
Sample records for activismo judicial sobre

  1. Análisis económico del activismo judicial: el caso de la Corte Constitucional colombiana

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    Jairo Andrés Castaño Peña


    Full Text Available Este escrito presenta una aproximación al fenómeno del activismo judicial desde la perspectiva del Análisis Económico del Derecho (AED. Como cometido, pretende mostrar que existen una serie de incentivos y de circunstancias que hacen que las decisiones de la Corte Constitucional colombiana se puedan calificar como activistas. Para tal fin, en primer lugar, se establecen unos derroteros básicos para la comprensión de la actividad judicial, específicamente de las funciones de control de constitucionalidad y de revisión de acción de tutela de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia; en segundo lugar, se realiza un acercamiento al concepto de activismo judicial, para, a continuación, presentar la formulación de políticas públicas y la creación de leyes como productos dentro de un modelo de mercado, esto con el fin de explicar y mostrar, desde el Análisis Económico del Derecho, las razones que explican la existencia del fenómeno del activismo judicial en el caso colombiano. En último lugar, se presentan dos casos de activismo judicial por parte de la Corte Constitucional colombiana: en primer término, el caso de la protección del derecho a la vivienda digna, o caso del UPAC, y en segundo término, el caso de la protección de los derechos de los recicladores de oficio; casos, uno y otro, donde se puede ver que existen incentivos que provocan decisiones activistas.

  2. Derechos sociales y activismo judicial: la dimensión fáctica del activismo judicial en derechos sociales en Colombia

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    Maria Paula Saffon


    Full Text Available Desde su creación en 1991, la Corte Constitucional colombiana (en adelante, CCC ha sido uno de los principales protagonistas de la vida política e institucional del país. Su vigorosa intervención en varios asuntos económicos, políticos y sociales ha promovido cambios importantes en el balance institucional de poder, así como en la vida de minorías y grupos sociales tradicionalmente excluidos. Este activismo judicial progresista ha propiciado una gran cantidad de debates académicos y políticos: si bien ha tenido defensores entre algunos académicos, miembros de movimientos sociales, e incluso varios actores políticos y miembros de la rama judicial, también ha tenido muchos críticos entre esos y otros sectores más poderosos.

  3. Impacto del activismo judicial sobre la garantía del derecho a la educación en Santiago de Cali

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    Gabriela Recalde Castañeda


    Full Text Available La Corte Constitucional a través de la sentencia T-025 de 2004, declaró el estado de cosas inconstitucional en el caso del desplazamiento forzado en Colombia. Este tipo de decisiones ha sido objeto de debate acerca de la función que les corresponde, o no, cumplir a los jueces dentro de la formulación y seguimiento de las políticas públicas que garantizan derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, como la educación. El denominado activismo judicial ha visibilizado la necesidad de replantear la noción clásica de la separación de poderes y las relaciones entre ramas del Poder Público. A partir de la revisión de la situación de acceso y de las condiciones de permanencia en el sistema educativo de 285 menores, vinculados a una organización de población desplazada, y con el propósito de aportar algunas conclusiones a la comprensión de las relaciones entre ramas, este artículo pretende mostrar cómo un gobierno local, en este caso el de Santiago de Cali, ha adoptado la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional para elaborar una política pública educativa dirigida a menores en situación de desplazamiento forzado. Se pretende esclarecer los alcances del activismo judicial a nivel local y predecir posibles efectos del uso de los indicadores o de la regulación que, en el caso de desplazamiento, se genera a partir del fallo judicial.

  4. Activismo y Prácticas Digitales en la Construcción de una Esfera LGTB en España

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    Begonya Enguix Grau

    Full Text Available RESUMEN A partir de una interrogación antropológica sobre las “comunidades” y la construcción de una “esfera pública”, este artículo aborda las estrategias digitales que sirven para dar forma a lo que podría denominarse como la esfera LGTB española. Consideramos el activismo LGTB como el principal productor de discurso social legitimado y por ello hemos analizado las páginas web de siete colectivos LGTB y otros recursos digitales para examinar la articulación de prácticas digitales y no digitales, que se basan en un conocimiento compartido que evoca las identidades colectivas y retroalimenta el activismo. Tras combinar trabajo de campo antropológico sobre el activismo y etnografías digitales de entornos virtuales, consideramos que a pesar del uso intensivo de los recursos digitales, la esfera LGTB sigue dependiendo en gran medida de las redes sociales tradicionales. Como consecuencia, ponemos en duda la utilidad de la conceptualización de las relaciones digitales y no digitales como separadas y distintas y discutimos esa imbricación como una característica del activismo contemporáneo.

  5. DO ACESSO À JUSTIÇA AO ATIVISMO JUDICIAL CONTEMPORÂNEO: emancipação jurídica e autonomia social

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    Filicio Mulinari


    la emancipación social y la autonomía individual , culminando en lo que vemos hoy en día como el activismo judicial , con el objetivo de resolver demandas colectivas a través de acciones dirigidas a todos los efectos para . Por lo tanto, la investigación se hace un análisis sobre la cuestión del acceso a la justicia, sus avances, logros y obstáculos y al final lleva a la realidad brasileña con ejemplos de casos se produjeron en el país , tales como la legalización del aborto de los fetos con anencefalia en 2012 y decisión sin precedentes del mes de abril de 2014, el uso legal de aceite de cannabidiol con fines de tratamiento médico. Palabras clave: Acceso a la Justicia; El Activismo Judicial; La Habilitación y la Autonomía Social.


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    Maria José Sarrabayrouse Oliveira


    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente artigo resulta da re-escrita de um dos capítulos da minha tese de doutorado “Etnografía das práticas e procedimentos justiça penal perante a última ditadura militar (1976-1983” (2008. A pesquisa estruturou-se sobre a análise dos documentos de um processo judicial conhecido pelo nome de “Processo do Necrotério Judicial”. O processo judicial teve inicio no fim da ditadura militar, a partir de uma denúncia feita pelo Centro de Estudos Legais e Sociais (CELS. Nessa denúncia colocava-se que no período 1976-1980, o necrotério judicial tinha feito autópsias, certidões de óbito e ordenado inumações de vários cadáveres de pessoas detidas e desaparecidas pela ordem das forças militares sem a intervenção de um juiz competente. Na denúncia estavam envolvidos vários militares e membros do judiciário. O presente trabalho não procura expor o desenvolvimento do processo nem as suas implicações, mas analisar as diferentes marcas deixadas pela burocracia do judiciário através de escritos, notas, ordens, resoluções; tanto assim como as explicações sobre diferentes tipos de procedimentos –rotinários, excepcionais ou irregulares- oferecidas pelos funcionários e médicos do Necrotério Judicial e do Corpo Médico (CMF. São esses elementos todos os que possibilitaram reconstruir grande parte da história, e por sua vez foram os utilizados pelos advogados do CELS como provas para suster a sua denúncia no judiciário. No que faz a esse último assunto, pretendo indagar sobre as particulares características que apresentava a estratégia política desenvolvida pelo CELS, na qual a disputa em termos jurídicos foi a ponta-de-lança e eixo de discussão. Assunto esse último através do qual procura-se demonstrar que o judiciário funcionou como uma areia de disputa na qual livraram-se múltiples batalhas.Abstract: The present article is an edited version of one of the chapters of my doctoral dissertation

  7. El 15M y las juventudes: entrada y salida en los espacios activistas e impactos biográficos del activismo

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    Gomer Betancor Nuez


    Full Text Available En este texto reflexionamos sobre las trayectorias activistas juveniles en el 15M y los impactos biográficos de este activismo a partir de los resultados de una investigación cualitativa realizada entre 2012 y 2015. Valiéndonos de una metodología cualitativa, a partir de la técnica de entrevistas semi-dirigidas y un amplio análisis documental, atendemos a procesos de activación, reactivación y desactivación política de activistas jóvenes en las ciudades de Madrid, Salamanca y Santander en el periodo 2012-2015. Partiendo de una tipología de participantes sobre la base de dos ejes (trayectoria política previa y permanencia en el 15M, se presentan las experiencias, motivaciones, implicaciones concretas y consecuencias biografías derivadas de su relación con el 15M. Las conclusiones se dirigen hacia el 15M como un espacio y clima de ruptura del activismo juvenil, y que es crucial para entender las nuevas formas de activismo. Lo hipotetizamos como un nuevo espacio histórico-generacional que genera efectos biográficos duraderos en el tiempo, principalmente a activistas que se mantienen en espacios de activismo (en el momento de la investigación, que además perciben otros efectos como un cambio de cosmovisión y la adquisición o reforzamiento de un capital militante que será fundamental a la hora de involucrarse en otras acciones colectivas en siguientes etapas vitales.

  8. Producción y difusión de vídeos digitales sobre contaminación ambiental. Estudio de caso: Activismo colectivo basado en la investigación

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    Ana Rita Marques


    Full Text Available La probabilidad de que los estudiantes emprendan una ciudadanía activa en el futuro es mayor si los alentamos a actuar ahora, proporcionándoles oportunidades de hacerlo y de asumirse como ciudadanos capaces de contribuir a la solución de los problemas de nuestra sociedad actual. La presente investigación, con la participación de un grupo de estudiantes de entre 12 y 13 años de edad y las disciplinas de las Ciencias Naturales y las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, tuvo como objetivo el estudio de los efectos de la realización y difusión de vídeos digitales sobre el tema de la contaminación ambiental en las percepciones que los alumnos tienen sobre su propia capacitación para la acción y el desarrollo de competencias de activismo. La producción de vídeos digitales por estudiantes, generalmente asociada al ocio y el entretenimiento, puede utilizarse como una actividad de la enseñanza y, particularmente, el aprendizaje de las ciencias. En este estudio, su realización y posterior divulgación también se utilizó como estrategia de activismo destinada a la educación. El estudio, centrado sobre todo en un análisis cuantitativo, integra un estudio más amplio, de naturaleza mixta. Los resultados muestran una evolución positiva en la percepción de los estudiantes sobre su capacidad de acción, así como el desarrollo de competencias básicas para la acción colectiva basada en la investigación.

  9. Estado Socio-Ambiental de Derecho y o Constitucionalismo Garantista. Lo Principio in Dubio pro Natura Como Mecanismo Del Control do Activismo Judicial Contrario a la Tutela del Derechos Fundamentales Ambientales.

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    Lucas de Souza Lehfeld


    Full Text Available El principio in dubio pro natura é aplicación hermenéutica de derecho por los tribunales y mecanismo de control do activismo judicial cuando se refiere a derechos fundamentales ambientales. En un Estado Socio-ambiental de Derecho, no si pode descartar la tutela ambiental en decisiones judiciales ante el poder económico. La fundamentación judicial se condiciona a lo referido principio, verdadero encargo argumentativo para justificar la eliminación de la protección ambiental ante a situaciones como "hechos consumados" y periculum in mora (inreverso. Lo trabajo se desarrolla a partir de investigación bibliográfica, documental y cualitativa, e dos métodos deductivo, inductivo y analítico.

  10. Las narraciones colaborativas en las protestas de 2013 en Brasil: mediatización del activismo, difusión y convergencia

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    Maria Clara Aquino Bittencourt


    Full Text Available En Brasil, en junio de 2013, se estableció una serie de narraciones independientes para reportar las protestas en el país. En el contexto informativo de estos eventos, la apropiación de los medios de comunicación digitales por ciudadanos, activistas y movimientos, y también por los medios de comunicación, ampliaron la reflexión sobre la mediatización del activismo y la construcción de los procesos de comunicación más democráticos. Este artículo describe cómo las narraciones colaborativas sobre las protestas en Brasil, inserta en un contexto de mediatización, están marcados por el activismo y cómo se ve reforzada por las prácticas de difusión y convergencia. Presenta algunas experiencias para ilustrar el argumento construido.

  11. La Intervención Judicial en las Decisiones de la Junta General de Acreedores que Deliberan Sobre la Concesión de la Recuperación Judicial

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    Cláudia de Lurdes da Silva Gonçalves


    Full Text Available La Ley 11.101/2005, que regula sobre la recuperación judicial, extrajudicial y falencia, de la manera como está escrita, nos lleva una lectura taxativa. En un primer momento nos lleva a creer que no habrá intervención del poder judicial sobre las decisiones tomadas por la Junta de Acreedores. Sin embargo, como veremos más adelante, la jurisprudencia se ha ocupado sobre la intervención del poder judicial de una manera diferente de lo que está previsto en ley. El propósito de este ensayo es tratar de comprender las razones que fundamentan las intervenciones y sus cualidades. Esta investigación se desarrolló a través del método de interpretación sistémica, teniendo en su base tanto el estudio de la propia ley, como también una análisis de la jurisprudencia.

  12. activismo y estéticas en experimento

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    Omar Rincón


    Full Text Available Podemos comunicarlo todo: tenemos las tecnologías de la comunicación cada vez más cerca; pero no podemos contar nada, porque no tenemos nada qué decir, ni sabemos cómo decirlo. Hay que inventarlo todo, intervenir de nuevo la sociedad desde la comunicación. Es necesario convertir los medios en experiencia estética, social y política. ¿Cómo? Usando a las tecnologías para el activismo y el experimento; recurriendo a los llamado retro, porque no es lo más actual, lo más mercado, como experiencia de inspiración y emoción. Hay que volver a las estéticas, a los modos de narrar y a las historias que están inscritas en nuestras identidades locales; en nuestras sensibilidades femeninas, juveniles o sexuales; en nuestras tradiciones étnicas, o en nuestros modos urbanos. Sólo basta una minicámara para inventar el universo. En este ensayo se realiza un alegato contra los universos estético-narrativopolíticos construidos por la máquina televisiva y la homogeneidad del mercado. En este texto se argumenta a favor del activismo comunicativo, de la exploración tecnológica y de la inspiración étnica como estrategias para generar una mayor conciencia sobre el valor social de la comunicación, la intervención estético-narrativa de la sociedad y la importancia política de los medios de la gente.

  13. Prácticas de activismo audiovisual con objetivo de integración social: el caso del colectivo Cine sin Autor (CsA

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    Ana María Sedeño Valdellós


    Full Text Available En los últimos años viene produciéndose una cierta tendencia hacia el empleo de la tecnología audiovisual por parte de colectivos activistas: con un objetivo transformador de realidades, las prácticas de activismo audiovisual se han enfocado a propiciar el empoderamiento de colectivos sociales como generadores de universos simbólicos propios. El texto reflexiona sobre el audiovisual como integración social desde un enfoque generalista y atendiendo a sus precedentes. En primer lugar, se comienza una exploración teórica sobre el concepto de activismo audiovisual y sus posibilidades educativas, activistas y para la integración social; en segundo lugar, se aborda un análisis en torno al trabajo del colectivo Cine sin Autor (CsA que, con una metodología participativa, construye “procesos audiovisuales abiertos” con comunidades y colectivos desfavorecidos.

  14. Activismo juvenil en partidos con gestiones de gobierno a nivel subnacional en Argentina (2007-2015

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    Melina Vázquez

    Full Text Available Resumen El trabajo propone explorar las condiciones de posibilidad y los modos en que se produce un ciclo de participación política juvenil en Argentina que encuentra en los espacios político-partidarios uno de sus renovados escenarios. Luego de una profunda crisis de representación política que llevó al activismo juvenil a impugnar la política en relación con sus manifestaciones político-partidarias y estatales, los partidos políticos comenzaron a recrear espacios de militancia juvenil, al mismo tiempo que fueron receptores de nuevos activistas que entran a la política. En este proceso se destaca el peso que cobraron partidos políticos que, además, estuvieron a cargo de gestiones de gobierno a nivel nacional y subnacional. En el artículo se busca analizar qué rasgos, propiedades y características dan forma a una nueva figura de activismo entre los y las jóvenes que forman parte de estas experiencias. Más concretamente, propone analizar cómo se ingresa a la militancia, qué sentidos se construyen sobre la misma y qué relaciones se producen entre el activismo y el trabajo en el Estado en relación con dos partidos que se ocupan de gestiones de gobierno en la Provincia de Santa Fe (de la mano del Partido Socialista y en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (por parte de Propuesta Republicana. Se recupera la sociología francesa del activismo militante para mostrar quiénes son los y las jóvenes activistas que militan en ambos partidos, de qué modos participan dentro de los mismos, así como en las gestiones de gobierno de sus respectivos partidos, y qué significados se construyen en torno a las articulaciones y desplazamientos entre las carreras militantes y laborales de las y los activistas. El enfoque que sigue el trabajo permite pensar elementos comunes en relación con los activismos juveniles en partidos en/de gestión más allá de las diferencias político-ideológicas que los caracterizan. El artículo recoge

  15. La "cultura de la vida": desplazamientos estratégicos del activismo católico conservador frente a los derechos sexuales y reproductivos

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    Juan Marco Vaggione


    Full Text Available El artículo considera las principales dimensiones del activismo católico conservador sobre la sexualidad a partir del análisis de la Encíclica Evangelium Vitae (1995. El análisis se focaliza en tres dimensiones: la oposición entre cultura de la vida y cultura de la muerte como el enmarque político; los desplazamientos del activismo católico conservador para intervenir en los principales debates públicos; las principales estrategias propuestas para evitar la sanción o la vigencia de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. A través de estos ejes, se contribuye a la comprensión de las rearticulaciones en las formas de intervención de la Iglesia Católica como una parte constitutiva de la política sexual contemporánea.

  16. Cuerpas Gordas: Gordofobia, Feminismo y Activismo de la Gordura en Brasil


    Luna Montalbetti, Cynthia Jazmin


    Metadados do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso: CUERPAS GORDAS: Gordofobia, Feminismo y Activismo de la Gordura en Brasil, pela/o discente: Cynthia Jazmin Luna Montalbetti do Centro de Integração e Relações Internacionais, curso de Ciência Política - Sociologia da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), no Repositório Institucional da UNILA (RI-UNILA) Cuerpas Gordas: Gordofobia, Feminismo y Activismo de la Gordura en Brasil

  17. Emociones, identidad y represión: el activismo anarquista durante el franquismo

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    Eduardo Romanos


    Full Text Available Diversos trabajos han señalado cómo en contextos altamente represivos el surgimiento y la continuidad del activismo no se entienden sin la intervención de fuertes elementos subjetivos, afectivos y emocionales. Este artículo participa de este enfoque con un análisis longitudinal del activismo de la primera generación de anarquistas clandestinos bajo la dictadura franquista (1939-1975. Los resultados destacan la combinación de tres factores que ayudan a explicar el sostenimiento del activismo anarquista: i la mediación de la esperanza en la percepción de oportunidades para la movilización; ii la movilización estratégica de la indignación en el discurso dirigido a los potenciales apoyos y participantes; y iii el fortalecimiento de la identifi cación ideológica con el movimiento gracias, paradójicamente, a la represión. Las fuentes incluyen diversos materiales de archivo y testimonios de activistas.

  18. Judicial Performance and Experiences of Judicial Work: Findings from Socio-legal Research

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    Sharyn Roach Anleu


    ía la labor judicial. Esto conlleva falta de tiempo, patrones de carga de trabajo y dependencia de actividades desempeñadas por otros, factores sobre los que el funcionario judicial puede tener poco control, pero que, a su vez, puede afectar a su comportamiento. A menudo, se entiende por desempeño judicial únicamente el trabajo desarrollado en la sala. El trabajo judicial también se produce fuera de la sala y fuera de las horas regulares del tribunal, por lo que puede ser menos visible para la evaluación del rendimiento judicial. Aunque existe una gran variedad de experiencias judiciales a la hora de juzgar, la evaluación del rendimiento judicial sólo incluye en contadas ocasiones las percepciones o las reflexiones sobre su trabajo de los propios jueces. Las ciencias sociales y la investigación socio-jurídica, incluyendo datos empíricos originales de Australia, investigan el hecho de juzgar en diversos contextos y explora las experiencias laborales de los funcionarios judiciales. Esta investigación empírica puede contribuir a ampliar la comprensión del rendimiento y evaluación judicial. DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:

  19. Estrategias espaciales del activismo en condición fronteriza en el Cono Sur

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    Adriana Dorfman


    Full Text Available El presente artículo investiga cómo la condición fronteriza es instrumentalizada por sus habitantes en reivindicaciones ante el estado y los sectores privados. Dicho análisis se basa en las teorías sobre los sistemas territoriales, la territorialidad humana y las redes de poder en las márgenes del estado. En este documento, se evalúan estudios de caso en el Cono Sur, y se concluye que son cuatro las formas territoriales del activismo en condición fronteriza: estrategias para los servicios públicos en fronteras marginales; instrumentalización del imaginario nacionalista; uso táctico del límite y, finalmente, administración ciudadana del imaginario nacionalista. Por fin, se cuestiona la criminalización de la condición fronteriza y se reconoce la legitimidad de las redes que activan la frontera y la instrumentalizan en estrategias en búsqueda de más ciudadanía.

  20. Vivir en la calle. El derecho a la vivienda en la jurisprudencia del TSJC

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    Gargarella, Roberto


    Full Text Available En el artículo se analizan críticamente dos recientes decisiones del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires referidos a la política pública seguida por el Poder Ejecutivo local, en relación con el marco habitacional de las personas que viven en “situación de calle”. A través del examen de estas decisiones particulares, los autores reflexionan sobre algunas cuestiones más generales de teoría constitucional, relacionadas con el control judicial en el área de los derechos sociales; el lugar normativo de los pactos internacionales de derechos humanos; y las tensiones entre activismo judicial y democracia.

  1. Biosociabilidad y demandas por derechos en el activismo de personas de sectores populares afectadas por VIH-SIDA

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    Juan José Gregoric


    Full Text Available Este artículo despliega resultados de una etnografía sobre el activismo de personas afectadas por el VIH-SIDA de barrios populares del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Analizo aspectos de la conformación de grupos y asociaciones de activistas, la construcción de espacios de contención y sociabilidad y las demandas generadas para garantizar el acceso a tratamientos antirretrovirales gratuitos y mejorar la asistencia que reciben desde el Estado. Intento mostrar que, para una parte de la población afectada, el VIH-SIDA devino un eje político para organizarse legítimamente, crear reivindicaciones expresadas en términos del derecho a la salud y la vida y a partir de allí también reclamar un mayor acceso a derechos sociales.

  2. Etnografiando travestis: preguntas, tensiones y aprendizajes sobre el "estar ahí"

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    María Soledad Cutuli

    Full Text Available Este artículo interroga la construcción de vínculos etnográficos en dos obras pioneras sobre travestis, con una intención retrospectiva sobre la propia investigación en una agrupación de travestis de Buenos Aires. Se reflexiona sobre la implicancia de los/as antropólogos/as "en campo" -en tanto seres sexuados/as y generizados/as- preguntándose además sobre las formas en que son interpeladas/os durante su labor junto a integrantes de organizaciones sociales -en la que el activismo resulta ser la extensión lógica del compromiso a la reciprocidad que subyace en la práctica antropológica.

  3. Construcción de rutinas espaciales y sus efectos en las dinámicas de inclusión-exclusión del activismo LGBT en Córdoba, Argentina

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    Hugo H. Rabbia

    Full Text Available El presente artículo explora la relación entre espacialidad y acción política al interior del movimiento LGTB de Córdoba, Argentina. Se focaliza en la construcción de rutinas espaciales como determinante de la estratificación social en el activismo LGTB. Considerando la trayectoria de los diversos grupos en la militancia -activistas históricos vs. recientes- se indagan usos diferenciales del espacio y sus representaciones, así como sus efectos sobre las dinámicas de inclusión-exclusión en una acción política concreta: la primera marcha local del Orgullo y la Diversidad realizada en noviembre de 2009. Los datos generados mediante registro de observaciones de campo y entrevistas revelan que la emergencia de nuevos grupos de activistas a finales de la presente década implicó un desplazamiento de las rutinas espaciales desde la periferia al centro de la ciudad. Este proceso conlleva dinámicas de inclusión-exclusión que determinan la estructura social del activismo, condicionando el objetivo de lograr una convocatoria integrada por un amplio espectro social de participantes.

  4. Teresa Wilms Montt: la visceralidad como activismo

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    Cecilia Macon


    Full Text Available Es usual señalar que el debate sobre las emociones solo pasó a formar parte del feminismo en los últimos años. Sin embargo, es notoria la referencia en la literatura feminista de la primera ola al espacio de lo íntimo en términos de una colisión de emociones profundamente política que puede ser definida en términos de “visceralidad”. El presente trabajo se enmarca en un proyecto que tiene como objetivo final señalar el modo en que la transmisión de los afectos formó parte fundamental de la constitución del feminismo en América Latina. Este artículo se ocupa analizar la producción de la escritora chilena Teresa Wilms Montt, muy particularmente su primera obra, “Inquietudes sentimentales” (1917. No se trata meramente de argumentar la presencia de la dimensión emocional, sino de indagar en la especificidad de ese momento de su escritura donde la categoría de ‘intimidad” se torna central a la hora de establecer principios feministas. Son las características de su recorrido -donde entran en colisión las emociones más diversas - y el vínculo que establece con las luchas políticas del feminismo de corte anarquista las que abren la posibilidad de entender esta etapa, dando cuenta de la constitución de una geografía afectiva para el activismo latinoamericano. Una geografía marcada, centralmente por el desafío a “estructuras del sentir” patriarcales a través de intervenciones que sacan a la luz el papel politico de la visceralidad en tanto acción.

  5. Entre el activismo y la intervención: El trabajo de organizaciones de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    31 mai 2017 ... Page couverture du livre : Entre el activismo y la intervención. Directeur(s):. Clara Juárez Ramírez, Felipe J. Hevia de la Jara, Ana E. López Ricoy et Laura G. Freyermuth Joffre. Maison(s) d'édition: Alternativas y Capacidades A.C., Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, ...

  6. El Control Judicial de la Contramajoritário y la Preservación de la Hegemonía de la Élite Dominante: Un Análisis Crítico para la Expansión de la Democracia Participativa en Brasil

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    Carla Vladiane Alves Leite


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir el activismo judicial que comenzó en los Estados Unidos de América y las ganancias de fuerza en otros países sudamericanos, como Brasil, donde el poder judicial está ganando fuerza para decidir varios casos en los últimos años, desencadenando el fenómeno de la judicialización de la política. Se produce esa judicialización generar demasiado poder en manos del poder judicial, que puede utilizarse para satisfacer a una élite dominante.

  7. Textos en contexto: activismo de las mujeres afrocolombianas en el litoral pacífico colombiano

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    Kiran Asher Traducción Adriana Escobar


    Full Text Available Este documento recorre la línea divisoria entre teóricos feministas y expertos de género que se orientan hacia la praxis, con el fin de apoyar una lectura más adecuada de las críticas feministas poscoloniales en torno al género y al desarrollo.Inspirándose en el activismo de las mujeres afrocolombianas del Litoral Pacífico de Colombia, este texto argumenta que el «lenguaje teórico denso» de feministas poscoloniales no está dirigido a las mujeres del Tercer Mundo. Así mismo, fundamenta el hecho de que las mujeres de esta región poseen una habilidad independiente para actuar y reflexionar sobre su propia realidad y afirma que tales enfoques exhortan a los investigadores, académicos, activistas y expertos en género del Norte y el Sur a hacer una reflexión crítica de sus deseos y métodos para mejorar la vida de las mujeres del Tercer Mundo, así como a comprometerse con políticas feministas estratégicas más inclusivas.

  8. A violência policial e o Poder Judiciário : estudo sobre a (i)legitimidade da ação violenta da polícia e a impunidade


    Aline Winter Sudbrack


    A pesquisa examina a legitimidade do Sistema Penal, a partir da ação do próprio aparelho judicial no Rio Grande do Sul, ao decidir sobre os crimes praticados por membros da Brigada Militar (Polícia Militar). Buscou-se analisar se o Poder Judiciário estaria apto ou não a controlar a violência ilegítima praticada pelos agentes estatais encarregados da manutenção da ordem pública. Tal violência compreende a prática de crimes, tais como homicídios, lesões corporais e abuso de poder, tipificados, ...

  9. On Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Independence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Comtois, Suzanne; de Graaf, K.J.


    'Principles of judicial and quasi-judicial independence are fundamental to all democracies and yet, the notion of independence is still elusive. What is judicial and quasi-judicial independence and why is it important? From whom and what are the judiciary and other adjudicators to be independent? Is

  10. La modulación de sentencias de la Corte Constitucional: ¿juez natural para la responsabilidad del Estado legislador?

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    Juan Pablo Sarmiento Erazo


    Full Text Available Este artículo expone la investigación efectuada sobre la jurisprudencia constitucional en torno a efectos de sentencias distintas a los fallos ex nunc, que se dimensionan en el tiempo o que adicionan a beneficiarios de la norma declarada inconstitucional, y en fin, los distintos tipos de sentencias de constitucionalidad que tienen efectos patrimoniales, tanto para el Estado como para el individuo. Se argumenta que, ciertos fallos dotados de amplio margen de activismo judicial pueden conducir a la reparación de perjuicios causados al individuo por normas inconstitucionales insertas en la disposición evaluada por el Tribunal Constitucional.

  11. The Impact of Judicial Reform on Crime Victimization and Trust in Institutions in Mexico. (United States)

    Blanco, Luisa


    This article studies the impact of judicial reform in Mexico. It does so using a survey about crime victimization and perceptions of insecurity (Encuesta Nacional Sobre la Inseguridad [ENSI]) collected in 2005, 2008, and 2009 in 11 Mexican cities, 3 of which implemented the reform in 2007 and 2008. This analysis shows that judicial reform not only reduces victimization but also lowers perceptions of security. Although we find that judicial reform has a negative effect on trust in the local and federal police, judicial reform reduces the probability of being asked by the transit police for a bribe.

  12. "Ciudadanos bonaerenses-bolivianos": Activismo político binacional en una organización de inmigrantes bolivianos residentes en Argentina

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    Cynthia Pizarro


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza el activismo político en una organización de inmigrantes bolivianos residentes en Argentina, que instauró un espacio político binacional. Es decir, un escenario en el que ellos fueron reconocidos como ciudadanos por autoridades de diversos niveles estatales argentinos y bolivianos. El argumento se basa en una descripción etnográfica tanto de la estructura de oportunidades políticas que permitió la constitución de tal espacio, como de las características de la migración boliviana en el norte del Área Metropolitana de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, la trayectoria de la asociación estudiada en relación al escenario político local y la conformación de alianzas basadas en afinidades político-partidarias entre las autoridades de diferente nivel en Argentina. Cierra con una discusión sobre la importancia que la problemática migratoria ha adquirido en Argentina y Bolivia en los últimos años.

  13. Um enfoque sanitário sobre a demanda judicial de medicamentos A sanitary focus on medicines lawsuit

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    Tatiana Aragão Figueiredo


    Full Text Available No Brasil, apesar dos avanços da assistência farmacêutica, permanecem falhas na garantia do acesso dos cidadãos aos medicamentos pelo Estado. Nos últimos anos, vem crescendo a reivindicação de medicamentos por parte do cidadão via sistema judiciário. Os objetos dessas solicitações são tanto os medicamentos em falta na rede pública como aqueles ainda não incorporados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Este fenômeno pode ser analisado sob diferentes perspectivas, inclusive a sanitária, entendida aqui como os desfechos sobre a saúde dos indivíduos que demandam estes medicamentos. O presente texto busca discutir as principais características das demandas judiciais frente aos seguintes aspectos: o uso racional de medicamentos, o uso de evidências científicas para a indicação terapêutica proposta e o quanto as demandas se justificam diante do conceito de acesso adotado pelo campo da assistência farmacêutica. Ponderações podem ser feitas no sentido de minimizar os riscos à saúde dos demandantes de medicamentos por via judicial, sobretudo quando o objeto da ação são medicamentos não pertencentes às listas de fornecimento público, ou com uso off label, ou desprovidos de registro no país. Considera-se que o Judiciário, a partir do fornecimento de medicamentos, busca garantir a saúde dos demandantes, e assim a dignidade da pessoa humana. Cabe ressaltar que este objetivo só será atingido quando a garantia da saúde estiver associada aos aspectos que certificam a segurança do paciente, inclusive no uso de medicamentos.In Brazil, in spite of advances in the field of pharmaceutical care, problems in assurance, by the State, of access to medicines persist. Since the early 1990s, the judicial demand of medicines by citizens has increased. The lawsuits demand medicines that are out-of-stock in the public sector as well as medicines that have not yet been incorporated by the Brazilian Health System. This phenomenon may be

  14. Aspectos Relevantes de la Organización del Poder Judicial Español: Selección y Formación de Jueces, la Reforma de la Secretaria Judicial y la Figura del Secretario Judicial

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    Daniel Polignano Godoy


    Full Text Available El presente artículo, a fin de contribuir a los estudios sobre la política judicial, la gestión y la administración de la justicia en Brasil, ofrece una visión general de algunos aspectos relevantes de la organización del Poder Judicial español a saber, la selección y formación de los magistrados, la reforma de la secretaria judicial y la figura del secretario judicial, que son temas de interés actual en vista de las similitudes socio-culturales y jurídicas, y la coincidencia entre los problemas que enfrentan los poderes judiciales de Brasil y España. Aunque no contenga una sugestión de "importación" de soluciones acríticas extranjeras, propone una profundización del estudio de estos puntos, con el fin de evaluar los posibles impactos positivos que tuvieron en el caso español y verificar si no serían medidas interesantes a aplicarse en el escenario brasileño, especialmente en el caso de la secretaria judicial, cuya función consiste en aliviar el juez de la gestión de la unidad administrativa y de trabajos "burocráticos", para centrarse en la función judicial, al mismo tiempo en que permitiría la centralización y la especialización de la gestión y del trabajo administrativo.

  15. Bibliotecología como forma de activismo político y social


    Jatuf, Julio Díaz


    Tengamos en cuenta, primero principal, que la Bibliotecología Social es esta visión necesaria que el profesional de la información hoy debe tener, en el ambito en dónde se encuentra, a partir de su activismo en favor de la comunidad –  especialmente de la comunidad más desafavorecida o comunidades vulnerables – cuestionando muchos términos a la bibliotecología tradicional –  en función a su estructura. Su episteme y práxis se deben adaptar para dar siempre los mejores servicios, porque la Bib...

  16. A expansão dos poderes judiciários The expansion of the judiciary powers

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    Lilia Ferreira Lobo


    Full Text Available O presente artigo propõe-se a comentar um texto de Foucault pouco conhecido e que não foi incluído na publicação francesa dos Ditos e Escritos. Além de apresentar esta publicação, que tem como título La redéfinition du judiciable (A redefinição do judiciável, pretende trazer algumas considerações sobre as questões sugeridas por Foucault, bem como algumas indicações sobre o que hoje nos acontece em termos da judicialização do nosso cotidiano. O texto traz uma análise do papel da justiça, daquilo que vem se tornando ou que é objeto de julgamento judiciário, discutindo o que caracteriza a difusão das funções judiciárias através de todo o corpo social na atualidade.This article aims to comment an unfamiliar article by Foucault, not included in the french edition of Dits et Écrits. Beyond presenting this publication, which is entitled La redéfinition du judiciable (The redefinition of the judiciable, it pretends to bring some considerations about the questions that Foucault suggests, as well as some indications about what is happening with us now-a-days in terms of the judicialization of the everyday life. The text brings an analysis of the roll of justice, of what is turning into or what is the object of judiciary judgment, discussing the elements which characterize the diffusion of the judiciary functions through the whole social body.

  17. Activismo católico antiabortista en Argentina: performances, discursos y prácticas


    Bessone, Pablo Gudiño


    Resumen Este artículo se interesa en el accionar político del activismo católico antiabortista en Argentina y las distintas performances de acción colectiva que tales grupos desarrollan en el espacio público urbano. Repara en la forma en que dichos grupos autodenominados pro-vida mantienen un discurso de oposición a la legalización del aborto con base en el despliegue de argumentaciones científicas y bioéticas. Esto, en tanto modo de contrarrestar la presencia y movilización de las organizaci...

  18. Reflexiones sobre arte para lo político y representación en las acciones del colectivo LULI


    Fükelman, María Cristina; Naón, María Isabel


    Esta ponencia tiene como finalidad reflexionar sobre determinados conceptos, de diferentes densidades semánticas, que designan, explican y analizan modalidades de producción artística centradas en espacios alternativos, que dan la espalda a los espacios y medios institucionales tradicionales del campo artístico. Se referirá a algunas acciones del colectivo LULI. Entre los conceptos que se trabajaran se encuentra el arte político, arte para lo político, arte público, arte de acción, activismo,...

  19. Reflexiones sobre arte para lo político y representación en las acciones del colectivo LULI


    Fükelman, María Cristina; Di María, Graciela Alicia; Sánchez Pórfido, Elisabet; González, Silvia Juana; Albero, María Marta; Gatica, Danisa; Naón, María Isabel; Montequin, Diana; Estévez, Mariana; Ladaga, Silvia Andrea Cristian


    Esta ponencia tiene como finalidad reflexionar sobre determinados conceptos, de diferentes densidades semánticas, que designan, explican y analizan modalidades de producción artística centradas en espacios alternativos, que dan la espalda a los espacios y medios institucionales tradicionales del campo artístico. Se referirá a algunas acciones del colectivo LULI. Entre los conceptos que se trabajaran se encuentra el arte político, arte para lo político, arte público, arte de acción, activismo,...

  20. “Mujeres de otra raza”: la irrupción del peronismo en el activismo femenino/feminista

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    Natalia Martínez Prado


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo realizamos un recorrido histórico del activismo femenino entre las décadas del treinta y el cincuenta con el propósito de detenernos en sus procesos (des articulatorios/ (des identificatorios. Desde una perspectiva post-estructuralista del análisis del discurso, procuramos rastrear esos procesos habilitados por ciertas maneras de hacer política, intentando reconocer los sentidos que históricamente se fueron fijando y desplazando en los principales significantes identitarios entre las mujeres activistas. Específicamente, nuestro recorrido se concentra en el activismo feminista y las continuidades y rupturas que se produjeron a partir de sus prácticas articulatorias con los diversos partidos políticos. Así, señalamos cómo las feministas, condicionadas por su histórica vinculación con el Partido Socialista, se vieron paradójicamente desarticuladas frente a la masiva movilización de las mujeres y la incorporación de sus reclamos en el flamante Partido Peronista Femenino. En otras palabras, señalamos cómo en ese período fueron subsumidas bajo la lógica hegemónica de la evitización de la política femenina.

  1. ¿Puede demandarse el Divorcio, cuando ya se ha debatido y resuelto judicialmente la Separación Judicial?

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    Jorge Baraona González


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se plantea el efecto que tiene una sentencia que se ha pronunciado sobre una separación judicial en la nueva Ley de Matrimonio Civil, de cara a la posibilidad de iniciar, fundado en los mismos hechos, un juicio de divorcio. El autor concluye que la sentencia judicial que decreta la separación tiene un efecto preclusivo sobre la futura acción de divorcio intentada por los mismos hechos. En el artículo se revisa la historia de la de aprobación de las normas y se analiza el panorama en derecho comparado, en países en que existe tanto separación como.This paper examines the effect of a judicial resolution that has accepted the separation, according to the new Ley de Matrimonio Civil, in relation with the possibility to begin a divorce trial in the future, pleading the same facts. The author concludes that the judicial resolution has precluded the divorce action supported in the same facts. The paper offers the approving history of the Act and a comparative law survey, in the countries that have in their marriage law, separation and divorce.



    Ana María Mesa Elneser


    El presente artículo da cuenta de la regulación en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano sobre el funcionamiento de la rama judicial por medios electrónicos como una forma de hacer efectivo el cumplimiento de principios procesales como la gratuidad, garantismo y agilidad en la búsqueda efectiva del funcionamiento del aparato judicial. La necesidad de avance tecnológico informático al servicio de la rama judicial no ha sido soportado desde una política de gobierno generadora de proyectos e inver...

  3. Reconocimiento y configuración del derecho al ambiente en Argentina. Algunos antecedentes relevantes

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    Mauricio Pinto


    Full Text Available El ambiente es reconocido actualmente en Argentina como el objeto de un derecho garantizado constitucionalmente, y por ello susceptible de tutela judicial. Sobre tal base, se analiza evolutivamente el proceso de reconocimiento de tal derecho, y la configuración de su contenido mediante una estrategia basada en el análisis contextual de su recepción jurisprudencial y su influencia en el actual paradigma legal. Se procura determinar la influencia del activismo judicial en el reconocimiento y configuración del derecho al ambiente como prerrogativa de incidencia colectiva, teniendo como hipótesis que las regulaciones materializan el resultado de una creación pretoriana innovadora que actúa como fuente normativa. Los resultados alcanzados permiten afirmar que el reconocimiento normativo del derecho al ambiente tiene una base en las decisiones judiciales previas, decisiones que han continuado moldeando el perfil de tal derecho dentro de una naturaleza colectiva, con efectos innovadores en relación a la valoración probatoria, el principio de congruencia y el efecto de la cosa juzgada.

  4. El uso de la información judicial (The use of judicial information

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    Volkmar Gessner


    Full Text Available Los datos empíricos de juzgados y sistemas judiciales se analizan con mucha frecuencia tanto en estudios comparativos, como en estudios económicos y sociológicos, sin embargo, los agentes implicados en proyectos de reformas judiciales como jueces, profesores de derecho, funcionarios o políticos no hacen un uso adecuado de los mismos. Este artículo sugiere que esto tiene un origen estructural, que asigna roles sociales diferentes a estos actores. Una solución puede ser la creación de centros de investigación especializados. Una aproximación más amplia, plural y democrática es buscar la transparencia en internet, dando acceso al público general a todo tipo de documentos, incluyendo estadísticas judiciales y estudios empíricos. Se han visitado y categorizado en función de su contenido gran número de páginas web de juzgados, para conocer el nivel de transparencia judicial. Las primeras posiciones en cuanto al nivel de transparencia lo han obtenido algunas páginas anglosajonas, que ofrecían información legal, económica, organizacional y empírica, y que además ofrecían ayuda para utilizar estos datos. Sin embargo, este esfuerzo no alcanza su objetivo si la información no se utiliza. Si se quiere medir el uso real de los contenidos de las páginas judiciales no es suficiente con contar su número de visitas, sino que es necesario conocer más sobre las motivaciones que generan esas visitas. Afortunadamente, se ha encontrado un sitio web (mexicano que ofrece información sobre los visitantes: sus preocupaciones, su “historia” e incluso sus nombres y (en ocasiones su lugar de residencia. Estas peticiones se han evaluado cuidadosamente, y se analizan en este artículo. Se ha descubierto que hay una gran demanda de información empírica sobre los juzgados y las prácticas judiciales. La transparencia en internet parece ser una solución, aunque todavía se deben explorar las mejores formas de ofrecer la información judicial

  5. Qual a classe, a cor e o gênero da justiça? Reflexões sobre as (impossibilidades de combate à violência doméstica e familiar contra as mulheres negras pelo Poder Judiciário brasileiro

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    Tatyane Guimarães Oliveira Oliveira


    Full Text Available Forçado a se pronunciar sobre problemas sociais antes ignorados, o Poder Judiciário tem sido desafiado a atuar na proteção de grupos historicamente excluídos e reconhecer a existência das desigualdades raciais, sociais, econômicas e de gênero. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho propõe lançar algumas reflexões sobre as (impossibilidades de combate à violência doméstica e familiar contra as mulheres negras por parte do Poder Judiciário Brasileiro, considerando os marcadores sociais de raça, gênero e classe e os dados apresentados no Mapa da Violência 2015 – Homicídio de Mulheres no Brasil. O mito da democracia racial ainda tem fortes impactos na invisibilidade da questão junto ao Sistema de Justiça e influencia consideravelmente a recusa deste em olhar de forma mais atenta para as mulheres negras no âmbito da violência doméstica e familiar.

  6. Juizados Especiais e Ativismo Judicial à Luz de Luis Alberto Warat

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    Zenildo Bodnar


    Full Text Available This article addresses, in a punctual way, some reflections on the judicial activism in the Special Courts camp. It seeks to evaluate the existence of a place for the conciliator in the stir that permeates the procedural and substantial models of legal proceedings. For this, as theoretical references, the postulates of Luis Alberto Warat are used, in order to overcome such dyad in favor of an effective judicial protection, without following the ways of the Free Movement of Law and Instrumentality of Process. For the development of this research, it has been used the inductive method, operated by the operational concepts and techniques of literature.Resumo: O presente artigo aborda de forma pontual algumas reflexões sobre o ativismo judicial na seara dos Juizados Especiais. Procura-se avaliar a existência de um lugar para o conciliador na celeuma que permeia os modelos procedimentalistas e substancialistas de processo jurisdicional. Para tanto, como referencial teórico utiliza-se os postulados de Luis Alberto Warat no intuito de superar a referida díade em favor de uma tutela judicial efetiva, sem que se trilhe os caminhos do Movimento do Direito Livre e da Instrumentalidade do Processo. Utilizou-se, para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, o método indutivo, operacionalizado pelas técnicas de conceitos operacionais e da pesquisa bibliográfica.

  7. Activismo LGBTIQ y ciudadanías sexuales en el Ecuador. Diálogo con Elizabeth Vásquez

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    Amy Lind


    Full Text Available Elizabeth Vásquez es abogada por entrenamiento, activista y fundadora del PROYECTO TRVNSGEN3RO de Quito. En esta entrevista, ella nos habla de los logros y desafíos que ha enfrentado a lo largo de su trayectoria: los orígenes de su activismo legal, sus inspiraciones políticas, su participación como asesora en la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente de 2008 y sus visiones del movimiento lésbico, gay, bisexual, transgénero y intersexual (LGTBI en Ecuador.

  8. Judicialização da política: um ensaio sobre o procedimentalismo deliberativo na jurisdição constitucional brasileira / Judicialization of politics: an essay on deliberative proceduralism in brazilian judicial review

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    Marcio Renan Hamel


    Full Text Available Resumo O presente texto aborda o crescente fenômeno da judicialização da política no contexto brasileiro, questionando se a principal metodologia do Poder Judiciário deve ser a de criar espaços ou a de ser espaço. A defesa é embasada na obra do filósofo Jürgen Habermas, apontando-se para um aumento da atividade procedimental democrática de deliberação pública, legitimando a lei positiva e diminuindo a intervenção judiciária. Palavras-chave: Judicialização; política; procedimento; democracia; jurisdição. Abstract The present text deals with the growing phenomenon of politics judicialization in the brazilian context, questioning wheter the main methodology of the Judiciary should be to create spaces or to be space. The defence is based on the work of the philosopher Jürgen Habermas, pointing to an increased of the democratic procedural activity of public deliberation, legitimising positive law and decreasing judicial intervention. Keywords: Judicialization; policy; procedure; democracy; jurisdiction.

  9. Salience Theory of Judicial Decisions


    Pedro Bordalo; Nicola Gennaioli; Andrei Shleifer


    We present a model of judicial decision making in which the judge overweights the salient facts of the case. The context of the judicial decision, which is comparative by nature, shapes which aspects of the case stand out and draw the judge’s attention. By focusing judicial attention on such salient aspects of the case, legally irrelevant information can affect judicial decisions. Our model accounts for a range of recent experimental evidence that bears on the psychology of judicial decisions...


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    Raphael de Souza Almeida Santos


    Full Text Available Considerando o déficit na materialização efetiva das políticas públicas nacionais, torna-se necessária uma reflexão sobre a atuação do Poder Judiciário numa sociedade Pós-Positivista aonde o fenômeno do ativismo judicial vem ganhando a simpatia do jurisdicionado quando da concreção dos Direitos Fundamentais num cenário dominado por uma teoria processualista democrática que prima pelo tecnicismo dos atos judiciais. Ao restarem esboçados os entraves e riscos provenientes da seletividade dos magistrados pelo protagonismo judicial, é que poderá se vislumbrar a função social de tal fenômeno numa perspectiva humanitária através de detida análise no texto que se apresenta.

  11. Terrorist Threats and Judicial Deference

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rytter, Jens Elo


    The article analyses the extent to which judicial restraint in cases concerning national security is justified. It is argued that the extent of restraint must depend on the normative issue/aspect which is subject to judicial review.......The article analyses the extent to which judicial restraint in cases concerning national security is justified. It is argued that the extent of restraint must depend on the normative issue/aspect which is subject to judicial review....

  12. 28 CFR 71.42 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 71.42 Section 71.42....42 Judicial review. Section 3805 of title 31, United States Code, authorizes judicial review by an... assessments under this part and specifies the procedures for such review. ...

  13. Plazaz, plaza, Occupy anthropology! Sobre activismos (Ankulegi, 19, de AA.VV.

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    Carlos Diz


    Full Text Available Durante décadas, ensayando formas alternativas de relación y convivencia, el movimiento okupa ha enfrentado la crisis residencial y la especulación inmobiliaria ocupando fincas y solares abandonados, viejas fabricas, casas vacias, bloques de viviendas, etc. Con cada una de estas ocupaciones decian «liberar» y «recuperar» el espacio, retirandolo del circuito especulativo, priorizando el valor de uso sobre el valor de cambio y abriéndolo para la sociedad, organizando encuentros y actividades.En mayo de 2011, de una manera jovial, rebelde e imaginativa, decenas de acampadas se instalaron de pronto por todo el Estado espanol. Al inicio, en algunas, se veian banderas de Tunez y Egipto, en un gesto de solidaridad con el que se hacia explicita la influencia que la llamada «Primavera Arabe» —iniciada a finales de 2010 en un contexto muy distinto— habia tenido en la puesta en escena de las acampadas espanolas. Durante semanas, los centros urbanos fueron también, a su manera, ocupados. Conocedores de la deriva neoliberal de la urbe contemporanea, los jóvenes en las plazas sabian que la ciudad entera se hallaba ahora sujeta a procesos de especulación y empresarialización, y que ocupar su centro era una forma de reapropiarsela y reimaginarsela. En los meses siguientes, este gesto siguió viajando por distintos paises, llegando al otro lado del Atlantico; tras ocupar Wall Street —o mas bien el Zuccotti Park de Lower Manhattan—, la ola de indignación se extendió por el continente norteamericano con el movimiento Occupy.

  14. Review of Judicial Reforms in Bhutan


    Dubgyur, Lungten


    This essay highlights the anomalies of judicial reforms in Bhutan. It presents a historical perspective of Bhutanese judicial reforms and addresses recent developments. It discusses court performance and experiences and approaches adopted in making the courts efficient. Much of the reform initiatives emanate from the throne. His Majesty the King has always advocated an efficient judicial system for the Kingdom. In obedience to the Royal Commands, the judicial system and judicial process in Bh...

  15. 42 CFR 423.1976 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 423.1976 Section 423.1976 Public...) MEDICARE PROGRAM VOLUNTARY MEDICARE PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFIT Reopening, ALJ Hearings, MAC review, and Judicial Review § 423.1976 Judicial review. (a) Review of ALJ's decision. The enrollee may request judicial...

  16. 44 CFR 62.22 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... of process for all judicial proceedings where a claimant is suing the Administrator of FEMA pursuant... 44 Emergency Management and Assistance 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 62.22... ADJUSTMENT OF CLAIMS Claims Adjustment, Claims Appeals, and Judicial Review § 62.22 Judicial review. (a) Upon...

  17. 50 CFR 296.15 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 296.15 Section 296.15..., DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CONTINENTAL SHELF FISHERMEN'S CONTINGENCY FUND § 296.15 Judicial review. Any claimant... determination, seek judicial review of the determination in the United States District Court for such judicial...

  18. 40 CFR 179.125 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 23 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 179.125 Section 179... EVIDENTIARY PUBLIC HEARING Judicial Review § 179.125 Judicial review. (a) The Administrator's final decision... judicial review within the period ending on the 60th day after the date of the publication of the order...

  19. The slowness of the judiciary: priorities for reform Morosidade do poder judiciário: prioridades para a reforma

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    Vera Lúcia Feil Ponciano


    Full Text Available The text treats about the increase of the litigation in Brazil after the current Constitution and, as a consequence, the slowness of the Judicial process in Brazil. It emphasizes the awakening of the brazilian society to the deficiencies of the law system structure, which caused the need of a Judiciary Reform. Criticizes the speeches that cause an overall feeling of a Judiciary crisis, without showing technical studies or viable solutions. Gives attention to the law changes. Points some priorities to put in practice the desired Judiciary Reform.Aborda sobre a explosão de litigiosidade ocorrida no Brasil a partir da atual Constituição Federal, que levou ao ponto culminante o problema da morosidade da prestação jurisdicional. Enfatiza o despertar da sociedade brasileira para a realidade da estrutura do sistema judicial, que gerou a necessidade de reforma do Judiciário. Destaca reformas legislativas efetuadas. Elenca algumas prioridades para a consecução da almejada reforma do Poder Judiciário.

  20. Judicial Influence on Policy Outputs?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg


    to override unwanted jurisprudence. In this debate, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has become famous for its central and occasionally controversial role in European integration. This article examines to what extent and under which conditions judicial decisions influence European Union (EU......) social policy outputs. A taxonomy of judicial influence is constructed, and expectations of institutional and political conditions on judicial influence are presented. The analysis draws on an extensive novel data set and examines judicial influence on EU social policies over time, that is, between 1958...

  1. Subjetividad, Convicción e Imparcialidad judicial: El Juicio Lógico


    Clementina Pintos Bentancur


    Diversos estudios doctrinarios se han realizado respecto a los aspectos procesales más puros de la sentencia. Pocos de ellos, en cambio, se han detenido a examinar con relativa minuciosidad un elemento clave en la decisión judicial: la convicción psicológica del juez. Nos centramos en una primera instancia, sobre los aspectos procesales que componen a la sentencia, como sus elementos, su naturaleza, la valoración de la prueba y los principios que la delimitan; llegando en último término al ju...

  2. 40 CFR 178.65 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 23 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 178.65 Section 178.65... REQUESTS FOR HEARINGS Judicial Review § 178.65 Judicial review. An order issued under § 178.37 is final... of the order in the Federal Register. The failure to file a petition for judicial review within the...

  3. From Judicial Activism to Judicial Protagonism: For a Transforming Actuation in the Environmental Subject

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    Iasna Chaves Viana


    Full Text Available The judge’s action setting became modern ágora, preferential space of the relevant public deliberations. Today there is an invasion of the public choices’ usual spaces by the legalization of politics, result of Brazil's institutional design. The concepts of judicial activism and judicial protagonism oppose this scenario. At present it must be judicial action protagonist, transforming reality, understood that which is back to lend maximum effect to the Constitutional text. Especially relevant when it comes to environmental issues, given the enormous complexity of today's society. Case studies aim to show the evolution of the Brazilian Judicial understanding in this regard.

  4. Kári á Rógvi, West-Nordic Constitutional Judicial Review: A Comparative Study of Scandinavian Judicial Review and Judicial Reasoning (Copenhagen: Djøf Publishing, 2013

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    Rachael L. Johnstone


    Full Text Available Review of the following book: Kári á Rógvi, West-Nordic Constitutional Judicial Review: A Comparative Study of Scandinavian Judicial Review and Judicial Reasoning (Copenhagen: Djøf Publishing, 2013. pp. 364, 45.00 GBP (paperback. ISBN: 8757429154

  5. La suspensión condicional del procedimiento aplicada en la Unidad Judicial Norte Nº 2 por el Cantón Guayaquil


    Fierro Bosquez, Lincol Giovanny


    El tema de investigación trata sobre: “LA SUSPENSIÓN CONDICIONAL DEL PROCEDIMIENTO APLICADA EN LA UNIDAD JUDICIAL NORTE N° 2 POR EL CANTÓN GUAYAQUIL”, procedimientos penales y salidas alternativas que se pueden aplicar para mejorar y agilitar las actuaciones de los operadores de justicia. Política que fue expedida por el Consejo Consultivo de la Función Judicial y resuelta en la cesión del 15 de febrero del 2011, como aplicación prioritaria de las salidas alternativas y procedimientos especia...

  6. Judicial Review and Political Partisanship

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Garoupaa, Nuno; Grembi, Veronica


    Due to the collapse of the party system during the mid-nineties, Italy represents an interesting case study to test the effects of a transition from a consensual to a majoritarian model of democracy on judicial behavior at the level of the Constitutional Court. Using a dataset of 972 cases...... of substantive judicial review (ricorsi in via principale) from 1985 to 2005, and proposing new measures of political alignment within constitutional review, we analyze the effect of a change in the political party system on judicial behavior. Our results show that political alignment is a stronger predictor...... of judicial decision making under majoritarian than consensual model of democracy....

  7. Is judicial integrity a norm? An inquiry into the concept of judicial integrity in England and the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Soeharno, Jonathan


    Much effort is being made to safeguard judicial integrity – but what is it? In this article, two discourses on judicial integrity will be outlined: one in which judicial integrity is said to be at stake and one in which the emphasis lies on safeguarding judicial integrity. These discourses are by no

  8. 43 CFR 27.12 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 27.12 Section 27.12... UNDER TITLE II OF PUBLIC LAW 93-153 § 27.12 Judicial review. Action taken pursuant to this part is subject to judicial review. ...

  9. A contrapelo: reflexiones críticas sobre el presente y el futuro de los estudios sobre genocidio

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    Henry C. Theriault


    Full Text Available Este artículo propone una crítica a ciertas tendencias dentro de los estudios sobre genocidio, entre las que aparecen el abuso del prestigio y de la obra de Lemkin, el alejamiento frente a las posturas del activismo académico contra el genocidio, el tono displicente con el que se aborda la agencia política de los grupos de víctimas, las tendencias relativistas del concepto de “políticas de la memoria” y su implementación, la creciente institucionalización del campo, el concepto de “generocidio” y la imagen opaca que supone la violencia genocida dirigida contra mujeres y niñas, el foco en la deshumanización como condición para el genocidio y el énfasis en las advertencias tempranas. El artículo también discute una nueva estrategia negacionista del genocidio. A la luz de ello, las advertencias tempranas sobre el genocidio son, en gran medida, inoperantes. Más allá de la indiferencia política que explica la existencia de genocidios perpetrados incluso en la actualidad, la preeminencia de este delito se debe al hecho de que el orden mundial del presente y muchas sociedades específicas fueron moldeados por el genocidio y la violación en masa y la opresión vinculadas con ese primer crimen. El artículo sostiene que un proceso global de reparación podría ayudar a encauzar el mundo y alejarlo de los fundamentos y tendencias genocidas.

  10. 20 CFR 405.501 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Judicial review. 405.501 Section 405.501 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW PROCESS FOR ADJUDICATING INITIAL DISABILITY CLAIMS Judicial Review § 405.501 Judicial review. You may file an action in a Federal district...

  11. 47 CFR 1.1529 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 1.1529 Section 1.1529 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION GENERAL PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE Implementation of the Equal... Judicial review. Judicial review of final agency decisions on awards may be sought as provided in 5 U.S.C...

  12. 17 CFR 201.58 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Judicial review. 201.58 Section 201.58 Commodity and Securities Exchanges SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION RULES OF PRACTICE Regulations Pertaining to the Equal Access to Justice Act § 201.58 Judicial review. Judicial review of final...

  13. 45 CFR 1703.601 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 1703.601 Section 1703.601 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) NATIONAL COMMISSION ON LIBRARIES AND INFORMATION SCIENCE GOVERNMENT IN THE SUNSHINE ACT Judicial Review § 1703.601 Judicial review. Any person may...

  14. 49 CFR 1016.310 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 1016.310 Section 1016.310 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD, DEPARTMENT... Judicial review. Judicial review of final Board decisions on awards may be sought as provided in 5 U.S.C...

  15. 6 CFR 13.42 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 6 Domestic Security 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Judicial review. 13.42 Section 13.42 Domestic Security DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES § 13.42 Judicial review. Section 3805 of title 31, United States Code, authorizes judicial review by an appropriate...

  16. 14 CFR 1262.309 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Judicial review. 1262.309 Section 1262.309... PROCEEDINGS Procedures for Considering Applications § 1262.309 Judicial review. Judicial review of final... the determination to the court of the United States having jurisdiction to review the merits of the...

  17. 42 CFR 423.2136 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 423.2136 Section 423.2136 Public...) MEDICARE PROGRAM VOLUNTARY MEDICARE PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFIT Reopening, ALJ Hearings, MAC review, and Judicial Review § 423.2136 Judicial review. (a) General rule. To the extent authorized by sections 1876(c...

  18. 45 CFR 1203.11 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 1203.11 Section 1203.11 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE... Judicial review. Action taken pursuant to section 602 of title VI is subject to judicial review as provided...

  19. 42 CFR 414.920 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 414.920 Section 414.920 Public... Under Part B § 414.920 Judicial review. The following areas under the CAP are not subject to administrative or judicial review: (a) The establishment of payment amounts. (b) The awarding of vendor contracts...

  20. 43 CFR 17.10 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 17.10 Section 17.10... Origin § 17.10 Judicial review. Action taken pursuant to section 602 of the act is subject to judicial review as provided in section 603 of the act. [29 FR 16293, Dec. 4, 1964] ...

  1. 42 CFR 422.612 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 422.612 Section 422.612 Public... Judicial review. (a) Review of ALJ's decision. Any party, including the MA organization, may request judicial review (upon notifying the other parties) of an ALJ's decision if— (1) The Board denied the party...

  2. 40 CFR 180.30 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 23 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 180.30 Section 180.30... EXEMPTIONS FOR PESTICIDE CHEMICAL RESIDUES IN FOOD Procedural Regulations § 180.30 Judicial review. (a) Under FFDCA section 408(h), judicial review is available in the United States Courts of Appeal as to the...

  3. 31 CFR 16.42 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 16.42 Section 16.42... FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES ACT OF 1986 § 16.42 Judicial review. Section 3805 of title 31, United States Code, authorizes judicial review by an appropriate United States District Court of a final decision of the...

  4. 43 CFR 35.42 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 35.42 Section 35.42... CLAIMS AND STATEMENTS § 35.42 Judicial review. Section 3805 of title 31, U.S. Code, authorizes judicial review by an appropriate U.S. District Court of a final decision of the Secretary imposing penalties or...

  5. 14 CFR 1264.141 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Judicial review. 1264.141 Section 1264.141... PENALTIES ACT OF 1986 § 1264.141 Judicial review. Section 3805 of Title 31, United States Code, authorizes judicial review by an appropriate United States District Court of a final decision of the authority head...

  6. 31 CFR 6.16 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 6.16 Section 6.16... EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE ACT Procedures for Considering Applications § 6.16 Judicial review. Judicial review of final agency decisions on awards may be sought as provided in 5 U.S.C. 504(c)(2). ...

  7. 31 CFR 92.18 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 92.18 Section 92.18... States Mint § 92.18 Judicial review. A Final Notice of Assessment issued under the procedures in this subpart may be subject to judicial review pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq. ...

  8. 14 CFR 1250.110 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Judicial review. 1250.110 Section 1250.110... PROGRAMS OF NASA-EFFECTUATION OF TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 § 1250.110 Judicial review. Action taken pursuant to section 602 of the Act is subject to judicial review as provided in section 603...

  9. 31 CFR 27.8 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 27.8 Section 27.8... OF DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY NAMES, SYMBOLS, ETC. § 27.8 Judicial review. A final Notice of Assessment issued under this party may be subject to judicial review pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq. ...

  10. 31 CFR 28.630 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 28.630 Section 28.630 Money and Finance: Treasury Office of the Secretary of the Treasury NONDISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS... Judicial review. Action taken pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 1682 is subject to judicial review as provided in 20 U...

  11. O protagonismo judicial e as políticas públicas / The judicial leadership and public policy

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    Mauricio Amorim


                                     Abstract: This study aims to analyze the judicial control of public policies. Thus, the doctrinal concept of these policies will be explained, and the delimitation of political harvest and develops. A brief overview of the division of powers is necessary, in order to better define what can be considered as judicial activism. About this same theme of activism, will be shown that there is no consensus on their classification, but it depends on the time and place to be analyzed. A relevant discussion on the possible Reserve Theory is demonstrated, as well as whether or not their use when analyzing the legitimacy of judicial intervention in the sphere of activities of the other two branches of government. Finally, the subject of judicial intervention at the present time will be studied, and their possible consequences for democracy. Keywords: Public policy; Judicial activism; Possible reserve theory.

  12. Cooperación judicial e integración subnacional chileno-argentina: principales logros y avances

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    Alejandro Sfeir Tonsic


    Full Text Available La cooperación judicial desarrollada entre diversos órganos de las provincias argentinas y regiones chilenas, al amparo del Tratado de Maipú de Integración y Cooperación de 2009 y de los Comités de Integración binacionales, ha experimentado sustantivos avances en los últimos años, los cuales se ven reflejados en las diversas actividades que se describen en el artículo, las cuales han sido coordinadas y lideradas por las cancillerías de ambos países. Por su parte, la cooperación judicial binacional se entrelaza con el concepto de integración subnacional tanto al permitir un amplio encuentro de altos funcionarios y profesionales interesados en avanzar en estas materias, como al hacer posible el estrechamiento de los vínculos ya existentes a ambos lados de la Cordillera de los Andes. Como fruto de las conversaciones mantenidas en Mendoza en el Comité “Paso Cristo Redentor” de 1 y 2 de septiembre de 2011 y de la organización del Primer Seminario Internacional de Cooperación Judicial Chile-Argentina, desarrollado el 29 y 30 de marzo de 2012, se lograron implementar nuevas Comisiones de Cooperación Judicial en los demás Comités de Integración, así como organizar nuevos seminarios sobre dicha temática, con el objeto de avanzar en el campo de la integración y la cooperación judicial. El objetivo del presente artículo es, precisamente, dar cuenta de los principales logros y avances en esa materia.

  13. Internação psiquiátrica e ordem judicial: saberes e poderes sobre adolescentes usuários de drogas ilícitas Internación psiquiátrica y orden judicial: saberes y poderes sobre adolescentes usuarios de drogas ilícitas Psychiatric internments and judicial orders: knowledge and power with regard to drug-abuse young people

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    Andrea Cristina Coelho Scisleski


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a internação psiquiátrica compulsória destinada a adolescentes usuários de drogas que vivem em situação de marginalidade social, a partir de uma pesquisa de mestrado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social e Institucional/UFRGS, realizada em um hospital psiquiátrico público na cidade de Porto Alegre/Brasil. O objetivo do estudo é investigar como a internação psiquiátrica, nesses moldes, é produzida, levando em conta as trajetórias sociais dos adolescentes. A discussão reside em debater a internação psiquiátrica compulsória no encaminhamento de adolescentes aos serviços de saúde, pondo em questão seus efeitos no campo das políticas públicas e nos processos de subjetivação. Conclui-se que a ordem judicial nos encaminhamentos à internação psiquiátrica pode funcionar tanto como uma forma de punição aos adolescentes quanto como um meio de acesso aos serviços de saúde.Este artículo analiza la internación psiquiátrica por determinación judicial direccionada a adolescentes usuarios de drogas ilícitas, que viven en situación de marginalidad social, desde una investigación de Maestría en "Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social e Institucional/UFRGS", realizada en un Hospital Psiquiátrico público en la ciudad de Porto Alegre/Brasil. El objetivo de este estudio es investigar como la internación psiquiátrica es producida de esa manera, llevando en cuenta las trayectorias sociales de los adolescentes internos. La discusión reside en debatir la internación psiquiátrica por determinación judicial en encaminamiento de adolescentes a los servicios de salud, cuestionando sus efectos en el campo de las políticas públicas y en los procesos de subjetivación que afectan la vida de esos pacientes. Se concluye que la determinación judicial en los encaminamientos a la internación psiquiátrica puede funcionar tanto como una manera de punición a los adolescentes como tambi

  14. The constitutional court review of judicial decisions

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    Stojanović Dragan M.


    Full Text Available In principle, the constitutional precepts envisage that judicial decisions are not subject to extrajudicial control. However, in the course of deciding on constitutional complaints, the Constitutional Court reviews the compliance of individual legal acts and actions of state authorities with the Constitution, including court decisions on cases involving the constitutionally guaranteed rights. Hence, in order to eliminate tension or even contradiction between the constitutional precepts, the constitutional review of judicial decisions should be considered as a special form of judicial control, regardless of the fact that the Constitutional Court is not part of the judicial structure in the strict organizational sense. Thus, unlike the cases where the Court is involved in the normative control of the applicable law, in the process of reviewing judicial decision of lower courts the constitutional judiciary acts in the capacity of a specific judicial authority. According to another possible interpretation of the aforementioned constitutional norms, the direct constitutional protection of the constitutionally guaranteed rights may only be pursued in the process of reviewing individual legal acts and actions of state authorities, but not by pursuing a judicial review of court decisions which the Constitutional Court has no jurisdiction to decide upon. Thus, the dogma of judicial independence would prevail over the dogma of direct protection of fundamental rights. The third interpretation of this relationship maintains that that judicial decisions may be subject to control but, in this specific case, the Constitutional Court may only issue an opinion (a statement rather than a binding decision which would cancel the lower court judgment. Then, it is up to the judicial authorities of the lower instance to adjust their judicial decision, which in the opinion of the Constitutional Court constitutes a violation of the constitutionally guaranteed rights

  15. Judicial Capacity in a Transforming Legal System

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    Hugh Corder


    Full Text Available Given the perennial problem of lack of access to justice; the fact that there was no shortage of superior court judges until 1994; the demands on court process which flow directly from transition to the constitutional democratic system; and the urgent and justified necessity for the demographic transformation of judicial personnel, two challenges to the capacity of the judicial system present themselves in South Africa: Enlarging the number of suitable candidates for judicial appointment to redress the former demographic imbalance; and developing the kind of skills among those appointed as judges to be able to respond with confidence across a wide range of often complex legal issues; and developing a theory of judicial deference which observes the separation of powers and preserves judicial independence. This paper explores these challenges, after setting out the socio-political context, as it impacts directly on their nature and scope, and the prospects of meeting them.Debido al constante problema de la falta de acceso a la justicia, al hecho de que no hubo escasez de jueces de tribunales superiores hasta 1994, las demandas del proceso judicial que surgen directamente de la transición al sistema democrático constitucional, y la necesidad urgente y justificada de la transformación demográfica del personal judicial, el rendimiento judicial en Sudáfrica se encuentra con dos desafíos: Aumentar el número de candidatos aptos al nombramiento judicial para compensar el anterior desequilibrio demográfico y desarrollar en los jueces nombrados aquellas habilidades que les permitan responder con confianza a asuntos jurídicos a menudo complejos; y desarrollar una teoría de deferencia judicial que respete la separación de poderes y preserve la independencia judicial. Este artículo explora estos desafíos tras explicar el contexto sociopolítico, ya que éste afecta directamente a su naturaleza y alcance, y las probabilidades de que se superen

  16. Judicial Performance Review in Arizona: A Critical Assessment

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    Rebecca White Berch


    Full Text Available Judicial performance evaluations are a relatively new tool for assessing judges and providing information to voters to help them determine whether to retain judges in contested or retention elections. Arizona implemented its judicial evaluation program about 20 years ago, and since that time, the state has continually strived to improve its process. The result is that today Arizona has one of the most progressive and comprehensive judicial performance evaluation programs in the United States. This article takes a critical look at the strengths and weaknesses of Arizona’s program, keeping in mind two key values that the system seeks to protect: judicial accountability and judicial independence. Las evaluaciones del rendimiento judicial son una herramienta relativamente nueva para evaluar a los jueces y ofrecer información a los votantes, que les ayude a decidir si quieren reelegir a los jueces en las elecciones. Arizona implementó su programa de evaluación judicial hace unos 20 años, y desde ese momento, el Estado se ha esforzado continuamente en mejorar el proceso. El resultado es que hoy en día, Arizona tiene uno de los programas de evaluación del rendimiento judicial más progresistas e integrales de los Estados Unidos. Este artículo ofrece una mirada crítica a las fortalezas y debilidades del programa de Arizona, teniendo en cuenta dos valores clave que el sistema trata de proteger: la responsabilidad judicial y la independencia judicial. DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:

  17. Itinerário dos usuários de medicamentos via judicial no estado do Amazonas, Brasil

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    Marselle Nobre de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Este artigo teve como objetivo analisar o itinerário dos usuários que tiveram acesso a medicamentos via judicial no estado do Amazonas, Brasil. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, prospectivo, baseado em dados coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com usuários que receberam medicamentos via mandado judicial. A judicialização na saúde mostrou-se um fator agregador ao reconhecimento dos direitos e da cidadania pelos usuários que, na sua trajetória de vida, acabaram adquirindo um grande aprendizado sobre formas de enfrentar a falta de acesso aos medicamentos. Conclui-se que a relação entre o sujeito e o Estado permanece desigual, e o direito à saúde se deu na dimensão individual e restritiva, desconsiderando a dimensão coletiva e a concepção de cidadania.

  18. 46 CFR 1.01-30 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 1.01-30 Section 1.01-30 Shipping COAST... Judicial review. (a) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit any party from seeking judicial review of any Commandant's decision or action taken pursuant to the regulations in this part or part 5 of...

  19. Trajetória da revisão judicial no desenho constitucional brasileiro: tutela, autonomia e judicialização The trajectory of judicial review in the brazilian constitutional design: tutelage, autonomy and judicialization

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    Ernani Carvalho


    Full Text Available As instituições judiciárias ficaram por muito tempo na sombra dos fenômenos e da teoria política estudadas na América Latina. Neste texto trago algumas reflexões em torno de uma dessas instituições, a revisão judicial. A ideia central é demonstrar a trajetória deste instrumento jurídico que se tornou uma peça chave no entendimento da judicialização da política no Brasil. Neste sentido, tentaremos mapear os fatores que potencializam a judicialização da política tomando como pano de fundo a evolução das instituições judiciais brasileiras no período republicano, especificamente as instituições responsáveis pela revisão judicial.The judicial institutions remained for a long time in the shadow of the political phenomena and theory in Latin America. This article presents some thoughts on one of these institutions, the judicial review. The main idea is to demonstrate the trajectory of this legal instrument that has become a key piece to understand the judicialization of politics in Brazil. In this sense, the paper tries to identify the factors that lead to the judicialization of politics, considering as background the evolution of the judicial institutions in Brazil during the republican period, and in particular the institutions responsible for the judicial review.

  20. 17 mil magistrados, 1 milhão de advogados, 27 milhões de processos novos: números e perspectivas do sistema judiciário brasileiro

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    Wagner Silveira Feloniuk


    Full Text Available Esta é uma pesquisa sobre o sistema judiciário brasileiro com apresentação de dados e reflexões sobre desequilíbrios. Há duas partes, na primeira são consolidados dados sobre o número de advogados, juízes e processos. Eles são estudados a partir da sua consolidação em metodologia única, baseada na população brasileira e na quantidade de processos. O Brasil é então comparado com Austrália, Canadá, França, Japão, Reino Unidos e Estados Unidos. Na segunda parte, dois elementos servem de contraponto, a mora processual e dados sobre as defensorias públicas. Com esses subsídios, reflete-se sobre os problemas existentes.

  1. Condena judicial contra el ex Presidente Alberto Fujimori: mensaje contra la impunidad y nuevo capítulo en la historia del Perú contemporáneo


    David Lovatón Palacios


    El artículo analiza desde la perspectiva del derecho de los derechos humanos y desde la posición singular de un abogado que pertenece a una de las organizaciones de derechos humanos que participó representando a "la parte civil" (las víctimas), el proceso judicial seguido en contra de Alberto Fujimori. La mirada de este trabajo es, por sobre todo, la de un testigo de un proceso judicial ejemplar que duró 16 meses que da cuenta de la perseverancia de los familiares de las víctimas, del desempe...

  2. 12 CFR 1780.57 - Stays pending judicial review. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Stays pending judicial review. 1780.57 Section... Posthearing Proceedings § 1780.57 Stays pending judicial review. The commencement of proceedings for judicial... Director pending a final decision on a petition for review of that order. ...

  3. Selected Regional Judicial Officer Cases, 2005 - Present (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This dataset contains selected cases involving EPA's Regional Judicial Officers (RJOs) from 2005 to present. EPA's Regional Judicial Officers (RJOs) perform...

  4. Is judicial integrity a norm?
    An inquiry into the concept of judicial integrity in England and the Netherlands

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    Jonathan Soeharno


    Full Text Available Much effort is being made to safeguard judicial integrity – but what is it? In this article, two discourses on judicial integrity will be outlined: one in which judicial integrity is said to be at stake and one in which the emphasis lies on safeguarding judicial integrity. These discourses are by no means homogeneous. Not only are there considerable differences between the English and the Dutch discourses, there are also differences within each discourse regarding the use and meaning of integrity. In order to gain a better understanding of the concept, normative theory is consulted. From a rule of law perspective, integrity as the proper professional character of an official appears to be a presupposed norm. From the perspective of democracy, integrity appears as the norm that correlates with public trust. Expounding on these norms – integrity as professional character and integrity as external accountability – enables a better understanding of the discourses on judicial integrity.

  5. Decisões políticas do Poder Judiciário: três estudos de caso e algumas diretrizes teórico-metodológicas para sua análise

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    Igor Suzano Machado


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho parte do pressuposto de que a decisão judicial precisa ser considerada como uma decisão política para ser compreendida inteiramente. Esta consideração há de ser pautada por orientação teórica específica, em geral não explorada para dar inteligibilidade a este fenômeno no Brasil. Assim sendo, o estudo a ser aqui desenvolvido busca analisar importantes decisões recentes da justiça brasileira e, partindo da teoria da hegemonia de Antonio Gramsci e desenvolvida contemporaneamente por Ernesto Laclau e Chantal Mouffe, interpretá-las como decisões políticas no seguinte sentido: em determinado contexto, certo grupo social se compreende como antagonizado por outro grupo e, estrategicamente, busca estabelecer, por mecanismos judiciais, nova hegemonia política, que efetive suas demandas enquanto interesses particulares que podem ser representados como interesse geral. A partir de três estudos de caso sobre pontos controversos da interferência do Poder Judiciário na política – o ativismo judicial, a judicialização da moral e a regulação judicial da competição eleitoral –, a pesquisa busca operacionalizar tal referencial analítico e propor diretrizes teóricas e metodológicas para pesquisas empíricas sobre a relação entre a política e a justiça no Brasil.

  6. SMEs: Trust and judicial system

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    Marilene Lorizio


    Full Text Available Italian SMEs share capabilities and routines that permit them to reach high level of competition. But in a global system that is affected by structural deficiencies and negative performance of judicial system, it is very hard to maintain high performances. In this work, starting from the resilience capacity of a group of SMEs of surviving to the crisis, we try to analyse the quality of the expectations of a sample of resilient firms. Our study leads to the hypothesis that the economic crisis is in line with a crisis of confidence in the judicial system. This is all the more serious when considering that this distrust is rooted in those firms located in Southern Italy, where the inefficiency of the judicial system is particularly pronounced.

  7. 36 CFR 218.14 - Judicial proceedings. (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial proceedings. 218.14... ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW PROCESSES Predecisional Administrative Review Process for Hazardous Fuel Reduction Projects Authorized by the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 § 218.14 Judicial proceedings. The objection...

  8. 40 CFR 173.9 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 23 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 173.9 Section 173.9 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) PESTICIDE PROGRAMS PROCEDURES GOVERNING... Judicial review. The State may appeal an order rescinding, in whole or in part, its primary enforcement...

  9. 29 CFR 785.7 - Judicial construction. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial construction. 785.7 Section 785.7 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATEMENTS OF GENERAL... Hours Worked § 785.7 Judicial construction. The United States Supreme Court originally stated that...

  10. 37 CFR 204.9 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 204.9 Section 204.9 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights COPYRIGHT OFFICE, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS COPYRIGHT OFFICE AND PROCEDURES PRIVACY ACT: POLICIES AND PROCEDURES § 204.9 Judicial review. Within two years of the...

  11. Entre a academia e o activismo: Sociologia, estudos queer e movimento LGBT em Portugal

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    Ana Cristina Santos


    Full Text Available Este ensaio centra-se no carácter diverso e complementar da relação entre academia e movimentos sociais, moldando um constructo analítico-social cujas implicações para os estudos queer continuam em grande medida por teorizar. Tal teorização, creio, poderá conduzir a uma nova aplicação da investigação-acção, desta feita centrada nos hífenes que nos permitem articular, em dialéctica, saberes construídos nos quotidianos da academia e do activismo LGBT. Com efeito, ciência e militância, quando cooperantes horizontais – resistindo à tentação de paternalismo, futurismo ou canibalização, por parte da academia, ou de acomodação, aburguesamento ou cedência, por parte dos movimentos sociais –, podem constituir pedras fundamentais nesse constructo ancorado em reconhecimentos recíprocos e capacitantes, em que nenhuma forma de saber se constitui como única ou dominante e da qual resulte, enfim, um novo campo de saber que designo por estudos queer públicos.

  12. 12 CFR 509.41 - Stays pending judicial review. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Stays pending judicial review. 509.41 Section... pending judicial review. The commencement of proceedings for judicial review of a final decision and order... finds just, stay the effectiveness of all or any part of its order pending a final decision on a...

  13. 17 CFR 200.64 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Judicial review. 200.64... AND ETHICS; AND INFORMATION AND REQUESTS Canons of Ethics § 200.64 Judicial review. The Congress has provided for review by the courts of the decisions and orders by this Commission. Members should recognize...

  14. 31 CFR 29.406 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 29.406 Section 29.406 Money and Finance: Treasury Office of the Secretary of the Treasury FEDERAL BENEFIT PAYMENTS UNDER CERTAIN DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA RETIREMENT PROGRAMS Claims and Appeals Procedures § 29.406 Judicial review...

  15. 31 CFR 29.515 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 29.515 Section 29.515 Money and Finance: Treasury Office of the Secretary of the Treasury FEDERAL BENEFIT PAYMENTS UNDER... Overpayments § 29.515 Judicial review. An individual whose request for reconsideration has been denied (in...

  16. Judicial review of administrative silence

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    Radošević Ratko S.


    Full Text Available Administrative silence is a situation in which the competent authority, within the statutory deadline, has not issued an administrative act at the request of the party. In the case of administrative silence, given the fact that the citizens are unable to protect their rights and legal interests without an administrative act, they are provided with legal protection. In this case, the same legal relationship is created, directly on the basis of the statute, as in the situation in which the party's request is rejected. This means that the party may, under the conditions prescribed by the statute, initiate the procedure of judicial review of administrative silence. In the paper, the author explains the conditions under which the judicial review of administrative silence can be initiated and the role of the court in this judicial procedure.

  17. 49 CFR 386.67 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 386.67 Section 386.67... Decision § 386.67 Judicial review. (a) Any party to the underlying proceeding, who, after an administrative... service of the Final Agency Order, petition for review of the order in the United States Court of Appeals...

  18. 29 CFR 1978.110 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... Labor, shall not be subject to judicial review in any criminal or other civil proceedings (49 U.S.C... law judge, shall be transmitted by the Administrative Review Board, United States Department of Labor... 29 Labor 9 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 1978.110 Section 1978.110 Labor...

  19. 49 CFR 397.225 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 397.225 Section 397.225... MATERIALS; DRIVING AND PARKING RULES Preemption Procedures § 397.225 Judicial review. A party to a proceeding under § 397.205(a), § 397.213(a), or § 397.223(a) may seek review by the appropriate district...

  20. Acesso ao medicamento por via judicial na perspectiva dos usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde

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    Virginia Oliveira Chagas


    Full Text Available O acesso aos medicamentos por meio de ações judiciais tem ocorrido com frequência nas três esferas de gestão do Sistema Único de Saúde, sendo legitimada pela garantia do direito universal e integral à saúde e é considerada uma via alternativa. Essa crescente demanda tem provocado muitas discussões entre juristas, gestores e profissionais de saúde, visto que pode interferir na gestão da assistência farmacêutica gerando gastos não previstos e comprometendo o orçamento para a saúde. Optou-se por desenvolver um estudo de caso qualitativo com o objetivo de descrever a perspectiva dos usuários sobre o acesso ao medicamento por via judicial no município de Jataí, Goiás. Participaram do estudo oito pacientes e seis familiares. Os dados foram coletados de janeiro a agosto de 2012, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e análise documental dos processos judiciais. A experiência de busca pela via judicial esteve relacionada à falta de informação oferecida aos usuários, ao bom acolhimento dos profissionais do Judiciário e a resolutividade. Ficou evidente que, para o usuário, o acolhimento e a informação esclarecedora é imprescindível para tomada de consciência sobre a seriedade nesse processo de garantia do direito ao acesso ao medicamento. Em contrapartida, é preciso melhorar o processo comunicativo entre usuários e profissionais de saúde por meio de uma relação dialógica empática, respeitosa que possibilite a troca de experiências e o exercício da alteridade garantindo com isso ações integradas que atendam às necessidades individuais e coletivas para promoção da saúde.



    Mabel Morales López; Erika Polo Mercado


    Este artículo contiene una revisión de la literatura sobre el tema perfil criminal y la investigación de Policía judicial para el esclarecimiento del homicidio cometido por sicarios en Colombia.El propósito es comprobar si cumple con la rigurosidad como técnica y si es efectiva en la identificación y captura del agresor que utiliza un modus operandi propio de la cultura criminal en Colombia. A partir de la investigación forense sobre informes periciales de necropsia y la escena del crimen de ...

  2. La influencia del género en las decisiones de los tribunales: del paternalismo judicial a los papeles familiares The influence of the gender on judicial decision-making: from judicial paternalism to family roles

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    Andreia de Castro-Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Recurriendo al concepto de género como objeto de análisis, este artículo realiza una retrospectiva sobre la evolución de la investigación sobre la influencia de factores extralegales en las decisiones judiciales, a través de la lectura de sus referencias bibliográficas más destacadas. En el caso concreto del género, esta evolución se caracteriza por una sofisticación crítica que provocó un cambio en las explicaciones asociadas a las diferencias encontradas en las sentencias atribuidas a hombres y mujeres. Esta transición parte de perspectivas simplistas relacionadas con una actitud paternalista por parte del sistema de justicia criminal, y evoluciona hasta perspectivas complejas y multifacéticas relacionadas con los diferentes papeles familiares ejercidos por hombres y mujeres.Using the concept of gender as an object of analysis, this article aims at having a retrospective description of the methodological and conceptual evolution regarding the influence of extralegal aspects on judicial decisions research through the most prominent authors. In the specific case of Gender, this evolution is characterized by a critical sophistication. The transition in the explanations in differential criminal sentences attributed to men and women evolved from a simplistic perspective linked to paternalism and chivalry hypothesis to more complex and multifaceted standpoints related to the different family roles exercised by men and women.

  3. El convenio de la Unión Europea sobre competencia judicial, reconocimiento y ejecución de resoluciones en materia matrimonial: un ejercicio de preciosismo barroco

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    Ruben B. Santos Belandro


    Full Text Available El grupo de países europeos que se encuentra comprometido en el proceso de integración económica formuló hace ya tiempo, los criterios para determinar las bases de competencia a fi~ de resolver los litigios de derecho privado que pudieran surgir en dicho espacio geográfico. El documento elaborado fue el Convenio de Bruselas sobre competencia judicial y ejecución de las resoluciones en materia civil y mercantil del 27 de setiembre de 1968. Sin embargo, en dicho momento no fue posible regular las bases de competencia en los procedimientos civiles que se vinculaban conlos temas del divorcio, de la separación legal de los cónyuges y acerca de las cuestiones relacionadas conla nulidad del matrimonio (...Contenido: Ambito de aplicación. Bases de competencia directa. Verificación de la competenciay verificación de la admisibilidad. Litispendentia y acciones conexas. Reconocimiento y ejecución. Definiciones. Ejecución.Procedimiento de la ejecución. Ejecución parcial. Cláusulas de compatibilidad interconvencionales. Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas. Una visión general del Convenio

  4. The Judicial Domain in View: figures, trends and perspectives

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M.A. Loth (Marc); E. Mak (Elaine)


    textabstractWhere will the Dutch judicial system be in 2015? One of us answered a similar type of question elsewhere with a sketch of two frightening scenarios.* In the first scenario the judicial system will have insufficiently adapted itself to its surroundings. The judicial system will become

  5. Judicial System Restructuring and Modernization in Abu Dhabi

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    Lawrence Groo


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to provide a practical overview of the recently initiated modernization of Abu Dhabi’s judicial system. Beginning in 2007, Abu Dhabi’s Government launched a comprehensive effort to transform the Emirate’s judicial system. While the implementation of these reforms is ongoing, with the adoption of the law in May 2007 establishing the new judicial architecture the initial phase of the modernization program is already complete. The restructuring process encompasses court management and administration reform, a new judicial training regime, a redesigned organizational structure for the Emirate’s Judicial Department and courts, and the establishment of a system-wide strategic planning and budgeting process. Many of these initiatives are supported by applying advanced IT-based applications. Given the early achievements and ambitious broader aims of the restructuring process, Abu Dhabi’s example is relevant not only to the other Emirates within the Federal UAE system, but also within the context of the wider Middle East region.

  6. Judicial civil procedure dragging out in Kosovo

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    Rrustem Qehaja


    Full Text Available This article tends to deal with one of the most worrying issues in the judicial system of Kosovo the problem of judicial civil procedure dragging out. The article analyses the reasons of these dragging outs of the judicial civil procedure focusing on the context of one of the basic procedural principles in civil procedure-the principle of economy or efficiency in the courts. Dragging out of civil procedure in Kosovo has put in question not only the basic principles of civil procedure, but it also challenges the general principles related to human rights and freedoms sanctioned not only by the highest legal act of the country, but also with international treaties. The article tends to give a reflection to the most important reasons that effect and influence in these dragging outs of civil procedure, as well as, at the same time aims to give the necessary alternatives to pass through them by identifying dilemmas within the judicial practice. As a result, the motives of this scientific paper are exactly focused at the same time on identifying the dilemmas, as well as presenting ideas, to overstep them, including the judicial practice of the European Court of Human Rights on Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, by which it is given the possibility to offering people efficient and within a reasonable time legal protection of their rights before national courts. For these reasons, the paper elaborates this issue based on both, the legal theory and judicial practice.

  7. El aborto y delito de violación sexual en el 44° Juzgado Penal con reos en cárcel del distrito judicial de Lima, 2014


    Mandujano Santivañez, Víctor Edy; Muñoz Gutiérrez, Omar; Zamora Hidalgo, Edwin


    La presente tesis lleva por título “El aborto y el delito de violación sexual en el 44° Juzgado Penal con reos en cárcel del distrito judicial de Lima, 2014” y tiene como propósito describir la percepción de los abogados sobre el aborto y el delito de violación sexual en el 44 Juzgado Penal con reos en cárcel del distrito judicial de Lima. El diseño de investigación es no experimental con un enfoque cuantitativo y tipo de investigación descriptiva, cuyos resultados se eviden...

  8. Data driven information system for supervision of judicial open

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    Ming LI


    Full Text Available Aiming at the four outstanding problems of informationized supervision for judicial publicity, the judicial public data is classified based on data driven to form the finally valuable data. Then, the functional structure, technical structure and business structure of the data processing system are put forward, including data collection module, data reduction module, data analysis module, data application module and data security module, etc. The development of the data processing system based on these structures can effectively reduce work intensity of judicial open iformation management, summarize the work state, find the problems, and promote the level of judicial publicity.

  9. [The judicialization of health in the Federal District of Brazil]. (United States)

    Diniz, Debora; Machado, Teresa Robichez de Carvalho; Penalva, Janaina


    This paper seeks to analyze the Judiciary's approach with respect to demands for the judicialization of the right to health by means of a case study of civil lawsuits for access to health care in Brazil's Federal District. Judicialization of the right to health signifies the judicialization of various of the health services provided. This is a descriptive and exploratory case study that covers the Federal District and uses mixed techniques to gather and analyze data. This study analyzed 385 lawsuits (87% of the total number of cases of judicialization of health for the period from 2005 to 2010 that reached the Appellate court). The results indicate that the most judicialized service is access to intensive care unit, followed by drugs and health care. Almost all lawsuits are filed by public defenders, with medical prescriptions and recommendations from the public health service. The results of this study challenge some dominant themes in the national debate, particularly the claim that judicialization is a phenomenon of the elites and that the services judicialized are drugs. The study does not seek to make generalizations, but highlights the fact that the phenomenon of judicialization of health has different aspects encompassed under the same concept.


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    Lina Marcela Escobar Martínez


    Full Text Available Se ha dicho tradicionalmente que el argumento semántico es la máxima expresión del formalismo jurídico. Este artículo pretende desvirtuar dicha creencia y demostrar que el argumento en cuestión es una herramienta que ha sido utilizada también por el neoconstitucionalismo, inclusive para hacer activismo judicial. Con tal fin, a continuación se presentan ejemplos significativos del uso que de este instrumento han hecho las altas Cortes colombianas.

  11. “El Derecho a Conocer” Experiencias de Personas que Buscan SUS Orígenes en la Justicia Argentina

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    Soledad Gesteira


    Full Text Available Resumo: Na Argentina o activismo da Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, na busca de seus netos apropriados durante a última ditadura militar, teve um efeito inesperado: centenas de pessoas [que não poderiam ser seus netos] começou a se perguntar sobre a sua identidade. Alguns deles se organizaram em associações enquanto outras começaram a ser chamados de "afetado independente", mas a luta para encontrar suas origens e criar condições adequadas para esta legislação era em conjunto. Para esses ativistas o acesso à justiça se revelou como muito difícil e, na verdade, apenas algumas pessoas foram capazes de levar seus casos ao tribunal. Neste artigo vou descrever e analisar o caso de dois processos. Sabrina -ativista "afetado independente" - e o caso de três mulheres que, em 2012, conseguiram convencer a parteira que as vendeu ao nascer. Analisar como essas mulheres experimentam a procura pelo direito de saber as suas origens na arena judicial, permitirá compreender, em primeiro lugar, como as exigências de quem procura as suas origens no campo judicial estão definidas e, por outro lado, o alcance e limitações do sistema de justiça para essas reivindicações ao "direito de saber". Palavras-chave: Pesquisa. Origens . Demanda. Justiça. Direito.  *** Resumen: En Argentina el activismo de Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, en la búsqueda de sus nietos apropiados durante la última dictadura militar, ha tenido un efecto inesperado, cientos de personas [que no podían ser sus nietos] comenzaron a preguntarse sobre su identidad. Algunas de ellas se organizaron en asociaciones y otras se autodenominan “afectados independientes”, pero conjuntamente luchan para encontrar sus orígenes y crear legislaciones adecuadas para ello. Para estos activistas acceder a la justicia se revela muy difícil, en efecto solo algunas personas lograron llevar sus casos a la justicia. En este artículo describo y analizo dos casos judicializados, el de Sabrina -una

  12. Promoting Justices: Media Coverage of Judicial Nominations in Israel

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    Bryna Bogoch


    Full Text Available This paper compares the framing of the coverage of judicial appointments in Israel in 2008 in two newspapers with nomination news from preceding years and to the patterns of press coverage in the U.S. A content analysis of 101 Supreme Court nomination articles indicated that unlike the political frame of American coverage, the press in Israel preserves its ostensible commitment to the professionalism of judges while linking the Supreme Court to political maneuvering in the selection of candidates. These findings are discussed within the context of the media's role in constructing judicial nominations as a debate about the role of the Supreme Court in Israeli society. Este artículo compara el marco de la cobertura de los nombramientos judiciales en Israel en 2008 en dos periódicos, con noticias de nombramientos de años anteriores y en los Estados Unidos, con los patrones de cobertura de prensa en los EE.UU. Un análisis de contenido de 101 artículos de nombramientos de la Corte Suprema indicó que, a diferencia del marco político de la cobertura de América, la prensa en Israel consierva su aparente compromiso con la profesionalidad de los jueces, a pesar de que relaciona la Corte Suprema con maniobras políticas en la selección de candidatos. Estos resultados se discuten en el contexto del papel de los medios de comunicación en la construcción de los nombramientos judiciales como un debate sobre el papel de la Corte Suprema en la sociedad israelí. DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:

  13. Magistratura e gênero: um olhar sobre as mulheres nas cúpulas do judiciário brasileiro


    Fragale Filho, Roberto; Moreira, Rafaela Selem; Sciammarella, Ana Paula de O.


    Este artigo explora a questão da ascensão das mulheres na magistratura brasileira a partir do exame da existência de um possível “telhado de vidro”, que limitaria sua chegada de forma representativa à cúpula do judiciário. O estudo realiza uma análise quantitativa da representatividade feminina nas cúpulas da magistratura brasileira tanto na justiça estadual quanto na justiça federal. Os dados compilados foram analisados por segmento funcional. O texto discute, ainda, as principais questões r...

  14. Trayectorias de democratización y desdemocratización de la comunicación en Ecuador

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    Isabel Ramos


    Full Text Available Partiendo de la constatación de que las políticas desarrolladas históricamente por los gobiernos ecuatorianos han generado las condiciones legales y materiales para una situación de acentuada desdemocratización de la comunicación en el país, este artículo analiza el “activismo estatal” emprendidopor el gobierno de Rafael Correa frente a los medios masivos. En lugar de presuponer que este activismo, instrumentado por un régimen político de características populistas, conduce necesariamente a la democratización de la comunicación mediatizada, se da cuenta de los avances realizados y se alerta sobre las acciones gubernamentales que han resultado desdemocratizadoras.

  15. Processos de tutela e as possibilidades de estudos sobre a família ex-escrava

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    Patricia Urruzola


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa como o processo tutelar oferece múltiplas possibilidades de pesquisa sobre a família ex-escrava no pós-Abolição. Tais processos concentram informações sobre as mães ex-escravas e demais familiares e revelam a rede de solidariedade existente naquela situação judicial. This article analyzes how the tutelary processes can offer multiple research possibilities on the ex-slave family in the post-Abolition period. This processes gathers information about the for-mer slave mothers and other relatives, and reveal information on the solidarity network that was born from that judicial situation. En este artículo se analiza cómo el proceso tutelar ofrece múltiples posibilidades de búsqueda en la antigua familia de esclavos en el post-Abolición. Estos procesos se centran información acerca de los antiguos esclavos madres y otros miembros de la familia y revelan la red de soli-daridad que la situación jurídica existente.

  16. Judicial Performance and Experiences of Judicial Work: Findings from socio-legal research by Sharyn Roach Anleu & Kathy Mack: Commentary

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    Gar Yein Ng


    Full Text Available This commentary examines the contribution in this edition by Roach Anleu & Mack, based on arguments that reducing judicial performance evaluation (ergo any professional performance to that which is easily measurable removes the human aspect of that performance, and is therefore less accurate. Here, “measurable” is meant as focusing only on the “outward performance”, “interaction with stakeholders” and how judges perform in relation to numbers of cases. Compared to such organisational standards, judicial codes of ethics or other written codes reflect the more traditional values of the judiciary, such as independence and impartiality. This can be seen e.g. in the experiences of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe in supporting the use of judicial performance standards. The argument in the paper, supported by this commentator, is that such exercises are superficial and more depth is needed to capture the entirety of the judicial experience using the model presented. Este comentario analiza el artículo de Roach Anleu y Mack en este número, en base a los argumentos de que limitar la evaluación del rendimiento judicial (ergo cualquier rendimiento profesional a lo que es fácilmente medible elimina el aspecto humano de ese rendimiento, y es por lo tanto menos preciso. Aquí, por “medible” se entiende lo que está centrado únicamente en el “rendimiento exterior”, la “interacción con los interesados” y el rendimiento de los jueces en relación con el número de casos. En comparación con estas normas de organización, los códigos judiciales de ética u otros códigos escritos reflejan los valores más tradicionales de la judicatura, como la independencia o imparcialidad. Esto puede verse, por ejemplo, en las experiencias de la Organización para la Seguridad y la Cooperación en Europa en apoyar el uso de las normas de rendimiento judicial. El argumento del artículo, apoyado por esta autora, es que estos

  17. Italian Microhistory, anthropology and judicial archives

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    Eulalia Hernández Ciro


    Full Text Available From the interceptions between the Italian microhistory and anthropology, this article aims to provide a central debate of contemporary historiography account of popular culture and subaltern classes from the intensive and exhaustive judicial proceedings. To do this, some of the impacts of anthropology will be addressed in the historical work, as the appearance and questioning notion of popular culture, the ethnographic value of court files and finally, some possibilities in the case of Judicial Historical Archive of Medellin.

  18. Explaining judicial corruption in the courts of Chile, Peru and Ecuador

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    Santiago Basabe-Serrano


    Full Text Available This article identifies the main variables that explain judicial corruption in Chile, Peru, and Ecuador. Improving the current methodological strategies used to measure judicial corruption and incorporating endogenous and exogenous variables in the model, this article argues that legal training of the judges, respect for the judicial career, and the fragmentation of political power explain different degrees of judicial corruption. Through a comparative diachronic and synchronic research design of Chile, Peru and Ecuador, the article shows institutional designs with more legal steps will be more inclined to illegal payments or other types of judicial corruption.

  19. Judicial review and transitional justice: Reflective Judgment in three contexts

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    Mihaela Mihai


    Full Text Available Este artículo busca examinar las vías a través de las cuales las cortes de revisión constitucional han intentado discernir con sentimientos públicos dentro de sociedades emergentes de una situación de opresión y conflicto de alta escala. Un análisis comparativo de decisiones de revisión judicial de la Hungría post-comunista, de la Sudáfrica post-Apartheid y de la Argentina post- dictadura como casos que muestran como los jueces han, con mayor o menor éxito, reconocido y engranado pedagógicamente sentimientos sociales negativos de resentimiento e indignación hacia antiguos víctimarios y beneficiarios de violencia. Así, el artículo espera cimentar el camino para investigaciones de mayor envergadura sobre uno de las dimensiones más descuidadas de sociedades post-confictuales: la influencia pública.

  20. [Mistakes and omissions in judicial reports prepared in emergency services]. (United States)

    Turla, Ahmet; Aydin, Berna; Sataloğlu, Neva


    We aimed in this study to determine any mistakes or omissions made while preparing judicial reports, which contribute to the judicial process. In this study, we evaluated as samples 351 judicial reports of victims who applied to the Emergency Service of Ondokuz Mayis University between January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2005 with respect to the judicial facts, and we recorded any mistakes or omissions of data in these reports. We determined that there was no record of age in 6% of the judicial reports, of examination time in 71.8%, of traumatic lesion or not in 30.5%, of the state of consciousness in 58.7%, and of the presence or not of life-threatening risks in 2.6%. The name of the physician who prepared the report was not provided in 8.0% of the reports. The most important omission is that none of the reports had the name, surname or signature of the person who had taken the prepared report. We concluded that, after graduation, it is necessary for physicians, who are responsible for both treating the patients and writing judicial reports, to attend in-service training programs. They must also be properly advised regarding their responsibilities in judicial cases.

  1. Nudging Domestic Judicial Reforms from Strasbourg: How the European Court of Human Rights shapes domestic judicial design

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    David Kosař


    Full Text Available This article discusses to what extent and how the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR has initiated and engaged in domestic judicial reforms. It shows that the judgments of the Strasbourg Court, rather than having effects only with respect to the individual whose rights have been violated, have much deeper structural effects in the design and operation of domestic judicial systems. This article argues that this phenomenon goes rather unnoticed, but it has deep implications for both the developing and developed European democracies. To demonstrate this phenomenon, this article assesses the impact of the ECtHR on three judicial design issues. First, it illustrates how the ECtHR has challenged the role of the advocates general. Second, it explains how the ECtHR has gradually curbed the jurisdiction of military courts both over civilians and over military officers, which has brought these courts to the brink of their abolition. Finally, it outlines how the ECtHR in its judgments regarding the disciplining of judges empowers the judiciary at the expense of other political institutions within the State. Based on the analysis of these three judicial design issues, we conclude that the Strasbourg Court is affecting the internal architecture of domestic judiciaries as it gradually endorses the unification of court administration and changes the power structures within the judiciary.

  2. The judicialization of territorial politics in Brazil, Colombia and Spain

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    Helder Ferreira do Vale


    Full Text Available This article explains how judicial review influences intergovernmental political dynamics in Brazil, Colombia and Spain. The argument is developed in light of two questions: how supreme courts have established themselves as pivotal institutions for settling vertical intergovernmental disputes, and how national and subnational politicians use judicial review in order to enhance their own interests. A comparison between the judicial review processes in federal Brazil, quasi-federal Spain, and unitary Colombia provides an answer to these questions. Accounting for the differences in the territorial organization and systems of government among these countries, the article assesses the patterns of judicial review originating from the subnational level. Findings suggest that courts affect the interaction between national and subnational politicians in the three country-cases, but through different patterns of judicialization of territorial politics.

  3. Court’s Precious Time: Transparency, Honor and Judicial Scarce Resources

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    Boaz Shnoor


    Full Text Available While many judicial systems in the Western World are coping with a shortage of judges, the public is not always aware of the overload and its reasons. Our claim is that the reason for this, is the fact that the judicial system preferred to preserve an ideal image of the judiciary and control all information about it, rather than to publicize the judicial overload problem. In this paper, we aim to show that until recently, the issue of “judicial overload” was hidden from the public eye. We deal with the importance and advantageous of presenting the relevant facts to the public. We shall empirically show, that the judicial system has begun to legitimize the exposure of judicial overload to the public.Si bien es cierto que muchos sistemas judiciales del mundo occidental están lidiando con la escasez de jueces, también lo es que el público no siempre es consciente de la sobrecarga de trabajo y de sus razones. Nosotros afirmamos que la razón de ello es que el sistema judicial ha preferido preservar una imagen ideal de la judicatura y controlar toda la información acerca de ella antes que hacer público el problema de la sobrecarga de trabajo de los jueces. En este artículo, pretendemos mostrar que, hasta hace poco, la cuestión de la "sobrecarga de los jueces" ha permanecido oculta a ojos del público. Tratamos el tema de la importancia y la ventaja que supone presentar los hechos relevantes al público, y demostraremos empíricamente que el sistema judicial ha comenzado a aprobar la exposición de la sobrecarga judicial al público. DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:


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    Têmis Limberger


    Full Text Available The proposed study is based on the jurisdictional action of the Courts when adopting positions that go against the current legislation and even the Constitutional text, making use of premises of the neoconstitutional doctrine, which deals with the concrete application of the Federal Constitution, in order to demonstrate the use of these parameters as basis or foundation for judicial decisions of activist nature, and specifically to point out the effects of the judgments of this nature. The insecurity caused by the res judicata that adopt the practices worked in this doctrine, denying what is in the Law and in the Constitution, justify the relevance of the research, which faces these problems in the light of Contemporary Juridical Hermeneutics. The research method was the bibliographic survey and the study of judicial decisions, with emphasis on TSE and STF. Thus, in general, the objective is to make it clear that in these cases there is a misconception of the Judiciary in the form of interpreting and deciding, and it specifically points out that the decisions of the Electoral Courts reach out as an instrument of judicial activism, which is strengthened by the Neoconstitutional doctrine.


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    Mabel Morales López


    Full Text Available Este artículo contiene una revisión de la literatura sobre el tema perfil criminal y la investigación de Policía judicial para el esclarecimiento del homicidio cometido por sicarios en Colombia.El propósito es comprobar si cumple con la rigurosidad como técnica y si es efectiva en la identificación y captura del agresor que utiliza un modus operandi propio de la cultura criminal en Colombia. A partir de la investigación forense sobre informes periciales de necropsia y la escena del crimen de éste tipo de homicidio, se pretende proponer mejoras en los procesos investigativos y en el entrenamiento de investigadores.

  6. 31 CFR 357.23 - Judicial proceedings-sovereign immunity. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial proceedings-sovereign immunity. 357.23 Section 357.23 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance... Securities System (Legacy Treasury Direct) § 357.23 Judicial proceedings—sovereign immunity. (a) Department...


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    Ana María Mesa Elneser


    Full Text Available El presente artículo da cuenta de la regulación en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano sobre el funcionamiento de la rama judicial por medios electrónicos como una forma de hacer efectivo el cumplimiento de principios procesales como la gratuidad, garantismo y agilidad en la búsqueda efectiva del funcionamiento del aparato judicial. La necesidad de avance tecnológico informático al servicio de la Rama Judicial no ha sido soportado desde una política de gobierno generadora de proyectos e inversión que materialicen lainclusión del mundo tecnológico informático en la administración de justicia,más aún, no existe desarrollo legal que permita adelantar un proceso legal por medios electrónicos, salvo la modificación a los artículos 315 y 320 de la ley 794 de 2003, con la inclusión de la notificación electrónica, avance normativo que a la fecha no se tiene en funcionamiento, volviendo la disposición letra muerta, en contraste con el acelerado desarrollo del comercio y el creciente surgimiento de empresas virtuales del tipo de establecimientos de comercio y sociedades comerciales, las cuales tienen su domicilio deoperación comercial, no en una dirección física sino electrónica.

  8. Judicial police, functions and its development in Albania

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    Asllan Dogjani


    Full Text Available This article aims at a consistent search of the opinions about the judicial police as one of the subjects, contained in the Albanian criminal procedural law. In article 30 of the Albanian Criminal Procedure Code, are sanctioned the functions, division, addiction and judicial police duties. In the initial phase, the preliminary investigations are the basis of criminal proceedings. This phase includes evidences that cannot be replicated, the security measures are set, it is performed the notice of suit and necessary datas are collected. Searching, tracking, capture and bringing before trial of the perpetrators is considered as one of the oldest activities of human being. The need to ensure these regulations and the aim to prevent the consequences of any criminal activity has forced societies and different states to establish special investigative bodies (investigation and to determine by time their rights and obligations. So judicial police organs were provided and charged with competences and legal responsibility for the detection, crime preventions and research, capturing and bringing before the court, individuals or groups who commit criminal activities. From a comparative overview of legislation of the judicial police in several countries around the world, it is shown that there is no extreme change in structures and organizational patterns of these bodies, missions, powers and responsibilities they exercise (Elezi, 1997, 13. Judicial police in Albania has also been and is one of the important subjects of the criminal proceedings. In the historical perspective these bodies have had mixed origins and nature, and in different times they were military or civilian institutions. In this context, main purpose of this paper is the analysis of judicial police in

  9. Constitutionalization of judicial independence: In comparative law and in Serbian legislation

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    Pejić Irena


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to point out that the guarantees of judicial independence have to be regulated by the Constitution as they create de iure framework for the independence of the judiciary in the rule of law system. The author is aware that the constitutional guarantees are per se insufficient and that their primary features may yield different effects depending on the political environment and cultural matrix in which they take effect. The judicial system operates in the circumstances of the separation of powers, where the independent judiciary is corroborated a guarantee of the rule of law. Hence, it is important to concurrently elaborate on the institutional and personal guarantees of judicial independence, focusing on the responsibility of the political authorities to create a relevant social environment for the operation of the independent judiciary as well as on the responsibility of the judiciary to independently exercise their judicial function. The author's intention in this paper is to provides a comparative analysis on the guarantees of independent judiciary and the minimum rules that constitute the cohesive core which serves as the common meeting grounds not only for the EU member states but also for all countries of the European-Continental legal system in their efforts to ensure the judicial independence as the primary condition for exercising the rule of law. The corpus of constitutional guarantees on independent judiciary includes the following elements: the judicial appointments and termination of a judicial office; the permanence of the judicial office and impartiality in decision-making processes; the professional responsibility and judicial immunity; as well as the recently established judicial councils, which have been given the constitutional authority to protect the independence of the judiciary.

  10. 12 CFR 747.41 - Stays pending judicial review. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 6 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Stays pending judicial review. 747.41 Section... of Practice and Procedure § 747.41 Stays pending judicial review. The commencement of proceedings for... part of its order pending a final decision on a petition for review of that order. ...

  11. Judicial Process, Grade Eight. Resource Unit (Unit V). (United States)

    Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Project Social Studies Curriculum Center.

    This resource unit, developed by the University of Minnesota's Project Social Studies, introduces eighth graders to the judicial process. The unit was designed with two major purposes in mind. First, it helps pupils understand judicial decision-making, and second, it provides for the study of the rights guaranteed by the federal Constitution. Both…

  12. 12 CFR 308.41 - Stays pending judicial review. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Stays pending judicial review. 308.41 Section... OF PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE Uniform Rules of Practice and Procedure § 308.41 Stays pending judicial... finds just, stay the effectiveness of all or any part of its order pending a final decision on a...

  13. 25 CFR 11.438 - Flight to avoid prosecution or judicial process. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Flight to avoid prosecution or judicial process. 11.438... OFFENSES AND LAW AND ORDER CODE Criminal Offenses § 11.438 Flight to avoid prosecution or judicial process... Offenses exercises jurisdiction for the purpose of avoiding arrest, prosecution or other judicial process...

  14. 12 CFR 19.41 - Stays pending judicial review. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Stays pending judicial review. 19.41 Section 19... PROCEDURE Uniform Rules of Practice and Procedure § 19.41 Stays pending judicial review. The commencement of... effectiveness of all or any part of an order pending a final decision on a petition for review of that order. ...

  15. El género judicial. Materiales para su uso lingüístico / The judicial genre. Materials for its Linguistic study

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    Susana Ridao Rodrigo


    Full Text Available Resumen: El objetivo de este libro es contribuir al estudio del género judicial mediante la utilización de corpus orales. En el ámbito anglosajón, la lingüística forense ha sido una línea de trabajo muy cultivada por diversos investigadores, como lingüistas, sociólogos, psicólogos o traductores; pues nos encontramos ante un campo de análisis interdisciplinar. Estamos convencidos de que en español se han realizado pocos estudios sobre juicios orales debido a las dificultades que conlleva conseguir el corpus. Por ello, en este volumen nos hemos propuesto presentar las transcripciones de doce juicios. Igualmente, en la introducción facilitamos algunos datos relevantes relacionados con el devenir histórico de este género discursivo. A su vez, hacemos una breve presentación del estado de la cuestión. Dentro de la explicación de las variables sociosemióticas que configuran los juicios, destacamos los participantes y las relaciones de poder, así como la distribución del espacio y del tiempo.Abstract: The aim of the following book is to contribute to the study of the judicial genre by using oral corpus of speech. With respect to Anglo-Saxon context, forensic linguistics has been a line of work cultivated by many different researchers, including linguists, sociologists, psychologists, and translators; therefore, we find ourselves among a vast field of interdisciplinary analyses. We are convinced that there have been very few studies conducted regarding trials in Spanish due to the difficulties of obtaining the oral corpus. For that reason, in this volume we have proposed to present the transcriptions of twelve trials. Likewise, in the introduction we provide research relevant to the historic evolution of this field. Shortly after, we make a brief background. Within the explanation of the socio-semiotic variables that shape each trial, we point out the participants and the relevance of power, such as the distribution of space and time.

  16. El diario en línea. Metodología para el análisis y la reflexión sobre Internet y las prácticas políticas entre universitarios

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    María Rebeca Padilla de la Torre


    Full Text Available En este artículo se describe la metodología de los diarios en línea para analizar las actividades en Internet de un grupo de estudiantes universitarios, identificando entre ellas las vinculadas con la política. El registro de diarios se llevó a cabo durante cuatro meses, periodo en el que se desarrollaron campañas electorales en la ciudad de Aguascalientes, México, y se complementaron con sesiones presenciales, a manera de entrevistas colectivas. Esta metodología fue muy pertinente para detonar la reflexividad de los sujetos de estudio sobre el papel de Internet en su vida diaria y en su participación política. Los hallazgos mostraron diez categorías de prácticas en Internet en nueve distintos soportes. Las principales prácticas fueron de naturaleza social y de entretenimiento y el sentido que prevaleció en las políticas fue el subactivismo que se refiere a la discusión sobre política sin traducirse en actividades de política formal, de subpolítica o activismo


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    Arleth Santos Borges


    Full Text Available O presente artigo é dedicado à análise de questões do debate recente sobre ditadura militar no Brasil, com destaque para as estratégias de controle e repressão social perpetradas por extensa e intrincada rede de polícia política, com suas instituições de informação e repressão, reforçadas por dispositivos jurídico-políticos e culturais de justificação, legitimação e/ou mistificação dessas práticas. Nessa perspectiva, empreende-se uma reflexão sobre o caráter híbrido dessa experiência ditatorial, seus sistemas de informação e repressão, controles sobre o Poder Judiciário e a imposição da censura como mecanismos de controle político e moral.

  18. The Principle of Judicial Cooperation New Code of Civil Procedure: An Analysis Protection from the Worker Front of the Institute of Judicial Recovery

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    Patricia Fernandes Bega


    Full Text Available The article is subject to study the Principle of Judicial Cooperation. The problem of research focuses on the conflict between the institution of bankruptcy and labor laws. The initial hypothesis is that the principle of protection to workers and the Judicial Recovery Institute reveal clash, contradiction and non-cooperation. In this way, the work seeks to demonstrate that the procedural rule of judicial cooperation brought about by the new CPC is an instrument of dialogue between material contradictions. The objective is to analyze the new civil procedure code and the difficulty to cooperate the irreconcilable. The method used was deductive.

  19. Judicial Reforms in Russia: 1864 to 2014

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    Irina Reshetnikova


    Full Text Available In 2014 we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Judicial Reform in Russia. The 1860s are known as a time of major reforms in various spheres of life, one of them being the Judicial Reform adopted in 1864. Before 1864 civil procedure was considered to be the classical form of inquisitorial justice1 with active judges and passive parties. Inquisitorial procedure was a written process conducted in secret with no legal representatives in court, and with formal evaluation of evidence (otsenka dokazatel’stv. Instead of an inquisitorial procedure the Judicial Reform introduced an adversarial system with active parties and more or less passive judges, an open, oral (public process, legal representatives, and free evaluation of evidence. So, for Russian procedure it was a revolution as it happened in other countries of Europe, which turned away from an inquisitorial to an adversarial system of justice.

  20. Methodologies for Measuring Judicial Performance: The Problem of Bias

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    Jennifer Elek


    Full Text Available Concerns about gender and racial bias in the survey-based evaluations of judicial performance common in the United States have persisted for decades. Consistent with a large body of basic research in the psychological sciences, recent studies confirm that the results from these JPE surveys are systematically biased against women and minority judges. In this paper, we explain the insidious manner in which performance evaluations may be biased, describe some techniques that may help to reduce expressions of bias in judicial performance evaluation surveys, and discuss the potential problem such biases may pose in other common methods of performance evaluation used in the United States and elsewhere. We conclude by highlighting the potential adverse consequences of judicial performance evaluation programs that rely on biased measurements. Durante décadas ha habido una preocupación por la discriminación por género y racial en las evaluaciones del rendimiento judicial basadas en encuestas, comunes en Estados Unidos. De acuerdo con un gran corpus de investigación básica en las ciencias psicológicas, estudios recientes confirman que los resultados de estas encuestas de evaluación del rendimiento judicial están sistemáticamente sesgados contra las mujeres y los jueces de minorías. En este artículo se explica la manera insidiosa en que las evaluaciones de rendimiento pueden estar sesgadas, se describen algunas técnicas que pueden ayudar a reducir las expresiones de sesgo en los estudios de evaluación del rendimiento judicial, y se debate el problema potencial que estos sesgos pueden plantear en otros métodos comunes de evaluación del rendimiento utilizados en Estados Unidos y otros países. Se concluye destacando las posibles consecuencias adversas de los programas de evaluación del rendimiento judicial que se basan en mediciones sesgadas. DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:

  1. Does Judge Turnover Affect Judicial Performance?

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    Guerra, Alice; Tagliapietra, Claudio


    office to another after three years of mandate, and the law prescribes their transfer after ten years to guarantee their independence. Flaws in the process managing the backlog of outbound judges and the existence of asynchrony between outbound and inbound transfers produce a chain of delays...... to the disposition of court cases. Using a novel dataset on Court of Appeal Districts in Italy (2008–2012), we provide evidence of a strong negative relation between high turnover rates and judicial performance. We find that marginal increases in judge turnover rates lead to a statistically significant decrease...... in judicial performance over two years of time...


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    Sergei Evgenievich Strakhov


    Full Text Available In today's world, a crucial role is played by the judiciary. In the period lasting judicial reform, it is important to explore this institution not only at the present stage, but also to trace the history of its development, including - through analysis and synthesis of existing studies of the judiciary and judicial reforms.The purpose of this study - to explore the historiography of general, special and regional studies of judicial reform of1864 inRussia, to classify research on history and on the subject of the study.Scientific, theoretical and practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the study of this topic will summarize the significant weight of the studies of the judicial reform of 1864 and classified by facilitating orientation interested in individuals in the study subjects.The author uses historical, comparative, hermeneutical, mathematical methods, as well as general methods of scientific research.The author analyzes the historiography of general, special and regional studies of the judicial reform of1864 inRussia, introducing a classification of such studies in chronological order (pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern stages and subject matter (common - affecting all aspects of judicial reform, special - dedicated to a particular aspect (legal agencies, prosecutors, legal, etc. and regional - dedicated to judicial reform, or some aspects of it in some regions of Russia.The results of this study are scientific and practical value, because they can be useful for teaching students - in industry disciplines "judiciary", "advocacy", "notary public", "public prosecutor's supervision" and general theoretical "History of State and Law," "History of the fatherland" ; in science - by picking up information about the historiography of the judicial reform, and in practice - said work can serve as a guide to research judicial reform, which may be useful to practitioners of judicial and investigative bodies, as well as - prosecutors

  3. Reassessing Judicial Independence and Impartiality against the Backdrop of Judicial Appointments in South Africa

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    Koos Malan


    Full Text Available The South African Judicial Service Commission (JSC, considered to be exemplary for its independence, plays a pivotal part in judicial appointments. Yet the Commission has long been marred by tensions that have lately erupted into a full-blown conflict between those who could here be referred to as the transformationists, on the one hand, and the liberals, on the other. The transformationists, who may generally be regarded as falling within the sphere of influence of the ruling elite under the African National Congress (ANC, are bent on pursuing the policy of transformation. Hence they insist that the composition of the bench must reflect the national population profile and on individual judges' pursuing the ruling party's ideological goals. The liberals reject this as a threat to judicial independence and the professional competence of the judiciary. On close analysis the clash is based on incompatible interpretations of judicial independence and impartiality. This article is a critique of these interpretations against the backdrop of an assessment of what these notions can reasonably be expected to achieve. It is argued that the liberals are harbouring unrealistic views about judiciaries, believing them to wield power which may even extend over matters of political significance, powers on a par with or even outweighing those of the political branches. However, on proper analysis it is clear that the judiciary is in fact, firstly, inherently weak and dependent on the support of the political branches; and, secondly, it is integrated into the ruling elite with whom they share the same ideological assumptions without any inclination to oppose them. Hence, the impartiality of the courts, when it comes to politically sensitive issues, is distinctively politically (regime relative and ideologically conditioned. Ironically the transformationists have bought into the liberals' erroneous belief in the potency of the courts (in the above-mentioned sense

  4. The Judicial Process as a Form of Program Evaluation. (United States)

    Ellsberry, James


    Maintaining that the judicial process is particularly effective as a form of program evaluation, this article details organizational procedures and lists the following advantages for use of the judicial process: issues are investigated in an open forum, the community can participate, and exciting opportunities for teaching and learning are…

  5. Political Science, The Judicial Process, and A Legal Education (United States)

    Funston, Richard


    Application of the behavioral approach to the study of the judicial process is examined including methodological approaches used, typical findings, and "behavioralists'" rejection of the case method of studying law. The author concludes that the behavioral approach to the study of judicial politics has not been substantially productive. (JT)

  6. El aborto en el campo de la memoria y los derechos humanos. Feminismo, Iglesia católica y activismo pro-vida en Argentina

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    Pablo Gudiño Bessone


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda cómo las distintas significaciones acerca de la figura simbólica de los desaparecidos y la activación de soportes y vehículos de la memoria de la última dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983 se constituyen en una herramienta simbólica y narrativa en la que católicos y feministas inscriben sus diferencias políticas en torno a la legalización del aborto. Me intereso en observar los modos en que la Iglesia católica, el activismo antiabortista y las organizaciones feministas le atribuyen sentidos políticos diversos al Nunca Más y a la figura de los desaparecidos, donde el significante vida es puesto en conexión con la memoria y la violación a los derechos humanos en dictadura.

  7. O Judicial Review e o ativismo judicial da Suprema Corte americana na proteção de direitos fundamentais

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    Estefania Maria de Queiroz Barboza


    Full Text Available Resumo: No presente artigo examinaram-se as origens históricas do judicial review nos Estados Unidos da América desde o caso Marbury v. Madison até a Corte Burger, bem como os reflexos de sua concepção no chamado “ativismo judicial” norte-americano, o qual acabou por priorizar o papel da jurisdição constitucional na proteção dos direitos fundamentais garantidos na Constituição, mesmo que isso implicasse enfrentar questões tipicamente políticas. Ou seja, apresentaram-se casos nos quais a Suprema Corte atuou de forma ativista especialmente na proteção de direitos fundamentais, embora em outros momentos tenha atuado justamente no sentido contrário, como na Era Lochner, numa postura conservadora em relação à proteção de direitos. Palavras-chave: Ativismo judicial. Suprema Corte. Estados Unidos. Judicial Review.

  8. Judicial Review: State Supreme Judicial Views on Balancing Civil Liberties and Public Safety/Security Measures during the Global War on Terror (United States)


    provided to preserving individual rights by “. . . narrowing the range of rights- violative options available to the government in the next emergency...relationship with the government as agent )142 who sounds a “fire alarm,” by bringing a complaint before the...Judicial Review,” 24-30. 142 Ibid., “Judicial Review Supports Popular Sovereignty by Mitigating the Principal- Agent Problem that Lies at the Heart of

  9. Explaining the judicial independence of international courts: a comparative analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beach, Derek

    What factors allow some international courts (ICs) to rule against the express preferences of powerful member states, whereas others routinely defer to governments? While judicial independence is not the only factor explaining the strength of a given international institution, it is a necessary...... condition. The paper first develops three sets of competing explanatory variables that potentially can explain variations in the judicial independence of ICs. The causal effects of these explanatory variables upon variance in judicial independence are investigated in a comparative analysis of the ACJ, ECJ...

  10. Regional Courts as Judicial Brakes?

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    Metcalf Katrin Nyman


    Full Text Available The article examines how regional integration courts can act as judicial brakes, at a time when “constitutional coups” – leaders staying in power past constitutional time limits or other forms of actions against the spirit if not always the letter of the constitution – are alarmingly common. The article discusses how regional courts can be used to modify or protect national rule of law and the constitutional order from the outside (i.e. from the regional integration aspect and the extent to which this can be valid particularly to promote a uniform interpretation and application of human rights. Although this trend is visible in Europe, it is more striking, because less expected, on other continents, in particular Africa and the Americas, where the developments take place in less than perfect democratic environments. The article contains evidence from cases dealt with in the various regional courts, supporting that a system of political and judicial oversight, especially in regions with weak or fragile democratic systems, can be a useful addition to national judicial or other mechanisms of protection of rule of law and control of the executive. Action by regional courts helps defeat perceptions of majoritarian politics, which in many countries allow for the winner to take all. Under a system of regional oversight, states become aware of the limits they themselves have set and citizens become aware of their possibilities to challenge political power.

  11. Considering the consequences of increased reliance on judicial assistants: A study on Dutch courts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Holvast, N.L.


    Virtually all judicial systems employ judicial staff members to assist judges in their work. However, except for US Supreme Court law clerks the role of these judicial assistants in judicial decision-making is minimally understood. This observation also holds true for the Netherlands, where an

  12. Protesta, mercado e identidad en las celebraciones del Orgullo LGTB en España

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    Begonya Enguix


    Full Text Available El primer sábado de julio Madrid acoge la Manifestación Estatal del Orgullo LGTB (Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y personas Transgénero en la que participan grupos activistas LGTB, partidos políticos y sindicatos, ONG y grupos empresariales. Asiste aproximadamente un millón de personas y genera unos beneficios que rondan los 110 millones de euros. Las carrozas esponsorizadas por empresas y la gran afluencia de turistas que recibe Madrid espolean los debates sobre la mercantilización de este evento y sobre la relación entre neoliberalismo, identidad y protesta. Dichos debates se inscriben en las tensiones entre el activismo identitario crítico y el asimilacionista. En este artículo, que se basa en un trabajo de campo etnográfico continuado que combina observación participante, etnografía digital y entrevistas en profundidad, proponemos que la tensión entre protesta, activismo, mercado y espectáculo puede ser productiva –como el movimiento LGTB ha demostrado en España– y puede generar concepciones identitarias inclusivas, híbridas y reivindicativas.

  13. The King's Return: The Mutation In Classical Division Of Powers By Judicialization Of Social Relations And Judicial Activism

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    Kelly de Souza Barbosa


    Full Text Available Separation of powers is one of strongest aspects of contemporary constitutionalism, mostly to rationalize the exercise of state power. In Brazil, the 1988 Constitution provides as entrenchment clause to tripartition of powers. However, there is a change in paradigms, especially at the level of constitutional jurisdiction, through the phenomena of judicialization and judicial activism because the intervention of the Judiciary in the primary functions of other powers. Using deductive and descriptive method, bibliographical and documentary research, we tried to point out the harms that the invasive action of the Judiciary causes to the functional balance between the powers and democracy.

  14. 44 CFR 5.8 - Records involved in litigation or other judicial process. (United States)


    ... litigation or other judicial process. 5.8 Section 5.8 Emergency Management and Assistance FEDERAL EMERGENCY... Provisions § 5.8 Records involved in litigation or other judicial process. Where there is reason to believe that any records requested may be involved in litigation or other judicial process in which the United...

  15. 40 CFR 123.30 - Judicial review of approval or denial of permits. (United States)


    ... permitting process. A State will meet this standard if State law allows an opportunity for judicial review... 40 Protection of Environment 21 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review of approval or denial... (CONTINUED) WATER PROGRAMS STATE PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS State Program Submissions § 123.30 Judicial review of...

  16. Legislative and Judicial Information Systems. (United States)

    Becker, Louise Giovane


    Reviews computer applications in judicial, legal, and legislative information activities being used to support litigation and court administration, assist in searching for legislation and laws, aid criminal justice information systems, and provide appropriate bibliographic and reference assistance. Management issues in automating systems are…

  17. Public Politics of Health and Aspects of its Judicialization

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    Rafael Fernando dos Santos


    Full Text Available This article was elaborated in order to analyze issues relating to the judicialization of cases involving health, understanding health as a public policy aimed at to guarantee the fundamental right to it linked, that is, the concept of health that the authos intended to work is not far from that contained in the combined reading of Articles 6 and 196 of the Constitution, consecrators to be the health, universal right and duty of the state, guaranteed through social and economic policies aimed at to reduce the risk of disease and other becomes, ensuring also the universal and equal access to actions and services for its promotion, protection and recovery. With this approach it is intended to analyze the feasibility and consequences of judicial control of social and economic policies of promotion, protection and recovery, access, anyway, the effective flow to the fundamental right. Relating to the methodological aspects employed in the analysis of the issue concerning to the health, it was searched in the interpretation of constitutional provisions that secure the subjective right the starting point of the analysis as well as the unwavering appreciation of inseparability of judicial control in the context of public policy, assessing possible limits of the judicial branch, and then to realize a brief analysis of previous trial in the Supreme Court and extract from this jurisprudencial context the minimum goals for aspects of health judicialization.

  18. 16 CFR 5.68 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... CONDUCT Disciplinary Actions Concerning Postemployment Conflict of Interest § 5.68 Judicial review. A respondent against whom the Commission has issued an order imposing disciplinary action under this part may...


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    Kartono Kartono


    Full Text Available Although Indonesia judicial review system is not opens the possibility of regulations review under the act against the constitution, das sollen pracitically these conditions may still occur. From political of law the legal authority of constitutional court should be able to put the interests of citizens rights that are based on the principles of recognition, guarantees, protection and legal certainty of a fair and equal treatment before the law. Given that changes in the constitution can not be done easily, then the judicial review in UUD 1945 should not be formulated too limitedly that restricting the organic law to complete and explore the authority that is adaptable to any concrete problem. Keywords: politics of law, constitutional court, UUD 1945, limitedly.

  20. Ultima Ratio and the Judicial Application of Law

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    Joxerramon Bengoetxea


    én se tienen en cuenta las cuestiones de impunidad y castigo excesivo. La segunda parte del trabajo analiza los posibles efectos sobre la aplicación de la ley por los jueces del principio ultima ratio, un principio político-moral general, principalmente dirigido principalmente al legislador. El impacto del ultima ratio en las diferentes sub-decisiones de la aplicación judicial del derecho penal se detalla a partir de las decisiones sobre la calificación, evidencia (inferencias, interpretación y consecuencias de las sentencias. A continuación se analiza el papel del ultima ratio en los veredictos de apelación y casación. La tercera parte y conclusión aborda las principales ideologías de ultima ratio y, de forma más amplia, del papel que juega en lograr en Europa un derecho penal orientado al garantimos. DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:

  1. Radically Rethinking Marriage

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    Nicola J. Barker


    Full Text Available This special issue of the Onati Socio-Legal Series offers inter-disciplinary, feminist perspectives that collectively ‘re-think’ the institution of marriage, not only in the field of legal discourse and institutions but also in the humanities and social sciences as well as through activisms. With a focus on jurisdictions in Europe, North America and Africa, the articles included in this issue challenge normative assumptions about marriage, reconsider forms of conjugality, re-write judicial interpretations and problematize legal and activist interventions and reasonings.Este número especial de la Oñati Socio-legal Series ofrece perspectivas interdisciplinarias y feministas que "re-piensan" colectivamente la institución del matrimonio, no sólo en el campo del discurso jurídico y las instituciones, sino también en las humanidades y ciencias sociales, así como en los activismos. Enfocándose en las jurisdicciones de Europa, América del Norte y África, los artículos incluidos en este número cuestionan las asunciones normativas sobre el matrimonio, reconsideran las formas de la conyugalidad, reescriben las interpretaciones judiciales y problematizan las intervenciones y razonamientos legales y activistas.DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:

  2. Modernization experience of judicial policy post soviet countries

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    O. A. Antoniuc


    The findings indicate that analysis of the accumulated Georgia and Kazakhstan, as well as other post­Soviet states, the experience of modernization policy of national judicial systems is very useful for the improvement of the domestic judicial system in the context of the proclaimed judicial reform. First it must ensure the restoration of the unity of the judiciary in the possibility of the existence of certain specialized vessels. Regarding the latter, it is interesting Kazakhstan practice, when the specialized courts are formed with the status of the regional or district court, without disrupting the unity of the judiciary, which is headed by the Supreme Court. Considerable interest may also be the creation of the courts of public councils to assess the ethical qualities of the candidates for judges, the introduction of the model­speakers of judges, the development of pre­trial (mediation and alternative (arbitration courts forms of dispute resolution.

  3. Semantic Storyboard of Judicial Debates: A Novel Multimedia Summarization Environment (United States)

    Fersini, E.; Sartori, F.


    Purpose: The need of tools for content analysis, information extraction and retrieval of multimedia objects in their native form is strongly emphasized into the judicial domain: digital videos represent a fundamental informative source of events occurring during judicial proceedings that should be stored, organized and retrieved in short time and…

  4. A informalidade como forma: os acordos no fazer judicial do Tribunal do Júri.

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    Izabel Saenger Nuñez


    Full Text Available Resumo:  O presente paper trata dos acordos informais, entre defesa e acusação, que acontecem nos processos em trâmite no Tribunal do Júri. A análise desses mecanismos informais mostra como os processos são administrados e fala sobre a “sensibilidade jurídica” inquisitorial presente no “fazer judicial” brasileiro. Analisar os “acordos” informais e a maneira como eles se estabelecem mostra como as decisões formais no processo judicial são, muitas vezes, informadas por “valores morais” e “moralidades situacionais” em contexto e determinam a ação dos agentes no campo. Para sustentar meu argumento, portanto, parto da descrição de três “acordos” presenciados em audiências de instrução e julgamento e um caso de estupro, no qual não houve acordo, embora houvesse “convergência moral” quanto ao seu desfecho. Palavras-chave: Tribunal do Júri; Moralidades; Valores Morais; Interação  *** Resumen: Este artículo trata sobre los "acuerdos" informales entre defensa y acusación que ocurren en los casos en trámite en el Tribunal do Juri. El análisis de estos mecanismos informales da cuenta, en primer lugar, de la administración judcial de los casos y, en segundo lugar, de la presencia de la "sensiblidad jurídica" inquisitorial en el "hacer judicial" brasileño. Analizar los "acuerdos" informales y la forma como ellos se establecen muestra cómo las decisiones formales en el proceso judicial son, frecuentemente, informadas por "valores morales" y "moralidades situacionales" construídas en un contexto particular, las cuales determinan la acción de los agentes en el campo. Para dar cuenta de ello, describo tres "acuerdos" observados en audiencias de "instrucción" y "juicio" en un caso de violación, en el cual no hubo acuerdo consenso a pesar de existir "convergencia moral" en relación a su desenlace. Palabras clave: Tribunal do Juri, Moralidades situacionales, Valores morales, Interacción  *** Abstract

  5. Organic Law Of Judicial Guarantees And Constitutional Control

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    Ernesto López Freire


    Full Text Available This paper demonstrates the various unconstitutional and fallacies of the Organic Law of Judicial guarantees and Constitutional Control. For that, there will be a comprehensive collation between the mentioned law and the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador and force. Through this analysis shows a lack of knowledge of Ecuadorian law or legal science by their authors. This study elucidated, inter alia, the inconsistencies in matters relating to the interpretation of constitutional provisions, full compensation, material and integral; challenge administrative acts, judicial unit.

  6. 10 CFR 207.8 - Judicial actions. (United States)


    ... Coordination Act of 1974 § 207.8 Judicial actions. (a) Enforcement of subpoenas; contempt. Any United States... such an order of the court may be punished by the court as contempt. (b) Injunctions. Whenever it...

  7. Internacionalização e ativismo judicial: as causas coletivas Internationalization and judicial activism: the collective causes

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    Fabiano Engelmann


    Full Text Available O artigo pretende fornecer elementos para a análise da relação entre o fenômeno de internacionalização do direito e a emergência de modalidades de advogados engajados na representação judicial de causas coletivas. São analisadas duas dimensões: uma primeira expõe um panorama exploratório das causas coletivas no cenário nacional e internacional, pela catalogação das decisões judiciais na Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos e em tribunais brasileiros. Uma segunda dimensão de análise aborda, com base em entrevistas, casos representativos de promoção de causas coletivas nas décadas de 1990 e 2000. Essas duas dimensões permitem avançar a hipótese de que a redemocratização política nacional e a constituição de redes internacionais de circulação de causas políticas e jurídicas contribuem para a definição dos perfis de ativismo judicial legitimados no espaço jurídico em diferentes períodos.The article intends the analysis of the relation between the phenomenon of internationalization of Law and the emergency of modalities of lawyers engaged in the judicial representation of collective causes. Two dimensions are analyzed: the first one displays an exploratory panorama of the collective causes in the national and international scene, out of a survey of the profile of demands of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and Brazilian courts. The second dimension approaches, from interviews, representative cases of promotion of collective causes in the decades of 1990 and 2000. These two dimensions allow to advance the hypothesis that the national political redemocratization and the constitution of international networks of circulation of political and legal causes contribute for the definition of the profiles of judicial activism legitimated in the legal space in different periods.


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    Gheorghe BOCSAN


    Full Text Available EU substantive law is based on a system of circulation freedoms which encompasses the idea that the Union, its internal market or other areas of legal rule, such as the area of freedom, security and justice are, above all, spaces of liberty, which rejects the limits represented before by internal borders. So, the essential EU integrative concepts could be formulated as free circulation principles or instruments aiming to such freedoms. The free movement of judgments and judicial decisions represents concomitantly the consequence and the expression formulated through freedom of circulation, which is specific to EU law, of the principle of mutual recognition of judgments and judicial decisions between member states in both civil and criminal matters. This principle is based upon the mutual trust that member states owes to each other. Finally, the study analyses the principle of mutual recognition in EU law as a transplant from the internal market in the judicial cooperation in criminal matters, which produces numerous application instruments, among them the first and most productive is the European Arrest Warrant. This paper studies also the common standard and paradigm that all instruments based upon the free movement of judgments and judicial decision have, amongst others: the warrant/order typology, direct communication between the competent authorities of Member States, elimination of the recognition procedure, the express mentioning of the mandatory and optional grounds of refusal, the partial removal of double criminality requirement etc.

  9. Eye on the Judicial Process. (United States)

    Shea, Christopher


    A growing number of college students report that campus judicial systems are more concerned with political correctness than with fairness, or that the systems are unfair regardless of the discipline issue, and complain about the secrecy of proceedings. Shift from a paternalistic discipline policy to a legalistic one is seen. (MSE)

  10. “Deference” in Judicial Review

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    MJM Venter

    The Constitutional Court subscribes to a standard of "deference" in judicial review.1. The principle of deference concerns the function of the judge in mediating between the law and legislative and executive politics. The principle recognises the need to protect the institutional character of each of the three arms of ...

  11. Ausencia de mujeres negras en los estudios sobre discapacidades humanas


    Mena Ortiz, Luz Zaret


    Una investigación intencionalmente organizada para dar cuenta de la realidad vivida por las mujeres negras en situación de discapacidad pasa por rescatar el pensamiento y el activismo de las mujeres en el movimiento afro en la medida en que dicho movimiento, tan diverso en su accionar como en sus registros y alcances históricos, ha sido elaborado al vaivén de los debates locales, nacionales e internacionales centrados en la cuestión étnico-racial negra, afrodescendiente, palenquera y raizal. ...

  12. A judicial review of political questions under Islamic law

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    Abdulfatai O. Sambo


    Full Text Available The contemporary Arab world has witnessed uprisings and turmoil as a result of alleged power-overreaching by political elites. Consequently, people call for democracy with emphasis on constitutionalism, accountability and protection of human rights. Yet, the voice of the judiciary seems not to be heard in championing these values in many Muslim nations despite the clear roles Islam places on the judiciary regarding political matters. This paper therefore analyses the power of judicial review on political questions from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence. It finds that the power of judicial review and its main institution existed in early Islamic periods after the demise of the Prophet (SAW. The paper concludes that failure to observe judicial review in many contemporary Muslim countries results in the absence of effective checks on the powers of the rulers by the judiciary.

  13. 9 CFR 381.216 - Procedure for judicial seizure, condemnation, and disposition. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Procedure for judicial seizure... Detention; Seizure and Condemnation; Criminal Offenses § 381.216 Procedure for judicial seizure, condemnation, and disposition. Any poultry or other article subject to seizure and condemnation under this...


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    Анна Дмитриевна Попова


    Full Text Available The article deals with the importance of the judicial reform of 1864 for the course of Alexander's modernization and analyzes the role of the judicial reforms for various aspects of life in the post-reform Russia. There is used a wide range of sources - archival materials, memoirs of contemporaries of that period, publications of periodicals. The author concludes that the judicial reform of 1864 should be considered as a significant step towards civil society. The analysis of the sources shows that the judicial reform of 1864 contributed to the increase in the protection of human rights and freedoms. The activities of new courts changed the public consciousness - in the society there was growing representation of rule of law, necessity to respect the rights and freedoms of others, to meet obligations. The judicial reform played a major role in the process of merging classes, the development of market relations. Thus, the introduction of the controversial independent public trial not only improved the justice, but was also an important step in the formation of civil society in Russia.

  15. Environmental Public Policies: Legalization and Judicial Activism for Sustainable De-velopment

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    Belinda Pereira Cunha


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the phenomenon of judicialization of environmental public policies, from the "lens" judicial activism, making sure that we can include the existence of this phenomenon in the treatment of these policies. In our post-modern era we have seen increasingly the role of the judiciary. Thus, we intend to address this issue of judicial activism against such contemporary issues as the environment, seeking to understand how the judiciary behaves in relation to environmental issues, which no longer has time to waive or give up the protection of natural resources and compliance with the principle of sustainable development.

  16. FEDERAL PENSIONS: Judicial Survivors Annuities System Costs

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    ...) specifying that we review certain aspects of the Judicial Survivors' Annuities System (JSAS), which is one of several survivor benefit plans applicable to particular groups of federal employees...

  17. Public Policy Environment: legalization and judicial activism for sustainable development

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    Belinda Pereira da Cunha


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the phenomenon of judicialization of environmental public policies, from the "lens" judicial activism, making sure that we can include the existence of this phenomenon in the treatment of these policies. In our post-modern era we have seen increasingly the role of the judiciary. Thus, it sought to address this issue of judicial activism against such contemporary issues as the environment, seeking to understand how the judiciary behaves in relation to environmental issues, which no longer has time to waive or give up the protection of natural resources and compliance with the principle of sustainable development. The methodology used was a literature review and secondary data collection. It was noticed a different activism in the face of environmental issues.


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    José Wilson Márquez Estrada


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el fenómeno de las conductas agresivas contra la libertad sexual de la mujer a finales del siglo XIX en Colombia, tipificadas como delitos sexuales, y la forma en que se desarrollaban los procesos judiciales con relación a este tipo de criminalidad. Primero se hace un análisis del concepto de delito sexual y de sus diferentes manifestaciones en la sociedad de finales del siglo XIX colombiano, soportado en el estudio de las tipificaciones de dichos delitos en los códigos penales de la época. Luego se hace un estudio de las características de la práctica judicial y del proceso penal en este tipo de delitos, sobre todo de su relación con la mentalidad religiosa y moral de la época. Después se presentan diferentes casos de agresiones sexuales a finales del siglo XIX, específicamente en Antioquia y Santander. Finalmente se hace una presentación de los informes de las autoridades del Estado Soberano de Bolívar sobre la comisión de delitos sexuales en su territorio.

  19. 30 CFR 775.13 - Judicial review. (United States)



  20. Judicial Review: Issues of State Court Involvement in School Finance Litigation. (United States)

    Colwell, William Bradley


    Due to state legislatures' reluctance to initiate school-funding reform, judicial bodies are asked to provide relief from alleged inequities. Before providing judicial review, the judiciary must decide whether an issue is justiciable (does not violate separation of powers) and warrants court intervention. Children's education has not substantially…

  1. Judicial Functions in the Criminal Trial

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    Constantin Tănase


    Full Text Available The separation of judicial functions falls, indisputably, in the news gallery of the Romanian criminal trial current rules. The previous Criminal Procedure Code, namely that of 1968, as well as the older ones, hadn‟t enrolled in their content such a principle. However, the doctrine identified, under mentioned legal regulations, the existence of distinct procedural functions and their need to separate, in the idea of genuine criminal justice accomplishment. These procedural functions were: the indictment function (or charges, the defense function the trial function. In the new code, this principle proclaims the existence of four judicial functions that aim the efficiency and speed of the criminal trial, but also guarantee the presumption of innocence, equal opportunity of parties, protection of rights and fundamental freedoms. This research try to explain this principle and its connections with other institutions of the criminal trial.

  2. 15 CFR 325.11 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Judicial review. 325.11 Section 325.11 Commerce and Foreign Trade Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade (Continued) INTERNATIONAL TRADE ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MISCELLANEOUS REGULATIONS EXPORT TRADE CERTIFICATES OF...

  3. 5 CFR 1201.127 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... PROCEDURES Procedures for Original Jurisdiction Cases Special Counsel Disciplinary Actions § 1201.127 Judicial review. (a) An employee subject to a final Board decision imposing disciplinary action under 5 U.S... appropriate United States district court. 5 U.S.C. 1508. Special Counsel Corrective Actions ...

  4. Democracia e controle jurídico da constitucionalidade Democracy and judicial review

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    Samuel Freeman


    Full Text Available O artigo enfrenta a objeção à "revisão judicial" (isto é a autoridade judicial para julgar a constitucionalidade dos atos dos poderes da República que a considera uma instituição antidemocrática. A revisão judicial pode ser democraticamente justificada. Para isso teremos que pensá-la como um compromisso coletivo prévio assumido pelos cidadãos na situação de escolha constitucional, no sentido de que não exercerão seus direitos políticos iguais de formas que coloquem em risco sua própria condição de portadores dos direitos da cidadania igual.Objections to the institution of judicial review as being incompatible with democracy are examined and refuted. Judicial review can be democratically justified, it is argued. This is possible if we conceive it as a previous collective compromise assumed by the citizens in the constitutional choice situation, to the effect that they would not exercise their equal political rights in ways that could put in danger their own condition of bearers of equal citizenship rights.

  5. O estudo psicossocial forense como subsídio para a decisão judicial na situação de abuso sexual

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    Ivonete Araújo Carvalho Lima Granjeiro

    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo aprofundar os conhecimentos na interface Psicologia/Direito, envolvendo uma situação de violência intrafamiliar. Buscou-se conhecer as reflexões dos vários atores que participaram das decisões referentes a um processo sobre abuso sexual cometido pelo pai contra duas filhas crianças. O contexto foi uma Vara Criminal e o método o de estudo de caso. A análise dos resultados seguiu a orientação da Hermenêutica de Profundidade. Os resultados foram discutidos segundo três eixos de compreensão da função do estudo psicossocial forense: A quem serve? Quando deve ser realizado? E o que subsidia o processo judicial: o laudo ou o relatório? Concluímos que é necessário promover a interação entre os vários atores que complementam suas decisões, para que se possa ampliar a compreensão da realidade que cerca as situações de violência na família, e assim o contexto judicial participar na promoção da cidadania nesses casos.

  6. 37 CFR 251.58 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... determination on appeal, from depositing statements of account and royalty fees by those sections. [59 FR 23981... ARBITRATION ROYALTY PANEL RULES AND PROCEDURES COPYRIGHT ARBITRATION ROYALTY PANEL RULES OF PROCEDURE Procedures of Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panels § 251.58 Judicial review. (a) Any order of determination...

  7. 13 CFR 117.18 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Judicial review. 117.18 Section 117.18 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION NONDISCRIMINATION IN FEDERALLY... reasonable attorney's fees, but that the complainant must demand these costs in the complaint; (iii) That...

  8. Uma visão arquivística do sistema de processo judicial eletrônico do Conselho Nacional de Justiça

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    Leonardo Neves Moreira


    Full Text Available O sistema Processo Judicial Eletrônico (PJe é uma inovação que vem ganhando espaço em todos os ramos do Poder Judiciário. Esse software foi desenvolvido pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ e tem como premissa básica a substituição de processos judiciais em suporte papel por ações visualizadas e tramitadas exclusivamente em meio digital. A substituição do papel visa principalmente racionalizar os procedimentos jurisdicionais e conceder maior celeridade ao trâmite das ações. O PJe traz uma mudança de paradigma que impacta profundamente a atuação de servidores, advogados e juízes. No que tange à garantia de confiabilidade e autenticidade dos autos de processos judiciais, nota-se que a linha de desenvolvimento do PJe prioriza particularidades tecnológicas e jurídicas deixando em segundo plano aspectos relacionados ao gerenciamento arquivístico dos processos armazenados no sistema. Notadamente, há lacunas no que se refere à compreensão do PJe enquanto fenômeno informacional. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa visa situar o PJe no âmbito dos estudos sobre informação arquivística, ressaltando a importância do Modelo de Requisitos para Sistema Informatizados de Gestão de Processos e Documentos do Judiciário brasileiro (MoReq-Jus como elemento basilar para construção dos conceitos de confiabilidade e autenticidade documental dentro do sistema.





    Abstract Situated at the meeting points of Law and Medicine, the "judicialization of the right to health" is a contested and hotly debated phenomenon in Brazil. While government officials and some scholars argue that it is driven by urban elites and private interests, and used primarily to access high-cost drugs, empirical evidence refute narratives depicting judicialization as a harbinger of inequity and an antagonist of the public health system. This article's quantitative and ethnographic ...

  10. Reflexiones sobre la congestión judicial en la jurisdicción contencioso administrativo colombiana

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    Leonardo Augusto Torres Calderón


    Full Text Available Este ensayo cuestiona el grave problema que la justicia colombiana afronta en cuanto a la prolongada congestión de los despachos judiciales, particularmente en el ámbito de la Jurisdicción de lo Contencioso Administrativo. Las exuberantes estadísticas presentan cómo, en los últimos años de nuestra historia, se ha desbordado sin límite la presentación de demandas contencioso administrativas, sumado a las demás acciones constitucionales del año 1991 (tutela, de cumplimiento, grupo y populares, que no permiten a los Magistrados y Jueces de la República dictar oportunamente sus providencias. y que debilita en grado de eficiencia el ejercicio de la administración de justicia, a pesar del uso de vías jurídico administrativas para solucionar esta talanquera, pero que no han dado una SOLUCIÓN definitiva a la preocupante congestiono Frente a la crisis esbozada, el autor plantea interesantes aportes y medidas para frenar este fenómeno, reforzando el aparato judicial a nivel cuantitativo, y con la utilización de nuevos procedimientos objetivos y administrativos. para hacer más expeditos los trámites contenciosos judiciales y hacerlos menos desgastantes y oportunamente resueltos con celeridad, economía y decisiones de calidad.

  11. Criterios de cuantificación indemnizatoria en accidentalidad vial: una ítica judicial

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    Marcela Pantoja Echeverri


    Full Text Available La accidentalidad vial, es la segunda causa de muerte violenta en Colombia, fuente de daños materiales y morales en las personas. Las normas de responsabilidad civil obligan al propietario o conductor a responder civil y penalmente por sus consecuencias. El problema de accidentalidad y de la cuantificación de indemnizaciones, reviste gran interés por el alto número de procesos que por homicidios en accidentes de tránsito cursan en el Distrito Judicial de Cali. En la investigación realizada en la Escuela de Ingeniería Estadística de la Universidad del Valle, se efectuó recolección de expedientes y se aplicó una encuesta de tipo cuestionario para indagar sobre la política judicial que se usó en el cálculo de indemnizaciones en Juzgados Penales del Circuito de Cali, donde se observa gran disparidad en los criterios de reparación. Tampoco se contempla un modelo estándar para cuantificar los perjuicios tanto materiales como morales y no hay evidencia de una política baremada; por tanto, el estudio intenta brindar un marco de referencia para proponer a Jueces y Fiscales, un modelo de regresión múltiple en el cual se consideran características socioeconómicas de víctimas, perjudicados y procesados, con el fin de unificar criterios de cuantificación que fijen el monto de la reparación económica a los perjudicados, sus herederos. El modelo resultante propone criterios utilizados por las compañías de seguros para fijar las primas de seguro de vida, tales como: el tiempo de vida y el nivel de ingresos del occiso, y responsabilidades con su grupo familiar.

  12. Trial Courts in the Judicial Process. (United States)

    McKnight, R. Neal


    Describes a college course which examines the organizational and behavioral characteristics of trial courts in the American judicial process. A major course objective is to help students understand the trial court process as a political process by showing how trial court organizations are involved in the allocation of social values. (RM)

  13. 44 CFR 6.57 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... 44 Emergency Management and Assistance 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial review. 6.57 Section 6.57 Emergency Management and Assistance FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND... District Court in which the requestor resides or has his or her principal place of business or in which the...

  14. The judicial process: an overview from the TDA Council on Ethics and Judicial Affairs. (United States)

    Burk, Roy N


    From time to time, the Council on Ethics and Judicial Affairs must investigate and act on the alleged unethical behavior of Texas Dental Association members. Because the alleged behavior is directed at a colleague and TDA member, the work of the council is neither comfortable nor inviting. Nonetheless, council decisions are made taking into account its mission to investigate the allegation between the parties and to improve dental ethics in the state.

  15. I Jornada sobre Mediación Civil, Mercantil y Concursal

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    Blanca Torrubia Chalmeta


    Full Text Available

    El pasado 7 de octubre se celebró en la sede central de la UOC la I Jornada sobre Mediación Civil, Mercantil y Concursal vinculada a la especialización de Mediación civil, mercantil y concursal, que ofrecen los Estudios de Derecho y Ciencia Política de la UOC.

    La jornada tenía como objetivo informar, debatir y fomentar la mediación como vía de solución eficaz de muchos de los problemas que se presentan en el ámbito del derecho privado, y a los que el sistema judicial no ofrece una respuesta adecuada.

  16. Judicial Review of Antitrust Decisions: Q&A

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    Roberto Giovagnoli


    Full Text Available The RIA/IAR asked several experts to give their opinion on the Italian system of judicial review of antitrust decisions and its compatibility with art. 6 of the ECHR following a set of common questions.

  17. [The thesis of judicialization of health care by the elites: medication for mucopolysaccharidosis]. (United States)

    Medeiros, Marcelo; Diniz, Debora; Schwartz, Ida Vanessa Doederlein


    This paper evaluates the hypothesis that the judicialization of medicine for mucopolysaccharidosis in Brazil is an action promoted by economic elites. Previous studies upholding the thesis of judicialization by elites in the case of other types of medication that are more costly for the Unified Health Service are discussed. An analysis of all 196 processes containing information about judicial processes brought to court between February 2006 and December 2010 that ended by determining that the State should provide such medication free of charge to patients was conducted. There is evidence that attorneys' fees were covered by entities interested in the results of judicialization, such as the distributors or pharmaceutical industries. Patients may also be migrating for diagnosis and treatment to university centers that are a benchmark for medical innovation in the country, as the option for public health services is related to their higher technical and scientific capacity. Therefore, the resort to private lawyers, indicators of social exclusion based on the address of patients and the use of public health services, are not adequate class information to corroborate or refute the thesis of judicialization by the elites.

  18. Judicialization of International Relations: Do International Courts Matter?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Malíř, Jan


    Roč. 3, č. 3 (2013), s. 208-224 ISSN 1805-8396 Institutional support: RVO:68378122 Keywords : judicialization * international relations * legal and extralegal factors Subject RIV: AG - Legal Sciences

  19. Democracy and judicial activism: some considerations about causes and consequences

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    Claudio Ladeira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available In this paper I discuss the conflicting relationship between the “judicial activism” and representative democratic procedures. First, I discuss some definitions that enhance aspects “normative/prescriptive” of “activists” judicial positions and the functioning of “real existing” democratic institutions. Second, we discuss patterns of arguments that are used by courts to decide politically controversial issues as well as political and institutional factors that stimulate the occurrence of “activists” positions.

  20. Pre-Ratification Judicial Review of International Agreements to be Concluded by the European Union

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Butler, Graham


    incrementally shaping the law of EU external relations, and determining the manner in which the Union may enter into formal international relations. Understanding the Court’s importance in this field has been done time and again, but yet, consideration of the pre-ratification judicial review option, available...... for how ex ante judicial review can work in developing the Union into an even more enhanced global actor, through its own unique judicial order....

  1. Constitutional provisions on judicial independence and EU standards

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    Kolaković-Bojović Milica


    Full Text Available Implementation of the 'Checks and balances' principle as one of the milestones in modern democracies, demonstrates its full complexity when it comes to balancing guaranties of judicial independence and the need to prevent misinterpretation or abuse of the rights. Additional issue in that process is determination of the border line between constitutional and guaranties of judicial independence prescribed by law. Raising that issue opens various questions which go beyond the legal framework itself. It actually tackles the historical, political and cultural country background. Furthermore, if analyzed from the prospective of the requirements defined in the accession negotiation process with the EU, constitutional guaranties of (nonapplication of the EU standards might demotivate candidate countries in their efforts to achieve substantial reform results.

  2. Judicial aspects in risk assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lukes, R.


    Decisions of administrative authorities concerning the permission to use fissile material contain a prognosis about the probability of damage which may be caused by using this material. The judicial criteria used in order to determine the probability of such a damage occurring can be improved by risk analysis. This will not, of course, reduce administrative decisions to simple 'yes-or-no decisions', but the calculation of probabilities will gain more exactness. (orig.) [de

  3. 9 CFR 329.6 - Articles or livestock subject to judicial seizure and condemnation. (United States)


    ... judicial seizure and condemnation. 329.6 Section 329.6 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND... PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION DETENTION; SEIZURE AND CONDEMNATION; CRIMINAL OFFENSES § 329.6 Articles or livestock subject to judicial seizure and condemnation. Any carcass...

  4. Judicial Decisions in the Field of Labour Law. (United States)

    International Labour Review, 1993


    Summarizes recent judicial decisions in various countries concerning application of general legal principles to labor law, access to employment, conditions of employment, occupational safety and health, social security, and labor relations. (Author/SK)

  5. Indicadores Doing Business como tecnología de gobernanza global sobre la administración de justicia en Colombia

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    Robinson Sánchez


    Full Text Available El uso de indicadores como tecnología de gobernanza global ha posibilitado la incorporación y consolidación en los diferentes Estados de la ideología e intereses de actores públicos y privados con capacidad de ejercerla. Este es el caso de la Administración de Justicia en Colombia, donde el Grupo Banco Mundial, a través de sus indicadores Doing Business, ha justificado un discurso sobre la ineficiencia del sistema judicial y la necesidad de reformarlo. Con ello, el gobierno nacional, actuando al tiempo como governed y promulgator de estos indicadores, propuso una reforma constitucional que entregaba la función jurisdiccional a particulares y funcionarios diferentes a los jueces para resolver dicha situación. Pero el ejercicio de contestación adelantado por el Consejo Superior de la Judicatura y de algunas organizaciones de actores sociales de la Administración de Justicia logró una importante movilización ciudadana de indignación, que obligó al archivo de la reforma. Hoy existen condiciones para continuar el debate sobre la administración de justicia que necesita el país, pero la fuerza del Grupo Banco Mundial como governor impide escaparse de su trabajo de gobernanza global; aunque sí se posibilita la incorporación de nuevas agendas sociales y políticas que diversifiquen la discusión sobre el sistema judicial colombiano y permitan la regulación en las mediciones del mismo.

  6. A GUI Prototype for the Framework of Criminal Judicial Reasoning System


    Thammaboosadee, Sotarat; Silparcha, Udom


    This paper proposed a developed graphical user interface (GUI) prototype, whichis supported by the framework of data mining techniques-based criminal judicial reasoning system.The GUI sequences of the prototype are satisfied with criminal judicial procedure in civil lawsystem. Initially, user must build the model by input the existing incident and specifying the detail ofobjects, elements of crime, charge and judgment. After enough training, the prototype will be readyto determine judgments f...

  7. Kewenangan Judicial Review Mahkamah Konstitusi


    Qamar, Nurul


    The Doctrine of Judicial Review as a legal order to perform the reviewand or re-testing of the laws and regulations within the meaning of the WetGrondwet (testing constitutionalism), the constitution or the constitution bythe Constitutional Court even though relatively new in the state system, buthas grown and developed rapidly both in countries of the Common Law Systemas well as adherents of the countries adherents Civil Law System, even in countries adherents Law Mixed System that claims hi...

  8. The World Bank Inspection Panel and Quasi-Judicial Oversight: In Search of the 'Judicial Spirit' in Public International Law

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A. Naudé Fourie (Andria)


    textabstractThis PhD dissertation conceptualizes the World Bank Inspection Panel as a mechanism of quasi-judicial review or oversight, aimed at enhancing the accountability and legitimacy of the World Bank – which is conceived as an international institution exercising public power. The author

  9. Reflection on the Judicial Activism or Constructivism: In Perspective of Being an Instrument of Cooperation in Judicial Facing Issues of Social Security and Labor

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    Antonio Gomes de Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available The article proposes a present thinking as the possibility of reaching solutions to some social security and labor issues in democratic rule of law using judicial cooperation in the search for effective social law of social security. The current legal constructivism, also called judicial activism in its manifestation of legal instrument to weigh yourself to get and verify the approach of social dialogue for more proactive attitude of the court, in which the actors involved in the conflict are called to have a more active participation on problem situations, requiring them more than mere legal interpretation in philosophical hermeneutics.

  10. Un Laboratorio de Guerra en Antioquia: Desmitificando la Victoria Paramilitar y la Desaparición de las Guerrillas


    Jerónimo Ríos


    Uno de los aspectos menos investigados sobre el conflicto armado colombiano es la coincidencia espacio-temporal de guerrillas y grupos paramilitares. Es decir, cómo afectó a los niveles de presencia y activismo guerrillero la aparición de un actor como el paramilitarismo. Al respecto, la consideración tan predominante como, en pocas ocasiones, poco contrastada, pasa por atribuir una derrota a las guerrillas allí donde el paramilitarismo obtuvo un mayor arraigo. Tomando como estudio de caso el...

  11. The judicial reception of competition soft law in the Netherlands and the UK

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Georgieva, Zlatina


    The goal of the current work is to delineate national judicial responses to Commission-issued competition soft law within two EU jurisdictions – the UK and the Netherlands. A comparative methodology is adopted and – in terms of theory – several hypotheses of possible judicial attitudes to soft law

  12. The judicial reception of competition soft law in the Netherlands and the UK

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Georgieva, Zlatina


    The goal of the current work is to delineate national judicial responses to Commission-issued competition soft law within two EU jurisdictions – the UK and the Netherlands. For this purpose, a comparative methodology is adopted and – in terms of theory – several hypotheses of possible judicial

  13. Judicial Reform Pursuits in Ethiopia, 2002-2015:

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    research on specific themes related with judicial reform. 1 Report and ... focused on legal education and law reform; the second, on basic needs legal aid; the third ... realities that brought about the challenges in achievement because the most .... (a) when the judiciary's public reputation for political impartiality and rectitude.


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    Diana Anca Artene


    Full Text Available As a result of the integration within the European Union, in the economical and social life of Romania, new judicial entities have been developed. The cluster is amongst the most recent advent in the judicial spectre. The cluster represents a group of people both individuals and legal persons which is considered to act on the basis of an association contract conceptualized under the existent agreements of the organizations found within the spectrum of science and accredited innovation and/or accredited higher education institutions ,as well as, other noncommercial institutions. At the same time, economic agents, local public administrative authorities, employers` or professionals associations, non-judicial individuals, financial institutions, international organizations, local and foreign investors are relevant for the emergence of the scientific and educational research activities, as well as for the technological transfer of the scientific and innovative results and their valorisation through economical activities. 2 Therefore, it can be argued that the cluster has appeared as a result of the necessity to create a proper environment that would reunite the business partners in order to develop common resources and competences. These are based on similar marketing strategies, the participation to similar projects and initiatives, the opportunity to create a brand, etc. An additional circumstance that has determined the development of this entity in its more recent form, is represented by the possibility of ensuring (at least in a pageant manner the independence for every partner on the basis of the dualism between competition- cooperation. The cluster can be organized as an entity with or without judicial personality. The definition of the cluster makes us reflect upon the ways in which it can be constituted: legal person with lucrative purpose, legal person without lucrative purpose, association without legal personality (simple association of

  15. The Court of Justice and Effective Judicial Protection: What Has the Charter Changed?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prechal, A.


    Since the coming into force of the Charter as primary law of the EU, Article 47 CFR is ‘the reference standard’ when the Court deals with issues of ffective judicial protection. However, the general principle of effective judicial protection existed already for some 25 years, developed in the case

  16. Evaluating Judicial Performance and Addressing Gender Bias

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    Angela Melville


    Full Text Available Elek and Rottman argue that judicial evaluation is often biased against women and minority judges. The need to address bias is important, however often the desire for diversity seems so self-evident as to belie deeper analysis. This paper examines the two main rationales for gender equality on the bench. First, female judges are often considered necessary in order to bring a gendered perspective to judging, however it is argued that this rationale is flawed. Second, an alternative rationale based on equality and legitimacy is offered which avoids gender essentialism. While debates typically focus on these two rationales, a third rationale embraces both difference and equality/legitimacy. The presence of female judges has an important symbolic value which destabilises existing fraternal legal norms. Finally, increasing the number of female judges may not necessarily change judging, and this paper also analyses how the transformative potential offered by judicial diversity can work in practice. Elek y Rottman defienden que la evaluación judicial suele estar sesgada en contra de las mujeres y los jueces pertenecientes a minorías. La necesidad de abordar el sesgo es importante, sin embargo a menudo el deseo de diversidad parece tan evidente como para contradecir un análisis más profundo. Este artículo examina los dos motivos principales para la igualdad de género en el banquillo. En primer lugar, las mujeres jueces a menudo se consideran necesarias para aportar una perspectiva de género al hecho de juzgar, sin embargo, se defiende que este razonamiento es erróneo. En segundo lugar, se ofrece una alternativa lógica basada en la igualdad y la legitimidad que evita el esencialismo de género. Mientras que los debates suelen centrarse en estas dos razones, una tercera justificación abarca tanto la diferencia como la igualdad/legitimidad. La presencia de mujeres en la judicatura tiene un importante valor simbólico que desestabiliza las normas

  17. 41 CFR 128-1.8010 - Judicial review. (United States)


    ... procedural, enforceable at law by a party against the Department of Justice, its Seismic Safety Coordinators... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review. 128-1... Regulations System (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 1-INTRODUCTION 1.80-Seismic Safety Program § 128-1.8010...

  18. 16 CFR 1502.11 - Judicial review after waiver of hearing on a regulation. (United States)


    ... 16 Commercial Practices 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Judicial review after waiver of hearing on a regulation. 1502.11 Section 1502.11 Commercial Practices CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION FEDERAL HAZARDOUS... petition for judicial review in a U.S. court of appeals under the appropriate statute. (1) The record for...

  19. Um estudo sobre as condições facilitadoras da judicialização da política no Brasil: a study about the conditions that make it possible Judicialization of politics in Brazil

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    Loiane Prado Verbicaro


    Full Text Available A intitulada pesquisa tem como finalidade a análise do poder judiciário em um contexto de ampliação de sua dimensão política, o que traz como conseqüência um tipo inédito e peculiar de espaço público de participação democrática. tal alteração no quadro político-institucional possibilitou uma maior inserção do poder judiciário em questões essencialmente políticas, o que se convencionou denominar de judicialização da política - expressa na ampliação da importância e da participação do poder judiciário na vida social, política e econômica. tal fenômeno, característico de democracias consolidadas, decorreu de condicionantes e peculiaridades vivenciadas na ordem política, econômica e social e gerou efeitos visíveis na democracia brasileira. serão analisadas as condições necessárias e/ou facilitadoras do processo de judicialização da política no Brasil.This research is aimed at analyzing the judiciary power in a context wherein it acts as an agent amplifying its political dimension which brings about, as a consequence, a peculiar and unheard of type of public avenue of democratic participation. such changes in the political and institutional environment made it possible for a more extended insertion of the judiciary power in essentially political matters, which came to gain widespread acceptance as "judicialization" of politics and has been expressed by a magnified importance and actual participation of the judiciary power in social, political and economical life. such phenomenon, typical of consolidated democracies, derived from conditioning variables and peculiarities experienced in political, economical and social order and brought about visible consequences in brazilian democracy. there will be analized the necessary conditions of the "judicialization" of politics process in Brazil.

  20. 20 CFR 418.3610 - Is there administrative or judicial review for administrative actions that are not initial... (United States)


    ... Administrative Review Process § 418.3610 Is there administrative or judicial review for administrative actions... reviewed by us, but they are not subject to the administrative or judicial review process as provided by... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Is there administrative or judicial review...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Fr. Ikenga

    Judicial precedent is a basic principle of the administration of justice in .... precedent assume a natural position that is not different from any other ... L. Alexander, Precedent in a Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory 503-513,.

  2. Access the Unified Health System actions and services from the perspective of judicialization. (United States)

    Ramos, Raquel de Souza; Gomes, Antonio Marcos Tosoli; de Oliveira, Denize Cristina; Marques, Sergio Corrêa; Spindola, Thelma; Nogueira, Virginia Paiva Figueiredo


    the judicialization of health is incorporated into the daily work of health institutions in Brazil through the court orders for access. In this study, the objective was to describe the contents of the social representations of access, through judicialization, for the health professionals. qualitative study based on Social Representations Theory, involving 40 professionals, at a teaching hospital and at the center for the regulation of beds and procedures in Rio de Janeiro. Forty semistructured interviews were held, to which the thematic-categorical content analysis technique was applied. the health professionals' attitude towards the reality the judicialization imposes is negative, but they acknowledge this resource as necessary in view of the public health crisis. Judicialization is considered a strategy to exercise citizenship that superimposes individual on collective law, increases social inequalities in access and compromises the efficacy of health policies. considering social representation as a determinant of practices, the representations that emerged can contribute to the change of the professionals' practices. Improvements in user care should be promoted, characterized as one of the main challenges to advance in universal access to health.

  3. A harpoon for Greenpeace?: judicial review of the regulation of radioactive substances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Purdue, M.


    The judgement is reported on an application by Greenpeace Ltd for a judicial review of the decision by HMI of Pollution and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food to grant BNFL permission to test the new thermal oxide reprocessing plant. An analysis follows examining the issues relating to the process of judicial review in the UK and discussion of some of the substantive points raised by the litigation. (UK)

  4. Letalidade policial e indiferença legal: A apuração judiciária dos ‘autos de resistência’ no Rio de Janeiro (2001-2011

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    Michel Misse


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta os principais resultados de pesquisa sobre homicídios cometidos por policiais na cidade do Rio de Janeiro em suposto confronto legal. Foi acompanhado o fluxo de uma amostra do processamento policial e judiciário dos casos de mortes cometidas por policiais e inicialmente registrados como “homicídio proveniente de auto de resistência”, isto é, com presumida legítima defesa. Foi também descrito o trabalho de elaboração dos inquéritos e processos e as práticas da construção de versões sobre o fato que ganham forma nos autos, identificando assim os elementos que permitem legitimar ou questionar a legalidade da ação policial. The article Police Lethal Force and Legal Indiffer­ence: The Judicial Processing of ‘Resistance Killings’ in Rio de Janeiro (2001-2011 presents the main re­sults of a research on police killings in the city of Rio de Janeiro. It analyses the processing flow, in the criminal jus­tice system, of a sample of homicide cases committed by police officers and initially recorded as “resistance killings”, that is, as committed in presumed self-defense. The paper also describes the work in the investigation reports and criminal processes and the practices of constructing the versions of facts that take form in the case-files, thus, iden­tifying the elements that either legitimize or cast doubt on the legality of police lethal action.Keywords: police lethal force, resistance killing, process flow in criminal justice system, police, Rio de Janeiro

  5. Chastity and Sexual Honesty of Young Women from the Judicial Perspective

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    Gustavo Fondevila


    Full Text Available In this article it is analyzed the way in which the judicial scope has outlined the acceptable sexual behavior of young women in the Mexican society. Since the beginning of the 20th century up to now, the constitutive elements of sexual crimes have served to construct a socially acceptable (moral ideal of sexuality for young people. In this sense, social judgments as much as, judicial decisions agree in defining this ideal under the form of chastity, sexual honesty and purity.


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    Korzeniewska-Lasota Anna


    Full Text Available In the article the author depicts the process of creating the codification of judicial principles of professional conduct. Firstly, the author describes the beginnings of the “model of a good judge”, followed thereafter by discussion in judicial environment on the need of normative conceptualization of the principles of conduct, which would constitute a separate collection. The proposals of the ethical codifications are presented, together with the two concluding works: The Judicial Set of Principles of Conduct [Zbiór zasad postępowania sędziów] created by the Association of Judges “Iustitia” and The Set of Principles of Professional Conduct for Judges and Candidate Judges [Zbiór zasad etyki zawodowej sędziów i asesorów Sądowych] by the National Council of the Judiciary in Poland.

  7. Public Litigation and the Concept of “Deference” in Judicial Review

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    Abraham Klaasen


    Full Text Available The Constitutional Court is the highest court in all constitutional matters and thus decides appeals from other courts in disputes involving natural and juristic persons and the state, including criminal matters, if the matter is a constitutional matter or an issue connected with a decision on a constitutional matter. The Court may hear any matter, if the Constitutional Court grants leave to appeal because the matter raises an arguable point of law of general public importance that ought to be considered by that court. The Constitution makes it clear that courts are independent and subject only to the Constitution and the law. All persons to whom and organs of state to which a court order or decision applies are bound by it. It is important that the courts employ a standard of judicial review that is compatible with constitutional principles and values. The Constitutional Court subscribes to a standard of “deference” in judicial review. This principle recognises the need to protect the institutional character of each of the three arms of government in a manner that will prevent their ability to discharge their constitutional role being undermined. The principle of deference concerns the function of the judge in mediating between the law and legislative and executive politics. Around the world, litigation or judicial review has become immensely popular as a treatment for the pains of modern governance. South Africa is no exception to this phenomenon. This activism by litigation consists of efforts to promote, impede, or direct social, political, economic, or environmental change, or stasis. Organisations and individuals often disregard or distrust the political process and approach the courts to advance their own interest and to protect their own rights. Litigants seek to enforce constitutional principles and values that affect others as directly as them and that are valued for moral or political reasons and are independent of economic

  8. Legal process, litigation, and judicial decisions. (United States)

    Beresford, H Richard


    Ethically salient issues in neurologic care may have important legal overtones. This chapter considers some of these, emphasizing how law may influence the outcome of controversies over how best to promote autonomy, beneficence, and justice in the care of individuals with neurologic disorders. Constitutional, statutory, and judicial dimensions are addressed. With respect to autonomy, discussion emphasizes legal dimensions of the doctrine of informed consent and the obligations of medical professionals to protect the privacy and confidentiality of their patients. The discussion of beneficence focuses on issues relating to actual or potential conflicts of interest in the care of patients and on the conduct of research involving human subjects. The section on justice considers how law aims to define protectable rights and interests of individuals and to provide a fair and efficient process for resolving disputes. Applications of legal principles and doctrines are illustrated primarily through the examples afforded by judicial decisions. These cases demonstrate how law both promotes ethical decision-making and protects the rights and interests of those affected. The cases also highlight some of the ethical quandaries that evoke resort to litigation and the limits of law in advancing ethically appropriate outcomes. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Ativismo judicial: nos limites entre racionalidade jurídica e decisão política Judicial activism: in the limits between legal rationality and political decision

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    Anderson Vichinkeski Teixeira


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo encontrar parâmetros para que se possa determinar quando o ativismo judicial deixa o âmbito da argumentação jurídica e se torna instrumento de decisão política. Para tanto tentamos definir um possível conceito de ativismo judicial e as suas origens na tradição jurídica estadunidense. Nesse primeiro momento utilizamos o método histórico analítico para contextualizar historicamente as categorias conceituais em estudo e o momento de surgimento do fenômeno nos Estados Unidos. Em seguida, passamos a estudar, com base no método crítico-comparativo, os elementos fundamentais que caracterizam a racionalidade política e a racionalidade jurídica. Ao final, discutimos as perspectivas para um juiz ativista no Brasil, especialmente quando atue na proteção dos direitos fundamentais e na garantia da supremacia da Constituição. Em termos gerais, nossas conclusões apontam critérios que permitam a definição do que seria um ativismo judicial positivo, em detrimento da sua espécie nociva à saúde da ordem constitucional.This article has as general goal to find parameters in order to determine when the judicial activism leaves the field of legal argumentation and becomes an instrument of political decision. To this end, we started trying to define a possible concept of judicial activism and its origins in the United States juridical tradition. In this first moment, we use the historical analytical method to try to contextualize historically the conceptual categories under study and the conditions of emergence of this phenomenon in the United States. Following, on the basis of the critical comparative method, we began to study the fundamental elements that characterize political rationality and legal rationality. At the end, we discuss the prospects for an activist judge in Brazil, especially when acting in the protection of fundamental rights and ensuring the supremacy of the constitution. In general

  10. Confrontation Between Judicial Activism and State of Exception

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    Alexandre Pedro Moura D’Almeida


    Full Text Available The judiciary has excelled in the international and national scene, reaching role of great importance, thus creating opposition to the legislative and executive powers. The center of gravity of the sovereign power of the state moves toward the judiciary, that happens to have a more active role and controlling of the others powers, but also appears as a great defender of social and fundamental rights causes, seeking to make an effective constitution. Its great public notoriety has attracted great distrust of various sectors of society, especially by the two powers that have an increasing interference. Arises, therefore, a speech that the judiciary would be reversing into a big and uncontrollable power, increasing the suspicion that now it would be living in a real dictatorship of the judiciary through judicial activism. There is a growing concern with the expansion of activism and the role of the judiciary. The purpose of this work is to conceptualize and approach the judicial activism and the state of exception to search and reveal if there is any similarity, to then draw up a possible answer to the concern of forming a dictatorship of the judiciary. The state of exception is one of the rule of law paradoxes, while activism is a political manifestation of the judiciary. The similarity between the institutes appears as appalling in a dynamic expansion of political power of a state institution exercising judicial function, putting in check who would be the sovereign in a rule of law and democratic state.

  11. Autogoverno, Regulação, Função Normativa e Independência Interna no Judiciário / Self-Government, Regulatory Power and Judicial Independence

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    André Melo Gomes Pereira


    Full Text Available Purpose – This paper focuses on the relationship between the performed normative function and the judges’ internal independence, often by general and abstract commands, for self-government agencies with regulation functions in the Judiciary. Methodology/approach/design – This study implements analyses of standards and regulation literature, normative function, self-government and judicial independence. Illustratively, courts’ decisions on specific cases were analyzed. Special attention was given to the theoretical bases of regulation, the normative function of government agencies and to the democratization proposal of judicial self-government, a model notedly proposed by Zaffaroni. Findings – Self-government implies regulation. Regulation involves the exercise of normative function. Internal democratization of judicial self-government and participation of all regulated agents in the Judiciary are necessary tools to ensure legitimacy and the internal independence for the exercise of normative functions and the whole set of activities put forward by self-government agencies. Practical implications – The paper discusses a change in the institutional design of self-government in the Judiciary and the limits imposed by its the normative function. Originality/value – It correlates the regulatory function developed by self-government agencies with the assurance of judges’ internal independence.


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    P. Vinogradova


    Full Text Available This article examines the issue of the regulation of the Russian state’s control over the activities of non-governmental organizations and the limits to that control. Important changes made in 2014–2016 in the regulation of the organization and activity of judicial power show that the tasks of transformation of the judicial power structure, establishment of effective control mechanisms and strengthening of the requirements on substantiation of court judgments have become more topical. Addressing this issue and taking it as the subject of study are motivated by the small number of works dealing with this issue. The task of enhancing the effectiveness of the exercise of their powers by public authorities necessitates consideration of special features of judicial control over disputes related to restriction of rights. The adoption of the Administrative Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and the statutory formalization of special features of judicial control with respect to certain non-commercial organizations imply changes in judicial practice related to challenging the decisions made by public authorities. In addition to special procedural features such changes also facilitate the spread in law enforcement practice of legal arrangements like the ‘proportionality test’ and determining the balance between competing constitutional values and conditions of public order observance. The analysis carried out by the author reveals tendencies of improvement in legislative action and allows identification of future lines of improvement in judicial practice.

  13. Judicial Decisions in the Field of Labour Law. (United States)

    International Labour Review, 1982


    Presents a selection of summaries of recent judicial decisions in a number of countries concerninq the application of general legal principles to contracts of employment, acquired rights, liability of employers and workers, access to employment, nature of the employment relationship, and more. (Editor/CT)

  14. A particular articulation of judicial activism of the CJEU in its approach towards international law

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cebulak, Pola


    This paper seeks to provide a theoretical and methodological framework that can be used in assessing the judicial activism of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in its jurisprudence dealing with public international law. The underlying questions are: What underpins the judicial...... activism of the EU judge in the jurisprudence concerning the relationship between European and public international law? How does the EU judge’s approach to international law shape the relationship between the two legal orders? The chapter proposes the hypothesis that judicial activism and a pluralistic...

  15. Access the Unified Health System actions and services from the perspective of judicialization

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    Raquel de Souza Ramos

    Full Text Available Objective: the judicialization of health is incorporated into the daily work of health institutions in Brazil through the court orders for access. In this study, the objective was to describe the contents of the social representations of access, through judicialization, for the health professionals. Method: qualitative study based on Social Representations Theory, involving 40 professionals, at a teaching hospital and at the center for the regulation of beds and procedures in Rio de Janeiro. Forty semistructured interviews were held, to which the thematic-categorical content analysis technique was applied. Results: the health professionals' attitude towards the reality the judicialization imposes is negative, but they acknowledge this resource as necessary in view of the public health crisis. Judicialization is considered a strategy to exercise citizenship that superimposes individual on collective law, increases social inequalities in access and compromises the efficacy of health policies. Conclusion: considering social representation as a determinant of practices, the representations that emerged can contribute to the change of the professionals' practices. Improvements in user care should be promoted, characterized as one of the main challenges to advance in universal access to health.

  16. 39 CFR 4.5 - Assistant Postmasters General, General Counsel, Judicial Officer, Chief Postal Inspector. (United States)


    ... 39 Postal Service 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Assistant Postmasters General, General Counsel, Judicial Officer, Chief Postal Inspector. 4.5 Section 4.5 Postal Service UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE THE... Counsel, a Judicial Officer, a Chief Postal Inspector, and such number of officers, described in 39 U.S.C...

  17. Quality of Judicial Organisation and checks and balances

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ng, G.Y.


    This PhD project explores the possibility of creating a normative way of assessing quality of the judicial organisation by arguing that legitimacy is related to the functioning of the organisation. This further leads to the idea that the judiciary can be held constitutionally accountable for its

  18. Responsible Communication between the Judicial and Deontological Norm

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    Daniela Aurelia Popa


    Full Text Available Confronting with numerous problems related to moral judgment, the responsibility and irresponsibility in what concerns the vast domain of communication, we are interested in forming a correct and complete vision that crosses the judicial and deontological domain of the profession. The deontological norms are meant to guarantee, by their freely consented acceptance, the good fulfillment of the mission of the journalists, recognized as being indispensable for the god functioning of any human society. The laws do not expressly refer to the deontological norms, but these norms exist according to the law order and are necessary for its guarantee in this social context, which is chaotic from the point of view of the legislation in communication. The aspects analyzed here aremeant to indicate the manner in which passing from deontological norm to the judicial norm creates an external constraint for the communicator which brings more responsibility in view of avoiding the journalistic conflicts.

  19. Las reformas al consejo de la magistratura: oportunidades perdidas para un Poder Judicial democrático y popular

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    Méndez Montenegro, Patricio


    Full Text Available El ensayo hace un análisis de las diferentes reformas al Consejo de la Magistratura, sobre todo en su composición, atribuciones y métodos de elección de consejeros. Se enfoca en la última reforma y el fallo de la Corte Suprema que la invalidó, declarándola inconstitucional. De la mano del estudio de las leyes y dicho fallo, se analiza la reforma desde la teoría interpretativa procedimentalista y se concluye que se han perdido varias oportunidades de crear un órgano de selección, remoción de jueces y de administración del presupuesto del Poder Judicial que promueva la diversidad ideológica dentro de ese poder, fomente la participación y control ciudadano en dicho órgano y transparente la elección de los jueces. Finalmente se proponen algunas reformas en ese sentido, que sí respetan los principios rectores de la institución.

  20. Judicial action and technical risk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buiren, S. van; Ballerstedt, E.; Grimm, D.


    In this study it is examined how the judiciary deals with those sections that are crucial for the use of nuclear energy. The authors get down to the pre-dominant problem of the law relating to technical safety. In the process they encounter the central dilemma of modern democracy, i.e. the strained relations which exist between judicial control and democratic responsibility. Since nuclear energy entered the market place, it has been the administrative courts which - in practice - have decided whether and to what extent nuclear energy may be used. On the one hand, this is a result of the fast growth of, and rapid change in, science and technology. On the other hand, it is a result of administrative law standards which have developed in the Federal Republic of Germany after World War II. The former requires the normative structure of the atomic law, the latter postulates how to deal with it. Legal protection against an act of public authority is guaranteed by the Basic Law and usually with some justification considered a splendid achievement of our state which is based on the rule of law. It has lead to developments in the atomic law and in many parts of the law relating to technical safety on which opinions are divided. In a dogmatic manner it has been legally examined to what extent an extensive review competence of the judiciary is a must, and whether there are any possibilities of judicial control of acts of public authorities without having to interfere with the original competence of administrations. (orig./HP) [de

  1. El Poder Judicial Electrónico en Iberoamérica

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    José Miguel Busquets


    Full Text Available En este artículo, presentamos el índice del Poder Judicial Electrónico para 8 países de Iberoamérica, a saber: Argentina, Brasil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, España, Portugal y Uruguay. El índice del Poder Judicial Electrónico tiene como objetivo medir el grado de incorporación de las tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs en los Poderes Judiciales. El mismo es el resultado de un relevamiento realizado entre abril y agosto de 2013 a informantes calificados, muchos de ellos integrantes de Universidades que pertenecen a la Red LEFIS (Legal Framework for the Information Society. Entre los resultados significativos de esta investigación encontramos: 1 Mientras que las dimensiones de información y gestión del índice son los más desarrollados, las dimensiones de relación y decisión del mismo índice están mucho menos desarrolladas en el conjunto de los 8 países de Iberoamérica estudiados. 2 Con más de un 50% del índice de Poder Judicial Electrónico desarrollado se encuentran Brasil, España, Costa Rica, Portugal, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay y Cuba

  2. Constitutional and administrative paradigms in judicial control over EU high and low politics


    Cebulak Pola


    This article explores the particular tensions surrounding judicial review in EU external relations. The tensions are classified using a two-dimensional framework. Firstly, a distinction based on policy domains of high and low politics, which is derived from constitutional theory, and external to the CJEU; and secondly a distinction based on legitimizing paradigms of administrative (EU as effective global actor) or constitutional (judicial review as guarantee of fundamental rights) in characte...

  3. Judicial autopsy of radiation accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kannan, P.M.


    This paper discusses issues regarding the judicial autopsy of radiation accidents. In the litigation which follows a radiation accident, a claimant calls on the legal system to adjudicate a dispute. Scientific questions are thrust upon the court. The legal system (through attorneys for the parties) then invites scientists to assist the court in resolving such questions. The invitation, however, does not allow the scientist to bring along his full kit. Experimentation, such as repeating the accident with dosimeters to gather more accurate data, is generally not allowed. Also, the scientist must give up his practice of choosing which questions he will pursue

  4. 32 CFR 270.13 - No right to judicial review or legal cause of action. (United States)


    ... DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Payment § 270.13 No right to judicial review or legal cause of action. Subject... 32 National Defense 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false No right to judicial review or legal cause of..., and such review is specifically precluded. This part does not create or acknowledge any legal right or...

  5. ¿Existe discrecionalidad en la decisión judicial?

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    García Amado, Juan Antonio


    Full Text Available Two different sets of legal theories have denied that judges have any discretion when deciding cases. The first was “naive” formalism as practised in the XIXth century,and more specifically, the exegesis school in France and the conceptual jurisprudence school (Begriffsjurisprudenz in Germany. The second was the “sophisticated” formalism of the late XXth century, which both establishes a connection between law and social morality, and undertakes a moral reading of the constitution so that positive law could offer the one right answer in each case. On its turn, mainstream legal positivism has regarded judicial discretion as an unavoidable and even perhaps desirable consequence of the structural features of any really existing legal order.

    Dos tipos de doctrinas jurídicas han tratado de negar la discrecionalidad judicial: por un lado, el formalismo ingenuo del siglo XIX, propio de la Escuela de la Exégesis, en Francia, y de la Jurisprudencia de Conceptos, en Alemania; por otro lado, el formalismo sofisticado de fines del siglo XX, que primero integra derecho y moral social y, después, moraliza la Constitución positiva para que en el derecho positivo se contenga una única solución correcta para cada caso posible. Por contra, el positivismo jurídico del siglo XX ha visto en la discrecionalidad judicial una consecuencia, tan inevitable como conveniente, de los caracteres de todo sistema jurídico real.

  6. La tipificación del femicidio / feminicidio en países latinoamericanos: Antecedentes y primeras sentencias (1999-2012)


    Toledo Vásquez, Patsilí


    Este trabajo examina los procesos de tipificación penal de las figura de femicidio / feminicidio en las legislaciones latinoamericanas, procesos que se ha producido desde el año 2007 hasta la actualidad, con el objeto de determinar los efectos que estas leyes tienen sobre la garantía de los derechos fundamentales de las mujeres y el cumplimiento de las obligaciones de los Estados frente a la violencia contra las mujeres, así como su relación con el activismo y teorías feministas que han dado ...


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    Aluminé Moreno


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta algunas críticas a la concepción liberal de ciudadanía, basadas en la literatura sobre ciudadanía sexual y ciudadanía íntima. Estas nuevas aproximaciones a la ciudadanía resultan útiles para examinar algunos omentos de la relación entre el Estado local y el activismo sociosexual. En particular, se analizan algunas consecuencias de la Ley de Unión Civil y de la reforma del Código Contravencional de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

  8. Minimalismo judicial ¿Cass Sunstein en la Corte Constitucional?

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    Mario Cajas Sarria


    Full Text Available Cass Sustein Unstein es hoy en día uno de los principales expositores de la tesis del minimalismo judicial, metodología de adjudicación que puede ser utilizada por el máximo órgano de control constitucional cuando interpreta la Constitución. En este artículo se exponen las principales características y ventajas de esta metodología, así como una comparación con las otras formas de adjudicación presentes actualmente en el derecho estadounidense. Posteriormente, se analiza el uso dado al minimalismo judicial por la Corte Constitucional de Colombia en el control que ésta realiza a la legislación, prestando especial atención a los argumentos presentados por la Corte para declarar inconstitucional el estatuto antiterrorista del año 2003.

  9. Control judicial de la regulación económica en clave de los actos administrativos proferidos por la Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones (CRC

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    Camilo Perdomo Villamil


    Full Text Available En el contexto de los procesos de liberalización y los nuevos regímenes económicos a nivel constitucional, la regulación económica se posicionó como una de las principales actividades de intervención estatal sobre la economía. Esta se concibe como un instrumento técnico, neutral e independiente, diseñado para resolver las fallas del mercado y armonizar objetivos económicos y no económicos, generalmente contrapuestos. Por tanto, la cabida del control judicial es muy cuestionada, evidenciándose choques entre la garantía de acceso a la justicia de los particulares y la competencia técnica de los reguladores. Así, se efectúa un análisis material de los actos proferidos por las autoridades de regulación en clave de la extensión del principio de legalidad, y basado en las funciones asignadas a la CRC según la Ley 1341 de 2009, con el propósito de determinar los marcos, límites y alcances del control judicial.

  10. Execution of the European Arrest Warrant by the Romanian Judicial Authorities

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    Ion Rusu


    Full Text Available The unprecedented development of criminality at the social and economical levels, the tendency toglobalize some categories of crimes, of maximum gravity, as terrorism, armament traffic, drug traffic orhuman traffic, have determined the world states to undertake specific measures to prevent, combat and finallyreduce it. The first and most important measure taken by the Europe’s Council, regarding the intensificationof judicial cooperation in criminal matters was the adoption of the European Convention on extradition, inParis on 13 December 1957, completed by the two Additional Protocols in Strasbourg, on 15 October 1975and 17 March 1978. In this context, the release of the Council’s Framework Decision on 13 June 2002 on theEuropean arrest warrant and the procedures of delivery among the member states (2002/584/JAI representeda natural decision, with the purpose of contributing at ensuring a free, secure and just European space. TheEuropean arrest warrant is a judicial decision through which a competent judicial authority of a EuropeanUnion member state solicits the arrest and delivery by another member state, in order to proceed to theprosecution, trial or execution of a penalty or safety measure that is privative of freedom.

  11. Right To Health And Judicialization: A Study About Its Efficiency Of The National Judiciary Forum On Health


    Edith Maria Barbosa Ramos; Isadora Moraes Diniz


    In the past few years, the judicialization of health has become a problematic theme to the Judiciary. In this contexto, the National Justice Council to puts itself in the role of promoting a judicial public policy for defense and guarantee of health rights, by the National Judiciary Forum on Health institution. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of the National Forum practice in offering solutions and alternatives to the health judicialization process. The research was carried out durin...

  12. Does Avoiding Judicial Isolation Outweigh the Risks Related to “Professional Death by Facebook”?

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    Karen Eltis


    Full Text Available What happens when judges, in light of their role and responsibilities, and the scrutiny to which they are subjected, fall prey to a condition known as the “online disinhibition effect”? More importantly perhaps, what steps might judges reasonably take in order to pre-empt that fate, proactively addressing judicial social networking and its potential ramification for the administration of justice in the digital age? The immediate purpose of this article is to generate greater awareness of the issues specifically surrounding judicial social networking and to highlight some practical steps that those responsible for judicial training might consider in order to better equip judges for dealing with the exigencies of the digital realm. The focus is on understanding how to first recognize and then mitigate privacy and security risks in order to avoid bringing justice into disrepute through mishaps, and to stave off otherwise preventable incidents. This paper endeavors to provide a very brief overview of the emerging normative framework pertinent to the judicial use of social media, from a comparative perspective, concluding with some more practical (however preliminary recommendations for more prudent and advised ESM use.

  13. Access the Unified Health System actions and services from the perspective of judicialization1 (United States)

    Ramos, Raquel de Souza; Gomes, Antonio Marcos Tosoli; de Oliveira, Denize Cristina; Marques, Sergio Corrêa; Spindola, Thelma; Nogueira, Virginia Paiva Figueiredo


    Objective: the judicialization of health is incorporated into the daily work of health institutions in Brazil through the court orders for access. In this study, the objective was to describe the contents of the social representations of access, through judicialization, for the health professionals. Method: qualitative study based on Social Representations Theory, involving 40 professionals, at a teaching hospital and at the center for the regulation of beds and procedures in Rio de Janeiro. Forty semistructured interviews were held, to which the thematic-categorical content analysis technique was applied. Results: the health professionals' attitude towards the reality the judicialization imposes is negative, but they acknowledge this resource as necessary in view of the public health crisis. Judicialization is considered a strategy to exercise citizenship that superimposes individual on collective law, increases social inequalities in access and compromises the efficacy of health policies. Conclusion: considering social representation as a determinant of practices, the representations that emerged can contribute to the change of the professionals' practices. Improvements in user care should be promoted, characterized as one of the main challenges to advance in universal access to health. PMID:27143542

  14. International judicial cooperation by means of direct aid in the fight against international abduction of children in Brazil and Colombia


    Mizuta, Alessandra; Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul; Hendges, Carla Evelise Justino; Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul


    This paper addresses the issue of international judicial cooperation by the direct assistance. It reflects on the impact of globalization on the state, the law and the legal systems. Contextualize the reduction of the effectiveness of the rights and the crisis of the process. Adresses the international judicial cooperation as a tool to promote integration of various judicial systems, necessary in a complex and interconnected world in judicial cooperation, there is the direct assistance as a m...

  15. The Political Context of Judicial Review in Indonesia

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    Fritz Edward Siregar


    Full Text Available Indonesia Constitutional Court will celebrate 12th birthday this August 2015, and it cannot be denied that the Court play significant role in securing democracy in Indonesia. In exercising their authorities, including the election result dispute and judicial review, the Court continue to affirm institutional judicial legitimacy and pursue their role to guard 1945 Constitution and continue to do so. The first Chief Justice Jimly showed how within five years of the Court’s creation, he could strategically maximise its momentum and build up the Court as a respectful institution. The Chief Justice Mahfud MD was then elected to reduce the judicial activism started by Jimly’s bench. However, against promises and expectations, Mahfud MD brought the Court to a level far beyond the imagination of the Constitution drafters. Parliament and President tried to limit Court’s authority, not ones, and the Court able to overcome those constrain. Current various available studies observed only how the Court issued their decision and solely focus to the impact of the decision. Scholars slightly ignore that study about the Court, by reducing other constitutional actor in Indonesia, produce study about the Court itself isn’t complete. In fact, political environment in which the Court operated at that time is one of utmost importance the strengthen of the Court institutional legitimacy. This paper is trying to discover the rise of the Indonesia Constitutional Court, not from what the Court did, but from political environment outside the court. Political parties realize that the Court is the only institution that act as political dispute resolution among them. Political parties maturity and political constraint are the key factor that support the development of the Court’s institutional power.

  16. The Judicial Regime of Danube Navigation between 1856- 1919

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    Constantin Tănase


    Full Text Available The basics of the judicial regime of Danube navigation, in the moern sens of the term, were inserted in the Peace Treaty in Paris, March 30, 1856, concluded at the end of Crimeea War. This judicial act of international law ended a situation in the area of the large European river where the rules were imposed by the big empires of Austria, Turkey and Russia, according to their interests. The rights and interests of the riverains such as the Romanian states, Serbia, Bulgari etc. were ignored and brutally violated. Until 1919, the European Danube Commission, institution created by the Paris Treaty, has contributed to the modernization of the lower Danube and development of navigation in this sector. This paper aims at clarifying to a certain extent the circumstances of the regulation of navigation during the reference period of time in this naval sector.

  17. Tobacco industry use of judicial seminars to influence rulings in products liability litigation (United States)

    Friedman, L C


    Objectives This paper examines the tobacco industry's efforts to influence litigation by sponsoring judicial seminars. Methods Thousands of internal tobacco documents were examined, including memos, reports, presentations, and newsletters. Connections to outside organisations were corroborated by examining tobacco industry financial records, budgets, and letters pledging funds. Facts about outside organisations were triangulated through examining their websites and publicly‐filed financial records, and verifying facts through their representatives' statements in newspaper and law review articles. Results There are direct financial ties between the tobacco industry and groups that organise judicial seminars in an effort to influence jurisprudence, and judges who attend these seminars may be breaching judicial ethics either by not inquiring about the source of funding or by ignoring funding by potential litigants. Conclusions The tobacco industry's attempts to clandestinely influence judges' decisions in cases to which they are a party endangers the integrity of the judiciary. PMID:16565460

  18. Judicial activism of the Court of Justice of the EU in the pluralist architecture of global law


    Cebulak, Pola


    Judicial activism implies a hidden politicization of the Court. The legal arguments and the methods used by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) might seem coherent. However, an inquiry into judicial activism means looking beyond the legal reasoning of the Court and trying to “connect the dots” of an alternative narrative that can explain the Court’s long-term approach to certain issues. In the case of judicial activism of the CJEU in the case-law concerning public international ...

  19. Partes y la representación política : retos para la construcción de una democracia de ciudadanía

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    Daiane Sandra Tramontini


    Full Text Available La democracia representativa es cada vez más socavada por el proceso gradual de la fragmentación de la soberanía y la fragilidad de la política actual. Esto lleva a un intento de moralizar la política, a veces por el poder judicial, que utilizando el activismo, abandona su pasividad institucional y legisla desde normas generales hasta abstractas. En este trabajo se analiza la representación política como un instrumento para fortalecer la ciudadanía, junto con el papel de los partidos políticos, como órganos intermediarios entre el pueblo y el Estado, que canalizarán la voluntad popular, en la construcción democrática y para la garantía de los derechos fundamentales.

  20. Legislation and judicial practice on illegitimate children in 19th century Serbia

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    Kulauzov Maša


    Full Text Available Legal position of non-marital children according to 19th century Serbian legislature and judicial practice is examined in this paper. Provisions and court decisions on personal rights, property rights and rights of succession of illegitimate children are presented and critically analyzed. Children born out of wedlock were not equal to children born in lawful marriage. Therefore, significance of legalization of illegitimate children regarding improvement of their legal status is accentuated. As non-marital relationships were condemned in patriarchal Serbian 19th century society, illegitimate children were considered a product of sin and family disgrace. Hence, legislative and judicial attempts to protect their interests and improve their legal position are emphasized in this paper. Beside legalization, adoption was also the way to better position of illegitimate children in great extent, as adopted child was granted the status of a child born in lawful marriage. That is a reason why judicial practice concerning adoption, widespread in 19th century Serbia, is scrutinized and critically analyzed in the article.

  1. Decision or norm: Judicial discretion as a treat to the rule of law

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    Avramović Dragutin


    Full Text Available Principle of legality and legal certainty, as key notions even of the thinnest concept of rule of law, are largely endangered in our times by widening of judicial discretion range. That trend is more and more at hand in European states as well, due to convergence of common law and civil law legal systems. Judicial decision acquires higher and higher factual importance in European legal systems, although it is generally not considered as a source of law. After analysis of standings by leading scholars of legal realism theory, the author admits that a very high level of tension frequently exists between judicial decision and legal norm. Within that conflict often and relatively easy decision succeeds to tear off by the strict letter of the law. In application of general legal rules upon concrete case, by creative adjustment of the law to life, due to necessary general and abstract character of legal norms, judge becomes more creator of law, rather than the one who applies it. The author points to danger of subjective and prejudiced attitudes of the judges, as they, due to their wide discretion, make a decision more upon their own feeling of justice, rather than upon law itself. In that way the law transforms itself in judicial decision based upon subjective understanding of justice and fairness.

  2. The Judicialization of (Separation of Powers Politics: Lessons from Chile La judicialización de la (separación de poderes política: Lecciones de Chile

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    Druscilla L. Scribner


    Full Text Available Most analyses of the judicialization of politics focus on judicial policy-making and rights creation; however when judicialization of politics unfolds in a separation of powers political context courts are also involved in distributing power. The task of power delineation among branches of government is different from policy-making or rights adjudication. Judicializing political disputes about power gives courts the opportunity to alter the balance of institutional power, to create stronger executives (or legislatures and a stronger (or weaker role for themselves. To illustrate these points, this article examines how the Chilean Constitutional Tribunal (TC adjudicated a specific type of separation of powers conflict between the Legislature and the Executive from 1990-2005. The analysis of the TC doctrine overtime highlights how the TC has shifted the balance of power in the policy-making process and augmented its influence within the political system. La mayoría de los análisis de la judicialización de la política se centran en la creación judicial de políticas y derechos. Sin embargo, cuando la judicialización de la política se desarrolla en un contexto institucional de separación de poder, los tribunales también están involucrados en la distribución de poder. La tarea de delimitación de poder entre los poderes del Estado es diferente de la formulación de políticas o adjudicación de los derechos. Judicialización de las disputas políticas sobre el poder confiere a los tribunales la oportunidad de alterar el equilibrio de poder institucional, para crear ejecutivos (o legislaturas más fuertes y un papel para los tribunales altos más dinámico (o débil. Para ilustrar estos puntos, este artículo examina cómo el Tribunal Constitucional Chileno (TC adjudicó un tipo de conflicto específico entre los poderes legislativo y ejecutivo desde 1990 hasta 2005. Un análisis de la jurisprudencia “ley vs. reglamento” del Tribunal

  3. 12 CFR 263.41 - Stays pending judicial review. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Stays pending judicial review. 263.41 Section... SYSTEM RULES OF PRACTICE FOR HEARINGS Uniform Rules of Practice and Procedure § 263.41 Stays pending... the effectiveness of all or any part of its order pending a final decision on a petition for review of...

  4. Canadian Cases before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council


    MacMillan, Catharine


    A paper by Professor Catharine MacMillan (Professor of Law and Legal History, University of Reading) exploring the enduring legacy of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council on the development of Canadian law.

  5. The Recent Judicial Activism in Brazil: Desaposentação From the Perspective of Discursive Games

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    Mônica da Silva Cruz


    Full Text Available The desaposentação is a topic that for some time has raised heated debate in the Brazilian legal field. Decisions related to it constitute itself as judicial activism, in that are given by the interference of the courts in the effectiveness of this right. This article aims to analyze some discursive movements that are established in discussions on the concept of judicial activism, taking as an example the desaposentação in Brazil. It analyzes initially discursive aspects of the historical constitution of the concept of judicial activism. Then it talks about the struggles that are established around the senses built on the concept of desaposentação considering that all knowledge is made from games of speeches taken as a set of strategies that are part of social practices born in the plots history. The theoretical framework is guided in Foucault's principles speech about the concepts, wording and your order (Foucault, 1996; 2008. Methodologically assess up concepts of judicial activism, judicial and parliamentary speeches. At last, it turns out that the activist discourse in enforcing rights is permeated by strategy games, action and reaction, of domination and avoidance, as well as struggles.

  6. Judicial astrology in theory and practice in later medieval Europe. (United States)

    Carey, Hilary M


    Interrogations and elections were two branches of Arabic judicial astrology made available in Latin translation to readers in western Europe from the twelfth century. Through an analysis of the theory and practice of interrogations and elections, including the writing of the Jewish astrologer Sahl b. Bishr, this essay considers the extent to which judicial astrology was practiced in the medieval west. Consideration is given to historical examples of interrogations and elections mostly from late medieval English manuscripts. These include the work of John Dunstaple (ca. 1390-1453), the musician and astrologer who is known have served at the court of John, duke of Bedford. On the basis of the relatively small number of surviving historical horoscopes, it is argued that the practice of interrogations and elections lagged behind the theory.

  7. Literatura y activismo intelectual en la Argentina de los 80. Notas a partir de Lecturas críticas. Revista de Investigación y Teorías Literarias

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    Analía Isabel Gerbaudo


    Full Text Available A partir de Lecturas críticas. Revista de Investigación y Teorías Literarias, este trabajo describe diferentes formas del activismo intelectual desarrollado en Argentina en torno a la literatura, la teoría y la crítica literarias durante la última dictadura militar. Los “grupos de estudio” (o la llamada “universidad de las catacumbas”, además de hacer circular y discutir literatura y teorías prohibidas, producen conferencias, revistas así como un colectivo crítico que, con el retorno democrático, renovará la enseñanza y la investigación universitarias en una zona importante del país. Pero por otro lado, durante la dictadura, estas formaciones y las derivas que generan en el campo actúan como núcleos de resistencia desajustados de la moral y de la ideología oficiales. Palabras claveliteratura * universidad de las catacumbas  *  Argentina  *  dictadura  * teoría y crítica literarias 

  8. 28 CFR 68.57 - Judicial review of the final agency order of an Administrative Law Judge in cases arising under... (United States)


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review of the final agency order of an Administrative Law Judge in cases arising under section 274B. 68.57 Section 68.57 Judicial Administration DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (CONTINUED) RULES OF PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS...

  9. The Effectiveness of Discipline/Judicial Processes on Catholic Campuses as Measured by the Rate of Recidivism (United States)

    O'Reilly, Frances L.; Evans, Roberta D.


    University and college campuses in the United States utilize disciplinary/judicial processes to help address student behavioral problems. These include administrative, majority-peer, and minority-peer processes. This descriptive research was undertaken to find which of these three discipline/judicial processes were the most effective. The…

  10. 17 CFR 10.106 - Reconsideration; stay pending judicial review. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Reconsideration; stay pending... COMMISSION RULES OF PRACTICE Appeals to the Commission; Settlements § 10.106 Reconsideration; stay pending... operate to stay the effective date of the Commission's order. (b) Stay pending judicial appeal—(1...

  11. Constitutional and administrative paradigms in judicial control over EU high and low politics

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    Cebulak Pola


    Full Text Available This article explores the particular tensions surrounding judicial review in EU external relations. The tensions are classified using a two-dimensional framework. Firstly, a distinction based on policy domains of high and low politics, which is derived from constitutional theory, and external to the CJEU; and secondly a distinction based on legitimizing paradigms of administrative (EU as effective global actor or constitutional (judicial review as guarantee of fundamental rights in character and determined by the Court itself. Even though one would expect a dominance of the administrative paradigm in the domain of high politics, the Court uses both the administrative and the constitutional paradigm in its external relations case-law. The decision on which of these becomes the guiding frame seems to depend more on the policy domain, and be made case by case, which suggests politically sensitive adjudication, rather than a coherent approach to legitimizing the nascent judicial review in EU external relations.

  12. Sexual Diversity in the Judiciary in England and Wales; Research on Barriers to Judicial Careers

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    Leslie J. Moran


    Full Text Available Debates about the diversity of the judiciary in the UK have been dominated by gender, race and ethnicity. Sexuality is notable by its absence and is perceived to pose particular challenges. It is usually missing from the list of diversity categories. When present, its appearance is nominal. One effect of this has been a total lack of official data on the sexual composition of the judiciary. Another is the gap in research on the barriers to the goal of a more sexually diverse judiciary. In 2008 the Judicial Appointment Commission (JAC for England and Wales undertook research to better understand the challenges limiting progress towards judicial diversity. A central gaol of the project was to investigate barriers to application for judicial appointment across different groups defined by “sex, ethnicity and employment status”. Sexual orientation was again noticeable by its absence. Its absence was yet another missed opportunity to recognise and take seriously this strand of diversity. This study is based on a response to that absence. A stakeholder organisation, InterLaw Diversity Forum for lesbian gay bisexual and transgender networks in the legal services sector, with the JAC’s approval, used their questionnaire and for the first time asked lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender lawyers about the perceptions and experiences of barriers to judicial appointment. This paper examines the findings of that unique research and considers them in the light of the initial research on barriers to judicial appointment and subsequent developments.

  13. Temporary brittle bone disease: relationship between clinical findings and judicial outcome

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    Colin R. Paterson


    Full Text Available There is a wide differential diagnosis for the child with unexplained fractures including non-accidental injury, osteogenesis imperfecta and vitamin D deficiency rickets. Over the last 20 years we and others have described a self-limiting syndrome characterised by fractures in the first year of life. This has been given the provisional name temporary brittle bone disease. This work had proved controversial mostly because the fractures, including rib fractures and metaphyseal fractures, were those previously regarded as typical or even diagnostic of non-accidental injury. Some have asserted that the condition does not exist. Over the years 1985 to 2000 we investigated 87 such cases with fractures with a view to determining the future care of the children. In 85 of these the judiciary was involved. We examined the clinical and radiological findings in the 33 cases in which there was a judicial finding of abuse, the 24 cases in which the parents were exonerated and the 28 cases in which no formal judicial finding was made. The three groups of patients were similar in terms of demographics, age at fracturing and details of the fractures. The clinical similarities between the three groups of patients contrasts with the very different results of the judicial process.

  14. The European Judicial Training Network and its Role in the Strategy for the Europeanization of National Judges

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    Simone Benvenuti


    Full Text Available This article addresses the building of a European Judicial Training Framework (EJT, notably the establishment, organization and functioning of the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN. After describing the EJTN and retracing its distinctive features – co-operation, decentralization, complementarity, targeting –, the article underlines its peculiar function within EJT, which reflects the role of EJT itself in the strategy for Europeanization of national judges. It then concludes by pointing out and situating other strategic areas where important synergies with EJT for the purpose of judicial Europeanization can be strengthened, notably enhancement of transnational judicial networks and introduction of knowledge management tools in national systems. The article is based on the analysis of documents and scientific literature as well as on empirical research and semi-structured interviews conducted by the author in 2013 and 2014.

  15. O Supremo Individual: mecanismos de atuação direta dos Ministros sobre o processo político / The Supreme Individuals: how Brazilian Supreme Court Justices can directly influence the political process

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    Diego Werneck Arguelhes


    Full Text Available Resumo: Estudos e críticas à participação do Supremo Tribunal Federal na vida política nacional costumam assumir, ainda que implicitamente, que a decisão do tribunal a ser analisada ou criticada é obtida após um processo decisório interno colegiado. Mesmo que esse processo seja imperfeito, ele é visto como condição necessária para que os inputs individuais dos Ministros possam produzir efeitos relevantes sobre o mundo fora do tribunal. Neste trabalho, mostramos que os Ministros do STF podem agir individualmente, sem passar pelo colegiado, de modo a produzir efeitos sobre o comportamento de atores externos ao tribunal. Mapeamos conceitualmente esse tipo de poder individual, a partir de um marco teórico da análise institucional, para então identificar alguns exemplos na prática decisória do tribunal: a antecipação de posições na imprensa, o uso de pedidos de vista de longa duração e o uso de decisões monocráticas para avançar posições jurisprudenciais. Com base nesses três exemplos, apontamos e discutimos algumas implicações da existência desses poderes individuais para estudos sobre judicialização da política e comportamento judicial. Em especial, destacamos os problemas normativos que surgem quando se reconhece a possibilidade de que uma ação judicial internamente minoritária (isto é, uma ação que não expressa a preferência da maioria dos Ministros produza resultados externamente contramajoritários. Palavras-chave: Supremo Tribunal Federal; Poderes Individuais; Comportamento Judicial; Processo Decisório; Análise Institucional.                                                 Abstract: Existing studies on the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court tend to assume, even if implicitly, that decisions they analyze are the outcome of an internal, collective decision-making process. Even when this process is criticized as problematic in itself, it is seen as a necessary condition for the

  16. Media Exposé of Judicial Corruption in Ghana: Ethical and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... issues of judicial corruption, the causes, consequences as well as their ethical and theological dimensions. ... He focuses on human rights issues and corruption in Ghana and many parts of ..... Funds meant to help businesses grow and the.

  17. Corrupción en la Rama Judicial: una reflexión

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    Horacio Escobar Luque


    Full Text Available ResumenUno de los más dañinos flagelos que azotan nuestrassociedades es la corrupción vista desde diversos ángulosy acciones. Vargas ( solo ve al Poder Judicial como objetode la corrupción, como ente corruptible, mas no comouna institución encargada precisamente de controlar lacorrupción. La única forma eficaz de superar los problemasendémicos de corrupción en nuestros sistemas judicialeses afrontar derechamente las profundas disfuncionesque estos manifiestan que constituyen las reales causasde los serios problemas de corrupción que los aquejan.Klitgaard ( formaliza el fenómeno de la corrupción dela siguiente manera: Corrupción = poder monopólico +arbitrio – responsabilidad. Villoria ( manifiesta que haycasos en que la judicatura no es un obstáculo contra la corrupción,sino un elemento esencial en su reproducción ydesarrollo, siendo un ejemplo de corrupción que contribuyea la deslegitimación del sistema político y corroe loscimientos de la gobernabilidad. Si se analizan, entonces,los problemas de los sistemas judiciales, con el objetivode buscar soluciones a sus altos niveles de corrupción administrativa,nos encontraríamos con: una organizaciónineficaz, la precariedad del empleo, desprecio de la ley,amiguismo, delegaciones, abogados corruptores, silencioy jerarquía judicial cooptada.Palabras clave: Corrupción, Rama Judicial, Monopolio,Amiguismo. AbstractOne of the most damaging scourges afflicting oursocieties corruption is viewed from different angles andactions. Vargas ( only sees the judiciary as an object ofcorruption as corruptible body, not as an institution toprecisely control corruption. The only effective way toovercome the endemic problems of corruption in ourjudicial system is straight addressing the root dysfunctionsthey say they are the real causes of serious corruptionproblems that afflict them. Klitgaard ( formalizesthe phenomenon of corruption as follows: Corruption =monopoly power + discretion

  18. Judicial Enforcement of Economic, Social and Cultural Right

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    Aulona Haxhiraj


    In every society there is violation which implies its citizen not get proper social right, economical right and cultural right. Proper implementation and adoption of judicial enforcement can reduce this violation rate and established social peace. Step mentioned in the above might not perfect but it might be small starting and ensure social, culture & economical right for the people living in the society.

  19. Judicial review of Shaik's medical parole a viable option

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dr. Loammi Wolf

    The normative quality of pre-conviction equality is therefore much ..... not signal a relationship of subordination typical of an internal executive hierarchy. .... The Judicial Service Commission in South Africa usually consists of ...... he was sighted at an upmarket French restaurant where a lunch party was held to celebrate his.

  20. Access the Unified Health System actions and services from the perspective of judicialization1


    Ramos, Raquel de Souza; Gomes, Antonio Marcos Tosoli; de Oliveira, Denize Cristina; Marques, Sergio Corr?a; Spindola, Thelma; Nogueira, Virginia Paiva Figueiredo


    Objective: the judicialization of health is incorporated into the daily work of health institutions in Brazil through the court orders for access. In this study, the objective was to describe the contents of the social representations of access, through judicialization, for the health professionals. Method: qualitative study based on Social Representations Theory, involving 40 professionals, at a teaching hospital and at the center for the regulation of beds and procedures in Rio de Janeiro....

  1. Analysis of judicial demands in health at the Regional Health Department XII

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    Leticia Florido Povinske Domingues


    Full Text Available The management of lawsuits in health represents a challenge for most Brazilian municipalities. Many papers described in the literature characterized properly the problem as well as discussed the repercussions on the Unified Health System.In this context, the objective of this study was to analyze the situation of health judicial processes at the twelfth Regional Department in Registro, São Paulo´s state, evaluating the profile of the users who claim in court the couverage of treatment´s costs as well as examination, procedure or medication. For this, we analyzed data on lawsuits in the health field at the twelfth Regional Department in Registro (SP from january 2009 to october 2015.The variables studied were gender, age, municipality of origin of the lawsuit, the mentioned disease, the medical prescription origin, specialty of the prescriber, type of lawsuit triggered, year of the lawsuit, entity judicially triggered and requested items. It was analyzed thirty-eight lawsuits against the twelfth Regional Department, it was observed the prevalence of the female gender, age group above 51 years and originating from the municipality of Registro (SP.The most of the judicial actions are for care given at the Unified Health System, by prescribers of specialty in Clinical Medicine and diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. The processes were characterized in the majority by judicial actions called Ordinary Rite, against the State. On the analyzed cases, 92% requested only medications and of these 11% supplements like vitamins and enteral diets.The number of patients who have been served through legal actions in the last three years reached 47% of the total cases registered during the period of the seven years analyzed and the approximate cost was R$ 1,340,000.00.This study contributes to the diagnosis of the processes related to the health judicialization in the region studied. The results showed a predominance of processes which comes from of patients

  2. Formula over Function? From Algorithms to Values in Judicial Evaluation

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    Francesco Contini


    Full Text Available This paper discusses the forms and effects of the ‘invasion’ of the ‘temples of the law’ by new economic and managerial forms of performance evaluation. While traditional judicial evaluation focused on how to select and promote individual judges and on the legal quality of the single case, new quantitative methods and formulas are being introduced to assess efficiency, productivity and timeliness of judges and courts. Building on two case studies, from Spain and the Netherlands, the paper illustrates two contrasting approaches to judicial performance evaluation. On the one hand individual judges' productivity is evaluated through quantitative data and mathematical algorithms: in the extreme case considered here, judge's remuneration was adjusted accordingly. On the other hand quantitative and qualitative data, collected by a variety of methods and theoretical frameworks, are used as the basis of a multi-layered negotiation process designed to find a synthesis between competing economic, legal and social values aimed at improving overall organizational performance. Considering the flaws of unidimensional measurement and evaluation systems and considering the incommensurability of the results of the multiple evaluative frameworks (economic, legal, sociological required to overcome such flaws, the authors argue there is a need for political dialogue between relevant players in order to allocate the values appropriate to judicial evaluation. Este artículo analiza las formas y efectos de la “invasión” de los “templos de la ley” por nuevas formas económicas y de gestión como la evaluación del rendimiento. Mientras que la evaluación judicial tradicional se ha centrado en la forma de seleccionar y promocionar a jueces individuales, y en la calidad jurídica de un caso individual, hoy en día se están introduciendo nuevos métodos cuantitativos y fórmulas para determinar la eficiencia, productividad y oportunidad de jueces y

  3. 28 CFR 50.9 - Policy with regard to open judicial proceedings. (United States)


    ... Government attorney has a compelling duty to protect the societal interest in open proceedings. (c) A... closure of part of a judicial proceeding where necessary to protect national security information or...

  4. Right To Health And Judicialization: A Study About Its Efficiency Of The National Judiciary Forum On Health

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    Edith Maria Barbosa Ramos


    Full Text Available In the past few years, the judicialization of health has become a problematic theme to the Judiciary. In this contexto, the National Justice Council to puts itself in the role of promoting a judicial public policy for defense and guarantee of health rights, by the National Judiciary Forum on Health institution. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of the National Forum practice in offering solutions and alternatives to the health judicialization process. The research was carried out during 2015. Developed descriptive and exploratory research, with bibliographic procedure, documentary and semi-structured interview.

  5. Procedural Justice Elements of Judicial Legitimacy and their Contemporary Challenges

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    Nina Persak


    Full Text Available Low trust in courts has been recorded in many EU countries. According to the procedural justice paradigm, this phenomenon has negative repercussions for judicial legitimacy, since people who (or when they distrust an authority tend also not to perceive this authority as legitimate (which, in turn, has consequences for their compliance and cooperation with this authority and its decisions. Legitimacy of judiciary, objectively conceived, has several elements, some of which are connected to procedural justice concerns. This article focuses on the latter. In the second part, moreover, the article addresses some of the possible challenges to the judicial procedural justice, drawing on sociological and socio-legal observations regarding legal institutions in the late modern world, where, for example, efficiency-oriented goals mix with justice- and other public good-oriented ones, often creating internal pressures that may impact on the legitimacy of the institution in question. Numerosos países de la UE han registrado una baja confianza en los tribunales. Según el paradigma de la justicia procesal, este fenómeno tiene repercusiones negativas para la legitimidad judicial, ya que las personas que (o cuando desconfían de una autoridad, también tienden a no percibir esta autoridad como legítima (lo que, a su vez, tiene consecuencias para su conformidad y cooperación con esta autoridad y sus decisiones. La legitimidad del poder judicial, concebida de forma objetiva, tiene diversos elementos, algunos de los cuales están relacionados con las preocupaciones de la justicia procesual. Este artículo se centra en estos elementos. En la segunda parte, además, el artículo aborda algunos de los posibles desafíos de la justicia de procesal, basándose en observaciones sociológicas y sociojurídicas relacionadas con las instituciones legales en el mundo moderno reciente, donde, por ejemplo, los objetivos orientados a la eficiencia se mezclan con objetivos

  6. How Many Cases? Assessing the Comparability of EU Judicial Datasets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    E.A. Ontanu (Elena); M Velicogna (Marco); F. Contini (Francesco)


    markdownabstractEfficiency is often considered a key component of any effective justice system, and a crucial drive for economic growth. A growing body of comparative studies explores how judicial reforms leading to a greater efficiency or effectiveness are positively correlated with economic growth

  7. The Principle of Self-Dependence of Judicial Authority in the Context of the Constitutional Reforms in the Republic of Armenia

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    Tumanyants Yeranuhi S.


    Full Text Available In article some aspects of the constitutional reforms of the Republic of Armenia which guarantee the realization of the principle of self-dependence judicial authority are considered. In particular, questions concerning the activity of the Supreme judicial council (the assignee of present Council of justice as the guarantee of self-dependence of judicial authorities, and the procedure of selection (appointment of judges are separated. Changes which have been made during the constitutional reform are also considered, the assessment to the carried-out reforms based on the recommendations of the international organizations and the international documents is given. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis practical recommendations about the direction of further improvement of the legislation concerning realization of the principle of self-dependence of judicial authority, in particular concerning activity of the Supreme judicial council and the procedure of selection (appointment of judges are offered.

  8. Co-Plaintigff in Judicial Reorganization

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    Liliane Gonçalves Matos


    Full Text Available The aim of the study it was to analyze the possibility of the economic group file a single request for judicial reorganization. Concerning the methodology, the study is a descriptive - analytic research, analyzing the legal doctrines and jurisprudence about the subject. It has been shown that the reorganization of groups, instead of separated companies may result benefits, as a company of the group can help to recover the others that are facing difficulties, but there is the possibility to create a negative incentive for the development of global business activity. It was concluded that the active joinder in bankruptcy is feasible, but it would be more prudent for each group company present its own reorganization  plan.

  9. ['Judicialization' of public health policy for distribution of medicines]. (United States)

    Chieffi, Ana Luiza; Barata, Rita Barradas


    The supply of medicines in response to court orders or injunctions has become a common practice in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. This 'judicialization' of the health system clashes with basic principles of the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS), such as equal opportunity to access health services. The aim of this paper is to analyze the legal action used to obtain medicines through the São Paulo State Health Department, from two main angles: judicialization of public policies and breach of the equity principle. This is a descriptive study of legal action taken to obtain medicines through the São State Health Department, as listed in the Electronic Court Docket System for the year 2006. Most cases were filed through private attorneys; 47% of the patients had obtained their prescriptions through private care; and 73% of the cases involved patients from the three wealthiest areas in the city of São Paulo. The data demonstrate that such legal action violates key principles of the SUS such as equity, thereby privileging individuals with higher purchasing power and more access to information.

  10. Uma "morte suave": valores religiosos e laicos nos discursos sobre ortotanásia A "gentle death", religious and lay values in the discourses about orthothanasia

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    Rachel Aisengart Menezes


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda a controvérsia em torno da gestão do término da vida, a partir da análise da ação civil pública provocada pelo Ministério Público Federal, com o intuito de revogar a Resolução 1805/2006 do Conselho Federal de Medicina sobre a ortotanásia. Consideram-se aqui os argumentos médico e jurídico, em suas articulações com valores religiosos. A reflexão acerca dos discursos no processo judicial, em defesa de cada posicionamento (favorável e contrário à autorização legal da ortotanásia possibilita uma compreensão das tramas e dos atores sociais envolvidos nos debates contemporâneos sobre os limites da vida, sobre as possibilidades de intervenção médica e acerca dos direitos de autonomia individual, diante da faculdade de tomada de decisões no último período de vida, no caso de pessoa com doença crônico-degenerativa, em fase terminal.This article addresses the controversy surrounding end-of-life management, based on an analysis of the Public Civil Suit, brought by the Federal Prosecutor's Office, which aimed to revoke the Federal Medical Council's Resolution 1805/2006 about orthothanasia. The reflection about the discourses in the judicial proceedings, in defense of each position (for and against the legal authorization of orthothanasia, makes it possible to understand the threads and social actors involved in contemporary debates about the limits of life, the possibilities for medical intervention and the rights to individual autonomy, in face of the decision making process during the last stage of life, in the case of a person suffering the terminal phase of a chronic degenerative disease.


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    José Luis Sánchez Cardona


    Full Text Available This article is a reflective study on judicial reform and the quest for access to justice in Colombia, which aims to expose the importance of access to justice as a fundamental basis for all rule of law. Howe- ver, in countries like Colombia that legitimacy is questioned, because they have not been public policies that focus on removing barriers to access to justice, such as the cost of litigation, excessive forma- lism, lack education rights, geographical limitations, the power of the litigants and other barriers that plague society. These limitations are accentuated with the peculiarities of the Colombian judicial system, as it is the legal patronage and the decline of the state in certain areas of the country to dispense justice, so have become the biggest obstacle to discuss a reform of the justice that focuses on open access to the mostvulnerable persons, necessitating a discussion on the challenges of a comprehensive policy based on the citizen to enter the judicial system.

  12. Iberian (South American) Model of Judicial Review: Toward Conceptual Framework (United States)

    Klishas, Andrey A.


    The paper explores Latin American countries legislation with the view to identify specific features of South American model of judicial review. The research methodology rests on comparative approach to analyzing national constitutions' provisions and experts' interpretations thereof. The constitutional provisions of Brazil, Peru, Mexico, and…

  13. PRINCIPIOS DE COMPETENCIA JUDICIAL INTERNACIONAL Y DE PROTECCIÓN DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE Principles of international jurisdiction and environmental protection

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    Pía Moscoso Restovic


    Full Text Available ¿Como se resuelve el problema de la objetivación del vínculo de conexión cuando intervienen daños civiles y daños ambientales? Es decir, ¿podemos sostener que el fuero "lugar del hecho dañoso" puede determinarse con independencia de los sujetos que intervienen? ¿Es relevante el principio favor laesi en los casos de daño ambiental? Proponemos abordar estos problemas desde la relación que existe entre los principios de Competencia Judicial Civil Internacional y los principios de protección del medioambiente. Así, advertiremos que la mayor o menor extensión del fuero "lugar del hecho dañoso", adquiere connotaciones especiales si interpretamos armónicamente los principios de competencia judicial internacional y los principios de protección internacional del medio ambiente. En efecto, la política de protección ambiental, constituye un "valor superior del ordenamiento", y por tanto incide directamente en el juicio razonabilidad que el juez debe realizar sobre el vínculo de conexión. Si bien abordamos el problema desde la experiencia europea, las conclusiones tendrán validez universal.How to solve the problem of objectivity in the link between the court and the action, when engaging civil damages and environmental damages? In other words ¿ can we argue that the place of the harmful event can be determined independently of the persons involved? ¿Is favor Iaesi principle relevant in cases of environmental damage? We propose analyze those problems through the connections between International Civil Jurisdiction principles and environmental protection principles. In fact, environmental protection policy constitutes a "superior value". Therefore it affects directly the judge opinion about the connection link. Our approach is European, but the findings have universal validity.

  14. The Legitimizing Function of Judicial Rhetoric in the Eugenics Controversy. (United States)

    Hasian, Marouf, Jr.; Croasmun, Earl


    Investigates the possibility that judicial policymaking is responsive to the situational exigencies created in part through public discourse. Investigates the elite and public perspectives regarding the eugenics controversy in the 1920s to explore the emergent relationship between the public and technical spheres of argument. (SR)

  15. Law-making functions of the Chinese courts:Judicial activism in a country of rapid social changes

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    WANG Chenguang


    The judicial production of law and the legislative production of law make a striking distinction between the two legal traditions.Despite of these differences,judges in both legal traditions in adjudicating cases have a common task,which is the application of legal rules to the facts of cases pending for judgments.The tension between the certainty and the "discretion" is universal for any legal system and,to a certain extent,it poses a hard dilemma for the rhetoric of rule of law.In the transitional countries such as China where rapid social changes and transformations take place,the judiciary and judges can not escape from taking more active roles in interpreting or even law making process.It arouses much controversy,particularly in continental legal traditions,for the judiciary is deemed to perform a mechanical role in adjudicating cases.This article intends to analyze the needs for judicial law.making function in China and its reasons.It reveals that judicial interpretation constitutes an important source of law despite its ambiguous legislative position.The article argues that judicial activism is inevitable against the transitional nature of current Chinese society.


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    SOUSA, L.N.


    concordaram que a pena de morte diminuiria a marginalidade no Brasil. Contudo grande parte dos sujeitos mostrou-se indecisa sobre o assunto e responderam que talvez a marginalidade diminuísse, correspondendo a 35% da amostra recolhida. Ressaltamos que mesmo com a maioria da amostra sendo a favor da pena de morte, a falta de credibilidade no sistema judiciário brasileiro se fez presente na decisão final. Sugerimos que novas pesquisas possam envolver metodologias menos objetivas, dando espaço aos sujeitos para justificarem suas respostas. Além disso, entendemos que seria relevante se públicos de distintas realidades fossem ouvidos.

  17. Disability inquiries shorn from Chicago's judicial review process. (United States)


    The Chicago Bar Association changed the wording of the questions it routinely asks judicial candidates for election and appointment to the bench. Prior to the change, the request for information was so broad that the bar association could learn the candidate's HIV status through a questionnaire that gave the result of the candidate's last physical examination. The new wording better reflects the spirit and intent of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

  18. A Call for Restorative Justice in Higher Education Judicial Affairs (United States)

    Clark, Karen L.


    This paper aims to provide support for post-secondary institutions' exploring and implementing restorative justice in their judicial practices. Although restorative principles have been employed successfully across the globe in criminal proceedings and K-12 education, most colleges and universities have not yet embraced this practice. By exploring…

  19. 44 CFR 5.59 - Judicial relief available to the public. (United States)


    ... 44 Emergency Management and Assistance 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Judicial relief available to the public. 5.59 Section 5.59 Emergency Management and Assistance FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY... the complainant resides, or has his principal place of business, or in which the agency records are...


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    Bianca Elena RADU


    Full Text Available The transition periods that succeed totalitarian regimes are characterized by the efforts of new governments to recognize the violations of human rights that were committed in the past, to implement legitimate mechanisms to clarify the causes but also the consequences of the violation of human rights by the previous regimes, both at the individual and community level. The truth commissions represent one of these mechanisms, concentrating on the testimonies of the victims and on the recognition of their suffering. Depending on the case, the recommendations of the truth commissions have the role of generating judicial and non-judicial effects, of contributing and completing the bringing into effect of the penal justice, of facilitating the processes of restoration, of preventing the re-iteration of new abuses. The present paper proposes to analyse the limitations and the transformative potential of the recommendations included in the report done by the Presidential Commission for the analysis of the communist dictatorship in Romania. We will analyse whether the information contained in this report has been useful in the judicial procedures (prosecutorial indictment and judges’ motivation which resulted in the conviction of Ioan Ficior and Alexandru Vișinescu, but also on other two civil sentences. The research approach imposes the use of a content analysis of the official and public documents, a comparative analysis and a historic analysis.

  1. Reforming of the Judicial System of Kosovo based on the Law no. 03/L-199 on Courts and its challenges

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    Dr.Sc. Azem Hajdari


    Full Text Available Law no. 03/L-199 on Courts1 represents a law of significant importance which regulates the organisation, functioning and jurisdiction of courts of the Republic of Kosovo. This law has made numerous reforms in the judicial system of the country. It has set the bases of a modern and sustainable judicial system. In fact the Law on Courts in addition to having changed the judiciary of Kosovo in the aspect of organisation, it has opened the paths in the aspect of ensuring an efficient functioning thereof. Moreover, this law has repealed the application of the Law of former SAP of Kosovo on Regular Courts which in some aspects did not correspond to the trends of contemporary developments in this field. Law on Courts in its solutions embeds the bases of an independent and impartial justice, further on being multiethnic, non-discriminatory, efficient and in principle having an advanced approach of the opportunity for the public opinion to follow the judicial activities. Consequently, within this work, the background of the development of judicial system in Kosovo shall be discussed, some aspects of its reforming and challenges currently the judicial system of the country faces. In the course of preparation of this work, legal-historical method has been applied, the dogmatic method too, method of comparison and the method of analysis and synthesis. Through the legal-historical method, the manner of organisation and activity of the judicial system in Kosovo has been reflected covering the time of Turkish rule up to 2013 basing it on the laws and the Albanian customary law. The dogmatic method has helped on reflecting the manner of organisation and activity of the judicial system in Kosovo, viewing it in the context of regulating these matters through the Law on Courts presently applicable.The comparative method has reflected the features of the new judicial system in Kosovo and a comparison has been undertaken to the characteristics of earlier judicial

  2. Produção de verdade e processos de criminalização: Retificação do registro civil de pessoas trans no judiciário fluminense

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    Maria Luiza Rovaris Cidade


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como objetivo promover la discusión de los procesos de criminali- zación de las experiencias de las personas trans por el análisis de sus procesos de rectificación de registro civil, desde la perspectiva de un cambio de nombre y sexo en el contexto del poder judicial en el estado de Río de Janeiro. Se propone articular las nociones no esencialistas y de auto-atribución de constitución de género, la pers - pectiva de Foucault de la racionalidad moderna política, la noción de individuo y su estatuto jurídico, y la concepción de los procesos de criminalización que se centran en diversas experiencias previstas en la normatividad de cierto pacto social. A partir de un enfoque metodológico para la cartografía, se convoca el discurso del disposi - tivo sobre la transexualidad en el contexto del Poder Judicial de Río de Janeiro para discutir los siguientes puntos: 1 la legalización de la vida a partir de la expansión de los poderes legales en las decisiones de todos los días; 2 identidades trans patoló- gicas y, finalmente, 3 la producción de verdades por expertos en los experimentos de identidad.

  3. The Supply of Judicial Labour: Optimising a Scarce Resource in Australia

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    Brian Opeskin


    Full Text Available Developed societies generate a multitude of controversies between their members, which need to be resolved fairly if society is to function well. Judicial officers play a central role in that process by hearing and determining disputes according to law, but they are costly and their long tenure entrenches labour market rigidities. This is an inconvenience for modern governments, as they attempt to keep the wheels of justice turning, while facing budgetary constraints that drive them to seek ever greater cost-efficiencies. This article surveys the ways in which governments in Australia have sought to optimise the judicial labour force by creating a more flexible and cost-effective supply. The system of justice that has evolved in response to these developments is a complex one, with many complementary parts. There is no unique solution to the question of how many judicial officers society needs to quell disputes because this goal can be achieved in different ways. But great care needs to be taken to ensure that government action to find flexible sources of labour to meet the demand for judicial dispute resolution does not come at too high a price in terms of respect for the rule of law. Las sociedades desarrolladas generan multitud de polémicas entre sus miembros, y éstas deben ser solucionadas de forma justa para que la sociedad funcione bien. Los agentes judiciales desempeñan un papel esencial en ese proceso, dado que atienden y solucionan disputas de acuerdo con el derecho, pero son agentes costosos y sus largas permanencias en el puesto perpetúan la rigidez del mercado laboral. Ello es un inconveniente para los gobernantes actuales, que intentan asegurar que el ejercicio de la justicia siga su curso, al tiempo que se enfrentan a limitaciones presupuestarias que los empujan a buscar una eficiencia en relación a los costes cada vez mayor. Este artículo estudia las maneras en las que los gobiernos de Australia han procurado optimizar la

  4. Judicial control authority and third-party action as laid down in the Atomic Energy Law

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Degenhart, C.


    The author points out the fundamental complex of problems. From the 'undetermined' legal term of imperative prevention of damage as defined by Sect. 7 para. 2 (3) of the Atomic Energy Law follows the judicial claim for detailed analysis of facts in case of minor radioactive exposure under normal operation and in case of accident prevention. He discusses the relation of the Atomic Energy Law to the Basic Law and to the normative structure of the Atomic Energy Law. The re-orientation to be found in the judicial approach to control does recognize sanctuaries of the executive. Control density and the right of third parties to take action are closely interrelated. From the integration - according to subjective law and basic law - of the Atomic Energy Law into the realtionship existing between technological and cultural development, and the material relation of licences granted for nuclear installations follows a reduction of judicial control intensity, at least for the procedural constellation of third-party actions. (HSCH) [de

  5. Matching Judicial Supervision to Clients' Risk Status in Drug Court (United States)

    Marlowe, Douglas B.; Festinger, David S.; Lee, Patricia A.; Dugosh, Karen L.; Benasutti, Kathleen M.


    This article reports outcomes from a program of experimental research evaluating the risk principle in drug courts. Prior studies revealed that participants who were high risk and had (a) antisocial personality disorder or (b) a prior history of drug abuse treatment performed better in drug court when scheduled to attend biweekly judicial status…

  6. Paradoxes of proof and punishment: Psychological pitfalls in judicial decision making.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Keijser, J.W.; van Koppen, P.J.


    Purpose. This study focuses on two psychological mechanisms that may inadvertently affect judges' decisions on proof of guilt and on punishment. It involves mechanisms that are clearly in conflict with formal judicial doctrine. One hypothesis, the conviction paradox, asserts that, faced with very

  7. The oral trial and the effective judicial protection: Mismatches of the model established in the Law of Civil Procedure

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    Antonio José Vélez Toro


    Full Text Available Conciliation, mediation and arbitration are traditional means for the resolution of legal conflicts, which are shaped and promoted as alternatives to the judicial process. Nevertheless, the judicial process, which is the only mean for the resolution of legal conflicts expressly recognized in the Spanish Constitution to exercise the right to an effective judicial protection, is not only the last option to solve the conflict but also the ultimate guarantee of defense against possible breaches occurred within the alternative process chosen. The Spanish juicio verbal (mainly oral and simplified civil procedure in court is the most frequently used procedure in the Spanish Civil and Commercial areas. This is why we intend to approach it from the perspective of the Spanish Constitutional Jurisprudence in order to establish the cases where there is or there has been an impossibility or rejection to exercise the right to an effective judicial protection.


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    Andrés Díaz del Castillo Longas


    Full Text Available En este escrito se expondrán algunos rasgos característicos de la lógica institucional de los frenos y contrapesos en Colombia, a partir de la interacción que se presenta entre los ámbitos representativos y los ámbitos jurisdiccionales del poder Estatal, en razón de la actuación del control judicial de constitucionalidad y de la reforma constitucional en sede legislativa. Se argumentará que la lógica de esa interacción, aunque puede optimizar la acción de controles más o menos efectivos para evitar el decisionismo, lo hace a costa de limitar la eficacia de otros principios también valiosos para el sistema constitucional, como la legitimidad democrática y la colaboración armónica.Con base en ello, se sugerirá que una revisión crítica de algunas de las normas de distribución de competencia entre los órganos del poder público podría arrojar argumentos relevantes para la discusión sobre procedimientos de decisión más democráticos, en clave deliberativa.

  9. Poder Judicial, transparencia y participación ciudadana: reformas recientes en Argentina

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    Álvaro Herrero


    Full Text Available Desde hace más de una década se discute en torno a los problemas de imagen y legitimidad que afectan a gran parte de los poderes judiciales de América Latina. En muchos países de la región –y esto no resulta novedoso– las encuestas indican de manera sostenida que los niveles de confianza de la ciudadanía en el sistema de justicia son preocupantemente bajos (ver informes de Latinobarómetro. Las causas detrás de este diagnóstico son múltiples: falta de independencia de los jueces, obstáculos para el acceso a la justicia, ineficacia del poder judicial para hacer frente a la inseguridad ciudadana y casos de corrupción judicial, entre otras.

  10. Activismo cívico digital en Rumanía: La comunidad de Facebook en las protestas on-line contra Chevron

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    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados del análisis cuantitativo de las auto-representaciones de dos comunidades rumanas en Facebook durante las protestas on-line y off-line en contra del «fracking» en Rumanía. En 2013 los rumanos comenzaron a protestar contra las explotaciones de gas del gigante energético norteamericano Chevron en la aldea de Pungesti. Este movimiento de resistencia pasó, en poco más de un mes, de ser una herramienta de movilización rural a una de alcance nacional cuyo objetivo era ayudar a los campesinos afectados por las explotaciones de gas planificadas por Chevron. Dado que el óptimo grado de implicación on-line para pasar a una participación off-line depende mucho de las prácticas informativas, consideramos que un análisis de textos publicados en Facebook reflejará si éstos son compatibles y relevantes para los manifestantes. Nuestra premisa teórica está basada en la teoría del encuadre en movimientos sociales e informa nuestro análisis de contenido comparativo de los textos de dos comunidades rumanas de Facebook desde octubre de 2013 hasta febrero de 2014. En el trabajo se identifican las estrategias de encuadre verbal y visual, y los marcos de acción colectiva utilizados para formar la identidad de estas comunidades on-line. Los resultados obtenidos muestran el predominio de «la lucha por la tierra» como principal marco de acción colectiva, seguido del «conflicto» y la «solidaridad», e indican la preeminencia de fotos y archivos de vídeo como recursos de encuadre de relevancia cultural y como pruebas del activismo fuera de Internet en contra del «fracking» en Rumanía.

  11. Collaborators at domestic jurisdiction: the case of the Basque Government in the setting up of the new Judicial Office in the Basque Country

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    Izaskun Iriarte Irureta


    Full Text Available The Administration of Justice in Spain is going through a deep modernisation process aiming both at procedural and organisational reforms. The setting up of the new Judicial Office is precisely the major change of the organisation of the Administration of Justice in the last century. In this context, there is a shift in the role played by the regional governments with responsibilities in the field of Justice, as far as these regional governments are not only collaborators of the Judiciary at domestic jurisdiction, but they also become “actors” as they have decision making powers to create, to design and to organise the common procedural services of the Judicial Office and, hence, to set up the Judicial Office in each judicial district in their territory.This text presents the context and the reasons behind the setting up of the Judicial Office as a new way of organisation of the Spanish Administration of Justice; the Judiciary in Spain and the responsibilities of the regional governments in the Administration of Justice; the meaning of the Judicial Office and its guiding principles; the role of the Basque Government in setting up the Judicial Office in the Basque Country, paying special attention to its activity in the field of standardization of processes, the quality system, and of information, communication and coordination; the results of the first Judicial Offices. Finally the paper questions whether the regional or national governments are just “collaborators” or real “actors” of the Administration of Justice at domestic jurisdiction.


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    Full Text Available A teoria nos indica que existem muitas influências sobre a avaliação das pessoas acerca da pena de morte (MENIN, 2005; LARANJEIRAS, 2007. Autores reconhecem que os meios de comunicação instigam a população a desejar vingança, como se isso resolvesse o problema da violência (MELLO, 1999. Outros acreditam existir uma série de questões que precisam ser transformadas para que pensemos numa pena de morte, como: a segurança pública, o desemprego, o sistema prisional e as formas alternativas de punição (CRITSNELIS, 2009, também é possível encontrar autores que veem positivamente o emprego da pena de morte e seus argumentos tem caráter religioso, humanista, judicial e social (BARRETO, 1983. Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar, ainda que em pequena esfera, o que as pessoas em Campos pensam sobre a pena de morte. Inicialmente uma pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada. Elaborou-se um questionário objetivo composto de 3 perguntas. O público alvo foi Homens e Mulheres maiores de 18 anos, abordados nas imediações do ISECENSA, sendo um total de 40 pessoas. Posteriormente os dados foram tabulados gerando as informações da pesquisa. Perguntamos aos participantes se eles concordavam que é possível haver a reabilitação do ser humano e obtivemos que 75% concordavam que é possível. Aproximadamente 20% discordavam, não plenamente, mas acreditavam que raras vezes era possível a reabilitação. O restante não tinha uma opinião sobre a questão. 60% (a maioria das pessoas concordaram que a reforma das leis resolveria o problema da violência, outros 15% não chegaram a uma conclusão sobre a determinada pergunta e 25% dos entrevistados discordam. Cerca de 30% concordaram com a pena de morte, aproximadamente 20% não tinham pensado no assunto e os 45%, maioria, discordaram que a pena de morte é uma lei necessária no Brasil. Como dado mais expressivo, ressaltamos que a maior parte das pessoas abordadas acreditam que é poss

  13. Separate and Unequal: Judicial Culture, Employment Qualifications and Muslim Headscarf Debates

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    Joyce Marie Mushaben


    Full Text Available Few European lawmakers have analyzed the implications of Muslim headscarf bans for equal employment opportunity. EU anti-discrimination directives suggest that contradictory member-state approaches will eventually invoke a judicial Community response at national expense. Drawing on the bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ standard, this study compares the “judicial cultures” of the U.S. Supreme Court, the German Constitutional Court, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR and the European Court of Justice (ECJ. It argues that while the ECJ initially invoked Roman law precepts shared by a majority of its member-states through the 1980s, it has come to embrace Anglo-American norms stressing individual freedoms over state interests. Given their strong support for equal treatment and social inclusion, EU justices will be more likely than member-state or ECHR judges to overturn existing bans on hejab at the workplace, once such a case makes its way onto the ECJ docket.

  14. The Motivation of Judicial Judgments in Demands of Medications in the Context of the Crisis of Bourgeois Legality

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    Ariadi Sandrini Rezende


    Full Text Available The provision of free medicines to the population for the treatment of diseases is regulated by Decree No. 7,508/2011, which created the National List of Essential Medicines. A problem occurs when it is asked how judges should proceed in demands of medication when the drugs desired are not in the list. It is necessary to confront the dogma that law is the law and, therefore, to demonstrate the requirements that the contemporary legal phenomenon requires for the foundations of judicial decisions when them talk about social rights. It is depicted the rise of the idea of legality within the bourgeois state. Three problems that led to the crisis of this political model of law are exposed. It is shown the process of constitucionalization of the social rights with the reform of the liberal state and, therefore, the consolidation of the desire to control the legislative political power and the legality. It is exposed how the judicial activity can consolidate the reform initiated by the constitutionalization of social rights when obstacles imposed against its effectiveness are exceeded by the judge. It will be shown the anachronism of merely loyalist decisions which deny provisionses in judicial demands of medications based on dogmas of nineteenth-century liberal state. It will be exposed the needs of serious judicial decisions which wonder about the role of the welfare state and judicial activity in the contemporary context.

  15. Access to treatment for phenylketonuria by judicial means in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Luciano Mangueira Trevisan


    Full Text Available Treatment of phenylketonuria (PKU includes the use of a metabolic formula which should be provided free of charge by the Unified Health System (SUS. This retrospective, observational study sought to characterize judicial channels to obtain PKU treatment in Rio Grande do Sul (RS, Brazil. Lawsuits filed between 2001- 2010 and having as beneficiaries PKU patients requesting treatment for the disease were included. Of 20 lawsuits filed, corresponding to 16.8% of RS patients with PKU, 19 were retrieved for analysis. Of these, only two sought to obtain therapies other than metabolic formula. In all the other 17 cases, prior treatment requests had been granted by the State Department of Health. Defendants included the State (n = 19, the Union (n = 1, and municipalities (n = 4. In 18/19 cases, the courts ruled in favor of the plaintiffs. Violation of the right to health and discontinuation of State-provided treatment were the main reasons for judicial recourse. Unlike other genetic diseases, patients with PKU seek legal remedy to obtain a product already covered by the national pharmaceutical assistance policy, suggesting that management failures are a driving factor for judicialization in Brazil.

  16. La justicia de menores desde la mirada de los jueces. Valoraciones y representaciones sobre la ley y la administración de justicia

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    Silvia Guemureman


    Full Text Available El presente artículo condensa las opiniones y valoraciones que los jueces de menores tienen sobre algunos aspectos del quehacer judicial en la administración de justicia sobre  personas menores de edad. En la pretensión de construir una cartografía moral de las prácticas judiciales, realicé una reconstrucción de las mismas a través de los discursos hablados y escritos de los jueces. Realicé entrevistas en profundidad y un análisis cualitativo y lingüístico de sentencias. Así pude confrontar aquello que los que los jueces enuncian, y aquello que los jueces realizan en su labor de administración de justicia y dejan plasmado en las sentencias. También yo he reconstruido el discurso y el relato que los magistrados construyen sobre sus acciones. En este artículo me concentraré en los relatos de los jueces a través de la reconstrucción de sus opiniones en las entrevistas realizadas. El trabajo de campo se realizó en los Tribunales orales de menores de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. La reconstrucción  se organizó en base a tres ejes: la percepción de los jueces sobre la delincuencia juvenil; la regulación legal sobre las personas menores de edad (Régimen penal de la minoridad/ley 22.278 y las representaciones de los jueces sobre el fin de la pena. He podido constatar que en las valoraciones de los jueces emergen cosmovisiones preexistentes sobre el bien, la moral, lo bueno, lo correcto y lo normal. Asimismo, los jueces albergan consensos valoradas positivamente. Estas cosmovisiones marcan pautas de distribución en torno a la norma.  


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    Eugenia Florescu


    Full Text Available A large part of the wealth is invested in securities, which circulate through documents or specific scriptural records that are located in the memory of the computer. These magnetic or paper-made „supports”, received different names, in law and in doctrine: debt securities, securities, negotiable instruments or commercial securities, equity securities, bearer bonds, financial instruments, transferable securities, stocks, bonds, bill, promissory note, check, et al. These expressions used by the New Code of Civil Law were assumed tale quale from the specialized language of commercial law, without any concern for explaining the foundation and judicial meaning of these legal institutions, and eliminate the ambiguity in this matter. Under such conditions, the analysis is to identify the criteria under which the judicial genre will separate from the judicial species in relation to the law and jurisprudence of the European Union and/or to the regulations specially adopted at national level, over time.

  18. A judicial review of political questions under Islamic law


    Abdulfatai O. Sambo; Hunud Abia Kadouf


    The contemporary Arab world has witnessed uprisings and turmoil as a result of alleged power-overreaching by political elites. Consequently, people call for democracy with emphasis on constitutionalism, accountability and protection of human rights. Yet, the voice of the judiciary seems not to be heard in championing these values in many Muslim nations despite the clear roles Islam places on the judiciary regarding political matters. This paper therefore analyses the power of judicial review ...

  19. Biosociabilidad y demandas por derechos en el activismo de personas de sectores populares afectadas por VIH-SIDA Biosociabilidade e reclamações por direitos no ativismo de pessoas de camadas populares vivendo com HIV-Aids Biosociability and claims for rights in less privileged neighborhoods of Buenos Aires people living with HIV activism

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    Juan José Gregoric


    Full Text Available Este artículo despliega resultados de una etnografía sobre el activismo de personas afectadas por el VIH-SIDA de barrios populares del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Analizo aspectos de la conformación de grupos y asociaciones de activistas, la construcción de espacios de contención y sociabilidad y las demandas generadas para garantizar el acceso a tratamientos antirretrovirales gratuitos y mejorar la asistencia que reciben desde el Estado. Intento mostrar que, para una parte de la población afectada, el VIH-SIDA devino un eje político para organizarse legítimamente, crear reivindicaciones expresadas en términos del derecho a la salud y la vida y a partir de allí también reclamar un mayor acceso a derechos sociales.O artigo apresenta alguns resultados de uma etnografia sobre o ativismo de pessoas vivendo com o HIV-Aids em bairros populares da Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires . . O artigo analisa a conformação de grupos y associações de ativistas, a construção de espacos de contenção e sociabilidade e as demandas criadas com o objetivo de garantir acesso as drogas antiretrovirais e melhorar a assistência. Procuro mostrar que para essas pessoas o HIV-Aids tornou-se um eixo político para se organizar legitimamente, criar reivindicações expressadas em lutas por aceso ao direito a saúde e a vida e para reclamar maior aceso a direitos sociais.This article shows some of the results of an ethnographic research about the activism of people living with HIV-Aids in the less privileged neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. I analyze aspects of the structure of activist groups and associations, the building up of spaces for contention and sociability and the demands generated to guarantee free access to antiretroviral treatments and improve the assistance they get from the State. I intend to show that for a part of the afflicted population HIV gave rise to social and political action and vindications expressed in terms of the right

  20. Property Rights and Functioning of Judicial System in Kosovo as a Preconditions for Economic Development of the Country

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    Haxhi Gashi


    Full Text Available The issues related to property rights and their protections are deeply complex ones that affect the life of all citizens of Republic of Kosovo. Even though, improvements on the functioning of judicial system in Kosovo are evident in recent years, continuous challenges regarding judicial affectivity and efficiency as well as independence, continue to impact negatively upon the rule of law and access to justice in Kosovo. Therefore this has direct impact on implementation of some of basic international human rights standards in the field of property rights. Furthermore, these challenges in the field of property rights and rule of law have direct impact on the foreign investments and economic development of the country. This paper will try to address some of main challenges that Kosovo judicial system is facing, in particular related to protection of property rights as well as challenges on functioning of civil judicial system in Kosovo. These challenges have other effects on investments and welfare of society, creating barriers for a proper economic development of the country and therefore producing uncertainty among population and creating the idea of migration in order to seek new opportunities.

  1. [Evaluation of Articles 33 and 59, of the Code of Deontology of Doctors in Catalonia (2005), judicially annulled]. (United States)

    Collazo Chao, Eliseo


    At the end of the year 2004, the Autonomous Conseil of the Medical School in Catalonia (Spain) approved its Deontology Code. The articles 33 and 59 were then judicially resorted by more than one hundred doctors in Catalonia; nowadays those articles themselves have been annulled by judicial sentence. This research aims to accomplish a valuation ethical and deontological of the annulled articles, according to the statutes.

  2. 39 CFR 962.21 - Appeal of initial decision to judicial officer. (United States)


    ... request for an extension within the initial 30-day period and demonstrates good cause for such extension... is material and that there were reasonable grounds for the failure to present such evidence, the... issued unless a petition for judicial review is filed. [52 FR 12904, Apr. 20, 1987, as amended at 67 FR...

  3. Judicialização da política e Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos: uma investigação empírica da atuação das organizações da sociedade civil / Judicialization of Politics and Inter-American Human Rights system

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    Carolina Alves Vestena


    Full Text Available Resumo O presente artigo traz análises sobre a terceira fase de pesquisa que vem sendo realizada pelo grupo Direitos Humanos, Poder Judiciário e Sociedade – DHPJS – sobre o sistema de justiça e a atuação de seus agentes no Rio de Janeiro. O foco de observação é a utilização de normas internacionais de direitos humanos pelos tribunais. Nas fases anteriores, juízes e desembargadores foram entrevistados sobre a utilização das normas de direitos humanos em suas decisões, bem como sobre sua formação nessa temática. Nesta etapa, deslocou-se a perspectiva para os demandantes das cortes, especialmente aqueles organizados coletivamente na sociedade civil. Nossa hipótese é a de que as cortes judiciais têm sido provocadas como espaço de disputas, tanto no plano nacional (hipótese que pode ser fundamentada em diversas formulações teóricas quanto no plano internacional. O fenômeno localizado no plano nacional pode ser pensado em termos de sistemas regionais de Direitos Humanos: o sistema interamericano pode estar se constituindo como etapa “para-judicial” para a efetivação desses direitos. Esta segunda hipótese pode ser construída do ponto de vista teórico e testada do ponto de vista empírico, a fim de averiguar se as organizações não governamentais tem utilizado este sistema como uma arena de lutas sociais. A pesquisa empírica realizada pelo grupo trouxe dados para refletir sobre essa hipótese, além de indicar caminhos a serem explorados. Foram entrevistadas 36 ONGs inscritas na ABONG – Associação Brasileira de Organizações Não-Governamentais - que atuam com a defesa de Direitos Humanos para investigar as formas de atuação destes grupos junto ao Judiciário e ao sistema interamericano. No presente artigo apresentamos potenciais relações da judicialização da política com os sistemas regionais de Direitos Humanos, a partir dos dados encontrados na investigação empírica, que revela a utiliza

  4. The Role of Communication in the French Judicial System


    Emmanuel Jeuland; Anastasia Sotiropoulou


    Communication has recently acquired a central role in the French judicial system. Being an integral part of the management of courts, it is crucial in building the image of justice, as it can affect procedural principles, in particular, the principles of impartiality and of reasonable time. A good image of justice promotes the appearance of efficiency and impartiality. Justice has not only to be fair, but also to be seen as such, according to the well-known proverb.





    ESTE ENSAYO SOSTIENE QUE LA ANTROPOLOGÍA HECHA EN COLOMBIA OSCILA ENTRE LA ACEPTACIÓN de las tradiciones académicas europeas y la reivindicación del activismo político en favor de grupos étnicos. Se afirma que la antropología hecha en Colombia no puede construir una tradición propia a menos que los antropólogos acepten las propuestas metodológicas y conceptuales de aquellos colegas que han transformado la disciplina orientándola al apoyo a las organizaciones indígenas. Estos antropólogos y su...

  6. El derecho como un campo según Pierre Bourdieu: el caso del precedente constitucional sobre protección laboral a la maternidad. Posibilidades y límites del activismo constitucional


    Javier Orlando Aguirre; Ana Patricia Pabón Mantilla


    Entre los casos a través de los cuales la Corte Constitucional ha consolidado importantes precedentes, se destaca que se refiere a la protección constitucional del derecho a la estabilidad laboral de la mujer embarazada. El presente ar tículo retoma la discusión sobre el derecho como campo jurídico a partir de Pierre Bourdieu, y reconstruye una línea jurisprudencial de la Corte Constitucional para ilustrar el problema. Finalmente, se reflexiona acerca de las relacio...


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    Elizabeth Ormart


    Full Text Available El presente escrito tiene por finalidad realizar un análisis sobre las competencias que requiere un buen profesional de la psicología para desempeñarse en contextos donde los derechos humanos son avasallados. Para ello, pondremos a dialogar los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto de investigación Actitudes de estudiantes universitarios de grado y de posgrado de una Institución de Educación Superior respecto de la ética profesional y los avances logrados en el proyecto de investigación El Testigo en el entramado discursivo de la escena judicial en casos de crímenes de lesa humanidad. Derivaciones jurídicas y subjetivas. Poniendo énfasis en que el rol del investigador educativo no es sin compromiso social, nos proponemos reflexionar sobre la responsabilidad que poseen las instituciones de educación superior en la formación de futuros profesionales que se desempeñarán en las distintas áreas de incumbencia del psicólogo y para las que necesitarán competencias que involucren dimensiones comunicacionales, afectivas, éticas y morales con la finalidad de fomentar actitudes favorables hacia el desempeño profesional.

  8. O Judiciário como Ator Regulador da Internet: seu papel no esquema de forças do Estado moderno / The Judiciary as Regulatory Actor of the Internet: Its Role in the Framework of Forces of the Modern State

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    Amanda Nunes Lopes Espiñeira Lemos


    Full Text Available Purpose – To understand the role of Judiciary Power in regulating the Internet from the perspective of the WhatsApp blocking cases between 2015 and 2016 that led to the questioning of Judiciary's interpretation of the issue and the role of a Data Protection Authority in conflict resolution. Methodology/approach/design – Qualitative analysis from issues of internet regulation in relation to the theory that includes the positioning of Judiciary in scheme of forces of the modern State. It also presents a dialogue between the regulatory and argumentative theories pertinent to the arguments of the public decision to block WhatsApp. Finally, a brief analysis of the public audience discourse of the Bill of personal data and comparative international experience on DPAs. Findings – The Civil Internet Framework has been used as an isolated regulation to an entire legal system and the peculiarities of cyberspace that do not reproduce in the physical world, which requires the improvement of the interpretation of regulatory milestones in the network architecture. DPAs are facilitators in resolving conflicts that involve Internet and even to reduce prosecution of demands such as WhatsApp block. Resumo Propósito – Compreender o papel do Judiciário na regulação da Internet, a partir dos casos de bloqueio do WhatsApp entre 2015 e 2016, que levaram ao questionamento sobre a interpretação do Judiciário sobre o tema e o papel de uma Agência de Proteção de Dados Pessoais na resolução de conflitos. Metodologia/abordagem/design – Análise qualitativa das questões de regulação da internet frente à teoria que compreende o posicionamento do Judiciário no esquema de forças do Estado moderno. Apresenta-se também diálogo entre as teorias regulatórias e argumentativas pertinentes para os argumentos da decisão pública de bloqueio do WhatsApp. Por fim, uma breve análise do discurso da audiência pública do PL de dados pessoais e comparativa

  9. Assédio moral no judiciário: Prevalência e repercussões na saúde dos trabalhadores

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    Adriana Machado Pooli


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a prevalência do assédio moral e suas repercussões na saúde de trabalhadores em uma instituição judiciária. Adotou-se método quantitativo, transversal e de caráter descritivo. Analisou-se a organização do trabalho, situações de assédio moral e possíveis associações entre o assédio moral e danos à saúde. Como instrumentos, foram aplicados um questionário biossociodemográfico e laboral e o Questionário de Atos Negativos (QAN. Os resultados evidenciaram que 37% dos respondentes foram submetidos a práticas de assédio moral na medida objetiva e 6,2% pela medida subjetiva, que 75% dos participantes indicaram o superior hierárquico como agressor e que os comportamentos negativos relacionados ao contexto e à gestão do trabalho preponderaram sobre os atos hostis direcionados à pessoa. Apareceram como repercussões na saúde depressão, ansiedade, nervosismo, irritabilidade, angústia, crises de choro, insônia, problemas digestivos e tensão muscular. Concluiu-se que ser alvo de atos hostis tem relação com danos à saúde.

  10. The Role of Communication in the French Judicial System

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    Emmanuel Jeuland


    Full Text Available Communication has recently acquired a central role in the French judicial system. Being an integral part of the management of courts, it is crucial in building the image of justice, as it can affect procedural principles, in particular, the principles of impartiality and of reasonable time. A good image of justice promotes the appearance of efficiency and impartiality. Justice has not only to be fair, but also to be seen as such, according to the well-known proverb.

  11. Public Politics of Health and Aspects of its Judicialization


    Rafael Fernando dos Santos; Angelina Cortelazzi Bolzam


    This article was elaborated in order to analyze issues relating to the judicialization of cases involving health, understanding health as a public policy aimed at to guarantee the fundamental right to it linked, that is, the concept of health that the authos intended to work is not far from that contained in the combined reading of Articles 6 and 196 of the Constitution, consecrators to be the health, universal right and duty of the state, guaranteed through social and economic policies aimed...

  12. Media Exposé of Judicial Corruption in Ghana: Ethical and Theological Perspectives

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    Adwoa S. Amankwah


    Full Text Available Article 162, subsection 5, of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana state s that “all agencies of the mass media shall, at all times, be free to uphold the principles, provisions and objectives of this constitution, and shall uphold the responsibility and accountability of the Government to the people of Ghana”. Using this constitutional provision that gives the media the power to serve as one of the agents to ensure accountability, this article discusses the media exposé of judicial corruption in Ghana by using the recent video evidence of the investigative journalist, Anas. The article considers issues of judicial corruption, the causes, consequences as well as their ethical and theological dimensions. It posits that those who pervert justice through corrupt practices, will eventually be named and shamed. The article concludes t hat when the media play their role by respecting high journalistic standards, the cause of justice will be served.

  13. Media Exposé of Judicial Corruption in Ghana: Ethical and Theological Perspectives

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    Adwoa S. Amankwah


    Full Text Available Article 162, subsection 5, of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana state s that “all agencies of the mass media shall, at all times, be free to uphold the principles, provisions and objectives of this constitution, and shall uphold the responsibility and accountability of the Government to the people of Ghana”. Using this const itutional provision that gives the media the power to serve as one of the agents to ensure accountability, this article discusses the media exposé of judicial corruption in Ghana by using the recent video evidence of the investigative journalist, Anas. The article considers issues of judicial corruption, the causes, consequences as well as their ethical and theological dimensions. It posits that those who pervert justice through corrupt practices, will eventually be named and shamed. The article concludes t hat when the media play their role by respecting high journalistic standards, the cause of justice will be served.

  14. Arbitration and Judicialization

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    Alec Stone Sweet


    Full Text Available The arbitral world is at a crucial point in its historical development, poised between two conflicting conceptions of its nature, purpose, and political legitimacy. Formally, the arbitrator is an agent of the contracting parties in dispute, a creature of a discrete contract gone wrong. Yet, increasingly, arbitrators are treated as agents of a larger global community, and arbitration houses concern themselves with the general and prospective impact of important awards. In this paper, I address these questions, first, from the standpoint of delegation theory. In Part I, I introduce the basic “Principal-Agent” framework [P-A] used by social scientists to explain why actors create new institutions, and then briefly discuss how P-A has been applied to the study of courts. Part II uses delegation theory to frame discussion of arbitration as a mode of governance for transnational business and investment. In Part III, I argue that the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID is presently in the throes of judicialization, indicators of which include the enhanced use of precedent-based argumentation and justification, the acceptance of third-party briefs, and a flirtation with proportionality balancing. Part IV focuses on the first wave of awards rendered by ICSID tribunals pursuant to Argentina’s response to the crushing economic crisis of 2000-02, wherein proportionality emerged, adapted from the jurisprudence of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization.

  15. Science and judicial proceedings--seventy-six years on. (United States)

    French, Robert


    The intersection of law and science, particularly in relation to causality and the legal concept of causation, were of considerable interest to Sir Owen Dixon. In this article, revisiting Dixon's 1933 lecture "Science and Judicial Proceedings", the Chief Justice refers to Dixon's deep interest in science and the issues to which it can give rise in legal proceedings. The 1933 lecture followed shortly after the judgment of the High Court in Australian Knitting Mills Ltd v Grant (1933) 50 CLR 387 which involved consideration of expert testimony and causal connections between product characteristics and personal injury to the consumer.

  16. Constitutional and administrative paradigms in judicial control over EU high and low politics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cebulak, Pola


    This article explores the particular tensions surrounding judicial review in EU external relations. The tensions are classified using a two-dimensional framework. Firstly, a distinction based on policy domains of high and low politics, which is derived from constitutional theory, and external...... to the CJEU; and secondly a distinction based on legitimizing paradigms of administrative (EU as effective global actor) or constitutional (judicial review as guarantee of fundamental rights) in character and determined by the Court itself. Even though one would expect a dominance of the administrative...... paradigm in the domain of high politics, the Court uses both the administrative and the constitutional paradigm in its external relations case-law. The decision on which of these becomes the guiding frame seems to depend more on the policy domain, and be made case by case, which suggests politically...

  17. 28 CFR 68.56 - Judicial review of a final agency order in cases arising under section 274A or 274C. (United States)


    ... review by the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer of a final order by an Administrative Law Judge shall... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Judicial review of a final agency order... OF JUSTICE (CONTINUED) RULES OF PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS BEFORE...

  18. 5 CFR 837.803 - Cancellation of retirement by judicial or administrative authority. (United States)


    ... Canceled Retirements § 837.803 Cancellation of retirement by judicial or administrative authority. (a... may only be canceled by the former employing agency in response to a direct and final order of a... requiring cancellation of the annuitant's separation or after the annuitant and the agency agree to cancel...

  19. The Power Of The Judicial Assistant/Law Clerk: Looking Behind The Scenes At Courts In The United States, England And Wales, And The Netherlands

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    Nina Holvast


    Full Text Available Although largely invisible to the public, behind the scenes, judicial assistants/law clerks frequently play a vital role in the process of adjudication. Yet, especially outside of the U.S., little is known about their role and duties in the judicial decision-making process. This article provides insight into the organization of the employment and the duties of judicial assistants in three different jurisdictions: the U.S., England and Wales, and the Netherlands. In particular, this article aims to gain an understanding of the effects different organizational structures have on the potential influence of assistants on the judicial process and to observe what restrictions are employed to prevent assistants from wielding too much influence

  20. Ativismo pedagógico e princípios da escola do trabalho nos primeiros tempos da educação soviética

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    Full Text Available Examinamos en este artículo la influencia del activismo pedagógico en los primeros tiempos de la educación soviética, desde 1918 hasta el final de la década de 1920. El estudio partió de la hipótesis según la cual, en este período, la pedagogía soviética habría mezclado tal influencia con principios marxistas de la escuela del trabajo. En cuanto a las principales fuentes, nos hemos basado en discursos y artículos de tres figuras importantes de la revolución y la educación en dicho período: Anatoli Lounatcharski, Nadezja Konstantínovna Krupskaya y Vladimir Ilitch Lênin. Hacemos uso también de un texto poco explorado de John Dewey sobre su visita a la Unión Soviética en 1928. El estudio llegó a la conclusión de que la presencia del activismo pedagógico fue típica del periodo de efervescencia política de la revolución, coincidiendo con la campaña de alfabetización y el inicio de la construcción del sistema nacional de escuelas públicas, comenzando a decaer en la década de 1930 con la consolidación de la revolución.

  1. Judith Butler en Argentina. Recepción y polémicas en torno a la teoría de la performatividad del género

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    Nayla Luz Vacarezza


    por más de dos décadas. Su recepción no fue uniforme ya que, en cada país de habla hispana, estuvo condicionada por el interés y las resistencias que generaron sus arriesgadas tesis en los feminismos y en los Estudios de Género, por los anacronismos propios de la traducción y por las dinámicas propias de la academia y de la industria editorial. En Argentina, las primeras traducciones de textos de Butler comienzan a publicarse y circular en la década del noventa en revistas que no estaban totalmente dedicadas a la teoría o al quehacer académico, pero tampoco al activismo desprovisto de conceptos y modos de pensar académicos. Este artículo explora las distintas vías de recepción, lectura y utilización de los conceptos de la teoría de la performatividad del género en Argentina, así como también las polémicas que se generaron en torno a ella, focalizando sobre las tensiones y los cruces entre el activismo y la academia, dos campos que propongo pensar como espacios de disputas con fronteras mucho más frágiles y porosas de lo que muchas veces se supone.

  2. Internacionalização e ativismo judicial: causas políticas e causas jurídicas na década de 90 e 2000 Internationalization and judicial ativism: political and legal causes in the 90' and 2000

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    Fabiano Engelmann


    Full Text Available Pretende-se fornecer elementos para a análise da relação entre o fenômeno de internacionalização do direito e a emergência de advogados engajados na representação judicial de causas coletivas. São analisadas duas dimensões: a primeira expõe um panorama exploratório das causas coletivas no cenário nacional e internacional; a segunda aborda casos representativos de promoção de causas na década de 90 e 2000. Estas duas dimensões permitem avançar a hipótese de que a redemocratização política e a constituição de redes internacionais de circulação de causas políticas e jurídicas contribuem para a definição dos perfis de ativismo judicial.The article intends to supply with elements the analysis of the relation between the phenomenon of internationalization of Law and the emergency of lawyers engaged in the judicial representation of collective causes. Two dimensions are analyzed. A first one displays a exploratory panorama of the causes in the national and international scene. One second dimension of analysis approaches representative cases of promotion of causes in the decade of 90 and 2000. These two dimensions allow to advance the hypothesis of that the political redemocratization and the constitution of international nets of circulation of political and legal causes contribute for the definition of the profiles of judicial ativism.

  3. La construcción social del activismo: reflexiones etnográficas en torno a la producción de subjetividades políticas en una asamblea barrial del 15-M en Madrid

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    Ernesto García López


    Full Text Available En este artículo se pretende realizar un acercamiento a los procesos de construcción social de la subjetividad política en el seno de los movimientos sociales. En particular, se abordará esta cuestión en el ámbito del activismo dentro de una asamblea barrial del movimiento 15-M de Madrid, dentro de un ámbito específico de actuación: la liberación de un solar abandonado por parte de dicha asamblea. Para dar cuenta empírica de los despliegues de esta subjetividad nos apoyaremos (de un modo general en el uso de tres dimensiones analíticas: las “economías morales”, (Didier Fassin y E.P. Thompson, las “economías libidinales” (Donatella della Porta, y las “economías políticas”, en particular, los “procesos de aprovisionamiento” (Susana Narotzky de capitales políticos dentro de los grupos de activistas. La intención es ofrecer una mirada holista, desde una perspectiva etnográfica, de los procesos de construcción y deconstrucción de subjetividades políticas.

  4. La ética judicial en la regulación del matrimonio igualitario

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    Alfonso Córdoba Baviera


    Full Text Available Resumen El presente trabajo tiene una empresa última concretamente establecida que es la de hacer un barrido expositivo y analítico por la apertura del concepto matrimonio a acepciones o realidades hasta principios del siglo XXI jamás planteadas. Esto es, crear un camino de acceso a la institución matrimonial para las uniones entre personas del mismo sexo. En el caso español, objeto de este estudio, se ha dado gracias a la aplicación de la ética judicial por parte de los Magistrados del Tribunal Constitu- cional que, con motivo de la mutación constitucional llevada a cabo por el legislador ordinario, se han visto en la obligación de dar un giro jurisprudencial en atención a las demandas de una sociedad cuya realidad es dinámica y cambiante. Ya el Tribunal Constitucional no ostenta el título de legislador negativo sino que, su función social es mucho más profunda, es el encargado de dar validez y legitimidad a la Constitución. Palabras clave: Matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, Ética judicial, Tribunal Constitucional. Abstract The concrete, ultimate aim of this paper is to make an expository and analytical clear-out to open the concept of marriage to meanings or realities never considered until the early twenty-first century. That is, to create an access road to the institution of marriage to unions between people of the same sex. In the case of Spain, the subject of this study, such road has been created thanks to the application of judicial ethics by judges of the Constitutional Court. On the occasion of the constitutional change carried out by the ordinary legislator, they felt the obligation to provide a jurisprudential turn in response to the demands of a society whose reality is dynamic and changing. The Constitutional Court no longer holds the title of negative legislator but rather, with a much deeper social function, it is in charge of conferring validity and legitimacy to the Constitution. Keywords

  5. Perfil del vegano/a activista de liberación animal en España

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    Estela Díaz Carmona


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio exploratorio y preliminar es identifi car el perfi l del vegano activista en España por ser, dentro del movimiento de liberación animal, el grupo más comprometido. A través de encuestas online se han analizado variables socioeconómicas, aspectos ideológicos y emocionales, el proceso de conversión y sus estrategias de activismo. Los resultados son muy similares a los estudios conducidos con anterioridad, principalmente en Estados Unidos de América, sobre los activistas de protección animal. El trabajo concluye con la exposición de recomendaciones dirigidas a las organizaciones animalistas, empresas y poderes públicos.

  6. Perlongher: sexualidad y saber. Búsqueda ensayística y emergencia intelectual

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    Javier Gasparri


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se centra en la obra del argentino Néstor Perlongher (1949 – 1992 para intentar rastrear e interrogar un pensamiento sobre la sexualidad, sin descuidar las implicancias literarias del mismo, y en el marco de conjeturas críticas en torno a su singular ejercicio intelectual como así también el recurso al ensayo como forma de articulación conceptual. En esta dirección, la experiencia-límite de Perlongher permite vislumbrar (e hipotetizar consecuencias y proyecciones literarias y políticas, afi rmando así una ética. Se tratará, entonces, de una búsqueda esencialmente escrituraria del saber (en el marco de los saberes actuales a Perlongher, sobre todo las líneas posestructuralistas, y asimismo con la atención puesta en el activismo de disidencia sexual pero que también compromete y se conjuga con la puesta del cuerpo en su afirmación vital.

  7. La historia olvidada de las mujeres de la Escuela de Chicago

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    Silvia García Dauder


    Full Text Available Si bien muchos manuales sitúan parte de los orígenes de la historia de la sociología en la Escuela de Chicago con Mead, Dewey, Thomas, etc., pocos son los que recogen los nombres, los retratos y los trabajos de las mujeres que desde la Universidad de Chicago aunaron teoría, investigación y activismo, contribuyendo al afianzamiento de las ciencias sociales dentro y fuera de la academia. Este artículo analiza la obra colectiva de las mujeres de la Escuela de Chicago desde posiciones interdisciplinares y desde la confusión cienciareforma en el contexto de EE.UU. de principios del siglo XX. Para ello recoge a modo de muestra sus trabajos publicados en la American Journal of Sociology desde su número inaugural hasta 1920. Con ello se pretende reflexionar sobre las políticas de género y reconocimiento dentro de las ciencias sociales y sobre la supuesta neutralidad de su historia.

  8. The gendered effects of family migration law: contextual interpretation as a possible judicial remedy

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    Fulvia Staiano


    Full Text Available At all normative levels, family migration law can disproportionally and negatively affect immigrant women’s rights in this field, producing gendered effects. In some cases, such effects are related to the normative and judicial imposition of unviable family-related models (e.g., the ʻgood mother ̕ the one-breadwinner family, or a rigid distinction between productive and reproductive work. In other cases, they are due to family migration law’s overlooking of the specific needs and difficulties of immigrant women, within their families and in the broader context of their host countries’ social and normative framework.To effectively expose and correct this gender bias, in this article I propose an alternative view of immigrant women’s right to family life, as a cluster of rights and entitlements rather than as a mono-dimensional right. As a theoretical approach, this construction is better equipped to capture the complex experiences of immigrant women in the European legal space, and to shed light on the gendered effects generated not by individual norms but by the interaction of norms that are traditionally assigned to separated legal domains (e.g., immigration law and criminal law. As a judicial strategy, this understanding is capable of prompting a consideration by domestic and supranational courts of immigrant women not as isolated individuals, but as ‘individuals in context’. I shall define this type of approach as ‘contextual interpretation’, understood as the consideration of immigrant women in the broader contexts of their families, their host societies and the normative frameworks applicable to them. Performed in a gendersensitive manner, a contextual judicial interpretation has the potential to neutralize the gendered effects of certain family migration norms. To illustrate these points, I will discuss selected judicial examples offered by the European Court on Human Rights, as well as from domestic jurisdictions of

  9. Extra-Judicial Complaints Review: First Experiences of the Dutch Public Procurement Experts Committee

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jansen, C.E.C.; Janssen, J.G.J.; Muntz-Beekhuis, J.S.


    Article 4.27 of the Dutch Public Procurement Act 2012 (‘Aanbestedingswet’) provides for a statutory basis for extra-judicial public procurement complaints review by an independent body: The Public Procurement Experts Committee (‘Commissie van Aanbestedingsexperts’), hereinafter referred to as: ‘the

  10. The Judicialization of Health in Brazil: Guiding Principles, Organization as the Law 8.080/90, Possibilities and Limites of Jurisdiction in Actions of Free Medicine Provision

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    Anna Christina Zenkner


    Full Text Available The theme of this paper deals with the increasing movement of judicialization of the right to health, characterized by the excess of judicial demands aiming at the obtaining of health treatments and medicines. A study was made on the right to health, its principles and health organization in Brazil in light of Law 8.080 / 90. It analyzed parameters for rationalization of the judicialization in the supply of medicines. He noted the need to adapt procedures and criteria, both administrative and judicial, to make public policies feasible in order to achieve satisfaction of the right to health.

  11. Juristocracy in Brazil Ran Hirschl's Perspective About Judicial Empowerment

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    Claudia Maria Barbosa


    Full Text Available Within the classical view of separation of powers, the judiciary originally occupied the weaker position. What is observed today, however, is a displacement of power from representative institutions to the judiciary, erecting a new kind of political regime that the Canadian political scientist Ran Hirschl called juristocracy. This paper intends to discuss this movement basing on the idea of hegemonic preservation, presented by Hirschl in his work Towards Juristocracy whose central hypothesis is that the political, economic and social elites voluntarily transfer power to the judiciary, when threatened of losing their hegemony in the political sphere. In Brazil, the 1988 Constitution turned the Supreme Court into one of the world's most powerful courts, which works at the same time as constitutional court, court of appeals and criminal court, responsible for deciding the most fundamental issues for brazilian society. We present at first, the examples used by Hirschl to illustrate his thesis about the judicial empowerment through constitutionalization, analyzing the political and economic changes in recent history of Israel, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa, followed by an analysis of the phenomenon in Brazil. We conclude that it is not possible to determine, in principle, the occurrence of hegemonic preservation in Brazil, but that Hirschl's analysis that offers an answer that challenges the traditional view on the judicialization of politics, contributes to the discussion and analysis of the phenomenon in Brazil.


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    Omar Antonio Herrán Pinzón


    sintetiza en las circunstancias que ha vivido el pueblo Colombiano en el desarrollo constitucional del poder judicial en Colombia. Si se afirmase que no es posible una democracia sin un poder judicial democrático donde éste vele por el respeto de las libertades de los individuos en forma tal; el Estado tendría la obligación de proteger y respetar la organización estatal en la división de poderes como un proyecto jurídico - político en desarrollo en las constituciones provinciales. Es decir, si no hay una estructura institucional que permita el ejercicio judicial de la solución de conflictos en forma autónoma e independiente, se terminaría en un mero enunciado institucional.

  13. The Judicialization of Health and the Quest for State Accountability: Evidence from 1,262 Lawsuits for Access to Medicines in Southern Brazil (United States)

    Socal, Mariana P.; Amon, Joseph J.


    Abstract The impact of increasing numbers of lawsuits for access to medicines in Brazil is hotly debated. Government officials and scholars assert that the “judicialization of health” is driven by urban elites and private interests, and is used primarily to access high-cost drugs. Using a systematic sample of 1,262 lawsuits for access to medicines filed against the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, we assess these claims, offering empirical evidence that counters prevailing myths and affirms the heterogeneity of the judicialization phenomenon. Our findings show that the majority of patient-litigants are in fact poor and older individuals who do not live in major metropolitan areas and who depend on the state to provide their legal representation, and that the majority of medicines requested were already on governmental formularies. Our data challenge arguments that judicialization expands inequities and weakens the universal health care system. Our data also suggest that judicialization may serve as a grassroots instrument for the poor to hold the state accountable. Failing to acknowledge regional differences and attempting to fit all data into one singular narrative may be contributing to a biased interpretation of the nature of judicialization, and limiting the understanding of its drivers, consequences, and implications at local levels. PMID:27781011

  14. 14 CFR 406.179 - Judicial review of a final decision and order. (United States)


    ... order. 406.179 Section 406.179 Aeronautics and Space COMMERCIAL SPACE TRANSPORTATION, FEDERAL AVIATION... with a United States district court. (b) In accordance with § 406.9(e)(iv), if a person seeks judicial... civil penalty and does not file an appeal with the United States district court within 60 days after...

  15. Internacionalização e ativismo judicial: causas políticas e causas jurídicas nas décadas de 1990 e 2000 International and judicial activism: political and juridical causes in 1990 and 2000’s

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    Fabiano Engelmann


    Full Text Available Pretende-se fornecer elementos para a análise da relação entre o fenômeno de internacionalização do direito e a emergência de advogados engajados na representação judicial de causas coletivas. São analisadas duas dimensões: uma primeira expõe um panorama exploratório das causas coletivas no cenário nacional e internacional. Uma segunda dimensão de análise aborda casos representativos de promoção de causas nas décadas de 1990 e 2000. Estas duas dimensões permitem avançar a hipótese de que a redemocratização política e a constituição de redes internacionais de circulação de causas políticas e jurídicas contribuem para a definição dos perfis de ativismo judicial.The article intends to supply with elements the analysis of the relation between the phenomenon of internationalization of Law and the emergency of lawyers engaged in the judicial representation of collective causes. Two dimensions are analyzed: a first one displays a exploratory panorama of the causes in the national and international scene. One second dimension of analysis approaches representative cases of promotion of causes in the decades of 1990 and 2000. These two dimensions allow to advance the hypothesis of that the political redemocratization and the constitution of international nets of circulation of political and legal causes contribute for the definition of the profiles of judicial activism.



    Widmar, Patrícia Cristina


    O presente trabalho representa uma iniciativa da Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões, Campus Frederico Westphalen/RS, que está sendo desenvolvido dentro de um grupo de pesquisa na área de Direito com a ideia de encontrar uma nova alternativa de abordagem à problemática das drogas lícitas e ilícitas no meio social. O trabalho baseou-se em uma livre investigação sobre tratamentos disponibilizados ou não aos dependentes químicos no Poder Judiciário e na área da saúde em...

  17. Reference to Foreign Law in the Supreme Courts of Britain and the Netherlands: Explaining the Development of Judicial Practices

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    Elaine Mak


    Full Text Available How do judges decide cases in a globalised legal context, characterised by the increased interconnections between legal systems and between actors in these legal systems? In this article, firstly, four types of variables (constitutional, institutional, organisational, and personal which influence judicial practices are described, and it is shown how these variables shape the judicial decision-making of the highest courts in liberal-democratic legal systems. Secondly, the specific development of the use of foreign law in the Supreme Courts of the UK and the Netherlands is analysed in light of the identified variables. In this way, some general insights are provided into the development of judicial decision-making under the effects of globalisation, and it is made clear what the national highest courts can and may do in the specific context in which they are functioning.

  18. Judicial protection of pension rights: problems of theory and practice

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    Marina G. Sedelnikova


    Full Text Available The subject. The article is devoted to analysis of pension disputes resolution in courts.The purpose of the article is to reveal trends of pension disputes resolution and identify the ways of increasing the efficiency of judicial protection of citizens’ pension rights.The methodology. Both general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, description and special scientific methods (formal-legal methods method of legal interpretation were used.Results, scope of application. Pension legislation still does not contain a legal definition of the term “pension dispute” despite currently the prevalence of this category of cases; the legal science still has not developed a uniform approach to definition of the essence of the pension dispute.Special attention is paid to the issues of definition of the facts in proof, that is complicated because of instability of the pension legislation and a large amount of normative array. Special rules relating to the admissibility of evidence are divided from legally significant circumstances. The attention is focused on the most problematic points that arise in the process of proving: the procedure for confirmation of experience, employment in certain types of work quotas.Recommendations aimed at improving the effectiveness of judicial protection of the pension rights of citizens are formulated on the basis on the analysis of the identified problems that arise during consideration of pension disputes by law enforcement authorities. Recommendations include the need to improve the quality of normative legal acts, systematization of the pension legislation, increasing demands for training of judges, the creation of conditions conducive to the judges’ specialization. The necessity of increase activities of the Supreme Court in the process of issuing clarifications on issues arising in the application of the pension legislation is also considered.Conclusions. The existence of a number of features of the substantive

  19. Judicial aspects of emission trade. Emission trade in the European Union

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Beuge, M.J.J.


    Emission trade will start in Europe in 2005. In a series of articles an overview will be given of several juridical aspects with respect to the international and national trade of emission. In part 1 attention was paid to the international judicial basis for the present climate policy. In this article an overview is given of developments with regard to emission trade in the European Union [nl

  20. O activismo estético feminista de Nikki Craft Nikki Craft's aesthetic feminist activism

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    Rui Pedro Fonseca


    Full Text Available Uma das condições para que na sociedade sejam alicerçados valores de género misóginos consiste na existência de uma estrutura de produção cultural heterossexual compulsiva, dominante e universalista que estabeleça princípios de representação dos sexos claramente diferenciados, que tendam a favorecer mais o homem em detrimento da mulher. Partimos de um princípio de que a produção da cultura origina processos de reprodução, o que significa, em termos práticos, que a representação de signos, códigos, valores e comportamentos associados aos sexos é potencialmente materializada nas sociedades, por homens e por mulheres. Essa tem sido uma batalha levada a cabo por muitas mulheres a partir da segunda vaga do movimento feminista, nomeadamente pela ala mais radical, que tem procurado reivindicar novos paradigmas no que diz respeito às convenções culturais de género. O que propomos neste estudo é analisar algumas das campanhas levadas a cabo por Nikki Craft, uma feminista radical norte-americana que viria a organizar e/ou a protagonizar nos anos 1970 e 1980 vários protestos em espaços públicos de algumas cidades dos Estados Unidos. Neste estudo procuramos clarificar as motivações e as estratégias levadas a cabo por essa feminista, cujos activismos incidiram contra algumas das estruturas culturais (campo da arte, instituições da beleza e indústria pornográfica legitimadoras de representações desencadeadoras de prejuízos para a mulherOne of the conditions for misogynic genders to be settled in society consists on the existence of a compulsive dominant and universal heterosexual cultural production, which establishes clearly differentiated representation principles of both sexes. These representation principles tend to favour more the man, disregarding the woman. We consider that culture production gives origin to reproduction processes, which means that, in practical terms, the representation of signs, codes, values

  1. Judicialization of health and contributions of the Norman Daniels’ Theory of Justice

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    MACHADO, Teresa Robichez


    Full Text Available The judicialization of health generates debate in various areas of knowledge, with particular contri-butions from legal experts, doctors, and policymakers. Because of the diversity of those involved, several topics are considered. Some studies highlight positive arguments for the judicialization of health, whereas others defend the need for establishing criteria for or limitations to judicial action. Furthermore, others still report concerns over the possible negative consequences of this process. In order to offer an analysis on this topic, this study provides a review of the literature and adopts the theoretical instrument by Norman Daniels, who proposes a reflection on the needs for health and the ways in which these needs can be met, the moral importance of health and the inequalities in health to be an injustice. In conclusion, it can be affirmed that some of these studies defended in the Brazilian national debate cannot be sustained in light of the data presented herein. Throughout Norman Daniels’ thoughts on the Theory of Justice in terms of questions of health, it can be deduced that, in the Brazilian debate, there are few conflicts over the moral importance of the topic; in addition, not much is known about the second aspect of the theory, which is the reflection when inequality in health can be considered unjust. It is therefore proposed that Daniels’ theory adds two important points to the national debate. The first involves the need to place health problems within a greater reflection in public policy. The second, which involves the need to establish limits to meeting health demands, fits into a public policy that seeks to better meet the needs of the population, which is not a simple cost-benefit assessment.

  2. Risk assessment by the executive power versus efficiency of control by the courts - effects on administrative procedures and judicial proceedings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wahl, R.


    In conclusion it is stated that any cutbacks in the current system of judicial control have to be earned by appropriate improvements in the administrative procedure. One has to keep in mind the overall situation, which means to examine and assess any reduction of judicial control, the relevance of procedural defects, and the requirements to be met by administrative procedures, in their complete context. Since the acknowledgement of administrative regulations as instruments for putting into practice the legislative intent, and of the executive's scope for examination and assessment, has effects not only in regard to a reduction of judicial control, but also assigns to the administrative procedure an irreplaceable function that cannot be corrected by legal proceedings, there is reason enough to exercise restraint in this matter. (orig./HSCH) [de

  3. Evaluation of prescriptions authorized between 2010 and 2011 through judicial protection in Bogotá

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    Alfredo Portilla-Pinzón


    Conclusions: Therapeutic rationality issues are evident in prescription drugs ordered by judicial protection, which may involve greater risks to the health of patients. A more rigorous scientific advice is recommended in order to avoid possible interactions and therapeutic duplications.

  4. O Manicômio Judiciário: saúde ou justiça? The Judiciary Mental Hospital: a question of health or of law?

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    Evelin Naked de Castro Sá


    Full Text Available O Manicômio Judiciário, por ser um hospital-presídio, pode estar subordinado tanto à Secretaria da Saúde como à Justiça. Como elementos de análise dessa decisão, são apresentadas comparações estruturais e de recursos humanos entre o Manicômio Judiciário e a Penitenciária de Araraquara, entre a situação de recursos humanos do Manicômio em 1981 e 1984 e entre os salários de algumas funções de servidores ligados àqueles tipos de instituições. As conclusões apontam a Secretaria da Justiça como a mais adequada para subordinar o Manicômio Judiciário, desde que tomadas algumas medidas de modernização organizacional. É sugerido um quadro de pessoal estruturado percentualmente por subgrupos de funções. As propostas relativas ao pessoal necessitam ser tratadas em leis complementares que garantam, por sua hierarquia, o atendimento das condições excepcionais de trabalho do Manicômio Judiciário.As the Manicômio Judiciário (a Judiciary Mental Health Hospital is a hospital-prison it could be subordinated either to the State Health Department or to the Department of Justice. In order to reach a sound decision regarding this issue, structural and human resource comparisons as between the Manicômio Judiciário on one side and the Araraquara Prison on the other are provided. Comparisons between the status of the human resources of the Manicômio Judiciário in 1981 and 1984 and between the wages earned by workers exercising similar functions and belonging to similar institutions are also presented. The conclusion points to the Department of Justice as the most adequate institution to which the Manicômio Judiciário should be subordinated, provided some up-to-date managerial measures are taken. A personnel chart is suggested, showing percentages of people organized according to subgroups of functions. The proposals regarding personnel must be dealt with by, supplementary laws which guarantee, adequate provision for the

  5. Sobre la discrecionalidad judicial en un Estado Constitucional

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    Ramón Ruiz Ruiz


    Full Text Available Hoy no es posible seguir considerando a los jueces como la boca que pronuncia las palabras de la ley. El juez de nuestro tiempo goza de una necesaria discrecionalidad como consecuencia, entre otros factores, del complejo sistema de fuentes, de la inevitable vaguedad de gran parte de las normas y del creciente recurso a los principios jurídicos en el constitucionalismo contemporáneo. No obstante, esta discrecionalidad debe ser de algún modo fiscalizada para impedir que derive en arbitrariedad. Así, en la primera parte del artículo se dará cuenta de las características de los principios jurídicos y en la segunda se expondrán algunas de las implicaciones que la aplicación de este tipo de normas tienen en relación con la aplicación del Derecho.

  6. Judicial fiats and contemporary enclosures

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    Thayyil Naveen


    Full Text Available This article examines the problematic processes in a case that has had few parallels in Indian judicial history. The apex court in T. N. Godavarman took upon the responsibility of deciding how forest resources in the country should be accessed and who is (or is not to have such access. Purportedly done to protect the environment, through the ′clarification and fine-tuning′ of national forest-laws, the case has seriously affected the life, livelihood, and habitat of millions of marginal groups. Recent trends demonstrate the wider trend of constitutional courts assuming the roles of adjudication, administration and legislation, all rolled into one, whereby they become problematic sites for creating a hierarchy of conflicting public interests, which claim constitutional validity from different vantage points. Thus, constitutional values of ′protection of environment′ and ′justice - social, political and economic′ ′are pitted against each other′ where unelected courts take it upon themselves to define the legitimate precincts of the theoretical discourse of sustainable use / development; and importantly also implement it into ′everyday′ ′reality, in the way it feels fit′. The article seeks to make sense of this contemporary process of forest governance.


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    Florin STOICA


    Full Text Available Even though great strides have been made in this direction, Judicial reform and fighting corruption continue to represent major points in the evolution of Romanian society, in the context of compliance with European standards. Mechanism for cooperation and verification will be continue to be an incentive for Romania in the maintenance and evolution of results counted by the European Commission.

  8. Fetal protection and potential liability: judicial application of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the disparate impact theory. (United States)

    Moelis, L S


    "Fetal vulnerability programs," which are employer attempts to protect employees' unborn fetuses from harm caused by the mothers' exposure to hazardous material in the workplace, have been challenged as a form of employment discrimination. This Note analyzes the recent judicial application of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) and the disparate impact theory to fetal vulnerability cases. The Note also examines the business necessity defense's accommodation of legitimate employer interests. The Note concludes that a more potent business necessity defense, a stricter standard for evaluating alternative protective measures, and a judicial interpretation of the PDA which is more consistent with congressional intent are necessary for fair and reasonable resolution of these cases.

  9. Initiating the judicial review in the European model of constitutional justice


    Stojanović Dragan


    Judicial review is the core competence of the constitutional judicature in Europe, which is largely shaped by the Austrian and German models of constitutional justice. In that context, the issue of initiating the constitutional review of legislation is extremely important. Depending on the subject who is authorized to initiate this proceeding, the constitutional review may be twofold: the abstract control and the incidental control. The former type of constitutional review is generally initia...

  10. Court-Driven Reform and Equal Educational Opportunity: Centralization, Decentralization, and the Shifting Judicial Role (United States)

    Superfine, Benjamin Michael


    Judicial decisions focusing on equal educational opportunity involve significant issues of educational governance and often involve explicit questions about the extent to which authority to make educational decisions should be centralized or decentralized across various institutions and entities. This review aims at clarifying scholars'…

  11. As transformações do judiciário em face da necessidade de efetivação dos direitos fundamentais

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    Naiara Souza Grossi


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por escopo analisar as transformações pelas quais o judiciário passa a partir da necessidade de efetivação dos direitos fundamentais. O Estado Democrático de Direito cunhado a partir do regramento normativo constitucional de 1988 faz erigir uma nova hermenêutica, qual seja, a hermenêutica constitucional. Para além do normativismo-positivista, essa hermenêutica constitucional irá atrelar valores à norma cujo principal e estruturante da própria ordem jurídica será o da dignidade da pessoa humana. A partir dessas modificações, os poderes públicos, o qual destacamos o judiciário, passam a ser imantados por esse imperativo ético, ou seja, o poder judiciário passa a ser uma importante ferramenta na concretização dos próprios direitos humanos fundamentais.

  12. Mapeamento das competências gerenciais necessárias aos gerentes das unidades de informação dos tribunais superiores do poder judiciário brasileiro

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    Larissa Amorim Catunda Sampaio


    Full Text Available O objetivo da pesquisa foi mapear as competências gerenciais necessárias aos gerentes das unidades de informação (UI dos Tribunais Superiores do Poder Judiciário Brasileiro. Para o embasamento teórico, o enfoque sistêmico foi utilizado como base para a compreensão do ambiente organizacional em que as UIs atuavam, ao considerar o sistema organizacional maior (Poder Judiciário, os sistemas organizacionais intermediários (Tribunais Superiores e os sistemas organizacionais específicos (UI. A abordagem foi qualitativa e também quantitativa para complementação da análise dos dados coletados. A pesquisa de campo foi divida em duas partes. A primeira visava analisar os sistemas organizacionais para descrever o contexto ambiental, definir as características das UIs e identificar as competências organizacionais das UI e as competências gerenciais necessárias ao cumprimento de suas competências organizacionais. As técnicas utilizadas na primeira parte da pesquisa de campo foram análise documental, observação de websites e entrevistas para coletar junto aos gerentes os dados sobre as competências gerenciais que eles possuíam e julgavam necessárias. Na segunda parte foram validadas as competências gerenciais identificadas na primeira etapa da pesquisa de campo, por meio de questionários enviados a especialistas selecionados segundo critérios pré-determinados. As competências identificadas foram classificadas de acordo com os conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes dos gerentes. Um total de 92 sentenças de competência gerencial foi validado pelos especialistas como necessárias aos gerentes das UI dos Tribunais Superiores, o que possibilitou o mapeamento final. Por fim, foram apresentadas a conclusão e as recomendações e sugestões para estudos futuros.

  13. Prioritization of strategies to approach the judicialization of health in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    Carlos Eduardo Pinzón-Flórez


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe strategies that contribute to the comprehensive approach to the judicialization of health in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. METHODS A search was structured to identify articles presenting strategies to approach the judicialization of health. A survey was designed, which included actors of the health system and judiciary sector. We prioritized the strategies qualified by more than the 50.0% of the participants as “very relevant”. Strategies were categorized according to: governance, provision of services, human resources, information systems, financing, and medical products. RESULTS We included 64 studies, which identified 50 strategies, related to the sub-functions and components of health systems. Of the 165 people who answered the survey, 80.0% were aged 35-64 years. The distribution of men and women was homogeneous. Half of the respondents were from Colombia (20.0%, Uruguay (16.9%, and Argentina (12.7%. We prioritized strategies that addressed aspects of generation of useful scientific evidence for decision making according to the health needs of the population, empowerment for the society, and creating spaces for discussion of measures of inclusion or exclusion of health technologies. The executive and judiciary decision makers prioritized questions that dealt with strategies that would ensure accountability. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study contribute to the identification of effective strategies to approach the phenomenon of judicialization of health, guaranteeing the right to health.

  14. The power of the judicial assistant/law clerk: Looking behind the scenes at courts in the United States, England and Wales, and the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Holvast, N.

    Although largely invisible to the public, behind the scenes, judicial assistants/law clerks frequently play a vital role in the process of adjudication. Yet, especially outside of the U.S., little is known about their role and duties in the judicial decision-making process. This article provides

  15. The Judicialization of Health in Brazil: Guiding Principles, Organization as the Law 8.080/90, Possibilities and Limites of Jurisdiction in Actions of Free Medicine Provision


    Anna Christina Zenkner; Natal dos Reis Carvalho Junior


    The theme of this paper deals with the increasing movement of judicialization of the right to health, characterized by the excess of judicial demands aiming at the obtaining of health treatments and medicines. A study was made on the right to health, its principles and health organization in Brazil in light of Law 8.080 / 90. It analyzed parameters for rationalization of the judicialization in the supply of medicines. He noted the need to adapt procedures and criteria, both administrative and...

  16. Does Judicial Independence explain Post-transitional Justice? ¿Puede la independencia judicial explicar la justicia postransicional?

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    Elin SKAAR


    Full Text Available Post-transitional justice in Latin America started in the Southern Cone in the mid-1990s and gradually spread to a number of countries which are seeking to address the human rights violations committed during the authoritarian regimes that dominated the continent from 1970s to the early 1990s. To distinguish trials at the time of transition from trials that take place years into the consolidation phase, this article develops a theoretical framework that explains variations in the propensity to prosecute the military for gross human rights violations (i.e., the number of trials across time and across countries. The main argument presented here is that constitutional reforms have made Latin American judges more prone to prosecute the military for past human right violations because judges now enjoy more independence from powerful Executives and the hierarchy of the judicial system has loosened, making lower court judges less dependent on their superiors. As a result, judges, especially those sympathetic to a human rights agenda, can push prosecutions more forcefully than they could before.La justicia postransicional se inició en el Cono Sur de América Latina a mediados de la década de 1990 y gradualmente se ha expandido a otros países que buscan afrontar violaciones de derechos humanos cometidas durante los regímenes autoritarios que dominaron el continente desde la década de 1970 hasta inicios de la década de 1990. Para diferenciar los juicios de la transición de los juicios que se llevaron a cabo años después durante la fase de consolidación democrática, este artículo desarrolla un marco teórico que explica las variaciones en la tendencia a juzgar a los militares por graves violaciones de derechos humanos (por ejemplo, el número de juicios a lo largo del tiempo y entre países. El argumento principal que aquí se presenta es que las reformas constitucionales han hecho que los jueces latinoamericanos sean más propensos a perseguir

  17. A Democratic Ideal? From Judicial Activism to Constitutionalization of Law

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    Luisa Fernanda García López


    Full Text Available The constitutionalization of law in Colombia is due to an active participation of the judge, in particular, of the constitutional judge. The judicial precedent source of law is an example of the inclusion of the judge on the constitutional stage as guarantor of democracy and law. The democratic ideal irreversibly includes the constitutional judge and his interpretations. The overinterpretation of law answers to a broad interpretation of the Constitution and to a building of norms that contribute something to fill the gaps in the law. Thus eoconstitutionalism is constitutionalizing the juridical order.

  18. Dimensão socioeducativa do trabalho do assistente social no judiciário: contradições e perspectivas = Socio-educational dimension of social assistant’s work in the judiciary: contradictions and perspectives

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    Bonalume, Bruna Carolina


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo propor uma reflexão teórica sobre a dimensão socioeducativa do trabalho do assistente social no âmbito do judiciário, face às requisições institucionais postas ao Serviço Social nesse espaço sócio-ocupacional. Requisições essas que revelam a necessidade de produzir práticas punitivas, tendendo à criminalização da pobreza e à sustentação do perverso modelo da ordem vigente do capital. Discutir a dimensão socioeducativa, em um cenário tão complexo e contraditório, implica trazer à tona o compromisso profissional com a efetivação de um trabalho alicerçado na perspectiva crítica e no enfrentamento dos modelos tradicionais de viés conservador/moralizante

  19. 43 CFR 4.478 - Appeals to the Board of Land Appeals; judicial review. (United States)


    ... appeal to the Board from an order of an administrative law judge granting or denying a petition for a... judicial review under 5 U.S.C. 704 of a final BLM grazing decision if the administrative law judge denies a... decide the appeal promptly. (d) Unless the Board or a court orders otherwise, an appeal under paragraph...

  20. 12 CFR 908.67 - Stay of final decision and order pending judicial review. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Stay of final decision and order pending... Hearing and Post-hearing Proceedings § 908.67 Stay of final decision and order pending judicial review... the effectiveness of all or any part of an order of the Board of Directors pending a final decision on...


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    Full Text Available Efficiency of justice is closely linked to the time factor as a key resource to be severely, judiciously used, saved. Because of the importance of this issue - of the preserved values - providing justice, the righteousness and not least the citizen himself, protecting its rights and interests, values that exceed privat sector priorities-the profit, time problem in judiciary management is more valuable. Time is a component of efficiency, performance, timeliness of trials being enshrined as a guiding principle and one of the most important procedural safeguards of the litigant. The study emphasizes an important aspect in terms of time management, the perspective of judiciary leader, who has to abide the law and its limitations and always having to balance between requirements, resources and optimum workload. In this context he should identify methods and work techniques that resonates with the legal provisions to manage time more efficiently.

  2. Judicial and institutional aspects of the nuclear energy peaceful used in Morocco

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boudahrain, A.


    This document deals with the feasibility of the achievement of an electronuclear program in Morocco. In fact, it claims that all the dimensions (social and human) have not been taken into account. Moreover, the moroccan program will never be self-governing since international constraints are imposed, and financial and technical assistance mean domination by USA and France. Finally, problems of judicial and institutional system set-up are discussed. (TEC)

  3. Theoretical explanations and practices regarding the distinction between the concepts: judicial error, error of law and fundamental vice in the legislation of the Republic of Moldova

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    Vasilisa Muntean


    Full Text Available In the research, a doctrinal and legal analysis of the concept of legal error is carried out. The author provides a self-defined definition of the concept addressed and highlights the main causes and conditions for the occurrence of judicial errors. At present, in the specialized legal doctrine of the Republic of Moldova, the problem of defining the judicial error has been little approached. In this respect, this scientific article is a scientific approach aimed at elucidating the theoretical and normative deficiencies and errors that occur in the area of reparation of the prejudice caused by judicial errors. In order to achieve our goal, we aim to create a core of ideas and referral mechanisms that ensure a certain interpretative and decisional homogeneity in the doctrinal and legal characterization of the phrase "judicial error".

  4. 12 CFR 513.6 - Duty to file information concerning adverse judicial or administrative action. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Duty to file information concerning adverse judicial or administrative action. 513.6 Section 513.6 Banks and Banking OFFICE OF THRIFT SUPERVISION, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY PRACTICE BEFORE THE OFFICE § 513.6 Duty to file information concerning adverse...

  5. Educating Jurors about Forensic Evidence: Using an Expert Witness and Judicial Instructions to Mitigate the Impact of Invalid Forensic Science Testimony. (United States)

    Eastwood, Joseph; Caldwell, Jiana


    Invalid expert witness testimony that overstated the precision and accuracy of forensic science procedures has been highlighted as a common factor in many wrongful conviction cases. This study assessed the ability of an opposing expert witness and judicial instructions to mitigate the impact of invalid forensic science testimony. Participants (N = 155) acted as mock jurors in a sexual assault trial that contained both invalid forensic testimony regarding hair comparison evidence, and countering testimony from either a defense expert witness or judicial instructions. Results showed that the defense expert witness was successful in educating jurors regarding limitations in the initial expert's conclusions, leading to a greater number of not-guilty verdicts. The judicial instructions were shown to have no impact on verdict decisions. These findings suggest that providing opposing expert witnesses may be an effective safeguard against invalid forensic testimony in criminal trials. © 2015 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  6. El Tratado de Lisboa y el programa de Estocolmo: Los nuevos retos de la cooperación judicial en materia civil

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    Alicia Chicharro Lázaro


    Full Text Available The consolidation of a common area of freedom, security and justice has become one of the priorities of the European Union. Within the policies which compose this space, judicial cooperation in civil matters is an area that has not undergone major changes with the Treaty of Lisbon. However, following the line started in Amsterdam, the new regulation of Title V of the Treaty on the Functioning of the Union provides a legal basis to move forward in a judicial cooperation, which is becoming more and more necessary given the increasing internationalization of private relationships. On the other hand, the Stockholm Program establishes the main goals to achieve in relation to the European judicial area for the next five years. The initiatives related to civil matters will require new European legal instruments, which should be adopted using the tools and procedures provided in Lisbon.

  7. Criteria for Copyrightability in Russian Copyright Doctrine and Judicial Practice

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    Andrey Kashanin


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the current state of the debate on the minimum level of creativity needed for works to be copyrightable, including dominant principles in Russian jurisprudence and judicial practice, principal trends and contradictions that arise in the course of the application of various criteria for copyrightability. An analysis of the judicial practice of recent years warrants the conclusion that standards of creativity as a criterion for copyrightability have dropped drastically. Today’s standards are similar to those of the former American ‘sweat of the brow’ doctrine. But, unlike foreign legal systems that set comparatively low standards of protectability, the Russian judiciary has not yet evolved mechanisms of compensation for risks of monopolization of public domain content. First of all, there is no practice of granting exclusive rights to a work that is similar to an earlier work but has been created independently. Secondly, the practice of refusing protection to non-unique, standard, generally known, and generally available content is dying out. Thirdly, there is currently a trend for giving a large scope of protection to works of low authorship. As a result, exclusive rights are granted to standard or generally accessible content – content that must belong to the public domain – which puts unjustified restrictions on the creative activities of other authors. Moreover, it makes their legal status unpredictable as it establishes a basis for unintended copyright violations being penalized. This amounts to a classical case of overprotection.

  8. Environmental Impact Assessment Law in China's courts: A study of 107 judicial decisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zining, Jin


    The article explores the practices of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Law in China's courts by examining 107 judicial decisions. Each of the 107 judicial decisions has been analyzed to determine the time/location of the decision, what type of EIA document was referred to, what specific claim was made by the plaintiffs, and what the court's ruling was on the case. The results indicate that: unlike in Germany or Japan, all kinds of EIA decisions made by environment protect bureaus (EPBs) in China were widely taken as justiciable, and China's courts generally allowed local residents to have standing and thus challenge the EPBs' decisions made during the EIA process. On the other hand, the research also shows the EPBs overwhelmingly prevailed in those EIA lawsuits. It is also found that China's reviewing judges were highly self-restrained, giving obvious deference to the technocrat with the substantial contents of EIA documents. Also, the concept of “flaw” was created when it came to procedural issues. These two factors, among others, were both helping the EPBs' prevailing successes. - Highlights: • 107 judicial decisions referring to China's EIA law are examined. • The justiciability of EPB's EIA decisions were taken for granted. • The defenders overwhelmingly prevailed in those EIA lawsuits. • The reviewing judges were highly self-restrained, defering to the technocrat with the EIA documents. • A functional concept, “flaw”, was created by reviewing judges when it came to procedural issues

  9. Environmental Impact Assessment Law in China's courts: A study of 107 judicial decisions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zining, Jin, E-mail:


    The article explores the practices of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Law in China's courts by examining 107 judicial decisions. Each of the 107 judicial decisions has been analyzed to determine the time/location of the decision, what type of EIA document was referred to, what specific claim was made by the plaintiffs, and what the court's ruling was on the case. The results indicate that: unlike in Germany or Japan, all kinds of EIA decisions made by environment protect bureaus (EPBs) in China were widely taken as justiciable, and China's courts generally allowed local residents to have standing and thus challenge the EPBs' decisions made during the EIA process. On the other hand, the research also shows the EPBs overwhelmingly prevailed in those EIA lawsuits. It is also found that China's reviewing judges were highly self-restrained, giving obvious deference to the technocrat with the substantial contents of EIA documents. Also, the concept of “flaw” was created when it came to procedural issues. These two factors, among others, were both helping the EPBs' prevailing successes. - Highlights: • 107 judicial decisions referring to China's EIA law are examined. • The justiciability of EPB's EIA decisions were taken for granted. • The defenders overwhelmingly prevailed in those EIA lawsuits. • The reviewing judges were highly self-restrained, defering to the technocrat with the EIA documents. • A functional concept, “flaw”, was created by reviewing judges when it came to procedural issues.

  10. In the shadow of the judge : The involvement of judicial assistants in Dutch district courts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Holvast, N.L.


    While judicial assistants occupy a central position in all types of court systems, the contribution of these staff members to the process of adjudication remains largely unknown, even though their involvement can have significant effects on the perceived quality and credibility of adjudication. This

  11. La cooperación judicial y policial europea. La orden europea de detención y entrega

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    Gavilán Rubio, María


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende dar una perspectiva global de la cooperación judicial y policial europea, centrándose principalmente en la orden europea de detención y entrega, como piedra angular de esta cooperación, poniendo de manifiesto la relevancia del reconocimiento mutuo de resoluciones judiciales entre los estados miembros. Los instrumentos de que se dispone para articular esta cooperación es el Eurojust, la Red Judicial Europea en materia penal, la Europol, las oficinas sirene y la interpol, todos ellos analizados en esta exposición, haciéndose imprescindible conocer el Sistema de Información de Schenguen (SIS pues a través de este se articulará principalmente la referida cooperación.

  12. Imaginaries of Judicial Practices in Cali, Colombia

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    Lina Buchely


    Full Text Available This article explores the emotions of users and functionaries involved in the justice system and the administration of justice in Cali, Colombia. The analysis presented argues that the state not only employs a bureaucratic rational language but also invokes emotions and feelings. In this sense, it is not only the central imaginaries of the state justice system and judicial processes but also the idea of justice itself that is marked by tediousness, delay and chaos, imaginaries of the system that were identified by the users and the officials involved in the administration of the system. There is no justice if it is not a process that is tedious, marked by ritual, mysticism, disorder and difficulties. These findings demonstrate that, against liberal discourses that emphasize the order, unity and rationality of public actions, that the power of the state actually operates through the disaggregated, the irrational and the emotional, a much wider and inexplicable framework.

  13. [On the competitiveness between parties in judicial proceedings with the participation of a forensic medical expert]. (United States)

    Topil'skaia, E V; Kadochnikov, D S; Makarov, I Iu; Pankratova, I V; Rakitin, V A


    The authors report the results of analysis of the rights of the participants in judicial proceedings (both the prosecution and the defense) to appoint and carry out forensic medical expertise in the course of the criminal court process.

  14. Apuntes sobre esporotricosis


    Londoño, Fabio


    Se hace una breve reseña histórica de las primeras comunicaciones sobre esporotricosis. Se destaca la amplia difusión de la enfermedad en nuestro país. 3. Se hace notar la no existencia de datos bibliográficos sobre formas extracutáneas. 4. Se llama la atención sobre la eficaz ayuda de la intradermo-reacción con esporotriquina en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. 5- Se comunica un caso de esporotricosis verrugosa tratado con anfotericin B, con excelentes resultados

  15. Apuntes sobre esporotricosis

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    Fabio Londoño


    Full Text Available Se hace una breve reseña histórica de las primeras comunicaciones sobre esporotricosis. Se destaca la amplia difusión de la enfermedad en nuestro país. 3. Se hace notar la no existencia de datos bibliográficos sobre formas extracutáneas. 4. Se llama la atención sobre la eficaz ayuda de la intradermo-reacción con esporotriquina en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. 5- Se comunica un caso de esporotricosis verrugosa tratado con anfotericin B, con excelentes resultados

  16. Medical negligence liability under the consumer protection act: A review of judicial perspective. (United States)

    Joga Rao, S V


    It is important to know what constitutes medical negligence. A doctor owes certain duties to the patient who consults him for illness. A deficiency in this duty results in negligence. A basic knowledge of how medical negligence is adjudicated in the various judicial courts of India will help a doctor to practice his profession without undue worry about facing litigation for alleged medical negligence.

  17. Medical negligence liability under the consumer protection act: A review of judicial perspective

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    S V Joga Rao


    Full Text Available It is important to know what constitutes medical negligence. A doctor owes certain duties to the patient who consults him for illness. A deficiency in this duty results in negligence. A basic knowledge of how medical negligence is adjudicated in the various judicial courts of India will help a doctor to practice his profession without undue worry about facing litigation for alleged medical negligence.

  18. Rol del mediador familiar: Reflexión sobre la formación en competencias comunicativas

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    Carles Rodríguez Domínguez


    Full Text Available La creciente conflictividad en las relaciones sociales llevó a la Unión Europea a la creación de un libro verde (COM 2002/196 para hallar soluciones implementando instrumentos alternativos a la resolución judicial. Por di- versas razones se ha advertido un fracaso de las políticas de mediación en Europa entre las que se han destacado deficiencias en la formación. En base a ello, el presente estudio analiza la comunicación en la intervención en mediación familiar, y presenta una revisión de las inves- tigaciones sobre la comunicación en la misma para abrir un debate acerca de los criterios necesarios que puedan optimizar la actividad profesional. El objetivo del estudio es una propuesta de criterios elaborada por los autores para tratar de favorecer la formación del profesional en la facilitación de la participación comunicativa en el espacio de la mediación. AbstractThe actual growing conflict into social relations led the European Union to create the Green Papers (COM 2002/196 to find solutions by implementing alternative instruments to judicial resolutions. For several reasons, it has been shown a failure of the mediation policies in Eu- rope among which it has being highlighted deficiencies on training skills. On this basis, this study analyzes the communication intervention in family mediation, and presents a review of the researches about the communi- cation in family mediation to open a discussion on the criteria that can optimize the professional activity. The aim of this study is to propound some criteria developed by the authors to try to promote a professional training in facilitating participation into the communicative space of mediation. 



    Castillejos Aragón, Mónica


    Este artículo explica por qué además de las decisiones judiciales de la Suprema Corte de México, se debe poner especial atención a la reciente participación de los órganos legislativos para entender algunas causas y condiciones que han generado cambio social en México. Particularmente, este trabajo se enfoca en el análisis de los debates sobre la despenalización del aborto y de los matrimonios entre parejas del mismo sexo.AbstractThis article explains why it is important to take into consider...

  20. Características de individuos sometidos a infiltración de materiales extraños con fines estéticos sobre los que se realizó investigación judicial en Colombia

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    Laura Cala-Uribe

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivo: La infiltración de materiales como silicona en los tejidos blandos es una práctica clandestina documentada en varios lugares del mundo; estos materiales buscan mejorar la apariencia estética y se han vuelto populares entre la población en general. El objetivo del presente estudio es describir las características de individuos sometidos a infiltración de materiales extraños en tejidos blandos con fines estéticos entre los que se desarrolló una investigación judicial en Bogotá, Colombia. Material y Método: Presentamos una serie de 26 pacientes sometidos a investigación judicial por la Fiscalía General de la Nación en Bogotá, Colombia, por muerte o complicaciones asociadas a estos procedimientos entre 2005 y 2015. Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes del grupo de estudio fueron mujeres (62%. El procedimiento realizado con mayor frecuencia fue el aumento de glúteos por un esteticista en clínicas de estética o centros de belleza. Del total de pacientes, el 58% falleció por embolismo pulmonar de silicona; entre los supervivientes, la complicación más frecuente fue la aparición de cicatrices inestéticas. Conclusiones: La infiltración de materiales extraños en tejidos blandos es un procedimiento que reporta complicaciones y alta frecuencia de mortalidad; la mayoría de estos procedimientos se realizan en lugares y con materiales no autorizados, y por personal no capacitado. De ahí la importancia de generar acciones que prevengan este tipo de prácticas.

  1. [Legal remedies: therapeutic markets and the judicialization of the right to health]. (United States)

    Biehl, João; Petryna, Adriana


    This study draw on the struggle of parents of children with mucopolysacchar idosis to access expensive drugs in the name of universal right to health. The work explores how, in Brazil, right-to-health litigation became an alternative pathway to access health care and shows that several public and private stakeholders dispute the judicialization of health. Biotechnology is, therefore, understood to remake human and social worlds as it opens up new spaces of ethical problematization, desire, and political belonging.

  2. "Economic growth and the reform of the judicial system of Bulgaria in the period 2000-2015 (vision for a new measurement model)"


    Nozharov, Shteryo


    The publication proposes a concept for new model for evaluation of the “reform of the judicial system”, different from those applied by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund where the economic growth rate of each country is measured. Their models, based on performance indicators, examine the “reform of the judicial system” as constant and floating in time, evaluated in certain periods of time. This fact obstructs the identification of the relative legislative miscarriages of ever...

  3. Beyond Dispassion: Emotions and Judicial Decision-Making in Modern Europe

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    Pavel Vasilyev


    Full Text Available The conventional image of a judge as a dispassionate person continues to prevail in both popular culture and academic scholarship, despite influential recent research that has clearly demonstrated the inevitable impact of emotions on judicial decision-making. This article provides a historical perspective on what Terry Maroney has called »the persistent cultural script of judicial dispassion« and extends the discussion to modern continental legal systems. By looking at the legal debates that took place on the pages of professional periodicals and academic monographs across Europe, I show that the role of emotions was in fact an important topic in these discussions, with many participants advancing a very positive view of emotions as something that can help the judge arrive at correct decisions. I further argue that there was a specifichistorical period around the turn of the 20th century when the discussions about the importance of emotions for legal judgment intensified greatly. I associate this trend with the emergence of the German free law movement and examine the influence of their radical ideas on legal scholars across Europe. In particular, I consider the experimental legal model of »revolutionary justice« that was introduced in Soviet Russia following the Russian Revolution of 1917 as an attempt to put the ideas of the free law movement into practice by placing a particularly strong emphasis on emotions in legal judgment. By bringing in the wider social and cultural context, the article provides new explanations for the rise and demise of the »emotional judge« between ca. 1880 and 1930 and the persistence of the »dispassionate« stereotype in the modern era.

  4. 司法会计鉴定基础理论探讨%Discussion on Basic Theory of Identification of Judicial Accounting

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    关于司法会计鉴定的基础理论问题学界一直没有形成较一致的观点。司法会计鉴定与法务会计虽然法律渊源不同,但事实上二者本质相同,都是为委托人提供财务会计资料证据或者专家鉴定意见的社会专业活动。在总结和评价国内外学者有关研究的基础上探讨司法会计鉴定的概念、目标、假设、原则等基础理论问题,对司法会计鉴定的研究具有重要意义。%Up to the present,there is no agreement on the basic theory of judicial accounting identification.Though judicial accounting identification and forensic accounting have different source of law and nature,their essence is the same,which is a professional activity aiming at providing financial proof and expert opinion for clients.It is significant for the study of judicial accounting identification to discuss the basic theory such as the concept,the objective,the hypothesis and the principles of judicial accounting after having summarized and commented on related studies home and abroad.

  5. 75 FR 37450 - Draft Guidance: The Judicious Use of Medically Important Antimicrobial Drugs in Food-Producing... (United States)


    ... animals in order to help minimize antimicrobial resistance development. Based on a consideration of the...] Draft Guidance: The Judicious Use of Medically Important Antimicrobial Drugs in Food-Producing Animals... Medically Important Antimicrobial Drugs in Food- Producing Animals.'' This draft guidance is intended to...

  6. Judicialização ou juridicização? As instituições jurídicas e suas estratégias na saúde Judicialization or juridicization? Legal institutions and their strategies in health

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    Felipe Dutra Asensi


    Full Text Available A história da formação do campo da saúde no Brasil foi feita de incontáveis disputas. Em 1988, a Assembleia Constituinte, no rastro do processo de redemocratização do país, foi a principal arena desses embates, cujo resultado, lavrado na Carta Magna, apontava finalmente para a transformação das políticas sociais no Brasil. Obtivemos o direito de cidadania como estatuto essencial de nossa nacionalidade, e o direito à saúde como princípio de cidadania. No contexto de efetivação de direitos, observa-se a discussão sobre as instituições jurídicas, com especial destaque para o Ministério Público, Defensoria Pública e Judiciário. Observa-se que a efetivação do direito à saúde envolve a preservação da continuidade das políticas públicas por meio do diálogo. Deste modo, os conflitos políticos sofrem muito mais uma juridicização (conflitos são discutidos sob o ponto de vista jurídico do que uma judicialização (ao máximo, se evita levá-los ao Judiciário, pois a intenção consiste em evitar a via judicial e adotar múltiplas estratégias e pactuações extrajudiciais. A possibilidade de atuar de forma independente permite o destaque político do MP como mediador na saúde. A própria ideia de direito à saúde passa a receber um novo significado, que engloba um caráter interdisciplinar, o que amplia as possibilidades de atuação do MP em sua garantia e auxilia na própria defesa de uma política de saúde duradoura que vise a aproximar o mundo do direito do mundo dos fatos.The history of the health sector formation in Brazil was made of countless disputes. In 1988, the Constituent Assembly in the wake of the democratization process in the country, was the main arena of these struggles; the result, drawn in the Constitution, finally pointed to the transformation of social policies in Brazil. We obtained the citizenship right as essential status to our nationality and the right to health as a principle of

  7. Separating Judicial from Legislative Reasoning in Moral Dilemma Interviews. (United States)

    Langford, Peter E


    Unlike previous studies of the development of reasoning about moral dilemmas, the 2 studies reported separated judicial reasoning (the application of rules) from legislative reasoning (the justification of rules), as well as attending to other aspects of context, using a modification of the weakly interpretive scoring method of Langford and D'Cruz. This assigns justifications to relatively simple conceptually defined categories. Findings were in accord with substantially modified versions of the views of Piaget and Kohlberg, according to which legislative reasoning can be divided into 3 main types of stages in the period 7-21 years: heteronomy (Piaget) or egocentrism (Kohlberg); local groups (attention to group interests, harmony, and reciprocity in local groups), wider groups (attention to these thing in wider groups). Findings contradicted Gibbs's theory.

  8. Introducción judicial del polígrafo a través de la pericia psicológica forense a presuntos agresores sexuales

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    Ángela Tapias Saldaña


    Full Text Available Este documento reseña la experiencia del uso judicial del polígrafo como una de las técnicas de evaluación, dentro de la pericia psicológica en cinco procesos penales de delito sexual en Bogotá D.C., Colombia, y evidencia cómo se pudo introducir la psicofisiología forense al proceso judicial, aunque los jueces no necesariamente se adhieren a este criterio.

  9. Legislation on violence against women: overview of key components Legislación sobre la violencia contra la mujer: panorama de los elementos fundamentales

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    Gaby Ortiz-Barreda


    the key recommended components. Significant limitations were found in the legislative content, its application, and the extent to which it provided women with integrated protection, support, and care. In developing new VAW legislation, policymakers should consider the vital role of health services.El estudio se centró en determinar si la legislación sobre la violencia contra la mujer en el mundo contiene los elementos fundamentales que recomiendan la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS y las Naciones Unidas (NU para ayudar a fortalecer la prevención de la violencia contra la mujer y brindar mejor protección, apoyo y atención integrados a las víctimas. Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda sistemática de la legislación sobre la violencia contra la mujer utilizando bases de datos jurídicas internacionales y otras fuentes electrónicas, además de los datos de investigaciones anteriores, y se identificaron 124 países o territorios con algún tipo de legislación sobre la violencia contra la mujer. Se encontraron textos jurídicos completos con legislación de 104 países o territorios. Se descargaron y compilaron aquellos disponibles en inglés, portugués y español, y se sometieron a los criterios de selección (uso de alguno de los términos frecuentes relacionados con la violencia contra la mujer, inclusive la violencia de pareja, y referencia al menos a dos entre seis sectores de servicios [educación, salud, sistema judicial, medios masivos de comunicación, policía y servicios sociales] respecto de las intervenciones relacionadas con la violencia contra la mujer [protección, apoyo y atención]. Se seleccionó una muestra final de 80 países o territorios y se analizó en ella la presencia de los componentes clave recomendados por la OPS y las NU (referencia a la "violencia contra la mujer" en el título; definiciones de diferentes formas de violencia contra la mujer; identificación de las mujeres como beneficiarias; y promoción de [referencia a] la

  10. Constitutional and Judicial Language Protection in Multilingual States: A Brief Overview of South Africa and Belgium

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    I. Bambust (Isabelle); A. Kruger (Albert); T. Kruger (Thalia)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ The purpose of this contribution is to provide a very modest comparison of judicial language protection in South Africa and in Belgium. First of all, the authors sketch briefly the historical context and the constitutional status of languages in both countries. It is

  11. Algumas reflexões sobre produção da categoria de gênero em contextos como o movimento feminista e o poder judiciário Some reflections on the production of the gender category in contexts such as the feminist movement and the judiciary

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    Karla Galvão Adrião


    Full Text Available Pensando na discussão instaurada com a modernidade (em distintos contextos sociais, sobre a constituição dos sujeitos de direitos humanos universais, o presente trabalho buscará refletir sobre o indivíduo em sua interface com a busca de "cidadania" e do "acesso à justiça". Para tanto, analisaremos três casos concretos: duas conferências de Políticas para Mulheres, tidas aqui como rituais do movimento feminista no Brasil. Ambas dizem respeito à relação entre políticas para mulheres em duas perspectivas não-excludentes; uma delas entre as próprias mulheres - lésbicas, heterossexuais, brancas, negras, deficientes - e suas tensões direcionadas ora aos direitos individuais, ora aos direitos coletivos, num momento de discussão por cotas. A outra conferência aborda a tensão entre sexo e gênero, entre diferença como sinônimo de desigualdade. O terceiro caso retrata um julgamento de guarda e responsabilidade voltado à não-concessão da maternidade a uma mulher homossexual, mas seu deferimento ao pai tido como biológico. Por fim, sugerimos pensar como, nos dois contextos rituais distintos (Judiciário e Movimento Feminista, a categoria de gênero é produzida e se produz atrelada ao binômio biológico "macho e fêmea".Concerning the discussion arisen by modern times (in different social contexts, about the constitution of universal human rights subjects, this paper aims to reflect upon the individual and his search for "citizenship" and "access to justice". Three cases will be analyzed: two conferences on Women"s Politics, important in the Brazilian feminist movement. Both concern the relation among women"s politics within two non exclusive perspectives: one among women themselves - lesbians, heterosexual, white, black. handicapped - and their tensions related either to individual rights or to collective rights, in a time when quotas are being discussed. The other conference approaches the tension between sex and gender

  12. Soft law in EU Competition Law and its judicial reception in member states : A theoretical perspective

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Georgieva, Z.R.


    This work draws from accounts on the nature and legal effects of soft law instruments in EU and international law with the ultimate aim to construct a theoretical framework for recognition of EU competition soft law—guidelines, communications, notices, and the like—in the judicial discourse of


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    Dandara Miranda Teixeira de Lima


    Full Text Available O estudo visa analisar o conflito entre as correntes positivistas e pós-positivistas conforme a prática do judiciário brasileiro. Compreende-se que o positivismo normativo não apresenta incompatibilidade teórica com a discricionariedade do juiz, restando às teorias pós positivistas atribuir limites e racionalidade às decisões judiciais. Partindo desse pressuposto, se investiga de que forma a doutrina e jurisprudência brasileiras absorvem as teorias interpretativas pós-positivistas. Percebe-se, através da análise da decisão sobre união homoafetiva, que o aparente embate entre positivismo e pós-positivismo encobre a predominância do sincretismo teórico interpretativo na fundamentação jurisdicional, cuja utilidade seria de justificar a convicção pessoal do julgador.

  14. Judicial Activism in the Context of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution: Emerging Conceptions of Femininity and Masculinity

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    Monika Lindbekk


    Full Text Available This article investigates gender implications of judicial activism within the context of the 2011 revolution. Relying on analysis of a sample of judicial decisions in the field of divorce and child-rearing, I argue that individual judges used the family courts as a platform to articulate alternative legal discourses prior to the 2011 revolution. During the period between February 2011 and the military coup in July 2013 family legislation emerged as a controversial point. The period witnessed the mobilisation of small but vocal fathers’ rights groups that called for a revolution in Egyptian family law and formed strategic alliances with a handful of judges. The latter became members of a legislative committee formed under the presidency of Muhammad Mursi. I investigate the gender implications of their activism against a background where old and new actors and institutions competed over the right to interpret shari’a in an authoritative way.

  15. Judicialization of the Right to Health: The Individual V the Collective

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    Artur Amaral Gomes


    Full Text Available The effectiveness of social rights in Brazil is a problem that endangers the whole constitutional project which aims at the common good of the entire Brazilian society. The judicialization of the right to health has as primarily negative effects the violation of the separation of powers and the strengthening of social inequality that benefits only those who move the Judiciary. From the handling of the bibliographic research method, this article aims to review the main highlights of the phenomenon, with emphasis in the conflict between individual interests and the interest of the community.

  16. The fallibility of memory in judicial processes: lessons from the past and their modern consequences. (United States)

    Howe, Mark L; Knott, Lauren M


    The capability of adult and child witnesses to accurately recollect events from the past and provide reliable testimony has been hotly debated for more than 100 years. Prominent legal cases of the 1980s and 1990s sparked lengthy debates and important research questions surrounding the fallibility and general reliability of memory. But what lessons have we learned, some 35 years later, about the role of memory in the judicial system? In this review, we focus on what we now know about the consequences of the fallibility of memory for legal proceedings. We present a brief historical overview of false memories that focuses on three critical forensic areas that changed memory research: children as eyewitnesses, historic sexual abuse and eyewitness (mis)identification. We revisit some of the prominent trials of the 1980s and 1990s to not only consider the role false memories have played in judicial decisions, but also to see how this has helped us understand memory today. Finally, we consider the way in which the research on memory (true and false) has been successfully integrated into some courtroom procedures.

  17. Acceso equitativo a servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado: una oportunidad para el activismo judicial y social a nivel local

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    Gabriela Recalde Castañeda


    Full Text Available En Colombia cerca del 97% y el 87% de la población accede a servicios de agua potable y saneamiento (SAPS, respectivamente. No obstante, el país tiene el reto de atacar la inequidad en la provisión de estos servicios públicos, la cual afecta particularmente a la población con un nivel de ingreso muy bajo y localizada en zonas rurales y periurbanas caracterizadas por su escaso desarrollo. Entre los factores que permiten la persistencia de esta brecha, se encuentran la falta de estrategias de gestión y ejecución de los municipios para garantizar procesos urbanísticos organizados e incluyentes. En este artículo pretendo mostrar que el uso adecuado de las órdenes complejas por parte de jueces locales en casos estructurales que involucran la provisión de SAPS, puede ser una herramienta de desbloqueo institucional que permita atacar las inequidades que afectan a las poblaciones socioeconómicamente vulnerables y por ende, garantizar el goce efectivo de los derechos al agua potable y el saneamiento básico.

  18. The beneficial role of a judicial process when "everything" is too much? (United States)

    Handelman, Mark; Parke, Bob


    This narrative is written with the intent to encourage physicians as well as other healthcare professionals to use judicial processes, such as those provided by the Ontario Consent and Capacity Board, to help resolve conflict with treatment decisions between care providers and decision-makers. Through the presentation of a fictional yet common case scenario, it is argued that after all attempts at mediation have been attempted that the timely use of a third party is in the patient's, the family's and the healthcare team's best interests.

  19. La judicialización del caso de la píldora del día después en Chile: las tensiones sobre el rol de la mujer y la cuestión técnica


    Miranda Pérez , Fabiola


    Este articulo trata sobre el debate en torno a la introducción de la píldora del día después en Chile. Esta discusión se posicionó en la agenda pública a finales de los años '90, planteándose como problemática durante una década. Los objetivos de esta investigación son, en primer lugar, mostrar cómo esta temática que concierne a los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres fue tratada por el poder judicial, principalmente de la parte del órgano encargado de controlar la constitucional...


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    Carlos Eduardo Dieder Reverbel


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho insere-se na Teoria do Estado e no Direito Constitucional. Parte da natural sociabilidade do humano para demonstrar que o Estado de Direito nasce para servir a pessoa, e esta abdica parte de sua liberdade em prol de um convívio harmônico e pacífico dentro da sociedade. Delimita, mesmo que não desenvolva, o que entende ser os princípios de Estado de Direito. Após, insere o estudo dentro das duas principais famílias de direito: common law e romano-germânica; apresentando o princípío prevalente em cada uma delas: legalidade e processualidade. Desenvolve distinção de McILWIAN entre  jurisdictio y gubernaculum, pois o Estado de Direito só pode ser aquele que delimite e proteja uma área restrita à  Política, e uma área restrita ao  Direito. Por fim, antes da conclusão e da bibliografia, mostramos  os  entraves que o  ativismo judicial  – inclusive colacionando jurisprudências – tem gerado para o florescimento de um Estado de Direito racional.

  1. The utilization of Clinical Protocols and Therapeutic Guidelines and the rationalization of judicialization for the right to health

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    Clarice Seixas Duarte


    Full Text Available The article analyzes the adoption of the Clinical Protocols and Therapeutic Guidelines (CPTGs as an objective measure to be used by the courts in cases where the purpose is to offer positive benefits in terms of realization of the right to health. Such a benchmark can assist the judge in the task of deciding the legal situation of medication supplies, guaranteeing the prevalence of rationality as outlined in the formulation of related public policies and, consequently, the use of technical-political arguments in the distribution of healthcare goods and resources. However, this is not an absolute parameter, and the content of the CPTGs may be questioned, even judicially. With this, judicial action is used as an instrument of democratization and social control among public choices, which can impact health policy itself.

  2. College Student Perceptions and Learning Points from the Formal University Judicial Process: A Multiple Case Study (United States)

    Lucas, Christopher M.


    For educators in the field of higher education and judicial affairs, issues are growing. Campus adjudicators must somehow maximize every opportunity for student education and development in the context of declining resources and increasing expectations of public accountability. Numbers of student misconduct cases, including matters of violence and…

  3. Movimientos sociales, activismo constitucional y narrativa democrática en la Argentina contemporánea


    Delamata, Gabriela


    El artículo analiza tres casos recientes de movilización social de tipo legal en Argentina y subraya el rol de la Constitución y de la comunidad legal garantista en su despliegue. El enfoque utilizado propone entender estos procesos como reactivación del patrón activista gestado en la transición democrática y señala los efectos de su desarrollo actual sobre los procedimientos democráticos y la gramática de ciudadanía. Fil: Delamata, Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas...

  4. Policía Local como Policía Judicial. Intervenciones relevantes en el proceso penal


    Velayos Martínez, Isabel


    Ponencia comparativa de las funciones más habituales de la práctica forense en que la Policía Local actúa en funciones de Policía Judicial. Ponencia presentada en el curso "La reforma del Código Penal", Ayuntamiento de Alicante, Policía Local, 17-18 diciembre 2012. Ayuntamiento de Alicante

  5. Multiple Competences of Judicial and Social Intervention: Portuguese Public Prosecutors in Action

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    João Paulo Dias


    Full Text Available Public Prosecutors have not received much attention from international, suprastate, state and/or associative institutions in terms of seeking to influence the adoption of a common organisational model by the most diverse countries. What we have instead is mainly the approval, at different moments, of guiding principles for the exercise of functions—primarily of judges, but also, since the late 1980s, of Public Prosecutors—with special emphasis on issues of autonomy and impartiality regarding their competences and the conditions in which prosecution is carried out. However, in countries such as Portugal, Public Prosecutors exercise a wide range of competences in various legal areas, a fact that turns them into key actors in a context of evaluating the performance of the judicial system and when efforts are being made to improve its functioning, even in the midst of financial constraints. This is the backdrop to the present article, which stems from the need to discuss the functioning of the Public Prosecution Service and its professional practices in order to promote the circulation of ideas and solutions for possible judicial reforms in the model currently in force in Portugal. It is not a question of looking for the “perfect model” or of trying to achieve an “ideal synthesis,” but rather of highlighting the main aspects that can contribute to the defence of legality and the promotion of access to law and justice through the action of Public Prosecutors. In order to achieve such a goal, it is necessary for Public Prosecutors to assume a new paradigm, centred on the defence of citizenship rights. The main objective here is to discuss and reflect on the identity, competences and professional practice of Portugal’s Public Prosecutors in the context of major transformations in the judicial systems and in the legal professions themselves, both as key actors and as promoters of citizens' access to law and justice in the various legal


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    Saulius Katuoka


    Full Text Available This article analyses the main World Trade Organization (WTO agreements: the 1994 GATT agreement and the agreements on the determination of the customs value and customs origin of goods. It also describes the problems involved in granting the direct effect of this external legislation in the Republic of Lithuania from the time of its accession to the WTO in 2001 and entry into the European Union (EU in 2004. The article seeks to answer the question of whether the external WTO legislation should be recognised as legal acts in the national legal system, with the capability for direct application in judicial proceedings. The article also considers whether individual persons can invoke the WTO agreements at a national level (in national courts to protect their legitimate rights and interests in international trade operations. In addition, it includes an analysis of practices followed by judicial authorities in the EU and countries in other regions, including the individual EU member states. The analysis leads to the conclusion that, unlike the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the practices and experience of the Republic of Lithuania are essentially based on the provision that these sources of law could be directly applied at a national level in judicial cases related to the taxation of international trade operations. Analysis of the relevant issues is based on both theoretical (analysis and synthesis, systematic analysis and empirical methods (the statistical analysis of data, the evaluation and textual analysis of documents – in particular, decisions of national courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU.

  7. Entre o ativismo e a judicialização da política: a difícil concretização do direito fundamental a uma decisão judicial constitucionalmente adequada

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    Lenio Luiz Streck


    Full Text Available Resumo: Em uma democracia estável, o direito ocupa um papel central na organização da engenharia institucional, ao definir as condições mínimas para o funcionamento do sistema político. Ao mesmo tempo, o reconhecimento de novos direitos pelo Constitucionalismo Contemporâneo ocasiona uma atuação mais destacada do Poder Judiciário; essa situação, muitas vezes, é confundida pela comunidade jurídica como uma justificativa para decisões sem qualquer critério de racionalidade, baseadas na mais pura discricionariedade judicial. Torna-se necessário enfrentar os desafios que tem o Poder Judiciário para – no limite, em face da incompetência dos demais Poderes – contribuir para a concretização dos direitos fundamentais. Isso implica, fundamentalmente, enfrentar o tema a partir da necessária diferenciação entre os fenômenos do ativismo judicial e da judicialização da política. Afinal, uma decisão constitucionalmente adequada também deve ser observada como um direito fundamental do cidadão. Palavras-chave: Ativismo judicial. Judicialização da política. Direitos fundamentais. Decisão judicial constitucionalmente adequada.


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    Janaína Vieira de Castro


    Full Text Available Apesar do avanço da mecanização, a indústria da cana-de-açúcar ainda se vale do trabalho humano para realizar tarefas no campo. Em regra, são trabalhadores que recebem remuneração proporcional à quantidade de cana cortada. Essa modalidade de pagamento estimula o aumento da jornada e do ritmo de trabalho, pois quanto maior a quantidade de cana colhida, maior a remuneração auferida pelo cortador, desencadeando a prática de um esforço desumano na busca de ganhos salariais mais compensadores. O excesso de trabalho decorrente desse modo de aferição de salário vem provocando acidentes, doenças e até a morte de muitos trabalhadores. Considerando este contexto, o Ministério Público do Trabalho (MPT ajuizou Ação Civil Pública (ACP em face da Usina Santa Fé S.A., na qual requeria que a ré fosse proibida de remunerar seus empregados por produção, pois tal modalidade de pagamento coloca em risco a saúde e a vida do trabalhador. A ACP foi julgada procedente, figurando como o primeiro caso em que uma usina foi impedida de remunerar seus empregados por produção. O caso evidenciou a possibilidade de extinção do salário por produção, desbravando caminhos para o ajuizamento de ações semelhantes. Dado o seu pioneirismo, esta decisão judicial será base do estudo de caso desenvolvido neste trabalho, cujo objetivo é analisar quais foram as implicações advindas da referida decisão. Para tanto, tomando como base a doutrina especializada, analisaram-se as peças processuais do referido processo judicial e entrevistou-se o Procurador que ajuizou a ACP e o Magistrado que proferiu a sentença estudada.

  9. The Precedent 443 of the Superior Labor Court and Judicial Activism: The Defense of a Non Selective Constitutional Hermeneutics

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    Humberto Lima de Lucena Filho


    Full Text Available This paper is dedicated to the analysis of the Precedent 443 of the Superior Labor Court, which deals with the discriminatory dismissal presumption of those labor with social stigma diseases from the perspective of judicial activism in the brazilian labor law and its objective influence on law and labor procedure law from the from the perspective of a not univocal constitutional hermeneutics. It aims, also, to conceptualize the stability institute in order to configure the dangers and misconceptions arising from it. Therefore, it concludes that the analogy that embodied the repeated judicial position was excessive. The research points out the logical-deductive method operated by the aid of the literature review, case law and positioning applicable law.

  10. Diálogo judicial transnacional en la implementación de las sentencias de la Corte Interamericana

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    Tania Giovanna Vivas Barrera


    Full Text Available Pese a que la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos ha sido reconocida por los tribunales internacionales como una de las más activistas en materia de protección, su efectividad encuentra un bloqueo estructural en la debilidad de los mecanismos de cumplimiento de las órdenes y las condenas; es por ello que el artículo esboza algunas de las salidas de orden jurídico, más precisamente judicial, ajenas al debate político, para el logro de una correcta implementación de las decisiones del sistema interamericano. Se estima que los estudios que pretendan dar solución a problemáticas jurídicas pueden encontrar salidas efectivas al acentuar el diálogo judicial transnacional, así como la realización de estudios comparados; se considera, por tanto, que la profundización de los diálogos judiciales entre tribunales regionales y la implementación del control de convencionalidad por los tribunales constitucionales son las herramientas que permitirán la construcción de mecanismos jurídicos para lograr un reforzamiento de la implementación de las decisiones del órgano judicial del sistema interamericano. El afianzamiento del poder internacional del juez constitucional, a través del control de convencionalidad, y el reforzamiento del diálogo entre jueces regionales permitirá una mejor y más creciente construcción de una comunidad integrada en el respeto por los derechos humanos.

  11. Una Visión Crítica Sobre La Normativa de Acceso a los Actos e Información Administrativa

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    Johann Stefan Allesch Peñailillo


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Este artículo analiza, críticamente, algunos vicios de inconstitucionalidad que existen en la regulación legal del principio de la publicidad de los actos administrativos y de los documentos que les sirven de sustento o complemento directo y esencial, luego de la promulgación de la ley N° 19.653, mejor conocida como la "Ley de Probidad", en 1999. Luego de pasar revista al alcance del derecho de acceso a los actos e información administrativa, configurado a partir del principio antedicho, este artículo analiza algunas normas jurídicas posteriores, reglamentarias y legales, que tratan sobre el principio de publicidad administrativa, para establecer una visión general sobre el citado derecho. En este contexto, este artículo también trata acerca de los antecedentes jurídicos (constitucionales, legales, reglamentarios, dogmáticos y jurisprudenciales que permiten identificar dichos vicios y finalmente formula algunas reflexiones sobre el tema de la publicidad y el secreto administrativoABSTRACT This article critically analyzes some unconstitutional defects that exist in the statutory norms on the principle of publicity of administrative orders and its direct and essential supporting or complementary documents, after the enactment of the 19.653 Act, better known as the "Probity Act", in 1999. After reviewing the scope of the right of access to administrative acts and information, based on the aforesaid principle, this article draws from some subsequent juridical norms both statutory and regulatory which deal with the principle of government publicity, to come up with a general view on the aforementioned right. In this context, this article also deals with the juridical background information (constitutional, statutory, regulatory, theoretical, judicial and administrative to identify those defects and finally reflects on the issue of administrative publicity and secret

  12. Lei Maria da Penha: novas abordagens sobre velhas propostas. Onde avançamos? = The Maria da Penha Law: new approaches on old propositions. Where did we move on?

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    Pasinato, Wânia


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre os obstáculos e os problemas que têm sido enfrentados para a aplicação integral da Lei 11. 340/2006, a Lei Maria da Penha. As reflexões apresentadas utilizam os dados empíricos obtidos durante a realização da pesquisa sobre “Acesso à Justiça para Mulheres em Situação de Violência. Estudo Comparativo sobre as Delegacias da Mulher na América Latina (Brasil, Equador, Peru e Nicarágua”. A pesquisa foi realizada entre 2007 e 2009, em Belo Horizonte, e teve como núcleo de investigação entrevistas em profundidade com 15 mulheres que sofreram violência nas relações conjugais e procuraram a Delegacia da Mulher para registrar a ocorrência policial. Do conjunto de resultados obtidos, foram selecionados alguns dados e algumas reflexões que ajudam a ilustrar o cotidiano da aplicação da lei naquele município. Neste texto foram tomados para análise aspectos relacionados com o papel da polícia, do judiciário e da rede de serviços especializados no atendimento a mulheres em situação de violência. O objetivo é oferecer elementos para o debate em torno da aplicação da Lei Maria da Penha e contribuir para sua implementação integral

  13. 77 FR 22328 - Guidance for Industry on the Judicious Use of Medically Important Antimicrobial Drugs in Food... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration [Docket No. FDA-2010-D-0094] Guidance for Industry on the Judicious Use of Medically Important Antimicrobial Drugs in Food-Producing Animals; Availability AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Food and...

  14. ¿Cuánto le cuesta al Estado un proceso judicial?

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    Luis M. Prada Bernal


    Full Text Available En este artículo el autor presenta una metodología para calcular los costos para el Estado de un juzgado y de un proceso judicial. Se analizan los resultados encontrados en un trabajo de campo que incluyó casos reales en las áreas de atención penal, laboral, de familia, civil y de menores, y se presenta un modelo para costear procesos judiciales tipo. Además, el artículo contiene cuadros y gráficas que facilitan su comprensión. El costo de un proceso judicial está conformado por los costos del despacho, del Tribunal Superior y de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, de acuerdo con el trámite surtido, y por los costos de otras instituciones del Estado relacionadas que apoyan el servicio de justicia, como la Fiscalía General de la Nación, el Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar, ICBF, el Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario, INPEC, la Policía Metropolitana, la Procuraduría General de la Nación y el Instituto de Medicina Legal. El modelo determina el costo para el Estado de un proceso tipo y está elaborado para la situación actual y para un juzgado civil del circuito de Santafé de Bogotá. Por ello, no es de aplicación general. Es necesario validarlo en varios juzgados y bajo condiciones logísticas y tecnológicas diferentes. Además, el modelo plantea una metodología que, bien implementada, podría generar indicadores válidos para evaluar la gestión de funcionarios, empleados y despachos judiciales.

  15. Prioritization of strategies to approach the judicialization of health in Latin America and the Caribbean. (United States)

    Pinzón-Flórez, Carlos Eduardo; Chapman, Evelina; Cubillos, Leonardo; Reveiz, Ludovic


    To describe strategies that contribute to the comprehensive approach to the judicialization of health in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. A search was structured to identify articles presenting strategies to approach the judicialization of health. A survey was designed, which included actors of the health system and judiciary sector. We prioritized the strategies qualified by more than the 50.0% of the participants as "very relevant". Strategies were categorized according to: governance, provision of services, human resources, information systems, financing, and medical products. We included 64 studies, which identified 50 strategies, related to the sub-functions and components of health systems. Of the 165 people who answered the survey, 80.0% were aged 35-64 years. The distribution of men and women was homogeneous. Half of the respondents were from Colombia (20.0%), Uruguay (16.9%), and Argentina (12.7%). We prioritized strategies that addressed aspects of generation of useful scientific evidence for decision making according to the health needs of the population, empowerment for the society, and creating spaces for discussion of measures of inclusion or exclusion of health technologies. The executive and judiciary decision makers prioritized questions that dealt with strategies that would ensure accountability. The results of this study contribute to the identification of effective strategies to approach the phenomenon of judicialization of health, guaranteeing the right to health. Describir estrategias que contribuyan al abordaje integral de la judicialización de la salud en países de América Latina y El Caribe. Se estructuró una búsqueda para identificar artículos que presentaran estrategias para el abordaje de la judicialización en salud. Se diseñó una encuesta, en donde se incluyeron actores del sistema de salud y del sector judicial. Se priorizaron las estrategias calificadas por más del 50,0% de los participantes como "muy relevantes

  16. Decolonizando acciones públicas contra el feminicidio con cuerpos disidentes: el performance y la plataforma arte acción en Chiapas México

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    Brittany Chávez


    Full Text Available Proponemos una forma alternativa de denunciar y visibilizar la violencia feminicida en la región de Chiapas por medio de la plataforma de performance y activismo Arte Acción. Tres partes constituyen este artículo: la situación del feminicidio en Chiapas y nuestra metodología desde lo erótico, lo decolonial y lo pedagógico; la creación de la memoria colectiva a través de acciones públicas; y nuestro trabajo continuado con la plataforma como un modo de activismo alternativo.

  17. Dysfunctions of the contemporary family from the perspective of judicial statistics

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    Full Text Available The problems connected with the dysfunctions of the contemporary family are the subject of the study. Judicial statistics related mostly to the proceedings of family courts have been employed in the analysis. Emphasis has been placed on the problems related to the marital bond and parental responsibility. Statistical data suggests that there are some negative phenomena in both of these realms. Divorce and separation still constitute the cause of the incompleteness of family environments. Th e level of court interference in how parental responsibility is exercised which serves to protect children from the hazards of the lack of proper care is still not decreased.

  18. Análise técnica para a tomada de decisão do fornecimento de medicamentos pela via judicial Análisis técnico para la toma de decisiones de abastecimiento de medicamentos por la vía judicial A technical analysis of medicines request-related decision making in Brazilian courts

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    Eloisa Israel de Macedo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a solicitação judicial de medicamentos previstos nos componentes da assistência farmacêutica no Sistema Único de Saúde. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 81 processos judiciais para fornecimento de medicamentos no Estado de São Paulo, entre 2005 e 2009. As informações dos processos foram obtidas do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo. Portarias que regulamentam a assistência farmacêutica foram consultadas para identificar a solicitação judicial de medicamentos incorporados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Para análise do nível de evidência dos medicamentos nas indicações clínicas referidas, foi consultada a base de dados Thomson Micromedex®. RESULTADOS: O número de medicamentos solicitados em cada processo variou entre um e sete itens, nos quais foram identificados 77 fármacos diferentes. Dos medicamentos solicitados, 14,3% deveriam estar disponíveis na atenção básica do Sistema Único de Saúde, 19,5% no componente de medicamentos de dispensação excepcional e 66,2% não pertenciam a nenhuma lista oficial. Medicamentos do componente de dispensação excepcional apresentaram melhor evidência clínica quando indicados no tratamento de doenças cobertas pelos Protocolos Clínicos e Diretrizes Terapêuticas do Ministério da Saúde. CONCLUSÕES: A via judicial tem sido utilizada para garantir o acesso a medicamentos cujo fornecimento está previsto no Sistema Único de Saúde e para solicitar aqueles não incorporados por ele. A avaliação do nível de evidência reforça a necessidade de análise técnica para a tomada de decisão do fornecimento de medicamentos pela via judicial.OBJETIVO: Analizar la solicitud judicial de medicamentos previstos en los componentes de la asistencia farmacéutica en el Sistema Único de Salud. MÉTODOS: Se analizaron 81 procesos judiciales para abastecimiento de medicamentos en el Estado de Sao Paulo, Sureste de Brasil, entre 2005 y 2009. Las informaciones de los

  19. Habitar las incomodidades en investigaciones feministas y activistas desde una práctica reflexiva

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    Itziar Gandarias Goikoetxea


    Full Text Available A partir de una investigación en curso cuyo objetivo es estudiar las dificultades y posibilidades para la articulación de alianzas políticas entre organizaciones de mujeres migradas y feministas autóctonas en el País Vasco, presento mediante una práctica reflexiva algunas de las incomodidades más relevantes surgidas durante este proceso relacionadas con: (i moverse en la incertidumbre, (ii asumir las diferencias, (iii hablar sobre las participantes de la investigación y en último lugar, (iv habitar mi doble rol como investigadora y activista. Más que resolverlas, esta práctica de reflexividad es una apuesta por politizar las metodologías feministas y reivindicar la ética de la incomodidad como una herramienta indispensable para habitar los espacios fronterizos entre investigación y activismo.

  20. Judicialization of Health Policy in the Definition of Access to Public Goods: Individual Rights versus Collective Rights

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    Telma Maria Gonçalves Menicucci


    Full Text Available The article analyses a form of judicialization of public policies in the health field. It has as its object lawsuits initiated against Belo Horizonte Municipality arguing for the provision of services or the acquisition of inputs not obtained in the public system via institutional access routes. The argument is that the individualized quest for the guarantee of the right to healthcare via the judicial path is a form of reproduction of the tensions produced in democratic societies between the social and the individual conceptions of citizenship. By ensuring access to goods by means of individual suits, the Judiciary interferes in the making of public choices taken on by public-sector managers, thus regulating opportunities for consumption according to a concentrating logic. And so the assertion of a constitutional right superposes the political right of the majority, represented by the Executive, to make choices as to the goods that are the object of public policies, with a relatively significant financial and budgetary impact.

  1. Constituições Programáticas, Funções Estatais, Políticas Públicas e a (Incompetência do Judiciário / Programmatic Constitutions, Separation of Powers, Public Policies and the Judiciary’s Constitutional (Incompetence

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    Frederico Augusto d’Avila Riani


    Full Text Available A partir da compreensão da relevância das determinações constitucionais de tarefas ao Estado, vê-se imprescindível a formulação de políticas públicas para a satisfação constitucional. Políticas públicas, apesar de seu controvertido sentido, são compreendidas, neste artigo, como um processo que expressa relações de poder e visa à resolução de problemas ou conflitos relacionados ao interesse público. Dentro da classificação de funções estatais proposta, a qual busca amparo na Constituição, fica descaracterizada a função jurisdicional como apta à formulação e implementação de políticas públicas. No entanto, não se retira do Judiciário o seu dever de decidir sobre violação de direitos subjetivos, os quais deveriam ser satisfeitos por políticas públicas.From understanding the relevance of constitutional determinations of tasks to the State, it is essential to formulate public policies to satisfy the Constitution. Public policies, despite their controversial sense, are understood in this paper as a process that expresses power relations and intends to resolve problems or conflicts related to the public interest. Within the proposedclassification of state functions, which seeks support in the Constitution, the judicial function is uncharacterizes as able to designing and implement public policies. However, the Judiciary duty of deciding on subjective rights violation is not taken off, because these rights shold be attended by public policies.

  2. The fallibility of memory in judicial processes: Lessons from the past and their modern consequences (United States)

    Howe, Mark L.; Knott, Lauren M.


    The capability of adult and child witnesses to accurately recollect events from the past and provide reliable testimony has been hotly debated for more than 100 years. Prominent legal cases of the 1980s and 1990s sparked lengthy debates and important research questions surrounding the fallibility and general reliability of memory. But what lessons have we learned, some 35 years later, about the role of memory in the judicial system? In this review, we focus on what we now know about the consequences of the fallibility of memory for legal proceedings. We present a brief historical overview of false memories that focuses on three critical forensic areas that changed memory research: children as eyewitnesses, historic sexual abuse and eyewitness (mis)identification. We revisit some of the prominent trials of the 1980s and 1990s to not only consider the role false memories have played in judicial decisions, but also to see how this has helped us understand memory today. Finally, we consider the way in which the research on memory (true and false) has been successfully integrated into some courtroom procedures. PMID:25706242

  3. El procedimiento administrativo disciplinario de la Función Judicial desde la perspectiva constitucional


    Suárez Fernández, María Carolina


    La presente investigación académica analiza el procedimiento administrativo disciplinario de la Función Judicial desde el punto de vista constitucional para verificar si en cada una de sus etapas procedimentales se está cumpliendo con las garantías constitucionales del debido proceso y para verificar si los legitimados del procedimiento disciplinario: servidores judiciales sumariados, el órgano administrativo con potestad disciplinaria, los denunciantes, testigos, entre otros, aplican adecuad...

  4. Comentario bibliográfico de La revisión judicial de las políticas sociales. Estudio de Caso

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    Bulit Goñi, Magdalena


    Full Text Available Comentario bibliográfico de ABRAMOVICH, Víctor y PAUTASSI, Laura (comp.: La revisión judicial de las políticas sociales. Estudio de casos, Editores del Puerto, Buenos Aires, 2009.

  5. Legal Terms Used in Reception Order and their Relevance to Judicial Process. (United States)

    Subramanian, Nakkeerar; Ramanathan, Rajkumar; Kumar, Venkatesh Madhan; Chellappan, Dhanabalan Kalingarayan Palayam; Ramasamy, Jeyaprakash


    Law governs the admission and management of involuntary admissions of mentally ill persons who are admitted under the provisions of the mental health act. The court directs the doctor to take charge of such persons. In the further dealings of such person the medical officer of the psychiatric facility comes across legal terms, which require understanding so that patients could be dealt with properly. Various terms such as accused, under police custody, judicial custody, remand prisoner, or under trial prisoner are used to denote their legal status. It is imperative for the medical officer to understand the nuances in the meanings of these terms. There are many times when the relevant section under which the admission is ordered is not found in the reception order. In these cases the terminology by which the patient is mentioned throws a light on the status of the patient. Towards this aim a study was carried out to assess the awareness and understanding of such terms by the faculty and post- graduates of a tertiary care hospital that deals with the admission and care of such patients. They were administered a questionnaire containing these terms and asked to provide the meaning of these terms. The results showed that nearly half the faculty and students were not having clarity in awareness or understanding of the terms. Hence these terms and their meanings were gleaned from various judgments. The proper meaning of these terms and their use in judicial process and their importance is discussed.

  6. Sistema judicial e desempenho da economia


    Santos, Luís Máximo dos


    As instituições têm desempenhado desde sempre um papel importante na análise económica, opondo-se por vezes à teoria económica neoclássica e ao conceito do homo economicus. Actualmente considera-se que as instituições são um factor de grande importância para o desempenho das economias, em particular nos processos de crescimento e de desenvolvimento económico, a tal ponto que o Relatório sobre o Desenvolvimento Mundial de 2002 do Banco Mundial se intitula “Buiding Institutions for Markets”. No...

  7. O Supremo Tribunal Federal e a anencefalia: uma reflexão sobre a legitimidade democrática do Judiciário à luz de Rawls, Habermas e Nino

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    Maria Eugenia Bunchaft


    Full Text Available O debate entre Habermas e Rawls representa uma contribuição fundamental para a compreensão das questões sobre reconhecimento, multiculturalismo e pós-secularismo, introduzindo diferentes concepções filosóficas que podem contribuir sobre a temática acerca do uso público da razão, a fim de elucidar as diferentes percepções teóricas capazes de atender aos desafios propostos pelas sociedades pluralistas. Carlos Santiago Nino, por sua vez, estabeleceu uma estratégia teórica denominada “construtivismo epistemológico”, delineada a partir do debate Habermas-Rawls. Por conseguinte, pretendemos articular os fundamentos filosóficos atinentes à concepção de razão pública delineada por Rawls e Habermas e ao construtivismo epistemológico de Carlos Santiago Nino com a análise da legitimidade democrática do STF na resolução de uma questão moral controvertida que é objeto de um desacordo moral razoável: o aborto de fetos anencéfalos.

  8. 'Adventurous' judgments
    A comparative exploration into human rights as a moral-political force in judicial law development

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    Bas de Gaay Fortman


    Full Text Available This article looks at the development of law by the judiciary in the sense of judgments taking the law beyond the point of what was hitherto regarded as ius positivum. Its main perspective, however, is not the creation of law by the courts as such, but rather the ways and means in which the human rights idea has encouraged judges to deliver decisions that imply an overturning of 'settled' law. In the comparative exploration of 'adventurous' judgments that we shall embark on, our focus will be on the political morality of human rights as a driving force in judicial activism. It is assumed, in other words, that where the judiciary is 'active', human rights may play a part as general principles of law as distinct from rules already incorporated in positive law. Notably then, human rights in this way affect positive law in a manner other than through processes of international, regional and national standard setting connected with the establishment of new supervisory institutions and mechanisms. For this reason, the article does not so much consider typical human rights cases; instead the focus is on major decisions by national courts that were not in the first place regarded as human rights cases at all. In this endeavour, the article aims to be no more than an initial comparative exploration, intended to illustrate a function of human rights that is not normally highlighted, namely its function as an inspirational force towards 'adventurous' judgments. Yet, the judicial potential illustrated here is of great significance, as it may lead to law development inspired by the two principal pillars underpinning the international quest for the realization of human rights: universality and human dignity. After reviewing a variety of characteristic cases from such diverse legal backgrounds as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the United States of America, India, South Africa and Nigeria, some conclusions are drawn as to the ways in which human rights

  9. Existing knowledge in science and technology as subject of judicial establishment of facts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Czajika, D.


    The problems facing administrative courts in determining 'existing knowledge in science and technology' (No. 3 of paragraph 2 of sect. 7 of the Atomic Energy Law) cannot be solved by limiting the judicial establishment of facts. According to established law, in procedural or substantive law there is no foundation for doing so. Limits to this establishment of facts do result from the nature of the scientific process of understanding, which very often allows but the establishment of 'margins' pertaining to scientific opinions.

  10. As políticas públicas ante o Poder Judiciário


    Barros, Sérgio Resende de


    [ES]Este artículo analiza los parámetros de actuación del Poder Judicial en el examen de políticas públicas procedentes de principios constitucionales programáticos. Se busca establecer la visión de que la anterior situación de inmunidad “discrecional” del administrador público ahora tiende a ceder ante un nuevo parecer respecto a la legalidad administrativa e de las políticas públicas, las cuales buscan hacer efectivos en la práctica social los derechos difusos, previstos en la Constitución ...

  11. Digital signage sobre IP


    Casademont Filella, Albert


    Projecte que versa sobre el disseny i la implementació d'un sistema de Digital Signage (Cartelleria Digital) sobre IP, creant un gestor que permeti controlar de forma remota tot un conjunt de petits dispositius connectats a pantalles que emeten continguts multimèdia com vídeos, imatges, feeds rss...

  12. Políticas comunicacionales, representaciones mediáticas y legitimidad judicial. Un estudio de caso sobre la Corte Suprema de la República Argentina

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    Valentín Thury Cornejo


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza el complejo rol que los medios de comunicación asumen en la conformación dela imagen de los tribunales de justicia y, mediatamente, en su legitimidad. A partir de un estudio de caso sobre la Corte Suprema de la República Argentina, se intentan identificar los mecanismos culturales que entran en juego en la construcción de los imaginarios sociales respecto de la actuación de la Justicia. Para ello, se analiza el discurso de los tres principales diarios y se reconstruye la lógica periodística que lo informa, confrontándola con la lógica jurídica que guía la actuación del tribunal.


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    Bárbara Khristine A. M. C. Camargo


    Full Text Available Este trabalho se refere à realização de uma pesquisa bibliográfica acerca da contribuição da perícia psicossocial e sua aplicabilidade nas demandas de 2ª Instância do Poder Judiciário do Estado do Tocantins. Foi realizado comportando vasta fundamentação teórica, numa perspectiva de elucidar a importância da intervenção da equipe técnica nos processos em grau de recurso. A discussão pautou-se pela análise da significância do papel da perícia psicossocial e de sua relevância para o melhor desfecho judicial, garantindo a segurança e a confiança de que suas demandas estão sendo recebidas com o compromisso de um resultado célere, eficaz, mas principalmente justo. Assim, defende-se a proposta de que o trabalho desses profissionais seja legitimado, reconhecendo a necessidade da elaboração do laudo psicossocial ou de sua revisão, atualizando as informações contidas nos autos, uma vez que a realidade social e psicológica é dinâmica e processual e deve ser considerada nesses casos, haja vista a importância de o Judiciário cumprir sua missão. Nessa perspectiva, a intenção deste trabalho é o de propiciar um debate criativo e produtivo da interface entre os saberes da Psicologia, Serviço Social e Direito.

  14. Students' Perceived Learning and Anticipated Future Behaviors as a Result of Participation in the Student Judicial Process (United States)

    Howell, Martin T.


    This qualitative study was undertaken to explore the meaning that students make of their interactions with campus judicial systems. Using a multiple case study approach, 10 students from 3 institutions in the Southeastern United States were observed and interviewed. The findings presented here relate to students' perceived learning and anticipated…

  15. Systemic interpretation and the judicial recovery of the possibility for companies in common

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    Juliana Hinterlang dos Santos Costa


    Full Text Available The Company in common was introduced by Brazilian law from the Civil Code of 2002 in its articles 986 to 990. In the previous period it was analyzed from the irregular company name or company and fact. The first was characterized by having written contract, but this was not brought to registration with the competent body and the second when there was no social contract. This study aims to analyze the figure of the Company in common, in the current legal system, from the majority interpretation that does not recognize the right to judicial recovery. It points out that this interpretation ignores: i principles governing the legal system and the economic subsystem; and ii that the current legislation allows their accountability before legal duties in labor spheres, tax, competitive and consumer. Under these main arguments is that they have highlighted the systematic interpretation to defend the right to judicial or extrajudicial recovery. So effective is legal certainty material.    Arraste e solte o arquivo ou link aqui para traduzir o documento ou a página da Web.Arraste e solte o link aqui para traduzir a página da Web.O tipo de arquivo que você soltou não é suportado. Tente outros tipos de arquivo.O tipo de link que você soltou não é suportado. Tente outros tipos de link. 

  16. Craniocervical injuries in judicial hangings: an anthropologic analysis of six cases. (United States)

    Spence, M W; Shkrum, M J; Ariss, A; Regan, J


    Restoration projects and archaeologic excavations in two Canadian prisons resulted in the recovery of the skeletons of six felons executed by judicial hanging. Damage inflicted by hanging on various skeletal elements was observed. Among the injuries seen were fractures of the hyoid cornua, styloid processes, occipital bones, and cervical vertebral bodies (C2) and transverse processes (C1, C2, C3, and C5). Despite the general uniformity of the hanging technique, which involved a subaural knot, the trauma to the skeletal elements and the cause of death varied among individuals. Although some of this variation was probably due to minor differences in hanging practices, individual anatomic peculiarities of the victims likely also contributed.

  17. 16 CFR 1.19 - Modification of a rule by the Commission at the time of judicial review. (United States)


    ... 16 Commercial Practices 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Modification of a rule by the Commission at the time of judicial review. 1.19 Section 1.19 Commercial Practices FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION... event that a reviewing court determines under section 18(e)(2) of the Federal Trade Commission Act, to...

  18. A Danish killer amendment-when judicial review was banned from the 1849 Constitution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, M. N.


    In real political life "killer amendments" are very rare. William H. Riker was the first political scientist to draw systematic attention to this special "heresthetic" phenomenon, but he was himself only able to identify a handful of successful "killer amendments". Subsequent systematic empirical...... research has brought a few more to attention. In this article what may be the first successful example from outside the US context is described. It took place, when the Danish Constituent Assembly in 1849 discussed, if a proper judicial review procedure should be institutionalized in the Danish...

  19. Judicial Reliance on Parental IQ in Appellate-Level Child Welfare Cases Involving Parents with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (United States)

    Callow, Ella; Tahir, Munazza; Feldman, Maurice


    Background: Parents with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) are over-represented in child welfare cases. Although IQ "per se" is an invalid indicator of parenting abilities, this study examined the prevalence of judicial consideration of parental IQ test evidence in US appellate cases. Methods: The present authors…

  20. Notes and reflections from the Cause 17/12 Task Force N° 5 of the Argentine Navy. Participation of researchers in the processes of justice, the notion of reparation and workers' demands

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    Paula Eva Ivonne Barragán Sáez


    Full Text Available Esta intervención tiene como objetivo problematizar y proponer algunas reflexiones sobre las implicancias, aportes y resultados de las participaciones de tesistas e investigadores en el sistema judicial, específicamente, en los juicios por crímenes de lesa humanidad. Buscamos aportar a problematizar, reconocer las voces y los objetivos de los distintos actores presentes en una escena judicial específica, el proceso oral y público y la condena la Fuerza de Tareas 5 de la Armada Argentina por las violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidas por durante la última dictadura militar (1976-1983 en el cordón industrial de las localidades bonaerenses de Berisso y Ensenada y en la región del Río Santiago. Intentaremos reflexionar sobre como en dicha oportunidad el ámbito judicial fue receptivo y sirvió a la materialización de una reivindicación colectiva y de clase al componer una forma ampliada de reparación, económica, simbólica y moral, para un colectivo de trabajadores.


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    Scott Campbell


    Full Text Available The sensational trial of Richard Bruno Hauptmann for the kidnapping and murder of Charles Lindberg’s young son in 1935 marked the starting point of the debate regarding the propriety of allowing cameras in courtrooms during judicial proceedings. This debate intensified during and following the 1994-1997 trial of O.J. Simpson. At issue is how a court must weigh the Sixth Amendment right of the accused to a public trial and the First Amendment right to a free press, as well as its own interest in preserving the dignity and decorum of the courtroom. This paper examines the history, Federal rules, seminal court cases, and California rules concerning cameras in the courtroom in the context of these important Constitutional issues. This research provides qualitative data from 208 California judges that help explain some of the thinking by those who are empowered to accept or reject requests to record court proceedings.

  2. Inferencias sobre Grafos


    Sira M. Allende; Carlos N. Bouza


    El estudio de un juego puede ser modelado asumiendo que solo algunas partidas son observadas. Entonces el árbol del juego debe ser estimado utilizando información muestral. Similarmente ocurre al obtener información sobre el comportamiento de las decisiones tomadas por individuos muestreados sobre un árbol de decisión teórico. Al considerar una medida de probabilidad que caracterice el comportamiento de redes aleatorias se puede obtener un estimado del árbol asociado. Este problema es el anal...

  3. Understanding the Service Quality Perception Gaps between Judicial Servants and Judiciary Users

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    Rodrigo Murillo


    Full Text Available Judiciary service user expectations are usually not the same as ideas harbored in the minds of civil servants delivering such services. This discrepancy matches the definition of the service delivery GAP 1, as identified and assessed by SERVQUAL (Service Quality, a tool that for almost three decades has been employed worldwide in measuring service quality in many different industries and countries, in both private and public organizations. Through participant observation, semi-structured interviews and empirical data collected by SERVQUAL, this paper focuses on assessing this service delivery GAP 1 for the Second Court of Appeal within Costa Rica’s Judicial Branch.

  4. Autorización judicial de entrada en el domicilio y potestades administrativas: extensión del ámbito protegido, cuestiones procedimentales y proporcionalidad

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    Miguel Ángel Ruiz López


    Full Text Available El ejercicio de las potestades administrativas suscita una consideración desde la perspectiva del derecho fundamental a la inviolabilidad del domicilio. ¿Pero todos los lugares a los que puede acceder la Administración en el ejercicio de sus potestades constituyen domicilio, en el sentido constitucional del término? ¿Puede afirmarse que la autorización judicial es preceptiva en todos los supuestos específicos de ejercicio de potestades administrativas? En el presente trabajo se analiza la jurisprudencia constitucional y contencioso-administrativa recaída en torno al concepto de domicilio constitucional, con especial atención a su aplicación en el ámbito de las potestades administrativas. Asimismo se examinan las reglas y principios esenciales aplicables al procedimiento judicial cuando es precisa la autorización de entrada administrativa, con alusión a la competencia para otorgarla, al trámite de audiencia y al contenido mismo de la resolución judicial. The exercise of administrative powers can be analyzed from the perspective of the fundamental right to the inviolability of the home. Every place where administrative entry is possible, could be considered home in the constitutional sense of the term? Is always required authorization in any case of administrative powers exercise? This paper examines the Spanish constitutional and administrative case law around the concept of constitutional home; particularly from administrative powers point of view. It also focuses on the rules and principles applicable to judicial proceedings when entry authorization is needed, with reference to the power to grant it, the hearing process and the content of the judgment.

  5. 20 CFR 405.420 - Effect of Decision Review Board action on the right to seek judicial review. (United States)


    ... § 405.420 Effect of Decision Review Board action on the right to seek judicial review. (a)(1) Subject to... must wait for the Board to take action. The appeal rights, if any, that will be available at that time... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Effect of Decision Review Board action on the...

  6. Sobre software libre


    Matellán Olivera, Vicente; González Barahona, Jesús; Heras Quirós, Pedro de las; Robles Martínez, Gregorio


    220 p. "Sobre software libre" reune casi una treintena de ensayos sobre temas de candente actualidad relacionados con el software libre (del cual Linux es su ex- ponente más conocido). Los ensayos que el lector encontrará están divididos en bloques temáticos que van desde la propiedad intelectual o las cuestiones económicas y sociales de este modelo hasta su uso en la educación y las administraciones publicas, pasando por alguno que repasa la historia del software libre en l...

  7. Análisis de la mediación en sede judicial laboral venezolana

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    Irene María Vanderlinder de Hernández


    Full Text Available La presente investigación analiza la función mediadora del Juez en el Proceso Laboral Venezolano, a través de una Investigación Jurídica establecida por dos poblaciones una conformada en primer lugar por Jueces del Trabajo de la Circunscripción Judicial del Estado Trujillo y la segunda población conformada por las partes intervinientes en el proceso de mediación, las cuáles aportaron información a través de cuestionario validado. Atendiendo a la mediación como una institución de resolución de conflictos necesaria en la fase inicial durante el proceso laboral, por cuanto su vigencia en sede judicial deviene de mandato legal, y el papel fundamental que desempeñan las partes como protagonistas del proceso, permite que se proporcionen su propia decisión emanada de la autonomía de la voluntad asistida por la orientación del Juez Mediador, quien garantiza la irrenunciabilidad de los derechos laborales.Se concluye que la mediación no debe suplir la autocomposición de los conflictos laborales por los propios protagonistas del proceso, debiéndose considerar como un instrumento de ayuda a las partes. Se recomienda, en líneas generales, a los jueces mantener la imparcialidad y neutralidad en la función mediadora; emprendiendo un rol más activo como tercero interventor sin inducir a arreglos que no satisfacen las pretensiones de las partes.

  8. Análisis de la mediación en sede judicial laboral venezolana

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    Irene María Vanderlinder de Hernández


    Full Text Available La presente investigación analiza la función mediadora del Juez en el Proceso Laboral Venezolano, a través de una Investigación Jurídica establecida por dos poblaciones una conformada en primer lugar por Jueces del Trabajo de la Circunscripción Judicial del Estado Trujillo y la segunda población conformada por las partes intervinientes en el proceso de mediación, las cuáles aportaron información a través de cuestionario validado. Atendiendo a la mediación como una institución de resolución de conflictos necesaria en la fase inicial durante el proceso laboral, por cuanto su vigencia en sede judicial deviene de mandato legal, y el papel fundamental que desempeñan las partes como protagonistas del proceso, permite que se proporcionen su propia decisión emanada de la autonomía de la voluntad asistida por la orientación del Juez Mediador, quien garantiza la irrenunciabilidad de los derechos laborales.Se concluye que la mediación no debe suplir la auto-composición de los conflictos laborales por los propios protagonistas del proceso,debiéndose considerar como un instrumento de ayuda a las partes. Se recomienda, en líneas generales, a los jueces mantener la imparcialidad y neutralidad en la función mediadora; emprendiendo un rol más activo como tercero interventor sin inducir a arreglos que no satisfacen las pretensiones de las partes.

  9. El Principio de Responsabilidades Comunes pero Diferenciadas

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    Carlos Cerda Dueñas


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el progreso histórico del Principio de Responsabilidades Comunes pero Diferenciadas, sus orígenes en el terreno del Derecho Económico; su transición al Derecho Ambiental y los esfuerzos que los países en desarrollo realizan por su ingreso y consolidación al terreno jurídico de la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo. El activismo que los países en desarrollo, especialmente los categorizados como Países de Renta Media, han desplegado para obtener el reconocimiento del principio, se debe a que ostentan altos niveles de pobreza e inequidad y actualmente no reciben o reciben menos Ayuda Oficial al Desarrollo, pero sobre todo radica en la indicación que se les ha hecho de la obligación de actuar como donantes y asumir responsabilidades en material de desarrollo.

  10. From to the Liberal State into the Social and Democratic State of Law: Analysis of the Emergence of Judicial Activism

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    Alexandre Luna da Cunha


    Full Text Available This article will examine the relationship between the judiciary and the effectiveness of social rights and, consequently, the vaunted judicial activism. More specifically, the article will answer the following question: the role of the judiciary has changed with the development of state models? Article develop their problem by analyzing the function of the judiciary in each of these rule of law models: the Liberal, Social (in spite of that State have not been fully implemented in Brazil and the Democratic. To do so, take into account the relationship between the established powers republish, social movement for the conquest of rights and assertiveness of a new generation of rights. The "Judicial activism" is analyzed as the practical consequence of a new constitutionalism, more guided in the realization of social rights outlined in the constitutions of democratic character.

  11. Tributos sobre a folha ou sobre o faturamento? Efeitos quantitativos para o Brasil

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    Tiago V Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Este artigo estuda os impactos alocativos e de bem-estar de uma reforma tributária que substitui os impostos sobre a folha de salários por outro que incide sobre a receita. Para isso, desenvolve-se um modelo neoclássico de crescimento econômico com impostos sobre a receita e sobre a folha de salários. As simulações com parâmetros da economia brasileira mostram que tal reforma tributária tem um efeito negativo no bem-estar, no estoque de capital de longo prazo e consequentemente no produto per capita de longo prazo. Contudo, o emprego aumenta.This paper studies the impacts of a tax reform which substitutes taxes on labor income by taxes on total revenue. In order to accomplish that, we construct and solve a general equilibrium neoclassical growth model with taxes on labor income and total revenue. The numerical simulations with Brazilian parameters show that such tax reforms would negatively affect welfare, the capital stock, and consequently per capita output. However, employment would increase. Such effects are quantitatively important.

  12. La justicia del accidente, variaciones sobre el síndrome del Síndrome del Aceite Tóxico Español

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    Javier Izquierdo-martín


    Full Text Available El 1 de mayo de 2001 se celebró oficialmente en España el veinte aniversario del primer fallecimiento ocasionado por el llamado «Síndrome del Aceite Tóxico Español» (Spanish Toxic Oil Syndrome o STOS, una desconocida y mortal patología médica, asociada con un extraño episodio de intoxicación alimentaria a gran escala, cuyo agente causal, presumiblemente de origen industrial, sigue sin ser identificado. Con sus más de 1.100 muertos y 25.000 afectados, la catástrofe sanitaria del STOS está considerada el más grave envenenamiento masivo ocurrido en Europa durante el siglo XX. La carrera judicial del «caso» STOS, donde destacan dos importantes sentencias dictadas por la Audiencia Nacional (1989 y 1996 y sus correspondientes recursos de casación resueltos por el Tribunal Supremo (1992 y 1997, ofrece, por su parte, uno de los expedientes legales más complejos y controvertidos de la moderna historia jurídica española. La disputa sobre las causas materiales y las responsabilidades legales del caso se aborda aquí desde el punto de vista de los estudios culturales sobre el derecho. Para iluminar con otra luz los dilemas cognitivos y morales anudados en el expediente del STOS me serviré de la jurisprudencia narrativa extraída del filme Dulce Porvenir y de la novela homónima de la que fue adaptado.


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    Matheus Rodrigues dos Santos Silva


    Full Text Available A repressão à sexualidade foi responsável por estabelecer o modelo de família patriarcal e heterossexual. Entretanto, os casais homoafetivos buscam inserir-se no Direito como unidades familiares baseadas no afeto. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o conflito de concepções de família em sua positivação legal. Para isso, compara as definições do papel e das funções da família nos projetos de lei apresentados ao Congresso pela Frente Parlamentar Evangélica (FPE que negam a diversidade das experiências sexuais com as decisões do STF e do CNJ favoráveis ao casamento homoafetivo. Busca-se apoio na historiografia para situar na história cultural do país a moral religiosa sobre a família e a sexualidade. Analisa as decisões judiciais à luz da Teoria Tridimensional do Direito, que permite considerar como fato social a unidade familiar formada por pessoas do mesmo sexo. Conclui-se que a FPE busca a retomada do modelo tradicional, utilizando-se de práticas discursivas que remontam às falas dos padres coloniais. Por outro lado, o modelo do afeto surge dos fatos da sociedade e da atuação do Judiciário.

  14. Investigación educativa reciente sobre México


    Núñez-DelaPeña, Francisco J.; Mejía-Arauz, Rebeca


    Se presenta una muestra de la investigación educativa sobre México: 22 disertaciones doctorales aceptadas en universidades norteamericanas entre 1982 y 1984. Dos estudios conciernen a la teoría del capital humano; cinco tratan diversos aspectos relacionados con la administración educativa; uno es sobre la televisión; otro sobre las habilidades fonéticas de los niños; uno más es sobre profesionalización de los médicos; cuatro tocan aspectos de política educativa; tres tratan sobre los maestros...

  15. Predicting judicial decisions of the European Court of Human Rights: a Natural Language Processing perspective

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    Nikolaos Aletras


    Full Text Available Recent advances in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning provide us with the tools to build predictive models that can be used to unveil patterns driving judicial decisions. This can be useful, for both lawyers and judges, as an assisting tool to rapidly identify cases and extract patterns which lead to certain decisions. This paper presents the first systematic study on predicting the outcome of cases tried by the European Court of Human Rights based solely on textual content. We formulate a binary classification task where the input of our classifiers is the textual content extracted from a case and the target output is the actual judgment as to whether there has been a violation of an article of the convention of human rights. Textual information is represented using contiguous word sequences, i.e., N-grams, and topics. Our models can predict the court’s decisions with a strong accuracy (79% on average. Our empirical analysis indicates that the formal facts of a case are the most important predictive factor. This is consistent with the theory of legal realism suggesting that judicial decision-making is significantly affected by the stimulus of the facts. We also observe that the topical content of a case is another important feature in this classification task and explore this relationship further by conducting a qualitative analysis.


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    Mayra Franke


    Full Text Available Se planteó la hipótesis de que el uso de las formas no personales del verbo era más frecuente, en comparación con las formas conjugadas, en el lenguaje judicial guatemalteco. El análisis se basó en un corpus de 63 páginas (1781 verbos. Después del estudio, se rechazó la hipótesis, puesto que las formas personales se emplearon con mayor frecuencia frente a las no personales (62% frente al 38%. Además, se descubrió que la forma no personal más utilizada fue la del participio (22.8% y que el uso de verbos simples duplicaba el uso del participio (46%. Los pronombres enclíticos en infinitivos, gerundios y perífrasis verbales aparecieron en un 13.3% y los usos incorrectos de las formas no personales variaron entre el 1% y el 37%, lo cual reveló que el gerundio es la forma no personal con más usos inadecuados en el lenguaje judicial guatemalteco.

  17. The rational reconstruction of weighing and balancing on the basis of teleological-evaluative considerations in the justification of judicial decisions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Feteris, E.T.


    In this contribution the author develops an argumentation model for the reconstruction of weighing and balancing on the basis of teleological-evaluative considerations. The model is intended as a heuristic and critical tool for the rational reconstruction of the justification of judicial decisions.

  18. Impact of Evidence Type and Judicial Warning on Juror Perceptions of Global and Specific Witness Evidence. (United States)

    Wheatcroft, Jacqueline M; Keogan, Hannah


    The Court of Appeal in England and Wales held (R. v. Sardar, 2012) there had been no exceptional circumstances that justified a jury retiring with a transcript of the complainant's interview. This paper reports an investigation into the impact multiple evidence forms and use of a judicial warning has on juror evaluations of a witness. The warning focuses juror attention on placing disproportionate weight on the evidence as opposed to their general impression of it. Sixty jury-eligible participants were presented with witness evidence in transcript, video, or transcript plus video format. Half the participants in each condition received the warning. All mock jurors completed a questionnaire which assessed perceptions of witness and task. Outcomes showed that transcript plus video evidence, when accompanied by a warning, did impact on mock jurors' global assessments of the witness. The warning made the task less clear for jurors and, in the video condition, led to higher ratings of how satisfactory and reliable the witness was. Findings support the provision of a judicial warning to jurors and show some initial support for judiciary opposition to the provision of an additional transcript only when jurors are asked to make the more usual global witness assessments.

  19. Judicial control of administrative activity and advantages of reorganization of the juridical system in the Republic of Kosovo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Florent Muçaj


    In the last part of the paper there are clear and consistent conclusions and significant recommendations relating to general views about judicial control, with particular emphasis on their practical implementation in the Republic of Kosovo and the way of adjustment with the reforms in the field of administrative justice which are at the beginnings of the implementation.

  20. Análisis sobre la factibilidad de implementar un producto de derivados sobre gas natural en Colombia


    Dowd Aguirre, Jessica Alexandra; Tirado Naranjo, Lina María


    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis sobre la factibilidad de implementar un producto de derivados sobre gas natural en Colombia dado el desarrollo del sector y la importancia de este hidrocarburo como fuente alternativa de generación eléctrica. 73 p. Contenido parcial: Situación actual del mercado de gas natural colombiano -- Expectativas del mercado de gas natural colombiano -- Mercados de derivados sobre gas natural en Europa y Estados Unidos -- Mercado de gas natural ...