
Sample records for vin dizel ne

  1. La production mondiale des vins

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    Pierre GALET


    On sait peu de choses précises sur l'origine de la culture de la vigne en Gaule. Il est probable qu'il existait des lambrusques sauvages dans les forêts et les sous-bois dont les habitants récoltaient les raisins pour les consommer à l'état frais et peut-être en tiraient-ils aussi une boisson fermentée comme ils le faisaient pour l'orge ou pour le miel (hydromel. Il est vraisemblable aussi que les navigateurs phocéens, venus commercer sur les rivages de la Méditerranée, apportèrent du vin aux gaulois, leur apprirent à tailler la vigne et finalement, en établissant des comptoirs, amenèrent des boutures de vignes de leur propre pays. On sait que les gaulois apprécièrent très vite le vin et ce fut une des raisons de leurs invasion de la Toscane pour y consommer sur place cette « boisson magique ». Plus tard avec l'occupation romaine la culture de la vigne s'étendit dans toute la province narbonnaise, dans la vallée du Rhône jusqu'aux portes de Lyon, puis en Aquitaine. A leur tour les romains se mirent à apprécier les vins gaulois, de qualité supérieure à ceux récoltés en Italie sur les Hautains. A l'aide de la navigation fluviale sur le Rhône les vins gagnèrent Rome, ainsi que ceux embarqués dans les petits ports du rivage méditerranéen. Puis au cours des siècles et grâce notamment aux religieux catholiques la vigne se répandit dans toutes les provinces. A la veille de la Révolution, en 1788, on estimait la superficie cultivée à 1.567.000 hectares, produisant 27 millions d'hectolitres. Au cours du XIXe siècle, les plantations augmentèrent en raison des facilités de transport que permettait l'établissement des lignes de chemin de fer. Le ravitaillement des grandes villes fut assuré par la création d'un important vignoble dans le Midi. En 1875, la superficie cultivée dépassait 2,4 millions d'hectares et la France produisit 83,8 millions d'hectolitres, record absolu qui ne fut jamais plus atteint depuis. La crise phyllox

  2. Effet de l’obturateur sur l’évolution de la qualité sensorielle du vin


    Monteiro De Araujo Silva, Maria Adelaide


    L’évolution des vins lors de la conservation en bouteille est un processus lent et complexe où les obturateurs jouent un rôle fondamental, conséquence directe de leur perméabilité à l’oxygène mais aussi des interactions physico-chimiques avec les constituants du vin.Dans un premier temps nous avons étudié l’effet de la conservation en bouteille des vins de Sauvignon blanc après 24 mois d’embouteillage. Dans cette étude, la combinaison des conditions de mise en bouteille et des taux de transfe...

  3. Indikatorski pokazatelji rada dizel motora sa dizel gorivom D-2, biodizelom RME i njihovim mešavinama / Pressure analyse indicatory diagrams of diesel engine with diesel fuel D-2, biodiesel RME and their mixture

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    Aleksandar Bukvić


    Full Text Available S obzirom na to da su rezerve nafte, odnosno goriva mineralnog porekla ograničene, sve je aktuelniji trend istraživanja obnovljivih izvora goriva radi supstitucije konvencionalnih goriva. Uposlednje vreme u svetu je aktuelna tendencija supstitucije mineralnih goriva za dizel motore gorivima na bazi biljnih kultura. Direktiva Evropske unije ukazuje na neophodnost supstitucije fosilnog dizel goriva sa 0,75% biogoriva godišnje. U ukupnoj potrošnji biogorivo treba da učestvuje sa 5,75% do 2010. godine, a do 2020. godine sa 20%. U radu su prikazane tehnologije dobijanja biodizela i rezultati ispitivanja dizel motora S-44 sa primenom dizel goriva D-2, biodizela RME i njihovih mešavina. Rezultati navode na konstataciju da je potrebno dalje poboljšavati kvalitet takvih goriva, a naročito njihovih fizičko-hemijskih karakteristika, u skladu sa predloženim standardom za biodizel. / In view of the fact that the reserves of petroleum, i.e. of fuels mineral origin are limited, the trend of research of renewable sources is more and more actual, with the aim to substitute conventional fuels. During the last years, the trend of substituting gasohol of mineral origin with the fuels deriving from vegetable culture is actual world-wide. EU directives are pointed out that is necessary to substitute fossil diesel with 0,75% of biofuel per year. In total consumption of fuels for transportation, to 2010 the biofuel should participate with 5,75% and with 20% to 2020. In this review are technology of biodiesel production and research diesel-motor S-44 with use diesel D-2 fuel, biodiesel RME and their mixtures. The results of the researches suggest that further improvement of such fuels is necessary, and particularly of the physical and chemical characteristics, according to the proposed standard/or biodiesel.

  4. Migracija dizel goriva izlivenog u slojeve zemljišta / Migration of diesel fuel spilled in subsurface layers of soil

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    Mladen Vuruna


    Full Text Available U radu su prikazane osnovne fizičko-hemijske karakteristike dizel goriva i zemljišta. Objašnjena je migracija izlivenog naftnog zagađivača kroz vertikalni profil zemljišta. U eksperimentalnom delu ispitivane su koncentracije dizel goriva i relativne koncentracije n-alkana u površinskim slojevima peska, u koje gorivo dospeva kao posledica akcidentnog izlivanja. Utvrđeno je da se koncentracije dizel goriva menjaju sa vremenom nakon izlivanja u svim ispitivanim slojevima. Takođe, utvrđeno je da se dizel gorivo, kao potencijalni zagađivač, u prvih šest nedelja, uglavnom, zadržava u površinskom sloju dubine 30 cm, a objašnjene su i mogućnosti sanacije zagađenog zemljišta. / The basic physical and chemical properties of both diesel fuel and soil have been given in this article and oil pollutants migration through vertical soil profile have been explained as well. In the experimental part of the paper both the concentrations of diesel fuel and relative concentrations of n-alkynes spilled in sandy soil by accident have been investigated. It has been proven that the concentrations of diesel fuel have changed in all layers of soil depending on the time after spill. Diesel fuel as possible pollutant has been retained 30 cm deep in sandy soil during six weeks after spill. Finally, cleanup techniques of polluted soil have been explained.

  5. Metil ve Etil Ester Kullanılan Bir Common-Rail Dizel Motorda Performans, Yanma ve Enjeksiyon Karakteristiklerinin Karşılaştırılması

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    Ertan ALPTEKİN


    Full Text Available Biyodizel, dünyada kullanımı yaygınlaşan yenilebilir ve alternatif bir dizel yakıtıdır. Biyodizel üretiminde kullanılan alkol büyük önem arz etmekte ve üretilen biyodizelin yakıt özelliklerini doğrudan etkilemektedir. Farklı yakıt özellikleri, dizel motorlarda farklı yakıt enjeksiyon ve yanma karakteristiklerine sebep olabilmektedir. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada, metanol ve etanol kullanılarak üretilen iki farklı ester yakıtı ve saf motorin, common-rail yakıt enjeksiyon sistemine sahip bir dizel motorda üç farklı motor yükü (50 Nm, 100 Nm ve 150 Nm ve 2000 dev/dk sabit motor devrinde deney yakıtı olarak kullanılmıştır. Bu yakıtların performans, yanma ve yakıt enjeksiyon analizi karşılaştırmalı olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deney sonuçlarına göre, etil ve metil ester kullanımıyla özgül yakıt tüketimi (ÖYT motorine kıyasla artış göstermiştir. Etil ve metil ester yakıtlarının silindir içi basıncı ve ısı yayılımı değerleri tüm deney şartlarında motorine kıyasla daha yüksek olmuştur. Yakıt enjeksiyon karakteristikleri, yakıt tipi ve motor yüküne bağlı olarak farklılık göstermiştir.

  6. Vasić pre Vinče (1900-1908

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    Aleksandar Palavestra


    Full Text Available Lik i delo Miloja Vasića predstavljaju skup čpoštovanih opštih mestač srpske arheologije. Uzdignut na pijedestal rodonačelnika discipline s ikoničnim značajem, Miloje M. Vasić (1869-1956 se među srpskim arheolozima i u široj javnosti doživljava u skladu s opšteprihvaćenim i stereotipiziranim kanonom: da je u pitanju velikan srpske nauke, prvi srpski školovani arheolog, dugogodišnji profesor arheologije na Filozofskom fakultetu, upravnik Narodnog muzeja i istraživač jednog od najznačajnijih praistorijskih lokaliteta u Srbiji, neolitske Vinče. Namera mi je bila da radove Miloja M. Vasića iz perioda 1900-1908. pročitam u kombinovanom internalističko-eksternalistič- kom ključu istorije discipline, ali i da njegove lične motive i dileme i protumačim bez naslaga uobičajenih poštovanih opštih mesta. Još od 1906. Miloje Vasić marljivo izgrađuje svoju paradigmu u kojoj sve praistorijske lokalitete iz šire oblasti srpskog Podunavlja tumači u ključu egejskog sveta. Pri tome praistoriju na srpskom tlu ne smatra samo bledim odrazom udaljene mediteranske svetlosti, već punopravnim, mada siromašnijim ogrankom egejske porodice. Sva Vasićeva potonja pogrešna hronološka podešavanja i snižavanja datiranja Vinče i drugih praistorijskih lokaliteta isključivo su bila u funkciji izgrađivanja i učvršćivanja tog izmaštanog modela egejskog sveta na Dunavu i njegovog približavanja egejskoj i grčkoj matici. Još pre nego što je i započeo iskopavanje neolitske Vinče 1908. Miloje Vasić je bio čvrsto uveren u svoju zabludu da je taj lokalitet grandiozna emanacija bronzanog doba Egeje.

  7. La production mondiale des vins

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    Pierre GALET


     Le continent européen constitue le principal foyer de la culture de la vigne. Il vient en tête, non seulement par l'importance de la superficie cultivée, mais également par le volume global de la récolte et par la qualité des produits qui y sont récoltés : vins fins rouges, rosés et blancs, vins mousseux, vins de dessert ou vins généreux, eaux-de-vie, raisins de table frais et raisins secs. Les pays européens sont également les principaux consommateurs de vins du monde et la majeure partie des échanges commerciaux se font vers l'Europe ou partent de ce continent.

  8. Warm Dark Matter from keVins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, Stephen F.; Merle, Alexander


    We propose a simple model for Warm Dark Matter (WDM) in which two fermions are added to the Standard Model: (quasi-) stable ''keVins'' (keV inert fermions) which account for WDM and their unstable brothers, the ''GeVins'' (GeV inert fermions), both of which carry zero electric charge and zero lepton number, and are (approximately) ''inert'', in the sense that their only interactions are via suppressed couplings to the Z. We consider scenarios in which stable keVins are thermally produced and their abundance is subsequently diluted by entropy production from the decays of the heavier unstable GeVins. This mechanism could be implemented in a wide variety of models, including E 6 inspired supersymmetric models or models involving sterile neutrinos

  9. Copper processing in Vinča: New contributions to the thesis about metallurgical character of Vinča culture

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    Antonović Dragana A.


    Full Text Available Abundant hand written documentation from excavations of Vinča (1908–1934 offers sufficient evidence that confirms the thesis established by investigator of Vinča M. M. Vasić himself that Vinča was metallurgical center. After comparing these data with the finds related to early copper processing on other sites of the central Balkans (Belovode, Pločnik, Gornja Tuzla, Fafos, Selevac it could be assumed that Vinča culture was acquainted with metallurgy from its very outset. This assumption is supported by similar finds from other sides of the world (Tymna, Chinflon, Batán Grande and even more so the results of experimental copper processing.

  10. Dosage de l'acide nitro-5 furylacrylique dans les vins blancs (1

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    Suzanne Lafon-Lafourcade


    Rappelons que l'acide nitro-5 furylacrylique est une substance jaune, inodore et sans saveur, stable à la lumière et à la chaleur. Ses sels de sodium et de potassium sont très solubles dans l'eau, dans l'alcool et le méthanol, mais insolubles dans les solvants non miscibles à l'eau. Le 5-NFA ne distille pas et n'est pas entraînable par la vapeur d'eau. (1 Travail réalisé en collaboration avec le Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux.

  11. Vinča bowls with protoma

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    Spasić Miloš P.


    Full Text Available Bowls with protoma represent one of several tens of types of Vinča vessels made of baked clay which have been published as finds excavated at Vinča sites for more than a century. We are dealing here with bowls of a markedly conical profile, with angled and slightly rounded walls and with a flat or slightly annular bottom. In most cases these bowls are not decorated, with the exception of the rare finds decorated by fluting, engraving and polishing. Their most significant peculiarity is the presence of four or eight protoma on the rim, facing the inside of the vessel. Taking into consideration all stylistic-typological characteristics, it is possible to divide them into two coherent categories of finds. The first consists of bowls with four oppositely placed protoma. Within this group it is possible to single out two subtypes, bowls with all four as anthropomorphic (Pl. I/6, 7; Pl. III/34 or all four as zoomorphic representations (Pl. I/5, 8, 9; Pl. III/33, 36. Bowls with eight protoma have actually got four pairs of oppositely placed representations. It was possible to discern two subtypes based on the objects that were completely preserved. The first subtype includes a bowl from the so-called Vinča ritual set, with two pairs of zoomorphic and two pairs of anthropomorphic protoma, both oppositely placed (Pl. I/3. The second subtype includes a bowl from house 1/2010 from Stubline with four identical, paired, totally stylised and schematised representations, whose identification is impossible (Fig. 1; Pl. I/1. Taking into consideration the metric and technological data, the thesis that seems most possible is that the bowls with protoma served for the consumption of or the storing/displaying of the content during some quite specific activities. Bowls with protoma appear in almost all regions of the central Balkans populated by Vinča culture communities and we do not note them in the areas of the neighbouring Late Neolithic communities. These

  12. Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Mn2VIn (001) films: An ab initio study (United States)

    Zipporah, Muthui; Robinson, Musembi; Julius, Mwabora; Arti, Kashyap


    First principles study of the magnetic anisotropy of Mn2VIn (001) films show perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA), which increases as a function of the thickness of the film. Density functional theory (DFT) as implemented in the Vienna Ab initio simulation package (VASP) is employed here to perform a comprehensive theoretical investigation of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of the Mn2VIn(001) films of varying thickness. Our calculations were performed on fully relaxed structures, with five to seventeen mono layers (ML). The degree of spin polarization is higher in the (001) Mn2VIn thin films as compared to the bulk in contrast to what is usually the case and as in Mn2VAl, which is isoelectronic to Mn2VIn as well as inCo2VIn (001) films studied for comparison. Tetragonal distortions are found in all the systems after relaxation. The distortion in the Mn2VIn system persists even for the 17ML thin film, resulting in PMA in the Mn2VIn system. This significant finding has potential to contribute to spin transfer torque (STT) and magnetic random access memory MRAM applications, as materials with PMA derived from volume magnetocrystalline anisotropy are being proposed as ideal magnetic electrodes.

  13. Entrevista com Vinícius Pereira

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    Pereira, Vinícius Andrade


    Full Text Available Vinícius Andrade Pereira é professor adjunto da UERJ e da ESPM, e pesquisa tecnologias da comunicação, cibercultura, arte midiática, linguagens publicitárias em mídias digitais e as materialidades dos meios. Vinícius tem especial interesse na Escola de Toronto de Comunicação, onde obteve formação complementar de doutorado (2001, dentro do Mcluhan Program in Culture and Technology. Assim, o pesquisador foi convidado a palestrar no Seminário Internacional da Comunicação, que teve como temática a obra de Marshall Mcluhan, e a conceder entrevista que publicamos neste número da Sessões do Imaginário

  14. Influence des conditions d'élevage et de sulfitage des vins rouges en barriques sur leur teneur en acide acétique et en éthyl-phenols

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    Pascal Chatonnet


    En plus de la dose, les conditions de sulfitage des vins et des barriques sont également importantes. L'apport d'une quantité de SO2 non inférieure à 7 g par fût sous forme gazeuse dans un fût vide permet simultanément la désinfection des douelles et le sulfitage des vins. A dosage identique, avec un sulfitage direct du vin, le développement de Brettanomyces intermedius n'est pas inhibé et les vins risquent de présenter un caractère phénolé désagréable en fin d'élevage. Par ailleurs, les sulfitages à la mèche ou à la pastille ne possèdent pas la même efficacité. Si à quantité de soufre identique le méchage à la pastille procure un sulfitage presque deux fois plus important, selon l'origine et les méthodes de fabrication employées, les pastilles de soufre possèdent une stabilité au vieillissement variable se traduisant par des sulfitages irréguliers en fonction de leur âge et de leurs conditions de stockage. La présence d'une charge non combustible hygroscopique entrant dans la composition de certaines pastilles de soufre est responsable de cette instabilité.

  15. Etude de l'ensemencement des vins par les bactéries de la fermentation malolactique

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    Full Text Available L'aboutissement logique des études sur les bactéries de la fermentation malolactique est la maîtrise de cette transformation. On peut espérer la contrôler grâce à une bonne connaissance des exigences bactériennes, à la condition bien entendu que la microflore spontanée ait les qualités requises. Or cette microflore naturelle est variée et dispersée en de multiples espèces qui ne semblent pas uniformément répandues. Dans ces conditions, on peut craindre que certains vins conservent de l'acide malique par insuffisance quantitative ou qualitative de l'ensemencement naturel.

  16. Une prospective pour la filière française des vins biologiques

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    Aigrain Patrick


    Full Text Available La viticulture biologique française est une filière dynamique. Si certaines évolutions de la demande de bio sont similaires à celles observées pour le vin conventionnel (rosé, Bag-in-box, …, d'autres comme la demande de vins sans sulfites ou de vins « vegan » interpellent plus spécifiquement ce segment. La filière des vins bio se trouve à la fois devoir respecter la règlementation viticole et celle de la production en bio, que ce soit par le cahier des charges de production de la matière première « raisin » que de sa transformation en vin. Elle doit satisfaire des consommateurs exigeants et fédérer des producteurs passionnés parfois jusqu'à l'excès. Face à cette forte dynamique de développement soutenue par une demande qui contourne partiellement les circuits classiques de distribution, la filière française des vins bio (France Vins Bio a souhaité mener un exercice de prospective conduit par FranceAgriMer et Montpellier SupAgro. La présente communication va présenter, après un rappel des grands principes et de la méthode de prospective utilisée, les thématiques explorées, les principales hypothèses combinées et l'essentiel des scénarios sur lesquels elles débouchent.

  17. The association of pre-treatment HPV subtypes with recurrence of VIN. (United States)

    Bogani, Giorgio; Martinelli, Fabio; Ditto, Antonino; Signorelli, Mauro; Taverna, Francesca; Lombardo, Claudia; Chiappa, Valentina; Leone Roberti Maggiore, Umberto; Recalcati, Dario; Scaffa, Cono; Perotto, Stefania; Sabatucci, Ilaria; Indini, Alice; Lorusso, Domenica; Raspagliesi, Francesco


    To assess whether pre-treatment HPV types are associated with recurrence of high-grade vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN2+). Data of consecutive patients with pretreatment HPV DNA test undergoing treatment for VIN2+ were retrospectively collected. Risk factors promoting the risk of VIN2+ persistence and recurrence were analyzed using Kaplan-Meier and Cox hazard proportional models. 64 patients had pretreatment vulvar-vaginal HPV DNA test. Two were excluded due to the presence of synchronous vulvar cancer, thus leaving 62 patients for the final analysis. HPV16, HPV18, HPV31 and HPV33 were the most common HPV genotype detected, occurring in 15 (24.2%), 4 (6.5%), 8 (12.9%) and 5 (8.0%) patients, respectively. HPV was not detected in 19 (30.6%) patients. During a mean (SD) follow up of 56.7 (±26.7) months, 10 (16.1%) patients had VIN2+ persistence/recurrence. Mean (SD) lesion-free interval was 51.7 (±31.4) months. Via multivariate analysis, pretreatment infection from HPV31 (HR:46.7(95%CI:4.21,518.4); p=0.02) and HPV33 (HR:77.0(95%CI:6.73,881.9); p<0.001) correlated with an increased risk of VIN2+ persistence/recurrence. Additionally, we observed that patients undergoing surgical excision followed by LASER ablation experienced a trend towards lower recurrence rate than patients undergoing other surgical or medical treatments (HR:0.20(95%CI:0.03,1.09); p=0.05). Two (3.2%) patients developed progression to vulvar cancer. Owing to the inherent biases of the retrospective study design and the small sample size, our data have to be corroborated by larger and prospective studies. HPV31 and HPV33 have a potential role in predicting VIN2+ persistence/recurrence. These findings will be paramount, owing to the implementation of new immunization programs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Biyodizel ve Karışımlarının Kullanıldığı bir Dizel Motorda Performans ve Emisyon Analizi

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    Ahmet Necati ÖZSEZEN


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmada, atık palmiye yağı kökenli biyodizel ve petrol kökenli dizel yakıtı (PKDY ile karışımlarının, bir dizel motordaki performans ve emisyon karakteristikleri üç boyutlu haritalar üzerinden analiz edilmiştir. Biyodizel ve karışımlarının performans ve emisyon karakterlerini belirlemek amacıyla, motor tam yük ve değişik devir testlerine tabi tutulmuştur. Analiz sonucunda, karışımdaki biyodizel oranı arttıkça PKDY'a göre özgül yakıt tüketiminde artış olduğu, motorun döndürme momentinde ise azalma meydana geldiği tespit edilmiştir. Emisyon analizi sonucunda ise, karışımdaki biyodizel oranı ile ilişkili olarak PKDY'a kıyasla yanmamış hidrokarbon (HC, karbon monoksit (CO ve duman koyuluğu emisyonlarında iyileşmeler olduğu, bununla birlikte karbon dioksit (CO2 ve azot oksit (NOx emisyonlarının motor devrine göre kararlı bir yapı sergilemediği belirlenmiştir.

  19. Désadification biologique des vins par les levures de fleur

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    Le processus de désacidification bactérienne du vin par la fermentation malolactique est bien connu. Le vin acquiert ainsi une plus grande souplesse au goût et une stabilité biologique indispensable à sa conservation en bouteilles. Cependant, les levures Schizosaccharomyces pombe peuvent aussi fermenter l'acide malique (RIBÉREAU-GAYON et PEYNAUD, 1962. TARANTOLA et GANDINI, 1967 ont décrit des essais semi-industriels de désacidification biologique d'un moût blanc piémontais ; provoquée aussi bien par l'ensemencement de bactéries malolactiques  que de Schizosaccharomyces pombe.

  20. Pottery versus sediment: Optically stimulated luminescence dating of the Neolithic Vinča culture, Serbia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bate, Stephen; Stevens, Thomas; Buylaert, Jan-Pieter


    Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was applied to the Neolithic Vinča culture's type-site, Vinča Belo-Brdo, to establish best protocols for routine luminescence dating of similar Holocene sites, critical in understanding Neolithic to Chalcolithic cultural development. Equivalent dose ...

  1. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of vicenisaminyltransferase VinC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nango, Eriko; Minami, Atsushi; Kumasaka, Takashi; Eguchi, Tadashi


    The crystallization of VinC, a glycosyltransferase involved in the biosynthesis of the antitumour antibiotic vicenistatin, is reported. A recombinant glycosyltransferase, VinC, from Streptomyces halstedii HC34 has been crystallized at 293 K using PEG 3350 as precipitant. The diffraction pattern of the crystal extends to 2.0 Å resolution at 100 K using synchrotron radiation at SPring-8. The crystals are orthorhombic and belong to space group I222, with unit-cell parameters a = 98.21, b = 130.39, c = 140.11 Å. The presence of two molecules per asymmetric unit gives a crystal volume per protein weight (V M ) of 2.43 Å 3 Da −1 and a solvent content of 49.5% by volume

  2. Flavours – det smakar doft : Upplevelsen av mat och vin i kombination


    Hult, Jonas; Lagnetoft, David; Nygren, Nadia


    Inledning: Den vetenskapliga förankringen om mat och vin i kombination är låg. Upplevelsenav en måltid involverar alla de mänskliga sinnena, vilket således har gjort den svår att mäta.Hur stor roll spelar egentligen grundsmakerna och krävs det ytterligare element för att lyfta enkombination av mat och vin till högre höjder?Bakgrund: Förutom smaklökarna på tungan som bildar den grundläggande uppfattningen avdet vi stoppar i munnen, är det främst munkänsla och flavours som bidrar till helheten ...

  3. Nõela all : Igakuine vinüülitutvustus / Stony Place

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Stony Place


    Uutest vinüülplaatidest Daddy's Favourite "I Feel Good Things For You", Kenny Lattimore "Days Like This", 70̀ s Age "Reach For The Sky","Grindlocked EP", Bill Riley "Closing In EP", Moodymann "Forevernevermore", Frankie Valentine "Staring In The face Of Extinction", "Norman Jay presents Philadelphia" International 1973-81"

  4. 12" : Igakuine vinüülitutvustus / Märt Milter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Milter, Märt


    Vinüülplaatidest Electro Ct "Metropolis Musica EP", Le Castor ja Chaotik Ramses "Different bass", Le Castor "Metropolis Musica Part 2 EP", DJ Suv EP, Use of Weapons "Mojo Woman"/ Harmonic 33 "Planet Earth", Solid State (State of the Art) "The State of Grace", J Majik "Manhunt"/ "Loaded" ja "Hot Sauce :Chill Funk Records"

  5. Utilisation de quelques éléments minéraux dans la différenciation des vins de Galice

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    María J. Latorre


    Full Text Available La composition métallique de 44 vins de 6 cépages différents a été étudiée. Tous les cépages ont été cultivés sur le même type de terrain avec des conditions identiques. Les vins ont été élaborés en suivant les mêmes procédés de vinification. Les techniques de pattern recognition (analyse en composantes principales, analyse discriminante et KNN ont été appliquées aux données métalliques obtenues. La teneur métallique des vins est en rapport avec le cépage correspondant pour Mencía, Godello et Jerez. Des teneurs métalliques similaires ont été trouvées dans les vins des cépages Treixadura, Torrontés et Dona Branca.

  6. Vertebrate fauna of Vinča - Belo Brdo: Excavation campaigns 1998-2003

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    Dimitrijević Vesna


    Full Text Available Vertebrate remains from the Late Vinča layers of the site Belo Brdo in the present day village of Vinča are studied. These include the bones of mammals birds, tortoises, fish, in addition to mollusc shells. The most important are remains of mammals, among which domestic animals slightly outnumber game. Five species of domestic animal are present: dog, and four economically important species - cattle, pigs, sheep and goats. Cattle bones preponderate within domestic animals, but pig remains are also numerous. Red deer, wild boar and roe deer are the most frequently hunted prey. Birds were rarely hunted, but fishing was a regular activity. Occasionally, tortoises and river clams were collected as an additional food supply.

  7. An archaeological experiment and new knowledge about the chipped stone industry from the Vinča culture

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    Vera Bogosavljević Petrović


    Preliminary results essentially influenced our determination of the methods applied for reduction sequences during the Vinča culture. A significant result was achieved with the first quantifications of raw materials for making tools, such as a sickle and needs during one season, as well as with the precise definition of areas of sown land necessary for maintenance of an average Vinča family.

  8. De la fermentiscibilité malolactique des vins : interactions levures-bactéries

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    Full Text Available Les phénomènes d'antagonisme levures-bactéries dans les vins ont été décrits pour la première fois par PASTEUR en 1873. Plus récemment, MILISAVLJEVIC (1958, FLESCH et JERCHEL (1960 ont montré que le temps de latence de la fermentation malolactique était lié en particulier à la souche de levure impliquée dans la fermentation alcoolique. Peu après RIBEREAU-GAYON et PEYNAUD (1960, PEYNAUD et DUPUY (1964 FORNACHON (1968 ont observé une inhibition totale de certaines bactéries lactiques dans des vins fermentés par des souches déterminées de levures dont quelques-unes appartiennent au genre Saccharomyces ellipsoideus. Par contre, dans une étude détaillée des croissances mixtes levures-bactéries en milieu nutritif sucré, BOIDRON (1969 a relevé une influence favorable des levures sur les bactéries, influence qui s'avère plus ou moins durable selon que les bactéries concernées sont jeunes ou plus âgées. PEYNAUD (1967 a vérifié, par ailleurs, l'efficacité des levains mixtes (levures-bactéries pour l'induction de la fermentation malolactique dans les vins.

  9. Copper minerals and archaeometallurgical materials from the Vinča culture sites of Belovode and Pločnik: Overview of the evidence and new data

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    Radivojević Miljana


    Full Text Available The Vinča culture sites of Belovode and Pločnik have been attracting scholarly attention for decades now, due to numerous discoveries indicative of copper mineral and metal use in these settlements, which are confirmed as, currently, the earliest worldwide and very likely developed independently in Eurasia.1 The authors attempt to give an overview of already published data along with new results stemming from the recently completed doctoral research of the primary author.2 All materials related to copper mineral use and pyrometallurgical activities are presented through the concept of metallurgical chaîne opératoire, following the established sequence of operations,3 which is adjusted for this specific case study and divided into three categories: copper mineral processing, (smelting debris, and the making and working of finished metal objects. The qualitative overview of available data is therefore focused mainly around the material side of the studied samples and provides an insight into the technological choices for making copper mineral ornaments and copper metal artefacts in the sites of Belovode and Pločnik. Accordingly, it provides a model for the understanding of similar material assemblages that occur in other Vinča culture sites, or beyond. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br.177012: Society, spiritual and material culture and communications in the prehistory and early history of the Balkans

  10. The origin and exchange of obsidian from Vinča-Belo Brdo

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    Tripković Boban


    Full Text Available Since the time of the revolutionary characterization of obsidian in the 1960's only a small number of artefacts from the Serbian sites have been analyzed, of which at least seven samples come from the site of Vinča. These results showed that obsidian was coming from Carpathian sources, disproving old romantic ideas of the existence of local obsidian sources in the central Balkans. These results allowed for the development of ideas about exchange networks of interregional importance during the Late Neolithic in which obsidian was an integral component. In this paper we will be discussing the results of the characterization of 60 obsidian samples, representing ca. 4% of the entire obsidian assemblage from the site. The samples were taken from the whole Neolithic sequence at Vinča selecting macroscopically different obsidian types.

  11. Estratégias de las Vinícolas en el Estado de São Paulo, Brasil: Un Estudio de Casos Múltiples


    Sato, Geni Satiko; Alves, Humberto Sebastiao; Strehlau, Vivian


    El objetivo de esta investigación fue a de identificar las estrategias adoptadas por las vinícolas en Brasil, en la región de las ciudades de San Roque, Louveira, Jundiaí y Sao Paulo. La metodología utilizada fue el estudio de casos múltiples. Fueron realizadas entrevistas con los propietarios y visitas a las vinícolas. El turismo rural es el principal canal de distribución para los vinos, licores, frutas y dulces, Están presentes en las vinícolas una diversificación de actividades, como tien...

  12. Anàlisi econòmica financera del sector vinícola català

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    Núria Arimany


    Full Text Available Objectiu: El present treball reflecteix l'anàlisi econòmica financera de les grans indústries elaboradores de vi a Catalunya en el període 2008-2012. S'ha considerat la indústria  vinícola per ser un sector estratègic dintre de l'agroalimentació catalana, considerada  primer clúster agroalimentari d'Europa segons dades de l'observatori de clústers de l'Stockholm School of Economics. L'estudi posiciona aquestes indústries dintre del sector agroalimentari català i espanyol i presenta els principals indicadors econòmics i financers per tal de diagnosticar la salut d'aquestes empreses en el període 2008-2012 mitjançant una anàlisi a curt i llarg termini, una anàlisi de resultats i una anàlisi dels canvis patrimonials i dels fluxos d'efectiu de les empreses vinícoles. Disseny/metodologia/enfocament: Les dades utilitzades provenen dels estats comptables de les indústries vinícoles en el període 2008-2012, en concret, es recull una mostra d'empreses catalanes que elaboren vi amb uns ingressos d'explotació mínims de 5.700.000 € i uns actius mínims de 2.850.000 €, que presenten comptes anuals normals seguint el que disposa el Pla General Comptable en aquest període, i que majoritàriament són grans empreses sobre les que es porta a terme l'anàlisi econòmic financer mitjançant l'estadística descriptiva oportuna arribant a uns resultats i conclusions. Resultats: L'estudi permet assenyalar que les empreses vinícoles en aquest període gaudeixen d'una bona salut econòmica i financera, amb un reduït nombre d'empreses que concentren gran part de les vendes. Tot i que les vendes han augmentat, s'experimenta una reducció dels resultats econòmics per l'augment de les despeses d'explotació en aquest període. Per tant, no gaudeixen d'una gestió eficient de les despeses. Limitacions: Seria convenient estendre la mostra a petites empreses vinícoles i arribar fins a dades actuals per confirmar els canvis de tendència en l

  13. Nõela all : Igakuine vinüülitutvustus / Rain Tolk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tolk, Rain, 1977-


    Uutest vinüülplaatidest Shy FX "Pandoras Box", Likwid Biskit "Complete Worries", Terry Callier "Essential.The Very Best Of", DJ Hype & True Playaz "Real Vibes", Mondo Grosso "Closer". Kenny Bobien "Rise Above The Storm", Groonverider "rainbows of Color", MAS Collective feat.Su Su Bobien "You Doǹt Know" NYLX feat. Lula Grelhada "Goosebumps, Unique 2 Rhythm "Love Is", Weekender "Lost In The Loft"/Sunday Sessions", RAM Trilogy PT.1 "No Reality/Scanners", Mercer "Petrol Jelly/Sandgarden"

  14. The Production of Bioethanol from Cashew Apple Juice by Batch Fermentation Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y2084 and Vin13


    Deenanath, Evanie Devi; Rumbold, Karl; Iyuke, Sunny


    Bioethanol as a fossil fuel additive to decrease environmental pollution and reduce the stress of the decline in crude oil availability is becoming increasingly popular. This study aimed to evaluate the concentration of bioethanol obtainable from fermenting cashew apple juice by the microorganism Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y2084 and Vin13. The fermentation conditions were as follows: initial sugar = 100 g/L, pH = 4.50, agitation = 150 rpm, temperatures = 30°C (Y2084) and 20°C (Vin13), oxygen sa...

  15. Structures moléculaire et perception tannique des raisins et des vins (Cabernet-Sauvignon, Merlot) du Bordelais


    Chira, Kleopatra


    La connaissance de la composition phénolique du Cabernet-Sauvignon (CS) et du Merlot (M) dans la région vitivinicole du bordelais a un intérêt majeur pour définir la structure et la qualité tannique (astringence et amertume) des raisins et des vins. La composition en tanins et anthocyanes de raisins et de vins issus du Cabernet Sauvignon et du Merlot ainsi que leur perception tannique ont été recherchées. L’étude raisins a été réalisée pour cinq parcelles de la région bordelaise (Pauillac, Ma...

  16. The spatial and urban planning concerns related to nuclear facilities locations: Case study of the Vinča Institute location

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    Stefanović Nebojša D.


    Full Text Available The spatial and urban planning is one of the key instruments for the planned formation and development of locations for nuclear facilities, especially in terms of meeting the strict spatial conditionality, as well as in terms of the formation of protection zones in their surroundings. This paper systemizes the international criteria and requirements for the locations of nuclear facilities and analyses the spatial distribution of nuclear facilities in the surrounding countries of the Republic of Serbia. The research was conducted on the example of the location of the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, within which the fulfilment of spatial requirements, treatment of the location in the existing spatial and urban plans and relationship between other functions in the surrounding area were analysed. The paper proves the starting hypothesis that the general requirements related to both the spatial development of nuclear facilities locations and the protection from radiation have not been met in the Vinča location and its surroundings. It was determined that the spatial and urban plans encompassing the area of Vinča do not contain sufficiently specific planning solutions and that, as such, they do not provide a sufficient planning basis for meeting the necessary requirements and obligations regarding the protection from radiation. The paper also gives recommendations for further spatial development and protection of the Vinča location and its surroundings. The research condcted in this paper indicates the importance and priority of further research so that the necessary planning solutions for further development of the complex in Vinča and for the formation of protection zones could be defined through creating a new planning documentation. In addition, the paper particularly highlights the need for conducting a research to identify a location for permanent disposal of radioactive waste. It also indicates the necessity of considering the aspects

  17. La production mondiale des vins

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    Pierre GALET


    Full Text Available La culture de la vigne en Autriche remonterait à l'occupation romaine, les premières plantations ayant été faites par les légions romaines de l'empereur Probus, dans la seconde moitié du IIIe siècle (Probus était né à Sirmium près du Danube et il favorisa l'extension des vignobles dans cette région pour approvisionner ses armées. Après la chute de l'empire romain et les invasions des Awares, on doit à Charlemagne le renouveau de la culture de la vigne, notamment dans la Wachau, en Basse- Autriche. Puis plus tard, à chaque avance de la colonisation, les vignes se répandirent sur les bords du Danube et dans les vallées latérales, l'extension étant favorisée par les communautés religieuses catholiques qui devinrent propriétaires de grands vignobles. La navigation sur le fleuve fut également un facteur favorable pour la culture de la vigne. Au XVIe siècle, apogée des cultures, le vin se vendait jusqu'en Pologne et dans les Etats Baltes.

  18. Análisis económico financiero del sector vinícola de La Rioja en un entorno de crisis

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    Nuria Arimany-Serrat


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El presente trabajo muestra el análisis económico financiero de las grandes industrias elaboradoras de vino de la Rioja durante el período 2008-2013. El estudio presenta los principales indicadores económicos y financieros para poder diagnosticar la salud de estas empresas en el período 2008-2013 mediante un análisis a corto y largo plazo, un análisis de los resultados y un análisis de los cambios patrimoniales y de los flujos de efectivo de las empresas vinícolas. También se presenta una comparativa con las empresas vinícolas catalanas para el mimo período. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Los datos utilizados proceden de los estados contables de las industrias vinícolas en el período 2008-2013, en concreto, se recoge de la base de datos SABI una muestra de empresas riojanas que elaboran vino con unos ingresos de explotación mínimos de 5.700.000 euros y unos activos totales mínimos de 2.850.000 euros, que presentan cuentas anuales normales siguiendo lo que dispone el Plan General Contable en ese período; y se lleva a cabo el análisis económico financiero de las mismas mediante la estadística descriptiva oportuna llegando a unos resultados y conclusiones. Resultados: El estudio permite identificar la salud económica financiera de las empresas vinícolas de la Rioja que concentran gran parte de las ventas, para valorar si gozan de un crecimiento económico equilibrado en el período 2008-2013 analizado. Limitaciones: sería conveniente aumentar la muestra con las pequeñas empresas vinícolas y realizar el estudio con los datos actuales para confirmar los cambios de tendencia en el análisis económico y financiero. Implicaciones prácticas: permite valorar la proyección de este sector durante los últimos años en la Rioja, para poder tomar las oportunas decisiones económicas al respecto. Implicaciones sociales: los resultados permiten poner de manifiesto cambios a realizar en el sector, para que las empresas sigan

  19. L'embouteillage stérile a froid des vins tranquilles, perlés et mousseux

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    Les considérations qui vont suivre se rapportent principalement à l'embouteillage stérile à froid après filtration sur plaques stérilisantes éliminant totalement les levures et les bactéries susceptibles de provoquer l'altération du vin en bouteille.

  20. Competitividade da cadeia produtiva viti-vinícola do RS


    Triches, Vinícius


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia. No presente trabalho é analisada a competitividade da cadeia produtiva viti-vinícola gaúcha, líder no Brasil. Para tanto, utilizou-se como embasamento teórico a noção de cadeias produtivas, competitividade em cadeias produtivas e a Economia dos Custos de Transação. Assim, visou-se verificar, dentro de cinco níveis de análise, as principais características, peculia...

  1. Dosage simultané des acides sorbique et benzoïque dans les vins par chromatographie en phase gazeuse

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    F. Ureta


    Dans ce travail nous décrivons une méthode par chromatographie en phase gazeuse sur colonne capillaire qui permet en une seule opération de déterminer les acides benzoïque et sorbique dans les vins.

  2. An open source hydroeconomic model for California's water supply system: PyVIN (United States)

    Dogan, M. S.; White, E.; Herman, J. D.; Hart, Q.; Merz, J.; Medellin-Azuara, J.; Lund, J. R.


    Models help operators and decision makers explore and compare different management and policy alternatives, better allocate scarce resources, and predict the future behavior of existing or proposed water systems. Hydroeconomic models are useful tools to increase benefits or decrease costs of managing water. Bringing hydrology and economics together, these models provide a framework for different disciplines that share similar objectives. This work proposes a new model to evaluate operation and adaptation strategies under existing and future hydrologic conditions for California's interconnected water system. This model combines the network structure of CALVIN, a statewide optimization model for California's water infrastructure, along with an open source solver written in the Python programming language. With the flexibilities of the model, reservoir operations, including water supply and hydropower, groundwater pumping, and the Delta water operations and requirements can now be better represented. Given time series of hydrologic inputs to the model, typical outputs include urban, agricultural and wildlife refuge water deliveries and shortage costs, conjunctive use of surface and groundwater systems, and insights into policy and management decisions, such as capacity expansion and groundwater management policies. Water market operations also represented in the model, allocating water from lower-valued users to higher-valued users. PyVIN serves as a cross-platform, extensible model to evaluate systemwide water operations. PyVIN separates data from the model structure, enabling model to be easily applied to other parts of the world where water is a scarce resource.

  3. Marital Residence Patterns in Late Neolithic Communities of the Vinča Culture

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    Marko Porčić


    Full Text Available This paper aims to reconstruct the marital residence patterns in late Neolithic communities in the central Balkans. The average size of the habitation site was used as a correlate of patrilocality or matrilocality. A study of the habitation sites of the Vinča culture shows that judgments about marital residence patterns vary between sites and their phases. There are, however, certain indications that patrilocality may be considered the more probable pattern for most of the sites.

  4. Étude de l'antagonisme entre les levures et les bactéries lactiques du vin

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    Anne-Marie BOIDRON


    En introduisant des bactéries cultivées dans le vin, on provoque parfois la fermentation malolactique mais pas toujours. En ensemençant le moût par ces bactéries on peut obtenir un développement tel qu'il gêne les levures et le déroulement de la fermentation alcoolique.


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    Nazım USTA


    Full Text Available Biyodizel ve etanol, dizel motorlar için yenilenebilir alternatif yakıtlardır ve farklı oranlarda No. 2 dizel yakıta karıştırılarak dizel motorlarda kullanılabilirler. Etanol tek bir kimyasal yapıya ve belli özelliklere sahip yakıt olmasına rağmen, biyodizellerin özellikleri elde edildikleri yağın cinsine ve esterleştirme metodlarına bağlı olarak değişmektedir. Bu çalışmada etanol ve iki farklı biyodizelin özellikleri No. 2 dizel yakıt ile karşılaştırılmış, etanol ve biyodizellerin ön yanma odalı turbo dizel bir motorun performans ve emisyonlarına etkileri incelenmiştir. Kullanılan alternatif yakıtlar CO, is ve SO2 emisyonlarının azalmasını sağlarken, NOx emisyonunda artışa sebep olmuştur. Etanol ilavesi güçte bir miktar düşmeye sebep olurken, biyodizel ilavesi dizel yakıta göre çok az oranda güç artışı sağlamıştır.

  6. La désacidification biologique des vins. Etat de la question, perspectives d'avenir

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    Aline Lonvaud-Funel


    Sa maîtrise passe par l'utilisation de levains bactériens, dont les plus récents sont ensemencés directement au vin après la fermentation alcoolique. Les résultats des recherches fondamentales sur l'enzyme malolactique permettent aujourd'hui d'envisager la construction de réacteurs enzymatiques et sans doute plus rapidement, le transfert de cette activité enzymatique chez les levures de vinification.

  7. Les imaginaires du Xérès : vin, représentation et identité

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    José Luis Jiménez García


    Full Text Available Des liens étroits existent depuis longtemps entre les vins andalous de Jerez (« sack », « sherry »,… et une forme particulière de capitalisme et de grand commerce international. Les vins de Jerez étaient consommés de par le monde bien avant « l’âge de la globalisation ». Aussi avaient-ils trouvé un certain nombre de fonctions dans de nombreuses sociétés, où ils se faisaient symboles du bon goût ou de mode de vie particulier. Ils ont nourri bien des imaginaires, comme le rappellent des créations artistiques et publicitaires, songeons au taureau de chez Osborne. Aborder ces créations d’un point de vue anthropologique conduit à une réflexion sur la complexe relation qui s’établit entre le vin et la construction des identités spatialisées, locales comme globales. Les usages symboliques du xérès diffèrent selon qu’ils soient andalous, espagnols ou britanniques ; mais tous contribuent, à leur manière, à la construction d’identités.Some very old links exist between the Andalusian wines of Jerez ("sack", "sherry"... and particular forms of capitalism and of international trade. Sherries were consumed throughout the world before the "age of globalization". So, they have found certain functions in numerous societies: symbol of good taste or of a specific way of live, etc. They have nourished imaginaries as some artistic creations from literature to advertising – the Osborne’s bull – show. Studying these creations in an anthropological point of view leads to think about the complexity of the relation between a wine and the making of spatial identities in a local or global scale. Andalusian, Spanish or British symbolic uses of Sherry are different, but all contribute, by various ways, to the building of identities.

  8. Anti radiation action of 'Vin-Vita' food additive solution in 'Kuyalnik' mineral water under sublethal gamma-irradiation conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baraboj, V.A.; Lobasyuk, B.O.; Oleksyijenko, N.O.; Kujev, V.L.; Goncharov, M.Yi.; Smul's'kij, S.P.; Kolker, Yi.A.; Babov, K.D.


    The study involved four groups of female Wistar rats. Protective anti radiation action of 'Vin-Vita' food additive solution in 'Kuyalnik' mineral water especially in the concentration of 500 mg/l has been revealed, which was proved by hemoglobin, hematocrit, ESR, white blood parameters and animal behaviour

  9. Dentalium beads - shells of fosillised sea molluscs at the Vinča-Belo brdo site

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    Dimitrijević Vesna


    Full Text Available During excavation of the Vinča-Belo Brdo site a significant number of decorated items made from clay, stone, bone, and seashells or snail shells have been collected over the years. Amongst the decorated objects which could be classified as jewellery the majority are bracelets, pendants, and beads made from Spondylus and Glycymeris shells, as well as beads made from Dentalium shells. The appearance of these beads and the question of their origin have not yet been specifically considered within studies of prehistoric cultures in the central Balkans. Furthermore, they have rarely been illustrated and mentioned in archaeological site inventories, which we presume has not been because of their poor representation, but rather because of their being unfamiliar. The aim of this work is therefore to: a systematize data about Dentalium beads from all phases of excavation of the Belo Brdo site in Vinča; b to show the importance of this kind of jewellery in the study of resources around the Vinča settlement; and c to indicate the wider chronological perspective and the significance of studying Dentalium beads within the prehistory of the central Balkans. Dentalium is a carnivorous Scaphopoda sea mollusc, uncommon and insufficiently studied. Representatives of this class of Scaphopoda have been found on Serbian territory in the Badenian sediments, deposited fifteen million years ago. Badenian sediments were discovered around Loznica, Belgrade, Aranđelovac, Golubac, Zaječar, and Negotin. The region of Belgrade and the surrounding area had been covered by a warm, shallow sea of normal salination. On the territory of Belgrade, offsprings of the Badenian sediments, rich in fossils, have been discovered in the city centre (Tašmajdan, Kalemegdan, as well as in many surrounding places (Rakovica, Kaluđerica, Leštani, and Jajinci (fig. 2. Scaphopod shells found at the Vinča-Belo Brdo archaeological site are usually transversally broken. Judging by the basic

  10. Vinča-Belo Brdo, a late neolithic site in Serbia consideration of the macro-botanical remains as indicators of dietary habits

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    Filipović Dragana


    Full Text Available The analysis of macro-botanical remains from the late Neolithic site of Vinča-Belo Brdo has provided first information on the range of crops and wild plants present at the site, and revealed their potential role as foodstuffs. The abundance and distribution of certain plant taxa across different archaeological deposits suggests to what extent they were used within the settlement. The analyzed plant remains also offer insight into the types of food consumed by Vinča residents and serve as a basis for inferring the seasonality and method of food provision/production and activities related to plant use. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177012: Society, spiritual and material culture and communications in prehistory and early history of the Balkans

  11. Physicochemical characterisation of pottery from the Vinča culture, Serbia, regarding the firing temperature and decoration techniques

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    Perišić Nebojša


    Full Text Available A study of decorated Neolithic pottery samples from excavation site Pločnik, Serbia, was performed using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR and X-ray fluorescence (XRF spectroscopy. Investigated samples belong to the era of the Vinča culture which existed at the central Balkan region from mid VI until the first half of V millennium BCE. The mineralogical composition of pottery samples and comparison of investigated pottery with thermally treated local clay indicated firing temperature in the range from 600 to 800°C. Two different types of white pigments have been identified in white incrusted decorations: calcium carbonate and Bone White (composed of crushed bones. This is the first evidence of use of bones for decorations in Vinča culture pottery from excavation site Pločnik. In addition to this, it was revealed that the potters used the iron reduction technique for obtaining the black decorations. [Projekat Ministartsva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177021 I br. 177012

  12. Usos lingüísticos de las actividades vinícolas riojanas

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    Martínez Ezquerro, Aurora


    Full Text Available The author shows the lexicon still used in the different activities related to winemaking in La Rioja, from those tasks prior to the grape harvest to the process of fermentation. She also discusses the tools and crafts associated with these activities, such as those of leather wine bottle makers, potters and coopers, and offers a linguistic characterization of the collected terms, which are used ever more rarely. The lexicon has been gathered from semi-directed conversations with people whose everyday tasks concern the most traditional aspects of wine-making, complemented with research into the bibliography on the Spanish spoken in the area. It is here presented descriptively, in the informants' discourses on wine-making activities in their contexts.Se muestra el léxico vivo utilizado en diferentes actividades relacionadas con el vino riojano, desde las labores previas a la vendimia hasta el proceso de vinificación, sin olvidar los instrumentos que se utilizan en estas faenas ni los oficios con ellas relacionados: los de boteros, alfareros y toneleros. Al final se ofrece la caracterización lingüística de Jls términos recogidos, muchos de ellos en vías de extinción. El corpus ofrecido ha sido tomado de conversaciones semidirigidas con personas cuya labor cotidiana se halla relacionada con el sector vinícola en su vertiente más tradicional. Este elenco se ha complementado con bibliografía dialectal de la zona. En la organización de este repertorio léxico se desarrollan de forma narrativa los discursos ofrecidos por los informantes en los que se explican las labores vinícolas en su contexto.

  13. Marcus Vinícius Faustini e a produção literária da biografia


    Gabriel Estides Delgado


    Em Guia afetivo da periferia, Marcus Vinícius Faustini lança mão de expedientes narrativos “literarizantes” para construir o relato de sua juventude como morador da Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro. A partir da identificação das contingências materiais que conformam a experiência sensível do autobiografado, esta análise, ao tomar o conceito de mimesis na literatura como representação interessada e produtiva, busca identificar no texto de Faustini o tratamento original dado às referências extralin...

  14. Rescate de embriones para la obtención de vitroplantas de vid (Vitis vinífera L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Augusto Hernández Rendón


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Embryos rescue for the obtaining of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. vitroplants Resumen: Este trabajo es la primera fase de un macroproyecto sobre la optimización de un protocolo para la obtención de metabolitos secundarios de interés comercial mediante la utilización de suspensiones celulares de Vid (Vitis vinífera L.. Se investigó el rescate de embriones como alternativa para la obtención de vitroplantas de vid (Vitis vinífera L.. El material vegetal utilizado se obtuvo de frutos de vid variedad Red Globe comerciales. Las semillas se desinfectaron sumergiéndolas en 5 g/l de ácido dicloroisocianúrico (NaDCC por 15 min y luego en 2 g/l de Benomyl® por 15 min, con una efectividad del 92%. Se realizaron diferentes tratamientos para la obtención de plántulas utilizando semillas como explantes, las cuales se cultivaron en el medio Murashige Skoog suplementado con diferentes concentraciones de ácido indolacético (AIA en combinación con ácido giberélico (AG3 y kinetina (K sin obtener respuesta favorable para la germinación. Como alternativa, se extrajeron semillas inmaduras de frutos de la planta y se colocaron en el mismo medio  pero suplementado con 100 mg/l de polivinilpirrolidona (PVP, 0.35 mg/l de AG3 y 1.75 mg/l de AIA por un mes. Posteriormente, se abrieron las semillas y se realizó el rescate de embriones, sembrándolos bajo condiciones de oscuridad por ocho días en los medios de cultivo Murashige Skoog 1 y 2 modificados, encontrando la formación de vitroplantas en un 40% al mes de cultivo.   Abstract: This work is the first phase of a macroproyect about the optimization of a protocol for the obtaining of secondary metabolites of commercial interest by means of the use of cellular suspensions of Vitis vinífera L. The embryos rescue was investigated as alternative for the obtaining of grapevine (Vitis vinífera L. vitroplants. The vegetable material used was obtained from commercial fruits of

  15. Comportamento estratégico e desempenho: um estudo aplicado nas indústrias vinícolas de Portugal


    Elvis Silveira-Martins; Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPel; Marcelo Oliveira Basso; Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPel; Luiz Eduardo Mascarenhas; Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPel


    Os objetivos deste estudo estão direcionados a: i) identificar as tipologias de comportamento estratégico presentes nas indústrias vinícolas portuguesas; e; ii) analisar se existem diferenças significantes entre os comportamentos estratégicos e o desempenho das organizações. O marco teórico está ancorado nos construtos comportamento estratégico, em especifico na tipologia de Miles e Snow (1978), e desempenho organizacional. A presente pesquisa valeu-se da abordagem quantitativa e da estratégi...

  16. "Ne kreshtshenogo, ne otpetogo..." : [luuletused] / Marina Petrova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Petrova, Marina


    Sisu: "Ne kreshtshenogo, ne otpetogo..." ; "Inogo mesta vstretshi v mire net..." ; "Moi put lezhit tsherez Moskvu..." ; "Osvoboditelnaja ossen - ..." ; Pjuhtitskim aistam ; "Vesjolõje svetshi kanona..." ; Vjuga ; Materi Bozhijei Pjuhtitskoi ; "Pustõnja moja, pustõnja..." ; "Odinnadtsat let v mojo serdtse gljadjat kupola..."


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Özer CAN


    Full Text Available Organik oksijenli bileşiklerin Dizel No.2 yakıtı ile karıştırılarak kullanılması ile dizel motor emisyonlarında olumlu iyileşmeler olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Dizel No.2 yakıtına % 10 ve % 15 hacimsel oranlarında etanol karıştırılarak farklı motor dönme sayılarında ve yüklerinde çalışan bir ön yanma odalı turbo dizel motorun egzoz emisyonları incelenmiştir. Deney sonuçları etanol ilavesinin, NOx emisyonunda artma ve ısıl değerinin düşük olmasından dolayı da bir miktar motor gücünde düşmeye sebep olduğunu göstermesine rağmen, CO, is ve SO2 emisyonlarında azalma sağladığını göstermektedir. Emisyonlardaki iyileşme tam yükte, kısmi yüklere nisbeten daha çok dikkate değer bir seviyededir.

  18. NE2561 and NE2611A - are they different?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huntley, R.; Boas, J.; Kotler, L.; Webb, D.; Stucki, G.


    Full text: Evidence is mounting that the nominally identical ionization chamber types NE2561 and NE2611A have significantly different energy dependences. This is revealed by comparing the radiation quality correction factors k q . The factor k q is the ratio of the absorbed dose to water calibration factors (for a particular type of ionization chamber) at radiation quality Q to that for 60 Co. k q values for NE2561 and NE2611A chambers have been compared for various kV and MV X-ray beams at several standards laboratories. Measurements at ARPANSA (Australia) on six NE2561 and five NE2611A show a consistent difference in k q of 1-2% for 16 and 19 MV X-rays. Work at OFMET (Switzerland) has shown similar differences at 6 and 18 MV. No such differences are seen at NPL (UK) - this inconsistency is currently ascribed to differences in the radiation beams. Consistent differences of up to 3% between these two chamber types have been observed at both ARPANSA and NRC (Canada) at the BIPM medium energy X-ray intercomparison qualities between 50 kV and 250 kV. We conclude that the two types of chamber should not be regarded as identical. ARPANSA and several other laboratories in Europe and North America will shortly participate in a Euromet project to be coordinated by OFMET, to investigate high energy X-ray beam quality specifiers. This project will provide additional data that may lead to a better understanding of this anomaly. Copyright (2000) Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine

  19. Etude des bactéries acétiques isolées de raisins et de vins - I.- Identification de souches isolées

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Monsieur PEYNAUD nous a confié l'isolement et l'identification des bactéries acétiques prélevées à la dernière récolte sur les raisins plus ou moins pourris de différents vignobles du Bordelais. Le but était de connaître la microflore acétique des raisins et de la comparer à celle des vins.

  20. Production of the Ne Auger electrons by Ne/sup +/ bombardment of Mg and Al surfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferrante, J; Pepper, S V [National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, Ohio (USA). Lewis Research Center


    The authors have bombarded Mg and Al surfaces with Ne/sup +/ ions and in this letter present evidence for the production of an inner shell vacancy in the Ne by the asymmetric Ne-Mg and Ne-Al collision. In addition, autoionization states of neutral Ne have been observed. These states are to be distinguished from the more usual case in Auger electron spectroscopy of de-excitation of an ion with a core vacancy.

  1. Canvi d'us d'una nau agrícola a restaurant vinícola : el celler dels Mora


    Mora Aller, Elisa


    El present treball fi de carrera tracta sobre el canvi d’ús d’una nau agrícola a restaurant vinícola. La nau es troba situada a la capital del vi, Vilafranca del Penedès. Durant els darrers anys, hi ha hagut un creixement important pel que fa al turisme del vi, a la zona de l’Alt Penedès. L’edifici objecte d’estudi, va ser construït pel meu avi a l’any 1980. Antigament, s’utilitzava per a guardar el bestiar i les eines agrícoles. Actualment, no hi ha bestiar, només s’utilitza per a guardar...

  2. Scattering study of the Ne + NeH{sup +}(v{sub 0} = 0, j{sub 0} = 0) → NeH{sup +} + Ne reaction on an ab initio based analytical potential energy surface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koner, Debasish; Panda, Aditya N., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati 781039 (India); Barrios, Lizandra; González-Lezana, Tomás, E-mail: [IFF-CSIC, Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC, Serrano 123, Madrid 28006 (Spain)


    Initial state selected dynamics of the Ne + NeH{sup +}(v{sub 0} = 0, j{sub 0} = 0) → NeH{sup +} + Ne reaction is investigated by quantum and statistical quantum mechanical (SQM) methods on the ground electronic state. The three-body ab initio energies on a set of suitably chosen grid points have been computed at CCSD(T)/aug-cc-PVQZ level and analytically fitted. The fitting of the diatomic potentials, computed at the same level of theory, is performed by spline interpolation. A collinear [NeHNe]{sup +} structure lying 0.72 eV below the Ne + NeH{sup +} asymptote is found to be the most stable geometry for this system. Energies of low lying vibrational states have been computed for this stable complex. Reaction probabilities obtained from quantum calculations exhibit dense oscillatory structures, particularly in the low energy region and these get partially washed out in the integral cross section results. SQM predictions are devoid of oscillatory structures and remain close to 0.5 after the rise at the threshold thus giving a crude average description of the quantum probabilities. Statistical cross sections and rate constants are nevertheless in sufficiently good agreement with the quantum results to suggest an important role of a complex-forming dynamics for the title reaction.

  3. Publications | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Documentaire sur des solutions locales qui permettent d'offrir plus de possibilités d'emploi aux femmes au Rwanda. Quand Nyirangaruye Dancilla a perdu son mari, elle s'est tournée vers la production de vin de banane pour ne pas se retrouver sans ressources. Aujourd'hui, les revenus de cette entreprise permettent à ...

  4. Documentary shows how local solutions can expand rural women's ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    22 nov. 2017 ... Documentaire sur des solutions locales qui permettent d'offrir plus de possibilités d'emploi aux femmes au Rwanda. Quand Nyirangaruye Dancilla a perdu son mari, elle s'est tournée vers la production de vin de banane pour ne pas se retrouver sans ressources. Voir davantageDocumentaire sur des ...

  5. Publications | Page 6 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Documentaire sur des solutions locales qui permettent d'offrir plus de possibilités d'emploi aux femmes au Rwanda. Quand Nyirangaruye Dancilla a perdu son mari, elle s'est tournée vers la production de vin de banane pour ne pas se retrouver sans ressources. Aujourd'hui, les revenus de cette entreprise permettent à ...

  6. Sterile Neutrino Searches in MiniBooNE and MicroBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ignarra, Christina M. [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States)


    Tension among recent short baseline neutrino experiments has pointed toward the possible need for the addition of one or more sterile (non-interacting) neutrino states into the existing neutrino oscillation framework. This thesis first presents the motivation for sterile neutrino models by describing the short-baseline anomalies that can be addressed with them. This is followed by a discussion of the phenomenology of these models. The MiniBooNE experiment and results are then described in detail, particularly the most recent antineutrino analysis. This will be followed by a discussion of global fits to world data, including the anomalous data sets. Lastly, future experiments will be addressed, especially focusing on the MicroBooNE experiment and light collection studies. In particular, understanding the degradation source of TPB, designing the TPB-coated plates for MicroBooNE and developing lightguide collection systems will be discussed. We find an excess of events in the MiniBooNE antineutrino mode results consistent with the LSND anomaly, but one that has a different energy dependence than the low-energy excess reported in neutrino mode. This disagreement creates tension within global fits which include up to three sterile neutrinos. The low-energy excess will be addressed by the MicroBooNE experiment, which is expected to start taking data in early 2015. Tension among existing experiments calls for additional, more decisive future experiments.

  7. Sterile Neutrino Searches in MiniBooNE and MicroBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ignarra, Christina M. [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States)


    Tension among recent short baseline neutrino experiments has pointed toward the possible need for the addition of one or more sterile (non-interacting) neutrino states into the existing neutrino oscillation framework. This thesis fi rst presents the motivation for sterile neutrino models by describing the short-baseline anomalies that can be addressed with them. This is followed by a discussion of the phenomenology of these models. The MiniBooNE experiment and results are then described in detail, particularly the most recent antineutrino analysis. This will be followed by a discussion of global fits to world data, including the anomalous data sets. Lastly, future experiments will be addressed, especially focusing on the MicroBooNE experiment and light collection studies. In particular, understanding the degradation source of TPB, designing the TPB-coated plates for MicroBooNE and developing lightguide collection systems will be discussed. We find an excess of events in the MiniBooNE antineutrino mode results consistent with the LSND anomaly, but one that has a di fferent energy dependence than the low-energy excess reported in neutrino mode. This disagreement creates tension within global fi ts which include up to three sterile neutrinos. The low-energy excess will be addressed by the MicroBooNE experiment, which is expected to start taking data in early 2015. Tension among existing experiments calls for additional, more decisive future experiments.

  8. Cross section analyses in MiniBooNE and SciBooNE experiments


    Katori, Teppei


    The MiniBooNE experiment (2002-2012) and the SciBooNE experiment (2007-2008) are modern high statistics neutrino experiments, and they developed many new ideas in neutrino cross section analyses. In this note, I discuss selected topics of these analyses.

  9. Influência da Aprendizagem Organizacional e da Inovação no Desempenho Organizacional de Empresas do Setor Vinícola


    Frizzo, Patricia; Gomes, Giancarlo


    O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a influência da aprendizagem organizacional e da inovação no desempenho organizacional de empresas do setor vinícola. A aprendizagem organizacional foi verificada por meio da aquisição do conhecimento, distribuição da informação, interpretação da informação e memória organizacional. Já a inovação foi dividida em administrativa, de produto e de processo. Estudos anteriores sugerem a interação da aprendizagem organizacional, da inovação e do desempenh...

  10. Physics at DAΦNE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franzini, P.J.


    In this talk, I will give a brief description of the φ factory DAΦNE at Frascati, explaining why a φ factory is an interesting place to do new physics, and then discuss the physics that can be done at DAΦNE. I will concentrate on CP violation as it can be studied at DAΦNE. This is, after all, the raison d'etre of DAΦNE. I start with a brief general introduction to CP violation in the KK system, and the distinction between mass-mixing CP violation (ε) and intrinsic CP violation (ε'/ε). After presenting a summary of ε'/ε measurements up to now, and briefly discussing the theory of ε'/ε (the so-called 'penguins'), I will cover the particularities of measuring ε'/ε at a φ factory, such as tagging and interferometry. Finally, I will say a few words about searching for CP violation in modes where it has never before been seen. I will end my talk with a list of other physics topics at DAΦNE, and rare decay branching ratio limits that can be achieved there, just to give a flavor of what else can be done. (author) 8 figs., 2 tabs., 22 refs

  11. MicroBooNE: The Search For The MiniBooNE Low Energy Excess

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaleko, David [Columbia Univ., New York, NY (United States)


    This thesis describes work towards the search for a low energy excess in MicroBooNE. What MicroBooNE is, what the low energy excess is, and how one searches for the latter in the former will be described in detail.

  12. Oscillatory behaviour of Rydberg state total cross sections in the collisions Ne+-He and He+-Ne

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andresen, B.; Jensen, K.; Veje, E.


    The Ne + -He and He + -Ne collisions have been studied by means of optical spectrometry in the projectile energy range 10-150 keV. Very similar and regular oscillations in the Rydberg state total cross sections are found for HeI in both collisions and for singlet as well as triplet excitation. These oscillations are well described by the Rosenthal model. The HeI 4d sup(1,3)D states display two superimposed oscillations for center-of-mass collision energies above 6.4 keV. This is interpreted as the opening of a third exit channel, believed to be the HeI 4f sup(1,3)F. No, or very little structure is found in the Rydberg state total cross sections for HeII, NeI, NeII and NeIII levels. (Auth.)

  13. Neutrino Interactions in MicroBooNE


    Del Tutto, Marco


    MicroBooNE is a liquid-argon-based neutrino experiment, which began collecting data in Fermilab's Booster neutrino beam in October 2015. Physics goals of the experiment include probing the source of the anomalous excess of electron-like events in MiniBooNE. In addition to this, MicroBooNE is carrying out an extensive cross section physics program that will help to probe current theories on neutrino-nucleon interactions and nuclear effects. These proceedings summarise the status of MicroBooNE'...

  14. Collision-induced intramultiplet mixing for the Ne**[(2p)5(3p)] + He or Ne system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manders, M.P.I.


    For the Ne**-He case, experimental data are confronted with quantum mechanical calculations. Quantum mechanical coupled-channel calculations using model potentials as input are presented, followed by a semiclassical approach which provides more physical insight. Experimental results are presented for the Ne**-Ne system with a discussion of the general principles involved in symmetrization. 184 refs.; 93 figs.; 19 tabs

  15. The MiniBooNE Detector


    MiniBooNE Collaboration


    The MiniBooNE neutrino detector was designed and built to look for muon-neutrino to electron-neutrino oscillations in the mixing parameter space region where the LSND experiment reported a signal. The MiniBooNE experiment used a beam energy and baseline that were an order of magnitude larger than those of LSND so that the backgrounds and systematic errors would be completely different. This paper provides a detailed description of the design, function, and performance of the MiniBooNE detector.

  16. The NeXus data format. (United States)

    Könnecke, Mark; Akeroyd, Frederick A; Bernstein, Herbert J; Brewster, Aaron S; Campbell, Stuart I; Clausen, Björn; Cottrell, Stephen; Hoffmann, Jens Uwe; Jemian, Pete R; Männicke, David; Osborn, Raymond; Peterson, Peter F; Richter, Tobias; Suzuki, Jiro; Watts, Benjamin; Wintersberger, Eugen; Wuttke, Joachim


    NeXus is an effort by an international group of scientists to define a common data exchange and archival format for neutron, X-ray and muon experiments. NeXus is built on top of the scientific data format HDF5 and adds domain-specific rules for organizing data within HDF5 files, in addition to a dictionary of well defined domain-specific field names. The NeXus data format has two purposes. First, it defines a format that can serve as a container for all relevant data associated with a beamline. This is a very important use case. Second, it defines standards in the form of application definitions for the exchange of data between applications. NeXus provides structures for raw experimental data as well as for processed data.

  17. Etude des bactéries acétiques isolées de raisins et de vins - II.- Production de composés cétoniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available La deuxième partie de ce travail sur les bactéries acétiques isolées de raisins et de vins est consacrée à l'étude de deux problèmes principaux : d'une part l'identification par chromatographie sur papier des principales substances cétoniques réductrices, d'autre part la détermination de l'influence de divers facteurs sur la croissance des souches représentatives de chaque groupe taxonomique.

  18. The NeXus data format


    Könnecke, Mark; Akeroyd, Frederick A.; Osborn, Raymond; Peterson, Peter F.; Richter, Tobias; Suzuki, Jiro; Watts, Benjamin; Wintersberger, Eugen; Wuttke, Joachim; Bernstein, Herbert J.; Brewster, Aaron S.; Campbell, Stuart I.; Clausen, Björn; Cottrell, Stephen; Hoffmann, Jens Uwe


    NeXus is an effort by an international group of scientists to define a common data exchange and archival format for neutron, X-ray and muon experiments. NeXus is built on top of the scientific data format HDF5 and adds domain-specific rules for organizing data within HDF5 files, in addition to a dictionary of well defined domain-specific field names. The NeXus data format has two purposes. First, it defines a format that can serve as a container for all relevant data associated with a beamlin...

  19. The MiniBooNE detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aguilar-Arevalo, A.A.; Anderson, C.E.; Bartoszek, L.M.; Bazarko, A.O.; Brice, S.J.; Brown, B.C.; Bugel, L.; Cao, J.; Coney, L.; Conrad, J.M.; Cox, D.C.; Curioni, A.; Djurcic, Z.; Finley, D.A.; Fleming, B.T.; Ford, R.; Garcia, F.G.; Garvey, G.T.; Green, C.; Green, J.A.


    The MiniBooNE neutrino detector was designed and built to look for ν μ →ν e oscillations in the (sin 2 2θ,Δm 2 ) parameter space region where the LSND experiment reported a signal. The MiniBooNE experiment used a beam energy and baseline that were an order of magnitude larger than those of LSND so that the backgrounds and systematic errors would be completely different. This paper provides a detailed description of the design, function, and performance of the MiniBooNE detector.

  20. MiniBooNE Oscillation Results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Djurcic, Zelimir


    These proceedings summarize the MiniBooNE ν μ → ν e results, describe the first (bar ν) μ → (bar ν) e result, and current analysis effort with the NuMI neutrinos detected in the miniBooNE detector

  1. vināšana kā patērēšanas kultūras iezīme. Parfimērijas iegādes ietekmējošie faktori


    Liepiņa, Krista


    Bakalaura darba “Dāvināšana kā patērēšanas kultūras iezīme. Parfimērijas iegādes ietekmējošie faktori” mērķis ir izpētīt, kas ir patērēšana un kas ietekmē patērētāju uzvedību ikdienā, kā arī svētku laikā, lēmuma pieņemšanas procesā, izvēloties preces dāvināšanas mērķim, nevis personīgai lietošanai. Darba teorētiskajā daļā apskatītas tādu jēdzienu teorētiskie aspekti kā patērēšana un patērniecība, patērēšanas kultūra, patērētāju uzvedība, patērētāju identitāte, kā arī tiek apskatīta dāvanu dāv...

  2. UCB-NE-107 user's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, W.W.L.


    The purpose of this manual is to provide users of UCB-NE-107 with the information necessary to use UCB-NE-107 effectively. UCB-NE-107 is a computer code for calculating the fractional rate of readily soluble radionuclides that are released from nuclear waste emplaced in water-saturated porous media. Waste placed in such environments will gradually dissolve. For many species such as actinides and rare earths, the process of dissolution is governed by the exterior flow field, and the chemical reaction rate or leaching rate. However, for readily soluble species such as 135 Cs, 137 Cs, and 129 I, it has been observed that their dissolution rates are rapid. UCB-NE-107 is a code for calculating the release rate at the waste/rock interface, to check compliance with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (USNRC) subsystem performance objective. It is an implementation of the analytic solution given below. 5 refs., 2 figs

  3. Photoionization of Ne8+ (United States)

    Pindzola, M. S.; Abdel-Naby, Sh. A.; Robicheaux, F.; Colgan, J.


    Single and double photoionization cross sections for Ne8+ are calculated using a non-perturbative fully relativistic time-dependent close-coupling method. A Bessel function expansion is used to include both dipole and quadrupole effects in the radiation field interaction and the repulsive interaction between electrons includes both the Coulomb and Gaunt interactions. The fully correlated ground state of Ne8+ is obtained by solving a time-independent inhomogeneous set of close-coupled equations. Propagation of the time-dependent close-coupled equations yields single and double photoionization cross sections for Ne8+ at energies easily accessible at advanced free electron laser facilities. This work was supported in part by grants from NSF and US DoE. Computational work was carried out at NERSC in Oakland, California, NICS in Knoxville, Tennessee, and OLCF in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

  4. Current Status of the MiniBooNE Experiment


    Ray, H.; collaboration, for the MiniBooNE


    MiniBooNE is an experiment designed to refute or confirm the LSND anti-nu_mu -> anti-nu_e oscillation result. MiniBooNE will look for oscillations of nu_mu -> nu_e in a closed-box appearance analysis. MiniBooNE began collecting data in 2002, and is expected to continue data taking through 2005. Current MiniBooNE results are presented.

  5. Performance Analysis of Different NeQuick Ionospheric Model Parameters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    WANG Ningbo


    Full Text Available Galileo adopts NeQuick model for single-frequency ionospheric delay corrections. For the standard operation of Galileo, NeQuick model is driven by the effective ionization level parameter Az instead of the solar activity level index, and the three broadcast ionospheric coefficients are determined by a second-polynomial through fitting the Az values estimated from globally distributed Galileo Sensor Stations (GSS. In this study, the processing strategies for the estimation of NeQuick ionospheric coefficients are discussed and the characteristics of the NeQuick coefficients are also analyzed. The accuracy of Global Position System (GPS broadcast Klobuchar, original NeQuick2 and fitted NeQuickC as well as Galileo broadcast NeQuickG models is evaluated over the continental and oceanic regions, respectively, in comparison with the ionospheric total electron content (TEC provided by global ionospheric maps (GIM, GPS test stations and JASON-2 altimeter. The results show that NeQuickG can mitigate ionospheric delay by 54.2%~65.8% on a global scale, and NeQuickC can correct for 71.1%~74.2% of the ionospheric delay. NeQuick2 performs at the same level with NeQuickG, which is a bit better than that of GPS broadcast Klobuchar model.

  6. Phase transition and angular momentum dependence of correlations in the rotational spectra of Ne20 and Ne22

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Satpathy, L.; Schmid, K.W.; Krewald, S.; Faessler, A.


    Multi-Configuration-Hartree-Fock (MCHF) calculations with angular momentum projection before the variation of the internal degree of freedom have been performed for the nuclei Ne 20 and Ne 22 . This procedure yields different correlated intrinsic states for the different members of a rotational band. Thus, the angular momentum dependence of correlations has been studied. Experimentally, the ground state spectra of Ne 20 and Ne 22 show properties similar to the phase transitions observed in some rare earth nuclei which have been well reproduced through the present calculations. The calculated spectra show a significant improvement compared to the ones obtained by variation before the angular momentum projection is effected. (author)

  7. Lääne-Virumaa TOP 100 aastal 2000

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Lääne-Virumaa edukamad ettevõtted; Lääne-Virumaa käibe TOP 100; Käibe kasvu TOP 20; Käibe languse TOP 10; Kasumi TOP 20; Kasumi kasvu TOP 20; Rentabluse TOP 20; ROA TOP 20; Kasumi languse TOP 10; Kahjumi TOP 10; Lääne-Virumaa käibelt suuremate ettevõtete finantsandmed. Lääne-Virumaa ettevõtete üldandmed

  8. Metastable He (n=2) - Ne potential interaction calculation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahal, H.


    Diabatic potential terms corresponding to He (2 1 S)-Ne and He (2 3 S)-Ne interactions are calculated. These potentials reproduce the experimental results thermal metastable atom elastic scattering on Ne target. A model which reduces the interaction to a one-electron problem is proposed: the He excited electron. Its interaction with the He + center is reproduced by a ''l'' dependent potential model with a 1/2 behaviour at short range. The electron interaction facing the Ne is described by a l-dependent pseudopotential reproducing with accuracy the electron elastic scattering on a Ne atom. The importance of the corrective term related to the Ne polarizations by the electron and the He + ion is showed in this work. In the modelling problems, the accuracy cannot be better than 0.1 MeV [fr

  9. The DAΦNE cryogenic system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Modena, M.


    The DAΦNE Project utilises superconductivity technology for a total of six superconducting magnets: the two Experiment magnets (KLOE and FINUDA) and the four Compensator Solenoid magnets needed to compensate the magnetic effect of the Experiment magnets on the electron and positron beams. This effect, on beams of 510 MeV (nominal DAΦNE Energy), is expected to be relevant, especially with the aim of achieving a very high luminosity, which is the main target of the Project. The KLOE superconducting magnet has two possible working positions: the first in the DAΦNE Hall, when the Experiment will be in operation, and the second one in the KLOE Assembly Hall. This second position is the first to be utilised for the KLOE magnet Acceptance Test and magnetic field mapping, prior to the mounting of all the experimental apparatus inside the magnet. This note intends to present the DAΦNE Cryogenic System and how the authors have converged to the definition of a common Cryogenic System compatible with all the six superconducting magnets

  10. Yrast and high spin states in 22Ne

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szanto, E.M.; Toledo, A.S. de


    High spin states in 22 Ne have been investigated by the reactions 11 B( 13 C,d) 22 Ne and 13 C( 11 B,d) 22 Ne up to E* approximately=19 MeV. Yrast states were observed at 11.02 MeV (8 + ) and 15.46 MeV (10 + ) excitation energy. A backbending in 22 Ne is observed around spin 8 + . The location of high spin states I [pt

  11. One-neutron knockout from Ne24-28 isotopes

    CERN Document Server

    Rodriguez-Tajes, C; Caamano, M; Faestermann, T; Cortina-Gil, D; Zhukov, M; Simon, H; Nilsson, T; Borge, M J G; Alvarez-Pol, H; Winkler, M; Prochazka, A; Nociforo, C; Weick, H; Kanungo, R; Perez-Loureiro, D; Kurtukian, T; Suemmerer, K; Eppinger, K; Perea, A; Chatillon, A; Maierbeck, P; Benlliure, J; Pascual-Izarra, C; Gernhaeuser, R; Geissel, H; Aumann, T; Kruecken, R; Larsson, K; Tengblad, O; Benjamim, E; Jonson, B; Casarejos, E


    One-neutron knockout reactions of Ne24-28 in a beryllium target have been studied in the Fragment Separator (FRS), at GSI. The results include inclusive one-neutron knockout cross-sections as well as longitudinal-momentum distributions of the knockout fragments. The ground-state structure of the neutron-rich neon isotopes was obtained from an analysis of the measured momentum distributions. The results indicate that the two heaviest isotopes, Ne-27 and Ne-28, are dominated by a configuration in which a s(1/2) neutron is coupled to an excited state of the Ne-26 and Ne-27 core, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Asiakkaan palvelupolkuun perustuva verkkokaupan kehittäminen


    Tennberg, Nora


    Verkosta on tullut merkittävin kauppapaikka. Yhä useammat yritys- ja kuluttaja-asiakkaat tekevät pääasiassa ostoksensa verkossa, koska se ei ole sidottu aikaan tai paikkaan ja tarjoaa laajan valikoiman tuotteita sekä palveluita. Yritysten kannalta kilpailu verkossa on kiivasta ja verkossa toimivien yritysten tuleekin löytää keinoja, joilla ne voivat erottautua kilpailijoistaan. Verkkokaupan onnistunut asiakaskokemus on keino, jolla voidaan vaikuttaa asiakkaiden ostoaikeisiin, parantaa asiakas...

  13. Absorbed dose to water comparison between NE 2561 and NE 2671 chambers using IAEA, HPA and NACP protocols for gamma ray beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohd Taufik Dolah; Noriah Mod Ali; Taiman Kadni


    The aim of this study to evaluate the performance of NE 2571 chamber in comparison with NE 2561 chamber in determination of the absorbed dose to water in gamma ray beam. In this study NE 2561 is taking as a reference standard chamber while NE 2571 as a working standard. Irradiation of chamber (alternately) was performed at a reference depth, 5 cm, inside the IAEA water phantom. Both chambers were exposed to 13 difference exposures of gamma rays. The values of absorbed dose to water were then determined using IAEA, HPA and NACP protocols. Deviations of absorbed dose determined by NE 2561 and NE 2571 were calculated for each protocol. result obtained in terms of [protocol, μ (mean deviation) ± σ s e (standard error)] were (IAEA, 1.12 ± 0.04], [HPA, 0.09 ± 0.04], and [NCP, 0.09 ± 0.04]. It can be concluded that NE 2571 shown acceptable performance as it is within acceptable limit ± 3%. (Author)

  14. The state of the NeXus data format

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koennecke, Mark


    NeXus is an effort by an international group of scientists to define a common data exchange format for neutron, muon and X-ray scattering. NeXus has six levels: a physical file format, a file structure, rules for storing individual data items in a file, a dictionary of names, instrument definitions and an application programming interface (API) to NeXus files. The authors will present the large steps forward which have been made both with instrument definitions and the NeXus-API

  15. Research into the causes of increased vibration levels on the diesel-electric generators set at the air traffic control: Belgrade Airport / Исследование причин повышеного уровня вибраций на дизельных электростанциях в авиадиспетчерской службе – Аэропорт Белград / Istraživanje uzroka povišenih nivoa vibracija na dizel-elektroagregatima u kontroli letenja - Aerodrom Beograd

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nikola P. Žegarac


    ибрации, технического состояния дизельной электростанции, которые являются неотъемлемой частью документации о содержании и ремонте No-Break дизельных электростанций. / U radu su prikazana istraživanja uzroka povišenih nivoa vibracija na dizel-elektroagregatima u Kontroli letenja-Aerodrom Beograd. Dizel- elektroagregati su tipa No-Break (nema prekida u napajnaju električnom energijom, snage 175 KVA. Dizel agregati služe kao rezervni izvor napajanja (duplex sistem, u slučaju prekida u redovnom napajanju električnom energijom iz gradske mreže, sistema i uređaja Kontrole letenja na Aerodromu Beograd. Jedan dizel agragat je u neprekidnom radu, dok drugi dizel agregat služi kao rezervni sistem napajanja. Utvrđene su vibrodijagnostičke metode ocene tehničke ispravnosti dizel agregata i one su sastavni deo dokumentacije za održavanje i remont No-Break dizel-elektroagregata.



    Cvek, Tadej


    Etika in morala se skozi čas nenehno spreminjata in nekatere stvari, ki so danes nedovoljene, so bile še pred kratkim dovoljene in obratno. Razlog za to so predvsem družbene in kulturne spremembe, ki vodijo do drugačnih pogledov na stvari in okolico. Skladno z razvojem etike in morale, se razvijajo tudi nove etične teorije, ki še ne dosegajo starejših teorij a vendarle pridobivajo na pomembnosti in kdo ve, mogoče jih bodo kdaj v prihodnosti tudi presegle. Za MNP je pomembno, da razlikuje...

  17. Status of the KM3NeT project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katz, U.F.


    KM3NeT is a future research infrastructure in the Mediterranean Sea, hosting a cubic-kilometre scale neutrino telescope and nodes for associated sciences such as marine biology, oceanology and geophysics. The status of the KM3NeT project and the progress made in the EU-funded Design Study is reviewed. Some physics studies indicating the sensitivity of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope are highlighted and selected major technical design options to be further pursued are described. Finally, the remaining steps towards construction of KM3NeT will be discussed. This document reflects the status of the KM3NeT Conceptual Design Report (CDR), which has been presented to the public for the first time at the VLVnT08 Workshop.

  18. Queneau, Perec, Duras : Trois manières de boire dans le roman français

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Véronique Montémont


    Full Text Available L’alcool et les alcools sont des thèmes étroitement associés au monde littéraire : si l’on en doutait, une recherche dans la base Frantext, qui comporte près de 3952 textes français et francophones, suffirait à nous en convaincre : une requête sur le lemme alcool ne ramène pas moins de 3338 occurrences. Si l’on élargit l’isotopie considérée, on trouve 23 372 occurrences de vin, 2953 mentions de bière, 1436 d’eau-de-vie, 834 de Champagne, 122 de cognac… ainsi que quelques dizaines de cuites, r...

  19. Proton capture in the nuclei 21Ne and 22Ne and its influence on the solar hydrogen burning in the neon-sodium cyclus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goerres, J.


    The aim of this thesis was to remove the uncertainties in the reaction rates of 21 Ne(p,γ) 22 Na and 22 Ne(p,γ) 23 Na in order to can make founded statements about the hydrogen burning in the NeNa cyclus. After the description of the experimental arrangement the search for resonances in the reaction 21 Ne(p,γ) 22 Na below Esub(p)=355 keV is reported. While the theory of the direct radiation capture is discussed the experimental results of the search for this transitions in 21 Ne(p,γ) 22 Na respectively 22 Ne(p,γ) 23 Na are presented. The astrophysical aspects of the results of this thesis are discussed and summarizingly presented. (orig./HSI) [de

  20. France's Évin Law on the control of alcohol advertising: content, effectiveness and limitations. (United States)

    Gallopel-Morvan, Karine; Spilka, Stanislas; Mutatayi, Carine; Rigaud, Alain; Lecas, Franck; Beck, François


    To assess the effectiveness of the 2015 version of the French Évin Law that was implemented in 1991 with the objective of protecting young people from alcohol advertising. Data were obtained from survey questions measuring exposure and receptivity to alcohol advertisements that were introduced for the first time in the 2015 European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD). A representative sample of 6642 10th-12th grade students (mean age 17.3 years) were interviewed in 198 schools in France by a self-administered questionnaire. Information was collected on alcohol advertising exposure in different media (outside billboards, internet, etc.) and receptivity to recent advertisements (attractiveness, incentive to drink, etc.). The majority of students declared that they had been exposed at least once a month to alcohol advertisements in supermarkets (73.2%), in movies (66.1%), magazines and newspapers (59.1%), on billboards in streets (54.5%), and on the internet (54.1%). Concerning the last recalled advertisements, 27.8% remembered the beverage type, 18.2% the brand, 13% felt like having a drink after having seen the advertisement and 19.6% found the advertisement attractive (boys ranked significantly higher than girls for all these indicators; P-value effectively from exposure to alcohol advertising in France. © 2016 Society for the Study of Addiction.

  1. "Ne opravilsja jeshtsho posle grippa..." : [luuletused] / Aleksei Koroljov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koroljov, Aleksei


    Autor endast lk. 44. Sisu: "Ne opravilsja jeshtsho posle grippa..." ; "Tak plohho mne, kak ne bõlo davno..." ; "Vokrug tebja, kak satellit..." ; "Hotja i ne ossobenno ona..." ; Iz dnevnika ; Zdravõi smõsl ; "V ushko igolnoje prodenu..." ; "Zhenshtshine prostitelnõ nedostatki..." ; "Balagurja, taratorja..." "Kogda bõ sprava - rai..." ; 23-i skorõi ; "Velmozhi v rogozhe iz blazhi i drozhi..."

  2. ‘Transnationalising’ Ne Bis In Idem: How the Rule of Ne Bis In Idem Reveals the Principle of Personal Legal Certainty

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliette Lelieur


    Full Text Available Since Article 54 of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement gave the rule of ne bis in idem a transnational dimension, talk of the ‘transnational ne bis in idem principle’ has been commonplace. Thus, when looking for general principles of transnational criminal law, scholars refer to the principle of ‘transnational ne bis in idem’. It is doubtful, however, that ne bis in idem qualifies as a principle of law. It should be regarded, rather, as a rule of criminal procedure, traditionally based on the principle of res judicata. Giving the rule of ne bis in idem a transnational dimension therefore requires either transnationalising the principle of res judicata, or giving the rule of ne bis in idem a new foundation.The principle of res judicata principally serves the credibility of the justice system in a given jurisdiction by prohibiting several tribunals, all acting within the parameters of their jurisdiction, from contradicting each other’s interpretation of the same facts. For this reason, the principle of res judicata does not provide an adequate basis for a transnationalised rule of ne bis in idem.From a human rights perspective, multiple prosecutions against the same person for the same facts collides with protecting individuals against arbitrary judicial treatment. This is true whether the multiple prosecutions all take place in one country or in several different countries. The rule of ne bis in idem could therefore be regarded as a manifestation of the (new ‘principle of personal legal certainty’.

  3. One-neutron knockout from {sup 24-28}Ne isotopes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez-Tajes, C., E-mail: carme.rodriguez@usc.e [Departamento de Fisica de Particulas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Cortina-Gil, D.; Alvarez-Pol, H. [Departamento de Fisica de Particulas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Aumann, T. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, 64291 Darmstadt (Germany); Benjamim, E.; Benlliure, J. [Departamento de Fisica de Particulas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Borge, M.J.G. [Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, 28006 Madrid (Spain); Caamano, M.; Casarejos, E. [Departamento de Fisica de Particulas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Chatillon, A. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, 64291 Darmstadt (Germany); Eppinger, K.; Faestermann, T. [Physik Department E12, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, 85748 Garching (Germany); Gascon, M. [Departamento de Fisica de Particulas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Geissel, H. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, 64291 Darmstadt (Germany); Gernhaeuser, R. [Physik Department E12, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, 85748 Garching (Germany); Jonson, B. [Fundamental Fysik, Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola, 412 96 Goeteborg (Sweden); PH Department, CERN, 1211 Geneve 23 (Switzerland); Kanungo, R. [Astronomy and Physics Department, Saint Mary' s University, Halifax, NS B3H 3C3 (Canada); Kruecken, R. [Physik Department E12, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, 85748 Garching (Germany); Kurtukian, T. [Departamento de Fisica de Particulas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Larsson, K. [Fundamental Fysik, Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola, 412 96 Goeteborg (Sweden)


    One-neutron knockout reactions of {sup 24-28}Ne in a beryllium target have been studied in the Fragment Separator (FRS), at GSI. The results include inclusive one-neutron knockout cross-sections as well as longitudinal-momentum distributions of the knockout fragments. The ground-state structure of the neutron-rich neon isotopes was obtained from an analysis of the measured momentum distributions. The results indicate that the two heaviest isotopes, {sup 27}Ne and {sup 28}Ne, are dominated by a configuration in which a s{sub 1/2} neutron is coupled to an excited state of the {sup 26}Ne and {sup 27}Ne core, respectively.

  4. Status of the KM3NeT project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Margiotta, A


    KM3NeT is a deep-sea research infrastructure being constructed in the Mediterranean Sea. It will be installed at three sites: KM3NeT-Fr, offshore Toulon, France, KM3NeT-It, offshore Portopalo di Capo Passero, Sicily (Italy) and KM3NeT-Gr, offshore Pylos, Peloponnese, Greece. It will host the next generation Cherenkov neutrino telescope and nodes for a deep sea multidisciplinary observatory, providing oceanographers, marine biologists, and geophysicists with real time measurements. The neutrino telescope will search for Galactic and extra-Galactic sources of neutrinos, complementing IceCube in its field of view. The detector will have a modular structure and consists of six building blocks, each including about one hundred Detection Units (DUs). Each DU will be equipped with 18 multi-PMT digital optical modules. The first phase of construction has started and shore and deep-sea infrastructures hosting the future KM3NeT detector are being prepared in France near Toulon and in Italy, near Capo Passero in Sicily. The technological solutions for KM3NeT and the expected performance of the detector are presented and discussed

  5. Comments on Auger electron production by Ne/sup +/ bombardment of surfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pepper, S V; Ferrante, J [National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, OH (USA). Lewis Research Center


    In this letter, the authors first report rather conclusive experimental evidence showing that the Ne Auger signal is due to asymmetric Ne-metal collisions and not symmetric Ne-Ne collisions. Next it is shown that the Ne Auger signal is in fact observable by Ne/sup +/ bombardment of Si and with signal strength comparable to that of the Si Auger signal for 3 keV incident ion energy. Finally, they comment on some trends in the relative amplitudes of the 21.9 and 25.1 eV Ne Auger signals as a function of incident ion energy and target species.

  6. Prospects for Antineutrino Running at MiniBooNE


    Wascko, M. O.


    MiniBooNE began running in antineutrino mode on 19 January, 2006. We describe the sensitivity of MiniBooNE to LSND-like nuebar oscillations and outline a program of antineutrino cross-section measurements necessary for the next generation of neutrino oscillation experiments. We describe three independent methods of constraining wrong-sign (neutrino) backgrounds in an antineutrino beam, and their application to the MiniBooNE antineutrino analyses.

  7. UCB-NE-101 user's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, W.W.L.


    The purpose of this manual is to provide users of UCB-NE-101 with the information necessary to use UCB-NE-101 effectively. UCB-NE-101 calculates the concentration of solubility-limited species as a function of space and time and its mass flux rates from a waste sphere buried in a nuclear waste repository in water-saturated rock. The waste is surrounded by one type of rock, and some distance away, there is another type of rock. The inner layer of rock can be a backfill around a nuclear waste package and the outer layer the natural rock. The mass flux calculated is at the interface of the two layers. The species concentration calculated is in the inner layer. A constant concentration of the species, usually the solubility, is specified at the waste sphere/inner layer interface. Dissolution and transport is governed by the solubility of the species, and diffusion in the porous media. 1 ref., 1 fig

  8. Reaction cross section for Ne isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panda, R.N.; Sahu, B.K.; Patra, S.K.


    In the present contribution, first the bulk properties are calculated, such as binding energy (BE), root mean square charge radius r ch , matter radius r m and quadrupole deformation parameter β 2 for 18-32 Ne isotopes in the Relativistic mean field (RMF) and effective field theory motivated RMF (E-RMF) formalisms . Then the total nuclear reaction cross section σR is analyzes for the scattering of 20 Ne and 28-32 Ne from a 12 C target at 240 MeV/nucleon by using the RMF model. Thus the objective of the present study is to calculate the bulk properties as well as a systematic analysis of σR over a range of neutron rich nuclei in the frame work of Glauber model

  9. NeSSM: a Next-generation Sequencing Simulator for Metagenomics.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ben Jia

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Metagenomics can reveal the vast majority of microbes that have been missed by traditional cultivation-based methods. Due to its extremely wide range of application areas, fast metagenome sequencing simulation systems with high fidelity are in great demand to facilitate the development and comparison of metagenomics analysis tools. RESULTS: We present here a customizable metagenome simulation system: NeSSM (Next-generation Sequencing Simulator for Metagenomics. Combining complete genomes currently available, a community composition table, and sequencing parameters, it can simulate metagenome sequencing better than existing systems. Sequencing error models based on the explicit distribution of errors at each base and sequencing coverage bias are incorporated in the simulation. In order to improve the fidelity of simulation, tools are provided by NeSSM to estimate the sequencing error models, sequencing coverage bias and the community composition directly from existing metagenome sequencing data. Currently, NeSSM supports single-end and pair-end sequencing for both 454 and Illumina platforms. In addition, a GPU (graphics processing units version of NeSSM is also developed to accelerate the simulation. By comparing the simulated sequencing data from NeSSM with experimental metagenome sequencing data, we have demonstrated that NeSSM performs better in many aspects than existing popular metagenome simulators, such as MetaSim, GemSIM and Grinder. The GPU version of NeSSM is more than one-order of magnitude faster than MetaSim. CONCLUSIONS: NeSSM is a fast simulation system for high-throughput metagenome sequencing. It can be helpful to develop tools and evaluate strategies for metagenomics analysis and it's freely available for academic users at

  10. Stellar reaction rate for 22Mg+p→23Al from the asymptotic normalization coefficient in the mirror nuclear system 22Ne+n→23Ne

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Abdullah, T.; Carstoiu, F.; Chen, X.; Clark, H. L.; Fu, C.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Lui, Y.-W.; Mukhamedzhanov, A.; Tabacaru, G.; Tokimoto, Y.; Trache, L.; Tribble, R. E.


    The production of 22 Na in ONe novae can be influenced by the 22 Mg(p,γ) 23 Al reaction. To investigate this reaction rate at stellar energies, we have determined the asymptotic normalization coefficient (ANC) for 22 Mg+p→ 23 Al through measurements of the ANCs in the mirror nuclear system 22 Ne+n→ 23 Ne. The peripheral neutron-transfer reactions 13 C( 12 C, 13 C) 12 C and 13 C( 22 Ne, 23 Ne) 12 C were studied. The identical entrance and exit channels of the first reaction make it possible to extract independently the ground-state ANC in 13 C. Our experiment gives C p 1/2 2 ( 13 C)=2.24±0.11 fm -1 , which agrees with the value obtained from several previous measurements. The weighted average for all the obtained C p 1/2 2 is 2.31±0.08 fm -1 . This value is adopted to be used in obtaining the ANCs in 23 Ne. The differential cross sections for the reaction 13 C( 22 Ne, 23 Ne) 12 C leading to the J π =5/2 + and 1/2 + states in 23 Ne have been measured at 12 MeV/u. Optical model parameters for use in the DWBA calculations were obtained from measurements of the elastic scatterings 22 Ne+ 13 C and 22 Ne+ 12 C. The extracted ANC for the ground state in 23 Ne, C d 5/2 2 =0.86±0.08±0.12 fm -1 , is converted to its corresponding value in 23 Al using mirror symmetry to give C d 5/2 2 ( 23 Al)=(4.63±0.77)x10 3 fm -1 . The astrophysical S factor S(0) for the 22 Mg(p,γ) reaction was determined to be 0.96±0.11 keV b. The consequences for nuclear astrophysics are discussed.

  11. Measurements of Neutrino Charged Current Interactions at SciBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakajima, Yasuhiro [Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502 (Japan)], E-mail:


    The SciBooNE experiment (FNAL-E954) is designed to measure neutrino-nucleous cross sections in the one GeV region. Additionally, SciBooNE serves as a near detector for MiniBooNE by measuring the neutrino flux. In this paper, we describe two analyses using neutrino charged current interactions at SciBooNE: a neutrino spectrum measurement and a search for charged current coherent pion production.

  12. Lääne-Virumaa ettevõtete TOP aastal 2004

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tabelid: Lääne-Virumaa ettevõtete TOP 50; Käibe TOP 35; Kasumi TOP 35; Lääne-Virumaa ettevõtete üld- ja finantsandmed; Käibe kasvu TOP 20; Kasumi kasvu TOP 20; Rentaabluse TOP 20; Omakapitali tootlikkuse TOP 20. Vt. samas: Viktor Sepp, Merike Lees. Lääne-Virumaal üllatavad uued tegijad

  13. Pathologic audit of 164 consecutive cases of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia. (United States)

    Scurry, James; Campion, Michael; Scurry, Bonnie; Kim, Soo Nyung; Hacker, Neville


    There are 2 types of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN): warty-basaloid and differentiated. Differentiated VIN is uncommon and seldom diagnosed prior to carcinoma and, traditionally, is not graded. There are currently 3 grading systems for warty-basaloid VIN: the World Health Organization (WHO) 3 grade system of VIN 1-3, a 2 grade system of low and high grade vulvar intraepithelial lesions, and the revised International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD) classification which has no grading of VIN. According to the ISSVD, VIN 1 should be abolished and VIN 2 and 3 combined into a single category, simply termed warty-basaloid VIN. To determine the best system for grading warty-basaloid VIN and learn more about differentiated VIN, we reviewed the pathology of 164 consecutive women with VIN. Of these, 134 (82.3%) had warty-basaloid VIN, 29 (18.2%) had differentiated VIN, and 1 had both. Of warty-basaloid VIN cases, 4 had VIN 1, 13 VIN 2, and 118 VIN 3 when graded according to the WHO. All VIN 1 occurred in condylomata acuminata. VIN 2 and 3 were distinguished only by degree of abnormality. Differentiated VIN was diagnosed before SCC in only 7 cases (26.7%). Because the only VIN 1 cases seen were in condylomata acuminata and because VIN 2 and 3 were difficult to distinguish and there appears little clinical reason to do so, our study supports the ISSVD proposal that VIN 1 be abolished and VIN 2 and 3 be combined. There needs to be more clinical awareness of vulvar conditions, so that differentiated VIN is biopsied before cancer has supervened.

  14. Comparison of electromagnetic and nuclear dissociation of 17Ne (United States)

    Wamers, F.; Marganiec, J.; Aksouh, F.; Aksyutina, Yu.; Alvarez-Pol, H.; Aumann, T.; Beceiro-Novo, S.; Bertulani, C. A.; Boretzky, K.; Borge, M. J. G.; Chartier, M.; Chatillon, A.; Chulkov, L. V.; Cortina-Gil, D.; Emling, H.; Ershova, O.; Fraile, L. M.; Fynbo, H. O. U.; Galaviz, D.; Geissel, H.; Heil, M.; Hoffmann, D. H. H.; Hoffman, J.; Johansson, H. T.; Jonson, B.; Karagiannis, C.; Kiselev, O. A.; Kratz, J. V.; Kulessa, R.; Kurz, N.; Langer, C.; Lantz, M.; Le Bleis, T.; Lehr, C.; Lemmon, R.; Litvinov, Yu. A.; Mahata, K.; Müntz, C.; Nilsson, T.; Nociforo, C.; Ott, W.; Panin, V.; Paschalis, S.; Perea, A.; Plag, R.; Reifarth, R.; Richter, A.; Riisager, K.; Rodriguez-Tajes, C.; Rossi, D.; Savran, D.; Schrieder, G.; Simon, H.; Stroth, J.; Sümmerer, K.; Tengblad, O.; Typel, S.; Weick, H.; Wiescher, M.; Wimmer, C.


    The Borromean drip-line nucleus 17Ne has been suggested to possess a two-proton halo structure in its ground state. In the astrophysical r p -process, where the two-proton capture reaction 15O(2 p ,γ )17Ne plays an important role, the calculated reaction rate differs by several orders of magnitude between different theoretical approaches. To add to the understanding of the 17Ne structure we have studied nuclear and electromagnetic dissociation. A 500 MeV/u 17Ne beam was directed toward lead, carbon, and polyethylene targets. Oxygen isotopes in the final state were measured in coincidence with one or two protons. Different reaction branches in the dissociation of 17Ne were disentangled. The relative populations of s and d states in 16F were determined for light and heavy targets. The differential cross section for electromagnetic dissociation (EMD) shows a continuous internal energy spectrum in the three-body system 15O+2 p . The 17Ne EMD data were compared to current theoretical models. None of them, however, yields satisfactory agreement with the experimental data presented here. These new data may facilitate future development of adequate models for description of the fragmentation process.

  15. Stellar origin of the 22Ne excess in cosmic rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casse, M.; Paul, J.A.


    The 22 Ne excess at the cosmic-ray source is discussed in terms of a 22 Ne-rich component injected and accelerated by carbon-rich Wolf-Rayet stars. The overabundance of 22 Ne relative to 20 Ne predicted at the surface of these stars is estimated to a factor approx.120 with respect to solar system abundances. In order to give rise to a 22 Ne excess of about 3 at the cosmic-ray sources as inferred from observations, the carbon-rich Wolf-Rayet contribution to the primary cosmic-ray flux is to be at maximum 1/60. This component would be energized by strong stellar winds producing quasi-standing shocks around the Wolf-Rayet stars

  16. Study of 19F and 19Ne mirror nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lebrun, Claude.


    The electromagnetic properties of the mirror nuclei 19 F and 19 Ne were studied using the 18 O(d,nγ) 19 F, 17 O( 3 He,nγ) 19 Ne and 19 F(p,nγ) 19 Ne reactions. Lifetimes of 8 levels in 19 F and 11 levels in 19 Ne have been measured using the Doppler shift attenuation method. Weak and strong components of M 1 , E 1 and E 2 transition strengths are compared with shell model predictions. M 1 and E 2 transition strengths of conjugated nuclei (A=18 to A=34) are compiled and compared with wide configuration space shell models [fr

  17. Strangeness in nuclear matter at DAΦNE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gianotti, P.


    The low energy kaons from the φ meson produced at DAΦNE offer a unique opportunity to study strangeness in nuclear matter. The interaction of kaons with hadronic matter can be investigated at DAΦNE using three main approaches: study of hypernuclei production and decay, kaons scattering on nucleons, kaonic atoms formation. These studies explore kaon-nucleon and hyperon-nucleon forces at very low energy, the nuclear shell model in presence of strangeness quantum number and eventual quarks deconfinement phenomena. The experiments devoted to study this physical program at DAΦNE are FINUDA and DEAR. The physics topics of both experiments are illustrated together with a detailed descriptions of the two detectors

  18. Flaking and blistering on He and Ne bombardments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamada, K.; Naramoto, H.


    Large scale exfoliation formed by 300 keV He + bombardment of niobium without any preceding blistering is investigated, in comparison with the blistering due to 450 and 850 keV Ne + bombardments. In-situ observations of the erosion processes were performed in a scanning electron microscope connected to the Van de Graaff. Critical doses of 7.2 x 10 17 He + /cm 2 , 2.4 x 10 17 Ne + /cm 2 and 4.0 x 10 17 Ne + /cm 2 were obtained for the 300 keV He flaking, 450 keV Ne blistering and 850 keV Ne blistering, respectively. The He flaking was presumed to be due to brittle fashion peeling-off of the surface layer by the bending moment driven by the internal gas pressure. The blistering, on the other hand, was presumed to be the result of the ductile fashion spreading of the lenticular bubble in the sub-surface layer. The necessary pressure for the peeling-off of the cover was calculated, and was speculated to be able to work as the driving force for the flaking from its unexpectedly low values. Fractographies under the exfoliations were discussed for both flaking and blistering. (author)



    Podgoršek, Manja


    Ikonične reprezentacije so reprezentacije, ki predstavljajo prehod med enaktivnimi in simbolnimi reprezentacijami. Ikonične reprezentacije matematičnih pojmov na razredni stopnji so v veliki večini primerov grafične. V magistrski nalogi smo s pomočjo preizkusa znanja želeli ugotoviti, na kakšen način učenci od 5. do 8. razreda osnovne šole grafično ponazarjajo vnaprej podane matematične pojme (odštevanje s prehodom, številski izraz z oklepaji, izraz dela celote in potenca). Zanimalo nas je tu...

  20. Nivation forms and processes in unconsolidated sediments, NE Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Hanne Hvidtfeldt


    Nivation, Nivation Hollow, Nival Backwall Faliure, Active layer Interflow, Pronival alluvial fans, NE Greenland......Nivation, Nivation Hollow, Nival Backwall Faliure, Active layer Interflow, Pronival alluvial fans, NE Greenland...

  1. KM3NeT

    CERN Multimedia

    KM3NeT is a large scale next-generation neutrino telescope located in the deep waters of the Mediterranean Sea, optimized for the discovery of galactic neutrino sources emitting in the TeV energy region.

  2. neXtA5: accelerating annotation of articles via automated approaches in neXtProt. (United States)

    Mottin, Luc; Gobeill, Julien; Pasche, Emilie; Michel, Pierre-André; Cusin, Isabelle; Gaudet, Pascale; Ruch, Patrick


    The rapid increase in the number of published articles poses a challenge for curated databases to remain up-to-date. To help the scientific community and database curators deal with this issue, we have developed an application, neXtA5, which prioritizes the literature for specific curation requirements. Our system, neXtA5, is a curation service composed of three main elements. The first component is a named-entity recognition module, which annotates MEDLINE over some predefined axes. This report focuses on three axes: Diseases, the Molecular Function and Biological Process sub-ontologies of the Gene Ontology (GO). The automatic annotations are then stored in a local database, BioMed, for each annotation axis. Additional entities such as species and chemical compounds are also identified. The second component is an existing search engine, which retrieves the most relevant MEDLINE records for any given query. The third component uses the content of BioMed to generate an axis-specific ranking, which takes into account the density of named-entities as stored in the Biomed database. The two ranked lists are ultimately merged using a linear combination, which has been specifically tuned to support the annotation of each axis. The fine-tuning of the coefficients is formally reported for each axis-driven search. Compared with PubMed, which is the system used by most curators, the improvement is the following: +231% for Diseases, +236% for Molecular Functions and +3153% for Biological Process when measuring the precision of the top-returned PMID (P0 or mean reciprocal rank). The current search methods significantly improve the search effectiveness of curators for three important curation axes. Further experiments are being performed to extend the curation types, in particular protein-protein interactions, which require specific relationship extraction capabilities. In parallel, user-friendly interfaces powered with a set of JSON web services are currently being

  3. Measurement of the response of the deuterated scintillators NE 232 and NE 230 to protons and deuterons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tornow, W.; Arnold, W.; Herdtweck, J.; Mertens, G.


    The response of the deuterated scintillators NE 232 and NE 230 to protons and deuterons has been measured via elastic neutron-proton and neutron-deuteron scattering using the two mixtures of C 6 H 12 /C 6 D 12 and C 6 H 6 /C 6 D 6 and ''pure'' scintillators. The energy range covered for protons and deuterons was about 1-16 MeV. The light output relation Lsub(p)(E)=(1/2)Lsub(d) (2E) has been observed. (orig.)

  4. Evolución de las relaciones nutricionales suelo-planta desarrolladas en suelos de la D. O. "Tierra de León" dedicados al cultivo de Vitis vinífera L. cv. Prieto Picudo


    Olego Morán, Miguel Ángel


    Se constata la gran influencia e importancia que tiene el pH de los suelos, sobre la biodisponibilidad de los nutrientes minerales presentes en los mismos. Se ha constatado que los nutrientes minerales Mg y Cu de los tejidos vegetales de Vitis vinífera L. cv. Prieto Picudo, aparecen con una interacción antagónica y significativa, lo cual reviste gran importancia, dada la escasez del nutriente Mg en estos suelos, y los continuos tratamientos con base cúprica que actualmente se realizan

  5. {sup 17}O({alpha},{gamma}){sup 21}Ne and {sup 17}O({alpha},n){sup 20}Ne for the weak s process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Best, A.; Goerres, J.; Beard, M.; Couder, M.; Boer, R. de; Falahat, S.; Gueray, R. T.; Kontos, A.; Kratz, K.-L.; LeBlanc, P. J.; Li, Q.; O' Brien, S.; Oezkan, N.; Pignatari, M.; Sonnabend, K.; Talwar, R.; Tan, W.; Uberseder, E.; Wiescher, M. [Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (United States); Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (United States) and Department for Biogeochemistry, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry, 55020 Mainz (Germany); Department of Physics, Kacaeli University, Umuttepe 41380, Kocaeli (Turkey); Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (United States); Department for Biogeochemistry, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry, 55020 Mainz (Germany); Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (United States); Department of Physics, Kacaeli University, Umuttepe 41380, Kocaeli (Turkey); Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel 4056 (Switzerland); Institute for Applied Physics, Goethe-University Frankfurt, 60325 Frankfurt (Germany); Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (United States)


    The ratio of the reaction rates of the competing channels {sup 17}O({alpha}{gamma}){sup 21}Ne and {sup 17}O({alpha},n){sup 20}Ne determines the efficiency of {sup 16}O as a neutron poison in the s process in low metallicity rotating stars. It has a large impact on the element production, either producing elements to the mass range of A=90 in case of a significant poisoning effect or extending the mass range up to the region of A=150 if the {gamma} channel is of negligible strength. We present an improved study of the reaction {sup 17}O({alpha},n){sup 20}Ne, including an independent measurement of the {sup 17}O({alpha},n{sub 1}){sup 20}Ne channel. A simultaneous R-Matrix fit to both the n{sub 0} and the n{sub 1} channels has been performed. New reaction rates, including recent data on the {sup 17}O({alpha},{gamma}){sup 21}Ne reaction, have been calculated and used as input for stellar network calculations and their impact on the s process in rotating massive stars is discussed.

  6. Exclusive measurements of nuclear breakup reactions of 17Ne

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wamers, F.; Marganiec, J.; Aksouh, F.; Aksyutina, Y.; Boretzky, K.; Chatillon, A.; Emling, H.; Geissel, H.; Heil, M.; Hoffmann, J.; Karagiannis, C.; Kiselev, O.A.; Kurz, N.; Larsson, K.; Litvinov, Y.A.; Nociforo, C.; Ott, W.; Simon, H.; Suemmerer, K.; Weick, H.; Alvarez-Pol, H.; Beceiro-Novo, S.; Cortina-Gil, D.; Rodriguez-Tajes, C.; Aumann, T.; Panin, V.; Bertulani, C.A.; Borge, M.J.G.; Galaviz, D.; Perea, A.; Tengblad, O.; Chartier, M.; Taylor, J.; Chulkov, L.V.; Egorova, I.A.; Ershova, O.; Langer, C.; Plag, R.; Reifarth, R.; Wimmer, C.; Forssen, C.; Johansson, H.; Jonson, B.; Nilsson, T.; Nyman, G.; Tengborn, E.; Zhukov, M.V.; Fraile, L.M.; Fynbo, H.; Riisager, K.; Grigorenko, L.V.; Hoffmann, D.H.; Richter, A.; Schrieder, G.; Karakoc, M.; Kratz, J.V.; Kulessa, R.; Lantz, M.; Le Bleis, T.; Lemmon, R.; Mahata, K.; Muentz, C.; Stroth, J.; Parfenova, Y.L.; Paschalis, S.; Rossi, D.; Savran, D.; Shul'gina, N.B.


    We have studied one-proton-removal reactions of about 500 MeV/u 17 Ne beams on a carbon target at the R 3 B/LAND setup at GSI by detecting beam-like 15 O-p and determining their relative-energy distribution. We exclusively selected the removal of a 17 Ne halo proton, and the Glauber-model analysis of the 16 F momentum distribution resulted in an s 2 contribution in the 17 Ne ground state of about 40 %. (authors)

  7. The MicroBooNE Technical Design Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fleming, Bonnie [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States)


    MicroBooNE will build, operate, and extract physics from the first large liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) that will be exposed to a high-intensity neutrino beam. With its unparalleled capabilities in tracking, vertexing, calorimetry, and particle identification, all with full electronic readout, MicroBooNE represents a major advance in detector technology for neutrino physics in the energy regime of most importance for elucidating oscillation phenomena.

  8. Bibliography on Cold Regions Science and Technology. Volume 41. Part 1 (United States)


    companion paper (sec 41-3277 or F-35505) which treats both plane and axi-symmetric flow tAuth mod.) 41-3277 Plane and radial ice-shelf flow with...control system for diesel ventilation aggre- gates of air-cushion vehicles. [ Sistema avtomatiches- kogo upravleniia dizel-ventiliatornymi

  9. Translating Activity Diagram from Duration Calculus for Modeling of Real-Time Systems and its Formal Verification using UPPAAL and DiVinE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Ur Rehman


    Full Text Available The RTS (Real-Time Systems are widely used in industry, home appliances, life saving systems, aircrafts, and automatic weapons. These systems need more accuracy, safety, and reliability. An accurate graphical modeling and verification of such systems is really challenging. The formal methods made it possible to model such systems with more accuracy. In this paper, we envision a strategy to overcome the inadequacy of SysML (System Modeling Language for modeling and verification of RTS, and illustrate the framework by applying it on a case study of fuel filling machine. We have defined DC (Duration Calculus implementaion based formal semantics to specify the functionality of RTS. The activity diagram in then generated from these semantics. Finally, the graphical model is verified using UPPAAL and DiVinE model checkers for validation of timed and untimed properties with accelerated verification speed. Our results suggest the use of methodology for modeling and verification of large scale real-time systems with reduced verification cost.

  10. Translating activity diagram from duration calculus for modeling of real-time systems and its formal verification using UPPAAL and DiVinE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahim, M.A.B.U.; Arif, F.


    The RTS (Real-Time Systems) are widely used in industry, home appliances, life saving systems, aircrafts, and automatic weapons. These systems need more accuracy, safety, and reliability. An accurate graphical modeling and verification of such systems is really challenging. The formal methods made it possible to model such systems with more accuracy. In this paper, we envision a strategy to overcome the inadequacy of SysML (System Modeling Language) for modeling and verification of RTS, and illustrate the framework by applying it on a case study of fuel filling machine. We have defined DC (Duration Calculus) implementation based formal semantics to specify the functionality of RTS. The activity diagram in then generated from these semantics. Finally, the graphical model is verified using UPPAAL and DiVinE model checkers for validation of timed and untimed properties with accelerated verification speed. Our results suggest the use of methodology for modeling and verification of large scale real-time systems with reduced verification cost. (author)

  11. Relationship between the elemental composition of grapeyards and bioactive compounds in the Cabernet Sauvignon grapes Vitis vinífera harvested in Mexico. (United States)

    Acuña-Avila, Pedro Estanislao; Vásquez-Murrieta, María Soledad; Franco Hernández, Marina Olivia; López-Cortéz, Ma Del Socorro


    The red grape Vitis vinífera is an important source of phenolic compounds, which can prevent disease if included as a part of a diet. The levels of these compounds in grapes have been associated with various environmental factors, such as climate, soil composition, and biotic stress. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the elemental compositions of the soil and the grapes and the presence of bioactive compounds, such as catechin, epicatechin, piceid and resveratrol. Ethanol-based extracts of red grapes were used to quantify total and individual phenolic compounds by HPLC. It was observed that the elemental compositions of the soil and the grapes were related to their locations within different wine-producing regions. A principal component analysis showed a relationship between high metal content (Sr, Mn, Si and Pb) and higher concentrations of antioxidants in the grapes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Comparison of Ne and Ar seeded radiative divertor plasmas in JT-60U

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakano, T., E-mail:


    In H-mode plasmas with Ne, Ar and a mixture of Ne and Ar injection, the divertor radiation power fractions amongst these impurities in addition to an intrinsic impurity, C, are investigated. In plasmas with the inner divertor plasma attached, carbon is the biggest radiator, whichever impurity, Ne, Ar or a mixture of Ar and Ne is injected. In contrast, in plasmas with the inner divertor plasma detached, Ne is the biggest radiator due to a significantly high recombination radiation from Ne VIII. Ar is always a minor contributor in plasmas with the inner divertor both attached and detached.

  13. Lieux de vente de vin de palme et débats publics : une autre face de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2 août 2011 ... cost fits every budget, the people who frequent these places take advantage of ... En effet, le prix des boissons industrielles ne permet plus ... comprendre ces sites comme une innovation/adaptation de l'espace public dans le ...

  14. DAΦNE Control System status and performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Di Pirro, G.; Drago, A.; Mazzitelli, G.; Milardi, C.; Sannibale, F.; Stecchi, A.; Stella, A.


    The DAΦNE Control System allowed the step by step commissioning of the major subsystems as they were installed, proving to be modular and extensible. Recently the guidelines of the Control System evolution concerned the development of machine operational procedures and the integration of diagnostic tools. Particular attention has been reserved to the problem of saving and restoring element data sts as well as to the DAΦNE general data handling. A system overview including installation status, features, and operation results is presented

  15. Dielektrične lastnosti vodnih raztopin nekaterih mono- in polisaharidov


    Gubenšek, Špela


    V magistrskem delu smo raztopinam različnih saharidov določali dielektrične lastnosti. Analizirali smo vodne raztopine glukoze, fruktoze, inulina, dekstrina, maltodekstrina, oligofruktoze in glukozno-fruktoznega sirupa. Saharide smo okarakterizirali tako, da smo določili njihove reducirajoče lastnosti in v glukozno-fruktoznem sirupu delež fruktoze. Za določanje dielektrične konstante v območju frekvenc izmenične napetosti med 20 kHz in 2 MHz smo uporabili kapacitivno metodo in LCR merilnik. ...

  16. Desktop Video: Multi-Media on the NeXT Computer. (United States)

    Stammen, Ronald M.; Richardson, Jolene

    A new course, Independent Study Research and Writing via Telecommunications, is being developed by the Division of Independent Study (DIS) of the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction to teach telepublishing skills utilizing the NeXT telecommunicating (interpersonal computing) techniques, i.e., NeXT Mail. This multimedia electronic-mail…

  17. Interaction of Ne(2p54p), Ar(3p54p) and Kr(4p55p) excited atoms with He and Ne atoms. Processes of collisional depolarization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zagrebin, A.L.; Lednev, M.G.


    Quasimolecular terms Ne(2p 5 4p)+He, Ar(3p 5 4p)+He,Ne and Kr(4p 5 5p)+He,Ne are calculated within the framework of one-configuration method of effective Hamiltonian. The results of calculations agree with the experimental data

  18. Excipient-assisted vinpocetine nanoparticles: experiments and molecular dynamic simulations. (United States)

    Li, Cai-Xia; Wang, Hao-Bo; Oppong, Daniel; Wang, Jie-Xin; Chen, Jian-Feng; Le, Yuan


    Hydrophilic excipients can be used to increase the solubility and bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs. In this work, the conventional water-soluble pharmaceutical excipients hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC), polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), and lactose (LAC) were used as solid supports to prevent drug nanoparticles from aggregation and enhance drug dissolution. Excipient-assisted vinpocetine (VIN) nanoparticles were prepared by reactive precipitation. The analysis results indicated that HPMC was a suitable excipient to prepare VIN nanoparticles. VIN/HPMC nanoparticles had a mean size of 130 nm within a narrow distribution. The dissolution rate of VIN nanoparticles was significantly faster than those of a physical mixture of VIN/HPMC and raw VIN. VIN/HPMC nanoparticles had a higher dissolution profile than VIN/PVP and VIN/LAC nanoparticles. Besides, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was applied to investigate the molecular interactions between VIN and excipients. The calculated results revealed that VIN interacted with excipients by Coulomb and Lennard-Jones (LJ) interactions. Few hydrogen bonds were formed between VIN and excipients. The HPMC affording smaller particle size may be a result of the stronger interactions between VIN and HPMC (mainly LJ interaction) and the property of HPMC. These characteristics may greatly influence the adsorption behavior and may be the crucial parameter for the better performance of HPMC.

  19. Half-life of the superallowed β+ emitter Ne18 (United States)

    Grinyer, G. F.; Smith, M. B.; Andreoiu, C.; Andreyev, A. N.; Ball, G. C.; Bricault, P.; Chakrawarthy, R. S.; Daoud, J. J.; Finlay, P.; Garrett, P. E.; Hackman, G.; Hyland, B.; Leslie, J. R.; Morton, A. C.; Pearson, C. J.; Phillips, A. A.; Schumaker, M. A.; Svensson, C. E.; Valiente-Dobón, J. J.; Williams, S. J.; Zganjar, E. F.


    The half-life of Ne18 has been determined by detecting 1042-keV γ rays in the daughter F18 following the superallowed-Fermi β+ decay of samples implanted at the center of the 8πγ-ray spectrometer, a spherical array of 20 HPGe detectors. Radioactive Ne18 beams were produced on-line, mass-separated, and ionized using an electron-cyclotron-resonance ionization source at the ISAC facility at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada. This is the first high-precision half-life measurement of a superallowed Fermi β decay to utilize both a large-scale HPGe spectrometer and the isotope separation on-line technique. The half-life of Ne18, 1.6656 ± 0.0019 s, deduced following a 1.4σ correction for detector pulse pile-up, is four times more precise than the previous world average. As part of an investigation into potential systematic effects, the half-life of the heavier isotope Ne23 was determined to be 37.11 ± 0.06 s, a factor of 2 improvement over the previous precision.

  20. Charged-Current Neutral Pion production at SciBooNE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Catala-Perez, J.


    SciBooNE, located in the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab, collected data from June 2007 to August 2008 to accurately measure muon neutrino and anti-neutrino cross sections on carbon below 1 GeV neutrino energy. SciBooNE is studying charged current interactions. Among them, neutral pion production interactions will be the focus of this poster. The experimental signature of neutrino-induced neutral pion production is constituted by two electromagnetic cascades initiated by the conversion of the π 0 decay photons, with an additional muon in the final state for CC processes. In this poster, I will present how we reconstruct and select charged-current muon neutrino interactions producing π 0 's in SciBooNE.

  1. New data on the geology of the archaeological site at Vinča (Belgrade, Serbia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rundić Ljupko


    Full Text Available Landslides threaten Vinča, a world famous archaeological site of Neolithic culture. For this reason, a field investigation and geologic-geotechnical research of the cores of seven exploration boreholes were carried out. Avery interesting structural setting was identified. The oldest stratigraphic unit consists of Middle Miocene Sarmatian sediments, which were discovered along the right bank of Danube River and within its riverbed about 300 m upstream from the archaeological site. These Sarmatian strata give evidence that the Danube River eroded the right bank. In addition, within its recent valley, there is a fault zone along which a block on the right bank was uplifted while a block on the left bank of the river that was subsided. All the boreholes passed through sediments of a previously unknown geological formation. It lies unconformably over Sarmatian strip marls and makes the base for Pleistocene loessoid sediments (approx. 10 m under the surface. These sediments were formed in a marsh-lake environment with a strong river influence. According to its superposition, the supposed age of this formation is the Plio-Pleistocene. Above the right bank of the Danube River, there are steep sections where Pleistocene swamp loessoid sediments were found. True loess deposits are not present here, but are in the hinterland of the right bank of the Danube River. The loess delluvium was deposited over the Pleistocene sediments. On the right bank of the Danube River, below the archaeological site, there are the anthropogenic water compacted sands that were previously incorrectly shown on geological maps as alluvial fans. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176015

  2. Measurement of the {sup 15}O(2p,{gamma}){sup 17}Ne cross section by Coulomb dissociation of {sup 17}Ne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marganiec, Justyna [ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI Darmstadt, Darmstadt (Germany); Aumann, Thomas; Heil, Michael; Plag, Ralf; Wamers, Felix [Kernreaktionen und Nuklear Astrophysik, GSI Darmstadt, Darmstadt (Germany)


    For the production of proton-rich nuclei during the rp process two-proton capture plays an important role. This process can bridge long-lived waiting points which otherwise hamper the mass flow between CNO material and the FeNi mass region. One of these waiting points is {sup 15}O. The three-body radiative capture can proceed sequentially or directly from the three-body continuum. The rate of the {sup 15}O(2p,{gamma}){sup 17}Ne reaction obtained using the two-successive-proton-capture model has been discussed in J. Goerres et al. (Phys. Rev. C 51, 392, 1995). The role of continuum states ({sup 15}O+2p) for the rate calculation has been demonstrated in L.V Grigorenko, M.V. Zhukov (Phys. Rev. C 72, 015803, 2005). It has been suggested that the reaction rate can be enhanced by a few orders of magnitude by taking into account the three-body continuum. In order to verify these calculations, we have deduced the {sup 15}O(2p,{gamma}){sup 17}Ne cross section by studying the time-reversed process, the Coulomb dissociation of {sup 17}Ne, at the LAND/R{sup 3}B setup at GSI, using a {sup 17}Ne secondary beam from the fragment separator FRS.

  3. Collective effects in {sup 17}F and {sup 19}Ne; Effets collectifs dans {sup 17}F et {sup 19}Ne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lehmann, P; Leveque, A; Grjebine, T; Barloutaud, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The quadrupolar transition periods {sup 17}F1/2+ {yields} 5/2+ and {sup 19}Ne5/2+ {yields} 1/2+ have been measured, and are compatible with the model of a weak coupling between core and external nucleons. (author) [French] Les periodes des transitions quadrupolaires {sup 17}F1/2+ {yields} 5/2+ et {sup 19}Ne5/2+ {yields} 1/2+ ont ete mesurees et sont compatibles avec le modele d'un couplage faible entre coeur et nucleons exterieures. (auteur)

  4. Precision angle-resolved autoionization resonances in Ar and Ne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berrah, N.; Langer, B.; Gorczyca, T.W. [Western Michigan Univ., Kalamazoo, MI (United States)] [and others


    Theoretical work has shown that the electron angular distribution and the shape of the autoionization resonances are crucial to the understanding of certain types of electron-electron correlation. Autoionization resonances in Ne (Ar) result from the decay of the excited discrete state Ne{sup *} 2s2p{sup 6} np (Ar{sup *} 3s3p{sup 6} np) into the continuum state Ne{sup +} 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 5} + e{sup {minus}} (ks,kd) (Ar{sup +} 3s{sup 2}3p{sup 5} + e{sup {minus}} (ks,kd)). Since the continuum can also be reached by direct photoionization, both paths add coherently, giving rise to interferences that produce the characteristic Beutler-Fano line shape. In this work, the authors report on quantitative angle-resolved electron spectrometry studies of (a) the Ne 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 6} {r_arrow} 2s2p{sup 6} np (n=3-5) autoionizing resonances and the 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 6} {r_arrow} 2p{sup 4}3s3p doubly excited resonance, (b) the Ar 3s{sup 2}3p{sup 6} {r_arrow} 3s3p{sup 6} np (n=4-9) autoionization resonances and extended R-matrix calculations of the angular-distribution parameters for both Ne and Ar measurements. Their results are compared with previous theoretical work by Taylor.

  5. Coulomb and nuclear excitations of narrow resonances in 17Ne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Marganiec


    Full Text Available New experimental data for dissociation of relativistic 17Ne projectiles incident on targets of lead, carbon, and polyethylene targets at GSI are presented. Special attention is paid to the excitation and decay of narrow resonant states in 17Ne. Distributions of internal energy in the O15+p+p three-body system have been determined together with angular and partial-energy correlations between the decay products in different energy regions. The analysis was done using existing experimental data on 17Ne and its mirror nucleus 17N. The isobaric multiplet mass equation is used for assignment of observed resonances and their spins and parities. A combination of data from the heavy and light targets yielded cross sections and transition probabilities for the Coulomb excitations of the narrow resonant states. The resulting transition probabilities provide information relevant for a better understanding of the 17Ne structure.

  6. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic interactions measurement in MiniBooNE (United States)

    Perevalov, Denis

    The MiniBooNE experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) was designed to search for numu → nu e neutrino oscillations at Deltam 2 ˜ 1 eV2 using an intense neutrino flux with an average energy Enu ˜ 700 MeV. From 2002 to 2009 MiniBooNE has accumulated more than 1.0x1021 protons on target (POT) in both neutrino and antineutrino modes. MiniBooNE provides a perfect platform for detailed measurements of exclusive and semi-inclusive neutrino cross-sections, for which MiniBooNE has the largest samples of events up to date, such as neutral current elastic (NCE), neutral current pi 0, charged current quasi-elastic (CCQE), charged current pi +, and other channels. These measured cross-sections, in turn, allow to improve the knowledge of nucleon structure. This thesis is devoted to the study of NCE interactions. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic scattering (nuN → nu N) accounts for about 18% of all neutrino interactions in MiniBooNE. Using a high-statistics, high purity sample of NCE interactions in MiniBooNE, the flux-averaged NCE differential cross-section has been measured and is being reported here. Further study of the NCE cross-section allowed for probing the structure of nuclei. The main interest in the NCE cross-section is that it may be sensitive to the strange quark contribution to the nucleon spin, Deltas, this however requires a separation of NCE proton (nup → nu p) from NCE neutron (nun → nun ) events, which in general is a challenging task. MiniBooNE uses a Cherenkov detector, which imposes restrictions on the measured nucleon kinematic variables, mainly due to the impossibility to reconstruct the nucleon direction below the Cherenkov threshold. However, at kinetic energies above this threshold MiniBooNE is able to identify NCE proton events that do not experience final state interactions (FSI). These events were used for the Deltas measurement. In this thesis MiniBooNE reports the NCE (n+p) cross-section, the measurement

  7. Plate Tectonic Cycling and Whole Mantle Convection Modulate Earth's 3He/22Ne Ratio (United States)

    Dygert, N. J.; Jackson, C.; Hesse, M. A.; Tremblay, M. M.; Shuster, D. L.; Gu, J.


    3He and 22Ne are not produced in the mantle or fractionated by partial melting, and neither isotope is recycled back into the mantle by subduction of oceanic basalt or sediment. Thus, it is a surprise that large 3He/22Ne variations exist within the mantle and that the mantle has a net elevated 3He/22Ne ratio compared to volatile-rich planetary precursor materials. Depleted subcontinental lithospheric mantle and mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) mantle have distinctly higher 3He/22Ne compared to ocean island basalt (OIB) sources ( 4-12.5 vs. 2.5-4.5, respectively) [1,2]. The low 3He/22Ne of OIBs approaches chondritic ( 1) and solar nebula values ( 1.5). The high 3He/22Ne of the MORB mantle is not similar to solar sources or any known family of meteorites, requiring a mechanism for fractionating He from Ne in the mantle and suggesting isolation of distinct mantle reservoirs throughout geologic time. We model the formation of a MORB source with elevated and variable 3He/22Ne though diffusive exchange between dunite channel-hosted basaltic liquids and harzburgite wallrock beneath mid-ocean ridges. Over timescales relevant to mantle upwelling beneath spreading centers, He may diffuse tens to hundreds of meters into wallrock while Ne is relatively immobile, producing a regassed, depleted mantle lithosphere with elevated 3He/22Ne. Subduction of high 3He/22Ne mantle would generate a MORB source with high 3He/22Ne. Regassed, high 3He/22Ne mantle lithosphere has He concentrations 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than undegassed mantle. To preserve the large volumes of high 3He/22Ne mantle required by the MORB source, mixing between subducted and undegassed mantle reservoirs must have been limited throughout geologic time. Using the new 3He/22Ne constraints, we ran a model similar to [3] to quantify mantle mixing timescales, finding they are on the order of Gyr assuming physically reasonable seafloor spreading rates, and that Earth's convecting mantle has lost >99% of its primordial

  8. New low pressure (LP) turbines for NE Krsko

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nemcic, K.; Novsak, M.


    During the evaluation of possible future maintenance strategies on steam turbine in very short period of time, engineering decision was made by NE Krsko in agreement with Owners to replace the existing two Low Pressure (LP) Turbines with new upgrading LP Turbines. This decision is presented with review of the various steam turbine problems as: SCC on turbine discs; blades cracking; erosion-corrosion with comparison of various maintenance options and efforts undertaken by the NE Krsko to improve performance of the original low pressure turbines. This paper presents the NEK approach to solve the possible future problems with steam turbine operation in NE Krsko as pro-active engineering and maintenance activities on the steam turbine. This paper also presents improvements involving retrofits, confined to the main steam turbine path, with major differences between original and new LP Turbines as beneficial replacement because of turbine MWe upgrading and return capital expenditures.(author)

  9. Angular distributions of autoionization electrons from Ne(2p43s2) 1D in Li+-Ne collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oud, M.; Pas, S.F. te; Westerveld, W.B.; Niehaus, A.


    Angular distributions of autoionization electrons from Ne(2p 4 3s 2 ) 1 D due to Li + -Ne collisions measured in coincidence with the scattered projectile ions are presented. The measurements are performed at four different collision energies between 1.0 keV and 3.0 keV, and the complex population amplitudes for the excited 1 D state are determined. A nearly pure M = O sublevel population is found with respect to an axis coinciding with the direction of the angular distribution. The direction of the angular distribution is found to deviate from the final direction of the asymptotic internuclear axis. (author)

  10. Performance evaluation of working standard NE2581 in comparison with reference standard NE2561 in the determination of absorbed dose to water using IAEA, HPA, NACP, AAPM, NCRP and ICRU protocols

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dolah, M.T.; Supian Samat; Taiman Kadni


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of NE 2581 in comparison with NE 2561 in the determination of the absorbed dose to water in a γ-ray beam using IAEA, HPA, NACP, AAPM, NCRP and ICRU protocols. 13 exposures of the γ-ray beams were used. This number of exposures yielded 26 chamber rate readings for NE 2581 (N=13) and for NE 2561 (N=13). From the 13 NE 2581 readings, 78 absorbed dose to water values were calculated for the IAEA (N=13), HPA (N=13), NACP (N=13), AAPM (N=13), NCRP (N=13) and ICRU (N=13) protocols. Similarly, from the 13 NE 2561 readings, 78 absorbed dose to water values were calculated for IAEA (N=13), HPA (N=13), NACP (N=13), AAPM (N=13), NCRP (N=13) and ICRU (N=13) protocols. From these 156 (=78 x 2) absorbed dose to water values, 78 percentage deviations between the NE 2581 and NE 2561 results were calculated for IAEA (N=13), HPA (N=13), NACP (N=13), AAPM (N=13), NCRP (N=13) and ICRU (N=13) protocols. For a single protocol, the mean μ and standard error σ+s+e of the percentage deviations (N=13) were calculated. results obtained in terms of [protocol, μ ± σ se ] were [IAEA,1.55 ± 0.12], [HPA, 0.98 ± 0.12], [NACP, 1.93 ± 0.12], [AAPM, -0.06 ± 0.12], [NCRP, 0.97 ± 0.12], [ICRU, 0.97 ± 0.12]. It can be seen that the range of percentage deviations is from -0.06 to 1.93. As the quoted IAEA acceptable limit of deviation is ± 3.0%, it was concluded that the working standard NE 2581 chamber has shown acceptable performance. In addition, the use of the AAPM protocol has enable NE 2581 to show a performance that is very similar like NE 2561. (Author)

  11. Agnostic stacking of intergalactic doublet absorption: measuring the Ne VIII population (United States)

    Frank, Stephan; Pieri, Matthew M.; Mathur, Smita; Danforth, Charles W.; Shull, J. Michael


    We present a blind search for doublet intergalactic metal absorption with a method dubbed `agnostic stacking'. Using a forward-modelling framework, we combine this with direct detections in the literature to measure the overall metal population. We apply this novel approach to the search for Ne VIII absorption in a set of 26 high-quality COS spectra. We probe to an unprecedented low limit of log N>12.3 at 0.47≤z ≤1.34 over a path-length Δz = 7.36. This method selects apparent absorption without requiring knowledge of its source. Stacking this mixed population dilutes doublet features in composite spectra in a deterministic manner, allowing us to measure the proportion corresponding to Ne VIII absorption. We stack potential Ne VIII absorption in two regimes: absorption too weak to be significant in direct line studies (12.3 13.7). We do not detect Ne VIII absorption in either regime. Combining our measurements with direct detections, we find that the Ne VIII population is reproduced with a power-law column density distribution function with slope β = -1.86 ^{+0.18 }_{ -0.26} and normalization log f_{13.7} = -13.99 ^{+0.20 }_{ -0.23}, leading to an incidence rate of strong Ne VIII absorbers dn/dz =1.38 ^{+0.97 }_{ -0.82}. We infer a cosmic mass density for Ne VIII gas with 12.3 value significantly lower that than predicted by recent simulations. We translate this density into an estimate of the baryon density Ωb ≈ 1.8 × 10-3, constituting 4 per cent of the total baryonic mass.

  12. Ion mobilities in Xe/Ne and other rare-gas mixtures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Piscitelli, D; Pitchford, L C [Centre de Physique des Plasmas et Applications de Toulouse (CPAT), UMR 5002 CNRS, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse (France); Phelps, A V [JILA, University of Colorado and National Institute of Technology, Boulder, Colorado (United States); Urquijo, J de [Centro de Ciencias Fisicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Post Office Box 48-3, 62251, 80309-0440 Cuernavaca, Moreno (Mexico); Basurto, E [Departmento de Ciencias Basicas, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, 02200 Mexico Distrito Federal (Mexico)


    The ion mobility or drift velocity data important for modeling glow discharges in rare gas mixtures are not generally available, nor are the ion-neutral scattering cross sections needed to calculate these data. In this paper we propose a set of cross sections for Xe{sup +} and Ne{sup +} collisions with Xe and Ne atoms. Ion mobilities at 300 K calculated using this cross section set in a Monte Carlo simulation are reported for reduced field strengths, E/N, up to 1500x10{sup -21} V m{sup 2}, in pure gases and in Xe/Ne mixtures containing 5% and 20% Xe/Ne, which are mixtures of interest for plasma display panels (PDPs). The calculated Xe{sup +} mobilities depend strongly on the mixture composition, but the Ne{sup +} mobility varies only slightly with increasing Xe in the mixture over the range studied here. The mobilities in pure gases compare well with available experimental values, and mobilities in gas mixtures at low E/N compare well with our recent measurements which will be published separately. Results from these calculations of ion mobilities are used to evaluate the predictions of Blanc's law and of the mixture rule proposed by Mason and Hahn [Phys. Rev. A 5, 438 (1972)] for determining the ion mobilities in mixtures from a knowledge of the mobilities in each of the pure gases. The mixture rule of Mason and Hahn is accurate to better than 10% at high field strengths over a wide range of conditions of interest for modeling PDPs. We conclude that a good estimate of ion mobilities at high E/N in Xe/Ne and other binary rare gas mixtures can be obtained using this mixture rule combined with known values of mobilities in parent gases and with the Langevin form for mobility of rare gas ions ion in other gases. This conclusion is supported by results in Ar/Ne mixtures which are also presented here.

  13. Investigation of valence inter-multiplet Auger transitions in Ne following 1s photoelectron recapture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Fanis, A; Pruemper, G; Hergenhahn, U; Kukk, E; Tanaka, T; Kitajima, M; Tanaka, H; Fritzsche, S; Kabachnik, N M; Ueda, K


    We employ a novel technique in which highly excited Rydberg states of Ne + 2p 4n p are populated via PCI-induced recapture of the near-threshold 1s photoelectron (De Fanis et al 2004 Phys. Rev. A 70 040702) to investigate valence inter-multiplet Auger transitions. The following series of the transitions have been observed: Ne + 2p 4 ( 1 D)np 2 L → Ne 2+ 2p 4 3 P J , Ne + 2p 4 ( 1 S)np 2 P →Ne 2+ 2p 4 3 P J and Ne + 2p 4 ( 1 S)np 2 P →Ne 2+ 2p 4 1 D. Their energy positions, quantum defects and the anisotropy parameters of the Auger electron emission have been determined. Experimental results are in good agreement with multi-configuration Dirac-Fock calculations carried out as a part of this study. The importance of interference effects for decays via naturally overlapping fine-structure components of the intermediate state is discussed

  14. Precise determination of cosmogenic Ne in CREU-1 quartz standard, using the Helix-MC Plus mass spectrometer (United States)

    Hamilton, D.; Honda, M.; Zhang, X.; Phillips, D.; Matchan, E.


    The Helix-MC Plus multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometer at the Australian National University is uniquely equipped with three high mass resolution collectors on H2, Axial and L2 positions. Their mass resolution and mass resolving power are as high as 1,800 and 8,000, respectively. The Helix-MC Plus can totally separate 20Ne+ from 40Ar++ isobaric interference and also partially separate 21Ne+ from 20NeH+ and 22Ne+ from 12C16O2++. By adjusting collector positions, we are able to measure interference-free Ne isotope intensities and have re-determined the 21Ne abundance in air [1]. Analyses by Honda et al. [1] demonstrated that 20Ne1H contributes approximately 2% to previously determined atmospheric 21Ne values [2], and a new atmospheric 21Ne/20Ne ratio of 0.002906 was calculated. Using the Helix-MC Plus mass spectrometer, we measured Ne abundances in the CREU-1 quartz standard [3] and determined cosmogenic concentrations by subtraction of atmospheric Ne with the new atmospheric 21Ne/20Ne value. The average concentration of cosmogenic 21Ne determined from four repeated analyses is 338 ± 12 × 106 atom/g (2σ). This compares with the average concentration of 348 ± 10 × 106 atom/g (2σ) from 45 analyses determined by several laboratories [3], where Ne isotope analyses were undertaken by conventional low resolution mass spectrometers and atmospheric Ne was subtracted using the conventional atmospheric 21Ne/20Ne [2]. On this basis, for a sample with abundant cosmogenic Ne, like CREU-1 quartz, previously measured by low mass resolution mass spectrometers are likely valid and their geological implications are unaffected. However, for low 21Ne concentration samples, combining new generation of mass spectrometers as well as the new atmospheric ratio may have significance for cosmogenic 21Ne surface exposure dating. References: [1] Honda M., et. al., International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 387, 1 (2015). [2] Eberhardt P., et. al., Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 20

  15. Relation between the 16O(α,γ)20Ne capture reaction and its reverse 20Ne(γ,α)16O photodisintegration reaction in stars and in the lab

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohr, P.; Angulo, C.; Descouvemont, P.


    The astrophysical reaction rates of the 16 O(α,γ) 20 Ne capture reaction and its reverse 20 Ne(γ,α) 16 O photodisintegration reaction are dominated by a few narrow resonances. Only at very low temperatures direct capture plays a significant role. Usually the reaction rate of photodisintegration reactions is calculated from the reaction rate of the corresponding capture reaction using the detailed balanced theorem. This is only valid for nuclei which are thermalized. The reaction rates of the 16 O(α,γ) 20 Ne capture reaction in the lab and under stellar conditions are identical. However, for the inverse 20 Ne(γ,α) 16 O photodisintegration reaction one finds a significant contribution of the thermally populated first excited state at E x = 1634 keV in 20 Ne. Consequently, the reaction rates of the 20 Ne(γ,α) 16 O photodisintegration reaction are different in the lab and under stellar conditions. It is shown that the detailed balance theorem remains valid for the reaction rates under stellar conditions. Photodisintegration rates in the lab have been measured recently using a quasi-thermal photon spectrum from bremsstrahlung, and a quasi-thermal photon spectrum with superior quality has been suggested using high-energy synchrotron radiation. (author)

  16. Investigation of 35S NE-78241 mobility in plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Enisz, J.; Orsos, S.


    The mobility of 35 S NE-78241 (N-iso-thiocyanato-methyl-2,6-dimethyl-chloracetanilide) in plants has been studied. The compound is not absorbed via the leaves from aqueous solutions. It shows active transport through the root-system. It is strongly bound to soil. In bean plant (Phaseolus vulgaris) inoculated with Uromyces appendiculatus 35 S NE-78241 is selectively enriched at the place of infection. (author)

  17. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic interactions measurement in MiniBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perevalov, Denis [Univ. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL (United States)


    The MiniBooNE experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) was designed to search for vμ → ve neutrino oscillations at Δm2 ~ 1 eV2 using an intense neutrino flux with an average energy Ev ~ 700 MeV. From 2002 to 2009 MiniBooNE has accumulated more than 1.0 x 1021 protons on target (POT) in both neutrino and antineutrino modes. MiniBooNE provides a perfect platform for detailed measurements of exclusive and semiinclusive neutrino cross-sections, for which MiniBooNE has the largest samples of events up to date, such as neutral current elastic (NCE), neutral current π0, charged current quasi-elastic (CCQE), charged current π+, and other channels. These measured cross-sections, in turn, allow to improve the knowledge of nucleon structure. This thesis is devoted to the study of NCE interactions. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic scattering (vN → vN) accounts for about 18% of all neutrino interactions in MiniBooNE. Using a high-statistics, high purity sample of NCE interactions in MiniBooNE, the flux-averaged NCE differential cross-section has been measured and is being reported here. Further study of the NCE cross-section allowed for probing the structure of nuclei. The main interest in the NCE cross-section is that it may be sensitive to the strange quark contribution to the nucleon spin, Δs, this however requires a separation of NCE proton (vp → vp) from NCE neutron (vn → vn) events, which in general is a challenging task. MiniBooNE uses a Cherenkov detector, which imposes restrictions on the measured nucleon kinematic variables, mainly due to the impossibility to reconstruct the nucleon direction below the Cherenkov threshold. However, at kinetic energies above this threshold MiniBooNE is able to identify NCE proton events that do not experience final state interactions (FSI). These events were used for the Δs measurement. In this thesis

  18. Effects of confinement on the Rydberg molecule NeH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lo, J M H; Klobukowski, M; Bielinska-Waz, D; Diercksen, G H F; Schreiner, E W S


    Ab initio potential energy curves of the Rydberg NeH molecule in the presence of cylindrical spatial confinement were computed by the method of multi-reference configuration interaction with extended basis sets. The influence of the applied potential to the structures and spectra of the ground and excited states of NeH was analysed in terms of perturbation theory. In addition, the phenomenon of field-induced ionization was discussed

  19. Lääne-Euroopa kaotab idale / Hans-Werner Sinn

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sinn, Hans-Werner, 1948-


    Ilmunud ka: Molodjozh Estonii 9. märts lk. 8. EL-i laienemine itta tähendab tööjõuturu jaoks seda, et nõudlus kõrgelt kvalifitseeritud Lääne-Euroopa tööjõu järele suureneb, kõigi teiste tööliste järele aga langeb ning kokkuvõttes töökohtade arv Lääne-Euroopas väheneb

  20. A high-resolution study of the sup 20 Ne( sup 3 He,t) sup 20 Na reaction and the sup 19 Ne(p,. gamma. ) sup 20 Na reaction rate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, M S; Magnus, P V; Hahn, K I; Howard, A J; Parker, P D [A.W. Wright Nuclear Structure Lab., Yale Univ., New Haven, CT (United States); Champagne, A E; Mao, Z Q [Dept. of Physics, Princeton Univ., NJ (United States)


    A high-precision measurement of the {sup 20}Ne({sup 3}He,t){sup 20}Na reaction has been made using implanted {sup 20}Ne transmission targets to obtain pertinent information on the low-energy resonances in the {sup 19}Ne(p,{gamma}){sup 20}Na reaction. Resonance energies (447{+-}5, 658{+-}5, 787{+-}5, and 857{+-}5 keV) and upper limits on total intrinsic widths (<10, <6, <10, and <16 keV) have been measured for four excited states above the 2.199 MeV proton threshold in {sup 20}Na. The stellar {sup 19}Ne(p,{gamma}){sup 20}Na reaction rate is calculated for temperatures between 1x10{sup 8} and 1x10{sup 9} K. When combined with a recent study of the {sup 15}O({alpha},{gamma}){sup 19}Ne reaction, a new estimate is made of the conditions required for breakout from the Hot CNO cylce to the rapid proton capture process. (orig.).

  1. Main channels of the decay of the giant dipole resonance in the 20,22Ne nuclei and isospin splitting of the giant dipole resonance in the 22Ne nucleus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varlamov, V.V.; Stepanov, M.E.


    Data published in the literature on various photonuclear reactions for the 20,22 Ne isotopes and for their natural mixture are analyzed with the aim of exploring special features of the decay of giant-dipole-resonance states in these two isotopes. With the aid of data on the abundances of the isotopes and on the energy reaction thresholds, the cross sections for the reactions 20,22 Ne[(γ, n) + (γ, np)] and 20,22 Ne[(γ, p) + (γ, np)] are broken down into the contributions from the one-nucleon reactions (γ, n) and (γ, p) and the contributions from the reactions (γ, np). The cross sections evaporation model used here to treat the deexcitation of residual nucle(γ, p) 19,21 F in the energy range E γ = 16.0-28.0 MeV and the cross sections for the reactions 20,22 Ne(γ, np) 18,20 F in the energy range E γ = 23.3-28.0 MeV are estimated. The behavior of the cross-section ratio r = σ(γ, p)/σ(γ, n) for the 22 Ne nucleus as a function of energy is analyzed, and the isospin components of the giant dipole resonance in the 22 Ne nucleus are identified. The contributions of the isospin components of the giant dipole resonance in the 22 Ne nucleus to the cross sections for various photonuclear reactions are determined on the basis of an analysis of the diagram of the excitation and decay of pure isospin states in the 22 Ne nucleus and in nuclei neighboring it, which are members of the corresponding isospin multiplets. The isospin splitting of the giant dipole resonance and the ratio of the intensities of the isospin components are determined to be ΔE = 4.57 ± 0.69 MeV and R = 0.24 ± 0.04, respectively

  2. Physics Motivations of SciBooNE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiraide, K.


    SciBooNE is a new experiment for measuring neutrino-nucleus cross sections around one GeV region, which is important for the interpretaion of neutrino oscillation experiments. Physics motivations of the experiment are described here

  3. Status of conversion of NE standards to national consensus standards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jennings, S.D.


    One major goal of the Nuclear Standards Program is to convert existing NE standards into national consensus standards (where possible). This means that an NE standard in the same subject area using the national consensus process. This report is a summary of the activities that have evolved to effect conversion of NE standards to national consensus standards, and the status of current conversion activities. In some cases, all requirements in an NE standard will not be incorporated into the published national consensus standard because these requirements may be considered too restrictive or too specific for broader application by the nuclear industry. If these requirements are considered necessary for nuclear reactor program applications, the program standard will be revised and issued as a supplement to the national consensus standard. The supplemental program standard will contain only those necessary requirements not reflected by the national consensus standard. Therefore, while complete conversion of program standards may not always be realized, the standards policy has been fully supported in attempting to make maximum use of the national consensus standard. 1 tab

  4. Kinetic model of a Ne-H2 Penning Recombination Laser operating in the hollow cathode discharge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pramatarov, P.M.; Stefanova, M.S.; Petrov, G.M.


    The Penning Recombination Laser (PRL) requires the presence of both a recombination plasma populating the upper laser level (ULL) and a gas component efficiently depopulating the lower laser level (LLL) by Penning reactions. Such requirements are met in the negative glow plasma of a pulsed high voltage Ne-H 2 discharge with a helical hollow cathode. High rates of ionizations followed by recombinations are reached due to the beam component of non-Maxwellian electrons of 1-2 keV energy present in the tail of the electron energy distribution function. The H 2 , on the one hand plays the role of Penning component and on the other hand effectively cools the electrons by rotational and vibrational levels excitation. The latter contributes to the effectiveness of the recombination processes. A kinetic model of the physical processes determining the inversion population on the NeI(2p 1 -1s 2 ) transition (the 585.3 nm line) in a Ne-H 2 PRL operating in a high voltage hollow cathode discharge at intermediate pressures is proposed. About 60 plasma-chemical reactions are considered in the model. These include: two-electron recombination of Ne + ; dissociative recombination of Ne 2 + , NeH + and H 2 + ; ion-ion recombination of Ne + and H - ; Ne and H 2 direct ionization by fast electrons; Ne stepwise ionization; Penning ionization; Ne excitation by fast electrons; Ne stepwise excitation and de-excitation; radiative transitions; electron mixing between Ne excited states; H 2 rotational and vibrational levels excitation; H 2 dissociative attachment; elastic electron collisions with H 2 and Ne. The rate constants for the reactions are either taken from the literature or calculated in this work





    Incidentalomi nadbubrežne žlijezde jesu tumori otkriveni tijekom dijagnostičke evaluacije nekoga drugog kliničkog stanja. Tehnološki napredak radioloških uređaja i njihova sve veća upotreba u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi doveli su do češćeg otkrivanja ovih tumora čineći njihovu dijagnostiku i liječenje jednim od najvažnijih izazova moderne endokrinologije. Radi racionalnog pristupa ovim bolesnicima radna skupina koju su činili vodeći hrvatski stručnjaci iz područja bolesti nadbubrežne žlijez...

  6. DSA lifetime measurements in 21Ne at high recoil velocity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grawe, H.; Heidinger, F.; Kaendler, K.


    States in 21 Ne up to 5 MeV excitation energy have been populated using the inverted reaction 2 H( 20 Ne,pγ). The Doppler shift attenuation (DSA) analysis of the pγ coincidence spectra taken in a Ge(Li) detector at 45 0 and 135 0 and an annular silicon surface barrier detector near 0 0 yielded the lifetimes of 8 states in 21 Ne. Due to the large recoil of vi/c approximately equal to 4% three new lifetimes were determined for the short lived levels at 2.80, 4.68 and 4.73 MeV, namely 10 +- 4 fs, 16 +- 4 fs and 10 +- 4 fs, respectively. The results are compared with rotational and shell model calculations. (orig.) [de

  7. Gamma-ray response of NE-213 measured between 2 and 11.5 MeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ingersoll, D.T.; Wehring, B.W.; Starr, R.D.


    Because of the capability to discriminate between neutrons and gamma rays, NE-213 scintillators are useful as both fast-neutron and gamma-ray spectrometers. However, measured NE-213 Compton-recoil spectra require unfolding to yield gamma-ray energy spectra which entails a detailed knowledge of the gamma-ray response of the NE-213 detector system. Absolute measurements of the gamma-ray response of an NE-213 scintillator in the energy range of 2 to 11.5 MeV were made. The measurements were made using the University of Illinois superconducting electron microtron equipped with a gamma-ray monochromator. The response measurements will be used to construct a gamma-ray response matrix for NE-213 to be used with the FORIST unfolding code

  8. L'hydrogène Hydrogen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Balaceanu J. C.


    Full Text Available La crise pétrolière et le bouleversement du classement économique des énergies primaires qu'elle entraîne conjuguent leurs effets avec ceux d'une sensibilisation de l'opinion au respect de l'environnement pour favoriser l'avènement industriel d'innovations scientifiques et techniques dont l'intervention n'était prévisible que dans un avenir de plusieurs décennies. Le développement de l'énergie électrique nucléaire, qui actuellement s'impose économiquement, implique, pour élargir la pénétration de cette forme d'énergie à toutes les utilisations, une énergie chimique relais permettant un stockage et une régulation de la production; l'hydro- gène obtenu par électrolyse de l'eau semble pouvoir constituer ce combustible relais dans un délai raisonnable en tenant compte des contraintes de pollution. La chaleur nucléaire soulève a fortiori des problèmes identiques, elle peut théoriquement par dissociation thermique étagée de l'eau liquide fournir de l'hydrogène avec des rendements très satisfaisants, mais les problèmes de principe et de technologie posés par la mise en opération d'une suite de transformations chimiques et de séparations impliquant des composés particulièrement réactifs sont ardus et leur inventaire même n'est pas achevé. L'hydrogène, nouveau combustible polyvalent d'une industrie gazière perpétuelle, semble pouvoir bénéficier également, au niveau de son utilisation disséminée, de techniques nouvelles : stockages solides, turbines à hauts rendements, piles à combustible, qui ouvrent le marché de la traction et le marché électrique des installations isolées. Agent de réduction réactif et puissant, l'hydrogène peut également se substituer aux réducteurs conventionnels en métallurgie et donner une dimension nouvelle à l'hydrogénométallurgie par voie sèche ou par voie humide. Mais plus encore la mise en valeur économique des combustibles fossiles abondants . charbon, schistes

  9. Ne beam-Kr target interaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fortov, V E; Kostin, V V; Vorob` ev, V S [Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian Federation). High Energy Density Research Center; Kulish, M I; Mintsev, V B [Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka (Russian Federation). Inst. of Chemical Physics; Hoffman, [Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt (Germany)


    Energetic heavy ions of Ne - crystal Kr target interaction is investigated both experimentally and with the help of a 2-D computer code. The dynamics of the target matter heating, expansion, and destruction are described. A new equation of state for Kr was obtained and tested within a wide range of parameters. (author). 2 figs., 10 refs.

  10. 77 FR 29871 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; Red Cloud, NE (United States)


    ...-0426; Airspace Docket No. 11-ACE-7] Establishment of Class E Airspace; Red Cloud, NE AGENCY: Federal... at Red Cloud, NE. Controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate new Area Navigation (RNAV) Standard Instrument Approach Procedures at Red Cloud Municipal Airport. The FAA is taking this action to enhance the...

  11. LabVIEW Data Acquisition for NE213 Neutron Detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gangadharan, Dhevan


    A neutron spectroscopy system based on a NE213 liquid scintillation detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center measures neutron energies from a few MeV up to 800 MeV. The neutrons are produced from the electron beam and target interactions. The NE 213 scintillator, coupled with a Photomultiplier Tube (PMT), detects and converts radiation into electric pulses for signal processing. Signals are processed through Nuclear Instrument Modules (NIM) and Computer Automated Measurement and Control (CAMAC) modules. The processed pulses are then fed into a CAMAC analog to digital converter module (ADC). The ADC classifies the incoming analog pulses into one of 2048 digital channels. Data acquisition (DAQ) software based on LabVIEW version 7.0 acquires and organizes data from the CAMAC ADC. The DAQ system presents a spectrum showing a relationship between pulse events and respective charge (digital channel number). Various photon sources, such as Co-60, Y-88, and AmBe-241, are used to calibrate the NE213 detector. For each source, a Compton edge and reference energy in MeVee is obtained, resulting in a calibration curve. This project is focused on the development of a DAQ system and control setup to collect and process information from a NE213 liquid scintillation detector. A manual is also created to document the process of the development and interpretation of the LabVIEW-based DAQ system

  12. Acoustic calibration for the KM3NeT pre-production module

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Enzenhöfer, A., E-mail: [Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, D-91058 Erlangen (Germany)


    The proposed large scale Cherenkov neutrino telescope KM3NeT will carry photo-sensors on flexible structures, the detection units. The Mediterranean Sea, where KM3NeT will be installed, constitutes a highly dynamic environment in which the detection units are constantly in motion. Thus it is necessary to monitor the exact sensor positions continuously to achieve the desired resolution for the neutrino telescope. A common way to perform this monitoring is the use of acoustic positioning systems with emitters and receivers based on the piezoelectric effect. The acoustic receivers are attached to detection units whereas the emitters are located at known positions on the sea floor. There are complete commercial systems for this application with sufficient precision. But these systems are limited in the use of their data and inefficient as they were designed to perform only this single task. Several working groups in the KM3NeT consortium are cooperating to custom-design a positioning system for the specific requirements of KM3NeT. Most of the studied solutions hold the possibility to extend the application area from positioning to additional tasks like acoustic particle detection or monitoring of the deep-sea acoustic environment. The KM3NeT Pre-Production Module (PPM) is a test system to verify the correct operation and interoperability of the major involved hardware and software components developed for KM3NeT. In the context of the PPM, alternative designs of acoustic sensors including small piezoelectric elements equipped with preamplifiers inside the same housing as the optical sensors will be tested. These will be described in this article.

  13. Underwater acoustic positioning system for the SMO and KM3NeT - Italia projects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Viola, S.; Barbagallo, G.; Cacopardo, G.; Calí, C.; Cocimano, R.; Coniglione, R.; Costa, M.; Cuttone, G.; D' Amato, C.; D' Amato, V.; D' Amico, A.; De Luca, V.; Del Tevere, F.; Distefano, C.; Ferrera, F.; Gmerk, A.; Grasso, R.; Imbesi, M.; Larosa, G.; Lattuada, D. [INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, via Santa Sofia 62, 95125 Catania (Italy); and others


    In the underwater neutrino telescopes, the positions of the Cherenkov light sensors and their movements must be known with an accuracy of few tens of centimetres. In this work, the activities of the SMO and KM3NeT-Italia teams for the development of an acoustic positioning system for KM3NeT-Italia project are presented. The KM3NeT-Italia project foresees the construction, within two years, of 8 towers in the view of the several km{sup 3}-scale neutrino telescope KM3NeT.

  14. Underwater acoustic positioning system for the SMO and KM3NeT - Italia projects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viola, S.; Barbagallo, G.; Cacopardo, G.; Calí, C.; Cocimano, R.; Coniglione, R.; Costa, M.; Cuttone, G.; D'Amato, C.; D'Amato, V.; D'Amico, A.; De Luca, V.; Del Tevere, F.; Distefano, C.; Ferrera, F.; Gmerk, A.; Grasso, R.; Imbesi, M.; Larosa, G.; Lattuada, D.


    In the underwater neutrino telescopes, the positions of the Cherenkov light sensors and their movements must be known with an accuracy of few tens of centimetres. In this work, the activities of the SMO and KM3NeT-Italia teams for the development of an acoustic positioning system for KM3NeT-Italia project are presented. The KM3NeT-Italia project foresees the construction, within two years, of 8 towers in the view of the several km 3 -scale neutrino telescope KM3NeT

  15. Confinement and electron correlation effects in photoionization of atoms in endohedral anions: Ne-Cz-60

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dolmatov, V K; Craven, G T; Keating, D


    Trends in resonances, termed confinement resonances, in photoionization of atoms A in endohedral fullerene anions A-C z- 60 are theoretically studied and exemplified by the photoionization of Ne in Ne-C z- 60 . Remarkably, above a particular nl ionization threshold of Ne in neutral Ne-C 60 (I z=0 nl ), confinement resonances in corresponding partial photoionization cross sections σ nl of Ne in any charged Ne-C z- 60 are not affected by a variation in the charge z of the carbon cage, as a general phenomenon. At lower photon energies, ω z=0 nl , the corresponding photoionization cross sections of charged Ne-C z- 60 (i.e., those with z ≠ 0) develop additional, strong, z-dependent resonances, termed Coulomb confinement resonances, as a general occurrence. Furthermore, near the innermost 1s ionization threshold, the 2p photoionization cross section σ 2p of the outermost 2p subshell of thus confined Ne is found to inherit the confinement resonance structure of the 1s photoionization spectrum, via interchannel coupling. As a result, new confinement resonances emerge in the 2p photoionization cross section of the confined Ne atom at photoelectron energies which exceed the 2p threshold by about a thousand eV, i.e., far above where conventional wisdom said they would exist. Thus, the general possibility for confinement resonances to resurrect in photoionization spectra of encapsulated atoms far above thresholds is revealed, as an interesting novel general phenomenon.

  16. Digital optical modules for the KM3NeT neutrino telescope

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kalekin, Oleg [Universitaet Erlangen, ECAP (Germany); Collaboration: ANTARES-KM3NeT-Erlangen-Collaboration


    KM3NeT is multi-cubic-kilometer neutrino telescope under construction in the Mediterranean Sea. In the currently running Phase 1 of the project, almost 30 detection units - 700 m tall vertical structures holding 18 Digital Optical Modules (DOMs) each - will be produced and deployed. A KM3NeT DOM consists of a pressure resistant glass sphere encapsulating 31 photomultiplier tubes of 80 mm diameter, readout electronics and additional instrumentation for calibration and monitoring. The Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics is one of the DOM integration sites of the project. This contribution describes the design, functionality and integration procedure of the KM3NeT DOM.

  17. Ne bis in idem põhimõte Euroopa Liidu õiguses / Uno Lõhmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõhmus, Uno, 1952-


    Ne bis in idem põhimõtte ehk teistkordse kohtumõistmise ja karistamise keelu territoriaalsest kohaldamisest. Schengeni rakenduskonventsiooni artiklis 54 sisalduva ne bis in idem põhimõtte tõlgendustest. Mõistetest "sama tegu" ja "lõplik kohtuotsus"

  18. Zonal NePhRO scoring system: a superior renal tumor complexity classification model. (United States)

    Hakky, Tariq S; Baumgarten, Adam S; Allen, Bryan; Lin, Hui-Yi; Ercole, Cesar E; Sexton, Wade J; Spiess, Philippe E


    Since the advent of the first standardized renal tumor complexity system, many subsequent scoring systems have been introduced, many of which are complicated and can make it difficult to accurately measure data end points. In light of these limitations, we introduce the new zonal NePhRO scoring system. The zonal NePhRO score is based on 4 anatomical components that are assigned a score of 1, 2, or 3, and their sum is used to classify renal tumors. The zonal NePhRO scoring system is made up of the (Ne)arness to collecting system, (Ph)ysical location of the tumor in the kidney, (R)adius of the tumor, and (O)rganization of the tumor. In this retrospective study, we evaluated patients exhibiting clinical stage T1a or T1b who underwent open partial nephrectomy performed by 2 genitourinary surgeons. Each renal unit was assigned both a zonal NePhRO score and a RENAL (radius, exophytic/endophytic properties, nearness of tumor to the collecting system or sinus in millimeters, anterior/posterior, location relative to polar lines) score, and a blinded reviewer used the same preoperative imaging study to obtain both scores. Additional data points gathered included age, clamp time, complication rate, urine leak rate, intraoperative blood loss, and pathologic tumor size. One hundred sixty-six patients underwent open partial nephrectomy. There were 37 perioperative complications quantitated using the validated Clavien-Dindo system; their occurrence was predicted by the NePhRO score on both univariate and multivariate analyses (P = .0008). Clinical stage, intraoperative blood loss, and tumor diameter were all correlated with the zonal NePhRO score on univariate analysis only. The zonal NePhRO scoring system is a simpler tool that accurately predicts the surgical complexity of a renal lesion. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Isolement et identification des levures.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available La fermentation du moût de raisin est assurée par les levures qui se trouvent sur la pellicule du raisin, sur les rafles, et aussi, par celles qui envahissent le matériel de vendange et de vinification dès que la récolte est commencée. L'apparition deLa fermentation du moût de raisin est assurée par les levures qui se trouvent sur la pellicule du raisin, sur les rafles, et aussi, par celles qui envahissent le matériel de vendange et de vinification dès que la récolte est commencée. L'apparition des signes de la fermentation est spontanée. La fermentation est rapide dans la majorité des cas, si elle devient trop violente et que la température s'élève dangeureusement, il faut la « canaliser », la calmer. Des accidents peuvent se produire; des arrêts de fermentation laissant des sucres non fermentés pouvant être attaqués par d'autres microorganismes, des développements de levures formant des substances nuisibles à la qualité; par la suite, il s'agit d'obtenir la stabilité du vin, en particulier, éviter les refermentations des vins doux. L'étude de ces problèmes nécessite une étude préliminaire, celle des levures responsables de la fermentation alcoolique du jus de raisin, qui ne peut être faite que sur des cultures pures, isolées au préalable à l'aide de prélèvements soigneusement réalisés.s signes de la fermentation est spontanée. La fermentation est rapide dans la majorité des cas, si elle devient trop violente et que la température s'élève dangeureusement, il faut la « canaliser », la calmer. Des accidents peuvent se produire; des arrêts de fermentation laissant des sucres non fermentés pouvant être attaqués par d'autres microorganismes, des développements de levures formant des substances nuisibles à la qualité; par la suite, il s'agit d'obtenir la stabilité du vin, en particulier, éviter les refermentations des vins doux. L'étude de ces problèmes nécessite une étude pr

  20. Quasi-free knockout reactions with the proton-dripline nucleus {sup 17}Ne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wamers, Felix; Aumann, Thomas [Institut fuer Kernphysik, TU, Darmstadt (Germany); Heil, Michael [Kernreaktionen und Nukleare Astrophysik, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Marganiec, Justyna [ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Plag, Ralf [Kernreaktionen und Nukleare Astrophysik, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt a.M. (Germany); Collaboration: R3B-Collaboration


    {sup 17}Ne is a proton-dripline nucleus that has raised special interest in nuclear-structure physics in recent years. As a ({sup 15}O+2p) Borromean 3-body system, it is often considered to be a 2-proton-halo nucleus, yet lacking concluding experimental evidence about its structure. We have studied breakup reactions of 500 AMeV {sup 17}Ne secondary beams using the R{sup 3}B-LAND setup at GSI. One focus was on the quasi-free one-proton knockout in a proton-rich paraffin (CH{sub 2}) target in inverse kinematics, i.e., {sup 17}Ne(p,2p){sup 16}F{yields}{sup 15}O+p, in comparison to the one-proton knockout with a carbon target. Recoil protons have been detected with Si-Strip detectors and the surrounding 4{pi} NaI spectrometer ''Crystal Ball'', thus providing a clean signature for quasi-free knockout. First results on two-proton removal cross sections with CH{sub 2} and C targets will be presented, as well as transverse momentum distributions of the {sup 15}O core in {sup 17}Ne. Projectile-like forward protons after one-proton knockout from {sup 17}Ne have been measured in coincidence with the {sup 15}O residual core, leading to the relative-energy spectrum of the unbound {sup 16}F. Possible interpretations and implications regarding the structure of {sup 17}Ne are discussed.

  1. Enhanced diffusion of Zn in Al under Ne irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myers, S.M.


    The diffusion rate of Zn in Al has been enhanced by factors approximately 10 2 --10 4 under 80 keV Ne irradiation at 130 0 C. Diffusion couples were formed by ion implantation of Zn, and the concentration profiles were determined by ion backscattering. The data are analyzed by numerically solving the coupled diffusion equations for vacancies, interstitials and atoms, and by scaling the profiles of vacancy and interstitial production rates from the theoretical profile of Ne energy into atomic processes. The enhanced diffusion rate is linear in flux, indicating that the mobile point defects annihilate predominantly at fixed sinks. The average distance to annihilation is approximately 700 A, except for the first approximately 500 A of the solid where it is much less. Free vacancies and interstitials are found to be created by the Ne at a smaller rate than the atomic displacement rate, suggesting a high annihilation probability within the parent damage cascade

  2. Excitation of Li and Na atoms in collisions with He and Ne

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olsen, J.Oe.; Andersen, T.; Andersen, N.


    Total emission cross sections and polarizations have been measured for the 2 2 S - 2 2 P, 2 2 P - 3 2 D and 2 2 P - 3 2 S LiI multiplets in Li - He,Ne collisions, and the 3 2 S - 3 2 P and 3 2 P - 3 2 D NaI multiplets in Na - He,Ne collisions in the 0.6 - 60 keV energy range. The excitation of the alkali resonance multiplet is found to be the dominant inelastic process for all four collision systems. The behaviour is very similar to the previously investigated Be + - He,Ne and Mg + - He,Ne systems. The results are compared with recent calculations by Manique et al based on a quasi-one electron description using various model potentials. Good agreement is found for Li - He with a simple Hartree-Fock frozen-core potential. The agreement is fair for Li,Na - He calculations with a Baylis type potential but poor for calculations based on Bottcher model potentials. For Ne as target all three potentials by far overestimate the size of the cross section. (Auth.)

  3. Musiikki muistisairaan vanhuksen hyvinvoinnin edistäjänä : Hoitonetti


    Haapamäki, Tiina


    Iäkkäämpien ikäryhmien osuuden kasvaessa myös muistisairauksia sairastavien määrä moninkertaistuu. Muistisairaudet ovat isoin riskitekijä, joka johtaa iäkkään ihmisen pois kodistaan ympärivuorokautiseen hoitopaikkaan. Muistisairauksiin liittyvät käytösoireet heikentävät elämänlaatua ja lisäävät palvelujen tarvetta. Ne ovat myös merkittävin pitkäaikaishoidon alkamisen syy. Muistisairauksien aiheuttamia käytösoireita voidaan lievittää lääkehoidolla. Toisin kuin muistisairaan lääkehoitoon, musii...

  4. Measurement of sup 15 O(. alpha. ,. gamma. ) sup 19 Ne resonance strengths

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Magnus, P V; Smith, M S; Howard, A J; Parker, P D [Yale Univ., New Haven, CT (USA). Nuclear Structure Lab.; Champagne, A E [Princeton Univ., NJ (USA). Dept. of Physics


    States in {sup 19}Ne above the {sup 15}O+{alpha} threshold were populated by means of the {sup 19}F({sup 3}He,t){sup 19}Ne* reaction, and their alpha-particle decays to the {sup 15}O ground state were measured. The branching ratios {Gamma}{sub {alpha}}/{Gamma}{sub total} for the E{sub c.m.}=850-, 1020-, 1971-, 1183- and 1563-keV resonances in {sup 15}O+{alpha} were determined. This information together with alpha-particle and/or gamma-ray partial widths (determined from knowledge of these quantities for the mirror states in {sup 19}F) determines the strengths of these {sup 15}O({alpha},{gamma}){sup 19}Ne resonances and the {sup 15}O({alpha},{gamma}){sup 19}Ne reaction rate for temperatures between 7x10{sup 8} and 3x10{sup 9} K. (orig.).

  5. Estimation of the effective population size (Ne) and its application in the management of small populations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jimenez Mena, Belen


    Effective population size (Ne) is an important concept to understand the evolution of a population. In conservation, Ne is used to assess the threat status of a population, evaluate its genetic viability in the future and set conservation priorities. An accurate estimation of Ne is thus essential....... The main objective of this thesis was to better understand how the estimation of Ne using molecular markers can be improved for use in conservation genetics. As a first step, we undertook a simulation study where three different methods to estimate Ne were investigated. We explored how well these three...... methods performed under different scenarios. This study showed that all three methods performed better when the number of unlinked loci used to make the estimation increased and the minimum number of loci need for an accurate estimation of Ne was 100 SNPs. A general assumption in the estimation of Ne...

  6. Could LC-NE-Dependent Adjustment of Neural Gain Drive Functional Brain Network Reorganization?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carole Guedj


    Full Text Available The locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE system is thought to act at synaptic, cellular, microcircuit, and network levels to facilitate cognitive functions through at least two different processes, not mutually exclusive. Accordingly, as a reset signal, the LC-NE system could trigger brain network reorganizations in response to salient information in the environment and/or adjust the neural gain within its target regions to optimize behavioral responses. Here, we provide evidence of the co-occurrence of these two mechanisms at the whole-brain level, in resting-state conditions following a pharmacological stimulation of the LC-NE system. We propose that these two mechanisms are interdependent such that the LC-NE-dependent adjustment of the neural gain inferred from the clustering coefficient could drive functional brain network reorganizations through coherence in the gamma rhythm. Via the temporal dynamic of gamma-range band-limited power, the release of NE could adjust the neural gain, promoting interactions only within the neuronal populations whose amplitude envelopes are correlated, thus making it possible to reorganize neuronal ensembles, functional networks, and ultimately, behavioral responses. Thus, our proposal offers a unified framework integrating the putative influence of the LC-NE system on both local- and long-range adjustments of brain dynamics underlying behavioral flexibility.



    Veberič, Tomi


    Cilj diplomske naloge je ovrednotenje električnih lastnosti in vpliva sončnega sevanja na silicijeve sončne celice s pomočjo opravljenih raziskav in meritev. Rezultate meritev sončnega sevanja smo analizirali s programskim paketom Matlab. Pri sami analizi smo na podlagi večletnih meritev sončnega sevanja izračunali izkoristek posamezne silicijeve sončne celice glede na direktno in difuzno komponento sončnega sevanja in tako ovrednotili električne lastnosti sončnih celic. V okviru tega smo v d...

  8. LabVIEW DAQ for NE213 Neutron Detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Adeeb, Mohammed


    A neutron spectroscopy system, based on a NE213 liquid scintillation detector, to be placed at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center to measure neutron spectra from a few MeV up to 800 MeV, beyond shielding. The NE213 scintillator, coupled with a Photomultiplier Tube (PMT), detects and converts radiation into current for signal processing. Signals are processed through Nuclear Instrument Modules (NIM) and Computer Automated Measurement and Control (CAMAC) modules. CAMAC is a computer automated data acquisition and handling system. Pulses are properly prepared and fed into an analog to digital converter (ADC), a standard CAMAC module. The ADC classifies the incoming analog pulses into 1 of 2048 digital channels. Data acquisition (DAQ) software based on LabVIEW, version 7.0, acquires and organizes data from the CAMAC ADC. The DAQ system presents a spectrum showing a relationship between pulse events and respective charge (digital channel number). Various photon sources, such as Co-60, Y-88, and AmBe-241, are used to calibrate the NE213 detector. For each source, a Compton edge and reference energy [units of MeVee] is obtained. A complete calibration curve results (at a given applied voltage to the PMT and pre-amplification gain) when the Compton edge and reference energy for each source is plotted. This project is focused to development of a DAQ system and control setup to collect and process information from a NE213 liquid scintillation detector. A manual is created to document the process of the development and interpretation of the LabVIEW-based DAQ system. Future high-energy neutron measurements can be referenced and normalized according to this calibration curve

  9. A Low-Li Geochemical Province in the NE Atlantic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bailey, J. C.; Gwozdz, R.


    Lithium was analysed in 392 basalts and related igneous rocks from the North Atlantic Tertiary-Recent province using activation analysis and Čerenkov counting. Monotonous Li values of 5.5±2 ppm in NE Atlantic basalts define a low-Li geochemical province which has persisted for 60 million years...... basalt series. No whole-rock coherence is observed between Li and Mg, K, Rb or Ca. Mantle phlogopite is considered to play an insignificant rôle in controlling the Li levels of NE Atlantic basalts....

  10. Experimental ion mobility measurements in Ne-N2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cortez, A.F.V.; Encarnação, P.M.C.C.; Santos, F.P.; Borges, F.I.G.M.; Conde, C.A.N.; Veenhof, R.; Neves, P.N.B.


    Data on ion mobility is important to improve the performance of large volume gaseous detectors, such as the ALICE TPC or in the NEXT experiment. In the present work the method, experimental setup and results for the ion mobility measurements in Ne-N 2 mixtures are presented. The results for this mixture show the presence of two peaks for different gas ratios of Ne-N 2 , low reduced electric fields, E / N , 10–20 Td (2.4–4.8 kV·cm −1 ·bar −1 ), low pressures 6–8 Torr (8–10.6 mbar) and at room temperature.

  11. MicroBooNE and its Cross Section Measurement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsai, Yun-Tse [SLAC


    MicroBooNE (the Micro Booster Neutrino Experiment) is a short-baseline neutrino experiment based on the technology of a liquid-argon time-projection chamber (LArTPC), and has recently completed its first year of data-taking in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam. It aims to address the anomalous excess of events with an electromagnetic final state in MiniBooNE, to measure neutrino-argon interaction cross sections, and to provide relevant R\\&D for the future LArTPC experiments, such as DUNE. In these proceedings, we present the first reconstructed energy spectrum of Michel electrons from cosmic muon decays, the first kinematic distributions of the candidate muon tracks from $\

  12. The prototype detection unit of the KM3NeT detector

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Adrian-Martinez, S.; Ageron, M.; Aharonian, F.; Aiello, S.; Albert, A.; Ameli, F.; Anassontzis, E. G.; Androulakis, G. C.; Anghinolfi, M.; Anton, G.; Anvar, S.; Ardid, M.; Avgitas, T.; Balasi, K.; Band, H.; Barbarino, G.; Barbarito, E.; Barbato, F.; Baret, B.; Baron, S.; Barrios, J.; Belias, A.; Berbee, E.; van den Berg, A. M.; Berkien, A.; Bertin, V.; Beurthey, S.; van Beveren, V.; Beverini, N.; Biagi, S.; Biagioni, A.; Bianucci, S.; Billault, M.; Birbas, A.; Rookhuizen, H. Boer; Bormuth, R.; Bouche, V.; Bouhadef, B.; Bourlis, G.; Boutonnet, C.; Bouwhuis, M.; Bozza, C.; Bruijn, R.; Brunner, J.; Cacopardo, G.; Dorosti-Hasankiadeh, Q.; Hevinga, M. A.; Kavatsyuk, O.; Löhner, H.; van Wooning, R. H. L.


    A prototype detection unit of the KM3NeT deep-sea neutrino telescope has been installed at 3500m depth 80 km offshore the Italian coast. KM3NeT in its final configuration will contain several hundreds of detection units. Each detection unit is a mechanical structure anchored to the sea floor, held

  13. The formation and reactivity of the μ+ molecular ion NeMu+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fleming, D.G.; Mikula, R.J.; Senba, M.; Garner, D.M.; Arseneau, D.J.


    Evidence for the formation and reactivity of the positive muon molecular ion NeMu + at room temperature in a low pressure Ne moderator to which trace amounts of Xe, CH 4 , NH 3 or He have been added, is reported. A two component relaxation of the diamagnetic muon spin rotation (μSR) signal is seen upon the addition of trace amounts of Xe to Ne; a fast relaxing component with bimolecular rate constant (3.6+-0.6) x 10 -10 cc atom -1 s -1 is thought to be due to thermal muonium formation in a charge exchange process while the other slow relaxing component is attributed to a muon transfer reaction, as in proton transfer studies. With CH 4 or NH 3 added to Ne there is, at most, only a very slow relaxation seen, even though thermal muonium formation is expected, in analogy with Xe. These latter results may be due to very fast, possibly tunneling-assisted, muon transfer reactions, the first time that such processes have been at all characterized

  14. Irène Jacob visits CERN

    CERN Document Server

    CERN Bulletin


    French actress Irène Jacob, the daughter of physicist Maurice Jacob, visited the ATLAS and CMS control rooms on Monday 17 May together with Italian theatre actor-director Pippo Delbono, in search of inspiration for a short film. The film will be screened at the “nuit des particules” event accompanying this year’s ICHEP.   Pippo Delbono et Irène Jacob discussing their project. “La nuit des particules” (night of the particles) is an event open to the general public that is being organised for the evening of Tuesday, 27 July, to accompany the 35th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP). ICHEP is a major highlight in every physicist’s calendar, and this year’s edition is being held in Paris from 22 to 28 July. The short film will be screened during the evening, which will include a lecture and a show at the legendary Parisian cinema Le Grand Rex, with a colossal seating capacity of 2 700 spe...

  15. Hygiène des réseaux aérauliques

    CERN Document Server

    Perréal, P


    Dans le domaine de la maintenance des bâtiments, le maintien en hygiène des réseaux de distribution d'air est souvent délaissé, avec les conséquences multiples que cela peut entraîner du point de vue surconsommation énergétique, accroissement du risque d'incendie, et contamination des locaux concernés du point de vue bactériologique. Au CERN, en particulier dans les zones les plus sensibles telles que les restaurants et les locaux à activités chimiques, la mise en place d'un plan de maintenance conditionnelle des gaines de ventilation a permis de maintenir les conditions d'hygiène et de sécurité satisfaisantes. Des méthodes d'inspection vidéo sont utilisées pour décider des actions nécessaires, et selon l'état de pollution constaté, diverses méthodes de nettoyages des gaines peuvent être mises en oeuvre pour rétablir un niveau d'hygiène acceptable. Ce document a pour objet de présenter la problématique liée à l'hygiène de ces réseaux, les techniques utilisées pour faire face ...

  16. NeXML: rich, extensible, and verifiable representation of comparative data and metadata. (United States)

    Vos, Rutger A; Balhoff, James P; Caravas, Jason A; Holder, Mark T; Lapp, Hilmar; Maddison, Wayne P; Midford, Peter E; Priyam, Anurag; Sukumaran, Jeet; Xia, Xuhua; Stoltzfus, Arlin


    In scientific research, integration and synthesis require a common understanding of where data come from, how much they can be trusted, and what they may be used for. To make such an understanding computer-accessible requires standards for exchanging richly annotated data. The challenges of conveying reusable data are particularly acute in regard to evolutionary comparative analysis, which comprises an ever-expanding list of data types, methods, research aims, and subdisciplines. To facilitate interoperability in evolutionary comparative analysis, we present NeXML, an XML standard (inspired by the current standard, NEXUS) that supports exchange of richly annotated comparative data. NeXML defines syntax for operational taxonomic units, character-state matrices, and phylogenetic trees and networks. Documents can be validated unambiguously. Importantly, any data element can be annotated, to an arbitrary degree of richness, using a system that is both flexible and rigorous. We describe how the use of NeXML by the TreeBASE and Phenoscape projects satisfies user needs that cannot be satisfied with other available file formats. By relying on XML Schema Definition, the design of NeXML facilitates the development and deployment of software for processing, transforming, and querying documents. The adoption of NeXML for practical use is facilitated by the availability of (1) an online manual with code samples and a reference to all defined elements and attributes, (2) programming toolkits in most of the languages used commonly in evolutionary informatics, and (3) input-output support in several widely used software applications. An active, open, community-based development process enables future revision and expansion of NeXML.

  17. Vulvær intraepitelial neoplasi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Signe Østergaard; Vorbeck, Christina Steen; Meinert, Mette


    Vulva dysplasi skal anses for en præmalign tilstand. Ny histologisk inddeling af vulva dysplasi fra januar 2018: HSIL (High grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion) i vulva og Vulvær intraepitelial neoplasi, differentieret VIN (dVIN) Vi anbefaler medicinsk behandling med imiquimod som 1. valg. Dog ...... der stor recidivrate både ved medicinsk og kirurgisk behandling. English summary: Vulva intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) is a rare but premalignant condition. VIN has two etiological pathways: a human papillomavirus (HPV)-dependent pathway, vulvar HSIL, affecting young women, and an HPV......-independent pathway, differentiated VIN (d-VIN), associated with lichen sclerosus, affecting older women. D-VIN is more aggressive than vulvar HSIL. In case of symptoms, a biopsy should be performed. The recurrence risk is high at 25-50% regardless treatment type. We recommend treatment with imiquimod as first choice...

  18. Coulomb Dissociation of {sup 17}Ne and its role for nuclear astrophysics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marganiec, Justyna [ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Aumann, Thomas; Wamers, Felix [Kernreaktion und Nuklear Astrophysik, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Institut fuer Kernphysik, TU, Darmstadt (Germany); Heil, Michael [Kernreaktion und Nuklear Astrophysik, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Plag, Ralf [Kernreaktion und Nuklear Astrophysik, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Goethe-Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Collaboration: R3B-Collaboration


    The study of the Coulomb break up of {sup 17}Ne gives us an access to information about the time-reversed reaction {sup 15}O(2p,{gamma}){sup 17}Ne, which could serve as a bypass of {sup 15}O waiting point during the rp process, and move the initial CNO material towards heavier nuclei. The three-body radiative capture can proceed sequentially (J. Goerres, et al., Phys. Rev. C 51, 392, 1995) or directly from the three-body continuum (L.V. Grigorenko, M.V. Zhukov, Phys. Rev. C 72, 015803, 2005). It has been suggested that the reaction rate can be enhanced by a few orders of magnitude by taking into account the three-body continuum. In order to verify these calculations, the {sup 15}O(2p,{gamma}){sup 17}Ne cross section has been investigated. The experiment has been performed at the LAND/R{sup 3}B setup at GSI, using the fragment separator FRS to select a {sup 17}Ne secondary beam.

  19. Beam dynamics studies at DAΦNE: from ideas to experimental results (United States)

    Zobov, M.; DAΦNE Team


    DAΦNE is the electron-positron collider operating at the energy of Φ-resonance, 1 GeV in the center of mass. The presently achieved luminosity is by about two orders of magnitude higher than that obtained at other colliders ever operated at this energy. Careful beam dynamic studies such as the vacuum chamber design with low beam coupling impedance, suppression of different kinds of beam instabilities, investigation of beam-beam interaction, optimization of the beam nonlinear motion have been the key ingredients that have helped to reach this impressive result. Many novel ideas in accelerator physics have been proposed and/or tested experimentally at DAΦNE for the first time. In this paper we discuss the advanced accelerator physics studies performed at DAΦNE.

  20. Atomic data and spectral line intensities for Ne III

    CERN Document Server

    Bhatia, A K; Landi, E


    Electron impact collision strengths, energy levels, oscillator strengths and spontaneous radiative decay rates are calculated for Ne III. The configurations used are 2s sup 2 2p sup 4 , 2s2p sup 5 , 2s sup 2 2p sup 3 3s, and 2s sup 2 2p sup 3 3d giving rise to 57 fine-structure levels in intermediate coupling. Collision strengths are calculated at five incident energies, 5, 15, 25, 35, and 45 Ry. Excitation rate coefficients are calculated by assuming a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution at an electron temperature of logT sub e (K)=5.0, corresponding to maximum abundance of Ne III. Using the excitation rate coefficients and the radiative transition rates, statistical equilibrium equations for level populations are solved at electron densities covering the range of 10 sup 8 -10 sup 1 sup 4 cm sup - sup 3. Relative spectral line intensities are calculated. Proton excitation rates between the lowest three levels have been included in the statistical equilibrium equations. The predicted Ne III line intensi...

  1. 77 FR 4713 - Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Red Cloud, NE (United States)


    ...-0426; Airspace Docket No. 11-ACE-7] Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Red Cloud, NE AGENCY... action proposes to establish Class E airspace at Red Cloud, NE. Controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate new Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAP) at Red Cloud Municipal Airport. The FAA is...

  2. Neutrinos from the NuMI beamline in the MiniBooNE detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aguilar-Arevalo, Alexis A.


    With the startup of the NuMI beamline early in 2005, the MiniBooNE detector has the unique opportunity to be the first user of an off-axis neutrino beam (110 mrad off-axis). MiniBooNE is assembling a rich sample of neutrino interactions from this source

  3. Nuclear breakup of 17Ne and its two-proton halo structure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wamers, Felix; Aumann, Thomas [Institut fuer Kernphysik, TU Darmstadt (Germany); Bertulani, Carlos [Texas A and M University-Commerce, Commerce (United States); Chulkov, Leonid; Heil, Michael; Simon, Haik [Kernreaktionen und Nukleare Astrophysik, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Marganiec, Justyna [Extreme Matter Institute, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); JINA, Notre Dame (United States); Plag, Ralf [Kernreaktionen und Nukleare Astrophysik, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Collaboration: R3B-Collaboration


    {sup 17}Ne is a proton-dripline nucleus that has raised interest in nuclear-structure physics in recent years. As a ({sup 15}O+2p) Borromean 3-body system, it is often considered to be a 2-proton-halo nucleus, yet lacking concluding experimental quantification of structure. We have studied breakup reactions of 500 AMeV {sup 17}Ne secondary beams in inverse kinematics using the R3B-LAND setup at GSI. The foci were on (p,2p) quasi-free scattering on a CH{sub 2} target, and on one-proton-knockout reactions on a carbon target. Recoil protons have been detected with Si-Strip detectors and a surrounding 4{pi} NaI spectrometer. Furthermore, projectile-like forward protons after one-proton knockout from {sup 17}Ne have been measured in coincidence with the {sup 15}O residual core. The resulting relative-energy spectrum of the unbound {sup 16}F, as well as proton-removal cross sections with CH{sub 2} and C targets, and the transverse-momentum distributions of the residual fragments are presented. Conclusions on the ground-state structure of {sup 17}Ne are discussed.

  4. Vulvær intraepithelial neoplasi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Signe Østergaard; Vorbeck, Christina Steen; Meinert, Mette


    Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) is a rare but premalig­nant condition. VIN has two aetiological pathways: a human papillomavirus (HPV)-dependent pathway, which is a vulvar high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL), and an HPV-independent pathway......, called differentiated VIN (d-VIN), associated with lichen sclerosus. d-VIN is more aggressive than vulvar HSIL. In case of symptoms, a biopsy should be performed. The recurrence risk is high: 25-50% regardless of treatment type. We recommend treatment with imiquimod as first choice to avoid mutilating...

  5. Nestedness for Dummies (NeD: A User-Friendly Web Interface for Exploratory Nestedness Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giovanni Strona


    Full Text Available Recent theoretical advances in nestedness analysis have led to the introduction of several alternative metrics to overcome most of the problems biasing the use of matrix 'temperature' calculated by Atmar's Nestedness Temperature Calculator. However, all of the currently available programs for nestedness analysis lack the user friendly appeal that has made the Nestedness Temperature Calculator one of the most popular community ecology programs. The software package NeD is an intuitive open source application for nestedness analysis that can be used online or locally under different operating systems. NeD is able to automatically handle different matrix formats, has batch functionalities and produces an output that can be easily copied and pasted to a spreadsheet. In addition to numerical results, NeD provides a graphic representation of the matrix under examination and of the corresponding maximally packed matrix. NeD allows users to select among the most used nestedness metrics, and to combine them with different null models. Integrating easiness of use with the recent theoretical advances in the field, NeD provides researchers not directly involved in theoretical debates with a simple yet robust statistical tool for a more conscious performance of nestedness analysis. NeD can be accessed at http: //

  6. Anne, ma soeur Anne, ne vois-tu rien venir? Que oui! | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 déc. 2010 ... Après tout, 60 pour cent de la population mondiale ne vit-elle pas dans un rayon ... explosifs... tous ces défis ne pourraient être relevés sans l'étude des montagnes. ... En outre, les dangers d'avalanches, d'éboulements et de ...

  7. Compressional behavior of solid NeHe2 up to 90 GPa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukui, Hiroshi; Baron, Alfred Q R; Hirao, Naohisa; Ohishi, Yasuo


    NeHe 2 was compressed to about 90 GPa using a diamond anvil cell technique. The crystal structure was confirmed to be stable with hexagonal symmetry in the investigated pressure range and its p-V equation of state was determined by angular dispersive x-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation. With the help of ab initio calculations, the compressibility and inter-atomic distances of NeHe 2 were compared with those of a helium and neon mixture of the same composition. This study shows that the bulk modulus of NeHe 2 is between those of neon and helium and that linear compressibilities of the inter-atomic distances are different from those of the elementary solids. This material can be a pressure-transmitting medium, providing both a large sample space and good quasi-hydrostatic conditions.

  8. Search for Ne in e−μ+ events at petra and pep energies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Yamanashi


    Full Text Available We propose a way to check the possible existence of an electron-type neutral heavy lepton Ne which decays into e−μ+νμ. In the region of cosθcoll < 0 eμ signals due to Ne are expected to exceed those due to τ± at PETRA and PEP energies.

  9. Search for Sterile Neutrinos Using the MiniBooNE Beam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sorel, Michel [Columbia Univ., New York, NY (United States)


    The possible existence of light sterile neutrinos in Nature is motivated, and the prospects to extend sterile neutrino searches beyond current limits is substantiated, using the MiniBooNE neutrino beam and detector at Fermilab. We report on the neutrino flux predictions for the MiniBooNE experiment, on the characterization of the charged-current, quasi-elastic interactions of muon neutrinos ({nu}{sub {mu}}n {yields} {mu}{sup -}p) observed, and on the experiment's sensitivity to sterile neutrinos via muon neutrino disappearance.

  10. Breakout from the hot CNO cycle: the {sup 15}O({alpha},{gamma}) and {sup 18}Ne({alpha},p) reactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bradfield-Smith, W; Laird, A M; Davinson, T; Pietro, A di; Ostrowski, A N; Shotter, A C; Woods, P J [Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Edinburgh (United Kingdom); Cherubini, S; Galster, W; Graulich, J S; Leleux, P; Michel, L; Ninane, A; Vervier, J [Inst. de Physique Nucleaire, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium); Aliotta, M; Cali, D; Cappussello, F; Cunsolo, A; Spitaleri, C [INFN, Catania (Italy); Gorres, J; Wiescher, M [Notre Dame Univ. (United States); Rahighi, J [Van de Graaf Lab., Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Hinnefeld, J [Indiana Univ., South Bend (United States)


    One of the most important reactions which determines the rate of breakout from the hot CNO cycle is the {sup 15}O({alpha},{gamma}){sup 19}Ne. The reaction {sup 18}Ne({alpha},p){sup 21}Na may also provide an alternative breakout route. Experiments are being undertaken at Louvain-La-Neuve using the radioactive {sup 18}Ne beam to study these reactions by measurement of {alpha}({sup 18}Ne,p){sup 21}Na and d({sup 18}Ne,p){sup 19}Ne{sup *} {yields} {sup 15}O + {alpha} (orig.)

  11. Laser Interferometric Measurements of the Physical Properties for He, ne Gases and Their Mixture (United States)

    Abdel-Moniem, N. M.; El-Masry, M. M.; El-Bradie, B.; El-Mekawy, F. M.


    A Mach-Zehner interferometer MZI illuminated with He-Ne Laser 632.8nm is used for measuring the refractive index for He, Ne gases and their mixture HeNe. The measurements are carried out at different pressures and temperatures. The error factors of the refractive index measurements for He, Ne and HeNe gases are equal to ±1.7×10-5, ±9.5×10-6 and ±7.25×10-5 respectively. Some calculations of the electrical properties are carried out such as the optical permittivity dielectric susceptibility and specific refractivity from the determination of the refractive index. Also, the molecular radii of the gases under investigation are computed then the transport coefficients (diffusion. viscosity and thermal conductivity) are calculated. All of these calculations are carried out at different pressures and temperatures. The experimental results of refractive index for the above mixture are compared with the results estimated using one of the mixing rules and a good agreement is achieved. Also, some physical parameters are compared with other values in another literatures.

  12. Neutron spectrometer using NE218 liquid scintillator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dance, J.B.; Francois, P.E.


    A neutron spectrometer has been constructed using NE218 liquid scintillator. Discrimination against electron-gamma events was obtained usng a charge-comparison pulse shape discrimination system. The resolution obtained was about 0.25 MeV F.W.H.M. at 2.0 MeV

  13. Progress On Neutrino-Proton Neutral-Current Scattering In MicroBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pate, Stephen [New Mexico State U.


    The MicroBooNE Experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, an 89-ton active mass liquid argon time projection chamber, affords a unique opportunity to observe low-$Q^2$ neutral-current neutrino-proton scattering events. Neutral-current neutrino-proton scattering at $Q^2 < 1$ GeV$^2$ is dominated by the proton's axial form factor, which can be written as a combination of contributions from the up, down, and strange quarks: $G_A(Q^2) = \\frac{1}{2}[-G_A^u(Q^2)+G_A^d(Q^2)+G_A^s(Q^2)]$. The contribution from up and down quarks has been established in past charged-current measurements. The contribution from strange quarks at low $Q^2$ remains unmeasured; this is of great interest since the strange quark contribution to the proton spin can be determined from the low-$Q^2$ behavior: $\\Delta S = G_A^s(Q^2=0)$. MicroBooNE began operating in the Booster Neutrino Beam in October 2015. I will present the status in observing isolated proton tracks in the MicroBooNE detector as a signature for neutral-current neutrino-proton events. The sensitivity of the MicroBooNE experiment for measuring the strange quark contribution to the proton spin will be discussed.

  14. Evaluation of triggering schemes for KM3NeT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seitz, T., E-mail: [Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, 91058 Erlangen (Germany); Herold, B., E-mail: [Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, 91058 Erlangen (Germany); Shanidze, R., E-mail: [Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, 91058 Erlangen (Germany)


    The future neutrino telescope KM3NeT, to be built in the Mediterranean Sea, will be the largest of its kind. It will include nearly two hundred thousand photomultiplier tubes (PMT) mounted in multi-PMT digital optical modules (DOM). The dominant source of the PMT signals is decays of {sup 40}K and marine fauna bioluminescence. Selection of neutrino and muon events from this continuous optical background signals requires the implementation of fast and efficient triggers. Various schemes for the filtering of background data and the selection of neutrino and muon events were evaluated for the KM3NeT telescope using Monte Carlo simulations.

  15. The X-ray to [Ne V]3426 flux ratio: discovering heavily obscured AGN in the distant Universe (United States)

    Gilli, R.; Vignali, C.; Mignoli, M.; Iwasawa, K.; Comastri, A.; Zamorani, G.


    We investigate the possibility of using the ratio between the 2-10 keV flux and the [Ne V]3426 emission line flux (X/NeV) as a diagnostic diagram to discover heavily obscured, possibly Compton-thick active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the distant Universe. While it is on average about one order of magnitude fainter than the more commonly used [O III]5007 emission line, the [Ne V]3426 line can be observed with optical spectroscopy up to z~1.5, whereas the [O III]5007 line is redshifted out of the optical bands already at z~0.8. First, we calibrated a relation between X/NeV and the cold absorbing column density NH using a sample of 74 bright, nearby Seyferts with both X-ray and [Ne V] data available in the literature and for which the column density is determined unambiguously. Similar to what is found for the X-ray to [O III]5007 flux ratio (X/OIII), we found that the X/NeV ratio decreases towards high column densities, as expected if [Ne V]3426 emission is a good tracer of the AGN intrinsic power. Essentially all local Seyferts with X/NeV values below 15 are found to be Compton-thick objects. At X/NeV values below 100, the percentage of Compton-thick nuclei decreases to ~50%, but ~80% of the considered sample is still absorbed with NH > 1023 cm-2. Second, we applied this diagnostic diagram to different samples of distant obscured and unobscured QSOs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). SDSS blue, unobscured, type-1 QSOs in the redshift range z = [0.1-1.5] indeed show X/NeV values typical of unobscured Seyfert 1s in the local Universe. Conversely, SDSS type-2 QSOs at z~0.5 classified either as Compton-thick or Compton-thin on the basis of their X/OIII ratio, would have mostly been classified in the same way based on the X/NeV ratio. We applied the X/NeV diagnostic diagram to 9 SDSS obscured QSOs in the redshift range z = [0.85-1.31], selected by means of their prominent [Ne V]3426 line (rest EW > 4 Å) and observed with Chandra ACIS-S for 10ks each (8 of them as part

  16. Etude microbiologique des bactéries de la fermentation malolactique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Par la méthode biologique, une forte acidité du moût de raisins peut être diminuée par l'utilisation de la levure Schizosaccharomyces. Toutefois cette possibilité est actuellement encore au stade de l'expérimentation, elle n'est utilisée qu'à titre d'essais à l'échelle industrielle. Par contre, la fermentation malolactique est actuellement un procédé répandu et généralement connu, qui entraîne une forte diminution de i'acidité du vin. Cette fermentation malolactique est provoquée par des bactéries, plus précisément par les bactéries lactiques.

  17. Coplanarity of two-proton emissions in 400 MeV/nucleon Ne + NaF, Pb reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanihata, Isao.


    Two-proton coincidence spectra have been measured in a wide kinematical range for 20 Ne + NaF and 20 Ne + Pb collisions at 400 MeV/nucleon. Coplanar-type correlations show different feature between Ne + NaF and Ne + Pb target reactions. A strong in-plane correlation, which correspond to quasi-elastic scatterings (QES) of nucleons, was observed in wide angular range (15 to 90 0 ) in NaF target collisions. Angular distributions of QES were reproduced reasonably well by a single nucleon-nucleon scattering model. Enhancement of the QES at momentum transfer around t = 2 - 3m/sub π/, which is predicted as an indication of pionic instability, was not observed. In Ne + Pb collisions, an azimuthally asymmetric emission of particles with respect to the beam axis were implied by the anti-coplanar correlation. A new type of coplanar correlation between the emission angle and the momentum suggests a back-to-back emission of projectile and target nucleons. 8 references, 8 figures

  18. Contribution of alpha cluster exchange to elastic and inelastic 16O--20Ne scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stock, R.; Schneider, W.F.W.; Jahnke, U.; Hendrie, D.L.; Mahoney, J.; Maguire, C.F.; Scott, D.K.; Wolschin, G.


    The cluster structure of the ground state rotational band of 20 Ne was studied via the elastic and inelastic scattering of 50 MeV 20 Ne from 16 O. Angular distributions are compared with microscopic calculations

  19. Cluster structure of 20Ne and 40Ca

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taniguchi, Yasutaka


    A d-constraint for calculating the wave functions of various kinds of configurations of cluster structure and optimizing the inside wave functions of the cluster was developed. The wave functions of various kinds of cluster structures were calculated by constraining and energy variation of the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics wave functions. The cluster structure of nucleus was reproduced by linear combination of the above wave functions by the generator coordinate method. By superposition of both wave functions calculated using d-constraint and β-constraint, K π =O 3 + rotation band of 20 Ne was reproduced. The excitation energies of 20 Ne were calculated. The result of calculation energies of α- 36 Ar structure of 40 Ca are higher values than expected them. Framework, AMD wave function, constraint, calculation results and discussions are stated. (S.Y.)

  20. Magnetic moment of $^{17}$Ne using beta -NMR and tilted foil polarization

    CERN Document Server

    Baby, L T; Hass, M; Haas, H; Weissman, L; Brown, B A


    We report on the measurement of the magnetic moment of the ground state of /sup 17/Ne. Radioactive /sup 17/Ne nuclei were delivered from the high resolution mass separator at ISOLDE onto a high voltage platform at -200 kV and were polarized using the tilted foil polarization method. The polarized nuclei were implanted into a Pt stopper situated in a liquid-helium cooled beta -NMR apparatus and the asymmetry destruction of the ensuing beta rays was monitored as a function of the rf frequency applied to the polarized nuclei. The measured value of mu = 0.74 +or- 0.03 affirms the nu p/sub 1/2//sup - / nature of the ground state of /sup 17/Ne and is compared to shell model calculations. (10 refs).

  1. Study of the 21Ne Nuclear Structure by capture of thermal neutrons in natural neon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stopa, C.R.S.


    Energy levels of 21 Ne up to 6.76 MeV are studied by measuring the thermal neutron capture gama rays from natural neon. A Ge(Li) detector is used. Energies and intensities are measured relative to calibration lines of nitrogen. The Q-value and the cross section of the reaction 20 Ne(n,γ) 21 Ne are calculated. The proposed level scheme is discussed in terms of the Nilsson model, considering the coupling of one particle to the 20 Ne core. Coriolis coupling is taken into account for the three positive parity bands, K sup(π)=3/2 + , 1/2 + and 5/2 + . Measurements are made using the research reactor of the Instituto de Energia Atomica [pt

  2. Local heritage to singularize a wine terroir: the example of pays Foyen (Gironde, France

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chantal Crenn


    Full Text Available Le vin, enjeu culturel et économique, se trouve aujourd’hui au cœur de dynamiques locales œuvrant à produire de la différence : souvent sous l’impulsion de néoruraux, des éléments naturels et d’histoire locale sont sélectionnés et mobilisés pour recomposer un patrimoine fondateur d’identité, fabriquer une authenticité, et donc légitimer des pratiques. Cet article propose d’observer le phénomène de patrimonialisation afin de comprendre comment les frontières se sont progressivement resserrées autour d’un vin régional devenu un vin local, à travers l’exemple d’un espace viti-vinicole, le Pays Foyen (Gironde, France. Après avoir éclairé les tensions théoriques entre global et local, nous nous intéressons particulièrement au processus de territorialisation et de construction identitaire lié à la mise en valeur du « local » dans le produit.Wine, as a cultural and economic product, is today at the heart of local dynamics working towards producing singularity: often under the impulse of neorurals, elements from the local environment and history are selected and used to recompose a heritage which creates an identity, to make up authenticity, therefore to legitimize specific practices. This paper aims at highlighting the current phenomenon of patrimonialization in order to understand how a regional wine turned into a local wine through the observation of a wine terroir, the Pays Foyen (Gironde, France. After theoretic considerations on global/local tensions, we’ll concentrate on spatial definitions and identity construction linked to the promotion of “locality” in the product.

  3. Results of the first detection units of KM3NeT (United States)

    Biagi, Simone; KM3NeT Collaboration


    The KM3NeT collaboration is building a km3-scale neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea. The current phase of construction comprises the deep-sea and onshore infrastructures at two installation sites and the installation of the first detection units for the "ARCA" (Astroparticle Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) and "ORCA" (Oscillation Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) detector. At the KM3NeT-It site, 80 km offshore Capo Passero, Italy, the first 32 detection units for the ARCA detector are being installed and at the KM3Net-Fr site, 40 km offshore Toulon, France, 7 detection units for the ORCA detector will be deployed. The second phase of KM3NeT foresees the completion of ARCA for neutrino astronomy at energies above TeV and ORCA for neutrino mass hierarchy studies at energies in the GeV range. The basic element of the KM3NeT detector is the detection unit. In the ARCA geometry, the detection unit is a 700 m long vertical structure hosting 18 optical modules. Each optical module comprises 31 3 in photomultiplier tubes, instruments to monitor environmental parameters, and the electronic boards for the digitisation of the PMT signals and the management of data acquisition. In their final configuration, both ARCA and ORCA will be composed of about 200 detection units. The first detection unit was installed at the KM3NeT-It site in December 2015. It is active and taking data since its connection to the subsea network. The time of arrival and the duration of photon hits on each of the photomultipliers is measured with a time resolution of 1 ns and transferred onshore where the measurements are processed, triggered and stored on disk. A time calibration procedure, based on data recorded with flashing LED beacons during dedicated periods, allows for time synchronisation of the signals from the optical modules at the nanosecond level. In May 2016, an additional detection unit was installed at the KM3NeT-It site. The first results with two active detection units

  4. Contribution à étymologie de l' oronyme slovène Nanos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anton Grad


    Full Text Available Pour ll' origine de l' oronyme slovène Nanos (a l' est de Trieste, obscure jusqu'ici, l' auteur propose, en se basant sur le nom italien de la montagne, à savoir Naso (= nez df M.onte Re, la base romane Nason (= gros nez, désignation populaire - supposée par l' auteur - de la montagne, d' où par metathèse s - n > n - s, en slovène Nanos.

  5. Synthesis and preliminary evaluation of [11C]NE-100 labeled in two different positions as a PET σ receptor ligand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishiwata, Kiichi; Noguchi, Junko; Ishii, Shin-Ichi; Hatano, Kentaro; Ito, Kengo; Nabeshima, Toshitaka; Senda, Michio


    N,N-Dipropyl-2-[4-methoxy-3-(2-phenylethoxy)phenyl]ethylamine (NE-100) was labeled with 11 C in two different positions by the alkylation of an N-despropyl precursor with [ 11 C]propyl iodide and of an O-desmethyl precursor with [ 11 C]methyl iodide and was evaluated for the potential as a tracer for mapping σ 1 receptors in the CNS and peripheral organs by PET. Following i.v. injection of [N-propyl- 11 C]NE-100 or [O-methyl- 11 C]NE-100 into mice, the two tracers showed similar tissue distribution patterns except for the liver and brain. With the coinjected carrier NE-100 or haloperidol, the uptake of [N-propyl- 11 C]NE-100 by the liver, pancreas and spleen was significantly decreased at 15 min after injection, whereas the effect was not significant for [O-methyl- 11 C]NE-100. The coinjection of NE-100 enhanced the brain uptake of the two tracers. Haloperidol also enhanced the brain uptake of [N-propyl- 11 C]NE-100, but not that of [O-methyl- 11 C]NE-100. The regional brain distribution assessed with [O-methyl- 3 H]NE-100 was consistent with the distribution pattern of the σ receptors. Four σ drugs reduced the regional brain uptake of [O-methyl- 3 H]NE-100 to 70%-90% of the control. In an ex vivo autoradiographic study of the rat brain, the uptake of [O-methyl- 11 C]NE-100 was blocked by carrier NE-100 or haloperidol (53%-59% of the control in the cortex), which suggests a receptor-specific distribution. These results show that [O-methyl- 11 C]NE-100 has limited potential as a PET ligand for mapping σ 1 receptors in the peripheral organs and the CNS because of high nonspecific binding

  6. Few-Photon Multiple Ionization of Ne and Ar by Strong Free-Electron-Laser Pulses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moshammer, R.; Jiang, Y. H.; Rudenko, A.; Ergler, Th.; Schroeter, C. D.; Luedemann, S.; Zrost, K.; Dorn, A.; Ferger, T.; Kuehnel, K. U.; Ullrich, J.; Foucar, L.; Titze, J.; Jahnke, T.; Schoeffler, M.; Doerner, R.; Fischer, D.; Weber, T.; Zouros, T. J. M.; Duesterer, S.


    Few-photon multiple ionization of Ne and Ar atoms by strong vacuum ultraviolet laser pulses from the free-electron laser at Hamburg was investigated differentially with the Heidelberg reaction microscope. The light-intensity dependence of Ne 2+ production reveals the dominance of nonsequential two-photon double ionization at intensities of I 12 W/cm 2 and significant contributions of three-photon ionization as I increases. Ne 2+ recoil-ion-momentum distributions suggest that two electrons absorbing ''instantaneously'' two photons are ejected most likely into opposite hemispheres with similar energies

  7. Excitation functions for some Ne induced reactions with Holmium: incomplete fusion vs complete fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agarwal, Avinash; Kumar, Munish; Sharma, Anjali; Rizvi, I.A.; Ahamad, Tauseef; Ghugre, S.S.; Sinha, A.K.; Chaubey, A.K.


    Reactions induced by 20 Ne are expected to be considerably more complex than those of 12 C, and 16 O. As a part of the ongoing program to understand CF and ICF reaction mechanisms, it is of great interest to see whether the same experimental technique yield similarly valuable information for 20 Ne induced reactions. In this present work an attempt has been made to measure the excitation functions for fifteen evaporation residues (ERs) identified in the interaction of 20 Ne + 165 Ho system in the energy range 4 -7 MeV/A

  8. The possibility of lasing in Ne+Ar ionic molecules pumped by a hard ioniser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boichenko, Aleksandr M; Yakovlenko, Sergei I


    The kinetic model of relaxation in the Ne-Ar-Kr mixture pumped by a hard ioniser is constructed in connection with the analysis of the possibility of lasing at the Ne + Ar→NeAr + transition of the inert-gas ionic exciplexes. The calculations based on the typical rates of plasmachemical reactions demonstrate that the lasing is possible but difficult to realise: One needs high pressures (greater than 16 bar) and high pumping densities (∼ 1 MW cm -3 ). In the most favourable cases, the laser efficiency lies between 0.05 and 0.25%. (active media)

  9. Cu 4s → 4p atomic like excitations in the Ne matrix. (United States)

    Hatano, Yasuyo; Tatewaki, Hiroshi; Yamamoto, Shigeyoshi


    The lowest three or four excited states (the triplet or quartet states) of the Cu atom in a neon (Ne) matrix have been studied experimentally, and have been presumed to have the electronic configuration of Cu 4p(1). The origins of the triplet and the quartet are not yet fully clear, although many models have been proposed. It has been argued, for example, that the existence of different trapping sites would give rise to two partly overlapping triplets, leading to spectra having three or four lines or more. Below, the electronic structures of the ground state and lowest excited states of the Cu atom in the neon matrix are clarified by means of ab initio molecular orbital calculations, using the cluster model. It was found that a rather large vacancy (hollow) with residual Ne atoms is vital for explaining the observed spectra having three or more lines; the Cu atom occupies the center of the substitutional site of a face-centered cubic (fcc)-like cluster comprising 66 Ne atoms, in which the first shell composed of 12 Ne atoms is empty. The presence of the residual Ne atoms in the first shell gives rise to more than three excited states, explaining the experimental spectra. Electron-electron interaction (including the crystal field) and spin-orbit interaction are both important in explaining the experimental spectra.

  10. Single electron capture in N^+ -(Ne, Kr, Xe) collisions (United States)

    Reyes, Pedro G.; Castillo, Fermin; Martinez, Horacio


    Total cross sections for single electron capture of N^+ ions impinging on Ne, Kr and Xe were measured in the energy range of 1.5 to 5.0 keV. The electron capture cross sections for all the targets studied are found to be in excellent agreement with previous data in the low-energy range. The present data together with previous measurements give a general shape of the whole curve of single electron capture cross sections for the N^+ - Ne system. For the cases of N^+ - (Kr, Xe) systems, semiempirical calculation using the two-state approximation are in very good agreement with present cross sections data. Research supported by DGAPA IN-100392 and CONACyT 32175-E

  11. A digital intensity stabilization system for HeNe laser (United States)

    Wei, Zhimeng; Lu, Guangfeng; Yang, Kaiyong; Long, Xingwu; Huang, Yun


    A digital intensity stabilization system for HeNe laser is developed. Based on a switching power IC to design laser power supply and a general purpose microcontroller to realize digital PID control, the system constructs a closed loop to stabilize the laser intensity by regulating its discharge current. The laser tube is made of glass ceramics and its integrated structure is steady enough to eliminate intensity fluctuations at high frequency and attenuates all intensity fluctuations, and this makes it easy to tune the control loop. The control loop between discharge current and photodiode voltage eliminates the long-term drifts. The intensity stability of the HeNe laser with this system is 0.014% over 12 h.

  12. 77 FR 6481 - Television Broadcasting Services; Lincoln, NE (United States)


    ...] Television Broadcasting Services; Lincoln, NE AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Final rule... power television rulemaking petitions requesting channel substitutions in May 2011, it subsequently... CFR Part 73 Television. Federal Communications Commission. Barbara A. Kreisman, Chief, Video Division...

  13. Isotopic effect of the mean lifetimes of the NeAr2+ doubly charged rare-gas dimer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ben-Itzhak, I.; Bouhnik, J.P.; Chen, Z.; Gertner, I.; Heinemann, C.; Koch, W.; Lin, C.D.; Rosner, B.


    It has been suggested recently by Chen et al. [Phys. Rev. A 49, 3472 (1994)] that the measured long-lived NeAr 2+ formed in fast NeAr + + Ar charge-stripping collisions is mostly in its v=12 vibrational state bound to the electronic ground state, and that this molecular ion decays by tunneling through the potential barrier. Such a decay rate is expected to depend strongly on the reduced mass of the molecular ion leading to large isotopic effects. We have measured the mean lifetimes of the 20 Ne 40 Ar 2+ and 22 Ne 40 Ar 2+ isotopes in order to see this isotopic effect. Surprisingly, the mean lifetimes of both isotopes are similar to each other. Thus, it is suggested that the observed NeAr 2+ molecular ions do not decay via a tunneling mechanism, which would indicate that they reside in the metastable electronic ground state. Rather, electronic transitions from bound or metastable excited states into other repulsive states are the origin for the experimentally observed decay. Qualitative estimates for the shapes and ordering of these states in the electronic spectrum of NeAr 2+ are given

  14. Neutral bremsstrahlung radiation of Ne, Ar and O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kung, R.T.V.; Chang, C.H.


    The neutral Bremsstrahlung cross-sections of Ne, Ar and atomic oxygen around the 3 and 10μ wavelength regions were measured in a high temperature plasma generated in a shock tube. The results were generally a factor of three higher than the theoretical values calculated by Geltman (Geltman, S., JQSRT vol.13, 601 (1973)). Agreement with the experimental results of Taylor and Caledonia (Taylor, R.L. and Caledonia, G., JQSRT vol.9, 657; 681, 1969) around 3μ was good except for the case of Ne. The cross-sections around 10μ are the first measurements in this wavelength region. Enhanced radiation due to atomic line emission on top of the Bremsstrahlung continuum, as predicted by Hyman (Hyman, H.A. and Von Rosenberg, C.W. Jr., JQSRT, vol.15, 919, 1975) was observed around 7.44μ. (author)

  15. Quality control considerations for the KM3NeT Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescope

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sollima, C., E-mail:


    Within the KM3NeT project a quality management system was proposed that included a qualification process and a database to store information on the design. This paper highlights quality control procedures applicable to KM3NeT and describes the database.

  16. 76 FR 76337 - Television Broadcasting Services; Lincoln, NE (United States)


    ... FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 47 CFR Part 73 [MB Docket No. 11-192, RM-11646; DA 11-1924] Television Broadcasting Services; Lincoln, NE AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Proposed... 73 Television, Television broadcasting. Federal Communications Commission Barbara A. Kreisman, Chief...

  17. Evaluation of the Role of Vibrational Spectroscopy in the Assessment of Vulval Disease (United States)


    Normal Vulval Skin; Lichen Sclerosus; High Grade Dysplasia - Usual Type ('VIN 2-3'); High Grade Dysplasia - Differentiated Type ('VIN 2-3'); Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Epithelial Hyperplasia Without Atypia; Atypia Not Otherwise Specified/ Low Grade Dysplasia ('VIN 1'); Pagets Disease of the Vulva



    Miloloža, Helena


    Tržišna orijentacija pridonosi boljem razumijevanju tržišta i unaprjeđuje nastup poduzeća na tržištu. Kao složena marketinška koncepcija, ostvaruje bitan utjecaj na inovacijske procese u poduzeću. Međutim, rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja korelacijskog odnosa između tržišne orijentacije i inovacija pokazali su da učinak tržišne orijentacije može biti i pozitivan i negativan. Stoga je cilj ovog rada analizirati tržišnu orijentaciju i inovativnost poduzeća te ispitati utjecaj tržišne orijenta...

  19. Methoxychlor and Vinclozolin Induce Rapid Changes in Intercellular and Intracellular Signaling in Liver Progenitor Cells. (United States)

    Babica, Pavel; Zurabian, Rimma; Kumar, Esha R; Chopra, Rajus; Mianecki, Maxwell J; Park, Joon-Suk; Jaša, Libor; Trosko, James E; Upham, Brad L


    Methoxychlor (MXC) and vinclozolin (VIN) are well-recognized endocrine disrupting chemicals known to alter epigenetic regulations and transgenerational inheritance; however, non-endocrine disruption endpoints are also important. Thus, we determined the effects of MXC and VIN on the dysregulation of gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) and activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in WB-F344 rat liver epithelial cells. Both chemicals induced a rapid dysregulation of GJIC at non-cytotoxic doses, with 30 min EC50 values for GJIC inhibition being 10 µM for MXC and 126 µM for VIN. MXC inhibited GJIC for at least 24 h, while VIN effects were transient and GJIC recovered after 4 h. VIN induced rapid hyperphosphorylation and internalization of gap junction protein connexin43, and both chemicals also activated MAPK ERK1/2 and p38. Effects on GJIC were not prevented by MEK1/2 inhibitor, but by an inhibitor of phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C (PC-PLC), resveratrol, and in the case of VIN, also, by a p38 inhibitor. Estrogen (ER) and androgen receptor (AR) modulators (estradiol, ICI 182,780, HPTE, testosterone, flutamide, VIN M2) did not attenuate MXC or VIN effects on GJIC. Our data also indicate that the effects were elicited by the parental compounds of MXC and VIN. Our study provides new evidence that MXC and VIN dysregulate GJIC via mechanisms involving rapid activation of PC-PLC occurring independently of ER- or AR-dependent genomic signaling. Such alterations of rapid intercellular and intracellular signaling events involved in regulations of gene expression, tissue development, function and homeostasis, could also contribute to transgenerational epigenetic effects of endocrine disruptors. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Toxicology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  20. Ceux-ci ne sont pas : [luuletused] / Kalju Kruusa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kruusa, Kalju, pseud., 1973-


    Sisu: Ceux-ci ne sont pas ; Köögivahet ; "Taara..." ; "Pakane pistab pisikesi ..." ; "Meri on kaet mattklaasiga ; Pydemise päivil ; "Toas muusika mängib ..." ; "Jäin juustu imetlema ; "Mu elu on mustikas ..." ; Hingepidetus ; ŁNo me gusta la cocina


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    U Kaltsum


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji sifat polarisasi berbagai minyak nabati (minyak sawit, minyak kedelai, minyak zaitun, VCO, minyak curah, dan jelantah dengan variasi keadaan baru dan kadaluwarsa, menggunakan lampu IR dan laser He-Ne. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menempatkan minyak nabati diantara polarisator dan analisator. Hasil penelitian pada kedua sumber cahaya menunjukkan pola yang hampir sama. Minyak zaitun dan VCO memiliki perubahan sudut polarisasi alami kecil, sedangkan minyak sawit, kedelai, jelantah, dan curah memiliki perubahan sudut polarisasi alami besar. Besarnya perubahan sudut polarisasi minyak kadaluwarsa lebih besar dibanding minyak baru. Perubahan sudut polarisasi sebanding dengan jumlah radikal bebas (ALB, peroksida dan molekul asimetri (asam lemak jenuh, molekul rantai panjang. Meskipun pola yang dihasilkan oleh kedua sumber cahaya sama, namun lampu IR memberikan nilai perubahan sudut polarisasi yang lebih tinggi dari laser He-Ne. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena daya lampu IR lebih besar dari He-Ne, sehingga energi yang dihasilkan lampu IR lebih tinggi dan perubahan sudut polarisasinya lebih besar. This research based on previous research that using IR lamp (250 watt and He-Ne laser (1 mW on a mixture of palm oil and animal oil. Both of light source were used again to measure polarization properties of various vegetable oils (palm oil, soybean oil, olive oil, VCO, rainfall oil and used cooking oil with a variety of new and expired. The tools used were a set polarization, IR lamp, He-Ne laser, and power supply. The experiment was done by placing vegetable oil between the polarizer and analyzers. The result showed both of light sources had similar pattern; polarization changes of olive oil and the VCO were small, while polarization changes of palm oil, soybean oil, used cooking oil, and rainfall were high. Polarization change of expired oil was higher than new oil. The value of polarization change was proportional to free

  2. Sembène Ousmane's Xala: The Use of Film and Novel as Revolutionary Weapon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kenneth Harrow


    Full Text Available Sembène Ousmane's Xala was written as a novel and made into a film in 1974. It is a biting attack upon the newly risen bourgeois class that has ascended to power and wealth in Senegal since independence. The ideological framework of Xala rests upon Marxist assumptions adapted to and modified by the circumstances in Africa. The distinctively Senegalese features which mark Sembène's portrayal include Muslim and traditional religious beliefs which form the basis of the class oppression and the sexism depicted in Xala . They also supply the title to the work since xala means impotency in Wolof, and it is described with great humor by Sembène, as the result of a marabout's curse. Sembène's treatment of the theme of class oppression focuses upon the great disparities that exist between the wealthy, elite classes and the impoverished masses, especially the beggars and cripples who live on the streets of Dakar. By focusing upon the issue of acculturation in the film, and by emphasizing the importance of imagery related to sight and the act of seeing, Sembène effectively overcomes the deficiencies of the novel in creating the film version of Xala .

  3. Many-particle and many-hole states in neutron-rich Ne isotopes related to broken N=20 shell closure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kimura, Masaaki; Horiuchi, Hisashi


    The low-lying level structures of 26 Ne, 28 Ne and 30 Ne which are related to the breaking of the N=20 shell closure have been studied in the framework of the deformed-basis anti-symmetrized molecular dynamics plus generator coordinate method using the Gogny D1S force. The properties of the many-particle and many-hole states are studied as well as that of the ground band. We predict that the negative-parity states, in which neutrons are promoted into the pf-orbit from the sd orbit, have a small excitation energy in the cases of 28 Ne and 30 Ne. We regard this to be a typical phenomena accompanying the breaking of the N=20 shell closure. It is also found that the neutron 4p4h structure of 30 Ne appears at low excitation energy, which contains α + 16 O correlations. (author)

  4. Overview of DOE-NE Proliferation and Terrorism Risk Assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sadasivan, Pratap


    Research objectives are: (1) Develop technologies and other solutions that can improve the reliability, sustain the safety, and extend the life of current reactors; (2) Develop improvements in the affordability of new reactors to enable nuclear energy; (3) Develop Sustainable Nuclear Fuel Cycles; and (4) Understand and minimize the risks of nuclear proliferation and terrorism. The goal is to enable the use of risk information to inform NE R and D program planning. The PTRA program supports DOE-NE's goal of using risk information to inform R and D program planning. The FY12 PTRA program is focused on terrorism risk. The program includes a mix of innovative methods that support the general practice of risk assessments, and selected applications.

  5. neş enerjisi destekli çok fonksiyonlu trijenerasyon sisteminin termodinamik analizi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Önder KIZILKAN


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmada güneş enerjisi destekli çok fonksiyonlu bir trijenerasyon sisteminin modellemesi ve termodinamik analizleri yapılmıştır. Sistemde, gaz türbinleri için yeni bir teknoloji olan güneş kulesi vasıtasıyla gaz çevrimi ve buhar çevirimi için gerekli termal enerji sağlanmaktadır. Ayrıca, sisteme absorbsiyonlu soğutma sistemi, buhar üretim prosesi, kurutma prosesi ve kullanım sıcak suyu ısıtma prosesi entegre edilmiştir. Trijenerasyon sisteminin birinci kanun ve ikinci kanun analizleri yapılarak enerji ve ekserji verimleri tespit edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda gaz çevrimi verimi %31, buhar çevrimi verimi %28, soğutma sisteminin performans katsayısı (COP değeri ise 0.77 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ekserji kayıpları incelendiğinde ise en yüksek ekserji kaybının 4154 kW ile güneş kulesinde meydana geldiği tespit edilmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Güneş kulesi, Trijenerasyon, Gaz çevrimi, Buhar çevrimi, Enerji, Ekserji

  6. Miocene uplift of the NE Greenland margin linked to plate tectonics: Seismic evidence from the Greenland Fracture Zone, NE Atlantic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Døssing Andreasen, Arne; Japsen, Peter; Watts, Anthony B.


    Tectonic models predict that, following breakup, rift margins undergo only decaying thermal subsidence during their post-rift evolution. However, post-breakup stratigraphy beneath the NE Atlantic shelves shows evidence of regional-scale unconformities, commonly cited as outer margin responses to ...... by plate tectonic forces, induced perhaps by a change in the Iceland plume (a hot pulse) and/or by changes in intra-plate stresses related to global tectonics.......Tectonic models predict that, following breakup, rift margins undergo only decaying thermal subsidence during their post-rift evolution. However, post-breakup stratigraphy beneath the NE Atlantic shelves shows evidence of regional-scale unconformities, commonly cited as outer margin responses...... backstripping. We explain the thermo-mechanical coupling and the deposition of contourites by the formation of a continuous plate boundary along the Mohns and Knipovich ridges, leading to an accelerated widening of the Fram Strait. We demonstrate that the IMU event is linked to onset of uplift and massive shelf...

  7. Gangrène de Fournier : Aspects diagnostiques et thérapeutiques au ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le but de ce travail était d' évaluer la prise en charge des patients présentant une gangrène de Fournier, la morbi-mortalité et formuler des recommandations. Les auteurs rapportent une série de 22 cas de gangrène périnéoscrotale colligés sur 5 ans d'octobre 2005 à février 2010. Pour chaque patient l'âge, les aspects ...

  8. Teorija slovenske ulične poezije in družbeni kontekst


    Kusterle, Jernej


    Magistrsko delo obravnava ulično poezijo, ki je dolgo časa asociirala zgolj z glasbeno umetnostjo, in je javnosti bolj znana pod zvrstnim imenom rap. Delo najprej utemelji rabo besedne zveze ulična poezija znotraj literarne vede, pri čemer izhaja iz razvezane kratične oblike "rap" ter pomena obeh sestavin besedne zveze "ulična poezija". Hkrati pojasni razliko med ulično, poulično in urbano poezijo ter uvede novost v teorijo ulične poezije, tj. delitev na ožjo in širšo opredelitev raziskovaneg...

  9. Angular distribution of elastic scattering of 17F and 18Ne on proton

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Zhaohui; Wu Heyu; Hu Rongjiang; Zhu Yongtai; Zhang Baoguo; Li Zuyu; Wei Zhiyong; Duan Liming; Wang Hongwei; Xiao Zhigang; Wang Sufang; Jin Genming; Guo Zhongyan; Xiao Guoqing; Zhu Haidong; Liu Yongying; Chen Keliang; Chen Tao; Li Xiangqing; Li Zhihuan


    Under reverse kinematics, elastic scattering of 17 F and 18 Ne on proton is studied. The experimental differential cross sections were measured. A kind of global optical potential with the CH89 parameters is used to describe the radioactive nucleus as an initial optical potential parameters. The experimental differential cross section data are analyzed by using the theoretical calculation code DWUCK4 with the distorted-wave Born approximation and parameter search subroutine ABOD which automatically searches the suitable parameters. Then the optical potential parameters of scattering 17 F and 18 Ne on proton are obtained. From the analyses of the optimized parameters, the real central potential mean-square radii of 17 F and 18 Ne, 3.239 fm and 3.317 fm are deduced, respectively

  10. Dielectronic satellites to the Ne-like yttrium resonance lines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osterheld, A.L.; Nilsen, J.; Khakhalin, S.Ya.; Faenov, A.Ya.; Pikuz, S.A.


    We present a detailed analysis of the spectrum of satellite transitions to the n=2-3 and n=2-4 Ne-like yttrium resonance lines. Satellite lines from the double excited 2s 2 2p 5 3l3l', 2s 2 2p 5 3l4l', 2s2p 6 3l3l' and 2s2p 6 3l4l' levels of Na-like Y as well as from 2s 2 2p 5 3l3l'3l '' and 2s2p 6 3l3l'3l '' levels of Mg-like Y were observed in spectra from a laser-produced plasma. The X-ray spectra were recorded with high spectral resolution λ/Δλ∼3500-5000 in the wavelength region of the n=2-3 Ne-like resonance lines and with λ/Δλ>1000 in the region of the n=2-4 Ne-like resonance lines. A total of more than 50 spectral features were identified, and their wavelengths were measured. A simple intensity model was developed, which agreed well with the measured spectra and assisted the line identification. The consistency of the model for different spectral regions demonstrates the potential of the Na-like and Mg-like satellite lines for diagnosing plasma conditions. (orig.)

  11. KM3NeT/ARCA sensitivity and discovery potential for neutrino point-like sources

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trovato A.


    Full Text Available KM3NeT is a large research infrastructure with a network of deep-sea neutrino telescopes in the abyss of the Mediterranean Sea. Of these, the KM3NeT/ARCA detector, installed in the KM3NeT-It node of the network, is optimised for studying high-energy neutrinos of cosmic origin. Sensitivities to galactic sources such as the supernova remnant RXJ1713.7-3946 and the pulsar wind nebula Vela X are presented as well as sensitivities to a generic point source with an E−2 spectrum which represents an approximation for the spectrum of extragalactic candidate neutrino sources.

  12. Age-dependent effects of He-Ne laser irradiation on the membrane fluidity of human erythrocytes (United States)

    Kovacs, Eugenia; Savopol, Tudor; Pologea-Moraru, Roxana; Makropoulou, Mersini I.; Serafetinides, Alexander A.


    The low power He-Ne laser radiation has been extensively used in past decades as medical device to relieve pain, accelerate wound healing as well as aiming beam in invisible laser beam in invisible laser beam applications. It is not known however if there are any secondary, undesirable effects of He-Ne laser radiation on the irradiated tissue. In this paper we investigate the changes induced in membrane fluidity of human erythrocyte during/upon the interaction with the He-Ne laser beam having the parameters currently used for target aiming in laser surgery.

  13. WE FRIENDS, Lääne-Eesti arengupartnerlus / Ingrit Kera

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kera, Ingrit


    Naised saavad osa hiidlaste kirjutatud europrojektist "We Friends", mille eesmärk on Lääne-Eesti madala konkurentsivõimega naiste ja lapsi üksi kasvatavate noorte emade tööhõivele kaasaaitamine

  14. Investigation of incomplete fusion dynamics by measurement of excitation functions in the 20Ne + 59Co system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, D.; Linda, Sneha Bharti; Giri, Pankaj K.; Singh, Smita Shree; Kumar, Harish; Afzal Ansari, M.; Ali, Rahbar; Rashid, M.H.; Guin, R.; Das, S.K.


    In the present work, an attempt has been made to address some important aspects of CF and ICF dynamics for the system 20 Ne + 59 Co in the projectile energy range ≈ 62–150 MeV by using recoil catcher activation technique with the following off-line γ-ray spectroscopy. Excitation Functions (EFs) for the following reactions: 59 Co(Ne, α p4n) 70 Ga, 59 Co(Ne, 3αp3n) 63 Zn, 59 Co (Ne, 3αp4n) 62 Zn and 59 Co (Ne, 4α3n) 60 Cu have been measured. No precursor decay contribution has been observed for these measured evaporation residues. The measured values of total fusion cross-sections of the above evaporation residues have been compared with the theoretical total complete fusion cross sections calculated by code PACE-2, which do not take into account ICF contribution

  15. NeXOS, developing and evaluating a new generation of insitu ocean observation systems. (United States)

    Delory, Eric; del Rio, Joaquin; Golmen, Lars; Roar Hareide, Nils; Pearlman, Jay; Rolin, Jean-Francois; Waldmann, Christoph; Zielinski, Oliver


    Ocean biological, chemical or physical processes occur over widely varying scales in space and time: from micro- to kilometer scales, from less than seconds to centuries. While space systems supply important data and information, insitu data is necessary for comprehensive modeling and forecasting of ocean dynamics. Yet, collection of in-situ observation on these scales is inherently challenging and remains generally difficult and costly in time and resources. This paper address the innovations and significant developments for a new generation of insitu sensors in FP7 European Union project "Next generation, Cost- effective, Compact, Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management" or "NeXOS" for short. Optical and acoustics sensors are the focus of NeXOS but NeXOS moves beyond just sensors as systems that simultaneously address multiple objectives and applications are becoming increasingly important. Thus NeXOS takes a perspective of both sensors and sensor systems with significant advantages over existing observing capabilities via the implementation of innovations such as multiplatform integration, greater reliability through better antifouling management and greater sensor and data interoperability through use of OGC standards. This presentation will address the sensor system development and field-testing of the new NeXOS sensor systems. This is being done on multiple platforms including profiling floats, gliders, ships, buoys and subsea stations. The implementation of a data system based on SWE and PUCK furthers interoperability across measurements and platforms. This presentation will review the sensor system capabilities, the status of field tests and recommendations for long-term ocean monitoring.

  16. Enabling Grid Computing resources within the KM3NeT computing model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Filippidis Christos


    Full Text Available KM3NeT is a future European deep-sea research infrastructure hosting a new generation neutrino detectors that – located at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea – will open a new window on the universe and answer fundamental questions both in particle physics and astrophysics. International collaborative scientific experiments, like KM3NeT, are generating datasets which are increasing exponentially in both complexity and volume, making their analysis, archival, and sharing one of the grand challenges of the 21st century. These experiments, in their majority, adopt computing models consisting of different Tiers with several computing centres and providing a specific set of services for the different steps of data processing such as detector calibration, simulation and data filtering, reconstruction and analysis. The computing requirements are extremely demanding and, usually, span from serial to multi-parallel or GPU-optimized jobs. The collaborative nature of these experiments demands very frequent WAN data transfers and data sharing among individuals and groups. In order to support the aforementioned demanding computing requirements we enabled Grid Computing resources, operated by EGI, within the KM3NeT computing model. In this study we describe our first advances in this field and the method for the KM3NeT users to utilize the EGI computing resources in a simulation-driven use-case.

  17. Effects of He-Ne laser irradiation on red blood cells in vitro (United States)

    Ghadage, Vijay H.; Kulkarni, Gauri R.


    Laser radiation has many applications in biomedical field, such as wound healing, tissue repairing, heating and ablation processes. Intravenous low power laser radiation is used clinically for skin and vascular disorders. Laser radiation improves microcirculation and modulates the rheological properties of blood. FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red Spectra) is used to see the structural changes in erythrocyte membrane. In the present work He Ne laser (λ= 632nm, power=2mW) is used to irradiate human Red blood cells. Red blood cells are separated from human whole blood using centrifugation method (time=10 min., temperature=15°C and RPM=3000) and then exposed to HeNe laser radiation. Laser exposure time is varied from 10 min. to 40min for Red blood cells. Absorption spectrum, FTIR and fluorescence spectra of RBC are compared before and after HeNe laser irradiation. The absorption spectrum of RBC after exposure to HeNe laser shows a significant decrease in absorbance. The FTIR spectrum of non irradiated RBC clearly show the peaks due to O-H (free group), C=O (amide I group), N=O (nitro group), C-O (anhydride group) and C-H (aromatic group). Laser radiation changes in transmittance in FTIR spectra related to C=O group and percentage of transmittance increases for O-H, C=C, N=O, C-O and C-H group.

  18. Response of zircon to electron and Ne+ irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Devanathan, R.; Weber, W.J.; Boatner, L.A.


    Zircon (ZrSiO 4 ) is an actinide host phase in vitreous ceramic nuclear waste forms and a potential host phase for the disposition of excess weapons plutonium. In the present work, the effects of 800 and 900 keV electron and 1 MeV Ne + irradiations on the structure of single crystals of ZrSiO 4 have been investigated. The microstructural evolution during the irradiations was studied in situ using a high-voltage electron microscope interfaced to an ion accelerator at Argonne National Laboratory. The results indicate that electron irradiation at 15 K cannot amorphize ZrSiO 4 even at fluences an order of magnitude higher than that required for amorphization by 1.5 MeV Kr + ions. However, the material is readily amorphized by 1 MeV Ne + irradiation at 15 K. The temperature dependence of this amorphization is discussed in light of previous studies of radiation damage in ZrSiO 4

  19. He-Ne laser treatment improves the photosynthetic efficiency of wheat exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Huize; Han, Rong


    The level of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on the Earth’s surface has increased due to depletion of the ozone layer. Here, we explored the effects of continuous wave He-Ne laser irradiation (632 nm, 5 mW mm –2 , 2 min d –1 ) on the physiological indexes of wheat seedlings exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation (10 KJ m –2 d –1 ) at the early growth stages. Wheat seedlings were irradiated with enhanced UV-B, He-Ne laser treatment or a combination of the two. Enhanced UV-B radiation had deleterious effects on wheat photosynthesis parameters including photosystem II (chlorophyll content, Hill reaction, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, electron transport rate (ETR), and yield), the thylakoid (optical absorption ability, cyclic photophosphorylation, Mg 2+ -ATPase, and Ca 2+ -ATPase) and some enzymes in the dark reaction (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), carbonic anhydrase (CA), malic dehydrogenase (MDH), and chlorophyllase). These parameters were improved in UV-B-exposed wheat treated with He-Ne laser irradiation; the parameters were near control levels and the enzyme activities increased, suggesting that He-Ne laser treatment partially alleviates the injury caused by enhanced UV-B irradiation. Furthermore, the use of He-Ne laser alone had a favourable effect on seedling photosynthesis compared with the control. Therefore, He-Ne laser irradiation can enhance the adaptation capacity of crops. (paper)

  20. Contribution à la caractérisation des précurseurs d’arôme glycosylés du bois de chêne


    Slaghenaufi, Davide


    La présence d’un métabolisme actif des bactéries lactiques dans le vin logé en fûts de chêne induit une augmentation de la concentration des composés volatils du bois. Ce phénomène a récemment été attribué à l'activité glycosidique des bactéries. Le glucoside précurseur d'un composé majeur de l’arôme boisé (whiskylactone) a déjà été identifié et quantifié dans le bois de chêne. Mais aucune donnée n'était disponible jusqu’à présent concernant l’identification formelle des précurseurs pour d’au...

  1. Hot spots in Ar and Ne gas puff Z-pinch

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krejci, A.; Krousky, E.; Renner, O.


    The hot spots in Ar and Ne pinch plasma were investigated. Two pinhole cameras with entrance diameter 13 to 250 μm and flat crystal spectrographs with Si and KAP crystals were used for spatially and spectrally resolved soft X-ray diagnostics. The diameters of Ar (25 to 30 μm) and Ne (40 μm) hot spots were found. From X-ray spectrum of Ar spots the following plasma parameters were determined: T e =1.0 to 1.1 keV and n e =(1.8 to 4.0)x10 27 m -3 . The validity of the Bennett equilibrium for unstable hot spots is discussed. (author). 1 fig., 11 refs

  2. The next Generation of Exascale-class Systems: the ExaNeSt Project


    R. Ammendolay; A. Biagioni; P. Cretaro; O. Frezza; F. Lo Cicero; A. Lonardo; M. Martinelli; P. S. Paolucci; E. Pastorelli; F. Simula; P. Vicini; G. Taffoni; J. Goodacree; M. Lujn; J. Navaridas


    The ExaNeSt project started on December 2015 and is funded by EU H2020 research framework (call H2020-FETHPC-2014, n. 671553) to study the adoption of low-cost, Linux-based power-efficient 64-bit ARM processors clusters for Exascale-class systems. The ExaNeSt consortium pools partners with industrial and academic research expertise in storage, interconnects and applications that share a vision of an European Exascale-class supercomputer. Their goal is designing and implementing a physical rac...

  3. Theoretical prediction of the noble gas complexes HeAuF and NeAuF

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    Ab initio calculations were carried out to investigate the structures and the stability of the noble gas complexes HeAuF and NeAuF through MP2 and CCSD(T) methods.The HeAuF was predicted to have a linear structure with weak He-Au covalent bonding,the distance of which is closer to the covalent limit in comparison with the corresponding van der Waals limit.The dissociation energy with respect to He + AuF was found to be 24 and 26 kJ·mol-1 at the CCSD(T)/basis set B and B’ levels,respectively.However,similar calculations for NeAuF indicate that NeAuF is not a stable species.



    Mijošek, Ivo


    Delo diplomskega seminarja se osredotoča na zgodovinski razvoj franšiznega koncepta, njegove različne oblike ter ključne pravice in dolžnosti, ki jih potencialni franšizij pridobi z odločitvijo za franšizo. Nadalje teoretični del seminarja opisuje ključne sestavine vsake franšizne pogodbe ter se osredotoča na prednosti ter slabosti franšiznega koncepta, tako za franšizorja kot za franšizija. Ključni prednosti za franšizorja sta hitra prisotnost na več tujih trgih ter deljena odgovornost na po...

  5. Hygiëne en infectiepreventie, constant voortschrijdende inzichten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Crielaard, W.; Crielaard, L.


    Recent onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat het voor het orale microbioom niet altijd gunstig is om patiënten te behandelen met chloorhexidine. Daarnaast baart de groeiende groep bacteriën die resistent zijn tegen alle ontwikkelde antibiotica zorgen en kunnen 'te veel' hygiëne en infectiepreventie ook

  6. The Control Unit of KM3NeT data acquisition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bozza Cristiano


    Full Text Available The KM3NeT Collaboration is building a new generation of neutrino telescopes in the Mediterranean Sea. With the telescopes, scientists will search for cosmic neutrinos to study highly energetic objects in the Universe, while one neutrino detector will be dedicated to measure the properties of the high-energy neutrino particles themselves. Control of the KM3NeT data acquisition processes is handled by the KM3NeT Control Unit, which has been designed to maximise the detector live time. The Control Unit features software programs with different roles, following the philosophy of having no single point of failure. While all programs are interconnected, each one can also work alone for most of the time in case other services are unavailable. All services run on the Common Language Runtime, which ensures portability, flexibility and automatic memory management. Each service has an embedded Web server, providing a user interface as well as programmatic access to data and functions. Data to and from detector components for monitoring and management purposes are transmitted using a custom designed protocol. The Control Unit is interfaced to one or more Message Dispatchers to control the data acquisition chain. A Data Base Interface provides fast and fault-tolerant connection to a remote Data Base.

  7. 1 1) Pourquoi est-ce que je ne parviens pas à ouvrir les formulaires ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Faites vos calculs avec soin car votre demande pourrait ne pas être admissible.) 6) Existe-t-il une liste de pays admissibles dans lesquels mon établissement ou organisme est autorisé à travailler ou à avoir des partenaires ? Non, le CRDI n'a rien de tel; cependant, il ne soutient des travaux que dans les pays à faible.

  8. Quantificação de 5-metiltetrahidrofolato no processamento e conservação de vinhos de uvas viníferas e híbridas Quantification of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate in the processing and conservation of wines made of winegrapes and hybrid grapes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizete Maria Pesamosca Facco


    Full Text Available Os folatos compõem uma classe de vitaminas redescoberta nas últimas décadas pela sua importante associação com diversas funções, nos vários processos metabólicos no organismo humano. As principais fontes descritas na literatura são os vegetais, os cereais e as leveduras. Objetivou-se quantificar o 5-metiltetrahidrofolato (5-metilTFH em vinhos durante o processamento e conservação. Foram coletadas amostras de vinhos tintos das variedades viníferas Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot e Pinot noir, e das não viníferas Isabel (tinta e Niágara (branca na colheita, no final da fermentação alcoólica, e maloláctica e seguindo-se aos 4, 7, 12 e 24 meses de conservação a partir do início da fermentação. A técnica de Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE foi utilizada para a separação, identificação e quantificação. Os resultados mostraram que os níveis de 5-metil-THF aumentaram consideravelmente durante a fermentação alcoólica e continuaram aumentando até o término da fermentação maloláctica. Os níveis mantiveram-se estáveis durante um período de 3 a 6 meses para o vinho branco e de 1 a 2 anos para os vinhos tintos, dependendo da variedade. Os vinhos tintos de viníferas se mostraram uma boa fonte de 5-metilTHF.Folates are a class of vitamins that have been rediscovered in recent decades because of their association with various metabolic processes in the human organism. The main sources of folates described the scientific literature are vegetables, cereals and yeasts. The purpose of this study was to quantify 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-methyl-THF in wines during wine production and aging. Red wines made from Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Pinot Noir wine grape varieties, and from Isabel (red and Niagara (white non-wine grape varieties were analyzed. The samples were analyzed at the beginning of fermentation, at the end of alcoholic and malolactic fermentation, and periodically at 4, 7, 12 and 24 months of

  9. The KM3NeT deep-sea neutrino telescope

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Margiotta, Annarita


    KM3NeT is a deep-sea research infrastructure being constructed in the Mediterranean Sea. It will host the next generation Cherenkov neutrino telescope and nodes for a deep sea multidisciplinary observatory, providing oceanographers, marine biologists, and geophysicists with real time measurements. The neutrino telescope will complement IceCube in its field of view and exceed it substantially in sensitivity. Its main goal is the detection of high energy neutrinos of astrophysical origin. The detector will have a modular structure with six building blocks, each consisting of about 100 Detection Units (DUs). Each DU will be equipped with 18 multi-PMT digital optical modules. The first phase of construction has started and shore and deep-sea infrastructures hosting the future KM3NeT detector are being prepared in offshore Toulon, France and offshore Capo Passero on Sicily, Italy. The technological solutions for the neutrino detector of KM3NeT and the expected performance of the neutrino telescope are presented and discussed. - Highlights: • A deep-sea research infrastructure is being built in the Mediterranean Sea. • It will host a km{sup 3}-size neutrino telescope and a deep-sea multidisciplinary observatory. • The main goal of the neutrino telescope is the search for Galactic neutrino sources. • A major innovation is adopted in the design of the optical module. • 31 3 in. photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) will be hosted in the same glass sphere.

  10. Dielectronic satellites to the Ne-like yttrium resonance lines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Osterheld, A.L. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (United States); Nilsen, J. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (United States); Khakhalin, S.Ya. [MISDC, VNIIFTRI, Mendeleevo (Russian Federation); Faenov, A.Ya. [MISDC, VNIIFTRI, Mendeleevo (Russian Federation); Pikuz, S.A. [Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Moscow (Russian Federation). Fizicheskij Inst.


    We present a detailed analysis of the spectrum of satellite transitions to the n=2-3 and n=2-4 Ne-like yttrium resonance lines. Satellite lines from the double excited 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 5}3l3l`, 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 5}3l4l`, 2s2p{sup 6}3l3l` and 2s2p{sup 6}3l4l` levels of Na-like Y as well as from 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 5}3l3l`3l{sup ``} and 2s2p{sup 6}3l3l`3l{sup ``} levels of Mg-like Y were observed in spectra from a laser-produced plasma. The X-ray spectra were recorded with high spectral resolution {lambda}/{Delta}{lambda}{approx}3500-5000 in the wavelength region of the n=2-3 Ne-like resonance lines and with {lambda}/{Delta}{lambda}>1000 in the region of the n=2-4 Ne-like resonance lines. A total of more than 50 spectral features were identified, and their wavelengths were measured. A simple intensity model was developed, which agreed well with the measured spectra and assisted the line identification. The consistency of the model for different spectral regions demonstrates the potential of the Na-like and Mg-like satellite lines for diagnosing plasma conditions. (orig.).

  11. Mass spectrometer determinations of solar wind He, Ne, and Ar and radiation belt He

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Warasila, R.L.


    A unique mass spectrometer system was built and used to measure He, Ne, and Ar abundances and isotopic ratios in various samples of spacecraft that have been exposed to the space environment. The Apollo 12 mission brought back sections of the Surveyor 3 vehicle suitable for mass spectrometric studies of implanted solar wind and solar cosmic ray particles. Using the mass spectrometer, a 4 He flux of 6-8 x 10 6 ions/cm 2 --sec was measured, and in addition 4 He/ 3 He = 2700 +- 50; 4 He/ 20 Ne = 410 + 30; 20 Ne/ 22 Ne = 13.5 +- 0.2; 20 Ne/ 36 Ar = 24.5 +- 2.5; and 36 Ar/ 38 Ar = 5.41 +- 0.20 isotopic abundances were measured. An upper limit for the flux of SCR 3 He in the 10-20 MeV/nucleon range was also determined, for the thirty-one month exposure period. In the radiation belt environment, 3 He was found in the aluminum antenna housing from the recovered second stage of a pre-Apollo Saturn test flight launched January 28, 1964 and returned to earth on April 28, 1966. The amount of 3 He found was about 6 x 10 -10 cc(STP)/cm 2 with a 4 He/ 3 He ratio of 145 or less. The 3 He was shown to come from the lower radiation belt as all other sources of 3 He were orders of magnitude lower than the observed value

  12. Neoplasia intraepitelial vulvar: um problema atual Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia: a current problem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Alberto Fonseca-Moutinho


    Full Text Available A neoplasia intraepitelial da vulva (VIN é uma denominação que foi introduzida incialmente pela International Society for Study of Vulvo-vaginal Diseases (ISSVD e reconhecida posteriormente pela International Society of Gynaecological Pathology (ISGYP e Organização Mundial da Saúde. É uma entidade patológica a que correspondem as VIN de tipo usual (verrucoso, basalióide e misto e as VIN de tipo diferenciado. A incidência das lesões de VIN tem aumentado progressivamente, principalmente em mulheres jovens. A infecção pelo papilomavírus humano (HPV de alto risco, pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV, o tabagismo e a neoplasia intraepitelial do colo do útero, da vagina e região anal são factores de risco estabelecidos para as VIN. Não existem sintomas e sinais característicos das VIN, mas a doença se traduz sempre por lesões clinicamente identificáveis. A biópsia com o auxílio do colposcópio permite o diagnóstico. O tratamento da doença está sempre justificado pelo elevado risco de progressão para cancro invasivo. A excisão alargada das lesões ou a sua destruição com laser CO2 têm sido os métodos mais populares de tratamento. Independentemente do método terapêutico utilizado, as taxas de recidiva são elevadas, pelo que está aconselhada a vigilância apertada das doentes após tratamento. A terapêutica tópica com imiquimod se afigura promissora no tratamento das VIN. As vacinas profiláticas contra os tipos de HPV de alto risco prometem se tornar armas poderosas na prevenção primária da doença.Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN is a pathological denomination coined by the International Society for Study of Vulvo-vaginal Diseases (ISSVD and adopted by the International Society of Gynaecological Pathology (ISGYP and by the World Health Organization. VIN is a heterogeneous pathological entity with a usual type (warty, basaloid and mixed and a differentiated type. The incidence of the disease is

  13. 2136-IJBCS-Article-Cesar Bassène

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ... la flore des champs. REFERENCES. Bâ AT, Noba K. 2001. Science et changements planétaires. Sécheresse. 12(3) : 149-155. Bassène C. 2014. La flore adventice dans les cultures de maïs (Zea mays L.) dans le sud du Bassin Arachidier : structure, nuisibilité et mise au point d'un itinéraire de désherbage. Thèse Unique.

  14. Measurement of a Neutrino-Induced Charged Current Single Neutral Pion Cross Section at MicroBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hackenburg, Ariana [Yale U.


    Micro Booster Neutrino Experiment (MicroBooNE) is a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) operating in the Booster Neutrino Beamline at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. MicroBooNE's physics goals include studying short basline $\

  15. [p,q] {ne} i{Dirac_h}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Costella, J P


    In this short note, it is argued that [p, q] {ne} i{Dirac_h}, contrary to the oiginal claims of Born and Jordan, and Dirac. Rather, [p, q] is equal to something that is infinitesimally different from i{Dirac_h}. While this difference is usually harmless, it does provide the solution of the Born-Jordan `trace paradox` of [p, q]. More recently, subtleties of a very similar form have been found to be of fundamental importance in quantum field theory. 3 refs.



    Žižek, Marko


    Diplomska naloga pokriva problematiko geodetskih kontrolnih meritev (monitoringa) med gradnjo. Glavni cilj diplomske naloge je prikazati metode monitoringa in različne metode geodetskega merjenja. Podrobno sta opisani merski metodi niveliranja in tahimetrije, kot tudi instrumenti, ki jih uporabljamo. Predstavljena je metoda niveliranja na konkretnem primeru in sicer gra za objekt garažne hiše v centru mesta Maribor. V nalogi je tudi predstavljen terminski plan samih meritev. Plan je prikazan ...

  17. Velocity-Resolved [Ne III] from X-Ray Irradiated Sz 102 Microjets (United States)

    Liu, C.-F.; Shang, H.; Walter, F. M.; Herczeg, G. J.


    Neon emission lines are good indicators of high-excitation regions close to a young stellar system because of their high ionization potentials and large critical densities. We have discovered [Ne III] .3869 emission from the microjet of low-mass young star Sz 102. Spectroastrometric analysis of the two-dimensional [Ne III] spectral image obtained from the archival high-dispersion (R - 33,000) Very Large Telescope/UVES spectra suggests that the emission consists of two velocity components spatially separated by ~ 0.''3. The stronger redshifted component is centered at ~ +21 km s-1 with a line width of ~ 140 km s-1, and the weaker blueshifted component at ~ -90 km s-1 with a larger line width of ~ 190 km s-1. Both components have large line widths that extend across the systemic velocity, suggesting their origin from diverging streamlines of a wide-angle wind. Optical line ratio diagnostics indicate that Sz 102 drives a pair of hot (T . 2 ◊ 104 K) and ionized (ne . 2 ◊ 104 cm-3) jets. The blueshifted jet has on average ~ 50% higher temperature and electron density. We suggest that the jet is ionized by an embedded hard X-ray source close to the driving region. Freezing-in of the ionization state is consistent with the flow speed and the Ne2+ recombination timescales. We postulate that these X-rays originate from hard coronae or stellar flares; the hard (keV) X-ray photons ionize neon in the inner wind, while the soft X-rays are mostly absorbed by the accretion funnel. These postulates await validation from high-sensitivity X-ray and subarcsecond resolution optical observations.

  18. Caractéristiques analytiques du Txakolí de Bizkaia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Escobal


    Full Text Available Cette note présente la comparaison de la constitution des vins de Txakolí avec celle des vins de Navarra, Rioja Alavesa et Galicia, ce qui a permis d'établir des différences importantes, qui doivent empêcher les falsifications du Txakolí, vin assez cher car issu d'une petite production.

  19. "Dlja menja ne sushtshestvujut kraski..." : [luuletused] / Georgi Kirillov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kirillov, Georgi, 1952-2016


    Autorist lk. 187. Sisu: "Dlja menja ne sushtshestvujut kraski..." ; "Za molitvoi molitva..." ; "Zaklannõi prezhde veka Agnets..." ; "Ja zhdal tebja i tõ voshol..." ; "Nepodrazhajemoje solntse..." ; "Tshto obshtshego mezh mnoju i toboi..." ; "Pogruzhenije v odinotshestvo..." ; "Shag za shagom - k stupenjam svjatõm..." ; "Nedvizhnõ dveri sozertsanja..." ; "Vessenni vozduh..." ; "Jesli mozhno - bud miloserdnõm..."

  20. On the neutron charge radius and the new experiments proposed for the precise (n,e) - scattering length measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Enik, T.L.; Mitsyna, L.V.; Nikolenko, V.G.; Oprea, I.A.; Parzhitsky, S.S.; Popov, A.B.; Samosvat, G.S.; Vtiuryn, V.A.


    Relationship between the n,e scattering length, b ne , the neutron mean square charge radius n 2 > and anomalous magnetic moment μ n , the quantities which characterize the internal structure of the neutron, was investigated. The performed analysis showed that in the framework of the modern cloudy bag model (CBM) of the nucleon the values of b ne is determined by the value of n 2 > without the so-called Foldy term being taken into account, while in the framework of the phenomenological Foldy approach the experimental values of ne > obtained up to date can be described only by this Foldy term within an accuracy of about 10%, i.e. by the anomalous magnetic moment of the neutron, μ n . Then a necessity is obvious to obtain b ne with higher accuracy than in previous experiments. To remove the contradictions in the experimental b ne estimates, new experiments to measure the energy dependence of the slow neutron scattering cross section by 86 Kr and scattering anisotropy on Xe isotopes, have been proposed. The investigation has been performed at Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR. (authors)

  1. La consommation de propylène en Europe occidentale Propylene Consumption in Western Europe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barraqué M.


    Full Text Available Les besoins de l'Europe occidentale en propylène utilisé en pétrochimie sont actuellement de 7,4. 10 puissance 6 t/an. Au cours des prochaines années, le taux de progression moyen de la consommation devrait être de l'ordre de 1,8%/an; ainsi en 1995, la pétrochimie européenne utiliserait environ 8,7. 10 puissance 6 t de propylène. L'essentiel de la progression de cette consommation sera dû au fort accroissement de la production de polypropylène et à un degré moindre de l'oxyde de propylène, de l'isopropanol et de l'éthyl-2 hexanol. Par contre les débouchés représentés par l'acrylonitrile et le cumène resteront pratiquement stables. La consommation de propylène dans les productions de butanols devrait diminuer. La part des besoins en propylène satisfaite par les vapocraqueurs européens qui est en 1986 de 82 %, devrait être inférieure à 75 % en 1995. Il sera de plus en plus nécessaire de se tourner vers d'autres sources d'approvisionnement. En 1986 les raffineries européennes ont produit 1,05. 10 puissance 6 t de propylène utilisé en pétrochimie et les importations ont atteint 0,3. 10 puissance 6 t. En 1995 la différence entre la consommation et la production des vapocraqueurs pourrait dépasser 2,0. 10 puissance 6 t. Il semble peu probable que les unités de craquage catalytique puissent combler le déficit sauf si les rendements en propylène augmentent très notablement. On peut s'attendre à la construction de splitters propylène/propane et à une augmentation des importations. D'autre part, en raison de la tension qui risque d'apparaître sur les prix du propylène, l'intérêt de certaines voies de synthèse actuellement considérées comme non rentables pourrait augmenter; ces nouvelles voies sont : - la déshydrogénation du propane déjà considérée dans d'autres régions (Mexique, Indonésie, Malaisie; - la métathèse entre l'éthylène et les butènes-2, pouvant eux-mêmes être produits à partir d'éthylène

  2. Total K-vacancy production in Ne (10 MeV) traversing Al

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Groeneveld, K.O.; Kolb, B.; Schader, J.; Sevier, K.D.


    Deexcitation of projectile inner shell vacancies created while traversing a solid foil may take place via competing processes: a) vacancy sharing with foil atoms in close impacts, b) radiative and non-radiative electron capture, and c) such X-ray and Auger electron transitions are possible in the heavy ion projectile. The change in K-vacancy creation with foil thickness can be investigated by measuring either projectile or target X-rays where the vacancies are created by Coulomb excitation and process a. In the system Ne (10 MeV) on Al, detecting Al K X-rays, the Ne K-vacancy production probability has been determined. (orig.) [de

  3. Centralized multiprocessor control system for the frascati storage rings DAΦNE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Di Pirro, G.; Milardi, C.; Serio, M.


    We describe the status of the DANTE (DAΦne New Tools Environment) control system for the new DAΦNE Φ-factory under construction at the Frascati National Laboratories. The system is based on a centralized communication architecture for simplicity and reliability. A central processor unit coordinates all communications between the consoles and the lower level distributed processing power, and continuously updates a central memory that contains the whole machine status. We have developed a system of VME Fiber Optic interfaces allowing very fast point to point communication between distant processors. Macintosh II personal computers are used as consoles. The lower levels are all built using the VME standard. (author)

  4. Strong-field non-sequential ionization: The vector momentum distribution of multiply charged Ne ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rottke, H.; Trump, C.; Wittmann, M.; Korn, G.; Becker, W.; Hoffmann, K.; Sandner, W.; Moshammer, R.; Feuerstein, B.; Dorn, A.; Schroeter, C.D.; Ullrich, J.; Schmitt, W.


    COLTRIMS (COLd Target Recoil-Ion Momentum Spectroscopy) was used to measure the vector momentum distribution of Ne n+ (n=1,2,3) ions formed in ultrashort (30 fsec) high-intensity (≅10 15 W/cm 2 ) laser pulses with center wavelength at 795 nm. To a high degree of accuracy the length of the Ne n+ ion momentum vector is equal to the length of the total momentum vector of the n photoelectrons released, with both vectors pointing into opposite directions. At a light intensity where non-sequential ionization of the atom dominates the Ne 2+ and Ne 3+ momentum distributions show distinct maxima at 4.0 a.u. and 7.5 a.u. along the polarization axis of the linearly polarized light beam. First, this is a clear signature of non-sequential multiple ionization. Second, it indicates that instantaneous emission of two (or more) electrons at electric field strength maxima of the light wave can be ruled out as main mechanism of non-sequential strong-field multiple ionization. In contrast, this experimental result is in accordance with the kinematical constraints of the 'rescattering model'

  5. Stress tolerant plant species spread in the road-ne

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šerá, Božena


    Roč. 14, Vol.14 (2011), s. 45-46 ISSN 1644-7298 R&D Projects: GA MŠk OC10032 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60870520 Keywords : weed * invasive * road-ne * salinity * Poaceae Subject RIV: AP - Urban, Regional and Transport Planning

  6. Toward Solution of the MiniBooNE-LSND Anomalies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karagiorgi, G.


    The LSND experiment has observed an anomalous excess of ν ¯ e events in a ν ¯ μ beam which can be interpreted as two-neutrino ν ¯ μ →ν ¯ e oscillations at Δm 2 ∼1 eV 2 , suggesting new physics. The MiniBooNE experiment has ruled out the LSND two-neutrino oscillation interpretation by looking for corresponding flavor oscillations in a neutrino beam, and assuming CP and CPT conservation. However, it has observed an anomalous excess of ν e events at low energy, which, to date, remains unexplained. The two excess signatures are discussed within the context of light sterile neutrino oscillations, and are further confronted with the latest results from a MiniBooNE search for ν ¯ μ →ν ¯ e oscillations in an antineutrino beam. Alternative interpretations are also referenced, along with possible future experimental tests.

  7. Two-protons' entanglement of the diproton emission from 17Ne halo resonant states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carballo Perez, Brenda; Guzman Martinez, Fernando


    Fingerprints of entangled states of the two protons, from the decay of halo resonant states of 17 Ne has been studied. This study makes possible a way to discern the diproton emission from the others two proton emission mechanisms. Specially we calculate the energy (E 1 =10.87 MeV) and the width (Γ 1 =3.82 MeV) of the first halo resonant state, which can also emits diproton. For this purpose, the diproton was considered as a resonant state and its width (Γ s =4.049 MeV) was estimated. An analytic expression for the angular proton-proton distribution was found in agreement with experimental results. We conclude that the first 17 Ne excited state can not emit diproton. We also arrive at the conclusion that there are few 17 Ne excited states, having halo properties which can emit diproton. (Full Text)

  8. Toomas Hendrik Ilves külastas Lääne-Virumaad / Teet Suur, Andres Pulver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suur, Teet


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilves külastas 5. novembril 2008 Kirde kaitseringkonna Tapa sõjaväelinnakut, tutvus Kellavere radari tööga ja kohtus Lääne-Viru maleva kaitseliitlastega. Lõunatamas käis president Rakvere veekeskuse restoranis Mezzo. Riigipea on viimase aasta jooksul külastanud Kaitseliidu 13 malevat. Juuresoleval fotol president koos Kaitseliidu Lääne-Viru maleva pealiku kapten Lembit Kervega

  9. Summer mistral at the exit of the Rhône valley (United States)

    Drobinski, P.; Bastin, S.; Guenard, V.; Caccia, J. L.; Dabas, A. M.; Delville, P.; Protat, A.; Reitebuch, O.; Werner, C.


    The paper examines the three-dimensional structure and dynamics of the mistral at the Rhône valley exit on 28 June 2001. The mistral refers to a severe wind that develops along the Rhône valley in southern France. This summer mistral event was documented in the framework of the ESCOMPTE field experiment. The dynamical processes driving the circulation of the mistral in the Rhône valley and particularly wake formation and planetary boundary layer (PBL) inhomogeneity at the scale of Rhône valley delta are investigated. Several important data sources are used (airborne Doppler lidar, radiosondes and surface stations) as well as non-hydrostatic mesoscale simulations. This paper analyses experimentally, numerically and theoretically the mechanism of wake formation. It shows that the flow impinging on the Alpine range and the Massif Central becomes supercritical all along the ridge line, including the Rhône valley and continues to accelerate in the lee regions until a hydraulic jump occurs. It leads to the formation of wakes behind and close to the mountain peaks. Compared to the Massif Central wake, the origin of the western Alps wake is rather complicated. In this study, the observations and simulations suggest a combined wall separation/gravity wave breaking mechanism to explain the western Alps wake. Indeed, it is shown that in addition to the flow descending the western Alps slopes and experiencing a strong hydraulic jump, the point where the mistral flow separates from the eastern flank of the Rhône valley located at about 44°N is associated with a 'flank-shock' which is an oblique hydraulic jump (i.e.the downstream Froude number is supercritical). Wake formation in the lee of the Alps and the Massif Central causes large inhomogeneity of the PBL with differences between land and sea. In the Massif Central and western Alps wakes, the continental PBL is deeper (1.8 km) than in the mistral flow (1 km), which is consistent with a subcritical regime associated

  10. L'Antigone dans la littérature slovéne: situation ou héroine?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Evald Koren


    Full Text Available Après Ajax (en 1863 et Oedipe àColone (en 1892, Antigone est .la troi­ sìeme tragédie de Sophocle traduite en slovène. En 1912, elle fut mise en scène par le Théâtre national slovène de Ljubljana dans une traduction de Cvetko Golar, cette dernière n'étant publiée que plus tard, en 1924, dans une version assez changée. Le thème d'Antigone, ce mythe littéraire créé par Sophocle, n'émergea pouvtant dans la littérature slovène qu'en 1939 ·lorsque Miran Jarc (1900-1942 publia un texte dramatique plutôt court Antigone de village. Fragment de tragedie. Jarc n'a jamais écrit la tragédie intégrale et, probablement, il n'ava:it même pas l'intention de le faire, ce ˝fragment˝ à la dénomination assez vague, restant done la seule pavtie existante de cette  tragédie.

  11. Multichannel analysis of He*(21S)+Ne elastic and inelastic scattering in crossed atomic beams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, D.W.; Fukuyama, T.; Siska, P.E.


    State-to-state elastic and inelastic angular distribution and time-of-flight measurements are reported for the scattering of He*(2 1 S) by Ne in crossed supersonic atom beams at four collision energies in the range 0.6--2.8 kcal/mol. The inelastic collision products He+Ne*(nl), where nl=3d', 4p, 4p', 5s, 5s', and 4d, are scattered predominantly forward with respect to the direction of incidence, except for endothermic states near threshold. The data are analyzed with a numerically exact multichannel curve-crossing model that yields good agreement with experimental cross section branching fractions and total quenching and state-to-state rate constants as well as the angular measurements. The model suggests the importance of intermediate ''chaperone'' states, in which the excited electron is temporarily trapped in a d or f Rydberg Ne orbital, in channeling flux into the 4s' and 5s' upper laser states of Ne by energy transfer from He*(2s 1,3 S)

  12. Grévin Benoît (dir., Maghreb-Italie. Des passeurs médiévaux à l’orientalisme moderne (xiie-milieu xxe siècle, collection de l’École française de Rome, 439, 2010, 497 p.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alain Messaoudi


    Full Text Available Issu d’un programme organisé par Benoît Grévin à l’École française de Rome en 2006-2007, cet important volume, qui se présente comme l’expression d’un état de la recherche et non comme une synthèse définitive, regroupe 19 textes (16 rédigés en français, dont l’un traduit de l’espagnol, 3 en italien précédés d’une introduction générale. Il entend contribuer à une histoire des transferts savants entre l’Europe et le monde arabe, ainsi qu’à une histoire de la construction des savoirs européens ...

  13. Teorijske i praktične osnove TIG postupka zavarivanja


    Horvat, Marko; Kondić, Veljko; Brezovački, Dražen


    TIG/GTAW postupak zavarivanja je elektrolučni postupak zavarivanja netaljivom elektrodom u zaštitnoj atmosferi inertnih plinova ili smjesa plinova. U radu je prikazana kratka povijest i teorijske osnove postupka, prednosti i nedostaci te osvrt na praktične osnove primjene postupka.

  14. Deformation effects in the 20Ne+12C reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dey, A.; Bhattacharya, C.; Banerjee, K.; Kundu, S.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; Gupta, D.; Saha, R.; Bhattacharya, S.


    The present work has been performed with the aim to investigate the possible occurrence of highly deformed configurations of the 32 S di-nuclear systems which may be formed in the 20 Ne+ 12 C reaction by studying the properties of emitted light charged particles

  15. Nuclear structure effects in fusion-fission of compound systems 20,21,22Ne formed in 10,11B+10,11B reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, BirBikram; Kaur, Manpreet; Kaur, Varinderjit; Gupta, Raj K.


    The dynamical cluster-decay model (DCM) of Gupta and collaborators has been successfully applied to the decay of number of hot and rotating compound nuclei in different mass regions, formed in low-energy heavy ion reactions. Recently, its application to the binary symmetric decay (BSD) of very light mass compound systems 20,21,22 Ne formed in 10,11 B+ 10,11 B reactions at E lab =48 MeV is extended, as the experimental data for σ BSD Expt . is available, namely, for 20 Ne (∼ 270 mb), 21 Ne ( 22 Ne ( BSD DCM for the BSD of the three Ne systems is calculated, comprising fusion-fission σ ff and deep inelastic scattering/orbiting σorb contributions (evaluated empirically here) from compound nucleus CN and non-compound nucleus nCN processes, respectively. The significant observation from this study is that, of the total σ BSD DCM , σ ff contribution is very strong for the decay of 20 Ne (=195.270 mb; >70%), followed by 21 Ne (=65.723 mb; ∼50%) and 22 Ne (=8.677 mb; almost 10%). This means that the process of collective clusterization within the DCM is playing very strong role for the decay of 20 Ne

  16. Study of the $\\beta$-delayed Particle Emission of $^{17}$Ne

    CERN Multimedia


    We intend to investigate the charged particle decay modes from the excited states of $^{17}$F populated in the $\\beta^+$- decay of $^{17}$Ne. In particular, we propose to study the proton decay branches to $^{16}$O states which are unstable to $\\alpha$- decay. We plan to use the recently developed ISOLDE Si-ball detector array in order to efficiently detect the charged particles in a wide solid angle. We ask for a total of 12 shifts, including 9 shifts for $^{17}$Ne and 3 shifts for stable beam and calibrations. We request the use of a Mg oxide target coupled to a plasma ion source with cooled transfer line or, if possible, to the new MINIMONOECRIS. We would like to make use of the ISOLDE VME DAQ and CERN data storage system.

  17. (e, 2e) processes on Ne, Ar and Xe targets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Purohit, G; Patidar, Vinod; Sud, K K, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Physics, School of Engineering, Sir Padampat Singhania University, Bhatewar, Udaipur-313 601 (India)


    Recently, there have been several attempts to explain the features of triple differential cross section (TDCS) for the (e, 2e) processes on inert targets Ne, Ar and Xe but there are still certain discrepancies in theoretical results and measurements, which require more theoretical efforts to understand the collision dynamics of these targets. We present in this paper the results of our modified distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) calculation of TDCS for the ionization of Ne (2p), Ar (3p) and Xe (5p) targets. We modify the standard DWBA formalism by including the correlation-polarization potential (which is function of electron density) and compare our computed results with the available experimental and theoretical data. We observe that the polarization potential is able to improve the agreement with experimental results.

  18. An environmentally relevant endocrine-disrupting antiandrogen, vinclozolin, affects calling behavior of male Xenopus laevis. (United States)

    Hoffmann, Frauke; Kloas, Werner


    Vinclozolin (VIN) is an antiandrogenic model substance as well as a common fungicide that can affect the endocrine system of vertebrates. The objective of this study was to investigate how VIN affects mate calling behavior of South African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) and whether it is effective at environmentally relevant concentrations. Male X. laevis were injected with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to stimulate their androgen-controlled mate calling behavior and were treated with VIN at concentrations of 10(-6), 10(-8) and 10(-10)M. VIN at 10(-6)M reduced calling activity. Furthermore, the vocalization composition of VIN-treated X. laevis was altered. The call types advertisement calls and chirping are uttered by reproductively active males, whereas the call types growling, ticking, and rasping indicate a sexually unaroused state of a male. VIN at any of the tested concentrations led to a decrease in utterance of calls, which indicate a sexually aroused state of the males, and an increase in relative proportions of calls, indicating a sexually unaroused state of the males. Additionally, the mean duration of clicks and the number of accentuated clicks during the advertisement calls decreased at all concentrations of VIN. No significant differences were observed in any other temporal or spectral calling parameters between the treatments. This study illustrates that exposure to the antiandrogen VIN might result in a reduced reproductive success by altering mate calling behavior of X. laevis. Moreover, it suggests that the behavioral parameters examined in this study can be used as sensitive biomarkers for detecting antiandrogenic endocrine disrupting compounds in amphibians. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Splitter magnets for DAΦNE project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanelli, C.; Hsieh, H.


    A 510 MeV electron positron colliding beam facility is under design and construction. The project consists of two storage rings, accumulator, electron/positron linac and transfer lines. The design of the splitter magnets which separate the circulating beams immediately after passing through the DAΦNE interaction point is presented. The results of 2-D and 3-D magnetic calculations is presented, and the electrical and mechanical design of the magnet are described. A 1/3 length prototype of this magnet is under construction. (R.P.) 2 refs.; 8 figs.; 2 tabs

  20. An update on the analysis of the Princeton 19Ne beta asymmetry measurement (United States)

    Combs, Dustin; Calaprice, Frank; Jones, Gordon; Pattie, Robert; Young, Albert


    We report on the progress of a new analysis of the 1994 19Ne beta asymmetry measurement conducted at Princeton University. In this experiment, a beam of 19Ne atoms were polarized with a Stern-Gerlach magnet and then entered a thin-walled mylar cell through a slit fabricated from a piece of micro channel plate. A pair of Si(Li) detectors at either end of the apparatus were aligned with the direction of spin polarization (one parallel and one anti-parallel to the spin of the 19Ne) and detected positrons from the decays. The difference in the rate in the two detectors was used to calculate the asymmetry. A new analysis procedure has been undertaken using the Monte Carlo package PENELOPE with the goal of determining the systematic uncertainty due to positrons scattering from the face of the detectors causing the incorrect reconstruction of the initial direction of the positron momentum. This was a leading cause of systematic uncertainty in the experiment in 1994.

  1. Tests of Lorentz and CPT violation with MiniBooNE neutrino oscillation excesses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katori, Teppei


    Lorentz and CPT symmetry violaton is a predicted phenomenon of Planck–scale physics. Various types of data are analyzed to search for Lorentz violation under the Standard–Model Extension (SME) framework, including neutrino oscillation data. MiniBooNE is a short–baseline neutrino oscillation experiment at Fermilab. The measured excesses from MiniBooNE cannot be reconciled within the neutrino Standard Model (vSM); thus it might be a signal of new physics, such as Lorentz violation. We have analyzed the sidereal time dependence of MiniBooNE data for signals of the possible sidereal time dependence of the ocillation signals. we find that the v e appearance data prefer a sidereal time–independent solution, and the v-bar e appearance data slightly prefer a sidereal time–dependent solution, however, the statistical significance is not high to claim the discovery. Limits of order 10 −20 GeV are placed on combinations of SME coefficients

  2. KM3NeT tower data acquisition and data transport electronics (United States)

    Nicolau, C. A.; Ameli, F.; Biagioni, A.; Capone, A.; Frezza, O.; Lonardo, A.; Masullo, R.; Mollo, C. M.; Orlando, A.; Simeone, F.; Vicini, P.


    In the framework of the KM3Net European project, the production stage of a large volume underwater neutrino telescope has started. The forthcoming installation includes 8 towers and 24 strings, that will be installed 100 km off-shore Capo Passero (Italy) at 3500 m depth. The KM3NeT tower, whose layout is strongly based on the NEMO Phase-2 prototype tower deployed in March 2013, has been re-engineered and partially re-designed in order to optimize production costs, power consumption, and usability. This contribution gives a description of the main electronics, including front-end, data transport and clock distribution system, of the KM3NeT tower detection unit.

  3. R and D work in maintenance and repair in DeBeNe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Westenbrugge, J.K. van; Visbach, D.


    The research and development work on maintenance and repair of steam generators in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands (DeBeNe), specifically in the Netherlands, covers three different fields: inspection techniques, cleaning and repair. In this paper each field is discussed and, where applicable, references to more detailed papers on each topic are given. Inspection tools for the steam generators constructed in ferritic steels, used in DeBeNe are: visual test; pressure test; helium test; dye-penetrant/magnetic crack detection; X-ray testing; and ultrasonic testing. All tools are used during fabrication and for inservice inspection

  4. Effect of a grapevine shoot waste extract on red wine aromatic properties. (United States)

    Ruiz-Moreno, María J; Raposo, Rafaela; Puertas, Belén; Cuevas, Francisco J; Chinnici, Fabio; Moreno-Rojas, José M; Cantos-Villar, Emma


    The use of a grapevine shoot extract (VIN) is being studied as an alternative to sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ). VIN stabilizes anthocyanins and preserves polyphenolic compounds, and thus improves chromatic wine properties. In the current work, selected aroma compounds (esters, C13-norisoprenoids, oxidation and vine shoot related compounds), sensory analysis and the olfactometric profile were determined in the wines treated with VIN at two concentrations. Treatment with VIN hardly modified the content of esters and oxidation-related compounds in the wines. However, the high β-damascenone and isoeugenol content, and the increase in astringency at tasting in VIN wines were noteworthy, as were some odorant zones. All above were established as VIN markers after the chemometric data analysis. These date revealed that only the lowest dose tested may be recommended as a suitable alternative to SO 2 . Although some aromatic properties of these wines may change, these changes are not considered to affect negatively to the quality of the wines. These results are useful for wineries, which face to uncover aroma-related processes in the challenge of producing SO 2 free wines without detriment of its sensory properties. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  5. Alimentation du nouveau-ne et du nourrisson dans la region ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Alimentation du nouveau-ne et du nourrisson dans la region centrale du togo : pratiques familiales et communautaires avant la mise en oeuvre de la strategie « prise en charge integree des maladies de l'enfant »

  6. Gemilerde Uygun Olmayan Yakıt ve Yetersiz Silindir Yağlama Yağının Ağır Devirli Gemi Dizel Motorlarına Etkileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Murat Yapıcı


    Full Text Available Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı; gemilerde kullanılan yakıtların uygunluğu açısından önemli noktaları irdelemek, ayrıca ana makine olarak kullanılan iki zamanlı ağır devirli gemi dizel motorlarında silindir yağlama yağına olan etkileri incelemektir. Yöntem: Çalışmada 2007-2015 yılları arasındaki gemi kayıtları incelenmiş ve tablo 3’de bulunan veriler elde edilmiştir. Geminin 39000 saatlik ana makine piston ve silindir bakım saatleri tablosu oluşturulmuştur. Bulgular: Uygun yakıt ve silindir yağlama yağı ile ilgili bakım sonrası uygun yağ miktarının tespiti yapılmıştır. Değişken kükürt oranlarına göre ayarlanabilen silindir yağlayıcıları (cylinder oil lubricator için kükürt oranı ve yüke göre veriler girilerek Excel tabanlı yağ miktarı hesaplama uygulaması modellenmiştir. Sonuç: Yapılan çalışma sayesinde başka tonaj ve tipteki makinelere aynı model uygulanarak makine bakım geçmişi çıkarılarak eksiklikler saptanabilir veya hazırlıklar yapılabilir. Örneğin 15000-19999 çalışma saati aralığında 16 kez piston bakımı yapıldığına göre layner değişiminden sonraki ikinci 20000 saatlik dilimde 35000-40000 saatlik dilimde piston ve layner değişimlerinin olacağı önceden tespit edilerek gerekli yedek malzeme erken tedarik edilerek zamandan kazanılmış olur. Bu sayede daha büyük arızaların önü kesilmiş olur. Şirket ve gemi arasında planlı bakım sistemi daha verimli hale getirilmiş olur. Bu kapsamda yapılan çalışma ile literatüre gerçek bir uygulamadan yola çıkılarak ilerideki çalışmalar için başlangıç olması hedeflenmiştir.

  7. Active Eruptions in the NE Lau Basin (United States)

    Resing, J. A.; Embley, R. W.


    NE Lau Response Team: K Rubin, E Baker, J Lupton, M Lilley, T Shank, S Merle, R Dziak, T Collasius (Jason 2 Expedition Leader), N Buck, T Baumberger, D Butterfield, D Clague, D Conlin, J Cowen, R Davis, L Evans, J Huber, M Keith, N Keller, P Michael, E Podowski, A-L Reysenbach, K Roe, H Thomas, S Walker. During a May 2009 cruise to W Mata volcano in the NE Lau Basin, we made the first observations of an active eruption on the deep-sea floor. The cruise was organized after volcanic activity was detected at two sites (W Mata volcano and NE Lau Spreading Center, NELSC) during a Nov. 2008 NOAA-PMEL expedition. At that time, both sites had elevated H2 concentrations and volcaniclastic shards in the hydrothermal plumes. Moored hydrophone data since Jan 2009 indicate that the activity at W Mata has been continuous between these expeditions. Results of our cruise and other work suggest that the NE Lau Basin hosts an unusually high level of magmatic activity, making it an ideal location to study the effects of magmatic processes on hydrothermal activity and associated ecosystems. W Mata was visited with 5 ROV Jason 2 dives and 2 dives with the MBARI autonomous mapping vehicle in May 2009. It was actively erupting at the 1200 m deep summit during each, so a hydrophone was deployed locally to collect acoustic data. Ship and shore-based analysis of HD video, molten lava, rocks, sediments, hot spring waters, and micro- and macro biological specimens collected by Jason 2 have provided a wealth of data. The eruption itself was characterized by extrusion of red, molten lava, extensive degassing, formation of large magma bubbles, explosive pyroclast ejection, and the active extrusion of pillow lavas. The erupting magmas are boninite, a relatively rare magma type found only at convergent margins. The hydrothermal fluids are generally acidic and all diffuse fluids collected were microbially active, even those at pH 20 yrs the PMEL-Vents and NSF RIDGE programs have sought to observe

  8. Complementarity and completed trials: reforming the Ne bis in idem ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence ... This paper is concerned with the question whether article 20(3) of the Rome Statute is ... Rome Statute, Ne bis in idem, double jeopardy, International Criminal Court ...

  9. Ne bis in idem põhimõte Eesti karistusõiguses : [bakalaureusetöö] / Natalja Mogiljova ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Elina Elkind

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mogiljova, Natalja


    Ne bis in idem põhimõtte olemusest ja ajaloolisest arengust, horisontaalsest riigisisesest ne bis in idem-ist, rahvusvahelistest konventsioonidest, EIÕK praktikast, Riigikohtu praktikast, ne bis in idem Ameerika Ühendriikide õiguskorras

  10. Spatial and temporal trends in PCBs in sediment along the lower Rhône River, France

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desmet, Marc; Mourier, Brice; Mahler, Barbara J.; Van Metre, Peter C.; Roux, Gwenaëlle; Persat, Henri; Lefèvre, Irène; Peretti, Annie


    Despite increasingly strict control of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) releases in France since the mid-1970s, PCB contamination of fish recently has emerged as a major concern in the lower Rhône River basin. We measured PCB concentrations in Rhône sediment to evaluate the effects of PCB releases from major urban and industrial areas, sediment redistribution by large floods, and regulatory controls on PCB trends from 1970 to present. Profiles of PCBs (the sum of seven indicator PCB congeners) were reconstructed from sediment cores collected from an off-river rural reference site and from three depositional areas along the Rhône upstream and downstream from the city of Lyon, France. Core chronology was determined from radionuclide profiles and flood deposits. PCB concentrations increased progressively in the downstream direction, and reached a maximum concentration in 1991 of 281 μg/kg at the most downstream site. At the rural reference site and at the upstream Rhône site, PCB concentrations peaked in the 1970s (maximum concentration of 13 and 78 μg/kg, respectively) and have decreased exponentially since then. PCB concentrations in the middle and downstream cores were elevated into the early 1990s, decreased very rapidly until 2000, and since then have remained relatively stable. Congener profiles for three time windows (1965–80, 1986–93, and 2000–08) were similar in the three sediment cores from the Rhône and different from those at the rural reference site. The results indicate that permitted discharges from a hazardous-waste treatment facility upstream from Lyon might have contributed to high concentrations into the 1980-90s, but that industrial discharges from the greater Lyon area and tributaries to the Rhône near Lyon have had a greater contribution since the 1990s. There is little indication that PCB concentration in sediments downstream from Lyon will decrease over at least the short term. -- Highlights: ►We reconstructed trends in PCBs in

  11. Nucleogenic production of Ne isotopes in Earth's crust and upper mantle induced by alpha particles from the decay of U and Th (United States)

    Leya, Ingo; Wieler, Rainer


    The production of nucleogenic Ne in terrestrial crust and upper mantle by alpha particles from the decay of U and Th was calculated. The calculations are based on stopping powers for the chemical compounds and thin-target cross sections. This approach is more rigorous than earlier studies using thick-target yields for pure elements, since our results are independent of limiting assumptions about stopping-power ratios. Alpha induced reactions account for >99% of the Ne production in the crust and for most of the 20,21Ne in the upper mantle. On the other hand, our 22Ne value for the upper mantle is a lower limit because the reaction 25Mg(n,α)22Ne is significant in mantle material. Production rates calculated here for hypothetical crustal and upper mantle material with average major element composition and homogeneously distributed F, U, and Th are up to 100 times higher than data presented by Kyser and Rison [1982] but agree within error limits with the results by Yatsevich and Honda [1997]. Production of nucleogenic Ne in "mean" crust and mantle is also given as a function of the weight fractions of O and F. The alpha dose is calculated by radiogenic 4He as well as by the more retentive fissiogenic 136Xe. U and Th is concentrated in certain accessory minerals. Since the ranges of alpha particles from the three decay chains are comparable to mineral dimensions, most nucleogenic Ne is produced in U- and Th-rich minerals. Therefore nucleogenic Ne production in such accessories was also calculated. The calculated correlation between nucleogenic 21Ne and radiogenic 4He agrees well with experimental data for Earth's crust and accessories. Also, the calculated 22Ne/4He ratios as function of the F concentration and the dependence of 21Ne/22Ne from O/F for zircon and apatite agree with measurements.

  12. Modeling Ne-21 NMR parameters for carbon nanosystems

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kupka, T.; Nieradka, M.; Kaminský, Jakub; Stobinski, L.


    Roč. 51, č. 10 (2013), s. 676-681 ISSN 0749-1581 R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP208/11/0105; GA MŠk(CZ) LH11033 Grant - others:AV ČR(CZ) M200551205 Institutional support: RVO:61388963 Keywords : Ne-21 NMR * GIAO NMR * molecular modeling * carbon nanostructures Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 1.559, year: 2013

  13. Design and mass production of the optical modules for KM3NeT-Italia project

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonora Emanuele


    Full Text Available The KM3NeT European project aims at constructing a km3 underwater neutrino telescope in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea. The first phase that is under construction will comprise eight tower-like detection structures (KM3NeT-Italia, which will form the internal core of a km3-scale detector. The detection element of KM3NeT-Italia, the optical module, is made of a 13-inch pressure-resistant glass-vessel that contains a single 10-inch photomultiplier and the relative electronics. The design of the whole optical module, the main results obtained from the massive photomultipliers measurements, and the foremost phases of the mass production procedure performed at the production site of Catania are also presented.

  14. HeNe-laser light scattering by human dental enamel

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zijp, [No Value; tenBosch, JJ; Groenhuis, RAJ


    Knowledge of the optical properties of tooth enamel and an understanding of the origin of these properties are necessary for the development of new optical methods for caries diagnosis and the measurement of tooth color. We measured the scattering intensity functions for HeNe-laser light of 80- to

  15. Excitation functions for some evaporation residues identified in the interaction of 20Ne and 93Nb at moderate excitation energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agarwal, Avinash; Rizvi, I.A.; Gupta, Meenal; Ahamad, Tauseef; Ghugre, S.S.; Sinha, A.K.; Chaubey, A.K.


    With the motivation of studying the complete and incomplete fusion reactions, excitation functions for the reactions 93 Nb(Ne, p2n) 110 Sn, 93 Nb(Ne, 2pn) 110 In, 93 Nb(Ne, 2p2n) 109 In, 93 Nb(Ne, αn) 108 In, 93 Nb(Neα2n) 107 In and 93 Nb(Ne, α p n) 107 Cd have been measured at the incident energy ranging from 91.4 MeV - 145 MeV. The well established activation technique followed by off line high purity gamma- ray spectroscopy was employed. The measured excitation functions were compared with the statistical model calculations by using the codes ALICE-91 and Pace-4. The effect of variation of different parameters including level density parameter involved in these codes has also been studied. Excellent agreement was found between theoretical and experimental values in some of the fusion evaporation reaction channels. However, significant enhancement of cross-section observed in α-emission channels may be due to incomplete fusion process. (author)

  16. Searches for New Physics at MiniBooNE: Sterile Neutrinos and Mixing Freedom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karagiorgi, Georgia S. [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States)


    The MiniBooNE experiment was designed to perform a search for vμ → ve oscillations in a region of Δm2 and sin2 2θ very different from that allowed by standard, three-neutrino oscillations, as determined by solar and atmospheric neutrino experiments. This search was motivated by the LSND experimental observation of an excess of $\\bar{v}$e events in a $\\bar{v}$μ beam which was found compatible with two-neutrino oscillations at Δm2 ~ 1 eV2 and sin2 2{theta} < 1%. If confirmed, such oscillation signature could be attributed to the existence of a light, mostly-sterile neutrino, containing small admixtures of weak neutrino eigenstates. In addition to a search for vμ → ve oscillations, MiniBooNE has also performed a search for vμ → ve oscillations, which provides a test of the LSND two-neutrino oscillation interpretation that is independent of CP or CPT violation assumptions. This dissertation presents the MiniBooNE vμ → ve and vμ → ve analyses and results, with emphasis on the latter. While the neutrino search excludes the two-neutrino oscillation interpretation of LSND at 98% C.L., the antineutrino search shows an excess of events which is in agreement with the two-neutrino vμ → ve oscillation interpretation of LSND, and excludes the no oscillations hypothesis at 96% C.L. Even though the neutrino and antineutrino oscillation results from MiniBooNE disagree under the single sterile neutrino oscillation hypothesis, a simple extension to the model to include additional sterile neutrino states and the possibility of CP violation allows for differences between neutrino and antineutrino oscillation signatures. In view of that, the viability of oscillation models with one or two sterile neutrinos is investigated in global fits to MiniBooNE and LSND

  17. Efficient Sensor Integration on Platforms (NeXOS) (United States)

    Memè, S.; Delory, E.; Del Rio, J.; Jirka, S.; Toma, D. M.; Martinez, E.; Frommhold, L.; Barrera, C.; Pearlman, J.


    In-situ ocean observing platforms provide power and information transmission capability to sensors. Ocean observing platforms can be mobile, such as ships, autonomous underwater vehicles, drifters and profilers, or fixed, such as buoys, moorings and cabled observatories. The process of integrating sensors on platforms can imply substantial engineering time and resources. Constraints range from stringent mechanical constraints to proprietary communication and control firmware. In NeXOS, the implementation of a PUCK plug and play capability is being done with applications to multiple sensors and platforms. This is complemented with a sensor web enablement that addresses the flow of information from sensor to user. Open standards are being tested in order to assess their costs and benefits in existing and future observing systems. Part of the testing implied open-source coding and hardware prototyping of specific control devices in particular for closed commercial platforms where firmware upgrading is not straightforward or possible without prior agreements or service fees. Some platform manufacturers such as European companies ALSEAMAR[1] and NKE Instruments [2] are currently upgrading their control and communication firmware as part of their activities in NeXOS. The sensor development companies Sensorlab[3] SMID[4] and TRIOS [5]upgraded their firmware with this plug and play functionality. Other industrial players in Europe and the US have been sent NeXOS sensors emulators to test the new protocol on their platforms. We are currently demonstrating that with little effort, it is also possible to have such middleware implemented on very low-cost compact computers such as the open Raspberry Pi[6], and have a full end-to-end interoperable communication path from sensor to user with sensor plug and play capability. The result is an increase in sensor integration cost-efficiency and the demonstration will be used to highlight the benefit to users and ocean observatory

  18. Imiquimod in cervical, vaginal and vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia: a review. (United States)

    de Witte, C J; van de Sande, A J M; van Beekhuizen, H J; Koeneman, M M; Kruse, A J; Gerestein, C G


    Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is in the vast majority of patients accountable for the development of vulvar, cervical and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN, CIN, VAIN); precursors of vulvar, cervical and vaginal cancers. The currently preferred treatment modality for high grade VIN, CIN and VAIN is surgical excision. Nevertheless surgical treatment is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes and recurrence is not uncommon. The aim of this review is to present evidence on the efficacy, safety and tolerability of imiquimod (an immune response modifier) in HPV-related VIN, CIN and VAIN. A search for papers on the use of imiquimod in VIN, CIN and VAIN was performed in the MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane library databases. Data was extracted and reviewed. Twenty-one articles met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed; 16 on VIN, 3 on CIN and 2 on VAIN. Complete response rates in VIN ranged from 5 to 88%. Although minor adverse effects were frequently reported, treatment with imiquimod was well tolerated in most patients. Studies on imiquimod treatment of CIN and VAIN are limited and lack uniformly defined endpoints. The available evidence however, shows encouraging effect. Complete response rates for CIN 2-3 and VAIN 1-3 ranged from 67 to 75% and 57 to 86% respectively. More randomized controlled trials on the use of imiquimod in CIN, VAIN and VIN with extended follow-up are necessary to determine the attributive therapeutic value in these patients. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. 2He decay from excited states: the 18Ne case

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raciti, G.; Sfienti, C.; De Napoli, M.; Rapisarda, E.; Cardella, G.; Giacoppo, F.


    Two-proton radioactivity studies have been performed on excited states of 18 Ne produced by 20 Ne fragmentation at the FRIBs facility of the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud. The study of the relative-momentum correlations of the two protons allowed to disentangle the diproton, democratic and sequential decay contributions to the 2p emission. In order to extend the study on two-proton decay to other light-masses nuclei, an upgrade of the FRIBs facility is planned. A new configuration of the Fragment Separator would be able to increase the acceptance of the beam line and therefore the yield of the produced radioactive beams. Also the present tagging setup will be modified in view of the gain intensity, in order to sustain the higher foreseen incoming rate. Status and perspectives of the facility will be presented. (author)

  20. Topside Electron Density Representations for Middle and High Latitudes: A Topside Parameterization for E-CHAIM Based On the NeQuick (United States)

    Themens, David R.; Jayachandran, P. T.; Bilitza, Dieter; Erickson, Philip J.; Häggström, Ingemar; Lyashenko, Mykhaylo V.; Reid, Benjamin; Varney, Roger H.; Pustovalova, Ljubov


    In this study, we present a topside model representation to be used by the Empirical Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Model (E-CHAIM). In the process of this, we also present a comprehensive evaluation of the NeQuick's, and by extension the International Reference Ionosphere's, topside electron density model for middle and high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Using data gathered from all available incoherent scatter radars, topside sounders, and Global Navigation Satellite System Radio Occultation satellites, we show that the current NeQuick parameterization suboptimally represents the shape of the topside electron density profile at these latitudes and performs poorly in the representation of seasonal and solar cycle variations of the topside scale thickness. Despite this, the simple, one variable, NeQuick model is a powerful tool for modeling the topside ionosphere. By refitting the parameters that define the maximum topside scale thickness and the rate of increase of the scale height within the NeQuick topside model function, r and g, respectively, and refitting the model's parameterization of the scale height at the F region peak, H0, we find considerable improvement in the NeQuick's ability to represent the topside shape and behavior. Building on these results, we present a new topside model extension of the E-CHAIM based on the revised NeQuick function. Overall, root-mean-square errors in topside electron density are improved over the traditional International Reference Ionosphere/NeQuick topside by 31% for a new NeQuick parameterization and by 36% for a newly proposed topside for E-CHAIM.

  1. RESEARCH ARTICLE Ne2 encodes protein(s) and the altered ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    friendly method for increasing sustainable global food security. .... This qualitative difference suggests that Ne2 could encode one or two or three of ... things, common wheat must have at least three types of chloroplast-genomes (A, D, and B).

  2. Recoil range distribution measurement in 20Ne + 181Ta reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tripathi, R.; Sudarshan, K.; Goswami, A.; Guin, R.; Reddy, A.V.R.


    In order to investigate linear momentum transfer in various transfer channels in 20 Ne + 181 Ta, recoil range distribution measurements have been carried out at E lab = 180 MeV, populating significant number of l-waves above l crit

  3. Arisaema gracilentum, a new species of Arisaema (Araceae) from NE India

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bruggeman, P.


    Arisaema gracilentum, a new species of Araceae, belonging to section Arisaema from the Lower Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh State in NE India is described, illustrated and compared with related taxa.

  4. Dark Matter Search in a Proton Beam Dump with MiniBooNE. (United States)

    Aguilar-Arevalo, A A; Backfish, M; Bashyal, A; Batell, B; Brown, B C; Carr, R; Chatterjee, A; Cooper, R L; deNiverville, P; Dharmapalan, R; Djurcic, Z; Ford, R; Garcia, F G; Garvey, G T; Grange, J; Green, J A; Huelsnitz, W; de Icaza Astiz, I L; Karagiorgi, G; Katori, T; Ketchum, W; Kobilarcik, T; Liu, Q; Louis, W C; Marsh, W; Moore, C D; Mills, G B; Mirabal, J; Nienaber, P; Pavlovic, Z; Perevalov, D; Ray, H; Roe, B P; Shaevitz, M H; Shahsavarani, S; Stancu, I; Tayloe, R; Taylor, C; Thornton, R T; Van de Water, R; Wester, W; White, D H; Yu, J


    The MiniBooNE-DM Collaboration searched for vector-boson mediated production of dark matter using the Fermilab 8-GeV Booster proton beam in a dedicated run with 1.86×10^{20} protons delivered to a steel beam dump. The MiniBooNE detector, 490 m downstream, is sensitive to dark matter via elastic scattering with nucleons in the detector mineral oil. Analysis methods developed for previous MiniBooNE scattering results were employed, and several constraining data sets were simultaneously analyzed to minimize systematic errors from neutrino flux and interaction rates. No excess of events over background was observed, leading to a 90% confidence limit on the dark matter cross section parameter, Y=ε^{2}α_{D}(m_{χ}/m_{V})^{4}≲10^{-8}, for α_{D}=0.5 and for dark matter masses of 0.01dark matter. This is the best limit from a dedicated proton beam dump search in this mass and coupling range and extends below the mass range of direct dark matter searches. These results demonstrate a novel and powerful approach to dark matter searches with beam dump experiments.

  5. Radon measurements in the SE and NE flank of Mt. Etna (Italy)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    La Delfa, S.; Imme, G.; Lo Nigro, S.; Morelli, D.; Patane, G.; Vizzini, F.


    Soil Radon has been monitored at two fixed sites located in the northeastern and southeastern flank of Mt. Etna. In this study we report the comparison between in-soil Radon concentration trend recorded in the SE flank and that one recorded in the NE one, where an in-soil Radon detection system is operating since 2001. The aim of this work was to implement the investigation area finding a suitable radon detection site, in the south-east flank of Mt. Etna, in order to better understand possible links between Radon anomalies and volcano dynamic. Radon data collected in NE and SE sites were compared with the volcanic tremor, frequency of occurrence of earthquakes and seismic strain-release recorded at a fixed 3D digital seismic station placed in the NE site. Same general in-soil Radon trends and anomalies were found in both sites. These results have confirmed the suitability of the chosen southeastern site for the in-soil Radon monitoring at Mt. Etna. The comparison of the recorded Radon concentration anomalies with seismicity and volcanic tremor trends, has also verified a possible link with the volcanic activity, as observed in our previous published studies

  6. Studies of continuum states in${16}$ Ne using three-body correlation techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Marganiec, J; Aksouh, F; Aksyutina, Yu; Alvarez-Pol, H; Aumann, T; Beceiro-Novo, S; Boretzky, K; Borge, M J G; Chartier, M; Chatillon, A; Chulkov, L V; Cortina-Gil, D; Emling, H; Ershova, O; Fraile, L M; Fynbo, H O U; Galaviz, D; Geissel, H; Heil, M; Hoffmann, D H H; Hoffmann, J; Johansson, H T; Jonson, B; Karagiannis, C; Kiselev, O A; Kratz, J V; Kulessa, R; Kurz, N; Langer, C; Lantz, M; Le Bleis, T; Lemmon, R; Litvinov, Yu A; Mahata, K; Müntz, C; Nilsson, T; Nociforo, C; Nyman, G; Ott, W; Panin, V; Paschalis, S; Perea, A; Plag, R; Reifarth, R; Richter, A; Rodriguez-Tajes, C; Rossi, D; Riisager, K; Savran, D; Schrieder, G; Simon, H; Stroth, J; Sümmerer, K; Tengblad, O; Weick, H; Wiescher, M; Wimmer, C; Zhukov, M V


    Two-proton decay of the unbound $ T_{z} =-2$ nucleus$^{16}$Ne , produced in one-neutron knockout from a 500 MeV/u$^{17}$Ne beam, has been studied at GSI. The ground state, at a resonance energy 1.388(15) MeV, ( $ \\Gamma =0.082(15)$ MeV) above the$^{14}$O +p+p threshold, and two narrow resonances at $ E_{r} =3.220(46)$ MeV and 7.57(6) MeV have been investigated. A comparison of the energy difference between the first excited 2$^{+}$ state and the 0$^{+}$ ground state in$^{16}$Ne with its mirror nucleus$^{16}$C reveals a small Thomas-Ehrman shift (TES) of $ +70(46)$ keV. A trend of the TES for the T = 2 quintet is obtained by completing the known data with a prediction for$^{16}$F obtained from an IMME analysis. The decay mechanisms of the observed three resonances were revealed from an analysis of the energy and angular correlations of the$^{14}$O +p+p decay products. The ground state decay can be considered as a genuine three-body (democratic) mode and the excited states decay sequentially via states in the i...

  7. Tritium and radiocarbon levels in the Rhône river delta and along the French Mediterranean coastline. (United States)

    Jean-Baptiste, P; Fontugne, M; Fourré, E; Marang, L; Antonelli, C; Charmasson, S; Siclet, F


    The Rhône is characterised by a heavy concentration of nuclear-based industries including nuclear power stations and nuclear sites housing civilian and military facilities. Here, we report the results of a four-year survey (2010-2013) of tritium and radiocarbon levels in a variety of matrices within the Rhône delta and along the French Mediterranean coastline. The aim of the study is to create a spatial reference framework of environmental levels of these two radionuclides, which are the most prevalent in radioactive effluents from nuclear power stations. Although both tritium and radiocarbon levels in the samples analysed are very low and can only be detected using ultra-sensitive analytical techniques, they clearly show the influence of the tritium and radiocarbon discharges carried by the Rhône plume along the Mediterranean coast. The tritium content of suspended matter and sediments of the Rhône is a special case, which shows elevated tritium values not seen in other French rivers with similar nuclear facilities. The north-south spatial distribution of this tritium anomaly shows that these trace values are at their highest in the upper Rhône, close to the Swiss border and upstream of Creys Malville, the northernmost nuclear power station on the Rhône. This points to a legacy of past tritium releases by the watchmaking industry. A dedicated study would be needed to clearly identify the source and the exact nature of this contamination. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. The Calibration Units of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope (United States)

    Baret, B.; Keller, P.; Clark, M. Lindsey


    KM3NeT is a network of deep-sea neutrino telescopes to be deployed in the Mediterranean Sea that will perform neutrino astronomy and oscillation studies. It consists of three-dimensional arrays of thousands of optical modules that detect the Cherenkov light induced by charged particles resulting from the interaction of a neutrino with the surrounding medium. The performance of the neutrino telescope relies on the precise timing and positioning calibration of the detector elements. Other environmental conditions which may affect light and sound transmission, such as water temperature and salinity, must also be continuously monitored. This contribution describes the technical design of the first Calibration Unit, to be deployed on the French site as part of KM3NeT Phase 1.

  9. KM3NeT tower data acquisition and data transport electronics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicolau C.A.


    Full Text Available In the framework of the KM3Net European project, the production stage of a large volume underwater neutrino telescope has started. The forthcoming installation includes 8 towers and 24 strings, that will be installed 100 km off-shore Capo Passero (Italy at 3500 m depth. The KM3NeT tower, whose layout is strongly based on the NEMO Phase-2 prototype tower deployed in March 2013, has been re-engineered and partially re-designed in order to optimize production costs, power consumption, and usability. This contribution gives a description of the main electronics, including front-end, data transport and clock distribution system, of the KM3NeT tower detection unit.

  10. The application of pulse shape discrimination in NE 213 to neutron spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perkins, L.J.; Scott, M.C.


    The use of a zero-crossing pulse shape discrimination technique to distinguish protons from alpha particles in NE 213 is described, and a theoretical analysis is performed to predict the zero crossing characteristics. It is shown that, irrespective of the particular method of pulse shape discrimination employed, the pulse shape at low energies no longer uniquely determines the particle type for electrons, protons, alpha particles or 12 C nuclei, and the general limitations of pulse shape discrimination in NE 213 are deduced. The use of an alpha discrimination technique is then discribed, enabling neutron spectra to be unfolded from the measured detector response using a differential code. (orig.)

  11. Beta-delayed particle decay of 17Ne

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morton, A.C.; Chow, J.C.; King, J.D.; Boyd, R.N.; Bateman, N.P.T.; Buchmann, L.; D'Auria, J.M.; Davinson, T.; Dombsky, M.; Galster, W.; Gete, E.; Giesen, U.; Iliadis, C.; Jackson, K.P.; Powell, J.; Roy, G.; Shotter, A.


    The β-delayed particle decay of 17 Ne has been studied via proton-γ coincidences, time-of-flight measurements and the ''ratio-cut technique'', allowing cleanly-separated proton and α-particle spectra to be obtained. A complete set of proton and α branching ratios for the decay of 14 excited states in 17 F to the ground and excited states of 16 O and 13 N has been determined and branching ratios for the β decay of 17 Ne to these states have been deduced. From the branching ratios, f A t values and reduced Gamow-Teller matrix elements were calculated; no indication of isospin mixing in the isobaric analog state in 17 F was observed. From the measurement of proton-γ angular correlations, combined with the selection rules for an allowed β decay, we obtain J π =((1)/(2)) - for states at 8.436 and 9.450 MeV and ((3)/(2)) - for the state at 10.030 MeV in 17 F. Probabilities for the β-delayed pα decay to 12 C through the tails of the subthreshold 7.117 and 6.917 MeV states in 16 O have been calculated and the feasibility of using such decays to provide information about the rates for the E1 and E2 components of the 12 C(α,γ) 16 O reaction is discussed

  12. Search of fission products in 20Ne-ion beam interaction with 165Ho at 8 MeV/nucleon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, D.; Ali, R.; Afzal Ansari, M.; Rashid, M.H.


    In the present work, during the study complete fusion (CF) and incomplete fusion (ICF) in 20 Ne-induced reactions, the production cross-sections for several fission products in 20 Ne + 165 Ho system have been measured

  13. Sensory and short-term memory formations observed in a Ag2S gap-type atomic switch (United States)

    Ohno, Takeo; Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi; Nayak, Alpana; Tsuruoka, Tohru; Gimzewski, James K.; Aono, Masakazu


    Memorization caused by the change in conductance in a Ag2S gap-type atomic switch was investigated as a function of the amplitude and width of input voltage pulses (Vin). The conductance changed little for the first few Vin, but the information of the input was stored as a redistribution of Ag-ions in the Ag2S, indicating the formation of sensory memory. After a certain number of Vin, the conductance increased abruptly followed by a gradual decrease, indicating the formation of short-term memory (STM). We found that the probability of STM formation depends strongly on the amplitude and width of Vin, which resembles the learning behavior of the human brain.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rasit OZEN


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to investigate the opinions of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE staff about in-service training (INSET programs via distance education. The subjects of this study were the staff (n=15 of the Inservice Training Department of MoNE in 2008. During the study, the qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews held with the (MoNE staff by the researcher. The results of the interviews revealed the importance of needs assessment, the relationship between INSET program course content and participants’ school curriculum, support mechanism in INSET programs via distance education, the application of what is learned and providing various opportunities to them that lead to their active involvement to the application of these programs, the characteristics of learning environments for these programs, INSET instructors’ teaching competencies and skills to fulfill various roles in online learning environments, of measuring and evaluating the performance of teachers during INSET programs via distance education and of the effectiveness of INSET programs via distance education.

  15. Testing quantum mechanics at DaφNe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Di Domenica, A.


    After a brief introduction to EPR-paradox and Bell's inequality, it is shown that a Bell-like inequality can be formulated for the neutral kaon system at a Φ-factory using the Pauli spin formalism, in our case called K-spin, and taking into account CP violation. Experimental methods to reveal tiny violations of this inequality by quantum mechanics are discussed. The statistical accuracy achievable at DAΦNE, the Frascati Φ-factory, seems adequate to successfully perform such a test. (author)

  16. 27 CFR 12.21 - List of examples of names by country. (United States)


    ... Scharzberg, Winkeler Jesuitengarten, Wonnegau, Wurttemberg, Zell/Mosel. (e) France: Ajaccio, Arbois, Auxey... Savoie, Vin du Bugey, Vin du Haut-Poitou. (f) Greece: Aghialos, Amynteon, Archanes, Daphnes, Goumenissa...

  17. Hydrocortisone Increases the Vinblastine-Induced Chromosomal Damages in L929 Cells Investigated by the Micronucleus Assay on Cytokinesis-Blocked Binucleated Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tahere Ebrahimipour


    Full Text Available Background: Stress may cause damages to DNA or/and change the ability of the cells to overcome these damages. It may also cause irregularities in the cell cycle and induce abnormal cell divisions through glucocorticoid-dependent functions. The abnormal cell divisions, in turn, lead to chromosomal mal-segregation and aneuploidy. In this study, the effects of the stress hormone, hydrocortisone (HYD, were investigated on the induced chromosomal abnormalities by vinblastine (VIN during cell cycle in L929 cells. Methods: This work was performed in winter 2013 at Department of Biology, University of Ferdowsi, Mashhad, Iran. Cultured cells were divided into different groups including control, VIN-treated, HYD treated and VIN+HYD co-treated cells. The induced chromosomal damages were investigated by micronucleus assay in cytokinesis-blocked binucleated cells. Results: Although HYD by itself did not increase the micronuclei (Mn frequency, co-treatment of cells with VIN and HYD led to significant increase (P<0.05 in the frequency of Mn in comparison to control and VIN treated groups. Conclusion: Cells treated with stress hormone are more sensitive to damages induced by VIN. Therefore, stress may not directly result in genetic instability, it can increase the harmful effects associated with other genotoxic agents.

  18. The nucleon axial mass and the MiniBooNE quasielastic neutrino-nucleus scattering problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nieves, J.; Ruiz Simo, I.; Vicente Vacas, M.J.


    The charged-current double differential neutrino cross section, measured by the MiniBooNE Collaboration, has been analyzed using a microscopical model that accounts for, among other nuclear effects, long range nuclear (RPA) correlations and multinucleon scattering. We find that MiniBooNE data are fully compatible with the world average of the nucleon axial mass in contrast with several previous analyses which have suggested an anomalously large value. We also discuss the reliability of the algorithm used to estimate the neutrino energy.

  19. Production of C, N, O, and Ne ions by pulsed ion source and acceleration of these ions in the cyclotron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakajima, Hisao; Kohara, Shigeo; Kageyama, Tadashi; Kohno, Isao


    The heavy ion source, of electron bombarded hot cathode type, is usually operated by applying direct current for arc discharge. In order to accelerate Ne 6+ ion in the cyclotron, a pulsed operation of this source was attempted. Ne 6+ and O 6+ ions were accelerated successfully up to 160 MeV and more than 0.1 μA of these ion were extracted from the cyclotron. C 5+ , Ne 7+ and 22 Ne 6+ ions were also extracted with a modest intensity of beam. The intensity of C 4+ , N 4+ , N 5+ , and O 5+ ions was increased about ten times. (auth.)

  20. Peut-on envisager le remplacement de l'éthylène par l'acétylène à moyen terme ? Can the Substitution of Ethylene by Acetylene Be Imagined in the Medium Term?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lefebvre G.


    Full Text Available L'accroissement considérable depuis 1973 du coût des énergies fossiles, notamment du pétrole, a fortement contribué au renchérissement du prix de l'éthylène alors que parallèlement l'acétylène fabriqué au départ de carbure de calcium ou par arc électrique pouvait espérer bénéficier d'un coût relatif plus faible de l'énergie électrique d'origine nucléaire. II ressort de la présente étude que malgré les hypothèses favorables suivantes : - taux de croissance moyen du prix du pétrole à monnaie constante 1982 de 7 % par an, - augmentation de celui du charbon limitée à 3 % par an, - énergie électrique disponible en permanence à 5 et 10 c/kWh, - capacité unitaire de production d'acétylène de l'ordre de 300 000 t/an comparable à celle de l'éthylène, il apparaît impossible que l'acétylène puisse concurrencer l'éthylène avant l'an 2000. Seul le chlorure de vinyle pourrait être fabriqué à partir d'acétylène favorisé par un important facteur d'échelle, à condition que l'électricité puisse être alimentée en permanence à 0,10 F le kWh. Cette constatation ne tient pas compte de la remise en cause des procédés pétrochimiques actuels d'obtention des intermédiaires de seconde génération dont la fabrication à partir d'acétylène nécessiterait la création d'installations de conception entièrement différente. Alors qu'en 1975 les procédés à l'arc électrique de production d'acétylène à partir de naphta apparaissaient plus économiques que la voie carbure de calcium, on constate actuellement une situation inverse, consécutive aux augmentations de prix du pétrole qui ont suivi. The considerable increase in the cost of fossil energy sources since 1973, and especially that of oil, has greatly helped drive up the price of ethylene, whereas at the same time acetylene manufactured initially from calcium carbide or by electric arc could have hoped to profit from the relative low price of electric

  1. Velocity-resolved [Ne III] from X-ray irradiated Sz 102 microjets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Chun-Fan; Shang, Hsien [Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (ASIAA), P.O. Box 23-141, Taipei 10641, Taiwan (China); Walter, Frederick M. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800 (United States); Herczeg, Gregory J. [The Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University, Beijing 100871 (China)


    Neon emission lines are good indicators of high-excitation regions close to a young stellar system because of their high ionization potentials and large critical densities. We have discovered [Ne III] λ3869 emission from the microjets of Sz 102, a low-mass young star in Lupus III. Spectroastrometric analyses of two-dimensional [Ne III] spectra obtained from archival high-dispersion (R ≈ 33, 000) Very Large Telescope/UVES data suggest that the emission consists of two velocity components spatially separated by ∼0.''3, or a projected distance of ∼60 AU. The stronger redshifted component is centered at ∼ + 21 km s{sup –1} with a line width of ∼140 km s{sup –1}, and the weaker blueshifted component at ∼ – 90 km s{sup –1} with a line width of ∼190 km s{sup –1}. The two components trace velocity centroids of the known microjets and show large line widths that extend across the systemic velocity, suggesting their potential origins in wide-angle winds that may eventually collimate into jets. Optical line ratios indicate that the microjets are hot (T ≲ 1.6 × 10{sup 4} K) and ionized (n{sub e} ≳ 5.7 × 10{sup 4} cm{sup –3}). The blueshifted component has ∼13% higher temperature and ∼46% higher electron density than the redshifted counterpart, forming a system of an asymmetric pair of jets. The detection of the [Ne III] λ3869 line with the distinct velocity profile suggests that the emission originates in flows that may have been strongly ionized by deeply embedded hard X-ray sources, most likely generated by magnetic processes. The discovery of [Ne III] λ3869 emission along with other optical forbidden lines from Sz 102 supports the picture of wide-angle winds surrounding magnetic loops in the close vicinity of the young star. Future high-sensitivity X-ray imaging and high angular-resolution optical spectroscopy may help confirm the picture proposed.

  2. Velocity-resolved [Ne III] from X-ray irradiated Sz 102 microjets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Chun-Fan; Shang, Hsien; Walter, Frederick M.; Herczeg, Gregory J.


    Neon emission lines are good indicators of high-excitation regions close to a young stellar system because of their high ionization potentials and large critical densities. We have discovered [Ne III] λ3869 emission from the microjets of Sz 102, a low-mass young star in Lupus III. Spectroastrometric analyses of two-dimensional [Ne III] spectra obtained from archival high-dispersion (R ≈ 33, 000) Very Large Telescope/UVES data suggest that the emission consists of two velocity components spatially separated by ∼0.''3, or a projected distance of ∼60 AU. The stronger redshifted component is centered at ∼ + 21 km s –1 with a line width of ∼140 km s –1 , and the weaker blueshifted component at ∼ – 90 km s –1 with a line width of ∼190 km s –1 . The two components trace velocity centroids of the known microjets and show large line widths that extend across the systemic velocity, suggesting their potential origins in wide-angle winds that may eventually collimate into jets. Optical line ratios indicate that the microjets are hot (T ≲ 1.6 × 10 4 K) and ionized (n e ≳ 5.7 × 10 4 cm –3 ). The blueshifted component has ∼13% higher temperature and ∼46% higher electron density than the redshifted counterpart, forming a system of an asymmetric pair of jets. The detection of the [Ne III] λ3869 line with the distinct velocity profile suggests that the emission originates in flows that may have been strongly ionized by deeply embedded hard X-ray sources, most likely generated by magnetic processes. The discovery of [Ne III] λ3869 emission along with other optical forbidden lines from Sz 102 supports the picture of wide-angle winds surrounding magnetic loops in the close vicinity of the young star. Future high-sensitivity X-ray imaging and high angular-resolution optical spectroscopy may help confirm the picture proposed.

  3. Zyxin und Fyb/SLAP : Charakterisierung bekannter und neuer Bindungspartner der EVH1-Domäne der Ena/VASP Proteinfamilie


    Krause, Matthias


    Die Ena/VASP Proteinfamilie (VASP, Mena und Evl) ist an der Regulation der aktinvermittelten Bewegung tierischer Zellen beteiligt. Deren N-terminale Ena/VASP Homologie Domäne 1 (EVH1-Domäne) bindet an ein spezifisches prolinreiches Motiv in den Zytoskelettproteinen Zyxin, Vinculin und dem Listerienprotein ActA. In der vorgelegten Dissertation wurden bekannte und neue Bindungspartner der EVH1-Domäne der Ena/VASP Familie charakterisiert. Gegen das humane Zyxin, wurden monoklonale Antikörper her...

  4. Study of data filtering algorithms for the KM3NeT neutrino telescope

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herold, B., E-mail: Bjoern.Herold@physik.uni-erlangen.d [Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, 91058 Erlangen (Germany); Seitz, T., E-mail: Thomas.Seitz@physik.uni-erlangen.d [Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, 91058 Erlangen (Germany); Shanidze, R., E-mail: shanidze@physik.uni-erlangen.d [Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, 91058 Erlangen (Germany)


    The photomultiplier signals above a defined threshold (hits) are the main data collected from the KM3NeT neutrino telescope. The neutrino and muon events will be reconstructed from these signals. However, in the deep sea the dominant source of hits are the decays of {sup 40}K isotope and marine fauna bioluminescence. The selection of neutrino and muon events requires the implementation of fast and efficient data filtering algorithms for the reduction of accidental background event rates. A possible data filtering scheme for the KM3NeT neutrino telescope is discussed in the paper.

  5. Preparation and evaluation of Vinpocetine self-emulsifying pH gradient release pellets. (United States)

    Liu, Mengqi; Zhang, Shiming; Cui, Shuxia; Chen, Fen; Jia, Lianqun; Wang, Shu; Gai, Xiumei; Li, Pingfei; Yang, Feifei; Pan, Weisan; Yang, Xinggang


    The main objective of this study was to develop a pH gradient release pellet with self-emulsifying drug delivery system (SEDDS), which could not only improve the oral bioavailability of Vinpocetine (VIN), a poor soluble drug, but reduce the fluctuation of plasma concentration. First, the liquid VIN SEDDS formulation was prepared. Then the self-emulsifying pH gradient release pellets were prepared by extrusion spheronization technique, and formulation consisted by the liquid SEDDS, absorbent (colloidal silicon dioxide), penetration enhancer (sodium chloride), microcrystalline cellulose, ethyl alcohol, and three coating materials (HPMC, Eudragit L30D55, Eudragit FS30D) were eventually selected. Three kinds of coated pellets were mixed in capsules with the mass ratio of 1:1:1. The release curves of capsules were investigated in vitro under the simulated gastrointestinal conditions. In addition, the oral bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of VIN self-emulsifying pH gradient release pellets, commercial tablets and liquid VIN SEDDS were evaluated in Beagle dogs. The oral bioavailability of self-emulsifying pH gradient release pellets was about 149.8% of commercial VIN tablets, and it was about 86% of liquid VIN SEDDS, but there were no significant difference between liquid SEDDS and self-emulsifying pH gradient release pellets. In conclusion, the self-emulsifying pH gradient release pellets could significantly enhance the absorption of VIN and effectively achieve a pH gradient release. And the self-emulsifying pH gradient release pellet was a promising method to improve bioavailability of insoluble drugs.

  6. Interference of Coulomb and nuclear excitation in inelastic scattering of 20Ne from 40Ca

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ratel, Guy.


    Angular distributions at 54 and 63MeV and excitation functions from 35 to 95MeV for the elastic and inelastic scattering of 20 Ne by 40 Ca have been measured. Experimental data for the inelastic scattering leading to the 20 Ne (2 + , 1.63MeV) state show a characteristic minimum for the angular distributions and excitation functions. This phenomenon was explained by an interference effect between Coulomb and nuclear excitation amplitudes with the DWBA and the coupled-channel formalism. The existence of this interference minimum could be explained only by assuming a nuclear deformation stronger than these obtained with light ion scattering. However a small shift between the experimental data and theoretical curves suggests that effects of a stronger complex coupling or nuclear reorientation due to the large quadrupole moment of 20 Ne must be included [fr

  7. Constraining the 19Ne(p,γ)20Na Reaction Rate Using a Direct Measurement at DRAGON (United States)

    Wilkinson, R.; Lotay, G.; Lennarz, A.; Ruiz, C.; Christian, G.; Akers, C.; Catford, W. N.; Chen, A. A.; Connolly, D.; Davids, B.; Hutcheon, D. A.; Jedrejcic, D.; Laird, A. M.; Martin, L.; McNeice, E.; Riley, J.; Williams, M.


    A direct measurement of the 19Ne(p, γ)20 Na reaction has been performed in inverse kinematics at the DRAGON recoil separator, at an energy ˜ 10 keV higher than previous measurements. The key resonance in the 19 Ne + p system relevant for ONe novae and Type-I X-ray burst temperatures have been successfully measured for the first time. Preliminary estimates of the resonance energy and strength are reported as Ec.m. ≈ 458 keV and ωγ ≈ 18 meV. These results are consistent with previous direct measurements, but disagree with the most recent study of the 19Ne(p, γ)20 Na reaction rate. These preliminary results will be finalised after a forthcoming negative log-likelihood analysis.

  8. Assessment of the NeQuick-2 and IRI-Plas 2017 models using global and long-term GNSS measurements (United States)

    Okoh, Daniel; Onwuneme, Sylvester; Seemala, Gopi; Jin, Shuanggen; Rabiu, Babatunde; Nava, Bruno; Uwamahoro, Jean


    The global ionospheric models NeQuick and IRI-Plas have been widely used. However, their uncertainties are not clear at global scale and long term. In this paper, a climatologic assessment of the NeQuick and IRI-Plas models is investigated at a global scale from global navigation satellite system (GNSS) observations. GNSS observations from 36 globally distributed locations were used to evaluate performances of both NeQuick-2 and IRI-Plas 2017 models from January 2006 to July 2017, covering more than the 11-year period of a solar cycle. An hourly interval of diurnal profiles computed on monthly basis was used to measure deviations of the model estimations from corresponding GNSS VTEC observations. Results show that both models are fairly accurate in trends with the GNSS measurements. The NeQuick predictions were generally better than the IRI-Plas predictions in most of the stations and the times. The mean annual prediction errors for the IRI-Plas model typically varied from about 3 TECU at the high latitude stations to about 12 TECU at the low latitude stations, while for the NeQuick the values are respectively about 2-7 TECU. Out of a total 4497 months in which GNSS data were available for all the stations put together for the entire period covered in this work, the NeQuick model was observed to perform better in about 83% of the months while the IRI-Plas performed better in about 17% of the months. The IRI-Plas generally performed better than the NeQuick at certain locations (e.g. DAV1, KERG, and ADIS). For both models, the most of the deviations were witnessed during local daytimes and during seasons that receive maximum solar radiation for various locations. In particular, the IRI-Plas model predictions were improved during periods of increased solar activity at the low latitude stations. The IRI-Plas model overestimates the GNSS VTEC values, except during high solar activity years at some high latitude stations. The NeQuick underestimates the TEC values during

  9. A transportable methane stabilized He-Ne laser (United States)

    Akimoto, Yoshiaki


    The performance of a transportable methane stabilized He-Ne laser system, developed for a wavelength-optical frequency standard according to the 1983 Comite Consultatif pour la Definition du Metier, is discussed. An offset-locked laser system using a phase comparison technique is described which is used to evaluate the stabilized laser system. A frequency stability of 2.5 x 10 to the -12th tau exp -1/2, and a resettability of 1 x 10 to the -11th, are estimated for the stabilized laser system.

  10. Testing quantum mechanics at Da{phi}Ne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Di Domenica, A. [Rome Univ. 2 (Italy). Dipt. di Fisica


    After a brief introduction to EPR-paradox and Bell`s inequality, it is shown that a Bell-like inequality can be formulated for the neutral kaon system at a {Phi}-factory using the Pauli spin formalism, in our case called K-spin, and taking into account CP violation. Experimental methods to reveal tiny violations of this inequality by quantum mechanics are discussed. The statistical accuracy achievable at DA{Phi}NE, the Frascati {Phi}-factory, seems adequate to successfully perform such a test. (author) 13 refs.

  11. The breakout of the Hot CNO cycle via ^18Ne resonant states (United States)

    Almaraz-Calderon, S.; Tan, W.; Aprahamian, A.; Bucher, B.; Gorres, J.; Roberts, A.; Villano, A.; Wiescher, M.; Brune, C.; Heinen, Z.; Massey, T.; Ozkan, N.; Guray, R. T.; Mach, H.


    The energy generation rate in the HCNO cycle is limited by the β decay of the waiting point nuclei ^14O and ^15O. However, when the temperatures and densities are high enough (e.g. Novae and X-ray Bursts) it is possible to bypass them by p/α captures resulting in a thermonuclear runaway towards the rp-process. One of the two paths for breakouts from the HCNO cycle is the reaction chain ^14O(α,p)^17F(p,γ)^18Ne(α,p), which proceeds through resonant states on ^18Ne, making their reactions rates very sensitive on the partial and total widths, excitation energies and spins of such resonances. We studied the resonant states in ^18Ne via ^16O(^3He,n) reaction. The neutrons were measured with an array of liquid scintillators using Time-of-Flight and pulse-shape discrimination techniques. The charged particles were detected in coincidence with neutrons by an array of silicon detectors, allowing us to measure α, p, p' and 2p decay branching ratios. Tentative spin assignments were made in comparison with zero range DWBA calculations. This new information will be included in reaction network calculations to evaluate its impact on the nuclear energy generation that occurs in these stellar explosive environments.

  12. The parasite Ichthyophonus sp. in Pacific herring from the coastal NE Pacific. (United States)

    Hershberger, P K; Gregg, J L; Hart, L M; Moffitt, S; Brenner, R; Stick, K; Coonradt, E; Otis, E O; Vollenweider, J J; Garver, K A; Lovy, J; Meyers, T R


    The protistan parasite Ichthyophonus occurred in populations of Pacific herring Clupea pallasii Valenciennes throughout coastal areas of the NE Pacific, ranging from Puget Sound, WA north to the Gulf of Alaska, AK. Infection prevalence in local Pacific herring stocks varied seasonally and annually, and a general pattern of increasing prevalence with host size and/or age persisted throughout the NE Pacific. An exception to this zoographic pattern occurred among a group of juvenile, age 1+ year Pacific herring from Cordova Harbor, AK in June 2010, which demonstrated an unusually high infection prevalence of 35%. Reasons for this anomaly were hypothesized to involve anthropogenic influences that resulted in locally elevated infection pressures. Interannual declines in infection prevalence from some populations (e.g. Lower Cook Inlet, AK; from 20-32% in 2007 to 0-3% during 2009-13) or from the largest size cohorts of other populations (e.g. Sitka Sound, AK; from 62.5% in 2007 to 19.6% in 2013) were likely a reflection of selective mortality among the infected cohorts. All available information for Ichthyophonus in the NE Pacific, including broad geographic range, low host specificity and presence in archived Pacific herring tissue samples dating to the 1980s, indicate a long-standing host-pathogen relationship. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Noise Characterization and Filtering in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon TPC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Acciarri, R.; et al.


    The low-noise operation of readout electronics in a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) is critical to properly extract the distribution of ionization charge deposited on the wire planes of the TPC, especially for the induction planes. This paper describes the characteristics and mitigation of the observed noise in the MicroBooNE detector. The MicroBooNE's single-phase LArTPC comprises two induction planes and one collection sense wire plane with a total of 8256 wires. Current induced on each TPC wire is amplified and shaped by custom low-power, low-noise ASICs immersed in the liquid argon. The digitization of the signal waveform occurs outside the cryostat. Using data from the first year of MicroBooNE operations, several excess noise sources in the TPC were identified and mitigated. The residual equivalent noise charge (ENC) after noise filtering varies with wire length and is found to be below 400 electrons for the longest wires (4.7 m). The response is consistent with the cold electronics design expectations and is found to be stable with time and uniform over the functioning channels. This noise level is significantly lower than previous experiments utilizing warm front-end electronics.

  14. Hyurterianum (Asteraceae, Inuleae), a new species from NE Anatolia, Turkey

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gemici, Y.; Tan, K.; Yidirim, H.


    Helichrysum yurterianum Y. Gemici, Kit Tan, H. Yildirim & M. Gemici (Asteraceae, Inuleae) is described and illustrated. It is a serpentine endemic restricted to the province of Erzincan in NE Anatolia, Turkey. Its affinities are with H. arenarium and H. noeanum, which both have a wider distribution...

  15. Strategic Plan for Nuclear Energy -- Knowledge Base for Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NE-KAMS)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kimberlyn C. Mousseau


    The Nuclear Energy Computational Fluid Dynamics Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NE-CAMS) system is being developed at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in collaboration with Bettis Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory (SNL), Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Utah State University (USU), and other interested parties with the objective of developing and implementing a comprehensive and readily accessible data and information management system for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) verification and validation (V&V) in support of nuclear energy systems design and safety analysis. The two key objectives of the NE-CAMS effort are to identify, collect, assess, store and maintain high resolution and high quality experimental data and related expert knowledge (metadata) for use in CFD V&V assessments specific to the nuclear energy field and to establish a working relationship with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to develop a CFD V&V database, including benchmark cases, that addresses and supports the associated NRC regulations and policies on the use of CFD analysis. In particular, the NE-CAMS system will support the Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) Program, which aims to develop and deploy advanced modeling and simulation methods and computational tools for reliable numerical simulation of nuclear reactor systems for design and safety analysis. Primary NE-CAMS Elements There are four primary elements of the NE-CAMS knowledge base designed to support computer modeling and simulation in the nuclear energy arena as listed below. Element 1. The database will contain experimental data that can be used for CFD validation that is relevant to nuclear reactor and plant processes, particularly those important to the nuclear industry and the NRC. Element 2. Qualification standards for data evaluation and classification will be incorporated and applied such that validation data sets will result in well

  16. The transnational ne bis in idem principle in the EU. Mutual recognition and equivalent protection of human rights

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John A.E. Vervaele


    Full Text Available The deepening and widening of European integration has led to an increase in transborder crime. Concurrent prosecution and sanctioning by several Member States is not only a problem in inter-state relations and an obstacle in the European integration process, but also a violation of the ne bis in idem principle, defined as a transnational human right in a common judicial area. This article analyzes whether and to what extent the ECHR has contributed and may continue to contribute to the development of such a common ne bis in idem standard in Europe. It is also examined whether the application of the ne bis in idem principle in classic inter-state judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the framework of the Council of Europe may make such a contribution as well. The transnational function of the ne bis in idem principle is discussed in the light of the Court of Justice’s case law on ne bis in idem in the framework of the area of Freedom, Security and Justice. Finally the inherent tension between mutual recognition and the protection of human rights in transnational justice is analyzed by looking at the insertion of the ne bis in idem principle in the Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant.

  17. Separation of the 1+ /1- parity doublet in 20Ne (United States)

    Beller, J.; Stumpf, C.; Scheck, M.; Pietralla, N.; Deleanu, D.; Filipescu, D. M.; Glodariu, T.; Haxton, W.; Idini, A.; Kelley, J. H.; Kwan, E.; Martinez-Pinedo, G.; Raut, R.; Romig, C.; Roth, R.; Rusev, G.; Savran, D.; Tonchev, A. P.; Tornow, W.; Wagner, J.; Weller, H. R.; Zamfir, N.-V.; Zweidinger, M.


    The (J , T) = (1 , 1) parity doublet in 20Ne at 11.26 MeV is a good candidate to study parity violation in nuclei. However, its energy splitting is known with insufficient accuracy for quantitative estimates of parity violating effects. To improve on this unsatisfactory situation, nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments using linearly and circularly polarized γ-ray beams were used to determine the energy difference of the parity doublet ΔE = E (1-) - E (1+) = - 3.2(± 0.7) stat(-1.2+0.6)sys keV and the ratio of their integrated cross sections Is,0(+) /Is,0(-) = 29(± 3) stat(-7+14)sys. Shell-model calculations predict a parity-violating matrix element having a value in the range 0.46-0.83 eV for the parity doublet. The small energy difference of the parity doublet makes 20Ne an excellent candidate to study parity violation in nuclear excitations.

  18. Search for low lying dipole strength in the neutron rich nucleus Ne{sup 26}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gibelin, J


    We carried out the Coulomb excitation, on a lead target, of an exotic beam of neutron-rich nucleus Ne{sup 26} at 58 MeV/n, in order to study the possible existence of a pygmy dipole resonance above the neutron emission threshold. The experiment was performed at the Riken Research Facility, in Tokyo (Japan) and included a gamma-ray detector, a charged fragment hodoscope and a neutron detector. Using the invariant mass method in the Ne{sup 25} + n decay channel, and by comparing the reaction cross section on the lead target and a light target of aluminum, we observe a sizable amount of E1 strength between the one neutron and the two neutron emission thresholds. The corresponding Ne{sup 26} angular distribution confirms its nature and we deduce its reduced dipole transition probability value of B(E1) = 0.54 {+-} 0.18 e{sup 2}fm{sup 2}. Our method also enables us to extract for the first time the decay pattern of a pygmy resonance. By detecting the decay photons from the excited states below the neutron emission threshold and by analyzing the angular distribution of the inelastically scattered Ne{sup 26} we deduce the reduced transition probability of the first 2{sup +} state, from the ground state. The value obtained of B(E2) = 87 {+-} 13 e{sup 2}fm{sup 4} being in disagreement with a previous result. (author)

  19. Calibration of a NE213 detector for neutron spectroscopy; Calibracion de un detector de NE213 para espectroscopia de neutrones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blazquez Martinez, J; Butragueno Casado, J L


    This work describes the experimental way followed for getting the calibration of a NE213 detector with a beam of neutrons from the J.E.N. 2 MeV Van de Graaff and using at once pulse shape discrimination. Detector has been used for measuring the spectrum of the fast reactor CORAL-1. There is also included an experimental method in order to get with precision where the Compton edge is placed on the electron spectrum. (Author) 9 refs.

  20. NeQuick 2 and IRI Plas VTEC predictions for low latitude and South American sector (United States)

    Ezquer, R. G.; Scidá, L. A.; Migoya Orué, Y.; Nava, B.; Cabrera, M. A.; Brunini, C.


    Using vertical total electron content (VTEC) measurements obtained from GPS satellite signals the capability of the NeQuick 2 and IRI Plas models to predict VTEC over the low latitude and South American sector is analyzed. In the present work both models were used to calculate VTEC up to the height of GPS satellites. Also, comparisons between the performance of IRI Plas and IRI 2007 have been done. The data correspond to June solstice and September equinox 1999 (high solar activity) and they were obtained at nine stations. The considered latitude range extends from 18.4°N to -64.7°N and the longitude ranges from 281.3°E to 295.9°E in the South American sector. The greatest discrepancies among model predictions and the measured VTEC are obtained at low latitudes stations placed in the equatorial anomaly region. Underestimations as strong as 40 TECU [1 TECU = 1016 m-2] can be observed at BOGT station for September equinox, when NeQuick2 model is used. The obtained results also show that: (a) for June solstice, in general the performance of IRI Plas for low latitude stations is better than that of NeQuick2 and, vice versa, for highest latitudes the performance of NeQuick2 is better than that of IRI Plas. For the stations TUCU and SANT both models have good performance; (b) for September equinox the performances of the models do not follow a clearly defined pattern as in the other season. However, it can be seen that for the region placed between the Northern peak and the valley of the equatorial anomaly, in general, the performance of IRI Plas is better than that of NeQuick2 for hours of maximum ionization. From TUCU to the South, the best TEC predictions are given by NeQuick2. The source of the observed deviations of the models has been explored in terms of CCIR foF2 determination in the available ionosonde stations in the region. Discrepancies can be also related to an unrealistic shape of the vertical electron density profile and or an erroneous prediction of

  1. PrEFiNe Plan: Strategic plan for Fabry's diseases in Nephrology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.D. del Pino


    Discussion: PrEfiNE project will evaluate an action plan focused on improving FD knowledge to make necessary recommendations for an early recognition of the disease. In addition will generate a plan to improve previously undetected needs.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Fr. Ikenga

    deal with all perpetrators of the crimes that come under its jurisdiction wherever such crimes are ... KAYITANA: Complementarity and Completed Trials: Reforming the Ne Bis in Idem Clause of Article 20(3) of ..... exchange for lenient sentences.

  3. Martin Szekely : ne plus dessiner


    Mokhtari, Sylvie


    Ce livret, publié à l’issue d’une exposition éponyme au Centre Pompidou en 2011-12, présente, sous la conduite de Françoise Guichon les « recherches » et les « projets industriels » du designer qui en 1996 avait déclaré « ne plus dessiner ». Un texte de Philippe-Alain Michaud explicite en deuxième partie de l’opuscule la rencontre de Martin Szekely avec l’artiste Mark Lewis qui réalisa un film à partir du miroir Soleil noir (2007) installé dans les salles de peinture hollandaise de la Nationa...

  4. KN scattering at DA{Phi}NE?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Olin, A


    Existing measurements of the KN and K-bar N scattering lengths suffer from large uncertainties, particularly in the I=0 channel. The low energy kaons from {phi} decay available at DA{Phi}NE can be used to improve this situation. Three experimental approaches are discussed: a solid hydrogen target and silicon colorimeter surrounding the collision point. This would also use the magnet and tracking detectors of the FINUDA experiment; a hydrogen TPC is proposed as an active target in the magnetic field of the FINUDA magnet; the FINUDA detector with a CH{sub 2} target could be used to measure an important cross-section. (author). 14 refs., 1 tab., 5 figs.

  5. Differences in the neutralization of 2.4--10 keV Ne+ scattered from the Cu and Au atoms of an alloy surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buck, T.M.; Wallace, W.E.; Baragiola, R.A.; Wheatley, G.H.; Rothman, J.B.; Gorte, R.J.; Tittensor, J.G.


    The neutralization behavior of low-energy Ne + ions scattered from a compositionally ordered Cu 3 Au(100) surface has been studied over a range of incident energy E 0 from 2.4 to 10 keV. Ion fractions of Ne scattered from Cu atoms in the first, or first two, atom layers exhibited a sharp increase setting in at an E 0 of 4--5 keV, reaching 70% at 10 keV for first-layer scattering. Inelastic energy losses, up to 130 eV, and Auger electron emission from Ne scattered from Cu, were also observed at incident energies above 4 keV. Ne scattered from the Au atoms on the same Cu 3 Au(100) surface showed only the usual velocity-dependent Auger and resonance neutralization. An explanation of the Cu results is given in terms of Ne 2s vacancy creation during the close collision of Ne, which is neutralized on the inward path, followed by autoionization on the outward path after scattering into the vacuum. Conversely, Ne cannot approach Au closely enough to form an appropriate inner-shell vacancy. This is due to the higher Coulombic repulsion created by the greater charge of the Au nucleus

  6. A NeISS collaboration to develop and use e-infrastructure for large-scale social simulation


    Doherty, Thomas; Skipsey, Samuel; Turner, Andy; Watt, John


    The National e-Infrastructure for Social Simulation (NeISS) project is focused on\\ud developing e-Infrastructure to support social simulation research. Part of NeISS aims to\\ud provide an interface for running contemporary dynamic demographic social simulation\\ud models as developed in the GENESIS project. These GENESIS models operate at the\\ud individual person level and are stochastic. This paper focuses on support for a simplistic\\ud demographic change model that has a daily time steps, an...

  7. Data filtering and expected muon and neutrino event rates in the KM3NeT neutrino telescope

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shanidze, Rezo [ECAP, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erwin-Rommel-Str.1, 91058 Erlangen (Germany); Collaboration: ANTARES-KM3NeT-Erlangen-Collaboration


    KM3NeT is a future Mediterranean deep sea neutrino telescope with an instrumented volume of several cubic kilometres. The neutrino and muon events in KM3NeT will be reconstructed from the signals collected from the telescope's photo detectors. However, in the deep sea the dominant source of photon signals are the decays of K40 nuclei and bioluminescence. The selection of neutrino and muon events requires the implementation of fast and efficient data filtering algorithms for the reduction of accidental background event rates. Possible data filtering and triggering schemes for the KM3NeT neutrino telescope and expected muon and neutrino event rates are discussed.

  8. Letter of intent for KM3NeT 2.0

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Adrián-Martínez, S.; Ageron, M.; Aharonian, F.; Aiello, S.; Albert, A.; Ameli, F.; Anassontzis, E.; Andre, M.; Androulakis, G.; Anghinolfi, M.; Anton, G.; Ardid, M.; Avgitas, T.; Barbarino, G.; Barbarito, E.; Baret, B.; Barrios-Martí, J.; Belhorma, B.; Belias, A.; Berbee, E.; Berg, A. van den; Bertin, V.; Beurthey, S.; Beveren, V. van; Beverini, N.; Biagi, S.; Biagioni, A.; Billault, M.; Bondì, M.; Bormuth, R.; Bouhadef, B.; Bourlis, G.; Bourret, S.; Boutonnet, C.; Bouwhuis, M.; Bozza, C.; Bruijn, R.; Brunner, J.; Buis, E.J.; Busto, J.; Cacopardo, G.; Caillat, L.; Calamai, M.; Calvo, D.; Capone, A.; Caramete, L.; Cecchini, S.; Celli, S.; Champion, C.; El Moursli, R.C.; Cherubini, S.; Chiarusi, T.; Circella, M.; Classen, L.; Cocimano, R.; Coelho, J.A.B.; Coleiro, A.; Colonges, S.; Coniglione, R.; Cordelli, M.; Cosquer, A.; Coyle, P.; Creusot, A.; Cuttone, G.; D'Amico, A.; De Bonis, G.; De Rosa, G.; De Sio, C.; Di Capua, F.; Di Palma, I.; Díaz García, A.F.; Distefano, C.; Donzaud, C.; Dornic, D.; Dorosti-Hasankiadeh, Q.; Drakopoulou, E.; Drouhin, D.; Drury, L.; Durocher, M.; Eberl, T.; Eichie, S.; Eijk, D. van; El Bojaddaini, I.; El Khayati, N.; Elsaesser, D.; Enzenhöfer, A.; Fassi, F.; Favali, P.; Fermani, P.; Ferrara, G.; Filippidis, C.; Frascadore, G.; Fusco, L.A.; Gal, T.; Galatà, S.; Garufi, F.; Gay, P.; Gebyehu, M.; Giordano, V.; Gizani, N.; Gracia, R.; Graf, K.; Grégoire, T.; Grella, G.; Habel, R.; Hallmann, S.; Haren, H. van; Harissopulos, S.; Heid, T.; Heijboer, A.; Heine, E.; Henry, S.; Hernández-Rey, J.J.; Hevinga, M.; Hofestädt, J.; Hugon, C.M.F.; Illuminati, G.; James, C.W.; Jansweijer, P.; Jongen, M.; Jong, M. de; Kadler, M.; Kalekin, O.; Kappes, A.; Katz, U.F.; Keller, P.; Kieft, G.; Kießling, D.; Koffeman, E.N.; Kooijman, P.; Kouchner, A.; Kulikovskiy, V.; Lahmann, R.; Lamare, P.; Leisos, A.; Leonora, E.; Clark, M.L.; Liolios, A.; Alvarez, C.D.L.; Lo Presti, D.; Löhner, H.; Lonardo, A.; Lotze, M.; Loucatos, S.; MacCioni, E.; Mannheim, K.; Margiotta, A.; Marinelli, A.; Maris, O.; Markou, C.; Martínez-Mora, J.A.; Martini, A.; Mele, R.; Melis, K.W.; Michael, T.; Migliozzi, P.; Migneco, E.; Mijakowski, P.; Miraglia, A.; Mollo, C.M.; Mongelli, M.; Morganti, M.; Moussa, A.; Musico, P.; Musumeci, M.; Navas, S.; Nicolau, C.A.; Olcina, I.; Olivetto, C.; Orlando, A.; Papaikonomou, A.; Papaleo, R.; Pavalas, G.E.; Peek, H.; Pellegrino, C.; Perrina, C.; Pfutzner, M.; Piattelli, P.; Pikounis, K.; Poma, G.E.; Popa, V.; Pradier, T.; Pratolongo, F.; Pühlhofer, G.; Pulvirenti, S.; Quinn, L.; Racca, C.; Raffaelli, F.; Randazzo, N.; Rapidis, P.; Razis, P.; Real, D.; Resvanis, L.; Reubelt, J.; Riccobene, G.; Rossi, C.; Rovelli, A.; Saldaña, M.; Salvadori, I.; Samtleben, D.F.E.; García, A.S.; Losa, A.S.; Sanguineti, M.; Santangelo, A.; Santonocito, D.; Sapienza, P.; Schimmel, F.; Schmelling, J.; Sciacca, V.; Sedita, M.; Seitz, T.; Sgura, I.; Simeone, F.; Siotis, I.; Sipala, V.; Spisso, B.; Spurio, M.; Stavropoulos, G.; Steijger, J.; Stellacci, S.M.; Stransky, D.; Taiuti, M.; Tayalati, Y.; Tézier, D.; Theraube, S.; Thompson, L.; Timmer, P.; Tönnis, C.; Trasatti, L.; Trovato, A.; Tsirigotis, A.; Tzamarias, S.; Tzamariudaki, E.; Vallage, B.; Elewyck, V. van; Vermeulen, J.; Vicini, P.; Viola, S.; Vivolo, D.; Volkert, M.; Voulgaris, G.; Wiggers, L.; Wilms, J.; De Wolf, E.; Zachariadou, K.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zúñiga, J.


    The main objectives of the KM3NeT Collaboration are (i) the discovery and subsequent observation of high-energy neutrino sources in the Universe and (ii) the determination of the mass hierarchy of neutrinos. These objectives are strongly motivated by two recent important discoveries, namely: (1) the

  9. Meson decay studies with the KLOE detector at DAΦNE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Branchini, P.; Aloisio, A.; Ambrosino, F.; Antonelli, A.; Antonelli, M.; Bacci, C.; Barva, M.; Bencivenni, G.; Bertolucci, S.; Bini, C.; Bloise, C.; Bocci, V.; Bossi, F.; Branchini, P.; Bulychjov, S.A.; Caloi, R.; Campana, P.; Capon, G.; Capussela, T.; Carboni, G.; Ceradini, F.; Cervelli, F.; Cevenini, F.; Chiefari, G.; Ciambrone, P.; Conetti, S.; De Lucia, E.; De Santis, A.; De Simone, P.; De Zorzi, G.; Dell'Agnello, S.; Denig, A.; Di Domenico, A.; Di Donato, C.; Di Falco, S.; Di Micco, B.; Doria, A.; Dreucci, M.; Erriquez, O.; Farilla, A.; Felici, G.; Ferrari, A.; Ferrer, M.L.; Finocchiaro, G.; Forti, C.; Franzini, P.; Gatti, C.; Gauzzi, P.; Giovannella, S.; Gorini, E.; Graziani, E.; Incagli, M.; Kluge, W.; Kulikov, V.; Lacava, F.; Lanfranchi, G.; Lee-Franzini, J.; Leone, D.; Lu, F.; Martemianov, M.; Martini, M.; Matsyuk, M.; Mei, W.; Merola, L.; Messi, R.; Miscetti, S.; Moulson, M.; Mueller, S.; Murtas, F.; Napolitano, M.; Nguyen, F.; Palutan, M.; Pasqualucci, E.; Passalacqua, L.; Passeri, A.; Patera, V.; Perfetto, F.; Petrolo, E.; Pontecorvo, L.; Primavera, M.; Santangelo, P.; Santovetti, E.; Saracino, G.; Schamberger, R.D.; Sciascia, B.; Sciubba, A.; Scuri, F.; Sfiligoi, I.; Sibidanov, A.; Spadaro, T.; Spiriti, E.; Testa, M.; Tortora, L.; Valente, P.; Valeriani, B.; Venanzoni, G.; Veneziano, S.; Ventura, A.; Versaci, R.; Villella, I.; Xu, G.


    The KLOE experiment has been collecting data since april 1999 at the DAΦNE collider in Frascati. A statistics of about 0.45 fb-1 has been analyzed. The latest results concerning the study of the φ radiative decays and of the kaon decays are illustrated in this paper

  10. Letter of intent for KM3NeT 2.0

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Adrián-Martínez, S.; Ageron, M.; Aharonian, F.; Aiello, S.; Albert, A.; Ameli, F.; Anassontzis, E.; Andre, M.; Androulakis, G.; Anghinolfi, M.; Anton, G.; Ardid, M.; Avgitas, T.; Barbarino, G.; Barbarito, E.; Baret, B.; Barrios-Martí, J.; Belhorma, B.; Belias, A.; Berbee, E.; van den Berg, A.; Bertin, V.; Beurthey, S.; van Beveren, V.; Beverini, N.; Biagi, S.; Biagioni, A.; Billault, M.; Bondi, M.; Bormuth, R.; Bouhadef, B.; Bourlis, G.; Bourret, S.; Boutonnet, C.; Bouwhuis, M.; Bozza, C.; Bruijn, R.; Brunner, J.; Buis, E.; Busto, J.; Cacopardo, G.; Caillat, L.; Calamai, M.; Calvo, D.; Capone, A.; Caramete, L.; Cecchini, S.; Celli, S.; Champion, C.; Cherkaoui El Moursli, R.; Cherubini, S.; Chiarusi, T.; Circella, M.; Classen, L.; Cocimano, R.; Coelho, J.A.B.; Coleiro, A.; Colonges, S.; Coniglione, R.; Cordelli, M.; Cosquer, A.; Coyle, P.; Creusot, A.; Cuttone, G.; D'Amico, A.; De Bonis, G.; De Rosa, G.; De Sio, C.; Di Capua, F.; Di Palma, I.; Díaz García, A.F.; Distefano, C.; Donzaud, C.; Dornic, D.; Dorosti-Hasankiadeh, Q.; Drakopoulou, E.; Drouhin, D.; Drury, L.; Durocher, M.; Eberl, T.; Eichie, S.; van Eijk, D.; El Bojaddaini, I.; El Khayati, N.; Elsaesser, D.; Enzenhöfer, A.; Fassi, F.; Favali, P.; Fermani, P.; Ferrara, G.; Filippidis, C.; Frascadore, G.; Fusco, L.A.; Gal, T.; Galatà, S.; Garufi, F.; Gay, P.; Gebyehu, M.; Giordano, V.; Gizani, N.; Gracia, R.; Graf, K.; Grégoire, T.; Grella, G.; Habel, R.; Hallmann, S.; van Haren, H.; Harissopulos, S.; Heid, T.; Heijboer, A.; Heine, E.; Henry, S.; Hernández-Rey, J.J.; Hevinga, M.; Hofestädt, J.; Hugon, C.M.F.; Illuminati, G.; James, C.W.; Jansweijer, P.; Jongen, M.; de Jong, M.; Kadler, M.; Kalekin, O.; Kappes, A.; Katz, U.F.; Keller, P.; Kieft, G.; Kießling, D.; Koffeman, E.N.; Kooijman, P.; Kouchner, A.; Kulikovskiy, V.; Lahmann, R.; Lamare, P.; Leisos, A.; Leonora, E.; Lindsey Clark, M.; Liolios, A.; Llorens Alvarez, C.D.; Lo Presti, D.; Löhner, H.; Lonardo, A.; Lotze, M.; Loucatos, S.; Maccioni, E.; Mannheim, K.; Margiotta, A.; Marinelli, A.; Mariş, O.; Markou, C.; Martínez-Mora, J.A.; Martini, A.; Mele, R.; Melis, K.W.; Michael, T.; Migliozzi, P.; Migneco, E.; Mijakowski, P.; Miraglia, A.; Mollo, C.M.; Mongelli, M.; Morganti, M.; Moussa, A.; Musico, P.; Musumeci, M.; Navas, S.; Nicolau, C.A.; Olcina, I.; Olivetto, C.; Orlando, A.; Papaikonomou, A.; Papaleo, R.; Păvălaş, G.E.; Peek, H.; Pellegrino, C.; Perrina, C.; Pfutzner, M.; Piattelli, P.; Pikounis, K.; Poma, G.E.; Popa, V.; Pradier, T.; Pratolongo, F.; Pühlhofer, G.; Pulvirenti, S.; Quinn, L.; Racca, C.; Raffaelli, F.; Randazzo, N.; Rapidis, P.; Razis, P.; Real, D.; Resvanis, L.; Reubelt, J.; Riccobene, G.; Rossi, C.; Rovelli, A.; Saldaña, M.; Salvadori, I.; Samtleben, D.F.E.; Sánchez García, A.; Sánchez Losa, A.; Sanguineti, M.; Santangelo, A.; Santonocito, D.; Sapienza, P.; Schimmel, F.; Schmelling, J.; Sciacca, V.; Sedita, M.; Seitz, T.; Sgura, I.; Simeone, F.; Siotis, I.; Sipala, V.; Spisso, B.; Spurio, M.; Stavropoulos, G.; Steijger, J.; Stellacci, S.M.; Stransky, D.; Taiuti, M.; Tayalati, Y.; Tézier, D.; Theraube, S.; Thompson, L.; Timmer, P.; Tönnis, C.; Trasatti, L.; Trovato, A.; Tsirigotis, A.; Tzamarias, S.; Tzamariudaki, E.; Vallage, B.; Van Elewyck, V.; Vermeulen, J.; Vicini, P.; Viola, S.; Vivolo, D.; Volkert, M.; Voulgaris, G.; Wiggers, L.; Wilms, J.; de Wolf, E.; Zachariadou, K.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zúñiga, J.

    The main objectives of the KM3NeT Collaboration are (i) the discovery and subsequent observation of high-energy neutrino sources in the Universe and (ii) the determination of the mass hierarchy of neutrinos. These objectives are strongly motivated by two recent important discoveries, namely: (1) the

  11. Neoproterozoic structural evolution of the NE-trending Ad-Damm Shear Zone, Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia (United States)

    Hamimi, Zakaria; El-Sawy, El-Sawy K.; El-Fakharani, Abdelhamid; Matsah, Mohamed; Shujoon, Abdulrahman; El-Shafei, Mohamed K.


    The Ad-Damm Shear Zone (AdSZ) is a major NE- (to NNE-) trending fault zone separating Jiddah and Asir tectonic terranes in the Neoproterozoic Juvenile Arabian Shield (AS). AdSZ is characterized by the development of dextral transcurrent shear-sense indicators and moderately to steeply NW plunging stretching lineations. It is mainly developed under high amphibolite-to greenschist-facies conditions and extends ∼380 km, with an average width ∼2-4 km, from the conspicuous Ruwah Fault Zone in the eastern shield to the Red Sea Coastal plain. It was believed to be one of the conjugate shears of the NW- to NNW-trending sinistral Najd Shear System. This assumption is, based on the noteworthy dextral shear criteria recorded within the 620 Ma mylonitic granite of No'man Complex. A total shear-zone strike length exceeding 117 km is carefully investigated during this study to reconstruct its structural evolution. Shear-sense indicators and other field observations including overprinting relations clearly demonstrate a complicated Neoproterozoic history of AdSZ, involving at least three phases of deformations (D1-D3). Both D1 and D2 phases were of contractional regime. During D1 phase a NW-SE compression led to the formation of NE-oriented low-angle thrusts and tight-overturned folds. D2 is represented by a NE-SW stress oriented that led to the development of an open folding. D3 is expressed by the NE-SW intensive dextral transcurrent brittle-ductile shearing. It is overprinting the early formed fabrics and played a significant role in the creation of AdSZ and the mega-scale related folds. Such deformation history reflects the same Neoproterozoic deformation regime recognized in the NE-trending shear zones in the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS).

  12. Intergenerational response to the endocrine disruptor vinclozolin is influenced by maternal genotype and crossing scheme. (United States)

    Pietryk, Edward W; Clement, Kiristin; Elnagheeb, Marwa; Kuster, Ryan; Kilpatrick, Kayla; Love, Michael I; Ideraabdullah, Folami Y


    In utero exposure to vinclozolin (VIN), an antiandrogenic fungicide, is linked to multigenerational phenotypic and epigenetic effects. Mechanisms remain unclear. We assessed the role of antiandrogenic activity and DNA sequence context by comparing effects of VIN vs. M2 (metabolite with greater antiandrogenic activity) and wild-type C57BL/6 (B6) mice vs. mice carrying mutations at the previously reported VIN-responsive H19/Igf2 locus. First generation offspring from VIN-treated 8nrCG mutant dams exhibited increased body weight and decreased sperm ICR methylation. Second generation pups sired by affected males exhibited decreased neonatal body weight but only when dam was unexposed. Offspring from M2 treatments, B6 dams, 8nrCG sires or additional mutant lines were not similarly affected. Therefore, pup response to VIN over two generations detected here was an 8nrCG-specific maternal effect, independent of antiandrogenic activity. These findings demonstrate that maternal effects and crossing scheme play a major role in multigenerational response to in utero exposures. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Strategic Plan for Nuclear Energy -- Knowledge Base for Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NE-KAMS)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rich Johnson; Kimberlyn C. Mousseau; Hyung Lee


    NE-KAMS knowledge base will assist computational analysts, physics model developers, experimentalists, nuclear reactor designers, and federal regulators by: (1) Establishing accepted standards, requirements and best practices for V&V and UQ of computational models and simulations, (2) Establishing accepted standards and procedures for qualifying and classifying experimental and numerical benchmark data, (3) Providing readily accessible databases for nuclear energy related experimental and numerical benchmark data that can be used in V&V assessments and computational methods development, (4) Providing a searchable knowledge base of information, documents and data on V&V and UQ, and (5) Providing web-enabled applications, tools and utilities for V&V and UQ activities, data assessment and processing, and information and data searches. From its inception, NE-KAMS will directly support nuclear energy research, development and demonstration programs within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), including the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL), the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS), the Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS), the Small Modular Reactors (SMR), and the Next Generation Nuclear Power Plant (NGNP) programs. These programs all involve computational modeling and simulation (M&S) of nuclear reactor systems, components and processes, and it is envisioned that NE-KAMS will help to coordinate and facilitate collaboration and sharing of resources and expertise for V&V and UQ across these programs. In addition, from the outset, NE-KAMS will support the use of computational M&S in the nuclear industry by developing guidelines and recommended practices aimed at quantifying the uncertainty and assessing the applicability of existing analysis models and methods. The NE-KAMS effort will initially focus on supporting the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and thermal hydraulics (T/H) analysis for M&S of nuclear



    Trstenjak, Simona


    Namen diplomskega dela Plesna vzgoja in različne glasbene zvrsti je s pomočjo teoretičnih izhodišč, ob opazovanju plesnega izražanja otrok, ugotoviti vpliv posamezne glasbene zvrsti na otroka pri plesni vzgoji. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov, teoretičnega in empiričnega. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili teorijo plesne vzgoje v predšolskem obdobju, kjer smo podrobneje opisali sam pomen in vpliv plesne vzgoje na predšolskega otroka, vsebine, cilje in načela ter metode plesne vzgo...

  15. Accurate Ne-heavier rare gas interatomic potentials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Candori, R.; Pirani, F.; Vecchiocattivi, F.


    Accurate interatomic potential curves for Ne-heavier rare gas systems are obtained by a multiproperty analysis. The curves are given via a parametric function which consists of a modified Dunham expansion connected at long range with the van der Waals expansion. The experimental properties considered in the analysis are the differential scattering cross sections at two different collision energies, the integral cross sections in the glory energy range and the second virial coefficients. The transport properties are considered indirectly by using the potential energy values recently obtained by inversion of the transport coefficients. (author)

  16. Recent results from KLOE at DAΦNE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martini, M.; Ambrosino, F.; Antonelli, A.


    We report in the following, latest results from the KLOE detector at DAΦNE, the Frascati φ-factory. KLOE has collected 2.5 fb -1 of e + e - collisions at center of mass energy around the φ mass. We are completing the analyses of the 2001–2002 data sample of 450 pb -1 and we present selected results based on the complete data sample. KLOE results could be divided into two categories kaonic and hadronic physics. We present last results on both topics describing the impact of the KLOE physics. (author)

  17. Boltzmann equation analysis of electrons swarm parameters and properties of excited particle number densities in Xe/Ne plasmas. Laser absorption effect; Xe/Ne plasma chudenshi yuso keisu narabi ni reiki ryushisu mitsudo tokusei no Boltzmann hoteishiki kaiseki. Laser ko kyushu koka

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uchida, S.; Sugawara, H.; Ventzek, P.; Sakai, Y. [Hokkaido University, Sapporo (Japan)


    Xe/Ne plasmas are important for plasma display panels and VUV light sources. However, reactions between electrons and excited particles in the mixtures are so complicated that influence of the reactions on the plasma properties is not understood well. In this work, taking account of reactions through which electrons are produced, such as cumulative and Penning ionization, and of transition between excited levels, the electron and excited particle properties in Xe/Ne plasmas are calculated using the Boltzmann equation. The ionization coefficient and electron drift velocity agreed with experimental data. The influence of laser absorption in Xe/Ne plasmas on the plasma properties is also discussed. 25 refs., 15 figs.

  18. Impact of the uncertainty in α-captures on {sup 22}Ne on the weak s-process in massive stars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nishimura, N. [Astrophysics group, EPSAM, Keele University, Keele, ST5 1BH, UK and NuGrid Project (United Kingdom); Hirschi, R. [Astrophysics group, EPSAM, Keele University, Keele, ST5 1BH, UK and Kavli IPMU (WPI), University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, 277-8583 (Japan); Pignatari, M. [NuGrid Project and Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel, CH-4056 (Switzerland); Herwig, F. [NuGrid Project and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC V8P5C2 (Canada); Beard, M. [NuGrid Project and Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (United States); Imbriani, G. [Dipartiment di Scienze Fisiche, Universita di Napoli Federico II, Napoli (Italy); Görres, J.; Boer, R. J. de; Wiescher, M. [Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (United States)


    Massive stars at solar metallicity contribute to the production of heavy elements with atomic masses between A = 60 and A = 90 via the so-called weak s-process (which takes place during core He and shell C burning phases). Furthermore, recent studies have shown that rotation boosts the s-process production in massive stars at low metallicities, with a production that may reach the barium neutron-magic peak. These results are very sensitive to neutron source and neutron poison reaction rates. For the weak s-process, the main neutron source is the reaction {sup 22}Ne(α,n){sup 25}Mg, which is in competition with {sup 22}Ne(α,γ){sup 26}Mg. The uncertainty of both rates strongly affects the nucleosynthesis predictions from stellar model calculations. In this study, we investigate the impact of the uncertainty in α-captures on {sup 22}Ne on the s-process nucleosynthesis in massive stars both at solar and at very low metallicity. For this purpose, we post-process, with the Nugrid mppnp code, non-rotating and rotating evolutionary models 25M{sub ⊙} stars at two different metallicities: Z = Z{sub ⊙} and Z = 10{sup −5}Z{sub ⊙}, respectively. Our results show that uncertainty of {sup 22}Ne(α,n){sup 25}Mg and {sup 22}Ne(α,γ){sup 26}Mg rates have a significant impact on the final elemental production especially for metal poor rotating models. Beside uncertainties in the neutron source reactions, for fast rotating massive stars at low metallicity we revisit the impact of the neutron poisoning effect by the reaction chain {sup 16}O(n,γ){sup 17}O(α,γ){sup 21}Ne, in competition with the {sup 17}O(α,n){sup 20}Ne, recycling the neutrons captured by {sup 16}O.

  19. Performance of back supportless CCDs for the NeXT mission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takagi, Shin-ichiro; Go Tsuru, Takeshi; Matsumoto, Hironori; Koyama, Katsuji; Tsunemi, Hiroshi; Miyata, Emi; Miyazaki, Satoshi; Kamata, Yukiko; Muramatsu, Masaharu; Suzuki, Hisanori; Miyaguchi, Kazuhisa


    New X-ray Telescope (NeXT) will be the next Japanese X-ray astronomical satellite, which will be launched around 2010. A multilayer super mirror will give NeXT a large effective area across the 0.1-80keV band. This wide bandpass requires a focal plane detector that is also sensitive along the entire energy band. As the focal plane detector for NeXT, we have been developing a Wideband hybrid X-ray Imager (WXI) consisting of X-ray CCDs and pixelized CdTe detector. The X-ray CCD of the WXI is required to maintain high quantum efficiency up to the high-energy band while allowing hard X-rays to pass undetected through the depletion (sensitive) layer. In order to meet these requirements, we have been developing a back supportless CCD (BS-CCD) which has a thick depletion layer, a thinned Si wafer and a back supportless structure. As the first step, we manufactured a test model of BS-CCD in order to (1) learn the handling and thinning process and (2) confirm that there is no change of the performance. For the mechanical strength and the safe handling of the wafer, we decided to thin the wafer to ∼200μm. We verified the thickness of the depletion layer and wafer of the BS-CCD to be about 70 and 190μm, respectively. The energy resolution at 5.9keV of 144eV and the read-out noise of 7 electrons (rms) are equal to those of an un-thinned CCD, hence, we confirmed that our thinning process has no effect on the performance

  20. Guided transmission of 3 keV Ne sup 7 sup + ions through nanocapillaries etched in a PET polymer

    CERN Document Server

    Stolterfoht, N; Hellhammer, R; Pesic, Z D; Fink, D; Petrov, A; Sulik, B


    We measured the transmission of 3 keV Ne sup 7 sup + ions through capillaries of 100 nm diameter and 10 mu m length produced by etching ion tracks in a polyethylene terephthalate polymer foil. The foils were tilted up to +-25 deg. for which the incident ions are forced to interact with the capillary surface. The majority of Ne sup 7 sup + ions were found to survive the transmission in their initial charge state. For tilted foils the angular distributions of the transmitted particles indicate propagation of the Ne sup 7 sup + ions parallel to the capillary axis. This capillary guiding of the Ne sup 7 sup + ion provides evidence that part of the ions deposit charges within the capillaries in a self-organizing process so that a considerable fraction of the ions is transmitted through the capillaries. A non-linear model is introduced to describe the essential features of the capillary guiding.

  1. La découverte de l'antihydrogène

    CERN Document Server

    Jacob, Maurice René Michel; CERN. Geneva


    1. L'antimatiÂ?re. Qu'est-ce que c'est? Comment apparaÂ?t-elle? Quel est d'ores et dÂ?jÂ? son rÂ?le au CERN et ailleurs? par Maurice JACOB 2. PrÂ?sentation de l'expÂ?rience PS210 qui a conduit Â? la dÂ?couverte de l'antihydrogÂ?ne par Mario MACRI

  2. Experimental Investigation of the ^{19}Ne(p,γ)^{20}Na Reaction Rate and Implications for Breakout from the Hot CNO Cycle. (United States)

    Belarge, J; Kuvin, S A; Baby, L T; Baker, J; Wiedenhöver, I; Höflich, P; Volya, A; Blackmon, J C; Deibel, C M; Gardiner, H E; Lai, J; Linhardt, L E; Macon, K T; Need, E; Rasco, B C; Quails, N; Colbert, K; Gay, D L; Keeley, N


    The ^{19}Ne(p,γ)^{20}Na reaction is the second step of a reaction chain which breaks out from the hot CNO cycle, following the ^{15}O(α,γ)^{19}Ne reaction at the onset of x-ray burst events. We investigate the spectrum of the lowest proton-unbound states in ^{20}Na in an effort to resolve contradictions in spin-parity assignments and extract reliable information about the thermal reaction rate. The proton-transfer reaction ^{19}Ne(d,n)^{20}Na is measured with a beam of the radioactive isotope ^{19}Ne at an energy around the Coulomb barrier and in inverse kinematics. We observe three proton resonances with the ^{19}Ne ground state, at 0.44, 0.66, and 0.82 MeV c.m. energies, which are assigned 3^{+}, 1^{+}, and (0^{+}), respectively. In addition, we identify two resonances with the first excited state in ^{19}Ne, one at 0.20 MeV and one, tentatively, at 0.54 MeV. These observations allow us for the first time to experimentally quantify the astrophysical reaction rate on an excited nuclear state. Our experiment shows an efficient path for thermal proton capture in ^{19}Ne(p,γ)^{20}Na, which proceeds through ground state and excited-state capture in almost equal parts and eliminates the possibility for this reaction to create a bottleneck in the breakout from the hot CNO cycle.

  3. Nuclear transfer reaction measurements at the ESR—for the investigation of the astrophysical 15O(α,γ)19Ne reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doherty, D T; Woods, P J; Davinson, T; Estrade, A; Lotay, G; Litvinov, Yu A; Brandau, C; Dillmann, I; Egelhof, P; Evdokimov, A; Gumberidze, A; Heil, M; Litvinov, S A; Kiselev, O; Najafi, M Ali; Bagchi, S; Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N; Bishop, S; Bo, M; Lederer, C


    Astrophysical x-ray bursts are thought to be a result of thermonuclear explosions on the atmosphere of an accreting neutron star. Between these bursts, energy is thought to be generated by the hot CNO cycles. The 15 O(α,γ) 19 Ne reaction is one reaction that allows breakout from these CNO cycles and into the rp-process to fuel outbursts. The reaction is expected to be dominated by a single 3/2 + resonance at 4.033 MeV in 19 Ne, however, limited information is available on this key state. This work reports on a pioneering study of the 20 Ne(p,d) 19 Ne reaction, performed in inverse kinematics at the experimental storage ring (ESR) as a means of accessing the astrophysically important 4.033 MeV state in 19 Ne. The unique, background free, high luminosity conditions of the storage ring were utilized for this, the first transfer reaction performed at the ESR. The results of this pioneering test experiment are presented along with suggestions for future measurements at storage ring facilities. (paper)

  4. The measurement and interpretation of Ne VII spectral line intensity ratios

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lang, J.


    Results are presented for the measurement, using the branching ratios calibration method, of the spectral intensities of Ne VII lines emitted from a theta-pinch plasma whose electron temperature and density have been found by laser scattering and alternate techniques. (author)


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wood, Brian E.; Müller, Hans-Reinhard; Bzowski, Maciej; Sokół, Justyna M.; Möbius, Eberhard; Witte, Manfred; McComas, David J.


    We explore the possibility that interstellar O and Ne may be contributing to the particle signal from the GAS instrument on Ulysses, which is generally assumed to be entirely He. Motivating this study is the recognition that an interstellar temperature higher than any previously estimated from Ulysses data could potentially resolve a discrepancy between Ulysses He measurements and those from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX). Contamination by O and Ne could lead to Ulysses temperature measurements that are too low. We estimate the degree of O and Ne contamination necessary to increase the inferred Ulysses temperature to 8500 K, which would be consistent with both the Ulysses and IBEX data given the same interstellar flow speed. We find that producing the desired effect requires a heavy element contamination level of ∼9% of the total Ulysses/GAS signal. However, this degree of heavy element contribution is about an order of magnitude higher than expected based on our best estimates of detection efficiencies, ISM abundances, and heliospheric survival probabilities, making it unlikely that heavy element contamination is significantly affecting temperatures derived from Ulysses data


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wood, Brian E. [Naval Research Laboratory, Space Science Division, Washington, DC 20375 (United States); Müller, Hans-Reinhard [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755 (United States); Bzowski, Maciej; Sokół, Justyna M. [Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Ul. Bartycka 18 A, 00-716 Warsaw (Poland); Möbius, Eberhard [Space Science Center and Department of Physics, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824 (United States); Witte, Manfred [Max-Planck-Institute for Solar System Research, Katlenburg-Lindau (Germany); McComas, David J., E-mail: [Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX 78228 (United States)


    We explore the possibility that interstellar O and Ne may be contributing to the particle signal from the GAS instrument on Ulysses, which is generally assumed to be entirely He. Motivating this study is the recognition that an interstellar temperature higher than any previously estimated from Ulysses data could potentially resolve a discrepancy between Ulysses He measurements and those from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX). Contamination by O and Ne could lead to Ulysses temperature measurements that are too low. We estimate the degree of O and Ne contamination necessary to increase the inferred Ulysses temperature to 8500 K, which would be consistent with both the Ulysses and IBEX data given the same interstellar flow speed. We find that producing the desired effect requires a heavy element contamination level of ∼9% of the total Ulysses/GAS signal. However, this degree of heavy element contribution is about an order of magnitude higher than expected based on our best estimates of detection efficiencies, ISM abundances, and heliospheric survival probabilities, making it unlikely that heavy element contamination is significantly affecting temperatures derived from Ulysses data.

  7. U,Th-21Ne dating and its applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Basu, Sudeshna; Murty, S.V.S.; Anil Kumar


    The potential of radiogenic and fissiogenic noble gas isotopes as dating tools has been well exploited. U, Th- 4 He , K- 40 Ar and U- fission Xe pairs as well as their variants like 39 Ar- 40 Ar and induced fission Xe- spontaneous fission Xe pairs have been extensively used as geochronological tools. A new dating method that utilizes the nucleogenic isotope 21 Ne and demonstrate its application for an apatite separate from a carbonatite is proposed

  8. Comparison of Americium-Beryllium neutron spectrum obtained using activation foil detectors and NE-213 spectrometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sunny, Sunil; Subbaiah, K.V.; Selvakumaran, T.S.


    Neutron spectrum of Americium - Beryllium (α,n) source is measured with two different spectrometers vis-a-vis activation foils (foil detectors) and NE-213 organic scintillator. Activity induced in the foils is measured with 4π-β-γ sodium iodide detector by integrating counts under photo peak and the saturation activity is found by correcting to elapsed time before counting. The data on calculated activity is fed into the unfolding code, SAND-II to obtain neutron spectrum. In the case of organic scintillator, the pulse height spectrum is obtained using MCA and this is processed with unfolding code DUST in order to get neutron spectrum. The Americium - Beryllium (α,n) neutron spectrum thus obtained by two different methods is compared. It is inferred that the NE-213 scintillator spectrum is in excellent agreement with the values beyond 1MeV. Neutron spectrum obtained by activation foils depends on initial guess spectrum and is found to be in reasonable agreement with NE-213 spectrum. (author)

  9. The parasite Ichthyophonus sp. in Pacific herring from the coastal NE Pacific (United States)

    Hershberger, Paul K.; Gregg, Jacob L.; Hart, Lucas M.; Moffitt, Steve; Brenner, Richard L.; Stick, K.; Coonradt, Eric; Otis, E. O.; Vollenweider, Johanna J.; Garver, Kyle A.; Lovy, Jan; Meyers, T.R.


    The protistan parasite Ichthyophonus occurred in populations of Pacific herring Clupea pallasii Valenciennes throughout coastal areas of the NE Pacific, ranging from Puget Sound, WA north to the Gulf of Alaska, AK. Infection prevalence in local Pacific herring stocks varied seasonally and annually, and a general pattern of increasing prevalence with host size and/or age persisted throughout the NE Pacific. An exception to this zoographic pattern occurred among a group of juvenile, age 1+ year Pacific herring from Cordova Harbor, AK in June 2010, which demonstrated an unusually high infection prevalence of 35%. Reasons for this anomaly were hypothesized to involve anthropogenic influences that resulted in locally elevated infection pressures. Interannual declines in infection prevalence from some populations (e.g. Lower Cook Inlet, AK; from 20–32% in 2007 to 0–3% during 2009–13) or from the largest size cohorts of other populations (e.g. Sitka Sound, AK; from 62.5% in 2007 to 19.6% in 2013) were likely a reflection of selective mortality among the infected cohorts. All available information for Ichthyophonus in the NE Pacific, including broad geographic range, low host specificity and presence in archived Pacific herring tissue samples dating to the 1980s, indicate a long-standing host–pathogen relationship.

  10. O tempo vivido na perspectiva fenomenológica de Eugène Minkowski El tiempo vivido en la perspectiva fenomenológica de Eugène Minkowski The lived-time in the phenomenological perspective of Eugène Minkowski

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virginia E. Suassuna Martins Costa


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo abordar as concepções de tempo assimilado ao espaço e de tempo vivido, especificando seus elementos estruturais e os fenômenos a eles relacionados, com base na perspectiva de Eugène Minkowski. Para tal, evidencia algumas conceituações a respeito do tempo em Santo Agostinho e em Henry Bergson", assim com em alguns aspectos biográficos de Minkowski, que contribuíram para a compreensão a respeito do fenômeno tempo. Como meta, pretende oferecer subsídios para a reflexão dos profissionais de saúde no encontro clínico.Este artículo tiene el objetivo de tratar sobre los conceptos del tiempo asimilados al espacio y del tiempo vivido, especificando sus elementos estructurales y fenómenos relacionados, embasados en la perspectiva de Eugène Minkowski. Para esto, se evidencia algunos conceptos relacionados con el tiempo en Santo Agostinho y en Henry Bergson, así como los aspectos biográficos de Minkowski que han contribuido para entenderse sobre el fenómeno del tiempo. Como meta, este artículo se propone a ofrecer subsidios a la reflexión por los profesionales de salud en el encuentro clínico.This article has the objective to deal about the conceptions of time assimilated with the space and the lived time, specifying its structural elements and related phenomena, based on Eugène Minkowski's perspective. For this, it is evidenced some concepts related to time in Saint Augustin and in Henry Bergson, as well as some Minkowski's biographic aspects that have contributed for understanding about time's phenomenon. As a goal, this paper intends to offer subsidies for the reflection by health professionals on clinic meeting.

  11. A combined muon-neutrino and electron-neutrino oscillation search at MiniBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Monroe, Jocelyn Rebecca [Columbia Univ., New York, NY (United States)


    MiniBooNE seeks to corroborate or refute the unconfirmed oscillation result from the LSND experiment. If correct, the result implies that a new kind of massive neutrino, with no weak interactions, participates in neutrino oscillations. MiniBooNE searches for vμ → ve oscillations with the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 8 GeV beam line, which produces a vμ beam with an average energy of ~ 0.8 GeV and an intrinsic ve content of 0.4%. The neutrino detector is a 6.1 m radius sphere filled with CH2, viewed by 1540 photo-multiplier tubes, and located 541 m downstream from the source. This work focuses on the estimation of systematic errors associated with the neutrino flux and neutrino interaction cross section predictions, and in particular, on constraining these uncertainties using in-situ MiniBooNE vμ charged current quasielastic (CCQE) scattering data. A data set with ~ 100,000 events is identified, with 91% CCQE purity. This data set is used to measure several parameters of the CCQE cross section: the axial mass, the Fermi momentum, the binding energy, and the functional dependence of the axial form factor on four-momentum transfer squared. Constraints on the vμ and ve fluxes are derived using the vμ CCQE data set. A Monte Carlo study of a combined vμ disappearance and ve appearance oscillation fit is presented, which improves the vμ → ve oscillation sensitivity of MiniBooNE with respect to a ve appearance-only fit by 1.2-1.5σ, depending on the value of Δm2.

  12. Studies of continuum states in {sup 16}Ne using three-body correlation techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marganiec, J. [Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Institut fuer Kernphysik, Darmstadt (Germany); GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt (Germany); Research Division GSI, ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, Darmstadt (Germany); Wamers, F. [Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Institut fuer Kernphysik, Darmstadt (Germany); GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt (Germany); Research Division GSI, ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, Darmstadt (Germany); Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies FIAS, Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Aksouh, F.; Aksyutina, Yu.; Boretzky, K.; Chatillon, A.; Emling, H.; Geissel, H.; Heil, M.; Hoffmann, J.; Karagiannis, C.; Kiselev, O.A.; Kurz, N.; Litvinov, Yu.A.; Muentz, C.; Nociforo, C.; Ott, W.; Rossi, D.; Simon, H.; Suemmerer, K.; Weick, H. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt (Germany); Alvarez-Pol, H.; Beceiro-Novo, S.; Cortina-Gil, D.; Rodriguez-Tajes, C. [Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Grupo de Fisica Nuclear, Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Aumann, T.; Panin, V. [Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Institut fuer Kernphysik, Darmstadt (Germany); GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt (Germany); Borge, M.J.G. [CERN, ISOLDE-EP, Geneva (Switzerland); CSIC, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, Madrid (Spain); Chartier, M. [University of Liverpool, Department of Physics, Liverpool (United Kingdom); Chulkov, L.V. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt (Germany); Kurchatov Institute, Moscow (Russian Federation); Ershova, O.; Langer, C.; Plag, R.; Reifarth, R.; Wimmer, C. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt (Germany); Goethe Universitaet, Institut fuer Angewandte Physik, Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Fraile, L.M. [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, CEI Moncloa, Grupo de Fisica Nuclear, FAMN, Madrid (Spain); Fynbo, H.O.U.; Riisager, K. [University of Aarhus, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus (Denmark); Galaviz, D.; Perea, A.; Tengblad, O. [CSIC, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, Madrid (Spain); Hoffmann, D.H.H.; Richter, A.; Schrieder, G. [Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Institut fuer Kernphysik, Darmstadt (Germany); Johansson, H.T.; Jonson, B.; Nilsson, T.; Nyman, G.; Zhukov, M.V. [Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola, Fundamental Fysik, Goeteborg (Sweden); Kratz, J.V. [Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz, Institut fuer Kernchemie, Mainz (Germany); Kulessa, R. [Uniwersytet Jagellonski, Instytut Fizyki, Krakov (Poland); Lantz, M. [Uppsala Universitet, Institutionen foer fysik och astronomi, Uppsala (Sweden); Le Bleis, T. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt (Germany); Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Physik-Department E12, Garching (Germany); Lemmon, R. [STFC Daresbury Lab, Warrington, Nuclear Physics Group, Cheshire (United Kingdom); Mahata, K. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt (Germany); Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Nuclear Physics Division, Trombay (India); Paschalis, S. [Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Institut fuer Kernphysik, Darmstadt (Germany); University of Liverpool, Department of Physics, Liverpool (United Kingdom); Savran, D. [Research Division GSI, ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, Darmstadt (Germany); Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies FIAS, Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Stroth, J. [Goethe Universitaet, Institut fuer Angewandte Physik, Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Wiescher, M. [University of Notre Dame, JINA, Notre Dame, IN (United States)


    Two-proton decay of the unbound T{sub z} =-2 nucleus {sup 16}Ne, produced in one-neutron knockout from a 500 MeV/u {sup 17}Ne beam, has been studied at GSI. The ground state, at a resonance energy 1.388(15) MeV, (Γ = 0.082(15) MeV) above the {sup 14}O+p+p threshold, and two narrow resonances at E{sub r} = 3.220(46) MeV and 7.57(6) MeV have been investigated. A comparison of the energy difference between the first excited 2{sup +} state and the 0{sup +} ground state in {sup 16}Ne with its mirror nucleus {sup 16}C reveals a small Thomas-Ehrman shift (TES) of +70(46) keV. A trend of the TES for the T = 2 quintet is obtained by completing the known data with a prediction for {sup 16}F obtained from an IMME analysis. The decay mechanisms of the observed three resonances were revealed from an analysis of the energy and angular correlations of the {sup 14}O+p+p decay products. The ground state decay can be considered as a genuine three-body (democratic) mode and the excited states decay sequentially via states in the intermediate nucleus {sup 15}F, the 3.22 MeV state predominantly via the {sup 15}F ground-state resonance, while the 7.57 MeV state decays via the 5/2{sup +} resonance in {sup 15}F at 2.8 MeV above the {sup 14}O+p+p threshold. Further, from an analysis of angular correlations, the spin-parity of the 7.57 MeV state has been determined as I{sup π} = 2{sup +} and assigned as the third 2{sup +} state in {sup 16}Ne based on a comparison with {sup 16}C. (orig.)

  13. Coulomb excitation of radioactive Na21 and its stable mirror Ne21 (United States)

    Schumaker, M. A.; Cline, D.; Hackman, G.; Morton, A. C.; Pearson, C. J.; Svensson, C. E.; Wu, C. Y.; Andreyev, A.; Austin, R. A. E.; Ball, G. C.; Bandyopadhyay, D.; Becker, J. A.; Boston, A. J.; Boston, H. C.; Buchmann, L.; Churchman, R.; Cifarelli, F.; Cooper, R. J.; Cross, D. S.; Dashdorj, D.; Demand, G. A.; Dimmock, M. R.; Drake, T. E.; Finlay, P.; Gallant, A. T.; Garrett, P. E.; Green, K. L.; Grint, A. N.; Grinyer, G. F.; Harkness, L. J.; Hayes, A. B.; Kanungo, R.; Leach, K. G.; Lee, G.; Maharaj, R.; Martin, J.-P.; Moisan, F.; Mythili, S.; Nelson, L.; Newman, O.; Nolan, P. J.; Orce, J. N.; Padilla-Rodal, E.; Phillips, A. A.; Porter-Peden, M.; Ressler, J. J.; Roy, R.; Ruiz, C.; Sarazin, F.; Scraggs, D. P.; Waddington, J. C.; Wan, J. M.; Whitbeck, A.; Williams, S. J.; Wong, J.


    The low-energy structures of the mirror nuclei Ne21 and radioactive Na21 have been examined by using Coulomb excitation at the TRIUMF-ISAC radioactive ion beam facility. Beams of ~5×106 ions/s were accelerated to 1.7 MeV/A and Coulomb excited in a 0.5 mg/cm2 natTi target. Scattered beam and target particles were detected by the segmented Si detector BAMBINO, while γ rays were observed by using two TIGRESS HPGe clover detectors perpendicular to the beam axis. For each isobar, Coulomb excitation from the (3)/(2)+ ground state to the first excited (5)/(2)+ state was observed and B(E2) values were determined by using the 2+→0+ de-excitation in Ti48 as a reference. The ϕ segmentation of BAMBINO was used to deduce tentative assignments for the signs of the mixing ratios between the E2 and M1 components of the transitions. The resulting B(E2)↑ values are 131±9e2 fm4 (25.4±1.7 W.u.) for Ne21 and 205±14e2 fm4 (39.7±2.7 W.u.) for Na21. The fit to the present data and the known lifetimes determined E2/M1 mixing ratios and B(M1)↓ values of δ=(-)0.0767±0.0027 and 0.1274±0.0025μN2 and δ=(+)0.0832±0.0028 and 0.1513±0.0017μN2 for Ne21 and Na21, respectively (with Krane and Steffen sign convention). By using the effective charges ep=1.5e and en=0.5e, the B(E2) values produced by the p-sd shell model are 30.7 and 36.4 W.u. for Ne21 and Na21, respectively. This analysis resolves a significant discrepancy between a previous experimental result for Na21 and shell-model calculations.

  14. Influence of left right asymmetry degrees of freedom in self-consistent calculation of 20Ne

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marcos, S.; Flocard, H.; Heenen, P.H.


    Within a constrained Hartree-Fock calculation we investigate the effects of left right asymmetric degrees of freedom associated with the channel 16 O + 4 He 20 Ne. We find a large softness of 20 Ne against octupole deformation. The optimal solution after restoration of the parity by means of a projection shows a pronouned 16 O + 4 He clustering. A generator coordinate calculation along the collective path confirms this conclusion. Once center of mass motion effects are taken into account a good agreement with experiment is found

  15. Microsolvation of the water cation in neon: Infrared spectra and potential energy surface of the H2O+-Ne open-shell ionic complex (United States)

    Dopfer, Otto; Roth, Doris; Maier, John P.


    The intermolecular potential of the H2O+-Ne open-shell ionic dimer in its doublet electronic ground state has been investigated by infrared spectroscopy in the vicinity of the O-H stretch vibrations (ν1 and ν3) and ab initio calculations at the unrestricted Møller-Plesset second-order (MP2) level with a basis set of aug-cc-pVTZ quality. The rovibrational structure of the photodissociation spectrum is consistent with a proton-bound planar H-O-H-Ne structure and a Ne-H separation of R0=1.815(5) Å. The complexation-induced redshifts are Δν1=-69 cm-1 and Δν3=-6 cm-1, respectively. Tunneling splittings observed in the perpendicular component of the ν3 hybrid band of H2O+-Ne are attributed to hindered internal rotation between the two equivalent proton-bound equilibrium structures. The interpretation of the H2O+-Ne spectrum is supported by the spectrum of the monodeuterated species, for which both the proton-bound and the deuteron-bound isomers are observed (DOH+-Ne, HOD+-Ne). The equilibrium structure of the calculated potential energy surface of H2O+-Ne has a slightly translinear proton bond, which is characterized by a Ne-H separation of Re=1.77 Å, a bond angle of φe=174°, and dissociation energies of De=756 cm-1 and D0=476 cm-1. According to the calculated potential, the exchange tunneling between the two equivalent minima occurs via the planar bridged transition state with C2v symmetry and a barrier of 340 cm-1. In general, the calculated properties of H2O+-Ne show good agreement with the experimental data. Initial steps in the microsolvation of the water cation in neon are discussed by comparing the calculated and experimental properties of H2O+-Nen (n=0-2) with neon matrix isolation data (n→∞).

  16. The resonant structure of ^18Ne and its relevance in the breakout of the Hot CNO cycle (United States)

    Almaraz-Calderon, S.; Tan, W.; Aprahamian, A.; Bucher, B.; Gorres, J.; Roberts, A.; Villano, A.; Wiescher, M.; Brune, C.; Heinen, Z.; Massey, T.; Mach, H.; Guray, N.; Guray, R. T.


    In explosive hydrogen burning environments such as Novae and X-ray bursts, temperatures and densities achieved are sufficiently high to bypass the beta decay of the waiting points of the hot CNO cycle by alpha captures, leading to a thermonuclear runaway via the rp-process. One of the two paths to a breakout from the hot CNO cycle is the route starting from ^14O(α,p)^17F followed by ^17F(p,γ)^18Ne and ^18Ne(α,p). The ^14O(α,p) reaction proceeds through resonant states in ^18Ne, making the reaction rate dependent on the excitation energies and spins as well as partial and total widths of these resonances. We used the ^16O(^3He,n) reaction and charged particle-neutron coincidences to measure the structure details of levels in ^18Ne. In particular, the α and proton decay branching ratios via ground state and excited states in ^17F were measured. The analysis of the data will allow us to provide crucial information to be included in the reaction network calculations that could have great impact on the nuclear energy generation and nucleosynthesis that occur in these explosive environments.

  17. Vişne ve Nar Suyu ve Konsantratlarında Antosiyaninlerin Degradasyonu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Narmela Asafı


    Full Text Available Nar ve vişne suyu konsantratlarında antosiyaninlerin parçalanması üzerine sıcaklığın etkisi incelenmiştir. 70°Bx'lik konsantratlardan 45°Bx ve 15° Bx lik örnekler hazırlanarak -18°C, 5°C, 20°C ve 37°C depolanmıştır. Depolanma süresince, sıcaklık dercesine bağlı olarak değişik aralıklarla alman örneklerde antosiyanin kaybı saptanarak parçalanma hızı incelenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre antosiyaninlerin parçalanma­sı birinci dereceden bir reaksiyon kinetiğine göre gelişmektedir. Tüm örneklerde beklendiği gibi sıcaklık derecesi yükseldikçe antosiyaninlerin degradasyon hızları artmaktadır. Örneğin 15° Bx'lik vişne suyunda -18°C'de hız konsantı k=0.534 x 10-3 gün-1 olduğu halde, 37°C'de k= 184 x 10-3 gün-1 'e yükselmiştir. Aynı şekilde 15° Bx'lik vişne suyunda -18°C'de hız konstantı k= 0.203 x 10-3 gün-1 olduğu halde 37°C'de k= 94 x10-3 gün-1'e yükselmiştir. Ayrıca reaksiyonun sıcaklığa bağımlılığı, Arrhenius eşitliğinden yararlanarak açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Nar suyu ve konsantratlannda antosiyaninlerin degradasyon hızı, vişne suyu ve konsantratlarında olduğundan daha yüksektir. Böylece nar suyu ve konsantratlarında depolama süresince sıcaklığa bağlı olarak hızla renk kaybı oluşmaktadır. Ayrıca doğal briksindeki vişne suyunda antosiyaninler, konsantratlarda olduğundan daha stabil olduğu halde nar suyunda bunun aksine konsantratlardaki antosiyaninlerin daha stabil ol­duğu anlaşılmaktadır.

  18. Effects of He-Ne laser beam on mechanical, heat, chemical and superficial wounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kakai, S.F.K.; Albarwari, S.E.; Alsenawi, T.A.


    This study summarizes the effects of low-doses of He-Ne laser radiation (λ = 6328 A), on healing of four types of wounds, including mechanical, heat, chemical and superficial wounds. The results revealed that variations between complete wound-closure in irradiated samples and that of control groups were statistically significant. Moreover, the results suggest that the stimulative action of laser is an accumulative phenomenon, that affects factors involved in the course of wound healing. The results also indicate that the skin epithelium is a highly responsive tissue towards this sort of radiation, which suggests that the stimulative action of He-Ne laser could be assayed easily by using such tissues as a test target. (author). 11 refs, 2 tabs

  19. Emission of high-energy charged particles at 00 in Ne-induced reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Borcea, C.; Gierlik, E.; Kalinin, A.M.; Kalpakchieva, R.; Oganessia, Yu.Ts.; Pawlat, T.; Penionzhkevich, Yu.E.; Ryakhlyuk, A.V.


    Inclusive energy spectra have been measured for light charged particles emitted in the bombardment of 232 Th, 181 Ta, sup(nat)Ti and 12 C targets by 22 Ne ions at 178 MeV and sup(nat)Ti target by 20 Ne ions at 196 MeV. The reaction products were analysed and detected by means of a ΔE-E telescope placed in the focal plane of a magnetic spectrometer located at an angle of 0 deg with respect to the beam direction. In all the reactions studied light charged particles with an energy close to the respective calculated kinematic limit for a two-body exit channel are produced with relatively great probability. The results obtained make it possible to draw some conclusions about the reaction mechanism involving the emission of light charged particles

  20. Eesti parima lühifilmi tegi Madli Lääne

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Pimedate Ööde filmifestivali tudengi- ja lühifilmide alafestivali Sleepwalkers parimaks tunnistati Poola tudengi Jan Wagneri lühimängufilm "Porno". Eesti võistluse võitis Madli Lääne dokfilm "Tähelepanu, start!". Parim mängufilm oli Rootsi "Korterikaaslased" (režii Magnus Mork) ja animafilm USA "Erinevad asjaolud"

  1. Lääne ideaalid Venemaa tõlgenduses : ettevõtjate tootmine siirdeajal / Oksana Shmuljar Green ; tõlk. Kaarel Tarand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Shmuljar Green, Oksana


    Venemaal tekkinud uuest majandusühiskonnast, mis ei ole enam allutatud Nõukogude riigile nagu enne 1985. aastat, kuid mis pole ka enamikes lääneriikides tuntud kapitalistlik ühiskond. Lääne tegevuse kolmest mõõtmest Venemaa ümberkujundamisel: siirde diskursus, lääne investeeringud ja eraettevõtluse käivitamine


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Townsley, Dean M.; Jackson, Aaron P.; Calder, Alan C.; Chamulak, David A.; Brown, Edward F.; Timmes, F. X.


    We present a theoretical framework for formal study of systematic effects in supernovae Type Ia (SNe Ia) that utilizes two-dimensional simulations to implement a form of the deflagration-detonation transition (DDT) explosion scenario. The framework is developed from a randomized initial condition that leads to a sample of simulated SNe Ia whose 56 Ni masses have a similar average and range to those observed, and have many other modestly realistic features such as the velocity extent of intermediate-mass elements. The intended purpose is to enable statistically well defined studies of both physical and theoretical parameters of the SNe Ia explosion simulation. We present here a thorough description of the outcome of the SNe Ia explosions produced by our current simulations. A first application of this framework is utilized to study the dependence of the SNe Ia on the 22 Ne content, which is known to be directly influenced by the progenitor stellar population's metallicity. Our study is very specifically tailored to measure how the 22 Ne content influences the competition between the rise of plumes of burned material and the expansion of the star before these plumes reach DDT conditions. This influence arises from the dependence of the energy release, progenitor structure, and laminar flame speed on 22 Ne content. For this study, we explore these three effects for a fixed carbon content and DDT density. By setting the density at which nucleosynthesis takes place during the detonation phase of the explosion, the competition between plume rise and stellar expansion controls the amount of material in nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) and therefore 56 Ni produced. Of particular interest is how this influence of 22 Ne content compares to the direct modification of the 56 Ni mass via the inherent neutron excess as discussed by Timmes et al. Although the outcome following from any particular ignition condition can change dramatically with 22 Ne content, with a sample of

  3. Kaj napravi manj izobražene odrasle drugačne?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dušana Findeisen


    Full Text Available Avtorica v tem prispevku obravnava vprašanje: kako se učijo manj izobraženi odrasli. V zvezi s tem se ustavi tudi pri motivaciji za izobraževanje pri takšnih odraslih učencih in ugotavlja, da imajo le življenjske potrebe, ne pa tudi izobraževalnih. Pri tem uporabljajo tudi posebne načine učenja. Vse to narekuje mentorju drugačno programiranje in izpeljavo izobraževalnega programa. Vprašanje, ki se mu Dušana Findeisen najbolj posveti, je vprašanje mentorjevega diskurza, ki mora biti čim bolj podobno diskurzu, ki ponazarja delo. Mentorjeva govorica ne sme biti formalizirana in do kraja strukturirana. Mentor naj jo takoj oblikuje. Uporablja naj dosti parafraz. Njegova misel “Se mora iskati”. Svoja spoznanja avtorica opira na izkušnje pridobljene v jezikovnih tečajih, po programih, ki temeljijo na analiziranih govornih in drugih potrebah skupine, to je programih, namenjenih skupinam natakarjev in sprevodnikov na vlakih intercity.

  4. The Ne3LS Network, Quebec's initiative to evaluate the impact and promote a responsible and sustainable development of nanotechnology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Endo, Charles-Anica; Emond, Claude; Battista, Renaldo; Parizeau, Marie-Helene; Beaudry, Catherine


    The spectacular progress made by nanosciences and nanotechnologies elicits as much hope and fear. Consequently, a great number of research and training initiatives on the ethical, environmental, economic, legal and social issues regarding nanotechnology development (Ne 3 LS) are emerging worldwide. In Quebec, Canada, a Task Force was mandated by NanoQuebec to conceive a Ne 3 LS research and training strategy to assess those issues. This Task Force brought together experts from universities, governments or industry working in nanosciences and nanotechnologies or in Ne 3 LS. Their resulting action plan, made public in November 2006, contained several recommendations, including the creation of a knowledge network (Ne 3 LS Network). In the following years, after consulting with numerous key players concerned with the possible impacts of nanosciences and nanotechnologies in Quebec, the Ne 3 LS Network was launched in January 2010 in partnership with the Fonds quebecois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies, the Fonds quebecois de la recherche sur la societe et la culture and the Fonds de la recherche en sante du Quebec, NanoQuebec, the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauve en sante et en securite du travail as well as the University of Montreal. Its objectives are to 1) Foster the development of Ne 3 LS research activities (grants and fellowships); 2) Spearhead the Canadian and international Ne 3 LS network; 3) Take part in the training of researchers and experts; 4) Encourage the creation of interactive tools for the general public; 5) Facilitate collaboration between decision-makers and experts; 6) Involve the scientific community through a host of activities (symposium, conferences, thematic events); 7) Build multidisciplinary research teams to evaluate the impact of nanotechnology.

  5. LNG. Practice and policy. Meeting report NeVER, November 20, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holzhauer, R.W.


    Report is given of a meeting of the Netherlands Association for Energy Legislation (NeVER), which was held November 16, 2006, in Amsterdam, on the subject of LNG. More in particular third party access to LNG-terminals and related exemption regulations in Europe and the Netherlands [nl

  6. Helichrysum yurterianum (Asteraceae, Inuleae), a new species from NE Anatolia, Turkey

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gemici, Yusuf; Tan, Kit; Yildirim, Hasan


    Helichrysum yurterianum Y. Gemici, Kit Tan, H. Yildirim & M. Gemici (Asteraceae, Inuleae) is described and illustrated. It is a serpentine endemic restricted to the province of Erzincan in NE Anatolia, Turkey. Its affinities are with H. arenarium and H. noeanum, which both have a wider distribution...

  7. Impact of vinclozolin on reproductive behavior and endocrinology in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) (United States)

    McGary, S.; Henry, P.F.P.; Ottinger, M.A.


    The impact of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has been demonstrated in mammalian models, but less research is available for avian species. The effects of vinclozolin (VIN), an antiandrogenic fungicide, on sexual differentiation and maturation were investigated in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). On day 4 of incubation, embryos were exposed to no treatment, oil, or 25, 50, or 100 ppm of VIN. Endpoints measured included adult male reproductive behavior, hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone I (GnRH-I) content in hatchlings and adults, plasma steroid levels in hatchlings and adults, proctodeal gland growth during maturation, and relative testicular weight at seven weeks of age. Results showed that exposure to VIN significantly (p < 0.05) altered GnRH-I in male hatchlings, whereas GnRH-I levels in females remained unaffected. Although steroid levels were unaltered by any VIN treatment, the display of male reproductive behavior seemed delayed, with the number of mounts and the number of cloacal contacts being significantly (p < 0.05) lower in the VIN-treated males. This could have an extreme negative impact on wild avian species that are routinely exposed to similar EDCs.

  8. Birefringence Optical Feedback with a Folded Cavity in HeNe Laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Yun; Tan Yi-Dong


    The birefringence optical feedback with a folded cavity in HeNe laser is investigated. A theory model based on the equivalent cavity of the Fabry—Perot interferometer is presented. The phase difference between the two intensities in birefringence feedback is twice the retardation of the wave plate. The phase difference is invariable when the length of the feedback cavity changes. With the adoption of a cube corner prism (CCP) to form a folded cavity, the fringe frequency is doubled, and the resolution of the displacement sensor based on birefringence optical feedback with a folded cavity is improved. A resistance chain of 5-fold subdivision and 4-fold logic subdivision is used as further subdivision. The resolution of λ/80 is obtained eventually; for 632.8 nm HeNe laser it is 7.91 nm. The displacement sensor based on birefringence optical feedback with a folded cavity is simple and of high resolution, large measurement range, low cost, and is of great application potential in industry

  9. Controllers for Battery Chargers and Battery Chargers Therefrom (United States)

    Elmes, John (Inventor); Kersten, Rene (Inventor); Pepper, Michael (Inventor)


    A controller for a battery charger that includes a power converter has parametric sensors for providing a sensed Vin signal, a sensed Vout signal and a sensed Iout signal. A battery current regulator (BCR) is coupled to receive the sensed Iout signal and an Iout reference, and outputs a first duty cycle control signal. An input voltage regulator (IVR) receives the sensed Vin signal and a Vin reference. The IVR provides a second duty cycle control signal. A processor receives the sensed Iout signal and utilizes a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm, and provides the Vin reference to the IVR. A selection block forwards one of the first and second duty cycle control signals as a duty cycle control signal to the power converter. Dynamic switching between the first and second duty cycle control signals maximizes the power delivered to the battery.

  10. Effect of low dose of vinclozolin on reproductive tract development and sperm parameters in CD1 outbred mice. (United States)

    Elzeinova, Fatima; Novakova, Vendula; Buckiova, Daniela; Kubatova, Alena; Peknicova, Jana


    The effect of a low dose of vinclozolin within the development of the reproductive tract during gestation (VIN-GD 15-22) and puberty (VIN-PND 23-44) in CD1 mice was tested. We found a decrease in the anogenital distance, prostate weight and pathology of testes in both experimental groups. Sperm counts decreased to 46% (VIN-GD) and to 81% (VIN-PND), and also the acrosomal state (evaluated by antiacrosomal antibody) decreased in both groups to 89% in comparison to the control group (100%). Sperm head abnormalities increased by approximately 18% and 13%, respectively. In this connection, the expression of some genes was changed (arosome-related gene (Acr), apoptosis related genes (p53, p21)). In conclusion, a low dose of vinclozolin affected the reproductive tract, sperm parameters and expression of selected genes in both experimental groups.

  11. He-Ne Laser Irradiation Encourages reparative Processes After cartilage loss in New Zealand rabbits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ali, I.K.


    Many therapeutic methods used to encourage reparative processes of cartilage and accelerate their healing such as drugs, magneto-laser and so on.Twenty four adult New Zealand rabbits used in this study.They were divided in to two groups; control and treaded with He-Ne laser.A square skin flap done on the medial aspect of both auricles followed by pealing a square piece of cartilage from the auricle then the flaps sutured.The site of the operation in the rabbits of the treatedgroup were irradiated with He-Ne laser 5mw power for seven days began after the operation directly.3 rabbits from each group used for collection of specimens for histopathological examination at the 1, 2, 4 & 6 weeks post the operation.Significantly well developed cartilage growth, chondroblasts and chondrocytes invade the area of the operation.High increase in the thickness of connective tissue in the same area contain mainly collagen fibers and lesser amount of elastic fibers.He-Ne laser irradiation raised the mitotic activity of the cartilage cells, activated the reproduction processes in addition to the intra and extra regenerative repair

  12. Beam experiments with state selected Ne (3P0, 3P2) metastable atoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verheijen, M.J.


    Metastable rare gas atoms play an important role in all types of plasmas and gas discharges, e.g. in fluorescent lamps and in laser discharges (helium-neon laser or excimer lasers). In this thesis, the metastable states of NeI are studied. First, the theory of excited neon atoms and diatomic molecules is introduced, as well as Penning ionisation. Next, some experimental facilities are described (e.g. the dye laser system). With these instruments, natural lifetime measurements of the 2p fine structure states of NeI are carried out. Results are reported. Finally, total Penning ionisation cross sections are calculated using the optical potential model. (Auth.)

  13. The neXtProt peptide uniqueness checker: a tool for the proteomics community. (United States)

    Schaeffer, Mathieu; Gateau, Alain; Teixeira, Daniel; Michel, Pierre-André; Zahn-Zabal, Monique; Lane, Lydie


    The neXtProt peptide uniqueness checker allows scientists to define which peptides can be used to validate the existence of human proteins, i.e. map uniquely versus multiply to human protein sequences taking into account isobaric substitutions, alternative splicing and single amino acid variants. The pepx program is available at and can be launched from the command line or through a cgi web interface. Indexing requires a sequence file in FASTA format. The peptide uniqueness checker tool is freely available on the web at and from the neXtProt API at © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press.

  14. Nanobeacon: A low cost time calibration instrument for the KM3NeT neutrino telescope

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calvo, David [IFIC. Instituto de Física Corpuscular, CSIC-Universidad de Valencia, C/Catedrático José Beltrán, 2. 46980 Paterna (Spain); Collaboration: KM3NeT Collaboration


    The KM3NeT collaboration aims at the construction of a multi-km3 high-energy neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea consisting of a matrix of pressure resistant glass spheres holding each one a set (31) of small area photomultipliers. The main goal of the telescope is to observe cosmic neutrinos through the Cherenkov light induced in sea water by charged particles produced in neutrino interactions with the surrounding medium. A relative time calibration between photomultipliers of the order of 1 ns is required to achieve an optimal performance. Due to the high volume to be covered by KM3NeT, a cost reduction of the different systems is a priority. To this end a very low price calibration device, the so called Nanobeacon, has been designed and developed. At present one of such devices has already been integrated successfully at the KM3NeT telescope and eight of them in the Nemo Tower Phase II. In this article the main properties and operation of this device are described.

  15. Imaging the electron transfer reaction of Ne2+ with Ar using position-sensitive coincidence spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harper, Sarah M; Hu Wanping; Price, Stephen D


    A new experiment, employing position-sensitive detection coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry, has been used to investigate the single-electron transfer reaction between Ne 2+ and Ar by detecting the resulting pairs of singly charged ions in coincidence. The experimental technique allows the determination of the individual velocity vectors of the ionic products, in the centre-of-mass frame, for each reactive event detected. The experiments show that forward scattering dominates the reactivity, although a bimodal angular distribution is apparent. In addition, the spectra show that at laboratory frame collision energies from 4-14 eV the reactivity is dominated by Ne 2+ (2p 4 , 3 P) accepting an electron from an argon atom to form the ground state of Ne + together with an Ar + ion in an excited electronic level, predominantly arising from the Ar + (3s 2 3p 4 3d) configuration. The form of this reactivity, and the differences between the reactivity observed in these experiments and those performed at higher collision energies, are well reproduced by Landau-Zener theory

  16. Financial impact of improved pressure ulcer staging in the acute hospital with use of a new tool, the NE1 Wound Assessment Tool. (United States)

    Young, Daniel L; Shen, Jay J; Estocado, Nancy; Landers, Merrill R


    The NE1 Wound Assessment Tool (NE1 WAT; Medline Industries, Inc, Mundelein, Illinois), previously called the N.E. One Can Stage, was shown to significantly improve accuracy of pressure ulcer (PrU) staging. Improved PrU staging has many potential benefits, including improved care for the patient and better reimbursement. Medicare has incentivized good care and accurate identification of PrUs in the acute care hospital through an additional payment, the Medicare Severity-Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG). This article examines the financial impact of NE1 WAT use on the acute care hospital relative to MS-DRG reimbursement. PrU staging accuracy with and without use of the NE1 WAT from previous data was compared with acute care hospital PrU rates obtained from the 2006 National Inpatient Sample. Hill-Rom International Pressure Ulcer Prevalence Survey data were used to estimate the number of MS-DRG-eligible PrUs. There are between 390,000 and 130,000 MS-DRG-eligible PrUs annually. Given current PrU staging accuracy, approximately $209 million in MS-DRG money is being collected. With the improved staging afforded by the NE1 WAT, this figure is approximately $763.9 million. Subtracting the 2 reveals $554.9 million in additional reimbursement that could be generated by using the NE1 WAT. There is a tremendous financial incentive to improve PrU staging. The NE1 WAT has been shown to improve PrU staging accuracy significantly. This improvement has the potential to improve the financial health of acute care hospitals caring for patients with PrUs.

  17. The prototype detection unit of the KM3NeT detector (United States)

    Adrián-Martínez, S.; Ageron, M.; Aharonian, F.; Aiello, S.; Albert, A.; Ameli, F.; Anassontzis, E. G.; Androulakis, G. C.; Anghinolfi, M.; Anton, G.; Anvar, S.; Ardid, M.; Avgitas, T.; Balasi, K.; Band, H.; Barbarino, G.; Barbarito, E.; Barbato, F.; Baret, B.; Baron, S.; Barrios, J.; Belias, A.; Berbee, E.; van den Berg, A. M.; Berkien, A.; Bertin, V.; Beurthey, S.; van Beveren, V.; Beverini, N.; Biagi, S.; Biagioni, A.; Bianucci, S.; Billault, M.; Birbas, A.; Boer Rookhuizen, H.; Bormuth, R.; Bouché, V.; Bouhadef, B.; Bourlis, G.; Boutonnet, C.; Bouwhuis, M.; Bozza, C.; Bruijn, R.; Brunner, J.; Cacopardo, G.; Caillat, L.; Calamai, M.; Calvo, D.; Capone, A.; Caramete, L.; Caruso, F.; Cecchini, S.; Ceres, A.; Cereseto, R.; Champion, C.; Château, F.; Chiarusi, T.; Christopoulou, B.; Circella, M.; Classen, L.; Cocimano, R.; Coleiro, A.; Colonges, S.; Coniglione, R.; Cosquer, A.; Costa, M.; Coyle, P.; Creusot, A.; Cuttone, G.; D'Amato, C.; D'Amico, A.; De Bonis, G.; De Rosa, G.; Deniskina, N.; Destelle, J.-J.; Distefano, C.; Di Capua, F.; Donzaud, C.; Dornic, D.; Dorosti-Hasankiadeh, Q.; Drakopoulou, E.; Drouhin, D.; Drury, L.; Durand, D.; Eberl, T.; Elsaesser, D.; Enzenhöfer, A.; Fermani, P.; Fusco, L. A.; Gajanana, D.; Gal, T.; Galatà, S.; Garufi, F.; Gebyehu, M.; Giordano, V.; Gizani, N.; Gracia Ruiz, R.; Graf, K.; Grasso, R.; Grella, G.; Grmek, A.; Habel, R.; van Haren, H.; Heid, T.; Heijboer, A.; Heine, E.; Henry, S.; Hernández-Rey, J. J.; Herold, B.; Hevinga, M. A.; van der Hoek, M.; Hofestädt, J.; Hogenbirk, J.; Hugon, C.; Hößl, J.; Imbesi, M.; James, C. W.; Jansweijer, P.; Jochum, J.; de Jong, M.; Jongen, M.; Kadler, M.; Kalekin, O.; Kappes, A.; Kappos, E.; Katz, U.; Kavatsyuk, O.; Keller, P.; Kieft, G.; Koffeman, E.; Kok, H.; Kooijman, P.; Koopstra, J.; Korporaal, A.; Kouchner, A.; Kreykenbohm, I.; Kulikovskiy, V.; Lahmann, R.; Lamare, P.; Larosa, G.; Lattuada, D.; Le Provost, H.; Leismüller, K. P.; Leisos, A.; Lenis, D.; Leonora, E.; Lindsey Clark, M.; Llorens Alvarez, C. D.; Löhner, H.; Lonardo, A.; Loucatos, S.; Louis, F.; Maccioni, E.; Mannheim, K.; Manolopoulos, K.; Margiotta, A.; Mariş, O.; Markou, C.; Martínez-Mora, J. A.; Martini, A.; Masullo, R.; Melis, K. W.; Michael, T.; Migliozzi, P.; Migneco, E.; Miraglia, A.; Mollo, C. M.; Mongelli, M.; Morganti, M.; Mos, S.; Moudden, Y.; Musico, P.; Musumeci, M.; Nicolaou, C.; Nicolau, C. A.; Orlando, A.; Orzelli, A.; Papaikonomou, A.; Papaleo, R.; Păvălaş, G. E.; Peek, H.; Pellegrino, C.; Pellegriti, M. G.; Perrina, C.; Piattelli, P.; Pikounis, K.; Popa, V.; Pradier, Th.; Priede, M.; Pühlhofer, G.; Pulvirenti, S.; Racca, C.; Raffaelli, F.; Randazzo, N.; Rapidis, P. A.; Razis, P.; Real, D.; Resvanis, L.; Reubelt, J.; Riccobene, G.; Rovelli, A.; Saldaña, M.; Samtleben, D. F. E.; Sanguineti, M.; Santangelo, A.; Sapienza, P.; Schmelling, J.; Schnabel, J.; Sciacca, V.; Sedita, M.; Seitz, T.; Sgura, I.; Simeone, F.; Sipala, V.; Spitaleri, A.; Spurio, M.; Stavropoulos, G.; Steijger, J.; Stolarczyk, T.; Stransky, D.; Taiuti, M.; Terreni, G.; Tézier, D.; Théraube, S.; Thompson, L. F.; Timmer, P.; Trasatti, L.; Trovato, A.; Tselengidou, M.; Tsirigotis, A.; Tzamarias, S.; Tzamariudaki, E.; Vallage, B.; Van Elewyck, V.; Vermeulen, J.; Vernin, P.; Vicini, P.; Viola, S.; Vivolo, D.; Werneke, P.; Wiggers, L.; Wilms, J.; de Wolf, E.; van Wooning, R. H. L.; Zonca, E.; Zornoza, J. D.; Zúñiga, J.; Zwart, A.


    A prototype detection unit of the KM3NeT deep-sea neutrino telescope has been installed at 3500m depth 80 km offshore the Italian coast. KM3NeT in its final configuration will contain several hundreds of detection units. Each detection unit is a mechanical structure anchored to the sea floor, held vertical by a submerged buoy and supporting optical modules for the detection of Cherenkov light emitted by charged secondary particles emerging from neutrino interactions. This prototype string implements three optical modules with 31 photomultiplier tubes each. These optical modules were developed by the KM3NeT Collaboration to enhance the detection capability of neutrino interactions. The prototype detection unit was operated since its deployment in May 2014 until its decommissioning in July 2015. Reconstruction of the particle trajectories from the data requires a nanosecond accuracy in the time calibration. A procedure for relative time calibration of the photomultiplier tubes contained in each optical module is described. This procedure is based on the measured coincidences produced in the sea by the ^{40}K background light and can easily be expanded to a detector with several thousands of optical modules. The time offsets between the different optical modules are obtained using LED nanobeacons mounted inside them. A set of data corresponding to 600 h of livetime was analysed. The results show good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations of the expected optical background and the signal from atmospheric muons. An almost background-free sample of muons was selected by filtering the time correlated signals on all the three optical modules. The zenith angle of the selected muons was reconstructed with a precision of about 3°.

  18. Spectroscopy of lithium atoms sublimated from isolation matrix of solid Ne. (United States)

    Sacramento, R L; Scudeller, L A; Lambo, R; Crivelli, P; Cesar, C L


    We have studied, via laser absorption spectroscopy, the velocity distribution of (7)Li atoms released from a solid neon matrix at cryogenic temperatures. The Li atoms are implanted into the Ne matrix by laser ablation of a solid Li precursor. A heat pulse is then applied to the sapphire substrate sublimating the matrix together with the isolated atoms at around 12 K. We find interesting differences in the velocity distribution of the released Li atoms from the model developed for our previous experiment with Cr [R. Lambo, C. C. Rodegheri, D. M. Silveira, and C. L. Cesar, Phys. Rev. A 76, 061401(R) (2007)]. This may be due to the sublimation regime, which is at much lower flux for the Li experiment than for the Cr experiment, as well as to the different collisional cross sections between those species to the Ne gas. We find a drift velocity compatible with Li being thermally sublimated at 11-13 K, while the velocity dispersion around this drift velocity is low, around 5-7 K. With a slow sublimation of the matrix we can determine the penetration depth of the laser ablated Li atoms into the Ne matrix, an important information that is not usually available in most matrix isolation spectroscopy setups. The present results with Li, together with the previous results with Cr suggest this to be a general technique for obtaining cryogenic atoms, for spectroscopic studies, as well as for trap loading. The release of the isolated atoms is also a useful tool to study and confirm details of the matrix isolated atoms which are masked or poorly understood in the solid. © 2011 American Institute of Physics

  19. Study and optimisation of SIMS performed with He+ and Ne+ bombardment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pillatsch, L.; Vanhove, N.; Dowsett, D.; Sijbrandij, S.; Notte, J.; Wirtz, T.


    The combination of the high-brightness He + /Ne + atomic level ion source with the detection capabilities of secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) opens up the prospect of obtaining chemical information with high lateral resolution and high sensitivity on the Zeiss ORION helium ion microscope (HIM). A feasibility study with He + and Ne + ion bombardment is presented in order to determine the performance of SIMS analyses using the HIM. Therefore, the sputtering yields, useful yields and detection limits obtained for metallic (Al, Ni and W) as well as semiconductor samples (Si, Ge, GaAs and InP) were investigated. All the experiments were performed on a Cameca IMS4f SIMS instrument which was equipped with a caesium evaporator and oxygen flooding system. For most of the elements, useful yields in the range of 10 −4 to 3 × 10 −2 were measured with either O 2 or Cs flooding. SIMS experiments performed directly on the ORION with a prototype secondary ion extraction and detection system lead to results that are consistent with those obtained on the IMS4f. Taking into account the obtained useful yields and the analytical conditions, such as the ion current and typical dwell time on the ORION HIM, detection limits in the at% range and better can be obtained during SIMS imaging at 10 nm lateral resolution with Ne + bombardment and down to the ppm level when a lateral resolution of 100 nm is chosen. Performing SIMS on the HIM with a good detection limit while maintaining an excellent lateral resolution (<50 nm) is therefore very promising.

  20. Possibilités de franchissement du seuil de Beaucaire par les aloses du Rhône

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Douze barrages ont été construits depuis 1947 sur le Rhône à l'aval de LYON. Aucun des dispositifs de franchissement prévus pour les poissons migrateurs ne donne satisfaction, en particulier en ce qui concerne la remontée des aloses (Alosa alosa et Alosa fallax nilotica. De nombreuses observations réalisées sur le seuil de Beaucaire ont permis de déterminer la vitesse de nage et le comportement des aloses dans l'échelle à ralentisseurs de type LACHADENEDE installée sur cet ouvrage. Aucune alose ne s'engage dans la passe quand la vitesse moyenne y excède 1,5 m/s. L'inefficacité de ce dispositif de franchissement s'explique par son manque d'attractivité et ses caractéristiques hydrauliques inadéquates, compte tenu des faibles capacités de nage des aloses.

  1. Ziekenhuiscultuur op het gebied van hygiëne en patiëntveiligheid

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Straathof, Alex; Unger, Meike; Mees, Michiel


    Cultuurbeschrijving ziekenhuizen naar aanleiding van de Zembla-uitzending over de hygiëne in ziekenhuizen uit 2009. Na deze uitzending zijn er regels en protocollen ingevoerd en hebben ziekenhuizen zich gecommitteerd aan een verandering van het gedrag van hun personeel.

  2. Industrial processes control with He-Ne laser devices for aligning and guiding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ursu, I.; Ivascu, M.; Vasiliu, V.; Ristici, M.; Gradisteanu, I.; Vilcu, G.; Pelle, V.; Botezatu, I.; Vasnea, V.; Orac, N.; Fernea, V.


    A brief presentation of the He-Ne laser devices main application fields in the national economy is given. The utilization of the devices we did in: industrial constructions, metalurgy, hydroelectric arrangements, wood industry, ship's construction, and other is presented. (authors)

  3. Inõh svobod ne dano : [luuletused] / Ott Raun ; per. Svetlana Semenenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raun, Ott


    Autorist lk. 2. Sisu: "Mesta vstretsh zametenõ peskom..." ; "Jesli nam dovedjotsja uvidet..." ; "Mõ dõshim jedinõm dõhhanjem..." ; "Neuzhto tõ do sih por ne verish..." ; "Voprossitelnõi znak..." ; "Krov morje..." ; "Slushaite morje..." ; "Telo v zholtom okne..." ; "Ja znaju..." ; "Vsjo tshto dvigalos..." ; "I vot zakrõvajesh svet totshno knigu..."

  4. Meson decay studies with the KLOE detector at DA{phi}NE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Branchini, P. [Sezione INFN di Roma 3 Universita ' Roma 3' , Via Della Vasca Navale 84, Rome (Italy); Aloisio, A.; Ambrosino, F.; Antonelli, A.; Antonelli, M.; Bacci, C.; Barva, M.; Bencivenni, G.; Bertolucci, S.; Bini, C.; Bloise, C.; Bocci, V.; Bossi, F.; Branchini, P.; Bulychjov, S.A.; Caloi, R.; Campana, P.; Capon, G.; Capussela, T.; Carboni, G.; Ceradini, F.; Cervelli, F.; Cevenini, F.; Chiefari, G.; Ciambrone, P.; Conetti, S.; De Lucia, E.; De Santis, A.; De Simone, P.; De Zorzi, G.; Dell' Agnello, S.; Denig, A.; Di Domenico, A.; Di Donato, C.; Di Falco, S.; Di Micco, B.; Doria, A.; Dreucci, M.; Erriquez, O.; Farilla, A.; Felici, G.; Ferrari, A.; Ferrer, M.L.; Finocchiaro, G.; Forti, C.; Franzini, P.; Gatti, C.; Gauzzi, P.; Giovannella, S.; Gorini, E.; Graziani, E.; Incagli, M.; Kluge, W.; Kulikov, V.; Lacava, F.; Lanfranchi, G.; Lee-Franzini, J.; Leone, D.; Lu, F.; Martemianov, M.; Martini, M.; Matsyuk, M.; Mei, W.; Merola, L.; Messi, R.; Miscetti, S.; Moulson, M.; Mueller, S.; Murtas, F.; Napolitano, M.; Nguyen, F.; Palutan, M.; Pasqualucci, E.; Passalacqua, L.; Passeri, A.; Patera, V.; Perfetto, F.; Petrolo, E.; Pontecorvo, L.; Primavera, M.; Santangelo, P.; Santovetti, E.; Saracino, G.; Schamberger, R.D.; Sciascia, B.; Sciubba, A.; Scuri, F.; Sfiligoi, I.; Sibidanov, A.; Spadaro, T.; Spiriti, E.; Testa, M.; Tortora, L.; Valente, P.; Valeriani, B.; Venanzoni, G.; Veneziano, S.; Ventura, A.; Versaci, R.; Villella, I.; Xu, G


    The KLOE experiment has been collecting data since april 1999 at the DA{phi}NE collider in Frascati. A statistics of about 0.45 fb-1 has been analyzed. The latest results concerning the study of the {phi} radiative decays and of the kaon decays are illustrated in this paper.

  5. Pouvoir pathogène de Botrytis cinerea sur Catharanthus roseus à ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    38,53 et C.I=1274.41 pour BC1). Au 31ème ... Conclusion et application de la recherche : l'étude a montré le pouvoir pathogène de B. cinerea sur C. roseus à différents ..... 1977; Kosuge et Hewitt, 1964). Et permettent à des.

  6. Construction and assembly of the wire planes for the MicroBooNE Time Projection Chamber

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Acciarri, R.; Adams, C.; Asaadi, J.; Danaher, J.; Fleming, B. T.; Gardner, R.; Gollapinni, S.; Grosso, R.; Guenette, R.; Littlejohn, B. R.; Lockwitz, S.; Raaf, J. L.; Soderberg, M.; John, J. St.; Strauss, T.; Szelc, A. M.; Yu, B.


    In this paper we describe how the readout planes for the MicroBooNE Time Projection Chamber were constructed, assembled and installed. We present the individual wire preparation using semi-automatic winding machines and the assembly of wire carrier boards. The details of the wire installation on the detector frame and the tensioning of the wires are given. A strict quality assurance plan ensured the integrity of the readout planes. The different tests performed at all stages of construction and installation provided crucial information to achieve the successful realization of the MicroBooNE wire planes.

  7. Installation and alignment of the DAΦNE accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biscari, C.; Sgamma, F.


    Installation, alignment and survey of the magnetic elements and vacuum chambers of DAΦNE are described. The networks of the Damping Ring and two Main Rings are described, focusing the techniques chosen to obtain the required precision. A description of the mechanical measurements, coupled to the magnetic ones, to refer the magnetic axis of quadrupoles and sextupoles to their fiducial is underlined: emPHIasis is put on the strategy to couple precision with quickness. The results of first PHIase alignment job and its refinement are analyzed using the orbit measurement

  8. Mass distribution in 20Ne+232Th reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sodaye, Suparna; Tripathi, R.; Sudarshan, K.


    Mass distribution was measured in 20 Ne+ 232 Th reaction at E lab =145 MeV using recoil catcher technique followed by off-line gamma-ray spectrometry. Significant contribution from transfer fission was observed in the yield of comparatively neutron rich fission products. The variance of mass distribution for complete fusion fission, obtained by excluding neutron rich fission products, was observed to be consistent with the values reported in literature for similar reaction systems which showed a deviation from the systematics obtained using random neck rupture and liquid drop model. (author)

  9. Lithospheric architecture of NE China from joint Inversions of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion through Bayesian optimisation (United States)

    Sebastian, Nita; Kim, Seongryong; Tkalčić, Hrvoje; Sippl, Christian


    The purpose of this study is to develop an integrated inference on the lithospheric structure of NE China using three passive seismic networks comprised of 92 stations. The NE China plain consists of complex lithospheric domains characterised by the co-existence of complex geodynamic processes such as crustal thinning, active intraplate cenozoic volcanism and low velocity anomalies. To estimate lithospheric structures with greater detail, we chose to perform the joint inversion of independent data sets such as receiver functions and surface wave dispersion curves (group and phase velocity). We perform a joint inversion based on principles of Bayesian transdimensional optimisation techniques (Kim etal., 2016). Unlike in the previous studies of NE China, the complexity of the model is determined from the data in the first stage of the inversion, and the data uncertainty is computed based on Bayesian statistics in the second stage of the inversion. The computed crustal properties are retrieved from an ensemble of probable models. We obtain major structural inferences with well constrained absolute velocity estimates, which are vital for inferring properties of the lithosphere and bulk crustal Vp/Vs ratio. The Vp/Vs estimate obtained from joint inversions confirms the high Vp/Vs ratio ( 1.98) obtained using the H-Kappa method beneath some stations. Moreover, we could confirm the existence of a lower crustal velocity beneath several stations (eg: station SHS) within the NE China plain. Based on these findings we attempt to identify a plausible origin for structural complexity. We compile a high-resolution 3D image of the lithospheric architecture of the NE China plain.

  10. 49 CFR 565.22 - Definitions. (United States)


    ... and chassis structure, power train, steering system, suspension system and braking system, to the extent that those systems are to be part of the completed vehicle, that requires further manufacturing..., DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS Alternative VIN Requirements In...

  11. 49 CFR 565.12 - Definitions. (United States)


    ... structure, power train, steering system, suspension system and braking system, to the extent that those systems are to be part of the completed vehicle, that requires further manufacturing operations, other..., DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS VIN Requirements § 565.12...

  12. Study of some excited states in 21Ne-21Na, 18O-18F and 15N-15O nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drain, D.


    The study of 21 Ne- 21 Na, 18 O- 18 F and 15 N- 15 O nuclei was performed through proton capture and transfer reactions and allows to determine the spins and parities of some excited states, give the gamma deexcitation schemes of these levels, compute the neutron and proton reduced width γ 2 sub(n) and γ 2 sub(p). The levels studied are: in 21 Na 4.15 20 Ne(p,p), (p,p'), (p,p'γ) and (pγ) reactions) and in 21 Ne: E(exc)=4.73, 5.69 and 5.78 MeV ( 20 Ne (p,p) reaction); in 18 O: E(exc) 17 O(d,p) reaction); in 15 O: 8.92 MeV doublet and 8.98 MeV level (angular correlation 14 N(p,γγ) and in 15 N: 9.05 14 N(d,p) reaction). A comparison with theoretical results is discussed and analog states are pointed out [fr

  13. Exclusive measurement of the Ne = Pb → π ±, H, He at E/A = 400 and 800 MeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poitou, J.; Babinet, R.; De Marco, N.


    This work is part of a systematic investigation of Ne-nucleus collisions undertaken with the 4 π detector Diogene. Only data obtained with Ne at 400 and 800 MeV/A on Pb nuclei are presented. Experimental data are also compared with the resuts of an intranuclear cascade calculation which takes, into account nuclear binding, Pauli blocking and isospin

  14. On timing response improvement of an NE213 scintillator attached to two PMTs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zare, S.; Ghal-Eh, N.; Bayat, E.


    A 5 cm diameter by 6 cm height NE213 scintillator attached to two XP2282 PHOTONIS photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) exposed to 241 Americium–Berylium (Am–Be) neutron–gamma source has been used for timing response studies. The neutron–gamma discrimination (NGD) measurements based on a modified zero-crossing (ZC) method show that the discrimination quality, usually expressed in figure-of-merit (FoM) and peak-to-valley (P/V) values, has been improved. The timing response evaluated with Monte Carlo light transport code, PHOTRACK, also verifies this improvement. - Highlights: • An NE213 scintillator attached to two photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) has been proposed. • The neutron–gamma discrimination (NGD) quality factors have been obtained. • The results confirm that the NGD quality of the proposed assembly has been improved

  15. Calibration of a NE213 detector for neutron spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blazquez Martinez, J.; Butragueno Casado, J. L.


    This work describes the experimental way followed for getting the calibration of a NE213 detector with a beam of neutrons from the J.E.N. 2 MeV Van de Graaff and using at once pulse shape discrimination. Detector has been used for measuring the spectrum of the fast reactor CORAL-1. There is also included an experimental method in order to get with precision where the Compton edge is placed on the electron spectrum. (Author) 9 refs

  16. He-, Ne-, and Ar-phosgene intermolecular potential energy surfaces

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munteanu, Cristian R.; Henriksen, Christian; Felker, Peter M.


    Using the CCSD(T) model, we evaluated the intermolecular potential energy surfaces of the He-, Ne-, and Ar-phosgene complexes. We considered a representative number of intermolecular geometries for which we calculated the corresponding interaction energies with the augmented (He complex) and doub...... of the complexes, providing valuable results for future experimental investigations. Comparing our results to those previously available for other phosgene complexes, we suggest that the results for Cl2-phosgene should be revised....

  17. Surface structure analysis by low energy Ne+ and H2O+ scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bronckers, R.P.N.


    The experimental procedures described in this thesis make it possible to separate the effects of neutralisation from shadowing processes. According to this method the angular distributions of scattered 4 keV Ne + ions are compared with similar distributions of O - ions. These O - ions originate from 4 keV H 2 O + molecules which are dissociatively scattered. The charge-exchange processes which lead to the production of O - ions are found to depend on the scattering parameters in a way similar to the neutralisation processes of Ne + . The opposite influences of these processes on the scattering intensities cause differences in the angular distributions of Ne + and O - ions. The non-zero intensity of scattered ions for directions where a zero intensity is expected due to shadowing (i.e. in close-packed crystallographic directions) is attributed to scattering from defects and irregularities in the surface. The author used this intensity to monitor the bombardment-induced damage of the surface. The effects of shadowing are investigated in the case where the second layer also contributes to the intensity of scattered ions. For the interpretation the shadow cone mode is again used, but this time distortions of the shadow by other target atoms have been taken into account. For certain directions of incidence of the primary beam it was found that target atoms in the first layer focus the impinging ions on the atoms of the second layer. The methods described are applied to investigate the structure of the oxygen-covered Cu(110) surface. (Auth.)

  18. The Trigger and Data Acquisition System for the KM3NeT-Italia towers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Favaro M.


    Full Text Available KM3NeT-Italia is an INFN project supported with Italian PON fundings for building the core of the Italian node of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope. The detector, made of 700 10′′ Optical Modules (OMs lodged along 8 vertical structures called towers, will be deployed starting from fall 2015 at the KM3NeT-Italy site, about 80 km off Capo Passero, Italy, 3500 m deep. The all data to shore approach is used to reduce the complexity of the submarine detector, demanding for an on-line trigger integrated in the data acquisition system running in the shore station, called TriDAS. Due to the large optical background in the sea from 40K decays and bioluminescence, the throughput from the underwater detector can range up to 30 Gbps. This puts strong constraints on the design and performances of the TriDAS and of the related network infrastructure. In this contribution the technology behind the implementation of the TriDAS infrastructure is reviewed, focusing on the relationship between the various components and their performances. The modular design of the TriDAS, which allows for its scalability up to a larger detector than the 8-tower configuration is also discussed.

  19. Mise-en-scène Applied to Level Design: Adapting a Holistic Approach to Level Design


    Logas, Heather


    Mise-en-scène is a term from film studies which means "the use of space within the frame: the placement of actors and props, the relationship of the camera to the space in front of it, camera movement, the use of color or black and white, lighting, the size of the screen frame itself"(Kolker, 1999). It is a French term that literally translates, "put in the scene". The mise-en-scène informs everything about the film and gives filmmakers a rich palette to induce emotions in their...

  20. Measurements on the He-Ne laser lines near 633 nm (United States)

    Steinhaus, David W.


    The red line from an inexpensive He-Ne laser is made up of several closely spaced lines. To separate these lines very high spectral resolution is required. This apparatus requirement can be met by a simple modification of a student Fabry-Perot interferometer. Laboratory measurements can then be made to verify the expected number, spacing, and polarization of these lines during a single afternoon laboratory session.

  1. Hygiène des denrées alimentaires d'origine animale - Synthèse II : Vers une assurance qualité intégrée de la chaîne agro-alimentaire.


    Vindevogel, Henri; Daube, Georges; Hans, J. C.; Denys, J.; Korsak Koulagenko, Nicolas; Ghafir, Y.


    Suite à une première synthèse décrivant les exigences des normes européennes de l’hygiène dans les industries agro-alimentaires, ce second article fait le point sur la mise en application de ces normes et surtout sur le rôle du médecin vétérinaire dans ce domaine. La médecine vétérinaire désire une approche intégrée de l’assurance qualité de toute la filière de la chaîne alimentaire (Longitudinal Integrated Safety Assurance, LISA). Les médecins vétérinaires sont et doivent être à la base de l...

  2. Soft x-ray imager (SXI) onboard the NeXT satellite (United States)

    Tsuru, Takeshi Go; Takagi, Shin-Ichiro; Matsumoto, Hironori; Inui, Tatsuya; Ozawa, Midori; Koyama, Katsuji; Tsunemi, Hiroshi; Hayashida, Kiyoshi; Miyata, Emi; Ozawa, Hideki; Touhiguchi, Masakuni; Matsuura, Daisuke; Dotani, Tadayasu; Ozaki, Masanobu; Murakami, Hiroshi; Kohmura, Takayoshi; Kitamoto, Shunji; Awaki, Hisamitsu


    We give overview and the current status of the development of the Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) onboard the NeXT satellite. SXI is an X-ray CCD camera placed at the focal plane detector of the Soft X-ray Telescopes for Imaging (SXT-I) onboard NeXT. The pixel size and the format of the CCD is 24 x 24μm (IA) and 2048 x 2048 x 2 (IA+FS). Currently, we have been developing two types of CCD as candidates for SXI, in parallel. The one is front illumination type CCD with moderate thickness of the depletion layer (70 ~ 100μm) as a baseline plan. The other one is the goal plan, in which we develop back illumination type CCD with a thick depletion layer (200 ~ 300μm). For the baseline plan, we successfully developed the proto model 'CCD-NeXT1' with the pixel size of 12μm x 12μm and the CCD size of 24mm x 48mm. The depletion layer of the CCD has reached 75 ~ 85μm. The goal plan is realized by introduction of a new type of CCD 'P-channel CCD', which collects holes in stead of electrons in the common 'N-channel CCD'. By processing a test model of P-channel CCD we have confirmed high quantum efficiency above 10 keV with an equivalent depletion layer of 300μm. A back illumination type of P-channel CCD with a depletion layer of 200μm with aluminum coating for optical blocking has been also successfully developed. We have been also developing a thermo-electric cooler (TEC) with the function of the mechanically support of the CCD wafer without standoff insulators, for the purpose of the reduction of thermal input to the CCD through the standoff insulators. We have been considering the sensor housing and the onboard electronics for the CCD clocking, readout and digital processing of the frame date.

  3. L’exposition prolongée des consommateurs à un nouveau produit permet-elle d’accroître son adoption ?


    Masson, Josselin; Aurier, Philippe; D'hauteville, François


    Cette recherche évalue l’effet de la consommation à domicile d’un nouveau produit (le vin à teneur réduite en alcool) sur son acceptabilité à long terme par les consommateurs, et suppose que l’exposition au produit et l’information non-sensorielle influenceront leurs évaluations hédoniques. Deux groupes de consommateurs ont alors été exposés soit à un vin normal, soit à un vin à teneur réduite en alcool, en condition aveugle le premier mois puis avec l’indication de leurs teneurs en alcool le...

  4. The prototype detection unit of the KM3NeT detector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adrian-Martinez, S.; Ardid, M.; Llorens Alvarez, C.D.; Martinez-Mora, J.A.; Saldana, M. [Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Instituto de Investigacion para la Gestion Integrada de las Zonas Costeras, Gandia (Spain); Ageron, M.; Bertin, V.; Beurthey, S.; Billault, M.; Brunner, J.; Caillat, L.; Cosquer, A.; Coyle, P.; Destelle, J.J.; Dornic, D.; Henry, S.; Keller, P.; Lamare, P.; Tezier, D.; Theraube, S. [Aix Marseille Universite CNRS/IN2P3, CPPM UMR 7346, Marseille (France); Aharonian, F.; Drury, L. [DIAS, Dublin (Ireland); Aiello, S.; Giordano, V.; Leonora, E.; Randazzo, N.; Sipala, V. [INFN, Sezione di Catania, Catania (Italy); Albert, A.; Drouhin, D.; Racca, C. [GRPHE, Universite de Haute Alsace, IUT de Colmar, Colmar (France); Ameli, F.; Biagioni, A.; De Bonis, G.; Lonardo, A.; Nicolau, C.A.; Simeone, F.; Vicini, P. [INFN, Sezione di Roma, Rome (Italy); Anassontzis, E.G.; Resvanis, L. [National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Deparment of Physics, Athens (Greece); Androulakis, G.C.; Balasi, K.; Belias, A.; Drakopoulou, E.; Kappos, E.; Manolopoulos, K.; Markou, C.; Pikounis, K.; Rapidis, P.A.; Stavropoulos, G.; Tzamariudaki, E. [Institute of Nuclear Physics, NCSR ' ' Demokritos' ' , Athens (Greece); Anghinolfi, M.; Cereseto, R.; Hugon, C.; Musico, P.; Orzelli, A. [INFN, Sezione di Genova, Genova (Italy); Anton, G.; Classen, L.; Eberl, T.; Gal, T.; Graf, K.; Heid, T.; Herold, B.; Hofestaedt, J.; Hoessl, J.; James, C.W.; Kalekin, O.; Kappes, A.; Katz, U.; Lahmann, R.; Reubelt, J.; Schnabel, J.; Seitz, T.; Stransky, D.; Tselengidou, M. [Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Erlangen (Germany); Anvar, S.; Chateau, F.; Durand, D.; Le Provost, H.; Louis, F.; Moudden, Y.; Zonca, E. [CEA, Irfu/Sedi, Centre de Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Avgitas, T.; Baret, B.; Baron, S.; Boutonnet, C.; Champion, C.; Coleiro, A.; Colonges, S.; Creusot, A.; Galata, S.; Gracia Ruiz, R.; Kouchner, A.; Lindsey Clark, M.; Loucatos, S.; Van Elewyck, V. [APC,Universite Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3 CEA/IRFU, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cite, Paris (France); Band, H.; Berbee, E.; Berkien, A.; Beveren, V. van; Boer Rookhuizen, H.; Bouwhuis, M.; D' Amico, A.; Gajanana, D.; Gebyehu, M.; Heijboer, A.; Heine, E.; Hoek, M. van der; Hogenbirk, J.; Jansweijer, P.; Jongen, M.; Kieft, G.; Kok, H.; Koopstra, J.; Korporaal, A.; Melis, K.W.; Michael, T.; Mos, S.; Peek, H.; Schmelling, J.; Steijger, J.; Timmer, P.; Vermeulen, J.; Werneke, P.; Wiggers, L.; Zwart, A. [Nikhef, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Barbarino, G.; Barbato, F.; De Rosa, G.; Di Capua, F.; Garufi, F.; Vivolo, D. [INFN, Sezione di Napoli, Naples (Italy); Universita ' Federico II' , Dipartimento di Fisica, Naples (Italy); Barbarito, E.; Ceres, A.; Circella, M.; Mongelli, M.; Sgura, I. [INFN, Sezione di Bari, Bari (Italy); Barrios, J.; Calvo, D.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Real, D.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuniga, J. [CSIC-Universitat de Valencia, IFIC-Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular, Valencia (Spain); Berg, A.M. van den; Dorosti-Hasankiadeh, Q.; Hevinga, M.A.; Kavatsyuk, O.; Loehner, H.; Wooning, R.H.L. van [KVI-CART, University of Groningen, Groningen (Netherlands); Beverini, N. [INFN, Sezione di Pisa, Pisa (Italy); Universita di Pisa, Dipartimento di Fisica, Pisa (Italy); Biagi, S. [INFN, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania (Italy); Bianucci, S.; Bouhadef, B.; Calamai, M.; Maccioni, E.; Morganti, M.; Raffaelli, F.; Terreni, G. [Universita di Pisa, Dipartimento di Fisica, Pisa (Italy); Birbas, A.; Bourlis, G.; Christopoulou, B.; Gizani, N.; Leisos, A.; Lenis, D.; Tsirigotis, A.; Tzamarias, S. [Hellenic Open University, School of Science and Technology, Patras (Greece); Bormuth, R.; Jong, M. de; Samtleben, D.F.E. [Nikhef, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Leiden University, Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden (Netherlands); Bouche, V.; Capone, A.; Fermani, P.; Masullo, R.; Perrina, C. [INFN, Sezione di Roma, Rome (Italy); Universita di Roma La Sapienza, Dipartimento di Fisica, Rome (Italy); Bozza, C.; Grella, G. [Universita ' Federico II' , Dipartimento di Fisica, Naples (Italy); Universita di Salerno, Dipartimento di Fisica, Fisciano (Italy); Bruijn, R.; Koffeman, E.; Wolf, E. de [Nikhef, Amsterdam (Netherlands); University of Amsterdam, Institute of Physics, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Cacopardo, G.; Caruso, F.; Cocimano, R.; Coniglione, R.; Costa, M.; Cuttone, G.; D' Amato, C.; Distefano, C.; Grasso, R.; Grmek, A.; Imbesi, M.; Kulikovskiy, V.; Larosa, G.; Lattuada, D.; Leismueller, K.P.; Migneco, E.; Miraglia, A.; Musumeci, M.; Orlando, A.; Papaleo, R.; Pellegriti, M.G.; Collaboration: KM3NeT Collaboration; and others


    A prototype detection unit of the KM3NeT deep-sea neutrino telescope has been installed at 3500m depth 80 km offshore the Italian coast. KM3NeT in its final configuration will contain several hundreds of detection units. Each detection unit is a mechanical structure anchored to the sea floor, held vertical by a submerged buoy and supporting optical modules for the detection of Cherenkov light emitted by charged secondary particles emerging from neutrino interactions. This prototype string implements three optical modules with 31 photomultiplier tubes each. These optical modules were developed by the KM3NeT Collaboration to enhance the detection capability of neutrino interactions. The prototype detection unit was operated since its deployment in May 2014 until its decommissioning in July 2015. Reconstruction of the particle trajectories from the data requires a nanosecond accuracy in the time calibration. A procedure for relative time calibration of the photomultiplier tubes contained in each optical module is described. This procedure is based on the measured coincidences produced in the sea by the {sup 40}K background light and can easily be expanded to a detector with several thousands of optical modules. The time offsets between the different optical modules are obtained using LED nanobeacons mounted inside them. A set of data corresponding to 600 h of livetime was analysed. The results show good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations of the expected optical background and the signal from atmospheric muons. An almost background-free sample of muons was selected by filtering the time correlated signals on all the three optical modules. The zenith angle of the selected muons was reconstructed with a precision of about 3 {sup circle}. (orig.)

  5. The prototype detection unit of the KM3NeT detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adrian-Martinez, S.; Ardid, M.; Llorens Alvarez, C.D.; Martinez-Mora, J.A.; Saldana, M.; Ageron, M.; Bertin, V.; Beurthey, S.; Billault, M.; Brunner, J.; Caillat, L.; Cosquer, A.; Coyle, P.; Destelle, J.J.; Dornic, D.; Henry, S.; Keller, P.; Lamare, P.; Tezier, D.; Theraube, S.; Aharonian, F.; Drury, L.; Aiello, S.; Giordano, V.; Leonora, E.; Randazzo, N.; Sipala, V.; Albert, A.; Drouhin, D.; Racca, C.; Ameli, F.; Biagioni, A.; De Bonis, G.; Lonardo, A.; Nicolau, C.A.; Simeone, F.; Vicini, P.; Anassontzis, E.G.; Resvanis, L.; Androulakis, G.C.; Balasi, K.; Belias, A.; Drakopoulou, E.; Kappos, E.; Manolopoulos, K.; Markou, C.; Pikounis, K.; Rapidis, P.A.; Stavropoulos, G.; Tzamariudaki, E.; Anghinolfi, M.; Cereseto, R.; Hugon, C.; Musico, P.; Orzelli, A.; Anton, G.; Classen, L.; Eberl, T.; Gal, T.; Graf, K.; Heid, T.; Herold, B.; Hofestaedt, J.; Hoessl, J.; James, C.W.; Kalekin, O.; Kappes, A.; Katz, U.; Lahmann, R.; Reubelt, J.; Schnabel, J.; Seitz, T.; Stransky, D.; Tselengidou, M.; Anvar, S.; Chateau, F.; Durand, D.; Le Provost, H.; Louis, F.; Moudden, Y.; Zonca, E.; Avgitas, T.; Baret, B.; Baron, S.; Boutonnet, C.; Champion, C.; Coleiro, A.; Colonges, S.; Creusot, A.; Galata, S.; Gracia Ruiz, R.; Kouchner, A.; Lindsey Clark, M.; Loucatos, S.; Van Elewyck, V.; Band, H.; Berbee, E.; Berkien, A.; Beveren, V. van; Boer Rookhuizen, H.; Bouwhuis, M.; D'Amico, A.; Gajanana, D.; Gebyehu, M.; Heijboer, A.; Heine, E.; Hoek, M. van der; Hogenbirk, J.; Jansweijer, P.; Jongen, M.; Kieft, G.; Kok, H.; Koopstra, J.; Korporaal, A.; Melis, K.W.; Michael, T.; Mos, S.; Peek, H.; Schmelling, J.; Steijger, J.; Timmer, P.; Vermeulen, J.; Werneke, P.; Wiggers, L.; Zwart, A.; Barbarino, G.; Barbato, F.; De Rosa, G.; Di Capua, F.; Garufi, F.; Vivolo, D.; Barbarito, E.; Ceres, A.; Circella, M.; Mongelli, M.; Sgura, I.; Barrios, J.; Calvo, D.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Real, D.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuniga, J.; Berg, A.M. van den; Dorosti-Hasankiadeh, Q.; Hevinga, M.A.; Kavatsyuk, O.; Loehner, H.; Wooning, R.H.L. van; Beverini, N.; Biagi, S.; Bianucci, S.; Bouhadef, B.; Calamai, M.; Maccioni, E.; Morganti, M.; Raffaelli, F.; Terreni, G.; Birbas, A.; Bourlis, G.; Christopoulou, B.; Gizani, N.; Leisos, A.; Lenis, D.; Tsirigotis, A.; Tzamarias, S.; Bormuth, R.; Jong, M. de; Samtleben, D.F.E.; Bouche, V.; Capone, A.; Fermani, P.; Masullo, R.; Perrina, C.; Bozza, C.; Grella, G.; Bruijn, R.; Koffeman, E.; Wolf, E. de; Cacopardo, G.; Caruso, F.; Cocimano, R.; Coniglione, R.; Costa, M.; Cuttone, G.; D'Amato, C.; Distefano, C.; Grasso, R.; Grmek, A.; Imbesi, M.; Kulikovskiy, V.; Larosa, G.; Lattuada, D.; Leismueller, K.P.; Migneco, E.; Miraglia, A.; Musumeci, M.; Orlando, A.; Papaleo, R.; Pellegriti, M.G.


    A prototype detection unit of the KM3NeT deep-sea neutrino telescope has been installed at 3500m depth 80 km offshore the Italian coast. KM3NeT in its final configuration will contain several hundreds of detection units. Each detection unit is a mechanical structure anchored to the sea floor, held vertical by a submerged buoy and supporting optical modules for the detection of Cherenkov light emitted by charged secondary particles emerging from neutrino interactions. This prototype string implements three optical modules with 31 photomultiplier tubes each. These optical modules were developed by the KM3NeT Collaboration to enhance the detection capability of neutrino interactions. The prototype detection unit was operated since its deployment in May 2014 until its decommissioning in July 2015. Reconstruction of the particle trajectories from the data requires a nanosecond accuracy in the time calibration. A procedure for relative time calibration of the photomultiplier tubes contained in each optical module is described. This procedure is based on the measured coincidences produced in the sea by the 40 K background light and can easily be expanded to a detector with several thousands of optical modules. The time offsets between the different optical modules are obtained using LED nanobeacons mounted inside them. A set of data corresponding to 600 h of livetime was analysed. The results show good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations of the expected optical background and the signal from atmospheric muons. An almost background-free sample of muons was selected by filtering the time correlated signals on all the three optical modules. The zenith angle of the selected muons was reconstructed with a precision of about 3 circle . (orig.)

  6. High Level Requirements for the Nuclear Energy -- Knowledge Base for Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NE-KAMS)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rich Johnson; Hyung Lee; Kimberlyn C. Mousseau


    The US Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE), has been tasked with the important mission of ensuring that nuclear energy remains a compelling and viable energy source in the U.S. The motivations behind this mission include cost-effectively meeting the expected increases in the power needs of the country, reducing carbon emissions and reducing dependence on foreign energy sources. In the near term, to ensure that nuclear power remains a key element of U.S. energy strategy and portfolio, the DOE-NE will be working with the nuclear industry to support safe and efficient operations of existing nuclear power plants. In the long term, to meet the increasing energy needs of the U.S., the DOE-NE will be investing in research and development (R&D) and working in concert with the nuclear industry to build and deploy new, safer and more efficient nuclear power plants. The safe and efficient operations of existing nuclear power plants and designing, licensing and deploying new reactor designs, however, will require focused R&D programs as well as the extensive use and leveraging of advanced modeling and simulation (M&S). M&S will play a key role in ensuring safe and efficient operations of existing and new nuclear reactors. The DOE-NE has been actively developing and promoting the use of advanced M&S in reactor design and analysis through its R&D programs, e.g., the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) and Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL) programs. Also, nuclear reactor vendors are already using CFD and CSM, for design, analysis, and licensing. However, these M&S tools cannot be used with confidence for nuclear reactor applications unless accompanied and supported by verification and validation (V&V) and uncertainty quantification (UQ) processes and procedures which provide quantitative measures of uncertainty for specific applications. The Nuclear Energy Knowledge base for Advanced Modeling and Simulation

  7. Separation of the 1+/1− parity doublet in 20Ne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Beller


    Full Text Available The (J,T=(1,1 parity doublet in 20Ne at 11.26 MeV is a good candidate to study parity violation in nuclei. However, its energy splitting is known with insufficient accuracy for quantitative estimates of parity violating effects. To improve on this unsatisfactory situation, nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments using linearly and circularly polarized γ-ray beams were used to determine the energy difference of the parity doublet ΔE=E(1−−E(1+=−3.2(±0.7stat(−1.2+0.6sys keV and the ratio of their integrated cross sections Is,0(+/Is,0(−=29(±3stat(−7+14sys. Shell-model calculations predict a parity-violating matrix element having a value in the range 0.46–0.83 eV for the parity doublet. The small energy difference of the parity doublet makes 20Ne an excellent candidate to study parity violation in nuclear excitations. Keywords: Parity doublet, Parity violation

  8. Tectono-geomorphic indices of the Erin basin, NE Kashmir valley, India (United States)

    Ahmad, Shabir; Alam, Akhtar; Ahmad, Bashir; Afzal, Ahsan; Bhat, M. I.; Sultan Bhat, M.; Farooq Ahmad, Hakim; Tectonics; Natural Hazards Research Group


    The present study aims to assess the tectonic activity in the Erin basin (NE Kashmir) on the basis of several relevant geomorphic indices and field observations. We use Digital Elevation Model (SRTM) and Survey of India (SoI) topographic maps in GIS environment to compute the geomorphic indices. The indices i.e., convex hypsometric curve, high hypsometric integral value (Hi > 0.5), low basin elongation ratio (Eb = 0.17), low mountain front sinuosity values (Smf = 1.08 average), low valley floor width ratios (Vf 4) suggest that the area is tectonically active. Moreover, prominent irregularities (knickpoints/knickzones) along longitudinal profile of the Erin River even in homogenous resistant lithology (Panjal trap) and anomalous stream gradient index (SL) values reflect that the Erin basin is dissected by two faults (EF-1 and EF-2) with NNW-SSE and SSW-NNE trends respectively. The results of this preliminary study further substantiate the recent GPS studies, which argue that the maximum strain is accumulating in the NE part of the Kashmir Himalaya.

  9. A measurement of the neutral current neutrino-nucleon elastic cross section at MiniBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cox, David Christopher [Indiana Univ., Bloomington, IN (United States)


    The neutral current neutrino-nucleon elastic interaction v N → v N is a fundamental process of the weak interaction ideally suited for characterizing the structure of the nucleon neutral weak current. This process comprises ~18% of neutrino events in the neutrino oscillation experiment, MiniBooNE, ranking it as the experiment's third largest process. Using ~10% of MiniBooNE's available neutrino data, a sample of these events were identified and analyzed to determine the differential cross section as a function of the momentum transfer of the interaction, Q2. This is the first measurement of a differential cross section with MiniBooNE data. From this analysis, a value for the nucleon axial mass MA was extracted to be 1.34 ± 0.25 GeV consistent with previous measurements. The integrated cross section for the Q2 range 0.189 → 1.13 GeV2 was calculated to be (8.8 ± 0.6(stat) ± 0.2(syst)) x 10-40 cm2.

  10. Exploration potential of Paraiba and Natal platform basins, NE Brazil; Potencial exploratorio das bacias da Paraiba e da plataforma de Natal, NE do Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barbosa, Jose A. [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil); Lima Filho, Mario; Neumann, Virginio H. [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Geologia; Maranhao Neto, Jose Carneiro; Araujo, Joao A.A. [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Programa de Pos Graduacao em Geociencias


    The portion of Brazilian continental margin located between the Pernambuco Shear Zone (ZCPE) and Touros High, enclosing Natal Platform and Paraiba basin, NE Brazil, presents a thin sedimentary cover represented by Neo- Cretaceous deposits, over an elevated basement. In this zone the narrow platform ends abruptly against the ocean plate, forming a scarped slope. This area corresponds to the Transverse zone of Northeast Brazil (TZN) limited by two extensive transcurrent E-W shear zones that acted as accommodation zones for the strain produced by the advance of the southern and northern rift branches. During the Aptian, the rift suffered a NE deflection and contoured the Borborema Province and the TZN. The resistance of this block to the rift advance generated a prominent and elevated region into the Atlantic gulf which resulted in the absence of rift deposition over the Brazilian margin and its deviation to the African side. The model suggested by this paper denominates this area as the 'exception zone' of the Brazilian margin, which possess a poor petroliferous potential and need to be separated from the sector corresponding to the Pernambuco basin, located to south of ZCPE, representing the last piece of margin before the rift deflection and possessing an important petroliferous potential. (author)

  11. Repulsive wall potentials for He-(Ne,Ar,Kr,Xe) as inferred from differential cross sections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nitz, D.E.; Larson, J.; Swanson, K.; Wildgoose, C.


    We have obtained representations of the He-(Ne,Ar,Kr,Xe) ground state repulsive walls using model potentials optimized to fit published absolute differential cross section data for 500 and 1500 eV collisions. The HeNe potential, like the He 2 potentials can be fit using the semi-empirical HFD-B form constrained to cross zero at the proper internuclear separation. For the heavier atoms, this approach is unsuccessful and superior fits are obtained using only the purely repulsive V(r) - A EXP [-αr - βr 2 ] term of the HFD-B potential. Comparison of fitted potentials with previous results will be presented

  12. The two-proton halo nucleus {sup 17}Ne studied in high-energy nuclear breakup reactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wamers, Felix [EMMI, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); FIAS, Frankfurt (Germany); IKP, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt (Germany); GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Marganiec, Justyna [IKP, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt (Germany); EMMI, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Aumann, Thomas [IKP, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt (Germany); GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Bertulani, Carlos [Texas A and M University-Commerce, Commerce (United States); Chulkov, Leonid [GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); NRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow (Russian Federation); Heil, Michael; Simon, Haik [GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Plag, Ralf [GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt (Germany); Savran, Deniz [EMMI, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); FIAS, Frankfurt (Germany); Collaboration: R3B-Collaboration


    We report on exclusive measurements of nuclear breakup reactions of highly-energetic (500 MeV) unstable {sup 17}Ne beams impinging on light targets in an experiment at the R{sup 3}B-LAND complete-kinematics reaction setup at GSI. Focusing on the properties of beam-like {sup 15}O-p (={sup 16}F) systems produced in one-proton-removal reactions, we are presenting a comprehensive analysis of the s-/d-wave configuration mixing of the {sup 17}Ne valence-proton pair that is used to quantify its halo-nature. The results include the {sup 15}O-p relative-energy spectrum, {sup 16}F momentum distributions, and their corresponding momentum profile.

  13. Effects of acetylcholine (ACh) and norepinephrine (NE) on phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) turnover in rabbit cornea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akhtar, R.A.; Abdel-Latif, A.A.


    Muscarinic cholinergic and α 1 -adrenergic agonists provoke hydrolysis of PIP 2 into diacylglycerol (DG) and inositol trisphosphate (IP 3 ) in a wide variety of tissue. Recently, IP 3 has been shown to mobilize Ca 2+ from ER in several permeabilized tissue preparations. Although rabbit cornea is enriched in ACh and NE, the physiological function of these neurotransmitters is unclear. The present studies were initiated to determine the effects of cholinergic and adrenergic agonists on PIP 2 turnover in the cornea. Addition of ACh or NE (50 μM each) to the 32 P-labeled corneas for 10 min decreased the radioactivity in PIP 2 by 33 and 36%, and increased the radioactivity in phosphatidic acid by 72 and 52%, respectively. When the corneas were labeled with myo-[ 3 H]inositol, ACh and NE increased the accumulation of IP 3 by 92 and 48%, respectively. The effects of ACh and NE on phospholipid labeling and IP 3 accumulation were specifically inhibited by atropine (10 μM) and prazosin (10 μM), respectively. The data suggest the presence of muscarinic cholinergic and α 1 -adrenergic receptors in the rabbit cornea. Furthermore, activation of these receptors leads to cleavage of PIP 2 into DG and IP 3 which may function as second messengers in this tissue

  14. Systematic of fusion incompleteness in 20Ne induced reactions at energy 4-7 MeV/nucleon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ali, Sabir; Ahmad, Tauseef; Kumar, Kamal


    In the present work, a study of fusion incompleteness using the 20 Ne projectile over 51 V, 55 Mn and 59 Co and targets has been carried out. The experiment involving 20 N e+ 51 V system was performed at VECC, Kolkata, India. The targets of thickness range 1.19-1.50 rug/cm 2 of spectroscopically pure 51 V (purity 99.99%) were prepared by depositing on aluminum backing of thickness range 1.47-1.64 mg/cm 2 by the vacuum evaporation technique at the target lab of VECC. A stack of six 51 V targets was irradiated for ≈ 11 hrs by 20 Ne 6+ beam at ≈145 MeV. The irradiation of the stack covered the desired energy range of 82-145 MeV. The beam current was ≈ 40 nA during the irradiation hours. The energy of the 20 Ne ion beam incident on each target foil was calculated using stopping power software SRIM. The overall error in the present work is estimated to be ≤20%

  15. Neuchatel ne gardera pas le Palais de l'equilibre apres Expo.02

    CERN Multimedia


    "La ville de Neuchatel ne souhaite pas conserver le Palais de l'equilibre apres Expo.02. Par 24 voix contre 7, le Conseil general a rejete le plan special du Conseil communal qui proposait de transformer l'edifice en un centre de congres" (1/2 page).

  16. The Ne3LS Network, Québec's initiative to evaluate the impact and promote a responsible and sustainable development of nanotechnology (United States)

    Endo, Charles-Anica; Emond, Claude; Battista, Renaldo; Parizeau, Marie-Hélène; Beaudry, Catherine


    The spectacular progress made by nanosciences and nanotechnologies elicits as much hope and fear. Consequently, a great number of research and training initiatives on the ethical, environmental, economic, legal and social issues regarding nanotechnology development (Ne3LS) are emerging worldwide. In Québec, Canada, a Task Force was mandated by NanoQuébec to conceive a Ne3LS research and training strategy to assess those issues. This Task Force brought together experts from universities, governments or industry working in nanosciences and nanotechnologies or in Ne3LS. Their resulting action plan, made public in November 2006, contained several recommendations, including the creation of a knowledge network (Ne3LS Network). In the following years, after consulting with numerous key players concerned with the possible impacts of nanosciences and nanotechnologies in Québec, the Ne3LS Network was launched in January 2010 in partnership with the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies, the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture and the Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec, NanoQuébec, the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail as well as the University of Montreal. Its objectives are to 1) Foster the development of Ne3LS research activities (grants and fellowships); 2) Spearhead the Canadian and international Ne3LS network; 3) Take part in the training of researchers and experts; 4) Encourage the creation of interactive tools for the general public; 5) Facilitate collaboration between decision-makers and experts; 6) Involve the scientific community through a host of activities (symposium, conferences, thematic events); 7) Build multidisciplinary research teams to evaluate the impact of nanotechnology.

  17. Absorption signatures of warm-hot gas at low redshift : Ne VIII

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tepper-García, T


    At z {lt} 1 a large fraction of the baryons is thought to reside in diffuse gas that has been shock-heated to high temperatures (10$^{5}$-10$^{6}$ K). Absorption by the 770.41, 780.32 å doublet of Ne VIII in quasar spectra represents a unique tool to study this elusive warm-hot phase. We have

  18. 78 FR 44030 - Federal Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard; Final Listing of 2014 Light Duty Truck Lines... (United States)


    ... vehicle theft by facilitating the tracing and recovery of parts from stolen vehicles. The standard seeks to facilitate such tracing by requiring that vehicle identification numbers (VINs), VIN derivative... continue to maintain a comprehensive database of all exemptions on our Web site. However, we believe that...

  19. First results of Minimum Fisher Regularisation as unfolding method for JET NE213 liquid scintillator neutron spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mlynar, Jan; Adams, John M.; Bertalot, Luciano; Conroy, Sean


    At JET, the NE213 liquid scintillator is being validated as a diagnostic tool for spectral measurements of neutrons emitted from the plasma. Neutron spectra have to be unfolded from the measured pulse-height spectra, which is an ill-conditioned problem. Therefore, use of two independent unfolding methods allows for less ambiguity on the interpretation of the data. In parallel to the routine algorithm MAXED based on the Maximum Entropy method, the Minimum Fisher Regularisation (MFR) method has been introduced at JET. The MFR method, known from two-dimensional tomography applications, has proved to provide a new transparent tool to validate the JET neutron spectra measured with the NE213 liquid scintillators. In this article, the MFR method applicable to spectra unfolding is briefly explained. After a mention of MFR tests on phantom spectra experimental neutron spectra are presented that were obtained by applying MFR to NE213 data in selected JET experiments. The results tend to confirm MAXED observations

  20. First evidences for 19F(α, p)22Ne at astrophysical energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    D’Agata, G.; Spitaleri, C.; Pizzone, R.G.; Figuera, P.; Guardo, G.L.; Gulino, M.; Indelicato, I.; La Cognata, M.; Lattuada, M.; Sergi, M.L.; Blagus, S.; Mijatović, T.; Milin, M.; Miljanic, D.; Prepolec, L.; Skukan, N.; Grassi, L.; Lamia, L.; Hayakawa, S.; Kshetri, R.


    19 F experimental abundances is overestimated in respect to the theoretical one: it is therefore clear that further investigations are needed. We focused on the 19 F(α, p) 22 Ne reaction, representing the main destruction channel in He-rich environments. The lowest energy at which this reaction has been studied with direct methods is E C.M. ≈ 0.91 MeV, while the Gamow region is between 0.39 ÷ 0.8 MeV, far below the Coulomb barrier (3.8 MeV). For this reason, an experiment at Rudjer Boskovic Institute (Zagreb) was performed, applying the Trojan Horse Method. Following this method we selected the quasi-free contribution coming from 6 Li( 19 F,p 22 Ne) 2 H at E beam =6 MeV at kinematically favourable angles, and the cross section at energies 0 < E C.M. < 1.4 MeV was extracted in arbitrary units, covering the astrophysical region of interest. (paper)

  1. Liquid argon dielectric breakdown studies with the MicroBooNE purification system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Acciarri, R.; Carls, B.; James, C.; Johnson, B.; Jostlein, H.; Lockwitz, S.; Lundberg, B.; Raaf, J. L.; Rameika, R.; Rebel, B.; Zeller, G. P.; Zuckerbrot, M.


    The proliferation of liquid argon time projection chamber detectors makes the characterization of the dielectric properties of liquid argon a critical task. To improve understanding of these properties, a systematic study of the breakdown electric field in liquid argon was conducted using a dedicated cryostat connected to the MicroBooNE cryogenic system at Fermilab. An electrode sphere-plate geometry was implemented using spheres with diameters of 1.3 mm, 5.0 mm, and 76 mm. The MicroBooNE cryogenic system allowed measurements to be taken at a variety of electronegative contamination levels ranging from a few parts-per-million to tens of parts-per-trillion. The cathode-anode distance was varied from 0.1 mm to 2.5 cm. The results demonstrate a geometric dependence of the electric field strength at breakdown. This study is the first time that the dependence of the breakdown field on stressed cathode area has been shown for liquid argon.

  2. A Measurement of the muon neutrino charged current quasielastic interaction and a test of Lorentz violation with the MiniBooNE experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Katori, Teppei [Indiana Univ., Bloomington, IN (United States)


    The Mini-Booster neutrino experiment (MiniBooNE) at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) is designed to search for vμ → ve appearance neutrino oscillations. Muon neutrino charged-current quasi-elastic (CCQE) interactions (vμ + n → μ + p) make up roughly 40% of our data sample, and it is used to constrain the background and cross sections for the oscillation analysis. Using high-statistics MiniBooNE CCQE data, the muon-neutrino CCQE cross section is measured. The nuclear model is tuned precisely using the MiniBooNE data. The measured total cross section is σ = (1.058 ± 0.003 (stat) ± 0.111 (syst)) x 10-38 cm2 at the MiniBooNE muon neutrino beam energy (700-800 MeV). ve appearance candidate data is also used to search for Lorentz violation. Lorentz symmetry is one of the most fundamental symmetries in modern physics. Neutrino oscillations offer a new method to test it. We found that the MiniBooNE result is not well-described using Lorentz violation, however further investigation is required for a more conclusive result.

  3. MCViNE – An object oriented Monte Carlo neutron ray tracing simulation package

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lin, Jiao Y.Y., E-mail: [Caltech Center for Advanced Computing Research, California Institute of Technology (United States); Department of Applied Physics and Materials Science, California Institute of Technology (United States); Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (United States); Smith, Hillary L. [Department of Applied Physics and Materials Science, California Institute of Technology (United States); Granroth, Garrett E., E-mail: [Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (United States); Abernathy, Douglas L.; Lumsden, Mark D.; Winn, Barry; Aczel, Adam A. [Quantum Condensed Matter Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (United States); Aivazis, Michael [Caltech Center for Advanced Computing Research, California Institute of Technology (United States); Fultz, Brent, E-mail: [Department of Applied Physics and Materials Science, California Institute of Technology (United States)


    MCViNE (Monte-Carlo VIrtual Neutron Experiment) is an open-source Monte Carlo (MC) neutron ray-tracing software for performing computer modeling and simulations that mirror real neutron scattering experiments. We exploited the close similarity between how instrument components are designed and operated and how such components can be modeled in software. For example we used object oriented programming concepts for representing neutron scatterers and detector systems, and recursive algorithms for implementing multiple scattering. Combining these features together in MCViNE allows one to handle sophisticated neutron scattering problems in modern instruments, including, for example, neutron detection by complex detector systems, and single and multiple scattering events in a variety of samples and sample environments. In addition, MCViNE can use simulation components from linear-chain-based MC ray tracing packages which facilitates porting instrument models from those codes. Furthermore it allows for components written solely in Python, which expedites prototyping of new components. These developments have enabled detailed simulations of neutron scattering experiments, with non-trivial samples, for time-of-flight inelastic instruments at the Spallation Neutron Source. Examples of such simulations for powder and single-crystal samples with various scattering kernels, including kernels for phonon and magnon scattering, are presented. With simulations that closely reproduce experimental results, scattering mechanisms can be turned on and off to determine how they contribute to the measured scattering intensities, improving our understanding of the underlying physics.

  4. Ionization Electron Signal Processing in Single Phase LArTPCs II. Data/Simulation Comparison and Performance in MicroBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adams, C.; et al.


    The single-phase liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) provides a large amount of detailed information in the form of fine-grained drifted ionization charge from particle traces. To fully utilize this information, the deposited charge must be accurately extracted from the raw digitized waveforms via a robust signal processing chain. Enabled by the ultra-low noise levels associated with cryogenic electronics in the MicroBooNE detector, the precise extraction of ionization charge from the induction wire planes in a single-phase LArTPC is qualitatively demonstrated on MicroBooNE data with event display images, and quantitatively demonstrated via waveform-level and track-level metrics. Improved performance of induction plane calorimetry is demonstrated through the agreement of extracted ionization charge measurements across different wire planes for various event topologies. In addition to the comprehensive waveform-level comparison of data and simulation, a calibration of the cryogenic electronics response is presented and solutions to various MicroBooNE-specific TPC issues are discussed. This work presents an important improvement in LArTPC signal processing, the foundation of reconstruction and therefore physics analyses in MicroBooNE.

  5. Mass spectra and fusion cross sections for 20Ne+24Mg interaction at 55 and 85 MeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grotowski, K.; Belery, P.; Delbar, T.; El Masri, Y.; Gregoire, G.; Janssens, R.; Vervier, J.; Paic, G.; Albinska, M.; Albinski, J.; Kopta, S.; Kozik, T.; Planeta, R.


    Inclusive γ spectra from the 20 Ne+ 24 Mg interaction have been measured using 55- and 85-MeV 20 Ne ions. The identification of γ lines allows the determination of mass spectra in the region 12< or =A< or =43. Experimental results are compared with statistical model calculations. The total reaction and fusion cross sections are extracted. Cross sections for inelastic scattering, few nucleon transfers, and deep inelastic scattering are estimated

  6. The nucleon axial mass and the MiniBooNE CCQE neutrino-nucleus data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nieves, J; Ruiz Simo, I; Vacas, M J Vicente


    We analyze the MiniBooNE CCQE dσ/dT μ d cos θ μ data using a theoretical model that has proved to be quite successful in the analysis of nuclear reactions with electron, photon and pion probes. We find that RPA and multinucleon knockout turn out to be essential for the description of the MiniBooNE data. We show these measurements are fully compatible with former determinations of nucleon axial mass M A , in contrast with several previous analyses, which have suggested an anomalously large value. We find, M A = 1.08 ± 0.03 GeV. We also argue that the procedure, commonly used to reconstruct the neutrino energy for QE events from the muon angle and energy, could be unreliable for a wide region of the phase space, due to the large importance of multinucleon events.

  7. Mise en scène ja kertova lavastus


    Bruun, Ida


    Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii mise en scèneä ja lavastuksen kerronnallista vaikutusta elokuvassa. Työ on toteutettu toiminnallisena ja koostuu kirjallisesta osasta ja teososasta. Teososa on vuonna 2012 ensi-iltansa saanut fiktiivinen lyhytelokuva Varjelus. Toimin elokuvassa lavastajana ja rekvisitöörinä. Kirjallinen osuus alkaa käsittelemällä mise en scènen, eli ’näyttämöllepanon’ määritelmää ja sen syntyä elokuvalliseksi konseptiksi. Työ etenee esittelemään ja tarkastelemaan käsitteen eri vis...

  8. NE213/BC501A scintillator−lightguide assembly response to 241Am−Be neutrons: An MCNPX−PHOTRACK hybrid code simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tajik, M.; Ghal-Eh, N.; Etaati, G.R.; Afarideh, H.


    The response of an NE213 (or its BICRON equivalent, BC501A) scintillator attached to different sizes of polished/painted lightguides when exposed to 241 Am–Be neutrons has been simulated. This kind of simulation basically needs both particle and light transports: the transport of neutrons and neutron-induced charged particles such as alphas, protons, carbon nuclei and so on has been undertaken using MCNPX whilst the scintillation light transport has been performed with PHOTRACK codes. The comparison between simulated and experimental response functions of NE213 attached to different sizes of polished/painted lightguides and also the influence of length/covering of lightguide on the detection efficiency and uniformity of the scintillator–lightguide assembly response have been studied. - Highlights: • The response of NE213 scintillator with/without lightguides to Am–Be neutrons has been simulated. • The MCNPX–PHOTRACK code has been used for simulation studies in order to model radio-optical properties. • The measured and simulated spectra for an NE213 scintillator exposed to Am–Be source represent a good agreement

  9. La première traduction slave de Molière et la naissance du théâtre slovène

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boštjan Marko Turk


    Full Text Available Trois ans après sa première représentation à Versailles, Georges Dandin de Molière a fait l 'objet d'une traduction partielle en slovène réalisée par Franjo Krsto Frankopan. Cette traduction des trois premières scènes peut être objectivement considérée comme l'un des défis les plus ardus de l'histoire littéraire contemporaine. La recherche slovène et internationale l'a tantôt ignoré, tantôt considéré comme lettre morte. La raison en est que, dans ce fragment, Frankopan aurait utilisé le slovène comme langue servant à ridiculiser, comme l'ayaient fait les dramaturges italiens de la Renaissance avec les dialectes slaves. Or, rien n'est plus éloigné de la vérité. Le texte est intégralement écrit en slovène, langue de la mère de Frankopan. Du reste, comme le montre ne serait-ce que l'analyse bergsonienne du comique, Georges Dandin n'est pas un texte comique. Il convient, par contre, de voir le lien entre la traduction du fragment de la pièce de Molière et l'action de Frankopan contre la monarchie habsbourgeoise. Par l'intermédiaire de la diplomatie viennoise, ce dernier cherchait en effet des appuis à la cour du .roi Louis XIV dont l'auteur dramatique comique en titre était précisément Molière. En conclusion, il convient de souligner que le fragment traduit par Frankopan, en tant que premier texte dramatique en langue slovène, invite à remettre en question la datation des débuts du théâtre slovène proposée par les historiens de la littérature.

  10. Sensitivity of a multi-photomultiplier optical module for KM3NeT

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Löhner, H.; Mjos, A.


    For the KM3NeT neutrino telescope an optical module with a number of small photomultiplier tubes (multi-PMT optical module) will be advantageous for various reasons, e.g. reduced background rate, a larger number of coincidence hits, and sensitivity to ultra-high energy neutrinos. The properties of

  11. 49 CFR 565.14 - Motor vehicles imported into the United States. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Motor vehicles imported into the United States...) REQUIREMENTS VIN Requirements § 565.14 Motor vehicles imported into the United States. (a) Importers shall utilize the VIN assigned by the original manufacturer of the motor vehicle. (b) All passenger cars...

  12. A study of interference effects in Na(3S,3P)-Ne, Ar scattering experiments at high angular resolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berg, F.T.M. van den.


    In this thesis the author presents measurements of differential cross sections for the scattering of Na-atoms in the ground-state and first excited-state by the rare gas atoms Ne and Ar. The scattering experiments were performed in a crossed-beam apparatus built and tested by van Deventer et al. The unique high angular-resolution (0.1 0 ) of this beam-scattering apparatus permits us (i) to remove the discrepancies that still exist between the various X 2 Σ- and A 2 PI-potential curves for Na-Ar and Na-Ne reported up to now, (ii) to obtain detailed information on the B 2 Σ-potentials for these systems and (iii) to demonstrate the necessity of taking into account the spin-uncoupling effects, in the interpretation of the experimental Na-Ne scattering patterns. (Auth.)

  13. Les clusters moléculaires. Applications en catalyse homogène et hétérogène Molecular Clusters. Applications in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dorbon M.


    Full Text Available Le présent article ne prétend pas être une étude bibliographique complète. II ne s'agit que d'une synthèse dont le but est l'introduction à un secteur de la chimie encore jeune et surtout très vaste et plein d'avenir. Les clusters métalliques sont des composés constitués d'atomes métalliques liés entre eux et généralement entourés de ligands ; ils présentent à la fois certaines des caractéristiques des complexes uninucléaires d'une part et des métaux massiques d'autre part. D'un point de vue fondamental, la chimie des clusters représente un domaine encore neuf et particulièrement vaste. D'un point de vue pratique, leur principal intérêt réside dans le fait que bon nombre d'entre eux ont fait preuve de propriétés catalytiques remarquables tant en mode homogène qu'en mode hétérogène. Ils doivent être pris en considération par les industriels de la chimie car certains peuvent être impliqués dans des réactions aussi importantes que la synthèse de Fischer-Tropsch, l'hydrogénation des oléfines, la réaction de gaz à l'eau et la fixation biologique de l'azote atmosphérique. This article does not pretend to be an exhaustive bibliographic survey. It is merely a synthesis intended as an introduction to a sector of chemistry which is still young and especially is very vast and promising. Metal clusters are compounds made up of metal atours bonded together and generally surrounded by ligands. They have various characteristics of both mono-nuclear complexes and bulk metals. From a fundamental point of view, the chemistry of clusters is still a new and particularly vast field. From a practical point of view, the importance of clusters lies in the fact that a good number of them have shown proof of remarkable catalytic properties, both homogeneous and heterogeneous. They must henceforth be taken into consideration by chemical engineers because some of them may be involved in such important reactions as the Fischer

  14. The geology of uranium mineralization at Mika, N.E. Nigeria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Funtua, I.I.; Okujeni, C.P.; Elegba, S.B.


    The Uranium mineralization at Mike is located near Zing in Taraba State, N.E., Nigeria. The host rock consist of a sheared Pan-African medium-grained granite which is in places intruded by rhyolite and siliceous veins. Numerous joints, faults and fractures criss-cut the area. Some of the fractures are filled with secondary quartz. The ore occurs in two parallel N-S trending shear Zones with the western limb hosting a rhyolite body. Drill section reveals a subsurface extension of the mineralization. In the upper limb, mineralization consisting of metal autunite and coffinite occurs associated with the rhyolite body. In lower ore limb meta-autunite, coffinite and pitchblende occur along a set of two parallel shear surface. The pitchblende occurs massive and as vein lets in association with sulphides. The ore body is marked by distinct hydrothermal alteration zones which feature sericitization, silicification, hematization and kaolination. Reactivated regional structures of NE-SW and the N140oE and N170E played an important role in the formation of Mika mineralization. These acted as channel and as mechanical barrier for the mineralization fluid. The bimodal magmatism of the Burashika group is postulated to be related to the process of mineralization in view of the ubiquitous rhyolite in the mineralized bodies

  15. Management tools for R&D engineering projects: Coordination perspective for large international consortium (NeXOS) (United States)

    Castro, Ayoze; Memè, Simone; Quevedo, Eduardo; Waldmann, Christoph; Pearlman, Jay; Delory, Eric; Llinás, Octavio


    NeXOS is a cross-functional and multidisciplinary project funded under the EU FP7 Program, which involves 21 organizations from six different European countries. They all have different backgrounds, interests, business models and perspectives. To be successful, NeXOS applied an international recognized management methodology tailored to the specific project's environment and conditions, with an explicit structure based on defined roles and responsibilities for the people involved in the project and a means for effective communication between them (Fig.1). The project, divided in four different stages of requirements, design, integration, validation and demonstration, allows a clearer monitor of its progress, a comparison of the level of achievement in accordance with the plan and an earlier detection of problems/issues, leading to implementation of less disruptive, but still effective corrective actions. NeXOS is following an ambitious plan to develop innovative sensor systems with a high degree of modularity and interoperability, starting with requirements definition through validation and demonstration phase. To make this integrative approach possible, a management development strategy has been used incorporating systems engineering methods (Fig.2). Although this is standard practice in software development and large scale systems such as aircraft production, it is still new in the ocean hardware business and therefore NeXOS was a test case for this development concept. The question is one of scale as ocean observation systems are typically built on the scale of a few with co-located teams. With a system of diverse technologies (optical, acoustic, platform interfaces), there are cultural differences that must be bridged. The greatest challenge is in the implementation and the willingness of different teams to work with an engineering process, which may help ultimate system integration, but may place additional burdens on individual participants. This presentation

  16. Perspective d'avenir du marché de l'hydrogène Future Outlook of the Hydrogen Market

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ozmen S.


    Full Text Available L'hydrogène qui avait été jusqu'à présent produit à partir des hydrocarbures pour des usages chimiques devra dans les années futures, trouver un marché nouveau qui sera foncfion du développement des centrales nucléaires. Par utilisation de l'énergie électrique ou thermique disponible aux heures creuses, la décomposition de l'eau par voie électrolytique ou thermique (cycle d'oxydoréduction produirait l'hydrogène; gaz stockable et transportable. En plus de la consommation de l'hydrogène pour usage chimique-fabrication du méthanol, de l'ammoniac, hydrotraitement des fractions pétrolières, la métallurgie,... dont l'importance va croître, on envisage l'emploi de l'hydrogène comme véhicule d'énergie. Up to now, hydrogen has been produced from hydrocarbons for chemical uses. In the future, if will have to find a new market for itself which will depend on the development of nucleor power plants. Through the use of electric or thermal energy available during off-peak hours, water decomposition by electrolic or thermal methods (redox cycle could produce hydrogen, a storable and transportable gas. In addition to hydrogen consumption for chemical uses (manufacturing methanol, ammonia, hydrotreating petroleum fractions, metallurgy, etc. which will become greater, plans are being drawn up to use hydrogen as a vehicle for energy.

  17. Determination of cross sections of nuclear reactions to use Al as monitoring foil in heavy ion irradiation with 20Ne projectile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chowdhury, D.P.; Datta, J.; Guin, R.; Verma, R.


    The beam current is generally accurately measured using monitoring foils during the irradiation of thick samples by high energy ion beams. The cross sections of many nuclear reactions induced by light particles are available in literature for use as monitoring foil. However, such cross sections of heavy ion induced reactions are not reported much for their use in applied works. We have determined cross sections of two nuclear reactions, 27 Al ( 20 Ne,2p2n) 43 Sc and 27 Al ( 20 Ne, 2pn) 44m Sc, to use Al as monitoring foil for the irradiation with 20 Ne heavy ion beam. (author)

  18. Short range α-α repulsion and FR-DWIA analysis of the (α, 2α) reaction on 9Be and 20Ne

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joshi, Bhushan N.; Jain, Arun K.


    The 9 Be and 20 Ne nuclei are supposed to be highly α-clustered because while 9 Be is a Borromean nucleus the 20 Ne nucleus is having 4-nucleons outside the closed shell 16 O nucleus. The same is also anticipated from the small α-separation energies for these two nuclei which are 2.4672 MeV and 4.7316 MeV respectively, in comparison the values for 16 O and 12 C nuclei are 7.1622 MeV, 7.367 MeV respectively. In order to verify the trend seen in 12 C and 16 O the theory should repeat itself in 9 Be and 20 Ne also

  19. Presença da Proteína p53 como Prognóstico de Recidiva/Progressão de Neoplasia Intra-epitelial Vulvar III p53 Protein Overexpression as a Prognostic Marker for Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia III Recurrence/Progression

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    Isabel Cristina Chulvis do Val Guimarães


    Full Text Available Objetivo: avaliar o valor da presença da proteína p53 nos casos de recidiva/progressão da neoplasia intra-epitelial vulvar (VIN III. Métodos: foram selecionadas 20 pacientes com VIN III indiferenciada, seguidas semestralmente por período de até quatro anos, divididas em dois grupos: quatorze sem e seis com recidiva/progressão da lesão. Os casos de recidiva/progressão foram distribuídos da seguinte forma: em três pacientes a recidiva ocorreu uma única vez, em duas, houve dupla recorrência e apenas uma evoluiu para carcinoma escamoso. Em ambos os grupos foram avaliados o sítio vulvar acometido e a presença da proteína p53 com análise do padrão de marcação imunohistoquímica. Estudo semelhante foi realizado nos casos de recidiva/progressão além da análise do intervalo de tempo para o surgimento de recidiva/progressão. Resultados: observou-se recidiva da VIN III em 25% dos casos e, em 5%, progressão para carcinoma. O tempo médio de recidiva foi de 24,5 meses. A localização multifocal da lesão primária foi a mais freqüente (50% em ambos os grupos. Na maioria dos casos (87,5%, a recidiva/progressão ocorreu na mesma localização da lesão vulvar primária. A presença da proteína p53 mostrou-se positiva em 50% das lesões primárias de VIN III e em 75% dos casos de recidiva/progressão. Conclusões: a presença da proteína p53 parece desempenhar papel importante na gênese e na predição do curso clínico das VIN III. As recidivas/progressão das VIN III tendem a ocorrer na mesma área da doença inicial, sugerindo a presença de campo molecular alterado.Purpose: to evaluate p53 overexpression value in vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN III recurrence/progression. Methods: twenty patients with undifferentiated VIN III were selected and followed up every six months for four years and divided into two groups: fourteen without and six with recurrence/progression lesion. The recurrence/progression cases were

  20. Multi-PMT optical module for the KM3NeT neutrino telescope

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kavatsyuk, O.; Dorosti-Hasankiadeh, Q.; Löhner, H.


    The future cubic kilometre scale neutrino telescope KM3NeT will employ a novel type of a Digital Optical Module (DOM), developed during the recent FP6 Design Study. A pressure-resistant glass sphere hosts 31 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) of 3-in, diameter, together with all the electronics for

  1. Reflections on the introduction of fast breeder reactors in the DeBeNeLux states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schroeder, R.; Wagner, J.


    This report gives a survey of the impact of introducing sodium-cooled fast breeder reactors in the Federal Republic of Germany and the BeNeLux countries (DeBeNeLux region). The supply situation with respect to electric and thermal energy is studied in particular, together with aspects of economy and environmental impact. The potential and consequences of a breeder economy, the present status and future r+d work are discussed. In addition to sodium-cooled fast breeder reactors with oxide or carbide fuel, alternative solutions are touched: 1) light water and high temperature reactors, 2) helium-cooled fast breeder reactors, 3) geothermal energy, solar energy and fusion energy. (orig.) [de

  2. Hygiène des denrées alimentaires d'origine animale - Synthèse I : Développement actuel du concept de l'hygiène en agro-alimentaire et des exigences des normes européennes.


    Vindevogel, Henri; Daube, Georges; Korsak Koulagenko, Nicolas; Hans, J. C.; Denys, J.; Ghafir, Y.


    Cette synthèse fait partie d’une série de trois articles qui présentent une mise au point des concepts et normes actuels au niveau européen en industrie agro-alimentaire : - Synthèse I : « Développement actuel du concept de l’hygiène en agro-alimentaire et des exigences des normes européennes » ; - Synthèse II : « Vers une assurance qualité intégrée de la chaîne agro-alimentaire » ; - Synthèse III : « Le vétérinaire et la qualité microbiologique des denrées alimentaires d’origine ani...

  3. Electron Attenuation Measurement using Cosmic Ray Muons at the MicroBooNE LArTPC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meddage, Varuna [Kansas State U., Manhattan


    The MicroBooNE experiment at Fermilab uses liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) technology to study neutrino interactions in argon. A fundamental requirement for LArTPCs is to achieve and maintain a low level of electronegative contaminants in the liquid to minimize the capture of drifting ionization electrons. The attenuation time for the drifting electrons should be long compared to the maximum drift time, so that the signals from particle tracks that generate ionization electrons with long drift paths can be detected efficiently. In this talk we present MicroBooNE measurement of electron attenuation using cosmic ray muons. The result yields a minimum electron 1/e lifetime of 18 ms under typical operating conditions, which is long compared to the maximum drift time of 2.3 ms.

  4. Spatio-temporal distributions of meso convective systems in NE China and its vicinity (United States)

    Yuan, Meiying; Li, Zechun; Zhang, Xiaoling; Li, Xun


    Based on the IR cloud imagery from the Chinese FY-2C satellite for June ~ August, 2005 - 2007, statistics is undertaken of meso convective systems (MCS) over NE China and its neighborhood, obtaining the space - time distributions of MCS. MCS include elliptical type( MCC's) , persistent elongated type (PECS's), in shape. Dividing the total MCS into MαMCS, MβMCS and MCC (PECS) . Results show that the number of meso-α MCS (dominantly PECS's) is considerably more than that of meso-β MCS (largely MCCss), which are observed mainly in the NE China plain and Daxing'an Mountains, especially in the entrance to the plain as well as its central ~ northern portion; the MCS occur mainly in June ~ August, particularly in June; the extratropical MCS show two peak phases, one being in 1500-2200 BST the other being 0000-0700 BST as the secondary peaking interval.

  5. Monsieur Etienne Blanc Premier vice-président de la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Délégué aux finances, à l'administration générale, aux économies budgétaires et aux politiques transfrontalières

    CERN Multimedia

    Bennett, Sophia Elizabeth


    Monsieur Etienne Blanc Premier vice-président de la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Délégué aux finances, à l'administration générale, aux économies budgétaires et aux politiques transfrontalières

  6. Diversity patterns in macrobenthos across a continental slope in the NE Atlantic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Flach, E.; De Bruin, W.


    Different estimates were used to assess the diversity of the total macrofauna and its major taxonomic groups separately from a broad bathymetric range at a site in the NE Atlantic. In the Goban Spur region, a transect was sampled from the shelf to the abyssal plain over a depth range from similar to

  7. COP 15 'Climate Change Conference Copenhagen and beyond'. Report of a NeVER meeting; COP 15 'Climate Change Conference Copenhagen and beyond'. Verslag bijeenkomst NeVER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duindam, R.H.; Van EEuwen, M.P. [Cluster Energie en Vervoer, Juridische Dienst, Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit NMa, Den Haag (Netherlands)


    Report of a meeting of NeVER (the Dutch Energy Law Association) on 8 February 2010 at the Dutch Competition Authority in The Hague, the Netherlands. During this meeting, 2 speakers, who had also attended COP15 in Copenhagen, held speeches about their experiences with informative and stimulating issues in Copenhagen. Does the climate issue benefit from a global approach? How did the negotiations proceed behind the scenes? Are there any positive results worth mentioning as opposed to the critical notes. [Dutch] Verslag van een bijeenkomst van NeVER (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Energierecht) op 8 februari 2010 bij de NMa in Den Haag. Tijdens de bijeenkomst hebben 2 sprekers, die aanwezig waren bij de COP15 in Kopenhagen, voordrachten gehouden over hun ervaringen in Kopenhagen met wetenswaardige en prikkelende kwesties. Is het klimaatprobleem gebaat bij een mondiale aanpak? Hoe verliepen de onderhandelingen achter de schermen? Zijn naast de kritiek ook positieve resultaten te benoemen?.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego Echevnguá Borges


    Full Text Available O presente estudo buscou identificar e analisar como está ocorrendo o relacionamento entre instituições e vinícolas exportadoras no ambiente institucional da Campanha Gaúcha, baseando-se, para tanto, no modelo proposto pela autora Christine Oliver (1991. Além disso, pretendeu-se verificar se as vinícolas fazem uso do isomorfismo em suas respostas às pressões do ambiente institucional para obterem legitimação na comunidade vitivinícola. Para tanto, foram revisados temas relativos à teoria institucional, em suas vertentes respostas estratégicas, pressões ambientais e isomorfismo, bem como se buscaram, em sítios eletrônicos e artigos acadêmicos, etc., pressões oriundas do ambiente institucional que impactem diretamente nas atividades das vinícolas em estudo. Foi realizado um estudo qualitativo, tendo como instrumento para coletar os dados primários, junto a três vinícolas que compunham a amostra, um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado com três questões abertas. Entre os resultados, verifica-se que todas as vinícolas adotaram respostas estratégicas menos flexíveis face às requisições dos consumidores por práticas ambientalmente corretas. Palavras-chave: Teoria institucional. Pressões do ambiente institucional. Repostas estratégicas.

  9. Theoretical designs of 19.6 nm Ne-like Ge XRL source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Guoping; Zhang Tanxin; Zheng Wudi


    19.6 nm Ne-like Ge X-ray laser (XRL) can be used as a source to diagnose Rayleigh-Taylor instability in laser induced plasma. In this paper, systemic optimum designs and theoretical analysis to Ne-like Ge XRL driven by pre-main short pulses were conducted by a series of codes, which had been tested by experiments. Simulation results show that, adopting driven conditions of 2%-3% pre-pulse, 6-8 ns pre-main pulse interval and 40 TW/cm 2 power intensity, a gain area of 19.6 nm laser line beyond 60 μm and gain duration of 90 ps can be obtained. Furthermore, with 16 mm plane target, the gain gets to 11.8/cm, and if 6 mrad/cm curved target is adopted, it reaches to 13.3/cm, and small signal gain-length product of single target is about 21.3, which means that saturated gain can be realized by a single target. With double targets opposite coupling, gain-length product can reach 38.4, deep saturation can be gotten, and XRL source required by demonstration of application is out of question

  10. Sembène's Progeny: A New Trend in the Senegalese Novel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Albert Gérard


    Full Text Available The growth of the Nouvelles Editions Africaines in Senegal has proved favorable to the promotion of a national literature whose grass-roots inspiration is in obvious reaction against the elitist proclivities of earlier writers trained in French universities. The younger novelists follow in the footsteps of Sembène Ousmane, depicting actual living conditions among the under-privileged and usually silent majority in present-day Dakar. Recent examples are Aminata Sow Fall's La Grève des battù (1979, Moussa Ly Sangaré's Sourd-muet, je demande la parole (1978 and Mariama Bâ's Une si longue lettre (1979. Such works are designed for a local readership, which is numerous enough because Senegal has the highest rate of literacy in French of all African countries. While the clinical realism of their narrative technique is similar to Sembène's in many respects, the characteristic feature of those writers is that they do not seem to have any political axe to grind: their detached lucidity and absence of bitterness makes their image of the African megalopolis all the more impressive and depressing.

  11. AR-NE3A, a New Macromolecular Crystallography Beamline for Pharmaceutical Applications at the Photon Factory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamada, Yusuke; Hiraki, Masahiko; Sasajima, Kumiko; Matsugaki, Naohiro; Igarashi, Noriyuki; Kikuchi, Takashi; Mori, Takeharu; Toyoshima, Akio; Kishimoto, Shunji; Wakatsuki, Soichi; Amano, Yasushi; Warizaya, Masaichi; Sakashita, Hitoshi


    Recent advances in high-throughput techniques for macromolecular crystallography have highlighted the importance of structure-based drug design (SBDD), and the demand for synchrotron use by pharmaceutical researchers has increased. Thus, in collaboration with Astellas Pharma Inc., we have constructed a new high-throughput macromolecular crystallography beamline, AR-NE3A, which is dedicated to SBDD. At AR-NE3A, a photon flux up to three times higher than those at existing high-throughput beams at the Photon Factory, AR-NW12A and BL-5A, can be realized at the same sample positions. Installed in the experimental hutch are a high-precision diffractometer, fast-readout, high-gain CCD detector, and sample exchange robot capable of handling more than two hundred cryo-cooled samples stored in a Dewar. To facilitate high-throughput data collection required for pharmaceutical research, fully automated data collection and processing systems have been developed. Thus, sample exchange, centering, data collection, and data processing are automatically carried out based on the user's pre-defined schedule. Although Astellas Pharma Inc. has a priority access to AR-NE3A, the remaining beam time is allocated to general academic and other industrial users.

  12. Quest of halo in 31Ne using Glauber model formalism with deformed relativistic mean field density

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, Mahesh K.; Patra, S.K.


    The advancement of radio active ion beam (RIB) explored the structure of exotic nuclei, which are away from the β stability line. Such nuclei with weak binding lie at the limit of stability and exhibit some fascinating phenomena. One of them is the formation of one or more nucleon halo structure. It is well established that the interaction cross section of halo nuclei like 11 Li, 11 Be and 19 C show anomalously large interaction cross sections and matter radius than that of their neighboring nuclei. Some recent investigations for 31 Ne predict that has a halo nature. The first experimental evidence also suggests 31 Ne as a halo candidate. The isotope 31 Ne having N=21, which breaks the shell closer structure as a consequence of deformation associated with the strong intruder configuration and having special interest, because it lie at island of inversion. Here we apply the well known Glauber approach with conjunction of deformed relativistic mean field densities of projectile and target nuclei. It is to be noted that Panda et al has done the similar calculation using a spherical density

  13. Neutron spectrometry with the NE-213 organic scintillator detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, A.A. da.


    A neutron spectrometer with the NE-213 organic scintillator detector (5,08cm x 5,08cm) was mounted, tested, and calibrated at the Argonaut Reactor Laboratory of the Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear, to measure and study spectra of available fast neutron sources. The time zero-crossover technique was employed to discriminate the pulse of neutrons and gammas. The neutron spectrum from a 241 Am-Be source was determined experimentally in the range 1,0 MeV to 12,0 MeV and good agreement with other researchers was obtained. (Author) [pt

  14. Coulomb breakup of 31Ne using finite range DWBA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shubhchintak; Chatterjee, R.


    Coulomb breakup of nuclei away from the valley of stability have been one of the most successful probes to unravel their structure. However, it is only recently that one is venturing into medium mass nuclei like 23 O and 31 Ne. This is a very new and exciting development which has expanded the field of light exotic nuclei to the deformed medium mass region. In this contribution, an extension of the previously proposed theory of Coulomb breakup within the post-form finite range distorted wave Born approximation to include deformation of the projectile is reported

  15. DAΦNE magnet power supply system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ricci, R.; Sanelli, C.; Stecchi, A.


    The e + -e - , 1020 MeV at center of mass, Particle Accelerator Complex DAΦNE, consists of a linear accelerator (Linac), a damping ring (D.A.), nearly 180 m of transfer lines (T.L.) and two storage rings (S.R.), that intersect each other in two points (I.P.), for Φ particle production. The D.A., T.L. and S.R. magnets are powered by means of 462 power supplies, rating from 100 W to 1 MW. The very different output currents, from 10 A to 2300 A, and output voltages, from 8 V to 1300 V, imposed many different technical solution realized by the world industry. This paper describes the Power Supply System giving also a description of the different typologies, their characteristics and control systems. The paper reports also the power supply performances and gives information on their installation and first year operation period

  16. La chaîne du froid en agroalimentaire


    Rosset , Philippe; Beaufort , Annie; Cornu , Marie; Poumeyrol , Gérard


    Le recours au froid constitue une pratique courante pour assurer une conservation prolongée des aliments, de quelques jours à quelques semaines. Limitant notre propos aux denrées réfrigérées et au risque sanitaire d'origine microbiologique, après un rappel de la définition de la chaîne du froid et des modalités générales de mise en oeuvre, nous aborderons dans un premier temps les particularités technologiques de son application. Celle-ci sera étudiée tout d'abord selon le type d'aliments con...

  17. Quantum dynamics of Ne-Br2 vibrational predissociation: the role of continuum resonances as doorway states. (United States)

    García-Vela, A; Janda, K C


    Wave-packet simulations of the Ne-Br2(B,upsilon') vibrational predissociation dynamics in the range upsilon' = 16-29 are reported. The aim is to interpret recent time-dependent pump-probe experiments [Cabrera et al., J. Chem. Phys. 123, 054311 (2005)]. Good agreement is found between the calculated and the experimental lifetimes corresponding to decay of the Ne-Br2(B,upsilon') initial state and to appearance of Br2(B,upsilonBr2(B,upsilonBr2(B,upsilonBr2 distances greater than 15 angstroms. In the light of the results, a structure of the spectrum of continuum resonances is suggested and discussed.

  18. High-Precision Half-Life Measurements for the Superallowed Fermi β+ Emitters 14O and 18Ne (United States)

    Laffoley, A. T.; Andreoiu, C.; Austin, R. A. E.; Ball, G. C.; Bender, P. C.; Bidaman, H.; Bildstein, V.; Blank, B.; Bouzomita, H.; Cross, D. S.; Deng, G.; Diaz Varela, A.; Dunlop, M. R.; Dunlop, R.; Finlay, P.; Garnsworthy, A. B.; Garrett, P.; Giovinazzo, J.; Grinyer, G. F.; Grinyer, J.; Hadinia, B.; Jamieson, D. S.; Jigmeddorj, B.; Ketelhut, S.; Kisliuk, D.; Leach, K. G.; Leslie, J. R.; MacLean, A.; Miller, D.; Mills, B.; Moukaddam, M.; Radich, A. J.; Rajabali, M. M.; Rand, E. T.; Svensson, C. E.; Tardiff, E.; Thomas, J. C.; Turko, J.; Voss, P.; Unsworth, C.

    High-precision half-life measurements, at the level of ±0.04%, for the superallowed Fermi emitters 14O and 18Ne have been performed at TRIUMF's Isotope Separator and Accelerator facility. Using 3 independent detector systems, a gas-proportional counter, a fast plastic scintillator, and a high-purity germanium array, a series of direct β and γ counting measurements were performed for each of the isotopes. In the case of 14O, these measurements were made to help resolve an existing discrepancy between detection methods, whereas for 18Ne the half-life precision has been improved in anticipation of forthcoming high-precision branching ratio measurements.

  19. Infrared Spectra of Novel NgBeSO2 Complexes (Ng = Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) in Low Temperature Matrixes. (United States)

    Yu, Wenjie; Liu, Xing; Xu, Bing; Xing, Xiaopeng; Wang, Xuefeng


    The novel noble-gas complexes NgBeSO 2 (Ng = Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) have been prepared in the laser-evaporated beryllium atom reactions with SO 2 in low-temperature matrixes. Doped with heavier noble gas, the guest (Ar, Kr, Xe) atom can substitute neon to form more stable complex. Infrared spectroscopy and theoretical calculations are used to confirm the band assignment. The dissociation energies are calculated at 0.9, 4.0, 4.7, and 6.0 kcal/mol for NeBeSO 2 , ArBeSO 2 , KrBeSO 2 , and XeBeSO 2 , respectively, at the CCSD(T) level. Quantum chemical calculations demonstrate that the Ng-Be bonds in NgBeSO 2 could be formed by the combination of electron-donation and ion-induced dipole interactions. The Wiberg bond index (WBI) values of Ng-Be bonds and LOL (localized orbital locator) profile indicate that the Ng-Be bond exhibits a gradual increase in covalent character along Ne to Xe.

  20. Joint Ne/O and Fe/O Analysis to Diagnose Large Solar Energetic Particle Events during Solar Cycle 23

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tan, Lun C.; Shao, Xi [Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 (United States); Malandraki, Olga E., E-mail: [IAASARS, National Observatory of Athens, GR-15236, Penteli (Greece)


    We have examined 29 large solar energetic particle (SEP) events with the peak proton intensity J {sub pp}(>60 MeV) > 1 pfu during solar cycle 23. The emphasis of our examination is put on a joint analysis of Ne/O and Fe/O data in the energy range (3–40 MeV nucleon{sup −1}) covered by Wind /Low-Energy Matrix Telescope and ACE /Solar Isotope Spectrometer sensors in order to differentiate between the Fe-poor and Fe-rich events that emerged from the coronal mass ejection driven shock acceleration process. An improved ion ratio calculation is carried out by rebinning ion intensity data into the form of equal bin widths in the logarithmic energy scale. Through the analysis we find that the variability of Ne/O and Fe/O ratios can be used to investigate the accelerating shock properties. In particular, the high-energy Ne/O ratio is well correlated with the source plasma temperature of SEPs.