
Sample records for vargas llosa mario

  1. Mario Vargas Llosa y el "Realismo Estructural"

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Yang Meixia


    Este articulo se trata de un comentario del escritor Mario Vargas Llosa, quien tue el ganador del Premio Nobel de literatura en el afio 2010, y las relaciones entre el "Realismo Estructural" y el escritor. E1 articulo contiene un anālisis de algunas obras representativas y las técnicas utilizadas en ellas. En este trabajo, trato de analizar las tbr- mas narrativas utilizadas en sus obras, tanto la estructura como otras técnicas narrativas, mús la combinacin de lo real y lo ficticio, con el fin de disfrutar de las artes del lengueje de Mario Vargas Llosa para describir una historia real, en forma fictional.



    Cristián Montes


    La intención de estas páginas es analizar de qué modo se despliega el imaginario perruno en La ciudad y los perros de Mario Vargas Llosa. Se estudiará cómo se vinculan y relacionan los significantes: animal - humano.This work intends to study the ways in which the conceptual image of the dog is represented in Mario Vargas Llosa's novel La ciudady los perros, particularly the significant connections and relationships between animals and humans.


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    Cristián Montes


    Full Text Available La intención de estas páginas es analizar de qué modo se despliega el imaginario perruno en La ciudad y los perros de Mario Vargas Llosa. Se estudiará cómo se vinculan y relacionan los significantes: animal - humano.This work intends to study the ways in which the conceptual image of the dog is represented in Mario Vargas Llosa's novel La ciudady los perros, particularly the significant connections and relationships between animals and humans.

  4. La huída en la obra de Mario Vargas Llosa

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    German Arce Ross

    Full Text Available Se trata de poner en perspectiva la mayor parte de novelas de Mario Vargas Llosa en función del tema de la huída, partiendo del hecho que é1 solicitó la nacionalidad Española inmediatamente después de haber perdido las elecciones para la Presidencia del Perú y de haber escrito El pez en el agua. Nuestro análisis intenta demostrar la importancia de la figura paterna – principalmente en el sentido de su ausencia y de sus bruscas reapariciones – en la cristalización sintomática del tema de la fuga. Es por eso que una analogía con la posición fóbica, en relación al padre o a sus substitutos, nos ha parecido pertinente. Teniendo como pivot el análisis de la forma, del contexto y del contenido de su libro de memorias, este trabajo definiría así las bases de una contribución literaria de la obra de Vargas Llosa a la clinica de la fobia.

  5. Arquetipos femeninos en las obras de Francisco Umbral y Mario Vargas Llosa


    Godoy Cossío, Ana


    Sin duda, investigar a dos escritores como Francisco Umbral y Mario Vargas Llosa ambos situados en el Olimpo de los grandes escritores del siglo XX, no ha sido tarea fácil, pero sí verdaderamente fascinante. Poseedores de talento, creatividad y de genio literario son portadores de una marca propia e indeleble en el periodismo, en el ensayo crítico y en la narrativa. Dos columnas equidistantes y equivalentes con voz propia que se han coronado por igual gracias a sus productivas vidas. En suma,...

  6. La fiesta del Chivo, de Mario Vargas Llosa: perspectivas de recepción de una novela de éxito

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    Frauke Gewecke


    Full Text Available Cuando a comienzos de marzo de 2000 la editorial Alfaguara lanzó al mercado español la nueva novela de Mario Vargas Llosa, anunciada desde hacía meses como evento editorial del año, la acogida por parte de la crítica fue unánimemente entusiasta, calificada la novela de “magistral” y “espléndida” o, para citar a Miguel García-Posada de El País (11-3-2000, de “narración poderosa”, escrita por Vargas Llosa “con su instinto de novelista nato”. Siguió una apretada campaña de promoción, con la presencia constante de Vargas Llosa en la prensa española y con una gira emprendida por el autor que lo llevó a Santo Domingo, Buenos Aires, Lima, México y hasta Miami.


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    Horst Nitschack


    Full Text Available En la novela La Guerra del fin del mundo Mario Vargas Llosa presenta una reescritura y ficcionalización del texto fundacional Os Sertdes de Euclides da Cunha. El presente artículo sitúa esta novela en el momento de un cambio radical de las convicciones ideológicas y políticas de Mario Vargas Llosa en la década de los 70 y se propone analizar de qué manera las nuevas posiciones neoliberales asumidas por el autor se reflejan en la poética de la novela. Como argumento central se sostiene que en el proceso de ficcionalización del texto referencial de Euclides da Cunha se dejan descubrir dos estrategias: la primera es la individualización de la Historia, es decir, la narración privilegia las experiencias subjetivas de los protagonistas para explicar sus disposiciones a la violencia; en la segunda, la ficcionalización asume una paradoja: finge representar lo irrepresentable advirtiendo al mismo tiempo al lector que se trata solamente de ficción, es decir, ella responsabiliza al propio lector en qué medida él está dispuesto a identificar la narración con la 'verdad' histórica. En los dos casos nos encontramos frente a una poética que valoriza la responsabilidad individual y lo subjetivo en vez de la dependencia individual de lo colectivo y del compromiso de la narración con la historia objetiva.In the novel The War of the End of the World (La guerra del fin del mundo Mario Vargas Llosa presents a rewriting and fictionalization of Euclides da Cunha's foundational text Os Sertdes. The article relates this novel to the radical change in Mario Vargas Llosa's ideological and political convictions in the 1970s and intends to analyze how the author's neo-liberal positions are reflected in the poetics of this novel. The central argument is that in this process of fictionalization of Euclides da Cunha's text, two strategies can be discovered: the first being the individualization of History, that is, the narrative privileges the subjective


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    José Morales Saravia


    Full Text Available Lo nuevo de la "nueva novela hispanoamericana", que La ciudad y los perros (1962 de Mario Vargas Llosa representa, se halla en el re-trabajo de las categorías suministradas por la tradición realista bajo premisas que buscan despertar en el lector vivencias directas de lo feo. Este artículo analiza ambas estéticas implicadas en ello: aquella que construye lo feo en toda su amplitud y aquella del efecto que hace vivenciar lo feo directamente por el lector.The new aspect of the "nueva novela hispanoamericana", represented by Vargas Llosa's 1962 The Time of Hero, lies in the rework of categories from the realistic tradition under premises that seek to awaken in readers direct experiences of ugliness. This article analyses the two aesthetics involved in this process: one that constructs a vast fiction world of ugliness (KarlRosenkranz's Asthetik des Hasslichen, and another that enables readers to experience ugliness directly (Wirkungsasthetik.


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    Lucero de Vivanco


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda cuatro textos narrativos del escritor peruano Mario Vargas Llosa relacionados con la violencia que se vivió en Perú en el contexto de la guerra entre Sendero Luminoso y el Estado: las novelas Historia de Mayta y Lituma en los Andes y los documentos Informe de Uchuraccay e Historia de una matanza. La lectura que hago parte problematizando los supuestos teóricos planteados por el escritor en La verdad de las mentiras en relación con la "verdad" de la literatura y su independencia con respecto a la realidad. Desde este lugar crítico, propongo que sus teorías no solo son problemáticas en sí mismas cuando se trata de narrar la violencia, sino que no son coincidentes con las prácticas culturales de sus lectores, razón por la cual los debates se encienden en la escena ideológica y la cuestión de la referencialidad se vuelve lucha política.The present article focuses on four narrative texts by Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa that deal with the war between Shining Path and the Peruvian state: the novels Historia de Mayta and Lituma en los Andes, and the documents Informe de Uchuraccay and Historia de una matanza. My reading begins by discussing the writer's theories about "truth" in literature and its independence from reality as shown in La verdad de las mentiras. From this critical position, I propose that these theories are not only problematic in themselves when narrating violence, but also that they do not match with his readers' cultural practices. This point has led to incensed discussions in ideological debates, turning the question of referentiality into a problem of political struggle.


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    Dieter Ingenschay


    Full Text Available En numerosos artículos y ensayos Vargas Llosa ha tomado posición a favor de los derechos de homosexuales (lo que ha provocado fuertes reacciones de ciertas personas u organizaciones homófobas. En su obra de ficción, la homosexualidad no tiene un papel muy importante, pero con la figura de Mayta, encontramos, ya en los años 1980, a un homosexual en el proceso de su emancipación. En contra de estas tendencias en su obra, el protagonista de El sueño del Celta sufre permanentemente de su 'disposición sexual' supuestamente problemática.Vargas Llosa has defended the rights of homosexuals in numerous articles and essays, a fact that has provoked strong reactions by homophobic individuals and organizations. In his fiction, homosexuality does not play an important role, but in the figure of Mayta we find, as early as in the 1980s, a homosexual in the process of emancipation. Against these trends in his work, the protagonist of El sueño del Celta suffers permanently from his supposedly problematic "sexual disposition".

  11. La niña-mujer en el huerto narrativo de Francisco Umbral y Mario Vargas Llosa


    Godoy Cossío, Ana


    El artículo aborda la preeminencia de la niña-mujer como uno de los arquetipos femeninos predominantes en las narrativas de Francisco Umbral y Mario Vargas Llosa. Desde la perspectiva espacio-temporal, el estudio proyecta el doble microcosmos ficcional/no ficcional de la infancia/niñez, en cuyas etapas imperan los episodios obsesivos como marcas indelebles de la memoria individual y colectiva, restauradas por el narrador/protagonista/testigo. En sus textos, las niñas son el núcleo del paraíso...

  12. Teoría política posfundacional en La guerra del fin del mundo de Mario Vargas Llosa: ¿Canudos postestructuralista?

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    Martín Retamozo


    Full Text Available It can be said that the relation between literature and political theory is not as prolific as that established by other disciplines such as philosophy, history and psychology. Although politics has held a central role in literature it is difficult to assert the prominence of political theory. A remarkable exception to this can be found in the novel La guerra del fin del mundo by Mario Vargas Llosa, not because the author dedicates himself to political theory but because of the complicity the plot shares with some contemporary theoretical perspectives. Within this horizon, the article proposes a reading of La guerra del fin del mundo in the light of its relation with key categories from post foundational political thought such as Heterogeneity, Antagonism, constitutive outside, empty signifier, discourse and hegemony. The article thus aims to contribute to the discussion of theoretical categories whose abstraction has often turned them difficult to assimilate. It also offers some reading clues to approach Vargas Llosa?s novel in the light of present political theory

  13. "Nicarágua na encruzilhada": Cortázar, Vargas Llosa e a experiência sandinista

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    Adriane Vidal Costa


    Full Text Available No final dos anos 1970 e início dos 80, Julio Cortázar e Mario Vargas Llosa compararam a Nicarágua sandinista com a Cuba de Fidel Castro, colocando em dia o debate sobre a revolução e o socialismo na América Latina. O presente trabalho analisa os artigos de Cortázar e Vargas Llosa para mostrar como eles compreenderam e traduziram a experiência sandinista. Em fins dos anos 1970, muitos intelectuais passaram a defender a Revolução Sandinista, como a possível revolução ideal ou uma nova chance para a experiência socialista na América Latina, como foi o caso de Cortázar. Vargas Llosa, desencantado com as esquerdas, apontava os "erros" do regime que poderiam levar a experiência sandinista a transformar o país centro-americano em uma "nova Cuba".

  14. La fisura irremediable: indígenas, regiones y nación en tres novelas de Mario Vargas Llosa

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    María de las Mercedes Ortiz Rodríguez


    Full Text Available In his novels The Green House (1966, The Storyteller (1989 and Death in the Andes (1996, Mario Vargas Llosa reinforces the dominant visions in which the Peruvian Andes and jungle are portrayed as the realms of barbarism and savagery respectively—as opposed to the Coast, which is considered the civilized center of the nation. I discuss how he resuscitates topics like cannibalism and the extirpation of idolatries in colonial times, clearly employing the linear evolutionism of the nineteenth century. He uses these familiar tropes and images to characterize, as did his predecessors, indigenous people as savages, cannibals and pagans who constitute an obstacle for the development of Peru in a neoliberal and global world.

  15. El capítulo PCP-SL en la narrativa de Mario Vargas Llosa

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    Lucero de Vivanco


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda cuatro textos narrativos del escritor peruano Mario Vargas Llosa relacionados con la violencia que se vivió en Perú en el contexto de la guerra entre Sendero Luminoso y el Estado: las novelas Historia de Mayta y Lituma en los Andes y los documentos Informe de Uchuraccay e Historia de una matanza. La lectura que hago parte problematizando los supuestos teóricos planteados por el escritor en La verdad de las mentiras en relación con la "verdad" de la literatura y su independencia con respecto a la realidad. Desde este lugar crítico, propongo que sus teorías no solo son problemáticas en sí mismas cuando se trata de narrar la violencia, sino que no son coincidentes con las prácticas culturales de sus lectores, razón por la cual los debates se encienden en la escena ideológica y la cuestión de la referencialidad se vuelve lucha política.

  16. Tres lecturas de las novelas de Mario Vargas Llosa : interpretación psicoanalítica de la producción novelesca de un autor


    Jonsson, Petter


    This doctoral thesis is a psychoanalytic interpretation of the novels of the Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa, and it explores these novels from three different perspectives, here called readings. The first perspective focuses on the literary techniques and the importance these may have for the interpretation of the content of the novels. This first reading includes a summary of the reception of the works and reveals many aspects that have not been discovered in earlier studies. The second ...

  17. Rubén Darío en la poética de Vargas Llosa // Rubén Darío in Vargas Llosa’s poetics

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    Agustín Prado Alvarado


    Full Text Available The examination of Mario Vargas Llosa’s bachelor’s thesis (1958, published in book form in 2001 reveals his background as a literary critic. Vargas Llosa’s interest in the biographical aspects of the Nicaraguan poet lets us track the emergence of his literary vocation. The other interest demonstrated in this thesis is to prove the permanence of the life and work of the naturalist writer Emile Zola in the life of Darío. In this thesis, there are some features that Mario Vargas Llosa maintained throughout his production as a literary critic, especially the biographical review as a key to understand certain codes of literary creation of an author.

  18. The Mario Vargas Llosa’s «niña mala»: Literary Descendant from the Picaresque?

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    Giovanna Pollarolo


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship, from an intertextual  perspective, between Las travesuras de la niña mala by Mario Vargas Llosa (2006, and the picaresque genre developed in Spain during the 16th and 17th century. In order to achieve this aim, I will take into account the filiation discourse and the appearance of the picaresque canon, as well as the female picaresque works ignored by the critics. Vargas Llosa draws the character of the «niña mala» gathering charateristics which belong both to male and female picaro.

  19. Cervantes and Vargas Llosa. Two literary architectures

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    Ángel Pérez Martínez


    Full Text Available From the development of Literature Theory wich based on the analogy with Architecture the author analyze the relationships between Cervantes and Vargas Llosa works. Research on Cervantes reception in Latin America it is a work to keep doing. In Peru Vargas Llosa has received Cervantes works in a peculiar way. This paper tries to clarify what are the structural relations between these two literary architecture

  20. El periodismo en la literatura. Impresiones de la realidad en la narrativa de Vargas Llosa

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    Juana Martínez Gómez


    Full Text Available El periodismo y la literatura son prácticas escriturales que interesan a Vargas Llosa desde muy temprana edad y que cultiva de forma simultánea durante toda su vida. Desde su concepción realista de la literatura, el autor no puede soslayar la presencia del ámbito periodístico en algunasde sus novelas como una faceta relevante del conglomerado social ficcionalizado. Este trabajo aborda las diferentes formas que el periodismo adopta en sus novelas empezando brevemente por Conversación en la Catedral, para repasar después otras novelas y detenerse con mayorprofundidad en la última, El sueño del celta, en la que el periodismo aparece como soporte narrativo de gran envergadura.Palabras claves: Mario Vargas Llosa, literatura, periodismo, narrativa peruana.

  1. Escritores comprometidos, campo literario y novela total en los años sesenta. Mario Vargas Llosa, lector de Cien años de soledad

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    Jorge Valenzuela Garcés


    Full Text Available El proyecto de “novela total” que concibieron y llevaron a la práctica connotados integrantes del “boom” de la novela hispanoamericana tuvo extraordinarias muestras en textos como Cien años de soledad o La casa verde. En este estudio nos ocupamos de describir el campo literario delos años sesenta y el modo en que este influye, a través de la figura del compromiso, en las demandas al escritor-intelectual de izquierda sobre la necesidad de proyectar, en los textos literarios, una imagen integral del proceso histórico y social del continente. El análisis se centra en la forma en que Vargas Llosa construye, a partir del análisis de una novela como Cien años de soledad, el proyecto de la novela total y el modo en que la novela del escritor colombiano representó esta totalidad respondiendoa las demandas del campo literario en un contexto marcado porun discurso que entonces explicaba la situación de retraso de nuestro continente debido a la dependencia del imperialismo.Palabras claves: Mario Vargas Llosa, novela total, campo intelectual, campo literario.

  2. De Los ríos profundos a Lituma en los andes: La respuesta de Mario Vargas Llosa a José María Arguedas

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    Marie-Madeleine Gladieu


    Full Text Available La novela de Mario Vargas Llosa Lituma en los Andes1 poco tiene que ver, aparentemente, con el mundo narrativo de José María Arguedas: las nuevas aventuras de un personaje ficticio bien conocido de los lectores, presente en varias obras anteriores de aquel autor, en nada se asemejan a las del niño Ernesto ni a las de otro protagonista arguediano. Los Andes sirven de decorado para los dos relatos, pero entre la naturaleza y los pueblos que se suceden en Los ríos profundos2en toda su diversidad, y los paisajes hoscos y siempre peligrosos por los que cruza Lituma, apenas reconoce el lector aquella parte del sur peruano. Algunos detalles, sin embargo, al examinar bien el texto y el contexto de Lituma en los Andes, llaman la atención.

  3. Apocalipsis y literatura en Cien años de soledad de Gabriel García Márquez, La guerra del fin del mundo de Mario Vargas Llosa y Estrella distante de Roberto Bolaño


    Laura Luche


    The study examines three novels of apocalyptic character, Cien años de soledad by Gabriel García Márquez, La guerra del fin del mundo by Mario Vargas Llosa and Estrella distante by Roberto Bolaño. Both in Cien años de soledad and in La guerra del fin del mundo apocalypse is related to the sudden and forced graft of modernity in a backward society and to the inability of the ruling class to understand the disturbing and devastating aspects of such a graft and, more generally, to understand...


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    Matías Rebolledo


    Full Text Available Uno de los medidores más concretos para dimensionar el impacto cultural y artístico de un autor en estos días es la cantidad de relecturas que generan sus obras (reescrituras, obras de teatro, películas, etc.. Cada una de estas reinterpretaciones genera nuevas perspectivas y lecturas sobre los textos originales, en un diálogo permanente. Al ser Mario Vargas Llosa uno de los autores latinoamericanos más adaptados en cine, se hace importante revisar críticamente las propuestas cinematográficas a partir de su obra. De este modo, este artículo revisa las tres principales adaptaciones de sus novelas, a saber, La ciudad y los perros, Pantaleón y las Visitadoras y La Fiesta del Chivo, analizando algunos aspectos centrales de cada una de éstas, ya sean estructurales o temáticos, para así iluminar algunas dimensiones no solo de cada adaptación en particular, sino de este intercambio discursivo en general.Nowadays, one of the most concrete ways to measure an author's cultural and artistic impact is the amount of reinterpretations over his works (in literature, theatre, cinema, etc.. Each one of these versions produces new interpretations and perspectives over the original texts, in a constant dialogue. One of the most adapted Latin-American authors to cinema is Mario Vargas Llosa, which reveals the importance of a critical study of the film versions of his works. Thus, this article reviews the three main adaptations of his novels (The Time of the Hero, Captain Pantoja and the Special Service, and The Feast of the Goat by analyzing central aspects pertaining either to structures or themes in order to elucidate certain dimensions relevant not only to each particular adaptation, but also to this discursive interchange in general.

  5. Cult of the Sexless Casement with Special Reference to the Novel The Dream of the Celt by Mario Vargas Llosa (Nobel Prize Winner for Literature 2010

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    Jeffrey Dudgeon


    Full Text Available The Irish revolutionary Roger Casement, executed in 1916, has spawned an army of books, articles, and news stories, more about his diaries and the authenticity controversy that still surrounds them than about his seminal work encouraging and arming Irish separatism or his humanitarian investigations in the Congo and the Peruvian Amazon. His aura and image in life, and more so in death, was Christ-like. A cult developed that required him to be sexless. The more he was said to be an active homosexual, as graphically revealed in his journals, ironically, the more he was revered as an icon by his Catholic nationalist supporters. The entry of Nobel prizewinning novelist Mario Vargas Llosa to the field and his adoption of a mixed, even contradictory, view of Casement’s sexuality in his Dream of the Celt (2010 has sparked a new round of disputation particularly from Angus Mitchell, the foremost proponent of the diary forgery theory. This emerges in his extensive Field Day Review articles, one of which provides a full history of the controversy. 

  6. Apocalipsis y literatura en Cien años de soledad de Gabriel García Márquez, La guerra del fin del mundo de Mario Vargas Llosa y Estrella distante de Roberto Bolaño

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    Laura Luche


    Full Text Available The study examines three novels of apocalyptic character, Cien años de soledad by Gabriel García Márquez, La guerra del fin del mundo by Mario Vargas Llosa and Estrella distante by Roberto Bolaño. Both in Cien años de soledad and in La guerra del fin del mundo apocalypse is related to the sudden and forced graft of modernity in a backward society and to the inability of the ruling class to understand the disturbing and devastating aspects of such a graft and, more generally, to understand themselves, their own development, their own history. Through the metaliterary component that characterizes them, Garcia Marquez’s and Vargas Llosa’ novels represent literature as an instrument that as memory, as a form of processing and understanding of history, can help to prevent the repetition of the apocalypse they narrate. In Bolaño’s novel, on the contrary, writers seem not to have any cognitive power anymore and their literature not only doesn’t play any salvific role, but rather becomes one of the elements that contributes to the historical catastrophe.

  7. Teoría política posfundacional en La guerra del fin del mundo de Mario Vargas Llosa: ¿Canudos postestructuralista?

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    Martín Retamozo


    Full Text Available La relación entre teoría política y literatura quizás no pueda contarse entre las más fecundas si se la compara con el vínculo que han establecido disciplinas como la filosofía, la historia y la psicología. Si bien la política ha ocupado un lugar central en la literatura es difícil sostener que la teoría política haya obtenido un sitio destacado. Una notable excepción encontramos en la novela La guerra del fin del mundo de Mario Vargas Llosa, no porque el autor se dedique a la teoría política, sino por la complicidad de la trama de la novela con ciertas perspectivas teóricas contemporáneas. En este horizonte, el artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una lectura de La guerra del fin del mundo y sugerir su relación con categorías centrales de la teoría política de inspiración posfundacional como Heterogeneidad, Antagonismo, exterior constitutivo, significante vacío, discurso y hegemonía. El trabajo que presentamos, de este modo, pretende aportar a la discusión de ciertas categorías teórico políticas que muchas veces por su grado de abstracción han suscitado dificultades pero también ofrecer claves de lectura de esta novela desde la teoría política actual

  8. Análisis de la comunicación persuasiva: la entrega del Nobel a Vargas Llosa

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    Santiago Martínez


    Full Text Available Desde los tiempos de su candidatura a la presidencia de Perú, el Premio Nobel de Literatura Mario Vargas Llosa nunca renunció a su faceta política así como tampoco a la de observador de la sociedad. Algo que le ha procura- do numerosos detractores pero que no ha mermado sus dotes narrativas. Esta controversia provocó interpretaciones frontalmente encontradas a su discurso en la ceremonia de entrega de los galardones, celebrada en diciembre de 2010. Cuando observamos la interpretación que de aquel acontecimiento realizaron dos medios de comunicación escritos, queda reflejada, al aplicar en el más amplio sentido del término, el uso de las técnicas de comunicación periodística persuasiva. Se realiza así en este trabajo un análisis de diversos aspectos que influyen en esta forma de comunicación, desde la elección de la persona que ha de redactar la información o el comentario de fondo, hasta la selección de los textos originales, completos o fragmentados, que apoyan las opiniones vertidas en la información, pasando por el análisis formal, incluso, del tipo de imágenes elegidas para ilustrar la información y su apoyo en forma de texto de pie de foto.

  9. Las cicatrices de la fugacidad

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    Edgar O'Hara


    Full Text Available Fernando de Szyszlo. Reproducciones en color y textos en inglés (más separata con traducción castellana de Mario Vargas Llosa, Ana Moría Escallón, Ricardo Pau-Llosa; entrevista de Ana María Escallón y cronografía de Judith Alnaís. Ediciones Alfred Wild, Bogota, 1991.

  10. ¿Nuevos sujetos subalternos? ¡No en la nación cercada! Del “Informe sobre Uchuraccay” de Mario Vargas Llosa a Madeinusa de Claudia Llosa

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    Juan Carlos Ubilluz Raygada


    Full Text Available Madeinusa (2006, la ópera prima de Claudia Llosa, es una de las películas peruanas más exitosas en el exterior; ha ganado festivales de cine en Europa y Estados Unidos. Pero también es la película que ha suscitado uno de los debates más candentes en el medio nacional. El debate gira en torno a la representación del mundo andino y de sus habitantes. A fin de entender el porqué de su carácter encendido, dediquemos de entrada algunas líneas al espacio y al tiempo de la película.

  11. El Boom y el fracaso de los intelectuales. Sobre Conversación en la Catedral (1969 de Vargas Llosa y Cien años de soledad (1967 de García Márquez

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    Mercedes Alonso


    Full Text Available El debate en torno al papel de los intelectuales tiene un lugar central en el Boom de la Literatura Latinoamericana. Por un lado,  porque es un momento en que los escritores saltan a la esfera pública e intervienen en ámbitos que exceden o literario. Por otro, porque ha sido uno de los temas que ha ocupado a la crítica en su afán de adscribir el fenómeno al mercado o a las circunstancias políticas de América Latina. Bajo el supuesto de esa centralidad, el presente artículo busca desentrañar las representaciones del intelectual que aparecen en dos novelas del período: Conversación en la Catedral (1969 de Mario Vargas Llosa y Cien años de soledad (1967 de Gabriel García Márquez. En ellas aparecen elementos y problemáticas presentes en los debates que les son contemporáneos con una mirada más amplia que la que opone al escritor y el político (o al intelectual y el revolucionario. Las tareas propias del letrado y la relación con la esfera pública y con las masas definen a los dos personajes principales a partir de los que se puede reconstruir una definición del intelectual.

  12. El Escritor y las Normas del Canon Literario (The Writer and the Norms of the Literary Canon). (United States)

    Policarpo, Alcibiades

    This paper speculates about whether a literary canon exists in contemporary Latin American literature, particularly in the prose genre. The paper points to Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Mario Vargas Llosa as the three authors who might form this traditional and liberal canon with their works "La Muerte de Artemio Cruz"…

  13. Enlightened state versus millenarian vision: A comparison between two historical novels

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    Z. Roelofse-Campbell


    Full Text Available Two millenarian events, one in Brazil (Canudos Rebellion, 1897 and the other in South Africa (Bulhoek Massacre, 1921 have inspired two works of narrative fiction: Mario Vargas Llosa's The War of the End of the World (1981 and Mike Nicol’s This Day and Age (1992. In both novels the events are presented from the perspectives of both the oppressed landless peasants and the oppressors, who were the ruling élites. In both instances, governments which purported to be models of enlightenment and modernity resorted to violence and repression in order to uphold their authority. Vargas Llosa's novel was written in the Latin American tradition where truth and fiction mingle indistinguishably while in the South African novel fictional elements override historical truth.

  14. El monstruo en cine y literatura

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cifuentes-Aldunate, Claudio


    Det drejer sig om 4 artikler af forskellige forfatter, som reflekter om monsterets figuren i en konkret film (El espíritu de la colmena) og hos flere fiktionsforfatter som Mario Vargas Llosa, Ernesto Sábato, José Bianco, Jorge Luis Borges,etc. MIn egen artikel centrere sig i monsteret hos José Do...

  15. Máscaras de la lectura: Jorge Luis Borges en la obra de Mario Luzi / The masks of reading: Jeorge Luis Borges in Mario Luzi’s work

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    Daniel Clemente Del Percio


    The roads that separate writers often end with a paradox, happy proximity. The nominations for the Nobel Prize for literature in 1979 came together, as in a real literary constellation, Italo Calvino, Alberto Moravia, Giorgio Bassani, Vittorio Sereni, Leonardo Sciascia and Mario Luzi, along with the argentine Jorge Luis Borges. The list reflects the richness and variety of Italian literature of the time. But beyond the storytellers, the coincidence of Luzi and Borges (and we might add, that of Odisseas Elytis, who was finally awarded the prize is a unique convergence of poets, with very different poetics, but with intense communicating vessels that unite them, often invisible and contradictory manner. While Borges never wrote about Luzi, the italian, however, did, and quite often, on the argentine, not only from the pages of literary criticism in «Il Corriere della Sera», space occupied until 1974 commenting Latin American literature (he has written about Roberto Arlt, Vargas Llosa and Juan Rulfo, among other writers, but in different interviews, where the frequent quotations that Luzi makes about Borges often installed a space for discussion and profound differences not only on the nature of poetry, but on the same link with the world and life. We propose to study these reflections that Mario Luzi made from (and on many occasions, against about the Argentine author, from the critical work of the Florentine poet, on the centenary of his birth.

  16. La ciudad y los perros

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    Hernando Valencia Goelkel


    Full Text Available El autor de "La ciudad y los perros", Mario Vargas Llosa, nació en Arequipa en 1936. La novela obtuvo en 1962 el premio "Biblioteca Breve", otorgado anualmente por la Editorial Seix Barral, de Barcelona. El tema es la vida de un grupo de alumnos de último año en el Colegio Militar Leoncio Prado, de Lima.

  17. The intimidated bodies: The somatic consequences of state terrorism in Mario Vargas Llosa’s novel The Feast of the Goat

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    Wojciech Sawala


    Full Text Available This paper argues that Mario Vargas Llosa’s novel The Feast of the Goat (2000 uses the images of the bodies of three of its characters (Urania Cabral, Trujillo and Agustín Cabral to represent the mechanisms of state terrorism at the time of Trujillo’s dictatorship in the Dominican Republic. It is a traumatizing system, which leaves somatic marks in all the actors involved. We analyze the manners in which the Peruvian author uses the images of protagonists’ organic processes to sketch the psychical, emotional and ideological processes and states, linked to or generated by the policies of intimidation.

  18. El personaje femenino en la novela del dictador : Un análisis de La fiesta del rey Acab y La Fiesta del Chivo con enfoque al personaje literario de la esposa


    Andersson Ramirez, Terese


    El propósito de este trabajo es investigar el personaje femenino y el papel que ocupa en dos novelas del subgénero novela del dictador. El predominio masculino es evidente tanto por lo que se refiere a los autores como a los protagonistas despóticos y el tema es poco tocado en la gran cantidad de aportes críticos sobre el subgénero. A través de un análisis de La fiesta del rey Acab (1959) de Enrique Lafourcade y La Fiesta del Chivo (2000) de Mario Vargas Llosa nos preguntamos si los personaje...

  19. Homenaje a la columna vertebral

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    Joseph Brodsky


    Full Text Available Exiliado en Estados Unidos desde comienzos de la década del setenta, el poeta ruso Joseph Brodsky (1940-1996, adquiere en 1977 la nacionalidad norteamericana. Al año siguiente, una década antes de recibir el Premio Nobel, asiste como miembro de la delegación de Estados Unidos a una reunión internacional del PEN Club, en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, reunión a la que asiste también Mario Vargas Llosa. "Homenaje a la columna vertebral" es la crónica de esa experiencia y de su primera y probablemente única visita a Latinoamérica.

  20. A orgia perpétua: Flaubert e Madame Bovary. Translated by José Rubens Siqueira

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    Matheus Silva Vieira


    A presente resenha visa analisar a nova tradução de La orgía perpetua, realizada por José Rubens Siqueira, e publicada em 2015. Publicado originalmente em 1975, La Orgía perpetua é o terceiro livro de crítica de Vargas Llosa; antes ele já havia escrito Bases para una interpretación de Ruben Darío (1958 e García Márquez: historia de un deicídio (1971. É comum a crítica afirmar que La Orgía perpetua é uma das portas de entrada para os estudos flaubertianos, o que não deixa de ser uma verdade, mas essa obra também pode ser lida como um “confessionário crítico”, já que Llosa assume nesse livro a influência recebida de Flaubert. Assim, La orgía perpetua pode interessar tanto aos estudiosos da obra de Gustave Flaubert, quanto aos estudiosos de Vargas Llosa.  Por A orgia perpétua se tratar de um livro de crítica literária e não de ficção, encontramos um texto em que Vargas Llosa não explora tanto os recursos estilísticos da língua espanhola, mais especificamente do espanhol “callejero” peruano, como o faz em livros como As cidades e os cachorros. Desse modo, ao analisarmos a tradução de Siqueira, percebemos que esse tradutor se ateve ao estilo claro e direto da prosa ensaística de Vargas Llosa.

  1. A orgia perpétua: Flaubert e Madame Bovary. Translated by José Rubens Siqueira

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    Matheus Silva Vieira


    Full Text Available A presente resenha visa analisar a nova tradução de La orgía perpetua, realizada por José Rubens Siqueira, e publicada em 2015. Publicado originalmente em 1975, La Orgía perpetua é o terceiro livro de crítica de Vargas Llosa; antes ele já havia escrito Bases para una interpretación de Ruben Darío (1958 e García Márquez: historia de un deicídio (1971. É comum a crítica afirmar que La Orgía perpetua é uma das portas de entrada para os estudos flaubertianos, o que não deixa de ser uma verdade, mas essa obra também pode ser lida como um “confessionário crítico”, já que Llosa assume nesse livro a influência recebida de Flaubert. Assim, La orgía perpetua pode interessar tanto aos estudiosos da obra de Gustave Flaubert, quanto aos estudiosos de Vargas Llosa. Por A orgia perpétua se tratar de um livro de crítica literária e não de ficção, encontramos um texto em que Vargas Llosa não explora tanto os recursos estilísticos da língua espanhola, mais especificamente do espanhol “callejero” peruano, como o faz em livros como As cidades e os cachorros. Desse modo, ao analisarmos a tradução de Siqueira, percebemos que esse tradutor se ateve ao estilo claro e direto da prosa ensaística de Vargas Llosa.

  2. Game, game, game and again game, de Jason Nelson: aspectos da contemporaneidade

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    Flavio Pereira Senra


    Full Text Available Embora pensadores como o escritor Mario Vargas Llosa afirmem que os tempos hodiernos têm como característica principal a frivolidade, por conta da velocidade e quantidade de informações a serem digeridas diariamente, artistas em sua pulsão criativa exploram tais paradoxos de grandeza/pequenez em suas obras de arte. Este artigo visa apreender na obra Game, game, game and again game aspectos da contemporaneidade, como o conceito de lúdico e a enorme gama de entretenimentos voltados a um público imerso na indústria da cultura, através da forma como eles são trabalhados junto a conceitos como interatividade como forma de coautoria da obra de arte, finitude artística e permanência no meio digital, e transmidialidade na criação estética.

  3. La fábrica de machos en La ciudad y los perros

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    Francisco Martínez -Hoyos


    Full Text Available Se realiza una lectura desde la sociología para observar la cultura de la masculinidad en la primera obra narrativa de Mario Vargas Llosa. El análisis aborda la construcción de la identidad sexual en el contexto latinoamericano, partiendo de un sistema de valores dominado por los prejuicios y la represión. Mediante la figura del Colegio Leoncio Prado se vislumbra un microcosmos que funcionaría a manera de metáfora de la dictadura militar y el autoritarismo en Perú. La violencia implícita en la vida de los adolescentes, el juego de roles y jerarquías entre los distintos estratos y razas, así como la antítesis entre la trai - ción y el honor son algunos de los elementos que se entretejen en la composi - ción de esta novela.

  4. Mario Weiss (1927 – 2008)

    CERN Multimedia


    It was with great sadness that we learned that our colleague and friend Mario Weiss passed away on February 11th. A feeling of emptiness overtook us all. Mario was a reassuring reference in the small community of linear accelerator experts, as he continued to come to CERN regularly and discuss accelerator problems with passion for many years after his official retirement. Mario came to CERN in 1960 and in the PS Division worked on beam dynamics of low-energy high-intensity proton beams, soon becoming a world-level expert in the field. He took an active part in the construction of Linac2, where he was responsible for the low-energy beam transport system. In the early 80’s he turned his interest to the Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ), a novel concept for acceleration which allows the problems related with bunching and injecting low-energy beams to be overcomed. After starting a fruitful collaboration with the Los Alamos scientists, ...

  5. Some Information Concerning Yom Tob Atias (Jeronimo de Vargas

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    Salomon, Herman P.


    Full Text Available The team of Ferrara editors was headed by two former New Christians: an entrepreneur, a native of Spain, and a Latin scholar from Portugal who in the introductions to variant editions of their scriptural production alternately call themselves by their Christian names Jeronimo de Vargas and Duarte Pinel, and by their Jewish names Yom Tob Atias and Abraham Usque. This “editorial schizophrenia” is reflected in the Italian archives. Whereas the historian Renata Segre’s researches have documented that Duarte Pinel and Abraham Usque were one and the same person, she was unable to find archival proof uniting Jeronimo de Vargas and Yom Tob Atias. The researcher Aron Leoni came up with a Latin notarial deed in the Ferrara archives wherein “Joantu Athias” is called “ptrem ac legitimum administratorum Hieronimi Vargas” and also the latter’s “patre et legitimo administrator.” He supposed “ptrem” to be an abbreviation of “procuratorem” and “patre” to mean father. Thus he concluded that Yom Tob Atias was the father of Jeronimo de Vargas. Close examination of the document and comparison with two others which have recently come to light reveal, however, the incontrovertible identity of Yom Tob Atias and Jeronimo de Vargas. We are dealing with a typical case of ex-Marrano heteronomy: a former New Christian maintaining a separate onomastic Christian identity alongside his Jewish one.

    El equipo de editores de Ferrara fue dirigido por dos antiguos cristianos nuevos, uno financiero, originario de España, y el otro, un latinista portugués. En las distintas introducciones a edición bíblica los dos se autodenominan alternativamente por sus nombres cristianos –Jerónimo de Vargas y Duarte Pinel– y por sus nombres judíos, Yom Tob Atías y Abraham Usque. Esta «esquizofrenia editorial» ha dejado huella en los archivos italianos. Mientras que las investigaciones de Renata Segre han documentado que Pinel y Usque eran la misma

  6. Moderno/Posmoderno/Neomoderno: El jinete polaco, de Antonio Muñoz Molina

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    Marta Beatriz Ferrari


    Full Text Available Antonio Muñoz Molina (Úbeda, 1956 es ya, sin lugar a dudas, uno de los más destacados novelistas españoles contemporáneos. boga en la década que va de 1960 a 1970 al “realismo depurado” y al compromiso ético. La narrativa de Muñoz Molina apela constantemente a los cruces de códigos y al hacerlo va adoptando singulares modulaciones; itinerario que en su recorrido irá dando cuenta de un posicionamiento ideológico frente a los fenómenos derivados de la industria cultural –fenómenos camp y kitsch–, los géneros menores, la intertextualidad y lo intermedial. En esta curva, El jinete polaco significaría un punto de inflexión dentro de la producción narrativa del autor. En ella Muñoz Molina escribe una novela inspirada todavía en un motivo pictórico, pero abandona la astucia narrativa del final sorprendente y combina múltiples peripecias, historias cruzadas, diversos puntos de vista que apuntan a construir algo semejante a lo que Mario Vargas Llosa intuyó en Cien años de soledad de García Márquez, una “novela total”.

  7. The 2010 Mario AI Championship: Level Generation Track

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shaker, Noor; Togelius, Julian; Yannakakis, Georgios N.


    The Level Generation Competition, part of the IEEE CIS-sponsored 2010 Mario AI Championship, was to our knowledge the world’s first procedural content generation competition. Competitors participated by submitting level generators — software that generates new levels for a version of Super Mario...

  8. The Economy of Persistence: Mario the Tailor

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    Prudence Black


    Full Text Available Mario Conte has had a tailor shop in King Street, Newtown since the mid 1960s. Taking an interview with Mario as its point of departure, this article describes the persistence of a skilled worker whose practices and techniques remain the same in a world that has long changed. While inattentive to what rules might be used to decorate a shop window, Mario continues to make and sew in the way that he learnt in post-war Italy. Mario’s persistence could be described as all the skills and other elements that need to be in place to keep him working, in particular the tradition of tailoring techniques he has remained true to over the last fifty years. The hand stitching of his tailoring is like a metronome of that persistence.

  9. Aproximación al español de Perú en Conversación en La catedral, de Mario Vargas Llosa


    Hernández de la Fuente, Victoria


    Existen muchos trabajos sobre el español de América en general y también de distintos países hispanohablantes en concreto, pero no es el caso de Perú. Por ello he decidido aportar un pequeño grano de arena realizando mi Trabajo Fin de Grado sobre una aproximación al español de Perú. Departamento de Lengua Española Grado en Español: Lengua y Literatura

  10. Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, Bolivarian Socialism, and Asymmetric Warfare (United States)


    Francisco Rojas Aravena, “Nuevo contexto de seguridad internacional: nuevos desafios, nuevas oportunidades?” in La seguridad en America Latina pos 11...Institute, 2005; and Andres Benavente Urbina and Julio Alberto Cirino, “El populismo Chavista en Venezuela,” in La democracia defraudada, Buenos Aires... seguridad en Las Américas: Una mirada a la Conferencia Especial de Seguridad ,” Foro, Noviembre 2003, pp. 10–15. 20. Alvaro Vargas Llosa, “The

  11. PENi kirjandusauhinnad selgunud : [sõnum

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Nabokovi-preemia Mario Vargas Llosale; Laura Pelsi auhind Tony Kushnerile ja Maria Irene Fornesile; uudsena noortele kirjanike määratava Robert Binghami auhinna saavad Carolyn Cooke, Matthew Klam ja Manil Suri

  12. Mario Bunge's Scientific Realism (United States)

    Cordero, Alberto


    This paper presents and comments on Mario Bunge's scientific realism. After a brief introduction in Sects. 1 and 2 outlines Bunge's conception of realism. Focusing on the case of quantum mechanics, Sect. 3 explores how his approach plays out for problematic theories. Section 4 comments on Bunge's project against the background of the current…

  13. Desenvolvimentismo e política econômica: um cotejo entre Vargas e Perón Developmentalism and economic policy: a comparison between Vargas and Perón

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    Pedro Cezar Dutra Fonseca


    Full Text Available O artigo compara a política econômica de duas experiências desenvolvimentistas na América Latina: o primeiro período governamental de Vargas (Brasil, 1930-1945 e Perón (Argentina, 1946-1955. Embora aceite a semelhança entre ambas, comumente mais enfatizada pela literatura, procura mostrar certas diferenças entre elas em matéria de natureza econômica. Defende que, enquanto Vargas centravase em medidas para mudar a estrutura econômica do país, com ênfase à industrialização, Perón deu maior prioridade à redistribuição de renda do que a mudanças no modelo econômico, o qual já vinha sendo implementado na Argentina antes de seu governo.This paper compares economic policy characteristics of two developmentalist experiences in Latin America: the first Vargas administration (Brazil, 1930-1945 and the Perón administration (Argentina, 1946-1955. Although certain similarities exist between them (which are usually stressed in the literature, this article seeks to reveal some differences that are economic in nature. While Vargas focused on measures that would change the country's economic structure and with an emphasis on industrialization, Perón prioritized income distribution more than any changes to the economic model that had been implemented before his administration took office.

  14. Some Components of Philosophical nature Constitutives of Prof. Mario Tourasse Teixeira’s Thought Alguns Elementos de Natureza Filosófica Constitutivos do Pensamento do Prof. Mario Tourasse Teixeira

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    Romélia Mara Alves Souto


    Full Text Available In this paper I endeavor to show the interest shown by Prof. Mario Tourasse Teixeira with respect to the production of mathematical knowledge and the ideas underlying the concepts of creativity in mathematics which he used and which permeate the work he supervised. My aim was to organize ideas dispersed throughout the work produced by his pupils, recorded in manuscripts or elaborated as texts and published by Prof. Tourasse in SAPO newsletters. In an attempt to capture his thoughts on Mathematics and Education, I tried to establish connections between documents which, explicitly or not, bear his mark. I believe that the merit of this effort lies in organizing, systematizing and presenting, for the first time, a draft of Prof. Mario Tourasse Teixeira’s mathematical-philosophical thought. Keywords: Mario Tourasse Teixeira. Mathematics History. Mathematics Education. History of Mathematics Education.Neste trabalho procuro mostrar o interesse que o Prof. Mario Tourasse Teixeira manifestava em relação ao dinamismo do conhecimento matemático e as idéias subjacentes ao conceito de criatividade em matemática por ele utilizado e que permeiam todos os trabalhos que orientou. Meu intuito foi organizar idéias dispersas em vários trabalhos realizados por seus alunos, registradas em alguns manuscritos ou elaboradas em textos publicados pelo Prof. Mario Tourasse, anonimamente, nos boletins do SAPO. Na tentativa de captar seu pensamento sobre Matemática e Educação, busquei estabelecer conexões entre os diversos documentos que, explicitamente ou não, guardam seu registro. Acredito que o mérito desse esforço reside em organizar, sistematizar e apresentar pela primeira vez, um esboço do pensamento matemático-filosófico do Prof. Mario Tourasse Teixeira. Palavras-chave: Mario Tourasse Teixeira. História da Matemática. Educação Matemática. História da Educação Matemática.

  15. Mario Becomes Cognitive. (United States)

    Schrodt, Fabian; Kneissler, Jan; Ehrenfeld, Stephan; Butz, Martin V


    In line with Allen Newell's challenge to develop complete cognitive architectures, and motivated by a recent proposal for a unifying subsymbolic computational theory of cognition, we introduce the cognitive control architecture SEMLINCS. SEMLINCS models the development of an embodied cognitive agent that learns discrete production rule-like structures from its own, autonomously gathered, continuous sensorimotor experiences. Moreover, the agent uses the developing knowledge to plan and control environmental interactions in a versatile, goal-directed, and self-motivated manner. Thus, in contrast to several well-known symbolic cognitive architectures, SEMLINCS is not provided with production rules and the involved symbols, but it learns them. In this paper, the actual implementation of SEMLINCS causes learning and self-motivated, autonomous behavioral control of the game figure Mario in a clone of the computer game Super Mario Bros. Our evaluations highlight the successful development of behavioral versatility as well as the learning of suitable production rules and the involved symbols from sensorimotor experiences. Moreover, knowledge- and motivation-dependent individualizations of the agents' behavioral tendencies are shown. Finally, interaction sequences can be planned on the sensorimotor-grounded production rule level. Current limitations directly point toward the need for several further enhancements, which may be integrated into SEMLINCS in the near future. Overall, SEMLINCS may be viewed as an architecture that allows the functional and computational modeling of embodied cognitive development, whereby the current main focus lies on the development of production rules from sensorimotor experiences. Copyright © 2017 Cognitive Science Society, Inc.

  16. El boom, Barral y Barcelona : gestación editorial de un movimiento transoceánico


    Ruiz Ortega, José Luis


    En los años sesenta la pequeña editorial barcelonesa de Carlos Barral brindó al peruano Vargas Llosa la posibilidad de publicar su primera novela. Desde entonces, el editor Barral se convierte en el promotor principal del surgimiento y desarrollo del boom latinoamericano y, por consiguiente, en pieza clave para el fortalecimiento de las relaciones editoriales y literarias entre América Latina y España. In the 1960s Carlos Barral's small publishing house in Barcelona affords the Peruvian Va...

  17. Mario Bunge's Philosophy of Mathematics: An Appraisal (United States)

    Marquis, Jean-Pierre


    In this paper, I present and discuss critically the main elements of Mario Bunge's philosophy of mathematics. In particular, I explore how mathematical knowledge is accounted for in Bunge's systemic emergent materialism.

  18. A Comparative Evaluation of Procedural Level Generators in the Mario AI Framework

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Horn, Britton; Dahlskog, Steve; Shaker, Noor

    dierent from another in terms of its output. To remedy this, we have conducted a large-scale comparative evaluation of level generators for the Mario AI Benchmark, a research-friendly clone of the classic platform game Super Mario Bros. In all, we compare the output of seven dierent level generators from...

  19. Descompresión en el campo literario latinoamericano: reflejos pop en los 60 y los 2000


    Guedán Vidal, Manuel


    La ruptura desde el campo literario Puede discutirse su denominación, su naturaleza intrínsecamente literaria o mercadotécnica e incluso su existencia real como grupo, pero resulta innegable que, desde principios de los años 60 y durante varias décadas, los autores del llamado boom dominaron el campo literario latinoamericano. Cortázar, Vargas Llosa, García Márquez, Fuentes y, en menor medida, Donoso, lograban cifras de ventas hasta entonces insólitas en el continente y absorbían casi toda la...

  20. Mario Fresa (Salerno, 1973

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    Paolino Nappi


    Full Text Available Mario Fresa cursa estudios clásicos y musicales y se licencia en Literatura Italiana. Es traductor de Catulo, Marcial, Bernardo de Claraval, Baudelaire, Musset, Desnos, Apollinaire, Frénaud, Cendrars, Char, Duprey y Queneau, además de autor de libros de ensayo, poesía y crítica literaria. Comienza su carrera como poeta en 1999 presentado por Maurizio Cucchi en Specchio, el suplemento semanal del periódico La Stampa. Algunos de sus textos han formado parte de la antología Nuovissima poesia italiana (Mondadori, 2004 y han aparecido en las principales revistas culturales italianas como Caffè Michelangiolo, Paragone y Nuovi Argomenti. De 2002 es la colección de poemas Liaison (Premio Giusti Opera Prima, con prefacio de Maurizio Cucchi, a la que han seguido, entre otros títulos, Costellazione urbana (Mondadori, col. Almanacco dello Specchio, 2008, el poema Alluminio (con prefacio de Mario Santagostini, Lietocolle, 2008, Uno stupore quieto (edizioni Stampa, a cargo de M. Cucchi, 2012, mención especial del Premio Internacional de Literatura Ciudad de Como o La tortura per mezzo delle rose (aparecido en el volumen 14 de la revista Smerilliana y con un ensayo de Valeria Di Felice. Firma la columna Sguardi en la revista de poesía Gradiva. International Journal of Italian Poetry, en la que además es redactor.

  1. Breeding a Diversity of Super Mario Behaviors Through Interactive Evolution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Patrikk D.; Olsen, Jeppeh M.; Risi, Sebastian


    . In this paper, we show how casual users can create controllers for Super Mario Bros. through an interactive evolutionary computation (IEC) approach, without prior domain or programming knowledge. By iteratively selecting Super Mario behaviors from a set of candidates, users are able to guide evolution towards...... behaviors they prefer. The result of a user test show that the participants are able to evolve controllers with very diverse behaviors, which would be difficult through automated approaches. Additionally, the user-evolved controllers perform as well as controllers evolved with a traditional fitness...

  2. De oorsprong der woorden volgens Mario Alinei

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boer, M.G. de


    SAMENVATTING Dit hoofdstuk geeft een uitvoerige Nederlandstalige presentatie van Mario Alinei’s L'origine delle Parole, met nadruk op de Nederlandse terminologie. Het tracht de achtergronden van de theorie te traceren en toe te lichten welk gebruik er van de theorie gemaakt kan worden. Hierbij

  3. Mario Costa tarantino napoletano

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chemi, Tatiana

    and the aristocratic tradition. Romanza, opera, operetta, popular folk songs. He became famous thankfully to this last one, when the easy listening music industry was starting its productions. This is the first published biography on the artist and is based on original documents and sources.......Mario Costa was born in Taranto, a town in the sunny south of Italy, but early in his childhood moved to Naples, the cultural capital of southern Italy between the last two centuries. He became a musician, composer and poet and he tried many different genres of music: the popular...


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    Full Text Available O romance de formação é um subgênero narrativo que auxiliou o gênero romanesco a tornar-se hegemônico perante os demais gêneros literários. Para essa situação concretizar-se, o romance de formação do artista, Künstlerroman, teve papel importante. Trataremos, sob perspectiva teórica, dessas duasmodalidades ficcionais e exemplificaremos sua estruturalidade nos romances Infância, de Graciliano Ramos, O apanhador no campo de centeio, de Salinger, e La tia Julia y el escribidor, de Mário Vargas Llosa.

  5. The Commentary on Aristotle's De Anima by Alphonsus Vargas Toletanus, OESA

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bakker, P.J.J.M.; Bercken, J.H.L. van den


    This article examines the commentary on Aristotle’s De anima by Alphonsus Vargas Toletanus, OESA († 1366). The commentary has been preserved in one manuscript, Cremona, Biblioteca Statale, Ms. 113 (Nl-12193), written in Bologna in 1475, and in at least five editions printed between 1477 and 1609.

  6. CERN Library | Mario Campanelli presents "Inside CERN's Large Hadron Collider" | 16 March

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Library


    "Inside CERN's Large Hadron Collider" by Mario Campanelli. Presentation on Wednesday, 16 March at 4 p.m. in the Library (bldg 52-1-052) The book aims to explain the historical development of particle physics, with special emphasis on CERN and collider physics. It describes in detail the LHC accelerator and its detectors, describing the science involved as well as the sociology of big collaborations, culminating with the discovery of the Higgs boson.  Inside CERN's Large Hadron Collider  Mario Campanelli World Scientific Publishing, 2015  ISBN 9789814656641​

  7. First host plant records for Iridopsis hausmanni Vargas (Lepidoptera, Geometridae in the coastal valleys of northern Chile

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    Héctor A. Vargas


    Full Text Available First host plant records for Iridopsis hausmanni Vargas (Lepidoptera, Geometridae in the coastal valleys of northern Chile. The trees Haplorhus peruviana Engl. and Schinus molle L. (Anacardiaceae are mentioned as the first host plant records for the little known native moth Iridopsis hausmanni Vargas, 2007 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Ennominae in the coastal valleys of the northern Chilean Atacama Desert. This is also the first record of Anacardiaceae as host plant for a Neotropical species of Iridopsis Warren, 1894.

  8. Le journal de José Santos Vargas (1814-1825. 2: deux manuscrits

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    Full Text Available L’existence de deux manuscrits différents du Journal de José Santos Vargas conduit à s’interroger sur la véracité de l’auteur. La comparaison entre les deux textes incite à attribuer le premier à une rédaction très proche de la fin de la guerre, et le second à un travail de collecte et de réécriture qui s’est étalé sur près de 30 ans. Entre le premier et le second manuscrit, se manifeste le changement du projet d’écriture de l’auteur qui évolue d’une conception individuelle de l’œuvre à l’idée de faire du Journal le recueil de toutes les traces de la guerre conservées dans les Vallées, et de le transformer en mémoire patriotique d’un microcosme provincial. EL DIARIO DE JOSÉ SANTOS VARGAS (1814-1825 - 2: DOS MANUSCRITOS. La existencia de dos manuscritos distintos del Diario del guerrillero José Santos Vargas incita a dudar de la veracidad del autor. La comparación entre los dos textos permite atribuir al primero una redacción próxima al fin de la guerra, mientras el segundo resulta de un trabajo de recolección y de reescritura que duró cerca de treinta años. Entre el primer y el segundo manuscrito, se manifiesta un cambio de proyecto de escritura por parte del autor que evoluciona de una concepción individualista de la obra hacia la idea de transformar el Diario en el compendio de todas las huellas de la guerra que se habían conservado en los Valles, transformándole en memoria patriótica de un microcosmos provincial. THE DIARY OF JOSÉ SANTOS VARGAS (1814-1825 - 2: TWO MANUSCRIPTS. The existence of two different manuscripts of the guerilla leader José Santos Vargas's Diary raises doubts about the truthfulness of the author. After comparing the two texts, it is possible to situate the writing of the first version in the time just after the war and the second version during a thirty year period in which testimonies and information were collected, and then rewritten. A change in the writing project of

  9. A memória histórica de Getúlio Vargas e o Palácio do Catete The historical memory of Getúlio Vargas and the Catete Palace

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    Celso Pereira de Sá


    Full Text Available O artigo trata da memória histórica de Getulio Vargas (1883-1954 - que governou o país de 1930 a 1945 e de 1951 a 1954 -, em sua estreita associação com o Palácio do Catete, no Rio de Janeiro, sede da Presidência da República naquele período. Tal memória foi investigada em termos das representações sociais de Getúlio manifestadas por 410 visitantes de uma exposição realizada no Palácio - hoje, Museu da República - em homenagem ao cinqüentenário da sua morte. Os resultados, obtidos a partir das respostas a uma tarefa de associação livre e a um questionário expedito, evidenciam que a memória construída a propósito da trajetória histórica de Vargas é complexa e controvertida, mas tende nitidamente para o pólo positivo, visto que predominam as avaliações de que Getúlio fez mais coisas boas do que ruins e de que merece ser lembrado como "pai dos pobres" e como "maior estadista do Brasil".The article deals with the historical memory of Getúlio Vargas (1883-1954 - who governed Brazil from 1930 to 1945 and from 1951 to 1954 -, in its close association to the Catete Palace, in Rio de Janeiro, which was the Republic Presidency's seat during that period. Such a memory was investigated in terms of the social representations about Getúlio which were manifested by 410 visitors to an exhibition held in the Palace - Republic Museum, nowadays - in honor to the fiftieth anniversary of his death. Results, which were obtained from responses to a free association task and to a concise questionnaire, evidence that the memory which was built about the historical trajectory of Vargas is a complex and controversial one, but it tends sharply for the positive pole, since the evaluations that Getúlio did more good than bad things and that he deserves to be remembered as "father of the poor people" and as "Brazil's greatest statesman" prevail.

  10. European co-production funds and Latin American cinema:processes of othering and bourgeois cinephilia in Claudia Llosa's La teta asustada


    Shaw, Deborah


    Latin American women’s filmmaking has an unprecedented international profile thanks to the filmsof the Peruvian director Claudia Llosa, and the Argentine directors Lucía Puenzo and Lucrecia Martel. What is frequently unacknowledged when discussing the work of these award-winning filmmakers is the fact that all of their films are co-productions with Europe, and that programmes such as Cinéfondation, a programme aligned with the Cannes film festival, the Hubert Bals Fund,the World Cinema Fund a...

  11. Les deux journaux de José Santos Vargas (1814-1825. 1: Problèmes d'édition

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    Full Text Available La découverte du journal de guerre tenu par le guérillero José Santos Vargas a renouvelé nos connaissances sur l’histoire de la guerre d’indépendance dans le Haut Pérou. Cependant, le fait qu’il existe deux manuscrits différents de ce document, publiés tous deux par les soins de don Gunnar Mendoza, l’un en 1952 en Bolivie, l’autre en 1982 au Mexique, pose aux historiens des problèmes que les choix effectués par l’éditeur ont obscurcis. Cette première livraison d’un article qui devrait en comprendre deux remet en question la valeur scientifique de l’édition de 1982. LOS DOS DIARIOS DE JOSÉ SANTOS VARGAS. 1: PROBLEMAS EDITORIALES. El descubrimiento del diario de guerra redactado por el guerrillero José Santos Vargas ha renovado el conocimiento de la guerra de independencia en el Alto Perú. Pero el hecho de que existen dos manuscritos distintos de este documento, ambos publicados por don Gunnar Mendoza, uno en Bolivia en 1952 y otro en México en 1982, plantea a los historiadores problemas que las decisiones del editor han obscurecido. Esta primera entrega de un artículo que constará de dos, pone en tela de juicio el valor científico de la edición de 1982. THE TWO DIARIES OF JOSÉ SANTOS VARGAS. 1: PROBLEMS OF EDITION. The discovery of the diary of the guerillero leader José Santos Vargas add to our knowledge of the history of the independence war in the Alto Peru. However, the existence of two different manuscripts, both published by don Gunnar Mendoza, the first in Bolivia, 1952, the second in Mexico, 1982, present historians with problems that have been obscured by the editor’s choices. In this first part of the two parts article, we question the scientific value of the edition of 1982.

  12. On Mario Bunge's Definition of System and System Boundary (United States)

    Cavallo, Andrew M.


    In this short paper we discuss Mario Bunge's definition of system boundary. It is quickly discovered that Bunge's definition of system and system boundary are both deficient. We thus propose new definitions, which (hopefully) improve the situation. Our definition of system boundary works off the same intuition behind Bunge's.

  13. Studi Kritis Terhadap Teori Identitas Pikiran-Otak Mario Bunge: Perspektif Neo-Sadrian

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    Cipta Bakti Gama


    Full Text Available Abstract : The aim of this research is to conduct a critical analysis of Mario Bunge’s view that mental reality is identical with the reality of brain function known as mind-brain identity theory. The analysis is performed using Neosadrian perspective, i.e. a new form of Mulla Sadra’s philosophy which is developed by Tabataba‘i and his disciples. The author tries to elucidate the main claims held by Bunge and to launch some critiques upon those claims. The main conclusions achieved through this research include the following. Firstly, mind-brain identity theory cannot be accepted. Secondly, current development of scientific studies corroborating certain relations between brain and mental states does not justify the validity of the identity theory, also does not falsify its opposition. Thirdly, a religious-sufistical philosophy, such the Neosadrian, can be consistent with current development of scientific research.Keywords : Mind-brain  identity  theory,  Mario  Bunge, Neo-Sadrian,  science,  religious-sufistical philosophy. Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis kritis atas pandangan Mario Bunge bahwa realitas pikiran identik dengan realitas fungsi otak, yang dikenal dengan teori identitas pikiran- otak. Analisis tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakan sudut pandang Neosadrian, yaitu bentuk baru filsafat Mulla Sadra yang dikembangkan oleh Tabataba‘i dan murid-muridnya. Penulis mencoba menguraikan sejumlah klaim utama yang dipegang oleh Bunge tentang teori identitas tersebut dan melancarkan kritik terhadapnya. Sejumlah kesimpulan utama yang bisa dicapai melalui penelitian ini mencakup hal-hal berikut. Pertama, teori identitas pikiran-otak tidak bisa diterima. Kedua, perkembangan studi saintifik yang menguatkan adanya relasi antara status otak dan status mental tidak menjustifikasi validitas teori identitas pikiran-otak, juga tidak memfalsifikasi dualitas esensi keduanya. Ketiga, filsafat yang bercorak religius

  14. A Special Family Series. Mario and Clara Hernandez. Clara Finds a Friend = Lina Familia Especial. Mario y Clara Hernandez. Clara Eucuentra una Amiga. (United States)

    Cazares, Maria

    These two comic books are part of the "Very Special Family" series, created by and for Hispanic parents of children with special needs. The materials are designed to help parents deal with the emotional difficulties of raising a child with disabilities. The booklets are printed in both English and Spanish. In Part 1, "Mario and Clara Hernandez," a…

  15. Un documento desconocido de Pedro Fermín de Vargas

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    Alberto Corradine Angulo


    Full Text Available Varios autores se han detenido a estudiar la vida singularísima de don Pedro Fermín de Vargas, quien bien podría llevar con sobrados méritos el título de Precursor; testimonio de este aserto son sus escritos y su vida misma, llenas de la profundidad de sus observaciones, que presentaba a las autoridades virreinales con gran sencillez y naturalidad, aún cuando pretendía ocultar el verdadero alcance de sus planteamientos

  16. El arte de hoy : Germán Vargas se llevó la risa

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    Ana María Escallón


    Full Text Available Dijo la prensa que Germán Vargas, murió en Barranquilla el 21 de mayo de 1991. A quienes no aceptamos la evidencia del hecho, resulta imposible referirnos a él con nuestras propias palabras. Por esto, el Boletin Cultural y Bibliográfico transcribe lo que otros dijeron. D.J.A.

  17. Imágenes de sobrevivencia: del realismo urbano del Grupo Chaski al Perú contemporáneo de Claudia Llosa

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    Jorge Zavaleta Balarezo


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza los trabajos iniciales del Grupo Chaski y de Claudia Llosa, dos puntos de referencia en el cine peruano contemporáneo. A través de la crítica al argumento y las características de las películas de estos cineastas, se construye una imagen del Perú, un país que volvió a la democracia en 1980 y, desde entonces, ha sido gobernado por presidentes posteriormente acusados de corrupción y abuso de poder como Alan García, Alberto Fujimori, Alejandro Toledo y Ollanta Humala. Las películas de Chaski inciden en la pobreza y vulnerabilidad de niños enfrentados a la gran ciudad, Lima, y se anticipan a ese cine de la marginalidad que en los años 90 produjo cintas tan logradas como Pizza, birra, faso, La vendedora de rosas, Ciudad de Dios o Ratas, ratones, rateros. La obra de Claudia Llosa, por su parte, llamó la atención internacional por el triunfo de su segunda película, La teta asustada, en el Festival de Berlín. Esta película, que marca una continuidad respecto de la primera, Madeinusa, es un retrato de los años posteriores a la guerra interna, los de la barbarie de Sendero Luminoso y la respuesta de las Fuerzas Armadas. El artículo aspira a ofrecer una mirada global de la sociedad peruana de los últimos treinta años, marcados por la pobreza estructural, el terrorismo, la aplicación de reformas neoliberales y la corrupción a todo nivel del estado.

  18. Hombres. Don Tomás Rueda Vargas

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    Boletin Cultural y Bibliográfico Banco de la República


    Full Text Available Quince años hizo el 25 de julio que desapareció de entre nosotros don Tomás Rueda Vargas. Su nombre, ejemplar por muchos conceptos, viene siempre nimbado de las virtudes cardinales que conformaron su tarea y su vida. Escritor nato,  sabía manejar el idioma con singular pericia sin caer en  rebuscamientos  ni  en  gongorismos. Su  pensamiento era diáfano por  lo cual no se  perdía en  el laberinto de  las palabras.   Apenas éstas eran  el dócil  instrumento para su dialéctica, para ese  generoso razo­  namiento intelectual que constituía el  Alfa  y el Omega   de  su diario batallar.

  19. Mario Muñoz, el médico del Moncada

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    Natalia I. Osorio Curbelo


    Full Text Available Nació en Colón, Matanzas, el 26 de julio de 1912, hijo de Marcelino Muñoz Zurra, natural de Roque, Colón, de profesión fotógrafo y de Catalina Monroy Artiles, natural de Colon. Estudió la primera enseñanza y la secundaria en el Instituto de Colón. Obtuvo el Título de Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras a los 21 años, en el Instituto de Segunda Enseñanza de La Habana, el 28 de agosto de 1934. Ingresó en la Universidad de La Habana, en el curso académico de 1934-1935, donde matriculó la carrera de Medicina. En ese momento existía una gran crisis política, económica y social en Cuba, pues el estudiantado se encontraba en franca rebeldía contra el tirano Machado, y Mario Muñoz Monroy ingresó en el directorio estudiantil universitario. Fue uno de los líderes de la histórica huelga de marzo de 1935. El 5 de febrero 1942 logró por fin habiendo regresado a las aulas, hacer su ejercicio de grado, obteniendo nota de sobresaliente, graduándose el 16 de marzo. Vestía bata blanca y trataba con humildad a sus semejantes. Algunos le criticaban, porque cuando el paciente le necesitaba no le preguntaba si tenía dinero para pagar, le atendía sin miramientos... En la década de los años 50 del siglo XX, Mario Muñoz Monroy, en la ciudad de Colón, provincia de Matanzas, estaba al tanto de las noticias, sabía que el futuro de la Patria no podría ser el de golpes de estado, represión, tiranía e inconstitucionalidad. Antes combatió a Gerardo Machado, porque amaba la justicia, era hombre cabal, por eso no dudó en enrolarse en el movimiento que pasó a la historia como la Generación del Centenario. De su casa de la calle Diago, hoy Museo Casa de los Mártires del Moncada, en Colón, partió en su auto hacia Santiago de Cuba para encontrarse con la historia. (1 Cumplía 41 años de edad, y es conocido su diálogo con Fidel Castro, líder del grupo de jóvenes martianos y revolucionarios que asaltaron la madrugada en aquel julio caluroso y

  20. Natural hazards on alluvial fans: the debris flow and flash flood disaster of December 1999, Vargas state, Venezuela (United States)

    Larsen, Matthew C.; Wieczorek, Gerald F.; Eaton, L.S.; Torres-Sierra, Heriberto; Sylva, Walter F.


    Large populations live on or near alluvial fans in locations such as Los Angeles, California, Salt Lake City, Utah, Denver, Colorado, and lesser known areas such as Sarno, Italy, and Vargas, Venezuela. Debris flows and flash floods occur episodically in these alluvial fan environments, and place many communities at high risk during intense and prolonged rainfall. In December 1999, rainstorms induced thousands of landslides along the Cordillera de la Costa, Vargas, Venezuela. Rainfall accumulation of 293 mm during the first 2 weeks of December was followed by an additional 911 mm of rainfall on December 14 through 16. Debris flows and floods inundated coastal communities resulting in a catastrophic death toll of as many as 30,000 people. Flash floods and debris flows caused severe property destruction on alluvial fans at the mouths of the coastal mountain drainage network. In time scales spanning thousands of years, the alluvial fans along this Caribbean coastline are dynamic zones of high geomorphic activity. Because most of the coastal zone in Vargas consists of steep mountain fronts that rise abruptly from the Caribbean Sea, the alluvial fans provide practically the only flat areas upon which to build. Rebuilding and reoccupation of these areas requires careful determination of hazard zones to avoid future loss of life and property. KEY TERMS: Debris flows, flash floods, alluvial fans, natural hazards, landslides, Venezuela

  1. ’n Ondersoek na die kunstenaarskap in Die swye van Mario Salviati binne die konteks van die magiese realisme

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    N. Botes


    Full Text Available An investigation into the nature of the artist in The long silence of Mario Salviati within the context of magic realism This article investigates the nature of the artist in “The long silence of Mario Salviati” (2000 within the context of magic realism. This novel by Etienne van Heerden is particularly interesting as the theme of art is directly intertwined with magic realism. The specific relationship between artistry and magic realism in “The long silence of Mario Salviati” has not been the focus of any particular study yet. Several artists in the novel will be analysed within the context of magic realism and according to magic realist characteristics to give an integrated perspective on style and theme. This investigation largely conjoins with the viewpoints of Faris (1995, although perspectives from other theorists are also taken as a point of departure. Some important characteristics of magic realist texts which are discussed within the context of artistry in “The long silence of Mario Salviati” are inter alia the co-existence of two worlds, doubts from the reader concerning the interpretation of events as realist or magical, the questioning of conventional ideas about time, space and identity, the anti-bureaucratic viewpoint and the focus on collective rather than individual memory.

  2. Esport e propaganda política: um estudo comparado dos governos de Vargas (1930-1945 e Perón (1946-1955 Deporte y propaganda política: un estudio comparado de los gobiernos de Vargas (1930-1945 Y Perón (1946-1955 = Sports and political propagand:a comparative study of the Vargas Government (1930-1945 and Peron (1946-1955

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    Victor Andrade de Melo


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar a utilização do esporte como instrumento político durante e primeira Era Vargas, no Brasil, e durante os dois primeiros mandatos de Juan Domingo Perón, na Argentina. Tanto Vargas como Perón buscavam identificar o regime político com as vitórias obtidas no campo esportivo. Desta forma, o controle estatal sobre o esporte e sua utilização pelos meios de propaganda política visavam criar um elo de identificação nacional entre o esporte e os governos, ressaltando os novos modelos de nação e cidadãos engendrados pelo varguismo e pelo peronismo. Pretendeuse também analisar as diferenças na abordagem de cada governo sobre o esporte e seus modelos de intervenção na estrutura política interna do esporte. Esperase que este trabalho possa trazer contribuições significativas para o debate sobre a produção de um ideário político através do esporte, assim como sobre o processo de formação de identidades nacionais na América Latina, mais especificamente no Brasil e na Argentina.Este artículo tiene por objetivo analizarla utilización del deporte como instrumento político durante la primera etapa Vargas, en Brasil, y durante los dos primeros mandatos de Juan Domingo Perón, en Argentina. Tanto Vargas como Perón buscaban identificar su régimen político con las victorias obtenidas en los campos de deporte. De esta forma, el control estatal sobre el deporte y su utilización por los medios de propaganda política reafirmaban la identificación nacional entre el deporte y los gobiernos, resaltando los nuevos modelos de nación y ciudadanos creados por el varguismo y el peronismo. Se pretende también analizar las diferencias en la forma en que cada gobierno abordó el deporte y sus modelos de intervención en la estructura política interna del mismo. Se espera que este trabajo aporte contribuciones significativas para el debate sobre la producción de un ideario político a través del deporte

  3. Uurimuslik õpe - õpilane noore teadlase rollis / Mario Mäeots ; intervjueerinud Eeva Kumberg

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    Mäeots, Mario


    Intervjuu Mario Mäeotsaga, kes kaitses hiljuti TÜ haridusvaldkonna doktorikraadide andmise ühisnõukogus oma doktoritööd „Inquirybased learning in a webbased learning environment: a theoretical framework of in­qui­ry-based learning processes” („Uurimuslik õpe veebipõhises õpikeskkonnas: uurimusliku õppe protsesside teoreetiline raamistik”)


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    Sergio Bolaños Cuéllar


    Full Text Available Gregory Rabassa se destaca por sus traducciones de escritores famosos latinoamericanos (García Márquez, Vargas Llosa, Clarice Lispector, Jorge Amado, etc. Menos conocidas son sus opiniones sobre la traducción. En este artículo me propongo presentar y discutir sus puntos de vista respecto de la definición de la traducción (prestando atención al concepto de equivalencia, el papel del traductor (un modelo hablante-oyente del texto meta y algunas de las estrategias de traducción que utiliza en su labor traductora (predominio del original, resolución de problemas, extranjerización, ficcionalización y redes semánticas. Sostengo que la mayoría de las posiciones de Rabassa sobre la traducción pueden explicarse y tienen vigencia en el marco de un enfoque moderno de la traducción. Estos aspectos se ilustran a partir de un corpus paralelo multilingüe de la traducción de Cien años de soledad de Gabriel García Márquez a las lenguas inglesa, francesa, alemana, portuguesa y rusa.Gregory Rabassa is noted for his translations of famous Latin American authors (García Márquez, Vargas Llosa, Clarice Lispector, Jorge Amado, etc.. Less known are his views on translating. In this paper I aim at presenting and discussing his viewpoints as to the definition of translation (with a key discussion of the concept of equivalence, the role of the translator (a model speaker-listener of the target text, and some of the translation strategies he applies in his translational work (original's pre-eminence, problem solving, foreignizing, fictionalizing, and semantic networking. I argue that most of Rabassa's stances towards translating can be explained and are still valid within the framework of a modern translation approach. Examples from the English, French, German, Portuguese and Russian translations of García Márquez's Cien años de soledad are taken from a multilingual parallel corpus collected by the author of this paper.

  5. Mario Bunge en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata : Breve testimonio de su visita en el año 2000


    Bunge, Mario


    Radio Universidad Nacional de La Plata registra un breve testimonio del Dr. Mario Bunge en su visita a la UNLP en el año 2000. Resalta su paso por esta Universidad, así como las características de la misma. Mario Augusto Bunge: nació en Buenos Aires el 21 de septiembre de 1919. Físico y filósofo, se graduó en la UNLP en 1952. Reside en Montreal (Canadá).

  6. Mario Bunge, Systematic Philosophy and Science Education: An Introduction (United States)

    Matthews, Michael R.


    Mario Bunge was born in Argentina in 1919 and is now in his mid-90s. He studied atomic physics and quantum mechanics with Guido Beck (1903-1988), an Austrian refugee and student of Heisenberg. Additionally he studied modern philosophy in an environment that was a philosophical backwater becoming the first South American philosopher of science to be trained in science. His publications in physics, philosophy, psychology, sociology and the foundations of biology, are staggering in number, and include a massive 8-volume Treatise on Philosophy. The unifying thread of his scholarship is the constant and vigorous advancement of the Enlightenment Project, and criticism of cultural and academic movements that deny or devalue the core planks of the project: namely its naturalism, the search for truth, the universality of science, the value of rationality, and respect for individuals. At a time when specialisation is widely decried, and its deleterious effects on science, philosophy of science, educational research and science teaching are recognised, and at a time when `grand narratives' are thought both undesirable and impossible—it is salutary to appraise the fruits of one person's pursuit of the `Big' scientific and philosophical picture or grand narrative. In doing so this special issue brings together philosophers, physicists, biologists, sociologists, logicians, cognitive scientists, economists and mathematicians to examine facets of Mario Bunge's systematic philosophy and to appraise its contribution to important issues in current philosophy and, by implication, education.

  7. Infecciones oportunistas en individuos VIH + hospitalizados. Hospital Vargas de Caracas. 2005-2006.

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    Carolina Franco Ricart


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir la frecuencia de infecciones oportunistas y determinar cual es la más frecuente en pacientes VIH+ del Hospital Vargas de Caracas durante el período 2005 - 2006. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo y observacional. Lugar: Hospital "José María Vargas" de Caracas, Venezuela. Participantes: Pacientes ingresados con historia de VIH+ e infección oportunista. Intervención: Revisión de Historias Clínicas de archivo entre los años 2005-2006. Principales medidas de Resultados : Porcentajes y Medidas de Tendencia Central, tabuladas en una base de datos con ayuda del programa Microsoft Excel 2003 para Windows ®. Resultados : Se revisaron 120 historias; 83 cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. El promedio de edad fue 36,87 años; 59,04% correspondían al sexo masculino y 40,96% al sexo femenino. El 44,4% fueron infecciones respiratorias, 31,88% infecciones del SNC. Las infecciones más frecuentes: 24,64% Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 19,87% Toxoplasma gondii, 15,94% Candida albicans y 10,14% Pneumocystis jiroveci. En el 63,86% de los casos se encontraron dos o más infecciones simultáneas. El 64% de estos pacientes recibía tratamiento y el 46% era heterosexual no promiscuo. Conclusiones : Las alteraciones respiratorias constituyen la infección oportunista más frecuente en pacientes VIH+.

  8. Acceleration of bioremediation of soil polluted with oil derivatives by using lad farming microorganisms from President Getulio Vargas refinery - REPAR/PETROBRAS, PR, Brazil; Aceleracao da biorremediacao de solo contaminado com derivados de petroleo com o uso de microorganismos do landfarming da Refinaria Presidente Getulio Vargas - PETROBRAS/REPAR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krenczynski, Michele Cristine; Carvalho, Francisco Jose Pereira de Campos [Parana Univ., Curitiba, PR (Brazil). Curso de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia do Solo]. E-mail:


    This work is part of the studies on bioremediation criteria of the oil wastes contaminated soil, which are being performed by the Presidente Getulio Vargas refinery - REPAR - PETROBRAS, Brazil. (author)

  9. Mario Soldati voyageur dans La messa dei villeggianti


    Alexandre, Denise


    Sont examinés les textes appartenant au recueil La messa dei villeggianti, que Mario Soldati a publié à l’âge de cinquante-deux ans. Occasion tour à tour de références artistiques, de pèlerinages littéraires, de souvenirs de gastronome et même de réminiscences de séducteur déçu, ces récits de voyage laissent percer les états d’âme d’un écrivain s’estimant vieillissant qui s’interroge sur le sens de sa vie. Sono presi in esame i testi appartenenti alla raccolta La messa dei villeggianti, pu...

  10. Dos precursores: D. Pedro Fermín de Vargas y D. Antonio Nariño

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    Roberto Tisnés


    Full Text Available Se cumple en el presente año –el 3 de julio exactamente-el bicentenario del nacimiento del notable Precursor de la Independencia D. Pedro Fermín de Vargas. Como anticipo de la biografía que para esa fecha verá la luz pública, nos permitimos publicar uno de los capítulos de la primera parte.

  11. Écrire dans la variante de l’autre : le cas de Sous les vents de Neptune de Fred Vargas

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    Nadine Vincent


    Full Text Available Pour tout auteur, choisir d’écrire dans une langue ou dans la variante d’une langue qui n’est pas la sienne représente un défi de taille. Nous nous intéresserons au roman Sous les vents de Neptune, de l’écrivaine française Fred Vargas, qui a situé une partie de son intrigue au Québec, sans maîtriser la notion de variation linguistique. En analysant les réactions des lecteurs européens et québécois, de même que les caractéristiques de la langue québécoise de Vargas, nous aborderons la question de l’impérialisme linguistique et de son anachronisme au xxie siècle.

  12. Mario Quintana, um eclético sincrético na literatura brasileira

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carvalho, Vinicius Mariano de


    Este artigo esboça um panorama da produção literária de Mario Quintana, situando seu percurso dentro do contexto do Modernismo Brasileiro mostrando como o poeta foi sistematicamente um eclético com relação ao submeter-se a uma estética literária e como operou um verdadeiro sincretismo literário em...

  13. Mario Bunge: Physicist and Philosopher (United States)

    Matthews, Michael R.

    Mario Bunge was born in Argentina in the final year of the First World War.He learnt atomic physics and quantum mechanics from an Austrian refugee who had been a student of Heisenberg. Additionally he taught himself modern philosophy in an environment that was a philosophical backwater. He was the first South American philosopher of science to be trained in science. His publications in physics, philosophy, psychology, sociology and the foundations of biology, are staggering in number, and include a massive 8-volume Treatise on Philosophy. The unifying thread of his scholarship is the constant and vigorous advancement of the Enlightenment Project, and criticism of cultural and academic movements that deny or devalue the core planks of the project: namely its naturalism, the search for truth, the universality of science, rationality, and respect for individuals. At a time when specialisation is widely decried, and its deleterious effects on science, philosophy of science, educational research and science teaching are recognised - it is salutary to see the fruits of one person's pursuit of the Big'' scientific and philosophical picture.

  14. Algunas reflexiones desde la acuarela de Mario Conde

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    Pamela Romano


    Full Text Available This brief reflection on the work of Mario Conde starts paying attention to the special relationship the artist has with the watercolor technique, deploying from that relationship a copy-based ethics. From that materiality Conde builds his response to the postmodern moment in which art in general, and particularly Bolivian art, is been developed given its current social conditions. The ethics of the copy is explored especially in two of his works: "Exterminator Angel" where  copying addresses colonial issues that return to question and challenge the very notion of homeland, and "Drunk with power (Géricault in Los Andes" where the copy,  adapted to Andean latitudes, exudes a desire to restore the sacred and  auratic character of artwork as well as of the Andean imagery.Esta breve reflexión sobre la obra de Mario Conde se inicia poniendo atención en la relación particular que tiene el pintor con la técnica de la acuarela, desplegando desde esa relación una ética basada en la copia. Desde esa materialidad Conde concretiza su respuesta al momento posmoderno en que se desarrolla el arte en general, y el boliviano en particular dadas sus condiciones sociales actuales. La ética de la copia es explorada especialmente en dos de sus obras: “Ángel exterminador” donde la copia aborda temáticas coloniales que retornan para poner en cuestión y entredicho la noción de patria, y “Ebrios de poder (Géricault en Los Andes” donde la copia adaptada a latitudes andinas destila un deseo de restablecer el carácter sagrado y aurático de la obra de arte como del imaginario andino.

  15. Cinema and Literature in Latin America: Mario Bellatin's interventions

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    Carlos Leonel Cherri


    Full Text Available In the last turn of the century, literature and cinema produced in Latin America have insisted on represent, in many ways, social violence. This phenomenon has been described as an aestheticized "boom" of violence and, at the same time, as a reflection on the marginality of certain subjects and the biopolitical relations that they expose. This work focuses on certain literary and audiovisual productions by Mario Bellatin such as Salón de Belleza, Bola negra – el musical de Ciudad Juárez and La escuela del dolor humano de Sechuán in order to address such matter.

  16. Autoayuda, alzhéimer, resiliencia y detectives en libros para niños

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    Carlos Sánchez Lozano


    Full Text Available Palabras mágicas que curan. Mario Angulo Mosquera. Carolina Gamboa (Ilustradora. Panamericana, Bogotá, 2011, 68 págs. ¡La abuela perdió un recuerdo! Carlos Vásquez-Zawadski, Rocío Parra (Ilustradora. Panamericana, Bogotá, 2011, 52 págs. Tapir. Jairo Aníbal Niño, Michi Peláez (Ilustradora. Panamericana, Bogotá, 2011, 164 págs. Una aventura en el papel. Roberto Rubiano Vargas, Michi Peláez (Ilustradora. Panamericana, Bogotá, 2011, 108 págs.

  17. Transducers for the Brazilian gravitational wave detector 'Mario Schenberg'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frajuca, Carlos; Ribeiro, Kilder L; Andrade, Luiz A; Jr, Walter F Velloso; Melo, Jose L; Aguiar, Odylio D; Magalhaes, Nadja S


    'Mario Schenberg' is a spherical resonant-mass gravitational wave (GW) detector that will be part of a GW detection array of three detectors. The other two will be built in Italy and the Netherlands. Their resonant frequencies will be around 3.2 kHz with a bandwidth of about 200 Hz. This range of frequencies is new in a field where the typical frequencies lie below 1 kHz, making the transducer development much more complex. In this paper, the design of the mechanical part of the transducer will be shown, as well as the attachment method to the sphere and the expected sensitivity

  18. A epistemologia de Mario Bunge e sua contribuição para o ensino de ciências Mario Bunge's epistemology and its contribution to science education

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    Murilo Westphal


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se parte da epistemologia de Mario Bunge, sua preocupação com a crise que se instaurou sobre a ciência e com o avanço de visões relativistas como as de Kuhn e Feyerabend. Destacam-se as divergências de opiniões e as muitas críticas que desenvolve no anseio de retorno ao realismo ontológico - seu maior interesse - razão de um progresso científico coeso e de uma aproximação consistente com a verdade. Faz-se referência, ainda, ao uso de tal epistemologia no ensino de ciências, mostrando-se o seu benefício, em contraste àquelas anti-realistas, quando se pensa nos estudantes, em seus interesses e nas possíveis mudanças conceituais que são o objetivo de qualquer forma de ensino.This paper aims to show part of Mario Bunge's epistemology, his attention to the crisis of science and with the advancement of relativist views like those of Kuhn and Feyerabend. It emphasizes the disagreement with their opinions and critique that Bunge develops to return to his main interest that of ontologic realismThis paper also shows that the use of this kind of epistemology in the science education is better than relativistic ones because of the students interests and the possiblity of change of their conceptions which is the principal aim of any form of education.

  19. José María Vargas (1786-1854): Reformer of anatomical studies in Venezuela. (United States)

    Reverón, Rafael Romero


    José María Vargas (1786-1854): Venezuelan medical doctor, surgeon, optician, anatomist, chemist, botanist, professor, geologist, mineralogist, and mathematician. Second President of Venezuela (1835-1836), First republican dean, he reformed medicine studies in 1827 establishing human anatomical dissection in the Universidad Central de Venezuela where he taught human anatomy between 1827 and 1853 along with surgery and chemistry. In 1838, he wrote Curso de Lecciones y demostraciones Anatómicas, the first book on the subject printed in Venezuela for the teaching of human anatomy. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Aspectos de la epistemología de Mario Bunge


    Rojas O., Carlos


    La epistemología de Mario Bunge ha venido difundiéndose cada vez más en los países de habla hispánica e inglesa. Presentamos un esbozo general de su teoría de la ciencia, su vinculación con otras corrientes del pensamiento contemporáneo y algunos rasgos básicos de su meto­dología filosófica. En especial hacemos referencia a los postulados ontológicos de la ciencia, a su estructura hipotético-deductiva, a los crite­rios de validación y al problema d la sistematicidad. El artículo se li­mita a ...

  1. Distinciones. Homenaje al Académico Mario Sánchez Medina.

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    Efraim Otero Ruiz


    Full Text Available

    Recipiendario de la Medalla Internacional “Hagedorn” de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Diabetes, otorgada en Punta del Este (Uruguay en noviembre de 2001 (Palabras introductorias a su Conferencia Inaugural del 1er Congreso Colombiano de Diabetes, Bogotá, octubre de 2001

    Honrosa tarea la de presentar ante ustedes al orador de esta noche. Quienes hemos sido sus amigos y colegas de especialidad en los últimos 45 años, podemos decir con certeza que Mario Sánchez Medina resume, en su persona y en su obra, la historia de la diabetes en Colombia. Por eso, nada más apropiado que sea él quien pronuncie la conferencia inaugural de este 1er. Congreso Colombiano de Diabetes sobre un tema que ha sido muy cercano a su corazón desde hace mucho: los aportes de la biología molecular a la terapéutica.

    Si consideramos que la práctica científica de la diabetología en Colombia tiene 50 años, la misma edad que acaba de cumplir la Sociedad Colombiana de Endocrinología, casi ese mismo tiempo tiene la incorporación de Mario a esas actividades, primero desde la cátedra de nutrición y después desde la Asociación Colombiana de Diabetes. Pues, al terminar su carrera de médico en la Universidad Nacional a mediados de los años cuarentas, Mario viaja a Buenos Aires a entrenarse en los dos campos que serían después la esencia de su ejercicio profesional; la diabetes, por un lado, y la alergia e inmunología, por el otro. Buenos Aires en 1945 era uno de los centros mundiales de la actividad diabetológica, casi tan importante como Inglaterra o como Boston: el Instituto de Fisiología del profesor Bernardo Houssay -cuyo busto en bronce preside la Sala de Juntas de nuestra Academiallevaba más de una década en sus experimentos clásicos sobre la relación entre diabetes y adenohipófisis, estudios que le valdrían al sabio argentino el premio Nobel en Fisiología y Medicina de 1947.

    El grupo de endocrin

  2. Cuicani : el virtuosismo instrumental en la música de Mario Lavista


    Plana, Beatriz


    El presente trabajo procura establecer, a partir de la obra Cuicani del compositor mexicano Mario Lavista, los diferentes aspectos estilísticos que confluyen en la noción del virtuosismo instrumental, término acuñado por el compositor. La indagación en dicha obra permite descubrir las vinculaciones del músico creador con el músico intérprete, así como en las relaciones música-poesía, música-tiempo, la alusión, la sugerencia y la ambigüedad, entre otras, que conforman su imaginario c...

  3. Survey of the University "Luis Vargas Torres" through Econometric Techniques. Comprehensive Income

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    Ramón Rodríguez-Betancourt


    Full Text Available Government Programme 2013-2017 defines in higher education, the principles of the curriculum proposals of much public interest careers. In this regard the authorities of the Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres" of Esmeraldas, have taken the decision to evaluate its management and action against the development of the province and the country. Therefore, the objective of this research is the application of a survey of students of different specialties, Faculty of Engineering and Technology to explore their views on the educational process, research, outreach, culture and sport, stratified random sampling with results showing that key processes are completed by 66% on average is applied, indicating that the authority still has to set goals to overcome the short comings that have an emphasis on research.

  4. 78 FR 37792 - Mario Julian Martinez-Bernache, Inmate Number #95749-279, CI Big Spring, Corrections Institution... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of Industry and Security Mario Julian Martinez-Bernache, Inmate... Order with the Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security. The appeal must be filed within 45... the Internal Security Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 783(b)), or section 38 of the Arms Export Control Act (22...

  5. Learning Constructive Primitives for Real-time Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment in Super Mario Bros


    Shi, Peizhi; Chen, Ke


    Among the main challenges in procedural content generation (PCG), content quality assurance and dynamic difficulty adjustment (DDA) of game content in real time are two major issues concerned in adaptive content generation. Motivated by the recent learning-based PCG framework, we propose a novel approach to seamlessly address two issues in Super Mario Bros (SMB). To address the quality assurance issue, we exploit the synergy between rule-based and learning-based methods to produce quality gam...

  6. A Holocene pollen record of vegetation change and human impact from Pantano de Vargas, an intra-Andean basin of Duitama, Colombia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gomez, A.; Berrio, J.C.; Hooghiemstra, H.; Becerra, M.; Marchant, R.


    Holocene environments in the intra-Andean basin of Duitama (Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, 2510 m altitude) are presented based on the 620 cm long Vargas pollen and sediment record. Seven AMS radiocarbon dates show these lake and swamp sediments represent the period from 8800 to 2610 14C yr BP. We

  7. Diabetic Mario: Designing and Evaluating Mobile Games for Diabetes Education. (United States)

    Baghaei, Nilufar; Nandigam, David; Casey, John; Direito, Artur; Maddison, Ralph


    Traditionally, diabetes education has relied on written materials, with limited resources available for children with diabetes. Mobile games can be effective and motivating tools for the promotion of children's health. In our earlier work, we proposed a novel approach for designing computer games aimed at educating children with diabetes. In this article, we apply our game design to a mobile Android game (Mario Brothers). We also introduce four heuristics that are specifically designed for evaluating the mobile game, by adapting traditional usability heuristics. Results of a pilot study (n = 12) to evaluate gameplay over 1-week showed that the children found the game engaging and improved their knowledge of healthy diet and lifestyle.

  8. Imitating human playing styles in Super Mario Bros

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ortega, Juan; Shaker, Noor; Togelius, Julian


    We describe and compare several methods for generating game character controllers that mimic the playing style of a particular human player, or of a population of human players, across video game levels. Similarity in playing style is measured through an evaluation framework, that compares the play...... trace of one or several human players with the punctuated play trace of an AI player. The methods that are compared are either hand-coded, direct (based on supervised learning) or indirect (based on maximising a similarity measure). We find that a method based on neuroevolution performs best both...... in terms of the instrumental similarity measure and in phenomenological evaluation by human spectators. A version of the classic platform game “Super Mario Bros” is used as the testbed game in this study but the methods are applicable to other games that are based on character movement in space....

  9. Gregory Rabassa’s Views on Translation

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    Bolaños Cuéllar Sergio


    Full Text Available Gregory Rabassa is noted for his translations of famous Latin American authors (García Márquez, Vargas Llosa, Clarice Lispector, Jorge Amado, etc.. Less known are his views on translating. In this paper I aim at presenting and discussing his viewpoints as to the definition of translation (with a key discussion of the concept of equivalence, the role of the translator (a model speaker-listener of the target text, and some of the translation strategies he applies in his translational work (original's pre-eminence, problem solving, foreignizing, fictionalizing, and semantic networking. I argue that most of Rabassa's stances towards translating can be explained and are still valid within the framework of a modern translation approach. Examples from the English, French, German, Portuguese and Russian translations of García Márquez's Cien años de soledad are taken from a multilingual parallel corpus collected by the author of this paper.

  10. Mario Sironi nas chamadas Coleções Matarazzo do MAC USP

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    Andrea Ronqui

    Full Text Available O acervo de arte moderna italiana do MAC-USP pode ser considerado a maior coleção desse gênero fora da Itália e vem sendo objeto de estudo nos últimos anos. Das 71 obras italianas, seis são de autoria de Mario Sironi. Este artigo propõe uma apresentação do percurso do artista, com breve análise de sua evolução pictórica, a partir dos estudos já existentes, a fim de situar as obras sironianas do acervo do MAC no contexto de sua produção.

  11. Libros adquiridos por don Pedro Fermín de Vargas en sus viajes por las Antillas

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    Sergio Elías Ortíz


    Full Text Available Entre los papeles relacionados con la vida de Don Pedro Fermín de Vargas, que pueden consultarse en el Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla, hay una carta de él y una lista de libros que envía al Administrador de Correos de la Habana, Don José Fuertes, antiguo amigo suyo, luego su corresponsal y a la  vez espía de sus pasos para aprisionarlo, con el objeto de que se los guardase “en algún rincón de sus casa”.

  12. Distance education unit "Mario Rizzini": a Salesian proposal

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    Pablo Farfán


    Full Text Available The distance education unit Mario Rizzini is a Salesian educational program designed to help excluded sectors of society, mainly young people, whom due to their employment status, premature parenthood, exclusion from formal schools that do not consider special conditions, who failed to complete their education at a school age but feel now the need to graduate.This teaching style is based on social constructivism, wich allows the person to move forward from his/her own reality and knowledge, guided by the Salesian perspective with Don Bosco's charisma, using the preventive method as a means to achieve a fair society. The teaching strategies and instruments are developed from contemporary concepts of distance education, partucularly using information techonology, turned into virtual classrooms that guarantee continuous individual support for the learner. To summarize, we offer an educational alternative that according to our founder's charisma, attempts to include those in need but with high quality education.

  13. Re-appraisal and extension of the Gratton-Vargas two-dimensional analytical snowplow model of plasma focus evolution in the context of contemporary research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Auluck, S. K. H.


    Recent resurgence of interest in applications of dense plasma focus and doubts about the conventional view of dense plasma focus as a purely irrotational compressive flow have re-opened questions concerning device optimization. In this context, this paper re-appraises and extends the analytical snowplow model of plasma focus sheath evolution developed by F. Gratton and J. M. Vargas [Energy Storage, Compression and Switching, edited by V. Nardi, H. Sahlin, and W. H. Bostick (Plenum, New York, 1983), Vol. 2, p. 353)] and shows its relevance to contemporary research. The Gratton-Vargas (GV) model enables construction of a special orthogonal coordinate system in which the plasma flow problem can be simplified and a model of sheath structure can be formulated. The Lawrenceville Plasma Physics (LPP) plasma focus facility, which reports neutron yield better than global scaling law, is shown to be operating closer to an optimum operating point of the GV model as compared with PF-1000

  14. Evaluation of prescription indicators established by the WHO in Getúlio Vargas - RS

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    Andressa Tanise Vooss


    Full Text Available To evaluate the conditions of the services offered to the community regarding medications, the World Health Organization (WHO has developed the Medication Use Indicators, among them Prescription indicators. The objective of this study was to evaluate drug prescriptions in a Basic Health Care Center in Getúlio Vargas - RS, according to the Prescription Indicators recommended by the WHO. The data collection was performed with the use of a form and the prescriptions for June / July and November / December 2008 were evaluated. The average number of drugs prescribed was 2.03, and 72.8% of the drugs were prescribed by generic name, 80.3% were on the list of essential drugs, 21.7% were antibiotics and 2.4% were injectable drugs. The results were in accordance with WHO recommendations and were similar to those reported by other studies.Para avaliar as condições dos serviços prestados à população no que se refere aos medicamentos, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS desenvolveu Indicadores do uso de Medicamentos, entre eles os de Prescrição. O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar prescrições medicamentosas de usuários de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde do município de Getúlio Vargas - RS conforme os Indicadores de Prescrição preconizados pela OMS. A coleta de dados foi realizada com uma ficha. Para isso houve acesso as prescrições atendidas no período de junho/julho e de novembro/dezembro de 2008. A média de medicamentos prescritos foi de 2,03, 72,8% dos medicamentos foram prescritos pelo nome genérico, 80,3% constavam na lista dos medicamentos essenciais, 21,7% eram antibióticos e 2,4% injetáveis. Observou-se que os resultados obtidos estão de acordo com os recomendados pela OMS e que foram similares a outros estudos.

  15. Académico Jorge Segura Vargas

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    Alfredo Jácome Roca


    Full Text Available

    El doctor Jorge Segura Vargas nació en Duitama, Boyacá, el 14 de agosto de 1924. Ingresó como estudiante fundador en 1942 a la naciente escuela de medicina de la Javeriana, la segunda facultad en Bogotá, que contó con no pocos enemigos que casi acaban con ella. El apoyo de algunos distinguidos profesores de la época –que además firmaron el acta de fundación- el tesón del Padre Félix Restrepo, a la sazón Rector Magnífico, y la perseverancia de alumnos como Segura, permitió que este finalizara sus estudios en 1947 en la primera promoción y se graduara en 1950 con la tesis “Vesícula no visible, intubación duodenal”. Con el título no terminaron los avatares, por la resistencia que generaban los egresados de la nueva escuela médica. Sin embargo, Jorge y algunos compañeros lograron ingresar al Hospital San José de Bogotá, donde llegaron a ser muy apreciados. El entrenamiento lo logró realizar en este tradicional centro hospitalario de la capital, con el profesor Hernando Anzola Cubides. Era Anzola un distinguido académico, miembro de la Sociedad de Cirugía de Bogotá, quien creó una importante escuela quirúrgica en la capital.

    Fue Alumno Fundador y Profesor Distinguido de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Javeriana, Jefe del Departamento Quirúrgico del Hospital San Ignacio, donde dejó un legado de habilidades y conocimientos quirúrgicos, bonhomía y lealtad con la Facultad, que acompañó de principio a fin, en las buenas y en las malas.

  16. The Outreach Process in the Technical University Luis Vargas Torres, Esmeraldas, Ecuador

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    Harold Oyarvide-Ramirez


    Full Text Available As part of the transformative process that takes place in the ecuadorian university is research that aims to improve the outreach model at the Technical University Luis Vargas Torres Esmeraldas developed. The need of jobs forces people to venture into small businesses, however, this process is done in an empirical way, without sufficient technical and administrative knowledge that will enable the company to manage efficiently and obtain funding sources. Hence the relevance of the study, which allows guide and train the business sector in order to conduct an efficient management and create new businesses that operate as a means for the transformation of the productive matrix. The research results are: the structure and function of outreach model, the key elements that support the creation of the Center for Business Development and Entrepreneurship Support and the socioeconomic impact achieved from the development of relations among universities, businesses and government.

  17. Mario Bunge: Physicist, philosopher and defender of science

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    Michael R. Matthews


    Full Text Available Mario Bunge was born in Argentina in the final year of the First World War. He learnt atomic physics andquantum mechanics from an Austrian refugee who had been a student of Heisenberg. Additionally he taughthimself modern philosophy in an environment that was a philosophical backwater. He was the first SouthAmerican philosopher of science to be trained in science. His publications in physics, philosophy, psychology,sociology and the foundations of biology, are staggering in number, and include a massive 8-volume Treatise onPhilosophy. The unifying thread of his scholarship is the constant and vigorous advancement of theEnlightenment Project, and criticism of cultural and academic movements that deny or devalue the core planksof the project: namely its naturalism, the search for truth, the universality of science, rationality, and respect forindividuals. At a time when specialisation is widely decried, and its deleterious effects on science, philosophy ofscience, educational research and science teaching are recognised – it is salutary to see the fruits of one person’spursuit of the ‘Big’ scientific and philosophical picture.

  18. Revisión de la escala de asertividad de Rathus adaptada por León y Vargas (2009)


    León Madrigal, Marcela


    Se retomó el estudio desarrollado por León y Vargas (2009) para adaptar la escala Rathus a una muestra de estudiantes de educación superior costarricense. Se utilizaron los mismos datos con el fin de someter a prueba la estructura multidimensional del constructo, propuesta por dichos autores en el estudio original. También, se aporta nueva evidencia, basado en el análisis de estructuras de covarianza, de la validez convergente y divergente de las puntuaciones de la escala. Se enfatiza la impo...

  19. Psycho-Neural Identity as the Basis for Empirical Research and Theorization in Psychology: An Interview with Mario A. Bunge (United States)

    Virues-Ortega, Javier; Hurtado-Parrado, Camilo; Martin, Toby L.; Julio, Flavia


    Mario Bunge is one of the most prolific philosophers of our time. Over the past sixty years he has written extensively about semantics, ontology, epistemology, philosophy of science and ethics. Bunge has been interested in the philosophical and methodological implications of modern psychology and more specifically in the philosophies of the…

  20. Peculiarities of hydrobiont mutagenesis in complicated ecological areas of the Nemunas river and the Kurshiu marios lagoon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barshiene, J.


    Cytogenetic disturbances of Viviparus contectus, Dreisena polymorpha, various bivalves, fish and trematodes species collected from the Nemunas river above Smalininkai, Tilzhe, Rusne, Kurshiu marios lagoon at Nida, Preila, Juodkrante, estuaries of Smiltele (Klaipeda), Vente have been studied. The data show that the highest level of chromosome sets changes was presented at Smalininkai, Vente, Preila and in biotopes of Klaipeda environs. It was marked that 50 % of clams from Smalininkai site were polyploidy and possessed cancer cells in their tissues. The great instability of chromosome sets in snails and unchangeable karyotypes of their parasites were detected. In fish tissues there were 12-21 % of altered cells with aneuploid or polyploid sets. The existence of polyploid, mosaic and hermaphroditic specimens of clams as well as the presence of high amount of cancer cells and mitotic suppression in their tissues, enable to state about complicated ecological zones in the Nemunas river: below Kaunas, Smalininkai, Tilzhe, in the Kurshiu marios lagoon: Vente, environs of Klaipeda and estuaries of the Shventoji river additionally. The highest level of β activity was detected in soft tissues of bivalve specimens containing 24-58 % of hypoploid cells. (author). 5 tabs., 1 fig., 4 refs

  1. In vitro use characterization of the microorganism from land farming of the Presidente Getulio Vargas Refinery, Brazil, for soils decontamination; Caracterizacao in vitro do uso de microorganismos do landfarming da Refinaria Presidente Getulio Vargas - PETROBRAS-REPAR para a descontaminacao de solos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krenczynski, Michele Cristine; Goncalves, Claudia Martins; Castro, Rodrigo Azevedo; Nascimento Neto, Durval [Parana Univ., Curitiba (Brazil). Pos-graduacao em Ciencia do Solo; Carvalho, Francisco Jose Pereira de Campos [Parana Univ., Curitiba (Brazil); Grube, Karl; Coelho, Ibirajara Jorge Evangelista [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    In the present work, a set of experiments are reported from the evaluation of commercial use of the microorganisms of the Refinaria Presidente Getulio Vargas PETROBRAS land farming as inoculants for accelerating the bioremediation of contaminated soil with petroleum sludge, light naphtha, shale naphtha, toluene, heavy refinery oily waste, solp oil, sludge from the oily swage treatment plant, oily swage sludge and mixed oily wastes. These results are presented and discussed comparatively, and the characterization of the biodegradation activity of the land farming microorganisms for use in acceleration of bioremediation is discussed. (author)

  2. A noise model for the Brazilian gravitational wave detector 'Mario Schenberg'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frajuca, Carlos; Ribeiro, Kilder L; Andrade, Luiz A; Aguiar, Odylio D; Magalhaes, Nadja S; Jr, Rubens de Melo Marinho


    'Mario Schenberg' is a spherical resonant-mass gravitational wave (GW) detector that will be part of a GW detection array of three detectors. The other two will be built in Italy and in The Netherlands. Their resonant frequencies will be around 3.2 kHz with a bandwidth of about 200 Hz. This range of frequencies is new in a field where the typical frequencies lay below 1 kHz, making the development of the mechanical system much more complex. In this work, a noise model of the detector is presented, where all main sources of noise were taken into account. The final goal is to calculate the expected sensitivity of the detector, analysing which parameters must be changed to improve this

  3. Motivating Calculus-Based Kinematics Instruction with Super Mario Bros (United States)

    Nordine, Jeffrey C.


    High-quality physics instruction is contextualized, motivates students to learn, and represents the discipline as a way of investigating the world rather than as a collection of facts and equations. Inquiry-oriented pedagogy, such as problem-based instruction, holds great promise for both teaching physics content and representing the process of doing real science.2 A challenge for physics teachers is to find instructional contexts that are meaningful, accessible, and motivating for students. Today's students are spending a growing fraction of their lives interacting with virtual environments, and these environments—physically realistic or not—can provide valuable contexts for physics explorations3-5 and lead to thoughtful discussions about decisions that programmers make when designing virtual environments. In this article, I describe a problem-based approach to calculus-based kinematics instruction that contextualizes students' learning within the Super Mario Bros. video game—a game that is more than 20 years old, but still remarkably popular with today's high school and college students.

  4. Wearing a training version of the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) space suit, astronaut Mario (United States)


    STS-77 TRAINING VIEW --- Wearing a training version of the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) space suit, astronaut Mario Runco, mission specialist, prepares to participate in an underwater rehearsal of a contingency Extravehicular Activity (EVA). This type of training routinely takes place in the 25-feet deep pool of the Johnson Space Centers (JSC) Weightless Environment Training Center (WET-F). The training prepares at least two crew members on each flight for procedures to follow outside the spacecraft in event of failure of remote methods to perform various chores.

  5. Sonhos americanos, realidades autoritárias: encontros entre a sociedade democrática de John Dewey e a era Vargas

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    Jerry Dávila


    como o paradoxo do governo Vargas que, depois da perseguição a Teixeira, adotou silenciosamente muitos dos projetos defendidos por Teixeira. Em particular, este artigo sugere que as visões progressistas e autoritárias do papel do Estado nas reformas sociais, em última instância, dividem a mesma visão pós-modernista e a mesma limitação desta visão.

  6. Fourteen years of geomagnetic daily variation at Mario Zucchelli Station (Antarctica

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    A. Meloni


    Full Text Available During the 1986-87 austral summer a geomagnetic observatory was installed at the Italian Antarctic Base Mario Zucchelli Station. In the first three years continuous time variation monitoring and absolute measurements of the geomagnetic field were carried out only during summer expeditions. Starting 1991 an automatic acquisition system, operating through all the year, was put in operation. We present here some peculiarities of the daily variation as observed for fourteen years (1987-2000. The availability of a long series of data has allowed the definition of seasonal, as well as solar cycle effects, on short time variations as observed at a cusp-cap observatory. In particular, contrary to mid latitude behaviour, a clear dependence of the daily variation amplitude on the global geomagnetic K index was well defined.

  7. Historia de las retenciones agropecuarias: testimonio del historiador Mario Rapoport : El impuesto fue creado en 1862


    Rapoport, Mario; López, Gerardo


    En el programa El Reloj del Campo, el periodista Gerardo López entrevista al historiador, investigador y docente Mario Rapoport. Se refiere al origen e historia de las retenciones impositivas sobre la producción agropecuaria en 1862, su aplicación y las resistencias que se generaron en cada período. También analiza la posible constitución de un partido político que responda a los intereses de los productores agropecuarios.

  8. 78 FR 37790 - In the Matter of: Mario Salinas-Lucio, Inmate Number #61687-279, FCI La Tuna, Federal Corrections... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of Industry and Security In the Matter of: Mario Salinas-Lucio... Order with the Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security. The appeal must be filed within 45....S.C. 793, 794 or 798; section 4(b) of the Internal Security Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 783(b)), or...

  9. Can the History of Science Contribute to Modelling in Physics Teaching? The Case of Galilean Studies and Mario Bunge's Epistemology (United States)

    Machado, Juliana; Braga, Marco Antônio Barbosa


    A characterization of the modelling process in science is proposed for science education, based on Mario Bunge's ideas about the construction of models in science. Galileo's "Dialogues" are analysed as a potentially fruitful starting point to implement strategies aimed at modelling in the classroom in the light of that proposal. It is…

  10. A Ditadura Uruguaia na Ficção de Mario Benedetti

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    Irineu Pacheco Paes Barreto


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre as representações da ditadura uruguaia (1973-1985 presentes na ficção de Mario Benedetti (1920-2009. Para tanto, analisamos o livro de contos Con y sin nostalgia (1977 e a novela Primavera com uma esquina rota (1982. O trabalho está dividido em quatro seções.  Abordamos, inicialmente, o estilo realista de Benedetti. A seguir, apresentamos uma síntese histórica do período em que o autor viveu no exílio, que coincide, na primeira etapa, com o auge da repressão política no Uruguai, e, numa segunda fase, corresponde ao processo de abertura do regime militar. Dedicamos as duas últimas seções à apreciação das obras ficcionais citadas.

  11. Perniola, Mario: La estética contemporánea y El arte expandido.

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    Óscar Ortega Ruiz


    Full Text Available Recientemente, han llegado a las librerías dos nuevas publicaciones de una de las grandes personalidades del pensamiento filosófico italiano, el profesor Mario Perniola, catedrático de Estética de la Universidad Tor Vergata de Roma. Este veterano intelectual de origen piamontés, nacido en 1941, ha ddedicado la mayor parte de su carrera a la reflexión acerca de los problemas y retos surgidos en el seno de la disciplina estética de los últimos decenios, tales como la evolución de las vanguardias, el situacionismo –movimiento en el que estuvo directamente involucrado–, los estudios culturales, el postmodernismo, el posthumanismo, etc.

  12. Periodization of the urban interventions: a review of ratings from “Vargas & Castilho”, “Boyer” and “Simões Jr.”

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    Geise Brizotti Pasquotto


    Full Text Available The present paper aims to compare the periods proposed by three authors “Vargas e Castilho” (2006, “Boyer” (1998 and “Simões Jr.” (1994. They did it to identify four significant moments of intervention in urban space from the period of modernity. It is noteworthy that, in this comparison, the most important thing is not to define a concept, but understanding the process and the paradigms that underpin each of these interventions.

  13. Los santos inocentes de Miguel Delibes [1981] y de Mario Camus [1983

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    Virginia Isla García


    Full Text Available En este ensayo se pretende estudiar las relaciones entre la novela de Miguel Delibes, Los santos inocentes (1981 y su exitosa adaptación cinematográfica de Mario Camus en 1983. Se verá cómo la calidad de la novela (la combinación de realismo descarnado y lirismo emotivo se acomoda perfectamente al lenguaje fílmico, especialmente gracias a la labor actoral, aunque sin restar por ello originalidad a la película. La crítica del pasado español y su alcance universal en la novela justifican su adaptación en la joven Democracia, cuyos objetivos sociales y políticos explican también en parte el refuerzo de diferentes aspectos en la novela y en la película.   

  14. Entrevista a Consuelo Triviño: reivindica la obra del semiolvidado Vargas Vila, negando similitudes con la de Fernando Vallejo

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    Fernando Díaz Ruiz


    Full Text Available En el año del sesquicentenario del nacimiento del escritor modernista más leído de su época, exiliado a Europa debido a sus ataques a los líderes de la Regeneración colombiana, la autora de La semilla de la ira (2008, novela sobre la vida de Vargas Vila, señala que sería importante elegir tres o cuatro libros suyos, los de mayor valor, y colocarlos en el lugar que les corresponde en nuestro sistema literario.

  15. Repair procedure used in removing corroded pits in the distillation towers of the Getulio Vargas Refinery Unit 2100

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lordelos, H.M.; Santin, J.L.


    A description is given of the corrosion pits on ASTM A240, Type 405 steel cladded to carbon steel plates used in Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.'s Getulio Vargas Refinery Unit 2100 distillation towers; the repair procedure used, including sand blasting of the corroded surfaces, grinding of the pits, and welding of those pits whose depth was above a maximum limit, and the use of liquid penetrant to check the repairs made; and hydrostatic testing of the T2201 catalytic cracking unit, which used also cladded metals and on which the pits were much smaller in size and number than those on the distillation units.

  16. 2016 AMS Mario J. Molina Symposium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Renyi [Texas A & M Univ., College Station, TX (United States)


    A named symposium to honor Dr. Mario J. Molina was held 10–14 January 2016, as part of the 96th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. Dr. Molina first demonstrated that industrially produced chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) decompose in the stratosphere and release chlorine atoms, leading to catalytic ozone destruction. His research in stratospheric chemistry was instrumental to the establishment of the 1987 United Nations Montreal Protocol to ban ozone-depleting substances worldwide. Dr. Molina’s contributions to preserving the planet Earth not only save the atmospheric ozone layer, but also protect the climate by reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases. He was awarded the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his pioneering research in understanding the stratospheric ozone loss mechanism. In 2013, President Barack Obama announced Dr. Molina as a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The 2016 AMS Molina Symposium honored Dr. Molina’s distinguished contributions to research related to atmospheric chemistry. The symposium contained an integrated theme related to atmospheric chemistry, climate, and policy. Dr. Molina delivered a keynote speech at the Symposium. The conference included invited keynote speeches and invited and contributed oral and poster sessions, and a banquet was held on Tuesday January 12, 2016. The symposium covered all aspects of atmospheric chemistry, with topics including (1) Stratospheric chemistry, (2) Tropospheric chemistry, (3) Aerosol nucleation, growth, and transformation, (4) Aerosol properties, (5) Megacity air pollution, and (6) Atmospheric chemistry laboratory, field, and modeling studies. This DOE project supported 14 scientists, including graduate students, post docs, junior research scientists, and non-tenured assistant professors to attend this symposium.

  17. Definições formais de mobilidade e acessibilidade apoiadas na teoria de sistemas de Mario Bunge

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    Marcos Thadeu Queiroz Magalhães


    ABSTRACT On the subject of mobility and accessibility, most researchers have been focused on practical applications, without giving proper attention to the development of the underlying theory, resulting in conceptual inflation caused by confusing and vague definitions.  Among the existing definitions for terms such as Mobility and Accessibility, confusion emerges. This paper aims to formalize such notions and try to remove the ambiguity that is inherited from the natural language. We use the theory of Mario Bunge and the discution on the Nature of Transport to propose general formal definitions for Accessibility and Mobility. Keywords: Systems Theory, Mobility, Accessibility, Concept, Definition, Formalization.

  18. Infarto agudo del miocardio en los centros diagnósticos integrales de Vargas, Venezuela Myocardial acute infarction in integral diagnosis centers of Vargas, Venezuela

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    Ana Rosa Jorna Calixto


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: el infarto agudo del miocardio constituyó más del 12 % de los fallecimientos por cardiopatía isquémica en Venezuela en 2006, sin evidenciarse disminución en la mortalidad a pesar del mejoramiento tecnológico de los servicios de urgencias. OBJETIVO: caracterizar su comportamiento en los centros de diagnóstico integrales del Estado de Vargas, en el período comprendido de junio de 2006 a junio de 2009. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo para caracterizar el comportamiento del infarto agudo del miocardio en los servicios de urgencia y emergencia de los centros de diagnóstico integrales utilizando las estadísticas de la Misión Barrio Adentro. RESULTADOS: fueron atendidos 186 pacientes por infarto agudo del miocardio, predominaron los ingresos en la terapia intensiva (2,4 % sobre los servicios de hospitalización. Los fallecidos por esta causa fueron 35 personas, 17,1 % del total de fallecidos. Fueron trombolizados el 39,2 %, con el mayor número alcanzado en el 2008 con 51,2 %. La letalidad por infarto agudo del miocardio osciló entre tasas de 17,3 y 20 por cada 100 pacientes vistos. La tasa de mortalidad bruta fue de 9,58 x 100 000 habitantes. CONCLUSIONES: el número de casos atendidos por infarto tuvo un comportamiento ascendente de manera estable, representaron el 0,7 % del total de ingresos en estos centros, con predominio de los ingresos en la terapia intensiva sobre los servicios de hospitalización. Se le aplicó el tratamiento trombolítico con estreptoquinasa recombinante a un por ciento importante de enfermos. En los servicios de hospitalización fue superior la letalidad por esta causa. No disminuyó el riesgo de morir para los pacientes con esta enfermedad y la mortalidad general en el período estudiado fue de 35 pacientes para una tasa de 9,58 × 100 000 habitantes.INTRODUCTION: the acute myocardial infarction was over the 12 % of deceased from ischemic heart disease in Venezuela in

  19. Adolfo Bioy casares y Mario Bellatin: sobre cartas sin cuerpo y acantilados

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    Karla Fernandes Cipreste


    Full Text Available Se propone una lectura de dos escritores hispanoamericanos – Adolfo Bioy Casares y Mario Bellatin – con el propósito de reflexionar sobre discursos de poder, incluido el ámbito de la Crítica Latinoamericana. Se entienden las experiencias de los personajes de sus obras, y también el ethos de ambos los autores, como una existência ética y estética que resiste a los intentos de categorizaciones. La propuesta se hace a la luz del concepto de Comunidad, del filósofo italiano Roberto Esposito, y de la discusión de Hugo Achugar sobre lo local y lo global en América Latina. Dos imágenes inspiran ese análisis: la carta sin cuerpo en Dormir al sol, de Casares; y el acantilado de Bellatin en Los fantasmas del masajista.

  20. Venezuela : Vargas : Centrale thermo-électrique de Tacoa dans les années 1980 : littoral caraïbe de Catia La Mar


    Pouyllau , Michel


    La Centrale thermo-électrique de Tacoa (connue actuellement comme Complejo Generador Josefina Joaquina Sánchez de Tacoa) a été construite en plusieurs étapes sur le littoral caraïbe de Catia La Mar (quartier Arrecife). Elle participe à l'approvisionnement électrique du Littoral de l'Etat de Vargas (villes de La Guaira, Maiquetia) ainsi que, pour partie, de la capitale Caracas. L'image correspond à une extension réalisée à la fin des années 1970 par Electricidad de Caracas et la compagnie belg...

  1. Standardized assessment system in Chile: share of Mario Leyton Soto and Erika Himmel König

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    Full Text Available Educational evaluation, as the science of education, began to be developed and applied in Chile only starting from the sixties of the last century. Indeed, several Chilean educators were to his PhD to United States of America in these areas; among them are Mario Leyton and Erika Himmel, who specialized in curriculum and evaluation, through the approaches of Tyler and Bloom. Therefore, both were actively involved in the introduction into the country of two measurement systems: (1 selection for admission to the University, creating a standardized test, the academic aptitude test –paa– which was established from 1967 and remained until 2002 and from 2003 to date was changed to the university selection test –psu–; initially the paa contained only verbal and mathematical aptitude tests; knowledge tests were subsequently added specific (in mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry and Sciences social. (2 the measurement of achievements educational system school, both in basic education and medium from the 1970s with the called initially program of evaluation of educational achievement –per– and, subsequently, with the system of measurement of the quality of the teaching –simce–, which applies from 1988 until today, at the national level and at various levels of the school system: 4.° Basic, 8.° Basic and 2.° Medium, especially with tests of language and communication and mathematics. Both initiatives were directly involved Mario Leyton and Erika Himmel; the first to key positions in the Ministry of Education and the second as academic of the University of Chile and the Catholic University of Chile. Therefore, both have been recognized by the State with the National Prize of Sciences of Education in 2009 and 2011, respectively.

  2. Las dictaduras de Vargas y Franco: implicaciones de la consagración de la maternidad para la enfermería


    Tânia Cristina Franco Santos; Ieda de Alencar Barreira; Antonio José de Almeida Filho; Alexandre Barbosa de Oliveira


    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir las características históricas y sociales de Brasil y España en el contexto de los regímenes dictatoriales instaurados por Vargas y Franco, y analizar las representaciones sobre la maternidad en el contexto de esos regímenes y sus implicaciones para la enfermería. Es un estudio histórico y social cuyo método consideró como fuentes: documentos escritos brasileños y españoles. La recolección de los datos se hizó en el período de 13 de mayo a 29 de agost...

  3. Vargas Jiménez, Dolores: Picasso: iconografías del baile.

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    José Jiménez Guerrero


    Full Text Available Fue en el año 1967. Bajo el mecenazgo de una institución ya desaparecida, el Liceo de Málaga, se convocó la primera edición del «Premio Málaga de Investigación». Esta loable iniciativa tuvo una continuidad temporal ininterrumpida hasta 1999. Tras ocho años de silencio, y gracias al respaldo de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Telmo y de la Academia Malagueña de Ciencias, y al patrocinio de la entidad Cajamar, este prestigioso premio fue de nuevo convocado. A ello se sumó en el año 2012 la decisión adoptada por la Diputación de Málaga de publicar los trabajos premia dos en las dos modalidades del referido premio: Humanidades y Ciencias. Los libros editados forman parte de la colección que lleva por título «Premios Málaga de Investigación». En la convocatoria del año 2013, el premio de la sección humanística recayó en el trabajo presentado por Dolores Vargas Jiménez, doctora en Historia del Arte, bajo el título de Picasso: iconografías del baile. Y siguiendo lo preestablecido, su obra fue editada por la entidad supramunicipal.

  4. Causes of Behavioral Processes: An Interview with Mario A. Bunge

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    Camilo Hurtado-Parrado


    Full Text Available Mario A. Bunge es uno de los filósofos y humanistas más prominentes de nuestra época. Su amplio número de publicaciones ha cubierto muchos campos, entre otros, epistemología, ontología, ética, filosofía de la ciencia natural y social, filosofía de la tecnología, y filosofía de la mente. Un tópico que intercepta muchas de estas áreas y que es recurrente en el trabajo de Bunge es la causalidad. Su análisis de causación, causa principal, y la redefinición de determinismo ha sido aplicado a diferentes temas filosóficos que van desde el papel causal del funcionamiento neuronal hasta el fenómeno de las leyes sociales. Bunge ha criticado el funcionalismo, cognitivismo, computacionalismo, conductismo e idealismo en su intento por explicar el comportamiento tanto humano como no humano. Este artículo es el resultado de una extensa entrevista con el Dr. Bunge en la cual el discute una variedad de temas conceptuales vinculados a la noción de causalidad y explicación en psicología.

  5. Un modello italiano per l’economia nel Brasile di Getúlio Vargas: la «Carta del Lavoro» del 1927

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    Mario G. Losano


    Full Text Available Il corporativismo fu uno degli elementi caratterizzanti dello Stato fascista, che con esso intendeva ricollegarsi alla tradizione medievale italiana. Oscillando tra storia e «invented tradition», con esso il governo fascista proponeva una soluzione alla crisi economica degli anni Trenta e un’alternativa allo Stato tanto liberale quanto comunista, cioè una «terza via». Del corporativismo italiano vengono sinteticamente esaminate le origini, l’evoluzione e la struttura, dedicando particolare attenzione alla Carta del Carnaro del 1920, il documento che lo preparò durante l’avventura di Fiume di Gabriele d’Annunzio. Il corporativismo, come modello di gestione economica che negava la lotta di classe, si diffuse in Europa e fuori di essa nell’epoca delle dittature. L’attenzione si concentra sul Brasile, nella sua transizione dalla República Velha alla dittatura di Getúlio Vargas, iniziata nel 1930 e durata fino al 1954, anche se in modo istituzionalmente non unitario. All’interno del movimento che l’accompagnò, l’«Integralismo», il filosofo Miguel Reale (1910–2006 propugnò un corporativismo democratico. Il modello corporativo italiano si riflette in alcune parti della vasta «Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho», emanata da Vargas nel 1943. Essa costituisce un chiaro esempio della legislazione sociale che accompagnò molte dittature del XX secolo e che, nel caso del Brasile, ebbe effetti anche dopo la caduta del regime. La «Consolidação» riguardava però soltanto i lavoratori urbani, mentre il Brasile era una società prevalentemente agraria. Per questo vengono passare in rassegna le misure a favore dei diritti sociali dei lavoratori urbani e agrari prese dai governi di Juscelino Kubitschek (1902–1976 e di João Goulart (1919–1976, nonché, infine, la tutela accordata nel 1964 ai lavoratori agrari dallo Statuto della Terra.

  6. A ontologia discursiva de Os sertões The discursive ontology of Os sertões

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    Leopoldo M. Bernucci


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute atributos de Os sertões, analisando sua ontologia discursiva, em particular os aspectos ligados às narrativas imaginárias e literárias. Mostra que a principal obra de Euclides conjuga pelo menos dois modos discursivos: o das ciências e um outro que caracteriza as narrativas sobre realidades imaginárias e literárias. Trechos são destacados com o objetivo de demonstrar que na sua construção híbrida participam elementos que poderiam pertencer tanto à ficção como à historiografia. Apoiando-se em Hayden White, o autor contempla três modos interpretativos da história de Canudos em Os sertões: o argumentativo, o explicativo e o ideológico. Finalmente, realiza breve comparação com A guerra do fim do mundo, de Vargas Llosa, quanto ao modo e a seqüência como são narrados os fatos.This analysis of the discursive ontology of Os sertões is particularly concerned with the book’s imaginary and literary narratives. Cunha’s main work combines at least two discursive styles: the discourse of the sciences and the discourse that characterizes narratives dealing with imaginary and literary realities. Selected excerpts show how the hybrid construction of Os sertões relies on elements which may belong to the realm of either fiction or historiography. Based on the ideas of Hayden White, the article detects three ways in which Os sertões interprets the history of Canudos: argumentative, explanatory, and ideological. The text ends with a brief comparison of the narration and sequencing of facts in Vargas Llosa’s La guerra del fin del mundo and Cunha’s Os sertões.

  7. Low-latency data analysis for the spherical detector Mario Schenberg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Costa, Carlos Filipe Da Silva; Costa, César Augusto; Aguiar, Odylio Denys


    The confrontation of gravitational waves (GWs) with their electromagnetic (EM) counterparts will be rich with information about astrophysical events. Initially, this confrontation will corroborate GW detections; afterwards, when GW detections become more recurrent, it will allow astrophysics to combine information from different channels (GW, EM and also neutrinos). A low-latency data analysis which provides the direction of an incoming GW candidate is required to confront it with fast follow-up EM observations. Until now, no low-latency data analysis has been developed for spherical detectors. One spherical detector alone is capable of determining both the GW direction and polarization. By using this capability, we have developed a low-latency data analysis pipeline for the Mario Schenberg detector. This pipeline is able to retrieve the direction of GW triggers with an average angular resolution from δs ∼ 8° at SNR ∼ 12 to δs ∼ 1° at SNR ∼ 80, in a timespan of a 4 s for 32 s of data being analyzed. We apply a veto which reduces fake events up to 90% when maintaining the GW efficiency above 90% for high SNRs. We provide here a description of the method and its efficiency: resolution on the direction, false alarm rate and computational time. (paper)

  8. Los sistemas estandarizados de evaluación en Chile: participación de Mario Leyton Soto y Erika Himmel König


    Caiceo Escudero, Jaime


    Educational evaluation, as the science of education, began to be developed and applied in Chile only starting from the sixties of the last century. Indeed, several Chilean educators were to his PhD to United States of America in these areas; among them are Mario Leyton and Erika Himmel, who specialized in curriculum and evaluation, through the approaches of Tyler and Bloom. Therefore, both were actively involved in the introduction into the country of two measurement systems: (1) selection fo...


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    Edwirgens Aparecida Ribeiro Lopes de Almeida (UNIMONTES


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    O clima político dos países latino-americano nos últimos 50 anos do século XX teve impacto imediato no campo das letras. Esse cenário de ditaduras, censuras e perseguições levou inúmeros escritores a acreditar no poder transformador da literatura. Influenciados, sobretudo pela função de engajamento e crítica da literatura, surge, coeva àquele período dos anos 60 até a última década daquele século, a literatura considerada do exílio e, após as experiências de afastamento de seus países de origem, a literatura que representa um momento de retorno dos escritores, caracterizado pelo escritor uruguaio Mario Benedetti como literatura de “desexílio”. Essa literatura tanto de um, quanto de outro momento registra as experiências vividas, a realidade experimentada em seus países sendo revisitadas por meio da imaginação e da memória. Diante desses pressupostos, este texto tem o objetivo de examinar, por meio de reflexões em torno da memórias, de Maurice Halbwachs, de modo sucinto, alguns poemas da obra Viento del exilio, de Mario Benedetti, tendo em conta as estratégias utilizadas pelo autor para o leitor entrever, nas páginas literárias, o sonho, a esperança, a desilusão, as memórias, reminiscências da realidade de seu país, ao mesmo tempo em que divide ainda com esse seu interlocutor as inquietações e anseios pela incerteza do período em que vive, exilado de seu país.

    Palavras-chave: Literatura. História. Memória. Imaginação. Exílio.

  10. Mario de Andrade y la Missão de Pesquisas Folclóricas (1938: una etnografía que no fue

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    Giobellina Brumana, Fernando


    Full Text Available This article studies the project by Brazilian Modernism in order to recover the Northeastern and Northem musical patrimony, destined mainly for religious uses. This enterprise took the form of an ethno-musical record which was financed and directed by the Secretariat for Culture of Sao Paulo City. During a couple of years the Secretariat for Culture was headed by the novelist Mario de Andrade (author of «Macunaíma». It was also the instutional framework within which Lévi- Strauss started his career as an ethnologist.

    Este trabajo estudia el proyecto que se desarrolló desde el modernismo brasileño para recuperar el patrimonio musical, fundamentalmente de uso religioso, del nordeste y norte del Brasil. En concreto, es la tentativa llevada a cabo a fines de 1930 de un registro etno-musicológico, que fue financiada y dirigida por la Secretaría de Cultura de la Ciudad de São Paulo. La Secretaría estuvo durante un par de años dirigida por el novelista Mario de Andrade (el autor de «Macunaíma » y fue el ámbito institucional en el que Lévi-Strauss dio sus primeros pasos como etnólogo.


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    Carolina Lissete Franco Ricart


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir la frecuencia de infecciones oportunistas y determinar cual es la más frecuente en pacientes VIH+ del Hospital Vargas de Caracas durante el período 2005 – 2006. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo y observacional. Lugar: Hospital “José María Vargas” de Caracas, Venezuela. Participantes: Pacientes ingresados con historia de VIH+ e infección oportunista. Intervención: Revisión de Historias Clínicas de archivo entre los años 2005-2006. Principales medidas de Resultados: Porcentajes y Medidas de Tendencia Central, tabuladas en una base de datos con ayuda del programa Microsoft Excel 2003 para Windows ®. Resultados: Se revisaron 120 historias; 83 cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. El promedio de edad fue 36,87 años; 59,04% correspondían al sexo masculino y 40,96% al sexo femenino. El 44,4% fueron infecciones respiratorias, 31,88% infecciones del SNC. Las infecciones más frecuentes: 24,64% Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 19,87% Toxoplasma gondii, 15,94% Candida albicans y 10,14% Pneumocystis jiroveci. En el 63,86% de los casos se encontraron dos o más infecciones simultáneas. El 64% de estos pacientes recibía tratamiento y el 46% era heterosexual no promiscuo. Conclusiones: Las alteraciones respiratorias constituyen la infección oportunista más frecuente en pacientes VIH+.

  12. Dr Mario Raviglione, director of the Stop TB Department World Health Organization. Interview by Christo Hall. (United States)

    Raviglione, Mario


    Tuberculosis (TB) is a very global disease; there are over 9 million new incidences of TB every year with the vast majority of cases emerging in the developing world. As one of three major diseases associated with poverty it affects the areas where poverty is most prevalent, notably Asia and Africa. While the incidence rate has been slowly declining in the developed world it continues to pose a major health threat to even the most developed nations. To demonstrate the global, and persistent, nature of TB we asked Dr Mario Raviglione, Director of the World Health Organization's Stop TB Department to provide an analysis on the current TB situation in the United Kingdom and comment on what measures should be taken to alleviate the issue of TB in one of the world's richest countries.

  13. Playing Super Mario 64 increases hippocampal grey matter in older adults.

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    Greg L West

    Full Text Available Maintaining grey matter within the hippocampus is important for healthy cognition. Playing 3D-platform video games has previously been shown to promote grey matter in the hippocampus in younger adults. In the current study, we tested the impact of 3D-platform video game training (i.e., Super Mario 64 on grey matter in the hippocampus, cerebellum, and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC of older adults. Older adults who were 55 to 75 years of age were randomized into three groups. The video game experimental group (VID; n = 8 engaged in a 3D-platform video game training over a period of 6 months. Additionally, an active control group took a series of self-directed, computerized music (piano lessons (MUS; n = 12, while a no-contact control group did not engage in any intervention (CON; n = 13. After training, a within-subject increase in grey matter within the hippocampus was significant only in the VID training group, replicating results observed in younger adults. Active control MUS training did, however, lead to a within-subject increase in the DLPFC, while both the VID and MUS training produced growth in the cerebellum. In contrast, the CON group displayed significant grey matter loss in the hippocampus, cerebellum and the DLPFC.

  14. Playing Super Mario 64 increases hippocampal grey matter in older adults. (United States)

    West, Greg L; Zendel, Benjamin Rich; Konishi, Kyoko; Benady-Chorney, Jessica; Bohbot, Veronique D; Peretz, Isabelle; Belleville, Sylvie


    Maintaining grey matter within the hippocampus is important for healthy cognition. Playing 3D-platform video games has previously been shown to promote grey matter in the hippocampus in younger adults. In the current study, we tested the impact of 3D-platform video game training (i.e., Super Mario 64) on grey matter in the hippocampus, cerebellum, and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of older adults. Older adults who were 55 to 75 years of age were randomized into three groups. The video game experimental group (VID; n = 8) engaged in a 3D-platform video game training over a period of 6 months. Additionally, an active control group took a series of self-directed, computerized music (piano) lessons (MUS; n = 12), while a no-contact control group did not engage in any intervention (CON; n = 13). After training, a within-subject increase in grey matter within the hippocampus was significant only in the VID training group, replicating results observed in younger adults. Active control MUS training did, however, lead to a within-subject increase in the DLPFC, while both the VID and MUS training produced growth in the cerebellum. In contrast, the CON group displayed significant grey matter loss in the hippocampus, cerebellum and the DLPFC.

  15. Gel state of the fictional body in Mario Bellatin’s 'Rosa Canina' and "Flores"

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    Isabel Jasinski


    Full Text Available Mario Bellatin creates a peculiar "space of sense" in fiction, related to the visual and per­formatic expressions of language. So, his literary project presents writing as body language, a terri­tory of significance constantly deterritorialized by sensations connected to the narrative game, with images and symbols in the literary actions. A sense of creative destruction constitutes the paradox expressed by fiction as body and by the body as fiction, in what we call Bellatin’s "nomadic writing", by means of the abnormality of the characters, their sexuality and religiosity, as one can note in Flo­res (2000, especially in "Rosa canina", published online by Cosac Naify in 2009. The position adopted by the protagonist in this work seems to indicate a specific "regime of signification”, as Josefina Ludmer puts it, according to which art and reality, fiction and biography blur their borders in a “gel state exchange”.

  16. ILLUSTRAZIONE MONUMENTALE. Il “canone letterario” di Mario Sironi su La Rivista 1924-1943

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    Marta Sironi


    Full Text Available Nell’agosto 1923 il sistema editoriale del Partito Fascista incentrato sul quotidiano Il Popolo d’Italia lancia un nuovo mensile illustrato, La Rivista illustrata del Popolo d’Italia, subito nota come La Rivista con il proposito d’inserirsi e imporsi tra i mensili illustrati – avendo quale concorrente maggiore La Lettura del Corriere della sera. Il presente contributo intende analizzare le illustrazioni di Mario Sironi per gli interventi letterari mostrando il progressivo definirsi di un canone visivo in linea con la contemporanea sperimentazione del pittore: un’illustrazione monumentale intesa come riscrittura della realtà in linea con la rivoluzione fascista e direttamente ispirata alla tradizione artistica nazionale che lo stesso Sironi presentava in alcuni articoli pubblicati sullo stesso mensile tra il 1934 e il 1936. Una selezione di pagine illustrate dal 1924 al 1943, sostiene una rilettura critica del contributo di Sironi all’illustrazione editoriale, finora valutato soprattutto sul versante della satira politica.

  17. The ghost of Afrikaner identity in Ancestral voices, Leap year and The long silence of Mario Salviati (Etienne van Heerden

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    Mariëtte van Graan


    Full Text Available Ghost characters are a characteristic of the novels of Etienne van Heerden, but little research has been done concerning the nature and function of these ghost characters. In this article I discuss Van Heerden’s use of ghost characters diachronically with reference to the novels Ancestral voices (1986, Leap year (1993 and The long silence of Mario Salviati (2000. In order to clarify the nature of these ghosts, I use the so-called science of the paranormal as a framework. The ghosts in the three novels will be classified accordingly, and then discussed within the context of the novels in which they appear. In this way, I shall show how the ghost characters in these novels can be read as a constantly changing embodiment of Afrikaner identity (a central theme in Van Heerden’s oeuvre. Van Heerden’s Afrikaner changes with the times: in Ancestral voices the ghost characters form a collective that represents a fragmented image of the stereotypical, archaic male Afrikaner identity; in Leap year a liminal character is written in a liminal time to embody a liminal Afrikaner identity; and in The long silence of Mario Salviati Van Heerden moves away from the exclusive Afrikaner identity to a broader South African identity by using ghost characters from very different backgrounds and origins. In conclusion I shall compare these identities and the historical contexts of these novels in order to show the function of Van Heerden’s ghost characters as constant rewritings of South African identities.

  18. Cultura de imágenes, no de sentidos (Entrevista a Mario Kaplún

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    Guillermo Orozco Gómez


    Full Text Available En la entrevista a MARIO KAPLÚN, uruguayo, asesor de Unesco, educador y comunicador, cuya preocupación fundamental ha sido estimular el diálogo y el aprendizaje y vivir intensamente la comunicación. Anota que siempre sintió a la comunicación como un compromiso con la sociedad. Señala que el diseño de la metodología del "casete foro" después le permitió descubrir el papel que juega la comunicación en los procesos educativos. Su libro "A la educación por la comunicación" demuestra la gran preocupación por la pedagogía. Recomienda si se quiere incidir en la realidad no se puede quedar solo en el plano teórico sino pasar al metodológico buscando que ésta sea coherente con los objetivos y con la teoría que se sustenta. Afirma que la tecnología debe supeditarse al objetivo social, pedagógico humano de la experiencia.

  19. Revisão das espécies neotropicais de Empididae (Diptera descritas por Mario Bezzi: VII. As espécies descritas em Hilara Meigen

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    José Albertino Rafael


    Full Text Available As cinco espécies descritas em Hilara por Mario Bezzi estão sendo redescritas e ilustradas. Atualmente três espécies permanecem em Hilara: H. irritans, H. perplexa e H. perturbans e duas espécies em Hilarigona: H. aberrans e H. abnormis. Todos os tipos primários foram examinados e estão sendo designados lectótipos para as três espécies de Hilara.

  20. Historia de una crisis: el diario de Mario Góngora

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    Leonidas Morales T.


    Full Text Available El artículo aborda como objeto el Diario del historiador chileno Mario Góngora (1915-1985, y, de manera específica, la modalidad de realización del género del diario íntimo que él ofrece. Según la hipótesis de lectura del artículo, esa modalidad de realización estaría definida por la presencia notoria en el Diario de Góngora de rasgos constitutivos de un género de la contabilidad mercantil propia de la tradición burguesa, el libro de cuentas, bajo cuya influencia justamente surge el diario como género moderno en la Europa del siglo XVII, pero que en Góngora parece ser un patrón actual y determinante. Las anotaciones del Diario aparecen así contaminadas con el sentido de una “cuenta” como contabilidad. Y lo que se cuenta día tras día en el Diario, es decir, el “capital” de Góngora, son lecturas interminables, infinitas, y, como precipitado de las lecturas, modelos de vida deseable (religiosa, política, matrimonial, pero que, asumidos biográficamente, acaban en fracaso. El Diario se cierra precisamente con una crisis general del sujeto. Siguiendo la línea de sentido del libro de cuenta, diría que el Diario termina con una “quiebra”.

  1. Intertextualidad, dialogismo y poética cognitiva en la novela contemporánea: Bernardo Carvalho, Eduardo Lago y Mario Bellatín


    Arrieta Domínguez, Daniel


    En esta tesis estudiamos el uso de la intertextualidad en cuatro novelas escritas por tres autores contemporáneos: el brasileño Bernardo Carvalho, el español Eduardo Lago y el mexicano-peruano Mario Bellatín. En primer lugar, analizamos la construcción de sus historias a partir de transformaciones en sus respectivos hipotextos, del uso de figuras en préstamo, y del diálogo ideológico que dichas novelas mantienen con anteriores visiones del mundo. Los conceptos bajtinianos de dialogismo, polif...


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    Emerson Moura


    Full Text Available The role played by the administrative apparatus through the Department of Administrative Services in the Government policy Vargas is the object put in debate. Analyzes the theme from the the investigation of patrimonial, authoritarian and inefficient context which marks the formation and development of administrative bureaucracy, the tenders of professionalization and efficiency brought by the administrative reforms of the 1930s and 1940s with the contrast of the limitations of the import of the Weberian model in the Brazilian context and analysis of the establishment of the New State DASP and their assignments. Search the work demonstrate the control position he held directly and through the State Departments in the Brazilian Public Administration ensuring centralized and developmental policy of the government. For this is adopted as the research method of approach structuralism in order to identify the deconstruction of the phenomenon - of administrative reforms - in the superficial perception - the proposed impersonality and efficiency as the best way of achieving the public interest - its invariant structure - the search for the adequacy of the administrative apparatus and bureaucracy for pursuit of political ends pursued by the Government.

  3. Un viaje por los pliegues del sujeto : Del consumo a la aprehensión del otro en O turista aprendiz de Mario Andrade


    Mailhe, Alejandra


    Este artículo analiza el ensayo de vanguardia O turista aprendiz del modernista Mario de Andrade. Especialmente atiende al modo en que el texto, al aprehender la cultura popular (a partir de dos viajes al norte y al nordeste brasileños), revisa críticamente una larga tradición de pensamiento nacional introyectada por el sujeto de enunciación (en tanto que intelectual) para pensar la alteridad social. Este viaje espacial se convierte así en un inquietante desplazamiento simbólico que recorre l...

  4. [The Vargas Dictatorship in Brazil (1937-1945) and the Primer Franquismo in Spain (1939-1945): power and counter-power of nurses]. (United States)

    Santos, Tânia Cristina Franco; Gomes, Maria da Luz Barbosa; Oliveira, Alexandre Barbosa de; Almeida Filho, Antonio José de


    This is a historical and social study, which aimed to describe the main characteristics of the Vargas and Franco dictatorships, and to analyze the implications of these to the institutionalization of nursing in Brazil and Spain. As fonts, it was used written documents located in the historical Brazilian and Spanish archives, in addition to the literature on the subject. Data analysis, supported by concepts of Pierre Bourdieu's World Social Theory, showed that, in Brazil and Spain, in referring to the social division of labor, the meeting point between Church and the State was the seclusion of women in private space. It is concluded that the feminine qualities were capitalized by the nurses to legitimize their actions in public space, even to reproduce in that space, consented to by the State and Church, occupations appropriate to femininity.

  5. Quechua reivindication in Roncalla, Gonzales and Ninawaman poetry

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    Ulises Juan Zevallos-Aguilar


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the literary works of transnational Peruvian Quechua poets Fredy Roncalla (Apurímac 1953, Odi Gonzales (Cuzco 1962, and Chaska Anka Ninawaman (Cuzco 1972. It addresses ethnic Quechua reinvindication, identity politics, and denounces the exclusions Quechua people suffer in various cultural and social contexts, focusing, moreover, on each poet’s transnational perspective. Roncalla underlines Quechua people’s flexibility to adapt and overcome problems from New York City. Anka Ninawaman manifests her confidence in the Quechua community and family from Paris. Also from New York City, Gonzales suggests the dismissal of Incan mythic realms. All three poets have thus incorporated new topics and registers into the written Quechua literary tradition. Roncalla, Gonzalez and Anka Ninawaman distance themselves from the two versions of utopic horizon typical of the 1980s, in the then ongoing debate on the future of Peru, namely, Alberto Flores Galindo’s “Andean Utopian” and Mario Vargas Llosa’s “neoliberal utopia”.

  6. First record of folivory on a newly documented host plant for the little known geometrid moth Eupithecia yubitzae Vargas & Parra (Lepidoptera, Geometridae in northern Chile

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    Héctor A. Vargas


    Full Text Available The native tree Schinus molle (Anacardiacae is reported for the first time as a host plant for larvae of the little known geometrid moth Eupithecia yubitzae Vargas & Parra (Lepidoptera, Geometridae in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile, based on morphology and DNA barcodes. This discovery importantly expands the host range of E. yubitzae, as previous records were restricted to Fabaceae trees. Larvae were previously known as florivorous, while these were found to be folivorous on S. molle. Furthermore, host-associated cryptic larval polychromatism was detected, as larvae collected on S. molle were found to be mostly pale green, contrasting with the dark yellow ground color of the larvae typically collected on fabaceous host plants.

  7. Reconfiguración del sicario en Felicidad quizás de Mario Salazar Montero y Los restos del vellocino de oro de Alfredo Vanín

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    Margarita Jácome


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la transformación de la figura del sicario como personaje de ficción en la novela colombiana reciente sobre la base de su representación en los textos Felicidad quizás de Mario Salazar Montero y Los restos del vellocino de oro de Alfredo Vanín. Además de estudiar dicha representación en cada novela en particular, se la compara y contrasta con el perfil del asesino a sueldo establecido por la novela sicaresca de los años noventa, para proponer algunas características de la evolución del género evidenciadas en textos enmarcados en diversos tipos de violencia.This article analyzes the transformation of the hit-man - sicario - as a fictional character in recent Colombian narratives, based upon its representation in Felicidad quizás by Mario Salazar Montero and Los restos del vellocino de oro by Alfredo Vanín. Besides studying the sicario figure in each novel, this article compares and contrasts the recent image of the hired assassin to the one established by the sicaresca novel of the 90´s. Additionally, this methodology helps pointing out some characteristics in the evolution of this literary genre within the context of diverse types of violence.

  8. Nuevos Derechos en La Educación Media Uruguaya Liceo: Mario Benedetti Universidad del Trabajo: Santa Catalina

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    Mónica Elizabeth Olaza


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aborda dos experiencias de un mismo proyecto, realizado entre 2016 y 2017 por la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de la República (UDELAR, el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (MIDES, el “Liceo Mario Benedetti” y la Universidad del Trabajo del Uruguay (UTU “Santa Catalina”, pertenecientes a la Administración Nacional de Educación Pública (ANEP. Se presentan algunos resultados de la intervención en las instituciones educativas mencionadas, obtenidos a partir de la elaboración de dos memorias que incluyeron entrevistas, talleres, observación y reuniones con actores institucionales: estudiantes, docentes, direcciones, comunidad y otros funcionarios. Se aborda la implementación de algunos nuevos derechos siguiendo la escucha de los actores y en el mismo sentido la necesidad y significados de la pertenencia en la institución educativa.

  9. Planning to improve the mechanical quality factor in the transducer impedance matchers for Mario Schenberg detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frajuca, Carlos; Silva Bortoli, Fabio da


    Mario Schenberg is a spherical resonant-mass gravitational wave (GW) detector that will be part of a GW detection array of two detectors. Another one is been built in The Netherlands. Their resonant frequencies will be around 3.2 kHz with a bandwidth of about 200 Hz. This range of frequencies is new in a field where the typical frequencies lay below 1 kHz, making the transducer development much more complex. Some studies indicated that using low mass mechanical resonators (used for impedance matching to the parametric transducer, in a cold damping regime) allow the detector to reach the standard quantum limit. In this work we describe the procedures that are being developed to quickly test the mechanical quality factor of a very small resonator in the quest to find the best machining method and thermal annealing for the impedance matching resonator, one key part that makes a good coupling between the sphere and the transducer. The main goal is to optimize the mechanical quality factor in a reasonable time

  10. Resposta do detector de ondas gravitacionais Mario Schenberg ao "ringdown" de buraco negros (United States)

    Costa, C. A.; Aguiar, O. D.; Magalhães, N. S.


    Acredita-se que quando duas estrelas de nêutrons coalescem, elas, eventualmente, formam um buraco negro com massa igual a soma das massas dos objetos originais. Durante a formação do buraco negro, o espaço-tempo em torno do sistema sofre perturbações que se propagam na forma de radiação gravitacional. A forma de onda associada a radiação gravitacional, durante este estágio, aproxima-se a uma senóide exponencialmente amortecida. Este tipo de sinal é conhecido como "ringdown", e seu comportamento e parametrização são muito bem conhecidos. Neste trabalho, simulamos computacionalmente sinais provenientes do "ringdown" de buracos negros, com a finalidade de testar o desempenho do detector de ondas gravitacionais Mario Schenberg em observá-los, quando entrar em funcionamento. Este primeiro teste teórico ajudou-nos a criar estratégias de detecção de sinais imersos no ruído instrumental. Calculamos a relação sinal-ruído como uma função da frequência, bem como sua integral dentro da faixa de sensibilidade do detector. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o detector Schenberg terá sensibilidade suficiente para detectar este tipo de sinal, proveniente de fontes astrofísicas localizadas dentro de um raio de ~100kpc.

  11. Super Mario's prison break —A proposal of object-intelligent-feedback-based classical Zeno and anti-Zeno effects (United States)

    Gu, Shi-Jian


    Super Mario is imprisoned by a demon in a finite potential well on his way to save Princess Peach. He can escape from the well with the help of a flight of magic stairs floating in the space. However, the hateful demon may occasionally check his status. At that time, he has to make a judgement of either jumping to the inside ground immediately in order to avoid the discovery of his escape intention, or speeding up his escape process. Therefore, if the demon checks him too frequently such that there is no probability for him to reach the top of the barrier, he will be always inside the well, then a classical Zeno effect occurs. On the other hand, if the time interval between two subsequent checks is large enough such that he has a higher probability of being beyond the demon's controllable range already, then the demon's check actually speeds up his escape and a classical anti-Zeno effect takes place.

  12. Psycho-neural Identity as the Basis for Empirical Research and Theorization in Psychology: An Interview with Mario A. Bunge (United States)

    Virues-Ortega, Javier; Hurtado-Parrado, Camilo; Martin, Toby L.; Julio, Flávia


    Mario Bunge is one of the most prolific philosophers of our time. Over the past sixty years he has written extensively about semantics, ontology, epistemology, philosophy of science and ethics. Bunge has been interested in the philosophical and methodological implications of modern psychology and more specifically in the philosophies of the relation between the neural and psychological realms. According to Bunge, functionalism, the philosophical stand of current psychology, has limited explanatory power in that neural processes are not explicitly acknowledged as components or factors of psychological phenomena. In Matter and Mind (2010), Bunge has elaborated in great detail the philosophies of the mind-brain dilemma and the basis of the psychoneural identity hypothesis, which suggests that all psychological processes can be analysed in terms of neural and physical phenomena. This article is the result of a long interview with Dr. Bunge on psychoneural identity and brain-behaviour relations.

  13. “Captain Pantoja and the special services”: a social-organizational analysis of the Peruvian film based on the book by Vargas Llosa

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    Diego Iturriet Dias Canhada


    Full Text Available This work launches an interdisciplinary dialogue from the Peruvian movie called “Captain Pantoja and The Special Services”. Inspired by a Deleuzian assumption (although not applying its concepts per se and using different theoretical perspectives, the essay highlights and analyses excerpts from the movie. In its concluding remarks, some insights are presented on the voluntarism-determinism dilemma and on “alternative” possibilities for text construction allowed by the philosophy of language.

  14. “Captain Pantoja and the special services”: a social-organizational analysis of the Peruvian film based on the book by Vargas Llosa


    Diego Iturriet Dias Canhada; Samir Adamoglu de Oliveira


    This work launches an interdisciplinary dialogue from the Peruvian movie called “Captain Pantoja and The Special Services”. Inspired by a Deleuzian assumption (although not applying its concepts per se) and using different theoretical perspectives, the essay highlights and analyses excerpts from the movie. In its concluding remarks, some insights are presented on the voluntarism-determinism dilemma and on “alternative” possibilities for text construction allowed by the philosophy of language....

  15. Taxas de eventos para as fontes astrofísicas do detector Mario Schenberg (United States)

    Castro, C. S.; Araujo, J. C. N.; Miranda, O. D.; Aguiar, O. D.


    O detector de ondas gravitacionais Mario Schenberg será sensível a sinais que cheguem à Terra com amplitude h~10-21 e dentro da faixa em frequências que varia de 3,0 a 3,4 kHz. As principais fontes astrofísicas em condições de gerar um sinal detectável pela antena Schenberg são: colapsos estelares que produzam eventos do tipo supernova; instabilidades hidrodinâmicas em estrelas de nêutrons; excitação dos modos fluído (modos f) de estrelas de nêutrons; excitação dos primeiros modos quadrupolares de buracos negros com massa ~ 3,8 M¤; coalescências de estrelas de nêutrons e buracos negros em sistemas binários e, ainda, espiralações de mini-buracos negros. Neste trabalho nós determinamos as taxas de eventos para o Schenberg associadas a dois tipos de fontes: através da de-excitação dos modos f de estrelas de nêutrons e através da coalescência de mini-buracos negros de 0,5 M¤ (que atualmente têm sido colocados como possíveis candidatos a objetos massivos do halo Galáctico). Nós mostramos que esses tipos de fontes poderão produzir sinais em ondas gravitacionais com uma taxa em torno de um evento por ano dentro da banda do Schenberg.

  16. Dalla caduta al deicidio: mito, sacrificio e letteratura - From fall to deicide: myth, sacrifice and literature

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    Manfredi Bortoluzzi


    Full Text Available This paper aims to offer a contribute to the anthropology of literature starting from Mario Vargas Llosa’s definition of fiction as deicide. The death of the author proclaimed by post-structuralism seems the last transformation of an ancient western mytheme. The fall into time and the desperate attempt to escape from it by the narrative plot leads the man-author to change himself into a deicide with the purpose to replace the divine creation with a literary one. From an anthropological point of view, the essay develops a mythography of literature that goes from the cosmogonic self-sacrifice to the death of the author which represents a further symbolic immolation to re-write the world. The myths of Tantalus, Prometheus and the Genesis offer a symbolic setting to understand the human need to tell stories. In this analysis, the concept of sacrifice represents a valuable heuristic tool to highlight the complex relation between the reality and the imaginary, the man and his self representation, which is expressed in the Jungian psychology by the terms Ego and Self.

  17. Avaliação epidemiológica das fraturas da coluna torácica e lombar dos pacientes atendidos no Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital Getúlio Vargas em Recife/PE


    Pereira,André Flávio Freire; Portela,Luiz Eduardo Duque; Lima,Guilherme Didier de Andrade; Carneiro,Wagner Cabral Gomes; Ferreira,Marcus André Costa; Rangel,Túlio Albuquerque de Moura; Santos,Ricardo Barreto Monteiro dos


    INTRODUÇÃO: as fraturas da coluna torácica e lombar estão se tornando mais frequentes, devido ao aumento dos acidentes de alta energia. Elas apresentam um elevado índice de morbidade e mortalidade, acarretando grandes prejuízos socioeconômicos. OBJETIVO: analisar a epidemiologia das fraturas torácicas e lombares de pacientes atendidas no Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital Getúlio Vargas em Recife (PE). MÉTODOS: este estudo é uma análise epidemiológica dos pacientes com fraturas ...

  18. Global parameter optimization of a Mather-type plasma focus in the framework of the Gratton–Vargas two-dimensional snowplow model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Auluck, S K H


    Dense plasma focus (DPF) is known to produce highly energetic ions, electrons and plasma environment which can be used for breeding short-lived isotopes, plasma nanotechnology and other material processing applications. Commercial utilization of DPF in such areas would need a design tool that can be deployed in an automatic search for the best possible device configuration for a given application. The recently revisited (Auluck 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 112501) Gratton–Vargas (GV) two-dimensional analytical snowplow model of plasma focus provides a numerical formula for dynamic inductance of a Mather-type plasma focus fitted to thousands of automated computations, which enables the construction of such a design tool. This inductance formula is utilized in the present work to explore global optimization, based on first-principles optimality criteria, in a four-dimensional parameter-subspace of the zero-resistance GV model. The optimization process is shown to reproduce the empirically observed constancy of the drive parameter over eight decades in capacitor bank energy. The optimized geometry of plasma focus normalized to the anode radius is shown to be independent of voltage, while the optimized anode radius is shown to be related to capacitor bank inductance. (paper)

  19. Perception Modelling of Visitors in Vargas Museum Using Agent-Based Simulation and Visibility Analysis (United States)

    Carcellar, B. G., III


    Museum exhibit management is one of the usual undertakings of museum facilitators. Art works must be strategically placed to achieve maximum viewing from the visitors. The positioning of the artworks also highly influences the quality of experience of the visitors. One solution in such problems is to utilize GIS and Agent-Based Modelling (ABM). In ABM, persistent interacting objects are modelled as agents. These agents are given attributes and behaviors that describe their properties as well as their motion. In this study, ABM approach that incorporates GIS is utilized to perform analyticcal assessment on the placement of the artworks in the Vargas Museum. GIS serves as the backbone for the spatial aspect of the simulation such as the placement of the artwork exhibits, as well as possible obstructions to perception such as the columns, walls, and panel boards. Visibility Analysis is also done to the model in GIS to assess the overall visibility of the artworks. The ABM is done using the initial GIS outputs and GAMA, an open source ABM software. Visitors are modelled as agents, moving inside the museum following a specific decision tree. The simulation is done in three use cases: the 10 %, 20 %, and 30 % chance of having a visitor in the next minute. For the case of the said museum, the 10 % chance is determined to be the closest simulation case to the actual and the recommended minimum time to achieve a maximum artwork perception is 1 hour and 40 minutes. Initial assessment of the results shows that even after 3 hours of simulation, small parts of the exhibit show lack of viewers, due to its distance from the entrance. A more detailed decision tree for the visitor agents can be incorporated to have a more realistic simulation.

  20. First record of the genus Spinaethorax Papáč & Palacios-Vargas, 2016 (Collembola, Neelipleona, Neelidae in Asia, with a new species from a Vietnamese cave.

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    Clément Schneider


    Full Text Available A new species of the genus Spinaethorax Papáč & Palacios-Vargas, 2016, recently erected for two cave species of Mexico, is described from a Vietnamese cave. It differs from the Mexican species most noticeably by the dorsal chaetotaxy of the head (number and morphology of chaetae, the shape of S-chaetae on the third antennomere, the dorsal chaetotaxy of the abdomen and the chaetotaxy of the dens. The pattern of special τ-chaetae is described for the first time in the genus. The affinities between Spinaethorax and the other genera of Neelipleona are discussed. Spinaethorax is probably closely related to Neelus Folsom, 1896. A table of the differential characters is provided for the three known species of Spinaethorax. Spinaethorax appears to be restricted to caves, but its presence in Vietnam indicates that this genus has a much larger distribution than previously recognized.

  1. Caracterización del embarazo en adolescentes del policlínico Mario Pozo

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    Darly Estrella Tamayo Arnedo


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, con el objetivo de caracterizar el embarazo en la adolescencia en el área de salud del policlínico “Mario Pozo”, en el municipio de Jesús Menéndez, provincia de Las Tunas, Cuba; durante los años 2012 y 2013. La muestra quedó constituida por 130 embarazadas adolescentes. Los datos fueron recopilados en los registros de la consulta municipal de genética y estadísticas y las variables empleadas fueron: grupos de edad, las que aportaron morbilidad grave, fallecidos y bajo peso, así como las interrupciones de embarazos por malformaciones congénitas. Para el procesamiento de los datos se utilizó la estadística descriptiva. Las adolescentes representaron el 14,36% del total de embarazadas registradas en los dos años del estudio, con mayor incidencia en el 2013, constituyendo un problema de salud del territorio. El grupo de 15 a 18 años tuvo la mayor contribución, con un 90% de los casos, las que aportaron el 20,89% de los recién nacidos bajo peso, el 18,18% de los fallecidos, el 30,76% de los niños menores de un año graves y el 34% de las malformaciones congénitas que fueron interrumpidas. La incidencia del embarazo en la adolescencia fue alta, siendo más significativa en la adolescencia tardía, repercutiendo cada año en la morbilidad y mortalidad infantil

  2. O prelúdio das campanhas de alfabetização na era Vargas: a Cruzada Nacional de Educação - The prelude of literacy campaigns in the Vargas Era: the crusade National Education

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    Alessandro Carvalho Bica


    Full Text Available As primeiras décadas da chamada era Vargas podem ser caracterizadas por suas mudanças políticas, culturais, sociais ou pedagógicas. No que tange às transformações ou alterações no campo da escolarização, muitos pesquisadores tem se dedicado a pesquisas acerca dessa temática. Ademais, afirma-se que a preocupação com os rumos educacionais e os altos índices de analfabetismo da população brasileira, inflamou os discursos políticos no limiar da década de 1930. Nesta ótica, o Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova consolidou a visão de um segmento da intelectualidade que, embora com diferentes posições, vislumbrava a possibilidade de interferir na organização da sociedade brasileira do ponto de vista da educação. Neste sentido, pelo decreto n. 21.731, de 15 de agosto de 1932, a Cruzada Nacional de Educação foi declarada de utilidade pública. Considerava-se que a alfabetização se constituía no elemento básico para a solução de todos os problemas políticos e sociais do Brasil. Em seus principais artigos, o decreto instituía anualmente a Semana da Alfabetização no Brasil, durante o mês de outubro. Esta campanha mobilizou vários setores da sociedade na possibilidade de abrir mais de 10.000 escolas primárias em todo o Brasil. No documento que segue, pode-se observar um discurso permeado de intenções cívicas e patrióticas.

  3. Mario Aguilera Peña, coordinador. El orden desarmado. La resistencia de la Asociación de Trabajadores Campesinos del Carare (ATCC

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    Leidy Carolina Navarro Antolínez


    Full Text Available Esta investigación representa el doceavo informe del Grupo de Memoria Histórica de la Comisión Nacional de Reparación y Reconciliación (CNRR, que hasta la fecha ha publicado diecinueve investigaciones. El proyecto surgió con la Ley de Justicia y Paz, del año 2005, con el propósito de "presentar informes sobre el origen y evolución de los grupos armados ilegales" (artículo 51. En este informe, el historiador y abogado Mario Aguilera Pena presenta una investigación que, como su titulo lo advierte, tiene por objeto reconstruir la historia de un orden social desarmado, como programa y proceso liderado por la Asociación de Trabajadores y Campesinos del Carare (ATCC, creada en 1987, en el corregimiento de La India, Santander.

  4. “Antonio Vargas Reyes y la Medicina del Siglo XIX”. Del Académico Roberto de Zubiría

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    Efraim Otero Ruiz


    Full Text Available

    La Segunda Edición de un Libro Admirable (Comentario a la 2ª Edición del libro “Antonio Vargas Reyes-La Medicina del Siglo XIX en Colombia” por el Académico Roberto de Zubiría C.-Febrero 2003


    Circunstancias ajenas a la voluntad de los protagonistas hicieron que la presentación de este libro ante la Academia Nacional de Medicina tuviera que ser postergada hasta la fecha actual. De todas maneras, persiste mi vivo agradecimiento ante las directivas de la Academia y ante el mismo autor por haberme distinguido con el honor de ser yo quien presente ante ustedes esta obra, en el momento ya con varios meses de haber sido publicada por Editorial Kimpres, en un elegante volumen de 212 páginas y que marca un hito entre los libros de historia médica publicados en el país en el año 2002.

    Efectivamente, en sus 20 capítulos, seguidos de un apéndice y del testamento del personaje aquí biografiado, además de una extensa bibliografía curiosamente referida con números romanos, Roberto de Zubiría nos entrega una visión panorámica de lo que fue, como reza el subtítulo, la medicina del siglo XIX en Colombia. Medicina que estuvo rubricada y marcada por los sucesos de la independencia, en su segunda década, a la que se siguió el cambio intelectual necesario y obligatorio que nos trocaba de un pensamiento de colonos y súbditos al de seres independientes, que debían crear o transformar las nuevas instituciones de la patria. Como lo ha dicho el historiador médico español García-Valdés a propósito de Europa, podría decirse que el siglo XIX sólo llega a la medicina colombiana a partir de 1820. Por eso el primer capítulo hace un inventario de lo que era el ambiente y las escuelas iniciales de la primera mitad de ese siglo, con los primeros intentos de establecer una cátedra por José Celestino Mutis y Miguel de Isla, a quienes el autor señala justamente como los verdaderos precursores

  5. Las dictaduras de Vargas y Franco: implicaciones de la consagración de la maternidad para la enfermería

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    Tânia Cristina Franco Santos


    Full Text Available Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir las características históricas y sociales de Brasil y España en el contexto de los regímenes dictatoriales instaurados por Vargas y Franco, y analizar las representaciones sobre la maternidad en el contexto de esos regímenes y sus implicaciones para la enfermería. Es un estudio histórico y social cuyo método consideró como fuentes: documentos escritos brasileños y españoles. La recolección de los datos se hizó en el período de 13 de mayo a 29 de agosto de 2008. Para el análisis se realizaron las etapas de organización y clasificación de las fuentes elegidas. Como resultado, se evidencio que la glorificación de la mujer por sus virtudes físicas como la maternidad y por sus atributos morales legitimó su inserción honorable en el espacio público, para reproducir en ese espacio, como enfermeras, las cualidades femeninas necesarias al cuidado. Se concluye que la consagración de la maternidad ha determinado posibilidades y límites para la enfermera.

  6. Reiterables y prescindibles en: Efecto Invernadero/Y si la belleza corrompe la muerte de Mario Bellatin : Instancias de un abordaje crítico-genético


    Torres Reca, Guillermina


    Este trabajo aborda dos textos de Mario Bellatin, Efecto Invernadero y su pre-texto Y si la belleza corrompe la muerte, a partir de dos declaraciones del autor, referidas al proceso creativo y de producción. El autor habla de su propia obra y su palabra no se esfuma, trabaja sobre sus textos todo el tiempo. De este modo, la propuesta es hacer funcionar sus declaraciones en conjunto; porque sirven, porque fueron dichas y están ahí y, al mismo tiempo, complejizar por qué, en qué medida y cómo s...

  7. Play the game in the opening scene A multidisciplinary lens for understanding (videoludic movies, including Super Mario Bros., Resident Evil and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

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    Enrico Gandolfi


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to create a multidisciplinary tool concerning the passage from the medium of videogames to cinema. According to concepts taken from Media Studies, Cultural Studies, Semiotics and Game Studies, we will explore the multiple dimensions and the related connections that occur in the film linearization of digital interaction: production issues, narrative and aesthetic elements, heuristics and mechanics in-game and on the big screen, and so on. The framework will be tested through three paradigmatic case studies: Super Mario, Resident Evil, and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. The overall intent is to give scholars, and also practitioners, a holistic perspective on this peculiar type of crossmedia process, pointing out virtuous productive strategies as ruinous ones.

  8. La representación apocalíptica de la violencia en la narrativa fílmica de Gabriel García Márquez: los guiones de El año de la peste y Edipo Alcalde, y los argumentos inéditos Dios y yo y Para Elisa.

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    Alessandro Rocco


    Full Text Available In Mario Vargas Llosa’s opinion, two of the most lasting obsessions of García Márquez’s literary world, were the theme of plague, and the one of violence, that together form a sort of “cataclysmic vision” of history, whose literary sources were Daniel Defoe’s, A journal of the plague year, and Sophocles’, Oedipus Rex. We mention in this article the presence of those themes in García Márquez’s filmic work, beginning with the screenplays of two films: El año de la peste and Edipo Alcalde, adaptations of the cited works of Defoe and Sophocles. Afterwards we present two unpublished film treatments, Para Elisa and Dios y yo. The first is about war in Colombia, and presents an explicit reference to the “Bogotazo” (9th of April of 1948, while the second presents the theme of Latin American dictator, that García Márquez later focused in his novel El otoño del patriarca.

  9. Prevalence of caries and is relationship with the type of feeding in babies in the Cândida Vargas Maternity hospital

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    Débora de Araújo Milfont


    Full Text Available Objective: Verify the prevalence of dental caries and its relationship with the type of feeding, oral hygiene habits, and gender of children at the Cândida Vargas Maternity hospital in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. Methods: The study population included 50 mentally and physically healthy children ranging from 12 the 48 months of age. This was descriptive study using direct documentation (forms and the clinical examinations performed by one calibrated examiner (Kappa = 1. Dental caries diagnosis was according to World Health Organization criteria. Interviews were conducted with the parents for information about the children’s oral hygiene and dietary habits. Data was analysed by means of descriptive statistics (frequencies and percentages and statistical analyses, using the Pearson Chi – Square and Fisher tests. Results: the prevalence of dental caries was 28%; the majority of the parents cared for the children’s daytime oral hygiene (60%, and the prevalent type of feeding was with powdered milk. The average dmf-t was 0.28 and 16% of children had early childhood caries. There was no statistically significant association with any of the variables studied.Conclusion: the prevalence of caries–free children was high. However, the poor oral hygiene after nocturnal breast-feeding and the early introduction of artificial milk, especially with bottle feeding suggests the need to reinforce educational strategies for the parents.

  10. Mario Matus González (2012), Crecimiento sin desarrollo. Precios y salarios reales durante el Ciclo Salitrero en Chile, 1880-1930, Editorial Universitaria, Santiago de Chile, 342 pp [Ressenya de llibre


    Yáñez, César


    El libro de Mario Matus González, Crecimiento sin desarrollo. Precios y salarios reales durante el Ciclo Salitrero en Chile, 1880-1930, marcará un hito en la historiografía chilena. Un antes y un después que tiene al menos dos pilares. Por una parte, se trata de un sólido análisis de la economía chilena en la época de la « primera globalización », que en el caso de Chile se caracterizó por un largo período de crecimiento apoyado en las exportaciones de salitre que se extraían de las provincia...

  11. Thirteen years of integrated precipitable water derived by GPS at Mario Zucchelli Station, Antarctica

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    Pierguido Sarti


    Full Text Available Since 1998, the Italian Antarctic Programme has been funding space geodetic activities based on the use of episodic and permanent global positioning system (GPS observations. As well as their exploitation in geodynamics, these data can be used to sense the atmosphere and to retrieve and monitor its water vapor content and variations. The surface pressure p and temperature Ts at the GPS tracking sites are necessary to compute the zenith hydrostatic delay (ZHD, and consequently, the precipitable water. At sites where no surface information is recorded, the p and Ts values can be retrieved from, e.g., global numerical weather prediction models. Alternatively, the site-specific ZHD values can be computed by interpolation of the ZHD values provided in a grid model (2.5° × 2.0°. We have processed the data series of the permanent GPS site TNB1 (Mario Zucchelli Station, Antarctica from 1998 to 2010, with the purpose of comparing the use of grid ZHD values as an alternative to the use of real surface records. With these approaches, we estimate almost 7 × 104 hourly values of precipitable water over 13 years, and we find discrepancies that vary between 1.8 (±0.2 mm in summer and 3.3 (±0.5 mm in winter. In addition, the discrepancies of the two solutions show a clear seasonal dependency. Radiosounding measurements were used to derive an independent series of precipitable water. These agree better with the GPS precipitable water derived from real surface data. However, the GPS precipitable water time series is dry biased, as it is ca. 77% of the total moisture measured by the radiosoundings. Both the GPS and radiosounding observations are processed through the most up-to-date strategies, to reduce known systematic errors.

  12. Rute e Alberto resolveram ser turistas a leitura literária para crianças no período Vargas

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    Full Text Available Tratando del estudio de la lectura de obras literarias para niños en el período de Vargas, este artículo examina el trabajo de la Comisión Nacional de Literatura Infantil (CNLI y su comprensión de este tipo de lectura. El análisis muestra cómo la perspectiva de aquelllos intelectuales fue determinada por la tensión entre lo lúdico y lo pedagógico. A continuación, el artículo discute la renovación pedagógica propuesta por la Escuela Nueva y sus conexiones con el concepto de la lectura de obras literarias propuestas por la CNLI. Por fin, el texto analiza la obra didáctica de Cecilia Meireles Rute e Alberto resolveram ser turistas (1938. Se há verificado que em esa obra de carácter eminentemente didáctico, la autora dejó clara su relación con los valores consagrados por la Escuela Nueva. Cecilia, en essa obra, intento utilizar recursos literarios, tales como la creación de personajes, espacios de ficción, el uso de diálogos y narraciones, sin obtener el equilibrio en la compleja dinámica entre la enseñanza y lo lúdico. El resultado es una obra que, en comparación con otras de la misma autora, no está a la altura de sus logros literarios.

  13. POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS DE EMPREGO NO BRASIL: apontamentos entre a Era Vargas e o Neoliberalismo

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    Leonardo de Araujo e Mota


    Full Text Available No Brasil, a partir dos anos 1930, com a criação do Ministério do Trabalho, Indústria e Comércio e a elaboração da legislação trabalhista, o mercado de trabalho brasileiro regulamentou-se com a criação das leis de proteção ao trabalhador, conferindo ao Estado o objetivo de inserção do trabalhador na organização das políticas de emprego. A partir dos anos 1990, porém, evidenciou-se a redução da intervenção do Estado nas relações capital-trabalho, explicação possível para a limitação de políticas públicas de geração de emprego e renda. Este artigo tem como objetivo efetuar uma síntese sócio-histórica das políticas de emprego no Brasil comparando a Era Vargas ao Neoliberalismo, considerando as relações capital-trabalho na perspectiva da intervenção do Estado, das mudanças tecnológicas, dos cenários macroeconômicos e da organização da produção no mundo do trabalho contemporâneo. A pesquisa bibliográfica foi o método de pesquisa utilizado, tendo como referências livros, artigos e publicações em meio digital. Concluiu-se que, embora políticas de emprego ainda existam e tenham como finalidade criar condições favoráveis de acesso ao mercado de trabalho para os trabalhadores, o Estado neoliberal tornou-se refém de conjunturas macroeconômicas cada vez mais competitivas em nível global para a criação de novos postos de trabalho, fato que precipita os trabalhadores em empregos cada vez mais precários, flexíveis e de baixa remuneração.

  14. Irrupción y metamorfosis: la imagen en la poesía de Mario Ortiz. Para una crítica poética

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    Ana Porrúa


    Full Text Available La poesía de Mario Ortiz podría pensarse como una escritura crítica dentro de la poesía argentina de los 90, o al menos de su gesto objetivista y su gesto realista. El modo de la crítica es la imagen en tanto irrupción, advenimiento de la imaginación (imago, en el sentido que le da Didi-Huberman que parte, en estos casos, de lo concreto, incluso de lo nimio. La fuerza de la imagen en tanto proceso en la poesía de Ortiz establece un movimiento que le devuelve a los objetos de uso su aura, a la vez que sostiene su definición materialista; un doblez en el que, además, se construye el relicario, la miniatura e incluso la colección. A la vez, puede leerse esta aparición de la imagen como migración y metamorfosis de los objetos tal como aparecen en los poemas más objetivistas y como revisión de sus colecciones

  15. Avidity of IgG for rubella: an evaluation of the need for implementation at the Materno-Infantil Presidente Vargas Hospital in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    M.M. Reis

    Full Text Available Rubella serum assays performed in the laboratory of the Materno-Infantil Presidente Vargas Hospital (HMIPV from 1998 to 2002 were reviewed to determine if IgG avidity assays should be implemented. IgG was determined using the Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay, ELFA, VIDAS® system, bioMérieux or the Microparticle Enzyme Immunoassay, MEIA, Axsym® system, Abbott, and IgM was determined using the ELFA, VIDAS® system, bioMérieux, a capture format assay. Specific IgG was assayed in 2,863 samples, with positive results for 84% of the patients, for the most part with high levels of antibodies. IgM was assayed in 2,851 samples, being positive in 14 (0.49% and inconclusive in 25 (0.88%. Serology for toxoplasmosis was also positive or inconclusive in 5 patients. After a cost-effectiveness analysis, it was decided not to implement avidity assays, considering that the HMIPV is a public institution, with limited funding. Difficulties concerning the integration of the Clinical Pathology Service with the Clinical Staff of the institution were also considered.

  16. Five-year analysis of background carbon dioxide and ozone variations during summer seasons at the Mario Zucchelli station (Antarctica)

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    Cristofanelli, P.; Calzolari, F.; Bonafe, U.; Lanconelli, C.; Lupi, A.; Busetto, M.; Vitale, V.; Bonasoni, P. (National Research Council, Inst. of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Bologna (Italy)), e-mail:; Colombo, T. (Centro Nazionale di Climatologia e Meteorologia, Italian Air Force, Pratica di Mare (RM) (Italy))


    The work focuses on the analysis of CO{sub 2} and O{sub 3} surface variations observed during five summer experimental campaigns carried out at the 'Icaro Camp' clean air facility (74.7 deg S, 164.1 deg E, 41 m a.s.l.) of the 'Mario Zucchelli' Italian coastal research station. This experimental activity allowed the definition of summer average background O{sub 3} values that ranged from 18.3 +- 4.7 ppbv (summer 2005-2006) to 21.3 +- 4.0 ppbv (summer 2003-2004). Background CO{sub 2} concentrations showed an average growth rate of 2.10 ppmv yr-1, with the highest CO{sub 2} increase between the summer campaigns 2002-2003 and 2001-2002 (+2.85 ppmv yr-1), probably reflecting the influence of the 2002/2003 ENSO event. A comparison with other Antarctic coastal sites suggested that the summer background CO{sub 2} and O{sub 3} at MZS-IC are well representative of the average conditions of the Ross Sea coastal regions. As shown by the analysis of local wind direction and by 3-D back-trajectory calculations, the highest CO{sub 2} and O{sub 3} values were recorded in correspondence to air masses flowing from the interior of the Antarctic continent. These results suggest that air mass transport from the interior of the continent exerts an important influence on air mass composition in Antarctic coastal areas

  17. Mario Alberto Cajas Sarria (2015. La historia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia, 1886-1991. Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes & Universidad ICESI

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    Michael Cruz Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El libro del profesor Mario Alberto Cajas Sarria, que es resultado de su tesis doctoral en derecho en la Universidad de los Andes, realiza una narración de la historia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia desde su creación en 1886 hasta su validación a la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente de 1991. Para ello toma como elemento central decisiones judiciales que efectuaron control constitucional en cuatro temas que sirven de hilos conductores: los estados de excepción, las leyes por vicios de trámite, los tratados internacionales y las reformas a la constitución. Así, el trabajo no sólo se detiene en las categorías jurídicas que orbitan alrededor de estos tópicos sino que, a partir de las decisiones judiciales, de la prensa y de fuentes secundarias, ilumina el contexto político y los ambientes institucionales en los que la Corte Suprema ejerció el control de constitucionalidad en algunas coyunturas en la trayectoria del régimen político colombiano.

  18. Use of bioremediation and treatment of wetland for remediation of the accidental crude-oil spill of July 16, 2000 at the Petrobras Refinery Refinaria Presidente Getulio Vargas (REPAR), Araucaria, PR, Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Millette, D. [Hydrogeo Plus Inc., Montreal, PQ (Canada); Falkiewicz, F.; Zamberlan, E. [Petrobras-REPAR, Araucaria (Brazil); Campos Carvalho, F.J.P. de [Universidade Federal do Parana, Curifiba (Brazil). Dept. de Solos; Neto, A.C.B.; Caicedo, N.O.L.; Motta Marques, D. [Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre (Brazil). Instituto de pesquisas hidraulicas; Linhares, M. [Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


    On July 16, 2000, a pipeline supplying oil to the PETROBRAS refinery Refinaria Presidente Getulio Vargas-REPAR, located in Araucaria, Brazil, ruptured. The resulting oil spill involved approximately 4 million litres of crude oil. Workers managed to retain a vast quantity of oil within a two-kilometre area called Ponto O. The banks and floodplain of a small stream, the Arroio Saldanha, were contaminated, as well as the soil of four small wetlands. The authors presented an overview of the remediation program implemented. They focused on the soil bioremediation and treatment of wetland programs. Some of the remediation technologies used were: in situ bioremediation, injection and recovery trenches, and treatment of wetland in the vicinity of the discharge. Most of the free product from the sector adjacent to the spill site seems to have been removed by the recovery trenches. The preliminary data obtained from soil monitoring points to the efficiency of in situ bioremediation. Wetland vegetation was successfully restored and hydrocarbons appear to have been removed from the groundwater. 2 figs.

  19. Pesquisa de Micobactérias Ambientais em água de torneira, luvas e soluções utilizadas em procedimentos cirúrgicos no Hospital Universitário Getúlio Vargas - Manaus/AM Investigation of Environmental Mycobacteria in tap water, surgical gloves and antiseptic solutions used in surgical procedures at the Getúlio Vargas University Hospital, Manaus-AM/Brazil

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    Adriana Vallejo Restrepo


    Full Text Available Investigou-se por métodos bacteriológicos (cultivo e moleculares (PCR - Restriction Enzyme Analysis, PRA, a presença de micobactérias ambientais em águas de torneira, soluções e luvas cirúrgicas, utilizadas nas etapas dos procedimentos cirúrgicos executados no centro cirúrgico do Hospital Universitário Getulio Vargas (HUGV, na cidade de Manaus-Amazonas/Brasil. Foram colhidas e analisadas 105 amostras sendo: 24 de águas (colhidas das 2 torneiras existentes no centro cirúrgico, 8 de solução de Povidine e 7 de solução de Clorhexidina, que servem para a higienização das mãos dos cirurgiões; 39 de luvas cirúrgicas (superfícies internas e externas; e 27 de soluções que foram efetivamente utilizadas durante o ato cirúrgico. Por método bacteriológico obteve-se 41 isolados micobacterianos apenas de águas das torneiras. Pelo PRA obteve-se a detecção de DNA micobacteriano somente na amostra de água que forneceu acima de 100 colônias de micobactérias por tubo semeado. Os isolados foram identificados como sendo Mycobacterium celatum perfil 2, M. gordonae perfil 3, M. gordonae perfil 6, M. intracellulare perfil 1, M. lentiflavum perfil 3 e M. mucogenicum perfil 1. O encontro de M. mucogenicum, espécie já incriminada em surtos pós-cirúrgicos, indica que devem ser efetuados procedimentos de limpeza e monitoramento em todos os pontos de distribuição de águas, visando à prevenção de surtos de micobacterioses nosocomiais induzidos pelo uso das águas nas diferentes atividades de manuseio ou higienização dos pacientes submetidos a procedimentos invasivos.Using bacteriological (culture and molecular (PCR - Restriction Enzyme Analysis, PRA methods, we investigated the presence of environmental mycobacteria in tap water, antiseptic solutions and surgical gloves, used in carrying out surgical procedures at the Getúlio Vargas University Hospital Surgical Center, in Manaus -Amazonas/Brazil. Samples (105 were collected and

  20. Eimeria atlapetesi nom. nov., a replacement name for Eimeria pileata Soriano-Vargas et al., 2015 (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae), preoccupied by Eimeria pileata Straneva and Kelley, 1979 (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae), with observations on histopathology and phylogenetic analysis. (United States)

    Soriano-Vargas, Edgardo; Salgado-Miranda, Celene; Zepeda-Velázquez, Andrea Paloma; Medina, Juan Pablo; Janczur, Mariusz Krzysztof; González-Gómez, Maricruz; Flores-Valle, Izanami Tereira; Berto, Bruno Pereira; Lopes, Carlos Wilson Gomes


    Eimeria pileata Soriano-Vargas, Medina, Salgado-Miranda, García-Conejo, Galindo-Sánchez, Janczur, Berto and Lopes, 2015 is a junior homonym of Eimeria pileata Straneva and Kelley, 1979 and needs to be replaced. This coccidium was described from a rufous-capped brush finch Atlapetes pileatus Wagler in the Nevado de Toluca Natural Protected Area, Mexico. Thus, to maintain the original intent of the specific epithet derived from the scientific name of the type-host, the name Eimeria atlapetesi nom. nov. is proposed as a replacement name. Additionally, the current work reports another rufous-capped brush finch A. pileatus parasitized by E. atlapetesi in co-infection with an Isospora sp., providing observations of histopathology and phylogenetic analysis of 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene from E. atlapetesi. Endogenous forms of E. atlapetesi and Isospora sp. were observed in intestinal sections. Few oocysts of Isospora sp. were observed; therefore they were not morphologically or molecularly identified. In return, E. atlapetesi was identified and it was phylogenetically close to Eimeria dispersa Tyzzer, 1929 from the domestic turkey Meleagris gallopavo Linnaeus.

  1. Surface composition of Ru containing duplex stainless steel after passivation in non-oxidizing media

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Myburg, G


    Full Text Available . Skinner, J. Appl. Elec- .7112. wx .471 or 971. wx .301. wxN.D. Tomashov, G.P. Chernova, E.N. Ustinsky, Corrosion .134. wxN.D. Tamashov, G.P. Chermava, L.A. Chigirinskaya, E.A. .704. wxK. Varga, P. Baradlai, W.O. Barnard, G. Myburg, P. Halmas, .25. wx...J.H. Potgieter, W. Skinner, A.M. Heyns, in: Proceedings of the 1st International Chromium Steel and Alloys Congress, 2, 1992, p. 235. wxJ.H. Potgieter, W.O. Barnard, G. Myburg, K. Varga, P. .? 1103. wxK. Varga, P. Baradlai, W.O. Barnard, J.H. Potgieter, P. .143...

  2. Latitudes, el ancho mundo de la investigación social: Bolivianos, paraguayos y argentinos en la obra : Una investigación de la antropóloga Patricia Vargas sobre la relación entre la migración de países limítrofes y el mercado de trabajo en la construcción en el área metropolitana


    Mendivil, Adrián; Vargas, Patricia


    Latitudes es un ciclo de programas especiales, idea y conducción del periodista Adrián Mendivil, basado en la investigación en ciencias sociales. En esta entrega, se entrevista a la antropóloga Patricia Vargas sobre el impacto de inmigración de países limítrofes en el mercado de trabajo en la construcción en el área metropolitana argentina. Explica el concepto de "etnografía" y su aplicación para comprender la temática: la llegada de bolivianos y paraguayos y su relación con los trabajadores ...

  3. Principais indicadores e ferramentas utilizados pelos gestores: uma análise estatística da percepção dos alunos de MBA da Fundação Getúlio Vargas Management indicators and tools: perceptions of MBA students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Cauduro de Castro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a relevância de indicadores e ferramentas de gestão na percepção dos alunos de MBA da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV. Para isso, utilizou-se um questionário com 26 quesitos definidos a partir de pesquisas anteriores e uma escala de variação de importância do tipo Likert. A amostra foi composta de um total de 425 alunos. Desses, 97 entrevistados não selecionaram nenhum indicador ou ferramenta de gestão. Assim, 328 respostas foram analisadas e interpretadas. Os resultados demonstraram que o Fluxo de Caixa Projetado é o indicador de gestão mais relevante, seguido da Margem Líquida de Vendas. Os dados também apontaram, entre as cinco primeiras posições, indicadores considerados mais sofisticados, como, por exemplo, o Balanced Scorcard (BSC, o Earnings before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA e o Economic Value Added (EVA®. Verificou-se também que as exigências relativas à informação contábil variavam de acordo com o perfil dos respondentes. Os resultados demonstram também que não existe um indicador ou ferramenta de gestão que seja considerado ótimo. Finalmente, há indícios apontados pela pesquisa de que, apesar de a contabilidade gerencial ser considerada uma disciplina global, suas especificidades e características podem ser locais ou regionais.The relevance of management indicators and tools, according to perception of 425 MBA students of the Fundação Getulio Vargas, was identified using a questionnaire with 26 queries based on previous surveys. Results from only 328 respondents were analyzed because 97 did not select any management indicator or tool. Project Cash Flow was the most relevant indicator followed by Net Revenues. In addition the three more sophisticated indicators of Balanced Scorecard (BSC, Earnings before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA and Economic Value Added (EVA® were among the first five ranked. Since it was noted


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    Lázaro Quintana Tápanes


    Full Text Available

    En el artículo se identifican, evalúan las competencias laborales a nivel organizacional, de procesos clínicos – quirúrgicos y se determina su influencia en la calidad del servicio del Hospital “Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy”. Se elaboran los perfiles de competencias correspondientes y se calcula el indicador desviación competencial, que permite conocer el comportamiento de las competencias en la comparación entre el estado deseado y actual, en los niveles jerárquicos antes mencionados. Se emplean diferentes métodos y técnicas como: análisis documental, entrevista, cuestionario, pruebas de conocimientos, observación, dinámica de grupo, método delphi, análisis-síntesis, inducción-deducción y el paquete estadístico SPSS versión 12.0. La muestra seleccionada está compuesta por clientes internos (médicos, enfermeros y por clientes externos (pacientes-familiares.

    Se identifican las competencias menos desarrolladas y se proponen estrategias a implementar por la entidad que permitan mejorar la calidad a través de las competencias laborales.

  5. Kairos. Træk af humanisme og posthumanisme i italiensk kultur (Politik, ret & samfund)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Gert

    Humanisme, Posthumanisme, Italiensk kultur, Kairos, Dante, Machiavelli, Perniola (Mario), Agamben (Giorgio), Dobbeltstat......Humanisme, Posthumanisme, Italiensk kultur, Kairos, Dante, Machiavelli, Perniola (Mario), Agamben (Giorgio), Dobbeltstat...

  6. Quantitative analysis of the relief in watersheds of the “El Ávila” massif northern hillside (Vargas State, Venezuela and its hydrogeomorphological meaning

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    Williams José Méndez Mata


    Full Text Available The morphological features of the relief and its quantitative morphometric quantification are essential elements in interpreting its influence on the hydrogeomorphological dynamics of watersheds in mountainous environments. This is particularly important when studying small spatial units (micro watersheds and torrential regimes, as this influences the sudden and aggressive hydrological responses of these systems and the likelihood of activation of mass removal processes. In the study region (Vargas State, Venezuela the most important debris flow recorded in Venezuela’s history occurred on December 14, 15 and 16, 1999, as a consequence of extremely heavy rainfall in those dates associated with a very particular weather. For the above reasons, this research conducted a quantitative analysis of the relief features in watersheds of “El Ávila” massive northern hillside and their impact on the local hydrogeomorphological dynamics, aimed at identifying the main attributes influencing these dynamics. The study area is located in the northern-central region of Venezuela, in the central part of Vargas state, delimited by 10º32’25”-10º37’35”N and 66º40’08”- 66º59’12”W, and comprises thirteen micro watersheds of mountainous environment. The methodology consisted of (a the geomorphological characterization of the area, from the review and interpretation of digitized base maps at scales 1:5 000 and 1:25 000, the digital elevation model (DEM, aerial photographs at scale 1:5 000, orthophotomaps at scale 1:25 000, satellite images, Google Earth and Google Maps images, and geomorphological maps (landforms and geomorphological processes at scale 1:25 000; (b measurements and calculations of basic morphometric parameters of watershed relief on digital mapping using the ArcGIS 9.2 and their Spatial Analysis and ArcHydro modules, and the mathematical equations that define the other parameters using MS Excel; (c descriptive statistical

  7. Etendatakse 10-aastase kirjamehe näitemäng

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tartu katoliku kooli 3. klassi poisi Mario Raitari näitemäng "Kristoph Silvester von Tenderi lugu", mis on esimene lugu sarjast "Mario Raitari kroonika". Näidendit etendab Linnupuu Lastepereteatri trupp

  8. Contextual Awareness for Robust Robot Autonomy (United States)


    above. We have tested this approach extensively with a simple “ pizza delivery” domain (must make the delivery in a given amount of time), where there...need to be solved only once, for each risk value. In tests, the augmented MDP failed only 7% less than our switching strategy (in the pizza delivery...a simpler pizza delivery domain (described in section 5.4). 86 5.1 Mario Domain The Super Mario Bros domain uses the Infinite Mario simu- lator 1

  9. Incidencia del uso del celular como distractor en el proceso de inter-aprendizaje de los alumnos de octavo, noveno y décimo año de educación básica de la Unidad Educativa a Distancia Mario Rizzini de la ciudad de Cuenca, en el año lectivo 2006-2007


    Rosales Ullauri, Silvia Lucia


    La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en la Unidad Educativa a Distancia "Mario Rizzini", inició en Septiembre del 2006 hasta Enero del 2007. El objeto de la misma era realizar un estudio sobre la incidencia del uso del teléfono celular en el Inter-aprendizaje de los estudiantes de octavo, noveno y décimo año de Educación Básica con los siguientes resultados. Al 1er Formulario que consta de 12 preguntas y que se realizó a 300 estudiantes, los resultados de mayor respuesta afirmativa...

  10. Projeto do sistema anti-ressonante da fiação dos transdutores para o detector Mario Schenberg (United States)

    Vieira, S. J.., Jr.; Melo, J. L.


    O detector de ondas gravitacionais Mario Schenberg está sendo projetado e construído pelo grupo Gráviton. Sua construção está ocorrendo no Laboratório de Estado Sólido e Baixas Temperaturas (LESBT) da Universidade de São Paulo, na cidade de São Paulo. Esse detector possui uma massa ressonante esférica de cobre-alumínio, com 65 cm de diâmetro, pesando aproximadamente 1150 Kg, suspensa por um sistema de isolamento vibracional, que se encontra em fase de testes preliminares. A real eficácia desse sistema, entretanto, só poderá ser comprovada quando o detector estiver aparelhado com, pelo menos, um transdutor eletromecânico de altíssima sensibilidade acoplado à massa ressonante. Neste momento, não só este sistema de isolamento vibracional será posto em teste, como o do projeto da fiação que transporta os sinais de microondas até os transdutores e destes para a pré-amplificação. Apesar dessa fiação ter sido projetada para não apresentar nenhum contato com a superfície esférica da antena, de maneira a não haver nenhuma transmissão de ruído vibracional do laboratório para esta, deve-se minimizar o ruído microfônico produzido nessa fiação por oscilações mecânicas, uma vez que ela não utiliza nenhum sistema de isolamento vibracional. Com o intuito de resolver este problema, projetamos uma estrutura, formada por pequenos cilindros conectados por barras, a qual não terá nenhuma ressonância mecânica na faixa de freqüências de interesse para detecção (3000 - 3400 Hz). Desta forma, as vibrações nessa faixa não serão amplificadas. O projeto foi feito usando iterativamente, de maneira a otimizar os resultados obtidos, o programa de elementos finitos Msc/Nastran. Através de simulações feitas neste programa, determinamos os parâmetros geométricos ideais a serem utilizados, os quais proporcionam a maior região espectral de interesse livre de ressonâncias.

  11. Compatibility between mental disorder and mental capacity: analysis of a particular case of group sexual homicide. (United States)

    Carabellese, Felice; Vinci, Francesco; Catanesi, Roberto


    On the night of August 19, 2000, at the foot of Castel del Monte, an 8-year-old girl was brutally murdered. The perpetrators were identified as five young men who captured their victim and sexually abused her. The policemen found the cadaver by following "Mario," one of the five, who had been discovered lying on the ground, near the castle. Investigation led to demonstrate that the murder was not premeditated. The only desire of the group was to sexually molest the little girl. Mario showed signs of psychiatric pathology and for that he underwent psychiatric evaluation by judicial authorities. Analysis of this case, combined with a criminological and medical-legal perspective led to conclusions very much different from the expectations of Mario's defense attorneys. Mario, a marginal figure and seemingly the least intelligent, played the role of group instigator, both in the initiation of sexually abusing the child, as well as in the elimination of an inconvenient witness. However, the group was able to activate Mario's sadistic fantasies and his sexual perversions, and he ended up in a catalyzing role influencing the behavior of others and realizing what would otherwise remain only fantasies. The circularity of the group allows people like Mario, who are apparently subordinate, to influence the behavior of others. Mario was found to have a mental disorder but it was not sufficient to diminish his personal responsibility related to the crime. In fact, according to Italian judicial code, it is necessary that the motivation for the crime was psychopathological. It was for this reason that, according to Italian law, all of the members of the group were considered to be responsible for the crimes committed and were condemned.

  12. Lóxoro, traces of a contemporary Peruvian genderlect

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    Luis Miguel Rojas-Berscia


    Full Text Available Not long after the premiere of Loxoro in 2011, a short-film by Claudia Llosa which presents the problems the transgender community faces in the capital of Peru, a new language variety became visible for the first time to the Lima society. Lóxoro [‘ɾo] or Húngaro [‘uŋ.ga.ɾo], as its speakers call it, is a language spoken by transsexuals and the gay community of Peru. The first clues about its existence were given by a comedian, Fernando Armas, in the mid 90’s, however it is said to have appeared not before the 60’s. Following some previous work on gay languages by Baker (2002 and languages and society (cf. Halliday 1978, the main aim of the present article is to provide a primary sketch of this language in its phonological, morphological, lexical and sociological aspects, based on a small corpus extracted from the film of Llosa and natural dialogues from Peruvian TV-journals, in order to classify this variety within modern sociolinguistic models (cf. Muysken 2010 and argue for the “anti-language” (cf. Halliday 1978 nature of it.

  13. Interaction of science and diplomacy: Latin American, the United States and nuclear energy, 1945-1955

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cabral, R.


    Nuclear programs in Argentina and Brazil can be traced to August 1945 when their scientific communities articulated responses to the atomic bombings of Japan. They culminated in attempts to develop independent nuclear programs, sharply opposed by the United States, during the nationalist governments of Juan Peron and Getulio Vargas. This dissertation, based on primary sources from the three nations, analyzes these programs and the American responses. Latin America entered the nuclear age attempting to control natural resources, to improve scientific establishments, and to appraise Latin American-United States relations. Despite some clear warnings about nuclear dangers, the new form of energy was seen as the solution to industrial problems, poverty, and outside political interference. International opposition, which may have included nuclear threats from the United States, blocked Argentina's first attempt in 1947. After 1948, Peron wanted a nuclear program for cheap energy and prestige. The qualifications of the Brazilian scientists gave more substance to their program. The program originated in August, 1945, but assumed national proportion with the government of Vargas in 1951. Lack of American cooperation forced Vargas to establish a secret program with Germany. American troops intervened taking over the German equipment already completed. The final collapse came about with Vargas' suicide in August, 1954

  14. Magnetic Nanostructures Patterned by Self-Organized Materials (United States)


    Palma , J. Escrig, J. C. Denardin Angular dependence of the coercivity and remanence of ordered arrays of Co nanowires Journal of...J. L. Palma , C. Gallardo, L. Spinu, J. M. Vargas, L. S. Dorneles, J. C. Denardin, J. Escrig, Magnetic properties of Fe20 Ni80 antidots: Pore size and...array disorder, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials., 344, 2013, 8-13 7. E. Vargas, P. Toro, J.L. Palma , J. Escrig, C. Chaneac,

  15. Determination of elemental impurities and U and O isotopic compositions with a view to identify the geographical and industrial origins of uranium ore concentrates (United States)

    Salaun, A.; Hubert, A.; Pointurier, F.; Aupiais, J.; Pili, E.; Richon, P.; Fauré, A.; Diallo, S.


    First events of illicit trafficking of nuclear and radiological materials occurred 50 years ago. Nuclear forensics expertise are aiming at determining the use of seized material, its industrial history and provenance (geographical area, place of production or processing), at assisting in the identification and dismantling of illicit trafficking networks. This information is also valuable in the context of inspections of declared facilities to verify the consistency of operator's declaration. Several characteristics can be used to determine the origin of uranium ore concentrates such as trace elemental impurity patterns (Keegan et al., 2008 ; Varga et al., 2010a, 2010b) or uranium, oxygen and lead isotopic compositions (Tamborini et al., 2002a, 2002b ; Wallenius et al., 2006; Varga et al., 2009). We developed analytical procedures for measuring the isotopic compositions of uranium (234U/238U and 235U/238U) and oxygen (18O/16O) and levels of elemental impurities (e.g. REE, Th) from very small amounts of uranium ore concentrates (or yellow cakes). Micrometer particles and few milligrams of material are used for oxygen isotope measurements and REE determination, respectively. Reference materials were analyzed by mass spectrometry (TIMS, SF-ICP-MS and SIMS) to validate testing protocols. Finally, materials of unknown origin were analyzed to highlight significant differences and determine whether these differences allow identifying the origin of these ore concentrates. References: Keegan, E., et al. (2008). Applied Geochemistry 23, 765-777. Tamborini, G., et al. (2002a). Analytical Chemistry 74, 6098-6101. Tamborini, G., et al. (2002b). Microchimica Acta 139, 185-188. Varga, Z., et al. (2009). Analytical Chemistry 81, 8327-8334. Varga, Z., et al. (2010a). Talanta 80, 1744-1749. Varga, Z., et al. (2010b). Radiochimica Acta 98, 771-778 Wallenius, M., et al. (2006). Forensic Science International 156, 55-62.

  16. Re-appraisal and extension of the Gratton-Vargas two-dimensional analytical snowplow model of plasma focus. III. Scaling theory for high pressure operation and its implications (United States)

    Auluck, S. K. H.


    Recent work on the revised Gratton-Vargas model (Auluck, Phys. Plasmas 20, 112501 (2013); 22, 112509 (2015) and references therein) has demonstrated that there are some aspects of Dense Plasma Focus (DPF), which are not sensitive to details of plasma dynamics and are well captured in an oversimplified model assumption, which contains very little plasma physics. A hyperbolic conservation law formulation of DPF physics reveals the existence of a velocity threshold related to specific energy of dissociation and ionization, above which, the work done during shock propagation is adequate to ensure dissociation and ionization of the gas being ingested. These developments are utilized to formulate an algorithmic definition of DPF optimization that is valid in a wide range of applications, not limited to neutron emission. This involves determination of a set of DPF parameters, without performing iterative model calculations, that lead to transfer of all the energy from the capacitor bank to the plasma at the time of current derivative singularity and conversion of a preset fraction of this energy into magnetic energy, while ensuring that electromagnetic work done during propagation of the plasma remains adequate for dissociation and ionization of neutral gas being ingested. Such a universal optimization criterion is expected to facilitate progress in new areas of DPF research that include production of short lived radioisotopes of possible use in medical diagnostics, generation of fusion energy from aneutronic fuels, and applications in nanotechnology, radiation biology, and materials science. These phenomena are expected to be optimized for fill gases of different kinds and in different ranges of mass density compared to the devices constructed for neutron production using empirical thumb rules. A universal scaling theory of DPF design optimization is proposed and illustrated for designing devices working at one or two orders higher pressure of deuterium than the current

  17. The Kodaikanal Experience: Chapter II. Kahn-Montessori Interview (United States)

    NAMTA Journal, 2013


    This article provides an interview transcript between David Kahn and Mario Montessori (1898-1982), son of Dr. Maria Montessori. Mario Montessori dedicated his life to the preservation, dissemination and application of Montessori's works. Herein Kahn asks Montessori about his time living in the hills of Kodaikanal, India. Montessori touches upon…

  18. La construcción de la entomología agrícola en Venezuela y la facultad de agronomía de la UCV: una visión histórica.


    Pacheco Troconis, Germán


    Presentación. Freites, Yajaira Viejas concepciones y nuevos términos. Old conceptions and new terms. Strozzi, Susana Núcleo ecotecnológico para el desarrollo local sostenible de Camurí grande, estado Vargas. Nucleo ecotecnologico for the sustainable local development of great Camurí, state Vargas. Da Silva, María de Fátima; Libretti, Gianfranco y Ramos, Niurka Villafañe y la estadística del Táchira en 1877. Una herramienta de racionalización de la actividad urbana. ...

  19. 2020 Focus briefs on the world's poor and hungry people:




    Contents: 1.The Changing Profile of Poverty in the World/Shaohua Chen and Martin Ravallion. 2.Characteristics and Causes of Severe Poverty and Hunger/Akhter U. Ahmed, Ruth Vargas Hill, Lisa C. Smith, and Tim Frankenberger. 3.The Poorest and Hungry: Looking Below the Line/Akhter U. Ahmed, Ruth Vargas Hill, and Doris M. Wiesmann. 4.Mapping Where the Poor Live/Todd Benson, Michael Epprecht, and Nicholas Minot 5.Child Malnutrition in India and China/Peter Svedberg. 6.Poverty and the Globalization...

  20. An iterative method for the solution of nonlinear systems using the Faber polynomials for annular sectors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Myers, N.J. [Univ. of Durham (United Kingdom)


    The author gives a hybrid method for the iterative solution of linear systems of equations Ax = b, where the matrix (A) is nonsingular, sparse and nonsymmetric. As in a method developed by Starke and Varga the method begins with a number of steps of the Arnoldi method to produce some information on the location of the spectrum of A. This method then switches to an iterative method based on the Faber polynomials for an annular sector placed around these eigenvalue estimates. The Faber polynomials for an annular sector are used because, firstly an annular sector can easily be placed around any eigenvalue estimates bounded away from zero, and secondly the Faber polynomials are known analytically for an annular sector. Finally the author gives three numerical examples, two of which allow comparison with Starke and Varga`s results. The third is an example of a matrix for which many iterative methods would fall, but this method converges.

  1. Isolation and expeditious morphological, biochemical and kinetic characterization of propolis-tolerant ruminal bacteria Isolamento e caracterização expedita morfológica, bioquímica e cinética de bactérias ruminais tolerantes a própolis

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    Odimári Pricila Pires do Prado


    Full Text Available It was aimed in this work to evaluate bacterial strains tolerant to products based on propolis (LLOS through the isolation, morphological and biochemical characterization techniques in diets with roughage:concentrate ratio 100:0 and 50:50. For roughage diets, the products LLOSC1 and LLOSB3 were evaluated, and for 50:50% diets, the products LLOSC1, LLOSD1, LLOSA2, and LLOSC3, which differed in alcoholic concentrations (1, 2 and 3 and propolis (A, B, C and D concentrations. The ruminal liquid was anaerobically incubated at 39°C for 6 days in medium containing LLOS. After isolation, the strains were submitted to Gram staining and the bacterial growth was monitored by photospectrometer. It was evaluated the strain growth in the presence of the following subtracts: arabinose, cellulose, glucose, cellobiose, xylose, fructose, and lactose. In roughage diets, strains tolerant to LLOSC1 and LLOSB3 were similar to carbohydrates degradation, except lactose in which LLOSC1 was superior to strains tolerant to LLOSB3. For diets with 50:50 roughage:concentrate ratio, the products LLOSC3 and LLOSA2 stood out because they selected the highest number of strains able to degrade most of the tested carbohydrates. The results suggest that tolerance to propolis is higher in Gram-positive strains with several growth metabolic levels.Objetivou-se avaliar cepas bacterianas tolerantes a produtos à base de própolis pelas técnicas de isolamento, caracterização morfológica e bioquímica, em dietas com relação volumoso: concentrado de 100:0 e 50:50. Para dietas volumosas foram avaliados os produtos LLOSC1 e LLOSB3 e, para dietas 50:50% os produtos LLOSC1, LLOSD1, LLOSA2 e LLOSC3, diferentes quanto aos teores alcoólicos (1, 2 e 3 e as concentrações de própolis (A, B, C e D. O líquido ruminal foi incubado anaerobiamente a 39°C durante 6 dias em meio contendo LLOS. Após o isolamento, as cepas foram submetidas à coloração de Gram e o crescimento bacteriano foi

  2. Exploração do acervo da RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas (1961 a 2016) à luz da bibliometria, text mining, rede social e geoanálise


    José Eduardo Ricciardi Favaretto; Eduardo de Rezende Francisco


    This article examined more than five decades of the Revista de Administração de Empresas (Journal of Business Administration [RAE]), between 1961 and 2016, through accessing documents made available on the internet in the electronic repository of periodicals and magazines of the Biblioteca Digital da Fundação Getulio Vargas-Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo (Digital Library of the Getulio Vargas Foundation-School of Business Administration of São Paulo), which follows the Open ...

  3. Generacion de Nuevas Capacidades en el Ejercito de Guatemala para el Combate al Trafico de Drogas y Delitos Conexos (Generating New Capacities within the Guatemalan Army in Order to Combat Drug Trafficking and Related Crimes) (United States)


    parcial de los requisitos para la obtención del grado de MAESTRÍA EN CIENCIAS Y ARTES MILITARES Estudios Generales Por MARIO ANTONIO CASTILLO...MAESTRÍA EN ARTES Y CIENCIAS MILITARES PÁGINA DE APROBACIÓN DE LA TESIS Nombre del Candidato: Mayor Mario Antonio Castillo Paredes Título...TABLA DE CONTENIDO Página MAESTRÍA EN ARTES Y CIENCIAS

  4. Políticas e poéticas feministas : imagens em movimento sob a ótica de mulheres latino-americanas


    Maria Célia Orlato Selem


    Resumo: A presente pesquisa busca identificar poéticas feministas no cinema de mulheres latino-americanas neste século XXI. Nesse intuito, foram selecionados os seguintes filmes: La teta asustada, de Claudia Llosa (Peru - 2009); Que tan lejos, de Tania Hermida (Equador - 2006); Rompecabezas, Natalia Smirnoff (Argentina, 2009); Entre nós, de Paola Mendoza e Gloria La Morte (Colômbia, 2009); Sonhos Roubados, de Sandra Werneck (Brasil, 2009); En la puta vida, de Beatriz Flores Silva (Uruguai, 20...

  5. From Chavela to Frida: loving from the margins. (United States)

    Ruiz-Alfaro, Sofía


    This article analyzes the portrayal of lesbian desire in the case of two of the most renowned icons of contemporary Mexican and Latino popular culture: singer Chavela Vargas (1919-2012) and painter Frida Kahlo (1910-1954). This article explores the intertextual dialogue between two texts that deal with the construction of Kahlo's persona and sexuality: Chavela's memoir, titled Y si quieres saber de mi pasado (2002), and the film Frida (2001), directed by Julie Taymor. Fundamental to this study is Chavela Vargas' lesbian subject position in both texts and the consequences and implications her location has in representing lesbian homoerotics and desire.

  6. "It's A-Me/Mario!"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vella, Daniel


    Discussions surrounding the avatar-figure have tended to focus on its status as a manifestation or embodiment of the player. This paper complicates this understanding by arguing that the avatar is also an embodiment as a distinct character. Philosophical models of embodied phenomenology and narra...

  7. Letter to the editor

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    Linde A


    Full Text Available Annika Linde, Amelie Plymoth Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden It was with great interest that we noticed that other researchers are also interested in participant-collected nasal swabs to detect pathogens in acute respiratory infections, and we welcome the findings presented in the study by Vargas et al.1        Of importance is that already in the beginning of 2015, we showed in our research work that nasal self-sampling is feasible in large-scale surveillance of respiratory infections.2  View the original paper by Vargas and colleagues. 

  8. Towards gaze-controlled platform games

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Muñoz, Jorge; Yannakakis, Georgios N.; Mulvey, Fiona


    This paper introduces the concept of using gaze as a sole modality for fully controlling player characters of fast-paced action computer games. A user experiment is devised to collect gaze and gameplay data from subjects playing a version of the popular Super Mario Bros platform game. The initial...... analysis shows that there is a rather limited grid around Mario where the efficient player focuses her attention the most while playing the game. The useful grid as we name it, projects the amount of meaningful visual information a designer should use towards creating successful player character...... controllers with the use of artificial intelligence for a platform game like Super Mario. Information about the eyes' position on the screen and the state of the game are utilized as inputs of an artificial neural network, which is trained to approximate which keyboard action is to be performed at each game...

  9. An approach to "The Milk of Sorrow" as a hispanic intercultural narrative film


    Italo Oscar Riccardi León


    The following article aims to develop a Hispanic intercultural cinematic study of the film “The Milk of Sorrow,” written and directed by the Peruvian filmmaker Claudia Llosa that was awarded the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival in 2009. The plot of the movie tells the story of Fausta, a young girl descendant of Amerindians who suffers from a rare disease called “milk of sorrow” or “shock syndrome”, the name given to a supposed disease transmitted by fear and suffering of the mother for...

  10. Além do Estado e da ideologia: imigração judaica, Estado-Novo e Segunda Guerra Mundial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roney Cytrynowicz


    Full Text Available A partir de uma pesquisa em fontes primárias das instituições centrais associadas à imigração judaica em São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, este artigo mostra como, durante o Estado-Novo e a Segunda Guerra Mundial, as entidades judaicas funcionaram de forma corriqueira, adaptaram-se às restrições nacionalistas do governo Getúlio Vargas e, muitas vezes, engendraram estratégias sofisticadas para enfrentar a lei e a ideologia. Esta perspectiva de história social e do cotidiano evidencia, portanto, uma leitura distinta daquela que - analisando exclusivamente a lei, a ideologia e o preconceito do regime Vargas - considera que havia um clima de medo e perseguição generalizado entre os imigrantes judeus residentes no País. Este artigo mostra, complementarmente, que 1937-1945 foram anos decisivos para a implantação de uma comunidade etnicamente ativa e para a sedimentação de uma identidade judaico-brasileira.This article shows that, during the Estado Novo and World War II, Jewish institutions adapted themselves to Vargas and nationalist restrictions, and created sophisticated strategies to undermine both law and national ideology. This social history perspective, based on primary documents from major institutions associated with Jewish immigrants in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, provides an important corrective to the historiography that focuses on law, elite ideology and prejudice during the Vargas regime, giving the erroneous impression that Jews lived in a climate of fear and generalized persecution in Brazil. This article also shows that the years 1937- 1945 were decisive in for formation of an ethnically active community that created a clear Jewish-Brazilian identity.

  11. Los hijos del pecado. Ilegitimidad y vida familiar en la Santafé de Bogotá Colonial. 1750-1810

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    Ann Twinam


    Full Text Available Guiomar Dueñas Vargas. Los hijos del pecado. Ilegitimidad y vida familiar en la Santafé de Bogotá Colonial. 1750-1810. Bogotá: Editorial Universidad Nacional. 1997. 282 p. Esta edición española de la disertación doctoral que Guiomar Dueñas Vargas presentó en 1995 en la Universidad de Texas es una muy importante contribución a la germinante literatura sobre sexualidad, ilegitimidad, estructura familiar y movilidad social durante las postrimerías de la Colonia en la América española. Es particularmente bienvenida debido a su interés por los sectores populares en la poco investigada Santafé de bogotá.

  12. Contradições da canção: música popular brasileira em \\"O Mandarim\\", de Julio Bressane


    Fabio Diaz Camarneiro


    Os longas-metragens \\"Tabu\\" (1982) e \\"O mandarim\\" (1995), de Julio Bressane, reinterpretam a história da canção popular brasileira de Mario Reis até a Tropicália, usando referências do modernismo e do próprio tropicalismo e questionando as influências populares, eruditas e estrangeiras da música brasileira. Julio Bressanes films Tabu (1982) and O mandarim (1995) interpret the story of Brazilian popular music from Mario Reis until the Tropicália movement. The director uses Bra...

  13. Interactive Super Mario Bros Evolution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Patrikk D.; Olsen, Jeppeh M.; Risi, Sebastian


    Creating controllers for NPCs in video games is traditionally a challenging and time consuming task. Automated learning methods such as neuroevolution (i.e. evolving artificial neural networks) have shown promise in this context but they often require carefully designed fitness functions to encou....... The results suggest that IEC is a viable alternative in designing complex controllers for video games that could be extended to other games in the future....

  14. Prey identification in nests of the potter wasp Hypodynerus andeus (Packard (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae using DNA barcodes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Héctor A. Vargas


    Full Text Available Prey identification in nests of the potter wasp Hypodynerus andeus (Packard (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae using DNA barcodes. Geometrid larvae are the only prey known for larvae of the Neotropical potter wasp Hypodynerus andeus (Packard, 1869 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae in the coastal valleys of the northern Chilean Atacama Desert. A fragment of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase c subunit 1 was amplified from geometrid larvae collected from cells of H. andeus in the Azapa Valley, Arica Province, and used to provide taxonomic identifications. Two species, Iridopsis hausmanni Vargas, 2007 and Macaria mirthae Vargas, Parra & Hausmann, 2005 were identified, while three others could be identified only at higher taxonomic levels, because the barcode reference library of geometrid moths is still incomplete for northern Chile.

  15. 2281-IJBCS-Article-Clement Balogoun

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    la production des charbons actifs à partir de résidus ligno-cellulosiques ...... as affected by ozone and alkaline treatment. Chemosphere .... Modeling. Butterworth-Heinemannseries in Chemical Engineering: Boston. Vargas AMM, Cazetta AL, ...

  16. Odisea


    Perrotta, Mario


    Desde su estreno el 16 de noviembre de 2007, el espectáculo Odisea de Mario Perrotta (Lecce, 1970) no ha dejado de cosechar numerosos elogios de público y crítica. Protagonista de dos de los más afortunados espectáculos de la última década (Italiani, Cìncali! y La turnata, en torno a la dolorosa emigración a Bélgica y Holanda de trabajadores italianos durante la primera posguerra), Mario Perrota protagoniza con esta obra un giro en su producción, apartándose momentáneamente de la vena más civ...

  17. Reseña libro

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    Mario Humberto Ruz Sosa


    Full Text Available Gabriela Vargas-Cetina (ed.. Anthropology and the Politics of Representation.  Identity Strategies, Decentered Selves and Crucial Places.  Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2014. ISBN 978-0-8173-5717-7

  18. El mundo del libro: septiembre de 1964

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: Los pasos en la sombra -Por Helcías Martán Góngora -Poesía- Ediciones Medusa. Colombia. Diccionario Biográfico de Artistas delNuevo Reino de Granada - Edición: Instituto Colombiano de Cultura Hispánica. Bogotá. Artículos y Ensayos -Por José Joaquín Vargas Valdés -Introducción y Selección de Aníbal Vargas Barón -Universidad de Oregón. U.S.A. De lo celeste y tenebroso -Gabriel Uliosa -Poemas- Editorial Iqueima. San Andrés y Providencia -James J. Parsons. -Talleres Gráficos del Banco de la República -Bogotá-Colombia

  19. Muusikamaailm : Festival "Ultima" Oslos. Kaks juubilari šveitsist. Honeckil juba kaks orkestrit / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Nüüdismuusikafestivalist "Ultima" Oslos. šveitsi muusikategelased Tibor Varga ja Rudolf Kelterborn tähistasid juubelit. Noorel austria dirigendi Manfred Honeck'i juhatada on kaks orkestrit- Rootsi Raadio Sümfooniaorkester ja Oslo Filharmoonia Orkester

  20. Noticias de la Academia

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    Alberto Hernández Saenz


    Full Text Available

    El primer trimestre de 1.991, fué de particular interés para la Academia, por la presentación de originales e interesantes contribuciones al acervo médico nacional.

    Temas: sobre Farmacología en Barranquilla, tratado por los Académicos Antonio Reales Orozco y José Francisco Socarrás; el Académico Enrique Núñez Olarte en sesión conjunta con la Sociedad Colombiana de Historia de la Medicina expuso la ponencia sobre El Dolor en la Historia de la Medicina la cual fue comentada por el doctor Enrique Osorio Fonseca; en foro abierto el Académico Guillermo Sánchez Medina, el doctor Egón Lichtemberger y el periodista Gustavo Castro Caicedo expusieron sobre los Aspectos Médico-Legales de la Violencia en Colombia; el Académico Alberto Albornoz-Plata disertó sobre Geofagia Masiva Imperiosa con comentarios del Académico Gonzalo López Escobar; en Simposio sobre Climaterio la Academia escuchó a los Académicos Alfredo Jácome Roca, Roberto Jaramillo Uricoechea, Fernando Sánchez Torres y por invitación al doctor William Onatra ; en sesión cultural se presentó el doctor Gustavo Vargas Martínez con su trabajo sobre Cartografía Hispánica Precolombina; el Académico Alfonso Latiff Conde para su ingreso a la Academia como Miembro Correspondiente presentó su estudio sobre Factores de Pronóstico en los Tumores del Riñón con comentarios del Académico Jorge Cavelier Gaviria.

    Libros: “Derechos del Enfermo Mental” y “Educación Integral- el mejor comportamiento para la salud -“, del Académico Gustavo Cristo Saldivia. Llevaron la palabra los Académicos Ernesto Plata Rueda y Fernando Sánchez Torres.

    Homenajes: a la memoria del Profesor Carlos Esguerra.

    Congresos: El doctor Juan Bernal, Presidente del VIII Congreso Latinoam ericano de Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual y Sida, anuncia su realización en Santiago de Chile del 1 – 4 de


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    Eugenio Rivas


    Full Text Available O sacerdote jesuíta espanhol Gerardo R. Vargas recolhe nesta obra sua experiência de mais de 30 anos como professor de Filosofia da Religião na Pontifícia Universidade Javeriana.

  2. La memoria de la violencia: las consecuencias del conflicto armado contra Sendero Luminoso representadas en una película y dos novelas peruanas

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    Leonor Sagermann Bustinza


    Full Text Available The peculiar situation of violence experienced in Peru of the 1980s and the 1990s shows a society immersed in the trauma, suffering and pain. The literature as well as the film have become a means to reflect the painful experience of the society. The aim of this article is to analyse some of the main characters of the novels: 'La hora azul' (2005 by Alonso Cueto, 'Abril rojo' by Santiago Roncagliolo (2006, and the film: 'La teta asustada' (2009 by Patricia Llosa in order to show the effects of traumatic experiences of the past and an attempt to return to normal life.

  3. Search Results | Page 62 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Results 611 - 620 of 650 ... Open Business Models (Latin America) - Phase I ... Technology and Society) is part of the Fundação Getulio Vargas ... IDRC has a long history of supporting the advancement of science journalism in the Third World.

  4. Search Results | Page 36 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Results 351 - 360 of 369 ... Social Participation in Health in the Mercosur ... Technology and Society) is part of the Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School in Rio de Janeiro and ... reforms, a community centered waste management project is timely.

  5. Search Results | Page 37 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Results 361 - 370 of 374 ... Social Participation in Health in the Mercosur ... Technology and Society) is part of the Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School in Rio de Janeiro and ... reforms, a community centered waste management project is timely.

  6. Search Results | Page 71 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Results 701 - 710 of 788 ... Open Business Models (Latin America) - Phase I ... Technology and Society) is part of the Fundação Getulio Vargas ... IDRC has a long history of supporting the advancement of science journalism in the Third World.

  7. Académico Mario Camacho Pinto

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    Mario Camacho Pinto


    Full Text Available

    En forma espontánea y por unanimidad ha querido el Comité Permanente de Biblioteca y Publicaciones que un compartido relato de sus labores realizadas y prospecciones anheladas en este lapso bienal quede consignado en la edición No. 22 de MEDICINA.

    En efecto, el Comité Editorial tuvo como principal objetivo en este período la publicación de la Revista, habiendo recibido ininterrumpidamente de la dinámica y eficiente Junta Directiva saliente, estímulo, autonomía y respaldo a su modesta labor.

    Obligante finalidad para sus integrantes fue el desempeño de su actividad para conservar la publicación en su categoría genuinamente representativa del tradicional prestigio que ha caracterizado al órgano informativo de la Academia desde su inicio en el siglo pasado.

    El ejercicio de esta responsabilidad editorial no estuvo exento de amenazante crisis que pudo ser superada gracias a la asociación de fuerzas del Comité, Junta Directiva e ITALMEX, lo que nos ha dado impulso para planear y ejecutar un programa completo de acción destinado a lograr el incremento y soporte de un alto nivel científico para “MEDICINA” en sus copiosas ediciones de seleccionada repartición y amplia circulación.

    La intención de nutrir la Revista preferente ‘pero no exclusivamente’ con talento nacional, solo podremos cumplirla a cabalidad en la medida en que nuestros académicos se solidaricen, no con el Comité, -de efímera figuración- sino con la Revista misma, de vigencia perenne y cuyo prestigio nos concierne a todos tarde o temprano. Si aceptáramos la motivación y miráramos desprevenidamente hacia “MEDICINA” podríamos asumir una actitud consecuente con la intención inicial de cuando solicitamos nuestro ingreso a la Academia y, por ende, con este generoso rasgo espiritual su capacidad productiva en potencia se dirigiría a abastecer debidamente los requerimientos de una oportuna y suficiente publicación.

    El Comité Editorial propicia para la Revista en primer lugar la Sección Científica Nacional, de particular incumbencia a nuestros compañeros que por sus condiciones personales de excelencia han alcanzado posiciones claves para desarrollar su creatividad y disponer de facilidades secuenciales para realizar sus iniciativas e investigaciones; “MEDICINA” esperanzada les abre sus brazos de publicidad acogedora sugiriendo la presentación al final de cada trabajo, así sea preliminar, de un resumen tanto en español como en inglés. Igualmente a los colegas favorecidos por la naturaleza con su predilección por las Humanidades la Revista les requiere y con solícito clamor espera su aporte para la Sección Letras. El imprescindible contingente internacional de actualización científica hace ineludible incluir en “MEDICINA” Compendios o Comentarios Informativos sobre temas de libre elección escritos por Académicos o lectores, lo que de paso les daría un valor docente.

    De las copiosas ediciones actuales la Academia distribuye mil ejemplares e Italmex ocho mil, para un total de nueve mil controlando por computador los nombres de los beneficiarios para evitar duplicación. Nos queda pendiente solucionar la publicación de TEMAS MEDICOS.

    Para la Biblioteca se han estudiado estas iniciativas, entre otras:

    1°. Reglamentación para usuarios, según solicitud de la Bibliotecóloga.

    2°. Reorganización de la Sección de Revistas Médicas estableciendo Canjes formales y adquisiciones permanentes que aseguren la aspiración de llegar a mantener al día y en adecuado “display” las nacionales más importantes y algunas internacionales.

    3°. Campaña para adquirir las faltantes obras médicas de autores colombianos en la Sección Nacional Piloto.

    4°. Tecnificación progresiva y en especial la adopción de un mecanismo práctico que facilite la obtención de Bibliografía actualizada para generar y satisfacer inquietudes de avanzada.

    5°. Idear y promover un fondo financiero sui generis que permita la adquisición renovable oportunamente en cada especialidad del texto más representativo y actualizado a fin de que los académicos y otros usuarios puedan consultar y resolver eventuales emergencias informativas del momento profesional.

    6°. Organización de un kárdex y archivo propios y exclusivos de la Revista “MEDICINA” para almacenar ordenada y permanentemente copias de Actas del Comité, de trabajos llegados para publicación, sean aprobados o no, con su respectiva respuesta a cada autor; correspondencia general, documentos varios, comentarios, decisiones pendientes, proyectos, etc.

    Es de registrar con satisfacción la puntual asistencia a las sesiones mensuales del Comité que se caracterizaron por su aplomo, sensatez y objetividad en sus decisiones y la búsqueda de soluciones al reinante pesimismo sobre las publicaciones por su alto costo actual, lo que afortunadamente contribuyó al encuentro de la solución ya suficientemente mencionada.

  8. Kas koolivorm või...? / Mario Kivistik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivistik, Mario, 1955-


    Vestlusring Tallinna 7. keskkooli VI-a klassi õpilastega. Kommenteerivad ENSV kergetööstuse Ministeeriumi õmblus- ja trikotaažitööstuse osakonna juhataja Elfrida Gross ja ENSV Haridusministeeriumi Koolivalitsuse koolikorralduse osakonna juhataja Anita Rosenthal

  9. All projects related to Nigéria | Page 4 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Promoting Implementation of Tobacco Control Laws and Policies in Nigeria ... Although birth and death rates are still relatively high in Africa, African ... for Technology and Society) is part of the Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School in Rio de ...

  10. Repertorio Americano 1974-1982. Edición de OCTUBRE-NOVIEMBRE-DICIEMBRE-1981


    Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos, UNA


    Manuel Arce, El libro de la patria. Un hito en la evolución poética de Alfonso Chase, 1* Sin autor, Fotografía, 1* Sin autor, La Habana, Cuba, con los poetas Adolfo Martí Fuentes, Luis Suardíaz, Angel Augier y Nicolás Guillén, 3* Sin autor, Repertorio Americano, 4* J. G., Semblanza del maestro Joaquín García Monge, 4* Carlos Enrique Aguirre Gómez, Ars poética y poesía en “la piel de los signos” de Mario Picado, 5* Sin autor, El poeta Mario Picado con el también poeta para Julián Marchena, 5* ...

  11. Modernismo: ética x estética

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Tereza Carneiro Lemos


    Full Text Available A partir da avaliação do movimento modernista feita por Mario de Andrade e Oswald de Andrade nas conferências “Movimento modernista” e “O caminho percorrido”, na década de 40, busco uma compreensão da questão ética que, segundo os autores, estava ausente na proposta modernista tornando o movimento “gravemente precário”. O desinteresse pelos problemas sociais e políticos de sua geração gerou um “conformismo legítimo”, nas palavras de Mario de Andrade, e acabou por criar, nos seus discursos, um confronto entre o valor estético e ético na arte.

  12. Plaadid / Jüri F. Lotman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lotman, Jüri F.


    Uutest heliplaatidest Dimitri from Paris "Cruising Attitude", Tim Hecker "Mirages", Ludacris "The Red Light District", Mario Frangoulis "Follow Your Heart", Loits "Vere kutse kohustab", "Flamenco Chill Sessions"

  13. Video games are exciting: a European study of video game-induced seizures and epilepsy. (United States)

    Kasteleijn-Nolst Trenité, D G A; Martins da Silva, A; Ricci, S; Rubboli, G; Tassinari, C A; Lopes, J; Bettencourt, M; Oosting, J; Segers, J P


    Video game seizures have been reported in photosensitive and non-photosensitive patients with epilepsy. The game Super Mario World, has led to many cases of first seizures. We examined whether this game was indeed more provocative than other programs and whether playing the game added to this effect. We prospectively investigated 352 patients in four European cities, using a standard protocol including testing of a variety of visual stimuli. We correlated historical data on provocative factors in daily life with electroencephalographic laboratory findings. The video game, Super Mario World proved more epileptogenic than standard TV programs and as provocative as programs with flashing lights and patterns. Most striking was the fact that video game-viewing and-playing on the 50 and 100 Hz TV was significantly more provocative than viewing the standard program (P video game Mario World on a 50 Hz TV, appeared to be significantly more provocative than playing this game on the 100 Hz TV (P Children and adolescents with a history of video game seizures are, in the vast majority, photosensitive and should be investigated with standardised photic stimulation. Games and programs with bright background or flashing images are specifically provocative. Playing a video game on a 100 Hz TV is less provocative [published with videosequences].

  14. Filmipärl "Suur õgimine" / Kristiina Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davidjants, Kristiina, 1974-


    Marco Ferreri mängufilm "Suur õgimine" ("La grande bouffe") : osades Marcello Mastroianni, Michel Piccoli, Philippe Noiret, Ugo Tognazzi : operaator Mario Vulpiani : helilooja Philippe Sarde : Prantsusmaa - Itaalia 1973

  15. Transfer of the Subgenus Davismyia from Wyeomyia to Sabethes and Description of the Type Species, Miamyia Petrocchiae (Diptera: Culicidae) (United States)


    Ponte 1928) gave the following information about these specimens but did not indicate where they were deposited: “Localidad del tipo : Tucuman (Race...Balderama and R. Vargas. 1984. Associations of arbovirus vectors with gallery forests and domestic environments in south- eastern Bolivia. PAHO Bull . 18

  16. Määdness in da haus! / Erik Morna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Morna, Erik, 1969-


    Autor tutvustab kahtkümmet ebatavalise kujuga elupaika USA-s, Jaapanis, Hiinas, Hollandis, Austrias, Saksamaal, Inglismaal, Tšehhis (arhitekt Frank Gehry), Itaalias (arhitekt Mario Cavalle) ja Eestis - pilpamaja Suure-Jaanis

  17. Tunable, Narrow Line Width Mid-Infrared Laser Source, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Maxion Technologies, Inc. (Maxion) and Professor Mario Dagenais and his group at the University of Maryland (UMD) jointly propose to develop a compact, efficient,...

  18. Production of a lipolytic enzyme originating from Bacillus halodurans LBB2 in the methylogrophic yeast Pichia pastoria

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Ramchuran, SO


    Full Text Available of Biotechnology, Center for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lund University, P.O. Box 124, 22100 Lund, Sweden e-mail: V. A. Vargas Centro de Biotecnología, Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnología, Universidad Mayor de San...

  19. Aragonian stratigraphy reconsidered, and a re-evaluation of the middle Miocene mammal biochronology in Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Daams, R.; Meulen, A.J. van der; Alvarez Sierra, M.A.; Peláez-Campomanes, P.; Krijgsman, W.


    The recently collected fauna of Armantes 1A in Chron C5Br of the Armantes section necessitates reinterpretation of the previous bio- and magnetostratigraphical correlations between the Armantes and Vargas sections (Calatayud-Daroca Basin, Central Spain) [W. Krijgsman, M. Garcés, C.G. Langereis, R.

  20. The Use of Ferroelectric Ceramics to Charge Small Capacitor Banks (United States)



  1. Characterization of Anopheles Pseudopunctipennis Larval Habitats (United States)


    conditions for growth in the small, slow-mov- ing streams and side pools of receding rivers con- taining a rich growth of green algae (Shannon and...Sanchez, J. L. Cespedes, R. Vargas- Sagarnaga and R. Rodriguez. 1992. Evidencia genetica 626 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MOSQUITO CONTROL ASSOCIATION

  2. 77 FR 36958 - Proposed Requirements-Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge; Phase 2 (United States)


    ..., social-emotional, and cognitive outcomes; enhance school readiness; and help close the school readiness... kindergarten. 3 4 \\1\\ Camilli, G., Vargas, S., Ryan, S., & Barnett, W. S. (2010). Meta-analysis of the effects... notice in the Federal Register. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 Regulatory Impact Analysis Under...

  3. El papel de los sistemas de relevo de fosfatos en la respuesta al estrés y la diferenciación celular en Aspergillus nidulans /


    Vargas Pérez, Itzel Aidé sustentante.


     tesis que para obtener el grado de Doctor en Ciencias Bioquímicas, presenta Itzel Aidé Vargas Pérez ; asesor Dimitris Georgellis. VIII, 66 páginas : ilustraciones. Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquímicas UNAM, Instituto de Fisiología Celular, 2009

  4. Correction

    CERN Multimedia


    From left to right: Luis, Carmen, Mario, Christian and José listening to speeches by theorists Alvaro De Rújula and Luis Alvarez-Gaumé (right) at their farewell gathering on 15 May.We unfortunately cut out a part of the "Word of thanks" from the team retiring from Restaurant No. 1. The complete message is published below: Dear friends, You are the true "nucleus" of CERN. Every member of this extraordinary human mosaic will always remain in our affections and in our thoughts. We have all been very touched by your spontaneous generosity. Arrivederci, Mario Au revoir,Christian Hasta Siempre Carmen, José and Luis PS: Lots of love to the theory team and to the hidden organisers. So long!

  5. Parameter calibration for synthesizing realistic-looking variability in offline handwriting (United States)

    Cheng, Wen; Lopresti, Dan


    Motivated by the widely accepted principle that the more training data, the better a recognition system performs, we conducted experiments asking human subjects to do evaluate a mixture of real English handwritten text lines and text lines altered from existing handwriting with various distortion degrees. The idea of generating synthetic handwriting is based on a perturbation method by T. Varga and H. Bunke that distorts an entire text line. There are two purposes of our experiments. First, we want to calibrate distortion parameter settings for Varga and Bunke's perturbation model. Second, we intend to compare the effects of parameter settings on different writing styles: block, cursive and mixed. From the preliminary experimental results, we determined appropriate ranges for parameter amplitude, and found that parameter settings should be altered for different handwriting styles. With the proper parameter settings, it should be possible to generate large amount of training and testing data for building better off-line handwriting recognition systems.

  6. Genetics Home Reference: Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (United States)

    ... Daire V, Crandall B, Hannula-Jouppi K, Hennekam R, Herzog D, Keymolen K, Lipsanen-Nyman M, Miny P, Plon SE, Riedl S, Sarkar A, Vargas FR, Verloes A, ... Levy ML, Lewis RA, Chintagumpala MM, Ruiz-Maldanado R, Contreras-Ruiz J, ... Plon SE. Association between osteosarcoma and deleterious mutations in ...

  7. 75 FR 9645 - Additional Designations of Individuals and Entities Pursuant to Section 804(b) of the Foreign... (United States)


    ... worldwide basis. It provides a statutory framework for the President to impose sanctions against significant... identified by the President. In addition, the Secretary of the Treasury consults with the Attorney General...; a.k.a. MENDEZ VARGAS, Jesus; a.k.a. MENDEZ, Jesus), Tazumbos, Jalisco, Mexico; Calle Dr. Lose Luis...

  8. Highlights in the History of U.S. Army Dentistry (United States)


    Rodríguez Vargas, DDS is given credit for ground breaking microbiology research on cariogenic bacteria . 23 October 1941 The War Manpower...oriented care for Soldiers over twenty-five. The emphasis in this age group was prevention of periodontal disease. In October 1974 the two phases of the

  9. Ensüümilaks tegi hiirest Lance Armstrongi / Arko Olesk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Olesk, Arko, 1981-


    Lihtsa geneetilise muudatusega hiired suudavad peatumata joosta viis tundi järjest, läbides selle ajaga oma treeningmasinail kuus kilomeetrit. Kommenteerib Tartu Ülikooli Tehnoloogiainstituudi transgeense tehnoloogia tuumiklabori juht Mario Plaas

  10. ALICE A Large Ion Collider Experiment at CERN LHC : global layout

    CERN Multimedia

    Stephane Maridor


    from left to right: Pierluigi Bellutti (ITC); Andrea Zanotti President of ITC; Luciano Bosisio (Trieste University); Mario Zen,Director of ITC ; Maurizio Boscardin (ITC); Jean-Robert Lutz, ITS-SSD Project leader (IPHC Strasbourg).

  11. ALICE industrial award ceremony in Bologna at Santa Cristina

    CERN Multimedia


    from left to right:Pierluigi Bellutti (ITC); Andrea Zanotti President of ITC; Luciano Bosisio (Trieste University); Mario Zen,Director of ITC ; Maurizio Boscardin (ITC); Jean-Robert Lutz, ITS-SSD Project leader (IPHC Strasbourg).

  12. Poola Nike 2008 / Hendrik Lindepuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lindepuu, Hendrik


    Poola mainekaima kirjandusauhinna Nike pälvis tänavu Olga Tokarczuki romaan "Jooksjad". Nominendid olid veel: Bronislaw Swiderski "Surma assistent", Krzysztof Varga "Hauakivi terrasiidiga", Andrzej Sosnowski "Pärast vikerkaart", Andrzej Szczeklik "Kore. Haigetest, haigusest ja hinge otsinguist", Wlodzimierz Nowaki "Pea ümbermõõt" ja Malgorzata Szejnerti "Must aed"

  13. CORPOS DISSIDENTES: o documentário da subversão no interior do nordeste brasileiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samuel Macedo do Nascimento


    Full Text Available O Caldeirão da Santa Cruz do Deserto (direção de Rosemberg Cariry, 1987 é um filme que conta a história do massacre da comunidade do Caldeirão no interior do Ceará – Brasil, em 1937. Após a morte do santo popular Padre Cícero Romão Batista em 1934, as forças locais se unem para apagar os registros dessa experiência coletiva e subversiva. Os testemunhos dos sobreviventes e das pessoas envolvidas no massacre conduzem o filme e a montagem nos conecta a dois momentos importantes: o período da ditadura Vargas, quando a comunidade é exterminada; e o ano em que o filme é produzido, que se sintoniza com o início da redemocratização do Brasil onde as pautas dos movimentos das pessoas que não tinham acesso a terra pressionavam a política nacional. O filme toca na questão da nossa cidadania pós-colonial e nas histórias não oficiais de violência que acompanham essa e outras regiões do Brasil.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Documentário; Ditadura Vargas; Cidadania pós-colonial; Comunidade do Caldeirão.     ABSTRACT O Caldeirão da Santa Cruz do Deserto (direction of Rosemberg Cariry, 1987 is a movie that tells the story of the Caldeirão's community massacre in Ceará – Brazil, in 1937. After the death of the popular saint Padre Cicero Romao Batista in 1934, the local forces unite to delete the records from this collective and subversive experience. The testimonies of survivors and those who were involved in the massacre lead the movie and the composition connects us to two important moments: the period of the Vargas dictatorship, when the community is destroyed; and the year in which the film is produced, which is tuned to the beginning of the Brazil's re-democratization where the agendas of the movements of people who had no access to land make pressure inside the national politics. The movie touches on the issue of our post-colonial citizenship and non-official histories of violence that accompany this and other regions of

  14. Narkoboss langes verises lahingus / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Mehhiko mereväe eriüksuse rünnakus hukkusid narkojõugu juhid, vanimad kurikuulsatest Beltran Leyva vendadest Marcos Arturo ja Mario Alberto. Mehhiko president Felipe Calderon kuulutas 2006. a. narkokartellide vastu sõja

  15. Effects of Inspired CO2 and Breathing Resistance on Neurocognitive and Postural Stability in U.S. Navy Divers (United States)


    Wii Balance Board . Amplitude and sample entropy...of the subtests. Balance testing Alterations in postural stability (i.e., balance ) were assessed using a Nintendo Wii Balance Board (Nintendo...29. P. Scaglioni-Solano, L. F. Aragón-Vargas, "Validity and Reliability of the Nintendo Wii Balance Board to Assess Standing Balance and

  16. Reconciled Rat and Human Metabolic Networks for Comparative Toxicogenomics and Biomarker Predictions (United States)


    reconstructions for comparative systems analysis. PLoS Comput. Biol. 7, e1001116 (2011). 26. Bartell, J. A., Yen, P., Varga, J. J., Goldberg , J. B. & Papin, J. A...Rat Genome Database 2015: genomic, phenotypic and environmental variations and disease. Nucleic Acids Res. 43, D743–D750 (2015). 34. NCBI Resource

  17. Evaluation of Land Suitability for Selected Tree Species in the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Kassa T

    The major limiting factors were the steep slope and shallow soil depth in major part of the area. ... appropriately selected, arranged and managed are through land quality measurement. (Venema and Vargas, 2007; ... area of the catchment into eleven land units, set of pixels characterized by the same value for the diagnostic ...

  18. Pierre Gorce working on a helium pump.

    CERN Multimedia


    This type of pump was designed by Mario Morpurgo, to circulate liquid helium in superconducting magnets wound with hollow conductors. M. Morpurgo, Design and construction of a pump for liquid helium, CRYIOGENICS, February 1977, p. 91

  19. music in town: the musical shells of calvino and vladislavić

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Artists Calvino collaborated with are Sergio Liberovici, Piero Santi, Mario Peragallo, Bruno. Gillet and Adam ..... idea of space make up the theoretical framework which contains a composition for solo .... Einaudi, 201-220. De Benedictis, A.I..

  20. Naisteromaanide uimarohi / Ilona Martson, Kristi Pärn

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Martson, Ilona, 1970-


    Atwood, Margaret. Röövelpruut; Austen, Jane. Veenmine; Sheldon, Sidney. Veresidemed; Ondaatje, Michael. Inglise patsient; Lind, Hera. Kahe mehe vahel; Simmel, Johannes Mario. Vastust teab vaid tuul; Gaskin, Catherine. Fiona; Gaskin, Catherine. Perekonnaasjad; Barne, John. Evita

  1. Julio Mario Santodomingo Library’s Public Space

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Wiesner


    Full Text Available Public Libraries located in Bogotá the capital of the Republic of at 2650 m above sea level made a good contribution to public space in the northen districts with limited public and green spaces. More than a library public space offers possibilities to young people to have a nice green and permeable space full of native nature. The ultimate aim of the design is to contribute as a proposal in introducing biodiversity giving value to the spontaneous and wild forgotten species as well as recicled materials.

  2. Mõista mitte hukka mõista / Mario Sootna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sootna, Mario, 1962-


    Rahvaliidu põllumajandusministri Tiit Tammsaare tagasiastumisest seoses teraviljavarude vargusega ning rünnakutest siseminister Margus Leivo vastu julgeolekuvarude varguse avastamise ning tema poja narkoprobleemide tõttu

  3. italiani per vocazione: voci migranti in cerca di ospitalità

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    accoglienza. Mi riferisco in maniera particolare ai romanzi Immigrato di Salah Methnani e Mario Fortunato (Methnani 1990), e Io venditore di elefanti. ... migration experiences lies in setting up a conceptual framework consisting of a series of ...

  4. Plaadid / Valner Valme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valme, Valner, 1970-


    Uutest plaatidest Smashing Pumpkins "Earphoria", "Jazzland Remixed 2", Ekrem & Gypsy Groovz "Rivers Of Happiness", Trio Tesis "Los Pasos Perdidos", Willie Nelson & Friends "Stars & Guitars", Victor Davies "Remixes", Velikije Luki "Tallinn põleb!", Mario Frangoulis "Sometimes I Dream"

  5. Uudised : Rossini "Wilhelm Tell" Estonias. Cavalli ooper Amsterdamis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Gioachino Rossini ooperi "Wilhelm Tell" kontsertettekandest 18. ja 20. dets. Rahvusooper Estonias (peaosas Rauno Elp, külalisesinejaks Mario Zeffiri). Itaalia barokihelilooja Francesco Cavalli ooperi "Ercole amante" lavastamisest Madalmaade Ooperis Amsterdamis (lavastaja David Alden, esietendus 11. jaanuaril)

  6. Tõused lendu või kaotad tiivad... / Janika Wheeler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wheeler, Janika


    11. märtsil Kärdla kultuurikeskuses toimunud Hiiumaa kooliteatrite päevast. Preemiate saajad ja intervjuu noorte näitlejate Tambet Kikase, Mario Sepaga ning Käina gümnaasiumi näiteringi juhendaja Tiia Korviga

  7. All projects related to | Page 655 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Open Business Models (Latin America) - Phase I. Project. The Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS - Center for Technology and Society) is part of the Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School in Rio de Janeiro and is the only institution in Brazil that specifically deals with the interplay of law, technology and society.

  8. Assessing Believability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Togelius, Julian; Yannakakis, Georgios N.; Karakovskiy, Sergey


    (or at least complementary) assessment might be made by an external observer that does not participate in the game, through comparing and ranking the performance of human and non-human agents playing a game. This assessment philosophy was embodied in the Turing Test Track of the recent Mario AI......We discuss what it means for a non-player character (NPC) to be believable or human-like, and how we can accurately assess believability. We argue that participatory observation, where the human assessing believability takes part in the game, is prone to distortion effects. For many games, a fairer...... Championship, where non-expert bystanders evaluated the human-likeness of several agents and humans playing a version of Super Mario Bros. We analyze the results of this competition. Finally, we discuss the possibilities for forming models of believability and of maximizing believability through adjusting game...

  9. 3D range-gated super-resolution imaging based on stereo matching for moving platforms and targets (United States)

    Sun, Liang; Wang, Xinwei; Zhou, Yan


    3D range-gated superresolution imaging is a novel 3D reconstruction technique for target detection and recognition with good real-time performance. However, for moving targets or platforms such as airborne, shipborne, remote operated vehicle and autonomous vehicle, 3D reconstruction has a large error or failure. In order to overcome this drawback, we propose a method of stereo matching for 3D range-gated superresolution reconstruction algorithm. In experiment, the target is a doll of Mario with a height of 38cm at the location of 34m, and we obtain two successive frame images of the Mario. To confirm our method is effective, we transform the original images with translation, rotation, scale and perspective, respectively. The experimental result shows that our method has a good result of 3D reconstruction for moving targets or platforms.

  10. Observations with FG5 and A10 absolute gravimeters on Ross Island and in Terra Nova Bay in November-December 2011 (United States)

    Rogister, Yves; Hothem, Larry; Nielsen, J. Emil; Bernard, Jean-Daniel; Hinderer, Jacques; Forsberg, René; Wilson, Terry; Capra, Alessandro; Zanutta, Antonio; Winefield, Rachelle; Collett, Dave


    A campaign of absolute gravity (AG) measurements was conducted with both FG5 and A10 meters on Ross Island and in Terra Nova Bay in November and December 2011. It resulted from a collaboration between Danish, French, Italian, New Zealand and US agencies and institutes, under the POLENET program. For the second time in 2 years, AG was measured at McMurdo Station and Scott Base. For the fifth time in 21 years, it was measured at Mario Zucchelli Station. Moreover, AG field observations were initiated at various GPS stations of the A-NET network. We will report on the very last campaign, show the gravity trends at McMurdo Station, Scott Base and Mario Zucchelli Station, and describe how they compare to estimates of the gravity variation derived from space measurements by the GRACE twin satellites.

  11. A AVIAÇÃO CIVIL BRASILEIRA NO PERÍODO DE 1930 – 1940: Um artigo na Revista Cultura Política

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João dos Santos Filho


    Full Text Available A linha de pesquisa que desenvolvo junto a Universidade Estadual de Maringá, denominada História da Hospitalidade e do Turismo no Brasil e América Latina, me aproximou de três leituras fundamentais, que me permitiram compreender a importância política e histórica do presidente Getúlio Vargas, e passar a admirá-lo como um estadista de perfil autoritário, conservador e nacionalista, mas também, arrojado na montagem e administração do aparelho ideológico de Estado. A primeira dessas leituras foi o Diário, elaborado por Celina Vargas do Amaral Peixoto, neta de Getúlio Vargas, livro publicado em 1995. Este título é importante dentro da historiografia nacional, pois o personagem da História que trabalhamos é o próprio narrador do fato, portanto, conhece a situação que expõe e focaliza o seu instante presente. A segunda leitura foi o livro Getúlio Vargas, meu pai, escrito por sua filha, Alzira Vargas do Amaral Peixoto, que ocupou o cargo de auxiliar de gabinete junto à Casa Civil de 1937 até 1945, portanto, constituindo-se em fonte de imenso valor histórico, pois é um relato familiar publicado em 1960. A terceira leitura é a Revista Mensal de Estudos Brasileiros, publicada pela Divisão de Imprensa e Propaganda – DIP, entre 1941 a 1945. A Revista era responsável pela propaganda oficial do governo, promoção pessoal do presidente, censura e divulgação cultural. Editada por Almir de Andrade, é considerada o principal órgão de divulgação do Estado Novo. Existem inúmeras páginas na história brasileira, referentes a esse personagem nacionalista, carismático, autoritário e populista chamado Getúlio Dorneles Vargas, que depôs o governo do presidente Washington Luís por meio de um movimento armado de oposição, e governou o Brasil de 1930 a 1945 e de 1951 a 1954. Suas ações no campo econômico, político, cultural e social, transformaram o aparelho de Estado em instrumento de controle para a implantação do

  12. Search Results | Page 76 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Results 751 - 760 of 870 ... Open Business Models (Latin America) - Phase I. The Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS - Center for Technology and Society) is part of the Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School in Rio de Janeiro and is the only institution in Brazil that specifically deals with the interplay of law, technology.

  13. Brazil : tous les projets | Page 10 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS - centre pour la technologie et la société) fait partie de la Faculté de droit de la Fundação Getulio Vargas à Rio de Janeiro. Date de début : 23 mars 2006. End Date: 11 septembre 2007. Sujet: CULTURAL INDUSTRY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION SERVICES, ...

  14. Journal of Genetics | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    TIMP2 gene polymorphisms are associated with hypertension in patients with myocardial infarction. José Manuel Rodríguez-Pérez Nancy Martínez-Rodríguez Gilberto Vargas-Alarcón Maite Vallejo Irma Eloisa Monroy-Muñoz Carlos Posadas-Romero Eric Kimura-Hayama Teresa Juárez-Cedillo José Manuel Fragoso ...

  15. Nigeria : tous les projets | Page 4 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS - centre pour la technologie et la société) fait partie de la Faculté de droit de la Fundação Getulio Vargas à Rio de Janeiro. Date de début : 23 mars 2006. End Date: 11 septembre 2007. Sujet: CULTURAL INDUSTRY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION SERVICES, ...

  16. Humberto Mauro e o cinema como construção da memória

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paola Prestes Penney


    Full Text Available A resenha trata do livro Humberto Mauro, Cinema, História, no qual Eduardo Morettin estuda dois filmes de Mauro, Descobrimento do Brasil (1937 e Os Bandeirantes (1940, articulando-os com o momento histórico em que são feitos, o início do Estado Novo comandado por Getúlio Vargas.

  17. Des pommes de terre plus saines et plus nutritives contribuent à la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    plus de zinc que les variétés commerciales à chair jaune consommées actuellement en Colombie. Les aliments d'origine animale contiennent du fer et du zinc, mais ils ne sont pas toujours facilement accessibles. Ces .... Suárez Higuera, E.L. et Heredia Vargas, A.P. (2014). “Nutritional Situation of Rural Communities.

  18. Importance of Being Nernst: Synaptic Activity and Functional Relevance in Stem Cell-derived Neurons (United States)


    s11427-014-4730-2] 160 Liu X, Li F, Stubblefield EA, Blanchard B, Richards TL, Larson GA, He Y, Huang Q, Tan AC, Zhang D, Benke TA, Sladek JR...Biotechnol 2010; 28: 371-377 [PMID: 20351689 DOI: 10.1038/nbt.1615] 204 Gomez- Nicola D, Suzzi S, Vargas-Caballero M, Fransen NL, Al- Malki H, Cebrian-Silla A

  19. Nigeria : tous les projets | Page 5 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS - centre pour la technologie et la société) fait partie de la Faculté de droit de la Fundação Getulio Vargas à Rio de Janeiro. Date de début : 23 mars 2006. End Date: 11 septembre 2007. Sujet: CULTURAL INDUSTRY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION SERVICES, ...

  20. Computer Science Research Review 1974-75 (United States)


    mwmmmimmm^m^mmmrm. : i i 1 Faculty and Visitors Mario Barbaccl Research Associate B.S., Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria , Lima, Peru (1966...Engineer, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria , Lima, Peru (1968) Ph.D., Carnegie-Mellon University (1974) Carnegie. 1969: Design Automation

  1. Elu kui konstrueeritud kaos

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Hardo Pajula ja Alari Purju osalesid Lõuna-Inglismaal Great Offleys toimunud rahvusvahelisel institutsionaalse ökonoomika seminaril. Vestlusest Pisa ülikooli professori Giovanni Dosi ja Mario Morroniga Itaalia sisepoliitikast ehk äri, poliitika, kuritegevuse ja meedia põimumisest. Itaalia peaministrist Silvio Berlusconist

  2. A Wavefield Imaging Technique for Delamination Detection in Composite Structures (United States)


    YANG1, M. P. DESIMIO3, S. E. OLSON3 AND E. D. SWENSON4 Joachim Schneider -Gloetzl, Gloetzl GmbH...Rheinste ten, Germany Rainer Gloetzl, RG Research, Ettling n, Germany Katerina Krebber, Sascha Liehr, Mario Wendt, Aleksander Wosniok, BAM, Federal

  3. Lesiones de causa externa en menores y mayores de 18 años en un hospital colombiano Injuries from external causes in minors (less than 18 years of age and adults at a hospital in Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mónica Bejarano


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Definir y comparar las características de las lesiones de causa externa entre los pacientes menores y mayores de 18 años que consultaron al Hospital Mario Correa Rengifo. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un análisis de la información recabada mediante el Sistema de Vigilancia de Lesiones de Causa Externa del hospital Mario Correa Rengifo de Cali, Colombia, comparando menores y mayores de edad, entre enero de 2004 y diciembre de 2007. RESULTADOS: Se atendieron 4 507 menores de 18 años, la mayoría varones (69,3%, con 75,5% de las lesiones no intencionales (aunque 88% de las lesiones intencionales fueron interpersonales y 12% autoinfligidas. Las lesiones se presentaron con mayor frecuencia en la residencia (44,1% y la calle (39,5%; la actividad más frecuente fue la recreación (53,3%. Los menores de 18 años tuvieron más lesiones en el cráneo (razón de posibilidades [OR] = 1,62; P = 0,0000 y la región maxilofacial (OR = 1,49; P = 0,0000 que los mayores. En 5,8% hubo consumo de alcohol y en 2,6% de drogas, lo que incrementó la ocurrencia de lesiones intencionales (alcohol OR = 4,25 y drogas OR = 1,56. CONCLUSIONES: El número de pacientes menores de 18 años de edad con lesiones de causa externa que son atendidos en el hospital Mario Correa Rengifo aumenta cada vez más. El comportamiento de las lesiones en la niñez y adolescencia es diferente al de los mayores, pues tienen más lesiones no intencionales, que ocurren en el lugar de residencia o en las calles, donde habitualmente juegan. Es importante implementar diversas estrategias, educativas y estructurales para la prevención de este tipo de lesiones.OBJECTIVES: To define and compare the types of injuries from external causes in patients more than and less than 18 years of age treated by the Mario Correa Rengifo Hospital. METHODS: An analysis was conducted of data retrieved from the Sistema de Vigilancia de Lesiones de Causa Externa (Surveillance System for Injuries from External

  4. Area Handbook Series: El Salvador: A Country Study (United States)


    the majority of these people was no longer completely Indian. Most were ladinoized, Hispanic acculturated, monolingual Spanish speakers who did not wear...Latin American Historical Dictionaries , No. 5.) Metuchen, New Jersey: Scare- crow Press, 1972. Harris, Kevin, and Mario Espinosa. "Reform

  5. Technical Communications in Urban Operations (Les communications techniques en operations urbaines) (United States)


    SCUTI – Scuola Trasmissioni ed Informatica dell’Esercito Italiano Via dei Genieri, 287, 00143-Roma Cecchignola Email: Lt. Fabrizio LAMBIASE SCUTI – Scuola Trasmissioni ed Informatica dell’Esercito Italiano Via dei Genieri, 287, 00143 Roma Cecchignola

  6. Early reionization and its cosmological implications

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    A proper accounting of this effect would force one towards numerical ... because of the contribution from the complete reionization of 4He → 4He+.) At z = 6.3, new ... The author thanks Mike Chu, Zoltan Haiman, Gil Holder, Lloyd Knox, Mario.

  7. Solubilization of advanced ceramic materials controlled by chemical analysis by means of atomic absorption spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amarante Junior, A.


    This paper purpose is to show the techniques used in chemical analysis laboratory at Escola SENAI Mario Amato in the ceramic nucleus for opening and solubilization of Advanced Ceramic materials, where the elements in its majority are determined for atomic absorption spectroscopy. (author)

  8. Riigikontroll kahtlustab Tiit Laja korruptiivsetes tehingutes / Gert D. Hankewitz

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hankewitz, Gert D.


    Riigikontrolli auditist selgub, et endine riigikantselei peadirektor Tiit Laja kantis Kaitseliidu Kinnisvara SA juhatuse liikmena sadu tuhandeid kroone enda ja oma pereliikmetega seotud ettevõtetesse. Vt. ka Tiit Laja ja Mario Sootna vastust Äripäev 29. märts lk. 18

  9. Kernel-Based Approximate Dynamic Programming Using Bellman Residual Elimination (United States)


    Redding, Mike Robbins, Frant Sobolic, Justin Teo, Tuna Toksoz, Glenn Tournier, Aditya Undurti, Mario Valenti, Andy Whitten, Albert Wu, and Rodrigo...vector algorithms. Neural Computation, 12(5):1207–1245, 2000. [143] P. Schweitzer and A. Seidman. Generalized polynomial approximation in Markovian

  10. FILOSOFIA THEORETICA FORMATED Vol 2 No. 2. Final 2docx

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religion. 391. THE QUEST FOR THE NATURE OF BEING IN AFRICAN. PHILOSOPHY. Kanu, Ikechukwu Anthony (OSA). Department of Philosophy. University of Nigeria, Nsukka 1. Introduction. The fundamental question within the ...

  11. Inequality and Development Challenges | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Inequality and Development Challenges. Couverture du livre Inequality and Development Challenges. Editor(s):. Maria Clara Couto Soares, Mario Scerri et Rasigan Maharajh. Publisher(s):. Routledge, CRDI. August 30, 2013. ISBN: 9780415710329. 372 pages. e-ISBN: 9781552505571. Download PDF · Read the e-book.

  12. Some explicit expressions for the probability distribution of force ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    96: Art. No. 098001. Tighe B P, Socolar J E S, Schaeffer D G, Mitchener W G, Huber M L 2005 Force distributions in a triangular lattice of rigid bars. Phys. Rev. E 72: Art. No. 031306. Vargas W L, Murcia J C, Palacio L E, Dominguez D M 2003 Fractional diffusion model for force distribution in static granular media. Phys. Rev.

  13. The Institutionalization of Drug Trafficking Organizations: Comparing Colombia and Brazil (United States)


    strictly regulating the expansion of existing favelas and removing citizens to parques proletarios, a closed, state-administered form of popular...housing with strict curfews. The Vargas administration built ties to parque residents by providing limited assistance and hosting social events...Eventually, authorities expelled residents from some parques where land values had increased to make way for higher-income housing.49 During the

  14. La primera producción literaria de Vargas Vila

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    Alberto Miramón


    Full Text Available Es siempre curioso y en grado sumo instructivo, indagar las primicias literarias de los grandes escritores. Bien pueden no ser sus primeras producciones las más importantes y valiosas muestras de su ingenio en el conjunto total de sus obras; pero esas páginas, que generalmente suelen olvidar cuando ya son famosos, tienen singulares características para la comprensión sicológica de sus autores.

  15. Centro internacional para windsurfistas, playa de Vargas, Gran Canaria


    Pérez Sosa, Isacó


    El proyecto propone realizar un centro internacional que reúna tanto las instalaciones necesarias para realizar competiciones de windsurf como un albergue, un gimnasio de mantenimiento e instalaciones para otras actividades acuáticas o de ocio complementarias. El edificio se desarrollará en tres construcciones bajas longitudinales que se adaptaran al terreno empotrándose a él y abriéndose hacia el mar. Originando éstas terrazas se sigue la forma común tradicional de asentamiento sobre el ter...

  16. Turism rikastab : rahvusvaheline turismikonverents

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    28. septembril toimus Tallinnas Rahvusraamatukogus rahvusvaheline turismikonverents"Turism rikastab". Ülevaade majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi majandusarengu asekantsleri Maria Värtoni, Graham Mckenzie, Linnar Viigi, Nick Skelloni, Mario Ascencao (Haagi ülikool), David Carsoni (Ulsteri ülikool), Vesa Heikkineni ja Imre Sooääre ettekannetest

  17. 75 FR 24927 - Federal Advisory Committee; Military Leadership Diversity Commission (MLDC) (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary Federal Advisory Committee; Military Leadership... amended), and 41 CFR 102-3.150, the Department of Defense announces that the Military Leadership Diversity... diversity management Mr. Mario L. Barnes briefs the MLDC on legal issues related to diversity management...

  18. Monti and market dynamics: the strategy of a national car importer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koolen, S.; Taminiau, Y.T.A.; Faber, C.W.


    In 2002 Mario Monti, the European Competition Commissioner (in the period 1999-2004), concluded that there was not enough competition in the European market for the distribution of cars and spare parts. Consumers were not getting enough benefit from the internal European market. Now that

  19. Stable isotope evidence for formation from magmatic fluids of the mineralized breccias in the Los Bronces and El Teniente copper deposits, Central Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skewes, M.A; Arevalo, A; Holmgren, C.; Stern, C.R


    The giant Miocene and Pliocene Rio Blanco-Los Bronces (Warnaars et al., 1985; Serrano et al., 1996; Vargas et al., 1999) and El Teniente (Camus, 1975; Cuadra, 1986; Skewes and Arevalo, 2000) copper deposits of central Chile are among the largest copper deposits in the world. Hypogene copper ore is more significant than supergene ore in these deposits, and most of the hypogene copper occurs in the matrix of multiple clusters of breccias (Skewes and Stern, 1994; 1995). The origin of the large mineralized breccia pipes in these and other Andean copper deposits has been attributed to the explosive expansion of magmatic aqueous fluids derived from cooling plutons (Emmons, 1938; Kents, 1964; Warnaars et al., 1985; Sillitoe, 1985; Skewes and Stern, 1994, 1995). Warnaars et al. (1985) and Skewes and Stern (1996) suggested that mineral deposition in the matrix of these breccias took place by the rapid cooling of the same magmatic fluids that generated the brecciation. Highly saline, high-temperature magmatic fluid inclusions occur in quartz and tourmaline in the matrix of these breccias (Holmgren et al., 1988; Vargas et al., 1999; Skewes et al., 2001) (au)

  20. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 1 - 50 of 228 ... ... encephalopathy in a thiamine-deficient dog resembling human Wernicke's disease with atypical MRI pattern, Abstract PDF. Floriana Gernone, Mario Ricciardi. Vol 6, No 3 (2016), A rare case of pituitary chromophobe carcinoma in a dog: Clinical, tomographic and histopathological findings, Abstract PDF.

  1. [s.t.


    Hirsch, Debora


    Seconda di quattro immagini digitali che mostrano, da diverse prospettive urbane, il risultato visuale della installazione proposta e la sua interazione rispetto all’architettura urbana della piazza Caio Mario a Torino. Le immagini sono numerate progressivamente da 1 a 4 secondo l’ordine suggerito dall’artista.

  2. Inequality and Development Challenges | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Inequality and Development Challenges. Couverture du livre Inequality and Development Challenges. Directeur(s):. Maria Clara Couto Soares, Mario Scerri et Rasigan Maharajh. Maison(s) d'édition: Routledge, CRDI. 30 août 2013. ISBN : 9780415710329. 372 pages. e-ISBN : 9781552505571. Téléchargez le PDF.

  3. The Honorable Dr Adolfo Urso, Vice Minister for Foreign Trade, "Viceministro delle Attivita' Produttive, Italia"

    CERN Multimedia

    Patrice Loïez


    Photo 01: The Honorable Dr Adolfo Urso, Deputy Minister for Productive Activities, Italy, visiting SM18 with (from l to r): Dr Roberto Saban, Technical Coordination and Planning, LHC machine; Prof. Luciano Maiani, CERN Director-General; Dr Mario Gerbino, Director General of the Ministry and Prof. Lucio Rossi, LHC Main Magnet and Superconductors (MMS) Group Leader. Photo 02: Prof. Luciano Maiani, CERN Director-General and The Honorable Dr Adolfo Urso, Deputy Minister for Productive Activities, Italy, in front of one of the LHC superconducting magnet in SM18. Photo 03 :In front of one of the LHC superconducting magnets - from left to right Dr Roberto Saban, Technical Coordination and Planning, LHC machine; The Honorable Dr Adolfo Urso, Deputy Minister for Productive Activities, Italy and Prof. Luciano Maiani, CERN Director-General. Photo 04: In the SM18 hall (from l. to r.) Prof. Luciano Maiani, CERN Director-General, The Honorable Dr Adolfo Urso, Deputy Minister for Productive Activities, Italy and Dr Mario Ge...



    Paty , Michel


    The problem of the nature of probability laws in physics is a central one from the epistemologic point of view : perhaps the most central one for twentieth century physics, if we consider, on the one hand, the harsh debates to which it has given rise in the recent past (left unconcluded by the protagonists and most often by their successors) and the vagueness of the answers which are generally proposed by contemporary physicists when asked about this problem ; and, on the other hand, the pers...

  5. Imitating human playing styles in Super Mario Bros


    Ortega, Juan; Shaker, Noor; Togelius, Julian; Yannakakis, Georgios N.


    We describe and compare several methods for generating game character controllers that mimic the playing style of a particular human player, or of a population of human players, across video game levels. Similarity in playing style is measured through an evaluation framework, that compares the play trace of one or several human players with the punctuated play trace of an AI player. The methods that are compared are either hand-coded, direct (based on supervised learning) or...

  6. Open Syllable Once Again. Endogenous or Exogenous?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raffaele Caldarelli


    Full Text Available After a brief reply to some critical remarks raised by Mario Enrietti in a paper published in “Studi Slavistici”, VI (2009, the Author tries to explain why Enrietti’s theory of an exogenous, namely Romance origin of the Slavic open syllable structure should be rejected.

  7. 77 FR 63416 - Senior Executive Service; Departmental Offices Performance Review Board Members (United States)


    ... Secretary for Human Resources and Chief Human Capital Officer Bynum, Nicole, Chief of Management Operations... CONTACT: Mario R. Minor, Senior Human Resources Specialist, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., ATTN: Room 6W529... career appointee, more than half the members shall consist of career appointees. The names and titles of...

  8. Ühepäevaliblika lend üle valgete laikude / Sven Karja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karja, Sven, 1968-


    Teatrikriitika olukorrast - kiirtempo, esietenduse põhjal arvustamine, väikelinnateatrite keskmised lavastused jäävad kajastuseta. Vaadeldakse hooaja kolme "mahavaikitud " lavastust - Akos Kertészi "Lesed" Eili Neuhausi lavastuses Rakvere Teatris, Mario Fratti "Ohver" Madis Kalmeti lavastuses Pärnu Endlas ja David Williamsoni "Sõbrad ja raha" Viljandi Ugalas.


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    Mario Camacho Pinto


    Full Text Available


    La Presidencia de la Academia Nacional de Medicina, resuelve cambiar y darle una nueva organización a las publicaciones de la institución en la siguiente forma:

    1o. Créase el Consejo Editorial compuesto por la Comisión Permanente de Biblioteca y Publicaciones integrada actualmente por los Académicos Mario Camacho Pinto, Juan Di Doménico, Juan Mendoza-Yega, Alvaro López Pardo y Fernando Serpa Flórez.

    2o. Se crean los cargos de Editores y se designó como Editor al Académico Mario Camacho Pinto y Coeditor al Académico Alberto Albornoz Plata; y como Editor Asociado al señor Alfonso Yelasco, de la Editorial Catálogo Científico.

    3o. Se crea la sección de Editores Asistentes, la cual estará constituida por un grupo de especialistas de las distintas ramas de la medicina representadas en la Academia, estos Editores Asistentes serán nombrados por la Junta Directiva. La misión principal del Editor Mario Camacho Pinto consistirá, además de coordinar las actividades del Consejo Editorial, la de decidir con el Coeditor y el Editor Asociado las publicaciones definitivas que se hayan seleccionado para los Anales. Los Editores Asistentes tendrán como misión especial la revisión de los trabajos científicos que se presenten a la Academia y darles el visto bueno para su publicación en los Anales...

  10. KGB skandaal lämmatab Itaalia peaministrit / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    FSB kindralpolkovnik Anatoli Trofimov olevat kinnitanud Itaalia peaministri Romano Prodi sidemeid KGB-ga. Autori väitel kuulis itaallane Mario Scaramella Aleksandr Litvinenkolt ilmselt uusi fakte R. Prodi kohta. M. Scaramella organismist leiti jälgi poloonium 210 isotoopidest, polooniumi jäljed viivad Moskvasse. Lisa: Mürgitamise uurimine Venemaale

  11. La pedagogía de lo corporal y de la salud : una filosofía para vivir : historia de las ideas psicológicas y pedagógicas de Sergio López Ramos /


    Durán Amavizca, Norma Delia


     tesis que para obtener el grado de Doctor en Pedagogía, presenta Norma Delia Durán Amavizca ; asesor Patricia Mar Velasco, Horacio Cerruti Guldberg, Mario Camarena Ocampo. 396 páginas. Doctorado en Pedagogía UNAM, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2011

  12. Tänavused Stalkerid välja kuulutatud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ulmeauhind "Stalker": tõlked: Stephenson, Neal. Lumevaring (tõlkija Juhan Habicht) ja Martin, George R. R. Liivakuningad (tõlkija Mario Kivistik); tõlkekogumik: Silverberg, Robert. Meid ootab pimedus; algupärandid: Trinity, André. Tähtede seis ja Hargla, Indrek. Vlad. Vt. ka Looming, 2004, nr. 8, lk. 1270-1271

  13. STS-54 Astronaut Crew Emergency Egress Training, Press Q&A, TCDT (United States)


    The crew of STS-54, Commander John H. Casper, Pilot Donald R. McMonagle, and Mission Specialists Mario Runco, Jr., Gregory J. Harbaugh, and Susan J. Helms, is seen during a question and answer session with the press and during the Terminal Countdown and Demonstration Test (TCDT), including Emergency Egress Training.

  14. An Ontological and Epistemological Analysis of the Presentation of the First Law of Thermodynamics in School and University Textbooks (United States)

    Poblete, Joaquin Castillo; Rojas, Rocio Ogaz; Merino, Cristian; Quiroz, Waldo


    Considering the relevance of thermodynamics to the scientific discipline of chemistry and the curriculum of the Western school system, the philosophical system of Mario Bunge, particularly his ontology and epistemology, is used herein to analyze the presentation of the first law of thermodynamics in 15 school and university textbooks. The…

  15. Modèles commerciaux libres (Amérique latine) | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS - centre pour la technologie et la société) fait partie de la Faculté de droit de la Fundação Getulio Vargas à Rio de Janeiro. Il s'agit du seul établissement brésilien qui se consacre plus particulièrement à l'étude de l'interaction des questions entourant le droit, la technologie et la ...

  16. Ce que nous faisons | Page 174 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS - centre pour la technologie et la société) fait partie de la Faculté de droit de la Fundação Getulio Vargas à Rio de Janeiro. Brésil, Amérique Du Sud, Nigéria, Nord Du Sahara, Sud Du ... Taxes sur les cigarettes en Tanzanie. De 2002 à 2007, le tabagisme a connu une hausse de ...

  17. The Previously Undetected Presence of Culex restuans (Diptera: Culicidae) in Central America, with Notes on Identification (United States)


    geografica actualizada. Rev. Inv. Salud Publica (Mexico) 33: 11 I - 125. Heinemann, S.J. and J.N. Belkin. 1977. Collection records of the project...Mosquitoes of Middle America” 8. Central America: Belize (BH), Guatemala (GUA), El Salvador ( SAL ), Honduras (HON), Nicaragua (NI, NIC). Mosq. Syst...Culicidae). Ill. Nat. Hist. Surv. Biol. Notes 52, 50 pp. Vargas, L. 1956. Especies y distribucidn de mosquitos mexicanos no anofelinos. Rev. Instit. de

  18. Modèles commerciaux libres (Amérique latine) | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS - centre pour la technologie et la société) fait partie de la Faculté de droit de la Fundação Getulio Vargas à Rio de Janeiro. Il s'agit du seul établissement brésilien qui se consacre plus particulièrement à l'étude de l'interaction des questions entourant le droit, la technologie et la ...

  19. Ce que nous faisons | Page 167 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Modèles commerciaux libres (Amérique latine). Le Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS - centre pour la technologie et la société) fait partie de la Faculté de droit de la Fundação Getulio Vargas à Rio de Janeiro. Brésil, Amérique Du Sud, Nigéria, Nord Du Sahara, Sud Du Sahara, Amérique Nord Et Centrale. PROJECT ...

  20. Discurso de aceptación del Premio de Derecho Sanitario 2014, à la Trayectoria enel Marco del Derecho a la Salud, concedido al Dr GERMÁN E. FAJARDO DOLCI

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Debo empezar diciendo, gracias, muchas gracias a la Red Iberoamericana de Derecho Sanitario, en particular al Consejo Directivo: Karen Vargas, María Celia Delduque, María Cristina Cortesi, Paula Lobato de Farias y mi apreciado amigo Joaquín Cayón de las Cuevas por considerar que un servidor pudiera ser candidato y recipiendario de este importante reconocimiento iberoamericano de Derecho Sanitario.

  1. Prólogo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alta Hooker


    Full Text Available Este volumen no. 17 de la Revista Ciencia e Interculturalidad, presenta una compilación estructurada en 4 secciones temáticas, las cuales comprenden 8 artículos. La primera sección denominada Educación, presenta 2 artículos: El manejo del idioma en Ciencias de la Educación en la especialidad de Español, autoría de Luisa Emilia Ruiz y Luisa Maribel Rodríguez y Metodologías en la enseñanza del cálculo de probabilidades en undécimo grado de educación secundaria, autoría de Fernando Manuel Amador Núñez, Melvin Leonel Reyes Gómez y con la tutoría de William Oswaldo Flores López.En la segunda sección, Educación Superior en la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense, los artículos intitulados: La autonomía universitaria que fortalece la gestión curricular intercultural de la autora Letisia Castillo Gómez y el artículo Propuesta metodológica en la aplicación de la derivada en IngenieríaAgroforestal, II semestre 2013, coautoría de Ernesto Vanegas Sevilla, Yahaira Bermúdez Vargas y con la tutoría de Luis Antonio López Mairena.En la tercera sección, Ciencias Sociales, se presenta el artículo: la relación entre algunos modelos de participación popular ruso, cubano y venezolano (Estudio histórico comparativo, autoría de María Fátima Pinho de Oliveira y el artículo: Afectacionespsicológicas que experimentan adolescentes afrodescendientes con padres embarcados, autoría de Marina Danila Mc coy, Lyssette Newball Crisanto, con la tutoria de Neidy Gutiérrez Soza.En la cuarta sección, Agropecuaria, los artículos intitulados: Prendimiento de dos tipos de injertos en cacao en distintas fases lunares, Siuna, 2014. Coautoría de Mario Reyes Martínez, Lesther Marín Mendieta y Oscar Montalván Castellón yEstrategias de mercadotecnia de la empresa familiar Café el Golfo, Guayabo Central, Siuna, 2013, coautoría de Isabel del Socorro Masis Suazo, Thelma Arelis Centeno Lagos y FranciscoGutiérrez Garmendia.

  2. An Examination of the Historical, Social, Economic, and Political Factors of the Marxist Insurgency in Guatemala. (United States)


    quetzales ransom... "Voluntary" contributions soon increased rapidly. Mario Sandoval Alarcon, as head of MLN, has never denied his party’s control of MANO...Country (New York: Modern Reader Paperbacks, 1967), p. 63. One quetzal is officially the equivalent of one United States dollar. 23 LaCharite, p. 86. 56

  3. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    AM Quilez, S Montserrat-de la Paz, R De la Puerta, MA Fernandez-Arche, MD Gargia-Gimenez ... Danubia C. Sá-Caputo, Carla da F. Dionello, Éric Heleno F.F. Frederico, Laisa L. Paineiras-Domingos, Cintia Renata Sousa-Gonçalves, Danielle S. Morel, Eloá Moreira-Marconi, Marianne Unger, Mario Bernardo-Filho.

  4. Attention (United States)

    Montessori, Maria


    "The Advanced Montessori Method, Volume 1" was published in 1918 in English and is considered a seminal work along with "The Montessori Method." In the foreword to this book, Mario Montessori writes: "...the refulgent figure of the child, Dr. Montessori pointed out, who had found his own path to mental health, who…

  5. Annual Report on Awards (1982). Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellowships, Postdoctoral Research Associateships. (United States)


    Sociolinguistics Gloria Jennien Bruston, Southern University. Baton Rouge Ahmdu Bello University, Nigeria Development Politics/African Politics...Eastern Illinois University University of Alabama. Tuscaloosa America History Mario Trinidad Garcia, University of California. Santa Barbara University of...Limon. University of Texas, Austin University of California, Berkeley Anthropology- Sociolinguistics Coramue R. Mann, Florida State University Cornell

  6. In the Way of Development : Indigenous Peoples, Life Projects and ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Couverture du livre In the Way of Development : Indigenous Peoples, Life Projects and Globalization. Editor(s):. Mario Blaser, Harvey A. Feit et Glenn ... New Cyber Policy Centres for the Global South. IDRC is pleased to announce the results of its 2017 call for proposals to establish Cyber Policy Centres in the Global South.

  7. A perseguição a luteranos durante as décadas de 1930 e 1940 no Brasil: o caso do Sínodo de Missouri no Rio Grande do Sul

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    Sergio Luiz Marlow


    Full Text Available O presente artigo procura demonstrar que as décadas de 1930 e 1940 foram de extrema dificuldade para os sínodos luteranos que haviam se instalado desde o século anterior em território brasileiro. Especialmente em virtude da chamada Campanha de Nacionalização do Governo de Getúlio Vargas associada à entrada do Brasil na Segunda Guerra Mundial contra o Eixo composto por Alemanha, Itália e Japão, os sínodos luteranos foram acusados de não desejarem “abrasileirar-se”, antes seguindo os ditames do Nacional Socialismo Alemão. O artigo pretende analisar os efeitos da política de Vargas sobre o chamado Sínodo de Missouri, proveniente dos Estados Unidos, no Rio Grande do Sul, que, apesar de trabalhar com teuto-brasileiros, sem, contudo, defender a questão da Germanidade como de sua esfera de atuação, foi perseguido e sofreu as consequências do período. A análise se dará com base em documentos de autoridades brasileiras da época, bem como na reação do Sínodo de Missouri que declarava estar se nacionalizando e seguindo as orientações do governo brasileiro.

  8. Juan de Dios Carrasquilla Lema

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    Zoilo Cuellar-Montoya


    Tuvo Carrasquilla por profesores a los más brillantes maestros de la medicina de la Bogotá de ese entonces. De su propia pluma, cuando realizó el panegírico de su amigo del alma y compañero inseparable en múltiples retos profesionales, el Académico Profesor José Vicente Uribe Restrepo, podemos enterarnos de algunas características de esos doctos profesores de medicina. Del médico y naturalista, Profesor Francisco Bayón y Fernández, escribió Carrasquilla: “discípulo del brillante dibujante de la Expedición Botánica, don Francisco Javier Matiz, dictaba clases de botánica en el Colegio de San Bartolomé” y él fue uno de sus alumnos más distiguidos. En química y en obstetricia tuvo Carrasquilla como maestro al ilustre Profesor Antonio Vargas Reyes, lo cual lo confirma el propio Carrasquilla al afirmar que “el Doctor Antonio Vargas Reyes dictaba, por aquellos años, una clase de química en el laboratorio del Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, cátedra a la que, naturalmente, también se inscribió” él.

  9. Metazoarios parásitos de Tlacuatzin canescens y Marmosa mexicana (Mammalia: Didelphimorphia de México Metazoan parasites of Tlacuatzin canescens and Marmosa mexicana (Mammalia: Didelphimorphia from Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Guzmán-Cornejo


    Full Text Available Como parte de un estudio sobre los metazoarios parásitos de mamíferos de México se recolectaron 4 ejemplares de ratones tlacuache: 2 de Tlacuatzin canescens (Allen, 1893 procedentes de Oaxaca y 2 de Marmosa mexicana Merriam, 1897 de Veracruz. Se presentan 5 registros nuevos de hospedero y localidad para ácaros de las especies Ixodes luciae Sénevet, 1940, Ixodes sinaloa Kohls y Clifford, 1966, las pulgas Plusaetis mathesoni (Traub 1950 y Polygenis martinezbaezi Vargas 1951, así como para el cestodo Hymenolepis sp. y por primera vez en México se registra el nematodo Hoineffia simplicispicula Navone, Suriano y Pujol, 1991.As a part of an ongoing project to inventory the metazoan parasites of Mexican mammals, 4 specimens of 2 species of mouse opossums (2 Tlacuatzin canescens [Allen, 1893] and 2 Marmosa mexicana Merriam, 1897, were collected from Oaxaca and Veracuz states, Mexico, respectively. Five new locality and host records are presented for the acari Ixodes luciae Sénevet, 1940, Ixodes sinaloa Kohls and Clifford, 1966, of fleas Plusaetis mathesoni (Traub 1950, and Polygenis martinezbaezi Vargas 1951, as well as the cestode Hymenolepis sp., while the nematode Hoineffia simplicispicula Navone, Suriano and Pujol, 1991, is recorded for the first time in Mexico.

  10. Exploração do acervo da RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas (1961 a 2016 à luz da bibliometria, text mining, rede social e geoanálise

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    José Eduardo Ricciardi Favaretto


    Full Text Available This article examined more than five decades of the Revista de Administração de Empresas (Journal of Business Administration [RAE], between 1961 and 2016, through accessing documents made available on the internet in the electronic repository of periodicals and magazines of the Biblioteca Digital da Fundação Getulio Vargas-Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo (Digital Library of the Getulio Vargas Foundation-School of Business Administration of São Paulo, which follows the Open Archives Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH of interoperability between digital repositories. A total of 2,381 documents published in the journal (1,422 articles, 217 editorials, 62 opinion articles, and 680 reviews were collected through an automated process and later analyzed using techniques such as bibliometrics, text mining, social networking, and geo-analysis. This study enables understanding of the path that the RAE journal has followed throughout its existence including 22 different management periods, the increase of authorship within its publications during 14 time intervals, the most frequent and important terms and keywords appearing in its published documents, and the formation of co-authoring networks of researchers who contribute to the development of the Administration science in the Country.

  11. Educación, técnicas y procesos de estandarización escolar

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    Carlos Ospina Cruz


    Full Text Available La pregunta que direcciona la presente reflexión es la siguiente: ¿Por qué puede hablarse de una racionalidad tecnológica existente en la educación? Para sumergirnos en este proceso analítico que nos permita revisar la presencia de las técnicas inherentes a un cierto tipo de racionalidad tecnológica en la educación, establecemos diálogos con A. Leroi Gourhan, Marcel Mauss, Arnold Gehlen, Max Horkheimer, Michel Foucault, Martin Heidegger, Herbert Marcuse, C. Wulf, Germán Vargas G., A. Carvajal, J.C. Tedesco, J. Habermas, N. Luhmann y Langdon Winner, entre otros. AbstractThe question that directs this thought is: Why can speak of an existing technological rationality in education? To dive into this analytical process that allows us to check the presence of the techniques inherent in a certain type of technological rationality in education, we establish a dialogue with A. Leroi Gourhan, Marcel Mauss, Arnold Gehlen, Max Horkheimer, Michel Foucault, Martin Heidegger, Herbert Marcuse, C. Wulf, German Vargas, A. Carvajal, J.C. Tedesco, J. Habermas, N. Luhmann and Langdon Winner, among others.

  12. Os mecanismos institucionais da ditadura de 1937: uma análise das contradições do regime de Interventorias Federais nos estados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriano Codato


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o regime de intromissão política nos estados por meio do estudo do mecanismo das Interventorias Federais. Focalizamos o período do Estado Novo (1937-1945. Não se examina aqui uma Interventoria específica nem os conflitos específicos entre uma facção da elite política de um estado determinado com os novos comandantes do Estado nacional. O foco, a partir da discussão de evidências selecionadas de vários casos particulares (São Paulo, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, coletadas tanto na historiografia do período como no Arquivo Getulio Vargas, está na análise dos principais problemas que a ditadura de Vargas - uma vez indicados os interventores no lugar dos governadores - teve de fazer, face a: i autonomia político-administrativa dos novos chefes da política local; ii dificuldade para impor a unidade ideológica do regime ditatorial a todos os agentes políticos; e iii uma coordenação precária do sistema como um todo, baseada apenas na lealdade pessoal e na conveniência política das partes envolvidas neste arranjo institucional.

  13. Multiple Intelligences Theory and Iranian Textbooks: An Analysis (United States)

    Taase, Yoones


    The purpose of this study is to investigate locally designed ELT textbooks in the light of multiple intelligences theory. Three textbooks (grade 1.2.3) used in guidance school of Iranian educational system were analyzed using MI checklist developed by Botelho, Mario do Rozarioand. Catered for kinds of intelligences in the activities and exercises…

  14. “Andere Zeiten, andere Lautgesetze”. Replica a Raffaele Caldarelli

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Enrietti


    Full Text Available Mario Enrietti “Andere Zeiten, andere Lautgesetze”. A Reply to Raffaele Caldarelli At first syllables in Slavic become open and then, because of the falling of jers, they go back to be closed again. These are two phenomena which take place in different stages and are not connected to each other.

  15. 75 FR 65557 - Unblocking of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons Pursuant to Executive Order 12978 (United States)


    .../o PENTA PHARMA DE COLOMBIA S.A., Bogota, Colombia; c/o LABORATORIOS KRESSFOR DE COLOMBIA S.A... PHARMA DE COLOMBIA S.A., Bogota, Colombia; c/o DECAFARMA S.A., Bogota, Colombia; c/o DROCARD S.A., Bogota...) [SDNT]. 11. MORAN GUERRERO, Mario Fernando, c/o PENTACOOP LTDA., Bogota, Colombia; c/o PENTA PHARMA DE...

  16. 78 FR 53191 - Additional Designations, Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (United States)


    ... significant foreign narcotics traffickers as identified by the President. In addition, the Secretary of the...) of the Kingpin Act. 1. PARRA SANCHEZ, Mario; DOB 11 Nov 1970; POB Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico; C.U.R.P. PASM701111HSLRNR07 (Mexico) (individual) [SDNTK] (Linked To: BUENOS AIRES SERVICIOS, S.A. DE C.V.; Linked To...

  17. Arhitektuuriuudised / Karen Jagodin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jagodin, Karen, 1982-


    Mario Garzaniti korrusmaja Brüsselis, Ryue Nishizawa kortermaja Tokyos, Hamburgi arhitektuuribüroo Blauraum loomingust, Michael P. Johnsoni eramu Phoenixis, jaapani arhitekti Kei'ichi Irie ja Power Unit Studio loodud monoliitbetoonist eramu Chita linnas, hollandi arhitektuuribüroo OMA loomingust, inglise büroo Peter Barber Architects lahendus Londoni ühe eeslinna kvartalile

  18. Innovaatiliste äriideede konkursi võitjad / Varje Sootak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sootak, Varje, 1946-


    Ettevõtjatele, teadlastele ja üliõpilastele korraldatud NETS (New Entrepreneurs in Technology and Science) ettevõtlusprogrammi innovaatiliste äriideede konkursil selgusid 15 parimat, kellest mitmed on Tartu Ülikooli üliõpilased ja töötajad: Anton Litvinenko, Fred Valk, Madis Kauts, Mario Plaas, Marko Daljajev, Meelis Kaldalu, Reigo Ginter, Tanel Tarkmees

  19. Legalising medical use of cannabis in South Africa: Is the empirical ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Inkatha Freedom Party MP Mario Oriani-Ambrosini's impassioned plea to legalise the medical use of cannabis must be understood in the context of his own condition as well as legislative changes in at least ten countries. This article argues that any decisions to shift policy must be based on a consideration of the evidence ...

  20. Cine-Club

    CERN Multimedia



    Thursday 14 November 2013 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber The Holy Innocents Directed by Mario Camus (Spain, 1984) 105 minutes The Holy Innocents addresses many of the problems that made Spain fall behind the rest of Western Europe in terms of economic and social development during the last century: poverty and low or non-existent education among peasants. This led to an unbalanced social canvas, where the rich landowners get richer and workers are treated as animals, with no chance to stand up for their rights and freedom. Through the dramatic story of a poor family, Mario Camus conveys a picture of misery still not forgotten. The film won awards for the Best Main Character and special mentions in the Cannes Film Festival in 1984. Thursday 21 November 2013 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber Death of a Cyclist Directed by Juan Antonio Bardem (Spain, 1955) 88 minutes Regarded as “extremely dangerous” by Spanish censors and forbidden for display for some time, Death of a Cy...

  1. Errata: “Teoría y experimento en Genética Mendeliana"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Editor Theoria


    Full Text Available Por un error de imprenta, no aparecieron publicadas en color las figuras del artículo de Mario Casa-nueva y Diego Méndez “Teoría y experimento en Genética Mendeliana: una exposición en imágenes”, publicado en Theoria, 2008, Vol. 23/3, Nº 63, 285-306. Dado que la impresión en color era necesaria para la comprensión del artículo, las reproducimos aquí con nuestras disculpas a los autores y lectores. Due to a mistake in the printing process, the following figures were not reproduced in colour in Mario Casanueva and Diego Méndez's article “Teoría y experimento en Genética Mendeliana: una exposi-ción en imágenes”, published in Theoria, 2008, Vol. 23/3, Nº 63, 285-306. Given that the im-ages in colour were necessary to understand the article, the reader will find here a correct printing, to-gether with our apologies.

  2. The end of an era at Restaurant No. 1

    CERN Multimedia


    Director-Generals came and went, but they stayed on. For over 30 years, Carmen, Christian, José, Luis and Mario have been on duty at CERN's Restaurant No. 1, between them notching up 171 years of service. They all retire before the end of the month. In their own individual ways they have established close relationships with the CERN personnel, who have appreciated their unfailing warmth, good humour, elegance and impeccable manners. The Bulletin has collected testimonials from many members of the CERN personnel paying tribute to them. At a farewell party on 15 May, CERN's theorists exchanged roles with the departing Restaurant No. 1 team members. Appropriately uniformed and with the obligatory bow-tie, the theorists stood behind the tables to serve those who have served us for so long. In 1974 when I arrived at CERN, I had to organise meetings for delegates and learnt everything about the catering side from Mario. It came as a total surprise one day when he asked me where I came from. I replied, 'Ayr, just ...

  3. Evolução darwiniana & ciências sociais

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    José Eli da Veiga


    Full Text Available Este artigo sintetiza os principais resultados do ciclo temático com o mesmo título que foi coordenado pelo autor em 2007 como uma das atividades públicas do Instituto de Estudos Avançados da Universidade de São Paulo. Também é uma introdução às outras três contribuições que fazem parte deste dossiê: os artigos dos professores Ricardo Waizbort, da Fiocruz, e do professor Mario Possas, da UFRJ, e a entrevista especial concedida pelo professor Geoffrey Hodgson (University of Hertfordshire, UK.This article is a synthesis of the main results obtained in a thematic cycle with the same title which was coordinated by the author during 2007 as one of the public activities of the University of Sao Paulo's Institute of Advanced Studies. It is also an introduction to the three o other contributions to this dossier: the articles from professors Ricardo Waizbort (Fiocruz and Mario Possas (UFRJ, and the especial interview with professor Geoffrey Hodgson (University of Hertfordshire, UK.

  4. Pink-line syndrome

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Ravindran J.; Raghukumar, C.; Manikandan, B.

    , a physiological crisis in the scleractinian coral Porites lutea. Marine biology 149: 347-356 7. Ravindran J, Raghukumar C (2006a) Histological observations on the scleractinian coral Porites lutea affected by pink-line syndrome. Current science... handbook: guidelines for assessment and monitoring. Currie Communications, Melbourne, Australia, 94p+App 10. Vargas-Angel B, Wheeler B (2009) Coral health and disease assessment in the US Pacific territories and affiliated states. Proc. 11th Coral Reef...

  5. ¿Cómo se concibe la aventura?

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    Alicia Fajardo M.


    Full Text Available La tortuga desdentada. Alfonso Lobo Amaya. Edilux, Medellín, 1988, 16 págs. (Ilustraciones de Pilar Pabón Z .. El maravilloso viaje de Rosendo Bucurú. Celso Román. Carlos Valencia Editores, Bogotá, 96 págs. (Ilustraciones de Diana Castellanos. Una a ventura en el papel. Roberto Rubiano Vargas. Carlos Valencia. Editores, Bogotá, 1988, 104 págs. (Ilustraciones de Diana Castellanos

  6. Telecommunications Growth in Latin America: A Comparative Analysis, the Development and Policy of Technologies in Emerging Markets (United States)


    México.” Revista del Doctorado en Derecho . México, D.F., 24 September 2007. 16 Griffith, 170. 17 Emilio Vargas, México- Historia de Las...unions and political parties, and provided a more established freedom of expression along with electoral reforms. These changes were short lived when...Revista del Doctorado en Derecho . México, D.F., 24 September 2007. América Móvil. 2008 Annual Report. Associated Press. “Venezuela Sets New

  7. Long Period Seismic Waves (United States)


    Geoffsica, TPHM. No. 5 , p. 161. Vargas, Freddy (To he published in 1976) 1 .-DTSCRP1TNACTON DE EVENTO«; NATHDALE«; Y ARTTFTCT ALES. 2.- CALCULO DEL...seismic risk, bv de - fininn relative weiqht of maximum MM intensity at a pivon distance ponulation density, area feolupy and attenuation of intensity wit...Population densitv, area peolopv and attenuation of intensitv with distance, is presented topether with a map anplvinp theorv to Bo- livia. ^«^a

  8. El mundo del libro : septiembre de 1968

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available Se presentan reseñas de los siguientes autores y textos: -Asociación de facultades de medicina. Recursos humanos para la salud, la educación médica en Colombia. -Maya, Rafael. Escritos literarios. -Torres León, Fernán. La comunidad de pescadores de Honda -Rivadeneira Vargas, José. Don Santiago Pérez -Holguín, Andrés. Francois Villon -Mallea, Eduardo. La guerra interior

  9. Soft power da indústria cinematográfica estadunidense na era Vargas (1939-1943); Soft power de la industria cinematográfica estadunidense en era Vargas (1939-1943); Soft power of the american cinematographic industry in the Vargas era (1939-1943)


    Leme, Haroldo


    Resumo: Estudo bibliográfico que propõe a exploração do conceito de soft power e sua aplicação, pela ótica de Joseph Nye, no desenvolvimento de alianças estadunidenses com o Brasil, antecedendo a entrada dos Estados Unidos na Segunda Guerra Mundial, qual utiliza-se do contexto da Política da Boa Vizinhança de Roosevelt para estreitar o terreno político-estratégico utilizando-se da indústria cinematográfica como arma de propaganda, frente ao exponente sistema de poder alemão, na conquista do a...

  10. Soft power da indústria cinematográfica estadunidense na era Vargas (1939-1943; Soft power de la industria cinematográfica estadunidense en era Vargas (1939-1943; Soft power of the american cinematographic industry in the Vargas era (1939-1943

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    Haroldo Leme


    Full Text Available Resumo: Estudo bibliográfico que propõe a exploração do conceito de soft power e sua aplicação, pela ótica de Joseph Nye, no desenvolvimento de alianças estadunidenses com o Brasil, antecedendo a entrada dos Estados Unidos na Segunda Guerra Mundial, qual utiliza-se do contexto da Política da Boa Vizinhança de Roosevelt para estreitar o terreno político-estratégico utilizando-se da indústria cinematográfica como arma de propaganda, frente ao exponente sistema de poder alemão, na conquista do apoio da nação brasileira como seus aliados.    Palavras-chaves:  soft power; cinema; propaganda; guerra     Resumen: Estudio bibliográfico que propone la exploración del concepto de soft power y su aplicación, por la óptica de Joseph Nye, en el desarrollo de alianzas estadounidenses con Brasil, antecediendo a la entrada de Estados Unidos en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que se utiliza del contexto de la Política de La buena vecindad de Roosevelt para estrechar el terreno político-estratégico utilizando la industria cinematográfica como arma de propaganda, frente al exponente sistema de poder alemán, en la conquista del apoyo de la nación brasileña como sus aliados.   Palabras clave: soft power; cine; propaganda; Guerra     Abstract: A bibliographic study which proposes the exploration of the concept of soft power and its application, through Joseph Nye’s perspective, in the development of the American alliances with Brazil, anteceding the entrance of the United States into the Second World War, in which the context of Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor Policy is employed to tighten the strategic-political terrain through the usage of the cinematographic industry as war propaganda weapon, facing the exponent German system of power, in conquering the Brazilian Nation as allies.   Keywords: soft power, cinema, war

  11. Natural Laws and Ontological Reflections: The Textual and Didactic Implications of the Presentation of Boyle's Law in General Chemistry (United States)

    Quiroz, Waldo; Rubilar, Cristian Merino


    This study develops a tool to identify errors in the presentation of natural laws based on the epistemology and ontology of the Scientific Realism of Mario Bunge. The tool is able to identify errors of different types: (1) epistemological, in which the law is incorrectly presented as data correlation instead of as a pattern of causality; (2)…

  12. Between the Under-Labourer and the Master-Builder: Observations on Bunge's Method (United States)

    Agassi, Joseph


    Mario Bunge has repeatedly discussed contributions to philosophy and to science that are worthless at best and dangerous at worst, especially cases of pseudo-science. He clearly gives his reason in his latest essay on this matter: "The fact that science can be faked to the point of deceiving science lovers suggests the need for a rigorous sifting…

  13. Disainikaart : Šveits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Šveitsi praktilist, atraktiivset ja nutikat disaini esindavad Le Corbusier ja Mario Botta arhitektuur, Adrien Rovero installatsioon, Bernard Tschumi uued vormid arhitektuuris, Herzog & de Meuroni Pekingi olümpiastaadion, disainibüroode Big Game, Fulguro, It Desing mööbel ja valgustid, D'Esposito ja Gaillardi tootedisain kandiku näol ja Nicolas Le Moigne nutikas kastekann

  14. Realist Ontology and Natural Processes: A Semantic Tool to Analyze the Presentation of the Osmosis Concept in Science Texts (United States)

    Spinelli Barria, Michele; Morales, Cecilia; Merino, Cristian; Quiroz, Waldo


    In this work, we developed an ontological tool, based on the scientific realism of Mario Bunge, for the analysis of the presentation of natural processes in science textbooks. This tool was applied to analyze the presentation of the concept of osmosis in 16 chemistry and biology books at different educational levels. The results showed that more…

  15. Obtention of antibodies anti prolactin from human prolactin of national production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caso, R.; Mosquera, M.; Perez, E.; Amanz, C.


    In this work was studied the use of the the Prolactin hormone as immuno gen, which is obtained in Cuba by the pharmaceutical institute Mario Munoz, to produce the antibody antiprolactin. Was made the validation of obtained antibody (tritatium, specificity and affinity) The produced antibody had necessary quality to be use as a component of the Kits-RIA Prolactin

  16. The historical issue in film genre Commedia all 'italiana: the first world war in fiction

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    Celina Vivian Lima Augusto


    Full Text Available The theme chosen for this article was to join "Cinema and History" to the cinematographic genre commedia all'italiana. First, there is a general introduction that discusses the italian genre. The second part deals with the historical representation in the commedia all' italiana, analyzing the Mario Monicelli’s work, the movie "La Grande Guerra".

  17. Obtention of antibodies anti prolactin from human prolactin of national production; Obtencion de anticuerpos anti-prolactina a partir de prolactina humana de produccion nacional

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caso, R; Mosquera, M [Centro de Isotopos, La Habana (Cuba); Perez, E [Centro de Investigaciones de Mejoramiento Animal, La Habana (Cuba); Amanz, C [Instituto Nacional de Endocrinologia, La Habana (Cuba)


    In this work was studied the use of the the Prolactin hormone as immuno gen, which is obtained in Cuba by the pharmaceutical institute Mario Munoz, to produce the antibody antiprolactin. Was made the validation of obtained antibody (tritatium, specificity and affinity) The produced antibody had necessary quality to be use as a component of the Kits-RIA Prolactin.

  18. Wrong turns and dead ends (United States)

    Fisher, Len


    In his book Brilliant Blunders, Mario Livio offers a detailed and fascinating examination of major errors made by five great scientists - Charles Darwin, Linus Pauling, Lord Kelvin, Fred Hoyle and Albert Einstein - as they sought to understand the evolution of life on Earth, the evolution of the Earth itself and the evolution of the universe as a whole.

  19. Mida loed sina? / Indrek Hargla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hargla, Indrek, pseud., 1970-


    Tutvustus: Pérez-Reverte, Arturo. Dumas̀ klubi ehk Richelieu vari. Tallinn : Varrak, 2006 ; Belials, Veiko. Jumalate vandenõu. Tallinn : Varrak, 2006 ; Põder, Rein. Eike. Tallinn : Eesti Raamat, 2006 ; Reeve, Philip. Kuldseeklid. Tallinn : Tiritamm, 2006 ; Martin, George R. R. Troonide mäng. Esimene raamat / tlk. Mario Kivistik. Tallinn : Varrak, 2006. (Jää ja tule laul) (F-sari)

  20. Visit of Mrs Gisela Kopper

    CERN Multimedia

    Jimenez, Jose Miguel


    Mrs Gisela Kopper Minister of Science, Technology and Telecommunications, Republic of Costa Rica; Mrs Roxana Tinoco, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the United Nations; Mr Mario Vega, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the United Nations; Dr Jose Miguel Jimenez, Technology Department Head; Prof. Emmanuel Tsesmelis, Deputy Head of International Relations

  1. Farewell to the Man in the Red Beret, Enter the Man in the White Silk Mitre: "There Is a Crack in Everything, That's How the Light Gets In" (United States)

    McLaren, Peter


    This essay examines the legacy of the late President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez Frias. Shortly after the death of President Chavez, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected the 266th and current pope of the Catholic Church and took the name, Francis. The essay contrasts the demonization of Hugo Chavez by the Western corporate media with the adulation of…

  2. Näidendivõistlusel selgus Eesti viis parimat mereäärset lugu / Teele Tammeorg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammeorg, Teele


    Eesti Teatri Agentuur ja SA Tallinn 2011 kuulutasid näidendikonkursi "Mereäärsed lood" võitjateks Martin Alguse "Kontakti", Christian Auni ja Mariann Tihase "Kastis!", Urmas Lennuki "Minu tänav", Katrin Maimiku "Metspardi" ja Mario Pulveri "Fluidumi". "Mereäärsed lood" on rahvusvahelise näidendivõistluse "New Baltic Drama 2011" esimene voor

  3. Aragarças: a cidade encantada no sertão de Goiás

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Ferreira Lima Filho


    Full Text Available Analiso aqui o espaço social da cidade de Aragarças que foi construída pela Expedição Roncador-Xingu (1942-1943 e Fundação Brasil Central, (1943-1967, contextualizadas no movimento Marcha para o Oeste, iniciada pelo governo de Getúlio Vargas. A parte Alta da cidade é a materialização no espaço das representações sociais da comunidade de memória que se formou, de modo especial, representada pelos pioneiros servidores que viveram na cidade o apogeu da Fundação Brasil Central, nas décadas de 1940 e 1950, quando foram construídas suas principais obras como o hospital, o hotel Getúlio Vargas, a olaria, o aeroporto e as pontes sobre os rios Garças e Araguaia que uniram a cidade com Barra do Garças (MT. No período, constitui-se uma grande malha área regional, militarizando o espaço aéreo do Brasil Central e Amazônia. Em oposição, existe a parte Baixa da cidade, situada às margens do rio Araguaia, que a Expedição Roncador Xingu já encontrara ocupada pelos garimpeiros e sertanejos. Compreender a fusão cidade/pioneiro é primordial para se ter acesso à cadeia de signos que produzem uma comunicação da cultura do pioneiro do médio Araguaia e suas relações sociais.I analyze here the social space of the city of Aragarças. Built by the Roncador-Xingu Expedition (1942-1943 and Fundação Brasil Central [(1943-1967, both contextualized in the movement March to the West, begun by Getúlio Vargas's government. The high part of the city, begun in the space named by the pioneers of the 'Old Base' is the materialization in the space of the social representations from community memory that was formed, in a special way, represented by the pioneer workers that lived in the city the acme of the Brazil Central Foundation, in the decades of 1940 and 1950. Its main works were the building of the hospital, Getúlio Vargas Hotel, the pottery , the airport and the bridges on the rivers Garças and Araguaia that united the city with

  4. Hombres. La muerte de Mario Briceño Iragorry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boletín Cultural y Bibliográfico Banco de la República


    Full Text Available Venezuela ha dado una diversa tipología de caracteres intelectuales que la honran en todo momento del desenvolvimiento de la cultura nacional. Poeta, novelistas, sociólogos, artistas, músico, han contribuido a darnos una visión maravillosa de su Patria, lejos de todo esquema puramente estatal.

  5. Intellektuaalse omandi õigused infotehnoloogias : autori varalised õigused / Mario Rosentau

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rosentau, Mario, 1962-


    Arvutitarkvara loojate õigusest teost kasutada, reprodutseerida, töödelda, tõlkida, levitada, koostada tarkvarasüsteeme ning õigusest ühisele loometööle. Varaliste autoriõiguste piirangutest ja autorite täiendavatest õigustest. Riskidest ja vastutusest autoriõiguse rikkumise eest

  6. Evolving Levels for Super Mario Bros Using Grammatical Evolution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shaker, Noor; Nicolau, Miguel; Yannakakis, Georgios N.


    This paper presents the use of design grammars to evolve playable 2D platform levels through grammatical evolution (GE). Representing levels using design grammars allows simple encoding of important level design constraints, and allows remarkably compact descriptions of large spaces of levels....... The expressive range of the GE-based level generator is analyzed and quantitatively compared to other feature-based and the original level generators by means of aesthetic and similarity based measures. The analysis reveals strengths and shortcomings of each generator and provides a general frame- work...... for comparing content generated by different generators. The approach presented can be used as an assistive tool by game designers to compare and analyze generators’ capabilities within the same game genre....

  7. Riikide majandusvabaduse hindamise metoodikad ning majandusvabadus Eestis / Mario Lambing

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lambing, Mario


    Heritage Foundationi ja The Wall Street Journali uuringust "Majandusvabaduse indeks" ning Fraseri instituudi poolt koostatavast raportist "Majandusvabadus maailmas". Tabelid: Majandusvabaduse indeksite kajastatavad valdkonnad ning nende väärtused Eestis; Majandusvabaduse edetabelid. Graafik: Eesti hinne ja koht majandusvabaduse indeksites


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jacopo Carracci (alias Pontormo) and Giorgio De Chirico were a source of inspiration for Luzi's ... parte: 3; 24 febbraio 1934, II parte: 3. 2. M. Luzi, Prima ..... M. Luzi, Il sonno e la donna , in Corriere della Sera, 26 marzo 2005: 1; poi con il titolo. Dorme e sente ..... Nel 1976 realizza le sue prime lastre calcografiche presso la.

  9. Reduksionisme Eksplanatif untuk Antropologi Transendental Jawadi Amuli

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    Cipta Bakti Gama


    Full Text Available Abstract : This article explains how an explanatory reductionism theory can be applied to the integration of various disciplines in Jawadi Amuli’s transcendent anthropology. Departing from the trilemma among the demand of certain forms of reduction of concepts, propositions, and theories in the process of integrating two disciplines of knowledge or more; the Promethean man reductionism problem; and the essentialist framework of Aristotelian logic in Jawadi Amuli’s anthropology, the author explores some extent of possibility and certain forms of application of explanatory reductionism for such transcendent anthropology. By using the method of Ricoeurian hermeneutics that emphasizes distantiation, interpretation, and appropriation, the author conducts a qualitative literary research to arrive at a number of important conclusions as follows. First, Jawadi Amuli has implemented certain forms of an explanatory reductionism in integrating philosophy, 'irfan, and Quranic exegesis in his transcendent anthropology. Second, Mario Bunge’s explanatory reductionism can be applied in the integration of various disciplines of knowledge for constructing transcendent anthropology which is approached through the objective effects of human existence in the material universe. Third, explanatory reductionism principle could be modified into Sadrian psycho-physical reductionism and Sadrian immaterial composition reductionism. Fourth, the use of definitions need to be expanded to include those of loose definitions. Fifthly, the premises used in transcendent anthropology need to be expanded to include zhannî premises. Keywords :  Explanatory reductionism, transcendent anthropology, integration of disciplines, Mario Bunge, Jawadi Amuli Abstrak : tulisan ini menjelaskan bagaimana teori reduksionisme eksplanatif bisa diterapkan pada integrasi berbagai disiplin ilmu dalam antropologi transendental Jawadi Amuli. Berangkat dari trilema antara tuntutan reduksi konsep

  10. Block Iterative Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Difference Equations. (United States)


    S V PARTER, M STEUERWALT N0OO14-7A-C-0341 UNCLASSIFIED CSTR -447 NL ENN.EEEEEN LLf SCOMPUTER SCIENCES c~DEPARTMENT SUniversity of Wisconsin- SMadison...suggests that iterative algorithms that solve for several points at once will converge more rapidly than point algorithms . The Gaussian elimination... algorithm is seen in this light to converge in one step. Frankel [14], Young [34], Arms, Gates, and Zondek [1], and Varga [32], using the algebraic structure

  11. No. 43 - Abril/Junio 1992 / PUBLICACIONES ICESI


    Sicard Ramírez, Jaime; Vargas Quiñones, Martha Elena; Aldana de Vega, Luzángela; Urrea Cortavarria, Amalia; Pérez Uribe, Rafael Ignacio; Ochoa Díaz, Francisco Héctor; Coate, L. Edwin; González Zamora, José Hipólito


    Esta revista provee acceso libre inmediato a su contenido bajo el principio de que hacer disponible gratuitamente la investigación al publico, lo cual fomenta un mayor intercambio de conocimiento global. Libertad, ciencia y eficiencia : objetivos de la gerencia universitaria, Sicard Ramírez, Jaime -- Calidad total en la Universidad de la Sabana : un modelo a desarrollar, Vargas Quiñones, Martha Elena ; Aldana de Vega, Luzángela -- Concepto de calidad en EAFIT, Urrea Co...

  12. Brazilian Participation in World War II (United States)


    Brasil na Segunda Guerra Mundial (Brazil in War World II): In order to have personnel to perform the jobs of company commanders, it was necessary to...Branco, 136. 18Octavio Costa, Trinta Anos Depois da Volta. O Brasil na Segunda Guerra Mundial (Rio de Janeiro: Bibliex, 1976), 30. 46 Segunda Guerra Mundial . Rio de Janeiro: Biblioteca do Exército Editora, 1976. Dulles, John W. F. Vargas of Brazil: A Political Biography. Austin

  13. Few-body problem in terms of correlated Gaussians (United States)

    Silvestre-Brac, Bernard; Mathieu, Vincent


    In their textbook, Suzuki and Varga [Stochastic Variational Approach to Quantum-Mechanical Few-Body Problems (Springer, Berlin, 1998)] present the stochastic variational method with the correlated Gaussian basis in a very exhaustive way. However, the Fourier transform of these functions and their application to the management of a relativistic kinetic energy operator are missing and cannot be found in the literature. In this paper we present these interesting formulas. We also give a derivation for formulations concerning central potentials.

  14. Increasing Students' Motivation by Using Computers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodríguez Aura Stella


    Full Text Available The lack of motivation in the 9th grade students of Tomás Rueda Vargas School was the objective of this project, so we planned a series of workshops in Microsoft Word to apply in the computer lab. We observed that by working in groups of four in the computer lab, the students did the activities with enthusiasm. It could also be noticed that the workshops were effective in reinforcing English learning.

  15. Parima ulmeteose kirjutas Kivirähk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ulmeauhind Stalker 2008 - tõlkeromaan: Martin, George R. R. Troonide mäng / tlk. Mario Kivistik; tõlkejutt: Card, Orson Scott. Kuninglik liha; algupärane raamat: Kivirähk, Andrus. Mees, kes teadis ussisõnu; algupärane jutt: Veskimees, Siim. Keskpäevapimedus; parim eesti autori jutt: Risto, Taivo. Laatsaruse rahamasin. Vt. ka Looming, 2008, nr. 8, lk. 1271

  16. Summary of Research 2000, Department of Systems Management (United States)


    de Ingenieria Aeroniutica, 1982 Master of Science in Management-March 2000 and Marcelo B. Rodrigues-Lieutenant Commander, Brazilian Navy B.S...Brazilian Naval Academy, 1983 Master of Science in Management-December 1999 and Mario Karpowicz-Major, Argentine Air Force B.S., Escuela de Ingenieria ...83 Analysis of the Company Officer Management Information System (COMIS) Performance Measurement Software at the United States Naval Academy

  17. La découverte de l'antihydrogène

    CERN Document Server

    Jacob, Maurice René Michel; CERN. Geneva


    1. L'antimatiÂ?re. Qu'est-ce que c'est? Comment apparaÂ?t-elle? Quel est d'ores et dÂ?jÂ? son rÂ?le au CERN et ailleurs? par Maurice JACOB 2. PrÂ?sentation de l'expÂ?rience PS210 qui a conduit Â? la dÂ?couverte de l'antihydrogÂ?ne par Mario MACRI

  18. COLREGS-Compliant Autonomous Collision Avoidance Using Multi-Objective Optimization with Interval Programming (United States)


    Mario Bollini, Tan Yew (William) Teck, the Dan Codiga and the University of Rhode Island team, the MIT 2.680 course staff, and certainly the many...119 5.3.1 Above Water Acoustics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 5.3.2 AIS Advancements...127 6 Conclusions 129 A Regression Framework 131 B Regression Results 133 C Graphical Results of Experimentation 147 9 THIS PAGE

  19. Fra spil-filmatiseringen til spil-filmen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Henrik Smed


    Filmatiseringer af computerspil har siden Super Mario Bros.i 1993 været en fast del af Hollywoods repertoire. Sjældent fører de dog andet med sig end lunkne anmeldelser og sure spil-fans. Elleve år tidligere, med TRON i 1982, ser spil-filmen dagens lys. Uden brands og licensaftaler i ryggen tegne...

  20. El formalismo de la transformada de Fourier fraccionaria en el procesamiento óptico de la información


    Granieri, Sergio Carlos


    El objetivo general de este trabajo de tesis consiste en investigar la incidencia del formalismo de la transformada de Fourier fraccionaria en el procesamiento óptico de la información, analizar su relación con otras transformadas de interés óptico y desarrollar sus posibles aplicaciones Asesor académico: Dr. Mario Garavaglia Facultad de Ciencias Exactas

  1. Concurrent Smalltalk on the Message-Driven Processor (United States)


    language close to Concurrent Smalltalk and having an almost identical name is CONCURRENTSMALLTALK [39] [40] independently developed by Yasuhiko Yokote and...Laboratory Memo 1044, October 1988. [391 Yokote, Yasuhiko , and Tokoro, Mario. ’The Design and Implementation of Concur- rentSmalltalk." Proceedings...of the 1986 Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Lan- guages, and Applications Conference, September 1986. 222 Bibliography [401 Yokote, Yasuhiko , and

  2. El recurso literario latinoamericano en su contexto globalizado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert McKee Irwin


    Full Text Available The present paper intervenes on the debates on the transnational circulation of Latin Americanliterature in the contemporary context of globalisation. Taking into account the wide transnational circulation of certain genres of creative writing in previous periods (Yolanda Vargas Dulche’s comic, Mauricio Magdaleno’s film script, both supported by the Mexican cultural industry, proposes to problematize the terms of the debate in terms of the timeframe of globalisation and the conceptualisation of the notion of literature in globalised spaces.

  3. Denúncias sociais e corrupção na obra Agosto de Rubem Fonseca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christiane de Sousa Viana


    Full Text Available The present research presents the analysis of the representation of Rubem Fonseca concerning last the 24 days of the government Getúlio Vargas in 1954, the novel in August, published in 1990. The article looks for to demonstrate as Literature can be used as historical document, disclosing some aspects of the society of a time, as author thinks this society of which he writes, as its positioning was affected by it and front to the problems for it faced.

  4. VIH e infecciones oportunistas: un tema de actualidad y motivo de interés en nuestra familia FELSOCEM.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Felipe Parra Velasco


    Full Text Available Me complace observar, la forma en que los estudiantes de medicina se concientizan de problemas grandes de nuestra sociedad, que impactan la salud en términos de mortalidad. Es el caso del VIH; referenciado en un artículo de la edición anterior; denominado “Infecciones oportunistas en individuos VIH hospitalizados. Hospital Vargas de Caracas. 2005 - 2006”, poniendo en manifiesto las infecciones oportunistas como factor determinante en la sobrevida de los pacientes que padecen esta enfermedad (...

  5. Latin America Report (United States)


    Bonilla , of the Labor Affairs section of the CST, says that the reasons for the absenteeism in these 59 enterprises during the first half of the year...absences. Bonilla indicated that in that half of 1986, there were 28,878 unjustified absences in these 59 enterprises studied alone, of which total the...labor day was only utilized to the extent of 72, 61, 64 or 69 percent. Damaso Vargas and Pablo Martinez, CST leaders in Region III, say that there are

  6. Special Session on Adaptive Optics in Russia and China. Volume 23 (United States)


    Fisica Aplicada. Universidad de Cantabria. 39005. SANTANDER. SPAIN. Tel: 42-201445. Fax: 42-201402. 1.- INTRODUCTION To estimate the centroid of a light...Lia M. Zerbino ##, Eduardo Aguirre +, Anibal P. Laquidara ++ and Mario-Garavaglia ft. Centro de Investigaciones Opticas (CIOp) CC 124 Correo Central...Professor at Universidad Nacional dt La Plata and CONICET Engiuneer. C (lOp belongs to Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Ticnicas (CONICET

  7. El Salvador: A Communist Objective. (United States)


    in planning their military operations. o The series of contacts between Salvadoran communist leaders and officials of serveral communist states that...about 10 inches, monthly, usually limited to afternoon showers. However, in * June and September temporales , or heavy rains, bring a persistent...Jose Mario Lemus alienated most of its popular support in a series of clashes with demonstrating university students, and on October 26, 1960, it was

  8. On Algorithms for Nonlinear Minimax and Min-Max-Min Problems and Their Efficiency (United States)


    dissertation is complete, I can finally stay home after dinner to play Wii with you. LET’S GO Mario and Yellow Mushroom... xv THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY... balance the accuracy of the approximation with problem ill-conditioning. The sim- plest smoothing algorithm creates an accurate smooth approximating...sizing in electronic circuit boards (Chen & Fan, 1998), obstacle avoidance for robots (Kirjner- Neto & Polak, 1998), optimal design centering

  9. La recherche écosanté en pratique : Applications novatrices d'une ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    22 juil. 2014 ... ... de l'écosanté forment un tout qui prouve à quel point il s'agit d'un domaine dynamique et en évolution constante doté d'une mission claire et animé par une communauté de praticiens scientifique toujours plus large. Mario Henry Rodríguez, Directeur général, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Mexique.

  10. INSP : initiatives et partenariats | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    10 mai 2011 ... L'Institut Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP) du Mexique a accueilli le Forum international écosanté 2008 (FIE 2008) à Mérida. C'était un rôle tout à fait naturel à bien des égards pour l'INSP.La démarche écosanté est le modus operandi que l'institut aimerait adopter, selon Mario-Henry Rodriguez, directeur ...

  11. Theoretical Study of Si(x)Ge(y)Li(z)- (x=4-10, y=1-10, z=0-10) Clusters for Designing of Novel Nanostructured Materials to be Utilized as Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries (United States)


    AFRL-OSR-VA-TR-2015-0088 Theoretical Study of Novel Nanostructured Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries Mario Sanchez-Vazquez CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION ...AND ADDRESS(ES) CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION EN MATERIALES AVANZADOS, S.C. AV. MIGUEL DE CERVANTES NO. 120 CHIHUAHUA, 31109 MX 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION...1156-0812 Organization / Institution name Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, S.C. Grant/Contract Title The full title of the funded

  12. Modeling and Analysis of Target Echo and Clutter in Range-Dependent Bistatic Environments: FY13 Annual Report for ONR (United States)


    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) (of UNESCO ) and the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), British Oceanographic Data... LA , USA, 27 Nov – 1 Dec 2007. [PT09] John S. Perkins and Eric I. Thorsos. Update on the reverberation modeling workshops. J. Acoust. Soc. Am...Undersea Research Centre, La Spezia, Italy, 2008. Conference held at Villa Marigola, Lerici, Italy, 9–12 September 2008. [ZAS10] Mario Zampolli

  13. Reflexões sobre o planejamento em saúde e o processo da reforma sanitária brasileira Reflexiones sobre el proyecto en la salud y el proceso en la reforma sanitaria brasileña Reflections about the health planning and the process of sanitary reforms in Brazil

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    Francisco Carlos Félix Lana


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho. os autores procuraram desenvolver algumas reflexões sobre as formulações das políticas sociais brasileiras nos regimes populista, militar e de transição democrática e os modelos de planejamento, partindo do pressuposto que o planejamento social emerge na América Latina como instrumento para a formulação de políticas sociais. Trataram, ainda, de considerar algumas tendências do Planejamento na América Latina destacando o Enfoque Estratégico da Programação em Saúde, formulado pela Escola de Saúde Pública de Medellín; o Pensamento Estratégico elaborado por Mario Testa; e o Planejamento Estratégico Situacional desenvolvido por Carlos Matus.En este trabajo, los autores buscaron desarrollar algunas ponderaciones acerca de las formulaciones de la política social brasileña, en los regimenes populistas, militares, los llamados de transición democrática y los modelos de planificación, con la premisa de que el proyecto social emerge en América Latina como un instrumento para la formula de políticas sociales. Se trató además, considerar alunas tendencias de la planificación en América Latina sobresaliendo el Enfoque Estratégico de la Programación en Salud, formulados por la Escuela de Salud Publica de Medellín, el Pensamiento Estratégico elaborado por Mario Testa; y la Planificación Estratégico Situacional desarrollado por Carlos Matos.The authors considered carefully the Brazilian social policies at the regimes of populism and militarism as well as at the democratic transition following the presupposition that the social planning in Latin America emerged as an instrument for social policies formulation. The authors also considered some tendencies of the Latin America Planning emphasizing the Strategic Focus of the Health Program formulated by the Public Health School of Medellin; the Strategic Thought elaborated by Mario Testa; and the Strategic Situational Planning developed by Carlos Matus.

  14. Signs of cosmic rays in gravitational wave detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tavares, Denis Borgarelli


    One of the phenomena predicted by Einstein in the derivation of general relativity is the existence of small perturbations of the metric that he named gravitational waves. As they travel through space oscillates the space-time according to its polarization. This is the only major prediction of general relativity not yet proven completely. The small signal generated by the passage of a gravitational wave compared to the noise in the system of detection makes their direct detection one challenge of modern science. In this paper we study the noise generated by cosmic rays in the gravitational antenna Mario Schenberg, located in the city of Sao Paulo. Single muons and hadrons flux measurements held in the northern hemisphere were used to calculate the expected flux of these particles in the city of Sao Paulo. The calculation of the energy deposited in the detector of gravitational waves from cosmic rays was performed by Monte Carlo simulations using Geant4. The transport of muons and protons, with several energy and some different angles of incidence, across the building and the resonant sphere was simulated. We developed a thermo-acoustic model, called multi-point, suitable for calculating the energy deposited in the normal modes from the energy deposited on the sphere by elementary particles. With these results we calculate the expected rate of cosmic ray signals in the main detection mode of gravitational waves, nl = 12, of the Mario Schenberg detector, for temperatures T noise between 10 -5 and 10 -7 K. The results showed for the designed for 4.2 K sensitivity of the Mario Schenberg detector that the rate of signals due to cosmic rays is very small, being around 5 events per day. However, when it will reach the quantum limit will be needed a more detailed analysis of the antenna signal output, since the expected number of cosmic ray noise increases considerably, reaching about 250 signals per day. (author)

  15. Editoriale

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    Egidio Pozzi


    Full Text Available Questo numero di Analitica presenta un articolo di Alessandro Bratus proposto al Settimo Convegno di Analisi e Teoria Musicale tenuto all’Istituto Musicale Pareggiato “L. Lettimi” di Rimini nel novembre del 2009 e una riflessione del Presidente del GATM, Mario Baroni, sul recente VII European Music Analysis Conference (EuroMac 2011 che si è svolto a Roma tra il 29 settembre e il 2 ottobre 2011.

  16. Bunge on gravitational waves


    Romero, Gustavo E.


    I discuss the recent claims made by Mario Bunge on the philosophical implications of the discovery of gravitational waves. I think that Bunge is right when he points out that the detection implies the materiality of spacetime, but I reject his identification of spacetime with the gravitational field. I show that Bunge's analysis of the spacetime inside a hollow sphere is defective, but this in no way affects his main claim.

  17. Translations on Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Number 282. (United States)


    Judicial Police agents Francisco Fernandez Marin and Jesus Godoy Garcia. The arrest of Humberto de los Angeles Gutierrez and dentist Mario Alberto ...National Defense. He replaces Lt Col Alberto Alonso Rodriguez who has been named deputy commander of the 52nd Infantry Battalion in Chihuahua sell in that city. Gaico Veremo Jacama (grower) 42 years of age, rural worker, living in Chibabava. Joao Mahala (smoker) bachelor, 34 years old

  18. Translations on Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Number 313 (United States)


    Santa Luzia, more accurately, in the district of Centro de Joao Paulo. Five plantations were burned and 247 kilos of marihuana were seized in Aldeia...States. The prisoners are: Olegario Rodriguez Rodriguez, Jose Alberto Ruiz, Pablo Astorga Lozano, Oscar Angulo Picos, Rodolfo Chavez Picos, Miguel...federal agents had also arrested the brothers Mario and Jorge Alberto Sandoval with 250 kilos of marihuana in their possession which they had planned

  19. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Center of Excellence at the University of Pennsylvania (United States)


    the corre- sponding painting. The Four Seasons Ho- tels is a neighbor of the Museum of Art on Ben« jimin Franklin Park- way. The brief, pictur...FIRST POSITION May 92 Mario F.M. Campos "Robotic Exploration of Mate- Asst. Professor, Departmento de Ciencia rial and Kinematic...cartoon world refinements to the art and technique took much work, time, and study. Creating such movements automatically in response to real-time

  20. Gestión ambiental urbana en un barrio del área metropolitana del Gran Resistencia


    Foulkes, María Dora


    Fil: Foulkes, María Dora. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo; Argentina. Fil: Lombardo, Ricardo. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo; Argentina. Fil: Berent, Mario. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo; Argentina. La gestión ambiental se entiende como el conjunto de acciones realizadas por una sociedad, o una parte de la misma, para proteger el ambiente, modificando situaciones...

  1. The Economic Effects of Reduced Defense Spending (United States)


    Macroeconomics Annual 1987 (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press), pp. 263-315; and Leonardo Leiderman and Mario Blejer, " Modeling and Testing Ricardian ... model ), converting LIFT’s 78-sector forecasts of final demand by product to estimates for some 420 producing sectors. Unlike LIFT, DOM does not...24s in production in Fort Worth, Texas, during World War II. Photo is courtesy of Gen- eral Dynamics Corporation. Preface The past three years

  2. Air & Space Power Journal. Volume 21, Number 3, Fall 2007 (United States)


    Lt Tim Larribau, French Air Force 27 The Servicio de Vigilancia Aérea: Defending Costa Rican bad. At the micro level, identification with a unit is cer­ tainly healthy, especially in combat forces, for building esprit and fostering...Statement PIREP-Overall.indd 33 7/31/07 12:47:44 PM The Servicio de Vigilancia Aérea Defending Costa Rican Sovereignty Mario E. ovErall* A

  3. Evaluation of the human prolactin of National Production for use in radioimmunoassay (RIA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caso, R.; Arranz, C.


    In this work was studied the possibility of using the Prolactin hormone as raw material to produce Kits-RIA of Prolactin. Was used the prolactin, which is obtained in Cuba by the Pharmaceutical Institute Mario Munoz. Was made the labbeling of Prolactin with I-125, was used the hormone as standard and were done the probes of quality control. The Prolactin Hormone had the necesary quality to produce Kits-RIA-Prolactin

  4. Evaluation of the human prolactin of National Production for use in radioimmunoassay (RIA); Evaluacion de la prolactina humana de produccion nacional para su empleo en radioimmunoanalisis (RIA)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caso, R [Centro de Isotopos, La Habana (Cuba); Arranz, C [Instituto Nacional de Endocrinologia, La Habana (Cuba)


    In this work was studied the possibility of using the Prolactin hormone as raw material to produce Kits-RIA of Prolactin. Was used the prolactin, which is obtained in Cuba by the Pharmaceutical Institute Mario Munoz. Was made the labbeling of Prolactin with I-125, was used the hormone as standard and were done the probes of quality control. The Prolactin Hormone had the necesary quality to produce Kits-RIA-Prolactin.

  5. Theoretical Study of Si(x) Ge(y)Li(z) (x=4-10, y=1-10, z=0-10) Clusters for Designing of Novel Nanostructured Materials to be Utilized as Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries (United States)


    AFRL-OSR-VA-TR-2015-0088 Theoretical Study of Novel Nanostructured Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries Mario Sanchez-Vazquez CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION ...PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION EN MATERIALES AVANZADOS, S.C. AV. MIGUEL DE CERVANTES NO. 120 CHIHUAHUA, 31109 MX 8...52-81-1156-0812 Organization / Institution name Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, S.C. Grant/Contract Title The full title of the

  6. Anemia prevalence and treatment practice in patients with non-myeloid tumors receiving chemotherapy


    Merlini,; Cartenì,; Iacobelli,; Stelitano,; Airoldi,Mairoldi; Balcke,Peter; Keil,Felix; Haslbauer,Ferdinand; Belton,Laura; Pujol,


    Laura Merlini,1 Giacomo Cartenì,2 Stefano Iacobelli,3 Caterina Stelitano,4 Mario Airoldi,5 Peter Balcke,6 Felix Keil,7 Ferdinand Haslbauer,8 Laura Belton,9 Beatriz Pujol10 1Department of Medical Oncology, Ospedale Civile S, Bortolo, Vicenza, 2Department of OncoHematology, Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale "Antonio Cardarelli", Napoli, 3Department of Medical Oncology, Ospedale Clinicizzato SS Annunziata, Chieti, 4Department of Hematology, Azienda Ospedali...

  7. Domain decomposition methods for mortar finite elements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Widlund, O.


    In the last few years, domain decomposition methods, previously developed and tested for standard finite element methods and elliptic problems, have been extended and modified to work for mortar and other nonconforming finite element methods. A survey will be given of work carried out jointly with Yves Achdou, Mario Casarin, Maksymilian Dryja and Yvon Maday. Results on the p- and h-p-version finite elements will also be discussed.

  8. Evolving Personalized Content for Super Mario Bros Using Grammatical Evolution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shaker, Noor; Yannakakis, Georgios N.; Togelius, Julian


    -adapted content by employing an adaptation mechanism as a fitness function in grammatical evolution to optimize the player experience of three emotional states: engagement, frustration and challenge. The fitness functions used are models of player experience constructed in our previous work from crowd...

  9. Mario Bunge's Materialist Theory of Mind and Contemporary Cognitive Science (United States)

    Slezak, Peter


    Bunge's writings on the mind-body problem provide a rigorous, analytical antidote to the persistent anti-materialist tendency that has characterized the history of philosophy and science. Bunge gives special attention to dualism and its shortcomings, and this attention is welcome in view of the resurgence of the doctrine today. However, I focus my comments selectively on Bunge's more controversial, provocative claims, not to dismiss them, but to engage with them seriously. For example, a difficulty arising from Bunge's rhetorical style and its undoubted virtues is that not all the targets of his selfconfessed "bashings" (2010, xi) are equally deserving. For example, Bunge suggests "most contemporary philosophers of mind are indifferent to psychology, or are remarkably uninformed about it". This charge cannot be sustained today in light of the work of foremost philosophers today.

  10. Mario Bunge's Materialist Theory of Mind and Contemporary Cognitive Science (United States)

    Slezak, Peter


    Bunge's writings on the mind-body problem provide a rigorous, analytical antidote to the persistent anti-materialist tendency that has characterized the history of philosophy and science. Bunge gives special attention to dualism and its shortcomings, and this attention is welcome in view of the resurgence of the doctrine today. However, I focus my…

  11. Mozart, Hawthorne, and Mario Savio: Aesthetic Power and Political Complicity. (United States)

    Herbert, T. Walter


    Discusses the false dichotomy pitting aesthetic power against political complicity in literary criticism. Considers the sexual politics of the household of Nathaniel Hawthorne in light of this opposition. Suggests how literary works keep warring voices and inner conflicts alive and at odds. (HB)

  12. Os mineiros de carvão, seus patrões e as leis sobre trabalho: conflitos e estratégias durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial Coal miners, their employers, and labor laws: conflicts and strategies during World War II

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clarice Gontarski Speranza


    Full Text Available O artigo examina uma série de conflitos ocorridos entre trabalhadores das minas de carvão e seus patrões no Rio Grande do Sul em 1943, relacionados à pressão pelo cumprimento de leis. Tais conflitos tiveram desdobramentos diretos no Judiciário, indicando uma opção dos militantes sindicais pela estratégia legal e política como forma de garantir direitos. Essa estratégia combinava um discurso de aparente confiança e apoio ao governo de Getúlio Vargas, e de júbilo e elogio pela instalação da Justiça do Trabalho, porém associados a uma cobrança intensa pelo cumprimento da legislação social e à utilização ativa dos instrumentos jurídico-legais.The article examines a series of conflicts between coal miners and the Rio Grande do Sul mining companies in 1943, all of which were related to pressure to enforce laws. These conflicts had direct legal consequences, indicating that labor activists chose a political and legal strategy as a means of ensuring labor rights. This strategy combined apparent confidence in and support for the Getulio Vargas government, as well as great joy with and praise for the creation of the Labor Court, associated with strong pressure for the implementation of social legislation and the active use of legal instruments.

  13. Educação e fascismo no Brasil: a formação escolar da infância e o Estado Novo (1937- 1945

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    Ademir Valdir dos Santos


    Full Text Available El Estado Nuevo fué el gobierno dictatorial encabezado por Getúlio Vargas. En este período la acción del gobierno se caracterizó por la búsqueda de la formación de la nacionalidad y de la identidad brasileña. En este estudio destacamos la orientación política e ideológica del Estado Nuevo que objetivó llegar a las escuelas primarias, especialmente a los sitios de la inmigración europea en el sur de Brasil, generando cambios pedagógicos. Analizamos ediciones de un periódico escolar llamado Todo por el Brasil, escritas entre 1941 y 1944, y los documentos de la legislación educativa como los informes de inspección de la escuela y actas. Demostramos que los textos escritos por niños de la escuela primaria y trasportados para el periódico escolar explicitán, en su forma y contenido, las ideas del régimen político. Como actividad del plan de estudios, la participación de los niños en la preparación del periódico podría colaborar en la formación de los ciudadanos que el Brasil necesitaba. En el Estado Nuevo, la educación servió al proyecto de construcción concebido por el fascismo nacionalista de Getúlio Vargas.

  14. XRF and XANES Data for Kaplan U Paper (United States)

    The dataset contains two XRF images of iron and uranium distribution on plant roots and a database of XANES data used to produce XANES spectra figure for Figure 7 in the published paper.This dataset is associated with the following publication:Kaplan, D., R. Kukkadapu, J. Seaman, B. Arey, A. Dohnalkova, S. Buettner, D. Li, T. Varga, K. Scheckel, and P. Jaffe. Iron Mineralogy and Uranium-Binding Environment in the Rhizosphere of a Wetland Soil. D. Barcelo SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. Elsevier BV, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 569: 53-64, (2016).

  15. O Estado Novo, o rádio e seus órgãos reguladores

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    Othon Jambeiro


    Full Text Available This paper analyses the Brazilian broadcasting regulation in the 1935-1945 period, including the Estado Novo coup d'etat preparation, its implementation, consolidation and fall. It is taken into account the historical context and the national and international changes which occured in that period. It also analyses the rules for broadcasting and mass communication media, particularly on control issues. Functions, structure and acting of the Departmento de Imprensa e Propaganda - DIP area studied, in the perspective of understanding the role of the most important intelligence agency of the Vargas government.

  16. [International cooperation in health: the Special Service of Public Health and its nursing program]. (United States)

    de Campos, André Luiz Vieira


    This paper analyzes the role of the Serviço Especial de Saúde Pública (Special Service of Public Health) in developing and expanding higher education in nursing and to train auxiliary health personnel in Brazil under bilateral agreements between the US and Brazil during the 1940s and 1950s. The Nursing Program of the Special Service is approached from the perspective of its participation in a broader international cooperation developed by the Pan American Health Organization, but also as part of the state and nation building effort of the first Vargas Regime.





    Resultados presentados recientemente, que se incluyen en esta tesis (Armijo, R., R. Rauld, R. Thiele, G. Vargas, J. Campos, R. Lacassin, and E. Kausel (2010), The West Andean Thrust (WAT), the San Ramón Fault and the seismic hazard for Santiago (Chile), Tectonics, 29, TC2007, doi:10.1029/2008TC002427) modifican substancialmente paradigmas anteriores sobre la tectónica Andina y la Geología de la región de Santiago, sosteniendo que: 1) El orógeno Andino es fundamentalmente bi-vergente, in...

  18. Investigación del conglomerado colapsable de la Cano-Vitor Arequipa


    Fernández Sixto, Erasmo Alejandro; Fernández Sixto, Erasmo Alejandro


    El conocimiento de la existencia de suelos compuestos por un conglomerado de partículas gruesas (gravas, guijarros y botones) embebidos dentro de una matriz de partículas menores (arenas, limos y arcillas), que posee un comportamiento colapsable; no tiene precedentes en el Perú a excepción de la advertencia señalada por el profesor Alberto Martínez Vargas (1980). Justamente el mencionado investigador atribuyó al suelo de la formación Sotillo localizado en la escarpa del Pie de la Cuesta en el...

  19. AMAR: A Computational Model of Autosegmental Phonology (United States)


    whinle writing the thesis: and finally. .1inanit a Vargas, for keeping iny spirits up, f~or sitting becside tiet for hours, for- ftlying up f’roin...iirjpliologv i td lat Ia iiglia’t.. liitcad. it iiilistitclv li k iii~ hrl~ ielt -f)rcr, iiwietlid’ te I rv to) siilt oii(aeiti. iu~ilg .III a coiiealt-iatlvix...user of’ Delt a write , a pro-raml ill heit Delta programmniitg language ( hertz 199(1). which might typically read ]in somne port ion oil input

  20. Genotoxicity of plant extracts

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    Vera M. F. Vargas


    Full Text Available Aqueous extracts of seven species used in Brazilian popular medicine (Achyrocline satureoides, Iodina rhombifolia, Desmodium incanum, Baccharis anomala, Tibouchina asperior, Luehea divaricata, Maytenus ilicifolia were screened to the presence of mutagenic activity in the Ames test (Salmonella/microsome. Positive results were obtained for A. satureoides, B anomala and L. divaricata with microsomal activation. As shown elsewhere (Vargas et al., 1990 the metabolites of A. satureoides extract also show the capacity to induce prophage and/or SOS response in microscreen phage induction assay and SOS spot chromotest.

  1. Educação e Cinema / Education and Cinema


    Cielo, Fernanda; de Oliveira, Valeska Fortes


    Rosália Duarte é professora do Departamento de Educação edo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, da PUC do Rio deJaneiro. É graduada em Psicologia, mestre e doutora em Educação,pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e Fundação GetúlioVargas, respectivamente. Atualmente coordena o Grupo dePesquisa Educação e Mídia na PUC/Rio de Janeiro, trabalhandotemas como cinema, mídias, televisão na educação.

  2. Characterization of the PROALCOOL in the State of Sao Paulo:, Brazil establishment of homogeneous groups of plants and distilleries; Caracterizacao do PROALCOOL no Estado de Sao Paulo: formacao de grupos homogeneos de usinas e destilarias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shih, L.C.; Hwa, C.M.F.; Andreoni, S.; Myiake, M.Y. [Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas (IPT), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    A methodology to stratify the ethanol plants operating in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in homogeneous groups is presented. This group was obtained by multivariate stratification techniques considering factors as scale of production, agricultural productivity, industrial efficiency and effective industrial capacity utilization. This methodology differs from those adopted by the Fundacao Getulio Vargas and the Organizacao dos Plantadores de Cana-Orplana who consider only one variable- the scale of production. The advantage of this multivariate stratification is that the result clusters reflect more accurately the differences among the existing distilleries. 4 refs., 2 tabs.

  3. A new project for operators qualifying: the REPAR challenge; Um novo projeto para a qualificacao dos operadores: um desafio a ser enfrentado pela REPAR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuenzer, Acacia Z. [Parana Univ., Curitiba (Brazil)]. E-mail:; Reis, Mario Newton Coelho [PETROBRAS, Araucaria, PR (Brazil). Refinaria Presidente Getulio Vargas. Unidade de Negocios Repar]. E-mail:


    This article presents the competence evaluation development and compensation model that is being implemented by Refinaria Presidente Getulio Vargas (REPAR), through a partnership with the Education Sector of the Universidade Federal do Parana. The project aims to create and implement a program for training and development of process operator competencies, to prepare the refinery and its workers to the new necessities workers in the work world, more precisely, in the petroleum refining industry. After a year and a half of work some results can already be observed, as well as opportunities of project improvement. (author)

  4. Odisea

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    Mario Perrotta


    Full Text Available Desde su estreno el 16 de noviembre de 2007, el espectáculo Odisea de Mario Perrotta (Lecce, 1970 no ha dejado de cosechar numerosos elogios de público y crítica. Protagonista de dos de los más afortunados espectáculos de la última década (Italiani, Cìncali! y La turnata, en torno a la dolorosa emigración a Bélgica y Holanda de trabajadores italianos durante la primera posguerra, Mario Perrota protagoniza con esta obra un giro en su producción, apartándose momentáneamente de la vena más civil y comprometida de su trabajo en favor de una dramaturgia más introspectiva centrada en trascender la narración para volcar, en un verdadero monólogo, las inquietudes de un Telémaco moderno a la espera del padre apenas conocido. Reflexión sobre la paternidad y, en cierto modo, la pacata sociedad de nuestros días, la lectura propuesta de la Odisea supone una inteligente actualización del mito homérico y de las posibilidades que los textos clásicos siguen ofreciendo para iluminar aspectos de nuestra condición humana.

  5. Combate à fome no Brasil: uma análise histórica de Vargas a Lula Fighting hunger in Brazil: a historical analysis from Presidents Vargas to Lula

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    Francisco de Assis Guedes de Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available Este estudo consiste de uma análise histórica dos programas de combate à fome no Brasil no período de 1930 a 2003. Como critérios metodológicos de análise foram estabelecidos três cortes transversais, correspondentes a contextos específicos da trajetória da política social de alimentação e nutrição no Brasil: 1930-1963; 1964-1984; 1985-2003. Em cada corte investigado, procurou-se identificar e descrever os programas de alimentação e nutrição e evidenciar as suas principais categorias discursivas. A análise dos programas aponta importantes mudanças, sobretudo depois da metade dos anos 1980. A partir desse período, a política de combate à fome no país transitou do planejamento autoritário ao participativo; da centralização à descentralização administrativa; da universalização à focalização de benefícios; do controle estatal ao social; da distribuição de alimentos à transferência de renda em dinheiro; do financiamento público à parceria entre público e privado, entre sociedade civil e Estado.This study consists of a historical analysis of the programmes aimed at fighting hunger in Brazil, in the period from 1930 to 2003. As methodological criteria for this analysis three transverse sections were established, corresponding to specific contexts in the history of the social policy on food and nutrition in Brazil: 1930-1963; 1964-1984 and 1985-2003. The survey attempts to identify and describe the food and nutrition programmes, showing the main discursive categories in each section studied. An analysis of the programmes shows important changes, above all, since the mid-eighties. As from this point, the policy for fighting hunger in the country passed from authoritarian planning to partnership; from centralized to decentralized administration; from universal to specific benefits; from State control to social control; from distribution of food to transference of income in cash; from public financing to public and private partnerships between the civilian society and the State.

  6. Arthur Schnitzler: immaginare il femminile. Esempi letterari e cinematografici


    Saletta, Ester


    Short stories like Doktor Gräsler Badearzt, Casanova Heimfahrt, Traumnovelle, Spiel im Morgen­grauen and cinematographic adaptations like the ones by Roberto Faenza (1990), Edouard Niermans (1992), Mario Bianchi (1989) and Götz Spielmann (2001) show various examples of female and male imaginative sexual/gender identity: strong emancipated women, weak and subordinated men and ambiguous beings like the chameleon couple Leopoldine/Willi Kasda. In these contexts literature and film no longer defi...

  7. A Cooperative Communication System for the Advancement of Safe, Effective, and Efficient Patient Care (United States)


    As more data becomes available to the AI system during patient care, the CCS will continuously (in real time) improve its availability and...available via a relational database. To that end, ARA developed a customizable widget-based web framework for use in CCS. Users will be presented with a...Manager Dr. Salinas, LtCol Pamplin, and Ms. Mario -Selvin to discuss Phase 2. 4. Results. The research team developed a number of work in-progress

  8. ORA User’s Guide 2012 (United States)


    on public health organizations in Duchess County, NY. Identifying reports with AIS data. Organizations where ORA has been used include: AFIT, SOCOM...described by Scott Kirkpatrick, C. Daniel Gelatt and Mario P. Vecchi in 1983,[ 1 ] and by Vlado Cerný in 1985.[ 2 ] The method is an adaptation of the...or less likely to email, or interact face-to-face. Spectral Analysis provides a framework to understand periodicity. Spectral analysis is

  9. Mööbel suvekodusse / Aili Ermel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ermel, Aili


    2008. a. Milano messil "Salone Internazionale del Mobile" oli mööblit, mis projekteeritud ekstra õuele, aga oli ka sellist, mis sobib suvel õue ja talvel tuppa. Mööbel firmalt Cappellini, Gervason (disainer Paola Navone), Horm (disainer Mario Bellini), Zanotta (disainerid Gae Aulenti, Prospero Rasulo, Emaf Progetti, Roberto Barbieri), EMU (disainer Patricia Urquiola), Moroso (disainerid Nipa Doshi, Jonhatan Levien, Edward Van Vliet), Cassina (Tokujin Yoshioka) ja RODA. 14 värv. ill

  10. [s.t.


    Hirsch, Debora


    Terza di quattro immagini digitali che mostrano, da diverse prospettive urbane, il risultato visuale della installazione proposta e la sua interazione rispetto all’architettura urbana della piazza Caio Mario a Torino. Le immagini sono numerate progressivamente da 1 a 4 secondo l’ordine suggerito dall’artista. Third file in a series of four digital images that show, from different urban perspectives, the visual result of the suggested installation and its interaction with the urban architec...

  11. [s.t.


    Hirsch, Debora


    Primo file in una serie di quattro immagini digitali che mostrano, da diverse prospettive urbane, il risultato visuale della installazione proposta e la sua interazione rispetto all’architettura urbana della piazza Caio Mario a Torino. Le immagini sono numerate progressivamente da 1 a 4 secondo l’ordine suggerito dall’artista. Four digital images that show, from different urban perspectives, the visual result of the suggested installation and its interaction with the urban architecture of ...

  12. Examining hemodialyzer membrane performance using proteomic technologies


    Bonomini M; Pieroni L; Di Liberato L; Sirolli V; Urbani A


    Mario Bonomini,1 Luisa Pieroni,2 Lorenzo Di Liberato,1 Vittorio Sirolli,1 Andrea Urbani2,3 1Department of Medicine, G. d’Annunzio University, Chieti, 2Proteomic and Metabonomic Units, IRCCS S. Lucia Foundation, Rome, 3Faculty of Medicine, Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry Institute, Catholic University of the “Sacred Heart”, Rome, Italy Abstract: The success and the quality of hemodialysis therapy are mainly related to both clearance and biocompat...

  13. Danko Markovinović, PhD in Technical Sciences

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    Miljenko Lapaine


    Full Text Available Danko Markovinović defended his dissertation Gravimetric Reference System of the Republic of Croatia at the Faculty of Geodesy of the University of Zagreb on October 16, 2009. The dissertation was defended in front of the committee: Prof. Dr. Mario Brkić, Prof. Dr. Tomislav Bašić (mentor and Assist. Prof. Dr. Miran Kuhar from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy of the University of Ljubljana.

  14. Adapting Configuration Management for Agile Teams Balancing Sustainability and Speed

    CERN Document Server

    Moreira, Mario E


    Adapting Configuration Management for Agile Teams provides very tangible approaches on how Configuration Management with its practices and infrastructure can be adapted and managed in order to directly benefit agile teams. Written by Mario E. Moreira, author of Software Configuration Management Implementation Roadmap , columnist for CM Crossroads online community and writer for the Agile Journal, this unique book provides concrete guidance on tailoring CM for Agile projects without sacrificing the principles of Configuration Management.

  15. Os valores de uma luta: A economia moral do movimento pela terra dos pequenos lavradores do Sertão Carioca nos difíceis anos de 1945-1964

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    Leonardo Soares dos Santos


    Full Text Available This article attempts to discuss on concept of moral economy, presenting the case of "pequenos lavradores" (quatters in Rio de Janeiro' landscape between 1945-1964. In the first place, the focus falls on the discussion of anthropologists as Klaas and Ellen Woortman about that concept. In the second, I make a verification one of how moral economy one has been expressed by "pequenos lavradores" in you fight for the land. My hypothesis is that moral economy one not is only a set of values, but it play too an important rule in the establishment of a political speech one and of your social identity. The sources explored are newspapers, peasant meeting documents and letters envoy to the President Getúlio Vargas.Este artigo tenta discutir sobre o conceito de economia moral, apresentando o caso dos pequenos lavradores na zona rural do Rio de Janeiro entre os anos de 1945-1964. Em primeiro lugar, o foco recai sobre a discussão de antropólogos como Klaas e Ellen Woortman sobre aquele conceito. Em segundo, eu realizo uma verificação de como uma economia moral foi expressa por "pequenos lavradores" em suas lutas pela terra. Minha hipótese é que a economia moral não é apenas um conjunto de valores, mas possui também um importante papel no estabelecimento de um discurso político e de uma identidade social. As fontes por mim exploradas foram jornais, documentos de encontros camponeses e cartas enviadas ao presidente Getúlio Vargas.

  16. Lentiviral Modulation of Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Affects In Vivo LTP. (United States)

    Ivanova, Olga Ya; Dobryakova, Yulia V; Salozhin, Sergey V; Aniol, Viktor A; Onufriev, Mikhail V; Gulyaeva, Natalia V; Markevich, Vladimir A


    Wnt signaling is involved in hippocampal development and synaptogenesis. Numerous recent studies have been focused on the role of Wnt ligands in the regulation of synaptic plasticity. Inhibitors and activators of canonical Wnt signaling were demonstrated to decrease or increase, respectively, in vitro long-term potentiation (LTP) maintenance in hippocampal slices (Chen et al. in J Biol Chem 281:11910-11916, 2006; Vargas et al. in J Neurosci 34:2191-2202, 2014, Vargas et al. in Exp Neurol 264:14-25, 2015). Using lentiviral approach to down- and up-regulate the canonical Wnt signaling, we explored whether Wnt/β-catenin signaling is critical for the in vivo LTP. Chronic suppression of Wnt signaling induced an impairment of in vivo LTP expression 14 days after lentiviral suspension injection, while overexpression of Wnt3 was associated with a transient enhancement of in vivo LTP magnitude. Both effects were related to the early phase LTP and did not affect LTP maintenance. A loss-of-function study demonstrated decreased initial paired pulse facilitation ratio, β-catenin, and phGSK-3β levels. A gain-of-function study revealed not only an increase in PSD-95, β-catenin, and Cyclin D1 protein levels, but also a reduced phGSK-3β level and enhanced GSK-3β kinase activity. These results suggest a presynaptic dysfunction predominantly underlying LTP impairment while postsynaptic modifications are primarily involved in transient LTP amplification. This study is the first demonstration of the involvement of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in synaptic plasticity regulation in an in vivo LTP model.

  17. Mudanças corporativas e tecnológicas da medicina paulista em 1930 Corporate and technological changes in São Paulo medicine in 1930

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    André Mota


    Full Text Available Com o estudo histórico das mudanças corporativas e tecnológicas vividas pelos médicos paulistas na década de 1930 pretende-se identificar como se deram as alterações no campo dos equipamentos e saberes com o surgimento das especialidades, que levou a mudanças e a rearranjos corporativos diante dos dilemas trazidos pelo governo de Getúlio Vargas e sua política centralizadora de poder. Apontam-se lastros, de ordem simbólica e representativa, alçados por médicos considerados 'antigos' e aqueles que representavam os 'novos' tempos da medicina, evidenciando-se os embates entre essas correntes com relação ao movimento de especialização e aos marcos particulares da história de São Paulo.Through the historical study of the corporate and technological changes experienced by doctors in São Paulo in the 1930s, we intend to identify how changes in the fields of equipment and knowledge came from the emergence of specialties, which led to corporate changes and rearrangements in the face of the dilemmas introduced by the Getúlio Vargas government and its policy of centralizing power. Connections are pointed out of a symbolic and representative order, backed by doctors considered 'old-school' and those that represented the 'new' times in medicine, evidencing the clashes between these currents vis-à-vis the specialization movement and particular landmarks in the history of São Paulo.


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    Germán Peña Quiñones


    Full Text Available


    Casi en todos los continentes se ha encontrado evidencia de trepanaciones practicadas desde el período neolítico y otras más recientes. En papiros del Antiguo Egipto y también en la Biblia, hay observaciones sobre el procedimiento y sobre traumas craneanos. Este artículo pasa por las diferentes edades de la historia, y la participación de cirujanos trepanadores o que hacían intervenciones en la cabeza, hasta llegar a la época contemporánea de Vargas Reyes y posteriores neurocirujanos en Colombia, o los aportes de Harvey Cushing, neurocirujano y endocrinólogo de Boston en los años 30.

    Palabras clave: trepanaciones, trauma craneoencefálico


    Craniotomies have been done by humankind since the new stone age, as shown by evidence found in almost all fi ve continents. Notes on the procedure and on traumatic brain injury are recorded in old Egypt papyrus and also in the Holy Bible. A review of the subject is made, passing through different historic ages.

    How did surgeons perform craniotomies and brain surgery since the beginning of history to the new times, is described. Roles played by Vargas-Reyes and other well known physicians in Colombia, or by famous neurosurgeon-endocrinologist Harvey Cushing, practicing in Boston by 1930, are described as well.

    Key words: craniotomies, traumatic brain injury

  19. Efectos de la atención dividida sobre la memoria episódica y sus respuestas neurofisiológicas en adultos jóvenes y mayores /


    Trejo Morales, Martha Patricia


     tesis que para obtener el grado de Doctor en Psicología, presenta Martha Patricia Trejo Morales ; asesor Selene Cansino Ortíz, Yolanda del Río Portilla, Erzsébet Maroshi Holczberger, María Corsi Cabrera, Guillermina Yáñez Téllez, Dolores Rodríguez Ortíz, Mario Rodríguez CamachoVIII, 129 páginas : diagramasDoctorado en Psicología UNAM, Facultad de Psicología, 2012

  20. Senyalització a baixa potència a TWDM-PON


    Peso Estébanez, Patricia


    Treball realitzat al Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB) [ANGLÈS] Nowadays the demand for high transmission velocities brings the opportunity to deeply study the usage of optical networks, which present high bit rates moreover large distance budgets on the link. New standard on the Passive Optical Networks, NG-PON2, is on the standardization process. This standard increase both the bit rates on downstream and upstream communications, the number of users connected to one Central Office (...

  1. O sindicalismo brasileiro e as práticas anti-sindicais


    Olga Maria Boschi Aguiar de Oliveira


    A influência do anarco-sindicalismoé bastante visível na estrutura sindicalbrasileira, no período de Getúlio Vargas,durante a vigência do Estado Novo (1938-1945). Entretanto, as idéias do anarco-sindicalismoe do socialismo não conseguiram prevalecersobre o sindicalismo brasileiro, quecomeçava a se desenvolver apoiado pela Igrejae pelo Estado, os quais viam com medouma organização sindical autônoma e revolucionária.A sistematização conferida pelaConsolidação das Leis do Trabalho – CLT, de1943,...

  2. Monteiro Lobato and translation: "Um país se faz com homens e livros"

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    Milton John


    Full Text Available This paper examines the role of the Brazilian writer Monteiro Lobato in the growth of the book industry in Brazil, concentrating on his translations of children's literature. Lobato revolutionized the book industry in Brazil by introducing more commercial techniques and by marketing his books to social classes that were not used to buying books. Lobato also uses his translations to introduce critiques of Brazil in the 1930s, particularly the political and economic closure of the Estado Novo of Getúlio Vargas. Indeed, the criticisms voiced in Peter Pan resulted in Lobato's spending three months in jail in 1941.

  3. Proposta de metodologia para análise dos grupos econômicos


    Rabelo, Flávio Marcílio


    Este artigo discute importantes questões metodológicas relacionadas ao projeto "Grupos econômicos da indústria brasileira e a política econômica: estrutura, estratégias e desafios", pesquisa conjunta entre o Instituto de Economia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas e a Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EAESP/FGV). Analisa as estratégias corporativas dos grupos econômicos baseando-se nos conceitos de sinergia, competências básicas e produtos básicos....

  4. Trauma e repetição: O sinistro e suas formas literárias em três momentos da nossa história

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    Daniela Birman


    Full Text Available This article discusses the problematics of trauma, memory formation and the diverse forms of the uncanny (unheimlich found in prison writings by Everardo Dias, Graciliano Ramos, Dyonelio Machado and Flávio Tavares, referring to different moments of suspension of rights and authoritarianism in twentieth century Brazil (the marshal law imposed in 1922-1926, followed by the Vargas and military dictatorships. In comparing these works, I reflect on questions crucial to the testimony of violence, such as the difficulty of its symbolization and the importance of the construction of memory and of the differential repetition through writing.

  5. Origens do paradigma desenvolvimentalista : as contribuições de Oswaldo Aranha e dos militares (1931-1935)


    Mros, Günther Richter


    Esta dissertação busca entender as origens do perfil desenvolvimentista do Estado brasileiro. Argumenta que as ações empreendidas pelo governo Vargas na política externa do país, a partir de 1930, tiveram forte influência da auditoria da dívida externa realizada no período em que Oswaldo Aranha foi ministro da Fazenda (1931-1934). Trata da busca de Aranha, já como embaixador, pela assinatura de acordo de livre-comércio com os Estados Unidos, motivado, segundo fontes, pela força do dólar após ...

  6. Books Reviews Políticas públicas en América Latina: protección social y lucha contra la pobreza

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    Luis Fernando Vargas-Alzate


    Full Text Available Tassara, Carlo (ed.; Ibarra, Antonio y Vargas Faulbaum, Luis Hernán Protección social y lucha contra la pobreza en Brasil, Colombia y Chile. ¿Graduarse de los PTC o salir de la pobreza? Programa EUROsociAL, 2015 Con la colaboración del Instituto Ítalo-Latinoamericano (IILA y del Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (CISP (En línea en acceso abierto 212 págs. Isaza, Carolina (ed. Seguimiento y análisis de políticas públicas en Colombia. Anuario 2015 Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2015 200 págs.

  7. [The Amazon Sanitation Plan (1940-1942)]. (United States)

    Andrade, Rômulo de Paula; Hochman, Gilberto


    The article addresses the Amazon Sanitation Plan and the political context in which it was formulated between 1940 and 1941. It examines the role of Getúlio Vargas, the activities of the plan's main protagonists (such as Evandro Chagas, João de Barros Barreto, and Valério Konder), its key proposals, and its demise as of 1942 upon creation of the Special Public Health Service (Sesp), which grew out of cooperation agreements between Brazil and the US following both nations' involvement in World War II. A reproduction of the Plan as published in the Arquivos de Higiene in 1941 is included.

  8. Argumentación y formación. Perspectivas para una sociedad democrática en la condición posmoderna


    Sonia Cristina Gamboa Sarmiento


    Este artículo plantea la democracia como forma de gobierno que es resultado del ejercicio de la democracia como forma de vida de los ciudadanos, quienes, por vía de la argumentación constituyen para sí mismos un conjunto de valores, a partir de los cuales conciben proyectos individuales y colectivos, al tiempo que impactan el entorno y lo transforman mediante la realización de estos proyectos. Se muestra, según las propuestas de Germán Vargas Guillén y Guillermo Bustamante Zamudio, que se req...

  9. A new genus and species of leaf miner (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae for Chile associated to the native tree Lithraea caustica

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    Enrique A. Mundaca


    Full Text Available A new genus and species of leaf miner (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae for Chile associated to the native tree Lithraea caustica. We propose the new genus and species of Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera Hualpenia lithraeophaga Mundaca, Parra &Vargas gen. nov., sp. nov., leaf miner of Lithraea caustica (Mol. H. et Arn (Anacardiaceae occurring in southern central Chile. Aspects of the life cycle, adult and larval morphology, development and feeding habits of the new genus and species are also presented. We emphasise the uniqueness and importance of this new species for broadening the current knowledge on the Chilean fauna of Gracillariidae.

  10. Advances made in development of competence of refining plant operators. The REPAR case, PR, Brazil; Avancos realizados no desenvolvimento de competencias de operadores de plantas de refino: o caso da REPAR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reis, Mario [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Centro de Pesquisas. Recursos Humanos]. E-mail:


    The work presents a synthesis of the outcome of two years of research and experiments for the development of competence of Refinery operators in a project carried out by REPAR - Presidente Getulio Vargas Refinery in partnership with the Parana Federal University Education sector. From the Refinery need to reformulate its operators formation and development process, an important perspective was open to discuss and implement pedagogical principles based on the competence category as praxis. Such category brings forth the commitment to transform the workers educational processes and the production social relations excelling the models based on Taylorian/Fordian paradigm.(author)

  11. Mortalidad por enfermedad de Chagas: A propósito de los brotes de Chagas agudo como enfermedad reemergente de transmisión alimentaria


    Rísquez, Alejandro


    Tras la ocurrencia de los primeros brotes de Chagas agudos en la capital (diciembre 2007) y Estado Vargas (marzo 2009) por trasmisión oral, se procedió a una revisión de la mortalidad por la enfermedad registrada entre 1997 y 2006, cuyos datos se analizaron de acuerdo a la edad, sexo y forma de presentación. El número absoluto de muertes sigue siendo elevado con promedio de 796 muertes anuales, de predominio en el sexo masculino, la mayoría en después de los 60 años de edad. Llama la atención...

  12. Avaliação de biocombustível derivado do bio-óleo obtido por pirólise rápida de biomassa lignocelulósica como aditivo para gasolina Evaluation of biofuel derived from lignocellulosic biomass fast pyrolysis bio-oil for use as gasoline addictive

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    Carmen Luisa Barbosa Guedes


    Full Text Available A biofuel was prepared from acid aqueous fraction (pH = 2 of bio-oil produced by fast pyrolysis (Bioware Technology of lignocellulosic biomass (sugar cane residue and tested in blends (2, 5, 10 e 20% v/v with gasoline type C (common marketed in Brazil. The specification tests made in the Refinery President Getúlio Vargas (PETROBRAS showed increasing in the octane number (MON and antiknock index (AKI with reduction in the residue generation during the combustion. The physicochemical characteristics of the biofuel were similar that combustible alcohol allowing its use as gasoline additive.

  13. Linguistic research in the empirical paradigm as outlined by Mario Bunge. (United States)

    Zielińska, Dorota


    In view of the critique of the methodology of the dominant interdisciplinary research involving language studies as the main component, in particular clinical linguistics, Cummings (Pragmatic disorders. Perspectives in pragmatics, philosophy and psychology, vol 3. Springer, Dordrecht, 2014) proposes that "It is perhaps appropriate at this point to move the debate onto non-empirical grounds." In Cummings (2014: 113) she starts such a debate on the grounds of the philosophy of language and pragmatics. In this article, I propose to expand that debate by including the input of the philosophy of science. I start the discussion by presenting the way one may carry out language research in the paradigm of empirical sciences from the perspective outlined in Bunge (Scientific research. Strategy and philosophy. Berlin, Springer, 1967; Method, model and matter (synthese library). D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1973; Emergence and convergence: qualitative novelty and the unity of knowledge. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2003) and constrained by Altmann's (Towards a theory of language. Glottometrica 1:1-25, 1978) assumption about self-originating and self-regulatory nature of language.

  14. A rabeca de Vilemão Trindade em Mario de Andrade

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    Jorge Linemburg Jr


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem como objetivos detectar e especificar o material referente às rabecas inserido na obra de Mário de Andrade, através da pesquisa de fontes deste autor e de manuscritos localizados no Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB-USP, e posterior prática musical desses exemplos na rabeca. Os dados musicais obtidos nesta pesquisa se apresentam como ponto de partida para a exploração do universo popular de tradição oral referente às rabecas, ao mesmo tempo em que apontam para o desvelamento das rabecas em Mário de Andrade. Revelam que Andrade teve como informante um hábil rabequeiro, Vilemão da Trindade, o que nos abre hoje a possibilidade de entender esse material a partir de uma perspectiva êmica, na qual a rabeca assume potencialidade musical própria. A principal ferramenta de análise utilizada foi o conceito de Padrões Acústicos Mocionais. Esses exemplos colocam em evidência a importância do gesto musical para a análise de cunho fenomenológico, desvinculando-se do distanciamento e da racionalidade da notação na partitura.

  15. Mario Luzi E L'arte: Da Simone Ai Contemporanei | Pozzi | Italian ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This contribution deals with Luzi's career as a connoisseur and critic of figurative arts: starting from Luzi's precocious piece of criticism on Raffaello, the author investigates other works by the Italian writer dealing with art history, theatre and poetry. The works of great artists like Simone Martini, Jacopo Carracci (alias ...

  16. Mario Luzi E L'arte: Da Simone Ai Contemporanei | Pozzi | Italian ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Italian Studies in Southern Africa/Studi d'Italianistica nell'Africa Australe. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives · Journal Home > Vol 27, No 1 (2014) >. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads.

  17. JPRS Report, West Europe (United States)


    with Jaime Gama by Mario Joao Avillez; time and date not given] [Text] Those who may have waited for Jaime Gama, after 8 months of a discreet...the Parliamentary Group has been highly stimulating and;he is Undeniably an outstanding personality m the new generation. EXPRESSO: And Joao Soares...c’e speranza" [As Long As There’s War There’s Hope], even though Alberto Sordi, before directing that film, spent hours with me trying to pry into

  18. LiDAR in extreme environment: surveying in Antarctica


    Abate, D.; Pierattini, S.; Bianchi Fasani, G.


    This study was performed under the patronage of the Italian National Research Programme in Antarctica (PNRA) with the aim to realize a high resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the moraine named "Boulder Clay" which insists approximately 7 km far from the Italian Research Base "Mario Zucchelli Station" in the Terra Nova Bay area. The DEM will be included in the project for the construction of two runways to be used as support facilities for the scientific research campaigns wh...

  19. DÍAZ BARRADO, Cástor M., FERNÁNDEZ LIESA, Carlos R., RODRÍGUEZ-VILLASANTE y PRIETO J. L. (Coords ., International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. Reflections about the Colombian Conflict. Pamplona, Thomson Reuters, 2013, ISBN: 978-84-470-4601-0, 736pp

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    Claudia Cárdenas Aravena


    Full Text Available This collective work, prefaced by Mario Villarroel Lander, is the product of the research project "Dissemination and implementation of international humanitarian law in Colombia", of the CAP call of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (2012-2013, assigned to the Institute of International and European Studies Francisco de Vitoria of the Carlos III University of Madrid. Indeed, important part of the 24 texts that make up the work are dedicated to the Colombian conflict or have references to it.

  20. A Primer to Slow Light


    Leonhardt, U.


    Laboratory-based optical analogs of astronomical objects such as black holes rely on the creation of light with an extremely low or even vanishing group velocity (slow light). These brief notes represent a pedagogical attempt towards elucidating this extraordinary form of light. This paper is a contribution to the book Artificial Black Holes edited by Mario Novello, Matt Visser and Grigori Volovik. The paper is intended as a primer, an introduction to the subject for non-experts, not as a det...

  1. Research at USAFA 2013 (United States)


    program in the country and to share that expertise with others,” said Carlisle . Research at USAFA 20138 aC ad eM y Ce nT eR fo R Un M an ne d ai RC...independent research project to refine imaging techniques with CCD and CMOS camera sensors . Mentored by Lt Col Mario Serna, the cadets leveraged...scholars and Permanent Professors at the USAFA to provide a more academically in-depth explanation for CCLD’s framework and its implications for

  2. Caracterización clínico epidemiológica del parasitismo intestinal en pacientes jóvenes


    Ayrelis Perovani Argüelles; Junior Vega Jiménez; Sandy Rodríguez Reyes; Yailín Cabrera Hernández


    Introducción: entre las enfermedades infecciosas, las producidas por parásitos intestinales constituyen un importante problema de salud para el hombre. Objetivo: caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente el parasitismo intestinal en pacientes jóvenes. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en la consulta externa del Hospital Militar Docente "Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy"; el universo de estudio estuvo representado por todos los pacientes jóvenesa tendidos dur...

  3. Conflito por terra e água nos sules: Comunidades Huarpes (Mendoza, Argentina) e campo- neses do que hoje é Suape (Pernambuco, Brasil)


    Solá Pérez, Mercedes; Miranda Gassull, Virginia


    Anais das IV Jornadas Internacionais de Problemas Latino-Americanos: Lutas, Experiências e Debates na América Latina - ISBN 978-950-793-223-6 - Orgs. Paulo Renato da Silva ; Mario Ayala ; Fabricio Pereira da Silva ; Fernando José Martins El artículo indaga sobre los conflictos territoriales específicos de comunidades desposeídas, entre dos casos de Argentina y Brasil. Se propone tomar los dos casos analizando a las comunidades que resisten en sus tierras tradicionalmente ocupadas, te...

  4. La autoestima en el repitente.

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    María Eugenia Rojas Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en establecer el perfil de la Autoestima de los estudiantes repitientes de sétimo año, en el Colegio Técnico Mario Quirós Sasso , ubicado en el Cantón de la Unión en Cartago, fundadoen 1967 como un coledio académico. Una década después ,con las especialidades de contabilidad y secretariado , se convierte en colegio académico – Técnico .


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    Juliano Pereira da Silva


    Full Text Available This Project arises from a desire to continue the monograph work done in 2010 in the course of Specialization in Teaching History and Social History at the State University of Londrina whose title was "The use RPG as a pedagogical tool in teaching history." The RPG proved to be a good teaching tool in that it aroused in students a love of history and his ability to put yourself in someone else's past, in other words, to establish an empathetic relationship with the past. It is the in-depth study of this relationship we wish to discuss. The historical empathy for Ashby & Lee serve as "a venture where students show the ability to reconstruct the goals, feelings, values and beliefs of others, accepting that they maybe different from your", thus becoming na important element in the teaching-learning process. The objective of this new phase was to verify the occurrence of historical empathic experience among students ofthe 6th year of the elementar school Professor Dr. Heber Soares Vargas of the content of history from a RPG game, watching their relationship in the seizure of historical concepts by students. This empathic experience occurred, helping many students to understand the concepts related to substantive matters studied from a historical perspective created in an RPG game. The project consisted of literature in order to define some concepts like game and the concept of historical empathy and its use in the teaching of history; creation of educational material, analysis of students' ideas and reflection on the experiment performed. Was conducted among the students of the sixth grade of elementary school in State College Professor. Dr. Heber Smith Vargas.

  6. O Brasil e suas naturezas possíveis (1930-1945

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    Carvalho De Ostos, Natascha Stefania


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to examine the speeches made by civil society organizations and the State on the Brazilian territory, throughout the so-called Vargas Age (1930-1945. Said speeches, published in several journals of that time, believed that the natural world, split into its various parts, was the greatest expression of a country full of wealth that, if administered rationally, would be able to develop the country’s production strength. The great dilemma that permeated the discussions on the subject was: how to ensure the protection of nature, a priceless heritage, and at the same time promote economic development, which depended, according to prevailing opinion, on the widespread exploitation of natural resources.

    Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los discursos de la sociedad civil y del Estado sobre el territorio brasileño, a lo largo de la llamada Era Vargas (1930-1945. Tales discursos, publicados en varias revistas de la época, creían que el mundo natural, en sus diversas partes, representaba la máxima expresión de un territorio lleno de riquezas, que, si administrado de forma racional, sería capaz de desarrollar las fuerzas de producción del país. El gran dilema que impregnó los debates sobre el tema, fue: cómo asegurar la protección de la naturaleza, patrimonio que no tiene precio, y al mismo tiempo promover el desarrollo económico, que dependía, según la opinión predominante, de la explotación generalizada de los recursos naturales.

  7. O uso de roteiros para improvisação livre como auxílio metodológico na iniciação instrumental

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    André Campos Machado


    Full Text Available Este texto visa apresentar a estrutura dos roteiros para improvisação livre de seis oficinas realizadas nos conservatórios estaduais de música do Triângulo Mineiro. Elas fazem parte de uma pesquisa que utiliza a livre improvisação como alternativa metodológica para iniciação aos instrumentos de cordas dedilhadas. Serão abordados alguns conceitos expostos por Rogério Costa, Cleber Campos, Bernadete Zagonel, Mario Del Nunzio e Manuel Falleiros.

  8. The status of the Brazilian spherical detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aguiar, O D; Andrade, L A; Filho, L Camargo; Costa, C A; Araujo, J C N de; Neto, E C de Rey; Souza, S T de; Fauth, A C; Frajuca, C; Frossati, G; Furtado, S R; Furtado, V G S; Magalhaes, N S; Jr, R M Marinho; Matos, E S; Meliani, M T; Melo, J L; Miranda, O D; Jr, N F Oliveira; Ribeiro, K L; Salles, K B M; Stellati, C; Jr, W F Velloso


    The first phase of the Brazilian Graviton Project is the construction and operation of the gravitational wave detector Mario Schenberg at the Physics Institute of the University of Sao Paulo. This gravitational wave spherical antenna is planned to feature a sensitivity better than h = 10 -21 Hz -1/2 at the 3.0-3.4 kHz bandwidth, and to work not only as a detector, but also as a testbed for the development of new technologies. Here we present the status of this detector

  9. Estimación de evapotranspiración real en trigo con distintas condiciones de estrés hídrico: aplicación de modelos y sensores remotos


    Iglesias, María del Rosario


    Tesis (Magister en Aplicaciones Espaciales de Alerta y Respuesta Temprana a Emergencias)--Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física, 2016. Maestría conjunta con el Instituto de Altos Estudios Espaciales "Mario Gulich"-CONAE El objetivo principal de esta tesis es estimar la evapotranspiración real de un cultivo de trigo, mediante modelos semiempírico, que incorporan datos de sensores remotos y de sensores meteorológicos a campo. También, se corroboró la...


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    Rubel Maria Fanini


    Full Text Available Abstract: This article analyses how the universe of technology and labour are depicted in literary terms in some Brazilian poems from the writers Castro Alves, Mario de Andrade and Oswald de Andrade. The poets portray this universe in the following approaches: modern technology dissociated from the Brazilian context painted as traditional and archaic; associated to industrial production and to workers’ exploitation; linked to high class entertainment and as an imported good subjected to central capitalistic economies, facing difficulties to be aggregated to local production.

  11. Tendencias en comunicación periodística visual

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    Dr. Mario R. García


    Full Text Available El Dr. Mario R. García, cubano-americano, aclara en este trabajo una serie de conceptos que giran en torno al mundo de la infografía periodística. Este texto original iba a ser el prólogo de un libro colectivo sobre la materia -hubiera sido el primer libro en castellano sobre infoperiodismo- que no llegó a ver la luz y hoy inicia su publicación mes a mes en las páginas de Latina.09 - Construyendo

  12. Developing a systems analysis framework for the National Poverty Alleviation System

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Marais, M


    Full Text Available Karuri Architect & sociologist • Mwansa Saidi Architect • Johan Strydom Systems Engineer • Marita Turpin Operations Researcher • Mapule Modise Operations Researcher • Alet Visser Environmental Researcher • Mario Marais Soft OR & theology • Leanne... through design • Entities each have own objectives and focus areas (e.g. as defined by funding agencies) • Can lead to optimisation of behaviour of components/subsystem rather than the system as a whole • Need for the system as a whole to be studied...

  13. The Demands for Orderlines in the Cuban Revolution in the 1980s, (United States)


    del sistema de direcci6n y planificaci6n de la economia ? Bohemia 71, no. 27 (July 6, 1979), p. 36; Dominguez, Cuba, pp. 300-301. .21. Comisidn...Nacional de Implantaci6n, Sistema de Direcci6n y Planificaci6n de la Economia , Informe Central: Reuni6n Nacional (Havana: July 1980), p. 48. These sharp...27. Mario Escalona Reguera and Nisia AgUero Benitez, "La participaci6n popular en la gesti~n estatal en Cuba#" Revista cubana de administracifn de

  14. Gestión y vinculación cultural desde la Biblioteca Schneider

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    Vianney Aida González-Luna


    Full Text Available Se observaron los programas de difusión cultural desarrollados por el Centro Cultural Universitario de Malinalco y la Biblioteca Dr. Luis Mario Schneider, ambos de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Se observaron los procesos de gestión cultural que se llevan a cabo por medio de los proyectos editoriales que impulsan el vínculo entre la universidad y la comunidad, buscando fortalecer la autogestión y la participación ciudadana en el municipio.

  15. Nos do quarto distrito : a classe trabalhadora porto-alegrense e a Era Vargas


    Alexandre Fortes


    Resumo: Na primeira metade do século XX Porto Alegre, capital do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, xperimentou um acelerado processo de crescimento urbano e expansão industrial, consolidando-se como o terceiro parque industrial do Brasil. Esse processo deu origem a um conjunto de bairros operários conhecido genericamente como 'Quarto Distrito'. A população destes bairros formou-se, basicamente, a partir da confluência de uma grande diversidade de fluxos migratórios internos e externos. Como a gran...

  16. Los cuentos tristes

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    Alberto Aguirre


    Full Text Available La casa del ruego y de la lluvia. Milciades Arévalo. 1992, 119 págs. Esta risa no es de loco. Medardo Arias Satizábal. 1992, 70 págs. La caja de música. Mauricio Peñaranda Castillo. 1992, 69 págs. Mariposas negras sobre la ciudad. Jesús Rincón Murcia. 1992, 167 págs. Acerca y de lejos. Celso Román. 1992, 127 págs. El informe de Galves. Roberto Rubiano Vargas. 1992, 137 págs. El retablo del reposo. Guido Leonardo Tamayo. 1991, 87 págs.

  17. Política externa, projeto nacional e política econômica ao final do Estado Novo

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    Francisco Luiz Corsi


    Full Text Available O presente artigo discute a política externa e a política econômica no período final do Estado Novo. Procura-se mostrar que ambas eram condicionadas por um projeto de desenvolvimento nacional, que se caracterizava, entre outros aspectos, por propor um desenvolvimento associado ao capital estrangeiro. Discutimos a natureza do nacionalismo de Vargas, tentando indicar suas múltiplas facetas, em especial sua particular concepção de relação com o capital estrangeiro e os Estados Unidos.

  18. Alberto Pasqualini and the trabalhism in Brazil


    Laura Vianna Vasconcellos


    Este trabalho é uma análise do pensamento político de Alberto Pasqualini e de seu papel na elaboração e feitura do trabalhismo no Brasil. Além de suas principais ideias, foram analisadas também o papel de Pasqualini no PTB, as relações políticas com Getúlio Vargas e com o getulismo. É um estudo sobre Alberto Pasqualini e sua inserção no trabalhismo, compreendido aqui como fenômeno complexo e de longa duração. The basic intent of this work was to analyse the political concept of Alberto Pas...

  19. Memorias de un judío: el mundo visto por Stefan Zweig


    Kênia Maria de Almeida Pereira


    El artículo traza el periplo vital e ideológico del escritor Stefan Zweig a partir de su libro El mundo que yo vi: mis memorias, de 1942. Se esboza la visión del fascismo que tuvo el intelectual, el drama del Holocausto y los terrores de la política antisemita de Adolfo Hitler a partir de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, a la vez que se formulan interrogantes sobre la política brasileña de la era de Getúlio Vargas respecto al fascismo. El texto desvela los misterios de la pasión, la vida y la muert...

  20. Mechanics of debris flows and rock avalanches: Chapter 43 (United States)

    Iverson, Richard M.; Fernando, Harindra Joseph


    Debris flows are geophysical phenomena intermediate in character between rock avalanches and flash floods. They commonly originate as water-laden landslides on steep slopes and transform into liquefied masses of fragmented rock, muddy water, and entrained organic matter that disgorge from canyons onto valley floors. Typically including 50%–70% solid grains by volume, attaining speeds >10 m/s, and ranging in size up to ∼109 m3, debris flows can denude mountainsides, inundate floodplains, and devastate people and property (Figure 43.1). Notable recent debris-flow disasters resulted in more than 20,000 fatalities in Armero, Colombia, in 1985 and in Vargas state, Venezuela, in 1999.