calories with a large combination meal (+85.13 kcal, p=0.001) or if the restaurant had a large cup size >30 ounces (+36.07 kcal, p=0.001). Hispanic and Asian respondents were less likely to order a large SSB (AOR=0.49 and 0.52, respectively, both p≤0.026) than non-Hispanic white respondents. Odds of ordering a large SSB were higher for respondents who ate in the restaurant (AOR=1.66, pbeverage based on price (AOR=2.02, pbeverage calories increased with meal size. Increased understanding of these factors is an important step toward limiting unhealthy SSB consumption. PMID:27662697

  15. Stylistic analysis of songs in beverage advertisement

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    With the development of the advertisement,people tend to study the stylistic analysis of it.However,in this paper,the focus will be on the songs in beverage advertisement.The analysis will be focused on the features of the beverage advertisement songs and the stylistics of it.The aim of the paper is to improve the people and the scholars' understanding of the beverage advertisement songs.


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    Dadi Hidayat Maskar


    untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh tepung tempe dari kedelai PRG dan non-PRG terhadap kadar malonaldehida (MDA, aktivitas superoksida dismutase (SOD, di hati dan ginjal serta profil hematologi tikus percobaan. Sebanyak 25 ekor tikus galur Sprague Dawley dibagi menjadi empat kelompok perlakuan dan satu kelompok kontrol (kasein diberi ransum tempe PRG dan non-PRG dengan konsentrasi 10% dan 20% selama 90 hari. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kelompok tikus yang diberi ransum tempe kedelai non-PRG 10 % memiliki kadar MDA lebih rendah di hati dan ginjal dibanding kelompok tikus yang diberi ransum tempe PRG 10% dan 20% persen, tetapi tidak berbeda nyata dengan kelompok non-PRG 20 % dan kelompok kontrol. Sedangkan aktivitas SOD tidak berbeda nyata (p>0,05 antar kelompok perlakuan. Hasil analisis hematologi menunjukkan semua kelompok perlakuan memiliki nilai pada rentang normal. Semua kelompok perlakuan memiliki nilai kadar trombosit, di atas normal. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh berbagaifaktor, diantaranya: aktivitas fisik dan metabolisme serta jumlah ransum yang dikonsumsi. Analisis kadar MDA, aktivitas SOD dan profil hematologi mengungkapkan bahwa tepung tempe kedelai PRG dan non-PRG amanuntuk dikonsumsi. [Penel Gizi Makan 2015, 38(1: 41-50]Kata kunci: tikus percobaan, tepung tempe PRG, tepung tempe non-PRG, hematologi, superoxide dismutase

  17. Nutrition recommendations and the Children's Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative's 2014 approved food and beverage product list. (United States)

    Schermbeck, Rebecca M; Powell, Lisa M


    We compare the Children's Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative's (CFBAI's) April 2014 list of food and beverage products approved to be advertised on children's television programs with the federal Interagency Working Group's nutrition recommendations for such advertised products. Products were assessed by using the nutrients to limit (saturated fat, trans fat, sugar, and sodium) component of the Interagency Working Group's recommendations. Fifty-three percent of the listed products did not meet the nutrition recommendations and, therefore, were ineligible to be advertised. We recommend continued monitoring of food and beverage products marketed to children.


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    Sri Rahayu


    menjadi dua, yaitu pengelompokan untuk pemahaman dan pengelompokan untuk penggunaan.Metode K-Means merupakan metode untuk teknik clustering yang paling sederhana dan umum.K-Means merupakan salah satu metode pengelompokan data nonhirarki (sekatan yang berusaha mempartisi data yang ada ke dalam bentuk dua atau lebih kelompok. Metode ini mempartisi data ke dalam kelompok sehingga data berkarakteristik sama dimasukkan ke dalam satu kelompok yang sama dan data yang berkarakteristik berbeda dikelompokkan ke dalam kelompok yang lain. Tujuan dari pengelompokan ini adalah untuk meminimalkan fungsi objektif yang diset dalam proses pengelompokan, yang pada umumnya berusaha meminimalkan variasi di dalam suatu kelompok dan memaksimalkan variasi antar kelompok.Data yang ditambang untuk clustering penentuan potensi kejahatan daerah di kota Banjarbaru yaitu data kejahatan yang dimiliki oleh kepolisian Polres di kota Banjarbaru.Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tahapan teknik clustering dan membangun clustering penentuan potensi kejahatan daerah di kota Banjarbaru. Kata kunci:Clustering, Data mining,K-Means, K-Means Clustering

  19. Quality of fermented whey beverage with milk

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    Rakin Marica B.


    Full Text Available One of the most economical ways of whey processing is the production of beverages, that represents a single process that exploits all the potential of whey as a raw material. Functional and sensory characteristics of whey based beverages are a criterion that is crucial to the marketing of products and win over consumers. The aim of this study was to determine nutritional and functional characteristics of fermented whey beverage with milk and commercial ABY-6 culture. The results showed that the applied starter culture can be used for the production of fermented whey based beverage with satisfactory nutritional properties. Addition of milk was important not only in the nutritional quality of the resulting product, but also improved the taste, the homogeneity and stability. Analysis of the chemical composition of fermented whey based beverage and nutritional information about it indicates that the product is a good source of protein and calcium. Fermented beverage contained 8.07 log (CFU/mL, showed antioxidant activity of at least 38.1% and the titratable acidity of 28.2°SH corresponding to the acidity of the product in this category. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31017 i br. 451-03-00605/2012-16/85

  20. 11 CFR 100.137 - Invitations, food, and beverages. (United States)


    ... 11 Federal Elections 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Invitations, food, and beverages. 100.137...) Exceptions to Expenditures § 100.137 Invitations, food, and beverages. The cost of invitations, food, and... invitations, food and beverages provided by the individual on behalf of the candidate does not exceed $1,000...

  1. 11 CFR 100.77 - Invitations, food, and beverages. (United States)


    ... 11 Federal Elections 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Invitations, food, and beverages. 100.77...) Exceptions to Contributions § 100.77 Invitations, food, and beverages. The cost of invitations, food and... invitations, food and beverages provided by the individual on behalf of the candidate does not exceed $1,000...

  2. The pH of beverages in the United States. (United States)

    Reddy, Avanija; Norris, Don F; Momeni, Stephanie S; Waldo, Belinda; Ruby, John D


    Dental erosion is the chemical dissolution of tooth structure in the absence of bacteria when the environment is acidic (pH beverage's erosive potential. In addition, citrate chelation of calcium ions may contribute to erosion at higher pH. The authors of this study determined the erosive potential measured by the pH of commercially available beverages in the United States. The authors purchased 379 beverages from stores in Birmingham, Alabama, and categorized them (for example, juices, sodas, flavored waters, teas, and energy drinks) and assessed their pH. They used a pH meter to measure the pH of each beverage in triplicate immediately after it was opened at a temperature of 25°C. The authors recorded the pH data as mean (standard deviation). Most (93%, 354 of 379) beverages had a pH of less than 4.0, and 7% (25 of 379) had a pH of 4.0 or more. Relative beverage erosivity zones based on studies of apatite solubility in acid indicated that 39% (149 of 379) of the beverages tested in this study were considered extremely erosive (pH beverages in the United States found that most are potentially erosive to the dentition. This study's findings provide dental clinicians and auxiliaries with information regarding the erosive potential of commercially available beverages. Specific dietary recommendations for the prevention of dental erosion may now be developed based on the patient's history of beverage consumption. Copyright © 2016 American Dental Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Profitables Food & Beverage Management


    Studer, Adrian; Blatter, Martin; Glenz-Mounir, Chantal


    Die Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema „Profitables Food & Beverage Management“, es geht darum, wie Restaurationsstätten, Beherbergungsbetriebe und Campingbetreiber ihren Umsatz innerhalb kürzester Zeit um 6 bis 8 % und den Gewinn um 8 bis 10 % steigern können. Grundlage für die Diplomarbeit ist das Buch „Profitables Food & Beverage Management“ von Urs Schaffer1 und die angebotenen Kurse von ritzy*2. Mit dem Buch und dem Module Profit Management auf dem ritzycampus3 haben die Wirte, Hote...

  4. Sports Sponsorships of Food and Nonalcoholic Beverages. (United States)

    Bragg, Marie A; Miller, Alysa N; Roberto, Christina A; Sam, Rachel; Sarda, Vishnudas; Harris, Jennifer L; Brownell, Kelly D


    Food and nonalcoholic beverage companies spend millions of dollars on professional sports sponsorships, yet this form of marketing is understudied. These sponsorships are valuable marketing tools but prompt concerns when unhealthy products are associated with popular sports organizations, especially those viewed by youth. This descriptive study used Nielsen audience data to select 10 sports organizations with the most 2-17 year old viewers of 2015 televised events. Sponsors of these organizations were identified and assigned to product categories. We identified advertisements promoting food and/or nonalcoholic beverage sponsorships on television, YouTube, and sports organization Web sites from 2006 to 2016, and the number of YouTube advertisement views. The nutritional quality of advertised products was assessed. Youth watched telecasts associated with these sports organizations over 412 million times. These organizations had 44 food and/or nonalcoholic beverage sponsors (18.8% of sponsors), second to automotive sponsors ( n = 46). The National Football League had the most food and/or nonalcoholic beverage sponsors ( n = 10), followed by the National Hockey League ( n = 7) and Little League ( n = 7). We identified 273 advertisements that featured food and/or nonalcoholic beverage products 328 times and product logos 83 times (some advertisements showed multiple products). Seventy-six percent ( n = 132) of foods had unhealthy nutrition scores, and 52.4% ( n = 111) of nonalcoholic beverages were sugar-sweetened. YouTube sponsorship advertisements totaled 195.6 million views. Sports sponsorships are commonly used to market unhealthy food and nonalcoholic beverages, exposing millions of consumers to these advertisements. Copyright © 2018 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  5. Whey based beverages - new generation of dairy products

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    Irena Jeličić


    Full Text Available Whey is a by product in the process of cheese production. Composition and characteristics of whey are depending on the production technology, the end product and the quality of used milk. Liquid whey consists of approximately 93% water and contains almost 50% of total solids present in the milk of which lactose is main constituent. Lactose is the main constituent of whey while proteins represent less than 1% of total solids. Minerals and vitamins are present in fewer amounts also. Production of whey based beverages started in 1970's and until today a wide range of different whey based beverages has been developed. They can be produced from native sweet or acid whey, from deproteinised whey, from native whey which was diluted with water, from whey powder or by whey fermentation. Non alcoholic whey beverages include wide range of products obtained by mixing native sweet, diluted or acid whey with different additives like tropical fruits (but also other fruits like apples, pears, strawberries or cranberries, crops and their products (mainly bran, isolates of vegetable proteins, CO2, chocolate, cocoa, vanilla extracts and other aromatizing agents. Special attention is being paid to production of fermented whey beverages with probiotic bacteria where the most important step is the choice of suitable culture of bacteria in order to produce functional beverage with high nutritional value and acceptable sensory characteristics. Non alcoholic whey beverages also include dietetic beverages, drinks with hydrolyzed lactose, milk like drinks and powder drinks. Whey is a very good raw material for production of alcoholic beverages due to the fact that the main constituent of the solid content is lactose (about 70%. Alcoholic whey beverages include drinks with small amount of alcohol (up to 1,5%, whey beer and whey wine. Whey beverages are suitable for wide range of consumers – from children to the elderly ones. They have very high nutritional value and good

  6. Consumer perception of astringency in clear acidic whey protein beverages. (United States)

    Childs, Jessica L; Drake, MaryAnne


    Acidic whey protein beverages are a growing component of the functional food and beverage market. These beverages are also astringent, but astringency is an expected and desirable attribute of many beverages (red wine, tea, coffee) and may not necessarily be a negative attribute of acidic whey protein beverages. The goal of this study was to define the consumer perception of astringency in clear acidic whey protein beverages. Six focus groups (n=49) were held to gain understanding of consumer knowledge of astringency. Consumers were presented with beverages and asked to map them based on astringent mouthfeel and liking. Orthonasal thresholds for whey protein isolate (WPI) in water and flavored model beverages were determined using a 7-series ascending forced choice method. Mouthfeel/basic taste thresholds were determined for WPI in water. Acceptance tests on model beverages were conducted using consumers (n=120) with and without wearing nose clips. Consumers in focus groups were able to identify astringency in beverages. Astringency intensity was not directly related to dislike. The orthonasal threshold for WPI in water was lower (P astringent mouthfeel and that both flavor and astringency should be the focus of ongoing studies to improve the palatability of these products. © 2010 Institute of Food Technologists®

  7. Pilot beverage cartons : extended technical report

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thoden van Velzen, E.U.; Brouwer, M.T.; Keijsers, E.R.P.; Pretz, Th.; Feil, A.; Jansen, M.


    This report gives a technological description of the four common collection and recycling schemes that have been tested in the Netherlands as part of the pilot beverage cartons in 2013. During this pilot the collection and recycling of beverage cartons was tested in 37 different municipalities, with

  8. Make Better Beverage Choices: 10 Tips to Get Started (United States)

    United States Department of Agriculture 10 tips Nutrition Education Series MyPlate MyWins Based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans Make better beverage choices A healthy eating style includes all foods and beverages. Many beverages ...


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    Zulkarnain Edward


    Full Text Available AbstrakStress oksidatif yang terjadi pada diabetes melitus (DM yang tidak terkontrol dapat menyebabkan peningkatan peroksidasi lipid yang menghasilkan malondialdehid (MDA. Untuk menekan stress oksidatif diperlukan antioksidan tambahan dari ekstrak mahkota dewa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari efek ekstrak mahkota dewa terhadap kadar malondealdehide serum pada mencit DM akibat induksi aloksan.Penelitian ini dilakukan di laboratorium Biokimia Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas dengan menggunakan binatang percobaan 12 ekor mencit yang berumur 3 bulan. Binatang percobaan dibagi dalam 3 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif, kelompok kontrol positif (175 mg aloksan/kg BB dan kelompok perlakuan (175 mg aloksan/kg BB dan 500 mg ekstrak mahkota dewa extract/kg BB. Data yang didapat dianalisa secara statistik dengan uji One Way Anova.Hasil penelitian menunjukan kadar MDA serum kelompok kontrol negatif 4,43 + 0,02 nmol/ml, kelompok kontrol positif 5,32 + 0,74 nmol/ml dan kelompok perlakuan 3,98 + 0,38 nmol/ml. Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna (p˂0,05 antara kelompok kontrol negatif, kelompok kontrol positif dan kelompok perlakuan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak mahkota dewa bisa menurunkan kadar MDA serum pada mencit DM akibat induksi aloksan.Kata kunci : mahkota dewa, aloksan, diabetes melitus, MDAAbstractMalondialdehide (MDA is the important marker of lipid peroxidation and showed that progression of diabetic evidence is corelated with oxidative stress and can be folowed up by MDA measurement. This research was conducted to study the effect of mahkota dewa extract on the MDA serum level on diabetes mellitus aloxan-induced rats.This research was held at Biochemistry Laboratory Medical Faculty of Andalas University Padang. Twelve Wistar rats of 3 months age were used. The rats wereARTIKEL PENELITIAN66grouped into 3 treatment i.e. 1 negative control, 2 positive control (175 mg aloxan/kg BW and 3 treated group (175 mg aloxan/kg BW and

  10. Pengaruh Kadar Hb dan Paritas dengan Kejadian Intra Uterine Fetal Death (IUFD di RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru.

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    Ani Triana


    Full Text Available Intra Uterine Fetal Death (IUFD adalah janin mati dalam rahim dengan berat badan ≥ 500 gram atau kematian janin dalam rahim pada kehamilan 20 minggu atau lebih. Data yang diperoleh dari Rekam Medik RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru dari tahun 2009 sampai 2011 untuk kejadian IUFD mengalami peningkatan. Pada tahun 2009 proporsi kejadian IUFD 3,6 % dari 2929 persalinan. Pada tahun 2010 proporsi kejadian IUFD meningkat 4,2 % dari  2989 persalinan. Pada tahun 2011 proporsi meningkat 4,4 % dari  2856 persalinan. Tujuan penelitian adalah diketahuinya faktor resiko Kejadian IUFD di RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru tahun 2010-2011. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus kontrol (case control study. Kasus yaitu janin mati di dalam rahim yang dilahirkan oleh ibu di RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru tahun 2010-2011 periode Januari 2010-Desember 2011 dan kontrol yaitu bayi yang dilahirkan hidup oleh ibu di RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru tahun 2010-2011 periode Januari 2010-Desember 2011. Hasil penelitian ibu yang memiliki kadar Hb 4 lebih berisiko melahirkan dengan IUFD 1,5 kali (CI 95% 1-2,1 dibandingkan ibu yang memiliki paritas 1–4. Kesimpulan yaitu variabel independen yang memiliki hubungan sebab akibat dengan kejadian IUFD adalah kadar Hb dan paritas. Saran ditujukan bagi tenaga kesehatan yaitu aktif dalam memberikan penyuluhan, bagi RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru perlu keaktifan dalam melaksanakan AMP, dan bagi ibu hamil dan keluarga yaitu ikut serta dalam pemeriksaan kehamilan dan program KB.

  11. Food and beverage environment analysis and monitoring system: a reliability study in the school food and beverage environment. (United States)

    Bullock, Sally Lawrence; Craypo, Lisa; Clark, Sarah E; Barry, Jason; Samuels, Sarah E


    States and school districts around the country are developing policies that set nutrition standards for competitive foods and beverages sold outside of the US Department of Agriculture's reimbursable school lunch program. However, few tools exist for monitoring the implementation of these new policies. The objective of this research was to develop a computerized assessment tool, the Food and Beverage Environment Analysis and Monitoring System (FoodBEAMS), to collect data on the competitive school food environment and to test the inter-rater reliability of the tool among research and nonresearch professionals. FoodBEAMS was used to collect data in spring 2007 on the competitive foods and beverages sold in 21 California high schools. Adherence of the foods and beverages to California's competitive food and beverage nutrition policies for schools (Senate Bills 12 and 965) was determined using the data collected by both research and nonresearch professionals. The inter-rater reliability between the data collectors was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient. Researcher vs researcher and researcher vs nonresearcher inter-rater reliability was high for both foods and beverages, with intraclass correlation coefficients ranging from .972 to .987. Results of this study provide evidence that FoodBEAMS is a promising tool for assessing and monitoring adherence to nutrition standards for competitive foods sold on school campuses and can be used reliably by both research and nonresearch professionals. Copyright 2010 American Dietetic Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Carcinogenic compounds in alcoholic beverages: an update. (United States)

    Pflaum, Tabea; Hausler, Thomas; Baumung, Claudia; Ackermann, Svenja; Kuballa, Thomas; Rehm, Jürgen; Lachenmeier, Dirk W


    The consumption of alcoholic beverages has been classified as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) since 1988. More recently, in 2010, ethanol as the major constituent of alcoholic beverages and its metabolite acetaldehyde were also classified as carcinogenic to humans. Alcoholic beverages as multi-component mixtures may additionally contain further known or suspected human carcinogens as constituent or contaminant. This review will discuss the occurrence and toxicology of eighteen carcinogenic compounds (acetaldehyde, acrylamide, aflatoxins, arsenic, benzene, cadmium, ethanol, ethyl carbamate, formaldehyde, furan, glyphosate, lead, 3-MCPD, 4-methylimidazole, N-nitrosodimethylamine, pulegone, ochratoxin A, safrole) occurring in alcoholic beverages as identified based on monograph reviews by the IARC. For most of the compounds of alcoholic beverages, quantitative risk assessment provided evidence for only a very low risk (such as margins of exposure above 10,000). The highest risk was found for ethanol, which may reach exposures in ranges known to increase the cancer risk even at moderate drinking (margin of exposure around 1). Other constituents that could pose a risk to the drinker were inorganic lead, arsenic, acetaldehyde, cadmium and ethyl carbamate, for most of which mitigation by good manufacturing practices is possible. Nevertheless, due to the major effect of ethanol, the cancer burden due to alcohol consumption can only be reduced by reducing alcohol consumption in general or by lowering the alcoholic strength of beverages.


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    Pujiati pujiati


    Full Text Available Kapang Rhizopus sp merupakan salah satu mikroorganisme yang memiliki kemampuan tinggi untuk menghasilkan enzim selulase.Enzim selulase merupakan enzim yang dapat menghidrolisis selulosa. Hidrolisis meliputi proses pemecahan polisakarida di dalam biomassa lignoselulosa, yaitu: selulosa dan hemiselulosa menjadi monomer gula penyususnnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produksi dan aktivitas enzim selulase terhadap aktivitas crude enzim selulase dari kapang Rhizopus sp dengan subsrtat ampas tebu (bagase. Metode penelitian menggunakan kuantitatif eksperimen dengan pola rancangan acak lengkap (RAL dua faktorial. Perlakuan penelitian meliputi perbedan inokulum (K yaitu 5% (K1, 15% (K2, 25% (K3 dan lama fermentasi (T yaitu 3hari (T1, 6hari (T2, 9hari (T3, dan 12hari (T4. Data yang diambil dari perlakuan tersebut adalah kadar protein dengan metode brownstead lowry. Analisis data menggunakan variansi anava dua jalur dengan taraf signifikansi 5% setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Fhit > Ftab sehingga ada pengaruh antara konsentrasi inokulum dan lama fermentasi terhadap aktivitas crude enzim selulase dari kapang Rhizopus sp, Perlakuan perbedaan konsentrasi dan lama fermentasi mendapatkan kadar protein tertinggi 0,715 dengan konsentrasi 25%  dan lama fementasi 25%

  14. Development of passion fruit juice beverage (United States)

    Zhu, Xiang-hao; Duan, Zhen-hua; Yang, Yu-xia; Huang, Xin-hui; Xu, Cheng-ling; Huang, Zhi-zhuo


    In this experiment, the whole fruit of passion fruit was used as raw material. The effects of the ratio of material to liquid (RML), the amount of sucrose addition and the pH on the quality of passion fruit juice beverage were investigated by single factor test. And the optimum process conditions of passion fruit juice beverage were determined by orthogonal test. The results show that the optimum process paramenters were as follow: RML was 1:3, pH was 4.0 and sucrose addition was 8%. Under such optimal conditions, the color of passion fruit juice beverage was red, the flavor of passion fruit was rich and it tasted pleasant.

  15. Intake of calorically sweetened beverages and obesity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, N J; Heitmann, B L


    The prevalence of obesity has increased in the past 30 years, and at the same time a steep increase in consumption of soft drinks has been seen. This paper reviews the literature for studies on associations between intake of calorically sweetened beverages and obesity, relative to adjustment...... studies were identified. The majority of the prospective studies found positive associations between intake of calorically sweetened beverages and obesity. Three experimental studies found positive effects of calorically sweetened beverages and subsequent changes in body fat. Two experimental studies did...... not find effects. Eight prospective studies adjusted for energy intake. Seven of these studies reported associations that were essentially similar before and after energy adjustment. In conclusion, a high intake of calorically sweetened beverages can be regarded as a determinant for obesity. However...

  16. What Are We Drinking? Beverages Shown in Adolescents' Favorite Television Shows. (United States)

    Eisenberg, Marla E; Larson, Nicole I; Gollust, Sarah E; Neumark-Sztainer, Dianne


    Media use has been shown to contribute to poor dietary intake; however, little attention has been paid to programming content. The portrayal of health behaviors in television (TV) programming contributes to social norms among viewers, which have been shown to influence adolescent behavior. This study reports on a content analysis of beverages shown in a sample of TV shows popular with a large, diverse group of adolescents, with attention to the types of beverages and differences across shows and characters. Favorite TV shows were assessed in an in-school survey in 2010. Three episodes of each of the top 25 shows were analyzed, using a detailed coding instrument. Beverage incidents (ie, beverage shown or described) were recorded. Beverage types included milk, sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), diet beverages, juice, water, alcoholic drinks, and coffee. Characters were coded with regard to gender, age group, race, and weight status. Shows were rated for a youth, general, or adult audience. χ 2 tests were used to compare the prevalence of each type of beverage across show ratings (youth, general, adult), and to compare characteristics of those involved in each type of beverage incident. Beverage incidents were common (mean=7.4 incidents/episode, range=0 to 25). Alcohol was the most commonly shown (38.8%); milk (5.8%) and juice (5.8%) were least common; 11.0% of incidents included SSBs. Significant differences in all types of beverage were found across characters' age groups. Almost half of young adults' (49.2%) or adults' (42.0%) beverage incidents included alcohol. Beverages are often portrayed on TV shows viewed by adolescents, and common beverages (alcohol, SSBs) may have adverse consequences for health. The portrayal of these beverages likely contributes to social norms regarding their desirability; nutrition and health professionals should talk with youth about TV portrayals to prevent the adoption of unhealthy beverage behaviors. Copyright © 2017 Academy of

  17. What are we drinking? Beverages shown in adolescents’ favorite TV shows (United States)

    Eisenberg, Marla E.; Larson, Nicole I.; Gollust, Sarah E.; Neumark-Sztainer, Dianne


    Background Media use has been shown to contribute to poor dietary intake; however, little attention has been paid to programming content. The portrayal of health behaviors in television (TV) programming contributes to social norms among viewers, which have been shown to influence adolescent behavior. Objective This study reports on a content analysis of beverages shown in a sample of TV shows popular with a large, diverse group of adolescents, with attention to the types of beverages and differences across shows and characters. Design Favorite TV shows were assessed in an in-school survey in 2010. Three episodes of each of the top 25 shows were analyzed using a detailed coding instrument. Key measures Beverage incidents (i.e. beverage shown or described) were recorded. Beverage types included milk, sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB), diet beverages, juice, water, alcoholic drinks and coffee. Characters were coded with regards to gender, age group, race, and weight status. Shows were rated for a youth, general or adult audience. Statistical analyses Chi-square tests were used to compare the prevalence of each type of beverage across show ratings (youth, general, adult), and to compare characteristics of those involved in each type of beverage incident. Results Beverage incidents were common (mean=7.4 incidents/episode, range=0–25). Alcohol was the most commonly shown (38.8%); milk (5.8%) and juice (5.8%) were least common; 11.0% of incidents included SSB. Significant differences in all types of beverage were found across age groups. Almost half of young adults’ (49.2%) or adults’ (42.0%) beverage incidents included alcohol. Conclusions Beverages are often portrayed on TV shows viewed by adolescents, and common beverages (alcohol, SSB) may have adverse consequences for health. The portrayal of these beverages likely contributes to social norms regarding their desirability; nutrition and health professionals should talk with youth about TV portrayals to prevent the

  18. Processed dairy beverages pH evaluation: consequences of temperature variation. (United States)

    Ferreira, Fabiana Vargas; Pozzobon, Roselaine Terezinha


    This study assessed the pH from processed dairy beverages as well as eventual consequences deriving from different ingestion temperatures. 50 adults who accompanied children attended to at the Dentistry School were randomly selected and they answered a questionnaire on beverages. The beverages were divided into 4 groups: yogurt (GI) fermented milk (GII), chocolate-based products (GIII) and fermented dairy beverages (GIV). They were asked which type, flavor and temperature. The most popular beverages were selected, and these made up the sample. A pH meter Quimis 400A device was used to verify pH. The average pH from each beverage was calculated and submitted to statistical analysis (Variance and Tukey test with a 5% significance level). for groups I, II and III beverages, type x temperature interaction was significant, showing the pH averages were influenced by temperature variation. At iced temperatures, they presented lower pH values, which were considered statistically significant when compared to the values found for the same beverages at room temperature. All dairy beverages, with the exception of the chocolate-based type presented pH below critical level for enamel and present corrosive potential; as to ingestion temperature, iced temperature influenced pH reducing its values, in vitro.

  19. Case study: beverage temperature at aid stations in ironman triathlon. (United States)

    Burdon, Catriona A; Johnson, Nathan A; Chapman, Phillip G; Munir Che Muhamed, Ahmad; O'Connor, Helen T


    The aim of this study was to measure the effect of environmental conditions and aid-station beverage- cooling practices on the temperature of competitor beverages. Environmental and beverage temperatures were measured at three cycling and two run course aid stations at the 2010 Langkawi, Malaysia (MA), and Port Macquarie, Australia (AU), Ironman triathlon events. To measure the specific effect of radiant temperature, additional fluid-filled (600 ml) drink bottles (n = 12) were cooled overnight (C) and then placed in direct sun (n = 6) or shade (n = 6) near to a cycle aid station at AU. During both events, beverage temperature increased over time (p beverage temperature ranged between 14-26°C and during both events was above the palatable range (15-22°C) for extended periods. At AU, bottles placed in direct sunlight heated faster (6.9 ± 2.3 °C·h-1) than those in the shade (4.8 ±1.1°C·h-1, p = .05). Simple changes to Ironman aid-station practices, including shade and chilling beverages with ice, result in the provision of cooler beverages. Future studies should investigate whether provision of cool beverages at prolonged endurance events influences heat-illness incidence, beverage-consumption patterns, and competitor performance.

  20. New Trends in Beverage Packaging Systems: A Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Ramos


    Full Text Available New trends in beverage packaging are focusing on the structure modification of packaging materials and the development of new active and/or intelligent systems, which can interact with the product or its environment, improving the conservation of beverages, such as wine, juice or beer, customer acceptability, and food security. In this paper, the main nutritional and organoleptic degradation processes of beverages, such as oxidative degradation or changes in the aromatic profiles, which influence their color and volatile composition are summarized. Finally, the description of the current situation of beverage packaging materials and new possible, emerging strategies to overcome some of the pending issues are discussed.

  1. Assessment of beverage intake and hydration status. (United States)

    Nissensohn, Mariela; López-Ufano, Marisa; Castro-Quezada, Itandehui; Serra-Majem, Lluis


    Water is the main constituent of the human body. It is involved in practically all its functions. It is particularly important for thermoregulation and in the physical and cognitive performance. Water balance reflects water intake and loss. Intake of water is done mainly through consumption of drinking water and beverages (70 to 80%) plus water containing foods (20 to 30%). Water loss is mainly due to excretion of water in urine, faeces and sweat. The interest in the type and quantity of beverage consumption is not new, and numerous approaches have been used to assess beverage intake, but the validity of these approaches has not been well established. There is no standardized questionnaire developed as a research tool for the evaluation of water intake in the general population. Sometimes, the information comes from different sources or from different methodological characteristics which raises problems of the comparability. In the European Union, current epidemiological studies that focus exclusively on beverage intake are scarce. Biomarkers of intake are able to objectively assess dietary intake/status without the bias of self-reported dietary intake errors and also overcome the problem of intra-individual diet variability. Furthermore, some methods of measuring dietary intake used biomarkers to validate the data it collects. Biological markers may offer advantages and be able to improve the estimates of dietary intake assessment, which impact into the statistical power of the study. There is a surprising paucity of studies that systematically examine the correlation of beverages intake and hydration biomarker in different populations. A pilot investigation was developed to evaluate the comparative validity and reliability of newly developed interactive multimedia (IMM) versions compared to validated paper-administered (PP) versions of the Hedrick et al. beverage questionnaire. The study showed that the IMM appears to be a valid and reliable measure to assess

  2. The role of a pre-load beverage on gastric volume and food intake: comparison between non-caloric carbonated and non-carbonated beverage. (United States)

    Cuomo, Rosario; Savarese, Maria Flavia; Sarnelli, Giovanni; Nicolai, Emanuele; Aragri, Adriana; Cirillo, Carla; Vozzella, Letizia; Zito, Francesco Paolo; Verlezza, Viviana; Efficie, Eleonora; Buyckx, Maxime


    There is conflicting data on the effects of carbon dioxide contained in beverages on stomach functions. We aimed to verify the effect of a pre-meal administration of a 300 ml non-caloric carbonated beverage (B+CO2) compared to water or a beverage without CO2 (B-CO2), during a solid (SM) and a liquid meal (LM) on: a) gastric volume, b) caloric intake, c) ghrelin and cholecystokinin (CCK) release in healthy subjects. After drinking the beverages (Water, B-CO2, B+CO2), ten healthy subjects (4 women, aged 22-30 years; BMI 23 ± 1) were asked to consume either an SM or an LM, at a constant rate (110 kcal/5 min). Total gastric volumes (TGV) were evaluated by Magnetic Resonance Imaging after drinking the beverage and at maximum satiety (MS). Total kcal intake at MS was evaluated. Ghrelin and CCK were measured by enzyme immunoassay until 120 min after the meal. Statistical calculations were carried out by paired T-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The data is expressed as mean ± SEM. TGV after B+CO2 consumption was significantly higher than after B-CO2 or water (p beverages tested, with either the SM (Water: 783 ± 77 kcals; B-CO2: 837 ± 66; B+CO2: 774 ± 66) or the LM (630 ± 111; 585 ± 88; 588 ± 95). Area under curve of ghrelin was significantly (p beverages. The increase in gastric volume following a 300 ml pre-meal carbonated beverage did not affect food intake whether a solid or liquid meal was given. The consistency of the meal and the carbonated beverage seemed to influence ghrelin release, but were unable, under our experimental conditions, to modify food intake in terms of quantity. Further studies are needed to verify if other food and beverage combinations are able to modify satiation.

  3. Non-Alcoholic Beverages from Fermented Cereals with Increased Oligosaccharide Content

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Grazina Juodeikiene


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to develop a new technology for making traditional Lithuanian non-alcoholic beverage kvass from fermented cereals by extending the spectrum of raw materials (extruded rye and applying new biotechnological resources (xylanolytic enzymes and lactic acid bacteria (LAB to improve its functional properties. Arabinoxylans in extruded rye were very efficiently hydrolysed into oligosaccharides by xylanolytic complex Ceremix Plus MG. Using Ceremix Plus MG and LAB fermentation, the yield of arabinoxylooligosaccharides and xylooligosaccharides in beverage was increased to 300 and 1100 mg/L, respectively. Beverages fermented by LAB had lower pH values and ethanol volume fraction compared to the yeast-fermented beverage. The acceptability of the beverage fermented by Lactobacillus sakei was higher than of Pediococcus pentosaceus- or yeast-fermented beverages and similar to the acceptability of commercial kvass made from malt extract. The results showed that extruded rye, xylanolytic enzymes and LAB can be used for production of novel and safe high-value non-alcoholic beverages.

  4. Market-oriented new product development of functional beverages


    Sorenson, Douglas J.


    Strategic reviews of the Irish Food and Beverage Industry have consistently emphasised the need for food and beverage firms to improve their innovation and marketing capabilities, in order to maintain competitiveness in both domestic and overseas markets. In particular, the functional food and beverages market has been singled out as an extremely important emerging market, which Irish firms could benefit from through an increased technological and market orientation. Although h...

  5. Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the Production of Fermented Beverages

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    Graeme M Walker


    Full Text Available Alcoholic beverages are produced following the fermentation of sugars by yeasts, mainly (but not exclusively strains of the species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The sugary starting materials may emanate from cereal starches (which require enzymatic pre-hydrolysis in the case of beers and whiskies, sucrose-rich plants (molasses or sugar juice from sugarcane in the case of rums, or from fruits (which do not require pre-hydrolysis in the case of wines and brandies. In the presence of sugars, together with other essential nutrients such as amino acids, minerals and vitamins, S. cerevisiae will conduct fermentative metabolism to ethanol and carbon dioxide (as the primary fermentation metabolites as the cells strive to make energy and regenerate the coenzyme NAD+ under anaerobic conditions. Yeasts will also produce numerous secondary metabolites which act as important beverage flavour congeners, including higher alcohols, esters, carbonyls and sulphur compounds. These are very important in dictating the final flavour and aroma characteristics of beverages such as beer and wine, but also in distilled beverages such as whisky, rum and brandy. Therefore, yeasts are of vital importance in providing the alcohol content and the sensory profiles of such beverages. This Introductory Chapter reviews, in general, the growth, physiology and metabolism of S. cerevisiae in alcoholic beverage fermentations.

  6. The Short-Term Impacts of the Philadelphia Beverage Tax on Beverage Consumption. (United States)

    Zhong, Yichen; Auchincloss, Amy H; Lee, Brian K; Kanter, Genevieve P


    On January 1, 2017, Philadelphia implemented a beverage tax of $0.015/ounce on sugar ("regular") and sugar-substitute ("diet") beverages. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the immediate impact of the tax on residents' consumption of soda, fruit drinks, energy drinks, and bottled water. A repeat cross-sectional study design used data from a random-digit-dialing phone survey during a no-tax period (December 6-31, 2016) and a tax period (January 15-February 31, 2017) among 899 respondents in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and 878 respondents in three nearby comparison cities. Survey questions included frequency and volume of bottled water and beverages. Outcomes were daily consumption, and 30-day consumption frequency and volume. Propensity score-weighted difference-in-differences regression was used to control for secular time trend and confounding. Covariates were sociodemographics, BMI, health status, smoking, and alcohol use. Analyses were conducted in 2017. Within the first 2 months of tax implementation, relative to the comparison cities, in Philadelphia the odds of daily consumption of regular soda was 40% lower (OR=0.6, 95% CI=0.37, 0.97); energy drink was 64% lower (OR=0.36, 95% CI=0.17, 0.76); bottled water was 58% higher (OR=1.58, 95% CI=1.13, 2.20); and the 30-day regular soda consumption frequency was 38% lower (ratio of consumption frequency=0.62, 95% CI=0.40, 0.98). Early results suggest that the tax influenced daily consumption of regular soda, energy drinks, and bottled water. Future studies are needed to evaluate longer-term impact of the tax on sugared beverage consumption and substitutions. Copyright © 2018 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. 36 CFR 4.14 - Open container of alcoholic beverage. (United States)


    ... beverage. 4.14 Section 4.14 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC SAFETY § 4.14 Open container of alcoholic beverage. (a) Each person within a..., can or other receptacle containing an alcoholic beverage that is open, or has been opened, or whose...

  8. 36 CFR 1004.14 - Open container of alcoholic beverage. (United States)


    ... beverage. 1004.14 Section 1004.14 Parks, Forests, and Public Property PRESIDIO TRUST VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC SAFETY § 1004.14 Open container of alcoholic beverage. (a) Each person within a motor vehicle is... receptacle containing an alcoholic beverage that is open, or has been opened, or whose seal is broken or the...

  9. Regulation of Food and Beverage Advertising and Marketing in India

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Regulation of Food and Beverage Advertising and Marketing in India ... unhealthy foods and beverages are increasing the non-communicable disease burden and risk ... and promotion of unhealthy foods and beverages to Indian children and ...

  10. Beverage and water intake of healthy adults in some European countries. (United States)

    Nissensohn, Mariela; Castro-Quezada, Itandehui; Serra-Majem, Lluis


    Nutritional surveys frequently collect some data of consumption of beverages; however, information from different sources and different methodologies raises issues of comparability. The main objective of this review was to examine the available techniques used for assessing beverage intake in European epidemiological studies and to describe the most frequent method applied to assess it. Information of beverage intake available from European surveys and nutritional epidemiological investigations was obtained from gray literature. Twelve articles were included and relevant data were extracted. The studies were carried out on healthy adults by different types of assessments. The most frequent tool used was a 7-d dietary record. Only Germany used a specific beverage assessment tool (Beverage Dietary History). From the limited data available and the diversity of the methodology used, the results show that consumption of beverages is different between countries. Current epidemiological studies in Europe focusing on beverage intake are scarce. Further research is needed to clarify the amount of beverage intake in European population.

  11. Patterns of beverage use across the lifecycle. (United States)

    Popkin, Barry M


    Total beverage intake patterns have changed greatly over the past half century. The present research was conducted to evaluate historic and current patterns of beverage consumption of adults and children in the U.S. Data were drawn from food balance surveys along with two-day beverage intake averages and were weighted to be nationally representative. A marked slow continuous shift downward in total milk intake with a shift toward an increased proportion of reduced fat milk was determined. The biggest shifts in beverage consumption among children aged 2 to18 were an increase in sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) (from 87 to 154kcal/d), a smaller increase in juices (+21kcal/d), and a decrease in milk consumption (-91kcal/d). Data among adults aged 19 and older indicated that SSB intake has more than doubled. Water intake was highly variable, with a marked increase in bottled water intake but no clear trend in total water intake. Overall trends by age were presented and indicated that age-related beverage intake, both in ounces and kcal/day, decreased sharply for adults aged 60 and older. Kcal/d values ranged from a low of 283 for those over age 60 to a peak of 533 for those aged 19 to39 to 367 for 2 to 6year olds. The consumer shift toward increased levels of SSBs and alcohol, limited amounts of reduced fat milk along with a continued consumption of whole milk, and increased juice intake represent issues to address from a public health perspective. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. New Waste Beverage Cans Identification Method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Firmansyah Burlian


    Full Text Available The primary emphasis of this work is on the development of a new waste beverage cans identification method for automated beverage cans sorting systems known as the SVS system. The method described involved window-based subdivision of the image into X-cells, construction of X-candidate template for N-cells, calculation of matching scores of reference templates for the N-cells image, and application of matching score to identify the grade of the object. The SVS system performance for correct beverage cans grade identification is 95.17% with estimated throughput of 21,600 objects per hour with a conveyor belt width of 18˝. The weight of the throughput depends on the size and type of the objects.

  13. Predicting the Effects of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes on Food and Beverage Demand in a Large Demand System (United States)

    Zhen, Chen; Finkelstein, Eric A.; Nonnemaker, James; Karns, Shawn; Todd, Jessica E.


    A censored Exact Affine Stone Index incomplete demand system is estimated for 23 packaged foods and beverages and a numéraire good. Instrumental variables are used to control for endogenous prices. A half-cent per ounce increase in sugar-sweetened beverage prices is predicted to reduce total calories from the 23 foods and beverages but increase sodium and fat intakes as a result of product substitution. The predicted decline in calories is larger for low-income households than for high-income households, although welfare loss is also higher for low-income households. Neglecting price endogeneity or estimating a conditional demand model significantly overestimates the calorie reduction. PMID:24839299

  14. Trace elements in wine and other beverages

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eschnauer, H.


    Survey of the mostly physical methods of analysis (e.g. activation analysis) for the dectection of trace elements in wine and in other alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages as well as for detection of radioactivity (natural and man-made) in these beverages. (HP) [de

  15. Sistem Pakar Otomatisasi Baku Mutu Limbah Pertambangan Nikel Menggunakan Algoritma Supervised Mechine

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    Komang Aryasa


    Full Text Available Metode buka tutup pintu pembuangan limbah secara manual  berdasarkan hasil uji laboratorium  membutuhkan waktu relatif lama. Ketika hasil uji laboratorium menyatakan proses pembuangan harus dihentikan, limbah yang tidak memenuhi standar kelayakan sudah ikut terbuang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah  untuk merancang sistem pakar menggunakan algoritma Supervised Learning untuk otomatisasi standar baku limbah pertambangan nikel, algoritma ini digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan besaran nilai kandungan unsur dalam limbah, dan digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan proses penentuan kelayakan buang limbah. Algoritma ini bekerja setelah menerima data dalam bentuk nilai-nilai kandungan unsur yang dibangkitkan oleh sebuah aplikasi simulator yang mendeteksi kadar kandungan unsur dalam air limbah. Hasil analisis tersebut digunakan untuk menentukan kelayakan pembuangan limbah. Dari 11 unsur yang dianalisis tujuh unsur memiliki bobot nilai tertinggi dalam setiap pengukuran yaitu pH, TSS, Cu, Zn, Cr(6+, Cr Total, dan Fe., sementara Support Vector Machine hanya empat unsur yang memiliki nilai bobot tertinggi dari setiap pengukuran, yaitu unsur Cd, Pb, Ni dan Co.

  16. HPLC determination of caffeine in coffee beverage (United States)

    Fajara, B. E. P.; Susanti, H.


    Coffee is the second largest beverage which is consumed by people in the world, besides the water. One of the compounds which contained in coffee is caffeine. Caffeine has the pharmacological effect such as stimulating the central nervous system. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of caffeine in coffee beverages with HPLC method. Three branded coffee beverages which include in 3 of Top Brand Index 2016 Phase 2 were used as samples. Qualitative analysis was performed by Parry method, Dragendorff reagent, and comparing the retention time between sample and caffeine standard. Quantitative analysis was done by HPLC method with methanol-water (95:5v/v) as mobile phase and ODS as stationary phasewith flow rate 1 mL/min and UV 272 nm as the detector. The level of caffeine data was statistically analyzed using Anova at 95% confidence level. The Qualitative analysis showed that the three samples contained caffeine. The average of caffeine level in coffee bottles of X, Y, and Z were 138.048 mg/bottle, 109.699 mg/bottle, and 147.669 mg/bottle, respectively. The caffeine content of the three coffee beverage samples are statistically different (pcoffee beverage samples were not meet the requirements set by the Indonesian Standard Agency of 50 mg/serving.

  17. Low energy Kombucha fermented milk-based beverages

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    Milanović Spasenija D.


    Full Text Available This paper investigates manufacturing of fermented beverages from two types of milk (1 % w/w and 2.2 % w/w fat by applying of Kombucha, which contains several yeasts and bacterial strains. The starter was the inoculum produced from previous Kombucha fermentation. The applied starter concentrations were: 10 % v/v, 15 % v/v and 20 % v/v. Also, the traditional yoghurt starter was used to produce the control samples. All fermentations were performed at 42oC and the changes in the pH were monitored. The fermentation process was about three times faster in the control yoghurt than in the Kombucha samples. Influence of Kombucha inoculum concentration on the rate of fermentation appeared not to be significant. All fermentations were stopped when the pH reached 4.4. After the production, the quality of the fermented milk beverages with Kombucha was determined and compared with the quality of the control yoghurt samples. It was concluded that the difference in fat contents in milks affects the difference in quantities of other components in the fermented milk beverages with Kombucha. Sensory characteristics of the beverages manufactured from the partially skimmed milk are much better than those of the fermented beverages produced from the low fat milk.


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    Desinta Andriana


    Full Text Available Indonesia memiliki sumber daya alam melimpah, memiliki sumber daya kacang-kacangan yang potensial sebagai pengganti kedelai, salah satunya adalah kacang gude. Untuk mengurangi ketergantungan kedelai dalam pembuatan kecap diperlukan alternatif lain yaitu dengan memanfaatkan kacang gude dalam pembuatan kecap.Penelitian ini berjenis true eksperiment (eksperimen sungguhan dengan rancangan post test dengan kelompok kontrol. Jenis perlakuan subtitusi kacang gude dengan konsentrasi 0%, 10%, 20%, dan 30% dalam pembuatan kecap. Uji daya terima meliputi aspek warna, aroma, rasa dan kekentalan. Uji Kruskal Wallis untuk uji pengaruh kacang gude terhadap kadar protein, viskositas dan daya terima.Dari hasilpenelitiandidapatkanbahwatidakadapengaruhsubtitusikacanggudeterhadapkadar protein yaitup value 0,083 (>0,05, viskositaskecapyaitup value 0,932 (>0,05 dandayaterima (aspekwarna 0,684 (>0,05, aspek rasa 0,621 (>0,05, adapengaruhsubtitusikacanggudeterhadapdayaterima (aspek aroma 0,000 (<0,05 danaspekkekentalan 0,047 (<0,05. Berdasarkanujidayaterimamemberikantingkatkesukaan paling baikpadasubtitusikacanggude 30%.

  19. 7 CFR 500.7 - Intoxicating beverages and narcotics. (United States)


    ..., by a person under the influence of intoxicating beverages or a narcotic drug, is prohibited. (b... USNA property is prohibited. (c) The sale of alcoholic beverages on the grounds of the USNA is...

  20. Emulsions, Foams, and Suspensions: The Microscience of the Beverage Industry

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    Alice Vilela


    Full Text Available Emulsions and foams form the basis of an extensive variety of materials used in the beverage industry. One of the characteristics of beverage emulsions is that they are rather diluted, contain little amounts of a dispersed oil phase in the finished product, and must remain physically stable for long periods of time. Nowadays, the consumers ask for more than a drink. Thus, in the market, we can find a vast variety of beverages, where emulsion science seems to be the main factor for controlling flavor, color, the presence of constituents of technological or nutritional value, nutraceutical/bioactive components and, also, turbidity. This work intends to make an overview of the recent advances in beverage-emulsions technology. Some examples are given within the very large world of the beverage industry, from cream liqueurs, soft drinks, and functional beverages, to bottled water, fruit drinks, sparkling wine, and beer.

  1. Effect of beverage glucose and sodium content on fluid delivery

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    Cole Johnny


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Rapid fluid delivery from ingested beverages is the goal of oral rehydration solutions (ORS and sports drinks. Objective The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of increasing carbohydrate and sodium content upon fluid delivery using a deuterium oxide (D2O tracer. Design Twenty healthy male subjects were divided into two groups of 10, the first group was a carbohydrate group (CHO and the second a sodium group (Na. The CHO group ingested four different drinks with a stepped increase of 3% glucose from 0% to 9% while sodium concentration was 20 mmol/L. The Na group ingested four drinks with a stepped increase of 20 mmol/L from 0 mmol/L to 60 mmol/l while glucose concentration was 6%. All beverages contained 3 g of D2O. Subjects remained seated for two hours after ingestion of the experimental beverage, with blood taken every 5 min in the first hour and every 10 min in the second hour. Results Including 3% glucose in the beverage led to a significantly greater AUC 60 min (19640 ± 1252 δ‰ vs. VSMOW.60 min than all trials. No carbohydrate (18381 ± 1198 δ‰ vs. VSMOW.60 min had a greater AUC 60 min than a 6% (16088 ± 1359 δ‰ vs. VSMOW.60 min and 9% beverage (13134 ± 1115 δ‰ vs. VSMOW.60 min; the 6% beverage had a significantly greater AUC 60 min than the 9% beverage. There was no difference in fluid delivery between the different sodium beverages. Conclusion In conclusion the present study showed that when carbohydrate concentration in an ingested beverage was increased above 6% fluid delivery was compromised. However, increasing the amount of sodium (0–60 mmol/L in a 6% glucose beverage did not lead to increases in fluid delivery.

  2. Fluid intake from beverages across age groups: a systematic review. (United States)

    Özen, A E; Bibiloni, M Del Mar; Pons, A; Tur, J A


    Fluid intake, especially water, is essential for human life and also necessary for physical and mental function. The present study aimed to assess beverage consumption across age groups. A systematic review was conducted. Original research in English language publications and available studies (or abstracts in English) from 2000 to 2013 was searched for by using the medical subheading (MeSH) terms: ('beverage' OR 'fluid' [Major]) AND ('consumption' [Mesh] OR 'drinking' [Mesh] OR 'intake' [Mesh]) AND ('child' [Mesh] OR 'adolescent' [Mesh] OR 'adult' [Mesh]). Article selection was restricted to those papers covering healthy populations of all age groups in a nationwide sample, or from a representative sample of the population of a city or cities, which examined the trends or patterns of beverage intake and the determinants of beverage intake. Sixty-five studies were identified with respect to beverage consumption across age groups. The papers were screened by thoroughly reading titles or abstracts. Full-text articles were assessed by three investigators. Total beverage intake varied between 0.6 and 3.5 L day(-1) among all age groups (males more than females). Plain water contributed up to 58%, 75% and 80% of the total beverage intake in children, adolescents and adults, respectively. Milk consumption was higher among children; consumption of soft drinks was higher among adolescents; and the consumption of tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages was higher among adults. Plain water is the main water source for all age groups and the consumption of other beverages varies according to age. © 2014 The British Dietetic Association Ltd.

  3. Sugar-sweetened Beverage Consumption Among U.S. Youth, 2011-2014. (United States)

    Rosinger, Asher; Herrick, Kirsten; Gahche, Jaime; Park, Sohyun


    Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey •Almost two-thirds of boys and girls consumed at least one sugar-sweetened beverage on a given day. •Boys consumed an average 164 kilocalories (kcal) from sugar-sweetened beverages, which contributed 7.3% of total daily caloric intake. Girls consumed an average 121 kcal from sugar-sweetened beverages, which contributed 7.2% of total daily caloric intake. •Among both boys and girls, older youth had the highest mean intake and percentage of daily calories from sugar-sweetened beverages relative to younger children. •Non-Hispanic Asian boys and girls consumed the least calories and the lowest percentage of total calories from sugar-sweetened beverages compared with non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and Hispanic boys and girls. Sugar-sweetened beverages contribute calories and added sugars to the diets of U.S. children (1). Studies have suggested a link between the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and dental caries, weight gain, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in children (2-6). The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend reducing added sugars consumption to less than 10% of calories per day and, specifically, to choose beverages with no added sugars (1). This report presents results for consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages among U.S. youth aged 2-19 years for 2011-2014 by sex, age, and race and Hispanic origin. All material appearing in this report is in the public domain and may be reproduced or copied without permission; citation as to source, however, is appreciated.

  4. Sugar-sweetened Beverage Consumption Among U.S. Adults, 2011-2014. (United States)

    Rosinger, Asher; Herrick, Kirsten; Gahche, Jaime; Park, Sohyun


    Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey •Approximately one-half of U.S. adults consumed at least one sugar-sweetened beverage on a given day. •Men consumed an average 179 kilocalories (kcal) from sugar-sweetened beverages, which contributed 6.9% of total daily caloric intake. Women consumed an average 113 kcal from sugar-sweetened beverages, which contributed 6.1% of total caloric intake. •Young adults had the highest mean intake and percentage of daily calories from sugar-sweetened beverages relative to older adults. •Non-Hispanic Asian men and women consumed the least calories and the lowest percentage of total calories from sugar-sweetened beverages compared with non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and Hispanic men and women. Sugar-sweetened beverages are a major contributor of calories and added sugars to diets of U.S. adults (1). Studies have found that sugar-sweetened beverage consumption has been linked to weight gain, metabolic syndrome, dental caries, and type 2 diabetes in adults (2-4). The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend reducing added sugars consumption to less than 10% of total calories per day and, specifically, to choose beverages with no added sugars (1). This report presents results for consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages among U.S. adults aged 20 and over for 2011-2014 by sex, age, and race and Hispanic origin. All material appearing in this report is in the public domain and may be reproduced or copied without permission; citation as to source, however, is appreciated.

  5. Commercial Speech Protection and Alcoholic Beverage Advertising. (United States)

    Greer, Sue

    An examination of the laws governing commercial speech protection and alcoholic beverage advertisements, this document details the legal precedents for and implications of banning such advertising. An introduction looks at the current amount of alcohol consumed in the United States and the recent campaigns to have alcoholic beverage ads banned.…

  6. 11 CFR 100.78 - Sale of food or beverages by vendor. (United States)


    ... 11 Federal Elections 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Sale of food or beverages by vendor. 100.78...) Exceptions to Contributions § 100.78 Sale of food or beverages by vendor. The sale of any food or beverage by... contribution, provided that the charge is at least equal to the cost of such food or beverage to the vendor, to...

  7. Traditional fermented foods and beverages of Namibia

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    Jane Misihairabgwi


    Conclusion: Fermented foods and beverages play a major role in the diet, socioeconomic, and cultural activities of the Namibian population. Most are spontaneously fermented. Research is scarce and should be conducted on the microbiology, biochemistry, nutritional value, and safety of the fermented foods and beverages to ensure the health of the population.

  8. Pengaruh Pemberian Susu Coklat Terhadap Kadar F2Isoprostan pada Siswa di Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan Olahraga Pelajar (PPLP Sumatera Barat

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    Dezi Ilham


    Full Text Available Abstrak Latihan fisik yang berlebihan dapat meningkatkan produksi radikal bebas di dalam tubuh. Peningkatan radikalbebas ini kalau tidak dinetralisasi oleh antioksidan di dalam tubuh, maka terjadilah stres oksidatif yang dapatmenyebabkan terjadinya peroksidasi lipid, sehingga menghasilkan produk senyawa F2-isoprostan yang dapatberdampak terhadap berbagai masalah kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengaruhpemberian susu coklat terhadap kadar F2-isoprostan. Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimental pre and post test controlgrup design terhadap 36 siswa atlet, yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi. Subjek dibagi dua kelompok yaituyang diberikan perlakuan susu coklat dan kontrol susu putih. Susu diminum setelah latihan fisik rutin atlet sebanyaksatu kali sehari selama 15 hari. Kadar F2-isoprostan dinilai sebelum dan sesudah secara ELISA. Data dianalisisdengan paired sample t-Test, bermakna bila p<0,05. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rerata kadar F2-isoprostan sebelumperlakuan pada kelompok susu coklat adalah 65,98±14,61 pg/ml dan sesudah perlakuan adalah 45,55±13,74 pg/ml.Rerata kadar F2-isoprostan sebelum perlakuan pada kelompok kontrol susu putih adalah 54,24±20,44 pg/ml dansesudah perlakuan adalah 48,80±20,23 pg/ml. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh ada pengaruh yang bermakna dari reratakadar F2-isoprostan sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan baik pada kelompok perlakuan susu coklat dan kelompok kontrolsusu putih.Kata kunci: latihan fisik, radikal bebas, F2-isoprostan, susu coklatAbstract Excessive physical exercise can increase the production of free radicals in the body. The increase in freeradicals if not neutralized by antioxidants in the body and it caused oxidative stress which can cause lipid peroxidation,resulting in F2-isoprostane product compounds that can affect a variety of health problems. The objective of this studywas to determine the influence of milk chocolate on F2-isoprostane levels. This study was an experimental pre

  9. Probiotic potentials of cereal-based beverages. (United States)

    Enujiugha, Victor N; Badejo, Adebanjo A


    Probiotics offer remarkable potential for the prevention and management of various infective and noninfective disorders. They are reported to play key roles in the suppression of gastrointestinal infections, antimicrobial activity, improvement in lactose metabolism, reduction in serum cholesterol, immune system stimulation, antimutagenic properties, anticarcinogenic properties, anti-diarrheal properties, and improvement in inflammatory bowel disease. Although probiotic foods are classically confined to beverages and cheese, containing live organisms of the lactic acid bacteria family, such health-promoting foods are traditionally dairy-based, comprising milk and its fermented products. However, recent research focuses on the probiotic potentials of fermented cereal-based beverages which are especially consumed in developing countries characterized by low nutritional security and high incidence of gut pathogen infections. Moreover, lactose intolerance and cholesterol content associated with dairy products, coupled with the vegetarian tendencies of diverse populations in the third world, tend to enforce the recent recourse to nondairy beverages. Probiotic microorganisms are mostly of human or animal origin; however, strains recognized as probiotics are also found in nondairy fermented substrates. This review examines the potentials of some traditional cereal-based beverages to serve as probiotic foods, their microbial and functional properties, as well as their process optimization and storage for enhanced utilization.





    2015 Pengukuran Kadar Natrium Alginate dari Alga Cokelat Spesies Sargassum sp. sebagai Bahan Dasar Pembuatan Bahan Cetak Kedokteran Gigi (Irreversible Hydrocolloid/Dental Impression Material) Siti Mutmainnah Sunar Abstrak Latar belakang : Irreversible hydrocolloid merupakan bahan cetak yang relatif sering digunakan di bidang kedokteran gigi. Namun, bahan baku dari bahan cetak ini masih diimpor dari luar negeri. Natrium alginate sebagai bahan baku masih menggunakan ekstraksi alga c...


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    Dhian Herdhiansyah


    Full Text Available The determination of the main product of plantation commodity in kolaka has not been done. The purpose of this research were to composing an order of main product of plantation commodity in Kolaka. The object of this research were alternative 17 of plantation commodity. The determination of strategic indicators as the selection criteria of the main products were done by a panel of researchers that experts in different fields in plantation scope. In the effort to reach of the consensus, they were accordance with the Delphi Method. There are seven strategic indicators used as the criteria in determination of the main product of plantation commodity in Kolaka as followed: (1 based on the local resource potential, (2 enhancing to acces domestic and global market, (3 to produce high added value, (4 supported by technology and qualified human resources, (5 eco-friendly product by applying eco-friendly technology and have optimum agriculture waste as well as apply good waste management, (6 implement cooperation principle and business oriented, and (7 administratively and economically feasible for business development. The result of score calculation on the each indicator showed that the main product of plantation commodity were cacao on the first with score 4.6, clove and pepper on the second with score 4.3, and cashew, coconut, and coffee on the third with score 4.2.   Keywords: Determination of the main product, Delphi method, plantation of the commodity   ABSTRAK   Penentuan produk unggulan komoditas perkebunan di Kabupaten Kolaka selama ini belum dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memunculkan suatu urutan produk unggulan komoditas perkebunan di Kabupaten Kolaka. Objek penelitian ini adalah 17 alternatif komoditas perkebunan. Penetapan indikator strategis sebagai kriteria pemilihan produk unggulan komoditas perkebunan dilakukan oleh sekelompok panel peneliti yang memiliki latar belakang kebidangan berbeda dalam lingkup perkebunan.  Dalam

  12. Pengaruh Penambahan Rempah dan Bentuk Minuman terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan Berbagai Minuman Tradisional Indonesia

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    Aisyah Tri Septiana


    Full Text Available Indonesia traditional beverages such as minuman jahe, kunyit asam, beras kencur, and minuman temulawak are usually made with the addition of spices. They can be served in the form of  liquid or powder. This research was aimed to study the effect of  the beverage type, addition of spices, and the form of product on their antioxidant activity. The type of sugar used in this study was palm sugar juice. Total phenolic contents were measured to  indicate the level of antioxidants. Measurement of antioxidant  activity was conducted by analyzing malonaldehyde from linoleic  acid and capturing capacity of DPPH radical. The results showed  that Indonesian traditional beverage could inhibit the oxidation of linoleic acid and capture free radicals. Free radical capturing  capacity of curcuma beverage greater than other beverages, but  the malonaldehyde (MDA inhibitor effect was not different. Total phenolic content of curcuma tended to be higher than the other traditional beverages. The addition of spices could raise the level  of total phenolic content in beverages and increase free radical  trapping capacity. Drying the beverages into powder could reduce the levels of total phenolic content and but did not reduce the  antioxidant activity.   ABSTRAK Minuman tradisional Indonesia seperti minuman jahe, kunyit  asam, beras kencur, dan minuman temulawak biasanya dibuat  dengan tambahan berbagai rempah. Minuman tersebut dapat  disajikan dalam bentuk cair maupun serbuk. Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis minuman,  penambahan rempah tambahan, dan bentuk minuman terhadap aktivitas antioksidan minuman. Jenis gula yang ditambahkan  adalah gula nira. Jenis antioksidan yang diuji adalah total fenolik. Pengukuran aktivitas antioksidan dilakukan dengan uji  penghambatan malonaldehid dan kapasitas penangkapan radikal  DPPH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minuman  tradisional Indonesia dapat menghambat oksidasi asam


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    Miswanto Miswanto


    Full Text Available Abstract: Policy in Determining and Financing Company’s Working Capital. In funding working capital, a company can use hedging policy, conservative policy, and aggressive policy. In relation to long-term versus short-term financing, temporary versus permanent current assets, and the trade-off between risk and profitability, it can be concluded that when the temporary current assets are financed by short-term financing they have moderate risk and profitability, when the temporary current assets are financed by long-term financing they have low risk and profitability, when the permanent current assets are financed by short-term funding they have high risk and profitability, and when the permanent current assets are financed by long-term financing they have moderate risk-profitability. To measure the performance of the working capital management, the working capital position of the company needs to be analyzed. By using the data presented on the balance sheet and income statement, the company can carry out the analysis of working capital performance using financial ratio analysis on working capital, analysis of the funding sources and use of funding statement, and analysis of the company's cash flow statement. Keywords: liquidity, capital, financing, profitability, and risk   Abstrak: Kebijakan dalam Penentuan dan Pendanaan Modal Kerja Perusahaan. Dalam mendanai modal kerja, perusahaan dapat menggunakan kebijakan hedging, kebijakan konservatif, dan kebijakan agresif. Dalam hubungannya antara pendanaan jangka pendek versus jangka panjang, aktiva lancar temporer versus permanen, dan trade-off antara risiko dan profitabilitas diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa jika aktiva lancar temporer dibiayai dengan pendanaan jangka pendek memiliki risiko dan profitabilitas moderat, jika aktiva lancar temporer dibiayai dengan pendanaan jangka panjang memiliki risiko dan profitabilitas rendah, jika aktiva lancar permanen dibiayai dengan pendanaan jangka pendek memiliki

  14. Energy beverages: content and safety. (United States)

    Higgins, John P; Tuttle, Troy D; Higgins, Christopher L


    Exercise is making a resurgence in many countries, given its benefits for fitness as well as prevention of obesity. This trend has spawned many supplements that purport to aid performance, muscle growth, and recovery. Initially, sports drinks were developed to provide electrolyte and carbohydrate replacement. Subsequently, energy beverages (EBs) containing stimulants and additives have appeared in most gyms and grocery stores and are being used increasingly by "weekend warriors" and those seeking an edge in an endurance event. Long-term exposure to the various components of EBs may result in significant alterations in the cardiovascular system, and the safety of EBs has not been fully established. For this review, we searched the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases from 1976 through May 2010, using the following keywords: energy beverage, energy drink, power drink, exercise, caffeine, red bull, bitter orange, glucose, ginseng, guarana, and taurine. Evidence regarding the effects of EBs is summarized, and practical recommendations are made to help in answering the patient who asks, "Is it safe for me to drink an energy beverage when I exercise?"

  15. Ribonucleic acids in different tea fungus beverages

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    Malbaša Radomir V.


    Full Text Available In human nutrition, nucleic acids have to be balanced and limited up to 2 g/day because purines are degraded to urate, and excessive production of urate is a cause of gout which primarily affects adult males. Tea fungus beverage is a well known drink with high nutritional value and certain curative effects. Its benefits have been proved in a number of studies but it is still necessary to examine some potential harmful effects of this beverage. The aim of this paper was to investigate content of ribonucleic acids (RNA produced during tea fungus fermentation on a usual substrate sweetened black tea, and on Jerusalem artichoke tubers (J.A.T extract using method by Munro and Fleck (1966. pH, ribonucleic acids and also the production of proteins that affect purity of nucleic acids preparations were monitored. A higher value of RNA has been noticed in J.A.T. beverage (0.57 mg/ml and with observation of usual daily dose of the beverage it is completely safe and useful one.

  16. The role of a pre-load beverage on gastric volume and food intake: comparison between non-caloric carbonated and non-carbonated beverage

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    Zito Francesco


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There is conflicting data on the effects of carbon dioxide contained in beverages on stomach functions. We aimed to verify the effect of a pre-meal administration of a 300 ml non-caloric carbonated beverage (B+CO2 compared to water or a beverage without CO2 (B-CO2, during a solid (SM and a liquid meal (LM on: a gastric volume, b caloric intake, c ghrelin and cholecystokinin (CCK release in healthy subjects. Methods After drinking the beverages (Water, B-CO2, B+CO2, ten healthy subjects (4 women, aged 22-30 years; BMI 23 ± 1 were asked to consume either an SM or an LM, at a constant rate (110 kcal/5 min. Total gastric volumes (TGV were evaluated by Magnetic Resonance Imaging after drinking the beverage and at maximum satiety (MS. Total kcal intake at MS was evaluated. Ghrelin and CCK were measured by enzyme immunoassay until 120 min after the meal. Statistical calculations were carried out by paired T-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA. The data is expressed as mean ± SEM. Results TGV after B+CO2 consumption was significantly higher than after B-CO2 or water (p 2: 837 ± 66; B+CO2: 774 ± 66 or the LM (630 ± 111; 585 ± 88; 588 ± 95. Area under curve of ghrelin was significantly (p 2 compared to B+CO2 and water (26.2 ± 4.5; 27.1 ± 5.1. No significant differences were found for ghrelin during LM, and for CCK during both SM and LM after all beverages. Conclusions The increase in gastric volume following a 300 ml pre-meal carbonated beverage did not affect food intake whether a solid or liquid meal was given. The consistency of the meal and the carbonated beverage seemed to influence ghrelin release, but were unable, under our experimental conditions, to modify food intake in terms of quantity. Further studies are needed to verify if other food and beverage combinations are able to modify satiation.

  17. Shh, Respect Freedom of Speech: The Reasons Why Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Ismail Kadare Have Not Been Awarded the Nobel Prize

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    Edona Llukacaj


    Full Text Available Shh, Respect Freedom of Speech: The Reasons Why Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Ismail Kadare Have Not Been Awarded the Nobel Prize Abstract The terrorist attack on the satirical French magazine, Charlie Hebdo, at the beginning of this year, intensified the unremitting debate over the right to freedom of speech and expression, as well as its limitations. Nonetheless, it was almost unanimously agreed that the human right to express personal beliefs, regardless of the fact that they could be in deep disagreement with or even insulting towards the values of certain individuals, groups, or worldviews, should be defended and promoted by the whole human community. It goes without saying that the role of intellectuals and, especially, that of the academia, in promoting tolerance, diversity, and dialogue is essential. However, this does not seem to have been one of the criteria on which the Swedish Academy based its choices, over the past years, for the awarding of the Noble Prize in Literature. Focusing on the literary contributions of Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Ismail Kadare, two repeated nominees for the Noble Prize, this paper will attempt to shed light on the reasons why these two “heroes” of free speech and representation have not been awarded the prestigious prize.

  18. Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption among a Subset of Canadian Youth (United States)

    Vanderlee, Lana; Manske, Steve; Murnaghan, Donna; Hanning, Rhona; Hammond, David


    Background: Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) may play a role in increased rates of obesity. This study examined patterns and frequencies of beverage consumption among youth in 3 distinct regions in Canada, and examined associations between beverage consumption and age, sex, body mass index (BMI), physical activity and dieting behavior, as well as…

  19. 30 CFR 56.20014 - Prohibited areas for food and beverages. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Prohibited areas for food and beverages. 56... Miscellaneous § 56.20014 Prohibited areas for food and beverages. No person shall be allowed to consume or store food or beverages in a toilet room or in any area exposed to a toxic material. ...

  20. Erosive effects of common beverages on extracted premolar teeth. (United States)

    Seow, W K; Thong, K M


    Dental erosion is highly prevalent today, and acidic drinks are thought to be an important cause. The aim of the present investigation was to determine the erosive potential of a range of common beverages on extracted human teeth. The beverages were tested for their individual pHs using a pH meter. The clinical effects of the most erosive beverages were determined by the degree of etching and Vickers microhardness of enamel. The results showed that many common beverages have pHs sufficiently low to cause enamel erosion. Lime juice concentrate (pH 2.1) had the lowest pH, followed by Coca-cola and Pepsi (both with pH 2.3) and Lucozade (pH 2.5). The erosive potential of these beverages was demonstrated by the deep etching of the enamel after five minutes. The Vickers Hardness of enamel was reduced by about 50 per cent in the case of lime juice (p case of Coca-cola (p Coca-cola completely reversed the erosive effects on the enamel. Although only a few of the beverages with the lowest pHs were tested, the present study showed that the most acidic drinks had the greatest erosive effects on enamel. While saliva was protective against erosion, relatively large volumes were required to neutralize the acidity.

  1. Changes in prices, sales, consumer spending, and beverage consumption one year after a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in Berkeley, California, US: A before-and-after study. (United States)

    Silver, Lynn D; Ng, Shu Wen; Ryan-Ibarra, Suzanne; Taillie, Lindsey Smith; Induni, Marta; Miles, Donna R; Poti, Jennifer M; Popkin, Barry M


    Taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) meant to improve health and raise revenue are being adopted, yet evaluation is scarce. This study examines the association of the first penny per ounce SSB excise tax in the United States, in Berkeley, California, with beverage prices, sales, store revenue/consumer spending, and usual beverage intake. Methods included comparison of pre-taxation (before 1 January 2015) and first-year post-taxation (1 March 2015-29 February 2016) measures of (1) beverage prices at 26 Berkeley stores; (2) point-of-sale scanner data on 15.5 million checkouts for beverage prices, sales, and store revenue for two supermarket chains covering three Berkeley and six control non-Berkeley large supermarkets in adjacent cities; and (3) a representative telephone survey (17.4% cooperation rate) of 957 adult Berkeley residents. Key hypotheses were that (1) the tax would be passed through to the prices of taxed beverages among the chain stores in which Berkeley implemented the tax in 2015; (2) sales of taxed beverages would decline, and sales of untaxed beverages would rise, in Berkeley stores more than in comparison non-Berkeley stores; (3) consumer spending per transaction (checkout episode) would not increase in Berkeley stores; and (4) self-reported consumption of taxed beverages would decline. Main outcomes and measures included changes in inflation-adjusted prices (cents/ounce), beverage sales (ounces), consumers' spending measured as store revenue (inflation-adjusted dollars per transaction) in two large chains, and usual beverage intake (grams/day and kilocalories/day). Tax pass-through (changes in the price after imposition of the tax) for SSBs varied in degree and timing by store type and beverage type. Pass-through was complete in large chain supermarkets (+1.07¢/oz, p = 0.001) and small chain supermarkets and chain gas stations (1.31¢/oz, p = 0.004), partial in pharmacies (+0.45¢/oz, p = 0.03), and negative in independent corner stores and


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    Tumisem Tumisem


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian tentang Analisis Kadar Logam dan Cara Mudah Mengenali Berbagai Udang yang Terakumulasi Logam dilakukan dengan: mengidentifikasi berbagai jenis udang, menganalisis kadar logam dan menganalisis secara morfologi berbagai jenis udang terkait dengan morfologi tubuhnya. Penelitian dilakukan di sepanjang Sungai Donan Cilacap dengan cara menangkap berbagai jenis udang di sepanjang sungai tersebut setiap musim. Analisis kadar logam dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia Analitik UGM, identifikasi dan analisis morfologi udang dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknik Kimia UMP. Hasil identifikasi diperoleh enam jenis udang yaitu udang Tepus, Pletok, Jahe, Peci, Sikat, dan Wuku. Berdasarkan hasil analisis morfologi (warna tubuh menunjukkan semua jenis udang yang berasal dari lokasi sekitar tailing semen dan pertamina berwarna lebih gelap (kehitaman atau hitam kemerahan, dan yang berasal dari lokasi sungai yang memiliki tanaman bakau adalah cerah dan segar (warna lebih kelihatan bening. Hasil analisis kadar logam jenis Cd dan Pb pada semua udang tidak terdeteksi, sedangkan analisis kadar Cu terdeteksi pada udang Pletok, Wuku dan Sikat dengan kadar melebihi baku mutu kesehatan 0,1 ppm. Rata-rata kadar Cu pada udang tersebut sebesar 66,256 ppm per 1000 gram udang kering. Dari hasil analisis morfologi (bentuk tubuh dari semua jenis udang baik yang terakumulasi logam maupun tidak memiliki bentuk yang sama, sehingga tidak dapat menjadi patokan dalam mengenali udang yang tercemar logam. Berdasarkan penelitian di atas dapat disimpulkan udang yang terakumulasi bahan pencemar di atas standar keamanan pangan berwarna hijau kehitaman dan merah kehitaman, sedangkan udang yang tidak terakumulasi bahan pencemar berwarna putih segar. ABSTRACT Research on the metal content analysis and Easily Recognize for shrimps that accumulates of metal have done by identify various types of shrimps, metal content analysis, and analyzed morphologically various types of shrimp related

  3. Taxing sugar-sweetened beverages: the fight against obesity. (United States)

    Conkle, James; Carter, Melondie


    Increased consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages has been identified as a key contributor in the obesity epidemic. Taxing these beverages is currently a hot topic for healthcare providers, manufacturers, and legislators. Whether a tax will help trim American waist lines remains questionable.

  4. 30 CFR 57.20014 - Prohibited areas for food and beverages. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Prohibited areas for food and beverages. 57... MINES Miscellaneous § 57.20014 Prohibited areas for food and beverages. No person shall be allowed to consume or store food or beverages in a toilet room or in any area exposed to a toxic material. ...

  5. Energy contribution of sugar-sweetened beverage refills at fast-food restaurants. (United States)

    Breck, Andrew; Cantor, Jonathan H; Elbel, Brian


    To identify demographic and consumer characteristics associated with refilling a soft drink at fast-food restaurants and the estimated energy content and volume of those refills. Logistic and linear regression with cross-sectional survey data. Data include fast-food restaurant receipts and consumer surveys collected from restaurants in New York City (all boroughs except Staten Island), and Newark and Jersey City, New Jersey, during 2013 and 2014. Fast-food restaurant customers (n 11795) from ninety-eight restaurants. Thirty per cent of fast-food customers ordered a refillable soft drink. Nine per cent of fast-food customers with a refillable soft drink reported refilling their beverage (3 % of entire sample). Odds of having a beverage refill were higher among respondents with a refillable soft drink at restaurants with a self-serve refill kiosk (adjusted OR (aOR)=7·37, Prestaurant (aOR=4·45, P<0·001). KFC (aOR=2·18, P<0·001) and Wendy's (aOR=0·41, P<0·001) customers had higher and lower odds, respectively, of obtaining a refill, compared with Burger King customers. Respondents from New Jersey (aOR=1·47, P<0·001) also had higher odds of refilling their beverage than New York City customers. Customers who got a refill obtained on average 29 more 'beverage ounces' (858 ml) and 250 more 'beverage calories' (1046 kJ) than customers who did not get a refill. Refilling a beverage was associated with having obtained more beverage calories and beverage ounces. Environmental cues, such as the placement and availability of self-serve beverage refills, may influence consumer beverage choice.

  6. Food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome caused by rice beverage. (United States)

    Caminiti, Lucia; Salzano, Giuseppina; Crisafulli, Giuseppe; Porcaro, Federica; Pajno, Giovanni Battista


    Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is an uncommon and potentially severe non IgE-mediated gastrointestinal food allergy. It is usually caused by cow's milk or soy proteins, but may also be triggered by ingestion of solid foods. The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical history and symptoms. Management of acute phase requires fluid resuscitation and intravenous steroids administration, but avoidance of offending foods is the only effective therapeutic option.Infant with FPIES presented to our emergency department with vomiting, watery stools, hypothension and metabolic acidosis after ingestion of rice beverage. Intravenous fluids and steroids were administered with good clinical response. Subsequently, a double blind placebo control food challenge (DBPCFC) was performed using rice beverage and hydrolyzed formula (eHF) as placebo. The "rice based formula" induced emesis, diarrhoea and lethargy. Laboratory investigations reveal an increase of absolute count of neutrophils and the presence of faecal eosinophils. The patient was treated with both intravenous hydration and steroids. According to Powell criteria, oral food challenge was considered positive and diagnosis of FPIES induced by rice beverage was made. Patient was discharged at home with the indication to avoid rice and any rice beverage as well as to reintroduce hydrolyzed formula. A case of FPIES induced by rice beverage has never been reported. The present case clearly shows that also beverage containing rice proteins can be responsible of FPIES. For this reason, the use of rice beverage as cow's milk substitute for the treatment of non IgE-mediated food allergy should be avoided.

  7. Penentuan Nilai Kalor Serta Pengaruh Asam Klorida (Hcl Terhadap Kadar Bioetanol Bonggol Pisang (Musa Paradisiacal

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    Asri Saleh


    Full Text Available The research of influence bioetanol degree to chlorine acid catalyst concentration (HCl in the hydrolysis process banana’s bump (Musa paradisiacal has the goal to know the influence of catalyst concentration variation HCl was given the result of banana’s bump hydrolysis which maximum on catalyst variation HCl 0,5 M; 1,0 M; 1,5 M; 2,0 M and 2,5 M on temperature 70oC, 150 rpm during 120 minute with appointment of calor percentage on optimum etanol degree. Based on the result of the research etanol degree highest on HCl with concentration 2,5 with bioetanol degree 5.29% per 10 gram banana’s bump. Based on the ANAVA calculation found out F calculate < F table so that H0 accepted and H1 refused. It’s mean that there were not influenced of concentration HCl to bioetanol degree significantly. Percentage of bioetanol calor which found out on concentration HC1 2,5 M (maximum concentration were 3461 (Sample I  and 3384 kkal (Sample II.

  8. [On alcoholic beverage taxation in Spain]. (United States)

    Mora, Toni

    Review the price elasticity of alcoholic beverages to identify the characteristics we should take into account to make a tax policy proposal. Systematic review of articles in EBSCOhost that include in their abstract and title the words alcohol and elasticity and alcohol and tax, over the last 20 years in academic journals in English. We found 11 references. Although price elasticity is quite similar across countries, it is heterogeneous with regard togender, age, consumption level and type of beverage. Ad-hoc policies proved ineffective due to the substitution effect, and regressive in their impact on populations with lower levels of income and consumption. Tax policies should be applied to all alcoholic beverages based on their volume of alcohol and all measures, such as the minimum price per unit, should be complemented with other policies. Copyright © 2017 SESPAS. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. Penentuan Letak dan Kapasitas Optimal Bank Kapasitor pada Jaring Transmisi 150 kV Sumatera Utara Menggunakan Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm

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    Andita Noor Shafira


    Full Text Available Listrik merupakan suatu kebutuhan mutlak yang harus dipenuhi untuk menjamin keberlangsungan hidup masyarakat masa kini. Kebutuhan ini terus meningkat seiring dengan pertumbuhan beban yang semakin bertambah dari tahun ke tahun. Pertumbuhan beban yang diikuti dengan peningkatan permintaan suplai daya reaktif akibat beban bersifat induktif meningkat menyebabkan perencanaan dan operasi dari sistem interkoneksi menjadi lebih kompleks sehingga kualitas sistem menjadi kurang dapat diandalkan. Aliran daya reaktif dapat menyebabkan drop tegangan dan kerugian daya dalam sistem transmisi. Untuk itu dilakukan penentuan letak dan kapasitas kapasitor shunt untuk mengurangi kerugian daya dengan menggunakan Newton-Raphson dan metode optimisasi Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. Pada percobaan ini dilakukan pemasangan lima kapasitor dengan jumlah koloni sebesar 50 dan Max Cycle Number sebesar 150. Hasil simulasi menggunakan metode Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm menunjukkan bahwa pemasangan kapasitor pada Jaring Transmisi 150 kV Sumatera Utara dapat menurunkan kerugian daya aktif sebesar 8,37%.

  10. Alcoholic Beverages in Bangladesh-How Much We Know?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Islam, N.; Ferdous, N.; Nesha, K.; Rasker, Johannes J.


    Objectives: This study was aimed to determine the names and alcohol content or strength of different alcoholic beverages used in different parts of Bangladesh and also to determine contamination with heavy metals and bacteria in some samples. Methods: Eight different types of alcoholic beverages

  11. Beverages formulated with whey protein and added lutein

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    Juliana de Cássia Gomes Rocha

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: This study aimed to develop and characterize beverages formulated with whey protein and added lutein. Beverages formulated with 0.5 (F1, 2.0 (F2, 4.0 (F3 and 6.0% w/v (F4 whey protein were physicochemically and microbiologically characterized, and sensory evaluated. The physicochemical analyses indicated that the protein content significantly changed (P0.05 with increased protein content. The F2 formulation showed the highest sensory acceptance. Beverages offer a promising alternative to whey use and enhance the value of the product by the addition of lutein.

  12. Correlates of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Purchased for Children at Fast-Food Restaurants. (United States)

    Cantor, Jonathan; Breck, Andrew; Elbel, Brian


    To determine consumer and fast-food purchase characteristics associated with the purchase of a sugar-sweetened beverage, as well as calories and grams of sugar, for children at a fast-food restaurant. We completed cross-sectional analyses of fast-food restaurant receipts and point-of-purchase surveys (n = 483) collected during 2013 and 2014 in New York City and Newark and Jersey City, New Jersey. Caregivers purchased beverages for half of all children in our sample. Approximately 60% of these beverages were sugar-sweetened beverages. Fast-food meals with sugar-sweetened beverages had, on average, 179 more calories than meals with non-sugar-sweetened beverages. Being an adolescent or male, having a caregiver with a high school degree or less, having a caregiver who saw the posted calorie information, ordering a combination meal, and eating the meal in the restaurant were associated with ordering a sugar-sweetened beverage. Purchases that included a combination meal or were consumed in the restaurant included more beverage grams of sugar and calories. Characteristics of fast-food purchases appear to have the largest and most important association to beverage calories for children at fast-food restaurants. Targeting fast-food restaurants, particularly combination meals, may improve childhood obesity rates.

  13. Online marketing of food and beverages to children: a content analysis. (United States)

    Brady, Jennifer; Mendelson, Rena; Farrell, Amber; Wong, Sharon


    The goal was to assess websites sponsored by food and beverage manufacturers that have pledged to market branded food and beverage products to children responsibly, by ratifying the Children's Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative (CFBAI). A content analysis was conducted of 24 purposively sampled websites sponsored by 10 companies that promote food and beverage products to children. All are participant members of the CFBAI. Of the 24 websites analyzed, the majority targeted children below age 12 (83%). An array of innovative online marketing techniques, most notably free website membership (63%), leader boards (50%), adver-games (79%), and branded downloadable content (76%), were used to encourage children's engagement with branded food and beverage promotions. Food and beverage manufacturers are engaging children with dynamic online marketing techniques that challenge regulatory codes governing broadcast media. These techniques may contradict the spirit of the CFBAI. Innovative regulatory guidelines are needed to address modern marketing media.


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    Siti Nandiroh


    Full Text Available Sistem perawatan mesin yang dilakukan di PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara, selama ini masih bersifat korektif yaitu perawatan setelah terjadi kerusakan. Kerusakan komponen ini biasanya akan ditandai dengan ditemukannya produk yang dihasilkan tidak sedikit mengalami kecacatan. Peranan perawatan terhadap komponen-komponen Cyclone Feed Pump pada Process Departement - PT.Newmont Nusa Tenggara sangat penting artinya untuk mencegah terjadinya kecacatan produk masal dan mencegah terjadinya down time produksi. Dan perawatan yang paling baik digunakan adalah perawatan pencegahan sebelum terjadinya kerusakan (preventive maintenance. Mesin kritis adalah mesin yang mengalami frekwensi kerusakan terbesar dengan total downtime terbesar. Untuk penentuan mesin kritis ini, langkah pertama yang dilakukan adalah dengan mengukur lamanya waktu downtime produksi dari tiap-tiap mesin yang ada. Perhitungan MTTR berdasarkan data downtime, yang sebelumnya juga dilakukan uji kecocokan distribusi dan hasilnya sesuai, Dengan melakukan perhitungan Mean Time To Repair dan Mean Time To Failure dapat diketahui rata-rata waktu berapa lama pompa beroperasi dan berapa lama pompa tersebut dapat dilakukan perbaikan serta dapat diketahui Reliability pada Cyclone Feed Pump 2.0.1. Setelah dilakukkan perhitungan, komponen kritis Discharge Pipe pada Cyclone Feed Pump 2.0.1 harus sudah dilakukan inspeksi preventif, karena telah beroperasi 664.8 jam, dan perbaikan yang harus lakukan maksimal 3.4997 jam setiap kali dilakukan shutdown.

  15. Prevalence of food and beverage brands in movies: 1996-2005. (United States)

    Sutherland, Lisa A; Mackenzie, Todd; Purvis, Lisa A; Dalton, Madeline


    The objective of this study was to describe food and beverage brand placements in a large representative sample of popular movies. We identified and coded brand placements for foods, beverages, and food retail establishments in the top 20 US box office movie hits for each year from 1996 to 2005. We also coded general movie characteristics (Motion Picture Association of America rating, run time, genre, and information about major characters). We summarized the number and types of food, beverage, and food retail establishment brands by movie characteristics and also identified manufacturers that are associated with each of the brands. Of the 200 movies coded, 138 (69%) contained at least 1 food, beverage, or food retail establishment brand. Movies rated PG-13 and R were significantly more likely to have brand placements compared with movies in other rating categories. Comedies, action/adventures, and horror films had more brand placements than other genres. We did not detect a significant difference in the number of movies with brand placements or mean number of placements per movie by year of movie release. A total of 1180 brand placements were identified and verified, including 427 food, 425 beverage, and 328 food retail establishment brand placements. Candy/confections (26%) and salty snacks (21%) were the most prevalent food brands, sugar-sweetened beverages (76%) were the most prevalent beverage brands, and fast food composed two thirds of the food retail establishment brand placements. Food, beverage, and food retail establishment brands are frequently portrayed in movies, and most of the brand placements are for energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods or product lines. Movies are a potent source of advertising to children, which has been largely overlooked.

  16. Popular Music Celebrity Endorsements in Food and Nonalcoholic Beverage Marketing. (United States)

    Bragg, Marie A; Miller, Alysa N; Elizee, Juleen; Dighe, Shatabdi; Elbel, Brian D


    Food and beverage marketing has been associated with childhood obesity. We quantified the number and type of food or beverage brands promoted by music celebrities, assessed the nutritional quality of the products, and examined Teen Choice Award data to assess the celebrities' popularity among adolescents. This was a descriptive study. A list of music celebrities associated with the 2013 and 2014 Billboard Hot 100 Chart, which ranks songs according to sales and radio impressions, was compiled. Data on celebrity endorsements were gathered from official company Web sites, YouTube commercials, an advertising database, and media reports. Nutritional quality of foods was assessed according to the Nutrient Profile Index, whereas nonalcoholic beverages were evaluated based on calories from added sugar. Teen Choice Award nominations were used to measure the celebrities' popularity among adolescents. Of the 590 endorsements made by the 163 celebrities in the sample, consumer goods (eg, fragrances, makeup) represented the largest endorsement category (26%), followed by food and beverage (18%) and retail (11%). Sixty-five celebrities were collectively associated with 57 different food and beverage brands owned by 38 parent companies. Of these 65 celebrities, 53 (81.5%) had ≥1 Teen Choice Award nomination. Forty-nine (71%) of the 69 nonalcoholic beverage references promoted sugar-sweetened beverages. Twenty-one (80.8%) of the 26 endorsed foods were energy dense and nutrient poor. Baauer,, Justin Timberlake, Maroon 5, and Britney Spears had the most food and beverage endorsements. This study demonstrates that music celebrities who are popular among adolescents endorse energy-dense, nutrient-poor products. Copyright © 2016 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.


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    Delmi Sulastri


    Full Text Available AbstrakHipertensi merupakan masalah kesehatan utama di Indonesia maupun di dunia Hampir 95% kasus hipertensi tidak diketahui penyebabnya atau disebut hipertensi esensial (HET. Pola konsumsi yang baik dan seimbang merupakan salah satu upaya pengendalikan tekanan darah. Omega-3 adalah salah satu zat gizi yang dapat menurunkan tekanan darah. Omega-3, terbukti berperan dalam mencegah beberapa penyakit kronis termasuk hipertensi.Telah dilakukan penelitian dengan desain cross sectional study untuk melihat hubungan omega-3 plasma dengan kejadian hipertensi. Penelitian dilakukan pada 130 orang yang terdiridari subjek hipertensi dan normotensi. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara sistematik random sampling dengan memperhatikan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi. Asupan omega-3 dihitung menggunakan FFQ dan kadar omega-3 plasma diukur dengan teknik methylasi.Hasil penelitian ini adalah asupan omega-3 adalah 0,66±0,61 gram/hari, EPA 0,29 ± 0,23 gram/hari, DHA (22:6 0,85± 0,65 gram/hari dan kelompok normotensi ALA 0,64± 0,55 gram/hari, EPA 0,27±0,15 gram/hari, DHA 21,34 ± 174,14 gram/hari. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna asupan omega-3 dengan kadar omega-3 plasma antara kelompok hipertensi dengan kelompok normotensi dan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara asupan omega-3 dan kadar omega-3 plasma dengan kejadian hipertensi.Hasil penelitian ini tidak mendukung hubungan antara omega-3 dengan kejadian hipertensiKata kunci : hipertensi, omega-3, EPA, ALA, DHAAbstractHypertension is the leading health problem in the community in Indonesia and even in certain countries all over the world. Almost 95% of hypertension cases are from unknown cause which is also known as essential hypertension (HET. Planned and balanced consumption pole is one of the efforts to control blood pressure. Omega-3 is one of the nutrients that reduce blood pressure. Omega-3 is proven to involve in preventing certain chronic disease including hypertension.A cross-sectional study carried


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    Maya Yusida


    Full Text Available Land suitability is the suitability of a plot of land for a particular use. In the determination of appropriate plant recommendations on land, the Banjarbaru Swampland Food Crops Research Institute sets out 8 criteria in its assessment. These criteria include Soil Depth (cm, CEC Soil (cmol, Saturation Bases (%, pH (H2O, C-Organic (%, N Total (%, P2O5 (mg / 100g, K2O (mg / 100g. Making this expert system using Fuzzy Tsukamoto method. The results obtained from this expert system in the form of data on land suitability for rubber and palm oil plantations that are prioritized to be planted in a field based on the growing requirements of a plant. Keywords: Expert System, Land Suitability, Fuzzy Tsukamoto Kesesuaian lahan adalah kecocokan sebidang lahan untuk penggunaan tertentu. Dalam penentuan rekomendasi tanaman yang sesuai terhadap lahan, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Lahan Rawa Banjarbaru menetapkan 8 kriteria dalam penilaiannya. Kriteria tersebut meliputi Kedalaman Tanah (cm, KTK Tanah (cmol, Kejenuhan Basa (%, pH (H2O, C-Organik (%, N Total (%, P2O5 (mg/100g, K2O (mg/100g. Pembuatan sistem pakar ini menggunakan metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto. Hasil yang didapat dari sistem pakar ini berupa data tingkat kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman karet dan kelapa sawit yang lebih diprioritaskan untuk ditanam disuatu lahan berdasarkan syarat tumbuh suatu tanaman. Kata Kunci : Sistem Pakar, Kesesuaian Lahan, Fuzzy Tsukamoto

  19. Does the sale of sweetened beverages at school affect children's weight? (United States)

    Cunningham, Solveig A; Zavodny, Madeline


    In response to the increase in children's weight in recent decades, many states, school districts, and schools in the United States have limited or eliminated the sale of sweetened beverages at school. These policies are promoted for their potential to reduce childhood overweight and obesity, but their effectiveness has not been evaluated. Using a large nationally representative longitudinal dataset, the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten (ECLS-K), this study explores the relationship between children's access to sweetened beverages at school in 5th and 8th grade, their purchases and total consumption of these beverages, and their weight. We find almost no evidence that availability of sweetened beverages for sale at school leads to heavier weight or greater risk of overweight or obesity among children. We also find limited evidence that availability of sweetened beverages for sale at school leads to higher total consumption of these beverages. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Grocery store beverage choices by participants in federal food assistance and nutrition programs. (United States)

    Andreyeva, Tatiana; Luedicke, Joerg; Henderson, Kathryn E; Tripp, Amanda S


    Sugar-sweetened beverages are a target for reduction in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Concerns have been raised about sugar-sweetened beverages purchased with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. This paper describes purchases of non-alcoholic refreshment beverages among participants in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and SNAP. Grocery store scanner data from a regional supermarket chain were used to assess refreshment beverage purchases of 39,172 households in January-June 2011. The sample consisted of families with a history of WIC participation in 2009-2011; about half also participated in SNAP. Beverage spending and volume purchased were compared for WIC sampled households either using SNAP benefits (SNAP) or not (WIC-only). Analyses were completed in 2012. Refreshment beverages were a significant contributor to expenditure on groceries by SNAP and WIC households. Sugar-sweetened beverages accounted for 58% of refreshment beverage purchases made by SNAP households and 48% of purchases by WIC-only households. Soft drinks were purchased most by all households. Fruit-based beverages were mainly 100% juice for WIC-only households and sugary fruit drinks for SNAP households. SNAP benefits paid for 72% of the sugar-sweetened beverage purchases made by SNAP households. Nationwide, SNAP was estimated to pay at least $1.7 to $2.1 billion annually for sugar-sweetened beverages purchased in grocery stores. Considerable amounts of sugar-sweetened beverages are purchased by households participating in WIC and SNAP. The SNAP program pays for most of the sugar-sweetened beverage purchases among SNAP households. The upcoming SNAP reauthorization could be a good time to reconsider the program priorities to align public funds with public health. Copyright © 2012 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Determination of indigenous and foreign alcoholic beverages' levels ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The comparative levels of indigenous and foreign alcoholic beverages in the urine of 24 University students after drinking a cup or shot of the beverages have been reported. The Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy was used for the analysis. From the results, the percentage content of alcohol (%v/v) in burukutu, ...

  2. Production and antioxidative activity of alcoholic beverages made ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Fermentation yeast was isolated from a Thai traditional alcoholic beverage called Thai ou, which is drunk through bamboo tubes. The isolated yeast was identified as a strain of the genus Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The alcoholic beverage made with the isolated yeast designated as S. cerevisiae NP01 from black rice ...

  3. Mycological evaluation of a ground cocoa-based beverage ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao) are processed into cocoa beverage through fermentation, drying, roasting and grounding of the seed to powder. The mycological quality of 39 samples of different brand of these cocoa – based beverage referred to as 'eruku oshodi' collected from 3 different markets in south – west Nigeria ...

  4. Hunter versus CIE color measurement systems for analysis of milk-based beverages. (United States)

    Cheng, Ni; Barbano, David M; Drake, Mary Anne


    The objective of our work was to determine the differences in sensitivity of Hunter and International Commission on Illumination (CIE) methods at 2 different viewer angles (2 and 10°) for measurement of whiteness, red/green, and blue/yellow color of milk-based beverages over a range of composition. Sixty combinations of milk-based beverages were formulated (2 replicates) with a range of fat level from 0.2 to 2%, true protein level from 3 to 5%, and casein as a percent of true protein from 5 to 80% to provide a wide range of milk-based beverage color. In addition, commercial skim, 1 and 2% fat high-temperature, short-time pasteurized fluid milks were analyzed. All beverage formulations were HTST pasteurized and cooled to 4°C before analysis. Color measurement viewer angle (2 vs. 10°) had very little effect on objective color measures of milk-based beverages with a wide range of composition for either the Hunter or CIE color measurement system. Temperature (4, 20, and 50°C) of color measurement had a large effect on the results of color measurement in both the Hunter and CIE measurement systems. The effect of milk beverage temperature on color measurement results was the largest for skim milk and the least for 2% fat milk. This highlights the need for proper control of beverage serving temperature for sensory panel analysis of milk-based beverages with very low fat content and for control of milk temperature when doing objective color analysis for quality control in manufacture of milk-based beverages. The Hunter system of color measurement was more sensitive to differences in whiteness among milk-based beverages than the CIE system, whereas the CIE system was much more sensitive to differences in yellowness among milk-based beverages. There was little difference between the Hunter and CIE system in sensitivity to green/red color of milk-based beverages. In defining milk-based beverage product specifications for objective color measures for dairy product

  5. Marketing Food and Beverages to Youth Through Sports. (United States)

    Bragg, Marie A; Roberto, Christina A; Harris, Jennifer L; Brownell, Kelly D; Elbel, Brian


    Food and beverage marketing has been identified as a major driver of obesity yet sports sponsorship remains common practice and represents millions of dollars in advertising expenditures. Research shows that food and beverage products associated with sports (e.g., M&M's with National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing logo) generate positive feelings, excitement, and a positive self-image among adults and children. Despite this, self-regulatory pledges made by food companies to limit exposure of unhealthy products to children have not improved the nutritional quality of foods marketed to children. We reviewed the literature about sports-related food marketing, including food and beverage companies' use of sports sponsorships, athlete endorsements, and sports video games. This review demonstrates that sports sponsorships with food and beverage companies often promote energy-dense, nutrient-poor products and while many of these promotions do not explicitly target youth, sports-related marketing affects food perceptions and preferences among youth. Furthermore, endorsement of unhealthy products by professional athletes sends mixed messages; although athletes may promote physical activity, they simultaneously encourage consumption of unhealthy products that can lead to negative health outcomes. We argue that more athletes and sports organizations should stop promoting unhealthy foods and beverages and work with health experts to encourage healthy eating habits among youth. Copyright © 2017 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Consumption of sugar sweetened beverages, artificially sweetened beverages, and fruit juice and incidence of type 2 diabetes: systematic review, meta-analysis, and estimation of population attributable fraction (United States)

    Imamura, Fumiaki; O'Connor, Laura; Ye, Zheng; Mursu, Jaakko; Hayashino, Yasuaki; Bhupathiraju, Shilpa N; Forouhi, Nita G


    Objectives To examine the prospective associations between consumption of sugar sweetened beverages, artificially sweetened beverages, and fruit juice with type 2 diabetes before and after adjustment for adiposity, and to estimate the population attributable fraction for type 2 diabetes from consumption of sugar sweetened beverages in the United States and United Kingdom. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources and eligibility PubMed, Embase, Ovid, and Web of Knowledge for prospective studies of adults without diabetes, published until February 2014. The population attributable fraction was estimated in national surveys in the USA, 2009–10 (n=4729 representing 189.1 million adults without diabetes) and the UK, 2008–12 (n=1932 representing 44.7 million). Synthesis methods Random effects meta-analysis and survey analysis for population attributable fraction associated with consumption of sugar sweetened beverages. Results Prespecified information was extracted from 17 cohorts (38 253 cases/10 126 754 person years). Higher consumption of sugar sweetened beverages was associated with a greater incidence of type 2 diabetes, by 18% per one serving/day (95% confidence interval 9% to 28%, I2 for heterogeneity=89%) and 13% (6% to 21%, I2=79%) before and after adjustment for adiposity; for artificially sweetened beverages, 25% (18% to 33%, I2=70%) and 8% (2% to 15%, I2=64%); and for fruit juice, 5% (−1% to 11%, I2=58%) and 7% (1% to 14%, I2=51%). Potential sources of heterogeneity or bias were not evident for sugar sweetened beverages. For artificially sweetened beverages, publication bias and residual confounding were indicated. For fruit juice the finding was non-significant in studies ascertaining type 2 diabetes objectively (P for heterogeneity=0.008). Under specified assumptions for population attributable fraction, of 20.9 million events of type 2 diabetes predicted to occur over 10 years in the USA (absolute event rate 11.0%), 1.8 million

  7. Drivers of Acceptance of a New Beverage in Europe

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    Ana Patricia Silva


    Full Text Available One of the challenges of studying food consumption behavior is to identify the drivers of choice for a food product. This is particularly important to design and develop new foods for which no previous information is available. Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (Bissap is an herbaceous plant and an important source of vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds, which confer a number of potential health benefits to derived products. The consumption of Bissap in beverage form is widespread in Africa and Asia, but not yet in Europe. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the main drivers of consumer acceptance of a traditional African beverage made from Bissap to which they had not been previously exposed. First, three focus groups (n = 22 were performed in Portugal to characterize the sensory profile of four Bissap beverages, to reveal perceptions and attitudes towards Bissap beverages, and to identify potential choice attributes. Subsequently, a full-profile conjoint analysis (n = 99 was performed, where consumers evaluated 37 Bissap beverage profiles, aiming to estimate choice attribute importance and to identify relevant market segments. Focus group findings showed that consumers would choose Bissap because they perceived as a healthy choice, and due to its novelty. The conjoint study showed an ideal profile for a Bissap beverage costing €0.99/L, <18 kcal/100 mL, packaged in Tetra-pack, light red color, and containing labeling information about antioxidants and Bissap. Four clusters of consumers were identified: price sensitive, body concerned, packaging attracted, and demanding, highlighting the most influential choice attributes: price, calories, and packaging. Findings provide useful guidance for new product development of an African product in the European lifestyle. Results might be useful from a nutraceutical point of view and to the food/beverages industry.

  8. Fructose content and composition of commercial HFCS-sweetened carbonated beverages. (United States)

    White, J S; Hobbs, L J; Fernandez, S


    The obesigenic and related health effects of caloric sweeteners are subjects of much current research. Consumers can properly adjust their diets to conform to nutritional recommendations only if the sugars composition of foods and beverages is accurately measured and reported, a matter of recent concern. We tested the hypothesis that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) used in commercial carbonated beverages conforms to commonly assumed fructose percentages and industry technical specifications, and fulfills beverage product label regulations and Food Chemicals Codex-stipulated standards. A high-pressure liquid chromatography method was developed and verified for analysis of sugars in carbonated beverages sweetened with HFCS-55. The method was used to measure percent fructose in three carbonated beverage categories. Method verification was demonstrated by acceptable linearity (R(2)>0.99), accuracy (94-104% recovery) and precision (RSD canned and bottled products and met the US Federal requirements for nutritional labeling and nutrient claims. Prior concerns about composition were likely owing to use of improper and unverified methodology.

  9. Formulation and characterization of novel functional beverages with antioxidant and anti-acetylcholinesterase activities

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    Suree Nanasombat


    Full Text Available Background: Nowadays, there is increased consumer demand for high-antioxidant foods. Drinking high-antioxidant beverages may help to protect against aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and other chronic diseases. Grapes and some plants including Phyllanthus emblica, Terminalia chebula, Kaempferia parviflora, Centella asiatica, Nelumbo nucifera, Rauvolfia serpentina, Ginkgo biloba, Crocus sativus, Clitoria ternatea and others are well-known to possess antioxidant, neuroprotective and other health-promoting activities. Thus, it is possible to use these plants for the development of new functional beverages. Methods: Ten formulations of beverages were produced. The 5 non-alcoholic beverages contained dried medicinal plants, fresh grapes and others and are as follows: beverage B1: 10.2% K. parviflora rhizomes, 5.1% brown sugar and 84.7% water; beverage B2: 0.45% Ardisia polycephala leaves, 0.45% C. asiatica leaves, 0.36% C. ternatea flowers, 0.45% C. sativus pollens, 0.45% G. biloba leaves, 0.45% Melodorum fruticosum flowers, 0.90% N. nucifera petals, 0.45% Nymphaea lotus petals, 5.43% crystalline sugar and 90.58% water; beverage B3: 0.62% A. polycephala fruits, 0.35% C. ternatea flowers, 0.44% G. biloba leaves, 2.64% K. parviflora rhizomes, 1.76% P. emblica fruits, 0.88% T. chebula fruits, 5.28% brown sugar and 88.03% water; beverage B4: 0.51% Acorus calamus stems, 0.68% C. ternatea flowers, 4.23% K. parviflora rhizomes, 0.85% N. nucifera petals, 0.85% N. lotus petals, 0.85% M. fruticosum flowers, 0.34% R. serpentina roots, 0.34% U. gambir, 1.69% Zingiber officinale rhizomes, 5.08% brown sugar and 84.60% water; beverage B5: 53.09% fresh grapes, 2.65% brown sugar and 44.25% water. After heating, filtering, and cooling, these beverages were put in sterile bottles. One part of each beverage was stored at 4C for 23 weeks before analyzing, but the other two parts were used to prepare the alcoholic beverage of each formulation. Grapes were mixed with the

  10. Foods and Beverages Sold Outside the School Meals Program (United States)

    Foods and Beverages Sold Outside of the School Meals Programs About SHPPS: SHPPS is a national survey periodically conducted ... canteen, or snack bar where students could purchase foods or beverages. • 4.0% of states and 6.6% of ...

  11. Microbiological quality of drinking water and beverages in Karachi, Pakistan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siddiqui, A.; Sahir, K.H.


    Microbiological assay of 780 water samples and 1220 beverage samples (412 branded and 808 unbranded), collected from 490 different schools, both government (98 schools) and private (392 schools), situated in different areas of the city of Karachi, was conducted for bacterial heterotrophic plate count, total coliforms, faecal coliforms, E. coli, faecal streptococci, Pseudomonas and Salmonella species. The counts ranged from 0 to 2.5 X 105 cfu/mL and from 0 to 106 cfu/mL in water and beverage samples, respectively. About 36% of water samples and 48% of unbranded beverage samples were contaminated with the indicator and the pathogenic bacteria; all the branded beverage samples were found fit for human consumption from microbiological viewpoint. (author)

  12. Improvement of production performance of functional fermented whey-based beverage

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    Bulatović Maja Lj.


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was improvement of the performances for the production of whey-based beverages with highly productive strains of Lactobacillus. Individual or mixed culture containing Lactobacillus helveticus ATCC 15009, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. lactis NRRL B-4525 and Streptococcus thermophilus S3 were studied. The scientific hypothesis was that production performances, especially aroma and viable cell count, are positively affected by the strains combination and temperature. Based on the results, beverages obtained by mixed cultures Lb. helveticus ATCC 15009 - S. thermophilus S3 and Lb. delbrueckii ssp. lactis - S. thermophilus S3 had higher aroma values than beverages obtained by individual strains. The symbiosis of tested strains has positive impact on the aroma of produced beverage. In addition, the temperature has significant influence on cell viability during the storage and fermentation dynamic. The beverages produced by mixed cultures Lb. helveticus ATCC 15009 - S. thermophilus S3 and Lb. delbrueckii ssp. lactis - S. thermophilus S3 at 42 oC achieved higher storage stability (19 to 22 days than beverages produced at 37°C and 45°C (13 to 19 days. Subsequently, at 42 °C fermentation time for both mixed cultures was 1.5 h shorter, compared to the time achieved at 37°C.

  13. The relationship between socioeconomic status and beverage consumption in children: The Cuenca Study. (United States)

    Milla Tobarra, Marta; García Hermoso, Antonio; Lahoz García, Noelia; Notario Pacheco, Blanca; Lucas de la Cruz, Lidia; Pozuelo Carrascosa, Diana P; García Meseguer, María José; Martínez Vizcaíno, Vicente A


    beverage consumption constitutes a source of children's daily energy intake. Some authors have suggested that consumption of caloric beverages is higher in children with a low socioeconomic position because families limit their spending on healthy food in order to save money. the aim of this study was to explore the relationship between socioeconomic status and Spanish children's beverage consumption. a cross-sectional study was conducted in a sub-sample of 182 children (74 girls) aged 9-11 from the province of Cuenca (Spain). Beverage consumption was assessed using the YANA-C assessment tool, validated for HELENA study. Data for parental socioeconomic status were gathered by using self-reported occupation and education questions answered by parents and classified according to the scale proposed by the Spanish Society of Epidemiology. beverage intake was higher in children belonging to a middle-status family than in those of upper socioeconomic status (p = 0.037). The energy from beverages was similar in most water intake categories, except for water from beverages (p = 0.046). Regarding other beverages categories, middle-status children had higher consumption levels. In contrast, lower status children drank more fruit juices and skimmed milk. All of these do not show statistically significant differences. our study did not find significant associations between beverages consumption and socioeconomic status in children. In fact, intake for most beverage categories was higher in middle-status children than in both other socioeconomic groups. Future research is needed in order to identify this complex relation between socioeconomic inequality and beverage intake behavior.

  14. Beverages consumption in Brazil: results from the first National Dietary Survey (United States)

    Pereira, Rosangela A; Souza, Amanda M; Duffey, Kiyah J; Sichieri, Rosely; Popkin, Barry M


    Objective To provide an overview of beverage consumption patterns using the first nationally representative survey of dietary intake in Brazil. Design Beverage consumption data were obtained by 1-day food records in an individual dietary survey. Setting nationwide cross-sectional survey, 2008–09. Subjects nationally representative sample of individuals ≥10 years (n=34,003). Results Beverages contributed to 17.1% of total energy consumption. Caloric coffee beverages provided the greatest level of energy overall (464 kJ or 111 kcal/d). Individuals from 10 to 18 (243 kJ or 58 kcal/d) and from 19 to 39 years old (230 kJ or 55 kcal/d consumed higher proportion of energy from sugar sweetened soft drinks than individuals over this age (142 kJ or 34 kcal/d for those 40–59 and 79 kJ or 19 kcal/d for those >60 years old). Conclusions Overall, the contribution of beverages, particularly sugary beverages, to total energy consumption in Brazil represents an important public health challenge and is comparable with those from other countries. PMID:25158687

  15. Reduced Availability of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Diet Soda Has a Limited Impact on Beverage Consumption Patterns in Maine High School Youth (United States)

    Whatley Blum, Janet E.; Davee, Anne-Marie; Beaudoin, Christina M.; Jenkins, Paul L.; Kaley, Lori A.; Wigand, Debra A.


    Objective: To examine change in high school students' beverage consumption patterns pre- and post-intervention of reduced availability of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and diet soda in school food venues. Design: A prospective, quasi-experimental, nonrandomized study design. Setting: Public high schools. Participants: A convenience sample from…

  16. Fluid or Fuel? The Context of Consuming a Beverage Is Important for Satiety (United States)

    McCrickerd, Keri; Chambers, Lucy; Yeomans, Martin R.


    Energy-containing beverages have a weak effect on satiety, limited by their fluid characteristics and perhaps because they are not considered ‘food’. This study investigated whether the context of consuming a beverage can influence the satiating power of its nutrients. Eighty participants consumed a lower- (LE, 75 kcal) and higher-energy (HE, 272 kcal) version of a beverage (covertly manipulated within-groups) on two test days, in one of four beverage contexts (between-groups): thin versions of the test-drinks were consumed as a thirst-quenching drink (n = 20), a filling snack (n = 20), or without additional information (n = 20). A fourth group consumed subtly thicker versions of the beverages without additional information (n = 20). Lunch intake 60 minutes later depended on the beverage context and energy content (p = 0.030): participants who consumed the thin beverages without additional information ate a similar amount of lunch after the LE and HE versions (LE = 475 kcal, HE = 464 kcal; p = 0.690) as did those participants who believed the beverages were designed to quench-thirst (LE = 442 kcal, HE = 402 kcal; p = 0.213), despite consuming an additional 197 kcal in the HE beverage. Consuming the beverage as a filling snack led participants to consume less at lunch after the HE beverage compared to the LE version (LE = 506 kcal, HE = 437 kcal; p = 0.025). This effect was also seen when the beverages were subtly thicker, with participants in this group displaying the largest response to the beverage’s energy content, consuming less at lunch after the HE version (LE = 552 kcal, HE = 415 kcal; pbeverage can affect the impact of its nutrients on appetite regulation and provide further evidence that a beverage’s sensory characteristics can limit its satiating power. PMID:24945526

  17. Determination of CaffeineIn Beverages: A Review


    Igelige Gerald; David Ebuka Arthur; Adebiyi Adedayo


    Caffeine is a well-known stimulant which is added as an ingredient to various carbonated soft drinks. Caffeine has drawn more attention due to its physiological effects beyond that of its stimulatory effect. Consumers are interested in knowing the exact amounts of caffeine existing in beverages. However, limited data exist, especially for store brand beverages. Therefore, it is pertinent to review the various methods that will effectively determine the caffeine contents in different carbonate...

  18. Quinoa Beverages: Formulation, Processing and Potential Health Benefits

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    Kaur Intelli


    Full Text Available Background and Aims: Research on innovative foods and beverages that serve well to the nutritional needs of individuals suffering from metabolic disorders like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia is an urgent need for today. This study aims to describe a method for preparing gluten free quinoa beverages and to investigate their effects on human health.

  19. 11 CFR 100.138 - Sale of food and beverages by vendor. (United States)


    ... 11 Federal Elections 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Sale of food and beverages by vendor. 100.138...) Exceptions to Expenditures § 100.138 Sale of food and beverages by vendor. The sale of any food or beverage..., is not an expenditure, provided that the charge is at least equal to the cost of such food or...

  20. Global Trends in the Affordability of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, 1990-2016. (United States)

    Blecher, Evan; Liber, Alex C; Drope, Jeffrey M; Nguyen, Binh; Stoklosa, Michal


    The objective of this study was to quantify changes in the affordability of sugar-sweetened beverages, a product implicated as a contributor to rising rates of obesity worldwide, as a function of product price and personal income. We used international survey data in a retrospective analysis of 40 high-income and 42 low-income and middle-income countries from 1990 to 2016. Prices of sugar-sweetened beverages were from the Economist Intelligence Unit's World Cost of Living Survey. Income and inflation data were from the International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook Database. The measure of affordability was the average annual percentage change in the relative-income price of sugar-sweetened beverages, which is the annual rate of change in the proportion of per capita gross domestic product needed to purchase 100 L of Coca-Cola in each country in each year of the study. In 79 of 82 countries, the proportion of income needed to purchase sugar-sweetened beverages declined on average (using annual measures) during the study period. This pattern, described as an increase in the affordability of sugar-sweetened beverages, indicated that sugar-sweetened beverages became more affordable more rapidly in low-income and middle-income countries than in high-income countries, a fact largely attributable to the higher rate of income growth in those countries than to a decline in the real price of sugar-sweetened beverages. Without deliberate policy action to raise prices, sugar-sweetened beverages are likely to become more affordable and more widely consumed around the world.

  1. Association between excess weight and beverage portion size consumed in Brazil

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    Ilana Nogueira Bezerra


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the beverage portion size consumed and to evaluate their association with excess weight in Brazil. METHODS We used data from the National Dietary Survey, which included individuals with two days of food record aged over 20 years (n = 24,527 individuals. The beverages were categorized into six groups: soft drink, 100% fruit juice, fruit drink, alcoholic beverage, milk, and coffee or tea. We estimated the average portion consumed for each group and we evaluated, using linear regression, the association between portion size per group and the variables of age, sex, income, and nutritional status. We tested the association between portion size and excess weight using Poisson regression, adjusted for age, sex, income, and total energy intake. RESULTS The most frequently consumed beverages in Brazil were coffee and tea, followed by 100% fruit juices, soft drinks, and milk. Alcoholic beverages presented the highest average in the portion size consumed, followed by soft drinks, 100% fruit juice, fruit drink, and milk. Portion size showed positive association with excess weight only in the soft drink (PR = 1.19, 95%CI 1.10–1.27 and alcoholic beverage groups (PR = 1.20, 95%CI, 1.11–1.29, regardless of age, sex, income, and total energy intake. CONCLUSIONS Alcoholic beverages and soft drinks presented the highest averages in portion size and positive association with excess weight. Public health interventions should address the issue of portion sizes offered to consumers by discouraging the consumption of large portions, especially sweetened and low nutritional beverages.

  2. Assessment of a Districtwide Policy on Availability of Competitive Beverages in Boston Public Schools, Massachusetts, 2013. (United States)

    Mozaffarian, Rebecca S; Gortmaker, Steven L; Kenney, Erica L; Carter, Jill E; Howe, M Caitlin Westfall; Reiner, Jennifer F; Cradock, Angie L


    Competitive beverages are drinks sold outside of the federally reimbursable school meals program and include beverages sold in vending machines, a la carte lines, school stores, and snack bars. Competitive beverages include sugar-sweetened beverages, which are associated with overweight and obesity. We described competitive beverage availability 9 years after the introduction in 2004 of district-wide nutrition standards for competitive beverages sold in Boston Public Schools. In 2013, we documented types of competitive beverages sold in 115 schools. We collected nutrient data to determine compliance with the standards. We evaluated the extent to which schools met the competitive-beverage standards and calculated the percentage of students who had access to beverages that met or did not meet the standards. Of 115 schools, 89.6% met the competitive beverage nutrition standards; 88.5% of elementary schools and 61.5% of middle schools did not sell competitive beverages. Nutrition standards were met in 79.2% of high schools; 37.5% did not sell any competitive beverages, and 41.7% sold only beverages meeting the standards. Overall, 85.5% of students attended schools meeting the standards. Only 4.0% of students had access to sugar-sweetened beverages. A comprehensive, district-wide competitive beverage policy with implementation support can translate into a sustained healthful environment in public schools.

  3. Estimating the potential of taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages to reduce consumption and generate revenue. (United States)

    Andreyeva, Tatiana; Chaloupka, Frank J; Brownell, Kelly D


    Beverage taxes came into light with increasing concerns about obesity, particularly among youth. Sugar-sweetened beverages have become a target of anti-obesity initiatives with increasing evidence of their link to obesity. Our paper offers a method for estimating revenues from an excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages that governments of various levels could direct towards obesity prevention. We construct a model projecting beverage consumption and tax revenues based on best available data on regional beverage consumption, historic trends and recent estimates of the price elasticity of sugar-sweetened beverage demand. The public health impact of beverage taxes could be substantial. An estimated 24% reduction in sugar-sweetened beverage consumption from a penny-per-ounce sugar-sweetened beverage tax could reduce daily per capita caloric intake from sugar-sweetened beverages from the current 190-200 cal to 145-150 cal, if there is no substitution to other caloric beverages or food. A national penny-per-ounce tax on sugar-sweetened beverages could generate new tax revenue of $79 billion over 2010-2015. A modest tax on sugar-sweetened beverages could both raise significant revenues and improve public health by reducing obesity. To the extent that at least some of the tax revenues get invested in obesity prevention programs, the public health benefits could be even more pronounced. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Texture Adaption in Dysphagia: Acceptability Differences Between Thickened and Naturally Thick Beverages. (United States)

    Gerschke, Marco; Seehafer, Peggy

    The aim of the study was to investigate differences in the acceptability between thickened and naturally viscous beverages. This was an exploratory, cross-sectional study. One hundred twenty-eight healthy volunteers rated overall liking/disliking of a selection of each of three thickened drinks and three beverages of natural viscosity pre- and postconsumption. Mean ratings were subjected to statistical analysis done with t tests. Although all naturally thick beverages evoked good expectations, there were significant differences in expected acceptance of thickened fluids concerning the kind of beverage. Postconsumption of naturally thick beverages were rated significantly better than thickened. The findings suggest an alternative offer of naturally thick drinks and waiver of thickening water when viscosity adaption is needed. The sufficient and safe oral fluid intake in dysphagia requires compliance to dietetic recommendations. Naturally thick beverages can contribute to increase the appeal of texture-modified diet.

  5. The margin of exposure to formaldehyde in alcoholic beverages. (United States)

    Monakhova, Yulia B; Jendral, Julien A; Lachenmeier, Dirk W


    Formaldehyde has been classified as carcinogenic to humans (WHO IARC group 1). It causes leukaemia and nasopharyngeal cancer, and was described to regularly occur in alcoholic beverages. However, its risk associated with consumption of alcohol has not been systematically studied, so this study will provide the first risk assessment of formaldehyde for consumers of alcoholic beverages.Human dietary intake of formaldehyde via alcoholic beverages in the European Union was estimated based on WHO alcohol consumption data and literature on formaldehyde contents of different beverage groups (beer, wine, spirits, and unrecorded alcohol). The risk assessment was conducted using the margin of exposure (MOE) approach with benchmark doses (BMD) for 10 % effect obtained from dose-response modelling of animal experiments.For tumours in male rats, a BMD of 30 mg kg(-1) body weight per day and a "BMD lower confidence limit" (BMDL) of 23 mg kg(-1) d(-1) were calculated from available long-term animal experiments. The average human exposure to formaldehyde from alcoholic beverages was estimated at 8·10(-5) mg kg(-1) d(-1). Comparing the human exposure with BMDL, the resulting MOE was above 200,000 for average scenarios. Even in the worst-case scenarios, the MOE was never below 10,000, which is considered to be the threshold for public health concerns.The risk assessment shows that the cancer risk from formaldehyde to the alcohol-consuming population is negligible and the priority for risk management (e.g. to reduce the contamination) is very low. The major risk in alcoholic beverages derives from ethanol and acetaldehyde.

  6. Moisture-induced caking of beverage powders. (United States)

    Chávez Montes, Edgar; Santamaría, Nadia Ardila; Gumy, Jean-Claude; Marchal, Philippe


    Beverage powders can exhibit caking during storage due to high temperature and moisture conditions, leading to consumer dissatisfaction. Caking problems can be aggravated by the presence of sensitive ingredients. The caking behaviour of cocoa beverage powders, with varying amounts of a carbohydrate sensitive ingredient, as affected by climate conditions was studied in this work. Sorption isotherms of beverage powders were determined at water activities (a(w) ) ranging from 0.1 to 0.6 in a moisture sorption analyser by gravimetry and fitted to the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) or the Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer (GAB) equation. Glass transition temperatures (T(g) ) at several a(w) were analysed by differential scanning calorimetry and fitted to the Gordon-Taylor equation. Deduced T(g) = f(a(w) ) functions helped to identify stability or caking zones. Specific experimental methods, based on the analysis of mechanical properties of powder cakes formed under compression, were used to quantify the degree of caking. Pantry tests complemented this study to put in evidence the visual perception of powder caking with increasing a(w) . The glass transition approach was useful to predict the risks of caking but was limited to products where T(g) can be measured. On the other hand, quantification of the caking degree by analysis of mechanical properties allowed estimation of the extent of degradation for each product. This work demonstrated that increasing amounts of a carbohydrate sensitive ingredient in cocoa beverages negatively affected their storage stability. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry.

  7. The effects of carbonated alcoholic herbal beverage on selected ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Aim: Carbonated Alcoholic herbal beverages (CAHB) are a menace in our society as the drink is grossly abused; this study is therefore aimed at investigating the Histomorphological, selected hepatorenal function indices and some hematological parameters effects induced by a Carbonated Alcoholic Herbal Beverage that ...

  8. Do Preschools Offer Healthy Beverages to Children? A Nationwide Study in Poland

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    Joanna Myszkowska-Ryciak


    Full Text Available Background: Children’s beverage consumption patterns have received increased attention in light of the obesity epidemic in this group. In day care centers (DCCs, children spend up to 10 h a day, and typically consume half to three quarters of their daily food intake. The purpose of the study was to investigate what beverages are typically served to children in preschools in Poland, and to evaluate the practices associated with adding sugar and other sweetening agents to beverages. Methods: Direct interviews with preschools staff were conducted with a questionnaire regarding offered beverages and adding sugar and other sweetening agents. The menu of 10 consecutive days and inventory reports were analyzed to verify information. Results: A total of 720 preschools were included in the study. Cocoa and milk coffee substitute were served in 95% of preschools, followed by compote (92%, tea (84%, fruit/herbal tea (73% and water (69%. Water was the only beverage available between meals (93% DCCs. 86% of preschools added sugar to tea/cocoa/coffee substitute drinks, and 74% to compote. Conclusions: In the majority of preschools, beverages which are not recommended were offered. Such an assortment of beverages and common practice of sweetening can increase the amount of added sugar in a children diet. Nutrition education and legal regulations concerning the assortment of beverages served in preschools are urgently needed.

  9. Beverage-Specific Alcohol Sale and Cardiovascular Mortality in Russia

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    Y. E. Razvodovsky


    Full Text Available Objective. Recent research evidence suggests that the consumption of different types of alcoholic beverage may have a differential effect on cardiovascular diseases (CVD mortality rates. The aim of this study was to examine the relation between the consumption of different beverage types and CVD mortality rates in Russia across the later-Soviet and post-Soviet periods. Method. Age-standardized male and female CVD mortality data for the period 1970–2005 and data on beverage-specific alcohol sales were obtained Russian State Statistical Committee (Rosstat. Time-series analytical modeling techniques (ARIMA were used to examine the relation between the sales of different alcoholic beverages and CVD mortality rates. Results. Vodka consumption as measured by sales was significantly associated with both male and female CVD mortality rates: a 1 liter increase in vodka sales would result in a 5.3% increase in the male CVD mortality rate and a 3.7% increase in the female rate. The consumption of beer and wine were not associated with CVD mortality rates. Conclusions. The findings from this study suggest that public health efforts should focus on both reducing overall consumption and changing beverage preference away from distilled spirits in order to reduce cardiovascular mortality rates in Russia.

  10. Colorimetric Analysis of Hibiscus Beverages and their Potential Antioxidant Properties. (United States)

    Camelo-Méndez, G A; Vanegas-Espinoza, P E; Escudero-Gilete, M L; Heredia, F J; Paredes-López, O; Del Villar-Martínez, A A


    In food industry, roselle beverages and their subproducts could be functional ingredients since they are an excellent source of bioactive compounds with improved performance due to their important anthocyanins content. The aim of this study was to analyze anthocyanin content and antioxidant properties of aqueous infusions elaborated with color contrasting Hibiscus materials and design a mathematical model in order to predict color-composition relationship. Color measurements of beverages from roselle (Negra, Sudan and Rosa) were made by transmission spectrophotometry, anthocyanins quantification was determined by HPLC, and antioxidant potential was evaluated by in vitro methods (ABTS and FRAP assays). Beverages prepared with particle size minor of 250 μm presented until 4- and 2- times more anthocyanins content and antioxidant capacity respectively, in comparison to beverages prepared with powders with particle size major of 750 μm. Positive correlations among pigments composition and color parameters were found (p Hibiscus beverages with high anthocyanin content. The obtained models could be an important tool to be used in food industry for pigment characterization or functional compounds with potential health benefits.

  11. Yeasts Diversity in Fermented Foods and Beverages (United States)

    Tamang, Jyoti Prakash; Fleet, Graham H.

    People across the world have learnt to culture and use the essential microorganisms for production of fermented foods and alcoholic beverages. A fermented food is produced either spontaneously or by adding mixed/pure starter culture(s). Yeasts are among the essential functional microorganisms encountered in many fermented foods, and are commercially used in production of baker's yeast, breads, wine, beer, cheese, etc. In Asia, moulds are predominant followed by amylolytic and alcohol-producing yeasts in the fermentation processes, whereas in Africa, Europe, Australia and America, fermented products are prepared exclusively using bacteria or bacteria-yeasts mixed cultures. This chapter would focus on the varieties of fermented foods and alcoholic beverages produced by yeasts, their microbiology and role in food fermentation, widely used commercial starters (pilot production, molecular aspects), production technology of some common commercial fermented foods and alcoholic beverages, toxicity and food safety using yeasts cultures and socio-economy

  12. Beverages contribute extra calories to meals and daily energy intake in overweight and obese women. (United States)

    Appelhans, Bradley M; Bleil, Maria E; Waring, Molly E; Schneider, Kristin L; Nackers, Lisa M; Busch, Andrew M; Whited, Matthew C; Pagoto, Sherry L


    Caloric beverages may promote obesity by yielding energy without producing satiety, but prior laboratory and intervention studies are inconclusive. This study examined whether the diets of free-living overweight and obese women show evidence that calories from beverages are offset by reductions in solid food within individual eating occasions and across entire days. Eighty-two women weighed and recorded all consumed foods and beverages for seven days. Beverages were coded as high-calorie (≥ 0.165 kcal/g) or low-calorie (food were calculated for each eating occasion and day. In covariate-adjusted models, energy intake from solid food did not differ between eating occasions that included high-calorie or low-calorie beverages and those with no reported beverage. Energy intake from solid food was also unrelated to the number of high-calorie or low-calorie beverages consumed per day. On average, eating occasions that included a high-calorie beverage were 169 kcal higher in total energy than those with no reported beverage, and 195 kcal higher in total energy than those that included a low-calorie beverage. Each high-calorie beverage consumed per day contributed an additional 147 kcal to women's daily energy intake, whereas low-calorie beverage intake was unrelated to daily energy intake. Beverages contributed to total energy intake in a near-additive fashion among free-living overweight and obese women, suggesting a need to develop more effective interventions to reduce caloric beverage intake in the context of weight management, and to potentially reexamine dietary guidelines. © 2013.

  13. Beverages contribute extra calories to meals and daily energy intake in overweight and obese women (United States)

    Appelhans, Bradley M.; Bleil, Maria E.; Waring, Molly E.; Schneider, Kristin L.; Nackers, Lisa M.; Busch, Andrew M.; Whited, Matthew C.; Pagoto, Sherry L.


    Caloric beverages may promote obesity by yielding energy without producing satiety, but prior laboratory and intervention studies are inconclusive. This study examined whether the diets of free-living overweight and obese women show evidence that calories from beverages are offset by reductions in solid food within individual eating occasions and across entire days. Eighty-two women weighed and recorded all consumed foods and beverages for seven days. Beverages were coded as high-calorie (≥0.165 kcal/g) or low-calorie (food were calculated for each eating occasion and day. In covariate-adjusted models, energy intake from solid food did not differ between eating occasions that included high-calorie or low-calorie beverages and those with no reported beverage. Energy intake from solid food was also unrelated to the number of high-calorie or low-calorie beverages consumed per day. On average, eating occasions that included a high-calorie beverage were 169 kcal higher in total energy than those with no reported beverage, and 195 kcal higher in total energy than those that included a low-calorie beverage. Each high-calorie beverage consumed per day contributed an additional 147 kcal to women’s daily energy intake, whereas low-calorie beverage intake was unrelated to daily energy intake. Beverages contributed to total energy intake in a near-additive fashion among free-living overweight and obese women, suggesting a need to develop more effective interventions to reduce caloric beverage intake in the context of weight management, and to potentially reexamine dietary guidelines. PMID:24041722

  14. Electrolytes, sugar, calories, osmolarity and pH of beverages and coconut water. (United States)

    Chavalittamrong, B; Pidatcha, P; Thavisri, U


    Oral rehydration has been recommended in patients with diarrhoea to replace fluid loss from the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the need for intravenous therapy. Beverages (i.e. Cola, Sprite etc.) and coconut water may be used as sources of oral fluid when glucose-electrolyte solution is not available. To evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of these soft drinks, the basic data such as electrolytes, sugar, calories, osmolarity and pH were determined. The electrolytes of the beverages were significantly lower (p less than 0.001) than the coconut water, especially potassium. The osmolarity of the beverages, which were 693 mOsm/l, was significantly higher (p less than 0.001) than the coconut water (288 mOsm/l); pH of the beverages (3.1) was more acidic (p less than 0.001) than the coconut water (5.4). While the sugar content of the beverages, which were 8.7 gm/dl, was significantly higher (p less than 0.001) than the coconut water (1.1 gm/dl). On comparison, all brands of beverages would give more calories than the coconut water however the coconut water would be absorbed more easily than any brand of soft drink beverage.

  15. Can children discriminate sugar-sweetened from non-nutritively sweetened beverages and how do they like them?

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    Janne C de Ruyter

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Replacement of sugar-sweetened by non-nutritively sweetened beverages or water may reduce excess weight gain in children. However, it is unclear whether children like non-nutritively sweetened beverages as much as sugar-sweetened beverages. We examined whether children could taste a difference between non-nutritively sweetened beverages and matching sugar-sweetened beverages, and which of the two types of beverage they liked best. METHODS: 89 children aged 5 to 12 tasted seven non-nutritively sweetened beverages and matching sugar-sweetened beverages, for a total of 14 beverages. We used Triangle tests to check their ability to discriminate between the matched versions, and a 5-point scale to measure how much the children liked each individual beverage. RESULTS: Overall, 24% of children appeared to be genuinely capable of distinguishing between non-nutritively sweetened and sugar-sweetened beverages. The mean ± SD score for how much the children liked the non-nutritively sweetened beverages was 3.39 ± 0.7 and that for the sugar-sweetened beverages 3.39 ± 0.6 (P = 0.9 on a scale running from 1 (disgusting to 5 (delicious. The children preferred some beverages to others irrespective of whether they were sugar-sweetened or non-nutritively sweetened (P = 0.000. Children who correctly identified which of three drinks contained the same sweetener and which one was different also showed no preference for either type. CONCLUSION: We found that about one in four children were able to discriminate between non-nutritively sweetened and sugar-sweetened beverages but children liked both varieties equally. Non-nutritively sweetened beverages may therefore be an acceptable alternative to sugar-sweetened beverages although water remains the healthiest beverage for children.

  16. 10 CFR 431.292 - Definitions concerning refrigerated bottled or canned beverage vending machines. (United States)


    .... Basic model means, with respect to refrigerated bottled or canned beverage vending machines, all units... beverages and dispenses the bottled or canned beverages on payment. V means the refrigerated volume (ft3) of...

  17. Frontostriatal and behavioral adaptations to daily sugar-sweetened beverage intake: a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Burger, Kyle S


    Background: Current obesity theories suggest that the repeated intake of highly palatable high-sugar foods causes adaptions in the striatum, parietal lobe, and prefrontal and visual cortices in the brain that may serve to perpetuate consumption in a feed-forward manner. However, the data for humans are cross-sectional and observational, leaving little ability to determine the temporal precedence of repeated consumption on brain response. Objective: We tested the impact of regular sugar-sweetened beverage intake on brain and behavioral responses to beverage stimuli. Design: We performed an experiment with 20 healthy-weight individuals who were randomly assigned to consume 1 of 2 sugar-sweetened beverages daily for 21 d, underwent 2 functional MRI sessions, and completed behavioral and explicit hedonic assessments. Results: Consistent with preclinical experiments, daily beverage consumption resulted in decreases in dorsal striatal response during receipt of the consumed beverage ( r = -0.46) and decreased ventromedial prefrontal response during logo-elicited anticipation ( r = -0.44). This decrease in the prefrontal response correlated with increases in behavioral disinhibition toward the logo of the consumed beverage ( r = 0.54; P = 0.02). Daily beverage consumption also increased precuneus response to both juice logos compared with a tasteless control ( r = 0.45), suggesting a more generalized effect toward beverage cues. Last, the repeated consumption of 1 beverage resulted in an explicit hedonic devaluation of a similar nonconsumed beverage ( P < 0.001). Conclusions: Analogous to previous reports, these initial results provide convergent data for a role of regular sugar-sweetened beverage intake in altering neurobehavioral responses to the regularly consumed beverage that may also extend to other beverage stimuli. Future research is required to provide evidence of replication in a larger sample and to establish whether the neurobehavioral adaptations observed

  18. STUDI PEMBUATAN TEH DAUN TANAMAN KAKAO (Theobroma cacao L SEBAGAI MINUMAN PENYEGAR (Production of Tea from Cocoa Leaves (Theobroma cacao L as Refreshment Beverage

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    Supriyanto Supriyanto


    kakao kering berkadar air 3-5%. Dilakukan pengamatan dan analisis meliputi kadar air, warna, kadar total polifenol, aktivitas antioksidan dan uji sensoris pada air rebusan teh daun kakao sebagai minuman penyegar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minuman penyegar hasil rebusan teh daun kakao dapat diterima oleh panelis, dan  yang paling disukai adalah air rebusan teh yang dibuat dari daun kakao muda dilayukan 10 menit. Air rebusan tersebut  warnanya sangat coklat, sedikit berbau daun, agak pahit dan sedikit sepat. Bubuk teh daun kakao mengandung total polifenol antara 0,42-0,74 mg/100 g, mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan antara 20,31 – 36,86%. Kata kunci: Daun kakao, pelayuan, umur daun, teh daun kakao, polifenol

  19. 29 CFR 779.388 - Exemption provided for food or beverage service employees. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Exemption provided for food or beverage service employees... Service Establishments Restaurants and Establishments Providing Food and Beverage Service § 779.388 Exemption provided for food or beverage service employees. (a) A special exemption is provided in section 13...

  20. Mitigating health risks associated with alcoholic beverages through metabolic engineering. (United States)

    Jayakody, Lahiru N; Lane, Stephan; Kim, Heejin; Jin, Yong-Su


    Epidemiological studies have established a positive relationship between the occurrence of cancer and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Metabolic engineering of brewing yeast to reduce potential carcinogenic compounds in alcoholic beverage is technically feasible as well as economically promising. This review presents the mechanisms of formation of potentially carcinogenic components in alcoholic beverages, such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, ethyl carbamate, acrylamide, and heavy metals, and introduces effective genetic perturbations to minimize the concentrations of these harmful components. As precise and effective genome editing tools for polyploid yeast are now available, we envision that yeast metabolic engineering might open up new research directions for improving brewing yeast in order to ensure product safety as well as to increase overall quality of alcoholic beverages. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. International Space Station (ISS) Potable Water Dispenser (PWD) Beverage Adapter (BA) Redesign (United States)

    Edgerly, Rachel; Benoit, Jace; Shindo, David


    The Potable Water Dispenser used on the International Space Station (ISS) interfaces with food and drink packages using the Beverage Adapter and Needle. Unexpected leakage has been seen in this interface. The Beverage Adapter used on ]orbit was returned to the ground for Test, Teardown, and Evaluation. The results of that investigation prompted a redesign of the Beverage Adapter and Needle. The Beverage Adapter materials were changed to be more corrosion resistant, and the Needle was redesigned to preclude leakage. The redesigns have been tested and proven.

  2. Food and Beverage Marketing in Schools: A Review of the Evidence


    Velazquez, Cayley E.; Black, Jennifer L.; Potvin Kent, Monique


    Despite growing interest from government agencies, non-governmental organizations and school boards in restricting or regulating unhealthy food and beverage marketing to children, limited research has examined the emerging knowledge base regarding school-based food and beverage marketing in high-income countries. This review examined current approaches for measuring school food and beverage marketing practices, and evidence regarding the extent of exposure and hypothesized associations with c...

  3. Traditional biotechnology for new foods and beverages. (United States)

    Hugenholtz, Jeroen


    The food and beverage industry is re-discovering fermentation as a crucial step in product innovation. Fermentation can provide various benefits such as unique flavor, health and nutrition, texture and safety (shelf life), while maintaining a 100% natural label. In this review several examples are presented on how fermentation is used to replace, modify or improve current, artificially produced, foods and beverages and how also fermentation can be used for completely novel consumer products. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Efek N-Asetil-L- Sistein (NAC terhadap Kadar Adma Plasma dan Ekspresi Protein Vcam-l pada Disfungsi Endotel Tikus Diabetes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irma Santi


    Full Text Available Abstract Endothelial dysfunction is an early state of symptoms in a cardiovascular disease. An elevated oxidative stress plays a key role in the pathogenesis of macrovascular diabetic complication. The present study was design to evaluate the effect of NAC on plasma ADMA level and the expression of VCAM-1 protein on endothelial dysfunction in diabetic rats. Thirty male Sprague–Dawley rats were divided into 5 groups i.e. normal rats, diabetic rats, treatment with NAC 30 mg/kgBW, NAC 56 mg/ kgBW and NAC 100 mg/kgBW. Diabetic rats model was induced by intraperitonial administration of alloxan monohydrate at dose of 150 mg/kgBW, diabetes occurred on 3nd day after alloxan injection and then started treatment of N-acetyl-L-cystein for 28 days. ADMA plasma level was analyzed with Elisa Reader and the expression of VCAM-1 protein was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Conclusion of this research is that treatment with NAC 30 mg/kgBW, NAC 56 mg/kgBW and NAC 100 mg/kgBW for 28 days may prevent oxidative stress indicated by the decreasing of plasma ADMA level by 45.8%: 55.75% and 65.92%, respectively and the decreasing of the expression of VCAM-1 protein on endothelial dysfunction in diabetic rat by 24%: 31.75% and 58.92%, respectively. Key words : (NAC, Endothelial dysfunction, ADMA, VCAM-1AbstrakDisfungsi endotel merupakan tahap awal pada penyakit kardiovaskular. Peningkatan stres oksidatif berperan penting dalam patogenesis komplikasi makrovaskular pada penyakit diabetes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efek N-asetil sistein (NAC dalam menurunkan kadar ADMA plasma dan ekspresi protein VCAM-1 pada disfungsi endotel tikus diabetes. 30 tikus jantan strain sprague- Dawley dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok yaitu kelompok normal, kelompok diabetes, kelompok perlakuan NAC pada dosis 30, 56 dan 100 mg/kgBB. Model tikus diabetes diperoleh dengan diinduksi aloksan monohidrat 150 mg/kgBB secara intraperitonial, kondisi diabetes terjadi pada hari ke-3 setelah

  5. Estimation of beverage consumption and associated caloric intake in adult Czech population. An observational study. (United States)

    Adámková, Věra; Hubáček, Jaroslav A; Zimmelová, Petra; Velemínský, Miloš


    Food intake is a commonly monitored issue in many studies. In contrast, almost no information has been published on beverage intake in adults. To evaluate beverage intake, we studied a population of 1, 200 adults (656 males and 544 females, aged 18-54 years). The volumes and types of beverages were obtained from self-reported questionnaires. The mean beverage intake was highly variable, with a minimum of 450 mL/day and a maximum of 5,330 mL/day. A mean of 1,575 mL/day was found in the entire population (2,300 mL in males and 840 mL in females). Different patterns in the consumption of beverage types were observed between the males and females. For both males and females, the most common beverage consumed was water followed by tea. The next preferable beverages were alcoholic beer, coffee, and non-alcoholic beer in males and coffee, milk, and alcoholic beer in females. The estimated caloric intake from beverages covers, in most individuals, 10-30% of the recommended daily caloric intake. There is substantial variation among individuals, both in beverage intake and in caloric intake through beverages. The caloric intake from beverages reaches, in some individuals, one-third of the recommended daily caloric rate. © 2011 Neuroendocrinology Letters

  6. Reach Out and Eat: Food and Beverages Depicted in Books for Preschoolers. (United States)

    England, Jessica L; Linchey, Jennifer; Madsen, Kristine A; Patel, Anisha I


    To examine food and beverage depictions in books for preschoolers. Books for preschoolers from Reach Out and Read (ROR; n = 42), public library (n = 27), and Publisher's Weekly booklists (n = 31) were examined for nutritive and empty-calorie food and beverage depictions. It was found that 66% of books depicted at least 1 food or beverage. More books depicted nutritive items than empty-calorie items (87.5% vs 54.7%, P foods. When selecting books for ROR, it may be important to consider food and beverage depictions and messages. © The Author(s) 2015.

  7. Principles and Practices of Bar and Beverage Management - The Drinks Handbook


    Murphy, James Peter


    Murphy, J. (2013) The Principles and Practices of Bar and Beverage Management - The Drinks Handbook, Goodfellows Publishing Ltd, Oxford, England. The Principles and Practices of Bar and Beverage Management - The Drinks Handbook is an authoritative resource and comprehensive training guide, essential for all students, bartenders, sommeliers, mixologists, waiters and food and beverage practitioners the world over. Written and configured in an accessible and user-friendly style, packed with ...

  8. Carcinogenicity of acetaldehyde in alcoholic beverages: risk assessment outside ethanol metabolism. (United States)

    Lachenmeier, Dirk W; Kanteres, Fotis; Rehm, Jürgen


    In addition to being produced in ethanol metabolism, acetaldehyde occurs naturally in alcoholic beverages. Limited epidemiological evidence points to acetaldehyde as an independent risk factor for cancer during alcohol consumption, in addition to the effects of ethanol. This study aims to estimate human exposure to acetaldehyde from alcoholic beverages and provide a quantitative risk assessment. The human dietary intake of acetaldehyde via alcoholic beverages was estimated based on World Health Organization (WHO) consumption data and literature on the acetaldehyde contents of different beverage groups (beer, wine, spirits and unrecorded alcohol). The risk assessment was conducted using the European Food Safety Authority's margin of exposure (MOE) approach with benchmark doses obtained from dose-response modelling of animal experiments. Life-time cancer risk was calculated using the T25 dose descriptor. The average exposure to acetaldehyde from alcoholic beverages was estimated at 0.112 mg/kg body weight/day. The MOE was calculated to be 498, and the life-time cancer risk at 7.6 in 10,000. Higher risk may exist for people exposed to high acetaldehyde contaminations, as we have found in certain unrecorded alcohol beverages in Guatemala and Russia, for which we have demonstrated possible exposure scenarios, with risks in the range of 1 in 1000. The life-time cancer risks for acetaldehyde from alcoholic beverages greatly exceed the usual limits for cancer risks from the environment set between 1 : 10,000 and 1 : 1,000,000. Alcohol consumption has thus been identified as a direct source of acetaldehyde exposure, which in conjunction with other sources (food flavourings, tobacco) results in a magnitude of risk requiring intervention. An initial public health measure could be to reduce the acetaldehyde content in alcoholic beverages as low as technologically possible, and to restrict its use as a food flavour additive.

  9. Prevalence of Food and Beverage Brands in Movies: 1996–2005 (United States)

    Sutherland, Lisa A.; MacKenzie, Todd; Purvis, Lisa A.; Dalton, Madeline


    OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was to describe food and beverage brand placements in a large representative sample of popular movies. METHODS We identified and coded brand placements for foods, beverages, and food retail establishments in the top 20 US box office movie hits for each year from 1996 to 2005. We also coded general movie characteristics (Motion Picture Association of America rating, run time, genre, and information about major characters). We summarized the number and types of food, beverage, and food retail establishment brands by movie characteristics and also identified manufacturers that are associated with each of the brands. RESULTS Of the 200 movies coded, 138 (69%) contained at least 1 food, beverage, or food retail establishment brand. Movies rated PG-13 and R were significantly more likely to have brand placements compared with movies in other rating categories. Comedies, action/adventures, and horror films had more brand placements than other genres. We did not detect a significant difference in the number of movies with brand placements or mean number of placements per movie by year of movie release. A total of 1180 brand placements were identified and verified, including 427 food, 425 beverage, and 328 food retail establishment brand placements. Candy/confections (26%) and salty snacks (21%) were the most prevalent food brands, sugar-sweetened beverages (76%) were the most prevalent beverage brands, and fast food composed two thirds of the food retail establishment brand placements. CONCLUSIONS Food, beverage, and food retail establishment brands are frequently portrayed in movies, and most of the brand placements are for energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods or product lines. Movies are a potent source of advertising to children, which has been largely overlooked. PMID:20142289

  10. Food and beverage cues in UK and Irish children-television programming. (United States)

    Scully, Paul; Reid, Orlaith; Macken, Alan; Healy, Mark; Saunders, Jean; Leddin, Des; Cullen, Walter; Dunne, Colum; O'Gorman, Clodagh S


    Increased time in which children spend watching television is a well-described contributor to paediatric obesity. This study investigated the frequency and type of food and beverage placement in children-specific television broadcasts and compared data from UK (UK) and Irish television stations. Content analysis, totalling 82.5 h, reflecting 5 weekdays of children-specific television broadcasting on UK and Irish television channels was performed. To allow comparison between UK and Irish food and beverage cues, only broadcasts between 06.00 and 11.30 were analysed. Data were coded separately by two analysts and transferred to SPSS for analyses. Food and beverage cues were coded based on type of product, product placement, product use, motivation, outcome and characters involved. A total of 1155 food and beverage cues were recorded. Sweet snacks were the most frequent food cue (13.3%), followed by sweets/candy (11.4%). Tea/coffee was the most frequent beverage cue (13.5%), followed by sugar-sweetened beverages (13.0%). The outcome of the cue was positive in 32.6%, negative in 19.8%, and neutral in 47.5% of cases. The most common motivating factor associated with each cue was celebratory/social (25.2%), followed by hunger/thirst (25.0%). Comparison of UK and Irish placements showed both to portray high levels of unhealthy food cues. However, placements for sugar-sweetened beverages were relatively low on both channels. This study provides further evidence of the prominence of unhealthy foods in children's programming. These data may provide guidance for healthcare professionals, regulators and programme makers in planning for a healthier portrayal of food and beverage in children's television. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  11. Taxation and Sugar-Sweetened Beverages: Position of Dietitians of Canada. (United States)


    Dietitians of Canada recommends that an excise tax of at least 10-20% be applied to sugar-sweetened beverages sold in Canada given the negative impact of these products on the health of the population and the viability of taxation as a means to reduce consumption. For the greatest impact, taxation measures should be combined with other policy interventions such as increasing access to healthy foods while decreasing access to unhealthy foods in schools, daycares, and recreation facilities; restrictions on the marketing of foods and beverages to children; and effective, long-term educational initiatives. This position is based on a comprehensive review of the literature. The Canadian population is experiencing high rates of obesity and excess weight. There is moderate quality evidence linking consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages to excess weight, obesity, and chronic disease onset in children and adults. Taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages holds substantiated potential for decreasing its consumption. Based on economic models and results from recent taxation efforts, an excise tax can lead to a decline in sugar-sweetened beverage purchase and consumption. Taxation of up to 20% can lead to a consumption decrease by approximately 10% in the first year of its implementation, with a postulated 2.6% decrease in weight per person on average. Revenue generated from taxation can be used to fund other obesity reduction initiatives. A number of influential national organizations support a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages.

  12. Food and Beverage Marketing to Latinos: A Systematic Literature Review. (United States)

    Adeigbe, Rebecca T; Baldwin, Shannon; Gallion, Kip; Grier, Sonya; Ramirez, Amelie G


    Obesity rates among U.S. adults and children have increased over the past two decades and, although signs of stabilization and decline among certain age groups and geographies are being reported, the prevalence of obesity among Latino adults and children remain high. The Latino population is growing in parallel to these obesity rates and marketers realize they cannot ignore this growing, high-spending, media-consuming segment. Studies examining food and beverage marketing strategies tend to discuss minority groups in general but do not account for racial and ethnic differences, reducing our ability to explain existing inequities. This article aimed to identify the food and beverage marketing strategies used to influence food environments for Latinos versus non-Latinos. A systematic literature review and analysis, guided by an established marketing conceptual framework, determined that the food and beverage marketing environment for Latinos is less likely to promote healthy eating and more likely to encourage consumption of low-nutrient, calorie-dense foods and beverages. This analysis also determined that Latinos' food environment and the placement of food retail stores appears to influence their body mass index; however, placement of these stores cannot be generalized, as geographical differences exist. While food and beverage marketing is only one of many sources of influence on food and beverage consumption, these findings reinforce the notion that Latinos are at a disadvantage when it comes to exposure of healthy lifestyle messaging and health-promoting food environments. © 2014 Society for Public Health Education.


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    Agus Wibowo


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Iodine deficiency lowers circulating thyroxine (T4 and raises serum Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH, where free T4 (fT4 and TSH have strong corelation with thyroglobulin (Tg. The results from population studies indicate, Tg appears to be a valuable indicator of thyroid status, but it has yet to be fully explored. This study aimed to measure the association between serum Tg with TSH and fT4 as alternatif indicators thyroid status in school-aged children. This was a cross-sectional study of sample of 398 schoolchildren aged 10-12 years in three districts with different iodine-deficiency endemicity level, i.e. Pati as a mild endemic district, Purbalingga as a moderate endemic district, and Malang as a severe endemic district. Children’s blood have taken 3 cc as a sample for the determination of Tg, TSH, and fT4. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA was used to determine Tg, TSH and fT4. Mean of serum Tg 14.3 ± 11.1 ng/mL (cut-off 2-50 ng/mL, TSH 3.7 ± 2.2 µIU/mL (cut-off 0.3-6.2, fT4 1.4 ± 0.4 ng/dL (cut-off 0.8-2.0 ng/dL. Correlation analysis was showed the significance of Tg and TSH (p< 0.05 and Tg with fT4 (p< 0.05. The significance analysis of Tg with TSH and fT4 may be evaluated as indicator  for thyroid function in school-aged children in iodine-deficiency endemic areas.   Keywords: thyroglobulin (Tg, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH, free thyroxine (fT4, school-aged children ABSTRAK Defisiensi iodium menurunkan tiroksin (T4 yang beredar dalam darah dan meningkatkan Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH, di mana T4 bebas (fT4 dan TSH memiliki hubungan erat dengan tiroglobulin (Tg. Hasil studi populasi menunjukkan, Tg tampak menjadi indikator berharga untuk status tiroid di daerah endemik defisiensi iodium, tetapi belum sepenuhnya dieksplorasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur hubungan antara kadar Tg serum dengan kadar TSH dan fT4 sebagai indikator alternatif status tiroid pada anak usia sekolah. Ini merupakan penelitian

  14. Novel botanical ingredients for beverages. (United States)

    Gruenwald, Joerg


    Natural substances are generally preferred over chemical ones and are generally seen as healthy. The increasing demand for natural ingredients, improving health and appearance, is also attracting beverages as the fastest growing segment on the functional food market. Functional beverages are launched as fortified water, tea, diary or juices claiming overall nutrition, energy, anti-aging or relaxing effects. The substitution of so called superfruits, such as berries, grapes, or pomegranate delivers an effective range of beneficial compounds, including vitamins, fatty acids, minerals, and anti-oxidants. In this context, new exotic and African fruits could be useful sources in the near future. Teas and green botanicals, such as algae or aloe vera are also rich in effective bioactives and have been used traditionally. The botanical kingdom offers endless possibilities.

  15. Beverages-Food Industry Cluster Development Based on Value Chain in Indonesia


    Lasmono Tri Sunaryanto; Gatot Sasongko; Ira Yumastuti


    This study wants to develop the cluster-based food and beverage industry value chain that corresponds to the potential in the regions in Java Economic Corridor. Targeted research: a description of SME development strategies that have been implemented, composed, and can be applied to an SME cluster development strategy of food and beverage, as well as a proven implementation strategy of SME cluster development of food and beverage. To achieve these objectives, implemented descriptive methods, ...

  16. Global Trends in the Affordability of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, 1990–2016 (United States)

    Blecher, Evan; Liber, Alex C.; Nguyen, Binh; Stoklosa, Michal


    Introduction The objective of this study was to quantify changes in the affordability of sugar-sweetened beverages, a product implicated as a contributor to rising rates of obesity worldwide, as a function of product price and personal income. Methods We used international survey data in a retrospective analysis of 40 high-income and 42 low-income and middle-income countries from 1990 to 2016. Prices of sugar-sweetened beverages were from the Economist Intelligence Unit’s World Cost of Living Survey. Income and inflation data were from the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook Database. The measure of affordability was the average annual percentage change in the relative-income price of sugar-sweetened beverages, which is the annual rate of change in the proportion of per capita gross domestic product needed to purchase 100 L of Coca-Cola in each country in each year of the study. Results In 79 of 82 countries, the proportion of income needed to purchase sugar-sweetened beverages declined on average (using annual measures) during the study period. This pattern, described as an increase in the affordability of sugar-sweetened beverages, indicated that sugar-sweetened beverages became more affordable more rapidly in low-income and middle-income countries than in high-income countries, a fact largely attributable to the higher rate of income growth in those countries than to a decline in the real price of sugar-sweetened beverages. Conclusion Without deliberate policy action to raise prices, sugar-sweetened beverages are likely to become more affordable and more widely consumed around the world. PMID:28472607

  17. Penentuan Kadar Phosfor dari Crude Palm Oil (CPO) dan Refened Of Bleached Deodorized Palm Olein (RBDPO)


    Ulfah, Afhami


    Analysis has been performed Determination of Phosphorus Levels on Crude Plam Oil (CPO) and Refened Bleaching Deodorized Plam Olein (RBDPO) in PT.SMART.Tbk Medan-Belawan. Determination of phosphorus content in CPO and RBDPO is performed using UV-Visible Spectofotometry. Result obtained phosphorus levels on CPO is 11, 1243 ppm and phosphorus levels on RBDPO is 2, 5837 ppm. This result indicates that the phosphorus in the CPO and RBDPO standards are a maximum of 30 ppm for CPO ...

  18. Antioxidant capacity of some plants foods and beverages consumed ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Today plant foods and beverages are receiving more scientific attention because of their potential to curb the effect of free radicals in the human system. The present study reports on the antioxidant potentials of some plants foods and beverages consumed in the Eastern Region of Nigeria. The study made use of the ferric ...

  19. Food and beverage advertising during children's television programming. (United States)

    Scully, P; Macken, A; Leddin, D; Cullen, W; Dunne, C; Gorman, C O


    Increasing prevalence of overweight and obese children in developed countries poses a substantial threat to long-term health. One well-described factor is the amount of time spent watching television, with exposure to food advertising a known influence on food preferences and consumption patterns. Following recent formulation of new rules regarding advertising of food during children's programming, we sought to examine the advertising content in children-specific television broadcasts on Irish television. Advertisement content analysis for 5 weekdays of children-specific television broadcasting from 0700 to 1700 hours on Irish television was performed. Data were coded and transferred to SPSS for analyses. Food and beverage advertisements were coded based on type of product, nutritional content, intended age group and outcome. 322 advertisements were broadcast during the recording period. 31 % (n = 101) of advertisements related to food or beverage products with 66.3 % (n = 68) of food advertisements being for foods that should be eaten in moderation. The most frequently recorded food advertisement was for fast food products (27.3 %, n = 24), followed by sweets/candy (21.6 %, n = 19) and dairy products (17.0 %, n = 15). The most frequently recorded beverage advertisement was for natural orange juices (46.2 %, n = 6). 54.7 % (n = 176) of advertisements were adult specific with 27.3 % (n = 88) being children specific. All food and beverage advertisements were associated with a positive outcome (n = 322). These results demonstrate that food and beverages depicted in advertisements during children's programming are predominantly unhealthy foods with high salt and sugar contents. The findings from this study again highlight the ongoing need for new rules regarding food advertising in children's programming.

  20. MONITORING KADAR NITRIT DAN NITRAT PADA AIR SUMUR DI DAERAH CATUR TUNGGAL YOGYAKARTA DENGAN METODE SPEKTROFOTOMETRI UV-VIS (Monitoring of Nitrite and Nitrate Content in Ground Water of Catur Tunggal Region of Yogyakarta by UV-VIS Spectrophotometry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Setiowati Setiowati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Metode analisis nitrit dan nitrat perlu dikembangkan untuk memonitor kualitas air minum. Kualitas air sumur untuk parameter nitrit dan nitrat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi lingkungan dan kedalaman air sumur.Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis nitrit dan nitrat menggunakan asam p-aminobenzoat (PABA pada air sumur di daerah perkotaan Yogyakarta. Analisis nitrit didasarkan pada reaksi antara ion nitrit dengan PABA yang membentuk senyawa azo dengan panjang gelombang maksimum 546 nm. Kedalaman air sumur di daerah Catur Tunggal rata-rata > 10 m. Kadar nitrit dan nitrat pada air sumur adalah 0,05-0,09 dan 8,22-36,58 mg/L. Kadar nitrit dan nitrat tersebut memenuhi baku mutu dan aman untuk dikonsumsi. Konsentrasi nitrit dan nitrat pada air RO adalah 0,05 dan 2,72-59,57 mg/L. Kadar nitrit pada air RO tidak memenuhi baku mutu sedangkan kadar nitrat memenuhi baku mutu kecuali RO 5. ABSTRACT The method for analysis nitrite and nitrate had to developed to monitor the drinking water quality. The well water quality, especially for nitrite and nitrate were influenced by environmental conditions and depth of well. This study aims to analyze nitrite and nitrate using p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA in ground water at urban areas of Yogyakarta. The analysis was based on the reaction between nitrite ions with PABA which form azo compounds with a maximum wavelength of 546 nm. The depth of wells at Catur Tunggal were more than 10 m. Concentration of nitrite and nitrate in well water were 0.05 to 0.09 and 8.22 to 36.58 mg / L. The concentrations met the standard for drinking water quality and was safe for consumption. The concentration of nitrite and nitrate in reverse osmosis (RO water were 0.05 and 2.72 to 59.57 mg / L. The concentration of nitrite did not meet the standard for drinking water quality while the concentration of nitrate met the standard for drinking water quality except RO 5.

  1. Textural characteristics of fermented milk beverages produced by kombucha

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Duraković Katarina G.


    Full Text Available Rheological properties of fermented dairy products are very important parameters of the product quality. The behaviour of gel formed during fermentation of milk is influenced by a great number of factors, such as: milk composition, starter culture, flavourings addition, etc. The aim of this research was to examine the influence of fat content, and kombucha inoculum concentration on textural characteristics of fermented milk beverages: firmness, consistency, cohesiveness and viscosity index after production and during 10 days of storage. Higher fat content of beverage affects the firmness, consistency, cohesiveness and viscosity index, while higher amount of inoculum in beverages has an opposite effect on textural characteristics of samples during storage.

  2. Changes in prices, sales, consumer spending, and beverage consumption one year after a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in Berkeley, California, US: A before-and-after study (United States)

    Ryan-Ibarra, Suzanne; Taillie, Lindsey Smith; Induni, Marta


    Background Taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) meant to improve health and raise revenue are being adopted, yet evaluation is scarce. This study examines the association of the first penny per ounce SSB excise tax in the United States, in Berkeley, California, with beverage prices, sales, store revenue/consumer spending, and usual beverage intake. Methods and findings Methods included comparison of pre-taxation (before 1 January 2015) and first-year post-taxation (1 March 2015–29 February 2016) measures of (1) beverage prices at 26 Berkeley stores; (2) point-of-sale scanner data on 15.5 million checkouts for beverage prices, sales, and store revenue for two supermarket chains covering three Berkeley and six control non-Berkeley large supermarkets in adjacent cities; and (3) a representative telephone survey (17.4% cooperation rate) of 957 adult Berkeley residents. Key hypotheses were that (1) the tax would be passed through to the prices of taxed beverages among the chain stores in which Berkeley implemented the tax in 2015; (2) sales of taxed beverages would decline, and sales of untaxed beverages would rise, in Berkeley stores more than in comparison non-Berkeley stores; (3) consumer spending per transaction (checkout episode) would not increase in Berkeley stores; and (4) self-reported consumption of taxed beverages would decline. Main outcomes and measures included changes in inflation-adjusted prices (cents/ounce), beverage sales (ounces), consumers’ spending measured as store revenue (inflation-adjusted dollars per transaction) in two large chains, and usual beverage intake (grams/day and kilocalories/day). Tax pass-through (changes in the price after imposition of the tax) for SSBs varied in degree and timing by store type and beverage type. Pass-through was complete in large chain supermarkets (+1.07¢/oz, p = 0.001) and small chain supermarkets and chain gas stations (1.31¢/oz, p = 0.004), partial in pharmacies (+0.45¢/oz, p = 0.03), and

  3. The Influence of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Health Warning Labels on Parents' Choices. (United States)

    Roberto, Christina A; Wong, Diandra; Musicus, Aviva; Hammond, David


    US states have introduced bills requiring sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) to display health warning labels. This study examined how such labels may influence parents and which labels are most impactful. In this study, 2381 demographically and educationally diverse parents participated in an online survey. Parents were randomly assigned to 1 of 6 conditions: (1) no warning label (control); (2) calorie label; or (3-6) 1 of 4 text versions of a warning label (eg, Safety Warning: Drinking beverages with added sugar[s] contributes to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay). Parents chose a beverage for their child in a vending machine choice task, rated perceptions of different beverages, and indicated interest in receiving beverage coupons. Regression analyses controlling for frequency of beverage purchases were used to compare the no warning label group, calorie label group, and all warning label groups combined. Significantly fewer parents chose an SSB for their child in the warning label condition (40%) versus the no label (60%) and calorie label conditions (53%). Parents in the warning label condition also chose significantly fewer SSB coupons, believed that SSBs were less healthy for their child, and were less likely to intend to purchase SSBs. All P values parents' understanding of health harms associated with overconsumption of such beverages and may reduce parents' purchase of SSBs for their children. Copyright © 2016 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  4. Characteristics of bacterial and fungal growth in plastic bottled beverages under a consuming condition model. (United States)

    Watanabe, Maiko; Ohnishi, Takahiro; Araki, Emiko; Kanda, Takashi; Tomita, Atsuko; Ozawa, Kazuhiro; Goto, Keiichi; Sugiyama, Kanji; Konuma, Hirotaka; Hara-Kudo, Yukiko


    Microbial contamination in unfinished beverages can occur when drinking directly from the bottle. Various microorganisms, including foodborne pathogens, are able to grow in these beverages at room temperature or in a refrigerator. In this study, we elucidated the characteristics of microorganism growth in bottled beverages under consuming condition models. Furthermore, we provide insight into the safety of partially consumed bottled beverages with respect to food hygiene. We inoculated microorganisms, including foodborne pathogens, into various plastic bottled beverages and analysed the dynamic growth of microorganisms as well as bacterial toxin production in the beverages. Eight bottled beverage types were tested in this study, namely green tea, apple juice drink, tomato juice, carbonated drink, sport drink, coffee with milk, isotonic water and mineral water, and in these beverages several microorganism types were used: nine bacteria including three toxin producers, three yeasts, and five moulds. Following inoculation, the bottles were incubated at 35°C for 48 h for bacteria, 25°C for 48 h for yeasts, and 25°C for 28 days for moulds. During the incubation period, the number of bacteria and yeasts and visible changes in mould-growth were determined over time. Our results indicated that combinations of the beverage types and microorganism species correlated with the degree of growth. Regarding factors that affect the growth and toxin-productivity of microorganisms in beverages, it is speculated that the pH, static/shaking culture, temperature, additives, or ingredients, such as carbon dioxide or organic matter (especially of plant origin), may be important for microorganism growth in beverages. Our results suggest that various types of unfinished beverages have microorganism growth and can include food borne pathogens and bacterial toxins. Therefore, our results indicate that in terms of food hygiene it is necessary to consume beverages immediately after opening

  5. Survival of enteric pathogens in common beverages: an in vitro study. (United States)

    Sheth, N K; Wisniewski, T R; Franson, T R


    This in vitro study was undertaken to determine the potential for survival of enteric pathogens in common drinking beverages. Three carbonated soft drinks, two alcoholic beverages, skim milk, and water were inoculated with Salmonella, Shigella, and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, and quantitative counts were performed over 2 days. Our studies showed poorest survival of all three organisms in wine, and greatest growth in milk and water. Beer and cola allowed survival of small numbers of Salmonella and E. coli at 48 h, whereas sour mix and diet cola were sterile by 48 h. Survival features may correlate with pH of the beverages. These observations may be useful in guiding travellers for appropriate beverage consumption while visiting areas endemic for "traveller's diarrhea."

  6. A content analysis of outdoor non-alcoholic beverage advertisements in Ghana. (United States)

    Bragg, Marie A; Hardoby, Tamara; Pandit, Natasha G; Raji, Yemi R; Ogedegbe, Gbenga


    This was a two-part descriptive study designed to (1) assess the marketing themes and sugar content of beverages promoted in outdoor advertisements (ads) within a portion of Accra, Ghana and (2) quantify the types of ads that appeared along the Accra-Cape Coast Highway. A 4.7 km 2 area of Accra, Ghana and a 151 km region along the highway represented the target areas for collecting photos of outdoor beverage ads. Number and types of beverage ads, sugar content of beverage products featured in ads and marketing themes used in ads. Two researchers photographed outdoor beverage ads in a 4.7 km 2 area of Accra and used content analysis to assess marketing themes of ads, including the portrayal of children, local culture, music, sports and health. Researchers also recorded the number and type of ads along a 151 km stretch of the Accra-Cape Coast Highway. Researchers assessed the added sugar content to determine which beverages were sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). Seventy-seven photographed ads were analysed. Seventy-three per cent (72.7%) of ads featured SSBs, and Coca-Cola accounted for 59.7% of ads. Sixty-five per cent (64.9%) of all ads featured sodas, while 35.1% advertised energy drinks, bottled or canned juice drinks and coffee-based, milk-based and water-based beverages. Thirteen per cent (13%) of ads featured children and 5.2% were located near schools or playgrounds. Nine per cent (9.1%) of ads contained a reference to health and 7.8% contained a reference to fitness/strength/sport. Along the Accra-Cape Coast Highway, Coca-Cola accounted for 60% of branded ads. This study demonstrates the frequency of outdoor SSB ads within a 4.7 km 2 area of Accra, Ghana. Coca-Cola was featured in the majority of ads, and the child-targeted nature of some ads indicates a need to expand the Children's Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative pledge to reduce child-targeted marketing on a global scale. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the

  7. Association of a Community Campaign for Better Beverage Choices With Beverage Purchases From Supermarkets. (United States)

    Schwartz, Marlene B; Schneider, Glenn E; Choi, Yoon-Young; Li, Xun; Harris, Jennifer; Andreyeva, Tatiana; Hyary, Maia; Highsmith Vernick, Nicolette; Appel, Lawrence J


    Data are needed to evaluate community interventions to reduce consumption of sugary drinks. Supermarket sales data can be used for this purpose. To compare beverage sales in Howard County, Maryland (HC), with sales in comparison stores in a contiguous state before and during a 3-year campaign to reduce consumption of sugary beverages. This observational experiment with a control group included 15 HC supermarkets and 17 comparison supermarkets. Weekly beverage sales data at baseline (January 1 to December 31, 2012) and from campaign years 1 to 3 (January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2015) were analyzed. A difference-in-differences (DID) regression compared the volume sales per product per week in the HC and comparison stores, controlling for mean product price, competitor's product price, product size, weekly local temperature, and manufacturer. The campaign message was to reduce consumption of all sugary drinks. Television advertising, digital marketing, direct mail, outdoor advertising, social media, and earned media during the 3-year period created 17 million impressions. Community partners successfully advocated for public policies to encourage healthy beverage consumption in schools, child care, health care, and government settings. Sales were tracked of sugary drinks highlighted in the campaign, including regular soda, sports drinks, and fruit drinks. Sales of diet soda and 100% juice were also tracked. Sales data are expressed as mean fluid ounces sold per product, per store, per week. Regular soda sales in the 15 HC supermarkets decreased (-19.7%) from 2012 through 2015, whereas sales remained stable (0.8%) in the 17 comparison supermarkets (DID adjusted mean, -369 fl oz; 95% CI, -469 to -269 fl oz; P sports drinks (-86.3 fl oz; 95% CI, -343.6 to 170.9 fl oz) and diet soda (-17.8 in HC stores vs -11.3 in comparison stores; DID adjusted mean, -78.9 fl oz; 95% CI, -182.1 to 24.4 fl oz) decreased in both communities, but the decreases were not significantly

  8. Dietary fiber content and associated antioxidant compounds in Roselle flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) beverage. (United States)

    Sáyago-Ayerdi, Sonia G; Arranz, Sara; Serrano, José; Goñi, Isabel


    The beverage of Hibiscus sabdariffa flowers is widely consumed in Mexico. Polyphenols contained in plant foods are frequently associated with dietary fiber. The aim of this work is to quantify the dietary fiber, associated polyphenols, and antioxidant capacity of the Roselle flower and the beverage traditionally prepared from it and its contribution to the Mexican diet. Roselle flower contained dietary fiber as the largest component (33.9%) and was rich in phenolic compounds (6.13%). Soluble dietary fiber was 0.66 g/L in beverage, and 66% of total extractable polyphenols contained in Roselle flower passed to the beverage and showed an antioxidant capacity of 335 micromoL trolox equivalents/100 mL beverage measured by ABTS. These data suggest that Roselle flower beverage intake in the Mexican diet may contribute around 166 and 165 mg/per serving to the intake of dietary fiber and polyphenols, respectively. The health benefits from consumption of Hibiscus beverage could be of considerable benefit to the whole population.

  9. Traditional fermented food and beverages for improved livelihoods


    Mejia, Danilo; Marshall, Elaine


    "This booklet is intended to heighten awareness about the potential of fermented foods and beverages as a viable enterprise that can contribute to small-scale farmers' income, building on, and in full respect of, important social and cultural factors. It also looks at how fermented food and beverages contribute to food security through preservation and improved nutritional quality. It highlights the opportunities and challenges associated with small-scale fermentation activities, as well as m...

  10. Industry self-regulation to improve student health: quantifying changes in beverage shipments to schools. (United States)

    Wescott, Robert F; Fitzpatrick, Brendan M; Phillips, Elizabeth


    We developed a data collection and monitoring system to independently evaluate the self-regulatory effort to reduce the number of beverage calories available to children during the regular and extended school day. We have described the data collection procedures used to verify data supplied by the beverage industry and quantified changes in school beverage shipments. Using a proprietary industry data set collected in 2005 and semiannually in 2007 through 2010, we measured the total volume of beverage shipments to elementary, middle, and high schools to monitor intertemporal changes in beverage volumes, the composition of products delivered to schools, and portion sizes. We compared data with findings from existing research of the school beverage landscape and a separate data set based on contracts between schools and beverage bottling companies. Between 2004 and the 2009-2010 school year, the beverage industry reduced calories shipped to schools by 90%. On a total ounces basis, shipments of full-calorie soft drinks to schools decreased by 97%. Industry self-regulation, with the assistance of a transparent and independent monitoring process, can be a valuable tool in improving public health outcomes.

  11. Food and beverage advertising on children's TV channels in Argentina: Frequency, duration, and nutritional quality. (United States)

    Rovirosa, Alicia; Zapata, María E; Gómez, Paula; Gotthelf, Susana; Ferrante, Daniel


    Food and beverage marketing has been identified as one of the determinants of unhealthy food and beverage consumption in the child population. To determine the frequency and duration of food and beverage advertising in children's programming and the nutritional quality of advertised food and beverages. Descriptive, cross-sectional study. Children's cable and broadcast channel programming was recorded in two periods: over the week and on the weekend. The type, quantity, and duration of commercials were recorded. The nutritional quality of advertised food and beverages was analyzed. A total of 402.3 hours of children's programming were recorded. In total, 3711 commercials were identified. Among these, 20.9% corresponded to food and beverages, i.e., an average of 1.9 ± 1.0 commercials per hour or equivalent to 0.68 ± 0.36 min/hour. Dairy products, candies, and fast-food meals were the most advertised food products. Only a third of advertised food and beverages (35.8%) were categorized as healthy as per the nutrient profiling system. Based on the traffic light labeling system, 50% of advertised food and beverages were high in sugar, 25% were high in saturated fat, and approximately 15% were high in sodium or fat. Food and beverage advertising accounted for 20% of television advertising time. The most advertised products were dairy products, followed by candies and sweet snacks, fast-food meals, and beverages. Two-thirds of advertised food and beverages were considered unhealthy. Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría

  12. Frontostriatal and behavioral adaptations to daily sugar-sweetened beverage intake: a randomized controlled trial123 (United States)


    Background: Current obesity theories suggest that the repeated intake of highly palatable high-sugar foods causes adaptions in the striatum, parietal lobe, and prefrontal and visual cortices in the brain that may serve to perpetuate consumption in a feed-forward manner. However, the data for humans are cross-sectional and observational, leaving little ability to determine the temporal precedence of repeated consumption on brain response. Objective: We tested the impact of regular sugar-sweetened beverage intake on brain and behavioral responses to beverage stimuli. Design: We performed an experiment with 20 healthy-weight individuals who were randomly assigned to consume 1 of 2 sugar-sweetened beverages daily for 21 d, underwent 2 functional MRI sessions, and completed behavioral and explicit hedonic assessments. Results: Consistent with preclinical experiments, daily beverage consumption resulted in decreases in dorsal striatal response during receipt of the consumed beverage (r = −0.46) and decreased ventromedial prefrontal response during logo-elicited anticipation (r = −0.44). This decrease in the prefrontal response correlated with increases in behavioral disinhibition toward the logo of the consumed beverage (r = 0.54; P = 0.02). Daily beverage consumption also increased precuneus response to both juice logos compared with a tasteless control (r = 0.45), suggesting a more generalized effect toward beverage cues. Last, the repeated consumption of 1 beverage resulted in an explicit hedonic devaluation of a similar nonconsumed beverage (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Analogous to previous reports, these initial results provide convergent data for a role of regular sugar-sweetened beverage intake in altering neurobehavioral responses to the regularly consumed beverage that may also extend to other beverage stimuli. Future research is required to provide evidence of replication in a larger sample and to establish whether the neurobehavioral adaptations observed

  13. Calories from beverages purchased at 2 major coffee chains in New York City, 2007. (United States)

    Huang, Christina; Dumanovsky, Tamara; Silver, Lynn D; Nonas, Cathy; Bassett, Mary T


    Calorie intake from beverages has increased in the past decades, which most likely contributes to higher obesity rates. Although coffee chains have grown in popularity in recent years, few data examine the calorie contribution of these drinks. We examined afternoon beverage purchases in New York City at 2 major coffee chains and estimated the mean calorie content of these beverages. We collected purchase receipts and brief surveys from adult customers at 42 Starbucks and 73 Dunkin' Donuts stores during the spring of 2007. For each purchase, we obtained the calorie content from the company's Web site; these values were adjusted to account for self-reported customization of the drink. We included 1,127 beverage purchases at Starbucks and 1,830 at Dunkin' Donuts in our analyses. Brewed coffee or tea averaged 63 kcal, and blended coffee beverages averaged 239 kcal. Approximately two-thirds of purchases at Starbucks and one-fourth of purchases at Dunkin' Donuts were blended coffee beverages. Calories in blended coffee beverages are high; on average, customers bought 12% of a 2,000-kcal diet. Policy changes to provide for calorie posting at the point of purchase could increase customer awareness of the calories in these beverages; modifying standard formulations of blended coffee beverages, such as using low-fat milk or smaller serving sizes, would also reduce calorie content.

  14. Titratable acidity of beverages influences salivary pH recovery. (United States)

    Tenuta, Livia Maria Andaló; Fernández, Constanza Estefany; Brandão, Ana Carolina Siqueira; Cury, Jaime Aparecido


    A low pH and a high titratable acidity of juices and cola-based beverages are relevant factors that contribute to dental erosion, but the relative importance of these properties to maintain salivary pH at demineralizing levels for long periods of time after drinking is unknown. In this crossover study conducted in vivo, orange juice, a cola-based soft drink, and a 10% sucrose solution (negative control) were tested. These drinks differ in terms of their pH (3.5 ± 0.04, 2.5 ± 0.05, and 5.9 ± 0.1, respectively) and titratable acidity (3.17 ± 0.06, 0.57 ± 0.04 and pH 5.5, respectively). Eight volunteers with a normal salivary flow rate and buffering capacity kept 15 mL of each beverage in their mouth for 10 s, expectorated it, and their saliva was collected after 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 s. The salivary pH, determined using a mini pH electrode, returned to the baseline value at 30 s after expectoration of the cola-based soft drink, but only at 90 s after expectoration of the orange juice. The salivary pH increased to greater than 5.5 at 15 s after expectoration of the cola drink and at 30 s after expectoration of the orange juice. These findings suggest that the titratable acidity of a beverage influences salivary pH values after drinking acidic beverages more than the beverage pH.

  15. Hidden sources of grapefruit in beverages: potential interactions with immunosuppressant medications. (United States)

    Auten, Ashley A; Beauchamp, Lauren N; Joshua Taylor; Hardinger, Karen L


    The interaction between grapefruit-containing beverages and immunosuppressants is not well defined in the literature. This study was conducted to investigate possible sources of grapefruit juice or grapefruit extract in common US-manufactured beverages. The goal was to identify those products that might serve as hidden sources of dietary grapefruit intake, increasing a transplant patient's risk for drug interactions. A careful review of the ingredients of the 3 largest US beverage manufacturer's product lines was conducted through manufacturer correspondence, product labeling examination, and online nutrition database research. Focus was placed on citrus-flavored soft drinks, teas, and juice products and their impact on a patient's immunosuppressant regimens. Twenty-three beverages were identified that contained grapefruit. Five did not contain the word "grapefruit" in the product name. In addition to the confirmed grapefruit-containing products, 17 products were identified as possibly containing grapefruit juice or grapefruit extract. A greater emphasis should be placed upon properly educating patients regarding hidden sources of grapefruit in popular US beverages and the potential for food-drug interactions.

  16. Exposure to bisphenol A from drinking canned beverages increases blood pressure: randomized crossover trial. (United States)

    Bae, Sanghyuk; Hong, Yun-Chul


    Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical used in plastic bottles and inner coating of beverage cans, and its exposure is almost ubiquitous. BPA has been associated with hypertension and decreased heart rate variability in the previous studies. The aim of the present study was to determine whether increased BPA exposure from consumption of canned beverage actually affects blood pressure and heart rate variability. We conducted a randomized crossover trial with noninstitutionalized adults, who were aged ≥60 years and recruited from a local community center. A total of 60 participants visited the study site 3 times, and they were provided the same beverage in 2 glass bottles, 2 cans, or 1 can and 1 glass bottle at a time. The sequence of the beverage was randomized. We then measured urinary BPA concentration, blood pressure, and heart rate variability 2 hours after the consumption of each beverage. The paired t test and mixed model were used to compare the differences. The urinary BPA concentration increased after consuming canned beverages by >1600% compared with that after consuming glass bottled beverages. Systolic blood pressure adjusted for daily variance increased by ≈4.5 mm Hg after consuming 2 canned beverages compared with that after consuming 2 glass bottled beverages, and the difference was statistically significant. The parameters of the heart rate variability did not show statistically significant differences.The present study demonstrated that consuming canned beverage and consequent increase of BPA exposure increase blood pressure acutely. © 2014 American Heart Association, Inc.

  17. 49 CFR 384.221 - Out-of-service regulations (intoxicating beverage). (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Out-of-service regulations (intoxicating beverage...) FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY... Compliance by States § 384.221 Out-of-service regulations (intoxicating beverage). The State shall adopt, and...

  18. Alcoholic beverages induce superconductivity in FeTe1-xSx

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deguchi, K; Kawasaki, Y; Ozaki, T; Tsuda, S; Yamaguchi, T; Takano, Y; Mizuguchi, Y


    We found that hot alcoholic beverages were effective in inducing superconductivity in FeTe 0.8 S 0.2 . Heating the FeTe 0.8 S 0.2 compound in various alcoholic beverages enhances the superconducting properties compared to a pure water-ethanol mixture as a control. Heating with red wine for 24 h leads to the largest shielding volume fraction of 62.4% and the highest zero resistivity temperature of 7.8 K. Some components present in alcoholic beverages, other than water and ethanol, have the ability to induce superconductivity in the FeTe 0.8 S 0.2 compound.

  19. Aluminium beverage can recycling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lewinski, A von


    Canned beverages have become a controversial issue in this era of ecological sensitivity. METALL has already discussed the problem of can recycling. The present article discusses the technical aspects of aluminium can recycling. Two further articles will follow on aluminium can recycling in North America and on the results of European pilot projects.

  20. Non-dairy probiotic beverages: the next step into human health. (United States)

    Gawkowski, D; Chikindas, M L


    Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host. The two main genera of microorganisms indicated as sources of probiotic bacteria are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Historically used to produce fermented dairy products, certain strains of both genera are increasingly utilised to formulate other functional foods. As the consumers' understanding of the role of probiotics in health grows, so does the popularity of food containing them. The result of this phenomenon is an increase in the number of probiotic foods available for public consumption, including a rapidly-emerging variety of probiotic-containing non-dairy beverages, which provide a convenient way to improve and maintain health. However, the composition of non-dairy probiotic beverages can pose specific challenges to the survival of the health conferring microorganisms. To overcome these challenges, strain selection and protection techniques play an integral part in formulating a stable product. This review discusses non-dairy probiotic beverages, characteristics of an optimal beverage, and commonly used probiotic strains, including spore-forming bacteria. It also examines the most recent developments in probiotic encapsulation technology with focus on nano-fibre formation as a means of protecting viable cells. Utilising bacteria's natural armour or creating barrier mechanisms via encapsulation technology will fuel development of stable non-dairy probiotic beverages.

  1. Food and Beverage Marketing in Schools: A Review of the Evidence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cayley E. Velazquez


    Full Text Available Despite growing interest from government agencies, non-governmental organizations and school boards in restricting or regulating unhealthy food and beverage marketing to children, limited research has examined the emerging knowledge base regarding school-based food and beverage marketing in high-income countries. This review examined current approaches for measuring school food and beverage marketing practices, and evidence regarding the extent of exposure and hypothesized associations with children’s diet-related outcomes. Five databases (MEDLINE, Web of Science, CINAHL, Embase, and PsycINFO and six grey literature sources were searched for papers that explicitly examined school-based food and beverage marketing policies or practices. Twenty-seven papers, across four high-income countries including Canada (n = 2, Ireland (n = 1, Poland (n = 1 and United States (n = 23 were identified and reviewed. Results showed that three main methodological approaches have been used: direct observation, self-report surveys, and in-person/telephone interviews, but few studies reported on the validity or reliability of measures. Findings suggest that students in the U.S. are commonly exposed to a broad array of food and beverage marketing approaches including direct and indirect advertising, although the extent of exposure varies widely across studies. More pervasive marketing exposure was found among secondary or high schools compared with elementary/middle schools and among schools with lower compared with higher socio-economic status. Three of five studies examining diet-related outcomes found that exposure to school-based food and beverage marketing was associated with food purchasing or consumption, particularly for minimally nutritious items. There remains a need for a core set of standard and universal measures that are sufficiently rigorous and comprehensive to assess the totality of school food and beverage marketing practices that can be used to

  2. Food and Beverage Marketing in Schools: A Review of the Evidence. (United States)

    Velazquez, Cayley E; Black, Jennifer L; Potvin Kent, Monique


    Despite growing interest from government agencies, non-governmental organizations and school boards in restricting or regulating unhealthy food and beverage marketing to children, limited research has examined the emerging knowledge base regarding school-based food and beverage marketing in high-income countries. This review examined current approaches for measuring school food and beverage marketing practices, and evidence regarding the extent of exposure and hypothesized associations with children's diet-related outcomes. Five databases (MEDLINE, Web of Science, CINAHL, Embase, and PsycINFO) and six grey literature sources were searched for papers that explicitly examined school-based food and beverage marketing policies or practices. Twenty-seven papers, across four high-income countries including Canada ( n = 2), Ireland ( n = 1), Poland ( n = 1) and United States ( n = 23) were identified and reviewed. Results showed that three main methodological approaches have been used: direct observation, self-report surveys, and in-person/telephone interviews, but few studies reported on the validity or reliability of measures. Findings suggest that students in the U.S. are commonly exposed to a broad array of food and beverage marketing approaches including direct and indirect advertising, although the extent of exposure varies widely across studies. More pervasive marketing exposure was found among secondary or high schools compared with elementary/middle schools and among schools with lower compared with higher socio-economic status. Three of five studies examining diet-related outcomes found that exposure to school-based food and beverage marketing was associated with food purchasing or consumption, particularly for minimally nutritious items. There remains a need for a core set of standard and universal measures that are sufficiently rigorous and comprehensive to assess the totality of school food and beverage marketing practices that can be used to compare exposure

  3. Food and Beverage Marketing in Schools: A Review of the Evidence (United States)

    Velazquez, Cayley E.; Potvin Kent, Monique


    Despite growing interest from government agencies, non-governmental organizations and school boards in restricting or regulating unhealthy food and beverage marketing to children, limited research has examined the emerging knowledge base regarding school-based food and beverage marketing in high-income countries. This review examined current approaches for measuring school food and beverage marketing practices, and evidence regarding the extent of exposure and hypothesized associations with children’s diet-related outcomes. Five databases (MEDLINE, Web of Science, CINAHL, Embase, and PsycINFO) and six grey literature sources were searched for papers that explicitly examined school-based food and beverage marketing policies or practices. Twenty-seven papers, across four high-income countries including Canada (n = 2), Ireland (n = 1), Poland (n = 1) and United States (n = 23) were identified and reviewed. Results showed that three main methodological approaches have been used: direct observation, self-report surveys, and in-person/telephone interviews, but few studies reported on the validity or reliability of measures. Findings suggest that students in the U.S. are commonly exposed to a broad array of food and beverage marketing approaches including direct and indirect advertising, although the extent of exposure varies widely across studies. More pervasive marketing exposure was found among secondary or high schools compared with elementary/middle schools and among schools with lower compared with higher socio-economic status. Three of five studies examining diet-related outcomes found that exposure to school-based food and beverage marketing was associated with food purchasing or consumption, particularly for minimally nutritious items. There remains a need for a core set of standard and universal measures that are sufficiently rigorous and comprehensive to assess the totality of school food and beverage marketing practices that can be used to compare exposure

  4. Pilot beverage carton collection and recycling 2013: Concise technical report

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thoden Van Velzen, E.U.; Brouwer, M.T.; Keijsers, E.R.P.; Pretz, Th.; Feil, A.; Jansen, M.


    This report gives a technological description of the four common collection and recycling schemes that have been tested in the Netherlands as part of the pilot beverage cartons in 2013. During this pilot the collection and recycling of beverage cartons was tested in 37 different municipalities, with

  5. Knowledge, perceptions, and behaviors of adults concerning nonalcoholic beverages suggest some lack of comprehension related to sugars. (United States)

    Rampersaud, Gail C; Kim, Hyeyoung; Gao, Zhifeng; House, Lisa A


    Key recommendations in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and US Department of Agriculture's MyPlate are to reduce the intake of added sugars, particularly from sugar-sweetened beverages, and drink water instead of "sugary" beverages. However, little is known about consumer knowledge, perceptions, and behaviors regarding sugars in beverages. We hypothesized that consumers would have limited or inaccurate knowledge of the sugars in beverages and that their beverage consumption behaviors would not reflect their primary concerns related to sugars in beverages. An online survey was completed by 3361 adults 18 years and older residing throughout the United States. Water was consumed in the highest amounts followed by (in descending amounts) other beverages (includes coffee and tea), added sugar beverages, milk, diet drinks, and 100% fruit juice and blends. Participants primarily associated the term "sugary" with beverages containing added sugars; however, almost 40% identified 100% fruit juice as sugary. Some participants misidentified the types of sugars in beverages, particularly with respect to milk and 100% fruit juices. Generally, beverage choices were consistent with stated concerns about total, added, or natural sugars; however, less than 40% of participants identified added sugars as a primary concern when choosing beverages despite public health recommendations to reduce the intake of added sugars and sugar-sweetened beverages. Results suggest that there may be a considerable level of consumer misunderstanding or confusion about the types of sugars in beverages. More consumer research and education are needed with the goal of helping consumers make more informed and healthy beverage choices. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Wooden beverage cases cause little damage to bottle caps (United States)

    R. Bruce Anderson; William C. Miller


    Wooden beverage cases cause little damage to aluminum resealable caps during distribution. A study at bottling plants and distribution warehouses showed that an average of 1 bottle out of 4,000 has cap damage. Most of the damage was attributed to handling at the warehouse and in transit. Some recommendations are given for improvement of wooden beverage cases to prevent...

  7. Beverage Alcohol Choice Among University Students: Perception, Consumption and Preferences

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    Claudia Liana SALANTA


    Full Text Available This paper aims to analyze and compare the beverage alcohol choice among university students. The study was carried out on a total of 1069 students (men and women from University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. A general questionnaire assessed alcoholic beverage consumption, perception and preference. The main reasons associated with alcohol consumption were relaxation and socialization followed by taste and flavour. The most respondents are attracted by flavor and aroma of the favourite beverage. The participants in the study were not heavy social drinkers (only 1.7 % of participants consume alcohol every day. Beer and wine, were the alcoholic beverages ranked in the top of preferences. Our findings can provide information for educators and policymakers in Romania to implement target-orientated interventions against alcohol abuse at universities. The results of this study may also add evidence to university administrators and public health educators elsewhere dealing with students from Romania.

  8. Sugary beverage tax policy: lessons learned from tobacco. (United States)

    Pomeranz, Jennifer L


    Excise taxes on sugary beverages have been proposed as a method to replicate the public health success of tobacco control and to generate revenue. As policymakers increase efforts to pass sugary beverage taxes, they can anticipate that manufacturers will emulate the strategies employed by tobacco companies in their attempts to counteract the impact of such taxes. Policymakers should therefore consider 2 complementary laws-minimum price laws and prohibitions on coupons and discounting-to accomplish the intended price increase.

  9. Energy-dense snacks can have the same expected satiation as sugar-containing beverages (United States)

    Martin, Ashley A.; Hamill, Liam R.; Davies, Sarah; Rogers, Peter J.; Brunstrom, Jeffrey M.


    Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are thought to be problematic for weight management because energy delivered in liquid form may be less effective at suppressing appetite than solid foods. However, little is known about the relative ‘expected satiation’ (anticipated fullness) of SSBs and solid foods. This is relevant because expected satiation is an important determinant of portion selection and energy intake. Here, we used a method of constant stimuli to assess the expected satiation of test meals that were presented in combination with different caloric and non-caloric beverages (500 ml) (Experiment 1 and 2), as well as with high-energy solid snack foods (Experiment 2). All energy-containing beverages and snack foods were presented in 210 kcal portions. Both experiments found that expected satiation was greater for meals containing caloric versus non-caloric beverages (201.3 ± 17.3 vs. 185.4 ± 14.1 kcal in Experiment 2; p beverages, indicating a role for learning. Notably, we failed to observe a significant difference in expected satiation between any of the caloric beverages and snack foods in Experiment 2 (range: 192.5–205.2 kcal; p = 0.87). This finding suggests that it may be more appropriate to consider beverages and solid foods on the same continuum, recognizing that the expected satiation of some solid foods is as weak as some beverages. PMID:26122755

  10. canned beverages in Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    5.0 mg/l set by United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). The selenium levels ... eyes, and bones (ATSDR, 1990). Selenium is a metal ... 3.30. Seoul, South Korea. Three Crown Milk. 3.21. Lagos, Nigeria. Luna Milk. 2.95. Jedda ..... and acute effects of copper in drinking water and beverages.Rev. Environ ...

  11. Changes in prices, sales, consumer spending, and beverage consumption one year after a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in Berkeley, California, US: A before-and-after study.

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    Lynn D Silver


    Full Text Available Taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs meant to improve health and raise revenue are being adopted, yet evaluation is scarce. This study examines the association of the first penny per ounce SSB excise tax in the United States, in Berkeley, California, with beverage prices, sales, store revenue/consumer spending, and usual beverage intake.Methods included comparison of pre-taxation (before 1 January 2015 and first-year post-taxation (1 March 2015-29 February 2016 measures of (1 beverage prices at 26 Berkeley stores; (2 point-of-sale scanner data on 15.5 million checkouts for beverage prices, sales, and store revenue for two supermarket chains covering three Berkeley and six control non-Berkeley large supermarkets in adjacent cities; and (3 a representative telephone survey (17.4% cooperation rate of 957 adult Berkeley residents. Key hypotheses were that (1 the tax would be passed through to the prices of taxed beverages among the chain stores in which Berkeley implemented the tax in 2015; (2 sales of taxed beverages would decline, and sales of untaxed beverages would rise, in Berkeley stores more than in comparison non-Berkeley stores; (3 consumer spending per transaction (checkout episode would not increase in Berkeley stores; and (4 self-reported consumption of taxed beverages would decline. Main outcomes and measures included changes in inflation-adjusted prices (cents/ounce, beverage sales (ounces, consumers' spending measured as store revenue (inflation-adjusted dollars per transaction in two large chains, and usual beverage intake (grams/day and kilocalories/day. Tax pass-through (changes in the price after imposition of the tax for SSBs varied in degree and timing by store type and beverage type. Pass-through was complete in large chain supermarkets (+1.07¢/oz, p = 0.001 and small chain supermarkets and chain gas stations (1.31¢/oz, p = 0.004, partial in pharmacies (+0.45¢/oz, p = 0.03, and negative in independent corner stores and

  12. Potential of fermented papaya beverage in the prevention of foodborne illness incidence

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    Koh, S.P.


    Full Text Available Foodborne illness is recognized as an emerging infectious disease. The incidence of foodborne infections is common and the majority cases are undiagnosed or unreported. Apart from some diarrhea or minor gastrointestinal problem, some foodborne pathogenic microbes may cause death, particularly to those people with weakened immune system. In this study, we have developed a new fermented papaya beverage using symbiotic culture of yeast and acetic acid bacteria under controlled biofermentation process. An in-vitro assessment of fermented papaya beverage against few foodborne pathogenic microorganism was conducted to determine its minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC>99. Three types of foodborne pathogen: Escherichia coli O157, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ATCC 53648, Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (isolated from infectious chicken were selected. From minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC>99 assay, both fermented papaya pulp and leaves beverages have shown 100% killing rate against three selected foodborne pathogenic microbes. Inversely, non-fermented papaya pulp and leaves beverages indicated no inhibition at all. In fact, further dilution of fermented papaya pulp and leaves beverages demonstrated different degree of MBC>99 and brix value, but the pH value remained less than 3.5. These findings indicated the combination of soluble solid compounds presents in both fermented papaya beverage and product acidity play an important role in the inhibition of pathogenic microorganisms. The preliminary promising results of this work have shown that the great potential of fermented papaya beverages as a preventive measure to reduce the incidence of foodborne illness.

  13. Genotoxicity study of an experimental beverage made with quinua, kiwicha and kañiwa

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    Francia D.P. Huaman


    Full Text Available Genotoxic evaluation is an important step for a product that is aimed for human consumption. A beverage composed of pseudocereals with highly nutritious elements like quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd., kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus L. and kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen was prepared to reduce lipid contents in a group of volunteers. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the genotoxic potential of an experimental beverage using two in vitro tests that have been validated by international agencies. For the Ames test, two strains of Salmonella typhimurium (TA98 and TA100 with and without microsomal fraction (S9 were used. Four doses of the beverage were tested and also a possible protective effect (same four doses of beverage added to plates with mutagens. Cultures of binucleated lymphocytes and five doses of the beverage were used for the micronucleus test. Both Ames and the micronucleus tests showed the beverage has not genotoxic effect in all tested doses. However, in evaluating the possible protective effect of the beverage, it would be evident that on the contrary, the mutagenic effect of mutagens used for each strain is enhanced. These results suggest that additional tests should be performed to check the genotoxic potential of this beverage before consumption.

  14. Caregiver and adolescent responses to food and beverage marketing exposures through an online survey. (United States)

    Kumar, Gayathri; Zytnick, Deena; Onufrak, Stephen; Harris, Jennifer L; Wethington, Holly; Kingsley, Beverly; Park, Sohyun


    The Institute of Medicine noted that current food and beverage marketing practices promote unhealthful diets. However, little public health research has been conducted on food marketing directed toward adolescents, especially using caregiver- and adolescent-reported data. We assessed perceived frequency of food/beverage advertising exposure and common locations of food/beverage marketing exposure for adolescents using 2012 Summer ConsumerStyles and YouthStyles survey data on US adults ≥18 years of age and their children ages 12-17 (n=847), respectively. Exposure to advertisements for fast food, soda, fruit drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, and bottled water were categorized as food/beverage categories with the highest, at least daily, exposure reported for fast food. Caregivers more frequently reported that adolescents viewed all food/beverage advertisements ≥1 time/day than the adolescents reported (chi-square tests, pfood/beverage marketing most frequently on television followed by at the supermarket. Our study showed that adolescents reported lower frequency of food and beverage advertising exposure than their caregivers. Further research may be needed to verify self-reported exposure data on food and beverage advertising as a way to obtain data for use in research on its relationship with diet quality and obesity.

  15. Regulation of Food and Beverage Advertising and Marketing in India

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Foods and beverages rich in salt, sugar, calories, and saturated fats, but deficient in micronutrients, have flooded Indian food markets. Indian consumers are showing an increased preference for them. This project will help strengthen Indian policies for regulating advertising and marketing of food and beverage products in ...

  16. 27 CFR 17.134 - Determination of unfitness for beverage purposes. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Determination of unfitness for beverage purposes. 17.134 Section 17.134 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms ALCOHOL AND... an alcoholic concentration of 15% and tasted. Sale or use for beverage purposes is indicative of...

  17. The use of fruit extracts for production of beverages with high antioxidative activity

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    Tomasz Tarko


    Full Text Available Free radicals and reactive oxygen species can cause many diseases of the circulatory and nervous system as well as tumors. There are many ways of preventing and treating these diseases including the consumption of products that contain significant amounts of antioxidant compounds, such as polyphenols and antioxidative vitamins. However, currently food stores offer mainly convenient food, ready-to-eat foodstuffs or highly processed products. During numerous technological treatments they have been deprived of many valuable compounds occurring in fresh products. Therefore, an important element of the food production technology is to ensure a proper composition of valuable human health-promoting compounds, mostly vitamins, minerals and polyphenols in final food product. Consumers often and willingly drink beverages. They are also a good starting base for supplementation. Drinks can be enriched with polyphenols, which may reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases, owing to their antiradical potential. The aim of this study was to use the fruit extracts for beverages enrichment in order to increase their antioxidative potential and polyphenol content. For the experiment the fruits of Cornelian cherry, lingonberry, elderberry, hawthorn and Japanese quince were used. Fruit was extracted with 80% ethanol, and then thickened by distillation under reduced pressure. Extracts were used to enrich the apple, orange and grapefruit beverages. Antioxidative activity and total polyphenols content in final beverages were determined. Also, sensory analysis was carried out. The fortification of tested beverages resulted in an increased antioxidative activity and total polyphenol content in case of all applied fruit extracts. Among the beverages composed, the best antioxidative properties were found in a beverage of red grapefruit, whereas the best organoleptically evaluated was the orange beverage. The scores of on the sensory evaluation revealed that the addition of

  18. Characteristics of fermented plant beverages in southern Thailand

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    Charernjiratrakul, W.


    Full Text Available The characteristics of fermented plant beverages based on a sensory test, physico-chemical properties, enumeration of microorganisms present and their microbiological quality were investigated. A total of 19 samples of beverages collected from various sources in southern Thailand were examined. It was found that odor, color and clarity and the presence of Cu, Zn, K and Na were mainly dependent on the types of plant used and the additive of sugar or honey. Therefore, the appearance of the beverages was light brown and dark brown. An ester smell was occasionally detected. The fermented plant beverages had sour flavor that developed during fermentation and a little sweetness from residual sugar. The taste was related to the amounts of organic acid and sugar as measured in the ranges of 0.98-7.13% (pH 2.63-3.72 and 0.21-4.20%, respectively. The levels of alcohols measured as ethanol were between 0.03-3.32% and methanol in a range of 0.019 0.084%. Methanol production was dependent on both the fermentation process and the plant used. Total coliforms and Escherichia coli were not detected in any sample, whereas other microbes were detected in some samples as were total bacterial count, lactic acid bacteria, yeast and mold in amounts that differed depending on the fermentation time and also the level of sanitation of the production process.

  19. Titratable acidity of beverages influences salivary pH recovery

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    Livia Maria Andaló TENUTA


    Full Text Available A low pH and a high titratable acidity of juices and cola-based beverages are relevant factors that contribute to dental erosion, but the relative importance of these properties to maintain salivary pH at demineralizing levels for long periods of time after drinking is unknown. In this crossover study conducted in vivo, orange juice, a cola-based soft drink, and a 10% sucrose solution (negative control were tested. These drinks differ in terms of their pH (3.5 ± 0.04, 2.5 ± 0.05, and 5.9 ± 0.1, respectively and titratable acidity (3.17 ± 0.06, 0.57 ± 0.04 and < 0.005 mmols OH- to reach pH 5.5, respectively. Eight volunteers with a normal salivary flow rate and buffering capacity kept 15 mL of each beverage in their mouth for 10 s, expectorated it, and their saliva was collected after 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 s. The salivary pH, determined using a mini pH electrode, returned to the baseline value at 30 s after expectoration of the cola-based soft drink, but only at 90 s after expectoration of the orange juice. The salivary pH increased to greater than 5.5 at 15 s after expectoration of the cola drink and at 30 s after expectoration of the orange juice. These findings suggest that the titratable acidity of a beverage influences salivary pH values after drinking acidic beverages more than the beverage pH.

  20. Snack and beverage consumption and preferences in a sample of Chinese children - Are they influenced by advertising? (United States)

    Liu, Peng; Yu, Yang; King, Lesley; Li, Mu


    The consumption of unhealthy snack and beverages can lead to childhood obesity, which has become a major concern globally. Television food advertisements may influence children's snack and beverages preferences. This article aims to explore children's snack and beverage consumption habits; examine the extent of television advertising for non-core (energy-dense, nutrient poor) snack and beverages; and assess the influence of television advertising on children's snack and beverages preferences in Harbin, China. The study consisted of two components, a recall survey on the snack and beverage consumption and preferences of 9-11 years old school children; and recording snack and beverage advertisements on three popular television channels. Odds Ratio (OR) was used to estimate the likelihood of children selecting particular snack and beverages as their top three choices according to whether their preferences were influenced by television advertisements. The majority of children consumed non-core snacks (100%) and beverages (80%) in the four weeks prior to the survey. Nearly 40% of television food advertisements were for non-core snacks and beverages. Non-core snacks (OR of 1.13) and non-core beverages (OR of 1.23) were more likely chosen as children's top three snack/beverage choices, particularly, "puffed food and tubers" snack and carbonated beverages (OR of 1.31 and 1.45, respectively). The snack and beverage preferences appeared to be influenced by television advertisements in this sample of Chinese children, highlighting the potential health and nutritional value of policy to reduce advertising of non-core foods in China.

  1. Further evidence for GHB naturally occurring in common non-alcoholic beverages. (United States)

    Elliott, Simon P; Fais, Paolo


    GHB has been implicated in many cases of suspected surreptitious administration with the purpose of increasing victim vulnerability to sexual assault. Low amounts of endogenous (or naturally occurring) GHB, which do not reach pharmacologically active levels, have been detected in alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Due to the continued requirement to obtain data on the presence of endogenous GHB in various beverage types, GHB concentrations were measured in a series of non-alcoholic beverages. Tonic water and lemon flavoured tonic water beverages were analysed at 0, 24 and 96h after the bottle opening using gas chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) on an Agilent 6890/7000C Triple Quadrupole. GHB was detected in all beverages at very low amounts ranging from 89 to 145ng/mL (0.089-0.145mg/L) and did not demonstrate a general trend of variation for concentration along the tested time span (96h). The presented data provide additional evidence for the endogenous nature of GHB in non-alcoholic beverages at very low concentrations, which are many orders of magnitude lower than those described to produce any pharmacological effect on the subject. However, when considering a case of alleged drug-facilitated sexual assault, a low level of GHB detected in a drink may be related both to a surreptitiously GHB administration with subsequent dilution for concealment or to the presence of endogenous GHB. On this basis, a comprehensive analysis of all the available information, including circumstantial data demonstrating possible attempts to conceal GHB administration and an assessment of levels of endogenous GHB in the suspected beverage type, is of the utmost importance for a proper interpretation of the toxicological results. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Trends in Energy Intake from Alcoholic Beverages among US Adults by Sociodemographic Characteristics, 1989-2012. (United States)

    Butler, Lauren; Poti, Jennifer M; Popkin, Barry M


    Long-term US trends in alcoholic beverage calorie intakes remain unexamined, particularly with respect to changes in population subgroup-specific patterns over time. This study examined shifts in the consumption of alcoholic beverages, in total and by beverage type, on any given day among US adults in relation to sociodemographic characteristics. This study was a repeated cross-sectional analysis of data from the 1989-1991 and 1994-1996 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals and the 2003-2006 and 2009-2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys. Adults aged ≥19 years (N=39,298) were targeted. A subset of alcoholic beverage consumers (n=7,081) were studied. Survey weighted mean per capita per day intakes (among all participants, both consumers of alcoholic beverages and nonconsumers) and contributions of beer, wine, and liquor/mixed drinks to total alcoholic beverage energy were determined. Multivariable regression models were used to examine trends in the proportion of alcoholic beverage consumers and the per consumer intakes (among consumers of alcoholic beverages only). Per capita intakes from alcoholic beverages increased from 49 kcal/capita/day in 1989-1991 to 109 kcal/capita/day in 2003-2006 (Pbeverages on any given day increased significantly from 1989-1991 to 2009-2012 (P for overall increasing trend beverage calories increased between 1989-1991 and 1994-1996 (Pbeverage intake for less educated consumers across time. These results indicate there has been an increase in the proportion of US adults who drink on any given day and an increase in calories consumed from alcoholic beverages when drinking occurs. Copyright © 2016 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Chemical, Sensorial and Rheological Properties of a New Organic Rice Bran Beverage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerson Luis FACCIN


    Full Text Available Rice bran is a solid residue from rice polishing that is used in animal nutrition and rice oil production. Cultivation conditions with agro-toxics, lipids instability, and tendency for mycotoxin contamination restrict its application in human nutrition. Therefore, organic agriculture is an alternative to use the properties of rice bran. Rice bran beverage is a new cereal product from organic rice. This work presents the preliminary results of the chemical and rheological studies of a bath pasteurized rice bran beverage. Compared with integral defatted milk, soy extracts, and brown rice low-fat milk, the rice bran beverage studied in this work presents itself as an important source of minerals and unsaturated lipids. All essential amino acids were found in this product. Glutamic and aspartic acids were predominant. Bath pasteurization at boiling water temperature for 15 and 30 min was adequate for microbiological safety. Refrigeration storage for 20 days, evaluated by pH and acidity variations, was ideal for assessment of the beverage conservation time. The beverage viscosity was of the Newtonian standard behavior, and its viscosity during storage was not a good parameter to evaluate shelf life. Sensory preference tests showed positive perspectives for this new beverage.

  4. Reducing calories and added sugars by improving children's beverage choices. (United States)

    Briefel, Ronette R; Wilson, Ander; Cabili, Charlotte; Hedley Dodd, Allison


    Because childhood obesity is such a threat to the physical, mental, and social health of youth, there is a great need to identify effective strategies to reduce its prevalence. The objective of this study was to estimate the mean calories from added sugars that are saved by switching sugar-sweetened beverages (including soda, fruit-flavored drinks, and sport drinks) and flavored milks consumed to unflavored low-fat milk (calories from added sugars both at and away from school. Overall, these changes translated to a mean of 205 calories or a 10% savings in energy intake across all students (8% among children in elementary school and 11% in middle and high schools). Eighty percent of the daily savings were attributed to beverages consumed away from school, with results consistent across school level, sex, race/ethnicity, and weight status. Children's consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages at home contributed the greatest share of empty calories from added sugars. Such findings indicate that parental education should focus on the importance of reducing or eliminating sugar-sweetened beverages served at home. This conclusion has implications for improving children's food and beverage environments for food and nutrition educators and practitioners, other health care professionals, policy makers, researchers, and parents. Copyright © 2013 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Effect of alcoholic beverages on progeny and reproduction of mice

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    Fernanda Dias Figueiro


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Alcohol is the most commonly consumed substance in the world. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of alcoholic beverages on male reproduction and possible alterations in their offspring. The mice were divided into 4 groups: beer, wine, cachaça (a type of sugarcane rum, with ethanol concentrations of 1.9 g/kg, and control group treated with PBS. The treatment period was 35 days. The animals which received cachaça, demonstrated significant weight loss in the testes and epididymis. The alcoholic beverages promoted significant testosterone level and fertilization index diminution, and morphological alterations in the spermatozoa. The beer group presented decreased implantation sites and a high frequency of dominant lethal. The number of reabsorptions in the wine group was increased. The fermented beverages presented higher potential to induce visceral malformations, while the cachaça caused fetal skeletal malformations. The cachaça treated group presented a negative impact on semen quality and fertilization potential. The treatment with different alcoholic beverages, during spermatogenesis, demonstrated contrasting degrees of induction of toxic effects, interfering in a general aspect in male reproductive performance, fetal viability during intrauterine life, and birth defects. From the data, it is possible to infer that the distillated beverage caused more harmful effects to reproduction in this study.

  6. Gastric emptying, glucose metabolism and gut hormones: Evaluation of a common preoperative carbohydrate beverage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeulen, M.A.R.; Richir, M.C.; Garretsen, M.K.; van Schie, A.; Ghatei, M.A.; Holst, J.J.; Heijboer, A.C.; Uitdehaag, B.M.J.; Diamant, M.; Eekhoff, E.M.W.; van Leeuwen, P.A.M.; Ligthart-Melis, G.C.


    Objective: To study the gastric-emptying rate and gut hormonal response of two carbohydrate-rich beverages. A specifically designed carbohydrate-rich beverage is currently used to support the surgical patient metabolically. Fruit-based beverages may also promote recovery, due to natural antioxidant

  7. Gastric emptying, glucose metabolism and gut hormones: evaluation of a common preoperative carbohydrate beverage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeulen, Mechteld A. R.; Richir, Milan C.; Garretsen, Martijn K.; van Schie, Annelies; Ghatei, Mohammed A.; Holst, Jens J.; Heijboer, Annemieke C.; Uitdehaag, Bernard M. J.; Diamant, Michaela; Eekhoff, E. Marelise W.; van Leeuwen, Paul A. M.; Ligthart-Melis, Gerdien C.


    To study the gastric-emptying rate and gut hormonal response of two carbohydrate-rich beverages. A specifically designed carbohydrate-rich beverage is currently used to support the surgical patient metabolically. Fruit-based beverages may also promote recovery, due to natural antioxidant and

  8. Beverage-specific mortality relationships in US population data (United States)

    Kerr, William C.; Ye, Yu


    Nearly all countries regulate distilled spirits differently from beer and wine. However, the scientific basis for this differential treatment has not been clearly established. This review covers beverage-specific relationships with alcohol-related mortality causes at the population level in the US and includes a new analysis of motor vehicle accident mortality. Spirits were found to be more strongly related to, or the only beverage type with a significant positive association with, cirrhosis, IHD and head and neck cancer mortality. Spirits sales, along with beer, were also implcated in motor vehicle accident mortality and homicde. While all three beverage types were found to be associated with suicide mortality, only spirits had a significant unlagged association. These associations were found under policy arrangements where spirits were discouraged with relatively higher taxes, lower availability and more restricted marketing opportunities. This suggests that the differential policy treatment found in the US and most other countries is justified on the basis of differential harm relationships. PMID:24431476


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    Risky Aswi R


    Full Text Available Analisis pemanfaatan  jejaring  sosial untuk penentuan konsentrasi mahasiswa dengan metode sosial network analysis. Tujuan dibangun sistem ini untuk menentukan konsentrasi mahasiswa dengan pendekatan Sosial Network Analisis Studi Kasus Jejaring Sosial Facebook dan mampu memanfaatkan facebook sebagai alat untuk menentukan konsentrasi mahasiswa jurusan teknik informatika menjadi tiga bagian yaitu pemrograman, jaringan, dan multimedia. Batasan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian ini hanya berlaku pada mahasiswa yang memiliki akun facebook. Penelitian ini menggunakan Social Network Analysis untuk mencari between centrality.Pada tahap pertama setiap akun akan dilihat relasinya setelah itu hubungan antar akun akan dimasukan ke node XL dan akan menghasilkan between centrality. Mahasiswa yang melanjutkan proses selanjutnya adalah mahasiswa yang nilai betweent centralitynya 85% teratas. Setelah itu akan ditambahkan variabel group yang digunakan untuk mengkelompokan peminatan, dan ditambahkan variabel nilai akademis untuk menguatkan pendapat yang diperoleh sebelumnya.Dengan cara melihat between centrality dan menambahkan variabel group untuk membagi siswa sesuai konsentrasi, dan memabahkan variabel nilai akademik untuk memperkuat pendapat. Sosial network analysis terbukti dapat menentukan konsentrasi mahaiswa. Facebook dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk menentukan konsentrasi mahasiswa, konsentrasi mahasiswa dibagi menjadi pemrograman, jaringan, dan multimedia. Kata Kunci : Jejaring Sosial, Social Network Analysis, between centrality

  10. Sweetened beverage consumption and increased risk of metabolic syndrome in Mexican adults. (United States)

    Denova-Gutiérrez, Edgar; Talavera, Juan O; Huitrón-Bravo, Gerardo; Méndez-Hernández, Pablo; Salmerón, Jorge


    To examine the relationship between sweetened beverage consumption and components of the metabolic syndrome in a Mexican population. We performed a cross-sectional analysis of data from selected adults participating in the baseline assessment of the Health Workers Cohort Study. Information on participants' sociodemographic characteristics, dietary patterns and physical activity were collected via self-administered questionnaires. Sweetened beverage consumption was evaluated through a validated semi-quantitative FFQ. Anthropometric and clinical measures were assessed with standardized procedures. The definition of metabolic syndrome was determined using criteria from the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III. The associations of interest were evaluated by means of linear and logistic regression models. The Mexican states of Morelos and Mexico. A total of 5240 individuals aged 20 to 70 years (mean 39.4 (sd 11.5) years) were evaluated. Overweight/obesity prevalence was 56.6 %. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in this sample was 26.6 %. We found that for each additional daily sweetened beverage serving consumed, participants experienced an average increase of 0.49 mmol/l in TAG and a decrease in HDL cholesterol of 0.31 mmol/l. Subjects consuming more than two servings of sweetened beverages daily were at 2.0 times greater risk of metabolic syndrome than those who did not consume sweetened beverages. We also observed that higher sweetened beverage consumption increased the risk of all components of the metabolic syndrome. Our data support the hypothesis that sweetened beverage consumption increases the risk of metabolic syndrome in Mexican adults, possibly by providing excess energy and large amounts of rapidly absorbable sugars.

  11. Preparation of Hulu-mur flavored carbonated beverage based on Feterita sorghum (Sorghum bicolor malt

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    Sara F. A. Baidab


    Full Text Available  In this study, sorghum Feterita malt extract was used to prepare carbonated beverages flavored with traditional Hulu-mur spices extract.  The beverages produced were assessed for their physicochemical, sensory, and nutritional qualities. Malting (3–5 days of the Feterita grains showed significant (P ≤ 0.05 differences in proximate composition from that of unmalted grains. Protein and sugars increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05 with increased the malting time (days, while there was a significant (P ≤ 0.05 reduction in oil and starch  content  during malting progress. The kilning temperature of 150°C for 20 minutes was found to produce the most acceptable Hulu-mur carbonated beverage analogue in terms of flavor and taste. Significant differences (P ≤ 0.05 were observed in physicochemical and nutritional qualities between the Hulu-mur analogue carbonated beverage and commercial non-alcoholic beverage. The Hulu-mur carbonated beverage analogue was rich in Na, K, Ca, and Fe (26.45, 21.84, 24.00, and 0.57 mg /100 g, respectively compared to levels of the same minerals in the non-alcoholic beverage (22.31, 8.19, 22.00 and 0.15 mg/100 g, respectively. The Hulu-mur analogue also had a higher calorific value (35.85 kcal /100 mL compared to the non-alcoholic beverage (32.96 kcal/100 mL.

  12. Diet-beverage consumption and caloric intake among US adults, overall and by body weight. (United States)

    Bleich, Sara N; Wolfson, Julia A; Vine, Seanna; Wang, Y Claire


    We examined national patterns in adult diet-beverage consumption and caloric intake by body-weight status. We analyzed 24-hour dietary recall with National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2010 data (adults aged ≥ 20 years; n = 23 965). Overall, 11% of healthy-weight, 19% of overweight, and 22% of obese adults drink diet beverages. Total caloric intake was higher among adults consuming sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) compared with diet beverages (2351 kcal/day vs 2203 kcal/day; P = .005). However, the difference was only significant for healthy-weight adults (2302 kcal/day vs 2095 kcal/day; P < .001). Among overweight and obese adults, calories from solid-food consumption were higher among adults consuming diet beverages compared with SSBs (overweight: 1965 kcal/day vs 1874 kcal/day; P = .03; obese: 2058 kcal/day vs 1897 kcal/day; P < .001). The net increase in daily solid-food consumption associated with diet-beverage consumption was 88 kilocalories for overweight and 194 kilocalories for obese adults. Overweight and obese adults drink more diet beverages than healthy-weight adults and consume significantly more solid-food calories and a comparable total calories than overweight and obese adults who drink SSBs. Heavier US adults who drink diet beverages will need to reduce solid-food calorie consumption to lose weight.

  13. The relationship between sweetened beverage consumption and risk of heart failure in men. (United States)

    Rahman, Iffat; Wolk, Alicja; Larsson, Susanna C


    To investigate whether sweetened beverage consumption is associated with risk of heart failure (HF) in a large prospective population-based study of men. A population-based cohort comprising 42,400 men, 45-79 years of age, was followed from 1998 through 2010. Sweetened beverage consumption was assessed by utilising a food frequency questionnaire. Incident events of HF were identified through linkage to the Swedish National Patient Register and the Cause of Death Register. Cox regression analyses were implemented to investigate the association between sweetened beverage consumption and HF. During a mean follow-up time of 11.7 years, a total of 4113 HF events were identified. We observed a positive association between sweetened beverage consumption and risk of HF after adjustment for other risk factors (p for trend beverages per day had a statistically significant higher risk of developing HF (23%, 95% CI 1.12 to 1.35) compared to men who were non-consumers. Our finding that sweetened beverage consumption is associated with higher risk of HF could have implications for HF prevention strategies. Additional prospective studies investigating the link between sweetened beverage consumption and HF are therefore needed. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  14. Substitution of healthy for unhealthy beverages among college students. A health-concerns and behavioral-economics perspective. (United States)

    Yang, Chao-Chin; Chiou, Wen-Bin


    Excessive intake of sugar-sweetened beverages by undergraduates is closely related to the increasing prevalence of obesity, making investigations of the substitution of healthy for unhealthy beverages imperative. According to the concept of price elasticity in behavioral economics, the choice of healthy over unhealthy behaviors is facilitated by increasing the cost of less-healthy alternatives or reducing the cost of healthier alternatives. Furthermore, evoking health concerns by using health claims may induce substitution of healthy for unhealthy beverages. A total of 108 18-22-year-old undergraduates participated in a laboratory experiment and were given a certain amount of money and allowed to purchase a healthy beverage and a less-healthy beverage with or without receiving health claims. Increasing the price of a type of beverage was shown to reduce purchases of that beverage type and lead to substitution with the alternative type. Moreover, the effect of price elasticity on healthy beverage substitution was more pronounced when participants' health concerns were evoked. The results suggest that lowering the cost of alternative commodities and evoking health concerns by health-related claims would foster the substitution of healthier for unhealthy beverages among college students. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Application of infrared portable sensor technology for predicting perceived astringency of acidic whey protein beverages. (United States)

    Wang, Ting; Tan, Siow-Ying; Mutilangi, William; Plans, Marcal; Rodriguez-Saona, Luis


    Formulating whey protein beverages at acidic pH provides better clarity but the beverages typically develop an unpleasant and astringent flavor. Our aim was to evaluate the application of infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics in predicting astringency of acidic whey protein beverages. Whey protein isolate (WPI), whey protein concentrate (WPC), and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH) from different manufacturers were used to formulate beverages at pH ranging from 2.2 to 3.9. Trained panelists using the spectrum method of descriptive analysis tested the beverages providing astringency scores. A portable Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy attenuated total reflectance spectrometer was used for spectra collection that was analyzed by multivariate regression analysis (partial least squares regression) to build calibration models with the sensory astringency scores. Beverage astringency scores fluctuated from 1.9 to 5.2 units and were explained by pH, protein type (WPC, WPI, or WPH), source (manufacturer), and their interactions, revealing the complexity of astringency development in acidic whey protein beverages. The WPC and WPH beverages showed an increase in astringency as the pH of the solution was lowered, but no relationship was found for WPI beverages. The partial least squares regression analysis showed strong relationship between the reference astringency scores and the infrared predicted values (correlation coefficient >0.94), giving standard error of cross-validation ranging from 0.08 to 0.12 units, depending on whey protein type. Major absorption bands explaining astringency scores were associated with carboxylic groups and amide regions of proteins. The portable infrared technique allowed rapid prediction of astringency of acidic whey protein beverages, providing the industry a novel tool for monitoring sensory characteristics of whey-containing beverages. Copyright © 2016 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Trends in added sugars from packaged beverages available and purchased by US households, 2007-2012. (United States)

    Ng, Shu Wen; Ostrowski, Jessica D; Li, Kuo-Ping


    Background: The US Food and Drug Administration's updated nutrition labeling requirements will include added sugars starting in July 2018, but no measure currently exists to identify the added sugar content of products and what it represents among purchases. Beverages are one of the first targets for reducing added sugar consumption, and hence are the focus here. Objective: Our goal was to estimate trends in added sugars in nonalcoholic packaged beverage products available in the United States and to estimate amounts of added sugars obtained from these beverages given the purchases of US households overall and by subpopulations. Design: On the basis of nutrition label data from multiple sources, we used a stepwise approach to derive the added sugar content of 160,713 beverage products recorded as purchased by US households in 2007-2012 (345,193 observations from 110,539 unique households). We estimated the amounts of added sugars obtained from packaged beverages US households reported buying in 2007-2008, 2009-2010, and 2011-2012, overall and by subpopulations based on household composition, race/ethnicity, and income. The key outcomes are added sugars in terms of per capita grams per day and the percentage of calories from packaged beverages. Results: Packaged beverages alone account for per capita consumption of 12 g/d of added sugars purchased by US households in 2007-2012, representing 32-48% of calories from packaged beverages. Whereas the absolute amount of added sugars from beverages has not changed meaningfully over time, the relative contribution of added sugars to calories from beverages has increased. Non-Hispanic black households and low-income households obtain both higher absolute and relative amounts of added sugars from beverages than non-Hispanic white households and high-income households (all P beverages at both the product level and the population level in the United States and can be used for comparisons after the revised nutrition labels are

  17. Microorganisms in Fermented Apple Beverages: Current Knowledge and Future Directions. (United States)

    Cousin, Fabien J; Le Guellec, Rozenn; Schlusselhuber, Margot; Dalmasso, Marion; Laplace, Jean-Marie; Cretenet, Marina


    Production of fermented apple beverages is spread all around the world with specificities in each country. 'French ciders' refer to fermented apple juice mainly produced in the northwest of France and often associated with short periods of consumption. Research articles on this kind of product are scarce compared to wine, especially on phenomena associated with microbial activities. The wine fermentation microbiome and its dynamics, organoleptic improvement for healthy and pleasant products and development of starters are now widely studied. Even if both beverages seem close in terms of microbiome and process (with both alcoholic and malolactic fermentations), the inherent properties of the raw materials and different production and environmental parameters make research on the specificities of apple fermentation beverages worthwhile. This review summarizes current knowledge on the cider microbial ecosystem, associated activities and the influence of process parameters. In addition, available data on cider quality and safety is reviewed. Finally, we focus on the future role of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in the development of even better or new beverages made from apples.

  18. Penentuan Lokasi DG dan Kapasitor Bank dengan Rekonfigurasi Jaringan Untuk Memperoleh Rugi Daya Minimal Pada Sistem Distribusi Radial Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika

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    Ridho Fuaddi


    Full Text Available Jaringan distribusi yang paling umum digunakan ialah sistem dengan bentuk radial. Sistem ini memiliki bentuk yang sederhana serta biaya investasinya yang terbilang murah. Namun, kualitas pelayanan dayanya relatif buruk yang terjadi akibat adanya rugi daya pada saluran yang cukup besar. Hal itu terjadi karena jaringan distribusi yang merupakan ujung dari saluran transmisi memiliki perbandingan rasio R/X yang tinggi sehingga mengakibatkan rugi daya yang besar. Terdapat beberapa cara untuk mengurangi rugi daya pada jaringan distribusi yakni dengan menggunakan rekonfigurasi jaringan, pemasangan kapasitor bank dan pemasangan unit distributed generation (DG pada sistem distribusi. Pada tugas akhir ini, algoritma genetika merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk memecahkan suatu pencarian nilai dalam masalah optimasi penentuan lokasi DG dan kapasitor bank serta rekonfigurasi jaringan yang tepat untuk mendapatkan rugi daya yang paling minimal. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan pada penelitian ini, diperoleh perbaikan rugi daya nyata paling optimal sebesar 94,92 % terhadap kondisi awal sistem distribusi radial 33-bus standart IEEE melalui penggabungan pemasangan DG dan kapasitor bank serta rekonfigurasi jaringan.

  19. Global, Regional, and National Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, Fruit Juices, and Milk: A Systematic Assessment of Beverage Intake in 187 Countries (United States)

    Khatibzadeh, Shahab; Shi, Peilin; Lim, Stephen; Andrews, Kathryn G.; Engell, Rebecca E.; Ezzati, Majid; Mozaffarian, Dariush


    Background Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), fruit juice, and milk are components of diet of major public health interest. To-date, assessment of their global distributions and health impacts has been limited by insufficient comparable and reliable data by country, age, and sex. Objective To quantify global, regional, and national levels of SSB, fruit juice, and milk intake by age and sex in adults over age 20 in 2010. Methods We identified, obtained, and assessed data on intakes of these beverages in adults, by age and sex, from 193 nationally- or subnationally-representative diet surveys worldwide, representing over half the world’s population. We also extracted data relevant to milk, fruit juice, and SSB availability for 187 countries from annual food balance information collected by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. We developed a hierarchical Bayesian model to account for measurement incomparability, study representativeness, and sampling and modeling uncertainty, and to combine and harmonize nationally representative dietary survey data and food availability data. Results In 2010, global average intakes were 0.58 (95%UI: 0.37, 0.89) 8 oz servings/day for SSBs, 0.16 (0.10, 0.26) for fruit juice, and 0.57 (0.39, 0.83) for milk. There was significant heterogeneity in consumption of each beverage by region and age. Intakes of SSB were highest in the Caribbean (1.9 servings/day; 1.2, 3.0); fruit juice consumption was highest in Australia and New Zealand (0.66; 0.35, 1.13); and milk intake was highest in Central Latin America and parts of Europe (1.06; 0.68, 1.59). Intakes of all three beverages were lowest in East Asia and Oceania. Globally and within regions, SSB consumption was highest in younger adults; fruit juice consumption showed little relation with age; and milk intakes were highest in older adults. Conclusions Our analysis highlights the enormous spectrum of beverage intakes worldwide, by country, age, and sex. These data are

  20. Children's Food and Beverage Promotion on Television to Parents. (United States)

    Emond, Jennifer A; Smith, Marietta E; Mathur, Suman J; Sargent, James D; Gilbert-Diamond, Diane


    Nutritionally poor foods are heavily advertised to children on television. Whether those same products are also advertised to parents on television has not been systematically examined. This study is a content analysis of advertisements for children's packaged foods and beverages aired over US network, cable, and syndicated television for 1 year (2012 to 2013). The target audience of each advertisement was defined as children or parents based on advertisement content, where parent-directed advertisements included emotional appeals related to family bonding and love. Advertisement characteristics and patterns of airtime were compared across target audience, and the proportion of total airtime devoted to advertisements targeting parents was computed. Fifty-one children's food or beverage products were advertised over the study year, 25 (49%) of which were advertised directly to parents. Parent-directed advertisements more often featured nutrition and health messaging and an active lifestyle than child-directed advertisements, whereas child-directed advertisements more frequently highlighted fun and product taste. Over all products, 42.4% of total airtime was devoted to advertisements that targeted parents. The products with the most amount of airtime over the study year were ready-to-eat cereals, sugar-sweetened beverages, and children's yogurt, and the proportion of total advertisement airtime for those products devoted to parents was 24.4%, 72.8%, and 25.8%, respectively. Television advertisements for children's packaged foods and beverages frequently targeted parents with emotional appeals and messaging related to nutrition and health. Findings are of concern if exposure to such advertisements among parents may shape their beliefs about the appropriateness of nutritionally questionable children's foods and beverages. Copyright © 2015 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  1. Effects of caffeine on alcohol reinforcement: Beverage choice, self-administration, and subjective ratings (United States)

    Sweeney, Mary M.; Meredith, Steven E.; Evatt, Daniel P.; Griffiths, Roland R.


    Rationale Combining alcohol and caffeine is associated with increased alcohol consumption, but no prospective experimental studies have examined whether added caffeine increases alcohol consumption. Objectives This study examined how caffeine alters alcohol self-administration and subjective reinforcing effects in healthy adults. Methods Thirty-one participants completed six double-blind alcohol self-administration sessions: three sessions with alcohol only (e.g., Beverage A) and three sessions with alcohol and caffeine (e.g., Beverage B). Participants chose which beverage to consume on a subsequent session (e.g., Beverage A or B). Effects of caffeine on overall beverage choice, number of self-administered drinks, subjective ratings (e.g., Biphasic Alcohol Effects Scale), and psychomotor performance were examined. Results A majority of participants (65%) chose to drink the alcohol beverage containing caffeine on their final self-administration session. Caffeine did not increase the number of self-administered drinks. Caffeine significantly increased stimulant effects, decreased sedative effects, and attenuated decreases in psychomotor performance attributable to alcohol. Relative to nonchoosers, caffeine choosers reported overall lower stimulant ratings, and reported greater drinking behavior prior to the study. Conclusions Although caffeine did not increase the number of self-administered drinks, most participants chose the alcohol beverage containing caffeine. Given the differences in subjective ratings and pre-existing differences in self-reported alcohol consumption for caffeine choosers and nonchoosers, these data suggest decreased stimulant effects of alcohol and heavier self-reported drinking may predict subsequent choice of combined caffeine and alcohol beverages. These predictors may identify individuals who would benefit from efforts to reduce risk behaviors associated with combining alcohol and caffeine. PMID:28108773

  2. Taxing Sugary Beverages Reduces Their Purchase, Especially Among Poor Households. (United States)

    Singhal, Astha; Joshi, Shilpi


    Beverage purchases from stores in Mexico under the excise tax on sugar sweetened beverages: observational study. Colchera MA, Popkin BM, Rivera JA, Ng SW. Br Med J 2016;352:h6704. Bloomberg Philanthropies, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública and Carolina Population Center. Observational study. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. An Application of Conjoint Analysis to Consumer Preference for Beverage Products in Nigeria

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    Emmanuel Olateju Oyatoye


    Full Text Available Conjoint analysis is a technique for establishing the relative importance of different attributes in the provision of a good or a service. In this study, conjoint analysis was applied to characterize beverage product preferences for customers. information during buyer-seller purchasing decision interactions. It identify the influence certain consumers preferences have on beverage purchasing behavior. Using focus group discussion, major attributes were specified. The attributes were then used to generate a plan card using the orthogonal array method. A conjoint based survey using 29 ranked beverages attributes formed the basis of the questionnaires that were randomly administered to 200 purchasers. of beverages drinks between January and March 2013 to specify their preferences. Conjoint analysis was used and the result indicates that the preference range that would deliver the most utility for beverage consumers include products attributes such as reduced price (- 0.478, cylindrical package (-5.822, moderately dissolving beverage granule (-1.833 and taste (- 0.333. The findings conclude that producer need to take the issue of packaging serious in production by ensuring that their product is packaged in cylindrical container which will attract optimum attention of consumers thereby leading to profitability in the long run.

  4. Analysis of the structure of a product line of alcoholic beverages

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Agalarova, C.; Askadullina, A.; Tilburg, van A.


    AB This article deals with marketing decisions on the optimal product line of alcoholic beverages manufactured under the brand name «Praskoveyskoe». KEY WORDS Product line, turnover analysis, ABC-analysis, production of alcoholic beverages, policy to optimize a product line INTRODUCTION A product

  5. Lead and cadmium exposures from canned and non-canned beverages in Nigeria: A public health concern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maduabuchi, J.-M.U. [College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi Campus. P.M.B. 5001, Nnewi, Anambra State (Nigeria); Nzegwu, C.N. [College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi Campus. P.M.B. 5001, Nnewi, Anambra State (Nigeria); Adigba, E.O. [College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi Campus. P.M.B. 5001, Nnewi, Anambra State (Nigeria); Aloke, R.U. [College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi Campus. P.M.B. 5001, Nnewi, Anambra State (Nigeria); Ezomike, C.N. [College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi Campus. P.M.B. 5001, Nnewi, Anambra State (Nigeria); Okocha, C.E. [College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi Campus. P.M.B. 5001, Nnewi, Anambra State (Nigeria); Obi, E. [College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi Campus. P.M.B. 5001, Nnewi, Anambra State (Nigeria); Orisakwe, O.E. [College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi Campus. P.M.B. 5001, Nnewi, Anambra State (Nigeria)]. E-mail:


    The lead and cadmium levels of canned and non-canned foods purchased in Nigeria were studied. Fifty samples of these beverages were digested in nitric acid and were analyzed using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The cadmium levels ranged from 0.003-0.081 mg/L for the canned and 0.006-0.071 mg/L for non-canned beverages. About 85.71% of the canned beverages had cadmium levels that exceeded the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 0.005 mg/L set by US EPA while 82.7% non-canned beverages had cadmium levels exceeding the MCL. The mean and median levels of cadmium exceeded the MCL in both the canned and non-canned beverages. Whereas only 79.3% of the non-canned beverages showed lead levels that exceeded the US EPA's MCL of 0.015 mg/L, 100% of the canned beverages had lead levels that were greater than the MCL. The range of the lead in the canned beverages was 0.002-0.0073 and 0.001-0.092 mg/L for the non-canned beverages. The mean and median values of lead exceeded the MCL in both the canned and non-canned beverages. The calculated amount of lead and cadmium in three beverages were 0.204 mg (204 {mu}g) and 0.177 mg (177 {mu}g), respectively. These represent the estimated intake of a consumer who takes three of the products selected randomly in a week; assuming an average volume of one liter (1 L) for each product. Taken together 86% and 84% of the 50 beverages (canned and non-canned) studied in March, 2005 in Nigeria failed to meet the US EPA criteria for acceptable lead and cadmium levels in consumer products.

  6. Lead and cadmium exposures from canned and non-canned beverages in Nigeria: A public health concern

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maduabuchi, J.-M.U.; Nzegwu, C.N.; Adigba, E.O.; Aloke, R.U.; Ezomike, C.N.; Okocha, C.E.; Obi, E.; Orisakwe, O.E.


    The lead and cadmium levels of canned and non-canned foods purchased in Nigeria were studied. Fifty samples of these beverages were digested in nitric acid and were analyzed using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The cadmium levels ranged from 0.003-0.081 mg/L for the canned and 0.006-0.071 mg/L for non-canned beverages. About 85.71% of the canned beverages had cadmium levels that exceeded the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 0.005 mg/L set by US EPA while 82.7% non-canned beverages had cadmium levels exceeding the MCL. The mean and median levels of cadmium exceeded the MCL in both the canned and non-canned beverages. Whereas only 79.3% of the non-canned beverages showed lead levels that exceeded the US EPA's MCL of 0.015 mg/L, 100% of the canned beverages had lead levels that were greater than the MCL. The range of the lead in the canned beverages was 0.002-0.0073 and 0.001-0.092 mg/L for the non-canned beverages. The mean and median values of lead exceeded the MCL in both the canned and non-canned beverages. The calculated amount of lead and cadmium in three beverages were 0.204 mg (204 μg) and 0.177 mg (177 μg), respectively. These represent the estimated intake of a consumer who takes three of the products selected randomly in a week; assuming an average volume of one liter (1 L) for each product. Taken together 86% and 84% of the 50 beverages (canned and non-canned) studied in March, 2005 in Nigeria failed to meet the US EPA criteria for acceptable lead and cadmium levels in consumer products

  7. Preschoolers' influence on and help with beverage selection at the grocery store is linked to maternal responsiveness and child beverage intake: An exploratory study. (United States)

    Lora, Karina R; Hubbs-Tait, Laura; Guzman, Melissa; Wakefield, Dorothy; Sisson, Susan B; Mayeux, Lara


    Children's involvement in beverage selection or purchase has seldom been investigated. The responsiveness dimension of parental feeding styles has been related to healthy maternal feeding practices. Assessing mothers' reports of responsiveness and demandingness in grocery stores may shed light on influences on purchases of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and fruit juice (FJ). Study objectives were to explore whether (1) maternal responsiveness and demandingness were associated with preschoolers' a) help with selection of and b) influence on SSB and FJ purchases during grocery shopping and whether (2) preschoolers' a) help with selection of and b) influence on SSB and FJ purchases were associated with child intake of these beverages. Mothers of 3-to-5-year-old children (n=185) who co-shopped with the child completed the Caregiver Feeding Style Questionnaire, reported frequency of child help with selection and influence on beverage purchase via questionnaire, and provided a one-day weekend food recall for the child. In adjusted logistic regressions, responsiveness was associated with child help selecting FJ (OR=6.50, 95% CI[1.04, 40.75], pparenting behaviors associated with grocery shopping should be explored. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Mala Hayati


    Abstract Tea is the most widely consumed beverages by all levels of society because in addition to economical, tea is also thought to provide health benefits. Teabag tea is one favored by today's society because of easy and practical. One of the compounds in tea play a role in the health of the body is as an antioxidant tannins. The size of the tannin content received by the body depends on the way of processing tea before drinking. The longer the brewing time for tea bags will make the content of tannins in higher beverage. So that the problem statements in research is whether there is a long brewing tea influence on levels of tannins? The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of long brewing on levels of tannins in tea bags. This type of research is experimental. The sample in this study is a tea bag that is often consumed by people who sold in Superindo Mulyosari area. The samples used in this study were 30 tea bags the size of 2 grams divided into 6 treatments each - each consisting of 4 repetitions. Variable in this study is the independent variable while the dependent variable brewing long that tannin levels From the results of tannin levels based brewing long known that the average - average levels of tannins with brewing time 2 minutes, 4 minutes, 6 minutes, 8 minutes, 10 minutes and 12 minutes respectively were 0.0184%, 0.0398%, 0.0546%, 0.0936%, 0.1568% and 0.1578%. ANOVA test results showed the influence of the old brewing on levels of tannin in tea bags with a significant value of less than 0.05 or 5%.   Keyword : tea, tanin level, long brewing


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    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to compare the surface morphology of enamel and the variation of the mineral ions concentration after the manifestation of the erosive effect determined by various commercial beverages for athletes. 14 premolars extracted from orthodontic reasons have been cut in two halves. On each section, an enamel surface of 3x3 mm was preserved for investigations. The samples have been divided into 4 groups. In the control group, the 7 sections were kept in artificial saliva while, in the other 3 groups, the sections were introduced in 3 beverages for athletes: Gatorade Citron (Pepsi Cola Co., 5-hour Energy (Living Essentials, Powerade Cherry (Coca Cola Co.. The samples were analyzed on an electronic microscope with Vega II LSH scanning device, coupled with EDX Quantax QX2 detector. SEM analysis evidenced erosion zones at the level of enamel, which appears pinched in the samples subjected to the action of acid beverages. A decreasing tendency of the average values of calcium ion concentrations was observed in the batches in which the enamel samples had been subjected to the action of beverages for athletes. The highest relative variations of calcium and phosphorous ions (10%, respectively 8% were recorded for Gatorade, followed, in decreasing order, by Powerade, for which variations of 9%, respectively 6%, were noticed, and by the 5-hour Energy beverage, in which the relative losses were of 5%, respectively 3%. All beverages for athletes tested in the present study showed erosion potential upon the dental enamel. Gatorade appeared as the most aggressive beverage for athletes followed by Powerade and 5-hour Energy.

  10. 36 CFR 702.8 - Use and carrying of food and beverages in Library buildings. (United States)


    ... CONDUCT ON LIBRARY PREMISES § 702.8 Use and carrying of food and beverages in Library buildings. Consumption of food and beverages in Library buildings is prohibited except at point of purchase or other authorized eating places. Under no circumstances may food or beverages be carried to the bookstacks or other...

  11. Analisis Pelaksanaan Penempatan Karyawan Departemen Food & Beverage di Hotel Mutiara Merdeka Pekanbaru


    Herianto, Meyzi; ", Artman


    This research was conducted at the Department of Food & Beverage at Hotel Mutiara Merdeka Pekanbaru. This is because this company is one of the service companies are quite well known and has been standing long enough dipekanbaru.The purpose of this study is to investigate or analyze the placement of employees in the Department of Food & Beverage at Hotel Mutiara Merdeka Pekanbaru. The research methods include the location of the research conducted at the Department of Food & Beverage at Hotel...

  12. Sluggish gallbladder emptying and gastrointestinal transit after intake of common alcoholic beverages. (United States)

    Kasicka-Jonderko, A; Jonderko, K; Gajek, E; Piekielniak, A; Zawislan, R


    To study the movement along the gut and the effect upon the gallbladder volume of alcoholic beverages taken in the interdigestive state. The study comprised three research blocks attended by 12 healthy subjects each. Within a given research block volunteers underwent three examination sessions held on separate days, being offered an alcoholic beverage, or an aqueous ethanol solution of an identical proof, or a corresponding volume of isotonic glucose solution; the order of administration of the drinks was randomized. The beverages tested were: beer (4.7% vol, 400 ml), red wine (13.7% vol, 200 ml), whisky (43.5% vol, 100 ml) within the "Beer", "Wine", and "Whisky" research block, respectively. Gastric myoelectrical activity was examined electrogastrographically, gastric emptying with ¹³C-sodium acetate breath test, orocaecal transit with lactulose H₂ breath test, gallbladder emptying with ultrasonography, breath ethanol with alcotest. The study showed that alcoholic beverages were emptied from the stomach significantly slower than isotonic glucose. Alcoholic beverages produced by fermentation only (beer, red wine) were emptied from the stomach more slowly than ethanol solutions of identical proof, while gastric evacuation of whisky (distillation product) and matching alcohol solution was similar. The slower gastric evacuation of alcoholic beverages and ethanol solutions could not be ascribed to a disorganization of the gastric myoelectrical activity. The orocaecal transit of beer and red wine did not differ from that of isotonic glucose, whereas the orocaecal transit of whisky and high proof ethanol was markedly prolonged. Red wine and whisky, and to a similar extent control ethanol solutions caused an inhibition and delay of gallbladder emptying. We concluded that alcoholic beverages taken on an empty stomach exert a suppressive effect upon the transport function of the digestive tract and gallbladder emptying. The extent of this action depends on the type of a

  13. A Review of Heavy Metal Concentration and Potential Health Implications of Beverages Consumed in Nigeria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sylvester Chibueze Izah


    Full Text Available Beverages are consumed in Nigeria irrespective of age, sex, and socioeconomic status. Beverages may be alcoholic (wine, spirits, and beers or non-alcoholic (soft drink, energy drinks, candies, chocolates, milks. Notwithstanding, most beverages are packed in cans, bottles, and plastics. This paper reviews the concentration of heavy metals from some commercially-packaged beverages consumed in Nigeria. The study found that heavy metal concentrations, including iron, mercury, tin, antimony, cadmium, zinc, copper, chromium, lead, and manganese, seldom exceed the maximum contaminant level recommended by the Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON and the World Health Organization (WHO as applicable to drinking water resources. The occurrence of heavy metals in the beverages could have resulted from the feedstocks and water used in their production. Consumption of beverages high in heavy metal could be toxic and cause adverse effect to human health, depending on the rate of exposure and accumulation dosage. This study concludes by suggesting that heavy metal concentration in the feedstocks and water should be monitored by producers, and its concentration in beverages should also be monitored by appropriate regulatory agencies.

  14. Impact of beverage intake on metabolic and cardiovascular health. (United States)

    Helm, Laura; Macdonald, Ian A


    This review is based on a presentation that was made at a meeting concerning hydration. It summarizes the epidemiological evidence for selected beverages in relation to cardiovascular and/or metabolic health. The review focuses on tea, cocoa, milk, orange juice, alcohol, and beverages sweetened with sugars. These beverage types were chosen because of their widespread consumption, with tea, cocoa, orange juice, and milk being of potential benefit while alcohol and sugars may be detrimental. There is reasonably consistent evidence of reduced risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in association with high consumption of tea, with the tea flavonoids appearing to be responsible for these benefits. There is also a growing evidence base for cocoa flavanols to have beneficial cardiovascular effects. The bulk of the evidence supporting these conclusions is epidemiological and needs to be confirmed with randomized controlled trials. Milk is associated with reduced risk of CVD, particularly in relation to blood pressure, with certain milk tripeptides being implicated in having effects to reduce angiotensin action. Further work is needed to confirm these potentially beneficial effects. There is some evidence of potentially beneficial effects of orange juice on aspects of cardiovascular function, but this is by no means convincing, and further evidence is needed from randomized controlled trials, together with the elucidation of whether any benefits are linked to the citrus flavanones or simply to the vitamin C content. While there is some evidence that red wine may convey some health benefits, there is also clear evidence that alcoholic beverages can have undesirable effects on blood pressure and increase the risk of CVD. It is possible that low to moderate intakes of alcoholic beverages may be beneficial. There is some evidence that beverages sweetened with sugars may contribute to increased energy intake and weight gain, and there is also an indication from longitudinal cohort

  15. Biomarker discovery and applications for foods and beverages: proteomics to nanoproteomics. (United States)

    Agrawal, Ganesh Kumar; Timperio, Anna Maria; Zolla, Lello; Bansal, Vipul; Shukla, Ravi; Rakwal, Randeep


    Foods and beverages have been at the heart of our society for centuries, sustaining humankind - health, life, and the pleasures that go with it. The more we grow and develop as a civilization, the more we feel the need to know about the food we eat and beverages we drink. Moreover, with an ever increasing demand for food due to the growing human population food security remains a major concern. Food safety is another growing concern as the consumers prefer varied foods and beverages that are not only traded nationally but also globally. The 21st century science and technology is at a new high, especially in the field of biological sciences. The availability of genome sequences and associated high-throughput sensitive technologies means that foods are being analyzed at various levels. For example and in particular, high-throughput omics approaches are being applied to develop suitable biomarkers for foods and beverages and their applications in addressing quality, technology, authenticity, and safety issues. Proteomics are one of those technologies that are increasingly being utilized to profile expressed proteins in different foods and beverages. Acquired knowledge and protein information have now been translated to address safety of foods and beverages. Very recently, the power of proteomic technology has been integrated with another highly sensitive and miniaturized technology called nanotechnology, yielding a new term nanoproteomics. Nanoproteomics offer a real-time multiplexed analysis performed in a miniaturized assay, with low-sample consumption and high sensitivity. To name a few, nanomaterials - quantum dots, gold nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, and nanowires - have demonstrated potential to overcome the challenges of sensitivity faced by proteomics for biomarker detection, discovery, and application. In this review, we will discuss the importance of biomarker discovery and applications for foods and beverages, the contribution of proteomic technology in

  16. Cajá-flavored drinks: a proposal for mixed flavor beverages and a study of the consumer profile

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    Maria Eugênia de Oliveira Mamede


    Full Text Available Mixed flavor beverages represent a trend that is gaining the allegiance of potential fruit juice consumers. The present study proposed to prepare mixed flavor beverages and verify their consumer acceptance. Cajá beverage (sample A was used as the standard. The other beverages were prepared by mixing the cajá-flavored product with other flavors: strawberry (B, pineapple (C, jabuticaba (D, mango (E and cashew (F. The consumer profiles in the two regions studied were similar. Overall beverages B, A and F were the most accepted, with scores of 7.7, 6.4 and 6.2, respectively. Internal Preference Mapping showed that most of the consumers were located near beverages A, B and F, confirming the acceptance results. The consumers indicated appearance and flavor as the most appreciated characteristics in beverages A, B and F. Beverages A, B and F presented higher total soluble solids contents and viscosities than the other beverages. Consumer segmentation did not depend on the different levels of familiarity with the cajá flavor. Thus the preparation of mixed flavor beverages of cajá-strawberry and cajá-cashew is an excellent proposal because it presents flavors with good potential for marketing in different regions of Brazil.

  17. Content analysis of targeted food and beverage advertisements in a Chinese-American neighbourhood. (United States)

    Bragg, Marie A; Pageot, Yrvane K; Hernández-Villarreal, Olivia; Kaplan, Sue A; Kwon, Simona C


    The current descriptive study aimed to: (i) quantify the number and type of advertisements (ads) located in a Chinese-American neighbourhood in a large, urban city; and (ii) catalogue the targeted marketing themes used in the food/beverage ads. Ten pairs of trained research assistants photographed all outdoor ads in a 0·6 mile2 (1·6 km2) area where more than 60·0 % of residents identify as Chinese American. We used content analysis to assess the marketing themes of ads, including references to: Asian cultures; health; various languages; children; food or beverage type (e.g. sugar-sweetened soda). Lower East Side, a neighbourhood located in the borough of Manhattan in New York City, USA. Ads (n 1366) in the designated neighbourhood. Food/beverage ads were the largest ad category (29·7 %, n 407), followed by services (e.g. mobile phone services; 21·0 %, n 288). Sixty-seven per cent (66·9 %) of beverages featured were sugar-sweetened, and 50·8 % of food ads promoted fast food. Fifty-five per cent (54·9 %) of food/beverage ads targeted Asian Americans through language, ethnicity of person(s) in the ad or inclusion of culturally relevant images. Fifty per cent (50·2 %) of ads were associated with local/small brands. Food/beverage marketing practices are known to promote unhealthy food and beverage products. Research shows that increased exposure leads to excessive short-term consumption among consumers and influences children's food preferences and purchase requests. Given the frequency of racially targeted ads for unhealthy products in the current study and increasing rates of obesity-related diseases among Asian Americans, research and policies should address the implications of food and beverage ads on health.

  18. Content analysis of targeted food and beverage advertisements in a Chinese-American neighbourhood (United States)

    Bragg, Marie A; Pageot, Yrvane K; Hernández-Villarreal, Olivia; Kaplan, Sue A; Kwon, Simona C


    Objectives The current descriptive study aimed to: (i) quantify the number and type of advertisements (ads) located in a Chinese-American neighbourhood in a large, urban city; and (ii) catalogue the targeted marketing themes used in the food/beverage ads. Design Ten pairs of trained research assistants photographed all outdoor ads in a 0.6 mile2 (1.6 km2) area where more than 60.0 % of residents identify as Chinese American. We used content analysis to assess the marketing themes of ads, including references to: Asian cultures; health; various languages; children; food or beverage type (e.g. sugar-sweetened soda). Setting Lower East Side, a neighbourhood located in the borough of Manhattan in New York City, USA. Subjects Ads (n 1366) in the designated neighbourhood. Results Food/beverage ads were the largest ad category (29.7 %, n 407), followed by services (e.g. mobile phone services; 21.0 %, n 288). Sixty-seven per cent (66.9 %) of beverages featured were sugar-sweetened, and 50.8 % of food ads promoted fast food. Fifty-five per cent (54.9 %) of food/beverage ads targeted Asian Americans through language, ethnicity of person(s) in the ad or inclusion of culturally relevant images. Fifty per cent (50.2 %) of ads were associated with local/small brands. Conclusions Food/beverage marketing practices are known to promote unhealthy food and beverage products. Research shows that increased exposure leads to excessive short-term consumption among consumers and influences children’s food preferences and purchase requests. Given the frequency of racially targeted ads for unhealthy products in the current study and increasing rates of obesity-related diseases among Asian Americans, research and policies should address the implications of food and beverage ads on health. PMID:28587693

  19. Treatment and Reuse of Wastewater from Beverage Industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haroon, H.; Mahmood, Q.


    Summary: Water is used in most process industries for a wide range of applications. Processes and systems using water today are being subjected to increasingly stringent environmental regulations on effluents and there is growing demand for fresh water. These changes have increased the need for better water management and wastewater minimization. The combination of water demand management and cleaner production concepts have resulted in both economical and ecological benefits. Beverage industry requires huge amount of fresh water, generating considerable amount of polluted waste water during different processes including drink production, washing bottles, plant washdown as well as washing the floors and the general work area. Most of the industries do not reuse the waste water and consuming bulk of fresh water. The beverage industry is one of the major industries in Pakistan and the present study was conducted on the beverage/soft drink industry at Hattar Industrial Estate, Hattar, Pakistan to assess the feasibility of reuse of wastewater form bottle washing plant by conducting treatment test, like dilution of the waste water in different ratios, reverse osmosis and ion exchange. (author)

  20. Caffeine and theobromine levels in selected Nigerian beverages. (United States)

    Eteng, M U; Eyong, E U; Eka, O U; Umoh, I B; Ebong, P E; Ettarh, R R


    Caffeine and theobromine contents (mg/g) were determined in samples of selected Nigerian beverage products. The beverages were cocoa (Milo, Bournvita, Rosevita and Enervita), coffee (Nescafe, Bongo, and Maxwell House decaffeinated) and tea (Lipton). The theobromine contents of samples of Milo, Bournvita, Rosevita, Enervita, Nescafe, Bongo, Maxwell House decaffeinated coffee and Lipton were 62.10+/-5.21, 64.80+/-6.72, 82.80+/-4.43, 80.37+/-6.80, 27.00+/-4.31, 14.67+/-2.90, 23.46+/-3.13 and 12.60+/-1.52, respectively. The corresponding caffeine contents of these samples were 2.78+/-0.43 (Milo), 3.17+/-0.36 (Bournvita), 0.92+/-0.51 (Rosevita), 1.05+/-0.68 (Enervita), 93.66+/-8.91 (Nescafe), 6.47+/-2.42 (Bongo), 37.22+/-5.34 (Lipton), and 0.21+/-0.11 (Maxwell House decaffeinated coffee). Semi-processed cocoa beverages (Rosevita and Enervita) had significantly (p Nescafe contained significantly (p < 0.05) higher levels of caffeine compared to Maxwell House (decaffeinated coffee) and Bongo. Levels of caffeine in Lipton tea were moderate.

  1. Corporate Citizenship: Case study of Coca-Cola Beverages Hrvatska


    Tafra-Vlahović, Majda


    The aim of this research was to investigate whether the corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy implemented by Coca-Cola Beverages Croatia during the past four years has had a positive impact on the reputation of this company and on the overall business. The researcher intended to explore attitudes of Coca-Cola Beverages employees about CSR and the mentioned community relations model in order to evaluate whether the CSR policy of the company has had an impact on internal stakehol...

  2. Caloric beverages were major sources of energy among children and adults in Mexico, 1999-2012. (United States)

    Stern, Dalia; Piernas, Carmen; Barquera, Simon; Rivera, Juan A; Popkin, Barry M


    Mexico, with 1 of the highest obesity prevalences in the world, instituted a 10% excise tax for any sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) starting on 1 January 2014. Understanding the recent patterns and trends in beverage intake and sales in Mexico provides both background and baseline data for the importance of SSBs and other beverages in the Mexican diet. We analyzed a single 24-h dietary recall from 2 nationally representative surveys: the Mexican Nutrition Survey 1999 (n = 6049) and the National Health and Nutrition Survey 2012 (n = 10,343). To describe trends and patterns in beverages, we calculated the volume and energy intake per capita and per consumer and the proportion of consumers of each beverage group in each survey. A commercial sales dataset was used to describe beverage sales trends from 1999 to 2012. From 1999 to 2012, total daily energy from beverages increased among children aged 5-11 y (+45.3 kcal), females aged 12-19 y (+57.3 kcal), and adult females aged 20-49 y (+96.4 kcal) (P energy intake per capita in children aged 1-19 y and adults aged ≥20 y, respectively. In 2012, flavored milk beverages, caloric soda, and high-fat milk were the top 3 major contributors to total daily energy intake per capita in all children aged 1-19 y. Caloric soda, caloric coffee/tea, and agua fresca were the top 3 major energy contributors in adults aged ≥20 y. From 1999 to 2012, sales of soda, fruit-flavored drinks, and flavored waters increased. In conclusion, consumption of several beverages with added sugars increased among children and adult females in Mexico. Because caloric soda is currently 1 of the top beverages consumed, a 10% tax on SSBs might help to significantly reduce added sugars intake in Mexico. © 2014 American Society for Nutrition.

  3. Convenience stores and the marketing of foods and beverages through product assortment. (United States)

    Sharkey, Joseph R; Dean, Wesley R; Nalty, Courtney


    Product assortment (presence and variety) is a key in-store marketing strategy to influence consumer choice. Quantifying the product assortment of healthier and less-healthy foods and beverages in convenience stores can inform changes in the food environment. To document product assortment (i.e., presence and variety of specific foods and beverages) in convenience stores. Observational survey data were collected onsite in 2011 by trained promotora-researchers in 192 convenience stores. Frequencies of presence and distributions of variety were calculated in 2012. Paired differences were examined using the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test. Convenience stores displayed a large product assortment of sugar-sweetened beverages (median 86.5 unique varieties); candy (76 varieties); salty snacks (77 varieties); fried chips (44 varieties); cookies and pastries (19 varieties); and frozen sweets (21 varieties). This compared with 17 varieties of non-sugar sweetened beverages and three varieties of baked chips. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test confirmed a (p<0.001) greater variety of sugar-sweetened than non-sugar-sweetened beverages, and of fried chips compared with baked chips. Basic food items provided by convenience stores included milk (84% of stores); fresh fruit (33%); fresh vegetables (35%); canned vegetables (78%); white bread (71%); and deli-style packaged meat (57%). Healthier versions of milk, canned fruit, canned tuna, bread, and deli-style packaged meat were displayed in 17%-71% of convenience stores. Convenience stores in this area provide a greater assortment of less-healthy compared with healthier foods and beverages. There are opportunities to influence consumer food choice through programs that alter the balance between healthier and less-healthy foods and beverages in existing convenience stores that serve rural and underserved neighborhoods and communities. Copyright © 2012 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights

  4. Differences in trouble per litre of different alcoholic beverages - A global comparison with the GENACIS dataset. (United States)

    Room, Robin; Ferris, Jason; Bond, Jason; Greenfield, Thomas K; Graham, Kathryn


    Different alcoholic beverages are seen as causing more or less trouble, with spirits historically often seen as the most troublesome. Differences in the "trouble per litre" could reflect differences in the beverages themselves (e.g., faster effect of stronger beverages, additives/contaminants in informal beverages), or could reflect characteristics of those drinking each beverage. Using two alternative definitions of beverage choice and measures of personal and of social consequences of drinking, the paper examines trouble per litre among beer, wine and spirits drinkers in 19 different societies represented in the GENACIS dataset. There is no general pattern which holds across cultures of more or less trouble being associated with a particular beverage type. Wine seems to be less associated with trouble than beer or spirits in a number of societies, but there are counter-instances in other societies. There is no overall trend across cultures in comparing trouble associated with beer and with spirits. In a number of societies, drinkers with no predominant beverage report more problems than those mainly drinking beer or wine. Controlling for gender and age reduces the tilt towards less trouble from wine drinking, particularly for social consequences of drinking.

  5. Evaluating equity critiques in food policy: the case of sugar-sweetened beverages. (United States)

    Barnhill, Anne; King, Katherine F


    Many anti-obesity policies face a variety of ethical objections. We consider one kind of anti-obesity policy - modifications to food assistance programs meant to improve participants' diet - and one kind of criticism of these policies, that they are inequitable. We take as our example the recent, unsuccessful effort by New York State to exclude sweetened beverages from the items eligible for purchase in New York City with Supplemental Nutrition Support Program (SNAP) assistance (i.e., food stamps). We distinguish two equity-based ethical objections that were made to the sweetened beverage exclusion, and analyze these objections in terms of the theoretical notions of distributive equality and social equality. First, the sweetened beverage exclusion is unfair or violates distributive equality because it restricts the consumer choice of SNAP participants relative to non-participants. Second, it is disrespectful or violates social equality to prohibit SNAP participants from purchasing sweetened beverages with food stamps. We conclude that neither equity-based ethical objection is decisive, and that the proposed exclusion of sugar-sweetened beverages is not a violation of either distributive or social equality. © 2013 American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Inc.

  6. [The relationship between the popular beverages in Korea and reported postprandial heartburn]. (United States)

    Kim, Young Kwan; Moon, Jeong Seop; Ryu, Soo Hyung; Lee, Jung Hwan; Kim, You Sun


    The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of heartburn produced by beverages available in Korea and to clarify the mechanism causing heartburn. We measured pH, titratable acidity, and osmolality of 35 beverages in vitro and correlated them with the severity of heartburn reported by questionnaire in 382 patients from November 2004 to June 2005. Coffee (1.15) and soju (1.12) showed the highest heartburn score, while oolong tea (0.17) and carrot juice (0.18) showed the lowest heartburn score among all beverages. Titratable acidity of citrus juices correlated with heartburn (r=0.78; p=0.023). Soft drinks had the lowest pH, which was unrelated with heartburn scores (r=-0.54; p=0.460). Increasing pH among alcoholic beverages was correlated with heartburn scores (r=0.84; p=0.037), and osmolality was inversely associated with heartburn scores (r=-0.86; p=0.028). The heartburn score of decaffeinated coffee was significantly lower than that of regular coffee (pheartburn than low-fat milk (p=0.008). Our findings provide dietary information that helps to select appropriate beverages to the patients with heartburn.

  7. Influence of beverage composition on the results of erosive potential measurement by different measurement techniques

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jager, D. H. J.; Vieira, A. M.; Ruben, J. L.; Huysmans, M. C. D. N. J. M.


    The influence of beverage composition on the measurement of erosive potential is unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether beverage composition influences the measurement of erosive potential and to evaluate the influence of exposure in small and large volumes. Eleven beverages were

  8. Influence of beverage composition on the results of erosive potential measurement by different measurement techniques.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jager, D.H.; Vieira, A.M.; Ruben, J.L.; Huysmans, M.C.D.N.J.M.


    The influence of beverage composition on the measurement of erosive potential is unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether beverage composition influences the measurement of erosive potential and to evaluate the influence of exposure in small and large volumes. Eleven beverages were

  9. High-rate fermentative hydrogen production from beverage wastewater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sivagurunathan, Periyasamy; Sen, Biswarup; Lin, Chiu-Yue


    Highlights: • Hybrid immobilized-bacterial cells show stable operation over 175 days. • Low HRT of 1.5 h shows peak hydrogen production rate of 55 L/L-d. • Electricity generation is 9024 kW-d from 55 L/L-d hydrogen using beverage wastewater. • Granular sludge formed only at 2–3 h HRT with presence of Selenomonas sp. - Abstract: Hydrogen production from beverage industry wastewater (20 g/L hexose equivalent ) using an immobilized cell reactor with a continuous mode of operation was studied at various hydraulic retention times (HRT, 8–1.5 h). Maximum hydrogen production rate (HPR) of 55 L/L-d was obtained at HRT 1.5 h (an organic loading of 320 g/L-d hexose equivalent ). This HPR value is much higher than those of other industrial wastewaters employed in fermentative hydrogen production. The cell biomass concentration peaked at 3 h HRT with a volatile suspended solids (VSS) concentration of 6.31 g/L (with presence of self-flocculating Selenomonas sp.), but it dropped to 3.54 gVSS/L at 1.5 h HRT. With the shortening of HRT, lactate concentration increased but the concentration of the dominant metabolite butyrate did not vary significantly. The Clostridium species dynamics was not significantly affected, but total microbial community structure changed with respect to HRT variation as evident from PCR–DGGE analyses. Analysis of energy production rate suggests that beverage wastewater is a high energy yielding feedstock, and can replace 24% of electricity consumption in a model beverage industry

  10. Fermented probiotic beverages based on acid whey. (United States)

    Skryplonek, Katarzyna; Jasińska, Małgorzata


    Production of fermented probiotic beverages can be a good method for acid whey usage. The obtained products combine a high nutritional value of whey with health benefits claimed for probiotic bacteria. The aim of the study was to define quality properties of beverages based on fresh acid whey and milk with addition of buttermilk powder or sweet whey powder. Samples were inoculated with two strains of commercial probiotic cultures: Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 or Bifidobacterium animalis Bb-12. After fermentation, samples were stored at refrigerated conditions. After 1, 4, 7, 14 and 21 days sensory characteristics, hardness, acetaldehyde content, titratable acidity, pH acidity and count of bacteria cells were evaluated. Throughout all storage period, the number of bacteria was higher than 8 log cfu/ml in the all samples. Beverages with La-5 strain had higher hardness and acidity, whilst samples with Bb-12 contained more acetaldehyde. Samples with buttermilk powder had better sensory properties than with sweet whey powder. Obtained products made of acid whey combined with milk and fortified with buttermilk powder or sweet whey powder, are good medium for growth and survival of examined probiotic bacteria strains. The level of bacteria was sufficient to provide health benefits to consumers.

  11. Perbedaan Efek Infusa Bubuk Kedelai (Glycine max, Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus, dan Campuran Keduanya terhadap Kadar Kolesterol LDL, Ekspresi Gen Reseptor LDL Hati, dan Berat Omentum Majus Mencit Model Hiperlipidemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rizky Suganda Prawiradilaga


    Full Text Available Abstrak Angka kejadian dislipidemia di Indonesia semakin meningkat. Dislipidemia dan obesitas abdominal merupakan faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskular. Diperlukan solusi yang efektif dengan bahan alami seperti kedelai dan jamur tiram. Tujuan penelitian ini melihat efektivitas infusa bubuk kedelai, jamur tiram, dan campuran keduanya terhadap kadar kolesterol LDL, ekspresi gen LDLR hati, dan berat omentum majus mencit percobaan. Penelitian eksperimental di Laboratorium Farmakologi RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung tahun 2010 memakai rancangan postes kelompok kontrol. Mencit jantan sebanyak 20 ekor dibagi 5 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu A pakan standar, B induksi kolesterol, C infusa kedelai dengan induksi kolesterol, D infusa jamur tiram dengan induksi kolesterol, dan E infusa campuran dengan induksi kolesterol. Pada akhir penelitian mencit dikorbankan lalu dibedah untuk diambil darah jantung, juga sedikit bagian hati dan omentum majus. Kolesterol LDL darah kelompok E (12±5,48 mg/dL sama dengan kelompok D (12±6,06 mg/dL, tetapi lebih rendah daripada kelompok C (15±5,35 mg/dL dan kelompok B (13,5±5,45 mg/dL, namun tidak signifikan. Didapatkan ekspresi gen LDLR yang sedang pada kelompok A dan C, ekspresi gen LDLR yang lemah pada kelompok B, dan tidak terekspresi pada kelompok D dan E. Berat basah omentum majus kelompok E (0,40±0,07 g lebih rendah bermakna dibanding kelompok A (0,55±0,07 g, B (0,8±0,49 g, C (1,28±0,28 g, D (0,74±0,11 g (p<0,05. Berat kering omentum majus kelompok E (0,16±0,03 g lebih rendah bermakna daripada kelompok B (0,27±0,25 g, C (0,39±0,06 g, dan D (0,31±0,07 g (p=0,025. Simpulan, infusa kedelai 100 mg/hari meningkatkan kadar kolesterol LDL darah dan berat omentum majus, tetapi jamur tiram 75 mg/hari sebaliknya, menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL darah dan berat omentum majus mencit.

  12. Factors that influence beverage choices at meal times. An application of the food choice kaleidoscope framework. (United States)

    Mueller Loose, S; Jaeger, S R


    Beverages are consumed at almost every meal occasion, but knowledge about the factors that influence beverage choice is less than for food choice. The aim of this research was to characterize and quantify factors that influence beverage choices at meal times. Insights into what beverages are chosen by whom, when and where can be helpful for manufacturers, dieticians/health care providers, and health policy makers. A descriptive framework - the food choice kaleidoscope (Jaeger et al., 2011) - was applied to self-reported 24h food recall data from a sample of New Zealand consumers. Participants (n=164) described 8356 meal occasions in terms of foods and beverages consumed, and the contextual characteristics of the occasion. Beverage choice was explored with random-parameter logit regressions to reveal influences linked to food items eaten, context factors and person factors. Thereby this study contributed to the food choice kaleidoscope research approach by expressing the degree of context dependency in the form of odds ratios and according significance levels. The exploration of co-occurrence of beverages with food items suggests that beverage-meal item combinations can be meal specific. Furthermore, this study integrates psychographic variables into the 'person' mirror of the food choice kaleidoscope. A measure of habit in beverage choice was obtained from the inter-participant correlation. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Full Text Available The Technical Regulation on Identity and Quality of Whey-based Drinks establish few parameters to dairy beverages, which may impair standardized product providing to the consumer. The ingathering of the physicochemical characteristics provides information that allow the standardization of the product and provide safety to the consumer, whereas the rheological characterization in important for the processing. Samples of five commercial brands of strawberry flavored dairy beverages, with ten to fourteen days of manufacture, from three different batches were analyzed in triplicate in order to study the percentage of protein, fat, pH, titratable acidity, total dry extract, fixed mineral residue and lactose. It was performed a colorimetric determination and verification of the presence of starch .The rheological tests were carried out in a rotational rheometer and the data was adjusted by Herschel-Bulkley’s model. The statistical analysis was executed by an analysis of variance and the Tukey’s test with 5% significance. The analysis showed that the percentages of lipids of three brands were below the required by legislation. Furthermore, the presence of starch in the composition was detected for all analyzed beverages. Both for the physicochemical and rheological parameters the brands of dairy beverage examined differed between themselves in several parameters. These results indicated the need to establish well-defined identity and quality standards aiming at product quality control and consumer safety improvement.

  14. Caffeine-containing beverages, total fluid consumption, and premenstrual syndrome. (United States)

    Rossignol, A M; Bonnlander, H


    The main objective of this study was to evaluate whether daily consumption of caffeine-containing beverages is related to the prevalence and severity of premenstrual syndrome apart from any effects of daily total fluid consumption. A secondary objective was to determine whether daily total fluid consumption itself is related to premenstrual syndrome. The study is based on 841 responses to a questionnaire probing menstrual and premenstrual health, and daily fluid consumption, which was mailed to female university students in Oregon. Analysis of the data revealed that consumption of caffeine-containing beverages was strongly related to the prevalence of premenstrual syndrome. Among women with more severe symptoms, the relation between consumption of caffeine-containing beverages and premenstrual syndrome was dose-dependent, with prevalence odds ratios equal to 1.3 for consumers of one cup of a caffeine-containing beverage per day and increasing steadily to 7.0 for consumers of eight to 10 cups per day. The effects were apparent among both caffeine-containing tea/coffee consumers and caffeine-containing soda consumers. The observed effects were only slightly reduced when daily total fluid consumption was controlled. Daily total fluid consumption also was related to the prevalence of premenstrual symptoms although the effects were large only for consumers of 13-19 cups of fluid per day (the largest amount studied).

  15. Monitoring food and non-alcoholic beverage promotions to children. (United States)

    Kelly, B; King, L; Baur, L; Rayner, M; Lobstein, T; Monteiro, C; Macmullan, J; Mohan, S; Barquera, S; Friel, S; Hawkes, C; Kumanyika, S; L'Abbé, M; Lee, A; Ma, J; Neal, B; Sacks, G; Sanders, D; Snowdon, W; Swinburn, B; Vandevijvere, S; Walker, C


    Food and non-alcoholic beverage marketing is recognized as an important factor influencing food choices related to non-communicable diseases. The monitoring of populations' exposure to food and non-alcoholic beverage promotions, and the content of these promotions, is necessary to generate evidence to understand the extent of the problem, and to determine appropriate and effective policy responses. A review of studies measuring the nature and extent of exposure to food promotions was conducted to identify approaches to monitoring food promotions via dominant media platforms. A step-wise approach, comprising 'minimal', 'expanded' and 'optimal' monitoring activities, was designed. This approach can be used to assess the frequency and level of exposure of population groups (especially children) to food promotions, the persuasive power of techniques used in promotional communications (power of promotions) and the nutritional composition of promoted food products. Detailed procedures for data sampling, data collection and data analysis for a range of media types are presented, as well as quantifiable measurement indicators for assessing exposure to and power of food and non-alcoholic beverage promotions. The proposed framework supports the development of a consistent system for monitoring food and non-alcoholic beverage promotions for comparison between countries and over time. © 2013 The Authors. Obesity Reviews published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the International Association for the Study of Obesity.

  16. In natura açaí beverage: quality, pasteurization and acidification

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    Palmira Antonia Alves Cruz de Oliveira


    Full Text Available The purpose of this work was to evaluate the physical, physicochemical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of in natura açai (Euterpe precatoria Mart.beverageprocessed and commercialized in Rio Branco, Acre, submitting it to acidification and pasteurization treatments and evaluating their effects. Açaí fruits were processed to obtain the beverage as generally consumed. A 25 L sample was collected from a processing unit at a market in Rio Branco and transported to the Laboratory of Food Technology at the Federal University of Acre, for sampling of the experiments in a completely randomized design. Analyses of total solids, pH, total titrable acidity, proteins, lipids, moulds and yeasts, total and heat-tolerant coliforms at 45 ºC were performed in in natura beverage and after treatments. The results of the ANOVA showed, except for lipids, difference (p < 0.01 in the parameters. The in natura açaí beverage presented an elevated contamination by total and heat-tolerant coliforms at 45 ºC, moulds and yeasts, being in hygienic-sanitary conditions both unsatisfactory and unsafe for consumption. Pasteurization was efficient in reducing the beverage microbiota; it reduced contamination to an acceptable level according to the legislation, warranting food quality and safety. The acidified treatment partially reduced the microbiota. The beverage was classified as fine or type C.

  17. Probiotic properties of yeasts occurring in fermented food and beverages

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jespersen, Lene

    Besides being able to improve the quality and safety of many fermented food and beverages some yeasts offer a number of probiotic traits. Especially a group of yeast referred to as "Saccharomyces boulardii", though taxonomically belonging to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has been claimed to have...... probiotic properties. Besides, yeasts naturally occurring globally in food and beverages will have traits that might have a positive impact on human health....

  18. Intelligence in relation to later beverage preference and alcohol intake

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Laust Hvas; Sørensen, Thorkild I A; Grønbaek, Morten


    The health effects of drinking may be related to psychological characteristics influencing both health and drinking habits. This study aims to examine the relationship between intelligence, later beverage preference and alcohol intake.......The health effects of drinking may be related to psychological characteristics influencing both health and drinking habits. This study aims to examine the relationship between intelligence, later beverage preference and alcohol intake....

  19. Dampak Intervensi Sumber Iodium Alami Spirulina sp terhadap Kadar T4 Bebas (FT4 dan Tiroglobulin (TG pada Wanita Usia Subur di Daerah Kalibawang Kulon Progo

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    R. Agus Wibowo


    penanggulangan GAKI dengan menemukan alternatif sumber iodium baru. Salah satu sumber Iodium banyak terdapat pada produk sumber daya laut, antara lain adalah Spirulina. Spirulina mempunyai bioavailabilitas yang tinggi karena struktur sel yang sederhana memudahkan nutrient berisi iodine diabsorbsi oleh tubuh. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah mengetahui dampak intervensi Spirulina sp terhadap tiroglobulin dan T4 bebas. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan metode double blind randomized control trial (RCT. Subyek adalah wanita usia subur (WUS usia 18-40 tahun di Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY yang beresiko hipotiroid. Kelompok dibagi menjadi dua yaitu kelompok intervensi   dan kontrol. Kelompok kontrol diberi plasebo dan kelompok perlakuan diberi spirulina, masing-masing 1 gr/hr selama 3 bulan. T4 bebas dan tiroglobulin dianalisa dengan metode ELISA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi terhadap perubahan kadar T4 bebas (P<0.05, namun tidak bermakna pada kadar tiroglobulin (P>0.05. Spirulina berpotensi meningkatkan kadar T4 bebas, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar tiroglobulin. Kata Kunci: Spirulina sp, tiroglobulin, T4 bebas, RCT

  20. [Extent of advertising of tobacco and alcoholic beverages in a sample of Spanish weeklies]. (United States)

    Tamborero Cao, G


    Advertising undoubtedly influences our daily habits. In this sense, the promotion of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages is no exception, being a potential stimulus for their use. For the purpose of studying different aspects of the cigarette and alcoholic beverage advertising which appeared in a sample os Spanish weeklies was taken, these being six of the weeklies having one of the largest circulations, three of which were aimed mainly at women readers, while the other three were general information magazines. The advertising of these two products represents a significant percentage of the total advertising printed in the magazines studied (11%). The promotion of alcoholic beverages widely surpasses that of cigarettes (by 7 to 1). With regard to the groups of alcoholic beverages, whisky in the leading beverage advertised. The topics to which reference is made in the advertising slogans are widely varied, are lacking in informative elements and are limited to means of persuading one to identify with said product. Marked differences are observed between the magazines of providing general information magazines and those preferably aimed at women with regard to the amount and content of the advertising of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. The methodological differences arising on studying the advertising-use relationship are discussed. Lastly, a number of activities for contradicting the effect of the massive advertising of cigarettes ald alcoholic beverages appearing in our weeklies are proposed.

  1. Analysis of Caffeine in Beverages Using Aspirin as a Fluorescent Chemosensor (United States)

    Smith, Jordan; Loxley, Kristen; Sheridan, Patrick; Hamilton, Todd M.


    Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is an alkaloid stimulant that is popular in beverages. Fluorescence-coupled methods have been used to measure the caffeine content in coffee, tea, soft drinks, energy drinks, and cosmetics. In this experiment, we have developed a method for detecting caffeine in beverages utilizing the effect of the caffeine…

  2. Anaerobic treatment with biogas recovery of beverage industry waste water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cacciari, E.; Zanoni, G.


    This paper briefly describes the application, by a leading Italian non-alcoholic beverage firm, of an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket process in the treatment of waste water deriving from the production and bottling of beverages. In addition to describing the key design, operation and performance characteristics of the treatment process, the paper focuses on the economic benefits being obtained through the use of the innovative expansive sludge bed anaerobic digestion system which has proven itself to be particularly suitable for the treatment of food and beverage industry liquid wastes. The system, which has already been operating, with good results, for six months, has shown itself to be capable of yielding overall COD removal efficiencies of up to 94.8% and of producing about 0.43 Ncubic meters of biogas per kg of removed COD

  3. Anaerobic treatment with biogas recovery of beverage industry waste water

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cacciari, E; Zanoni, G [Passavant Impianti, Novate Milanese (Italy)


    This paper briefly describes the application, by a leading Italian non-alcoholic beverage firm, of an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket process in the treatment of waste water deriving from the production and bottling of beverages. In addition to describing the key design, operation and performance characteristics of the treatment process, the paper focuses on the economic benefits being obtained through the use of the innovative expansive sludge bed anaerobic digestion system which has proven itself to be particularly suitable for the treatment of food and beverage industry liquid wastes. The system, which has already been operating, with good results, for six months, has shown itself to be capable of yielding overall COD removal efficiencies of up to 94.8% and of producing about 0.43 Ncubic meters of biogas per kg of removed COD.

  4. Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Demand and Tax Simulation for Federal Food Assistance Participants: A Case of Two New England States. (United States)

    Jithitikulchai, Theepakorn; Andreyeva, Tatiana


    Excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is a major concern in the efforts to improve diet and reduce obesity in USA, particularly among low-income populations. One of the most commonly proposed strategies to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage consumption is increasing beverage prices through taxation. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether and how price-based policies could reduce sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among participants in the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Using point-of-sale data from a regional supermarket chain (58 stores), we estimated the responsiveness of demand to sugar-sweetened beverage price changes among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-participating families with young children. Own-price and cross-price elasticities for non-alcoholic beverages were estimated using a Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System model. The study found evidence that a tax-induced sugar-sweetened beverage price increase would reduce total sugar-sweetened beverage purchases among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program participants, who were driven by purchase shifts away from taxed sodas and sports drinks to non-taxed beverages (bottled water, juice, milk). The substitution of non-taxed caloric beverages decreases the marginal effects of the sugar-sweetened beverage tax, yet the direct tax effects are large enough to reduce the overall caloric intake, with the average net reduction in monthly calories from sugar-sweetened beverages estimated at around 8% for a half-cent per ounce tax and 16% for a one cent per ounce tax. A beverage price increase in the form of an excise tax would reduce sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and increase healthier beverage purchases among low-income families.

  5. Investigating adolescents' sweetened beverage consumption and Western fast food restaurant visits in China, 2006-2011. (United States)

    Lee, Yen-Han; Chiang, Timothy C; Liu, Ching-Ti; Chang, Yen-Chang


    Background China has undergone rapid Westernization and established dramatic social reforms since the early 21st century. However, health issues led to challenges in the lives of the Chinese residents. Western fast food and sweetened beverages, two food options associated with chronic diseases and obesity, have played key roles to alter adolescents' dietary patterns. This study aims to examine the association between adolescents' visits to Western fast food restaurants and sweetened beverage consumption. Methods Applying three waves of the China Health and Nutrition Study (CHNS) between 2006 and 2011 (n = 1063), we used generalized Poisson regression (GPR) to investigate the association between adolescents' Western fast food restaurant visits and sweetened beverage consumption, as the popularity of fast food and sweetened beverages has skyrocketed among adolescents in contemporary China. A linear-by-linear association test was used as a trend test to study general patterns between sweetened beverage consumption and Western fast food restaurant visits. We adjusted all models with sweetened beverage consumption frequency, four food preferences (fast food, salty snacks, fruits and vegetables), school status, gross household income, provinces, rural/urban regions, age and gender. Results From the results of the trend test, frequent sweetened beverage consumption was highly associated with more Western fast food restaurant visits among Chinese adolescents in the three waves (p beverage consumption or did not drink them at all, had much less likelihood of visiting Western fast food restaurants (p beverage consumption was highly associated with Western fast food restaurant visits in contemporary China. Further actions are needed from the Chinese central government to create a healthier dietary environment for adolescents.

  6. Development of New Lemon-Lime Flavored Beverage for OGTT: Acceptability and Reproducibility. (United States)

    Chotwanvirat, Phawinpon; Thewjitcharoen, Yotsapon; Parksook, Wyn; Krittiyawong, Sirinate; Hutaphat, Kritchana; Nakasatien, Soontaree; Kaocharoen, Sming; Himathongkam, Thep


    The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is essential procedure in both screening and diagnosis of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and diabetes mellitus (DM), but it is not easy to perform because of intense sweetness of the 75-g glucose test beverage causing abdominal discomfort post-testing. Therefore, the new formula of non-carbonated lemon-lime flavored beverage was developed to increase its palatability and better compliance. To develop a new non-carbonated lemon-lime flavored beverage to replace the standard beverage for OGTT Subsequently, the diagnostic value and acceptability between the new formula and the traditional 75-g OGTT formula were compared in healthy subjects. The new lemon-lime flavored formula was developed to replace the standard beverage for OGTT by adding 1,000 milligram of citric acid and 0.03 gram of lime flavor to 75 gram of anhydrous glucose to a final volume of 300 ml. The study was conducted in 30 healthy subjects who underwent the traditional 75-gram OGTT test and the new formula of OGTT beverage one week later, or vice versa, to access acceptability, indices markers of insulin secretion, and insulin sensitivity. Palatability was determined by rating on a 9-point Hedonic Scale. Thirty healthy subjects (15 females) with the age of 33.2 ± 7.5 years and body mass index of 22.9 ± 3.5 kg/m² were enrolled. No significant difference was found between plasma glucose in 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes, insulin level (0 and 120 minutes) and four insulin surrogate markers in both traditional 75-gram OGTT and new formula of lemon-lime flavored OGTT beverage. The overall satisfaction score of the new formula OGTT was better when compared with the scores of the traditional OGTT (7.1 ± 1.8 vs. 4.7 ± 2.0). Only one subject complained about abdominal discomfort in both episode of OGTT CONCLUSION: The modified lemon-lime flavored beverage for OGTT demonstrated better acceptance in the subjects without difference in

  7. Aroma Characterization and Safety Assessment of a Beverage Fermented by Trametes versicolor. (United States)

    Zhang, Yanyan; Fraatz, Marco Alexander; Müller, Julia; Schmitz, Hans-Joachim; Birk, Florian; Schrenk, Dieter; Zorn, Holger


    A cereal-based beverage was developed by fermentation of wort with the basidiomycete Trametes versicolor. The beverage possessed a fruity, fresh, and slightly floral aroma. The volatiles of the beverage were isolated by liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and additionally by headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME). The aroma compounds were analyzed by a gas chromatography system equipped with a tandem mass spectrometer and an olfactory detection port (GC-MS/MS-O) followed by aroma (extract) dilution analysis. Thirty-four different odor impressions were perceived, and 27 corresponding compounds were identified. Fifteen key odorants with flavor dilution (FD) factors ranging from 8 to 128 were quantitated, and their respective odor activity values (OAVs) were calculated. Six key odorants were synthesized de novo by T. versicolor. Furthermore, quantitative changes during the fermentation process were analyzed. To prepare for the market introduction of the beverage, a comprehensive safety assessment was performed.


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    Purbowatiningrum R Sarjono


    Full Text Available Telah kita ketahui bahwa eceng gondok merupakan salah satu sumber selulosa yang melimpah di alam dan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber karbon bagi jamur Trichoderma viride. Eceng gondok memiliki bobot kering selulosa 21,5%, hemiselulosa 33,9% dan lignin 7,01%. Trichoderma viride adalah jamur saprofit yang berpotensi memproduksi selulase yang mampu mendegradasi ikatan β-1,4-glikosida pada rantai selulosa untuk menghasilkan glukosa. Glukosa dapat dimanfaatkan dalam produksi sirup gula, asam organik dan bioetanol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan Trichoderma viride yang mampu tumbuh pada media pertumbuhan hasil modifikasi eceng gondok serta memperoleh temperatur optimum aktivitas Trichoderma viride dalam menghidrolisis eceng gondok dan waktu fermentasi terbaik dalam menghasilkan glukosa. Proses pertama adalah persiapan sampel enceng gondok meliputi delignifikasi, kurva pertumbuhan Trichoderma viride dibuat dalam media modifikasi eceng gondok untuk mengetahui waktu optimum pertumbuhan Trichoderma viride. Penentuan temperatur optimum dan waktu fermentasi terbaik dari aktivitas Trichoderma viride didasarkan pada glukosa yang dihasilkan dari hidrolisis selulosa pada eceng gondok menggunakan metode Nelson Somogyi. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa Trichoderma viride mampu tumbuh pada media modifikasi eceng gondok. Temperatur optimum aktivitas Trichoderma viride dalam menghidrolisis selulosa pada eceng gondok adalah 35oC dan waktu fermentasi terbaik dihasilkannya glukosa pada jam ke-96 yaitu sebesar 1,3864 mg/L.

  9. "If it tastes good, I'm drinking it": qualitative study of beverage consumption among college students. (United States)

    Block, Jason P; Gillman, Matthew W; Linakis, Stephanie K; Goldman, Roberta E


    This study examined how college students choose beverages and whether behavioral interventions might reduce their heavy consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. From April to June 2010, 90 students participated in 12 focus groups at 6 colleges in Massachusetts and Louisiana. The study team undertook a group content analysis of the verbatim focus group transcripts using the immersion-crystallization method. The mean age of participants was 19 years. Fifty percent were white, and 47% were black. Several themes emerged in focus groups: taste is paramount; price is important but secondary; health and nutritional content of beverages are of limited interest; juice has a "health halo"; and water is consumed primarily for hydration. Students were often highly fixated on favorite sugar-sweetened beverages. Price was uniquely important for good-tasting beverages costing less than one dollar. Some students reported calorie content as important for food choices, but most had no awareness of beverage calorie content. Students' negative perceptions of sugar-sweetened beverages focused largely on the "dangers" of sugar and chemicals in sodas. They expressed particular concern about soda's corrosive chemical properties or diet soda causing cancer. The health halo for juice persisted even with some recognition of high sugar content. Students thought shocking educational messages would be necessary to get them to reduce consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. Among college students, taste and price were the most important factors in choosing beverages. Interventions using shocking visual images or providing low-cost or free water may conquer taste and brand preference to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage intake. Copyright © 2013 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Full Text Available This research aims to know the servqual Front Office, servqual Housekeeping and servqual Food and Beverage effect on customer satisfaction or guests staying at LPP Garden Hotel Yogyakarta. Samples taken in this study is 75 respondents randomly drawn from guests staying at LPP Garden Hotel. Analysis of the data in this study is Inferential analysis conducted based on the test results of structural models. From the analysis of the coefficient of determination (R ², note that guest satisfaction influenced by servqual Front Office, Housekeeping and servqual Food and Beverage amounted to 51.30%, and the remaining 48.70% influenced by other factors not included in the model, whereas the coefficient parameter servqual Front Office, Housekeeping and servqual Food and Beverage simultaneously affect the satisfaction that is equal to 0.494, meaning that the higher the coefficient parameter close to the higher guest satisfaction. The t- test based on statistics showing that servqual Front Office, servqual Housekeeping and servqual Food and Beverage simultaneously significantly affect satisfaction where t-statistic 4.391> t-table 1.66, its mean that Hypothesis is accepted.

  11. Persistent Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Some Selected Cocoa Beverages in Nigeria

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    Olayinka A. Ibigbami


    Full Text Available This study evaluates the quality of the cocoa beverages produced in Nigeria with respect to the occurrence and levels of organochlorine pesticides OCPs residues in order to ascertain the potential health risks to the general public. Seven cocoa-based beverages were analysed for 17 OCP residues using gas chromatography coupled with an Electron Captured Detector (GC-ECD after extraction and silica-gel clean-up. The study reveals the presence of ten OCP residues in the cocoa beverages, with a concentration range from not detected ND—0.256 mg/kg, while α-BHC, β-BHC, methoxychlor, p,p′-DDE, dieldrin, endrin aldehyde, and endosulfan sulphate were not detected in any of the analysed samples. The contamination pattern of OCPs in the beverages was in the following order: Ovaltine > Milo > Cadbury-choco > Bournvita > Cowbell-coffee > Richoco > Oluji, with p,p′-DDT being the most frequently found pesticide. Heptachlor and endosulfan II showeda residual level above the European Union (EU Maximum Residual Limits (MRLs in only one sample.

  12. Implications of a sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) tax when substitutions to non-beverage items are considered. (United States)

    Finkelstein, Eric A; Zhen, Chen; Bilger, Marcel; Nonnemaker, James; Farooqui, Assad M; Todd, Jessica E


    Using the 2006 Homescan panel, we estimate the changes in energy, fat and sodium purchases resulting from a tax that increases the price of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) by 20% and the effect of such a tax on body weight. In addition to substitutions that may arise with other beverages, we account for substitutions between SSBs and 12 major food categories. Our main findings are that the tax would result in a decrease in store-bought energy of 24.3kcal per day per person, which would translate into an average weight loss of 1.6 pounds during the first year and a cumulated weight loss of 2.9 pounds in the long run. We do not find evidence of substitution to sugary foods and show that complementary foods could contribute to decreasing energy purchases. Despite their significantly lower price elasticity, the tax has a similar effect on calories for the largest purchasers of SSBs. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. The use of acid whey for the production of yogurt-type fermented beverages

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    Katarzyna Skryplonek


    Full Text Available Acid whey is a by-product of cheese-making industry, which, in comparison to rennet whey, has less favourable processing properties and thus it is more difficult to utilize. The aim of the study was to evaluate the quality of yogurt-type fermented beverages based on acid whey. In the beverages production yogurt bacteria cultures Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbruecki ssp. bulgaricus (YO-MIX, Danisco, Denmark were used. The production process included combining of pasteurized acid whey with UHT milk, unsweetened condensed milk or skimmed milk powder. Milk was incorporated to beverages in order to enrich casein content and obtain product with quality characteristics similar to fermented milk drinks. Moreover, the beverages were supplemented with oligofructose and whey protein concentrate WPC 35. The products were stored under refrigerated conditions (5±1°C for 21 days. During the storage, an assessment of physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics was carried out. In addition, the beverages were evaluated in consumer preference test. The study showed, that by combining of acid whey with milk it is possible to obtain a products similar to yogurt, although their characteristics were influenced by the composition and storage time. During storage period, the acidity increased and acetaldehyde content decreased. Moreover the deterioration of sensory properties was observed. Consumer preference test indicated, that the best sensory properties had beverages from whey and condensed milk.

  14. The diuretic action of weak and strong alcoholic beverages in elderly men

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Polhuis, Kristel C.M.M.; Wijnen, Annemarthe H.C.; Sierksma, Aafje; Calame, Wim; Tieland, Michael


    With ageing, there is a greater risk of dehydration. This study investigated the diuretic effect of alcoholic beverages varying in alcohol concentration in elderly men. Three alcoholic beverages (beer (AB), wine (AW), and spirits (S)) and their non-alcoholic counterparts (non-alcoholic beer (NAB),

  15. Trends in Sugar-Sweetened Beverages: Are Public Health and the Market Aligned or in Conflict? (United States)

    Shrapnel, William


    Adverse health consequences of consuming sugar-sweetened beverages are frequently cited as an example of market failure, justifying government intervention in the marketplace, usually in the form of taxation. However, declining sales of sugar-sweetened beverages in Australia and a corresponding increase in sales of drinks containing non-nutritive sweeteners, in the absence of significant government regulation, appear to reflect market forces at work. If so, the public health challenge in relation to sugar-sweetened beverages may have less to do with regulating the market and more to do with harnessing it. Contrary to assertions that consumers fail to appreciate the links between their choice of beverage and its health consequences, the health conscious consumer appears to be driving the changes taking place in the beverage market. With the capacity to meet consumer expectations for convenience and indulgence without unwanted kilojoules, drinks containing non-nutritive sweeteners enable the "small change" in health behaviour that individuals are willing to consider. Despite the low barriers involved in perpetuating the current trend of replacing sugar-sweetened beverages with drinks containing non-nutritive sweeteners, some public health advocates remain cautious about advocating this dietary change. In contrast, the barriers to taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages appear high.

  16. Trends in Sugar-Sweetened Beverages: Are Public Health and the Market Aligned or in Conflict?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    William Shrapnel


    Full Text Available Adverse health consequences of consuming sugar-sweetened beverages are frequently cited as an example of market failure, justifying government intervention in the marketplace, usually in the form of taxation. However, declining sales of sugar-sweetened beverages in Australia and a corresponding increase in sales of drinks containing non-nutritive sweeteners, in the absence of significant government regulation, appear to reflect market forces at work. If so, the public health challenge in relation to sugar-sweetened beverages may have less to do with regulating the market and more to do with harnessing it. Contrary to assertions that consumers fail to appreciate the links between their choice of beverage and its health consequences, the health conscious consumer appears to be driving the changes taking place in the beverage market. With the capacity to meet consumer expectations for convenience and indulgence without unwanted kilojoules, drinks containing non-nutritive sweeteners enable the “small change” in health behaviour that individuals are willing to consider. Despite the low barriers involved in perpetuating the current trend of replacing sugar-sweetened beverages with drinks containing non-nutritive sweeteners, some public health advocates remain cautious about advocating this dietary change. In contrast, the barriers to taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages appear high.

  17. Trends in energy intake from alcoholic beverages by socio-demographic characteristics among US adults, 1989–2012 (United States)

    Butler, Lauren; Poti, Jennifer M.; Popkin, Barry M.


    Background Long term US trends in alcoholic beverage calorie intakes remain unexamined, particularly with respect to changes in population subgroup-specific patterns over time. Objective This study examines shifts in the consumption of alcoholic beverages, in total and by beverage type, on any given day among US adults in relation to socio-demographic characteristics. Design This study was a repeated cross-sectional analyses of data from the 1989–1991 and 1994–1996 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals; 2003–2006 and 2009–2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys. Participants/setting Adults ≥19 years (N = 39,298); a subset of alcoholic beverage consumers (n = 7,081) were studied. Statistical analyses performed Survey weighted mean per capita per day intakes (among all participants, both consumers of alcoholic beverages and non-consumers) and contributions of beer, wine, and liquor/mixed drinks to total alcoholic beverage energy were determined. Multivariable regression models were used to examine trends in the proportion of alcoholic beverage consumers and the per consumer intakes (among consumers of alcoholic beverages only). Results Per capita intakes from alcoholic beverages increased from 49 kcal/cap/d in 1989–1991 to 109 kcal/cap/d in 2003–2006 (pbeverages on any given day increased significantly from 1989–1991 to 2009–2012 (p for overall increasing trend beverage calories increased between 1989–1991 and 1994–1996 (pbeverage intake for less educated consumers across time. Conclusions These results indicate there has been an increase in the proportion of US adults who drink on any given day, and an increase in calories consumed from alcoholic beverages when drinking occurs. PMID:27132721

  18. Drinking to our health: Can beverage companies cut calories while maintaining profits? (United States)

    Kleiman, Susan; Ng, Shu Wen; Popkin, Barry


    Carbonated soft drinks (CSD) and other beverages make up an increasing percentage of energy intake, and there are rising public health concerns about the links between consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain, obesity, and other cardio-metabolic problems. In response, the food and beverage industry claims to be reformulating products, reducing package or portion sizes, and introducing healthier options. Comparative analysis on various changes and their potential effects on public health are needed. We conduct a case study using the two largest and most influential producers of sweetened beverages, The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo, who together control 34 percent of the global soft drink market, examining their product portfolios globally and in three critical markets (the US, Brazil, and China) from 2000-2010. On a global basis, total revenues and energy per capita sold increased, yet the average energy density (kilojoules per 100 milliliters) sold declined slightly, suggesting a shift to lower-calorie products. In the US, both total energy per capita and average energy density of beverages sold decreased, while the opposite was true in the developing markets of Brazil and China, with total per capita energy increasing greatly in China and, to a lesser extent, in Brazil. PMID:22070346

  19. Cola beverage consumption delays alveolar bone healing: a histometric study in rats

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    Juliana Mazzonetto Teófilo


    Full Text Available Epidemiological studies have suggested that cola beverage consumption may affect bone metabolism and increase bone fracture risk. Experimental evidence linking cola beverage consumption to deleterious effects on bone is lacking. Herein, we investigated whether cola beverage consumption from weaning to early puberty delays the rate of reparative bone formation inside the socket of an extracted tooth in rats. Twenty male Wistar rats received cola beverage (cola group or tap water (control group ad libitum from the age of 23 days until tooth extraction at 42 days and euthanasia 2 and 3 weeks later. The neoformed bone volume inside the alveolar socket was estimated in semi-serial longitudinal sections using a quantitative differential point-counting method. Histological examination suggested a decrease in the osteogenic process within the tooth sockets of rats from both cola groups, which had thinner and sparser new bone trabeculae. Histometric data confirmed that alveolar bone healing was significantly delayed in cola-fed rats at three weeks after tooth extraction (ANOVA, p = 0.0006, followed by Tukey's test, p < 0.01. Although the results of studies in rats cannot be extrapolated directly to human clinical dentistry, the present study provides evidence that cola beverage consumption negatively affect maxillary bone formation.

  20. Low/No Calorie Sweetened Beverage Consumption in the National Weight Control Registry (United States)

    Catenacci, Victoria A.; Pan, Zhaoxing; Thomas, J. Graham; Ogden, Lorraine G.; Roberts, Susan A.; Wyatt, Holly R.; Wing, Rena R.; Hill, James O.


    Objective The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate prevalence of and strategies behind low/no calorie sweetened beverage (LNCSB) consumption in successful weight loss maintainers. Methods An online survey was administered to 434 members of the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR, individuals who have lost ≥13.6 kg and maintained weight loss for > 1 year). Results While few participants (10%) consume sugar-sweetened beverages on a regular basis, 53% regularly consume LNCSB. The top five reasons for choosing LNCSB were for taste (54%), to satisfy thirst (40%), part of routine (27%), to reduce calories (22%) and to go with meals (21%). The majority who consume LNCSB (78%) felt they helped control total calorie intake. Many participants considered changing patterns of beverage consumption to be very important in weight loss (42%) and maintenance (40%). Increasing water was by far the most common strategy, followed by reducing regular calorie beverages. Conclusions Regular consumption of LNCSB is common in successful weight loss maintainers for various reasons including helping individuals to limit total energy intake. Changing beverage consumption patterns was felt to be very important for weight loss and maintenance by a substantial percentage of successful weight loss maintainers in the NWCR. PMID:25044563

  1. Children’s Food and Beverage Promotion on Television to Parents (United States)

    Smith, Marietta E.; Mathur, Suman J.; Sargent, James D.; Gilbert-Diamond, Diane


    BACKGROUND: Nutritionally poor foods are heavily advertised to children on television. Whether those same products are also advertised to parents on television has not been systematically examined. METHODS: This study is a content analysis of advertisements for children’s packaged foods and beverages aired over US network, cable, and syndicated television for 1 year (2012 to 2013). The target audience of each advertisement was defined as children or parents based on advertisement content, where parent-directed advertisements included emotional appeals related to family bonding and love. Advertisement characteristics and patterns of airtime were compared across target audience, and the proportion of total airtime devoted to advertisements targeting parents was computed. RESULTS: Fifty-one children’s food or beverage products were advertised over the study year, 25 (49%) of which were advertised directly to parents. Parent-directed advertisements more often featured nutrition and health messaging and an active lifestyle than child-directed advertisements, whereas child-directed advertisements more frequently highlighted fun and product taste. Over all products, 42.4% of total airtime was devoted to advertisements that targeted parents. The products with the most amount of airtime over the study year were ready-to-eat cereals, sugar-sweetened beverages, and children’s yogurt, and the proportion of total advertisement airtime for those products devoted to parents was 24.4%, 72.8%, and 25.8%, respectively. DISCUSSION: Television advertisements for children’s packaged foods and beverages frequently targeted parents with emotional appeals and messaging related to nutrition and health. Findings are of concern if exposure to such advertisements among parents may shape their beliefs about the appropriateness of nutritionally questionable children’s foods and beverages. PMID:26553181

  2. Applying and influence of polymer materials for packaging dairy beverages

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    Milanović Spasenija D.


    Full Text Available Functional food is positioned above the traditional, with the potential to improve human health. Thanks to very good physico-mechanical and barrier properties polymers became very popular in food industry as a packaging materials. Wild range of fermented dairy products could be packed in this packaging materials according to their’s inertness as well. Functional milk beverage was obtained from milk with 0,9% milk fat content by applying 10% v/v of kombucha’s inoculum cultivated on a black tea sweetened with sucrose. The beverage was packed in a different packaging materials: polyamid-polyethylen (PA/PE coextruded foil bags and polyprophylen (PP cups closed with aluminium (Al foil lids under atmospheric conditions (ATM. Beverages were storaged for 15 days at 4°C. The quality of kombucha inoculum, milk and obtained kombucha fermented milk beverage were analysed. Characterization of the packaging materials was done by investigating physico-mechanical, barrier and structural properties. The composition and changes in the headspace atmosphere, after production and during the storage, were analysed. The influence of packaging material properties and packaging conditions on the biochemical transformations of the milk’s components (the content of: lactose, L-lactic acid, D-galactose, ethanol, B1 and B2 vitamins influenced by kombucha starter were analysed as well. On the bases of the obtained results of characterisation of packaging materials, it can be concluded that PA/PE and PP materials are proper to be used for analysed beverage’s packaging. Also, there is no significant difference in content of components which were quantified, between analysed materials in correlation with the packed fermented milk beverage. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III-46009

  3. School wellness policies and foods and beverages available in schools. (United States)

    Hood, Nancy E; Colabianchi, Natalie; Terry-McElrath, Yvonne M; O'Malley, Patrick M; Johnston, Lloyd D


    Since 2006-2007, education agencies (e.g., school districts) participating in U.S. federal meal programs are required to have wellness policies. To date, this is the only federal policy that addresses foods and beverages sold outside of school meals (in competitive venues). To examine the extent to which federally required components of school wellness policies are associated with availability of foods and beverages in competitive venues. Questionnaire data were collected in 2007-2008 through 2010-2011 school years from 892 middle and 1019 high schools in nationally representative samples. School administrators reported the extent to which schools had required wellness policy components (goals, nutrition guidelines, implementation plan/person responsible, stakeholder involvement) and healthier and less-healthy foods and beverages available in competitive venues. Analyses were conducted in 2012. About one third of students (31.8%) were in schools with all four wellness policy components. Predominantly white schools had higher wellness policy scores than other schools. After controlling for school characteristics, higher wellness policy scores were associated with higher availability of low-fat and whole-grain foods and lower availability of regular-fat/sugared foods in middle and high schools. In middle schools, higher scores also were associated with lower availability of 2%/whole milk. High schools with higher scores also had lower sugar-sweetened beverage availability and higher availability of 1%/nonfat milk, fruits/vegetables, and salad bars. Because they are associated with lower availability of less-healthy and higher availability of healthier foods and beverages in competitive venues, federally required components of school wellness policies should be encouraged in all schools. Copyright © 2013 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Statistical Feature Extraction and Recognition of Beverages Using Electronic Tongue

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    Full Text Available This paper describes an approach for extraction of features from data generated from an electronic tongue based on large amplitude pulse voltammetry. In this approach statistical features of the meaningful selected variables from current response signals are extracted and used for recognition of beverage samples. The proposed feature extraction approach not only reduces the computational complexity but also reduces the computation time and requirement of storage of data for the development of E-tongue for field applications. With the reduced information, a probabilistic neural network (PNN was trained for qualitative analysis of different beverages. Before the qualitative analysis of the beverages, the methodology has been tested for the basic artificial taste solutions i.e. sweet, sour, salt, bitter, and umami. The proposed procedure was compared with the more conventional and linear feature extraction technique employing principal component analysis combined with PNN. Using the extracted feature vectors, highly correct classification by PNN was achieved for eight types of juices and six types of soft drinks. The results indicated that the electronic tongue based on large amplitude pulse voltammetry with reduced feature was capable of discriminating not only basic artificial taste solutions but also the various sorts of the same type of natural beverages (fruit juices, vegetable juices, soft drinks, etc..

  5. Antioxidant properties of commercial alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages. (United States)

    Lugasi, Andrea; Hóvári, Judit


    Recent interest in food phenolics has increased greatly, because of their antioxidant and free radical scavenging abilities. Popular beverages in the world include tea, coffee, cocoa, beer, wine and fruit/vegetable juices. All of these beverages contain phenolic compounds. In present study total polyphenol content and in vitro antioxidant properties were investigated in 16 red wines, 5 white wines, 5 lager beers, 3 dark beers, 17 fruit juices and 5 vegetable juices. High polyphenol content was measured in red wines (1720 +/- 546 mg x L(-1)) and in some fruit juices such as elderberry and prunes (5,680 and 1,807 mg x L(-1), respectively). The concentration of polyphenols was between 159 and 5,680 mg x L(-1) in fruit juices and between 255 and 696 mg x L(-1) in vegetable ones, while low level of phenolics was observed in dark and lager beers and white wines (473, 376 and 392 mg x L(-1), respectively). All samples exhibited significant antioxidant properties such as hydrogen-donating ability, reducing power, chelating ability and total antioxidant status (TAS) value. These antioxidant properties strongly correlated with the total polyphenol content of the beverages.

  6. Beverage consumption habits "24/7" among British adults: association with total water intake and energy intake. (United States)

    Gibson, Sigrid; Shirreffs, Susan M


    Various recommendations exist for total water intake (TWI), yet it is seldom reported in dietary surveys. Few studies have examined how real-life consumption patterns, including beverage type, variety and timing relate to TWI and energy intake (EI). We analysed weighed dietary records from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey of 1724 British adults aged 19-64 years (2000/2001) to investigate beverage consumption patterns over 24 hrs and 7 days and associations with TWI and EI. TWI was calculated from the nutrient composition of each item of food and drink and compared with reference values. Mean TWI was 2.53 L (SD 0.86) for men and 2.03 L (SD 0.71) for women, close to the European Food Safety Authority "adequate Intake" (AI) of 2.5 L and 2 L, respectively. However, for 33% of men and 23% of women TWI was below AI and TWI:EI ratio was Beverages accounted for 75% of TWI. Beverage variety was correlated with TWI (r 0.34) and more weakly with EI (r 0.16). Beverage consumption peaked at 0800 hrs (mainly hot beverages/ milk) and 2100 hrs (mainly alcohol). Total beverage consumption was higher at weekends, especially among men. Overall, beverages supplied 16% of EI (men 17%, women 14%), alcoholic drinks contributed 9% (men) and 5% (women), milk 5-6%, caloric soft drinks 2%, and fruit juice 1%.In multi-variable regression (adjusted for sex, age, body weight, smoking, dieting, activity level and mis-reporting), replacing 100 g of caloric beverages (milk, fruit juice, caloric soft drinks and alcohol) with 100 g non-caloric drinks (diet soft drinks, hot beverages and water) was associated with a reduction in EI of 15 kcal, or 34 kcal if food energy were unchanged. Using within-person data (deviations from 7-day mean) each 100 g change in caloric beverages was associated with 29 kcal change in EI or 35 kcal if food energy were constant. By comparison the calculated energy content of caloric drinks consumed was 47 kcal/100 g. TWI and beverage consumption are closely related

  7. Can children discriminate sugar-sweetened from non-nutritively sweetened beverages and how do they like them?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Ruyter, J.C.; Katan, M.B.; Kas, R.; Olthof, M.R.


    Background: Replacement of sugar-sweetened by non-nutritively sweetened beverages or water may reduce excess weight gain in children. However, it is unclear whether children like non-nutritively sweetened beverages as much as sugar-sweetened beverages. We examined whether children could taste a

  8. Does competitive food and beverage legislation hurt meal participation or revenues in high schools? (United States)

    Peart, Tasha; Kao, Janice; Crawford, Patricia B; Samuels, Sarah E; Craypo, Lisa; Woodward-Lopez, Gail


    There is limited evidence to evaluate the influence of competitive food and beverage legislation on school meal program participation and revenues. A representative sample of 56 California high schools was recruited to collect school-level data before (2006–2007) and the year after (2007–2008) policies regarding limiting competitive foods and beverages were required to be implemented. Data were obtained from school records, observations, and questionnaires. Paired t-tests assessed significance of change between the two time points. Average participation in lunch increased from 21.7% to 25.3% (p foods, from $0.45 to $0.37 (per student per day). Compliance with food and beverage standards also increased significantly. At end point, compliance with beverage standards was higher (71.0%) than compliance with food standards (65.7%). Competitive food and beverage legislation can increase food service revenues when accompanied by increased rates of participation in the meal program. Future studies collecting expense data will be needed to determine impact on net revenues.

  9. Impact of Added Sugar Information of Front-of-Pack Labels on Consumers’ Beverage Health Perception Changes


    Kim, Hyeyoung; House, Lisa


    This study examined the effect of Front-of-package (FOP) labels with voluntary and mandatory disclosure of added sugar levels for beverages on consumer perceptions of how healthy the beverages are. Three groups of beverages were investigated: 1) 100% fruit juice (containing sugar but no added sugar); 2) sugar-sweetened beverages (containing sugar and added sugar); and 3) diet soft drink (containing no sugar). In general, added sugar information seems to play an important role in perception of...

  10. Parental Information, Motivation, and Behavioral Skills Correlate with Child Sweetened Beverage Consumption (United States)

    Goodell, L. Suzanne; Pierce, Michelle B.; Amico, K. Rivet; Ferris, Ann M.


    Objective: To evaluate fit of the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills (IMB) model applied to sweetened beverage (SB) consumption in children. Design: Cross-sectional. Parents completed a home beverage inventory and IMB survey regarding SB consumption. Setting: Health fairs, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and…

  11. Arsenic and Chromium in Canned and Non-Canned Beverages in Nigeria: A Potential Public Health Concern

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    Orish E. Orisakwe


    Full Text Available Numerous studies have described environmental exposure of humans to heavy metals in African populations. Little is known about the exposure to heavy metal toxins from processed or unprocessed foods consumed in Africa, and no data exists on the food concentrations of arsenic and chromium, which are potential carcinogens and systemic toxicants. This study determined the concentrations of arsenic and chromium in beverages and fruit drinks commonly sold in Nigeria. Fifty samples of commonly consumed canned and non-canned beverages (imported and locally manufactured purchased in Nigeria were digested in nitric acid and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS. 33.3% of the canned beverages had arsenic levels that exceeded the maximum contaminant level (MCL of 0.01 mg/L set by U.S. EPA while 55.2% of non-canned beverages had their arsenic levels exceeding the MCL. The arsenic concentrations ranged from 0.003 to 0.161 mg/L for the canned and 0.002 to 0.261 mg/l for the non-canned beverages. Whereas 68.9% of the non-canned beverages showed chromium levels that exceeded the US EPA’s MCL of 0.10 mg/L, 76.2% of the canned beverages had chromium levels that were greater than the MCL. The concentration range of total chromium in the canned beverages was 0.04 to 0.59 mg/L and 0.01 to 0.55 mg/L for the non-canned beverages. The sources of arsenic and chromium in the commercially available beverages are unclear and merit further investigation. This preliminary study highlights the need to study the toxicological implications of chronic low-level exposure to heavy metals from African markets.

  12. A Healthy Beverage Consumption Pattern Is Inversely Associated with the Risk of Obesity and Metabolic Abnormalities in Korean Adults. (United States)

    Lee, Kyung Won; Shin, Dayeon


    As the use of beverages in diets is increasing, several studies have examined the effect of beverage consumption in human health. Thus, we aimed at identifying specific beverage patterns and determining their associations with obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS) risk factors in Korean adults. Based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2008-2012 data, 19,800 Korean adults (≥20 years) with a single 24-h dietary recall and health examination data were investigated. All beverage items consumed by participants were categorized into 15 beverage groups based on the KNHANES coding system. Three major beverage consumption patterns were identified according to factor analysis: (1) the "healthy beverage" (high intake of dairy products, 100% fruit/vegetable juices and low intake of alcoholic beverages); (2) the "sugar-sweetened beverage" (high intake of soda, sweetened coffee/tea, and fruit drink); and (3) the "unsweetened beverage" (high intake of unsweetened coffee) patterns. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine the odds of obesity (body mass index ≥25 kg/m 2 ) and MetS (defined by National Cholesterol Education Program III [NCEP III]) for each beverage pattern after controlling for covariates. Adjusted odds ratios (AORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for associations of the "healthy beverage" pattern with risks of obesity, abdominal obesity, and elevated triglycerides, fasting blood glucose (FBG), and blood pressure (BP) were 0.88 (0.79-0.98), 0.83 (0.74-0.92), 0.88 (0.78-0.99), 0.85 (0.79-0.98), and 0.81 (0.72-0.92), respectively. AORs (95% CIs) of associations of the "sugar-sweetened beverage" pattern with risks of abdominal obesity, elevated FBG and BP were 1.15 (1.03-1.30), 1.14 (1.01-1.29), and 1.18 (1.04-1.33), respectively. However, no associations were found between the "unsweetened beverage" pattern and any parameters examined. Intake of healthy beverages should be encouraged to

  13. Origin of low-molecular mass aldehydes as disinfection by-products in beverages. (United States)

    Serrano, María; Gallego, Mercedes; Silva, Manuel


    A novel, simple and automatic method based on static headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry has been developed to determine 10 low-molecular mass aldehydes that can be found in beverages, coming from the treated water used in their production. These aldehydes are the most frequently found in treated water as water disinfection by-products, so they can be used as indicators of the addition of treated water to beverages. The study covered a large number of fruit juices and soft drinks. The presence of the whole array of analytes is related to the contact with treated water during beverage production, mainly by the addition of treated water as ingredient. In particular, propionaldehyde, valeraldehyde and benzaldehyde can be used as indicators of the addition of treated water in these kinds of beverages. Among the ten aldehydes, only formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are naturally present in all kinds of fruit, and their concentrations are related to stage of the ripening of the fruit.

  14. Perception of male drinkers as a function of their alcoholic beverage preference. (United States)

    Curtin, L; Fisher, R D


    The present study examined perception of a man's likelihood of driving after drinking and his ability to do so as a function of his choice of beverage. Perceptions of his social characteristics were also examined. The sample was composed of 200 volunteer undergraduate psychology students. Equal numbers of male and female subjects read one of four vignettes which varied only in the male protagonist's choice of beverage: beer, wine, shots of distilled spirits, or cola. After reading the story, subjects answered multiple-choice questions about the character, tapping social judgments, situational judgments and drinking and driving judgments. Subject drinking habits were also assessed. The most notable result was the consistently positive perception of the protagonist portrayed as an abstainer. The lack of a consistent alcoholic beverage distinction implies that the beer-spirits double standard is far from a clear-cut discrimination. Possible explanations for results are discussed. This study questions the robustness of the alcoholic beverage type bias and reflects the need for future research.

  15. Contribution of beverages to energy, macronutrient and micronutrient intake of third- and fourth-grade schoolchildren in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. (United States)

    Montenegro-Bethancourt, Gabriela; Vossenaar, Marieke; Doak, Colleen M; Solomons, Noel W


    Beverages are selected based on availability, culture, taste preference, health, safety and social context. Beverages may be important to energy and to the macronutrient and micronutrient quality of overall intake. The aim of this study was to determine the contribution of beverages to the dietary energy and estimated macro- and micronutrient intake to the diet of young schoolchildren. We analyzed data from third- and fourth-grade urban Guatemalan school-children aged predominantly 8-10 years old. One-day pictorial registries of all beverages, foods and snacks consumed over a 24-h period were collected from children from private (n = 219) and public (n = 230) schools. Food composition nutrient values were assigned to the items consumed. Eleven main categories of beverages were identified. The contribution of each of the 11 beverage categories to energy, macro- and micronutrients was evaluated. The estimated intake of beverages was 475,300 mL, as reported by the 449 children. As a group, the beverage consumed in the greatest quantity was coffee (126,500 mL), followed by plain water (62,000 mL). Beverages represented a mean energy contribution of 418 +/- 26 kcal (21.5% of total dietary energy). The beverages varied in energy density from 0 (water) to 1.5 kcal mL(-1) (thin gruels). Beverages contributed one-third of the dietary carbohydrate. Through the contribution of fortified drinks, beverages were important sources of vitamin A (55%), vitamin C (38%), zinc (21%) and calcium (19%). Milk was an important source for vitamin D (10%). These results show the importance of drinks to nutrition and the balance of concerns of overweight/obesity with micronutrient quality.

  16. Sweetening of the global diet, particularly beverages: patterns, trends, and policy responses. (United States)

    Popkin, Barry M; Hawkes, Corinna


    Evidence suggests that excessive intake of added sugars has adverse effects on cardiometabolic health, which is consistent with many reviews and consensus reports from WHO and other unbiased sources. 74% of products in the US food supply contain caloric or low-calorie sweeteners, or both. Of all packaged foods and beverages purchased by a nationally representative sample of US households in 2013, 68% (by proportion of calories) contain caloric sweeteners and 2% contain low-calorie sweeteners. We believe that in the absence of intervention, the rest of the world will move towards this pervasiveness of added sugars in the food supply. Our analysis of trends in sales of sugar-sweetened beverages around the world, in terms of calories sold per person per day and volume sold per person per day, shows that the four regions with the highest consumption are North America, Latin America, Australasia, and western Europe. The fastest absolute growth in sales of sugar-sweetened beverages by country in 2009-14 was seen in Chile. We believe that action is needed to tackle the high levels and continuing growth in sales of such beverages worldwide. Many governments have initiated actions to reduce consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in the past few years, including taxation (eg, in Mexico); reduction of their availability in schools; restrictions on marketing of sugary foods to children; public awareness campaigns; and positive and negative front-of-pack labelling. In our opinion, evidence of the effectiveness of these actions shows that they are moving in the right direction, but governments should view them as a learning process and improve their design over time. A key challenge for policy makers and researchers is the absence of a consensus on the relation of beverages containing low-calorie sweeteners and fruit juices with cardiometabolic outcomes, since decisions about whether these are healthy substitutes for sugar-sweetened beverages are an integral part of policy

  17. Reforming taxes on wine and other alcoholic beverage consumption


    Kym Anderson


    As part of a comprehensive review of AustraliaÂ’s tax system, the taxes on alcoholic beverages recently came under scrutiny. In its initial response to the review in May 2010, the government chose to not change those taxes, even though the review recommended the wine tax switch from an ad valorem to a volumetric basis and that all beverages be taxed to the same extent per litre of alcohol. This paper introduces a mini-symposium of three other papers aimed at contributing to what will be an on...

  18. A survey of metal profiles in some traditional alcoholic beverages in Nigeria. (United States)

    Iwegbue, Chukwujindu M A; Ojelum, Anwuli L; Bassey, Francisca I


    The concentrations of Cd, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cu, Co, Fe, Mn, Zn, Mg, Ca, K, and Na were determined in some traditional alcoholic beverages (oil palm wine, raphia palm wine, burukutu, pito, ogogoro) consumed in southern Nigeria, with a view to providing information on the dietary intakes of essential metals and exposure of humans to toxic metals. The concentrations of these 13 elements were determined by atomic spectrometry after nitric acid/hydrogen peroxide digestion. The mean concentrations of the metals (mg/L) in the samples ranged from 0.02 to 0.05 for Cd; 0.01 to 0.19 for Pb; nd to 0.11 for Ni, nd to 0.15 for Cr; 0.09 to 0.60 for Cu; 0.01-0.08 for Co; 0.30 to 10.3 for Fe; 0.02 to 3.97 for Mn; 0.12 to 3.84 for Zn; 2.08 to 301.3 for Mg; 2.21 to 49.2 for Ca; 35.05 to 926.1 for K; 6.30-58.1 for Na. The mean concentrations of metals in these alcoholic beverages were below statutory limits for the metals in alcoholic beverages and were similar to concentrations found in other alcoholic beverages in the literature. The estimated daily intakes of metals from the consumption of these alcoholic beverages were less than 2% of the recommended dietary allowance values except for Cd and Pb. The individual and combined metals target hazard quotient values were less than 1 except for raphia palm wine and burukutu. From the estimated target hazard, no long life health concerns of metals are associated with the consumption of these alcoholic beverages.

  19. Predictive modelling of Lactobacillus casei KN291 survival in fermented soy beverage. (United States)

    Zielińska, Dorota; Dorota, Zielińska; Kołożyn-Krajewska, Danuta; Danuta, Kołożyn-Krajewska; Goryl, Antoni; Antoni, Goryl; Motyl, Ilona


    The aim of the study was to construct and verify predictive growth and survival models of a potentially probiotic bacteria in fermented soy beverage. The research material included natural soy beverage (Polgrunt, Poland) and the strain of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) - Lactobacillus casei KN291. To construct predictive models for the growth and survival of L. casei KN291 bacteria in the fermented soy beverage we design an experiment which allowed the collection of CFU data. Fermented soy beverage samples were stored at various temperature conditions (5, 10, 15, and 20°C) for 28 days. On the basis of obtained data concerning the survival of L. casei KN291 bacteria in soy beverage at different temperature and time conditions, two non-linear models (r(2)= 0.68-0.93) and two surface models (r(2)=0.76-0.79) were constructed; these models described the behaviour of the bacteria in the product to a satisfactory extent. Verification of the surface models was carried out utilizing the validation data - at 7°C during 28 days. It was found that applied models were well fitted and charged with small systematic errors, which is evidenced by accuracy factor - Af, bias factor - Bf and mean squared error - MSE. The constructed microbiological growth and survival models of L. casei KN291 in fermented soy beverage enable the estimation of products shelf life period, which in this case is defined by the requirement for the level of the bacteria to be above 10(6) CFU/cm(3). The constructed models may be useful as a tool for the manufacture of probiotic foods to estimate of their shelf life period.

  20. Manufacture of a beverage from cheese whey using a "tea fungus" fermentation. (United States)

    Belloso-Morales, Genette; Hernández-Sánchez, Humberto


    Kombucha is a sour beverage reported to have potential health effects prepared from the fermentation of black tea and sugar with a "tea fungus", a symbiotic culture of acetic acid bacteria and yeasts. Although black tea is the preferred substrate for Kombucha fermentation, other beverages have also been tested as substrates with fair results. Cheese whey is a by-product with a good amount of fermentable lactose that has been used before in the production of beverages, so the objective of this study was to test three types of whey (fresh sweet, fresh acid and reconstituted sweet) in the elaboration of a fermented beverage using a kombucha culture as inoculum. The isolation and identification of bacteria and yeasts from the fermented tea and wheys was done along with the study of the rates of change in sugar consumption, acid production and pH decrease. Several species of acetic acid bacteria (Acetobacter aceti subsp. aceti, Gluconobacter oxydans subsp. industrius, subsp. oxydans and Gluconoacetobacter xylinus) were isolated from the different kombuchas along with the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kluyveromyces marxianus, and Brettanomyces bruxelensis. The main metabolic products in the fermented wheys included ethanol, lactic and acetic acids. A good growth was obtained in both sweet wheys in which a pH of 3.3 and a total acid content (mainly lactic and acetic acids) of 0.07 mol/l was reached after 96 h. The sweet whey fermented beverages contained a relatively low lactose concentration (< 12 g/l). The final ethanol content was low (5 g/l) in all the fermented wheys. The whey products were strongly sour and salty non sparkling beverages.

  1. Effect of iron supplementation on the erosive potential of carbonated or decarbonated beverage

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    Melissa Thiemi Kato


    Full Text Available This study evaluated, in vitro, the effect of iron (previously exposed with enamel powder or added directly to the beverage on the erosive potential of carbonated or decarbonated beverage. Four sets of experiments were done. For groups E1 and E3, a solution containing 30 mmol/L FeSO4 was added to bovine enamel powder (particles between 75-106 mm before exposure to the carbonated or decarbonated beverage (Sprite Zero®, respectively. For groups E2 and E4, 15 mmol/L FeSO4 was added directly to the carbonated or decarbonated beverage, respectively. Control groups were included for comparison. In controls C1 and C3, the experiments E1 and E3 were repeated, but the iron solution was replaced by deionized water. For controls C2 and C4, the carbonated and decarbonated beverage, respectively, was used, without addition of iron. After addition of the beverage to the powdered enamel (40 mg enamel powder/400 mL of final volume, the sample was vortexed for 30 s and immediately centrifuged for 30 s (11,000 rpm. The supernatant was removed after 1 min 40 s. This procedure was repeated in quintuplicate and the phosphate released was analyzed spectrophotometrically. The results were analyzed by Student's t-test (p<0.05. E2 presented the best results with a significant inhibition (around 36% of phosphate released. For E3 and E4 a non-significant inhibition (around 4 and 12%, respectively, was observed. For E1 an increase in phosphate loss was detected. Thus, the protective effect of iron seems to be better when this ion is directly added to the carbonated beverage.

  2. [Sugar content in non-alcoholic beverages and dietary recemmendations for children and adolescents]. (United States)

    Bilek, Maciej; Rybakowa, Maria


    Increase the intake of sugars among the inhabitants of developed countries is related to, among others, increasing consumption of non-alcoholic beverages, for which the relationship with the epidemic of obesity, particularly among children and adolescents, has been proven. The most frequently cited are non-alcoholic beverages, sweetened glucose-fructose syrup, ie. colas, tonics, ice teas, lemonades. Fruit drinks, fruit juices and nectars are commonly cited as a healthy alternative to non-alcoholic beverages and, however, we do not pay attention to the high content of sugars in these products. Determine the content of sugars in non-alcohollic beverages popular among children and adolescents. 80 non-alcoholic beverages such as cola, tonic, lemonade, ice tea, flavored waters, fruit juices, fruit nectars and fruit drinks. Evaluation of the content of monosaccharides and sucrose was performed by high performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC). In the tested non-alcohollic beverages, monosaccharides ie. glucose and fructose and the disaccharide sucrose were detected in different proportions. The product with the lowest content of the total sugars content was flavored water with lemon flavor based on the mineral water (2.72 g/100 ml). In the group of fruit juices, fruit nectars and fruit drinks highest sugars content have been reported (12.94 g/100 ml for aronia nectar and 12.76 g/100ml for the juice of pomegranate and grapes). Significant monosaccharides and sucrose content in the tested non-alcohollic beverages tends to claim that their manufacturers should be obliged to place warnings on the labels addressed to patients suffering from disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Educational programs for children and adolescents with diabetes should include information about the content of a large amount of sugars in fruit products: fruit juices, fruit drinks and fruit nectar. © Polish Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology.

  3. Fructose content in popular beverages made with and without high-fructose corn syrup. (United States)

    Walker, Ryan W; Dumke, Kelly A; Goran, Michael I


    Excess fructose consumption is hypothesized to be associated with risk for metabolic disease. Actual fructose consumption levels are difficult to estimate because of the unlabeled quantity of fructose in beverages. The aims of this study were threefold: 1) re-examine the fructose content in previously tested beverages using two additional assay methods capable of detecting other sugars, especially maltose, 2) compare data across all methods to determine the actual free fructose-to-glucose ratio in beverages made either with or without high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), and 3) expand the analysis to determine fructose content in commonly consumed juice products. Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) and fruit juice drinks that were either made with or without HFCS were analyzed in separate, independent laboratories via three different methods to determine sugar profiles. For SSBs, the three independent laboratory methods showed consistent and reproducible results. In SSBs made with HFCS, fructose constituted 60.6% ± 2.7% of sugar content. In juices sweetened with HFCS, fructose accounted for 52.1% ± 5.9% of sugar content, although in some juices made from 100% fruit, fructose concentration reached 65.35 g/L accounting for 67% of sugars. Our results provide evidence of higher than expected amounts of free fructose in some beverages. Popular beverages made with HFCS have a fructose-to-glucose ratio of approximately 60:40, and thus contain 50% more fructose than glucose. Some pure fruit juices have twice as much fructose as glucose. These findings suggest that beverages made with HFCS and some juices have a sugar profile very different than sucrose, in which amounts of fructose and glucose are equivalent. Current dietary analyses may underestimate actual fructose consumption. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Nutritional quality of foods and beverages on child-care centre menus in Mexico (United States)

    Benjamin Neelon, Sara E.; Reyes-Morales, Hortensia; Haines, Jess; Gillman, Matthew W.; Taveras, Elsie M.


    Objective The purpose of the present study was to assess the nutritional quality of foods and beverages listed on menus serving children in government-sponsored child-care centres throughout Mexico. Design For this cross-sectional menu assessment, we compared (i) food groups and portion sizes of foods and beverages on the menus with MyPlate recommendations and (ii) macronutrients, sugar and fibre with Daily Reference Intake standards. Setting Menus reflected foods and beverages served to children attending one of 142 government-sponsored child-care centres throughout Mexico. Subjects There were fifty-four distinct menus for children aged 4–6 months, 7–9 months, 10–12 months, 13–23 months, 24–47 months and 48–72 months. Results Menus included a variety of foods meeting minimum MyPlate recommendations for each food category except whole grains for children aged 48–72 months. Menus listed excessive amounts of high-energy beverages, including full-fat milk, fruit juice and sugar-sweetened beverages for children of all ages. The mean daily energy content of menu items yielded an average of 2·76 MJ for infants, 4·77 MJ for children aged 13–23 months, 5·36 MJ for children aged 24–47 months and 5·87 MJ for children aged 48–72 months. Foods and beverages on menus provided sufficient grams of carbohydrate and fat, but excessive protein. Conclusions Menus provided a variety of foods but excessive energy. Whole grains were limited, and high-energy beverages were prevalent. Both may be appropriate targets for nutrition intervention. Future studies should move beyond menus and assess what children actually consume in child care. PMID:23036360

  5. Associations of alcoholic beverage preference with cardiometabolic and lifestyle factors: the NQplus study. (United States)

    Sluik, Diewertje; Brouwer-Brolsma, Elske M; de Vries, Jeanne H M; Geelen, Anouk; Feskens, Edith J M


    The preference for a specific alcoholic beverage may be related to an individual's overall lifestyle and health. The objective was to investigate associations between alcoholic beverage preference and several cardiometabolic and lifestyle factors, including adiposity, cholesterol, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), liver enzymes and dietary patterns. Cross-sectional study. The Dutch Longitudinal Nutrition Questionnaires plus (NQplus) Study. 1653 men and women aged 20-77 years. Diet, including alcohol, was assessed by Food Frequency Questionnaire. Based on the average number of reported glasses of alcoholic beverage, a person was classified as having a preference for beer, wine, spirit/no specific preference, or as a non-consumer. Mixed linear models were used to calculate crude and adjusted means of cardiometabolic and lifestyle factors across alcoholic beverage preference categories. Anthropometric measures, blood pressure, lipids, HbA1c, albumin, creatinine, uric acid, liver enzymes and dietary patterns. In the study population, 43% had a wine preference, 13% a beer preference, 29% had a spirit or no specific preference, and 15% did not consume alcohol. Men who preferred wine had lowest measures of adiposity; the preference for alcoholic beverages was not associated with adiposity measures in women. Wine consumers had higher high density lipoprotein-cholesterol, lower HbA1c and were more likely to follow the 'Salad' pattern. Beer consumers had highest levels of triglycerides and liver enzymes, and had higher scores for the 'Meat' and 'Bread' pattern. Few differences in dietary patterns across alcoholic beverage preference categories were observed. Those differences in cardiometabolic parameters that were observed according to alcoholic beverage preference, suggested that wine consumers have a better health status than beer consumers. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  6. Intake of bisphenol A from canned beverages and foods on the Belgian market. (United States)

    Geens, Tinne; Apelbaum, Tali Zipora; Goeyens, Leo; Neels, Hugo; Covaci, Adrian


    Bisphenol A (BPA), a contaminant which may be present in the coating of cans, was determined in 45 canned beverages and 21 canned food items from the Belgian market. Beverages had an average BPA concentration of 1.0 ng/ml, while canned foods had a higher average concentration of 40.3 ng/g. The amount of BPA present in food items was dependent on the type of can and sterilisation conditions rather than the type of food. For example, BPA was not detected in non-canned beverages (canned food items had a very low average concentration of 0.46 ng/g. Using detailed information from the Belgian food consumption survey, the BPA intake of adults through canned foods and beverages was estimated to be 1.05 µg/day or 0.015 µg/kg body weight/day (assuming an average adult weight of 70 kg). Intake assessments, based on urinary metabolite concentrations from the literature, resulted in slightly higher BPA intakes (range 0.028-0.059 µg/kg body weight/day). This suggests that sources other than canned foods and beverages contribute to BPA exposure in humans.

  7. Employment Impact of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes (United States)

    Powell, Lisa M.; Wada, Roy; Persky, Joseph J.; Chaloupka, Frank J.


    Objectives. We assessed the impact of sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) taxes on net employment. Methods. We used a macroeconomic simulation model to assess the employment impact of a 20% SSB tax accounting for changes in SSB demand, substitution to non-SSBs, income effects, and government expenditures of tax revenues for Illinois and California in 2012. Results. We found increased employment of 4406 jobs in Illinois and 6654 jobs in California, representing a respective 0.06% and 0.03% change in employment. Declines in employment within the beverage industry occurred but were offset by new employment in nonbeverage industry and government sectors. Conclusions. SSB taxes do not have a negative impact on state-level employment, and industry claims of regional job losses are overstated and may mislead lawmakers and constituents. PMID:24524492

  8. Effect of beverages on bovine dental enamel subjected to erosive challenge with hydrochloric acid. (United States)

    Amoras, Dinah Ribeiro; Corona, Silmara Aparecida Milori; Rodrigues, Antonio Luiz; Serra, Mônica Campos


    This study evaluated by an in vitro model the effect of beverages on dental enamel previously subjected to erosive challenge with hydrochloric acid. The factor under study was the type of beverage, in five levels: Sprite® Zero Low-calorie Soda Lime (positive control), Parmalat® ultra high temperature (UHT) milk, Ades® Original soymilk, Leão® Ice Tea Zero ready-to-drink low-calorie peach-flavored black teaand Prata® natural mineral water (negative control). Seventy-five bovine enamel specimens were distributed among the five types of beverages (n=15), according to a randomized complete block design. For the formation of erosive wear lesions, the specimens were immersed in 10 mL aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid 0.01 M for 2 min. Subsequently, the specimens were immersed in 20 mL of the beverages for 1 min, twice daily for 2 days at room temperature. In between, the specimens were kept in 20 mL of artificial saliva at 37ºC. The response variable was the quantitative enamel microhardness. ANOVA and Tukey's test showed highly significant differences (penamel exposed to hydrochloric acid and beverages. The soft drink caused a significantly higher decrease in microhardness compared with the other beverages. The black tea caused a significantly higher reduction in microhardness than the mineral water, UHT milk and soymilk, but lower than the soft drink. Among the analyzed beverages, the soft drink and the black tea caused the most deleterious effects on dental enamel microhardness.

  9. Trace uranium determination in beverages and mineral water using fission track techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, Y.L.; Lin, J.Y.; Hao, X.H.


    The uranium contents of beverages and mineral water have been estimated using the technique of fission track analysis with polycarbonate detector. The U contents in beverages have been found to vary from 0.26 ± 0.03 to 1.65 ± 0.07 ppb, the average value is 0.93 ± 0.05 ppb. The mean U content in mineral water is 9.20 ± 0.16 ppb, which is ∼ 10 times higher than the mean U content of beverages. The present study shows the high U content in mineral water, indicating need for further investigation of U content in mineral water for the studies of radiation health hazards. (Author)

  10. Limited Evidence That Competitive Food and Beverage Practices Affect Adolescent Consumption Behaviors (United States)

    Vericker, Tracy C.


    Childhood obesity is emerging as a considerable public health problem with no clear antidote. The school food environment is a potential intervention point for policy makers, with competitive food and beverage regulation as a possible policy lever. This research examines the link between competitive food and beverage availability in school and…

  11. Food and beverage product reformulation as a corporate political strategy.


    Scott, C; Hawkins, B; Knai, C


    : Product reformulation- the process of altering a food or beverage product's recipe or composition to improve the product's health profile - is a prominent response to the obesity and noncommunicable disease epidemics in the U.S. To date, reformulation in the U.S. has been largely voluntary and initiated by actors within the food and beverage industry. Similar voluntary efforts by the tobacco and alcohol industry have been considered to be a mechanism of corporate political strategy to shape...

  12. Využitie revenue managementu v oblasti Food and Beverage


    Džambová, Adela


    The aim of this thesis is to introduce theoretical basis and practical review of actual revenue management usage in hospitality, espacially in the Food&Beverage Department. First chapter brings out the concept of revenue management from the view of its origin, development and integration into other industries. The second and third chapter describes different tools and approaches between the Rooms and Food&Beverage Department. The purpose of the last chapter is to compare revenue management us...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saeful Yusuf


    Full Text Available Pada makalah ini diuraikan tentang aplikasi teknik AAN (Analisis Aktivasi Neutron dalam penentuan konsentrasi unsur-unsur esensial dan cemaran yang terkandung di dalam beberapa spesies ikan dan pakan ikan. Unsur-unsur esensial yang terkandung dalam pakan ikan buatan juga dianalisis untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap ikan. Penentuan unsur menggunakan teknik AAN dengan metode perbandingan dan metode k0-AAN. Sampel diiradiasi di reaktor RSG-GAS yang memiliki fluks neutron thermal 5 x 1013 pada daya 15 MW. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 12 unsur di dalam 11 spesies ikan air laut dan air tawar telah ditentukan yaitu As, Br, Cr, Co, Cs, Fe, Hg, K, Na, Rb, Se and Zn. Konsentrasi cemaran As didalam ikan laut sudah melampaui batas maksimum 1 mg/kg, sedangkan konsentrasi cemaran Hg masih dibawah batas maksimum 0,5 mg/kg, baik untuk ikan laut maupun ikan air tawar. Unsur K dan Na merupakan unsur makroesensial sedangkan unsur Cr, Co, Fe, Se and Zn adalah termasuk unsur mikroesensial. Secara umum ditunjukkan bahwa kandungan mineral didalam ikan laut lebih tinggi konsentrasinya dibandingkan ikan air tawar. Br, Cs dan Rb merupakan unsur-unsur non esensial yang teridentifikasi dalam semua ikan yang dianalisis. Penelitian terhadap pakan ikan air tawar menunjukkan bahwa semua unsur yang teridentifikasi juga terdapat di dalam ikan laut dan ikan air tawar. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pakan ikan berkontribusi terhadap konsentrasi unsur di dalam ikan air tawar. Kata kunci : Analisis aktivasi neutron, unsur esensial, unsur cemaran, ikan, pakan ikan   This paper reported on the application of NAA (Neutron Activation Analysis Technique in the determination of the concentration of the essential and toxic elements in some species of fish and fish feed. Determination of elements using instrumental NAA technique with comparison and k0-INAA methods. Samples were irradiated in the RSG-GAS which has a thermal neutron flux  5.0E +13 ncm-2s-1. The results

  14. Dietary and activity correlates of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among adolescents. (United States)

    Ranjit, Nalini; Evans, Martin H; Byrd-Williams, Courtney; Evans, Alexandra E; Hoelscher, Deanna M


    To examine the dietary and activity correlates of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption by children in middle and high school. Data were obtained from a cross-sectional survey of 15,283 children in middle and high schools in Texas. Consumption of sodas and noncarbonated flavored and sports beverages (FSBs) were examined separately for their associations with the level of (1) unhealthy food (fried meats, French fries, desserts) consumption, (2) healthy food (vegetables, fruit, and milk) consumption, (3) physical activity including usual vigorous physical activity and participation in organized physical activity, and (4) sedentary activity, including hours spent watching television, using the computer, and playing video games. For both genders, consumption of soda and FSBs was systematically associated with a number of unhealthy dietary practices and with sedentary behaviors. However, consumption of FSBs showed significant positive graded associations with several healthy dietary practices and level of physical activity, whereas soda consumption showed no such associations with healthy behaviors. Consumption of FSBs coexists with healthy dietary and physical activity behaviors, which suggests popular misperception of these beverages as being consistent with a healthy lifestyle. Assessment and obesity-prevention efforts that target sugar-sweetened beverages need to distinguish between FSBs and sodas.

  15. Beverages-Food Industry Cluster Development Based on Value Chain in Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lasmono Tri Sunaryanto


    Full Text Available This study wants to develop the cluster-based food and beverage industry value chain that corresponds to the potential in the regions in Java Economic Corridor. Targeted research: a description of SME development strategies that have been implemented, composed, and can be applied to an SME cluster development strategy of food and beverage, as well as a proven implementation strategy of SME cluster development of food and beverage. To achieve these objectives, implemented descriptive methods, techniques of data collection through surveys, analysis desk, and the FGD. The data will be analyzed with descriptive statistics. Results of study on PT KML and 46 units of food and drink SMEs in Malang shows that the condition of the SME food-beverage cluster is: not formal, and still as the center. As for the condition of the existence of information technology: the majority of SMEs do not have the PC and only 11% who have it, of which only 23% have a PC that has an internet connection, as well as PC ownership is mostly just used for administration, with WORD and EXCEL programs, and only 4% (1 unit SMEs who use the internet marketing media.

  16. Chocolate milk: a post-exercise recovery beverage for endurance sports. (United States)

    Pritchett, Kelly; Pritchett, Robert


    An optimal post-exercise nutrition regimen is fundamental for ensuring recovery. Therefore, research has aimed to examine post-exercise nutritional strategies for enhanced training stimuli. Chocolate milk has become an affordable recovery beverage for many athletes, taking the place of more expensive commercially available recovery beverages. Low-fat chocolate milk consists of a 4:1 carbohydrate:protein ratio (similar to many commercial recovery beverages) and provides fluids and sodium to aid in post-workout recovery. Consuming chocolate milk (1.0-1.5•g•kg(-1) h(-1)) immediately after exercise and again at 2 h post-exercise appears to be optimal for exercise recovery and may attenuate indices of muscle damage. Future research should examine the optimal amount, timing, and frequency of ingestion of chocolate milk on post-exercise recovery measures including performance, indices of muscle damage, and muscle glycogen resynthesis. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  17. Flavored alcoholic beverages: an international marketing campaign that targets youth. (United States)

    Mosher, James F; Johnsson, Diane


    Flavored alcoholic beverages (FABs) were first introduced into the alcohol market in the early I980s in the form of wine coolers. FABs are sweet, relatively low alcohol content beverages that are designed for "entry-level" drinkers. The alcohol industry has introduced new products and production methods to expand the category's popularity. Research suggests that they are popular with underage drinkers, particularly teenage girls, and that the industry uses marketing practices that appear to target youth. FABs are now marketed globally, and their production and marketing vary by country based on national regulatory restraints. In the United States, industry representations that the products are malt beverages for regulatory purposes appears to violate many state laws because the alcohol in the FABs is derived from distilled spirits. Recommendations for regulatory reform, including new legal definitions of FABs, increased taxes, and restrictions on availability, are applicable at both national and state levels.

  18. Food and beverage product reformulation as a corporate political strategy. (United States)

    Scott, C; Hawkins, B; Knai, C


    Product reformulation- the process of altering a food or beverage product's recipe or composition to improve the product's health profile - is a prominent response to the obesity and noncommunicable disease epidemics in the U.S. To date, reformulation in the U.S. has been largely voluntary and initiated by actors within the food and beverage industry. Similar voluntary efforts by the tobacco and alcohol industry have been considered to be a mechanism of corporate political strategy to shape public health policies and decisions to suit commercial needs. We propose a taxonomy of food and beverage industry corporate political strategies that builds on the existing literature. We then analyzed the industry's responses to a 2014 U.S. government consultation on product reformulation, run as part of the process to define the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. We qualitatively coded the industry's responses for predominant narratives and framings around reformulation using a purposely-designed coding framework, and compared the results to the taxonomy. The food and beverage industry in the United States used a highly similar narrative around voluntary product reformulation in their consultation responses: that reformulation is "part of the solution" to obesity and NCDs, even though their products or industry are not large contributors to the problem, and that progress has been made despite reformulation posing significant technical challenges. This narrative and the frames used in the submissions illustrate the four categories of the taxonomy: participation in the policy process, influencing the framing of the nutrition policy debate, creating partnerships, and influencing the interpretation of evidence. These strategic uses of reformulation align with previous research on food and beverage corporate political strategy. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Drinking to our health: can beverage companies cut calories while maintaining profits? (United States)

    Kleiman, S; Ng, S W; Popkin, B


    Carbonated soft drinks and other beverages make up an increasing percentage of energy intake, and there are rising public health concerns about the links between consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain, obesity, and other cardiometabolic problems. In response, the food and beverage industry claims to be reformulating products, reducing package or portion sizes and introducing healthier options. Comparative analysis on various changes and their potential effects on public health are needed. We conduct a case study using the two largest and most influential producers of sweetened beverages, The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo Inc., who together control 34% of the global soft drink market, examining their product portfolios globally and in three critical markets (the United States, Brazil and China) from 2000 to 2010. On a global basis, total revenues and energy per capita sold increased, yet the average energy density (kJ 100 mL(-1) ) sold declined slightly, suggesting a shift to lower-calorie products. In the United States, both total energy per capita and average energy density of beverages sold decreased, while the opposite was true in the developing markets of Brazil and China, with total per capita energy increasing greatly in China and, to a lesser extent, in Brazil. © 2011 The Authors. obesity reviews © 2011 International Association for the Study of Obesity.

  20. Does consumption of high-fructose corn syrup beverages cause obesity in children? (United States)

    Morgan, R E


    The consumption of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) beverages has increased since the 1970s. At the same time, childhood obesity is on the rise, causing children to be at risk of heart disease, diabetes and other diseases. Healthcare providers have attributed childhood obesity to the consumption of HFCS in the form of beverages. This article will look at the available research and determine if there is scientific evidence underlying the idea that sweetened soft drinks, especially those containing HFCS, could cause or contribute to childhood obesity. A thorough literature search was performed using the ISI Web of Sciences, PubMed and Scopus databases within the years 2006-2012. The search generated 19 results. The articles were screened, and six were deemed eligible: four systematic reviews and two meta-analyses. Two systematic reviews found that there is no relationship between consumption of HFCS beverages and obesity in children. The other two systematic reviews found possible links between HFCS and childhood obesity. The meta-analysis articles found that consumption of HFCS beverages can contribute to childhood obesity, and limitation of sweetened beverages may help decrease obesity in children. Available research studies demonstrate inconclusive scientific evidence definitively linking HFCS to obesity in children. © 2013 The Author. Pediatric Obesity © 2013 International Association for the Study of Obesity.

  1. Just Noticeable Differences and Weber fraction of oral thickness perception of model beverages

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Camacho, S.; Dop, M.C.; Graaf, de C.; Stieger, M.A.


    Rheological properties of beverages contribute considerably to texture perception. When developing new beverages, it is important to have knowledge on the smallest differences of viscosity which a consumer can discriminate. Thickness is the sensory attribute most commonly used to describe the

  2. The Margin of Exposure of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in Alcoholic Beverages. (United States)

    Monakhova, Yulia B; Lachenmeier, Dirk W


    5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) regularly occurs in foods and in alcoholic beverages. However, the risk of HMF associated with alcohol consumption has not been systematically studied, so that this study will provide the first quantitative risk assessment of HMF for consumers of alcoholic beverages. Human dietary intake of HMF via alcoholic beverages in the European Union was estimated based on WHO alcohol consumption data combined with our own survey data (n=944) and literature data (n=147) about the HMF contents of different beverage groups (beer, wine, spirits and unrecorded alcohol). The risk assessment was conducted using the margin of exposure (MOE) approach. For olfactory epithelium metaplasia in female mice, a benchmark dose (BMD) of 127 mg/kg bodyweight (bw)/d and a BMD lower confidence limit (BMDL) of 79 mg/kg bw/d were calculated from National Toxicology Program oral long-term animal experiments. The average human exposure to HMF from alcoholic beverages was estimated at 6.0E-3 mg/kg bw/d, which is approximately 8.5% of the total dietary exposure. In comparison of the human exposure with BMDL, the MOE was 13,167 for average alcohol consumption scenarios, which is a value that would be generally assumed as safe for threshold based compounds. The results show that the risk from HMF to the alcohol-consuming population is rather low and the priority for risk management (e.g. to reduce the contamination) is also low. Further toxicological research about HMF is required to further elucidate its mechanism.

  3. Variation in access to sugar-sweetened beverages in vending machines across rural, town and urban high schools. (United States)

    Adachi-Mejia, A M; Longacre, M R; Skatrud-Mickelson, M; Li, Z; Purvis, L A; Titus, L J; Beach, M L; Dalton, M A


    The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans include reducing consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. Among the many possible routes of access for youth, school vending machines provide ready availability of sugar-sweetened beverages. The purpose of this study was to determine variation in high school student access to sugar-sweetened beverages through vending machines by geographic location - urban, town or rural - and to offer an approach for analysing school vending machine content. Cross-sectional observational study. Between October 2007 and May 2008, trained coders recorded beverage vending machine content and machine-front advertising in 113 machines across 26 schools in New Hampshire and Vermont, USA. Compared with town schools, urban schools were significantly less likely to offer sugar-sweetened beverages (P = 0.002). Rural schools also offered more sugar-sweetened beverages than urban schools, but this difference was not significant. Advertisements for sugar-sweetened beverages were highly prevalent in town schools. High school students have ready access to sugar-sweetened beverages through their school vending machines. Town schools offer the highest risk of exposure; school vending machines located in towns offer up to twice as much access to sugar-sweetened beverages in both content and advertising compared with urban locations. Variation by geographic region suggests that healthier environments are possible and some schools can lead as inspirational role models. Copyright © 2013 The Royal Society for Public Health. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Vegetables, Soups, Sauces, Gravies and Beverages. (United States)

    Marine Corps Inst., Washington, DC.

    Developed as part of the Marine Corps Institute (MCI) correspondence training program, this course on vegetables, soups, sauces, gravies, and beverages is designed to increase Marine Corps cooks' effectiveness as food handlers, using the proper techniques in the preparation of these items. Introductory materials include specific information for…

  5. Young Children's Screen Habits are Associated with Consumption of Sweetened Beverages Independently of Parental Norms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olafsdottir, Steingerdur; Eiben, Gabriele; Prell, Hillevi


    Objectives: This study investigated the associations between children’s screen habits and their consumption of sweetened beverages. Because parents might be disposed to regulate their child’s screen and dietary habits in a similar direction, our specific aim was to examine whether these associati......Objectives: This study investigated the associations between children’s screen habits and their consumption of sweetened beverages. Because parents might be disposed to regulate their child’s screen and dietary habits in a similar direction, our specific aim was to examine whether...... and diets. Results: Associations between screen habits and sweetened beverage consumption were found independent of parental norms regarding sweetened beverages. A longitudinal analysis revealed that sweetened beverage consumption at 2-year follow-up was predicted by exposure to commercial TV at baseline...... (OR 1.4, 95 % CI 1.1–1.9). Cross-sectional analysis showed that the likelihood of consuming sweetened beverages at least 1–3 times per week increased for each hour/day watching television (OR 1.5, 95 % CI 1.2–1.9), and for being exposed to commercials (OR 1.6, 95 % CI 1.3–2.1). TV viewing time...

  6. Combining nutrient intake from food/beverages and vitamin/mineral supplements. (United States)

    Garriguet, Didier


    To calculate total intake of a nutrient and estimate inadequate intake for a population, the amounts derived from food/beverages and from vitamin/mineral supplements must be combined. The two methods Statistics Canada has suggested present problems of interpretation. Data collected from 34,386 respondents to the 2004 Canadian Community Health Survey-Nutrition were used to compare four methods of combining nutrient intake from food/beverages and vitamin/mineral supplements: adding average intake from supplements to the 24-hour food/beverage recall and estimating the usual distribution in the population (Method 1); estimating usual individual intake from food? beverages and adding intake from supplements (Method 2); and dividing the population into supplement users and non-users and applying Method 1 or Method 2 and combining the estimates based on the percentages of users and non-users (Methods 3 and 4). Interpretation problems arise with Methods 1 and 2; for example, the percentage of the population with inadequate intake of vitamin C and folate equivalents falls outside the expected minimum-maximum range. These interpretation problems are not observed with Methods 3 and 4. Interpretation problems that may arise in combining food and supplement intake of a given nutrient are overcome if the population is divided into supplement users and non-users before Method 1 or Method 2 is applied.

  7. The government policy related to sugar-sweetened beverages in Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohamad Thahir Haning


    Full Text Available Background: There are several options to enforce reduction in the use of sugary drinks such as strengthening regulations, taxation on the products and food labeling.  Aims & Objectives: 1 Identify the policy in Indonesia that regulates the quantity and the use of sugar in a beverage product; 2 Describe the sugar content in sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB and its impact on human health. Material & Methods: Literature search on sugar use and tax policies on SSB was conducted and 6 relevant documents were found. A total of 91 SSB products were selected systematically by randomly selecting 5 beverages per day for 20 days. Beverages chosen were certified Halal by Majelis Ulama Indonesia, having product labeling, and certified by BPOM. Results: Indonesia has no policy related to restriction of sugar use. The contribution of sugar to energy of SSB products is quite high (75.68%. SSB intake may increase the risk of obesity and non-communicable diseases. Conclusion: The absence of tax policy and rules for regulating the use of sugar in a product can cause an increase in sugar consumption per day. It could potentially lead to non-communicable diseases and could have enormous consequences in health financing. The government needs to create policies for preventing the widespread impact of sugar consumption. Advocacy efforts to encourage the establishment of SSB taxation should be done.

  8. Food and beverage policies and public health ethics. (United States)

    Resnik, David B


    Government food and beverage policies can play an important role in promoting public health. Few people would question this assumption. Difficult questions can arise, however, when policymakers, public health officials, citizens, and businesses deliberate about food and beverage policies, because competing values may be at stake, such as public health, individual autonomy, personal responsibility, economic prosperity, and fairness. An ethically justified policy strikes a reasonable among competing values by meeting the following criteria: (1) the policy serves important social goal(s); (2) the policy is likely to be effective at achieving those goal(s); (3) less burdensome options are not likely to be effective at achieving the goals; (4) the policy is fair.

  9. Acetic acid bacteria in fermented foods and beverages. (United States)

    De Roos, Jonas; De Vuyst, Luc


    Although acetic acid bacteria (AAB) are commonly found in spontaneous or backslopped fermented foods and beverages, rather limited knowledge about their occurrence and functional role in natural food fermentation ecosystems is available. Not only is their cultivation, isolation, and identification difficult, their cells are often present in a viable but not culturable state. Yet, they are promising starter cultures either to better control known food fermentation processes or to produce novel fermented foods and beverages. This review summarizes the most recent findings on the occurrence and functional role of AAB in natural food fermentation processes such as lambic beer, water kefir, kombucha, and cocoa. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Proximity of snacks to beverages increases food consumption in the workplace: A field study. (United States)

    Baskin, Ernest; Gorlin, Margarita; Chance, Zoë; Novemsky, Nathan; Dhar, Ravi; Huskey, Kim; Hatzis, Michelle


    In an effort to bolster employee satisfaction, many employers provide free snacks at the office. Unfortunately, keeping employees happy can conflict with the goal of keeping them healthy, since increased snacking at work can contribute to overeating and obesity. Building on the growing body of research in choice architecture, we tested one factor that might influence snack consumption without impacting satisfaction: the relative distance between snacks and beverages. In a large field study at Google, we measured snack consumption when snacks were closer to or farther from beverages. We found that employees who used the beverage station closer to the snack station were more likely to take a snack- the likelihood of snacking increased from 12% to 23% for men and from 13% to 17% for women when the beverage station closest to the snack station was used. These results imply that employers and even families could reduce snack consumption easily, cheaply, and without backlash, by increasing the relative distance between beverages and snacks. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Chemical-sensory properties and consumer preference of hibiscus beverages produced by improved industrial processes. (United States)

    Monteiro, Maria João P; Costa, Ana Isabel A; Fliedel, Geneviève; Cissé, Mady; Bechoff, Aurélie; Pallet, Dominique; Tomlins, Keith; Pintado, Maria Manuela E


    The need to increase sustainability and add value to traditional foods claiming health benefits led to the introduction of key improvements in the production of hibiscus beverages in Senegal. The physicochemical and sensory properties of three resulting products (an under-vacuum concentrate, a dilute-to-taste syrup and a ready-to-drink infusion) were assessed, vis-à-vis those of conventionally manufactured beverages, and their impact on local consumer preference determined (n=146). New beverages had more intense, redder colour and higher monomeric anthocyanin content, total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity. Moreover, their colour evaluations by trained panellists were mainly linked to colour density and anthocyanin/polyphenol content, while flavour assessments were associated to titratable acidity and sugar-to-acid ratio. Consumer evaluations, in turn, were driven by the beverages' red colour intensity, aroma strength and balance between sweetness and acidity. This explained why they overwhelmingly preferred the under-vacuum concentrate, regardless of their age, gender or frequency of hibiscus beverage consumption. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Sugary beverage taxation in South Africa: Household expenditure, demand system elasticities, and policy implications. (United States)

    Stacey, Nicholas; Tugendhaft, Aviva; Hofman, Karen


    South Africa faces a severe and growing obesity epidemic. Obesity and its co-morbidities raise public and private expenditures on healthcare. Sugary beverages are heavily consumed in South Africa and are linked to the onset of overweight and obesity. Excise taxation of sugary beverages has been proposed and adopted in other settings as a means to reduce harms from their consumption. A tax on the sugar content of non-alcoholic beverages has been proposed for implementation in South Africa, however, the public health effects and revenue raising potential of this measure hinges on estimates of the targeted beverages own- and cross-price elasticities. This study applies demand system methods by combining expenditure survey data and sub-national price data to provide the first estimates of price and expenditure elasticities for categories of soft drinks that would be subject to South Africa's proposed sugary beverage tax. The results suggest that demand for these products is sufficiently price-elastic such that a significant reduction in consumption may result from a tax. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. The government policy related to sugar-sweetened beverages in Indonesia


    Mohamad Thahir Haning; Andi Imam Arundhana; Asry Dwi Muqni


    Background: There are several options to enforce reduction in the use of sugary drinks such as strengthening regulations, taxation on the products and food labeling.  Aims & Objectives: 1) Identify the policy in Indonesia that regulates the quantity and the use of sugar in a beverage product; 2) Describe the sugar content in sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and its impact on human health. Material & Methods: Literature search on sugar use and tax policies on SSB was conducted and 6 rel...

  14. The government policy related to sugar-sweetened beverages In Indonesia


    Arundhana, Andi Imam


    - There are several options that can be done to enforce lowering level of sugary drinks such as strengthening the regulation, taxation of the product and food labeling. Aims & Objectives: identify the policy in Indonesia that regulates the quantity and the use of sugar in a beverage product; 2) describe sugar content in a sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) product and its impact on human health. Material & Methods: Literature search of sugar use and the tax policies of SSB products has been c...

  15. Ricotta Cheese Whey-Fruit-Based Beverages: Pasteurization Effects on Antioxidant Composition and Color

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Rizzolo


    Full Text Available In order to minimize the precipitate formation upon pasteurization for whey-fruit juice-based beverages, a novel type of functional beverage was prepared, in which whey was replaced with Ricotta-cheese whey (RCW. Aiming at evaluating the influence of fruit juice type (yellow: apple, pear; red: blueberry, strawberry and pasteurization conditions on color and antioxidants, four fruit-RCW-based beverages (juice/RCW ratio: 80/20, 14% soluble solids content were prepared and divided into two lots, and each lot was pasteurized according to different times/temperatures. After pasteurization, no formation of precipitate was observed in the bottles, even if some turbidity, ranging from 25 NTU (pear-RCW to 190 NTU (blueberry-RCW, was observed. The blending of juices with RCW caused color darkening in apple, pear, and strawberry blends, and brightening in the blueberry one. The pasteurization conditions had a greater impact on the color changes of ‘yellow’ beverages than those of the ‘red’ ones. With a lethal rate F 100 10 = 14 , there was a greater decrease in the total phenolic content (TPC in blueberry-, strawberry-, and apple-RCW beverages, and a greater decrease in the monomeric anthocyanin pigment (MAP and a smaller increase in the percent of polymeric color, in the blueberry-RCW beverage. Results on the antioxidant activity suggested that the Maillard reaction products formed in response to thermal treatment and/or the formation of anthocyanin polymers, likely compensate for the loss of antioxidant activity due to TPC and MAP degradations.

  16. Pulque, a Traditional Mexican Alcoholic Fermented Beverage: Historical, Microbiological, and Technical Aspects. (United States)

    Escalante, Adelfo; López Soto, David R; Velázquez Gutiérrez, Judith E; Giles-Gómez, Martha; Bolívar, Francisco; López-Munguía, Agustín


    Pulque is a traditional Mexican alcoholic beverage produced from the fermentation of the fresh sap known as aguamiel (mead) extracted from several species of Agave (maguey) plants that grow in the Central Mexico plateau. Currently, pulque is produced, sold and consumed in popular districts of Mexico City and rural areas. The fermented product is a milky white, viscous, and slightly acidic liquid beverage with an alcohol content between 4 and 7° GL and history of consumption that dates back to pre-Hispanic times. In this contribution, we review the traditional pulque production process, including the microbiota involved in the biochemical changes that take place during aguamiel fermentation. We discuss the historical relevance and the benefits of pulque consumption, its chemical and nutritional properties, including the health benefits associated with diverse lactic acid bacteria with probiotic potential isolated from the beverage. Finally, we describe the actual status of pulque production as well as the social, scientific and technological challenges faced to preserve and improve the production of this ancestral beverage and Mexican cultural heritage.

  17. Development and validation of a quantitative snack and beverage food frequency questionnaire for adolescents. (United States)

    De Cock, N; Van Camp, J; Kolsteren, P; Lachat, C; Huybregts, L; Maes, L; Deforche, B; Verstraeten, R; Vangeel, J; Beullens, K; Eggermont, S; Van Lippevelde, W


    A short, reliable and valid tool to measure snack and beverage consumption in adolescents, taking into account the correct definitions, would benefit both epidemiological and intervention research. The present study aimed to develop a short quantitative beverage and snack food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and to assess the reliability and validity of this FFQ against three 24-h recalls. Reliability was assessed by comparing estimates of the FFQ administered 14 days apart (FFQ1 and FFQ2) in a convenience sample of 179 adolescents [60.3% male; mean (SD) 14.7 (0.9) years]. Validity was assessed by comparing FFQ1 with three telephone-administered 24-h recalls in a convenience sample of 99 adolescents [52.5% male, mean (SD) 14.8 (0.9) years]. Reliability and validity were assessed using Bland-Altman plots, classification agreements and correlation coefficients for the amount and frequency of consumption of unhealthy snacks, healthy snacks, unhealthy beverages, healthy beverages, and for the healthy snack and beverage ratios. Small mean differences (FFQ1 versus FFQ2) were observed for reliability, ranking ability ranged from fair to substantial, and Spearman coefficients fell within normal ranges. For the validity, mean differences (FFQ1 versus recalls) were small for beverage intake but large for snack intake, except for the healthy snack ratio. Ranking ability ranged from slightly to moderate, and Spearman coefficients fell within normal ranges. Reliability and validity of the FFQ for all outcomes were found to be acceptable at a group level for epidemiological purposes, whereas for intervention purposes only the healthy snack and beverage ratios were found to be acceptable at a group level. © 2016 The British Dietetic Association Ltd.

  18. A typology of beverage taxation: multiple approaches for obesity prevention and obesity prevention-related revenue generation. (United States)

    Chriqui, Jamie F; Chaloupka, Frank J; Powell, Lisa M; Eidson, Shelby S


    Obesity is a global problem. Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) are a leading contributor of added sugars in individual diets and thus to obesity. Governments have considered taxing SSBs to prevent obesity and generate revenue, but no 'one-size-fits-all' taxation approach exists. We describes three key considerations for governments interested in exploring beverage taxation: (i) what type of tax to apply plus how and where the tax is collected and presented to consumers; (ii) what types of beverages to tax; and (iii) the amount of tax needed to affect consumption and/or obesity prevention-related revenue generation. We offer examples of existing beverage taxes in the United States and internationally. The information will be useful to policymakers at all levels of government, as they continue to consider beverage taxation policies.

  19. Water Treatment Technologies Inspire Healthy Beverages (United States)


    Mike Johnson, a former technician at Johnson Space Center, drew on his expertise as a wastewater engineer to create a line of kombucha-based probiotic drinks. Unpeeled Inc., based in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, employs 12 people and has sold more than 6 million units of its NASA-inspired beverage.

  20. Effect of high-pressure processing and milk on the anthocyanin composition and antioxidant capacity of strawberry-based beverages. (United States)

    Tadapaneni, Ravi Kiran; Banaszewski, Katarzyna; Patazca, Eduardo; Edirisinghe, Indika; Cappozzo, Jack; Jackson, Lauren; Burton-Freeman, Britt


    The present study investigated processing strategies and matrix effects on the antioxidant capacity (AC) and polyphenols (PP) content of fruit-based beverages: (1) strawberry powder (Str) + dairy, D-Str; (2) Str + water, ND-Str; (3) dairy + no Str, D-NStr. Beverages were subjected to high-temperature-short-time (HTST) and high-pressure processing (HPP). AC and PP were measured before and after processing and after a 5 week shelf-life study. Unprocessed D-Str had significantly lower AC compared to unprocessed ND-Str. Significant reductions in AC were apparent in HTST- compared to HPP-processed beverages (up to 600 MPa). PP content was significantly reduced in D-Str compared to ND-Str and in response to HPP and HTST in all beverages. After storage (5 weeks), AC and PP were reduced in all beverages compared to unprocessed and week 0 processed beverages. These findings indicate potentially negative effects of milk and processing on AC and PP of fruit-based beverages.