
Sample records for une diversification agricole

  1. Pratiques, politiques publiques et territoires : construire une géographie agricole des villes


    Soulard, Christophe-Toussaint


    Construire une géographie agricole des villes résume le projet scientifique élaboré pour notre HDR. La géographie dont il est question porte sur le devenir des activités agricoles dans et autour des villes, sur les transformations des relations ville-agriculture, et sur l'insertion de l'agriculture dans les politiques de la ville durable. En effet, cultiver les milieux urbanisés est une caractéristique de l'agriculture contemporaine. Pays du Nord et pays du Sud sont concernés. Le phénomène de...

  2. Freins et leviers à la diversification des cultures : étude au niveau des exploitations agricoles et des filières

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    Meynard Jean-Marc


    Full Text Available La diversification des cultures est souvent présentée comme un levier d’action pour accroître la durabilité des systèmes de production agricoles. Bien raisonnée, elle favorise en effet une réduction de l’usage d’intrants extérieurs à l’exploitation – pesticides, engrais, eau – et des nuisances environnementales associées à leur utilisation excessive. À l’inverse, la simplification des systèmes de culture engagée depuis plus de 40 ans s’est accompagnée d’un recours croissant aux intrants. Cependant, malgré son intérêt pour les systèmes de production en termes de durabilité écologique mais aussi économique (répartition des risques, et son inscription dans divers plans et dispositifs incitatifs, la diversification des cultures progresse peu. Les ministères en charge de l’agriculture et de l’environnement ont donc commandé à l’INRA une étude visant à identifier les freins à la diversification des cultures en France et les leviers mobilisables, par les pouvoirs publics notamment, pour la favoriser. L’hypothèse de travail est que ces freins relèvent du fonctionnement global du système agro-industriel, et de la capacité de développement de filières valorisant les cultures de diversification. L’étude a examiné un certain nombre de cas représentatifs de la diversité des filières et notamment de leurs modes d’organisation, qui déterminent la coordination et l’engagement des acteurs économiques impliqués dans le développement d’une culture de diversification.

  3. Circuit court du marché des produits agricoles : pour une gestion ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    pour un développement durable au Lac Alaotra. . Cirad-Inra-SupAgro,. Montpellier, FR. Available at . Penot, É., Dabat, M.-H., Rakotoarimanana, A. & Grandjean, P. 2014. L'évolution des pratiques agricoles au lac Alaotra à Madagascar. Une approche par les temporalités.

  4. Quels dispositifs de conseil pour l’agriculture familiale marocaine ? Réflexions pour une démarche de conception des dispositifs de conseil.

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    Patrick Dugué


    Full Text Available Dans le cadre de sa politique agricole actuelle structurée autour du Plan Maroc vert, L’Etat a engagé une réforme en profondeur du conseil agricole, service qui était essentiellement assuré par les Centres des Travaux et les Centres de Mise en Valeur. La Nouvelle Stratégie du Conseil Agricole prône d’associer aux services publics de conseil agricole des structures privées qui seront agréées par les pouvoirs publics. Sur la base de travaux de recherche et d’expertise, cet article aborde la diversification de l’offre de conseil (conseil technique mais aussi conseil de gestion pour les exploitations et les organisations professionnelles agricoles, conseil administratif et juridique, … et des publics cibles (chefs d’exploitations, les autres actifs familiaux, les responsables et salariés des organisations professionnelles agricoles, …. Il suggère de prendre en considération d’autres opérateurs actuels ou potentiels du conseil comme les agrofournisseurs, les organisations professionnelles agricoles bien structurées et les agro-industries. Au-delà de ces propositions, l’article aborde les principes d’une démarche générique de conception de dispositifs de conseil utile à tous les acteurs au niveau local, régional ou national.

  5. financement des activites agricoles et reduction de la pauvrete

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    INTRODUCTION. RELATION ENTRE ACTEURS FINANCIERS ET SECTEUR. AGRICOLE. ○ Evolution de la situation économique (Répression financière – Situation de crise – Libéralisation financière). ○ Exclusion du secteur bancaire. ○ Financement restreint à une petite poignée de filière agricole (Cacao, Café et coton).

  6. L’irrigation diminue-t-elle en France ? Premiers enseignements du recensement agricole de 2010

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    LOUBIER, Sébastien


    Full Text Available Le recensement agricole constitue un outil essentiel à la connaissance du monde agricole et au pilotage de l’action publique. À partir d'une analyse des données et des résultats concernant l'irrigation, les auteurs nous présentent la situation actuelle en France et les principales évolutions depuis dix ans.

  7. Utilisation du foncier agricole à des fins de culture de Jatropha dans le Bassin arachidier sénégalais: une démarche controversée et des gains pas à la hauteur des attendus du programme

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    Aminata Ndour


    Full Text Available Durant les années 2000, le secteur énergétique mondial a connu un tourment décisif du fait de la diminution des réserves, de la demande importante et surtout de la fluctuation des prix du pétrole. Le Sénégal, pays dépendant encore des énergies fossiles, s’est engagé dans une politique de diversification énergétique. Par conséquent, un programme biocarburant est initié. Le Bassin Arachidier est un des espaces sollicités pour l’application des politiques de promotion des biocarburants. Une zone du production agricole a accueilli une innovation énergétique. Ce fait marquant a guidé nos interrogations sur les problèmes énergétiques qui ont incité la culture de Jatropha dans le Bassin Arachidier. De façon spécifique, notre analyse de la filière Jatropha précise les stratégies déployées. Il est questions dans ce cas d’étudier les effets de Jatropha sur l’espace de production et les conditions de vie des agriculteurs, des risques de réduction des superficies de cultures traditionnelles.

  8. ÉTUDE DE CAS — Cuba : L'innovation agricole à Cuba | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    5 janv. 2011 ... La recherche de solutions de rechange viables. ... Ces observations résument bien une nouvelle approche et une nouvelle attitude à l'égard de la recherche agricole à Cuba, .... principal au CRDI, et Bob Stanley, rédacteur scientifique. ... voir le site de l'Institut international des ressources phytogénétiques ...

  9. La co-conception en partenariat de systèmes agricoles innovants

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    Vall Eric


    Full Text Available La co-conception de systèmes agricoles innovants est une piste prometteuse pour répondre au défi de l’innovation, notamment pour les exploitations agricoles familiales africaines confrontées à de multiples changements. Mais il faut penser à la place et aux rôles tenus par de multiples acteurs (agriculteurs, conseillers, chercheurs pour produire les changements souhaités par toutes les parties, et donc réfléchir à la question du partenariat dans le processus. Cet article présente la démarche de conception en partenariat de systèmes agricoles innovants (CPSAI élaborée entre 2005 et 2015 dans l’ouest du Burkina Faso, notamment sur la gestion de la fumure organique des cultures. La CPSAI s’appuie sur un dispositif partenarial formalisé et sur une démarche progressive en trois phases itératives : (1 exploration et formalisation du partenariat, (2 conceptions et test des options de changement, (3 bilan et désengagement. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’innovation est plus efficace et durable quand elle est le produit d’un travail partenarial.

  10. COMMUNICATION DU CREDIT AGRICOLE - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    La Direction du Crédit Agricole informe son aimable clientèle du CERN des jours et heures d'ouverture de l'agence du site de Prévessin à compter du mardi 14 janvier 2003 : 1. Horaires pour les opérations bancaires courantes 7 jours sur 7 et 24h/24 avec l'espace libre service bancaire. 2. Horaires conseil du mardi au vendredi - Mardi, de 9h. à 12h. et de 14h.15 à 16h.30. - Mercredi, jeudi et vendredi, de 9h. à 12h. et de 13h.30 à 16h.30. Deux collaboratrices au lieu d'une seront désormais présentes toute la journée du mardi au vendredi pour vous accueillir, vous informer et vous conseiller en crédits et placements (réception conseil sur rendez-vous). Autre nouveauté : les mêmes conseillers seront aussi à votre disposition le samedi, sur notre agence de Gex, de 8h.15 à 13h.05, notamment pour les études de financements habitat. La Direction et toute l'équipe de l'agence du Crédit Agricole vous souhaitent une excellent année 2003.

  11. Contamination des produits agricoles et de la nappe phréatique par ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Au Senegal, les enquetes menees dans la zone agricole des Niayes ont revele une mauvaise gestion des pesticides de la part des producteurs peu soucieux de leur impact sur lfenvironnement et la qualite des productions. Lfanalyse chromatographique apres extraction et purification a montre la presence de residus de ...

  12. Quel équilibre entre urbanisation et préservation des espaces agricoles périurbains ? Le cas d’une agglomération moyenne

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    José Serrano


    Full Text Available Le développement durable d'une ville conduit à remettre en cause l’étalement urbain. Aujourd'hui, les élus se vantent d’appliquer les principes du développement durable. Ils cherchent à préserver le cadre de vie et à maîtriser l'urbanisation. Pourtant, ces mêmes élus inscrivent dans les documents d'urbanisme des projets de développement ambitieux forts consommateurs d'espace. À travers une analyse des projets des élus de la ceinture périurbaine de Tours, il s'agit de déterminer la place qui est faite à la préservation des espaces ouverts. Nous analyserons quelles sont les conditions pour une reconnaissance des espaces agricoles et naturels comme étant un prolongement de la ville (et non plus l'absence de celle-ci. L’hypothèse est que la reconnaissance des espaces agricoles et naturels repose sur une modification de la perception de ces espaces. Mais face à l'ampleur des remises en cause que suppose cette évolution l'intervention d'un médiateur est nécessaire.Where is the balance between a town growth and the protection of agricultural per urban spaces ? The case of an average developed area. Urban sustainable development is in opposition with urban spraw. Today, elected officials speak big about the application of sustainable development principles. They are looking for preserving the setting and for controling the urban expansion. Nethertheless, the same elected officials create ambitious projects in urban planning documents. Through the analysis of elected officials developement projects, we’ll try to determine the importance of protecting natural spaces. The second objective is to know which are the conditions to recognize agricultural and natural spaces as an extention of the town (and not as the lack of it. Our hypothesis is that the recognition of farm land and natural spaces depends on a modification of the perception of the farmers’ role. But facing the extend of change regarding this evolution the

  13. Concilier développement agricole et usage pérenne des eaux souterraines : un dialogue multi-acteurs dans la zone d’Ain Timguenay (province de Séfrou

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    Issam Sellika


    Full Text Available Au Maroc, l’utilisation des eaux souterraines pour l’irrigation a permis un développement agricole rapide dans de nombreuses régions, mais a aussi fait émerger des situations de baisse des niveaux piezométriques des nappes qui menacent la durabilité de cette agriculture irriguée. L’article présente une action de recherche portant sur la conception d’un projet de territoire agricole durable alliant développement agricole et usage pérenne des ressources en eau souterraine. L’étude a eu lieu dans la zone d’Ain Timguenay (province de Séfrou, qui connait un fort développement de la production de pommes et de prunes depuis une quinzaine d’années. Le programme de recherche a impliqué les agriculteurs, la commune rurale d’Ain Timguenay, les institutions du Ministère de l’Agriculture et l’Agence de bassin hydraulique du Sébou. Une analyse des dynamiques agricoles locales et des tendances nationales a servi de support aux discussions. L’étude de l’aquifère et de ses usages a permis d’établir un bilan sommaire et un ordre de grandeur des surfaces qui pourraient encore être plantées sans que les consommations en eau soient supérieures à la recharge de l’aquifère en année pluviométrique moyenne. Une réflexion prospective menée avec les agriculteurs a mis en évidence deux scénarios possibles à l’échelle locale: 1 un scénario où les difficultés économiques que rencontrent actuellement les exploitations de la zone se renforcent, conduisant à un ralentissement des nouvelles plantations, d’où une pression limitée sur la nappe ; 2 un scénario où les exploitations réussissent à faire face aux défis actuels de production et de commercialisation et de ce fait continuent à planter, ce qui conduit à une consommation en eau bien supérieure à la recharge de la nappe. L’ensemble des acteurs impliqués a participé à l’élaboration d’un troisième scénario permettant de concilier d

  14. Politiques réglementaires et politiques volontaires : un couple de prescriptions efficace pour limiter les pollutions d’origine agricole ?


    Christian Nicourt; Jean-Max Girault


    La mise en œuvre récente de la taxe générale sur les activités polluantes (TGAP) a réactivé le débat sur le choix entre politiques réglementaires ou politiques volontaires pour traiter des pollutions et nuisances issues de la production agricole. Les politiques réglementaires ont vocation à être nationales. Néanmoins, elles laissent une marge de manœuvre conséquente au niveau départemental. Celle-ci permet de prendre en compte les stratégies de la profession agricole qui suscitent ou conforte...

  15. Politiques agricoles et structures agro-industrielles: une approche à partir des tableaux input-output chiliens

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    Full Text Available La volonté de certaines grandes puissances agro-exportatrices mondiales de libéraliser les échanges internationaux agro-alimentaires pour accélérer la croissance économique et optimiser l’utilisation des facteurs productifs, s’oppose aux politiques protectionnistes et régulationnistes en vigueur dans bon nombre de pays où l’agriculture doit remplir d’autres fonctions que la seule production de biens consommables ou exportables : autosuffisance ou sécurité alimentaire, équilibre de l’emploi, gestion de l’espace, développement industriel. Développement intégré ou recentrage des modes de produire autour d’un nombre réduit de filières de production, tel est, à notre sens, le véritable enjeu du nouvel ordre international en matière agricole. L’objectif de cette communication est de proposer - à partir de l’analyse des tableaux input-output nationaux et à titre prospectif - une méthode permettant de mettre en regard les échanges extérieurs et la structure interne des systèmes agro-alimentaires. On fait l’hypothèse que l’application indiscriminée de politiques libérales - agro-export led notamment - conduit à l’uniformisation des techniques, la spécialisation des agricultures et des filières de production et débouche à terme sur l’extraversion de l’économie. Un protectionnisme bien orienté conduit, au contraire, à la diversification des productions et des échanges inter-industriels et contribue à l’essor de complexes agro-industriels favorables à la diffusion du progrès technique et l’internationalisation des fruits de la croissance agricole. L’analyse du cas chilien, sur longue période, est particulièrement caractéristique à cet égard. Les nouvelles politiques néolibérales d’industrialisation basées sur l’agro-exportation mises en œuvre après 1973, ayant abouti à une brusque déstructuration du système agro-alimentaire de ce pays. POLÍTICAS AGRÍCOLAS Y ESTRUCTURAS

  16. Les investisseurs étrangers à l’assaut des terres agricoles africaines.

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    Florence Brondeau


    Full Text Available Les terres agricoles africaines sont convoitées par de nombreux investisseurs étrangers, ce qui se matérialise par une accélération des transactions portant sur des concessions foncières à grande échelle. Ces investissements répondent à des enjeux très divers et font l’objet de contrats rudimentaires, dont les clauses exactes sont souvent méconnues. Ce phénomène très médiatisé est extrêmement controversé et suscite de virulentes critiques, alors que les analyses scientifiques sur le sujet sont encore très rares. Au regard des effets pervers pressentis et pour certains déjà perceptibles, il peut être perçu comme une des dérives d’un nouveau modèle de croissance agricole basé sur la promotion de l’agrobusiness.The African farmlands are the object of the greed of numerous foreign investors which materializes by an acceleration of the transactions carrying on the concession of lands on a large-scale. These investments correspond to very diverse stakes and give rise to rudimentary contract the exact clauses which are often underestimated. This very mediatized phenomenon is extremely debated and arouses virulent criticisms while the scientific analyses on the subject are still very rare. Towards the anticipated perverse effects and for some already perceptible, he can be perceived as one of the drift of a new agricultural growth model based on the promotion of the agrobusiness.

  17. SITUATIONS ET TENDANCES Les agricultures familiales africaines face à la mondialisation : le défi d‘une autre transition

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    Bosc Pierre-Marie


    Full Text Available L’agriculture africaine fait face à une situation inédite liée au processus de mondialisation, mais aussi à la forte croissance relative de sa population agricole durant le dernier quart du xxe siècle, contrairement à d’autres continents (ou pays continents. Paradoxalement, alors que l’Afrique se trouve marginalisée dans les échanges commerciaux, sur lesquels se focalise le débat international en matière agricole, l’agriculture africaine et le développement rural restent des domaines stratégiques pour les politiques publiques qui doivent prendre en compte la configuration démographique et économique spécifique du continent. La question du type d’agriculture qui accompagnera la nécessaire transition économique et agricole africaine est en débat. Alors que certains opérateurs et décideurs soutiennent le développement d’une agriculture d’entreprise, les organisations paysannes font massivement le choix de défendre l’agriculture familiale comme axe privilégié de développement, car elle fournit emplois et revenus pour le plus grand nombre. Cependant, les organisations doivent faire face à un rapport de force inégal avec les autres acteurs privés issus du processus de libération. Renforcer leurs capacités de proposition et de négociation apparaît dès lors comme une condition permettant d’envisager une refondation des politiques publiques sur la base d’une réelle contribution des ruraux.

  18. Recommandations pour une agriculture plus écologique respectant ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dans le Menabe Central (côte ouest de Madagascar), les paysages forestiers deviennent toujours plus ouverts, le taux de déforestation avoisinant les 0,7 % . La déforestation étant notamment due à des défrichements pour l'agriculture qui est la principale activité de la région, une gestion agricole écologiquement durable ...

  19. Le Hodna occidental entre régions méditerranéennes et plaines désertiques : organisation des terroirs, communautés rurales et productions agricoles au Moyen Âge

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    Mohamed Meouak


    Full Text Available Les objectifs de notre contribution reposent sur deux axes méthodologiques précis : proposer une lecture critique des sources arabes et offrir un tableau précis des terroirs du Hodna occidental, région située entre la Kabylie maritime et les zones désertiques du Maghreb central à l'époque médiévale. Dans un premier temps, nous concentrerons nos efforts sur les lieux d'activités des communautés rurales afin d'établir un inventaire des diverses structures de peuplement. Dans une deuxième partie, il sera question des principaux aspects de l'organisation tribale comme moteur du peuplement rural dans le Hodna occidental avec la présence fondamentale de groupes arabes, tribus berbères et autres « étrangers ». Enfin dans une troisième et dernière étape, nous essaierons de dresser un tableau des paysages agraires et des productions agricoles en mettant l'accent notamment sur la gestion des espaces agricoles.

  20. Identité et marché dans une situation de pluralisme institutionnel : le cas du secteur agricole à Mayotte

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    Jean-Michel Sourisseau


    Full Text Available L’île de Mayotte, où dominent encore des règles musulmanes et coutumières privilégiant les dynamiques collectives aux initiatives individuelles, est engagée dans une série de réformes institutionnelles devant la conduire au statut de département français. L’ancrage dans l’ensemble français entretient un fort développement économique mais remet aussi en cause les institutions anciennes de régulation, fondées sur la réciprocité et la solidarité familiale et villageoise. En s’appuyant sur l’exemple du secteur agricole, l’article examine conjointement les mécanismes de pénétration marchande et les contre mouvements de nature non marchande que les acteurs locaux mettent en œuvre pour gérer cette situation de pluralisme institutionnel.The island of Mayotte, where still dominate Moslem and customary rules privileging the collective dynamics to the individual initiatives, is engaged in huge institutional reforms that must lead it to the status of French department. The anchoring in the French republic maintains a rapid and consequent economic development but also questions former institutions, based on reciprocity and on local solidarity. The article focuses on agriculture and examines both the mechanisms of trade penetration and their opposite movements toward reciprocity that local actors implement to manage this situation of institutional pluralism.

  1. Potentiel de production de biogaz à partir de résidus agricoles ou de cultures dédiées en France

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    ALMANSOUR, Essam


    Full Text Available Et si on destinait une part importante des résidus agricoles à la production de biogaz ? Encore faut-il évaluer les ressources mobilisables, les taux de résidus disponibles, les moyens de collecte permettant la production ainsi que les rendements envisageables en fonction des cultures utilisées. L'étude présentée ici laisse entrevoir un potentiel important largement sous-estimé.

  2. Mener le goutte à goutte à l’économie d’eau : ambition réaliste ou poursuite d’une chimère ?

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    Maya Benouniche


    Full Text Available Au Maroc, l’économie d’eau est l’objectif affiché pour promouvoir l’irrigation localisée, en particulier le goutte à goutte. Le programme national d’économie d’eau en irrigation (PNEEI prévoit une amélioration de l’efficience d’irrigation à la parcelle, de 50% en irrigation gravitaire vers 90% en irrigation localisée, pour économiser 826 millions de m3/an. Cependant, cet objectif prête à confusion, car il est souvent intégré dans un objectif d’amélioration de la production agricole. L’objectif de l’article est d’analyser les efficiences réelles d’irrigation à l’échelle de la parcelle dans quelques exploitations agricoles dans le Saiss, ayant mise en place le goutte à goutte, pour comprendre comment la notion d’économie d’eau se traduit sur le terrain. Les résultats indiquent des sur-irrigations pour la plupart des systèmes avec une efficience d’irrigation parfois inférieure à celles obtenues en irrigation gravitaire. Ces sur-irrigations sont liées aux objectifs d’augmentation de production agricole des agriculteurs, qui ont ainsi entendu le message subliminal du PNEEI. Nous montrons aussi qu’il y a une possibilité d’amélioration des efficiences d’irrigation sans nuire à la productivité agricole. Nous proposons d’opérationnaliser le concept d’économie d’eau, en considérant les agriculteurs comme des alliés qui disposent de solides connaissances dans l’utilisation du goutte à goutte en établissant un cahier des charges négocié et régionalisé entre l’ensemble des parties prenantes, permettant un suivi partagé des volumes réels consommés.

  3. Éclairage sur les transformations des structures agricoles dans les Alpes

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    Thomas Streifeneder


    Full Text Available La région couverte par la Convention alpine a connu un recul important des exploitations agricoles (– 40 % entre 1980 et 2000. Des régions stables (Autriche, Suisse côtoient des régions profondément transformées (Italie, Slovénie. Les modifications agrostructurelles ont conduit à des bouleversements majeurs dans les structures de fonctionnement (agrandissement des exploitations, abandon de surface agricole utile, partages diversifiés des types socio-économiques d’exploitations. Cela résulte de divers facteurs, qu’ils soient culturels (l’attachement aux traditions agricoles, l’identification de la société au monde agricole, politico-agricoles (Politique Agricole Commune, OMC ou économiques (opportunités de revenus non-agricoles et fonctionnels (taille des exploitations. Au-delà des différenciations nationales et régionales majeures au sein de l’arc alpin (abandon d’exploitations modéré à fort, les exploitations agricoles affrontent les mêmes enjeux en ce qui concerne les transformations des structures agricoles (ex : abandon d’exploitation et augmentation de la taille des exploitations restantes. En comparaison avec la moyenne à l’échelle alpine de l’évolution du nombre d’exploitations et des surfaces agricoles utiles (1980-2000, on peut observer des tendances modérées (Autriche/Suisse/Allemagne, dynamiques (Italie/Slovénie ou non corrélées (France.The Alpine region registered a substantial abandonment of farms (-40% between 1980 and 2000. Both Alpine regions with a relatively stable situation (AT, CH and regions with significant agricultural changes (IT, SI exist next to each other. The agro-structural change has led to profound changes in operational structures (enlargement of farms, abandonment of utilised agricultural areas, varying shares of socio-economic farm types. This resulted from various cultural (e.g. relatedness to agricultural traditions, identification of the society with


    CERN Multimedia


    The Crédit Agricole wishes to inform its CERN customers that the bank's Prévessin site premises are to be refurbished with a view to improving and extending services to customers. Duration of the work: from Monday 28 May 2001 to Wednesday 25 July 2001. Routine services will be maintained throughout this period, and for any other matters customers are invited to contact our GEX branch, where Maryse MEIGNIEN will be available to answer any enquiries. We thank you for your understanding during this period.

  5. An ecologically sustainable approach to agricultural production intensification: Global perspectives and developments Une approche écologiquement durable de l’intensification de la production agricole : perspectives globales et développements Un enfoque ecológicamente sostenible de la intensificación de la producción agrícola: perspectivas globales y avances

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    Theodor Friedrich


    principale de la dégradation des terres agricoles et de la diminution de la productivité agricole – si l’on se place du point de vue de la détérioration de la santé des sols – est notre modèle de travail intensif de sols à faible teneur en carbone qui perturbe et affaiblit de nombreuses fonctions importantes des écosystèmes assurées par les sols. La majorité des sols exploités par une agriculture basée sur le travail intensif et non protégés par des résidus organique de surface se déstructurent et se compactent, et sont ainsi davantage exposés au ruissellement et à l'érosion. En outre, la vie et la biodiversité des sols étant privés d’habitat et de matières organiques, le sol voit sa capacité de récupération biologique altérée.L’agriculture de conservation (AC est un système de culture qui repose sur une perturbation mécanique du sol nulle ou minime, un paillis organique permanent, et une diversification des cultures. C’est une solution efficace pour mettre un terme à la dégradation des terres agricoles, et qui est favorable à la réhabilitation des sols et à l’intensification durable de la production agricole. L’AC est aujourd’hui pratiquée par de nombreux exploitants, gros comme petits, sur quelque 125 millions d’hectares dans le monde, et qui se développe à une cadence d’environ 7 millions d’hectares par an.L'AC présente de nombreux avantages pour les exploitants agricoles : meilleurs revenus, diminution des risques financiers, adaptabilité au changement climatique et atténuation de ses effets, etc. Pour les petits exploitants non mécanisés, l’AC offre au final jusqu’à 50 % d’économies de main d’oeuvre, une réduction des tâches pénibles, une stabilité de la production et une meilleure sécurité alimentaire. Pour les exploitants mécanisés, l’AC permet une diminution de la consommation de carburant ainsi que des coûts de machines et de maintenance, et une réduction des moyens et des co

  6. La gestion écosystémique pour le développement durable des territoires agricoles fragilisés par les dégradations environnementales

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    Adnane Berahmani


    Full Text Available L’approche de gestion écosystémique a été adoptée par le Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche Maritime dans le cadre du Programme d’appui à la politique sectorielle agricole (PAPSA financé par l’Union Européenne. Cette approche a pour objectif l’intégration de la dimension environnementale dans la planification et la programmation des projets de développement agricoles. Les Plans de gestion écosystémique élaborés à cet effet constituent des outils pour la concrétisation d’un développement durable des filières retenues par le programme PAPSA. L’article présente la démarche générale et son application dans le cas de la filière du palmier dattier à Bouanane. L’analyse détaillée de la démarche déployée et des résultats obtenus révèle la nécessité de faire évoluer cette approche pour tendre vers une collaboration accrue, d’une part entre les institutions du Ministère de l’Agriculture et d’autre part entre le Ministère de l’Agriculture, les autres départements ministériels et les bailleurs de fonds.

  7. Pejoration pluviometrique et production agricole dans le bassin de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... l'amenuisement important du rendement agricole. Les corrélations faites entre hauteurs de pluie et rendement agricole sont très significatives. Face à cette situation, des adaptations de cultures aux péjorations pluviométriques ont été opérées. Des stratégies intégrées sont élaborées en vue d'un développement durable ...

  8. Méthanisation agricole : quelle rentabilité selon les projets ?


    COUTURIER, Christian


    Combien coûte la méthanisation agricole, quelles sont les conditions de la rentabilité ? Pour répondre à ces questions simples en apparence, il faut comprendre comment se construit le « modèle d’entreprise », c’est-à-dire décrire l’organisation de la méthanisation agricole, ses finalités et ses moyens, et la manière dont se créée la valeur ajoutée.

  9. Annexe 3. Constitution d'une exploitation à Homs



    ‘Abd al-Laṭīf, né en 1925, est jardinier à Horns. Il exploite avec son fils aîné et l'aide de deux de ses petits-fils un jardin de quelques 35 dunum (3,5 hectares) situé dans le zūr al-Ǧdīdeh, secteur central de la zone agricole. Cette grande exploitation, constituée de plusieurs parcelles ayant différents statuts, est en partie le produit d'une histoire familiale dont je voudrais présenter ici brièvement les principaux aspects. Figure 50 – Alliances matrimoniales entre la lignée de ‘Abbās e...

  10. Concilier la production agricole et la préservation de la biodiversité : les insectes au coeur de ce défi


    Badenhausser , Isabelle


    Non applicable; En Europe, les zones agricoles représentent la majorité de l’espace. La France suit cette répartition avec une superficie occupée par l’agriculture qui était en 2010 de 27 millions d’hectares soit 53% du territoire national métropolitain (Source : SSP, Agreste), ce qui la place sur la partie « intensive » du schéma d’évolution théorique d’usage des sols pour l’agriculture (Le Roux et al. 2008). Selon ce rapport, l’agriculture intensive se définit par la superficie du territoir...

  11. Déshumidification de l'air d'une serre par contact direct à courants croisés avec une solution hygroscopique organique (United States)

    Chraibi, A.; Jaffrin, A.; Makhlouf, S.; Bentounes, N.


    Greenhouse air can be dehumidified by direct contact with a desicant fluid on a trickle exchanger. The water vapour extraction rate depends on the hygroscopicity of the fluid and on the exchanger efficiency. An organic fluid, the triethylene glycol (TEG) at 90% concentration, has been tested. Cross corrugated cellulosic pads, of the type used in cooling, irrigated with TEG, were placed in a wind channel to dehumidify air at various speeds and temperatures. A semi-analytical model, based on energy and mass conservation, correctly reproduces the water vapor extraction rate and the enthalpy change of both fluids. It is shown that TEG trickling through a ventilated pad of 1 m^2 area and 0.1 m thickness can be used to extract 3 to 5 kg of water vapor per hour in greenhouse climate control applications. Several pads arranged in series can be used to decrease more efficiently the absolute humidity of the air, for other applications like food drying or industrial compressed air. Une technique de déshumidification de l'air des serres consiste à le soumettre au contact d'une solution hygroscopique au sein d'un échangeur ruisselant. Le taux d'extraction de vapeur d'eau dépend à la fois du pouvoir hygroscopique de la solution et de l'efficacité de l'échangeur. Une solution hygroscopique organique, le triéthylène glycol à 90% de concentration, a été expérimentée. Un échangeur ruisselant constitué de parois de cellulose ondulées à corrugations croisées, du type “cooling pad” pour serres agricoles, a été testé pour déshumidifier de l'air dans une soufflerie expérimentale. Un modèle semi-analytique, basé sur les équations de conservation de l'énergie et de masse, permet de rendre compte des échanges et de déduire les paramètres de sortie des deux fluides en contact, à partir des caractéristiques d'entrée. Cette étude permet de chiffrer à environ 3 à 5kg/h la capacité de déshumidification d'un panneau d'un mètre carré et de 10cm d

  12. La Syrie à la recherche d’un modèle de développement : la question agricole, de l’indépendance aux premières réformes agraires (1946-1958)


    Tarlé, Romain de


    La réforme agraire de 1958 et le modèle dirigiste baassiste dominent nos représentations sur le monde agricole syrien. Toutefois, entre 1946 et 1958, la Syrie hésite sur le modèle économique et les partenaires internationaux à privilégier. La volonté de préserver une entière souveraineté économique se heurte au désir d’accéder le plus rapidement possible à une modernité incarnée par les États-Unis et leurs experts. Cet article montre comment le jeune État syrien et les Puissances adaptent leu...

  13. Développement d'une approche intégrée pour la gestion de l'eau en production de canneberges


    Pelletier, Vincent


    Dans un contexte évolutif où les changements climatiques entraîneront une augmentation du nombre d’événements climatiques extrêmes, la gestion de l’eau devra être optimisée afin d’éviter l’impact des stress environnementaux sur le rendement agronomique des cultures. Bien que les seuils où surviennent ces stress soient connus pour la majorité des espèces agricoles, ils demeurent pour la plupart inconnus pour la canneberge. Leur détermination est donc un prérequis à l’établissement d’une gestio...

  14. Favoriser le développement de chaînes de valeur agricoles ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Favoriser le développement de chaînes de valeur agricoles inclusives et durables grâce aux TIC ... Ce projet vise à mettre l'information et les connaissances au service du développement de chaînes de valeur agricoles grâce à l'utilisation stratégique des TIC. ... Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center.

  15. La méthanisation agricole - Champ d'activité nouveau pour l'agriculteur


    Claire Etrillard


    Traiter la pollution liée aux déchets et aux effluents en produisant de l'énergie renouvelable. Telle est la promesse de la méthanisation agricole actuellement promue par les pouvoirs publics. Le cadre juridique de la méthanisation à la ferme a de ce fait beaucoup évolué ces derniers temps en France. Désormais, les activités de méthanisation exercées par un exploitant agricole sont réputées agricoles, et à ce titre strictement réglementées. Quant aux produits issus de cette méthanisation, l...

  16. Modélisation et estimation de la valeur de la terre agricole dans la ...

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    Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie ... avec le mode d'accès traditionnel au profit d'un mode d'accès moderne à la terre agricole devenue ... et à définir les règles du fonctionnement du marché de terre agricole.

  17. 264 Modélisation et estimation de la valeur de la terre agricole dans ...

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    marché de terre agricole dont on ne maîtrise pas le mécanisme de fonctionnement et les déterminants du prix. L'objectif assigné à cette recherche est de mettre en évidence les facteurs qui déterminent le prix de la terre agricole dans la zone périurbaine de Bangui en Centrafrique afin de donner au pouvoir public des.

  18. Gestion des connaissances : le pilier oublié du développement ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Une stratégie complète de Gestion et de Partage des Connaissances peut améliorer considérablement l'efficacité, le bon fonctionnement et l'impact des politiques agricoles et des réformes agricoles proposées dans la région MOAN selon une étude ...

  19. Culture du bambou : diversification des moyens de subsistance des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Culture du bambou : diversification des moyens de subsistance des petits producteurs de tabac du sud de la province de Nyanza, au Kenya - phase II. Au cours de la première phase du projet (projet no 103765), les chercheurs ont effectué une analyse de marché pour le bambou et les produits du bambou, comparé les ...

  20. Analyse thermique de systèmes de chauffage localisé à basse température dans les serres agricoles : paillage radiant et tubes enterrés (United States)

    Monteil, C.; Amouroux, M.


    Greenhouse heating can be achieved using various systems, for the generator as well as for the exchanger. The exchanger characteristics involve quite different modes of energy distribution, with differing agronomic and economic consequences. This paper focuses on two ground-level heating systems with low temperature (20 40°C) water circulation: a “radiant mulch” exchanger, composed of a network of ground-level heating hoses, and a “buried pipes” exchanger, composed of a network of under-ground pipes. The first part of the paper develops a model for these exchangers and its integration into a previously described greenhouse global model. The second part compares the effects of these exchangers on the greenhouse energetical behaviour with those of classic aerial metallic pipes with hot (50 70°C) water circulation. Le chauffage des serres agricoles peut être réalisé avec divers types de systèmes, tant pour le générateur que pour l'échangeur situé au sein de la serre. Les caractéristiques de l'échangeur induisent des modes de distribution de l'énergie très différents, dont les conséquences agronomiques et économiques peuvent être importantes. Le présent article s'intéresse à deux types d'échangeurs à circulation d'eau “à basse température” (20 40°C) localisés au niveau du sol de la serre: chauffage par gaines en matière plastique posées à même le sol (ou “paillage radiant”), chauffage par réseau de tubes enterrés à faible profondeur dans le sol de la serre. Une première partie développe une modélisation de ces échangeurs et son intégration dans un modèle plus global de la serre agricole, déjà présenté par ailleurs. Une seconde partie exploite cette modélisation en effectuant une analyse comparative de ces échangeurs avec un échangeur de référence constitué de tubes métalliques aériens à circulation d'eau chaude (50 70°C), très classiquement utilisé dans les serres.

  1. Politiques et dynamique des systèmes de production: comment concilier défi alimentaire, compétitivité et environnement ?


    Chatellier, Vincent; Dupraz, Pierre


    Cette communication propose une réflexion portant sur l’influence des politiques publiques (commerciale, agricole et environnementale) sur la dynamique des systèmes de production en agriculture. Elle rappelle, dans un premier temps, que les politiques commerciales définies dans le cadre des accords de l’OMC contribuent à une libéralisation accentuée des marchés agricoles internationaux. En se focalisant sur les principales productions agricoles développées dans l’Union européenne (céréales, l...

  2. South of Sahara | Page 11 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La productivité agricole en Afrique centrale et occidentale demeure faible, mais il existe un solide potentiel de recherche pour améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition dans la région. La mise en place d'une production agricole durable est essentielle à des stratégies efficaces pour une croissance économique durable ...

  3. Gender | Page 25 | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La productivité agricole en Afrique centrale et occidentale demeure faible, mais il existe un solide potentiel de recherche pour améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition dans la région. La mise en place d'une production agricole durable est essentielle à des stratégies efficaces pour une croissance économique durable ...

  4. Transformer l'agriculture en Afrique centrale et occidentale grâce à ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    29 août 2017 ... La productivité agricole en Afrique centrale et occidentale demeure faible, mais il existe un solide potentiel de recherche pour améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition dans la région. La mise en place d'une production agricole durable est essentielle à des stratégies efficaces pour une croissance ...

  5. Alimentation animale et organisation des filières : une comparaison pois protéagineux-lin oléagineux pour comprendre les facteurs freinant ou favorisant les cultures de diversification

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    Charrier François


    Full Text Available Le processus d’intensification des élevages, entamé dans les années 1970, s’est accompagné d’un développement croissant du recours aux aliments dits « composés », fabriqués à partir de différentes matières premières pour la plupart d’origine végétale. Les pratiques de la formulation des fabricants d’aliments composés, fondées sur une très forte substituabilité des matières premières, génèrent une concurrence très forte entre ces commodités. Dans un tel contexte de marché, la valorisation de certaines espèces repose sur des mécanismes permettant de contourner ou de s’affranchir de cette concurrence, mais dont l’efficacité reste fortement dépendante de l’organisation des acteurs au sein des filières. À partir de la comparaison des filières pois et lin, nous montrons ainsi qu’au-delà de la reconnaissance de propriétés nutritionnelles spécifiques pouvant valoriser différemment certaines espèces, la coordination des acteurs le long d’une filière est déterminante dans la diffusion des incitations économiques et informationnelles nécessaires à une orientation des agriculteurs en faveur d’espèces de diversification d’intérêt agro-écologique.

  6. Valorisation agricole des déchets comme alternative à leur gestion ...

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    Valorisation agricole des déchets comme alternative à leur gestion dans les villes d'Afrique subsaharienne : caractérisation des déchets urbains à Lubumbashi et évaluation de leurs effets sur la croissance des cultures vivrières.

  7. Technologies agricoles modernes et changements dans la vie socio ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ainsi les anciennes habitudes en matière d'organisation économique, sociale et culturelle sont-elles loin d'avoir été préservées. La présente étude vise à analyser l'ensemble des changements induits par les nouvelles technologies agricoles sur les structures économique, culturelle, politique, religieuse et sociale de ladite ...

  8. Adoption d'innovations agricoles par le truchement de services ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'agriculture est le fer de lance de nombreuses économies en développement, mais la capacité des petits agriculteurs privés de ressources à adopter des innovations agricoles est freinée par le manque d'accès à des services financiers adéquats. Des experts internationaux estiment qu'il existe un manque à gagner ...

  9. Implantation d'un Modèle Atmosphérique Régional (MAR pour l'étude des variations climatiques et le suivi des campagnes agricoles en Côte d'Ivoire

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    Schayes, G.


    Full Text Available Conference: Congo – State, Peace, Economy and Well-being, 21-22 February 2008. Le plateau Adja est l'une des principales zones de production agricole du sud du Bénin avec plus de 90% de sa population dans l'agriculture. Malheureusement, cette zone de très forte pression fonci��re souffre, contrairement à la théorie de Boserup (3, de la persistance de l'agriculture minière et de la dégradation prononcée de l'environnement cultural. Cette étude a pour objectif d'analyser la dynamique de pauvreté sur tout le plateau Adja, aux fins de caractériser les formes de pauvreté dont la prise en compte s'avère nécessaire pour la promotion de l'agriculture durable dans la zone. A partir d'un échantillon de 122 ménages les données collectées portent essentiellement sur les caractéristiques des ménages, leur exploitation agricole, leur dotation en actifs et leurs états de bien-être en 2000 et en 2007 appréciés par les dépenses de consommation par équivalent-adulte comme indicateur. Les analyses de données ont permis d'identifier les traits qui distinguent les ménages pauvres chroniques des ménages pauvres transitoires sur le plateau Adja. Le niveau d'instruction, le nombre de champs, le capital naturel et le capital physique possédés sont les facteurs discriminants importants des deux catégories de pauvres. Sur la période de 2000 à 2007, la pauvreté transitoire domine la pauvreté chronique avec 36,9% des ménages contre 28,7%. La pauvreté chronique se traduit par un déficit persistant en actifs naturels et physiques. Selon le genre, les ménages dirigés par les femmes souffrent largement plus de la pauvreté chronique (47,1% que les ménages dirigés par les hommes (25,7%. En ce qui concerne les pratiques agricoles, les pauvres chroniques mettent moins en oeuvre les pratiques agricoles de conservation des terres que les pauvres transitoires.

  10. Impact des changements climatiques sur l’agriculture dans la plaine de Jeffara sud-est tunisien

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    Houcine Jeder


    Full Text Available Cette étude évalue la vulnérabilité de l’agriculture dans la plaine de Jeffera sud-est tunisien aux changements climatiques en utilisant la méthode Ricardienne. Cette méthode consiste à exprimer les revenus nets agricoles en fonction des variables climatiques, édaphiques et socio-économiques. Ces modèles ricardiens ont été testés sur la base des données d’une enquête réalisée dans le cadre de projet de développement dans la plaine Jeffera pour la compagne agricole 2002-2003.  Ces modèles ont permis d’exprimer d’une part la relation qui existe entre le revenu agricole et les variables climatiques (température et précipitation et d’autre part, d’analyser la sensibilité des revenus agricoles par rapport à ces variables climatiques. Des simulations ont été faites sur la base de scenario A2 résultat de la projection faite par le modèle HadCM3 à l’échelle nationale et régionale de la Tunisie.Les résultats de l’étude ont montré que la relation entre le revenu agricole et le climat est non linéaire. De même, les effets négatifs de certaines options d’adaptation ont montré que  l’agriculture dans la plaine de Jeffera est une agriculture paysanne basée sur le travail familial qui nécessite aujourd’hui un capital financier important et une marge de modernisation afin d’améliorer l’activité agricole dans les années futures. Tandis que les effets positifs de certaines autres options peuvent être servir comme des points de réflexion dans l’élaboration des stratégies d’adaptation aux changements climatiques comme l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies d’irrigation et l’intégration de l’activité de l’élevage dans l’exploitation agricole.

  11. De la sècheresse aux pratiques agricoles… ou les pratiques agricoles, objet d’interface, entre climat et hommes…

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    Ahmed B. Veyrac-Ben


    Full Text Available Etudier les impacts environnementaux de la sècheresse dans un territoire agricole, c’est aussi, et surtout, s’interroger sur les pratiques des agriculteurs, et se demander en quoi des évènements tels que les sècheresses peuvent influencer les pratiques agricoles…A l’interface entre le milieu et les hommes, nous considérons donc les pratiques des agriculteurs comme un facteur d’évolution des milieux et des hommes. Notre étude des pratiques agricoles et de leurs impacts environnementaux, vue à travers le prisme de l’influence des sècheresses, cherche donc à comprendre la part et le rôle d’un facteur physique dans la mutation d’un territoire agricole.

  12. Les produits agricoles traditionnels peuvent améliorer la nutrition et ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    14 janv. 2013 ... Les produits agricoles traditionnels peuvent améliorer la nutrition et augmenter le revenu des femmes ... des élèves en matière de nutrition; dans le cas des femmes, cette augmentation a été de 7 à 8 %. .... Articles connexes ...

  13. 129 Durabilité agro-écologique des exploitations agricoles dans la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    durabilité alors que la composante «organisation de l'espace» constitue un facteur limitant. ... la performance agro-écologique de l'exploitation agricole, à un moment ... Pour mener cette étude, deux types de données ont été nécessaires : les ...

  14. 76 Valorisation agricole des déchets comme alternative à leur ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Valorisation agricole des déchets comme alternative à leur gestion dans les villes d'Afrique subsaharienne : caractérisation des déchets urbains à. Lubumbashi et évaluation de leurs effets sur la croissance des cultures vivrières. Louis BABOY LONGANZA1,2, Laurent KIDINDA KIDINDA1*,Dominique TSHIPAMA TAMINA3,.

  15. Les produits agricoles traditionnels peuvent améliorer la nutrition et ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    14 janv. 2013 ... Ce n'est un secret pour personne que les produits agricoles traditionnels comme les mils et les légumineuses à graines sont très nutritifs. C'est pourquoi des chercheurs collaborent actuellement avec des femmes en Inde et en Éthiopie pour faciliter l'utilisation à des fins personnelles (pour la préparation ...


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    Adrian A Smith


    Une attention considérable a été accordée à la décision de la Cour suprême du Canada rendue en 2011 dans l’arrêt Fraser, qui portait sur le droit constitutionnel à la liberté d’association des travailleurs agricoles en Ontario. Bien que les interventions tendent à juste titre à critiquer la décision de la Cour rejetant des droits d’association significatifs, il existe une indifférence marquée à l’égard des dimensions racialisées de la décision et de la production de la main-d’œuvre agricole au Canada d’une façon générale. Cependant, bien qu’elle soit nécessaire pour aborder les limites de l’analyse juridique savante et jurisprudentielle contemporaine, l’application des idées de la théorie raciale critique ne tient pas suffisamment compte des particularités de l’exploitation de la main-d’œuvre qui fait partie intégrante du régime canadien de migration temporaire de la main-d’œuvre. Dans le but d’approfondir l’étude de la racialisation, de la main-d’œuvre et du droit au Canada, je place les luttes judiciaires et extrajudiciaires des travailleurs agricoles migrants au sein d’une analyse antiraciste du droit qui tient compte des diverses façons dont la racialisation et le racisme influencent la migration de la main-d’œuvre. La construction du travail migrant fondée sur une catégorie racialisée -- une « nécessité structurelle » dans le cadre de la production agricole -- se fait par l’imposition d’obstacles politico-juridiques organisés par le capitalisme mondial et le système des États nationaux. L’analyse se termine en préconisant l’abandon des approches actuelles relatives à l’étude et à l’exercice du droit du travail, au profit d’un programme transgressif visant à contester ouvertement l’exploitation capitaliste sous toutes ses formes, y compris la réglementation racialisée de la main-d’œuvre agricole migrante.

  17. Variabilité climatique et production maraîchère dans la plaine ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cependant, dans les pays au Sud du Sahara, la variabilité climatique représente une grande menace pour la croissance et le développement durable. ... le maraîchage se traduisent entre autres par les inondations, les sécheresses, la baisse des rendements agricoles et le bouleversement du calendrier agricole classique.

  18. Les systèmes de productions agricoles du Niger face au ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Au cours des 30 dernières années, le Niger a subi de nombreuses sécheresses, inondations, invasions des criquets et autres attaques parasitaires. Ces catastrophes portent un coup aux revenus des ménages, à la performance du secteur agricole, à l'équilibre budgétaire de l'État et au taux de croissance économique du ...

  19. Services financiers et déploiement d'innovations agricoles au Sahel ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Services financiers et déploiement d'innovations agricoles au Sahel. Au cours des vingt dernières années, plusieurs innovations visant à améliorer les rendements des cultures vivrières ont été développées dans les centres de recherche agronomique d'Afrique de l'Ouest et par les chercheurs de la communauté ...

  20. Agriculture dans la ville, agriculture pour la ville : acteurs, pratiques et enjeux


    Poulot, Monique


    En Décembre 1992, une séance de l’Association de Géographes Français interrogeait le « devenir des agricultures périurbaines » [Brunet & Charvet 1994]. Jean-Paul Charvet soulignait qu’il semblait désormais « possible de concilier développement urbain et maintien d’espaces agricoles et ruraux vivants du moment où une convergence de volontés s’exprimait en ce sens » [Charvet 1994, p. 120] si bien que ces espaces d’agriculture périurbaine apparaissaient comme « des espaces agricoles complexes où...


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    Ousmane Kobele-Keita


    Full Text Available Dans le présent article il est indiqué les caracteristiques agricoles de la République de Guinée comme facteur déterminant de son économie. L’analyse concerne les conditions pedo-climatiques de la Guinée, sa situation géographique, demographique, économique, mais aussi les aspects culturels et juridiques de la vie paysanne de ce pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. L’accent a été mis également sur les difficultés que rencontre l’agriculture guinéenne tout en soulignant les voies et moyens á suivre pour développer cette agriculture.

  2. La recherche aide à améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Corey Piccioni

    à grande échelle des solutions qui améliorent la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition dans le monde en développement. Le CRDI apporte une contribution importante à l'augmentation de la productivité agricole, à l'amélioration de la nutrition et à l'accroissement des revenus des exploitants agricoles, hommes et femmes.

  3. Gestion des ressources naturelles pour une sécurité alimentaire ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Au Sahel, le déficit de la production agricole et pastorale, combiné à la hausse générale des prix des denrées, ont augmenté l'insécurité alimentaire. Pour garantir leur sécurité alimentaire, les populations rurales utilisent des techniques de production agricole visant à maximiser leur production sans nécessairement se ...

  4. Les collectivités : une source de déchets organiques et une voie de valorisation de la chaleur pour la méthanisation agricole ?

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    LEVASSEUR, Pascal ; CHARPIOT, Alicia ; LE GUEN, Gaëlle


    Full Text Available Un des intérêts de la méthanisation est qu'elle peut participer à un recyclage extrêmement rentable des déchets. De fait, les collectivités ont un rôle à jouer dans ce processus car elles génèrent de nombreux types de déchets. Mais dans quelles mesures leur participation est-elle actuellement intéressante ? La volonté d'aboutir à une plus grande efficacité induit des changements de comportement de la part des foyers et des institutions. Quels sont-ils?

  5. Diversification: Far term (2000 - ) (United States)


    Diversification, intended to underly the far term of the energy conservation program, was defined to imply conservation through substitution for scarce energy resources by maximizing the total number of viable energy system types in every sector. The following requirements or aspects of diversification that must be studied were given: fuel mix and end use patterns for various alternative diversification plans, current status of diversification, advantages and disadvantages of diversification, constraints and criteria, diversification actions and their controls, and means for implementing the chosen diversification strategy. The following advantages resulting from diversification were described: competition, crisis-related situations, local energy production, decentralized plant locations, long range energy policy, and environmental overloads. The major criteria by which a diversification program should be judged, the major constraints affecting the approaches, and the road to diversification, were elaborated.

  6. Gestion de la biodiversité agricole aux fins de la nutrition, de la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Gestion de la biodiversité agricole aux fins de la nutrition, de la santé, des moyens de subsistance et des systèmes de production durable (Afrique). Les qualités nutritionnelles des aliments provenant des systèmes de production alimentaire de l'Afrique se dégradent, comme l'indiquent la prévalence accrue de carences en ...

  7. determinants de l'adoption et impact des varietes ameliorees sur la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    C'est ainsi que la recherche a créé des nouvelles variétés ... La recherche en économie de la production agricole a montré que les taux d'adoption et les facteurs influençant la décision des agriculteurs d'adopter une technologie agricole varient fortement entre ..... des agriculteurs sur l'innovation sont fortement liées aux ...

  8. La gestion des risques climatiques en Afrique du Sud

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    ou une variabilité à court terme, mais la plupart des scénarios de changements climatiques prévoient une hausse de leur fréquence. Selon Peter Johnston, du .... Une planification plus éclairée contribuera à sauvegarder des emplois dans le secteur agricole commercial et à réduire les risques pour les agriculteurs démunis.

  9. Les politiques d’appui à l’agriculture familiale au Brésil : quelques éléments de comparaison avec le Maroc

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    Philippe Bonnal


    Full Text Available Au Brésil comme au Maroc, le secteur agricole est marqué par des différences extrêmes en termes de taille d’exploitation, ainsi que de niveaux d’équipement, de capitalisation et de techniques. L’article présente la politique brésilienne d’appui à l’agriculture familiale, et quelques éléments de comparaison avec les choix faits au Maroc. Les politiques agricoles brésiliennes proposent depuis une vingtaine d’années un appui spécifique aux exploitations familiales, avec notamment la constitution d’un ministère spécifique. De nombreux dispositifs d’appui à l’agriculture familiale ont été mis en place, dont notamment des crédits à taux préférentiel et des programmes d’achat de denrées agricoles pour les institutions publiques (écoles, hôpitaux, etc.. Dans les zones rurales particulièrement fragiles, des dispositifs permettent une coordination entre l’ensemble des politiques publiques concernant ces zones. Enfin, la conception et la mise en oeuvre de ces politiques publiques se font avec une forte implication des syndicats agricoles. Les politiques publiques brésiliennes et marocaines reconnaissent la dualité du monde agricole, mais cette dualité est définie par zone au Maroc, tandis qu’elle est fondée sur des caractéristiques explicites des exploitations au Brésil. Dans les deux pays, le coeur des politiques publiques d’appui aux exploitations familiales porte sur l’aide à l’investissement. Au-delà de ce coeur commun, les politiques brésiliennes ont plus spécifiquement développé des approches au niveau des territoires locaux et associent plus fortement qu’au Maroc les organisations professionnelles agricoles représentant l’agriculture familiale dans la conception de l’action publique. La comparaison des politiques agricoles au Maroc et au Brésil sur quelques éléments permet de souligner la forte étendue des choix qu’il est possible de considérer, pour définir des

  10. Vers une collectivité productive à Malika (Sénégal) : une expérience ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet est entrepris en lien étroit avec la recherche-action sur la décharge ... productives en périphérie urbaine, là où la production agricole et la nature doivent ... Le CRDI félicite la première cohorte de chercheuses en science des ...

  11. Criblage in vitro des graines d'accessions locales de ricin ( Ricinus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le ricin (Ricinus communis L.) est une plante peu exigeante dont la culture offre d'énormes potentialités économiques pour les exploitants agricoles sénégalais. L'identification de génotypes performants avec des rendements acceptables en conditions de stress salin constitue une des solutions pour promouvoir cette ...

  12. Diversification of energy sources (United States)


    The concept of energy source diversification was introduced as a substitution conservation action. The current status and philosophy behind a diversification program is presented in the context of a national energy policy. Advantages, disadvantages (constraints), and methods of implementation for diversification are discussed. The energy source systems for diversification are listed and an example impact assessment is outlined which deals with the water requirements of the specific energy systems.

  13. Cités horticoles en sursis ? L'agriculture urbaine dans les grandes ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Face à la crise des systèmes de production agricole ruraux, l'agriculture urbaine, notamment l'horticulture et l'élevage, est devenue une activité en pleine expansion. Ce secteur absorbe une partie de l'exode rural, contribue au développement d'activités génératrices de revenus et bénéficie d'une situation privilégiée grâce ...

  14. Hospital diversification strategy. (United States)

    Eastaugh, Steven R


    To determine the impact of health system restructuring on the levels of hospital diversification and operating ratio this article analyzed 94 teaching hospitals and 94 community hospitals during the period 2008-2013. The 47 teaching hospitals are matched with 47 other teaching hospitals experiencing the same financial market position in 2008, but with different levels of preference for risk and diversification in their strategic plan. Covariates in the analysis included levels of hospital competition and the degree of local government planning (for example, highly regulated in New York, in contrast to Texas). Moreover, 47 nonteaching community hospitals are matched with 47 other community hospitals in 2008, having varying manager preferences for service-line diversification and risk. Diversification and operating ratio are modeled in a two-stage least squares (TSLS) framework as jointly dependent. Institutional diversification is found to yield better financial position, and the better operating profits provide the firm the wherewithal to diversify. Some services are in a growth phase, like bariatric weight-loss surgery and sleep disorder clinics. Hospital managers' preferences for risk/return potential were considered. An institution life cycle hypothesis is advanced to explain hospital behavior: boom and bust, diversification, and divestiture, occasionally leading to closure or merger.

  15. Natural Constraints to Species Diversification.

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    Eric Lewitus


    Full Text Available Identifying modes of species diversification is fundamental to our understanding of how biodiversity changes over evolutionary time. Diversification modes are captured in species phylogenies, but characterizing the landscape of diversification has been limited by the analytical tools available for directly comparing phylogenetic trees of groups of organisms. Here, we use a novel, non-parametric approach and 214 family-level phylogenies of vertebrates representing over 500 million years of evolution to identify major diversification modes, to characterize phylogenetic space, and to evaluate the bounds and central tendencies of species diversification. We identify five principal patterns of diversification to which all vertebrate families hold. These patterns, mapped onto multidimensional space, constitute a phylogenetic space with distinct properties. Firstly, phylogenetic space occupies only a portion of all possible tree space, showing family-level phylogenies to be constrained to a limited range of diversification patterns. Secondly, the geometry of phylogenetic space is delimited by quantifiable trade-offs in tree size and the heterogeneity and stem-to-tip distribution of branching events. These trade-offs are indicative of the instability of certain diversification patterns and effectively bound speciation rates (for successful clades within upper and lower limits. Finally, both the constrained range and geometry of phylogenetic space are established by the differential effects of macroevolutionary processes on patterns of diversification. Given these properties, we show that the average path through phylogenetic space over evolutionary time traverses several diversification stages, each of which is defined by a different principal pattern of diversification and directed by a different macroevolutionary process. The identification of universal patterns and natural constraints to diversification provides a foundation for understanding the

  16. Natural Constraints to Species Diversification (United States)

    Lewitus, Eric; Morlon, Hélène


    Identifying modes of species diversification is fundamental to our understanding of how biodiversity changes over evolutionary time. Diversification modes are captured in species phylogenies, but characterizing the landscape of diversification has been limited by the analytical tools available for directly comparing phylogenetic trees of groups of organisms. Here, we use a novel, non-parametric approach and 214 family-level phylogenies of vertebrates representing over 500 million years of evolution to identify major diversification modes, to characterize phylogenetic space, and to evaluate the bounds and central tendencies of species diversification. We identify five principal patterns of diversification to which all vertebrate families hold. These patterns, mapped onto multidimensional space, constitute a phylogenetic space with distinct properties. Firstly, phylogenetic space occupies only a portion of all possible tree space, showing family-level phylogenies to be constrained to a limited range of diversification patterns. Secondly, the geometry of phylogenetic space is delimited by quantifiable trade-offs in tree size and the heterogeneity and stem-to-tip distribution of branching events. These trade-offs are indicative of the instability of certain diversification patterns and effectively bound speciation rates (for successful clades) within upper and lower limits. Finally, both the constrained range and geometry of phylogenetic space are established by the differential effects of macroevolutionary processes on patterns of diversification. Given these properties, we show that the average path through phylogenetic space over evolutionary time traverses several diversification stages, each of which is defined by a different principal pattern of diversification and directed by a different macroevolutionary process. The identification of universal patterns and natural constraints to diversification provides a foundation for understanding the deep-time evolution of

  17. Natural Constraints to Species Diversification. (United States)

    Lewitus, Eric; Morlon, Hélène


    Identifying modes of species diversification is fundamental to our understanding of how biodiversity changes over evolutionary time. Diversification modes are captured in species phylogenies, but characterizing the landscape of diversification has been limited by the analytical tools available for directly comparing phylogenetic trees of groups of organisms. Here, we use a novel, non-parametric approach and 214 family-level phylogenies of vertebrates representing over 500 million years of evolution to identify major diversification modes, to characterize phylogenetic space, and to evaluate the bounds and central tendencies of species diversification. We identify five principal patterns of diversification to which all vertebrate families hold. These patterns, mapped onto multidimensional space, constitute a phylogenetic space with distinct properties. Firstly, phylogenetic space occupies only a portion of all possible tree space, showing family-level phylogenies to be constrained to a limited range of diversification patterns. Secondly, the geometry of phylogenetic space is delimited by quantifiable trade-offs in tree size and the heterogeneity and stem-to-tip distribution of branching events. These trade-offs are indicative of the instability of certain diversification patterns and effectively bound speciation rates (for successful clades) within upper and lower limits. Finally, both the constrained range and geometry of phylogenetic space are established by the differential effects of macroevolutionary processes on patterns of diversification. Given these properties, we show that the average path through phylogenetic space over evolutionary time traverses several diversification stages, each of which is defined by a different principal pattern of diversification and directed by a different macroevolutionary process. The identification of universal patterns and natural constraints to diversification provides a foundation for understanding the deep-time evolution of

  18. AGRICULTURE DURABLE De nouvelles pratiques sont source de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    17 nov. 2010 ... Depuis 1970, les travaux de recherche soutenus par le CRDI ont permis à des agriculteurs et à des collectivités de pays en développement d'adopter des pratiques agricoles durables. Le résultant? Une productivité accrue, un recul de la pauvreté, une plus grande sécurité alimentaire et un environnement ...

  19. 1652-IJBCS-Article-Samba Ndiaye

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Ricinus communis L (ricin) figure parmi les espèces du Programme biocarburant au Sénégal. Sa culture sur des terrains incultes (terres salées) constitue une alternative pour éviter une concurrence sur les terres à vocation agricole. C'est pourquoi le taux de germination (TG) de sept accessions de graines de ricin a été.

  20. Quantitative traits and diversification. (United States)

    FitzJohn, Richard G


    Quantitative traits have long been hypothesized to affect speciation and extinction rates. For example, smaller body size or increased specialization may be associated with increased rates of diversification. Here, I present a phylogenetic likelihood-based method (quantitative state speciation and extinction [QuaSSE]) that can be used to test such hypotheses using extant character distributions. This approach assumes that diversification follows a birth-death process where speciation and extinction rates may vary with one or more traits that evolve under a diffusion model. Speciation and extinction rates may be arbitrary functions of the character state, allowing much flexibility in testing models of trait-dependent diversification. I test the approach using simulated phylogenies and show that a known relationship between speciation and a quantitative character could be recovered in up to 80% of the cases on large trees (500 species). Consistent with other approaches, detecting shifts in diversification due to differences in extinction rates was harder than when due to differences in speciation rates. Finally, I demonstrate the application of QuaSSE to investigate the correlation between body size and diversification in primates, concluding that clade-specific differences in diversification may be more important than size-dependent diversification in shaping the patterns of diversity within this group.

  1. Effet de l'activité des insectes pollinisateurs sur la pollinisation et le rendement du tournesol de consommation

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    Fougeroux André


    Full Text Available La pollinisation entomophile du tournesol est souvent mentionnée comme un facteur contribuant au rendement et à la qualité de cette culture. Alors que les rendements stagnent depuis une trentaine d'années en France, l'amélioration de la pollinisation des tournesols de consommation constitue une piste pour les relancer en conditions agricoles. Notre étude visait à évaluer l'impact d'un front d'insectes pollinisateurs (colonies d'abeilles domestiques installées dans une bande fleurie disposée sur une bordure de parcelles agricoles longue de plus de 550 m de long. Cet impact a été mesuré à différentes distances de ce front d'insectes pollinisateurs sur la fréquentation des capitules par les insectes floricoles, la charge en pollen des stigmates, le rendement et la teneur en huile des graines. Nous avons bien observé un gradient négatif d'activité des abeilles domestiques en fonction de l'éloignement au front de colonies et aussi une diminution du rendement et de la teneur en huile chez le tournesol. Nous présentons la méthodologie originale utilisée ainsi que les premiers résultats obtenus.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    rural, que ce dernier révélait ses bonnes performances à la nation toute entière. ... possibles de production pour les entreprises privées et privatisées, la nouvelle ... crédit bancaire, de subventions publiques qui leurs sont le plus souvent ...

  3. Maroc

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ... en eaux abondantes, font de la province de Sidi Slimane, une zone agricole de première importance. Cette province constitue un collecteur naturel des eaux de surface. ..... cycles biologiques des moustiques (Diptera, Culicidae) au Maroc.

  4. Rapid and recent diversification patterns in Anseriformes birds: Inferred from molecular phylogeny and diversification analyses. (United States)

    Sun, Zhonglou; Pan, Tao; Hu, Chaochao; Sun, Lu; Ding, Hengwu; Wang, Hui; Zhang, Chenling; Jin, Hong; Chang, Qing; Kan, Xianzhao; Zhang, Baowei


    The Anseriformes is a well-known and widely distributed bird order, with more than 150 species in the world. This paper aims to revise the classification, determine the phylogenetic relationships and diversification patterns in Anseriformes by exploring the Cyt b, ND2, COI genes and the complete mitochondrial genomes (mito-genomes). Molecular phylogeny and genetic distance analyses suggest that the Dendrocygna species should be considered as an independent family, Dendrocygnidae, rather than a member of Anatidae. Molecular timescale analyses suggests that the ancestral diversification occurred during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (58 ~ 50 Ma). Furthermore, diversification analyses showed that, after a long period of constant diversification, the median initial speciation rate was accelerated three times, and finally increased to approximately 0.3 sp/My. In the present study, both molecular phylogeny and diversification analyses results support that Anseriformes birds underwent rapid and recent diversification in their evolutionary history, especially in modern ducks, which show extreme diversification during the Plio-Pleistocene (~ 5.3 Ma). Therefore, our study support that the Plio-Pleistocene climate fluctuations are likely to have played a significant role in promoting the recent diversification for Anseriformes.

  5. Rapid and recent diversification patterns in Anseriformes birds: Inferred from molecular phylogeny and diversification analyses.

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    Zhonglou Sun

    Full Text Available The Anseriformes is a well-known and widely distributed bird order, with more than 150 species in the world. This paper aims to revise the classification, determine the phylogenetic relationships and diversification patterns in Anseriformes by exploring the Cyt b, ND2, COI genes and the complete mitochondrial genomes (mito-genomes. Molecular phylogeny and genetic distance analyses suggest that the Dendrocygna species should be considered as an independent family, Dendrocygnidae, rather than a member of Anatidae. Molecular timescale analyses suggests that the ancestral diversification occurred during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (58 ~ 50 Ma. Furthermore, diversification analyses showed that, after a long period of constant diversification, the median initial speciation rate was accelerated three times, and finally increased to approximately 0.3 sp/My. In the present study, both molecular phylogeny and diversification analyses results support that Anseriformes birds underwent rapid and recent diversification in their evolutionary history, especially in modern ducks, which show extreme diversification during the Plio-Pleistocene (~ 5.3 Ma. Therefore, our study support that the Plio-Pleistocene climate fluctuations are likely to have played a significant role in promoting the recent diversification for Anseriformes.

  6. Nested radiations and the pulse of angiosperm diversification: increased diversification rates often follow whole genome duplications. (United States)

    Tank, David C; Eastman, Jonathan M; Pennell, Matthew W; Soltis, Pamela S; Soltis, Douglas E; Hinchliff, Cody E; Brown, Joseph W; Sessa, Emily B; Harmon, Luke J


    Our growing understanding of the plant tree of life provides a novel opportunity to uncover the major drivers of angiosperm diversity. Using a time-calibrated phylogeny, we characterized hot and cold spots of lineage diversification across the angiosperm tree of life by modeling evolutionary diversification using stepwise AIC (MEDUSA). We also tested the whole-genome duplication (WGD) radiation lag-time model, which postulates that increases in diversification tend to lag behind established WGD events. Diversification rates have been incredibly heterogeneous throughout the evolutionary history of angiosperms and reveal a pattern of 'nested radiations' - increases in net diversification nested within other radiations. This pattern in turn generates a negative relationship between clade age and diversity across both families and orders. We suggest that stochastically changing diversification rates across the phylogeny explain these patterns. Finally, we demonstrate significant statistical support for the WGD radiation lag-time model. Across angiosperms, nested shifts in diversification led to an overall increasing rate of net diversification and declining relative extinction rates through time. These diversification shifts are only rarely perfectly associated with WGD events, but commonly follow them after a lag period. © 2015 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2015 New Phytologist Trust.

  7. Herbivory increases diversification across insect clades. (United States)

    Wiens, John J; Lapoint, Richard T; Whiteman, Noah K


    Insects contain more than half of all living species, but the causes of their remarkable diversity remain poorly understood. Many authors have suggested that herbivory has accelerated diversification in many insect clades. However, others have questioned the role of herbivory in insect diversification. Here, we test the relationships between herbivory and insect diversification across multiple scales. We find a strong, positive relationship between herbivory and diversification among insect orders. However, herbivory explains less variation in diversification within some orders (Diptera, Hemiptera) or shows no significant relationship with diversification in others (Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Orthoptera). Thus, we support the overall importance of herbivory for insect diversification, but also show that its impacts can vary across scales and clades. In summary, our results illuminate the causes of species richness patterns in a group containing most living species, and show the importance of ecological impacts on diversification in explaining the diversity of life.


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    Constantin CIUTACU


    Full Text Available Le secteur agricole est un pilier central de la construction européenne et il occupe, des lors, une place prépondérante dans les politiques européennes. L’agriculture doit faire face a des défis importants, résultant de l’internationalisation et de la mondialisation des politiques et marchés agricoles. La cohésion sociale et économique tout comme la compétitivité économique donnent une nouvelle dimension européenne aux politiques agricoles communes et il y a lieu de les considérer en rapport avec les politiques en matiere de développement rural ainsi qu’avec les nécessités de développement durable. Un large éventail de problemes affecte actuellement le secteur, par exemple la surpopulation et le dépeuplement agricole, le vieillissement démographique, le niveau et la sécurité des revenus, l’ESB et la fievre aphteuse, les organismes génétiquement modifiés, la biodiversité, le changement climatique, la protection de l’environnement, l’opposition entre agriculture organique et agriculture productive, le bien-etre des animaux, l’érosion du sol et la gestion de l’eau. Les actuels problemes structurels ont des conséquences considérables, particulierement dans les nouveaux et les futurs États membres de l’UE.

  9. If diversification is good, why don't countries diversify more? The political economy of diversification in resource-rich countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiig, Arne; Kolstad, Ivar


    For resource-rich countries, diversification is claimed to represent a strategy for reducing resource curse problems. This, however, depends on whether diversification has a positive effect on the country's institutions. While there is a lot of evidence that exports of oil have a negative impact on institutions, we know much less about the extent to which diversification leads to better institutions. This article applies recent political economy theory to the phenomenon of diversification. Theoretical arguments suggest that it is the pattern of industrial activity rather than diversification per se, which affects institutions like democracy. In other words, not all forms of diversification lead to better institutions. Furthermore, where diversification has a positive impact on institutions, diversification may be difficult to attain when it threatens the power base of the ruling elite. A possible implication of these arguments is that policies for diversification should focus on international regulation affecting elite incentives, rather than domestic industrial policy. - Highlights: ► Diversification can be a strategy for reducing resource curse problems in oil-rich countries. ► But this requires that diversification has a positive effect on the institutions of a country. ► It is the pattern of industrial activity rather than diversification per se, which affects institutions like democracy. ► Diversification may be difficult to attain when it threatens the power basis of the ruling elite. ► Policies for diversification should focus on international ruling affect elite incentives, rather than home industrial policy.

  10. Production horticole saine et durable dans les Andes centrales ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La pratique de l'horticulture dans les vallées andines situées à mi-altitude requiert des quantités considérables de pesticides mutagènes très dangereux. Mais il s'agit d'une source de revenu supplémentaire pour les familles agricoles et d'une source d'approvisionnement en légumes frais pour les marchés des villes.

  11. Risques d'exposition aux résidus de pesticides via les produits ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    peut également affecter les organismes non ciblés. Ainsi beaucoup d'insectes .... Pour les produits agricoles, une micro- extraction de ..... sont les principaux facteurs de la .... Contrôle des pesticides organochlors dans le lait et produits laitiers.

  12. Defense mutualisms enhance plant diversification. (United States)

    Weber, Marjorie G; Agrawal, Anurag A


    The ability of plants to form mutualistic relationships with animal defenders has long been suspected to influence their evolutionary success, both by decreasing extinction risk and by increasing opportunity for speciation through an expanded realized niche. Nonetheless, the hypothesis that defense mutualisms consistently enhance plant diversification across lineages has not been well tested due to a lack of phenotypic and phylogenetic information. Using a global analysis, we show that the >100 vascular plant families in which species have evolved extrafloral nectaries (EFNs), sugar-secreting organs that recruit arthropod mutualists, have twofold higher diversification rates than families that lack species with EFNs. Zooming in on six distantly related plant clades, trait-dependent diversification models confirmed the tendency for lineages with EFNs to display increased rates of diversification. These results were consistent across methodological approaches. Inference using reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to model the placement and number of rate shifts revealed that high net diversification rates in EFN clades were driven by an increased number of positive rate shifts following EFN evolution compared with sister clades, suggesting that EFNs may be indirect facilitators of diversification. Our replicated analysis indicates that defense mutualisms put lineages on a path toward increased diversification rates within and between clades, and is concordant with the hypothesis that mutualistic interactions with animals can have an impact on deep macroevolutionary patterns and enhance plant diversity.

  13. Diversification and Corporate Governance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    G.W.J. Hendrikse (George); A.A.C.J. van Oijen


    textabstractThis article addresses the impact of governance structure on diversification behavior. Hypotheses are developed regarding the differences in diversification strategy of cooperatives and stock listed companies. The analysis shows that stock listed companies are more diversified than

  14. Stimulation de l'innovation dans le secteur des services pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    À mesure que les pays en développement passent d'une économie agricole et industrielle à ... Cependant, malgré son rôle croissant, sa productivité progresse peu ... services and communication in Brazil : an analysis from a CDM framework.

  15. Résultats de recherche | Page 3 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    adresse principalement aux établissements de soins de santé du secteur public. ... Une équipe de recherche internationale s'emploie à protéger la santé humaine et l'environnement en améliorant les pratiques agricoles dans quatre pays ...

  16. Geographic diversification in banking

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fang, Yiwei; van Lelyveld, Iman


    In the aftermath of the 2007-2009 crisis, banks claiming positive diversification benefits are being met with skepticism. Nevertheless, diversification might be important and sizable for some large internationally active banking groups. We use a universally applicable correlation matrix approach to



    HARNAGEA Marta Cătălina; SECAN Cristina


    Product diversification is a usual strategy of footwear producers. As a requirement related to competitiveness in this domain, diversification can be done by practical application of some criteria. Considering this aspect, the paper proposes a research on the diversification in the case of a safety footwear product by modifying its component patterns, while keeping the initial shape of the product. Thus, starting from a safety shoe model, diversification was performed by changing the configur...

  18. International Diversification Versus Domestic Diversification: Mean-Variance Portfolio Optimization and Stochastic Dominance Approaches

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    Fathi Abid


    Full Text Available This paper applies the mean-variance portfolio optimization (PO approach and the stochastic dominance (SD test to examine preferences for international diversification versus domestic diversification from American investors’ viewpoints. Our PO results imply that the domestic diversification strategy dominates the international diversification strategy at a lower risk level and the reverse is true at a higher risk level. Our SD analysis shows that there is no arbitrage opportunity between international and domestic stock markets; domestically diversified portfolios with smaller risk dominate internationally diversified portfolios with larger risk and vice versa; and at the same risk level, there is no difference between the domestically and internationally diversified portfolios. Nonetheless, we cannot find any domestically diversified portfolios that stochastically dominate all internationally diversified portfolios, but we find some internationally diversified portfolios with small risk that dominate all the domestically diversified portfolios.

  19. Correlations-Adjusted Export Market Diversification


    Jung Joo La


    This paper introduces new export market diversification indices incorporated with correlations of business cycles among export partners to identify the actual effects of export market diversification on export instability. Three existing export market diversification indices reflect the dispersion level in terms of the number of export partners and their export shares, without a clear control for correlations among export earnings from export partners. In addition, they are underestimated or ...

  20. La quête de solutions à l'insécurité alimentaire | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    4 oct. 2013 ... Enfin, les agriculteurs ont-ils accès aux marchés ? ... les pratiques de production agricole, la définition des modes de conservation, de ... du Fonds canadien de recherche sur la sécurité alimentaire internationale, une initiative ...

  1. Étude hydrochimique et microbiologique des eaux de source de l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 mars 2013 ... Mot clés : Assainissement, eaux de source, pollution, Hydrochimie, Environnement, Éléments Traces. Métalliques. ..... Demande Biologique en Oxygène sur 5 jours (DBO5), la ..... La région étant une zone forestière agricole,.

  2. Détermination des doses optimales de fumures organo-minérales ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    1Institut de l'Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA), Burkina Faso. 2Réseau ... hydrique et/ou éolienne) et/ou anthropiques contribue ..... C'est également une source d'énergie et .... suivi des travaux de collecte de données sur le.

  3. Volatilité des prix et régulation des marchés. Instruments de gestion du risque


    Cordier, Jean


    La présentation porte d'abord sur une présentation de la volatilité des prix, définition et estimation pour les principaux produits agricoles. La seconde partie développe le concept d'efficience des marchés, dans les trois dimensions du marché physique (espace, forme et temps). Le marché de gré à gré, dit OTC en anglais, est décrit dans sa dimension physique puis financière. Les nouveaux instruments d'investissement sur les produits agricoles sont alors introduits pour évoquer la volatilité e...

  4. Diversity spurs diversification in ecological communities (United States)

    Calcagno, Vincent; Jarne, Philippe; Loreau, Michel; Mouquet, Nicolas; David, Patrice


    Diversity is a fundamental, yet threatened, property of ecological systems. The idea that diversity can itself favour diversification, in an autocatalytic process, is very appealing but remains controversial. Here, we study a generalized model of ecological communities and investigate how the level of initial diversity influences the possibility of evolutionary diversification. We show that even simple models of intra- and inter-specific ecological interactions can predict a positive effect of diversity on diversification: adaptive radiations may require a threshold number of species before kicking-off. We call this phenomenon DDAR (diversity-dependent adaptive radiations) and identify mathematically two distinct pathways connecting diversity to diversification, involving character displacement and the positive diversity-productivity relationship. Our results may explain observed delays in adaptive radiations at the macroscale and diversification patterns reported in experimental microbial communities, and shed new light on the dynamics of ecological diversity, the diversity-dependence of diversification rates, and the consequences of biodiversity loss.

  5. Diversity spurs diversification in ecological communities. (United States)

    Calcagno, Vincent; Jarne, Philippe; Loreau, Michel; Mouquet, Nicolas; David, Patrice


    Diversity is a fundamental, yet threatened, property of ecological systems. The idea that diversity can itself favour diversification, in an autocatalytic process, is very appealing but remains controversial. Here, we study a generalized model of ecological communities and investigate how the level of initial diversity influences the possibility of evolutionary diversification. We show that even simple models of intra- and inter-specific ecological interactions can predict a positive effect of diversity on diversification: adaptive radiations may require a threshold number of species before kicking-off. We call this phenomenon DDAR (diversity-dependent adaptive radiations) and identify mathematically two distinct pathways connecting diversity to diversification, involving character displacement and the positive diversity-productivity relationship. Our results may explain observed delays in adaptive radiations at the macroscale and diversification patterns reported in experimental microbial communities, and shed new light on the dynamics of ecological diversity, the diversity-dependence of diversification rates, and the consequences of biodiversity loss.

  6. Diversification patterns and survival as firms mature

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Coad, Alexander Jean-Luc; Guenther, C.


    We focus on the relationship between age and diversification patterns of German machine tool manufacturers in the post-war era. We distinguish between 'minor diversification' (adding a new product variation within a familiar submarket) and 'major diversification' (expanding the product portfolio...... lines). Second, we find that product portfolios of larger firms tend to be more diversified. Third, with respect to consecutive diversification activities, quantile autoregression plots show that firms experiencing diversification in one period are unlikely to repeat this behavior in the following year....... Fourth, survival estimations reveal that diversification activities reduce the risk of exit in general and to a varying degree at different ages. These results are interpreted using Penrosean growth theory....

  7. Amélioration de la productivité agricole et des moyens de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    29 avr. 2016 ... Dans les collines Kolli, dans l'État du Tamil Nadu, la monoculture d'une seule variété de manioc, non comestible, pour l'industrie de l'amidon s'est traduite par la prévalence accrue de maladies, l'érosion des sols et une perte de diversité des cultures locales, ce qui a eu une incidence négative sur la ...

  8. Pathways to diversification


    Al Hashemi, Hamed


    A fundamental research question in regional economic development, is why some regions are able to diversify into new products and industries, while others continue to face challenges in diversification? This doctorate research explores the different pathways to diversification. It follows the three-stage modular structure of DBA for Cranfield School of Management. This thesis consists of a systematic literature review, a single qualitative case study on UAE, and a research synthesis of publis...

  9. Afrique

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    aquifère Morsott-Laouinet (Région Nord de Tébessa, Sud-Est algérien). Fehdi Chemseddine¹*, Boudoukha ..... gypsifère et/ou à une contamination d'origine agricole. Dans cette région .... Ecnologia de la intrusion de agua de mar en acuiferos ...

  10. Contribution a l'étude des effets de croisement sur la taille de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 août 2016 ... une moyenne de 0,770 ± 0,27 kg /lapereau à 45 jours d'âge. ... performance attendus par les éleveurs et de ces ... exploite non seulement les Bovins de type Frison, mais ..... Nations, Étude agricole de l'Organisation des.

  11. Regional Diversity and Diversification in Mammals. (United States)

    Machac, Antonin; Graham, Catherine H


    The effects of regional diversity on diversification remain controversial. The classic hypothesis that diversification decelerates as regional diversity increases has been recently revived. Yet, there is little geographic evidence for slower diversification across regions of high diversity, and diversity is often thought to promote diversification through its effects on ecological divergence and speciation. Here, we use the newest phylogeny for mammals (4,990 species) and two different methods to test the effects of regional diversity on diversification. We find that regions of high diversity are dominated by expanding clades that are far from their estimated carrying capacities. Regions of low diversity host clades that are small and mostly saturated. These results were supported across mammals and their six largest orders. They were corroborated by the two methods when controlling for clade relatedness, clade nestedness, and clade size. Together, these results reject the hypothesis that high geographic concentration of mammals effectively suppresses their further diversification. Instead, highly diverse regions (especially the tropics) seem to act as the engine of mammalian richness.

  12. Gestion de l’usage d’une nappe par un groupement d’agriculteurs : l’expérience de Bsissi Oued El Akarit en Tunisie

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    Iheb Frija


    Full Text Available En Afrique du Nord, de nombreux aquifères sont surexploités, principalement du fait d’une agriculture irriguée intensive. Cependant, les politiques publiques qui ont cherché à réguler cet usage se sont montrées jusqu’à maintenant peu efficaces, du fait du manque de moyens et parce que les agriculteurs les considèrent comme peu légitimes. L’article analyse un cas de gestion collective de l’usage des eaux souterraines par les agriculteurs eux-mêmes, dans le cadre d’une association au Sud de la Tunisie. Dans la zone de Bsissi Oued El Akarit, l’administration multipliait dans les années 1990 les procédures de contrôle des puits, conduisant à de nombreux conflits. En 1999, les agriculteurs et l’administration se sont mis d’accord pour qu’un groupement de développement agricole soit créé spécifiquement pour contrôler les puits et forages dans cette zone. Depuis, le groupement a effectivement réussi à mettre en oeuvre un tel contrôle, mais reste toujours fragile financièrement car il ne s’auto-finance pas. Le processus de concertation qui a conduit à ce dispositif de gestion a réussi grâce à : i la posture de l’administration, à la fois ferme en matière d’application des lois en vigueurs, et ouverte à la concertation avec les agriculteurs, et ii aux compétences et à la légitimité des leaders du groupement. Cette expérience montre que, dans certains cas, les agriculteurs peuvent devenir partie prenante d’une cogestion des eaux souterraines pour un usage durable de cette ressource.

  13. Determinants of farm diversification in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meraner, M.; Heijman, W.J.M.; Kuhlman, J.W.; Finger, R.


    Farm diversification has been prominently supported by agricultural policy makers aiming to support rural development. To increase the understanding of determinants influencing diversification and hence to increase the efficiency of policies aiming to support farm diversification this paper presents

  14. Diversification Strategies and Firm Performance: A Sample Selection Approach


    Santarelli, Enrico; Tran, Hien Thu


    This paper is based upon the assumption that firm profitability is determined by its degree of diversification which in turn is strongly related to the antecedent decision to carry out diversification activities. This calls for an empirical approach that permits the joint analysis of the three interrelated and consecutive stages of the overall diversification process: diversification decision, degree of diversification, and outcome of diversification. We apply parametric and semiparametric ap...

  15. Recherche jusqu'ou ira le

    CERN Multimedia

    Jacob, F R


    Aujourd'hui, la puissance d'une nation s'evalue a son potentiel scientifique. C'est leur predominance en sciences qui a donne aux Etats-Unis leur superiorite dans de nombreux domaines: industriel, agricole, militaire, etc. Cette superiorite a debute a la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale" (2 pages).

  16. Effets des émissions radiophoniques sur la perception de la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... vue exprimés sur la biotechnologie agricole et de l'intérêt que les médias portent à la question, ... et les données seront soumises à une analyse aussi bien qualitative que quantitative. ... From “gender as usual” to “gender as transformative”.

  17. Professionnalisation de l'agriculture : Une alternative aux effets des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La démarche méthodologique utilisée s'articule autour de la recherche documentaire et de la collecte des informations socio-économiques détaillées obtenues auprès des ménages sur les organisations professionnelles agricoles et sur le processus de professionnalisation de l'agriculture. Un diagnostic agroclimatique a ...

  18. Diversification at Financial Institutions and Systemic Crises

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wagner, W.B.


    We show that the diversification of risks at financial institutions has unwelcome effects by increasing the likelihood of systems crises.As a result, complete diversification is not warranted adn the optimal degree of diversification is arbitrarily low.We also identify externalities that cause

  19. Préface

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    Sylvie Duvillard


    Full Text Available Le moment est opportun, la question foncière est de retour, légitimée par presque une décennie (2001-2008 d’augmentation continue des prix de l’immobilier. De « sommets » , en articles de presse, la montagne et les Alpes en particulier font l’objet, dans ce domaine, d’une attention toute particulière. Le contexte est ici délicat. Les sociétés alpines sont partagées entre désir de préservation d’une forte identité montagnarde et crainte d’une « déprise » économique (agricole, touristique et/...

  20. Temporal diversification of Central American cichlids

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    Hulsey C Darrin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Cichlid fishes are classic examples of adaptive radiation because of their putative tendency to explosively diversify after invading novel environments. To examine whether ecological opportunity increased diversification (speciation minus extinction early in a species-rich cichlid radiation, we determined if Heroine cichlids experienced a burst of diversification following their invasion of Central America. Results We first reconstructed the Heroine phylogeny and determined the basal node to use as the root of Central American Heroine diversification. We then examined the influence of incomplete taxon sampling on this group's diversification patterns. First, we added missing species randomly to the phylogeny and assessed deviations from a constant rate of lineage accumulation. Using a range of species numbers, we failed to recover significant deviations from a pure-birth process and found little support for an early burst of diversification. Then, we examined patterns of lineage accumulation as nodes were increasingly truncated. We assumed that as we removed more recently diverged lineages that sampling would become more complete thereby increasing the power to detect deviations from a pure-birth model. However, truncation of nodes provided even less support for an early burst of diversification. Conclusions Contrary to expectations, our analyses suggest Heroine cichlids did not undergo a burst of diversification when they invaded from South America. Throughout their history in Central America, Heroine cichlids appear to have diversified at a constant rate.

  1. 67 Qualité des eaux de surface et souterraine de la région de Taza ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    la détermination des paramètres physico-chimiques de l'eau de surface ainsi ... montrent que les différents paramètres : la demande biologique en oxygène, la ... durant ces dernières décennies un développement agricole important et une ...

  2. Entretien avec Naser Faruqui, un futur « chef de file de la gestion de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    25 févr. 2011 ... ... les Pakistanais essaient de transformer leur économie agricole en une .... en accepter le fait, réglementer la distribution de l'eau et prendre les mesures qui ... La protection de l'accès à l'eau contre les effets de l'étalement ...

  3. Diversification as the strategic direction of foreign economic activity

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    Yu.I. Dozorova


    Full Text Available The issue of diversification, diversification of exports and imports, diversification of foreign trade. Determined the importance of diversification strategy to improve economic performance and proved that diversification allows the flexibility to respond to changing market opportunities and reduce the risks that may occur during production specialization. With the diversification of the company reinforce its competitive position in the market. The concept of diversification is used in the formulation of portfolio strategy as one of the four components, namely a vector or direction of future growth areas of the company. The proposed provisions, by which we can achieve a positive result. Proved that by diversifying, the company improves its economic performance.

  4. Testing for coevolutionary diversification: linking pattern with process. (United States)

    Althoff, David M; Segraves, Kari A; Johnson, Marc T J


    Coevolutionary diversification is cited as a major mechanism driving the evolution of diversity, particularly in plants and insects. However, tests of coevolutionary diversification have focused on elucidating macroevolutionary patterns rather than the processes giving rise to such patterns. Hence, there is weak evidence that coevolution promotes diversification. This is in part due to a lack of understanding about the mechanisms by which coevolution can cause speciation and the difficulty of integrating results across micro- and macroevolutionary scales. In this review, we highlight potential mechanisms of coevolutionary diversification, outline approaches to examine this process across temporal scales, and propose a set of minimal requirements for demonstrating coevolutionary diversification. Our aim is to stimulate research that tests more rigorously for coevolutionary diversification. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Factors affecting farm diversification in rice-wheat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashfaq, M.; Hassan, S.; Naseer, M.Z.; Baig, I.A.; Asma, J.


    The risk in agriculture sector is due to various factors like weather and market conditions, particularly the demand of the commodities. This uncertainty can result in variable returns (farm income) to the decisions that farmers make in a particular season. Diversification is a frequently used risk management strategy that involves participation in more than one activity. It has the added advantage of mitigating price risk as well as fluctuations in outputs. The main purpose of this paper was to determine the factors affecting crop diversification. For determining the effect of different factors on diversification a multiple regression model was used. The values of Entropy index computed for measuring horizontal diversification were taken as dependent variable and different factors affecting diversification were taken as independent variables. The results showed that the main factors affecting diversification were size of land holding, age of respondent, education level of respondent, farming experience of respondent, off farm income of respondent, distance of farm from main road, distance of farm from main market and farm machinery. (author)

  6. Risk, ambiguity, and diversification


    Sautua, Santiago-Ignacio


    Attitudes toward risk influence the decision to diversify among uncertain options. Yet, because in most situations the options are ambiguous, attitudes toward ambiguity may also play an important role. I conduct a laboratory experiment to investigate the effect of ambiguity on the decision to diversify. I find that diversification is more prevalent and more persistent under ambiguity than under risk. Moreover, excess diversification under ambiguity is driven by participants who stick with a s...

  7. Devenir victime des pesticides:Le recours au droit et ses effets sur la mobilisation des agriculteurs Phyto-victimes


    Jouzel, Jean-Noël; Prete, Giovanni


    Cet article analyse les effets du recours au droit sur la mobilisation des travailleurs agricoles victimes des pesticides. Il repose sur une enquête qualitative auprès des membres de l’association Phyto-victimes, qui réunit ces agriculteurs, ainsi que de leurs proches et des professionnels du droit avec lesquels ils interagissent. À partir de ce matériau, nous retraçons les parcours suivis par les agriculteurs pour obtenir une reconnaissance de leur statut de victimes des pesticides. Nous ren...

  8. OGM ET DEBAT PUBLIC OGM : avancée ou recul de la sécurité alimentaire ?

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    Bourgeois Lucien


    Full Text Available Les nouvelles technologies de manipulation génétique ont été présentées par certaines entreprises comme une opportunité pour l’humanité d’en finir avec la malnutrition, grâce au développement de la production agricole que cela pouvait entraîner. Le débat qui s’en est suivi n’est pas le fruit de résistances archaïques de nos sociétés au « progrès » mais offre une nouvelle fois l’occasion de rappeler des réalités incontournables sur la politique agricole. Premièrement, la priorité encore aujourd’hui reste pour chaque pays d’assurer à la population une sécurité alimentaire aussi bien sur le plan quantitatif que qualitatif sans attendre son salut des importations en provenance des pays les plus compétitifs. Deuxièmement, les agriculteurs ne peuvent utiliser les techniques disponibles que dans un contexte économique et politique favorable. Troisièmement, le patrimoine génétique de l’humanité était jusqu’à maintenant un bien collectif. Il serait dangereux qu’il soit désormais privatisé.

  9. Bats, clocks, and rocks: diversification patterns in Chiroptera. (United States)

    Jones, Kate E; Bininda-Emonds, Olaf R P; Gittleman, John L


    Identifying nonrandom clade diversification is a critical first step toward understanding the evolutionary processes underlying any radiation and how best to preserve future phylogenetic diversity. However, differences in diversification rates have not been quantitatively assessed for the majority of groups because of the lack of necessary analytical tools (e.g., complete species-level phylogenies, estimates of divergence times, and robust statistics which incorporate phylogenetic uncertainty and test appropriate null models of clade growth). Here, for the first time, we investigate diversification rate heterogeneity in one of the largest groups studied thus far, the bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera). We use a recent, robust statistical approach (whole-tree likelihood-based relative rate tests) on complete dated species-level supertree phylogenies. As has been demonstrated previously for most other groups, among-lineage diversification rate within bats has not been constant. However, we show that bat diversification is more heterogeneous than in other mammalian clades thus far studied. The whole-tree likelihood-based relative rates tests suggest that clades within the families Phyllostomidae and Molossidae underwent a number of significant changes in relative diversification rate. There is also some evidence for rate shifts within Pteropodidae, Emballonuridae, Rhinolophidae, Hipposideridae, and Vespertilionidae, but the significance of these shifts depends on polytomy resolution within each family. Diversification rate in bats has also not been constant, with the largest diversification rate shifts occurring 30-50 million years ago, a time overlapping with the greatest number of shifts in flowering plant diversification rates.

  10. L’agriculture urbaine à Meknès (Maroc à la croisée des chemins : disparition d’une agriculture marginalisée ou retour de la cité jardin?

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    Patrick Dugué


    Full Text Available L’accroissement démographique rapide des villes au sud de la méditerranée s’est accompagné d’une urbanisation consommatrice de terres fertiles. Toutefois des espaces interstitiels difficilement constructibles, entre les espaces construits, hébergent encore des exploitations agricoles. C’est le cas notamment des 3 vallées traversant l’agglomération de Meknès, au Maroc. Sur la base d’enquêtes auprès de 80 agriculteurs et 42 consommateurs et d’entretiens avec des décideurs et commerçants de cette ville, nous avons montré la diversité des systèmes de production présents dans la ville (maraîchage et élevage laitier et à viande principalement. Malgré la proximité de la ville, peu de produits sont vendus directement aux consommateurs. Dans le cas du maraîchage, une action urgente est à engager pour fournir de l’eau d’irrigation de qualité aux agriculteurs de ces vallées afin qu’ils renoncent au détournement des eaux usées produites par la ville. Les meilleurs atouts de l’agriculture dans les villes au sud de la Méditerranée sont d’une part de rendre possible l’existence de paysages verdoyants et ouverts permettant d’améliorer le bien-être des citadins et l’attractivité touristique de ces villes et d’autre part l’intérêt récent de citadins pour des produits de qualité vendus en circuit court.

  11. Pratiques agricoles et perceptions paysannes des impacts ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La dégradation des écosystèmes et d'une manière générale de l'environnement au Burkina Faso est liée aux ... L'étude a révélé que 8 types de rotations culturales sont pratiquées dans la zone. ..... OBEPAB (Organisation Béninoise pour la.

  12. Governance Structure, Product Diversification, and Performance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.A.C.J. van Oijen; G.W.J. Hendrikse (George)


    textabstractProduct diversification and its financial outcomes have been studied exhaustively. However, previous literature has focused on corporations, ignoring other important legal organizations or governance structures. In this paper, we study the diversification strategies of cooperatives and

  13. On portfolio risk diversification (United States)

    Takada, Hellinton H.; Stern, Julio M.


    The first portfolio risk diversification strategy was put into practice by the All Weather fund in 1996. The idea of risk diversification is related to the risk contribution of each available asset class or investment factor to the total portfolio risk. The maximum diversification or the risk parity allocation is achieved when the set of risk contributions is given by a uniform distribution. Meucci (2009) introduced the maximization of the Rényi entropy as part of a leverage constrained optimization problem to achieve such diversified risk contributions when dealing with uncorrelated investment factors. A generalization of the risk parity is the risk budgeting when there is a prior for the distribution of the risk contributions. Our contribution is the generalization of the existent optimization frameworks to be able to solve the risk budgeting problem. In addition, our framework does not possess any leverage constraint.

  14. Diversification and Challenges of Software Engineering Standards (United States)

    Poon, Peter T.


    The author poses certain questions in this paper: 'In the future, should there be just one software engineering standards set? If so, how can we work towards that goal? What are the challenges of internationalizing standards?' Based on the author's personal view, the statement of his position is as follows: 'There should NOT be just one set of software engineering standards in the future. At the same time, there should NOT be the proliferation of standards, and the number of sets of standards should be kept to a minimum.It is important to understand the diversification of the areas which are spanned by the software engineering standards.' The author goes on to describe the diversification of processes, the diversification in the national and international character of standards organizations, the diversification of the professional organizations producing standards, the diversification of the types of businesses and industries, and the challenges of internationalizing standards.

  15. Une masse palpébrale révélant une fistule carotidocaverneuse ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... huit mois une masse palpébrale droite, avec une discrète exophtalmie et hémorragie sous conjonctivale, l'angio IRM a permis de confirmer le diagnostique d'une fistule carotidocaverneuse à haut débit, qui est responsable de cette symptomatologie. L'objectif de cet article est de mettre la lumière sur cette pathologie rare, ...

  16. Corporate Diversification and Firm Performance: an Empirical Study

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    Olu Ojo


    Full Text Available The importance of diversification and performance in then strategic management literature is widely accepted among academics and practitioners . However, the proxies for performance and diversification that have been employed in past strategy research has not been unanimously agreed upon. Given the current state of confusion that exists with regard to the impact of corporate diversification on firm performance in selected Nigerian companies. The reason for increased interest in diversification has always been on the possibility that diversification is related to corporate performance. However , while this topic is rich in studies, empirical evidence semerging from various studies about the effect of diversification on performance have so far yield mixed results that are inconclusive and contradictory. In addition , despite the existence of these studies, very litlle attention has been given to the companies in developing countries including Nigeria. This means that there is a major gap in the relevant literature on developing countries which has to be covered by research. This research attempts to fill this gap by studying the situation of the Nigeria companies and providing more empirical evidence on the effects of corporate diversification on firm performance based on individual company-level data. Survey research design was adopted in this study with the application of simple random sampling tehnique in selecting our case study companies as well as our respondents. Primary data were collected through questionnaire. Data were analysed through descriptive statistics and correlation and coefficient of determination were used to test our hypothese. It was discovered that diversification impacted performance of these companies posivitely and we recommend that these companies should engage in geographical diversification in addition to other forms of diversification they are currently involved in for maximum performance.

  17. Study of methodology diversification in diagnostics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suda, Kazunori; Yonekawa, Tsuyoshi; Yoshikawa, Shinji; Hasegawa, Makoto


    There are several research activities to enhance safety and reliability of nuclear power plant operation and maintenance. We are developing a concept of an autonomous operation system where the role of operators is replaced with artificial intelligence. The purpose of the study described in this report is to develop a operator support system in abnormal plant situations. Conventionally, diagnostic modules based on individual methodology such as expert system have been developed and verified. In this report, methodology diversification is considered to integrate diagnostic modules which performance are confirmed using information processing technique. Technical issues to be considered in diagnostic methodology diversification are; 1)reliability of input data, 2)diversification of knowledge models, algorithms and reasoning schemes, 3)mutual complement and robustness. The diagnostic module utilizing the different approaches defined along with strategy of diversification was evaluated using fast breeder plant simulator. As a result, we confirmed that any singular diagnostic module can not meet accuracy criteria for the entire set of anomaly events. In contrast with this, we confirmed that every abnormality could be precisely diagnosed by a mutual combination. In other words, legitimacy of approach selected by strategy of diversification was shown, and methodology diversification attained clear efficiency for abnormal diagnosis. It has been also confirmed that the diversified diagnostic system implemented in this study is able to maintain its accuracy even in case that encountered scale of abnormality is different from reference cases embedded in the knowledge base. (author)

  18. Caractérisation des populations naturelles d'une légumineuse ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    1 Université Nazi Boni, 01 BP 1091 Bobo-Dioulasso 01, Burkina Faso. 2 Institut de l'Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles,. Département Environnement et Forêts, BP 4047 Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso. 3 Université Ouaga I Pr Joseph Ki-Zerbo, BP: 7021 Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso. *Auteur correspondant ...

  19. Result diversification based on query-specific cluster ranking

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    He, J.; Meij, E.; de Rijke, M.


    Result diversification is a retrieval strategy for dealing with ambiguous or multi-faceted queries by providing documents that cover as many facets of the query as possible. We propose a result diversification framework based on query-specific clustering and cluster ranking, in which diversification

  20. pluviosite en region soudano-sahelienne au nord du cameroun

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Dans le but de montrer qu'en zone soudano-sahélienne du Nord du ... principaux facteurs responsables de la variation des rendements en culture pluviale, une étude basée sur ... Mots clés : Risque climatique, pluviométrie, variation, rendement agricole, Nord Cameroun. ... d'analyse plus global et fonctionnel, à savoir,.

  1. Gestion de la biosécurité des cultures génétiquement modifiées ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Gestion de la biosécurité des cultures génétiquement modifiées (Chine). Depuis 1990, le secteur de la biotechnologie agricole a connu une croissance spectaculaire en ... New funding opportunity for gender equality and climate change. IDRC is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity aimed at fostering effective, ...

  2. Bruno Dorin, Frédéric Landy, Agriculture et alimentation de l’Inde : les vertes années (1947-2001, INRA Editions, Paris, 2002, 253 pages

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    Sylvain Ropital


    Full Text Available Considérée dès à présent comme l’un des premiers producteurs mondiaux de denrées alimentaires de la planète, l’Inde, outre son image moderne de géant mondial de la sous-traitance informatique, incarnera le futur « Ventre » agricole du monde en tant que premier exportateur de céréales, de lait et d’oléagineux du grand marché mondial. Parallèlement à ce visage de géant mondial de la production agricole, l’Inde apparaît aussi telle l’une des terres les plus touchées par la violence de la malnutr...

  3. Sectoral Diversification as Insurance against Economic Instability


    Jan Kluge


    This paper examines the extent to which sectoral diversification can act as an insurance mechanism against fluctuations in regional gross value added growth rates. I apply portfolio theory to the growth-instability properties of German districts. Furthermore, I define a comprehensive diversification measure and use Stochastic Frontier Analysis in order to estimate whether diversification allows regions to achieve more efficient growth-instability combinations, i.e., greater stability at given...

  4. Testing the Relationships between Diversification, Species Richness, and Trait Evolution. (United States)

    Kozak, Kenneth H; Wiens, John J


    Understanding which traits drive species diversification is essential for macroevolutionary studies and to understand patterns of species richness among clades. An important tool for testing if traits influence diversification is to estimate rates of net diversification for each clade, and then test for a relationship between traits and diversification rates among clades. However, this general approach has become very controversial. Numerous papers have now stated that it is inappropriate to analyze net diversification rates in groups in which clade richness is not positively correlated with clade age. Similarly, some have stated that variation in net diversification rates does not explain variation in species richness patterns among clades across the Tree of Life. Some authors have also suggested that strong correlations between richness and diversification rates are a statistical artifact and effectively inevitable. If this latter point is true, then correlations between richness and diversification rates would be uninformative (or even misleading) for identifying how much variation in species richness among clades is explained by variation in net diversification rates. Here, we use simulations (based on empirical data for plethodontid salamanders) to address three main questions. First, how is variation in net diversification rates among clades related to the relationship between clade age and species richness? Second, how accurate are these net diversification rate estimators, and does the age-richness relationship have any relevance to their accuracy? Third, is a relationship between species richness and diversification rates an inevitable, statistical artifact? Our simulations show that strong, positive age-richness relationships arise when diversification rates are invariant among clades, whereas realistic variation in diversification rates among clades frequently disrupts this relationship. Thus, a significant age-richness relationship should not be a

  5. Les systèmes de plantation d'un système d'hacienda. Etude sur la diversité des cultures et des mains-d'oeuvre dans trois grandes exploitations agricoles de la côte équatorienne (région de Santo Domingo de los Colorados

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    Full Text Available Comment fonctionnent les grandes plantations de Santo Domingo de Los Colorados, région côtière de l’équateur où la réforme agraire et la colonisation ont eu et continuent d’avoir un important impact foncier, démographique, social et agricole ? Après une brève délimitation théorique et géographique, nous répondrons à cette question à partir de l’étude monographique de trois haciendas. La description des combinaisons agricoles et des choix de main-d’œuvre de chacune illustrera la diversité des situations au sein d’une même zone agricole et la spécificité de chaque “système de plantation”. Par la suite, nous nous réfèrerons aux principaux processus fonciers, démographiques, sociaux et agricoles qui caractérisent la région depuis l’application de la loi de réforme agraire et le début officiel de la colonisation en 1964. Cette mise en perspective historique et régionale permettra d’analyser et de comprendre la logique des stratégies d’adaptation agricoles et sociales des trois haciendas étudiées préalablement. Elle contribuera aussi à expliquer leurs différences et à souligner leurs similarités. Enfin, elle permettra de présenter les spécificités du “système d’haciendas” de la région de Santo Domingo de Los Colorados. LOS SISTEMAS DE PLANTACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE HACIENDA: ESTUDIO SOBRE LA DIVERSIDAD DE LOS CULTIVOS Y DE LAS MANOS DE OBRA EN TRES GRANDES EXPLOTACIONES AGRÍCOLAS DE LA COSTA ECUATORIANA (REGIÓN DE SANTO DOMINGO DE LOS COLORADOS. ¿Cómo funcionan las haciendas grandes de Santo Domingo de Los Colorados, región costeña del Ecuador en donde la reforma agraria y la colonización tuvieron y todavía tienen un importante impacto agrario, demográfico, social y agrícola ? Después de haber delimitado teórica y geográficamente aquellas haciendas grandes de manera breve, contestaremos a esta pregunta a partir del estudio monográfico de tres de ellas. La descripción de las

  6. Primate diversification inferred from phylogenies and fossils. (United States)

    Herrera, James P


    Biodiversity arises from the balance between speciation and extinction. Fossils record the origins and disappearance of organisms, and the branching patterns of molecular phylogenies allow estimation of speciation and extinction rates, but the patterns of diversification are frequently incongruent between these two data sources. I tested two hypotheses about the diversification of primates based on ∼600 fossil species and 90% complete phylogenies of living species: (1) diversification rates increased through time; (2) a significant extinction event occurred in the Oligocene. Consistent with the first hypothesis, analyses of phylogenies supported increasing speciation rates and negligible extinction rates. In contrast, fossils showed that while speciation rates increased, speciation and extinction rates tended to be nearly equal, resulting in zero net diversification. Partially supporting the second hypothesis, the fossil data recorded a clear pattern of diversity decline in the Oligocene, although diversification rates were near zero. The phylogeny supported increased extinction ∼34 Ma, but also elevated extinction ∼10 Ma, coinciding with diversity declines in some fossil clades. The results demonstrated that estimates of speciation and extinction ignoring fossils are insufficient to infer diversification and information on extinct lineages should be incorporated into phylogenetic analyses. © 2017 The Author(s). Evolution © 2017 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  7. Activités agricoles et territoires


    Bertrand , François; Brédif , Hervé; Duchêne , Eric; Josien , Etienne; Tabeaud , Martine


    International audience; La question de l’adaptation de l’agriculture et de la forêt au changement climatique peut s'envisager selon deux grandes approches, dont les conséquences en termes de recherche et d’action diffèrent assez radicalement. La première approche consiste à considérer l’agriculture et la forêt, comme c’est de plus en plus le cas, comme des filières parmi d’autres, l’agriculteur faisant figure d’agent productif parmi beaucoup d’autres. Une telle approche trouve sa justificatio...

  8. Molecular phylogenetics and the diversification of hummingbirds. (United States)

    McGuire, Jimmy A; Witt, Christopher C; Remsen, J V; Corl, Ammon; Rabosky, Daniel L; Altshuler, Douglas L; Dudley, Robert


    The tempo of species diversification in large clades can reveal fundamental evolutionary mechanisms that operate on large temporal and spatial scales. Hummingbirds have radiated into a diverse assemblage of specialized nectarivores comprising 338 species, but their evolutionary history has not, until now, been comprehensively explored. We studied hummingbird diversification by estimating a time-calibrated phylogeny for 284 hummingbird species, demonstrating that hummingbirds invaded South America by ∼22 million years ago, and subsequently diversified into nine principal clades (see [5-7]). Using ancestral state reconstruction and diversification analyses, we (1) estimate the age of the crown-group hummingbird assemblage, (2) investigate the timing and patterns of lineage accumulation for hummingbirds overall and regionally, and (3) evaluate the role of Andean uplift in hummingbird speciation. Detailed analyses reveal disparate clade-specific processes that allowed for ongoing species diversification. One factor was significant variation among clades in diversification rates. For example, the nine principal clades of hummingbirds exhibit ∼15-fold variation in net diversification rates, with evidence for accelerated speciation of a clade that includes the Bee, Emerald, and Mountain Gem groups of hummingbirds. A second factor was colonization of key geographic regions, which opened up new ecological niches. For example, some clades diversified in the context of the uplift of the Andes Mountains, whereas others were affected by the formation of the Panamanian land bridge. Finally, although species accumulation is slowing in all groups of hummingbirds, several major clades maintain rapid rates of diversification on par with classical examples of rapid adaptive radiation. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Diversification rates have declined in the Malagasy herpetofauna. (United States)

    Scantlebury, Daniel P


    The evolutionary origins of Madagascar's biodiversity remain mysterious despite the fact that relative to land area, there is no other place with consistently high levels of species richness and endemism across a range of taxonomic levels. Most efforts to explain diversification on the island have focused on geographical models of speciation, but recent studies have begun to address the island's accumulation of species through time, although with conflicting results. Prevailing hypotheses for diversification on the island involve either constant diversification rates or scenarios where rates decline through time. Using relative-time-calibrated phylogenies for seven endemic vertebrate clades and a model-fitting framework, I find evidence that diversification rates have declined through time on Madagascar. I show that diversification rates have clearly declined throughout the history of each clade, and models invoking diversity-dependent reductions to diversification rates best explain the diversification histories for each clade. These results are consistent with the ecological theory of adaptive radiation, and, coupled with ancillary observations about ecomorphological and life-history evolution, strongly suggest that adaptive radiation was an important formative process for one of the most species-rich regions on the Earth. These results cast the Malagasy biota in a new light and provide macroevolutionary justification for conservation initiatives.

  10. 2342-IJBCS-Article-Ngueguim Jules Roger

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    4Institut de la Recherche Agricole pour le Développement (IRAD), Yokadouma, Cameroun. 5Departement ..... définition, le premier quartile, d'une série ordonnée ..... le site. Structure de population. Les structures de population présentent la répartition des arbres en fonction de leur taille dans un peuplement. Ces outils sont.

  11. Changements climatiques | Page 39 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Moyen-Orient et l'Afrique du Nord connaissent une urbanisation effrénée qui entraîne un grave stress hydrique et nuit à la production alimentaire. Mais la recherche montre comment l'expansion urbaine et la croissance agricole peuvent aller de pair. Axe de recherche. Examiner en quoi les changements climatiques et ...

  12. L'innovation sème l'espoir dans les régions arides | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 janv. 2013 ... L'ICARDA est l'un des 15 centres chapeautés par le Groupe consultatif pour la recherche agricole internationale (CGIAR), que le CRDI soutient depuis plus de 40 ans. ... Par ailleurs, cela prend un contexte de politiques propice et, ce qui est encore plus important, une approche communautaire, précise-t-il.

  13. Effets de la toxicité des pesticides Maneb et Chlorpyrifos-Ethyl sur ...

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    Dr Gatsing

    alors à craindre que les eaux de ruissellement des bassins versants en provenance des zones d'exploitations agricoles soient une source de contamination des plans d'eaux, avec pour conséquence la destruction des ressources aquatiques, dont les poissons (Bouba, 2002). Le présent travail révèle les effets de toxicité.

  14. C:\\Users\\AISA\\Desktop\\PDF 26(2)\\SOGODOGO.xps

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    intervention du projet «Gestion intégrée de l'eau et des éléments nutritifs pour une production agricole durable dans le sahel» ACDI/CRDI au Mali. Ses objectifs étaient d'éviter que le paysan brade sa production immédiatement après les récoltes.

  15. The phenomenon of social conversion among farmers in France ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le but de cet article est de faire la lumière sur le phénomène de la conversion sociale qui se produit lorsque les agriculteurs changent de pratiques agricoles traditionnelles vers une forme moins connue de l'aquaculture : la production de la spiruline super (Arthrospira platensis) . Certains agriculteurs du sud-est France ont ...

  16. La macrofaune du sol améliore l'efficience de l'utilisation de l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 juin 2017 ... Par contre, elle n'a pas eu d'effet ... agricoles pourrait améliorer la nutrition minérale des cultures à travers une ... Objectives : A study was conducted in a semi-arid zone of Burkina Faso on lixisol to ... significant increase in microbial respiration (16%) and metabolic quotient (11%). ..... Annales de l'Institut.

  17. Les eaux grises et la culture en serre augmentent la production ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    26 mai 2011 ... Le Moyen-Orient et l'Afrique du Nord connaissent une urbanisation effrénée qui entraîne un grave stress hydrique et nuit à la production alimentaire. Mais la recherche montre comment l'expansion urbaine et la croissance agricole peuvent aller de pair.Axe de recherche Examiner en quoi les changements ...

  18. Un premier service mobile en Égypte qui relie les petits exploitants ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Un premier service mobile en Égypte qui relie les petits exploitants aux acheteurs. Un homme qui parle sur un téléphone mobile. Les petits exploitants agricoles dominent l'agriculture égyptienne, mais leur manque de connaissances en matière de commercialisation et de compétences techniques, ainsi qu'une mauvaise ...

  19. 79 Influences des rejets des eaux usées domestiques dans les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Keywords : wastewater, watercress, soil, mobility, metal elements traces, adsorption. 1. Introduction. L'usage agricole d'effluents liquides peut être considéré comme une valorisation potentielle d'eau, de nutriments et de matières organiques [1-3]. Il préserve l'environnement en réduisant ou en éliminant les polluants ...

  20. Exploitation Agricole des Berges : Une Strategie D'Adaptation aux ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    et socio-économique. ... dynamique des paysages agraires et son impact sur le capital naturel surtout sur les .... favoriser leur germination et amorcer leur croissance. ..... similaires ont été relevées au Bénin où l'impact humain se traduit par le ...

  1. Courting disaster: How diversification rate affects fitness under risk (United States)

    Ratcliff, William C; Hawthorne, Peter; Libby, Eric


    Life is full of risk. To deal with this uncertainty, many organisms have evolved bet-hedging strategies that spread risk through phenotypic diversification. These rates of diversification can vary by orders of magnitude in different species. Here we examine how key characteristics of risk and organismal ecology affect the fitness consequences of variation in diversification rate. We find that rapid diversification is strongly favored when the risk faced has a wide spatial extent, with a single disaster affecting a large fraction of the population. This advantage is especially great in small populations subject to frequent disaster. In contrast, when risk is correlated through time, slow diversification is favored because it allows adaptive tracking of disasters that tend to occur in series. Naturally evolved diversification mechanisms in diverse organisms facing a broad array of environmental risks largely support these results. The theory presented in this article provides a testable ecological hypothesis to explain the prevalence of slow stochastic switching among microbes and rapid, within-clutch diversification strategies among plants and animals. PMID:25410817

  2. Les effets de l’émigration paysanne dans les Andes équatoriennes : une lecture photographique

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    Nasser Rebaï


    Full Text Available Dans les Andes équatoriennes, les effets de l’émigration paysanne sont partout visibles. Si dans la province de l’Azuay, on assiste à la diminution des superficies cultivées et à la réorganisation des tâches agricoles, on observe par ailleurs l’émergence d’une agriculture commerciale orientée vers le marché urbain régional. En procédant à la description de photographies prises à la campagne comme à la ville, nous chercherons à expliquer l’ensemble de ces mutations, avant de nous interroger plus largement sur l’avenir des exploitations familiales dans cette région.En los Andes ecuatorianos, los efectos de la migración campesina son visibles por todas partes. Si en la provincia del Azuay, se asiste a la disminución de las superficies cultivadas y a la reorganización de las tareas agrícolas, observamos por otro lado la emergencia de una agricultura comercial orientada hacia el mercado urbano regional. Procediendo a la descripción de fotografías tomadas en la campo como en la ciudad, procuraremos explicar el conjunto de estas mutaciones, antes de preguntarnos más ampliamente sobre el futuro de las explotaciones familiares en esta región.

  3. Diagnosis of Diversification Processes at an Enterprise

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    Skrynkovskyy Ruslan M.


    Full Text Available The aim of the article is formation and development of theoretical and methodological basis for diagnosing diversification processes at an enterprise in the context and on the basis of theory and practice of economics and enterprise management. It is found that: 1 one of the most common ways of development of an enterprise is diversification, which contributes to effective implementation of its development strategy and formation of its prospects; 2 diagnosis of diversification processes at an enterprise is a targeted evaluation of its state, trends and development prospects associated with identification of new spheres (branches of activities and penetration into them, development of new production technologies and markets, expansion of the range of products (goods, which is most conducive to effective realization of competitive advantages of an enterprise with the purpose of maximization of its incomes received from all directions of its activity and minimization of expected risks. It is determined that the key business indicators of the diagnostic system are indicators that reflect the level of diversification of an enterprise’s activities: the absolute level of diversification; the transformed concentration index; the Berry index / the Herfindahl-Hirschman index; the concentration ratio of the sphere of activity (branch according to the descending (or increasing principle; the entropy index; the Atton index; the index of diversification; the level of risk. The prospect for further scientific and practical research in this area is development of a multi-criteria system for diagnosing the activities of enterprises, taking into account diagnosis of diversification processes at an enterprise as a partial diagnostic purpose of the system of partial diagnostic purposes of the multi-criteria system of economic diagnosis of an enterprise.

  4. Does Intelligence Affect Economic Diversification?


    Kodila-Tedika, Oasis; Asongu, Simplice A.


    This paper extends the growing literature on knowledge economy by investigating the effect of intelligence on economic diversification. Using a battery of estimation techniques that are robust to endogeneity, we find that human capital has positive effects on export diversification, manufactured added value and export manufactures. This empirical evidence is based on a world sample for the period 2010. The findings have significant implications for the fight against the Dutch disease. In esse...

  5. Motives and chances of firm diversification: theory and empirical evidence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Briglauer, W.


    It is beyond controversy that the majority of the largest companies in the industrialized countries perform to a certain extent product diversification strategies. Tying up to this finding the underlying work firstly deals with alternative theoretical and empirical definitions of corporate diversification. Subsequently the theoretical part mainly elaborates an industrial economic framework for categorizing motives of firm diversification. Despite of some inevitable degree of arbitrariness, a relatively widespread and sufficient categorization can be presented. With regards to the relevant economic literature most explanations of product diversification can be classified appropriately. Observing diversification activities one would prima facie infer a positive relationship between product diversification and firm performance, but both, theory and empirical evidence, yield ambiguous results. The empirical part provides a list of existing studies, classified according to the theoretical categorization. In an overview some stylised facts are filtered and discussed consecutively. Most notably, it was found that related diversification strategies significantly outperform strategies of unrelated diversification. At the end of the empirical section econometric methods are applied to agricultural and industrial economic (relating to telecommunication markets) data sets. For the agricultural studies a significantly positive relationship between product diversification and firm performance was found. In contrast no significant results were obtained for the telecommunication markets. (author)

  6. Courting disaster: How diversification rate affects fitness under risk. (United States)

    Ratcliff, William C; Hawthorne, Peter; Libby, Eric


    Life is full of risk. To deal with this uncertainty, many organisms have evolved bet-hedging strategies that spread risk through phenotypic diversification. These rates of diversification can vary by orders of magnitude in different species. Here we examine how key characteristics of risk and organismal ecology affect the fitness consequences of variation in diversification rate. We find that rapid diversification is strongly favored when the risk faced has a wide spatial extent, with a single disaster affecting a large fraction of the population. This advantage is especially great in small populations subject to frequent disaster. In contrast, when risk is correlated through time, slow diversification is favored because it allows adaptive tracking of disasters that tend to occur in series. Naturally evolved diversification mechanisms in diverse organisms facing a broad array of environmental risks largely support these results. The theory presented in this article provides a testable ecological hypothesis to explain the prevalence of slow stochastic switching among microbes and rapid, within-clutch diversification strategies among plants and animals. © 2014 The Author(s). Evolution published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  7. Host shifts enhance diversification of ectomycorrhizal fungi: diversification rate analysis of the ectomycorrhizal fungal genera Strobilomyces and Afroboletus with an 80-gene phylogeny. (United States)

    Sato, Hirotoshi; Tanabe, Akifumi S; Toju, Hirokazu


    Mutualisms with new host lineages can provide symbionts with novel ecological opportunities to expand their geographical distribution, thereby leading to evolutionary diversification. Because ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi provide ideal opportunities to test the relationship between host shifts and diversification, we tested whether mutualism with new host lineages could increase the diversification rates of ECM fungi. Using a Bayesian tree inferred from 23 027-base nucleotide sequences of 80 single-copy genes, we tested whether the diversification rate had changed through host-shift events in the monophyletic clade containing the ECM fungal genera Strobilomyces and Afroboletus. The results indicated that these fungi were initially associated with Caesalpinioideae/Monotoideae in Africa, acquired associations with Dipterocarpoideae in tropical Asia, and then switched to Fagaceae/Pinaceae and Nothofagaceae/Eucalyptus. Fungal lineages associated with Fagaceae/Pinaceae were inferred to have approximately four-fold and two-fold greater diversification rates than those associated with Caesalpinioideae/Monotoideae and Dipterocarpoideae or Nothofagaceae/Eucalyptus, respectively. Moreover, the diversification rate shift was inferred to follow the host shift to Fagaceae/Pinaceae. Our study suggests that host-shift events, particularly those occurring with respect to Fagaceae/Pinaceae, can provide ecological opportunities for the rapid diversification of Strobilomyces-Afroboletus. Although further studies are needed for generalization, we propose a possible diversification scenario of ECM fungi. © 2016 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2016 New Phytologist Trust.

  8. Epistasis can accelerate adaptive diversification in haploid asexual populations. (United States)

    Griswold, Cortland K


    A fundamental goal of the biological sciences is to determine processes that facilitate the evolution of diversity. These processes can be separated into ecological, physiological, developmental and genetic. An ecological process that facilitates diversification is frequency-dependent selection caused by competition. Models of frequency-dependent adaptive diversification have generally assumed a genetic basis of phenotype that is non-epistatic. Here, we present a model that indicates diversification is accelerated by an epistatic basis of phenotype in combination with a competition model that invokes frequency-dependent selection. Our model makes use of a genealogical model of epistasis and insights into the effects of balancing selection on the genealogical structure of a population to understand how epistasis can facilitate diversification. The finding that epistasis facilitates diversification may be informative with respect to empirical results that indicate an epistatic basis of phenotype in experimental bacterial populations that experienced adaptive diversification. © 2015 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.

  9. Les semences d’arachide en milieu paysannal africain : éléments pour une organisation de la filière

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    Schilling Robert


    Full Text Available L’arachide tient une place de choix dans les systèmes agraires africains, notamment en zone de savane, en rotation ou en association avec le vivrier de base. L’approvisionnement en semences, dans ce cadre caractérisé par le mode de production paysannal, revêt une importance stratégique et constitue un préalable indispensable à toute action d’amélioration de la filière. Les systèmes semenciers « arachide » dans la sous-région sont rarement efficaces, faute d’avoir su trouver une alternative aux systèmes monopolistiques ou para-étatiques, d’ailleurs coûteux et en général peu performants, mis en place dans la période qui a suivi les indépendances puis supprimés dans la décennie 80-90. Le contexte de libéralisation économique qui prévaut aujourd’hui conduit à préconiser le désengagement de l’État et la participation active d’opérateurs semenciers privés, mais aucun dispositif fondé sur ces principes n’a encore fait ses preuves. Il en résulte, sur le terrain, un vide structurel qui vient aggraver le déficit chronique en semences. Le débat qui s’est engagé sur ce thème se limite par trop aux aspects et aux opérateurs institutionnels, sous-estimant le rôle de l’agriculteur lui-même. La présente étude tente de faire le point et de dégager des orientations générales, le problème se posant d’ailleurs dans les mêmes termes dans d’autres régions et pour d’autres cultures (soja, haricot qui appellent des solutions du même type. Les systèmes et les techniques de multiplication/conservation/diffusion de semences d’arachide, tels qu’ils ont été définis et mis en oeuvre en Afrique de l’Ouest et principalement au Sénégal, ont été présentés dans un précédent article [1] et étudiés lors d’un atelier régional tenu en mars 2001 [2]. Une enquête a été conduite par la FAO et le Coraf (Conseil ouest et centre africain pour la recherche et le développement agricoles

  10. Corporate Diversification, Firm Value and State Ownership in Chinese Publicly Listed Companies


    Liu, Yang


    Corporate diversification has long been a focused and deeply developed field, defined as the process of a company expand its business into different areas. There are mainly three different types of corporate diversification: product diversification (related or unrelated) and geographic market diversification (home market or international market). Our research is concentrated on the first form of diversification. In addition, the relationship between corporate diversification and firm valu...

  11. L'inégalité des sexes et la révolution de l'information en Afrique

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La prise en compte des femmes dans la politique des pays africains sur les ..... les stratégies visant à intégrer l'égalité des sexes dans les politiques africaines sur les TIC, .... À son avis, les entreprises de télécommunications devraient créer une ...... de vulgarisation agricole doivent former et recruter davantage de femmes.

  12. Résultats de recherche | Page 41 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    En janvier 2016, peu de temps après que 194 pays ont ratifié les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) et adopté une vision ambitieuse, universelle et ... L'introduction de nouvelles pratiques agricoles et de quelques outils simples et bon marché pourrait grandement alléger la tâche des paysans qui cultivent les ...

  13. Les arbres fruitiers sahéliens dans l'économie rurale; Cas du Burkina Faso et du Mali

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuhlman, J.W.; Coulibaly, K.; Yago, E.L.; Michels, R.; Berg, van den J.


    Ce document est le compte-rendu d’une enquête réalisée dans neuf villages au Mali et au Burkina Faso sur l’importance des fruits et d’autres produits provenant des arbres fruitiers indigènes. Ces arbres font partie du paysage agricole de la savane ouest-africaine. L’étude porte sur le rôle de ces

  14. Résultats de recherche | Page 24 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Une équipe de recherche internationale s'emploie à protéger la santé humaine et l'environnement en améliorant les pratiques agricoles dans quatre pays d'Asie. En vedette. Development Gender. Le monde a besoin de plus de femmes scientifiques. Les femmes sont très sous-représentées en sciences, ne constituant que ...

  15. YABILE KR.xps

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    HP Pro 2000

    favorable à la mise en œuvre d'une politique agricole visant la couverture des besoins alimentaires nationaux. ... surévaluation du taux de change du franc CFA ... Le taux de couverture national des besoins est de 44,6 % pour la viande et abats et de 12,6 % pour le lait et les produits laitiers. Au cours de ces dernières.

  16. Construction de savoirs professionnels dans une formation hybride : étude d’un carnet de bord en ligne collaboratif

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    Fatiha TALI


    Full Text Available Cet article se focalise sur la co-construction de savoirs professionnels, la nature de ces savoirs et les processus sous-jacents à cette construction dans un contexte de formation hybride à l’Université. Nous analysons les écrits dans le carnet de bord collaboratif en ligne d’un groupe d’enseignants interagissant et échangeant leurs expériences. L’analyse longitudinale montre une diversification des savoirs co-construits et mis en œuvre par les apprenants. Les interactions relevées indiquent : l’importance des échanges socio-affectifs; un étayage entre pairs visant l’enrôlement et le contrôle de la frustration; et de nombreux exemples pouvant servir à l’apprentissage vicariant.

  17. EDF and GDF diversification; La diversification d'EDF et de GDF

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the last years Electricite de France (EDF) and Gaz de France (GDF) developed intervening strategies in a number of sectors opened to competition, the so-called strategies of diversification or complementary activities. These new strategies have multiple objectives as, for instance, prospective monopole evolution, increasing exigence of the consumers' demand, or else competence valuing. Ever since 1991, these strategic orientations developed with the support of public powers that worked out first measures of organization and monitoring. Although the frame was loose and rather tolerant, boosting EDF and GDF diversification was perceived by the concerned professionals as an aggression directed against them. Following a strong mobilization of professional organizations and a number of elected persons, in mid 1993, the minister of industry was impelled to tackle personally with the matter what resulted in an accurate system of framing. The GDF diversification is essentially characterized by a 'thermal pole' corresponding to the activities of heating operation. GDF controls, around the company Danto Rogeat and the old branches of Shell group, about 5% of a market of heating operation in France, i.e., represents the third place in a rather monopolized sector where the two main operators represent almost 75%. The EDF diversification is but more diffuse. Three main fields emerge distinctly: the waste processing, public lighting, and engineering. EDF is also present on more restraint markets as cartography, tele-surveillance, cable TV, aquaculture. The implementation of the system is presented where prerogatives of the Council of State on one hand and the Council of Competition on the other hand are stipulated. The disposition frame system is constituted of two measures stipulating the application of commendation from the two councils and provisions ensuring the transparency, respectively.

  18. Diversification patterns in the growth of firms : evidence from Italian manufacturing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Castaldi, C.; Milakovic, M.; Secchi, A.


    We present empirical evidence on diversification patterns in Italian manufacturing firms and detect a robust relationship between firm size and diversification levels, with an elasticity of diversification that does not depend on firm size and is well below unity. Diversification does not lead to

  19. Personalized search result diversification via structured learning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liang, S.; Ren, Z.; de Rijke, M.


    This paper is concerned with the problem of personalized diversification of search results, with the goal of enhancing the performance of both plain diversification and plain personalization algorithms. In previous work, the problem has mainly been tackled by means of unsupervised learning. To

  20. Industrial Diversification, Employment and Rural Poverty Reduction ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study compares the impact of industrial diversification on employment and rural poverty reduction in China and Nigeria. The fact that both countries ... better success. Key Words: Agro-Allied Industry, Industrial Diversification, Rural Development, Poverty Reduction, Employment, Non-Farm Enterprise, Nigerian Economy.

  1. Une nouvelle articulation entre concurrence et agriculture pour renforcer la sécurité alimentaire et le droit à l'alimentation en Europe


    Del Cont , Catherine


    6 pages; International audience; Le droit à l'alimentation et la sécurité alimentaire, bien que les Traités n'y fassent aucune référence explicite, sont au coeur de la construction européenne. Encore faut-il adopter des instruments juridiques et politiques prenant en considération la spécificité et la fonction sociale singulière de l'activité agricole. Il importe donc de concilier les deux grandes politiques communautaires, la politique agricole et la politique de concurrence.

  2. Une hanche douloureuse révélatrice d'une histiocytose osseuse multifocale (United States)

    Lahrach, Kamal; Alaoui, Adil; el Kadi, Khalid Ibn; Marzouki, Amine; Boutayeb, Fawzi


    L'histiocytose langerhansienne est une maladie rare qui touche principalement l'enfant et l'adulte jeune. Elle peut prendre plusieurs aspects, L'atteinte osseuse peut être uni- ou multifocale. Nous rapportons une observation d'histiocytose langerhansienne osseuse multifocale, révélée chez un patient âgé de 23 ans et ayant touché le col fémoral droit. La scintigraphie osseuse a permis de retrouver plusieurs localisations: l'os temporal, humérale et scapulaire droite. En raison du risque fracturaire, le patient a bénéficié d'une ostéosynthèse par vis-plaque DHS avec curetage biopsie de la lésion. L'examen histologique a révélé une histiocytose langerhansienne. L'évolution fut favorable après chimiothérapie par voie générale. PMID:25018840

  3. De la concertation territoriale à l'expérimentation en plein champs, différents leviers pour accompagner les acteurs d'un territoire agricole à façonner des paysages durablement favorables à des productions oléagineuses et des productions de miel

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    Gourrat Marine


    Full Text Available Les interactions entre les abeilles et leur milieu sont multiples, complexes, incomprises pour certaines et parfois même controversées. Cette complexité se répercute parfois dans les échanges entre les acteurs liés de près ou de loin à ces insectes pollinisateurs qui évoluent sur un même territoire. Dans ce contexte, l'institut technique et scientifique de l'apiculture et de la pollinisation (ITSAP–Institut de l'abeille, après avoir fait le constat qu'apiculteurs et agriculteurs ne partagent pas toujours la même perception de leur territoire, travaille depuis quelques années à accompagner ces acteurs dans la construction de leviers favorables au maintien durable de ces différentes activités agricoles sur leur territoire. Nous illustrerons cette dynamique à travers différents formats d'actions : l'échange de connaissances dans des ateliers de concertation sous forme de jeu de rôles et l'acquisition et le partage de références dans une expérimentation en plein champs.

  4. The Impact of Business Diversification on Performance of IDX Listed Firms

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    Ony Humarseno


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE This study analyzes the correlation between business diversification and performances in Indonesian listed companies from 2006-2011. In addition to observing business diversification impact on company’s performance in term of Return on Assets (ROA and Tobin’s Q, this research also observes the business diversification impact on the performances of different companies at different level. The result of this research indicates that diversification gives negative effect to ROA and Tobin’s Q, while for higher level of diversification, the effect on Tobin’s Q is relatively high. The negative effect of diversification on ROA is higher in the group of companies with higher ROA. The different results show that when using Tobin’s Q as a measure of companies’ performances, diversification gives negative impact to companies’ performance in the intermediate level.   Keywords: Diversification, companies’ performance, ROA, quantile regression, Tobin’s Q

  5. Fumiers de bovins, une ressource à fort potentiel pour la filière de méthanisation en France ?

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    DEGUEURCE, Axelle


    Full Text Available En France, la méthanisation agricole représente l'un des principaux leviers d’action pour atteindre les objectifs « biogaz » dans la production d’énergies renouvelables. L'agriculture génère en effet d’abondantes ressources exploitables pour la production de biogaz par méthanisation. En croisant différentes bases de données de la statistique agricole et les pratiques d’élevage recensées sur le territoire français, les auteurs nous proposent ici d'évaluer le potentiel du gisement énergétique des effluents de bovins, et d'analyser les conditions pour mieux mobiliser cette ressource sur le territoire.

  6. Unrelated Diversification and Firm Performance: 1980-2007 Evidence from Italy

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    Raffaele Staglianò


    Full Text Available The goal of this article is to examine the relationship between unrelated diversification and performance. Results indicate that diversified firms, investing in activities far from the corebusiness, have high performance. Unrelated diversification positively affects firms’ performance. In addition, the estimation methods applied are fundamental in order to verify if there are endogeneity problems in the diversification decision and evaluate the effective role of diversification on performance.

  7. Livelihood diversification and implications on poverty and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper on livelihood diversification is based on an ongoing study under VicRes programme being undertaken in the Lake Victoria Basin, in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. We examine how changing socio-economic and environmental conditions contribute to livelihood diversification, land-use changes, poverty ...

  8. Diversification and control in emerging markets: The case of Chilean firms

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    Mauricio Jara-Bertin


    Full Text Available We analyze the effect of two types of corporate diversification (business diversification and ownership diversification on the market value of the Chilean firms. For a sample of 83 nonfinancial firms listed on the Santiago Stock Market from 2005 to 2013, we find a discount for both business and ownership diversification, which is consistent with that reported for other economic or institutional settings. Second, we find that the business diversification discount is related to the ownership structure and is due to the excess of the largest shareholders’ control rights. Third, we find that the ownership diversification discount becomes a premium when the ownership diversification enables the control of the affiliated firms. This effect can be explained by the improvement of internal capital markets that allows overcoming the limitations of Chilean external capital markets.

  9. Transformation and diversification in early mammal evolution. (United States)

    Luo, Zhe-Xi


    Evolution of the earliest mammals shows successive episodes of diversification. Lineage-splitting in Mesozoic mammals is coupled with many independent evolutionary experiments and ecological specializations. Classic scenarios of mammalian morphological evolution tend to posit an orderly acquisition of key evolutionary innovations leading to adaptive diversification, but newly discovered fossils show that evolution of such key characters as the middle ear and the tribosphenic teeth is far more labile among Mesozoic mammals. Successive diversifications of Mesozoic mammal groups multiplied the opportunities for many dead-end lineages to iteratively evolve developmental homoplasies and convergent ecological specializations, parallel to those in modern mammal groups.

  10. Hospital diversification: how to involve the pharmacy. (United States)

    Smith, J E; Black, B L


    Participation by hospital pharmacy departments in planning and development of diversified services is described. Diversification requires market planning. Seven basic marketing steps are identification of mission, goals, and objectives; identification of growth strategies (market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification); market analysis of external factors (size, growth, and logistics; reimbursement and financial considerations; competition; regulatory issues; and legal issues); market analysis of internal factors (departmental organization and reporting lines, demographics of the institution, and costs and productivity associated with the new service); program development and design; implementation; and evaluation. Hospitals can diversify by expanding acute-care services through management contracts and mergers; developing new services to include long-term-care, ambulatory-care, occupational-health, and wellness programs; starting other health-care ventures, such as consulting, continuing medical education, and continuing education for nurses; and expanding into non-health-care businesses. Vertical diversification is finding new markets for existing services; horizontal diversification is development of new services for new markets. To diversify, an institution may need to change its corporate structure; it may form a family of corporations that includes a university, nonprofit hospitals, holding companies, for-profit corporations, joint ventures, and service organizations. Through diversification, institutions and pharmacy departments can create alternative sources of funding and offer more comprehensive services to patients.

  11. Tracer tests, hydrochemical and microbiological investigations as a basis for groundwater protection in a remote tropical mountainous karst area, Vietnam


    Nguyet, Vu Thi Minh; Goldscheider, Nicola


    La zone karstique de Tam Duong, au NO du Vietnam, fait partie des régions les plus pauvres et les plus reculées du pays. La population locale est largement dépendante de l’eau provenant de deux principales sources karstiques. En raison de la variété des activités agricoles et des eaux usées domestiques non traitées, l’eau de source subit souvent une contamination microbiologique. Afin de fournir une base scientifique pour la protection de l’eau souterraine dans cette zone, différentes méthode...


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    HARNAGEA Marta Cătălina


    Full Text Available Product diversification is a usual strategy of footwear producers. As a requirement related to competitiveness in this domain, diversification can be done by practical application of some criteria. Considering this aspect, the paper proposes a research on the diversification in the case of a safety footwear product by modifying its component patterns, while keeping the initial shape of the product. Thus, starting from a safety shoe model, diversification was performed by changing the configuration in the joining area of two patterns of the product. By joining the tongue with the bellows tongue, the upper with the quarter, the heel counter with the quarter and the collar and heel counter with quarter has resulted a family of models characterized by a reduction of the number of patterns in the product. The size of the set presents a significant influence on the theoretical nesting factor and implicitly on the size of the wastes. The analysis of the resulting new model types lead to highlighting the influence of the patterns number of the uppers and the area of the set on the usage index of the leather surface when cutting the parts and on the specific consumption.

  13. Tourism Diversification and Its Implications for Smart Specialisation

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    Adi Weidenfeld


    Full Text Available The complex nature of tourism, its strong inter-sectoral relationships and regional dimension challenge innovation. The advent of smart specialisation, which focuses on regional diversification across sectors, offers considerable and hitherto largely unrealized potential for developing innovative tourism policies within this new agenda. This paper addresses the understudied concept of tourism diversification and its unrealized relevance to smart specialisation, which has emerged as a mainstream logic underpinning EU Cohesion Policy reforms and has diffused into other OECD countries. It provides a theoretical framework for studying product, market, sectoral and regional diversification as well as related variety in tourism. Some policy implications for realizing tourism diversification and for the potential role of tourism in smart specialisation strategies in particular are suggested.

  14. Factors Influencing Livelihood Diversification among Rural Farmers ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This research study was set out to analyze factors influencing rural farmer's engagement in livelihood diversification in the study area. The specific objectives were; to identify the different levels of farmers' engagement in livelihood diversification, determine the socio-demographic factors or forces that influence farmers' ...

  15. Income diversification and risk for fishermen. (United States)

    Kasperski, Stephen; Holland, Daniel S


    Catches and prices from many fisheries exhibit high interannual variability, leading to variability in the income derived by fishery participants. The economic risk posed by this may be mitigated in some cases if individuals participate in several different fisheries, particularly if revenues from those fisheries are uncorrelated or vary asynchronously. We construct indices of gross income diversification from fisheries at the level of individual vessels and find that the income of the current fleet of vessels on the US West Coast and in Alaska is less diverse than at any point in the past 30 y. We also find a dome-shaped relationship between the variability of individuals' income and income diversification, which implies that a small amount of diversification does not reduce income risk but that higher levels of diversification can substantially reduce the variability of income from fishing. Moving from a single fishery strategy to a 50-25-25 split in revenues reduces the expected coefficient of variation of gross revenues between 24% and 65% for the vessels included in this study. The increasing access restrictions in many marine fisheries through license reductions and moratoriums have the potential to limit fishermen's ability to diversify their income risk across multiple fisheries. Catch share programs often result in consolidation initially and may reduce diversification. However, catch share programs also make it feasible for fishermen to build a portfolio of harvest privileges and potentially reduce their income risk. Therefore, catch share programs create both threats and opportunities for fishermen wishing to maintain diversified fishing strategies.

  16. Explosive ice age diversification of kiwi. (United States)

    Weir, Jason T; Haddrath, Oliver; Robertson, Hugh A; Colbourne, Rogan M; Baker, Allan J


    Molecular dating largely overturned the paradigm that global cooling during recent Pleistocene glacial cycles resulted in a burst of species diversification although some evidence exists that speciation was commonly promoted in habitats near the expanding and retracting ice sheets. Here, we used a genome-wide dataset of more than half a million base pairs of DNA to test for a glacially induced burst of diversification in kiwi, an avian family distributed within several hundred kilometers of the expanding and retracting glaciers of the Southern Alps of New Zealand. By sampling across the geographic range of the five kiwi species, we discovered many cryptic lineages, bringing the total number of kiwi taxa that currently exist to 11 and the number that existed just before human arrival to 16 or 17. We found that 80% of kiwi diversification events date to the major glacial advances of the Middle and Late Pleistocene. During this period, New Zealand was repeatedly fragmented by glaciers into a series of refugia, with the tiny geographic ranges of many kiwi lineages currently distributed in areas adjacent to these refugia. Estimates of effective population size through time show a dramatic bottleneck during the last glacial cycle in all but one kiwi lineage, as expected if kiwi were isolated in glacially induced refugia. Our results support a fivefold increase in diversification rates during key glacial periods, comparable with levels observed in classic adaptive radiations, and confirm that at least some lineages distributed near glaciated regions underwent rapid ice age diversification.

  17. Impact of whole-genome duplication events on diversification rates in angiosperms. (United States)

    Landis, Jacob B; Soltis, Douglas E; Li, Zheng; Marx, Hannah E; Barker, Michael S; Tank, David C; Soltis, Pamela S


    Polyploidy or whole-genome duplication (WGD) pervades the evolutionary history of angiosperms. Despite extensive progress in our understanding of WGD, the role of these events in promoting diversification is still not well understood. We seek to clarify the possible association between WGD and diversification rates in flowering plants. Using a previously published phylogeny spanning all land plants (31,749 tips) and WGD events inferred from analyses of the 1000 Plants (1KP) transcriptome data, we analyzed the association of WGDs and diversification rates following numerous WGD events across the angiosperms. We used a stepwise AIC approach (MEDUSA), a Bayesian mixture model approach (BAMM), and state-dependent diversification analyses (MuSSE) to investigate patterns of diversification. Sister-clade comparisons were used to investigate species richness after WGDs. Based on the density of 1KP taxon sampling, 106 WGDs were unambiguously placed on the angiosperm phylogeny. We identified 334-530 shifts in diversification rates. We found that 61 WGD events were tightly linked to changes in diversification rates, and state-dependent diversification analyses indicated higher speciation rates for subsequent rounds of WGD. Additionally, 70 of 99 WGD events showed an increase in species richness compared to the sister clade. Forty-six of the 106 WGDs analyzed appear to be closely associated with upshifts in the rate of diversification in angiosperms. Shifts in diversification do not appear more likely than random within a four-node lag phase following a WGD; however, younger WGD events are more likely to be followed by an upshift in diversification than older WGD events. © 2018 Botanical Society of America.

  18. Henri Lopès : d’Une Quête Incessante à une identité plurielle

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    Vincent Simédoh


    Full Text Available Dans plusieurs oeuvres d’Henri Lopès, les personnages sont constamment en quête d’une identité. Une quête qu’ils entament comme un parcours puisque désormais ils vivent au confluent de plusieurs cultures et ils se sentent comme en exil. Ce n’est pas forcément un exil extérieur parce qu’ils ont quitté leur pays d’origine mais c’est plutôt un exil intérieur. Ainsi les personnages se sentent incapables de se situer par rapport à eux-mêmes et à autrui. Dès lors surgit une tentation, celle de se réfugier dans le souvenir qui n’existe même plus. La mémoire s’estompe. L’histoire elle-même fuit et disparaît. Ce qui fait naître chez les personnages un vide qui conduit à un malaise identitaire, d’où déchirement. En face de cet écartèlement, surgit une multitude de pistes. Et c’est dans cette perspective qu’Henri Lopès propose une identité plurielle.

  19. Impact d'une modulation duale sur les performances d'une liaison ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le présent document présente la technique de modulation duale Fréquence - Amplitude dans le cas d'une liaison optique du type IM-DD. Ce travail révèle que la modulation duale Fréquence - Amplitude permet de générer un signal à bande latérale unique. Les performances d'une liaison optique IM-DD basée sur cette ...

  20. Distinct Processes Drive Diversification in Different Clades of Gesneriaceae. (United States)

    Roalson, Eric H; Roberts, Wade R


    Using a time-calibrated phylogenetic hypothesis including 768 Gesneriaceae species (out of [Formula: see text]3300 species) and more than 29,000 aligned bases from 26 gene regions, we test Gesneriaceae for diversification rate shifts and the possible proximal drivers of these shifts: geographic distributions, growth forms, and pollination syndromes. Bayesian Analysis of Macroevolutionary Mixtures analyses found five significant rate shifts in Beslerieae, core Nematanthus, core Columneinae, core Streptocarpus, and Pacific Cyrtandra These rate shifts correspond with shifts in diversification rates, as inferred by Binary State Speciation and Extinction Model and Geographic State Speciation and Extinction model, associated with hummingbird pollination, epiphytism, unifoliate growth, and geographic area. Our results suggest that diversification processes are extremely variable across Gesneriaceae clades with different combinations of characters influencing diversification rates in different clades. Diversification patterns between New and Old World lineages show dramatic differences, suggesting that the processes of diversification in Gesneriaceae are very different in these two geographic regions. © The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press, on behalf of the Society of Systematic Biologists. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  1. Implication socio-economique de l'amenagement du barrage de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le déficit d'énergie constaté dans la moitié centrenord de la Côte d'Ivoire constitue une entrave à la valorisation industrielle des produits agricoles. Il va engendrer un déséquilibre régional consécutif à un manque d'harmonisation de certains programmes d'investissement. La réponse à ce besoin essentiel et indispensable ...

  2. Gouvernance de l'eau, désertification et changements climatiques ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'Araucanie est une vaste région du sud du Chili qui est le territoire traditionnel des Mapuche, un peuple autochtone. Au cours des dernières décennies, les vastes plantations d'arbres destinés au bois d'oeuvre et les exploitations agricoles de taille moyenne où l'on pratique l'agriculture intensive ont remplacé la forêt ...

  3. ÉTUDE DE CAS — mondiale : Repenser les stratégies de recherche ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    24 déc. 2010 ... Repenser les stratégies de recherche agricole. Les agriculteurs qui disposent de peu de ressources -- des femmes, pour une large part -- produisent jusqu'à 20 % des cultures vivrières de la planète et pourraient bien détenir la clé de la croissance de la diversité biologique et culturelle. Car en luttant pour ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    1 sept. 2015 ... La valorisation des déchets agricoles pour la production de biogaz (par ... développée tout d'abord à partir de l'utilisation de fumier de ferme liquide. ... la Matière Organique (MO) reste une priorité dans la gestion des déchets. ... (selon sa teneur en solides) à travers le digesteur contenant les briques de 12.

  5. Appui à la relance du ROCARÉ-CI en situation de crise post ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    De son indépendance acquise en 1960 jusqu'en 1999, la Côte d'Ivoire était l'un des pays les plus stables d'Afrique et connaissait un essor économique continu grâce à ses nombreuses richesses naturelles, agricoles en particulier. À partir de 1999, le pays s'est installé dans une longue période de crise politique dont le ...

  6. L'ICARDA et le CRDI : un partenariat durable et fructueux | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 juin 2013 ... Devenu une force à l'échelle mondiale, le Centre international de recherches agricoles dans les régions sèches (ICARDA) s'emploie à améliorer la qualité de vie des plus de 1,7 milliard de personnes vivant dans les régions arides en améliorant la productivité, les revenus et les moyens de subsistance.

  7. Effet des touffes de Guiera senegalensis (J.F. Gmel) sur la fertilité ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 oct. 2015 ... Les cultures dominantes sont le mil, le sorgho, le niébé et l'arachide et secondairement le sésame, le voandzou et l'oseille. Cependant, cette activité connait plusieurs contraintes notamment la baisse de la fertilité des sols, une crise foncière agricole, l'insuffisance et l'irrégularité des pluies et des pressions ...

  8. Personalised Diversification Using Intent-Aware Portfolio


    Wasilewski, Jacek; Hurley, Neil J.


    The intent-aware diversification framework considers a set of aspects associated with items to be recommended. A baseline recommendation is greedily re-ranked using an objective that promotes diversity across the aspects. In this paper the framework is analysed and a new intent-aware objective is derived that considers the minimum variance criterion, connecting the framework directly to portfolio diversification from finance. We derive an aspect model that supports the goal of minimum varianc...

  9. Development Strategy 0f Local Food Diversification

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    Imelda Imelda


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is to develop strategies that can be applied in the development of local food diversification in West Kalimantan. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Variables examined included internal factors (strengths and weaknesses and external factors (opportunities and threats in the development of local food diversification in West Kalimantan. Data analysis were conducted in qualitative descriptive to describe the pattern of food consumption in West Kalimantan and continued with a SWOT analysis to carry out the development strategy of the local food diversification in West Kalimantan. The analysis result showed that the strategy for the development of local food diversification in West Kalimantan is SO strategy (Strengths - Opportunities those are: 1 the increase in synergy between the government and the micro, small and medium enterprises for the development of local food products, 2 the utilization of communications and market information system in improving the marketing of local food products on micro, small and medium enterprises, and 3 the utilization of unutilized agricultural land to improve the quality and quantity of local food products.

  10. Darwinism for the Genomic Age: Connecting Mutation to Diversification


    Hua, Xia; Bromham, Lindell


    A growing body of evidence suggests that rates of diversification of biological lineages are correlated with differences in genome-wide mutation rate. Given that most research into differential patterns of diversification rate have focused on species traits or ecological parameters, a connection to the biochemical processes of genome change is an unexpected observation. While the empirical evidence for a significant association between mutation rate and diversification rate is mounting, there...

  11. The Impact of International Diversification on the Corporate Valuation


    Jakubenko Alena Anatol'evna


    The article deals with the impact of international diversification strategy on the corporate valuation. It describes theory basis that can explain the sources for value added in companies that use diversification strategy. The article gives also the comprehensive view on the methodology of evaluation of international diversification influence on the corporate value and comparative analysis of inconsistent empirical results of different researches concerning the nature of key relationships’ be...

  12. Diversification and Corporate Performance: An Evaluation of Chinese Enterprises


    Lou, Dannilou


    ABSTRACT This study conducts the relationship between diversification and corporate performance in the People’s Republic of China (PRC)’s business environment. Diversification continues to be an important strategy for corporate growth and better performance. Most of the previous studies on the same topic are reviewed in developed economies, they addresses a negative relationship between diversification and corporate performance. The objective of this study is to investigate the diversifi...

  13. Is the potential for international diversification disappearing?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christoffersen, Peter; Errunza, Vihang; Jacobs, Kris


    International equity markets are characterized by nonlinear dependence and asymmetries. We propose a new dynamic asymmetric copula model to capture long-run and short-run dependence, multivariate nonnormality, and asymmetries in large cross-sections. We find that correlations have increased...... markedly in both developed markets (DMs) and emerging markets (EMs), but they are much lower in EMs than in DMs. Tail dependence has also increased, but its level is still relatively low in EMs. We propose new measures of dynamic diversification benefits that take into account higher-order moments...... and nonlinear dependence. The benefits from international diversification have reduced over time, drastically so for DMs. EMs still offer significant diversification benefits, especially during large market downturns....

  14. Biological factors contributing to bark and ambrosia beetle species diversification. (United States)

    Gohli, Jostein; Kirkendall, Lawrence R; Smith, Sarah M; Cognato, Anthony I; Hulcr, Jiri; Jordal, Bjarte H


    The study of species diversification can identify the processes that shape patterns of species richness across the tree of life. Here, we perform comparative analyses of species diversification using a large dataset of bark beetles. Three examined covariates-permanent inbreeding (sibling mating), fungus farming, and major host type-represent a range of factors that may be important for speciation. We studied the association of these covariates with species diversification while controlling for evolutionary lag on adaptation. All three covariates were significantly associated with diversification, but fungus farming showed conflicting patterns between different analyses. Genera that exhibited interspecific variation in host type had higher rates of species diversification, which may suggest that host switching is a driver of species diversification or that certain host types or forest compositions facilitate colonization and thus allopatric speciation. Because permanent inbreeding is thought to facilitate dispersal, the positive association between permanent inbreeding and diversification rates suggests that dispersal ability may contribute to species richness. Bark beetles are ecologically unique; however, our results indicate that their impressive species diversity is largely driven by mechanisms shown to be important for many organism groups. © 2017 The Author(s). Evolution © 2017 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  15. Curriculum Diversification Re-examined--A Case Study of Sierra Leone. (United States)

    Wright, Cream A. H.

    This paper deals with a case study of secondary curriculum diversification as a vocationalization strategy in Sierra Leone. It explores diversification issues from four crucial standpoints that are distinct but highly interrelated. First, diversification is dealt with as a policy that was adopted and actively pursued by Sierra Leone for over a…

  16. Structuring evolution: biochemical networks and metabolic diversification in birds. (United States)

    Morrison, Erin S; Badyaev, Alexander V


    Recurrence and predictability of evolution are thought to reflect the correspondence between genomic and phenotypic dimensions of organisms, and the connectivity in deterministic networks within these dimensions. Direct examination of the correspondence between opportunities for diversification imbedded in such networks and realized diversity is illuminating, but is empirically challenging because both the deterministic networks and phenotypic diversity are modified in the course of evolution. Here we overcome this problem by directly comparing the structure of a "global" carotenoid network - comprising of all known enzymatic reactions among naturally occurring carotenoids - with the patterns of evolutionary diversification in carotenoid-producing metabolic networks utilized by birds. We found that phenotypic diversification in carotenoid networks across 250 species was closely associated with enzymatic connectivity of the underlying biochemical network - compounds with greater connectivity occurred the most frequently across species and were the hotspots of metabolic pathway diversification. In contrast, we found no evidence for diversification along the metabolic pathways, corroborating findings that the utilization of the global carotenoid network was not strongly influenced by history in avian evolution. The finding that the diversification in species-specific carotenoid networks is qualitatively predictable from the connectivity of the underlying enzymatic network points to significant structural determinism in phenotypic evolution.

  17. Diversification and Community Bank Performance during a Financial Crisis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kathy Estes


    Full Text Available Many U.S. banks failed or performed poorly during the recent financial crisis.  Although the costliest failures were large institutions, the majority of failures were community banks (less than $1 billion in total assets.  Community banks, which are considered instrumental in small business lending and employment growth, face different risks and challenges than their larger counterparts, including a lack of economies of scale and scope and exclusion from “too-big-to-fail” status.  These challenges, coupled with the recent failures, motivate research into potential strategies managers can use to improve performance.  This study examined the relationship between three potential diversification strategies and community bank risk-adjusted performance from 2007 to 2011.  Understanding these relationships could improve management’s decision-making, allowing them to choose risk-mitigating strategies during a severe economic downturn.  Herfindahl-Hirschman Indexes (HHIs were calculated as proxies for geographic, activity, and asset diversification.  Multiple regression models for each of the five years were used to calculate the impact of diversification variables on risk-adjusted ROA.  The results show that diversification in all areas is directly related to performance; however, only the asset diversification relationship is significant.  To the extent possible for community banks, diversification may improve risk-adjusted performance.

  18. Result Diversification Based on Query-Specific Cluster Ranking

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J. He (Jiyin); E. Meij; M. de Rijke (Maarten)


    htmlabstractResult diversification is a retrieval strategy for dealing with ambiguous or multi-faceted queries by providing documents that cover as many facets of the query as possible. We propose a result diversification framework based on query-specific clustering and cluster ranking,

  19. Irrational Diversification; An Examination of Individual Portfolio Choice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    textabstractWe study individual portfolio choice in a laboratory experiment and find strong evidence for heuristic behavior. The subjects tend to focus on the marginal distribution of an asset, while largely ignoring its diversification benefits. They follow a conditional 1/n diversification



    Juan Otero-Serrano


    This study empirically tests the effect of diversification on firm performance, controlling for factors influencing returns other than diversification. This study also investigates if the diversification effect has the same impact on firm performance at different points in time. The sample used consists of all firms with available data from Compustat Industry Segment Database and Research Files for the period between 1979 and 2006. Carhart (1997) four-factor model results suggest that diversi...

  1. Portfolio Diversification in the South-East European Equity Markets


    Zaimovic Azra; Arnaut-Berilo Almira; Mustafic Arnela


    Diversification potential enables investors to manage their risk and decrease risk exposure. Good diversification policy is a safety net that prevents a portfolio from losing its value. A well-diversified portfolio consists of different categories of property with low correlations, while highly correlated markets have the feature of low possibilities for diversification. The biggest riddle in the world of investments is to find the optimal portfolio within a set of available assets with limit...

  2. Darwinism for the Genomic Age: Connecting Mutation to Diversification. (United States)

    Hua, Xia; Bromham, Lindell


    A growing body of evidence suggests that rates of diversification of biological lineages are correlated with differences in genome-wide mutation rate. Given that most research into differential patterns of diversification rate have focused on species traits or ecological parameters, a connection to the biochemical processes of genome change is an unexpected observation. While the empirical evidence for a significant association between mutation rate and diversification rate is mounting, there has been less effort in explaining the factors that mediate this connection between genetic change and species richness. Here we draw together empirical studies and theoretical concepts that may help to build links in the explanatory chain that connects mutation to diversification. First we consider the way that mutation rates vary between species. We then explore how differences in mutation rates have flow-through effects to the rate at which populations acquire substitutions, which in turn influences the speed at which populations become reproductively isolated from each other due to the acquisition of genomic incompatibilities. Since diversification rate is commonly measured from phylogenetic analyses, we propose a conceptual approach for relating events of reproductive isolation to bifurcations on molecular phylogenies. As we examine each of these relationships, we consider theoretical models that might shine a light on the observed association between rate of molecular evolution and diversification rate, and critically evaluate the empirical evidence for these links, focusing on phylogenetic comparative studies. Finally, we ask whether we are getting closer to a real understanding of the way that the processes of molecular evolution connect to the observable patterns of diversification.

  3. Asynchronous diversification in a specialized plant-pollinator mutualism. (United States)

    Ramírez, Santiago R; Eltz, Thomas; Fujiwara, Mikiko K; Gerlach, Günter; Goldman-Huertas, Benjamin; Tsutsui, Neil D; Pierce, Naomi E


    Most flowering plants establish mutualistic associations with insect pollinators to facilitate sexual reproduction. However, the evolutionary processes that gave rise to these associations remain poorly understood. We reconstructed the times of divergence, diversification patterns, and interaction networks of a diverse group of specialized orchids and their bee pollinators. In contrast to a scenario of coevolution by race formation, we show that fragrance-producing orchids originated at least three times independently after their fragrance-collecting bee mutualists. Whereas orchid diversification has apparently tracked the diversification of orchids' bee pollinators, bees appear to have depended on the diverse chemical environment of neotropical forests. We corroborated this apparent asymmetrical dependency by simulating co-extinction cascades in real interaction networks that lacked reciprocal specialization. These results suggest that the diversification of insect-pollinated angiosperms may have been facilitated by the exploitation of preexisting sensory biases of insect pollinators.

  4. Fusion helps diversification

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liang, S.; Ren, Z.; de Rijke, M.


    A popular strategy for search result diversification is to first retrieve a set of documents utilizing a standard retrieval method and then rerank the results. We adopt a different perspective on the problem, based on data fusion. Starting from the hypothesis that data fusion can improve performance

  5. Character combinations, convergence and diversification in ectoparasitic arthropods. (United States)

    Poulin, Robert


    Different lineages of organisms diversify over time at different rates, in part as a consequence of the characteristics of the species in these lineages. Certain suites of traits possessed by species within a clade may determine rates of diversification, with some particular combinations of characters acting synergistically to either limit or promote diversification; the most successful combinations may also emerge repeatedly in different clades via convergent evolution. Here, the association between species characters and diversification is investigated amongst 21 independent lineages of arthropods ectoparasitic on vertebrate hosts. Using nine characters (each with two to four states) that capture general life history strategy, transmission mode and host-parasite interaction, each lineage was described by the set of character states it possesses. The results show, firstly, that most possible pair-wise combinations of character states have been adopted at least once, sometimes several times independently by different lineages; thus, ectoparasitic arthropods have explored most of the life history character space available to them. Secondly, lineages possessing commonly observed combinations of character states are not necessarily the ones that have experienced the highest rates of diversification (measured as a clade's species-per-genus ratio). Thirdly, some specific traits are associated with higher rates of diversification. Using more than one host per generation, laying eggs away from the host and intermediate levels of fecundity are features that appear to have promoted diversification. These findings indicate that particular species characters may be evolutionary drivers of diversity, whose effects could also apply in other taxa.

  6. Scale and technological factors in the diversification structure of business firms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Castaldi, C; Milakovic, M; Secchi, A

    We present empirical evidence on diversification patterns in Italian manufacturing firms, where we observe a robust relationship between firm size and diversification levels. The overall findings support the 'resource-' and 'competence-based' theories of corporate diversification. In addition, we

  7. L'organisation de la formation agricole au benin : quels nouveaux ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ingénierie des Dispositifs de Formation (DIF). Des investigations et analyses, il ressort que les formations offertes aux ruraux sont compatibles avec leurs besoins en formation mais l'élaboration de ces programmes est caractérisée par une forte ...

  8. The Socioeconomic Basis of Farm Enterprise Diversification Decisions. (United States)

    Anosike, Nnamdi; Coughenour, C. Milton


    Examines research relating farm size inversely to specialization and directly to farm-enterprise diversification. Develops model of farm management decision making. Tests model using survey examining land tenure, off-farm work, education, and environmental factors. Concludes diversification linked to farm size, human capital, and environmental…

  9. Heterostyly accelerates diversification via reduced extinction in primroses (United States)

    de Vos, Jurriaan M.; Hughes, Colin E.; Schneeweiss, Gerald M.; Moore, Brian R.; Conti, Elena


    The exceptional species diversity of flowering plants, exceeding that of their sister group more than 250-fold, is especially evident in floral innovations, interactions with pollinators and sexual systems. Multiple theories, emphasizing flower–pollinator interactions, genetic effects of mating systems or high evolvability, predict that floral evolution profoundly affects angiosperm diversification. However, consequences for speciation and extinction dynamics remain poorly understood. Here, we investigate trajectories of species diversification focusing on heterostyly, a remarkable floral syndrome where outcrossing is enforced via cross-compatible floral morphs differing in placement of their respective sexual organs. Heterostyly evolved at least 20 times independently in angiosperms. Using Darwin's model for heterostyly, the primrose family, we show that heterostyly accelerates species diversification via decreasing extinction rates rather than increasing speciation rates, probably owing to avoidance of the negative genetic effects of selfing. However, impact of heterostyly appears to differ over short and long evolutionary time-scales: the accelerating effect of heterostyly on lineage diversification is manifest only over long evolutionary time-scales, whereas recent losses of heterostyly may prompt ephemeral bursts of speciation. Our results suggest that temporal or clade-specific conditions may ultimately determine the net effects of specific traits on patterns of species diversification. PMID:24759859

  10. Independent evolution of the sexes promotes amphibian diversification (United States)

    De Lisle, Stephen P.; Rowe, Locke


    Classic ecological theory predicts that the evolution of sexual dimorphism constrains diversification by limiting morphospace available for speciation. Alternatively, sexual selection may lead to the evolution of reproductive isolation and increased diversification. We test contrasting predictions of these hypotheses by examining the relationship between sexual dimorphism and diversification in amphibians. Our analysis shows that the evolution of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is associated with increased diversification and speciation, contrary to the ecological theory. Further, this result is unlikely to be explained by traditional sexual selection models because variation in amphibian SSD is unlikely to be driven entirely by sexual selection. We suggest that relaxing a central assumption of classic ecological models—that the sexes share a common adaptive landscape—leads to the alternative hypothesis that independent evolution of the sexes may promote diversification. Once the constraints of sexual conflict are relaxed, the sexes can explore morphospace that would otherwise be inaccessible. Consistent with this novel hypothesis, the evolution of SSD in amphibians is associated with reduced current extinction threat status, and an historical reduction in extinction rate. Our work reconciles conflicting predictions from ecological and evolutionary theory and illustrates that the ability of the sexes to evolve independently is associated with a spectacular vertebrate radiation. PMID:25694616

  11. Corporate Diversification and Firm Performance: Evidence from Asian Hotel Industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ooi Chai-Aun


    Full Text Available The unstable environment of hotel industry which is driven by the fluctuation of tourism demand has motivated this study to look into the best diversification strategy for firm performance betterment. 42 hotel firms are investigated across 4 Asian economies, from year 2001 to 2012. Our results suggest that unrelated industrial diversification is the only alternative to improve hotel firm performance. Unrelated international diversification instead has a significant negative effect towards firm performance. Our results further show that board of directors implies a significant link to the relationship between diversification and firm performance, only in a crisis period.

  12. Economic diversification: Explaining the pattern of diversification in the global economy and its implications for fostering diversification in poorer countries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Freire Junior, Clovis


    Economic diversification is very relevant for poorer developing countries to create jobs and foster economic development. That need has been recognised in key internationally agreed development goals. The empirical economic literature has identified several stylised facts about the pattern of

  13. Divergence and diversification in North American Psoraleeae (Fabaceae) due to climate change (United States)

    Egan, Ashley N; Crandall, Keith A


    Background Past studies in the legume family (Fabaceae) have uncovered several evolutionary trends including differential mutation and diversification rates across varying taxonomic levels. The legume tribe Psoraleeae is shown herein to exemplify these trends at the generic and species levels. This group includes a sizable diversification within North America dated at approximately 6.3 million years ago with skewed species distribution to the most recently derived genus, Pediomelum, suggesting a diversification rate shift. We estimate divergence dates of North American (NAm) Psoraleeae using Bayesian MCMC sampling in BEAST based on eight DNA regions (ITS, waxy, matK, trnD-trnT, trnL-trnF, trnK, trnS-trnG, and rpoB-trnC). We also test the hypothesis of a diversification rate shift within NAm Psoraleeae using topological and temporal methods. We investigate the impact of climate change on diversification in this group by (1) testing the hypothesis that a shift from mesic to xeric habitats acted as a key innovation and (2) investigating diversification rate shifts along geologic time, discussing the impact of Quaternary climate oscillations on diversification. Results NAm Psoraleeae represents a recent, rapid radiation with several genera originating during the Pleistocene, 1 to 2 million years ago. A shift in diversification rate is supported by both methods with a 2.67-fold increase suggested around 2 million years ago followed by a 8.73-fold decrease 440,000 years ago. The hypothesis that a climate regime shift from mesic to xeric habitats drove increased diversification in affected taxa was not supported. Timing of the diversification rate increase supports the hypothesis that glaciation-induced climate changes during the Quaternary influenced diversification of the group. Nonrandom spatial diversification also exists, with greater species richness in the American Southwest. Conclusion This study outlines NAm Psoraleeae as a model example of a recent, rapid

  14. Divergence and diversification in North American Psoraleeae (Fabaceae due to climate change

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Crandall Keith A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Past studies in the legume family (Fabaceae have uncovered several evolutionary trends including differential mutation and diversification rates across varying taxonomic levels. The legume tribe Psoraleeae is shown herein to exemplify these trends at the generic and species levels. This group includes a sizable diversification within North America dated at approximately 6.3 million years ago with skewed species distribution to the most recently derived genus, Pediomelum, suggesting a diversification rate shift. We estimate divergence dates of North American (NAm Psoraleeae using Bayesian MCMC sampling in BEAST based on eight DNA regions (ITS, waxy, matK, trnD-trnT, trnL-trnF, trnK, trnS-trnG, and rpoB-trnC. We also test the hypothesis of a diversification rate shift within NAm Psoraleeae using topological and temporal methods. We investigate the impact of climate change on diversification in this group by (1 testing the hypothesis that a shift from mesic to xeric habitats acted as a key innovation and (2 investigating diversification rate shifts along geologic time, discussing the impact of Quaternary climate oscillations on diversification. Results NAm Psoraleeae represents a recent, rapid radiation with several genera originating during the Pleistocene, 1 to 2 million years ago. A shift in diversification rate is supported by both methods with a 2.67-fold increase suggested around 2 million years ago followed by a 8.73-fold decrease 440,000 years ago. The hypothesis that a climate regime shift from mesic to xeric habitats drove increased diversification in affected taxa was not supported. Timing of the diversification rate increase supports the hypothesis that glaciation-induced climate changes during the Quaternary influenced diversification of the group. Nonrandom spatial diversification also exists, with greater species richness in the American Southwest. Conclusion This study outlines NAm Psoraleeae as a model example

  15. Diversification rates and species richness across the Tree of Life. (United States)

    Scholl, Joshua P; Wiens, John J


    Species richness varies dramatically among clades across the Tree of Life, by over a million-fold in some cases (e.g. placozoans versus arthropods). Two major explanations for differences in richness among clades are the clade-age hypothesis (i.e. species-rich clades are older) and the diversification-rate hypothesis (i.e. species-rich clades diversify more rapidly, where diversification rate is the net balance of speciation and extinction over time). Here, we examine patterns of variation in diversification rates across the Tree of Life. We address how rates vary across higher taxa, whether rates within higher taxa are related to the subclades within them, and how diversification rates of clades are related to their species richness. We find substantial variation in diversification rates, with rates in plants nearly twice as high as in animals, and rates in some eukaryotes approximately 10-fold faster than prokaryotes. Rates for each kingdom-level clade are then significantly related to the subclades within them. Although caution is needed when interpreting relationships between diversification rates and richness, a positive relationship between the two is not inevitable. We find that variation in diversification rates seems to explain most variation in richness among clades across the Tree of Life, in contrast to the conclusions of previous studies. © 2016 The Author(s).

  16. Correlation dynamics and international diversification benefits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christoffersen, Peter; Errunza, Vihang; Jacobs, Kris


    that it is possible to model co-movements for many countries simultaneously using BEKK, DCC, and DECO models. Empirically, we find that correlations have trended upward significantly for both DMs and EMs. Based on a time-varying measure of diversification benefits, we find that it is not possible to circumvent...... the increasing correlations in a long-only portfolio by adjusting the portfolio weights over time. However, we do find some evidence that adding EMs to a DM-only portfolio increases diversification benefits....

  17. Correlation Dynamics and International Diversification Benefits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christoffersen, Peter; Errunza, Vihang R.; Jacobs, Kris

    that it is possible to model co-movements for many countries simultaneously using BEKK, DCC, and DECO models. Empirically, we find that correlations have significantly trended upward for both DMs and EMs. Based on a time-varying measure of diversification benefit, we find that it is not possible in a long......-only portfolio to circumvent the increasing correlations by adjusting the portfolio weights over time. However, we do find some evidence that adding EMs to a DM-only portfolio increases diversification benefits....

  18. Botswana: A Note on Economic Diversification | Sekwati | Botswana ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Despite a series of supportive policies over the years, economic diversification remains an obscurity for Botswana. The economy remains heavily dependent on diamond mining, while the private sector, considered pivotal in the strategy for diversification, continues to be shallow and narrow, with weak inter sectoral diversity ...

  19. Viviparity stimulates diversification in an order of fish. (United States)

    Helmstetter, Andrew J; Papadopulos, Alexander S T; Igea, Javier; Van Dooren, Tom J M; Leroi, Armand M; Savolainen, Vincent


    Species richness is distributed unevenly across the tree of life and this may be influenced by the evolution of novel phenotypes that promote diversification. Viviparity has originated ∼150 times in vertebrates and is considered to be an adaptation to highly variable environments. Likewise, possessing an annual life cycle is common in plants and insects, where it enables the colonization of seasonal environments, but rare in vertebrates. The extent to which these reproductive life-history traits have enhanced diversification and their relative importance in the process remains unknown. We show that convergent evolution of viviparity causes bursts of diversification in fish. We built a phylogenetic tree for Cyprinodontiformes, an order in which both annualism and viviparity have arisen, and reveal that while both traits have evolved multiple times, only viviparity played a major role in shaping the patterns of diversity. These results demonstrate that changes in reproductive life-history strategy can stimulate diversification.

  20. Viviparity stimulates diversification in an order of fish (United States)

    Helmstetter, Andrew J.; Papadopulos, Alexander S. T.; Igea, Javier; Van Dooren, Tom J. M.; Leroi, Armand M.; Savolainen, Vincent


    Species richness is distributed unevenly across the tree of life and this may be influenced by the evolution of novel phenotypes that promote diversification. Viviparity has originated ∼150 times in vertebrates and is considered to be an adaptation to highly variable environments. Likewise, possessing an annual life cycle is common in plants and insects, where it enables the colonization of seasonal environments, but rare in vertebrates. The extent to which these reproductive life-history traits have enhanced diversification and their relative importance in the process remains unknown. We show that convergent evolution of viviparity causes bursts of diversification in fish. We built a phylogenetic tree for Cyprinodontiformes, an order in which both annualism and viviparity have arisen, and reveal that while both traits have evolved multiple times, only viviparity played a major role in shaping the patterns of diversity. These results demonstrate that changes in reproductive life-history strategy can stimulate diversification. PMID:27070759

  1. Diversification in Private Equity Funds : On Knowledge-sharing, Risk-aversion and Limited-attention

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Humphery-Jenner, M.


    This paper examines diversification as a source of value creation and destruction in private equity. The literature has focused on the `diversification discount' in corporations. It has not analyzed diversification in PE-funds, where diversification might increase value by ameliorating managerial

  2. Evolutionary Roots and Diversification of the Genus Aeromonas. (United States)

    Sanglas, Ariadna; Albarral, Vicenta; Farfán, Maribel; Lorén, J G; Fusté, M C


    Despite the importance of diversification rates in the study of prokaryote evolution, they have not been quantitatively assessed for the majority of microorganism taxa. The investigation of evolutionary patterns in prokaryotes constitutes a challenge due to a very scarce fossil record, limited morphological differentiation and frequently complex taxonomic relationships, which make even species recognition difficult. Although the speciation models and speciation rates in eukaryotes have traditionally been established by analyzing the fossil record data, this is frequently incomplete, and not always available. More recently, several methods based on molecular sequence data have been developed to estimate speciation and extinction rates from phylogenies reconstructed from contemporary taxa. In this work, we determined the divergence time and temporal diversification of the genus Aeromonas by applying these methods widely used with eukaryotic taxa. Our analysis involved 150 Aeromonas strains using the concatenated sequences of two housekeeping genes (approximately 2,000 bp). Dating and diversification model analyses were performed using two different approaches: obtaining the consensus sequence from the concatenated sequences corresponding to all the strains belonging to the same species, or generating the species tree from multiple alignments of each gene. We used BEAST to perform a Bayesian analysis to estimate both the phylogeny and the divergence times. A global molecular clock cannot be assumed for any gene. From the chronograms obtained, we carried out a diversification analysis using several approaches. The results suggest that the genus Aeromonas began to diverge approximately 250 millions of years (Ma) ago. All methods used to determine Aeromonas diversification gave similar results, suggesting that the speciation process in this bacterial genus followed a rate-constant (Yule) diversification model, although there is a small probability that a slight

  3. Burning phylogenies: fire, molecular evolutionary rates, and diversification. (United States)

    Verdú, Miguel; Pausas, Juli G; Segarra-Moragues, José Gabriel; Ojeda, Fernando


    Mediterranean-type ecosystems are among the most remarkable plant biodiversity "hot spots" on the earth, and fire has traditionally been invoked as one of the evolutionary forces explaining this exceptional diversity. In these ecosystems, adult plants of some species are able to survive after fire (resprouters), whereas in other species fire kills the adults and populations are only maintained by an effective post-fire recruitment (seeders). Seeders tend to have shorter generation times than resprouters, particularly under short fire return intervals, thus potentially increasing their molecular evolutionary rates and, ultimately, their diversification. We explored whether seeder lineages actually have higher rates of molecular evolution and diversification than resprouters. Molecular evolutionary rates in different DNA regions were compared in 45 phylogenetically paired congeneric taxa from fire-prone Mediterranean-type ecosystems with contrasting seeder and resprouter life histories. Differential diversification was analyzed with both topological and chronological approaches in five genera (Banksia, Daviesia, Lachnaea, Leucadendron, and Thamnochortus) from two fire-prone regions (Australia and South Africa). We found that seeders had neither higher molecular rates nor higher diversification than resprouters. Such lack of differences in molecular rates between seeders and resprouters-which did not agree with theoretical predictions-may occur if (1) the timing of the switch from seeding to resprouting (or vice versa) occurs near the branch tip, so that most of the branch length evolves under the opposite life-history form; (2) resprouters suffer more somatic mutations and therefore counterbalancing the replication-induced mutations of seeders; and (3) the rate of mutations is not related to shorter generation times because plants do not undergo determinate germ-line replication. The absence of differential diversification is to be expected if seeders and resprouters

  4. Rural Women's Experience in the Latin American Agrarian Reforms


    Deere, Carmen Diana


    A partir d'une analyse comparative de 13 réformes agraires latino-américaines, cette communication indique qu'une condition nécessaire mais non suffisante pour que les femmes rurales ne soient pas lésées par rapport aux hommes consiste à les désigner, à égalité avec les hommes, comme les bénéficiaires de ces politiques. Il convient de donner aux femmes autant qu'aux hommes l'accès à la terre, ou la possibilité de participer aux coopératives agricoles ou aux fermes d'Etat. Mais tel n'a pas été...

  5. Les mesures de santé et sécurité au travail auprès des travailleurs étrangers temporaires dans les entreprises saisonnières


    Gravel, Sylvie; Villanueva, Francisco; Bernstein, Stéphanie; Hanley, Jill; Crespo, Daniel; Ostiguy, Emmanuelle


    Une analyse des pratiques préventives en santé et sécurité au travail (SST) a été faite dans le cadre d’une étude portant sur les enjeux de gestion ainsi que les conditions de travail et de vie des travailleurs étrangers temporaires (TÉT) employés dans les secteurs de l’horticulture, de la transformation alimentaire et autres secteurs non agricoles. Cette analyse qualitative s’est basée sur deux sources de données. Des entrevues individuelles ont été menées auprès d’employeurs (n = 17), de re...

  6. Le témoignage de terrain d'une chercheuse candidate au doctorat ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    15 mai 2017 ... Certaines d'entre elles ont été enlevées durant la guerre et d'autres ont ... que je comprenais quelque chose au phénomène que j'étudiais. Or, quand j'y retourne, je me rends compte que j'ignore encore tout du phénomène. ... ÉTUDE DE CAS — mondiale : Repenser les stratégies de recherche agricole.

  7. International diversification and Microfinance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Galema, R.; Lensink, B.W.; Spierdijk, L.


    International commercial banks, institutional investors, and private investors have become increasingly interested in financing microfinance institutions (MFIs). This paper investigates whether adding microfinance funds to a portfolio of risky international assets yields diversification gains. By

  8. International diversification and Microfinance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Galema, Rients; Lensink, Robert; Spierdijk, Laura

    International commercial banks, institutional investors, and private investors have become increasingly interested in financing microfinance institutions (MFIs). This paper investigates whether adding microfinance funds to a portfolio of risky international assets yields diversification gains. By

  9. Sex-specific evolution during the diversification of live-bearing fishes. (United States)

    Culumber, Zachary W; Tobler, Michael


    Natural selection is often assumed to drive parallel functional diversification of the sexes. But males and females exhibit fundamental differences in their biology, and it remains largely unknown how sex differences affect macroevolutionary patterns. On microevolutionary scales, we understand how natural and sexual selection interact to give rise to sex-specific evolution during phenotypic diversification and speciation. Here we show that ignoring sex-specific patterns of functional trait evolution misrepresents the macroevolutionary adaptive landscape and evolutionary rates for 112 species of live-bearing fishes (Poeciliidae). Males and females of the same species evolve in different adaptive landscapes. Major axes of female morphology were correlated with environmental variables but not reproductive investment, while male morphological variation was primarily associated with sexual selection. Despite the importance of both natural and sexual selection in shaping sex-specific phenotypic diversification, species diversification was overwhelmingly associated with ecological divergence. Hence, the inter-predictability of mechanisms of phenotypic and species diversification may be limited in many systems. These results underscore the importance of explicitly addressing sex-specific diversification in empirical and theoretical frameworks of evolutionary radiations to elucidate the roles of different sources of selection and constraint.

  10. L'allocation universelle, une solution d'avenir?


    Van Parijs, Philippe


    Le fait L’avenir de la sécurité sociale fait aussi débat en Suisse. Une initiative populaire vient d’être lancée “pour un revenu de base inconditionnel”. Si elle récolte 100000 signatures, cette proposition pourra être soumise à une votation pour devenir loi. Plus fort, une “initiative citoyenne européenne” sur cette question va être lancée en septembre. Objectif: un million de signatures. De quoi parle-t-on? Il s’agit d’une allocation universelle attribuée à toute personne individuellement, ...

  11. Casamance, Sénégal

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Peltier et al. (2005). La main d'œuvre familiale nécessaire à l'entretien des étangs, n'est plus disponible alors que les systèmes hydro-agricoles ancestraux se détériorent de plus en plus dans la région (Idée Casamance,. 2007). Cependant, certains pisciculteurs ont maintenu ce système de production sans que l'on ait une ...

  12. Contraintes d'adoption des technologies de gestion de la fertilite des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La baisse de fertilité des sols, l'une des principales contraintes du secteur agricole au Togo, sévit encore plus dans la riziculture irriguée où les terres sont exploitées chaque année sans jachère. Face à cette situation, diverses solutions comme les technologies de gestion de la fertilité des sols ont été proposées.

  13. ÉTUDE DE CAS — Dar es-Salaam, Tanzanie : Assurer la sécurité ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'évolution rapide du milieu urbain a suscité un intérêt croissant pour l'agriculture urbaine. Des chercheurs de l'Université agricole Sokoine et de l'Université de Dar es- Salaam ont commencé à réunir des arguments en faveur d'une nouvelle vision du développement urbain — un développement qui, comme le dit Ben ...

  14. Site d'enfouissement de Mbeubeuss : à la recherche de la santé ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Cette montagne de déchets constitue une source de pollution de l'air, de l'eau et du sol. Elle comporte aussi des risques sur la santé des populations riveraines ainsi que sur la qualité des produits agricoles et de l'élevage développés dans son voisinage. Toutefois, la décharge de Mbeubeuss offre des opportunités de ...

  15. Actualisation de l'entomofaune des cultures maraîchères en Basse ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Avec l'essor de nouveaux bassins de production maraîchère et la mise en place de fermes agricoles, le maraîchage en Basse Casamance est devenu une activité génératrice de revenus. Les insectes ravageurs et les acariens limitent la production des spéculations par leurs dégâts. Les études effectuées sur ...

  16. contraintes d'adoption des technologies de gestion de la fertilite des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La baisse de fertilité des sols, l'une des principales contraintes du secteur agricole au Togo, sévit encore plus dans la riziculture irriguée où les terres sont exploitées chaque année sans jachère. Face à cette situation, diverses solutions comme les technologies de gestion de la fertilité des sols ont été proposées.

  17. Renforcement de la résilience à la variabilité du climat dans le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    27 avr. 2016 ... On a aussi constaté que les plantes indigènes constituaient une excellente source de protéines, de lipides, de cellulose brute et de minéraux. De brefs cours de formation en agroentreprise et en technologies agricoles intelligentes ont été offerts. L'accès aux marchés a été amélioré. Les collectivités ont ...

  18. Paleoclimate determines diversification patterns in the fossorial snake family Uropeltidae Cuvier, 1829. (United States)

    Cyriac, Vivek Philip; Kodandaramaiah, Ullasa


    Understanding how and why diversification rates vary across evolutionary time is central to understanding how biodiversity is generated and maintained. Recent mathematical models that allow estimation of diversification rates across time from reconstructed phylogenies have enabled us to make inferences on how biodiversity copes with environmental change. Here, we explore patterns of temporal diversification in Uropeltidae, a diverse fossorial snake family. We generate a time-calibrated phylogenetic hypothesis for Uropeltidae and show a significant correlation between diversification rate and paleotemperature during the Cenozoic. We show that the temporal diversification pattern of this group is punctuated by one rate shift event with a decrease in diversification and turnover rate between ca. 11Ma to present, but there is no strong support for mass extinction events. The analysis indicates higher turnover during periods of drastic climatic fluctuations and reduced diversification rates associated with contraction and fragmentation of forest habitats during the late Miocene. Our study highlights the influence of environmental fluctuations on diversification rates in fossorial taxa such as uropeltids, and raises conservation concerns related to present rate of climate change. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Arthropathie destructrice des epaules au cours d�une acromegalie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nessrine Akasbi


    Full Text Available L�acromegalie est une maladie endocrinienne rare, en rapport avec une hypersecretion d�hormone de croissance. Elle a des consequences rhumatologiques: l�arthropathie peripherique, l�atteinte rachidienne et les syndromes canalaires. L�atteinte articulaire accompagne une acromegalie active, sa survenue apres un traitement radical et une remission complete est rare. Nous presentons le cas d�une patiente de 70 ans ayant un antecedent d�acromegalie sur adenome hypophysaire il y a 25 ans, traitee chirurgicalement et declaree en remission complete, a developpe une arthropathie destructrice des deux epaules. Le but de notre observation est de mettre le point sur la possibilite d�une atteinte articulaire au cours de l�acromegalie et de son retentissement fonctionnelle.

  20. The Technological Consolidation of UNED in Spain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorenzo Garcia Aretio


    Full Text Available This article discusses the role of the technologies that have been utilized to advance distance teaching and learning by the National Distance Education University (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia – UNED of Spain. Following a description of UNED's historical development and organizational structure, UNED's experience with various educational media is discussed. Printed teaching materials, in the form of didactic units, were one of the first methods to be utilized when UNED began its operations in 1972. In turn, the role of radio and audio recordings, television and video recordings, telephone, videoconferencing, computer systems and computer-mediated communications are also described. UNED's pioneering projects, including the virtual classroom, virtual campus, and a program for the physically handicapped, are also detailed. Recent experiments include providing access to radio and television programs on the Internet and adoption of WebCT. On the horizon for UNED are portals for cellular phones using WAP technology and gearing up for multiple applications in accordance with Universal Mobile Telecommunications Technology (UMTS.

  1. Diversification Management at Tertiary Education Level: A Review (United States)

    Takwate, Kwaji Tizhe


    This paper examines the concept of management of diversification at tertiary education level in view of the growth of national secondary education system which vested high scramble for tertiary education was made in relation to question of access and expansion. This paper examines management of diversification at tertiary education level as a…

  2. Diversification of visual media retrieval results using saliency detection (United States)

    Muratov, Oleg; Boato, Giulia; De Natale, Franesco G. B.


    Diversification of retrieval results allows for better and faster search. Recently there has been proposed different methods for diversification of image retrieval results mainly utilizing text information and techniques imported from natural language processing domain. However, images contain visual information that is impossible to describe in text and the use of visual features is inevitable. Visual saliency is information about the main object of an image implicitly included by humans while creating visual content. For this reason it is naturally to exploit this information for the task of diversification of the content. In this work we study whether visual saliency can be used for the task of diversification and propose a method for re-ranking image retrieval results using saliency. The evaluation has shown that the use of saliency information results in higher diversity of retrieval results.

  3. Le syndrome d’Usher: à propos d’une observation


    Daoudi, Chama; boutimzine, Noureddine; Haouzi, Samia El; Lezrek, Omar; Tachfouti, Samira; Lezrek, Mounir; Laghmari, Mina; Daoudi, Rajae


    Résumé Le syndrome d'Usher est une maladie génétique comportant une double atteinte sensorielle (auditive et visuelle) appelée surdicécité. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient de 50 ans, issue d'un mariage consanguin présentant une surdité congénitale avec une fonction vestibulaire normale et une rétinopathie pigmentaire responsable d'une baisse bilatérale de l'acuité visuelle apparue vers l'âge de 16 ans. Cette association compose le type 2 du syndrome d'Usher, affection rare de trans...

  4. Unparalleled rates of species diversification in Europe (United States)

    Valente, Luis M.; Savolainen, Vincent; Vargas, Pablo


    The most rapid species radiations have been reported from ‘evolutionary laboratories’, such as the Andes and the Cape of South Africa, leading to the prevailing view that diversification elsewhere has not been as dramatic. However, few studies have explicitly assessed rates of diversification in northern regions such as Europe. Here, we show that carnations (Dianthus, Caryophyllaceae), a well-known group of plants from temperate Eurasia, have diversified at the most rapid rate ever reported in plants or terrestrial vertebrates. Using phylogenetic methods, we found that the majority of species of carnations belong to a lineage that is remarkably species-rich in Europe, and arose at the rate of 2.2–7.6 species per million years. Unlike most previous studies that have inferred rates of diversification in young diverse groups, we use a conservative approach throughout that explicitly incorporates the uncertainties associated with phylogenetic inference, molecular dating and incomplete taxon sampling. We detected a shift in diversification rates of carnations coinciding with a period of increase in climatic aridity in the Pleistocene, suggesting a link between climate and biodiversity. This explosive radiation suggests that Europe, the continent with the world's best-studied flora, has been underestimated as a cradle of recent and rapid speciation. PMID:20106850

  5. New insights into diversification of hyper-heuristics. (United States)

    Ren, Zhilei; Jiang, He; Xuan, Jifeng; Hu, Yan; Luo, Zhongxuan


    There has been a growing research trend of applying hyper-heuristics for problem solving, due to their ability of balancing the intensification and the diversification with low level heuristics. Traditionally, the diversification mechanism is mostly realized by perturbing the incumbent solutions to escape from local optima. In this paper, we report our attempt toward providing a new diversification mechanism, which is based on the concept of instance perturbation. In contrast to existing approaches, the proposed mechanism achieves the diversification by perturbing the instance under solving, rather than the solutions. To tackle the challenge of incorporating instance perturbation into hyper-heuristics, we also design a new hyper-heuristic framework HIP-HOP (recursive acronym of HIP-HOP is an instance perturbation-based hyper-heuristic optimization procedure), which employs a grammar guided high level strategy to manipulate the low level heuristics. With the expressive power of the grammar, the constraints, such as the feasibility of the output solution could be easily satisfied. Numerical results and statistical tests over both the Ising spin glass problem and the p -median problem instances show that HIP-HOP is able to achieve promising performances. Furthermore, runtime distribution analysis reveals that, although being relatively slow at the beginning, HIP-HOP is able to achieve competitive solutions once given sufficient time.

  6. Evolutionary origins and diversification of proteobacterial mutualists. (United States)

    Sachs, Joel L; Skophammer, Ryan G; Bansal, Nidhanjali; Stajich, Jason E


    Mutualistic bacteria infect most eukaryotic species in nearly every biome. Nonetheless, two dilemmas remain unresolved about bacterial-eukaryote mutualisms: how do mutualist phenotypes originate in bacterial lineages and to what degree do mutualists traits drive or hinder bacterial diversification? Here, we reconstructed the phylogeny of the hyperdiverse phylum Proteobacteria to investigate the origins and evolutionary diversification of mutualistic bacterial phenotypes. Our ancestral state reconstructions (ASRs) inferred a range of 34-39 independent origins of mutualist phenotypes in Proteobacteria, revealing the surprising frequency with which host-beneficial traits have evolved in this phylum. We found proteobacterial mutualists to be more often derived from parasitic than from free-living ancestors, consistent with the untested paradigm that bacterial mutualists most often evolve from pathogens. Strikingly, we inferred that mutualists exhibit a negative net diversification rate (speciation minus extinction), which suggests that mutualism evolves primarily via transitions from other states rather than diversification within mutualist taxa. Moreover, our ASRs infer that proteobacterial mutualist lineages exhibit a paucity of reversals to parasitism or to free-living status. This evolutionary conservatism of mutualism is contrary to long-standing theory, which predicts that selection should often favour mutants in microbial mutualist populations that exploit or abandon more slowly evolving eukaryotic hosts.

  7. What Explains Patterns of Diversification and Richness among Animal Phyla? (United States)

    Jezkova, Tereza; Wiens, John J


    Animal phyla vary dramatically in species richness (from one species to >1.2 million), but the causes of this variation remain largely unknown. Animals have also evolved striking variation in morphology and ecology, including sessile marine taxa lacking heads, eyes, limbs, and complex organs (e.g., sponges), parasitic worms (e.g., nematodes, platyhelminths), and taxa with eyes, skeletons, limbs, and complex organs that dominate terrestrial ecosystems (arthropods, chordates). Relating this remarkable variation in traits to the diversification and richness of animal phyla is a fundamental yet unresolved problem in biology. Here, we test the impacts of 18 traits (including morphology, ecology, reproduction, and development) on diversification and richness of extant animal phyla. Using phylogenetic multiple regression, the best-fitting model includes five traits that explain ∼74% of the variation in diversification rates (dioecy, parasitism, eyes/photoreceptors, a skeleton, nonmarine habitat). However, a model including just three (skeleton, parasitism, habitat) explains nearly as much variation (∼67%). Diversification rates then largely explain richness patterns. Our results also identify many striking traits that have surprisingly little impact on diversification (e.g., head, limbs, and complex circulatory and digestive systems). Overall, our results reveal the key factors that shape large-scale patterns of diversification and richness across >80% of all extant, described species.

  8. Relatedness as driver of regional diversification : a research agenda

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boschma, Ron


    Relatedness as driver of regional diversification: a research agenda. Regional Studies. The regional diversification literature claims that regions diversify in new activities related to their existing activities from which new activities draw on and combine local capabilities. The paper offers a

  9. The challenge of technology diversification and markets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bollini, G.


    Tecnatom is developing since several years ago the diversification of technologies and markets given its enterprise vocation of technological leadership in the services and products supplied in both the national and international nuclear market. In this paper, a description of the historical development of these technologies is made, and how the diversification is initiated in the global market, as well as the identification of the segments of the industrial market where services and products of high technology can be provided. A description of the diversification strategy is included and several results of this policy are presented for the aircraft and space market, the transport market, the industrial processes market, etc. Finally, examples of developments of new technologies of virtual reality and augmented reality are explained and how these new capabilities feedback in the nuclear market. (Author)

  10. Niche evolution and diversification in a Neotropical radiation of birds (Aves: Furnariidae). (United States)

    Seeholzer, Glenn F; Claramunt, Santiago; Brumfield, Robb T


    Rapid diversification may be caused by ecological adaptive radiation via niche divergence. In this model, speciation is coupled with niche divergence and lineage diversification is predicted to be correlated with rates of niche evolution. Studies of the role of niche evolution in diversification have generally focused on ecomorphological diversification but climatic-niche evolution may also be important. We tested these alternatives using a phylogeny of 298 species of ovenbirds (Aves: Furnariidae). We found that within Furnariidae, variation in species richness and diversification rates of subclades were best predicted by rate of climatic-niche evolution than ecomorphological evolution. Although both are clearly important, univariate regression and multivariate model averaging more consistently supported the climatic-niche as the best predictor of lineage diversification. Our study adds to the growing body of evidence, suggesting that climatic-niche divergence may be an important driver of rapid diversification in addition to ecomorphological evolution. However, this pattern may depend on the phylogenetic scale at which rate heterogeneity is examined. © 2017 The Author(s). Evolution © 2017 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  11. Exploring Diversification as A Management Strategy in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Organizations. (United States)

    Fields, Dail; Riesenmy, Kelly; Roman, Paul M


    Implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) creates both environmental uncertainties and opportunities for substance use disorder (SUD) treatment providers. One managerial response to uncertainties and emergent opportunities is strategic diversification of various dimensions of organizational activity. This paper explored organizational outcomes related to diversification of funding sources, services offered, and referral sources in a national sample of 590 SUD treatment organizations. Funding diversification was related to higher average levels of census, organization size, and recent expansion of operations. Service diversification was related to higher average levels of use of medication-assisted treatment (MAT), organization size, and expansion. Referral source diversification was related only to greater average use of MAT. Overall, strategic diversification in the three areas explored was related to positive organizational outcomes. Considering alternative strategies of diversification may help position SUD treatment centers to deliver more innovative treatments such as MAT as well as enhance capacity to satisfy current unmet treatment needs of individuals with behavioral health coverage provided under the ACA. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Mise en place d'une base de données pour une modélisation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mise en place d'une base de données pour une modélisation hydrologique distribuée du bassin versant du Bandama (Côte d'Ivoire) : apport d'un modèle numérique d'altitude, de la télédétection et du SIG Physitel.

  13. Rotational diversification and intensification (United States)

    Diversification and intensification of inland Pacific Northwest (PNW) dryland cereal cropping systems can present win-win scenarios that deliver short and long-term benefits for producers and the environment, stabilizing profit and increasing adaptability to and mitigation of climate change. Improvi...

  14. Ants sow the seeds of global diversification in flowering plants.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Szabolcs Lengyel

    Full Text Available The extraordinary diversification of angiosperm plants in the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods has produced an estimated 250,000-300,000 living angiosperm species and has fundamentally altered terrestrial ecosystems. Interactions with animals as pollinators or seed dispersers have long been suspected as drivers of angiosperm diversification, yet empirical examples remain sparse or inconclusive. Seed dispersal by ants (myrmecochory may drive diversification as it can reduce extinction by providing selective advantages to plants and can increase speciation by enhancing geographical isolation by extremely limited dispersal distances.Using the most comprehensive sister-group comparison to date, we tested the hypothesis that myrmecochory leads to higher diversification rates in angiosperm plants. As predicted, diversification rates were substantially higher in ant-dispersed plants than in their non-myrmecochorous relatives. Data from 101 angiosperm lineages in 241 genera from all continents except Antarctica revealed that ant-dispersed lineages contained on average more than twice as many species as did their non-myrmecochorous sister groups. Contrasts in species diversity between sister groups demonstrated that diversification rates did not depend on seed dispersal mode in the sister group and were higher in myrmecochorous lineages in most biogeographic regions.Myrmecochory, which has evolved independently at least 100 times in angiosperms and is estimated to be present in at least 77 families and 11 000 species, is a key evolutionary innovation and a globally important driver of plant diversity. Myrmecochory provides the best example to date for a consistent effect of any mutualism on large-scale diversification.

  15. Ants sow the seeds of global diversification in flowering plants. (United States)

    Lengyel, Szabolcs; Gove, Aaron D; Latimer, Andrew M; Majer, Jonathan D; Dunn, Robert R


    The extraordinary diversification of angiosperm plants in the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods has produced an estimated 250,000-300,000 living angiosperm species and has fundamentally altered terrestrial ecosystems. Interactions with animals as pollinators or seed dispersers have long been suspected as drivers of angiosperm diversification, yet empirical examples remain sparse or inconclusive. Seed dispersal by ants (myrmecochory) may drive diversification as it can reduce extinction by providing selective advantages to plants and can increase speciation by enhancing geographical isolation by extremely limited dispersal distances. Using the most comprehensive sister-group comparison to date, we tested the hypothesis that myrmecochory leads to higher diversification rates in angiosperm plants. As predicted, diversification rates were substantially higher in ant-dispersed plants than in their non-myrmecochorous relatives. Data from 101 angiosperm lineages in 241 genera from all continents except Antarctica revealed that ant-dispersed lineages contained on average more than twice as many species as did their non-myrmecochorous sister groups. Contrasts in species diversity between sister groups demonstrated that diversification rates did not depend on seed dispersal mode in the sister group and were higher in myrmecochorous lineages in most biogeographic regions. Myrmecochory, which has evolved independently at least 100 times in angiosperms and is estimated to be present in at least 77 families and 11 000 species, is a key evolutionary innovation and a globally important driver of plant diversity. Myrmecochory provides the best example to date for a consistent effect of any mutualism on large-scale diversification.

  16. Tightly congruent bursts of lineage and phenotypic diversification identified in a continental ant radiation. (United States)

    Price, Shauna L; Etienne, Rampal S; Powell, Scott


    Adaptive diversification is thought to be shaped by ecological opportunity. A prediction of this ecological process of diversification is that it should result in congruent bursts of lineage and phenotypic diversification, but few studies have found this expected association. Here, we study the relationship between rates of lineage diversification and body size evolution in the turtle ants, a diverse Neotropical clade. Using a near complete, time-calibrated phylogeny we investigated lineage diversification dynamics and body size disparity through model fitting analyses and estimation of per-lineage rates of cladogenesis and phenotypic evolution. We identify an exceptionally high degree of congruence between the high rates of lineage and body size diversification in a young clade undergoing renewed diversification in the ecologically distinct Chacoan biogeographical region of South America. It is likely that the region presented turtle ants with novel ecological opportunity, which facilitated a nested burst of diversification and phenotypic evolution within the group. Our results provide a compelling quantitative example of tight congruence between rates of lineage and phenotypic diversification, meeting the key predicted pattern of adaptive diversification shaped by ecological opportunity. © 2016 The Author(s). Evolution © 2016 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  17. L’interaction urbain-rural : une problématique renouvelée Urban-rural interaction revisited

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Vandermotten


    Full Text Available La distinction entre l’urbain et le rural était claire sous l’Ancien Régime, dans des sociétés peu mobiles. La révolution industrielle accentue l’identification entre la ville, l’industrie et la modernité. Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le développement du transport routier affranchit l’industrie des localisations urbaines et la périurbanisation progresse. En même temps, l’accroissement des productivités agricoles libère de plus en plus de main-d’œuvre paysanne. Après deux siècles au moins d’exode rural, les campagnes se rurbanisent, mais cette rurbanisation s’inscrit dans un contexte global de mégapolisation. Cette configuration devrait imposer une nouvelle appréciation des rapports entre l’urbain et le rural, en ce compris leurs rapports politiques.The distinction between urban and rural was clear under the Ancien Régime, as societies featured a low level of mobility. The industrial revolution increased the identification between cities, manufacturing and modernity. After the Second World War, growing road traffic freed industries from urban locations and suburbanisation thus increased. Simultaneously, the increase in food productivity required fewer and fewer agricultural workers. After more than two centuries of rural exodus, rurbanisation transformed rural areas, even as this very process of rurbanisation should be seen as part of a global megapolization process. This pattern implies new kinds of relations between the rural and the urban, including from a political point of view.

  18. Comparative analysis reveals that polyploidy does not decelerate diversification in fish. (United States)

    Zhan, S H; Glick, L; Tsigenopoulos, C S; Otto, S P; Mayrose, I


    While the proliferation of the species-rich teleost fish has been ascribed to an ancient genome duplication event at the base of this group, the broader impact of polyploidy on fish evolution and diversification remains poorly understood. Here, we investigate the association between polyploidy and diversification in several fish lineages: the sturgeons (Acipenseridae: Acipenseriformes), the botiid loaches (Botiidae: Cypriniformes), Cyprininae fishes (Cyprinidae: Cypriniformes) and the salmonids (Salmonidae: Salmoniformes). Using likelihood-based evolutionary methodologies, we co-estimate speciation and extinction rates associated with polyploid vs. diploid fish lineages. Family-level analysis of Acipenseridae and Botiidae revealed no significant difference in diversification rates between polyploid and diploid relatives, while analysis of the subfamily Cyprininae revealed higher polyploid diversification. Additionally, order-level analysis of the polyploid Salmoniformes and its diploid sister clade, the Esociformes, did not support a significantly different net diversification rate between the two groups. Taken together, our results suggest that polyploidy is generally not associated with decreased diversification in fish - a pattern that stands in contrast to that previously observed in plants. While there are notable differences in the time frame examined in the two studies, our results suggest that polyploidy is associated with different diversification patterns in these two major branches of the eukaryote tree of life. © 2014 The Authors. Journal of Evolutionary Biology © 2014 European Society For Evolutionary Biology.

  19. A parametric method for assessing diversification-rate variation in phylogenetic trees. (United States)

    Shah, Premal; Fitzpatrick, Benjamin M; Fordyce, James A


    Phylogenetic hypotheses are frequently used to examine variation in rates of diversification across the history of a group. Patterns of diversification-rate variation can be used to infer underlying ecological and evolutionary processes responsible for patterns of cladogenesis. Most existing methods examine rate variation through time. Methods for examining differences in diversification among groups are more limited. Here, we present a new method, parametric rate comparison (PRC), that explicitly compares diversification rates among lineages in a tree using a variety of standard statistical distributions. PRC can identify subclades of the tree where diversification rates are at variance with the remainder of the tree. A randomization test can be used to evaluate how often such variance would appear by chance alone. The method also allows for comparison of diversification rate among a priori defined groups. Further, the application of the PRC method is not restricted to monophyletic groups. We examined the performance of PRC using simulated data, which showed that PRC has acceptable false-positive rates and statistical power to detect rate variation. We apply the PRC method to the well-studied radiation of North American Plethodon salamanders, and support the inference that the large-bodied Plethodon glutinosus clade has a higher historical rate of diversification compared to other Plethodon salamanders. © 2012 The Author(s). Evolution© 2012 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  20. Factor decomposition and diversification in european corporate bond markets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pieterse-Bloem, M.; Mahieu, R.J.


    In this paper we present an analysis of diversification strategies on portfolios of European corporate bonds. From the perspective of a US-based investor we study whether mean–variance diversification strategies change as a result of the introduction of the European Economic and Monetary Union

  1. Factor decomposition and diversification in European corporate bond markets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pieterse-Bloem, M.; Mahieu, R.J.


    In this paper we present an analysis of diversification strategies on portfolios of European corporate bonds. From the perspective of a US-based investor we study whether mean–variance diversification strategies change as a result of the introduction of the European Economic and Monetary Union

  2. 7 CFR 4290.740 - Portfolio diversification (“overline” limitation). (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 15 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Portfolio diversification (âoverlineâ limitation). 4290.740 Section 4290.740 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) RURAL... Enterprise for Rbic Financing § 4290.740 Portfolio diversification (“overline” limitation). (a) Without the...

  3. An insight into the diversification policy of the utilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verbeek, P.


    This paper focuses on that part of the utilities' procurement strategy dealing with geographical diversification of supplies of uranium and fuel cycle services. The prospects for the future development of nuclear power have moderated in recent years while uranium resources have remained plentiful. Consequently, it is appropriate to look again at the reasons for supply diversification. The principal issue is no longer that of ten or twenty services - conversion, enrichment and fuel fabrication. Reasons for diversification today are related to the economic and political feasibility of production and shipment at the right time, in the right quantities and at the right prices. (author)

  4. Impending Doom: The Loss of Diversification before a Crisis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Libin Yang


    Full Text Available We present four methods of assessing the diversification potential within a stock market, and two of these are based on principal component analysis. They were applied to the Australian stock exchange for the years 2000 to 2014 and all show a consistent picture. The potential for diversification declined almost monotonically in the three years prior to the 2008 financial crisis, leaving investors poorly diversified at the onset of the Global Financial Crisis. On one of the four measures, the diversification potential declined even further in the 2011 European debt crisis and the American credit downgrade.

  5. Increased diversification rates follow shifts to bisexuality in liverworts. (United States)

    Laenen, Benjamin; Machac, Antonin; Gradstein, S Robbert; Shaw, Blanka; Patiño, Jairo; Désamoré, Aurélie; Goffinet, Bernard; Cox, Cymon J; Shaw, A Jonathan; Vanderpoorten, Alain


    Shifts in sexual systems are one of the key drivers of species diversification. In contrast to angiosperms, unisexuality prevails in bryophytes. Here, we test the hypotheses that bisexuality evolved from an ancestral unisexual condition and is a key innovation in liverworts. We investigate whether shifts in sexual systems influence diversification using hidden state speciation and extinction analysis (HiSSE). This new method compares the effects of the variable of interest to the best-fitting latent variable, yielding robust and conservative tests. We find that the transitions in sexual systems are significantly biased toward unisexuality, even though bisexuality is coupled with increased diversification. Sexual systems are strongly conserved deep within the liverwort tree but become much more labile toward the present. Bisexuality appears to be a key innovation in liverworts. Its effects on diversification are presumably mediated by the interplay of high fertilization rates, massive spore production and long-distance dispersal, which may separately or together have facilitated liverwort speciation, suppressed their extinction, or both. Importantly, shifts in liverwort sexual systems have the opposite effect when compared to angiosperms, leading to contrasting diversification patterns between the two groups. The high prevalence of unisexuality among liverworts suggests, however, a strong selection for sexual dimorphism. © 2016 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2016 New Phytologist Trust.

  6. A Robust Semi-Parametric Test for Detecting Trait-Dependent Diversification. (United States)

    Rabosky, Daniel L; Huang, Huateng


    Rates of species diversification vary widely across the tree of life and there is considerable interest in identifying organismal traits that correlate with rates of speciation and extinction. However, it has been challenging to develop methodological frameworks for testing hypotheses about trait-dependent diversification that are robust to phylogenetic pseudoreplication and to directionally biased rates of character change. We describe a semi-parametric test for trait-dependent diversification that explicitly requires replicated associations between character states and diversification rates to detect effects. To use the method, diversification rates are reconstructed across a phylogenetic tree with no consideration of character states. A test statistic is then computed to measure the association between species-level traits and the corresponding diversification rate estimates at the tips of the tree. The empirical value of the test statistic is compared to a null distribution that is generated by structured permutations of evolutionary rates across the phylogeny. The test is applicable to binary discrete characters as well as continuous-valued traits and can accommodate extremely sparse sampling of character states at the tips of the tree. We apply the test to several empirical data sets and demonstrate that the method has acceptable Type I error rates. © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press, on behalf of the Society of Systematic Biologists. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  7. 13 CFR 107.740 - Portfolio diversification (“overline” limitation). (United States)


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Portfolio diversification (âoverlineâ limitation). 107.740 Section 107.740 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION... Eligibility of A Small Business for Sbic Financing § 107.740 Portfolio diversification (“overline” limitation...

  8. Funding Reforms and Revenue Diversification--Patterns, Challenges and Rhetoric (United States)

    Teixeira, Pedro; Koryakina, Tatyana


    In recent years, much has been written about the challenging financial context faced by many European higher education institutions, and the pressures towards funding diversification. However, the evidence available indicates that funding diversification has seldom lived up to the rhetorical expectations of marketization and privatization that…

  9. 13 CFR 108.740 - Portfolio diversification (“overline” limitation). (United States)


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Portfolio diversification (âoverlineâ limitation). 108.740 Section 108.740 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION... Determining the Eligibility of A Small Business for Nmvc Financing § 108.740 Portfolio diversification...

  10. 2239-IJBCS-Article-Cyriaque Degbey

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Il est admis que l'utilisation inappropriée des intrants agricoles et des pesticides a des effets sur la qualité des produits maraîchers. C'est pour étudier le niveau de contamination des produits maraîchers sur le site de Houéyiho que la présente étude a été menée. Il s'agit d'une étude transversale descriptive et analytique.

  11. Food Sovereignty and Uncultivated Biodiversity in South Asia ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 janv. 2007 ... Les auteurs mettent cette pratique en pleine lumière et démontrent la valeur des systèmes de production et de consommation alimentaires qui sont localisés plutôt que mondialisés. Issu d'une recherche sur le terrain très poussée réalisée en Inde et au Bangladesh en y associant des collectivités agricoles, ...

  12. Mise en oeuvre de normes sanitaires et phytosanitaires en Asie du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La création de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) en 1995 a été vue comme l'avènement d'une nouvelle ère de libéralisation du commerce. Cet optimisme reposait sur l'idée que l'OMC ait un organisme fondé sur des règles et régirait le commerce des produits agricoles conformément aux élaborées par le ...

  13. L’apprentissage du bien-être animal chez de futures professionnels animaliers : des éthiques animals malmenées

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vidal Michel


    Full Text Available Les débats dont le bien-être animal est l’objet entre chercheurs, professionnels et associations en font une question socialement vive scientifico-éthique. Ils en interrogent l’éducabilité alors que cette notion est prise en compte dans les curricula de l’enseignement agricole. Envisageant son enseignement au travers d’une éducation à l’empathie interspécifique, nous questionnons les facteurs susceptibles de l’influencer. Nous nous fondons sur le discours de sept élèves en baccalauréat professionnel relevant de l’élevage d’animaux de production ou d’animaux de compagnie durant deux années de formation. Six élèves, quelle que soit leur filière de formation, souhaitent créer une relation affective sans nécessairement développer une attitude empathique durant la formation. Parmi les facteurs responsables, nous distinguons (1 un manque de confiance en soi de l’élève, (2 des motivations égocentrées primant sur des motivations zoocentrées, (3 la loyauté et les habitudes acquises à l’égard des pratiques parentales, (4 la conformation aux pratiques et idéologies dominantes du monde professionnel, (5 des facteurs associés aux situations d’enseignement (savoirs et pratiques de référence qui font autorité, valeurs de conformité primant sur des valeurs éthiques, dissociation de la dimension relationnelle et productive de l’élevage, jugements négatifs portés par l’enseignant et les élèves originaires du monde agricole. Ces facteurs généreraient des mécanismes de défense chez l’élève nuisibles au développement d’un raisonnement affectivo-éthique critique.

  14. Xanthomatose normolipidemique a localisation nasale chez une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction : Exposer un cas de xanthomatose normolipidémique. Observation : il s'agit d'une adolescente de 18 ans qui a présenté une masse des cavités nasales dont le bilan paraclinique a plaidé en faveur d'un xanthogranulome juvénile. L'évolution à court terme a été satisfaisante après l'exérèse chirurgicale par une ...

  15. Global patterns of insect diversification: towards a reconciliation of fossil and molecular evidence? (United States)

    Condamine, Fabien L; Clapham, Matthew E; Kergoat, Gael J


    Macroevolutionary studies of insects at diverse taxonomic scales often reveal dynamic evolutionary patterns, with multiple inferred diversification rate shifts. Responses to major past environmental changes, such as the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution, or the development of major key innovations, such as wings or complete metamorphosis are usually invoked as potential evolutionary triggers. However this view is partially contradicted by studies on the family-level fossil record showing that insect diversification was relatively constant through time. In an attempt to reconcile both views, we investigate large-scale insect diversification dynamics at family level using two distinct types of diversification analyses on a molecular timetree representing ca. 82% of the extant families, and reassess the insect fossil diversity using up-to-date records. Analyses focusing on the fossil record recovered an early burst of diversification, declining to low and steady rates through time, interrupted by extinction events. Phylogenetic analyses showed that major shifts of diversification rates only occurred in the four richest holometabolous orders. Both suggest that neither the development of flight or complete metamorphosis nor the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution environmental changes induced immediate changes in diversification regimes; instead clade-specific innovations likely promoted the diversification of major insect orders.

  16. Phylogenetic estimates of diversification rate are affected by molecular rate variation. (United States)

    Duchêne, D A; Hua, X; Bromham, L


    Molecular phylogenies are increasingly being used to investigate the patterns and mechanisms of macroevolution. In particular, node heights in a phylogeny can be used to detect changes in rates of diversification over time. Such analyses rest on the assumption that node heights in a phylogeny represent the timing of diversification events, which in turn rests on the assumption that evolutionary time can be accurately predicted from DNA sequence divergence. But there are many influences on the rate of molecular evolution, which might also influence node heights in molecular phylogenies, and thus affect estimates of diversification rate. In particular, a growing number of studies have revealed an association between the net diversification rate estimated from phylogenies and the rate of molecular evolution. Such an association might, by influencing the relative position of node heights, systematically bias estimates of diversification time. We simulated the evolution of DNA sequences under several scenarios where rates of diversification and molecular evolution vary through time, including models where diversification and molecular evolutionary rates are linked. We show that commonly used methods, including metric-based, likelihood and Bayesian approaches, can have a low power to identify changes in diversification rate when molecular substitution rates vary. Furthermore, the association between the rates of speciation and molecular evolution rate can cause the signature of a slowdown or speedup in speciation rates to be lost or misidentified. These results suggest that the multiple sources of variation in molecular evolutionary rates need to be considered when inferring macroevolutionary processes from phylogenies. © 2017 European Society For Evolutionary Biology. Journal of Evolutionary Biology © 2017 European Society For Evolutionary Biology.

  17. Global elevational diversity and diversification of birds. (United States)

    Quintero, Ignacio; Jetz, Walter


    Mountain ranges harbour exceptionally high biodiversity, which is now under threat from rapid environmental change. However, despite decades of effort, the limited availability of data and analytical tools has prevented a robust and truly global characterization of elevational biodiversity gradients and their evolutionary origins. This has hampered a general understanding of the processes involved in the assembly and maintenance of montane communities. Here we show that a worldwide mid-elevation peak in bird richness is driven by wide-ranging species and disappears when we use a subsampling procedure that ensures even species representation in space and facilitates evolutionary interpretation. Instead, richness corrected for range size declines linearly with increasing elevation. We find that the more depauperate assemblages at higher elevations are characterized by higher rates of diversification across all mountain regions, rejecting the idea that lower recent diversification rates are the general cause of less diverse biota. Across all elevations, assemblages on mountains with high rates of past temperature change exhibit more rapid diversification, highlighting the importance of climatic fluctuations in driving the evolutionary dynamics of mountain biodiversity. While different geomorphological and climatic attributes of mountain regions have been pivotal in determining the remarkable richness gradients observed today, our results underscore the role of ongoing and often very recent diversification processes in maintaining the unique and highly adapted biodiversity of higher elevations.


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    Нэилэ Каюмовна Щепкина


    Full Text Available The article deals with the main results of scientific research devoted to the question of theoretical bases of diversification of penitentiary educational system in institutions of confinement.The urgency of scientific research reveals through the social importance of convicts’ education.The article draws attention to the fact that the problem of diversification of penitentiary educational system hasn’t been considered in pedagogy yet.  It also identifies the main contradictions, tasks and methods of scientific research.Retrospective analysis of criminal system inRussiahelps to define the existing tendencies of convicts’ education, unsolved problems in this field of science and formulate perspective ideas to modernize the penitentiary educational system.The item tells about the main point of diversification of penitentiary educational system and presents it in a model. It gives detailed analysis of model’s components and depicts some practical ways of its embodiment in institutions of confinement. Moreover the article describes the determinants of diversification of penitentiary educational system which are seemed to be the factors and conditions of its effective development.DOI:

  19. Migration d'une broche dans le canal médullaire cervical après une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Migration d'une broche dans le canal médullaire cervical après une ostéosynthèse de l'articulation acromio-claviculaire. Bah Aliou, El Alaoui Adil. Abstract. We report the case of a 49 year-old right-handed chef with left shoulder trauma occurred during a football game. The diagnosis was fracture of the distal quarter of ...

  20. Vulnerabilities in Bytecode Removed by Analysis, Nuanced Confinement and Diversification (VIBRANCE) (United States)


    AFRL-RY-WP-TR-2015-0019 VULNERABILITIES IN BYTECODE REMOVED BY ANALYSIS, NUANCED CONFINEMENT AND DIVERSIFICATION (VIBRANCE) Alessandro...REMOVED BY ANALYSIS, NUANCED CONFINEMENT AND DIVERSIFICATION (VIBRANCE) 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER FA8650-10-C-7026 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM Bytecode Removed by Analysis, Nuanced Confinement, and Diversification ), is to track the provenance of each piece of data, and defer the


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    en ressources naturelles ont enregistré des performances économiques, moins bonnes par .... de gestion», à financer des augmentations de salaires; augmentations qui, très ... entreprises), dans la mesure où, d'une façon générale, elle introduit une plus .... Outre le contrôle strict de la création monétaire, un autre élément.

  2. Tourism Diversification and Its Implications for Smart Specialisation


    Adi Weidenfeld


    The complex nature of tourism, its strong inter-sectoral relationships and regional dimension challenge innovation. The advent of smart specialisation, which focuses on regional diversification across sectors, offers considerable and hitherto largely unrealized potential for developing innovative tourism policies within this new agenda. This paper addresses the understudied concept of tourism diversification and its unrealized relevance to smart specialisation, which has emerged as a mainstre...

  3. Why Revenue Diversification Matters (United States)

    Leuhusen, Fredrik Carl Axel Peter


    Revenue diversification is a term that becomes more relevant as higher education institutions are confronted with increased regulation, competition, declining enrollments, and strained finances. A challenge that many institutions face is that expenditures are higher than revenues and increase faster than them. The term Revenue diversification…

  4. Un proverbe comme 'conservatoire botanique' : le sésame en pays soninké (Sénégal, Mali, Mauritanie)


    Chastanet, Monique


    A partir d'un proverbe soninké recueilli dans le haut Sénégal, j'ai reconstitué l'histoire d'une ancienne ressource, agricole et de cueillette. Il m'a fallu plusieurs années pour identifier la plante citée dans ce proverbe car elle n'était plus cultivée depuis le milieu du 20e siècle. J'ai pu le faire en croisant sources orales et sources écrites, notamment des archives du 18e et du 19e siècle. Une fois mise sur la piste du sésame, grâce à de nouvelles enquêtes et à différents travaux, j'ai c...

  5. Size, Diversification and Risk: Preliminary Evidence from Commercial Banks in Pakistan

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    Ayesha Afzal


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to provide some preliminary evidence on relation between size, diversification and risk in commercial banks of Pakistan. Using a panel of Pakistani banks, we investigated whether bigger banks are better diversified than smaller banks.The results suggested that larger banks were more diversified than their smaller counterparts mainly on account of their outreach and size of credit portfolio. On the risk side, based on accounting and market based risk measures, we explored if there is any impact of diversification on risk. We could not deduce significant result in favor of accounting risk measure of impaired lending signaling that banks find no incentive in diversification of credit books. The market based measures of VaR and Default indicator were significantly related to diversification signifying that market participants consider diversification as a relevant tool for risk mitigation. These findings have policy implications for regulators and risk management to ensure stability in financial system.

  6. The challenges of diversification of technologies and markets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bollini, G.


    For several years, Tecnatom has been developing a technology and market diversification strategy based on its corporate vision of technological leadership in the services and products it supplies on the national an international nuclear market. Starting with the historical development of these technologies, this article describes how diversification in the global market is initiated and identifies the industrial market segments where the provision of services and the supply of high-tech products can be expanded. It also includes the diversification strategies in these new markets, and presents some of the results obtained in the aeronautical and aerospace market, the transportation market, the industrial processes market, etc. Finally, it provides some examples of the development of new virtual reality and enhanced reality technologies and how these new capabilities are fed back to the nuclear market. (Author)

  7. A glimpse on the pattern of rodent diversification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fabre, Pierre-Henri Fréderic; Hautier, Lionel; Dimitrov, Dimitar Stefanov


    BACKGROUND:Development of phylogenetic methods that do not rely on fossils for the study of evolutionary processes through time have revolutionized the field of evolutionary biology and resulted in an unprecedented expansion of our knowledge about the tree of life. These methods have helped to shed...... molecular works. A relaxed molecular clock dating approach provided a time framework for speciation events. We found that the Myomorpha clade shows a greater degree of variation in diversification rates than Sciuroidea, Caviomorpha, Castorimorpha and Anomaluromorpha. We identified a number of shifts...... imbalances and the time line we discuss the potential role of different diversification factors that might have shaped the rodents radiation. CONCLUSIONS:The present glimpse on the diversification pattern of rodents can be used for further comparative meta-analyses. Muroid lineages have a greater degree...

  8. Diversification patterns in cosmopolitan earthworms: similar mode but different tempo. (United States)

    Fernández, Rosa; Novo, Marta; Marchán, Daniel F; Díaz Cosín, Darío J


    Comparative phylogeography of widespread species that span the same geographic areas can elucidate the influence of historical events on current patterns of biodiversity, identify patterns of co-vicariance, and therefore aid the understanding of general evolutionary processes. Soil-dwelling animals present characteristics that make them suitable for testing the effect of the palaeogeographical events on their distribution and diversification, such as their low vagility and population structure. In this study, we shed light on the spatial lineage diversification and cladogenesis of two widely-distributed cosmopolitan and invasive earthworms (Aporrectodea rosea and A. trapezoides) in their putative ancestral area of origin, the Western Palearctic, and a few populations in North America. Molecular analyses were conducted on mitochondrial and nuclear markers from 220 (A. rosea) and 198 (A. trapezoides) individuals collected in 56 and 57 localities, respectively. We compared the lineage diversification pattern, genetic variability and cladogenesis in both species. Our findings showed that both species underwent a similar diversification from the Western Mediterranean plates to (i) Northern Europe and (ii) the Iberian Peninsula, establishing their two main lineages. Their diversification was in concordance with the main palaeogeographical events in the Iberian Peninsula and Western Mediterranean, followed by a later colonization of North America from individuals derived exclusively from the Eurosiberian lineage. Their diversification occurred at different times, with the diversification of A. rosea being potentially more ancient. Cladogenesis in both species seems to have been modelled only by the Mediterranean plate shifts, ignoring historical climatic oscillations such as the Messinian salinity crisis. Their high genetic variability, strong population structure, lack of gene flow and stepping-stone-like cladogenesis suggest the existence of different cryptic lineages

  9. Problems and Instruments of Product and Technological Diversification of Manufacturing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuzmin Oleg Ye.


    Full Text Available The purpose of the article involves identification of objectives and development of instruments for product and technological diversification aimed at updating the range of products and introducing innovative technologies, which will ensure a high level of competitiveness and create preconditions for steady development of the enterprise. As a result of studying the literary sources the objectives and instruments for development of enterprises by means of product and technological diversification have been defined. The article suggests effective instruments of product and technological diversification of manufacturing, namely: the model of expansion of the product range, multi-criteria model of optimization of the product range, a modified model of Kantorovich-Koopmans for implementing new production technologies with set limits on the product output. Further research relate to formation of instruments for manufacturing diversification by means of introducing new types of production.

  10. Une restauration « spectaculaire »

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muriel Verbeeck-Boutin


    Full Text Available Cet article replace dans le contexte d’une époque la restauration d’une Vierge à l’enfant par Joseph Van der Veken. Documentée par le commanditaire, l’intervention ne répondit pas à son attente et déboucha sur une dérestauration. Ce fait, loin d’être anecdotique, témoigne d’une mutation des mentalités et des sensibilités dans la première moitié du vingtième siècle, et de l’émergence d’une nouvelle conception de la restauration.This article replaces the restoration of a Madonna and Child by Joseph Van der Vecken within the context of a period.Documented by the patron, the intervention did not meet his expectations and resulted in a de-restoration. This fact, far from being anecdotic, is proof of the change in mentalities and sensitivities in the first half of the twentieth century and of the emergence of a new concept of restoration

  11. Plastome phylogeny and early diversification of Brassicaceae. (United States)

    Guo, Xinyi; Liu, Jianquan; Hao, Guoqian; Zhang, Lei; Mao, Kangshan; Wang, Xiaojuan; Zhang, Dan; Ma, Tao; Hu, Quanjun; Al-Shehbaz, Ihsan A; Koch, Marcus A


    The family Brassicaceae encompasses diverse species, many of which have high scientific and economic importance. Early diversifications and phylogenetic relationships between major lineages or clades remain unclear. Here we re-investigate Brassicaceae phylogeny with complete plastomes from 51 species representing all four lineages or 5 of 6 major clades (A, B, C, E and F) as identified in earlier studies. Bayesian and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses using a partitioned supermatrix of 77 protein coding genes resulted in nearly identical tree topologies exemplified by highly supported relationships between clades. All four lineages were well identified and interrelationships between them were resolved. The previously defined Clade C was found to be paraphyletic (the genus Megadenia formed a separate lineage), while the remaining clades were monophyletic. Clade E (lineage III) was sister to clades B + C rather than to all core Brassicaceae (clades A + B + C or lineages I + II), as suggested by a previous transcriptome study. Molecular dating based on plastome phylogeny supported the origin of major lineages or clades between late Oligocene and early Miocene, and the following radiative diversification across the family took place within a short timescale. In addition, gene losses in the plastomes occurred multiple times during the evolutionary diversification of the family. Plastome phylogeny illustrates the early diversification of cruciferous species. This phylogeny will facilitate our further understanding of evolution and adaptation of numerous species in the model family Brassicaceae.

  12. Evolutionary history, immigration history, and the extent of diversification in community assembly. (United States)

    Knope, Matthew L; Forde, Samantha E; Fukami, Tadashi


    During community assembly, species may accumulate not only by immigration, but also by in situ diversification. Diversification has intrigued biologists because its extent varies even among closely related lineages under similar ecological conditions. Recent research has suggested that some of this puzzling variation may be caused by stochastic differences in the history of immigration (relative timing and order of immigration by founding populations), indicating that immigration and diversification may affect community assembly interactively. However, the conditions under which immigration history affects diversification remain unclear. Here we propose the hypothesis that whether or not immigration history influences the extent of diversification depends on the founding populations' prior evolutionary history, using evidence from a bacterial experiment. To create genotypes with different evolutionary histories, replicate populations of Pseudomonas fluorescens were allowed to adapt to a novel environment for a short or long period of time (approximately 10 or 100 bacterial generations) with or without exploiters (viral parasites). Each evolved genotype was then introduced to a new habitat either before or after a standard competitor genotype. Most genotypes diversified to a greater extent when introduced before, rather than after, the competitor. However, introduction order did not affect the extent of diversification when the evolved genotype had previously adapted to the environment for a long period of time without exploiters. Diversification of these populations was low regardless of introduction order. These results suggest that the importance of immigration history in diversification can be predicted by the immigrants' evolutionary past. The hypothesis proposed here may be generally applicable in both micro- and macro-organisms.

  13. Export diversification and structural changes in South Africa

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    Ireen Choga


    Full Text Available What is the nature and extent of export diversification in South Africa? The primary purpose of this paper is to seek empirical answers to this question. In an attempt to derive empirical measures of the extent of export diversification and the structural changes taking place in South Africa, this paper uses a sample of a group of 28 selected commodities for the period 1980-2012 for which the most recent data is available. The following methods were used to measure the extent of export diversification and the structural changes in export diversification: Commodity-specific cumulative export Experience function, the Commodity-specific traditional index (CSTI, variance of CSTI, concentration ratio and the aggregate specialisation index. The Commodity-Specific Cumulative Experience Function plots show that roughly, commodities such as scientific equipment, transport equipment, motor vehicles, furniture, machinery and electronic products were shifted to the right indicating that the commodities are non-traditional in nature whereas gold coal agricultural products and wood are traditional in nature. The CSTI rankings indicated that motor vehicle exports ranked first showing that motor vehicles are non-traditional exports. Findings of this paper corroborate findings of other scholars; we conclude that our results are complementary.

  14. Phylogenetic diversification patterns and divergence times in ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalinae). (United States)

    Ober, Karen A; Heider, Thomas N


    Harpalinae is a species rich clade of carabid beetles with many unusual morphological forms and ecological interactions. How this diversity evolved has been difficult to reconstruct, perhaps because harpalines underwent a rapid burst of diversification early in their evolutionary history. Here we investigate the tempo of evolution in harpalines using molecular divergence dating techniques and explore the rates of lineage accumulation in harpalines and their sister group. According to molecular divergence date estimates, harpalines originated in the mid Cretaceous but did not diversify extensively until the late Cretaceous or early Paleogene about 32 million years after their origin. In a relatively small window of time, harpalines underwent rapid speciation. Harpalines have a relative high net diversification rate and increased cladogenesis in some regions of the clade. We did not see a significant decrease in diversification rate through time in the MCCR test, but a model of diversification with two shift points to lower diversification rates fit the harpaline lineage accumulation through time the best. Our results indicate harpalines are significantly more diverse and have higher diversification than their sistergroup. Instead of an immediate burst of explosive diversification, harpalines may have had a long "fuse" before major lineages diversified during the early Paleogene when other taxa such as mammals, birds, and some flowering plants were also rapidly diversifying.

  15. Phylogenetic diversification patterns and divergence times in ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalinae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ober Karen A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Harpalinae is a species rich clade of carabid beetles with many unusual morphological forms and ecological interactions. How this diversity evolved has been difficult to reconstruct, perhaps because harpalines underwent a rapid burst of diversification early in their evolutionary history. Here we investigate the tempo of evolution in harpalines using molecular divergence dating techniques and explore the rates of lineage accumulation in harpalines and their sister group. Results According to molecular divergence date estimates, harpalines originated in the mid Cretaceous but did not diversify extensively until the late Cretaceous or early Paleogene about 32 million years after their origin. In a relatively small window of time, harpalines underwent rapid speciation. Harpalines have a relative high net diversification rate and increased cladogenesis in some regions of the clade. We did not see a significant decrease in diversification rate through time in the MCCR test, but a model of diversification with two shift points to lower diversification rates fit the harpaline lineage accumulation through time the best. Conclusions Our results indicate harpalines are significantly more diverse and have higher diversification than their sistergroup. Instead of an immediate burst of explosive diversification, harpalines may have had a long "fuse" before major lineages diversified during the early Paleogene when other taxa such as mammals, birds, and some flowering plants were also rapidly diversifying.

  16. Ostéo arthrite tuberculeuse de la cheville et spondylodiscite: une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La TDM et l'IRM rachidienne (A, B, C, D) ont montré: une collection épidurale en regard de D3D4D5D6, une destruction vertébrale de D4 avec recul du mur postérieur responsable d'une déformation dorsale avec compression médullaire, une atteinte D8D9D10D11D12 avec présence d'une collection intra-osseuse, une ...

  17. Early diversification trend and Asian origin for extent bat lineages. (United States)

    Yu, W; Wu, Y; Yang, G


    Bats are a unique mammalian group, which belong to one of the largest and most diverse mammalian radiations, but their early diversification is still poorly understood, and conflicting hypotheses have emerged regarding their biogeographic history. Understanding their diversification is crucial for untangling the enigmatic evolutionary history of bats. In this study, we elucidated the rate of diversification and the biogeographic history of extant bat lineages using genus-level chronograms. The results suggest that a rapid adaptive radiation persisted from the emergence of crown bats until the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum, whereas there was a major deceleration in diversification around 35-49 Ma. There was a positive association between changes in the palaeotemperature and the net diversification rate until 35 Ma, which suggests that the palaeotemperature may have played an important role in the regulation of ecological opportunities. By contrast, there were unexpectedly higher diversification rates around 25-35 Ma during a period characterized by intense and long-lasting global cooling, which implies that intrinsic innovations or adaptations may have released some lineages from the intense selective pressures associated with these severe conditions. Our reconstruction of the ancestral distribution suggests an Asian origin for bats, thereby indicating that the current panglobal but disjunct distribution pattern of extant bats may be related to events involving seriate cross-continental dispersal and local extinction, as well as the influence of geological events and the expansion and contraction of megathermal rainforests during the Tertiary. © 2014 European Society For Evolutionary Biology. Journal of Evolutionary Biology © 2014 European Society For Evolutionary Biology.

  18. Trait-based diversification shifts reflect differential extinction among fossil taxa. (United States)

    Wagner, Peter J; Estabrook, George F


    Evolution provides many cases of apparent shifts in diversification associated with particular anatomical traits. Three general models connect these patterns to anatomical evolution: (i) elevated net extinction of taxa bearing particular traits, (ii) elevated net speciation of taxa bearing particular traits, and (iii) elevated evolvability expanding the range of anatomies available to some species. Trait-based diversification shifts predict elevated hierarchical stratigraphic compatibility (i.e., primitive→derived→highly derived sequences) among pairs of anatomical characters. The three specific models further predict (i) early loss of diversity for taxa retaining primitive conditions (elevated net extinction), (ii) increased diversification among later members of a clade (elevated net speciation), and (iii) increased disparity among later members in a clade (elevated evolvability). Analyses of 319 anatomical and stratigraphic datasets for fossil species and genera show that hierarchical stratigraphic compatibility exceeds the expectations of trait-independent diversification in the vast majority of cases, which was expected if trait-dependent diversification shifts are common. Excess hierarchical stratigraphic compatibility correlates with early loss of diversity for groups retaining primitive conditions rather than delayed bursts of diversity or disparity across entire clades. Cambrian clades (predominantly trilobites) alone fit null expectations well. However, it is not clear whether evolution was unusual among Cambrian taxa or only early trilobites. At least among post-Cambrian taxa, these results implicate models, such as competition and extinction selectivity/resistance, as major drivers of trait-based diversification shifts at the species and genus levels while contradicting the predictions of elevated net speciation and elevated evolvability models.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Dans le but de connaître la situation épidémiologique de la panachure jaune du riz en côte d'Ivoire, une enquête phytosanitaire a été effectuée au cours des campagnes agricoles en 2004 et 2005. Elle a porté sur. 128 rizières irriguées et pluviales de 28 localités représentatives dans la moitié sud de la Côte d'Ivoire. Sur.

  20. Portfolio Diversification in the South-East European Equity Markets

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    Zaimovic Azra


    Full Text Available Diversification potential enables investors to manage their risk and decrease risk exposure. Good diversification policy is a safety net that prevents a portfolio from losing its value. A well-diversified portfolio consists of different categories of property with low correlations, while highly correlated markets have the feature of low possibilities for diversification. The biggest riddle in the world of investments is to find the optimal portfolio within a set of available assets with limited capital. There are numerous studies and mathematical models that deal with portfolio investment strategies. These strategies take advantage of diversification by spreading risk over several financial assets. Modern portfolio theory seeks to find the optimal model with the best results. This paper tries to identify relationships between returns of companies traded in South-East European equity markets. A Markowitz mean-variance (MV portfolio optimization method is used to identify possibilities for diversification among these markets and world leading capital markets. This research also offers insight into to the level of integration of South-East European equity markets. Principal component analysis (PCA is used to determine components that describe the strong patterns and co-movements of the dataset. Finally, we combined MV efficient frontier and equity, which represent PCA components, to draw conclusions. Our findings show that PC analysis substantially simplifies asset selection process in portfolio management. The results of the paper have practical applications for portfolio investors.

  1. Migration agricole et usages durables de la terre dans la zone de transition forêt-savane (Ghana)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Geest, K.


    Au Ghana, d’après des images satellites, la zone de transition entre la forêt et la savane a subi en trente ans une profonde dégradation environnementale. La forte immigration de cultivateurs du Haut Ghana occidental, accentuant une rapide croissance démographique, a accru la pression sur les

  2. Successful diversification strategies of electricity companies: An explorative empirical study on the success of different diversification strategies of German electricity companies in the wake of the European market liberalization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, Ralf; Steinert, Martin; Teufel, Stephanie


    Based on the EC directive 96/92, the liberalization of electricity markets is forcing electricity companies, to rethink their product and market strategy. However, neither the level of the initiated diversification efforts of former monopolies, nor their direction or their success are known or have been analyzed before. Therefore, Mueller [2006. Diversifikationsstrategien von Stromversorgungsunternehmen: Handlungsempfehlungen fuer schweizerische Stromversorgungsunternehmen auf der Basis einer empirischen Analyse des liberalisierten deutschen Strommarktes. IIMT University Press, Fribourg] has quantitatively determined the extent and direction of the diversification efforts in the electricity sector. Additionally, based on an exploratory case study research, successful diversification strategies have been identified and incorporated into 73 observations which form the basis of a set of normative recommendations for diversifying electricity companies. Since the analyses are based on the German electricity market, which fully liberalized earlier than most of its continental European counterparts, the results may especially guide other European electricity companies in their strategic diversification decisions. This paper publishes both the quantitative analysis on the degree and extents of diversification (sample time frame 1995-2000) as well as the qualitative analysis on the success of diversification strategies (sample time frame 1995-2003). Additionally, based on the obtained explorative observations, the diversification strategy of an idealized-electricity company is firstly presented for practitioners as normative recommendation, and secondly for academics, as starting point for future quantitative analysis framework. (author)

  3. Bank Income Diversification from Stock Market Perspective: Evidence from ASEAN+3

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    Agnes Helena Natalia


    Full Text Available This paper empirically examines the effect of banks' revenue diversification on the stock-based return and risk measures using data on the ASEAN-5, and addition from China, Japan, and South Korea banking sector. This paper use panel Fixed Effect and robustness test with Random Effect and TSLS. We use non-interest income share as a measure for revenue diversification. We find that revenue diversification has no effect on bank market value but significantly decrease bank total risks. When non-interest income is decomposed, we find that fee-income business has significant positive effect on bank value. Furthermore, it’s important to see characteristic of banks that do diversification, such as bank size and capital. Overall, we give evidence that banks, especially which have big size and good condition on capital, could increase their value and lower their risk by doing diversification in income through non-interest income, especially with fee income and other non-interest income. Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE

  4. Contribution to the study of the effect of a low dose of gamma irradiation on seeds and tubers before planting; Contribution a l'etude de l'effet d'une irradiation gamma a faible dose sur les graines et tubercules avant plantation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silvy, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Cadarache (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    From 1962 to 1965, 25 tests have been made with carrots (1 variety), radish (3 varieties), spinach (2 var.), tomatoes (2 var.), potatoes (2 var.), barley (2 var.), rice (3 var.) and corn (1 var.), with the object of studying the interest for agriculture of seed and tuber gamma irradiation at low dose before planting. These tests were made in the laboratory, in greenhouses and in the open field, all necessary care being taken for a valuable statistical analysis of- the results. Special attention was paid to the homogeneity of plant material by controlling more particularly moisture content of seeds and the storage conditions of tubers. The observations concerned germination, growth at early stages, development phases and yield of leaves, roots and fruit. Some stimulation cases are observed. For tomatoes, it is found that stimulation cases occur at extreme moisture content and not in the range of mean moisture content which corresponds to maximum radioresistance. The demonstration of these effects is related to varieties, complementary treatments, conditions of cultivation and observation criteria. In most cases, they are short-lived and suitable modifications of seed conditioning produce, upon controls, an effect equivalent to that of irradiation. In conclusion, it seems very unlikely - considering our cultivation methods - that seed and tuber irradiation before planting could be of interest for agriculture. (authors) [French] Dans le but d'etudier l'interet agricole d'une irradiation gamma a faible dose des graines et tubercules avant plantation, 25 essais ont ete mis en place de 1962 a 1965 sur carotte (1 var.), radis (3 var.), epinard (2 var.), tomate (2 var.), pomme de terse (2 var.), orge (2 var.), riz (3 var.) et mais (1 var. ). Les essais ont ete faits au laboratoire, dans les serres et en plein champ avec toutes les precautions requises pour une analyse statistique valable des resultats. On a prete une attention particuliere a l'homogeneite du materiel

  5. Restauration et traduction : une question de philosophie

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    Pierre Leveau


    Full Text Available On peut faire de la restauration une mission de service public, ou une entreprise privée soumise à la loi du marché. Quel sens donner à cette activité ? Philosophiquement, la méthodologie est à réinventer. L’auteur propose pour cela de définir la restauration comme une traduction, c’est-à-dire une transmission en même temps qu’une transaction. Il formule cette hypothèse en engageant un dialogue entre le réalisme et le constructionnalisme.The conservation can be viewed as a public service and also as an economical activity. How to understand such a pratice ? From a philosophical standpoint, this question is methologically challenging. The author claims that conservation can be defined as a translation, i.e. as a transmission and a transaction. He tests this hypothesis through a confrontation between realism and constructionism.

  6. Measuring energy security: Trends in the diversification of oil and natural gas supplies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cohen, Gail; Joutz, Frederick; Loungani, Prakash


    We present evidence on one facet of energy security in OECD economies-the extent of diversification in sources of oil and natural gas supplies. Viewed from the perspective of the energy-importing countries as a whole, there has not been much change in diversification in oil supplies over the last decade, but diversification in sources of natural gas supplies has increased steadily. We document the considerable cross-country heterogeneity in the extent of diversification. We also show how the extent of diversification changes if account is taken of the political risk attached to suppliers; the size of the importing country; and transportation risk. - Highlights: → Global diversification is constant but large differences exist among countries. → Political risk and distance have large impacts on diversity measures. → Size has little impact on diversity measures. → France, US, and UK show low vulnerability for both fuels. → Smaller European countries show high vulnerability for both fuels.

  7. Quand la biopsie cutanee peut etiqueter une epilepsie

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    Taoufiq Harmouch


    Full Text Available La maladie de Lafora (ML represente une forme rare et grave d�epilepsie myoclonique progressive. C�est une affection a transmission autosomique recessive, heterogene sur le plan genetique. Nous rapportons le cas d�une adolescente de 16 ans, issue de parents consanguins de premier degre, qui presente depuis l�age de 14 ans des crises d�epilepsie et des myoclonies. L'examen neurologique a montre un syndrome cerebelleux et une deterioration intellectuelle. La biopsie cutanee etait indispensable pour orienter le diagnostic. La ML a un pronostic constamment fatal. L�etude histologique confirme le diagnostic et l�etude moleculaire peut aider a etablir un conseil genetique.

  8. Diversification versus specialization in complex ecosystems.

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    Riccardo Di Clemente

    Full Text Available By analyzing the distribution of revenues across the production sectors of quoted firms we suggest a novel dimension that drives the firms diversification process at country level. Data show a non trivial macro regional clustering of the diversification process, which underlines the relevance of geopolitical environments in determining the microscopic dynamics of economic entities. These findings demonstrate the possibility of singling out in complex ecosystems those micro-features that emerge at macro-levels, which could be of particular relevance for decision-makers in selecting the appropriate parameters to be acted upon in order to achieve desirable results. The understanding of this micro-macro information exchange is further deepened through the introduction of a simplified dynamic model.

  9. Insuffler une énergie nouvelle : donner une voix et une visibilité aux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    22 oct. 2010 ... J'ai accepté, car cette méthode nous permettait de tenir une véritable consultation auprès des jeunes du Brésil. CRDI – Pouvez-vous nous expliquer en quoi consiste cette méthode ? Grzybowski – Les sondages d'opinion sont importants, mais c'est un peu comme si on tâtait le pouls d'un patient. De même ...

  10. Phylogenetic patterns of geographical and ecological diversification in the subgenus Drosophila.

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    Ramiro Morales-Hojas

    Full Text Available Colonisation of new geographic regions and/or of new ecological resources can result in rapid species diversification into the new ecological niches available. Members of the subgenus Drosophila are distributed across the globe and show a large diversity of ecological niches. Furthermore, taxonomic classification of Drosophila includes the rank radiation, which refers to closely related species groups. Nevertheless, it has never been tested if these taxonomic radiations correspond to evolutionary radiations. Here we present a study of the patterns of diversification of Drosophila to test for increased diversification rates in relation to the geographic and ecological diversification processes. For this, we have estimated and dated a phylogeny of 218 species belonging to the major species groups of the subgenus. The obtained phylogenies are largely consistent with previous studies and indicate that the major groups appeared during the Oligocene/Miocene transition or early Miocene, characterized by a trend of climate warming with brief periods of glaciation. Ancestral reconstruction of geographic ranges and ecological resource use suggest at least two dispersals to the Neotropics from the ancestral Asiatic tropical disribution, and several transitions to specialized ecological resource use (mycophagous and cactophilic. Colonisation of new geographic regions and/or of new ecological resources can result in rapid species diversification into the new ecological niches available. However, diversification analyses show no significant support for adaptive radiations as a result of geographic dispersal or ecological resource shift. Also, cactophily has not resulted in an increase in the diversification rate of the repleta and related groups. It is thus concluded that the taxonomic radiations do not correspond to adaptive radiations.

  11. Phylogenetic patterns of geographical and ecological diversification in the subgenus Drosophila. (United States)

    Morales-Hojas, Ramiro; Vieira, Jorge


    Colonisation of new geographic regions and/or of new ecological resources can result in rapid species diversification into the new ecological niches available. Members of the subgenus Drosophila are distributed across the globe and show a large diversity of ecological niches. Furthermore, taxonomic classification of Drosophila includes the rank radiation, which refers to closely related species groups. Nevertheless, it has never been tested if these taxonomic radiations correspond to evolutionary radiations. Here we present a study of the patterns of diversification of Drosophila to test for increased diversification rates in relation to the geographic and ecological diversification processes. For this, we have estimated and dated a phylogeny of 218 species belonging to the major species groups of the subgenus. The obtained phylogenies are largely consistent with previous studies and indicate that the major groups appeared during the Oligocene/Miocene transition or early Miocene, characterized by a trend of climate warming with brief periods of glaciation. Ancestral reconstruction of geographic ranges and ecological resource use suggest at least two dispersals to the Neotropics from the ancestral Asiatic tropical disribution, and several transitions to specialized ecological resource use (mycophagous and cactophilic). Colonisation of new geographic regions and/or of new ecological resources can result in rapid species diversification into the new ecological niches available. However, diversification analyses show no significant support for adaptive radiations as a result of geographic dispersal or ecological resource shift. Also, cactophily has not resulted in an increase in the diversification rate of the repleta and related groups. It is thus concluded that the taxonomic radiations do not correspond to adaptive radiations.

  12. Widespread correlations between climatic niche evolution and species diversification in birds. (United States)

    Cooney, Christopher R; Seddon, Nathalie; Tobias, Joseph A


    The adaptability of species' climatic niches can influence the dynamics of colonization and gene flow across climatic gradients, potentially increasing the likelihood of speciation or reducing extinction in the face of environmental change. However, previous comparative studies have tested these ideas using geographically, taxonomically and ecologically restricted samples, yielding mixed results, and thus the processes linking climatic niche evolution with diversification remain poorly understood. Focusing on birds, the largest and most widespread class of terrestrial vertebrates, we test whether variation in species diversification among clades is correlated with rates of climatic niche evolution and the extent to which these patterns are modified by underlying gradients in biogeography and species' ecology. We quantified climatic niches, latitudinal distribution and ecological traits for 7657 (˜75%) bird species based on geographical range polygons and then used Bayesian phylogenetic analyses to test whether niche evolution was related to species richness and rates of diversification across genus- and family-level clades. We found that the rate of climatic niche evolution has a positive linear relationship with both species richness and diversification rate at two different taxonomic levels (genus and family). Furthermore, this positive association between labile climatic niches and diversification was detected regardless of variation in clade latitude or key ecological traits. Our findings suggest either that rapid adaptation to unoccupied areas of climatic niche space promotes avian diversification, or that diversification promotes adaptation. Either way, we propose that climatic niche evolution is a fundamental process regulating the link between climate and biodiversity at global scales, irrespective of the geographical and ecological context of speciation and extinction. © 2016 The Authors. Journal of Animal Ecology © 2016 British Ecological Society.

  13. Are rates of species diversification and body size evolution coupled in the ferns? (United States)

    Testo, Weston L; Sundue, Michael A


    Understanding the relationship between phenotypic evolution and lineage diversification is a central goal of evolutionary biology. To extend our understanding of the role morphological evolution plays in the diversification of plants, we examined the relationship between leaf size evolution and lineage diversification across ferns. We tested for an association between body size evolution and lineage diversification using a comparative phylogenetic approach that combined a time-calibrated phylogeny and leaf size data set for 2654 fern species. Rates of leaf size change and lineage diversification were estimated using BAMM, and rate correlations were performed for rates obtained for all families and individual species. Rates and patterns of rate-rate correlation were also analyzed separately for terrestrial and epiphytic taxa. We find no significant correlation between rates of leaf area change and lineage diversification, nor was there a difference in this pattern when growth habit is considered. Our results are consistent with the findings of an earlier study that reported decoupled rates of body size evolution and diversification in the Polypodiaceae, but conflict with a recent study that reported a positive correlation between body size evolution and lineage diversification rates in the tree fern family Cyatheaceae. Our findings indicate that lineage diversification in ferns is largely decoupled from shifts in body size, in contrast to several other groups of organisms. Speciation in ferns appears to be primarily driven by hybridization and isolation along elevational gradients, rather than adaptive radiations featuring prominent morphological restructuring. The exceptional diversity of leaf morphologies in ferns appears to reflect a combination of ecophysiological constraints and adaptations that are not key innovations. © 2018 Botanical Society of America.

  14. Can Google Trends search queries contribute to risk diversification?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Krištoufek, Ladislav


    Roč. 3, č. 2713 (2013), s. 1-5 ISSN 2045-2322 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA402/09/0965 Institutional support: RVO:67985556 Keywords : Google Trends * diversification * portfolio Subject RIV: AH - Economics Impact factor: 5.078, year: 2013 google trends search queries contribute to risk diversification.pdf

  15. Diversification of gas supplies to Romania: options and constraints

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kramer, A.


    The issue of diversifying natural gas supply to Romania gained importance after 1989. Currently, there are several factors which reinforce the need for the diversification: energy consumption structure; ratio of domestic production to import and traditionally strong natural gas industry. The mentioned points lead to the conclusion that ROMGAZ has to integrate further into the European gas market, to diversify sources of supply and to attract foreign investments. It is clear that the supply diversification depends on three crucial factors: economic recovery (partially achieved after 1992); general price stability (ending permanent depreciation of lev against US dollar); and raising natural gas prices to economic levels. Once those factors are in place, the possibility of gas supply diversification would become more tangible

  16. Can Google Trends search queries contribute to risk diversification? (United States)

    Kristoufek, Ladislav


    Portfolio diversification and active risk management are essential parts of financial analysis which became even more crucial (and questioned) during and after the years of the Global Financial Crisis. We propose a novel approach to portfolio diversification using the information of searched items on Google Trends. The diversification is based on an idea that popularity of a stock measured by search queries is correlated with the stock riskiness. We penalize the popular stocks by assigning them lower portfolio weights and we bring forward the less popular, or peripheral, stocks to decrease the total riskiness of the portfolio. Our results indicate that such strategy dominates both the benchmark index and the uniformly weighted portfolio both in-sample and out-of-sample.

  17. Le soja local en Allemagne, une demande soutenue, une offre qui s’étoffe

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    Recknagel Jürgen


    Full Text Available Depuis 2009, la sole de soja ne cesse d’augmenter en Allemagne, surtout dans le sud du pays mais aussi à l’est et un peu partout dans les régions au climat propice. Un programme national a permis de créer les références nécessaires pour un conseil qualifié apporté aux agriculteurs via un réseau de développement. Ainsi toute une filière soja est déjà bien avancée dans le sud et en cours de mise en place dans le reste du pays, pour organiser la collecte auprès des producteurs et obtenir une offre groupée pour les transformateurs pour l’alimentation animale et humaine. Le soja allemand ne veut pas rivaliser avec le soja OGM ni pour instant avec le soja non-OGM des Amériques mais vise plutôt les filières courtes régionales et le marché bio qui est encore plus déficitaire en auto-approvisionnement que le conventionnel. Avec 10 000 ha en 2014, dont 25 % en bio, le soja en Allemagne est encore loin de la surface du maïs grain (2008–2014 autour de 500 000 ha. En pratique, 20 % de ces surfaces de maïs au climat a priori propice pourraient représenter le potentiel réel pour le soja en Allemagne, sous condition de prix garantissant une rentabilité suffisante par rapport aux autres grandes cultures. Pour les programmes non-OGM des grands distributeurs, il faut de toute façon une base de production élargie comme celle proposée par l’initiative Danube-Soja, qui dans une version Europe-Soja engloberait aussi la France. Avec le verdissement de la PAC et la montée du cours du Dollar par rapport à l’Euro, les perspectives pour une augmentation de la surface de production de soja en Allemagne et en Europe paraissent bonnes. Maintenant il faut travailler sur les débouchés pour garantir l’absorption de la production grandissante par les marchés et les consommateurs à tous les niveaux : régional, national et européen.

  18. Determinants of Related and Unrelated Export Diversification

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    Muhammad Ali


    Full Text Available This paper contributes to the literature on determinants of the export diversification by introducing related variety (RV and unrelated variety (UV in the analysis in addition to the traditional entropy based measure at three-digit Standard International Trade Classification (SITC level, overall variety (OV. RV measures variety in cognitively related industries, while UV measures variety in industries that are unrelated to each other. Studies on RV and UV have shown that the dynamics of their relationship with economic growth and innovation may differ and one would expect that the determinants of RV and UV may also be different. Therefore, using data on manufacturing sector exports for 130 countries from 1996 to 2011, this paper identifies the determinants of export diversification with primary focus on foreign direct investment as an external source of knowledge and a stimulus to entrepreneurship and human capital as a measure of productive capabilities. Considering the concern of endogeneity bias, estimations of the econometric models were performed using generalized method of moments. Findings show that some of the determinants of diversification affect RV, UV and OV differently. For instance, foreign direct investment (FDI negatively affects RV while it has no significant relationship with OV and UV. Moreover, interaction of human capital with FDI appears to be positive and significant for UV and RV while interaction of human capital with trade openness is significant and positive for RV only, showing the importance of knowledge through external sources in the process of related diversification.

  19. Le microdosage des engrais, une innovation qui profite aux femmes

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    non seulement une diminution de leurs revenus, mais doivent aussi composer avec une pénurie chronique de céréales. Au Niger, par exemple, 2,5 millions de personnes ont eu besoin d'une aide alimentaire en 2005, par suite d'une grave sécheresse (PAM, 2010). Cette situation s'est reproduite en 2010, la mauvaise.

  20. Temporal patterns of diversification across global cichlid biodiversity (Acanthomorpha: Cichlidae.

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    Caleb D McMahan

    Full Text Available The contrasting distribution of species diversity across the major lineages of cichlids makes them an ideal group for investigating macroevolutionary processes. In this study, we investigate whether different rates of diversification may explain the disparity in species richness across cichlid lineages globally. We present the most taxonomically robust time-calibrated hypothesis of cichlid evolutionary relationships to date. We then utilize this temporal framework to investigate whether both species-rich and depauperate lineages are associated with rapid shifts in diversification rates and if exceptional species richness can be explained by clade age alone. A single significant rapid rate shift increase is detected within the evolutionary history of the African subfamily Pseudocrenilabrinae, which includes the haplochromins of the East African Great Lakes. Several lineages from the subfamilies Pseudocrenilabrinae (Australotilapiini, Oreochromini and Cichlinae (Heroini exhibit exceptional species richness given their clade age, a net rate of diversification, and relative rates of extinction, indicating that clade age alone is not a sufficient explanation for their increased diversity. Our results indicate that the Neotropical Cichlinae includes lineages that have not experienced a significant rapid burst in diversification when compared to certain African lineages (rift lake. Neotropical cichlids have remained comparatively understudied with regard to macroevolutionary patterns relative to African lineages, and our results indicate that of Neotropical lineages, the tribe Heroini may have an elevated rate of diversification in contrast to other Neotropical cichlids. These findings provide insight into our understanding of the diversification patterns across taxonomically disparate lineages in this diverse clade of freshwater fishes and one of the most species-rich families of vertebrates.

  1. Detecting Hidden Diversification Shifts in Models of Trait-Dependent Speciation and Extinction. (United States)

    Beaulieu, Jeremy M; O'Meara, Brian C


    The distribution of diversity can vary considerably from clade to clade. Attempts to understand these patterns often employ state-dependent speciation and extinction models to determine whether the evolution of a particular novel trait has increased speciation rates and/or decreased extinction rates. It is still unclear, however, whether these models are uncovering important drivers of diversification, or whether they are simply pointing to more complex patterns involving many unmeasured and co-distributed factors. Here we describe an extension to the popular state-dependent speciation and extinction models that specifically accounts for the presence of unmeasured factors that could impact diversification rates estimated for the states of any observed trait, addressing at least one major criticism of BiSSE (Binary State Speciation and Extinction) methods. Specifically, our model, which we refer to as HiSSE (Hidden State Speciation and Extinction), assumes that related to each observed state in the model are "hidden" states that exhibit potentially distinct diversification dynamics and transition rates than the observed states in isolation. We also demonstrate how our model can be used as character-independent diversification models that allow for a complex diversification process that is independent of the evolution of a character. Under rigorous simulation tests and when applied to empirical data, we find that HiSSE performs reasonably well, and can at least detect net diversification rate differences between observed and hidden states and detect when diversification rate differences do not correlate with the observed states. We discuss the remaining issues with state-dependent speciation and extinction models in general, and the important ways in which HiSSE provides a more nuanced understanding of trait-dependent diversification. © The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press, on behalf of the Society of Systematic Biologists. All rights reserved

  2. Land fragmentation and production diversification

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ciaian, Pavel; Guri, Fatmir; Rajcaniova, Miroslava; Drabik, Dusan; Paloma, Sergio Gomez Y.


    We analyze the impact of land fragmentation on production diversification in rural Albania. Albania represents a particularly interesting case for studying land fragmentation as the fragmentation is a direct outcome of land reforms. The results indicate that land fragmentation is an important driver

  3. LASER: A Maximum Likelihood Toolkit for Detecting Temporal Shifts in Diversification Rates From Molecular Phylogenies

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    Daniel L. Rabosky


    Full Text Available Rates of species origination and extinction can vary over time during evolutionary radiations, and it is possible to reconstruct the history of diversification using molecular phylogenies of extant taxa only. Maximum likelihood methods provide a useful framework for inferring temporal variation in diversification rates. LASER is a package for the R programming environment that implements maximum likelihood methods based on the birth-death process to test whether diversification rates have changed over time. LASER contrasts the likelihood of phylogenetic data under models where diversification rates have changed over time to alternative models where rates have remained constant over time. Major strengths of the package include the ability to detect temporal increases in diversification rates and the inference of diversification parameters under multiple rate-variable models of diversification. The program and associated documentation are freely available from the R package archive at

  4. Product diversification and bank performance: does ownership structure matter?


    Saghi-Zedek , Nadia


    International audience; Using detailed data on control chains of 710 European commercial banks, we test whether the presence of some categories of controlling shareholders affects product diversification performance. We find that when banks have no controlling shareholder or have only family and state shareholders activity diversification yields diseconomies. However, as long as the control chain involves banking institutions, institutional investors, industrial companies or any other combina...

  5. Vertical integration and diversification of acute care hospitals: conceptual definitions. (United States)

    Clement, J P


    The terms vertical integration and diversification, although used quite frequently, are ill-defined for use in the health care field. In this article, the concepts are defined--specifically for nonuniversity acute care hospitals. The resulting definitions are more useful than previous ones for predicting the effects of vertical integration and diversification.

  6. Développement de l’agriculture en montagne et rôle des rapports de proximité :le cas du Val d’Hérens (Valais, Suisse

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    Valérie Miéville-Ott


    Full Text Available L’article examine la dynamique de développement agricole d’une petite région de montagne, le Val d’Hérens (Valais, Suisse. Celle-ci connaît une diminution des surfaces et des exploitations agricoles mais aussi de l’activité des laiteries. Ce dernier phénomène pose question car il ne proviendrait pas de la baisse de demande du marché mais d’un manque de production laitière. Pour y répondre, on propose alors d’analyser l’évolution des rapports entre les éleveurs et leurs organisations en utilisant les concepts de l’économie de proximités et notamment la distinction entre proximité relationnelle et proximité organisationnelle.The article examines the agricultural dynamics of a small mountain region, the Val d’Herens (Valais, Suisse. This region faces a decrease of its agricultural area and of its number of farms but also of the activity of the dairies. This last phenomenon raises a question because it would not come from the fall of market demand but a lack of milk production. To answer this question, we propose to analyse the evolution of the relationships between the farmers and the local organizations by using the concepts of the economics of proximity, in particular the distinction between relational proximity and organizational proximity.

  7. Uplift-driven diversification in the Hengduan Mountains, a temperate biodiversity hotspot. (United States)

    Xing, Yaowu; Ree, Richard H


    A common hypothesis for the rich biodiversity found in mountains is uplift-driven diversification-that orogeny creates conditions favoring rapid in situ speciation of resident lineages. We tested this hypothesis in the context of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) and adjoining mountain ranges, using the phylogenetic and geographic histories of multiple groups of plants to infer the tempo (rate) and mode (colonization versus in situ diversification) of biotic assembly through time and across regions. We focused on the Hengduan Mountains region, which in comparison with the QTP and Himalayas was uplifted more recently (since the late Miocene) and is smaller in area and richer in species. Time-calibrated phylogenetic analyses show that about 8 million y ago the rate of in situ diversification increased in the Hengduan Mountains, significantly exceeding that in the geologically older QTP and Himalayas. By contrast, in the QTP and Himalayas during the same period the rate of in situ diversification remained relatively flat, with colonization dominating lineage accumulation. The Hengduan Mountains flora was thus assembled disproportionately by recent in situ diversification, temporally congruent with independent estimates of orogeny. This study shows quantitative evidence for uplift-driven diversification in this region, and more generally, tests the hypothesis by comparing the rate and mode of biotic assembly jointly across time and space. It thus complements the more prevalent method of examining endemic radiations individually and could be used as a template to augment such studies in other biodiversity hotspots.

  8. Optimising investment performance through international diversification

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    J. Swart


    Full Text Available International portfolio diversification is often advocated as a way of enhancing portfolio performance particularly through the reduction of portfolio risk. Portfolio managers in Europe have for decades routinely invested a substantial portion of their portfolios in securities that were issued in other countries. During the last decade US investors have held a significant amount of foreign securities with over a trillion dollars invested in foreign assets by 1994. South African institutions have been allowed some freedom to diversify internationally since mid 1995 and individual investors since July 1997. In this paper the potential diversification benefits for South African investors are considered. The stability over time of the correlation structure is investigated and simple ex-ante investment strategies are formulated and evaluated.

  9. Tightly congruent bursts of lineage and phenotypic diversification identified in a continental ant radiation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Price, Shauna L; Etienne, Rampal S; Powell, Scott

    Adaptive diversification is thought to be shaped by ecological opportunity. A prediction of this ecological process of diversification is that it should result in congruent bursts of lineage and phenotypic diversification, but few studies have found this expected association. Here, we study the

  10. Autostéréogramme d'une montagne gaussienne -utilisant une structure paradoxale périodique comme texture de camouflage-


    Colonna , Jean-François


    Autostereogram -using a periodical paradoxal structure as a desguise texture- with an hidden gaussian mountain (Autostéréogramme d'une montagne gaussienne -utilisant une structure paradoxale périodique comme texture de camouflage-)

  11. Effects of Diversification of Assets on Mean and Variance | Jayeola ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Diversification is a means of minimizing risk and maximizing returns by investing in a variety of assets of the portfolio. This paper is written to determine the effects of diversification of three types of Assets; uncorrelated, perfectly correlated and perfectly negatively correlated assets on mean and variance. To go about this, ...

  12. Auto adaptation incluant une double mobilité logicielle et physique ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dans ce papier, nous étudions les possibilités d'auto adaptation que pourrait offrir un calcul réparti incluant une double mobilité : d'une part une mobilité physique des sites supports d'exécution et, d'autre part, une mobilité des composants logiciels métiers ou clients. Cette mobilité de niveau logiciel est envisagée dans le ...

  13. Valorisation agricole des déchets comme alternative à leur gestion ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Quant à la présence des métaux lourds, les concentrations enregistrées sont normales par rapport aux normes standards. ... La valorisation des déchets de la ville de Lubumbashi par compostage est une bonne option dans un contexte de cherté des engrais minéraux et de la quasi-inexistence, au niveau de la municipalité ...

  14. Bank Diversification Effects on Bank Performance and Risk Profile of Bank in Indonesia

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    Anthony Lukmawijaya


    Full Text Available We investigate the relationship of Indonesian bank diversification towards its long term performance and risk profile with Indonesian bank data from 2009 to 2013. Non-interest income to total operating income of the bank measures its bank diversification level. Bank value is measured by the adjusted Tobin's Q and risk profile which is broken down into total risk, idiosyncratic risk, and systematic risk. The result shows that bank non-interest income diversification has a positive influence on its franchise value. There is, however, no strong evidence that diversification can lower a bank's risk profile.

  15. Télédétection et cartographie à petite échelle des paysages de la France de l’Ouest

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    Vincent DUBREUIL


    Full Text Available Les images des satellites NOAAAVHRR sont utilisées dans le but d’établir une cartographie détaillée des paysages ruraux dans la France de l’Ouest. Douze images de 1985 à 1990 représentant l’indice de végétation NDVI ont été sélectionnées. Une analyse discriminante pas à pas permet de classer les pixels de l’image en fonction de 16 échantillons choisis comme représentatifs des types de paysages et des régions agricoles de l’Ouest. Les limites des classes ainsi obtenues sont fort comparables aux cartes communales thématiques d’utilisation du sol des atlas régionaux.

  16. Is the diversification of Mediterranean Basin plant lineages coupled to karyotypic changes? (United States)

    Escudero, M; Balao, F; Martín-Bravo, S; Valente, L; Valcárcel, V


    The Mediterranean Basin region, home to 25,000 plant species, is included in the worldwide list of hotspots of biodiversity. Despite the indisputably important role of chromosome transitions in plant evolution and diversification, no reference study to date has dealt with the possible relationship between chromosome evolution and lineage diversification in the Mediterranean Basin. Here we study patterns of diversification, patterns of chromosome number transition (either polyploidy or dysploidy) and the relationship between the two for 14 Mediterranean Basin angiosperm lineages using previously published phylogenies. We found a mixed pattern, with half of the lineages displaying a change in chromosome transition rates after the onset of the Mediterranean climate (six increases, one decrease) and the other half (six) experiencing constant rates of chromosome transitions through time. We have also found a heterogeneous pattern regarding diversification rates, with lineages exhibiting moderate (five phylogenies) or low (six) initial diversification rates that either increased (six) or declined (five) through time. Our results reveal no clear link between diversification rates and chromosome number transition rates. By promoting the formation of new habitats and driving the extinction of many species, the Mediterranean onset and the posterior Quaternary climatic oscillations could have been key for the establishment of new chromosomal variants in some plant phylogenies but not in others. While the biodiversity of the Mediterranean Basin may be partly influenced by the chromosomal diversity of its lineages, this study concludes that lineage diversification in the region is largely decoupled from karyotypic evolution. © 2017 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands.

  17. Correlation order, merging and diversification

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dhaene, J.; Denuit, M.; Vanduffel, S.


    We investigate the influence of the dependence between random losses on the shortfall and on the diversification benefit that arises from merging these losses. We prove that increasing the dependence between losses, expressed in terms of correlation order, has an increasing effect on the shortfall,

  18. Diversification of oil import sources and energy security. A key strategy or an elusive objective?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vivoda, Vlado


    This paper explores the relationship between the diversification of sources of imported oil and energy security of oil-importing countries. It examines the importance of diversification policy for oil importers, explains why oil importers implement oil diversification policy, and contextualizes the oil import diversification strategy in the overall energy security policy of oil importers. The paper analyzes the factors and the contexts that affect the level of importance assigned to oil import diversification policy in oil-importing countries, and the limitations that may affect the successful implication of oil import diversification policy. The examples are drawn from the world's top three oil importers, the United States, Japan, and China. The policymakers in these and other oil-importing countries place much importance on energy security. The diversification of oil import sources is used as one of the strategies to enhance energy security in oil-importing countries. This paper is important for policymakers in oil-importing countries as it provides them with a qualitative conceptual framework with which to evaluate the need to diversify their countries' sources of imported oil, and with which to identify the likely limitations to the successful implementation of oil import diversification policy. (author)

  19. Ecological opportunities, habitat, and past climatic fluctuations influenced the diversification of modern turtles. (United States)

    Rodrigues, João Fabrício Mota; Diniz-Filho, José Alexandre Felizola


    Habitat may be viewed as an important life history component potentially related to diversification patterns. However, differences in diversification rates between aquatic and terrestrial realms are still poorly explored. Testudines is a group distributed worldwide that lives in aquatic and terrestrial environments, but until now no-one has evaluated the diversification history of the group as a whole. We aim here to investigate the diversification history of turtles and to test if habitat influenced speciation rate in these animals. We reconstructed the phylogeny of the modern species of chelonians and estimated node divergence dates using molecular markers and a Bayesian approach. Then, we used Bayesian Analyses of Macroevolutionary Mixtures to evaluate the diversification history of turtles and evaluate the effect of habitat on this pattern. Our reconstructed phylogeny covered 300 species (87% of the total diversity of the group). We found that the emydid subfamily Deirochelyinae, which forms the turtle hotspot in south-eastern United States, had an increase in its speciation rate, and that Galapagos tortoises had similar increases. Current speciation rates are lower in terrestrial turtles, contradicting studies supporting the idea terrestrial animals diversify more than aquatic species. Our results suggest that habitat, ecological opportunities, island invasions, and climatic factors are important drivers of diversification in modern turtles and reinforce the importance of habitat as a diversification driver. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Contrasting patterns of Andean diversification among three diverse clades of Neotropical clearwing butterflies. (United States)

    Chazot, Nicolas; De-Silva, Donna Lisa; Willmott, Keith R; Freitas, André V L; Lamas, Gerardo; Mallet, James; Giraldo, Carlos E; Uribe, Sandra; Elias, Marianne


    The Neotropical region is the most biodiverse on Earth, in a large part due to the highly diverse tropical Andean biota. The Andes are a potentially important driver of diversification within the mountains and for neighboring regions. We compared the role of the Andes in diversification among three subtribes of Ithomiini butterflies endemic to the Neotropics, Dircennina, Oleriina, and Godyridina. The diversification patterns of Godyridina have been studied previously. Here, we generate the first time-calibrated phylogeny for the largest ithomiine subtribe, Dircennina, and we reanalyze a published phylogeny of Oleriina to test different biogeographic scenarios involving the Andes within an identical framework. We found common diversification patterns across the three subtribes, as well as major differences. In Dircennina and Oleriina, our results reveal a congruent pattern of diversification related to the Andes with an Andean origin, which contrasts with the Amazonian origin and multiple Andean colonizations of Godyridina. In each of the three subtribes, a clade diversified in the Northern Andes at a faster rate. Diversification within Amazonia occurred in Oleriina and Godyridina, while virtually no speciation occurred in Dircennina in this region. Dircennina was therefore characterized by higher diversification rates within the Andes compared to non-Andean regions, while in Oleriina and Godyridina, we found no difference between these regions. Our results and discussion highlight the importance of comparative approaches in biogeographic studies.


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    Gilbert DAGUNGA


    Full Text Available This study explores the determinants of income diversification using a sample of 200 farm-level data collected from households in the Garu-Tampane district, Ghana. The Simpson Index of Diversification was used to determine the extent of income diversification while Fractional Response Model, particularly Generalized Linear Model (GLM was employed to identify the determinants of income diversification. Results from the Simpson Index of Diversification showed that the average income diversification index was 0.65 with the minimum and maximum of 0.13 and 0.83, respectively. No farm household was found to depend solely on a single source of income for its survival. The results from the Generalized Linear Model revealed that extension services, attendance to demonstration fields, membership of Farmer-based Organizations (FBOs, farmer accessibility to credit, the number of days spent on on-farm activities per month and the number of years in maize farming significantly influence income diversification. The study, therefore, concludes that farm-level policies geared towards alternative sources of income for the rural farm household should focus on improving extension services, the formation of farmer-based organizations, use of demonstration fields as well as ensuring farmers’ accessibility to credit.

  2. Place of Manufacture Diversification in Cyclical Development of the Enterprise (United States)

    Erofeev, Alexander G.; Smolin, Georgy K.


    The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the fact that diversification is one of the best options for reforming enterprises. The aim of the research: to consider changes in production of outputs in development cycles of the enterprise. This will help to reveal the nature of manufacture diversification. The leading method to the…

  3. Le mélanome malin: une tumeur rare des fosses nasales - à propos d'une série de 10 cas (United States)

    Errachdi, Amal; Epala, Brice Nkoua; Asabbane, Amal; Kabbali, Naoual; Hemmich, Mariem; Kebdani, Tayeb; Benjaafar, Noureddine


    Le mélanome malin des fosses nasales est une tumeur rare mais très agressive, de traitement complexe et de pronostic défavorable. Son traitement relève en principe d'une prise en charge essentiellement chirurgicale complétée par une radiothérapie. L'objectif de ce travail est de rapporter les caractéristiques cliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutives des mélanomes des fosses nasales. Nous avons analysé rétrospectivement 10 cas de mélanomes des fosses nasales suivis à l'institut national d'oncologie de Rabat. La rhinoscopie avec biopsie a permis la confirmation histologique du diagnostic de mélanome. Le bilan d'extension comprenait une tomodensitométrie ou imagerie par résonnance magnétique du massif facial, une radiographie thoracique et une échographie abdominale. Dans notre série, l’âge médian était de 67.5 ans, avec une prédominance féminine (7femmes et 3hommes). Le délai médian de découverte était de 6 mois. Deux patients étaient métastatiques d'emblée, et toutes les tumeurs étaient localement avancées au moment du diagnostic. Sept patients ont été opérés avec des limites chirurgicales envahies dans 2 cas et 3 patients étaient inopérables. 2 patients ont été irradiés après la chirurgie et 2 patients ont reçu une chimiothérapie arrêtée au moment de la progression. Deux patients ont récidivé après traitement, et un patient était en mauvais état général et a bénéficié uniquement de soins palliatifs. Tous les patients sont décédés avec un délai médian de survie de 12 mois. Le mélanome malin muqueux des fosses nasales, bien que rare, demeure une pathologie de pronostic défavorable et pose des problèmes de prise en charge. PMID:25404963

  4. Putting all your eggs in one basket: life-history strategies, bet hedging, and diversification. (United States)

    White, Andrew Edward; Li, Yexin Jessica; Griskevicius, Vladas; Neuberg, Steven L; Kenrick, Douglas T


    Diversification of resources is a strategy found everywhere from the level of microorganisms to that of giant Wall Street investment firms. We examine the functional nature of diversification using life-history theory-a framework for understanding how organisms navigate resource-allocation trade-offs. This framework suggests that diversification may be adaptive or maladaptive depending on one's life-history strategy and that these differences should be observed under conditions of threat. In three studies, we found that cues of mortality threat interact with one index of life-history strategy, childhood socioeconomic status (SES), to affect diversification. Among those from low-SES backgrounds, mortality threat increased preferences for diversification. However, among those from high-SES backgrounds, mortality threat had the opposite effect, inclining people to put all their eggs in one basket. The same interaction pattern emerged with a potential biomarker of life-history strategy, oxidative stress. These findings highlight when, and for whom, different diversification strategies can be advantageous.

  5. Sources and sinks of diversification and conservation priorities for the Mexican tropical dry forest.

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    Judith X Becerra

    Full Text Available Elucidating the geographical history of diversification is critical for inferring where future diversification may occur and thus could be a valuable aid in determining conservation priorities. However, it has been difficult to recognize areas with a higher likelihood of promoting diversification. We reconstructed centres of origin of lineages and identified areas in the Mexican tropical dry forest that have been important centres of diversification (sources and areas where species are maintained but where diversification is less likely to occur (diversity sinks. We used a molecular phylogeny of the genus Bursera, a dominant member of the forest, along with information on current species distributions. Results indicate that vast areas of the forest have historically functioned as diversity sinks, generating few or no extant Bursera lineages. Only a few areas have functioned as major engines of diversification. Long-term preservation of biodiversity may be promoted by incorporation of such knowledge in decision-making.

  6. Landscape properties as drivers for farm diversification: A Dutch case study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pfeifer, C.; Jongeneel, R.A.; Sonneveld, M.P.W.; Stoorvogel, J.J.


    Farm diversification is stimulated by the societal demand to transform production countryside into consumption countryside. In most empirical studies on farmers¿ decision making for diversification, geographical information is either omitted or reduced to a variable that links the farm to an

  7. Contribution to the study of the effect of a low dose of gamma irradiation on seeds and tubers before planting; Contribution a l'etude de l'effet d'une irradiation gamma a faible dose sur les graines et tubercules avant plantation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silvy, A. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Cadarache (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    From 1962 to 1965, 25 tests have been made with carrots (1 variety), radish (3 varieties), spinach (2 var.), tomatoes (2 var.), potatoes (2 var.), barley (2 var.), rice (3 var.) and corn (1 var.), with the object of studying the interest for agriculture of seed and tuber gamma irradiation at low dose before planting. These tests were made in the laboratory, in greenhouses and in the open field, all necessary care being taken for a valuable statistical analysis of- the results. Special attention was paid to the homogeneity of plant material by controlling more particularly moisture content of seeds and the storage conditions of tubers. The observations concerned germination, growth at early stages, development phases and yield of leaves, roots and fruit. Some stimulation cases are observed. For tomatoes, it is found that stimulation cases occur at extreme moisture content and not in the range of mean moisture content which corresponds to maximum radioresistance. The demonstration of these effects is related to varieties, complementary treatments, conditions of cultivation and observation criteria. In most cases, they are short-lived and suitable modifications of seed conditioning produce, upon controls, an effect equivalent to that of irradiation. In conclusion, it seems very unlikely - considering our cultivation methods - that seed and tuber irradiation before planting could be of interest for agriculture. (authors) [French] Dans le but d'etudier l'interet agricole d'une irradiation gamma a faible dose des graines et tubercules avant plantation, 25 essais ont ete mis en place de 1962 a 1965 sur carotte (1 var.), radis (3 var.), epinard (2 var.), tomate (2 var.), pomme de terse (2 var.), orge (2 var.), riz (3 var.) et mais (1 var. ). Les essais ont ete faits au laboratoire, dans les serres et en plein champ avec toutes les precautions requises pour une analyse statistique valable des resultats. On a prete une attention particuliere a l

  8. Temperate radiations and dying embers of a tropical past: the diversification of Viburnum. (United States)

    Spriggs, Elizabeth L; Clement, Wendy L; Sweeney, Patrick W; Madriñán, Santiago; Edwards, Erika J; Donoghue, Michael J


    We used a near-complete phylogeny for the angiosperm clade Viburnum to assess lineage diversification rates, and to examine possible morphological and ecological factors driving radiations. Maximum-likelihood and Bayesian approaches identified shifts in diversification rate and possible links to character evolution. We inferred the ancestral environment for Viburnum and changes in diversification dynamics associated with subsequent biome shifts. Viburnum probably diversified in tropical forests of Southeast Asia in the Eocene, with three subsequent radiations in temperate clades during the Miocene. Four traits (purple fruits, extrafloral nectaries, bud scales and toothed leaves) were statistically associated with higher rates of diversification. However, we argue that these traits are unlikely to be driving diversification directly. Instead, two radiations were associated with the occupation of mountainous regions and a third with repeated shifts between colder and warmer temperate forests. Early-branching depauperate lineages imply that the rare lowland tropical species are 'dying embers' of once more diverse lineages; net diversification rates in Viburnum likely decreased in these tropical environments after the Oligocene. We suggest that 'taxon pulse' dynamics might characterize other temperate plant lineages. © 2015 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2015 New Phytologist Trust.

  9. Down-side Risk Metrics as Portfolio Diversification Strategies across the GFC

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    D.E. Allen (David); M.J. McAleer (Michael); R.J. Powell (Robert); A.K. Singh (Abhay)


    textabstractThis paper features an analysis of the effectiveness of a range of portfolio diversification strategies, with a focus on down-side risk metrics, as a portfolio diversification strategy in a European market context. We apply these measures to a set of daily arithmetically compounded

  10. Vers une vision surnaturelle de la folie

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    Mabel Franzone


    Full Text Available A partir de la difficile notion de "folie", il s’agit d’aller vers l’exclusion dont cette maladie a fait l’objet dans le système occidental moderne. Un autre traitement de la maladie mentale se fait jour avec des penseurs contemporains, la résurgence d’autres cosmovisions et de philosophies anciennes. Ainsi les délires mystique, paranoïaque, schizophrénique peuvent être étudiés d’une part comme des ruptures de limites, d’autre part comme une mise en relation du corps avec l’esprit. Entre les deux, le langage fait oeuvre de trait d’union, langage qui, chez les malades, dénote une créativité, la poésie. Si cette poésie permet une sortie, une explosion des limites de la réalité vers des régions inconnues, peut-être peut-on voir la folie comme un déséquilibre par rapport au monde, au cosmos même, déséquilibre qui peut être traité en responsabilisant l’homme, en le pensant, en le mettant en question. De ce point de vue, la folie ressort comme quelque chose de positif, comme l’un des thèmes qui nous repositionnera face au monde, en mettant à notre portée d’autres ontologies.

  11. Diversification of clearwing butterflies with the rise of the Andes. (United States)

    De-Silva, Donna Lisa; Elias, Marianne; Willmott, Keith; Mallet, James; Day, Julia J


    Despite the greatest butterfly diversity on Earth occurring in the Neotropical Andes and Amazonia, there is still keen debate about the origins of this exceptional biota. A densely sampled calibrated phylogeny for a widespread butterfly subtribe, Oleriina (Nymphalidae: Ithomiini) was used to estimate the origin, colonization history and diversification of this species-rich group. Neotropics. Ancestral elevation and biogeographical ranges were reconstructed using data generated from detailed range maps and applying the dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis model using stratified palaeogeographical time slice matrices. The pattern of diversification through time was examined by comparing constant and variable rate models. We also tested the hypothesis that a change in elevation is associated with speciation. The Oleriina likely originated in the Andes in the Early to Middle Miocene and rapidly diversified to include four genera all of which also originated in the Andes. These clades, together with four species groups, experienced varying spatial and temporal patterns of diversification. An overall early burst and decreasing diversification rate is identified, and this pattern is reflected for most subclades. Changes in the palaeogeological landscape, particularly the prolonged uplift of the Andes, had a profound impact on the diversification of the subtribe. The Oleriina mostly remained within the Andes and vicariant speciation resulted in some instances. Dynamic dispersal occurred with the disappearance of geological barriers such as the Acre System and the subtribe exploited newly available habitats. Our results confirm the role of the Andean uplift in the evolution of Neotropical biodiversity.

  12. Individual-based models for adaptive diversification in high-dimensional phenotype spaces. (United States)

    Ispolatov, Iaroslav; Madhok, Vaibhav; Doebeli, Michael


    Most theories of evolutionary diversification are based on equilibrium assumptions: they are either based on optimality arguments involving static fitness landscapes, or they assume that populations first evolve to an equilibrium state before diversification occurs, as exemplified by the concept of evolutionary branching points in adaptive dynamics theory. Recent results indicate that adaptive dynamics may often not converge to equilibrium points and instead generate complicated trajectories if evolution takes place in high-dimensional phenotype spaces. Even though some analytical results on diversification in complex phenotype spaces are available, to study this problem in general we need to reconstruct individual-based models from the adaptive dynamics generating the non-equilibrium dynamics. Here we first provide a method to construct individual-based models such that they faithfully reproduce the given adaptive dynamics attractor without diversification. We then show that a propensity to diversify can be introduced by adding Gaussian competition terms that generate frequency dependence while still preserving the same adaptive dynamics. For sufficiently strong competition, the disruptive selection generated by frequency-dependence overcomes the directional evolution along the selection gradient and leads to diversification in phenotypic directions that are orthogonal to the selection gradient. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Diversification of Rosaceae since the Late Cretaceous based on plastid phylogenomics. (United States)

    Zhang, Shu-Dong; Jin, Jian-Jun; Chen, Si-Yun; Chase, Mark W; Soltis, Douglas E; Li, Hong-Tao; Yang, Jun-Bo; Li, De-Zhu; Yi, Ting-Shuang


    Phylogenetic relationships in Rosaceae have long been problematic because of frequent hybridisation, apomixis and presumed rapid radiation, and their historical diversification has not been clarified. With 87 genera representing all subfamilies and tribes of Rosaceae and six of the other eight families of Rosales (outgroups), we analysed 130 newly sequenced plastomes together with 12 from GenBank in an attempt to reconstruct deep relationships and reveal temporal diversification of this family. Our results highlight the importance of improving sequence alignment and the use of appropriate substitution models in plastid phylogenomics. Three subfamilies and 16 tribes (as previously delimited) were strongly supported as monophyletic, and their relationships were fully resolved and strongly supported at most nodes. Rosaceae were estimated to have originated during the Late Cretaceous with evidence for rapid diversification events during several geological periods. The major lineages rapidly diversified in warm and wet habits during the Late Cretaceous, and the rapid diversification of genera from the early Oligocene onwards occurred in colder and drier environments. Plastid phylogenomics offers new and important insights into deep phylogenetic relationships and the diversification history of Rosaceae. The robust phylogenetic backbone and time estimates we provide establish a framework for future comparative studies on rosaceous evolution. © 2017 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2017 New Phytologist Trust.

  14. Impact of catch shares on diversification of fishers' income and risk. (United States)

    Holland, Daniel S; Speir, Cameron; Agar, Juan; Crosson, Scott; DePiper, Geret; Kasperski, Stephen; Kitts, Andrew W; Perruso, Larry


    Many fishers diversify their income by participating in multiple fisheries, which has been shown to significantly reduce year-to-year variation in income. The ability of fishers to diversify has become increasingly constrained in the last few decades, and catch share programs could further reduce diversification as a result of consolidation. This could increase income variation and thus financial risk. However, catch shares can also offer fishers opportunities to enter or increase participation in catch share fisheries by purchasing or leasing quota. Thus, the net effect on diversification is uncertain. We tested whether diversification and variation in fishing revenues changed after implementation of catch shares for 6,782 vessels in 13 US fisheries that account for 20% of US landings revenue. For each of these fisheries, we tested whether diversification levels, trends, and variation in fishing revenues changed after implementation of catch shares, both for fishers that remained in the catch share fishery and for those that exited but remained active in other fisheries. We found that diversification for both groups was nearly always reduced. However, in most cases, we found no significant change in interannual variation of revenues, and, where changes were significant, variation decreased nearly as often as it increased.

  15. Is It Feasible for China to Optimize Oil Import Source Diversification?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jian Xu


    Full Text Available In 2013, China imported 282 million tons of crude oil with an external dependence of 58.1%, surpassing the USA as the world’s largest net oil importer. An import source diversification strategy has been adopted by China to ensure oil supply security and to prevent oil supply disruption. However, the strategy is restricted by the imbalance of oil reserves. What is the reasonable and clear objective of the diversification strategy under an imbalanced environment? How do we assess the natural imbalance? This paper analyzes the oil import diversification of China and the USA, as well as the oil production of oil export countries by the oil import source diversification index (OISDI. Our results are as follows: the distribution of oil import sources for China tends to coincide with the oil production distribution of oil exporters in the world. Compared with the USA, China has more diversified import sources. The Chinese government paid much attention to import sources in the past. In the future, China will adjust the distributions of regional sources rather than focus on the number of sources to further optimize the structure of imported regions in the course of implementing the import source diversification strategy.

  16. Phenotypic Covariation And Morphological Diversification In The Ruminant Skull


    Haber, Annat


    Differences among clades in their diversification patterns result from a combination of extrinsic and intrinsic factors. In this study I examined the role of intrinsic factors in the morphological diversification of ruminants in general, and in the differences between bovids and cervids in particular. Using skull morphology, which embodies many of the adaptations that distinguish bovids and cervids, I examined 132 of the 200 extant ruminant species. As a proxy for intrinsic constraints I quan...

  17. Une approche de la conservation in situ par l’étude d’un système semencier informel : cas du cocotier au Vanuatu (Pacifique Sud

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Labouisse Jean-Pierre


    Full Text Available L’amélioration génétique du cocotier (Cocos nucifera L. a été, jusqu’à présent, centrée sur l’augmentation de la productivité, exprimée en coprah par hectare, et accessoirement sur la recherche de résistance aux maladies. La voie de l’hybridation s’est révélée particulièrement efficace pour améliorer le rendement en coprah ainsi que la précocité de mise à fruit par le croisement d’écotypes Nains et Grands [1]. Cependant, d’autres caractéristiques comme la qualité gustative, l’aptitude à la transformation de la noix et l’utilisation des autres composantes de l’arbre ont été peu étudiées et n’ont pas fait l’objet de programmes d’amélioration élaborés comme pour le rendement en coprah. Or, les villageois des zones tropicales utilisent quotidiennement les différentes parties du cocotier pour, entre autres, la confection d’objets domestiques et artisanaux, de matériaux pour l’habitat ou pour la pharmacopée. Aussi observe-t-on, dans nombre de pays, une préférence marquée des communautés rurales pour les écotypes Grands locaux présentant un haut niveau de variabilité intrapopulation et fournissant une grande variété de produits sur une longue période avec un minimum de travail et d’intrants [2]. La volatilité et le faible niveau actuel des prix du coprah et de l’huile de coco sur le marché mondial renforcent l’idée d’une nécessaire diversification des produits du cocotier, notamment pour nombre de pays insulaires du Pacifique où le coprah constitue encore une part importante des ressources d’exportation et une des principales sources de revenus monétaires des populations rurales. Ces pays souffrent, en outre, d’un manque structurel de compétitivité dû à l’éloignement des grands centres de consommation internationaux, à la dispersion de la production de coprah dans les archipels et au coût relativement élevé du travail [3].

  18. Une tumeur exceptionnelle du doigt: la tumeur fibreuse solitaire

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    Taoufiq Harmouch


    Full Text Available La tumeur Fibreuse solitaire (TFS est une proliferation fusocellulaire rare, souvent de localisation intrathoracique. Nous rapportons le cas d�une localisation exceptionnelle au niveau du 3eme doigt de la main droite. En l�absence de marqueur specifique l�interpretation de l�immunomarquage depend du contexte histomorphologique. La similitude avec les differents neoplasmes a cellules fusiformes des tissus mous rend le diagnostic de ces tumeurs mesenchymateuses difficile et tardif. Dans 20a 30 % des cas le comportement de la TFS est celui d�une tumeur maligne localement agressive et recidivante, avec des metastases rares et tardives. Ce comportement impose une surveillance prolongee apres exerese chirurgicale.

  19. “Psycho redux”. Une architecture au second degré


    Hasoo, Alan


    Psycho, film réalisé en 1960 par Alfred Hitchcock, est aujourd'hui un classique du cinéma. Une des preuves de ce succès est le grand nombre de reprises, suites et précédents produits. Ensemble, ces interprétations, copies, usages de la forme initiale, composent une “trajectoire”, dans laquelle une œuvre n'est originale qu'à travers ses reproductions. Dans cette “trajectoire”, le remake scène à scène, plan à plan de Gus Van Sant occupe une place particulière. Le film original y est transposé d...

  20. Economic trade-offs amongst production diversification strategies in Brazilian coffee cooperatives

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    Fellipe Silva Martins


    Full Text Available Brazilian agricultural cooperatives have seen an unprecedented growth in production in the last decade which has led to several different product diversification strategies. Almost all studies in Brazil focus on the financial outcome of these strategies but few empirical studies have addressed them properly. Even fewer researches have dealt with the causes and possible strategies for the diversification of such cooperatives and their impact on their strategic planning. Hence, this paper aims at comprehending the different strategies in operations management for production diversification in coffee-producing cooperatives in south-eastern Brazil. This was done through a multi-case analysis comprising 6 coffee-producing cooperatives. The research analysed both verbal (through interviews and non-verbal (multi-criteria decision analysis responses to the causes of their diversification behaviours. It was possible to find out that most of the cooperatives’ rationale for diversifying is their pre-emptive response to financial crisis followed by increasing the number of associates as a strategy to overcome this economic struggle.

  1. Microscale vicariance and diversification of Western Balkan caddisflies linked to karstification. (United States)

    Previšić, Ana; Schnitzler, Jan; Kučinić, Mladen; Graf, Wolfram; Ibrahimi, Halil; Kerovec, Mladen; Pauls, Steffen U


    The karst areas in the Dinaric region of the Western Balkan Peninsula are a hotspot of freshwater biodiversity. Many investigators have examined diversification of the subterranean freshwater fauna in these karst systems. However, diversification of surface-water fauna remains largely unexplored. We assessed local and regional diversification of surface-water species in karst systems and asked whether patterns of population differentiation could be explained by dispersal-diversification processes or allopatric diversification following karst-related microscale vicariance. We analyzed mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) sequence data of 4 caddisfly species (genus Drusus ) in a phylogeographic framework to assess local and regional population genetic structure and Pliocene/Pleistocene history. We used BEAST software to assess the timing of intraspecific diversification of the target species. We compared climate envelopes of the study species and projected climatically suitable areas during the last glacial maximum (LGM) to assess differences in the species climatic niches and infer potential LGM refugia. The haplotype distribution of the 4 species (324 individuals from 32 populations) was characterized by strong genetic differentiation with few haplotypes shared among populations (16%) and deep divergence among populations of the 3 endemic species, even at local scales. Divergence among local populations of endemics often exceeded divergence among regional and continental clades of the widespread D. discolor . Major divergences among regional populations dated to 2.0 to 0.5 Mya. Species distribution model projections and genetic structure suggest that the endemic species persisted in situ and diversified locally throughout multiple Pleistocene climate cycles. The pattern for D. discolor was different and consistent with multiple invasions into the region. Patterns of population genetic structure and diversification were similar for the 3 regional

  2. Investment characteristics, stock characteristics and portfolio diversification of finance professionals


    Mohammad Tariqul Islam Khan; Siow-Hooi Tan; Lee-Lee Chong; Hway-Boon Ong


    This study estimates if Malaysian finance professionals' investment characteristics and stock characteristics' preferences affect their portfolio diversification, and whether the effects of these predictors vary across professionals' gender, income and experience. Employing a survey and ordinal regression models, the findings demonstrate that investment characteristics such as active trading, usage of internet and telephone, and saving for retirement objective are likely to improve diversific...

  3. Determinants of Export Diversification in Nigeria: Any Special Role for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Damilola Felix Arawomo


    Full Text Available The importance of export diversification is presently taking a center stage in trade literature. This paper contributed to the evolving literature by examining the extent of export diversification in Nigeria and also analyzed the impact of foreign direct investment on it. Two major methods of export diversification: export count (horizontal and Herfindahl Index were used. Nigeria’s exports flows based on 4-digit SICT product classification were used. The Generalized Moment Methods (GMM was used to analyze our specified model. Empirical analysis showed that foreign direct investment discourages export diversification in Nigeria, while domestic investment promotes it. Exchange rate and democratic accountability are other factors that discourage export diversification in Nigeria. No evidence was found on the impact of per capita GDP, trade openness and natural resource.

  4. Diversification as a Circumvention Strategy to Institutional Constraints in China

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Xie, Peihong; Li, Xin; Wu, Sibin

    While unrelated diversification (i.e., conglomeration) is deemed value-destroying in the West, many Chinese private firms have been enthusiastically pursuing such a growth strategy. Conventional institutional view of diversification sees conglomerates as responses to market imperfections...... in emerging economies and believes conglomeration is value-creating because conglomerates can effectively fill the institutional voids in the emerging markets. Our literature review shows that the conventional institutional view on conglomeration mainly focuses on the value-creating aspects while neglects...... the socially counterproductive rent-seeking aspects of conglomeration strategy in institution-weak countries (Khanna & Palepu, 2000). In this paper, we fill the gap by examining some unconventional diversifications and point out their rent-seeking nature in China. We have proposed an official...

  5. De l’approche communicative à une approche cognitive

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    YING Xiaohua


    Full Text Available Avec l’apparition de l’approche communicative, la centration de l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues se déplace de l’objet-langue aux pratiques de l’objet-langue, ce qui marque un tournant épistémologique dans l’histoire de l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues. En tant que successeur de l’approche communicative, la perspective actionnelle souligne, de plus, une activité pédagogique guidée par la tâche, ce qui la dote d’une dimension cognitive plus saillante. Une approche cognitive qui se focalise sur la résolution de problèmes et qui tient compte au plus près du processus d’apprentissage de l’apprenant a vu ainsi le jour récemment et indique une nouvelle perspective aux méthodologies de l’enseignement des langues.

  6. Classification en référence à une matrice stochastique


    Verdun , Stéphane; Cariou , Véronique; Qannari , El Mostafa


    International audience; Etant donné un tableau de données X portant sur un ensemble de n objets, et une matrice stochastique S qui peut être assimilée à une matrice de transition d'une chaîne de Markov, nous proposons une méthode de partitionnement consistant à appliquer la matrice S sur X de manière itérative jusqu'à convergence. Les classes formant la partition sont déterminées à partir des états stationnaires de la matrice stochastique. Cette matrice stochastique peut être issue d'une matr...

  7. Business plan pour une application Smartphone : du concept au lancement


    Vriamont, Gilles


    Création d'une application mobile pour Smartphone. Description théorique concernant la rédaction d'un business plan dans une première partie suivi d'une description théorique des caractéristiques des applications mobiles. Dans une seconde partie, analyse de l'industrie des Smartphones et des applications mobiles suivi de la partie pratique et du développement du produit, partant de la description du produit jusqu'à l'analyse des coûts. Master [120] en Ingénieur de gestion, Université catho...

  8. Early Cretaceous greenhouse pumped higher taxa diversification in spiders. (United States)

    Shao, Lili; Li, Shuqiang


    The Cretaceous experienced one of the most remarkable greenhouse periods in geological history. During this time, ecosystem reorganizations significantly impacted the diversification of many groups of organisms. The rise of angiosperms marked a major biome turnover. Notwithstanding, relatively little remains known about how the Cretaceous global ecosystem impacted the evolution of spiders, which constitute one of the most abundant groups of predators. Herein, we evaluate the transcriptomes of 91 taxa representing more than half of the spider families. We add 23 newly sequenced taxa to the existing database to obtain a robust phylogenomic assessment. Phylogenetic reconstructions using different datasets and methods obtain novel placements of some groups, especially in the Synspermiata and the group having a retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA). Molecular analyses indicate an expansion of the RTA clade at the Early Cretaceous with a hunting predatory strategy shift. Fossil analyses show a 7-fold increase of diversification rate at the same period, but this likely owes to the first occurrences spider in amber deposits. Additional analyses of fossil abundance show an accumulation of spider lineages in the Early Cretaceous. We speculate that the establishment of a warm greenhouse climate pumped the diversification of spiders, in particular among webless forms tracking the abundance of insect prey. Our study offers a new pathway for future investigations of spider phylogeny and diversification. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  9. Industrial diversification and performance in an emerging market

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    Yücel Emel


    Full Text Available In this study, we investigated the relationship between industrial diversification and firm performance using a market-based performance measure and an accounting measure. We used the data of the firms listed on Borsa Istanbul during the period between 2006 and 2012. The results of the panel data indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between diversification and performance. We found that diversified firms outperformed the single firms. As is compatible with a resource-based approach, it was found that diversified firms tended to use their resources more efficiently compared to single firms.

  10. Using phylogenomics to understand the link between biogeographic origins and regional diversification in ratsnakes. (United States)

    Chen, Xin; Lemmon, Alan R; Lemmon, Emily Moriarty; Pyron, R Alexander; Burbrink, Frank T


    Globally distributed groups may show regionally distinct rates of diversification, where speciation is elevated given timing and sources of ecological opportunity. However, for most organisms, nearly complete sampling at genomic-data scales to reduce topological error in all regions is unattainable, thus hampering conclusions related to biogeographic origins and rates of diversification. We explore processes leading to the diversity of global ratsnakes and test several important hypotheses related to areas of origin and enhanced diversification upon colonizing new continents. We estimate species trees inferred from phylogenomic scale data (304 loci) while exploring several strategies that consider topological error from each individual gene tree. With a dated species tree, we examine taxonomy and test previous hypotheses that suggest the ratsnakes originated in the Old World (OW) and dispersed to New World (NW). Furthermore, we determine if dispersal to the NW represented a source of ecological opportunity, which should show elevated rates of species diversification. We show that ratsnakes originated in the OW during the mid-Oligocene and subsequently dispersed to the NW by the mid-Miocene; diversification was also elevated in a subclade of NW taxa. Finally, the optimal biogeographic region-dependent speciation model shows that the uptick in ratsnake diversification was associated with colonization of the NW. We consider several alternative explanations that account for regionally distinct diversification rates. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Hummingbird pollination and the diversification of angiosperms: an old and successful association in Gesneriaceae. (United States)

    Serrano-Serrano, Martha Liliana; Rolland, Jonathan; Clark, John L; Salamin, Nicolas; Perret, Mathieu


    The effects of specific functional groups of pollinators in the diversification of angiosperms are still to be elucidated. We investigated whether the pollination shifts or the specific association with hummingbirds affected the diversification of a highly diverse angiosperm lineage in the Neotropics. We reconstructed a phylogeny of 583 species from the Gesneriaceae family and detected diversification shifts through time, inferred the timing and amount of transitions among pollinator functional groups, and tested the association between hummingbird pollination and speciation and extinction rates. We identified a high frequency of pollinator transitions, including reversals to insect pollination. Diversification rates of the group increased through time since 25 Ma, coinciding with the evolution of hummingbird-adapted flowers and the arrival of hummingbirds in South America. We showed that plants pollinated by hummingbirds have a twofold higher speciation rate compared with plants pollinated by insects, and that transitions among functional groups of pollinators had little impact on the diversification process. We demonstrated that floral specialization on hummingbirds for pollination has triggered rapid diversification in the Gesneriaceae family since the Early Miocene, and that it represents one of the oldest identified plant-hummingbird associations. Biotic drivers of plant diversification in the Neotropics could be more related to this specific type of pollinator (hummingbirds) than to shifts among different functional groups of pollinators. © 2017 The Author(s).

  12. Envenimation mortelle par morsure de serpent chez une femme ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les auteurs rapportent un cas de morsure de serpent au niveau de la face chez une femme enceinte, dont l'évolution a été marquée par l'installation d'un oedème cervico-facial nécessitant une trachéotomie en urgence, et une mort foetale in utero avec troubles de l'hémostase responsable du décès maternel dans un ...

  13. Perspectives de la rupture quantique 2025-2050 : vers une interprétation quantique du Knowledge Marketing et une NBIC(Q)S Convergence


    CURBATOV, Oleg


    International audience; Perspectives de la rupture quantique 2025-2050 : vers une interprétation quantique du Knowledge Marketing et une NBIC(Q)S Convergence ----------------par Oleg Curbatov, chapitre d'ouvrage : « Knowledge Marketing : être compétent dans une économie compétitive », Impressum, 2015 ---------------------------- Les recherches qui ont été porté à la fois sur la connaissance du consommateur, la compétence du client et les situations de co-création, nous ont permis d " explorer...



    Smith, Stephen M.; Gibson, Cosette M.


    Applying indexes of economic instability and industrial diversification to Idaho's forty-three nonmetropolitan counties, this paper tests the hypothesis that unemployment is more stable in a more diverse economy. While results support the hypothesis, other aspects of a county's economic structure are just as influential. Indiscriminate diversification will not necessarily bring economic stability.

  15. Genèse d’une communauté virtuelle d’apprenants dans le cadre d’une démarche d’apprentissage collaboratif à distance

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    Sylvie Grosjean


    Full Text Available L’objectif de cet article est de présenter une analyse du processus d’émergence d’une communauté virtuelle d’apprenants dans le cadre d’une démarche d’apprentissage collaboratif à distance. Par conséquent, nous proposons une analyse empirique de la phase initiale de développement d’une communauté virtuelle d’apprenants, que nous nommons la phase d’engagement, afin de mieux la décrire et la comprendre. Pour ce faire, nous procédons à une analyse des interactions communicatives entre étudiants en s'appuyant sur l’étude de formes langagières et instrumentées de communication s'accomplissant lors d’échanges asynchrones (via un forum de discussion. The aim of this article is to analyse the emergence of the learner’s virtual community by analysing the interactions between subjects communicating via a discussion forum. We propose an empirical analysis of the initial phase of development that we name the engagement phase in the collaborative online learning setting . We will present an empirical analysis of an interactive dynamic through the analysis of linguistic (electronic conversation and non linguistic (artefacts, intermediary objects forms of communication.

  16. Fusillades scolaires : construction d’une catégorie et savoirs explicatifs d’une forme de violence juvénile


    Paton, Nathalie


    Dans cet article, l’auteure présente une revue de la littérature, sous deux angles complémentaires, concernant la notion de school shooting, c’est-à-dire les fusillades commises au sein des établissements scolaires par des élèves. Elle examine d’abord la manière dont la notion a été forgée aux États-Unis au sein des débats publics en relation à une autre forme de violence juvénile, celle des gangs des milieux populaires des grandes villes, avant de constituer une forme de violence autonome, s...

  17. Tempo of Diversification of Global Amphibians: One-Constant Rate, One-Continuous Shift or Multiple-Discrete Shifts?


    Youhua Chen


    In this brief report, alternative time-varying diversification rate models were fitted onto the phylogeny of global amphibians by considering one-constant-rate (OCR), one-continuous-shift (OCS) and multiplediscrete- shifts (MDS) situations. The OCS diversification model was rejected by γ statistic (γ=-5.556, p⁄ 0.001), implying the existence of shifting diversification rates for global amphibian phylogeny. Through model selection, MDS diversification model outperformed OCS and OCR...

  18. Structural change and agricultural diversification since China’s reforms

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    Lihua Li


    Full Text Available Structural change is considered the major engine in fostering a country’s growth. In the agricultural sector, diversification is the commonly used development strategy to increase rural sector’s flexibility, and to respond to improving technologies and market conditions. This study examined agricultural development and transformation during China’s socio-economic reforms. In particular, it empirically investigated whether the change of China’s agricultural structure is consistent with structural change theory and observed outcomes from other countries. The degree of agricultural diversification was quantitatively measured at a regional scale using the Herfindahl index. An underdeveloped province in northwest China was studied to provide insights into the interaction among structural change, agricultural diversification, and implemented development policies. Aggregate-level analyses suggest that China’s agricultural transformation pattern is consistent with those of other developing countries. A specific provincial-level analysis shows that environmentally and economically disadvantaged regions are slower to diversify their economy than better endorsed regions.

  19. Diversification rates and phenotypic evolution in venomous snakes (Elapidae). (United States)

    Lee, Michael S Y; Sanders, Kate L; King, Benedict; Palci, Alessandro


    The relationship between rates of diversification and of body size change (a common proxy for phenotypic evolution) was investigated across Elapidae, the largest radiation of highly venomous snakes. Time-calibrated phylogenetic trees for 175 species of elapids (more than 50% of known taxa) were constructed using seven mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Analyses using these trees revealed no evidence for a link between speciation rates and changes in body size. Two clades (Hydrophis, Micrurus) show anomalously high rates of diversification within Elapidae, yet exhibit rates of body size evolution almost identical to the general elapid 'background' rate. Although correlations between speciation rates and rates of body size change exist in certain groups (e.g. ray-finned fishes, passerine birds), the two processes appear to be uncoupled in elapid snakes. There is also no detectable shift in diversification dynamics associated with the colonization of Australasia, which is surprising given that elapids appear to be the first clade of venomous snakes to reach the continent.

  20. Tumeur d'Abrikossoff juxta axillaire: une localisation rare d'une tumeur très rare, à propos d'un cas (United States)

    Amourak, Sarah; Bouzoubaa, Wael; Jayi, Sofia; Alaoui, Fatimazahra Fdili; Chaara, Hikmat; Melhouf, Moulay Abdelilah


    Décrite pour la première fois en 1926 par Abrikossoff, les tumeurs à cellules granuleuses (TCG) sont bénignes et uniques dans la grande majorité des cas. Les principales localisations sont la cavité orale, puis les tissus sous-cutanés de la tête et du cou et les seins. La pathogenèse a été longtemps débattue, après avoir proposé initialement une origine musculaire striée les études récentes sont en faveur d'une origine neurogène schwannienne confirmées par une étude immunohistochimique. Le traitement de la tumeur à cellules granuleuses est un traitement chirurgical, il permet un diagnostic de certitude par l'examen anatomo-pathologique de la pièce d'exérèse qui doit rechercher les limites d'exérèse et la présence de critères de malignité. Leur évolution est souvent favorable si la résection chirurgicale est complète. Nous rapportons ici le cas d'une tumeur d'Abrikossoff à localisation juxta axillaire et nous profitons de faire une revue de la littérature afin de mettre le point sur cette entité rare. PMID:26328001

  1. Evidence for determinism in species diversification and contingency in phenotypic evolution during adaptive radiation. (United States)

    Burbrink, Frank T; Chen, Xin; Myers, Edward A; Brandley, Matthew C; Pyron, R Alexander


    Adaptive radiation (AR) theory predicts that groups sharing the same source of ecological opportunity (EO) will experience deterministic species diversification and morphological evolution. Thus, deterministic ecological and morphological evolution should be correlated with deterministic patterns in the tempo and mode of speciation for groups in similar habitats and time periods. We test this hypothesis using well-sampled phylogenies of four squamate groups that colonized the New World (NW) in the Late Oligocene. We use both standard and coalescent models to assess species diversification, as well as likelihood models to examine morphological evolution. All squamate groups show similar early pulses of speciation, as well as diversity-dependent ecological limits on clade size at a continental scale. In contrast, processes of morphological evolution are not easily predictable and do not show similar pulses of early and rapid change. Patterns of morphological and species diversification thus appear uncoupled across these groups. This indicates that the processes that drive diversification and disparification are not mechanistically linked, even among similar groups of taxa experiencing the same sources of EO. It also suggests that processes of phenotypic diversification cannot be predicted solely from the existence of an AR or knowledge of the process of diversification.

  2. Old lineages in a new ecosystem: diversification of arcellinid amoebae (Amoebozoa and peatland mosses.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Omar Fiz-Palacios

    Full Text Available Arcellinid testate amoebae (Amoebozoa form a group of free-living microbial eukaryotes with one of the oldest fossil records known, yet several aspects of their evolutionary history remain poorly understood. Arcellinids occur in a range of terrestrial, freshwater and even brackish habitats; however, many arcellinid morphospecies such as Hyalosphenia papilio are particularly abundant in Sphagnum-dominated peatlands, a relatively new ecosystem that appeared during the diversification of Sphagnum species in the Miocene (5-20 Myr ago. Here, we reconstruct divergence times in arcellinid testate amoebae after selecting several fossils for clock calibrations and then infer whether or not arcellinids followed a pattern of diversification that parallels the pattern described for Sphagnum. We found that the diversification of core arcellinids occurred during the Phanerozoic, which is congruent with most arcellinid fossils but not with the oldest known amoebozoan fossil (i.e. at ca. 662 or ca. 750 Myr. Overall, Sphagnum and the Hyalospheniidae exhibit different patterns of diversification. However, an extensive molecular phylogenetic analysis of distinct clades within H. papilio species complex demonstrated a correlation between the recent diversification of H. papilio, the recent diversification of Sphagnum mosses, and the establishment of peatlands.

  3. Does internationalisation of technology determine technological diversification in large firms?


    Christian Le Bas; Pari Patel


    The purpose of the paper is to examine the relationship between technological diversification and internationalisation of technology for large multinational firms, operating at the world technological frontier. More precisely we address the question as to whether internationalisation determines diversification. The analysis is based on a rich database of the European patenting activity of 345 large multinational firms with the highest levels of patenting over two periods of time (1988-1990 an...

  4. Diversification rates are more strongly related to microhabitat than climate in squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes). (United States)

    Bars-Closel, Melissa; Kohlsdorf, Tiana; Moen, Daniel S; Wiens, John J


    Patterns of species richness among clades can be directly explained by the ages of clades or their rates of diversification. The factors that most strongly influence diversification rates remain highly uncertain, since most studies typically consider only a single predictor variable. Here, we explore the relative impacts of macroclimate (i.e., occurring in tropical vs. temperate regions) and microhabitat use (i.e., terrestrial, fossorial, arboreal, aquatic) on diversification rates of squamate reptile clades (lizards and snakes). We obtained data on microhabitat, macroclimatic distribution, and phylogeny for >4000 species. We estimated diversification rates of squamate clades (mostly families) from a time-calibrated tree, and used phylogenetic methods to test relationships between diversification rates and microhabitat and macroclimate. Across 72 squamate clades, the best-fitting model included microhabitat but not climatic distribution. Microhabitat explained ∼37% of the variation in diversification rates among clades, with a generally positive impact of arboreal microhabitat use on diversification, and negative impacts of fossorial and aquatic microhabitat use. Overall, our results show that the impacts of microhabitat on diversification rates can be more important than those of climate, despite much greater emphasis on climate in previous studies. © 2017 The Author(s). Evolution © 2017 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  5. Patterns of diversification in islands: A comparative study across three gecko genera in the Socotra Archipelago. (United States)

    Garcia-Porta, Joan; Morales, Hernán E; Gómez-Díaz, Elena; Sindaco, Roberto; Carranza, Salvador


    In this study we used the complete fauna of geckos of the Socotra Archipelago to test whether the three gecko genera co-occurring in the islands (Pristurus, Hemidactylus and Haemodracon) produced similar outcomes of morphological and climatic diversification. To test this, we produced a time-calibrated tree of 346 geckos including all 16 endemic species of the archipelago and 26 potential close-relatives in the continent. Our dating estimates revealed that most of the diversity of geckos in the archipelago was the consequence of in situ diversification. However not all genera shared similar patterns of diversification. While in Hemidactylus and Haemodracon this involved great differences in body size and low levels of climatic diversification (mostly involving sympatric distributions), an opposite pattern appeared in Pristurus in which most of the diversification involved shifts in climatic envelopes (mostly involving allopatric and parapatric distributions) but almost no size differentiation. Consistently with this, Pristurus was the only genus in which rates of size diversification in islands were substantially lower than in the continent. This illustrates how different groups can greatly differ in their patterns of intra-island diversification and highlights the importance of taxon-dependent factors at determining different patterns of diversification in the same insular context. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Une offre publique de documents ?


    Tesnière, Valérie


    TOUT NUMÉRIQUE ? LE LIVRE CONCURRENCÉ ? LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE CONCURRENCÉE ? La fracture numérique reste une réalité comme l’attestent encore des chiffres cités par Le Monde : une évolution de la couverture Internet dans le monde à l’horizon 2009-2030 donnerait la projection suivante : 24,7 % des 6,8 milliards d’habitants de la planète sont connectés en 2009 et l’on atteindrait 50 % pour 8,2 milliards d’habitants en 2030. Cela interroge indirectement le statut futur du papier : sera-t-il l’apanage ...

  7. The impact of inefficiency on diversification

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oude Lansink, A.G.J.M.; Stefanou, S.E.; Kapelko, M.


    Diversification is often seen as a risk management tool, but specialization allows operators to exploit scale economies in single outputs and offers specialized operators more opportunities to fine-tune their skills which can promote a greater degree of technical proficiency. Measuring economies of

  8. Increased diversification rates follow shifts to bisexuality in liverworts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laenen, Benjamin; Machac, Antonin; Gradstein, S. Robbert


    on diversification are presumably mediated by the interplay of high fertilization rates, massive spore production and long-distance dispersal, which may separately or together have facilitated liverwort speciation, suppressed their extinction, or both. Importantly, shifts in liverwort sexual systems have...... shifts in sexual systems influence diversification using hidden state speciation and extinction analysis (HiSSE). This new method compares the effects of the variable of interest to the best-fitting latent variable, yielding robust and conservative tests. We find that the transitions in sexual systems...

  9. Freshwater biodiversity and aquatic insect diversification. (United States)

    Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B; Monaghan, Michael T; Pauls, Steffen U


    Inland waters cover less than 1% of Earth's surface but harbor more than 6% of all insect species: Nearly 100,000 species from 12 orders spend one or more life stages in freshwater. Little is known about how this remarkable diversity arose, although allopatric speciation and ecological adaptation are thought to be primary mechanisms. Freshwater habitats are highly susceptible to environmental change and exhibit marked ecological gradients. Standing waters appear to harbor more dispersive species than running waters, but there is little understanding of how this fundamental ecological difference has affected diversification. In contrast to the lack of evolutionary studies, the ecology and habitat preferences of aquatic insects have been intensively studied, in part because of their widespread use as bioindicators. The combination of phylogenetics with the extensive ecological data provides a promising avenue for future research, making aquatic insects highly suitable models for the study of ecological diversification.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'hétérogénéité et la rareté des formes multicentriques de la maladie de Castleman font que leurs traitements soient très disparates. La maladie de Castleman doit être considérée comme un diagnostic possible d'une adénopathie cervicale particulièrement chez les patients souffrant d'une maladie inflammatoire chronique.

  11. Microhabitat and Climatic Niche Change Explain Patterns of Diversification among Frog Families. (United States)

    Moen, Daniel S; Wiens, John J


    A major goal of ecology and evolutionary biology is to explain patterns of species richness among clades. Differences in rates of net diversification (speciation minus extinction over time) may often explain these patterns, but the factors that drive variation in diversification rates remain uncertain. Three important candidates are climatic niche position (e.g., whether clades are primarily temperate or tropical), rates of climatic niche change among species within clades, and microhabitat (e.g., aquatic, terrestrial, arboreal). The first two factors have been tested separately in several studies, but the relative importance of all three is largely unknown. Here we explore the correlates of diversification among families of frogs, which collectively represent ∼88% of amphibian species. We assemble and analyze data on phylogeny, climate, and microhabitat for thousands of species. We find that the best-fitting phylogenetic multiple regression model includes all three types of variables: microhabitat, rates of climatic niche change, and climatic niche position. This model explains 67% of the variation in diversification rates among frog families, with arboreal microhabitat explaining ∼31%, niche rates ∼25%, and climatic niche position ∼11%. Surprisingly, we show that microhabitat can have a much stronger influence on diversification than climatic niche position or rates of climatic niche change.

  12. Macroevolutionary dynamics in the early diversification of Asteraceae. (United States)

    Panero, Jose L; Crozier, Bonnie S


    Spatial and temporal differences in ecological opportunity can result in disparity of net species diversification rates and consequently uneven distribution of taxon richness across the tree of life. The largest eudicotyledonous plant family Asteraceae has a global distribution and at least 460 times more species than its South American endemic sister family Calyceraceae. In this study, diversification rate dynamics across Asteraceae are examined in light of the several hypothesized causes for the family's evolutionary success that could be responsible for rate change. The innovations of racemose capitulum and pappus, and a whole genome duplication event occurred near the origin of the family, yet we found the basal lineages of Asteraceae that evolved in South America share background diversification rates with Calyceraceae and their Australasian sister Goodeniaceae. Instead we found diversification rates increased gradually from the origin of Asteraceae approximately 69.5Ma in the late Cretaceous through the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum at least. In contrast to earlier studies, significant rate shifts were not strongly correlated with intercontinental dispersals or polyploidization. The difference is due primarily to sampling more backbone nodes, as well as calibrations placed internally in Asteraceae that resulted in earlier divergence times than those found in most previous relaxed clock studies. Two clades identified as having transformed rate processes are the Vernonioid Clade and a clade within the Heliantheae alliance characterized by phytomelanic fruit (PF Clade) that represents an American radiation. In Africa, subfamilies Carduoideae, Pertyoideae, Gymnarrhenoideae, Cichorioideae, Corymbioideae, and Asteroideae diverged in a relatively short span of only 6.5millionyears during the Middle Eocene. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Ecological opportunity and the adaptive diversification of lineages. (United States)

    Wellborn, Gary A; Langerhans, R Brian


    The tenet that ecological opportunity drives adaptive diversification has been central to theories of speciation since Darwin, yet no widely accepted definition or mechanistic framework for the concept currently exists. We propose a definition for ecological opportunity that provides an explicit mechanism for its action. In our formulation, ecological opportunity refers to environmental conditions that both permit the persistence of a lineage within a community, as well as generate divergent natural selection within that lineage. Thus, ecological opportunity arises from two fundamental elements: (1) niche availability, the ability of a population with a phenotype previously absent from a community to persist within that community and (2) niche discordance, the diversifying selection generated by the adaptive mismatch between a population's niche-related traits and the newly encountered ecological conditions. Evolutionary response to ecological opportunity is primarily governed by (1) spatiotemporal structure of ecological opportunity, which influences dynamics of selection and development of reproductive isolation and (2) diversification potential, the biological properties of a lineage that determine its capacity to diversify. Diversification under ecological opportunity proceeds as an increase in niche breadth, development of intraspecific ecotypes, speciation, and additional cycles of diversification that may themselves be triggered by speciation. Extensive ecological opportunity may exist in depauperate communities, but it is unclear whether ecological opportunity abates in species-rich communities. Because ecological opportunity should generally increase during times of rapid and multifarious environmental change, human activities may currently be generating elevated ecological opportunity - but so far little work has directly addressed this topic. Our framework highlights the need for greater synthesis of community ecology and evolutionary biology, unifying

  14. Evolutionary diversification of plant shikimate kinase gene duplicates.

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    Geoffrey Fucile


    Full Text Available Shikimate kinase (SK; EC catalyzes the fifth reaction of the shikimate pathway, which directs carbon from the central metabolism pool to a broad range of secondary metabolites involved in plant development, growth, and stress responses. In this study, we demonstrate the role of plant SK gene duplicate evolution in the diversification of metabolic regulation and the acquisition of novel and physiologically essential function. Phylogenetic analysis of plant SK homologs resolves an orthologous cluster of plant SKs and two functionally distinct orthologous clusters. These previously undescribed genes, shikimate kinase-like 1 (SKL1 and -2 (SKL2, do not encode SK activity, are present in all major plant lineages, and apparently evolved under positive selection following SK gene duplication over 400 MYA. This is supported by functional assays using recombinant SK, SKL1, and SKL2 from Arabidopsis thaliana (At and evolutionary analyses of the diversification of SK-catalytic and -substrate binding sites based on theoretical structure models. AtSKL1 mutants yield albino and novel variegated phenotypes, which indicate SKL1 is required for chloroplast biogenesis. Extant SKL2 sequences show a strong genetic signature of positive selection, which is enriched in a protein-protein interaction module not found in other SK homologs. We also report the first kinetic characterization of plant SKs and show that gene expression diversification among the AtSK inparalogs is correlated with developmental processes and stress responses. This study examines the functional diversification of ancient and recent plant SK gene duplicates and highlights the utility of SKs as scaffolds for functional innovation.

  15. Diversity Dynamics in Nymphalidae Butterflies: Effect of Phylogenetic Uncertainty on Diversification Rate Shift Estimates (United States)

    Peña, Carlos; Espeland, Marianne


    The species rich butterfly family Nymphalidae has been used to study evolutionary interactions between plants and insects. Theories of insect-hostplant dynamics predict accelerated diversification due to key innovations. In evolutionary biology, analysis of maximum credibility trees in the software MEDUSA (modelling evolutionary diversity using stepwise AIC) is a popular method for estimation of shifts in diversification rates. We investigated whether phylogenetic uncertainty can produce different results by extending the method across a random sample of trees from the posterior distribution of a Bayesian run. Using the MultiMEDUSA approach, we found that phylogenetic uncertainty greatly affects diversification rate estimates. Different trees produced diversification rates ranging from high values to almost zero for the same clade, and both significant rate increase and decrease in some clades. Only four out of 18 significant shifts found on the maximum clade credibility tree were consistent across most of the sampled trees. Among these, we found accelerated diversification for Ithomiini butterflies. We used the binary speciation and extinction model (BiSSE) and found that a hostplant shift to Solanaceae is correlated with increased net diversification rates in Ithomiini, congruent with the diffuse cospeciation hypothesis. Our results show that taking phylogenetic uncertainty into account when estimating net diversification rate shifts is of great importance, as very different results can be obtained when using the maximum clade credibility tree and other trees from the posterior distribution. PMID:25830910

  16. Diversity dynamics in Nymphalidae butterflies: effect of phylogenetic uncertainty on diversification rate shift estimates.

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    Carlos Peña

    Full Text Available The species rich butterfly family Nymphalidae has been used to study evolutionary interactions between plants and insects. Theories of insect-hostplant dynamics predict accelerated diversification due to key innovations. In evolutionary biology, analysis of maximum credibility trees in the software MEDUSA (modelling evolutionary diversity using stepwise AIC is a popular method for estimation of shifts in diversification rates. We investigated whether phylogenetic uncertainty can produce different results by extending the method across a random sample of trees from the posterior distribution of a Bayesian run. Using the MultiMEDUSA approach, we found that phylogenetic uncertainty greatly affects diversification rate estimates. Different trees produced diversification rates ranging from high values to almost zero for the same clade, and both significant rate increase and decrease in some clades. Only four out of 18 significant shifts found on the maximum clade credibility tree were consistent across most of the sampled trees. Among these, we found accelerated diversification for Ithomiini butterflies. We used the binary speciation and extinction model (BiSSE and found that a hostplant shift to Solanaceae is correlated with increased net diversification rates in Ithomiini, congruent with the diffuse cospeciation hypothesis. Our results show that taking phylogenetic uncertainty into account when estimating net diversification rate shifts is of great importance, as very different results can be obtained when using the maximum clade credibility tree and other trees from the posterior distribution.

  17. Aridification driven diversification of fan-throated lizards from the Indian subcontinent. (United States)

    Deepak, V; Karanth, Praveen


    The establishment of monsoon climate and the consequent aridification has been one of the most important climate change episodes in the Indian subcontinent. However, little is known about how these events might have shaped the diversification patterns among the widely distributed taxa. Fan-throated lizards (FTL) (Genus: Sitana, Sarada) are widespread, diurnal and restricted to the semi-arid zones of the Indian subcontinent. We sampled FTL in 107 localities across its range. We used molecular species delimitation method and delineated 15 species including six putative species. Thirteen of them were distinguishable based on morphology but two sister species were indistinguishable and have minor overlaps in distribution. Five fossils were used to calibrate and date the phylogeny. Diversification of fan-throated lizards lineage started ~18 mya and higher lineage diversification was observed after 11 my. The initial diversification corresponds to the time when monsoon climate was established and the latter was a period of intensification of monsoon and initiation of aridification. Thirteen out of the fifteen FTL species delimited are from Peninsular India; this is probably due to the landscape heterogeneity in this region. The species poor sister genus Otocryptis is paraphyletic and probably represents relict lineages which are now confined to forested areas. Thus, the seasonality led changes in habitat, from forests to open habitats appear to have driven diversification of fan-throated lizards. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Fusion and diversification in information retrieval

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liang, S.


    Data fusion and search result diversification are two critical research topics in information retrieval. Data fusion approaches combine search result lists in order to produce a new and hopefully better ranking. We propose two data fusion models for microblog search that exploit temporal information

  19. Determinants of Crop Diversification in Ethiopia:

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Diversification of agriculture is central to economic transformation. It contributes to ... growth and poverty reduction strategies of Ethiopia place emphasized on broad ..... Similarly, (Bonham et al., 2012) found that positive relationship between on-farm diversity of pearl millet and income from agricultural production in India.

  20. Tempo of Diversification of Global Amphibians: One-Constant Rate, One-Continuous Shift or Multiple-Discrete Shifts?

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    Youhua Chen


    Full Text Available In this brief report, alternative time-varying diversification rate models were fitted onto the phylogeny of global amphibians by considering one-constant-rate (OCR, one-continuous-shift (OCS and multiplediscrete- shifts (MDS situations. The OCS diversification model was rejected by γ statistic (γ=-5.556, p⁄ 0.001, implying the existence of shifting diversification rates for global amphibian phylogeny. Through model selection, MDS diversification model outperformed OCS and OCR models using “laser” package under R environment. Moreover, MDS models, implemented using another R package “MEDUSA”, indicated that there were sixteen shifts over the internal nodes for amphibian phylogeny. Conclusively, both OCS and MDS models are recommended to compare so as to better quantify rate-shifting trends of species diversification. MDS diversification models should be preferential for large phylogenies using “MEDUSA” package in which any arbitrary numbers of shifts are allowed to model.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    l‟imitation «des idées pures», mais aussi l‟existence d‟un type de protection de .... gion qui diffuse les caractéristiques de la mode d‟une organisation à une autre. ... d‟amélioration des performances mais par besoin de légitimité. La.


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    Mutiara Nur Hafidiyah


    Full Text Available This paper examines the effect of revenue diversification on bank performance and bank risk by studying 101 conventional commercial banks in Indonesia over the period of 2010-2014 resulting in 505 observations. By employing panel least square technique, our results show that revenue diversification negatively affects bank performance. Moreover, it is found that diversified banks are riskier than specialized banks. The risk is diminished when state-owned banks diversify their business. Joint venture banks are riskier than other banks when they engage in non-interest income activities.

  3. Estimating diversification rates for higher taxa: BAMM can give problematic estimates of rates and rate shifts. (United States)

    Meyer, Andreas L S; Wiens, John J


    Estimates of diversification rates are invaluable for many macroevolutionary studies. Recently, an approach called BAMM (Bayesian Analysis of Macro-evolutionary Mixtures) has become widely used for estimating diversification rates and rate shifts. At the same time, several articles have concluded that estimates of net diversification rates from the method-of-moments (MS) estimators are inaccurate. Yet, no studies have compared the ability of these two methods to accurately estimate clade diversification rates. Here, we use simulations to compare their performance. We found that BAMM yielded relatively weak relationships between true and estimated diversification rates. This occurred because BAMM underestimated the number of rates shifts across each tree, and assigned high rates to small clades with low rates. Errors in both speciation and extinction rates contributed to these errors, showing that using BAMM to estimate only speciation rates is also problematic. In contrast, the MS estimators (particularly using stem group ages), yielded stronger relationships between true and estimated diversification rates, by roughly twofold. Furthermore, the MS approach remained relatively accurate when diversification rates were heterogeneous within clades, despite the widespread assumption that it requires constant rates within clades. Overall, we caution that BAMM may be problematic for estimating diversification rates and rate shifts. © 2017 The Author(s). Evolution © 2017 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  4. Evidence for determinism in species diversification and contingency in phenotypic evolution during adaptive radiation (United States)

    Burbrink, Frank T.; Chen, Xin; Myers, Edward A.; Brandley, Matthew C.; Pyron, R. Alexander


    Adaptive radiation (AR) theory predicts that groups sharing the same source of ecological opportunity (EO) will experience deterministic species diversification and morphological evolution. Thus, deterministic ecological and morphological evolution should be correlated with deterministic patterns in the tempo and mode of speciation for groups in similar habitats and time periods. We test this hypothesis using well-sampled phylogenies of four squamate groups that colonized the New World (NW) in the Late Oligocene. We use both standard and coalescent models to assess species diversification, as well as likelihood models to examine morphological evolution. All squamate groups show similar early pulses of speciation, as well as diversity-dependent ecological limits on clade size at a continental scale. In contrast, processes of morphological evolution are not easily predictable and do not show similar pulses of early and rapid change. Patterns of morphological and species diversification thus appear uncoupled across these groups. This indicates that the processes that drive diversification and disparification are not mechanistically linked, even among similar groups of taxa experiencing the same sources of EO. It also suggests that processes of phenotypic diversification cannot be predicted solely from the existence of an AR or knowledge of the process of diversification. PMID:23034709

  5. Non-reef environments impact the diversification of extant jacks, remoras and allies (Carangoidei, Percomorpha). (United States)

    Frédérich, Bruno; Marramà, Giuseppe; Carnevale, Giorgio; Santini, Francesco


    Various factors may impact the processes of diversification of a clade. In the marine realm, it has been shown that coral reef environments have promoted diversification in various fish groups. With the exception of requiem sharks, all the groups showing a higher level of diversity in reefs than in non-reef habitats have diets based predominantly on plankton, algae or benthic invertebrates. Here we explore the pattern of diversification of carangoid fishes, a clade that includes numerous piscivorous species (e.g. trevallies, jacks and dolphinfishes), using time-calibrated phylogenies as well as ecological and morphological data from both extant and fossil species. The study of carangoid morphospace suggests that reef environments played a role in their early radiation during the Eocene. However, contrary to the hypothesis of a reef-association-promoting effect, we show that habitat shifts to non-reef environments have increased the rates of morphological diversification (i.e. size and body shape) in extant carangoids. Piscivory did not have a major impact on the tempo of diversification of this group. Through the ecological radiation of carangoid fishes, we demonstrate that non-reef environments may sustain and promote processes of diversification of different marine fish groups, at least those including a large proportion of piscivorous species. © 2016 The Author(s).

  6. Dioecy does not consistently accelerate or slow lineage diversification across multiple genera of angiosperms. (United States)

    Sabath, Niv; Goldberg, Emma E; Glick, Lior; Einhorn, Moshe; Ashman, Tia-Lynn; Ming, Ray; Otto, Sarah P; Vamosi, Jana C; Mayrose, Itay


    Dioecy, the sexual system in which male and female organs are found in separate individuals, allows greater specialization for sex-specific functions and can be advantageous under various ecological and environmental conditions. However, dioecy is rare among flowering plants. Previous studies identified contradictory trends regarding the relative diversification rates of dioecious lineages vs their nondioecious counterparts, depending on the methods and data used. We gathered detailed species-level data for dozens of genera that contain both dioecious and nondioecious species. We then applied a probabilistic approach that accounts for differential speciation, extinction, and transition rates between states to examine whether there is an association between dioecy and lineage diversification. We found a bimodal distribution, whereby dioecious lineages exhibited higher diversification in certain genera but lower diversification in others. Additional analyses did not uncover an ecological or life history trait that could explain a context-dependent effect of dioecy on diversification. Furthermore, in-depth simulations of neutral characters demonstrated that such bimodality is also found when simulating neutral characters across the observed trees. Our analyses suggest that - at least for these genera with the currently available data - dioecy neither consistently places a strong brake on diversification nor is a strong driver. © 2015 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2015 New Phytologist Trust.

  7. Comparing spatial diversification and meta-population models in the Indo-Australian Archipelago. (United States)

    Chalmandrier, Loïc; Albouy, Camille; Descombes, Patrice; Sandel, Brody; Faurby, Soren; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Zimmermann, Niklaus E; Pellissier, Loïc


    Reconstructing the processes that have shaped the emergence of biodiversity gradients is critical to understand the dynamics of diversification of life on Earth. Islands have traditionally been used as model systems to unravel the processes shaping biological diversity. MacArthur and Wilson's island biogeographic model predicts diversity to be based on dynamic interactions between colonization and extinction rates, while treating islands themselves as geologically static entities. The current spatial configuration of islands should influence meta-population dynamics, but long-term geological changes within archipelagos are also expected to have shaped island biodiversity, in part by driving diversification. Here, we compare two mechanistic models providing inferences on species richness at a biogeographic scale: a mechanistic spatial-temporal model of species diversification and a spatial meta-population model. While the meta-population model operates over a static landscape, the diversification model is driven by changes in the size and spatial configuration of islands through time. We compare the inferences of both models to floristic diversity patterns among land patches of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Simulation results from the diversification model better matched observed diversity than a meta-population model constrained only by the contemporary landscape. The diversification model suggests that the dynamic re-positioning of islands promoting land disconnection and reconnection induced an accumulation of particularly high species diversity on Borneo, which is central within the island network. By contrast, the meta-population model predicts a higher diversity on the mainlands, which is less compatible with empirical data. Our analyses highlight that, by comparing models with contrasting assumptions, we can pinpoint the processes that are most compatible with extant biodiversity patterns.

  8. Comparing spatial diversification and meta-population models in the Indo-Australian Archipelago (United States)

    Chalmandrier, Loïc; Albouy, Camille; Descombes, Patrice; Sandel, Brody; Faurby, Soren; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Zimmermann, Niklaus E.


    Reconstructing the processes that have shaped the emergence of biodiversity gradients is critical to understand the dynamics of diversification of life on Earth. Islands have traditionally been used as model systems to unravel the processes shaping biological diversity. MacArthur and Wilson's island biogeographic model predicts diversity to be based on dynamic interactions between colonization and extinction rates, while treating islands themselves as geologically static entities. The current spatial configuration of islands should influence meta-population dynamics, but long-term geological changes within archipelagos are also expected to have shaped island biodiversity, in part by driving diversification. Here, we compare two mechanistic models providing inferences on species richness at a biogeographic scale: a mechanistic spatial-temporal model of species diversification and a spatial meta-population model. While the meta-population model operates over a static landscape, the diversification model is driven by changes in the size and spatial configuration of islands through time. We compare the inferences of both models to floristic diversity patterns among land patches of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Simulation results from the diversification model better matched observed diversity than a meta-population model constrained only by the contemporary landscape. The diversification model suggests that the dynamic re-positioning of islands promoting land disconnection and reconnection induced an accumulation of particularly high species diversity on Borneo, which is central within the island network. By contrast, the meta-population model predicts a higher diversity on the mainlands, which is less compatible with empirical data. Our analyses highlight that, by comparing models with contrasting assumptions, we can pinpoint the processes that are most compatible with extant biodiversity patterns. PMID:29657753

  9. Geographic Diversification, Competition and Bank Survival

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jochem, T.


    This article analyzes the effects from portfolio diversification and banking competition on the stability of U.S. banks during the 2008-2011 banking crisis. To do so, it uses exogenous cross-sectional and time-series variation in states' branching restrictions between 1997-2005, the degree of local

  10. Portfolio Diversification Effects of Downside Risk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    N. Hyung (Namwon); C.G. de Vries (Casper)


    textabstractRisk managers use portfolios to diversify away the un-priced risk of individual securities. In this paper we compare the benefits of portfolio diversification for downside risk in case returns are normally distributed with the case fat tailed distributed returns. The downside risk of a


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    Ayoib Che Ahmad


    Full Text Available Previous research has contributed much to our understanding of the relationship between corporate diversification strategy and corporate governance quality. The majority of published works has been on sophisticated and mature markets in first world nations. This paper extends previous knowledge by examining this relationship in a developing country. Malaysia is a developing country that provides a rich setting for corporate governance research. The structure of the business environment and the availability of published data make it an interesting research site.The results showed that outside blockholding especially non-institutional blockholding was negatively associated with diversification. However, evidence of significant relationship between managerial ownership and diversification was not found although the directions were generally as expected. Similarly, good corporate governance was shown to reduce diversification activities. The variable for separate board structure was consistently significant in most of the estimations. However, the other measure of corporate governance namely the proportion of outside directors was not as significant as might be expected. The study opens the way for a richer understanding of the links between corporate governance, ownership structure and corporate diversification in a developing country.

  12. Fiches « En une page » | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    10 nov. 2010 ... Fiche « En une page » de MCP no 1. Un IED sans envergure, une croissance stagnante : le Mercosur peut-il faire mieux ? Fiche « En une page » de MCP no 2. Impôts, taxes et équité entre les sexes : codes, comportements et conséquences, voulues ou non. Fiche « En une page » de MCP no 3.

  13. Résumés



    Introduction Jean-Luc Racine De l’alimentation, des agriculteurs, du commerce et des Etats. Un dialogue franco-indien sur l’agriculture et l’Organisation mondiale du commerce Quelles que puissent être les différences entre la France—où la part de la population paysanne est minime—et l’Inde—où elle est majoritaire—les deux pays sont des puissances agricoles marquées par une tradition interventionniste de l’Etat. Pour celui du Nord comme pour celui du Sud l’agriculture est un enjeu d’importance...

  14. Les pratiques participatives des associations d'usagers de l'eau dans la gestion de l'irrigation au Maroc : étude de cas en petite, moyenne et grande hydraulique


    El Alaoui , Mohammed


    International audience; En matière d'irrigation, jusqu'au début des années 90, l'Etat marocain s'est préoccupé essentiellement d'aménager le maximum de surfaces pour l'irrigation afin de promouvoir une agriculture moderne, d'intensifier la production agricole et de contribuer durablement à la sécurité alimentaire du pays. Les choix des politiques d'irrigation ont ensuite évolué en fonction du contexte. Cependant, certaines contraintes pesaient toujours fortement (endettement de l'Etat, écart ...

  15. Phylogenomics, Diversification Dynamics, and Comparative Transcriptomics across the Spider Tree of Life. (United States)

    Fernández, Rosa; Kallal, Robert J; Dimitrov, Dimitar; Ballesteros, Jesús A; Arnedo, Miquel A; Giribet, Gonzalo; Hormiga, Gustavo


    Dating back to almost 400 mya, spiders are among the most diverse terrestrial predators [1]. However, despite considerable effort [1-9], their phylogenetic relationships and diversification dynamics remain poorly understood. Here, we use a synergistic approach to study spider evolution through phylogenomics, comparative transcriptomics, and lineage diversification analyses. Our analyses, based on ca. 2,500 genes from 159 spider species, reject a single origin of the orb web (the "ancient orb-web hypothesis") and suggest that orb webs evolved multiple times since the late Triassic-Jurassic. We find no significant association between the loss of foraging webs and increases in diversification rates, suggesting that other factors (e.g., habitat heterogeneity or biotic interactions) potentially played a key role in spider diversification. Finally, we report notable genomic differences in the main spider lineages: while araneoids (ecribellate orb-weavers and their allies) reveal an enrichment in genes related to behavior and sensory reception, the retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) clade-the most diverse araneomorph spider lineage-shows enrichment in genes related to immune responses and polyphenic determination. This study, one of the largest invertebrate phylogenomic analyses to date, highlights the usefulness of transcriptomic data not only to build a robust backbone for the Spider Tree of Life, but also to address the genetic basis of diversification in the spider evolutionary chronicle. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Biogeography and diversification dynamics of the African woodpeckers. (United States)

    Fuchs, Jérôme; Pons, Jean-Marc; Bowie, Rauri C K


    The dynamics of species accumulation of African terrestrial vertebrates over time remains underexplored in comparison with those in the New World, despite Africa hosting about 25% of the world's avian diversity. This lack of knowledge hampers our understanding of the fundamental processes that drive biodiversity and the dynamics of speciation. To begin to address this gap, we reconstructed species-level phylogenies of two unrelated clades of African woodpeckers (12 species of Geocolaptes/Campethera and 13 species of Chloropicus/Mesopicos/Dendropicos/Ipophilus) that diverged from their closest Indo-Malayan relatives at similar times. Our results demonstrate that the current taxonomy is misleading: three (Campethera, Dendropicos and Mesopicos) out of four polytpic genera/subgenera are not monophyletic. Our results also show that current estimates of diversity at the species level are significantly understated, as up to 18 species for the 'Campethera clade' and 19 for the 'Dendropicos clade' could be recognized. The first splits within both clades involve species that are largely restricted to the Guineo-Congolian biogeographic regions, followed by later adaptations to particular habitats (forest versus savannah) and colonization of other regions (e.g. Southern Africa), each of which occurred multiple times in both clades. Assuming a conservative species delimitation scheme, our results indicate that diversification rates are decreasing through time for both clades. Applying a more extreme species recognition scheme (18 and 19 species for the Campethera and Dendropicos clades, respectively), our results support a decrease in diversification rates only for the Dendropicos clade and thus underline the importance of the number of species included in our diversification analyses. Greater ecological diversity of the Campethera clade where multiple species exhibit either an arboreal or terrestrial foraging strategy might explain the constant diversification rates through

  17. La syphilis congenitale revelee par une fracture spontanee

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    Mounia Lakhdar Idrissi


    Full Text Available Alors qu�elle est actuellement oubliee dans les pays developpes, la syphilis congenitale se voit encore chez nous faute du depistage antenatal. Ses formes cliniques sont polymorphes et orientent a tord vers d�autres pathologies surtout en periode neonatale. Le diagnostic n�est donc pas toujours facile. La revelation d�une syphilis congenitale par une fracture spontanee est exceptionnellement decrite. Nous rapportons dans ce travail le cas d�un nourrisson de 2 mois ramene en consultation pour limitation douloureuse des mouvements du bras droit. Le diagnostic est evoque sur les donnees radiologiques et confirme par la serologie syphilitique. Le traitement a repose essentiellement sur l�administration de la penicilline G avec une bonne evolution clinique.

  18. Crop diversification and livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe: adaptive management for environmental change. (United States)

    Makate, Clifton; Wang, Rongchang; Makate, Marshall; Mango, Nelson


    This paper demonstrates how crop diversification impacts on two outcomes of climate smart agriculture; increased productivity (legume and cereal crop productivity) and enhanced resilience (household income, food security, and nutrition) in rural Zimbabwe. Using data from over 500 smallholder farmers, we jointly estimate crop diversification and each of the outcome variables within a conditional (recursive) mixed process framework that corrects for selectivity bias arising due to the voluntary nature of crop diversification. We find that crop diversification depends on the land size, farming experience, asset wealth, location, access to agricultural extension services, information on output prices, low transportation costs and general information access. Our results also indicate that an increase in the rate of adoption improves crop productivity, income, food security and nutrition at household level. Overall, our results are indicative of the importance of crop diversification as a viable climate smart agriculture practice that significantly enhances crop productivity and consequently resilience in rural smallholder farming systems. We, therefore, recommend wider adoption of diversified cropping systems notably those currently less diversified for greater adaptation to the ever-changing climate.

  19. Macroevolutionary diversification with limited niche disparity in a species-rich lineage of cold-climate lizards. (United States)

    Reaney, Ashley M; Saldarriaga-Córdoba, Mónica; Pincheira-Donoso, Daniel


    Life diversifies via adaptive radiation when natural selection drives the evolution of ecologically distinct species mediated by their access to novel niche space, or via non-adaptive radiation when new species diversify while retaining ancestral niches. However, while cases of adaptive radiation are widely documented, examples of non-adaptively radiating lineages remain rarely observed. A prolific cold-climate lizard radiation from South America (Phymaturus), sister to a hyper-diverse adaptive radiation (Liolaemus), has extensively diversified phylogenetically and geographically, but with exceptionally minimal ecological and life-history diversification. This lineage, therefore, may offer unique opportunities to investigate the non-adaptive basis of diversification, and in combination with Liolaemus, to cover the whole spectrum of modes of diversification predicted by theory, from adaptive to non-adaptive. Using phylogenetic macroevolutionary modelling performed on a newly created 58-species molecular tree, we establish the tempo and mode of diversification in the Phymaturus radiation. Lineage accumulation in Phymaturus opposes a density-dependent (or 'niche-filling') process of diversification. Concurrently, we found that body size diversification is better described by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck evolutionary model, suggesting stabilizing selection as the mechanism underlying niche conservatism (i.e., maintaining two fundamental size peaks), and which has predominantly evolved around two major adaptive peaks on a 'Simpsonian' adaptive landscape. Lineage diversification of the Phymaturus genus does not conform to an adaptive radiation, as it is characterised by a constant rate of species accumulation during the clade's history. Their strict habitat requirements (rocky outcrops), predominantly invariant herbivory, and especially the constant viviparous reproduction across species have likely limited their opportunities for adaptive diversifications throughout novel

  20. La prospective Agrimonde : une tentative d'allier prospective et recherche en France et à l'international

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    de LATTRE-GASQUET, Marie


    Full Text Available Nourrir le monde aujourd’hui et en 2050 est un enjeu majeur, et la recherche agricole peut y contribuer. Elle doit pour cela anticiper les changements possibles, identifier les enjeux et de nouvelles questions de recherche, et la prospective permet de le faire. Cet article détaille le lancement, le déroulement et la diffusion d’un exercice de prospective, Agrimonde, et analyse à partir de cet exemple le rôle de la prospective pour la recherche.

  1. Promotion d'une gouvernance foncière inclusive pour une ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... de développer des outils et des stratégies qui facilitent l'accès et le contrôle des femmes sur le foncier; et de formuler des recommandations stratégiques et pratiques permettant une mise en œuvre effective des politiques et des stratégies de gouvernance foncière inclusive qui reconnaissent la place et le rôle de la femme ...

  2. EVALUATION DE L’IMPACT ENVIRONNEMENTAL : Vers une compréhension de la dynamique des populations de colza « échappées » des cultures à l’échelle d’une région agricole

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    Pessel Fabrice-Del


    Full Text Available Dans le cadre des études de risques agro-environnementaux, comme dans celui de la mise en place de stratégies de gestion des cultures transgéniques (par exemple la segmentation des filières de production OGM/non OGM, s’il est indispensable de quantifier les différents processus d’échappement des transgènes depuis les parcelles cultivées (flux de pollen et/ou de graines, il est également nécessaire de déterminer leurs potentialités de maintien en dehors des parcelles cultivées (aptitudes écologiques des hybrides interspécifiques et/ou de la plante dans des environnements hors des parcelles cultivées. En effet, des populations, dans lesquelles seraient présents un ou plusieurs transgènes, seraient suceptibles de se comporter comme des réservoirs et/ou des relais de pollutions génétiques entre deux filières de production avec et sans OGM. À plus long terme, la connaissance des processus gouvernant la dynamique et la persistance de ces populations s’avère indispensable pour une gestion efficace des différentes situations de crise possibles (sanitaire, écologique ou agronomique, en particulier pour déterminer la durée des suivis après un arrêt éventuel des cultures transgéniques.

  3. Tempo of trophic evolution and its impact on mammalian diversification. (United States)

    Price, Samantha A; Hopkins, Samantha S B; Smith, Kathleen K; Roth, V Louise


    Mammals are characterized by the complex adaptations of their dentition, which are an indication that diet has played a critical role in their evolutionary history. Although much attention has focused on diet and the adaptations of specific taxa, the role of diet in large-scale diversification patterns remains unresolved. Contradictory hypotheses have been proposed, making prediction of the expected relationship difficult. We show that net diversification rate (the cumulative effect of speciation and extinction), differs significantly among living mammals, depending upon trophic strategy. Herbivores diversify fastest, carnivores are intermediate, and omnivores are slowest. The tempo of transitions between the trophic strategies is also highly biased: the fastest rates occur into omnivory from herbivory and carnivory and the lowest transition rates are between herbivory and carnivory. Extant herbivore and carnivore diversity arose primarily through diversification within lineages, whereas omnivore diversity evolved by transitions into the strategy. The ability to specialize and subdivide the trophic niche allowed herbivores and carnivores to evolve greater diversity than omnivores.

  4. Modélisation et commande d'une chaine de pompage photovoltaique




    L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’assurer une commande vectorielle associée à une électropompe asynchrone immergée. La configuration de ce système comporte un générateur photovoltaïque, un bus PV, un filtre PV connecté à un hacheur survolteur, un bus DC et un onduleur de tension alimentant une machine asynchrone couplée à une pompe centrifuge. L’objectif de ce système consiste à assurer un fonctionnement à puissance maximale du système photovoltaïque pour diverses conditions climatiques. L’ad...

  5. Global diversification of a tropical plant growth form: environmental correlates and historical contingencies in climbing palms. (United States)

    Couvreur, Thomas L P; Kissling, W Daniel; Condamine, Fabien L; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Rowe, Nick P; Baker, William J


    Tropical rain forests (TRF) are the most diverse terrestrial biome on Earth, but the diversification dynamics of their constituent growth forms remain largely unexplored. Climbing plants contribute significantly to species diversity and ecosystem processes in TRF. We investigate the broad-scale patterns and drivers of species richness as well as the diversification history of climbing and non-climbing palms (Arecaceae). We quantify to what extent macroecological diversity patterns are related to contemporary climate, forest canopy height, and paleoclimatic changes. We test whether diversification rates are higher for climbing than non-climbing palms and estimate the origin of the climbing habit. Climbers account for 22% of global palm species diversity, mostly concentrated in Southeast Asia. Global variation in climbing palm species richness can be partly explained by past and present-day climate and rain forest canopy height, but regional differences in residual species richness after accounting for current and past differences in environment suggest a strong role of historical contingencies in climbing palm diversification. Climbing palms show a higher net diversification rate than non-climbers. Diversification analyses of palms detected a diversification rate increase along the branches leading to the most species-rich clade of climbers. Ancestral character reconstructions revealed that the climbing habit originated between early Eocene and Miocene. These results imply that changes from non-climbing to climbing habits may have played an important role in palm diversification, resulting in the origin of one fifth of all palm species. We suggest that, in addition to current climate and paleoclimatic changes after the late Neogene, present-day diversity of climbing palms can be explained by morpho-anatomical innovations, the biogeographic history of Southeast Asia, and/or ecological opportunities due to the diversification of high-stature dipterocarps in Asian TRFs.

  6. How Well Can We Detect Lineage-Specific Diversification-Rate Shifts? A Simulation Study of Sequential AIC Methods. (United States)

    May, Michael R; Moore, Brian R


    Evolutionary biologists have long been fascinated by the extreme differences in species numbers across branches of the Tree of Life. This has motivated the development of statistical methods for detecting shifts in the rate of lineage diversification across the branches of phylogenic trees. One of the most frequently used methods, MEDUSA, explores a set of diversification-rate models, where each model assigns branches of the phylogeny to a set of diversification-rate categories. Each model is first fit to the data, and the Akaike information criterion (AIC) is then used to identify the optimal diversification model. Surprisingly, the statistical behavior of this popular method is uncharacterized, which is a concern in light of: (1) the poor performance of the AIC as a means of choosing among models in other phylogenetic contexts; (2) the ad hoc algorithm used to visit diversification models, and; (3) errors that we reveal in the likelihood function used to fit diversification models to the phylogenetic data. Here, we perform an extensive simulation study demonstrating that MEDUSA (1) has a high false-discovery rate (on average, spurious diversification-rate shifts are identified [Formula: see text] of the time), and (2) provides biased estimates of diversification-rate parameters. Understanding the statistical behavior of MEDUSA is critical both to empirical researchers-in order to clarify whether these methods can make reliable inferences from empirical datasets-and to theoretical biologists-in order to clarify the specific problems that need to be solved in order to develop more reliable approaches for detecting shifts in the rate of lineage diversification. [Akaike information criterion; extinction; lineage-specific diversification rates; phylogenetic model selection; speciation.]. © The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press, on behalf of the Society of Systematic Biologists.

  7. Case Report - Le syndrome de Cri du Chat : A propos d'une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le syndrome du Cri du Chat (Cri du Chat syndrome, CdCS) est une anomalie chromosomique résultant d'une délétion de taille variable de l'extrémité du bras court du chromosome 5 (5p), incluant une région critique située en p15.2. Il représente une des délétions chromosomiques les plus fréquentes, son incidence dans ...

  8. Vers une cartographie géo-lexicale

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    William Martinez


    Full Text Available L’analyse statistique de la distribution du vocabulaire dans des guides de tourisme du XIXe et XXe siècle permet d’identifier la terminologie descriptive essentielle telle qu’elle est employée dans ces textes. Une interprétation plus structurée de ces données est possible grâce aux méthodes de cooccurrence qui produisent des cartes de mots associés décrivant l’usage préféré de noms, adjectifs, adverbes, etc. à propos d’une ville, une région ou un itinéraire. À partir de cette visualisation originale de structures de mots, nous envisagerons la convergence des données lexicales et cartographiques dans une base de données de type SIG (Système d’Information Géographique.The statistical analysis of vocabulary distribution in French tourist guides of the 19th and 20th century reveals the essential descriptive terminology used in these texts. A more structured interpretation of this data is made possible by way of co-occurrence methods that produce associated word maps describing the preferred usage of nouns, adjectives, adverbs etc. regarding a given town, region or route. Based on this original visualizing of word structures we will consider the convergence of lexical and cartographic data in a GIS-type database (Geographic Information System.

  9. Studies on the agronomy of Al-Andalus

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    Julia María Carabaza


    Full Text Available Comme il peut être déduit du titre donné à ce travail, le principal objectif que nous nous sommes fixées, c'est de procéder à une mise à jour de la recherche en ce qui concerne les œuvres agricoles écrites à Al-Andalus. Pour ce faire, nous analyserons dans un premier temps, les manuscrits que l'on connaît de ces œuvres en question et qui appartiennent aussi bien aux bibliothèques du monde arabe qu’à des bibliothèques occidentales. Ensuite, nous mentionnerons les traités agronomiques qui sont actuellement édités et traduits, accompagnés de quelques notes critiques concernant les travaux qui ont été mis en œuvre jusqu'à présent dans ce domaine, pour terminer avec l'exposé des différents projets qui sont actuellement en cours et qui sont relatifs à ces traités agricoles d’Al-Andalus.

  10. North Andean origin and diversification of the largest ithomiine butterfly genus (United States)

    Lisa De-Silva, Donna; Mota, Luísa L.; Chazot, Nicolas; Mallarino, Ricardo; Silva-Brandão, Karina L.; Piñerez, Luz Miryam Gómez; Freitas, André V.L.; Lamas, Gerardo; Joron, Mathieu; Mallet, James; Giraldo, Carlos E.; Uribe, Sandra; Särkinen, Tiina; Knapp, Sandra; Jiggins, Chris D.; Willmott, Keith R.; Elias, Marianne


    The Neotropics harbour the most diverse flora and fauna on Earth. The Andes are a major centre of diversification and source of diversity for adjacent areas in plants and vertebrates, but studies on insects remain scarce, even though they constitute the largest fraction of terrestrial biodiversity. Here, we combine molecular and morphological characters to generate a dated phylogeny of the butterfly genus Pteronymia (Nymphalidae: Danainae), which we use to infer spatial, elevational and temporal diversification patterns. We first propose six taxonomic changes that raise the generic species total to 53, making Pteronymia the most diverse genus of the tribe Ithomiini. Our biogeographic reconstruction shows that Pteronymia originated in the Northern Andes, where it diversified extensively. Some lineages colonized lowlands and adjacent montane areas, but diversification in those areas remained scarce. The recent colonization of lowland areas was reflected by an increase in the rate of evolution of species’ elevational ranges towards present. By contrast, speciation rate decelerated with time, with no extinction. The geological history of the Andes and adjacent regions have likely contributed to Pteronymia diversification by providing compartmentalized habitats and an array of biotic and abiotic conditions, and by limiting dispersal between some areas while promoting interchange across others. PMID:28387233

  11. C4 Photosynthesis Promoted Species Diversification during the Miocene Grassland Expansion (United States)

    Spriggs, Elizabeth L.; Christin, Pascal-Antoine; Edwards, Erika J.


    Identifying how organismal attributes and environmental change affect lineage diversification is essential to our understanding of biodiversity. With the largest phylogeny yet compiled for grasses, we present an example of a key physiological innovation that promoted high diversification rates. C4 photosynthesis, a complex suite of traits that improves photosynthetic efficiency under conditions of drought, high temperatures, and low atmospheric CO2, has evolved repeatedly in one lineage of grasses and was consistently associated with elevated diversification rates. In most cases there was a significant lag time between the origin of the pathway and subsequent radiations, suggesting that the ‘C4 effect’ is complex and derives from the interplay of the C4 syndrome with other factors. We also identified comparable radiations occurring during the same time period in C3 Pooid grasses, a diverse, cold-adapted grassland lineage that has never evolved C4 photosynthesis. The mid to late Miocene was an especially important period of both C3 and C4 grass diversification, coincident with the global development of extensive, open biomes in both warm and cool climates. As is likely true for most “key innovations”, the C4 effect is context dependent and only relevant within a particular organismal background and when particular ecological opportunities became available. PMID:24835188

  12. Is agriculture driving the diversification of the Bemisia tabaci species complex (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aleyrodidae)?: Dating, diversification and biogeographic evidence revealed. (United States)

    Boykin, Laura M; Bell, Charles D; Evans, Gregory; Small, Ian; De Barro, Paul J


    Humans and insect herbivores are competing for the same food crops and have been for thousands of years. Despite considerable advances in crop pest management, losses due to insects remain considerable. The global homogenisation of agriculture has supported the range expansion of numerous insect pests and has been driven in part by human-assisted dispersal supported through rapid global trade and low-cost air passenger transport. One of these pests, is the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, a cryptic species complex that contains some of the world's most damaging pests of agriculture. The complex shows considerable genetic diversity and strong phylogeographic relationships. One consequence of the considerable impact that members of the B. tabaci complex have on agriculture, is the view that human activity, particularly in relation to agricultural practices, such as use of insecticides, has driven the diversification found within the species complex. This has been particularly so in the case of two members of the complex, Middle East-Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1) and Mediterranean (MED), which have become globally distributed invasive species. An alternative hypothesis is that diversification is due to paleogeographic and paleoclimatological changes. The idea that human activity is driving speciation within the B. tabaci complex has never been tested, but the increased interest in fossil whiteflies and the growth in molecular data have enabled us to apply a relaxed molecular clock and so estimate divergence dates for the major lineages within the B. tabaci species complex. The divergence estimates do not support the view that human activity has been a major driver of diversification. Our analysis suggests that the major lineages within the complex arose approximately 60-30 mya and the highly invasive MED and MEAM1 split from the rest of the species complex around 12 mya well before the evolution of Homo sapiens and agriculture. Furthermore, the divergence dates coincide with a period

  13. La division sociale de la langue: la fiction d’une langue populaire

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    Dominique Ducard


    Full Text Available L’objectif de cet article est de montrer, à travers un parcours de textes d’historiens et de (sociolinguistes, comment le discours sur la langue française, dans sa formation et son fonctionnement, est traversé par l’idée d’une division sociale constitutive d’une “langue populaire”, identifiée à une classe sociale et dévaluée. Cette investigation interroge la notion de langue et son image dans la conscience linguistique des sujets et conduit à poser la question de l’institution sociale de la langue. La langue commune, pluralisée et diversifiée dans le discours historique et linguistique, se double d’une référence à une langue normée, instituée par l’école, dont les effets ont été soulignés dans les travaux originaux de Renée Balibar. Nous finissons ainsi par une évocation des thèses de cet auteur, avec une mise en perspective de la langue normée, dans son rapport aux styles littéraires, avec la transposition des variations sociales dans la langue de la fiction.

  14. Adaptive radiation versus 'radiation' and 'explosive diversification': why conceptual distinctions are fundamental to understanding evolution. (United States)

    Givnish, Thomas J


    Adaptive radiation is the rise of a diversity of ecological roles and role-specific adaptations within a lineage. Recently, some researchers have begun to use 'adaptive radiation' or 'radiation' as synonymous with 'explosive species diversification'. This essay aims to clarify distinctions between these concepts, and the related ideas of geographic speciation, sexual selection, key innovations, key landscapes and ecological keys. Several examples are given to demonstrate that adaptive radiation and explosive diversification are not the same phenomenon, and that focusing on explosive diversification and the analysis of phylogenetic topology ignores much of the rich biology associated with adaptive radiation, and risks generating confusion about the nature of the evolutionary forces driving species diversification. Some 'radiations' involve bursts of geographic speciation or sexual selection, rather than adaptive diversification; some adaptive radiations have little or no effect on speciation, or even a negative effect. Many classic examples of 'adaptive radiation' appear to involve effects driven partly by geographic speciation, species' dispersal abilities, and the nature of extrinsic dispersal barriers; partly by sexual selection; and partly by adaptive radiation in the classical sense, including the origin of traits and invasion of adaptive zones that result in decreased diversification rates but add to overall diversity. © 2015 The Author. New Phytologist © 2015 New Phytologist Trust.

  15. Apports de la simulation multi-agents à l’étude des processus de diffusion

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    Eric Daudé


    Full Text Available Cet article présente les principaux apports d’une approche individu-centrée pour modéliser et simuler les processus de diffusion dans l’espace géographique. L’intérêt d’une telle approche est discuté au regard des limites d’une modélisation d'échelle macro-géographique traditionnellement employée pour décrire de tels phénomènes. L’équation logistique est présentée comme un exemple représentatif de cette catégorie de modèle. Les modèles de simulation à base d’agents représentent une alternative possible à une approche macro-géographique des phénomènes de diffusion. Associés aux théories de l’auto-organisation, on postule que les phénomènes observés à un certain niveau sont le résultat des nombreuses interactions qui se produisent à un ou plusieurs niveaux inférieurs. En tant qu’outil de simulation prédisposé à l’analyse de telles dynamiques, les systèmes multi-agents sont brièvement présentés. Cet article se termine par une application, la modélisation et la simulation de la diffusion d’une innovation agricole (le modèle d'Hägerstrand revisité.

  16. Trade-off between bile resistance and nutritional competence drives Escherichia coli diversification in the mouse gut.

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    Marianne De Paepe


    Full Text Available Bacterial diversification is often observed, but underlying mechanisms are difficult to disentangle and remain generally unknown. Moreover, controlled diversification experiments in ecologically relevant environments are lacking. We studied bacterial diversification in the mammalian gut, one of the most complex bacterial environments, where usually hundreds of species and thousands of bacterial strains stably coexist. Herein we show rapid genetic diversification of an Escherichia coli strain upon colonisation of previously germ-free mice. In addition to the previously described mutations in the EnvZ/OmpR operon, we describe the rapid and systematic selection of mutations in the flagellar flhDC operon and in malT, the transcriptional activator of the maltose regulon. Moreover, within each mouse, the three mutant types coexisted at different levels after one month of colonisation. By combining in vivo studies and determination of the fitness advantages of the selected mutations in controlled in vitro experiments, we provide evidence that the selective forces that drive E. coli diversification in the mouse gut are the presence of bile salts and competition for nutrients. Altogether our results indicate that a trade-off between stress resistance and nutritional competence generates sympatric diversification of the gut microbiota. These results illustrate how experimental evolution in natural environments enables identification of both the selective pressures that organisms face in their natural environment and the diversification mechanisms.

  17. Violence et dire, pour une rhétorique du soin

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    André Quaderi

    Full Text Available Par une approche plurielle (psychopathologie du travail, sciences du langage et psychanalyse et au travers d’une clinique de type groupe de parole en institution gériatrique, il est abordé les phénomènes de violences. Les effets du dire, au niveau du clinicien, induisent des changements de comportements des soignants dont les causes sont abordées. Ainsi, la taylorisation de l’organisation inhibe la relation du soignant à l’autre et fige le travail dans une exécution de tâche. Ces effets délétères sont à rapporter au Thanatos tout comme les effets du dire (interprété comme une rhétorique du soin sont à comprendre du côté de l’Eros.

  18. Évaluation des pratiques agricoles des légumes feuilles : le cas des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Face à ce constat, le défi de la recherche serait la détermination du niveau actuel de contamination des légumes feuilles et des eaux du barrage et celui de l'État serait l'initiation de programmes de sensibilisation des producteurs par rapport à une gestion plus rigoureuse des pesticides. Mots-clés : pratiques paysannes, ...

  19. What defines an adaptive radiation? Macroevolutionary diversification dynamics of an exceptionally species-rich continental lizard radiation. (United States)

    Pincheira-Donoso, Daniel; Harvey, Lilly P; Ruta, Marcello


    Adaptive radiation theory posits that ecological opportunity promotes rapid proliferation of phylogenetic and ecological diversity. Given that adaptive radiation proceeds via occupation of available niche space in newly accessed ecological zones, theory predicts that: (i) evolutionary diversification follows an 'early-burst' process, i.e., it accelerates early in the history of a clade (when available niche space facilitates speciation), and subsequently slows down as niche space becomes saturated by new species; and (ii) phylogenetic branching is accompanied by diversification of ecologically relevant phenotypic traits among newly evolving species. Here, we employ macroevolutionary phylogenetic model-selection analyses to address these two predictions about evolutionary diversification using one of the most exceptionally species-rich and ecologically diverse lineages of living vertebrates, the South American lizard genus Liolaemus. Our phylogenetic analyses lend support to a density-dependent lineage diversification model. However, the lineage through-time diversification curve does not provide strong support for an early burst. In contrast, the evolution of phenotypic (body size) relative disparity is high, significantly different from a Brownian model during approximately the last 5 million years of Liolaemus evolution. Model-fitting analyses also reject the 'early-burst' model of phenotypic evolution, and instead favour stabilizing selection (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck, with three peaks identified) as the best model for body size diversification. Finally, diversification rates tend to increase with smaller body size. Liolaemus have diversified under a density-dependent process with slightly pronounced apparent episodic pulses of lineage accumulation, which are compatible with the expected episodic ecological opportunity created by gradual uplifts of the Andes over the last ~25My. We argue that ecological opportunity can be strong and a crucial driver of adaptive

  20. Vers une esthétique de la science-fiction

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    Joanna Russ


    Full Text Available Les outils critiques élaborés en ayant à l’esprit une littérature entièrement différente ne fonctionnent pas quand ils sont appliqués à la science-fiction. Dans cet article, j’avance la proposition suivante : que la science-fiction est didactique. Malgré des similitudes superficielles avec la fiction moderne naturaliste (ou autre, les personnages de science-fiction sont toujours des personnes collectives, jamais individuelles. Je suggère que la critique littéraire contemporaine n’est pas l’outil idéal pour traiter de fiction didactique, ou pour évaluer une littérature nouvelle et différente. Appliquer les critères et les méthodes auxquels nous sommes habitués ne peut mener qu’à trois résultats : le rejet de toute science-fiction comme n’étant pas de la littérature, une préférence pour certains genres restreints de science-fiction (parce qu’on peut les comprendre au moins partiellement selon la manière habituelle, ou une conception et une perception erronées des textes que l’on essaie précisément de comprendre. La troisième catégorie est restée rare jusqu’ici, parce que l’intérêt universitaire pour la science-fiction était rare, mais elle pourrait devenir bien trop courante si la popularité croissante des cours d’université sur ce sujet ne s’accompagne pas d’une critique adaptée à son sujet.

  1. Spatially heterogeneous stochasticity and the adaptive diversification of dormancy. (United States)

    Rajon, E; Venner, S; Menu, F


    Diversified bet-hedging, a strategy that leads several individuals with the same genotype to express distinct phenotypes in a given generation, is now well established as a common evolutionary response to environmental stochasticity. Life-history traits defined as diversified bet-hedging (e.g. germination or diapause strategies) display marked differences between populations in spatial proximity. In order to find out whether such differences can be explained by local adaptations to spatially heterogeneous environmental stochasticity, we explored the evolution of bet-hedging dormancy strategies in a metapopulation using a two-patch model with patch differences in stochastic juvenile survival. We found that spatial differences in the level of environmental stochasticity, restricted dispersal, increased fragmentation and intermediate survival during dormancy all favour the adaptive diversification of bet-hedging dormancy strategies. Density dependency also plays a major role in the diversification of dormancy strategies because: (i) it may interact locally with environmental stochasticity and amplify its effects; however, (ii) it can also generate chaotic population dynamics that may impede diversification. Our work proposes new hypotheses to explain the spatial patterns of bet-hedging strategies that we hope will encourage new empirical studies of this topic.

  2. Eocene diversification of crown group rails (Aves: Gruiformes: Rallidae). (United States)

    García-R, Juan C; Gibb, Gillian C; Trewick, Steve A


    Central to our understanding of the timing of bird evolution is debate about an apparent conflict between fossil and molecular data. A deep age for higher level taxa within Neoaves is evident from molecular analyses but much remains to be learned about the age of diversification in modern bird families and their evolutionary ecology. In order to better understand the timing and pattern of diversification within the family Rallidae we used a relaxed molecular clock, fossil calibrations, and complete mitochondrial genomes from a range of rallid species analysed in a Bayesian framework. The estimated time of origin of Rallidae is Eocene, about 40.5 Mya, with evidence of intrafamiliar diversification from the Late Eocene to the Miocene. This timing is older than previously suggested for crown group Rallidae, but fossil calibrations, extent of taxon sampling and substantial sequence data give it credence. We note that fossils of Eocene age tentatively assigned to Rallidae are consistent with our findings. Compared to available studies of other bird lineages, the rail clade is old and supports an inference of deep ancestry of ground-dwelling habits among Neoaves.

  3. Le syndrome de Tunnel tarsien : à propos d'une observation au ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les auteurs présentent un fait clinique d'une douleur subaiguë de la face médiale du pied gauche, explorée par l'imagerie par résonance magnétique, en complément d'une échographie Doppler. Ces explorations ont permis de faire le diagnostic du syndrome de tunnel tarsien par aponévrosite plantaire secondaire à une ...



    Benamour , Yasmine; Prim-Allaz , Isabelle


    International audience; The authors conduct an exploratory study in order to develop a measurement scale of customers transactional/relational orientation. The study is implemented in the context of French banking industry in both B.-to-C. and B.-to-B. environments. The results show that a different scale is needed for each context.; Les auteurs mettent en place une étude exploratoire dans le but de développer une échelle de mesure de l'orientation transactionnelle/relationnelle du client. Ce...

  5. Global loss diversification in the insurance sector

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sheremet, O.; Lucas, A.


    We study the possibility for international diversification of catastrophe risk by the insurance sector. Adopting the argument that large insurance losses may be a 'globalizing factor' for the industry, we study the dependence of geographically distant insurance markets via equity returns. In

  6. Estimation of main diversification time-points of hantaviruses using phylogenetic analyses of complete genomes. (United States)

    Castel, Guillaume; Tordo, Noël; Plyusnin, Alexander


    Because of the great variability of their reservoir hosts, hantaviruses are excellent models to evaluate the dynamics of virus-host co-evolution. Intriguing questions remain about the timescale of the diversification events that influenced this evolution. In this paper we attempted to estimate the first ever timing of hantavirus diversification based on thirty five available complete genomes representing five major groups of hantaviruses and the assumption of co-speciation of hantaviruses with their respective mammal hosts. Phylogenetic analyses were used to estimate the main diversification points during hantavirus evolution in mammals while host diversification was mostly estimated from independent calibrators taken from fossil records. Our results support an earlier developed hypothesis of co-speciation of known hantaviruses with their respective mammal hosts and hence a common ancestor for all hantaviruses carried by placental mammals. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Identifying the valuation effects and agency costs of corporate diversification : Evidence from the geographic diversification of U.S. banks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laeven, L.; Goetz, M.; Levine, R.


    This paper assesses the impact of the geographic diversification of bank holding company (BHC) assets across the United States on their market valuations. Using two new identification strategies based on the dynamic process of interstate bank deregulation, we find that exogenous increases in

  8. Modeling lineage and phenotypic diversification in the New World monkey (Platyrrhini, Primates) radiation. (United States)

    Aristide, Leandro; Rosenberger, Alfred L; Tejedor, Marcelo F; Perez, S Ivan


    Adaptive radiations that have taken place in the distant past can now be more thoroughly studied with the availability of large molecular phylogenies and comparative data drawn from extant and fossil species. Platyrrhines are a good example of a major mammalian evolutionary radiation confined to a single continent, involving a relatively large temporal scale and documented by a relatively small but informative fossil record. Here, we present comparative evidence using data on extant and fossil species to explore alternative evolutionary models in an effort to better understand the process of platyrrhine lineage and phenotypic diversification. Specifically, we compare the likelihood of null models of lineage and phenotypic diversification versus various models of adaptive evolution. Moreover, we statistically explore the main ecological dimension behind the platyrrhine diversification. Contrary to the previous proposals, our study did not find evidence of a rapid lineage accumulation in the phylogenetic tree of extant platyrrhine species. However, the fossil-based diversity curve seems to show a slowdown in diversification rates toward present times. This also suggests an early high rate of extinction among lineages within crown Platyrrhini. Finally, our analyses support the hypothesis that the platyrrhine phenotypic diversification appears to be characterized by an early and profound differentiation in body size related to a multidimensional niche model, followed by little subsequent change (i.e., stasis). Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Diversification Models of Sales Activity for Steady Development of an Enterprise


    Nestor Shpak; Tamara Kyrylych; Jolita Greblikaitė


    The paper substantiates the importance of the optimal directionality choice of sales activity as one of the main lines of enterprise activity, the functioning of which should be complete, synchronous and complementary. Diversification is one of the powerful instruments to ensure the steady development of the sales activity of an enterprise. Three models of sales activity diversification of an enterprise are developed. The first model is based on unveiling the potential of sales channels and a...

  10. Efficient Diversification According to Stochastic Dominance Criteria

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuosmanen, T.K.


    This paper develops the first operational tests of portfolio efficiency based on the general stochastic dominance (SD) criteria that account for an infinite set of diversification strategies. The main insight is to preserve the cross-sectional dependence of asset returns when forming portfolios by

  11. Diversification and intensification of agricultural adaptation from global to local scales.

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    Minjie Chen

    Full Text Available Smallholder farming systems are vulnerable to a number of challenges, including continued population growth, urbanization, income disparities, land degradation, decreasing farm size and productivity, all of which are compounded by uncertainty of climatic patterns. Understanding determinants of smallholder farming practices is critical for designing and implementing successful interventions, including climate change adaptation programs. We examine two dimensions wherein smallholder farmers may adapt agricultural practices; through intensification (i.e., adopt more practices or diversification (i.e. adopt different practices. We use data on 5314 randomly sampled households located in 38 sites in 15 countries across four regions (East and West Africa, South Asia, and Central America. We estimate empirical models designed to assess determinants of both intensification and diversification of adaptation activities at global scales. Aspects of adaptive capacity that are found to increase intensification of adaptation globally include variables associated with access to information and human capital, financial considerations, assets, household infrastructure and experience. In contrast, there are few global drivers of adaptive diversification, with a notable exception being access to weather information, which also increases adaptive intensification. Investigating reasons for adaptation indicate that conditions present in underdeveloped markets provide the primary impetus for adaptation, even in the context of climate change. We also compare determinants across spatial scales, which reveals a variety of local avenues through which policy interventions can relax economic constraints and boost agricultural adaptation for both intensification and diversification. For example, access to weather information does not affect intensification adaptation in Africa, but is significant at several sites in Bangladesh and India. Moreover, this information leads to

  12. Diversification and intensification of agricultural adaptation from global to local scales (United States)

    Chen, Minjie; Wichmann, Bruno; Luckert, Marty; Winowiecki, Leigh; Förch, Wiebke


    Smallholder farming systems are vulnerable to a number of challenges, including continued population growth, urbanization, income disparities, land degradation, decreasing farm size and productivity, all of which are compounded by uncertainty of climatic patterns. Understanding determinants of smallholder farming practices is critical for designing and implementing successful interventions, including climate change adaptation programs. We examine two dimensions wherein smallholder farmers may adapt agricultural practices; through intensification (i.e., adopt more practices) or diversification (i.e. adopt different practices). We use data on 5314 randomly sampled households located in 38 sites in 15 countries across four regions (East and West Africa, South Asia, and Central America). We estimate empirical models designed to assess determinants of both intensification and diversification of adaptation activities at global scales. Aspects of adaptive capacity that are found to increase intensification of adaptation globally include variables associated with access to information and human capital, financial considerations, assets, household infrastructure and experience. In contrast, there are few global drivers of adaptive diversification, with a notable exception being access to weather information, which also increases adaptive intensification. Investigating reasons for adaptation indicate that conditions present in underdeveloped markets provide the primary impetus for adaptation, even in the context of climate change. We also compare determinants across spatial scales, which reveals a variety of local avenues through which policy interventions can relax economic constraints and boost agricultural adaptation for both intensification and diversification. For example, access to weather information does not affect intensification adaptation in Africa, but is significant at several sites in Bangladesh and India. Moreover, this information leads to diversification of

  13. Molecular phylogeny and timing of diversification in Alpine Rhithrogena (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). (United States)

    Vuataz, Laurent; Rutschmann, Sereina; Monaghan, Michael T; Sartori, Michel


    Larvae of the Holarctic mayfly genus Rhithrogena Eaton, 1881 (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) are a diverse and abundant member of stream and river communities and are routinely used as bio-indicators of water quality. Rhithrogena is well diversified in the European Alps, with a number of locally endemic species, and several cryptic species have been recently detected. While several informal species groups are morphologically well defined, a lack of reliable characters for species identification considerably hampers their study. Their relationships, origin, timing of speciation and mechanisms promoting their diversification in the Alps are unknown. Here we present a species-level phylogeny of Rhithrogena in Europe using two mitochondrial and three nuclear gene regions. To improve sampling in a genus with many cryptic species, individuals were selected for analysis according to a recent DNA-based taxonomy rather than traditional nomenclature. A coalescent-based species tree and a reconstruction based on a supermatrix approach supported five of the species groups as monophyletic. A molecular clock, mapped on the most resolved phylogeny and calibrated using published mitochondrial evolution rates for insects, suggested an origin of Alpine Rhithrogena in the Oligocene/Miocene boundary. A diversification analysis that included simulation of missing species indicated a constant speciation rate over time, rather than any pronounced periods of rapid speciation. Ancestral state reconstructions provided evidence for downstream diversification in at least two species groups. Our species-level analyses of five gene regions provide clearer definitions of species groups within European Rhithrogena. A constant speciation rate over time suggests that the paleoclimatic fluctuations, including the Pleistocene glaciations, did not significantly influence the tempo of diversification of Alpine species. A downstream diversification trend in the hybrida and alpestris species groups

  14. Etude de la structure d'une population de truite commune (Salmo trutta L. dans une zone à barbeau

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    Full Text Available Au total 16 espèces de poissons, dont la truite commune (Salmo trutta L. ont été recensées par pêche électrique dans le cours aval de la rivière Colmont, classée rivière à salmonidés dominants, et un de ses affluents. La présence de gros cyprins d'eaux vives (barbeau, Barbus barbus L., et chevaine, Leuciscus cephalus L. et de quelques espèces de cyprins d'eaux lentes est une caractéristique de la zone à barbeau. Parmi les cyprins, les espèces les plus abondantes sont le goujon (Gobio gobio L. et le chevaine présent dans tous les types d'habitats de la rivière. La population de truites se caractérise par : — une faible densité dans la rivière et l'affluent et par une bonne croissance. Ces deux paramètres montrent des variations annuelles. — une ségrégation spatiale des classes d'âge ; les truites 0+ sont localisées principalement dans l'affluent, alors que dans la rivière les truites sont âgées d'au moins 1 an et sont présentes uniquement dans les zones rapide-radier. Les caractéristiques de cette population de truite sont discutées en considérant l'interaction possible avec les autres populations pisciaires dans un milieu dont l'habitat est dégradé.

  15. Into and out of the tropics: global diversification patterns in a hyperdiverse clade of ectomycorrhizal fungi. (United States)

    Looney, Brian P; Ryberg, Martin; Hampe, Felix; Sánchez-García, Marisol; Matheny, P Brandon


    Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, symbiotic mutualists of many dominant tree and shrub species, exhibit a biogeographic pattern counter to the established latitudinal diversity gradient of most macroflora and fauna. However, an evolutionary basis for this pattern has not been explicitly tested in a diverse lineage. In this study, we reconstructed a mega-phylogeny of a cosmopolitan and hyperdiverse genus of ECM fungi, Russula, sampling from annotated collections and utilizing publically available sequences deposited in GenBank. Metadata from molecular operational taxonomic unit cluster sets were examined to infer the distribution and plant association of the genus. This allowed us to test for differences in patterns of diversification between tropical and extratropical taxa, as well as how their associations with different plant lineages may be a driver of diversification. Results show that Russula is most species-rich at temperate latitudes and ancestral state reconstruction shows that the genus initially diversified in temperate areas. Migration into and out of the tropics characterizes the early evolution of the genus, and these transitions have been frequent since this time. We propose the 'generalized diversification rate' hypothesis to explain the reversed latitudinal diversity gradient pattern in Russula as we detect a higher net diversification rate in extratropical lineages. Patterns of diversification with plant associates support host switching and host expansion as driving diversification, with a higher diversification rate in lineages associated with Pinaceae and frequent transitions to association with angiosperms. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Interpreting the gamma statistic in phylogenetic diversification rate studies: a rate decrease does not necessarily indicate an early burst. (United States)

    Fordyce, James A


    Phylogenetic hypotheses are increasingly being used to elucidate historical patterns of diversification rate-variation. Hypothesis testing is often conducted by comparing the observed vector of branching times to a null, pure-birth expectation. A popular method for inferring a decrease in speciation rate, which might suggest an early burst of diversification followed by a decrease in diversification rate is the gamma statistic. Using simulations under varying conditions, I examine the sensitivity of gamma to the distribution of the most recent branching times. Using an exploratory data analysis tool for lineages through time plots, tree deviation, I identified trees with a significant gamma statistic that do not appear to have the characteristic early accumulation of lineages consistent with an early, rapid rate of cladogenesis. I further investigated the sensitivity of the gamma statistic to recent diversification by examining the consequences of failing to simulate the full time interval following the most recent cladogenic event. The power of gamma to detect rate decrease at varying times was assessed for simulated trees with an initial high rate of diversification followed by a relatively low rate. The gamma statistic is extraordinarily sensitive to recent diversification rates, and does not necessarily detect early bursts of diversification. This was true for trees of various sizes and completeness of taxon sampling. The gamma statistic had greater power to detect recent diversification rate decreases compared to early bursts of diversification. Caution should be exercised when interpreting the gamma statistic as an indication of early, rapid diversification.

  17. Interpreting the gamma statistic in phylogenetic diversification rate studies: a rate decrease does not necessarily indicate an early burst.

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    James A Fordyce

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Phylogenetic hypotheses are increasingly being used to elucidate historical patterns of diversification rate-variation. Hypothesis testing is often conducted by comparing the observed vector of branching times to a null, pure-birth expectation. A popular method for inferring a decrease in speciation rate, which might suggest an early burst of diversification followed by a decrease in diversification rate is the gamma statistic. METHODOLOGY: Using simulations under varying conditions, I examine the sensitivity of gamma to the distribution of the most recent branching times. Using an exploratory data analysis tool for lineages through time plots, tree deviation, I identified trees with a significant gamma statistic that do not appear to have the characteristic early accumulation of lineages consistent with an early, rapid rate of cladogenesis. I further investigated the sensitivity of the gamma statistic to recent diversification by examining the consequences of failing to simulate the full time interval following the most recent cladogenic event. The power of gamma to detect rate decrease at varying times was assessed for simulated trees with an initial high rate of diversification followed by a relatively low rate. CONCLUSIONS: The gamma statistic is extraordinarily sensitive to recent diversification rates, and does not necessarily detect early bursts of diversification. This was true for trees of various sizes and completeness of taxon sampling. The gamma statistic had greater power to detect recent diversification rate decreases compared to early bursts of diversification. Caution should be exercised when interpreting the gamma statistic as an indication of early, rapid diversification.

  18. Internal Interface Diversification as a Security Measure in Sensor Networks

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    Sampsa Rauti


    Full Text Available More actuator and sensor devices are connected to the Internet of Things (IoT every day, and the network keeps growing, while software security of the devices is often incomplete. Sensor networks and the IoT in general currently cover a large number of devices with an identical internal interface structure. By diversifying the internal interfaces, the interfaces on each node of the network are made unique, and it is possible to break the software monoculture of easily exploitable identical systems. This paper proposes internal interface diversification as a security measure for sensor networks. We conduct a study on diversifiable internal interfaces in 20 IoT operating systems. We also present two proof-of-concept implementations and perform experiments to gauge the feasibility in the IoT environment. Internal interface diversification has practical limitations, and not all IoT operating systems have that many diversifiable interfaces. However, because of low resource requirements, compatibility with other security measures and wide applicability to several interfaces, we believe internal interface diversification is a promising and effective approach for securing nodes in sensor networks.

  19. Une étape primordiale dans l’évaluation d’une politique de développement durable

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    Karine Bourgeois


    Full Text Available L’évaluation des politiques publiques prend une place institutionnelle de plus en plus importante. La commande de l’évaluation donne lieu à l’élaboration d’un cahier des charges, qui précise notamment les questions évaluatives stratégiques à traiter. Pour parvenir à une définition judicieuse de ces questions, la réalisation, en amont, d’une démarche interdisciplinaire comprenant une phase d’analyse de politique complétée d’une étude des modalités de mise en oeuvre s’avère nécessaire. A travers l’exemple de l’évaluation intermédiaire du Contrat Territorial d’Exploitation (CTE en Limousin, nous tentons de montrer en quoi le graphe d’objectifs peut constituer un outil adapté pour révéler la théorie d’action de la politique publique. La conception du cahier des charges contribue également à éclairer la décision publique en favorisant l’implication et la concertation des divers partenaires. Celle-ci est d’autant plus précieuse qu’il s’agit d’une politique de développement durable, visant, entre autres, à mieux gérer les biens publics environnementaux.An important step in a sustainable policy evaluation: the conception of terms of reference, The experience of the Land Management Contract mid-term review in Limousin. Terms of reference and particularly evaluative questions definition is one of the most important stage in evaluation process. This last aims to analyse the context of the policy and its theory  of action. In order to define, in a pertinent way, priority evaluative questions, both political analysis and implementation analysis (an interdisciplinary method are required, moreover when the policy is defined in a regional and co-operation framework. In the case of the Land Management Contract (LMC mid-term review, an objective tree has been drawn up to identify which social and economical mechanisms have been implemented to achieve the main objectives of the Limousin program

  20. Diversification of health care services: the effects of ownership, environment, and strategy. (United States)

    Shortell, S M; Morrison, E M; Hughes, S L; Friedman, B S; Vitek, J L


    The present findings suggest that the trend toward greater diversification of hospital services is likely to be most strongly influenced by state Medicaid policies and certain hospital characteristics. Increasing Medicaid eligibility and payment levels is likely to have a positive effect on services diversification. Growth in the number of inpatient services provided and a more severe case mix are also likely to be involved with greater service diversification. Affiliation with a not-for-profit hospital system is likely to be associated with more diversified hospital services but not affiliation with an investor-owned system. There is also some indication that the overall portfolio of services which a hospital offers in regard to market share and market growth characteristics influences diversification. Specifically, a low market share portfolio is likely to be associated with less diversification. Competition is likely to be associated with more diversification; particularly for hospitals belonging to systems. The effect of competition on hospital strategy and services diversification is a particularly important area for further investigation. Increasing Medicaid payment and eligibility levels are also likely to have a positive effect on the provision of services which are usually unprofitable. Raising such levels is likely to be particularly beneficial to inner-city hospitals who are already providing a greater number of such services. However, the present data suggest that investor-owned hospitals are least likely to provide such services. Increasing Medicaid eligibility levels is also likely to be associated with fewer services for which charity care has to be provided. State regulation in the form of rate review and certificate of need is likely to be associated with more services for which hospitals provide some charity care. But such policies alone do not deal with the larger issue of how to finance care for the medically indigent. Present data suggest the

  1. Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique: une localisation exceptionnelle (United States)

    Hamdane, Mohamed Moncef; Bougrine, Fethi; Msakni, Issam; Dhaoui-Ghozzi, Amen; Bouziani, Ammar


    L’ hydatidose est une anthropo-zoonose due au développement chez l'homme de la forme larvaire du taenia Echinococcus granulosis. La plupart des kystes hydatiques se localisent dans le foie et les poumons. Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique est extrêmement rare avec seulement 4 cas rapportés dans la littérature. Les auteurs rapportent dans cet article un nouveau cas d'hydatidose du cordon spermatique. Il s'agissait d'un homme de 40 ans qui consultait pour des douleurs scrotales évoluant depuis huit mois. L'examen clinique a mis en évidence une tuméfaction mobile, inguino-scrotale, droite. L’échographie testiculaire a objectivé une hernie inguinale droite associée à deux kystes épididymaires bilatéraux. Le patient a été opéré pour cure de son hernie avec découverte en per-opératoire d'un kyste du cordon spermatique qui a été réséqué. L'examen anatomopathologique a conclu à une hydatidose du cordon spermatique. PMID:22384304

  2. Key innovations and island colonization as engines of evolutionary diversification: a comparative test with the Australasian diplodactyloid geckos. (United States)

    Garcia-Porta, J; Ord, T J


    The acquisition of key innovations and the invasion of new areas constitute two major processes that facilitate ecological opportunity and subsequent evolutionary diversification. Using a major lizard radiation as a model, the Australasian diplodactyloid geckos, we explored the effects of two key innovations (adhesive toepads and a snake-like phenotype) and the invasion of new environments (island colonization) in promoting the evolution of phenotypic and species diversity. We found no evidence that toepads had significantly increased evolutionary diversification, which challenges the common assumption that the evolution of toepads has been responsible for the extensive radiation of geckos. In contrast, a snakelike phenotype was associated with increased rates of body size evolution and, to a lesser extent, species diversification. However, the clearest impact on evolutionary diversification has been the colonization of New Zealand and New Caledonia, which were associated with increased rates of both body size evolution and species diversification. This highlights that colonizing new environments can drive adaptive diversification in conjunction or independently of the evolution of a key innovation. Studies wishing to confirm the putative link between a key innovation and subsequent evolutionary diversification must therefore show that it has been the acquisition of an innovation specifically, not the colonization of new areas more generally, that has prompted diversification. © 2013 The Authors. Journal of Evolutionary Biology © 2013 European Society For Evolutionary Biology.

  3. Phylogenetics and diversification of tanagers (Passeriformes: Thraupidae), the largest radiation of Neotropical songbirds. (United States)

    Burns, Kevin J; Shultz, Allison J; Title, Pascal O; Mason, Nicholas A; Barker, F Keith; Klicka, John; Lanyon, Scott M; Lovette, Irby J


    Thraupidae is the second largest family of birds and represents about 4% of all avian species and 12% of the Neotropical avifauna. Species in this family display a wide range of plumage colors and patterns, foraging behaviors, vocalizations, ecotypes, and habitat preferences. The lack of a complete phylogeny for tanagers has hindered the study of this evolutionary diversity. Here, we present a comprehensive, species-level phylogeny for tanagers using six molecular markers. Our analyses identified 13 major clades of tanagers that we designate as subfamilies. In addition, two species are recognized as distinct branches on the tanager tree. Our topologies disagree in many places with previous estimates of relationships within tanagers, and many long-recognized genera are not monophyletic in our analyses. Our trees identify several cases of convergent evolution in plumage ornaments and bill morphology, and two cases of social mimicry. The phylogeny produced by this study provides a robust framework for studying macroevolutionary patterns and character evolution. We use our new phylogeny to study diversification processes, and find that tanagers show a background model of exponentially declining diversification rates. Thus, the evolution of tanagers began with an initial burst of diversification followed by a rate slowdown. In addition to this background model, two later, clade-specific rate shifts are supported, one increase for Darwin's finches and another increase for some species of Sporophila. The rate of diversification within these two groups is exceptional, even when compared to the overall rapid rate of diversification found within tanagers. This study provides the first robust assessment of diversification rates for the Darwin's finches in the context of the larger group within which they evolved. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Evolutionary diversification of cryophilic Grylloblatta species (Grylloblattodea: Grylloblattidae in alpine habitats of California

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    Roderick George K


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Climate in alpine habitats has undergone extreme variation during Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs, resulting in repeated expansion and contraction of alpine glaciers. Many cold-adapted alpine species have responded to these climatic changes with long-distance range shifts. These species typically exhibit shallow genetic differentiation over a large geographical area. In contrast, poorly dispersing organisms often form species complexes within mountain ranges, such as the California endemic ice-crawlers (Grylloblattodea: Grylloblattidae: Grylloblatta. The diversification pattern of poorly dispersing species might provide more information on the localized effects of historical climate change, the importance of particular climatic events, as well as the history of dispersal. Here we use multi-locus genetic data to examine the phylogenetic relationships and geographic pattern of diversification in California Grylloblatta. Results Our analysis reveals a pattern of deep genetic subdivision among geographically isolated populations of Grylloblatta in California. Alpine populations diverged from low elevation populations and subsequently diversified. Using a Bayesian relaxed clock model and both uncalibrated and calibrated measurements of time to most recent common ancestor, we reconstruct the temporal diversification of alpine Grylloblatta populations. Based on calibrated relaxed clock estimates, evolutionary diversification of Grylloblatta occurred during the Pliocene-Pleistocene epochs, with an initial dispersal into California during the Pliocene and species diversification in alpine clades during the middle Pleistocene epoch. Conclusions Grylloblatta species exhibit a high degree of genetic subdivision in California with well defined geographic structure. Distinct glacial refugia can be inferred within the Sierra Nevada, corresponding to major, glaciated drainage basins. Low elevation populations are sister to alpine populations

  5. 1. Le Soleil, une étoile dans notre Galaxie


    Vial, Jean-Claude


    Par une belle nuit sans Lune (et sans nuages), levons les yeux vers le ciel. L’œil est immédiatement attiré par le cortège d’étoiles brillantes qui a donné son nom à la Voie lactée. Il s’agit en fait d’une galaxie de près de 200 milliards d’étoiles qui abrite notre Soleil et ses planètes, c’est notre galaxie, « la » Galaxie, comme une île dans le vaste cosmos. La Galaxie : ses 150 à 200 milliards d’étoiles sont réparties selon des bras spiraux autour d’un noyau central et pour la plupart conf...

  6. Commande adaptive d'une machine asynchrone (United States)

    Slama-Belkhodja, I.; de Fornel, B.


    The paper deals with an indirect self-tuning speed control for an induction motor supplied by a chopper-filter-inverter system. Input/Output models are identified with the recursive least squares algorithm and the controller adaptation is based on a pole assignement strategy. Emphasis is put on the evaluation of the parameter identification in order to avoid instabilities because of disturbances or insufficient excitations. This is especially of importance when the adaptive control is carried out in closed loop systems and without additional test signals. Simulation results show the improvement of the dynamic responses and the robustness against load variations or parameters variations (rotor resistance, inertia). Cat article décrit une stratégie de commande adaptive indirecte à Placement de Pôles (PP), appliquée à la commande en vitesse d'une machine asynchrone alimentée par un ensemble hacheur-filtre-onduleur de tension. L'algorithme des Moindres Carrés Récursifs (MCR) est utilisé pour l'identification des modèles de comportement type entrées/sorties. Un intérêt particulier est porté à la mise en oeuvre de cet algorithme et à la discussion de ses résultats, tenant compte des erreurs de modélisation et de la nature peu riche en excitations des entrées du processus. Différents régimes transitoires ont été simulés pour apprécier l'apport de cette association (MCR-PP) : démarrages et inversion des sens de rotation, à vide et en charges, applications d'échelons de couple résistant, variations paramétriques. Les résultats permettent d'illustrer, tant au niveau des performances que de la robustesse, l'apport d'une telle commande adaptive pour des entraînements électriques avec une machine asynchrone.

  7. Technology diversification, coherence, and performance of firms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leten, B.; Belderbos, R.A.; Looy, van B.


    Technological diversification at the firm level (i.e., the expansion of a firm's technology base into a wide range of technology fields) is found to be a prevailing phenomenon in all three major industrialized regions,—the United States, Europe, and Japan—prompting the term multitechnology

  8. Economic diversification and poverty in rural India

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kijima, Yoko; Lanjouw, Peter

    This paper analyses National Sample Survey data for 1987-88, 1993-94 and 1999-00 to explore the relationship between rural diversification and poverty. While there is little consensus regarding the rate of poverty decline during the 1990s, the region-level estimates provided here suggest that

  9. Densité de population et systèmes agricoles en Inde

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    François DURAND-DASTÈS


    Full Text Available II est classique de considérer que la densité de population et la productivité de l'agriculture sont fortement liées l'une à l'autre en Inde. La réalité de cette relation est vérifiée par la technique de la régression linéaire. La prise en compte des résidus permet de mettre en valeur des spécificités régionales, dont l'explication est esquissée par la prise en compte de l'histoire du peuplement et des structures sociales.

  10. Creating a typology of tobacco farms according to determinants of diversification in Valle de Lerma (Salta-Argentina)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chavez, M. D.; Berentsen, P. B. M.; Oude Lansink, G. J. M.


    The objective of this article is to identify typical tobacco farms according to determinants of diversification that can be used to explore possibilities of diversification in the province of Salta (Northwest of Argentina). National Agriculture Census data of 278 farms in the main tobacco production area of Salta were used for the analysis. The variables selected concerning determinants of diversification were: land area, irrigation, general capital goods and specific capital goods, ownership of land, education, off-farm work, and labour availability. The analysis of the principal components applied to 16 selected variables allowed to reduce the dimensionality of the data to four components. Those components were used to apply K-means cluster approach to classify the farms. Four clusters were determined. Cluster 1 and Cluster 2 are the largest clusters. These concern highly specialized tobacco farms. They differ regarding determinants for diversification due to different levels of education of the farmer and different levels of off-farm work. Both clusters are interesting for further analysis regarding diversification alternatives to maintain or improve income and to reduce soil degradation. Cluster 3 concerns large tobacco farms being somewhat less specialized than the farms in clusters 1 and 2. Intensive tobacco production makes this group interesting for exploring diversification alternatives to improve soil conditions. Farms in cluster 4 already have a high level of diversification with substantial livestock production. The presence of perennial pastures suggests a better soil management than the other clusters. This cluster looks appealing to investigate what can be done regarding diversification. (Author) 44 refs.

  11. Is It Feasible for China to Optimize Oil Import Source Diversification?


    Xu, Jian; Zhang, Jin-Suo; Yao, Qin; Zhang, Wei


    In 2013, China imported 282 million tons of crude oil with an external dependence of 58.1%, surpassing the USA as the world’s largest net oil importer. An import source diversification strategy has been adopted by China to ensure oil supply security and to prevent oil supply disruption. However, the strategy is restricted by the imbalance of oil reserves. What is the reasonable and clear objective of the diversification strategy under an imbalanced environment? How do we assess the natural i...

  12. Technique originale de relèvement enclouage à foyer fermé d'une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le relèvement enclouage à foyer fermé (R.E.F.F) est une technique originale de traitement des fractures thalamiques du calcanéum. Il s'agit d'un patient âgé de 40 ans sans antécédents, victime d'une chute domestique sur le talon droit, d'une hauteur de 3 mètres. Le patient présentait un 'dème et une ecchymose du talon ...

  13. Does Income Diversification Benefit the Sustainable Development of Chinese Listed Banks? Analysis Based on Entropy and the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index

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    Huichen Jiang


    Full Text Available We collected data pertaining to Chinese listed commercial banks from 2008 to 2016 and found that the competition between banks is becoming increasingly fierce. Commercial banks have actively carried out diversification strategies for greater returns, and the financial reports show that profits are increasingly coming from the non-interest income benefits of diversification strategies. However, diversification comes with risk. We built a panel threshold model and investigated the effect of income diversification on a bank’s profitability and risk. Diversification was first measured by the Herfindahl–Hirschman index (HHI, and the results show that there is a nonlinear relationship between diversification and profitability or risk does exist. We introduced an interesting index based on the entropy to test the robustness of our model and found that a threshold effect exists in both our models, which is statistically significant. We believe the combination of the entropy index (ENTI and the HHI enables more efficient study of the relationship between diversification and profitability or risk more efficiently. Bankers and their customers have increasingly been interested in income diversification, and they value risk as well. We suggest that banks of different sizes should adopt the corresponding diversification strategy to achieve sustainable development.

  14. Diversification and strategic management of LLNL's R ampersand D portfolio

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Glinsky, M.E.


    Strategic management of LLNL's research effort is addressed. A general framework is established by presenting the McKinsey/BCG Matrix Analysis as it applies to the research portfolio. The framework is used to establish the need for the diversification into new attractive areas of research and for the improvement of the market position of existing research in those attractive areas. With the need for such diversification established, attention is turned to optimizing it. There are limited resources available. It is concluded that LLNL should diversify into only a few areas and try to obtain full market share as soon as possible

  15. Cause rare d'une perforation de la cloison nasale (United States)

    Jahidi, Ali; Hemmaoui, Bouchaïb; Itoua, Wulfran Rosaire; Errami, Noureddine; Benariba, Fouad


    Les perforations de la cloison nasale constituent une pathologie fréquente en ORL. Leurs causes sont multiples et restent dominées par les traumatismes chirurgicaux. Les étiologies infectieuses et notamment la tuberculose sont rares. Nous présentons le cas d'une patiente ayant bénéficié d'une méatotomie bilatérale et chez laquelle une perforation de la cloison nasale a été découverte lors d'un examen systématique à un an de son intervention. D'abord considérée comme une complication de la chirurgie, la biopsie des berges de la perforation a permis de déterminer son origine tuberculeuse. La présentation clinique des perforations de la cloison nasale n'est pas spécifique. Elles sont souvent asymptomatiques et de découverte fortuite. Les traumatismes notamment chirurgicaux sont le plus siuvent en cause. L′orogine tuberculeuse resta très rare. Le diagnostic de certitude de tuberculose repose sur la biopsie des berges de cette perforation. Le but de ce travail est de mettre en avant l'intérêt de la biopsie dans le diagnostic de la tuberculose de la cloison nasale. Cette biopsie doit être systématique même en cas d'antécédents de chirurgie endonasale qui est le plus souvent en cause dans les perforations de la cloison nasale. PMID:24932334

  16. Elevated Extinction Rates as a Trigger for Diversification Rate Shifts: Early Amniotes as a Case Study (United States)

    Brocklehurst, Neil; Ruta, Marcello; Müller, Johannes; Fröbisch, Jörg


    Tree shape analyses are frequently used to infer the location of shifts in diversification rate within the Tree of Life. Many studies have supported a causal relationship between shifts and temporally coincident events such as the evolution of “key innovations”. However, the evidence for such relationships is circumstantial. We investigated patterns of diversification during the early evolution of Amniota from the Carboniferous to the Triassic, subjecting a new supertree to analyses of tree balance in order to infer the timing and location of diversification shifts. We investigated how uneven origination and extinction rates drive diversification shifts, and use two case studies (herbivory and an aquatic lifestyle) to examine whether shifts tend to be contemporaneous with evolutionary novelties. Shifts within amniotes tend to occur during periods of elevated extinction, with mass extinctions coinciding with numerous and larger shifts. Diversification shifts occurring in clades that possess evolutionary innovations do not coincide temporally with the appearance of those innovations, but are instead deferred to periods of high extinction rate. We suggest such innovations did not cause increases in the rate of cladogenesis, but allowed clades to survive extinction events. We highlight the importance of examining general patterns of diversification before interpreting specific shifts. PMID:26592209

  17. Diversification and Corporate Performance: Evidence from China’s Listed Energy Companies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qiming Li


    Full Text Available Recently, China’s energy industry has been continuously depressed due to a slowdown in its economic development. China’s energy companies have made considerable efforts to promote their corporate performance to mitigate this performance decline and to ensure the sustainable development of China’s energy industry, macro economy, society and environment. In this paper, the effects of two business strategies—industrial diversification and international diversification—on the performance of listed energy firms are empirically investigated. The empirical results show the following: (1 industrial diversification hinders corporate performance; (2 for industrially-diversified energy companies, related diversified strategies are more effective than unrelated diversified strategies; and (3 international diversification improves the performance of renewable energy firms, but hinders the performance of conventional energy firms. These results suggest that as economic conditions are not currently optimal, China’s energy companies should pay more attention to their main businesses and generate more products to satisfy market demand.

  18. High tropical net diversification drives the New World latitudinal gradient in palm (Arecaceae) species richness

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svenning, J.-C.; Borchsenius, Finn; Bjorholm, Stine Wendelboe


    /temperature and water availability. These patterns therefore reflect net diversification at both deep and shallow levels in the phylogeny. Richness also increased with range in elevation, but this was only reflected in the MS/G pattern and therefore reflects recent diversification. Main conclusions The geographical......Aim Species richness exhibits striking geographical variation, but the processes that drive this variation are unresolved. We investigated the relative importance of two hypothesized evolutionary causes for the variation in palm species richness across the New World: time for diversification...

  19. Piscivory limits diversification of feeding morphology in centrarchid fishes. (United States)

    Collar, David C; O'Meara, Brian C; Wainwright, Peter C; Near, Thomas J


    Proximity to an adaptive peak influences a lineage's potential to diversify. We tested whether piscivory, a high quality but functionally demanding trophic strategy, represents an adaptive peak that limits morphological diversification in the teleost fish clade, Centrarchidae. We synthesized published diet data and applied a well-resolved, multilocus and time-calibrated phylogeny to reconstruct ancestral piscivory. We measured functional features of the skull and performed principal components analysis on species' values for these variables. To assess the role of piscivory on morphological diversification, we compared the fit of several models of evolution for each principal component (PC), where model parameters were allowed to vary between lineages that differed in degree of piscivory. According to the best-fitting model, two adaptive peaks influenced PC 1 evolution, one peak shared between highly and moderately piscivorous lineages and another for nonpiscivores. Brownian motion better fit PCs 2, 3, and 4, but the best Brownian models infer a slow rate of PC 2 evolution shared among all piscivores and a uniquely slow rate of PC 4 evolution in highly piscivorous lineages. These results suggest that piscivory limits feeding morphology diversification, but this effect is most severe in lineages that exhibit an extreme form of this diet.

  20. Une-Mati lood vene keeles

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Dagmar Normeti lasteraamatu "Une-Mati, Päris-Mati ja Tups" tõlget vene keelde (tõlkijad Irina Belobrovtseva ja Vitali Belobrovtsev; ill. Siima Shkop) esitletakse täna Kirjanike Liidu saalis; vt. ka Postimees, 19. märts, lk. 14