
Sample records for valodas tulkojusi lili

  1. Dzimumu atšķirības otrās valodas apguvē


    Brūdere, Kristīne


    Bakalaura darbs pēta dzimumu atšķirības otrās valodas apguvē un dzimuma ietekmi valodas apgūšanā, kas arī tika pārbaudīts praktiskajā daļā. Pētnieciskā darba mērķis ir noskaidrot kādā veidā izpaužas dzimumu atšķirības otrās valodas apguvē un kā tas ietekmē valodas apguvi. Praktiskās daļas rezultāti liecina, ka dzimumu atšķirības pastāv. Galvenās atšķirības tiek novērotas mutiskajā komunikācijā, aktivitātes ziņā, vēlmē apgūt valodu un uzsvara likšanā uz valodas apguvi. Lai arī atšķirības starp...

  2. YouTube izmantošana vācu valodas kā svešvalodas stundās rakstītprasmes attīstīšanai pamatskolā


    Krūma, Līga


    Diplomdarba tēma ir „YouTube izmantošana vācu valodas kā svešvalodas stundās rakstītprasmes attīstīšanai pamatskolā. Diplomdarba tēmas izvēli noteica fakts, ka Latvijā nav daudz pētījumu par YouTube, un ka šī video interneta mājaslapa, var piedāvāt jauninājumus vācu valodas kā svešvalodas stundās rakstītprasmes attīstīšanai. Darba teorētiskā daļa veido pedagoģiskās un metodiskās literatūras analīze. Teorētiskās pētniecības darba gaitā tika izstrādāti un izmēģināti rakstītprasmes attīsto...

  3. Kustību pilnveide valodas attīstības traucējumu korekcijā pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem


    Kampusa, Zane


    Diplomdarbā “Kustību pilnveide valodas attīstības traucējumu korekcijā pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem” autore apskata pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu valodas attīstības īpatnības. Uzmanība tiek vērsta uz sensitīvā valodas attīstības perioda un citu priekšnoteikumu nozīmi bērna valodas sekmīgai attīstībai pirmsskolas vecumā. Diplomdarbā autore sniedz ieskatu, kādi var būt runas un valodas attīstības traucējumu cēloņi un veidi. Tiek raksturotas pirmsskolas vecumposma bērnu attīstības īpatnības, kā arī dot...

  4. Pasaku elementu izmantošana angļu valodas kā svešvalodas mācīšanā


    Sprukta, Kristīne


    Bakalaura tēma aplūko dažādus pasaku elementus un to pielietojumu angļu valodas kā svešvalodas mācīšanā. Pētījuma mērķis ir iedrošināt septīto klašu skolniekus radoši izpausties,rakstot pasakas angļu valodā. Bakalaura mērķis ir izpētīt, vai skolēni, rakstot savas pasakas, iespaidojas no esošajām vai arī rada jaunas idejas, lai izpaustu sevi. Darba metodes ir attiecīgās literatūras pētīšana un eksperimentālas mācību stundas kā gadījumpētījuma analīze Aizupes pamatskolā. Tika pierādīts, ka bērn...

  5. Mācību modeļa "WebQuest"izmantošana angļu valodas apguvē


    Jēgermane, Ilze


    Mācību modelis WebQuest ir inovatīva metode mācību procesā, kuru sākotnēji izveidoja un izstrādāja mācību tehnoloģiju profesors Bērnijs Dodžs (Bernie Dodge) kā vienu no mācību metodēm izmantojot internetu. Pētījuma mērķis bija izpētīt, kā mācību modelis WebQuest var būt lietderīgs angļu valodas apguvē. Darba autore analizēja teorētisko literatūru par mācību modeļa WebQuest koncepciju un tā pielietojumu angļu valodas kā svešvalodas apguvē, izmantojot gadījuma pētījuma metodi. Pētījumā piedalīj...

  6. NLP pielietošana angļu valodas mācīšanā


    Gorohova, Diāna


    Neirolingvistiskās programmēšana (NLP) praktiķu aprindās tiek uzskatīta par ļoti efektīvu instrumentu visdažādākajās dzīves sfēras. Šī pieeja ļauj cilvēkiem ticēt saviem spēkiem padarīt viņu dzīves labākas. Tieši tāpēc NLP piekritēji uzskata, ka, NLP pieeju izmantošana angļu valodas mācīšanā, var uzlabot skolēnu angļu valodas zināšanas, kā arī paaugstināt viņu pašapziņu. Šī bakalaura darba autore piedāvā ieskatu NLP vēsturiskajā attīstībā un apskata tās pamatprincipus. Autore analizē NLP t...

  7. Introgression in interspecific hybrids of lily

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tuyl, van J.M.; Maas, I.W.G.M.; Lim, K.B.


    In order to introduce new desirable characters into the cultivar assortment of lily a range of interspecific crossing barriers has to be overcome. By using various pollination and embryo rescue techniques pre- and postfertilization barriers were overcome and a range of wide interspecific lily

  8. Filmu izmantošana kā motivācijas veicinātājs vācu valodas kā otrās svešvalodas stundās skolēniem ar priekšzināšanām


    Kalēja, Agnese


    Diplomdarbā pētīts jautājums, cik efektīva un motivējoša ir filmu skatīšanās mācību stundu laikā, lai apgūtu svešvalodu un iegūtu informāciju par apkārtējo pasauli. Tēma tika izvēlēta, jo neskatoties uz to, ka daudzi skolēni izvēlas vācu valodu kā otro svešvalodu, viņiem joprojām trūkst motivācijas darbam. Šī darba mērķis ir izpētīt, kā filma ietekmē skolēnu mācību motivāciju, vācu valodas kā svešvalodas stundās. Teorētiskajā daļā aplūkoti mediju didaktikas jautājumi un izpētīts, cik efektīv...

  9. Rakstīšanas procesa izmantošana angļu valodas mācīšanā


    Zdanovska, Ināra


    Darbs veltīts rakstīšanas procesa izmantošanai angļu valodas mācīšanā pamatskolā. Izpētes mērķis ir izpētīt procesa rakstīšanas pieejas teorijas, procesa rakstīšanas modeļus, pielāgot piemērotāko modeli atbilstoši skolēnu vajadzībām un izmēģināt to angļu valodas stundās. Lai izpētītu adoptētā procesa rakstīšanas modeļa efektivitāti, tika pielietota atsevišķa gadījuma izpētes metode. Tā ietvēra adaptētā procesa rakstīšanas modeļa izmēģināšanu, skolēnu testēšanu, aptaujas, novērošanu, datu vākš...

  10. Mājas darbi angļu valodas stundās profesionālās vidusskolas skolēnu leksikas pilveidei


    Zemskova, Nataļja


    Diplomdarbs tika izstrādāts, lai noskaidrotu, kā dažādi mājas darbi var pilnveidot studentu vārdu krājumu angļu valodas stundās profesionālajās vidusskolās. Mājasdarbi ir skolotāju un skolēnu ikdienas rutīna. Skolotājiem ir dažāda attieksme pret mājasdarbiem, bet skolēni sūdzas, ka mājasdarbi ir garlaicīgi un bezjēdzīgi. Diplomdarba mērķis bija izpētīt, kā skolēni var bagātināt savu profesionālo vārdu krājumu, pildot angļu valodas mājasdarbu profesionālajā vidusskolā. La...

  11. In vitro micro-propagation of Longiflorum-Asiatic (LA) hybrids lily ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Bulblets propagation by tissue culture was one of the key techniques in the production of lily (Lilium) bulbs. Therefore, in vitro micro propagation of lily bulblets was studied in detail in this paper. L A hybrids lily cultivar 'eyeliner' was selected as the materials. By using the method of orthogonal design, the following were ...

  12. A new method for promoting lily flowering

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Aug 8, 2011 ... FT is thought to be the florigen in plants. In this research, a new method for promoting lily flowering was introduced. The function of FT gene cloned from Arabidopsis on promoting lily flowering was analyzed. pET-30a-FT vector was constructed to indicate the expression of FT:eGFP fuse protein in.

  13. Interspecific lily hybrids: a promise for the future

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tuyl, van J.M.; Chi, H.S.; Kronenburg-van de Ven, van B.C.E.; Meijer, B.


    In order to introduce new characters such as resistances, flower shape and colour, from wild species into the cultivar assortment of lily it is necessary to overcome interspecific crossing barriers.. Several techniques have been used for wide interspecific lily crosses with species and cultivars

  14. Lily-of-the-valley (United States)

    ... not include all poisonous ingredients. Where Found The flowers, fruit, and leaves of the lily of the ... further instructions. This is a free and confidential service. All local poison control centers in the United ...

  15. Transformation and mass hyperplasia technique of the garden plant (lily) by radiation and so forth. Mass hyperplasia of the lily using tissue culture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shigematsu, Koji; Hamada, Yutaka


    For an aim of more uniform child bulb production and good quality kind conservation using tissue culture of the lily, some hyperplasia from organs over ground of the lily were tried. In particular, optimum culture media with higher hyperplasia rate of the child bulb, redifferentiation due to difference among kinds of the lilies, and difference of hyperplasia of the child bulbs were investigated. As a result, it was found that pollution due to various germs attached to used materials often occurs, that efficiency obtainable for initial child bulb by redifferentiation from the organs was low at 20%, and that pollution due to various germs was often found at 25degC of cultivation temperature, which was inferior to that at 20degC. And, when conducting mass hyperplasia of the lily using tissue culture, an optimum culture medium of formation and hyperplasia of child bulb could be obtained for its each kind. As a result of conducting some investigations on configuration of the lily nourished from its child bulb and flowered by the tissue culture, it was also found that cultured bulb had the same character as its parent bulb had. (G.K.)

  16. Investigation of the cellular effects of Low Intensity Laser Irradiation (LILI)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esfandiary, H.


    Low Intensity Laser Irradiation (LILI) has become a therapeutic modality for the treatment of various conditions including acceleration of wound healing. Despite extensive experimental cellular research, the biological mechanisms underlying the success of this phenomenon remain unknown. This, in combination with the conflicting reported clinical results of LILI have prevented universal acceptance of this modality by health care professions. The aim of this thesis was to investigate further, in a systematic and well-controlled manner, the biological effects of LILI on two human leukaemic cell lines HL-60 and U937 in vitro. The laser diode used was a Gallium Aluminium Arsenide (GaAlAs) laser with a wavelength of 660nm, output power of 12mW and a chosen therapeutic energy density of 11.5J/cm 2 . Initially, intracellular thermal effects were examined following LILI by monitoring levels of several heat shock protein (hsp) family members over a 24h period. Levels of hsp70, 60, 90 and 27 were unaffected at the chosen LILI energy density of 11.5J/cm 2 . The effect of LILI on the cell cycle was also investigated at the molecular level by probing for protein and mRNA of a number of cell cycle regulatory factors. Levels of p53, c-fos, c-myc hsp70, bcl-2, TNF-α and several others was unaffected by LILI. Finally, the differential display method was used to detect any LILI-induced transcriptional changes in mRNA i.e. altered gene expression and again results were negative with LILI having no effect on gene expression. In conclusion, these results suggest that the biological effects of GaAlAs lasers at an E.D. of 11.5/cm 2 on two human leukaemic cell lines in vitro do not involve a stress response as measured by hsps, do not modulate levels of prominent cell cycle factors and do not induce changes in gene expression at the transcriptional level. These results seriously question the effectiveness of low energy lasers as 'real' therapeutic devices due to lack of any LILI

  17. Desalination of sea water with aquatic lily (Eichhornia crassipes). (United States)

    Arámburo-Miranda, Isela Victoria; Ruelas-Ramírez, Emmanuel Hammurabi


    During the last decades, methods of halo conditioning have been developed to increase the tolerance to salinity in glucophyta crops. Some experiments have carried out the application of hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), in support to the modification of cell tolerance in saline medium. The first objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the incorporation of H 2 O 2 in salinity tolerance development of the aquatic lily (Eichhornia crassipes). Results showed that the incorporation of 0.03 % H 2 O 2 salinity tolerance developed in salt concentrations similar to seawater. Saline stress tolerance in aquatic lily was shown by the excretion of salts in its leaves; this process helped also in removing salt from seawater. At the same time, the reproduction of the lily is intimately linked to the content of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) (nutrients) in water. This reason is important to control the concentrations of these elements in the water. This will allow maintaining a control in the dissemination of the lily. Considering the mentioned above, the second objective was to continue development of the adaptation of the aquatic lily in seawater, using H 2 O 2 and the required amount of nutrients. This paper points out the importance of considering a biological process for the treatments in the desalination of seawater, making the process more sustainable.

  18. Production of calla lily grown in an NFT system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Roberto Correa Landgraf


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate the production of calla lily in an NFT system. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, using a 2 x 2 factorial scheme in a completely randomized design (CRD, with fifteen replications. The treatments were a combination of two hydroponic profiles (100 and 150 mm of height and two nutrient solutions. Calla lily plantlets obtained from rhizome buds in trays containing nutrient solution, were transferred to a laminar flow of nutrients, and the experiment lasted 12 months. The height of stems and inflorescences were evaluated, as well as the length and diameter of the inflorescence, the number of flowers per plant and number of flowers per m2 . Growing calla lily plants in an NFT system is feasible. The nutrient solution with the highest concentration of nutrients, particularly N and K, and the profile of 150 mm, are the most suitable for the production of calla lily as a cut flower in a laminar flow of nutrients.

  19. uG-LilyPond - Floating Plant Pond for Microgravity, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The proposed μG-LilyPond is an autonomous environmentally controlled floating plant cultivation system for use in microgravity. The μG-LilyPond concept expands the...

  20. Breeding of lilies and tulips—Interspecific hybridization and genetic background— (United States)

    Marasek-Ciolakowska, Agnieszka; Nishikawa, Tomotaro; Shea, Daniel J.; Okazaki, Keiichi


    Lilies and tulips (Liliaceae family) are economically very important ornamental bulbous plants. Here, we summarize major breeding goals, the role of an integrated method of cut-style pollination and fertilization followed by embryo rescue and mitotic and meiotic polyploidization involved in new assortment development. Both crops have been subjected to extensive interspecific hybridization followed by selection. Additionally, spontaneous polyploidization has played a role in their evolution. In lilies, there is a tendency to replace diploids with polyploid cultivars, whereas in tulip a majority of the cultivars that exist today are still diploid except for triploid Darwin hybrid tulips. The introduction of molecular cytogenetic techniques such as genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) permitted the detailed studies of genome composition in lily and tulip interspecific hybrids and to follow the chromosome inheritance in interspecific crosses. In addition, this review presents the latest information on phylogenetic relationship in lily and tulip and recent developments in molecular mapping using different DNA molecular techniques. PMID:29681746

  1. Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction-based System for Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Lily-infecting Viruses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ji Yeon Kwon


    Full Text Available A detection system based on a multiplex reverse transcription (RT polymerase chain reaction (PCR was developed to simultaneously identify multiple viruses in the lily plant. The most common viruses infecting lily plants are the cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, lily mottle virus (LMoV, lily symptomless virus (LSV. Leaf samples were collected at lily-cultivation facilities located in the Kangwon province of Korea and used to evaluate the detection system. Simplex and multiplex RT-PCR were performed using virus-specific primers to detect single-or mixed viral infections in lily plants. Our results demonstrate the selective detection of 3 different viruses (CMV, LMoV and LSV by using specific primers as well as the potential of simultaneously detecting 2 or 3 different viruses in lily plants with mixed infections. Three sets of primers for each target virus, and one set of internal control primers were used to evaluate the detection system for efficiency, reliability, and reproducibility.

  2. Breeding as a tool for improving postharvest quality characters of lily and tulip flowers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meulen-Muisers, van der J.J.M.; Oeveren, van J.C.; Tuyl, van J.M.


    Segregation of postharvest quality characters was studied in lily and tulip. A large variation in longevity of both lily and tulip flowers was found within populations tested at individual plant level. Other postharvest quality characters like number of flowers per stem, male sterility (lily) and

  3. Ārpus klases aktivitātes pamatskolas skolēnu angļu valodas vārdu krājuma bagātināšanai


    Kalniņa, Maija


    Diplomdarba autore četru pedagoģiskā darba gadu laikā ir secinājusi, cik svarīgi ir plānot stundas ne tikai interesantas un interaktīvas, bet arī praktiskas un pēc iespējas tuvākas reālajai dzīvei. Diplomdarba mērķis ir noskaidrot, kā ārpusklases nodarbības var uzlabot skolēnu angļu valodas vārdu krājumu pamatskolā. Šāda diplomdarba tēma tika izvēlēta tādēļ, ka vārdu krājuma bagātināšanai ir liela nozīme angļu valodas apguvē, kā arī, lai skolēni spētu veiksmīgi izmantot angļu valodu,...

  4. Simultaneous detection of three lily viruses using Triplex IC-RT-PCR. (United States)

    Zhang, Yubao; Wang, Yajun; Xie, Zhongkui; Yang, Guo; Guo, Zhihong; Wang, Le


    Viruses commonly infecting lily (Lilium spp.) include: Lily symptomless virus (LSV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and Lily mottle virus (LMoV). These viruses usually co-infect lilies causing severe economic losses in terms of quantity and quality of flower and bulb production around the world. Reliable and precise detection systems need to be developed for virus identification. We describe the development of a triplex immunocapture (IC) reverse transcription (RT) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for the simultaneous detection of LSV, CMV and LMoV. The triplex IC-RT-PCR was compared with a quadruplex RT-PCR assay. Relative to the quadruplex RT-PCR, the specificity of the triplex IC-RT-PCR system for LSV, CMV and LMoV was 100% for field samples. The sensitivity of the triplex IC-RT-PCR system was 99.4%, 81.4% and 98.7% for LSV, CMV and LMoV, respectively. Agreement (κ) between the results obtained from the two tests was 0.968, 0.844 and 0.984 for LSV, CMV and LMoV, respectively. This is the first report of the simultaneous detection of LSV, CMV and LMoV in a triplex IC-RT-PCR assay. In particular we believe this convenient and reliable triplex IC-RT-PCR method could be used routinely for large-scale field surveys or crop health monitoring of lily. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  5. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae of Easter lily in the northwestern United States. (United States)

    Ames, R N; Linderman, R G


    The vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal fungi of commercially grown Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) were studied. Soil and root samples were collected monthly from March through September 1975 from five fields in the coastal area of southern Oregon and northern California. Soil seivings were inoculated onto clover, onion, and lily to cause infections resulting in the production of many new mycorrhizal spores facilitating identification. Four VA mycorrhizal species were found: Acaulospora trappei, A. elegans, Glomus monosporus, and G. fasciculatus. All four VA species infected Easter lily, clover, and onion. Acaulospora trappei and G. fasciculatus were the most commonly isolated species from all five fields. Mycorrhizal infections in roots of field-grown lilies were sparse and presumably young in March and gradually increased in size and number until September when bulbs were harvested. Over 75% of each root system became infected with mycorrhizae in fields with all four fungal species, and those levels were reached by July. In fields with only two mycorrhizal species, usually 50% or less of each root system was infected, even by the end of the growing season.

  6. Ceļojumu aģentūru angļu un krievu valodas reklāmas materiālos lietotās valodas īpatnības


    Eglīte, Andžela


    Modernās ceļojumu pasaules sfērā reklāma spēlē ievērojamāko lomu tās komunikatīvo līdzekļu dēļ. Reklāmu lieto, lai informētu un lai ietekmētu attieksmi starp klientiem. Ceļojumu aģentūrām ir daudz iespēju, kur ieguldīt reklāmai paredzēto marketinga budžetu, tomēr tādus publicētos marketinga materiālus kā žurnāli, katalogi, brošūras uzskata par izplatītākajiem, efektīvākajiem un populārākajiem. Šajā bakalaura darbā apskatītas ceļojumu aģentūru angļu un krievu valodas reklāmas materiālos lietot...

  7. Postharvest flower development in asiatic hybrid lilies as related to tepal carbohydrate status

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meulen-Muisers, van der J.J.M.; Oeveren, van J.C.; Plas, van der L.H.W.; Tuyl, van J.M.


    For three Asiatic hybrid lily cultivars (‘Bright Beauty’, ‘Fashion’, ‘Orlito’) the potential postharvest performance of floral buds in terms of growth, anthesis and longevity was studied in relation to tepal carbohydrate status. To determine the importance of carbohydrate redistribution within lily

  8. Leaf Wetness within a Lily Canopy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jacobs, A.F.G.; Heusinkveld, B.G.; Klok, E.J.


    A wetness duration experiment was carried out within a lily field situated adjacent to coastal dunes in the Netherlands. A within-canopy model was applied to simulate leaf wetness in three layers, with equal leaf area indices, within the canopy. This simulation model is an extension of an existing

  9. Progenies of allotriploids of Oriental x Asiatic lilies (Lilium) examined by GISH analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barba Gonzalez, R.; Silfhout, van A.A.; Visser, R.G.F.; Ramanna, M.S.; Tuyl, van J.M.


    With the aim of utilizing allotriploid (2n = 3x = 36) lily hybrids (Lilium) in introgression breeding, different types of crosses were made. First, using diploid Asiatic lilies (2n = 2x = 24), reciprocal crosses (3x ¿ 2x and 2x ¿ 3x) were made with allotriploid hybrids (AOA) obtained by backcrosses

  10. Analysis of genetic relationships and identification of lily cultivars based on inter-simple sequence repeat markers. (United States)

    Cui, G F; Wu, L F; Wang, X N; Jia, W J; Duan, Q; Ma, L L; Jiang, Y L; Wang, J H


    Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were used to discriminate 62 lily cultivars of 5 hybrid series. Eight ISSR primers generated 104 bands in total, which all showed 100% polymorphism, and an average of 13 bands were amplified by each primer. Two software packages, POPGENE 1.32 and NTSYSpc 2.1, were used to analyze the data matrix. Our results showed that the observed number of alleles (NA), effective number of alleles (NE), Nei's genetic diversity (H), and Shannon's information index (I) were 1.9630, 1.4179, 0.2606, and 0.4080, respectively. The highest genetic similarity (0.9601) was observed between the Oriental x Trumpet and Oriental lilies, which indicated that the two hybrids had a close genetic relationship. An unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic means dendrogram showed that the 62 lily cultivars clustered into two discrete groups. The first group included the Oriental and OT cultivars, while the Asiatic, LA, and Longiflorum lilies were placed in the second cluster. The distribution of individuals in the principal component analysis was consistent with the clustering of the dendrogram. Fingerprints of all lily cultivars built from 8 primers could be separated completely. This study confirmed the effect and efficiency of ISSR identification in lily cultivars.

  11. Lily Cultivars Have Allelopathic Potential in Controlling Orobanche aegyptiaca Persoon. (United States)

    Chai, Min; Zhu, Xiaopei; Cui, Hongxia; Jiang, Chuangdao; Zhang, Jinzheng; Shi, Lei


    As a devastating holoparasitic weed, Orobanche aegyptiaca Persoon. (Egyptian broomrape) causes serious damage to agricultural production and threatens economic development, which has raised widespread concern. The present study was conducted to determine whether lilies have the potential to be used as 'trap crops' for controlling O. aegyptiaca Persoon. In the experiments, the ability of three popular lily cultivars (Lilium Oriental hybrids 'Sorbonne', Lilium LA (Longiflorum hybrids x Asiatic hybrids) hybrids 'Ceb Dazzle', and Lilium Longiflorum hybrids (L. formosanum x L. longiflorum) 'L. formolongo') to induce O. aegyptiaca Persoon. seed germination was assessed. Parts of the three lily cultivars, including the rhizosphere soil and underground and above-ground organs, all induced "suicidal germination" of parasitic O. aegyptiaca Persoon. seed at four growth stages. Specifically, Sorbonne and Ceb Dazzle behaved with similar allelopathy, and the bulb, scale leaf and aerial stem exhibited stronger allelopathic effects on O. aegyptiaca Pers. germination compared to other organs. Aqueous L. formolongo leaf extracts may contain more stable, effective stimulants given that they induced the highest germination rate at 76.7% even though the extracts were serially diluted. We speculate that these organs may be advantageous in further isolating and purifying economical active substances that can be substitutes for GR24. These results indicate that lilies have the potential to be used as a trap crops or can be processed into green herbicide formulations that can be applied in agriculture production to rapidly deplete the seed bank of O. aegyptiaca Persoon. parasitic weeds in soil.

  12. Lily Cultivars Have Allelopathic Potential in Controlling Orobanche aegyptiaca Persoon.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Min Chai

    Full Text Available As a devastating holoparasitic weed, Orobanche aegyptiaca Persoon. (Egyptian broomrape causes serious damage to agricultural production and threatens economic development, which has raised widespread concern. The present study was conducted to determine whether lilies have the potential to be used as 'trap crops' for controlling O. aegyptiaca Persoon. In the experiments, the ability of three popular lily cultivars (Lilium Oriental hybrids 'Sorbonne', Lilium LA (Longiflorum hybrids x Asiatic hybrids hybrids 'Ceb Dazzle', and Lilium Longiflorum hybrids (L. formosanum x L. longiflorum 'L. formolongo' to induce O. aegyptiaca Persoon. seed germination was assessed. Parts of the three lily cultivars, including the rhizosphere soil and underground and above-ground organs, all induced "suicidal germination" of parasitic O. aegyptiaca Persoon. seed at four growth stages. Specifically, Sorbonne and Ceb Dazzle behaved with similar allelopathy, and the bulb, scale leaf and aerial stem exhibited stronger allelopathic effects on O. aegyptiaca Pers. germination compared to other organs. Aqueous L. formolongo leaf extracts may contain more stable, effective stimulants given that they induced the highest germination rate at 76.7% even though the extracts were serially diluted. We speculate that these organs may be advantageous in further isolating and purifying economical active substances that can be substitutes for GR24. These results indicate that lilies have the potential to be used as a trap crops or can be processed into green herbicide formulations that can be applied in agriculture production to rapidly deplete the seed bank of O. aegyptiaca Persoon. parasitic weeds in soil.

  13. Rhizopus Soft Rot on Lily Caused by Rhizopus oryzae in Korea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soo-Sang Hahm


    Full Text Available Rhizopus soft rot of lily (Lilium longiflorum caused by Rhizopus oryzae was observed in the experimental field in Taean Lily Experiment Station in Korea, 2012. The typical symptoms were water-soaked lesions on bottom stem and leaf rot. The lesion rapidly expanded and the plant was softened totally. The fungus grew vigorously at an optimum temperature (25oC and brownish colony and black sporangia were formed on potato dextrose agar medium. Sporangiophores formed on end of sporangia were sub-globose, brownish and 6-10 μm in size. Sporangia were globose, blackish and 87-116 μm in size. Sporangiospores were irregularly oval and sub-globose, brownish 4-8 μm in size. On the basis of mycological characteristics, analyzing sequences of internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA, and pathogenicity test on host plants, the causal fungus was identified as R. oryzae. This is the first report of Rhizopus soft rot on lily caused by R. oryzae in Korea.

  14. Global transcriptome profiling analysis of inhibitory effects of paclobutrazol on leaf growth in lily (Lilium Longiflorum-Asiatic hybrid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaopei eZhu


    Full Text Available As a popular ornamental flower, potted lily is an important object of lily breeding. Paclobutrazol, a chemical growth retardation compound, is often used to dwarf plant in producing potted lilies. However, in recent years, the plants with inherited dwarf traits by using genetic engineer breeding technology are being developed. The studies on molecular basis of lily dwarfism will offer some target genes which have profound dwarf effect for genetic engineer breeding. Here, we confirmed that paclobutrazol inhibited plant height and leaf size in Lilium Longiflorum-Asiatic hybrid, and then RNA-Seq technique was employed to analyze gene transcripts of Lilium Longiflorum-Asiatic hybrid leaves by paclobutrazol treatment in order to get a deeper insight into dwarfism mechanism of lily. Approximately 38.6 Gb data was obtained and assemble into 53,681 unigenes. Annotation, pathways, functional classification and phylogenetic classification of these data were analyzed based on Nr, Nt, Swiss-Prot, KEGG, COG and GO databases. 2,704 differentially expressed genes were screened by comparing paclobutrazol-treated samples with untreated samples and quantitative real-time PCR was performed to validate expression profiles. By analyzing dynamic changes of differentially expressed genes, nine metabolic pathways and signal transduction pathways were significantly enriched and many potentially interesting genes were identified that encoded putative regulators or key components of cell division, cell expansion, GA metabolism and signaling transduction and these genes were highlighted to reveal their importance in regulation of plant size. These results will provide a better understanding of the molecular mechanism on lily dwarfism and some potential genes related to lily organ size, which will lay the foundation for molecular breeding of potted lilies. These transcriptome data will also serve as valuable public genomic resources for other genetic research in lily.

  15. Construction of chromosomal recombination maps of three genomes of lilies (Lilium) based on GISH analysis.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nadeem Khan, M.; Shujun Zhou,; Barba Gonzalez, R.; Ramanna, M.S.; Visser, R.G.F.; Tuyl, van J.M.


    Chromosomal recombination maps were constructed for three genomes of lily (Lilium) using GISH analyses. For this purpose, the backcross (BC) progenies of two diploid (2n = 2x = 24) interspecific hybrids of lily, viz. Longiflorum × Asiatic (LA) and Oriental × Asiatic (OA), were used. Mostly the BC

  16. Reālijas un valodas īpatnību attēlošana literārā tekstu tulkojumā (pamatojoties uz Aleksandra Puškina romāna „Kapteiņa meita”)


    Širado, Nataļja


    Šīs darbs Reālijas un valodas īpatnību attēlošana literāra tekstu tulkojumā (pamatojoties uz Aleksandra Puškina romana „Kapteiņa meita”) ir veltīts reālijas tulkošanas problēmai literārajos tekstos. Šī darba mērķis bija analizēt dažādus A.S. Puškina romāna „Kapteiņa meita” tulkojumus lai izpētīt metodes, kuras tulkotāji lietoja, lai attēlotu reālijas un valodas īpatnības kuriem piemīt vēsturiskais un kulturālais kolorīts, kā arī tiem, kuriem nav ekvivalenta Angļu valodā. Kā arī izpētīt tu...

  17. 7 CFR 201.56-7 - Lily family, Liliaceae. (United States)


    ..., Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Germination Tests in the Administration of the Act § 201.56-7 Lily family, Liliaceae. Kinds of seed: Asparagus, chives, leek, onion, and Welsh onion. (a) Asparagus. (1) General description. (i...

  18. Unilateral cleft nasal deformity correction using conchal cartilage lily flower graft. (United States)

    Hwang, Kun; Kim, Han Joon; Paik, Moo Hyun


    We present a conchal cartilage lily flower graft for correcting depressed and laterally displaced alar cartilage for correction of unilateral cleft nasal deformity.After making a V incision at the base of the columellar and then marginal incisions, the alar cartilages were exposed. A fusiform-shaped cartilage larger than 2.5 cm in length and 1 cm in width was obtained. The midline long axis was scored with a No. 15 knife, and the lateral one third was split. Two-thirds length portions were folded in half, and they became straightened in the shape of a stalk of a lily flower. Two symmetrical one-third length portions were fanned out bilaterally in the shape of the leaf of a lily flower. The stalk portion was positioned in a pocket between the medial crura, and the 2 leaf portions were placed on the dome of the alar cartilages. The marked points of the cleft side and contralateral side were secured with sutures. The V incision at the base of the columellar and the marginal incisions were closed with a V-Y shape. In this technique, the 2 leaf portions were placed on the dome of the alar cartilages and sutured; therefore, the suture holds the dome of the cleft side to the contralateral side without peaking.Thirteen patients (6 male and 7 female subjects; age range, 13-30 years) were operated. Among them, 6 patients were very satisfied, and 5 patients were satisfied with the results. Two patients felt they were improved.We think the conchal cartilage lily flower graft might be a good method for correction of depressed and laterally displaced alar cartilage in unilateral cleft nasal deformity.

  19. Studies on the Fusarium-lily interaction : a breeding approach

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Straathof, T.P.


    The soil-borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp . lilii Imle causes bulb and scale rot of lilies ( Lilium L.) , annually resulting in a considerable economical damage in bulb and flower cultivation. Presently,

  20. Variations of adventitious bud plants initiated from cutting scales of irradiated lily

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Kezhong; Zhao Xiangyun; Huang Shanwu; Lu Changxun; Zhang Qixiang


    Adventitious bud plants were initiated from cutting scales of irradiated lilies. During adventitious bud plants growth and development, variation was observed on their petals, stamens, pistils and leaves. Stamens gave birth to the highest mutation rate and the most diverse variation, such as no pollen male sterility type, pollen abortion male sterility type, stamen collapse male sterility type and partial male sterility type, etc. Different male sterility types were found among the three lilies. Considering mutation rate of adventitious bud plants, 1-2 Gy was suitable dose for 'Pollyana' and 1-3 Gy was proper to Lilium regale and 'Romano'

  1. Iztēle lasītprasmes apguvei latviešu valodas stundās 1.klasē


    Civkore, Mārīte


    Diplomdarba nosaukums ir „Iztēle rakstītprasmes apguvei latviešu valodas stundās 1. klasē”. Diplomdarbā atklāts, ka mācību process norit radošāk, ja pedagogs padara to emocionālāku, interesantāku, iesaistot iztēli, atmiņu, domāšanu. Iztēle darbojas ar tēlu un priekšstatu, asociāciju ķēdēm. Sākumskolā bērniem raksturīga reproduktīvā iztēle, iztēlē izpaužas radošs raksturs. Rakstītmācības procesā iekļaujot ilustratīvi praktiskus, daudzveidīgus rakstu vingrinājumus ar iztēles elementi...

  2. Regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of multiple lily cultivars

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wang, Yue; Kronenburg-van de Ven, van B.C.E.; Menzel, T.R.; Maliepaard, C.A.; Shen, X.; Krens, F.A.


    To pursue genetic improvement of lily, efficiency of both regeneration and transformation from callus cultures induced from different explants were evaluated in multiple cultivars. Thirty-five callus lines induced from filaments or styles and one control callus line derived from bulb scales of in

  3. Effects of irradiation on epidermis ultrastructure of fresh day-lily flowers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, M.-S.; Chyau, C.-C.; Horng, D.-T.; Yang, J.-S.


    Effects of gamma irradiation on epidermis ultrastructure of fresh day-lily (Hemerocallis fulva L.) flowers were studied by scanning electron microscopy. Damaged cells of petal epidermis were found in the day-lily flowers irradiated with 1.0 or more kGy. The cells damaged by irradiation broke and lost cytoplasm, and therefore, showed a serious shrinkage. The compartment of the cells disappeared in injury. With 1.0 or more kGy irradiation, the damaged cells were also observed on the epidermis of the sepal and receptacle cells. The injury was found in a small spot or area on the epidermis of the sepal as well as the petal. The injury spot of the sepal epidermis was shown to resemble ashes and no cell wall of the epidermis was found. On the other hand, the epidermis of the receptacle was torn away with 1.0 or more kGy irradiation. The damaged spots of the receptacle epidermis also appeared after irradiation. Irradiation was not recommended for treating the fresh day-lily flowers as vegetables since the dosage (2.0 or more kGy) needed for inhibiting the flower blooming as shown in our previous works, caused injury on the epidermis of the flowers

  4. Petal Thicknesses and Shape Transformations in Blooming Lilies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Portet, Thomas; Holmes, Peter N.; Bowden, Mark E.; Stephens, Sean A.; Varga, Tamas; Keller, Sarah L.


    During blooming, flower petals undergo significant shape changes. For lilies, various different mechanisms responsible for the change have been suggested [1,2]. One is that cell growth along the edge of a petal, or, more generally, a tepal, drives a transition from a cup shape (within a bud) to a saddle shape (within a bloom). This mechanism has been previously considered for tepals modeled as shallow elliptical shells whose thickness from the center, t, falls off at least as fast as t = t0 (1 - x2/a2 - y2/b2 ) [1]. Here t0 is the maximum thickness of the shell, a and b are the semimajor and semiminoraxes, x and y are the coordinates along the longitudinal and lateral axes. By measuring tepal thicknesses from images collected by x-ray tomography of intact buds and by photography of microtomed buds, we find that this condition is indeed met for both Lilium casablanca and Lilium lancifolium. [1] Liang and Mahadevan. Growth, geometry, and mechanics of a blooming lily.

  5. Effect of gamma irradiation in 'jongkolnee' water lily

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puripunyavanich, Vichai; Boonsirichai, Kanokporn


    Bulb lets of 'Jongkolnee' water lily irradiated with gamma rays at 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 grays (20) bulb lets/treatment). All of them were planted in nursery tubs. Ninety percents of the non-irradiated 'Jongkolnee' germinated in 3-4 dyas. The irradiated 'Jongkolnee' germinated in 5, 7, 10 and 14 days and their germination ratios were 75%, 50%, 30% and 10% respectively. Later, they were transplanted into water lily pots. irradiated 'Jongkolnee' were grew slower than non irradiated 'Jongkolnee' and some irradiated plants died in the first 3 months. Healthy plants were transplanted in bigger pots. When they flowered, two nutnat characteristics were transplanted into bigger pots. When they flowered, two mutant characteristics were discovered: one with white petals and one with purple petals. However, the white 'Jongkolnee' flower shape was abnormal bad, therefore, bulb lets of white 'Jongkolnee' will be plant for selecting in the next generation. On the other hand, the purple 'Jongkolnee' flower shape was similar to the original pink one. the purple 'Jongkolnee' will be used for further studies in the future

  6. Hydroponic Technology for Lily Flowers and Bulbs Production Using ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This experiment was carried out to investigate the potential of nutrient film technique (NFT) hydroponic system for flowers and bulbs production of the Asiatic hybrid lily cv. "Blackout" using rainwater and some common nutrient solutions (Hoagland No. 2 Basal Salt Mixture, Murashige and Skoog Basal Salt Mixture and ...

  7. Long term storage of clonal material of lily (Lilium L.)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bonnier, F.J.M.


    Germplasm collections are important for crop improvement and research. Lily genotypes must be preserved vegetatively as clones, because the genotypes are unique and heterozygous. Using seeds would affect the unique genetic combinations. Collections of bulb crops are usually maintained by

  8. Transcultural use of narcotic water lilies in ancient Egyptian and Maya drug ritual. (United States)

    Emboden, W A


    Comparisons are made between ancient ritual uses of the flowers of Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae) in Maya and Egyptian civilizations. Recurrent motifs encountered in the art of both of these ancient civilizations suggests that the role fo the water lily was that of a narcotic (psychodysleptic) used to mediate ecstasis among a priestly caste. Relevant literature is reviewed as are chemical data. Elements in the complex belief systems of these two civilizations need to be reinterpreted in view of the use of two water lilies as ritual narcotics. The species implicated are Nymphaea caerulea Sav., in Egypt, and N. ampla DC., among the Maya.

  9. The Prison Songs of Lili'uokalani


    Morris, Cynthia L.


    This thesis is a study of the music composed by Lili'uokalani, the last monarch of Hawai'i during her 1895 incarceration at the hands of the Republic of Hawai'i. Aspects of text and context are considered for each of the songs. This thesis also engages in a discussion of the alleged politicization of a copy of "Aloha Oe," notated by the Queen during the incarceration. My research consisted of visits to the Hawai'i State Archives and the Bishop Museum Archives in Honolulu. I enlisted the help ...

  10. DNA Fingerprinting of Trout Lilies: A High School Student Project. (United States)

    Vann, Carolyn N.; Saxon, Herbert L.; Brblic, Tom; Elliades, Stacie; Lambert, Scott; Shaw, Jake; Smith, Ryan; Inman, Megan


    Reports on a student's research project on the degree of genetic diversity within the trout lily species. Enables a rough prediction of the continuance of the species and provides insight into how to manage plants that might be endangered. Contains 16 references. (DDR)

  11. No pain, no gain... O discurso da corpolatria em “Lili & Elizete”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Vieira da Silva


    Full Text Available Neste texto, objetivamos analisar o discurso da corpolatria nas tiras Lili & Elizete, de Caco Galhardo. Para tal intento, situamos nosso olhar investigativo no âmbito das reflexões de Ortega (2003; 2006 acerca das práticas bioascéticas contemporâneas. Nas tiras analisadas, verificamos que o humor reside na reiteração do discurso da corpolatria, de modo a compor uma heterogeneidade de posições enunciativas. Assim, na estabilidade das conversas entre as amigas Lili e Elizete, não raro se constata o duelo entre uma posição de recusa à biossiabilidade e uma posição que a defende de modo ferrenho.

  12. Physiological and biochemical and resistance changes and issr polymorphic analysis exposed to 12C6+ heavy ion radiation on calla lily

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Zhen; Xu Bingliang; Tian Gu; Pu Chongjian; Xu Qiong


    Physiological and biochemical changes and ISSR Polymorphic of calla lily caused by exposure to 12 C 6+ heavy-ion radiation were studied. The results showed that bulb germination rate and plant height had significant negative correlation with radiation dose, while MDA content had high significant positive correlation with radiation dose. With increasing radiation dose, the activities of CAT, POD and resistance showed a trend of decrease after an initial increasing. Optimum doses of irradiation were 10 ∼ 20 Gy. ISSR molecular marker of the control and variant plants induced by the 12 C 6+ heavy-ion radiation suggested that 121 bands were amplified with 22 ISSR primers among two calla lily varieties, 55 bands were polymorphic and the polymorphism rate reached to 45%, the 12 C 6+ heavy-ion radiation could cause mutation of genome DNA in calla lily. It is suggested that effect of irradiation on calla lily plant was damage and suppression. Optimum doses of irradiation of 12 C 6+ Heavy ion might be applied for breeding method on Calla lily. (authors)

  13. Water relations in calla lily flower stems harvested at different opening stages(

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thais Silva Sales


    Full Text Available Cut flowers are a well established product and require conservation techniques that help keep postharvest quality for marketing. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate different opening stages of calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica cut stems and their influence on posthaverst. Calla lily stems were harvested in the morning, according to the following opening stages: closed spathe, semi-closed spathe (1/3 open, semi-open spathe (2/3 open and fully open spathe. Once selected and standardized, stems were placed in a controlled room at 21 ± 2 °C and relative humidity of 75 ± 5%, for eight days. The evaluations were conducted daily, observing water pH, commercial quality analysis, width and length of the spathe, fresh weight of stem, water absorption and transpiration. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four treatments (opening stages, five replicates and two stems by plot. The model used was split plot in time, with harvest stages as plots, and evaluation days as subplots. Calla lily harvested at closed spathe and semi-closed spathe (1/3 open, showed spathe opening, although it did not achieve fully spathe expansion, had higher water uptake and hydration of flower stems, and increased water retention capacity by floral tissues until saturation, followed by a period of weight reduction caused by transpiration rates greater than absorption.

  14. Molecular and cytogenetic analysis of the giant genomes of Fritillaria lilies

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ambrožová, K.; Macas, Jiří; Neumann, Pavel; Leitch, I. J.; Lysák, M.


    Roč. 17, č. 4 (2009), s. 558-559 ISSN 0967-3849. [International Chromosome Conference (ICC) /17./. 23.6.2009-26.6.2009, Boone] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50510513 Keywords : giant genomes of Fritillaria lilies * cytogenetic analysis Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology

  15. Establishment of the total RNA extraction system for lily bulbs with ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 7, 2011 ... The brightness of. CTAB was higher than that of SDS, which indicated that only improved CTAB method can extract biologically active. RNA from lily bulbs. DISCUSSION. The presence of RNase, which can be classified into endogenous and exogenous, is the major cause for the failure of RNA extraction.

  16. Klausīšanās mācīšana angļu valodas stundās


    Rudzīte, Jana


    Šis bakalaura darbs ir veltīts klausīšanās apmacīšanai angļu valodas stundās un pēta klausīšanās vingrinājumus un to ierakstu veidus un īpatnības. Darba teorētiskā daļa sniedz pārskatu par klausīšanās procesa apguvi un teksta izpratni, informācijas apstrādi klausīšanās laikā; pētījums apraksta klausīšanās vingrinājumu sadalīšanu svarīguma pakāpēs un demonstrē dažādus klausīšanās materiāla veidu raksturojumus un klausīšanās ierakstu galvenos faktorus, kuri palīdz vai traucē klausīšanās...

  17. Elegant lady a pink longiflorum lily cultivar suitable for cut flower forcing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lim Ki-Byung,; Tuyl, van J.M.


    A new pink longiflorum (Lilium longiflorum x (L. longiforum x L. rubellum)) lily cultivar was obtained by integrated intersectional hybridization techniques. The F1 intersectional hybrid was obtained by crossing between L. longiflorum 'Gelria' and wild type L. rubellum. Since the F1 hybrid was

  18. Effect of floral bud reduction on flower longevity in Asiatic hybrids lilies.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meulen-Muisers, van der J.J.M.; Oeveren, van J.C.; Sandbrink, J.M.; Tuyl, van J.M.


    Floral bud abortion was found to be an undesirable source of non-genetic variation in breeding trials directed on the improvement of individual flower longevity in Asiatic hybrid lilies. It increased the longevity of the remaining flowers of the inflorescence. A similar response was found after

  19. Characterization of calla Lily sot rot caused by Pectobacterium Carotovorum subsp. Carotovorum ZT0505 bacterial growth and pectate lyase activity under different conditions.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ni, L.; Guo, L.; Custers, J.B.M.; Zhang, L.


    Soft rot is a major disease of calla lily (Zantedeschia spp.) and other important crops worldwide. In this report, the bacterial isolate ZT0505 proved to be a soft rot pathogen of calla lily growing around Kunming (subtropical China) and was identified as Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp.

  20. Chemical changes associated with lotus and water lily natto production (United States)

    Lestari, S. D.; Fatimah, N.; Nopianti, R.


    Natto is a traditional Japanese food made by fermenting whole soybean seeds with pure culture of Bacillus subtilis subsp. natto. The purpose of this study was to investigate the suitability of lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) and water lily (Nymphaea stellata) seeds as the raw materials for natto production. Chemical (proximate, amino acids and minerals) changes were observed on raw, steamed and fermented seeds. Proximate compositions of all samples were calculated in both wet basis and dry basis. In wet basis calculation, steaming and fermentation tended to lower the carbohydrates, ashes, fats and protein content which were attributed to the increase of moisture. The total amino acid, iron and magnesium contents of raw lotus seeds were 24.29%, 5.08 mg 100g-1 and 174.23 mg 100g-1 dry matter, respectively. After a 24h-fermentation at 40°C, the total amino acids decreased while iron and magnesium contents increased significantly reaching, in respective order, 9.9 mg 100g-1 and 411.36 mg 100g-1 dry matter. Changes in chemical composition after fermentation were more pronounced in lotus seeds than water lily seeds indicating that their nutrient composition were more suitable to support Bacillus subtilis growth.

  1. FIMBRIN1 is involved in lily pollen tube growth by stabilizing the actin fringe. (United States)

    Su, Hui; Zhu, Jinsheng; Cai, Chao; Pei, Weike; Wang, Jiaojiao; Dong, Huaijian; Ren, Haiyun


    An actin fringe structure in the subapex plays an important role in pollen tube tip growth. However, the precise mechanism by which the actin fringe is generated and maintained remains largely unknown. Here, we cloned a 2606-bp full-length cDNA encoding a deduced 77-kD fimbrin-like protein from lily (Lilium longiflorum), named FIMBRIN1 (FIM1). Ll-FIM1 was preferentially expressed in pollen and concentrated at actin fringe in the subapical region, as well as in longitudinal actin-filament bundles in the shank of pollen tubes. Microinjection of Ll-FIM1 antibody into lily pollen tubes inhibited tip growth and disrupted the actin fringe. Furthermore, we verified the function of Ll-FIM1 in the fim5 mutant of its closest relative, Arabidopsis thaliana. Pollen tubes of fim5 mutants grew with a larger diameter in early stages but could recover into normal forms in later stages, despite significantly slower growth rates. The actin fringe of the fim5 mutants, however, was impaired during both early and late stages. Impressively, stable expression of fim5pro:GFP:Ll-FIM1 rescued the actin fringe and the growth rate of Arabidopsis fim5 pollen tubes. In vitro biochemical analysis showed that Ll-FIM1 could bundle actin filaments. Thus, our study has identified a fimbrin that may stabilize the actin fringe by cross-linking actin filaments into bundles, which is important for proper tip growth of lily pollen tubes.

  2. Genetic and physiological aspects of postharvest flower longevity in Asiatic hybrid lilies (Lilium L.)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meulen-Muisers, van der J.J.M.


    In The Netherlands Lilium is economically the fourth overall flower crop for cut flower production. Longevity is a main quality characteristic for cut flowers. During postharvest handling of Asiatic hybrid lilies pretreatment with chemical solutions containing silver is

  3. Application of Gamma Irradiation and Its Convergent Treatments on Several Varieties of Oriental Hybrid Lily to Control Leaf Blight

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ji-Hoon Kim


    Full Text Available In order to seek more eco-friend, economic and safer quarantine method than current methyl bromide fumigation, the convergent treatment with 200 Gy of gamma irradiation and several chemicals such as nano-siver particles (NSS, sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC was tried on the cuttings of lily in the packing of catonnage box for export. With 6 independent experiments of gamma irradiation on the three lily cultivars, cvs. Siberia, Le reve and Sorbonne, incidence and severity of lily leaf blight was investigated on leaves and petals at 8-d after infection. 200 Gy of gamma irradiation decreased at 13-25% of severity on the leaf of Sorbonne, but it increased at 2-5% of severity on the leaf of Siberia and Le reve. Chemical substitutes such as NSS and NaDCC were not effective to control of lily blight on cuttings. By 200 Gy of gamma irradiation treatment, chlorophyll contents were statistically significantly decreased at 12-d after irradiation and the longevities vaselife of fully open flower of Siberia and Sorbonne were increased at 0.4 to 1.2 days. In addition, the relative fresh weights of the gamma irradiated cuttings were severely dried compared to the non-irradiated control. On the other hands, the symptoms of phyto-toxicity of high dose gamma irradiation at 1 or 2 kGy on cv. Siberia were to be blight at the tip of bloom, bent necks of flower, and delayed the process of flowering.

  4. Molecular markers as a tool for breeding for flower longevity in Asiatic hybrid lilies.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meulen, van der J.J.M.; Oeveren, van J.C.; Sandbrink, J.M.; Tuyl, van J.M.


    Segregation of flower longevity in two lily populations was studied and the genetic linkage of morphological markers and RAPD markers with loci involved in flower longevity was investigated. A large variation in flower longevity was found within the two populations tested at individual plant level.

  5. Viability loss and oxidative stress in Lily bulbs during long-term cold storage.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bonnier, J.F.M.; Hoekstra, F.A.; Vos, de C.H.R.; Tuyl, van J.M.


    The regeneration ability of bulb scales of the Asiatic hybrid lily (Lilium hybrids L.) ‘Enchantment’ was monitored for bulbs stored for 0 to 5 years at −2°C in moist peat. Regeneration ability decreased after more than 1 year of storage and was completely lost after 5 years. Possible involvement of

  6. Stage-related expression of mRNAs during pollen development in lily and tobacco. (United States)

    Schrauwen, J A; de Groot, P F; van Herpen, M M; van der Lee, T; Reynen, W H; Weterings, K A; Wullems, G J


    Homogeneous populations of developing microspores and pollen from anthers of lily (Lilium longiflorum Thumb.) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) show a continuous production of biomass, reaching a maximum in young pollen. The rate of RNA synthesis was 460 fg · h(-1) in young binucleate cells, 138 fg · h(-1) in late binucleate cells and 56 fg · h(-1) in microspores. The mRNA population in developing pollen can be separated into three groups. In the first group, certain types of mRNAs are present at a constant level during all stages of development. A second group is characteristic of young pollen and increases quantitatively until anthesis. A third group is seen transiently; to this belong mRNAs present only before mitosis or at a distinct cell stage after mitosis. Some of the translation products of this latter group of mRNAs showed similarities between lily and tobacco on two-dimensional gels in respect of molecular weight and isolectric point, indicating that those mRNAs and proteins play a role in the regulation of pollen development.

  7. Influence of vernalization and bulb size on the production of lily cut flowers and lily bulbs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diogo Brito de Almeida


    Full Text Available Exposure of bulbs to cold, a physiological phenomenon called vernalization, and bulb size are important factors in the production of lily bulbs and flowers. This study aimed to verify the influence of vernalization of bulbs on flowering cut lily plants, as well as the impact of size and shape of harvest on the production and quality of flowers and bulbs. In turn, the way the stems of the plants used for cut-flower production are cropped is of higher importance for the production of new flower bulbs. In this sense, the experiment was conducted in Viçosa, MG, in a greenhouse in a randomized block design, in split splot scheme with three replications, in which the vernalization periods (25, 35 and 45 days at 4 ± 1 C constituted the plots; bulb sizes (diameters of 3.2-3.8 cm; 2.5-3.2 cm 1.9- and 2.5 cm, subplots and ways to harvest (full harvest of the stem at the required length for the commercial harvest of the flower, commercial stem harvest at the commercial length, maintaining 10cm of stem in the soil; removal of the floral buds as soon as their appearance is observed and harvest at the end of the season, the sub subplots. The bulbs were planted in beds, with 15 x 20 cm spacing. It was evaluated the number of plants that flowered and the number of flowers, the length and the diameter of the floral buds, fresh and dry weights, diameter and plant height as well as number, perimeter and amount of fresh and dry bulbs. There was a decrease in the plant height with the increase of the vernalization period and a reduction of the diameter of the planted bulbs, as well as of the number and the fresh and dry weights of the produced buds. The production of flowers and buds in number, size and weight was directly proportional to the size of the planted bulbs, while the form of harvest with removal of flower buds increased the number, the perimeter and the fresh and dry weights of the buds. Bulbs with diameter between 3.2 - 3.8 cm, stored for 25 days in

  8. Antifungal activity and fungal metabolism of steroidal glycosides of Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) by the plant pathogenic fungus, Botrytis cinerea. (United States)

    Munafo, John P; Gianfagna, Thomas J


    Botrytis cinerea Pers. Fr. is a plant pathogenic fungus and the causal organism of blossom blight of Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.). Easter lily is a rich source of steroidal glycosides, compounds which may play a role in the plant-pathogen interaction of Easter lily. Five steroidal glycosides, including two steroidal glycoalkaloids and three furostanol saponins, were isolated from L. longiflorum and evaluated for fungal growth inhibition activity against B. cinerea, using an in vitro plate assay. All of the compounds showed fungal growth inhibition activity; however, the natural acetylation of C-6''' of the terminal glucose in the steroidal glycoalkaloid, (22R,25R)-spirosol-5-en-3β-yl O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)-[6-O-acetyl-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)]-β-D-glucopyranoside (2), increased antifungal activity by inhibiting the rate of metabolism of the compound by B. cinerea. Acetylation of the glycoalkaloid may be a plant defense response to the evolution of detoxifying mechanisms by the pathogen. The biotransformation of the steroidal glycoalkaloids by B. cinerea led to the isolation and characterization of several fungal metabolites. The fungal metabolites that were generated in the model system were also identified in Easter lily tissues infected with the fungus by LC-MS. In addition, a steroidal glycoalkaloid, (22R,25R)-spirosol-5-en-3β-yl O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-glucopyranoside (6), was identified as both a fungal metabolite of the steroidal glycoalkaloids and as a natural product in L. longiflorum for the first time.

  9. A molecular cytogenetic study of intergenomic recombination and introgression of chromosomal segments in lilies (Lilium)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nadeem Khan, M.


    Lilies (Lilium L.) are one of the most important ornamental bulbous crops for cut flower industry
    grown extensively in The Netherlands for last few decades. The genus Lilium consists of seven
    different sections with about 80 species. The species within genus Lilium (2n = 2x = 24)

  10. FIMBRIN1 Is Involved in Lily Pollen Tube Growth by Stabilizing the Actin Fringe[C][W][OA (United States)

    Su, Hui; Zhu, Jinsheng; Cai, Chao; Pei, Weike; Wang, Jiaojiao; Dong, Huaijian; Ren, Haiyun


    An actin fringe structure in the subapex plays an important role in pollen tube tip growth. However, the precise mechanism by which the actin fringe is generated and maintained remains largely unknown. Here, we cloned a 2606-bp full-length cDNA encoding a deduced 77-kD fimbrin-like protein from lily (Lilium longiflorum), named FIMBRIN1 (FIM1). Ll-FIM1 was preferentially expressed in pollen and concentrated at actin fringe in the subapical region, as well as in longitudinal actin-filament bundles in the shank of pollen tubes. Microinjection of Ll-FIM1 antibody into lily pollen tubes inhibited tip growth and disrupted the actin fringe. Furthermore, we verified the function of Ll-FIM1 in the fim5 mutant of its closest relative, Arabidopsis thaliana. Pollen tubes of fim5 mutants grew with a larger diameter in early stages but could recover into normal forms in later stages, despite significantly slower growth rates. The actin fringe of the fim5 mutants, however, was impaired during both early and late stages. Impressively, stable expression of fim5pro:GFP:Ll-FIM1 rescued the actin fringe and the growth rate of Arabidopsis fim5 pollen tubes. In vitro biochemical analysis showed that Ll-FIM1 could bundle actin filaments. Thus, our study has identified a fimbrin that may stabilize the actin fringe by cross-linking actin filaments into bundles, which is important for proper tip growth of lily pollen tubes. PMID:23150633

  11. The invasive white ginger lily (Hedichium coronarium simplifies the trait composition of an insect assemblage in the littoral zone of a Savanna reservoir

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo Henrique Lanzi Saulino


    Full Text Available The invasive white ginger lily (Hedichium coronarium – J. Köenig, 1783 simplifies the trait composition of an insect assemblage in the littoral zone of a Savanna reservoir. Invasive plants are believed to shift the trait composition of aquatic insects dwelling in banks of lentic ecosystems. In this study, we analyzed the relationship between the presence of the invasive white ginger lily (H. coronarium and the functional trait indices of the aquatic insect assemblage in the littoral zone of a tropical reservoir. We sampled aquatic insects on the invaded and non-invaded banks of the reservoir and then analyzed the insect trait indices by estimating the Functional Dispersion (FDis, Functional Evenness (FEve and the Functional Divergence (FDiv, as well as the Community level Weight-Mean traits (CWM. Finally, we compared these indices between invaded and non-invaded banks as well as their relationship with the abiotic variables, such as dissolved oxygen, pH, depth and water temperature. The result confirmed that the invaded banks had lower values of functional indices as well as dissolved oxygen. However, this abiotic variable was found to have no effect on the functional indices. In addition, the white ginger lily bank presented higher contribution of collector-gathering to predator-piercer groups. We suggest that the invasion of white ginger lily promotes low heterogeneity habitat resulting in simplification on functional traits of aquatic insect assemblage. Keywords: Biodiversity, Biological invasions, Functional diversity, Lentic system

  12. The invasive white ginger lily ( Hedichium coronarium simplifies the trait composition of an insect assemblage in the littoral zone of a Savanna reservoir

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo Henrique Lanzi Saulino

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The invasive white ginger lily (Hedichium coronarium - J. Köenig, 1783 simplifies the trait composition of an insect assemblage in the littoral zone of a Savanna reservoir. Invasive plants are believed to shift the trait composition of aquatic insects dwelling in banks of lentic ecosystems. In this study, we analyzed the relationship between the presence of the invasive white ginger lily (H. coronarium and the functional trait indices of the aquatic insect assemblage in the littoral zone of a tropical reservoir. We sampled aquatic insects on the invaded and non-invaded banks of the reservoir and then analyzed the insect trait indices by estimating the Functional Dispersion (FDis, Functional Evenness (FEve and the Functional Divergence (FDiv, as well as the Community level Weight-Mean traits (CWM. Finally, we compared these indices between invaded and non-invaded banks as well as their relationship with the abiotic variables, such as dissolved oxygen, pH, depth and water temperature. The result confirmed that the invaded banks had lower values of functional indices as well as dissolved oxygen. However, this abiotic variable was found to have no effect on the functional indices. In addition, the white ginger lily bank presented higher contribution of collector-gathering to predator-piercer groups. We suggest that the invasion of white ginger lily promotes low heterogeneity habitat resulting in simplification on functional traits of aquatic insect assemblage.

  13. Relationship between the Composition of Flavonoids and Flower Colors Variation in Tropical Water Lily (Nymphaea) Cultivars (United States)

    Zhu, Manlan; Zheng, Xuchen; Shu, Qingyan; Li, Hui; Zhong, Peixing; Zhang, Huijin; Xu, Yanjun; Wang, Lijin; Wang, Liangsheng


    Water lily, the member of the Nymphaeaceae family, is the symbol of Buddhism and Brahmanism in India. Despite its limited researches on flower color variations and formation mechanism, water lily has background of blue flowers and displays an exceptionally wide diversity of flower colors from purple, red, blue to yellow, in nature. In this study, 34 flavonoids were identified among 35 tropical cultivars by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with photodiode array detection (DAD) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Among them, four anthocyanins: delphinidin 3-O-rhamnosyl-5-O-galactoside (Dp3Rh5Ga), delphinidin 3-O-(2″-O-galloyl-6″-O-oxalyl-rhamnoside) (Dp3galloyl-oxalylRh), delphinidin 3-O-(6″-O-acetyl-β-glucopyranoside) (Dp3acetylG) and cyanidin 3- O-(2″-O-galloyl-galactopyranoside)-5-O-rhamnoside (Cy3galloylGa5Rh), one chalcone: chalcononaringenin 2′-O-galactoside (Chal2′Ga) and twelve flavonols: myricetin 7-O-rhamnosyl-(1→2)-rhamnoside (My7RhRh), quercetin 7-O-galactosyl-(1→2)-rhamnoside (Qu7GaRh), quercetin 7-O-galactoside (Qu7Ga), kaempferol 7-O-galactosyl-(1→2)-rhamnoside (Km7GaRh), myricetin 3-O-galactoside (My3Ga), kaempferol 7-O-galloylgalactosyl-(1→2)-rhamnoside (Km7galloylGaRh), myricetin 3-O-galloylrhamnoside (My3galloylRh), kaempferol 3-O-galactoside (Km3Ga), isorhamnetin 7-O-galactoside (Is7Ga), isorhamnetin 7-O-xyloside (Is7Xy), kaempferol 3-O-(3″-acetylrhamnoside) (Km3-3″acetylRh) and quercetin 3-O-acetylgalactoside (Qu3acetylGa) were identified in the petals of tropic water lily for the first time. Meanwhile a multivariate analysis was used to explore the relationship between pigments and flower color. By comparing, the cultivars which were detected delphinidin 3-galactoside (Dp3Ga) presented amaranth, and detected delphinidin 3′-galactoside (Dp3′Ga) presented blue. However, the derivatives of delphinidin and cyanidin were more complicated in red group. No anthocyanins were detected within

  14. Relationship between the composition of flavonoids and flower colors variation in tropical water lily (Nymphaea cultivars.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manlan Zhu

    Full Text Available Water lily, the member of the Nymphaeaceae family, is the symbol of Buddhism and Brahmanism in India. Despite its limited researches on flower color variations and formation mechanism, water lily has background of blue flowers and displays an exceptionally wide diversity of flower colors from purple, red, blue to yellow, in nature. In this study, 34 flavonoids were identified among 35 tropical cultivars by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC with photodiode array detection (DAD and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS. Among them, four anthocyanins: delphinidin 3-O-rhamnosyl-5-O-galactoside (Dp3Rh5Ga, delphinidin 3-O-(2"-O-galloyl-6"-O-oxalyl-rhamnoside (Dp3galloyl-oxalylRh, delphinidin 3-O-(6"-O-acetyl-β-glucopyranoside (Dp3acetylG and cyanidin 3- O-(2"-O-galloyl-galactopyranoside-5-O-rhamnoside (Cy3galloylGa5Rh, one chalcone: chalcononaringenin 2'-O-galactoside (Chal2'Ga and twelve flavonols: myricetin 7-O-rhamnosyl-(1 → 2-rhamnoside (My7RhRh, quercetin 7-O-galactosyl-(1 → 2-rhamnoside (Qu7GaRh, quercetin 7-O-galactoside (Qu7Ga, kaempferol 7-O-galactosyl-(1 → 2-rhamnoside (Km7GaRh, myricetin 3-O-galactoside (My3Ga, kaempferol 7-O-galloylgalactosyl-(1 → 2-rhamnoside (Km7galloylGaRh, myricetin 3-O-galloylrhamnoside (My3galloylRh, kaempferol 3-O-galactoside (Km3Ga, isorhamnetin 7-O-galactoside (Is7Ga, isorhamnetin 7-O-xyloside (Is7Xy, kaempferol 3-O-(3"-acetylrhamnoside (Km3-3"acetylRh and quercetin 3-O-acetylgalactoside (Qu3acetylGa were identified in the petals of tropic water lily for the first time. Meanwhile a multivariate analysis was used to explore the relationship between pigments and flower color. By comparing, the cultivars which were detected delphinidin 3-galactoside (Dp3Ga presented amaranth, and detected delphinidin 3'-galactoside (Dp3'Ga presented blue. However, the derivatives of delphinidin and cyanidin were more complicated in red group. No anthocyanins were detected within white and yellow group

  15. Working for Jewish girls : Lily Montagu, girls' clubs and industrial reform 1890-1914.


    Spence, J.


    Lily Montagu was involved in social work and religious ministry with the London Jewish community for over sixty years. This article considers the significance of her involvement in the girls' club movement and her efforts towards workplace reform. It argues that the specific circumstances of working-class Jewish girls in the early twentieth century enabled her to develop a comprehensive view of both industrial organisation and social work. Her approach was submerged as social work and trade u...

  16. Hepatoprotective Activity of Easter Lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) Bulb Extracts. (United States)

    Tang, Wenping; Munafo, John P; Palatini, Kimberly; Esposito, Debora; Huang, Mou-Tuan; Komarnytsky, Slavko; Ho, Chi-Tang; Gianfagna, Thomas J


    The hepatoprotective activities of two different extracts, a hydroethanolic crude bulb extract (CB) and a steroidal glycoside-rich 1-butanol extract (BuOH), prepared from the bulbs of Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.), were evaluated in a 24 week study in the female KK.Cg-A(y)/J Type 2 diabetic mouse model. Animals were divided into six groups (n = 16): control mice received Easter lily bulb extract-free drinking water together with a low- or high-fat diet (diabetic control); drinking water for the remaining groups was supplemented with CB extract (1%), BuOH extract (0.1 or 0.2%), and reference drug Metformin (0.001%), together with a high-fat diet. Both CB and BuOH extract treatment groups exhibited significantly improved liver function based on comparisons of triglycerides [diabetic 219 ± 34 mg/dL, CB 131 ± 27 mg/dL, BuOH(0.2%) 114 ± 35 mg/dL], CB total cholesterol (TC) (diabetic 196 ± 12 mg/dL, CB 159 ± 5 mg/dL), average liver mass [diabetic 2.96 ± 0.13 g, CB 2.58 ± 0.08 g, BuOH(0.1%) 2.48 ± 0.13 g], alanine transferase [diabetic 74 ± 5 units/L, CB 25 ± 1 units/L, BuOH(0.1%) 45 ± 1 units/L], and histological examinations. Glucose metabolism was improved only in CB, which was confirmed by oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) in diet-induced obese C57BL/6J mice exposed to CB extract. These data suggest that steroidal glycosides 1-5 might play a role in the hepatoprotective activity of the BuOH extracts, while the results of the TC measurements and OGTT study indicate that other constituents present in the CB extract are responsible for its hypocholesterolemic and hypoglycemic activity.

  17. Improved detection of coastal acid sulfate soil hotspots through biomonitoring of metal(loid) accumulation in water lilies (Nymphaea capensis). (United States)

    Stroud, Jacqueline L; Collins, Richard N


    Anthropogenically disturbed coastal acid sulfate soils along the east coast of Australia, and worldwide, periodically result in the discharge of acid waters containing high concentrations of metals. Identifying priority sites (hotspots) within a catchment for acid sulfate soil remediation activities typically involves long-term monitoring of drainwater chemistry, including the capture of data on unpredictable rain-induced groundwater discharge events. To improve upon this monitoring approach, this study investigated using the water lily (Nymphaea capensis) as a biomonitor of drainage waters to identify hotspots in three acid sulfate soil impacted catchments (83 km(2)) in north-eastern New South Wales, Australia. In one catchment where the location of hotspots was known, water lily lamina concentrations of a suite of metal(loid)s were significantly (photspots revealed within catchment variation of plant metal concentrations up to 70-fold. High resolution maps produced from these results, therefore, provided strong evidence for the location of potential hotspots which were confirmed with measurements of drainwater chemistry during rain-induced groundwater discharge events. Median catchment lily accumulation was ca. 160 mg Al kg(-1) and 1,300 mg Fe kg(-1), with hotspots containing up to 6- and 10-fold higher Al and Fe concentrations. These findings suggest that biomonitoring with N. capensis can be an important tool to rapidly identify priority sites for remediation in acid sulfate soil impacted landscapes. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



    Yusti-Muñoz, Ana Paola; Velandia-Perilla, Jorge H.


    The amazon lily Eucharis sanderi is a rare species endemic to western Colombia, with few locality records known. We documented the occurrence of the species for the first time on Isla Gorgona, near the Pacific coast of Colombia, based on a specimen collected in May, 2011. Isla Gorgona is an important protected area for the conservation of threatened species such as E. sanderi. We recommend that research be conducted to determine the conservation status of the population of this species on the...

  19. Synthesize and electrochemical characterization of Mg-doped Li-rich layered Li[Li0.2Ni0.2Mn0.6]O2 cathode material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Dan; Huang, Yan; Huo, Zhenqing; Chen, Li


    Highlights: • Layered Li[Li 0.2 Ni 0.2−x Mn 0.6−x Mg 2x ]O 2 (2x = 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05) were synthetized. • Li[Li 0.2 Ni 0.2−x Mn 0.6−x Mg 2x ]O 2 exhibit enhanced electrochemical properties. • The improved performance is attributed to enhanced structure stability. -- Abstract: Mg-doped Li[Li 0.2 Ni 0.2 Mn 0.6 ]O 2 as a Li-rich cathode material of lithium-ion batteries were prepared by co-precipitation method and ball-milling treatment using Mg(OH) 2 as a dopant. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), ex situ X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and galvantatic charge/discharge were used to investigate the effect of Mg doping on structure and electrochemical performance. Compared with the bare material, Mg-doped materials exhibit better cycle stabilities and superior rate capabilities. Li[Li 0.2 Ni 0.195 Mn 0.595 Mg 0.01 ]O 2 displays a high reversible capacity of 226.5 mAh g −1 after 60 cycles at 0.1 C. The excellent cycle performance can be attributed to the improvement in structure stability, which is verified by XRD tests before and after 60 cycles. EIS results show that Mg doping decreases the charge-transfer resistance and enhances the reaction kinetics, which is considered to be the major factor for higher rate performance

  20. Sagatavoto runu izmantošana angļu valodas stundās vidusskolēnu publiskās runas iemaņu attīstīšanai


    Rukkalne, Agnese


    Diplomdarba autore savas prakses laikā pamanīja, ka skolēniem bija grūtības runāt publikas priekšā. Skolēniem bija problēmas argumentēt savu viedokli un precīzi izteikt savas domas, bet mūsdienās tas ir svarīgi, lai dabūtu darbu, spētu labi prezentēt savas idejas un prastu pārliecināt citus - tāpēc cilvēkiem ir jāattīsta publiskās uzstāšanās prasmes. Diplomdarba autore izmantoja sagatavotās runas angļu valodas stundās, lai attīstītu vidusskolēnu publiskās runas iemaņas. Izvēlētā pētījuma m...

  1. Conservation of lily plants. Energy conservation by decreasing circulation; Bewaring van lelieplantgoed. Energiebesparing door vermindering van de circulatie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wildschut, J.; Gude, H. Sector Bloembollen, Bomen en Fruit, Praktijkonderzoek Plant en Omgeving PPO, Lisse (Netherlands)); Braam, G.; Vasen, R.; Van Diepen, G. [DLV Plant, Wageningen (Netherlands)


    By far the most important energy consuming aspect in cultivating lilies is the use of electricity for refrigeration and circulation during storage in the period November until April. The aim of this study is to arrive at standards for refrigeration and ventilation that result in maximum energy conservation without affecting the quality of the lily plants. As for reduced circulation, a comparison has also been made of the on/off control and the frequency control [Dutch] De veruit belangrijkste energiepost bij de teelt van lelies is het verbruik van elektriciteit voor koeling en circulatie tijdens de bewaring van november t/m april. Doel van dit onderzoek is om voor circulatie en ventilatie tot normen te komen waarmee maximaal op energie wordt bespaard zonder dat dit ten koste gaat van de kwaliteit van het lelieplantgoed. Voor de verminderde circulatie is hierbij ook een vergelijking gemaakt tussen de aan/uit regeling en de frequentieregeling.

  2. Changes in Sensitivity Levels of Botrytis spp. Population Isolated from Lily to Fungicides and Control under Field Condition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soosang Hahm


    Full Text Available Forty eight isolates of Botrytis elliptica and 23 isolates of B. cinerea from several locations in Korea were tested for resistance to fungicides used in the farmer's fields. Isolation frequency of B. elliptica having EC50 (effective concentration of 50% value 500−1000 μg/ml to benomyl and mancozeb appeared highly, suggesting that the two fungicides are not effective in controlling leaf blight of lily in the field. The isolates were tested for resistance to fungicides procymidone and iprodione which were most commonly used in the farmer's fields. The rates of EC50 value 5−50 μg/ml to procymidome and iprodione were 93.7% and 100%, respectively, and those of 0−0.1 μg/ml to diethofencarb+carbendazim and fludioxonil were 98.0% and 93.8%, respectively. In the rain-protected cultivation, control of leaf blight of lily was the most effective when iprodine, diethofencarb+ carbendazim, and fludioxonil were sprayed alternately four times during the growing season.

  3. Refleksīvās dienasgrāmatas argumentatīvās rakstītprasmes attīstībai angļu valodas stundās vidusskolā


    Sarma, Zane


    Šis pētījums tika veits lai noteiktu vai refleksiju dienasgrāmatas var tikt pielietotas vidusskolas angļu valodas mācību stundās, lai attīstītu argumentatīvās rakstītprasmes. Lai to uzzinātu, tika izmantots gadījuma pētījums. Gadījuma pētījumā tika pārbaudīta skolēnu argumantatīvo rakstītprasmju attīstība, izmantojot refleksiju dienasgrāmatu analīzi, kā arī pirms- un pēc-testu. Skolēni veica ierakstus refleksiju dienasgrāmatās pēc katras mācību stundas, kas koncentrējās uz argumentatīvo prasm...

  4. Flowering pathway is regulated by bulb size in Lilium longiflorum (Easter lily). (United States)

    Lazare, S; Zaccai, M


    Lilium longiflorum (Easter lily) vegetative propagation occurs through production of underground bulbs containing apical and axillary meristems. In addition, sexual reproduction is achieved by flowering of elongated shoots above the bulb. It is generally accepted that L. longiflorum has an obligatory requirement for vernalisation and that long day (LD) regime hastens flowering. However, the effect of bulb size and origin, with respect to axillary or apical meristems on flowering, as well as the interactions between these meristems are largely unknown. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of bulb size, vernalisation and photoperiod on L. longiflorum flowering. To this end, we applied vernalisation and photoperiod treatments to the different bulb sizes and used a system of constant ambient temperature of 25 °C, above vernalisation spectrum, to avoid cold-dependent floral induction during plant growth. Vernalisation and LD hasten flowering in all bulbs. Large, non-vernalised bulbs invariably remained at a vegetative stage. However, small non-vernalised bulbs flowered under LD conditions. These results demonstrate for the first time that cold exposure is not an obligatory prerequisite for L. longiflorum flowering, and that an alternative flowering pathway can bypass vernalisation in small bulbs. We suggest that apical dominance interactions determine the distinct flowering pathways of the apical and axillary meristems. Similar floral induction is achieved in propagated bulblets from scaling. These innovative findings in the field of geophyte floral induction represent valuable applicative knowledge for lily production. © 2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands.

  5. In vitro study of the growth, development and pathogenicity responses of Fusarium oxysporum to phthalic acid, an autotoxin from Lanzhou lily. (United States)

    Wu, Zhijiang; Yang, Liu; Wang, Ruoyu; Zhang, Yubao; Shang, Qianhan; Wang, Le; Ren, Qin; Xie, Zhongkui


    Continuous monoculture of Lanzhou lily (Lilium davidii var. unicolor Cotton) results in frequent incidence of fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum. Phthalic acid (PA), a principal autotoxin from root exudates of Lanzhou lily, is involved in soil sickness by inducing autotoxicity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the direct allelopathic effects of PA on the growth, development and pathogenicity of F. oxysporum in vitro based on an ecologically relevant soil concentration. The results showed that PA slightly but not significantly inhibited the colony growth (mycelial growth) and fungal biomass of F. oxysporum at low concentrations ranging from 0.05 to 0.5 mM, and significantly inhibited the colony growth at the highest concentration (1 mM). None of the PA concentrations tested significantly inhibited the conidial germination and sporulation of F. oxysporum in liquid medium. However, mycotoxin (fusaric acid) yield and pathogenesis-related hydrolytic enzyme (protease, pectinase, cellulase, and amylase) activities were significantly stimulated in liquid cultures of F. oxysporum containing PA at ≥ 0.25 mM. We conclude that PA at a soil level (i.e. 0.25 mM) is involved in plant-pathogen allelopathy as a stimulator of mycotoxin production and hydrolytic enzyme activities in F. oxysporum, which is possibly one of the mechanisms responsible for promoting the wilt disease of lily.

  6. Mit dem Puppenwagen in die normative Weiblichkeit. Lili Elbe und die journalistische Inszenierung von Transsexualität in Dänemark

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sabine Meyer


    Full Text Available When the Danish painter Einar Wegener underwent several operations in 1930 in order to subsequently live as Lili Elvenes, the case was of great interest for both the public and the media. In the beginning of 1931 the Danish newspapers Politiken and Ekstra Bladet published a series of efficacious interlinked articles that were staged as a self-contained whole. Along with emphasizing the discursive competence of medicine and legislation this staging focused on the perpetuation of a heteronormative order. Employing the variables sex, gender and desire as well as their interconnections highlights the normalizing processes of (re-construction tied to such a perpetuation. At the same time it discloses staging strategies, which enable an analysis of Lili Elvenes’ agency. By pursuing this notion of agency such an analysis demonstrates how the transsexual subject is embedded in dominant discourses.

  7. Molecular evolution of the Li/li chemical defence polymorphism in white clover (Trifolium repens L.). (United States)

    Olsen, K M; Sutherland, B L; Small, L L


    White clover (Trifolium repens) is naturally polymorphic for cyanogenesis (hydrogen cyanide release following tissue damage). The ecological factors favouring cyanogenic and acyanogenic plants have been examined in numerous studies over the last half century, making this one of the best-documented examples of an adaptive polymorphism in plants. White clover cyanogenesis is controlled by two, independently segregating Mendelian genes: Ac/ac controls the presence/absence of cyanogenic glucosides; and Li/li controls the presence/absence of their hydrolysing enzyme, linamarase. In this study, we examine the molecular evolution and population genetics of Li as it relates to the cyanogenesis polymorphism. We report here that Li exists as a single-copy gene in plants possessing linamarase activity, and that the absence of enzyme activity in li/li plants is correlated with the absence of much or all of the gene from the white clover genome. Consistent with this finding, we confirm by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction that Li gene expression is absent in plants lacking enzyme activity. In a molecular population genetic analysis of Li and three unlinked genes using a worldwide sample of clover plants, we find an absence of nucleotide variation and statistically significant deviations from neutrality at Li; these findings are consistent with recent positive directional selection at this cyanogenesis locus.

  8. In vitro propagation of Calla lily: adenine sulphate and 6-benzilaminopurine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Márcia De Nazaré Oliveira Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Calla lily [Zantedeschia aethiopica (L. Spreng.] belonging to the Araceae family is appreciated as cut flower and in com­position of gardens. However, the conventional propagation of this plants shows a poor productive. Thus, tissue culture besides allowing fast clonal propagation also provides healthy and uniforms plants. The aim was study the influence of the differents concentrations of 6-benzilaminopurine (BAP and adenine sulphate (AS on in vitro multiplication of Calla lily. The explants were maintained in MS medium added with BAP (0.0, 8.9, 17.8 and 26.7 μM and adenine sulphate (0, 54, 108 and 162 μM. The plants were transferred to growth room and maintained at 25±1ºC and photoperiod of 16 hours for 60 days, under luminous intensity of 35 μmol m-2 s-1, for a period of 60 days. The experimental design was entirely randomized with four repetitions of three seedlings each, resulting in twelve plants per treatment, each tube with one plant. The statistics analysis showed interactive effects for quantify of BAP and AS for leaves number and fresh mass of the aerial parts. The highest number of leaves (4.8 and fresh mass of aerial parts (0.73 g was obtained with 26.7 μM of BAP combined with 108 μM of AS, highest number of shoots (2.6 was obtained with 22,19 μM of BAP and highest lengh of sprouts (5.0 cm was observed in the absence of BAP. The addition of BAP increased the number of shoots per explant. The use of adenine sulphate in combination with BAP had a positive effect for the accumulation of fresh weight and number of leaves in vitro culture.

  9. Steroidal glycosides from the bulbs of Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) promote dermal fibroblast migration in vitro. (United States)

    Esposito, Debora; Munafo, John P; Lucibello, Teresa; Baldeon, Manuel; Komarnytsky, Slavko; Gianfagna, Thomas J


    Preparations derived from bulbs of various Lilium species have been used to promote the healing of skin abrasions, sores and burns and to aid in healing wounds in Traditional Chinese and Greco-Roman Medicine. To evaluate fractionated Easter lily bulb extracts and their steroidal glycosides (1-5) for the promotion of dermal fibroblast migration in vitro, a model for the early events in wound healing. An activity-guided screening approach was used by coupling sequential solvent extraction, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), and semi-preparative reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) with an in vitro dermal fibroblast migration assay. Cytotoxicity was evaluated with methyl thiazole tetrazolium (MTT). To gain insight into the mode of action of the steroidal glycosides, nitric oxide (NO) production, and expression of genes for transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-β) and its receptors were evaluated. Fractionated bulb extracts and the two isolated steroidal glycoalkaloids (1) and (2) induced NO production and TGF-β receptor I mRNA expression in fibroblast cell culture. In a cytotoxicity assay, steroidal glycosides (1) and (3) had IC50 values of 8.2 and 8.7 µM, but the natural acetylation of the C-6″' hydroxy of the terminal glucose unit in (2) resulted in a 3-fold decrease in cell cytotoxicity when compared with (1). Results from the dermal fibroblast migration assay revealed that the steroidal glycoalkaloids (1) and (2), and the furostanol saponin (3) promoted fibroblast migration from the range of 23.7±5.7 to 37.7±5.1%, as compared with the control. Collectively, our data demonstrate that the steroidal glycosides present in Easter lily bulbs induce, at least in part, the observed dermal fibroblast migration activity of the bulb extracts. This is the first evidence that steroidal glycosides from Lilium longiflorum may potentially play a role in the wound healing process and may provide a scientific basis for the historical use of lily

  10. Quantitative Analysis of Phenylpropanoid Glycerol Glucosides in Different Organs of Easter Lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.). (United States)

    Munafo, John P; Gianfagna, Thomas J


    The Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) is esteemed worldwide as an attractive ornamental plant, and the flower buds and bulbs are used for both culinary and medicinal purposes in many parts of the world. L. longiflorum contains significant amounts of phenylpropanoid glycerol glucosides, a group of compounds that may contribute to plant pathogen defense, ultraviolet/high-intensity visible light (UV/high light) protection, and the purported medicinal uses of lilies. To define the natural distribution of these compounds within the plant, a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) method performed in selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode was employed for the quantitative analysis of five phenylpropanoid glycerol glucosides, namely, (2S)-1-O-caffeoyl-2-O-β-D-glucopyranosylglycerol, 1; (2R)-1-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-2-O-p-coumaroylglycerol, 2; (2S)-1-O-p-coumaroyl-2-O-β-D-glucopyranosylglycerol, 3; (2S)-1-O-caffeoyl-2-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-3-O-acetylglycerol, 4; and (2S)-1-O-p-coumaroyl-2-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-3-O-acetylglycerol, 5, in the different organs of L. longiflorum. The p-coumaroyl-based 3 and its acetylated derivative 5 were determined to be the most abundant of the phenylpropanoid glycerol glucosides found in Easter lily bulbs, at 776.3 ± 8.4 and 650.7 ± 32.6 μg/g dry weight, respectively. The acetylated p-coumaroyl- and caffeoyl-based derivatives, 5 and 4, accumulated to the highest concentration in the closed flower buds, at 4925.2 ± 512.8 and 3216.8 ± 406.4 μg/g dry weight, respectively. Compound 4, followed by 5 and 1, proved to be the most abundant in the mature flowers, occurring at 6006.2 ± 625.8, 2160.3 ± 556.5, and 1535.8 ± 174.1 μg/g dry weight, respectively. Total concentrations of the phenylpropanoid glycerol glucosides were 10-100-fold higher in the above-ground plant organs as compared to the bulbs and fleshy roots. Two of the five compounds, 1 and 2, were identified in L. longiflorum for the first time. The quantitative

  11. Electrochemical studies on electrospun Li(Li1/3Ti5/3)O4 grains as an anode for Li-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Yongzhi; Reddy, M.V.; Chowdari, B.V.R.; Ramakrishna, S.


    Highlights: ► We report (Li(Li 1/3 Ti 5/3 )O 4 ) (LTO) obtained via electrospinning and followed by heat treatment. ► Electrochemical studies on nano-LTO showed a reversible capacity of 165(±3) mAh g −1 and 78(±3) mAh g −1 at a current rate of 0.2 C and 10 C, respectively. ► Electrode kinetics studies of LTO were carried out the end of 380 cycle using GITT and EIS techniques. - Abstract: Li(Li 1/3 Ti 5/3 )O 4 or (Li 4 Ti 5 O 12 ) (LTO) grains are prepared via electrospinning a solution containing lithium acetate, titanium tetra(IV)-isopropoxide, polyvinyl acetate and acetic acid in N,N-dimethyl-formamide, followed by a subsequent sintering process. The structures and morphology were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission microscopy. Coin-type cells were assembled to test the electrochemical performance was evaluated using galvanostatic cycling at room temperature, in the cycling range, 1.0–2.8 V. The Li-cycling results showed characteristic discharge-charge plateaus at 1.55 and 1.8 V vs. Li/Li + , respectively. Electrospun LTO showed a reversible capacity of 165(±3) mAh g −1 at the end of 10th cycle at a current rate of 0.2 C. The later studies on rate capacities and cycling performance of LTO grains demonstrate good rate performance and long term cycling stability. Galvanostatic Intermittent Titration Technique (GITT) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) studied were carried out at end of 381st and 382nd cycle to understand the electrode kinetics.

  12. Molecular characterization of a divergent strain of calla lily chlorotic spot virus infecting celtuce (Lactuca sativa var. augustana) in China. (United States)

    Wu, Xiaodong; Wu, Xiaoyun; Li, Wenbin; Cheng, Xiaofei


    Through sequencing and assembly of small RNAs, an orthotospovirus was identified from a celtuce plant (Lactuca sativa var. augustana) showing vein clearing and chlorotic spots in the Zhejiang province of China. The S, M, and L RNAs of this orthotospovirus were determined to be 3146, 4734, and 8934 nt, respectively, and shared 30.4-72.5%, 43.4-80.8%, and 29.84-82.9% nucleotide sequence identities with that of known orthotospoviruses. The full length nucleoprotein (N) of this orthotospovirus shared highest amino acid sequence identity (90.25%) with that of calla lily chlorotic spot virus isolated from calla lily (CCSV-calla) [China: Taiwan: 2001] and tobacco (CCSV-LJ1) [China: Lijiang: 2014]. Phylogenetic analyses showed that this orthotospovirus is phylogenetically associated with CCSV isolates and clustered with CCSV, tomato zonate spot virus (TZSV), and tomato necrotic spot-associated virus (TNSaV) in a separate sub-branch. These results suggest that this orthotospovirus is a divergent isolate of CCSV and was thus named CCSV-Cel [China: Zhejiang: 2017].

  13. Análisis de la estructura organizacional del centro médico popular Dra. Lili Perez Sánchez y propuesta de reestructuración de procesos administrativos para potenciar el servicio al cliente.


    Carrera Franco, Astrid Carolina; Pazmiño Flores, Tatiana Carolina


    El presente proyecto de investigación se orienta en el análisis de procesos administrativos en el Centro Médico Popular Dra.Lili Pérez Sánchez y reestructuración de estos mediante un estudio de tiempos y movimientos, modificación del manual de procesos para el personal, complementado con estrategias de marketing para llegar acertadamente al cliente. The following investigation project is oriented from the analysis of the administrative processes in the Popular Medical Center Dra.Lili Pérez...

  14. Results of the radiological survey at 23 Lily Street, Albany, New York

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Espegren, M.L.; Marley, J.L.; Carrier, R.F.


    A number of properties in the Albany/Colonie area have been identified as being potentially contaminated with uranium originating from the former National Lead Company's uranium forming plant in Colonie, New York. The property at 23 Lily Street in Albany, New York (AL174), was the subject of a radiological investigation initiated July 21, 1986. The residential property consists of a two-story frame house located on a rectangular lot. An asphalt driveway connects the house to the street. A diagram of the property showing the approximate boundaries and the 5-m grid network established for measurements outside the house is shown. The lot included in the radiological survey was /approximately/20 m wide by 30 m deep. Front and side views of the property are shown. 13 refs., 5 figs., 5 tabs

  15. Results of the radiological survey at 21 Lily Street, Albany, New York

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Espegren, M.L.; Marley, J.L.


    A number of properties in the Albany/Colonie area have been identified as being potentially contaminated with uranium originating from the former National Lead Company's uranium forming plant in Colonie, New York. The property at 21 Lily Street in Albany, New York (AL164) was the subject of a radiological investigation initiated July 16, 1986. The residential property consists of a two-story frame house located on a rectangular lot. A gravel drive is located on the lot. A diagram of the property showing the approximate boundaries and the 5-m grid network established for measurements outside the house is shown. The lot included in the radiological survey was /approximately/21 m wide by 26 m deep. Front and rear views of the property are shown. 13 refs., 5 figs., 5 tabs

  16. Occurrence of 2n gametes in the F1 hybrids of Oriental x Asiatic lilies (Lilium): Relevance to intergenomic recombination and backcrossing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barba Gonzalez, R.; Lim, K.B.; Ramanna, M.S.; Visser, R.G.F.; Tuyl, van J.M.


    Cytological modes of the origin of 2n gametes were investigated in six different genotypes of F1 hybrids between Oriental and Asiatic (OA) lilies (Lilium, 2n = 2x = 24). Chromosome pairing between the parental genomes was very low, the average frequency range from 0.3 to 1.2 bivalents per cell among

  17. Anion Redox Chemistry in the Cobalt Free 3d Transition Metal Oxide Intercalation Electrode Li[Li0.2Ni0.2Mn0.6]O2. (United States)

    Luo, Kun; Roberts, Matthew R; Guerrini, Niccoló; Tapia-Ruiz, Nuria; Hao, Rong; Massel, Felix; Pickup, David M; Ramos, Silvia; Liu, Yi-Sheng; Guo, Jinghua; Chadwick, Alan V; Duda, Laurent C; Bruce, Peter G


    Conventional intercalation cathodes for lithium batteries store charge in redox reactions associated with the transition metal cations, e.g., Mn(3+/4+) in LiMn2O4, and this limits the energy storage of Li-ion batteries. Compounds such as Li[Li0.2Ni0.2Mn0.6]O2 exhibit a capacity to store charge in excess of the transition metal redox reactions. The additional capacity occurs at and above 4.5 V versus Li(+)/Li. The capacity at 4.5 V is dominated by oxidation of the O(2-) anions accounting for ∼0.43 e(-)/formula unit, with an additional 0.06 e(-)/formula unit being associated with O loss from the lattice. In contrast, the capacity above 4.5 V is mainly O loss, ∼0.08 e(-)/formula. The O redox reaction involves the formation of localized hole states on O during charge, which are located on O coordinated by (Mn(4+)/Li(+)). The results have been obtained by combining operando electrochemical mass spec on (18)O labeled Li[Li0.2Ni0.2Mn0.6]O2 with XANES, soft X-ray spectroscopy, resonant inelastic X-ray spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. Finally the general features of O redox are described with discussion about the role of comparatively ionic (less covalent) 3d metal-oxygen interaction on anion redox in lithium rich cathode materials.

  18. Bioassay-guided fractionation of extracts from Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum) flowers reveals unprecedented structural variability of steroidal glycoalkaloids. (United States)

    Uhlig, Silvio; Hussain, Fozia; Wisløff, Helene


    Several Lilium species are nephrotoxic in cats (Felis silvestris catus), among them Easter lilies (Lilium longiflorum). Although clinical trials have been carried out, the causative toxic phytochemicals have not yet been identified. We thus aimed to determine the toxic constituents of Easter lily flowers applying a bioassay-guided approach based on a feline kidney cell line model. The bioassay-guided fractionation traced the observed cytotoxicity to a complex mixture of compounds that were tentatively identified as steroidal glycoalkaloids of the solasodine-type, based on multiple-fragmentation ion trap and high-resolution mass spectrometry. The glycoalkaloids in the active fraction possessed trisaccharide chains, and at least 16 different congeners could be separated using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The two principal compounds were solasodine trisaccharides containing two hexose and one deoxy-hexose unit. In the remaining 14 analogues, one or two of the hydroxyl groups of the second hexose from the aglycone were acetylated. In addition, some of the analogues appeared to be carbonate esters. Esterification of steroidal glycoalkaloids in plants has only been reported once and was in accordance with higher antifungal activity of the acetylated versus the parent congener. Our pilot study shows that esterification of steroidal glycoalkaloids in Lilium species might be common resulting in an array of different analogues with largely unexplored structural variability and bioactivity. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Cloning and Functional Characterization of a Gene for Capsanthin-Capsorubin Synthase from Tiger Lily (Lilium lancifolium Thunb. ‘Splendens’)


    Jeknić, Zoran; Morré, Jeffrey T.; Jeknić, Stevan; Jevremović, Slađana; Subotić, Angelina; Chen, Tony H.H.


    The orange color of tiger lily (Lolium lancifolium ‘Splendens’) flowers is due, primarily, to the accumulation of two κ-xanthophylls, capsanthin and capsorubin. An enzyme, known as capsanthin-capsorubin synthase (CCS), catalyzes the conversion of antheraxanthin and violaxanthin into capsanthin and capsorubin, respectively. We cloned the gene for capsanthin-capsorubin synthase (Llccs) from flower tepals of L. lancifolium by the rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) with a heterologous non-de...

  20. Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs (AXBT) data from Ocean Surveys in the Gulf of Mexico during Hurricane Lili 2002-10-02 to 2002-10-04 (NCEI Accession 0159386) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs (AXBT) data from deployments during field operations to study Hurricane Lili. The data were used in model simulations for...

  1. Evaluation of heavy metals (Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Hg) in water, sediments and water lily (Eichornia crassipes) from Jose Antonio Alzate dam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avila P, P.


    Water, sediments and water lily (Eichornia crassipes) from the Jose Antonio Alzate Dam were analyzed in order to determine concentrations of chromium, iron, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead and mercury. Mercury, lead, chromium and iron were found in concentrations above permissible limits in water, and in high concentrations in sediments. Cadmium, nickel, copper and zinc never were found in concentrations above permissible limits in water. The highest concentrations of heavy metals in water lily were found in the root. Accumulation factors decreased in the following order: Zn> Cr> Fe> Ni> Cu> Pb> Hg and Cd. Statistical differences (α < 0.5) between the collection samples dates was observed. High correlations between metals concentrations in superficial water, sediment and water hyacinth were also observed. These correlations could indicate that the heavy metals studied here, are originated from a natural source such as sediments or from an industrial source. (Author)

  2. Plant villin, lily P-135-ABP, possesses G-actin binding activity and accelerates the polymerization and depolymerization of actin in a Ca2+-sensitive manner. (United States)

    Yokota, Etsuo; Tominaga, Motoki; Mabuchi, Issei; Tsuji, Yasunori; Staiger, Christopher J; Oiwa, Kazuhiro; Shimmen, Teruo


    From germinating pollen of lily, two types of villins, P-115-ABP and P-135-ABP, have been identified biochemically. Ca(2+)-CaM-dependent actin-filament binding and bundling activities have been demonstrated for both villins previously. Here, we examined the effects of lily villins on the polymerization and depolymerization of actin. P-115-ABP and P-135-ABP present in a crude protein extract prepared from germinating pollen bound to a DNase I affinity column in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. Purified P-135-ABP reduced the lag period that precedes actin filament polymerization from monomers in the presence of either Ca(2+) or Ca(2+)-CaM. These results indicated that P-135-ABP can form a complex with G-actin in the presence of Ca(2+) and this complex acts as a nucleus for polymerization of actin filaments. However, the nucleation activity of P-135-ABP is probably not relevant in vivo because the assembly of G-actin saturated with profilin, a situation that mimics conditions found in pollen, was not accelerated in the presence of P-135-ABP. P-135-ABP also enhanced the depolymerization of actin filaments during dilution-mediated disassembly. Growth from filament barbed ends in the presence of Ca(2+)-CaM was also prevented, consistent with filament capping activity. These results suggested that lily villin is involved not only in the arrangement of actin filaments into bundles in the basal and shank region of the pollen tube, but also in regulating and modulating actin dynamics through its capping and depolymerization (or fragmentation) activities in the apical region of the pollen tube, where there is a relatively high concentration of Ca(2+).

  3. Tulkošanas problēmas Antuāna de Sent-Ekziperī pasakā "Mazais princis"


    Skromule, Ilze


    Tulkošana ir process, kurā darbojas divas valodas un kultūras, turklāt līdzās avota teksta autoram tajā iesaistīts vēl viens cilvēks – tulkotājs - ar savu valodas, kultūras un personisko pieredzi. Līdz ar to rodas šaubas par to, vai ir iespējams sniegt mērķa valodas lasītājiem nemainītu avota teksta informāciju. Lai izprastu iemeslus, kas šo procesu kavē, un meklētu iespējas šķēršļus mazināt, par pētījuma mērķi tiek izvirzīts veikt divu Antuāna de Sent-Ekziperī pasakas „Mazais princis” tulkoj...

  4. Conservation, genetic characterization, phytochemical and biological investigation of black calla lily: A wild endangered medicinal plant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mai Mohammed Farid


    Full Text Available Scientists continue to search for and conserve plants whose medicinal properties have become crucial in the fight against diseases. Moreover, lessons from folk medicine, indigenous knowledge and Chinese medicine on crude extracts points to possible findings of novel promising and strong pharmaceutically bioactive constituents. Arum palaestinum, commonly known as black calla lily, is one of the most important medicinal plants belonging to the family Araceae, which has not been well studied. Little is known about its pharmaceutically bioactive constituents and the effective conservation through the use of biotechnology. Thus, Arum Palaestinum is selected and reviewed for its phytochemical analysis and biological activities. Besides, the tissue culture and genetic characterization developed for effective conservation of the plant were also summarized.

  5. The effects of different pollination methods on overcoming distant cross barriers of the Lily 'cordelia' x Lilium dauricum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma Li; Zhang Qixiang; Zhang Kezhong; Jia Yuehui; Wang Zhe


    The application of irradiated pollen assisting pollination, cross chemical assisting pollination and cut-style pollination in overcoming the cross barriers of lily 'cordelia' x Lilium dauricum were investigated. A number of fruits and plump seeds were produced by using the normal stigma pollination, which indicated that the cross was a compatible cross. The fact that the application of 1000 Gy or 2000 Gy irradiated pollen assisting pollination increased the fruitset and seedset obviously exhibited that this methods could overcome the cross barriers effectively. More hybrid seeds would have a positive effect on the future breeding selection. Application of cross chemical's assisting pollination raised the fruitset and seedset to some extent. The cut-style pollination method deduced the fruitset and seedset, which suggested that the method was not suitable for bypassing the cross barriers. (authors)

  6. Program standard of quality control for a system of Positron Emission Tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) used in the Foundation Valle de Lili; Programa estandar de control de calidad para un sistema de tomografia por emision de positrones-tomografia computadorizada (PET-CT) utilizado en la Fundacion Valle del Lili

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nunez, Nathalia I.; Benavides, Sivor O., E-mail:, E-mail: [Fundacion Valle del Lili (OFM-PR/FVL), Cali (Colombia). Dept. de Fisica Medica y Proteccion Radiologica; Lopera, Wilson, E-mail: [Universidad del Valle, Cali (Colombia). Dept. de Fisica


    A standard protocol of quality control in the Fundacion Valle del Lili for the implementation of a multimodal scanner developed emission tomography BIOGRAPH mCT X-3R of SIEMENS Registered-Sign covering routine testing, frequency, acceptance ranges necessary corrective and preventive measures to detect and correct any faults and proceed if the upper detection precision and accuracy ranges accepted deviations actions. In order to minimize errors in the planning and management of patient dose, thereby improving the quality of the diagnostic image with the dose of radiation is reasonably low as possible, consistent with the clinical use of the equipment used and the information requested diagnostic study.

  7. Microwave irradiation controls the manganese oxidation states of nanostructured (Li[Li0.2Mn0.52Ni0.13Co0.13Al0.02]O2) layered cathode materials for high-performance lithium ion batteries

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Jafta, CJ


    Full Text Available A hybrid synthesis procedure, combining microwave irradiation and conventional annealing process, is described for the preparation of lithium-rich manganese-rich cathode materials, Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13]O2 (LMNC) and its aluminum...

  8. Effect of 60Co γ-ray radiation on bud proliferation of oriental lily scales cultured in vitro

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Dan; Zhang Zhiwei; Zhang Dongxue


    The effects of 60 Co γ-ray radiation on the bud proliferation of the oriental lily scales cultured in vitro were studied. The results show that the irradiation significantly inhibits bud proliferation, but the effects of radiation on the number of bud proliferation and the bud proliferation rate are obviously depressed along with the increasing of times of bud proliferation. The effect of radiation on the bud proliferation is repressive during the first time of bud proliferation and the effect is more significant in the higher radiation dosage treatment. The repressive effect of radiation on the bud proliferation disappears during the third time of bud proliferation, but the physiologic status is in the telophase of the damage repair action. The contents of protein and MDA of the bud were influenced differently depending on the radiation dosage and on the types of medium and positions of scales. (authors)

  9. Perturbation Analysis of Calcium, Alkalinity and Secretion during Growth of Lily Pollen Tubes. (United States)

    Winship, Lawrence J; Rounds, Caleb; Hepler, Peter K


    Pollen tubes grow by spatially and temporally regulated expansion of new material secreted into the cell wall at the tip of the tube. A complex web of interactions among cellular components, ions and small molecule provides dynamic control of localized expansion and secretion. Cross-correlation studies on oscillating lily ( Lilium formosanum Wallace) pollen tubes showed that an increase in intracellular calcium follows an increase in growth, whereas the increase in the alkaline band and in secretion both anticipate the increase in growth rate. Calcium, as a follower, is unlikely to be a stimulator of growth, whereas the alkaline band, as a leader, may be an activator. To gain further insight herein we reversibly inhibited growth with potassium cyanide (KCN) and followed the re-establishment of calcium, pH and secretion patterns as growth resumed. While KCN markedly slows growth and causes the associated gradients of calcium and pH to sharply decline, its removal allows growth and vital processes to fully recover. The calcium gradient reappears before growth restarts; however, it is preceded by both the alkaline band and secretion, in which the alkaline band is slightly advanced over secretion. Thus the pH gradient, rather than the tip-focused calcium gradient, may regulate pollen tube growth.

  10. Perturbation Analysis of Calcium, Alkalinity and Secretion during Growth of Lily Pollen Tubes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lawrence J. Winship


    Full Text Available Pollen tubes grow by spatially and temporally regulated expansion of new material secreted into the cell wall at the tip of the tube. A complex web of interactions among cellular components, ions and small molecule provides dynamic control of localized expansion and secretion. Cross-correlation studies on oscillating lily (Lilium formosanum Wallace pollen tubes showed that an increase in intracellular calcium follows an increase in growth, whereas the increase in the alkaline band and in secretion both anticipate the increase in growth rate. Calcium, as a follower, is unlikely to be a stimulator of growth, whereas the alkaline band, as a leader, may be an activator. To gain further insight herein we reversibly inhibited growth with potassium cyanide (KCN and followed the re-establishment of calcium, pH and secretion patterns as growth resumed. While KCN markedly slows growth and causes the associated gradients of calcium and pH to sharply decline, its removal allows growth and vital processes to fully recover. The calcium gradient reappears before growth restarts; however, it is preceded by both the alkaline band and secretion, in which the alkaline band is slightly advanced over secretion. Thus the pH gradient, rather than the tip-focused calcium gradient, may regulate pollen tube growth.

  11. Program standard of quality control for a system of Positron Emission Tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) used in the Foundation Valle de Lili

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nunez, Nathalia I.; Benavides, Sivor O.; Lopera, Wilson


    A standard protocol of quality control in the Fundacion Valle del Lili for the implementation of a multimodal scanner developed emission tomography BIOGRAPH mCT X-3R of SIEMENS ® covering routine testing, frequency, acceptance ranges necessary corrective and preventive measures to detect and correct any faults and proceed if the upper detection precision and accuracy ranges accepted deviations actions. In order to minimize errors in the planning and management of patient dose, thereby improving the quality of the diagnostic image with the dose of radiation is reasonably low as possible, consistent with the clinical use of the equipment used and the information requested diagnostic study

  12. Trasplante renal con HLA idéntico de donante vivo y cadavérico: experiencia de la Fundación Valle de Lili, Cali, Colombia


    Caicedo, Luis Armando; Gómez-Vega, Juan Carlos; Duque, Mauricio Francisco; Serrano, Óscar Javier; Manzi, Eliana; Arrunátegui, Ana María; Posada, Juan Guillermo; Mesa, Liliana; Schweineberg, Johanna; Durán, Carlos Eduardo; Villegas, Jorge Iván; Dávalos, Diana María; Echeverri, Gabriel Jaime


    Introducción: En el trasplante renal con HLA idéntico los episodios de rechazo agudo son menores y tienen mejores tasas de supervivencia del injerto, comparado con los receptores con HLA no idéntico; a pesar de esto, persiste el dilema en cuanto al retiro o la disminución de la dosis de inmunosupresión. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la experiencia de los trasplantes renales con HLA idéntico de donante vivo y cadavérico que se han realizado en la Fundación Valle del Lili desde 1995 ...

  13. Doses de boro no desenvolvimento de copo-de-leite em solução nutritiva Boron doses in the development of calla lily in nutrient solution

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    Roseane Rodrigues de Souza


    Full Text Available O boro desempenha funções importantes em processos biológicos das plantas, como a síntese e estruturação da parede celular, lignificação, metabolismo e transporte de carboidratos, além de participar da divisão e diferenciação celular em tecidos meristemáticos. No entanto, as necessidades nutricionais para o cultivo de copo-de-leite, especialmente de boro, ainda são pouco conhecidas. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos de diferentes doses de boro no crescimento e desenvolvimento, teor e acúmulo desse nutriente em plantas de copo-de-leite cultivadas em solução nutritiva. Mudas micropropagadas foram submetidas aos tratamentos com as doses de 0,05; 0,25; 0,50; 0,75; 1,00 e 2,00 mg L-1 de boro em solução nutritiva de Hoagland & Arnon diluída a 30% de sua força iônica. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com dez repetições. As plantas não manifestaram sintomas visuais de deficiência ou de toxidez de boro, no entanto, o sistema radicular das plantas cultivadas na dose de 0,05 mg L-1 de boro apresentou-se com o crescimento reduzido. A melhor dose para o desenvolvimento adequado de plantas de copo-de-leite em solução nutritiva é de 1,20 mg L-1 de boro.Boron has essential functions in plant biological processes such as cell wall synthesis and structuralization, lignification, carbohydrates metabolism and transport. This element also acts in cell division and differentiation in meristematic tissues. However, the nutritional needs for calla lily cultivation, and especially boron needs, are still poorly known. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of different boron doses on growth and development, content and accumulation of boron in calla lily plants grown in a nutrient solution. Micropropagated seedlings were submitted to treatments with the doses 0.05; 0.25; 0.50; 0.75; 1.00 and 2.00 mg L-1 boron in Hoagland & Arnon nutrient solution diluted to 30% of its ionic force. The

  14. Consumers’ and Retailers’ Attitudes Towards a Mexican Native Species of Aztec Lily as an Ornamental Plant

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    Yesica Mayett-Moreno


    Full Text Available The use of native ornamental plants in urban landscapes and ornamental consumers’ designs is one strategy to preserve biodiversity. Sprekelia formosissima (L. Herb., known as Aztec lily (ALY, is one of the nearly 4000 species of native ornamental plants of Mexico. However, its domestic market is not yet developed and is virtually unknown. The objectives of this study were to: (1 compare consumers’ and retailers’ knowledge of ALY, and (2 to identify potential clusters of consumers and retailers based on their knowledge and preferences, such that marketing of the ALY could be best tailored to different market segments, leading to its sustainable commercialization. There were 464 interviews conducted in four nurseries in Mexico. Results showed only one consumer knew about the ALY; additionally, we found different behaviors in consumers and in retailers: those not interested in the ALY, but when they know it is Mexican they will acquire it; those interested no matter the ALY origin, and those who dislike the ALY because it is Mexican. Those answers suggest that improving consumers/retailers knowledge about this native flower could lead to a sustainable commercialization in Mexico, helping to ensure its conservation as well.

  15. Uncommon potential hysteresis in the Li/Li2xVO(H2-xPO4)2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 2) system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubarry, M.; Gaubicher, J.; Guyomard, D.; Wallez, G.; Quarton, M.; Baehtz, C.


    Physical and electrochemical investigations of vanadium phosphates, Li 2x VO(H 2-x PO 4 ) 2 (0 + /Li + ionic exchange from VO(H 2 PO 4 ) 2 to Li 2 VO(HPO 4 ) 2 leads to grain decrepitation. Further ionic exchange toward formation of Li 4 VO(PO 4 ) 2 lowers the symmetry. As inferred from potentiodynamic cycling correlated to ex situ and in situ X-ray diffraction (XRD), the system Li/Li 4 VO(PO 4 ) 2 shows several phase transformations that are associated with thermodynamical potential hysteresis that span from roughly 15 mV to more than 1.8 V. Small hysteresis are associated with topotactic reactions and with V V /V IV and V III /V II redox couples. Large potential hysteresis values (>1 V) were observed when oxidation of V III to V IV is involved

  16. Sticky snack for sengis: The Cape rock elephant-shrew, Elephantulus edwardii (Macroscelidea), as a pollinator of the Pagoda lily, Whiteheadia bifolia (Hyacinthaceae) (United States)

    Wester, Petra


    Following the recent discovery of rodent pollination in the Pagoda lily, Whiteheadia bifolia (Hyacinthaceae) in South Africa, now the Cape rock elephant-shrew, Elephantulus edwardii (Macroscelidea, Afrotheria) is reported as an additional pollinator. Elephant-shrews, live-trapped near W. bifolia plants, were released in two terraria, containing the plants. The animals licked nectar with their long and slender tongues while being dusted with pollen and touching the stigmas of the flowers with their long and flexible noses. The captured elephant-shrews had W. bifolia pollen in their faeces, likely as a result of grooming their fur as they visited the flowers without eating or destroying them. The animals mostly preferred nectar over other food. This is the first record of pollination and nectar consumption in the primarily insectivorous E. edwardii, contributing to the very sparse knowledge about the behaviour of this unique clade of African mammals, as well as pollination by small mammals.

  17. The apical actin fringe contributes to localized cell wall deposition and polarized growth in the lily pollen tube. (United States)

    Rounds, Caleb M; Hepler, Peter K; Winship, Lawrence J


    In lily (Lilium formosanum) pollen tubes, pectin, a major component of the cell wall, is delivered through regulated exocytosis. The targeted transport and secretion of the pectin-containing vesicles may be controlled by the cortical actin fringe at the pollen tube apex. Here, we address the role of the actin fringe using three different inhibitors of growth: brefeldin A, latrunculin B, and potassium cyanide. Brefeldin A blocks membrane trafficking and inhibits exocytosis in pollen tubes; it also leads to the degradation of the actin fringe and the formation of an aggregate of filamentous actin at the base of the clear zone. Latrunculin B, which depolymerizes filamentous actin, markedly slows growth but allows focused pectin deposition to continue. Of note, the locus of deposition shifts frequently and correlates with changes in the direction of growth. Finally, potassium cyanide, an electron transport chain inhibitor, briefly stops growth while causing the actin fringe to completely disappear. Pectin deposition continues but lacks focus, instead being delivered in a wide arc across the pollen tube tip. These data support a model in which the actin fringe contributes to the focused secretion of pectin to the apical cell wall and, thus, to the polarized growth of the pollen tube. © 2014 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved.

  18. Evaluation of heavy metals (Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Hg) in water, sediments and water lily (Eichornia crassipes) from Jose Antonio Alzate dam; Evaluacion de metales pesados Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb y Hg en agua, sedimento y lirio acuatico (Eichhornia crassipes) de la Presa Jose Antonio Alzate, Estado de Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Avila P, P


    Water, sediments and water lily (Eichornia crassipes) from the Jose Antonio Alzate Dam were analyzed in order to determine concentrations of chromium, iron, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead and mercury. Mercury, lead, chromium and iron were found in concentrations above permissible limits in water, and in high concentrations in sediments. Cadmium, nickel, copper and zinc never were found in concentrations above permissible limits in water. The highest concentrations of heavy metals in water lily were found in the root. Accumulation factors decreased in the following order: Zn> Cr> Fe> Ni> Cu> Pb> Hg and Cd. Statistical differences ({alpha} < 0.5) between the collection samples dates was observed. High correlations between metals concentrations in superficial water, sediment and water hyacinth were also observed. These correlations could indicate that the heavy metals studied here, are originated from a natural source such as sediments or from an industrial source. (Author).

  19. Potential of Spectral Reflectance as Postharvest Classification Tool for Flower Development of Calla Lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica (L. Spreng. Potencial de la Reflectancia Espectral como Herramienta para la Clasificación Poscosecha del Desarrollo Floral en Cala (Zantedeschia aethiopica (L. Spreng.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio J . Steidle Neto


    Full Text Available Unsuitable postharvest management is one of the most serious problems that floriculture has to face. An option for reducing postharvest losses is to use automatic systems for flower sorting and classification, which yield consistent results, reduce costs and speed up these tasks. The objective of this work was show the potential of spectral reflectance to distinguish different postharvest development stages of calla lily flowers, Zantedeschia aethiopica (L. Spreng., aiming the use of this technology within automatic systems for flower classification. The measuring equipment was a spectrometer connected to a portable computer and configured for reflectance data acquisition in the 400 to 1000 nm range. Based on the results, it was verified a differentiation between the spectral reflectance curves of calla lily flowers, with gradual decreases on the measured values according to the increase of the senescence stages. Thus, the spectral reflectance has potential to be used in the development of automatic systems for postharvest classification of calla lily flowers.El manejo poscosecha inadecuado es uno de los problemas más serios que la floricultura tiene que enfrentar. Una opción para reducir las pérdidas poscosecha es emplear sistemas automáticos para ordenar y clasificar las flores, los cuales permiten resultados consistentes, reducen gastos y aceleran estas tareas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue demostrar el potencial de la reflectancia espectral para discriminar las diferentes fases de desarrollo poscosecha de flores de cala (Zantedeschia aethiopica [L.] Spreng., visando el uso de esta tecnología en sistemas automáticos para la clasificación de flores. El equipo de medición fue un espectrómetro conectado a un computador portátil y configurado para la adquisición de datos de reflectancia comprendidos en la región espectral de 400 a 1000 nm. Con base en los resultados, se constató una diferencia entre las curvas de reflectancia

  20. Effects of plant lectin from cobra lily, Arisaema curvatum Kunth on development of melon fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coq.). (United States)

    Singh, Kuljinder; Kaur, Manpreet; Rup, Pushpinder J; Singh, Jatinder


    The lectin from tubers of cobra lily, Arisaema curvatum Kunth was purified by affinity chromatography using asialofetuin-linked amino activated porous silica beads. The concentration dependent effect of lectin was studied on second instar larvae (64-72 hr) of Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coq.). The treatment not only resulted in a significant reduction in the percentage pupation and emergence of the adults from treated larvae but it also prolonged the remaining larval development period. A very low LC50 value, 39 mgl(-1) of lectin was obtained on the basis of adult emergence using probit analysis. The activity of three hydrolase enzymes (esterases, acid and alkaline phosphatases), one oxidoreductase (catalase) and one group transfer enzyme (GSTs: Glutathione S-transferases) was assayed in second instar larvae under the influence of the LC50 of lectin at increasing exposure intervals (0, 24, 48 and 72 hr). The Arisaema curvatum lectin significantly decreased the activity of all the enzymes except for esterases, where the activity increased as compared to control at all exposure intervals. The decrease in pupation and emergence as well as significant suppression in the activities of two hydrolases, one oxidoreductase and one GST enzyme in treated larvae of B. cucurbitae indicated that this lectin has anti-metabolic effect on the melon fruit fly larvae.

  1. Gadījuma izpēte par biznesa vēstuļu rakstīšanas apguvi pieaugušajiem


    Saļikova, Jeļizaveta


    Profesionālās lietišķās sarakstes iemaņas ir svarīgas mūsdienu pasaulē, jo tās ietekmē biznesa attiecību un pārrunu efektivitāti. Maģistra darba mērķis bija izpetīt rakstīšanas mācīšanas metodes, lai pilnveidotu pieauguša valodas apguvēja prasmes rakstīt biznesa vēstules. Pētījumā tika izmantotas tādas metodes kā literatūras apskats un, gadījuma izpēte, kas ietvēra valodas vajadzību izpēti, zināšanu pārbaudes testu pirms un pēc dalības mācību kursā, kā arī mācību materiālu izstrādi un pedago...

  2. A novel biosurfactant produced by Aureobasidium pullulans L3-GPY from a tiger lily wild flower, Lilium lancifolium Thunb. (United States)

    Kim, Jong Shik; Lee, In Kyoung; Yun, Bong Sik


    Yeast biosurfactants are important biotechnological products in the food industry, and they have medical and cosmeceutical applications owing to their specific modes of action, low toxicity, and applicability. Thus, we have isolated and examined biosurfactant-producing yeast for various industrial and medical applications. A rapid and simple method was developed to screen biosurfactant-producing yeasts for high production of eco-friendly biosurfactants. Using this method, several potential niches of biosurfactant-producing yeasts, such as wild flowers, were investigated. We successfully selected a yeast strain, L3-GPY, with potent surfactant activity from a tiger lily, Lilium lancifolium Thunb. Here, we report the first identification of strain L3-GPY as the black yeast Aureobasidium pullulans. In addition, we isolated a new low-surface-tension chemical, designated glycerol-liamocin, from the culture supernatant of strain L3-GPY through consecutive chromatography steps, involving an ODS column, solvent partition, silica gel, Sephadex LH-20, and an ODS Sep-Pak cartridge column. The chemical structure of glycerol-liamocin, determined by mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, indicates that it is a novel compound with the molecular formula C33H62O12. Furthermore, glycerol-liamocin exhibited potent biosurfactant activity (31 mN/m). These results suggest that glycerol-liamocin is a potential novel biosurfactantfor use in various industrial applications.

  3. Usaldusväärne teejuht läti kohanimemaastikul / Lembit Vaba

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaba, Lembit, 1945-


    Arvustus: Balode, Laimute, Bušš, Ojārs. No Abavas līdz Zilupei : vietvārdu cilmes īsā vārdnīca = From Abava to Zilupe : the origin of Latvian geographical names : a short dictionary. Rīga : Latviešu valodas aģentūra, 2015

  4. The Apical Actin Fringe Contributes to Localized Cell Wall Deposition and Polarized Growth in the Lily Pollen Tube1[W][OPEN (United States)

    Rounds, Caleb M.; Hepler, Peter K.; Winship, Lawrence J.


    In lily (Lilium formosanum) pollen tubes, pectin, a major component of the cell wall, is delivered through regulated exocytosis. The targeted transport and secretion of the pectin-containing vesicles may be controlled by the cortical actin fringe at the pollen tube apex. Here, we address the role of the actin fringe using three different inhibitors of growth: brefeldin A, latrunculin B, and potassium cyanide. Brefeldin A blocks membrane trafficking and inhibits exocytosis in pollen tubes; it also leads to the degradation of the actin fringe and the formation of an aggregate of filamentous actin at the base of the clear zone. Latrunculin B, which depolymerizes filamentous actin, markedly slows growth but allows focused pectin deposition to continue. Of note, the locus of deposition shifts frequently and correlates with changes in the direction of growth. Finally, potassium cyanide, an electron transport chain inhibitor, briefly stops growth while causing the actin fringe to completely disappear. Pectin deposition continues but lacks focus, instead being delivered in a wide arc across the pollen tube tip. These data support a model in which the actin fringe contributes to the focused secretion of pectin to the apical cell wall and, thus, to the polarized growth of the pollen tube. PMID:25037212

  5. Kidney transplantation in donors and recipients over 60 at Fundación Valle del Lili in Cali, Colombia, from 2002 to 2016

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    Johanna Schweineberg


    Full Text Available Introduction: Kidney transplant is the first-line therapy for end-stage renal disease. Patients over 60 constitute a population which is increasingly affected by this disease. However, they do not receive timely transplantation and most of them stay on dialysis treatment with a reduction of their survival time and life quality. In this study we show the results of the kidney transplants between elderly patients performed at a private tertiary care hospital in Cali, Colombia. Methods: This descriptive, cohort study includes 31 kidney transplants with donors and recipients over 60, which were carried out at Fundación Valle del Lili in Cali, Colombia, from January 2002 to March 2016. Results: The average ages were 66 for recipients and 65 for donors. In most cases (90% deceased donors were involved. The main cause of renal disease was diabetic nephropathy. Conclusion: The survival rate for the patients who underwent this procedure at the center mentioned above is similar to the results shown in the literature all over the world. The most common complications associated with this kind of operation are malignancy, infections and cardiovascular pathologies. Candidates for this transplantation should be carefully chosen given its complexity and related complications.

  6. Vai mēs kļūsim par Baltijas baskiem jeb Kā būt pārstāvētiem? / Jāns Undusks ; no igauņu valodas tulkojusi Maima Grīnberga-Preisa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Undusk, Jaan, 1958-


    Teksti aluseks on ettekanne 8. Balti vaimse koostöö konverentsil 16. juunil 2001 Tallinnas: Are we Basques of Baltic? The problem of how to be represented. Eesti k.: Looming, 2002, nr. 9. Orig.: Kas meist saavad balti baskid ehk kuidas olla esindatud?

  7. Hierarchical Mesoporous Lithium-Rich Li[Li0.2Ni0.2Mn0.6]O2 Cathode Material Synthesized via Ice Templating for Lithium-Ion Battery. (United States)

    Li, Yu; Wu, Chuan; Bai, Ying; Liu, Lu; Wang, Hui; Wu, Feng; Zhang, Na; Zou, Yufeng


    Tuning hierarchical micro/nanostructure of electrode materials is a sought-after means to reinforce their electrochemical performance in the energy storage field. Herein, we introduce a type of hierarchical mesoporous Li[Li0.2Ni0.2Mn0.6]O2 microsphere composed of nanoparticles synthesized via an ice templating combined coprecipitation strategy. It is a low-cost, eco-friendly, and easily operated method using ice as a template to control material with homogeneous morphology and rich porous channels. The as-prepared material exhibits remarkably enhanced electrochemical performances with higher capacity, more excellent cycling stability and more superior rate property, compared with the sample prepared by conventional coprecipitation method. It has satisfactory initial discharge capacities of 280.1 mAh g(-1) at 0.1 C, 207.1 mAh g(-1) at 2 C, and 152.4 mAh g(-1) at 5 C, as well as good cycle performance. The enhanced electrochemical performance can be ascribed to the stable hierarchical microsized structure and the improved lithium-ion diffusion kinetics from the highly porous structure.

  8. Omamoodi ime - ilmunud on eesti-läti sõnaraamat / Lembit Vaba

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaba, Lembit 1945-


    Arvustus: Igauņu-latviešu vārdnīca / Latviešu valodas aģentūra ; sastādītāji: Valts Ernštreits, Marika Muzikante, Maima Grīnberga = Eesti-läti sõnaraamat / Läti keele agentuur ; koostajad: Valts Ernštreits, Marika Muzikante, Maima Grīnberga. Rīga ; Tallinn : Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2015

  9. Pós-colheita de copo-de-leite: efeito de diferentes conservantes comerciais e armazenamento a frio Calla lily postharvest: effect of different commercial preservative solutions and cold storage

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    Elka Fabiana Aparecida Almeida


    Full Text Available As inflorescências de copo-de-leite, apesar de bastante utilizadas na composição de arranjos florais, apresentam pequena durabilidade. Com o objetivo de analisar a qualidade e o processo de abertura e murcha de inflorescências de copo-de-leite após a colheita, avaliaram-se o efeito de diferentes conservantes florais e sistemas de armazenamento. Para o experimento estudaram-se duas condições de armazenamento em câmara fria a 4ºC: a seco ou em solução com os conservantes comerciais Crystal Clear®, Flower®, Original Floralife® e o pré-tratamento com Hydraflor-100®. O armazenamento em solução, com os conservantes estudados, não influenciou o processo de abertura e murcha das inflorescências de copo-de-leite, dentro e fora da câmara fria. Também não houve diferença, entre os produtos testados, para melhorar a conservação das inflorescências, quando estas foram retiradas da câmara fria. O período de armazenamento por 10 dias com os tratamentos utilizados não foi eficiente, pois apesar da qualidade das inflorescências, observada dentro da câmara fria, quando estas foram retiradas, não apresentaram durabilidade para comercialização. O armazenamento a seco foi eficiente quando se realizou o pré-tratamento com Hydraflor-100®, entretanto, as inflorescências apresentaram maior longevidade total quando armazenadas em solução.Inflorescences of calla lily have reduced durability after harvest despite their constant use in the composition of floral arrangements. With the objective to analyze the postharvest quality and the process of opening and wilt of calla lily, the effect of different floral conservers and storage systems were evaluated. Two storage conditions in a cold chamber at 4º C, dry or solution containing the commercial preservative Crystal Clear®, Flower®, Original Floralife® and pre-treatment with Hydraflor-100® were studied. The storage in solution with conservers had no influence on the opening and

  10. The Effect of Hurricane Lili on the Distribution of Organic Matter in the Inner Louisiana Shelf (Gulf of Mexico, USA) (United States)

    Clinton, R.; Goni, M. A.; Gisewhite, R.; Monacci, N.; Gordon, E.; Allison, M.; Kineke, G.


    Suspended particles and surface sediments were collected from the inner shelf of the Louisiana central coast following the passage of Hurricane Lili. The elemental and stable isotopic data of these samples were compared to those determined prior to the hurricane. A week after the storm passage, turbidity levels and total suspended sediment concentrations were not that different from pre-storm values, suggesting most of the suspended sediments must have settled soon after the storm passage. Particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations ranged from 0.1 mg/L to over 2.0 mg/L, with the highest concentrations measured near the seabed and in the inshore portions of the study area. In these locations, suspended particles displayed high POC/Chlorophyll ratios (POC/Chl of 400 to 4,000) and relatively elevated POC/particulate nitrogen ratios (POC/PN of 10 to 14) that indicated their source was locally resuspended seabed sediments. Relatively low POC/Chl (~200) and POC:PN (~7) ratios consistent with significant contributions from phytoplankton were measured only in the surface waters of the most offshore locations. Post hurricane sediment deposition resulted in a storm layer that ranged from 0.5 to 19 cm in thickness. The storm layer was generally composed of silty clays with a coarser, somewhat sandy 1-2 cm basal layer. These storm deposits were characterized by relatively high SA and OC contents. Similarities in the characteristics of the organic matter before and after reinforce the hypothesis that the source of the storm deposits was the finer fraction of locally resuspended seabed sediments, with little evidence for allochthonous land-derived inputs.

  11. [Tiit-Rein Viitso. Līvõkīel-estikīel-leţkīel sõnārōntõz] / Eberhard Winkler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Winkler, Eberhard, 1955-


    Arvustus: Līvõkīel-estikīel-leţkīel sõnārōntõz = Liivi-eesti-läti sõnaraamat = Lībiešu-igauņu-latviešu vārdnīca / [koostamine:] Tiit-Rein Viitso, [toimetamine ja läti vasted:] Valts Ernštreits. Riga : Latviešu valodas aģentūra ; Tartu : Tartu Ülikool, 2012

  12. A Canonical DREB2-Type Transcription Factor in Lily Is Post-translationally Regulated and Mediates Heat Stress Response

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    Ze Wu


    Full Text Available Based on studies of monocot crops and eudicot model plants, the DREB2 class of AP2-type transcription factor has been shown to play crucial roles in various abiotic stresses, especially in the upstream of the heat stress response; however, research on DREB2s has not been reported in non-gramineous monocot plants. Here, we identified a novel DREB2 (LlDREB2B from lily (Lilium longiflorum, which was homologous to AtDREB2A of Arabidopsis, OsDREB2B of rice, and ZmDREB2A of maize. LlDREB2B was induced by heat, cold, salt, and mannitol stress, and its protein had transcriptional activity, was located in the nucleus, was able to bind to the dehydration-responsive element (DRE, and participated in the heat-responsive pathway of HsfA3. Overexpression of LlDREB2B in Arabidopsis activated expression of downstream genes and improved thermotolerance. LlDREB2B was not regulated by alternative splicing; functional transcripts accumulated under either normal or heat-stress conditions. A potential PEST sequence was predicted in LlDREB2B, but the stability of the LlDREB2B protein was not positively affected when the predicated PEST sequence was deleted. Further analysis revealed that the predicated PEST sequence lacked a SBC or SBC-like motif allowing interaction with BPMs and required for negative regulation. Nevertheless, LlDREB2B was still regulated at the post-translational level by interaction with AtDRIP1 and AtDRIP2 of Arabidopsis. In addition, LlDREB2B also interacted with AtRCD1 and LlRCD1 via a potential RIM motif located at amino acids 215–245. Taken together, our results show that LlDREB2B participated in the establishment of thermotolerance, and its regulation was different from that of the orthologs of gramineous and eudicot plants.

  13. A Canonical DREB2-Type Transcription Factor in Lily Is Post-translationally Regulated and Mediates Heat Stress Response. (United States)

    Wu, Ze; Liang, Jiahui; Zhang, Shuai; Zhang, Bing; Zhao, Qingcui; Li, Guoqing; Yang, Xi; Wang, Chengpeng; He, Junna; Yi, Mingfang


    Based on studies of monocot crops and eudicot model plants, the DREB2 class of AP2-type transcription factor has been shown to play crucial roles in various abiotic stresses, especially in the upstream of the heat stress response; however, research on DREB2s has not been reported in non-gramineous monocot plants. Here, we identified a novel DREB2 (LlDREB2B) from lily ( Lilium longiflorum ), which was homologous to AtDREB2A of Arabidopsis, OsDREB2B of rice, and ZmDREB2A of maize. LlDREB2B was induced by heat, cold, salt, and mannitol stress, and its protein had transcriptional activity, was located in the nucleus, was able to bind to the dehydration-responsive element (DRE), and participated in the heat-responsive pathway of HsfA3. Overexpression of LlDREB2B in Arabidopsis activated expression of downstream genes and improved thermotolerance. LlDREB2B was not regulated by alternative splicing; functional transcripts accumulated under either normal or heat-stress conditions. A potential PEST sequence was predicted in LlDREB2B, but the stability of the LlDREB2B protein was not positively affected when the predicated PEST sequence was deleted. Further analysis revealed that the predicated PEST sequence lacked a SBC or SBC-like motif allowing interaction with BPMs and required for negative regulation. Nevertheless, LlDREB2B was still regulated at the post-translational level by interaction with AtDRIP1 and AtDRIP2 of Arabidopsis. In addition, LlDREB2B also interacted with AtRCD1 and LlRCD1 via a potential RIM motif located at amino acids 215-245. Taken together, our results show that LlDREB2B participated in the establishment of thermotolerance, and its regulation was different from that of the orthologs of gramineous and eudicot plants.

  14. Molecular characterization and expression analysis of Lily-type lectin ( SmLTL) in turbot Scophthalmus maximus, and its response to Vibrio anguillarum (United States)

    Xia, Dandan; Ma, Aijun; Huang, Zhihui; Shang, Xiaomei; Cui, Wenxiao; Yang, Zhi; Qu, Jiangbo


    A full-length lily-type lectin ( SmLTL) was identified from turbot ( Scophthalmus maximus) in this study. By searching database for protein identification and function prediction, SmLTL were confirmed. The full-length cDNA of SmLTL is composed of 569 bp and contains a 339 bp ORF that encodes 112 amino acid residues. The SmLTL peptide is characterized by a specific β-prism architecture and contains three mannose binding sites in a three-fold internal repeat between amino acids 30-99; two of the repeats share the classical mannose binding domain (QxDxNxVxY) while the third binding site was similar to other fish-specific binding motifs (TxTxGxRxV). The primary, secondary, and tertiary structures of SmLTL were predicted and analyzed, indicating that the SmLTL protein was hydrophilic, contained 5.36% α-helices, 39.29% extended strands, 16.07% β-folds, and 39.29% random coils, and three β-folds. Quantitative realtime polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis revealed that the SmLTL mRNA was abundantly expressed in skin, gill, and intestine. Low levels of SmLTL expression were observed in other tissues. The expression of SmLTL in gill, skin and intestine increased at mRNA level after stimulation of Vibrio anguillarum, our results suggest that SmLTL serve as the first line of defence against microbial infections and play a pivotal role in the innate mucosal immune system. The current study indicates that SmLTL is a member of the lilytype lectin family and the information reported here will provide an important foundation for future research on the role of this protein.

  15. Generation and analysis of expressed sequence tags in the extreme large genomes Lilium and Tulipa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shahin Arwa


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Bulbous flowers such as lily and tulip (Liliaceae family are monocot perennial herbs that are economically very important ornamental plants worldwide. However, there are hardly any genetic studies performed and genomic resources are lacking. To build genomic resources and develop tools to speed up the breeding in both crops, next generation sequencing was implemented. We sequenced and assembled transcriptomes of four lily and five tulip genotypes using 454 pyro-sequencing technology. Results Successfully, we developed the first set of 81,791 contigs with an average length of 514 bp for tulip, and enriched the very limited number of 3,329 available ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags for lily with 52,172 contigs with an average length of 555 bp. The contigs together with singletons covered on average 37% of lily and 39% of tulip estimated transcriptome. Mining lily and tulip sequence data for SSRs (Simple Sequence Repeats showed that di-nucleotide repeats were twice more abundant in UTRs (UnTranslated Regions compared to coding regions, while tri-nucleotide repeats were equally spread over coding and UTR regions. Two sets of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP markers suitable for high throughput genotyping were developed. In the first set, no SNPs flanking the target SNP (50 bp on either side were allowed. In the second set, one SNP in the flanking regions was allowed, which resulted in a 2 to 3 fold increase in SNP marker numbers compared with the first set. Orthologous groups between the two flower bulbs: lily and tulip (12,017 groups and among the three monocot species: lily, tulip, and rice (6,900 groups were determined using OrthoMCL. Orthologous groups were screened for common SNP markers and EST-SSRs to study synteny between lily and tulip, which resulted in 113 common SNP markers and 292 common EST-SSR. Lily and tulip contigs generated were annotated and described according to Gene Ontology terminology. Conclusions

  16. Generation and analysis of expressed sequence tags in the extreme large genomes Lilium and Tulipa. (United States)

    Shahin, Arwa; van Kaauwen, Martijn; Esselink, Danny; Bargsten, Joachim W; van Tuyl, Jaap M; Visser, Richard G F; Arens, Paul


    Bulbous flowers such as lily and tulip (Liliaceae family) are monocot perennial herbs that are economically very important ornamental plants worldwide. However, there are hardly any genetic studies performed and genomic resources are lacking. To build genomic resources and develop tools to speed up the breeding in both crops, next generation sequencing was implemented. We sequenced and assembled transcriptomes of four lily and five tulip genotypes using 454 pyro-sequencing technology. Successfully, we developed the first set of 81,791 contigs with an average length of 514 bp for tulip, and enriched the very limited number of 3,329 available ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags) for lily with 52,172 contigs with an average length of 555 bp. The contigs together with singletons covered on average 37% of lily and 39% of tulip estimated transcriptome. Mining lily and tulip sequence data for SSRs (Simple Sequence Repeats) showed that di-nucleotide repeats were twice more abundant in UTRs (UnTranslated Regions) compared to coding regions, while tri-nucleotide repeats were equally spread over coding and UTR regions. Two sets of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers suitable for high throughput genotyping were developed. In the first set, no SNPs flanking the target SNP (50 bp on either side) were allowed. In the second set, one SNP in the flanking regions was allowed, which resulted in a 2 to 3 fold increase in SNP marker numbers compared with the first set. Orthologous groups between the two flower bulbs: lily and tulip (12,017 groups) and among the three monocot species: lily, tulip, and rice (6,900 groups) were determined using OrthoMCL. Orthologous groups were screened for common SNP markers and EST-SSRs to study synteny between lily and tulip, which resulted in 113 common SNP markers and 292 common EST-SSR. Lily and tulip contigs generated were annotated and described according to Gene Ontology terminology. Two transcriptome sets were built that are valuable

  17. Calla lily (United States)

    ... cold, wet cloth. If the person's eyes or skin are irritated, rinse them well with water. Give the person milk, unless instructed otherwise by a health care provider. DO NOT give milk if the person ...

  18. Oxidation processes on conducting carbon additives for lithium-ion batteries

    KAUST Repository

    La Mantia, Fabio


    The oxidation processes at the interface between different types of typical carbon additives for lithium-ion batteries and carbonates electrolyte above 5 V versus Li/Li+ were investigated. Depending on the nature and surface area of the carbon additive, the irreversible capacity during galvanostatic cycling between 2.75 and 5.25 V versus Li/Li+ could be as high as 700 mAh g-1 (of carbon). In the potential region below 5 V versus Li/Li+, high surface carbon additives also showed irreversible plateaus at about 4.1-4.2 and 4.6 V versus Li/Li+. These plateaus disappeared after thermal treatments at or above 150 °C in inert gas. The influence of the irreversible capacity of carbon additives on the overall performances of positive electrodes was discussed. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.

  19. Interspecific hybridization of flower bulbs: a review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tuyl, van J.M.


    In order to introduce new characters such as resistances, flower shape and colour, from wild species into the cultivar assortment of lily it is necessary to overcome interspecific crossing barriers.. Several techniques have been used for wide interspecific lily crosses with species and cultivars

  20. Identification of differentially expressed sequences in bud ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The developmental process of lily flower bud differentiation has been studied in morphology thoroughly, but the mechanism in molecular biology is still ambiguous and few studies on genetic expression have been carried out. Little is known about the physiological responses of flower bud differentiation in Oriental hybrid lily ...

  1. Transcriptome-Wide Analysis of Botrytis elliptica Responsive microRNAs and Their Targets in Lilium Regale Wilson by High-Throughput Sequencing and Degradome Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xue Gao


    Full Text Available MicroRNAs, as master regulators of gene expression, have been widely identified and play crucial roles in plant-pathogen interactions. A fatal pathogen, Botrytis elliptica, causes the serious folia disease of lily, which reduces production because of the high susceptibility of most cultivated species. However, the miRNAs related to Botrytis infection of lily, and the miRNA-mediated gene regulatory networks providing resistance to B. elliptica in lily remain largely unexplored. To systematically dissect B. elliptica-responsive miRNAs and their target genes, three small RNA libraries were constructed from the leaves of Lilium regale, a promising Chinese wild Lilium species, which had been subjected to mock B. elliptica treatment or B. elliptica infection for 6 and 24 h. By high-throughput sequencing, 71 known miRNAs belonging to 47 conserved families and 24 novel miRNA were identified, of which 18 miRNAs were downreguleted and 13 were upregulated in response to B. elliptica. Moreover, based on the lily mRNA transcriptome, 22 targets for 9 known and 1 novel miRNAs were identified by the degradome sequencing approach. Most target genes for elliptica-responsive miRNAs were involved in metabolic processes, few encoding different transcription factors, including ELONGATION FACTOR 1 ALPHA (EF1a and TEOSINTE BRANCHED1/CYCLOIDEA/PROLIFERATING CELL FACTOR 2 (TCP2. Furthermore, the expression patterns of a set of elliptica-responsive miRNAs and their targets were validated by quantitative real-time PCR. This study represents the first transcriptome-based analysis of miRNAs responsive to B. elliptica and their targets in lily. The results reveal the possible regulatory roles of miRNAs and their targets in B. elliptica interaction, which will extend our understanding of the mechanisms of this disease in lily.

  2. Monet's Reflections (United States)

    Petrovich-Cheney, Laura


    From 1899 until his death in 1926, Claude Monet painted a series of watercolor landscapes of his water lily garden and Japanese bridge in Giverny, France. Monet eventually abandoned the banks entirely as subject matter and concentrated solely on the water. These paintings, particularly "The Water Lilies," show a surface in which the shimmering…

  3. "Volossatõje nogi..." : [luuletused] / Kalju Lepik ; tlk. ja lühibiograafia: Svetlan Semenenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lepik, Kalju, 1920-1999


    Sisu: "Volossatõje nogi..." ; "Komu poidu pozhaljuss ; Nezhnõi solovei ; Mat soldata ; U smerti glaza rebjonka ; Dva vorona ; Slavjanski tanets nr 1 ; Lili Marlen. Orig.: "Minul on karvased sääred..." ; Kellele ma kaeban kurja? ; Õrn ööbik ; Sõduri ema ; Surmal on lapse silmad ; Kaks ronka ; Slaavi tants nr. 1 ; Lili Marlen

  4. Vernalização afeta o filocrono em lírio Vernalization affects the phyllochron in lily

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariângela Schuh


    Full Text Available O experimento foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de estudar o efeito da vernalização sobre o filocrono (intervalo de tempo entre o aparecimento de duas folhas sucessivas em lírio (Lilium longiflorum Thunb., cv. Snow Queen, no campo experimental do Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM, Santa Maria (RS. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de bulbos submetidos a -0,5 ºC; 4 ºC e 10 ºC com períodos de vernalização dos bulbos de 2, 4, 6 e 8 semanas. O tratamento testemunha correspondeu a bulbos não vernalizados. Após o tratamento de vernalização, os bulbos foram plantados no interior de uma estufa plástica em 5 de dezembro de 2002 e observado o desenvolvimento das plantas. O filocrono foi estimado pelo inverso do coeficiente angular da regressão linear entre o número de folhas e o acúmulo térmico acima de 1 ºC, a partir da emergência das plantas. Os resultados evidenciaram que o estado de vernalização da planta afeta o filocrono em lírio, e plantas não vernalizadas ou com pouca vernalização têm um filocrono mais elevado do que plantas completamente vernalizadas. Quando o tratamento de vernalização é maior que 30 dias efetivos de vernalização, o valor do filocrono foi em torno de 25 ºC dia/folha, valor que pode ser utilizado como referência quando os bulbos são vernalizados e utilizados em plantios comerciais.An experiment was carried out to verify the effect of vernalization period on the phyllochron (time interval between the appearance of two successive leaves in lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb, cv. 'Snow Queen'. The trial was conducted at Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Treatments were bulbs stored at vernalizing temperatures of -0.5, 4, and 10ºC during periods of 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks. Control treatment was unvernalized bulbs. Bulbs were planted inside a plastic greenhouse on December 05, 2002, and crop development was evaluated throughout the growing season. Phyllochron for each treatment was

  5. Propriedades termodinâmicas de adsorção de água do amido de rizomas do lírio-do-brejo (Hedychium coronarium Thermodynamic properties of water adsortion of the starch of rhizome of swamp lily (Hedychium coronarium

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego Palmiro Ramirez Ascheri


    Full Text Available Determinaram-se as propriedades termodinâmicas (entalpia diferencial, entropia diferencial, entalpia integral e entropia integral do amido de rizomas do lírio-do-brejo (Hedychium coronarium por meio de isotermas de adsorção de água. As isotermas foram determinadas em atividades de água no intervalo de 0,11 a 0,84, sob temperaturas que variaram de 30 a 50 °C. A Equação de GAB, que se ajustou bem às isotermas experimentais, foi utilizada para estimar as propriedades termodinâmicas de adsorção. As isotermas apresentaram ligeira inversão, indicando a precença de amido danificado. A entalpia diferencial e a entropia diferencial aumentaram com a diminuição da umidade de equilíbrio e correlacionaram entre si confirmando a compensação química linear. Um modelo exponencial do tipo Y = b.e(a/Xe descreveu adequadamente a dependência destas propriedades diferenciais ao teor de umidade de equilíbrio. A entalpia integral e a entropia integral aumentaram continuamente com o teor de umidade de equil��brio, porém com valores negativos para a entropia integral. Estas propriedades termodinâmicas de adsorção de água demonstraram que o amido extraído dos rizomas do lírio-do-brejo possui baixa higrocopicidade apesar da ocorrência de grânulos de amido danificados.Thermodynamic properties where determined (differential enthalpy, of differential entropy, integral enthalpy, and integral entropy of the starch of rhizomes of swamp lily through water adsorption isotherms. The isotherms were determined in water activities in the range of 0.11 to 0.84, in temperatures ranging from 30 to 50 °C. The GAB equation which fits well to the experimental isotherms was used to estimate the properties of thermodynamic adsorption. The slight reversal of the isotherms indicates damaged starch. The enthalpy and entropy differential gap increased with the decrease in moisture and correlated to each other confirming the chemical linear compensation. An

  6. Biological Survey Along the St. Lawrence River for the St. Lawrence Seaway. Additional Locks and other Navigation Improvements Study. (United States)


    Nymphaeceae (water lily family ) Nuphar v~ratum spatterdock tymphaea odorata white water lily F-22 Table 1. (continued) Ranunculaceae (buttercup family ...Organisms were then identified down to family or sub- family , enumerated, and stored in 40% isopropyl alcohol for later use in estimating biomass, after...33. This latter difference is essentially accounted for by several taxa of Insecta (particularly several families of Coleoptera) that occurred in only

  7. Jazykový obraz květin v češtině (Sémantické konotace a prototypy)


    Talafús, Martin


    This bachelor thesis deals with linguistic picture of bloom, flower, rose and lily in Czech language. It is based on theory of cognitive linguistics, especially on theory of Semantic School of Lublin. Linguistic part of this thesis is based on the analysis of the Czech dictionaries (etymological, explanatory, synonymical and phraseological dictionaries) with the brief addition of the symbolism of rose and lily. This thesis discusses the scientific (botanical) classification of plants and comp...

  8. Shedding Light on a New Treatment for Diabetic Wound Healing: A Review on Phototherapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicolette N. Houreld


    Full Text Available Impaired wound healing is a common complication associated with diabetes with complex pathophysiological underlying mechanisms and often necessitates amputation. With the advancement in laser technology, irradiation of these wounds with low-intensity laser irradiation (LILI or phototherapy, has shown a vast improvement in wound healing. At the correct laser parameters, LILI has shown to increase migration, viability, and proliferation of diabetic cells in vitro; there is a stimulatory effect on the mitochondria with a resulting increase in adenosine triphosphate (ATP. In addition, LILI also has an anti-inflammatory and protective effect on these cells. In light of the ever present threat of diabetic foot ulcers, infection, and amputation, new improved therapies and the fortification of wound healing research deserves better prioritization. In this review we look at the complications associated with diabetic wound healing and the effect of laser irradiation both in vitro and in vivo in diabetic wound healing.

  9. Low-intensity laser irradiation at 660 nm stimulates transcription of genes involved in the electron transport chain. (United States)

    Masha, Roland T; Houreld, Nicolette N; Abrahamse, Heidi


    Low-intensity laser irradiation (LILI) has been shown to stimulate cellular functions leading to increased adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis. This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of LILI on genes involved in the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC, complexes I-IV) and oxidative phosphorylation (ATP synthase). Four human skin fibroblast cell models were used in this study: normal non-irradiated cells were used as controls while wounded, diabetic wounded, and ischemic cells were irradiated. Cells were irradiated with a 660 nm diode laser with a fluence of 5 J/cm(2) and gene expression determined by quantitative real-time reverse transcription (RT) polymerase chain reaction (PCR). LILI upregulated cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIb polypeptide 2 (COX6B2), cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIc (COX6C), and pyrophosphatase (inorganic) 1 (PPA1) in diabetic wounded cells; COX6C, ATP synthase, H+transporting, mitochondrial Fo complex, subunit B1 (ATP5F1), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex, 11 (NDUFA11), and NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) Fe-S protein 7 (NDUFS7) in wounded cells; and ATPase, H+/K+ exchanging, beta polypeptide (ATP4B), and ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial Fo complex, subunit C2 (subunit 9) (ATP5G2) in ischemic cells. LILI at 660 nm stimulates the upregulation of genes coding for subunits of enzymes involved in complexes I and IV and ATP synthase.

  10. Holokausta reprezentācija filmās "The pianist" un "Life is beautiful"


    Kalniņa, Zane


    Bakalaura darba Holokausta reprezentācija filmās "The pianist" un "Life is beautiful" mērķis ir izpētīt, kā tiek konstruēta holokausta reprezentācija, izmantojot kinematogrāfiskos elementus drāmas žanra filmās. Teorijas daļā aplūkota kino semiotika un valoda, reprezentācija, holokausta reprezentācija un kino naratīva teorija. Metodoloģijā aprakstīta semiotiskā un naratīva analīze, kas tiks pielietota empīriskajā daļā, lai noskaidrotu holokausta reprezentāciju filmās. No iegūtajiem rezul...

  11. Extraction of total nucleic acid based on silica-coated magnetic particles for RT-qPCR detection of plant RNA virus/viroid. (United States)

    Sun, Ning; Deng, Congliang; Zhao, Xiaoli; Zhou, Qi; Ge, Guanglu; Liu, Yi; Yan, Wenlong; Xia, Qiang


    In this study, a nucleic acid extraction method based on silica-coated magnetic particles (SMPs) and RT-qPCR assay was developed to detect Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV), Lily symptomless virus (LSV), Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) and grape yellow speckle viroid 1 (GYSVd-1). The amplification sequences of RT-qPCR were reversely transcribed in vitro as RNA standard templates. The standard curves covered six or seven orders of magnitude with a detection limit of 100 copies per each assay. Extraction efficiency of the SMPs method was evaluated by recovering spiked ssRNAs from plant samples and compared to two commercial kits (TRIzol and RNeasy Plant mini kit). Results showed that the recovery rate of SMPs method was comparable to the commercial kits when spiked ssRNAs were extracted from lily leaves, whereas it was two or three times higher than commercial kits when spiked ssRNAs were extracted from grapevine leaves. SMPs method was also used to extract viral nucleic acid from15 ArMV-positive lily leaf samples and 15 LSV-positive lily leaf samples. SMPs method did not show statistically significant difference from other methods on detecting ArMV, but LSV. The SMPs method has the same level of virus load as the TRIzol, and its mean virus load of was 0.5log10 lower than the RNeasy Plant mini kit. Nucleic acid was extracted from 19 grapevine-leaf samples with SMPs and the two commercial kits and subsequently screened for HSVd and GYSVd-1 by RT-qPCR. Regardless of HSVd or GYSVd-1, SMPs method outperforms other methods on both positive rate and the viroid load. In conclusion, SMPs method was able to efficiently extract the nucleic acid of RNA viruses or viroids, especially grapevine viroids, from lily-leaf or grapevine-leaf samples for RT-qPCR detection. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Electrochemical behavior of current collectors for lithium batteries in non-aqueous alkyl carbonate solution and surface analysis by ToF-SIMS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myung, Seung-Taek; Sasaki, Yusuke; Sakurada, Shuhei; Sun, Yang-Kook; Yashiro, Hitoshi


    Several metals (Cu, Fe, Al, Ti, and Cr) as current collector for lithium-ion battery were investigated to understand their electrochemical behavior and passivation process in a non-aqueous alkyl carbonate solution containing LiPF 6 salt. From cyclic voltammetric study, it was found that Cu and Fe metals were dissolved into the electrolyte below 4 V vs. Li/Li + . Alternatively, Al and Ti were stable up to 5 V vs. Li/Li + . Their scratched surfaces at 5 V vs. Li/Li + were polarized in a transient mode and it was found that the surfaces were passivated during the polarization test. Formed passive film was composed of two hybrid layers: outer layer by metal (Al and Ti) fluoride and inner by metal oxide, as confirmed by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy. Presence of HF in the electrolyte was indispensible to form the metal fluoride layer on the oxide layer. The outer fluoride layer would protect the inner oxide layer and metal substrate from HF attack, bringing about satisfactory corrosion resistance under lithium-ion battery environment.

  13. Programmēšanas valodas Java 8 iespējas


    Vaivars, Arnis


    Java ir viena no pasaulē populārākajām objektorientētajām programmēšanas valodām. Šī platforma ir nepārtraukti attīstīta un pilnveidota, ar katru versiju sniedzot programmatūras izstrādātājiem jaunas iespējas. 2014.gada martā tika izplatīta uz darba izstrādes brīdi jaunākā platformas versija – Java 8. Pateicoties lambda izteiksmēm, Nashorn Javascript dzinējam, jaunajām datuma, laika un straumju lietojumprogrammu saskarnēm un citām iespējām, šis laidiens iespējams ir pati gaidītākā Java versij...

  14. The effect of Hurricane Lili on the distribution of organic matter along the inner Louisiana shelf (Gulf of Mexico, USA) (United States)

    Goñi, Miguel A.; Gordon, Elizabeth S.; Monacci, Natalie M.; Clinton, Rebecca; Gisewhite, Rachel; Allison, Mead A.; Kineke, Gail


    On October 3, 2002 Hurricane Lili made landfall on a previously studied region of the inner Louisiana shelf as a Category 2 storm with winds over 160 km/h. A week after the hurricane, major impacts of the storm were not evident in the water column except for the lower than expected inshore salinities (˜12 psu) for this time of year, which was characterized by low river discharge. Turbidity profiles were typical of those measured during previous investigations with suspended sediment concentrations >75 mg/L at inshore stations and <50 mg/L in surface waters and offshore. The implication is that the sediments resuspended during the hurricane settled soon after the storm passage. Water column particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations ranged from 0.1 to over 2.0 mg/L, with the highest concentrations measured near the seabed and in the inshore portions of the study area. Suspended particles were characterized by low organic matter content (%POC of 0.5-2 wt%), low chlorophyll:POC ratios (Chl:POC<4 mg/g) and moderately elevated POC:particulate nitrogen ratios (POC:PN of 10-14 mol/mol), all suggesting their source was locally resuspended seabed sediment rather than from algal biomass or land-derived vascular plant detritus. Post hurricane sediment deposition throughout the study area resulted in a storm layer that ranged from <0.5 to 20 cm in thickness. In most locations sediment accumulation ranged from 3 to 10 cm. The storm deposits were generally composed of silty clays with a coarser, somewhat sandy 1-2 cm basal layer. Surface sediments from the storm layer were characterized by relatively high mineral surface areas (SA of 30-50 m 2/g) and elevated OC contents (%OC of 1.0-2.0%). The dispersal of fine sediments following the hurricane resulted in marked changes in the SA and %OC values of surface sediments from offshore locations, which prior to the storm contained coarser, organic-poor particles (SA of 5-15 m 2/g and %OC of 0.2-0.6%). The OC:SA and OC:N ratios

  15. Passivation behavior of Type 304 stainless steel in a non-aqueous alkyl carbonate solution containing LiPF6 salt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myung, Seung-Taek; Sasaki, Yusuke; Saito, Takamitsu; Sun, Yang-Kook; Yashiro, Hitoshi


    Passivation behavior of type 304 stainless steel in a non-aqueous alkyl carbonate solution containing LiPF 6 salt was studied using electrochemical polarization, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and time of flight-secondary ion mass spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS). Cathodic polarization to 0 V vs. Li/Li + resulted in most but not complete reduction of the air-formed film from oxides to metal on the stainless steel, as confirmed by XPS. For complete elimination of the air-formed film, the surface of the stainless steel was scratched under anodic polarization conditions. At 3 V vs. Li/Li + where an anodic current peak appeared, only an indistinct layer was recognized on the newly scratched surface, according to ToF-SIMS analysis. Above 4 V vs. Li/Li + , substantial passive films were formed, which were composed of oxides and fluorides of iron and chromium. The origin of oxide was due to water contained in the non-aqueous alkyl carbonate solution, and that of fluorides were the result of the decomposition of electrolytic salt, LiPF 6 , especially at higher potential. The resultant passive films were stable in the non-aqueous alkyl carbonate solution containing LiPF 6 salt.

  16. Consumo de água pela cultura do lírio, cultivado em substratos alternativos em condições de ambiente protegido Water consumption by the lily culture grown on alternative substrates in protected conditions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fátima Cibele Soares


    commercial production of Asiatic Lily 'Orange Pixie® ", grown in pots at protected conditions. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Department of Plant Science, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS. The experimental design was completely randomized using 12 replications and three plants per pot to determine the frequency of irrigation and water consumption. For evaluation of the parameters, it is stipulated limits of at least 60% and a maximum of 80% capacity of the container, checked daily using a digital scale. Measurements were performed on the substrates: the substrate density, total porosity, aeration and water space available. In plants, the following parameters were measured: plant height and insertion of the first flower, number of leaves and flowers, internode distance, average length of leaves and petals, average width of leaves and petals, total water consumption and irrigation frequency. The results showed that the Asiatic Lily 'Orange Pixie® "pot is suited for cultivation in the land of paradise substrate and coir mixture over rice husk ash. These substrates had an average water consumption of 121.65 and 106.78mL and irrigation frequency of 22 and 21 days respectively. The best combination was not the one consumed most water, but that one that required more frequent irrigation.

  17. Autora neoloģismi mūsdienu krievu fantastikas prozā.


    Saveiko, Dmitrijs


    Bakaulara darbs ir veltīts mūsdienu fantastiskās prozas valodas izpētei. Autors veic mūsdienu fantastikas grāmatu analīzi un autoru neoloģismu izpēti. Autora neoloģismi mūsdienu fantastiskajā prozā tika meklēti šājās grāmatās: «Metro 2033» autors Dmitrijs Gluhovskis, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. «Černobiļa ēnas» autoru kopdarbs, «Rītdien karš» autors Aleksandrs Zoričs. Īpaša uzmanība tiek veltīta autora pielietotajai valodai un autora neoloģisma funkcijām tekstā. Pētījums var ieinteresēt filologus, kuri no...

  18. Ekvivalences pamata kategorijas , tulkojot specializētos tekstus ar angļu-latviešu un latviešu-angļu tulkojumu piemēriem


    Saveļjevs, Jurijs


    Maģistra darbs ar nosaukumu „Ekvivalences pamata kategorijas, tulkojot specializētos tekstus, ar angļu-latviešu un latviešu-angļu tulkojumu piemēriem” ir veltīts dabiskās un virzītās, kā arī formālās un dinamiskās ekvivalences jēdzienu pētījumam. Darba teorētiskajā daļā tiek iztirzāta leksiski-sintaktisko valodas elementu ekvivalences jēdziena izcelsme un attīstība, tā pašreizējais stāvoklis un dažādu pētnieku tā redzējums. tāpat tiek izvērtētas ekvivalences jēdziena pamata kategorijas – dabi...

  19. Dzimuma stereotipizācija tiešsaistes laikrakstos


    Tirzīte, Asne


    Pētnieciskā darba mērķis ir atrast un analizēt stereotipus britu tiešsaites avīžu The Guardian un Daily Mail rakstos par biznesu, lai uzzinātu no kādiem valodas elementiem sastāv stereotipu atspoguļojums un kā mediju diskursā tiek atspoguļotas dzimuma un profesionālās identitātes. Darba teorētiskā daļa apskata pašreizējā pētījuma metodi un iepriekšējo pētnieku darbus par šo tēmu. Izmantotā kvalitatīvā pētījuma metode ir Normana Fērklova (1992) trīsdimensionālais kritiskās diskursa analīzes mo...

  20. [Luuletused] / no igauņu valodas atdzejojis Guntars Godiņš

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    fs, pseud., 1971-


    Sisu: "kas mēs esam..." ; "Dzejnieki dzejo par dzejoshanu..." ; "ko gan es iesāktu bez Tevis Ave..." ; "strādāju arhīvā..."; "mīli mani no deviņiem līdz pieciem..." ; "kad cilvēks nomirst..." ; "skarbs vīrs no rīta iziet laukā..."

  1. Effects of condition in vitro on the irradiation sensitivity of scales

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Dongxue; Wang Dan; Zhang Zhiwei


    The effects of irradiation and the interactions between irradiation and the ingredients of culture medium and the type of explants on radiation sensitivity of scales of lily were studied. The results showed that when lily scales were exposed to after cultured in vitro for about six days. The survival rate of scales in vitro decreased with the increase of irradiation dose. Irradiation significantly inhibited the sprouting rate and the number of sprouts of scales in vitro. During the bud induction, the effects of ingredients of culture medium on radiation sensitivity of scales were obvious at certain degree, and also the culture time. Both exterior scales and middle scales appeared an identical irradiation sensitivity. (authors)

  2. Drug: D06774 [KEGG MEDICUS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ategory: 5100 ... Liliaceae (lily family) Fritillaria bulb Major component: Peimine [CPD:C10830] Powdered product: Standards for non-pharmacopoeial crude drugs ... PubChem: 47208425 ...

  3. 7 CFR 319.37-3 - Permits. (United States)


    ...; (2) Articles subject to the postentry quarantine conditions of § 319.37-7; (3) Bulbs of Allium sativum (garlic), Crocosmia spp. (montebretia), Gladiolus spp. (gladiolus), and Watsonia spp. (bugle lily...

  4. Dieffenbachia poisoning (United States)

    Dumbcane poisoning; Leopard lily poisoning; Tuft root poisoning ... Get the following information: Person's age, weight, and condition Parts of the plant that were eaten, if known Time swallowed Amount swallowed

  5. Identification of genes preferentially expressed during

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Aug 16, 2012 ... The suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) method conducted to generate ... which showed the lack of genomic information currently available for lily. ..... characterization of genes expressed during somatic embryo.

  6. Permeability and storage ability of inorganic X12Y12 fullerenes for lithium atom and ion (United States)

    Munsif, Sajida; Ayub, Khurshid


    In the current study, permeability and storage ability (exohedral and endohedral) of inorganic fullerenes X12Y12 (X = B, Al and Y = N, P) for lithium atom/ion (Li/Li+) is studied theoretically at M05-2X method. The translation of Li/Li+ through Al12P12 nano-cages is not only a kinetically feasible process but also has very high separation ratio in the favor of lithium atom over lithium ion. Adsorption/encapsulation energies of alkali metal on/in nano-cages show strong correlation with the size of the nano-cage. The percent changes in H-L gap for Li+-X12Y12 are about 1-25%, whereas the corresponding changes for Li-X12Y12 are 30-72%.

  7. Izmaksu sistēmas integrācija Openstack mākoņu sistēmā


    Andruškeviča, Eleonora


    Izmaksu sistēma ir programma priekš OpenStack atvērta pirmkoda mākoņu sistēmai, kas ir uzrakstīta ar Python programmēšanās valodas palīdzību. Programmas izstrādes nolūks ir paplašināt OpenStack platformu ar precīzu izmaksu radītājiem. Sistēma ir domāta tikai OpenStack lietotājiem. Izmaksu programma dod iespēju lietotājam zināt, cik viņām būtu jāmaksā par patērētiem resursiem konkrētajos periodos, ja OpenStack būtu par maksu. Rezultātā tika iegūta programma, kas dabū virtuālu mašīnu st...

  8. Cilvēka attēlojums nacionālsociālisma laikā: vācu cilvēka tēls plakātos


    Ziemele, Agnese


    Bakalaura darbā „Cilvēka attēlojums nacionālsociālisma laikā: vācu cilvēka tēls plakātos” tiek noskaidrota sievietes, vīrieša un jaunieša loma sabiedrībā. No 1933. līdz 1945. gadam Vācijā pastāvošā nacionālsociālistiskās ideoloăija ietekmēja propagandas saturu, kā arī noteica sabiedrības locekĜu domāšanas veidu un uzskatus. Darba gaitā tiek aplūkotas tā laika Vācijā valdošās politiskās idejas, mediju un propagandas, kā arī Trešā reiha valodas īpatnības. Darba galvenais pētījumu...

  9. Mākslinieciskās izteiksmes līdzekļu tulkojums Patrika Rotfusa darbā “Vēja vārds”


    Sīlis, Mārtiņš


    Aptuveni puse latviešu valodā izdotās daiļliteratūras ir tulkota no svešvalodām. Literāru tekstu tulkošanai ir būtiska ietekme uz valodas kvalitāti un daudzveidību. Šajā pētījumā tiek analizēti trīs veidu mākslinieciskie izteiksmes līdzekļi (metaforas, salīdzinājumi un hiperbolas) ar mērķi noskaidrot Patrika Rotfusa populārā darba Vēja vārds nesenajā angļu – latviešu tulkojumā izmantotās metodes un tulkojuma kvalitāti. Pētījumā iekļauts teorijas apskats, kas aptver bieži sastopamas tulkošanas...

  10. Tiešsaistes videospēļu “Counter Strike” un “League of Legends” spēlētāju interaktīvā komunikācija


    Kaminskis, Dāvis


    Bakalaura darbā „tiešsaistes video spēļu „Counter Strike” un „League of Legends” spēlētāju interaktīvā komunikācija” tiek pētīta verbālās un neverbālās valodas lietošana un tās pielietojums dažādos komunikācijas kanālos. Papildus pēc iegūtajiem datiem un veiktajiem novērojumiem tiek noskaidrots auditorijas (spēlētāju) viedoklis par komunikācijas saturu un nepieciešamību. Darba teorētisko daļu veido daļas par kvalitatīvu komunikāciju, kā arī nodaļas par interaktīvo komunikāciju, tiešsaist...

  11. 3-4 gadīgu bērnu runas prasmju attīstīšana didaktiskajās spēlēs


    Zavicka, Vita


    . Darba tēma – 3-4 gadīgu bērnu runas prasmju attīstīšana didaktiskajās spēlēs Kvalifikācijas darba autore – Vita Zavicka. Zinātniskā darba vadītāja – Aija Kalve. Teorijas darba daļā raksturota bērnu valodas prasmju attīstība pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas skatījumā, bērna runas attīstības pēctecības nodrošināšana. Raksturotas pirmskolas bērnu vārdu krājuma likumsakarības, vadoties pēc MK noteikumiem Nr. 533 par valsts pirmsskolas izglītības vadlīnijām, ka galvenais bērna darbības vei...

  12. Li/Li2 supersonic nozzle beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, C.Y.R.; Crooks, J.B.; Yang, S.C.; Way, K.R.; Stwalley, W.C.


    The characterization of a lithium supersonic nozzle beam was made using spectroscopic techniques. It is found that at a stagnation pressure of 5.3 kPa (40 torr) and a nozzle throat diameter of 0.4 mm the ground state vibrational population of Li 2 can be described by a Boltzmann distribution with T/sub v/ = 195 +- 30 0 K. The rotational temperature is found to be T/sub r/ = 70 +- 20 0 K by band shape analysis. Measurements by quadrupole mass spectrometer indicates that approximately 10 mole per cent Li 2 dimers are formed at an oven body temperature of 1370 0 K n the supersonic nozzle expansion. This measured mole fraction is in good agreement with the existing dimerization theory

  13. Pop / Erkki Luuk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Luuk, Erkki, 1971-


    Heliplaatidest: Arovane "Lilies", The Remote Viewer "You're going to love our defeatist attitude", B. Fleishcmann und Herbert Weixelbaum present Duo 505 "Late", The Go Find "Miami", Corker Conboy "Six For Five"

  14. Stationary Flowing Liquid Lithium (SFLiLi) systems for tokamaks (United States)

    Zakharov, Leonid; Gentile, Charles; Roquemore, Lane


    The present approach to magnetic fusion which relies on high recycling plasma-wall interaction has exhausted itself at the level of TFTR, JET, JT-60 devices with no realistic path to the burning plasma. Instead, magnetic fusion needs a return to its original idea of insulation of the plasma from the wall, which was the dominant approach in the 1970s and upon implementations has a clear path to the DEMO device with PDT ~= 100 MW and Qelectric > 1 . The SFLiLi systems of this talk is the technology tool for implementation of the guiding idea of magnetic fusion. It utilizes the unique properties of flowing LiLi to pump plasma particles and, thus, insulate plasma from the walls. The necessary flow rate, ~= 1 g3/s, is very small, thus, making the use of lithium practical and consistent with safety requirements. The talk describes how chemical activity of LiLi, which is the major technology challenge of using LiLi in tokamaks, is addressed by SFLiLi systems at the level of already performed (HT-7) experiment, and in ongoing implementations for a prototype of SFLiLi for tokamak divertors and the mid-plane limiter for EAST tokamak (to be tested in the next experimental campaign). This work is supported by US DoE contract No. DE-AC02-09-CH11466.

  15. Suvel Saksamaale turiste toonud Saksa firma lõpetas tegevuse / Kristjan Jõevere

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jõevere, Kristjan


    Lõbusõidulaeva Lili Marleen operaatorfirma Holiday Kreuzfahrten, mis ainsana tegi reise Saaremaa uude sadamasse, lõpetas tegevuse. Tallinna Sadama avalike suhete juhi Sven Ratassepa sõnul pole karta, et sadam suvel kasutuna seisaks

  16. Aquatic Plant/microbial Filters for Treating Septic Tank Effluent (United States)

    Wolverton, B. C.


    The use of natural biological processes for treating many types of wastewater have been developed by NASA at the John C. Stennis Space Center, NSTL, Mississippi, during the past 15 years. The simplest form of this technology involves the use of aquatic plant/marsh filters for treatment of septic tank effluent. Septic tank effluent from single home units can be treated to advanced secondary levels and beyond by using a 37.2 sq m (400 sq ft) surface area washed gravel filter. This filter is generally 0.3 m (1 ft) deep with a surface cover of approximately 0.15 m (6 in.) of gravel. The plants in this filter are usually aesthetic or ornamental such as calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica), canna lily (Canna flaccida), elephant ear (Colocasia esculenta), and water iris (Iris pseudacorus).

  17. [Medicinal plants and symbols in the medieval mystic altarpiece]. (United States)

    Fischer, Louis-Paul; Verilhac, Régine; Ferrandis, Jean-Jacques; Trépardoux, Francis


    The medieval mystic altarpiece towers above the altar table. It is linked to the evocation of a religious mystery beyond our faculty of reasoning. Symbolism of an enclosed garden evokes the image of the Heavenly Garden isolated by a wall from the rest of earthly world. In this mystic chiefly Rhenan altarpiece the enclosed garden is that of Virgin Mary who in the Middle Ages was likened to the spouse in the song of songs. The Blessed Virgin is painted with flowers, lily, rose, violet, lily of the valley. Most of these are medicinal plants in order to implore a faith healing for the believers. All in all about fifty plants are showed on Rhenan altarpieces and on 14th century mystic altarpieces almost contemporary of Issenheim's altarpiece, some Italian, some Rhenan.

  18. Genetic effects of organic mercury compounds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramel, C


    Studies on the genetic and developmental effects of organic mercury compounds on lilies, drosophila, and ice were carried out. It was found that chromosomal and developmental abnormalities were correlated with the administration of mercury compounds.

  19. Plaadid / Valner Valme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valme, Valner, 1970-


    Uutest plaatidest Liquido "Alarm!Alarm!", Van Morrison "Down The Road", "Eesti pop 2002", "Very Best of MTV Unplugged", Karavan "Agu Tammeoru laulud", Natalie Imbruglia "White Lilies Island", Ibizarre "Ambient Collection vol. 5", Jose Cura "Boleros"

  20. African Journal of Biotechnology - Vol 14, No 29 (2015)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Hydroponic Technology for Lily Flowers and Bulbs Production Using Rainwater and Some Common Nutrient Solutions · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. HM Asker, 2307-2313 ...

  1. Tõendid praktikasse / Ere Uibu, Ester Öpik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uibu, Ere


    Eesti Õdede Liidu konverentsil tunnustati meditsiiniõdesid Sirje Kõvermäge, Kadri Piiri, Evelyn Evertit, Ere Uibut, Jane Freimani, Reet Tohvret, Teija Toivarit, Jane Remmerit, Ülle Tammsaart, Lily Parmu ja Kätlin Lünekundu

  2. (Lilium) cultivar

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Aug 30, 2012 ... 2National Engineering Research Center for Floriculture, Beijing, China. Accepted 6 August, 2012 ... hybrids lily cultivar 'eyeliner' was selected as the materials. By using the ... of sterilization was not ideal which led to higher.

  3. Ukrainas krīzes attēlojums plašsaziņas līdzekļos


    Ķirse, Guna


    Plašsaziņas līdzekļi ir spēcīgs instruments valdošās sabiedrības daļas rokās, lai izplatītu ideoloģijai atbilstošas idejas. Šo darbu paveic attiecīgi izvēlēti valodas līdzekļi, kas ļauj uzsvērt vai, tieši otrādi, apslēpt dažādus uzskatus. Darba mērķis bija izpētīt, kā Ukrainas krīze tiek atspoguļota medijos no Krievijas, Ukrainas un Rietumu perspektīvas. Iegūtie dati, kurus veidoja 45 ziņu reportāžas, tika analizēti, izmantojot kritisko diskursa analīzi, un tika izvērtēta leksika, mākslinieci...

  4. Objektrelāciju kartēšanas izveide Zephir valodā


    Zālītis, Ričards


    Darbā tiek apskatīta Zephir programmēšanas valoda un iespējas, ko tā paver, objektrelācijas kartēšana - kas tā tāda ir un kāpēc tā ir vajadzīga - izstrādātā vienuma funkciju apskats, nepieciešamības pamatojums un to salīdzinājums ar esošajiem risinājumiem. Risinājums ir izgatavots ar mērķi to izmantot turpmāk praksē, lai atvieglotu un uzlabotu darbu ar datubāzēm, protams, to papildinot ar praksē gūtām zināšanām. Tas ir paredzēts darbā ar MySQL datubāzes vadības sistēmu un izmantot kopā ar ...

  5. Oxidation processes on conducting carbon additives for lithium-ion batteries

    KAUST Repository

    La Mantia, Fabio; Huggins, Robert A.; Cui, Yi


    The oxidation processes at the interface between different types of typical carbon additives for lithium-ion batteries and carbonates electrolyte above 5 V versus Li/Li+ were investigated. Depending on the nature and surface area of the carbon

  6. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology - Vol ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    electrolysis pretreatment · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. Shuchuan Peng, Lili Zhao, Xixi Liu, Dong Chen. ...

  7. New minimal SO(10) GUT: A theory for all epochs

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    [16,17] and are also reported in these proceedings in the contributions of Ila Garg and ..... maintaining realism in the fermion and GUT SSB sector and accounting for low- and .... a lily already well enamelled: as maintained by these authors.

  8. CASE STUDY: China — Bridging the Gap between Scientists and ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Jan 5, 2011 ... CASE STUDY: China — Bridging the Gap between Scientists and ... the right inputs of water, fertilizer, and pesticides to maximize yields. ... Some are rare and unique to the area, such as black wax maize and mountain lily.

  9. Clonal diversity and genetic differentiation of Maianthemum bifolium among forest fragments of different age

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arens, P.F.P.; Grashof-Bokdam, C.J.; Sluis, van der T.; Smulders, M.J.M.


    Maianthemum bifolium Schmidt (May Lily) is a woodland species with low colonisation ability and high demands for seedling establishment conditions. To study the colonisation process, we analysed the clonal organisation and population structure of Maianthemum bifolium populations in a number of

  10. Estonia's cinematic boom year / Adam Krowka

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Krowka, Adam


    Mängufilm Mati Undi romaani ainetel "Sügisball" (režissöör Veiko Õunpuu) võitis mitmetel rahvusvahelistel filmifestivalidel auhindu. Eesti filmikunstist, filmide rahastamisest ja filmilevist 2007. aastal. Kommenteerivad Lily Pilt EFSA-st ja näitleja, stsenarist Rain Tolk

  11. Eelarvamustest lahti / Katt Hansen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hansen, Katt


    PÖFFi naistekeskseid mängufilme : taanlase Morten Arnfredi "Õnne tänav", tšehh Michaela Pavlatova "Truudusetud mängud", prantsuse filmid "29 Palms" (Bruno Dumont) ja "Väike Lili" (Claude Miller) ning prantsuse-tuneesia "Satin Rouge" (Raja Amari)

  12. 78 FR 14539 - Notice of Receipt of Pesticide Products; Registration Applications To Register New Uses (United States)


    ... include: Crop production (NAICS code 111). Animal production (NAICS code 112). Food manufacturing (NAICS...), fritillaria (bulb), garlic (bulbs of common, great-headed, serpent), lily (bulb), onion (bulbs of common..., fritillaria (leaves), kurrat, leek, wild leek, lady's leek, Beltsville bunching onion, fresh onion, green...

  13. [Kutseõppeasutuste arvutiteaduste õppekavade koostamisest] / Lily Loidap

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Loidap, Lily


    Üks õnnestunud koostöönäide pärineb riikliku eksami- ja kvalifi­katsioonikeskuse projektist „Kutseõppeasutuste õppekavade arendus”, kus arvutiteaduste õppekavad koostati eri huvigruppide koostööna

  14. Kunstikonkurss "Oma silmaga" 2009. aastal / Lili Saksing

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saksing, Lili


    Kehtna Kunstide Kooli korraldatav Raplamaa laste ja noorte kunstikonkurss "Oma silmaga" toimub 2009. a. teemal "Mõttemaja". Ülesandeks on luua tasapinnaline töö, kus kujutatakse Raplamaal asuvat mõttemaja, mille töö autor on ise kavandanud ja sobitanud valitud ümbrusse. Rändnäitus 2008. a. konkursi töödest teemal "Aeg ja mina" on jõudnud Kohila Koolituskeskusesse Tohisoo mõisas

  15. Duplex kidney: not just a drooping lily. (United States)

    Doery, Ashlea J; Ang, Eileen; Ditchfield, Michael R


    Duplex kidneys are common, mostly asymptomatic and of no clinical significance. However, they can be associated with significant pathology, often with long-term morbidity. There is minimal literature on the review of the duplex kidney, its associated anomalies and complications. The purpose of this paper is to review our experience of imaging the spectrum of abnormalities associated with duplex kidneys in the paediatric population and correlate this with contemporary literature. A retrospective review of the radiology database in a tertiary paediatric centre was performed. A word search of the Radiology Information System for 'duplex' of patients under the age of 16 was undertaken and limited to studies performed between 2006 and 2013. Two hundred seventy-four patients were identified (age range 0-16, median 3 years, gender 59.9% female) who had 836 studies: ultrasound 598/836 (71.6%), nuclear medicine 180/836 (21.5%), micturating cystourethrogram 52/836 (6.2%), MRI 5/836 (duplex and no complication (151/274 = 55.1%), upper moiety obstruction, lower moiety reflux/scarring, multicystic dysplastic kidney, abnormal ureteric insertion and other pathology. Duplex kidneys are common and often not clinically significant. However, this study demonstrates almost 50% of paediatric patients investigated for duplex kidneys had complications requiring treatment. The most common complications were upper moiety obstruction associated with a ureterocele and lower moiety vesicoureteric reflux. Ultrasound was the most common modality for early detection of these complications. © 2015 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists.

  16. Krāsas un skaņas sintēzes metodes izmantošanas iespējas gleznošanas nodarbībās mākslas skolā


    Zilberte, Baiba


    Viens no vizuālās mākslas izglītības mērķiem ir nodrošināt vizuālās mākslas valodas apguvi un attīstīt skolēnu izpratni par procesiem mūsdienu mākslā un mākslas komunikācijā. Mērķi nav iespējams sasniegt, ja mākslas izglītībā netiek iekļauts mūsdienu vizuālās mākslas gan lokālais, gan starptautiskais konteksts. Krāsas un skaņas sintēze kā metode var tikt pielietota mākslas pedagoģijā, lai veidotu izpratni par mūsdienu vizuālo mākslu, attīstītu skolēnu uztveri un domāšanu, paplašinātu vizuālo ...

  17. Vēstuļu rakstīšanas mācīšana pieaugušajiem caur spēlēm biznesa konsultāciju un mācību centrā “Latconsul”


    Šmite, Ivita


    Diplomdarbā tika pētīta spēļu pielietošana, lai attīstītu pieaugušo prasmi rakstīt vēstules angļu valodā. Diplomdarba mērķis bija uzzināt vai vēstuļu rakstīšanas mācīšana pieaugušajiem caur spēlēm veicina noteiktu faktu atcerēšanos un rada zināšanu līmeņa uzlabojumus studentu vēstuļu rakstīšanas prasmēs. Kā pētīšanas metode tika pielietota atsevišķa gadījuma pētīšana. Tā tika veikta ar vidējā angļu valodas līmeņa pieaugušo studentu grupu, biznesa konsultāciju un mācību centrā „LatConsul”. ...

  18. Forecasting the impact of an invasive macrophyte species in the littoral zone through aquatic insect species composition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo H. L. Saulino


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Invasive macrophytes threaten freshwater ecosystem biodiversity. We analyzed the impact of the invasive white ginger lily (Hedychium coronarium J. König, Zingiberaceae on aquatic insect assemblages living in the littoral zone of a tropical reservoir. We took aquatic insect samples in the littoral zone on four main vegetal profile banks: white ginger monotypic bank, forest partially invaded, native macrophyte monotypic bank and riparian forest. At each vegetal bank, we measured abiotic variables such as dissolved oxygen, pH, water temperature and depth. We analyzed the aquatic insects through abundance, richness and Simpson diversity. We used the non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (nMDS analysis to analyze the spatial distribution of each assemblage, and Analysis of similarities (ANOSIM to verify differences amongst dissimilarity distances. Additionally, we analyzed the main taxa associated with invasive macrophytes through indicator species analyses using IndVal index. We observed that the invasive macrophyte banks presented higher abundance of associated specimens, as well as lower dissimilarity of aquatic insect assemblages. Additionally, invasive macrophytes shifted the water pH and littoral depth of reservoir banks. The IndVal index indicated eight aquatic insects as indicator species. Labrundinia unicolor Silva, 2013, Ablabesmyia depaulai Neubern, 2013 and Diastatops Rambur, 1842 were indicator species on banks. We concluded that invasion of white ginger lily caused loss of shallow littoral habitat and altered the pH of the surrounding water probably by high decomposition rate and high production of plant biomass. We suggest the use of species of aquatic insects as indicator species to monitor white ginger lily impact in freshwater systems.

  19. Provenancing Flower Bulbs by Analytical Fingerprinting: Convallaria Majalis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ruth, van S.M.; Visser, de R.


    The origin of agricultural products is gaining in appreciation while often hard to determine for various reasons. Geographical origin may be resolved using a combination of chemical and physical analytical technologies. In the present case of Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis) rhizomes, we

  20. 77 FR 4810 - Pesticide Products; Receipt of Applications To Register New Uses (United States)


    ..., but are not limited to: Crop production (NAICS code 111). Animal production (NAICS code 112). Food..., chinese onion, daylily bulb, fritillaria bulb, great-headed, garlic, lily bulb, pearl onion, potato onion, serpent garlic, shallot, green onion, beltsville bunching, onion, Chinese chive, fresh leaves, fresh chive...

  1. Flower Development of Lilium longiflorum: Characterization of MADS-box transcription factors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Benedito, V.A.


    Lily (Liliumspp.) is among the most traditional and beloved ornamental flowers worldwide. The genus Lilium comprises almost one hundred species, among which is the primary subject of our research, described in this thesis, the species Lilium

  2. Pop : The Corrs "Best Of" / Mart Juur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juur, Mart, 1964-


    Heliplaatidest: The Corrs "Best Of", Ryan Adams "Gold", Green Day "International Superhits!", Techno Animal "The Brotherhood of The Bomb", Dr. Dre & kompanii "The Wash Soundtrack", Natalie Imbruglia "White Lilies Island", Carlos Santana "Divine Light - Reconstruction & Mix Translation: Bill Laswell", Enigma "LoveSensualityDevotion - The Remix Collection"

  3. Plaadisoovitus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uutest heliplaatidest Razorlight, lordi "The Arocalypse", Marie Fredriksson "Min Bäste Vän", Muse "Black Holes & Revelations", Lily Allen "Alright, Still", "Just1 Hits", "Summer Jam 2006", "On The Beach. Vol 2", "Zero 7", "Ultimate Dance", Sergio Mendes "Pure Bossa Nova", Keane "Under The Iron Sea"

  4. Nitrile functionalized silyl ether with dissolved LiTFSI as new electrolyte solvent for lithium-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pohl, Benjamin; Grünebaum, Mariano; Drews, Mathias; Passerini, Stefano; Winter, Martin; Wiemhöfer, Hans‑Dieter


    Highlights: • A new electrolyte based on a nitrile-silyl ether solvent and LiTFSI as lithium salt was successfully tested. • This electrolyte shows higher ionic conductivities as compared to earlier published silicon based solvents. • Due to the absence of ether groups, the electrochemical stability is extended to 5.4 V vs. Li/Li + . • With LiTFSI, the electrolyte can be cycled up to 4.15 V vs. Li/Li + without causing anodic aluminum dissolution. - Abstract: 3-((Trimethylsilyl) oxy) propionitrile is introduced as non-volatile solvent for lithium-ion battery electrolytes using LiTFSI as lithium salt. The thermal and chemical stability of the electrolytes offer an enhanced safety as compared to conventional volatile carbonate electrolytes. In cell tests, the investigated LiTFSI nitrile silyl ether electrolyte shows compatibility with LiFePO 4 , LiNi 0.33 Mn 0.33 Co 0.33 O 2 and graphite active materials.

  5. Los primeros isabelinos: maestros de genios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arturo Laguado


    Full Text Available Cuando William Shakespeare empezó a escribir, en la última década del siglo XVI, ya el drama inglés había logrado un extraordinario desarrollo. Los llamados Poetas Universitarios no se contentaron con seguir las huellas de John Lily, su maestro.

  6. From Homer to Hoke: A Small Step for African American Mankind. (United States)

    Turner, Patricia A.


    Explores links between two films, "Lilies of the Field" (1962) and "Driving Miss Daisy" (1987), their portrayal of African-American men in relationships with White women, and audience and critic responses to the films. Little has changed in the Hollywood perceptions since the earlier film was made. (JB)


    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Uniqueness of solutions to Schrödinger equations on complex semi-simple Lie groups. 325. Chen Lili. On the compactly locally uniformly rotund points of Orlicz spaces. 471. Chu Jifeng. Positive solutions and eigenvalue intervals for nonlinear systems. 85. Clozel L. Equivariant embeddings of Hermitian sym- metric spaces.

  8. Celebrity witnessing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Lene Bull; Frello, Birgitta


    This article deals with emotional address in the narrative modality of celebrity witnessing in the marketing of development aid. We analyse Danish celebrity narratives of global caring, drawing on Luc Boltanski’s work on a ‘politics of pity’, Lilie Chouliaraki’s notion of the ‘aspirational discou...

  9. Microspore culture of Zantedeschia aethiopica: The role of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 5, 2011 ... constitutions. Key words: Calla lily, haploid plant production, isolated microspore culture, glucose, fructose. ... (16%:16%:16%) granule fertilizer was applied every two weeks (10 g/m2). ... Initially, the method described for Brassica napus microspore ... For studying the effect of initial short term cultivation with.

  10. Histochemical and genetic analysis of host and non-host interactions of Arabidopsis with three Botrytis species: an important role for cell death control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baarlen, van P.; Woltering, E.J.; Staats, M.; Kan, van J.A.L.


    Susceptibility was evaluated of host and non-host plants to three pathogenic Botrytis species: the generalist B. cinerea and the specialists B. elliptica (lily) and B. tulipae (tulip). B. tulipae was, unexpectedly, able to infect plant species other than tulip, and to a similar extent as B. cinerea.

  11. A molecular cytogenetic analysis of chromosome behavior in Lilium hybrids

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Xie, S.L.


    Lily (Lilium) has become one of the top bulbous crops for the cut flower industry in the past two decades. The genus Lilium comprises of approximately 80 species, which have been classified into seven sections. Each section possesses distinctive phenotypic characters, such as

  12. Experimental forensic studies of the preservation of pollen in vehicle fires. (United States)

    Morgan, R M; Flynn, J; Sena, V; Bull, P A


    The implications of the recent recommendations of the Law Commission regarding the use of admissibility tests have the potential to be far reaching for forensic disciplines that rely on the expertise of highly qualified expert witnesses. These disciplines will need a concomitant body of peer-reviewed experiments that provides a basis for the interpretations of such evidence presented in court. This paper therefore, presents such results from two experiments which were undertaken to address specific issues that were raised in cases presented in the British courtroom. These studies demonstrate that there is a variability in the persistence of Lily, Daffodil and Tulip pollen when exposed to high temperatures between 0.5min and 1440min (24h). It was possible to identify all three pollen types after 30min of exposure to 400°C, and after shorter time frames the threshold for successful identification was 700°C after 0.5min for all pollen types tested and 500°C for Daffodil and Lily after 5min of heat exposure. Over longer time periods (18h (1080min)) the different pollen types were found to persist in a viable form for identification at 300°C (Lily), 200°C (Daffodil) and 50°C (Tulip). These findings, albeit from a small sample of pollen types, provide empirical contextual information that would contribute to such evidence having sufficient scientific weight to meet admissibility criteria and be viable evidence for a court. These studies demonstrate the value in seeking pollen evidence from even such extreme crime scenes as encountered in vehicular fires. Copyright © 2013 Forensic Science Society. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Resonance – Journal of Science Education | News

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    pp 20-23 General Article. Uncertainty Principles and Fourier Analysis · Alladi Sitaram · More Details Fulltext PDF. pp 24-26 General Article. Schrödinger's Uncertainty Principle? - Lilies can be Painted · Rajaram Nityananda · More Details Fulltext PDF. pp 27-36 General Article. Imaging Sensors: Artificial and Natural.

  14. Nutritional composition, antinutritional factors and elemental ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study is aimed at evaluating nutritional composition, antinutritional factors and elemental analysis of three parts (roots sample RS, seed sample SS and leave sample LS) of Nymphaea lotus (water lily) using standard methods. The plant parts were analyzed for the content of crude lipid, crude fiber, crude proteins, ash, ...

  15. The Importance of Early Suffrage Papers in Constructing a Community. (United States)

    Steiner, Linda C.

    An analysis of five mid-nineteenth century women's suffrage periodicals ("The Lily,""The Genius of Liberty,""The Una,""The Revolution," and "The Woman's Journal") suggests that the papers succeeded in creating, sustaining, and inspiring the suffrage community as it developed and matured, and in dramatizing and debating alternative versions of a…

  16. African Journal of Biotechnology - Vol 11, No 9 (2012)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effects of calcium and humic acid treatment on the growth and nutrient uptake of Oriental lily · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD ... Waste production and valorization in an integrated aquaponic system with bester and lettuce · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD ...

  17. Questionnaire Construction Manual (United States)


    fwiW ........ ..., „.,. , r-m-lili^fa^BMiai igMiit VI-C Page 3 1 Jul 76 (2) All questionnaire items should be gramatically correct. (3) All...kept in mind: a. All response alternatives should follow the stem both gramatically and logically, and if possible, be parallel in structure. b

  18. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Isutsa, DK. Vol 7, No 1 (2005) - Articles Explants, hormones and sucrose influence in vitro shoot regeneration and rooting of calla lily (Zantedeschia albomaculata L. Spreng.) 'black magic' Abstract · Vol 13, No 1 (2011) - Articles Response of strawberry quality and profitability to farmyard manure and triple super phosphate ...

  19. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Zhao, Lili. Vol 2, No 7 (2010) - Articles The oxidative degradation by pyrolusite of p-nitrophenol wastewater after micro-electrolysis pretreatment. Abstract PDF. ISSN: 2141-2839. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians · for Authors · FAQ's · More about AJOL · AJOL's Partners ...

  20. The establishment of a slow-growth conservation system in vitro for ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 26, 2012 ... The M3A played the greatest inhibitory effect on height growth of the two lily species, on ... and Morel proposed the preservation of plant germplasm in vitro for the first time; ... concentration of nutrients (Engelmann, 1991), growth inhibitor, or low oxygen content (Bonnier et al., 1996). Besides, temperature ...

  1. Latviešu literārā valoda 19. gs. 80.–90. gados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aina Blinkena


    Full Text Available LETTISCHE SCHRIFTSPRACHE IN DEN 80.–90. J. DES 20. JHZusammenfassungDie Entwicklung der lettischen Schriftsprache hat sich in ihren verschiedenen Bestehungsetappen nicht gleichartig breit erforscht geworden.Die Sprache den letzten Jahrzehnten des 19. Jh. haben die Sprachwissenschaftler weniger Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt, doch in dieser Zeit vollziehen sich aktive Prozesse, die zur heutige Sprachnorm füren.In diesen Jahren hat sich die nationale Kultur gebildet, es entsteht und entwickelt sich die Literatur verschiedener Genres und Stile, die zur Klassik der lettischen Literatur geworden ist, es entwickelt sich schnell das Buchwesen. In 1886–1900 sind mehr als 3500 Titel von Büchern herausgegeben, es bestehen 100 Verlage.Große Rolle für die Erforschung und Pflege des Lettischen hat die Wissenschaftliche Kommission des Rigaer Lettischen Vereins (gegr. 1868 gespielt, die die orthographischen Prinzipien vervollkommen hat und in den von der Kommission herausgegebenen Schriften wurden die theoretischen Forschungen über die lettischen Sprache veröffentlicht. Es bildete sich die wissenschaftliche Terminologie. Die Arbeit haben die ersten akademisch gebildeten Sprachwissenschaftler der lettischen Nation K. Mühlenbach, J. Kauliņš, J. Endzelīns, P. Šmits begonnen, deren Werke als eine Brücke zum 20. Jahrhundert führt.

  2. Aspects of bulblet growth of lily in vitro

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Askari Rabori, N.


    Many geophytes have a high ornamental value. They are preferably propagated by micropropagation because in this way large quantities of uniform, disease-free starting material are produced in a short period of time. In comparison with shoots, bulblets have several clear advantages as starting

  3. Tissue culture and mutagenesis of rain lily (zephyranthes)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohd Nazir Basiran; Zaiton Ahmad; Shakinah Salleh; Shuhaimi Shamsudin; Aiza Shaliha Jamaludin


    There are three varieties of Zephyranthes used widely in landscaping due to their robust growth and attractive flowers in pink, yellow and white. Both in vivo and in vitro mutagenesis are an effective approach to increase the flower colour variations of Zephyranthes. In vitro propagation for the three varieties was attempted by using the induction medium developed by Sachar and Kapoor in 1959. The medium contains I ma of each indole 3-acetic acid (IAA), indole 3-butyric acid (IBA) and kinetin. Following surface sterilization of bulb scales, 17.8%, 10.5% and 10.7% of pink, white and yellow varieties respectively, were able to form small bulblets on the induction media. Further development of these bulblets into plantlets was also achieved on the same medium. Work is now being carried out to improve the efficiency of bulblet regeneration. Mutagenesis of Zephyranthes was initiated from bulbs of the pink varieties to develop new varieties with attractive combinations of flower colour and forms, shelf life and growth habits. These bulbs were irradiated using a gamma cell with a 60 Co source. Three variants with different flower colour and morphology have been achieved so far and are now being propagated in the nursery. (Author)

  4. Cu2Sb thin film electrodes prepared by pulsed laser deposition f or lithium batteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Song, Seung-Wan; Reade, Ronald P.; Cairns, Elton J.; Vaughey, Jack T.; Thackeray, Michael M.; Striebel, Kathryn A.


    Thin films of Cu2Sb, prepared on stainless steel and copper substrates with a pulsed laser deposition technique at room temperature, have been evaluated as electrodes in lithium cells. The electrodes operate by a lithium insertion/copper extrusion reaction mechanism, the reversibility of which is superior when copper substrates are used, particularly when electrochemical cycling is restricted to the voltage range 0.65-1.4 V vs. Li/Li+. The superior performance of Cu2Sb films on copper is attributed to the more active participation of the extruded copper in the functioning of the electrode. The continual and extensive extrusion of copper on cycling the cells leads to the isolation of Li3Sb particles and a consequent formation of Sb. Improved cycling stability of both types of electrodes was obtained when cells were cycled between 0.65 and 1.4 V. A low-capacity lithium-ion cell with Cu2Sb and LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 electrodes, laminated from powders, shows excellent cycling stability over the voltage range 3.15 - 2.2 V, the potential difference corresponding to approximately 0.65-1.4 V for the Cu2Sb electrode vs. Li/Li+. Chemical self-discharge of lithiated Cu2Sb electrodes by reaction with the electrolyte was severe when cells were allowed to relax on open circuit after reaching a lower voltage limit of 0.1 V. The solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer formed on Cu2Sb electrodes after cells had been cycled between 1.4 and 0.65 V vs. Li/Li+ was characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy; the SEI layer contributes to the large irreversible capacity loss on the initial cycle of these cells. The data contribute to a better understanding of the electrochemical behavior of intermetallic electrodes in rechargeable lithium batteries.

  5. A Crafts-Oriented Approach to Computing in High School: Introducing Computational Concepts, Practices, and Perspectives with Electronic Textiles (United States)

    Kafai, Yasmin B.; Lee, Eunkyoung; Searle, Kristin; Fields, Deborah; Kaplan, Eliot; Lui, Debora


    In this article, we examine the use of electronic textiles (e-textiles) for introducing key computational concepts and practices while broadening perceptions about computing. The starting point of our work was the design and implementation of a curriculum module using the LilyPad Arduino in a pre-AP high school computer science class. To…

  6. Bulletin of Materials Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Aug 13, 2008 ... Peng-Fei Yin1 2 Li-Li Sun1 3 You-Lu Gao2 Sheng-Yue Wang2. College of Science, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, P.R. China; Department of Physics, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, P.R. China; Department of Physics, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, P.R. ...

  7. Correction to Sahakyan and Delaney (2005) (United States)

    Sahakyan, Lili; Delaney, Peter F.


    This article reports an error concerning the article "Directed Forgetting in Incidental Learning and Recognition Testing: Support for a Two-Factor Account" by Lili Sahakyan and Peter F. Delaney ("Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition," Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 789-801). The article was misidentified in the July issue as an…

  8. Fabrika kukolnõhh grjoz / Svetlana Karabut

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karabut, Svetlana


    Külaskäik Nukufilmi stuudiosse Niine tänaval. Stuudiot tutvustab produtsent Kerdi Oengo, jälgitakse kuidas valmib lõik filmile "Lili Marleen" (Marili Toome ja Ulvi Tiidu käe all). Rao Heidmets kommenteerib oma filmi "Kaasasündinud kohustused" võttetehnikat ja põhjendab miks valmivad stuudios just lühianimafilmid

  9. Only lasers can be used for low level laser therapy. (United States)

    Moskvin, Sergey Vladimirovich


    The question of lasers' exclusivity, as well as the degree of influence of special properties of low-intensity laser illumination (LILI), such as coherence, polarity and monochromaticity, on the effectiveness of low level laser therapy (LLLT) continues to cause arguments. The study analyzes publications from 1973 to 2016, in which laser and conventional light sources are compared, and the following conclusions are drawn. First, there are a lot of publications with incorrect comparison or unfounded statements. Secondly, other sources of light are often meant by LILI without any justification. Thirdly, all studies, in which the comparison is carried out correctly and close parameters of the impact and the model are used, have a firm conclusion that laser light is much more effective. Fourthly, it is uniquely identified that the most important parameter that determines the efficiency of lasers is monochromaticity, i.e., a much narrower spectral width than for all other light sources. Only laser light sources can be used for LLLT! © Author(s) 2017. This article is published with open access by China Medical University.

  10. Power, Desire and Emotions in Education: Revisiting the Epistolary Narratives of Three Women in Apartheid South Africa (United States)

    Tamboukou, Maria


    In this paper I will attempt to consider emotions in the context of three womens lives, whose passion for education brought them together and then tore them apart along axes of difference defined by race, class and age in apartheid South Africa. I am looking in particular into the correspondence between Lily Moya, Mabel Palmer, and Sibusisiwe…

  11. Fulltext PDF

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


  12. Verification of the utility of molecular markers linked to the multiple ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Aug 30, 2010 ... Feng Hui*, Wang Lili, Wei Peng, Liu Zhiyong, Li Chengyu, Wang Yugang, Ji Ruiqin and Zhang. Huaqing ..... Chin. Agric. Sci. Bull. 22: 377-379. Li CY, Feng H, Wei P, Wang LL, Zhang J, Yang HN, Jiang N (2009). Directional transfer of the genic multiple allele inherited male sterile line in Chinese cabbage.

  13. The Children's House (United States)

    Peller, Lili E.


    Lili Peller's "The Children's House" essay begins where Maria Montessori left off in her description of space articulations. Peller does not name Montessori specifically as she always had a desire to become independent in her own right as a neo-Freudian child analyst. But the Haus Der Kinder founded in summer of 1922 suggests a total…

  14. Metabolite profiling and isolation of biologically active compounds from Scadoxus puniceus, a highly traded South African medicinal plant

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Naidoo, D.; Poštová Slavětínská, Lenka; Aremu, A. O.; Grúz, Jiří; Bíba, Ondřej; Doležal, Karel; Van Staden, J.; Finnie, J. F.


    Roč. 32, č. 4 (2018), s. 625-630 ISSN 0951-418X R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA17-06613S; GA MŠk(CZ) LO1204 Institutional support: RVO:61389030 Keywords : alkaloids * Amaryllidaceae * chromatography * NMR * paintbrush lily * phenolics Subject RIV: EF - Botanics OBOR OECD: Plant sciences, botany Impact factor: 3.092, year: 2016

  15. Nose Fairing Modeling and Simulation to Support Trident II D5 Lifecycle Extension (United States)


    Rupture Flexural Modulus Flexural Yield strength Compressive Yield strength Poissons Ratio Machinabi lily Shear strength Impact Work to...Categories: Ceramic; Glass; Glass Fiber , other Engineeting Material; C<>mposite Rbers Material Notes: Used as a reinforcing agent in fiber glass compos~es...MATWEB AMERICAN SITKA SPRUCE WOOD .......................35 APPENDIX B. MATWEB E–GLASS FIBER , GENERIC ......................................37 APPENDIX

  16. Interim Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Midwest Region (United States)


    Ceratophyllum demersum), bladderwort (Utricularia macrorhiza), white water crowfoot (Ranunculus longirostris), and duckweeds ( Lemna , Spirodela, and...divide the landscape into areas called map units. Map units usually contain more than one soil type or component. They often contain several minor ...bladderworts (Utricularia spp.), and duckweeds ( Lemna spp.) (Figure 36). Figure 36. Dried remains of water-lilies in a semipermanently ponded

  17. 50 CFR 32.49 - New Jersey. (United States)


    ... fishing area during zone 58 big game hunting season. 6. We will open Forked River and Lily Lake from legal... the field (see § 32.2(k)). B. Upland Game Hunting. [Reserved] C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of... Beach Unit. 2. During the firearms big game seasons, you must wear, in a visible manner on head, chest...

  18. Li-rich anti-perovskite Li3OCl films with enhanced ionic conductivity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lu, XJ; Wu, G; Howard, JW; Chen, AP; Zhao, YS; Daemen, LL; Jia, QX


    Anti-perovskite solid electrolyte films were prepared by pulsed laser deposition, and their room-temperature ionic conductivity can be improved by more than an order of magnitude in comparison with its bulk counterpart. The cyclability of Li3OCl films in contact with lithium was evaluated using a Li/Li3OCl/Li symmetric cell, showing self-stabilization during cycling test.

  19. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Midwest Region (Version 2.0) (United States)


    bladderwort (Utricularia macrorhiza), white water crowfoot (Ranunculus longirostris), and duckweeds ( Lemna , Spirodela, and Wolffia). As mentioned...units. Map units usually contain more than one soil type or component. They often contain several minor components or inclusions of soils with...bladderworts (Utricularia spp.), and duckweeds ( Lemna spp.) (Figure 37). ERDC/EL TR-10-16 87 Figure 37. Dried remains of water-lilies in a

  20. [Luuletused] / Kristīna Ehina ; no igauņu valodas atdzejojis Guntars Godiņš

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ehin, Kristiina, 1977-


    Sisu: No grāmatas Simuna diena: [Tekst raamatu "Simunapäev" tagakaanelt] ; "nemanot uzrodas migla..." ; "tavas bungas ir mēmas..." ; "tas laiks ir pienācis..." ; "mēs neatradām ceļu..." ; "guļu kā dūņas mezhā..." ; No grāmatas Gulbja kaulu pilsēta: [Tekst raamata "Luigeluulinn" tagakaanelt] ; "dzemdēt bērnus..." ; "tu sēdi pie galda raksti..." ; "kāda meitene..." ; "dodas karā mans brālis...". Luuletusi kogudest "Simunapäev" ja "Luigeluulinn"

  1. Entrepreneurial Interest in Product Innovation-based Organic Processed Food in SMEs in Malang, Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sri Muljaningsih


    Full Text Available The underlying reason for conducting the study is need for organic processed food. Producing innovative organic processed food is not an easy task since it requires creativity. The statement of the problem is how to create entrepreneurial interest to produce organic processed food. The study is a qualitative study of which purpose is to describe organic processed food SMEs behavior. There are 7 (seven informants involved in the study. The setting of the study is SMEs in “Lily go to organic Group” community in Malang, Indonesia. Variables of entrepreneurial interest in organic processed food involve attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. The findings show that creativity influences entrepreneurial interest in organic processed food and it results in creativity. Creativity is also the result of spiritual entrepreneurship that takes understanding towards organic processed food material into consideration. In addition, Lily Group members also take time, capital, raw materials and marketing into account. Another finding reveals that sincerity and strong determination facilitates organic processed food entrepreneurs to work their best. Such determination needs reinforcement from other related party so that the product is accepted by customers.

  2. Optimizing Instruction Scheduling and Register Allocation for Register-File-Connected Clustered VLIW Architectures (United States)

    Tang, Haijing; Wang, Siye; Zhang, Yanjun


    Clustering has become a common trend in very long instruction words (VLIW) architecture to solve the problem of area, energy consumption, and design complexity. Register-file-connected clustered (RFCC) VLIW architecture uses the mechanism of global register file to accomplish the inter-cluster data communications, thus eliminating the performance and energy consumption penalty caused by explicit inter-cluster data move operations in traditional bus-connected clustered (BCC) VLIW architecture. However, the limit number of access ports to the global register file has become an issue which must be well addressed; otherwise the performance and energy consumption would be harmed. In this paper, we presented compiler optimization techniques for an RFCC VLIW architecture called Lily, which is designed for encryption systems. These techniques aim at optimizing performance and energy consumption for Lily architecture, through appropriate manipulation of the code generation process to maintain a better management of the accesses to the global register file. All the techniques have been implemented and evaluated. The result shows that our techniques can significantly reduce the penalty of performance and energy consumption due to access port limitation of global register file. PMID:23970841

  3. Optimizing Instruction Scheduling and Register Allocation for Register-File-Connected Clustered VLIW Architectures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haijing Tang


    Full Text Available Clustering has become a common trend in very long instruction words (VLIW architecture to solve the problem of area, energy consumption, and design complexity. Register-file-connected clustered (RFCC VLIW architecture uses the mechanism of global register file to accomplish the inter-cluster data communications, thus eliminating the performance and energy consumption penalty caused by explicit inter-cluster data move operations in traditional bus-connected clustered (BCC VLIW architecture. However, the limit number of access ports to the global register file has become an issue which must be well addressed; otherwise the performance and energy consumption would be harmed. In this paper, we presented compiler optimization techniques for an RFCC VLIW architecture called Lily, which is designed for encryption systems. These techniques aim at optimizing performance and energy consumption for Lily architecture, through appropriate manipulation of the code generation process to maintain a better management of the accesses to the global register file. All the techniques have been implemented and evaluated. The result shows that our techniques can significantly reduce the penalty of performance and energy consumption due to access port limitation of global register file.

  4. Enhancing Growth in Eucomis autumnalis (Mill. Chitt. Seedlings with Exogenous Application of Nitric Oxide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salachna Piotr


    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO is a molecule that regulates biological processes in plants and may be used in horticultural practice as a potential plant growth regulator. Eucomis autumnalis (Mill. Chitt., also known as pineapple lily, is a member of the Asparagaceae and native to South Africa. Pineapple lily are well suited for production as pot plants, cut flowers, and garden plants. The potential also exists for this species to be used as a medicinal plant. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of the NO donor of sodium nitroprusside (SNP on morphological features of E. autumnalis seedlings. The plants grown in a greenhouse were drenched four times, at weekly intervals, with SNP solutions of the following concentration: 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 μM. The study revealed that the application of SNP significantly improved greenness index of leaves, leaf length, and leaf fresh weight, as compared to the control at all levels. This treatment also showed a significant increase in bulb and root fresh weight, root number, and root length. Application of SNP at 200 μM increased the values of the attributes studied to the maximum extent.

  5. Potential plant poisonings in dogs and cats in southern Africa : review article

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C.J. Botha


    Full Text Available Plant poisoning occurs less commonly in dogs and cats than in herbivorous livestock, but numerous cases have been documented worldwide, most of them caused by common and internationally widely cultivated ornamental garden and house plants. Few cases of poisoning of cats and dogs have been reported in southern Africa, but many of the plants that have caused poisoning in these species elsewhere are widely available in the subregion and are briefly reviewed in terms of toxic principles, toxicity, species affected, clinical signs, and prognosis. The list includes Melia azedarach (syringa, Brunfelsia spp. (yesterday, today and tomorrow, Datura stramonium (jimsonweed, stinkblaar, a wide variety of lilies and lily-like plants, cycads, plants that contain soluble oxalates, plants containing cardiac glycosides and other cardiotoxins and euphorbias (Euphorbia pulcherrima, E. tirucalli. Poisoning by plant products such as macadamia nuts, onions and garlic, grapes and raisins, cannabis (marijuana, dagga or hashish and castor oil seed or seedcake is also discussed. Many of the poisonings are not usually fatal, but others frequently result in death unless rapid action is taken by the owner and the veterinarian, underlining the importance of awareness of the poisonous potential of a number of familiar plants.

  6. An in situ Raman study of the intercalation of supercapacitor-type electrolyte into microcrystalline graphite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hardwick, Laurence J.; Hahn, Matthias; Ruch, Patrick; Holzapfel, Michael; Scheifele, Werner; Buqa, Hilmi; Krumeich, Frank; Novak, Petr; Koetz, Ruediger


    An initial Raman study on the effects of intercalation for aprotic electrolyte-based electrochemical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) is reported. In situ Raman microscopy is employed in the study of the electrochemical intercalation of tetraethylammonium (Et 4 N + ) and tetrafluoroborate (BF 4 - ) into and out of microcrystalline graphite. During cyclic voltammetry experiments, the insertion of Et 4 N + into graphite for the negative electrode occurs at an onset potential of +1.0 V versus Li/Li + . For the positive electrode, BF 4 - was shown to intercalate above +4.3 V versus Li/Li + . The characteristic G-band doublet peak (E 2g2 (i) (1578 cm -1 ) and E 2g2 (b) (1600 cm -1 )) showed that various staged compounds were formed in both cases and the return of the single G-band (1578 cm -1 ) demonstrates that intercalation was fully reversible. The disappearance of the D-band (1329 cm -1 ) in intercalated graphite is also noted and when the intercalant is removed a more intense D-band reappears, indicating possible lattice damage. For cation intercalation, such irreversible changes of the graphite structure are confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

  7. Journal of Biosciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Ligands for only two human olfactory receptors are known. One of them, OR1D2, binds to Bourgeonal, a volatile chemical constituent of the fragrance of the mythical flower, Lily of the valley or Our Lady's tears, Convallaria majalis (also the national flower of Finland). OR1D2, OR1D4 and OR1D5 are three full-length olfactory ...

  8. Remedial Investigation Addendum Report Data Item A009. Volume 1: Report Test (United States)


    placed over the vegetation. Once the square had settled, phytomacrofauna were collected from submerged macrophytes and the water column with D-frame...with aquatic macrophytes , including sweet water lily (Nymphaea odorata) and water shield (Brasenia schreberi). Submerged macrophytes (primarily water...Miller, G.J., 1984. Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of Pollution. John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 71-85. ABB Environmental Services, Inc. W0069310.M80 7005

  9. Blooming Knit Flowers: Loop-Linked Soft Morphing Structures for Soft Robotics. (United States)

    Han, Min-Woo; Ahn, Sung-Hoon


    A loop-linked structure, which is capable of morphing in various modes, including volumetric transformation, is developed based on knitting methods. Morphing flowers (a lily-like, a daffodil-like, gamopetalous, and a calla-like flower) are fabricated using loop patterning, and their blooming motion is demonstrated by controlling a current that selectively actuates the flowers petals. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Lithium Insertion in LixMn2O4, 0

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    West, Keld; Zachau-Christiansen, Birgit; Skaarup, Steen


    The electrochemical lithium insertion properties of highly crystalline LixMn2O4 are investigated in the approximate lithium insertion range 0 ... of the lithium insertion/extraction reactions is better at the higher voltages (versus Li/Li+), and particularly at the 4 V plateau. The lithium insertion/extraction reaction at the 1 V plateau although essentially reversible is associated with a significant voltage hysteresis....

  11. Consider the Lilies: Prolepsis and the Development of Complementation


    Fraser, Bruce L.


    In the paper, an examination is made of prolepsis in ancient Greek, concentrating on its grammatical and prosodic structure. The feature is analyzed not as a stylistic curiosity, but as a syntactically anacoluthic construction, which demonstrates a transitional phase in the development of finite subordination, when an expansion in the transitivity of reporting verbs was taking place. The proleptic element is interpreted as a 'building block' in the inter-clausal link, functioning syntacticall...

  12. Evaluation of macronutrient demand in calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carneiro, Daniella N. M.; Lopes Coelho, Lívia; Paiva, Patrícia D. O.


    Zantedeschia species are important plants in the flower market, but there is insufficient information available on nutrient absorption and accumulation for the various developmental stages of these plants. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate macronutrient accumulation in Zantedeschia aethiopica...... part (leaves, rhizomes, roots and flower stalks) and then calculated the dry mass accumulation and the nutrient contents. A randomized block study design was applied, with 4 replicates, totaling 48 plots. The aerial parts of the plants showed macronutrient content and accumulation in the sequences K......+>N>Ca2+>S>P>Mg and K>N>P>Ca>S>Mg, respectively, with the highest values being observed between 265 and 328 days after planting. The aerial parts showed greater accumulation of dry mass and macronutrients, whereas the flowers did not display significant macronutrient accumulation. The highest rates...

  13. Hydroponic technology for lily flowers and bulbs production using ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jul 22, 2015 ... the utilization of the hydroponic technology to produce flower and bulb of Asiatic ... when they became 2 cm long and mother bulb scales were removed at ..... cell layer culture system in Lilium:Rgeneration and transformation.

  14. Hydroponic technology for lily flowers and bulbs production using ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    EC) and .... rock wool cubes as growing medium; the tang measures were 112 ... and weight of bulb roots, stem roots, bulblets roots per plant were ... The statistical analysis system (SAS, 2012) was used to effect ..... In vitro cell.

  15. Analysis of WRKY transcription factors and characterization of two Botrytis cinerea-responsive LrWRKY genes from Lilium regale. (United States)

    Cui, Qi; Yan, Xiao; Gao, Xue; Zhang, Dong-Mei; He, Heng-Bin; Jia, Gui-Xia


    A major constraint in producing lilies is gray mold caused by Botrytis elliptica and B. cinerea. WRKY transcription factors play important roles in plant immune responses. However, limited information is available about the WRKY gene family in lily plants. In this study, 23 LrWRKY genes with complete WRKY domains were identified from the Botrytis-resistant species Lilium regale. The putative WRKY genes were divided into seven subgroups (Group I, IIa-e, and III) according to their structural features. Sequence alignment revealed that LrWRKY proteins have a highly conserved WRKYGQK domain and a variant, the WRKYGKK domain, and these proteins generally contained similar motif compositions throughout the same subgroup. Functional annotation predicted they might be involved in biological processes related to abiotic and biotic stresses. A qRT-PCR analysis confirmed that expression of six LrWRKY genes in L. regale or the susceptible Asian hybrid 'Yale' was induced by B. cinerea infection. Among these genes, LrWRKY4, LrWRKY8 and LrWRKY10 were expressed at a higher level in L. regale than 'Yale', while the expression of LrWRKY6 and LrWRKY12 was lower in L. regale. Furthermore, LrWRKY4 and LrWRKY12 genes, which also respond to salicylic acid (SA) and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatments, were isolated from L. regale. Subcellular localization analysis determined that they were targeted to the nucleus. Constitutive expression of LrWRKY4 and LrWRKY12 in Arabidopsis resulted in plants that were more resistant to B. cinerea than wild-type plants. This resistance was coupled with the transcriptional changes of SA and JA-responsive genes. Overall, our study provides valuable information about the structural and functional characterization of LrWRKY genes that will not only deepen our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the defense of lily against B. cinerea but also offer potential targets for cultivar improvement via biotechnology. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Masson

  16. Protective effect of galangin in Concanavalin A-induced hepatitis in mice


    Luo, Qingqiong; Zhu, Liping; Ding, Jieying; Zhuang, Xing; Xu, Lili; Chen, Fuxiang


    Qingqiong Luo,1,* Liping Zhu,1,* Jieying Ding,1 Xing Zhuang,1 Lili Xu,2 Fuxiang Chen1 1Department of Clinical Immunology, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine, 2Division of Gastroenterology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China *These authors contributed equally to this work Abstract: Galangin is an active pharmacological ingredient from propolis and Alpinia officinarum Hance, an...

  17. Personal Affairs: Child Development Services (United States)


    compete in the local labor market . Installations may not use the high cost range to compensate for inadequate funding with appropriated funds. Higher...for quarters or living quarters allowance (BAQ/LQA) soldiers or civilians would receive if they lived off post or fair market value for on–post quarters...Kernels), Arrowhead, Avocado (leaves), Azaleas, Betel Nut Palm, Bittersweet, Bleeding Heart, Buckeye, Buttercups, Caladium, Calla Lily, Castor Bean, Cat

  18. Detsibill : Haige uudishimu. White label : Uma kiilsed mihed. Kuula / DJ Pickney Tiger

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    DJ Pickney Tiger, pseud., 1970-


    "Kollasest" ajakirjandusest. Heliplaadist Ilves, Pulk & Rahman "Murõt ei olõ". Heliplaatidest: Ro:Toro "Estonian Bagpipe", Tool "10.000days", Rise Against "The sufferer and the witness", "Hi Top Sampler: Fresh from Spain, Spain is Different. Vol 2", Lily Allen "Alright, Still", Stupid F "Nostalgilised helid", Los De Abajo "Los de Abajo vs. The Lunatics", Nuyorican Soul "Nuyorican Soul", Zutons "Tired of Hanging Araound", Razorlight "Razorlight", Ministry Of Sound "Dance Nation"

  19. Pavasarnakts : [luuletused] / Andres Ehin ; Andress Ehins, no igaņu valodas atdzejojis Guntars Godiņš

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ehin, Andres, 1940-2011


    Sisu: Pavasarnakts ; Būt suņa dzīvoklim ; "baltajā naktī..." ; Atmiņu bilde ; "ceļas vējsh" ; Sarkankrūtīsha saprāts ; Redzējums ; "dziļi zem zemes dzīvo..." ; Esmu, esmu, esmu... ; Nūdeles un makarona mīlestība ; "aiz vemmorskas bodes..." ; Haiku : [6 haikut] ; Esmu jūsu pazudusī mashīna ; Pakārtais ievārījums : (fragments)

  20. Comparing Chinese and European American mental health decision making. (United States)

    Gao, Shanshan; Corrigan, Patrick W; Qin, Sang; Nieweglowski, Katherine


    Shared decision making (SDM) tends to reflect more Western values of individualism and empowerment, values that may be foreign to East Asian healthcare preferences for collectivism and family involvement: family centered decision making (FCDM). To show that Chinese will be more likely to believe FCDM would be more pleasing for them if they were the patient. Conversely, European Americans will respond more favorably to SDM. To examine effects of Western acculturation on FCDM compared to SDM. In this study, preferences for FCDM versus SDM and doctor-led decision making (DrDM) were examined in a vignette study completed online by European Americans (n = 298) and Chinese (n = 327). Research participants read a vignette about Lily (a depression patient) presenting with symptoms of depression. After reading the vignette, participants completed items representing two sets of outcomes: three perceptions of impact on Lily and how participants might respond for themselves in a similar decision making situation. Chinese rated FCDM greater than European and Chinese Americans. Chinese Americans mostly responded similar to European Americans and not Chinese. European Americans prefer SDM more for mental health services. Chinese value FCDM more than European Americans. Preferences of Chinese living in America seem to parallel European Americans.

  1. Coltsfoot as a potential cause of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in a patient also consuming kava and blue vervain. (United States)

    Freshour, Jessica E; Odle, Brian; Rikhye, Somi; Stewart, David W


    To report a case of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) with symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE) possibly associated with the use of coltsfoot, kava, or blue vervain. A 27-year-old white male presented with leg pain and swelling, tachycardia, and pleuritic chest pain. He had no significant medical history. A medication history revealed extensive herbal medication use including: coltsfoot, passionflower, red poppy flower petals, wild lettuce, blue lily flowers, wild dagga flowers, Diviners Three Burning Blend® (comprised of salvia divinorum, blue lily, and wild dagga), kava-kava, St. John's Wort, blue vervain, and Dreamer's Blend® (comprised of Calea zacatechichi, vervain, Entada rheedii, wild lettuce, and Eschscholzia californica). Lower extremity Doppler ultrasound and computed topography (CT) of the chest revealed DVT and PE. A hypercoagulable work-up was negative. The patient was treated with enoxaparin and warfarin and was discharged home. While no distinct agent can be identified as a sole cause of this venous thromboembolic event, coltsfoot could potentially affect coagulation through its effect on vascular endothelial cells as they regulate nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a known mediator of platelet activity and coagulation, particularly in the pulmonary vasculature. Kava and vervain have estrogenic properties. Of the medications consumed by this self-proclaimed "herbalist," coltsfoot is a potential cause of venous thromboembolic disease (VTE).

  2. Par Pond vegetation status summer 1995 - July survey descriptive summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mackey, H.E. Jr.; Riley, R.S.


    A survey of the emergent shoreline aquatic plant, communities began in June 1995, three months after the refilling of Par Pond to approximately 200 feet (61 meters) above mean sea level, and continued with this July survey. Aquatic plant communities, similar to the pre-drawdown Par Pond communities, are becoming reestablished. Beds of maidencane (Panicum hemitomon), lotus (Nelumbo lutea), water lily (Nymphaea odorata), and watershield (Brasenia schreberi) are now extensive and well established. In addition, within isolated coves, extensive beds of water lilies and spike-rush (Eleocharis sp.) are common. Cattail occurrence has increased since refill, but large beds common to Par Pond prior to the drawdown have not formed. Invasion of willow (Salix sp.) and red maple (Acer rubrum) occurred along the lake shoreline during drawdown. The red maples along the present shoreline are beginning to show evidence of stress and mortality from flooding over the past four months. Some of the willows appear to be stressed as well. The loblolly pines (Pinus taeda), which were flooded in all but the shallow shoreline areas, are now dead. Future surveys are planned for the growing seasons of 1995, 1996, and 1997, along with the evaluation of satellite data for mapping the areal extent of the macrophyte beds of Par Pond

  3. Surviving SAP Implementation in a Hospital


    Cajiao Saenz, Juanita; Ramírez Robledo, Carlos Enrique


    On January 1, 2011, the Valle del Lili Foundation, a university hospital in Cali, Colombia, went from using paper for medical records and all associated clinical and administrative processes to managing everything electronically. This was a significant deviation from the industry norm since it was unusual for a hospital to simultaneously implement electronic medical records, computerized physician order entry, and enterprise resource planning. If they are implemented at all, they are generall...

  4. Immunomodulatory Role of Diet and Adipokines in Multiple Sclerosis and Its Animal Model (United States)


    signaling pathways that are starting to be elucidated ( Mao , Kikani et al. 2006, Holland, Miller et al. 2011). AdipoR1 and R2 are expressed on various cell...been reported downstream of AdipoRs ( Mao , Kikani et al. 2006). Recently, it has been shown that adiponectin potently stimulates ceramidase activity...collaborator Prof. Lily Dong detailed protocols to produce recombinant full-length and globular adiponectin. We have encountered some technical issues in

  5. Surgical video recording with a modified GoPro Hero 4 camera


    Lin LK


    Lily Koo Lin Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Science, University of California, Davis Eye Center, Sacramento, CA, USA Background: Surgical videography can provide analytical self-examination for the surgeon, teaching opportunities for trainees, and allow for surgical case presentations. This study examined if a modified GoPro Hero 4 camera with a 25 mm lens could prove to be a cost-effective method of surgical videography with enough detail for oculoplastic and strabismus surgery. Me...

  6. Induction of somatic mutations in ornamental plants by ionizing radiations and chemical mutagens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desai, B.M.; Abraham, V.


    Improvement in some ornamental plants through induction of somatic mutations by ionizing radiations and chemical mutagens viz. colchicine, EMS and DS has been attempted. Mutants of high ornamental value have been evolved, isolated and multiplied in canna, perennial portulaca, tuberose, bougainvillea, hibiscus, daisy, lilies. These pertain to changes in colour, shape and size of flower and foliage. Procedural details on induction, isolation, stabilisation of the mutants and description of the new characteristics are presented. (author)

  7. Protective effect of galangin in Concanavalin A- induced hepatitis in mice


    Luo Q; Zhu L; Ding J; Zhuang X; Xu L; Chen F


    Qingqiong Luo,1,* Liping Zhu,1,* Jieying Ding,1 Xing Zhuang,1 Lili Xu,2 Fuxiang Chen1 1Department of Clinical Immunology, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine, 2Division of Gastroenterology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China *These authors contributed equally to this work Abstract: Galangin is an active pharmacological ingredient from propolis and Alpinia officinarum Hance, and has been r...

  8. Optimización del proceso de elaboración y caracterización fisiológica y físico-química del ajo negro


    Toledano Medina, María Ángeles


    El ajo (Allium sativum L.) pertenece a la familia de las liliáceas y fue ampliamente cultivado yutilizado como especia por las civilizaciones antiguas: griegos, egipcios, chinos e indios.Numerosos trabajos de investigación estudian los efectos beneficiosos del consumo de ajo en lasalud. Se ha reportado recientemente ser eficaz en la enfermedad cardiovascular, antihipertensivos,anti-diabética, y poseer muchas otras actividades biológicas incluyendo antimicrobiano,antioxidante, anticancerígeno,...

  9. Plant 115-kDa actin-filament bundling protein, P-115-ABP, is a homologue of plant villin and is widely distributed in cells. (United States)

    Yokota, Etsuo; Vidali, Luis; Tominaga, Motoki; Tahara, Hiroshi; Orii, Hidefumi; Morizane, Yosuke; Hepler, Peter K; Shimmen, Teruo


    In many cases, actin filaments are arranged into bundles and serve as tracks for cytoplasmic streaming in plant cells. We have isolated an actin-filament bundling protein, which is composed of 115-kDa polypeptide (P-115-ABP), from the germinating pollen of lily, Lilium longiflorum [Nakayasu et al. (1998) BIOCHEM: Biophys. Res. Commun. 249: 61]. P-115-ABP shared similar antigenicity with a plant 135-kDa actin-filament bundling protein (P-135-ABP), a plant homologue of villin. A full-length cDNA clone (ABP115; accession no. AB097407) was isolated from an expression cDNA library of lily pollen by immuno-screening using antisera against P-115-ABP and P-135-ABP. The amino acid sequence of P-115-ABP deduced from this clone showed high homology with those of P-135-ABP and four villin isoforms of Arabidopsis thaliana (AtVLN1, AtVLN2, AtVLN3 and AtVLN4), especially AtVLN4, indicating that P-115-ABP can also be classified as a plant villin. The P-115-ABP isolated biochemically from the germinating lily pollen was able to arrange F-actin filaments with uniform polarity into bundles and this bundling activity was suppressed by Ca2+-calmodulin (CaM), similar to the actin-filament bundling properties of P-135-ABP. The P-115-ABP type of plant villin was widely distributed in plant cells, from algae to land plants. In root hair cells of Hydrocharis dubia, this type of plant villin was co-localized with actin-filament bundles in the transvacuolar strands and the sub-cortical regions. Microinjection of the antiserum against P-115-ABP into living root hair cells caused the disappearance of transvaculor strands and alteration of the route of cytoplasmic streaming. In internodal cells of Chara corallina in which the P-135-ABP type of plant villin is lacking, the P-115-ABP type showed co-localization with actin-filament cables anchored on the intracellular surface of chloroplasts. These results indicated that plant villins are widely distributed and involved in the organization of actin

  10. The synergic effect of activated carbon and Li3V1.95Ni0.05(PO4)3/C for the development of high energy and power electrodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Secchiaroli, M.; Marassi, R.; Wohlfahrt-Mehrens, M.; Dsoke, S.


    Highlights: • Bi-material electrode composed by activated carbon and Li 3 V 1.95 Ni 0.05 (PO 4 ) 3 /C is proposed. • It is studied as high energy/power positive and negative electrodes, between 3.0–4.3 and 3.0–1.5 V vs. Li/Li + . • This electrode shows high specific capacity and capacity retention up to 26.6 A g −1 . • Excellent cycle stability is shown over 2000 cycles at 26.6 A g −1 . - Abstract: Exceptionally high specific capacities at ultrahigh charge/discharge currents have been obtained with a bi-material electrode prepared using Li 3 V 1.95 Ni 0.05 (PO 4 ) 3 /C (LVNP/C) and activated carbon (AC) as coexisting active materials. Thanks to the amphoteric properties of LVNP/C, this electrode designated as LVNP/C-AC, has been evaluated both as positive and negative electrode in 1 M LiPF 6 in EC:DMC (1:1). At high specific currents (26.6 A g −1 ), the bi-material electrode delivers specific capacities as high as 61 and 24 mAh g −1 , between 3.0–4.3 V and 3.0–1.5 V vs Li/Li + , respectively. By contrast, the corresponding values for LVNP/C are 49 and 18 mAh g −1 . In both potential windows, the bi-material electrode shows an excellent cycling stability over 2000 cycles at 26.6 A g −1 , with capacity retention of 95 and 89%, between 3.0–4.3 and 3.0–1.5 V vs Li/Li + , respectively. The synergic effect of the activated carbon on the electrochemical performances of Li 3 V 1.95 Ni 0.05 (PO 4 ) 3 /C is investigated by comparing the cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, electronic conductivity, galvanostatic cycling, and scanning electron microscopy of the bi-material electrode with the ones of LVNP/C. This study highlights the huge potentialities of this bi-material electrode for the development of high energy and high power Li-ion hybrid supercapacitors.

  11. Playing Roles (A Reading of Virginia Wooľf's Novel To the Lighthouse)


    Petrić-Bajlo, Estella


    Reading Virginia Woolf's novel To the Lighthouse in the light of the generally known understanding of art as subjective reflection of objective reality, we might conclude that this novel interrogates not only the subjectivity of that reflection but the objectivity of reality as well. A prevailing sense of seemingness stems especially from Lily Briscoe°s doing a painting which metonymically corresponds to the narrating of the story (Grgas 1988). The closing sentence of the novel, »I have...

  12. Home gardening may be a risk factor for contact dermatitis to Alstroemeria. (United States)

    Tavares, Beatriz; Loureiro, Graça; Pereira, Celso; Chieira, Celso


    Occupational allergy among florists and people who work in cut flower production of Alstroemeria cultivars (Peruvian lily or Inca lily) has been previously reported. The allergen involved in sensitization is tulipalin A (alpha-methylene-gamma-butyrolactone). We describe the case of a 65-year-old woman who developed severe dermatitis on her right thumb, index and middle fingers and less severe dermatitis on her left palm and front of forearm with occasional itching of the neck and face after taking up home gardening activities, including cutting flowers such as Alstroemeria. The patient and three healthy individuals were submitted to epicutaneous tests with the European standard series, the plant series, and stem portions of three suspected ornamental plants (Alstroemeria, Lilium and Zantedeschia), garlic, and onion. Patch tests performed in our patient, revealed an extreme reaction (+ + +) to Alstroemeria and alpha-methylene-gamma-butyrolactone, a strong reaction (+ +) to propolis and wood tar mix, a weak reaction (+) to balsam of Peru, an irritant reaction to garlic and negative results to diallyl disulfide and the other components investigated. Patch tests performed in the healthy individuals revealed negative. We stress the importance of Alstroemeria as a cause of allergic contact dermatitis not only in workers involved in the flower trade, but also in other people that come into contact with this plant in their leisure activities.

  13. Construction of a genetic linkage map in Lilium using a RIL mapping population based on SRAP marker

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chen Li-Jing


    Full Text Available A genetic linkage map of lily was constructed using RILs (recombinant inbred lines population of 180 individuals. This mapping population was developed by crossing Raizan No.1 (Formolongo and Gelria (Longiflomm cultivars through single-seed descent (SSD. SRAPs were generated by using restriction enzymes EcoRI in combination with either MseI. The resulting products were separated by electrophoresis on 6% denaturing polyacrylamide gel and visualized by silver staining. The segregation of each marker and linkage analysis was done using the program Mapmaker3.0. With 50 primer pairs, a total of 189 parental polymorphic bands were detected and 78 were used for mapping. The total map length was 2,135.5 cM consisted of 16 linkage groups. The number of markers in the linkage groups varied from 1 to 12. The length of linkage groups was range from 11.2 cM to 425.9 cM and mean marker interval distance range from 9.4 cM to 345.4 cM individually. The mean marker interval distance between markers was 27.4 cM. The map developed in the present study was the first sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers map of lily constructed with recombinant inbred lines, it could be used for genetic mapping and molecular marker assisted breeding and quantitative trait locus mapping of Lilium.

  14. Autorteksts kā nacionālā korpusa un rakstnieka valodas vārdnīcas resurss

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maija Baltiņa


    Full Text Available AUTHOR’S TEXT AS A RESOURCE FOR THE NATIONAL CORPUS AND THE WRITER’S LANGUAGE DICTIONARYSummaryA dictionary of a writer’s language is a vocabulary that has been methodically collected, analyzed and commented upon and represents the language as used by a particular author. The existence of such dictionaries indicates the level of the specific cultural environment, the stage of development of humanities and the capacity of computer resources.In the first stage of the project, the corpus of the writer’s language is created by collecting all the necessary texts of a selected author in a digital form. In the second stage, linguistic analysis of the corpus of the writer’s language is carried out using the existing and improved technologies (software and software tools. And, finally, in the third stage, on the basis of the corpus of the writer’s language a dictionary of the writer’s language is created according to set thematic, philological and stylistic intentions. The analysis is carried out on three levels: computational linguistic, philological and cultural semiotic.The computerized environment provides a precise quantitative characterization of the writer’s vocabulary (part of speech, word use, collocations etc.. From the philological point of view, vocabulary is analyzed with the help of software tools that help identify and demonstrate the stylistic characterization of the writer’s language, namely, the writer’s vocabulary and word use (e.g. metaphors, synonyms, similes etc.. Another benefit of computerized analysis is related to the intention to acquire a more complete and comprehensive idea about specific features of the writer’s language style.

  15. Spinning droplets: non-first generation East and Southeast Asian Australian poets and the discourse of water


    McFarlane, Rosalind Nicole


    Poetry written by diasporic Asian groups in Australia has been gaining increasing attention, especially with the 2013 release of Contemporary Asian Australian Poets edited by Adam Aitken, Kim Cheng Boey and Michelle Cahill, the first anthology of this kind of work. This thesis aims to be the first instance of sustained critical attention paid to many of the poets included in this anthology, including Adam Aitken, Ivy Alvarez, Lachlan Brown, Lily Chan, Bella Li, Debbie Lim, Miriam Wei Wei Lo, ...

  16. Entrepreneurial Interest in Product Innovation-based Organic Processed Food in SMEs in Malang, Indonesia


    Sri Muljaningsih


    The underlying reason for conducting the study is need for organic processed food. Producing innovative organic processed food is not an easy task since it requires creativity. The statement of the problem is how to create entrepreneurial interest to produce organic processed food. The study is a qualitative study of which purpose is to describe organic processed food SMEs behavior. There are 7 (seven) informants involved in the study. The setting of the study is SMEs in “Lily go to organic G...

  17. A novel imidazopyridine derivative, X22, attenuates sepsis-induced lung and liver injury by inhibiting the inflammatory response in vitro and in vivo


    Ge, Xiangting; Feng, Zhiguo; Xu, Tingting; Wu, Beibei; Chen, Hongjin; Xu, Fengli; Fu, Lili; Shan, Xiaoou; Dai, Yuanrong; Zhang, Yali; Liang, Guang


    Xiangting Ge,1,2,* Zhiguo Feng,1,* Tingting Xu,2 Beibei Wu,3 Hongjin Chen,1 Fengli Xu,3 Lili Fu,1 Xiaoou Shan,3 Yuanrong Dai,2 Yali Zhang,1 Guang Liang11Chemical Biology Research Center, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2Department of Pulmonary Medicine, The 2nd Affiliated Hospital, 3Department of Pediatrics, The 2nd Affiliated Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, People’s Republic of China*These authors contributed equally to this workAbstract: Sepsis remains a leading ...

  18. The lower Mesozoic record of detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of Sonora, Mexico, and its paleogeographic implications


    González-León, Carlos M.; Valencia, Víctor A.; Lawton, Timothy F.; Amato, Jeffrey M.; Gehrels, George E.; Leggett, William J.; Montijo-Contreras, Óscar; Fernández, Miguel A.


    Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology from each of the formations of the Triassic-Lower Jurassic Barranca and El Antimonio groups of central and northwestern Sonora and from the Lower Jurassic Basomari and Middle Jurassic Lily formations of northern Sonora indicate they contain distinctive zircon populations. A Proterozoic population has peak ages near 1.8, 1.7, 1.6, 1.4, and 1.1 Ga. A population of Permo-Triassic grains with important peak ages near 269, 254, 245, 234 and 227 Ma. A third popula...

  19. Cell Calcium and the Control of Membrane Transport. Annual Symposium of the Society of General Physiologists (40th) Held in Woods Hole, Massachusetts on September 3-7, 1986. (United States)


    plasma membranes. Purification. reconstitution, and properties. BB. I Revie.s in Biocnergetics. 683:279-301. Enedi. A.. B. Sarkadi, 1. Szasz , G. Bot...Journal. 237:675- 683. Connolly, T. M.. W. J1. Lawing . Jr., and P. W. Majerus. 1986. Protein kinaseC phosphorylates human platelet inositol trisphosphate kinetics. selecti% it , and pharmacology. .Journal of (ism’ra/ I’lili vs/o~ 86:1-30. Bross n. A. L. 1 970. [The African C" law ~ed load .\\’nopuA

  20. Singlid.File under : White American Rock : Sound / Märt Milter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Milter, Märt


    Uutest singlitest : Urban Species "Woman", Cesaria Evora "Sangue De Beirona (remix de Francois K)", Catatonia "Strange Glue", Chris Isaak "Please", Echobeatz "Mas Que Nada", Morcheeba "Blindfold", Chris Rea "Sweet Summer Day", 187 Lockdown "The Don", Bebe Winars "Stay/Thank You", Embrace "My Weakness Is None Of Your Business", Goo Goo Dolls "Iris" ja ameerika popi plaatidest Better Than Ezra "How Does Your Garden Grow?", Barenaked Ladies "Stunt", The Uninvited "The Uninvited, Lilys "Better Can't Make Your Life Better", CIV "Civ", Hootie & The Blowfish "Musical Chairs"

  1. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum cv. Nellie White) (United States)

    Conditions were optimized for transient transformation of Lilium longiflorum cv. Nellie White using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Bulb scale and basal meristem explants were inoculated with A. tumefaciens strain AGL1 containing the binary vector pCAMBIA 2301 which has the uidA gene that codes for ß-gl...

  2. Electrochemical Investigations of the Interface at Li/Li+ Ion Conducting Channel (United States)


    range of applications.1 Presently, these molecules are of particular interest in non-linear optics, as liquid crystals, as Langmuir - Blodgett films, for...cathode material in non-aqueous liquid electrolyte medium Since Li2Pc is a mixed ionic and electronic conductor, and some metal phthalocyanines are...14. ABSTRACT Dilithium phthalocyanine (Li2Pc) possesses mixed electronic- ionic conductivity due to overlap of - orbitals (electronic

  3. Romancing the Zulu: H. Rider Haggard, Nada the Lily, and Salvage ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    But there it is: a picture, as Lang says, 'of a dying people.' I hope that hundreds of years hence the highly educated descendants of the Zulu race may read it and learn therefrom something of the spirit of their own savage ancestors. (Haggard, The Days of My Life 2, 18) ...

  4. In vitro direct organogenesis in response to floral reversion in lily

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 2, 2016 ... Received 31 August 2016; Accepted 18 October, 2016 ... Black out"), and (Lilium longiflorum cv "White heaven") based on the type ... However, 1 mg/L BA combined with 0.1 mg/L NAA was the optimum for regenerating shoots ...

  5. Een stad, drie rooikoppe, sewe dae. Adeline en Lili Radloff. Pretoria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    'n Prysenswaardige eienskap van Een stad, drie rooikoppe, sewe dae, is die sonder-hand- skoene gebruik van humor. In hierdie opsig kan die roman beskryf word as 'n misdaad- komedie wat in 'n vernuwing van Marita van der Vyver-styl gelaai is met ironiese, skerp, sarkastiese, droë, byderwetse, tong-in-die-kies humor.

  6. The influence of cycling temperature and cycling rate on the phase specific degradation of a positive electrode in lithium ion batteries: A post mortem analysis (United States)

    Darma, Mariyam Susana Dewi; Lang, Michael; Kleiner, Karin; Mereacre, Liuda; Liebau, Verena; Fauth, Francois; Bergfeldt, Thomas; Ehrenberg, Helmut


    The influence of cycling temperatures and cycling rates on the cycling stability of the positive electrode (cathode) of commercial batteries are investigated. The cathode is a mixture of LiMn2O4 (LMO), LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 (NCM) and LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 (NCA). It is found that increasing the cycling temperature from 25 °C to 40 °C is detrimental to the long term cycling stability of the cathode. Contrastingly, the improved cycling stability is observed for the cathodes cycled at higher charge/discharge rate (2C/3C instead of 1C/2C). The microstructure analysis by X-ray powder diffraction reveals that a significant capacity fading and an increased overvoltage is observed for NCM and NCA in all the fatigued cathodes. After high number of cycling (above 1500 cycles), NCM becomes partially inactive. In contrast to NCM and NCA, LMO shows a good cycling stability at 25 °C. A pronounced degradation of LMO is only observed for the fatigued cathodes cycled at 40 °C. The huge capacity losses of NCM and NCA are most likely because the blended cathodes were cycled up to 4.12 V vs. the graphite anode during the cycle-life test (corresponds to 4.16 V vs. Li+/Li); which is beyond the stability limit of the layered oxides below 4.05 V vs. Li+/Li.

  7. On the electrochemistry of tin oxide coated tin electrodes in lithium-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Böhme, Solveig; Edström, Kristina; Nyholm, Leif


    As tin based electrodes are of significant interest in the development of improved lithium-ion batteries it is important to understand the associated electrochemical reactions. In this work it is shown that the electrochemical behavior of SnO_2 coated tin electrodes can be described based on the SnO_2 and SnO conversion reactions, the lithium tin alloy formation and the oxidation of tin generating SnF_2. The CV, XPS and SEM data, obtained for electrodeposited tin crystals on gold substrates, demonstrates that the capacity loss often observed for SnO_2 is caused by the reformed SnO_2 layer serving as a passivating layer protecting the remaining tin. Capacities corresponding up to about 80 % of the initial SnO_2 capacity could, however, be obtained by cycling to 3.5 V vs. Li"+/Li. It is also shown that the oxidation of the lithium tin alloy is hindered by the rate of the diffusion of lithium through a layer of tin with increasing thickness and that the irreversible oxidation of tin to SnF_2 at potentials larger than 2.8 V vs. Li"+/Li is due to the fact that SnF_2 is formed below the SnO_2 layer. This improved electrochemical understanding of the SnO_2/Sn system should be valuable in the development of tin based electrodes for lithium-ion batteries.

  8. Determination of 16 insect growth regulators in edible Chinese traditional herbs by liquid chromatography electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Qian, Mingrong; Wu, Liqin; Zhang, Hu; Xu, Mingfei; Li, Rui; Wang, Xiangyun; Sun, Caixia


    A new sensitive multiresidue liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analytical method for the determination of 16 insect growth regulator (IGR) residues-RH-5849 (1,2-dibenzoyl-1-tert-butylhydrazine), halofenozide, methoxyfenozide, chromafenozide, fufenozide, tebufenozide, diflubenzuron, chlorbenzuron, triflumuron, hexaflumuron, novaluron, lufenuron, teflubenzuron, flucycloxuron, flufenoxuron, and chlorfluazuron-in herbs (Perilla frutescens, flos chrysanthemi, lily bulbs, and ginger) has been developed. After the herbs had been extracted with acetonitrile, a combined graphitized nonporous carbon/aminopropyl (ENVI-Carb/LC-NH(2)) cartridge and a Florisil cartridge were used to clean up the extracts. LC-MS/MS was performed in multiple reaction monitoring mode with two specific precursor ion-product ion transitions per IGR to confirm and quantitate the residues in herbs. Quantitation was performed on the basis of matrix-matched calibrations. The method showed excellent linearity (r(2) > 0.99) and precision (relative standard deviations of 13.6 or lower) for all the target insecticides. The limits of quantitation were 0.6-10 μg kg(-1) for the 16 insecticides in the four herbs. The average recoveries, measured at three concentrations (0.01, 0.1, 1 mg kg(-1)), were in the range 74.8-105.3%. The method was satisfactorily applied for the analysis of 60 herb samples (Perilla frutescens, flos chrysanthemi, lily bulbs, and ginger). Hexaflumuron was detected at concentrations of 0.029 and 0.051 mg kg(-1) in Perilla frutescens.

  9. Vascular Plants of the Chimbote Wetlands, Peru


    Arana, César; Salinas, Letty


    Los humedales de Chimbote (09°05’51"S; 78°32’52"O) presentan una flora vascular compuesta por 41 especies en 18 familias. El 61% magnoliópsidas y el 39% liliópsidas. Las familias con mayor número de especies fueron Poaceae, Cyperaceae y Asteraceae. Las formas de crecimiento dominantes fueron las hierbas (85%) seguidas de arbustos (10%). En comparación con los humedales costeros de Lima, en Chimbote se presenta mayor riqueza de especies que en Medio Mundo (16 especies) y El Paraíso (25), aunqu...

  10. Phyllosphere mycobiota on garden ponds plants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Kowalik


    Full Text Available Investigations were conducted on calamus, common cattail, soft rush, yellow iris and white water lily plants in twenty ponds in Malopolska and Podkarpacie Regions. Mycobiota existing in the phyllosphere caused discolouring and necroses of leaves and shoots. 88 species of mycobiota were identified and isolated from the diseased tissues. Dominant were Alternaria alternata, Epicoccum nigrum and Isaria farinosa. Fungi of genera: Aspergillus, Botrytis, Chaetomium, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Ilyonectria, Mortierella, Mucor, Penicillium, Phialophora, Phoma, Pleustomophora, Sordaria, Trichoderma and Umbelopsis were also numerous. The monophagous and the polyphagous were identified.

  11. Dažas problēmas latviešu literārās valodas izveides procesā

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jānis Rozenbergs


    Full Text Available SOME PROBLEMS OF THE FORMATION PROCESS OF THE LATVIAN LITERARY LANGUAGESummary0. Literary language is the most complete variety of language, manifesting its functions in the best way possible and unifying the nation, as well as representing national mentality among other nations and their languages.0.1. When speaking about the Latvian literary language and its formation, it seems useful to acknowledge that the literary language is (1 the language of the entire nation, (2 is being consciously cultivated and (3 has written form.0.2. When dealing with the Latvian literary language formation processes, one should take into consideration (a the specific external (sociopolitical conditions, (b the sources of the literary language, (c aspects of language development and its research.1. Development of the Latvian language has been affected by external sociopolitical factors and factors of migration of representatives of various cultural layers; these factors have both stimulated and hampered the overall formation of the language both in space and time.2. Research of the Latvian literary language is complicated, because the most reliable proofs of this process are written texts, which in Latvian appeared only in the 16th century. Therefore both folk-lore and the spoken language can be used as sources.2.1. From the 16th to the 19th century written texts were mainly produced by German clergymen who in the beginning (in the 16th century had a poor knowledge of Latvian. Therefore these texts must be properly handled by differentiating the sociopolitical and philological activities of the Germans. Beginning with the 17th century a normative approach has been consciously applied to the language and thus a common variety of the language is being created by maximally keeping aloof of various patois forms.2.2. The source of analysis of the literary language and the process of its formation is the abundant Latvian folk-lore and especially the folk-songs (dainas, but the folk-lore language changes gradually from generation to generation.2.3. In studying the formation of the literary language, the spoken language found in written monuments and recorded in special questionnaires can be used.3. In inquiring about the Latvian literary language and its formation, definite layers of cognition can be traced: 1 statement and description of phonetic, lexical and grammatical phenomena found in the Latvian language and in the Latvian texts written by the German clergymen, 2 historical survey of language phenomena and their comparison with related languages, 3 analysis of the old-Latvian (and later also new-Latvian written language, 4 analysis of colloquial Latvian and folk-lore, 5 fundamental synchronic and diachronic research in phonetics, word stock and grammar within the framework of the language norm, style and language culture aspects.3.1. None of these layers give an all-embracing picture of the stages of the development of the Latvian literary language, because in those days no such task was formulated.3.2. In Latvian linguistics the Latvian literary language formation problem became topical in the 50ies of the 20th century with the emergence of historical research of literary Latvian as an independent branch of linguistics.

  12. New insights into the structure-property relationship of high-voltage electrolyte components for lithium-ion batteries using the pKa value

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gallus, Dennis Roman; Wagner, Ralf; Wiemers-Meyer, Simon; Winter, Martin; Cekic-Laskovic, Isidora


    In pursuit of higher energy density in lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), a most promising approach focuses on cathode materials that operate at higher potentials and exhibit even higher specific charges than present LIB cathodes charged up to only 3.8 to 4.3 V vs. Li/Li + . To enable a high-voltage (HV) application of the cathode, the “by-materials”, in particular the electrolyte components have to be either thermodynamically or kinetically stable. For this reason, the stability of the electrolyte components towards oxidation, in particular, depending on their HOMO energy levels, is crucial. The theoretical calculation of molecular orbital energies is a helpful and commonly used tool to predict electrochemical stability. Earlier studies demonstrated strong correlation between the HOMO energy and the pK a value, as both depend on electron affinity. Here we report on the first study referring to a pK a value based selection procedure on development of new electrolyte components for the application in lithium-ion batteries. The identified trimethylsilyl(TMS)-based additives, which are known to scavenge HF and show sufficient oxidation stability, enable the application of LiNi 1/3 Co 1/3 Mn 1/3 O 2 (NCM) at an increased upper cut-off potential of 4.6 V vs. Li/Li + without severe degradation, leading to a 50% higher energy density. The use of pK a values is a simple, but highly effective methodology to select appropriate electrolyte components and thus helps to identify functional electrolytes beyond the typical trial and error approach or time-consuming theoretical calculations.

  13. Molecular characterization of phytoplasmas in lilies with fasciation in the Czech Republic

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bertaccini, A.; Fránová, Jana; Botti, S.; Tabanelli, D.


    Roč. 249, - (2005), s. 79-85 ISSN 0378-1097 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5051014 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50510513 Keywords : phytoplasma * Lilium spp. * molecular characterization Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology Impact factor: 2.057, year: 2005

  14. Shoot regeneration and embryogenesis in lily shoot tips cryopreserved by droplet vitrification (United States)

    Shoot regeneration and embryogenesis were, for the first time, achieved directly in shoot tips of Lilium Oriental hybrid ‘Siberia’ following cryopreservation by droplet-vitrification. Shoot tips (2 mm in length) including 2-3 leaf primordia were excised from 4-week-old adventitious shoots directly r...

  15. Skolotāju un skolēnu motivācijas mijiedarbība svešvalodas stundās


    Kraģe, Indra


    Diplomdarbā ”Skolotāju un skolēnu motivācijas mijiedarbība svešvalodu stundās” pētīta skolotāju motivācija un tās ietekme uz skolēnu motivāciju. Diplomdarba mērķis ir izpētīt motivāciju ietekmējošos faktorus un izzināt, kas skolotājus motivē darbam un kā skolotāju motivācija ietekmē skolēnu motivāciju. Darbs sastāv no divām daļām – teorētiskās un praktiskās. Teorētiskajā daļā sniegts ieskats skolotāju un skolēnu motivācijas psiholoģiskajos un pedagoģiskajos aspektos, savukārt praktiskajā daļā...

  16. Enzymes in biogenesis of plant cell wall polysaccharides. Enzyme characterization using tracer techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dickinson, D.B.


    Enzymes and metabolic pathways, by which starch and cell wall polysaccharides are formed, were investigated in order to learn how these processes are regulated and to identify the enzymatic regulatory mechanisms involved. Germinating lily pollen was used for studies of cell wall formation, and pollen and maize endosperm for studies of starch biosynthesis. Hexokinase being the first step in conversion of hexoses to starch, wall polysaccharides and respiratory substrates, maize endosperm enzyme was assayed by its conversion of 14 C-hexose to 14 C-hexose-6-P, and rapid separation of the two labelled compounds on anion-exchange paper. This enzyme did not appear to be under tight regulation by feed-back inhibition or activation, nor to be severely inhibited by glucose-6-P or activated by citrate. ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase and other pyrophosphorylases were assayed radiochemically with 14 C-glucose-1-P (forward direction) or 32-PPsub(i) (reverse direction). They showed that the maize endosperm enzyme was activated by the glycolytic intermediates fructose-6-P and 3-phosphoglycerate, and that low levels of the enzyme were present in the high sucrose-low starch mutant named shrunken-2. Under optimal in-vitro assay conditions, the pollen enzyme reacted four times faster than the observed in-vivo rate of starch accumulation. Biogenesis of plant cell wall polysaccharides requires the conversion of hexose phosphates to various sugar nucleotides and utilization of the latter by the appropriate polysaccharide synthetases. Lily pollen possesses a β-1,3-glucan synthetase which is activated up to six-fold by β-linked oligosaccharides. Hence, the in-vivo activity of this enzyme may be modulated by such effector molecules

  17. Образ лилии в искусстве модерна и в поэзии И. Ф. Анненского


    Леонова, Н.


    Анализируется образ лилии в искусстве европейского и русского модерна конца XIX начала ХХ вв. и в поэтическом творчестве И.Ф.Анненского (особенно в цикле «Лилии» 1901 г.). Через символику цветка и ее преломление в русской поэтической традиции выявляется семантическая вариативность образа.The author analyzes the image of a lily in I.F.Annensky's poetry (especially in the cycle «Lilies», 1901), which was popular in European and Russian Art Nouveau in the late XIXth the early ХХth century. Seman...

  18. Na1.25Ni1.25Fe1.75(PO4)3 nanoparticles as a janus electrode material for Li-ion batteries (United States)

    Karegeya, Claude; Mahmoud, Abdelfattah; Hatert, Frédéric; Vertruyen, Bénédicte; Cloots, Rudi; Lippens, Pierre-Emmanuel; Boschini, Frédéric


    A solvothermal method was used to prepare Na1.25Ni1.25Fe1.75(PO4)3 nanoparticles, a new promising electrode material for lithium-ion batteries. The composition and the crystal structure were determined by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and powder X-ray diffraction Rietveld refinements and confirmed by magnetic measurements. The structural formula □0.75Na1.25Ni1.25Fe1.75(PO4)3 was obtained showing a significant amount of Na vacancies, which enhances Li diffusion. Na1.25Ni1.25Fe1.75(PO4)3 was used as negative and positive electrode material and shows excellent electrochemical performances. As negative electrode in the voltage range 0.03-3.5 V vs. Li+/Li, the first discharge at current density of 40 mA g-1 delivers a specific capacity of 1186 mAh g-1, which is almost three times its theoretical capacity (428 mAh g-1). Then, reversible capacity of 550 mAh g-1 was obtained at 50 mA g-1 with high rate capability (150 mAh g-1 at 500 mA g-1) and capacity retention of 350 cycles. As positive electrode material, specific capacities of about 145 and 99 mAh g-1 were delivered at current densities of 5 and 50 mA g-1, respectively, in the voltage range of 1.5-4.5 V vs. Li+/Li. In addition, we show that the use of solvothermal synthesis contributes to the synthesis of small sized particles leading to good electrochemical performances.

  19. Genetic diversity assessed by microsatellite markers in sweet corn cultivars

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Daniela Lopes


    Full Text Available Information on genetic diversity is essential to the characterization and utilization of germplasm. The genetic diversity of twenty-two sweet corn cultivars (seventeen open-pollinated varieties, OPV, and five hybrids, H was investigated by applying simple sequence repeat markers. A total of 257 primers were tested, of which 160 were found to be usable in terms of high reproducibility for all the samples tested; 45 were polymorphic loci, of which 30 were used to assess the genetic diversity of sweet corn cultivars. We detected a total of 86 alleles using 30 microsatellite primers. The mean polymorphism was 82 %. The highest heterozygosity values (Ho = 0.20 were found in the PR030-Doce Flor da Serra and BR427 III OPVs, whereas the lowest values (0.14 were recorded in the MG161-Branco Doce and Doce Cubano OPVs. The polymorphism information content ranged from 0.19 (Umc2319 to 0.71 (Umc2205. The analysis of molecular variance revealed that most of the genetic variability was concentrated within the cultivars of sweet corn (75 %, with less variability between them (25 %. The consensus tree derived from the neighbor-joining (NJ algorithm using 1,000 bootstrapping replicates revealed seven genetically different groups. Nei’s diversity values varied between 0.103 (Doce do Hawai × CNPH-1 cultivars and 0.645 (Amarelo Doce × Lili cultivars, indicating a narrow genetic basis. The Lili hybrid was the most distant cultivar, as revealed by Principal Coordinates Analysis and the NJ tree. This study on genetic diversity will be useful for planning future studies on sweet corn genetic resources and can complement the breeding programs for this crop.

  20. Tri-(4-methoxythphenyl) phosphate: A new electrolyte additive with both fire-retardancy and overcharge protection for Li-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng, J.K.; Cao, Y.L.; Ai, X.P.; Yang, H.X.


    A novel compound, tri-(4-methoxythphenyl) phosphate, was synthesized and investigated as a safety electrolyte additive for lithium-ion batteries. It was found that this additive could lower the flammability of the electrolyte, and thereby enhance the thermal stability of the Li-ion battery. Moreover, this molecule can also be polymerized at 4.35 V (vs. Li/Li + ) to form a conducting polymer, which can protect the batteries from voltage runaway at overcharge by internal bypassing the overcharging current in the batteries. Thus, it is possible to use this electrolyte additive to provide both overcharge protection and flame retardancy for lithium-ion batteries without much influence on the battery performance

  1. Brittle-to-ductile transition of lithiated silicon electrodes: Crazing to stable nanopore growth. (United States)

    Wang, Haoran; Wang, Xueju; Xia, Shuman; Chew, Huck Beng


    Using first principle calculations, we uncover the underlying mechanisms explaining the brittle-to-ductile transition of LixSi electrodes in lithium ion batteries with increasing Li content. We show that plasticity initiates at x = ∼ 0.5 with the formation of a craze-like network of nanopores separated by Si-Si bonds, while subsequent failure is still brittle-like with the breaking of Si-Si bonds. Transition to ductile behavior occurs at x ⩾ 1 due to the increased density of highly stretchable Li-Li bonds, which delays nanopore formation and stabilizes nanopore growth. Collapse of the nanopores during unloading of the LixSi alloys leads to significant strain recovery.

  2. Análisis ambiental de la cuenca alta del río cauca, sus actores principales y la afectación en el suministro de agua [recurso electrónico


    Moreno Ángulo, Gustavo Eduardo


    Dese el año 2000, es notorio como el suministro de agua potable para la ciudad de Santiago de Cali, viene sufriendo por el cierre de las Bocatomas de la planta de tratamiento de Puerto Mallarino en razón de la alta turbiedad y la alta contaminación de río Cauca al sur de la ciudad, siendo la primera por el deterioro de las cuencas alta de rio Cauca y la segunda principalmente por la carga contaminante que llega al canal Sur por vertimientos de aguas servidas a los ríos Lili, Meléndez y Cañav...

  3. TED runu video vidusskolēnu prezentācijas prasmju uzlabošanai angļu valodas stundās


    Ozoliņa, Inga


    Diplomdarba mērķis bija noskaidrot, kā uzlabot prezentācijas prasmes, pielietojot TED runu video analīzi. Izvēlētā pētījuma metode bija gadījuma analīze Rīgas Angļu Ģimnāzijas 11. klasē. Datu vākšanas metodes bija skolēnu veidotie kritēriju saraksti, prezentācijas vērtēšanas lapa, intervija ar skolotāju un aptauja 11. klases skolēniem. Pētījuma rezultāti parādīja, ka lielākā daļa skolēnu izbaudīja darbu ar TED runām. Skolotāja atzina, ka ,skatoties un analizējot TED runas, ir iespējams...

  4. Development and dry mass accumulation in callalily at the initial cultivation stage Desenvolvimento e acúmulo de massa seca em copo-de-leite em fase inicial de cultivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniella Nogueira Moraes Carneiro


    Full Text Available The cultivation of the calla lily, despite its importance in the floriculture sector, is still limited due to the lack of knowledge of basic production techniques such as development and dry mass accumulation. These techniques facilitate more appropriate management, especially regarding the application of fertilizers, providing better nutrients utilization and greater yields. Thus, this study was aimed at evaluating the growth and development of calla lily plants, establishing growth curves according to dry mass accumulation. Acclimatized and micropropagated calla lily plantlets were grown in plastic pots containing coconut fiber as a substrate and fertilized with a modified formula of Malavolta. Treatments consisted of assessments at intervals of 30 days for 7 months. The design was in randomized blocks with four replications, in a total of 28 plots. Plants were evaluated by observing their growth characteristics and development of shoots, rhizome, roots, as well as production and flower quality. Development of the plants increased throughout the experimental period, with the maximum dry mass accumulation occurring at the end of the experimental period. Blooming was constant with the length of flower stalks increasing with along with the age of the plant.O cultivo de Zantedeschia aethiopica, apesar de sua importância no segmento da floricultura, ainda é limitado pelo reduzido conhecimento em técnicas básicas de produção, como o desenvolvimento e acúmulo de massa seca. Essas informações permitem um manejo mais adequado, sobretudo referente à aplicação de fertilizantes, proporcionando melhor aproveitamento de nutrientes e maiores produções. Dessa forma, neste estudo, objetivou-se avaliar o crescimento e desenvolvimento de plantas de copo-de-leite, estabelecendo curvas de crescimento, considerando o acúmulo de massa seca. Para tanto, mudas micropropagadas e aclimatizadas de copo-de-leite foram cultivadas em vasos plásticos contendo

  5. Heat Production in the Voodoo Lily (Sauromatum guttatum) as Monitored by Infrared Thermography. (United States)

    Skubatz, H; Nelson, T A; Meeuse, B J; Bendich, A J


    The pattern of surface temperatures of the inflorescence of Sauromatum guttatum was investigated by using an infrared camera. The male flowers are weakly thermogenic on the first day of inflorescence opening (D-day) as well as on the next day (D + 1), reaching 0.5 to 1 degrees C above ambient temperature. The appendix (the upper sterile part of the inflorescence) is highly thermogenic on D-day, reaching 32 degrees C, and is faintly thermogenic on D + 1, reaching 1 degrees C above ambient temperature. The lower part of the spadix, close to the female flowers, is also thermogenic on D-day and D + 1, reaching a temperature similar to that of the appendix only on D + 1. Salicylic acid does not induce heat production in the lower part of the spadix, as it does in the appendix. Respiration of tissue slices obtained from the appendix shows that the capacity for cyanide-insensitive respiration is present in young and mature appendices. This alternative respiratory pathway is not, however, utilized in young appendix tissue, but is engaged during the maturation of that tissue.

  6. Water consumption by the lily culture grown on alternative substrates in protected conditions


    Soares, Fátima Cibele; Mello, Rosmary Panno; Peiter, Marcia Xavier; Belle, Rogerio Antonio; Robaina, Adroaldo Dias; Vivan, Gisele Aparecida; Parizi, Ana Rita Costenaro


    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o consumo de água em oito substratos (casca de arroz carbonizada - CAC, cinza da casca de arroz queimada - CZ, fibra de coco - FC, terra do paraíso - TP, TP+CAC, TP+CZ, FC+CAC e FC+CZ) e definir qual desses substratos é melhor para produção comercial de lírio asiático "Orange Pixie��", cultivado em vaso e condições de ambiente protegido. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, no Departamento de Fitotecnia da UFSM, Santa Maria, RS. O de...

  7. Overcoming F1 sterility of intersectional OA lily hybrids by somatic chromosome doubling

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chung, M.Y.; Chung Jae-Dong,; Lim Ki-Byung,; Tuyl, van J.M.


    Adsorption of Hg(II) on polyaminated highly porous chitosan (PEI-CS) from washing solutions of refuse incinerator flue gases is technically feasible. Equilibrium isotherms for adsorption Hg(II) on PEI-CS were measured by a batch method. The experimental data correlate well with the Langmuir equation

  8. Karyological studies in ten different populations of desert lily aloe vera from pakistan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jahan, B.; Vahidy, A.A.


    To enhance theoretical basis of Aloe feeding and provide cytological basement, the karyotype and morphology of mitotic chromosomes, ten different populations of Aloe vera collected from various geographical locations of Karachi, Pakistan were studied by aceto-orcein staining technique. The results showed that chromosome number of Aloe vera is 2n=14. The karyotype is bimodal and consists of 14 chromosomes (8 large and 6 small) predominantly with submedian, median and subterminal centromere. Average chromosome lengths among populations ranged from 7.95-2.36 micro m. (author)

  9. Meiotic polyploidization with homoeologous recombination induced by caffeine treatment in interspecific lily hybrids

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lim, K.B.; Barba Gonzalez, R.; Shujun Zhou,; Ramanna, M.S.; Tuyl, van J.M.


    Caffeine solution was injected into the flower bud to recover F, fertility of the intersectional diploid Lilium species hybrid (2n=2x=24). 0.3% of caffeine solution was the most effective concentration to produce fertile 2n-gametes. The male and female gametes had a range of fertility following

  10. Schwerpunktseminar : "Dazugehören? Umgang mit Minderheiten" / Liliāna Vancāne

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vancāne, Liliāna


    17. -20. märtsini 2016 Tartus toimunud seminarist "Dazugehören? Umgang mit Minderheiten. Estland und Lettland gestern-heutu-morgen". Seminarist sotsiaalse kuuluvuse ja vähemuste teemal. Suurepäraselt korraldatud ürituse parim osa oli töötuba

  11. Role of LiNO3 in rechargeable lithium/sulfur battery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Sheng S.


    Highlights: ► Effect of LiNO 3 on the Li anode and cathode of Li/S battery is studied, respectively. ► LiNO 3 participates in the formation of a stable passivation film on the Li anode surface. ► LiNO 3 may be reduced irreversibly on the cathode, affecting Li/S battery performance. ► Discharge mechanism of Li/S battery is explained from the viewpoint of phase transition. - Abstract: In this work we study the effect of LiNO 3 on the Li anode and sulfur cathode, respectively, of Li/S battery by using a Li/Li symmetric cell and a liquid Li/Li 2 S 9 cell. On the Li anode, LiNO 3 participates in the formation of a stable passivation film, and the resulting passivation film grows infinitely with the consumption of LiNO 3 . The passivation film formed with LiNO 3 is known to effectively suppress the redox shuttle of the dissolved lithium polysulfides on Li anode. On the cathode, LiNO 3 undergoes a large and irreversible reduction starting at 1.6 V in the first discharge, and the irreversible reduction disappears in the subsequent cycles. Moreover, the insoluble reduction products of LiNO 3 on the cathode adversely affect the redox reversibility of sulfur cathode. These results indicate that both the Li anode and sulfur cathode consume LiNO 3 , and that the best benefit of LiNO 3 to Li/S battery occurs at the potentials higher than 1.6 V. By limiting the irreversible reduction of LiNO 3 on the cathode, we have shown that the Li/S cell with a 0.2 m LiNO 3 as the co-salt can provide a stable capacity of ∼500 mAh g −1 .

  12. Diversity patterns and isolation of Planctomycetes associated with metalliferous deposits from hydrothermal vent fields along the Valu Fa Ridge (SW Pacific). (United States)

    Storesund, Julia Endresen; Lanzèn, Anders; García-Moyano, Antonio; Reysenbach, Anna-Louise; Øvreås, Lise


    The microbial diversity associated with diffuse venting deep-sea hydrothermal deposits is tightly coupled to the geochemistry of the hydrothermal fluids. Previous 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing (metabarcoding) of marine iron-hydroxide deposits along the Arctic Mid Ocean Ridge, revealed the presence of diverse bacterial communities associated with these deposits (Storesund and Øvreås in Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 104:569-584, 2013). One of the most abundant and diverse phyla detected was the enigmatic Planctomycetes. Here we report on the comparative analyses of the diversity and distribution patterns of Planctomycetes associated with metalliferous deposits from two diffuse-flow hydrothermal vent fields (Mariner and Vai Lili) from the Valu Fa Ridge in the Southwestern Pacific. Metabarcoding of 16S rRNA genes showed that the major prokaryotic phyla were Proteobacteria (51-73% of all 16S rRNA gene reads), Epsilonbacteraeota (0.5-19%), Bacteriodetes (5-17%), Planctomycetes (0.4-11%), Candidatus Latescibacteria (0-5%) and Marine Benthic Group E (Hydrothermarchaeota) (0-5%). The two different sampling sites differed considerably in overall community composition. The abundance of Planctomycetes also varied substantially between the samples and the sites, with the majority of the sequences affiliated with uncultivated members of the classes Planctomycetacia and Phycisphaerae, and other deep branching lineages. Seven different strains affiliated with the order Planctomycetales were isolated, mostly from the Vai Lili samples, where also the highest Planctomycetales diversity was seen. Most of the isolates were affiliated with the genera Gimesia, Rhodopirellula and Blastopirellula. One isolate was only distantly related to known cultured, but uncharacterized species within the Pir4 group. This study shows that the deep-sea Planctomycetes represent a very heterogeneous group with a high phylogenetic diversity and a substantial potential for novel organism discovery in these

  13. Tulipa gesneriana and Lilium longiflorum PEBP Genes and Their Putative Roles in Flowering Time Control. (United States)

    Leeggangers, Hendrika A C F; Rosilio-Brami, Tamar; Bigas-Nadal, Judit; Rubin, Noam; van Dijk, Aalt D J; Nunez de Caceres Gonzalez, Francisco F; Saadon-Shitrit, Shani; Nijveen, Harm; Hilhorst, Henk W M; Immink, Richard G H; Zaccai, Michele


    Floral induction in Tulipa gesneriana and Lilium longiflorum is triggered by contrasting temperature conditions, high and low temperature, respectively. In Arabidopsis, the floral integrator FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), a member of the PEBP (phosphatidyl ethanolamine-binding protein) gene family, is a key player in flowering time control. In this study, one PEBP gene was identified and characterized in lily (LlFT) and three PEBP genes were isolated from tulip (TgFT1, TgFT2 and TgFT3). Overexpression of these genes in Arabidopsis thaliana resulted in an early flowering phenotype for LlFT and TgFT2, but a late flowering phenotype for TgFT1 and TgFT3. Overexpression of LlFT in L. longiflorum also resulted in an early flowering phenotype, confirming its proposed role as a flowering time-controlling gene. The tulip PEBP genes TgFT2 and TgFT3 have a similar expression pattern in tulip, but show opposite effects on the timing of flowering in Arabidopsis. Therefore, the difference between these two proteins was further investigated by interchanging amino acids thought to be important for the FT function. This resulted in the conversion of phenotypes in Arabidopsis upon overexpressing the substituted TgFT2 and TgFT3 genes, revealing the importance of these interchanged amino acid residues. Based on all obtained results, we hypothesize that LlFT is involved in creating meristem competence to flowering-related cues in lily, and TgFT2 is considered to act as a florigen involved in the floral induction in tulip. The function of TgFT3 remains unclear, but, based on our observations and phylogenetic analysis, we propose a bulb-specific function for this gene. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:

  14. Donación y trasplante de órganos y tejidos


    Caicedo Rusca, Luis Armando; Alex, Castro; Ordóñez, Vasco; Jurado, Fátima; Echeverry, Patricia; Fundación Valle de Lili


    Donación y trasplante de órganos y tejidos/¿Crees en la vida después de la vida?/Qué dice la ley colombiana/Tipos de donantes de órganos/el dónate de órganos una urgencia de vida o muerte/ Quién puede ser donante de órganos/ Trayectoria de los trasplantes en la Fundación Valle del Lili/Preguntas y respuestas/ ¿Cuáles son los órganos que más se requieren para trasplante?/¿Qué trasplantes se realizan en Colombia?/¿Cómo hacen para enterarse que una persona es donante de órganos si el paciente es...

  15. Filmikooli tudengid tegid Wiesbadenis ilma / Annika Koppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koppel, Annika


    Noore filmirežissööri Rasmus Merivoo bakalaureusetöö - lühimängufilm "Tulnukas ehk Valdise pääsemine 11 osas", võitis Saksamaal Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa filmifestivalil "goEast" festivali tudengifilmide võistlusprogrammis (hääletas publik) esimese preemia, kolmanda sai Kaupo Kruusiaugu "Meister". Noortele jagus ka teisi auhindu (dokumentaal- ja eksperimentaalfilmide tene preemia Birgit Demidova "Ninanokkija apelsinile", 1500 eurot Joosep Matjuse "Suvisele dokumentaalile") ning koostööfilmi auhinna said Heilika Võsu ja Ülo Pikkov, kes teevad koos sakslastega filmi "Normaalne". Mängufilmide peapreemia Kuldse Lily sai venelase Ivan Võrõpajevi "Eufooria". Eestist osales "Jan Uuspõld läheb Tartusse" ja dokfilmide võistlusprogrammis "Müümise kunst"

  16. Wiesbadeni publik hindas Eesti tudengifilmi / Annika Koppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koppel, Annika


    Noore filmirežissööri Rasmus Merivoo bakalaureusetöö - lühimängufilm "Tulnukas ehk Valdise pääsemine 11 osas", võitis Saksamaal Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa filmifestivalil "goEast" festivali tudengifilmide võistlusprogrammis (hääletas publik) esimese preemia, kolmanda sai Kaupo Kruusiaugu "Meister". Noortele jagus ka teisi auhindu (dokumentaal- ja eksperimentaalfilmide tene preemia Birgit Demidova "Ninanokkija apelsinile") ning koostööfilmi auhinna said Heilika Võsu ja Ülo Pikkov, kes teevad koos sakslastega filmi "Normaalne". Mängufilmide peapreemia Kuldse Lily sai venelase Ivan Võrõpajevi "Eufooria". Tänavu kutsuti festivalile Tirana, Tessau ja Kasseli filmikoolide kõrval ka Balti Filmi- ja Meediakool

  17. On the functions and grammatical status of the Latvian modal particle lai

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Axel Holvoet


    Full Text Available PAR MODĀLĀS PARTIKULAS lai FUNKCIJĀM UN GRAMATISKO STATUSUKopsavilkumsLatviešu valodas gramatikās partikula lai parasti tiek minēta tikai kā analītisko imperatīva formu sastāvdaļa (lai nāk, lai neaizmirstam. Šai rakstā tiek aplūkoti trīs partikulas lai lietošanas tipi: (1 teikumos ar pamudinājuma vai vēlējuma nozīmi (Lai viņi nāk, (2 deontiskajos jautājumos (Ko lai es daru! Ko lai es būtu darījis!, un (3 teikumos ar vērtējuma (neaprobēšanas vai šaubu nozīmi (Viņš lai būtu palīdzējis slepkavām?. Autors cenšas parādīt, ka pirmā (dažreiz arī otrā tipa teikumos partikulai lai piemīt teikuma partikulas īpašības, kamēr otrā un trešā tipa teikumos iezīmējas tendence šai partikulai veidot ar verbu ciešāku sakopojumu, kas gan nelīdzinās analītisko verbu formu statusam, bet zināmā mērā atgādina savienojumus ar modālajiem verbiem. ‘Formveidojošas partikulas’ statusa, ko partikulai lai piedēvē gramatikās, šim vārdam nav nekur.

  18. One-Pot Synthesis of Lithium-Rich Cathode Material with Hierarchical Morphology. (United States)

    Luo, Kun; Roberts, Matthew R; Hao, Rong; Guerrini, Niccoló; Liberti, Emanuela; Allen, Christopher S; Kirkland, Angus I; Bruce, Peter G


    Lithium-rich transition metal oxides, Li 1+x TM 1-x O 2 (TM, transition metal), have attracted much attention as potential candidate cathode materials for next generation lithium ion batteries because their high theoretical capacity. Here we present the synthesis of Li[Li 0.2 Ni 0.2 Mn 0.6 ]O 2 using a facile one-pot resorcinol-formaldehyde method. Structural characterization indicates that the material adopts a hierarchical porous morphology consisting of uniformly distributed small pores and disordered large pore structures. The material exhibits excellent electrochemical cycling stability and a good retention of capacity at high rates. The material has been shown to be both advantageous in terms of gravimetric and volumetric capacities over state of the art commercial cathode materials.

  19. KWIK Smoke Obscuration Model: User’s Guide. (United States)


    t ’ustr ( td I IK,j) 384: prt 3o :: pr t 6 k AC 1-4G" 36~b : pr t " ~ L 3b7: if j~i;prt &t(t1,] 3 8 8: it J=2;pr. "&str(Zjl,1,KI) 3 0 9: j~r t "I 39u...t.2~t71. * j3 3 2u: w r t 7uX ,"i(Lz~j i21iJ "c3wt70, )i: lnt 4 5X, "irI I U uIL - = 01 17.2;wrt 701,kq3 j~b: Lirt. 45x,"a..~c4 uAT - LiLY = g,t4.2

  20. Restrictive Factors and Output Forecast of Green Development of Agricultural Industry Based on Gray System (United States)

    Sun, Fengru


    This paper analyzes the characteristics of agricultural products from the perspective of agricultural production, farmers’ income, adjustment of agricultural structure and environmental improvement, and analyzes the characteristics of agricultural products in LanZhou area. Through data mining and empirical analysis, the regional agriculture (1) forecasting model of gray system with dynamic data processing, combined with the output data of lily in 2004-2003, the yield prediction is predicted and the fitting state is good and the error is small. Finally, combined with the relevant characteristics of the local characteristics of the agricultural industry to make reference, by changing the characteristics of agricultural production as the center of the mindset, and agricultural industrialization and organic combination, take the characteristics of efficient industrialization of agricultural products.

  1. Application of radiotracers in an exotic field of botany. How to feed carnivorous plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steinhauser, G.; Musilek, A.; Sterba, J.H.; Bichler, M.; Adlassnig, W.; Peroutka, M.; Lichtscheidl, I.K.


    In this paper, methods for the application of radiotracers in the Cobra Lily (Darlingtonia californica), a carnivorous pitcher plant, are described. The uptake of radiotracers such as 42 K and 54 Mn into the pitcher trap in aqueous solution could be proven, whereas uptake of 59 Fe ions could not be observed. No-carrier-added 54 Mn was taken up by the plants, regardless of extremely low concentrations. In contrast to earlier experiments using 14 C and 15 N-based tracers, the methodology presented allows quick, simple and reliable quantification of the nutrient uptake. The results of our experiments lead to a deeper biological understanding concerning the trace element household of this carnivorous plant and the absorption of micro- and macronutrients from trapped prey. (author)

  2. Até quando os cegos continuarão sonhando?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacques Fux


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa o livro O que os cegos estão sonhan-do?, de Noemi Jaffe, traçando relações possíveis com os testemunhos de primeira, segunda e terceira ordem, a questão do diário e das memórias de infância das gerações vindouras. O livro é dividido em três partes principais: “O diário de Lili Jaffe”, onde são apresentados os escritos da sobrevivente e mãe da autora; “O que os cegos estão sonhando?”, comentários testemunhais da autora sobre o diário da mãe e de sua visita a Auschwitz em 2009; “Aqui, lá”, onde a neta da sobrevivente escreve sobre suas im-pressões da visita a Auschwitz e de seu legado enquanto terceira geração da Shoah.Palavras-chave: Diário; primeira, segunda e terceira ordem testemunhais; memória de infância.ABSTRACTThis article analyzes the book O que os cegos estão sonhan-do?, by Naomi Jaffe, tracing possible relations with the fi rst, second and third Holocaust offspring and the diary of a Holocaust survivor. The book is divided into three main parts: “The Diary of Lili Jaffe”, in which appears the wri-tings of the survivor and mother of the main author, “O que os cegos estão sonhando?”, where Noemi Jaffe comments about her mother’s diary and her visit to Auschwitz in 2009, “Aqui, lá,” where the survivor’s granddaughter writes about her impressions in Auschwitz and her legacy as an offspring of the Shoah.Keywords: Diary; first, second and third testimony gener-ation; childhood memories.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacques Fux


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa o livro O que os cegos estão sonhan-do?, de Noemi Jaffe, traçando relações possíveis com os testemunhos de primeira, segunda e terceira ordem, a questão do diário e das memórias de infância das gerações vindouras. O livro é dividido em três partes principais: “O diário de Lili Jaffe”, onde são apresentados os escritos da sobrevivente e mãe da autora; “O que os cegos estão sonhando?”, comentários testemunhais da autora sobre o diário da mãe e de sua visita a Auschwitz em 2009; “Aqui, lá”, onde a neta da sobrevivente escreve sobre suas im-pressões da visita a Auschwitz e de seu legado enquanto terceira geração da Shoah. Palavras-chave: Diário; primeira, segunda e terceira ordem testemunhais; memória de infância. ABSTRACT This article analyzes the book O que os cegos estão sonhan-do?, by Naomi Jaffe, tracing possible relations with the fi rst, second and third Holocaust offspring and the diary of a Holocaust survivor. The book is divided into three main parts: “The Diary of Lili Jaffe”, in which appears the wri-tings of the survivor and mother of the main author, “O que os cegos estão sonhando?”, where Noemi Jaffe comments about her mother’s diary and her visit to Auschwitz in 2009, “Aqui, lá,” where the survivor’s granddaughter writes about her impressions in Auschwitz and her legacy as an offspring of the Shoah. Keywords: Diary; first, second and third testimony gener-ation; childhood memories.

  4. Lithium salt with a super-delocalized perfluorinated sulfonimide anion as conducting salt for lithium-ion cells: Physicochemical and electrochemical properties (United States)

    Zhang, Heng; Han, Hongbo; Cheng, Xiaorong; Zheng, Liping; Cheng, Pengfei; Feng, Wenfang; Nie, Jin; Armand, Michel; Huang, Xuejie; Zhou, Zhibin


    Lithium salt with a super-delocalized imide anion, namely (trifluoromethane(S-trifluoromethanesulfonylimino)sulfonyl) (trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide ([CF3SO(=NSO2CF3)2]-), [sTFSI]-), has been prepared and studied as conducting salt for Li-ion cells. The fundamental physicochemical and electrochemical properties of neat Li[sTFSI] and its carbonate-based liquid electrolyte have been characterized with various chemical and electrochemical tools. Li[sTFSI] shows a low melting point at 118 °C, and is thermally stable up to 300 °C without decomposition on the spectra of differential scanning calorimetry-thermogravimetry-mass spectrometry (DSC-TG-MS). The electrolyte of 1.0 M (mol dm-3) Li[sTFSI] in ethylene carbonate (EC)/ethyl-methyl-carbonate (EMC) (3:7, v/v) containing 0.3% water does not show any hydrolytic decomposition on the spectra of 1H and 19F NMR, after storage at 85 °C for 10 days. The conductivities of 1.0 M Li[sTFSI]-EC/EMC (3:7, v/v) are slightly lower than those of Li[(CF3SO2)2N] (LiTFSI), but higher than those of Li[(C2F5SO2)2N] (LiBETI). The electrochemical behavior of Al foil in the Li[sTFSI]-based electrolyte has been investigated by using cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry, and scanning electron microscope (SEM). It is illustrated that Al metal does not corrode in the high potential region (3-5 V vs. Li/Li+) in the Li[sTFSI]-based electrolyte. On Pt electrode, the Li[sTFSI]-based electrolyte is highly resistant to oxidation (ca. 5 V vs. Li/Li+), and is also resistant to reduction to allow Li deposition and stripping. The applicability of Li[sTFSI] as conducting salt for Li-ion cells has been tested using graphite/LiCoO2 cells. It shows that the cell with Li[sTFSI] displays better cycling performance than that with LiPF6.

  5. Identifying the Basal Angiosperm Node in Chloroplast GenomePhylogenies: Sampling One's Way Out of the Felsenstein Zone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leebens-Mack, Jim; Raubeson, Linda A.; Cui, Liying; Kuehl,Jennifer V.; Fourcade, Matthew H.; Chumley, Timothy W.; Boore, JeffreyL.; Jansen, Robert K.; dePamphilis, Claude W.


    While there has been strong support for Amborella and Nymphaeales (water lilies) as branching from basal-most nodes in the angiosperm phylogeny, this hypothesis has recently been challenged by phylogenetic analyses of 61 protein-coding genes extracted from the chloroplast genome sequences of Amborella, Nymphaea and 12 other available land plant chloroplast genomes. These character-rich analyses placed the monocots, represented by three grasses (Poaceae), as sister to all other extant angiosperm lineages. We have extracted protein-coding regions from draft sequences for six additional chloroplast genomes to test whether this surprising result could be an artifact of long-branch attraction due to limited taxon sampling. The added taxa include three monocots (Acorus, Yucca and Typha), a water lily (Nuphar), a ranunculid(Ranunculus), and a gymnosperm (Ginkgo). Phylogenetic analyses of the expanded DNA and protein datasets together with microstructural characters (indels) provided unambiguous support for Amborella and the Nymphaeales as branching from the basal-most nodes in the angiospermphylogeny. However, their relative positions proved to be dependent on method of analysis, with parsimony favoring Amborella as sister to all other angiosperms, and maximum likelihood and neighbor-joining methods favoring an Amborella + Nympheales clade as sister. The maximum likelihood phylogeny supported the later hypothesis, but the likelihood for the former hypothesis was not significantly different. Parametric bootstrap analysis, single gene phylogenies, estimated divergence dates and conflicting in del characters all help to illuminate the nature of the conflict in resolution of the most basal nodes in the angiospermphylogeny. Molecular dating analyses provided median age estimates of 161 mya for the most recent common ancestor of all extant angiosperms and 145 mya for the most recent common ancestor of monocots, magnoliids andeudicots. Whereas long sequences reduce variance in


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    Full Text Available This article is devoted to Ion Macovei’s creation, namely, to his Symphonieta Florile dalbe (lily-whiteflowers in the ver­sion for string orchestra, realized by conductor Dumitru Goia. The author presents some information about the history of this creation and analyses the six-part cycle of the Symphonieta, where every movement has its own title in Latin. The character of these miniatures which are closely connected with Moldova calendar folklore, and first of all, with the carol genre, deter­mined the use of both archetypes of the monodic melody and of the early heterophony principles as well as the mode systems characteristic of regional musical folklore. here is also an analysis of the methods of orchestration used by Dumitru Goia in the score of the Symphonieta.

  7. Electrochemical performance of trimethylolpropane trimethylacrylate-based gel polymer electrolyte prepared by in situ thermal polymerization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou, Dong; Fan, Li-Zhen; Fan, Huanhuan; Shi, Qiao


    Cross-linked trimethylolpropane trimethylacrylate-based gel polymer electrolytes (GPE) were prepared by in situ thermal polymerization. The ionic conductivity of the GPEs are >10 −3 S cm −1 at 25 °C, and continuously increased with the increase of liquid electrolyte content. The GPEs have excellent electrochemical stability up to 5.0 V versus Li/Li + . The LiCoO 2 |TMPTMA-based GPE|graphite cells exhibit an initial discharge capacity of 129 mAh g −1 at the 0.2C, and good cycling stability with around 83% capacity retention after 100 cycles. Both the simple fabricating process of polymer cell and outstanding electrochemical performance of such new GPE make it potentially one of the most promising electrolyte materials for next generation lithium ion batteries

  8. Preparation and properties of poly(ethylene oxide) gel filled polypropylene separators and their corresponding gel polymer electrolytes for Li-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Hao; Ma Xiaoting; Shi Junli; Yao Zhikan; Zhu Baoku; Zhu Liping


    Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) filled polypropylene separators (GFPSs) are designed by means of thermal cross-linking of entrapped poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether acrylate (PEGMEA) and poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) as gel constituents. The intrinsic properties of GFPS and their corresponding gel polymer electrolytes (GPE) are characterized by DSC, SEM, contact angle and electrochemical methods. It is found the stability of liquid electrolyte uptake in GPE could be improved obviously. For the GPE prepared from GFPS with filled polyether content of 14.3 wt%, the ionic conductivity could reach 1.12 x 10 -3 S cm -1 while the electrochemically stable window reach 5.0 V (vs. Li/Li + ). These primary results show great promise of this simple method to prepare GPE for practical application in lithium ion batteries.

  9. A computational study on the hydrogen adsorption capacity of various lithium-doped boron hydrides. (United States)

    Pan, Sudip; Giri, Santanab; Chattaraj, Pratim K


    An aromatic boron hydride B(3)H(3)(2-) and its various Li/Li(+) doped isomers have been studied at the B3LYP/6-311+G(d) and M06/6-311+G(d) levels of theory to assess their hydrogen storage potential. Different types of interaction energies, reaction enthalpies and reaction electrophilicities associated with the hydrogen adsorption process suggest that B(3)H(3)(2-) itself and some of its Li-decorated analogues may turn out to be effective hydrogen storage material. Nucleus independent chemical shift and conceptual density functional theory based reactivity descriptors lend additional support. The temperature-pressure phase diagram identifies the temperature-pressure zone where the reaction Gibbs free energy for the hydrogen adsorption is negative making it a thermodynamically feasible process. Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Deterrence, Lily Pads, And Regionally Aligned Forces: Keys To The Successful Application Of Strategic Landpower (United States)

    2016-05-26­ new-principles-of-warfare/. 48 Sun Tzu , The Art of War, ed. Thomas Cleary (Boston, MA: Shambhala, 2005), 85. 16...Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1987. Schelling, Thomas C. Arms and Influence. United States: Greenwood Press Reprint, 1977. Sun Tzu . The Art of War. Edited by...38 Bibliography

  11. One of the Fastest-Growing Economies in the EU / Olavi Grünvald, Lili Kirikal

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Grünvald, Olavi


    Eesti on jätkuvalt Euroopa Liidu üks kiiremini areneva majandusega riikidest, ülevaade Eesti olulisematest majandusnäitajatest. Diagramm: Real GDP growth; Real wages and labour productivity; Inflation and GDP in 2006. Tabel: Main economic indicators of Estonia

  12. Izplatītākie zemnieku vārdi Vidzemē 17. gadsimta pirmajā pusē

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renāte Siliņa-Piņķe


    Full Text Available Rakstā tiek analizēti 1638. gada zviedru arklu revīzijā fiksētie latviešu zemnieku personvārdi. Raksta mērķis ir noskaidrot izplatītākos vārdus un veikt to analīzi; kā arī balstoties analīzē izdarīt secinājumus par personvārdu pieraksta specifiku avotā un tā iespējamo lomu turpmākā latviešu personvārdu vēstures izpētē. Analīzes procesā vārdi ir salīdzināti ar atbilstošā laika vācu personvārdiem, ņemot vērā gan to pierakstu vācu avotos, gan iespējamās adaptācijas pazīmes revīzijas dokumentos. Pavisam ir saskaitīti 11 995 latviešu zemnieki, minot 829 vārdu variantus. Revīzijas protokolsir rakstīts agrīnajā jaunaugšvācu valodā, un tajā parādās iespējamās latviešu izrunas un vāciskā pieraksta atšķirības dažādos līmeņos: no vācu pilnajām un saīsinātajām formām – kā Heinrich, Wilhelm, Tieß u. c. – līdz pat skaidri saskatāmiem latviskojumiem kā Andrens, Brentzitis, Erman u. c. Tāpat ir fiksētas, iespējams, kļūdaini pierakstītas un nesaprotamas formas, piemēram, Dohße, Lagingz, Peyte u. c. Šo apstākļu dēļ vārdi analīzei tika grupēti, vienā grupā iekļaujot:1 vācu personvārdu vārdnīcās minētos vārda rakstības variantus,2 adaptētās formas ar dažādām latviešu valodas izskaņām,3 avotā fiksētos alonomus,4 rakstvežu nekonsekventās rakstības vai iespējamās pārrakstīšanās un neuzmanības kļūdas.Padziļināti ir analizētas desmit izplatītāko priekšvārdu grupas – Hans (1377 personas jeb 11,5% no visiem minētajiem zemniekiem, Jahn (1194, 10%, Peter (985, 8,2%, Jacob (780, 6,5%, Andres (631, 5,3%, Jurgen (564, 4,7%, Matz (548, 4,6%, Thomas (497, 4,1%, Hinrich (489, 4%, Michell (442, 3,7%. Katra grupa ir nosaukta pēc visizplatītākās vārda formas. Šajās desmit grupās ietvertie 7507 priekšvārdi veido gandrīz divas trešdaļas (62,6 % no visiem revīzijas protokolā minētajiem zemnieku vārdiem. Vārdu pieraksta zi

  13. Ilustratīvā materiāla atveide „Mūsdienu latviešu valodas vārdnīcā”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ieva Zuicena


    Full Text Available THE QUESTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES IN EXPLANATORY DICTIONARIES AND THE DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY LATVIAN LANGUAGESummaryThere are two kinds of illustrative examples that are used in explanatory dictionaries: quotations and combination of words (phrases. Quotations are usually included in large dictionaries of many volumes, but phrases are popular in ordinary explanatory dictionar­ies.In explanatory dictionaries illustrative examples have several functions: 1 to confirm that a corresponding word really exists in language; 2 to demonstrate how the word is used in a context; 3 to supply with additional information.In the Dictionary of Contemporary Latvian Language illustrative examples are mainly given in the form of phrases, although sometimes quotations are also used, because there are several word groups that need a larger context (e.g., words with a figurative meaning, stylistically marked words or meanings, interjections.

  14. Effectiveness of electron irradiation as a quarantine treatment of cut flowers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayashi, T.; Todoriki, S.; Nakakita, H.; Dohino, T.; Tanabe, K.


    The effects of electron beams on spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) and flour beetle (Tribolium freemani) were slightly smaller than those of gamma-rays. 'Soft-electrons' (low-energy electrons) at an energy of 170 keV inactivated eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults of the flour beetle. Electron beams at doses up to 400 Gy killed or sterilized all the pests for cut flowers tested; spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), mealybug (Pseudococcus comstocki), leaf miner (Liriomyza trifolii), thrips (Thrips palmi, Thrips tabaci), cutworm (Spodoptera litura), and aphid (Myzus persicae). Carnation, alstromeria, gladiolus, tulip, statice, stock, dendrobium, prairie gentian, oncidium, campanula, gloriosa, fern, gypsophila, freesia, lobelia, triteleia, and gerbera were resistant to radiation, while chrysanthemum, rose, lily, calla, antherium, sweet pea, and iris were sensitive. Radiation-induced deterioration of chrysanthemum could be prevented by post-irradiation treatment with commercial preservative solutions or sugar solutions. (author)

  15. Natural-Series Radionuclides in Traditional Aboriginal Foods in Tropical Northern Australia: A Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paul Martin


    Full Text Available This paper gives a review of available information on natural-series radionuclides in traditional Aboriginal foods of northern Australia. Research on this topic has been carried out primarily for radiological impact assessment purposes in relation to uranium mining activities in the region. Many of the studies have concentrated on providing purely concentration data or concentration ratios, although more detailed uptake studies have been undertaken for freshwater mussels, turtles, and water lilies. The most-studied radionuclides are 238U and 226Ra. However, dose estimates based on current data highlight the importance of 210Po, particularly for the natural (nonmining-related dose. Data on uptake by terrestrial flora and fauna are scarce in comparison with aquatic organisms, and this knowledge gap will need to be addressed in relation to planning for uranium minesite rehabilitation.

  16. A fotorreportagem sobre o sequestro dos uruguaios na revista Veja, de 1978 a 1980: a atuação dos fotógrafos e o papel da fotografia = The photographs about the uruguayans kidnapping in Veja magazine, from 1978 to 1980: the photographer`s job and the role of the photography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Proença, Caio de Carvalho


    Full Text Available O presente artigo procura compreender o papel que as fotografias assumiram no decorrer de diversas reportagens sobre o caso do sequestro clandestino de dois uruguaios, Lilián Celiberti e Universindo Díaz, em Porto Alegre, publicadas na revista semanal Veja de 1978 a 1980 durante atuação da Operação Condor. Com base nas obras de Lorenzo Vilches e Jorge Pedro Sousa, tentaremos desenvolver algumas questões como: Qual o papel da fotografia, perante textos e legendas, nas páginas da revista? Perante um contexto específico do fotojornalismo nos principais meios de comunicação ocidentais, qual a importância da produção dos fotógrafos Ricardo Chaves e Olívio Lamas no caso do sequestro? Estes e outros assuntos serão brevemente apresentados

  17. Protection of Aboriginal diet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnston, A.


    One aspect of public concern about uranium mining in Australia has centred on possible harm to humans, particularly Aboriginal people arising from the release of radionuclides into the environment. A dose assessment model was developed based on the dispersion of radionuclides in water, their bioaccumulation in aquatic and terrestrial animals and the diet of the critical group. Of the diet components, the consumption of freshwater mussels, fish and water lilies gives rise to greater than 90% of the total exposure. On the bases of modelling dose estimates, showing which variables are more significant in the estimation of radiation exposure resulting from release of water from Ranger, limits have been deducted from the maximum annual quantity of radionuclides that can be added to Magela Creek waters without causing members of this community to be exposed to significant amounts of radiations. 2 figs., ills

  18. A sulfur–microporous carbon composite positive electrode for lithium/sulfur and silicon/sulfur rechargeble batteries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Takuya Takahashi


    Full Text Available Sulfur is an advantageous material as a promising next-generation positive electrode material for high-energy lithium batteries due to a high theoretical capacity of 1672 mA h g−1 although its discharge potential is somewhat modest: ca. 2 V vs Li/Li+. However, a sulfur positive electrode has some crucial problems for practical use, which are mainly attributed to the dissolution of its intermediate products in charge–discharge processes. In order to resolve the dissolution problem of lithium polysulfide, we attempted to synthesize a sulfur–microporous activated carbon (AC composite positive electrode. Moreover, we have systematically researched the battery performance of sulfur–microporous AC positive electrode with variations of electrolytes as well as negative electrodes, and found its promising positive electrode performance for a next-generation rechargeable battery.

  19. Stitching Codeable Circuits: High School Students' Learning About Circuitry and Coding with Electronic Textiles (United States)

    Litts, Breanne K.; Kafai, Yasmin B.; Lui, Debora A.; Walker, Justice T.; Widman, Sari A.


    Learning about circuitry by connecting a battery, light bulb, and wires is a common activity in many science classrooms. In this paper, we expand students' learning about circuitry with electronic textiles, which use conductive thread instead of wires and sewable LEDs instead of lightbulbs, by integrating programming sensor inputs and light outputs and examining how the two domains interact. We implemented an electronic textiles unit with 23 high school students ages 16-17 years who learned how to craft and code circuits with the LilyPad Arduino, an electronic textile construction kit. Our analyses not only confirm significant increases in students' understanding of functional circuits but also showcase students' ability in designing and remixing program code for controlling circuits. In our discussion, we address opportunities and challenges of introducing codeable circuit design for integrating maker activities that include engineering and computing into classrooms.

  20. Facile synthesis of nanostructured transition metal oxides as electrodes for Li-ion batteries (United States)

    Opra, Denis P.; Gnedenkov, Sergey V.; Sokolov, Alexander A.; Minaev, Alexander N.; Kuryavyi, Valery G.; Sinebryukhov, Sergey L.


    At all times, energy storage is one of the greatest scientific challenge. Recently, Li-ion batteries are under special attention due to high working voltage, long cycle life, low self-discharge, reliability, no-memory effect. However, commercial LIBs usage in medium- and large-scale energy storage are limited by the capacity of lithiated metal oxide cathode and unsafety of graphite anode at high-rate charge. In this way, new electrode materials with higher electrochemical performance should be designed to satisfy a requirement in both energy and power. As it known, nanostructured transition metal oxides are promising electrode materials because of their elevated specific capacity and high potential vs. Li/Li+. In this work, the perspective of an original facile technique of pulsed high-voltage plasma discharge in synthesis of nanostructured transition metal oxides as electrodes for lithium-ion batteries has been demonstrated.

  1. Insight into poor cycling stability of MgH2 anodes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Huen, Priscilla; Ravnsbæk, Dorthe B.


    . The effects of different preparation methods on cell efficiency and cycle stability are examined, showing that crystallite size reduction and ball milling together with the selected carbon source is important both for increasing capacity and limiting polarization. Furthermore, the conversion mechanism......During recent years, MgH2 has received significant interest as conversion-type anode for Li-ion batteries due to the high theoretical capacity of 2038 mAh/g at ~0.5 V vs. Li+/Li. However, the practical reversible capacity and the cycle stability are generally poor and vary significantly among...... literature reports. The latter may be due to differences in preparation procedures for electrodes as well as the precise cycling conditions. In this study, a series of MgH2 samples was systematically prepared by ball milling with different conductive carbon sources and use of hydrogenation treatments...

  2. Synthetic Domain Theory and Models of Linear Abadi & Plotkin Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møgelberg, Rasmus Ejlers; Birkedal, Lars; Rosolini, Guiseppe


    Plotkin suggested using a polymorphic dual intuitionistic/linear type theory (PILLY) as a metalanguage for parametric polymorphism and recursion. In recent work the first two authors and R.L. Petersen have defined a notion of parametric LAPL-structure, which are models of PILLY, in which one can...... reason using parametricity and, for example, solve a large class of domain equations, as suggested by Plotkin.In this paper, we show how an interpretation of a strict version of Bierman, Pitts and Russo's language Lily into synthetic domain theory presented by Simpson and Rosolini gives rise...... to a parametric LAPL-structure. This adds to the evidence that the notion of LAPL-structure is a general notion, suitable for treating many different parametric models, and it provides formal proofs of consequences of parametricity expected to hold for the interpretation. Finally, we show how these results...

  3. Protection of Aboriginal diet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johnston, A [Office of the Supervising Scientist for the Alligator Rivers Region, Sydney (Australia)


    One aspect of public concern about uranium mining in Australia has centred on possible harm to humans, particularly Aboriginal people arising from the release of radionuclides into the environment. A dose assessment model was developed based on the dispersion of radionuclides in water, their bioaccumulation in aquatic and terrestrial animals and the diet of the critical group. Of the diet components, the consumption of freshwater mussels, fish and water lilies gives rise to greater than 90% of the total exposure. On the bases of modelling dose estimates, showing which variables are more significant in the estimation of radiation exposure resulting from release of water from Ranger, limits have been deducted from the maximum annual quantity of radionuclides that can be added to Magela Creek waters without causing members of this community to be exposed to significant amounts of radiations. 2 figs., ills.

  4. Diverse retrotransposon families and an AT-rich satellite DNA revealed in giant genomes of Fritillaria lilies

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ambrožová, K.; Mandáková, T.; Bureš, P.; Neumann, Pavel; Leitch, I. J.; Koblížková, Andrea; Macas, Jiří; Lysák, M.


    Roč. 107, č. 2 (2011), s. 255-268 ISSN 0305-7364 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA521/07/0284; GA MŠk(CZ) LC06004 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50510513 Keywords : Fritillaria * Liliaceae * repetitive DNA Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 4.030, year: 2011

  5. Poisonous plants in New Zealand: a review of those that are most commonly enquired about to the National Poisons Centre. (United States)

    Slaughter, Robin J; Beasley, D Michael G; Lambie, Bruce S; Wilkins, Gerard T; Schep, Leo J


    New Zealand has a number of plants, both native and introduced, contact with which can lead to poisoning. The New Zealand National Poisons Centre (NZNPC) frequently receives enquiries regarding exposures to poisonous plants. Poisonous plants can cause harm following inadvertent ingestion, via skin contact, eye exposures or inhalation of sawdust or smoked plant matter. The purpose of this article is to determine the 15 most common poisonous plant enquiries to the NZNPC and provide a review of current literature, discussing the symptoms that might arise upon exposure to these poisonous plants and the recommended medical management of such poisonings. Call data from the NZNPC telephone collection databases regarding human plant exposures between 2003 and 2010 were analysed retrospectively. The most common plants causing human poisoning were selected as the basis for this review. An extensive literature review was also performed by systematically searching OVID MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. Further information was obtained from book chapters, relevant news reports and web material. For the years 2003-2010 inclusive, a total of 256,969 enquiries were received by the NZNPC. Of these enquiries, 11,049 involved exposures to plants and fungi. The most common poisonous plant enquiries, in decreasing order of frequency, were: black nightshade (Solanum nigrum), arum lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica), kowhai (Sophora spp.), euphorbia (Euphorbia spp.), peace lily (Spathiphyllum spp.), agapanthus (Agapanthus spp.), stinking iris (Iris foetidissima), rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum), taro (Colocasia esculentum), oleander (Nerium oleander), daffodil (Narcissus spp.), hemlock (Conium maculatum), karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus), foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) and ongaonga/New Zealand tree nettle (Urtica ferox). The combined total of enquiries for these 15 species was 2754 calls (representing approximately 25% of all enquiries regarding plant exposures). The signs

  6. Cs-137 in aquatic organisms in the southern Lake Keurusselkae (Finland)[Radioecology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ilus, E.; Klemola, S.; Vartti, V.P.; Mattila, J.; Ikaeheimonen, T.K. [STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Helsinki (Finland)


    The results of a study carried out in Lake Keurusselkae, in the Finnish Lake District, are reported. The aim of the study was to collect biota samples for the INDOFERN Project from an area that was rather highly contaminated (70 kBq m{sup -2} of {sup 137}Cs in 1986) with the Chernobyl fallout in Finland. The samples were taken from a relatively small area surrounding the island of Iso Riihisaari in the southern part of the Keurusselkae water course. In total 15 samples of aquatic plants, 6 samples of aquatic animals, 1 water sample and 2 sediment cores were taken. In August 2003, the activity concentration of {sup 137}Cs in the surface water of the southern Lake Keurusselkae was 49 Bq m{sup -3}, whereas it was 310 Bq m{sup -3} in 1988, two year after the Chernobyl accident. In the relatively shallow area surrounding the island of Iso Riihisaari, the total amount of {sup 137}Cs in sediments was 32-37 kBq m{sup -2} in 2003, but in a deeper basin close to this area the total amount of {sup 137}Cs was 130 kBq m{sup -2} in 1990. The clearly highest activity concentration and concentration factor of {sup 137}Cs was found in one sample of Water horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile), 1 430 Bq kg{sup -1} dry wt; CF 29 200, whereas in another sample of the same species the concentration was only 174 Bq kg{sup -1} dry wt. In addition, the Water lily (Nymphaea candida), Spiked water millfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), Broad-leaved pondweed (Potamogeton natans) and Yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea) seemed to be good indicators for {sup 137}Cs. The tall freshwater clam (Anodonta sp.) seemed to be a modest accumulator of {sup 137}Cs. Contrary to our results from the coastal areas of the Baltic Sea, many aquatic plants demonstrated in fresh water similar accumulation capacity of {sup 137}Cs as fish (perch and roach), while in the sea the uptake of {sup 137}Cs in fish seemed to be more efficient than in aquatic plants. (LN)

  7. Fossil Crinoids (United States)

    Hess, Hans; Ausich, William I.; Brett, Carlton E.; Simms, Michael J.


    Crinoids have graced the oceans for more than 500 million years. Among the most attractive fossils, crinoids had a key role in the ecology of marine communities through much of the fossil record, and their remains are prominent rock forming constituents of many limestones. This is the first comprehensive volume to bring together their form and function, classification, evolutionary history, occurrence, preservation and ecology. The main part of the book is devoted to assemblages of intact fossil crinoids, which are described in their geological setting in twenty-three chapters ranging from the Ordovician to the Tertiary. The final chapter deals with living sea lilies and feather stars. The volume is exquisitely illustrated with abundant photographs and line drawings of crinoids from sites around the world. This authoritative account recreates a fascinating picture of fossil crinoids for paleontologists, geologists, evolutionary and marine biologists, ecologists and amateur fossil collectors.

  8. ‘Keeping head above water’: A case study in religious leadership in a polluted context

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ian A. Nell


    Toilets in the modern water closets rise up from the floor like water lilies. The architect does all he can to make the body forget how paltry it is and to make man ignore what happens to his intestinal wastes after the water from the tank flushes them down the drain … Spontaneously, without any theological training, I, as a child, grasped the incompatibility of God and shit and thus came to question the basic thesis of Christian anthropology, namely that man was created in God’s image. Either/or: either man was created in God’s image – and has intestines! – or God lacks intestines and man is not like him. (Milan Kundera, The unbearable lightness of being 1984:132 Water is life, sanitation is dignity. (City of Cape Town, n.d., ‘Water and sanitation services standard’, Preliminary draft 2, March 2008


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    Omar Rodovalho


    Full Text Available A lot of Portuguese and Brazilian translations of Dubliners having been made in the last decades (at least seven already in the market, and other two coming, some aspects of its prose still remain invisible to the Brazilian and Portuguese reader, aspects that permit a very close link to the ulterior works of Joyce. Our aim, so, is to have a good look at some of these aspects that keep asking for translations.

  10. Cine Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Ciné Club


    Wednesday 29 June 2011 at 20:30 CERN Council Chamber Arizona Dream  By/de : Emir Kusturica (USA/France, 1993) 142 min With/avec: Johnny Depp, Jerry Lewis, Fay Dunaway, Lily Taylor, Vincent Gallo A romantic comedy about the adventures of an innocent dreamer in the weird and colourful landscape of the American West. Caught between childhood and adulthood he finds himself back in his hometown where he becomes involved with a wealthy widow and her stepdaughter. Original version english; english subtitles Entrance : 2 CHF Projection from DVD     Thursday 7 July 2011 at 20:30 CERN Council Chamber Burn After Reading  By/de : Ethan Coen and Joel Coen (USA/UK/France, 2008) 102 min With/avec: George Clooney, Frances McDormand, Brad Pitt, John Malkovich, Tilda Swinton Osbourne Cox, a Balkan expert, is fired at the CIA, so he begins a memoir. His wife wants a divorce and expects her lover, Harry, a philandering State Dep...

  11. A novel layered titanoniobate LiTiNbO5: topotactic synthesis and electrochemistry versus lithium. (United States)

    Colin, J-F; Pralong, V; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B


    A new layered titanoniobate, LiTiNbO5, an n = 2 member of the A(x)M(2n)O(4n+2) family, has been synthesized using a molten salt reaction between HTiNbO5 and an eutectic "LiOH/LiNO3". This compound crystallizes in the P2(1)/m space group with a = 6.41 A, b = 3.77 A, c = 8.08 A, and beta = 92 degrees . It exhibits |TiNbO5|(infinity) layers similar to HTiNbO5, but differs from the latter by a "parallel configuration" of its |TiNbO6|(infinity) ribbons between the two successive layers. The topotactic character of the reaction suggests that exfoliation plays a prominent role in the synthesis of this new form. This new phase intercalates reversibly 0.8 lithium through a first-order transformation leading to a capacity of 94 mAh/g at a potential of 1.67 V vs Li/Li+.

  12. Integrating a Photocatalyst into a Hybrid Lithium-Sulfur Battery for Direct Storage of Solar Energy. (United States)

    Li, Na; Wang, Yarong; Tang, Daiming; Zhou, Haoshen


    Direct capture and storage of abundant but intermittent solar energy in electrical energy-storage devices such as rechargeable lithium batteries is of great importance, and could provide a promising solution to the challenges of energy shortage and environment pollution. Here we report a new prototype of a solar-driven chargeable lithium-sulfur (Li-S) battery, in which the capture and storage of solar energy was realized by oxidizing S(2-) ions to polysulfide ions in aqueous solution with a Pt-modified CdS photocatalyst. The battery can deliver a specific capacity of 792 mAh g(-1) during 2 h photocharging process with a discharge potential of around 2.53 V versus Li(+)/Li. A specific capacity of 199 mAh g(-1), reaching the level of conventional lithium-ion batteries, can be achieved within 10 min photocharging. Moreover, the charging process of the battery can proceed under natural sunlight irradiation. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Petanque club

    CERN Multimedia

    Petanque club


    Le premier concours interne a eu lieu le jeudi 24 Mai 2018 sur les terrains du club. Vingt-huit participants répartis en doublette devaient se rencontrer pour disputer trois parties. Après des rencontres très disputées notre juge arbitre Claude Jouve déclarait les vainqueurs : 1er : Bernard Clerc un retraité toujours en forme. 2ème : Roland Dunand lui aussi très régulier et souvent dans le trio de tête. 3ème : Claude Macari joueur très expérimenté et champion tête à tête Genevois 2018. Notre première féminine, en la personne de Lilie, est une nouvelle venue au club. Comme à l’habitude la soirée se terminait par un repas préparé par Sylvie Jouve et Jennifer sa fille que nous remercions infiniment.

  14. Cardiac Glycoside Plants Self-Poisoning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Radenkova-Saeva J.


    Full Text Available Cardiac glycosides are found in a diverse group of plants including Digitalis purpurea and Digitalis lanata (foxgloves, Nerium oleander, Convallaria majalis (lily of the valley, Strophanthus gratus, etc. Nerium Oleander is an indoor and ornamental plant of an evergreen shrub. It’s widespread in countries with a Mediterranean climate. Oleander is one of the most poisonous plants known to humans. All parts of the nerium oleander are poisonous, primarily due to the contained cardiac glycosides - oleandrin, nerin, digitoxigenin, and olinerin of which oleandrin is the principal toxin. The bark contains the toxic substances of rosagenin which causes strychnine-like effects. Signs of poisoning appear a few hours after the adoption of the parts of the plant. Two cases of Nerium Oleander poisoning were presented. Clinical picture included gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and central nervous system effects. The clinical symptoms were characterized by nausea, vomiting, salivation, colic, diarrhoea, ventricular tachycardia, dysrhythmia, heart block, ataxia, drowsiness, muscular tremor. Treatment included administration of activated charcoal, symptomatic and supportive care.

  15. A New Look for the Globe Gardens

    CERN Multimedia

    Katarina Anthony


    Designs to develop the grounds of the Globe of Science and Innovation have recently been unveiled. The plan is to extend the visitor activities on offer, transforming the area into a public arena for scientific exploration.   Design for the new Globe Gardens. © Jencks Squared and Groupe H. After months of conceptual development, plans to develop the site around the Globe are taking shape. The innovative designs were drawn up for CERN by a unique collaboration consisting of landscape architects Charles and Lily Jencks, and "Groupe H", a group of architects headed by Globe designer Hervé Dessimoz. They comprise new venues, covered walkways, a café and gift shop, a separate VIP entrance and a physics-inspired garden for visitors. The landscape itself becomes a feature – dramatically altered to create a cosmic garden formed by shaped mounds, ponds, and a natural amphitheatre for public events. “The new exhibition in the G...

  16. A conductivity study of preferential solvation of lithium ion in acetonitrile-dimethyl sulfoxide mixtures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mozhzhukhina, Nataliia; Longinotti, M. Paula; Corti, Horacio R.; Calvo, Ernesto J.


    The electrical mobility of LiPF 6 in acetonitrile–dimethyl sulfoxide (ACN–DMSO) mixtures, a potential electrolyte in oxygen cathodes of lithium-air batteries, has been studied using a very precise conductance technique, which allowed the determination of the infinite dilution molar conductivity and association constant of the salt in the whole composition range. In the search for preferential Li + ion solvation, we also measured the electrical conductivity of tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate (TBAPF 6 ), a salt formed by a bulky cation, over the same composition range. The results show a qualitative change in the curvature of the LiPF 6 molar conductivity composition dependence for ACN molar fraction (x ACN ) ∼ 0.95, which was not observed for TBAPF 6 . The dependence of the measured Li/Li + couple potential with solvent composition also showed a pronounced change around the same composition. We suggest that these observations can be explained by Li + ion preferential solvation by DMSO in ACN–DMSO mixtures with very low molar fractions of DMSO

  17. Diuretics and Hypokalemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali A. Handjani


    Full Text Available We have studied hypokalemic action of different diuretics in a cooperative study on 28 patients and our results are as follows: I. 28 patients (18 male and 10 female were the subject of our present study. 2. E. C. G. was taken systematically on all individuals. 3. Clinical signs and symptoms of hypokalemia was looked for in d lily examination of the patients. 4. Dietary K, Na, and CI could not be determined because of lack facilities. 5. Determination ed out in all patients. We strongly believe that small amount of potassium added to diuretics has no beneficial effect on delaying hypokalemia caused by these diuretics. 7. A rich diet containing adequate amount of potassium can sat, isfactorily prevent hypokalemia. 8. Furosemide and mercurial diuretics similarly cause hyponatremia rather than hypokalemia. 9. Thiazides cause hypokalemia rather than hyponatremia. 10. Addition of triamterene can delay the occurance of hypokale; mia in those patients taking thiazides,

  18. En gemensam resa eller skilda resor. Talet om kärnämnen i gymnasieskolan 1990-2009

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan Berggren


    Full Text Available A travel in common or separate travels – policy texts on core subjects in the Swedish upper secondary school 1990 to 2009. In this article eight policy texts from the period of 1990 to 2009 are analyzed with reference to their attention to core subjects on different programs. Questions asked to the texts are: Are students on various programs to receive the same teaching in core subjects? How are the expressed intentions legitimized? Using concepts from Lilie Chouliaraki and Norman Fairclough’s (1999 critical discourse analysis (CDA and Basil Bernstein’s (2000 concept of classification, it is concluded that during this period a shift takes place in policy, from keeping form and content of core subject teaching on different programs in common, into making a difference in the form and content of core subject teaching on different programs. Furthermore, the legitimization process and consequences of the analyzed discursive drift in policy to the positions of pupils on different programs are discussed.

  19. A bifunctional electrolyte additive for separator wetting and dendrite suppression in lithium metal batteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zheng, Hao; Xie, Yong; Xiang, Hongfa; Shi, Pengcheng; Liang, Xin; Xu, Wu


    Reformulation of electrolyte systems and improvement of separator wettability are vital to electrochemical performances of rechargeable lithium (Li) metal batteries, especially for suppressing Li dendrites. In this work we report a bifunctional electrolyte additive that improves separator wettability and suppresses Li dendrite growth in LMBs. A triblock polyether (Pluronic P123) was introduced as an additive into a commonly used carbonate-based electrolyte. It was found that addition of 0.2~1% (by weight) P123 into the electrolyte could effectively enhance the wettability of polyethylene separator. More importantly, the adsorption of P123 on Li metal surface can act as an artificial solid electrolyte interphase layer and contribute to suppress the growth of Li dendrites. A smooth and dendritic-free morphology can be achieved in the electrolyte with 0.2% P123. The Li||Li symmetric cells with the 0.2% P123 containing electrolyte exhibit a relatively stable cycling stability at high current densities of 1.0 and 3.0 mA cm-2.

  20. Functional interface of polymer modified graphite anode (United States)

    Komaba, S.; Ozeki, T.; Okushi, K.

    Graphite electrodes were modified by polyacrylic acid (PAA), polymethacrylic acid (PMA), and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Their electrochemical properties were examined in 1 mol dm -3 LiClO 4 ethylene carbonate:dimethyl carbonate (EC:DMC) and propylene carbonate (PC) solutions as an anode of lithium ion batteries. Generally, lithium ions hardly intercalate into graphite in the PC electrolyte due to a decomposition of the PC electrolyte at ca. 0.8 V vs. Li/Li +, and it results in the exfoliation of the graphene layers. However, the modified graphite electrodes with PAA, PMA, and PVA demonstrated the stable charge-discharge performance due to the reversible lithium intercalation not only in the EC:DMC but also in the PC electrolytes since the electrolyte decomposition and co-intercalation of solvent were successfully suppressed by the polymer modification. It is thought that these improvements were attributed to the interfacial function of the polymer layer on the graphite which interacted with the solvated lithium ions at the electrode interface.

  1. Effects of Acute Gamma Irradiation on Amaryllis Orange Bio gamma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakinah Ariffin; Shakinah Salleh; Shuhaimi Shamsuddin; Suhaimi Musa; Affrida Abu Hassan


    Ornamental and landscaping plants have their own demand. Color variations, shape and flower shelf life are among the important value-added characters in improvement of new varieties of ornamental plants. Mutation induction using ionizing radiation is an alternative way for obtaining plant with desirable traits. Improvement of ornamental plant Amaryllis 'Orange Bio gamma' was carried out by exposing bulbs with gamma rays at dose 0, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 Gy using Bio Beam GM8000 gamma irradiation chamber at the Malaysian Nuclear Agency. Effect of radiation on the growth of bulbs was observed. Data on shoot and root length was recorded after 6 weeks. From the observation, the increasing dose has caused a reduction in shoot length and inhibited the root production. This paper will discuss the effects of acute gamma irradiation on the plant morphology. The result and observation obtained is useful for future work on lily improvement and will be included into Bio Beam GM8000 irradiation database. (author)

  2. Silver effect of Co–Ni composite material on energy storage and structural behavior for Li-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gnanamuthu, RM.; Prasanna, K.; Subburaj, T.; Jo, Yong Nam; Lee, Chang Woo


    Ag powder has been comparatively applied to the Co–Ni materials preparing by mixing method and the prepared electrodes were used as negative electrodes for Li-ion batteries applications. The prepared Co–Ni and Ag–Co–Ni with 10 wt.% of Ag composite electrodes are characterized by XRD, FE-SEM with EDX, impedance and electrochemical charge-discharge studies. These electrochemical studies are demonstrated at current rates of 0.1 C and 0.5 C between 0.01 and 2.0 V vs. Li/Li + . The porous Co–Ni and Ag–Co–Ni composite materials are electrochemically tested in lithium half cells. The porous Ag–Co–Ni composite material demonstrates that the initial and end of discharge capacity up to 20th cycles is, respectively, 860 and 715 mAh g −1 at 0.1 C rate maintaining at approximately 83%. The porous Ag–Co–Ni composite electrode may be a good candidate for high power lithium-ion batteries.

  3. It sounds good!

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    Both the atmosphere and we ourselves are hit by hundreds of particles every second and yet nobody has ever heard a sound coming from these processes. Like cosmic rays, particles interacting inside the detectors at the LHC do not make any noise…unless you've decided to use the ‘sonification’ technique, in which case you might even hear the Higgs boson sound like music. Screenshot of the first page of the "LHC sound" site. A group of particle physicists, composers, software developers and artists recently got involved in the ‘LHC sound’ project to make the particles at the LHC produce music. Yes…music! The ‘sonification’ technique converts data into sound. “In this way, if you implement the right software you can get really nice music out of the particle tracks”, says Lily Asquith, a member of the ATLAS collaboration and one of the initiators of the project. The ‘LHC...

  4. Enabling the high capacity of lithium-rich anti-fluorite lithium iron oxide by simultaneous anionic and cationic redox (United States)

    Zhan, Chun; Yao, Zhenpeng; Lu, Jun; Ma, Lu; Maroni, Victor A.; Li, Liang; Lee, Eungje; Alp, Esen E.; Wu, Tianpin; Wen, Jianguo; Ren, Yang; Johnson, Christopher; Thackeray, Michael M.; Chan, Maria K. Y.; Wolverton, Chris; Amine, Khalil


    Anionic redox reactions in cathodes of lithium-ion batteries are allowing opportunities to double or even triple the energy density. However, it is still challenging to develop a cathode, especially with Earth-abundant elements, that enables anionic redox activity for real-world applications, primarily due to limited strategies to intercept the oxygenates from further irreversible oxidation to O2 gas. Here we report simultaneous iron and oxygen redox activity in a Li-rich anti-fluorite Li5FeO4 electrode. During the removal of the first two Li ions, the oxidation potential of O2- is lowered to approximately 3.5 V versus Li+/Li0, at which potential the cationic oxidation occurs concurrently. These anionic and cationic redox reactions show high reversibility without any obvious O2 gas release. Moreover, this study provides an insightful guide to designing high-capacity cathodes with reversible oxygen redox activity by simply introducing oxygen ions that are exclusively coordinated by Li+.

  5. Performance Characteristics of Bio-Inspired Metal Nanostructures as Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattered (SERS) Substrates. (United States)

    Areizaga-Martinez, Hector I; Kravchenko, Ivan; Lavrik, Nickolay V; Sepaniak, Michael J; Hernández-Rivera, Samuel P; De Jesús, Marco A


    The fabrication of high-performance plasmonic nanomaterials for bio-sensing and trace chemical detection is a field of intense theoretical and experimental research. The use of metal-silicon nanopillar arrays as analytical sensors has been reported with reasonable results in recent years. The use of bio-inspired nanocomposite structures that follow the Fibonacci numerical architecture offers the opportunity to develop nanostructures with theoretically higher and more reproducible plasmonic fields over extended areas. The work presented here describes the nanofabrication process for a series of 40 µm × 40 µm bio-inspired arrays classified as asymmetric fractals (sunflower seeds and romanesco broccoli), bilaterally symmetric (acacia leaves and honeycombs), and radially symmetric (such as orchids and lily flowers) using electron beam lithography. In addition, analytical capabilities were evaluated using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The substrate characterization and SERS performance of the developed substrates as the strategies to assess the design performance are presented and discussed. © The Author(s) 2016.

  6. Radionuclide analysis of bush food

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koperski, J.; Bywater, J.


    A model diet for an Aboriginal adult living entirely on bush foods collected from the Alligator Rivers Region of the Northern Territory has been established. Results of investigations of the specific activities of thorium-230, radium-226, lead-210 and polonium-210 in 123 samples of bush foods collected by Ranger Uranium Mines Pty Ltd during pre-production and production periods are presented. For all the investigated bush food items, excluding freshwater mussels (Velesunio angasi), no systematic differences were found between the specific activities of the radionuclides monitored in food items sampled during preproduction and production periods. Preliminary estimates of annual effective dose equivalent (DE) rates for stochastic effects on an adult living entirely on the model bush diet are presented. Of the four radionuclides monitored the major contributor to the effective DE rates appears to be lead-210 followed by radium-226. Among the selected nine components of the diet the major contributor to the effective DE rates appear to be mussels, water lilies and fish

  7. Radionuclide analysis of bush food

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koperski, J; Bywater, J [Ranger Uranium Mines Proprietary Ltd., Chatswood (Australia)


    A model diet for an Aboriginal adult living entirely on bush foods collected from the Alligator Rivers Region of the Northern Territory has been established. Results of investigations of the specific activities of thorium-230, radium-226, lead-210 and polonium-210 in 123 samples of bush foods collected by Ranger Uranium Mines Pty. Ltd. during pre-production and production periods are presented. For all the investigated bush food items, excluding freshwater mussels (Velesunio angasi), no systematic differences were found between the specific activities of the radionuclides monitored in food items sampled during preproduction and production periods. Preliminary estimates of annual effective dose equivalent (DE) rates for stochastic effects on an adult living entirely on the model bush diet are presented. Of the four radionuclides monitored the major contributor to the effective DE rates appears to be lead-210 followed by radium-226. Among the selected nine components of the diet the major contributor to the effective DE rates appear to be mussels, water lilies and fish.

  8. Flora of the Mayacmas Mountains. [Listing of 679 species in the Geysers Geothermal Resource area

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neilson, J.A.


    This flora describes the plants that occur within the Mayacmas Mountain Range of northern California. It is the result of ten years of environmental assessment by the author in the Geysers Geothermal Resource area, located in the center of the Mayacmas Range. The flora includes notes on plant communities and ecology of the area, as well as habitat and collection data for most of the 679 species covered. Altogether 74 families, 299 genera and 679 species are included in the flora. The work is divided into eight subdivisions: trees; shrubs; ferns and fern allies; aquatic plants; tules, sedges, and rushes; lilies and related plants; dicot herbs; and grasses. Within each subdivision, family, genera and species are listed alphabetically. Keys are provided at the beginning of each subdivision. A unique combination of physical, environmental and geologic factors have resulted in a rich and diverse flora in the Mayacmas. Maps have been provided indicating known locations for species of rare or limited occurrence.

  9. Influence of surface coating on structure and properties of metallic lithium anode for rechargeable Li-O2 battery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Q.; Wang, Q.; Ma, Q.; Song, Q.; Chen, Q.


    Amorphous lithium phosphorous oxynitride film was coated directly on pre-treated lithium metal as anode of lithium air battery by radio-frequency sputtering technique from a Li3PO4 target. The structure and composition of modified anode was analyzed before and after charge/discharge test in a lithium-air battery, which comprises 0.5M LiNO3/TEGDME as the electrolyte and super P carbon as cathode. Batteries were galvanostatically discharged by an Arbin BT-2000 battery tester between open current voltage and 2.15V vs. Li+/Li at various current regimes ranging from 0.1–0.4mA/cm2. Compared with fresh lithium, LIPON-coated anode exhibited better electrochemical performance. Good charging efficiency of 90% at a narrower voltage gap with high ionic conductivity of 9.4×10−5S/cm was achieved through optimizing lithium pre-treated conditions, sputtering N2 flows and suitable solute for electrolyte. (Author)

  10. Enhancing Near Zero Volt Storage Tolerance of Lithium-ion Batteries (United States)

    Crompton, Kyle R.

    There are inherent safety risks associated with inactive lithium ion batteries leading to greater restrictions and regulations on shipping and storage. Maintaining all cells of a lithium ion battery at near zero voltage with an applied fixed resistive load is one promising approach which can lessen (and potentially eliminate) the risk of a lithium ion battery entering thermal runaway when in an inactive state. However, in a conventional lithium ion cell, a near zero cell voltage can be damaging if the anode electrochemical potential increases to greater than the potential where dissolution of the standard copper current collector occurs (i.e. 3.1 V vs. Li/Li+ at room temperature). Past approaches to yield lithium ion cells that are resilient to a near zero volt state of charge involve use of secondary active materials or alternative current collectors which have anticipated tradeoffs in terms of cell performance and cost. In the the present dissertation work the approach of managing the amount of reversible lithium in a cell during construction to prevent the anode potential from increasing to greater than 3.1 V vs. Li/Li+ during near zero volt storage is introduced. Anode pre-lithiation was used in LiCoO 2/MCMB pouch cells to appropriately manage the amount of reversible lithium so that there is excess reversible lithium compared to the cathodes intercalation capacity (reversible lithium excess cell or RLE cell). RLE LiCoO 2/MCMB cells maintained 99% of their original capacity after three, 3-day and three, 7-day storage periods at near zero volts under fixed load. A LiCoO2/MCMB pouch cell fabricated with a pre-lithiated anode also maintained its original discharge performance after three, 3-day storage periods under fixed load at 45°C. The strong recharge performance after near zero volt storage is attributed to the anode potential remaining below the copper dissolution potential during near zero volt storage as informed by reference electrode measurements. Pulse


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luz Fernanda Sua


    Full Text Available Introducción: La determinación del oncogén HER2 es crítica en las pacientes que responderán al anticuerpo monoclonal humanizado Trastuzumab. La técnica de hibridación in situ cromogénica y con plata (Dual ISH ha sido exitosamente probada en la detección de la amplificación del gen HER2, un importante biomarcador del cáncer de mama que combina las ventajas de la automatización y la microscopía de luz, mejorando el flujo de trabajo en el laboratorio. Objetivos: verificar si la metodología automatizada de hibridización in situ cromogénica y con plata (Dual ISH realizada en el equipo Benchmark XT de Ventana Medical Systems® puede ser comparable con la hibridización in situ fluorescente (FISH en casos de la Fundación Valle del Lili. Metodología: Previa aprobación del Comité de Ética de la Fundación Valle del Lili, evaluamos un total de 42 casos, encontrando 98.1% con un nivel de concordancia total, tanto de la hibridización in situ fluorescente (FISH y de la inmunohistoquímica (IHQ con el ISH Dual. Determinamos un nivel de concordancia del 94.4% en el estudio del nivel de amplificación del gen HER2 por FISH y por ISH Dual. La concordancia entre la determinación de la expresión de la proteína HER2 por IHQ y por ISH Dual fue del 100%. Al evaluar nuestro coeficiente Kappa este fue de 0.97 y nuestro coeficiente de correlación intraclases en referencia con el FISH fue casi perfecto 0.85. Conclusión: nosotros observamos una reducción del tiempo de procesamiento con la técnica Dual ISH al ser una metodología automatizada (Equipo BenchMark XT de Ventana® cuando la comparamos con el protocolo FISH. La técnica Dual ISH permite la evaluación morfológica y estudia simultáneamente el centrómero del cromosoma 17 y el oncogén HER2. Esta metodología se estudia en el microscopio de luz (60x, es cuantitativa, se puede archivar y se encuentra aprobada por la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA.

  12. Plausibility of Menstrual Cycle Apps Claiming to Support Conception. (United States)

    Freis, Alexander; Freundl-Schütt, Tanja; Wallwiener, Lisa-Maria; Baur, Sigfried; Strowitzki, Thomas; Freundl, Günter; Frank-Herrmann, Petra


    The interval of peak fertility during the menstrual cycle is of limited duration, and the day of ovulation varies, even in women with fairly regular cycles. Therefore, menstrual cycle apps identifying the "fertile window" for women trying to conceive must be quite precise. A deviation of a few days may lead the couple to focus on less- or non-fertile days for sexual intercourse and thus may be worse than random intercourse. The aim of the present investigation was to develop a scoring system for rating available apps for determining the fertile window and secondarily pilot test 12 apps currently available in both German and English (consisting of 6 calendar-based apps: Clue Menstruations- und Zykluskalender, Flo Menstruationskalender, Maya-Mein Periodentracker, Menstruationskalender Pro, Period Tracker Deluxe, and WomanLog-Pro-Kalender; 2 calculothermal apps: Ovy and Natural Cycles; and 4 symptothermal apps: myNFP, Lady Cycle, Lily, and OvuView). The calendar-based apps were investigated by entering several series of cycles with varying lengths, whereas the symptom-based apps were examined by entering data of cycles with known temperature rise, cervical mucus pattern, and clinical ovulation. The main criteria for evaluating the cycle apps were as follows: (1) What methods/parameters were used to determine the fertile window? (2) What study results exist concerning that underlying method/parameters? (3) What study results exist concerning the app itself? (4) Was there a qualified counseling service? The calendar-based apps predicted the fertile days based on data of previous cycles. They obtained zero points in our scoring system, as they did not comply with any of the evaluated criteria. Calculothermal apps had similar deficits for predicting the most fertile days and produced suboptimal results (Ovy 3/30 points and Natural Cycles 2/30 points). The symptothermal apps determined the fertile days based on parameters of the current cycle: Lady Cycle scored 20

  13. The LILI Motif of M3-S2 Linkers Is a Component of the NMDA Receptor Channel Gate

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ladislav, Marek; Černý, Jiří; Krůšek, Jan; Balík, Aleš; Vyklický ml., Ladislav


    Roč. 11, Apr 6 (2018), č. článku 113. ISSN 1662-5099 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA17-02300S; GA TA ČR(CZ) TE01020028; GA MZd(CZ) NV15-29370A; GA MŠk(CZ) LQ1604; GA MŠk(CZ) ED1.1.00/02.0109 Institutional support: RVO:67985823 Keywords : glutamate receptor gating * electrophysiology * spontaneous activity * channel open probability * protein block alphabet * molecular modeling Subject RIV: FH - Neurology OBOR OECD: Neurosciences (including psychophysiology Impact factor: 5.076, year: 2016

  14. Deep reticulation and incomplete lineage sorting obscure the diploid phylogeny of rain-lilies and allies (Amaryllidaceae tribe Hippeastreae) (United States)

    Hybridization is currently considered to be a frequent and important force in plant evolution; NGS methods offer new possibilities for clade resolution and ambitious sampling of gene genealogies, yet difficulty remains in detecting deep reticulation events using currently available methods. We exami...

  15. Electrochemical reactivity of ilmenite FeTiO3, its nanostructures and oxide-carbon nanocomposites with lithium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tao, Tao; Glushenkov, Alexey M.; Rahman, Md Mokhlesur; Chen, Ying


    The electrochemical reactivity of the ball-milled ilmenite FeTiO 3 and ilmenite nanoflowers with lithium has been investigated. The electrode assembled with the ilmenite nanoflowers delivers better electrochemical performance than that of the milled material during charging and discharging in the potential range of 0.01 and 3 V vs. Li/Li + . The ilmenite nanoflowers demonstrate the capacity of ca. 650 mAh g −1 during the first discharge, and a reversible capacity of approximately 200 mAh g −1 in the course of the first 50 cycles. The possible reaction mechanism between ilmenite and lithium was studied using cyclic voltammetry and transmission electron microscopy. The first discharge involves the formation of an irreversible phase, which is either LiTiO 2 or LiFeO 2 . Subsequently, the extraction–insertion of lithium happens in a reversible manner. It was also observed that the lithium storage might be significantly improved if the electrode was prepared in the form of a nanocomposite of FeTiO 3 with carbon

  16. In situ stress measurements during electrochemical cycling of lithium-rich cathodes (United States)

    Nation, Leah; Li, Juchuan; James, Christine; Qi, Yue; Dudney, Nancy; Sheldon, Brian W.


    Layered lithium transition metal oxides (Li1+xM1-xO2, M = Ni, Mn, Co) are attractive cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries due to their high reversible capacity. However, they suffer from structural changes that lead to substantial voltage fade. In this study, we use stress as a novel way to track irreversible changes in Li1.2Mn0.55Ni0.125Co0.125O2 (LR-NMC) cathodes. A unique and unpredicted stress signature is observed during the first delithiation. Initially, a tensile stress is observed, consistent with volume contraction from lithium removal, however, the stress reverses and becomes compressive with continued charging beyond 4 V vs Li/Li+, indicating volume expansion; this phenomenon is present in the first cycle only. This irreversible stress during delithiation is likely to be at least partially due to oxygen loss and the resulting cation rearrangement. Raman spectroscopy provides evidence of the layered-to-spinel phase transition after cycling in the LR-NMC films, as well as recovery of the original spectra upon re-annealing in an oxygen environment.

  17. Don Quijote in Nineteenth-Century English Theatre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. A. Garrido Ardila


    Full Text Available This article brings to light a group of Cervantine English literary works hitherto unknown to present-day Cervantes studies: seven theatrical adaptations of Don Quixote (two anonymous ones in addition to those by Charles Dibdin, Joseph Moser, G. A. Macfarren, C. A. Maltby and P. Milton, a comedy with a Quixotic title (by George Dance, and five Quixotic fictions (two anonymous, in addition to those by Lily Spender, Maurice Hewlett and A. T. Quiller-Couch. Three of these plays, had been noted by Leopoldo Rius in 1899 (Moser, Macfarren, Maltby; the other four are presented for the first time here. In order to chart a fuller and more complete history of Don Quixote on the English stage, this article provides relevant information on those seven plays. An examination of these works reinforces the previous theses that underscore the essentially comical nature of Quixotic plays in nineteenth-century England, a fact of relevance in the study of the English reception of Don Quixote in the course of that century.

  18. Understanding capacity fade in silicon based electrodes for lithium-ion batteries using three electrode cells and upper cut-off voltage studies (United States)

    Beattie, Shane D.; Loveridge, M. J.; Lain, Michael J.; Ferrari, Stefania; Polzin, Bryant J.; Bhagat, Rohit; Dashwood, Richard


    Commercial Li-ion batteries are typically cycled between 3.0 and 4.2 V. These voltages limits are chosen based on the characteristics of the cathode (e.g. lithium cobalt oxide) and anode (e.g. graphite). When alternative anode/cathode chemistries are studied the same cut-off voltages are often, mistakenly, used. Silicon (Si) based anodes are widely studied as a high capacity alternative to graphite for Lithium-ion batteries. When silicon-based anodes are paired with high capacity cathodes (e.g. Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminium Oxide; NCA) the cell typically suffers from rapid capacity fade. The purpose of this communication is to understand how the choice of upper cut-off voltage affects cell performance in Si/NCA cells. A careful study of three-electrode cell data will show that capacity fade in Si/NCA cells is due to an ever-evolving silicon voltage profile that pushes the upper voltage at the cathode to >4.4 V (vs. Li/Li+). This behaviour initially improves cycle efficiency, due to liberation of new lithium, but ultimately reduces cycling efficiency, resulting in rapid capacity fade.

  19. Optimizing pulse compressibility in completely all-fibered Ytterbium chirped pulse amplifiers for in vivo two photon laser scanning microscopy. (United States)

    Fernández, A; Grüner-Nielsen, L; Andreana, M; Stadler, M; Kirchberger, S; Sturtzel, C; Distel, M; Zhu, L; Kautek, W; Leitgeb, R; Baltuska, A; Jespersen, K; Verhoef, A


    A simple and completely all-fiber Yb chirped pulse amplifier that uses a dispersion matched fiber stretcher and a spliced-on hollow core photonic bandgap fiber compressor is applied in nonlinear optical microscopy. This stretching-compression approach improves compressibility and helps to maximize the fluorescence signal in two-photon laser scanning microscopy as compared with approaches that use standard single mode fibers as stretcher. We also show that in femtosecond all-fiber systems, compensation of higher order dispersion terms is relevant even for pulses with relatively narrow bandwidths for applications relying on nonlinear optical effects. The completely all-fiber system was applied to image green fluorescent beads, a stained lily-of-the-valley root and rat-tail tendon. We also demonstrated in vivo imaging in zebrafish larvae, where we simultaneously measure second harmonic and fluorescence from two-photon excited red-fluorescent protein. Since the pulses are compressed in a fiber, this source is especially suited for upgrading existing laser scanning (confocal) microscopes with multiphoton imaging capabilities in space restricted settings or for incorporation in endoscope-based microscopy.

  20. Alkyl Substitution Effect on Oxidation Stability of Sulfone-Based Electrolytes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Su, Chi-Cheung [Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne IL 60439 USA; He, Meinan [Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne IL 60439 USA; Redfern, Paul [Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne IL 60439 USA; Curtiss, Larry A. [Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne IL 60439 USA; Liao, Chen [Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne IL 60439 USA; Zhang, Lu [Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne IL 60439 USA; Burrell, Anthony K. [Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne IL 60439 USA; Zhang, Zhengcheng [Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne IL 60439 USA


    Organic sulfone compounds have been widely used as high-voltage electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries for decades. However, owing to the complexity of the synthesis of new sulfones, only a few commercially available sulfones have been studied. In this paper, we report the synthesis of new sulfone compounds with various substituent groups and the impact of the substituent group on the oxidation stability of sulfones. Electrochemical floating tests using a 5 V LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 spinel cathode and density functional theory calculations showed that the cyclopentyl-substituted sulfone McPS suffered from oxidation instability, starting from 4.9 V versus Li+/Li, as observed by the large leakage currents. On the other hand, the isopropyl-substituted sulfone MiPS and tetramethylene substituted sulfone TMS showed much improved oxidation stability under identical testing conditions. The substitution structure of the sulfone plays a significant role in the determination of its oxidative stability and should first be considered for the development of new sulfone-based electrolytes for high-voltage, high-energy lithium-ion batteries.

  1. Facile and Reliable in Situ Polymerization of Poly(Ethyl Cyanoacrylate)-Based Polymer Electrolytes toward Flexible Lithium Batteries. (United States)

    Cui, Yanyan; Chai, Jingchao; Du, Huiping; Duan, Yulong; Xie, Guangwen; Liu, Zhihong; Cui, Guanglei


    Polycyanoacrylate is a very promising matrix for polymer electrolyte, which possesses advantages of strong binding and high electrochemical stability owing to the functional nitrile groups. Herein, a facile and reliable in situ polymerization strategy of poly(ethyl cyanoacrylate) (PECA) based gel polymer electrolytes (GPE) via a high efficient anionic polymerization was introduced consisting of PECA and 4 M LiClO 4 in carbonate solvents. The in situ polymerized PECA gel polymer electrolyte achieved an excellent ionic conductivity (2.7 × 10 -3 S cm -1 ) at room temperature, and exhibited a considerable electrochemical stability window up to 4.8 V vs Li/Li + . The LiFePO 4 /PECA-GPE/Li and LiNi 1.5 Mn 0.5 O 4 /PECA-GPE/Li batteries using this in-situ-polymerized GPE delivered stable charge/discharge profiles, considerable rate capability, and excellent cycling performance. These results demonstrated this reliable in situ polymerization process is a very promising strategy to prepare high performance polymer electrolytes for flexible thin-film batteries, micropower lithium batteries, and deformable lithium batteries for special purpose.

  2. PathwaySplice: An R package for unbiased pathway analysis of alternative splicing in RNA-Seq data. (United States)

    Yan, Aimin; Ban, Yuguang; Gao, Zhen; Chen, Xi; Wang, Lily


    Pathway analysis of alternative splicing would be biased without accounting for the different number of exons or junctions associated with each gene, because genes with higher number of exons or junctions are more likely to be included in the "significant" gene list in alternative splicing. We present PathwaySplice, an R package that (1) Performs pathway analysis that explicitly adjusts for the number of exons or junctions associated with each gene; (2) Visualizes selection bias due to different number of exons or junctions for each gene and formally tests for presence of bias using logistic regression; (3) Supports gene sets based on the Gene Ontology terms, as well as more broadly defined gene sets (e.g. MSigDB) or user defined gene sets; (4) Identifies the significant genes driving pathway significance and (5) Organizes significant pathways with an enrichment map, where pathways with large number of overlapping genes are grouped together in a network graph.,

  3. Hydrate-melt electrolytes for high-energy-density aqueous batteries (United States)

    Yamada, Yuki; Usui, Kenji; Sodeyama, Keitaro; Ko, Seongjae; Tateyama, Yoshitaka; Yamada, Atsuo


    Aqueous Li-ion batteries are attracting increasing attention because they are potentially low in cost, safe and environmentally friendly. However, their low energy density (water and the limited selection of suitable negative electrodes, is problematic for their future widespread application. Here, we explore optimized eutectic systems of several organic Li salts and show that a room-temperature hydrate melt of Li salts can be used as a stable aqueous electrolyte in which all water molecules participate in Li+ hydration shells while retaining fluidity. This hydrate-melt electrolyte enables a reversible reaction at a commercial Li4Ti5O12 negative electrode with a low reaction potential (1.55 V versus Li+/Li) and a high capacity (175 mAh g-1). The resultant aqueous Li-ion batteries with high energy density (>130 Wh kg-1) and high voltage (˜2.3-3.1 V) represent significant progress towards performance comparable to that of commercial non-aqueous batteries (with energy densities of ˜150-400 Wh kg-1 and voltages of ˜2.4-3.8 V).

  4. Polycarbonate-based polyurethane as a polymer electrolyte matrix for all-solid-state lithium batteries (United States)

    Bao, Junjie; Shi, Gaojian; Tao, Can; Wang, Chao; Zhu, Chen; Cheng, Liang; Qian, Gang; Chen, Chunhua


    Four kinds of polycarbonate-based polyurethane with 8-14 wt% hard segments content are synthesized via reactions of polycarbonatediol, hexamethylene diisocyanate and diethylene glycol. The mechanical strength of the polyurethanes increase with the increase of hard segments content. Solid polymer electrolytes composed of the polycarbonate-based polyurethanes and LiTFSI exhibits fascinating characteristics for all-solid-state lithium batteries with a high ionic conductivity of 1.12 × 10-4 S cm-1 at 80 °C, an electrochemical stability window up to 4.5 V (vs. Li+/Li), excellent mechanical strength and superior interfacial stability against lithium metal. The all-solid-state batteries using LiFePO4 cathode can deliver high discharge capacities (161, 158, 134 and 93 mAh g-1 at varied rates of 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 2 C) at 80 °C and excellent cycling performance (with 91% capacity retention after 600 cycles at 1 C). All the results indicate that such a polyurethane-based solid polymer electrolyte can be a promising candidate for all-solid-state lithium batteries.

  5. In Situ Studies of Fe4+ Stability in β-Li3Fe2(PO4)3 Cathodes for Li Ion Batteries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Ane Sælland; Johnsen, Rune E.; Norby, Poul


    In commercial Fe-based batteries the Fe2+/Fe3+ oxidation states are used, however by also utilizing the Fe4+ oxidation state, intercalation of up to two Li ions per Fe ion could be possible. In this study, we investigate whether Fe4+ can be formed and stabilized in β-Li3Fe2(PO4)3. The work includes...... of Fe4+ formation. Oxidation of the organic electrolyte is inevitable at 4.5 V but this alone cannot explain the volume change. Instead, a reversible oxygen redox process (O2− → O−) could possibly explain and charge compensate for the reversible extraction of lithium ions from β-Li3Fe2(PO4)3....... in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction studies (XRPD) during charging of β-Li3Fe2(PO4)3 up to 5.0 V vs. Li/Li+. A novel capillary-based micro battery cell for in situ XRPD has been designed for this. During charge, a plateau at 4.5 V was found and a small contraction in volume was observed...

  6. Provenancing Flower Bulbs by Analytical Fingerprinting: Convallaria Majalis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saskia M. van Ruth


    Full Text Available The origin of agricultural products is gaining in appreciation while often hard to determine for various reasons. Geographical origin may be resolved using a combination of chemical and physical analytical technologies. In the present case of Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis rhizomes, we investigated an exploratory set of material from The Netherlands, three other European (EU countries and China. We show that the geographical origin is correlated to patterns of stable isotope ratios (isotope fingerprints and volatile organic carbon (VOC compounds (chemical fingerprints. These fingerprints allowed clear distinction using exploratory and supervised statistics. Isotope ratio mass spectrometry of 12C/13C, 14N/15N and 16O/18O isotopes separated materials from Europe and China successfully. The VOC patterns measured by Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS allowed distinction of three groups: material from The Netherlands, the other EU countries and China. This knowledge is expected to help developing a systematic and efficient analytical tool for authenticating the origin of flower bulbs.

  7. Many-body study of van der Waals interaction involving lithium and rare-gas atoms and its contribution to hyperfine shifts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rao, B.K.; Das, T.P.


    Using linked cluster many-body perturbation theory, the frequency-dependent dipole polarizabilities a(ω) has been calculated for the lithium atom. The value of a(ω) at the static limit (169.04 a 0 3 ) matches well with other available theoretical values and experimental results. These values have been used to calculate the van der Waals constants for interactions of lithium, helium and neon atoms. The values of the van der Waals constants for dipole-dipole interaction in atomic units are -22.9, -44.8, -1465.8, 184950.0, 2011.8, 3896.5, 30.3, 59.0 and 115.1 for Li-He, Li-Ne, Li-Li, Li-Li-Li, Li-Li-He, Li-Li-Ne, Li-He-He, Li-He-Ne and Li-Ne-Ne interactions respectively. Obtaining the suitable response functions for lithium and helium atoms, the long range contribution to Δa(r)/a 0 in the study of fractional frequency shift in hyperfine pressure and temperature shift measurements is obtained as -541 atomic units. (author)

  8. Evolution of fragment-fragment correlations in reactions of 197Au and 107,109Ag with 40Ar from 7A to 34A MeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ethvignot, T.; Ajitanand, N.N.; Alexander, J.M.; Bauge, E.; Elmaani, A.; Kowalski, L.; Lopez, M.; Magda, M.T.; Desesquelles, P.; Elhage, H.; Giorni, A.; Heuer, D.; Kox, S.; Lleres, A.; Merchez, F.; Morand, C.; Rebreyend, D.; Stassi, P.; Viano, J.B.; Benrachi, F.; Chambon, B.; Cheynis, B.; Drain, D.; Pastor, C.


    In-plane and out-of-plane angular correlations have been measured between fragments of Z>3, Li fragments, 3,4 He, and 1,2,3 H. The changing patterns for 40 Ar induced reactions of 7A, 17A, 27A, and 34A MeV give an overview of the decreasing importance of mass-symmetric fissionlike reactions at the expense of a broad range of more mass-asymmetric breakups. Evidence is given that these fragments come from a central collision group of reactions that have similar violence and from which many combinations of fragments and particles are ejected. Very similar azimuthal angular correlations are observed for particles with a Li fragment and for particles with a pair of heavier fragments (Z>3). This similarity suggests comparable strengths of association with the reaction plane for single Li fragments and for fragment pairs of Z>3. Azimuthal angular correlations for Li-Li pairs exhibit distinct asymmetries; their interpretation via trajectory-model calculations indicates mean delay times of ∼5x10 -22 s

  9. Synthesis and characterization of LiFePo4/C cathode material by freeze drying method with PVP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuzmanović Maja D.


    Full Text Available Lithium iron phosphate is a promising cathode material for lithium ion battery application thanks to its good characteristics. Here is presented the freeze drying method for the preparation of carbon coated LiFePO4, where PVP is used as a carbon source. The main advantage of this method is mixing at the atomic level and introducing the carbon source into the precursor solution. The synthesis process can be divided into three stages: freezing of a precursor solution, drying under vacuum until water evaporates and calicination of as-dried powder at slightly reductive atmosphere. Powder X-ray diffraction measurement demonstrated single phase LiFePO4 with crystallite size of 45.8 nm. Morphology and particle size was revealed with scanning electron microscopy and particle size analyzer. Galvanostatic cycling from 2.3 to 4.1 V vs. Li/Li+, shows typical LiFePO4 redox behavior with plateau at 3.4 V. The discharge capacity value obtained at C/10 rate was 154 mAh- 1, with decrease on greater C-rates.

  10. The influence of mutation gene rpoB of Mycobacterium tuberculosis cluster I (507-534) on the elimination 25-desacetyl rifampicin in urine of tuberculosis subjects (United States)

    Lily; Sinaga, B. Y. M.; Ardinata, D.; Siregar, Y.


    The study aimed to evaluate the influence of mutation gene rpoB of Mycobacterium (M.) tuberculosis cluster I (507-534) on the elimination of 25-Desacetyl Rifampicin (25-DR) in the urine of tuberculosis (TB) subjects. Early morning sputum took from patient TB before treatment. Urine collected after 2 hours taken Fixed-Dose Combination (FDC) at days 7th treatment. All sputum were sequencing at Macrogen Korea Laboratory. Urine was analyzed by high-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) using the method of Lily et al. Mean (standard deviation) for mutation and non-mutation of rpoB M. tuberculosis group were 7.6147 (4.4478) and 4.5772 (1.7532) μg/ml, respectively. Shapiro-Wilk test showed normally distributed data, with significance 0.3. Independent t-test performed p-value 0.167 and confidence interval (CI) from -1.648 to 7.723. The mutation gene rpoB of M. tuberculosis cluster, I (507-534) in this study, did not affect elimination 25-DR in theurine of TB subjects statistically and clinically.

  11. A comparative study on the solubility and stability of p-phenylenediamine-based organic redox couples for non-aqueous flow batteries (United States)

    Kim, Hyun-seung; Lee, Keon-Joon; Han, Young-Kyu; Ryu, Ji Heon; Oh, Seung M.


    A methyl-substituted p-phenylenediamine (PD), N,N,N‧,N‧-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD), is examined as a positive redox couple with high energy density for non-aqueous Li-flow batteries. Methyl substitution affects the solubility of the redox couple, as the solubility is increased by a factor of ten, to a maximum solubility of 5.0 M in 1.0 M lithium tetrafluoroborate-propylene carbonate supporting electrolyte due to elimination of the hydrogen bonding between the solute molecules. The methyl substitution also enhances the chemical stability of the cation radical and di-cation being generated from PD, as the redox center is shielded by the methyl groups. Furthermore, this organic redox couple demonstrate two-electron redox reactions at 3.2 and 3.8 V (vs. Li/Li+); therefore, the volumetric capacity is twice higher compared to conventional one-electron involved redox couples. In a non-flowing Li/TMPD coin-cell, this organic redox couple demonstrates very stable cycleability as a positive redox couple for non-aqueous flow batteries.

  12. Conductivity and electrochemical performance of LiFePO4 slurry in the lithium slurry battery (United States)

    Feng, Caimei; Chen, Yongchong; Liu, Dandan; Zhang, Ping


    Lithium slurry battery is a new type of energy storage technique which uses the slurry of solid active materials, conductive additions and liquid electrolyte as the electrode. The proportion of conductive addition and the active material has significant influence on the conductivity and electrochemical performance of the slurry electrode. In the present work, slurries with different volume ratios of LiFePO4 (LFP) and Ketjenblack (KB) were investigated by the electrochemical workstation and charge-discharge testing system (vs. Li/Li+). Results show that the conductivity of the slurry increases linearly with the addition of KB, and the measured specific capacity of the slurry reaches its theoretical value when the volume ratio of KB to LFP is around 0.2. Based on this ratio, a slurry battery with higher loading of LFP (19.1 wt.% in the slurry) was tested, and a specific capacity of 165 mAh/g at 0.2 mA/cm2 and 102 mAh/g at 5 mA/cm2 was obtained for LFP.

  13. Evolutionary dynamics across discontinuous freshwater systems: Rapid expansions and repeated allopolyploid origins in the Palearctic white water-lilies (Nymphaea)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Volkova, P. A.; Trávníček, Pavel; Brochmann, C.


    Roč. 59, č. 2 (2010), s. 483-494 ISSN 0040-0262 R&D Projects: GA ČR GD206/08/H049 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60050516 Keywords : AFLP * allopolyploid speciation * flow cytometry Subject RIV: EF - Botanics Impact factor: 2.364, year: 2010

  14. Culture-Independent Identification of Manganese-Oxidizing Genes from Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Chemoautotrophic Ferromanganese Microbial Communities Using a Metagenomic Approach (United States)

    Davis, R.; Tebo, B. M.


    Microbial activity has long been recognized as being important to the fate of manganese (Mn) in hydrothermal systems, yet we know very little about the organisms that catalyze Mn oxidation, the mechanisms by which Mn is oxidized or the physiological function that Mn oxidation serves in these hydrothermal systems. Hydrothermal vents with thick ferromanganese microbial mats and Mn oxide-coated rocks observed throughout the Pacific Ring of Fire are ideal models to study the mechanisms of microbial Mn oxidation, as well as primary productivity in these metal-cycling ecosystems. We sampled ferromanganese microbial mats from Vai Lili Vent Field (Tmax=43°C) located on the Eastern Lau Spreading Center and Mn oxide-encrusted rhyolytic pumice (4°C) from Niua South Seamount on the Tonga Volcanic Arc. Metagenomic libraries were constructed and assembled from these samples and key genes known to be involved in Mn oxidation and carbon fixation pathways were identified in the reconstructed genomes. The Vai Lili metagenome assembled to form 121,157 contiguous sequences (contigs) greater than 1000bp in length, with an N50 of 8,261bp and a total metagenome size of 593 Mbp. Contigs were binned using an emergent self-organizing map of tetranucleotide frequencies. Putative homologs of the multicopper Mn-oxidase MnxG were found in the metagenome that were related to both the Pseudomonas-like and Bacillus-like forms of the enzyme. The bins containing the Pseudomonas-like mnxG genes are most closely related to uncultured Deltaproteobacteria and Chloroflexi. The Deltaproteobacteria bin appears to be an obligate anaerobe with possible chemoautotrophic metabolisms, while the Chloroflexi appears to be a heterotrophic organism. The metagenome from the Mn-stained pumice was assembled into 122,092 contigs greater than 1000bp in length with an N50 of 7635 and a metagenome size of 385 Mbp. Both forms of mnxG genes are present in this metagenome as well as the genes encoding the putative Mn

  15. Element interactions and soil properties affecting the soil-to-plant transfer of six elements relevant to radioactive waste in boreal forest

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roivainen, Paeivi; Makkonen, Sari; Holopainen, Toini; Juutilainen, Jukka


    Cobalt (Co), lead (Pb), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), uranium (U), and zinc (Zn) are among the elements that have radioactive isotopes in radioactive waste. Soil-to-plant transfer is a key process for possible adverse effects if these radionuclides are accidentally released into the environment. The present study aimed at investigating factors affecting such transfer in boreal forest. The plant species studied were blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), May lily (Maianthemum bifolium), narrow buckler fern (Dryopteris carthusiana), rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) and Norway spruce (Picea abies). Regression analyses were carried out to investigate the effects of the chemical composition and physical properties of soil on the soil-to-leaf/needle concentration ratios of Co, Mo, Ni, Pb, U and Zn. Soil potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S) concentrations were the most important factors affecting the soil-to-plant transfer of the elements studied. Soil clay and organic matter contents were found to significantly affect plant uptake of Mo, Pb and U. Knowledge of the effects of these factors is helpful for interpretation of the predictions of radioecological models describing soil-to-plant transfer and for improving such models. (orig.)

  16. Element interactions and soil properties affecting the soil-to-plant transfer of six elements relevant to radioactive waste in boreal forest

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roivainen, Paeivi; Makkonen, Sari; Holopainen, Toini; Juutilainen, Jukka [University of Eastern Finland, Department of Environmental Science, Kuopio (Finland)


    Cobalt (Co), lead (Pb), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), uranium (U), and zinc (Zn) are among the elements that have radioactive isotopes in radioactive waste. Soil-to-plant transfer is a key process for possible adverse effects if these radionuclides are accidentally released into the environment. The present study aimed at investigating factors affecting such transfer in boreal forest. The plant species studied were blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), May lily (Maianthemum bifolium), narrow buckler fern (Dryopteris carthusiana), rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) and Norway spruce (Picea abies). Regression analyses were carried out to investigate the effects of the chemical composition and physical properties of soil on the soil-to-leaf/needle concentration ratios of Co, Mo, Ni, Pb, U and Zn. Soil potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S) concentrations were the most important factors affecting the soil-to-plant transfer of the elements studied. Soil clay and organic matter contents were found to significantly affect plant uptake of Mo, Pb and U. Knowledge of the effects of these factors is helpful for interpretation of the predictions of radioecological models describing soil-to-plant transfer and for improving such models. (orig.)

  17. Type I Clathrates as Novel Silicon Anodes: An Electrochemical and Structural Investigation (United States)

    Li, Ying; Raghavan, Rahul; Wagner, Nicholas A.; Davidowski, Stephen K.; Baggetto, Loïc; Zhao, Ran; Cheng, Qian; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Veith, Gabriel M.; Ellis‐Terrell, Carol; Miller, Michael A.; Chan, Kwai S.


    Silicon clathrates contain cage‐like structures that can encapsulate various guest atoms or molecules. An electrochemical evaluation of type I silicon clathrates based on Ba8AlySi46−y as the anode material for lithium‐ion batteries is presented here. Postcycling characterization with nuclear magnetic resonance and X‐ray diffraction shows no discernible structural or volume changes even after electrochemical insertion of 44 Li (≈1 Li/Si) into the clathrate structure. The observed properties are in stark contrast with lithiation of other silicon anodes, which become amorphous and suffer from large volume changes. The electrochemical reactions are proposed to occur as single phase reactions at approximately 0.2 and 0.4 V versus Li/Li+ during lithiation and delithiation, respectively, distinct from diamond cubic or amorphous silicon anodes. Reversible capacities as high as 499 mAh g−1 at a 5 mA g−1 rate were observed for silicon clathrate with composition Ba8Al8.54Si37.46, corresponding to ≈1.18 Li/Si. These results show that silicon clathrates could be promising durable anodes for lithium‐ion batteries. PMID:27980951

  18. Permeable membranes - a tool for simplified sampling of hydrocarbon gases?; Permeable Membranen - Ein Wekzeug zur vereinfachten Probenahme von Kohlenwasserstoff-Gasen?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Faber, E.; Hollerbach, A.; Poggenburg, J.; Stahl, W. [BGR, Hannover (Germany); Kaiser, H. [KaiserGEOconsult GmbH, Erlangen (Germany); Huebner, M. [Siemens AG, Erlangen (Germany); Tobschall, H.J. [Erlangen-Nuernberg Univ. (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Angewandte Geologie


    Tissue membranes are commonly used for leak detection in gas pipes. Another interesting application is in the isolation of hydrocarbons in water, sediments and soils. this requires knowledge of the time variations of the parameters of the diffusion gases, e.g. gas and isotope fractionations. Laboratory experiments were carried out in order to describe these parameters. (orig.) [Deutsch] Membranen haben die spezifische Eigenschaft fuer bestimmte Stoffe in der Gasphase durchlaessig, fuer andere mehr oder weniger undurchlaessig zu sein. Grundlage fuer ein derartiges Trennverhalten ist die Gasdiffusion durch Membranen, die mit unterschiedlichen Diffusionskoeffizienten der verschiedenen Komponenten erfolgt. Membranen in Schlauchform sind in industriellem Massstab verfuegbar und werden zur Erkennung von Ortung von Gas-Leckagen eingesetzt (Huebner und Lilie, 1997). Ueber die Leckage-Thematik hinaus besteht Interesse, das Membransystem fuer neue Anwendungsbereiche wie z.B. die Isolierung von Kohlenwasserstoffgasen aus Wasser, Sedimenten oder auch Boeden zu verwenden, um detaillierte Informationen ueber ihre Natur und ihre Herkunft aus der Gaszusammensetzung und den Kohlenstoff-Isotopenwerten (Faber, 1987) abzuleiten. Voraussetzung hierfuer ist die Kenntnis ueber die zeitlichen Aenderungen der Parameter der diffundierenden Gase, d.h. ueber die bei Diffusionsvorgaengen grundsaetzlich auftretenden Gas- und Isotopenfraktionierungen. Verschiedene Laborversuche wurden durchgefuehrt, um diese Parameter zu bestimmen. (orig.)

  19. GeO2 Thin Film Deposition on Graphene Oxide by the Hydrogen Peroxide Route: Evaluation for Lithium-Ion Battery Anode. (United States)

    Medvedev, Alexander G; Mikhaylov, Alexey A; Grishanov, Dmitry A; Yu, Denis Y W; Gun, Jenny; Sladkevich, Sergey; Lev, Ovadia; Prikhodchenko, Petr V


    A peroxogermanate thin film was deposited in high yield at room temperature on graphene oxide (GO) from peroxogermanate sols. The deposition of the peroxo-precursor onto GO and the transformations to amorphous GeO 2 , crystalline tetragonal GeO 2 , and then to cubic elemental germanium were followed by electron microscopy, XRD, and XPS. All of these transformations are influenced by the GO support. The initial deposition is explained in view of the sol composition and the presence of GO, and the different thermal transformations are explained by reactions with the graphene support acting as a reducing agent. As a test case, the evaluation of the different materials as lithium ion battery anodes was carried out revealing that the best performance is obtained by amorphous germanium oxide@GO with >1000 mAh g -1 at 250 mA g -1 (between 0 and 2.5 V vs Li/Li + cathode), despite the fact that the material contained only 51 wt % germanium. This is the first demonstration of the peroxide route to produce peroxogermanate thin films and thereby supported germanium and germanium oxide coatings. The advantages of the process over alternative methodologies are discussed.

  20. Optimization of Charging Strategy by Prevention of Lithium Deposition on Anodes in high-energy Lithium-ion Batteries – Electrochemical Experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waldmann, Thomas; Kasper, Michael; Wohlfahrt-Mehrens, Margret


    The study evaluates the capacity fade of commercial 3.25 Ah 18650-type cells with NCA cathodes and graphite anodes quantitatively for different temperatures and charging strategies. For standard constant current / constant voltage (CC-CV) charging, the aging rate for cells cycled at 0.5C is increased with decreasing temperature in the range of 25 °C to 0 °C. Interestingly, no accelerated aging is observed for CC-CV charging in the temperature range of 25 °C to 60 °C at 0.5C. The observed behavior indicates lithium deposition on anodes for temperatures up to ∼25 °C and is further investigated by reconstruction of anode and cathode from the commercial 18650-type cells into full cells with an additional lithium metal reference electrode. The reconstruction method is scrutinized regarding its validity. Measurements with the reconstructed cells at 25 °C reveal the quantitative dependency of the anode potential vs. Li/Li"+ from the charge C-rate and cell voltage. This allows deriving charging strategies involving strictly positive anode potentials to avoid lithium deposition and preventing the corresponding capacity fade.

  1. 1,2,3,4,6-penta-ο-galloyl-β-D-glucose protects splenocytes against radiation-induced apoptosis in murine splenocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bing, So-Jin; Kim, Min-Ju; Park, Eunjin


    Antioxidant property and hematopoietic repair capacity are important characteristics of radioprotective agents. Some studies have demonstrated that 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose (PGG), a molecule isolated from the waterlily, has antioxidant, hematopoietic repair, and anti-inflammatory activities. In this study, we try to determine whether PGG extracted from a lily, Nymphaea tetragona var. angusta, has radioprotective effects on splenocytes in vitro against 60 Co γ-ray irradiation with absorption doses of 2 Gy and 4 Gy. Results show that PGG treatment dramatically enhances the proliferation of splenocytes compared with irradiated but untreated controls. In addition, PGG treatment before irradiation protects the splenocytes from lethal effects of irradiation and decreases DNA damages as identified by the alkaline comet assay. PGG-treated cells also show less radiation-induced apoptosis. These cells have lower concentrations of the pro-apoptotic protein p53 and more of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2. The results presented in this study suggest that PGG has a cytoprotective effect on immune cells exposed to normally damaging amount of radiation. Thus, PGG could be an effective, non-toxic radioprotective agent. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dewi Estu


    Full Text Available White lily, Crinum asiaticum L (Amaryllidaceae produce secondary metabolite called galantamine which has been developed to cure alzheimer desease. The purpose of this research was to explore the habitat of C. asiaticum which produces a high yield of galantamine. The bulb of C. asiaticum from four different locations which has altitudes ranging from 0-1250 meters above sea level was taken. Those locations were Santolo Beach-Garut, Cijambe-Subang, Dago-Bandung and Cikole-Lembang. The bulb was extracted and galantamine concentration was determined using HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Parameters such as pH, humidity, soil organic content were also measured. The results showed that the bulb taken from Cikole had the highest galantamine content (63.592 mg/g. The results also showed positive correlation between altitude and galantamine content (r=0.843. However, galantamine content had no correlation with the size and weight of C. asiaticum bulb (r=0.0583. In relation to environmental condition, there was positive correlation between soil organic with galantamine content (r=0.862. Further, nitrogen concentration tends to affect the production of galantamine (r=0.848.

  3. Pigmented basal cell carcinoma of the eyelid in Hispanics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lily Koo Lin


    Full Text Available Lily Koo Lin1, Han Lee2, Eli Chang11Department of Oculoplastics, Doheny Eye Institute, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 2Department of Dermatology, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USABackground: Pigmented basal cell carcinoma (PBCC of the eyelid has not been well cited in the literature, and is often overlooked in the differential diagnosis of pigmented eyelid lesions. We aim to describe PBCC of the eyelid in Hispanic patients.Methods: Retrospective review of patients with eyelid skin cancer who presented to the Department of Dermatology at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California and the Doheny Eye Institute from January 2002 to November 2005.Results: Sixty-nine of the 79 patients with eyelid skin cancer had basal cell carcinoma. Eight of these patients were Hispanic. Four of the eight Hispanic patients had PBCC.Conclusions: Although eyelid PBCC is regarded as a rare condition, it may occur more commonly in the Hispanic population and should be remembered in the differential diagnosis of pigmented eyelid lesions.Keywords: pigmented basal cell carcinoma, eyelid, skin cancer, lesions

  4. Mesoporous Cladophora cellulose separators for lithium-ion batteries (United States)

    Pan, Ruijun; Cheung, Ocean; Wang, Zhaohui; Tammela, Petter; Huo, Jinxing; Lindh, Jonas; Edström, Kristina; Strømme, Maria; Nyholm, Leif


    Much effort is currently made to develop inexpensive and renewable materials which can replace the polyolefin microporous separators conventionally used in contemporary lithium-ion batteries. In the present work, it is demonstrated that mesoporous Cladophora cellulose (CC) separators constitute very promising alternatives based on their high crystallinity, good thermal stability and straightforward manufacturing. The CC separators, which are fabricated using an undemanding paper-making like process involving vacuum filtration, have a typical thickness of about 35 μm, an average pore size of about 20 nm, a Young's modulus of 5.9 GPa and also exhibit an ionic conductivity of 0.4 mS cm-1 after soaking with 1 M LiPF6 EC: DEC (1/1, v/v) electrolyte. The CC separators are demonstrated to be thermally stable at 150 °C and electrochemically inert in the potential range between 0 and 5 V vs. Li+/Li. A LiFePO4/Li cell containing a CC separator showed good cycling stability with 99.5% discharge capacity retention after 50 cycles at a rate of 0.2 C. These results indicate that the renewable CC separators are well-suited for use in high-performance lithium-ion batteries.

  5. Te/C nanocomposites for Li-Te Secondary Batteries (United States)

    Seo, Jeong-Uk; Seong, Gun-Kyu; Park, Cheol-Min


    New battery systems having high energy density are actively being researched in order to satisfy the rapidly developing market for longer-lasting mobile electronics and hybrid electric vehicles. Here, we report a new Li-Te secondary battery system with a redox potential of ~1.7 V (vs. Li+/Li) adapted on a Li metal anode and an advanced Te/C nanocomposite cathode. Using a simple concept of transforming TeO2 into nanocrystalline Te by mechanical reduction, we designed an advanced, mechanically reduced Te/C nanocomposite electrode material with high energy density (initial discharge/charge: 1088/740 mA h cm-3), excellent cyclability (ca. 705 mA h cm-3 over 100 cycles), and fast rate capability (ca. 550 mA h cm-3 at 5C rate). The mechanically reduced Te/C nanocomposite electrodes were found to be suitable for use as either the cathode in Li-Te secondary batteries or a high-potential anode in rechargeable Li-ion batteries. We firmly believe that the mechanically reduced Te/C nanocomposite constitutes a breakthrough for the realization and mass production of excellent energy storage systems.

  6. Indentation of a floating elastic sheet: geometry versus applied tension. (United States)

    Box, Finn; Vella, Dominic; Style, Robert W; Neufeld, Jerome A


    The localized loading of an elastic sheet floating on a liquid bath occurs at scales from a frog sitting on a lily pad to a volcano supported by the Earth's tectonic plates. The load is supported by a combination of the stresses within the sheet (which may include applied tensions from, for example, surface tension) and the hydrostatic pressure in the liquid. At the same time, the sheet deforms, and may wrinkle, because of the load. We study this problem in terms of the (relatively weak) applied tension and the indentation depth. For small indentation depths, we find that the force-indentation curve is linear with a stiffness that we characterize in terms of the applied tension and bending stiffness of the sheet. At larger indentations, the force-indentation curve becomes nonlinear and the sheet is subject to a wrinkling instability. We study this wrinkling instability close to the buckling threshold and calculate both the number of wrinkles at onset and the indentation depth at onset, comparing our theoretical results with experiments. Finally, we contrast our results with those previously reported for very thin, highly bendable membranes.

  7. Twenty-ninth day: accommodating human needs and numbers to the Earth's resources. [ecological impacts of overpopulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brown, L.R.


    The global lily pond in which four billion of us live may already be half full. The author believes that UN projections showing world population continuing to grow until it reaches ten to sixteen billion is unrealistic. In this analysis of the four principal biological systems on which humanity depends - fisheries, forests, grasslands, and croplands - the author shows that the demands at current levels of population and per capita consumption often exceed the long-term carrying capacity. The effects of overfishing, deforestation, and overgrazing that are gradually undermining human life-support systems are documented. With energy shortages anticipated inthe early eighties and the projected downturn in world oil production in the early nineties, the world must quickly shift to renewable energy resources. These accommodations constitute an enormous challenge and suggest changes that will affect virtually every facet of human existence. The coming transformation will surely give rise to new social structures and to an economic system materially different from any we know today. Like other periods of convulsive change, it will put great stress on both individuals and institutions. 106 references, 17 figures, 18 tables.

  8. Hartree-Fock limit values of multipole moments, polarizabilities, and hyperpolarizabilities for atoms and diatomic molecules (United States)

    Kobus, Jacek


    Recently it has been demonstrated that the finite difference Hartree-Fock method can be used to deliver highly accurate values of electric multipole moments together with polarizabilities αz z,Az ,z z , and hyperpolarizabilities βz z z, γz z z,Bz z ,z z , for the ground states of various atomic and diatomic systems. Since these results can be regarded as de facto Hartree-Fock limit values their quality is of the utmost importance. This paper reexamines the use of the finite field method to calculate these electric properties, discusses its accuracy, and presents an updated list of the properties for the following atoms and diatomic molecules: H-, He, Li, Li+,Li2 +,Li-,Be2 + , Be, B+,C2 + , Ne, Mg2 +, Mg, Al+,Si2 + , Ar, K+,Ca2 +,Rb+,Sr2 +,Zr4 +,He2 , Be2,N2,F2,O2 , HeNe, LiH2 +, LiCl, LiBr, BH, CO, FH, NaCl, and KF. The potential energy curves and the dependence of the electric properties on the internuclear distance is also studied for He2,LiH+,Be2 , and HeNe systems.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pahola Perez-Camacho


    Full Text Available Objective: To describe the clinical and microbiological characteristics of newborns with sepsis admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Fundación Valle del Lili in Cali, Colombia. Methods: Descriptive, observational, retrospective study between 2012 and 2015. We included newborns with diagnosis of sepsis with more than three days of antibiotic management. Results: A total of 569 patients were included, 37.9% (216 of the newborns had a birth weight 2500g. 396 (69.6% patients with early-onset sepsus, 308 (54.1% had late-onset sepsis. The most common clinical characteristics were respiratory symptoms. The main diagnosis of infection in late-onset sepsis was bacteremia (46.4% followed by catheter associated infection (17.8%. The most common blood culture isolation for early-onset sepsis was Streptococcus agalactiae (21.9% and Staphylococcus epidermidis in late onset sepsis (22.6%. The mortality found in early-onset sepsis was 8.8% and in late-onset sepsis was 8.5%. Conclusions: Neonatal sepsis continue to be a frequent diagnosis with significant morbidity and mortality. Better strategies for the prevention of this entity are required including the prenatal period.

  10. The Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Diabetic Wound Healing in relation to Photobiomodulation. (United States)

    Ayuk, Sandra Matabi; Abrahamse, Heidi; Houreld, Nicolette Nadene


    The integration of several cellular responses initiates the process of wound healing. Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) play an integral role in wound healing. Their main function is degradation, by removal of damaged extracellular matrix (ECM) during the inflammatory phase, breakdown of the capillary basement membrane for angiogenesis and cell migration during the proliferation phase, and contraction and remodelling of tissue in the remodelling phase. For effective healing to occur, all wounds require a certain amount of these enzymes, which on the contrary could be very damaging at high concentrations causing excessive degradation and impaired wound healing. The imbalance in MMPs may increase the chronicity of a wound, a familiar problem seen in diabetic patients. The association of diabetes with impaired wound healing and other vascular complications is a serious public health issue. These may eventually lead to chronic foot ulcers and amputation. Low intensity laser irradiation (LILI) or photobiomodulation (PBM) is known to stimulate several wound healing processes; however, its role in matrix proteins and diabetic wound healing has not been fully investigated. This review focuses on the role of MMPs in diabetic wound healing and their interaction in PBM.

  11. The Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Diabetic Wound Healing in relation to Photobiomodulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Matabi Ayuk


    Full Text Available The integration of several cellular responses initiates the process of wound healing. Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs play an integral role in wound healing. Their main function is degradation, by removal of damaged extracellular matrix (ECM during the inflammatory phase, breakdown of the capillary basement membrane for angiogenesis and cell migration during the proliferation phase, and contraction and remodelling of tissue in the remodelling phase. For effective healing to occur, all wounds require a certain amount of these enzymes, which on the contrary could be very damaging at high concentrations causing excessive degradation and impaired wound healing. The imbalance in MMPs may increase the chronicity of a wound, a familiar problem seen in diabetic patients. The association of diabetes with impaired wound healing and other vascular complications is a serious public health issue. These may eventually lead to chronic foot ulcers and amputation. Low intensity laser irradiation (LILI or photobiomodulation (PBM is known to stimulate several wound healing processes; however, its role in matrix proteins and diabetic wound healing has not been fully investigated. This review focuses on the role of MMPs in diabetic wound healing and their interaction in PBM.

  12. Layered oxides-LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 as anode electrode for symmetric rechargeable lithium-ion batteries (United States)

    Wang, Yuesheng; Feng, Zimin; Yang, Shi-Ze; Gagnon, Catherine; Gariépy, Vincent; Laul, Dharminder; Zhu, Wen; Veillette, René; Trudeau, Michel L.; Guerfi, Abdelbast; Zaghib, Karim


    High-performance and long-cycling rechargeable lithium-ion batteries have been in steadily increasing demand for the past decades. Nevertheless, the two dominant anodes at the moment, graphite and L4T5O12, suffer from a safety issue of lithium plating (operating voltage at ∼ 0.1 V vs. Li+/Li) and low capacity (175 mAh/g), respectively. Here, we report LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 as an alternative anode material which has a working voltage of ∼1.1 V and a capacity as high as 330 mAh/g at the current rate of C/15. Symmetric cells with both electrodes containing LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 can deliver average discharge voltage of 2.2 V. In-situ XRD, HRTEM and first principles calculations indicate that the reaction mechanism of a LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 anode is comprised mainly of conversion. Both the fundamental understanding and practical demonstrations suggest that LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 is a promising negative electrode material for lithium-ion batteries.

  13. Genital morphology of the male South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis and biological implications

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    Alex Sander D. Machado


    Full Text Available Male capacity for spreading genes to a great number of descendents and to determine population dynamics depend directly on the genital organs. Morphological studies in pinnipeds are scarce and the functional meaning of some characteristics has never been discussed. We hypothesized that Arctocephalus australis (A. australis shows morphophysiological adaptations in order to guarantee the perpetuation of the species in the unique annual mating season. Seven males, dead from natural causes, had their genital organs collected and fixed for morphological description. Some features differ from other described mammalian males and are closely related to the biology and reproductive cycle of this species, as the scrotal epidermis, absence of glandular portion in the ductus deferens and spermatogenic epithelium suggest a recrudescent testis period. The corona glandis exhibits a singular arrangement: its erectile border looks like a formation of petals and its association with the os penis gives a "lily-flower" form to this region. We propose the name margo petaliformis to this particular erectile border of the corona glandis because of its similarity to a flower corola. The male genital organs of A. australis show morphological features compatible with adaptation to environment requirements and reproductive efficiency.

  14. Herbivory more limiting than competition on early and established native plants in an invaded meadow. (United States)

    Gonzales, Emily K; Arcese, Peter


    The dominance of nonnative plants coupled with declines of native plants suggests that competitive displacement drives extinctions, yet empirical examples are rare. Herbivores, however, can alter vegetation structure and reduce diversity when abundant. Herbivores may act on mature, reproductive life stages whereas some of the strongest competitive effects might occur at early life stages that are difficult to observe. For example, competition by perennial nonnative grasses can interfere with the establishment of native seeds. We contrasted the effects of ungulate herbivory and competition by neighboring plants on the performance of native plant species at early and established life stages in invaded oak meadows. We recorded growth, survival, and flowering in two native species transplanted as established plants, six native species grown from seed, and five extant lily species as part of two 2 x 2 factorial experiments that manipulated herbivory and competition. Herbivory reduced the performance of nearly all focal native species at early and established life stages, whereas competition had few measurable effects. Our results suggest that herbivory has a greater local influence on native plant species than competition and that reducing herbivore impacts will be required to successfully restore endangered oak meadows where ungulates are now abundant.

  15. Toxicologic Assessment of a Commercial Decolorized Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Juice, Lily of the Desert Filtered Whole Leaf Juice with Aloesorb (United States)

    Winters, Wallace D.; Scott, Michael; David, Andrew; Gillis, Glenn; Stoufflet, Thaya; Nair, Anand; Kousoulas, Konstantine


    Aloe vera, a common ingredient in cosmetics, is increasingly being consumed as a beverage supplement. Although consumer interest in aloe likely stems from its association with several health benefits, a concern has also been raised by a National Toxicology Program Report that a nondecolorized whole leaf aloe vera extract taken internally by rats was associated with intestinal mucosal hyperplasia and ultimately malignancy. We tested a decolorized whole leaf (DCWL) aloe vera, treated with activated charcoal to remove the latex portion of the plant, for genotoxicity in bacteria, acute/subacute toxicity in B6C3F1 mice, and subchronic toxicity in F344 rats. We found this DCWL aloe vera juice to be nongenotoxic in histidine reversion and DNA repair assays. Following acute administration, mice exhibited no adverse signs at 3- or 14-day evaluation periods. When fed to male and female F344 rats over 13 weeks, DCWL aloe led to no toxicity as assessed by behavior, stools, weight gain, feed consumption, organ weights, and hematologic or clinical chemistry profiles. These rats had intestinal mucosal morphologies—examined grossly and microscopically—that were similar to controls. Our studies show that oral administration of this DCWL aloe juice has a different toxicology profile than that of the untreated aloe juice at exposures up to 13 weeks. PMID:23554812

  16. Toxicologic Assessment of a Commercial Decolorized Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Juice, Lily of the Desert Filtered Whole Leaf Juice with Aloesorb

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    Inder Sehgal


    Full Text Available Aloe vera, a common ingredient in cosmetics, is increasingly being consumed as a beverage supplement. Although consumer interest in aloe likely stems from its association with several health benefits, a concern has also been raised by a National Toxicology Program Report that a nondecolorized whole leaf aloe vera extract taken internally by rats was associated with intestinal mucosal hyperplasia and ultimately malignancy. We tested a decolorized whole leaf (DCWL aloe vera, treated with activated charcoal to remove the latex portion of the plant, for genotoxicity in bacteria, acute/subacute toxicity in B6C3F1 mice, and subchronic toxicity in F344 rats. We found this DCWL aloe vera juice to be nongenotoxic in histidine reversion and DNA repair assays. Following acute administration, mice exhibited no adverse signs at 3- or 14-day evaluation periods. When fed to male and female F344 rats over 13 weeks, DCWL aloe led to no toxicity as assessed by behavior, stools, weight gain, feed consumption, organ weights, and hematologic or clinical chemistry profiles. These rats had intestinal mucosal morphologies—examined grossly and microscopically—that were similar to controls. Our studies show that oral administration of this DCWL aloe juice has a different toxicology profile than that of the untreated aloe juice at exposures up to 13 weeks.

  17. Angļu valodas studentu tematiska vārdu krājuma bagātināšana ar datortehnoloģijas rīku palīdzību


    Samčuka, Jeļena


    Maģistra darba mērķis bija izpētīt, vai ir iespējams uzlabot konkrētu vārdu apguvi, mācību procesā izmantojot datorprogrammu Quizlet. Pētījuma mērķa sasniegšanai tika aplūkotas teorijas par vārdu krājuma apguvi, tika izpētīta leksikas mācīšanās attīstība, kā arī dažādas pieejas, tai skaitā datorizētā apmācība vārdu krājuma apguvē. Tāpat tika analizēta arī pētnieku attieksme pret datora lietošanu leksikas apguves mācību procesā, kā arī datora izmantošanas priekšrocības un trūkumi. Lai stimulēt...

  18. Universal Borromean Binding in Spin-Orbit-Coupled Ultracold Fermi Gases

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    Xiaoling Cui


    Full Text Available Borromean rings and Borromean binding, a class of intriguing phenomena as three objects are linked (bound together while any two of them are unlinked (unbound, widely exist in nature and have been found in systems of biology, chemistry, and physics. Previous studies have suggested that the occurrence of such a binding in physical systems typically relies on the microscopic details of pairwise interaction potentials at short range and is, therefore, nonuniversal. Here, we report a new type of Borromean binding in ultracold Fermi gases with Rashba spin-orbit coupling, which is universal against short-range interaction details, with its binding energy only dependent on the s-wave scattering length and the spin-orbit-coupling strength. We show that the occurrence of this universal Borromean binding is facilitated by the symmetry of the single-particle dispersion under spin-orbit coupling and is, therefore, symmetry selective rather than interaction selective. The state is robust over a wide range of mass ratios between composing fermions, which are accessible by Li-Li, K-K, and K-Li mixtures in cold-atom experiments. Our results reveal the importance of single- particle spectral symmetry in few-body physics and shed light on the emergence of new quantum phases in a many-body system with exotic few-body correlations.

  19. Electrochromic nickel oxide films and their compatibility with potassium hydroxide and lithium perchlorate in propylene carbonate: Optical, electrochemical and stress-related properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wen, Rui-Tao; Niklasson, Gunnar A.; Granqvist, Claes G.


    Porous nickel oxide films were deposited onto unheated indium tin oxide coated glass substrates by reactive dc magnetron sputtering. These films had a cubic NiO structure. Electrochromic properties were evaluated in 1 M potassium hydroxide (KOH) and in 1 M lithium perchlorate in propylene carbonate (Li–PC). Large optical modulation was obtained for ∼ 500-nm-thick films both in KOH and in Li–PC (∼ 70% and ∼ 50% at 550 nm, respectively). In KOH, tensile and compressive stresses, due to the expansion and contraction of the lattice, were found for films in their bleached and colored state, respectively. In Li–PC, compressive stress was seen both in colored and bleached films. Durability tests with voltage sweeps between − 0.5 and 0.65 V vs Ag/AgCl in KOH showed good durability for 10,000 cycles, whereas voltage sweeps between 2.0 and 4.7 V vs Li/Li + in Li–PC yielded significant degradation after 1000 cycles. - Highlights: • Ni oxide films were studied in KOH and in LiClO 4 + propylene carbonate (Li–PC). • Good electrochromism was found in both electrolytes. • In KOH, tensile/compressive stresses were seen in bleached/colored films. • In Li–PC, compressive stress was seen both in colored and bleached films

  20. Surgical video recording with a modified GoPro Hero 4 camera

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    Lin LK


    Full Text Available Lily Koo Lin Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Science, University of California, Davis Eye Center, Sacramento, CA, USA Background: Surgical videography can provide analytical self-examination for the surgeon, teaching opportunities for trainees, and allow for surgical case presentations. This study examined if a modified GoPro Hero 4 camera with a 25 mm lens could prove to be a cost-effective method of surgical videography with enough detail for oculoplastic and strabismus surgery. Method: The stock lens mount and lens were removed from a GoPro Hero 4 camera, and was refitted with a Peau Productions SuperMount and 25 mm lens. The modified GoPro Hero 4 camera was then fixed to an overhead surgical light. Results: Camera settings were set to 1080p video resolution. The 25 mm lens allowed for nine times the magnification as the GoPro stock lens. There was no noticeable video distortion. The entire cost was less than 600 USD. Conclusion: The adapted GoPro Hero 4 with a 25 mm lens allows for high-definition, cost-effective, portable video capture of oculoplastic and strabismus surgery. The 25 mm lens allows for detailed videography that can enhance surgical teaching and self-examination. Keywords: teaching, oculoplastic, strabismus

  1. Enhanced Cycling Stability of Rechargeable Li-O2 Batteries Using High Concentration Electrolytes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Bin; Xu, Wu; Yan, Pengfei; Sun, Xiuliang; Bowden, Mark E.; Read, Jeffrey; Qian, Jiangfeng; Mei, Donghai; Wang, Chong M.; Zhang, Jiguang


    The electrolyte stability against reactive reduced-oxygen species is crucial for the development of rechargeable Li-O2 batteries. In this work, we systematically investigated the effect of lithium salt concentration in 1,2-dimethoxyethane (DME)-based electrolytes on the cycling stability of Li-O2 batteries. Cells with high concentration electrolyte illustrate largely enhanced cycling stability under both the full discharge/charge (2.0-4.5 V vs. Li/Li+) and the capacity limited (at 1,000 mAh g-1) conditions. These cells also exhibit much less reaction-residual on the charged air electrode surface, and much less corrosion to the Li metal anode. The density functional theory calculations are conducted on the molecular orbital energies of the electrolyte components and the Gibbs activation barriers for superoxide radical anion to attack DME solvent and Li+-(DME)n solvates. In a highly concentrated electrolyte, all DME molecules have been coordinated with salt and the C-H bond scission of a DME molecule becomes more difficult. Therefore, the decomposition of highly concentrated electrolyte in a Li-O2 battery can be mitigated and both air-cathodes and Li-metal anodes exhibits much better reversibility. As a results, the cyclability of Li-O2 can be largely improved.

  2. Combination of icotinib, surgery, and internal-radiotherapy of a patient with lung cancer severely metastasized to the vertebrae bones with EGFR mutation: a case report

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    Qu LL


    Full Text Available Li-Li Qu, Hai-Feng Qin, Hong-Jun Gao, Xiao-Qing Liu Department of Lung Cancer, Affiliated Hospital of Academy of Military Medical Science, Beijing, People’s Republic of China Abstract: A 48-year-old Chinese female was referred to us regarding EGFR-mutated advanced non-small cell lung cancer, and metastasis to left scapula and vertebrae bones which caused pathological fracture at T8 and T10 thoracic vertebrae. An aggressive combined therapy with icotinib, vertebrae operation, and radioactive particle implantation and immunotherapy was proposed to prevent paraplegia, relieve pain, and control the overall and local tumor lesions. No postoperative symptoms were seen after surgery, and the pain was significantly relieved. Icotinib merited a 31-month partial response with grade 1 diarrhea as its drug-related adverse event. High dose of icotinib was administered after pelvis lesion progression for 3 months with good tolerance. Combination therapy of icotinib, surgery, and internal radiation for metastases of the vertebrae bones from non-small cell lung cancer seems to be a very promising technique both for sufficient pain relief and for local control of the tumor, vertebrae operation can be an encouraging option for patients with EFGR positive mutation and good prognosis indicator. Keywords: lung cancer, spinal metastasis, pathological fracture, spinal canal stenosis, icotinib

  3. Electrochemical properties of Super P carbon black as an anode active material for lithium-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gnanamuthu, RM.; Lee, Chang Woo


    Highlights: → A novel attempt of Super P carbon black as an anode active material for lithium-ion batteries. → The first discharge capacity was approximately 1256 mAh g -1 and at the end of 20th cycling the capacity was 610 mAh g -1 at 0.1 C rate. → Coulombic efficiency of Super P carbon black electrode was maintained about 84% at the end of cycling. - Abstract: A new approach to investigate upon the electrochemical properties of Super P carbon black anode material is attempted and compared with conventional mesophase pitch-based carbon fibers (MPCFs) anode material for lithium-ion batteries. The prepared Super P carbon black electrodes are characterized using transmission electron microscope (TEM). The assembled 2032-type coin cells are electrochemically characterized by ac impedance spectroscopic and cyclic voltammetric methods. The electrochemical performance of charge and discharge was analyzed using a battery cycler at 0.1 C rate and cut-off potentials of 1.20 and 0.01 V vs. Li/Li + . The electrochemical test illustrates that the discharge capacity corresponding to Li intercalation into the Super P carbon black electrode is higher and coulombic efficiency is maintained approximately 84% at the end of the 20th cycling at room temperature.

  4. Porous Co3O4 nanofibers surface-modified by reduced graphene oxide as a durable, high-rate anode for lithium ion battery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu, Renzong; Zhang, Houpo; Bu, Yunfei; Zhang, Hanyin; Zhao, Bote; Yang, Chenghao


    Here we report our findings in synthesis and characterization of porous Co 3 O 4 nanofibers coated with a surface-modification layer, reduced graphene oxide. The unique porous Co 3 O 4 @rGO architecture enables efficient stress relaxation and fast Li + ions and electron transport during discharge/charge cycling. When tested in a half cell, the Co 3 O 4 @rGO electrodes display high Coulombic efficiency, enhanced cyclic stability, and high rate capability (∼900 mAh/g at 1A/g, and ∼600 mAh/g at 5 A/g). The high capacity is contributed by a stable capacity yielded from reversible conversion reactions above 0.8 V vs. Li/Li + , and a increasing capacity induced by the electrolyte decomposition and interfacial storage between 0.8 0.01 V during discahrge. A full cell constructed from a Co 3 O 4 @rGO anode and a LiMn 2 O 4 cathode delivers good capacity retention with operation voltage of ∼2.0 V. These performances are better than those of other full cells using alloy or metal oxide anodes. Our work is a preliminary attempt for practicality of high capacity metal oxide anodes in Li-ion batteries used for the electronic devices.

  5. The characterization of radiocaesium transport and retention in Nordic lakes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bjoernstad, H.E.; Brittain, J.E.; Saxen, R.; Sundblad, B.


    Fractionation studies of radiocaesium have been carried out in three Nordic lakes, Oevre Heimdalsvatn in Norway, Hillesjoen in Sweden and Saarisjaervi in Finland. These lakes differ markedly in several aspects and provide insight into the factors determining radionuclide transport in a range of lake ecosystems. Transport of 137 Cs in plant material (Coarse Particulate Organic Matter, CPOM) was about 17 times greater to Oevre Heimdalsvatn than Saarisjaervi, although over 99% of the inflow CPOM was retained in both lakes. Inflows to Hillesjoen were an order of magnitude lower than to Saarisjaervi and the net retention was only 71%, on account of the outflow of autochthonous production, largely water lily fragments. With regard to the water phase, the lakes differed in the activity of 137 Cs in the various molecular weight fractions. This was a function of catchment processes, resuspension and biological activity in the lakes. In Oevre Heimdalsvatn and Saarisjaervi 45% of the 137 Cs in the water phase was retained in the lake, while in Hillesjoen ten times more 137 Cs in the water phase was retained in the lake, while in Hillesjoen ten times more 137 Cs flowed out than flowed in, due to resuspension of 137 Cs-rich sediments. (orig.)

  6. Seeing things by Anna Margolin

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    Francuz Aleksandra


    Full Text Available If we recall the most important words for the poetry, we should begin the story with the stones, lily, hands and blood, which, if you look at them with the philological accuracy, are interrelated: situate themselves clearly on opposite banks of the creative process. They talk about the construction of the building consisting of perceptions about their own strength and weakness, ecstasy and congealing in what for centuries the classics poets have tried to fathom: the harmony and clarity, driven by the hope that in life they should above all stick to be beauty. And in addition, they ought to go further than discipline, practice eye and expand the field of view, should not shun from the gusts of the heart, because the heart grows more powerful due to great ideas, passions. Spacious becomes the vision of writing, it is the weave of contradictions - this is how one of the most important twentieth-century poets, who wrote in Yiddish, Anna Margolin sees it. Margolin’s poetry is a clear return towards neoclassicism, building up topics, theses, allusions, ideas taken from ideologically close to her artists of great individuality, Anna Akhmatova (from whom she took her name, Osip Mandelstam, Rainer Maria Rilke, Ezra Pound.

  7. Prussian Blue Mg-Li Hybrid Batteries. (United States)

    Sun, Xiaoqi; Duffort, Victor; Nazar, Linda F


    The major advantage of Mg batteries relies on their promise of employing an Mg metal negative electrode, which offers much higher energy density compared to graphitic carbon. However, the strong coulombic interaction of Mg 2+ ions with anions leads to their sluggish diffusion in the solid state, which along with a high desolvation energy, hinders the development of positive electrode materials. To circumvent this limitation, Mg metal negative electrodes can be used in hybrid systems by coupling an Li + insertion cathode through a dual salt electrolyte. Two "high voltage" Prussian blue analogues (average 2.3 V vs Mg/Mg 2+ ; 3.0 V vs Li/Li + ) are investigated as cathode materials and the influence of structural water is shown. Their electrochemical profiles, presenting two voltage plateaus, are explained based on the two unique Fe bonding environments. Structural water has a beneficial impact on the cell voltage. Capacities of 125 mAh g -1 are obtained at a current density of 10 mA g -1 (≈C/10), while stable performance up to 300 cycles is demonstrated at 200 mA g -1 (≈2C). The hybrid cell design is a step toward building a safe and high density energy storage system.

  8. Kinetics Tuning the Electrochemistry of Lithium Dendrites Formation in Lithium Batteries through Electrolytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tao, Ran; Bi, Xuanxuan; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Li, Shu; Yao, Ying


    Lithium batteries are one of the most advance energy storage devices in the world and have attracted extensive research interests. However, lithium dendrite growth was a safety issue which handicapped the application of pure lithium metal in the negative electrode. In this paper, two solvents, propylene carbonate (PC) and 2-methyl-tetrahydrofuran (2MeTHF), and four Li"+ salts, LiPF_6, LiAsF_6, LiBF_4 and LiClO_4 were investigated in terms of their effects on the kinetics of lithium dendrite formation in eight electrolyte solutions. The kinetic parameters of charge transfer step (exchange current density, j_0, transfer coefficient, α) of Li"+/Li redox system, the mass transfer parameters of Li"+ (transfer number of Li"+, t_L_i_+, diffusion coefficient of Li"+, D_L_i_+), and the conductivity (κ) of each electrolyte were studied separately. The results demonstrate that the solvents play a critical role in the measured j_0, t_L_i_+, D_L_i_+, and κ of the electrolyte, while the choice of Li"+ salts only slightly affect the measured parameters. Finally, the understanding of the kinetics will gain insight into the mechanism of lithium dendrite formation and provide guidelines to the future application of lithium metal.

  9. Conformal spinel/layered heterostructures of Co3O4 shells grown on single-crystal Li-rich nanoplates for high-performance lithium-ion batteries (United States)

    Xin, Yue; Lan, Xiwei; Chang, Peng; Huang, Yaqun; Wang, Libin; Hu, Xianluo


    Lithium-rich layered materials have received much attention because of their high specific capacity and high energy density. Unfortunately, they suffer from irreversible capacity loss, low initial Coulombic efficiency and poor cyclability. Here we report a facile co-precipitation method to synthesize uniform single-crystal Li-rich Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13]O2 nanoplates without using any template. Subsequently, a Co3O4 shell is in situ grown on the Li-rich nanoplates through a hydrothermal method, leading to spinel/layered heterostructures. The electrode made of conformal heterostructured Li-rich/Co3O4 nanoplates delivers a high discharge capacity of 296 mA h g-1 at 0.1 C with an initial Coulombic efficiency of 84%. The capacity retention reaches 83.2% with a discharge capacity of 223 mA h g-1 after 160 cycles at 0.2 C during the potential window ranging from 2.0 to 4.8 V. The enhanced electrochemical performance of the resulting Li-rich/Co3O4 nanoplates benefits from the unique conformal heterostructure as well as the electrochemically active LixCoOy generated between the reaction of Co3O4 shells and the extracted Li2O during charging/discharging processes.

  10. Electrochemically fabricated polypyrrole-cobalt-oxygen coordination complex as high-performance lithium-storage materials. (United States)

    Guo, Bingkun; Kong, Qingyu; Zhu, Ying; Mao, Ya; Wang, Zhaoxiang; Wan, Meixiang; Chen, Liquan


    Current lithium-ion battery (LIB) technologies are all based on inorganic electrode materials, though organic materials have been used as electrodes for years. Disadvantages such as limited thermal stability and low specific capacity hinder their applications. On the other hand, the transition metal oxides that provide high lithium-storage capacity by way of electrochemical conversion reaction suffer from poor cycling stability. Here we report a novel high-performance, organic, lithium-storage material, a polypyrrole-cobalt-oxygen (PPy-Co-O) coordination complex, with high lithium-storage capacity and excellent cycling stability. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure and Raman spectroscopy and other physical and electrochemical characterizations demonstrate that this coordination complex can be electrochemically fabricated by cycling PPy-coated Co(3)O(4) between 0.0 V and 3.0 V versus Li(+)/Li. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations indicate that each cobalt atom coordinates with two nitrogen atoms within the PPy-Co coordination layer and the layers are connected with oxygen atoms between them. Coordination weakens the C-H bonds on PPy and makes the complex a novel lithium-storage material with high capacity and high cycling stability. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. [Differential gene expression in incompatible interaction between Lilium regale Wilson and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lilii revealed by combined SSH and microarray analysis]. (United States)

    Rao, J; Liu, D; Zhang, N; He, H; Ge, F; Chen, C


    Fusarium wilt, caused by a soilborne pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lilii, is the major disease of lily (Lilium L.). In order to isolate the genes differentially expressed in a resistant reaction to F. oxysporum in L. regale Wilson, a cDNA library was constructed with L. regale root during F. oxysporum infection using the suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH), and a total of 585 unique expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were obtained. Furthermore, the gene expression profiles in the incompatible interaction between L. regale and F. oxysporum were revealed by oligonucleotide microarray analysis of 585 unique ESTs comparison to the compatible interaction between a susceptible Lilium Oriental Hybrid 'Siberia' and F. oxysporum. The result of expression profile analysis indicated that the genes encoding pathogenesis-related proteins (PRs), antioxidative stress enzymes, secondary metabolism enzymes, transcription factors, signal transduction proteins as well as a large number of unknown genes were involved in early defense response of L. regale to F. oxysporum infection. Moreover, the following quantitative reverse transcription PCR (QRT-PCR) analysis confirmed reliability of the oligonucleotide microarray data. In the present study, isolation of differentially expressed genes in L. regale during response to F. oxysporum helped to uncover the molecular mechanism associated with the resistance of L. regale against F. oxysporum.

  12. Identifying compatibility of lithium salts with LiFePO4 cathode using a symmetric cell (United States)

    Tong, Bo; Wang, Jiawei; Liu, Zhenjie; Ma, Lipo; Zhou, Zhibin; Peng, Zhangquan


    The electrochemical performance of lithium-ion batteries is dominated by the interphase electrochemistry between the electrolyte and electrode materials. A multitude of efforts have been dedicated to the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) formed on the anode. However, the interphase on the cathode, namely the cathode electrolyte interphase (CEI), is left aside, partially due to the fact that it is hard to single out the CEI considering the complicated anode-cathode inter-talk. Herein, a partially delithiated lithium iron phosphate (Li0.25FePO4) electrode is used as the anode. Owing to a high voltage plateau (≈3.45 V vs. Li/Li+), negligible reduction reactions of electrolyte occur on the L0.25FePO4 anode. Therefore, the CEI can be investigated exclusively. Using a LiFePO4|Li0.25FePO4 symmetric cell configuration, we scrutinize the compatibility of the electrolytes containing a wide spectrum of lithium salts, Li[(FSO2)(Cm F2m+1SO2)N] (m = 0, 1, 2, 4), with the LiFePO4, in both cycling and calendar tests. It is found that the Li[(FSO2)(n-C4F9SO2)N] (LiFNFSI)-based electrolyte exhibits the highest compatibility with LiFePO4.

  13. Flower garden trees' ability to absorb solar radiation heat for local heat reduction (United States)

    Maulana, Muhammad Ilham; Syuhada, Ahmad; Hamdani


    Banda Aceh as an urban area tends to have a high air temperature than its rural surroundings. A simple way to cool Banda Aceh city is by planting urban vegetation such as home gardens or parks. In addition to aesthetics, urban vegetation plays an important role as a reducer of air pollution, oxygen producer, and reducer of the heat of the environment. To create an ideal combination of plants, knowledge about the ability of plants to absorb solar radiation heat is necessary. In this study, some types of flowers commonly grown by communities around the house, such as Michelia Champaka, Saraca Asoka, Oliander, Adenium, Codiaeum Variegatum, Jas Minum Sambac, Pisonia Alba, Variegata, Apium Graveolens, Elephantopus Scaber, Randia, Cordylin.Sp, Hibiscus Rosasinensis, Agave, Lili, Amarilis, and Sesamum Indicum, were examined. The expected benefit of this research is to provide information for people, especially in Banda Aceh, on the ability of each plant relationship in absorbing heat for thermal comfort in residential environments. The flower plant which absorbs most of the sun's heat energy is Hibiscus Rosasinensis (kembang sepatu) 6.2 Joule, Elephantopus Scaber.L (tapak leman) 4.l Joule. On the other hand, the lowest heat absorption is Oliander (sakura) 0.9 Joule.

  14. Peculiar Li-storage mechanism at graphene edges in turbostratic carbon black and their application in high energy Li-ion capacitor (United States)

    Anothumakkool, Bihag; Dupré, Nicolas; Moreau, Philippe; Guyomard, Dominique; Brousse, Thierry; Gaubicher, Joel


    We report experimental evidence for the specific Li-storage at turbostratic graphene edges of a well-known and cheap Super P® carbon black (Csp) material, which is usually used as a conductive additive in composite electrodes. Indeed, operando XRD and HR-TEM consistently demonstrate Li insertion occurs with zero expansion of graphene layer up to a composition of Li0.4C6 (150 mA h/g) that is reached at 0.01 V vs. Li+/Li. 7Li NMR substantiates these results and suggests that the weak electronic transfer from the carbon host to the intercalant could help local reorganization of the layer order as suggested by the unexpected reversible changes of the (002) Bragg peak intensity during the charge-discharge process. Our observations also indicate this insertion mechanism is kinetically favored resulting in remarkable cycling stability over 1000 cycles and power capability allowing to sustain 110 mA h/g at 8 A/g (21 C) in half cell. The capability of Csp as an efficient anode is ultimately demonstrated in a lithium hybrid capacitor against a positive electrode of activated carbon. The full cell delivers a maximum energy of 120 Wh/kg (4.3-2 V) and remarkable capacity retention over 1800 cycles.

  15. Synthesis and Characterization of Network Single Ion Conductors(NSIC) Based On Comb-Branched Polyepoxide Ethers and Lithium Bis(allylmalonato)borate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Xiao-Guang; Kerr, John B.


    Network single ion conductors (NSICs) based on comb-branch polyepoxide ethers and lithium bis(allylmalonato) borate have been synthesized and thoroughly characterized by means of ionic conductivity measurements, electrochemical impedance and by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). The materials have been tested as battery electrolytes by cycling in symmetrical Li/Li half cells and in Li/V 6 O 13 full cells in which the NSIC was used as both binder and electrolyte in the cathode electrode and as the electrolyte separator membrane,. The substitution of the trimethylene oxide (TMO) unit into the side chains in place of ethylene oxide (EO) units increased the polymerion mobility (lower glass transition temperature). However, the ionic conductivity was nearly one and half orders of magnitude lower than the corresponding pure EO based single ion conductor at the same salt concentration. This effect may be ascribed to the lower dielectric constant of the TMO side chains that result in a lower concentration of free conducting lithium cations. For a highly cross-linked system (EO/Li=20), only 47 wt% plasticizing solvent (ethylene carbonate (EC)/ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC), 1/1 by wt) could be taken up and the ionic conductivity was only increased by one order of magnitude over the dry polyelectrolyte while for a less densely crosslinked system (EO/Li=80), up to 75 wt% plasticizer could be taken up and the ionic conductivity was increased by nearly two orders of magnitude. A Li/Li symmetric cell that was cycled at 85 C at a current density of 25(micro)Acm -2 showed no concentration polarization or diffusional relaxation, consistent with a lithium ion transference number of one. However, both the bulk and interfacial impedances increased after 20 cycles, apparently due to continued cross-linking reactions within the membrane and on the surface of the lithium electrodes. A Li/V 6 O 13 full cell constructed using a single ion conductor gel (propylene carbonate (PC)/EMC, 1/1 in

  16. Plant invasion: Another threat to the São Paulo Marsh Antwren (Formicivora paludicola, a species on the verge of extinction.

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    Glaucia Del-Rio

    Full Text Available During the past 100 years in densely populated south-eastern Brazil, wetlands have been severely transformed due to urbanization, agriculture and mining. The recently discovered São Paulo Marsh Antwren (Formicivora paludicola is endemic to these wetlands, and is listed as "Critically Endangered" by the IUCN. The species is only found in an area of 1.42 km2, it has a sparse and fragmented distribution, low dispersal capacity, and has probably lost around 300 km2 of habitat in the past 100 years. Furthermore, very little is known about F. paludicola natural history, and so it is difficult to construct a robust conservation plan. Using Kernel home range estimations and the Adjusted-SD/Torus Shift test (a novel tool for animal-habitat association studies, we showed that the species avoids patches of the alien invasive ginger lily (Hedychium coronarium. Given the high density of their population (3.6 mature individuals/ha, F. paludicola could thrive in relatively small areas of suitable wetlands protected from human occupation and water contamination, however special attention should be paid to biological invasions, which may represent a serious threat to the remaining populations. Protecting a few small wetlands used by F. paludicola would be an important step towards general conservation and restoration of Atlantic Forest wetlands and its endemic endangered species.

  17. Investigation of the Reversible Lithiation of an Oxide Free Aluminum Anode by a LiBH4 Solid State Electrolyte

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    Jason A. Weeks


    Full Text Available In this study, we analyze and compare the physical and electrochemical properties of an all solid-state cell utilizing LiBH4 as the electrolyte and aluminum as the active anode material. The system was characterized by galvanostatic lithiation/delithiation, cyclic voltammetry (CV, X-ray diffraction (XRD, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS, Raman spectroscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM. Constant current cycling demonstrated that the aluminum anode can be reversibly lithiated over multiple cycles utilizing a solid-state electrolyte. An initial capacity of 895 mAh/g was observed and is close to the theoretical capacity of aluminum. Cyclic voltammetry of the cell was consistent with the constant current cycling data and showed that the reversible lithiation/delithiation of aluminum occurs at 0.32 V and 0.38 V (vs. Li+/Li respectively. XRD of the aluminum anode in the initial and lithiated state clearly showed the formation of a LiAl (1:1 alloy. SEM-EDS was utilized to examine the morphological changes that occur within the electrode during cycling. This work is the first example of reversible lithiation of aluminum in a solid-state cell and further emphasizes the robust nature of the LiBH4 electrolyte. This demonstrates the possibility of utilizing other high capacity anode materials with a LiBH4 based solid electrolyte in all-solid-state batteries.

  18. Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Nanoporous Li-Rich Layered Cathode Oxides for High Volumetric and Power Energy Density Lithium-Ion Batteries. (United States)

    Qiu, Bao; Yin, Chong; Xia, Yonggao; Liu, Zhaoping


    As rechargeable Li-ion batteries have expanded their applications into on-board energy storage for electric vehicles, the energy and power must be increased to meet the new demands. Li-rich layered oxides are one of the most promising candidate materials; however, it is very difficult to make them compatible with high volumetric energy density and power density. Here, we develop an innovative approach to synthesize three-dimensional (3D) nanoporous Li-rich layered oxides Li[Li 0.144 Ni 0.136 Co 0.136 Mn 0.544 ]O 2 , directly occurring at deep chemical delithiation with carbon dioxide. It is found that the as-prepared material presents a micrometer-sized spherical structure that is typically composed of interconnected nanosized subunits with narrow distributed pores at 3.6 nm. As a result, this unique 3D micro-/nanostructure not only has a high tap density over 2.20 g cm -3 but also exhibits excellent rate capability (197.6 mA h g -1 at 1250 mA g -1 ) as an electrode. The excellent electrochemical performance is ascribed to the unique nanoporous micro-nanostructures, which facilitates the Li + diffusion and enhances the structural stability of the Li-rich layered cathode materials. Our work offers a comprehensive designing strategy to construct 3D nanoporous Li-rich layered oxides for both high volumetric energy density and power density in Li-ion batteries.

  19. Food for Thought: Of Tables, Art and Women in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse

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    Ciobanu Estella Antoaneta


    Full Text Available This article examines art as it is depicted ekphrastically or merely suggested in two scenes from Virginia Woolf’s novel To the Lighthouse, to critique its androcentric assumptions by appeal to art criticism, feminist theories of the gaze, and critique of the en-gendering of discursive practices in the West. The first scene concerns Mrs Ramsay’s artinformed appreciation of her daughter’s dish of fruit for the dinner party. I interpret the fruit composition as akin to Dutch still life paintings; nevertheless, the scene’s aestheticisation of everyday life also betrays visual affinities with the female nude genre. Mrs Ramsay’s critical appraisal of ways of looking at the fruit - her own as an art connoisseur’s, and Augustus Carmichael’s as a voracious plunderer’s - receives a philosophical slant in the other scene I examine, Lily Briscoe’s nonfigurative painting of Mrs Ramsay. The portrait remediates artistically the reductive thrust of traditional philosophy as espoused by Mr Ramsay and, like the nature of reality in philosophical discourse, yields to a “scientific” explication to the uninformed viewer. Notwithstanding its feminist reversal of philosophy’s classic hierarchy (male knower over against female object, coterminous with Lily’s early playful grip on philosophy, the scene ultimately fails to offer a viable non-androcentric outlook on life.

  20. Fundamental aspects of the structural and electrolyte properties of Li2OHCl from simulations and experiment (United States)

    Howard, Jason; Hood, Zachary D.; Holzwarth, N. A. W.


    Solid-state electrolytes that are compatible with high-capacity electrodes are expected to enable the next generation of batteries. As a promising example, Li2OHCl was reported to have good ionic conductivity and to be compatible with a lithium metal anode even at temperatures above 100 ∘C . In this work, we explore the fundamental properties of Li2OHCl by comparing simulations and experiments. Using calculations based on density functional theory, including both static and dynamic contributions through the quasiharmonic approximation, we model a tetragonal ground state, which is not observed experimentally. An ordered orthorhombic low-temperature phase was also simulated, agreeing with experimental structural analysis of the pristine electrolyte at room temperature. In addition, comparison of the ordered structures with simulations of the disordered cubic phase provide insight into the mechanisms associated with the experimentally observed abrupt increase in ionic conductivity as the system changes from its ordered orthorhombic to its disordered cubic phase. A large Haven ratio for the disordered cubic phase is inferred from the computed tracer diffusion coefficient and measured ionic conductivity, suggesting highly correlated motions of the mobile Li ions in the cubic phase of Li2OHCl . We find that the OH bond orientations participate in gating the Li ion motions which might partially explain the predicted Li-Li correlations.

  1. A novel Botrytis species is associated with a newly emergent foliar disease in cultivated Hemerocallis.

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    Robert T Grant-Downton

    Full Text Available Foliar tissue samples of cultivated daylilies (Hemerocallis hybrids showing the symptoms of a newly emergent foliar disease known as 'spring sickness' were investigated for associated fungi. The cause(s of this disease remain obscure. We isolated repeatedly a fungal species which proved to be member of the genus Botrytis, based on immunological tests. DNA sequence analysis of these isolates, using several different phyogenetically informative genes, indicated that they represent a new Botrytis species, most closely related to B. elliptica (lily blight, fire blight which is a major pathogen of cultivated Lilium. The distinction of the isolates was confirmed by morphological analysis of asexual sporulating cultures. Pathogenicity tests on Hemerocallis tissues in vitro demonstrated that this new species was able to induce lesions and rapid tissue necrosis. Based on this data, we infer that this new species, described here as B. deweyae, is likely to be an important contributor to the development of 'spring sickness' symptoms. Pathogenesis may be promoted by developmental and environmental factors that favour assault by this necrotrophic pathogen. The emergence of this disease is suggested to have been triggered by breeding-related changes in cultivated hybrids, particularly the erosion of genetic diversity. Our investigation confirms that emergent plant diseases are important and deserve close monitoring, especially in intensively in-bred plants.

  2. Transcriptome-derived evidence supports recent polyploidization and a major phylogeographic division in Trithuria submersa (Hydatellaceae, Nymphaeales). (United States)

    Marques, Isabel; Montgomery, Sean A; Barker, Michael S; Macfarlane, Terry D; Conran, John G; Catalán, Pilar; Rieseberg, Loren H; Rudall, Paula J; Graham, Sean W


    Relatively little is known about species-level genetic diversity in flowering plants outside the eudicots and monocots, and it is often unclear how to interpret genetic patterns in lineages with whole-genome duplications. We addressed these issues in a polyploid representative of Hydatellaceae, part of the water-lily order Nymphaeales. We examined a transcriptome of Trithuria submersa for evidence of recent whole-genome duplication, and applied transcriptome-derived microsatellite (expressed-sequence tag simple-sequence repeat (EST-SSR)) primers to survey genetic variation in populations across its range in mainland Australia. A transcriptome-based Ks plot revealed at least one recent polyploidization event, consistent with fixed heterozygous genotypes representing underlying sets of homeologous loci. A strong genetic division coincides with a trans-Nullarbor biogeographic boundary. Patterns of 'allelic' variation (no more than two variants per EST-SSR genotype) and recently published chromosomal evidence are consistent with the predicted polyploidization event and substantial homozygosity underlying fixed heterozygote SSR genotypes, which in turn reflect a selfing mating system. The Nullarbor Plain is a barrier to gene flow between two deep lineages of T. submersa that may represent cryptic species. The markers developed here should also be useful for further disentangling species relationships, and provide a first step towards future genomic studies in Trithuria. © 2015 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2015 New Phytologist Trust.

  3. Graphite|LiFePO4 lithium-ion battery working at the heat engine coolant temperature (United States)

    Lewandowski, Andrzej; Kurc, Beata; Swiderska-Mocek, Agnieszka; Kusa, Natalia


    Electrochemical properties of the graphite anode and the LiFePO4 cathode, working together with the 1 M LiPF6 in TMS (sulpholane) at 90 °C have been studied. The general aim of the investigation was to demonstrate a potential application for a Li-ion cell working in the cooling system of a car heat engine (90 °C). Electrodes were characterized with the use of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as well as galvanostatic charging/discharging tests. SEM images of both electrodes after charging/discharging processes were covered with a film (electrochemical SEI formation). The charge transfer resistance at 90 °C, Rct, of the C6Li|Li+ anode and the LiFePO4 cathode was 24 Ω and 110 Ω, respectively. Reversible capacity of the LiC6 anode after 10-20 cycles, at a low current rate was close to the theoretical value of 370 mAh g-1 however an increasing current rate decreased to ca. 200 mAh g-1 (for 1C). The reversibility of the process was close to 95%. The capacity of the LiFePO4 cathode was ca. 150 mAh g-1, almost independent of the current rate and close to the theoretical value of 170 mAh g-1.

  4. Natural infection of trematodes in Lymnaea (Radix) auricularia rubiginosa in water reservoirs in Amphoe Muang, Khon Kaen Province. (United States)

    Charoenchai, A; Tesana, S; Pholpark, M


    Lymnaea (Radix) auricularia rubiginosa (Michelin, 1831) was surveyed in 54 reservoirs of 18 districts in Amphoe Muang, Khon Kaen Province during February to May 1994. Lymnaeid snails were found in the water of 20 reservoirs, of which 16 reservoirs contained clear water and 4 turbid water. Two of the four turbid water reservoirs received drainage water from Khon Kaen Town. Two thousand four hundred and eight L. auricularia rubiginosa were collected and examined by shedding and crushing. Trematode infection occurred in 163 (6.77%) of 2,408 L. auricularia rubiginosa and some snails were infected with more than one cercarial species. Ninety-nine snails (4.11%) were infected with echinostomes, while mixed infection of echinostomes with Fasciola gigantica and with schistosomes was found in 5 snails (0.21%) and 2 snails (0.08%), respectively. Only 1 snail (0.04%), 19 snails (0.79%) and 37 snails (1.54%) were infected with F. gigantica, schistosomes and unidentified species, respectively. The mean size of infected snails was 6.89 +/- 2.02 mm (6.20-22.36) while the mean of sampled snails was 13.46 +/- 3.64 mm (4.00-26.55). The water plants which were found in reservoirs and presented with snails, were creeping water primose (Jusstaea repens), water lily (Nymphaea sp), water hyacinths (Eichornia crassipes) and grass.

  5. “The city of Hepar”: Rituals, gastronomy, and politics at the origins of the modern names for the liver (United States)

    Riva, Michele Augusto; Riva, Enrica; Spicci, Mauro; Strazzabosco, Mario; Giovannini, Marcello; Cesana, Giancarlo


    Summary Medical etymology sometimes provides unexpected information about health concepts and medical practice in different times and cultures. We conducted an etymological analysis of the terms used to indicate “liver” in Germanic and Romance languages. The Greek word “hèpar” was originally connected to the concept of “pleasure”, showing that in antiquity the liver was considered to be the seat of soul and human feelings. In Romance languages, the Latin term “ficatum” was linked to the ancient practice of fattening geese with figs (ficus in Latin) to make their livers more delicious. This relationship between the liver, fat, and carbohydrates seems to indicate that ancient gourmets had clear knowledge of the nutritional mechanisms underlying “fatty liver” in animals. On the other hand, the Germanic term “lifere” was initially connected to “life”, underscoring the relation of the liver to health and existence. In the Early Modern Age, the liver became a recurring image in political reflection, especially within the Elizabethan tradition of the body politic, where the king was frequently described as the “liver” of his country. Finally, the liver was used to indicate courage, or the lack of it: some modern French and English idiomatic expressions derive from the ancient belief that people who had no blood in their liver (“lily-livered”) would thus be cowards or betrayers. PMID:21718666

  6. Opfer des NS-Bücherraubes – 10 Fälle aus medizinischen Bibliotheken in Wien: Provenienzforschungsprojekt an der Universitätsbibliothek der Medizinischen Universität Wien / Victims of book expropriation during nazi regime – 10 examples from medical libraries in Vienna: provenance research project at the university library at the Medical University Vienna

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    Bauer, Bruno


    Full Text Available Since 2007 the university library at the Medical University Vienna runs a provenance research project. Books, stolen between 1938 and 1945, were acquired by at that time discrete libraries at institutions and clinics of the former medical faculty at Vienna University. A systematic survey of the now centralised book collection should bring to light these misgotten book acquisitions. Aim of the project is to document such cases and to restitute books to their lawful owners or their legal successors. Until Novemver 2008 about 80,000 volumes were scrutinised directly at the shelves by so-called autopsy. So far about 200 definitely stolen books and approximately 1800 suspicious books were dedected. This paper describes the initial position, method and hitherto existing results of the provenance research project. Ten cases of such book theft, recorded in the now centralised collection of the university library of the Medical University Vienna (former medical faculty, should depict victims of book expropiation during nazi regime. These cases include second-hand bookshops (Alois Fantl, Hans Peter Kraus, an university professor from the former medical faculty at Vienna University (Markus Hajek, general practitioners not associated with the former medical faculty (Adolf Kronfeld, Richard Löwi, private persons (Lily Fuchs, Raoul Fernand Jellinek-Mercedes and books from public and private libraries (Akademischer Verein jüdischer Mediziner, Bibliothek Sassenbach, Ortskrankenkasse Dresden.

  7. Electrospun polyimide-based fiber membranes as polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Qiujun; Song, Wei-Li; Wang, Luning; Song, Yu; Shi, Qiao; Fan, Li-Zhen


    Polymer electrolytes based on electrospun polyimide (PI) membranes are incorporated with electrolyte solution containing 1 mol L −1 LiPF 6 /ethylene carbonate/ethylmethyl carbonate/dimethyl carbonate to examine their potential application for lithium ion batteries. The as-electrospun non-woven membranes demonstrate a uniformly interconnected structure with an average fiber diameter of 800 nm. The membranes, showing superior thermal stability and flame retardant property compared to the commercial Celgard® membranes, exhibit high porosity and high uptake when activated with the liquid electrolyte. The resulting PI electrolytes (PIs) have a high ionic conductivity up to 2.0 × 10 −3 S cm −1 at 25 °C, and exhibit a high electrochemical stability potential more than 5.0 V (vs. Li/Li + ). They also possess excellent charge/discharge performance and capacity retention. The initial discharge capacities of the Li/PIs/Li 4 Ti 5 O 12 cells are 178.4, 167.4, 160.3, 148.3 and 135.9 mAh g −1 at the charge/discharge rates of 0.2 C, 1 C, 2 C, 5 C and 10 C, respectively. After 200 cycles at 5 C, a capacity around ∼146.8 mAh g −1 can be still achieved. The PI-based polymer electrolytes with strong mechanical properties and good electrochemical performance are proved to be promising electrolytes for lithium ion batteries

  8. On anodic stability and decomposition mechanism of sulfolane in high-voltage lithium ion battery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xing, Lidan; Tu, Wenqiang; Vatamanu, Jenel; Liu, Qifeng; Huang, Wenna; Wang, Yating; Zhou, Hebing; Zeng, Ronghua; Li, Weishan


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Influence of lithium salts on the anodic stability of sulfolane has been investigated. • Oxidation decomposition mechanisms of LiPF 6 /Sulfolane electrolyte have been well understood by theoretical and experimental methods. • Decomposition products of the electrolyte can be found on the electrode surface and in the interfacial electrolyte. - Abstract: In this work, we investigated the anodic stability and decomposition mechanism of sulfolane (SL). The anodic stability of SL-based electrolyte with different lithium salts on Pt and LiNi 0.5 Mn 1.5 O 4 electrodes was found to decrease as follows: LiPF 6 /SL > LiBF 4 /SL > LiClO 4 /SL. The oxidation potential of 1M LiPF 6 /SL electrolyte on both Pt and electrodes is about 5.0V vs Li/Li + . The presence of PF 6 - and another SL solvent dramatically alters the decomposition mechanism of SL. Oxidation decomposition of SL-SL cluster is the most favorable reaction in LiPF 6 /SL electrolyte. The dimer products with S-O-R group were detected by IR spectra on the charged LiNi 0.5 Mn 1.5 O 4 electrode surface and in the electrolyte near the electrode surface, and were found to increase the interfacial reaction resistance of the LiNi 0.5 Mn 1.5 O 4 electrode

  9. Protective effects of Astragalus-Lilygranules on intestinal mucosal barrier of mice in high altitude hypoxia

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    Ling LI


    Full Text Available Objective  To investigate the protective effect of Astragalus-Lily Granules on intestinal mucosa and intestinal flora homeostasis in mice under high altitude hypoxia condition. Methods  We put mice into high altitude hypoxia cabin to establish high altitude hypoxia model mice. Sixty Kunming mice were randomly divided into control group, model group, Astragalus-Lily particles (ALP low, medium and high dose groups [1.75, 3.5, 7g/(kg•d] respectively. After three days of routine feeding, the ALP mice received drug by intragastric administration, once a day for continuous 17 days,control group and model group were given double distilled water in same volume. From the 15th day, all the mice but control group were exposed to simulated high altitude hypoxia condition for 3 days in a high altitude hypoxia cabin after they were gavaged for half an hour daily. By the 18th day, the fresh mouse feces were collected and smeared to observe the changes of microflora. The pathological changes of intestinal tissues were observed by HE staining and the expression of HIF-1αprotein in intestines was detected by immunohistochemistry. Results  The enterococci and gram negative bacteria showed a higher proportion (65.2%±2.4% and 56.7%±3.3%, respectively in the model group compared with the control group (24.7%±1.2%, 23.2%±1.5%, respectively, P<0.05. The pathological score of intestinal mucosal necrosis and edema (3.10±0.99, 3.30±0.67 respectively and inflammatory cell count (15.93±3.30, 16.40±3.97/ HP respectively was higher compared with the model group (0.70±0.67, 0.80±0.78; 4.07±2.12, 4.28±2.16/HP respectively; P<0.05. HIF-1αexpression increased significantly compared with the model group (P<0.05. The enterococci (46.7%±2.0%, 32.0%±2.6% respectively and gram negative bacteria rate (34.2%±1.6%, 38.0%±2.8% respectively in the ALP medium and high dose groups were lower compared with the model group (24.7%±1.2%, 23.2%±1.5% respectively, P<0

  10. Hallucinogenic drugs in pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures. (United States)

    Carod-Artal, F J


    The American continent is very rich in psychoactive plants and fungi, and many pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures used them for magical, therapeutic and religious purposes. The archaeological, ethno-historical and ethnographic evidence of the use of hallucinogenic substances in Mesoamerica is reviewed. Hallucinogenic cactus, plants and mushrooms were used to induce altered states of consciousness in healing rituals and religious ceremonies. The Maya drank balché (a mixture of honey and extracts of Lonchocarpus) in group ceremonies to achieve intoxication. Ritual enemas and other psychoactive substances were also used to induce states of trance. Olmec, Zapotec, Maya and Aztec used peyote, hallucinogenic mushrooms (teonanacatl: Psilocybe spp) and the seeds of ololiuhqui (Turbina corymbosa), that contain mescaline, psilocybin and lysergic acid amide, respectively. The skin of the toad Bufo spp contains bufotoxins with hallucinogenic properties, and was used since the Olmec period. Jimson weed (Datura stramonium), wild tobacco (Nicotiana rustica), water lily (Nymphaea ampla) and Salvia divinorum were used for their psychoactive effects. Mushroom stones dating from 3000 BC have been found in ritual contexts in Mesoamerica. Archaeological evidence of peyote use dates back to over 5000 years. Several chroniclers, mainly Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, described their effects in the sixteenth century. The use of psychoactive substances was common in pre-Columbian Mesoamerican societies. Today, local shamans and healers still use them in ritual ceremonies in Mesoamerica. Copyright © 2011 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  11. Microporous gel electrolytes based on amphiphilic poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) for lithium batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Shicheng; Chen Lie; Chen Yiwang; Tong Yongfen


    Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) grafted poly(poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate) (PVDF-HFP-g-PPEGMA) is simply prepared by single-step synthesis directly via atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (PEGMA) from poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) (PVDF-HFP). Thermal, mechanical, swelling and electrochemical properties, as well as microstructures of the prepared polymer electrolytes, are evaluated and the effects of the various contents and average molecular weights of PEGMA on those properties are also been investigated. By phase inversion technique, the copolymer membranes tend to form well-defined microporous morphology with the increase of content and average molecular weight of PEGMA, due to the competition and cooperation between the hydrophilic PEGMA segments and hydrophobic PVDF-HFP. When these membranes are gelled with 1 M LiCF 3 SO 3 in ethylene carbonate (EC)/propylene carbonate (PC) (1:1, v/v), their saturated electrolyte uptakes (up to 323.5%) and ion conductivities (up to 2.01 × 10 -3 S cm -1 ) are dramatically improved with respect to the pristine PVDF-HFP, ascribing to the strong affinity of the hydrophilic PEGMA segments with the electrolytes. All the polymer electrolytes are electrochemically stable up to 4.7 V versus Li/Li + , and show good mechanical properties. Coin cells based on the polymer electrolytes show stable charge-discharge cycles and deliver discharge capacities to LiFePO 4 is up to 156 mAh g -1 .

  12. Salicylic Acid Regulation of Respiration in Higher Plants: Alternative Oxidase Expression. (United States)

    Rhoads, DM; McIntosh, L


    Alternative respiratory pathway capacity increases during the development of the thermogenic appendix of a voodoo lily inflorescence. The levels of the alternative oxidase proteins increased dramatically between D-4 (4 days prior to the day of anthesis) and D-3 and continued to increase until the day of anthesis (D-day). The level of salicylic acid (SA) in the appendix is very low early on D-1, but increases to a high level in the evening of D-1. Thermogenesis occurs after a few hours of light on D-day. Therefore, the initial accumulation of the alternative oxidase proteins precedes the increase in SA by 3 days, indicating that other regulators may be involved. A 1.6-kb transcript encoding the alternative oxidase precursor protein accumulated to a high level in the appendix tissue by D-1. Application of SA to immature appendix tissue caused an increase in alternative pathway capacity and a dramatic accumulation of the alternative oxidase proteins and the 1.6-kb transcript. Time course experiments showed that the increase in capacity, protein levels, and transcript level corresponded precisely. The response to SA was blocked by cycloheximide or actinomycin D, indicating that de novo transcription and translation are required. However, nuclear, in vitro transcription assays indicated that the accumulation of the 1.6-kb transcript did not result from a simple increase in the rate of transcription of aox1. PMID:12297672

  13. Yaşam Bilimleri ve Biyoteknoloji

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    Full Text Available Eskişehir/Türkiye’deki ılıca sularındaki bakteriyel topluluğun ortaya konulması ve incelenmesi için 7 ılıca su örneği 7 farklı ılıcadan toplanmıştır. Tüm örnekler dört farklı besi ortamına (nutrient agar, su-maya ekstraktı agar, triptik soy agar, nişasta-kazein agar inoküle edilmiştir. 50 °C’de 14 günlük inkübasyondan sonra tüm bakteri kolonilerinin sayımı yapılıp saflaştırılmıştır. Tüm izolatların gram reaksiyonları, katalaz veoksidazözellikleri belirlenmişve BIOLOG, VITEK veotomatikribotiplendirme sisteminde (RiboPrinter incelenmişlerdir. Bu bakterilerin ampisilin, gentamisin, trimetoprim-sülfametoksazol ve tetrasiklin antibiyotiklerine karşı dirençliliği incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak normal insan florasına ilaveten ısıya dirençli patojenik mikroorganizmalar incelenen alandaki ılıca sularında (43-50 °C belirlenmiştir. Altı genusa ait 10 farklı tür Alysiella filiformis, Bordetella bronchiseptica, B. pertussis, Molexalla caprae, M. caviae, M. cuniculi, M. phenylpyruvica, Roseomonas fauriae, Delftia acidovorans ve Pseudomonas taetrolens olarak tanımlanmıştır

  14. V-insertion in Li(Fe,Mn)FePO4 (United States)

    Wu, T.; Liu, J.; Sun, L.; Cong, L.; Xie, H.; Abdel-Ghany, A.; Mauger, A.; Julien, C. M.


    Insertion of 3% vanadium in LiMn1-yFeyPO4 has been investigated, with y = 0.2 corresponding to the highest manganese concentration before the stress/strain field degrades the electrochemical performance. V substitutes for Fe2+ in the trivalent state V3+. This substitution is accompanied with the formation of Fe vacancies while Mn remains in the Mn2+ valence state, leading to a composition LiMn0.8Fe0.2-0.045V0.03□0.015PO4 where □ is a Fe vacancy. The comparison between electrochemical properties of a pristine sample and a sample with 3 mol.% vanadium made of particles with the same morphology (spherical particles with the same dispersion 100-150 nm in size) and same carbon coating (same conductivity of the carbon layer) is reported. Although the vanadium is in the V3+ state at open circuit voltage (2.6 V) before cycling, a reversible V3+/V2+ is observed when the potential of the half-cell is lowered below the redox potential of 1.8 V vs Li+/Li, due to Li-vacancies. The V-insertion improves the electrochemical properties, due to a synergetic effect of an increase of the lithium diffusion coefficient by a factor two and an increase of the electric conductivity at any Li-concentration during the cycling process, in contradiction with prior claims that attributed the increase of conductivity to V-based impurities.

  15. Public tolerance to defoliation and flower distortion in a public horticulture garden. (United States)

    Sadof, Clifford S; Sclar, D Casey


    Surveys of visitor and grower perception of live potted plant quality were conducted in various locations in a large public display garden. Canna lily, Canna x generalis L.H.Bailey, was used to examine effects of defoliation by Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, on public perception. Chrysanthemums, Chrysanthemum x morifolium Ramat., were used to identify visitor and grower tolerance to flower distortion caused by western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), on single and multiple flowered plants. On average, the maximum amount of defoliation or flower distortion tolerated by any respondent was low (< or = 10% for canna and < or = 25% for chrysanthemum). The level of acceptable injury was influenced by factors intrinsic to both the respondents and the plants themselves. Tolerance to injury was negatively associated with the risk aversion of the respondents. Visitors were less tolerant of injury on plants they considered for purchase than those that they would view at the garden. Similarly, grower tolerance was lower than that of visitors because producing substandard plants could put their professional reputation at risk. Factors that distracted visitor attention (e.g., presence of flowers and higher levels of background injury) increased their tolerance to plant injury. Visitors tolerated greater levels of flower distortion on multiple flowering chrysanthemum than on those with single flowers. We suggest that tolerance to insect pests can be increased by designing plantings that distract viewers from injured plant parts.

  16. New hydrogen titanium phosphate sulfate electrodes for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries (United States)

    Zhao, Ran; Mieritz, Daniel; Seo, Dong-Kyun; Chan, Candace K.


    NASICON-type materials with general formula AxM2(PO4)3 (A = Li or Na, M = Ti, V, and Fe) are promising candidates for Li- and Na-ion batteries due to their open three-dimensional framework structure. Here we report the electrochemical properties of hydrogen titanium phosphate sulfate, H0.4Ti2(PO4)2.4(SO4)0.6 (HTPS), a new mixed polyanion material with NASICON structure. Micron-sized HTPS aggregates with crystallite grain size of ca. 23 nm are synthesized using a sol-gel synthesis in an acidic medium. The properties of the as-synthesized HTPS, ball-milled HTPS, and samples prepared as carbon composites using an in-situ glucose decomposition reaction are investigated. A capacity of 148 mAh g-1 corresponding to insertion of 2 Li+ per formula unit is observed in the ball-milled HTPS over the potential window of 1.5-3.4 V vs. Li/Li+. Lithiation at ca. 2.8 and 2.5 V is determined to occur through filling of the M1 and M2 sites, respectively. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) are used characterize the HTPS before and after cycling. Evaluation of the HTPS in a Na-ion cell is also performed. A discharge capacity of 93 mAh g-1 with sodiation at ca. 2.9 and 2.2 V vs. Na/Na+ is observed.

  17. Lithiated Nafion as polymer electrolyte for solid-state lithium sulfur batteries using carbon-sulfur composite cathode (United States)

    Gao, Jing; Sun, Chunshui; Xu, Lei; Chen, Jian; Wang, Chong; Guo, Decai; Chen, Hao


    Due to flexible property and light weight, the lithiated Nafion membrane swollen with PC (PC-Li-Nafion) has been employed as both solid-state electrolyte and separator to fabricate solid-state Li-S cells. The electrochemical measurements of PC-Li-Nafion membrane show that its Li-ion transference number is 0.928, ionic conductivity of 2.1 × 10-4 S cm-1 can be achieved at 70 °C and its electrochemical window is 0 ∼ +4.1 V vs. Li+/Li. It is observed that the Li dendrites are suppressed by using PC-Li-Nafion membrane due to its single-ion conducting property. The amounts of Li-Nafion resin binder and conductive carbon in the cathode are optimized as 40% and 10% respectively to make a balance of ionic and electronic conductivities. A thin-layer Li-Nafion resin with a thickness of around 2 μm is fabricated between the cathode and PC-Li-Nafion membrane to improve the interfacial contact and further enhance the specific capacity of the cell. When measured at 70 °C, the Li-S cell delivers a reversible specific capacity of 1072.8 mAh g-1 (S) at 0.05 C and 895 mAh g-1 (S) at 1 C. The capacity retention at 1 C is 89% after 100 cycles. These results suggest that high-performance solid-state Li-S cells can be fabricated with the Li-Nafion polymer electrolyte.

  18. "The city of Hepar": rituals, gastronomy, and politics at the origins of the modern names for the liver. (United States)

    Riva, Michele Augusto; Riva, Enrica; Spicci, Mauro; Strazzabosco, Mario; Giovannini, Marcello; Cesana, Giancarlo


    Medical etymology sometimes provides unexpected information about health concepts and medical practice in different times and cultures. We conducted an etymological analysis of the terms used to indicate "liver" in Germanic and Romance languages. The Greek word "hèpar" was originally connected to the concept of "pleasure", showing that in antiquity the liver was considered to be the seat of soul and human feelings. In Romance languages, the Latin term "ficatum" was linked to the ancient practice of fattening geese with figs (ficus in Latin) to make their livers more delicious. This relationship between the liver, fat, and carbohydrates seems to indicate that ancient gourmets had clear knowledge of the nutritional mechanisms underlying "fatty liver" in animals. On the other hand, the Germanic term "lifere" was initially connected to "life", underscoring the relation of the liver to health and existence. In the Early Modern Age, the liver became a recurring image in political reflection, especially within the Elizabethan tradition of the body politic, where the king was frequently described as the "liver" of his country. Finally, the liver was used to indicate courage, or the lack of it: some modern French and English idiomatic expressions derive from the ancient belief that people who had no blood in their liver ("lily-livered") would thus be cowards or betrayers. Copyright © 2011 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Graphitized biogas-derived carbon nanofibers as anodes for lithium-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cuesta, Nuria; Cameán, Ignacio; Ramos, Alberto; García, Ana B.


    The electrochemical performance as potential anodes for lithium-ion batteries of graphitized biogas-derived carbon nanofibers (BCNFs) is investigated by galvanostatic cycling versus Li/Li + at different electrical current densities. These graphitic nanomaterials have been prepared by high temperature treatment of carbon nanofibers produced in the catalytic decomposition of biogas. At low current density, they deliver specific capacities comparable to that of oil-derived micrometric graphite, the capacity retention values being mostly in the range 70-80% and cycling efficiency ∼ 100%. A clear tendency of the anode capacity to increase alongside the BCNFs crystal thickness was observed. Besides the degree of graphitic tri-dimensional structural order, the presence of loops between the adjacent edges planes on the graphene layers, the mesopore volume and the active surface area of the graphitized BCNFs were found to influence on battery reversible capacity, capacity retention along cycling and irreversible capacity. Furthermore, provided that the development of the crystalline structure is comparable, the graphitized BCNFs studied show better electrochemical rate performance than micrometric graphite. Therefore, this result can be associated with the nanometric particle size as well as the larger surface area of the BCNFs which, respectively, reduces the diffusion time of the lithium ions for the intercalation/de-intercalation processes, i.e. faster charge-discharge rate, and increases the contact area at the anode active material/electrolyte interface which may improve the Li + ions access, i.e. charge transfer reaction.

  20. Impacts of Particulate Matter on Gulf of Mexico Tropical Cyclones (United States)

    Cao, W.; Rohli, R. V.


    The purpose of this project is to analyze the relationship between tropical cyclones of the Gulf of Mexico-Atlantic basin and fine particulate matter (PM2.5). The daily mean PM2.5 concentration values were collected from United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Tropical cyclone data were collected from Tropical Prediction Center Best Track Reanalysis in Unisys Weather®. The GRIdded Binary (GRIB-formatted) data were downloaded from the Data Support Section of the Computational and Information Systems Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Through ArcGIS®, the tropical cyclone tracks were compared with the interpolated daily mean PM2.5 concentration value. Results suggest that the tracks tend to avoid areas with higher PM2.5 concentrations, and the intensity was weakened significantly after passing the PM2.5-rich area. Through simulation using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, the pressure and vertical structure of Hurricane Lili were weakened after passing the most PM2.5-rich area in Louisiana. Also, little evidence is found for the possibility of precipitation generated by the approaching tropical cyclone to cleanse the atmosphere of PM2.5 before storm passage. These results have important implications for tropical cyclone prediction as storms approach polluted areas or other places where PM2.5 particles are abundant, not only including urban environments but also in coastal areas where proscribed burns take place during tropical cyclone season, such as during sugarcane harvesting in southern Louisiana.


    Beale, H P


    1. Leaf extracts of Sudan grass, Hippeastrum equestre Herb., lily, and Abutilon striatum Dicks. (A. Thompsoni hort.), each affected with its respective mosaic disease, and peach affected with yellows disease, were tested for their ability to precipitate antiserum for virus extract of tobacco mosaic disease. No precipitate occurred. 2. Nicotiana glutinosa L., N. rustica L., and Martynia louisiana Mill. were added to the list of hosts of tobacco mosaic virus which have been tested with antiserum for the same virus in N. tabacum L. var. Turkish. The object was to determine the presence or absence of material reacting with the specific precipitins such as that already demonstrated in extracts of tomato, pepper, and petunia affected with the same virus. The presence of specific substances was demonstrated in every case. 3. The viruses of ringspot and cucumber mosaic diseases were multiplied in Turkish tobacco and leaf extracts of the affected plants were used in turn as antigens in precipitin tests with antiserum for tobacco mosaic virus extract of Turkish tobacco. A slight precipitation resulted in the tubes containing undiluted antiserum and virus extract such as occurs when juice from normal tobacco is used with undiluted antiserum. No precipitate was demonstrable that was specific for virus extracts of tobacco affected with either ringspot or cucumber mosaic disease. 4. The results favor the interpretation that the specific antigenic substance in virus extract of tobacco mosaic disease is foreign antigenic material, possibly virus itself, not altered host protein.

  2. SNP markers retrieval for a non-model species: a practical approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shahin Arwa


    Full Text Available Abstract Background SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism markers are rapidly becoming the markers of choice for applications in breeding because of next generation sequencing technology developments. For SNP development by NGS technologies, correct assembly of the huge amounts of sequence data generated is essential. Little is known about assembler's performance, especially when dealing with highly heterogeneous species that show a high genome complexity and what the possible consequences are of differences in assemblies on SNP retrieval. This study tested two assemblers (CAP3 and CLC on 454 data from four lily genotypes and compared results with respect to SNP retrieval. Results CAP3 assembly resulted in higher numbers of contigs, lower numbers of reads per contig, and shorter average read lengths compared to CLC. Blast comparisons showed that CAP3 contigs were highly redundant. Contrastingly, CLC in rare cases combined paralogs in one contig. Redundant and chimeric contigs may lead to erroneous SNPs. Filtering for redundancy can be done by blasting selected SNP markers to the contigs and discarding all the SNP markers that show more than one blast hit. Results on chimeric contigs showed that only four out of 2,421 SNP markers were selected from chimeric contigs. Conclusion In practice, CLC performs better in assembling highly heterogeneous genome sequences compared to CAP3, and consequently SNP retrieval is more efficient. Additionally a simple flow scheme is suggested for SNP marker retrieval that can be valid for all non-model species.

  3. Synthesis and electrochemical sodium and lithium insertion properties of sodium titanium oxide with the tunnel type structure (United States)

    Kataoka, Kunimitsu; Akimoto, Junji


    Polycrystalline sample of sodium titanium oxide Na2Ti4O9 with the tunnel-type structure was prepared by topotactic sodium extraction in air atmosphere from the as prepared Na3Ti4O9 sample. The starting Na3Ti4O9 compound was synthesized by solid state reaction at 1273 K in Ar atmosphere. The completeness of oxidation reaction from Na3Ti4O9 to Na2Ti4O9 was monitored by the change in color from dark blue to white, and was also confirmed by the Rietveld refinement using the powder X-ray diffraction data. The sodium deficient Na2Ti4O9 maintained the original Na2.08Ti4O9-type tunnel structure and had the monoclinic crystal system, space group C2/m, and the lattice parameters of a = 23.1698(3) Å, b = 2.9406(1) Å, c = 10.6038(2) Å, β = 102.422(3)°, and V = 705.57(2) Å3. The electrochemical measurements of thus obtained Na2Ti4O9 sample showed the reversible sodium insertion and extraction reactions at 1.1 V, 1.5 V, and 1.8 V vs. Na/Na+, and reversible lithium insertion and extraction reactions at around 1.4 V, 1.8 V, and 2.0 V vs. Li/Li+. The reversible capacity for the lithium cell was achieved to be 104 mAh g-1 at the 100th cycle.

  4. Surface-protected LiCoO2 with ultrathin solid oxide electrolyte film for high-voltage lithium ion batteries and lithium polymer batteries (United States)

    Yang, Qi; Huang, Jie; Li, Yejing; Wang, Yi; Qiu, Jiliang; Zhang, Jienan; Yu, Huigen; Yu, Xiqian; Li, Hong; Chen, Liquan


    Surface modification of LiCoO2 with the ultrathin film of solid state electrolyte of Li1.4Al0.4Ti1.6(PO4)3 (LATP) has been realized by a new and facile solution-based method. The coated LiCoO2 reveals enhanced structural and electrochemical stability at high voltage (4.5 V vs Li+/Li) in half-cell with liquid electrolyte. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images show that a dense LATP coating layer is covered on the surface of LiCoO2 uniformly with thickness of less than 20 nm. The LATP coating layer is proven to be able to prevent the direct contact between the cathode and the electrolyte effectively and thus to suppress the side reactions of liquid electrolyte with LiCoO2 surface at high charging voltage. As a result, dissolution of Co3+ has been largely suppressed over prolonged cycling as indicated by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements. Due to this surface passivating feature, the electrochemical performance of 0.5 wt% LATP modified LiCoO2 has also been evaluated in an all solid lithium battery with poly(ethylene oxide)-based polymer electrolyte. The cell exhibits 93% discharge capacity retention of the initial discharge capacity after 50 cycles at the charging cut-off voltage of 4.2 V, suggesting that the LATP coating layer is effective to suppress the oxidation of PEO at high voltage.

  5. Integrated Interface Strategy toward Room Temperature Solid-State Lithium Batteries. (United States)

    Ju, Jiangwei; Wang, Yantao; Chen, Bingbing; Ma, Jun; Dong, Shanmu; Chai, Jingchao; Qu, Hongtao; Cui, Longfei; Wu, Xiuxiu; Cui, Guanglei


    Solid-state lithium batteries have drawn wide attention to address the safety issues of power batteries. However, the development of solid-state lithium batteries is substantially limited by the poor electrochemical performances originating from the rigid interface between solid electrodes and solid-state electrolytes. In this work, a composite of poly(vinyl carbonate) and Li 10 SnP 2 S 12 solid-state electrolyte is fabricated successfully via in situ polymerization to improve the rigid interface issues. The composite electrolyte presents a considerable room temperature conductivity of 0.2 mS cm -1 , an electrochemical window exceeding 4.5 V, and a Li + transport number of 0.6. It is demonstrated that solid-state lithium metal battery of LiFe 0.2 Mn 0.8 PO 4 (LFMP)/composite electrolyte/Li can deliver a high capacity of 130 mA h g -1 with considerable capacity retention of 88% and Coulombic efficiency of exceeding 99% after 140 cycles at the rate of 0.5 C at room temperature. The superior electrochemical performance can be ascribed to the good compatibility of the composite electrolyte with Li metal and the integrated compatible interface between solid electrodes and the composite electrolyte engineered by in situ polymerization, which leads to a significant interfacial impedance decrease from 1292 to 213 Ω cm 2 in solid-state Li-Li symmetrical cells. This work provides vital reference for improving the interface compatibility for room temperature solid-state lithium batteries.

  6. Compliant gel polymer electrolyte based on poly(methyl acrylate-co-acrylonitrile)/poly(vinyl alcohol) for flexible lithium-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma, Xianguo; Huang, Xinglan; Gao, Jiandong; Zhang, Shu; Deng, Zhenghua; Suo, Jishuan


    Highlights: •Compliant gel polymer electrolyte based on P(MA-co-AN)/PVA is facilely prepared for flexible lithium-ion batteries. •The compliant gel polymer electrolyte displays high ionic conductivity, self-standing and mechanical flexible. •The compliant gel polymer electrolyte exhibits excellent chemical and electrochemical performances. -- Abstract: In this report, mechanically compliant gel polymer electrolyte (GPE) for flexible lithium-ion batteries is facilely fabricated. The GPE that based on the poly(methyl acrylate-co-acrylonitrile)/poly(vinyl alcohol) (P(MA-co-AN)/PVA) was prepared via emulsion polymerization. Herein, the P(MA-co-AN) copolymer is anticipated to exert beneficial for the bendability of the GPE, as well as swollen with the liquid electrolyte to provide a facile pathway for ion movement. The PVA serves as a stabilizer during the emulsion polymerization and a mechanical framework for the compliant polymer membrane. Performance benefits of the mechanically compliant membrane are elucidated in terms of mechanical behavior, thermostability and ionic conductivity. The GPE is still self-standing and mechanical flexible after swollen with liquid electrolyte. The GPE displays a conductivity of 0.98 mS cm −1 with the uptake electrolyte up to 150% of its own weight at 30 °C, excellent electrochemical stability window (5.2 V vs. Li/Li + ) and favorable interfacial characteristics. When used in flexible lithium-ion batteries, such a GPE demonstrates satisfactory compatibility with LiCoO 2 and graphite electrodes

  7. Propidium iodide competes with Ca(2+) to label pectin in pollen tubes and Arabidopsis root hairs. (United States)

    Rounds, Caleb M; Lubeck, Eric; Hepler, Peter K; Winship, Lawrence J


    We have used propidium iodide (PI) to investigate the dynamic properties of the primary cell wall at the apex of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) root hairs and pollen tubes and in lily (Lilium formosanum) pollen tubes. Our results show that in root hairs, as in pollen tubes, oscillatory peaks in PI fluorescence precede growth rate oscillations. Pectin forms the primary component of the cell wall at the tip of both root hairs and pollen tubes. Given the electronic structure of PI, we investigated whether PI binds to pectins in a manner analogous to Ca(2+) binding. We first show that Ca(2+) is able to abrogate PI growth inhibition in a dose-dependent manner. PI fluorescence itself also relies directly on the amount of Ca(2+) in the growth solution. Exogenous pectin methyl esterase treatment of pollen tubes, which demethoxylates pectins, freeing more Ca(2+)-binding sites, leads to a dramatic increase in PI fluorescence. Treatment with pectinase leads to a corresponding decrease in fluorescence. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that PI binds to demethoxylated pectins. Unlike other pectin stains, PI at low yet useful concentration is vital and specifically does not alter the tip-focused Ca(2+) gradient or growth oscillations. These data suggest that pectin secretion at the apex of tip-growing plant cells plays a critical role in regulating growth, and PI represents an excellent tool for examining the role of pectin and of Ca(2+) in tip growth.

  8. Odds and Trends: Recent Developments in the Chemistry of Odorants Note on trademarks: Words which we know or have reason to believe constitute registered trademarks (R) are designated as such. However, neither the presence nor absence of such designation should be regarded as affecting the legal status of any trademark. Note on perfume analysis: The quoted percentages of perfume raw materials in market products are rounded figures. They are often derived from area percentages from the GC (FID) analysis, and are thus subject to analytical error. (United States)

    Kraft; Bajgrowicz; Denis; Fráter


    Fragrance chemistry is, together with the closely related area of flavor chemistry, one of the few domains, if not the only one, in which chemists can immediately experience structure-activity relationships. This review presents structure-odor correlations and olfactophore models for the main odor notes of perfumery: "fruity", "marine", "green", "floral", "spicy", "woody", "amber", and "musky". New trendsetters and so-called captive odorants of these notes are introduced, and recent activities and highlights in fragrance chemistry are summarized. The design of odorants, their chemical synthesis, and their use in modern perfumery is discussed. Our selection is guided and illustrated by creative fragrances, and features new odorants which encompassed current trends in perfumery. New odorants for grapefruit and blackcurrant, for galbanum, and leafy top notes are presented. Compounds with fashionable marine, ozonic, and aquatic facets are treated, as well as new odorants for classical lily-of-the-valley, rose, and jasmine accords. Compounds with sweet and spicy tonalities are also discussed, as are the most recent developments for woody notes such as sandalwood and vetiver. We conclude with musky and ambery odorants possessing uncommon or unusual structural features. Some odor trends and effects are illustrated by microencapsulated fragrance samples, and areas where there is need for the development of new synthetic materials and methodologies are pointed out. Thus, chemists are invited to explore fragrance chemistry and participate in the design and synthesis of new odorants. This review gives the latest state of the art of the subject.

  9. Simultaneous storage of lithium and cesium in a quasi-electrostatic dipole trap. Spinchanging collisions and sympathetic evaporation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wohlleben, W.


    This work reports on both inelastic and elastic cold ground state collisions of cesium (Cs) and lithium (Li) in the conservative potential of a quasi-electrostatic optical dipole trap. We make for the first time dedicated measurements of the ground state interaction between atoms of different elements. We study the process of thermalisation by sympathetic cooling in a finite potential. We determine the rate coefficients of hyperfine-changing collisions with regard to three different processes: homonuclear collisions of Cs with Cs, with both of them being in the upper hyperfine ground state; equally for collisions of Li with Li, with both of them being in the upper hyperfine state. For the first time an estimate of the heteronuclear rate coefficient could be given for the collision of Cs in the (F = 4) state with Li in the (F = 1) ground state. We find that elastic interaction in the atomic ground state leads to fast particle losses of Li, which is initially the less abundant in the trap. After transfer into the trap, the Li athermically occupies high energy states just beneath the trap edge. With the well known small LiLi scattering rate alone the distribution cannot thermalize. We believe that LiCs collisions mediate Li thermalisation and subsequent evaporation. The sympathetic evaporation of Li carries away part of the energy of the combined ensemble. We have first experimental indication that this process can cool further down the initially colder of the two gases. (orig.)

  10. BudBurst Buddies: A New Tool for Engaging the Youngest Citizen Scientists (United States)

    Gardiner, L. S.; Henderson, S.; Ward, D.


    BudBurst Buddies ( introduces elementary school age children to the science of observing plants and the timing of phenological (life cycle) events. BudBurst Buddies is a new part of the Project BudBurst national citizen science initiative (, which allows individuals to engage in the scientific process, contributing to a better understanding of climate change while increasing public awareness of phenology and the impacts of climate change on plants. As a first step towards engaging the next generation of citizen scientists, BudBurst Buddies provides the opportunity for children to gain experience with scientific research and increases awareness of how plants change throughout the year. Children can participate in BudBurst Buddies on their own, with their families, or in formal or informal education settings. Each child who participates creates a journal about a plant of his or her choosing, makes observations of the plant over the growing season and submits findings online, earning an official BudBurst Buddies certificate. An online storybook for kids tells how two children, Lily and Sage, observed plants in their neighborhood and became BudBurst Buddies. This presentation will provide an overview of the BudBurst Buddies newly developed resources. BudBurst Buddies is a part of Project BudBurst, a national citizen science program coordinated by the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and the Chicago Botanic Garden. Funding for this resource was provided by NEON, NSF, NASA, and the National Geographic Education Foundation.

  11. 7Li NMR investigation of Li-Li pair ordering in the paraelectric phase of weakly substitutionally disordered K(1-x)Li(x)TaO3

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zalar, B.; Lebar, A.; Ailion, D.C.; Kuzian, R. O.; Kondakova, I.V.; Laguta, Valentyn


    Roč. 105, č. 22 (2010), 226402/1-226402/4 ISSN 0031-9007 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA100100810 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100521 Keywords : ion ordering * impurity ions * crystal structure * nuclear magnetic resonance Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 7.621, year: 2010

  12. Atypical Radiological Findings in Patients with Hydatid Cysts of the Lung, Study of 1024 Cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Majid Mirsadraee


    Full Text Available Introduction : The objective of this study was to give a description of the most prominent atypical radiological presentations of lung hydatidosis. Materials and methods: All patients diagnosed with pulmonary hydatidosis by surgical exploration were included in this study. Standard chest roentgenogram and computed tomography CT were evaluated before surgery for lung cysts or unknown lesions. Radiological findings were divided into two categories: 1- Typical hydatid cysts that were previously presented by imaging as a hydatid cyst in the form of an intact cyst, water lily sign and crescent sign. 2- Atypical hydatid cysts that were not similar to typical previously mentioned hydatid cysts. Results: During a 26-year period, 1024 subjects with pulmonary hydatidosis were diagnosed and operated on. Chest X-rays (interpreted in 832 cases showed perforated cysts in 190 (23% and atypical findings such as mass, alveolar type infiltration, abscess and collapse in 113 (13% patients. Seventy-nine patients had a thoracic CT scan in which atypical cysts were detected in 32 subjects (40.5% such as: thick wall cavity in 9 patients (28%, solid masses in 7 (21%, abscesses in 6 (18%, consolidation in 3 (9%, fungus balls in 3 (9%, collapse (atelectasis in 2 (6% and round pneumonia in 2 (6%. Cavity was significantly more frequent in the right lung (90% and mass-like opacity was significantly more frequent in the lower lung field (100%. Conclusion: Hydatid cysts should be considered for most of localized radiological pictures of the lung without respect to localization, size and count of lesions.

  13. SnS2 nanoflakes decorated multiwalled carbon nanotubes as high performance anode materials for lithium-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Hongyu; Ahmad, Mashkoor; Luo, Jun; Shi, Yingying; Shen, Wanci; Zhu, Jing


    Graphical abstract: The synthesized SnS 2 nanoflakes decorated multiwalled carbon nanotubes hybrid structures exhibit large reversible capacity, superior cycling performance, and good rate capability as compared to pure SnS 2 nanoflakes. - Highlights: • Synthesis of SnS 2 nanoflakes decorated multiwalled carbon nanotubes hybrid structures. • Simple solution-phase approach. • Morphology feature of SnS 2 . • Enhanced performance as Li-ion batteries. - Abstract: SnS 2 nanoflakes decorated multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) hybrid structures are directly synthesized via a simple solution-phase approach. The as-prepared SnS 2 /MWCNTs structures are investigated as anode materials for Li-ion batteries as compared with SnS 2 nanoflakes. It has been found that the composite structure exhibit excellent lithium storage performance with a large reversible capacity, superior cycling performance, and good rate capability as compared to pure SnS 2 nanoflakes. The first discharge and charge capacities have been found to be 1416 and 518 mA h g −1 for SnS 2 /MWCNTs composite electrodes at a current density of 100 mA g −1 between 5 mV and 1.15 V versus Li/Li + . A stable reversible capacity of ∼510 mA h g −1 is obtained for 50 cycles. The improved electrochemical performance may be attributed to the flake-morphology feature of SnS 2 and the addition of MWCNTs that can hinder the agglomeration of the active materials and improve the conductivity of the composite electrode simultaneously

  14. Amorphous boron nanorod as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries at room temperature. (United States)

    Deng, Changjian; Lau, Miu Lun; Barkholtz, Heather M; Xu, Haiping; Parrish, Riley; Xu, Meiyue Olivia; Xu, Tao; Liu, Yuzi; Wang, Hao; Connell, Justin G; Smith, Kassiopeia A; Xiong, Hui


    We report an amorphous boron nanorod anode material for lithium-ion batteries prepared through smelting non-toxic boron oxide in liquid lithium. Boron in theory can provide capacity as high as 3099 mA h g -1 by alloying with Li to form B 4 Li 5 . However, experimental studies of the boron anode have been rarely reported for room temperature lithium-ion batteries. Among the reported studies the electrochemical activity and cycling performance of the bulk crystalline boron anode material are poor at room temperature. In this work, we utilized an amorphous nanostructured one-dimensional (1D) boron material aiming at improving the electrochemical reactivity between boron and lithium ions at room temperature. The amorphous boron nanorod anode exhibited, at room temperature, a reversible capacity of 170 mA h g -1 at a current rate of 10 mA g -1 between 0.01 and 2 V. The anode also demonstrated good rate capability and cycling stability. The lithium storage mechanism was investigated by both sweep voltammetry measurements and galvanostatic intermittent titration techniques (GITTs). The sweep voltammetric analysis suggested that the contributions from lithium ion diffusion into boron and the capacitive process to the overall lithium charge storage are 57% and 43%, respectively. The results from GITT indicated that the discharge capacity at higher potentials (>∼0.2 V vs. Li/Li + ) could be ascribed to a capacitive process and at lower potentials (ions and the amorphous boron nanorod. This work provides new insights into designing nanostructured boron materials for lithium-ion batteries.

  15. Copper-substituted, lithium rich iron phosphate as cathode material for lithium secondary batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, S.B.; Cho, S.H.; Heo, J.B.; Aravindan, V.; Kim, H.S.; Lee, Y.S.


    Carbon-free, copper-doped, lithium rich iron phosphates, Li 1+x Fe 1-y Cu y PO 4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.15, 0 ≤ y ≤ 0.005), have been synthesized by a solid-state reaction method. From the optimization, the Li 1.05 Fe 0.997 Cu 0.003 PO 4 phase showed superior performances in terms of phase purity and high discharge capacity. The structural, morphological, and electrochemical properties were studied and compared to LiFePO 4 , Li 1.05 FePO 4 , LiFe 0.997 Cu 0.003 PO 4 , and materials. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was conducted to ensure copper doping. Only smooth surface morphologies were observed for lithium rich iron phosphates, namely Li 1.05 FePO 4 and Li 1.05 Fe 0.997 Cu 0.003 PO 4 . The Li/Li 1.05 Fe 0.997 Cu 0.003 PO 4 cell delivered an initial discharge capacity of 145 mAh/g and was 18 mAh/g higher than the Li/LiFePO 4 cell without any carbon coating effect. Cyclic voltammetry revealed excellent reversibility of the Li 1.05 Fe 0.997 Cu 0.003 PO 4 material. High rate capability studies were also performed and showed a capacity retention over 95% during the cycling. We concluded that substituted Li and Cu ions play an important role in enhancing battery performance of the LiFePO 4 material through improving the kinetics of the lithium insertion/extraction reaction on the electrode.

  16. Functionality Selection Principle for High Voltage Lithium-ion Battery Electrolyte Additives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Su, Chi-Cheung; He, Meinan [Department; Peebles, Cameron; Zeng, Li; Tornheim, Adam; Liao, Chen; Zhang, Lu; Wang, Jie; Wang, Yan [Department; Zhang, Zhengcheng


    A new class of electrolyte additives based on cyclic fluorinated phosphate esters was rationally designed and identified as being able to stabilize the surface of a LiNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2 (NMC532) cathode when cycled at potentials higher than 4.6 V vs Li+/Li. Cyclic fluorinated phosphates were designed to incorporate functionalities of various existing additives to maximize their utilization. The synthesis and characterization of these new additives are described and their electrochemical performance in a NMC532/graphite cell cycled between 4.6 and 3.0 V are investigated. With 1.0 wt % 2-(2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy)-1,3,2-dioxaphospholane 2-oxide (TFEOP) in the conventional electrolyte the NMC532/graphite cell exhibited much improved capacity retention compared to that without any additive. The additive is believed to form a passivation layer on the surface of the cathode via a sacrificial polymerization reaction as evidenced by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and nuclear magnetic resonsance (NMR) analysis results. The rational pathway of a cathode-electrolyte-interface formation was proposed for this type of additive. Both experimental results and the mechanism hypothesis suggest the effectiveness of the additive stems from both the polymerizable cyclic ring and the electron-withdrawing fluorinated alkyl group in the phosphate molecular structure. The successful development of cyclic fluorinated phosphate additives demonstrated that this new functionality selection principle, by incorporating useful functionalities of various additives into one molecule, is an effective approach for the development of new additives.

  17. Rapid response for invasive waterweeds at the arctic invasion front: Assessment of collateral impacts from herbicide treatments (United States)

    Sethi, Suresh; Carey, Michael P.; Morton, John M.; Guerron-Orejuela, Edgar; Decino, Robert; Willette, Mark; Boersma, James; Jablonski, Jillian; Anderson, Cheryl


    The remoteness of subarctic and arctic ecosystems no longer protects against invasive species introductions. Rather, the mix of urban hubs surrounded by undeveloped expanses creates a ratchet process whereby anthropogenic activity is sufficient to introduce and spread invaders, but for which the costs of monitoring and managing remote ecosystems is prohibitive. Elodea spp. is the first aquatic invasive plant to become established in Alaska and has potential for widespread deleterious ecological and economic impacts. A rapid eradication response with herbicides has been identified as a priority invasion control strategy. We conducted a multi-lake monitoring effort to assess collateral impacts from herbicide treatment for Elodea in high latitude systems. Variability in data was driven by seasonal dynamics and natural lake-to-lake differences typical of high latitude waterbodies, indicating lack of evidence for systematic impacts to water quality or plankton communities associated with herbicide treatment of Elodea. Impacts on native macrophytes were benign with the exception of some evidence for earlier onset of leaf senescence for lily pads(Nuphar spp.) in treated lakes. We observed a substantial increase in detected native flora richness after Elodea was eradicated from the most heavily infested lake, indicating potential for retention of native macrophyte communities if infestations are addressed quickly. While avoiding introductions through prevention may be the most desirable outcome, these applications indicated low risks of non-target impacts associated with herbicide treatment as a rapid response option for Elodea in high latitude systems.

  18. Oxygenated Phosphine Fumigation for Control of Light Brown Apple Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Eggs on Cut-Flowers. (United States)

    Liu, Samuel S; Liu, Yong-Biao; Simmons, Gregory S


    Light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walker), eggs were subjected to oxygenated phosphine fumigation treatments under 70% oxygen on cut flowers to determine efficacy and safety. Five cut flower species: roses, lilies, tulips, gerbera daisy, and pompon chrysanthemums, were fumigated in separate groups with 2,500 ppm phosphine for 72 h at 5°C. Egg mortality and postharvest quality of cut flowers were determined after fumigation. Egg mortalities of 99.7-100% were achieved among the cut flower species. The treatment was safe to all cut flowers except gerbera daisy. A 96-h fumigation treatment with 2,200 ppm phosphine of eggs on chrysanthemums cut flowers also did not achieve complete control of light brown apple moth eggs. A simulation of fumigation in hermetically sealed fumigation chambers with gerbera daisy showed significant accumulations of carbon dioxide and ethylene by the end of 72-h sealing. However, oxygenated phosphine fumigations with carbon dioxide and ethylene absorbents did not reduce the injury to gerbera daisy, indicating that it is likely that phosphine may directly cause the injury to gerbera daisy cut flowers. The study demonstrated that oxygenated phosphine fumigation is effective against light brown apple moth eggs. However, it may not be able to achieve the probit9 quarantine level of control and the treatment was safe to most of the cut flower species. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America 2015. This work is written by US Government employees and is in the public domain in the US.

  19. Rectal Sedation with Thiopental in Children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Granados, Ana Maria; Levy, Wilma; Badiel, Marisol; Cruz Libreros, Alejandro; Toro Gutierrez, Juan Sebastian


    Objective: to determine the effectiveness of a rectal sedation protocol with sodium thiopental in children undergoing diagnostic imaging studies in a level-four-complexity health care facility. Materials and Methods: this case series observational study was developed between the months of January and March 2004 in the Fundacion clinica Valle del Lili. All pediatric patients between the ages of three months and eight years of age who underwent an imaging study were included. A dose of 25-40 mg/kg of sodium thiopental was administered rectally. Successful sedation was defined as one that allowed the successful completion of the study with the least number of motion artifacts. The features of the sedation and the adverse effects were evaluated. Results: the study population included 103 children with a median age of two years. The imaging studies were successfully concluded in 97% of the patients. The average total time until complete awakening was 2.9 hours. With respect to the interruption of sedation, we found statistically significant differences between the children who were kept awake the night before the procedure and those who were not. The most common adverse effect was diarrhea, which was recorded in 13 patients. Five of the patients required a supplemental dose of the sedative. There were two cases of increased salivation and one of vomiting, yet they resolved spontaneously. Conclusions: this rectal sodium thiopental protocol is a safe and effective procedure for the completion of diagnostic imaging studies in the pediatric population at our health care center.

  20. Improvement of structural and electrochemical properties of commercial LiCoO2 by coating with LaF3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Zhanxu; Qiao Qingdong; Yang Wensheng


    Highlights: → LaF 3 has been introduced as a new coating material for the LiCoO 2 cathode. → The LaF 3 -coated LiCoO 2 showed an excellent overcharge tolerance and structure stability. → The thermal stability of the LaF 3 -coated cathode is significantly enhanced. Therefore, LaF 3 is a probably potential coating material. - Abstract: Commercial LiCoO 2 has been modified with LaF 3 as a new coating material. The surface modified materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electronic microscopy (TEM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling. The LaF 3 -coated LiCoO 2 had an initial discharge specific capacity of 177.4 mAh g -1 within the potential ranges 2.75-4.5 V (vs. Li/Li + ), and showed a good capacity retention of 90.9% after 50 cycles. It was found that the overcharge tolerance of the coated cathode was significantly better than that of the pristine LiCoO 2 under the same conditions - the capacity retention of the pristine LiCoO 2 was 62.3% after 50 cycles. The improvement could be attributed to the LaF 3 coating layer that hinders interaction between LiCoO 2 and electrolyte and stabilizes the structure of LiCoO 2 . Moreover, DSC showed that the coated LiCoO 2 had a higher thermal stability than the pristine LiCoO 2 .

  1. Low-intensity laser irradiation at 660 nm stimulates cytochrome c oxidase in stressed fibroblast cells. (United States)

    Houreld, Nicolette N; Masha, Roland T; Abrahamse, Heidi


    Low-intensity laser irradiation (LILI) has been used to modulate a variety of biological processes, including diabetic wound healing. The mechanism of action is thought to exist primarily with the mitochondria. This study aimed to determine the effect of irradiation on normal, diabetic, and ischemic mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) complexes. Normal, diabetic and ischemic human skin fibroblast mitochondria were irradiated in vitro at a wavelength of 660 nm and a fluence of either 5 or 15 J/cm(2). Non-irradiated mitochondria served as controls. Enzyme activities of mitochondrial complexes I, II, III, and IV were determined immediately post-irradiation. Normal, diabetic, and ischemic cells were irradiated and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and active mitochondria were determined by luminescence and fluorescent microscopy, respectively. Irradiated diabetic mitochondria at a fluence of 15 J/cm(2) showed a significant decrease in complex III activity (P < 0.05). Normal (P < 0.01) and diabetic (P < 0.05) mitochondria irradiated at either 5 or 15 J/cm(2) showed a significant increase in complex IV activity. ATP results showed a significant increase in irradiated normal cells (5 J/cm(2); P < 0.05) and diabetic cells (15 J/cm(2); P < 0.01). There was a higher accumulation of active mitochondria in irradiated cells than non-irradiated cells. Irradiation at 660 nm has the ability to influence mitochondrial enzyme activity, in particular cytochrome c oxidase. This leads to increased mitochondrial activity and ATP synthesis. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Preparation and Properties of Poly (vinylidene fluoride)/poly(dimethylsiloxane) graft (poly(propylene oxide)-block-poly(ethylene oxide)) blend porous separators and corresponding electrolytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Hao; Zhang, Hong; Liang, Zhi-Ying; Chen, Yue-Ming; Zhu, Bao-Ku; Zhu, Li-Ping


    Highlights: •This work aims exploring microporous PVDF separators for lithium ion batteries. •Comb structure polymer PDMS-g-(PPO-PEO) was used in PVDF blend separators. •The influence of polyether side chains on interfacial resistance was studied. -- Abstract: This work aims exploring the high performance porous separators that can be activated into gel electrolyte membranes for lithium ion batteries. A comb-like copolymer poly (dimethylsiloxane) graft poly (propylene oxide)-block-poly (ethylene oxide) (PDMS-g-(PPO-PEO)) was synthesized and blended with poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) to fabricate porous separators via a typical phase inversion process, and then the separators absorbed liquid electrolyte solution and formed into polymer electrolyte membranes. By measuring the composition, morphology and ion conductivity etc, the influence of PDMS-g-(PPO-PEO) on structure and properties of blend separators were discussed. Compared with pure PVDF separator with comparable porous structure, the adoption of PDMS-g-(PPO-PEO) decreased the crystallinity and increased the liquid electrolyte uptake and stability effectively. It was also found that the electrode/electrolyte interfacial resistance could be reduced greatly. The resulting electrolyte membrane using separator with PVDF/PDMS-g-(PPO-PEO) mass ratio in 8/2 exhibited highest ionic conductivity in 4.5 × 10 −3 S/cm at room temperature, while the electrochemical stability was up to 4.7 V (vs. Li/Li + ). Coin cells assembled with such separators also exhibited stable cycle performance and improved rate capabilities, especially when discharge rate higher than 0.5 C

  3. Adiponitrile-Lithium Bis(trimethylsulfonyl)imide Solutions as Alkyl Carbonate-free Electrolytes for Li4 Ti5 O12 (LTO)/LiNi1/3 Co1/3 Mn1/3 O2 (NMC) Li-Ion Batteries. (United States)

    Farhat, Douaa; Ghamouss, Fouad; Maibach, Julia; Edström, Kristina; Lemordant, Daniel


    Recently, dinitriles (NC(CH 2 ) n CN) and especially adiponitrile (ADN, n=4) have attracted attention as safe electrolyte solvents owing to their chemical stability, high boiling points, high flash points, and low vapor pressure. The good solvation properties of ADN toward lithium salts and its high electrochemical stability (≈6 V vs. Li/Li + ) make it suitable for safer Li-ions cells without performance loss. In this study, ADN is used as a single electrolyte solvent with lithium bis(trimethylsulfonyl)imide (LiTFSI). This electrolyte allows the use of aluminium collectors as almost no corrosion occurs at voltages up to 4.2 V. The physicochemical properties of the ADN-LiTFSI electrolyte, such as salt dissolution, conductivity, and viscosity, were determined. The cycling performances of batteries using Li 4 Ti 5 O 12 (LTO) as the anode and LiNi 1/3 Co 1/3 Mn 1/3 O 2 (NMC) as the cathode were determined. The results indicate that LTO/NMC batteries exhibit excellent rate capabilities with a columbic efficiency close to 100 %. As an example, cells were able to reach a capacity of 165 mAh g -1 at 0.1 C and a capacity retention of more than 98 % after 200 cycles at 0.5 C. In addition, electrodes analyses by SEM, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy after cycling confirming minimal surface changes of the electrodes in the studied battery system. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Electrochemical properties of rapidly solidified Si-Ti-Ni(-Cu) base anode for Li-ion rechargeable batteries (United States)

    Kwon, Hye Jin; Sohn, Keun Yong; Park, Won-Wook


    In this study, rapidly solidified Si-Ti-Ni-Cu alloys have been investigated as high capacity anodes for Li-ion secondary batteries. To obtain nano-sized Si particles dispersed in the inactive matrix, the alloy ribbons were fabricated using the melt spinning process. The thin ribbons were pulverized using ball-milling to make a fine powder of ˜ 4 µm average size. Coin-cell assembly was carried out under an argon gas in a glove box, in which pure lithium was used as a counter-electrode. The cells were cycled using the galvanostatic method in the potential range of 0.01 V and 1.5 V vs. Li/Li+. The microstructure and morphology were examined using an x-ray diffractometer, Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy. Among the anode alloys, the Si70Ti15Ni15 electrodes had the highest discharge capacity (974.1 mAh/g) after the 50th cycle, and the Si60Ti16Ni16Cu8 electrode showed the best coulombic efficiency of ˜95.9% in cyclic behavior. It was revealed that the Si7Ni4Ti4 crystal phase coexisting with an amorphous phase, could more efficiently act as a buffer layer than the fully crystallized Si7Ni4Ti4 phase. Consequently, the electrochemical properties of the anode materials pronouncedly improved when the nano-sized primary Si particle was dispersed in the inactive Si7Ni4Ti4-based matrix mixed with an amorphous structure.

  5. Ecological modulation of environmental stress: interactions between ultraviolet radiation, epibiotic snail embryos, plants and herbivores. (United States)

    Wahl, Martin


    1. The distribution of egg masses of the freshwater snails Lymnaea stagnalis and Planorbarius corneus on the undersides of water lily leaves (e.g. Nuphar lutea) is related to the prevalence of the leaf-mining beetle Galerucella nymphaeae. 2. When given the choice, Planorbarius significantly avoids leaves that were infested by the mining beetle. Conversely, Lymnaea did not discriminate against mined leaves. 3. Intact Nuphar leaves block over 95% of incident ultraviolet radiation. Yet, ultraviolet transmission reaches almost 100% under beetle mining scars. These are several times wider than snail embryos. 4. When exposed to natural sunlight, Lymnaea embryos proved to be resistant to ambient ultraviolet, while Planorbarius embryos were rapidly killed. Thus, one selective advantage of Planorbarius discrimination against mined leaves when depositing its eggs could be the avoidance of ultraviolet radiation passing through mining scars. 5. Other mining-related modifications of the leaves, reduced area, decreased longevity, altered aufwuchs (i.e. biofilm and epibionts) are discussed but seem less relevant for the oviposition preference of Planorbarius. 6. The discriminatory behaviour of this snail species was triggered by water-borne cues emitted by the damaged leaf, not by the eggs or larvae of the beetle. 7. This study illustrates how environmental stress on a given species, ultraviolet radiation in this case, can be ecologically buffered (shading by Nuphar) or enhanced (reduction of Nuphar shading through beetle mining) by associated species. It highlights how the impact of a given stress depends on the identity of the target species as well as on the identity and role of other species in the community.

  6. A novel imidazopyridine derivative, X22, attenuates sepsis-induced lung and liver injury by inhibiting the inflammatory response in vitro and in vivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ge X


    Full Text Available Xiangting Ge,1,2,* Zhiguo Feng,1,* Tingting Xu,2 Beibei Wu,3 Hongjin Chen,1 Fengli Xu,3 Lili Fu,1 Xiaoou Shan,3 Yuanrong Dai,2 Yali Zhang,1 Guang Liang11Chemical Biology Research Center, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2Department of Pulmonary Medicine, The 2nd Affiliated Hospital, 3Department of Pediatrics, The 2nd Affiliated Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, People’s Republic of China*These authors contributed equally to this workAbstract: Sepsis remains a leading cause of death worldwide. Despite years of extensive research, effective drugs to treat sepsis in the clinic are lacking. In this study, we found a novel imidazopyridine derivative, X22, which has powerful anti-inflammatory activity. X22 dose-dependently inhibited lipopolysaccharide (LPS-induced proinflammatory cytokine production in mouse primary peritoneal macrophages and RAW 264.7 macrophages. X22 also downregulated the LPS-induced proinflammatory gene expression in vitro. In vivo, X22 exhibited a significant protection against LPS-induced death. Pretreatment or treatment with X22 attenuated the sepsis-induced lung and liver injury by inhibiting the inflammatory response. In addition, X22 showed protection against LPS-induced acute lung injury. We additionally found that pretreatment with X22 reduced the inflammatory pain in the acetic acid and formalin models and reduced the dimethylbenzene-induced ear swelling and acetic acid-increased vascular permeability. Together, these data confirmed that X22 has multiple anti-inflammatory effects and may be a potential therapeutic option in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.Keywords: LPS, imidazopyridine derivative, sepsis, acute lung injury, inflammation

  7. Effectiveness of a life story work program on older adults with intellectual disabilities

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    Bai X


    Full Text Available Xue Bai,1,2 Daniel WH Ho,2 Karen Fung,3 Lily Tang,3 Moon He,3 Kim Wan Young,4 Florence Ho,2 Timothy Kwok2,5 1Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong; 2Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing, Shatin, Hong Kong; 3Hong Chi Association, Hong Kong; 4Department of Social Work, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong; 5Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong Objective: This study examines the effectiveness of a life story work program (LSWp in older adults with mild-to-moderate levels of intellectual disability (ID. Methods: Using a quasiexperimental design, this study assigned 60 older adults who were between 50–90 years old with mild-to-moderate levels of ID to receive either the LSWp (intervention group, N=32 or usual activities (control group, N=28 during a period of 6 months. Evaluation was made based on the outcomes assessed by the Mood Interest and Pleasure Questionnaire, the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, and the Personal Well-being Index – ID. Results and conclusion: LSWp shows potential for improving the quality of life and preventing the loss of interest and pleasure in older adults with ID. It also shows promise in enhancing their socialization skills. Patients with better communication abilities seemed to benefit more from the LSWp. Keywords: life story work, life story book, intellectual disabilities, older adults, effectiveness

  8. Synthesis and Performance of Tungsten Disulfide/Carbon (WS2/C) Composite as Anode Material (United States)

    Yuan, Zhengyong; Jiang, Qiang; Feng, Chuanqi; Chen, Xiao; Guo, Zaiping


    The precursors of an amorphous WS2/C composite were synthesized by a simple hydrothermal method using Na2WO4·2H2O and CH3CSNH2 as raw materials, polyethylene glycol as dispersant, and glucose as the carbon source. The as-synthesized precursors were further annealed at a low temperature in flowing argon to obtain the final materials (WS2/C composite). The structure and morphology of the WS2/C composite were characterized by x-ray diffraction, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The electrochemical properties were tested by galvanostatic charge/discharge testing and alternating current (AC) impedance measurements. The results show that the as-prepared amorphous WS2/C composite features both high specific capacity and good cycling performance at room temperature within the potential window from 3.0 V to 0.01 V (versus Li+/Li) at current density of 100 mAg-1. The achieved initial discharge capacity was 1080 mAhg-1, and 786 mAhg-1 was retained after 170 cycles. Furthermore, the amorphous WS2/C composite exhibited a lower charge/discharge plateau than bare WS2, which is more beneficial for use as an anode. The cyclic voltammetry and AC impedance testing further confirmed the change in the plateau and the decrease in the charge transfer resistance in the WS2/C composite. The chemical formation process and the electrochemical mechanism of the WS2/C composite are also presented. The amorphous WS2/C composite can be used as a new anode material for future applications.

  9. Hyaluronic acid-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes as tumor-targeting MRI contrast agent

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    Hou L


    Full Text Available Lin Hou,* Huijuan Zhang,* Yating Wang, Lili Wang, Xiaomin Yang, Zhenzhong ZhangSchool of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, People’s Republic of China*These authors contributed equally to this workAbstract: A tumor-targeting carrier, hyaluronic acid (HA-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs, was explored to deliver magnetic resonance imaging (MRI contrast agents (CAs targeting to the tumor cells specifically. In this system, HA surface modification for SWCNTs was simply accomplished by amidation process and could make this nanomaterial highly hydrophilic. Cellular uptake was performed to evaluate the intracellular transport capabilities of HA-SWCNTs for tumor cells and the uptake rank was HA-SWCNTs> SWCNTs owing to the presence of HA, which was also evidenced by flow cytometry. The safety evaluation of this MRI CAs was investigated in vitro and in vivo. It revealed that HA-SWCNTs could stand as a biocompatible nanocarrier and gadolinium (Gd/HA-SWCNTs demonstrated almost no toxicity compared with free GdCl3. Moreover, GdCl3 bearing HA-SWCNTs could significantly increase the circulation time for MRI. Finally, to investigate the MRI contrast enhancing capabilities of Gd/HA-SWCNTs, T1-weighted MR images of tumor-bearing mice were acquired. The results suggested Gd/HA-SWCNTs had the highest tumor-targeting efficiency and T1-relaxivity enhancement, indicating HA-SWCNTs could be developed as a tumor-targeting carrier to deliver the CAs, GdCl3, for the identifiable diagnosis of tumor.Keywords: gadolinium, magnetic resonance, SWCNTs, hyaluronic acid, contrast agent

  10. Mesostructured niobium-doped titanium oxide-carbon (Nb-TiO2-C) composite as an anode for high-performance lithium-ion batteries (United States)

    Hwang, Keebum; Sohn, Hiesang; Yoon, Songhun


    Mesostructured niobium (Nb)-doped TiO2-carbon (Nb-TiO2-C) composites are synthesized by a hydrothermal process for application as anode materials in Li-ion batteries. The composites have a hierarchical porous structure with the Nb-TiO2 nanoparticles homogenously distributed throughout the porous carbon matrix. The Nb content is controlled (0-10 wt%) to investigate its effect on the physico-chemical properties and electrochemical performance of the composite. While the crystalline/surface structure varied with the addition of Nb (d-spacing of TiO2: 0.34-0.36 nm), the morphology of the composite remained unaffected. The electrochemical performance (cycle stability and rate capability) of the Nb-TiO2-C composite anode with 1 wt% Nb doping improved significantly. First, a full cut-off potential (0-2.5 V vs. Li/Li+) of Nb-doped composite anode (1 wt%) provides a higher energy utilization than that of the un-doped TiO2-C anode. Second, Nb-TiO2-C composite anode (1 wt%) exhibits an excellent long-term cycle stability (100% capacity retention, 297 mAh/g at 0.5 C after 100 cycles and 221 mAh/g at 2 C after 500 cycles) and improved rate-capability (192 mAh/g at 5 C), respectively (1 C: 150 mA/g). The superior electrochemical performance of Nb-TiO2-C (1 wt%) could be attributed to the synergistic effect of improved electronic conductivity induced by optimal Nb doping (1 wt%) and lithium-ion penetration (high diffusion kinetics) through unique pore structures.

  11. Observation Of Electron-beam-induced Phase Evolution Mimicking The Effect Of Charge-discharge Cycle In Li-rich Layered Cathode Materials Used For Li-ion Batteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lu, Ping; Yan, Pengfei; Romero, Eric; Spoerke, Erik D.; Zhang, Jiguang; Wang, Chong M.


    Capacity loss, and voltage fade upon electrochemical charge-discharge cycling observed in lithium-rich layered cathode oxides (Li[LixMnyTM1-x-y]O2 , TM = Ni, Co or Fe) have recently been identified to be correlated to the gradual phase transformation, featuring the formation of a surface reconstructed layer (SRL) that evolves from a thin (<2 nm), defect spinel layer upon the first charge, to a relatively thick (~5 nm), spinel or rock-salt layer upon continuous charge-discharge cycling. Here we report observations of a SRL and structural evolution of the SRL on the Li[Li0.2Ni0.2Mn0.6]O2 (LMR) particles, which are identical to those reported due to the charge-discharge cycle but are a result of electron-beam irradiation during scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) imaging. Sensitivity of the lithium-rich layered oxides to high-energy electrons leads to the formation of thin, defect spinel layer on surfaces of the particles when exposed to a 200 kV electron beam for as little as 30 seconds under normal high-resolution STEM imaging conditions. Further electron irradiation produces a thicker layer of the spinel phase, ultimately producing a rock-salt layer at a higher electron exposure. Atomic-scale chemical mapping by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy in STEM indicates the electron-beam-induced SRL formation on LMR is accomplished by migration of the transition metal ions to the Li sites without breaking down the lattice. This study provides an insight for understanding the mechanism of forming the SRL and also possibly a mean to study structural evolution in the Li-rich layered oxides without involving the electrochemistry.

  12. Synthesis and electrochemical performance of Li2FeSiO4/C/carbon nanosphere composite cathode materials for lithium ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Jinlong; Kang, Xiaochun; Hu, Lin; Gong, Xue; He, Daping; Peng, Tao; Mu, Shichun


    Highlights: •The Li 2 FeSiO 4 /C/CNS was prepared by effective double-carbon composite route. •The CNS as the conductivity belt connects the Li 2 FeSiO 4 /C particles. •The samples have a high capacity and excellent cyclic and rate performance. -- Abstract: Li 2 FeSiO 4 /C/carbon nanosphere (CNS) composites as cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries were synthesized by a simple hydro-chemical method. The double-carbon structural design of glucose pyrolysis-carbon (C) and CNS improved electrochemical performance of the composite where the CNS can build conductivity belts to connect the Li 2 FeSiO 4 /C particles and to favor electronic transmission. The exchange current density and the diffusion coefficient of lithium ions with the composite were 0.208 mA cm −2 and 1.06E−11 cm 2 S −1 , respectively, which were much larger than that of conventional Li 2 FeSiO 4 /C composite cathode materials (i = 0.131 mA cm −2 , D Li = 4.69E−12 cm 2 S −1 ). The electrochemical test results showed that the discharge capacity of 164.7 mA h g −1 could be obtained, and especially, after 60 cycles, 98.4% of the initial discharge capacity remained at 0.1 C of galvanostatic discharge in the potential range of 1.5–4.8 V (vs. Li/Li + ). In addition, the discharge capacity of 92.4 mA h g −1 at 5 C was easily recovered to 159.8 mA h g −1 at 0.1 C

  13. Structural and Electrochemical Characterization of Zn1−xFexO—Effect of Aliovalent Doping on the Li+ Storage Mechanism

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    Gabriele Giuli


    Full Text Available In order to further improve the energy and power density of state-of-the-art lithium-ion batteries (LIBs, new cell chemistries and, therefore, new active materials with alternative storage mechanisms are needed. Herein, we report on the structural and electrochemical characterization of Fe-doped ZnO samples with varying dopant concentrations, potentially serving as anode for LIBs (Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. The wurtzite structure of the Zn1−xFexO samples (with x ranging from 0 to 0.12 has been refined via the Rietveld method. Cell parameters change only slightly with the Fe content, whereas the crystallinity is strongly affected, presumably due to the presence of defects induced by the Fe3+ substitution for Zn2+. XANES (X-ray absorption near edge structure data recorded ex situ for Zn0.9Fe0.1O electrodes at different states of charge indicated that Fe, dominantly trivalent in the pristine anode, partially reduces to Fe2+ upon discharge. This finding was supported by a detailed galvanostatic and potentiodynamic investigation of Zn1−xFexO-based electrodes, confirming such an initial reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ at potentials higher than 1.2 V (vs. Li+/Li upon the initial lithiation, i.e., discharge. Both structural and electrochemical data strongly suggest the presence of cationic vacancies at the tetrahedral sites, induced by the presence of Fe3+ (i.e., one cationic vacancy for every two Fe3+ present in the sample, allowing for the initial Li+ insertion into the ZnO lattice prior to the subsequent conversion and alloying reaction.


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    Arnold E. Manu


    Full Text Available The objectives of this study were to evaluate the West Timor savanna productive at different season. The location of this study is in the station of Lili field, Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology Naibonat Kupang, with 40 hectare of savannah for pasture, held in one year. The data collected are botanical composition, production, feed intake in savannah and forage quality also the carrying capacity. The data analyzed descriptively. The amount of goat used for measurement of feed intake in savannah is 10 does. The result showed that the averages of forage fluctuation available is between 0.61-4,33 ton/hectare. The lowest point of production is happened in the edge of dry season (October that is 0.61 ton/hectare. Then it increases in early of rainy (December and reaches the highest point in the early of dry season (April. From this point, then it decreases and reach the lowest point in October, so, the forage production in nature was increases in December. The composition rate of CP is very varied, that is 2.71-9.48%. The composition of CP in nature grass has no significant difference with the composition in other locations of Timor, that is 2.26 % in the ends of dry season and become 8-10% in the rainy. Most of forage on the pasture is nature grass that is upper 90% and relative less of leguminous plants. The lack proportion of leguminous plants in nature savannah result in the less of forage quality, especially during the dry season there is no legume proportion and the quality of nature grass become very low.

  15. Epigenetic Differentiation of Natural Populations of Lilium bosniacum Associated with Contrasting Habitat Conditions. (United States)

    Zoldoš, Vlatka; Biruš, Ivan; Muratovic, Edina; Šatovic, Zlatko; Vojta, Aleksandar; Robin, Odile; Pustahija, Fatima; Bogunic, Faruk; Vicic Bockor, Vedrana; Siljak-Yakovlev, Sonja


    Epigenetic variation in natural populations with contrasting habitats might be an important element, in addition to the genetic variation, in plant adaptation to environmental stress. Here, we assessed genetic, epigenetic, and cytogenetic structure of the three Lilium bosniacum populations growing on distinct habitats. One population was growing under habitual ecological conditions for this species and the other two were growing under stress associated with high altitude and serpentine soil. Amplified fragment length polymorphism and methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism analyses revealed that the three populations did not differentiate genetically, but were clearly separated in three distinct clusters according to DNA methylation profiles. Principal coordinate analysis showed that overall epigenetic variation was closely related to habitat conditions. A new methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism scoring approach allowed identification of mainly unmethylated (φST = 0.190) and fully CpG methylated (φST = 0.118) subepiloci playing a role in overall population differentiation, in comparison with hemimethylated sites (φST = 0.073). In addition, unusual rDNA repatterning and the presence of B chromosomes bearing 5S rDNA loci were recorded in the population growing on serpentine soil, suggesting dynamic chromosome rearrangements probably linked to global genome demethylation, which might have reactivated some mobile elements. We discuss our results considering our earlier data on morphology and leaf anatomy of several L. bosniacum populations, and suggest a possible role of epigenetics as a key element in population differentiation associated with environmental stress in these particular lily populations. © The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.

  16. Functional conservation and divergence of four ginger AP1/AGL9 MADS-box genes revealed by analysis of their expression and protein-protein interaction, and ectopic expression of AhFUL gene in Arabidopsis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiumei Li

    Full Text Available Alpinia genus are known generally as ginger-lilies for showy flowers in the ginger family, Zingiberaceae, and their floral morphology diverges from typical monocotyledon flowers. However, little is known about the functions of ginger MADS-box genes in floral identity. In this study, four AP1/AGL9 MADS-box genes were cloned from Alpinia hainanensis, and protein-protein interactions (PPIs and roles of the four genes in floral homeotic conversion and in floral evolution are surveyed for the first time. AhFUL is clustered to the AP1 lineage, AhSEP4 and AhSEP3b to the SEP lineage, and AhAGL6-like to the AGL6 lineage. The four genes showed conserved and divergent expression patterns, and their encoded proteins were localized in the nucleus. Seven combinations of PPI (AhFUL-AhSEP4, AhFUL-AhAGL6-like, AhFUL-AhSEP3b, AhSEP4-AhAGL6-like, AhSEP4-AhSEP3b, AhAGL6-like-AhSEP3b, and AhSEP3b-AhSEP3b were detected, and the PPI patterns in the AP1/AGL9 lineage revealed that five of the 10 possible combinations are conserved and three are variable, while conclusions cannot yet be made regarding the other two. Ectopic expression of AhFUL in Arabidopsis thaliana led to early flowering and floral organ homeotic conversion to sepal-like or leaf-like. Therefore, we conclude that the four A. hainanensis AP1/AGL9 genes show functional conservation and divergence in the floral identity from other MADS-box genes.

  17. Disinfestation of agricultural products with electron beams and their radiation tolerance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayashi, Toru


    Some agricultural products contaminated with insect pests are fumigated with methyl bromide for quarantine purposes. However, the use of methyl bromide is preferably restricted because of its ozone depleting effect. Therefore, establishing alternative quarantine techniques is highly desirable; one such technique is exposure to ionizing radiation. Few data are available on the effects of radiation on insect pests other than fruit flies and stored-product insects and on the radiation tolerance of host commodities. Radiation technology as an alternative to methyl bromide fumigation will be used to inactivate not only insects but also mites, spider mites, thrips, nematodes, scales, mealybugs and thrips contaminating fruits, grains, cut flowers, vegetables, timbers, seedlings and seeds. In order to collect data on the effects of irradiation on pests and host commodities, IAEA and FAO have conducted an international project, 'FAO/IAEA Coordinated Research Programme on Irradiation as a Quarantine Treatment of Mites, Nematodes and Insects other than Fruit Fly' since 1992. The project determines the minimum doses necessary to inactivate pests and the maximum doses host commodities tolerate. All pests except nematodes can be inactivated at doses 400Gy or lower. Various varieties of cut flowers and herbs are tolerant to 400Gy of radiation, although some flowers and herbs such as chrysanthemum, rose, lily, calla, anthurium, sweet pea, iris, dill, basil and arugula are intolerant to 200Gy of radiation. Japanese research project on treatment of cut flowers with electron beams carried out mainly by Yokohama Plant Protection Station greatly contributes to these conclusions. Aqueous solution (2%) of sucrose, glucose, fructose or maltose prevents radiation-induced detrimental effects of radiation on chrysanthemums. Sugars reduce radiation-induced physiological deterioration of chrysanthemums. (author)

  18. Computer numerical control (CNC) lithography: light-motion synchronized UV-LED lithography for 3D microfabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jungkwun; Allen, Mark G; Yoon, Yong-Kyu


    This paper presents a computer-numerical-controlled ultraviolet light-emitting diode (CNC UV-LED) lithography scheme for three-dimensional (3D) microfabrication. The CNC lithography scheme utilizes sequential multi-angled UV light exposures along with a synchronized switchable UV light source to create arbitrary 3D light traces, which are transferred into the photosensitive resist. The system comprises a switchable, movable UV-LED array as a light source, a motorized tilt-rotational sample holder, and a computer-control unit. System operation is such that the tilt-rotational sample holder moves in a pre-programmed routine, and the UV-LED is illuminated only at desired positions of the sample holder during the desired time period, enabling the formation of complex 3D microstructures. This facilitates easy fabrication of complex 3D structures, which otherwise would have required multiple manual exposure steps as in the previous multidirectional 3D UV lithography approach. Since it is batch processed, processing time is far less than that of the 3D printing approach at the expense of some reduction in the degree of achievable 3D structure complexity. In order to produce uniform light intensity from the arrayed LED light source, the UV-LED array stage has been kept rotating during exposure. UV-LED 3D fabrication capability was demonstrated through a plurality of complex structures such as V-shaped micropillars, micropanels, a micro-‘hi’ structure, a micro-‘cat’s claw,’ a micro-‘horn,’ a micro-‘calla lily,’ a micro-‘cowboy’s hat,’ and a micro-‘table napkin’ array. (paper)

  19. Identification of Common Epitopes on a Conserved Region of NSs Proteins Among Tospoviruses of Watermelon silver mottle virus Serogroup. (United States)

    Chen, Tsung-Chi; Huang, Ching-Wen; Kuo, Yan-Wen; Liu, Fang-Lin; Yuan, Chao-Hsiu Hsuan; Hsu, Hei-Ti; Yeh, Shyi-Dong


    ABSTRACT The NSs protein of Watermelon silver mottle virus (WSMoV) was expressed by a Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) vector in squash. The expressed NSs protein with a histidine tag and an additional NIa protease cleavage sequence was isolated by Ni(2+)-NTA resins as a free-form protein and further eluted after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for production of rabbit antiserum and mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). The rabbit antiserum strongly reacted with the NSs crude antigen of WSMoV and weakly reacted with that of a high-temperature-recovered gloxinia isolate (HT-1) of Capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV), but not with that of Calla lily chlorotic spot virus (CCSV). In contrast, the MAbs reacted strongly with all crude NSs antigens of WSMoV, CaCV, and CCSV. Various deletions of the NSs open reading frame were constructed and expressed by ZYMV vector. Results indicate that all three MAbs target the 89- to 125-amino-acid (aa) region of WSMoV NSs protein. Two indispensable residues of cysteine and lysine were essential for MAbs recognition. Sequence comparison of the deduced MAbs-recognized region with the reported tospoviral NSs proteins revealed the presence of a consensus sequence VRKPGVKNTGCKFTMHNQIFNPN (denoted WNSscon), at the 98- to 120-aa position of NSs proteins, sharing 86 to 100% identities among those of WSMoV, CaCV, CCSV, and Peanut bud necrosis virus. A synthetic WNSscon peptide reacted with the MAbs and verified that the epitopes are present in the 98- to 120-aa region of WSMoV NSs protein. The WSMoV sero-group-specific NSs MAbs provide a means for reliable identification of tospoviruses in this large serogroup.

  20. Growth characteristics and nutrient removal capability of eco-ditch plants in mesocosm sediment receiving primary domestic wastewater. (United States)

    Kumwimba, Mathieu Nsenga; Zhu, Bo; Muyembe, Diana Kavidia; Dzakpasu, Mawuli


    Eco-ditches are being explored to maximize their capability of capturing pollutants and mitigate any harmful side effects in rivers. In this study, mesocosm plastic drum sediment and field experiments were set up to screen 18 plant species found in ditches and identify those with potential for high biomass production and nutrients removal. Terrestrial plants grown in the mesocosm system were shown to be able to acclimate to aquatic conditions and to survive in primary domestic sewage. About 73-95% increase in plant biomass was recorded. Removal efficiencies for total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and ammonium-nitrogen from the sewage of 72-99%, 64-99%, and 75-100%, respectively, were recorded. Furthermore, complete removal of the applied nitrate-nitrogen load was achieved in mesocosm systems. Findings also show that all species, but especially Acorus calamus, Canna indica, Canna lily, Cyperus alternifolius, Colocasia gigantea, Eichhornia crassipes, Iris sibirica, and Typha latifolia had the highest efficiencies for nitrogen and phosphorous removal. The N and P mass balance analysis demonstrated that plant uptake and sediment N and P accumulation accounted for 41-86% and 18-49% of the total influent TN and TP loads, respectively. In addition, the amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous uptake by these plant species were influenced significantly by biomass. The field-culture experiment further identified Canna indica followed by Cyperus alternifolius as the most promising for high biomass production and nutrients uptake. Therefore, these plants may be recommended for extensive use in treating highly eutrophicated rivers. Outcomes of this work can be useful for model design specifications in eco-ditch mitigation of sewage pollution.