
Sample records for toimunud messist world

  1. "ТрансРоссия-2011": успехи и перспективы / Татьяна Ерёмина, Александр Чебыкин

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ерёмина, Татьяна


    Moskvas toimunud rahvusvahelisest messist TransRossija 2011. EVR Cargo AS allkirjastas ettevõtetega Transgarant ja Evrosib 2 lepingut. Messist võtsid osa AS Tallinna Sadam, AS Sillamäe Sadam, AS Eesti Raudtee, Contimer, Smarten Logistics, Esteve Terminal, CF/S, RRK, Alekon Cargo ja Spacecom

  2. Imidzh - eto nashe vsjo / Eteri Kekelidze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kekelidze, Eteri, 1944-


    Eesti riiklikud, munitsipaal- ning eraorganisatsioonid, mis tegelevad turismiga, peaksid edasise edu suurendamiseks ja riigi imidzhi parandamiseks kooskõlastatult tegutsema. Tallinnas toimunud rahvusvahelisest messist TOUREST 2006, turismialane statistika

  3. Asjadeküllane Decorate Life / Aili Ermel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ermel, Aili


    Frankfurdis juulis toimunud tarbekaupade messist "Decorate Life". Noorte disainerite Kotaro Nishibori ja Sebastian Herkneri valgustid ning René Mülleri täispuidust tooted (firma Woodloops) tuppa ja terrassile

  4. Estonian companies promoted in Copenhagen / Olya Schaefer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Schaefer, Olya


    9 Eesti info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia ettevõtet võttis osa 10.-11. märtsil 2010 Kopenhaagenis toimunud infotehnoloogia messist. Eesti suursaadik Taanis Meelike Palli korraldas vastuvõtu Eesti firmadele, et tutvustada neid Taani ettevõtetele

  5. Euroopa ettevõtjad kohtusid Taanis / Liina Pello

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pello, Liina


    Euroopa Liidu keskkonnaprojekti PAVE tegevusest Euroopa väike- ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtjate koostöö edendamisel. Projekti partner Eestis on Eesti Kaubandus-Tööstuskoda. 2008. a. aprillis Taanis Viborgis toimunud PAVE kontaktkohtumiste messist biomassi ja bioenergia valdkonna ettevõtjatele

  6. Uuenenud "ARCOmadrid" / Mary-Ann Talvistu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talvistu, Mary-Ann


    Madridis 16.-20.02.2011 toimunud rahvusvahelisest kaasaegse kunsti messist "ARCOmadrid". Osales 197 galeriid, külalismaana oli kutsutud Venemaa. Hispaania Kunstikriitikute Assotsiatsiooni preemia pälvis Ángela de la Cruz parima rahvusvahelise kunstniku kategoorias ja Juan Genovés parima hispaanlasest kunstniku kategoorias

  7. Berliini kunstielu : aktuaalne, sõltumatu, internatsionaalne... ja vastuoluline / Heli Meisterson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meisterson, Heli


    IX rahvusvahelisest kaasaegse kunsti messist "Art Forum Berlin", selle raames toimunud Zdenek Felixi kureeritud erinäitusest "Made in Berlin". Eesti kunstnikest olid messil esindatud Ene-Liis Semper ("Oasis", "Uks", esindas Hamburgi galerii Art Agents) ja Jaan Toomik (esindas IBID Projects). New Yorgi moodsa kunsti muuseumi väljapanekust Berliini uues rahvusgaleriis. Friedrich Christian Flicki kollektsiooni väljapanekust Hamburger Bahnhofis

  8. Kolitshestvo, perehodjashtsheje v katshestvo / Josef Kats

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kats, Josef, 1977-


    Läti põllumajandusminister Martins Roze Baltimaade toiduainete tööstuse messist Riga Food 2005. Messi raames toimunud ümarlaua kohtumisel Eesti, Leedu ja Poola esindajatega rõhutas Läti põllumajandusminister, et koostöö uute Euroopa Liidu liikmesriikide vahel aitab kaasa regiooni siseste küsimuste lahendamisele, kui ka toime tulla toiduainete liigsest ladustamisest tekkinud trahvide probleemiga

  9. Park World Tour Hiinas / Timo Sild

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sild, Timo, 1988-


    Reisikiri Eesti sportlaste osalemisest septembris Hiinas korraldatud Park World Tour orienteerumisvõistlustel - Changchunis toimunud kahepäevasel Vasa orienteerumisfestivalil, Chongqingi lähistel toimunud Hiina meistrivõistlustel orienteerumissprindis ja Wanshengis toimunud lühiraja Hiina meistrivõistlustel ning Bekingi botaanikaaias toimunud keskkooli ja ülikooli meistrivõistlustel

  10. Erasektori korruptsiooni regulatsioon Eestis. Karistusõiguse revisjoniga toimunud muudatused / Silvia Kruusmaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kruusmaa, Silvia


    2015. aasta karistusseadustiku revisjoniga toimunud muudatustest korruptsioonikuritegude regulatsioonis ning altkäemaksu andmisest erasektoris tegutsevale isikule. Erasektori korruptsiooni regulatsioonist rahvusvahelises õiguses ja Euroopa Liidu riikides

  11. Välisriigis toimunud abielulahutuse tunnustamine Eestis : [magistritöö] / Rasmus Kuklane ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Karin Sein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuklane, Rasmus


    Välisriigis toimunud lahutuse tunnustamine Eestis Euroopa Liidu liikmesriigina (Brüssel II bis määrus) või rahvusvaheliste lepingute alusel (Haagi 1970. a. konventsioon, õigusabilepingud riikide vahel), kohtupraktika analüüs

  12. Toimunud istungid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Riigikohtu otsusest ASi E hagis ASi J vastu 564 984 kr ja 4 sendi saamiseks ja ASi J vastuhagi E ASi vastu elektrivarustuse taastamiseks ning otsusest OÜ Priva, OÜ Priva Shipping Company, OÜ Priva Ehitus, OÜ Priva KV (endise ärinimega AB Priva Kinnisvara OÜ), Priva Trading OÜ (endise ärinimega AB Priva Trade OÜ) ja OÜ Priva Audit hagis OÜ PRIVA Baltic vastu, kus nõuti viimase sellise nime all tegevuse lõpetamist

  13. Taaskasutuses London / Marlen Promann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Promann, Marlen


    "100% Disain London" messist, kus peateemaks oli säästlikkus disainis, materjalides, tehnoloogias ja tootmises. Markko Karu jõudis sellel noore disainiettevõtja auhinna finaali (International Young Design Entrepreneur of the Year)

  14. Tüüri autoriplaat on MIDEM-i auhinna nominent

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Muusikamessi MIDEM klassikalise muusika plaatide auhinnaõhtul on üheks preemia nominendiks Luciano Berio ja Krzysztof Penderecki kõrval Erkki-Sven Tüüri autoriplaat "Magma", messist 27.-31. jaan. Cannes'is Prantsusmaal

  15. Afterparty Baselis / Maria-Kristiina Soomre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soomre, Maria-Kristiina, 1978-


    Moodsa ja kaasaegse kunsti messist "Art 32 Basel" 13.-18. VI. Kutsutud esinejate näitusel "Art Unlimited" osalesid Ilja Kabakov, Richard Serra, James Turrell, Pipilotti Rist, Vanessa Beecroft, Atelier van Lieshout. Väljapanekud 260 galeriilt.

  16. Eesti dokumentaalfilm võitis USAs auhinna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Renita ja Hannes Lintropi dokumentaalfilm "Läbi pimeduse" Sompa kaevanduse kaevurist Aleksandr Gomanist sai Texases toimunud 36th Annual WorldFest-Huston filmifestivalil dokumentaalfilmide võistlussarjas Silver Remi auhinna

  17. Soome-ugri rahvaste V maailmakongress = 5th world congress of finno-ugric peoples

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilvese kohtumisest Venemaa presidendi Dmitri Medvedeviga, kõnest Hantõ-Mansiiskis toimunud soome-ugri maailmakongressil, Eesti delegatsiooni saalist väljamarssimisest Venemaa riigiduuma väliskomisjoni esimehe Konstantin Kossatshovi sõnavõtu ajal. Väljavõtteid välisajakirjandusest. Vabariigi President töövisiidil Venemaal 27.-30.06.2008

  18. Night Song Festival "Time to Take Notice" or "The world had never seen such a birthday bash before" / Rein Sikk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sikk, Rein, 1961-


    Laulvast revolutsioonist 1988. aastal. 19.-20. augustil 2008 Tallinna lauluväljakul toimunud öölaulupeost "Märkamisaeg". Vt. samas: Freedom is not self-evident. Väljavõte president Toomas Hendrik Ilvese kõnest

  19. Intelligentse Tallinna võimalustest / Ülar Mark

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mark, Ülar


    18.-19. I 2005. a. MIT-s (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) toimunud konverentsist "New Century Cities: Real Estate Value in a Digital World". Arhitetuuri arengusuunad, lähitulevik linnaplaneerimises. Juhtmeta linn. Täpselt ajas arhitektuur. Tallinna võimalustest. Bibliograafia lk. 25

  20. Muljeid Maailma Energeetikanõukogu ja Euroopa Liidu energiadiskussioonilt / Ülo Rudi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rudi, Ülo


    6. veebruaril 2008. a. Brüsselis toimunud Maailma Energeetikanõukogu (The World Energy Council) Euroopa regiooni liikmesmaade esindajate ja Euroopa Liidu esindajate kohtumisest, kus oli kõne all Euroopa uus kliimapakett kliimamuutuste leevendamiseks ja selle mõjud Euroopa energiavarustuskindlusele ja konkurentsivõimele

  1. WECi XX kongress andis võrdsed õigused kõigile energiaallikatele ka tulevikus / Ülo Rudi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rudi, Ülo


    11.-15. novembril 2007. a. Roomas toimunud Maailma Energeetikanõukogu (The World Energy Council) assambleest ja juubelikongressist. Eesti delegatsiooni kuulusid WECi Eesti Rahvuskomitee esimees (Eesti Energia ASi juhatuse esimees) Sandor Liive, WECi Eesti Rahvuskomitee juhatuse liige Endel Lippmaa ja WECi Eesti Rahvuskomitee peasekretär Ülo Rudi

  2. Killud Euroopa jazzisuvest / Madli-Liis Parts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Madli-Liis, 1969-


    2.-5. juulini Riias toimunud jazzifestivalist "Rigas ritmi",11.-13. juulini Rotterdamis toimunud festivalist "North Sea Jazz", Itaalias Perugias toimunud "Umbria Jazzist" ja Norras Moldes toimunud festivalist. Festivalide korraldusest, kontsertidest, esinemispaikadest, esinejatest

  3. Terve maailma arhitektuurifestival / Urmas Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Urmas, 1981-2012


    Muljeid Barcelonas toimunud Maailma arhitektuurifestivalilt (World Architecture Festival) 22.-24. okt. 2008. a. Keskseks ürituseks oli rahvusvaheline arhitektuurikonkurss, esitati 722 tööd 63 riigist. Võidutöid kommenteerib Ene Läkk. Raivo Kotovi kommentaar "Eesti seekord ei osalenud". Küsimustele vastab arhitektuurifestivali programmidirektor Paul Finch. 17 fotot

  4. Maailma arhitektuurifestival = World Architecture Festival / Ingrid Ruudi ; kommenteerinud Maarja Kask, Karli Luik, Ralf Lõoke, Indrek Allmann, Martin Aunin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruudi, Ingrid, 1978-


    Barcelonas 2.-4. nov. 2011 toimunud 4. Maailma arhitektuurifestivalist (WAF). Muljeid jagavad II vooru pääsenud eesti arhitektid Maarja Kask, Karli Luik ja Ralf Lõoke AB-st Salto (Põhuteater, Sõmeru keskus), Martin Aunin (Must maja Nõmmel), Indrek Allmann AB-st Pluss (poolautonoomne saun). Üldvõitja - Media-ICT Barcelonas (Cloud 9 / Enric Ruiz-Geli)

  5. Notarikandidaadiks sai alla viiendiku soovijatest : Notarite Koja viimase aja üritused / Eve Strang

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Strang, Eve


    20. veebruaril 1999. a. Tallinnas toimunud pärimisseaduse alasest seminarist, 8.-9. märtsil 1999. a. Tallinnas toimunud notarikandidaatide konkursist, 13. märtsil 1999. a. Pärnus toimunud Notarite Koja aastakoosolekust ning 25.-26. märtsil 1999. a. Šveitsis toimunud Notarite Kodade ühisseminarist

  6. Ideed ja inimesed 2009 / Kaie Tanner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tanner, Kaie, 1975-


    31. jaanuaril 2009 Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud aastakontserdil üle antud koorimuusikapreemiatest, koorifestivalist "Tallinn 2009", Hollandis Utrechtis toimunud Euroopa Noortekooride Föderatsiooni Europa Cantat poolt korraldatavast samanimelisest festivalist, Vigalas toimunud muusika seminarlaagrist, Soomes Helsingis toimunud III rahvusvahelisest Harald Anderseni nimelisest kammerkooride konkursist ja üle-eestilisest noorte koorijuhtide konkursist

  7. Eesti graafika välisnäitustel / Virge Jõekalda

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jõekalda, Virge


    1998. a. okt.-nov. Jaapanis Yokohamas toimunud Kanagawa V kunstifestivali graafikakonkursist. Eestist näitusel U. Viigi ja V. Jõekalda tööd. 1998. a. nov.-dets. Ljubljana Agart World Print Festivalist. Kuivnõeltehnika preemia V. Jõekaldale. Eestist eksponeeritud veel I. Heamäe, I. Kruusamäe ja B. Vassermani tööd. Peapreemiate saajad festivalidel

  8. Vana Maailma tegevuskunstimaastikel / Al Paldrok

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paldrok, Al, 1969-


    Rahvusvahelise tegevuskunstifestivali "Diverse Universe" toimumise kohad ja ajad Euroopas 2011. aastal. Euroopa tegevuskunstist Pariisis toimunud tänavafestivali "Linnakeskkonna kaos" ("Urban Disorder"), Poolas Piotrków Trybunalski nimelises linnas toimunud festivali (kuraator Arti Grabowski, Non Grata esines aktsiooniga "Force majeure") ja Berliinis toimunud festivali "Nälg" ("Hunger") näitel

  9. Kaks kiirpilku festivalile "Credo" / Igor Garšnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    Rahvusvahelise õigeusu vaimuliku muusika festivali "Credo" raames toimunud kahest kontserdist: 21. septembril Kaarli kirikus toimunud müsteeriumist "Jumalaema palve", esitajaks festivali "Credo" meesansambel Stanislav Šeljahhovski dirigeerimisel ja 13. septembril Tallinna Jaani kirikus toimunud Pariisi Neeva vaga suurvürsti Aleksandri paekiriku koori kontserdist ülemdiakon Aleksandr Kedrovi juhatusel

  10. Paradigma muutus 1970-ndate aastate Lääne kunstis ja selle kajastus eesti kunstielus = The Change of Paradigm in the Western Art of the 1970s and its Reflection in the Estonian Art World / Jaak Kangilaski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kangilaski, Jaak, 1939-


    Nõukogude võimu ideoloogilisest arengust, eesti kunsti suundumustest okupatsiooni ajal ئ ametlik, rahvuslik-konservatiivne (30.-te ideaalidele toetuv) ja avangardistlik suund ئ ning muutustest eesti kunstis seoses 1970. aastatel lääne kunstis toimunud paradigmade vahetumisega, suhetest vene avangardkunstiga

  11. Kontserdipeegel : ERSO, Nordic Voices ja NYYD Ensemble / Igor Garshnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    22. sept. Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud ERSO kontserdist. Kavas Debussy "Fauni pärastlõuna", R.Straussi Oboekontsert ja F.Mendelssohni 4. sümfoonia. 24. sept. Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud ans. Nordic Voices kontserdist. ETV suures stuudios toimunud multimeediaetendusest. Kavas M.Nymani "Letters, Riddles & Writs" ja L.Andriesseni "M is for Man, Music, Mozart"

  12. Aasta 2013 Eesti kolmevõistluses / Malle Einase

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Einaste, Malle


    27.-28 juulil Tartumaal Ecu Tallides toimunud harrastajate meistrivõistlustest, 3.-4. augustil Tartumaal Saksa ratsutamiskompleksis toimunud Eesti meistrivõistlustest noortele, noorhobuste tšempionaadist ja Tartu linna lahtistest meistrivõistlustest seenioridele, 23.-25. augustil Järvamaal Koordi tallides toimunud Eesti meistrivõistlustest juunioridele, seenioridele ja poniklassile ning 2013. aasta rahvusvahelistest võistlustest, kus osalesid Eesti sportlased

  13. Baltic cooperation twenty years later / Rokas M. Tracevskis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tracevskis, Rokas M.


    2. detsembril Tallinnas toimunud Baltimaade ja Poola presidentide kohtumisel arutati Rail Balticu projektiga seonduvat. 2. detsembril Kaunases toimunud Baltimaade kaitseministrite Mart Laari, Rasa Jukneviciene ja Artis Pabriksi kohtumisel arutati Balti riikide kaitsekoostööga seotud küsimusi. Samal ajal Visaginases toimunud Läti ja Leedu peaministrite kohtumisel räägiti Visaginase tuumaelektrijaama projektist. LNG terminaliga seotud vaidlustest

  14. Ülestähendusi Birgitta festivalilt 2009 / Raili Sule

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sule, Raili, 1944-


    13.-23. augustini Pirita kloostri varemetes toimunud Tallinna Filharmoonia korraldatud Birgitta festivali raames toimunud Dmitri Bertmanni lavastustest - Umberto Giordano "Siber" ja Giuseppe Verdi "Falstaff"

  15. Remembering Potsdam / Heikki H. Tann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tann, Heikki H.


    17. juulist - 2. augustini 1945. a toimunud Potsdami konverentsi - Ameerika Ühendriikide, Suurbritannia ja Nõukogude Liidu valitsuste juhtide vahel toimunud arutelusid ja saavutatud kokkuleppeid meenutades

  16. Thirty years after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant: historical causes, lessons and legal effects / Aleksey Pavlovich Anisimov, Anatoliy Jakovlevich Ryzhenkov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Anisimov, Aleksey Pavlovich


    30.04.1986 toimunud Tšornobõli katastroofist, selle ajaloost, poliitilistest ja õiguslikest aspektidest. Õnnetusejärgselt toimunud muudatustest keskkonnakaitses ja elanike õigustes. Muudatustest Ukraina, Valgevene ja Venemaa seadusandluses

  17. Mängu nimel tasub riskida / Toomas Velmet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Velmet, Toomas, 1942-


    3. aprillil Eesti Kontserdi sarjas "Eesti muusika kullafond" Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud Uus Tallinna Trio kontserdist ja 4. aprillil sarjas "Akadeemiline kammermuusika" Kadrioru lossis toimunud Olga Voronova ning Mati Mikalai kontserdist

  18. Brasiilia hõng kontserdimajas, Ajavares Ammendes / Marge Lumisalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lumisalu, Marge


    2. juulil Ammende aia "Suvemuusika" raames toimunud jazzansambli Ajavares kontserdist ja Pärnu kontserdimaja kammersaalis toimunud Ele Raiki ning Brasiiliast pärit muusikute Daniel Marquesi ja Sergio Krakowski kontserdist

  19. Kammermuusikat kahelt mandrilt / Toomas Velmet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Velmet, Toomas, 1942-


    12. mail New Yorgis Weill Recital Hallis toimunud keelpillikvarteti Pro Arte 12 kontserdist ja 22. mail sarjas "Meistrite akadeemia" Tallinnas Vene kultuurikeskuse väikese saalis toimunud Uus Tallinna Trio kontserdist

  20. Marlowe ja elavad skulptuurid / Teet Veispak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veispak, Teet, 1955-


    "Continental Breakfast Tallinn : Nu performance'i" festivali raames Tallinna Linnagaleriis 2.-20. XI toimunud Liina Siibi näitusest "Marlowe" ja 24. XI Tallinna Kunstihoones toimunud näitusest "Elavad skulptuurid"

  1. Viies "Postsovkhoz" : kultuuritehas / Maarin Ektermann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ektermann, Maarin


    5.-15. VIII 2005 Moostes toimunud rahvusvahelistest mõtte- ja keskkonnakunsti talgutest "Postsovkhoz 5. Avalik/era" ja satelliitüritusena Tartus Y-galeriis toimunud lipunäitusest "Unfurled / Lahtirullitud" (kuraator Marisa Jahn)

  2. Tatjana Manevskaja : nagradõ za tet-a-tet / Tatjana Manevskaja ; interv. Boris Tuch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Manevskaja, Tatjana


    Näitlejanna sai oma rolli eest lavastuses "Lou - geeniuste innustaja" diplomi Moskvas toimunud monoetenduste VI Rahvusvahelisel festivalil "Ühe näitleja teater" ja Volgogradis toimunud festivalil "Üks ja kõik"

  3. Laval ja põrandal / Mart Siimer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Siimer, Mart


    23. augustil Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud kammerkontserdist "Lootuste lõppematus". Kavas M. Tally "Kaks vaadet merele", T. Trassi "Psalmid" ja T. Tulevi "Sin otra luz". 25. augustil Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud Birmingami SO kontserdist

  4. Kontserdipeegel : Neli pilku aastalõpu kontsertidele / Igor Garshnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    22. ja 23. dets. Niguliste kirikus toimunud H. Mätliku soolokontsertidest. Kõlas J. S. Bachi lautomuusika. 29. dets. 1999 - 1. jaan. 2000 toimunud aastalõpufestivalist "Sünnisõnad" : F. Langi tummfilmist "Metropolis" ja sellele saatemuusikat mänginud saksa triost, A. Pärdi teoste "Cantique des degres" ja "Te Deum", E.-S. Tüüri teose "Ante finem saeculi" ja V. Tormise kantaadi "Sünnisõnad" ettekannetest. 30. dets. 1999 Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud kontserdist. Kõlas G. Bryarsi "Titanicu hukk" NYYD Ensemble"i esituses

  5. Külalised ja meie / Tiiu Levald

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Levald, Tiiu, 1940-


    11. detsembril Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud ERSO kontserdist, dir. Olari Elts ja solist soome metsosopran Monica Groop, kavas oli Wagneri ja Mendelssohni looming ning 12. detsembril Estonias toimunud Donizetti ooperi "Poliuto" kontsertettekandest, dirigent Arvo Volmer

  6. Etenduskunsti eetikast / Mari Saat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saat, Mari, 1947-


    Pärnu nüüdiskunsti festivalil toimunud performance'i ja seal esinenud Eesti rahvusmeeskoori konfliktist. Näituse "Kehaturg" avamisel toimunud performance'ist "Kadalipp". Kommenteerivad Andrus Kallastu, Al paldrok, Ville-Karel Viirelaiu ja Sandra Jõgeva

  7. Taani eeskuju: maa tuleb täita lasteteatritega / Silvia Soro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soro, Silvia


    Projekti "Näitekirjanike kasvulava" raames 17.-23. septembrini toimunud eesti kirjanike ja teatriinimeste õppereisist Taani. Taani lastele ja noortele mängitavate väiketeatrite süsteemist. 17.-19. septembrini Horsensis toimunud laste- ja noorteteatrite festivalist

  8. Symposium on job creation and job destruction in transition countries / John Haltiwanger, Hartmut Lehmann, Katherine Terrell

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haltiwanger, John


    Ülevaade 2002. aasta aprillis Costa Rical toimunud konverentsi Labour Markets in Emerging Economies raames toimunud sümpoosiumist ning sealsetest ettekannetest, milles käsitleti tööjõu voolavusega seotud küsimusi üleminekuriikides

  9. Fine5 tantsuteater võitis Vitebskis teise preemia

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    22. - 26. XI Valgevenes toimunud kaasaegse koreograafia konkursil "International Festival of Modern Choreography" võitsid Laura Kvelstein ja Dmitri Kruus lühiteostega "1 spot, 2 shadows" teise preemia. Konkursi raames toimunud meistriklasse juhendas Fine5 koreograaf Tiina Ollesk

  10. Ooperipäevad Saaremaal (II) / Tiiu Levald

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Levald, Tiiu, 1940-


    21.-27. VII Saaremaa ooperipäevade raames toimunud üritustest - Carmen Tabori lavastatud Aino Kallase ja Tauno Pylkkäneni "Patseba Saaremaal" (esimene osa draama- ja teine ooperilavastus), Gershwini ooperist "Porgy ja Bess" ning 25. VII toimunud galakontserdist

  11. Our World Their World (United States)

    Brisco, Nicole


    Build, create, make, blog, develop, organize, structure, perform. These are just a few verbs that illustrate the visual world. These words create images that allow students to respond to their environment. Visual culture studies recognize the predominance of visual forms of media, communication, and information in the postmodern world. This…

  12. Uudised : Kultuuriministeeriumis. Bellmani laulud Viljandi Linnakapellilt. Esiettekanne TAMilt / Reet Weidebaum

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Weidebaum, Reet


    15. dets. kultuuriministeeriumis toimunud koosolekul arutati muusika salvestamise ja plaadistamise probleeme. 12. dets. Viljandis ja 13. dets. Raplas toimunud Viljandi Linnakapelli kontsertidest, kus esitati rootsi 18. saj. muusikat. TAMi jõulukontserdite sarjast, kus esitatakse A. Kruusimäe "Missa adventus"

  13. A tale of two concerts / Paul Goble

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Goble, Paul Alan, 1949-


    Lõuna-Osseetias Tskhinvalis 20. augustil 2008 toimunud Peterburi Marinski teatri orkestri kontserdist ja Tallinna lauluväljakul ööl vastu 20. augustit 2008 toimunud öölaulupeost. Tallinna kontserdil esines kõnega president Toomas Hendrik Ilves ja avaldati toetust Gruusiale

  14. Festival, mis kodustas linnakeskkonna / Heie Treier

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Treier, Heie, 1963-


    7.-8. nov. toimunud Tallinna linnakultuuri festivalist 'Backdoor Media'. Kunstiakadeemias toimunud ürituste kuraator Hanno Soans. Seal linastunud Mari Sobolevi ja tema 'kogukonna' road-movie'st. Peeter Linnapi videoloeng kunstnikust kui kriitilisest institutsioonist. Raoul Kurvitza etteaste alternatiivsest raharinglusest (loeng, video).

  15. Suvemuusika : Oramo ja Kaljuste / Igor Garshnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    25. augustil Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud Birmingami SO kontserdist. Kavas G. Benjamini "Sudden Times", Sibeliuse Viiulikontsert ja Brahmsi 2. sümfoonia. 26. augustil Tallinnas endise tselluloosivabriku katlamajas toimunud kontserdist ja videosalvestusest, kus kanti ette Mozarti "Reekviem" Kosovos hukkunute mälestuseks

  16. World law

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harold J. Berman


    Full Text Available In the third millennium of the Christian era, which is characterised by the emergence of a world economy and eventually a world society, the concept of world law is needed to embrace not only the traditional disciplines of public international law, and comparative law, but also the common underlying legal principles applicable in world trade, world finance, transnational transfer of technology and other fields of world economic law, as well as in such emerging fields as the protection of the world's environment and the protection of universal human rights. World law combines inter-state law with the common law of humanity and the customary law of various world communities.

  17. NATO tippkohtumine Bukarestis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    1.-3. aprillil Bukarestis toimunud NATO 20. tippkohtumisel osales ka Eesti delegatsioon eesotsas president Toomas Hendrik Ilvesega. Eesti riigipea esines sõnavõtuga tippkohtumisega paralleelselt toimunud NATO temaatikaga tegelevate noorteorganisatsioonide esindajate (Young Atlanticists) konverentsil ning mõttekoja German Marshall Fund korraldatud konverentsil

  18. Gija Kantšeli kui kontrastide guru / Igor Garšnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    Gruusia nüüdishelilooja Gija Kantšeli 75. sünnipäeva tähistamisest Eestis - EMTA kammersaalis 11. novembril toimunud avalikust kohtumisest ja vestlusringist ning 12, novembril toimunud autoriõhtust Estonia kontserdisaalis, kus esines ERSO Andres MUstoneni dirigeerimisel

  19. The Academic Life: Small Worlds, Different Worlds (United States)

    Locke, William


    "The Academic Life: Small Worlds, Different Worlds" represented an impressive investigation of the largest and most complex national academic community in the world, which seriously attempted a detailed representation of the variations in its form. Its ethnographic orientation to understanding the internal academic life through exploratory…

  20. World Literature - World Culture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Offering their own twenty-first-century perspectives - across generations, nationalities and disciplines -, the contributors to this anthology explore the idea of world literature for what it may add of new connections and itineraries to the study of literature and culture today. Covering a vast...... historical material these essays, by a diverse group of scholars, examine the pioneers of world literature and the roles played by translation, migration and literary institutions in the circulation and reception of both national and cosmopolitan literatures....

  1. Benjamin Vassermanile preemiad

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Graafik Benjamin Vasserman pälvis kolme digitaalse graafilise lehe eest žürii kiituse Ungaris Györis toimunud biennaalil "The Master of Drawing and Graphic Arts" ning II preemia nelja lehe eest Leedus Vilniuses toimunud VI rahvusvahelisel väikegraafika triennaalil. Eestist osalesid veel Reti Saks ja Kelli Valk

  2. Belarus and Russia in OSCE Ministerial Council focus / Rokas M. Tracevskis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tracevskis, Rokas M.


    6.-7. detsembril Vilniuses toimunud OSCE Ministrite Nõukogu kohtumisel räägiti inimõiguste probleemidest, meediavabadusest, Afganistanist, Araabia kevadest, Valgevenes toimuvast ja Venemaal toimunud parlamendivalimistest. Kohtumise avas Leedu president Dalia Grybauskaite. 6. detsembril kohtus USA riigisekretär Hillary Clinton president Dalia Grybauskaite ja välisminister Audronius Azubalisega

  3. Tallinna vanalinna kaitseala 45 ja Helmi Üprus 100 / Jaan Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamm, Jaan, 1948-


    Tallinna raekojas 6. sept.-l toimunud konverentsist "Tallinna vanalinna kaitseala 45 ja Helmi Üprus 100", lühidalt ettekannetest. Konverentsi vaheajal näidatud Airi Kasera filmist "Õed Üprused" (ETV, 1988). Mustlas 7. sept. toimunud seminarist "Miljööväärtuslikud alad väikelinnades"

  4. Tranzitnõi interes / Aleksei Zhigulin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zhigulin, Aleksei


    Aasta alguses on toimunud kaks suurt transpordialast konverentsi - TransBaltika ja TransRussia, Tallinnas on algamas TransEstonia, kus püütakse selgusele jõuda Eesti lähiaastate transiidipoliitikas ning sõlmida ärialaseid kokkuleppeid. Ülevaade Moskvas toimunud transpordi- ja logistika-alasest näitusest TransRussia

  5. Kuidas ühendada toitu ja aktiivset puhkust?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Hotellis Salzburg 11. aprillil toimunud Euroopa Liidu Kesk-Läänemere INTERREG IV A programmi rahvusvahelise projekti "International Food and Activity Tourism" lõpukokkuvõtete tegemise seminarist ning projekti raames toimunud koolitustest ja Eesti ning Soome turismiettevõtete töövahetusest, samuti Lõuna-Eesti kohalikku toitu tutvustavast Toidutee ideest

  6. Mõtlemine algab kujustamisest / Igor Garšnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    2. detsembril toimunud kontserdist "The Music of the Image", kus esinesid Brüsseli Filharmoonikud, Lewis Morison, Gaelle Mechaly, Juanjo Mosalini ja Gabriel Yared Dirk Brosse dirigeerimisel ning 6. detsembril Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud "Suurest filmimuusika kontserdist", kus esinesid Peterburi sümfooniaorkester Cinema ja Žanna Dombrovskaja Igor Ponomarenko juhatusel

  7. Natural-gas world reserves and world resources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eickhoff, G.; Rempel, H.


    Natural gas is extracted in nearly 80 countries, 12 of which have a share of four fifths in the world extraction and 15 of which have a share of four fifths in the world consumption. The natural-gas world reserves can cover the present annual demand for years beyond the middle of the coming century. According to current assessments, the resources which presently cannot be extracted economically, the expected additional resources, and the extractable share in the potential of unconventional natural gas amount to more than ten times the reliable world reserves of natural gas. From the geological and technical points of view the world natural-gas extraction will not decrease or cease in the near future. However, the more expensive development of unconventional deposits which are located far away from the end-user will have to be preferred over the medium term on account of the exhaustion of the known deposits whose exploitation is comparatively cheap. (orig./UA) [de

  8. Superhabitable worlds. (United States)

    Heller, René; Armstrong, John


    To be habitable, a world (planet or moon) does not need to be located in the stellar habitable zone (HZ), and worlds in the HZ are not necessarily habitable. Here, we illustrate how tidal heating can render terrestrial or icy worlds habitable beyond the stellar HZ. Scientists have developed a language that neglects the possible existence of worlds that offer more benign environments to life than Earth does. We call these objects "superhabitable" and discuss in which contexts this term could be used, that is to say, which worlds tend to be more habitable than Earth. In an appendix, we show why the principle of mediocracy cannot be used to logically explain why Earth should be a particularly habitable planet or why other inhabited worlds should be Earth-like. Superhabitable worlds must be considered for future follow-up observations of signs of extraterrestrial life. Considering a range of physical effects, we conclude that they will tend to be slightly older and more massive than Earth and that their host stars will likely be K dwarfs. This makes Alpha Centauri B, which is a member of the closest stellar system to the Sun and is supposed to host an Earth-mass planet, an ideal target for searches for a superhabitable world.

  9. Clown prince Lembergs lashes out at Zatlers

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Läti kaubandus-tööstuskoja endine esimees Zaneta Jaunzeme-Grende liitus poliitilise ühendusega „Kõik Läti heaks”, et saaks Lätis valitseva oligarhiaga võidelda. Läti president Valdis Zatlers osales Viinis toimunud ülemaailmsel majandusfoorumil, kus räägiti ka korruptsiooni teemadel. 8. juunil Riias toimunud oligarhidevastasest meeleavaldusest

  10. Kontserdipeegel / Igor Garshnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    27. sept. toimunud kontserdist Estonia kontserdisaalis. Kavas B.Eno "Music for Airports". Rahvusvahelise muusikapäeva kontserdist 1. okt. Kavas M.Stachowski "Choreias, W.Lutoslawski Sümf. nr. 4 ja J.MacMillani löökriistakontsert "Veni, veni, Emmanuel". 3. okt. Rotermanni soolalaos toimunud kontserdist. Kavas Nielseni, T.Takemitsu ja R.Straussi muusika

  11. Muusikamaailm : Klaverifestival Luzernis. Rahvusvahelistel konkurssidel. Ooperiharuldus Huddersfieldi festivalil. Strausside kontsert ka Helsingisse / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Klaverifestivalist Luzernis. Weimaris toimunud Liszti nim. pianistide konkursi võitjatest, Hannoveris toimunud Joseph Joachimi viiuldajate konkursi võitjatest. Huddersfieldi festivalil etendus C. Vivier' ooper "Kopernikus". Helsingi Messikeskuse Amfisaalis hakatakse korraldama pidulikke uusaastakontserte sarnaselt Viinile, kontserdist 1. jaan. 2001//Labeque, Katia ja Marielle - kanada klaveriduo//Jacques Loussier trio - dzhässtrio//Sibeliuse Akadeemia Sümfooniaorkester

  12. Kahtlaste provokaatorite paraad Moskva moodi / Kaarel Kaas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaas, Kaarel, 1978-


    Vt. ka Postimees : na russkom jazõke 9. okt. lk. 10. Katari pealinnas Dohas 2004. aastal toimunud Tšetšeenia endise presidendi Zelimhan Janbarbijevi pommiplahvatusega tapmise tagamaadest ja Venemaa luureagentide arreteerimisest. Gruusias lahvatanud spiooniskandaali ja Doha plahvatuse puhul toimunud sarnased reageeringud Venemaal. Gruusia võimud seostavad Vene luureorganisatsiooni grusiinide grupiga, kes olevat valmistunud riigipöördeks

  13. Russian-Belarusian propaganda war and Vilnius / Rokas M. Tracevskis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tracevskis, Rokas M.


    Venemaa-Valgevene konfliktist, mille käigus tsenseeritakse meediat ning kritiseeritakse president Aleksandr Lukašenkot ja peaminister Vladimir Putinit, põhjuseks on maagaasi hind. 27. juulil toimunud Leedu peaministri Andrius Kubiliuse ja Valgevene peaministri Sergei Sidorski kohtumisel räägiti vedeldatud gaasi terminali projektist. 26. juunil toimunud Andrius Kubiliuse ja Aleksandr Lukašenko kohtumisest

  14. 75 FR 49525 - World Color (USA), LLC Formerly Known as Quebecor World World Color Covington Including On-Site... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-72,781] World Color (USA), LLC Formerly Known as Quebecor World World Color Covington Including On-Site Leased Workers From Randstad... Adjustment Assistance on May 14, 2010, applicable to workers of World Color (USA), LLC, formerly known as...

  15. In-World Behaviors and Learning in a Virtual World (United States)

    Nadolny, Larysa; Childs, Mark


    Educational virtual worlds can give students opportunities that would not otherwise be possible in face-to-face settings. The SciEthics Interactive simulations allow learners to conduct scientific research and practice ethical decision-making within a virtual world. This study examined the in-world behaviors that identify students who perceive…

  16. Tööelu Eesti üleminekuühiskonnas Saku Õlletehase kontoritöötajate näitel / Agnes Aljas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aljas, Agnes


    1990. aastatel Eestis toimunud süsteemsed ühiskondliku ja majanduskeskkonna muutused ning järgnev areng mõjutasid igaühe argielu, sealhulgas tööelu. Artikkel põhineb Turu Ülikoolis kaitstud magistritööl, mis käsitleb Saku õlletööstuse kontoritöötajate töömaailmas aastatel 1990-2000 toimunud muutusi

  17. Muusikamaailm : Telemanni festival Magdeburgis. Suurkontsert Lille'is. Straussi ooperi tähtpäev. Kahelt konkursilt. Viini festival tuleb põnev / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Märtsis 2000. a. toimuvast Telemanni festivalist Magdeburgis Saksamaal. Lille"is Prantsusmaal toimunud kontserdist, kus oli ettekandel D. Milhaud" muusika P. Claudeli näidendile "Les Choephores". R. Straussi ooperi "Naine ilma varjuta" uuslavastusest Viini Riigiooperis. Prantsusmaal Besanconis toimunud 46. rahvusvahelisest noorte dirigentide konkursist, 4. H. Dutilleux" nimelisest noorte heliloojate konkursist Pariisis. 14. mail. 2000 avatavatest Viini pidunädalatest (Wiener Festwochen)

  18. Nädal täis suurepärast ooperimuusikat / Laine Lehto

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lehto, Laine


    Ülevaade Saaremaa ooperipäevadest: 24. juulil toimunud galakontserdist (dirigendid Modestas Pitrenas ja Eri Klas); Vanemuise teatri "Trubaduuri" etendusest 25. juulil; 26. juulil toimunud Verdi "Reekviemi" ettekandest, kus Läti Rahvusooperi koori ja orkestri juhatas Neeme Järvi; Estonia Poistekoori kirikukontsertidest "Ave Maria" Saaremaa kirikutes Hirvo Surva juhatusel; Eesti Rahvusmeeskoori ja Tallinna Saksofonikvarteti kontserdist Kuressaare kuursaali kõlakojas 25. juulil

  19. World Energy Conference

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ott, G.; Schilling, H.D.


    After making some general remarks about goals, tasks, and works of the World Energy Conference the topics and the frame of the 11th World Energy Conference which will take place in Munich from 8th to 12th September 1980 are outlined. This conference is held under the general topic 'energy for our world' and deals with the reciprocal relation between energy supply, environment, and society. The main part of the publication presented here is the German version of the most important sections of the investigation 'World Energy-Looking Ahead to 2020' by the Conservation Commission (CC) of the World Energy Conference. Added to this is the German original brief version of a report by the Mining-Research Company (Bergbau-Forschung GmbH) to the CC which deals with the estimation of the world's coal resources and their future availability. This report was presented on the 10th World Energy Conference in Istanbul together with the corresponding reports concerning the other energy sources. Finally, an introduction to the technical programme for the 11th World Energy Conference 1980 is given. (UA) [de

  20. Images of World Society: A Third World View. (United States)

    Gopal, Sarvepalli


    Discusses conditions in the Third World which prevent the development of a harmonious world society. The effects of nationalism, nuclear proliferation, racism, political and economic inequities, and social and religious conservatism on the growth of a global outlook are considered. (AM)

  1. World lines.


    Waser Jürgen; Fuchs Raphael; Ribicic Hrvoje; Schindler Benjamin; Blöschl Günther; Gröller Eduard


    In this paper we present World Lines as a novel interactive visualization that provides complete control over multiple heterogeneous simulation runs. In many application areas decisions can only be made by exploring alternative scenarios. The goal of the suggested approach is to support users in this decision making process. In this setting the data domain is extended to a set of alternative worlds where only one outcome will actually happen. World Lines integrate simulation visualization and...

  2. The World of Nothing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valery A. Kayukov


    Full Text Available The article presents a comparative analysis of knowledge about the world of nothingness. J. Boehme pointed to the fact that the world of Nothing is everlasting emptiness, where and wherein the material world could emerge. But the thing is that the world of absolute emptiness did not vanish at the moment of beginning of the world, quite the reverse, it has somehow been permanently enlarging. What will happen next is still a question. Perhaps our world will begin to be moving back on a new spiral of development, perhaps a real transition to the world of nothing will have appeared in this subtle place. For the present it is clear that these two worlds have not touched each other in mutually beneficial communication so far, and everything from our world passes into the world of nothing, and in general, the world of nothing ontologically appears to be much more existential than the world of apparent reality. What can give us some kind of key point at least, be some kind of organon in interaction with these two worlds - with the world of Nothing in which there is no matter and which cannot be perceived by any senses, and with the world of matter in which all senses are unstable and changeable? In our opinion, the only beacon and the instrument of knowledge can be the mind. To understand this phenomenon, by benefiting from a comparative methodology, this study investigates opinions of a number of philosophers, J. Boehme, G.V.F. Hegel, M. Heidegger, and J.P. Sartre, on the existence of the world of nothing.

  3. Poverty crisis in the Third World: the contradictions of World Bank policy. (United States)

    Burkett, P


    Politicians, the mainstream media, and orthodox social science have all been telling us of a final victory of capitalism over socialism, suggesting that capitalism is the only viable option for solving the world's problems. Yet, the global capitalist system is itself entering the third decade of a profound structural crisis, the costs of which have been borne largely by the exploited and oppressed peoples of the underdeveloped periphery. While the World Bank's latest World Development Report recognizes the current poverty crisis in the third world, its "two-part strategy" for alleviating poverty is based on an inadequate analysis of how peripheral capitalist development marginalizes the basic needs of the third world poor. Hence, the World Bank's assertion that free-market policies are consistent with effective antipoverty programs does not confront the class structures and global capitalist interests bound up with the reproduction of mass poverty in the third world. The World Bank's subordination of the basic needs of the poor to free-market adjustments and reforms in fact suggests that the real purpose of its "two-part strategy" is to ensure continued extraction of surplus from third world countries by maintaining the basic structure of imperialist underdevelopment.

  4. 'Living between two worlds': who is living in whose worlds? (United States)

    McCoy, Brian


    Indigenous people have often been depicted as 'living between two worlds'. They have been described as living neither in their 'Indigenous' world nor in the 'Western' world but in some middle, liminal, or in-between 'world'. People in such situations are often described as 'caught' or 'suspended' and with obvious negative social, emotional and health consequences. What is this cultural space that is often described as 'being between two worlds'? Can Indigenous people develop their identity within the demands and values of contemporary Australian society? Most people who live within the context of modernity move across a mixture of different social, spiritual and cultural 'worlds'. By projecting particular and negative meanings onto Indigenous people and their journey of identity, non-Indigenous people diminish the value of Indigenous energies and initiatives in attempting to cope with life's diverse pressures and expectations. The perpetuation of such attitudes serves to undermine the efforts that Indigenous people make to engage modernity while at the same time attempting to maintain values that are of critical importance for their health and wellbeing. Consequently, non-Indigenous people can end up diminishing the importance of their own life transitions.

  5. Semantic Game Worlds

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tutenel, T.


    The visual quality of game worlds increased massively in the last three decades. However, the closer game worlds depict reality, the more noticeable it is for gamers when objects do not behave accordingly. An important problem is that the data of a game world is often scattered across different

  6. Magnetic brane-worlds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barrow, John D; Hervik, Sigbjorn


    We investigate brane-worlds with a pure magnetic field and a perfect fluid. We extend earlier work to brane-worlds and find new properties of the Bianchi type I brane-world. We find new asymptotic behaviours on approach to singularity and classify the critical points of the dynamical phase space. It is known that the Einstein equations for the magnetic Bianchi type I models are in general oscillatory and are believed to be chaotic, but in the brane-world model this chaotic behaviour does not seem to be possible

  7. Ragn-Sells ja Cleanaway - kartellikokkulepe Tallinnas / Vallo Toomet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toomet, Vallo, 1960-


    Mustamäel toimunud prügiveo konkursil toimunud võimalikust kartellikokkuleppest Cleanaway ja Ragn-Sellsi vahel. Kommenteerivad Tõnu Tuppits ja Jaanus Tamkivi. Vt. samas: Kokkulepe toob trahvi ja trellid; Intervjuud: Remmelg: eesmärk on konkurendid prügiärist välja süüa; Argo Luude: pakkumiste sarnasus on juhus. Lisa: Prügifirmade tõenäoline kokkumäng Mustamäel. Kaart: Tallinna prügiveo piirkonnad

  8. World Economy and World Seaborne Trade in the 2005-2013 Period

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romeo Bosneagu


    Full Text Available In the period 1990-2013 the world economy has evolved increasing and decreasing with good and weak years, with mini crisis, and with a recent strong crisis, which apparently has not yet passed. World seaborne trade, inextricably linked to the global economy followed the upward and the downward trend of the global economy, but with much higher amplitudes. Comparative analysis of the evolution of the global economy and world seaborne trade during the period 2005-2013 shows a decrease in world seaborne trade in tandem with the global economy.

  9. EIA model documentation: World oil refining logistics demand model,''WORLD'' reference manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This manual is intended primarily for use as a reference by analysts applying the WORLD model to regional studies. It also provides overview information on WORLD features of potential interest to managers and analysts. Broadly, the manual covers WORLD model features in progressively increasing detail. Section 2 provides an overview of the WORLD model, how it has evolved, what its design goals are, what it produces, and where it can be taken with further enhancements. Section 3 reviews model management covering data sources, managing over-optimization, calibration and seasonality, check-points for case construction and common errors. Section 4 describes in detail the WORLD system, including: data and program systems in overview; details of mainframe and PC program control and files;model generation, size management, debugging and error analysis; use with different optimizers; and reporting and results analysis. Section 5 provides a detailed description of every WORLD model data table, covering model controls, case and technology data. Section 6 goes into the details of WORLD matrix structure. It provides an overview, describes how regional definitions are controlled and defines the naming conventions for-all model rows, columns, right-hand sides, and bounds. It also includes a discussion of the formulation of product blending and specifications in WORLD. Several Appendices supplement the main sections

  10. World energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Curtis, D.L.


    Three major concerns face mankind's future: the impending energy crisis as caused by the depletion of the world's fossil fuel reserves, world atmospheric pollution as caused by the burning of these fuels, and mankind's destruction if the vast energy contained in nuclear weapons stockpiles is released in a global conflict. This paper describes an ambitious, combined solution to these problems by the use of deep underground detonations of thermonuclear devices/bombs to provide a virtually pollution free, world energy source into the far distant future, while achieving a significant increase in mutual trust between the superpowers and all nations. The key is believed to be thermonuclear geothermal stimulation to produce the electrical power needed for a hydrogen economy

  11. From ‘machine-world’ to ‘God-world’ - world pictures and world views 1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. J. Venter


    Full Text Available This article mainly consists of an analysis of the successive historical expansions of the mechanistic and the organistic world pictures into world views. In conclusion the presently popular form of the organistic world view, New Age occultism, is compared with the 'traditional' African world view. In this way the author attempts to realise three different aims: firstly to show how world pictures, developed within specific disciplines, are transformed into world views by expansionary application in other disciplines and /or cultural areas; secondly that occultism is regaining intellectual respectability by presenting itself as part of the ‘new’ organistic, scientific view of the world; and thirdly that there are strong similarities between the new Western occultism and the traditional African world view (which opens up possibilities of synthesis between these two.

  12. World Health Organization (United States)

    ... introduce large-scale mDiabetes services using mobile phones. World Diabetes Day 2017 Feature: Senegal mobile phone project Fact sheet: diabetes World Antibiotic Awareness Week 13 November 2017 – Antibiotic resistance ...

  13. Analysing the World Population: Using Population Pyramids and "If the World Were a Village" (United States)

    Caniglia, Joanne; Leapard, Barbara


    The book "If the World Were a Village," by David J. Smith, is the context for analysing and creating graphs of the world's demographic information. Students examine numerical information regarding the more than six billion world inhabitants by imagining the world's population as 100 people.

  14. The world solution for world problems : the problem, its cause, its solution

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    León, L.


    The book discusses the main world problem of today, which is the gradual, but lethal change of the soil and atmosphere, the main cause, which is the world-wide overpopulation, and the main solution, which is world government by lottocracy. It is a recipe for the solution of the one and only problem

  15. World science

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The aim of the Third World Network of Scientific Organizations (TWNSO), established last year with its headquarters in Trieste, Italy, is to promote the role of science and technology in developing countries. TWNSO, under the presidency of Abdus Salam, is an offshoot of the Third World Academy of Sciences, which has pushed the cause of international scientific collaboration since its establishment in 1983. (orig./HSI).

  16. Legitimation Crises in Premodern Worlds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter N. Peregrine


    Full Text Available Scholars employing world-system theory have tended to examine how world-systemsdevelop and expand, while few have addressed the fragmentation or collapse of world-systems. This paper explores the conditions of world-system collapse using Habermas's concept of legitimation crisis as a starting point. The paper posits that legitimation crises are a recurring problem in world-systems and have led to collapse in a number of cases. Prehistoric North American and Pacific world-systems are used as examples.

  17. Tomorrow's solar world

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leitch, Meg.


    The largest privately funded solar power installation in the world is at the Florida Walt Disney World. It is the Universe of Energy exhibit at the Experimental Prototype Community of the World. The Universe of Energy shows the development and exploitation of energy sources and how energy is used and includes a recreation of the primeval world from which coal and oil deposits were formed. Visitors travel through two giant theatres in electrically powered cars. Most of the ride system is powered by a solar cell array on the roof of the building. The array is composed of 2,200 modules each made up of 36 cells and can generate 70kW of DC power which is fed through an inverter to convert it to AC. (UK)

  18. Virtual-World Naturalism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Reynolds


    Full Text Available Sometimes a player will stray from the path described by a game, moving into new spaces, developing new possible modes of interaction, and often discovering the rougher edges of the game world, where physics models break down, textures become incongruous, and the pieces don’t quite fit together. Gameplay that seeks out these spaces and these phenomena, that searches for such clues to the underlying construction of the virtual environment, is a kind of virtual-world naturalism, at once a return to an investigative urge that has been subsumed to the exhaustive mapping and description of the real world and a form of resistance to the very idea of pre-defined paths of action, of externally imposed limits, in virtual worlds as well as in our own.

  19. Reciprocity, World Prices and Welfare

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Raimondos-Møller, Pascalis; Woodland, Alan D.

    We examine in detail the circumstances under which reciprocity, as defined in Bagwell and Staiger (1999), leads to fixed world prices. We show that a change of tariffs satisfying reciprocity does not necessarily imply constant world prices in a world of many goods and countries. While it is possi...... of all countries, independently of whether world prices change and independently of the relative numbers of goods and countries.......We examine in detail the circumstances under which reciprocity, as defined in Bagwell and Staiger (1999), leads to fixed world prices. We show that a change of tariffs satisfying reciprocity does not necessarily imply constant world prices in a world of many goods and countries. While...... it is possible to find tariff reforms that are consistent with both reciprocity and constant world prices, these reforms do not follow from the reciprocity condition, but rather from the requirement of unchanged world prices. We propose an alternative reciprocity rule that is guaranteed to raise the welfare...

  20. World History Workshop (1983). (United States)


    history appeared tenuous. While the study of American history was viewed as necessary to "indoctrinate kids ," world history is unable to make such" which is hard to avoid in world history, where one examines China in 1500, China in 1800, and so on. A pedagogical goal in the new course was to...the historian to make intelligent decisions about what information he is going to talk about. Viewing world history as a scenario also has a pedagogic


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cosma Sorinel


    Full Text Available World-systems analysis is not a theory, but an approach to social analysis and social change developed, among others by the Immanuel Wallerstein. Professor Wallerstein writes in three domains of world-systems analysis: the historical development of the modern world-system; the contemporary crisis of the capitalist world-economy; the structures of knowledge. The American anlyst rejects the notion of a "Third World", claiming there is only one world connected by a complex network of economic exchange relationship. Our world system is characterized by mechanisms which bring about a redistribution of resources from the periphery to the core. His analytical approach has made a significant impact and established an institutional base devoted to the general approach.

  2. The Real World. (United States)

    Tanner, John Sears


    Relates personal experiences about what constitutes the "real world." Shows how experiences from philosophy, history, literature, art, and the movies add meaning to "reality." Stresses a compromise of imagination and sensation to make the real world palatable. (RL)

  3. Scanning WorldScan. Final report on the presentation and evaluation of WorldScan, a model of the WORLD economy for SCenario ANalysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Geurts, B.; Gielen, A.; Nahuis, R.; Tang, P.; Timmer, H.


    An overview is given of the efforts made to present and evaluate WorldScan, a long-term model of the world economy, developed at the Dutch Central Planning Bureau (CPB). One of the pivotal activities was the organisation of a peer review of the model during a two-day workshop. The reviewers were selected both from the academic and the policy field. The main recommendations of that review were (a) not to pursue a formal, full-scale linkage between WorldScan and the RIVM-developed climate model IMAGE. Instead, WorldScan should be used for separate economic analyses, which is input in the climate model; (b) to make more precise choices with respect to the underlying theories the time horizon of the analyses; (c) to improve the empirical base of WorldScan; and (d) to enhance the use of WorldScan for policy analyses on behalf of international policy fora. The review proved to be very beneficial for the evolution of WorldScan. Implementation of some of the recommendations has led to increased use of the model by international institutions. Since the review, WorldScan has been used on behalf of the European Union (EU), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Energy Modelling Forum (EMF), the Centre for Global Trade Analysis (GTAP), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and Indian Planning Commission (IPC). 110 refs

  4. World Hunger: Teaching about World Hunger. (United States)

    Simpson, Jane


    Discusses the teaching of world hunger in the classroom. Controversial questions and map skills for students are discussed as well as activities for home economics and science classes. A list of resource materials is included. (AM)

  5. Gas in the developing world--The role of the World Bank

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malhotra, A.K.


    Over a third of the world's supply of energy today comes from the developing countries, a percentage that is likely to increase to almost 43% by the year 2000. One of the major areas of growth is expected to be in natural gas, which may supply over 20% of the total world's energy by 2000. Though there are major gas reserves in the developing world, they are not being exploited optimally. Growth of the gas industry requires resolution of a number of issues--financial, technical, and institutional. International trade in gas has shown recent signs of recovery, but over 70% of the gas produced in the developing countries is expected to be consumed domestically. The development and management of this emerging gas sector in the domestic economies of the developing countries will be one of the major challenges of the future. These issues are discussed in some detail. The role of the World Bank in financing natural gas projects is also discussed. The World Bank Group comprises the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Association (IBRD) and its affiliates, the International Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)

  6. Kunst kunsti vastu : kunstniku rolli ja positsiooni ümbermõtestamise katsest eesti kunstis 1970. aastatel / Mari Laanemets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laanemets, Mari, 1975-


    Vaadeldakse Leonhard Lapini objektiivse kunsti käsitlust (esitatud näituse "Sündmus Harku '75. Objektid, kontseptsioonid" raames toimunud sümpoosionil) tema edasise tegevuse kontekstis. Analüüsides Lapini initsiatiivil toimunud näitusi, on võimalik arvamust avangardi lõppemisest 1975. aastal ümber hinnata, näidates selle jätkumist ka järgnevatel aastatel. Lapini ettekannet võib mõista kui katset anda kunstile uus definitsioon ja tähendus, kui programmi, mille ideed kajastuvad tema järgnevas tegevuses

  7. People, art and the human environment / Laura Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Laura, 1982-


    Tutvustatakse Eestis toimunud kunstiprojekte, mis on seotud kunstipraktika, igapäevase elu, inimsuhete ja avaliku ruumiga. Sirja-Liisa Vahtra ja Otto von Buschi kunstiprojektist (2004), Martin Pääsukese plakatitest "Vabadus" linnaruumis (2008), Ave Teeääre ja Kertu Ehala projektist "Painting Club" Ravila hooldekodus (2007), rühmituse Johnson&Johnson "Paldiski projektist" (2006-2008), Riin Kranna-Rõõsi ja Eve Arpo projektist "Päev ilma mobiilita". Kunstnikest, kes on dokumenteerinud Tallinnas toimunud aktsioone. Kunsti ja sotsiaalset praktikat ühendavatest institutsioonidest (kultuuritehas Polymer, Kultuurikatel, Linnalabor jt.)

  8. World energy resources (United States)

    Clerici, A.; Alimonti, G.


    As energy is the main "fuel" for social and economic development and since energy-related activities have significant environmental impacts, it is important for decision-makers to have access to reliable and accurate data in an user-friendly format. The World Energy Council (WEC) has for decades been a pioneer in the field of energy resources and every three years publishes its flagship report Survey of Energy Resources. A commented analysis in the light of latest data summarized in such a report, World Energy Resources (WER) 2013, is presented together with the evolution of the world energy resources over the last twenty years.

  9. The World Soil Museum: education and advocacy on soils of the world (United States)

    Mantel, Stephan; Land, Hiske


    The World Soil Museum (WSM) in Wageningen, is part of ISRIC World Soil Information and was founded in 1966 on request of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Soil Science Society. The World Soil Museum has a collection of over 1100 soil profiles from more than 70 countries. This soil profiles are vertical sections and show the composition, layering and structure of the soil. The collection is unique in the world and includes a significant number of soil profiles from the Netherlands. The Dutch soil collection is important for serving broader visitor groups, as some visitors, such as secondary school classes, are specifically interested in the Dutch landscape and soils. Broadly speaking, the World Soil Museum has five functions: (i) education and courses, (ii) research, (iii) information and edutainment, (iv) social function, and (v) a real museum function (Art). The World Soil Museum (World Soil Museum) is well known in national and international circles soil and the English name has almost 1,000 references on the Internet. The World Soil Museum is visited by about 1000 people a year, mainly university and college students from Western Europe. Other visitor groups that have found their way to the museum are students from disciplines broader then soil science, such as geography and rural development. Secondary school classes visit the museum for geography classes. The uniqueness and the value of the collection of soil profiles (soil monoliths) and associated collections, such as soil samples, hand pieces, thin sections, slides, is emphasized by the fact ISRIC is the only World Data Centre for Soils (WDC-Soils) within the World Data System of the International Council of Science (ICSU). The collection provides an insight in and overview of the diversity of soils in the world, their properties and their limitations and possibilities for use. A new building is under construction for the WSM, which is

  10. Making “World Machines”

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Light, Ann; Bardzell, Jeffrey; Bardzell, Shaowen


    be combined and turned to crowd-sourcing public engagement with shared world issues - as an alternative to business-as-usual in the context of developing and deploying networked technology. We combine theoretical aspects of world machines, such as what a political entity of this kind might seek to do......The world machine is a new archetype for a socio-technical system drawing together a group of tools that combine computational powers with a social agenda of cross-world collaboration in resistance to dominant market rhetoric. Specifically, we look at how powers to connect, sense and infer can...

  11. The Future of the World Economy is an Integrated World Economic Structure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergey Yurievich Glazyev


    Full Text Available Global changes in the modern world cannot be adequately described on the basis of neoliberal thinking and require a new approach. It can be formed on the basis of the cyclical-wave characterization of the development of mankind. The hypothesis about the wave-like development of the world economy with a certain cyclicity lies at the heart of thisresearch. The authors determined the economic basis of the formation, development and change of these waves (technological ways and technical revolutions. These changes reflect in the cyclical fluctuations of the world economy.The mechanism of these fluctuations is described by the theory of “large cycles of the economic conjuncture” by N. Kondratiev. The authors propose a methodology and methodological tools for analyzing and forecasting cyclic-wave processes in the economic development. The study has concluded that it is the regularities of K-cycles that allow one to correctly assess the ongoing processes in the world economy, to forecast possible variants of their development. The authors came to the conclusion that the development of the world economic structure is necessarily accompanied by a cyclical shift in the instruments of capital accumulation (material and financial expansion. These processes are reflected in the periodic replacement of scientific paradigms of economic development and management. The state always takes an active part in the phase of the dominance of productive capital, and the ideological paradigm is of a directing nature. While in the phase of domination of financial capital the liberal paradigm becomes dominant. We have substantiated the thesis about the transition from the American to the Asian systemic cycle of capital accumulation, which would inevitably lead in the middle of the 21st century to the shift of the center of the world economy from the West to the East. The paper concludes that the world is facing a change from the Monopolistic world economic structure to

  12. Virtual Worlds for Virtual Organizing (United States)

    Rhoten, Diana; Lutters, Wayne

    The members and resources of a virtual organization are dispersed across time and space, yet they function as a coherent entity through the use of technologies, networks, and alliances. As virtual organizations proliferate and become increasingly important in society, many may exploit the technical architecture s of virtual worlds, which are the confluence of computer-mediated communication, telepresence, and virtual reality originally created for gaming. A brief socio-technical history describes their early origins and the waves of progress followed by stasis that brought us to the current period of renewed enthusiasm. Examination of contemporary examples demonstrates how three genres of virtual worlds have enabled new arenas for virtual organizing: developer-defined closed worlds, user-modifiable quasi-open worlds, and user-generated open worlds. Among expected future trends are an increase in collaboration born virtually rather than imported from existing organizations, a tension between high-fidelity recreations of the physical world and hyper-stylized imaginations of fantasy worlds, and the growth of specialized worlds optimized for particular sectors, companies, or cultures.

  13. Learning Experience with Virtual Worlds (United States)

    Wagner, Christian


    Virtual worlds create a new opportunity to enrich the educational experience through media-rich immersive learning. Virtual worlds have gained notoriety in games such as World of Warcraft (WoW), which has become the most successful online game ever, and in "general purpose" worlds, such as Second Life (SL), whose participation levels (more than 10…

  14. Recreating the World(s

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giseli do Prado Siqueira


    Full Text Available Created in 2007 , the project extension Itinerant Workshops : recreating the world ( s of the Catholic University of Minas Gerais , Campus Poços de Caldas is an inseparable experience in research of teaching and extension. With this title " recreating worlds " seek to express the experience that has been possible for us to live over the years of execution of this project . Our experience is theoretically referenced by understanding that German thinkers Meister Eckhart (1260-1327 and Martin Heidegger (1889-1976 shows us about what is the man in they on existence. Such an understanding is expressed in the phenomenon of serenity ( Gelassenheit , let it be understood as simply what we are . Our research on this phenomenon Gelassenheit (Serenity , guide the relationships we establish with the external community , where we understand that the existence of man in his essential condition , is a shared existence. The other is imposed on us and we never fail to be sympathetic to their fears and anxieties , because these same fears and anxieties are also ours possibilities . This relationship of consideration makes us all ( teachers , students , community solidarity in our existential angst before the unexpected, the unknown . It is when we can see ourselves through another , in what we truly are and can be.

  15. After the world court opinion: Towards a world without nuclear weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roche, D.


    With the World Court advisory opinion on the treat or use of nuclear weapons, a new moment has arrived in the 51-year history of atomic bomb. The highest legal body in the world has said that governments must not only pursue but conclude negotiations leading to total nuclear disarmament. Both a sharp focus and a comprehensive action are required in developing public support and political action towards a safer, more peaceful world. Three-pronged interrelated course of action is proposed: a Nuclear Weapon Convention; reduction in conventional arms and control of arms trade; and new spending priorities or sustainable development

  16. Analysis of world biathlon leaders’ participation in biathlon World Cup (on example of women’s biathlon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R.A. Zubrilov


    Full Text Available Purpose: optimization of elite female biathlons’ training, considering modern structure of international competitions. Material: we analyzed materials of three recent IBU Congresses and more than 3300 protocols of competitions of World cup stages, world championships, winter Olympic Games (women, sport seasons from 2005 to 2015. Results: it was found that, when preparing for winter Olympic Games 63.9% of sportsmen - prize winners missed 13.6% of stages of World Cup, when preparing for world championships 47.2% of prize-winners missed 9.5% of stages. Before the main start of the season in Europe prize winners missed in conditions of plain: 42.1% - 7.9% of World Cup stages; in midlands conditions 61.9% - 13.9%; in competitions with preliminary trans-meridian travel 54.2% of prize-winners missed 13.1% of stages. Conclusions: most of medals are won at world championships and Olympic Games by sportswomen, who are in top-10 of World Cup. The World Cup calendar of events forces sportsmen to miss some stages of World Cup, when they prepare to main start of season. Attitude of world biathlon leaders to missing of World Cup stages before main start of season depends on main character of main start of season. With it main condition for taking decision about missing of World Cup stages is rank of competitions and geographical characteristics of places of competitions.

  17. Plundering the poor: the role of the World Bank in the Third World. (United States)

    Feder, E


    The World Bank, the most important so-called development assistance agency, annually dispenses billions of dollars to Third World governments, ostensibly to "develop" their economics through a variety of loan projects. But even a superficial analysis reveals that the Bank is the perfect mechanism to help (i.e., subsidize) the large transnational corporations from the industrial countries to expand their industrial, commercial, and financial activities in the Third World, at the expense of the latter and particularly at the expense of the rural and urban proletariat. This article discusses Cheryl Payer's recent book, The World Bank: A Critical Analysis, in which she analyzes the Bank's role in the Third World and sets forth the major reasons why poverty, hunger, and malnutrition, as well as unemployment, and all the adverse social phenomena associated with them, are on the increase.

  18. World Energy Future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forbes, A.; Van der Linde, C.; Nicola, S.


    In the section World Energy Future of this magazine two articles, two interviews and one column are presented. The article 'A green example to the world' refers briefly to the second World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, which was held from 18-21 January, 2009. The second article, 'Green Utopia in the desert' attention is paid to the Abu Dhabi government-driven Masdar Initiative. The two interviews concern an interview with BP Alternative Energy ceo Vivienne Cox, and an interview with the founder and CEO of New Energy Finance Michael Liebreich. The column ('An efficient response') focuses on the impact of the economic crisis on energy policy

  19. Designing Virtual Worlds

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gürsimsek, Remzi Ates


    The online social platforms known as virtual worlds present their users various affordances for avatar based co-presence, social interaction and provide tools for collaborative content creation, including objects, textures and animations. The users of these worlds navigate their avatars as personal...... the audio-visual characteristics of designing in multi-user virtual environments generate experiential, interpersonal and textual meaning potentials....... mediators in 3D virtual space to collaborate and co-design the digital content. These co-designers are also the residents of these worlds, as they socialize by building inworld friendships. This article presents a social semiotic analysis of the three-dimensional virtual places and artifacts in the virtual...

  20. World energy resources

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clerici A.


    Full Text Available As energy is the main “fuel” for social and economic development and since energy-related activities have significant environmental impacts, it is important for decision-makers to have access to reliable and accurate data in an user-friendly format. The World Energy Council (WEC has for decades been a pioneer in the field of energy resources and every three years publishes its flagship report Survey of Energy Resources. A commented analysis in the light of latest data summarized in such a report, World Energy Resources (WER 2013, is presented together with the evolution of the world energy resources over the last twenty years.

  1. World`s Most Valuable Brand Resonation With Categories of Different Customer Needs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kaspars VIKSNE


    Full Text Available One of the key performance indicators of brand success is its value. Brand value is an outcome of brand`s performance in market, and is largely depended from brand`s ability to satisfy certain customer needs. For the greatest success in the world`s market brand should resonate its ability to satisfy some of customer`s most universal needs. In this paper authors strives to find out which of the needs world`s most successful brands are resonating with. Therefore paper goal is to is to determine what customer needs world`s most valuable brands are primarily satisfying. First part of paper authors briefly evaluate Maslow theory of needs. In second part of paper authors identify main challenges of brand valuation, and briefly describe today`s most valuable brands. In third part of paper authors analyzes if resonating certain human need in brand makes it to be more valuable. In last part of paper authors summarizes the main findings and gives recommendations for better marketing practices to other brands whose owners have high market ambitions. In order to attain the paper`s goal, authors will use following research methods: Comparative analysis for comparing brands in different brand rankings; Content analysis for determining what need satisfaction brand advertisements resonate; Data analysis for quantify the results gathered from content analysis

  2. Salajased seitsmekümnendad = Secret Seventies / Leonhard Lapin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lapin, Leonhard, 1947-


    L. Lapini nägemus 1970.-test, mis algasid tema jaoks 1970. aastal Pegasuse kohviku näitusega 'Eesti edumeelne taie', jätkusid armeeaastatega Riias; näitustest SAKU 1973 ja HARKU 1975; 1979. a. toimunud Raul Meele, Jüri Okase ja Tõnis Vindi grupinäitusest Riia Planetaariumis, sama aasta septembris toimunud kallaletungist L. Lapinile; eesti ja vene avangardkunsti seostest ning muudest sündmustest; ametlikult soositud slaidimaalijate ja abstraktset kunsti viljelenud avangardistide vastasseisust. Ilmunud ka kogumikus "Dokument ja loovus". - Tallinn : Sirp, 2005, lk. 138-144

  3. When Virtual Worlds Expand (United States)

    Bainbridge, William Sims

    The future of a virtual world depends on whether it can grow in subjective size, cultural content, and numbers of human participants. In one form of growth, exemplified by Second Life, the scope of a world increases gradually as new sponsors pay for new territory and inhabitants create content. A very different form of growth is sudden expansion, as when World of Warcraft (WoW) added entire new continents in its Burning Crusade and Lich King expansions (Lummis and Kern 2006, 2008; Corneliussen and Rettberg 2008; Sims et al. 2008). Well-established gamelike worlds have often undergone many expansions. Both the pioneer science fiction game Anarchy Online, which was launched in 2001, and Star Wars Galaxies dating from 2003, have had three, and EVE Online also from 2003 has had nine, although smaller ones. This chapter reports research on WoW's 2008 Lich King expansion, using both quantitative and qualitative methods, in order to develop theoretical ideas of the implications of expansion for virtual worlds.

  4. World Energy Future

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forbes, A.; Van der Linde, C.; Nicola, S.


    In the section World Energy Future of this magazine two articles, two interviews and one column are presented. The article 'A green example to the world' refers briefly to the second World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, which was held from 18-21 January, 2009. The second article, 'Green Utopia in the desert' attention is paid to the Abu Dhabi government-driven Masdar Initiative. The two interviews concern an interview with BP Alternative Energy ceo Vivienne Cox, and an interview with the founder and CEO of New Energy Finance Michael Liebreich. The column ('An efficient response') focuses on the impact of the economic crisis on energy policy.

  5. Shattering world assumptions: A prospective view of the impact of adverse events on world assumptions. (United States)

    Schuler, Eric R; Boals, Adriel


    Shattered Assumptions theory (Janoff-Bulman, 1992) posits that experiencing a traumatic event has the potential to diminish the degree of optimism in the assumptions of the world (assumptive world), which could lead to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder. Prior research assessed the assumptive world with a measure that was recently reported to have poor psychometric properties (Kaler et al., 2008). The current study had 3 aims: (a) to assess the psychometric properties of a recently developed measure of the assumptive world, (b) to retrospectively examine how prior adverse events affected the optimism of the assumptive world, and (c) to measure the impact of an intervening adverse event. An 8-week prospective design with a college sample (N = 882 at Time 1 and N = 511 at Time 2) was used to assess the study objectives. We split adverse events into those that were objectively or subjectively traumatic in nature. The new measure exhibited adequate psychometric properties. The report of a prior objective or subjective trauma at Time 1 was related to a less optimistic assumptive world. Furthermore, participants who experienced an intervening objectively traumatic event evidenced a decrease in optimistic views of the world compared with those who did not experience an intervening adverse event. We found support for Shattered Assumptions theory retrospectively and prospectively using a reliable measure of the assumptive world. We discuss future assessments of the measure of the assumptive world and clinical implications to help rebuild the assumptive world with current therapies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  6. World Knowledge and Global Citizenship: Factual and Perceived World Knowledge as Predictors of Global Citizenship Identification (United States)

    Reysen, Stephen; Katzarska-Miller, Iva; Gibson, Shonda A.; Hobson, Braken


    We examine the influence of factual and perceived world knowledge on global citizenship identification. Perceived world knowledge directly predicted global citizenship identification, while factual world knowledge did not (Study 1). Students' factual (Study 1) and perceived (Study 2) world knowledge predicted students' normative environment…

  7. Workers in an Integrating World. World Development Report, 1995. Executive Summary. (United States)

    World Bank, Washington, DC.

    This executive summary examines the rapid changes occurring in economic markets and employment around the world. The report concludes that problems of low incomes, poor working conditions, and insecurity affecting many of the world's workers can be tackled effectively in ways that reduce poverty and regional inequality. Sound domestic policy and a…

  8. World-Class Leaders (United States)

    Weinstein, Margery


    Future leaders' creativity and problem-solving skills have been honed in leadership courses, but that doesn't mean they are ready to use those skills to further a company's place in the world. With emerging markets in Asia, South America, and other areas of the world, a workforce needs to have an understanding of and interest in cultures beyond…

  9. Autentsete tunnete kunstifestival : Tartus toimunud multikultuurifestival "Ground Rush" otsis tugevat ja autentset tunnet / Kiwa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiwa, pseud., 1975-


    Festival toimus Tartu Kõrgema Kunstikooli väljaehitamata osas. Enamasti tundmatute kunstnike ja kooliõpilaste loodud kohaspetsiifilised ja ruumiinstallatsioonid. Tuntud kunstnikest Kaarel Kurismaa ja Paul Rodgers

  10. The World Airpower Compendium

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Blackburn, Mark


    In today's rapidly changing world a current, accurate, and easily accessible data base of all the world's airpower assets is valuable to military students, educators, and war gaming professionals alike...

  11. World Wide Web voted most wonderful wonder by web-wide world

    CERN Multimedia


    The results are in, and the winner is...the World Wide Web! An online survey conducted by the CNN news group ranks the World Wide Web-invented at CERN--as the most wonderful of the seven modern wonders of the world. (See Bulletin No. 49/2006.) There is currently no speculation about whether they would have had the same results had they distributed the survey by post. The World Wide Web won with a whopping 50 per cent of the votes (3,665 votes). The runner up was CERN again, with 16 per cent of voters (1130 votes) casting the ballot in favour of the CERN particle accelerator. Stepping into place behind CERN and CERN is 'None of the Above' with 8 per cent of the votes (611 votes), followed by the development of Dubai (7%), the bionic arm (7%), China's Three Gorges Damn (5%), The Channel Tunnel (4%), and France's Millau viaduct (3%). Thanks to everyone from CERN who voted. You can view the results on

  12. World energy outlook 2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The World Energy Outlook is the most complete and authoritative energy publication and has received several prestigious awards from government and industry in recognition of its analytical excellence. The new edition offers: - Analysis: Over 550 pages of detailed analysis with 150 graphs and tables. - Projections: Supply and demand projections to 2030 for oil, gas, coal, renewables, nuclear and electricity, plus projections of energy related CO 2 emissions. -World Alternative Policy Scenario:A detailed assessment of the impact of possible climate change policies and energy efficient technologies. -Russia: An in-depth study of the 'most important energy country'. - Energy and Development: An analysis of energy's role in overcoming world poverty. - Reserves: A detailed analysis of world oil and gas reserves and of the problems involved in measuring them

  13. EIA model documentation: World oil refining logistics demand model,``WORLD`` reference manual. Version 1.1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This manual is intended primarily for use as a reference by analysts applying the WORLD model to regional studies. It also provides overview information on WORLD features of potential interest to managers and analysts. Broadly, the manual covers WORLD model features in progressively increasing detail. Section 2 provides an overview of the WORLD model, how it has evolved, what its design goals are, what it produces, and where it can be taken with further enhancements. Section 3 reviews model management covering data sources, managing over-optimization, calibration and seasonality, check-points for case construction and common errors. Section 4 describes in detail the WORLD system, including: data and program systems in overview; details of mainframe and PC program control and files;model generation, size management, debugging and error analysis; use with different optimizers; and reporting and results analysis. Section 5 provides a detailed description of every WORLD model data table, covering model controls, case and technology data. Section 6 goes into the details of WORLD matrix structure. It provides an overview, describes how regional definitions are controlled and defines the naming conventions for-all model rows, columns, right-hand sides, and bounds. It also includes a discussion of the formulation of product blending and specifications in WORLD. Several Appendices supplement the main sections.

  14. World Views, a Story about How the World Works: Their Significance in the Australian Curriculum: Geography (United States)

    Hutchinson, Nick


    The Australian Curriculum Cross-curriculum priorities and the Australian Curriculum: Geography both include the term "world views." The meaning of world views, the development of world views as part of the history of geographic thought, and the adoption world of views by teachers and students, affect the ways in which geography is taught…

  15. Affective World Literature

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vilslev, Annette Thorsen

    The PhD dissertation compares the literary theory and novels of modern Japanese writer Natsume Sōseki. It reads Sōseki’s Theory of Literature (2009, Bungakuron, 1907) as an inherently comparative and interdisciplinary approach to theorizing feelings in world literature. More broadly, the disserta......The PhD dissertation compares the literary theory and novels of modern Japanese writer Natsume Sōseki. It reads Sōseki’s Theory of Literature (2009, Bungakuron, 1907) as an inherently comparative and interdisciplinary approach to theorizing feelings in world literature. More broadly......, the dissertation investigates the critical negotiation of the novel as a travelling genre in Japan in the beginning of the 20th century, and, more specifically, Sōseki’s work in relation to world literature and affect theory. Sōseki’s work is highly influential in Japan and East Asia, and his novels widely...... circulated beyond Japan. Using Sōseki’s theory as an example, and by comparing it to other theories, the dissertation argues that comparative literature needs to include not only more non-Western literature but also more non-Western literary theories in the ongoing debate of world literature. Close...

  16. Tomorrow`s solar world

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leitch, Meg


    The largest privately funded solar power installation in the world is at the Florida Walt Disney World. It is the Universe of Energy exhibit at the Experimental Prototype Community of the World. The Universe of Energy shows the development and exploitation of energy sources and how energy is used and includes a recreation of the primeval world from which coal and oil deposits were formed. Visitors travel through two giant theatres in electrically powered cars. Most of the ride system is powered by a solar cell array on the roof of the building. The array is composed of 2,200 modules each made up of 36 cells and can generate 70kW of DC power which is fed through an inverter to convert it to AC. (UK)

  17. Towards Role Detection in Virtual Worlds

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    C. Eickhoff (Carsten); V.P. Lavrenko


    htmlabstractVirtual worlds are a topic of steadily growing relevance. Some of the providers report user numbers that exceed the population of entire nations in the real world. Virtual worlds typically provide a high degree of complexity, which in some areas approaches the real world's richness of

  18. Researchers making sense of virtual worlds

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reinhard, CarrieLynn D.; Williams, Dmitri; Ho, Caroline

    Virtual worlds, from gaming worlds to social worlds, have gained increasing attention by academics, public organizations and private entrepreneurs.  Much has been said about what virtual worlds are and what they mean to people and society.  However, this panel is interested in how we come to know...

  19. Tenable world strategies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meadows, D.L. (New Hampshire Univ. (USA). Inst. for Policy and Social Science Research)


    The Author presents several arguments explaining and backing the mechanics of a world strategy of zero growth. First, attention is brought to Aurelio Peccei's concerns regarding the short-sightedness of the energy and economic policies of industrialized nations. In his book (entitled 'Verso l'Abisso'), written almost 25 years ago, he correctly predicted the severity and timing of current global environmental problems such as the greenhouse effect and acid rain. Urgent and concerted action by world governments is recommended to contain and and remedy damage being caused by a diverse mix of integrated factors - over-population, uncontrolled food production, pollution, over-production by industry, and the improper use of energy and other natural resources. The Author sets guidelines for the creation of a world of steady-state growth in which an equilibrium is reached between overall standards of living and population dynamics. To meet this goal of global man/environment peaceful coexistence, he strongly urges the creation and instillation of a new set of values through the placing of emphasis on the research and development of cultural, psychological, institutional and moral philosophies which, in the last century, have been almost entirely supplanted world-wide by growing materialistic ideals and the pursuit of technological perfection.

  20. World-volumes and string target spaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, M.B.


    String duality suggests a fascinating juxtoposition of world-volume and target-space dynamics. This is particularly apparent in the D-brane description of stringy solitons that forms a major focus of this article (which is not intended to be a comprehensive review of this extensive and sophisticated subject). The article is divided into four sections: the oligarchy of string world-sheets; p-branes and world-volumes; world-sheets for world-volumes; boundary states. D-branes and space-time supersymmetry (orig.)

  1. World-wide environmental problems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wohlers, H.C.


    Man and the physical and natural resources necessary to support him in a civilized society are on a collision course. It is simple to say that man cannot continue to grow in number at an ever-increasing rate without a destructive effect upon the environment. Positive scientific proof for this impending calamity is not now available, yet many indications--sometimes physical and sometimes natural--point toward major world-wide environmental troubles in the near future. A number of environmental problems are described, particularly as they relate to the total world system. A computer model simulating future world-wide environmental trends from 1900 to 2100 A.D. is evaluated and suggested as a major tool for data-gathering purposes to determine the extent of world-wide environmental problems. It is suggested that scientists take an active role in the study of the environment, particularly in relation to man's future on earth

  2. Representing Large Virtual Worlds

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kol, T.R.


    The ubiquity of large virtual worlds and their growing complexity in computer graphics require efficient representations. This means that we need smart solutions for the underlying storage of these complex environments, but also for their visualization. How the virtual world is best stored and how

  3. Withdrawn Amidst the World

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruun, Mette Birkedal; Nørgaard, Lars Cyril; Nagelsmit, Eelco


    The pious Élisabeth d'Orléans, Mme de Guise, had a vivid correspondence with Armand-Jean de Rancé, abbot of the Cistercian abbey of La Trappe in Normandy. Rancé was considered a champion of unconditional isolation from the world by his contemporaries, but in fact he recommended quite diverse form...... horizon of Gaston d'Orléans's daughter and the pastoral practice of the abbot of La Trappe. Above all, it shows the intricacies and modulations of the withdrawal from the world prescribed to late seventeenth-century aristocratic dévots and, especially, dévotes.......The pious Élisabeth d'Orléans, Mme de Guise, had a vivid correspondence with Armand-Jean de Rancé, abbot of the Cistercian abbey of La Trappe in Normandy. Rancé was considered a champion of unconditional isolation from the world by his contemporaries, but in fact he recommended quite diverse forms...... in remarkable detail how the Duchess should balance her obligations to God and human beings by being a model of withdrawal. To this end she must constantly, in action and demeanour, display to the world her withdrawal from the world. Rancé's spiritual advice to Mme de Guise throws new light on the devotional...

  4. World nuclear energy paths

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Connolly, T.J.; Hansen, U.; Jaek, W.; Beckurts, K.H.


    In examing the world nuclear energy paths, the following assumptions were adopted: the world economy will grow somewhat more slowly than in the past, leading to reductions in electricity demand growth rates; national and international political impediments to the deployment of nuclear power will gradually disappear over the next few years; further development of nuclear power will proceed steadily, without serious interruption but with realistic lead times for the introduction of advanced technologies. Given these assumptions, this paper attempts a study of possible world nuclear energy developments, disaggregated on a regional and national basis. The scenario technique was used and a few alternative fuel-cycle scenarios were developed. Each is an internally consistent model of technically and economically feasible paths to the further development of nuclear power in an aggregate of individual countries and regions of the world. The main purpose of this modeling exercise was to gain some insight into the probable international locations of reactors and other nuclear facilities, the future requirements for uranium and for fuel-cycle services, and the problems of spent-fuel storage and waste management. The study also presents an assessment of the role that nuclear power might actually play in meeting future world energy demand

  5. Quantum Worlds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeffrey A. Barrett


    Full Text Available Because of the conceptual difficulties it faces, quantum mechanics provides a salient example of how alternative metaphysical commitments may clarify our understanding of a physical theory and the explanations it provides. Here we will consider how postulating alternative quantum worlds in the context of Hugh Everett III’s pure wave mechanics may serve to explain determinate measurement records and the standard quantum statistics. We will focus on the properties of such worlds, then briefly consider other metaphysical options available for interpreting pure wave mechanics. These reflections will serve to illustrate both the nature and the limits of naturalized metaphysics.

  6. Unit 148 - World Wide Web Basics


    148, CC in GIScience; Yeung, Albert K.


    This unit explains the characteristics and the working principles of the World Wide Web as the most important protocol of the Internet. Topics covered in this unit include characteristics of the World Wide Web; using the World Wide Web for the dissemination of information on the Internet; and using the World Wide Web for the retrieval of information from the Internet.

  7. World War II Homefront. (United States)

    Garcia, Rachel


    Presents an annotated bibliography that provides Web sites focusing on the U.S. homefront during World War II. Covers various topics such as the homefront, Japanese Americans, women during World War II, posters, and African Americans. Includes lesson plan sources and a list of additional resources. (CMK)

  8. China in World Industrialization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    XU, Yi; van Leeuwen, Bas


    Combining the sectoral accounting method of the System of National Accounts (SNA) with new statistical materials from the United Nations, as well as historical research into various countries around the world, this paper arrives at an estimate of value added of Chinese and world industries between

  9. Command World

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Wong, Leah Y; Lange, Douglas S; Sebastyn, Jerome T; Roof, William H


    .... The Command World scenario was expressly designed as a crisis action planning exercise in order to replicate the communications, collaboration, and information requirements inherent in a military...

  10. Withdrawn Amidst the World

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruun, Mette Birkedal; Nørgaard, Lars Cyril; Nagelsmit, Eelco


    The pious Élisabeth d'Orléans, Mme de Guise, had a vivid correspondence with Armand-Jean de Rancé, abbot of the Cistercian abbey of La Trappe in Normandy. Rancé was considered a champion of unconditional isolation from the world by his contemporaries, but in fact he recommended quite diverse forms...... in remarkable detail how the Duchess should balance her obligations to God and human beings by being a model of withdrawal. To this end she must constantly, in action and demeanour, display to the world her withdrawal from the world. Rancé's spiritual advice to Mme de Guise throws new light on the devotional...... horizon of Gaston d'Orléans's daughter and the pastoral practice of the abbot of La Trappe. Above all, it shows the intricacies and modulations of the withdrawal from the world prescribed to late seventeenth-century aristocratic dévots and, especially, dévotes....

  11. Weaving a Fabric of World History? An Analysis of U.S. State High School World History Standards (United States)

    Marino, Michael; Bolgatz, Jane


    Understanding world history is critical for our development as citizens in our interconnected society. Yet it is not clear that the standards for world history courses in the U.S. foster understanding of the whole world or of its history. The authors argue that the high school world history standards mapped out by various states promulgate a…

  12. Rapid world modelling for robotics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Littile, C.Q.; Wilson, C.W.


    The ability to use an interactive world model, whether it is for robotics simulation or most other virtual graphical environments, relies on the users ability to create an accurate world model. Typically this is a tedious process, requiring many hours to create 3-D CAD models of the surfaces within a workspace. The goal of this ongoing project is to develop usable methods to rapidly build world models of real world workspaces. This brings structure to an unstructured environment and allows graphical based robotics control to be accomplished in a reasonable time frame when traditional CAD modelling is not enough. To accomplish this, 3D range sensors are deployed to capture surface data within the workspace. This data is then transformed into surface maps, or models. A 3D world model of the workspace is built quickly and accurately, without ever having to put people in the environment

  13. Brain networks: small-worlds, after all?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muller, Lyle; Destexhe, Alain; Rudolph-Lilith, Michelle


    Since its introduction, the ‘small-world’ effect has played a central role in network science, particularly in the analysis of the complex networks of the nervous system. From the cellular level to that of interconnected cortical regions, many analyses have revealed small-world properties in the networks of the brain. In this work, we revisit the quantification of small-worldness in neural graphs. We find that neural graphs fall into the ‘borderline’ regime of small-worldness, residing close to that of a random graph, especially when the degree sequence of the network is taken into account. We then apply recently introducted analytical expressions for clustering and distance measures, to study this borderline small-worldness regime. We derive theoretical bounds for the minimal and maximal small-worldness index for a given graph, and by semi-analytical means, study the small-worldness index itself. With this approach, we find that graphs with small-worldness equivalent to that observed in experimental data are dominated by their random component. These results provide the first thorough analysis suggesting that neural graphs may reside far away from the maximally small-world regime. (paper)

  14. Brain networks: small-worlds, after all?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muller, Lyle; Destexhe, Alain; Rudolph-Lilith, Michelle [Unité de Neurosciences, Information et Complexité (UNIC), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), 1 Avenue de la Terrasse, Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    Since its introduction, the ‘small-world’ effect has played a central role in network science, particularly in the analysis of the complex networks of the nervous system. From the cellular level to that of interconnected cortical regions, many analyses have revealed small-world properties in the networks of the brain. In this work, we revisit the quantification of small-worldness in neural graphs. We find that neural graphs fall into the ‘borderline’ regime of small-worldness, residing close to that of a random graph, especially when the degree sequence of the network is taken into account. We then apply recently introducted analytical expressions for clustering and distance measures, to study this borderline small-worldness regime. We derive theoretical bounds for the minimal and maximal small-worldness index for a given graph, and by semi-analytical means, study the small-worldness index itself. With this approach, we find that graphs with small-worldness equivalent to that observed in experimental data are dominated by their random component. These results provide the first thorough analysis suggesting that neural graphs may reside far away from the maximally small-world regime. (paper)

  15. Teaching World Religions without Teaching "World Religions" (United States)

    Locklin, Reid B.; Tiemeier, Tracy; Vento, Johann M.


    Tomoko Masuzawa and a number of other contemporary scholars have recently problematized the categories of "religion" and "world religions" and, in some cases, called for its abandonment altogether as a discipline of scholarly study. In this collaborative essay, we respond to this critique by highlighting three attempts to teach…

  16. Towards structural controllability of local-world networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Shiwen; Ma, Yilin; Wu, Yafang; Wang, Li; Xia, Chengyi


    Controlling complex networks is of vital importance in science and engineering. Meanwhile, local-world effect is an important ingredient which should be taken into consideration in the complete description of real-world complex systems. In this letter, structural controllability of a class of local-world networks is investigated. Through extensive numerical simulations, firstly, effects of local world size M and network size N on structural controllability are examined. For local-world networks with sparse topological configuration, compared to network size, local-world size can induce stronger influence on controllability, however, for dense networks, controllability is greatly affected by network size and local-world effect can be neglected. Secondly, relationships between controllability and topological properties are analyzed. Lastly, the robustness of local-world networks under targeted attacks regarding structural controllability is discussed. These results can help to deepen the understanding of structural complexity and connectivity patterns of complex systems. - Highlights: • Structural controllability of a class of local-world networks is investigated. • For sparse local-world networks, compared to network size, local-world size can bring stronger influence on controllability. • For dense networks, controllability is greatly affected by network size and the effect of local-world size can be neglected. • Structural controllability against targeted node attacks is discussed.

  17. Towards structural controllability of local-world networks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sun, Shiwen, E-mail: [Tianjin Key Laboratory of Intelligence Computing and Novel Software Technology, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384 (China); Key Laboratory of Computer Vision and System (Tianjin University of Technology), Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300384 (China); Ma, Yilin; Wu, Yafang; Wang, Li; Xia, Chengyi [Tianjin Key Laboratory of Intelligence Computing and Novel Software Technology, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384 (China); Key Laboratory of Computer Vision and System (Tianjin University of Technology), Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300384 (China)


    Controlling complex networks is of vital importance in science and engineering. Meanwhile, local-world effect is an important ingredient which should be taken into consideration in the complete description of real-world complex systems. In this letter, structural controllability of a class of local-world networks is investigated. Through extensive numerical simulations, firstly, effects of local world size M and network size N on structural controllability are examined. For local-world networks with sparse topological configuration, compared to network size, local-world size can induce stronger influence on controllability, however, for dense networks, controllability is greatly affected by network size and local-world effect can be neglected. Secondly, relationships between controllability and topological properties are analyzed. Lastly, the robustness of local-world networks under targeted attacks regarding structural controllability is discussed. These results can help to deepen the understanding of structural complexity and connectivity patterns of complex systems. - Highlights: • Structural controllability of a class of local-world networks is investigated. • For sparse local-world networks, compared to network size, local-world size can bring stronger influence on controllability. • For dense networks, controllability is greatly affected by network size and the effect of local-world size can be neglected. • Structural controllability against targeted node attacks is discussed.

  18. Classical dynamics of brane-world extended objects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasilic, Milovan


    We make use of the universally valid stress-energy conservation law to study the motion of various branelike extended objects in a generic brane-world. Without specifying any particular action, we are able to derive the world-sheet equations that govern the dynamics of brane-world test branes. In particular, the brane-world test particles are shown to follow geodesics with respect to the brane-world induced metric. At the same time, the presence of extended objects is shown to influence the brane-world geometry. It is demonstrated that codimension-1 branes necessarily violate the brane-world smooth structure, while lower-dimensional branes violate the very continuity. In particular, the truly zero-size massive particles are shown not to exist in a continuous brane-world. As an example, static, axially symmetric membrane-world in 4d Minkowski background is analyzed.

  19. World Society and Globalisation (United States)

    Wittmann, Veronika


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to illustrate discourses on globalisation and world society and to disclose the commonalities and differences of both scientific debates. In particular, it draws attention to theoretical concepts of globalisation and world society. This is considered fruitful for comprehending the complex mechanisms of…

  20. World Food/Hunger Studies. (United States)

    Bobo, Kimberley A.

    This curriculum guide is designed to encourage responsible university course development as well as extracurricular activities centered around the world food/hunger problem. Multidisciplinary and global values clarification approaches are basic to the curriculum. Part I of the guide discusses the role of universities in combatting world hunger and…

  1. The world food problem

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Olson, R A


    Argument continues in the world press as to the urgency of the food problem. Some economists in equating world food production statistics with population figures have convinced themselves there is more than enough food per capita and, accordingly, no problem. Looking in greater depth than these gross averages, however, we find that there is indeed a prospective problem, and of such a nature and magnitude as to tax all of mankind's talents and resources in its resolution. It is true that certain of the developed countries of the world in the last generation acquired agricultural production capabilities that notably exceeded the resident population's capacity to consume. 'Surplus' in these areas became an ugly word during this period of a generally favorable weather cycle, and restrictions on the amount of and that could be devoted to graincrops were imposed to curb this tremendous capacity. A fickle Mother Nature, however, has turned things around during the early 1970's by one or another of her many vacillations in the form of local drought, excess moisture, shortened growing season, or other means, in some of the major producing areas. Inconsequence, the food grain surpluses are now gone and the world is looking at a three to four week reserve at any given moment. The cost of food products available from exporting countries has doubled and trebled in price during the past two years. The potential for famine exceeds in magnitude anything the world has ever known. It is against this background that the World Food Conference will be held in Rome during November of this year. (author)

  2. The world food problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olson, R.A.


    Argument continues in the world press as to the urgency of the food problem. Some economists in equating world food production statistics with population figures have convinced themselves there is more than enough food per capita and, accordingly, no problem. Looking in greater depth than these gross averages, however, we find that there is indeed a prospective problem, and of such a nature and magnitude as to tax all of mankind's talents and resources in its resolution. It is true that certain of the developed countries of the world in the last generation acquired agricultural production capabilities that notably exceeded the resident population's capacity to consume. 'Surplus' in these areas became an ugly word during this period of a generally favorable weather cycle, and restrictions on the amount of and that could be devoted to graincrops were imposed to curb this tremendous capacity. A fickle Mother Nature, however, has turned things around during the early 1970's by one or another of her many vacillations in the form of local drought, excess moisture, shortened growing season, or other means, in some of the major producing areas. Inconsequence, the food grain surpluses are now gone and the world is looking at a three to four week reserve at any given moment. The cost of food products available from exporting countries has doubled and trebled in price during the past two years. The potential for famine exceeds in magnitude anything the world has ever known. It is against this background that the World Food Conference will be held in Rome during November of this year. (author)

  3. Archaeology and the World Heritage Convention

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henry Cleere


    Full Text Available International efforts to designate outstanding examples of the world's cultural and natural heritage began after the Second World War. The World Heritage Convention was signed at the General Conference of UNESCO in 1972 and the first cultural sites were selected in 1978. Now over 600 have been inscribed on the World Heritage List. The author, who is an honorary visiting professor at the Institute, acted as an advisor to the World Heritage Committee from 1992 to 2002 and here describes how the Convention came into being and discusses the representation of archaeological sites on the List.

  4. World energy insight 2011

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The World Energy Insight 2011 is the official publication of the World Energy Council. It includes interviews, articles and case studies from a distinguished panel of World Energy Council Officers, CEOs, government ministers, academics and opinion formers from all areas of the energy sector and provides perspectives from around the globe. Government, industry and NGO's offer both policy and technology perspectives. The insights within this publication add to the work that WEC is doing to provide the forum for energy leaders, along with the on-going WEC studies and programmes on Energy Policies, 2050 Energy Scenarios, Energy Resources & Technologies, Energy for Urban Innovation, Rules Of Energy Trade and Global Energy Access.

  5. Coal world market

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    A brief analysis of major tendencies in the world market of coal is presented. It is pointed out that recent years, by and large, were favourable for the development of the world coal industry. Prices for coal (both for power-grade and coking one) in 1995 after many years of depressive state increased by nearly 20 % and reached a maximum of the last decade. International coal trading continues to grow and the tendency may persist in the mext two years

  6. World nuclear performance report 2016. A new study by World Nuclear Association

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cobb, Jonathan [World Nuclear Association, London (United Kingdom)


    A larger number of nuclear power units are under construction than at any other time in the last 25 years, and with another ten new reactors coming online 2015 demonstrated improving new build performance all round. The existing global fleet, totally 439 by year-end, generated roughly 10 % of the world's electricity, making up around one-third of the world's low-carbon electricity supply. Nevertheless, there are challenges ahead for the global nuclear industry. The World Nuclear Association's vision for the future global electricity system consists of a diverse mix of low-carbon technologies - where renewables, nuclear and a fossil fuels work together in harmony to ensure a reliable, affordable and clean energy supply.

  7. World nuclear performance report 2016. A new study by World Nuclear Association

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cobb, Jonathan


    A larger number of nuclear power units are under construction than at any other time in the last 25 years, and with another ten new reactors coming online 2015 demonstrated improving new build performance all round. The existing global fleet, totally 439 by year-end, generated roughly 10 % of the world's electricity, making up around one-third of the world's low-carbon electricity supply. Nevertheless, there are challenges ahead for the global nuclear industry. The World Nuclear Association's vision for the future global electricity system consists of a diverse mix of low-carbon technologies - where renewables, nuclear and a fossil fuels work together in harmony to ensure a reliable, affordable and clean energy supply.

  8. Scriptures of the World. (United States)

    Jackson, William, Ed.


    This theme issue of "Research and Creative Activity" features 10 articles on Indiana University faculty members whose work on various campuses continues to broaden and advance knowledge about "Scriptures of the World" and their meaning in human life. The articles are as follows: "Why Scriptures of the World Still Matter…

  9. Microenterprise in the First and Third Worlds


    Mark Schreiner


    Sparked by examples from the third world, hundreds of microenterprise programmes have been started in the first world. Will they be successful? This paper reviews the evidence and concludes that microenterprise development is more difficult in the first world. For example, the microenterprise sector in the first world is smaller because most people can get wage jobs and because of the public safety net. Unlike third-world entrepreneurs, first-world entrepreneurs are more often constrained by ...

  10. Studying Real-World Perceptual Expertise

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jianhong eShen


    Full Text Available Significant insights into visual cognition have come from studying real-world perceptual expertise. Many have previously reviewed empirical findings and theoretical developments from this work. Here we instead provide a brief perspective on approaches, considerations, and challenges to studying real-world perceptual expertise. We discuss factors like choosing to use real-world versus artificial object domains of expertise, selecting a target domain of real-world perceptual expertise, recruiting experts, evaluating their level of expertise, and experimentally testing experts in the lab and online. Throughout our perspective, we highlight expert birding (also called birdwatching as an example, as it has been used as a target domain for over two decades in the perceptual expertise literature.

  11. The Two World Histories (United States)

    Dunn, Ross E.


    In the arenas where the two world histories have taken shape, educators vigorously debate among themselves intellectual, pedagogical, and policy issues surrounding world history as a school subject. The people in each arena tend to share, despite internal disagreements, a common set of premises and assumptions for ordering the discussion of world…

  12. WTO kokkulepe viib piima hinna alla / Silja Lättemäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lättemäe, Silja, 1952-


    18. detsembril 2005. a. Hongkongis toimunud Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsiooni (WTO) tippkohtumisel saavutatud põllumajanduse-alaseid kokkuleppeid kommenteerib põllumajandusministeeriumi asekantsler Andres Oopkaup

  13. Nuclear Power Plants in the World

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF) used every year to summarize a trend survey on the private nuclear power plants in the world in a shape of the 'Nuclear power plants in the world'. In this report, some data at the end of 2002 was made up on bases of answers on questionnaires from 65 electric power companies and other nuclear organizations in 28 countries and regions around the world by JAIF. This report is comprised of 19 items, and contains generating capacity of the plants; current status of Japan; trends of generating capacity of operating the plants, the plant orders and generating capacity of the plants; world nuclear capacity by reactor type; status of MOX use in the world; location of the plants; the plants in the world; directory of the plants; nuclear fuel cycle facilities; and so forth. (J.P.N.)

  14. The new world disorder. (United States)

    Checa, Nicolas; Maguire, John; Barney, Jonathan


    On January 1, 1995, representatives from 76 countries signed the World Trade Organization charter, which for years had been part of a temporary trade agreement. The WTO's emergence as a fully empowered supranational body seemed to reflect the triumph of what the first President Bush had described as the "new world order." That order was based on two assumptions: that a healthy economy and a sound financial system make for political stability, and that countries in business together do not fight each other. The number one priority of U.S. foreign policy was thus to encourage the former Communist countries of Europe and the developing nations in Latin America, Asia, and Africa to adopt business-friendly policies. Private capital would flow from the developed world into these countries, creating economic growth. It sounded too good to be true, and so it proved. The new world order of Bush père and his successor, Bill Clinton, has been replaced by the new world disorder of Bush fils. Under the second Bush's administration, the economic and political rationale-behind the Washington consensus of the 1990s has unraveled, forcing a radical change in our perceptions of which countries are safe for business. Negotiating this new environment will require companies to more rigorously evaluate political events and more carefully assess the links between political, economic, and financial risk factors. They'll need to be more selective about which markets to enter, and they'll need to think differently about how to position themselves in those markets. The geopolitical events of the past year, the Bush administration's global war on terror, as well as ongoing convulsions in traditional political and economic relationships must be understood and managed by corporate leaders worldwide. With careful analysis, business leaders can increase their companies' visibility and better respond to the uncertainties of the new world disorder.

  15. Fermentation. Third World Science. (United States)

    Jones, Natalie; Hughes, Wyn

    This unit, developed by the Third World Science Project, is designed to add a multicultural element to existing science syllabi (for students aged 11-16) in the United Kingdom. The project seeks to develop an appreciation of the: boundless fascination of the natural world; knowledge, skills, and expertise possessed by men/women everywhere;…

  16. World Music Ensemble: Kulintang (United States)

    Beegle, Amy C.


    As instrumental world music ensembles such as steel pan, mariachi, gamelan and West African drums are becoming more the norm than the exception in North American school music programs, there are other world music ensembles just starting to gain popularity in particular parts of the United States. The kulintang ensemble, a drum and gong ensemble…


    Sigler-Harcavi, Alona; Cohen Ashkenazi, Limor


    Working with medical and paramedical teams has taught us that the medical staff does not fully utilize the potential of judicial decisions and precedents as a source for learning, drawing conclusions and motivating progress. Judicial ruling is an essential part of the toolbox used by medical administrators in general, and healthcare risk managers in particular. Knowing the relevant legal rulings, before you embark on any given path, is the equivalent of looking before you leap. This is not necessarily an issue of "holy scripture", but should mainly be considered as a source for expanding your perspective. Knowledge of the relevant rulings has many advantages that stem from the unique characteristics of the legal system. While the medical world has a clear and unequivocal advantage regarding knowledge and experience with respect to medicine, the legal world has various other advantages: a different and wider perspective with respect to economic and/or political considerations; universal fundamental principles, such as autonomy, equality, distributive justice, human dignity, the state's obligations to its citizens; complex systems of checks and balances, such as: desirable vs. available, the benefit of few vs. the good of the many, etc. These tools, typical of the legal world, are especially relevant to medicolegal issues, usually associated with medical administration, such as: the obligation of consultation, obligation of follow-up, treatment continuity, priorities, resource distribution, patient rights, etc. The contribution of the legal world to these issues is both unique and essential. Those who question the ability of judges to understand the medical world and to materially contribute to medical thinking and practice, claiming that they lack medical training and experience, should recognize the diverse contribution of the legal world to the medical world.

  18. 11 World power conference

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masters, R.


    Papers presented to the 11 World power conference ''Power for our peace'' held in Munich in September, 1980 are shortly surveyed. A few papers were devoted to nuclear power, that represents its present- state-of-the-art in the world. Except for the paper presented by experts of the International Energy Agency (IEA) and a number of others, there is carefulness and realism with respect to nuclear power in the most part of the papers; its forecasted growth rates are rather moderate. Even in the IEA paper the total world nuclear installed capacity in 1985 is evaluated about 550 GW, that is substantially smaller earlier evaluations. It is acknowledged that the primary energy production almost in all countries will increase mainly due to nuclear power and coal. But there are no answers to the problems related to management of the nuclear power development and to the public opinion in many countries. It is underlined that the problems of world power supply can be solved only on an international basis [ru

  19. World energy insight 2011

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The World Energy Insight 2011 is the official publication of the World Energy Council. It includes interviews, articles and case studies from a distinguished panel of World Energy Council Officers, CEOs, government ministers, academics and opinion formers from all areas of the energy sector and provides perspectives from around the globe. Government, industry and NGO's offer both policy and technology perspectives. The insights within this publication add to the work that WEC is doing to provide the forum for energy leaders, along with the on-going WEC studies and programmes on Energy Policies, 2050 Energy Scenarios, Energy Resources & Technologies, Energy for Urban Innovation, Rules Of Energy Trade and Global Energy Access.

  20. World Wind (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — World Wind allows any user to zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth, leveraging high resolution LandSat imagery and SRTM elevation data to experience...

  1. The mystery of the quantum world

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Squires, E.


    Quantum Physics is about the mysterious behaviour of the micro-world and the strange properties of the quantum theory which predicts this behaviour. An understanding of the quantum world goes beyond physics to philosophy, cosmology, psychology and theology. There are chapters on reality in the quantum world, quantum theory, quantum theory and external reality, consciousness, hidden variables and non-locality and, finally, the mysteries of the quantum world. It is intended for a non-specialised readership. (U.K.)

  2. Deploying Embodied AI into Virtual Worlds (United States)

    Burden, David J. H.

    The last two years have seen the start of commercial activity within virtual worlds. Unlike computer games where Non-Player-Character avatars are common, in most virtual worlds they are the exception — and until recently in Second Life they were non-existent. However there is real commercial scope for Als in these worlds — in roles from virtual sales staff and tutors to personal assistants. Deploying an embodied AI into a virtual world offers a unique opportunity to evaluate embodied Als, and to develop them within an environment where human and computer are on almost equal terms. This paper presents an architecture being used for the deployment of chatbot driven avatars within the Second Life virtual world, looks at the challenges of deploying an AI within such a virtual world, the possible implications for the Turing Test, and identifies research directions for the future.

  3. Nuclear power plants in the world

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF) used every year to summarize a trend survey on the private nuclear power plants in the world in a shape of the 'Nuclear power plants in the world'. In this report, some data at the end of 2007/2008 was made up on bases of answers on questionnaires from electric power companies and other nuclear organizations around the world by JAIF. This report is comprised of 18 items, and contains generating capacity of the plants; effect of the Niigata-ken chuetsu-oki earthquake; current status of Japan; trends of generating capacity of operating the plants, the plant orders and generating capacity of the plants; world nuclear capacity by reactor type; status of MOX use in the world; location of the plants; the plants in the world; directory of the plants; nuclear fuel cycle facilities, and so forth. (J.P.N.)

  4. Nuclear Power Plants in the World

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF) used every year to summarize a trend survey on the private nuclear power plants in the world in a shape of the 'Nuclear power plants in the world'. In this report, some data at the end of 2003 was made up on bases of answers on questionnaires from 81 electric power companies and other nuclear organizations in 33 countries and regions around the world by JAIF. This report is comprised of 19 items, and contains generating capacity of the plants; current status of Japan; trends of generating capacity of operating the plants, the plant orders and generating capacity of the plants; world nuclear capacity by reactor type; status of MOX use in the world; location of the plants; the plants in the world; directory of the plants; nuclear fuel cycle facilities; and so forth. (J.P.N.)

  5. 20 CFR 404.1340 - Wage credits for World War II and post-World War II veterans. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Wage credits for World War II and post-World War II veterans. 404.1340 Section 404.1340 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL... Uniformed Services Amounts of Wage Credits and Limits on Their Use § 404.1340 Wage credits for World War II...

  6. World uranium production in 1995

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    For the first time since the political and economic opening of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, world uranium production actually increased in 1995. Preliminary estimates for 1996 continue this trend, indicating additional (if slight) production increases over 1995 levels. Natural uranium production increased by about 5% in 1995 to 34,218 tons uranium or 89 Mlbs U3O8. This is an increase of approximately 1700 tons of uranium or 4.3 Mlbs of U3O8 over the updated 1994 quantities. Data is presented for each of the major uranium producing countries, for each of the world's largest uranium mines, for each of the world's largest corporate producers, and for major regions of the world

  7. Muusikamaailm : 15. ooperifestival Wexfordis. Tshellopidu algas Frankfurdis. Vilniuse "Gaida" lõppes eile. Konkursilt Besanqonis. Ernest Bour lahkunud / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    15. ooperifestivalist Wexfordis. Frankfurdis toimunud Kronbergi tshellofestivali pidulikust avakontserdist. Vilniuse uue muusika festivalist "Gaida". Konkursilt Besanqonis. Suri nimekas prantsuse dirigent Ernest Bour

  8. TAI ja TAE konverentsid / Ants Veetõusme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veetõusme, Ants, 1949-


    18.-21. septembrini 1999. a. Berliinis toimunud Euroopa Maksumaksjate Assotsiatsiooni (TAE) ja Rahvusvahelise Maksumaksjate Assotsiatsiooni (TAI) kongressidest. Lisatud andmed assotsiatsioonide liikmete kohta

  9. World geothermal congress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Povarov, O.A.; Tomarov, G.V.


    The World geothermal congress took place in the period from 28 May up to 10 June 2000 in Japan. About 2000 men from 43 countries, including specialists in the area of developing geothermal fields, creating and operating geothermal electrical and thermal plants and various systems for the earth heat application, participated in the work of the Congress. It was noted at the Congress, that development of the geothermal power engineering in the world is characterized by the large-scale application of geothermal resources for the electrical energy generation [ru

  10. Global Poverty and the New Bottom Billion: Three-Quarters of the World?s Poor Live in Middle-Income Countries


    Andy Sumner


    In 1990, 93 per cent of the world?s poor people lived in poor countries?that is, low-income countries (LICs). For 2007?2008, our estimates suggest three things. First, three-quarters of the world?s poor, or almost 1 billion poor people, now live in middle-income countries (MICs). Second, just a quarter of the world?s poor live in 39 LICs. Third, in contrast to earlier estimates that a third of the poor live in fragile states, our estimate is about 23 per cent if one takes the broadest definit...

  11. The 'New' World Literature: A Review Essay

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Russell McDougall


    Full Text Available Works discussed: Theo D'haen, The Routledge Concise History of World Literature (Routledge, 2011; Theo D'haen, David Damrosch & Djelal Kadir, eds. The Routledge Companion to World Literature (Routledge, 2011; Theo D'haen, Cesar Dominguez & Mads Rosendahl Thomsen eds., World Literature: A Reader (Routledge, 2012; Elke Sturm-Trigonakis, Comparative Cultural Studies and the New Weltliteratur (Purdue University Press, 2013; Emily Apter, Against World Literature: On the Politics of Untranslatability (Verso, 2013; Robert Dixon and Bridget Rooney, Scenes of Reading. Is Australian Literature a World Literature? (Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2013; David Damrosch. ed. World Literature in Theory (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014

  12. World Area Forecast System (WAFS) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The World Area Forecast System (WAFS) is a worldwide system by which world area forecast centers provide aeronautical meteorological en-route forecasts in uniform...

  13. From Active Citizenship to World Citizenship: A Proposal For A World University

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available This article explores how universities can function as spaces where a world citizenship takes shape. First, Kant’s distinction between the ‘private use of reason’ and ‘domestic gathering’, on the one hand, and the ‘public use of reason’ and ‘public gathering’, on the other, is elucidated. This distinction is used, secondly, to argue that the actual university organises ‘domestic gatherings’. In the name of excellence, it requires an entrepreneurial ethos of its staff, i.e. an ethos of obedience to a permanent quality tribunal, implying a permanent (self- mobilisation confining the entrepreneur to a domestic gathering and the private use of reason (‘private citizens’. Based on this understanding, the third section develops a proposal for a world university inhabited by ‘learned individuals’ acting as world citizens. It is a habitat in which an experimental and attentive ethos is present and where the public use of reason is ‘finding (a place’. This public use of reason is not just about making things known, but of making them present. The aim of the final section, then, is to make the proposal more specific, based on an exploration of ‘public lecturing’ as the time and space of public (world gathering where things are made public.

  14. Corporate Training in Virtual Worlds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Charles Nebolsky


    Full Text Available This paper presents virtual training worlds that are relatively low-cost distributed collaborative learning environments suitable for corporate training. A virtual training world allows a facilitator, experts and trainees communicating and acting in the virtual environment for practicing skills during collaborative problem solving. Using these environments is beneficial to both trainees and corporations. Two system prototypes – the sales training and the leadership training virtual worlds – are described. The leadership training course design is discussed in details.

  15. Understanding Online (Game)worlds (United States)

    Klastrup, Lisbeth

    With gameworlds as the prime example, this article discusses online worlds as new forms of cultural entertainment systems and presents a framework with which to analyse them. The framework takes its point of departure in a discussion of what online gameworlds are, which genres of worlds exist and how they can be understood as a new form of engaging experience similar to the type of experience we have when we are captivated by the fictional universes of novels, films and tabletop roleplaying games. The proposed framework is grounded in an aesthetic, communicative and sociological approach to online worlds as digital phenomena, with the primary objective of describing how online gameworlds are systems that create meaning through the production of the experience of “worldness”.

  16. Northern Togo and the world economy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    L.J. de Haan (Leo); H.A. Reitsma (Henk)


    textabstractHow global is the world economy? Does it also encompass the remote corners of the Third World where subsistence agriculture still predominates and where the first hard-surface roads have yet to be built? And if it does, when did these areas become incorporated into the world economy?


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kiran Lata DANGWAL


    Full Text Available Spiritualism is one word which puts man on the highest plinth of life. Spirituality is the way we find meaning, hope, comfort and inner peace in life. Spirituality in the virtual World is generally known as Virtual Spirituality. A goldmine of wisdom from all kinds of religious and spiritual philosophies, traditions and practices can be found in virtual World now. Technology and Spirituality together forms the material to which man can incline on to and work for the development of a globe in which war will be considered a taboo and violence a rejected dogma. Therefore there is an urgent nee to made the world a safe place to live in and the spiritual reconstruction can help us in achieving this.Spiritualism, Virtual World, Online Technology.

  18. TAB sümpoosion tõi Kultuurikatlasse üle 300 inimese = TAB symposium attracted more than 300 participants / Katrin Koov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koov, Katrin, 1973-


    8.-11. septembrini 2011 toimunud 1. Tallinna arhitektuuribiennaali sümpoosionist, mille teemaks oli maastikuurbanism (landscape urbanism). Kuraator Katrin Koov. Esinejatest, ettekannetest, maasikuurbanismist

  19. Curating the city / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Euroopa kultuuripealinna staatusest. Kultuuripealinna raames toimunud kunstisündmustest Tallinnas. Linnainstallatsioonide festivali LIFT objektidest, Tallinnasse Skoone bastionile rajatud Põhuteatrist (Salto arhitektuuribüroo)

  20. Muhhi i kotletõ - sojuz nerushimõi? / Mihhail Petrov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Petrov, Mihhail


    Moskvas toimunud teaduslik-praktilisest konverentsist "Eliidi vahetus ja valikud SRÜ riikides ning Baltimaades". Venemaa suhtumisest Eestis elavatesse kaasmaalastesse ja vene kogukonna olukorrast Eestis

  1. Introduction : [artiklikogumikule Ecumenical theological education] / Anne Kull, Pille Valk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kull, Anne, 1959-


    Sissejuhatus kogumikule, mis sisaldab artikleid Tartu Ülikoolis 11.-14. jaan. 2007 toimunud konverentsi "Ecumenical theological education : pedagogical perspectives and practical experiences" ettekannetest

  2. Kutseharidust hakkab muutma uus paradigma / André Huigens ; intervjueerinud Veiko Belials

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Huigens, André


    Intervjuu Luual toimunud rahvusvahelise kutsehariduse alase seminari peaesineja, André Huigensiga, kes on Euroopa kutseõppe arenduskeskuse Cedefop kvalifikatsiooniraamistiku ekspert Hollandi Wellantcollege’ist

  3. Anarhia akende maailmas / Andri Ksenofontov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ksenofontov, Andri, 1962-


    20. mail Kopenhaagenis toimunud DOCOMOMO seminar 'Reframing the Moderns : Substitute Windows and Glass' vastuoludest uute akende ja klaasi kasutamisel moodsas arhitektuuris. Esinejatest, ettekannetest.

  4. Kadrioru skandaali võtmetegelane: Ma olen ühiskonnast välja heidetud, aga mitte väljaheide / Peeter Ernits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ernits, Peeter, 1953-


    Eesti presidendi residentsis toimunud noortepidude tagamaadest ja meediaskandaalist. Vt. ka intervjuud uurimist juhtinud ülemkomissari Margus Kotteriga: Ülemkomissar Kotter: Paulson valetas avalikkusele

  5. 36 CFR 73.7 - World Heritage nomination process. (United States)


    ... inscribed as a World Heritage Site. (j) Who is notified when a U.S. property has been nominated to the World... INTERIOR WORLD HERITAGE CONVENTION § 73.7 World Heritage nomination process. (a) What is the U.S. World... Future U.S. World Heritage nominations) and requests that public and private sources recommend properties...

  6. Nuclear energy in the world

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grippi, Sidney


    The chapter reports the nuclear energy beginning in the world including a chronology of the atomic bomb birth, the annual growth rate of electronuclear energy in the world, a comparison of energy production in thermoelectric bases

  7. World Input-Output Network.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Federica Cerina

    Full Text Available Production systems, traditionally analyzed as almost independent national systems, are increasingly connected on a global scale. Only recently becoming available, the World Input-Output Database (WIOD is one of the first efforts to construct the global multi-regional input-output (GMRIO tables. By viewing the world input-output system as an interdependent network where the nodes are the individual industries in different economies and the edges are the monetary goods flows between industries, we analyze respectively the global, regional, and local network properties of the so-called world input-output network (WION and document its evolution over time. At global level, we find that the industries are highly but asymmetrically connected, which implies that micro shocks can lead to macro fluctuations. At regional level, we find that the world production is still operated nationally or at most regionally as the communities detected are either individual economies or geographically well defined regions. Finally, at local level, for each industry we compare the network-based measures with the traditional methods of backward linkages. We find that the network-based measures such as PageRank centrality and community coreness measure can give valuable insights into identifying the key industries.

  8. The world review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    A world-wide review of hydrocarbon processing is presented. Following a general introduction discussing issues such as the crisis in Asia, the mergers between the oil giants, the concern over carbon dioxide emissions in Europe, the expected decline in output of oil in the USA and the attraction of Latin America in terms of natural gas, the article goes on to review the situations and prospects in various parts of the world. Fifty-one countries are discussed individually in this 34-page article. The focus throughout is very much on the activities of individual companies and contracts rather than on technical details. (UK)

  9. Real-world outcomes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmgreen, Lise-Lotte

    -down model of feeding back research findings to subjects” (Roberts and Sarangi 2003, 340) although, arguably, making results applicable to a real-world context ought to be an essential goal of researcher-practitioner studies. This issue forms the background of the presentation, in which it will be discussed...... how the dissemination of research findings may take place to ensure the creation of real-world outcomes for practitioners (cf. e.g. Nørreklit et al. 1987; Puchta & Potter 2004). The presentation will be centered around the interview study of the discursive constructions of culture in a Danish cross...

  10. Rapid world modeling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Little, Charles; Jensen, Ken


    Sandia National Laboratories has designed and developed systems capable of large-scale, three-dimensional mapping of unstructured environments in near real time. This mapping technique is called rapid world modeling and has proven invaluable when used by prototype systems consisting of sensory detection devices mounted on mobile platforms. These systems can be deployed into previously unmapped environments and transmit real-time 3-D visual images to operators located remotely. This paper covers a brief history of the rapid world modeling system, its implementation on mobile platforms, and the current state of the technology. Applications to the nuclear power industry are discussed. (author)

  11. Configurational entropy in brane-world models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Correa, R.A.C. [CCNH, Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo Andre, SP (Brazil); Rocha, Roldao da [CMCC, Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo Andre, SP (Brazil); International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste (Italy)


    In this work we investigate the entropic information on thick brane-world scenarios and its consequences. The brane-world entropic information is studied for the sine-Gordon model and hence the brane-world entropic information measure is shown to be an accurate way for providing the most suitable range for the bulk AdS curvature, in particular from the informational content of physical solutions. Besides, the brane-world configurational entropy is employed to demonstrate a high organisational degree in the structure of the configuration of the system, for large values of a parameter of the sine-Gordon model but the one related to the AdS curvature. The Gleiser and Stamatopoulos procedure is finally applied in order to achieve a precise correlation between the energy of the system and the brane-world configurational entropy. (orig.)

  12. Configurational entropy in brane-world models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Correa, R. A. C., E-mail: [CCNH, Universidade Federal do ABC, 09210-580, Santo André, SP (Brazil); Rocha, Roldão da, E-mail: [CMCC, Universidade Federal do ABC, 09210-580, Santo André, SP (Brazil); International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Via Bonomea 265, 34136, Trieste (Italy)


    In this work we investigate the entropic information on thick brane-world scenarios and its consequences. The brane-world entropic information is studied for the sine-Gordon model and hence the brane-world entropic information measure is shown to be an accurate way for providing the most suitable range for the bulk AdS curvature, in particular from the informational content of physical solutions. Besides, the brane-world configurational entropy is employed to demonstrate a high organisational degree in the structure of the configuration of the system, for large values of a parameter of the sine-Gordon model but the one related to the AdS curvature. The Gleiser and Stamatopoulos procedure is finally applied in order to achieve a precise correlation between the energy of the system and the brane-world configurational entropy.

  13. Configurational entropy in brane-world models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Correa, R. A. C.; Rocha, Roldão da


    In this work we investigate the entropic information on thick brane-world scenarios and its consequences. The brane-world entropic information is studied for the sine-Gordon model and hence the brane-world entropic information measure is shown to be an accurate way for providing the most suitable range for the bulk AdS curvature, in particular from the informational content of physical solutions. Besides, the brane-world configurational entropy is employed to demonstrate a high organisational degree in the structure of the configuration of the system, for large values of a parameter of the sine-Gordon model but the one related to the AdS curvature. The Gleiser and Stamatopoulos procedure is finally applied in order to achieve a precise correlation between the energy of the system and the brane-world configurational entropy

  14. World uranium supply and demand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patterson, J.A.


    The role of nuclear energy is under increasing scrutiny and uncertainty. None the less, there will be an increasing need for expansion of uranium supply to fuel committed reactors. Longer-term demand projections are very uncertain. Improved knowledge of the extent of world resources and their availability and economics is needed to support planning for reactor development, especially for breeder reactors, and for fuel-cycle development, especially enrichment, and reprocessing and recycle of uranium and plutonium. Efforts to date to estimate world uranium resources have been very useful but have largely reflected the state of available knowledge for the lower cost resources in regions that have received considerable exploration efforts. The IUREP evaluation of world resources provides an initial speculative estimate of world resources, including areas not previously appraised. Projections of long-range supply from the estimated resources suggest that the high-growth nuclear cases using once-through cycle may not be supportable for very long. However, additional effort is needed to appraise and report more completely and consistently on world resources, the production levels attainable from these resources, and the economic and price characteristics of such production. (author)

  15. Modernizatsija portovoi infrastrukturõ i uroven obsluzhivanija v Klaipedskom portu = The modernisation of the port infrastructure and the level of services in the Klaipeda port / Sigitas Dobilinskas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Dobilinskas, Sigitas


    Ettekanne 11.-12. oktoobrini Peterburis toimunud konverentsil. Klaipeda sadama olukorrast, infrastruktuuri moderniseerimisest, teenuste tasemest, tulevikuplaanidest, võrdlus Kaliningradi ning Peterburi sadamatega. Lisa: Sigitas Dobilinskas

  16. Loodushariduse mammutkongress Colombias / Aarne Tõldsepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõldsepp, Aarne


    Sel suvel toimunud rahvusvahelisest matemaatika- ja loodushariduse kongressist Colombia ajaloolises sadamalinnas Cartagenas, mille peakorraldajaks oli 19 aastat tagasi Valgevenest Colombiasse emigreerunud professor Juri Orlik

  17. Muusikamaailm : Kuhmo festival 30. korda. Ernst Haefliger - 80. Esmakordne pianistide konkurss. Lincoln Centeri festival. Promenaadikontserdid algavad täna / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Soomes toimuvast Kuhmo kammermuusikafestivalist. E. Haefligeri lauljateest. Saksamaal toimunud Seileri fondi pianistide konkursist. Lincoln Centeri festivalist New Yorgis. Kontsertmuusikafestivalist "Promenaadikontserdid Londoni Royal Albert Hallis"

  18. President of Estonia : the mouse that roared

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilvese kõnest 2009. a. aprillis Tallinnas toimunud Euroopa Liidu liikmesriikide ministrite küberjulgeoleku konverentsil CIIP (Critical Information Infrastructure Protection)

  19. Baltimaade parim konstaabel töötab Maidlas ja Sondas / Tatjana Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Tatjana


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje : Subbota, 10. nov. 2007, lk. 2. Leedus toimunud politseinike võistlusel selgusid Baltimaade parimad korravalvurid. Individuaalarvestuses tunnistati parimaks Paul Kriisa

  20. Euroopa parlamenti kandideerijad lubavad kaitsta väikese Eesti huve / Matis Song

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Song, Matis, 1978-


    11. mail 2004 Rapla maavalitsuse haldushoones toimunud kohtumisest Euroopa Parlamendi saadikukandidaatide Tunne Kelami, Tiit Tammsaare, Toomas Savi, Vilja Savisaare, Mart Viisitamme ja Urmas Reinsaluga

  1. Embodied Involvement in Virtual Worlds

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ekdahl, David; Ravn, Susanne


    eSports practice designates a unique set of activities tethered to competitive, virtual environments or worlds. This correlation between eSports practitioner and virtual world, we argue, is inadequately accounted for solely in terms of something physical or intellectual. Instead, we favor...... a perspective on eSports practice to be analyzed as a perceptual and embodied phenomenon. In this article, we present the phenomenological approach and focus on the embodied sensations of eSports practitioners as they cope with and perceive within their virtual worlds. By approaching eSports phenomenologically...

  2. Towards a war-free world

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avery, J.


    The world is committed through the Non-proliferation Treaty, not only to ultimate goal of complete nuclear disarmament bur also to complete disarmament with respect to to conventional arms. The way to a sane and war-free world will be long and difficult, the European Union is one step along this road. The START, NPT and CTB treaties are also important steps. Education is also needed to build up the concept of the world as a single community, and here are the almost miraculous achievements of modern information technology which is of great help

  3. World`s gas field and establishment of gas-specific database

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seong, W M [Hanyang Unversity, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    As the natural gas demand of each country of the world including Korea continuously increases, it will be very important to diversify the characteristics of import areas and import gas as well as the import method for the stable and long-term supply. This study collects information such as reserves, the possibility of production, gas composition, etc. of gas fields that are spread all over the world with areas that can be developed or simply imported under the current conditions of Korea, and analyzed the projects that can be supplied through pipelines and information on non-conventional gas field that can be estimated in the future. 35 refs., 3 figs., 28 tabs.

  4. Data feature World natural Uranium production 1992

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    NUKEM estimates that world uranium production fell more than 13% last year, from 40,729 tonnes U [106 million lbs U308] in 1991 to 35,363 tonnes U [92 million lbs U308] in 1992. Production fell in both the Western World and non-Western World. How much of demand was met by production? World uranium production in 1992 amounted to about 65% of reactor consumption. That's assuming that reactor demand of the non-Western World has not changed much from the Uranium Institute's estimate for 1991. Civilian stockpiles are being drawn down on a massive scale while the world waits to see what will become of the military stockpiles that could soon enter the global supply picture

  5. The world made up of physical law

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Gap Su


    This book introduces the world made up of force and motion, the world made up of matter and energy, the world made up of atom and elementary particle, the world made up of stars and universe, and the world made up of size and numbers. It deals with motion of free fall, Newton's motion law, superconductivity, the first, second law of thermodynamics, atomise, exclusion principle, matrix mechanics, wave mechanics, special theory of relativity, big bang theory, international system of units, universal gravitational constant, and gravitational acceleration.

  6. 20 CFR 404.1342 - Limits on granting World War II and post-World War II wage credits. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Limits on granting World War II and post-World War II wage credits. 404.1342 Section 404.1342 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION... Uniformed Services Amounts of Wage Credits and Limits on Their Use § 404.1342 Limits on granting World War...

  7. Overcoming World Hunger: The Challenge Ahead. Report of the Presidential Commission on World Hunger. An Abridged Version. (United States)

    Presidential Commission on World Hunger, Washington, DC.

    This U.S. presidential commission report outlines specific recommendations for eliminating world hunger in the 1980's. Following a summarization of world hunger problems, the report addresses specific ways to deal with world hunger. Short-term goals include taking immediate action to ensure that poor people are not hungry, assuring that infants…

  8. The metaphors of virtual worlds

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reinhard, CarrieLynn D.

    The analysis of recollections of experiencing two types of virtual worlds where the recollections were in the form of metaphors.......The analysis of recollections of experiencing two types of virtual worlds where the recollections were in the form of metaphors....

  9. Collective Action Situated in Virtual Worlds (United States)

    Blodgett, Bridget M.


    For the first time in the history of collective action, the offline world has experienced a virtually organized and enacted union strike. While this was the first publicly noticed political action in a virtual world, others have been going on for several years now. As virtual worlds continue to grow in popularity, this type of protest of action…

  10. Ibn Battuta Mall: Edutaining the World? (United States)

    Lee, Chae Ho


    Nakheel, a Dubai World Company has created the world's largest themed mall based on the narrative of Ibn Battuta, a 14th century Muslim explorer whose world travels are well documented. The Ibn Battuta Mall is located in the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and utilizes a communication strategy called edutainment: a neologistic…

  11. A novel Direct Small World network model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    LIN Tao


    Full Text Available There is a certain degree of redundancy and low efficiency of existing computer networks.This paper presents a novel Direct Small World network model in order to optimize networks.In this model,several nodes construct a regular network.Then,randomly choose and replot some nodes to generate Direct Small World network iteratively.There is no change in average distance and clustering coefficient.However,the network performance,such as hops,is improved.The experiments prove that compared to traditional small world network,the degree,average of degree centrality and average of closeness centrality are lower in Direct Small World network.This illustrates that the nodes in Direct Small World networks are closer than Watts-Strogatz small world network model.The Direct Small World can be used not only in the communication of the community information,but also in the research of epidemics.

  12. Neurology in a globalizing world: World Congress of Neurology, Vienna, 2013. (United States)

    Hachinski, Vladimir


    The World Congress of Neurology (figure 1) theme "Neurology in a Globalizing World" acknowledges that science and increasingly medicine and neurology are becoming globalized. The best way to manage change is to shape it. It is becoming increasingly clear that brain diseases, particularly stroke and dementia, are projected to rise at a rate that could overwhelm our clinics and hospitals. Hence a new emphasis on prevention and the need to work across disciplines beyond our traditional roles. Neurologists are the guardians of the brain and need to take the lead role in advancing new approaches in stemming the tide of neurologic diseases.

  13. Consistency in the World Wide Web

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Jakob Grauenkjær

    Tim Berners-Lee envisioned that computers will behave as agents of humans on the World Wide Web, where they will retrieve, extract, and interact with information from the World Wide Web. A step towards this vision is to make computers capable of extracting this information in a reliable...... and consistent way. In this dissertation we study steps towards this vision by showing techniques for the specication, the verication and the evaluation of the consistency of information in the World Wide Web. We show how to detect certain classes of errors in a specication of information, and we show how...... the World Wide Web, in order to help perform consistent evaluations of web extraction techniques. These contributions are steps towards having computers reliable and consistently extract information from the World Wide Web, which in turn are steps towards achieving Tim Berners-Lee's vision. ii...

  14. World energy projections to 2030

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Criqui, P.; Kouvaritakis, N.


    This paper provides a description of the international energy projections elaborated with the POLES energy model for the purpose of analysing, in other papers of this issue, the impacts of technological change at world level and to 2030. Section 2 describes the key exogenous hypotheses on population and economic growth used for this projection, as well as the main resulting changes for the world energy system and in terms of CO 2 emissions. In Section 3 the dynamics of the energy systems are further analysed for four main world regions, while Section 4 is dedicated to the identification of the key uncertainties and of their possible impacts on future energy development. Finally, the last section presents the key messages of this outlook, which shows a rapidly growing world economy and energy consumption with increasing oil and gas prices, although this last feature remains subject to uncertainties on resource endowment estimates. (orig.)

  15. World armament

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stolle, H.


    Summary of consequences on: Armament expenditure of the world, arms trade, arms race and nuclear weapon arsenals, nuclear weapon proliferation, nuclear safety controls, nuclear carrier systems, international nuclear trade, nuclear weapon accidents, chemical wars, war law, ecological wars, armament limitations. (HP) [de

  16. Aprilli lõpus ja mai alguses osales...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rühmitus Avangard osales Chicagos toimunud eksperimentaalsel kunstifestivalil "Version", alapealkirjaga "Invincible Desire". Avangard näitas oma videosid ja fotoseeriat "The Bomb - back with vengeance"

  17. Draamateater võitis Poolas kaks preemiat / Tambet Kaugema

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaugema, Tambet


    Eesti Draamateatri lavastus "Mao tee kalju peal" tõi Torunis toimunud rahvusvaheliselt festivalilt Kontakt kaks preemiat - Toruni Ülikooli preemia ja festivalile akrediteeritud teatrikriitikute preemia

  18. Mis on see meie oma meediaruum? / Katrin Kivimaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivimaa, Katrin, 1969-


    Meediakunsti festivali 'Interstanding 3' raames toimunud konverents 'Ülalpool piire'. Kuraator Eric Kluitenbergi, peaesineja sotsioloogiaprofessor Saskia Sasseni, bulgaaria kunstniku Luchezar Boyadjievi esinemisest. Eesti ja internet

  19. Interaktiivne meedia ja film / Raivo Kelomees

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kelomees, Raivo, 1960-


    25.-30. IV Tartu Kõrgemas Kunstikoolis toimunud rahvusvahelisest interaktiivse filmi workshopist "Mediamatic Interactive Film Lab", mis algas sümpoosioniga Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogu konverentsikeskuses

  20. Infopädevuse mõiste sai täiesti selgeks / Anneli Kuiv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuiv, Anneli


    21.-23. augustini 2008 toimunud Tallinna Ülikooli Infoteaduste Instituudi, Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu ja Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Raamatukogu korraldatud UNESCO infopädevuse koolitajate koolitusseminarist

  1. Highlight on China

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti ja Hiina suhetest. Juttu on ka president Toomas Hendrik Ilvese 2006. a. oktoobris toimunud kohtumisest Hiina Rahva poliitilise konsultatiivkonverentsi rahvusliku komitee esimehe Jia Quinglingiga

  2. Eduard Tubina 100. sünniaastapäeva puhul toimus Stockholmis suur mälestuskontsert / Hilma Nerep-Mossin ; fotod: Karin Mickelsson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nerep-Mossin, Hilma


    17. aprillil 2005 Stockholmi Soome Kirikus toimunud kontserdi muusikaarvustus. Esinesid Stockholmi Eesti Segakoor, Projektmeeskoor E. Tubin 100, laulusolistid Katrin Meerits, Liine Carlsson ja Mikko Pulkkinen

  3. Elektriõnnetustest aastal 2005 / Meelis Kärt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kärt, Meelis


    Tehnilise Järelevalve Inspektsiooni andmed 2005. a. toimunud elektriga seotud õnnetusjuhtumite kohta. Võrdlusandmed varasemate aastatega. Statistilised diagrammid. Vt. ka: Võrk, Rein. Meenutusi elektriõnnetuste ekspertiisidest

  4. Huvi Eesti kui puhkusesihtkoha vastu Hollandi elanikkonna hulgas / Piret Kallas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kallas, Piret


    EASi tellimusel 2011. aasta veebruaris Hollandi uuringufirma Right Marktonderzoek en Advies B. V korraldusel toimunud 18-74-aastaste Hollandi elanike online-arvamusuuringust Eestist kui puhkusesihtkohast

  5. Brüsselis kõneldi GMO vastu / Nastja Pertsjonok

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pertsjonok, Nastja


    Brüsselis toimunud konverentsil nõudsid Euroopa Liidu maade regionaalministrid ja Europarlamendi liikmed õigust otsustada geneetiliselt muundatud põllukultuuride keelamise üle piirkondlikul tasandil

  6. Kavandatakse Euroopa kõrgharidusasutuste klassifikatsioonisüsteemi / Lauri Randveer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randveer, Lauri


    Euroopa juhtivaid ülikoole koondava Coimbra Grupi ülikoolide rektorite aastakoosoleku raames toimunud seminaril Tartu Ülikoolis "International Ranking of Universities" arutleti ülikoolide pingereastamisest

  7. Muinasjutuline Setumaa / Risto Järv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Järv, Risto, 1971-


    Ülevaade Setumaal 2004-2006 toimunud rahva- ja muinastjututeemalise ekspeditsiooni tulemustest. Tuuakse välja sarnasused ja erinevused endisaegse muinasjutuvestmise ning kaasaegse folkloori kogumise vahel

  8. Eestlaste kurva saatuse uurimisest / Vello Helk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Helk, Vello, 1923-2014


    Mõtisklus Eesti territooriumil toimunud inimsusvastaste kuritegude uurimisest. President Toomas Hendrik Ilvese algatusel ellu kutsutud Mälu Instituudist. Teistest institutsioonidest, kus on tegeldud sarnaste probleemide uurimisega

  9. Balletistuudio tuli Itaaliast tagasi väärt kogemusega / Katrin Hommik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hommik, Katrin


    Viljandi Jakobsoni gümnaasiumi balletistuudio saavutas Itaalias Spoletos rahvusvahelistel võistlustel finaalikoha. Balletistuudio osalemisest Põhja-Itaalias toimunud tantsufestivalil "Festival Internazionale della danza di Contemporanea"

  10. Euroopa loobub väravavahtidest

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinnas toimunud konverentsil "15 aastat ravikindlustuse süsteemi Eestis" vaatles rahvusvahelise tervishoiu juhtimise professor Rifat Atun demograafilisi prognoose, mis ennustavad muutusi ka tervishoiuteenuse sisus

  11. Merrill Lynch kavandab äridelegatsiooni visiiti Eestisse

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Investeerimispanga Merrill Lynch eestvedamisel kavandatakse mais ärimeeste visiiti Eestisse, ütles Jüri Mõis, kes viibis New Yorgis toimunud Maailmapanga seminaril "Omavalitsused rahvusvahelistel kapitaliturgudel"

  12. Isa Philippe Jourdan võttis vastu Tallinna Toomkiriku autasu / Tiiu Pikkur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pikkur, Tiiu, 1947-


    5. oktoobril toimunud jumalateenistusel Tallinna Toomkirikus anti koguduse selle aasta kultuuripreemia laureaadile, Rooma-Katoliku Kririku Eesti apostellikule administraatorile piiskop Philippe Jourdanile üle Maarja medal

  13. Poliitika võimalused ettevõtluse arendamiseks Eesti monofunktsionaalsetes tööstusasulates / Raigo Ernits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ernits, Raigo, 1973-


    Majanduse siirdeperioodil Eestis toimunud kriisidest nn. monofunktsionaalsetes asulates (Kunda, Tootsi, Sindi, Oru, Võhma), probleemide põhjustest, erinevuste võrdlus samaliigiliste edukate asulatega, seotusest muutustega maailmamajanduses

  14. Third World

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    K, Peng K


    The disparity between the consumption patterns of industrialized and Third World countries reflects an increase in the numbers of people living in poverty who have yet to achieve basic needs. Third World planning, encouraged by transnational companies, too often model their development goals on importing artificial life styles. This exploits poor nations by creating unrealistic demands as well as by creating a market for products that are unacceptable elsewhere. The health and environmental effects of these practices prompted the formation of consumers' association of Penang (CAP), which is trying to make people aware of the need to give basic needs the highest priority. The CAP handles complaints, tests products, and studies the socio-economic-environmental implications of development as well as conducting a far-ranging educational program. Its procedures can be adapted by any country to examine consumer awareness and to press for social reform. (DCK)

  15. French in Culinary World

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rila Hilma


    Full Text Available More than million foods have been made by people from all over the world in the latest years. People now try to create new cooks and make some creativity on it. Then, cooking which the field is culinary has become an art because it needs an artistic value to decorate the food, a good taste and proper technique in processing delicious food in order to make it a masterpiece. French culinary is as famous as the Eiffel tower in the heart of the country, Paris. Most of fine dining international restaurants apply the French menu and cooking. This article presents an overview about the French element in culinary world; starts from its history, kitchen organization, French menu spelling, and French cooking vocabulary. The discussion proceeds library research to compile the data. Later, the art of culinary is interesting to be learned because it contains the classical history of world civilization, in this case French civilization. The issue of cooking trend “nouvelle cuisine” was a masterpiece of one of the greatest chef in his time, Escoffier. French culinary is widely well-known in all over the world because of innovation, creativity, and proud. Those are spirits that we must learn.   

  16. The Emerging World Order

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available It is common ground amongst almost all commentators that the world has changed radically over the past 25 years – the 25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall heralded the ending of the Cold War, the reunification of a tragically divided Europe, and the acceleration of the process of globalisation which has its only comparable period in the decades leading up to the First World War in 1914. When analyzing the Emerging World Order it is important to cover more than Brazil economy or any other individual BRICs or other Emerging Powers. Instead, our analysis will provide a global view about the economic and political global power structures which are evolving and forming before our eyes, and then to talk about the challenges these emerging realities pose for us in Europe, and in the West in general.

  17. The world energy outlook

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The oil and gas resources of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) will be critical to meeting the world's growing appetite for energy. The greater part of the world's remaining reserves lie in that region. They are relatively under-exploited and are sufficient to meet rising global demand for the next quarter century and beyond. The export revenues they would generate would help sustain the region's economic development. But there is considerable uncertainty about the pace at which investment in the region's upstream industry will occur, how quickly production capacity will expand and, given rising domestic energy needs, how much of the expected increase in supply will be available for export. The implications for both MENA producers and consuming countries are profound. The World Energy Outlook, published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), seeks to shed light on these very complex issues

  18. State of the world 1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, L.R.


    The State of the World report is an annual analysis of the global environment pollutions by human activities. What to do for starting a strong world economy that does not destroy natural resources and ecological systems. This is the question of this book. The ten chapters are: a new world order, designing a viable energy system, reducing wastes and saving materials, rethinking urban transports, reforming forestry, rehabilitation of the East Europe and USSR environments, facing abortion problems, the military and environment, the happy medium, restructuring the global economy. (A.B.). 709 refs., 11 figs., 37 tabs

  19. Linking world scan and image

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Timmer, H.; Alcamo, J.; Bollen, J.; Gielen, A.; Gerlach, R.; Den Ouden, A.; Zuidema, G.


    In march 1994 the Central Planning Bureau (CPB) in the Hague, the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM) in Bilthoven and the Institute of Environmental Studies (IES) in Amsterdam started the first phase of a joint research program aimed at creating integrated scenarios of the global economy, GHG emissions, and climate impacts. The goal of the first phase of this project was to design and test a linked version of the economic model WORLD SCAN of the former, and the climate model IMAGE 2 of the latter institute. This first phase has resulted in the planned test runs with an operational version of the linked models by May 1995. The experiences in the first year were encouraging, both in the scientific and the organizational sense. In a sense, a link was made between scientific disciplines: a coupling of disciplines concerning with global economic development and the global physical climate system is difficult and novel. The goal of the project was to integrate long-term economic developments and effects of climate change. Both the WORLD SCAN model and IMAGE 2 provide a consistent analysis of the global system, but from different perspectives. IMAGE 2 simulates climate change and its effects in a global context but treats the economic system as exogenous. WORLD SCAN covers the world economic system in a consistent manner but does not take into account the global environment. The links are constructed in the area of agriculture and energy. The basic idea is that WORLD SCAN determines demand and supply on economic principles, while IMAGE 2 provides information on changes of land area and average quality of productive land, and other damage costs based on its three sub-systems. The demand for energy is fed into IMAGE 2's Energy Industry subsystem (EIS), which in turn determines emissions of greenhouse gases. Furthermore, some additional output from WORLD SCAN on activity levels, prices and capital structure can be used to determine


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available In 1869, with the opening of the Suez Canal, world trade entered a new era of development. The commercial routes linking the Far East to the western countries were shortened considerably as compared to the maritime corridor around the Cape of Good Hope. In 1914, the opening of the Panama Canal sealed the new deal in world trade, opening for business the shortest commercial routes around the world. After 145 years from the inauguration of the Suez Canal, world trade is on the eve of a new expansion. Two major projects: the expansion of both the Suez and Panama canals, planned to be completed in the next two years, will double their transit capacity. This paper does a comparative analysis of these two strategic projects, underlining the main benefits for Egypt, Panama and world trade, based on the available statistical data, reports and literature in the field.

  1. Epidemics in interconnected small-world networks. (United States)

    Liu, Meng; Li, Daqing; Qin, Pengju; Liu, Chaoran; Wang, Huijuan; Wang, Feilong


    Networks can be used to describe the interconnections among individuals, which play an important role in the spread of disease. Although the small-world effect has been found to have a significant impact on epidemics in single networks, the small-world effect on epidemics in interconnected networks has rarely been considered. Here, we study the susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) model of epidemic spreading in a system comprising two interconnected small-world networks. We find that the epidemic threshold in such networks decreases when the rewiring probability of the component small-world networks increases. When the infection rate is low, the rewiring probability affects the global steady-state infection density, whereas when the infection rate is high, the infection density is insensitive to the rewiring probability. Moreover, epidemics in interconnected small-world networks are found to spread at different velocities that depend on the rewiring probability.

  2. Epidemics in interconnected small-world networks.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Meng Liu

    Full Text Available Networks can be used to describe the interconnections among individuals, which play an important role in the spread of disease. Although the small-world effect has been found to have a significant impact on epidemics in single networks, the small-world effect on epidemics in interconnected networks has rarely been considered. Here, we study the susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS model of epidemic spreading in a system comprising two interconnected small-world networks. We find that the epidemic threshold in such networks decreases when the rewiring probability of the component small-world networks increases. When the infection rate is low, the rewiring probability affects the global steady-state infection density, whereas when the infection rate is high, the infection density is insensitive to the rewiring probability. Moreover, epidemics in interconnected small-world networks are found to spread at different velocities that depend on the rewiring probability.

  3. PACS for the Developing World

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeffrey B. Mendel


    Full Text Available Digital imaging is now firmly ensconced in the developed world. Its widespread adoption has enabled instant access to images, remote viewing, remote consultation, and the end of lost or misplaced film. Unfortunately, the current paradigm of Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS, with advanced technology inseparable from high complexity, high purchase costs, and high maintenance costs, is not suited for the low-income developing world. Like the simple, easy to repair, 1950’s American cars still running on the streets of Havana, the developing world requires a PACS (DW-PACS that can perform basic functions and survive in a limited-resource environment. The purpose of this article is to more fully describe this concept and to present a blueprint for PACS tailored to the needs and resources of the developing world. This framework should assist both users looking for a vendor-supplied or open-source solutions and developers seeking to address the needs of this emerging market.

  4. Teod / Mihhail Gerts ; interv. Heili Vaus-Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gerts, Mihhail, 1984-


    Tallinna Filharmoonia egiidi all toimunud eesti ooperitrupi esinemisest Moskvas ja Peterburis, kus esitati Mihhail Gertsi juhatusel Piazolla tango-ooperit "Maria de Buenos Aires", lavastaja Peeter Volkonski

  5. Uudised : Baltimaade suurim, XII "Jazzkaar". VII rahvusvaheline koorifestival. Leipzigis improviseeriti edukalt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    23.-29. apr. toimuvast festivalist "Jazzkaar 2001". VII rahvusvahelisest koorifestivalist "Tallinn "2001". 6. ja 7. apr. Leipzigis toimunud V rahvusvahelisest improvisatsioonikonkursist, kus osalesid ka eesti interpreedid

  6. Itaalia pööraks Prodiga pilgu enam Euroopasse / Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bahovski, Erkki, 1970-


    10. aprillil Itaalias toimunud parlamendivalimistest: uksesuuküsitluste andmetel on vasaktsentristide juht Romano Prodi saamas 50-54 protsenti valijate häältest. Lisa: Võidukursil vasaktsentristid

  7. Tugi Eesti lastekodulastele / Aino Siebert

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Siebert, Aino


    7. mail Karlsruhe lähistel Eggensteini evangeelses kirikus toimunud rahvusvahelisest heategevuskontserdist, millega toetatakse eesti lastekodudes elavaid lapsi (kontserdi korraldajaks Heidelbergis asutatud Saksa-Eesti Foorum (SEF))

  8. Bõt russkim v Estonii... / Uljana Faleva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Faleva, Uljana


    Vähemusrahvuste probleemidest laienenud Euroopa Liidus. Euroopa Liidu projektist Early Warning. Projekti raames Saksamaal Essenis toimunud ümarlauas esindas Eestit Maia Meos noorteühendusest "Siin"

  9. Eri riikide noored üritavad lahendada Ida-Viru probleeme / Ishtvan Ban

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ban, Ishtvan


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 8. aug., lk. 3. Kohtla-Nõmmel programmi 'Euroopa Noored' toetusel toimunud rahvusvahelisest noorte kohtumisest, kus arutati Ida-Virumaa keskkonna ja turismi probleeme

  10. Keerulised ja põnevad / Tõnu Kaalep

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaalep, Tõnu, 1966-2018


    22. oktoobril Tallinnas Rock Cafes toimunud ansambli KTU (Kimmo Pohjonen, Lee Patrick Mastelotto, Trey Gunn) kontserdist ja 25. oktoobril Salme Kultuurikeskuses etendunud Heiner Goebbelsi lavastusest "Eraritjaritjaka"

  11. Teater vajab ellujäämiseks värsket dramaturgiat / Jane Rasch ; vahendanud Eva-Liisa Linder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rasch, Jane


    Taani teatriteadlane Jane Rasch õpetas 10.-14. augustini 2009 Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemias toimunud draamakirjutuskursusel "Ideedest näidendi stsenaariumini". Ka näitekirjanike koolitamisest Taanis jt. Põhjamaades

  12. Frantsiis avardab turgu / Ott Moorlat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Moorlat, Ott, 1942-2017


    Frantsiisi mõistest. Riias toimunud rahvusvahelisest konverentsist "Franchising 2001". Tabelid: Frantsiisi areng Soomes 1999-2000 ; USA-s tuntud toitlustusbrändide Eestis registreeritud kaubamärgid

  13. Ohtlikkuse arvestamine karistuse mõistmisel kohtupraktikas / Heili Sepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sepp, Heili, 1975-


    Karistusseadustiku tõlgendamisest ja kohtupraktikast karistuse mõistmisel. Artikkel põhineb ettekandel, mille autor pidas Jaan Sootaki 60. juubeli puhul toimunud teaduskonverentsil Tartus 19. sept. 2008

  14. USA palus Madridi Iraaki jääda / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Hispaania tulevase peaministri Jose Luis Zapatero kohtumistest mitmete riigijuhtidega Madridis toimunud terrorirünnaku ohvrite mälestustseremoonia päeval. Vt. samas: Mälestusteenistus pommiohvritele

  15. Nukulavastus sai Brestis auhinna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Nuku- ja Noorsooteatri nukulavastus "Tsuhh, tsuhh, tsuhh..." ( autor ja lavastaja Helle Laas) võitis Valgevenes Brestis toimunud rahvusvahelisel teatrifestivalil Belaja Vezha lastelavastuste võistlusprogrammi peapreemia

  16. "Crossing Borders" ja valmimislootuses Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia / Malle Maltis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maltis, Malle, 1977-


    19. - 29. augustini EMTAs toimunud rahvusvahelisest suvekursusest "Crossing Borders in Interpretation of Classical Music and Jazz". Kooli välissuhete prorektor sellest projektist ja muusikaakadeemia juurdeehitusest

  17. Peter Fisk : hoidke servale, mitte keskele / Kaido Einama

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Einama, Kaido, 1971-


    Strateegi ja turundaja, Genius Worksi tegevjuhi Peter Fiski esinemisest Tallinna Lauluväljaku uues konverentsikeskuses toimunud innovatsioonikonverentsil InnoEstonia 2007. Vt. samas: Kes on Peter Fisk?

  18. "Jõulujazzi" kõige "jazzim" kontsert / Joosep Sang

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sang, Joosep


    29. novembrist kuni 17. detsembrini toimunud festivali kontsertidest, pikemalt 11. detsembril Vene Kultuurikeskuses kontserdist, kus esinesid trummar Francis Lassus, saksofonist Philippe Sellam ja bassist Linley Marthe

  19. Narva osales turismimesil Leningradi oblasti boksis / Tanel Mazur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mazur, Tanel, 1971-


    Ilmunud ka: Narva Postiljon 26. jaan. lk. 1. Narva linnavalitsuse turismispetsialist Katrin Liblik põhjendab, miks osales Narva Helsingis toimunud turismimessil "Matka 2008" Leningradi oblasti boksis

  20. Åsa portreed / Åsa Johannesson ; intervjueerinud Kaisa Eiche

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Johannesson, Åsa


    Rootsi fotograafist Åsa Johannessonist, kelle portreefotode seeriat "Portraits of Her" eksponeeriti Riias toimunud kunstiüritusel "MOMENT". Tema õpingutest ja elust Londonis. Naiselikkusest ja mehelikkusest

  1. Muutused eesti sisearhitektuuris / Eero Jürgenson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jürgenson, Eero, 1960-


    Taasiseseisvusajal kahel korral ESLi juhatuse esimeheks valitud, AB ARS Interjöör üks omanikest E. Jürgenson taasiseseisvusajal toimunud muutustest eesti sisearhitektuuris, sisearhitektuursest projektist

  2. Gordoni koolitused / Steve Emmons

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Emmons, Steve


    Gordoni metodoloogia Master Trainer rääkis oma Eestis toimunud koolitusel põhilistest suhtlemisvigadest, Gordoni koolitustel õpitavast ning suhtlemisoskuse olulisusest organisatsiooni töökliimale

  3. Euroopa jazzieksperdid Tallinnas / Ivo Heinloo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Heinloo, Ivo


    Jazziorganisatsioonist Europe Jazz Network, kes pidas 22.-25. septembrini Tallinnas oma aastakonverentsi ja selle raames Von Krahli teatris toimunud Tallinn Jazz Weekendi eesti jazzmuusika showcase-festivalist

  4. Rebecca sõidabki Kiievisse / Silja Joon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Joon, Silja, 1966-


    Eesti Televisiooni stuudiotes toimunud Eurovisiooni rahvusliku eelvooru "Eurolaul 2005" võitnud laulust "Let's Get Loud" (autor Sven Lõhmus), esitajast ansamblist Suntribe, lauljast Rebecca Kontusest. Laulude edetabel

  5. Flag Estonii v russkihh rukahh / Viktoria Ladõnskaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ladõnskaja, Viktoria, 1981-


    Dublinis toimunud Euroopa Liidu laienemise pidulikul tseremoonial ulatasid lapsed liikmesriikide peaministritele lipud, Eesti lipu andis peaminister Juhan Partsile Iirimaal elav 13-aastane Eesti kodanik Maria Poljakova

  6. Tallinna harta: tervisesüsteemid tervise ja jõukuse heaks / Maret Maripuu, Marc Danzon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maripuu, Maret, 1974-


    22. juunil 2008 Tallinnas toimunud Maailma Terviseorganisatsiooni (WHO) Euroopa ministrite konverentsil tervisesüsteemidest allkirjastasid sotsiaalminister Maret Maripuu ja WHO Euroopa regionaaldirektor Marc Danzon Tallinna harta

  7. Possible limitations to SSPS use due to distribution of world population and world energy consumption centers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Claverie, M.J.; Dupas, A.P.


    Satellite solar power stations, as envisioned now, would be very large energy systems from the point of view of power output (about 5 GW) and of land requirements (more than 400 sq km for a rectenna and the associated exclusion area). These size constraints could lead to limitations in the use of SSPS in significant parts of the world, due to three main incompatibilities: too high population density, insufficient density of electrical demand, and obligation for a single power station to provide less than about 20% of the total electrical demand in a given geographical zone to assure reliability. The extent of these three possible limitations was assessed, using a future world energy model developed previously. The rationale behind this model is to divide the world into 10 deg latitude by 10 deg longitude zones, in which future electrical demands (in 2000 and 2020/2025) are computed according to energetical previsions of the Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) and of the World Energy Conference (WEC). The results are world wide maps of electrical demand densities in 2000 and 2020/2025.

  8. World Engineer’s Convention 2011: Engineers Power the World

    CERN Multimedia

    Yi Ling Hwong (Knowledge Transfer) and Katarina Anthony


    Can the increasing global energy consumption be met without intensifying global warming? Do the necessary technical solutions exist, and is the switch to a low-carbon energy supply feasible and financially viable? These crucial questions and many others were dealt with at the 2011World Engineer’s Convention (WEC). CERN was invited to participate in the event, highlighting its significant contribution to global engineering with an exhibition space devoted to the LHC on the convention floor and a keynote speech delivered by CERN’s Director-General.   From 4 – 9 September 2011, more than 2000 engineers and researchers, as well as politicians and business representatives from about 100 countries gathered at the 2011World Engineer’s Convention (WEC). Held in Geneva, Switzerland, they met to discuss solutions for a sustainable energy future. Discussions looked at the development of engineering solutions through a variety of approaches, with ...

  9. Rethinking the World's energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, Wilson da


    Can we really shift the world completely away from fossil fuels in the next 20 years? In June 2011 at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada, forty physicists from around the world came together for the Equinox Summit: 2030. They discussed how to power modern civilisation this century without warming the planet to catastrophic levels, by using science. Five key solutions, dubbed 'exemplar pathways' emerged; large-scale storage, enhanced geothermal, advanced nuclear, off-grid electricity and smart urbanization.

  10. Good enough for the Third world. (United States)

    Cooley, D


    Over the past two years, much has been made by some governments and the media about the possible callous and racist distribution of Quinacrine by two Americans to sterilize women in the Third World. The main criticism of the practice is that though Quinacrine is unapproved by the developed world's health regulatory agencies for this particular use in the developed world due to inadequate testing for long-term side effects, it is used on defenseless women in the developing world.I argue that the distribution of unapproved medical and other products is morally permissible if it satisfies two conditions: agent-centered utilitarianism and Kant's Categorical Imperative. Roughly, I contend that if the situation will probably improve and no one is treated as a mere means, then it is ethical either to give or to sell the products to those who choose to have them, regardless of where in the world they live.

  11. A local-world evolving hypernetwork model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Guang-Yong; Liu Jian-Guo


    Complex hypernetworks are ubiquitous in the real system. It is very important to investigate the evolution mechanisms. In this paper, we present a local-world evolving hypernetwork model by taking into account the hyperedge growth and local-world hyperedge preferential attachment mechanisms. At each time step, a newly added hyperedge encircles a new coming node and a number of nodes from a randomly selected local world. The number of the selected nodes from the local world obeys the uniform distribution and its mean value is m. The analytical and simulation results show that the hyperdegree approximately obeys the power-law form and the exponent of hyperdegree distribution is γ = 2 + 1/m. Furthermore, we numerically investigate the node degree, hyperedge degree, clustering coefficient, as well as the average distance, and find that the hypernetwork model shares the scale-free and small-world properties, which shed some light for deeply understanding the evolution mechanism of the real systems. (interdisciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology)

  12. Electric business in the world (the first)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takai, Mikio


    It consists of three chapters such as the energy and electricity in the world, the nuclear power generation in the world and each country. The first chapter includes the energy demand of each country in 2007 and for the future and estimation of electric power demand in the world, introduction of photovoltaic (PV) power generation, Emission Trading, and The Third Energy Package proposed by The European Commission in 2007. The second chapter states the conditions of nuclear power plants and construction plans in the world. The third chapter explains the nuclear power generation situation in US, England, France, German, Sweden, Korea, China, Russia and Eastern Europe. The consumption of energy in the world and each area, consumption of energy and increasing rate of each energy source, the change of electric power resources in the world, change of PV in each country, price of PV in EU under FIT system, the main regulations for emission trading in EU, and the nuclear power generation plants in the world on 31 December 2007 are illustrated. (S.Y.)

  13. Wind around the world

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rackstraw, K.


    A combination of cost reductions and progressive policies in key markets kept the world wind market percolating in 1997 with a record 1510 MW of new wind capacity installed, representing annual sales of more than $1.5 billion. This new record surpasses last year''s total by 24 percent, about the average annual rate of growth for the last three years. Worldwide utility-scale wind installations at the end of 1997 totaled 7763 MW. Most activity occurred in Europe, which accounted for over 75 percent of 1997 installations. Germany was again the world''s leading single market, this time by quite a large margin, accounting for more than one-third of the annual total by itself at 532 MW in 1997. The end of 1997 also marked the time at which Germany officially passed the US as the largest total single market with over 2079 MW in total installations versus about 1805 MW for the US, although the US had actually lost the lead by mid-year. Spain is the new addition to the top echelon of world wind markets, installing 215 MW in 1997 that more than doubles their total installed capacity over the previous year and ranks them number three in the world for the year. Denmark''s 1997 total of 300 MW is also a record, although this estimate could go up as the official count is finalized. India, the second largest wind market in 1995 and 1996, slipped several notches because of a variety of factors, including a change in government and a slowdown in the economy. The US wind market continues to stagnate as it has for the last several years, largely because of the uncertainty surrounding restructuring of US electric utilities. The US market is poised for a big comeback in 1998, however

  14. The World Science Festival (United States)

    Pazmino, J.


    (Abstract only) New York City in the late 20th century rose to be a planetary capital for the sciences, not just astronomy. This growth was mainly in the academic sector but a parallel growth occurred in the public and home field. With the millennium crossing, scientists in New York agitated for a celebration of the City as a place for a thriving science culture. In 2008 they began World Science Festival. 2011 is the fourth running, on June 1-5, following the AAVSO/AAS meetings. World Science Festival was founded by Dr. Brian Greene, Columbia University, and is operated through the World Science Foundation. The Festival is "saturation science" all over Manhattan in a series of lectures, shows, exhibits, performances. It is staged in "science" venues like colleges and musea, but also in off-science spaces like theaters and galleries. It is a blend from hard science, with lectures like those by us astronomers, to science-themed works of art, dance, music. Events are fitted for the public, either for free or a modest fee. While almost all events are on Manhattan, effort has been made to geographically disperse them, even to the outer boroughs. The grand finale of World Science Festival is a street fair in Washington Square. Science centers in booths, tents, and pavilions highlight their work. In past years this fair drew 100,000 to 150,000 visitors. The entire Festival attracts about a quarter-million attendees. NYSkies is a proud participant at the Washington Square fair. It interprets the "Earth to the Universe" display, debuting during IYA-2009. Attendance at "Earth..." on just the day of the fair plausibly is half of all visitors in America. The presentation shows the scale and scope of World Science Festival, its relation to the City, and how our astronomers work with it.

  15. WorldSID Prototype Dummy Biomechanical Responses. (United States)

    Cesari, D; Compigne, S; Scherer, R; Xu, L; Takahashi, N; Page, M; Asakawa, K; Kostyniuk, G; Hautmann, E; Bortenschlager, K; Sakurai, M; Harigae, T


    The results of biomechanical testing of the WorldSID prototype dummy are presented in this paper. The WorldSID dummy is a new, advanced Worldwide Side Impact Dummy that has the anthropometry of a mid-sized adult male. The first prototype of this dummy has been evaluated by the WorldSID Task Group against previously established corridors for its critical body regions. The response corridors are defined in the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) Technical Report 9790. The prototype is the first version of the WorldSID dummy to be built and tested. This dummy has been subjected to a rigorous program of testing to evaluate, first and foremost its biofidelity, but also its repeatability. Following this initial evaluation, any required modifications will be incorporated into a pre-production version of the WorldSID dummy so that it rates "good" to "excellent" on the ISO dummy biofidelity scale - a rating exceeding that of all current side impact dummies. Also, the overall WorldSID repeatability must not exceed a coefficient of variation of 7% at injury assessment level and this has to be verified for the different body regions. The dummy's head, neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis were evaluated against the ISO technical report requirements. Testing included drop tests, pendulum impacts, and sled tests. The biofidelity rating of the WorldSID prototype was calculated using the weighted biomechanical test response procedure developed by ISO. The paper presents the results of the testing, which give a very positive indication of the dummy's potential. Based on this evaluation of the dummy biofidelity, the WorldSID prototype dummy exhibits a biofidelity rating of 6.15 that corresponds to an ISO biofidelity classification of "fair". In addition, the dummy shows good repeatability with a global coefficient of variation of 3.30% for the pendulum and rigid sled tests.

  16. Physics and our View of the World (United States)

    Hilgevoord, Jan


    Foreword; 1. Introduction JAN HILGEVOORD; 2. Questioning the answers GERARD T. HOOFT; 3. Theories of everything JOHN BARROW; 4. The scientific view of the world DENNIS DIEKS; 5. Enlarging the world ERNAN McMULLIN; 6. The world of empiricism BAS VAN FRAASSEN; 7. Has the scientific view of the world a special status compared with other views? PAUL FEYERABEND; 8. Quantum theory and our view of the world PAUL FEYERABEND; 9. Interpretation of science - science as interpretation BAS VAN FRAASSEN; 10. Problems in debates about physics and religion WILLEM DREES; 11. The mind of God PAUL DAVIES; 12. The sources of models for God: metaphysics or metaphor? MARY HESSE; 13. Discussion.

  17. Country-specific determinants of world university rankings


    Pietrucha, Jacek


    This paper examines country-specific factors that affect the three most influential world university rankings (the Academic Ranking of World Universities, the QS World University Ranking, and the Times Higher Education World University Ranking). We run a cross sectional regression that covers 42–71 countries (depending on the ranking and data availability). We show that the position of universities from a country in the ranking is determined by the following country-specific variables: econom...

  18. Towards a more equitable world

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arya, G.


    The city od Hiroshima, which has arisen after total devastation, encourages the world to move forward in achievement of a safe and secure environment for all the mankind. If the world is becoming a global village, if its citizens develop the sense that they are sharing the same fate, then it makes sense to feel an obligation to help solving the problems that occur in the corners of the world. The beginning could be the solving of common problems like environmental degradation and the need to find alternative energy sources. Would the countries which have appropriate technologies in these areas accept their transfer to the countries that need them most?

  19. Conference assesses world oil supply scene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper reports that the Offshore Northern Seas conference heard a number of long term outlooks in Stavanger, Norway, last week, all with the same conclusion: the oil and gas industry needs massive investment if it is to match future demand. Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Bruntland built her scenario on a doubling of world population every 40 years. Mrs. Bruntland emphasized the growing dependence of the world economy on Middle East developments. Two thirds of the world's oil reserves are in the Persian Gulf region, she said, but only 28% of production comes from there. As the rest of the world depletes its reserves, dependence on Persian Gulf oil will grow

  20. The Indigenous Old World Passifloras

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wilde, de W.J.J.O.


    A short revision of the indigenous Old World taxa in Passifiora in the form of a key, the enumeration of synonyms, descriptions, and an index accounting for all names proposed for the area. Examined specimens, distributional areas, and some notes are given. In the Old World 20 indigenous species are

  1. Hunger: The World's Oldest Sorrow. (United States)

    Miller, Judith; Miller, Mark


    No human problem is older than starvation. Authorities agree that poverty and unequal distribution of resources are the basic causes of hunger. The hungry are ignored by the world because they have no political power and even less economic strength. How to build a world without hunger is discussed. (RM)

  2. Ethnography in a Virtual World (United States)

    Shumar, Wesley; Madison, Nora


    This article situates the discussion of virtual ethnography within the larger political/economic changes of twenty-first century consumer capitalism and suggests that increasingly our entire social world is a virtual world and that there were very particular utopian and dystopian framings of virtual community growing out of that history. The…

  3. Lydia Rahula kasvatas pojast ideaalmehe / Kadi Lehtmets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lehtmets, Kadi


    Tšehhimaal Olomoucis toimunud koorifestivalil "Musica Religiosa" kuldmedalid pälvinud kooride dirigentidest: Tallinna Poistekoori dirigendist Lydia Rahulast ja tema pojast, Tallinna Poistekoori meeskoori dirigendist Tomi Rahulast

  4. Rolling Stonesi kinokontsert kannab toorest rokiväge / Maris Meiessaar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meiessaar, Maris


    Martin Scorsese muusikalisest dokumentaalfilmist "Shine a Light - Valgus peale" (USA-Suurbritannia, 2008), mille keskmes on 2006. a. New Yorgi Beaconi teatris toimunud briti ansambli Rolling Stones kontsert

  5. Recifest Tel Avivi : moodne arhitektuur ja kliimaga kohandumine / Guilah Naslavsky, Izabel Amaral ; tõlk. Tiina Randus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Naslavsky, Guilah


    Näidatakse kahe erineva kultuuri modernismiadaptsioonide sarnasusi Tel Avivis ja Recifes. Artikkel on valminud 2006. a. toimunud XI rahvusvahelisel DOCOMOMO konverentsil "Other" Modernisms peetud ettekande põhjal

  6. Safety/security in the Baltic ports / Sigitas Dobilinskas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Dobilinskas, Sigitas


    Ettekanne 3.-4. detsembrini 2003 Tallinnas toimunud rahvusvahelisel konverents-näitusel "Logistics and transport in international trade" kirjeldab tegevusi turvalisuse ja ohutuse tagamiseks Klaipeda Riiklikus Meresadamas

  7. Zolotoi orden ostalsja v Estonii / Aleksandra Beljavskaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Beljavskaja, Aleksandra


    Tallinnas ja Narvas toimunud esimesest pitsikudumisele pühendatud rahvusvahelisest seminarist, osavõtjad Soomest, Venemaalt, Lätist, Austraaliast. Konkursi "Parim pitsikuduja 2006" võitis Liia Looga Tartust

  8. Birgitta festival valge tiiva all / Toomas Velmet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Velmet, Toomas, 1942-


    19. augustil Pirita kloostris Birgitta festivali raames toimunud kontserdist "Tchaikovsky.Ballet@Classics.Jazz", kus osalesid Novaja Opera orkester, Imperial Ballet, Estonian Dream Big Band ja eesti jazztantsijad

  9. Instrument või museaal? / Risto Lehiste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lehiste, Risto


    Muuseumide ning ühiskonna suhtumisest vanadesse muusikainstrumentidesse. Seoses Eesti Teatri- ja Muusikamuuseumis 30. septembril 2010 toimunud seminariga "Instrument või museaal? Ajalooliste pillide restaureerimine ning kasutamine muuseumis"

  10. EKA tootedisaini üliõpilane...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Kunstiakadeemia tootedisaini osakonna IV kursuse üliõpilane Riho Tiivel võitis Itaalias toimunud disainikonkursi "ReAL 13 - Eating Anywhere" peapreemia oma alumiiniumist lusikaga "Spoon Container"

  11. Enese- ja vastutsensuur: kumba eelistada? / Ott Karulin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karulin, Ott, 1980-


    Mõningaid teemasid juulis Lissabonis toimunud Rahvusvahelise Teatriuurijate Föderatsiooni konverentsi "Silent Voices, Forbidden Lives: Censorship and Performance" ettekannetest, mis käsitlesid tsensuuri kui nähtust

  12. Zygmunt Bauman ja Rein Raud vestlesid kultuurist ja poliitikast

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    TLÜ Kultuuriteaduste ja kunstide doktorikooli kutsel Tallinnas viibinud sotsioloogi, Leedsi ülikooli emeriitprofessori Zygmunt Baumani ja TLÜ juhtivteadur Rein Raua vahel Kirjanike Liidu saalis toimunud avalikust vestlusest

  13. Tranzitnõi kompromiss = The transit compromise

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Aprillis 2004 toimunud Eesti transiidikonverentsil arutleti riiklike- ja eraettevõtete vaheliste koostöö vajalikkuse, parandamise ning transiitkaubanduse ja transporditeenuste integreerimise üle. Ülevaade ettekannete teemadest

  14. Tudengid jämmisid dzhässitippudega / Eve Tisler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tisler, Eve


    Eesti Muusikaakadeemia eestvedamisel toimunud Läänemeremaade muusikakõrgkoolide ühingu ABAM (Association of Baltic Academies of Music) üliõpilaste rahvusvahelisest improvisatsioonilisest suvekursusest "Crossing Borders" Tallinnas

  15. Kirjandussügis Prantsusmaal / Triinu Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamm, Triinu


    2010. a. kirjanduselust Prantsusmaal, seal toimunud mitmete kirjandusauhindade, sh Goncourt'i, jagamisest, mille võitis Michel Houellebecq romaani eest "Kaart ja territoorium" ("La carte et le territoire")

  16. Valgusvisioone Norramaalt / Asko Kase

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kase, Asko


    Oktoobri lõpunädalal Norra väikelinnas Ski toimunud Põhjamaade ja Baltikumi noorte videofilmide filmifestivalist "Visions of Light 2000". Festivali korraldusest, tulevikust ja auhinnatud filmidest

  17. High-flying visions at a conference in Pärnu / Henrik Roonemaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roonemaa, Henrik


    Pärnus toimunud viiendast rahvusvahelisest infotehnoloogia konverentsist "Visioonidest lahendusteni". Visioonidest rääkisid Jacques Lafitte, Andrius Kubilius, Christian Fonnesbech, lahendustest Kristjan Otsmann ja Ülo Jaaksoo

  18. Bertmani allajäämine Prokofjevile / Karilin Engelbrecht

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Engelbrecht, Karilin


    Los Angeleses toimunud 52. Grammy auhindade jagamisest, kuus auhinda pälvis laulja Beyonce. Kaasaegse klassikalise kompositsiooni kategoorias kandideerijate seas oli ka Arvo Pärt. Võitjate nimekiri

  19. "Tallinn Jazz Weekend" tõi kultuuripealinna Euroopa jazzielu korraldajad / Marje Ingel, Joosep Sang

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ingel, Marje


    Jazziorganisatsioonist Europe Jazz Network ja selle aastakonverentsist Tallinnas ning J. Sang selle raames Von Krahli teatris toimunud Tallinn Jazz Weekendi eesti jazzmuusika showcase-festivalist lühidalt

  20. SESK ja SEKK / Toomas Pill ; T. Pill

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pill, Toomas


    3. mail toimunud koosolekul tegi Heidi Aedma ettepaneku korraldada Sydney Eesti Seenioride Koondise kokkutulekud laupäeviti ja soovituse asendada endine nimi teisiti - Sydney Eesti Kultuuriklubi (SEKK)

  1. ELi kaitsekoostöös terendab üleüldine vabatahtlikkus / Evelyn Kaldoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldoja, Evelyn, 1980-


    Tallinnas toimunud Euroopa Liidu kaitseministrite kohtumisest. Kaitseministritele korraldatud strateegilisest suurõppusest EU CYBRID 2017 ja NATO peasekretäri Jens Stoltenbergi külaskäigust Tapale

  2. Inimõigustest paberil ja tegelikult / Stuart Sweeney

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sweeney, Stuart


    Amnesty Internationali ajakirjanik vaatleb 12. PÖFFi kümnefilmilist inimõiguste programmi "Ikkagi inimene", paralleelselt toimunud konverentsi ja integratsiooniprojekti "Ida-Virumaa aruanne" (ZUGA Ühendatud Tantsijad)

  3. Ida-Virus õppivad narkokoerad avastasid uimasteid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje 30. juuli lk 4. 21 narkokoera koos koerajuhtidega kõigist politseiprefektuuridest, piirivalvest, maksu- ja tolliametist ning vanglate ametist osalesid IdaVirumaal toimunud koolitusel

  4. Meenutatakse orelimeister Kesslerit / Helika Gustavson-Rätsep

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gustavson-Rätsep, Helika


    Karksi kiriku kultuurisuve raames 30. mail, 17. juunil ja 8. augustil toimunud kontsertidest. EELK Kirikumuusika Liidu sekretärist ja Aegviidu Aleksandri koguduse organistist-koorijuhist Marelle Siitasist

  5. Kahest nüüdismuusika neljapäevast : Audiovisuaalne bareljeef / Igor Garšnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    8. septembril Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud festivali "Plektrum" audiovisuaalsest avakontserdist "Kujundid ja helid. Bareljeef", kus esinesid Nathani kvartett Saksamaalt, NYYD-kvartett, Marrit Gerretz-Traksman ja Emer Värk

  6. Lugu inimesest. Aasta portreefoto 2015 / Jürgen Veerme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veerme, Jürgen


    2015. aastal üheksandat korda toimunud fotokonkursist "Pentaxi aasta portreefoto". I koht: Koidu Pilve "Hommikuvalgus". II koht: Maria Kilk "Portree isaga". III koht: Anastassia Volkova "Ghost sisters"

  7. Мярт Исраэль: Цель на чемпионат мира – войти в восьмерку! : Эстонский дискобол Мярт Исраэль завоевал золотую медаль на Всемирной летней �

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Исраэль, Мярт, 1983-


    Hiinas Shenzhenis toimunud universiaadil võitis kettaheitja Märt Israel kuldmedali. M. Israel on Eesti suurimaid lootusi augusti lõpus Lõuna-Koreas algavatel kergejõustiku maailmameistrivõistlustel

  8. Meremuuseum võttis sihikule kuulsa miinilahingu kaardistamise / Marko Püüa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Püüa, Marko


    Meremuuseumi algatatud allveeuuringust, millega loodetakse päevavalgele tuua 1941. aasta suvel Soome lahes toimunud Juminda miinilahingu üksikasjad. Sisaldab skeemi : Mineeritud Soome lahe keskosa 1941. aastal

  9. Nash put v budushtsheje / Mihhail Stalnuhhin ; interv. Aleksandr Mjassojedov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Stalnuhhin, Mihhail, 1961-


    Narva volikogu esimees Mihhail Stalnuhhin osales Šveitsis toimunud rahvusvahelisel konverentsil "Multikultuurilisus ja 21. sajandi etnopoliitilised mudelid", konverentsil räägitust ning teemadest, mis puudutasid Eestit

  10. Estonia : [2012] / Allan Sikk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sikk, Allan, 1975-


    Ülevaade Eesti valitsuses 2012. aastal toimunud muutustest, sisepoliitika olulisematest arengutest (protestid ACTA vastu, Rahvakogu kokkutulek, Silvergate, opositsiooni tegevus, arutelud ESM-i ümber, venekeelsest koolist Eestis)

  11. Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: New Evidence from Post-Socialist Transition Countries / Kevin D. Curwin, Matthew C. Mahutga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Curwin, Kevin D.


    Artiklis käsitletakse sotsioloogilisest aspektist välismaiste otseinvesteeringute kasvu mõju majandusarengule lähimas ja kaugemas perspektiivis, aluseks postsotsialistlikes riikides (sh Eesti) toimunud protsessid

  12. Uudised : Boulez Helsingis. Uued kitarrimuusika CDd / Heili Vaus-Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaus-Tamm, Heili, 1961-


    Helsingi festivalil "Juhlaviikot" toimunud P. Boulezi autorikontserdist. Estonia kontserdisaalis esitleti 14. sept. CD-plaati "Crossover Organ & Overdrive Guitar". H.Mätliku äsjailmunud CD-plaadist "Hispaania legend"

  13. Eti roskoshnõje tsvetotshnõje platja! / Jelena Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Jelena


    Tatjana Tridvornova korraldatud Lilleballi raames toimunud konkursist "Lillekleit" Tallinnas. Võitis Regina Gurjanova töö "Sambo Vila Izabel", teise koha sai Janne Lumi ja kolmanda Jevgeni Bulahtin

  14. Kasulike kogunemiste lainel / Bruno Pao

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pao, Bruno, 1931-


    Esimese maailmasõja ajal toimunud Moonsundi lahingu meenutuseks korraldatud konverentsist "Moonsund 1917-2007" Kuressaare linnuses 19. oktoobril ja kohanimepäevast Ülikoolide keskuses Saaremaal 26. oktoobril

  15. Koolieelne kasvatus jätkuvalt aktuaalne / Aino Saar, Lehte Tuuling, Gaili Suursaar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Aino, 1952-


    Münchenis toimunud EECERA (European Early Childhood Education Research Association) konverents. EECERA - rahvusvaheline organisatsioon, mis on pühendunud koolieelse kasvatusega seotud uurimuste soodustamisele ja uurimistulemuste levitamisele

  16. Ocean Worlds of the Outer Solar System (United States)

    Hand, K. P.


    I will provide an overview of why we think we know ocean worlds exist, what we know about the physical and chemical conditions that likely persist on these worlds, and how we may proceed in our search for biosignatures on these worlds.

  17. IGT calculates world reserves of fossil fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The Institute of Gas Technology has published the IGT World Reserves Survey, giving their latest tabulation of world reserves of fossil fuels and uranium. The report contains 120 Tables and 41 Figures. Estimates are provided for proved reserves, resources, current production, and life indexes of the non-renewable energy sources of the US and of the world as a whole. World regional data are also provided in many cases. The data are summarized here. 2 figures, 5 tables

  18. World competitiveness and agriculture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. van Zyl


    Full Text Available Against the background of a changing environment in which market factors and greater world trade and competitiveness are increasingly becoming the only criteria for success, a framework for the analysis of world competitiveness is initially developed. This is followed by a discussion on the growth of productivity in agriculture, as well as an exposition of the role of agricultural research. Thirdly, price factors and the terms of trade are discussed, followed by a summary of policy implications.

  19. World Culture in the Capitalist World-System in Transition (United States)

    Griffiths, Tom G.; Arnove, Robert F.


    World culture theory (WCT) offers an explanatory framework for macro-level comparative analyses of systems of mass education, including their structures, accompanying policies and their curricular and pedagogical practices. WCT has contributed to broader efforts to overcome methodological nationalism in comparative research. In this paper, we…

  20. Undertaking qualitative health research in social virtual worlds. (United States)

    McElhinney, Evelyn; Cheater, Francine M; Kidd, Lisa


    This paper discusses the methodological challenges of using the 3D social virtual world Second Life for research and offers some solutions on a range of research issues including research ethics committee approval, gaining consent, recruitment of sample, data collection and engagement with 'in - world culture'. The attraction of social virtual worlds to researchers is their ability to mimic the physical world, as they, are seen as 'places' where people have a feeling of presence (being there) and social presence (being there with others) through the use of a 'customisable' avatar (digital self-representation). Emerging research demonstrating the persuasive nature of avatars on health behaviours through virtual worlds, online games and the 3D web has increased the use of and interest in these areas for delivering health information, advice and support. However, conducting research can be challenging in a 3D world where people are represented as anonymous avatars in an environment unlike any other online media. 25 semi-structured interviews were conducted in Second Life from September 2011-June 2012. Nurses wishing to undertake research in social virtual worlds should spend time in-world to acquire technical skills and gain an understanding of the culture of the world. Our experience of an interview-based study in virtual worlds indicates that researchers require several virtual world technical skills to create innovative tools to recruit, gain consent and collect data and an understanding of in-world culture, language and social norms to increase the chances of successful research. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Surfing the quantum world

    CERN Document Server

    Levin, Frank S


    The ideas and phenomena of the quantum world are strikingly unlike those encountered in our visual world. Surfing the Quantum World shows why and how this is so. It does this via a historical review and a gentle introduction to the fundamental principles of quantum theory, whose core concepts and symbolic representations are used to explain not only "ordinary" microscopic phenomena like the properties of the hydrogen atom and the structure of the Periodic Table of the Elements, but also a variety of mind-bending phenomena. Readers will learn that particles such as electrons and photons can behave like waves, allowing them to be in two places simultaneously, why white dwarf and neutron stars are gigantic quantum objects, how the maximum height of mountains has a quantum basis, and why quantum objects can tunnel through seemingly impenetrable barriers. Included among the various interpretational issues addressed is whether Schrodinger's cat is ever both dead and alive.

  2. Spinning worlds

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schwarz, H.


    The thesis "Spinning Worlds" is about the characterisation of two types of gas-giant exoplanets: Hot Jupiters, with orbital periods of fewer than five days, and young, wide-orbit gas giants, with orbital periods as long as thousands of years. The thesis is based on near-infrared observations of 1

  3. Learning in a technology enhanced world


    Specht, Marcus


    Specht, M. (2009). Learning in a technology enhanced world. Invited talk given at the World Conference on E-learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education. October, 27, 2009, Vancouver, Canada.

  4. Methane Digestors. Third World Science. (United States)

    Jones, Natalie; Hughes, Wyn

    This unit, developed by the Third World Science Project, is designed to add a multicultural element to existing science syllabi (for students aged 11-16) in the United Kingdom. The project seeks to develop an appreciation of the: boundless fascination of the natural world; knowledge, skills, and expertise possessed by men/women everywhere;…

  5. The World Bank and climate change

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shih, W.-C.


    The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is inextricably linked with economic and development policies. This raises the question, to what extent do the commitments to reduce carbon dioxide emissions under the Climate Change Convention affect the practices and policies of the World Bank? After briefly describing the interaction between climate change and economic development, as well as the respective instruments of the Climate Change Treaty and the World Bank, this paper identifies several windows through which the obligations set out by the Climate Change treaty affect the World Bank. These include the Global Environmentally Facility, the Operational Policies adopted by the Executive Directors of the World Bank, specific loan structures and conditions as well as the recent Prototype Carbon Fund. (Author)

  6. Elections in the Muslim World, 1990-2002


    Ahmed Abdul Wahid A. Al-Zandani


    Abstract: Aggregate data analysis of elections held between 1990 and 2002 in the Muslim world show that most of these elections belong to the non-democratic category and these elections were mostly non-competitive. Approximately, 98% of the Muslim world people do not enjoy full political liberty. About 96% of the people in the Muslim world enjoy the right to vote, but their votes hardly result in transfer of power. However, there are four countries in the Muslim world, Bangladesh, Iran, Malay...

  7. World Glacier Inventory (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The World Glacier Inventory (WGI) contains information for over 130,000 glaciers. Inventory parameters include geographic location, area, length, orientation,...

  8. Haanja 2010 : Endurance ehk eesti keeli kestvusratsutamine on ratsaspordimaailma maraton / Ingrid Randlaht

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randlaht, Ingrid


    21.-23. mail 2010 Haanjas, keskusega Kurgjärve Spordibaasis, toimunud esimestest rahvusvahelistest kestvusratsutamise võistlustest ja Eesti meistrivõistlustest. Lisad: Tõugude tähendus kestvusratsutamises. Eatu sport

  9. Alguses oli: Arvo Pärdi juubelikuu algas etendusega Noblessi valukojas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tõnu Kaljuste ja Peeter Jalaka lavastusest "Alguses oli", lavastuse aluseks Arvo Pärdi teosed "In Principio" ja "Miserere", 17. augustil Noblesse valukojas toimunud etendusest, muusikaline juht Tõnu Kaljuste

  10. Alguses oli Arvo Pärdi muusika ja siis tulid Jalakas ja videokunstnikud / Tiiu Laks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laks, Tiiu, 1984-


    Tõnu Kaljuste ja Peeter Jalaka lavastusest "Alguses oli", lavastuse aluseks Arvo Pärdi teosed "In Principio" ja "Miserere", 17. augustil Noblesse valukojas toimunud etendusest, muusikaline juht Tõnu Kaljuste

  11. Just in time delivery as a product of logistics solution from a perspective of an ocean carrier / Ulrich Jasser = Система доставки товаров "Точно в срок" (Just in time) как продукт логистических

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jasser, Ulrich


    Ettekanne 3.-4. detsembrini 2003 Tallinnas toimunud rahvusvahelisel konverents-näitusel "Logistics and transport in international trade" tutvustab ookeanivedudel kasutatavat logistikateenust "Just in time". Kaardid. Diagramm. Tabel

  12. Eesti kokakunsti kõrghetk / Kristiina Viiron

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Viiron, Kristiina, 1971-


    Restorani Egoist peakokk Vladislav Djatshuk osales Stavangeris toimunud ülemaailmsel kokandusvõistluse Bocuse DþOr Euroopa eelvoorus. Vladislav Djatshuki abikokk Viktor Leshevitsh võitis Stavangeris parima abikoka tiitli

  13. "BSR Eagle" lendas Tartusse

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    8. veebr. Tartus Loodusuurijate Seltsi majas toimunud seminarist "Mida Juku õues ei õpi, seda Juhan vallaametnikuna ei tea", mis toimus Läänemere-piirkonna loodusharidusprojekti "BSR Eagle" raames

  14. Põhja-Korea lubas taas jätta tuumaplaanid / Jürgen Tamme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamme, Jürgen


    Pekingis toimunud kuuepoolsete desarmeerimiskõneluste tulemusena on Põhja-Korea nõus andma ülevaate riigi tuumarajatistest ning alustama nende likvideerimist. 14. juulil suleti Yongbyoni tuumakeskuse reaktor. Lisa: Tuumavaidlus

  15. Müüme kavatsusi ja ostame unistusi / Jaan Ruus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruus, Jaan, 1938-2017


    Tallinnas toimunud 8. Läänemeremaade dokumentalistikafoorumi (Baltic Sea Documentary Forum) võistukaitsmisest, kus 16 Euroopa telejaama ja filmifondi esindajad kuulasid 22 projekti kaitsmist. Eestist osales kuus filmiprojekti

  16. Saksakeelne kultuuripärand Ida-Euroopas ja selle digiteerimine / Aija Sakova-Merivee

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sakova-Merivee, Aija, 1980-


    Ülevaade 27.–28. aprillini 2015 Saksamaal Regensburgis toimunud rahvusvahelisest seminarist „Saksakeelse kultuuripärandi digiteerimine Ida-Euroopas” (Digitizing German-language cultural heritage from Eastern Europe)

  17. VITSH vlijajet na moral / Anna Litvinjuk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Litvinjuk, Anna


    Vestlusest Eesti Seksuaaltervise Liidu noorte reproduktiivtervise alase nõustamise ja sugulisel teel levivate haiguste ennetamise programmi juhi Tiia Perteliga, kes osales hiljuti Torontos toimunud AIDSI-teemalisel rahvusvahelisel konverentsil

  18. Work praises the one who has done it : bibliography prize to Karin Maria Rooleid / Kalju Tammaru

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammaru, Kalju, 1956-


    Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli Akadeemilises Raamatukogus toimunud 3. bibliograafiapäeval valiti auhinna vääriliseks Karin Ribenise (Karin Maria Rooleiu) koostatud "Eesti rahvaluule bibliograafia 1993-2000"

  19. Teaduskohtumine Kanadas / Ann Paal

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paal, Ann


    Kanadas Vancouveris 7.-10. juunini toimunud 54. SRHSB (Society for research into Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida) seltsi aastakoosolekust, kus kogunesid seljaajusonga- ja vesipeahaigetega tegelevad professionaalid üle maailma

  20. Muusika hiilgus ja pahupool Grammy peegelduses / Immo Mihkelson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mihkelson, Immo, 1959-


    Los Angeleses toimunud 44. Grammyde jagamisest 101 kategoorias. Parema kammeransambli esituse kategoorias pärjati võitjaks Gido Kremer ja Kremerata Baltica uus plaat "After Mozart". Muusikaauhindade valikloetelu

  1. Kogeja vormistamine eesti keeles : nihkeid SAE perifeerias / Mati Erelt, Helle Metslang

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Mati, 1941-


    Vaadeldakse kogeja vormistamist ning alternatiivsete mallide kasutust ajakirjanduskeeles ajavahemikul 1995-2005. Püütakse välja selgitada toimunud muutused ja nende põhjused. SAE - Euroopa keskmine standard

  2. Gümnaasiumiraamatukogude ülevaatus / Ester Sõrmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sõrmus, Ester


    2006. a. toimunud eesti õppekeelega gümnaasiumide raamatukogude ülevaatusest, mille korraldas Riiklik Eksami- ja Kvalifikatsioonikeskus ja eksperdina osalesid Eesti Raamatukoguhoidjate Ühingu (ERÜ) kooliraamatukogude sektsiooni esindajad

  3. Mõningaid mõtteid teatrikonverentsist / Esta Sokk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sokk, Esta


    Otepää kultuurikeskuses toimunud Eesti Harrastusteatrite Liidu korraldatud harrastusteatrite lavastajate ja näitlejate rahvusvahelisest teatrikonverentsist jagab oma mõtteid näitleja Esta Sokk Tabivere Harrastusteatrist

  4. Muuseumid ja mänedzhment : ICOM muuseumide maailmafoorumilt Barcelonas / Karin Hallas-Murula

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hallas-Murula, Karin, 1957-


    1.-6. VII toimunud ülemaailmse muuseumide organisatsiooni ICOM konverentsist üldteemal "Museums and Management". Muuseumidest informatsiooniajastul, USA muuseumide edukusest, muuseumide tulevikust (Ken Dychtwald, Rolf Jensen) ja juhtimisest.

  5. Kuidas Iisraeli saadik ajas sassi Iisraeli-Rootsi suhted / Joel Haukka

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haukka, Joel


    Rootsi ajaloomuuseumis toimunud intsidendist, kus Iisraeli saadik Rootsis Zvi Mazel rikkus muuseumi õues olnud installatsiooni. Intsidendi järelkajadest Rootsi ajakirjanduses, suursaadiku, Rootsi peaministri Göran Perssoni seisukohtadest

  6. Platsdarm dlja novõhh vozmozhnostei / Eteri Kekelidze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kekelidze, Eteri, 1944-


    Moskvas toimunud rahvusvahelisest konverentsist "Innovatsioon, tehnoloogia, investeeringud: ühiskondlike ja eraorganisatsioonide roll", kus esines ettekandega Intellektuaalse omandi marketingi ja juhtimise Põhja-Euroopa keskuse juhataja Ljudmilla Gans. Ülevaade

  7. Kuidas jagada raha? / Margot Visnap

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Visnap, Margot, 1959-


    Von Krahli Teatris toimunud avalikust arutelust teemal "Teatrite finantseerimine Eestis", osalesid teatrijuhid J. Allik, R. Põldmaa, I. Saar, P. Jalakas, minister M. Allikmaa ja teatriliidu esimees R. Oja

  8. Kõlarist Kõlarini / Igor Garšnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    6. oktoobril Mustpeade majas toimunud Margo Kõlari juubelikontserdist "Väikese Vankri vennaskond", kus esinesid Tallinna Kammerorkester Tõnu Kaljuste dirigeerimisel, ansamblid PaukenfEst, Heinavanker, Resonabilis, Vox Clamantis ja solistid

  9. Ajakiri "Arters" : esteetika ja eetika / Anu Saluäär

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saluäär, Anu, 1948-


    Rootsi Muusikaakadeemia, Kunstiakadeemia ja Rootsi Akadeemia ühisväljaandest "Artes", pikemalt teisest numbrist, mis kajastab Pariisis toimunud kollokviumit "Kirjandus ja filosoofia". - Varem ilmunud: Looming 1989, nr. 11

  10. Võimalusi piire ületada / Nele-Eva Steinfeld

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Steinfeld, Nele-Eva


    20.-29. jaanuarini Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemias neljandat korda toimunud rahvusvahelisest Läänemere maade muusikakõrgkoolidele suunatud kursusest "Crossing Borders in interpretation of Classical Music und Jazz"

  11. Riigi peaprokuröri ülevaade Riigikogu põhiseaduskomisjonile / Norman Aas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aas, Norman, 1975-


    Ülevaade 1. juulil 2004 jõustunud (RT I 2003, 27, 166) kriminaalmenetluse seadustikuga toimunud muudatustest kriminaalmenetluse struktuuris. Artikkel on Juridica jaoks kohandatud ja lühendatud ettekanne

  12. Kontserdipeegel / Igor Garshnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    Organisti kontserdist 10. nov. Niguliste kirikus. Kavas J.P.E. Hartmanni, D. Buxtehude ja C. Nielseni orelimuusika. 12. nov. Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud kontserdist. Kavas W. A. Mozarti "Reekviem"

  13. Andmeside ja kõneside sulavad üheks / Andres Eilart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eilart, Andres


    Pariisis toimunud suurfoorumil pakkus telekommunikatsioonifirma Alcatel välja uue, IP-põhise kontaktikeskuse, millega viiakse oma kõnekeskus arvutivõrgupõhiseks ning ühendatakse telefoni- ja meilisuhtlus

  14. Sao Paulo jätkab biennaali / Maria-Kristiina Soomre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soomre, Maria-Kristiina, 1978-


    Sao Paulo biennaal sai 50aastaseks. Kuni 29. VII toimunud juubelinäitusest. 2002. a. leiab aset XXV Sao Paulo biennaal "Metropoliikonograafiad", kus esinevad kunstnikud kaheksast maailma suurlinnast.

  15. Tiitel Kauneim kortermaja 2009 läheb Narva = Награда "Благоустроенный многоквартирный дом 2009" поедет в Нарву

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Kodukaunistamise Ühendus kinnitas 5.-6. juunil toimunud keskjuhatuse laiendatud koosolekul konkursi "Kaunis Eesti kodu 2009" erikategooria "Kauneim kortermaja" võitjaks Narva korteriühistu Rahu 14

  16. Relativity and the dimensionality of the world

    CERN Document Server


    All physicists would agree that one of the most fundamental problems of the 21st century physics is the dimensionality of the world. In the four-dimensional world of Minkowski (or Minkowski spacetime) the most challenging problem is the nature of the temporal dimension. In Minkowski spacetime it is merely one of the four dimensions, which means that it is entirely given like the other three spacial dimensions. If the temporal dimension were not given in its entirety and only one constantly changing moment of it existed, Minkowski spacetime would be reduced to the ordinary three-dimensional space. But if the physical world, represented by Minkowski spacetime, is indeed four-dimensional with time being the fourth dimension, then such a world is drastically different from its image based on our perceptions. Minkowski four-dimensional world is a block Universe, a frozen world in which nothing happens since all moments of time are given ‘at once', which means that physical bodies are four-dimensional worldtubes ...

  17. Brane-world cosmology and inflation

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    This brane-world scenario is quite attractive because of the non-trivial geometry in the bulk and because it successfully gives four-dimensional general relativity in the low energy limit. After reviewing basic features of the RS2 scenario, we consider a brane-world inflation model driven by the dynamics of a scalar field living ...

  18. World market of marketing research

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samuels John


    Full Text Available The value of the total world market market research in the year 2001 was US$15,890 million, a 2.8% increase on the previous year. This is the first of several articles to be published in Research World on the results from ESOMAR's latest annual study on the market research sector worldwide

  19. The Challenge of World History (United States)

    Saldana, Cristobal T.


    The author started teaching world history during his first year of teaching at Harlingen High School. To be given such an assignment, because of the breadth of the course, in one's first year might be considered a great misfortune. However, looking back, the author would not have preferred it any other way. World history quickly became his…

  20. Alice in the Real World (United States)

    Parker, Tom


    As a fifth-grade mathematics teacher, the author tries to create authentic problem-solving activities that connect to the world in which his students live. He discovered a natural connection to his students' real world at a computer camp. A friend introduced him to Alice, a computer application developed at Carnegie Mellon, under the leadership of…

  1. In the world, but not of the world : The prospects of Christianity in the modern world

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jonkers, P.H.A.I.


    In this article, I discuss the prospects of Christianity in the modern world from a philosophical perspective (section 1). In order to do so, I analyse in the second section Gianni Vattimo’s and Charles Taylor’s views of the problems of modernity. They interpret modern civilisation as being

  2. World energy insight

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The 21st World Energy Congress offers a unique opportunity for all stake-holders of the energy sector to meet and exchange visions, strategies and practices, during four days of very intensive and interesting sessions, round-tables and exhibitions. More than 3,000 energy leaders gather from around the world from both developed and developing countries, from all types of energy, from public and private companies and government organisations, in order to think together about how to bring about a sustainable and acceptable energy future. The truth is that nobody has the choice any longer. All energy leaders have to take decisions every day, and they need to have a clear analysis of what is at stake, what the risks are, and what the solutions can be.

  3. An overview of world future energy demand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jenkin, F.P.


    The World Energy Council Commission's report Energy for Tomorrow's World was published in September 1993. The Commission's three year study of world energy problems involved both bottom-up studies, undertaken by groups of experts in nine main regions of the world, and top-down studies of global aspects. The latter included the preparation of energy demand and supply projections up to the study horizon of 2020, together with a brief look at prospects up to 2100. This Paper is based on the Commission's work. (author)

  4. Experiences of Two UNESCO World Heritage Cities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shevren, Lai; Ooi, Can-Seng

    This paper critically examines the relationship between federal and local‐state level governments in interpreting and presenting the World Heritage brand at two Malaysian World Heritage sites, George Town and Melaka. The World Heritage status is internationally recognised. Although the World...... Heritage brand offers many advantages in tourism development and destination marketing, what and how the local heritage is conserved, interpreted and appreciated remains open. This article shows that the mechanisms of interpreting and presenting the WH status vary according to the agendas and needs...

  5. World Reference Base | FAO SOILS PORTAL | Food and Agriculture (United States)

    > Soil classification > World Reference Base FAO SOILS PORTAL Survey Assessment Biodiversity Management Degradation/Restoration Policies/Governance Publications Soil properties Soil classification World Soil Maps and Databases World Reference Base Dominant soils of the world The World Reference Base (WRB

  6. Entropy per baryon in a 'many-worlds' cosmology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clutton-Brock, M.


    The universe is imagined split into infinitely many branches, or 'worlds', only one of which can be observed. The world has an entropy per baryon xi approximately 10 9 : other worlds can have all possible values of entropy per baryon. High-entropy worlds with xi > 5x10 11 do not form galaxies, but only giant black holes. Low entropy worlds with xi 5 do form galaxies, but only metal-poor dwarf galaxies with no planets. Life can evolve only in worlds with entropy per baryon in the range 3x10 5 11 , and life is abundant only in a much narrower range. (Auth.)

  7. Case Studies on Climate Change and World Heritage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Colette, A.


    The UNESCO World Heritage Centre (WHC) initiated an assessment of the impacts of climate change on World Heritage in 2005, after the World Heritage Committee noted that 'the impacts of climate change are affecting many and are likely to affect many more World Heritage properties, both natural and cultural in the years to come'. A meeting of experts was convened in March 2006 bringing together over 50 representatives from the States Parties to the World Heritage Convention, various international organizations, non-governmental organizations, the Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Committee, and academic and scientific experts, to discuss current and future impacts of climate change on World Heritage sites. The outcome of this initiative included a 'Report on Predicting and Managing the Effects of Climate Change on World Heritage', as well as a 'Strategy to Assist States Parties to Implement Appropriate Management Responses' which were endorsed by the World Heritage Committee at its 30th session in July 2006, Vilnius, Lithuania. The outcome of this work has shown that it is timely to develop and implement appropriate management responses to protect World Heritage in the face of climate change. The solutions to global warming are the subject of continuing debate. Some of these measures, beyond the scope of the World Heritage Convention, are discussed under the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). But although climate change is a global challenge, there are many adaptation and preventive measures that can be taken at the local scale, i.e. at the level of the World Heritage sites. Studies are currently being conducted at several World Heritage sites to monitor climate change impacts and plan appropriate adaptation measures. But the World Heritage network is also a useful tool to share and promote lessons learnt and best practices, as well as to raise awareness regarding climate change impacts

  8. Still Partners and Still Dissident After All These Years? Wallerstein, World Revolutions and the World-Systems Perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    William G. Martin


    Full Text Available This essay owes its origins to the provocative title of a recent article by Immanuel Wallerstein: “The Rise and Future Demise of World-systems Analysis” (1998a. “Demise”? What might this mean? The title evokes, of course, Wallerstein’s pathbreaking 1974 essay that spoke of “The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System.” Twenty-?ve years later, Wallerstein is bold enough to speak of the demise of the perspective, a perspective that now encompasses a global group of scholars. For world-systems scholarship has, since 1974, thrived in book series, journals, universities and professional organizations—creating in the process a world-systems diaspora scattered around the planet.

  9. Nuclear Policy and World Order: Why Denuclearization. World Order Models Project. Occasional Paper Number Two. (United States)

    Falk, Richard A.

    The monograph examines the relationship of nuclear power to world order. The major purpose of the document is to stimulate research, education, dialogue, and political action for a just and peaceful world order. The document is presented in five chapters. Chapter I stresses the need for a system of global security to counteract dangers brought…

  10. Introduction to the world wide web. (United States)

    Downes, P K


    The World Wide Web used to be nicknamed the 'World Wide Wait'. Now, thanks to high speed broadband connections, browsing the web has become a much more enjoyable and productive activity. Computers need to know where web pages are stored on the Internet, in just the same way as we need to know where someone lives in order to post them a letter. This section explains how the World Wide Web works and how web pages can be viewed using a web browser.

  11. Conceptual Devices in the Work of World Historians (United States)

    Harris, Lauren McArthur


    This article explores articles from the "Journal of World History", from 1990 to 2008, to uncover conceptual devices world historians use in their work. The goal is to identify promising devices for improving world history instruction. While teaching world history is viewed as increasingly important, lack of clarity regarding course structures and…

  12. The World Food Conference--A Frustrating First Step (United States)

    Thomas, Gerald W.


    Discusses the positive results of the World Food Conference and the world awareness (aroused by the conference) which is the first step in the solution of world hunger. Some of the positive results are the establishment of the World Food Council, establishment of grain reserves, and a worldwide system of food information. (BR)

  13. Perancangan Interior “Interior World Center” di Surabaya


    Handojo, Renita Olivia


    Interior World Center is a place that contain all needs and matters related to world of interior. The main purpose of Interior World Center is to give access and facilitate people in fulfill their needs that concern and correspond with interior world, that is to say with combine and integrate several interior activity into one in corporated place. Inside of this building there are several commercial space related with the interior world. The commercial spaces will support each other in order ...

  14. Eesti disain on kõva, ent see tuleb moondada ekspordiks / Michael Thomson ; interv. Urmas Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Thomson, Michael


    Euroopa Disainiassotsiatsioonide Liidu presidendi ja Tallinnas toimunud festivali Disainiöö Eesti disainiauhinna Bruno žürii juhi Michael Thomsoni arvamus eesti disainist ning disainipoliitika vajalikkusest Eestis. Auhinnasaajate nimekiri

  15. Paper Library = Paper Library / Tomomi Hayashi ; kommenteerinud Una Meiberga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hayashi, Tomomi, 1971-


    Tomomi Hayashi (HG Arhitektuur) paberist väliinstallatsioon Riias toimunud paberobjektide festivalil. Raamatukogu fassaad ümbritseti volditud valge papiga. Lühidalt Tomomi Hayashist ja büroost HG Arhitektuur

  16. Internet-marketing v mezhdunarodnoi torgovle i na transporte = Internet marketing in the international trade and transport international transport corridors / Vladimir Zaitsev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zaitsev, Vladimir


    Ettekanne 3.-4. detsembrini 2003 Tallinnas toimunud rahvusvahelisel konverents-näitusel "Logistics and transport in international trade" käsitleb Interneti rolli ja võimalusi rahvusvaheliste transporditeenuste turunduses

  17. Infotöötajate infootsingu eksperiment internetis / Kristiina Singer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Singer, Kristiina


    TÜ Raamatukogus 2010. a oktoobris toimunud üle-eestilise infootsingu finaalvõistluse raames läbiviidud eksperimendi tagamaadest ja tulemustest. Uuriti, kuidas infotöötajad internetist infot otsivad

  18. Reading of Beowulf / Ilmar Anvelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Anvelt, Ilmar, 1949-


    Kirjandusfestivali Prima Vista raames toimunud anglo-saksi eepose täies mahus ettelugemisest nii vanainglise keeles kui eestikeelses tõlkes TÜ inglise filoloogia osakonna õppejõudude ja tudengite poolt

  19. Pestalozzi programmiga Horvaatias õppimas / Tiina Saamot, Kadri Malin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saamot, Tiina


    Pestalozzi on Euroopa nõukogu programm, mis pakub koolitust hariduse valdkonnas töötavatele professionaalidele. Zagrebis 17.–20. maini toimunud koolitusest, mille teemaks oli tegevusuuring (action research)

  20. Perspektivõ sotrudnitshestva i konkurentsii portov Baltiiskogo regiona = Cooperation and competition prospects for the ports in the Baltic region / Mihhail Bronshtein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bronštein, Mihhail, 1923-


    11-12. oktoobrini Peterburis toimunud konverentsil peetud ettekanne. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia akadeemik Balti riikide sadamate tähtsusest Venemaa transiitkaubanduses, Venemaa sadamate ehitusest Balti mere regioonis. Lisa: Mihhail Bronshtein

  1. Eesti film 101. Organiseerumine versus loomingulisus? / Katrin Maimik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maimik, Katrin, 1982-


    Tallinnas Maarjamäe lossis 7. juunil toimunud konverentsist "Eesti film 101, filmitööstuse tulevikuvisioonid" ja sellelel järgnenud ümarlauast teemal "Eesti filmivaldkonna organisatoorne kultuur"

  2. Polder saab Natura-alaks / Mati Määrits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Määrits, Mati, 1958-


    Brüsselis toimunud Elupaikade Komitee kokkusaamisel kiideti heaks 83 LIFE-Nature projekti taotlust. Eesti kaheksast projektist jäid sõelale Silma looduskaitseala ja Räpina poldri linnukaitseprojektid

  3. Aastaks 2015 on kõik kooliraamatukogud õpikeskused / Kadri Altmäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Altmäe, Kadri


    2008. aprillis toimunud kooliraamatukoguhoidjate koosolekust teemal "Erinevad teed ja suunajad lugemise juurde"; koosolekul tegi Ädu Neemre ettekande raamatukogutundide ajaloo teemal. ERÜ kooliraamatukogude sektsioonil täitus 10 aastat

  4. Intellektuaalne luksus-spaa Van Abbemuseumis / Rael Artel, Airi Triisberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Artel, Rael, 1980-


    Eindhovenis Van Abbemuseumis 2007. a. lõpul toimunud kolmenädalasest rahvusvahelisest kohtumisest "Be[com]ing Dutch Caucus". Projekt keskendus rahvusliku identiteedi problemaatikale kaasaegses globaalses ühiskonnas. Esinejatest, ettekannetest

  5. Prantsuse ühiskonna väljavaateid pärast valimisi / Jean-Pierre Minaudier ; tõlk. Indrek Koff

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Minaudier, Jean-Pierre


    Kevadel toimunud presidendi- ja parlamendivalimistest Prantsusmaal. Prantsuse ühiskonna poliitilisest, majanduslikust ja kultuurilisest arengust. Autor peab positiivseteks tendentsideks Prantsusmaa poliitilises arengus Rahvusrinde populaarsuse langust ning Nicolas Sarkozy valimist presidendiks

  6. Pärdi lavastamine Noblessneri valukojas / Evi Arujärv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Arujärv, Evi, 1953-


    Tõnu Kaljuste ja Peeter Jalaka lavastusest "Alguses oli", lavastuse aluseks Arvo Pärdi teosed "In Principio" ja "Miserere", 17. augustil Noblessneri tehase valukojas toimunud etendusest, muusikaline juht Tõnu Kaljuste

  7. Muusika ja sotsiaalsed muutused / Kaie Tanner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tanner, Kaie, 1975-


    26. septembrist 1. novembrini Tallinnas toimunud Rahvusvahelise Muusikanõukogu ülemaailmsel muusikafoorumil räägitust. EMTA prorektor Marje Lohuaru muljetest. Lühiintervjuu Euroopa Muusikanõukogu esimees Timo Klemettineniga

  8. Kak obraz vhodit v obraz / Mihhail Shemjakin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Shemjakin, Mihhail


    Vene kunstnik Mihhail Shemjakin endast (A. Ananitshevi intervjuu almanahhist "Mir Mihhaila Shemjakina") ja projekti "Mihhail Shemjakini näitus Tallinnas" autor Marina Tee Tallinna Linnagaleriis toimunud näitusest

  9. Pilet mustvalgesse paradiisi ehk sügismood / Tanel Veenre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veenre, Tanel, 1977-


    2009. a. juuli alguses toimunud kõrgmoe nädalast Pariisis. Giorgio Armani, Karl Lagerfeldi (Chanel), Christian Lacroix', John Galliano (Dior), Riccardo Tisci (Givenchy) ja Jean Paul Gaultier' kollektsioonidest

  10. Teekond iseenda juurde : Sissejuhatus "Filosoofi reisipäevikusse" / Ute Gahrlings ; tõlk. Kairit Kaur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gahrlings, Ute


    Baltisaksa filosoofist ja publitsististist krahv Hermann von Keyserlingist (1880-1946) ja tema 1911. aastal toimunud ümbermaailamareisist. Tõlke allikas: Einführungen in das Reisetagebuch eines Philosophen. (Käsikiri)

  11. Kogeja vormistamine eesti keeles : nihkeid SAE perifeerias / Mati Erelt, Helle Metslang

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Mati, 1941-


    Artiklis vaadeldakse kogeja vormistamist ning alternatiivsete mallide kasutust ajakirjanduskeeles ajavahemikul 1995-2005 eesmärgiga välja selgitada toimunud muutused ning nende põhjused. SAE - Euroopa keskmine standard

  12. Muusikauudised : Lu : k ja Jäääär koos laval. Britney Spears tegutseb. Lenny Kravitz ja Mick Jagger. Kim Wilde

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tartus Sõbra majas toimunud kontserdist. Videost "Britney: The video". Heliplaatidest: "Britney", "The Best of Pink Floyd", "Lenny", Mick Jagger "Goddess In The Doorway", "The Very Best Of Kim Wilde"

  13. Pärnu haridusjuht napsas suupillikonkursi peavõidu / Kaupo Meiel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meiel, Kaupo, 1975-


    Nädalavahetusel Pärnus suupillifestivali "Baltic-Nordic Harmonica" raames toimunud konkursi "Baltic-Nordic Open" peavõidu ja puuskulptuuri Vatti pälvis Andrus Haugas. Intervjuu festivali direktor Elmar Tringiga

  14. Kevadel Alaska talves / Tiiu Ehrenpreis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ehrenpreis, Tiiu


    Autori muljeid 22.-25. märtsini Fairbanksis toimunud Alaska Ülikooli ja Ülemaailmse Arktika Uurimise Keskuse (IARC) juhtimisel GLOBE'i programmi uue projekti "Aastaajad ja bioomid" koolitusseminarist

  15. Eesti koreograafi edu Euroopas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinnas toimunud Aerowaves'i kokkusaamisel valiti koreograaf-tantsija Mart Kangro etendus "Start. Based on a real story" esimese Balti riikide esindajana osalema Londoni The Place teatris toimuvale Resolution-festivalile

  16. Väikesekaliibrilise snaiprirelva kasutamine väljaõppes / Mihkel Raba

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raba, Mihkel


    Lasketreeninguteks mõeldud väikesekaliibrilisest snaiprirelvast trainer. Õpperelva valmistamisest. MTÜ Snaiprigildi ja Kaitseliidu Viru maleva koostöös toimunud snaiprivõistlustest .22lr snaipripüssidest

  17. Pagunitega kurjategijad : nõukogude sõjaväelaste kriminaalkuritegevus Eestis sõjajärgsetel aastatel / Tiit Noormets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Noormets, Tiit, 1959-


    Lisa: Valgamaa NKVD ja NKGB juhtide ettekanne siseasjade rahvakomissar Resevile 7.-8. nov. 1945 Valgas toimunud intsidendi kohta ; Sõjaväelaste poolt sooritatud iseloomulikud kuriteod 1946. aasta I kvartalis

  18. Iõhviskaja volost nalazhivajet sotrudnitshestvo s Severnõm regionom Frantsii / Arno Rudis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rudis, Arno


    Jõhvi vallavalitsuse delegatsioon viibis Prantsusmaal Nord Pas de Calais regioonis. Jõhvi valla asevallavanem Kristi Klaamann kohtumisest linnapeaga, toimunud arutelust tulevase koostöö üle kultuuri ja hariduse vallas

  19. Symposium „The incorporation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in the light of international law” / Christian Marxen ; Anne Peters ; Matthias Hartwig

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Marxen, Christian


    Krimmi kriisist ja Ukraina-Venemaa konfliktist rahvusvahelise õiguse tähenduses 3.-4. septembril 2014 Heidelbergis toimunud konverentsi materjalide põhjal. Teemat käsitlevad artiklid (10) erinevatelt autoritelt.

  20. Euroopa ratsaliitude juhtide konverents Poolas / ERL

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    19.-20. jaanuarini Poolas Varssavis toimunud konverentsist "Best Practice in Horse Industry", millest võtsid osa enamuse Euroopa ratsaliitude ja suuremate hobusekasvatusorganisatsioonide esindajad, teiste hulgas ka Eesti Ratsaspordi Liit

  1. Tundekausatiivikonstruktsioon eesti moodi / Liina Lindström

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lindström, Liina, 1973-


    Käsitletakse kogejakonstruktsiooni, milles kogeja on markeeritud nagu grammatiline objekt ja stiimul nagu grammatiline subjekt. Konstruktsiooni vaadeldakse teiste keelte taustal, et välja selgitada eesti keeles toimunud muutusi

  2. Pedro Meyer vastutab oma piltide eest / Laura Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Laura, 1982-


    Mehhiko fotograafi Pedro Meyeri tutvustus. P. Meyeri ettekande tekst "Kui dokumentaalne teile meeldis, siis digitaalset hakkate armastama", esitatud Soomes Jyväskyläs 2006. a. oktoobris toimunud fotograafiakonverentsil

  3. Myanmari aitab üksnes aeg / Mihkel Mutt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mutt, Mihkel, 1953-


    Myanmaris (Birmas) toimunud buda munkade meeleavaldusest, hunta tegevusest ja suhetest Hiinaga. Autori hinnangul võib valitsev diktatuur aru saada muutuste paratamatusest ja hakata riiki Hiina kombel ülaltpoolt reformima

  4. Nashihh negrazhdan hotjat sdelat jevropeitsami / Valentin Zvegintsev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zvegintsev, Valentin


    Brüsselis toimunud konverentsil "Venekeelne elanikkond laienenud EL-is" tõstatus küsimus partei loomise kohta venekeelse elanikkonna huvide kaitsmiseks EL-is. Eesti delegatsioon tutvustas partei programmi

  5. Saint-Etienne'i disainibiennaal 2007

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Lõuna-Prantsusmaal toimunud disainiüritusest. Pikemalt disainerite Marie-Laure Bourgeois ja Vincent Becheau tänavaistmetest Foneemid (ehk Häälikud) ja Matthieu Lehanneur'i projektist "Viis elementi"

  6. Skoro nam pjatnadtsat. Mõ belõje i pushistõje? / Arvo Sirendi ; interv. Tatjana Opekina

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sirendi, Arvo, 1939-


    Põllumajandusdoktor, ERL-i liige vastab küsimustele, mis on seotud Eesti taasiseseisvumisega, toimunud muutustega maaelus ja põllumajanduses ning tervishoius viimasel viieteistkümnel aastal, Eesti-Vene suhetega

  7. Auhindu Eesti noortele filmiautoreile / Jaak Järvine

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Järvine, Jaak


    Eesti tudengite ja filmiharrastajate edust Varssavis peetud 17. rahvusvahelisel noorte filmifestivalil "Up to 21" ja Venemaal Luugas toimunud 4. rahvusvahelisel lühifilmide festivalil ja 3. noorte filmi-videofoorumil

  8. Hämmingut, striptiisi ja naeru Baltoscandalilt / Tiiu Laks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laks, Tiiu, 1984-


    Itaalia eksperimentaalse teatri lavastaja Romeo Castellucci lavastusest "Hey Girl" ning briti näitleja Ursula Martinezi lavastusest "My Stories Your E-mails" Rakveres 7.-10. juulini toimunud teatrifestivalil Baltiscandal

  9. Optimismi antoloogia / Tambet kaugema

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaugema, Tambet


    Kahest lavastusest Rakveres toimunud teatrifestivalil "Baltoscandal" - Ursula Martinezi "MY Stories Your Emails" ("Minu lood , teie e-kirjad") ja Pieter De Buysseri - Jacob Wreni "An Anthology of Optimism" ("Optimismi antoloogia")

  10. Diversifikatsija portovoi promõshlennosti v sootvetstvii s nuzhdami eksportno-importnõhh operatsii = Diversification of port industry in accordance with the demands of export/import operations / Jürgen Sorgenfrei

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sorgenfrei, Jürgen


    11.-12. oktoobrini Peterburis toimunud konverentsil peetud ettekanne. Statistikat Hamburgi sadama kohta. Autor tutvustab tähtsamaid sadamate konkurentsi mõjutavaid faktoreid. Diagrammid, kaardid, skeem. Lisa: Jürgen Sorgenfrei

  11. Elections in the Muslim World, 1990-2002

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmed Abdul Wahid A. Al-Zandani


    Full Text Available Abstract: Aggregate data analysis of elections held between 1990 and 2002 in the Muslim world show that most of these elections belong to the non-democratic category and these elections were mostly non-competitive. Approximately, 98% of the Muslim world people do not enjoy full political liberty. About 96% of the people in the Muslim world enjoy the right to vote, but their votes hardly result in transfer of power. However, there are four countries in the Muslim world, Bangladesh, Iran, Malaysia and Mali, where elections are relatively free and fair.

  12. World War II Weather Record Transmittances (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — World War II Weather Record Transmittances are a record of the weather and meteorological data observed during World War II and transferred to the archive. It...

  13. Africa gaining importance in world LPG trade

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haun, R.R.; Otto, K.W.; Whitley, S.C.


    Major LPG projects planned or under way in Africa will increase the importance of that region's presence in world LPG trade. Supplies will nearly double between 1995 and 2005, at which time they will remain steady for at least 10 years. At the same time that exports are leveling, however, increasing domestic demand for PG is likely to reduce export-market participation by Algeria, Nigeria, Egypt, and Libya. The growth of Africa's participation in world LPG supply is reflected in comparisons for the next 15--20 years. Total world supply of LPG in 1995 was about 165 million metric tons (tonnes), of which Africans share was 7.8 million tonnes. By 2000, world supply will grow to slightly more than 200 million tonnes, with Africa's share expected to increase to 13.2 million tonnes (6.6%). And by 2005, world LPG supply will reach nearly 230 million tonnes; Africa's overall supply volumes by that year will be nearly 16.2 million tonnes (7%). World LPG supply for export in 1995 was on order of 44 million tonnes with Africa supply about 4 million tonnes (9%). By 2005, world export volumes of LPG will reach nearly 70 million tonnes; Africa's share will have grown by nearly 10 million tonnes (14.3%)

  14. What People Talk About in Virtual Worlds (United States)

    Maher, Mary Lou

    This chapter examines what people talk about in virtual worlds, employing protocol analysis. Each of two scenario studies was developed to assess the impact of virtual worlds as a collaborative environment for a specific purpose: one for learning and one for designing. The first designed a place in Active Worlds for a course on Web Site Design, having group learning spaces surrounded by individual student galleries. Student text chat was analyzed through a coding scheme with four major categories: control, technology, learning, and place. The second studied expert architects in a Second Life environment called DesignWorld that combined 3D modeling and sketching tools. Video and audio recordings were coded in terms of four categories of communication content (designing, representation of the model, awareness of each other, and software features), and in terms of synthesis comparing alternative designs versus analysis of how well the proposed solution satisfies the given design task. Both studies found that people talk about their avatars, identity, and location in the virtual world. However, the discussion is chiefly about the task and not about the virtual world, implying that virtual worlds provide a viable environment for learning and designing that does not distract people from their task.

  15. Geothermal energy in the world energy scenario

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barbier, E.


    This paper reports on the world energy consumption between 1960 and 1984 from primary energy sources (coal, natural gas, oil, hydropower, nuclear energy) and the same in percentages from 1925. This highlights the diminishing role of coal and the increased consumption of gas and oil. The latter has stabilized around 42% of the total after the drop in demand resulting from the oil crisis of 1973. The world energy consumption has then been divided into industrialized and developing countries. It appears that the latter, with a population equal to 68% of the total world population, consumed 23% of the world energy in 1982. Furthermore, the consumption figures show that the demand for domestic energy is much smaller in developing countries, and it is well-known that domestic energy consumed is one of the parameters used to assess standard of living. The total installed electric capacity throughout the world is then reported, divided between developed and developing countries, showing that the latter consumed 11% of all the electricity generated in the world in 1981. The world installed electric power of geothermal origin at the end of 1985 is shown, along with estimates for 1990. Geothermal energy represents 0.2% of the world electric power. This is obviously a small figure and indicates that geothermal energy plays a minor role on the world energy scene. However, if we distinguish between industrialized and developing countries, we can observe that, with their currently limited electrical consumption but good geothermal prospects, the developing countries could achieve quite a significant contribution to their total electric energy from that of geothermal origin, increasing at the moment from 3 to 19%. Finally, a comparison is made between electricity generating costs of different sources, showing that geothermal energy is competitive. A table illustrates the world evolution in installed geothermal capacity from 1950 to 1985. The non-electric uses of geothermal energy

  16. World's finest tech sites immortalised

    CERN Multimedia


    They may have transformed man's understanding of the universe but the monumental impact of the world's first large radio telescope and the planet's largest particle physics lab has never been fully recognised. Now both Jodrell Bank and CERN are among the technological landmarks that could be immortalised alongside the pyramids of Egypt and Taj Mahal on UNESCO's World Heritage Site (WHS) list.

  17. Entropy per baryon in a 'many-worlds' cosmology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clutton-Brock, M [Manitoba Univ., Winnipeg (Canada)


    The universe is imagined split into infinitely many branches, or 'worlds', only one of which can be observed. The world has an entropy per baryon xi approximately 10/sup 9/: other worlds can have all possible values of entropy per baryon. High-entropy worlds with xi > 5x10/sup 11/ do not form galaxies, but only giant black holes. Low entropy worlds with xi < 3x10/sup 5/ do form galaxies, but only metal-poor dwarf galaxies with no planets. Life can evolve only in worlds with entropy per baryon in the range 3x10/sup 5/ < xi < 5x10/sup 11/, and life is abundant only in a much narrower range.

  18. World power engineering. General review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alekseev, B.A.; Vol'fberg, D.B.; Ershevich, V.V.


    State and prospects of the world power engineering development are considered. Eelectricity production requires the greatest part of the world total energy consumption. The latter will grow and in future at the beginning of the next century it reaches 50%. The part of NPPs in 1986 constituted 12% in power and 16% in electricity production. In the middle of 1987 403 NPP units of 298 GW total power were in operation in the world; 138 units (123 GW) were under construction and 84 units (84 GW) were planed. In 1987 power units of 216 GW total power were put into operation. The largest NPPs are Fukushima (Japan) - 9.0 GW, Bruce(Canada) - 8.4 GW, Gravelines (France) - 5.56 GW

  19. Wikipedia ranking of world universities (United States)

    Lages, José; Patt, Antoine; Shepelyansky, Dima L.


    We use the directed networks between articles of 24 Wikipedia language editions for producing the wikipedia ranking of world Universities (WRWU) using PageRank, 2DRank and CheiRank algorithms. This approach allows to incorporate various cultural views on world universities using the mathematical statistical analysis independent of cultural preferences. The Wikipedia ranking of top 100 universities provides about 60% overlap with the Shanghai university ranking demonstrating the reliable features of this approach. At the same time WRWU incorporates all knowledge accumulated at 24 Wikipedia editions giving stronger highlights for historically important universities leading to a different estimation of efficiency of world countries in university education. The historical development of university ranking is analyzed during ten centuries of their history.

  20. Urban Ideas From Around the World

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    The Urban Best Practices Area (UBPA) of the World Expo in Shanghai aims to introduce various ongoing practices designed to improve the quality of urban life as global urbanization increases, and provide a platform for all the cities of the world to share and exchange experiences in urban management and development. In an exclusive interview with Expo Weekly reporter Gong Haiying, Sun Liansheng, Director of the UBPA Department of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination, shares the story behind preparing the unique project.

  1. Ideologeme "Order" in Modern American Linguistic World Image (United States)

    Ibatova, Aygul Z.; Vdovichenko, Larisa V.; Ilyashenko, Lubov K.


    The paper studies the topic of modern American linguistic world image. It is known that any language is the most important instrument of cognition of the world by a person but there is also no doubt that any language is the way of perception and conceptualization of this knowledge about the world. In modern linguistics linguistic world image is…

  2. World Food Security and Insecurity, 1974-84. (United States)

    Kriesberg, Martin

    In the decade since the World Food Conference of 1974, increased attention has been directed to the problems of world food security. The emphasis on technologies of production, while important, have not sufficed. Two major shortcomings of the World Food Conference and the efforts it stimulated were (1) the failure to recognize the relationship…

  3. The subnuclear world

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nunez-Lagos, R.


    The subnuclear world studies the fundamental constituents of the matter, traditionally nominated fundamental particles and their interactions. The author studies the history and standard models of fundamental particles: Leptons, quarks, and gauge bosons. (Author)

  4. Nuclear Power Plants in the World

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF) used every year to summarize a trend survey on the private nuclear power plants in the world in a shape of the 'Developmental trends on nuclear power plants in the world'. In this report, some data at the end of 1999 was made up on bases of answers on questionnaires from 72 electric companies in 31 nations and regions in the world by JAIF. This report is comprised of 19 items, and contains generating capacity of the plants; current status of Japan; trends of generating capacity of operating the plants, the plant orders and generating capacity of the plants; world nuclear capacity by reactor type; location of the plants; the plants in the world; and so forth. And, it also has some survey results on the 'Liberalization of electric power markets and nuclear power generation' such as some 70% of respondents in nuclear power for future option, gas-thermal power seen as power source with most to gain from liberalization, merits on nuclear power generation (environmental considerations and supply stability), most commonly voiced concern about new plant orders in poor economy, and so forth. (G.K.)

  5. World spinors revisited

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sijacki, Dj.


    World spinors are objects that transform w.r.t. double covering group Diff(4, R) of the Group of General Coordinate Transformations. The basic mathematical results and the corresponding physical interpretation concerning these, infinite-dimensional, spinorial representations are reviewed. The role of groups Diff(4, R), GA(4, R), GL(4, R), SL(4, R), SO(3,1) and the corresponding covering groups is pointed out. New results on the infinite dimensionality of spinorial representations, explicit construction of the SL(4, R) representations in the basis of finite-dimensional non-unitary SL(2, C) representations, SL(4, R) representation regrouping of tonsorial and spinorial fields of an arbitrary spin Lagrangian field theory, as well as its SL(5, R) generalization in the case of infinite-component world spinor and tensor field theories are presented. (author)

  6. Kas sa kuuled mind? / Anete Elken, Katrin Kivirand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Elken, Anete


    Organisatsiooni EuroChild AISBL eestvedamisel Brüsselis toimunud noorte ürituse raames "Can you hear me?" arutasid Euroopa Liidu liikmesriikide esindajad noortega seotud probleeme ning kohtusid Euroopa Parlamendi liikmetega

  7. Hea on avastada uusi ilmu / Mathura

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mathura, pseud., 1973-


    4.-13. aprillini Tallinnas Sõpruse kinos toimunud II Jaapani anime filmide festivalist JAFF. Pikemalt filmidest: "Minu naaber Totoro" - rezh. Hayao Miyazaki, "Appleseed" - rezh. Shinji Aramaki, "Alles eile" - rezh. Isao Takahata

  8. Kohtumine Oslos / Andres Herkel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Herkel, Andres, 1962-


    Autor kommenteerib Oslos toimunud Tšetšeenia eksiilvalitsuse juhi Ahmed Zakajevi ning praeguse Tšetšeenia valitseja Ramzan Kadõrovi esindaja ja parlamendijuhi Duhhvahha Abdurahmanovi kohtumist. Versioonid tulevikuks

  9. Буш поднимет тему безвизового режима / Джордж Буш, Тоомас Хендрик Ильвес ; интерв. Ингвар Бяренклау

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Буш, Джордж, 1946-


    USA presidendi George W. Bushi ja Eesti presidendi Toomas Hendrik Ilvese vastused ajakirjanike küsimustele Eesti Pangas Iseseisvussaalis toimunud pressikonverentsil 28. novembril 2006. Vt. ka fotod lk. 1-2

  10. Stolitsa baltiskoi modõ / Vladimir Stroi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Stroi, Vladimir


    Riias toimunud Balti moenädalast (Baltic Fashion Week) ja seal näidatud kollektsioonidest. Eestit esindasid Ene (?Evelin) Lill kollektsiooniga "Puudutus" ja Kätlin Kängsepp "Muudatuste uued tuuled"

  11. В Таллинне прошла неделя моды

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    4.-6. novemrini toimunud Tallinna moenädalast (Tallinn Fashion Week). Korraldas Eesti Moedisaini Liit, osales 15 eesti disainerit ja kaubamärki. Põhiline moemaraton toimus kinos Sõprus. Osalejate nimekiri

  12. Pommisatelliit Eesti kohal / Peep Pedmanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pedmanson, Peep, 1963-


    Discovery Channel Europe presenteeris Pirital toimunud telemessil videofilmi "Profid. Pommirühm" ("Professionals : Bomb Squad"), stsenarist, režissöör ja operaator Rein Kotov : Inglismaa - Eesti - Taani 1997

  13. Linna foto-orienteerumine / Maret Vaher

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaher, Maret, 1973-


    Linna foto-orienteerumisest - orienteerumiselementidega jalutuskäigust linnakeskkonnas leidmaks orienteerumiskaardi fotodel kujutatud detaile. Samas on ära toodud Tallinnas Teadlaste ööl 24. septembril toimunud linna foto-orienteerumise kaart

  14. Szabadsag! Terror oma rahva vastu : nagu uus viiskend kuus / Toomas Kümmel, Juku-Kalle Raid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kümmel, Toomas


    Autorid kirjeldavad vahetute pealtnägijatena 23. oktoobril, Ungari 1956. aasta ülestõusu 50. aastapäeval Budapestis toimunud meeleavalduse mahasurumist. Vt. samas: 1956. Aasta sündmuste kronoloogia

  15. Nashe vremja nuzhdajetsja v Gamlete / Борис Тух

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Тух, Борис, 1946-


    Poola linnas Gdanskis toimunud VIII rahvusvahelisest Shakespeare'le pühendatud teatrifestivalist ja konverentsist. Theatrum mängis 2. ja 3. aug. festivali raames oma lavastust "Hamlet" L. Petersoni lavastuses

  16. Первый в Эстонии конкурс ораторского мастерства на английском языке (Public Speaking Competition)

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Евграфова, Зинаида


    Esimest korda Eestis toimunud inglise keele kõnevõistluse konkursist, mis toimus heategevusorganisatsiooni English-Speaking Union (ESU)reeglite järgi, kes on taolisi konkursse korraldanud juba 1981. aastast alates

  17. Looduspidu Põlvas / Jan Rahman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rahman, Jan, 1975-


    Põlvas 2007. a. augustis toimunud II ökofestifalist, mis lõppes konverentsiga. Toimusid restaureerimise, savikrohvi tööde, põhumajade ehitamise jt. kursused. Festivali patroon oli riigikogulane Urmas Klaas

  18. Ettevalmistus noortebiennaaliks Pärnus / Heie Treier

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Treier, Heie, 1963-


    Ideest korraldada 2007. aasta sügisel Tallinnas esimene noorte kunstnike biennaal, mille toimkonda juhivad Rael Artel ning Airi Triisberg. Pärnus toimunud üritusest "Public preparation. Exercises on Adhocracy"

  19. Terrorizm i elektronnõje SMI / Mihhail Petrov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Petrov, Mihhail


    Oktoobri lõpus Küprosel toimunud rahvusvahelisest konverentsist "Terrorism and Electronic Media" võttis osa ka Küprose president Demetris Christofias. Konverentsil selgus vajadus ühtse terminoloogia järele

  20. Vetshnaja problema - energonezavissimost / Vladimir Stroi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Stroi, Vladimir


    Varssavis toimusid Baltimaade ja Poola läbirääkimised tuumaelektrijaama ehitamiseks Leetu. Daugavpilsis toimunud Balti Assamblee ja Põhjamaade Nõukogu energiaressursside ja keskkonnakaitse komiteede istungist alternatiivsete energiaallikate kasutamise teemal

  1. Teadmata põhjusega haavandtõve tekitaja / iiris Saluri

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saluri, iiris


    Pariisis toimunud Euroopa Gastroenteroloogia nädala raames pöörati tähelepanu kaksteistsõrmiksoolehaavandi ja selle peamiste tekitajate - Helicobacter pylori (HP) ning mittesteroidsete põletikuvastaste ravimite tarvitamisele

  2. Sean McCarthy 7. raamprogrammi teemaline koolitus / Meelis Kadaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kadaja, Meelis, 1979-


    28. novembril Tallinnas toimunud koolitusest, mille eesmärgiks oli anda juhiseid konkurentsivõimelise projektitaotluse kirjutamiseks Euroopa Liidu seitsmendasse raamprogrammi ja mille viis läbi Sean McCarthy Iirimaalt

  3. Maailma parim ehitis 2011 / Jarmo Kauge

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kauge, Jarmo


    Barcelonas 2.-4. nov. 2011 toimunud 4. Maailma arhitektuurifestivalil (WAF) aasta parima ehitise tiitli pälvinud Media-ICT kontorihoonest Barcelonas. Autor: Enric Ruiz-Geli arhitektuuribüroost Cloud 9

  4. Paveli uusim mänguasi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Pavel Sidorenko Mängutool, mis valmis Portugalis toimunud konkursile "Playing Design". Ta on pälvinud noore disaineri preemia "Säsi" ja Milanos Massimo Martini disainivõistluselt "Macef" esimese preemia

  5. Tasuta kontsert - tänuväärne mõte / Ott Kask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kask, Ott


    12. novembril Tallinna Metodisti kirikus toimunud kontserdist "Virtuoosid Vahemere äärest", kus esinesid Tallinna Filharmoonikud Andres Mustoneni dirigeerimisel, solistideks Massimo Mercelli (flööt) ja Darko Brlek (klarnet)

  6. Marina Kaljurand - Eesti hääl Moskvas / Marina Kaljurand ; interv. Margus Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaljurand, Marina, 1962-


    Eesti suursaadik Moskvas vastab küsimustele, mis on seotud saatkonna ees toimunud meeleavaldustega, saatkonnas valitsenud olukorraga, ajalehe Argumentõ ja Faktõ pressikonverentsil juhtunuga, suursaadiku puhkuselelubamisega, Eesti-Vene suhetega

  7. Eestlased tõid universiaadilt kaks neljandat kohta / Annes Aus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aus, Annes


    Hiinas, Harbinis 18.-28. veebruaril toimunud üliõpilaste taliuniversiaadist, kus kõige paremini esinesid Eesti sportlastest Tallinna Ülikooli Kunstide Instituudis õppiv Jelena Glebova ja Kunstiakadeemias tudeeriv Mark Duubas

  8. Kvaliteedi kindlustamine - väljakutse Eesti kõrgharidusele / Nele Sumberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sumberg, Nele


    10.-11. mail Tartus toimunud Üliõpilaskondade Liidu poolt korraldatud rahvusvahelisest kõrghariduse kvaliteedi konverentsist, millel esines sõnavõtuga ka EBS-i välissuhete prorektor Nicola Hijlkema

  9. Self-help is key to recovery

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    31. oktoobril Kopenhaagenis toimunud Balti- ja Põhjamaade peaministrite kohtumisel räägiti Euroopa majandusolukorrast. Peaminister Andrus Ansip rääkis ka Eesti hiljutistest kogemustest majanduskriisist väljatulemisel

  10. Nostalgia po nastojashtshemu / Valentina Siig

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Siig, Valentina


    Vene Kunstnike Ühendus Eestis tegevusest, ühenduse galeriis toimunud näitustest - Nikolai Kormashov, Aivar Rihkrand, Arkadi Jartsev. Anatoli Umerenkovist ja tema loomingu näitusest Vene saatkonna galeriis

  11. Huvilised sukeldusid nahkhiirte maailma / Vello Jaska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jaska, Vello, 1949-


    Taageperas Kivimäe turismitalus toimunud looduslaagris rääkis nahkhiirtest Tallinna Ülikooli lektor, MTÜ Suurkõrv spetsialist Triinu Tõrv, looduslaagri korraldas Ala põhikooli õpetaja Evelyn Tamm

  12. Inseneriharidus: oleme need, kellelt õpime / Karl Kello

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kello, Karl, 1950-


    TTÜ-s toimunud inseneripedagoogika konverentsist "Õpetamine on kahekordne õppimine" ja teaduspärastlõunast Teaduste Akadeemias, mille temaatika oli inseneeria roll ja tähendus ning tehnikakultuur ja tehnikaharidus

  13. Sibelius tõi eestlastele Grammy! / Gerhard Lock

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lock, Gerhard, 1978-


    Los Angeleses toimunud muusikaauhindade jagamisel pälvis teiste hulgas Grammy Eesti koorimuusika: auhinna sai Sibeliuse "Kantaadid" Ellerheina, Eesti Rahvusmeeskoori ja Eesti Riikliku Sümfooniaorkestri esituses Paavo Järvi dirigeerimisel

  14. HOLi liikmed pooldavad omavalitsusliitude tugevdamist / Kristiina Nurmis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nurmis, Kristiina


    Jõelähtmel toimunud Harjumaa Omavalitsuste Liidu nõupäeval ja volikogu istungil räägiti regionaalhaldusest, transpordist ning spordi- ja kultuuriobjektide rahastamisest. Siseminister Jaan Õunapuu esinemisest

  15. Melodija tranzita / Ljubov Semjonova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Semjonova, Ljubov


    Laeval Meloodia toimunud rahvusvahelise transiidi teemalisest konverentsist, millest teiste hulgas võtsid osa Eesti endine majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniminister Meelis Atonen ning Soome transpordi- ja tööstusminister Mauri Pekkarinen

  16. Aktivismist ja sekkunisest linnaruumi / Lilia del Rio

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rio, Lilia del


    25.-26. IV Eesti Kunstiakadeemias toimunud 4. Linnauurimuse päevadest "Uurimine ja aktivism". Hanna Harrise, Giacomo Botta, Joanna Saad-Suloneni, Liisa Horelli ja Rasmus Kase ettekannetest konverentsil. Sisaldab bibliograafiat

  17. "Meie käisime maailmameistrivõistlustel!" / Tiina Madisson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Madisson, Tiina


    Šveitsis 27.-30. oktoobril toimunud 20. ISPU IPO MMist, kus Eestit esindanud suuršnautser Maximus koos perenaise Tiina Madissoniga saavutasid rahvusvahelise teenistuskoerte eksami (IPO) teises raskusastmes kolmanda koha

  18. Tippjuhi töö on nagu maratoni jooksmine / Jim Scholes

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Scholes, Jim


    Tippjuhid ja nende käitumise mõju alluvatele ning organisatsioonikultuurile. Lisa: Juhid ei tea, mis firmas toimub. Artikkel refereeritud Jim Scholesi ettekandest 5.-6. septembril 2002 toimunud Tartu Juhtimiskonverentsil

  19. Advent Euroopa viienda õiega

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Esimesel advendil Tallinnas toimunud Taivo Pilleri jõuludemonstratsioonil osalesid edukalt ka kaks Ida-Viru lilleseadjat: Karin Lainjärv ja Marietta Rossmann; paremateks tunnistati Irmen Laving, Saale Halla, Heidi Haggi

  20. Matkasõudmine Eestis / Raimo Pull

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pull, Raimo


    Viljandi Sõudeklubile kuuluvatest spetsiaalsetest matkasõudepaatidest ning 2012. aasta juulis toimunud sõudematkast Virtsu - Kesselaid - Muhu - Orissaare - Pikma - Triigi -Külaküla - Kassari - Sääre - Vormsi - Matsalu - Virtsu

  1. Kuidas kirjutada kunstiajalugu? / Anu Allas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Allas, Anu, 1977-


    14. ja 15. mail 2010 Tallinnas toimunud USA Clarki instituudi ja Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Kunstiteaduse Instituudi seminarist "Thinking Art History in East-Central Europe" (Arutlusi Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa kunstiajaloo teemal)

  2. Zhenshtshina, razozlivshaja Putina = Naine, kes vihastas Putinit / Astrid Kannel ; interv. Riina Luik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kannel, Astrid, 1967-


    Ajakirjanik vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad Võidupäeva pidustuste raames Moskvas toimunud Venemaa presidendi Vladimir Putini pressikonverentsi, ajakirjanikutööd, eraelu ning hobisid. Lisa: Astrid Kannel CV

  3. NATO pärast Riia-tippkohtumist / Victoria Punga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Punga, Victoria, 1977-


    Eesti NATO ühingu 3. veebruaril toimunud üldkogul olid arutluse all kolm suuremat teemaderingi: NATO tegevus ja operatsioonid Afganistanis, alliansi edasine laienemine ning Riias peetud tippkohtumise poliitiline sõnum

  4. Uued loomad loomaaias - seekord pronksist / Maris Balbat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Balbat, Maris, 1936-


    Tallinna Loomaaias toimunud rahvusvahelise animalistliku skulptuuri festivalil saavutas I koha Hermine Kelleri "Šimpans", II koha Margarita Kamardina Moskvast ja Vitali Novikov Peterburist. Tauno Kangro "Siga" teenis ära publikupreemia

  5. Birma südames / Silver Meikar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meikar, Silver, 1978-


    Reformierakonna liige käis Prahas toimunud Birma konverentsil, kus räägiti Birma militaarrežiimi kuritegudest ja kirjutati alla avaldusele, mis soovib tugevdada Euroopa panust birmalaste aitamiseks

  6. Pärnu fideofest kui maailma köök / Marian Kivila

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivila, Marian, 1985-


    9.-13. augustini toimunud Pärnu filmi- ja videofestivalist Pärnu Kunstnike Majas, kaubanduskeskuses Port Artur 2 ja "Like-Kuldrula" rulafestivalil. Rahvusvahelise video- ja filmiprogrammi pani kokku Ville-Karel Viirelaid

  7. ISATT konverents: teooria kohtub praktikaga / Tiina Anspal

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Anspal, Tiina


    Hariduse koostööpäevade raames toimunud rahvusvahelisest konverentsist, mille eesmärgiks oli tutvustada hariduspraktikale oluliste uuringute tulemusi ja aidata tõstatada koolipraktikast tulenevaid uurimist vajavaid teemasid

  8. "Thais" muusika on fenomenaalne / Veronika Džiojeva ; intervjueerinud Silja Joon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Džiojeva, Veronika


    Küsimustele vastab 22. mail Pärnu Endla teatris esietenduva Jules Massenet' ooperi "Thais" nimiosatäitja, 2007. aastal toimunud Klaudia Taevi nim. rahvusvahelise ooperilauljate konkursi laureaat Veronika Džiojeva

  9. "Spicy ice" ja klaveri talveuniversiteet / Toomas Velmet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Velmet, Toomas, 1942-


    25. veebruaril Pärnu kontserdimajas toimunud talveunversiteedi galakontserdist, kus esinesid pianistid Liidia Ilves (Eesti), Cäcilia Maria Weber (Austria) ja Nena Kozjek (Sloveenia) ja Pärnu Linnaorkester Leonid Grini dirigeerimisel

  10. Tsirkusetähed püüdsid koristajatädi unelmat / Eve Jaakson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jaakson, Eve


    Tartu noorte tsirkusestuudio Fox. 2004.a. sai stuudio Venemaal toimunud tsirkusekunstide festivalil "Planeedi lilled" oma kavaga laureaaditiitli juhendaja hea töö eest ja nüüdisaegse etenduse eest

  11. Mesilased, mannekeenid ja tähed Inglismaa aedades / Victoria Parmas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parmas, Victoria


    85. korda toimunud Inglismaa aiandusnäitusest "Chelsea Flower Show". Mesilastele meelepäraselt taimestatud, rohelisest mõtteviisist kantud ja kosmoseteemalistest aedadest ning kunstist aedades. 22 värv. vaadet

  12. Miks kesknoori liberaalide poole tõmbab? / Ramon Loik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Loik, Ramon


    Järgneb: Kesknädal, 1. aug. 2001, lk. 4; 8. aug. 2001, lk. 4. Vilniuses toimunud rahvusvahelisest poliitika ja majandusseminarist Vision of the European Society. Liberalistlikust maailmavaatest ja ideoloogiast

  13. World-sheet gauge fields in superstrings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porrati, M.; Tomboulis, E.T.


    We investigate the introduction of world-sheet 2-dimensional gauge fields in a manner consistent with world-sheet supersymmetry. We obtain the effective string action resulting from the exact integration over the world-sheet gauge fields to show that it generally describes string models with spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetries with continuous breaking parameters. We examine the question of spacetime supersymmetry spontaneous breaking, and show that breaking with continuous, in particular arbitrarily small breaking parameters does not occur; only breaking for discrete values of parameters is possible. (orig.)

  14. Keldysh formalism for multiple parallel worlds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ansari, M.; Nazarov, Y. V.


    We present a compact and self-contained review of the recently developed Keldysh formalism for multiple parallel worlds. The formalism has been applied to consistent quantum evaluation of the flows of informational quantities, in particular, to the evaluation of Renyi and Shannon entropy flows. We start with the formulation of the standard and extended Keldysh techniques in a single world in a form convenient for our presentation. We explain the use of Keldysh contours encompassing multiple parallel worlds. In the end, we briefly summarize the concrete results obtained with the method.

  15. Keldysh formalism for multiple parallel worlds (United States)

    Ansari, M.; Nazarov, Y. V.


    We present a compact and self-contained review of the recently developed Keldysh formalism for multiple parallel worlds. The formalism has been applied to consistent quantum evaluation of the flows of informational quantities, in particular, to the evaluation of Renyi and Shannon entropy flows. We start with the formulation of the standard and extended Keldysh techniques in a single world in a form convenient for our presentation. We explain the use of Keldysh contours encompassing multiple parallel worlds. In the end, we briefly summarize the concrete results obtained with the method.

  16. Russian deserters of World War I


    Os'kin Maksim


    Desertion is one of the most active forms of ordinary resistance of the people to the state pressure during the low-popular war which is conducting for the purposes unclear for the people. At the same time, mass desertion is a manifestation of «total» war in the world conflicts of the XX century. During World War I in all armies of the world there was the desertion often accepting mass character. In the Russian army, as well as in other, deserters appeared from the war beginning. Desertion sca...

  17. Keldysh formalism for multiple parallel worlds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ansari, M.; Nazarov, Y. V., E-mail: [Delft University of Technology, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience (Netherlands)


    We present a compact and self-contained review of the recently developed Keldysh formalism for multiple parallel worlds. The formalism has been applied to consistent quantum evaluation of the flows of informational quantities, in particular, to the evaluation of Renyi and Shannon entropy flows. We start with the formulation of the standard and extended Keldysh techniques in a single world in a form convenient for our presentation. We explain the use of Keldysh contours encompassing multiple parallel worlds. In the end, we briefly summarize the concrete results obtained with the method.

  18. Disarmament Education as World Order Inquiry. (United States)

    Reardon, Betty


    Disarmament education has been exposed to wider public attention because of the launching of the World Disarmament Campaign, an education effort intended to involve the world's citizens in thinking about disarmament. Factors important to this movement are discussed. (CJ)

  19. Online worlds as media and communication format

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Digital media and network communication technology have not changed this setup, but rather have opened the possibility for encountering and experiencing additional types of worlds and performing additional types of spatial practices. Being situated online and being globally networked with the pos......Digital media and network communication technology have not changed this setup, but rather have opened the possibility for encountering and experiencing additional types of worlds and performing additional types of spatial practices. Being situated online and being globally networked...... with the possibility of both synchronous and asynchronous communication, digitally mediated worlds provide possible interactions between users which are radically more independent of time and place than the ones facilitated by older media. From this perspective, the concept of online worlds both challenges...... and broadens our understanding of how media shape the world and how the media technology creates new social structures...

  20. World Wind: NASA's Virtual Globe (United States)

    Hogan, P.


    Virtual globes have set the standard for information exchange. Once you've experienced the visually rich and highly compelling nature of data delivered via virtual globes with their highly engaging context of 3D, it's hard to go back to a flat 2D world. Just as the sawbones of not-too-long-ago have given way to sophisticated surgical operating theater, today's medium for information exchange is just beginning to leap from the staid chalkboards and remote libraries to fingertip navigable 3D worlds. How we harness this technology to serve a world inundated with information will describe the quality of our future. Our instincts for discovery and entertainment urge us on. There's so much we could know if the world's knowledge was presented to us in its natural context. Virtual globes are almost magical in their ability to reveal natural wonders. Anyone flying along a chain of volcanoes, a mid-ocean ridge or deep ocean trench, while simultaneously seeing the different depths to the history of earthquakes in those areas, will be delighted to sense Earth's dynamic nature in a way that would otherwise take several paragraphs of "boring" text. The sophisticated concepts related to global climate change would be far more comprehensible when experienced via a virtual globe. There is a large universe of public and private geospatial data sets that virtual globes can bring to light. The benefit derived from access to this data within virtual globes represents a significant return on investment for government, industry, the general public, and especially in the realm of education. Data access remains a key issue. Just as the highway infrastructure allows unimpeded access from point A to point B, an open standards-based infrastructure for data access allows virtual globes to exchange data in the most efficient manner possible. This data can be either free or proprietary. The Open Geospatial Consortium is providing the leadership necessary for this open standards-based data access