
Sample records for united states surabaya

  1. Studi Alternatif Pemilihan Trase Transportasi Massal Surabaya Timur Dengan Surabaya Barat

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    Nirwan Prinanto


    Full Text Available Sistem transportasi darat yang bergerak diatas rel berifat massal dan terbukti sangat efektif dan efisien dalam melaksanakan tugas menghadapi kebutuhan transportasi terutama pada saat jam puncak. Perkembangan ekonomi yang sangat tinggi di Surabaya menimbulkan dampak meningkatnya aktifitas transportasi manusia maupun barang di dalam kota Surabaya. Hal ini jika tidak diikuti dengan peningkatan sistem jaringan transportasi di dalam kota Surabaya akan menyebabkan permasalahan kemacetan di dalam kota Surabaya, karena jaringan jalan di kota Surabaya saat ini sudah sangat padat sehingga akan menghambat aktifitas transportasi di dalam kota Surabaya. Dan satu – satunya alternatif adalah menggunakan jaringan transportasi yang tidak membebani jaringan jalan di Surabaya yaitu sistem transportasi rel. Metode pengerjaan tugas akhir ini yaitu membandingkan beberapa alternatif pola jaringan trase. Kemudian membandingkan beberapa alternatif trase untuk mendapatkan alternatif trase yang baik dan diprioritaskan pembangunannya. Dari trase terpilih, dilakukan analisa konsep perpindahan moda dan moda penunjang lainnya. Dalam menentukan moda yang akan digunakan dan alternatif trase yang akan dipilih dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan multi kriteria analisis. Dari hasil analisa diketahui bahwa trase yang diutamakan pembangunannya adalah trase di Surabaya bagian selatan. Moda yang digunakan adalah moda Monorail.

  2. Need Analysis for Air Conditioners in Public Sector of Surabaya City Government

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    Dwiarti Larasputri


    Full Text Available In typical buildings, air conditioners have the biggest percentage in energy consumption among all sectors. It makes a good management for air conditioners is needed and important in order to use the energy efficiently. Having a very hot and humid weather, it gives impact that most of buildings in Surabaya installed air conditioners, including Surabaya City Government office buildings. However, there is no regulation nor guidance how to manage air conditioners in Surabaya City Government, while Surabaya itself has a goal to become a green-eco city. Then, the existing condition of air conditioners usage in Surabaya Government units (SKPDs is evaluated. The evaluation resulted that most of air conditioners were over capacity and not all of them were efficient in energy consumption. Therefore, a need analysis is required to help Surabaya City Government managing its air conditioners better. By applying two different concepts, one is based on the architectural view and another one is based on green building criteria, the existing condition is analyzed and two procedures of need analysis are produced. The procedures can be implemented for two different conditions of office building rooms in Surabaya City Government.

  3. Perancangan Interior Sekolah Musik Surabaya Symphony Orchestra Di Surabaya


    Grace Mulyono, Liliyana Tan IGN. Ardana


    Classical music has a lot of benefits that can make more optimal brain development. Surabaya Symphony Orchestra Music School is a place to facilitate society in Surabaya to learn classical music.Many activities that can support learning classical music has not been facilitated due to the limited area, and lack of interior on SSO create interest and learning music became blocked. In accordance with Dolce concept which means “to play sweetly”, the music school design is using bright colors with...


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    Timoticin Kwanda


    Full Text Available After a period of property crash in 1997, later in 2001 the increase of economic growth has produced new infill building development or infill design in the heritage areas of Surabaya. According to some internationally known charters and recommendations, principles of new infill design in the heritage areas have been developed, such as the Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas (UNESCO, 1976, the Washington Charter (1987, and the World Heritage Cities Management Guide (UNESCO, 1991. In general, the principles state that new infill design should be undertaken in an architectural style which is compatible with the surrounding character of buildings and the context. Unfortunately in Surabaya, some cases of new infill designs have damaged the character of the heritage areas. Therefore, in the future the city of Surabaya should ensuring that new infill design is appropriate by preparing design guidelines, conservation plan and conservation areas. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Setelah kehancuran usaha propeti yang terjadi pada tahun 1997, pada tahun 2001 pertumbuhan ekonomi telah menghasilkan pembangunan bangunan baru atau infill design pada kawasan pelestarian di Surabaya. Berdasarkan beberapa piagam yang dikenal didunia, prinsip-prinsip desain bangunan baru pada kawasan pelestarian telah dikenal seperti The Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas (UNESCO, 1976, The Washington Charter (1987, and The World Heritage Cities Management Guide (UNESCO, 1991. Secara umum, prinsip-prinsip ini menyatakan bahwa desain bangunan baru harus dilaksanakan dengan memperhatikan langgam arsitektur yang serasi dengan karakter dan konteks bangunan-bangunan disekitarnya. Namun sangat disayangkan bahwa di Surabaya beberapa kasus desain bangunan baru telah merusak karakter kawasan pelestarian. Oleh karena itu, pada masa yang akan datang kota Surabaya harus memastikan bahwa desain

  5. Perancangan Interior Museum Film Indonesia Di Surabaya


    Limantoro, Lim Renawati


    Surabaya is a city with a thriving cultural variety with a pluralistic society where people in Surabaya is more modern that easy to accept new things that developed in the community. Museum is a public place so that the necessary interior educative and informative and can be used as a sports-themed Indonesian films. The purpose of designing the interior of the film museum in Surabaya this is a venue to preserve Indonesian films and give knowledge to the people of Surabaya on the world of cine...


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    Riyan Sisiawan Putra


    Full Text Available A strong application of corporate culture drives a company in improving its performance and achieving its targets. With the result that the corporate culture has a role in increasing the welfare of it’s employees. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the variables of corporate culture, employee motivation and employee performance. Path Analysis technique was utilised to analyse the obtained data. The results showed significant influences between work motivation on corporate culture, corporate culture on employee performance and work motivation on employee performance of PT Power Java-Bali, maintenance services unit of Surabaya.

  7. Model Perkembangan Nilai Lahan Perkotaan di Surabaya

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    Fatmawati Raeka


    Full Text Available Kota Surabaya mengalami suatu perkembangan yang sangat pesat dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan kota-kota disekitar Kota Surabaya.Kebijakan Pemerintah melalui NJOP sejauh ini belum dapat mengendalikan perilaku pasar tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat suatu model perkembangan nilai lahan perkotaan di Surabaya. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam menentukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai lahan perkotaan di Surabaya adalah menggunakan SPSS Inc. Kemudian model terhadap perkembangan nilai lahan perkotaan di Surabaya dengan menggunakan Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR. Hasil dari penelitian adalah model perkembangan nilai lahan yaitu Y = 0.982195 + 0.904970X1 + 0.293309X2 + 0.279019X3 + 0.036190X4 - 0.131236X5 - 0.082324X6 dan simulasi faktor-faktor yang dominan dipengaruhi oleh faktor jarak berupa faktor jarak terhadap CBD, jarak ke pusat perbelanjaan lokal dan faktor sosial yaitu jumlah penduduk.

  8. Konsep Desain Executive Suite sebagai Branding Image Hotel Bisnis Surabaya


    Pujiono, Muhammad Salatoen; Sari, Arwita


    Surabaya merupakan kota metropolitan ke-dua setelah ibu kota Jakarta yang memiliki intensitas aktivitas bisnis yang sangat tinggi. Hal ini di tandai dengan perkembangan CBD (Central Business District) dan Sub-CBD (Central Business District) yang tersebar di kawasan Surabaya Utara, Surabaya Pusat, dan Surabaya Barat. Peningkatan aktifitas bisnis yang tinggi, meningkatkan mobilitas manusia ke daerah Surabaya juga semakin tinggi, sehingga permintaan akan sebuah lokasi hunian sementara seperti ho...

  9. Strategi Pengembangan Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo Surabaya

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    Khoirul Umam


    Full Text Available The aim of the research are to describe the potential of ecotourism development in mangrove forest, to describe the benefits that can be gained by the community, to analyze the internal and external environment in the development of Mangrove Ecotourism Surabaya, and to formulate development strategiy of Mangrove Ecotourism Wonorejo Surabaya based on internal and external environment. The first and second objectives were answered using descrip­tive analysis, while the third objective was answered using IFAS (Internal Factors Analysis Strategy and EFAS (External Factors Analysis. The result showed that the Mangrove Ecotourism Wonorejo Surabaya has potential aspects to develop in referring to the ecology places/sutainability places, the natural resources including flora and fauna, the government support, the organizational, and the community of Wonorejo support for facilities and infrastructure. There are three aspects in terms of the benefit that owned by Mangrove Ecotourism Wonorejo Surabaya includ­ing social, economic and agribusiness aspects. Based on internal factors analysis (IFAS and external factors analysis (EFAS, it was suggested that the aggressive strategy (growth, It can uses to get the opportunity strengthly, must be taken to develop mangrove ecotourism potential in Wonorejo, Surabaya.

  10. Tipologi Permukiman Kumuh di Pinggiran Selatan Kota Surabaya


    Leny Agustin Maharani; Ema Umilia


    Permukiman kumuh di Pinggiran Selatan Kota Surabaya merupakan salah satu permasalahan kota. Permukiman di daerah ini menjadi rentan karena banyak masuknya penduduk desa ke kota dan memilih bertempat tinggal. Perkembangan kota Surabaya yang begitu pesat tidak diimbangi dengan pemeliharaan dan peningkatan prasarana, sehingga menjadi padat dan kumuh. Maka perlunya suatu tipologi permukiman kumuh di Pinggiran Selatan Kota Surabaya. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian yaitu merumuskan tipologi permu...

  11. Strategi Pengembangan Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo Surabaya


    Umam, Khoirul; Sudiyarto, Sudiyarto; Winarno, Sri Tjondro


    The aim of the research are to describe the potential of ecotourism development in mangrove forest, to describe the benefits that can be gained by the community, to analyze the internal and external environment in the development of Mangrove Ecotourism Surabaya, and to formulate development strategiy of Mangrove Ecotourism Wonorejo Surabaya based on internal and external environment. The first and second objectives were answered using descrip­tive analysis, while the third objective was answe...

  12. Participation and Neutrality of State Civil Apparatus in Direct Regional Election: Surabaya City Case

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    Catur Wibowo Budi Santoso


    Full Text Available In relation to the existence of State Civil Apparatus, at least there are two issues that must be observed in the implementation of Regional elections, namely the issues of participation and neutrality of State Civil Apparatus. The phenomenon that occurs during this time is the involvement of the State Civil Apparatus in attendance is still minimum (low. Moreover, it is believed that there are many Civil Apparatus State who is not neutral in the organization of Regional Elections. In this regard, this study aims to analyze the participation and neutrality of State Civil Apparatus. The method utilized in this study is qualitative. The result of the study shows that in general the participation of State Civil Apparatus in Surabaya is adequately good, but the neutrality of State Civil Apparatus has not implemented well enough. There are at least three (3 main factors influencing the participation of Civil State Apparatus, namely the factors of leadership exemplary, commitment to employees, and employee development. As for the neutrality of the State Civil Apparatus, among others, is influenced by the factors of the ambition of employee, primordialism, and working environment of employees.

  13. Fasilitas Pelatihan dan Pergelaran Seni Tari Hip Hop di Surabaya


    Yanuar, Sandy


    Fasilitas Pelatihan dan Pergelaran Seni Tari Hip Hop di Surabaya merupakan fasilitas yang disediakan bagi semua penari Hip Hop di Surabaya untuk berlatih menari dan mempertunjukan tarian Hip Hop. Fasilitas ini tersedia bagi semua penari Hip Hop termasuk penari difable, mengingat kaum difable juga dapat menari Hip Hop. Namun karena di Surabaya belum memiliki fasilitas yang memadai bagi semua penari Hip Hop termasuk penari difable untuk menari dan memiliki tempat pertunjukan yang berkarakter Hi...

  14. Analisa Pengaruh Functional Dan Convenience Related Factor Terhadap Consumer Loyaly Melalui Consumer Well Being Pada Auto 2000 Surabaya


    Limantoro, Irfan


    Indonesian Automotive Industry Association shows that the sales volume from January to November 2015 has reached 923 212 units. One car dealer selling car in the data products is the best-selling cars Auto 2000 Auto 2000 Surabaya included in the dealers with high sales figures and continues to rise. The condition indicates that the customer or consumer loyalty towards 2000 Auto Surabaya tend to be high. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of functional related f...

  15. Perancangan Interior Education Centre Di Surabaya


    Hedy C. Indrani, Cynthia Kartono


    Education is a part that can not be discharged in the life of every person. There are a variety of ways to education, for example, an alternative course that is in great demand. Various agencies in Surabaya developing courses with a variety of facilities and quality of learning programs. The children became the object of major markets in the need for education. Realizing a container that is able to maximize the facilities and a good learning program in Surabaya for children aged 6-18 years as...

  16. Perancangan Media Promosi Fitra Tattoo Studio Surabaya


    Nursalim, Ekky; Damajanti, Maria Nala; Yuwono, Elisabeth Christine


    Fitra Tattoo Studio merupakan salah satu tattoo artist yang berada di kota Surabaya. Namun, karena kurangnya promosi yang dilakukan oleh Fitra Tattoo Studio sejak awal menyebabkan Fitra Tattoo Studio kurang dikenal oleh masyarakat Surabaya sendiri. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjangkau sasaran konsumen dan mengenalkan Fitra Tattoo Studio di benak konsumen dibutuhkan sebuah perancangan promosi yang efektif, komunikatif, dan efisien untuk menyampaikan pesan kepada sasaran konsumen. Dengan adanya pe...

  17. Marketing Strategy In Surabaya City Archieves And Library

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    Fahriyah Fahriyah


    Full Text Available Successfull organizations are able to design and manage their information and the supporting technologies as a strategic weapon as well as an information utility. This requires information to be readily available on an asneeded basis to staff, management, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. Surabaya City Archives and Libraries use the strategic marketing to disseminate information resources at their disposal. The purpose of this research is to know, how the marketing of library in Surabaya City Archives and Libraries. The research method uses literature study with data collection techniques derived from interviews and literature study. Fordata analysis, the results were processed and analyzed interviews with marketing theory using some of the literature from books, journals and the results of previous studies. Surabaya city Library and Archive wasfoundsome elementsin the 'Marketing Mix' or library marketing strategy that has beenappliedin thelibrary since 2007. Adjustment of marketing strategy or concept 7P' Marketing Mix' are Product, Price, Promotion, Place, People, Process and Physical Evidencein the library have increased performance results Surabaya City Archives and Libraries since 2007 until now.


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    Juniarti Juniarti


    Full Text Available This research intends to predict factors that drive client to switch their existing auditor based on prior research undertaken by Chow and Rice (1982. The main independent variable used in this research is qualified audit opinion. In addition, this study also include merger, management changes and expansion as the control variables. The analysis unit for the four independent variables are some companies in East Java especially Surabaya and Sidoarjo area which have been audited by Audit Firm. The data collection is conducted by using mail survey. The multivariate techniques, i.e binary logistic is used to test the hypothesis. Overall, the finding showed that there is no significant evidence that qualified audit opinion and the other three control variables as the predicted variable for auditor switch by some companies in Surabaya and Sidoarjo. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi faktor-faktor yang mendorong klien untuk mengganti auditor yang ada, berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya yang dilakukan oleh Chow dan Rice (1982. Variabel utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah qualified audit opinion. Disamping itu penelitian ini juga menggunakan variabel kontrol yang terdiri dari merger, management changes dan expansion. Unit analisis yang diteliti adalah perusahaan-perusahaan yang berada di wilayah Surabaya dan Sidoarjo yang pernah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik. Data diperoleh dengan cara mengirimkan kuesioner kepada responden yang dituju. Secara keseluruhan, temuan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak terdapat bukti yang signifikan bahwa qualified audit opinion dan ketiga variabel kontrol yang lain merupakan variabel yang memprediksi perpindahan auditor yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan di wilayah Surabaya dan Sidoarjo. Kata kunci: audit, pergantian auditor, qualified audit opinion.

  19. Antibiotic Usage Profile after Antibiotic Stewardship Program Implementation in Intensive Care Unit of dr. Ramelan Naval Hospital Surabaya

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    Stefanie Setiawan


    Full Text Available Antibiotic Stewardship Program (ASP is mandatory to all Indonesian hospitals, in accordance to the 2015 Minister of Health Decree No. 8. Dr. Ramelan Naval Hospital Surabaya is one among the many hospitals in Indonesia that has implemented the ASP. The study objective was to describe quantitative-qualitatively the use of antibiotics, along with clinical and microbiological outcomes observed in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU after ASP implementation in dr. Ramelan Naval Hospital Surabaya. The design was a 3-month (February–May 2016 cross-sectional observational study. Quantitative description was reported using Days of Therapy (DOT/100 patient-days, the qualitative description was reviewed using Gyssens’ flowchart. Clinical outcomes observed include nosocomial infection, infection-related mortality, and average length of stay (LOS. Microbiological outcome was observed through the occurences of multi-drug resistant organism. The results showed overall antibiotic use was 151.63 DOT/100 patient-days. Quality of antibiotic use were 52.73% definitely appropriate; 8.18% inappropriate regarding dose, intervals, durations, and timing; 7.27% no indication; and no mutual agreement in 31.82% (κ=0.59; p<0.05. Hospital Acquired Pneumonias (HAPs/Ventilator Associated Pneumonias (VAPs were the most observed nosocomial infection, infection-related mortality rate was 44.68%; and average LOS were 7.17±1.9 days (p<0.05. No incidents of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA or Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL have been found, but there were two cases of Multi Drug Resistant (MDR Acinetobacter baumannii.

  20. Perencanaan Sistem Drainase Kebon Agung Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur

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    Made Gita Pitaloka


    Full Text Available Saluran Kebon Agung terletakdi Surabaya bagian selatan di Kecamatan Jambangan dan bermuara di sisi laut Surabaya bagian Timur di Kecamatan Rungkut. Saluran ini memiliki panjang 11 kilometer dan lebar berkisar antara 7 – 12 meter. Pada saluran Kebon Agung terdapat 2 rumah pompa, yaitu Pompa Kutisari dan Pompa Kebon Agung. Rumah pompa ini sudah berfungsi untuk mengurangi banjir di Surabaya, namun masih kurang maksimal, sehingga masih terjadi genangan di beberapa lokasi. Berdasarkan Peta Kawasan Rawan Banjir Kota Surabaya tahun 2014, terdapat kawasan rawan banjir di pemukiman kampung wilayah kecamatan Jambangan akibat luapan sungai Kali Surabaya. Selain itu, menurut BAPPEKO (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Kota Surabaya tahun 2015, terjadi pula genangan setinggi 10-40 cm di Kecamatan Wonocolo dan setinggi 10-50 cm di Kecamatan Gununganyar.Perencanaan sistem drainase Kebon Agung dilakukan dengan mengevaluasi kondisi saluran eksisting, kemudian melakukan analisis hidrologi dengan menggunakan program bantu HEC-HMS untuk mendapatkan debit banjir rencana. Sedangkan, analisis hidrolika menggunakan program bantu HEC-RAS dengan dua kali simulasi unsteady flow, yaitu simulasi kondisi saluran eksisting dan hasil perencanaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kondisi eksisting diperoleh bahwa genangan air terjadi karena kapasitas kapasitas saluran Kebon Agung saat ini tidak dapat mengalirkan debit banjir rencana, sehingga dibutuhkan perencanaan baru. Lebar saluran primer yang diperlukan berkisar antara 8 sampai 15 meter dengan kedalaman 3 meter, lebar saluran sekunder yang diperlukan berkisar antara 5 sampai 8 meter dengan kedalaman 2,5 meter, dan untuk lebar saluran tersier antara 1,2 sampai 2 meter dengan kedalaman 1 meter sampai 2 meter. Jumlah pompa yang dibutuhkan adalah 5 buah pompa dengan kapasitas 5 m3/detik dan 3 buah pompa dengan kapasitas 1,5 m3/detik.

  1. Analisa Kelayakan Teknis dan Finansial pada Proyek Apartemen Dian Regency Surabaya

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    Leonardo Andos Roganda L. Gaol


    Full Text Available Pertumbuhan penduduk yang semakin pesat di Surabaya menyebabkan semakin berkurangnya ketersediaan lahan untuk tempat hunian. Proyek Apartemen Dian Regency dibangun sebagai salah satu solusi untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan masyarakat akan tempat hunian. Setiap rencana proyek harus didahului dengan studi kelayakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan proyek pembangunan Apartemen Dian Regency Surabaya dari aspek teknis dan finansial. Aspek teknis menganalisa tentang luasan bangunan, mobilisasi material dan ketersediaan lahan parkir sesuai dengan persyaratan Pemerintah. Sedangkan aspek finansial menganalisa berdasarkan perhitungan Net Present Value dan masa pengembalian investasi. Dari segi teknis, berdasarkan perhitungan analisa luasan bangunan dan ketersediaan lahan parkir kendaraan,  perencanaan pembangunan Apartemen Dian Regency Surabaya telah sesuai dengan syarat yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah Kota Surabaya. Sedangkan dari segi finansial, harapan pengembalian investasi dengan masa investasi 10 tahun dapat dipenuhi. Nilai investasi sebesar Rp. 175.527.087.514 diperoleh dengan pinjaman bank sebesar 60% dari modal, dengan bunga 12% pertahun. Proyek Apartemen Dian Regency Surabaya mampu menghasilkan NPV sebesar Rp. 4.016.380.123 dan IRR sebesar 22.6% dimana MARR sebesar 12%. Dari analisa sensitivitas, dapat dilihat investasi Apartemen Dian Regency Surabaya akan menjadi tidak layak dari aspek finansial jika tingkat penjualan kurang dari 97,1% dan tingkat bunga diatas 22,4%.

  2. Marketing Strategy In Surabaya City Archieves And Library

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    Fahriyah Fahriyah


    Full Text Available Successfull organizations are able to design and manage their information and the supporting technologies as a strategic weapon as well as an information utility. This requires information to be readily available on an as-needed basis to staff, management, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. The Bodies of Archives and Libraries Surabaya City use the strategic marketing to disseminate information resources at their disposal. The purpose of this research is to know, how the marketing of library in The Bodies of Archives and Libraries Surabaya City. The research method uses literature study with data collection techniques derived from interviews and literature study. For data analysis, the results were processed and analyzed interviews with marketing theory using some of the literature from of books, journals and the results of previous studies. The Bodies of Library and Archive Surabaya city was found some elements in the 'Marketing Mix' or library marketing strategy that has been applied in the library. Adjustment of marketing strategy or concept 7P 'Marketing Mix' are Product, Price, Promotion, Place, People, Process and Physical Evidence in the library have increased performance results The Bodies of Archives and Libraries Surabaya City since 2003 until now.

  3. Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection Based on Surveillance Attributes in RSU Haji Surabaya

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    Spica Redina Vebrilian


    Full Text Available Surveillance system is instrumental in reducing the incidence of nosocomial infection. The implementation of this surveillance system is necessary in the hospital. Surveillance CAUTI is one of the focus prevention and infection control program in RSU Haji Surabaya 2015. The success of surveillance system highly depends on the association of attributes inside it. Surveillance attributes are indicator that describes the characteristics ofsurveillance system. In 2015, there was a delay in the collection of data reports which exceeds the prescribed time limit and there was also a lot of blank space in the confi rmation sheet. It affects the surveillance system in RSU Haji Surabaya. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the surveillance CAUTI based on the surveillance attributes in RSU Haji Surabaya2015. This research is a descriptive evaluative research. Subjects in this study are the surveillance attributes (simplicity, flexibility, acceptability, sensitivity, positive predictive value, representativeness, timeliness, data quality, and stability CAUTI in RSU Haji Surabaya, while survey respondents are IPCN, IPCLN, and head nurse. Data collected by interview and documentation study. The results showed that the attributes of surveillance is already has simplicity, high acceptability, high sensitivity, high positive predictive value, representative, and high stability. However, other attributes were not fl exible, not timeliness, and has a low data quality. Alternative solutions that can be done are to improve the regulatory function in every unit, establish standardization of hospital data, and manage reward and punishment system. Keywords: surveillance system, surveillance attributes, evaluation, nosocomial infections, CAUTI


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    Bambang Sriyanto Eko Prakoso


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian adalah melakukan identifikasi basis data dan “software” yang digunakan untuk mengelola basis data tersebut di daerah penelitian, dan mengembangkan atau merancang Sistem Informasi Drainase di daerah penelitian. Hasil identifikasi basis data dan “software” pengelolanya menunjukkan adanya dua jenis basis data yang telah dikembangkan di Kota Surabaya. Basis data yang pertama bersifat umum dan kurang lengkap serta dikelola dengan program Autocad. Sedangkan basis data yang kedua sudah memadai, bahkan struktur basis data dan tata letak data sudah baik yang dikelola dengan program ArcView versi 3.1. Oleh karena itu, pilihan basis data dijatuhkan pada basis data yang kedua dengan program pengelolanya adalah ArcView. Mengingat adanya, beberapa kekurangan pada basis data tersebut maka diperlukan penambahan dan pengurangan data serta dilakukan beberapa perubahan pada struktur data yakni untuk kepentingan hubungan dengan kenampakan lain. Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Drainase Kota Surabaya dikembangkan dengan program Visual Basic 6.0 dan ArcView versi 3.2. Dengan aplikasi ini memungkinkan pengguna akhir yang kurang ahli dapat mengoperasikan dengan cepat dan mudah dalam menghasilkan informasi yang dapat digunakan oleh para pengambil kebijakan untuk perencanaan dan pengelolaan sistem drainase Kota Surabaya.

  5. Program terpadu penanggulangan kemiskinan di Kota Surabaya

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    Erna Setijatiningrum


    Full Text Available Surabaya is one of metropolitan city in Surabaya, yet still has a high poverty rates. This research aims to design an integrated program in reducing poverty in Surabaya. The high poverty rates lead to several complex problems such as unemployment, education, health, crime and social problem. Actually, a lot of poverty alleviation programs have been implemented by the municipal government of Surabaya. However, the program is still less effective because: 1 there is lack of coordination among agencies in running the program and 2 the program does not reflect the needs of the poor to a decent life in urban areas. This research employs qualitative method carried out in several governmental bodies relating to the issue of poverty alleviation. The result of this study indicates that there are eight priority needs of the poor, namely (1 education, (2 health, (3 housing, (4 nine basic needs, (5 clean water, (6 ease of administration, (7 training expertise, and (8 employment. From the eight priority needs of the poor, we found design of integrated program of poverty reduction which requires good coordination among relevant agencies. There are eight institutions which government agency should coordinate in the integrated program, namely (1 the Department of Education, (2 Social Service, (3 Departement of Health, (4 the Ministry of Community Empowerment, (5 Department of housing, planning, and urban development (6 Water Supply Company, (7 Department of Civil and Population, (8 the Ministry of Labour.

  6. Perancangan Interior Souvenir Shop Berbasis Human Centered Design Di Ekowisata Mangrove Surabaya


    Oka, Melissa


    The design of commercial facilities in the form of a souvenir shop in Mangrove Ecotourism Surabaya is designed to support Surabaya city's government and also the Wonorejo Ecotourism institution in developing the facilities at Mangrove ecotourism wonorejo in order to fulfill the tourist's needs of particular handicrafts sale of mangrove ecotourism Surabaya and having the education value of mangrove processed goods. The souvenir shop consists of storage room, cashier area, and display area. The...

  7. Gaya Desain pada Visualisasi Undangan Pernikahan di Surabaya

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    Maria Nala Damayanti


    Full Text Available Wedding invitation is one of many visual languages which is designed for communicating a massage and an image to the invited guest. Wedding invitation development in Surabaya indicates several uniformity in design, which tends to use the same design style and applicate recent printing technologies. These condition shows an increasing common understanding in the urgency of visualization of invitations. This research topic is to explain the background of the phenomenon from design style as known in visual communication design and the development of visual culture. Design style which is used by the people is eclectic design. This phenomenon contributes to the characteristics of visual culture in Surabaya. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Undangan pernikahan adalah salah satu bahasa visual yang senantiasa dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga mampu menyampaikan pesan dan kesan tertentu kepada pihak yang diundang. Perkembangan undangan pernikahan di Surabaya menunjukkan adanya beberapa keseragaman desain kecenderungan kesukaan akan gaya desain tertentu, dan digunakannya teknologi cetak terkini. Kondisi ini menunjukkan adanya perkembangan di masyarakat terhadap pentingnya visualisasi undangan. Tulisan ini membahas latar belakang fenomena ini dari sisi gaya desain yang dikenal dalam bidang desain komunikasi visual dan perkembangan budaya visual.Gaya desain yang banyak digunakan masyarakat adalah ekletik desain. Fenomena ini memberi ciri budaya visual di Surabaya, Kata kunci: budaya visual, elemen desain, gaya desain, tipografi, undangan pernikahan.

  8. Tipologi Permukiman Kumuh di Pinggiran Selatan Kota Surabaya

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    Leny Agustin Maharani


    Full Text Available Permukiman kumuh di Pinggiran Selatan Kota Surabaya merupakan salah satu permasalahan kota. Permukiman di daerah ini menjadi rentan karena banyak masuknya penduduk desa ke kota dan memilih bertempat tinggal. Perkembangan kota Surabaya yang begitu pesat tidak diimbangi dengan pemeliharaan dan peningkatan prasarana, sehingga menjadi padat dan kumuh. Maka perlunya suatu tipologi permukiman kumuh di Pinggiran Selatan Kota Surabaya. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian yaitu merumuskan tipologi permukiman kumuh di Pinggiran Selatan Kota Surabaya, dilakukan tiga tahapan analisis yaitu pertama mengidentifikasi kondisi eksisting permukiman kumuh menggunakan metode statistik deskripsi, kedua untuk menentukan kriteria tipologi permukiman kumuh menggunakan analisa triangulasi dan delphi serta terakhir merumuskan tipologi permukiman kumuh dengan skoring, analisis cluster dan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian terbentuk 4 tipologi, yaitu tipologi 1 terdiri dari area Karangpilang dan Waru Gunung dengan kategori di semua aspek buruk. Tipologi 2 terdiri dari area Kebraon, Gayungan, Rungkut Menaggal dan Gunung Anyar dengan ciri yaitu aspek fisik kategori sedang, aspek sosial dan hukum kategori baik, serta aspek ekonomi kategori buruk. Tipologi 3 terdiri dari area Pagesangan, Kebonsari, Dukuh Menanggal, Panjang Jiwo dan Gunung Anyar Tambak dengan ciri semua aspek baik, kecuali aspek ekonomi kategori buruk. Sedangkan tipologi 4 terdiri dari area Kutisari dan Kendangsari, yang memiliki ciri yaitu aspek fisik kategori sedang, aspek sosial dan aspek ekonomi kategori buruk dan aspek hukum kategori baik.

  9. Evaluasi Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Hotel X di Surabaya

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    Hutomo Dwi Prabowo


    Full Text Available Hotel X merupakan salah satu hotel bintang 4 di Surabaya yang memiliki sarana pengolahan limbah cair dengan kualitas effluent belum memenuhi baku mutu Peraturan Gubernur Jawa Timur No. 72 tahun 2013. Berdasarkan hasil pelaporan pengujian kualitas effluent Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL Hotel X pada 11 Juni 2015 diketahui bahwa salah satu parameter kualitas effluent tidak memenuhi baku mutu. Parameter tersebut adalah COD dengan konsentrasi sebesar 71,684 mg/l. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi terhadap IPAL yang ada. Unit yang dievaluasi terdiri dari bak ekualisasi, tangki aerasi, dan bak pengendap 2 dengan sistem activated sludge. Unit-unit ini dievaluasi terhadap efisiensi dan efektivitas masing-masing bangunan. Sampel yang diuji diambil dari influent dan effluent tiap bangunan untuk mengetahui tingkat penyisihan dari tiap bangunan. Hasil evaluasi berupa perubahan fungsi unit, modifikasi unit, dan juga penambahan unit baru.yang direncanakan agar kualitas effluent IPAL Hotel X memenuhi baku mutu. Biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk perencanaan sesuai hasil evaluasi adalah Rp. 297.960.000,-


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    Dwi Indah Setyowati


    Full Text Available This study aimed to determine the influences of parental employment and self-confidence of the students’ interest on entrepreneurship in 10th State Vocational School of Surabaya, academic year 2012-2013. Populations of this study were 582 students and 106 samples were selected by using purposive sampling. Data were collected by questionnaires. Analysis technique was using multiple linear regression analysis. Partial results of the study concluded that the work of the parents has no influence on the interest in entrepreneurship, while self confidence has an influence of the students’ interest in entrepreneurship. Simultaneously, this study concluded that parents work and self-confidence significantly influences students’ interest in entrepreneurship students in 10th State Vocational School of Surabaya.


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    Obed Bima Wicandra dan Sophia Novita Angkadjaja


    Full Text Available The research explores the issue of graffiti especially artistic graffiti that recently has been developing rapidly in Surabaya. The research purpose is to expose scientifically the motivation behind the creation of graffiti from the creator (known in the graffiti community as bomber point-of-view and its relation with the city’s needs. The research also provides a scientific argument on graffiti contribution to the city’s social development. The research uses qualitative method based on grounded theory. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian ini mengangkat masalah graffiti terutama graffiti artistik yang kini mulai berkembang di Surabaya. Tujuan penelitian adalah menemukan secara ilmiah motivasi pembuat graffiti (disebut bomber dalam membuat graffiti di Surabaya%2C menghubungkan keinginan bomber dalam berkarya dengan kepentingan kota dan memberikan argumentasi ilmiah tentang partisipasi graffiti dalam perkembangan sosial kota. Metode penelitian adalah kualitatif yang menggunakan rancangan penelitian grounded theory. graffiti%2C ecology%2C socio-cultur%2C artistic%2C Surabaya.

  12. Kajian Estetika Interior Restoran Boncafe Di Jalan Pregolan Surabaya


    Fanuel W., Yemima


    Boncafe Pregolan restaurant is a restaurant in Surabaya located at Pregolan Street 2, Tegal sari, Central Surabaya. Boncafe Pregolan restaurant built in 2007. The interior of Boncafe Pregolan restaurant is divided into several rooms, main entrance area, main dining area I, main dining area II, smoking dining area, and terrace dining. The aesthetic of interior Boncafe Pregolan restaurant is interesting to be analyzed, because of the interior's plays inside. The design principles implemented t...

  13. Akademi Golf di Surabaya


    Santoso, Indra Purnama


    Golf adalah salah satu olahraga yang mulaipopular pada tahun-tahun ini. Popularitasnya makinmeningkat yang berdampak pada meningkatnya jumlahpemain golf padahal fasilitas yang mewadahinya sangatminim. Dalam Perancangan Akademi Golf di Surabaya,diharapkan dapat menambah fasilitas khususnya dalambidang pendidikan mengingat penggunanya mulaibanyak pada kaum muda. Fasilitas-fasilitas yangdirencanakan secara keseluruhan berhubungan denganpendidikan golf dimana juga mempertahankan kondisieksisting ...

  14. Penerapan Rekayasa Nilai Pada Proyek Pembangunan Hotel Ciputra World Di Surabaya

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    Adinegoro Choliq


    Full Text Available Hotel Ciputra World di Surabaya adalah hotel bintang lima yang terletak di Jalan Mayor Jendral Sungkono Surabaya. Gedung yang bersebelahan dengan Mall Ciputra World ini memiliki luas 22.008 m2. Hotel Ciputra World Surabaya diidentifikasi memiliki biaya tidak perlu. Biaya tidak perlu dapat dikurangi dengan menerapkan rekayasa nilai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari penghematan pada proyek pembangunan Hotel Ciputra World di Surabaya dengan menggunakan rekayasa nilai. Penerapan rekayasa nilai dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rencana Kerja Rekayasa Nilai. Tahap dari rencana kerja tersebut meliputi empat langkah, yaitu tahap informasi, tahap kreatif, tahap analisis dan tahap rekomendasi. Tahap informasi berisi Analisis Fungsi. Tahap kreatif dilaksanakan dengan Brainstroming. Tahap analisis terdiri dari Analisis Keuntungan dan Kerugian, Analisis Life Cycle Cost, dan analisis pengambilan keputusan dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP. Tahap rekomendasi adalah tahap untuk menunjukan alternatif mana yang akhirnya diputuskan layak untuk menggantikan item pekerjaan existing. Melalui penerapan rekayasa nilai pada proyek pembangunan Hotel Ciputra World di Surabaya memiliki item pekerjaan yang memiliki potensi biaya tidak diperlukan paling besar yaitu pekerjaan dinding dalam. Penghematan biaya konstruksi yang didapat dari pekerjaan dinding dalam adalah sebesar Rp. atau sebesar 7.03% dari biaya total pembangunan (Rp. 32.140.900.000,00. Pekerjaan dinding pada awalnya mengeluarkan biaya sebesar Rp 7.483.900.771 menjadi Rp 5.224.722.871.

  15. Analisa Persepsi Glass Ceiling Pada Grup Hotel Accor Di Surabaya


    Hariono, Ardhi Ananta Kurnia; Theios, Jefson


    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi karyawan perempuan akan glass ceiling pada grup hotel Accor Surabaya melalui hambatan pribadi, hambatan situasional, dan hambatan sosial. Penelitian ini di fokuskan pada kelompok umur dan status pernikahan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan survei kepada 50 karyawan perempuan yang mejabat pada posisi manajerial di grup Hotel Accor Surabaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi glass ceiling pada interval kecil. Untuk kelom...

  16. Keberlanjutan Transportasi di Kota Surabaya Melalui Pengembangan Kawasan Berbasis TOD (Transit Oriented Development

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    Ketut Dewi Martha Erli Handayani


    Full Text Available Development plan of monorail and tramway in Surabaya City aimed to encourage the movement based transit. TOD (Transit Oriented Development is model for integration of transportation and land use in order to encourage the transit ridership. The result of study in worldwide show the success of TOD application in increasing the usage of transit mode by developing policies on land uses around station/terminal. Therefore, it needs to adopt TOD in transit area of Surabaya City to achieve the sustainable transportation. This study conclude criteria of TOD that can be applied in transit area of Surabaya City are mixed land uses, high intensity of activities around station/terminal, integrated design of circulation and road network, and pedestrians/cyclists friendly design.Development plan of monorail and tramway in Surabaya City aimed to encourage the movement based transit. TOD (Transit Oriented Development is model for integration of transportation and land use in order to encourage the transit ridership. The result of study in worldwide show the success of TOD application in increasing the usage of transit mode by developing policies on land uses around station/terminal. Therefore, it needs to adopt TOD in transit area of Surabaya City to achieve the sustainable transportation. This study conclude criteria of TOD that can be applied in transit area of Surabaya City are mixed land uses, high intensity of activities around station/terminal, integrated design of circulation and road network, and pedestrians/cyclists friendly design.

  17. Model Lokasi Menara BTS Ditinjau Dari Faktor – Faktor Penentu Lokasi Menara BTS Di Surabaya


    Dynastya, Dynastya; Sulistyarso, Haryo


    Perkembangan tower Base Transceiver Station (BTS) di Kota Surabaya berlangsung sangat pesat. Keberadaan tower BTS yang mulai menjamur di kawasan permukiman mengakibatkan protes dari masyarakat yang takut akan dampak negatif tower BTS. Perkembangan jumlah penggunaan telepon genggam di kota Surabaya dapat diasumsikan bahwa kebutuhan jaringan komunikasi nirkabel bertambah. Untuk mengatur hal tersebut diperlukan adanya suatu pengendalian tower BTS di Kota Surabaya untuk meminimalisasi gangguan te...


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    Full Text Available Toileting culture affects the toileting design. Adaptive - inclusive toilet design strategy was needed to respond the local unique toileting culture of Surabaya people. Based on toileting culture and five Inclusive design principles directed by Tanuwidjaja, the inclusive toilet was produced. The project involved four steps such as: literature review, interview and photo documents, participative design workshops and design development. Therefore, a final design was produced and found acceptable for Surabaya people.

  19. International Comparison of Causative Bacteria and Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Urinary Tract Infections between Kobe, Japan, and Surabaya, Indonesia. (United States)

    Kitagawa, Koichi; Shigemura, Katsumi; Yamamichi, Fukashi; Alimsardjono, Lindawati; Rahardjo, Dadik; Kuntaman, Kuntaman; Shirakawa, Toshiro; Fujisawa, Masato


    Variation by country in urinary tract infection (UTI)-causative bacteria is partly due to the differences in the use of antibiotics. We compared their frequencies and antibiotic susceptibilities in the treatment of patients with UTI from 2 cities, Kobe, Japan, and Surabaya, Indonesia. We retrospectively analyzed 1,804 urine samples collected from patients with UTI in 2014 (1,251 collected in 11 months at Kobe University Hospital in Kobe and 544 collected in 2 months at Dr. Soetomo Hospital in Surabaya). Surabaya data were divided into adult and pediatric patients because a substantial number of specimens from pediatric-patients had been collected. The results indicated that Escherichia coli was the most common uropathogen (24.1% in Kobe and 39.3% in Surabaya) and was significantly resistant to ampicillin and substantially to first- and third-generation cephalosporins in Surabaya adults but not in Kobe adults (p < 0.01). Enterococcus faecalis was often isolated in Kobe (14.0%), but not in Surabaya (5.3%). Klebsiella spp. were isolated at a higher rate in Surabaya pediatric patients (20.3%) than in Surabaya adults (13.6%) and Kobe adults (6.6%). The antibiotic susceptibilities of the isolates form Surabaya isolates tended to be lower than the ones from Kobe. Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Gram-negative bacteria were detected at a significantly higher rate in Surabaya than in Kobe (p < 0.001). These results showed that the antimicrobial resistance patterns of UTI-causative bacteria are highly variable among 2 countries, and the continuous surveillance of trends in antibiotic resistance patterns of uropathogens is necessary for the future revision of antibiotic use.

  20. Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasional Terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior Di Hotel Gunawangsa Manyar Surabaya


    Felicia, Amelinda


    Penelitian ini difokuskan pada Komitmen Organisasional yang mempunyai tiga dimensi yaitu, Komitmen Afektif, Komitmen Berkelanjutan dan Komitmen Normatif dimana penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Komitmen Organisasional terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior di Hotel Gunawangsa Manyar Surabaya. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah semua karyawan dari Hotel Gunawangsa Manyar Surabaya dengan menggunakan teknik sensus dengan populasi. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunju...


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    Adityarani Putranti


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin tinggi akan jasa layanan kesehatan membuat ekspektasi masyarakat terhadap layanan kesehatan yang baik juga semakin tinggi. Pelayanan gigi dan mulut, merupakan salah satu pelayanan kesehatan dasar pada masyarakat. Klinik gigi My Dental Care Surabaya merupakan salah satu klinik gigi yang terletak di Surabaya Selatan. Klinik Gigi My Dental Care memiliki permasalahan belum tercapainya target jumlah kunjungan pasien sebesar 120 pasien per bulan selama tahun 2013-2014. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik observasional dengan pengumpulan data secara cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dengan metode simple random sampling dan jumlah sampel sebesar 30 orang. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada pasien yang melakukan perawatan gigi di Klinik Gigi My Dental Care Surabaya. Kata Kunci: Kepuasan Pelanggan, Kualitas Pelayanan, Klinik Gigi My Dental Care Surabaya


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    Yogo Aryo Jatmiko


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi aktivitas kewirausahaan di kota Surabaya dan kota Denpasar berdasarkan faktor-faktor: knowledge of other entrepeneurs, perception of opportunities, perception of self-capabilities dan fear failure dengan variabel jenis kelamin (gender sebagai variabel kontrol. Data yang digunakan adalah data dari global entrepeneurship monitor (GEM. Dalam studi ini, data yang digunakan adalah data cross-sectional untuk survei tahun 2013, baik untuk kota Surabaya maupun kota Denpasar. Model yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi logistik sequential untuk memprediksi keterlibatan faktor dengan aktivitas kewirausahaan. Kota Surabaya tidak signifikan dipengaruhi oleh knowledge of other entrepeneurs. Untuk kota Denpasar, variabel perception of self-capabilities dan fear to fail tidak signifikan mempengaruhi aktivitas kewirausahaan di kota Denpasar. Variabel gender berpengaruh secara signifikan di kota Surabaya, tetapi tidak di kota Denpasar.


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    M Hasinuddin


    Research result. The results using the ABC method showed that the unit cost to the cost of professional practice nurses in the hospital Dr. Soewandhi Surabaya is Rp. 460,000, - / month / person, while the cost of practice set by the RS Dr. Soewandhi is Rp. 1.200.000, - / month / person. There is a practice of the profession excess costs Rp. 740,000, -. RS Dr. Surabaya Soewandhi practice fees apply without using a standard based on the unit cost accordingly. Some educational institutions felt the cost was very heavy so the impact to the cancellation of the filing of the professional nurses student practice. Conclusions and recommendations. The hospital used a professional students practice nurses should use the standard fees in accordance with needs through precise calculations that the fees charged to students through educational institutions in accordance with the appropriate calculations. Keyword: ABC system - Profession nurses - Fee Practices

  4. The concept of community poverty reduction in coastal area of Surabaya based on sustainable livelihood approach (United States)

    Gai, A. M.; Soewarni, I.; M, M., Sir


    Multidimensional poverty becomes a trademark of fisherman community including the community in Surabaya. The fishermen in Surabaya belong to a society with quite apprehensive welfare in all aspects covering economy, social, and environment. Therefore, this research aims to organize poverty reduction concept in coastal area of Surabaya based on sustainable livelihood which assesses poverty through 5 (five) livelihood assets i.e. human asset, natural asset, social asset, physical asset, and financial asset. This research is a qualitative research using rationalistic approach with explorative, descriptive, and perspective nature. Primary data collected using Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) and secondary data collected through agency and literature survey. Purposive sampling was employed in getting the sample. Then, the data were analyzed using content analysis, statistics descriptive analysis, and delphi analysis. The results show that sustainable livelihood level in coastal area of Surabaya indicates the human asset is 65% at the SLA level and the lowest is social asset which is 20%, and financial asset is the most affecting factors of poverty in coastal area of Surabaya since the expense for fuel cannot be compared to the fish catched. Community empowerment is the concept proposed to overcome the poverty problems in coastal area of Surabaya.


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    Fransisca Andreani


    Full Text Available Customer Relationship Management (CRM merupakan salah satu strategi untuk mempertahankan pelanggan. Dengan terjalinnya hubungan yang erat diharapkan pelanggan menjadi loyal pada perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh CRM terhadap loyalitas pelanggan di Hotel JW Marriott Surabaya dengan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CRM yang meliputi financial benefits, social benefits dan structural ties berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan Hotel JW Marriott Surabaya. Faktor yang berpengaruh dominan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan Hotel JW Marriott Surabaya adalah structural ties.

  6. Analisis Pengaruh Service Quality Terhadap Behavioral Intentions Dengan Customer Satisfaction Sebagai Variabel Intervening Di Amaris Hotel Surabaya


    Loanata, Isabella Agustina; Dasmasela, Kristin Natasha; Soelistyo, Edwin Ervanto


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah Service Quality berpengaruh pada Customer Satisfaction dan Behavioral Intentions di Amaris Hotel Surabaya. Amaris Hotel Surabaya merupakan salah satu budget hotel di Surabaya yang terletak di daerah tengah kota. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Teknik Analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah partial least square (PLS). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa service quality berpengaruh terhadap behavioral intentions dengan customer sa...


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    Ery Abdul Baary


    Full Text Available Di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Surabaya II, sistem informasi pertanahan belum diterapkan, jadi untuk melaksanakan tugasnya hanya menggunakan sebatas peta digital, maka dari itu perlu adanya sistem informasi pertanahan yang terpadu dan mutakhir untuk mendukung dan mengoptimalkan pengelolaan sistem informasi pertanahan di Kota Surabaya II.Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan pembuatan sistem informasi pertanahan berdasarkan jenis hak atas tanah dengan menggunakan peta digital Kelurahan Genteng, Kecamatan Genteng, Surabaya skala 1:1000, citra Quickbird 2010, database mengenai bidang tanah dan data hasil survey. Pengolahan data menggunakan software utama Autodesk Land Dekstop 2009, ArcGIS 9.3. Pembuatan program aplikasi menggunakan software Visual Basic 6.0 yang dilengkapi dengan software tambahan MapObject 2.2.Dari hasil pembuatan Sistem informasi pertanahan di Kelurahan Genteng, Program ini mampu mengidentifikasi informasi bidang tanah mengenai jenis hak atas tanah yang meliputi 224 bidang tanah yang terdiri dari 132 bidang tanah atas hak guna bangunan, 89 bidang tanah atas hak milik, dan 3 bidang tanah atas hak pakai, serta dilengkapi dengan buku panduan sehingga dapat digunakan untuk membantu dalam pengambilan kebijakan dalam rencana pelaksanaan program inventarisasi penguasaan, pemilikan, penggunaan, dan pemanfaatan tanah.


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    Gendut Sukarno


    Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data diketemukan bahwa 1 human capital mampu memberikan kontribusi yang berarti terhadap customer capital. 2 Customer capital mampu memberikan kontribusi yang berarti terhadap kinerja café dan resto di Surabaya, 3 human capital mampu memberikan kontribusi yang berarti terhadap kinerja café dan resto di Surabaya.

  9. Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Pencegahan Fraud Di Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (Studi Pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Di Surabaya

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    Sitti Fitratul Jannah


    Full Text Available BPR memiliki kecenderungan lebih berisiko tersandung permasalahan karena jumlahnya lebih banyak daripada bank umum. Pernyataan ini didukung dengan banyaknya jumlah BPR yang dilikuidasi, yaitu sebanyak 70 BPR dari tahun 2005-2016 dengan hampir 70% alasan dilikuidasi adalah tindakan fraud oleh manajemen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance terhadap pencegahan fraud BPR di Surabaya yang listing di Bank Indonesia. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian terdiri dari seluruh karyawan (kecuali bagian keamanan dan kebersihan BPR di Surabaya yang listing di Bank Indonesia sebanyak 186 karyawan. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan total sampling sehingga total sampel sama dengan jumlah populasi yaitu sebanyak 186 karyawan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Good corporate governance berpengaruh positif terhadap pencegahan fraud BPR di Surabaya yang listing di Bank Indonesia. Penerapan prinsip Good corporate governance oleh Bank Perkreditan Rakyat di Surabaya menunjukkan nilai yang sangat tinggi yang berarti penerapan Good corporate governance sudah sangat baik. Begitu pula pencegahan fraud BPR di Surabaya juga menunjukkan nilai yang sangat tinggi yang berarti pencegahan fraud BPR di Surabaya juga telah dilakukan dengan sangat baik.

  10. Magnetic properties of Surabaya river sediments, East Java, Indonesia (United States)

    Mariyanto, Bijaksana, Satria


    Surabaya river is one of urban rivers in East Java Province, Indonesia that is a part of Brantas river that flows in four urban and industrial cities of Mojokerto, Gresik, Sidoarjo, and Surabaya. The urban populations and industries along the river pose serious threat to the river mainly for their anthropogenic pollutants. This study aims to characterize the magnetic properties of sediments in various locations along Surabaya river and correlate these magnetic properties to the level of pollution along the river. Samples are taken and measured through a series of magnetic measurements. The mass-specific magnetic susceptibility of sediments ranges from 259.4 to 1134.8 × 10-8 m3kg-1. The magnetic minerals are predominantly PSD to MD magnetite with the grain size range from 6 to 14 μm. The mass-specific magnetic susceptibility tends to decreases downstream as accumulation of magnetic minerals in sediments is affected not only by the amount of household and industrial wastes but also by sediment dredging, construction of embankments, and extensive erosion arround the river. Sediments located in the industrial zone on the upstream area tend to have higher mass-specific magnetic susceptibility than in the non-industrial zones on the downstream area.

  11. Pengaruh Marketing Mix Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Toyota Avanza Tipe G Di Surabaya


    Setiawan, Wilson


    This research aims to analyze the impact of elemen's marketing mix such as product, price, place and promotion to Purchase Decision Toyota Avanza Type G at Surabaya. And then, between four element of marketing mix, the dominant element's of marketing to affect Purchase Decision Toyota Avanza type G at Surabaya. This research was conducting by distributing questionnaires to 100 consumers of Toyota Avanza type G. Analysis tool used to measure the impact of Marketing Mix to Purchase Decisionis ...

  12. Peer-to-Peer Lending in Surabaya: How It Drives Regional Economy?


    Mahardhika, Galih Satria


    Financial technology, or so called as “Fintech”, has been remarked as a disruptive idea that changed our current financial system. In Indonesia, one of the emerging financial practices related to Fintech is the online-based peer-to-peer lending (P2PL). This research has two objectives: to explore current scheme of P2PL in Surabaya and to learn how P2PL drives the economy of Surabaya. To meet the objectives, numbers of existing papers are being reviewed related to the matter of P2PL and Micro,...

  13. Loyalitas Konsumen JNE Surabaya: Korelasi antara Marketing Public Relations dan Kualitas Pelayanan


    Kurniawan, Krisna; Zulaikha, Zulaikha


    This research aims to know the influence of marketing public relation and service quality against customer loyalty at PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Surabaya. The variables used in this study i.e. marketing public relation, service quality, and customer loyalty. The population used in this study are all the consumers who use the service delivery on PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Surabaya.As for the sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique with the total sample as m...

  14. Pengaruh Variable Marketing Mix Terhadap Customer Loyalty Honda-Ramayana Basuki Rachmad Surabaya Dengan Customer Satisfaction Sebagai Variable Intervening


    wijoyo, andrian


    The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Marketing Mix dealer Honda-Ramayana in Surabaya. (2) Effect customer satisfaction on Customer Loyalty Honda-Ramayana in Surabaya. (3) How big is the influence variables Marketing mix on Customer Satisfaction dealer Honda-Ramayana in Surabaya. The analysis implements in this research is causal analysis. This research is taken 120 consumers while data is collected by using questionnaire. Analysis technique use...

  15. Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah Di Pt. Bank Central Asia (Bca Tbk Cabang Undaan Surabaya

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    Yulian Belinda Rahmawati


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the effect of Quality of Service Characteristics on Customer Satisfaction in the PT. Bank Central Asia (BCA Branch Surabaya Undaan. The sampling in this study using stratified sampling (Stratified Random Sampling. Analysis techniques that are used are double linear regression. The calculation result shows that the quality of services simultaneous effect on customer satisfaction in PT. Bank Central Asia (BCA Branch Surabaya Undaaan. The quality of services that include variables Responsiveness, Tangibles, Empathy, Assurance, and Reliability in a partial effect on customer satisfaction in PT. Bank Central Asia (BCA Branch Surabaya undaaan.

  16. Pengaruh Harga, Nilai Manfaat, dan Kualitas terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Handphone Blackberry di Surabaya


    Mega T., Maretia; Harsono, Soni


    This research aims to find out whether there is a relationship between the prices partially and a Blackberrys customer satisfaction, the previewed value and a Blackberrys customer satisfaction, and the quality and a Blackberrys customer satisfaction in Surabaya. Besides that, it also attempts to reveal whether there is a relationship between price, perceived value, and quality simultaneously and a Blackberrys customers satisfaction in Surabaya. Analysis is done by means of multiple linear reg...

  17. Thermally adapted design strategy of colonial houses in Surabaya (United States)

    Antaryama, I. G. N.; Ekasiwi, S. N. N.; Mappajaya, A.; Ulum, M. S.


    Colonial buildings, including houses, have been considered as a representation of climate-responsive architecture. The design was thought to be a hybrid model of Dutch and tropical architecture. It was created by way of reinventing tropical and Dutch architecture design principles, and expressed in a new form, i.e. neither resembling Dutch nor tropical building. Aside from this new image, colonial house does show good climatic responses. Previous researches on colonial house generally focus on qualitative assessment of climate performance of the building. Yet this kind of study tends to concentrate on building elements, e.g. wall, window, etc. The present study is designed to give more complete picture of architecture design strategy of the house by exploring and analysing thermal performance of colonial buildings and their related architecture design strategies. Field measurements are conducted during the dry season in several colonial building in Surabaya. Air temperature and humidity are both taken, representing internal and external thermal conditions of the building. These data are then evaluated to determine thermal performance of the house. Finally, various design strategies are examined in order to reveal their significant contributions to its thermal performance. Results of the study in Surabaya confirm findings of the previous researches that are conducted in other locations, which stated that thermal performance of the house is generally good. Passive design strategies such as mass effect and ventilation play an important role in determining performance of the building.

  18. Urban dynamics An impression of Surabaya's sociolinguistic setting

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    Tom Gunnar Hoogervorst


    Full Text Available This paper examines the sociolinguistic situation in the city of Surabaya, bypresenting an impression of various phenomena unique to Indonesia’s secondlargest city. A surprisingly little amount of linguistic research has heretofore beencarried out on this subject, whereas it transpires from this study that enoughintriguing and unique things can be found in this Southeast Asian metropolis,both among its Javanese majority as well as its Madurese and Chinese inhabitants.Due to the lack of earlier relevant publications, this research is largely based onthe results of several fieldwork trips, which included the pleasant activities ofwatching television, interviewing people and making excursions in and aroundSurabaya to experience how languages are used in daily life. Additionally,concepts such as “language mixing”, “slang” and “attitudes towards language”are involved and considered very significant in disentangling the role andfunction of language in an urban setting.

  19. Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Employee Engagement Dengan Perceived Organizational Support Sebagai Variabel Intervening Di Restoran Imperial Chef Galaxy Mall Surabaya


    Leung, Jason; Lim, Deddy Wijaya


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap employee engagement dengan perceived organizational support sebagai variabel intevening di Restoran Imperial Chef Galaxy Mall Surabaya.Teknik analisa yang digunakan adalah Partial Least Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan keadaan budaya organisasi dan employee engagement di Restoran Imperial Chef Galaxy Mall Surabaya sudah baik. Ternyata di Restoran Imperial Chef Galaxy Mall Surabaya, buday...

  20. Towards Cyber City: DKI Jakarta and Surabaya Provincial Government Digital Public Services

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    Mia Angeline


    Full Text Available The goal of this research was to do a comparative study on the use of information technology in DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through website and Surabaya City Local Government through website. This research focused on public services and interactive use of communication media. Research method used was descriptive qualitative. Data were collected through a depth interview with and website administrators, observation of digital data, literature review, and through secondary data. Data analysis was done through a constant comparative technique. The results indicates that diffusion innovation theory is used by provincial government to give digital public services. It means that the government is seeking people to adopt the use of information technology in the interaction with the government. Local and Provincial Government provides a media center for public services, which the public can access information and provide input to the government. Some of the challenges show that society is not fully ready to change from conventional public services to digital public services received from the government. There is a massive need to educate society while also providing free mobile internet services. Other than that, there is also a gap in internal governmental human resources skill and competences. As a solution to some of these problems, both DKI Jakarta and Surabaya Provincial Government need to apply information technology to achieve e-government and cyber city. 

  1. Studi Gaya Vintage Pada Interior Cafe Di Surabaya. (Studi Kasus : Canary Cafe, DailySweet Cafe Dan Stilrod Cafe)


    Mariana Wibowo, Lia Monica Tejo


    Research studies is about the application of vintage style in some cafe in Surabaya aims to determine the application of vintage design styles contained in the interior of the cafe Carpentier Kitchen , Canary Cafe , Daily Sweet Cafe , and Stilroad Cafe . Research studies of vintage style design will be carried out in Surabaya with a case study that some cafe in Surabaya that meets the criteria of vintage design styles , including the Carpentier Kitchen , Canary Cafe , Daily Sweet Cafe , and S...

  2. Perancangan Social Media Marketing bagi Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian dalam Mempromosikan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah di Kota Surabaya

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    Muhammad Ade Himawan


    Full Text Available Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam perekonomian suatu negara. keberhasilan UMKM memiliki dampak langsung terhadap pembangunan ekonomi baik pada negara maju maupun negara berkembang, tidak terkecuali Indonesia. Dari tahun 2009 sampai tahun 2012, jumlah UMKM di Indonesia terus meningkat hingga mencapai angka 56,6 juta. Hal tersebut menjadikan UMKM sebagai penopang perekonomian nasional. Peningkatan jumlah UMKM juga terjadi di Kota Surabaya. Peningkatan jumlah UMKM di Surabaya membuat persaingan menjadi semakin kompetitif, sehingga UMKM harus memiliki strategi marketing yang baik agar bisa bersaing. Salah satu strategi marketing yang bisa digunakan oleh UMKM di Surabaya adalah dengan memanfaatkan social media sebagai alat pemasaran. Namun, masih sedikit UMKM di Kota Surabaya terutama UMKM binaan pemerintah yang menggunakan social media untuk memsarkan dan mempromosikan produk mereka. Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian (Disperdagin Kota Surabaya selaku biro pemerintah yang menaungi UMKM di Surabaya kemudian berinisiatif untuk membantu UMKM binaan dengan melakukan promosi menggunakan social media yang akan dikelola oleh Disperdagin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengidentifikasi dan mengevaluasi social media yang tepat bagi Disperdagin Kota Surabaya, Kemudian membuat rancangan implementasi social media marketing bagi Disperdagin untuk branding UMKM, dan yang terakhir merancang panduan operasional social media marketing yang efektif bagi Disperdagin untuk branding UMKM binaan. Metode yang digunakan mengadopsi model House of Quality (HOQ. Hasil dari penelitian ini yakni ada tiga social media yang sesuai untuk digunakan oleh Disperdagin yaitu Facebook, Twitter dan Instagram. Selain itu, dari hasil analisis juga didapati 15 poin rencana aksi social media marketing yang bisa dijadikan landasan dalam pembuatan dan pengelolaan akun social media oleh Disperdagin.

  3. Gaya Hidup Minum Kopi Konsumen Di the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Plasa Tunjungan Surabaya


    suisa, Kelvianto; febrilia, veronica; santoso, thomas


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gaya hidup minum kopi konsumen di The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Plasa Tunjungan Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif terhadap 100 responden sebagai sampel. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya hidup minum kopi konsumen di The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Plasa Tunjungan Surabaya didominasi oleh responden berjenis kelamin laki-laki, berusia 21-30 tahun, mempunyai pendidikan terakhir diploma/S1, berprofesi s...

  4. Clinical and virological characteristics of dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia.

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    Puspa Wardhani

    Full Text Available Dengue disease is still a major health problem in Indonesia. Surabaya, the second largest city in the country, is endemic for dengue. We report here on dengue disease in Surabaya, investigating the clinical manifestations, the distribution of dengue virus (DENV serotypes, and the relationships between clinical manifestations and the genetic characteristics of DENV. A total of 148 patients suspected of having dengue were recruited during February-August 2012. One hundred one (68% of them were children, and 47 (32% were adults. Dengue fever (DF and Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF were equally manifested in all of the patients. We performed DENV serotyping on all of the samples using real-time RT-PCR. Of 148, 79 (53% samples were detected as DENV positive, with DENV-1 as the predominant serotype (73%, followed by DENV-2 (8%, DENV-4 (8%, and DENV-3 (6%, while 5% were mixed infections. Based on the Envelope gene sequences, we performed phylogenetic analyses of 24 isolates to genotype the DENV circulating in Surabaya in 2012, and the analysis revealed that DENV-1 consisted of Genotypes I and IV, DENV-2 was of the Cosmopolitan genotype, the DENV-3 viruses were of Genotype I, and DENV-4 was detected as Genotype II. We correlated the infecting DENV serotypes with clinical manifestations and laboratory parameters; however, no significant correlations were found. Amino acid analysis of Envelope protein did not find any unique mutations related to disease severity.

  5. Clinical and virological characteristics of dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia. (United States)

    Wardhani, Puspa; Aryati, Aryati; Yohan, Benediktus; Trimarsanto, Hidayat; Setianingsih, Tri Y; Puspitasari, Dwiyanti; Arfijanto, Muhammad Vitanata; Bramantono, Bramantono; Suharto, Suharto; Sasmono, R Tedjo


    Dengue disease is still a major health problem in Indonesia. Surabaya, the second largest city in the country, is endemic for dengue. We report here on dengue disease in Surabaya, investigating the clinical manifestations, the distribution of dengue virus (DENV) serotypes, and the relationships between clinical manifestations and the genetic characteristics of DENV. A total of 148 patients suspected of having dengue were recruited during February-August 2012. One hundred one (68%) of them were children, and 47 (32%) were adults. Dengue fever (DF) and Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) were equally manifested in all of the patients. We performed DENV serotyping on all of the samples using real-time RT-PCR. Of 148, 79 (53%) samples were detected as DENV positive, with DENV-1 as the predominant serotype (73%), followed by DENV-2 (8%), DENV-4 (8%), and DENV-3 (6%), while 5% were mixed infections. Based on the Envelope gene sequences, we performed phylogenetic analyses of 24 isolates to genotype the DENV circulating in Surabaya in 2012, and the analysis revealed that DENV-1 consisted of Genotypes I and IV, DENV-2 was of the Cosmopolitan genotype, the DENV-3 viruses were of Genotype I, and DENV-4 was detected as Genotype II. We correlated the infecting DENV serotypes with clinical manifestations and laboratory parameters; however, no significant correlations were found. Amino acid analysis of Envelope protein did not find any unique mutations related to disease severity.

  6. Konflik dan Kontestasi Penataan Ruang Kota Surabaya

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    Siti Aminah


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Artikel ini merangkum dua hal. Pertama, permasalahan praktik penataan ruang di perkotaan, khususnya di Surabaya, yang telah menimbulkan kontestasi dan konflik dengan melibatkan aktor pemerintah, masyarakat, dan kekuatan kapitalis/investor. Kedua, kerangka penataan ruang yang menggunakan Perda RTRW No. 3 Tahun 2007 telah menimbulkan dampak yang berujung pada penguatan dan keberpihakan pemerintah kota kepada pihak kapitalis/investor. Kedua hal tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosio-spasial. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan analisis deskriptif. Problematika praktik tata ruang yang ada di Surabaya merupakan indikasi dari transformasi dalam proses penataan ruang di mana ruang bukan hanya diproduksi dan direproduksi untuk kepentingan klas kapitalis, melainkan juga ruang direstrukturisasi dengan cara mengubah fungsi ruang dan diperuntukkan untuk publik. Hal ini relevan dengan perkembangan kajian penataan ruang mutakhir yang menunjukkan bahwa praktik penataan ruang di perkotaan merupakan refleksi dari kondisi sosial, ekonomi, dan politik. Selain itu, ruang diproduksi dalam modus produksi kapitalis dan ekspresi ruang kota merupakan dialektika antara produksi, konsumsi, dan administrasi (perencanaan dan implementasi kebijakan.  Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 This article summarizes two hypotheses. Firstly, the practices problem of spatial planning in urban areas, especially in Surabaya City, has led to the contestation and conflict among governmental actors, the public, and the power of capitalist/investor. Secondly, the use of spatial planning framework, in this case is the use of Local Regulation on Urban Planning and Land Use Number 3 year of 2007, has shown the partiality and strengthening investor by the government. These hypotheses are analyzed by using socio spatial approach. The

  7. Model Lokasi Menara BTS ditinjau dari Faktor – faktor penentu lokasi Menara BTS di Surabaya

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    Dynastya Dynastya


    Full Text Available Perkembangan tower Base Transceiver Station (BTS di Kota Surabaya berlangsung sangat pesat. Keberadaan tower BTS yang mulai menjamur di kawasan permukiman mengakibatkan protes dari masyarakat yang takut akan dampak negatif tower BTS. Perkembangan jumlah penggunaan telepon genggam di kota Surabaya dapat diasumsikan bahwa kebutuhan jaringan komunikasi nirkabel bertambah. Untuk mengatur hal tersebut diperlukan adanya suatu pengendalian tower BTS di Kota Surabaya untuk meminimalisasi gangguan terhadap estetika kota. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan hubungan faktor penentu lokasi menara BTS terhadap lokasi menara BTS di Surabaya dengan menggunakan kajian teoritis dari berbagai pustaka.  Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persebaran lokasi tower BTS tersebut kemudian diiterasi menurut pendapat pakar dengan menggunakan analisa delphi. Yang kemudian digunakan untuk menyusun hubungannya dengan lokasi tower BTS dengan analisa regresi logistik. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah faktor-faktor yang menjadi penentu lokasi tower BTS, yang menurut konsensus pakar adalah faktor faktor kepadatan penduduk, biaya sewa lahan, ketinggian menara, jenis lokasi menara, faktor pola ruang, faktor keamanan, dan faktor coverage service area. Hasil konsensus tersebut kemudian dianalisis dengan analisa regresi logistik sehingga menghasilkan model regresi yang menunjukkan peluang faktor yang berpengaruh dan seberapa besar pengaruhnya terhadap lokasi menara BTS.


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    Nita Setiawati Wibisono


    Full Text Available This research is done to determine landscape elements that affect property value based on housing residents’ perception in Surabaya residential areas. The landscape elements that used in this research are natural elements such as vegetation and soil; and man-made element such as garden statue, road pattern, road width and hierarchy, park and plant, artificial lake, and road equipment. Purposive sampling technique is used to represent respondents in the residential areas that provide landscape elements in East and West Surabaya. Data analysis technique uses validity and reliability test, analysis factor, binary logistic regression, and the average of variable test. The result shows that majority of the residents of East Surabaya and West Surabaya residential areas approved that landscape consist of park and plant, road width and hierarchies, and road pattern affect their residential property values. The residents are also willing to contribute about 7.4% of their house price to improve the appearance of the residential landscape.

  9. Perancangan Interior Vihara Buddhayana Surabaya


    Pratama, Aprilia


    Vihara is a symbol of Buddhism. The various streams that make the monastery one with the other have the emphasis of its own teaching derived from the history and the value of Buddhahood. Design object that being used is Buddhayana Buddhist temple, one of the monasteries with a new stream in Surabaya. This monastery is still building and have some problems such as to visualize its room to be seen as Buddhayana streams in Dhammasala room, air quality issues that must be free from over-smoke ne...


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    Nurul Tri Wahyudi


    Full Text Available Helminthiasis can be transmitted from animals to humans (zoonosis. Helminthiasis can cause cutaneus larva migrants, visceral larva migrant, and occular larva migrants. Cats are the most easily animals can found in public areas. cats have a habit of defecating in areas, such as dusty soil, gardens, sand pits, trash cans, and even children’s playgrounds. Proximity of human life with a stray cats is one of the potential that can helminthiasis transmited to humans. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of helminth eggs (species and number observed in cat feces contaminating public areas in Surabaya. Cross-sectional study have been observations cats existense and examination laboratory of 180 cat fecal samples were collected from canteens, markets, villages, schools, and parks across 5 areas in Surabaya. Helminth eggs present in fecal samples were identified using direct smear, sedimentation, and flotation methodes, and quantified as fecal egg count (eggs per gram of feces with McMasster method. The test results positive for helminthiasis if found one or more types of helminth eggs in fecal samples. Helminth eggs were present in 68 (37.8% of the 180 cat fecal samples contaminating public areas in Surabaya. Results of chi-squared analysis confirmed the prevalence of helminth eggs in cat fecal samples contaminating canteen, markets, villages, schools, and parks in Surabaya (p > 0.05. The species causing environmental contamination included Ancylostoma sp. eggs, Toxocara cati eggs, and Toxascaris leonina eggs. The level of environmental contamination, as assessed using ANOVA, was 200 eggs per gram of feces.


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    Iwan Suprijanto


    Full Text Available Even though global warming are still debates whether it will or not be happened, the changes on climate will influence activities of human. Regarding global warming issue, one of the impact that is very interesting to be investigated is sea level rise. Sea level rise is predicted has very big impact since, in general, in coastal areas locate a lot of important activities for such city or country. On the context of Indonesian locality, most of big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Makasar, etc. are located on the coastal area. Since a lot of important activities located on those cities, in general, sea level rise will influence the development processes of those cities. On the basis of the observation gathering in Surabaya City, the impact of sea level rise will influence not only the development of coastal area but also development of Surabaya City in general. The influence is because the area accommodates activities which are very important in city development both for present and future. The activities are port, industrial estate and location for new housing. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Terlepas dari ketidakpastian mengenai terjadi atau tidaknya pemanasan global, setiap perubahan iklim di bumi akan memberikan dampak terhadap kelangsungan hidup manusia. Salah satu kajian yang saat ini banyak dilakukan berkaitan dengan isu pemanasan global adalah mengenai kenaikan permukaan air laut. Pengkajian mengenai kenaikan permukaan air laut tersebut penting mengingat dampak yang akan ditimbulkannya dan dengan kenyataan secara umum kawasan tepi air memegang peranan penting dalam perkembangan suatu kota ataupun negara. Hal ditandai dengan banyaknya aktivitas yang berlokasi di kawasan tepi air. Kondisi geografis Indonesia dengan duapertiga bagian wilayahnya adalah perairan, menjadikan Indonesia memiliki garis pantai terpanjang di dunia. Hal tersebut menjadikan pula beberapa bagian wilayah di Indonesia merupakan kawasan pesisir atau tepi air

  12. Persepsi Konsumen Terhadap Green Marketing Starbucks Surabaya


    Gunawan, Melisa; Reinaldo, Evan; Aprilia, Adriana; Hariyanto, Agung


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui persepsi konsumen terhadap Green Marketing Starbucks Surabaya dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 105 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Green Marketing cukup diketahui oleh konsumen Starbucks melalui variabel-variabel seperti produk, harga, tempat dan promosi yang dilakukan oleh Starbucks. Variabel yang paling dominan di mata konsumen Starbucks adalah variabel produk, seda...

  13. Sustainability study of domestic communal wastewater treatment plant in Surabaya City (United States)

    Bahar, E.; Sudarno; Zaman, B.


    Sanitation is one of the critical infrastructure sectors in order to improve community health status. The Ministry of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia to define that word sanitation include: domestic waste water management, solid waste management, rain water management (drainage management) as well as the provision of clean water. Surabaya city as the capital of East Java province and Indonesia’s second largest city with a population of 2,853,661 inhabitants in 2014 (the second largest after Jakarta), but the people who have been served by the sanitation infrastructure systems were expected at 176,105 families or about 26.95 % of the population of the city is already using sanitation facilities. In the White Book Sanitation of Surabaya City in 2010, Surabaya City sanitation development mission is to realize the wastewater management of settlements in a sustainable and affordable by the community. This study aims to assess the sustainability of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) domestic communal in the city of Surabaya. The method in this research is quantitative method through observation, structured interviews and laboratory testing of the variables analyzed. Analyses were performed using a technique Multidisciplinary rapid appraisal (Rap-fish) to determine the level of sustainability of the management of communal WWTP based on a number of attributes that easy scored. Attributes of each dimension includes the technical, environmental quality, institutional, economic, and social. The results of this study are sustainability index of environmental quality dimension at 84.32 with highly sustainable status, technical dimension at 62.61 with fairly sustainable status, social dimension at 57.98 with fairly sustainable status, economic dimension at 43.24 with less sustainable status, and institutional dimension at 39.67 with less sustainable status.

  14. Fulfillment Research Resources through Access Financial Report fo Go Public Company at Library STIE Perbanas Surabaya Perpustakaan STIE Perbanas Surabaya

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    Melati Purba Bestari


    Full Text Available Modern libraries are characterized by the diversity of information services to users, including to fulfill the information needs of researchers. Fulfill the information requirements for this research group is very important because the information provided affect the quality of research. Library of STIE Perbanas Surabaya efforts to fulfill the information needs of researchers is to provide research resources through the provision of access annual and financial report for go public company. To provide convenience to users who do research and need annual and financial report for go public, library of STIE Perbanas Surabaya provide easy access through online catalog. To fulfill the annual and financial report for go public company, library tracking data on Indonesian stock exchange and go public company. Library attempts to provide easy access to information is expected to support a process that requires researchers and  annual and financial report data so as to improve the quality and quantity of scientific works in the field of economics science, especially for subject of banking, finance and business.

  15. Fulfillment Research Resources through Access Financial Report fo Go Public Company at Library STIE Perbanas Surabaya Perpustakaan STIE Perbanas Surabaya

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    Melati Purba Bestari


    Full Text Available Modern libraries are characterized by the diversity of information services to users, including to fulfill the information needs of researchers. Fulfilling the information requirements for this research group is very important because the information provided affect the quality of research. Library of STIE Perbanas Surabaya efforts to fulfill the information needs of researchers is to provide research resources through the provision of access annual and financial report for go public company. To provide convenience to users who do research and need annual and financial report for go public, library of STIE Perbanas Surabaya provide easy access through online catalog. To fulfill the annual and financial report for go public company, library tracked data on Indonesian stock exchange and go public company. Library attempts to provide easy access to information is expected to support a process that requires researchers and annual and financial report data so as to improve the quality and quantity of scientific works in the field of economics science, especially for subject of banking, finance and business.

  16. Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Konsumen Dalam Memutuskan Untuk Menginap Di Green Hotel Di Surabaya


    Loppies, Alfredo Karsten; Nugroho, Steven Adi; Jokom, Regina


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi konsumen dalam memutuskan untuk menginap di green hotel di Surabaya. Populasi adalah seluruh konsumen yang pernah menginap di hotel yang tergolong green hotel di Surabaya minimal sekali dalam kurun waktu 6 bulan terakhir dengan sampel penelitian berjumlah 168 responden. Teknik analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa faktor untuk mereduksi sejumlah faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi per...

  17. Factors Related to the Work Performance of Midwives in the IUD Contraception Service in Primary Healthcare Centers of Surabaya City


    Anggasari, Yasi; Kartasurya, Martha Irene; Suparwati, Anneke


    The decrease of IUD active family planning participants' coverage in Surabaya in the last three years, from 12.27% to 6.1%, became a special attention for Surabaya district health office. The decrease was caused by inadequate work performance of midwives in implementing IUD contraception service in the primary healthcare centers in Surabaya area. Objective of the study was to analyze factors related to the work performance of midwives in the IUD contraception service in the primary healthcare...


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    Syamsul Ma’arif


      Sikap-sikap FPI (Front Pembela Islam di Indonesia selama ini terkesan ‘frontal’ dan melawan setiap bentuk kemunkaran. Aksi mereka, sebenarnya bisa dikatakan sebagai salah satu bentuk ekspresi terdalam dari sekelompok orang muslim dalam mengartikulasikan ajaran-ajaran agama yang dipeluknya, atau sebagai bentuk sikap “kesalehan” dalam memandang setiap keyakinan yang berbeda dengan keyakinan yang diyakininya. Apalagi dalam memandang persoalan yang jelas-jelas dianggap sebagai bentuk kemaksiatan, kesesatan dan penodaan agama. Maka respons dan reaksi mereka, sebagaimana hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan penulis di Surabaya adalah dalam rangka menegakkan prinsip keimanan yang dianggap “benar” tadi. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi yang komprehensif tentang faktor apa saja yang melatari lahirnya kelompok-kelompok keagamaan kontemporer—terutama sekali FPI di Surabaya. Sekaligus mengetahui pemahaman keagamaan, aktifitas dan gerakan-gerakan kelompok FPI di daerah tersebut. Gambaran hasil penelitian ini pada akhirnya diharapkan mampu mengeliminasi kemungkinan kesalahpahaman informasi yang menjadi sebab timbulnya prejudice, dan stereotype yang merupakan langkah awal terjadinya konflik atau mengatasi konflik antar komunitas agama secara komprehensif. Sebab, dengan diketahui keanekaragaman kelompok-kelompok keagamaan dengan dinamika gerakannya  akan lebih memudahkan masyarakat agama untuk saling belajar satu sama lain.

  19. Regret Aversion Bias dan Risk Tolerance Investor Muda Jakarta dan Surabaya

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    Yohnson Yohnson


    Full Text Available Investment decision behavior is an interesting topic in finance research. Bailey and Kinerson’s (2005 research found that individual risk tolerance and experienced regret significantly influenced investment decisions. Anticipation of potential future regret did not predict subsequent investment decision behavior. Specifically, this research also wants to know the effects of a person’s experienced regret and anticipated regret or the effects of individual risk tolerance on investment decision behavior in Jakarta and Surabaya. Respondent of this research is 323 students from UK Petra who represent young investors from Surabaya and students from UPH who represent young investors from Jakarta. The method of research is experimental study and the design of research is 2x2x2 (between subject with experienced regret (time deposit and stock as first variable, anticipated regret (time deposit and stock as second variable and risk tolerance (high and low as third variable This study finds that an individual risk tolerance significantly influences decisions. Regret aversion bias does not influence young investors in Indonesia. (We assume that it is because the character of Indonesian investors is different from foreign investors. The couse of this is supposedly the unique characteristics of Indonesian investors and the different view points between Indonesian investors and investors from other countries. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Perilaku keputusan investasi sangat menarik untuk diteliti. Dalam penelitian Bailey dan Kinerson (2005 ditemukan risk tolerance dan experienced regret mempengaruhi keputusan investasi. Anticipated regret tidak dapat dipakai sebagai predictor perilaku keputusan investasi. Penelitian ini juga ingin mengetahui experienced regret, anticipated regret atau risk tolerance yang lebih mempengaruhi perilaku keputusan investasi di Jakarta dan Surabaya. Responden yang diteliti sebesar 323 mahasiswa berasal dari UK Petra yang mewakili

  20. E-government strategy of Surabaya city government through e-rt / rw to improve the quality of public service (United States)

    Oktariyanda, T. A.; Rahaju, T.


    The use of information technology by Surabaya City Government has generated various innovations of public services such as “e-Sapa Warga”, e-Commerce, “e-RT/RW”, e-Budgeting, e-Project, e-Procurement, “e-Pendidikan”. Among the many innovations, e-RT/RW (Rukun Tetangga / Rukun Warga) is an innovation that is quite prominent because there are still many areas that have not implemented. This research can be classified as literature review and critical research. The aims of this research are to describe and analyze e-government strategy in Surabaya City through e-RT / RW to improve public service quality. The result of this research is e-government strategy in Surabaya City through e-RT / RW is already relevant and in accordance with Goldsmith’s theory of e-government. The positive impact of the implementation of e-RT / RW is the increasing quality of public services to bring benefits to all citizens Surabaya City.

  1. Study on groundwater quality and potential use in shallow coastal East Surabaya

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wahyudi; Arief Setiyono; Onie Wiwid Jayanthi


    The eastern part of coastal area is one of the fast growing urban area in Surabaya. Increasing in population and industrial growth have driven increasing demands for natural resources, particularly water. The objectives of this study are to identify the quality of the coastal groundwater through in situ measurement and laboratory analyses, and to find out its potential to be utilized as a source of water for coastal aquaculture. Groundwater samples from 70 sampling station have been taken from east Surabaya coastal area. Measurements of the temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen of the samples carried out directly in situ, and measurements of concentration of nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, sulphide, and phosphate conducted in the Environmental Laboratory of ITS. The results show that coastal groundwater in west part of the study area, in only very small area, can be used as a drinking water, and in almost all area of the east Surabaya coastal area is not permitted. In the central and south part can be utilized as a source of the coastal aquaculture, however in the north part is not potential, in the central area is medium, and in the south part is categorized as a high potential. (author)

  2. Peningkatan Efisiensi LKMS Inklusif Melalui Skim Pembiayaan Mikro Takaful Untuk PKL Surabaya

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    Arin Setiyowati


    Full Text Available Surabaya sebagai kota metropolis kedua di Indonesia, isu terkait tenaga kerja informal khususnya pedagang kaki lima merupakan salah satu isu abadi yang sangat kompleks untuk diselesaikan. Satu hal yang perlu digarisbawahi adalah PKL menjadi salah satu solusi alternatif dalam mengurangi angka pengangguran di Surabaya sebagai kota urban. Sehingga wajar saja kalau PKL layak mendapatkan jamsostek (jaminan sosial ketenagakerjaan, mengingat tempat kerjanya yang rentan kecelakaan kerja dan jaminan hari tua untuk keluarga mereka. Sementara UU SJSN dan jamsostek maupun  UU pelaksana lainnya belum secara signifikan menganggarkan untuk mereka. Sehingga perlu segera diadakan skim coverage baru yang diinisiasi oleh lembaga non pemerintah untuk jamsostek PKL. Melalui Lembaga keuangan mikro syariah (LKMS dengan karakter inklusifitasnya, maka salah satunya BMT mengadakan skim pembiayaan mikrotakaful untuk tenaga kerja informal, khususnya PKL dalam rangka coverage kecelakaan kerja dan jaminan hari tua. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian PAR (Partisipation Action Research dengan PKL-PKL di sentra PKL yang sudah disediakan oleh Pemkot Surabaya maupun yang masih liar, dan dari pihak LKMS. Sehingga diharapkan dari penelitian ini mampu menjadi new inside dalam Islamic Economic science dan menjadi solusi alternatif mewujudkan kesejahteraan umat.


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    Andy Laksmana Darmawan


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan informasi pertanahan 3D saat ini sangat dibutuhkan masyarakat seiring dengan perkembangan pertumbuhan pembangunan dari pembangunan horizontal ke arah pembangunan vertikal. Salah satu informasi kadaster 3D yang perlu dikembangkan adalah mengenai Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa (Rusunawa. Dalam penelitian ini Rusunawa yang dijadikan sebagai studi kasus penelitian adalah Rumah Susun Penjaringan Sari Surabaya yang dikelola oleh Pemerintah Kota Surabaya.Untuk menghasilkan informasi kadaster 3D dari Rumah Susun Penjaringan Sari Surabaya dibutuhkan data denah gedung beserta data penghuni Rumah Susun Penjaringan Sari Surabaya. Data-data tersebut digunakan untuk membuat basis data 3D. Basis data 3D dibuat dengan menggunakan software PostgreSQL+PostGIS dan selanjutnya diintegrasikan dengan sistem informasi sehingga dapat dihasilkan visualisasi dari purwarupa sistem informasi kadaster 3D berbasis web.Penelitian ini menghasilkan produk berupa purwarupa atau prototype berupa web informasi kadaster 3D yang dapat mengakomodasi pendaftaran sewa menyewa dari Rumah Susun Penjaringan Sari dengan model dinamis sehingga data-data yang ada dapat di¬update ketika mengalami perubahan data. Dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan untuk mengaplikasikan sistem informasi kadaster 3D di Indonesia secara online.


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    Andi Andi


    Full Text Available The role of worker motivation is very important in improving construction productivity. In order to increase the motivation, it is essential for management to understand needs of the workers as well as factors motivating and demotivating. This paper aims to determine the needs level, motivators, and demotivators of construction workers in Surabaya based on Maslow and Herzberg’s theories. For the methodology, the study conducted a questionnaire survey, and 263 workers participated in the survey. It is found out that the workers are still at the physiological needs level. Good salary and safety programs are two most important motivators for workers, whereas two most important demotivators are bad treatment by supervisor and insufficient material availability. The paper discusses the findings and proposes solutions to increase workers motivation. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Motivasi kerja memiliki peranan yang penting dalam peningkatan produktifitas dalam industri konstruksi. Untuk dapat meningkatkan motivasi kerja pekerja perlu diketahui kebutuhan pekerja pada saat ini, serta pemahaman motivator dan demotivator pekerja oleh supervisor. Berdasarkan latar belakang ini, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menentukan tingkat kebutuhan, motivator dan demotivator pekerja konstruksi. Untuk tujuan tersebut digunakan dua teori motivasi, yaitu teori Maslow dan teori Herzberg, dan dilakukan survei di beberapa proyek konstruksi di Surabaya dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Secara keseluruhan, 263 orang pekerja berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pekerja konstruksi di Surabaya masih berada pada level physiological needs. Upah yang baik dan program keselamatan kerja yang baik menempati posisi tertingi sebagai motivator bagi pekerja. Sedangkan demotivator terpenting bagi pekerja adalah perlakuan yang buruk oleh atasan dan ketersediaan material yang kurang baik. Makalah ini membahas hasil yang didapatkan dan memberikan beberapa


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    KARTONO, J. Lukito


    Full Text Available This paper intends to explore the spatial concept of Chinese Architecture in Surabaya which was built prior 1945. The arrival of Chinese people decades ago brought along diverse culture that permeates the local Indonesian culture and once the Chinese settled down, the on-going cultural dialogue started to influence the Chinese in return. Most importantly, this cultural exchange process allowed the Chinese to introduce their own spatial architectural concept, which seems prescriptive, that applied to all buildings typology, starting from house, temple and the palace. In Surabaya context, the Chinese fixed-prescriptive spatial architectural concept observed to deviate from norm. Hence, this paper intends to explore this phenomenon comparing Surabaya’s Chinese spatial architectural concept, represented by temples, prayer houses as well as houses built prior 1945 era, to the Chinese original spatial concept. This research hopes to conclude that the main difference between the two is the absence of light well which known as Tien Ching which was originally located in the middle of the building in all Chinese Architecture in Surabaya.

  6. Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan dan Kepuasan Emosional terhadap Kualitas Hubungan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Kfc di Surabaya


    Pawitra, Tiya Gita; Harsono, Soni


    Some factors are deemed to be important for research in relation to customer loyalty. These factors are service quality, emotional satisfaction, relationship quality. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of service quality, emotional satisfaction, relationship quality on customer loyalty Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in Surabaya. The sample taken consists of KFC Jalan Ahmad Yani Surabaya customers. Analysis tool used is the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showe...

  7. Study on Flood Management Plan in Surabaya City

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    Anton Dharma Pusaka Mas


    Full Text Available The area alongside the Gunung Sari Channel has an important meaning to the development of Surabaya City. The rising development in this area which causes the increase of flood events induces negative impacts on the growth of Surabaya City. The flood management plan in Gunung Sari Channel has been conducted by Brantas Project since 1988. This planning was reviewed in 1993 and 1999. This research was conducted to analyze the performance of flood management plan by Brantas Project. It was constructively done by HEC-FDA Software which can develop risk analysis by including economic consideration. Hydro-Economy approach integrated with the HEC-FDA analysis can yield the indicator of flood management plan performance in the form of total cost and risk cost (Expected Annual Damage/EAD. The best total cost yielded from the analysis was Rp. 893,692,230, while the risk cost was Rp. 384,238,410/year. It is expected that this research result can used for achieving best performance for floods management in Gunung Sari Channel.

  8. 31 CFR 515.321 - United States; continental United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States; continental United... General Definitions § 515.321 United States; continental United States. The term United States means the United States and all areas under the jurisdiction or authority thereof, including the Trust Territory of...

  9. 31 CFR 500.321 - United States; continental United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States; continental United... General Definitions § 500.321 United States; continental United States. The term United States means the United States and all areas under the jurisdiction or authority thereof, including U.S. trust territories...

  10. 31 CFR 535.321 - United States; continental United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States; continental United... General Definitions § 535.321 United States; continental United States. The term United States means the United States and all areas under the jurisdiction or authority thereof including the Trust Territory of...

  11. Analisis Perbedaan Kepuasan Pembaca Tabloid Gratis Surabaya Shopping Media dan Iklan Pos di Surabaya

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    Rustono Farady Marta


    Full Text Available The underlying motive for someone to read is an attempt to obtain gratification through the media. According to Denis McQuail, there are four typology motives that are used, namely: motive of information (surveillance, motive of personal identity, patterns of integration and social interaction (personal relationship, and entertainment motive (diversion. This study is based on the uses and gratifications theory by analyzing the motives through pre-test questionnaire as an instrument of gratification sought, then post-test questionnaire to determine the real satisfaction (gratification obtained towards 100 respondents who are included. Quantitative method is used to prove the hypothesis of the study, in which the McNemar test on nominal data for the same population assesses two different objects show the existence of the gap (discrepancy between the motives with the satisfaction of the reader. This research does not stop until the analysis of the gap between motives and reader satisfaction, but further study to see comparative advertising in the free tabloids "Surabaya Shopping Media" and "Iklan Pos". Two free tabloids can be juxtaposed in a comparison study, due to the same general specifications owned by both. On the other hand, the difference of these two free tabloids are: representing two different company backgrounds in their establishments (company profile, the ideology of the company, product display, advertiser segmentation, tagline and iconic products. The accumulated data at a sub variable level shows that motive variables and satisfaction with free tabloid “Surabaya Shopping Media” and “Iklan Pos” in this study are defined as an interval scale data, then tested using two sample paired difference test for interval scale data using the short method for t test.

  12. Pengaruh Career Development Opportunities, Support Work-life Policies Dan Reward Terhadap Komitmen Afektif Karyawan Di Artotel Surabaya


    Wicaksono, Satria; Bieantri, Hasry Azalea


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari career development opportunities, support work-life policies danreward terhadap komitmen afektif karyawan Artotel Surabaya serta mengetahui variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap komitmen afektif karyawan Artotel Surabaya. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah kuantitatif dengan analisa kausal. Kuesioner disebarkan kepada 42 anggota sampel untuk diteliti dengan melakukan survei. Hasil dari penelitian membuktikan bahwa variabel career...

  13. Analisa Pengaruh Employee Engagement Terhadap Customer Satisfaction Dengan Kinerja Karyawan Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Artotel Hotel Surabaya


    Mayanastasia, Gabriel; Lay, Andi; Widjaja, Deborah


    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh employee engagement terhadap kinerja karyawan dan customer satisfaction pada employee Artotel Surabaya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif kausal. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap employee Artotel Hotel Surabaya yang berjumlah 35 orang. Employee engagement diukur dengan menggunakan tiga dimensi yaitu vigor, dedication, dan absorption. Kinerja karyawan diukur dengan menggunakan dua dimensi yaitu contextual performance dan task...

  14. Rapanos v. United States & Carabell v. United States (United States)

    Documents associated with guidance for implementing the definition of waters of the United States under the Clean Water Act following the Rapanos v. United States, and Carabell v. United States Supreme Court decision.

  15. Computer simulation study International Container Terminal "Tanjung Perak", Surabaya, Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groenveld, R.; Wanders, S.


    The Tanjung Perak harbour of the city of Surabaya on the island Java, Indonesia has experienced a considerable growth of container traffic. In order to adequately deal with the expected continuing increase of container traffic in the future, the International container terminal is presently being

  16. Analisis Niat Perilaku Anggota Komunitas Hijabers Surabaya Dalam Menggunakan Tabungan Syariah: Perspektif Theory Of Planned Behavior


    Rahmadanty, Cecia; Kurniawati, Masmira


    A large number of muslim population in Indonesia have an impact on the development of muslim fashion in Indonesia and led to the emergence of muslim communities such as Hijabers Surabaya community. Hijabers Surabaya community also linked himself with sharia, such as cooperation with the islamic banking in which all community members will get free sharia account when joining the community.This research focuses on the behavior and attitude of community members towards the use of sharia account ...

  17. Electronic Word-of-mouth (E-wom) Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Di Restoran Dan Kafe Di Surabaya


    Ivana, Vina; Sari, Adelia; Thio, Sienny


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Electronic Word-of-Mouth (e-WOM) dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Keputusan Pembelian di Restoran dan Kafe di Surabaya. e-WOM telah menjadi fenomena yang sedang berkembang seturut dengan meningkatnya penggunaan situs jejaring sosial. Elemen-elemen yang terdapat pada e-WOM turut berperan dalam keputusan pembelian yang dilakukan oleh konsumen di restoran dan kafe di Surabaya.Teknik analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif kausal dengan me...

  18. Hubungan Upah dan Penawaran Tenaga Kerja Supir Taxi di Surabaya

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    Achmad Solihin


    Full Text Available Utilizing 50 (fifty of taxi drivers, who has been observing around 100 (one hundred working days, this study exploring whether the prediction of Neoclassical theory or the Reference Dependence Point (RDP about income targetting are followed by the taxi drivers in Surabaya city. Neoclassical theory assume that workers will respond positively with the transitory wage change, while the Reference Dependence Point, especially income targetting predict there is negative relationship between labor supply and positive wage income transitory. RDP theory predict that workers will decide reducing their working hours or stopping to work when their wage income has exceed their targetted income. Most of the previous studies evaluate the RDP hiphotesis on taxi drivers. In this study we find that among 50 (fifty taxi drivers being observed in Surabaya following the prediction of RDP theory. The point elasticity of labor supply in respond to positive wage changing has been found on the range of -0.004 % to -0.0012%.

  19. Visualisasi Data Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Potensi Bank Sampah di Surabaya

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    Muhammad Zaky Erdiansyah


    Full Text Available Trash bank was the place for sorting and collecting garbage that could be recycled and reused and had economic value. Trash bank had potential benefits, such as potential plastic, paper, glass and iron waste. This potential waste was needed by companies that use raw materials from used goods to be recycled into products that had market potential. Problems of trash bank in Surabaya could be divided into two main issues, first was the monitoring of the trash bank's activities, second was the search of trash bank location and its potential. Both of these problems could be solved by the data visualization using geographical information system for potential trash bank in Surabaya. This system was built with the following steps: requirements collection, requirements analysis, system design, prototype development, user evaluation, development of large-scale systems and evaluation. Results of the evaluation of the system showed that 100% of the system ran properly, 42.3% of users strongly agree, 51% of users agree, 6% of users did not agree, and 0.7% of users strongly did not agree that visualization of data using geographic information system for potential trash bank in Surabaya succeeded to facilitate the monitoring process of the of trash weighing activities in trash banks and helped the search of trash bank with its potential much easier.

  20. Effectiveness Analysis Of “Shangri-la Academy Program” Towards Employees' Working Motivation At Shangri-la Hotel Surabaya


    Fandianto, Lina; Sutanto, Eddy M


    This research has taken place at Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya, an International management hotel. The population of research is 573 respondents. The purpose of this research is to understand the effectiveness of Shangri-La Academy Program and the employees' working motivation at Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya. The analysis technique uses descriptive quantitative analysis. The result of research showed that there is a dependency between Shangri-La Academy Program and employees' working motivation Shan...

  1. Redefining the business process of Department of Food Security and Agriculture in Government of Surabaya City (United States)

    Cahyono, H.; Wessiani, N. A.


    Government of Indonesia has been launched the bureaucratic reform program since 2010. One of the action is conducted restructuring organization in all city governments. Department of Food Security and Agriculture in Government of Surabaya City is the result of merger from two Department, namely Bureau of Food Security and Department of Agriculture. This merger makes Department of Food Security and Agriculture to redefine their business process. The new business process is needed to be defined in order to align the new structure with the long term strategic planning of Surabaya City Government. This research aims to redefine the business process of Department of Food Security and Agriculture in Government of Surabaya City. The CIMOSA model is adopted for identifying the activities in the business process. The new business process is important for the department to allocate their resource, mainly the human resource and as the main input for the department to build their standard operating procedure.


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    Tridasa Novany Wijaya


    Full Text Available To realize good and accountable asset management, the Ministry of Finance as CFO (Chief Financial Officer sets the revenue center paradigm in asset management. This is a new breakthrough from before that just as an asset administrator turns into asset manager without thinking about the potential revenue from asset management. The Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN as the state asset manager with vertical institutions is implementing National Working Meeting (Rakernas as the milestone of the beginning of the birth of this new paradigm with the stipulation of Circular Letter (Surat Edaran Number 2/KN/2016 about the Following of the National Working Meeting DJKN 2016. Based on the mandate, The State Property and Auction Office of Surabaya (KPKNL Surabaya continues to internalize this paradigm shift in order to realize the optimization of revenue through the management of state assets. The purpose of this study is to understand how the institutionalization process of this new paradigm by using new institutionalism theory. The methodology used in this research uses qualitative method with case study approach which is discussed with deep descriptive analysis. The results indicate the existence of institutional isomorphism symptoms that occur in the internalization process of this new paradigm, thus providing an overview of the influence and reaction to the establishment of a new paradigm that encourages organizational change.


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    Edwin Hendrani


    Full Text Available Seiring berjalannya waktu, Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK di dunia ini semakin berkembang dengan pesat. Permintaan masyarakat akan kebutuhan jasa transportasi semakin tinggi. Kemajuan internet dan canggihnya telepon genggam semakin lama semakin canggih, yang membuat lebih nyaman dan efisiensi untuk memanjakan masyarakat. Dari fenomena tersebut lahirlah Uber. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Technology Acceptance Model (TAM dengan populasi user Uber Kota Surabaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi adopsi aplikasi Uber sebagai penyedia jasa Transportasi di Surabaya. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah di analisis oleh peneliti adalah kepercayaan pengguna dalam mengadopsi aplikasi Uber yang sangat berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keinginan seseorang untuk menggunakan aplikasi Uber.



    Fandianto, Lina; Sutanto, Eddy M.


    This research has taken place at Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya, an international management hotel. The population of research is 573 respondents. The purpose of this research is to understand the effectiveness of Shangri-La Academy Program and the employees’ working motivation at Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya. The analysis technique uses descriptive quantitative analysis. The result of research showed that there is a dependency between Shangri-La Academy Program and employees’ working motivation Shan...

  5. Perencanaan Quality Function Deployment (Qfd) Pada Hotel Everbright Surabaya


    Santoso, Christian Hanni; Henuk, Yohan Gunawan; Kristanti, Monika


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Perencanaan Quality Function Deployment (QFD) pada Hotel Everbright Surabaya. Tujuan penggunaan QFD pada penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kebutuhan konsumen (customer requirements) dan tindakan perbaikan (technical characteristics). Selain itu juga mengetahui harapan dan persepsi konsumen serta gap antara harapan dan persepsi konsumen serta apakah ada perbedaan signifikan antara harapan dan persepsi. Data diolah dengan menggunakan Quality Function Dep...

  6. Improving The Restaurant Product Sale: A Case Study at a Hotel in Surabaya

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    Mohamad Yusak Anshori


    Full Text Available Increasing a product sale is very important especially for the hotel with its products and services. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of Nasi Goreng Jancuk (Nasgorcuk marketing mix on its selling improvement. The increasing of Surabaya Plaza Hotel’s Nasgorcuk lovers is based on strategic product marketing efforts conforming very fast communication development in which youths involvement very dominantly affects the success of a brand image. The fundamental marketing strategies consist of promotion, price, location; persons, physical evidence and process are inherent attributes of the success of Surabaya Plaza Hotel’s Nasgorcuk. The findings show that price, loca-tion, and physical evidence are the most influential attributes of the increased sale of Nasgorcuk.

  7. Improving The Restaurant Product Sale: A Case Study at a Hotel in Surabaya

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    Mohamad Yusak Anshori


    Full Text Available Increasing a product sale is very important especially for the hotel with its products and services. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of Nasi Goreng Jancuk (Nasgorcuk marketing mix on its selling improvement. The increasing of Surabaya Plaza Hotel’s Nasgorcuk lovers is based on strategic product marketing efforts conforming very fast communication development in which youths involvement very dominantly affects the success of a brand image. The fundamental marketing strategies consist of promotion, price, location; persons, physical evidence and process are inherent attributes of the success of Surabaya Plaza Hotel’s Nasgorcuk. The findings show that price, location, and physical evidence are the most influential attributes of the increased sale of Nasgorcuk.

  8. Improving The Restaurant Product Sale: A Case Study At A Hotel In Surabaya

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    Mohamad Yusak Anshori


    Full Text Available Increasing a product sale is very important especially for the hotel with its products and services. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of Nasi Goreng Jancuk (Nasgorcuk marketing mix on its selling improvement.The increasing of Surabaya Plaza Hotel’s Nasgorcuk lovers is based on strategic product marketing efforts conforming very fast communication development in which youths involvement very dominantly affects the success of a brand image. The fundamental marketing strategies consist of promotion, price, location; persons, physical evidence and process are inherent attributes of the success of Surabaya Plaza Hotel’s Nasgorcuk. The findings show that price,location, and physical evidence are the most influential attributes of the increased sale of Nasgorcuk.Keywords:Marketing Mix, Marketing, Consumer Behavior


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    Gesti Memarista


    Full Text Available This study aimed to analyze the factors that measure the financial knowledge of entrepreneurs in Surabaya. Entrepreneurs with higher financial knowledge will have a growing probability of a successful business. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires. There are 309 entrepreneurs as the sam-ples who are living, doing business, as well as having financial knowledge about entrepreneurial finance in Surabaya. This study used exploratory factor analysis to identify the relationship between the manifest varia-bles (attributes or indicator variables to build a construct (factor. The results in this study are the factors that measure the financial knowledge of entrepreneurs in SMEs such as functional financial management sys-tems, funding decisions, business information technology, financial obstacles, financial strength, and risk ma-nagement.

  10. Profil Angular Cheilitis pada penderita HIV/AIDS di UPIPI RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya 2014

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    Alexander Patera Nugraha


    HIV / AIDS dengan Oral Candidiasis 7.5 kali lebih sering menderita AC. Terdapat Korelasi yang erat antara AC dan OC (p< 0,357. AC dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk memprediksi nilai CD4+ dan memprediksi status imun pasien yang terinfeksi HIV secara klinis.   Profile of Angular Cheilitis in HIV/AIDS Patients at UPIPI RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya 2014. For over twenty years, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS have become a significant public health concern, and the epidemic continues to challenge humanity. HIV related oral lesions can be used as markers of the immune status. Angular Cheilitis (AC which is one of the seven oral manifestations which are strongly associated with HIV Infection, has been identified and internationally calibrated. The purpose of this research is to identify the Angular Cheilitis and its association with reduced Cluster of Differentiation 4 (CD4+ count in HIV/AIDS patients at Unit Perawatan Intermediet Penyakit Infeksi (UPIPI RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. This was an Analytic observasional research with cross-sectional and total sampling method. The samples consisted of 88 HIV/AIDS patients treated in UPIPI RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya from July to August 2014. The Diagnosis of Angular Cheilitis was based on clinical appearance; the oral cavities of the research subjects were examined by dentists specialized in Oral Medicine. CD4+ counts were obtained from the patient’s medical record. Eighty Eight HIV/AIDS patients were examined and there were 120 cases of oral manifestation. There were 31 cases of Angular Cheilitis (25,83%. Angular Cheilitis was found to be significantly correlated to the decrease in CD4+ cell count below 200 cells/mm3 (P< -,245. Risk Relative anaylsis concludes that HIV/AIDS patients with Candidiasis Oral 7.5 more often suffer from AC. There is a correlation between AC and OC (p<0,357. Angular Cheilitis may be used as an alternative to predict CD4

  11. Divergence of the dengue virus type 2 Cosmopolitan genotype associated with two predominant serotype shifts between 1 and 2 in Surabaya, Indonesia, 2008-2014. (United States)

    Kotaki, Tomohiro; Yamanaka, Atsushi; Mulyatno, Kris Cahyo; Churrotin, Siti; Sucipto, Teguh Hari; Labiqah, Amaliah; Ahwanah, Nur Laila Fitriati; Soegijanto, Soegeng; Kameoka, Masanori; Konishi, Eiji


    Indonesia is one of the biggest dengue endemic countries, and, thus, is an important place to investigate the evolution of dengue virus (DENV). We have continuously isolated DENV in Surabaya, the second biggest city in Indonesia, since 2008. We previously reported sequential changes in the predominant serotype from DENV type 2 (DENV-2) to DENV type 1 (DENV-1) in November 2008 and from DENV-1 to DENV-2 in July 2013. The predominance of DENV-2 continued in 2014, but not in 2015. We herein phylogenetically investigated DENV-2 transitions in Surabaya between 2008 and 2014 to analyze the divergence and evolution of DENV-2 concomitant with serotype shifts. All DENV-2 isolated in Surabaya were classified into the Cosmopolitan genotype, and further divided into 6 clusters. Clusters 1-3, dominated by Surabaya strains, were defined as the "Surabaya lineage". Clusters 4-6, dominated by strains from Singapore, Malaysia, and many parts of Indonesia, were the "South East Asian lineage". The most recent common ancestor of these strains existed in 1988, coinciding with the time that an Indonesian dengue outbreak took place. Cluster 1 appeared to be unique because no other DENV-2 isolate was included in this cluster. The predominance of DENV-2 in 2008 and 2013-14 were caused by cluster 1, whereas clusters 2 and 3 sporadically emerged in 2011 and 2012. The characteristic amino acids of cluster 1, E-170V and E-282Y, may be responsible for its prevalence in Surabaya. No amino acid difference was observed in the envelope region between strains in 2008 and 2013-14, suggesting that the re-emergence of DENV-2 in Surabaya was due to the loss or decrease of herd immunity in the 5-year period when DENV-2 subsided. The South East Asian lineage primarily emerged in Surabaya in 2014, probably imported from other parts of Indonesia or foreign countries. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Klasifikasi Atribut Hotel Penentu Kepuasan Di Midtown Hotel Surabaya


    Prajogo, Liliany; Kusnin, Ronny; Kristanti, Monika


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui klasifikasi atribut kepuasan di Midtown Hotel Surabaya, yaitu hotel chain domestik yang berkembang di Indonesia. Data penelitian diambil dari komentar TripAdvisor sebanyak 132 komentar. Dengan melakukan teknik content analysis, penulis mengelompokan komentar menjadi 16 atribut hotel penentu kepuasan yang dapat dikategorikan menjadi enam kategori, yaitu location, physical hotel setting, value, food, service, dan room. Teknik analisa kuantitatif yang di...

  13. Intensi Berwirausaha Pada Pelajar Kelas Ekstrakurikuler Kewirausahaan SMAK St. Louis 1 Di Surabaya [The Entrepreneurship Intentions of Entrepreneurship Students in Extracurricular Classes at SMAK St. Louis 1 in Surabaya

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    Gregorius Romaryo Tanubun


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is to understand: (1 the influence of family on entrepreneur intention; (2 the impact of entrepreneurial study on entrepreneur intention; and (3 the difference in entrepreneurial intention among an entrepreneurial class of students at SMAK St. Louis 1 in Surabaya. The population of this research is students of an entrepreneurial class at SMAK St. Louis 1 in  Surabaya. The sampling technique used is census with 40 respondents as samples. This research is a quantitative research with multiple regression method and independent samples t-test with SPSS 23 as analysis tool. The findings of this research indicate that: (1 family variable (K reacts significantly negative towards entrepreneurial intention (IB, (2 entrepreneurial education variable (PK reacts significantly towards entrepreneurial intention (IB, and (3 no difference is found between men and women.

  14. Pengaruh Job Satisfaction terhadap Financial Performance melalui Employee Engagement dan Competitive Advantage sebagai Intervening Variable pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Surabaya


    Gunawan, Pricilia Sandra


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh langsung dari job satisfaction terhadap financial performance melalui employee engagement dan competitive advantage sebagai intervening variabel pada Perusahaan manufaktur di Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari hasil penyebaran kuesioner pada 30 Perusahaan manufaktur publik di Surabaya dan juga menggunakan data sekunder yaitu laporan keuangan Perusahaan yang digunakan untuk mengukur financial performance Perus...

  15. Pengaruh dan Pola Aktivitas Penggunaan Internet serta Media Sosial pada Siswa SMPN 52 Surabaya

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    Astrid Kurnia Sherlyanita


    Full Text Available Nowdays, internet is accessable for everyone. Previous studies prove that the majority of internet users are teenagers. Development of worldwide social media indirectly have a major influence on the use of the internet for teen. The focus of this paper is to investigate the impact of the Internet and social media for teens. We evaluated from several aspects as well as social media usage patterns of activity in adolescents. The study was conducted on 44 students and two teachers at SMPN 52 Surabaya. The results then analyzed whether the students have sufficient knowledge of the things that should be done and not related to safety in the use of social media. The results showed that the most of students at SMPN 52 Surabaya generally been able to determine the use of the Internet, both for the means of learning and entertainment functions such as social media, where the interaction time students on direct interaction in daily life and time interaction on social media is already balanced and accordance with the portions. As well as it can be seen that the students of SMPN 52 Surabaya already be aware of the basic things that need to be applied to security, such as restrictions on privacy and sharing only to people you know.

  16. Model LPA Terpadu untuk Wilayah Surabaya Metropolitan

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    Mimien Bt. M. Al Muhdhar a Henie Irawati


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is to establish the integrated LPA model for Surabaya Metropolitan Area. The methods used are literature overviews, comparative studies to well-established areas, and expert assistantships through national seminars. The result shows that the integrated LPA has opportunity to combine some activities such as sorting and classifying, producing, wrapping and containing, selling the compost and decayed materials, and filling residual waste by landfill system. In 25 Ha land area, 14.10 Ha is allocated for waste management, and 10.90 Ha for sanitary landfill.

  17. Efektivitas Corporate Identity Join Pre-School and Enrichment sebagai Media Promosi di Surabaya

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    Mendy Hosana M


    Full Text Available Development of Science and Technology in this globalization era which is supported by comprehensive, wide open, and easily accessible information facilities, encourages the Indonesian public mindset to become a modern mindset. This modern mindset even penetrates into all areas including in the field of education. If education used to not be considered for girls, today it has now become a need for all people, whether male or female. Not only that, the high levels of education achieved and the image of the selected educational institutions become markers of modern social class society in big cities now, not just in some areas of Surabaya. There are so many early educational institutions in Surabaya and almost all offer best quality education. But the difference is how the institution portray himself to the eyes of the community through corporate identity. The reflection of an institution or company image that often we know as corporate identity will be discussed through this study. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia; Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi di era globalisasi ini yang ditunjang dengan sarana informasi yang lengkap, terbuka lebar serta mudah diakses mendorong pola pikir masyarakat Indonesia menjadi pola pikir modern. Pola pikir modern ini pun merambah ke segala bidang tak terkecuali bidang Pendidikan. Jika dulu pendidikan dianggap tidak terlalu penting secara khusus bagi anak perempuan maka saat ini pendidikan menjadi suatu kebutuhan penting bagi semua orang, baik laki-laki atau pun perempuan. Bukan hanya itu, tingginya jenjang pendidikan yang diraih dan citra lembaga pendidikan yang dipilih menjadi suatu penanda kelas sosial masyarakat modern.di kota-kota besar saat ini, tak terkecuali Surabaya. Ada begitu banyak lembaga pendidikan di Surabaya dan hampir semua menawarkan kualitas pendidikan yang baik. Namun yang menjadi pembeda adalah bagaimana lembaga pendidikan tersebut mencitrakan dirinya di mata masyarakat melalui identitas

  18. AKTIVITAS PENGENDALIAN MUTU JASA AUDIT LAPORAN KEUANGAN HISTORIS (Studi Kasus pada Beberapa Kantor Akuntan Publik di Surabaya

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    Yulius Jogi Christiawan


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to get the descriptive in depth and holistic the quality control activities in several CPAs%2C in Surabaya in order to answer the audit quality questioned by the audit report user. This study was a qualitative research with multiple case studies and multiple unit analysis approach. The study was focused on the competence and independence standards as well as the control procedures and its activities by partners and managers in CPA firms. There were%3A 1%29 the CPA firms face difficult in establishing independence in fact standards and objectives%2C 2%29 the CPA firms applied the professional standard to establish independence in appearance standards and objectives%2C 3%29 the CPA firms applied human resources management function to secure personnel educational competence%2C 4%29 the CPA firms applied planning%2C supervising and performance evaluating in order to obtain experience personnel%2C and 5%29 the CPA firms give strict punishment for violation of independence and competence. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui secara mendalam %28in depth%29 dan menyeluruh tentang aktivitas pengendalian mutu audit yang terjadi di beberapa Kantor Akuntan Publik di Surabaya%2C sehingga diharapkan bisa menjawab keraguan pengguna jasa audit terhadap mutu audit yang ada di kantor akuntan publik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan multiple case study dengan multiple unit analysis. Penelitian diarahkan pada standar independensi dan kompetensi di Kantor Akuntan Publik serta aktivitas dan prosedur pengendalian oleh partner dan manajer Kantor Akuntan Publik. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap empat dari lima puluh satu Kantor Akuntan Publik di Surabaya. Hasil penelitian ini sedikitnya menunjukkan lima fenomena terkait dengan aktivitas pengendalian mutu Kantor Akuntan Publik. Lima fenomena tersebut adalah%3A 1%29 Kantor Akuntan Publik sulit menetapkan suatu standar%2

  19. Evaluasi Website Repositori Institusi Universitas Surabaya

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    Amirul Ulum


    Full Text Available The  development  of  institutional  repositories  (IRs  in Indonesia within the broader framework of open access has significant impact on preserving intellectual capital and scholarly communication. Institutional  repositories  play  a  fundamental  role  in  centralizing, preserving,  and  making  accessible  institution’s  intellectual  capital. Evaluation of the system is to determine the functionality the system to meet the users need. Using a descriptive analysis this study wants to evaluate institutional repositories of University of Surabaya. The result is usefull for institution to develop the repository systems.

  20. Analisis Karaterisasi Konsentrasi dan Komposisi Partikulat Udara (Studi Case : Surabaya

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    Eka Fithriani Ahmad


    Full Text Available Abstrak Pencemaran udara merupakan dampak yang sangat merugikan, tidak hanya bagi manusia tetapi juga akan berdampak buruk bagi ekosistem hewan dan tumbuhan. Pada penelitian ini akan mengkaji pencemaran udara dari Oktober 2012 hingga Februari 2014 melalui penelitian konsentrasi dan komposisi dari partikulat udara dengan ukuran PM 2.5. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentuan sumber asal pencemaran di Surabaya sehingga dapat dijadikan referensi berbasis ilmiah sebagai langkah untuk membuat keputusan dan kebijakan yang tepat dalam menanggulangi dampak pencemaran. Metode pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan analisis reseptor modeling yaitu Positif Matrix Factorization (PMF untuk mengetahui sumber asal pencemaran. Hasil pengukuran yang diperoleh pada konsentrasi PM 2,5 adalah 15.05 μg/m3 sehingga telah melebihi baku mutu tahunan yang telah ditetapkan PP 41 tahun 1999, USEPA, maupun WHO. Dalam partikulat terdapat konsentrasi black carbon (BC sebesar 3.20 μg/m3 dan unsur Pb dengan konsentrasi 0.28 μg/m3 yang telah melebihi nilai baku mutu USEPA. Sedangkan hasil analisis reseptor modeling di dapatkan sumber asal polutan berasal dari biomass, vehicle, soil, industri Pb, industri Zn dan indutri Fe. Kata kunci: Partikulat mater 2.5, black carbon, Pb, positive matrix factorization, Surabaya   Abstract Air pollution is a very adverse impact, not only for humans but also the ecosystem of plants and animals. This research examine air pollution from October 2012 until February 2014 through the research of concentration and composition of airborne particulates with a size of PM 2.5 μm. This study aims to determine the origin and location of pollution sources in Surabaya so that it can be used as scientific reference as a step to make the right decisions and policies in tackling the impact of pollution. Data processing method in this research used analysis of receptor modeling that is Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF to determine

  1. KONSUMSI IKAN LAUT KADAR MERCURY DALAM RAMBUT DAN KESEHATAN NELAYAN DI PANTAI KENJERAN SURABAYA (Sea Fish Consumption, Degree of Mercury Content in Hair, and Fisherman Health at Surabaya Kenjeran Beach, Indonesia

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    Sudarmaji Sudarmaji


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pantai Kenjeran di Surabaya mempunyai banyak fungsi baik sebagai tempat rekreasi, perikanan serta tempat pembuangan limbah dari kota Surabaya. Studi sebelumnya telah menjelaskan bahwa pantai Kenjeran telah tercemar khususnya Hg. Polutan ini telah diindikasikan terdapat dalam ikan yang dikonsumsi masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini mengkaji dampak mengkonsumsi ikan dari Kenjeran kaitannya dengan kesehatan masyarakat yang menkonsumsi ikan. Peneliltian ini rnengambil sample 70 orang yang mengkonsumsi ikan dan 45 orang sebagai kontrol grup. Dalarn penelitian ini rambut responden diambil dan dikaji dengan Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa responden yang mengkonsumsi ikan sebanyak rata-rata 99,11 gram/hari mempunyai kadar Hg dalam rambutnya sebesar 0.511 ppb. Penelitian ini mengindikasikan gejala-gejala penyakit yang terjadi pada mereka yang rnengkonsumsi ikan antara lain ginjal, pusing-pusing, tumor, pendarahan gusi, dan gangguan penglihatan. Penelitian ini rnenyimpulkan adanya korelasi yang signifikan antara responden yang mengkonsumsi ikan yang tercemar dengan kadar Hg dalam rambutnya.   ABSTRACT Surabaya Kenjeran Beach, as a part of Eastern coastal area at East Java, functions as a sea recreation place and fishing. The condition of Surabaya Kenderan Beach is polluted by Hg as observed by previous researchers. They suggested that water, sediment, and fish from Kenjeran beach were already contaminated by Hg at dangerous level. Fisherman communities is one of the group which have a risk of getting affected by methyl Hg, because they usually consume fish from sea. This research is to study the relationship between consumption of sea fish and degree of Hg in fisherman’s hair, to measure the average degree of Hg in their hair and then to compare it with limit value. It is also studying the health disorder that likely appears as a result of Hg poisoning. This research took place at Kenjeran district

  2. Pengaruh Job Satisfaction terhadap Financial Performance melalui Employee Engagement dan Competitive Advantage sebagai Intervening Variable pada Perusahaan Retail Publik di Surabaya


    Widjaja, Johan


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh langsung yang signifikan dan positif dari job satisfaction terhadap employee engagement, employee engagement terhadap competitive advantage, dan competitive advantage terhadap financial performance, pada Perusahaan retail publik di Surabaya. Penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian kuantitatif, dimana data diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuisioner dan menggunakan rasio analisa laporan keuangan kepada Perusahaan retail publik di Surabaya. Data yang di...


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    Turniani Laksmiarti


    Full Text Available Background: People of East Java Province counted more than 38.3 million people, which 7.5 million among them was rated poor people. From several research shows that poor people usually exposed to health matter due to lack of nutrition and education. Mass media also mentioned that there were differences between poor people health care and common people. resulting health care unsatisfaction. This research commonly purposed to know People Satisfaction Index mainly poor people that came to RSU Dr. Soedono Madiun and RSU Haji Surabaya based on Minister of State Apparatus Efficiency letter of decree number KEP/25/M.PAN/2/2004. Methods: This research design was public policy research analysis The applied method is empiric approach that based on actual facts and evaluative approach. The research located in RSU Dr. Soedono Madiun and RSU Haji Surabaya. The population research done by purposively random sampling with the number of child and trauma overnight patient respondent reach 35 respondent. The data compiled by Minister of State Apparatus Efficiency instrumen and exhaustively interview. Results: result shows that Poor People Satisfaction Index toward health care overall reach 3.56 or converted number 89.0 with categorized very good and IKM for RSU Haji Surabaya 3.92 or converted number 98.0 with categorized very good. The recommendation gives to the People Satisfaction Index instrumen manual based on Minister of State Apparatus Efficiency letter of decree number KEP/25/M.PAN/2/2004 which consist of 14 substance need to be more described for operational and realistic.Key words: State Ministery for Administrative Reform, Satisfaction Index Society

  4. Sementasi Pasar Produk Kosmetika untuk Kulit Wajah di Surabaya


    Triwijayati, Anna


    Segmenting in marketplace is important to clasify consumer. Consumer's profile will lead firm to understand the target market. The aim of this study is segmenting customers cosmetic based on consumer perception. This research use descriptive research design without hypothesis. Data is collected by survey with questionaire, Samples are women who live in Surabaya. Data are analyzed by cluster analyze in order to get market segmentation variable. Results of this study are : l) Seg...



    Junaedi, C. Marliana


    Computer became popular among business community or education causing ethicproblem in its usage. One of the ethic problems is software piracy on individuallevel or popularly called as softlifting. This research tries to analyze softlifting instudent community that based on Theory of Planned Behavior.The respondents are 280 students in Surabaya. The result shows that not all externalfactors motive internal factors. It also shows that not all internal factors motivestudents to do softlifting. T...

  6. Theory Of Planned Behavior : Studi Kasus Softlifting di Surabaya


    Junaedi, Marliana


    Computer became popular among business community or education causing ethicproblem in its usage. One of the ethic problems is software piracy on individuallevel or popularly called as softlifting. This research tries to analyze softlifting instudent community that based on Theory of Planned Behavior.The respondents are 280 students in Surabaya. The result shows that not all externalfactors motive internal factors. It also shows that not all internal factors motivestudents to do softlifting. T...

  7. Effects of Ecohydraulic Bank Stabilization Structures on Bank Stability and Macroinvertebrate Community in Surabaya River

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    Daru Setyo Rini


    Full Text Available There were 18 accelerated erosion sites identified along 7 km of Surabaya River Fishery Sanctuary Area. A model of ecohydraulic bank stabilization was applied to reduce bank erosion in Surabaya River at Gresik Regency Indonesia. The model is combination of reprofiled and revegetated bank with rock toe reinforcement and  addition of log groynes. Various native plant species were planted and naturally grown to establish multi-strata littoral vegetation structure. This study assessed effects of ecohydraulic bank stabilization on bank morphology, near bank velocity and littoral macroinvertebrate community during September 2014 to August 2016. The study found that rock toe enforcement, log groynes and reprofiled bank slope could stabilized the eroded bank, and littoral vegetation formation reduced near bank velocity at restored sites. There were 31 families of macroinvertebrate found in Surabaya River with high abundance of moderately pollution sensitive taxa Atyidae and pollution tolerant taxa Corixidae, Chironomidae and Tubificidae. The taxa richness, diversity index and abundance of sensitive and moderately sensitive macroinvertebrate group were increased after application of ecohydraulic bank stabilization at restored area. The results shown that ecohydraulic bank stabilization structure provides multi-benefits in improving bank stabilization against erosion and providing new micro-habitats for biotic community. Keywords:  ecohydraulic bank stabilization, macroinvertebrates, riparian restoration

  8. Perancangan Interior Pusat Pendidikan Anak Jalanan di Surabaya


    Mariana Wibowo, Nike Adriyanti


    Children in the street is one of the social problems that exist in Indonesia, especially in Surabaya, one of the major cities with high population . Poverty is the main cause that forces children to seek income and living on the streets to help the family's economy . Street environment is possible to bring negative impacts on children who lives in the street. The education center of children in the street with Green Design concept aims to facilitate street children in order to get an educatio...

  9. Physicochemical Characteristic of Municipal Wastewater in Tropical Area: Case Study of Surabaya City, Indonesia (United States)

    Wijaya, I. M. W.; Soedjono, E. S.


    Municipal wastewater is the main contributor to diverse water pollution problems. In order to prevent the pollution risks, wastewater have to be treated before discharged to the main water. Selection of appropriated treatment process need the characteristic information of wastewater as design consideration. This study aims to analyse the physicochemical characteristic of municipal wastewater from inlet and outlet of ABR unit around Surabaya City. Medokan Semampir and Genteng Candi Rejo has been selected as wastewater sampling point. The samples were analysed in laboratory with parameters, such as pH, TSS, COD, BOD, NH4 +, NO3 -, NO2 -, P, and detergent. The results showed that all parameters in both locations are under the national standard of discharged water quality. In other words, the treated water is securely discharged to the river

  10. The Physiological Profile of Junior Soccer Players at SSBB Surabaya Bhakti (United States)

    Nashirudin, M.; Kusnanik, N. W.


    Soccer players are required to have good physical fitness in order to achieve optimum accomplishment; physical fitness stands as the foundation of technical and tactical proficiency as well as the mental maturity during the matches. The purpose of this study was to identify the physiological profile of junior soccer players of SSB Surabaya Bhakti age 16-17. The research was conducted at 20 junior soccer players. This research was quantitative with descriptive analysis. Data were collected by testing of physiological (anaerobic power and capacity including explosive leg power, speed, agility; aerobic capacity: cardiovascular endurance). Data was analyzed using percentage. The result showed that the percentage of explosive leg power of junior soccer players were 30% (good category), speed was 85% (average category), right agility was 90% (average category), left agility was 75% (average category). On the other hand, the aerobic power and capacity of the junior soccer players in this study was 50% (average category). The conclusion of this research is that the physiological profile of junior soccer players at SSB Surabaya Bhakti age 16-17 was majority in average category.

  11. Pengaruh Customer Relationship Management Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Starbucks Di Surabaya


    Chandra, Felicia; Wibisono, Benny; Andreani, Fransisca


    : The study is to find the influence of Customer Relationship Management (CRM)on customer loyalty of Starbucks Coffee Surabaya. CRM variables include financial benefits,social benefits and structural ties. Multiple linear regression is used with 150 respondentsusing purposive sampling. The results show that financial benefits and structural ties havepositive and significant influences on customer loyalty; whereas, social benefits has positivebut insignificant influence on customer loyalty. Th...

  12. Market Segmentation, Targeting, Dan Brand Positioning Dari Winston Premier Surabaya


    Tania, Debby


    Sejak tahun 2012 mulai terasa bahwa bisnis properti mengalami kenaikan di Indonesia. Banyak masyarakat Indonesia berinvestasi pada properti karena dianggap aman dan menguntungkan. Sehingga muncul banyak produk properti baru di Indonesia. Perkembangan properti di Indonesia menjadi peluang besar bagi Agen Properti untuk dapat menjalankan bisnisnya. Winston Premier sebagai salah satu Agen properti di Surabaya Barat yang baru berdiri memerlukan strategi pemasaran yang tepat untuk digunakan guna b...

  13. Natural Radioactivity Pattern of Surabaya Water Environmental Samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosidi; Agus Taftazani


    The gross β radioactivity and natural radionuclide of Surabaya environmental samples pattern have been evaluated. The environmental samples were chosen randomly at 12 locations. The environment samples were water (fresh, estuary and coastal), sediment, eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms, Mangrove (Rhizophora stylosa), (Moolgarda delicatus) fish and (Johnius (Johnieops) borneensis) (Sharpnose hammer croaker) fish. The water sample was evaporated; the sediment sample was dried and ground; the biotic samples was burnt at the temperature 500 °C ; The gross β measurement using GM detector and the radionuclides has been identified by γ spectrometer. From the investigation results could be concluded that the natural radioactivity of environmental samples was very low. gross-β of water samples were lower than the threshold value of local government regulation of Surabaya no: 2 year 2004 (1 Bq/L). The distribution of gross-β activity of eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms was higher than the other biotic, water and sediment samples as well as the accumulation of radionuclides in the water organism was taken place. The result of identification using γ spectrometer has detected 7 of radionuclides, i.e 210 Pb, 212 Pb, 214 Pb, 208 Tl, 214 Bi, 228 Ac, and 40 K in all sample. The distribution factor of sediment F D was less than bioaccumulation factor of biotic F B and it indicates that there the radionuclide accumulation migration follows the pattern of water - sediment - biotic sample. (author)


    Prasetyo, R H


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of house rat zoonotic intestinal parasites from Surabaya District, East Java, Indonesia that have the potential to cause opportunistic infection in humans. House rat fecal samples were collected from an area of Surabaya District with a dense rat population during May 2015. Intestinal parasites were detected microscopically using direct smear of feces stained with Lugol's iodine and modified Ziehl-Neelsen stains. The fecal samples were also cultured for Strongyloides stercoralis. Ninety-eight house rat fecal samples were examined. The potential opportunistic infection parasite densities found in those samples were Strongyloides stercoralis in 53%, Hymenolepis nana in 42%, Cryptosporidium spp in 33%, and Blastocystis spp in 6%. This is the first report of this kind in Surabaya District. Measures need to be taken to control the house rat population in the study area to reduce the risk of the public health problem. Keywords: zoonotic intestinal parasites, opportunistic infection, house rat, densely populated area, Indonesia

  15. Bakteri Legionella pneumophila Terdeteksi pada Air Kolam Renang di Kota Surabaya dengan Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (LEGIONELLA PNEUMOPHILA BACTERIADETECTED IN SWIMMING POOL WATER OF SURABAYA BY USING NESTED POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION

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    Eduardus Bimo Aksono


    Full Text Available Legionella pneumophila is a Gram-negative bacillus that causes nosocomial and community-acquired pneumonia. The aim of this research was to detect the presence of bacteria of L. pneumophila species in the swimming pools water of Surabaya city by using nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR assay of a specific gene for L. pneumophila (mip gene. This study used purposive sampling method. A total of 10 water samples were collected from five swimming pools consisting of 200 mL water for each swimming pool. The results showed that of 10 samples tested by nested PCR, one sample was positive for L. pneumophila, and nine samples were negative. L. pneumophila were found in pool water samples with a higher temperature (>30ºC.Serogrouping analysis of positive sample that L. pneumophila bacteria detected in the water sample of swimming pool in Surabaya was L. pneumophila serogroup 9 (98% and serogroup 10 (98%. L. pneumophila detection of bacteria is expected to raise the awareness of physician and microbiologists about the transmission of L. pneumophila and will also be useful for controlling the agents. ABSTRAK Legionella pneumophila adalah bakteri Gram-negatif berbentuk batang yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit nosokomial dan pneumonia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeteksi keberadaan bakteri L. pneumophila pada air kolam renang di Kota Surabaya dengan menggunakan nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR berbasis gen spesifik L. pneumophila (mip gene. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Sebanyak sepuluh sampel diambil dari lima kolam renang. Sampel diambil sebanyak 200 mL dari air kolam renang di setiap lokasi. Hasil dari 10 sampel yang diuji menggunakan nested PCR, satu sampel menunjukkan hasil positif untuk L.pneumophila, dan sembilan sampel menunjukkan hasil negatif. Bakteri L. pneumophila ditemukan pada sampel air kolam dengan suhu yang lebih tinggi (>30ºC. Satu sampel positip tersebut ketika dilanjutkan terhadap analisis serogrup

  16. The interventions of nutritional education on malnutrition infants mothers in Wonokromo Surabaya

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    Wiwik Afridah


    Full Text Available 800x600 Mother’s knowledge has great affect to the nutritional status of the infants, because mother has a big role in providing the food in the family. That Knowledge was heavily influenced by social circumstances of the family's such as lack of family income that may affect the mother's in providing the food in the family. The research objective is to examine the effect of nutrition education intervention on body weight of malnutrition infants in RW 07 Wonokromo, Surabaya.This study uses a pre-experimental study design with pre-post test type approach. The subjects were children aged six months to five years who are malnutrition and poor nutrition, with indexes BW/U is less than Z score, located in Wonokromo Village, Surabaya. Sampling techniques in a study conducted by simple random sampling. Analysis of differences nutritional status of children before and after giving of nutrition education were tested by paired t test (paired t test and differences of mother’s knowledge before and after giving of nutrition education were tested by Wilcoxon signed rank test.Results of statistically tests by using a paired t-test obtained P Value (0.108 > α (0.05 means there is no different on giving of nutrition education intervention on weight infants in the RW. 07 Wonokromo Village, Surabaya. Results of statistically tests by using the Wilcoxon signed rank test obtained P Value (0.157 > α (0.05 means there is no different on giving of nutrition education intervention on parent’s knowledge level of a toddler in the RW. 07 Wonokromo Village Surabaya.Required planning and strategies to change behavior and awareness of nutrition and health. Using 4P concept for viewpoint of trainers/educators and 4C for viewpoint of participants or trained, and performed by ABC approach (Advocacy, Situation control and the Movement Atmosphere/mobilization. Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1\\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui } /* Style


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    Yuli Anggraini


    Full Text Available Introduction: Nursing documentation is an important aspect of nursing practice so that should be assessed comprehensively. The objective of the study was to analyze the causing factor of nursing care documentation at Rumah Sakit Jiwa Menur Surabaya through balanced scorecard. Method: This research was an analytical descriptive conducted out on January 2010 at Rumah Sakit Jiwa Menur Surabaya that measured nursing care documentation through four perspectives of balanced scorecard by distributing quisioner to 55 nurses and 69 customers (patient families using inclusion criteria, and holding personal interview to 3 structural offi cial, 2 functional official, and 6 ward supervisors. Data of nurse education, percentage of trained nurse was gained by checklist. Data were analyzed using content analysis to fi nd the causing factor of nursing documentation within balanced scorecard. Result: The result showed that financial, internal business processes, and learning and growth perspectives had causal relationship with nursing care documentation at Rumah Sakit Jiwa Menur Surabaya, but customer perspective didn’t have direct causal relationship with it. Discussion: It can be concluded that impractical nursing documentation form especially in dimension of time on assessment, implementation, and evaluation, and comprehension on assessment, absence of physical nursing standards, limited knowledge on nursing documentation evoked by absence of inhouse training about nursing documentation, ineffective supervision and audit were factors which affecting nursing documentation at Rumah Sakit Jiwa Menur Surabaya. The researcher recommended that the hospital manager should modificate the nursing documentation form using NIC & NOC of NANDA and computerized system, compose physical nursing standards, carry out advanced nursing education and inhouse training about nursing care documentation, improve supervision program, and nursing documentation audit.

  18. Distribution of Heavy Metal Content Hg and Cr of Environmental Samples at Surabaya Area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agus Taftazani


    Determination of Hg and Cr content of Surabaya river and coastal environmental samples using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) have been done. The environmental samples were water, sediment, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solmms, Rhizophora stylosa, Johnius (Johnieops) borneensis fish, and Moolgarda delicate fish at 12 locations selected of Surabaya area. Dry powder of sediment and biotic samples and concentrate water samples was irradiated by neutron flux 1.05 x 10 11 -2 .det -1 during 12 hours. The analytical result showed that the concentration of the heavy metals of river water are smaller than Perda Surabaya City No. 02/2004 for the 4 th level water which are Hg (0.005 ppm) and Cr (1.000 ppm). All locations coastal water samples have Hg and Cr concentrations are higher than Kepmen LH No.51/2004 Hg (0.001 ppm) and Cr (0.005 ppm). The Hg concentration of fish samples have exceeded the threshold according to Kep. Dirjen POM No.03725/B/SK/VII/89 about the maximum concentration of metal pollution in food. The concentration of heavy metals in sediment, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solmms and Rhizophora stylosa are not regulated, so then heavy metals pollution can not be referred to. The concentration of Hg and Cr elements of water samples are smaller than that of biotic and sediment samples. The distribution factor (F d ) is bigger than bioaccumulation factor (F b ). (author)


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    Elfiana Sriwulandhari


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine 1 the influence of the parenting patterns on students’ self confidence 2 the influence of Entrepreneurship teachers’s instruction on students’ self confidence and 3 the influence of parenting patterns and Entrepreneurship teachers’ instruction on students’ self confidence at SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya. The population covers 650 students of SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya grade X. Random sampling technique was employed to select 227 students among them. Data were collected by using questionnaires and analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis. The finding indicates that the partial test (t test positively confirms the influence of the parents’ parenting on students’ self confidence (3.139; d.f.: 0.002 and that Entrepreneurship teacher’s instruction also significantly affects students’ self confidence (5.227; d.f.: 0.000. Again, on the basis of the F test, the study concludes that parenting patterns and teachers’ instruction simultaneously affect the students’ self confidence (23.910 d.f.: 0.000. Parents are, therefore, advised to apply the appropriate parenting to their children. Also, teachers of SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya are suggested to improve their professionalism in nurturing students’ character so that students will have better self confidence.


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    Setyawan Purnama


    Full Text Available ujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persebaran airtanah asin di Kota Surabaya, menganalisis faktor penyebabnya dan mencari kemungkinan ditemukannya airtanah tawar pada akuifer tertekan. Untuk rnencapai tujuan tersebut dilakukan pendugaan geolistrik pada tujuh penampang dengan masingmasing penampang terdiri atas dua hingga tiga titik pendugaan. Untuk menganalisis hash pendugaan, data tahanan jenis hash pendugaan lapangan diinterpretasi dengan Program Schlumberger 0 Weil. Hasil interpretasi dapat ditentukan kedalaman dan ketebalan lapisan airtanah beserta sifat-sifatnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Kota Surabaya telah terdeteksi adanya airtanah asin dan airtanah payau, dengan jarak dari garis pantai dan ketebalan lapisan yang beniariasi. Faktor penyebab adanya airtanah asin dan airtanah payau tersebut adalah air fosil (connate water Hasil lain dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa hingga kedalaman 150 meter dari permukaan tanah, tidak ditemukan akuifer tertekan yang mengandung airtanah tawar.


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    Joni - Gunawan


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT An interesting thing necessary to investigate deeply is how should “the cemment product” be positioned and which marketing strategy should be formulated and executed in marketing building material products such as cemment? In line with this explanation, this study analyze the psicological, social, and marketing mixing effects on household decision in buying cemment product. The strategic implication of this is to show the product strategy, price, promotion, and distribution as well as to decide the positioning of the “cemment product” which is oriented to the psichological and social variables of the household consumers. The psichological, social, and marketing mixing effects that become the main attentions in this study are the: motivation, attitude, reference group, product, price, promotion and distribution affects. A high individual’s expectation in possesing a proper house makes the individual secrafice all they have to obtain a house. Viewed from business aspects, this case is considered as a market opportunity for products which are able to supply and/or maintain proper houses, especially for cemment product. This indication appears from the quantity of new companies in this field of business both in direct investment or share holding. Consequently, the competition of the product is relatively tight. The position of the cemment product that is strategic for the construction sector and the cemment product as commodity as well as industrial goods need fix strategy to market. This study findings are: consumers of “cemment product” in Surabaya are 35 to 50 years old and their major job are business / employee, most of them own relative low buying capability. Household consumers of the “cemment product” in Surabaya have relative high education levels. They are Senior High School to University Graduated and most of the consumers are male, and they tend to have rational buying decision. Results of relationship analysis

  2. Analisa Alternatif Revitalisasi Pasar Gubeng Masjid Surabaya dengan Metode Highest And Best Use

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    Marsha Swalia Mustika


    Full Text Available Dalam era globalisasi ini banyak bermunculan pasar-pasar modern yang dibangun dengan segala kelebihan dan fasilitasnya. Munculnya pasar-pasar modern membuat keberadaan pasar tradisional tersudut, tidak terkecuali Pasar Gubeng Masjid Surabaya. Namun keberadaan pasar yang strategis yaitu dekat dengan perkantoran, hotel dan pusat perbelanjaan, serta stasiun kereta api membuat pasar tersebut memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi properti yang memberikan nilai lahan tertinggi dan terbaik. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan analisa Highest and Best Use (HBU yang dapat memberikan masukan untuk melakukan investasi terbaik. Analisa HBU ini menggunakan empat kriteria yaitu secara fisik dimungkinkan, secara legal diizinkan , secara finansial layak, dan memiliki produktivitas maksimum. Alternatif yang memiliki produktivitas maksimum tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai nilai lahan tertinggi dan terbaik pada lahan Pasar Gubeng Masjid Surabaya. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan alternatif yang menghasilkan nilai lahan tertinggi dan produktivitas maksimum adalah alternatif pengembangan multi use pasar dengan pusat perbelanjaan.. Nilai lahan yang didapatkan sebesar Rp 46.946.524,-/m2 dengan produktivitas meningkat sebesar 312%.


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    Andi Andi


    Full Text Available Leading is one of the most important facets in managing construction projects, and behaving as an effective leader is a vital project manager’s responsibility to ensure that work efforts of other persons are directed toward the accomplishment of organizational objectives. This paper aims to determine basic and actual leadership styles of construction project managers in Surabaya. The effectiveness of the actual leadership style is also examined. To accomplish the objective, the paper first briefly reviews the ways in which leadership is approached. Data were then collected through an empirical survey to 46 project managers, taking Fiedler and Hersey-Blanchard’s models as the point of departure. The results indicate that the basic leadership of project managers in Surabaya falls slightly on task-oriented behavior. Meanwhile selling is the most common style used as actual leadership in practice. The paper discusses the effectiveness of the styles adopted and situational variables affecting.

  4. Tingkat Brand Awareness Masyarakat Surabaya terhadap Brand Baru Restoran The Consulate


    Malinda, Melodi


    The Consulate merupakan sebuah brand baru hasil dari rebranding yang dilakukan oleh 1914 Surabaya. Sebagai brand baru, peneliti tertarik untuk meneliti tingkat Brand Awareness. The Consulate telah mengkomunikasikan mengenai brand barunya yang meliputi kelima Brand Elements yang terdiri dari Brand Name, URL, Logo & Symbol, Slogan dan Packaging melalui media komunikasi yang dianggap efektif, yaitu media sosial Instagram. Brand Awareness merupakan aset yang tahan lama dan berkelanjutan, maka...

  5. Perancangan Interior Kafe Pada House of Batman Di Surabaya


    Herlin Sri Utami, Patricia Tjahajo Adi Santosa


    In development of an era, many have opened businesses especially pertaining to technology. Undergo development technology which is very fast amongother areas. Technology enjoyed by all people, young and old, so it is with batman. Batman is one of a superhero that all people known and is one figure that use high-tech to defeat his enemy. Community of batman need a place to grouping and progress. Then house of batman in Surabaya made to accommodate the activities of the community of Batman that...


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    Danny Santoso Mintorogo


    Full Text Available This paper will indicate of how appropriate use of aquatic skylight module installed on buildings in the tropical zone compared to the ones in the subtropical climate. In order for energy saving strategies, the aquatic-polycarbonate skylight system is used in the tropical climate. In the tropical hot humid climate, Indonesia has received huge amount of global direct and diffuse radiations on horizontal roofs throughout the year, approximately 525 watts per square meter of solar radiation will impact on flat roofs or skylights on a clear sunny day in Surabaya city. Ironically, most of the commercial and institution buildings are equipped with Western skylight styles in Surabaya without any modifications. The aquatic-polycarbonate skylight is the system that will control daylight, scatter direct solar heat radiation, cool the indoor polycarbonate surface temperature, and collect solar hot water at the same time. The concept of using the water as shading device has three goals: first of all, the flushing water in the polycarbonate holes tries to scatter horizontal or tiled skylight direct sun-ray radiation, and minimize the direct sun heat temperature on the polycarbonate with flushing water continuously. Secondly, the sparkle flushing water in series of square holes of polycarbonate will bounce and disperse the direct sunlight into the space below enhancing daylight patterns. Finally, while bouncing, sparkling and scattering direct sunlight, those series of flushing water holes would also collect the solar heat radiation as solar hot water. Each system could works nicely to absorb, to scatter, to minimize, and to obtain the solar heat radiation for solar hot water in buildings. This strategy aims to provide a clean environment living zones with applying passive heating and cooling systems.

  7. 7 CFR 1220.615 - State and United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false State and United States. 1220.615 Section 1220.615... CONSUMER INFORMATION Procedures To Request a Referendum Definitions § 1220.615 State and United States. State and United States include the 50 States of the United States of America, the District of Columbia...

  8. 7 CFR 1220.129 - State and United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false State and United States. 1220.129 Section 1220.129... CONSUMER INFORMATION Soybean Promotion and Research Order Definitions § 1220.129 State and United States. The terms State and United States include the 50 States of the United States of America, the District...

  9. Mapping the Factors Affecting Household Food Security of Tuberculosis Patients in Coastal Region of Surabaya (United States)

    Susilaningrum, D.; Ulama, B. S. S.; Lathifah, R.


    Food security is a condition of a person who has access to adequate, safe, and nutritious food to meet the needs of a healthy life. Affordability of food is determined by the aggregate purchasing power. It is also can be measured by the amount of poverty in Indonesia which reached 28,07 million in 2014. According to data from the health department, the largest TB cases in Indonesia were in East Java Province and Surabaya accounted for the largest number, there are 48379 cases in 2015. This study mapping the factors that affect household food security of TB patients in the coastal areas of Surabaya. This study used secondary data sources from 11 clinics i.e. TB patient's addres and primary data source to survey patients about food security. Variables used in this study are variables related to socioeconomic factors and sanitary factors. Those variables will be analyzed descriptively and mapping using biplot analysis. Biplot generated based on socio-economic factors, sanitary factors, and status of households in 11 districts Surabaya that near the beach geographically. The result shows that 64% of TB patient households are food insecure than the left are food secure. More than 50% of TB patient households have a good house physically. From the result of mapping between sub-districts and factors, formed five groups consisting of: 1) Benowo and Mulyorejo; 2) Asemrowo, Gunung Anyar, Sukolilo and Pabean Cantikan; 3) Semampir, Krembangan and Bulak; 4) Kenjeran; and 5) Rungkut.


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    Maria Tampubolon


    Full Text Available Senior market is one of the most prospective segments to be targeted for hospitality industry, including hotel business in Indonesia. This research aims to examine senior guest satisfaction toward service quality of four and five star hotels in Surabaya. Employing derived satisfaction method, guest satisfaction is measured by comparing guests' expectation with the perception. Five variables of service quality are used to measure the service provided, namely reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles. The result shows that there is a gap between senior market's expectation and perception, in which the expectation is above the perception. Thus, it can be concluded that respondents have not satisfied yet with the quality of service delivered. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Senior market merupakan salah satu pasar yang cukup menjanjikan bagi bisnis jasa, termasuk bagi bisnis jasa hotel di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur kepuasan tamu lanjut usia yang menginap di hotel bintang 4 dan 5 di Surabaya. Kepuasan diukur menggunakan metode derived satisfaction dengan cara membandingkan harapan dan persepsi senior market terhadap kualitas layanan. Kualitas layanan didasarkan pada lima variabel, yaitu keterandalan, kecepatanggapan, jaminan, empati, dan fasilitas fisik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat gap antara harapan dan persepsi, dimana harapan lebih besar daripada persepsi, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa responden belum puas dengan seluruh atribut layanan yang disediakan. Kata kunci: harapan, persepsi, kepuasan, senior market, kualitas layanan, hotel, Surabaya.

  11. Kompetensi SDM UKM dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja UKM di Surabaya

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    I.D.K.R. Ardiana


    Full Text Available The aim of this research were To know how is the human resourch competence of Small-Medium scale enterprenuer in Surabaya and how their competence affected to their busniness performance Partially or Simultaneously. The Research methods used Decriptive exploratives. And the competence Variable was described as three indicators which were Knowledge, Skill dan ability. To answer the research problems and test of hypothesis the researcher was used the statistics analysis with software SPSS, especially used the correlation analysis, regression, F-test dan t-test. Sample respondent used in this research was 150 respondens come from Small-Medium Scale Entrepreneur which clustered by Dinas Koperasi Surabaya, and it was choosed by purposive sampling based on some criterias. The result of this research were as follows: The competence of human resourch Small-Medium Scale enterprenuer was in fare categories, it is recommended to increase to be more competence enhance increasing their business performance globally. Furthermore, the hypothesis was accepted because regarding the result of F-test and t-test show that the Human Resource Competence of Small-Medium Scale enterprineur was Significantly affected to the their business performance partially and simultaniusly its mean that the increasing in human resourch competence will be increase the business performance, eventhough ability variable was most dominanly affected to the business performance.


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    Nur Wahyuning Sulistyowati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja keuangan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III Surabaya selama 5 tahun dari tahun 2006 sampai 2010. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang berupa laporan keuangan perusahaan selama 5 tahun dan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data secara dokumenter. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah laporan keuangan selama 5 tahun dan 8 rasio keuangan yaitu rasio likuiditas yang terdiri dari current ratio dan quick ratio; rasio aktivitas yang terdiri dari net fixed asset turn over dan asset turn over; rasio leverage yang terdiri dari financial leverage dan debt ratio; serta rasio profitabilitas yang terdiri dari net profit margin dan ROA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas dan leverage selama 5 tahun mengalami peningkatan sedangkan rasio likuiditas rasio profitabilitas mengalami fluktuasi bahkan cenderung menurun. Simpulan penelitian bahwa analisis rasio keuangan dapat digunakan untuk menilai kinerja keuangan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III Surabaya yang menunjukkan hasil kinerja keuangan perusahaan ini mengalami peningkatan meskipun tidak signifikan.

  13. A study of architect Cosman Citroen (1881-1935) and his works in Surabaya

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Santoso, Joko Triwinarto


    This study presents an in-depth analysis of the works of the Dutch architect Cosman Citroen (1881-1935) in Surabaya. Citroen grew up in a Jewish-Dutch diamond worker family in Amsterdam. After graduating from the Quellinus School in 1902, he worked at the office of B.J. Ouëndag (1861-1932). He also

  14. Perancangan Interior Pusat Terapi Dan Sekolah Anak Autis Di Surabaya


    Adi Santosa, Jessica Celia


    Therapy Centre for Autism in Surabaya is a privately owned institution that engages in special education for children with special needs. The increasing number of children with autism is not matched by the number of school and therapy center for children with autism. In terms of the physical building, capacity, activity and space needs are still not sufficient. The design is intended to allow children with autism can grow to be better with the facilities provided such space one on one therapy...

  15. 7 CFR 1209.21 - State and United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false State and United States. 1209.21 Section 1209.21... Definitions § 1209.21 State and United States. (a) State means any of the several States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. (b) United States means collectively the several States of...

  16. Developing of Total Suspended Sediment Model Using Landsat-8 Satellite Image and In-Situ Data at The Surabaya Coast, East Java, Indonesia

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    Teguh Hariyanto


    Full Text Available The decrease of coastal-water quality in the Surabaya coastal region can be recognized from the conceentration of Total Suspended Sediment(TSS . As a result we need a system for monitoring sediment concentration in the coastal region of Surabaya which regularly measures TSS. The principle to model and monitor TSSconcentration using remote sensing methods is by the integration of Landsat-8OLI satellites image processing using some ofTSS-models then those are analyzed for looking its suitability with TSS value direcly measured in the field ( in-situ measurement. The TSS value modeled from all algorithms validated usingcorrelation analysis and linear regression . The result shows that TSS model with the highest correlation value is TSS algorithm by Budiman (2004with r value 0.991. Hence this algorithm can be used to investigate TSS-distribution which represent the coastal water quality of Surabaya with TSS value between 75 mg/L to 125 mg/L.


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    Asti Iswandari


    Full Text Available The purposes of this study were to determine the effects of intrinsic motivation, entrepreneurial knowledge, and personality on student interest in entrepreneurship. Population of this study were students from grade XII of the 12th State Vocational School of Surabaya, for academic year 2012-2013 with total of 578 students. 236 samples were taken using proportional random sampling. Data were collected by questionnaires and documentations. This study was using quantitative analysis with multiple linear regression. The results showed that there are simultaneous effects between intrinsic motivation, entrepreneurial knowledge, and personality on student interest in entrepreneurship. Partially, there is an effect of intrinsic motivation and personality on student interest in entrepreneurship, whereas there is no effect of entrepreneurial knowledge on student interest in entrepreneurship.

  18. Digital collaborative consumption and social issues: The clash of taxi and Uber driver in Surabaya and Taipei

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    Kholifatus Saadah


    Full Text Available Since the occurrence of application-based taxi, phenomenon and resistance have emerged in metropolitan cities around the world. One of the main issues highlighted is digital collaborative consumption which emerges as the consequences of globalization. As an interpretive case study research, this paper aims to analyze the use of Uber as an alternative to public transportation in Taipei and Surabaya. Authors discuss the issue by comparing the reaction toward the occurrence of Uber and Taipei and Surabaya. Authors apply the theory from Hegre, Gissinger, & Gledtisch (2002 about globalization and social conflict to explain social issues as the consequences of digital collaborative consumption as the new consumption model. According to the theory, globalization creates a deprivation which makes the struggle to access source of capital become more intense. Poverty is the main generator of radical action and violence. Analyzing the phenomena of Uber usage and the resistance from traditional taxi businessmen in Taipei and Surabaya, the authors argue that globalization reflected on digital collaborative consumption could lead to social unrest for parties who cannot adapt to the changes in economic practice. As shown by many cases of app-based rejection taxi in public places such as airport, train station and bus station; the traditionalists show resistance towards globalization and the economic shift of public transportation business model.

  19. Road safety analysis on Achmad Yani frontage road Surabaya (United States)

    Machsus; Prayogo, I.; Chomaedhi; Hayati, D. W.; Utanaka, A.


    This research discusses road safety analysis on the operation of frontage road on the west side of Achmad Yani Road Surabaya. This research began by conducting survey on secondary data of traffic accidents. In addition, primary data survey was conducted to obtain traffic data, geometric road data, and other supporting data at the study site along the west side frontage of Ahmad Yani Road Surabaya. Devices used in this research include camera, handy cam, speed gun, counters of vehicles, rolling meter, computer and others. In outline, the stages to conduct this research are divided into 4 stages, namely 1.the preparation stage, collection and processing, 3. analysis and discussion, and 4. conclusion. The results of this study showed that the accident characteristics of the frontage road are (i) 3 accidents occured per month, (ii) motorcycles was accounted for the largest proportion of accidents which amounted to 74.6 percent, (iii) there were 3 accident victims per month, and (iv) material losses per month worths 1.2 million. The accident rate in 2016 was 0.04 crashes per one million vehicle travels per kilometer, while during 2 months in 2017 it was 0.15 accidents per one million vehicle travels per kilometer. Black spot area of accident is located on Sta 2 + 800 to 2 + 900 which is in front of Graha Pena building and DBL Arena. The high rate of accidents is influenced by the speed of the vehicle which 85 percentile exceeds the speed limit of 40km per hour.

  20. Evaluation of the Successfulness of A Green Program through Customer Perceived Quality, Brand Image, and Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study at Surabaya Plaza Hotel


    Marsella Yeanette Hatane; Adinda Yosari; Felicia Christiana Hendautomo


    Every company try to build the brand image of their businesses by doing a green program as one of their strategies. This research aims to see the impacts of the implementation of a green program at Surabaya Plaza Hotel, Surabaya. 230 hotel customers were randomly chosen as the respondents. Through descriptive and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis, can be seen that technical quality brings insignificant negative impacts towards customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, functional quality an...

  1. Analisa Pengaruh Leadership Style terhadap Organization Performance melalui Learning Organization dan Employee Satisfaction (Studi Kasus pada Akuntan Publik di Kantor Akuntan Publik di Surabaya)


    Nathania, Stephanie Yunita


    This study aimsed to know the direct and significant influence of leadership style to organizational performance through learning organization and employee's satisfaction in the public accounting firm in Surabaya. This was a of quantitative research by obtaining primary data. The data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 150 auditors in the public accounting firm's in Surabaya. The data obtained were processed by using data PLS.The results indicated the existency of a significant relati...


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    Timoticin Kwanda


    Full Text Available The occupancy rate of luxurious condominiums in Surabaya keep on decreasing. There are many reasons for these problems, among others economic crisis that weakened market-buying capability (external and decreased preferences to reside (internal. The internal factor comprises of occupant’s satisfaction, environmental influences, individual consumers and marketer stimuli. The purpose of the research is to know according to the assessment of the occupants which of these four factors, is higher and more dominant. The occupants surveyed are the occupants of the luxurious condominiums in Surabaya, such as Paragon, Beverly, Puri Matahari, Regency, Graha Famili, and Puri Darmo. Samples were taken with Purposive Sampling method and collected through questioners. Anova is used to analyse the data with SPS 2000 program. The result showed that there are no significant differences of occupant’s satisfaction, environmental influences, individual consumers and marketer stimuli on the six observed condominiums. Meanwhile according to the mean, occupant’s satisfaction, individual consumers and marketer stimuli are dominant at Puri Matahari, and environmental influences are dominant at Puri Darmo. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Tingkat hunian kondominium mewah di Surabaya terus menurun tajam. Hal yang menjadi penyebabnya antara lain krisis ekonomi yang memperlemah daya beli pasar (eksternal dan menurunnya minat menempati (internal. Faktor internal adalah kepuasan penghuni, environmental influences, individual consumers dan marketer stimuli. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penilaian penghuni kondominium mewah di Surabaya, yaitu Paragon, Beverly, Puri Matahari, Regency, Graha Famili, dan Puri Darmo terhadap keempat faktor ini. Ingin diketahui faktor mana yang lebih tinggi dan lebih dominan peranannya. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling dengan pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan Anova dengan program SPS

  3. 7 CFR 1160.104 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 9 2010-01-01 2009-01-01 true United States. 1160.104 Section 1160.104 Agriculture... Definitions § 1160.104 United States. United States means the 48 contiguous states in the continental United States and the District of Columbia, except that United States means the 50 states of the United States...

  4. Pengaruh Customers Relationship Management Dan Corporate Social Responsibility Terhadap Customer Loyalty Dengan Competitive Advantage Dan Brand Image Sebagai Variabel Intervening Di Starbucks Surabaya


    Setio, Hadi


    The growth of the upper class society in Indonesia increased, leading to increased demand and supply of coffee dibisnis, especially the second largest metropolitan city of Surabaya. In Surabaya, the culture of drinking coffee in a cafe classy began to spread. The emergence of new cafes with the same concept to the competition in the coffee business is becoming increasingly heavy, how do Starbucks cafes to remain persaing win in the increasingly research aimed to analyze the infl...

  5. Analisis Hotel Experience Dalam Hubungan Terhadap Positive Ewom Motivation Di Surabaya


    Wibisana, Kharisadi; Handojono, Vincentius Kusuma


    : This study was conducted to analyze the positive motivation that drives people of Surabaya to share their experience at hotel online review website based on hotel experience. Variables used are price fairness, service quality and atmosphere which are three main variables of hotel experience.The method used is Linear Multiple Regression with SPSS program. The results showed that the variables that have the most influence toward customer's positive motivation to do the online review is price...

  6. Kajian Estetika Bentuk Interior Restoran Pada Hotel Shangri-La Di Surabaya


    Salim, Yelly Monalisa


    Design of the restaurant in the hotel has a long life to represent the character of the hotel. Considering the atmosphere inside the restaurant which can be induced by social and environmental conditions. Shangri-La, one of the biggest hotels in Surabaya with Timeless Elegance legend that has some characteristics of fusion type restaurant with lounge, buffet, specialty and has a different special character, but still ongoing. Approach to the theory of aesthetic form of Herbert Read which refe...



    Agus Dwi Hariyanto


    This paper evaluates the current thermal comfort condition in an air-conditioned design studio using objective measurement and subjective assessment. Objective measurement is mainly to quantify the air temperature, MRT, relative humidity, and air velocity. Subjective assessment is conducted using a questionnaire to determine the occupants thermal comfort sensations and investigate their perception of the thermal comfort level. A design studio in an academic institution in Surabaya was chosen ...


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    Gioliano Putra


    Full Text Available Home Digital Service TELKOM merupakan teknologi yang penting bagi kemajuan inovasi teknologi, perekonomian negara, serta target pemerintah dan perusahaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor dalam modified UTAUT2 yang memengaruhi niat prospectiv users untuk mengadopsi Home Digital Service PT TELKOM di Surabaya, seberapa besar pengaruh variabel yang memoderasi pengaruh antarkonstruk dan kemampuan prediksi modified UTAUT2 dalam memprediksi niat prospective users untuk mengadopsi Home Digital Service TELKOM di Surabaya. Dalam penelitian ini, 200 sampel dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS dengan smartPLS 2.0. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa seluruh konstruk eksogen memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap konstruk endogen. Hedonic motivation, social influence, price value, facilitating condition, effort expectancy, dan performance expectancy memiliki pengaruh sebesar 0,260; 0,194; 0,138; 0,116; 0,094; dan 0,090. Variabel rnoderasi age (usia memoderasi pengaruh facilitating condition dan price value terhadap niat (behavioral intention prospective users untuk mengadopsi Home Digital Service di Surabaya. Sernentara variabel moderasi jenis kelamin (gender hanya memoderasi pengaruh performance expectancy, social influence, dan price value terhadap niat (behavioral intention prospective users untuk mengadopsi Home Digital Service di Surabaya. Modified UTAUT2 dalam penelitian ini dapat memprediksi 54.8% behavioral intention penggunaan Home Digital Service PT. TELKOM di Surabaya.

  9. Analisis Highest and Best Use (HBU pada Lahan Jl. Gubeng Raya No. 54 Surabaya

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    Akmaluddin Akmaluddin


    Full Text Available Laju pertumbuhan penduduk dan tingkat perekonomian yang semakin meningkat di  kota-kota besar seperti Surabaya, bertolak belakang dengan  ketersediaan lahan yang terbatas. Selayaknya properti yang akan dibangun di atas suatu lahan dapat memberikan manfaat yang maksimal serta efisien agar hasilnya dapat dirasakan demi pembangunan wilayah tersebut. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan perhitungan  penggunaan yang paling memungkinkan dan diizinkan dari suatu tanah kosong atau tanah yang  sudah dibangun, dimana secara fisik dimungkinkan, didukung atau dibenarkan oleh peraturan, layak secara keuangan dan menghasilkan nilai tertinggi. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis Highest and Best Use (HBU pada lahan di Jl. Gubeng Raya No. 54 Surabaya seluas 1.150 m2 yang direncanakan akan dibangun hotel. Lahan tersebut berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi properti komersial seperti hotel, apartemen, perkantoran dan pertokoan. Analisis tersebut menggunakan tinjauan terhadap aspek fisik, legal, finansial dan produktivitas maksimumnya. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan alternatif properti komersial hotel yang memiliki penggunaan tertinggi dan terbaik pada pemanfaatan lahan dengan nilai lahan Rp. 67.069.980,31/ m2.


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    Full Text Available Kevin Lynch’s concept of the image of the city has influenced many academics and practitioners around the world. However, misconceptions have arisen in applying Lynch’s concept through a superficial understanding of his five elements. The main purpose of this article is to extend meaning making behind the urban elements identification, on which Lynch had put less emphasizes. The research, on which this article is based, has been conducted in Surabaya- Indonesia with young people from a mid to high economic family background that a have high dependency on private cars. In imagining the city, they emphasize more on meaning rather than physical appearances of the elements. Meaning is driven by their daily route, social life style, and ethnic background. Lynch identified three dimensions in imagining cities, namely identity, structure and meaning, which are embedded in the urban elements. In this case study, meaning is regarded as being more important than the other two and as it represents social symbols of a specific group in the city of Surabaya.

  11. Land Subsidence Monitoring by InSAR Time Series Technique Derived From ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 over Surabaya City, Indonesia (United States)

    Aditiya, A.; Takeuchi, W.; Aoki, Y.


    Surabaya is the second largest city in Indonesia and the capital of East Java Province with rapid population and industrialization. The impact of urbanization in the big city can suffer potential disasters either nature or anthropogenic such as land subsidence and flood. The pattern of land subsidence need to be mapped for the purposes of planning and structuring the city as well as taking appropriate policy in anticipating and mitigating the impact. This research has used interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) technique and applied time series analysis to investigate land subsidence occured. The technique includes the process of focusing the SAR data, incorporating the precise orbit, generating interferogram and phase unwrapping using SNAPHU algorithms. The results showed land subsidence has been detected during 2014-2017 over Surabaya city area using ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 images data. These results reveal the subsidence has observed in several area in Surabaya in particular northern part reach up to ∼2 cm/year. The fastest subsidence occurs in highly populated areas suffer vulnerable to flooding and sea level rise impact. In urban areas we found a correlation between land subsidence with residential or industrial land use. It concludes that land subsidence is mainly caused by ground water consumption for industrial and residential use respectively.

  12. Isolation and Screening of Diesel-Degrading Bacteria from the Diesel Contaminated Seawater at Kenjeran Beach, Surabaya

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    Pratiwi Putri Pranowo


    Full Text Available Samples of contaminated seawater by diesel were taken at Kenjeran Beach Surabaya using aseptic technique. Isolation was conducted using serial dilution and spread method on nutrient agar (NA media. The all bacteria colony were devided in to group based on with morphological characterization and gram staining. After that, those bacterial colonies were tested individually in NA media containing different concentration of diesel (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10% for up to 7 days at 30°C. The results showed that eight bacterial strains were isolated from diesel contaminated seawater in Kenjeran Beach Surabaya. Screening on diesel showed that all the isolation bacteria were capable of degrading diesel and bacteria with code of B and E haves highly percentage growth in compared to other bacterial isolation. In conclusion, bacteria with code of B and E have potential to be used in diesel bioremediation in contaminated seawater.

  13. Search and selection hotel system in Surabaya based on geographic information system (GIS) with fuzzy logic (United States)

    Purbandini, Taufik


    Surabaya is a metropolitan city in Indonesia. When the visitor has an interest in Surabaya for several days, then the visitor was looking for lodging that is closest to the interests of making it more efficient and practical. It was not a waste of time for the businessman because of congestion and so we need full information about the hotel as an inn during a stay in Surabaya began name, address of the hotel, the hotel's website, the distance from the hotel to the destination until the display of the map along the route with the help of Google Maps. This system was designed using fuzzy logic which aims to assist the user in making decisions. Design of hotel search and selection system was done through four stages. The first phase was the collection of data and as the factors that influence the decision-making along with the limit values of these factors. Factors that influence covers a distance of the hotel, the price of hotel rooms, and hotel reviews. The second stage was the processing of data and information by creating membership functions. The third stage was the analysis of systems with fuzzy logic. The steps were performed in systems analysis, namely fuzzification, inference using Mamdani, and defuzzification. The last stage was the design and construction of the system. Designing the system using use case diagrams and activity diagram to describe any process that occurs. Development system includes system implementation and evaluation systems. Implementation of mobile with Android-based system so that these applications were user friendly.

  14. Community structure of waterbirds in several type of wetland utilization in East Coast of Surabaya

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    Ragil Siti Rihadini


    Full Text Available Natural wetlands are the natural habitat of waterbirds, but it is very diffi cult to fi nd an unspoiled wetlands without human intervention curently. East coast of Surabaya is wetlands area in Surabaya that most of the region have change into fi shpond and residental. The aims of this reasearch are to determine the community structure of waterbirds in each type of wetland utilization and to determine if the different type of wetland utilization infl uence the community structure of waterbirds in East Coast of Surabaya. Data were collected during August 2012 to January 2013 with point count method. Six sampling plots have been selected. Six sampling plots representing four types of use of wetlands, which are bozem, the former fi shpond, fi shpond with vegetation, and fi shponds without vegetation (fi shpond 1, fi shpond 2 and fi shpond 3. In bozem recorded 19 species of waterbirds (1107 individual, dominated by shorebirds, with a diversity index (H' 1.86, and evenness index (J' 0.63. In former fi shpond recorded 7 species of water birds (168 individual, dominated by rails and moorhen, with H’ = 1.12 and J’ = 0.57. In fi shpond with vegetation recorded 12 species of water birds (137 individual, dominated by large wader, with H’ = 1.85 and J’ = 0.74. In fi shpond 1 recorded 18 species of water birds (299 individual, dominated by terns, with H’ = 1.96 and J’ = 0.68. In fi shpond 2 recorded 9 species of water birds (70 individual, dominated by terns, with H’ = 1.73 and J’ = 0.79. In fi shpond 3 recorded 10 species of water birds (83 individual, dominated by terns, with H’ = 1.84 and J’ = 0.80. Chi-square test showed that X2 count is greater than X2 table with α < 0.05, which indicates that there is a signifi cant difference of the number of individuals of each species and the number of individual of each water birds’ group for each type of use of wetlands, so it can be





    This study is aimed to comprehensively understand the cultural reproduction of gender violence such as how it happens and what implications it gives to the lives of women; how it is understood and manifested, and; what factors contribute to the violation. Phenomenology by focusing heavily on observation during the field reasearch. The study was conducted in the Madurese community in Kemayoran Baru, Kelurahan Krembangan Selatan, Kecamatan Krembangan, Surabaya Municipality. In the community, vi...

  16. Ruang dan Kultur Kekerasan Domestik: Pengalaman Perempuan Madura di Kemayoran Baru Surabaya




    This study is aimed to comprehensively understand the cultural reproduction of gender violence such as how it happens and what implications it gives to the lives of women; how it is understood and manifested, and; what factors contribute to the violation. Phenomenology by focusing heavily on observation during the field reasearch. The study was conducted in the Madurese community in Kemayoran Baru, Kelurahan Krembangan Selatan, Kecamatan Krembangan, Surabaya Municipality. In the c...

  17. Diabetic Nephropathy Determinant Factor in Diabetes Mellitus at RSUD Dr. M. Soewandhie Surabaya

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    Rahmadany Isya Putri


    Full Text Available Non communicable diseases are an important health problem related with the shift in the pattern of death cause, which is from infectious diseases to non-infectious diseases. Diabetes mellitus (DM ranked 5 of the top 10 causes of non-infectious diseases in hospitals in Indonesia. If not properly controlled, DM can lead to chronic complications such as Diabetic Nephropathy (DN. This study, conducted at Internal Medicine Clinic, Outpatient Care, Dr. M. Soewandhie Hospital Surabaya, in June-July 2014, aimed to analyze correlation between non-clinical factors according to the concept of Hendrik L. Blum, such as compliance to treatment, education level, income, and social support for the incidence of DN in DM patients. This study was an observational analytic study with case-control design. Case samples in this study were DM patients who experienced DN complications and undergoing treatment at Internal Medicine Clinic, Outpatient Care, Dr. M. Soewandhie Hospital Surabaya, by 36 respondents. Control samples in this study were diabetic patients who did not experience complications DN undergoing treatment at Internal Medicine Clinic, Outpatient Care, Dr. M. Soewandhie Hospital Surabaya, by 36 respondents. Samples were taken by using a convenience sampling method. Relation streght analysis between dependent and independent variables used Contingency Coefficient by Chi Square test with 95% Confidence Interval (α=0.05. To determine the amount of risk between dependent and independent variables, we used OR (odds ratio calculation. The results showed that non-compliance to treatment (OR=2.8 with contigency coefficient 0.243, low education (OR=1.5 with contigency coefficient 0.091, income < District Minimum Wage (OR=1.21 with contigency coefficient 0.036, and not receiving social support (OR=1.65 with contigency coefficient 0.117. In conclusion, compliance to treatment, education level, income, and social support affect the incidence of DN in DM patients

  18. 31 CFR 800.225 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 800.225 Section 800... TAKEOVERS BY FOREIGN PERSONS Definitions § 800.225 United States. The term United States or U.S. means the United States of America, the States of the United States, the District of Columbia, and any commonwealth...

  19. 7 CFR 1150.106 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 9 2010-01-01 2009-01-01 true United States. 1150.106 Section 1150.106 Agriculture... Order Definitions § 1150.106 United States. United States means the 48 contiguous States in the continental United States. ...

  20. Pengelolaan mangrove berbasis masyarakat di Pantai Timur Surabaya

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    Iqbal Ghazali


    Full Text Available This aims of the study was to descript and evaluate the mangrove management strategy by local community (local wisdom in East Coast Surabaya.. The survey method was utilized in this study using the stakeholder analysis and AWOT analysis. Primary data were collected through observation on object of study and by in-depth interviews, while secondary data were obtained through the literature review and reports. The results showed there were 50 stakeholders involved in the management of Pamurbaya mangrove, which was divided into three groups i.e. government, private and community. Local wisdom priority was mangrove ecotourism. The strategy for development of mangrove ecotourism was by increasing the institutional capacity and creativity, innovation of eco-tourism workers, and improvement of cooperation with related agencies.

  1. Malaria Treatment (United States) (United States)

    ... Providers, Emergency Consultations, and General Public. Contact Us Malaria Treatment (United States) Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir Treatment of Malaria: Guidelines For Clinicians (United States) Download PDF version ...


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    Purnawan Basundoro


    Full Text Available Relation among ethnics in Indonesian colonial city, especially relation between European and local citizen are unique. In many causes, their interaction is relation between oppressor and the oppressed. Sometimes, it oppresses the peoples. Nevertheless, in the other time and place, their relation based on spirit and motivation of humanity, that is social relationship without racial and political sentiment. In the relation between European as a chief and the inlanders’ as a subordinate, the relation has not judge by race difference, but evaluate by social stratification. This relation happened in the different context depend on situation and condition. It indicates that relation among peoples always based humanity, that human constantly need the other else.Key words: ethnics, Surabaya, colonial Hubungan antar etnik di kota-kota kolonial di Indonesia, terutama hubungan antara orang-orang kulit putih Eropa dengan penduduk lokal cukup unik. Dalam banyak kasus hubungan mereka murni dalam kerangka hubungan antara penjajah dan yang terjajah. Hubungan semacam ini kadang-kadang sangat menindas bagi yang terjajah. Pada waktu dan tempat yang berbeda hubungan mereka sering kali juga dilandasai oleh semangat dan motivasi kemanusiaan, yaitu hubungan yang murni berdasarkan status sosial tanpa dilandasi sentimen politik dan rasial. Jika hubungan tersebut terjalin antara majikan yang Eropa dan buruh yang Bumiputera, maka baik-buruknya hubungan tersebut hanya bisa dinilai dari kelas sosial mereka yang berbeda, bukan karena perbedaan ras. Hubungan semacam itu bisa terjalin pada konteks yang berbeda-beda tergantung dengan situasi dan kondisi. Kata kunci: etnis, Surabaya, kolonial  

  3. Sea cucumber species identification of family Caudinidae from Surabaya based on morphological and mitochondrial DNA evidence (United States)

    Amin, Muhammad Hilman Fu'adil; Pidada, Ida Bagus Rai; Sugiharto, Widyatmoko, Johan Nuari; Irawan, Bambang


    Species identification and taxonomy of sea cucumber remains a challenge problem in some taxa. Caudinidae family of sea cucumber was comerciallized in Surabaya, and it was used as sea cucumber chips. Members of Caudinid sea cucumber have similiar morphology, so it is hard to identify this sea cucumber only from morphological appearance. DNA barcoding is useful method to overcome this problem. The aim of this study was to determine Caudinid specimen of sea cucumber in East Java by morphological and molecular approach. Sample was collected from east coast of Surabaya, then preserved in absolute ethanol. After DNA isolation, Cytochrome Oxydase I (COI) gene amplification was performed using Echinoderm universal primer and PCR product was sequenced. Sequencing result was analyzed and identified in NCBI database using BLAST. Results showed that Caudinid specimen in have closely related to Acaudina molpadioides sequence in GenBank with 86% identity. Morphological data, especially based on ossicle, also showed that the specimen is Acaudina molpadioides.

  4. Studi Terapan Gaya Desain Interior Jepang Restoran Tomoto, Imari, Kayu, Nishiki Surabaya


    Widjaja, Eveline


    Applied studies in interior design style Japanese restaurant tomoto, Imari, Wood, Nishiki, Surabaya has been the subject of research that analyzed from the viewpoint of Japanese design style. Restaurant is a place of business or building that provides food and beverages which managed commercially by providing good service to all visitors. The application of different Japanese design style at every restaurant draw researchers to examine more in terms of the concept of Japanese design style. Th...

  5. Proses Penentuan Penerima Zakat, Infaq, dan Shadaqah pada Lembaga Amil Zakat di Surabaya

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    Yayan Firmansah


    Full Text Available Zakat, infaq, and shadaqah (ZIS are the important instruments in Islamic Economic. Especially zakat, it can be seen from the states of zakat with sholat in 29 verses of Al Quran. Because ZIS is estimable in empowering the society economy, it has to be well managed by zakat administrator institution. Therefore, for achieving that goal, zakat administrator institution has to be able in determining people who have rights to receive zakat to avoid zakat distribution overlapping. This research has a goal in identifying the determination of zakat receivers (mustahiq in zakat administrator institution in Surabaya. There are four research objects: Dompet Dhuafa Republika, Pos Keadilan Peduli Umat, Yayasan Dana Sosial Al Falah, and Baitul Maal Hidayatullah. It will use descriptive qualitative as the research approach. The results of this research conclude that each zakat administrator institution has different criteria of zakat receivers, especially in poor and needy people criteria. The differences can be seen from the standard of poverty used by zakat administrator institution.

  6. 7 CFR 65.255 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States. 65.255 Section 65.255 Agriculture..., PEANUTS, AND GINSENG General Provisions Definitions § 65.255 United States. United States means the 50... United States. ...

  7. 7 CFR 1250.308 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States. 1250.308 Section 1250.308 Agriculture... Research and Promotion Order Definitions § 1250.308 United States. United States means the 48 contiguous States of the United States of America and the District of Columbia. ...

  8. 7 CFR 1205.23 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States. 1205.23 Section 1205.23 Agriculture... Procedures for Conduct of Sign-up Period Definitions § 1205.23 United States. The term United States means the 50 states of the United States of America. Procedures ...

  9. 31 CFR 597.318 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 597.318 Section 597... General Definitions § 597.318 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories, states, commonwealths, districts, and possessions, and all areas under the jurisdiction or...

  10. 7 CFR 1219.26 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States. 1219.26 Section 1219.26 Agriculture..., AND INFORMATION Hass Avocado Promotion, Research, and Information Order Definitions § 1219.26 United States. United States means collectively the several 50 States of the United States, the District of...

  11. Perceptions of Contractors and Consultants Toward Application of Greenship Rating Tools on Apartment Buildings in Surabaya

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    Herry Pintardi Chandra


    Full Text Available During the last ten years, the growth of apartment buildings in Surabaya has encountered the bitter experience of global warming, resource depletion, energy scarcity, and other environmental impacts. We cannot avoid them, but we can minimize the negative impacts of global warming. The green building concept is one of the methods to minimize the environmental impact. It takes into account principles of sustainable development in planning, construction, operation, and maintenance. Greenship Rating Tools is used to evaluate and calculate green achievements, prior to green building certification. The aim of this research is to represent the perceptions of contractors and consultants toward application of Greenship Rating Tools on apartment buildings in Surabaya. Based on the data obtained from a questionnaires survey carried out to 41 respondents, the mean value ranking method is used to evaluate the main factors of Greenship. These factors are Appropriate Site Development, Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Water Conservation, Material Resource and Cycle, Indoor Health and Comfort, and Building Environmental Management. In general, the results of this research show that there are a number of differences between perceptions of contractors and consultants toward application of Greenship Rating Tools on apartment buildings in Surabaya. According to the contractors’ perception, Visual Comfort is a factor that would easily to be applied, whilst consultants’ is Landscape. On the other hand, there are factors that would difficult to be applied. Based on contractors’ perceptiom is Climate Change, while consultants’ perception is Renewal Energy. In summary, Greenship Rating Tools can be applied on contractors’ and consultants’ perceptions, whilst there are some variables which can not be applied.

  12. 7 CFR 1212.31 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States. 1212.31 Section 1212.31 Agriculture..., Consumer Education, and Industry Information Order Definitions § 1212.31 United States. “United States... territories and possessions of the United States. ...

  13. 22 CFR 120.13 - United States. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false United States. 120.13 Section 120.13 Foreign... United States. United States, when used in the geographical sense, includes the several states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the insular possessions of the United States, the District of Columbia, the...

  14. 31 CFR 592.311 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 592.311 Section 592... § 592.311 United States. The term United States, when used in the geographic sense, means the several States, the District of Columbia, and any commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States. ...

  15. Analisa Pengaruh Komunikasi Internal, Intrinsic Rewards Dan Recognition Terhadap Employee Engagement Di Surabaya Suite Hotel


    Lorensia, Ines Margaretha; Ngo, Diana Kartika; Widjaja, Debora


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa pengaruh komunikasi internal, intrinsic rewards, dan recognition terhadap employee engagementdi SurabayaSuiteHotel. Employee engagement penting untuk meningkatkan kinerja karyawan demi keberhasilan organisasi. Komunikasi internal adalah proses pertukaran informasi dalam internal organisasi. Intrinsic rewards adalah kepuasan pribadi dari pekerjaan itu sendiri. Dan recognition adalah pengakuan yang diberikan atas kinerja karyawan. Teknik analisa yang d...

  16. 7 CFR 1205.313 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States. 1205.313 Section 1205.313 Agriculture... Research and Promotion Order Definitions § 1205.313 United States. United States means the 50 States of the United States of America. [31 FR 16758, Dec. 31, 1966. Redesignated at 56 FR 64472, Dec. 10, 1991] ...

  17. Antimicrobial Assay of Soil Mold Isolates from Wonorejo Surabaya

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    Septia Arisanti


    Full Text Available This study was aimed to an examine antimicrobial activity of 34 soil molds isolates from the Wonorejo Surabaya on the growth of Gram negatif bacteria (Escherichia coli and Coliform Bacteria Group, Gram positif bacteria (Bacillus subtilis and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Antimicrobial ability detected with modification of dual culture antagonism assay in Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA medium. The result showed that genus Aspergillus, Scopulariopsis, Penicillium, Paecilomyces, Fusarium, and Trichoderma were able to inhibit E. coli; while genus Aspergillus, Scopulariopsis, Penicillium, Paecilomyces, Exophiala, Stachybotrys, and Acremonium inhibit B. subtilis; further on only genus Aspergillus could inhibit group of Coliform bacteria; and genus Scopulariopsis, Penicillium, Trichoderma, and Absidia inhibited the growth of yeast S. cerevisiae.


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    Rukmini Rukmini


    Full Text Available Backgrounds: Until now, diarrhea remains a public health problem in Indonesia, this could be seen with high morbidity rate. Puskesmas Tambakrejo is a public health center in Surabaya city with a high diarrhea cases. Futhermore, the diarrhea cases among infants ranked second and for all ages is ranked fourth in Surabaya. Methods: Therefore, research aimed to evaluate the diarrhea surveillance system in Puskesmas Tambakrejo. This was qualitative studies with observational design at Puskesmas Tambakrejo from August to September 2010. Data were obtained by in-depth interviews to diarrhea surveillance officer and head of the center to determine the implementation, observation of activities, data tracking and reporting. This was done descriptively by a systems approach (input, process and output. Results: The study showed that diarrhea surveillance systems at Puskesmas Tambakrejo was not optimal for component of input, process and output. Problems in input component were limited knowledge diarrhea surveillance among officer, incomplete report documents, no reports of environmental health coverage and health promotion in analysis. Beside, the methods used in surveillance of diarrhea has not been based on the book Diarrhea Disease Control Guidelines issued by the MOH Director General PP & PL 2009. Issues of component process were limitations of variable data in the diarrhea register book, the analysis had not been based on the variables service quality. coverage and service by cadres and degree of dehydration. Beside, data analysis had not been done for early warning system of diarrhea. The on output component problems were the information provide is very limited and no indicatorof service coverage and quality on diarrhea case. The priority issues on information systems of diarrhea surveillance was that data analysis had not been done for early warning system of diarrhea. Diarrhea Surveillance systems at Tambakrejo Public Health Center was not optimal

  19. Analisa Dimensi Website Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Konsumen Surabaya Dalam Melakukan Reservasi Hotel Secara Online


    Sosiawan, Marchella; Sandhika, Vicky Violetta


    Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisa dimensi website yang mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen Surabaya dalam melakukan reservasi hotel secara online. Penelitian ini menggunakkan analisa faktor, hasil penelitian menunjukan 8 faktor baru yaitu dimensi Access (1), Safety and Privacy (2), Marketing (3), Navigation (4), Clarity of Information (5), Personalization (6), Service (7), dan Accurancy (8). Sebagai faktor dari dimensi website yang mempengaruhi konsumen untuk melakukan reservasi hotel s...

  20. Pemetaan Platform Media Komunikasi Pemasaran PT. Dyandra Promosindo dalam Ruang Publik di Surabaya


    Putra, Bayu Pratama; Prasetyo, Iwan Joko


     This study aims to determine the mapping of marketing communication media platform conducted by PT. Dyandra Promosindo Surabaya in the exhibition of Indie Clothing Expo 8th. This study discusses mapping of marketing communication media platform through promotion mix seen from the use of advertising element, personal selling, and direct marketing. The analysis of this research using qualitative approach with descriptive method, data collecting technique is with documentation, in-depth intervi...

  1. 31 CFR 542.310 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 542.310 Section 542.310 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF....310 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and possessions...

  2. 31 CFR 548.310 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 548.310 Section 548.310 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF....310 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and possessions...

  3. 31 CFR 546.310 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 546.310 Section 546.310 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF....310 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and possessions...

  4. 31 CFR 586.318 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 586.318 Section 586...) KOSOVO SANCTIONS REGULATIONS General Definitions § 586.318 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and possessions, and all areas under the jurisdiction or authority...

  5. 31 CFR 537.318 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 537.318 Section 537.318 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF....318 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and possessions...

  6. 31 CFR 585.316 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 585.316 Section 585.316 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... General Definitions § 585.316 United States. The term United States means the United States, its...

  7. 31 CFR 575.319 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 575.319 Section 575.319 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF....319 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and possessions...

  8. 31 CFR 539.312 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 539.312 Section 539.312 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... General Definitions § 539.312 United States. The term United States means the United States, its...

  9. 31 CFR 551.309 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 551.309 Section 551.309 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF....309 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and possessions...

  10. 31 CFR 587.310 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 587.310 Section 587...) MILOSEVIC SANCTIONS REGULATIONS General Definitions § 587.310 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and possessions, and all areas under the jurisdiction or authority...

  11. 31 CFR 547.310 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 547.310 Section 547.310 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... General Definitions § 547.310 United States. The term United States means the United States, its...

  12. Boundaries Delineation of Marine Management Sharing According to Local Government Law No. 23/2014 (Case Study: Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Bangkalan and Sampang) (United States)

    Khomsin; Intan Ary Prayogi, S.


    Regional autonomy is the right, the authority, and the obligation of autonomous region to set up and manage their own affairs and interests of the community in accordance with the potential and peculiarities of each area. To implement regional autonomy, the autonomous region must be clear where the location of its borders. Boundary area is divided into two, namely boundaries in the land and boundaries in the sea. Based on the authority of region government that regulated in Law of Republic Indonesia Number 23 in 2014, the regional maritime boundary consist of maritime management boundary for the province and maritime income sharing boundary for the district/city. This study aimed to determine the maritime income sharing boundary between Surabaya City, Sidoarjo, Bangkalan and Sampang District related to the presence of tanah oloran. Tanah oloran is located in the border of Surabaya City and Sidoarjo district which is currently being disputed border and seizure of property by the two districts/cities. The results of research represent that the claim ownership of Tanah Oloran can impact on maritime income sharing boundaries of Surabaya City and Sidoarjo District with region maritime overlapping is 2,258 ha and will benefit for the region maritime income sharing Sidoarjo District Government.

  13. 31 CFR 598.317 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 598.317 Section 598.317 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... Definitions § 598.317 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and...

  14. 31 CFR 596.312 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 596.312 Section 596.312 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... General Definitions § 596.312 United States. The term United States means the United States, including its...

  15. 31 CFR 538.314 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 538.314 Section 538.314 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... § 538.314 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and possessions...

  16. 31 CFR 543.310 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 543.310 Section 543.310 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... Definitions § 543.310 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and...

  17. 31 CFR 594.313 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 594.313 Section 594.313 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... Definitions § 594.313 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and...

  18. 31 CFR 588.310 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 588.310 Section 588.310 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... Definitions § 588.310 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and...

  19. 31 CFR 536.315 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 536.315 Section 536.315 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... Definitions § 536.315 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and...

  20. 31 CFR 544.310 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 544.310 Section 544.310 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... REGULATIONS General Definitions § 544.310 United States. The term United States means the United States, its...

  1. 31 CFR 545.313 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 545.313 Section 545.313 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... Definitions § 545.313 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and...

  2. 31 CFR 595.314 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 595.314 Section 595.314 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... § 595.314 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and possessions...

  3. 31 CFR 560.307 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 560.307 Section 560.307 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... § 560.307 United States. The term United States means the United States, including its territories and...

  4. 31 CFR 593.311 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 593.311 Section 593.311 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... REGULATIONS General Definitions § 593.311 United States. The term United States means the United States, its...

  5. 31 CFR 541.310 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 541.310 Section 541.310 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... § 541.310 United States. The term United States means the United States, its territories and possessions...

  6. 31 CFR 540.313 - United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States. 540.313 Section 540.313 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE OF... REGULATIONS General Definitions § 540.313 United States. The term United States means the United States, its...

  7. 7 CFR 1206.23 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States. 1206.23 Section 1206.23 Agriculture... INFORMATION Mango Promotion, Research, and Information Order Definitions § 1206.23 United States. United... Rico, and the territories and possessions of the United States. ...

  8. Analisa Pengaruh Relationship Marketing Dan Switching Cost Terhadap Customer Loyalty Di Hotel “X” Surabaya


    Yosswanta, Tigrent; Susanto, Michael Triadi; Ervanto, Edwin


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh Relationship Marketing dan Switching Cost terhadap Customer Loyalty di Hotel “X” Surabaya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif kausal yang bertujuan menguji hubungan sebab akibat. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan Relationship Marketing berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Customer Loyalty. Sedangkan, Switching Cost b...

  9. 7 CFR 1215.20 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States. 1215.20 Section 1215.20 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (MARKETING AGREEMENTS... United States. United States means all of the States. Popcorn Board ...

  10. The Impact of Customer Experience Toward Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of Ciputra World Surabaya


    Chandra, Silvana


    Ciputra World Surabaya is facing a tense competition, especially with the upcoming new shopping malls. Author believes that customer satisfaction and loyalty is the ultimate solutions to maintain the visitors traffic, which can be achieved by encouraging customer experience. The research succeeds to gather 142 respondents using simple random sampling method. Thus, by applying the Path Analysis with Regression, it is able to prove that customer experience has significant impact towa...

  11. Analisa Meal Experience Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Di Restoran Jepang Di Surabaya


    Nathania, Clairine; Tjandra, Catherine; Kristanti, Monika


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa perbedaan meal experience yang dialami oleh konsumen dari gender dan kelompok usia yang berbeda, serta apakah meal experience memiliki pengaruh terhadap minat beli ulang di Restoran Jepang di Surabaya. Meal experience terdiri dari aspek makanan, minuman, pelayanan, kebersihan dan higienitas, suasana, serta harga dan nilai uang. Teknik analisa yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, One Way Anova, Independent Sample t-Test, serta regresi linier ...

  12. Perancangan Interior Fasilitas Dolanan Edutainment untuk Anak Usia 4-12 Tahun di Surabaya


    Christina, Safira Caroline


    This facility was designed based on the need for recreation spaces such as entertainment and education facilities for children in Surabaya. Reality shows that facilities like this are still limited and many children cannot enjoy the experience of it. This design is different and comes with a new look that is packed with the new concept and the culture of East Java. The aim of this design is to accommodate and educate children about the culture of East Java.

  13. Perancangan Interior Pusat Informasi Dan Perawatan Hipnoterapi Bagi Ibu Dan Anak Di Surabaya


    Kurniawan, Felyshia Aditya


    The Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is very high, compared to other countries because of the lack of knowledge and counseling about pregnancy in the community and low standard health care. In addition to the high MMR, children mortality in Indonesia is also high because of poor nutrition. The planning of Information and Hypnotherapy Care Center For Mother and Child in Surabaya will support government programs in reducing maternal and children mortality in Indonesia and also the dev...

  14. Consumer Behavior Study on the Acceptance of Airbnb From Consumer in Surabaya, Indonesia


    Wahono, Felicia Alamanda; Kartika, Endo Wijaya


    The overall aim of this study is to investigate the acceptance of Airbnb accommodation establishments from people belonging to the Millennials Generation in Surabaya, Indonesia. The study employed an online survey, in the form of a questionnaire to implement its fieldwork and to get hold of the respondents' views. The key findings of the fieldwork addressed that there are three main factors which affect the Millennials when selecting an Airbnb accommodation and those are price, amenities, and...

  15. 7 CFR 1280.127 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States. 1280.127 Section 1280.127 Agriculture... INFORMATION ORDER Lamb Promotion, Research, and Information Order Definitions § 1280.127 United States. United States means collectively the 50 States and the District of Columbia. ...

  16. 7 CFR 1260.108 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States. 1260.108 Section 1260.108 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (MARKETING AGREEMENTS... Promotion and Research Order Definitions § 1260.108 United States. United States means the 50 States and the...

  17. 7 CFR 1221.32 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States. 1221.32 Section 1221.32 Agriculture... INFORMATION ORDER Sorghum Promotion, Research, and Information Order Definitions § 1221.32 United States. United States or U.S. means collectively the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of...

  18. 7 CFR 1216.30 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States. 1216.30 Section 1216.30 Agriculture... INFORMATION ORDER Peanut Promotion, Research, and Information Order Definitions § 1216.30 United States. United States means collectively the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico...

  19. 7 CFR 1218.22 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States. 1218.22 Section 1218.22 Agriculture... INFORMATION ORDER Blueberry Promotion, Research, and Information Order Definitions § 1218.22 United States. United States means collectively the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico...

  20. Pemilihan food outlet sebagai faktor risiko berat badan lebih anak usia sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Tegalsari Surabaya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renny Evelyn Hartono


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTIntroduction: Overweight and obesity are conditions resulting from an imbalance of calories in the body that occur in a long time and cause more deaths than underweight. One of factors related is food pattern, which also infl uenced the selection of food outlets. Surabaya is an urban area so it has many types and characteristic s of food outlet. Elementary school (4, 5, 6 do not really depend on their parents, so their food consumption and physical activity began to vary. Objectives: To identify the relationship between the selection of food outlets and overweight/obesity status of elementary school in Tegalsari district, Surabaya.Methods: This research used a case-control study design. Samples were 51 children for each group of cases and control and obtained from 11 primary school in the 5 subdistricts in Tegalsari district, Surabaya. Data were obtained by interview, direct observation of food outlets, and interview to select informants about the reasons of selecting food outlets . Quantitative data were processed by bivariate (chi-square and multivariate (binomial regression test. Results: Bivariate test results showed that there were signifi cant relationships between the frequency to the street vendors consumption (OR=4.09, 95% CI:1.60-10.75, frequency of fast food consumption (OR=2.86, 95% CI:1.19-6.94 and snacks (OR=6,05, 95% CI:2.20-17.62, physical activity (OR=3.09, 95% CI:1.28-7.51 and gender (OR=2.70, 95% CI:1.11-6.64 with overweight/obesity status, while frequency of stores (total, supermarket, market, mini-market, frequency of food service place (total, restaurants, fast food restaurants, frequency of vegetable and fruit consumption, and socio-economic status of respondents did not relate signifi cantly. In multivariate analysis, the variables that affected frequency of the street vendors were snack consumption, physical activity, sex and total expenditure. Conclusions: Frequency of the street vendors, fast food consumption

  1. Development of Modular Outdoor Furniture Product Using Lightweight Concrete for Public Parks in Surabaya (United States)

    Mulyono, Grace; Thamrin, Diana; Antoni


    The development of public parks into green city facilities in Surabaya has triggered the need of outdoor furniture designs that can resist the tropical wet and dry weather conditions while also having a certain mobility to support flexible park arrangement. However, present furniture designs made of concrete material are generally heavy and immovable. Flexible designs are needed for various activities that can take place at the same time such as sitting and playing, and to support changes in arrangement to keep the green open spaces attractive from time to time. This research develops the idea of a modular outdoor furniture design using cellular lightweight concrete (CLC) as the main material as a result from observing its resistance towards weather change and its relative light weight. It starts with analysis of problems, formulation of design concept, creation of design alternatives, selection of design, calculation of mouldings, adaptation of design to the mouldings and production of a scaled mock-up using CLC. Findings of this research reveal that the modular design along with the CLC material used not only support the flexibility of change in function and arrangement but also make these furniture resistant to the hot and humid weather of Surabaya.

  2. 7 CFR 1210.315 - United States. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States. 1210.315 Section 1210.315 Agriculture... PLAN Watermelon Research and Promotion Plan Definitions § 1210.315 United States. United States means each of the several States and the District of Columbia. [60 FR 10797, Feb. 28, 1995] National...


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    Jeani Noviana Rahayu


    Full Text Available This study aimsto describethe characteristics ofconsumers who buy imported apples and analyze the attributes of consumer preferences in buying importedapples.The study was conductedatthe Hokky fruitshopand the Ampel traditional marketing Surabaya. Data analysis was done with descriptive and conjoint methods. The analysis showed that the attributes that a consumer preference in buying apple imports in order are the price, color, texture, size and packaging.

  4. Harapan Dan Persepsi Konsumen Pada Penerapan Keamanan Pangan Di Restoran Jamoo Hotel Shangri-la Surabaya


    Herfangsyah, Dionisia Devi; Handoko, Danica Wahyudi; Siaputra, Hanjaya


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui harapan dan persepsi konsumen pada penerapan keamanan pangan di Restoran Jamoo Hotel Shangri-La Surabaya. Hotel Shangri-La menjalankan sistem keamanan pangan sesuai dengan Shangri-La Food Safety Management System untuk memenuhi harapan dan meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif deskriptif, dengan teknik analisa nilai rata-rata dan kesenjangan jasa, indeks kepuasan konsumen, dan analisis kuadran untuk mendes...

  5. Evaluation of the Successfulness of A Green Program through Customer Perceived Quality, Brand Image, and Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study at Surabaya Plaza Hotel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marsella Yeanette Hatane


    Full Text Available Every company try to build the brand image of their businesses by doing a green program as one of their strategies. This research aims to see the impacts of the implementation of a green program at Surabaya Plaza Hotel, Surabaya. 230 hotel customers were randomly chosen as the respondents. Through descriptive and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM analysis, can be seen that technical quality brings insignificant negative impacts towards customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, functional quality and brand image bring a significant positive impact toward customer satisfaction. Besides that, technical quality and functional quality bring a significant positive effect indirectly toward customer satisfaction through brand image as mediating.


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    Setia Pranata


    Full Text Available Surabaya as the Indonesian second big city was faced by '§exual Industrial problems". One of the problems was transmission of the sexual transmitted diseases (STDs. The problem was needed special attention due to the complexity and many aspects of sexual industry that should be coped. Limitation of information regarding the exact number of the commercial sexual workers (CSWs and highly mobility were some of the obstacles in managing the problem.Some intervention program had been launched such as "safe sex" by using condom and mass campaign on STDs treatment. Eventhough still around 50% of CSWs had been suffered from STDs. The high prevalence of STDs among CSWs and unsafe sex while CSWs provide services to the customers will be a high risk in transmission of STDs to the clients.The objective of the study was to explore sexual behavior of CSWs during their professional activities and the risk of transmission of STDs. The study was an explorative study, which a systematic random sample was applied inselecting sample. From nearly 1.900 CSWs in Dolly and Jarak, Surabaya were selected a sample of 230 subjects. The interviewed using questionnaire was applied in data collection. The interviewers were the members of non-governmental organization which was interested in solving "the sexual industrial problems".The result showed that CSWs in Dolly and Jarak, Surabaya were migrant. Most of them were relatively young (under 30 years of age and relatively low educational level. The first experienced of CSWs in sexual intercourse mostly with their husbands when they were under 20 years old. The risk of transmission of STDs from CSWs to their clients was high due to high prevalence of STDs among CSWs and only limited number of clients used condom during their sexual activities.Key words: Commercial sexual workers, Sexual behavior, Transmission risk of sexual transmitted diseases

  7. The biomass, abundance, and distribution pattern of starfish Asterias sp. (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) in East Coast of Surabaya (United States)

    Dewi, N. N.; Pursetyo, K. T.; Aprilianitasari, L.; Zakaria, M. H.; Ramadhan, M. R.; Triatmaja, R. A.


    This study aims to determine the biomass, density, and distribution patterns of Asterias sp. Samples were collected from three locations such as Wonokromo, Dadapan and Juanda, each divided into 3 zones. In each zone, samples were taken as many as 5 repetitions using swept area method. Temporarily, the highest biomass of starfish was 2.95 gr/m2 in Dadapan Zone on January. Spatially, biomass of starfish was found in Dadapan Zone (3,35 gr/m2). Similarly, the high density was also found in Dadapan Zone on January (9 ind/10 m2). In general, the distributionpattern of starfish in East Coast Surabaya throughspatial and temporal showed that the pattern of starfish was grouping distribution (Id value > 1) for Dadapan and Juanda, and uniform for Wonokromo. Oceanographic condition, antropogenic activity, and water quality in East Cost of Surabaya become important things which is affected the biomass, densityand distribution pattern of starfish. The knowledge of starfish biomass and density is very important given that this biota has ecological value as a balancing ecosystem in the waters.

  8. THE SETTLEMENT OF STREN–KALI WONOKROMO–SURABAYA: The City Image Based on the Development of Marginal Society

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulus Bawole


    Full Text Available As human beings the poor people in informal settlements also have the right to live better like any other well-off people. Although the government regards them as illegal, they demonstrate great ingenuity in developing their residential neighborhoods. Public spaces are the living room for the people living in the informal settlements - the place where people come to enjoy their settlement. The strategy of sustainable development for informal settlements can be carried out well if the inhabitants are involved at the whole development process. In 2006 the population of Surabaya city was 2,716,971 people. An experience about urban upgrading in informal settlement along Wonokromo riverbank, Surabaya shows how the program implemented can improve the living quality of the inhabitants. With the program of Community Total Participation, the physical problems of the settlements can be reduced gradually. This paper will discuss the action research which tries to involve the inhabitants through total participatory strategy. The qualitative and quantitative data will be analyzed in order to find conclusions and to recommend alternative solutions.

  9. Preferensi Konsumen Terhadap Buah Apel Impor Di Toko Buah Hokky Dan Pasar Tradisional Ampel Surabaya


    Ariyani, Aminah HM; Fauziyah, Elys; Rahayu, Jeani Noviana


    This study aimsto describethe characteristics ofconsumers who buy imported apples and analyze the attributes of consumer preferences in buying importedapples.The study was conductedatthe Hokky fruitshopand the Ampel traditional marketing Surabaya. Data analysis was done with descriptive and conjoint methods. The analysis showed that the attributes that a consumer preference in buying apple imports in order are the price, color, texture, size and packaging.Keywords : ConsumerPreference, Attrib...

  10. Analisis Consumer Response Index (Cri) Pada Media Iklan Gadgets Di Kalangan Pengguna Di Surabaya


    Sari, Evi Thelia


    The purposes of this study are to know the effectiveness of the gadgets advertisement among the users in Surabaya and examine the most effective media to influence the users' action in buying gadgets. The sample taken is 100 respondents to measure the CRI elements (awareness, comprehend, interest, intention and action). The result of this study found that Facebook has the highest effectiveness in advertising gadgets 17.28%, Magazines 3.59% and Lain-lain, included here brochures, company websi...

  11. Toll Facilities in the United States - Toll Facilities in the United States (United States)

    Department of Transportation — Biennial report containing selected information on toll facilities in the United States that has been provided to FHWA by the States and/or various toll authorities...

  12. From “Crocodile City” to “Ville Lumière”: Cinema Spaces on the Urban Landscape of Colonial Surabaya

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ruppin, D.


    The development of exhibition spaces in Surabaya, from canvas and bamboo tents to luxurious cinema palaces, between 1897 and World War I demonstrates the burgeoning movie-going scene in this major colonial-era port city in Eastern Java. The evolution of these venues on the modernizing urban

  13. Oil Vulnerabilities and United States Strategy (United States)


    Mazda, Mercedes - Benz , Ford, Mercury, and Nissan offer flexible fuel vehicles in the United States. Ethanol is currently produced in the United States...USAWC STRATEGY RESEARCH PROJECT OIL VULNERABILITIES AND UNITED STATES STRATEGY by Colonel Shawn P. Walsh...Colleges and Schools, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, (215) 662-5606. The Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting

  14. Pengaruh Marketing Mix Dan Brand Image Terhadap Customer Satisfaction Dan Customer Loyalty Di Restoran X Surabaya


    Wijaya, Kevin; Sutejo, Andrew Robby Darmawan


    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Marketing Mix dan Brand Image yang dijalankan oleh restoran X Surabaya terhadap kepuasan konsumen dan loyalitas konsumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian quantitatif, sampel yang diperoleh dari pengisian kuesioner oleh 100 konsumen yang pernah makan di restoran X. Dengan menggunakan metode analisa Partial Least Square, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa marketing mix mempunyai pengaruh positif significant terhadap kepua...

  15. Pengaruh Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Terhadap Customer Satisfaction Dan Customer Loyalty Pada Pelanggan Sushi Tei Surabaya


    Chandra Dewi, Ayu Abriyanti


    Manajemen hubungan pelanggan (CRM) merupakan bagian dari strategi pemasaran untuk memuaskan, dan menjaga loyalitas pelanggan. CRM dapat menjadi stimulus terhadap kepuasan dan loyalitas konsumen, bahwa CRM yang tepat berdampak pada kepuasan dan selanjutnya akan mempengaruhi loyalitas pelanggan. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh pelanggan Sushi Tei Surabaya, dan sampel sebanyak 86 pelanggan Sushi Tei yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling, dan teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Gener...

  16. 31 CFR 596.313 - United States person. (United States)


    ... FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY TERRORISM LIST GOVERNMENTS SANCTIONS REGULATIONS General Definitions § 596.313 United States person. The term United States person means any United States...

  17. Nuclear development in the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brewer, S.


    The history of the nuclear development in the United States has been one of international cooperation relations so far. The United States is to offer the technical information on atomic energy utilization to foreign countries in exchange for the guarantee that they never attempt to have or develop nuclear weapons. Actually, the United States has supplied the technologies on nuclear fuel cycle and other related fields to enable other countries to achieve economical and social progress. The Department of Energy clarified the public promise of the United States regarding the idea of international energy community. The ratio of nuclear power generation to total electric power supply in the United States exceeded 12%, and will exceed 20% by 1990. Since 1978, new nuclear power station has not been ordered, and some of the contracted power stations were canceled. The atomic energy industry in the United States prospered at the beginning of 1970s, but lost the spirit now, mainly due to the institutional problems rather than the technical ones. As the policy of the government to eliminate the obstacles, the improvement of the procedure for the permission and approval, the establishment of waste disposal capability, the verification of fast breeder reactor technology and the promotion of commercial fuel reprocessing were proposed. The re-establishment of the United States as the reliable supplier of atomic energy service is the final aim. (Kako, I.)


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    Jamal Jamal


    discourses in the Religious Training Office Surabaya. The data sources were people involved in the training activities, including tutors/lecturers and participants. The data were collected through participant observations, in-depth interview, and documents. The data were analyzed by means of the interactive, simultaneous, and continuous technique developed by Miles and Huberman. The data analysis activities included (1 data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/inference. The findings are as follows. First, the anticipatory apology appears as frequently as the remedy apology. Apologies are stimulated by elements of space, time, speech, inability, and strength. Second, apologies contain explicit excuses with reasons in order to reduce linguistic and non-linguistic malfunctions. Third, strategies employed in apologies are varied, depending on the purposes.

  19. 78 FR 70274 - United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board: Meeting of the United States Travel and Tourism... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board: Meeting of the United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board AGENCY: International Trade... the schedule and agenda for an open meeting of the United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board...

  20. 78 FR 3398 - United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board: Meeting of the United States Travel and Tourism... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board: Meeting of the United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board AGENCY: International Trade... the schedule and agenda for an open meeting of the United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board...

  1. Analisis Pengaruh Faktor Organisasi, Individu, Dan Lingkungan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Departemen Front Office Hotel Shangri-la Surabaya


    Yonggara, Natalia; Gresia, Neria


    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Hotel Shangri-La Surabaya, terhadap populasi sebanyak 50 responden. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor organisasi, individu, dan lingkungan terhadap kinerja karyawan departemen Front Office. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh pengaruh yang signifikan secara serempak pada faktor organisasi, individu, dan lingkungan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Sedangkan pengaruh yang signifikan secara parsial pada faktor individu dan lingkungan. Fa...

  2. Factor Influencing Creative Industries Development in Kenjeran Surabaya (United States)

    Siswanto, V. K.; Santoso, E. B.


    Indonesia needs to improve the competitiveness of local products to optimize its contribution to the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) for the welfare of the population. This can be done by improving the development of creative industries. Kenjeran Sub District is one of the coastal villages in the city of Surabaya, which has a large number of poor people. The potential of the creative industries is still not visible in efforts to increase public welfare. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the factors that influence the development of creative industries in Kenjeran. This study using in-depth interview were analysed using content analysis and Cartesian diagram to determine the important factors that affect the development of creative industries in Sub district of Kenjeran. By using five respondents from the government shows that the factors that have a high level of importance and advantages are low among other regulatory factors of raw materials, import and export, extortion, and administrative procedures.


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    Retno Andriati


    Full Text Available Many studies on multi-level marketing business from law, management, marketing economic and anthropology perspectives have been focused on its legality which is victims of MLM companies/fake MLM companies. Studies on market phenomenon and entrepreneurship of MLM large industry fromeconomy anthropology perspective are still rare especially in Indonesia. The study is intended to identify the underlying cooperation policy as well as manipulative conduct of MLM business in Surabaya.The study employs qualitative and ethnographic approaches. Qualitative data wereanalyzed using ethnographic approaches. The result of research suggests that MLM businesses have undertaken manipulative cooperation politics by establishing both international level direct selling association (WFDSA and national association (APLI in response to the MLM business controversy. APLI exploits andmanipulates non-member of APLI. Exploiting and manipulating MLM members through ideology doctrine and marketing plan of MLM business/corporate culture

  4. United States housing, 2012 (United States)

    Delton Alderman


    Provides current and historical information on housing market in the United States. Information includes trends for housing permits and starts, housing completions for single and multifamily units, and sales and construction. This report will be updated annually.

  5. Pengaruh Strategic Leadership pada Organizational Learning melalui Accounting Information System pada Perusahaan Non Manufaktur di Surabaya


    Halim, Yessica Mardiana


    The purpose of this research was to identify the influence of Strategic Leadership Toward Organizational Learning with Accounting Information System as the mediating variable of Non Manufacturing Firms in Surabaya. The variables were: Strategic Leadership, Organization Learning, and Accounting Information System. The number of samples were 95 respondents. The data analysis technique used was Partial Least Square. The data then analyzed by SmartPLS software application. This research showed t...

  6. 31 CFR 500.520 - Payments from accounts of United States citizens in employ of United States in foreign countries... (United States)


    ... States citizens in employ of United States in foreign countries and certain other persons. 500.520..., Authorizations and Statements of Licensing Policy § 500.520 Payments from accounts of United States citizens in employ of United States in foreign countries and certain other persons. (a) Banking institutions within...

  7. 31 CFR 515.520 - Payments from accounts of United States citizens in employ of United States in foreign countries... (United States)


    ... States citizens in employ of United States in foreign countries and certain other persons. 515.520..., Authorizations, and Statements of Licensing Policy § 515.520 Payments from accounts of United States citizens in employ of United States in foreign countries and certain other persons. (a) Banking institutions within...

  8. Preliminary Study On Gonad Maturity Stages of the Sea Cucumber Paracaudina australis from Kenjeran Water, Surabaya, Indonesia (United States)

    Widianingsih, Widianingsih; Zaenuri, Muhammad; Anggoro, Sutrisno; Pancasakti Kusumaningrum, Hermin; Hartati, Retno


    The holothurian Paracaudina australis is belong to family Caudinidae, ordo Molpadida and class Holothuroidea. This species is among the most common holothurian widely distributed in the tropical water. The purpose of this reseach is to do preliminary study on maturity stages of sea cucumber Paracaudina australis from Kenjeran Water, Surabaya, Indonesia. This research was conducted on April 2016. Samples were collected randomly on the Kenjeran Water, Surabaya. The result showed that there are five stages of gonad maturity. At the stage of maturity 1, the gonad was not clearly distinguished, there were unbranched small tubule. At the stage of maturity 2, there were small branched of tubules. At this stage, gonad can be differentiated between male and female. At the stage of maturity 3, tubule can been branched not only for male but also female. At the stage of maturity 4, the gonad was good mature, there were clearly branched tubule. At the stage of matury 5, there were generally had empty tubule except for a few relict unreleased spermatozoa. At female gonad, there were shrunken tubule and relict oocytes were presented in the lumen of the tubule.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The primary function of the State President's Unit is to protect the head of state - not his person as is generally believed, but his authority over the state. Ironically, the ceremonial performances of the State President's Unit lead people to believe that they are only capable of doing drill exer- cises. However, upon investigating.

  10. Motif Dan Kepuasan Masyarakat Surabaya Dalam Menonton Program Dialog “Titik Tengah” Di Metro TV Jawa Timur


    Gunawan, Like


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kepuasan masyarakat Surabaya dalam menonton program dialog “Titik Tengah” di Metro TV Jawa Timur. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan teori Uses and Gratification dengan variabel Gratification Sought (GS) dan Gratification Obtained (GO) yang memiliki indikator yaitu informasi, identitas pribadi, integrasi dan interaksi sosial, dan hiburan.Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis eksplenatif dengan statistik infe...

  11. Analisa Pengaruh Empowering Leadership Terhadap Team Performance Management Dengan Team Cohesion Sebagai Variabel Intervening Di Hachi-hachi Surabaya


    Alexandra, Meggie; Theola, Devina


    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah Empowering Empowering Leadership berpengaruh atau tidak terhadap Team Performance Management dengan Team Cohesion sebagai variabel intervening di restoran Hachi-Hachi Surabaya. Teknik analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa statistik deskriptif dan analisa Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan alat penelitian berupa Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Empowering Leadership berpengaruh t...

  12. Pengaruh Perceived Quality, Perceived Sacrifice Dan Perceived Value Terhadap Customer Satisfaction Di Informa Innovative Furnishing Pakuwon City Surabaya


    Saputro, Daniel Krisno


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh dari Perceived Quality, Perceived Sacrifice dan Perceived Value terhadap Customer Satisfaction di Informa Innovative Furnishing Pakuwon City Surabaya. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perceived quality, perceived sacrifice dan perceived value. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 100 orang konsumen di Informa Pakuwon City. Alat analisa yang digunakan adalah analisa regresi linear berganda.Hasil d...



    Cahyadi, F.


    The Lean Concept is a mindset widely used in various industries seeking for efficiency and effectiveness through improvement of process flow and elimination of waste. This research applies lean thinking to ship safety inspection at Port of Surabaya to investigate the existing procedure and to identify the wastes and non-value-add (NVA) activity. It used a combination of literature review, examination on the data of 520 inspections that have been carried out to 201 ships in the last two years ...

  14. Perancangan Small Private Space Pada Interior Public Space Di Perpustakaan Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya


    Lucky Basuki, Holiman Chandra Yusita Kusumarini


    Lifestyle of modern people use some time to move out of residence (public space) makes the most of the private activities can not be fulfilled. It is an idea and the idea of creating a space that can meet the needs of the private in public spaces with small dimensions. Private space in the design of the library is housed in Petra Christian University Surabaya as space scope of small private space (minimal private space dimension). The creation of small private space in the interior of the lib...

  15. 31 CFR 515.334 - United States national. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States national. 515.334 Section 515.334 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) OFFICE... of the United States, and which has its principal place of business in the United States. [61 FR...

  16. 7 CFR 1212.32 - United States Customs Service. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false United States Customs Service. 1212.32 Section 1212... § 1212.32 United States Customs Service. “United States Customs Service” or “Customs” means the United States Customs and Border Protection, an agency of the Department of Homeland Security. Honey Packers and...

  17. Pengaruh Leadership Style Terhadap Financial Performance Melalui Employee Job Satisfaction Dan Innovation Pada Perusahaan Retail Di Surabaya


    Ocsakawati, Serley


    This study aimed to examine the direct and significant affect of leadership style to financial performance, leadership style to employee's job satisfaction, leadership style to innovation, employee's job satisfaction to innovation , employee's job satisfaction to financial performace, and innovation to financial performace on retail firms in Surabaya. This study also aimed to examine the indirect and significant affect of leadership style to financial performance through employee's job satisf...

  18. Analisis Niat Penggunaan E-filing Di PT “X” Dan Pt”y” Surabaya Dengan Structural Equation Modeling


    Jimantoro, Christina; Tjondro, Elisa


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi kegunaan, persepsi kemudahan, sikap penggunaan, norma subjektif dan persepsi kemampuan mengontrol terhadap niat penggunaan e-filing oleh wajib pajak orang pribadi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 64 karyawan PT “X” dan PT “Y” di Surabaya. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modelling berbasis Variance (Partial Least Square).Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh persepsi kegunaan dan kemudahan terhad...

  19. Nuclear power in the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnston, J.B.


    All over the world except in the United States, nuclear energy is a low cost, secure, environmentally acceptable form of energy. In the United States, civilian nuclear power is dead. 112 nuclear power plants have been abandoned or cancelled in the last decade, and there has been no new order for nuclear plants since 1978. It will be fortunate to have 125 operating nuclear plants in the United States in the year 2000. There are almost 90 completed nuclear power plants and about 45 under construction in the United States, but several of those under construction will eventually be abandoned. About 20 % of the electricity in the United States will be generated by nuclear plants in 2000 as compared with 13 % supplied in the last year. Under the present regulatory and institutional arrangement, American electric utilities would not consider to order a new nuclear power plant. Post-TMI nuclear plants became very expensive, and there is also ideological opposition to nuclear power. Coal-firing plants are also in the similar situation. The uncertainty about electric power demand, the cost of money, the inflation of construction cost and regulation caused the situation. (Kako, I.)

  20. Teen Pregnancy in the United States (United States)

    ... United States: the contribution of abstinence and improved contraceptive use. Am J Public Health. 2007;97(1):150-6. Lindberg LD, Santelli JS, Desai, S. Understanding the Decline in Adolescent Fertility in the United States, 2007–2012. J ...

  1. Immigration Enforcement Within the United States (United States)


    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Policy Issues...Remained in the United States, (Washington: Center for Immigration Studies, May 2002). Immigration Enforcement Within the United States Introduction ...interior enforcement lack a border component. For example, fugitive taskforces, investigations of alien slavery and sweatshops , and employer sanctions do

  2. Pengaruh pelatihan asuhan gizi dalam meningkatkan kinerja ahli gizi ruang rawat inap di RSUD DR. Soetomo Surabaya

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    Indrawati Nurlela


    Full Text Available Background: Nutrition service department is a part of health care components in a hospital. This department is expected to have better image. Training is needed to improve work performance of dietitians in achieving a professional work. Objective: To find out the influence of nutrition training to work performance of dietitians. Method: This study was pre-experimental with before-after design without control group. Subjects consisted of 15 dietitians and 90 inpatients at Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. Data were collected through observation and assessment using questionnaires and check-list, and then analyzed using computer software. Results: There were significant influences of nutrition training to dietitians’ knowledge and attitude (p<0.05. The competence was also significantly improved (p<0.05 with the differentiation points at the first, second, and third month (50.42, 56.16, and 54.11 respectively. Nutrition service output was also significantly improved (p<0.05 with the differentiation points at the first, second, and third month (12.86, 12.40, and 11.06 respectively. There were significant differences in patient satisfaction only when they ate vegetables for lunch, vegetables for dinner, and fruits for lunch (p<0.05. Conclusion: Nutrition training improved work performance of dietitians in providing service for inpatients at Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya.

  3. Important Value of Economic Potency Mangrove Using NDVI Satellite High Resolution Image To Support Eco Tourism Of Pamurbaya Area (Case Study: East Cost of Surabaya) (United States)

    Sukojo, B. M.; Hidayat, H.; Ratnasari, D.


    Indonesia is a vast maritime country; many mangrove conservations is found around coastal areas of Indonesia. Mangroves support the life of a large number of animal species by providing breeding, spawning and feeding. Mangrove forests as one of the unique ecosystems are potential natural resources, supporting the diversity of flora and fauna of terrestrial aquatic communities that directly or indirectly play an important role for human life in economic, social and environmental terms. East Coast Surabaya is an area with the most extensive and diverse mangrove ecosystems along the coast of Surabaya. Currently Pamurbaya used as a recreational object or nature tourism called eco tours. Utilization of mangrove ecosystem as a place of this eco tour bring positive impact on economic potency around pamurbaya area. So, to know the value of the economic potential of mangrove ecosystems for support of nature tourism Pamurbaya region needs to study mapping mangrove ecosystem conditions in the East Coast area of Surabaya. Mapping of mangrove conditions can use remote sensing technology by utilizing satellite image data with high resolution. Data used for mapping mangrove ecosystem conditions on the east coast of Surabaya are high resolution satellite image data of Pleiades 1A and field observation data such as Ground Control Point, soil spectral parameters and water quality. From satellite image data will be classification of mangrove vegetation canopy classification using NDVI vegetation index method using algorithm formula which then will be tested correlation with field observation data on reflectant value of field and water quality parameter. The purpose of this research is to know the condition of mangrove ecosystem to know the economic potential of mangrove ecosystem in supporting Pamurbaya nature tourism. The expected result of this research is the existence of basic geospatial information in the form of mangrove ecosystem condition map. So that can be used as decision


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    Sri Maharsi


    Full Text Available This research intends to know the factors that influence the trust and the influence of the trust of the users' loyalty to internet banking in Surabaya. The sample of this research is 106 users of internet banking at BCA, Lippo, Mandiri, Niaga, BII, Permata, Bukopin and Mega Bank. The statistical tool used in this research was Structural Equation Modelling (SEM. Data were analyzed using statistical software LISREL 8.30. The results of this research indicated that opportunistic behaviour control was the greatest factor that influencing I-Banking customers' trust, followed by shared value and communication, moreover this research also proved that trust act as the factor that influence the internet banking users' loyalty. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepercayaan dan apakah kepercayaan mempengaruhi loyalitas pengguna terhadap internet banking di Surabaya. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 106, yang merupakan pengguna internet banking dari bank BCA, Lippo, Mandiri, Niaga, BII, Permata, Bukopin dan Mega. Alat statistik yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modelling (SEM. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan software statistik LISREL 8.30. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa opportunistic behaviour control merupakan faktor utama yang mempengaruhi kepercayaan nasabah terhadap internet banking, diikuti oleh shared value dan komunikasi, penelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa kepercayaan berperan sebagai faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas pengguna internet banking. Kata kunci: internet banking, kepercayaan, loyalitas.

  5. Provision of healthy toilet for low income community based on community empowerment in Kelurahan Kebonsari, Surabaya City, towards Indonesia open defecation free (ODF) in 2019 (United States)

    Soedjono, Eddy Setiadi; Fitriani, Nurina; Yuniarto, Adhi; Wijaya, I. Made Wahyu


    One of the causes of open defecation (OD) is low awareness of local community towards open defecation free behavior. This community does not have a healthy toilet and usually defecate in the river. This poor environment is coupled with poverty and small footprint. Therefore, the tr.iggering methods should be modified by including the finance concept in form of stimulant funds to accelerate ODF targets by using appropriate technology for land limitations. The construction of healthy toilet in Kelurahan Kebonsari, Jambangan sub-district, was conducted in RW2 which consisted of RT 6 (4 units) and RT 7 (1 unit) and 2 units in RT 2 of RW 3. Construction was initiated with focus group discussion and indepth interview to locate the proper location to be triggered. Healthy toilet construction was conducted in cooperation among self-help community, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), and the community itself. Every month the users had to pay the toilet construction (capacity of 0.75 m3) of IDR 100,000 for 10 months. Therefore, with this healthy toilet construction, KelurahanKebonsari becomes one of ODF village in Surabaya City.

  6. United States advanced technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Longenecker, J.R.


    In the United States, the advanced technologies have been applied to uranium enrichment as a means by which it can be assured that nuclear fuel cost will remain competitive in the future. The United States is strongly committed to the development of advanced enrichment technology, and has brought both advanced gas centrifuge (AGC) and atomic vapor laser isotope separation (AVLIS) programs to a point of significant technical refinement. The ability to deploy advanced technologies is the basis for the confidence in competitive future price. Unfortunately, the development of advanced technologies is capital intensive. The year 1985 is the key year for advanced technology development in the United States, since the decision on the primary enrichment technology for the future, AGC or AVLIS, will be made shortly. The background on the technology selection process, the highlights of AGC and AVLIS programs and the way to proceed after the process selection are described. The key objective is to maximize the sales volume and minimize the operating cost. This will help the utilities in other countries supply low cost energy on a reliable, long term basis. (Kako, I.)

  7. Design Criteria in Revitalizing Old Warehouse District on the Kalimas Riverbank Area of Surabaya City

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    Endang Titi Sunarti Darjosanjoto


    Full Text Available Neglected warehouse buildings along the Kalimas River have created a poor urban façade in terms of visual quality. However the city government is planning to encourage tourism activities that take advantage of Kalimas River and its surrounding environment. If there is no good plan in accordance with the concept of local identity for old city of Surabaya, it will reduce it as a tourist attraction. In reference to the issue above, design criteria needs to be compiled for revitalizing the old warehouse district, which is expected to revive the identity of this district and be able to support the city’s tourism. This study was conducted by recording field observations, and the data was analyzed using the character appraisal method. The character appraisal analysis method is presented in the form of street picture data, which is divided into determined segments. The results show that there are five components including place attachment, sustainable urban design, green open space design, ecological riverfront design, and activity support that should be considered in the revitalization of the warehouse district. Those components are divided into two parts: building and open space at the riverbank. There are 13 design criteria for building at the riverbank, while there are 14 design criteria for open space at the riverbank. These design criteria can enrich the warehouse district’s revitalization by improving the visual quality of the urban environment.Keywords: design criteria; warehouse district; riverbank; Surabaya; revitalization.

  8. The United States and the Arab Gulf Monarchies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kechichian, J.A.


    The United States has enduring strategic interests in the Persian Gulf region. To understand these interests and the Usa policy towards the Arab Gulf Monarchies, the french institute of international relations (IFRI) proposes this document. The following chapters are detailed: the United States and the Arab Gulf Monarchies, overview, Chief Unites States Objective: Access to oil, re-evaluating United States Foreign Policy in the Gulf, the second term (Usa strategy). (A.L.B.)

  9. Isolation and Screening of Diesel-Degrading Bacteria from the Diesel Contaminated Seawater at Kenjeran Beach, Surabaya


    Pratiwi Putri Pranowo; Harmin Sulistiyaning Titah


    Samples of contaminated seawater by diesel were taken at Kenjeran Beach Surabaya using aseptic technique. Isolation was conducted using serial dilution and spread method on nutrient agar (NA) media. The all bacteria colony were devided in to group based on with morphological characterization and gram staining. After that, those bacterial colonies were tested individually in NA media containing different concentration of diesel (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10%) for up to 7 days at 30°C. The results showed...

  10. 78 FR 46686 - Privacy Act of 1974; Treasury/United States Mint .013-United States Mint National Electronic... (United States)


    ... available publicly. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general questions and privacy issues, please... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Privacy Act of 1974; Treasury/United States Mint .013--United States... Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, 5 U.S.C. 552a, the Department of the Treasury (``Treasury'') and the...


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    Harry Patmadjaja


    Full Text Available Elementary School is a common location for traffic congestion especially every morning. This condition can be avoided if the elementary school planner can predict the trip generation of that school. The aim of this research is to make a mathematical model of trip generation for elementary school land use at Surabaya. Research has been done to eight private elementary school using Pearson Correlation Analysis, Simple Regression Analysis, and Stepwise Regression Analysis to obtain the most significant trip generation model. Arrival rate and service rate distribution was analyzed using Chi-Square Distribution Fitting method to obtain arrival rate and service rate characteristic. From the analysis, the most significant trip attraction model is Y = -867,9 + 194.Log X1 + 274.Log X8 + 177.Log X5, in which Y is number of student vehicle, X1 is number of elementary student, X8 is total area of classroom, and X5 is classroom capacity. The most significant trip production model is Y= -797,2 + 311.Log X1 + 164.Log X8 +79.Log X15, in which Y is number of student vehicle, X1 is number of elementary student, X8 is total area of classroom, and X15 is ratio between number of teacher and classroom. Several elementary school characteristics that influence traffic congestion are: number of student, number of queue lane, number of entrance, and vehicle occupancy. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Sekolah dasar merupakan salah satu lokasi yang sering mengalami masalah kemacetan lalulintas. Hal tersebut bisa dicegah bila pemilihan lokasi sekolah dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan perkiraan bangkitan pergerakan yang akan terjadi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat model bangkitan pergerakan (trip generation kendaraan roda empat (pribadi dan antar jemput akibat pembangunan sekolah dasar swasta di Surabaya. Survey dilakukan pada delapan sekolah dasar swasta di Surabaya. Hasil survey dianalisis dengan metode Pearson Correlation, Simple Linear Regression, dan

  12. 39 CFR 221.1 - The United States Postal Service. (United States)


    ... 39 Postal Service 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false The United States Postal Service. 221.1 Section 221.1 Postal Service UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION GENERAL ORGANIZATION § 221.1 The United States Postal Service. The United States Postal Service was established as an...


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    Novita Mujiyati


    Full Text Available United States and the Soviet Union is a country on the part of allies who emerged as the winner during World War II. However, after reaching the Allied victory in the situation soon changed, man has become an opponent. United States and the Soviet Union are competing to expand the influence and power. To compete the United States strive continuously strengthen itself both in the economic and military by establishing a defense pact and aid agencies in the field of economy. During the Cold War the two are not fighting directly in one of the countries of the former Soviet Union and the United States. However, if understood, teradinya the Korean War and the Vietnam War is a result of tensions between the two countries and is a direct warfare conducted by the United States and the Soviet Union. Cold War ended in conflict with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the United States emerged as the winner of the country.

  14. Pengaruh Harga Diskon, Kualitas Produk, Citra Merek, dan Iklan terhadap Minat Beli Celana Jeans Levi's di Surabaya


    Ghristian, Ignatius Danu


    The aim of this study is to test the effect of Discounted Price, Product Quality, Brand Image, and Advertising on Purchase Intention of Levi's Pants Jeans in Surabaya. This study used the independent variables such as discount price, product quality, brand image and advertising while the dependent variable is Purchase Intention. It took 82 respondents that were selected by using Judgment Sampling Technique. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regressions and using analysis tools of S...

  15. Analisa Pengaruh Leadership Style terhadap Firm Performance melalui Learning Organization dan Employee Satisfaction pada Perusahaan Sektor Manufaktur di Surabaya


    Yulia, Yemima


    This study aimed to examine the direct and significant affect of leadership style to learning organization, leadership style to employee's satisfaction, learning organization to firm's performance, employee's satisfaction to firm's performance, leadership style to firm's performance, and learning organization to employee's satisfaction on manufacturing companies in Surabaya. This study used quantitative approach and the data were obtained through the distribution of questionnaire to manufactu...

  16. 78 FR 27857 - United States Standards for Wheat (United States)


    ... RIN 0580-AB12 United States Standards for Wheat AGENCY: Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards... (GIPSA) is revising the United States Standards for Wheat under the United States Grain Standards Act (USGSA) to change the definition of Contrasting classes (CCL) in the class Hard White wheat. This change...

  17. Tuberculosis along the United States-Mexico border, 1993-2001. (United States)

    Schneider, Eileen; Laserson, Kayla F; Wells, Charles D; Moore, Marisa


    Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading public health problem and a recognized priority for the federal Governments of both Mexico and the United States of America. The objectives of this research, primarily for the four states in the United States that are along the border with Mexico, were to: (1) describe the epidemiological situation of TB, (2) identify TB risk factors, and (3) discuss tuberculosis program strategies. We analyzed tuberculosis case reports collected from 1993 through 2001 by the tuberculosis surveillance system of the United States. We used those data to compare TB cases mainly among three groups: (1) Mexican-born persons in the four United States border states (Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas), (2) persons in those four border states who had been born in the United States, and (3) Mexican-born persons in the 46 other states of the United States, which do not border Mexico. For the period from 1993 through 2001, of the 16 223 TB cases reported for Mexican-born persons in the United States, 12 450 of them (76.7%) were reported by Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas. In those four border states overall in 2001, tuberculosis case rates for Mexican-born persons were 5.0 times as high as the rates for persons born in the United States; those four states have 23 counties that directly border on Mexico, and the ratio in those counties was 5.8. HIV seropositivity, drug and alcohol use, unemployment, and incarceration were significantly less likely to be reported in Mexican-born TB patients from the four border states and the nonborder states than in patients born in the United States from the four border states (P pulmonary tuberculosis patients who were 18-64 years of age and residing in the four border states, the Mexican-born patients were 3.6 times as likely as the United States-born patients were to have resistance to at least isoniazid and rifampin (i. e., to have multidrug-resistant TB) and twice as likely to have isoniazid resistance


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    Rekawati Susilaningrum


    Full Text Available Introduction: MTBS is a comprehensive approaches for child illnes and one of the way to reduce an infant and under fi ve years morbidity and mortality rateas well as appropriately to apply in public health center. In fact, MTBS has not been implemented as procedure guidance. The objective of the study was to examie the implementation of MTBS viewed from Van Meter and Van Horn model as basic measurement and the goal of policy, the sources of policy, a communication among organisation and the implementation of MTBS. Method: The study was qualitative design. Data were collected by in depth interview. Six Nurse and midwife were recruited as a sample by purposive sampling. Informant triangulation were head of PHC and head of deputy health services. Analysis was by means of content analysis.Result showed that the written and indicator of basic measurement and goal policy was not available yet. Sources of policy, namely health. Result: For the health workers was sufficient and they have a good competency to carry out MTBS and have workload focus on three types. Fasilities was no room, form was difficult to provide, instruments and medication was sufficient available, but there was no specific funding. Communication was carried out only on the training program by MTBS fascilitator. Characteristic of beaurocracy structure (SOP consists of preparation, implementation, eporting and recording.There was no specific preparation, it only an introduction dessimination was done. The implementation was not as modul and the form of MTBS was not used anymore. The implementation of MTBS lack support from Public Health center and Health Care District of Surabaya. Healh worker unmotivated to implement MTBS. Discussion: the implementation of MTBS lack support from health worker, Public Health Center and Health Care District of Surabaya.It is recomended that Health Care District & Public Health Center cooperatively should have commitment to assess the

  19. Analisa Ketelitian Orthorektifikasi Citra Pleiades untuk Pembuatan Peta Rencana Detail Tata Ruang Terbuka Hijau (Studi Kasus: Kota Surabaya

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    Meika Sumarsono


    Full Text Available Surabaya merupakan salah satu kota besar yang mempunyai banyak penduduk sehingga perlu adanya pengembangan RTH yang cukup dalam suatu wilayah agar kondisi lingkungan tetap nyaman salah satunya dengan pembuatan peta RDTR RTH menggunakan citra satelit resolusi tinggi. Namun citra satelit resolusi tinggi perlu dikoreksi secara geometrik dengan orthorektifikasi untuk memposisikan kembali citra sesuai lokasi sebenarnya karena pada saat peliputan data terjadi pergeseran posisi. Penelitian ini mengkaji ketelitian orthorektifikasi citra Pleiades 1A dengan menggunakan metode RPC sebagai peta dasar untuk rekomendasi dalam pembuatan peta RDTR RTH di wilayah Surabaya bagian pusat. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu citra Pleiades 1A dengan resolusi spasial 0,5 m pankromatik dan 2 m multispektral, DEM ALOS PALSAR dengan ketelitian 12,5 m, Ground Control Point (GCP hasil dari pengukuran di lapangan. Ketelitian geometrik menggunakan metode RPC di mana metode ini menggunakan informasi parameter orientasi dalam yang terdapat di metadata serta dibantu dengan titik kontrol tanah dan DEM. Hasil proses orthorektifikasi dengan menggunakan 8 titik GCP berupa RMSE sebesar 0,36 piksel dan 0,18 m yang memenuhi syarat untuk pembuatan peta dasar skala 1:5000. Hasil orthorektifikasi ini diuji dengan cara tumpang tindih (overlay terhadap peta skala 1:25.000.

  20. Genotyping and clinical factors in pediatric diarrhea caused by rotaviruses: one-year surveillance in Surabaya, Indonesia. (United States)

    Sudarmo, Subijanto Marto; Shigemura, Katsumi; Athiyyah, Alpha Fardah; Osawa, Kayo; Wardana, Oktavian Prasetia; Darma, Andy; Ranuh, Reza; Raharjo, Dadik; Arakawa, Soichi; Fujisawa, Masato; Shirakawa, Toshiro


    Rotavirus infections are a major cause of diarrhea in children in both developed and developing countries. Rotavirus genetics, patient immunity, and environmental factors are thought to be related to the severity of acute diarrhea due to rotavirus in infants and young children. The objective of this study was to provide a correlation between rotavirus genotypes, clinical factors and degree of severity of acute diarrhea in children under 5 years old in Surabaya, Indonesia. A cross-sectional study was conducted in children aged 1-60 months with acute diarrhea hospitalized in Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia from April to December 2013. Rotavirus in stool specimens was identified by ELISA and genotyping (G-type and P-type) using multiplex reverse transcription PCR. Severity was measured using the Ruuska and Vesikari scoring system. The clinical factors were investigated included patient's age (months), hydration, antibiotic administration, nutritional state, co-bacterial infection and co-viral infection. A total of 88 children met the criteria; 80.7% were aged 6-24 months, watery diarrhea was the most common type (77.3%) and 73.6% of the subjects were co-infected with bacteria, of which pathogenic Escherichia coli was the most common (42.5%). The predominant VP7 genotyping (G-type) was G2 (31.8%) and that of VP4 genotyping (P-type) was P[4] (31.8%). The predominant rotavirus genotype was G2P[4] (19.3%); G1P[4] and G9P[4] were uncommon with a prevalence of 4.5%. There were significant differences between the common genotype and uncommon genotype with respect to the total severity score of diarrhea (p 10 times a day) (p = 0.045) in univariate analyses, but there was no significant correlation between P typing and severity of diarrhea. For combination genotyping of G and P, G2P[4] was significantly correlated with severe diarrhea in multivariate analyses (p = 0.029). There is a correlation between rotavirus genotype and severity of acute diarrhea in

  1. Global Entrepreneurship and the United States (United States)


    Global Entrepreneurship and the United States by Zoltan J. Acs Laszlo Szerb Ruxton, MD 21204 for under contract number SBAHQ-09...SUBTITLE Global Entrepreneurship and the United States 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT...3 2.1. Assessing Entrepreneurship ..................................................................................4 2.2. Stages of Development

  2. 75 FR 25925 - United States Mint (United States)


    ... Committee May 25, 2010 Public Meeting. SUMMARY: Pursuant to United States Code, Title 31, section 5135(b)(8... scheduled for May 25, 2010. Date: May 25, 2010. Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Location: 8th Floor Board Room, United States Mint, 801 9th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20220. Subject: Review and discuss obverse and...

  3. 31 CFR 515.330 - Person within the United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Person within the United States. 515... Definitions § 515.330 Person within the United States. (a) The term person within the United States, includes: (1) Any person, wheresoever located, who is a resident of the United States; (2) Any person actually...

  4. 45 CFR 212.7 - Repayment to the United States. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Repayment to the United States. 212.7 Section 212... UNITED STATES CITIZENS RETURNED FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES § 212.7 Repayment to the United States. (a) An..., any or all of the cost of such assistance to the United States, except insofar as it is determined...

  5. 20 CFR 416.215 - You leave the United States. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false You leave the United States. 416.215 Section... Eligible § 416.215 You leave the United States. You lose your eligibility for SSI benefits for any month during all of which you are outside of the United States. If you are outside of the United States for 30...

  6. 37 CFR 1.412 - The United States Receiving Office. (United States)


    ... Information § 1.412 The United States Receiving Office. (a) The United States Patent and Trademark Office is a Receiving Office only for applicants who are residents or nationals of the United States of America. (b) The... “United States Receiving Office” or by the abbreviation “RO/US.” (c) The major functions of the Receiving...


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    Hatane Semuel


    Full Text Available This research discuss about the Shopping Environment Responses as Impulsive Buying stimuli in a study case on 200 consummers of Carrefour Surabaya. The shopping environment responses variables consist of are pleasure, arousal, and dominance (PAD. This study used shopping experience, that consists of hedonic shoping value, resources expenditure, and utilitarian shopping value, as the mediation variables. This study revealed that dominance variable had a positive effect on impulsive buying, and this study also revealed that resources expenditure as a shopping experience could be mediation variable between the shopping environment responses and the other shopping experience variables, and had a negative effect on impulsive buying. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian pembelian tidak terencana pada toko serba ada (TOSERBA dilihat dari respons pelanggan terhadap lingkungan berbelanja sebagai stimulus, suatu studi kasus pada 200 pelanggan Carrefour Surabaya. Variabel respons lingkungan belanja, yang terdiri dari pleasure, arousal, dan dominance (PAD. Penelitian ini menggunakan variabel pengalaman belanja hedonic shopping value, resources expenditure, dan utilitarian shopping value sebagai mediator respons lingkungan belanja terhadap pembelian tidak terencana. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa; variabel respons lingkungan belanja dominance berpengaruh positip terhadap pembelian tidak terencana. Terungkap juga bahwa variabel pengalaman belanja resources expenditure merupakan variabel mediator antara respons lingkungan belanja dan variabel pengalaman belanja lainnya, serta berpengaruh negatip terhadap pembelian tidak terencana. Kata kunci: respons, lingkungan, belanja, pembelian.

  8. Analisis Kemanfaatan dan Kemudahan Penggunaan Aplikasi Manajemen Surat dengan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model pada PT. XYZ Surabaya

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    Aldioctavia Vicka Paramita


    Full Text Available PT. XYZ Surabaya merupakan salah satu perusahaan besar BUMN di Indonesia. Perusahaan BUMN ini bergerak dibidang aspek kelistrikan yang ada di area Jawa Timur. Dengan karya inovasinya, yaitu pengembangan Aplikasi Manajemen Surat bisnis yang semula dikerjakan secara manual menjadi berbasis web, tentu akan melahirkan sikap penerimaan atau penolakan dari user dalam proses penggunaannya. Sedangkan sebuah sistem informasi yang baik adalah yang dapat diterima oleh user dan dirasa memberikan kemudahan dan manfaat dalam proses penggunannya. Melalui tugas akhir ini akan diterapkan model sukses Fred Davis akan menilai faktor kemanfaatan dan kemudahan user Aplikasi Manajemen Surat  menggunakan metode analisis Partial Least Square untuk mengetahui korelasi tiap variabel dan hipotesis. Tugas akhir ini memverivikasi bahwa persepsi kemudahan penggunaan berpengaruh terhadap persepsi kemanfaatan penggunaan layanan AMS. Variasi pada penggunaan AMS dipengaruhi sebesar 24,5 persen oleh persepsi kemudahan, dan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain. Pada persepsi minat sebesar 3,1 persen variasi dipengaruhi oleh persepsi sikap dan kemanfaatan, dan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain. Persepsi kemanfaatan dan kemudahan mempengaruhi variasi dari persepsi sikap sebesar 94,5 persen. Sedangkan variasi dari persepsi kenyataan, sebesar 57,3 persen diperngaruhi oleh persepsi minat dan sisanya 43,7 persen dipengaruhi oleh variabel yang lain.Analisis Kemanfaatan dan Kemudahan Penggunaan Aplikasi Manajemen Surat dengan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model pada PT. XYZ Surabaya


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    Tuti Kusumaningsih


    Full Text Available The main objective of this activity was to provide counseling for the parents of kindergarten children to improve their understanding on the importance of knowledge to control dental caries related to children's diet behavior. In addition, this activity also provided training for children on Dental Health Education (DHE. Target group was the mother of kindergarten children in Kenjeran Sub district, Surabaya, who were expected to be able to apply knowledge they obtained, not only for their children, but also to others, for example, mothers who were involved in Posyandu and PKK activities. Participants of counseling were 160 individuals from 5 kindergartens, represented 5 villages in Kenjeran Subdistrict, Surabaya. Counseling was done via tutorial and visualization methods, followed by question-and-answer session, discussion, questionnaire filling, and evaluation. Training on how to brush tooth properly was given to the children. Pre-counseling questionnaire was falsely answered by 57.6% of the participants, and this number decreased drastically to 4.38% after counseling was given. DHE counseling and training for kindergarten children could be easily accepted. Motivation given could produce positive effects on cognitive knowledge of the mothers and on tooth brushing skill of the children. It is expected that teeth examination and counseling on dental health can be regulary dong in view of the absence of UKGS at kindergarten level.

  10. Analisis Kelayakan Sosial Ekonomi Pengembangan Kampus II UIN Sunan Ampel di Kelurahan Gunung Anyar Kota Surabaya

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    Rita Ernawati


    Full Text Available The developments in higher education must be in line with the development of the world today, as the college itself is an institution with the function of reviewing, preserve, develop, and disseminate art, science and technology in order to educate the nation. The physical development of multicampus masterplan must have basic design principles as follows; flexibility, adaptability, orderliness, campus social life-oriented, formality and symbolizes the development of technology and culture of Indonesia in the future. This paper is part of the Campus Development Feasibility Study Report II UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya in Gunung Anyar Surabaya. The social study is one of the substantial aspects in the preparation of a feasibility study toward land acquisition based on the public response againts the campus development plan. A descriptive qualitative method was use to collect and analyzed the data base on the result of communty feedback identification as well as the supporting secondary data. The analysis showed that the community strongly agree with the development plans in their surrounding areas as a means of education. The public has a positive image for the institution of UIN Sunan Ampel so they showed their enthusiasm with the campus development plan. The campus development are expected to contribute positively to community enhancement, both economic and social. However, it should be well anticipated the possibility of negative impacts that may occur as a result of the development plan, both socially as well as the physical condition of the environment.


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    Danny Santoso Mintorogo


    Full Text Available In terms of energy saving strategies and proper use of skylight modules in architectural buildings in the tropical climate, this paper will give evidence of how appropriate use of skylight modules installed on buildings in the tropical zone compared to the ones in the subtropical climate. In the tropical humid climate, Indonesia has received huge amount of global direct and diffuse radiations on horizontal roofs throughout the year, approximately 575 watts per square meter of radiation will impact on flat roofs or skylights on a sunny day in Surabaya city. Moreover, the hot season is longer, from mid May to mid December, than the wet season. Most of the commercial and institution buildings are equipped with Western skylight styles in Surabaya without any modifications. The three-in-one skylight device is the system that will control daylight, shade direct solar heat radiation, and collect solar hot water at the same time. The concept of the three-in-one shading device has three goals: first of all, it is to shade horizontal or tiled skylight on roof providing shading devices. Secondly, the series of circular cube as shading device will bounce and scatter the direct sunlight into the space below enhancing daylight patterns. Finally, while shading and bouncing direct sunlight, those series of circular shading water pipes would also collect the solar heat radiation getting hot water. Each system works nicely to block, to scatter, and to obtain the solar heat radiation for energy saving in green architecture and clean environmental living zones.


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    Agustinus Nugroho


    Full Text Available   The study aimed to find out the effect of management’s controllable factor, which was called internal factor or structural variable, on the job satisfaction of the 4 and 5 starred hotel employees’ in Surabaya. The study used quantitative explanative technique to explain the effect of structural variable on employees’ job sa-tisfaction. The result showed that structural variable had a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. It is also found that employees’ job satisfaction was high when there was (or the highest indicator for structural variable was fellow employees’ support and supervisor’s support, while the lowest indicator was job routine; the highest indicator for job satisfaction was satisfaction in salary, while the lowest indicator was supervisor’s competency in performing his or her tasks. The study aimed to find out the effect of management’s controllable factor, which was called internal factor or structural variable, on the job satisfaction of the 4 and 5 starred hotel employees’ in Surabaya. The study used quantitative explanative technique to explain the effect of structural variable on employees’ job sa-tisfaction. The result showed that structural variable had a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. It is also found that employees’ job satisfaction was high when there was (or the highest indicator for structural variable was fellow employees’ support and supervisor’s support, while the lowest indicator was job routine; the highest indicator for job satisfaction was satisfaction in salary, while the lowest indicator was supervisor’s competency in performing his or her tasks.

  13. Pemilihan food outlet sebagai faktor risiko berat badan lebih anak usia sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Tegalsari Surabaya


    Renny Evelyn Hartono; BJ. Istiti Kandarina; Siti Helmyati


    ABSTRACTIntroduction: Overweight and obesity are conditions resulting from an imbalance of calories in the body that occur in a long time and cause more deaths than underweight. One of factors related is food pattern, which also infl uenced the selection of food outlets. Surabaya is an urban area so it has many types and characteristic s of food outlet. Elementary school (4, 5, 6) do not really depend on their parents, so their food consumption and physical activity began to vary. Objectives:...

  14. The United States and the Kurds: Case Studies in United States Engagement

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lambert, Peter


    ..., between 1969- 1975, and 1990-1996. Both eras saw the United States able to influence events relating to the Kurds in support of a larger regional policy, only to find no easy solution to the Kurdish quest for autonomy...


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    Dzulkirom M.


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine and explain the simultaneous and partial effects of service quality components consisting of reliability, responsiveness, assurance to customer satisfaction in PT. Terminal Petikemas Surabaya, аnd to know аnd explаin which between the three service quаlity vаriаbles thаt hаve а dominаnt effect on customer sаtisfаction. The type of reseаrch used is explаnаtory reseаrch with populаtion or census method with quаntitаtive аpproаch. Sаmples taken were 35 Billing Service users registered in PT. Terminal Petikemas Surabaya. Dаtа collection method used is questionnаire. The result of multiple lineаr regression аnаlysis shows thаt the three independent vаriаbles reliability, responsiveness, аssurаnce hаve significаnt influence on the dependent vаriаble thаt is customer sаtisfаction.

  16. Pengaruh Physical Environment Terhadap Customer Satisfaction Yang Membentuk Behavioral Intention Di Domi Deli Restaurant Surabaya: Aplikasi Skala Pengukuran Dinescape


    Wilianto, Venny; Santoso, Nina; Siaputra, Hanjaya


    : The study was conducted to determine the effect of Physical Environment on Customer Satisfaction which Makes Behavioral Intention from customer in Domi Deli Restaurant Surabaya. Factors of physical environment are facility aestethics, ambience, lighting, layout, table settings, and service staff. The writers used Structural Equation Model (SEM) with SmartPLS version 3 to test the effect of independent variables on the dependent variables. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with 1...

  17. Pengaruh Customer Experience Quality Terhadap Customer Satisfaction & Customer Loyalty Di Kafe Excelso Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya: Perspektif B2C


    Senjaya, Vivie


    This study discusses about the quality of the customer experience, which is thought to affect customer satisfaction at Cafe Excelso Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya. In this study, the variable of the customer experience quality is measured through the dimensions of accessibility, competence, customer recognition, helpfulness, personalization, problem solving, promise fulfillment, and value for time. Each of these dimensions will be partially tested how it affects customer satisfaction and customer l...

  18. United States rejoin ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roberts, M.


    Upon pressure from the United States Congress, the US Department of Energy had to withdraw from further American participation in the ITER Engineering Design Activities after the end of its commitment to the EDA in July 1998. In the years since that time, changes have taken place in both the ITER activity and the US fusion community's position on burning plasma physics. Reflecting the interest in the United States in pursuing burning plasma physics, the DOE's Office of Science commissioned three studies as part of its examination of the option of entering the Negotiations on the Agreement on the Establishment of the International Fusion Energy Organization for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project. These were a National Academy Review Panel Report supporting the burning plasma mission; a Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (FESAC) report confirming the role of ITER in achieving fusion power production, and The Lehman Review of the ITER project costing and project management processes (for the latter one, see ITER CTA Newsletter, no. 15, December 2002). All three studies have endorsed the US return to the ITER activities. This historical decision was announced by DOE Secretary Abraham during his remarks to employees of the Department's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. The United States will be working with the other Participants in the ITER Negotiations on the Agreement and is preparing to participate in the ITA


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    Full Text Available Petra Christian University (PCU is a university in Siwalankerto, a suburban area of Surabaya city, East Java-Indonesia. It is well developed at Siwalankerto that has been crowded with surrounding buildings. This research objective is to find the temperature mapping of PCU. The method is used by calculating all the land coverings including the built areas, the pavements, the green areas, mapped by the Screening Tool for Estate Environment Evaluation software-STEVE tool. The field measurement was also conducted. The results then be analyzed, which lands cover that gives more impact to the ambient air temperature. The climate components reviewed are the minimum, the average and the maximum ambient air temperature in degree Celcius. This research found that the lowest ambient air temperature mapped both by field measurement and STEVE-tool is the Zone 5; while the highest ambient air temperature of the STEVE-tool is the Zone 4; but from the field measurement found that the hottest is the Zone 3. This different results give an input for later STEVE-tool improvement.


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    Antonius Ricky Hartono


    Full Text Available This research was conducted to determine the factors that affect the desire to mo­ve Winston real estate agent in Surabaya. The population in this study amounted to 149 people. The sample of this research used the method of sampling of incidental to the level of a 10% error. Sample of this research as many as 113 people. This research u­sed a quantitative approach. The technique of collecting data used questionnaires com­pleted by respondents. Methods of data analysis that was used by the analysis of the factor. Analysis of the factor was ordained by using program Statistical Package for the So­cial Science (SPSS which consists of two stages: a descriptive analysis and ex­trac­tion. The results of this research show that the factors which affect the desire to move were composed of factors of individual and organizational factors. Individual factors which are more dominant than the system factors of the organization.

  1. United States Stateplane Zones - NAD83 (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — U.S. State Plane Zones (NAD 1983) represents the State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS) Zones for the 1983 North American Datum within United States.

  2. United States Stateplane Zones - NAD27 (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — U.S. State Plane Zones (NAD 1927) represents the State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS) Zones for the 1927 North American Datum within United States.

  3. Present state of electric power business in United States and Europe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Onishi, Kenichi


    This article reported present state of nuclear power and electric power business in United States and Europe after Fukushima Daiichi Accident. As for the trend of demand and supply of electric power and policy, the accident forced Germany possibly to proceed with phase-out of nuclear power, but France and United States to sustain nuclear power with no great change of energy policy at this moment. As for the trend of electric power market, there was not state in United States with liberalized retail market of electric power after rolling blackouts occurred in California State in the early 2000s. In Germany proceeding with renewable energy introduction, renewable electricity fed into the grid was paid for by the network operators at fixed tariffs and the costs passed on to electricity consumers were increasing. Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) in United States forced the state to introduction of renewable energy to some ratio, and Feed-in Tariff (FIT) introduced in EU in 1990s lead to introduction of a large amount of renewable electricity targeted in 2020. Huge amount of wind power introduction brought about several problems to solve such that excess electric power above domestic demand had bad effects on grids in neighboring region. Enforcement of power transmission lines was also needed with increase of maximum electric power as well as introduction of a large amount of renewable electricity. (T. Tanaka)

  4. Death in the United States, 2011 (United States)

    ... Order from the National Technical Information Service NCHS Death in the United States, 2011 Recommend on Facebook ... 2011 SOURCE: National Vital Statistics System, Mortality. Do death rates vary by state? States experience different mortality ...

  5. Pengaruh Personal Selling Dan Brand Activation Terhadap Purchase Intention Konsumen Pada Produk Santan Bubuk Sasa PT Sasa Inti Di Surabaya


    Sukmana, Devina Florencia


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh dari Personal Selling dan Brand Activation terhadap Purchase Intention konsumen pada produk santan bubuk sasa PT. SASA Inti di SurabayaMetode yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan Regresi Linier Berganda. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan 100 kuisioner yang akan disebarkan kepada responden untuk memenuhi data penelitian terhadap Purchase Intention produk SASA. Menurut hasil penelitian ...

  6. 31 CFR 103.39 - Person outside the United States. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Person outside the United States. 103... Person outside the United States. For the purposes of this subpart, a remittance or transfer of funds, or... the United States, shall be deemed to be a remittance or transfer to a person outside the United...


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    Agus Dwi Hariyanto


    Full Text Available This paper evaluates the current thermal comfort condition in an air-conditioned design studio using objective measurement and subjective assessment. Objective measurement is mainly to quantify the air temperature, MRT, relative humidity, and air velocity. Subjective assessment is conducted using a questionnaire to determine the occupants thermal comfort sensations and investigate their perception of the thermal comfort level. A design studio in an academic institution in Surabaya was chosen for the study. Results show that more than 80% of the occupants accepted the indoor thermal conditions even though both the environmental and comfort indices exceeded the limit of the standard (ASHRAE Standard 55 and ISO 7730. In addition, non-uniformity of spatial temperature was present in this studio. Some practical recommendations were made to improve the thermal comfort in the design studio.

  8. Development of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) for biological nitrogen removal in domestic wastewater treatment (Case study: Surabaya City, Indonesia) (United States)

    Wijaya, I. Made Wahyu; Soedjono, Eddy Setiadi; Fitriani, Nurina


    Domestic wastewater effluent is the main contributor to diverse water pollution problems. The contaminants contained in the wastewater lead the low quality of water. The presence of ammonium and nitrate along with phosphorus are potentially cause eutrophication and endanger aquatic life. Excess nutrients, mostly N and P is the main cause of eutrophication which is result in oxygen depletion, biodiversity reduction, fish kills, odor and increased toxicity. Most of the domestic wastewater in Surabaya City still contains nitrogen that exceeded the threshold. The range of ammonium and orthophosphate concentration in the domestic wastewater is between 6.29 mg/L - 38.91 mg/L and 0.44 mg/L - 1.86 mg/L, respectively. An advance biological nitrogen removal process called anammox is a sustainable and cost effective alternative to the basic method of nitrogen removal, such as nitrification and denitrification. Many research have been conducted through anammox and resulted promisingly way to remove nitrogen. In this process, ammonium will be oxidized with nitrite as an electron acceptor to produce nitrogen gas and low nitrate in anoxic condition. Anammox requires less oxygen demand, no needs external carbon source, and low operational cost. Based on its advantages, anammox is possible to apply in domestic wastewater treatment in Surabaya with many further studies.

  9. Energy problems of the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pertuzio, A.


    The united states are the third world producer of oil which accounts for 440% of world production and 20 million barrels/day of which 60% are imported. That dependence on imports is likely to increase in the next decades. Such supplies and their security are therefore a fundamental factor of the United States foreign policy in combination with their political, economic and strategic objectives in a world both unsure and dangerous

  10. Household pesticide usage in the United States. (United States)

    Savage, E P; Keefe, T J; Wheeler, H W; Mounce, L; Helwic, L; Applehans, F; Goes, E; Goes, T; Mihlan, G; Rench, J; Taylor, D K


    A total of 10,000 U.S. households in 25 standard metropolitan statistical areas and 25 counties were included in the United States. More than 8,200 households granted an interview. Nine of every ten households in the United States used some types of pesticide in their house, garden, or yard. Households in the southeastern United States used the most pesticides. Although more than 500 different pesticide formulations were used by the sampled households, 15 pesticides accounted for 65.5% of all pesticides reported in this study. Thirteen of these 15 pesticides were insecticides, one was a herbicide, and one was a rodenticide.

  11. Jangkauan Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut di Puskesmas Se Kotamadya Surabaya Tahun 1995 Sampai Dengan Tahun 1997

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Djokowidodo Djokowidodo


    Full Text Available The increased number of personnel, may also increase the reachability of the dental and oral health service in the target population. This study was concerned in comparing the data about the dental and oral health service effort from 1995 to 1997 with the determined target. The study showed increased reachability of the dental and oral health service from Public Health Service in Kotamadya Surabaya. In spote of the general imfrocement, the curative and reveral system could not reach the target yet.

  12. Analisa Pengaruh Leadership Style terhadap Firm Performance melalui Learning Organization dan Employee Satisfaction (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Sektor Non-manufaktur di Surabaya)


    Kristanti, Florentina


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh langsung yang signifikan dari leadership style terhadap learning organization, leadership style terhadap employee satisfaction, learning organization terhadap firm performance, employee satisfaction terhadap firm performance, learning organization terhadap employee satisfaction, dan leadership style terhadap firm performance pada Perusahaan non-manufaktur di Surabaya. Penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian kuantitatif, dimana data diperoleh mela...

  13. 75 FR 13345 - Pricing for Certain United States Mint Products (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Pricing for Certain United States Mint Products AGENCY: United States Mint, Department of the Treasury. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The United States Mint is announcing the price of First Spouse Bronze Medals and 2010 First Spouse Bronze Medal Series: Four...

  14. 22 CFR 22.3 - Remittances in the United States. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Remittances in the United States. 22.3 Section...-DEPARTMENT OF STATE AND FOREIGN SERVICE § 22.3 Remittances in the United States. (a) Type of remittance. Remittances shall be in the form of: (1) Check or bank draft drawn on a bank in the United States; (2) money...

  15. Description of Clean and Healthy Behavior of Food Borne Disease Among by School Children Age in Babat Jerawat I Elementary School, District Pakal Surabaya

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    Hidayat Heny Sholikhah


    Full Text Available Background: Incidence of food borne disease, such as diarrhea, typhoid and hookworm infection in school childrenwere still sufficient susceptible. Lack of clean and healthy behavior became primary cause, so that the agent can easilyenter to the body through the food consumed. The purpose of this study was to descript the clean and healthy behaviors by school children age at Babat Jerawat I Elementary School, District Pakal Surabaya. Methods: This study was a crosssectional study. The sample of this study were 112 of fifth grade students at Babat Jerawat I Elementary school, District Pakal Surabaya, selected by purposive sampling of 121 students who met the inclusion criteria. Data of clean and healthy behavior were collected by observation and interviews focused on a group of school children using questionnaires, checklists and interview guides. Data analysis was done by using descriptive analysis. Results: The results showed that the clean and healthy behaviors about food borne disease, the majority of school children in Elementary school Babat Jerawat I District Pakal Surabaya included in good criteria (51.8% and small portion of these included less category (48.2%. Conclusion:Clean and Healthy Behavior of food borne disease in school children age had good criteria, but still need attention formany factors that influence it, such as the availability of facilities, affordability snacks outside of school and examples ofunhealthy behaviors in family environment. Recommendation: Improve the cooperation between the school and localhealth officials to tighten rules on the management of snack vending around schools, and do continuous education both within the school and the child’s school community.

  16. The United Kingdom: Issues for the United States

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Archick, Kristin


    ...; and more recently, from the UK's strong support in countering terrorism and confronting Iraq. The United States and Britain also share a mutually beneficial trade and economic relationship, and are each other's biggest foreign direct investors...


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    Rizal Eka Affandy


    Full Text Available This study aimed to examine the effect of job characteristics on the performance, test the effect of motivation as a moderating variable job characteristics on the performance and test the effect of the work environment as moderating variable job characteristics on employee performance of PT Sarana Division. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero Daop 8 Surabaya. The sample used in this study is a random sample of 207 people. The results of the analysis Partial Least Square (PLS this study shows that the job characteristics significant positive effect on employee performance, motivation positive effect was not significant to moderate the influence of job characteristics on the performance of employees, work environment positive effect was not significant to moderate the influence of job characteristics on the performance employee Divisi Sarana PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero Daop 8 Surabaya.

  18. Analisis Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja (Studi Kasus pada Karyawan Restoran di Pakuwon Food Festival Surabaya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Endo Wijaya Kartika


    Full Text Available Surabaya as the third largest city in Indonesia, become more popular for its culinary industry from the smallest scale of traditional warung until the high end scale of fine dining restaurant. The amount of the restaurant business is gradually increase, this phenomenon makes a good advantage for the local people especially the amount of job opportunity. In the other side, restaurant industries in Surabaya also facing the high rivalry and competition among individual restaurant business. In order to survive from the competition , each business should have its own competitive advantage. Human resource is one of the most important resource to gaining the competitive advantage, since it related with human being at the final result how excellent was the planning process, human aspect will take a final decision for the result of a process. The research is focusing on the relation between motivation and job satisfaction, the writer saw the phenomenon in Pakuwon Food Festival, that some employee feel satisfy with their work, although the working pressure is high enough to make someone resign from his job within 7 days of work. According to the pre-interview, the writer found that the employee feel comfortable with their work because of their workmates is very social and feel like a new small family in working environment. This research used quantitative approach for the data process, and simple linear regression for the analysis. The result of the research is that job satisfaction is significantly affected by motivation.

  19. Pengaruh Transformational Leadership Terhadap Organizational Performance Melalui Organizational Culture Dan Entrepreneurial Intensity Sebagai Intervening Variable Pada Perusahaan Publik Di Surabaya


    Jessica, Helena


    The aimed of this study was to examine the relationship of transformational leadership to the firm performance. This research was conducted in order to find the affect of transformational leadership through organizational culture and entrepreneurial intensity as the intervening variables. This study used primary data obtained from questionnaires distributed to go-public companies' employees in Surabaya. The samples were companies that used transformational leadership. Based on the multiplicat...

  20. Radiation therapy facilities in the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ballas, Leslie K.; Elkin, Elena B.; Schrag, Deborah; Minsky, Bruce D.; Bach, Peter B.


    Purpose: About half of all cancer patients in the United States receive radiation therapy as a part of their cancer treatment. Little is known, however, about the facilities that currently deliver external beam radiation. Our goal was to construct a comprehensive database of all radiation therapy facilities in the United States that can be used for future health services research in radiation oncology. Methods and Materials: From each state's health department we obtained a list of all facilities that have a linear accelerator or provide radiation therapy. We merged these state lists with information from the American Hospital Association (AHA), as well as 2 organizations that audit the accuracy of radiation machines: the Radiologic Physics Center (RPC) and Radiation Dosimetry Services (RDS). The comprehensive database included all unique facilities listed in 1 or more of the 4 sources. Results: We identified 2,246 radiation therapy facilities operating in the United States as of 2004-2005. Of these, 448 (20%) facilities were identified through state health department records alone and were not listed in any other data source. Conclusions: Determining the location of the 2,246 radiation facilities in the United States is a first step in providing important information to radiation oncologists and policymakers concerned with access to radiation therapy services, the distribution of health care resources, and the quality of cancer care

  1. 75 FR 13345 - Pricing for Certain 2010 United States Mint Products (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Pricing for Certain 2010 United States Mint Products AGENCY: United States Mint, Department of the Treasury. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The United States Mint is announcing the price of the 2010 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin and First Spouse Medal...

  2. Studi Implementasi RCM untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas Dok Apung (Studi Kasus: PT.Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nurlaily Mufarikhah


    Full Text Available Dok apung merupakan salah satu fasilitas galangan yang ada di PT.Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya, yang terdiri dari dok I,II,IV dan V. Dok apung mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam kegiatan reparasi kapal. Oleh karena itu, PT.Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya melakukan tindakan perawatan untuk menjaga kinerja dok apung. Mengingat begitu pentingnya peran dok apung, maka dilakukan penelitian tindakan dan rencana perawatan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dok apung dengan menggunakan metode RCM. Penelitian dengan metode RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance secara umum dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu, secara kualitatif dan secara kuantitatif. Analisa kualitatif terdiri dari FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, FTA (Fault Tree Analysis, dan LTA (Logic Tree Analysis. Sedangkan analisa kuantitatif terdiri dari perhitungan MTTF (Mean Time to Failure, MTTR (Mean Time to Repair, penentuan reliability, dan failure rate dengan menggunakan software weibull 6++. Dari hasil analisa kualitatif terdapat 4 komponen MSI (Maintenance Significant Item, yaitu capstan, ponton, crane dan pompa. Dari hasil analisa kuantitatif didapatkan komponen yang memengaruhi reliability dok apung. Reliability yang paling rendah yaitu ponton, pompa, capstan dan crane. Penilaian reliability didasarkan pada akibat yang ditimbulkan dari kerusakan atau kegagalan komponen terhadap sistem, sedangkan nilai MTTF (Mean Time to Failure paling rendah pada crane dan pompa yaitu 120 dan 150 hari. Secara teoritis, penerapan RCM (Reliability Centered Maintennace akan meningkatkan keandalan komponen. Tindakan dan rencana perawatan yang disarankan berdasarkan metode RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance yaitu melakukan pengecekan secara rutin serta melakukan training pada bagian maintenance mengenai konsep perawatan. Interval maintenance pada crane dan ponton  dilakukan setiap 1 bulan sekali, sedangkan interval maintenance pada capstan dan pompa dilakukan setiap 2 bulan sekali.

  3. Intergenerational educational mobility in Denmark and the United States

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andrade, Stefan Bastholm; Thomsen, Jens-Peter


    An overall finding in comparative mobility studies is that intergenerational mobility is greater in Scandinavia than in liberal welfare-state countries like the United States and United Kingdom. However, in a recent study, Landersø and Heckman (L & H) (2017) argue that intergenerational educational...... mobility in Denmark and the United States is remarkably similar. L & H’s findings run contrary to widespread beliefs and have been echoed in academia and mass media on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. In this article, we reanalyze educational mobility in Denmark and the United States using the same data...... sources as L & H. We apply several different methodological approaches from economics and sociology, and we consistently find that educational mobility is higher in Denmark than in the United States....

  4. Toll Facilities in the United States (United States)

    Department of Transportation — Biennial report containing selected information on toll facilities in the United States that has been provided to FHWA by the States and/or various toll authorities...

  5. State nuclear initiatives in the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strauss, P.L.; Stoiber, C.R.


    The paper deals with State nuclear initiatives regarding the role of nuclear power in the energy future of the United States. The question of whether and under what circumstances nuclear facilities should be used to generate electricity was put to the popular vote in several States in 1976. Some general principles of Federal-State relations are discussed with specific reference to nuclear regulations. The initiative mechanism itself is described as well as its legal form and background. The parallel developments in the State and Federal legislative consideration of nuclear issues is reviewed and the suggested reasons for the defeat of the proposals in the seven States concerned are discussed. Finally, the author draws some conclusions on the effects of the 1976 initiatives on future decision-making in the US on energy policy in general and nuclear power in particular. (NEA) [fr

  6. 27 CFR 479.89 - Transfers to the United States. (United States)


    ... Transfers to the United States. A firearm may be transferred to the United States or any department... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Transfers to the United States. 479.89 Section 479.89 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO...

  7. Coccidiosis radiovaccine test on broiler chicken in Surabaya

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Darmawan; Partadihardjo, S.; Suryanto, I.


    A study of radiovaccin produced by PAIR-BATAN was carried out to examine safety, potenscy and duration of immunity of the vaccine. Radiovaccine was prepared in alhidrogel media and inactivation by irradiation was done with a dose of 125 Gy. Field test was localted at two places, i.e. at Rungkut menanggal and Pusvetma, Surabaya. The test was done on 105 chickens of Arbor acres which divided into two groups. Groups on which consisting of 60 chickens were vaccinated at the age of 10 days whereas group two as a control group which consisting of 15 chickens were not vaccinated. Challenge test was carried out at two weeks, four weeks and six weeks after vaccination by inoculating with exp.5 virulent oocysts. The parametersa used in this research were mortality rate, weight gained and albumin/globulin ratio analysed by electroforesis. The results of the study revealed that all of the control chickens showed a sign sickness, haemorrhagic diarrrhea. Severe haemorrhagic was apparent in the caecum and large amount of oocysts were found in the mocous. All vaccinated chickens showed neither sign of thickness nor macroscopic changes. The average weight gained of the vaccinated groups with challenge was more than that the control group challenge. (author). 9 refs, 2 tab

  8. 32 CFR 516.54 - Witnesses for the United States. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Witnesses for the United States. 516.54 Section..., Travel, and Expenses of Witnesses § 516.54 Witnesses for the United States. (a) Status of witness. A military member authorized to appear as a witness for the United States, including those authorized to...

  9. 32 CFR 150.21 - Appeals by the United States. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Appeals by the United States. 150.21 Section 150... the United States. (a) Restricted filing. Only a representative of the government designated by the Judge Advocate General of the respective service may file an appeal by the United States under Article...

  10. United States housing, first quarter 2013 (United States)

    Delton Alderman


    Provides current and historical information on housing market in the United States. Information includes trends for housing permits and starts, housing under construction, and housing completions for single and multifamily units, and sales and construction. This report will be updated regularly.

  11. Analisa Pengaruh Experiential Marketing Terhadap Customer Loyalty Dengan Customer Satisfaction Sebagai Variabel Mediasi Pada Restoran Jepang Dengan Konsep Shabu-Shabu Di Surabaya


    Wahyudi, Steven; Lavinia, Jessica


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari experiential marketing terhadap customer loyalty menggunakan customer satisfaction sebagai variabel mediasi pada restoran Jepang dengan konsep shabu-shabu di Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Kuesioner dibagikan kepada responden yang mengunjungi restoran Jepang yang telah ditentukan sebanyak lebih dari satu kali. Data dalam penelitian ini diolah menggunakan metode pengolahan data PLS (Partial L...

  12. Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan dan Nilai yang Dirasakan terhadap Niat Pembelian Ulang melalui Mediasi Kepuasan Pelanggan Restoran Solaria di Surabaya


    Firmawan Adixio, Riko; Saleh, Laila


    Value to customer satisfaction, which in turn are as the determinants of repurchase intention at Solaria restaurant Surabaya. Service quality refers to perception of the extent to which the services are provided with customer expectation. Customer perceived value is based on the difference between what the customer got and what customer provided for the possibility of different options. Customer satisfaction is very important to the success of the company as it is assumed to be a major driver...

  13. Arsenic in Ground Water of the United States (United States)

    ... Team More Information Arsenic in groundwater of the United States Arsenic in groundwater is largely the result of ... Gronberg (2011) for updated arsenic map. Featured publications United States Effects of human-induced alteration of groundwater flow ...

  14. Enrichment situation outside the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Different enrichment technologies are briefly characterized which include gaseous diffusion, which is presently the production mainstay of the United States and France; the gaseous centrifuge which is the production plant for Urenco and the technology for future United States enrichment expansion; the aero-dynamic processes which include the jet nozzle (also known as the Becker process) and the fixed-wall centrifuge (also known as the Helikon process); chemical processes; laser isotope separation processes (also referred to in the literature as LIS); and plasma technology

  15. Leading Causes of Death in Females United States (United States)

    ... and Health Issues at Work Health Equity Leading Causes of Death in Females, United States Recommend on Facebook Tweet ... to current and previous listings for the leading causes of death in females in the United States. Please note ...

  16. Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII.F SMP Negeri 33 Surabaya Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Materi Pranata Sosial Dengan Model Pembelajaran Snowball Throwing

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    Mudjianingsih Mudjianingsih


                          Asks activities in social studies is an important part in carrying out the study, which asks activities serve to gather information from students, to confirm what was already known, and to bring attention to the aspect of the unknown. Based on observations in the classroom conditions VIII F SMP Negeri 33 Surabaya Surabaya are less enthusiastic in asking questions the need for action using the appropriate learning models, one model of learning that can improve student learning outcomes is learning models Snowball Throwing. In this research there are four research purposes, the fourth such purposes include: 1 To determine the application of learning models Snowball Throwing, 2 To determine activity students 3 To determine student learning outcomes, and 3 To know the constraints and solutions in applying learning models Snowball Throwing.                     This study was a classroom action research (PTK with a qualitative approach in the classroom VIII F SMP Negeri 33 Surabaya Surabaya, which amounted to 32 students. In the application of Snowball Throwing consisting of two cycles, each cycle consisting of the planning stage, the stage of action, observation and reflection stages. Data collection techniques interest asked in this study using observation sheet interest to ask, and for student learning outcomes using the test cycle I and II. Data analysis using data reduction, observation data, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study show that: 1 Application of Learning Model Throwing Snowball carried out with 2 cycles, with each cycle consisting of the planning phase, the implementation phase, observation and reflection phase, 2 Complete test results of students in the first cycle was 68.42% , to test cycle II completeness increased to 100%, completeness criteria in this second cycle in the category Very Good, 3 constraints experienced researchers, among others: the seriousness of the students

  17. 33 CFR 2.38 - Waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; waters over which the United States has... (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; waters over which the United States has jurisdiction. 2.38 Section 2.38 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY GENERAL JURISDICTION...

  18. Ekspresi dan Representasi Budaya Perempuan Muslim Kelas Menengah di Surabaya

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    Rofhani Rofhani


    Full Text Available This article discusses Islamic culture that undergoes shift in meaning as a form of expression and self-representation of Middle Class Muslim Women. Basically, the religious movement of women constitutes a form of identity assertion. The Middle Class Muslim Women unconsciously exhibit new culture, although it must be admitted that not all Middle Class Muslims in Indonesia follow popular lifestyle. Instead, they demonstrate culture different from what of fundamentalist groups with their turban, cloak, and veil of a specific color. Middle Class Muslim Women create an alternative lifestyle which conforms Islamic norms, flexible, not rigid to build Islamic identity. In general, Middle Class Muslim Women in Surabaya have a relatively similar lifestyle. They tend to be rationalistic in understanding religion. They prefer, for example, more scientific materials to enrich their religious knowledge. Although they are rationalistic and follow the values of modernity, they still adhere to normative values of religion. The ethical values or religious norms are their main guideline for behavior including the reason for wearing Muslim clothing and veil.

  19. Unites States and the oil of the Middle-East

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noel, P.


    The author discusses different aspects of the United States intervention and behavior in the Middle-East petroleum management. The Iraq and Iran potentials are largely under used. The Saudi Arabia defines its own oil policy, but benefits of the Unites States military help. The United States intervention is in the domain of the security of flux on the world market. (A.L.B.)


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    Cholis Bachroen


    Full Text Available Women especially the commercial sexual workers (CSW's relatively more frequent saferred from sexual transmitted diseases (STD's. Recently, transmission of STD's become wide not only among the high risk groups such as commercial sexual workers, but also the commumty that were grouped as the low risk group (National Household Health Survey. The AIDS cases, one of the STD's, increase sharply during the last two years. In Surabaya municipality, the cases were increase from 9 cases in 2000 to become 103 cases in 2002 (Kompas, Wednesday. 14 May 2003, page 1. The Prevention and controlled of HIV/AIDS was the one of priority in the prevention and controlled of diseases program in Indonesia, because of not only the cases that became numerous, but also it was the global commitment. The aim of the study was to explore the knowledge on STD's among CSW's and the prevention and seeking care behavior against the STD's among CSW's m Dolly and Jarak, Surabaya. The systematic random sampling was applied in selecting the sample. The population was the CSW's in Dolly and Jarak, Surabaya. The total number of respondent was 230, selected from about 1.900 CSW's in the localization of Dolly and Jarak. The result showed  that about half of the respondents was relatively young (less than 25 year, widow and working as professional CSW's during one year or less. Most of the respondents knew about  STD's such as: Syphilis, HIV/AIDS, Gonorrhea and Flour albus, but only a few knew other symptoms and or STD's such as Clamedia. Nearly all of respondents did some kind of prevention from STDs' transmission, such as drinking the traditional medicine or remedy without prescription, although only half of them felt that the prevention was working. More than a half of the sample ever suffered from STD's, and a few of them still gave services to their client during suffering the diseases. Most of CSW's who suffered from STD's sought care from health personnel's. A half of them

  1. Food irradiation in the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pauli, G.H.


    Since 1963, some irradiated foods have been permitted for sale in the United States. Yet, at this time, commercial application has been limited to irradiation of a relatively small fraction of the spices and seasonings used as ingredients in other foods. The current situation regarding irradiated foods in the United States and how it developed is discussed. The author writes from experience gained as a Government regulator concerned primarily with ensuring safety of food and therefore this is stressed together with the crucial role played by consumers and industry. (author)

  2. From “Crocodile City” to “Ville Lumière”: Cinema Spaces on the Urban Landscape of Colonial Surabaya


    Ruppin, D.


    The development of exhibition spaces in Surabaya, from canvas and bamboo tents to luxurious cinema palaces, between 1897 and World War I demonstrates the burgeoning movie-going scene in this major colonial-era port city in Eastern Java. The evolution of these venues on the modernizing urban landscape came in the context of other processes of development and social change, which informed both the decisions of cinema entrepreneurs and the mobility of spectators. As a site in which technology, r...

  3. The State Geologic Map Compilation (SGMC) geodatabase of the conterminous United States (United States)

    Horton, John D.; San Juan, Carma A.; Stoeser, Douglas B.


    The State Geologic Map Compilation (SGMC) geodatabase of the conterminous United States (https://doi. org/10.5066/F7WH2N65) represents a seamless, spatial database of 48 State geologic maps that range from 1:50,000 to 1:1,000,000 scale. A national digital geologic map database is essential in interpreting other datasets that support numerous types of national-scale studies and assessments, such as those that provide geochemistry, remote sensing, or geophysical data. The SGMC is a compilation of the individual U.S. Geological Survey releases of the Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States. The SGMC geodatabase also contains updated data for seven States and seven entirely new State geologic maps that have been added since the preliminary databases were published. Numerous errors have been corrected and enhancements added to the preliminary datasets using thorough quality assurance/quality control procedures. The SGMC is not a truly integrated geologic map database because geologic units have not been reconciled across State boundaries. However, the geologic data contained in each State geologic map have been standardized to allow spatial analyses of lithology, age, and stratigraphy at a national scale.

  4. Bioremediasi tumpahan minyak mentah dengan metode biostimulasi nutrien organik di lingkungan pantai Surabaya Timur

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    Munawar Munawar


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper was to present effects of nutrients in the bioremediation process of spilled crude oil in a coastal environment. An emphasis is directed at looking at effectiveness of organic-based nutrients in that process using a method of bio-stimulation. An insitu test was undertaken in a coastal area, located at the East side of Surabaya City, Indonesia, by making multiple trial compartments, with a size of 0.5 × 0.5 m2 each; and the space between the compartments is 0.25 m. At every compartment, one liter of crude oil was spilled. Three days later, it was added with organic-based nutrient on the treatment (0.2; 0.3 and 0.4 kg/kg soil.


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    Jany Prihastuty


    Full Text Available Introduction: Quality of Nursing Work Life (QNWL is a thing that needs attention by human resource management approach. The purpose of this research was to provide develop model to increase QNWL in order to lower nurse’s intention to quit the Premier Hospital Surabaya. Methods: Design used in the structure was explanatory research. The independent variables was Internal factors (Individual factors, social and environment conceptual factors, operational factors, administrative factors where as the dependent variable from this study was intention to quit, and moderator variables QNWL random sampling technique. Total sample was 160 nurses, taken according to inclusion criteria. The research was conducted in Premier Hospital Surabaya from October 2012 - July 2013. Data were collected by using structured questionnaire. Data were then analyzed by using multiple linear regression test with level of significance of ≤ 0.05. Result: The results showed, QNWL was influenced by relationships inter-professional part of variabel social and environment conceptual factors, supervision monitoring part of variabel operational factors, career development part of variabel administrative factors. Intention to quit influenced by relationships between nurses, inter-departmental and inter-professional part of variabel social and environment conceptual factors and salaries and benefits part of variabel administrative factors with significant value p = 0.005. Discussion: It can be concluded good inter-professional relation, supervision monitoring, and good career development affected QNWL. Good relationships between nurses, inter-departmental and inter- professional led to lower intention to quit. Low salary and benefits led nurse’s intention to quit getting stronger.

  6. Exporting Rambutan to United States: One Reality?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmad Zainuri Mohd Dzomir; Zainon Othman; Mohd Sidek Othman


    Rambutan is a one of commodity that are passed by United States of America authority to be market in that states. The main condition for the approval is the exporter must use irradiation technology as quarantine treatment to monitor the insects in there. United States of America's Agriculture Department (USDA-APHIS) has make early survey to the facilities involved in exporting process chain to overview Malaysia preparedness for this purpose. This paper work will discussed the possibility of this exporting implemented based on conditions rule by the USDA. (author)

  7. Developing Method Use Of Tbm To User Information Literacy In Six Tbm Sambikerep Villages Surabaya City

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    Fahriyah Fahriyah


    Full Text Available The existence of Community Library in Six PAUD Sambikerep Village,  Sambikerep District Surabaya City expected can closer of resources in the community, causing exasperation reading (literacy for PAUD mothers and parents of early childhood education, broaden knowledge in public life and certainly indirectly educate and improve lives the surrounding community. The purpose of this study to analyze the influence of the use of community library and information literacy of the PAUD Mother and Parent of  early childhood of in the Sambikerep Village, Surabaya City. The population in this study were all Mother and Parents PAUD as Community Library users totaling 292 people. A sample of 64% from the population that found as many as 186 respondents. The sampling technique used in this study is the probability sampling is using simple random sampling. On average respondents about the use of TBM is 3.687 and the information literacy of users is 3,853. The reliably of the questionnare was calculated to be between 0.951 and 0.882 using the Cronbach's Alpha. The analysis Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test is Significant mean score of 0,000 that each variable were normal distribution. Hyphotesis test shows α (0.05> Significancy (0.000 were significant and simultaneous relationship. Analysi Cooeficient using Product Moment Correlation Correlations scores was r = 0.669 with significant ρ = 0.000 <α = 0.05 were medium correlations. Significant correlations tcount Test score of 12.196 and Ttable at significantion score of 0.05 with 185 hp 2.34667 (R2 = 0,447 were positive and significant correlation between the use of TBM and the information literacy of users.

  8. Wheat rusts in the United States in 2016 (United States)

    In 2016, wheat stripe rust caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. graminis was widespread throughout the United States. Cool temperatures and abundant rainfall in the southern Great Plains allowed stripe rust to become widely established and spread throughout the Great Plains and eastern United State...

  9. United States National Seismographic Network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buland, R.


    The concept of a United States National Seismograph Network (USNSN) dates back nearly 30 years. The idea was revived several times over the decades. but never funded. For, example, a national network was proposed and discussed at great length in the so called Bolt Report (U. S. Earthquake Observatories: Recommendations for a New National Network, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1980, 122 pp). From the beginning, a national network was viewed as augmenting and complementing the relatively dense, predominantly short-period vertical coverage of selected areas provided by the Regional Seismograph Networks (RSN's) with a sparse, well-distributed network of three-component, observatory quality, permanent stations. The opportunity finally to begin developing a national network arose in 1986 with discussions between the US Geological Survey (USGS) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Under the agreement signed in 1987, the NRC has provided $5 M in new funding for capital equipment (over the period 1987-1992) and the USGS has provided personnel and facilities to develop. deploy, and operate the network. Because the NRC funding was earmarked for the eastern United States, new USNSN station deployments are mostly east of 105 degree W longitude while the network in the western United States is mostly made up of cooperating stations (stations meeting USNSN design goals, but deployed and operated by other institutions which provide a logical extension to the USNSN)

  10. 37 CFR 1.413 - The United States International Searching Authority. (United States)


    ... Processing Provisions General Information § 1.413 The United States International Searching Authority. (a... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false The United States International Searching Authority. 1.413 Section 1.413 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT...

  11. United States Attorney Prosecutions (United States)


    property of CocaCola Bottling Company, Fayetteville, North Carolina, of a value in excess of $100.00, in violation of Title 18 United States Code, Section...another, to-wit: a Cocacola soft drink machine, the amount of damage to said personal property being more than $200.00, in violation of North Carolina


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siti Rochimah


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Selama penggunaannya, sistem warisan (legacy dapat terjadi banyak aktifitas pemeliharaan (maintenance yang dapat menyebabkan penurunan kualitas sistem. Ketika sistem mengalami penurunan sampai tingkat kritis, sistem warisan perlu direkayasa ulang.Untuk mempertahankan keberadaan dan keberlangsungan sistem perlu dilakukan rekayasa ulang secara bertahap dalam domain aplikasi sistem warisan. Dalam prosesnya, pada sistem warisan dilakukan rekayasa ulang komponen demi komponen baik program maupun data membentuk sistem tujuan yang telah direkayasa ulang. Proses ini berakhir sampai akhirnya sistem warisan habis menjadi sistem tujuan. Metode ini dinamakan Rekayasa Ulang Iteratif. Metode Rekayasa Ulang Iteratif memperhatikan satu hal yang sangat penting dari metode rekayasa ulang lain yaitu memastikan pembagian data dan fungsi antara sistem warisan dan sistem yang telah direkayasa ulang. Selain itu selama proses rekayasa ulang antara komponen warisan dan komponen yang telah direkayasa ulang dapat berjalan bersamaan. Implementasi dari Rekayasa Ulang Iteratif dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pada studi kasus Sistem Informasi Akademik FTIF ITS Surabaya. Hasil dari Rekayasa Ulang Iteratif ini telah dapat menyelesaikan

  13. 77 FR 48542 - United States (United States)


    ... litigation.'' United States v. Armour and Co., 402 U.S. 673, 681 (1971). Section 5 of the Clayton Act... relief in consent judgment that contained recitals in which defendants asserted their innocence); Armour...

  14. United States Strategy for Mexico

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Centner, Robert C


    The security and stability of Mexico is of national interest to the United States, and a strong, effective alliance between the two countries is pivotal to our national defense strategy and economic prosperity...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ratna Anggraini Aripratiwi


    Full Text Available This study aims to explore the deep meaning of the integrity attitudes that is experienced, felt, and performed by a public accountant in one of the famous KAP in Surabaya, KAP "Cemerlang". Revealing the attitude of the integrity of public accountant is important since there are large number of public accountants who are still dragged into fraud and violations, resulting in unethical decisions. Every public accountant has a different perspective in determining and practicing an attitude of integrity, whether to defend or even release it for a particular purpose that ultimately raises a variety of meanings of pure integrity and pragmatic integrity.

  16. NCHS - Injury Mortality: United States (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — This dataset describes injury mortality in the United States beginning in 1999. Two concepts are included in the circumstances of an injury death: intent of injury...

  17. Both Europe's and the United States' electrification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matly, M.


    While the United States quickly had the largest electrical indus in the world, electrification in rural areas ended about thirty years after most European countries. Public intervention is a deciding factor in completing electrification, and the late involvement by the American authorities explains the gap. However it would be wrong to oppose in Europe and in the United States a motivated public sector and little involved private companies. In both continents indeed, major private and public urban distributors were almost not involved in rural electrification processes, where local players prevailed: local communities around Europe, small and medium size business in some European countries such as France, co-operative companies in the United States. Additionally, there is an essential difference between electrification in Europe and in the United States. The former does not provide much more than lighting and its success leaves few traces in popular memories; the latter includes many facilities and services, changes the lives of rural populations and is celebrated a such. Whereas the colonial venture keep European economies away from their domestic markets, while in the United States the urban market growth contents large companies, the American co-operative movement is right to believe in the existence of a large electrical equipment market among farmers then considered poor and behind. It even uses the market to complete a more profitable and less costly electrification. Electricity stories that offer food for the thoughts of Third World decision makers and power companies, when they entrust most rural electrification to their large urban companies and deny the existence of a real equipment market in their own rural world. (author)

  18. Asian Immigration: The View from the United States. (United States)

    Gardner, Robert W.


    Examines contemporary Asian immigration to the United States from a U.S. perspective. Analyzes immigration policies and data on recent immigration from Asia. Discusses impacts concerning the United States and the immigrants themselves and speculates on future immigration. The composition of Asian immigration might change, and the number might…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    MINTOROGO Danny Santoso


    Full Text Available Traditional roofing systems in the developing country likes Indonesia are still be dominated by the 30o, 45o, and more pitched angle roofs; the roofing cover materials are widely used to traditional clay roof tiles, then modern concrete roof tiles, and ceramic roof tiles. In the 90’s decay, shop houses are prosperous built with flat concrete roofs dominant. Green roofs and roof ponds are almost rarely built to meet the sustainable environmental issues. Some tested various roof systems in Surabaya were carried out to observe the roof thermal performances. Mathematical equation model from three references are also performed in order to compare with the real project tested. Calculated with equation (Kabre et al., the 30o pitched concrete-roof-tile, 30o clay-roof-tile, 45o pitched concrete-roof-tile are the worst thermal heat flux coming to room respectively. In contrast, the bare soil concrete roof and roof pond system are the least heat flux streamed onto room. Based on predicted calculation without insulation and cross-ventilation attic space, the roof pond and bare soil concrete roof (greenery roof are the appropriate roof systems for the Surabaya’s climate; meanwhile the most un-recommended roof is pitched 30o or 45o angle with concrete-roof tiles roofing systems.

  20. 26 CFR 1.956-2 - Definition of United States property. (United States)


    ..., which is— (i) Tangible property (real or personal) located in the United States; (ii) Stock of a... year ending June 30, 1964, R Corporation's increase in earnings invested in United States property for... United States property during its taxable year 1965, S Corporation's increase in earnings invested in...

  1. Licensed pertussis vaccines in the United States: History and current state


    Klein, Nicola P


    The United States switched from whole cell to acellular pertussis vaccines in the 1990s following global concerns with the safety of the whole cell vaccines. Despite high levels of acellular pertussis vaccine coverage, the United States and other countries are experiencing large pertussis outbreaks. The aim of this article is to describe the historical context which led to acellular pertussis vaccine development, focusing on vaccines currently licensed in the US, and to review evidence that w...

  2. Nations United: The United Nations, the United States, and the Global Campaign Against Terrorism. A Curriculum Unit & Video for Secondary Schools. (United States)

    Houlihan, Christina; McLeod, Shannon

    This curriculum unit and 1-hour videotape are designed to help students understand the purpose and functions of the United Nations (UN) and explore the relationship between the United Nations and the United States. The UN's role in the global counterterrorism campaign serves as a case study for the unit. The students are asked to develop a basic…

  3. Estimated United States Transportation Energy Use 2005

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, C A; Simon, A J; Belles, R D


    A flow chart depicting energy flow in the transportation sector of the United States economy in 2005 has been constructed from publicly available data and estimates of national energy use patterns. Approximately 31,000 trillion British Thermal Units (trBTUs) of energy were used throughout the United States in transportation activities. Vehicles used in these activities include automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, buses, airplanes, rail, and ships. The transportation sector is powered primarily by petroleum-derived fuels (gasoline, diesel and jet fuel). Biomass-derived fuels, electricity and natural gas-derived fuels are also used. The flow patterns represent a comprehensive systems view of energy used within the transportation sector.

  4. United States of America National Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The United States has produced this report as part of the preparations for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) to be held in Brazil in June 1992. It summarizes this nation's efforts to protect and enhance the quality of the human environment in concert with its efforts to provide economic well-being during the two decades since the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was held in Stockholm. The information presented in this report is primarily and deliberately retrospective. It is an attempt to portray the many human, economic and natural resources of the United States, to describe resource use and the principal national laws and programs established to protect these resources, and to analyze key issues on the agenda of UNCED. This analysis is presented in terms of past and present conditions and trends, measures of progress made in responding to the key issues, and a summary of government activities, underway or pending, to address ongoing or newly emerging national environmental and resource management problems

  5. African Journals Online: United States Minor Outlying Islands

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    African Journals Online: United States Minor Outlying Islands. Home > African Journals Online: United States Minor Outlying Islands. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. Username, Password, Remember me, or Register · Browse By Category · Browse Alphabetically · Browse By Country · List All Titles ...

  6. Refugee Status Required for Resettlement in the United States (United States)


    STATES REFUGEE ADMISSIONS PROGRAM FLOWCHART ...the American public’s concerns. 50 APPENDIX A UNITED STATES REFUGEE ADMISSIONS PROGRAM FLOWCHART Source: US Citizenship and Immigration...TITLE AND SUBTITLE Refugee Status Required for Resettlement in the United States 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT


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    Benny Poerbantanoe


    Full Text Available Every town hss its own architectural performance. And architecture is not merely a physical landscape of buildings in a town,, as seen by the observer, but it has a deeper mening, which displays the art of structures and constructions. It is a sequence of buildings along the course of its history (Aldo Rossi, 1980. A Town is a complete work of art, performed by men of urban knowledge. Tehe concept of a town or urban workmanship arises from time to time as a work of art in multiple variations, together and according to spirit of the time, included its aspects of belief and religion. The urban work of art or urban artefact is always related to location, historical events and the spesific urban look. Generally a town has particular rythm and dynamics, at least it does not remain static. Therefore it is quite right, when we say, that a town represents the course of its history and technology during the period of its existence. But when we scrutinise alongthe historical and visual systems, it turns out that so many physical and sociqal spaces have been altered with regard to their quality and quantity, as result mis management ot the physical and social spaces by less careful urban reformists. they may bring about certain inbalancy in the system, destroying public imagination and memory about the identity and message conceived at the time of their construction. At the this may affect a condition, commonly called the lost space. Surabaya is one of the larger towns in Indonesia, which afrtime possessed a number of urban artefacts and workmanship. One of which is the Tunjungan Street, designed and developed by the Gemeente Administration of the Duutch as comercial corriodor of the town, with all its advantages and shortcomings. In spite of the fact that it has never been touched by the hands of the prominent urban planner Mr. Thomas C. Karsten, who has prepared and worked out the architecture of the bigger towns of the former Netherlands Indies like

  8. Latin America and the United States: What Do United States History Textbooks Tell Us? (United States)

    Fleming, Dan B.


    Evaluates how U.S.-Latin American relations are presented in high school U.S. history textbooks. An examination of 10 textbooks published between 1977-81 revealed inadequate coverage of Latin American cultural diversity and United States foreign policy from the Latin American perspective. (AM)

  9. Preparation of School Psychologists in the United States (United States)

    Joyce-Beaulieu, Diana; Rossen, Eric


    School psychology in the United States continues to evolve in response to shifts in the country's demographic characteristics, an increasing focus on the importance of child mental health, together with health and education reforms. The landscape of school psychological services in the United States also is shaped through the changing roles and…

  10. United States position on severe accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ross, D.F.


    The United States policy on severe accidents was published in 1985 for both new plant applications and for existing plants. Implementation of this policy is in progress. This policy, aided by a related safety goal policy and by analysis capabilities emerging from improved understanding of accident phenomenology, is viewed as a logical development from the pioneering work in the WASH-1400 Reactor Safety Study published by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in 1975. This work provided an estimate of the probability and consequences of severe accidents which, prior to that time, had been mostly evaluated by somewhat arbitrary assumptions dating back 30 years. The early history of severe accident evaluation is briefly summarized for the period 1957-1979. Then, the galvanizing action of Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) on severe accident analysis, experimentation and regulation is reviewed. Expressions of US policy in the form of rulemaking, severe accident policy, safety research, safety goal policy and court decisions (on adequacy of safety) are discussed. Finally, the NRC policy as of March 1988 is stated, along with a prospective look at the next few years. (author). 19 refs

  11. Understanding human trafficking in the United States. (United States)

    Logan, T K; Walker, Robert; Hunt, Gretchen


    The topic of modern-day slavery or human trafficking has received increased media and national attention. However, to date there has been limited research on the nature and scope of human trafficking in the United States. This article describes and synthesizes nine reports that assess the U.S. service organizations' legal representative knowledge of, and experience with, human trafficking cases, as well as information from actual cases and media reports. This article has five main goals: (a) to define what human trafficking is, and is not; (b) to describe factors identified as contributing to vulnerability to being trafficked and keeping a person entrapped in the situation; (c) to examine how the crime of human trafficking differs from other kinds of crimes in the United States; (d) to explore how human trafficking victims are identified; and, (e) to provide recommendations to better address human trafficking in the United States.

  12. Rural Urban Disparity in and around Surabaya Region, Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vely Kukinul Siswanto


    Full Text Available A shift in development towards the outskirts of urban areas changes the characteristics of the region and can ultimately lead to urban disparities in economic and social terms. The current study has tried to divide the study area covers the areas of surrounding Surabaya as urban, peri urban and rural areas with reference to three time periods (2008, 2009 and 2010 and shows that the typology in the study area changes each year. Furthermore, based on the theil index analysis, using a number of pre-prosperous household for social disparity and per capita GDP (Gross Domestic Product for economic disparity shows that urban and peri urban areas have medium and high level of social and economic disparity compare with rural area which have low levels of disparity. Through multivariate correlation analysis can be seen that the health center distance, electricity and water users effecting the social disparity. Moreover, the financial, industrial, electricity, trade, construction, transportation, agriculture, and mining sector's productivity have a significant relationship with the economic disparity. Health facilities, water and electricity improvement strategies to be followed for reducing the social disparity. Electricity improvement, water, services sector, transportation infrastructure, and industrial development to reduce the economic disparity.

  13. 42 CFR 410.175 - Alien absent from the United States. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Alien absent from the United States. 410.175... Alien absent from the United States. (a) Medicare does not pay Part B benefits for services furnished to... during the first full calendar month the alien is back in the United States. [53 FR 6634, Mar. 2, 1988] ...

  14. Word of Mouth Intention toward Entrepreneurial Restaurant in Shopping Mall Center Surabaya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liza Agustina Maureen Nelloh


    Full Text Available A shopping mall center as the strategic place to earn profits attracts young entrepreneurs to create new restaurants as their businesses in Surabaya nowadays. This research proposed to see the effectiveness of building a new venture in the shopping mall through a test of word of mouth intention with its antecedents (customer satisfaction, perceived price, service quality, and food quality. To test the hypothesis, the researchers used PLS (Partial Least Square. The result of this research indicated that only perceived price and service quality have significant and positive effect on customer satisfaction, thus food quality had no significant effect on customer satisfaction. Moreover, customer satisfaction had significant and positive effect on word of mouth intention toward the restaurant. Managerial implications of this study will encourage young entrepreneurs to increase the menu, the taste and the variation of the food to improve food quality of his or her new restaurants in a shopping mail center.

  15. Bridging communication between public and government: a case study on kim surabaya (United States)

    Aji, G. G.; Tsuroyya; Dewi, P. A. R.


    In democratic era, the public communication paradigm has shifted from a one-way socialization to more interactive one. As a consequence of freedom of speech, the public can Actively communicate with the government and vice versa. The problem is government is almost impossible to reach all public groups. Therefore, they has created the concept of social institutions as a communication hub between the government and its public, named the Kelompok Informasi Masyarakat (KIM). This research examines the activity of KIM in Surabaya on bridging public between government and the public. Using a case study approach, this research utilized various techniques of data collection such as: interviews, observation, and documentation. The results Showed that KIM plays a role in the two-way flow of information; to diseminate program and submit complaints and suggestions from the public about the policy. This study confirm the urgency of utilization on various channels in communicating with the public.

  16. Inventory of power plants in the United States. [By state within standard Federal Regions, using county codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of this inventory of power plants is to provide a ready reference for planners whose focus is on the state, standard Federal region, and/or national level. Thus the inventory is compiled alphabetically by state within standard Federal regions. The units are listed alphabetically within electric utility systems which in turn are listed alphabetically within states. The locations are identified to county level according to the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication Counties and County Equivalents of the States of the United States. Data compiled include existing and projected electrical generation units, jointly owned units, and projected construction units.

  17. High prevalence of HIV-1 CRF01_AE viruses among female commercial sex workers residing in Surabaya, Indonesia. (United States)

    Kotaki, Tomohiro; Khairunisa, Siti Qamariyah; Sukartiningrum, Septhia Dwi; Arfijanto, M Vitanata; Utsumi, Takako; Normalina, Irine; Handajani, Retno; Widiyanti, Prihartini; Rusli, Musofa; Rahayu, Retno Pudji; Lusida, Maria Inge; Hayashi, Yoshitake; Nasronudin; Kameoka, Masanori


    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) cause serious health problems and have an impact on the Indonesian economy. In addition, the rapid epidemic growth of HIV is continuing in Indonesia. Commercial sex plays a significant role in the spread of HIV; therefore, in order to reveal the current HIV prevalence rate among commercial sex workers (CSWs), we conducted an epidemiological study on HIV infection among CSWs residing in Surabaya, the capital of East Java province of Indonesia with large communities of CSWs. The prevalence of HIV infection among 200 CSWs was studied. In addition, the subtype of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) and the prevalence of other blood-borne viruses, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and GB virus C (GBV-C), were studied. The prevalence rates of HIV, hepatitis B core antibody, hepatitis B surface antigen, anti-HCV antibodies and anti-GBV-C antibodies were 11%, 64%, 4%, 0.5% and 0% among CSWs involved in this study, respectively. HIV-1 CRF01_AE viral gene fragments were detected in most HIV-positive samples. In addition, most CSWs showed low awareness of sexually transmitted diseases and had unprotected sex with their clients. The HIV prevalence rate among CSWs was significantly higher than that among the general population in Indonesia (0.2-0.4%). In addition, CSWs were at a high risk of exposure to HBV, although chronic HBV infection was less frequently established. Our results suggest the necessity of efficient prevention programs for HIV and other blood-borne viral infections among CSWs in Surabaya, Indonesia.

  18. Norovirus in the United States

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Dr. Aron Hall, a CDC epidemiologist specializing in norovirus, discusses the impact of norovirus in the United States.  Created: 9/9/2013 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 9/17/2013.

  19. Fragmentation of Continental United States Forests (United States)

    Kurt H. Riitters; James D. Wickham; Robert V. O' Neill; K. Bruce Jones; Elizabeth R. Smith; John W. Coulston; Timothy G. Wade; Jonathan H. Smith


    We report a multiple-scale analysis of forest fragmentation based on 30-m (0.09 ha pixel-1) land- cover maps for the conterminous United States. Each 0.09-ha unit of forest was classified according to fragmentation indexes measured within the surrounding landscape, for five landscape sizes including 2.25, 7.29, 65.61, 590.49, and 5314.41 ha....


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    Lono Wijayanti


    Full Text Available The type of sport suggested for Diabetes Mellitus patient is Diabetes Gym, but most societies, especially diabetes mellitus patients are lazy to do it. On diabetes mellitus type 2, diabetes gym acts as glycemic control which manages and control blood sugar rate. This research purposes to know diabetes gym influence toward the decrease of blood sugar rate on Diabetes Mellitus patient type 2 in Puskesmas Pakis Surabaya. This research used quasy experiment design. Total of the population of all Diabetes Mellitus patients type 2 is 28 respondents taken by probability sampling - simple random sampling technique; 14 respondents in control group and 14 respondents in treatment group. The independent variable is Diabetes Gym and the dependent variable is the decrease of blood sugar rate. Data are collected by using Glucometer, striptest, needle and observation sheet. Data are analyzed by using Wilcoxon signed rank test with α < 0.05. The result of this research shows that almost all of the respondents in the treatment group have a good category of blood sugar decrease after performing gym, meanwhile almost all of the respondents in control group that do not perform gym have an adequate category of blood sugar decrease. Then, the result is analyzed by Wilcoxon signed rank test and obtained ρ (0,019 < α (0,05 so H0 is refused. It means that there is an influence of diabetes gym to the decrease of blood sugar on the Diabetes Mellitus patients type 2 in Puskesmas Pakis Surabaya. Performing Diabetes Gym influences in decreasing blood sugar rate. Therefore, nurse can take a part in leading diabetes patients to perform diabetes gym so it can be used as the therapy in controlling and decreasing blood sugar rate.

  1. Trial by jury in the United States

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lochhead Robert


    Full Text Available Th e Republic of Moldova is considering the adoption of trial by jury in select criminal cases. Th e following article is intended to contribute to the discussion of that proposal. Th e article will briefl y describe the history of juries under the English common law and as adopted by the United States. It will then outline some of the basic procedures in trials by jury as currently practiced in the United States federal court system.

  2. CEDAW in the Eyes of the United States

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Al Shraideh Saleh


    Full Text Available Despite the large number of reservations registered by Member countries, making it one of the, if not the, most heavily reserved human rights treaties; the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW has managed to achieve a very high rate of states’ membership [1]. Currently, 187 countries out of the 193 United Nations Members are parties to CEDAW [2]. What is strange to digest, however, is the fact that the United States is one of the seven countries that are yet to ratify the Convention [3]. This article provides an insight into the position of the United States from the ratification of CEDAW. It examines the merits of arguments made for and against the ratification and their rationale to provide a better understanding that explains what is considered by many as a buzzling stand of the United States from the Convention.

  3. Global context for the United States Forest Sector in 2030 (United States)

    James Turner; Joseph Buongiorno; Shushuai Zhu; Jeffrey P. Prestemon


    The purpose of this study was to identify markets for, and competitors to, the United States forest industries in the next 30 years. The Global Forest Products Model was used to make predictions of international demand, supply, trade, and prices, conditional on the last RPA Timber Assessment projections for the United States. It was found that the United States, Japan...

  4. A functional intranet for the United States Coast Guard Unit


    Hannah, Robert Todd.


    Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. This thesis describes the complete development process of a friendly functional Intranet for an operational United States Coast Guard (USCG) electronic Support Unit (ESU) in Alameda, California. The final product is suitable for immediate use. It may also be used as a prototype for future Intranet development efforts. The methodology used to develop a finished, working product provides the core subject matter for this thesis. The disc...

  5. Residency training in the United States: What foreign medical ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    FMGs) planning to pursue post-graduate residency training in the United States of America (USA). While the number of residency training positions is shrinking, and the number of United States graduates has steadily declined over the past ...

  6. The state of amphibians in the United States (United States)

    Muths, E.; Adams, M.J.; Grant, E.H.C.; Miller, D.; Corn, P.S.; Ball, L.C.


    More than 25 years ago, scientists began to identify unexplained declines in amphibian populations around the world. Much has been learned since then, but amphibian declines have not abated and the interactions among the various threats to amphibians are not clear. Amphibian decline is a problem of local, national, and international scope that can affect ecosystem function, biodiversity, and commerce. This fact sheet provides a snapshot of the state of the amphibians and introduces examples to illustrate the range of issues in the United States.

  7. Perkembangan Kualitas Pelayanan Perkeretaapian Sebagai Angkutan Publik Dalam Rangka Mewujudkan Transportasi Berkelanjutan (Studi Pada PT Kereta Api Indonesia Daerah Operasi 8 Surabaya)


    Pramyastiwi, Deasy Elfarischa


    : The Development of Railway Service Quality as Public Transportation to Achieve Sustainable Transportation (Case Study in PT Kereta Api Indonesia Daerah Operasi VIII Surabaya). This research based on transportation problems in some big city in Indonesia caused by increasing number of car and motorbike transport without structured transportation system. Sustainable transportation is a concept to solve that problems. One way we can do to solve the problems is develop environmentally friendly t...

  8. Inventory of power plants in the United States, 1993

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Inventory of Power Plants in the United States is prepared annually by the Survey Management Division, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels, Energy Information Administration (EIA), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The purpose of this publication is to provide year-end statistics about electric generating units operated by electric utilities in the United States (the 50 States and the District of Columbia). The publication also provides a 10-year outlook of future generating unit additions. Data summarized in this report are useful to a wide audience including Congress, Federal and State agencies, the electric utility industry, and the general public. Data presented in this report were assembled and published by the EIA to fulfill its data collection and dissemination responsibilities as specified in the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-275) as amended

  9. Inventory of power plants in the United States, 1993

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Inventory of Power Plants in the United States is prepared annually by the Survey Management Division, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels, Energy Information Administration (EIA), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The purpose of this publication is to provide year-end statistics about electric generating units operated by electric utilities in the United States (the 50 States and the District of Columbia). The publication also provides a 10-year outlook of future generating unit additions. Data summarized in this report are useful to a wide audience including Congress, Federal and State agencies, the electric utility industry, and the general public. Data presented in this report were assembled and published by the EIA to fulfill its data collection and dissemination responsibilities as specified in the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-275) as amended.

  10. Use of Internet Search Data to Monitor Rotavirus Vaccine Impact in the United States, United Kingdom, and Mexico. (United States)

    Shah, Minesh P; Lopman, Benjamin A; Tate, Jacqueline E; Harris, John; Esparza-Aguilar, Marcelino; Sanchez-Uribe, Edgar; Richardson, Vesta; Steiner, Claudia A; Parashar, Umesh D


    Previous studies have found a strong correlation between internet search and public health surveillance data. Less is known about how search data respond to public health interventions, such as vaccination, and the consistency of responses in different countries. In this study, we aimed to study the correlation between internet searches for "rotavirus" and rotavirus disease activity in the United States, United Kingdom, and Mexico before and after introduction of rotavirus vaccine. We compared time series of internet searches for "rotavirus" from Google Trends with rotavirus laboratory reports from the United States and United Kingdom and with hospitalizations for acute gastroenteritis in the United States and Mexico. Using time and location parameters, Google quantifies an internet query share (IQS) to measure the relative search volume for specific terms. We analyzed the correlation between IQS and laboratory and hospitalization data before and after national vaccine introductions. There was a strong positive correlation between the rotavirus IQS and laboratory reports in the United States (R2 = 0.79) and United Kingdom (R2 = 0.60) and between the rotavirus IQS and acute gastroenteritis hospitalizations in the United States (R2 = 0.87) and Mexico (R2 = 0.69) (P United States and by 70% (95% CI, 55%-86%) in Mexico. In the United Kingdom, there was a loss of seasonal variation after vaccine introduction. Rotavirus internet search data trends mirrored national rotavirus laboratory trends in the United States and United Kingdom and gastroenteritis-hospitalization data in the United States and Mexico; lower correlations were found after rotavirus vaccine introduction. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society 2017. This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.

  11. Licensed pertussis vaccines in the United States. History and current state. (United States)

    Klein, Nicola P


    The United States switched from whole cell to acellular pertussis vaccines in the 1990s following global concerns with the safety of the whole cell vaccines. Despite high levels of acellular pertussis vaccine coverage, the United States and other countries are experiencing large pertussis outbreaks. The aim of this article is to describe the historical context which led to acellular pertussis vaccine development, focusing on vaccines currently licensed in the US, and to review evidence that waning protection following licensed acellular pertussis vaccines have been significant factors in the widespread reappearance of pertussis.

  12. The United States initiative for international radioactive source management (ISRM)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naraine, N.; Karhnak, J.


    The United States takes seriously the potential problems from uncontrolled radioactive sources. To address these problems, the United States Department of State is leading the development of an initiative for International Radioactive Source Management (ISRM). The Department of State, through a number of Federal and state agencies, regulatory bodies and private industry, will endeavor to provide coordinated support to the international community, particularly through IAEA, to assist in the development and implementation of risk-based clearance levels to support import/export of radioactive contaminated metals and the tracking, management, identification, remediation, and disposition of 'lost sources' entering nation states and targeted industries. The United States believes that the international control of radioactive sources is critical in avoiding wide-spread contamination of the world metal supply. Thus the initiative has four objectives: (1) Protect sources from becoming lost (Tracking management); (2) Identify primary locations where sources have been lost (Stop future losses); (3) Locate lost sources (monitor and retrieve); and (4) Educate and train (deploy knowledge and technology). A number of efforts already underway in the United States support the overall initiative. The EPA has provided a grant to the Conference of Radiation Program Control Directors (CRCPD) to develop a nation-wide program for the disposition of orphaned radioactive sources. This program now has internet visibility and a toll-free telephone number to call for assistance in the disposal of sources. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the Department of Energy (DOE), and other government agencies as well as private companies are assisting CRCPD in this program. The NRC has begun a program to improve control of radioactive sources in the United States, and also intends to promulgate a regulation defining conditions for the release of materials from licensed facilities. The DOE is

  13. Antiabortion violence in the United States. (United States)

    Russo, Jennefer A; Schumacher, Kristin L; Creinin, Mitchell D


    This study was conducted to determine if an association exists between the amount of harassment and violence directed against abortion providers and the restrictiveness of state laws relating to family planning. We used responses from a July 2010 survey of 357 abortion providers in 50 states to determine their experience of antiabortion harassment and violence. Their responses were grouped and analyzed in relation to a published grading of state laws in the United States (A, B, C, D and F) as they relate to restrictions on family planning services. Group by group comparison of respondents illustrates that the difference in the number of reported incidents of minor vandalism by group is statistically significant (A vs. C, p=.07; A vs. D, p=.017; A vs. F, p=.0002). Incidents of harassment follow a similar pattern. There were no differences noted overall for violence or major vandalism. Major violence, including eight murders, is a new occurrence in the last two decades. Harassment of abortion providers in the United States has an association with the restrictiveness of state abortion laws. In the last two decades, murder of abortion providers has become an unfortunate part of the violence. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Masturbation in the United States. (United States)

    Das, Aniruddha


    Using data from the nationally representative National Health and Social Life Survey, this study queried the correlates of masturbation in the United States in 1992. Among those aged 18-60, 38% (CI, 35-41) of women and 61% (CI, 57-65) of men reported any masturbation over the preceding year. The system of factors underlying masturbation was similar for both genders, consistent with a convergence in gender patterns of sexual expression in the United States. Among both women and men, masturbation responded to a stable sexualized personality pattern, catalyzed by early-life factors and manifested in current sexual traits. Strikingly, the masturbation-partnered sex linkage, often conceptualized either as compensating for unsatisfying sex or complementing a satisfactory sex life, appeared to be bimodal for both genders. For some, masturbation complemented an active and pleasurable sex life, while among others, it compensated for a lack of partnered sex or satisfaction in sex.

  15. Research on Anoplophora glabripennis in the United States (United States)

    Robert A. Haack


    In the mid-1990s it was estimated that more than 400 exotic (non-native) forest insects had already become established in the United States (HAACK and BYLER, 1993; MATTSON et al., 1994; NIEMELA and MATTSON, 1996). This number has continued to grow with new exotics discovered annually in the United States (HAACK, 2002; HAACK and POLAND, 2001; HAACK et al., 2002). One...

  16. Leading Causes of Death in Males United States, 2010 (United States)

    ... What’s this? Submit What’s this? Submit Button Leading Causes of Death in Males and Females, United States Recommend on ... to current and previous listings for the leading causes of death for males and females in the United States. ...

  17. 76 FR 18198 - European Union-United States Atlantis Program (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION European Union-United States Atlantis Program AGENCY: Office of...)--Special Focus Competition: European Union-(EU) United States (U.S.) Atlantis Program Notice inviting... and Culture, European Commission for funding under a separate but parallel EU competition. Within this...

  18. Development of Water Quality Modeling in the United States (United States)

    This presentation describes historical trends in water quality model development in the United States, reviews current efforts, and projects promising future directions. Water quality modeling has a relatively long history in the United States. While its origins lie in the work...

  19. Faktor – Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Safety Driving pada Pengemudi Bus Ekonomi Trayek Semarang – Surabaya di Terminal Terboyo Semarang


    Paasetya, Avendika Bagoes; Kurnaiwan, Bina; Wahyuni, Ida


    Safety driving is an effective way to reduce the incidence of accidents due to driver inattention while driving. In Indonesia, the cause of most accidents are caused by human error, which reached 90%. Traffic accidents are one of the safety risks to the driver economi bus which lasts for 24 hours a day.This study aims to identify the factors of related safety driving on driver bus economic class route Semarang – Surabaya in Terboyo terminal Semarang. This type of research is analytic survey w...

  20. Solar energy in the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ochoa, D.; Slaoui, A.; Soler, R.; Bermudez, V.


    Written by a group of five French experts who visited several research centres, innovating companies and solar power stations in the United States, this report first proposes an overview of solar energy in the United States, indicating and commenting the respective shares of different renewable energies in the production, focusing on the photovoltaic energy production and its RD sector. The second part presents industrial and research activities in the solar sector, and more specifically photovoltaic technologies (silicon and thin layer technology) and solar concentrators (thermal solar concentrators, photovoltaic concentrators). The last chapter presents the academic research activities in different universities (California Tech Beckman Institute, Stanford, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado School of Mines)

  1. 75 FR 22551 - United States Standards for Grades of Frozen Blueberries (United States)


    ...] United States Standards for Grades of Frozen Blueberries AGENCY: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA... United States Standards for Grades of Frozen Blueberries. After considering the comments received... . The United States Standards for Grades of Frozen Blueberries are available by accessing the AMS Web...

  2. Biodegradasi minyak oleh Rhodotorula dan Candida hasil isolasi dari Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Surabaya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tri Nurhariyati


    Full Text Available A research about isolation and capability of isolat yeast from Tanjung Perak Harbor, Surabaya in degrading kerosen, gas oil ,and lubricant were conducted. This research were done to know the influence of Rhodotorula, Candida and Mix of Rhodotorula and Candida; the influence of oil type and interaction of both (between yeast and oil in decreasing oil weight. Research design was laboratory experimental and using the factorial 4 × 3 with five replication. The data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA (p: 0.05 and followed by t test. The result of the biodegradation test showed that the kind of yeast, the kind of oil weight and interaction of both influence in decreasing of oil weight. The most decreasing of oil weight obtained by mix of Rhodotorula and Candida (82.55%, kerosen (66.59% and combination mix of yeast (Rhodotorula and Candida and kerosen (89.32%.

  3. 77 FR 64031 - United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (United States)


    ... Trade Promotion Agreement AGENCIES: U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security... tariff treatment and other customs-related provisions of the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement... other customs-related provisions of the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA). Please...

  4. Inching toward incrementalism: federalism, devolution, and health policy in the United States and the United Kingdom. (United States)

    Sparer, Michael S; France, George; Clinton, Chelsea


    In the United States, the recently enacted Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 envisions a significant increase in federal oversight over the nation's health care system. At the same time, however, the legislation requires the states to play key roles in every aspect of the reform agenda (such as expanding Medicaid programs, creating insurance exchanges, and working with providers on delivery system reforms). The complicated intergovernmental partnerships that govern the nation's fragmented and decentralized system are likely to continue, albeit with greater federal oversight and control. But what about intergovernmental relations in the United Kingdom? What impact did the formal devolution of power in 1999 to Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland have on health policy in those nations, and in the United Kingdom more generally? Has devolution begun a political process in which health policy in the United Kingdom will, over time, become increasingly decentralized and fragmented, or will this "state of unions" retain its long-standing reputation as perhaps the most centralized of the European nations? In this article, we explore the federalist and intergovernmental implications of recent reforms in the United States and the United Kingdom, and we put forward the argument that political fragmentation (long-standing in the United States and just emerging in the United Kingdom) produces new intergovernmental partnerships that, in turn, produce incremental growth in overall government involvement in the health care arena. This is the impact of what can be called catalytic federalism.



    David Suriñach Fernández


    The United States educational system is very complex. Due to the fact a big number of agents take play of its regulation, the differences between the education from one State compared to the education from another, or even between school districts, might be considerable. The last two largest federal education initiatives, No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top, have had a huge impact on the American education system. The escalation of the standardized test throughout the whole country as a ...

  6. Inventory of Power Plants in the United States, October 1992

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Inventory of Power Plants in the United States is prepared annually by the Survey Management Division, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels, Energy Information Administration (EIA), US Department of Energy (DOE). The purpose of this publication is to provide year-end statistics about electric generating units operated by electric utilities in the United States (the 50 States and the District of Columbia). The publication also provides a 10-year outlook of future generating unit additions. Data summarized in this report are useful to a wide audience including Congress, Federal and State agencies, the electric utility industry, and the general public. Data presented in this report were assembled and published by the EIA to fulfill its data collection and dissemination responsibilities as specified in the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-275) as amended. The report is organized into the following chapters: Year in Review, Operable Electric Generating Units, and Projected Electric Generating Unit Additions. Statistics presented in these chapters reflect the status of electric generating units as of December 31, 1992.

  7. 78 FR 63052 - United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement (United States)


    ...-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland... Trade Promotion Agreement entered into by the United States and the Republic of Panama. DATES: Interim... and the Republic of Panama (the ``Parties'') signed the United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement...

  8. United States Military in Central Asia: Beyond Operation Enduring Freedom (United States)


    Malinowski , advocacy director for Human Rights Watch, stated, “the United States is most effective in promoting liberty around the world when people...26 U.S. President, The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, page? 27 Thomas Malinowski , “Testimony

  9. 31 CFR Appendix D to Subpart A of... - United States Secret Service (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States Secret Service D...—United States Secret Service 1. In general. This appendix applies to the United States Secret Service. 2. Public reading room. The United States Secret Service will provide a room on an ad hoc basis when...

  10. 76 FR 68271 - To Modify the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (United States)


    ... the Convention and do not run counter to the national economic interest of the United States. I have... United States obligations under the Convention and do not run counter to the national economic interest of the United States. 7. On June 6, 2003, the United States and Chile entered into the United States...

  11. The correlation between the use of personal protective equipment and level wild-type p53 of dental technicians in Surabaya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Puspa Dila Rohmaniar


    Full Text Available Background: Exposure of metals among dental technicians that come from the working environment can lead to the formation reactive oxygen species (ROS. ROS can cause mutations in the p53 gene (p53. The mutation is transversion mutation GuanineThymine. p53 mutations can lead to low expression of the wild-type p53 protein (p53. Wild-type p53 involved in many biological processes such as regulation of genes involved in cell cycle, cell growth after DNA damage, and apoptosis. However, exposure to metals among dental technicians can be prevented through the use of personal protective equipment (PPE during work. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlation between the use of personal protective equipment to wild-type p53 protein levels among dental technicians in Surabaya. Method: This study was observational analytic with cross sectional approach. 40 samples were taken by random sampling. Data were retrieved through interviews and observations. Wild-type p53 was analyzed from saliva with indirect ELISA method. Analysis of data used Kolmogorov Smirnov normality test and a Pearson correlation test. Value significance was p<0.05 (95% confidence level. Result: There was a significant association between the use of personal protective equipment with wild-type p53 levels with p=0.002 Conclusion: The use PPE properly is positively correlated with the wild-type p53 protein levels of dental technicians in Surabaya.

  12. Human prion diseases in the United States.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert C Holman

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Prion diseases are a family of rare, progressive, neurodegenerative disorders that affect humans and animals. The most common form of human prion disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD, occurs worldwide. Variant CJD (vCJD, a recently emerged human prion disease, is a zoonotic foodborne disorder that occurs almost exclusively in countries with outbreaks of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. This study describes the occurrence and epidemiology of CJD and vCJD in the United States. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Analysis of CJD and vCJD deaths using death certificates of US residents for 1979-2006, and those identified through other surveillance mechanisms during 1996-2008. Since CJD is invariably fatal and illness duration is usually less than one year, the CJD incidence is estimated as the death rate. During 1979 through 2006, an estimated 6,917 deaths with CJD as a cause of death were reported in the United States, an annual average of approximately 247 deaths (range 172-304 deaths. The average annual age-adjusted incidence for CJD was 0.97 per 1,000,000 persons. Most (61.8% of the CJD deaths occurred among persons >or=65 years of age for an average annual incidence of 4.8 per 1,000,000 persons in this population. Most deaths were among whites (94.6%; the age-adjusted incidence for whites was 2.7 times higher than that for blacks (1.04 and 0.40, respectively. Three patients who died since 2004 were reported with vCJD; epidemiologic evidence indicated that their infection was acquired outside of the United States. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Surveillance continues to show an annual CJD incidence rate of about 1 case per 1,000,000 persons and marked differences in CJD rates by age and race in the United States. Ongoing surveillance remains important for monitoring the stability of the CJD incidence rates, and detecting occurrences of vCJD and possibly other novel prion diseases in the United States.

  13. Competitive Electricity Market Regulation in the United States: A Primer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flores-Espino, Francisco [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Tian, Tian [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Chernyakhovskiy, Ilya [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Chernyakhovskiy, Ilya [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Miller, Mackay [National Grid, Warwick (United Kingdom)


    The electricity system in the United States is a complex mechanism where different technologies, jurisdictions and regulatory designs interact. Today, two major models for electricity commercialization operate in the United States. One is the regulated monopoly model, in which vertically integrated electricity providers are regulated by state commissions. The other is the competitive model, in which power producers can openly access transmission infrastructure and participate in wholesale electricity markets. This paper describes the origins, evolution, and current status of the regulations that enable competitive markets in the United States.

  14. Health, United States, 2012: Men's Health (United States)

    ... Mailing List Previous Reports Suggested Citation Related Sites Purchase Health, United States Behavioral Health Report Children’s ... with Internet Explorer may experience difficulties in directly accessing links to Excel files ...

  15. Dengue Fever in the United States

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Dr. Amesh Adalja, an associate at the Center for Biosecurity and clinical assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School, of Medicine, discusses dengue fever outbreaks in the United States.

  16. 15 CFR 971.209 - Processing outside the United States. (United States)


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Processing outside the United States... THE ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SERVICE DEEP SEABED MINING REGULATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL RECOVERY PERMITS Applications Contents § 971.209 Processing outside the United States. (a) Except as provided in this section...

  17. The Impact of Motivation, Perception and Attitude Toward Consumer Purchasing Decision: a Study Case of Surabaya and Jakarta Society on Carl's Junior


    Gunawan, Steffi


    Psychological factors such as consumer motivation, perception and attitude are believed to be the main decider of consumer purchasing decision. Those psychological factors will process all the stimulators from the marketers then affect the entire consumer decision-making process. Carl's Junior is one of the most happening restaurants that able to attract many Surabaya and Jakarta citizen dare to queue just to enjoy a burger. This research wants to find out the impact of consumer motivation, ...

  18. Obesity: A United States Strategic Imperative (United States)


    States Department of Veterans Affairs 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Dr. Thomas ...Army Ms. Karen Malebranche United States Department of Veterans Affairs Project Adviser Dr. Thomas Williams U.S. Army War...per American has increased by 57 pounds per year ( poultry representing 46 pounds).86 Surprisingly however, the percentage of calories from meat

  19. Cholera in the United States

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Anna Newton, Surveillance Epidemiologist at CDC, discusses cholera that was brought to the United States during an outbreak in Haiti and the Dominican Republic (Hispaniola).  Created: 11/8/2011 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 11/8/2011.

  20. The United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Art, R.J.


    This paper reports that at least in the national security arena, the outcomes of bureaucratic infighting and domestic political struggles are not determined wholly by what goes on with the state. Rather struggles among contending groups are greatly affected by what is perceived to be happening outside the nation. Because external conditions give greater potency to some domestic forces over other, the external environment is never neutral in its domestic impact. The decisions of the period 1950-53 discussed above illustrate the point. But so too do the decisions of 1947, 1960-61 and 1969-72. In the 1947 case, Soviet intransigence provoked US nuclear rearmament. In the 1960-61 case, extended deterrent considerations pushed the United States to preserve its again newly discovered nuclear superiority. In the 1969-72 case, a Soviet determination to remain equal forced US acceptance of nuclear equality. And perhaps the best evidence of all, the perpetuation of parity ended the US inclination to resort to nuclear brinkmanship. In each instance, concerns about relative position heavily affected nuclear choice. Finally, the events of the past three years testify to the effects of international events on domestic choice. Under the terms of the 1987 INF Treaty, the two superpowers decided to dismantle and destroy an entire class of missiles of intermediate range (500-3000 kilometers) that both had deployed in Europe in the 1970s and 1980s, and in their June 1990 joint statement on strategic nuclear weapons, President Gorbachev and Brush agreed to cut the number of Soviet and US long range nuclear forces by 30 per cent. This agreement marks a watershed in US-Soviet strategic arm negotiations because for the first time the United States and the Soviet Union agreed in principals to reduce the number of weapons aimed at one another. Between 1985 and 1990 the cold war was brought to a close

  1. Malaria Surveillance - United States, 2015. (United States)

    Mace, Kimberly E; Arguin, Paul M; Tan, Kathrine R


    Malaria in humans is caused by intraerythrocytic protozoa of the genus Plasmodium. These parasites are transmitted by the bite of an infective female Anopheles species mosquito. The majority of malaria infections in the United States occur among persons who have traveled to regions with ongoing malaria transmission. However, malaria is occasionally acquired by persons who have not traveled out of the country through exposure to infected blood products, congenital transmission, laboratory exposure, or local mosquitoborne transmission. Malaria surveillance in the United States is conducted to provide information on its occurrence (e.g., temporal, geographic, and demographic), guide prevention and treatment recommendations for travelers and patients, and facilitate transmission control measures if locally acquired cases are identified. This report summarizes confirmed malaria cases in persons with onset of illness in 2015 and summarizes trends in previous years. Malaria cases diagnosed by blood film microscopy, polymerase chain reaction, or rapid diagnostic tests are reported to local and state health departments by health care providers or laboratory staff members. Case investigations are conducted by local and state health departments, and reports are transmitted to CDC through the National Malaria Surveillance System (NMSS), the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS), or direct CDC consultations. CDC reference laboratories provide diagnostic assistance and conduct antimalarial drug resistance marker testing on blood samples submitted by health care providers or local or state health departments. This report summarizes data from the integration of all NMSS and NNDSS cases, CDC reference laboratory reports, and CDC clinical consultations. CDC received reports of 1,517 confirmed malaria cases, including one congenital case, with an onset of symptoms in 2015 among persons who received their diagnoses in the United States. Although the number of

  2. Malaria Surveillance - United States, 2014. (United States)

    Mace, Kimberly E; Arguin, Paul M


    Malaria in humans is caused by intraerythrocytic protozoa of the genus Plasmodium. These parasites are transmitted by the bite of an infective female Anopheles mosquito. The majority of malaria infections in the United States occur among persons who have traveled to regions with ongoing malaria transmission. However, malaria is occasionally acquired by persons who have not traveled out of the country through exposure to infected blood products, congenital transmission, laboratory exposure, or local mosquitoborne transmission. Malaria surveillance in the United States is conducted to identify episodes of local transmission and to guide prevention recommendations for travelers. This report summarizes cases in persons with onset of illness in 2014 and trends during previous years. Malaria cases diagnosed by blood film, polymerase chain reaction, or rapid diagnostic tests are reported to local and state health departments by health care providers or laboratory staff. Case investigations are conducted by local and state health departments, and reports are transmitted to CDC through the National Malaria Surveillance System, National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, or direct CDC consultations. CDC conducts antimalarial drug resistance marker testing on blood samples submitted by health care providers or local or state health departments. Data from these reporting systems serve as the basis for this report. CDC received reports of 1,724 confirmed malaria cases, including one congenital case and two cryptic cases, with onset of symptoms in 2014 among persons in the United States. The number of confirmed cases in 2014 is consistent with the number of confirmed cases reported in 2013 (n = 1,741; this number has been updated from a previous publication to account for delayed reporting for persons with symptom onset occurring in late 2013). Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae were identified in 66.1%, 13.3%, 5.2%, and 2.7% of cases, respectively

  3. 26 CFR 1.993-7 - Definition of United States. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 10 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Definition of United States. 1.993-7 Section 1.993-7 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Domestic International Sales Corporations § 1.993-7 Definition of United States...

  4. 26 CFR 49.4261-5 - Payments made outside the United States. (United States)


    ... travel under section 4262(b), the tax imposed by section 4261(b), shall not apply unless the... made outside the United States for one-way or round-trip transportation between a point within the United States and a point outside the United States. (b) Transportation between two or more points in the...

  5. 42 CFR 455.21 - Cooperation with State Medicaid fraud control units. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cooperation with State Medicaid fraud control units... Detection and Investigation Program § 455.21 Cooperation with State Medicaid fraud control units. In a State with a Medicaid fraud control unit established and certified under subpart C of this part, (a) The...

  6. Low birth weight in the United States. (United States)

    Goldenberg, Robert L; Culhane, Jennifer F


    Pregnancy outcomes in the United States and other developed countries are considerably better than those in many developing countries. However, adverse pregnancy outcomes are generally more common in the United States than in other developed countries. Low-birth-weight infants, born after a preterm birth or secondary to intrauterine growth restriction, account for much of the increased morbidity, mortality, and cost. Wide disparities exist in both preterm birth and growth restriction among different population groups. Poor and black women, for example, have twice the preterm birth rate and higher rates of growth restriction than do most other women. Low birth weight in general is thought to place the infant at greater risk of later adult chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Of interest, maternal thinness is a strong predictor of both preterm birth and fetal growth restriction. However, in the United States, several nutritional interventions, including high-protein diets, caloric supplementation, calcium and iron supplementation, and various other vitamin and mineral supplementations, have not generally reduced preterm birth or growth restriction. Bacterial intrauterine infections play an important role in the etiology of the earliest preterm births, but, at least to date, antibiotic treatment either before labor for risk factors such as bacterial vaginosis or during preterm labor have not consistently reduced the preterm birth rate. Most interventions have failed to reduce preterm birth or growth restriction. The substantial improvement in newborn survival in the United States over the past several decades is mostly due to better access to improved neonatal care for low-birth-weight infants.

  7. 31 CFR 594.315 - United States person; U.S. person. (United States)


    ... (Continued) OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY GLOBAL TERRORISM SANCTIONS REGULATIONS General Definitions § 594.315 United States person; U.S. person. The term United States person or...

  8. High prevalence of HIV-1 CRF01_AE viruses among female commercial sex workers residing in Surabaya, Indonesia.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomohiro Kotaki

    Full Text Available Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS cause serious health problems and have an impact on the Indonesian economy. In addition, the rapid epidemic growth of HIV is continuing in Indonesia. Commercial sex plays a significant role in the spread of HIV; therefore, in order to reveal the current HIV prevalence rate among commercial sex workers (CSWs, we conducted an epidemiological study on HIV infection among CSWs residing in Surabaya, the capital of East Java province of Indonesia with large communities of CSWs.The prevalence of HIV infection among 200 CSWs was studied. In addition, the subtype of HIV type 1 (HIV-1 and the prevalence of other blood-borne viruses, hepatitis B virus (HBV, hepatitis C virus (HCV and GB virus C (GBV-C, were studied. The prevalence rates of HIV, hepatitis B core antibody, hepatitis B surface antigen, anti-HCV antibodies and anti-GBV-C antibodies were 11%, 64%, 4%, 0.5% and 0% among CSWs involved in this study, respectively. HIV-1 CRF01_AE viral gene fragments were detected in most HIV-positive samples. In addition, most CSWs showed low awareness of sexually transmitted diseases and had unprotected sex with their clients.The HIV prevalence rate among CSWs was significantly higher than that among the general population in Indonesia (0.2-0.4%. In addition, CSWs were at a high risk of exposure to HBV, although chronic HBV infection was less frequently established. Our results suggest the necessity of efficient prevention programs for HIV and other blood-borne viral infections among CSWs in Surabaya, Indonesia.

  9. Stigma and abortion complications in the United States. (United States)

    Harris, Lisa H


    Abortion is highly stigmatized in the United States and elsewhere. As a result, many women who seek or undergo abortion keep their decision a secret. In many regions of the world, stigma is a recognized contributor to maternal morbidity and mortality from unsafe abortion, even when abortion is legal. Women may self-induce abortion in ways that are dangerous, or seek unsafe clandestine abortion from inadequately trained health care providers out of fear that their sexual activity, pregnancy, or abortion will be exposed if they present to a safe, licensed facility. However, unsafe abortion rarely occurs in the United States, and accordingly, stigma as a cause of unsafe abortion in the United States context has not been described. I consider the relationship of stigma to two serious abortion complications experienced by U.S. patients. Both patients wished to keep their abortion decision a secret from family and friends, and in both cases, their inability to disclose their abortion contributed to life-threatening complications. The experiences of these patients suggest that availability of legal abortion services in the United States may not be enough to keep all women safe. The cases also challenge the rhetoric that "abortion hurts women," suggesting instead that abortion stigma hurts women.

  10. Vanadium recycling in the United States in 2004 (United States)

    Goonan, Thomas G.


    As one of a series of reports that describe the recycling of metal commodities in the United States, this report discusses the flow of vanadium in the U.S. economy in 2004. This report includes a description of vanadium supply and demand in the United States and illustrates the extent of vanadium recycling and recycling trends. In 2004, apparent vanadium consumption, by end use, in the United States was 3,820 metric tons (t) in steelmaking and 232 t in manufacturing, of which 17 t was for the production of superalloys and 215 t was for the production of other alloys, cast iron, catalysts, and chemicals. Vanadium use in steel is almost entirely dissipative because recovery of vanadium from steel scrap is chemically impeded under the oxidizing conditions in steelmaking furnaces. The greatest amount of vanadium recycling is in the superalloy, other-alloy, and catalyst sectors of the vanadium market. Vanadium-bearing catalysts are associated with hydrocarbon recovery and refining in the oil industry. In 2004, 2,850 t of vanadium contained in alloy scrap and spent catalysts was recycled, which amounted to about 44 percent of U.S. domestic production. About 94 percent of vanadium use in the United States was dissipative (3,820 t in steel/4,050 t in steel+fabricated products).

  11. The voluntary safeguards offer of the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Houck, F.S.


    During negotiations of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) concerns were expressed by non-nuclear-weapon States that their acceptance of Agency safeguards would put them at a disadvantage vis-a-vis the nuclear-weapon States. To allay these concerns, the United States and the United Kingdom in December 1967 made voluntary offers to accept Agency safeguards on their peaceful nuclear activities. Subsequently, France made a voluntary offer, the safeguards agreement for which was approved by the IAEA Board of Governors in February 1978, with a view to encouraging acceptance of Agency safeguards by additional States. More recently, in February 1985 the Board approved the safeguards agreement for the voluntary offer of the USSR, made inter alia to encourage further acceptance of Agency safeguards. These safeguards agreements with nuclear-weapon-States have two important features in common: Namely, they result from voluntary offers to accept safeguards rather than from multilateral or bilateral undertakings, and they give the Agency the right but generally not an obligation to apply its safeguards. The agreements differ in certain respects, the most noteworthy of which is the scope of the nuclear activities covered by each offer. The agreements of the United States and United Kingdom are the broadest, covering all peaceful nuclear activities in each country. The safeguards agreement for the US voluntary offer has been in force since December 1980. Now is an appropriate time to review the experience with the agreement's implementation during its first four years, as well as its history and salient features

  12. United States Navy DL Perspective (United States)


    United States Navy DL Perspective CAPT Hank Reeves Navy eLearning Project Director 10 August 2010 Report Documentation Page Form ApprovedOMB No...Marine Corps (USMC) Navy eLearning Ongoing Shared with USMC, Coast Guard 9 NeL Help Site https://s-ile

  13. Suitability assessment of the urban water management transition in the Indonesian context - A case study of Surabaya (United States)

    Sholihah, Mar'atus; Anityasari, Maria; Maftuhah, Diesta Iva


    The rapidly growing urban population, the increasing impact of climate change, and the constantly decreasing availability of the good quality water become the major triggers that force urban water professionals to continuously focus on sustainable urban water management (SUWM). The city as a focal point of population growth in the world has become a critical object for its resiliency, not only in terms of the environmental deterioration but also of the water supplies security. As a response to the current condition, the framework of urban water management transition has been introduced as a sort of transformation for a city to achieve SUWM. Water Sensitive City (WSC) is the ultimate goal of this framework which integrates water access and supply security, public health protection, flood prevention, environmental protection and livability, and economic sustainability. Recently, the urban water management transition and WSC concept are going to be implemented in some cities in Indonesia, including Surabaya. However, in addition to provide a wide range of benefits, the implementation of WSC also brings challenges. In terms of geographical and social aspect, public policy, and the citizen behavior, the cities in Indonesia are undoubtedly different with those in Australian where the concept was developed. Hence, assessing the suitability of urban water management transition in the Indonesian context can be perceived as the most important phase in this whole plan. A case study of Surabaya would be identified as a baseline to measure whether the proposed sequence of urban water management transition is suitable for Indonesian local context. The research aimed to assess the suitability of the framework to be implemented in Indonesia and to propose the modified framework which is more suitable for local context in Indonesia.

  14. 26 CFR 1.953-2 - Actual United States risks. (United States)


    ... being the promotion of such sales to United States retail outlets by advertising in trade publications... 26 Internal Revenue 10 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Actual United States risks. 1.953-2 Section 1.953-2 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX...

  15. 31 CFR 595.315 - United States person; U.S. person. (United States)


    ... (Continued) OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY TERRORISM SANCTIONS REGULATIONS General Definitions § 595.315 United States person; U.S. person. The term United States person or U.S...

  16. United States Interagency Elevation Inventory (USIEI) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The U.S. Interagency Elevation Inventory displays high-accuracy topographic and bathymetric data for the United States and its territories. The project is a...

  17. China's international trade and air pollution in the United States. (United States)

    Lin, Jintai; Pan, Da; Davis, Steven J; Zhang, Qiang; He, Kebin; Wang, Can; Streets, David G; Wuebbles, Donald J; Guan, Dabo


    China is the world's largest emitter of anthropogenic air pollutants, and measurable amounts of Chinese pollution are transported via the atmosphere to other countries, including the United States. However, a large fraction of Chinese emissions is due to manufacture of goods for foreign consumption. Here, we analyze the impacts of trade-related Chinese air pollutant emissions on the global atmospheric environment, linking an economic-emission analysis and atmospheric chemical transport modeling. We find that in 2006, 36% of anthropogenic sulfur dioxide, 27% of nitrogen oxides, 22% of carbon monoxide, and 17% of black carbon emitted in China were associated with production of goods for export. For each of these pollutants, about 21% of export-related Chinese emissions were attributed to China-to-US export. Atmospheric modeling shows that transport of the export-related Chinese pollution contributed 3-10% of annual mean surface sulfate concentrations and 0.5-1.5% of ozone over the western United States in 2006. This Chinese pollution also resulted in one extra day or more of noncompliance with the US ozone standard in 2006 over the Los Angeles area and many regions in the eastern United States. On a daily basis, the export-related Chinese pollution contributed, at a maximum, 12-24% of sulfate concentrations over the western United States. As the United States outsourced manufacturing to China, sulfate pollution in 2006 increased in the western United States but decreased in the eastern United States, reflecting the competing effect between enhanced transport of Chinese pollution and reduced US emissions. Our findings are relevant to international efforts to reduce transboundary air pollution.

  18. Analisa Highest and Best Use Pada Lahan Kosong Di Jemur Gayungan II Surabaya

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    Finda Virgitta Faradiany


    Full Text Available Perkembangan bisnis properti di Surabaya yang semakin pesat, mengakibatkan permintaan terhadap lahan semakin tinggi. Namun fakta di lapangan menampakkan hal yang sebaliknya karena ternyata masih terdapat lahan-lahan yang dibiarkan kosong tidak dimanfaatkan oleh pemiliknya. Kondisi yang demikian memerlukan efisiensi dan optimalisasi penggunaan lahan dengan mendirikan sebuah properti komersial yang memberikan keuntungan bagi pemilik serta lingkungan sekitarnya.Lahan “X” seluas 1786 m2 berlokasi di Jl. Jemur Gayungan II merupakan lahan kosong yang terletak di dekat daerah perkantoran dan berpotensi dikembangkan menjadi properti komersial. Penentuan nilai lahan “X” bergantung pada penggunaan lahan. Metode penilaian yang digunakan adalah analisa penggunaan tertinggi dan terbaik atau Highest and Best Use (HBU yang secara legal diijinkan, secara fisik memungkinkan, layak secara finansial dan memiliki produktifitas maksimum. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan alternatif yang menghasilkan nilai lahan tertinggi dan produktivitas maksimum adalah hotel. Nilai lahan yang didapatkan sebesar Rp 9.722.718/m2 dengan produktivitas meningkat sebesar 486%.

  19. Comparison of Plastic Surgery Residency Training in United States and China. (United States)

    Zheng, Jianmin; Zhang, Boheng; Yin, Yiqing; Fang, Taolin; Wei, Ning; Lineaweaver, William C; Zhang, Feng


    Residency training is internationally recognized as the only way for the physicians to be qualified to practice independently. China has instituted a new residency training program for the specialty of plastic surgery. Meanwhile, plastic surgery residency training programs in the United States are presently in a transition because of restricted work hours. The purpose of this study is to compare the current characteristics of plastic surgery residency training in 2 countries. Flow path, structure, curriculum, operative experience, research, and evaluation of training in 2 countries were measured. The number of required cases was compared quantitatively whereas other aspects were compared qualitatively. Plastic surgery residency training programs in 2 countries differ regarding specific characteristics. Requirements to become a plastic surgery resident in the United States are more rigorous. Ownership structure of the regulatory agency for residency training in 2 countries is diverse. Training duration in the United States is more flexible. Clinical and research training is more practical and the method of evaluation of residency training is more reasonable in the United States. The job opportunities after residency differ substantially between 2 countries. Not every resident has a chance to be an independent surgeon and would require much more training time in China than it does in the United States. Plastic surgery residency training programs in the United States and China have their unique characteristics. The training programs in the United States are more standardized. Both the United States and China may complement each other to create training programs that will ultimately provide high-quality care for all people.

  20. 19 CFR 10.46 - Articles for the United States. (United States)


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Articles for the United States. 10.46 Section 10... THE TREASURY ARTICLES CONDITIONALLY FREE, SUBJECT TO A REDUCED RATE, ETC. General Provisions Articles for Institutions § 10.46 Articles for the United States. Pursuant to subheadings 9808.00.10 and 9808...

  1. 26 CFR 1.864-2 - Trade or business within the United States. (United States)


    ... States, as his agent to effect transactions in the United States in stocks and securities for the account... A ordinarily effects transactions in the United States in stocks or securities. Under the agency..., effects transactions in the United States in stocks or securities for the partnership's own account or...

  2. The Existence of Public Protection Unit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moh. Ilham A. Hamudy


    Full Text Available This article is about the Public Protection Unit (Satlinmas formerly known as civil defence (Hansip. This article is a summary of the results of the desk study and fieldwork conducted in October-November 2013 in the town of Magelang and Surabaya. This study used descriptive qualitative approach to explore the combined role and existence Satlinmas. The results of the study showed, the existence of the problem Satlinmas still leave many, including, first, the legal basis for the establishment of Satlinmas. Until now, there has been no new regulations governing Satlinmas. Existing regulations are too weak and cannot capture the times. Second, the formulation of concepts and basic tasks and functions Satlinmas overlap with other institutions. Third, Satlinmas image in society tend to fade and abused. Fourth, Satlinmas incorporation into the Municipal Police deemed not appropriate, because different philosophy.

  3. Taxation of United States general aviation (United States)

    Sobieralski, Joseph Bernard

    General aviation in the United States has been an important part of the economy and American life. General aviation is defined as all flying excluding military and scheduled airline operations, and is utilized in many areas of our society. The majority of aircraft operations and airports in the United States are categorized as general aviation, and general aviation contributes more than one percent to the United States gross domestic product each year. Despite the many benefits of general aviation, the lead emissions from aviation gasoline consumption are of great concern. General aviation emits over half the lead emissions in the United States or over 630 tons in 2005. The other significant negative externality attributed to general aviation usage is aircraft accidents. General aviation accidents have caused over 8000 fatalities over the period 1994-2006. A recent Federal Aviation Administration proposed increase in the aviation gasoline tax from 19.4 to 70.1 cents per gallon has renewed interest in better understanding the implications of such a tax increase as well as the possible optimal rate of taxation. Few studies have examined aviation fuel elasticities and all have failed to study general aviation fuel elasticities. Chapter one fills that gap and examines the elasticity of aviation gasoline consumption in United States general aviation. Utilizing aggregate time series and dynamic panel data, the price and income elasticities of demand are estimated. The price elasticity of demand for aviation gasoline is estimated to range from -0.093 to -0.185 in the short-run and from -0.132 to -0.303 in the long-run. These results prove to be similar in magnitude to automobile gasoline elasticities and therefore tax policies could more closely mirror those of automobile tax policies. The second chapter examines the costs associated with general aviation accidents. Given the large number of general aviation operations as well as the large number of fatalities and

  4. Analysis of United States' Broadband Policy

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Uzarski, Joel S


    .... With every month that passes, the United States fails to close the gap in the digital divide both inside its borders as well as among the other countries that lead the world in broadband penetration...

  5. Design It Yourself Surabaya: Reflective Notes on Designing a Festival

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kathleen Azali


    Full Text Available As a relatively new, imported word, the term desain (design in Indonesian is still mostly understood within its relations to three common academic fields—graphic, interior, and product design—and thus tends to be viewed as belonging to the ‘merely’ visual. While local cultural events and festivals have proliferated in Indonesia, the scope for a conference or a festival that explicitly address design therefore tends to be rather limited. This is not to say that design exhibitions and festivals do not exist. In fact, they have flourished in the country, particularly among university students, reflecting the growth of university design programs and schools to meet contemporary demand. Yet visual-based, market-led development has not been accompanied by institutional development in research and outreach (in the form of dialogues or critical publications, particularly ones that connect that development across different fields. Attaching the word desain to an event in Indonesia invariably means it is associated with either design student exhibitions, or an industrial expo showcasing printers or interior furnitures. This curated piece emerges as our reflection on designing—cobbling up, and calibrating—a design conference-festival from Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia in light of the national context in which desain is received and made meaningful.

  6. The scientific argumentation profile of physics teacher candidate in Surabaya (United States)

    Ain, T. N.; Wibowo, H. A. C.; Rohman, A.; Deta, U. A.


    The ability of scientific argumentation is an essential factor that must be mastered by physics teacher candidate as a requirement in explaining good and accurate scientific concepts. In the process of arguing, students develop explanations or persuade colleagues to support their hypotheses, express doubts, ask questions, relate alternative answers, and confirm what is unknown to develop the ability to provide rational and scientific explanations. The design of this research is descriptive qualitative with the subject of research is 20 undergraduate students of Physics Education Department in Surabaya. The research instrument consists of four casuistic questions related to the concept of kinematics. The argumentation pattern of physics teacher candidate is coded using Toulmin's argumentation pattern. The results show that the student’s ability in providing scientific argument is at the level of providing claims with the support of a weak warrant. The students are not able to provide excellent rebuttals. In each case given, the student can give a good claim statement in answering the questions. However, the concept used to support the claim is not correct. This case causes the warrant used to support the claim is weak. Students also do not analyse other facts that affect the system. Students have not reached a higher level because the understanding of physics is not deep enough.

  7. Konstruksi perempuan dan gender dalam gerakan Tarbiyah di kampus-kampus universitas negeri di Surabaya: sebuah modalitas pembangunan karakter bangsa

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    Diah Ariani Arimbi


    Full Text Available The Tarbiyah (education movement in Indonesia today is the best known and has the largest number of members amongst groups in the Dakwah (proselytising movement that mostly work in Indonesian campuses. However, in contrast to other Islamic revivalist organizations, the Tarbiyah movement, is reformist, and relies heavily on modern interpretations of Islam concerned with democracy, civil society, human rights and equality of women, although these values are understood differently from common Western notions. The group has many female activists but unfortunately until today there has never been any study looking at the ways women has involved in this Tarbiyah movement. This paper aims to explore the numerous and varieties of women‟s activities in this movement, especially in relation the ways women see their rights, roles and sexual identities within their notion of piety. Female and male activists of Tarbiyah movement in Airlangga University (UNAIR, Surabaya State University (UNESA and Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS are respondents in this research. Participation observation and in-depth interviews will used as techniques of data collection. Some finding shows that the Tarbiyah movement‟s espousal of women‟s and gender issues in an Islamic setting complicates even more the dissemination of such issues to the Indonesian public. One important finding indicates that the Tarbiyah conceives that male and female are segregated in nature (biological construction yet in that segregation lies irreplaceable equality in any sphere and any value. Although many female members of the Tarbiyah movement claim to reject feminism, in particular they reject liberation of women‟s (and men‟s sexuality, as it is believed to be of Western origin, in fact they subscribe to concepts of sexual equality while maintaining sexual segregation. The rise of the Dakwah movement and its various groups has raised concern in Indonesian society that such groups may


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    Darminto Pujotomo


    Full Text Available Dalam industri manufaktur, produktivitas merupakan kemampuan perusahaan untuk mengoptimalkan output dari input yang digunakan. Output yang dihasilkan harus dapat memenuhi demand konsumen. PT Smart Tbk Surabaya merupakan salah satu industri manufaktur yang bergerak dalam produksi pengolah minyak kelapa sawit. Dalam proses produksinya terjadi ketidakseimbangan output produksi dengan demand konsumen yang harus dipenuhi. Hal tersebut terjadi karena adanya waste selama proses filling. Permasalahan ini diselesaikan dengan pendekatan Lean Manufacturing dengan memberikan usulan improvement pada proses filling dengan menggunakan metode Line Balancing. Value stream mapping digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi waste yang terjadi selama proses filling berlangsung. Tools yang digunakan dalam lean manufacturing dan line balancing ini digunakan untuk mereduksi cycle time. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan empat usulan improvement yaitu perbaikan alur proses filling, penggabungan operasi kerja plugging dan capping, continuous flow dengan line balancing dan redesain layout. Usulan improvement tersebut dapat menekan tingkat defect, mengurangi total operation time menjadi 188,55 detik/batch, meningkatkan efisiensi lini menjadi 79,83% dan menurunkan delay time menjadi 23%.     Abstract Productivity is the company’s ability to optimize output from all input that they use to production. The output they produce must fulfill the customer demand. PT Smart Tbk Surabaya is one of the private manufacturing industries which are existed in the processing of palm oil. There are unbalance condition during processing the product. The output of the production is different from the customer demand. It happened because there are some wastes during the filling process. This research is focus on solving the problem by using Lean Manufacturing and creating the improvement in filling proces by using line balancing method. The purpose of value stream mapping is to identify waste

  9. Anti-Terrorism Authority Under the Laws of the United Kingdom and the United States

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Feikert, Clare; Doyle, Charles


    This is a comparison of the laws of the United Kingdom and of the United States that govern criminal and intelligence investigations of terrorist activities Both systems rely upon a series of statutory authorizations...

  10. 76 FR 38700 - United States, et al. (United States)


    ... prices in advertisements, in-store displays, and online. Consumer World believes these rules should be... has ruled on that motion. I. Procedural History The United States and seven Plaintiff States filed the... Restraints result in higher merchant costs, and merchants generally pass costs on to consumers, retail prices...

  11. 75 FR 10561 - Pricing for 2010 United States Mint America the Beautiful QuartersTM (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY United States Mint Pricing for 2010 United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters\\TM\\ Two-Roll Set, etc. AGENCY: United States Mint, Department of the Treasury. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The United States Mint is announcing the price of the 2010 United States Mint America...

  12. Fenomena Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja : Studi Kasus di Surabaya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ade Latifa


    Full Text Available This is the time for adolescence reproductive health to receive serious attention from various parties, such as the government, educators, religious leaders and the youth themselves. Studies from some parts of Indonesia indicated that the incidence of teenage pregnancies is increasing. The global information on sexual matters has been claimed for influencing the youth to perform a risky behavior which in turn affecting their reproductive health. Basically, this paper discusses the phenomenon of adolescence reproductive health based on the research that was conducted by PPK-LIPI in collaboration with IPPA in Surabaya. Some important issues that can be highlighted are closely related to youth sexual behavior. A number of youth has already been exposed to pornography materials and some of them have engaged in sex before marriage. Although the percentage is quite small, however, it indicated that pre-marital sexual relationship occurred among youth. This phenomenon likes the tip of the iceberg ; what is reflected might be smaller than the factual. Ironically, the majority of people still hold a sigma that reproductive health issues are associated with sexual matters. Consequently, spreading-out information on reproductive health issues to youth is not allowed because it might stimulate them to practice pre-marital sexual intercourse. Therefore, such adolescence-friendly approaches are needed to socialize and empower the youth to perform healthy reproductive life. Advocacy models such as peer educator and youth center actually can bring a lot of advantages and positive impacts to youth as well as their parents.

  13. Pengaruh International Brand Image Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Terhadap Pengguna Laptop Macbook Merek Apple Di Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Dan Malang)


    Pratama, Aldino Reza


    The purpose of this study to determine the effect of International Brand Image and Product Quality to the Purchasing Decision. Exogenous variables used in this study are International Brand Image, Product Quality, while the endogenous variable in this study is Purchasing Decision. The type of this research is explanatory research with quantitative approach. The study was conducted in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, and Malang uses amount of sample 118 respondents. Researchers chose the ...

  14. Studi Kasus Pada Penerapan Sop Inventori Lobby Bar Shangri-la Hotel and Resort Surabaya : Pengamatan Terhadap Prosedur Pengambilan Bahan, Penyimpanan Serta Perlakuan Selama Penyimpanan Bahan


    Widjojo, Gerald; Kusumawidjaya, Amanda


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pemahaman staff dari Lobby Lounge Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya terhadap SOP pada inventori bahan yang ada. SOP ini dirasa penting dalam operasional lobby sehari-hari. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan wawancara dan checklist dalam menghasilkan data untuk dianalisa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar staf sudah memahami SOP yang ada dan sudah mampu menjalankan SOP yang ada dengan baik.

  15. 78 FR 77103 - United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration United States Travel and Tourism... extended deadline for application for membership on the United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board... Travel and Tourism Advisory Board (Board). The November 25, 2013 notice provided that all applications...

  16. State of pine decline in the southeastern United States (United States)

    Lori Eckhardt; Mary Anne Sword Sayer; Don Imm


    Pine decline is an emerging forest health issue in the southeastern United States. Observations suggest pine decline is caused by environmental stress arising from competition, weather, insects and fungi, anthropogenic disturbances, and previous management. The problem is most severe for loblolly pine on sites that historically supported longleaf pine, are highly...

  17. 78 FR 53426 - United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board Charter Renewal (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration United States Travel and Tourism... for the United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board on August 19, 2013. DATES: The Charter for the United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board was renewed on August 19, 2013. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION...

  18. Summary of Notifiable Diseases, United States. Volume 45, Number 53. (United States)


    Trichinosis Tuberculosis Typhoid fever Yellow fever NOTE: Although varicella is not a nationally notifiable disease, the Council of State and...plague among humans, two of which were fatal, were re- ported in the United States (two cases in Arizona, one in Colorado, and two in New Mexico ). Both...13 cases per year) were reported in the United States. Of these cases, 80% occurred in the southwestern states of New Mexico , Arizona, and

  19. Forest carbon management in the United States: 1600-2100 (United States)

    Richard A. Birdsey; Kurt Pregitzer; Alan Lucier


    This paper reviews the effects of past forest management on carbon stocks in the United States, and the challenges for managing forest carbon resources in the 21st century. Forests in the United States were in approximate carbon balance with the atmosphere from 1600-1800. Utilization and land clearing caused a large pulse of forest carbon emissions during the 19th...

  20. NCHS - Births and General Fertility Rates: United States (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — This dataset includes crude birth rates and general fertility rates in the United States since 1909. The number of states in the reporting area differ historically....

  1. Green electricity policies in the United States: case study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menz, Fredric C.


    While there has been interest in promoting the use of renewable energy in electricity production for a number of years in the United States, the market share of non-hydro renewable energy sources in electricity production has remained at about 2 percent over the past decade. The paper reviews the principal energy resources used for electricity production, considers the changing regulatory environment for the electricity industry, and describes government policies that have been used to promote green electricity in the United States, with an emphasis on measures adopted by state governments. Factors influencing the development of green power markets are also discussed, including underlying economic issues, public policy measures, the regulatory environment, external costs, and subsidies. Without significant increases in fossil fuel prices, much more stringent environmental regulations, or significant changes in electricity customer preferences, green electricity markets are likely to develop slowly in the United States

  2. 78 FR 70275 - United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration United States Travel and Tourism... an opportunity to apply for membership on the United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board... Travel and Tourism Advisory Board (Board). The purpose of the Board is to advise the Secretary of...

  3. Veterinary Fusarioses within the United States (United States)

    Multilocus DNA sequence data was used to retrospectively assess the genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships of 67 Fusarium strains from veterinary sources, most of which were from the United States. Molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed that the strains comprised 23 phylogenetically dist...

  4. Low-level radioactive waste disposal technologies used outside the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Templeton, K.J.; Mitchell, S.J.; Molton, P.M.; Leigh, I.W.


    Low-level radioactive waste (LLW) disposal technologies are an integral part of the waste management process. In the United States, commercial LLW disposal is the responsibility of the State or groups of States (compact regions). The United States defines LLW as all radioactive waste that is not classified as spent nuclear fuel, high- level radioactive waste, transuranic waste, or by-product material as defined in Section II(e)(2) of the Atomic Energy Act. LLW may contain some long-lived components in very low concentrations. Countries outside the United States, however, may define LLW differently and may use different disposal technologies. This paper outlines the LLW disposal technologies that are planned or being used in Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom (UK)

  5. Pakistan: Can the United States Secure an Insecure State? (United States)


    do not have female staff; the male-to-female staff ratio in the health field is 7 to 1.130 More nurses and female staff are needed, especially to...exercise was rescheduled for 2009. 9 Interview with Ninth Air Force personnel, September 12, 2008. 200 Pakistan: Can the United States Secure an Insecure

  6. The hydroelectric power market in the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The second-largest producer of hydroelectric power in the world is the United States, right after Canada. In the United States, 7.1 per cent of net electricity generation was attributed to hydroelectric power in 2000, which totalled 269 terawatt hours (TWh). Aging facilities, outdated technology in some facilities, a cumbersome licensing process, and increasing environmental demands from interest groups for the preservation of river systems and surrounding wildlife challenge the industry. Pacific Coast states, especially California, were faced with electric power shortages during the summer of 2001, due to low market prices, high power usage among consumers and drought. The problems with the deregulation of the electricity market were brought to light by these shortages. Legislation to restructure the electric power industry in 25 states had not been enacted as of January 2002. The purchase of more power from both Canada and the Mexico is being considered by the government of the United States, as is the creation of a national power grid to allow for power transmission throughout the country. The Canada-United States energy trade might be affected by such a move, and result in project construction opportunities for Canadian companies. Renewable energy sources must be responsible for the generation of 10 per cent of power generation levels by 2020, on a gradual basis as mandated by law. By 2005, New York City must purchase 10 per cent of its power from renewable energy sources, reaching 20 per cent by 2010. The repair and replacement of aging dam equipment, the development of advanced turbine technology to protect fish stocks and water quality, dam removal, the construction of power lines are all opportunities open to Canadian companies. 60 refs., 5 tabs

  7. Research and photovoltaic industry at the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lerouge, Ch.; Herino, R.; Delville, R.; Allegre, R.


    For a big country as the United States, the solar energy can be a solution for the air quality improvement, the greenhouse gases fight and the reduction of the dependence to the imported petroleum and also for the economic growth by the increase of the employment in the solar industry sector. This document takes stock on the photovoltaic in the United States in the industrial and research domains. The american photovoltaic industry is the third behind the Japan and the Germany. (A.L.B.)

  8. State cigarette minimum price laws - United States, 2009. (United States)


    Cigarette price increases reduce the demand for cigarettes and thereby reduce smoking prevalence, cigarette consumption, and youth initiation of smoking. Excise tax increases are the most effective government intervention to increase the price of cigarettes, but cigarette manufacturers use trade discounts, coupons, and other promotions to counteract the effects of these tax increases and appeal to price-sensitive smokers. State cigarette minimum price laws, initiated by states in the 1940s and 1950s to protect tobacco retailers from predatory business practices, typically require a minimum percentage markup to be added to the wholesale and/or retail price. If a statute prohibits trade discounts from the minimum price calculation, these laws have the potential to counteract discounting by cigarette manufacturers. To assess the status of cigarette minimum price laws in the United States, CDC surveyed state statutes and identified those states with minimum price laws in effect as of December 31, 2009. This report summarizes the results of that survey, which determined that 25 states had minimum price laws for cigarettes (median wholesale markup: 4.00%; median retail markup: 8.00%), and seven of those states also expressly prohibited the use of trade discounts in the minimum retail price calculation. Minimum price laws can help prevent trade discounting from eroding the positive effects of state excise tax increases and higher cigarette prices on public health.

  9. 75 FR 78338 - Meeting of the United States-Oman Joint Forum on Environmental Cooperation Pursuant to the United... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice 7261] Meeting of the United States-Oman Joint Forum on Environmental Cooperation Pursuant to the United States-Oman Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Cooperation ACTION: Notice of the meeting of the U.S.-Oman Joint Forum on Environmental Cooperation and...

  10. 77 FR 27669 - Modifications to Definition of United States Property (United States)


    ... contracts. The temporary regulations provide that certain obligations of United States persons arising from upfront payments made by controlled foreign corporations pursuant to contracts that are cleared by a... the meaning of section 956(c)) for obligations of United States persons arising from certain upfront...

  11. Contemporary United States Foreign Policy Towards Indonesia

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    McAslan, Hugh


    United States national interests in Indonesia have traditionally being based on strategic security requirements given Indonesia's geographic location between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and strong...

  12. Employers mexican migrants in the United States

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Fernández Guzmán


    Full Text Available You might think that by definition the migrant labor plays in less profitable niches and meager social mobility. However, a large group of migrants in different economically developed countries have successfully launched businesses of diverse nature and volume. This is why entrepreneurship of migrants is an issue that has received increasing attention in recent years. Compared to other immigrant groups in the United States, Mexicans show low levels of entrepreneurial activity. The aim of this paper is to, through a general literature review of official statistical data, a preliminary analysis of mexican migrant entrepreneurship in the United States, that is to say in recent years has been growing in importance.

  13. CITRA PERUSAHAAN DALAM BERITA KRISIS PERUSAHAAN: Konstruksi Citra Perusahaan Daerah Taman Satwa (PDTS Kebun Binatang Surabaya dalam Teks Berita Kematian Michael di Harian Jawa Pos dan Sindo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Theresia Intan Putri Hartiana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana Harian Jawa Pos dan Sindo membentuk citra Perusahaan Daerah Taman Satwa (PDTS Kebun Binatang Surabaya (KBS dikonstruksikan dalam berita krisis kematian Michael. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah framing Entman dengan merujuk pada pemberian definisi, penelasan, evaluasi, dan rekomendasi acana untuk melihat penekanan pada kerangka berpikir terhadap peristiwa yang dicanangkan. Citra PDTS KBS dalam Harian Jawa Pos memperlihatkan adanya kondisi Kebun Binatang Surabaya sudah tidak layak bagi satwanya dan kesengajaan keterlibatan orang dalam menjadi penyebab kematian Singa KBS mati tergantung. Citra PDTS KBS oleh Koran Sindo ditampilkan sebagai pihak yang harus bertanggungjawab atas kelalaian dan kecerobohannya dalam memelihara satwa sehingga mengakibatkan terjadi kematian satwa yang tidak wajar. Hal tersebut terlihat dari analisis makrostruktur teks yang memaparkan bahwa kepolisian dilibatkan untuk menyelidiki singa yang mati tergantung akibat kelalaian PDTS KBS dalam pengelolaan satwa. Pemberitaan yang dimunculkan oleh media massa patut menjadi perhatian oleh praktisi Public Relations. Berita yang dikonstruksi negatif secara terus menerus dapat memberikan pengaruh negatif pula di dalam benak pembaca. Beberapa pernyataan negatif yang muncul dalam teks pemberitaan dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar perencanaan bagi humas PDTS KBS dalam penanganan krisis dan perbaikan citra setelah krisis.

  14. Motorcycle trends in the United States (United States)


    During the last decade there has been a significant increase in the number of motorcycle sales and registrations in the United States. At the same time there has been a shift in the demographics of motorcycle users and increased focus on motorcycle s...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mrs. I.D


    Dec 25, 2009 ... response from the Nigerian government. ... domestic crises that negatively impacts state stability, the US government ... Harrison C. Ajebon, Department of Political Science, University of Calabar, ..... Sweden. United Kingdom. Switzerland. Asia & far East. Japan ..... case Study of Nigeria, in Ikonnechidi and.

  16. 37 CFR 1.416 - The United States International Preliminary Examining Authority. (United States)


    ... STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE IN PATENT CASES International Processing Provisions General Information § 1.416 The United States International Preliminary... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false The United States...

  17. 31 CFR Appendix C to Subpart C of... - United States Customs Service (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false United States Customs Service C... Customs Service 1. In general. This appendix applies to the United States Customs Service. It sets forth... records and accounting of disclosures. (a) For records which are maintained at the United States Customs...

  18. The State of Homeless Children in the United States (United States)

    Kabler, Brenda; Weinstein, Elana


    Across America, the numbers of homeless children and families are growing as a result of many factors including the recent economic crisis, home foreclosures, and natural disasters. Because of an increase in the number of homeless children throughout the United States, this population has unmet needs that can be targeted in school settings under…

  19. 78 FR 53478 - Proposed Information Collection; United States Park Police Personal History Statement (United States)


    ...] Proposed Information Collection; United States Park Police Personal History Statement AGENCY: National Park... about this IC, contact Major Scott Fear, United States Park Police, 1100 Ohio Drive SW., Washington, DC... INFORMATION: I. Abstract The United States Park Police (USPP) is a unit of the National Park Service...

  20. 44 CFR 351.26 - The United States Department of Agriculture. (United States)


    ... 44 Emergency Management and Assistance 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false The United States Department of Agriculture. 351.26 Section 351.26 Emergency Management and Assistance FEDERAL EMERGENCY... PREPAREDNESS Interagency Assignments § 351.26 The United States Department of Agriculture. (a) Assist FEMA in...