
Sample records for tiroidea ct con

  1. Prevalence of thyroid autoimmunity in patients with pemphigus vulgaris Prevalencia de autoinmunidad tiroidea en pacientes con pénfigo vulgar

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    Fabián Pitoia


    Full Text Available Among bullous diseases, pemphigus vulgaris (PV is a classical variety of this type of skin disorders. To establish the real prevalence of thyroid abnormalities in such a disease, a prospective study was developed. For this reason, thyroid evaluation was performed in 15 consecutive patients who attended the Dermatology Clinic for PV and in a group of 15 healthy volunteers (Control Group matched by age and gender. Thyroid function was evaluated by measuring T3, T4 and TSH. The presence or absence of goiter was searched by palpation, while thyroid autoimmunity was investigated through the assay of thyroperoxidase antibodies (TPO-Ab. In each group there were 9 women and 6 men, aging 25-65 years (mean = 48.3 y in the PV Group, and 25-69 years (mean = 45.4 y in the Control Group. It was found that 7 patients (46.6% of the PV Group and 1 subject (6.7% of the Control Group (p El pénfigo vulgar (PV es una enfermedad ampollar clásica de etiología autoinmune que se caracteriza por la presencia de lesiones intraepiteliales. Para establecer la prevalencia de anormalidades tiroideas en el PV, realizamos un estudio prospectivo en 15 pacientes consecutivos que consultaron a la División Dermatología debido a PV y en un grupo de 15 voluntarios sanos (Grupo Control. La función tiroidea se evaluó a través de la medición de T3, T4 y TSH y la presencia de bocio se determinó por medio de la palpación tiroidea. La autoinmunidad se investigó usando un ensayo IRMA para la medición de anticuerpos antitiroperoxidasa (ATPO. En cada grupo había 9 mujeres y 6 hombres que fueron apareados por edad y sexo, con edades comprendidas entre 25 y 65 años (promedio 48.2 años en el grupo PV, y entre 25 y 69 años (promedio 45.4 años en el grupo control. Se encontró que 7 pacientes (46.6% del grupo PV y uno (6.6% del grupo control presentaron alteraciones tiroideas, (p<0.015. La presencia de ATPO positivos se observó en 6 pacientes con PV y en un voluntario del grupo

  2. Amiodarona y disfunción tiroidea

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    Leonardo F. L. Rizzo


    Full Text Available La amiodarona es un análogo estructural de la hormona tiroidea, y algunas de sus propiedades antiarrítmicas como así también su toxicidad son atribuibles a su interacción con los receptores nucleares de las hormonas tiroideas. Por ser muy lipofílica, la amiodarona se concentra en muchos tejidos y se elimina, por consecuencia, muy lentamente. Se emplea preferentemente para el tratamiento de arritmias graves tales como fibrilación y taquicardia ventriculares. Otras indicaciones incluyen la fibrilación auricular y el aleteo, la insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva grave, la prevención de la fibrilación auricular recurrente y situaciones de emergencia médica como la prevención de muerte súbita cardiaca¹. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar un enfoque actualizado sobre la amiodarona y su influencia sobre la fisiología tiroidea y discutir y analizar en profundidad sus potenciales efectos adversos como el hipotiroidismo y la tirotoxicosis.

  3. Mecanismo de acción de hormonas tiroideas sobre el páncreas endócrino


    Cortizo, Ana María


    El rol de las hormonas tiroideas en la Diabetes Mellitus y la función endocrina del páncreas fue estudiado por primera vez en 1944 por B. A. Houssay (1 ). Trabajando con perros parcialmente panceatectomizados, sometidos a tratamiento con hormonas tiroideas, observó que adquirían una forma de diabetes irreversible, que persistía aún después de interrumpir el tratamiento tiroideo. Llamó a ésta Diabetes Meta.tiroidea ; su mecanismo parecía ser un agotamiento pancreático consecutivo a ...

  4. Hipotiroidismo congénito secundario a hipoplasia tiroidea detectado en edad adulta

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    Paula Monti


    Full Text Available La ubicación anatómica de la glándula tiroidea y su biosíntesis hormonal están reguladas por la expresión de ciertos genes, cuya alteración puede conducir a las denominadas disgenesias tiroideas: agenesia, ectopía e hipoplasia, así como a las variantes dishormonogenéticas. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con retraso mental y diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo realizado en la edad adulta. Las determinaciones bioquímicas confirmaron el diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo no autoinmune. Este caso representa la evolución prolongada de una hipofunción tiroidea, que cursó en forma solapada y no diagnosticada durante 53 años de vida, con secuelas relevantes de esta deficiencia al momento del diagnóstico. La terapia exógena logró mejorías evidentes en la signo sintomatología, pero no revirtió el presunto daño neurológico atribuible a la falta de hormona tiroidea necesaria durante el desarrollo fetal. En la necropsia realizada se encontró escaso tejido tiroideo cervical correspondiente a hipoplasia tiroidea eutópica. El hallazgo de un remanente tiroideo menor a 1 cm permite explicar la supervivencia de la paciente hasta una edad avanzada.

  5. Resistencia a la Hormona Tiroidea en dos familias colombianas. Identificación y caracterización de mutaciones en el receptor beta de la Hormona Tiroidea.

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    Paola Durán


    Full Text Available La resistencia a la hormona tiroidea es un desorden genético autosómico dominante que afecta a 1 de cada 40,000 nacidos. Se caracteriza por una respuesta reducida de los tejidos blandos a la hormona tiroidea con incremento de niveles de tiroxina y de triyodotironina, sin inhibición de la hormona tirotropa, como consecuencia de mutaciones presentes en el receptor beta de la hormona tiroidea, particularmente en el dominio de unión a la hormona. El fenotipo clínico varía entre diferentes familias e incluso entre miembros de la misma familia. Generalmente, los individuos con Resistencia a la Hormona Tiroidea pueden presentarla de una manera variable en diferentes tejidos, debido a síntomas heterogéneos de hipotiroidismo e hipertiroidismo. Los síntomas más comunes son bocio, taquicardia, déficit de atención, alteraciones auditivas y retraso en el crecimiento óseo. Pacientes y Métodos. En este estudio se caracterizaron clínica y molecularmente dos familias colombianas con Resistencia a la Hormona Tiroidea mediante análisis clínicos y genéticos, utilizando la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa y secuenciación del gen del receptor beta de la tiroxina (TRβ. Resultados. Se identificó una nueva mutación no sinónima en el exón 8 del gen TRβ, la cual lleva al cambio de una valina por una leucina en el codón 264 (V264L. También, se identificó una mutación de novo en el exón 10 del gen TRβ que consiste en una deleción de una citosina en el nucleótido 1609 que lleva a un cambio en el marco de lectura y finalmente a un codón de parada en la posición 442 (1609delC. Conclusiones. En Colombia, no existen mutaciones reportadas hasta el momento asociadas a Resistencia a la Hormona Tiroidea. Es de resaltar que las mutaciones encontradas en Colombia son únicas de nuestro país, lo cual debe tenerse en cuenta para una correcta asesoría genética.

  6. Tormenta tiroidea Thyroid storm

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    Lisette Leal Curí


    Full Text Available La tormenta tiroidea es una de las situaciones más críticas entre las emergencias endocrinas y tiene una significativa mortalidad. La etiología más común de tirotoxicosis es la enfermedad de Graves y el factor precipitante que predomina es la infección. Clínicamente se caracteriza por la disfunción de varios sistemas (termorregulador, nervioso central, gastrointestinal y cardiovascular, con niveles de hormonas tiroideas libres o totales por encima de los valores normales. El tratamiento debe tener un enfoque multidisciplinario, e incluye medidas de soporte en unidades de cuidados intensivos, normalización de la temperatura corporal, reducción de la producción y liberación de hormonas tiroideas, con antitiroideos de síntesis y yodo respectivamente, bloqueo de los efectos periféricos mediante la administración de beta-bloqueadores, y corrección del factor desencadenante. Una vez que el paciente se encuentra estable es necesario planificar una terapia definitiva que impida la recurrencia futura de la crisis tirotóxica.The thyroid storm is one of the most critical situations in the endocrine emergencies and exhibits a significant mortality rate. The most common etiology of thyrotoxicosis is Graves' disease and the predominant precipitating factor is infection. The clinical characteristics are dysfunction of several systems (heat-regulator, central nervous, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular, and levels of total or free thyroid hormones that exceed the normal values. The treatment must be multidisciplinary and include support measures in intensive care units, normalization of body temperature, reduction of the production and the release of thyroid hormones by using synthesis and iodine anti-thyroid products respectively, blockade of the peripheral effects through administration of Beta-blockers and correction of the unleashing factor. Once the patients are stabilized, it is necessary to plan the final therapy that will prevent the

  7. Disfunción tiroidea inducida por amiodarona en la práctica clínica

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    José Luis Paz-Ibarra


    Full Text Available La amiodarona (AMD es una droga antiarrítmica potente (clase III usada en la práctica clínica para la profilaxis y el tratamiento de muchos disturbios del ritmo cardiaco, desde la fibrilación auricular paroxística hasta las taquiarritmias ventriculares que amenazan la vida. Frecuentemente causa cambios en las pruebas de función tiroidea principalmente relacionados a la inhibición de la actividad de la 5'-deiodinasa, resultando en una disminución de la generación de T3 desde T4 y el consecuente incremento en la producción de T3 reversa y una disminución de su aclaramiento. En 14 a 18% de pacientes tratados con AMD hay una disfunción tiroidea manifiesta, ya sea tirotoxicosis inducida por amiodarona (TIA o hipotiroidismo inducido por amiodarona (HIA. Tanto TIA como HIA pueden desarrollarse en glándulas aparentemente normales o en glándulas con anormalidades preexistentes clínicamente silentes. La TIA está primariamente relacionada a la síntesis de hormonas tiroideas inducida por el exceso de yodo en una glándula tiroidea anormal (TIA tipo 1 o a una tiroiditis destructiva relacionada a la amiodarona (TIA tipo 2, aunque frecuentemente ocurren formas mixtas. La tiroiditis de Hashimoto preexistente es un factor de riesgo definido para la ocurrencia de HIA. La patogenia del HIA es la falla para escapar del efecto agudo de Wolff-Chaikoff inducido por el yodo, debido a los defectos en la hormonogénesis tiroidea y, en pacientes con pruebas de autoanticuerpos tiroideos positivos, para tiroiditis de Hashimoto concomitante. La TIA es más común en zonas deficientes de yodo mientras que el HIA es usualmente visto en zonas suficientes en yodo. En contraste al HIA, la TIA es una condición difícil de diagnosticar y tratar, y usualmente se recomienda la descontinuación de la amiodarona. En esta revisión se analiza, de acuerdo a los datos actuales, las alteraciones en las pruebas de función tiroidea vistas en pacientes eutirodeos bajo


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    Dr. Juan Ramón Soto S.


    Full Text Available Los trastornos de la función tiroidea afectan profundamente al sistema cardiovascular. En esta revisión se presentan algunos aspectos fisiológicos de la interrelación entre tiroides y corazón, como tambiècn las consecuencias de la tirotoxicosis e hipotiroidismo sobre el aparato cardiovascular. Se analiza la influencia del hipertiroidismo en la gècnesis de la fibrilación auricular y del hipotiroidismo en el metabolismo de las lipoproteínas. Adicionalmente, el artículo se referirá a los potenciales efectos adversos del antiarrítmico amiodarona sobre la función tiroidea y cómo se investigan y tratan. Finalmente, se expone un caso clínico real para ilustrar con mayor claridad la enorme importancia que pueden alcanzar las relaciones fisiopatológicas entre el corazón y las afecciones de esta glándula endocrina.

  9. Disfunción tiroidea en adultos infectados por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana

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    Erika Abelleira


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV tienen una mayor prevalencia de disfunción tiroidea cuando se los compara con la población general. Las manifestaciones más frecuentemente observadas son: el síndrome del eutiroideo enfermo, la enfermedad de Graves y el hipotiroidismo subclínico. La relación entre el uso de la terapia antirretroviral y el incremento en la prevalencia de alteraciones tiroideas fue demostrada en varias series de pacientes. La enfermedad de Graves se reconoce claramente como una consecuencia del síndrome de restitución inmune. Además, existen estudios que sugieren una relación entre hipotiroidismo y el uso de inhibidores nucleósidos de la transcriptasa reversa, en particular estavudina y el inhibidor no nucleósido de la transcriptasa reversa efavirenz. Nuevos estudios podrán aportar evidencia adicional sobre la necesidad de evaluaciones rutinarias de la función tiroidea en pacientes infectados por HIV.

  10. Patrones de prescripción de hormonas tiroideas en una población colombiana

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    Jorge Machado-Alba


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar los patrones de prescripción de hormonas tiroideas en personas afiliadas al Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud de Colombia. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo a partir de una base de datos poblacional de 6,2 millones de personas. Se seleccionaron los pacientes medicados con hormonas tiroideas, de uno y otro sexo y todas las edades, con tratamiento continuo de abril a junio de 2013. Se diseñó una base de datos sobre consumo de medicamentos, obtenidos por la empresa que dispensa dichos fármacos. RESULTADOS: Se hallaron 29 947 pacientes tratados para hipotiroidismo en 82 ciudades colombianas. La mayoría (79,1% eran mujeres, con una edad media de 63,2 ± 16,1 años. La presentación prescrita con mayor frecuencia fue levotiroxina en tabletas de 50 µg (85,7% a dosis diarias definidas mayores de las recomendadas, sobre todo como monoterapia. Se detectaron diferencias significativas entre los grupos etarios y las ciudades de residencia para el uso combinado de hormona tiroidea y de comedicación. Los medicamentos prescritos de manera concomitante con mayor frecuencia fueron los antiulcerosos (44%, hipoglucemiantes (17,4% y sales de hierro (16,1%. CONCLUSIONES: Existen diferencias significativas en las recetas de los médicos en las ciudades estudiadas. Hacen falta guías de manejo clínico que estandaricen las dosis y conductas médicas, pues es probable que su ausencia tenga impacto en la salud de los pacientes. Es necesario explorar la efectividad clínica de las prescripciones estudiadas.

  11. Depresion en pacientes con alteraciones del tiroides


    Radanovic-Grguric´, Ljiljana; Filakovic´, Pavo; Barkic´, Jelena; Mandic´, Nikola; Karner, Ivan; Smoje, Juraj


    Nuestro estudio fue realizado en un grupo de 53 mujeres con disfunción tiroidea y 28 mujeres con depresión mayor. Empleamos la Escala de la Depresión de Hamilton, la Escala de Autoevaluación de la Depresión de Zung y la Escala sobre la Impresión Clínica Global. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que la mayoría de los pacientes con disfunción tiroidea se mostraron clínicamente significativos en cuanto al trastorno depresivo. Los episodios depresivos son más frecuentes en pacientes con hipot...

  12. Interrelación entre hormonas tiroideas y crecimiento: importancia clínica Interrelation between thyroid hormones and growth: clinical importance

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    Daysi A. Navarro Despaigne


    Full Text Available En la práctica clínica correspondiente a la endocrinología pediátrica, los trastornos del crecimiento son motivo frecuente de consulta y es la hipofunción tiroidea su causa más común. Por esta razón nos propusimos revisar aspectos teóricos relacionados con la función tiroidea, que pudieran explicar el mecanismo mediante el cual las hormonas tiroideas intervienen en el desarrollo del cartílago de crecimiento y del sistema nervioso central. Se revisa brevemente el mecanismo de regulación de las hormonas tiroideas y del efecto de los factores de crecimiento, tanto en la vida intrauterina como en la etapa posnatal. Se expone una hipótesis para explicar cómo ocurre la interrelación entre hormonas tiroideas (factores de crecimiento. Al final se hace referencia al impacto clínico del déficit de hormonas tiroideas durante la infancia.In the clinical practice of pediatric endocrinology, growth disorders is the most frequent reason to go to the doctor´s , being thyroid hypofunction the most common cause of this problem. For this reason, we intended to review theoretical aspects of thyroid function that could explain the mechanism by which thyroid hormones intervene in the development of growth cartilage and of the central nervous system. The regulating thyroid hormone mechanism along with the effect of growth factors on both intrauterine and postnatal life stages was briefly examined. A hypothesis of how the interrelation between thyroid hormones (growth factors occurs was presented. Finally, reference was made on the clinical impact of thyroid hormone deficit in childhood.

  13. Amiodarona y disfunción tiroidea Amiodarone and thyroid dysfunction

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    Leonardo F. L. Rizzo


    Full Text Available La amiodarona es un análogo estructural de la hormona tiroidea, y algunas de sus propiedades antiarrítmicas como así también su toxicidad son atribuibles a su interacción con los receptores nucleares de las hormonas tiroideas. Por ser muy lipofílica, la amiodarona se concentra en muchos tejidos y se elimina, por consecuencia, muy lentamente. Se emplea preferentemente para el tratamiento de arritmias graves tales como fibrilación y taquicardia ventriculares. Otras indicaciones incluyen la fibrilación auricular y el aleteo, la insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva grave, la prevención de la fibrilación auricular recurrente y situaciones de emergencia médica como la prevención de muerte súbita cardiaca¹. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar un enfoque actualizado sobre la amiodarona y su influencia sobre la fisiología tiroidea y discutir y analizar en profundidad sus potenciales efectos adversos como el hipotiroidismo y la tirotoxicosis.Amiodarone is a structural analogue of thyroid hormone, and some of its anti-arrhythmic actions and toxicity are attributable to its interaction with nuclear receptors of thyroid hormones. Being highly lipophilic, amiodarone is concentrated in many tissues and is eliminated, consequently, very slowly. It is preferably employed to manage life-threatening arrhythmias, including ventricular fibrillation and unstable ventricular tachycardia. Other indications include atrial fibrillation and flutter, severe congestive heart failure, prevention of atrial fibrillation recurrence, and even in emergency medical situations to prevent sudden cardiac death. The aim of this review is to provide an updated approach on amiodarone and its influence on thyroid physiology and to discuss and analyze in depth its potential and not infrequent thyroidal adverse effects such as hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis.

  14. Frequency Of Pancreatic Beta-Cell Autoimmunity Markers In Patients With Autoimmune Thyroid Disease Frecuencia de marcadores de autoinmunidad beta pancreática en pacientes con enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune

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    María E. Primo


    Full Text Available A total of 305 ambulatory patients recruited at the Division of Endocrinology, Hospital de Clínicas, University of Buenos Aires, with autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD were studied to search for associations between autoimmune thyroid disease and presence of serum markers of autoimmune diabetes mellitus. Screening for markers of pancreatic beta-cell autoimmunity was performed by radioligand binding assays (RBA as follows: autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GADA and proinsulin (PAA were determined in all sera, whereas autoantibodies to protein tyrosine phosphatase (IA-2A and insulin (IAA were additionally measured in 200 sera randomly selected from the total collection. In addition, every GADA positive serum among the remaining 105 sera was systematically tested for the presence of IA-2A and IAA. In the cohort of 305 AITD patients 22 (7.2% were previously diagnosed as type 1, type 2 or insulin-requiring type 2 diabetics. Ten of these patients presented serum marker positivity specific for β-cell autoantigens and 12 were marker negative. On the other hand, considering the majority of non-diabetic AITD patients (n=283, β-cell marker positivity was detected in 17 individuals (6.0%. The prevalence of autoimmune diabetes markers was much higher in the studied population than in the general population utilized as a control group, and GADA was the most frequent marker.Se investigó la asociación entre enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune y la presencia de marcadores séricos de diabetes mellitus en 305 pacientes ambulatorios con enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune reclutados en la División Endocrinología. La búsqueda de marcadores de autoinmunidad contra las células beta pancreáticas se realizó por la técnica de unión de radioligandos (RBA como se detalla a continuación: se determinaron autoanticuerpos contra la decarboxilasa del ácido glutámico (GADA y proinsulina (PAA en todos los sueros, mientras que los anticuerpos contra la prote

  15. Psicosis afectivas y no afectivas y función y autoinmunidad tiroideas. Influencia sobre evolución clínica y cognición


    Barbero Valverde, Juan D


    Las alteraciones tiroideas se han propuesto como participantes importantes en la patogénesis de las psicosis afectivas y no afectivas. Tales alteraciones pueden modular la expresión de la enfermedad con implicaciones sobre su gravedad, evolución y pronóstico. Estudios previos han mostrado la influencia de la función y autoinmunidad tiroideas en la evolución de la enfermedad en pacientes psicóticos y bipolares. Sin embargo, el mecanismo de acción de esta modulación no ha sido aún esclarecida. ...

  16. Fisher criteria vs. thyroid aspiration citology in the diagnosis of hashimoto's thyroiditis Valor de cuatro de los criterios de Fischer comarados con la biopsia tiroidea por aspiración en el diagnóstico de la tiroiditis de Hashimoto

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    Constanza Díaz González


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    One hundred and forty one patients with diffuse goiter were studied In order to evaluate four of Fisher's criteria for the diagnosis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis and to compare them with the result of thyroid aspiration biopsy. The following criteria were Included in the analysis: a physical characteristics of the gland; b appearance of the radioisotope scan; c plasma TSH concentration; d serum tilters of antithyroid antibodies. It was found that neither criteria was satisfactory in terms of sensitivity or specificity when compared with the result of the aspiration cytology. Ac. cordingly, we favor the use of the latter provided that adequate material is obtained and that an expert reading is performed.

    Se hicieron estudios clínico y de laboratorio y biopsia tiroidea por aspiración a 133 mujeres y 8 hombres con bocio difuso, de la Consulta Externa del Instituto de Seguros Sociales de Medellín, con el fin de comparar el valor diagnóstico de cuatro de los cinco criterios de Fisher con el de dicha biopsia, en la tiroiditis de Hashimoto. El diagnóstico citológico fue bocio simple (nodular, multinodular O coloide en 130 casos (92.2% y tiroiditis de Hashimoto en 11 (7.8%. Se aplicó la prueba tamiz a los criterios de Fisher, aisladamente O en grupos, con resultados deficientes en cuanto a sensibilidad y especificidad. Los criterios analizados fueron: a glándula moderadamente crecida, difusa y firme; b captación tiroidea Irregular; c TSH plasmática elevada; y d anticuerpos antitiroideos positivos a muy altas diluciones (≥:1 :25.000. La captación tiroidea Irregular tuvo la mayor sensibilidad (90% pero su especificidad fue sólo 11 %. En contraste, la sensibilidad y la especificidad de los títulos altos de anticuerpos antimicrosomales fueron 78% 71 %, respectivamente.

  17. Estado actual y perspectiva de las pruebas relacionadas con el estudio de la función tiroidea Present state and prospects of tests related to the thyroid function study

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    Ernesto Alavez Martín


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades tiroideas pueden ser diagnosticadas, en la mayoría de los casos, por la clínica. Sin embargo, existen situaciones que requieren de las pruebas de función tiroidea con el fin de valorar correctamente al paciente en las etapas iniciales de la disfunción de esta glàndula, con el fin de establecer el tratamiento adecuado de forma individual y el seguimiento de la evolución de la enfermedad. En esta revisión hacemos referencia a las pruebas empleadas para valorar el estado de la función tiroidea y se señalan sus ventajas, limitaciones y tendencias actuales. La determinación de TSH por procederes de segunda y tercera generaciones permite establecer el diagnóstico del hipertiroidismo e hipotiroidismo primarios, aún en las formas subclínicas de ambos, al mostrar inhibición o hipersecreción, respectivamente, así como la dosis adecuada de l-levotiroxina y orientar a una causa hipofisaria de esta disfunción. La determinación de T4 es de gran valor para conocer la intensidad de la disfunción tiroidea y para valorar la eficacia del tratamiento en las primeras semanas de iniciado. La determinación de T3 tiene su principal indicación ante la sospecha de la presencia del llamado hipertiroidismo por T3. La determinación de T4 y T3 totales da lugar a una interpretación incorrecta en cuanto a las situaciones que modifican la globulina transportadora de tiroxina (TBG. La tendencia actual es al empleo de TSHs como prueba inicial para el diagnóstico de la disfunción tiroidea, la cual se debe indicar teniendo siempre en cuenta la clínica y, de ser necesario, asociarla a la determinación de T4 o T3 libres.The thyroid diseases may be diagnosed in most of cases by the clinics. However, there are circumstances that required thyroid function tests to correctly assess the patient in initial stages of thyroid dysfunction and give an adequate treatment on an individual basis and the follow-up of the disease. This review makes

  18. Biopsia por aspiración y supresión con hormonas tiroideas en el diagnóstico de cáncer tiroideo: comparación con la cirugía en 77 nódulos hipocaptantes Fine-Needle aspiration biopsy and suppression with thyroid hormone in the diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma

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    Humberto Aristizábal


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 77 pacientes con nódulos tiroideos hipocaptantes, demostrados por gamagrafía, por medio de biopsia tiroidea por aspiración y terapia supresiva con hormonas tiroideas durante 6 meses o más. Se realizó estudio ecográfico del nódulo antes de iniciar la terapia y seis meses después de estarla administrando. Todos fueron intervenidos porque en ninguno desapareció el nódulo con la terapia, a pesar de que se obtuvo supresión de la tirotrofina en plasma. La biopsia tiroidea por aspiración (BT A fue Interpretada en todos los pacientes como bocio coloide o nodular o neoplasia folicular. En contraste, en el estudio de la pieza quirúrgica 52 pacientes presentaron bocio nodular, multinodular o coloide; 16 tenían carcinomas (12 papilares y 4 foliculares y 9 tiroiditis de Hashimoto. Contrariamente a lo esperado se observó que 5 de loS carcinomas (31.3% disminuyeron de volumen durante el tratamiento hormonal; de acuerdo a la ecografía la disminución promedio fue 0.41 cm3. En cambio 4 de los 52 nódulos benignos (7.7% aumentaron de volumen, en promedio 3.7 cm3. Estos hallazgos sugieren que la prueba de supresión con hormonas tiroideas no es confiable para definir si una lesión es benigna o maligna. En el estudio quirúrgico se demostró que 20.8% (16/77 de los nódulos eran carcinomas. A la luz de estos datos la biopsia por aspiración no estableció por lo general el diagnóstico de carcinoma; por ello se debe recurrir a la cirugía aunque la biopsia sea negativa.

    Seventy-seven patients with cold thyroid nodules were studied with flne-needle aspiration biopsy and suppression with thyroid hormone. The volume of the nodule was calculated ultrasonographycally at the beginning of the study and after six months of oral therapy with thyroglobulin, at doses sufficient to maintain TSH at the low limits of the normal

  19. Patología maligna tiroidea. Hospital Sabogal, Callao

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    Juan Oré


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar las características clínicas del cáncer de tiroides encontrados en la población del Callao. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. Material y Métodos: Se revisó las historias clínicas de las intervenciones quirúrgicas de la glándula tiroides en el Hospital Nacional Alberto Sabogal Sologuren (HNASS, en el periodo enero de 2000 a diciembre de 2002, cuyo resultado por anatomía patológica fue compatible con neoplasia maligna de dicha glándula. Resultados: Las 45 neoplasias malignas primarias de tiroides encontradas representaron 34,2% de la patología tiroidea operada en el periodo en estudio. El carcinoma papilar se presentó en 100% de los pacientes de sexo masculino y en 82% del sexo femenino; en la mujer, los carcinomas folicular, medular y linfoma representaron 10,3%, 5,1% y 2,6%, respectivamente. El grupo etáreo con mayor incidencia fue entre 50 y 69 años, con una edad promedio de 53 años. Dentro de los diferentes tipos de neoplasias malignas, el más frecuente fue el papilar con 38 casos (84,4%, seguido de los carcinomas folicular y medular con 8,9% y 4,4%, respectivamente. El síntoma más frecuente fue el aumento de volumen (61,5%, seguido de dolor (15,4%, disfagia (10,8% y disfonía (9,2%; 29,6% se encontraba en estadio I y 59,1% en estadio II; sólo 11,4% estaba en estadio III. Conclusiones: El predominio de casos en mujeres del carcinoma papilar y la clínica asociada, fueron acordes con lo descrito en la literatura.

  20. las disfunciones tiroideas mínimas

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    Carlos Hernández-Cassis


    Full Text Available El hipotiroidismo subclínico y sus consecuencias clínicas ha sido objeto de debate científico por espacio de varias décadas. A raíz de la publicación de la declaración de consenso acerca de la disfunción tiroidea subclínica en el año 2005, realizada por la Sociedad Americana de Endocrinologìa (The Endocrine Society, la Asociación Americana de Endocrinólogos Clínicos (AACE y la Asociación Americana de la Tiroides (ATA se abrió un nuevo espacio para los endocrinólogos en el manejo de algunas disfunciones tiroideas que no habían sido tenidas en cuenta dentro del campo de accion terapéutico. Los autores hacen un recuento de cómo se produce el cambio en los paradigmas y en el enfoque diagnostico y terapéutico. Luego hacen un recuento de algunas de las experiencias desarrolladas en Colombia. Finalmente sugieren algunos derroteros a partir de su propia experiencia y también basados en logros científicos de otras fuentes obtenidos en otros campos de la Endocrinologìa moderna.

  1. Estimación de la prevalencia de hipotiroidismo en Lleida a partir de la prescripción de hormonas tiroideas

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    Serna Arnáiz M.ª Catalina


    Full Text Available Fundamento: El hipotiroidismo es una enfermedad frecuente, que cursa con una sintomatología, en ocasiones inespecífica, lo que dificulta el diagnóstico. El objetivo del estudio es estimar la prevalencia de hipotiroidismo en Lleida a través de las prescripciones de la hormona tiroidea y comparar los resultados con los de otras regiones. Métodos: Estudio observacional retrospectivo. 2.854 personas que reciben tratamiento con hormona tiroidea mediante receta de la Seguridad Social. Meses de octubre a diciembre del 2001. Variables: la edad, el sexo y región sanitaria. Resultados: La prevalencia de hipotiroidismo en el 2001 es de 8,4 casos por 1.000 habitantes día (IC 95%:9,23-7,47. La edad media es de 60 años (DS<:16,6. La distribución por sexo: 2,4 ? en hombres y 12,4 ? en mujeres. Por grupos de edad: Menores de 15 años un 3,6?, entre 15 y 64 años de 6,8 ? y en mayores de 64 de 12,5. Las cifras más elevadas se encuentran en las áreas rurales (Seu d'Urgell:10,5 ?y las inferiores en áreas urbanas(Eixample:5,8 ?, Balafia:5,4? Conclusiones: La cifra de hipotiroidismo en tratamiento es, como en otros estudios, superior en mujeres y predomina en los mayores de 64 años. Sin embargo, observamos valores de prevalencia inferiores en relación a los datos de un estudio poblacional previo de la misma región, indicando un posible infradiagnóstico de la enfermedad.

  2. Efecto de la raza y la edad sobre las concentraciones de hormonas tiroideas T3 y T4 de bovinos en condiciones tropicales

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    Rómulo Campos Gaona


    Full Text Available Para estudiar el efecto en condiciones de trópico seco de la edad y del grupo racial sobre las concentraciones séricas de las hormonas tiroideas T3 y T4, se muestrearon 158 animales de los grupos raciales Holstein, Lucerna, Hartón del Valle, Cebú Brahman y mestizo F1 (Cebú Brahman x Pardo Suizo, distribuidos en cuatro grupos de edad desde el nacimiento hasta el destete (8 meses. La concentración media de T3 fue 2.25 mmol/L y la de T4, 57.37 mmol/L. La correlación entre T3 y T4 fue de 0.53. Se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa para el efecto grupo racial, grupo de edad (P<0.001 pero no para la interacción grupo racial x edad (p=0.286. Los grupos raciales con concentraciones más elevadas fueron Holstein y Lucerna; la concentración más baja se presentó en los bovinos mestizos. La mayor concentración de hormonas tiroideas según la edad ocurrió en recién nacidos, luego descendió progresiva y linealmente. El trabajo encontró que en condiciones de trópico seco, en zona límite de termoneutralidad según el índice ITH, los bovinos jóvenes presentanron diferencias marcadas en las concentraciones de hormonas tiroideas

  3. Orbitopatía tiroidea Thyroid orbitopathy

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    Juana Elvira Maciques Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La orbitopatía tiroidea, también llamada orbitopatía de Graves, es una enfermedad inflamatoria, autoinmune y autolimitada que afecta los tejidos orbitarios y periorbitarios, es más frecuente en la mujer, y se asocia a estados de hipertiroidismo, aunque puede estar presente en pacientes hipotiroideos y eutiroideos, agravada por el tabaquismo y los estados de estrés. Se caracteriza, fundamentalmente, por retracción palpebral y exoftalmo, aunque en ocasiones puede evolucionar a formas graves con compromiso importante de la visión por neuropatía óptica compresiva o pérdida de la integridad del globo ocular. Su tratamiento va desde la simple protección del globo ocular en las formas leves, al uso de glucocorticoides u otros inmunosupresores, hasta la cirugía de descompresión orbitaria en los casos más graves, que son cada día menos cruentas y con resultados más esperanzadores. Esta revisión se realizó con el objetivo de unificar y actualizar los conocimientos sobre esta entidad, y proporcionar una información práctica para el diagnostico precoz y el tratamiento adecuado de nuestros pacientes.Thyroid orbitopathy, also known as Graves' orbitopathy, is an inflammatory, autoimmune, and self-limiting disease that affects orbital and periorbital tissues. It is more frequent in women and linked to hyperthyroidism condition, although it may occur in hypothyroid and euthyroid patients, worsened by smoking and stress. It is mainly characterized by palpebral retraction and exophtalmos, but it may sometimes evolve into severe forms with significant impact on the vision due to compressive optic neuropathy or the loss of the eyeball integrity. The treatment ranges from simple protection of the eyeball in the milder forms, the use of glycocorticoids or other immunosuppressive drugs to the orbital decompression surgery in the most severe cases, which are increasingly less painful and more hopeful. This review was aimed at standardizing and

  4. Estimación de la prevalencia de hipotiroidismo en Lleida a partir de la prescripción de hormonas tiroideas

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    M. Catalina Serna Arnáiz


    Full Text Available Fundamento: El hipotiroidismo es una enfermedad frecuente, que cursa con una sintomatología, en ocasiones inespecífica, lo que dificulta el diagnóstico. El objetivo del estudio es estimar la prevalencia de hipotiroidismo en Lleida a través de las prescripciones de la hormona tiroidea y comparar los resultados con los de otras regiones. Métodos: Estudio observacional retrospectivo. 2.854 personas que reciben tratamiento con hormona tiroidea mediante receta de la Seguridad Social. Meses de octubre a diciembre del 2001. Variables: la edad, el sexo y región sanitaria. Resultados: La prevalencia de hipotiroidismo en el 2001 es de 8,4 casos por 1.000 habitantes día (IC 95%:9,23-7,47. La edad media es de 60 años (DS<:16,6. La distribución por sexo: 2,4 ‰ en hombres y 12,4 ‰ en mujeres. Por grupos de edad: Menores de 15 años un 3,6‰, entre 15 y 64 años de 6,8 ‰ y en mayores de 64 de 12,5. Las cifras más elevadas se encuentran en las áreas rurales (Seu d’Urgell:10,5 ‰y las inferiores en áreas urbanas(Eixample:5,8 ‰, Balafia:5,4‰ Conclusiones: La cifra de hipotiroidismo en tratamiento es, como en otros estudios, superior en mujeres y predomina en los mayores de 64 años. Sin embargo, observamos valores de prevalencia inferiores en relación a los datos de un estudio poblacional previo de la misma región, indicando un posible infradiagnóstico de la enfermedad.

  5. Estimación de la prevalencia del hipotiroidismo en castilla y león y su evolución desde 1992 al 2000 a través del consumo de hormonas tiroideas

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    Alfonso Díaz Madero


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La importancia que tiene el hipotiroidismo desde el punto de vista epidemiológico y la dificultad de disponer de unos datos actualizados, nos ha llevado a realizar este estudio cuyo objetivo es conocer el consumo de hormonas tiroideas en la población general en el ámbito de la seguridad social en la Comunidad de Castilla y León, por provincias, así como su evolución desde 1992 al 2000, como indicador estimativo de la prevalencia del hipotiroidismo. Métodos: A partir de la base de datos ECOM del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, se obtienen el número de envases de hormonas tiroideas dispensados con receta de la seguridad social, en las provincias de Castilla y León durante el periodo 1992-2000, estimando la prevalencia por medio de las dosis diarias definidas (DDD por 100.000 habitantes. Resultados: Se estima una prevalencia de hipotiroidismo en Castilla y León de 185 casos por 100.000 habitantes en 1992 que aumenta a 489 en el 2000, constituyendo un incremento del 164%. Ello representa en 1992 entre 4.559-4.827 enfermos y entre 11.929-12.360 en el 2000. El aumento de la prevalencia se observa en todas las provincias. Las provincias con mayor prevalencia son León, Soria y Ávila, siendo Palencia, Salamanca y Burgos las de menor. Conclusiones: La especificidad del tratamiento nos ha permitido establecer una relación entre el consumo de hormonas tiroideas y la prevalencia del hipotiroidismo, así como su evolución desde 1992 al 2000, aproximándonos a la situación actual de esta patología en Castilla y León.

  6. Helical CT defecography; La defecografia con Tomografia Computerizzata spirale

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    Ferrando, R.; Fiorini, G.; Beghello, A.; Cicio, G.R.; Derchi, L.E.; Consigliere, M.; Resasco, M. [Genua Univ., Genua (Italy). Ist. di Radiologia, Cattedra R; Tornago, S. [Genua Univ. Genua (Italy). 2 Clinica Ortopedica


    The purpose of this work is to investigate the possible role of Helical CT defecography in pelvic floor disorders by comparing the results of the investigations with those of conventional defecography. The series analyzed consisted of 90 patients, namely 62 women and 28 men, ranging in age 24-82 years. They were all submitted to conventional defecography, and 18 questionable cases were also studied with Helical CT defecography. The conventional examination was performed during the 4 standard phases of resting, squeezing, Valsalva and straining; it is used a remote-control unit. The parameters for Helical CT defecography were: 5 mm beam collimation, pitch 2, 120 KV, 250 m As and 18-20 degrees gantry inclination to acquire coronal images of the pelvic floor. The rectal ampulla was distended with a bolus of 300 mL nonionic iodinated contrast agent (dilution: 3g/cc). The patient wore a napkin and was seated on the table, except for those who could not hold the position and were thus examined supine. Twenty-second helical scans were performed at rest and during evacuation; multiplanar reconstructions were obtained especially on the sagittal plane for comparison with conventional defecographic images. Coronal Helical CT defecography images permitted to map the perineal floor muscles, while sagittal reconstructions provided information on the ampulla and the levator ani. To conclude, Helical CT defecography performed well in study of pelvic floor disorders and can follow conventional defecography especially in questionable cases. [Italian] Scopo di questo lavoro e' ricercare un ruolo per la defeco-TC con apparecchiatura elicoidale nello studio delle malattie del pavimento pelvico confrontandola con i risultati consolidati della defecografia tradizionale. Si sono visionati 90 pazienti, 62 femmine e 28 maschi, con eta' compresa tra 24 e 82 anni, con defecografia tradizionale; di questi, 18 casi con diagnosi dubbia sono stati studiati anche con defeco-TC spirale

  7. Alteraciones estructurales de la glándula tiroidea tras la radioterapia Structural alterations of thyroid gland after radiotherapy

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    Caridad Verdecia Cañizares


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. El objetivo de la presente publicación fue comunicar los casos detectados en nuestro estudio de anomalías estructurales de la glándula tiroidea en pacientes que recibieron radioterapia para el tratamiento de tumores malignos de cabeza y cuello. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal para determinar la prevalencia de alteraciones estructurales de la glándula tiroides en 43 pacientes sobrevivientes de tumores malignos de cabeza y cuello, que habían recibido radioterapia y que fueron atendidos en los Hospitales Pediátricos Docentes «William Soler» y «Juan Manuel Márquez» en un período de 10 años (1990 a 2000. RESULTADOS. La alteración estructural de la glándula tiroides más frecuente fue la fibrosis glandular (18,5 %, seguida del adenoma tiroideo y de quistes simples de la glándula (11,1 % respectivamente. Hubo 2 casos de carcinoma diferenciado de la glándula tiroides (7,4 % y uno de lesión mixta adenofolicular (3,7 %. La citología aspirativa con aguja fina permitió la detección de la mayoría de estas lesiones y posibilitó, guiada por ecografía, la detección de lesiones intraparenquimatosas de la glándula. El tratamiento de las alteraciones encontradas fue quirúrgico y se practicó tiroidectomía total a los dos pacientes con carcinoma diferenciado de la glándula tiroides, tiroidectomía subtotal a los tres pacientes con quistes de la glándula y adenomas tiroideos. En los casos de fibrosis glandular se detectó hipofunción tiroidea concomitante, por tanto se administró tratamiento sustitutivo con levotiroxina. CONCLUSIONES. La citología aspirativa con aguja fina guiada mediante ecografía de la glándula tiroides permitió diagnosticar alteraciones estructurales no detectadas en el examen físico. La patología maligna más irradiada correspondió a los linfomas no Hodgkin. Cuanto mayor es la dosis de irradiación, mayor es la patología tiroidea.INTRODUCTION: The aim of

  8. Linfoma tiroideo en paciente con tiroiditis de Hashimoto


    Carmen Aravena G.; Daniela Aguayo Y.; Francisca Marín A.; Felipe Cayumil F.


    INTRODUCCIÓN: El linfoma tiroideo (LT) es una neoplasia infrecuente (menos del 1% de linfomas y menos del 2% de neoplasias tiroideas). Su incidencia es mayoritaria en mujeres, entre 60 y 75 años. La tiroiditis de Hashimoto es un importante factor de riesgo. El objetivo es destacar la importancia del estudio precoz del bocio rápidamente progresivo. PRESENTACIÓN DEL CASO: Hombre de 63 años, con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, tabaquismo crónico activo e hipotiroidismo por tiroiditis de H...

  9. Anticuerpos antitiroperoxidasa y antitransglutaminasa en familiares de primer grado de personas con diabetes tipo 1 y su relación con algunas características clínicas, bioquímicas e inmunológicas Antithyroperoxidase and antitransglutaminase antibodies in first degree relatives of type 1 diabetes persons and its relation to some clinical, biochemical and immunological features


    Levi González Rivero; Eduardo Cabrera Rode; Silvia Elena Turcios Tristá; José Armando Galván Cabrera; Julio César Rodríguez González; Tania Espinosa Reyes; Pedro González Fernández; Manuel Vera González; Celeste Arranz Calzado; Oscar Díaz Horta


    INTRODUCCIÓN: los anticuerpos antitiroperoxidasa (AcTPO) y antitransglutaminasa (ATGt) son útiles marcadores de enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune y enfermedad celíaca, respectivamente. Su presencia en familiares de primer grado de personas con diabetes tipo 1 no se ha descrito en Cuba. OBJETIVO: determinar las frecuencias de los AcTPO y ATGt en familiares de primer grado de personas con diabetes tipo 1 y su relación con algunas características clínicas, bioquímicas e inmunológicas. MÉTODOS: en u...


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    José Escribano-Serrano


    Full Text Available Fundamento: El hipotiroidismo es la condición más común ligada a un déficit hormonal. A pesar de ello existe una escasez de datos en España sobre su su prevalencia. El objetivo fue estimar la prevalencia en Andalucía a través del registro de pacientes que consumieron hormona tiroidea durante el año 2014. Método: Se recuperaron los datos de las personas que habían retirado de la farmacia levotiroxina con cargo al sistema público durante 2014 de la base de datos del Servicio Andaluz de Salud. Se calcularon las prevalencias con sus intervalos de confianza del 95% para cada Área de Gestión, estratificadas por sexo y grupos etarios. Resultados: Se identificaron 321.368 personas (98% mayores de 18 años y 83% mujeres consumidoras de levotiroxina y se estimó una prevalencia de hipotiroidismo del 3,95% (IC95%: 3,943,96 para población general. La condición era más común en la mujer, en mayores de 18 años un 7,81% (IC95 7,80 a 7,82 comparada con el hombre 1,75% (IC95 1,73 a 1,77 con una razón de 4,5. Aumenta en la población de mujeres mayores de 45 años, 10,32% (IC95 10,30 a 10,32 y más en las mayores de 60 años 11,37% (IC95%: 11,35 a 11,40. La prevalencia en mujer adulta de las provincias occidentales fue 7,38% (IC95%: 7,36-7,40, en las orientales de 8,59% (IC95%: 8,57-8,62 y en las áreas costeras fue de 6,70% (IC95%: 6,68-6,72 frente a las montañosas que fue 8,91% (IC95%: 8,88-8,94. Conclusión: Los resultados indican una elevada prevalencia de hipotiroidismo en la población adulta de Andalucía, con un claro predominio de la mujer y un incremento con la edad. Además, la prevalencia de la enfermedad también presenta una importante variabilidad geográfica.

  11. Punción aspiración con aguja fina de nódulos tiroideos

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    Iván Pimienta Concepción


    Full Text Available La punción aspirativa con aguja fina es una técnica muy habitual en las últimas décadas, que interpretada por un citólogo experto proporciona una información muy valiosa, se basa en un método simple, mínimamente invasivo y preciso para diagnosticar masas superficiales tales como los nódulos tiroideos; definidos por la Asociación Tiroidea Americana como discretas lesiones dentro de la glándula tiroidea imagenológicamente distintas del parénquima tiroideo. En los nódulos fríos indica si la citología es benigna, dudosa o maligna, con escasas probabilidades de error. En los carcinomas papilares su fiabilidad se acerca al 100% e igualmente en los carcinomas anaplásicos y carcinomas medulares; no así en los adenomas foliculares que son indiferenciables de los carcinomas, por lo cual el diagnóstico de proliferación folicular no es definitivo hasta después de la cirugía cuando esté el informe histopatológico de la biopsia por parafina, que sí es concluyente. En esta revisión bibliográfica se abordan los referentes teóricos más actuales sobre la importancia de la punción aspiración con aguja fina en el estudio de las lesiones nodulares de la glándula tiroides, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, si se tiene en cuenta la tendencia al incremento del cáncer de tiroides en el Ecuador.

  12. Anticuerpos antitiroperoxidasa y antitransglutaminasa en familiares de primer grado de personas con diabetes tipo 1 y su relación con algunas características clínicas, bioquímicas e inmunológicas Antithyroperoxidase and antitransglutaminase antibodies in first degree relatives of type 1 diabetes persons and its relation to some clinical, biochemical and immunological features

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    Levi González Rivero


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: los anticuerpos antitiroperoxidasa (AcTPO y antitransglutaminasa (ATGt son útiles marcadores de enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune y enfermedad celíaca, respectivamente. Su presencia en familiares de primer grado de personas con diabetes tipo 1 no se ha descrito en Cuba. OBJETIVO: determinar las frecuencias de los AcTPO y ATGt en familiares de primer grado de personas con diabetes tipo 1 y su relación con algunas características clínicas, bioquímicas e inmunológicas. MÉTODOS: en un grupo de 285 sujetos se realizó la medición del AcTPO y en 262 individuos la de ATGt. Se incluyeron casos entre los 2 y 65 años de edad. Se registraron datos sobre edad, sexo, color de la piel, antecedentes personales, historia familiar de obesidad, diabetes tipo 2, enfermedad tiroidea y enfermedad celíaca. Se interrogaron síntomas y exploraron signos clínicos de enfermedad celíaca y enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune. Se determinó glucemia, insulinemia, AcTPO, ATGt y autoanticuerpos asociados a diabetes tipo 1 (AGAD y AIA-2, así como la resistencia a la insulina mediante el índice HOMA-IR. RESULTADOS: las frecuencias de AcTPO y ATGt positivos fueron 5,3 y 1,9 %, respectivamente. La historia familiar de enfermedad tiroidea, el temblor muscular fino y el exoftalmos se relacionaron con la presencia de AcTPO. Malabsorción intestinal, diarrea persistente, dolor abdominal recurrente y antecedente personal de hepatopatía se asociaron con la presencia de ATGt. Se encontró asociación entre los ATGt y el AIA-2. La resistencia a la insulina no se asoció con la presencia de AcTPO ni de ATGt. CONCLUSIONES: en los familiares de primer grado de personas con diabetes tipo 1 las frecuencias de AcTPO y ATGt son bajas. Algunos antecedentes, síntomas y signos vinculados con enfermedad celíaca y enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune pueden ser indicadores prácticos previos a la indicación de estos autoanticuerpos.INTRODUCTION: the antithyroperoxidase (TPOAb and

  13. De la tiroidectomía a la tiroidectomía costo-efectiva. El concepto de minimalismo en cirugía tiroidea

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    Álvaro Sanabria


    Full Text Available La tiroidectomía constituye el procedimiento endocrino y la cirugía cervical más frecuente que realizan los cirujanos generales. Desde hace varios años, se ha evaluado la utilidad de muchos de los pasos que se realizan durante el procedimiento quirúrgico. El uso u omisión de cada uno de ellos puede aumentar o disminuir la efectividad y los costos del procedimiento global. En ese sentido, si fuera posible mantener los altos estándares de resultados del procedimiento quirúrgico, eliminado el uso de recursos que no han demostrado efectividad, sería posible lograr un impacto importante sobre la atención y distribuir mejor los recursos en otras intervenciones. El presente manuscrito muestra el proceso llevado a cabo por el autor desde hace más de 10 años, con el fin de depurar la intervención de la tiroidectomía en términos de emplear solo los pasos que se muestren efectivos, costo-efectivos y que puedan ser aplicables al contexto del sistema de salud colombiano, buscando un uso racional de los recursos quirúrgicos y una mayor calidad del servicio médico para el paciente y la familia, esto con el ánimo de desarrollar el concepto de cirugía tiroidea minimalista.

  14. Tratamiento de la tiroiditis de Riedel con triamcinolona

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    Germán Brito Sosa

    Full Text Available Se presenta el primer paciente con una tiroiditis de Riedel que se le aplica un tratamiento alternativo con triamcinolona creado por el profesor Juan Gualberto Vivó Núñez. Es el caso de una mujer de 48 años de edad, que acude al cuerpo de guardia por aumento de volumen de la región anterior del cuello y referir ligera disfagia. Tiene antecedente inicialmente de hipertiroidismo, a los 9 años comenzó con hipotiroidismo y hace aproximadamente un año se le diagnosticó una tiroiditis de Hashimoto, con seguimiento por endocrinología. La ecografía del tiroides muestra un aumento marcado de la glándula tiroidea y las imágenes de la biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina (BAAF son compatibles con una tiroiditis de Hashimoto. Con estos resultados se decide intervenirla quirúrgicamente eliminando así los signos compresivos. La biopsia postoperatoria describe una tiroiditis de Riedel. Por el gran tamaño de los lóbulos tiroideos, se le infiltra triamcinolona 1/2 cc en cada lóbulo, una vez al mes durante cuatro meses; logrando reducir aproximadamente el 50 % de los lóbulos tiroideos. Por lo que se puede apreciar los resultados obtenidos con el uso de la triamcinolona.

  15. Enfermedad tiroidea subclínica: revisión y enfoque clínico

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    Dr. G. Claudio Liberman


    Full Text Available La enfermedad tiroidea subclínica (ETS es una condición asintomática de alta prevalencia que incluye el hipertiroidismo subclínico (HiperSC y el hipotiroidismo subclínico (HipoSC. Ambas formas no tienen síntomas ni signos específicos y solamente pueden ser detectados mediante exámenes hormonales. Las causas más frecuentes de HiperSC son la enfermedad de Graves y el bocio multinodular. De HipoSC la causa más frecuente es la tiroiditis crónica autoinmune (enfermedad de Hashimoto. El criterio diagnóstico para HiperSC es TSH sérica de ≤0.4 mU/L y valores normales deT4 total o libre. El criterio diagnóstico para HipoSC es TSH sérica de 4.5-10mU/L junto con valores normales de T4 total o libre. Ambas se consideran más severas cuando los valores de TSH se alejan del valor normal: 10mU/L en HipoSC. En la ETS las alteraciones cardiovasculares son frecuentes, pero de distinta índole, así en el HiperSC hay mayor riesgo de arritmias supraventriculares mientras en el HipoSC hay un riesgo aumentado de dislipidemia y ateroesclerosis. En este artículo se analizan los aspectos diagnósticos de la ETS, sus complicaciones y se propone un plan de manejo desde una perspectiva clínica.

  16. Aterosclerosis subclínica y perfil metabólico en mujeres asintomáticas de edad media, con TSH ≥ 2,5 uUI/mL

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    Rosa M. Pando-Álvarez


    Full Text Available El hipotiroidismo subclínico puede contribuir al desarrollo de patologías cardiovasculares y se ha demostrado que a partir de niveles de TSH >2,5uUI/mL se desarrolla disfunción endotelial. Objetivos: Determinar el grosor de la íntima media carotídea (GIMC, la presencia de placas en carótidas y el perfil metabólico en mujeres de edad media asintomáticas con TSH ≥2,5 uUI/mL y compararlas con aquellas con niveles <2,5 uUI/mL. Diseño: Estudio transversal y analítico. Lugar: Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo e Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Mujeres sin historia de enfermedad tiroidea, cardiovascular o diabetes. Intervenciones: En 60 mujeres sin historia de enfermedad tiroidea, cardiovascular o diabetes, con edad promedio de 53,8 ± 5,8 años, se determinó la tirotropina (TSH, colesterol total (CT, colesterol de densidad alta (HDL, triglicéridos (Tg, glucosa (G basal y a los 120 minutos (TTGO, insulina basal (Ins-B; se calculó las fracciones de colesterol de densidad baja (LDL, el nivel de insulinorresistencia (HOMA-IR, la presión arterial, perímetro de cintura abdominal, el índice de masa corporal (IMC y el GIMC mediante ecoDoppler. Principales medidas de resultados: TSH ≥2,5 uUI/mL, perfil metabólico y su relación con GIMC. Resultados: El 38,3% presentó TSH ≥2,5 y 61,7% TSH <2,5 uUI/mL. El 56% de mujeres con TSH ≥2,5 y 65% con TSH <2,5 uUI/ml fueron hipertensas, sin diferencia estadística. El perfil lipídico, G basal, Ins-B e índice HOMA-IR fueron semejantes en ambos grupos. Se observó niveles significativamente más altos del IMC, G a los 120 minutos, el GIMC en carótida izquierda y el mayor entre ambas carótidas en las mujeres con TSH ≥2,5 uUI/mL (p=0,03, p=0,01, p=0,008 y p=0,02, respectivamente. La presencia de placas en la carótida izquierda y en al menos una de las carótidas fue significativamente más frecuente entre aquellas con

  17. Prevalencia de TSH neonatal elevada y factores perinatales relacionados con asfixia Bogotá 2012


    Sánchez Moreno, Edwin Alexander; Rojas Ávila, Camilo Eduardo


    Introducción: la asfixia perinatal es la tercera causa de muerte en menores de 5 años. Las secuelas neurológicas suponen una carga importante para las familias y los sistemas de salud (1). Los estudios que relacionan el efecto de la asfixia perinatal sobre las hormonas tiroideas son escasos. El estudio sobre predictores de asfixia es un tema de investigación permanente. El objetivo principal fue determinar la prevalencia de TSH de cordón elevada y su relación con factores perinatales asociado...

  18. Calidad del hueso en mujeres de edad mediana con hipertiroidismo subclínico farmacológico Bone quality in middle age women presenting with pharmacological subclinical hyperthyroidism

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    Daysi Antonia Navarro Despaigne


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: las hormonas tiroideas en niveles suprafisiológicos y el hipoestrinismo son factores que pueden inducir baja masa ósea. OBJETIVO: determinar la calidad de hueso en mujeres en etapa de climaterio que reciben tratamiento con dosis supresivas con hormonas tiroideas. MÉTODOS: estudio de casos y controles realizado entre marzo de 2006 y diciembre de 2008. Incluye 113 mujeres con edades entre 40-59 años que asisten a la consulta externa de los Institutos Nacionales de Endocrinología y Oncología y Radiobiología, de ellas 43 recibían tratamiento con hormonas tiroideas (grupo estudio y 70 no (grupo control. Mediante absorciometría dual de rayos x de columna lumbar y antebrazo, se precisó la densidad mineral ósea en g/cm² y el puntaje T, a fin de identificar la presencia de osteopenia o baja masa ósea y osteoporosis. RESULTADOS: la densidad mineral ósea de columna lumbar y antebrazo fue de 0,9229 vs. 0,8856 (p>0,05 y de 0,536 vs. 0,6226 (p0,05 entre grupos. CONCLUSIONES: el uso de hormonas tiroideas en dosis supresiva disminuyó el contenido mineral óseo del antebrazo, sin incrementar el riesgo de fractura.INTRODUCTION: thyroid hormones at supraphysiological levels and the hypothyroidism are factors that may to induce a low bone mass. OBJETIVE: to determine the bone quality in climacteric women under treatment with suppressive doses with thyroid hormones. METHODS: the case-control study conducted between March, 2006 and December, 2008 includes 113 women aged 40-59 seen in external consultation of National Institutes of Endocrinology, Oncology and Radiobiology where 43 of them were under treatment with thyroid hormones (study group and 70 not (control group. Using dual beam absorptiometry of lumbar spine and the forearm, it was possible to determine the bone mineral density in g/cm² and the T pointing to identify the presence of osteopenia or a low bone mass and osteoporosis. RESULTS: the bone mineral density of lumbar spine

  19. Noncardiac findings on cardiac CT part I: Pros and cons.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Killeen, Ronan P


    Cardiac computed tomography (CT) has evolved into an effective imaging technique for the evaluation of coronary artery disease in selected patients. Two distinct advantages over other noninvasive imaging modalities include its ability to evaluate directly the coronary arteries and to provide an opportunity to evaluate extracardiac structures, such as the lungs and mediastinum. Some centers reconstruct a small field of view (FOV) cropped around the heart, but a full FOV (from skin to skin in the irradiated area) is obtainable in the raw data of every scan so that clinically relevant noncardiac findings are identifiable. Debate in the scientific community has centered on the necessity for this large FOV evaluation. A review of noncardiac structures provides the opportunity to make alternative diagnoses that may account for the patient\\'s presentation or to detect important but clinically silent problems such as lung cancer. Critics argue that the yield of biopsy-proven cancers is low and that the follow-up of incidental noncardiac findings is expensive, resulting in increased radiation exposure and possibly unnecessary further testing. In this two-part review we outline the issues surrounding the concept of the noncardiac read looking for noncardiac findings on cardiac CT. Part I focuses on the pros and cons of the practice of identifying noncardiac findings on cardiac CT.

  20. Subclinical thyroid dysfunction in adult Costa Rican population


    Guevara Sánchez, Oscar; Holst Schumacher, Ileana; Boza Oreamuno, Sandra; Barrantes Santamaría, Mauro; Chinchilla Monge, Ricardo; Alvarado Ulate, Pablo


    Introducción. La disfunción tiroidea subclínica es un desorden común que puede representar la etapa temprana de una franca enfermedad tiroidea. Objetivo. Conocer la prevalencia de disfunción tiroidea subclínica en una población de adultos costarricenses. Diseño. Investigación de tipo transversal y descriptiva. Lugar. Área urbana de Costa Rica. Participantes. Adultos costarricenses de un área urbana de Costa Rica. Intervenciones. A 297 individuos de ambos géneros con edades entre 30 y 87 años ...

  1. Tiroiditis autoinmune inducida por interferón en pacientes con infección por virus de la hepatitis C. Interferon-induced autoimmune thyroiditis in a patient with hepatitis C virus infection

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    José L. Pinto


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de un varón de 43 años de edad, sin antecedentes patológicos de importancia, que acudió por elevación asintomática de la alanino aminotransferasa (ALT. El paciente negó ser bebedor crónico de alcohol. Se hizo el diagnóstico serológico de infección activa por hepatitis C y la biopsia de hígado reveló inflamación crónica activa. Con estos resultados, se inició tratamiento con interferón-alfa y ribavirina. Durante el tratamiento de 48 semanas, el paciente presentó anticuerpos antitiroideos positivos con variaciones en sus niveles de tirotropina (TSH y hormonas tiroideas. En el seguimiento postratamiento, el paciente continuó con hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves. La tiroiditis autoinmune es una complicación frecuente del uso de interferón en pacientes con hepatitis C. En algunos casos se presenta como hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves. Se debe evaluar la función tiroidea y los anticuerpos antitiroideos antes y durante el tratamiento con interferón.A 43 year old man presented with asymptomatic elevation of alanine aminotransferase (ALT and no relevant past history. The patient denied being a chronic alcohol drinker. Work-up revealed an active hepatitis C, and liver biopsy showed active inflammation. Treatment was started with interferon-alfa and ribavirin. During the 48 weeks of treatment, the patient developed positive thyroid antibodies with varying level of thyrotropin (TSH and thyroid hormones. At follow-up after treatment, the patient continued with hyperthyroidism due to Graves’ disease. Autoimmune thyroiditis is a common complication of using interferon in patients with hepatitis C. In some cases, it is presented as hyperthyroidism because of Graves’ disease. Thyroid function and thyroid antibodies should be evaluated before and during treatment with interferon.

  2. Estimación de la prevalencia de hipotiroidismo en España a partir del consumo de hormonas tiroideas (1996-1999

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    Morant Ginestar Consuelo


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Ante la escasez de datos acerca de la prevalencia de hipotiroidismo en España, se decide estimarla a través del consumo de su tratamiento específico, las hormonas tiroideas, utilizando la metodología de los estudios de utilización de medicamentos. Métodos: Cálculo de la Dosis Habitante Día (DHD de hormonas tiroideas (grupo terapéutico H03 de la Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical a través de la Dosis Diaria Definida (DDD, durante 1996 y 1999, en las distintas provincias de las Comunidades Autónomas de todo el territorio nacional. Se han calculado los intervalos de confianza al 95 % para las prevalencias estimadas en las comunidades autónomas y en el territorio nacional, así como los incrementos porcentuales de 1999 respecto a 1996. Los datos de las prescripciones han sido facilitados por el Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Resultados: Se estima una prevalencia nacional de hipotiroidismo para 1996, de 3,19 casos por 1.000 habitantes y para 1999, de 4,33 casos por 1000 habitantes; el incremento porcentual es de 26,38 %. Los resultados de la DHD muestran diferencias en la prevalencia entre provincias: Guadalajara presenta las cifras más altas en los dos años estudiados(5,02 y 7,01 casos por 1.000 habitantes/día en 1996 y 1999 respectivamente y Melilla, las más bajas (1,07 y 1,60 casos por 1.000 habitantes/día. En todas las provincias y comunidades autónomas se ha producido un incremento de la DHD en el año 1999 respecto al 1996. El incremento menor fue para Asturias (9,62 % y el más alto para La Rioja (35,26 %. Conclusiones: Los 3,19 y 4,33 DDD por 1.000 habitantes/día en 1996 y 1999 respectivamente, pueden ser interpretados como la prevalencia de hipotiroidismo diagnosticado y tratado. Estas cifras se hallan en el intervalo determinado por otros estudios, aunque las comparaciones entre estudios de diferente metodología deben hacerse con extremada precaución. El incremento observado en el consumo podría explicarse m

  3. Estimación de la prevalencia de hipotiroidismo en españa a partir del consumo de hormonas tiroideas (1996-1999

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    Consuelo Morant Ginestar


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Ante la escasez de datos acerca de la prevalencia de hipotiroidismo en España, se decide estimarla a través del consumo de su tratamiento específico, las hormonas tiroideas, utilizando la metodología de los estudios de utilización de medicamentos. Métodos: Cálculo de la Dosis Habitante Día (DHD de hormonas tiroideas (grupo terapéutico H03 de la Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical a través de la Dosis Diaria Definida (DDD, durante 1996 y 1999, en las distintas provincias de las Comunidades Autónomas de todo el territorio nacional. Se han calculado los intervalos de confianza al 95 % para las prevalencias estimadas en las comunidades autónomas y en el territorio nacional, así como los incrementos porcentuales de 1999 respecto a 1996. Los datos de las prescripciones han sido facilitados por el Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Resultados: Se estima una prevalencia nacional de hipotiroidismo para 1996, de 3,19 casos por 1.000 habitantes y para 1999, de 4,33 casos por 1000 habitantes; el incremento porcentual es de 26,38 %. Los resultados de la DHD muestran diferencias en la prevalencia entre provincias: Guadalajara presenta las cifras más altas en los dos años estudiados(5,02 y 7,01 casos por 1.000 habitantes/ día en 1996 y 1999 respectivamente y Melilla, las más bajas (1,07 y 1,60 casos por 1.000 habitantes/día. En todas las provincias y comunidades autónomas se ha producido un incremento de la DHD en el año 1999 respecto al 1996. El incremento menor fue para Asturias (9,62 % y el más alto para La Rioja (35,26 %. Conclusiones: Los 3,19 y 4,33 DDD por 1.000 habitantes/ día en 1996 y 1999 respectivamente, pueden ser interpretados como la prevalencia de hipotiroidismo diagnosticado y tratado. Estas cifras se hallan en el intervalo determinado por otros estudios, aunque las comparaciones entre estudios de diferente metodología deben hacerse con extremada precaución. El incremento observado en el consumo podría explicarse

  4. Características clínicas, perfil hormonal y marcadores de autoinmunidad de pacientes con enfermedad de Graves.

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    Deysy Cieza Diaz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas, el perfil hormonal y los marcadores de autoinmunidad de pacientes con enfermedad de Graves (EG, atendidos en el servicio de endocrinología de un hospital general. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de pacientes con diagnóstico de EG atendidos en el servicio de endocrinología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia durante el año 2005. Los pacientes fueron identificados utilizando el Registro Diario de Atención y Otras Actividades del consultorio externo. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 12,0. Resultados: Se revisaron 111 historias clínicas. La edad promedio fue de 40,6 ± 14 años. El 71,2% eran mujeres. El 20,7% tenía antecedente familiar de otra enfermedad autoinmune. El tiempo de enfermedad promedio antes de la consulta fue 18,9 ± 30,4 meses. Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron: tremor, piel delgada, palpitaciones y baja de peso. El peso promedio de la glándula tiroides estimado por palpación fue 69 ± 27,5 gr, 38,7% presentaba exoftalmos y 18,9% mixedema pretibial. El perfil hormonal mostró TSH suprimida, T4 libre y T3 total elevados. El 86,7% de los casos tenía autoanticuerpos anti-peroxidasa tiroidea (anti-TPO positivo. En 95,5% el tratamiento incluyó el uso de tionamidas. El análisis bivariado mostró que las mujeres tuvieron antecedente familiar de enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune en mayor frecuencia que los varones (27,8 vs. 9,4% (p=0,04. Conclusión: La población estudiada con EG fueron con mayor frecuencia mujeres entre la tercera y sexta década de la vida. El peso estimado de la glándula tiroides fue tres veces lo normal, con alta frecuencia de oftalmopatía y mixedema. La mayoría tiene marcadores humorales de autoinmunidad y el tratamiento inicial se basa en el uso de tionamidas. (Rev Med Hered 2008; 19:152-157.

  5. Caracterización clínica y funcional en pacientes con diagnóstico inicial de tiroiditis de Hashimoto en el año 2007. Clinical and functional characterization in patients with initial diagnosis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis in 2007.

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    Marelys Yanes Quesada


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: la tiroiditis de Hashimoto constituye una afección tiroidea autoinmune de lenta evolución, y es la primera causa de hipotiroidismo con bocio en zonas con adecuada ingesta de yodo. OBJETIVO: identificar las características clínicas (edad, sexo, antecedentes patológicos familiares de enfermedad tiroidea y presencia de bocio, así como el estado de función tiroideo en el momento del diagnóstico de la tiroiditis de Hashimoto. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal con 41 pacientes con diagnóstico inicial de tiroiditis de Hashimoto durante el año 2007, a los cuales se les llenó un modelo de encuesta, y se les hizo examen físico del tiroides, así como dosificación de hormona estimulante del tiroides y tiroxina total. Los datos se analizaron utilizando el método porcentual y se expusieron en tablas. RESULTADOS: se obtuvo un predominio del sexo femenino con un 78 %, y según edad y sexo el grupo más frecuente ocurrió en las mujeres de 50 a 59 años con un 29,26 %. El 60,97 de los pacientes presentó antecedentes patológicos familiares de enfermedad tiroidea. Todos los pacientes presentaron bocio, y fue el más frecuente el grado 2, con un 60,97 %. El 58,53 de los pacientes estaba funcionalmente eutiroideo. CONCLUSIONES: la tiroiditis de Hashimoto fue más frecuente en el sexo femenino y en la quinta década de la vida, la presencia de antecedentes patológicos personales fue muy frecuente, y todos los pacientes presentaron bocio en el momento del diagnóstico, más frecuente de grado 2. La mayoría de los casos tuvo una función tiroidea normal.INTRODUCTION: Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune thyroid affection of slow evolution and it is the first cause of hypothyroidism with goiter in zones with an adequate ingestion of iodine. OBJECTIVE: to identify the clinical characteristics (age, sex, family pathological history of thyroid disease and presence of goiter, as well as the state of thyroid

  6. CT-Urography; Urografia CT

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    Dalla Palma, Ludovico; Grotto, Maurizio [Trieste Univ., Trieste (Italy). Dipartimento di scienze cliniche, morfologiche e tecnologiche, UCO di radiologia; Morra, Aldo [CRO, Aviano (Italy). Reparto di radiologia


    In this paper we present an overview of CT-Urography. With the advent of multislice CT scanners and the evolution of image processing methods this technique now affords optimal urographic images comparable to those obtained with conventional techniques. We describe the acquisition techniques and protocols used by the various authors. Effective radiation dose has conditioned the use of CT-Urography so that the tendency today is to reduce the number of scans by performing, after the non enhanced scan, a single contrast-enhanced scan comprising both the nephrographic and urographic phase. With the use of multislice CT the quality of the urogram improves with the number of slices. We illustrate a variety of processing techniques, multiplanar reconstruction (MPR), maximum (MIP) and average intensity projection (AIP) and volume rendering (VR) and present a series of upper urinary tract tumours testifying to the superiority of the AIP technique over MIP. We then review the results of comparative studies of CT-Urography with conventional urography in upper urinary tract diagnostics. Finally, we describe the advantages and limitations of CT-Urography. [Italian] Gli Autori presentano una panoramica sulla Urografia TC (Uro TC). L'avvento della TC multistrato e l'evoluzione delle tecniche di elaborazione consentono di ottenere dei quadri urografici ottimali comparativi con quelli convenzionali. Vengono ricordate le varie tecniche di acquisizione e i protocolli usati dai vari Autori. La dose effettiva di radiazioni ha rappresentato uno dei fattori condizionanti per cui oggi prevale l'orientamento di ridurre il numero di scansioni, considerando dopo la scansione senza mezzo di contrasto un'unica scansione contrasto grafica comprendente sia la fase nefrografica che quella urografica. Con l'uso della TC multistrato la qualita dell'urogramma migliora con l'aumento del numero degli strati. Vengono descritte le varie tecniche di elaborazione, la

  7. Aortic non communicating dissections. A study with helical CT; Studio dell'ematoma intramurale aortico. Aspetti con Tomografia Computerizzata spirale

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    Midiri, M.; Strada, A.; Stabile Ianora, A.A.; Rotondo, A.; Angelelli, G. [Bari Univ., Bari (Italy). Dipt. di Medicina Interna e Medicina Pubblica, Sez. di Diagnostica per Immagini; Scialpi, M. [Ospedale SS. Annunziata, Taranto (Italy); D' Agostino, D.; De Luca Tupputi Schinosa, L. [Bari Univ., Bari (Italy). Dipt. Emergenze Trapianto d' Organo, Sez. di Cardiochirurgia


    confused with aortic dissection. The imaging techniques (TEE, CT, MRI) have an important role in the final diagnosis of aortic hematoma. Presently Helical CT and MR angiography are the main tools in the early diagnosis of this condition before the development of complications. In this experience helical CT, before and after the administration of contrast material, was accurate in identifying the hematoma localization and extension. [Italian] Tale studio ha lo scopo di valutare con tecnica TC spirale gli aspetti semeiologici dell'ematoma intramurale dell'aorta e sottolineare il ruolo diagnostico decisivo di tale metodica nello studio di pazienti con quadro clinico acuto sospetto per dissezione aortica. E' stato condotto uno studio retrospettivo (dal 1995 al 1999) sulle immagini di 396 pazienti che avevano eseguito un esame TC in regime d'urgenza per sospetta dissezione aortica. Solo 18 pazienti (6 femmine, 12 maschi) presentavano aspetti tomodensitometrici caratteristici per ematoma intramurale aortico. Gli esami sono stati condotti tutti con TC spirale utilizzando i seguenti parametri: spessore dello strato 10 mm, image index 10, passo della spirale 1,5 mm, algoritmo standard con un minimo di 130 kV e 125 mA. Gli esami sono stati condotti prima e dopo iniezione di 130 ml di mdc in bolo rapido e ricercando i seguenti parametri: sede ed estensione longitudinale dell'ematoma spessore e densita' della parte aortica, presenza e localizzazione delle caclificazioni intimali, regolarita' del lume vero, presenza di emomediastino e/o emotorace. In tutti i 18 pazienti (8 di tipo A e 10 di tipo B) e' stato osservato ispessimento circoscritto parietale tipicamente iperdenso nelle scansioni di base e ipodenso in quelle dopo mdc. In 14/18 pazienti l'ispessimento assumeva disposizione eccentrica, in solo 4/18 era concentrico; in tutti i casi l'ispessimento e' risultato maggiore di 4 mm. In 18/18 pazienti sono state riscontrate

  8. Autoinmunidad tiroidea: Recuerdos personales (1957-1959

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    Efraim Otero Ruiz


    Full Text Available

    He creído importante transcribir estas reminiscencias, pues hacen parte del sudor y esfuerzo que muchos colombianos hemos brindado para contribuir con nuestro grano de arena a investigaciones que, en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, transformaron y dieron nueva luz al pensamiento inmunológico.

    Puede decirse que en la segunda mitad de la década de los años 5Os se vivió una de las épocas más excitantes en el Departamento de Medicina del Columbia- Presbyterian Medical Center (Presbyterian Hospital o PH en la calle 168 de la ciudad de Nueva York. El Director (Chairman del Departamento era el Profesor Robert F. Loeb, uno de los internistas más prestigiosos del mundo, coautor del texto de Medicina Interna de Cecil Loeb, la biblia médica para los no iniciados. Alrededor de él se congregaba -como podía observarse los martes en las Clínicas Endocrinas Combinadas, celebradas en el enorme torreón o anfiteatro que databa de comienzos del siglo- la élite del conocimiento médico y científico, personas que sacaban tiempo de sus investigaciones para dictar las diversas cátedras: Severo Ochoa -el Premio Nobel español, tan adusto como su nombre- en genética, -proveniente del New York Hospital que compartía con Presbyterian y con Bellevue el triunvirato de la medicina interna y las clínicas combinadas-; Sydney Werner y Ken Sterling (tiroides, Dana Atchley (electrolitos, cetoacidosis diabética y Seymour Lieberman (suprarrenales en endocrinología; Franklin Hanger en Hepatología; Beatrice Seegal en inmunología y transplantes; y, por supuesto, como profesores visitantes, Salomón Berson y Rosalyn Yalow (diabetes procedentes del Hospital de Veteranos del Bronx, sin contar con los innumerables profesores asistentes o visitantes, más jóvenes, que después brillarían con luz propia. Se asistía no sólo a la primera infancia de la nueva genética (nacida con la doble hélice de Watson y Crick en 1953 sino del atrevido concepto

  9. Tissue Metabolism of Tritium-Labelled Thyroid Hormones and Thyronine; Sur le Metabolisme Cellulaire d'Hormones Thyroiediennes Marquees par le Tritium; 0422 043a 0430 043d 0435 0432 044b 0439 043c 0414 ; Metabolismo de las Hormonas Tiroideas y de la Tironina Marcadas con {sup 3}H en los Tejidos

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    Roche, J.; Nunez, J.; Jacquemin, Cl. [Laboratoire de Biochimie Generale et Comparee, College de France, Paris (France)


    . La 3'-hydroxythyronine et la 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine dont la presence illustre la participation de processus d'o-hydroxylation dans le catabolisme des cycles. -3. Les acides thyroacetiques et p-hydroxyphenylacetique dont l'apparition repond au schema general de la degradation des acides a-amines. (author) [Spanish] La eliminacion de yodo de las hormonas tiroideas da origen a yoduros y a tironina (T{sub 0}) que el autor ha caracterizado en cortes de tejido o en un preparado de tiroxinodesyodasa. El autor aporta una prueba directa de este proceso: la 3, 5, 3'-triyodotironina y la 3, 3', 5'-triyodotironina, marcadas, respectivamente, en {alpha}, {beta} y en 3 con {sup 3}H conducen a la formacion de T{sub 0} y de otros compuestos en el rinon. La identificacion de la T{sub 0} como derivado natural de las hormonas tiroideas justificaba el estudio de su metabolismo en los tejidos; el autor incubo T{sub 0}, marcada en 3 y 5 con {sup 3}H, junto con cortes de rinon y de musculo. Por radiocromatografia con contador de centelleo liquido y por autorradiografia logro determinar: 1) Tirosina, cuya formacion constituye una prueba de la ruptura del puente difenileter de la T{sub 0}. 2) 3'-hydroxitironina y 3,4-dihidroxifenilalanina, compuestos cuya presencia indica que en el catabolismo de los cielos intervienen procesos de O-hidroxilacion. 3) Los acidos tiroacetico y p-hidroxifenilacetico, cuya aparicion concuerda con el esquema general de la degradacion de los a-aminoacidos. (author) [Russian] Obeziozhivanie shhitovidnyh gormonov vedet k obrazovaniju iodidov i tironina (T{sub 0}), harakternaja osobennost' kotoryh byla dostignuta na osnovanii tkanevyh razrezov ili prigotovlenija obeznozhennogo tiroksina. Privoditsja neposredst- vennoe dokazatel'stvo jetogo processa: 3,5 i 3's trehiodistym tironinom i 3. 3' i 5 s trehiodistym tironinom mechennyh sootvetstvenno i al'fa i beta luchami i 3 mechennogo tritiem, vedut, mezhdu prochim, k obrazovaniju v pochke tironina. Identifikacija

  10. Resúmenes de trabajos clínicos, VI Congreso AEXMUN

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    Carlos E. Peña


    Full Text Available Resúmentes de los siguientes trabajos: Criterios de muerte cerebral ; Simposio sobre enfermedades del músculo estriado. Avances recientes en enfermedadesmusculares ; Selección y estudio del candidato atrasplante cardíaco ; Histopatología de la polimiositis ; Estructura molecular y mecanismo de acciónde los receptores de hormonas esteroides ; Histopatología de las distrofias musculares ; Tiroideopatías en la vejez; Función tiroidea en pacientes eutiroideos con enfermedad no tiroidea "Síndrome del paciente eutiroideo" ; Hipertensión arterial y endotelio ; Hipertensión renovascular

  11. Exploración funcional de la Tiroides: Determinación del yodo proteico en la sangre

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    Adolfo Bisso


    Full Text Available Se estudió un total de 129 sujetos distribuídos en la forma siguiente: 39 de control; 19 con bocio coloide normofuncionante; 12 con hipotiroidismo; 26 con hipertiroidismo; 18 con obesidad; 3 gestantes, 10 con endocrinopatías diversas, y 2 con miastenia gravis. En todos se realizó la determinación de yodo proteico en sangre, y en la mayoría se determinaron el metabolismo basal y el colesterol en la sangre. Ocasionalmente se efectuó la determinación del metabolismo en somnolencia. 1.- En sujetos sin enfermedad funcional tiroidea, las cifras de yodo proteico varían entre 4.20 y 7. 10 mcgrs. por ciento, con un promedio de 5.47±:0.15 y D.S. de 0.89 ± 0.10. Puede aceptarse como límites normales entre 3.5. y 8 mcgrs. por ciento. Los obesos y los enfermos con bocio coloide normofuncionante dan resultados similares, mientras que los hipertiroideos arrojan cifras significativamente más altas, y los hipotiroideos tienen cifras significativamente más bajas. 2.- El resultado de la determinación del yodo proteico en la sangre, guarda estrecha relación con el diagnóstico clínico de actividad tiroidea, excepto en los casos de introducción exógena de yodo, sea hormonal o no. 3.- El metabolismo basal si bien en estudio de grupos es alto en el hipertiroidismo, normal en los casos de bocio coloide normofuncionante, y bajo en el hipotiroidismo y en la obesidad, tiene discrepancias muy grandes con el diagnóstico clínico en cada caso en particular, excepto en el hipotiroidismo. 4.- El colesterol en cada grupo, estuvo en promedio, dentro de límites normales, y en cada caso particular fué muy variable e independiente del estado funcional tiroideo. 5.- De los tres métodos de exploración funcional de la glándula tiroidea que se han utilizado, el único que ha demostrado tener valor en el diagnóstico individual, ha sido la determinación del yodo proteico, siempre que se excluyera la introducción de yodo del exterior.

  12. De la tiroidectomía a la tiroidectomía costo-efectiva. El concepto de minimalismo en cirugía tiroidea

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    Álvaro Sanabria


    Full Text Available La tiroidectomía constituye el procedimiento endocrino y la cirugía cervical más frecuente que realizan los cirujanos generales. Desde hace varios años, se ha evaluado la utilidad de muchos de los pasos que se realizan durante el procedimiento quirúrgico. El uso u omisión de cada uno de ellos puede aumentar o disminuir la efectividad y los costos del procedimiento global. En ese sentido, si fuera posible mantener los altos estándares de resultados del procedimiento quirúrgico, eliminado el uso de recursos que no han demostrado efectividad, sería posible lograr un impacto importante sobre la atención y distribuir mejor los recursos en otras intervenciones. El presente manuscrito muestra el proceso llevado a cabo por el autor desde hace más de 10 años, con el fin de depurar la intervención de la tiroidectomía en términos de emplear solo los pasos que se muestren efectivos, costo-efectivos y que puedan ser aplicables al contexto del sistema de salud colombiano, buscando un uso racional de los recursos quirúrgicos y una mayor calidad del servicio médico para el paciente y la familia, esto con el ánimo de desarrollar el concepto de cirugía tiroidea minimalista. From thyroidectomy to cost-effective thyroidectomy. The concept of minimalism in surgeryAbstractThyroidectomy is both the most frequent endocrine procedure and cervical surgery performed by general surgeons. The usefulness of many of the steps performed during the surgical procedure has been evaluated for several years. The use or omission of each of these steps may increase or decrease the effectiveness and costs of the overall procedure. In that regard, if the high standards of thyroidectomy results could be maintained when resources not proven to be effective are eliminated, that could have a significant impact on care and those resources could be directed to other interventions. The author of this paper describes the process undertaken by him for longer than 10 years, in

  13. Hipotiroidismo Congénito. Presentación de un caso.

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    Angela Belkys Brito García


    Full Text Available El hipotiroidismo congénito es el cuadro clínico resultante de una disminución de la actividad biológica de las hormonas tiroideas en los primeros años de vida, tiene una incidencia de 1/3000 a 1/4000 nacidos vivos. La expresividad clínica depende del grado de insuficiencia tiroidea, solo el 5% de los casos diagnosticados presentan manifestaciones clínicas al nacer, otros pacientes solamente pueden presentar niveles elevados de hormona estimulante del tiroides (TSH en suero, el tratamiento sustitutivo con hormonas tiroideas desde etapas tempranas facilita mejor evolución y pronóstico. Se describe el diagnóstico de un recién nacido masculino de 11 días de edad, con antecedentes prenatales de alto riesgo obstétrico por ser hijo de madre portadora de glomerulopatía por IgA , nacido de embarazo a término 41.3 sem de gestación , parto distócico, peso (3650 gramos, apgar 8/9, se realiza confirmatorio de TSH positivo, a los 11 días de nacido, por dichos antecedentes prenatales y manifestaciones clínicas, bioquímicas y radiológicas evidentes de hipotiroidismo congénito se confirma su diagnóstico y se impone tratamiento oportuno.

  14. Liver trauma from penetrating injuries. Miscellanea, personal series, clinical and CT findings; Traumi epatici da lesioni penetranti. Miscellanea, casistica personale, aspetti clinici e con Tomografia Computerizzata

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salzano, A.; Nocera, V. [Ospedale San Giovanni di Dio di Frattamaggiore, Servizio di Radiologia, Frattamaggiore, NA (Italy); De Rosa, A.; Vigliotti, A. [Azienda Sanitaria Locale NA1, Radiologia, Naples (Italy); Rossi, E.; Carbone, M.; Gatta, G. [Naples Univ. Federico 2., Naples (Italy). Ist. di Scienze Radiologiche; Vitale, L. [Ospedale di Sorrento, Servizio di Radiologia, Sorrento, NA (Italy)


    the extent and severity of damage, which permits to choose a conservative treatment in case of intraparenchymal hematomas and lacerocontusive foci without hemoperitoneum, which can be followed-up with physical and CT examinations. Moreover, Helical CT could provide the early diagnosis of active bleeding in the peritoneum and of focal bleeding in the liver, thus permitting prompt hepatorrraphy or targeted hepatectomy. A diaphragm injury suspected at CT should always prompt the surgeon to intervention, especially when hemothorax, lung base pneumothorax, large liver hematoma or tear of the liver dome are associated. Finally, subdiaphragmatic free gas indicates gut perforation associated with liver damage, in which case surgery is necessary too. [Italian] Le ferite penetranti del fegato sono dovute a molteplici cause, e occupano il secondo posto dopo i traumi chiusi epato-addominali. Scopo del lavoro e' di illustrare i vari quadri clinico-radiologici della nostra casistica personale, determinati da lesioni penetranti da armi da fuoco e da punta e taglio. Definire inoltre la modalita' di diagnosi, soprattutto in base ai segni TC del danno epatico e di lesioni associate, che condizionano in modo decisivo la terapia e l'approccio chirurgico o conservativo. Negli ultimi sette anni sono stati studiati retrospettivamente 31 casi (19 maschi e 12 femmine; eta' media 42 anni, compresa tra 18 e 73 anni), con lesioni penetranti del fegato, dovute prevalentemente a armi da fuoco (16 pazienti), a armi da punta e taglio (9 casi) e miscellanee in 6. L'esame TC dell'addome e' stato eseguito in emergenza e con tecnica angio-TC in tutti i pazienti. Nei casi di ferite con sospetto coinvolgimento toraco-addominale, la TC veniva iniziata dal medio-torace al fine di una valutazione accurata del diaframma, delle basi polmonari e per escludere lesioni pleuropolmonari associate. Nel 70% dei casi le ferite penetranti epatiche erano in relazione ad arma da fuoco

  15. Cáncer anaplásico de tiroides: Reporte de caso

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    Miguel Pinto-Valdivia


    Full Text Available Mujer de 40 años, sin antecedente de patología tiroidea, con historia de enfermedad de cuatro semanas caracterizado por baja de peso, aumento rápido del tamaño de la glándula tiroides y dolor óseo generalizado. El examen físico mostró bocio multinodular no doloroso con múltiples ganglios cervicales. Los análisis de laboratorio mostraron anemia y niveles elevados de transaminasas, fosfatasa alcalina y deshidrogenasa láctica. El perfil tiroideo fue normal y los anticuerpos antiperoxidasa tiroidea fueron negativos. La biopsia por aspiración mostró carcinoma de tiroides. Se realizó una tiroidectomía total con disección amplia de los ganglios del cuello y en el estudio de anatomía patológica resultó un carcinoma anaplásico de tiroides. La evolución de la paciente fue desfavorable, falleciendo por insuficiencia respiratoria, secundaria a embolismo pulmonar. El carcinoma anaplásico de tiroides es poco frecuente, pero tiene una alta mortalidad. Las metástasis a distancia están asociadas a mal pronóstico.

  16. La tiroides como modelo de mecanismos moleculares en enfermedades genéticas The thyroid as a model for molecular mechanisms in genetic diseases

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    Carina M. Rivolta


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades tiroideas constituyen una heterogénea colección de anormalidades asociadas a mutaciones en los genes responsables en el desarrollo de la tiroides: factor de transcripción tiroideo 1 (TTF-1, factor de transcripción tiroideo 2 (TTF-2 y PAX8, o en uno de los genes que codifican para las proteínas involucradas en la biosíntesis de hormonas tiroideas como tiroglobulina (TG, tiroperoxidasa (TPO, sistema de generación de peróxido de hidrógeno (DUOX2, cotransportdor de Na/I- (NIS, pendrina (PDS, TSH y receptor de TSH. El hipotiroidismo congénito ocurre con una prevalencia de 1 en 4.000 nacidos. Los pacientes con este síndrome pueden ser divididos en dos grupos: con hipotiroidismo congénito sin bocio (disembriogénesis o con bocio (dishormonogénesis. El grupo de disembriogénesis, que corresponde al 85% de los casos, resulta de ectopía, agenesia o hipoplasia. En una minoría de estos pacientes, el hipotiroidismo congénito está asociado con mutaciones en los genes TTF-1, TTF-2, PAX-8, TSH o TSHr. La presencia de bocio congénito (15% de los casos se ha asociado a mutaciones en los genes NIS, TG, TPO, DUOX2 o PDS. El hipotiroidismo congénito por dishormonogénesis es trasmitido en forma autonómica recesiva. Mutaciones somáticas en el TSHr han sido identificadas en adenomas tiroideos hiperfuncionantes. Otra enfermedad tiroidea bien establecida es la resistencia a hormonas tiroideas (RTH. Es un síndrome de reducida respuesta tisular a la acción hormonal causado por mutaciones localizadas en el gen del receptor b de hormonas tiroideas (TRb. Mutantes de TRb interfieren con la función del receptor normal por un mecanismo de dominancia negativa. En conclusión, la identificación de mutaciones en los genes de expresión tiroidea ha permitido un mayor entendimiento sobre la relación estructura-función de los mismos. La tiroides constituye un excelente modelo para el estudio molecular de las enfermedades gen

  17. Screenings of lung cancer with low dose spiral CT: results of a three year pilot study and design of the randomised controlled trial Italung-CT; Screening della neoplasia polmonare con TC spirale a bassa dose: risultati di uno studio pilota triennale e disegno dello studio clinico randomizzato Italung-CT

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    Picozzi, Giulia [Firenze Univ., Firenze (Italy). Radiodiagnostica I-Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Clinica; Paci, Enrico [Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Careggi, Firenze (Italy). Unita' di Epidemiologia Clinica e Descrittiva Centro per lo Studio e la Prevenzione Oncologica; Lopes Pegna, Andrea [Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Careggi, Firenze (Italy). U.O. Pneumologia] [and others


    Purpose: To report the results of a three-year observational pilot study of lung cancer screening with low dose computed tomography (CT) and to present the study design of a randomised clinical trial named as Italung CT. Materials and methods: Sixty (47 males and 13 females, mean age 64{+-}4.5 years) heavy smokers (at least 20 packs-year) underwent three low-dose spiral CT screening tests one year apart on a single slice or multislice CT scanner. Indeterminate nodules were managed according to the recommendations of the Early Lung Cancer Action Project. Results: Indeterminate nodules were observed in 33 (55%) of the subjects (60% at the baseline screening test, 24% at the first annual test and 16% at the second annual test). The size of the largest indeterminate nodule was <5mm in diameter in 20 subjects. 10 of whom showed the nodule at the baseline test. Forty-five subjects (75%) completed the first annual test and 42 (70%) the second annual test. One (1.6%) prevalent lung cancer (adenosquamous carcinoma) and one (2.2%) incident lung cancer (small cell cancer at the first annual examination) were observed, as well as pulmonary localisation of Hodgkin's lymphoma (at the second annual test). In addition, one subject underwent lung surgery for a chondromatous hamartoma. Conclusions: The results of the pilot study are substantially in line with those of other observational studies of greater sample size. This justifies optimism about the reliability of the results in the screened arm of the Italung Ct trial which hast just began. [Italian] Scopo: Riportare i risultati di uno studio pilota osservazionale di screening della neoplasia polmonare con TC a bassa dose della durata di tre anni e presentare il disegno dello studio clinico randomizzato Italung-CT. Materiale e metodi: Sessanta (47 uomini e 13 donne, eta' media 64{+-}4,5 anni) forti fumatori (almeno 20 pacchetti/anno) sono stati sottoposti ad un esame basale e a due controlli annuali con TC single o

  18. Comportamiento de la TSH y la T4 en una cohorte de pacientes con arritmia cardiaca tratados con amiodarona u otros antiarrítmicos Behavior of TSH and T4 in a cohort of patients with cardiac arrhythmia treated with amiodarone or other antiarrhythmics

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    Erwing A Vargas


    Full Text Available La amiodarona es uno de los antiarrítmicos de uso más extendido, pero de la misma forma es un medicamento con efectos adversos bien conocidos y a múltiples niveles; uno de los más importantes es el que se describe para el tejido tiroideo. Cerca de 80% de los pacientes que la toman de forma indefinida, presentarán algún efecto adverso; sin embargo, menos de 15% la suspenderán. En la glándula tiroides, los mecanismos de lesión se relacionan, por su semejanza estructural, con la levotiroxina, la liberación de altas concentraciones de yodo y la inducción de reactividad inmune, entre otras. No obstante, la mayoría de los pacientes permanece eutiroideos. Este estudio describe la variación de la función tiroidea a corto plazo, en 77 pacientes que recibieron diferentes tipos de antiarrítmicos, que no tenían factores de riesgo asociados a disfunción tiroidea, y que se reclutaron en el servicio de hospitalización. Se tomaron muestras de TSH al inicio y al cabo de tres meses de seguimiento. Se observaron niveles de TSH normales en 26% (43 pacientes y tendencia a valores más altos en el control al tercer mes en el grupo medicado con amiodarona. De manera adicional, se describió una proporción mayor de trastornos de la función de la glándula tiroides en la población masculina.Aminodarone is one of the most widespread used antiarrhythmics, but in the same way it is a medicine with well known side-effects at multiple levels; one of the most important ones is described for the thyroid tissue. Almost 80% of patients that receive it for an indefinite time will present an adverse effect; nevertheless, only less than 15% will discontinue it. Injury mechanisms are related, because of its structural similitude, to those of levothyroxine, with liberation of high iodine concentrations and induction of immune reactivity, among others. However, most patients remain in euthyrod state. This study describes thyroid function variation at short term in

  19. Bases moleculares del hipotiroidismo congénito


    Pinzón-Serrano, Estefanía; Morán-Barroso, Verónica; Coyote-Estrada, Ninel


    Las alteraciones endocrinológicas constituyen parte importante de la consulta pediátrica, la más frecuente es el hipotiroidismo congénito, grave problema de salud pública que requiere de diagnóstico neonatal. Los avances en el estudio molecular han permitido discernir las alteraciones en los procesos de organogénesis y hormonogénesis que lo producen. Se describen las principales alteraciones moleculares relacionadas con: diferenciación tiroidea, síntesis hormonal, hipotiroidismo central y con...

  20. Relación entre la pureza radioquímica del 123i-ioflupano y la captación extracraneal (tiroidea y parotídea

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    Lucía Díaz Platas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Estudiar el efecto de la pureza radioquímica (PR del 123I-Ioflupano, utilizado para realizar SPECT cerebral de transportadores de dopamina, sobre las imágenes obtenidas y evaluar la posible influencia de la extravasación durante su administración y del grado de afectación del paciente por el síndrome parkinsoniano sobre los resultados. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo en 39 pacientes. La PR del 123I-Ioflupano se determinó mediante cromatografía en capa fina. Se delimitaron las regiones de interés (ROI en zona aproximada de cerebro, parótidas y región cervical, obteniéndose la media de cuentas en cada región y las ratios de actividad tiroides/cerebro (RTC y parótidas/cerebro (RPC. Se propuso un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple con predictores cuantitativos y categóricos. Resultados: El modelo mostró correlación entre la PR y la RTC modificada por la presencia de extravasación, fue estadísticamente significativo (p<0,001 y predijo el 42,31% de la variabilidad de la RTC. La correlación entre PR y RPC no se modificó por ninguna de las variables propuestas. El modelo fue estadísticamente significativo (p<0,0176 y predijo el 12,3% de la variabilidad del RPC. Conclusiones: La capacidad predictiva del modelo para explicar la variabilidad de la RTC es aceptable y explica la repercusión negativa de la extravasación. Sin embargo, la capacidad para explicar la variabilidad de la RPC es baja y debe ser atribuida a variables no estudiadas. Una PR baja y la extravasación durante la administración del radiofármaco se traduce en mayor actividad extracraneal e implica peor calidad de imagen y mayor irradiación tiroidea.

  1. Treatment of solitary, autonomously-functioning, non-toxic thyroid nodules with I131 Adenema tiroideo autónomo no tóxico tratamiento con I131

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    Federico Uribe Londoño


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    Fifteen euthyroid patients (14 women and 1man with solitary autonomously functioning non-toxic thyroid nodules (AFTN were treated with high doses of I131 (mean 19.2 mCi. Diagnosis was made by I131 thyroid scan and triiodothyronine suppression test. The size of the nodule was determined by thyroid ecography both before and after treatment. Evaluation of thyroid function was performed clinically and by T3 T4 and TSH determinations before therapy and during follow.up. AII patients had complete suppression of the surrounding thyroid parenchyma. Two cases of hypothyroidism were found in the first two years of follow-up. We have no explanation for this fact since extranodular thyroid tissue was suppressed and the patients were receiving oral triiodothyronine during radioidine treatment. The nodules decreasedin size In 9 of 13 patients followed (average decrease 45% and disappeared in other 2. our findings suggest that solitary non-toxic AFTN should be treated with I131 particularly if complete suppression of the surrounding thyroid tissue is found. If complete disappearance of the nodule is considered desirable surgical removal must be performed.

    Se trataron 14 mujeres y un hombre, con adenomas tiroideos solitarios funcionalmente autónomos, no tóxicos, con I131 a una dosis promedio de 19.2 mCi. La gamagrafía tiroidea demostró hipercaptación del nódulo con supresión total del resto de la glándula. El tamaño del nódulo se determinó por medio de ecografía tiroidea antes y después del tratamiento, y su autonomía por la prueba de supresión con triyodotironina. El estado tiroideo se puso de presente clínicamente y por la medición de T3, T 4 y TSH en el plasma, antes de la terapia con el radiofármaco y durante la evolución postratamiento. En dos

  2. Enfermedad tiroidea autoimnune en pacientes con bocio y/o hipotiroidismo

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    Guido Lastra


    Full Text Available We studied the presence of antithyroid antibodies in subjects with slight to overt thyroid disfunction. Fifty nine subjects that showed goiter or TSH levels above 5.0 mU/L were included. The percentage of patients with positive anti Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies (anti TPO was 18.63%. From them, 90.9% exhibited goiter along with thyroid dysfunction, whereas only 9.1 % had goiter without thyroid disfunction. There was no patient without goiter that showed anti TPO levels above 100 mUl/ mL.We conclude that thyroid autoimmune disease is very prevalent among our patients, so it must be suspected in subjects with or without goiter, as well as in those with slight thyroid disfunction, because it could progress to overt hypothyroidism.

  3. Multiphasic helical CT of hepatocellular carcinoma. Evaluation after chemoembolization; Tomografia Computerizzata spirale multifasica dell'epatocarcinoma. Valutazione dopo chemioembolizzazione

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    Catalano, O.; Esposito, M.; Sandomenico, F.; Siani, A. [Ospedale S. Maria delle Grazie, Pozzuoli, NA (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Nunziata, A. [Ospedale S. Maria delle Grazie, Naples (Italy). Area di Diagnostica per Immagini


    The main purpose of this work is to report the personal experience with addition of contrast-enhanced multiphase helical CT to unenhanced CT (Lipiodol CT) in the evaluation of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated with chemoembolization and to analyze the present role of oily agent CT. It has been retrospectively reviewed the examinations of 42 consecutive patients submitted to global chemoembolization over a 2-year period. CT was performed 18-30 days after the treatment. The Lipiodol CT study was carried out with volume acquisitions. It has been considered as nodules all well-defined areas with dense oily agent uptake; uptake itself was classified as: 0=absent, I=lower than 10% of the tumor volume; II=lower than 50%, III=50%, IV=homogeneous. Contrast-enhanced helical CT was performed with the 2-phase technique in 28 patients and with the 3-phase technique in 14; it has been considered as nodules all well-defined and relatively homogeneous areas with hyper attenuation in the arterial phase and hypo-iso attenuation in the portal and/or delayed phase, or with hypo-iso attenuation in the arterial phase and in the portal and/or delayed phase. Lipiodol CT permitted to recognize 65 nodules (1-5/patient, mean 1.5), namely 15 grade I, 21 grade II, 20 grade III and 9 grade IV. Multiphase CT identified 6 additional nodules in 5 patients, 5 hyper vascular and 1 hypo vascular, and better assessed the correct morphology and volume of grade I nodules. Only 4 of 6 nodules missed on Lipiodol CT showed oily agent uptake after a new chemo embolization session. Moreover after retreatment, carried out in 6 of 9 patients with grade I uptake (11 nodules in all), it has been found persistence of the grade I pattern in 5 nodules, grade II in 5, and grade III in 1. Lipiodol CT may miss liver nodules and underestimate the volume of nodules with poor uptake. Though Lipiodol CT should still be considered slightly more sensitive than multiphase CT, in the general opinion this

  4. Pros and cons of organ shielding for CT imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samei, Ehsan


    With the increased importance of CT radiation dose to health care providers, patients and the general public, there is an increased responsibility to minimize patient dose effectively. Bismuth shields offer a simple strategy to reduce dose to certain anterior radiosensitive organs such as breasts and eyes. However, in order to reduce organ dose they must be used properly; improper use can lead to an actual increase in the patient dose. They also create a proportional increase in image noise in the section of the body adjacent to the shield and further reduce the quantitative precision of CT numbers. In addition, shielding can degrade the overall efficiency (by an order of approximately 10%) of the imaging process, reducing the theoretical image quality that can be expected from a certain level of patient dose. However, in spite of their significant disadvantages, there are certain clinical situations and practice considerations that provide qualified justification for their continued use. (orig.)

  5. CT scanning may adversely influence choice of surgery in paediatric ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    with a thyroid mass. Computed tomography (CT) revealed a lesion, missed by ultrasonography, which reversed the decision to perform con- servative thyroid surgery. The lesion proved to be non-neoplastic. CT may be a useful adjunct when ultrasound demonstrates a solitary lesion and conservative surgery is considered,.

  6. The role of 3D Helical CT in the reconstructive treatment of maxillofacial cancers; Tomografia Computerizzata spirale con elaborazioni tridimensionali di superficie nel trattamento ricostruttivo dei tumori maligni del massiccio facciale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Rosa, V.; Ziviello, M. [Ospedale Cardarelli, Servizio di Radiodiagnostica, Naples (Italy); Ionna, F.; Mozzillo, N. [Ospedale Cardarelli, Div. di Chirurgia B, Ist. Nazionale Tumori Fondazione G. Pascale, Naples (Italy); Parascandolo, S. [Ospedale Cardarelli, Div. di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, Naples (Italy)


    -ferrous metal of low atomic number that allows very clear CT and MR images to be obtained. Further Ti features are strength, biocompatibility and easy handling. 3D Helical CT scan has proven to be the most complete and accurate imaging technique for reconstructive plastic surgery with alloplastic material in advanced maxillofacial cancer, also considering the anatomic and functional complexity of his area. The prospect is provided to identify virtual 3D presurgical ablation planes. These may allow the surgeon to improve plastic reconstruction and shorten intervention time. [Italian] Scopo di questo articolo e' quello di analizzare il ruolo della TC spirale e i vantaggi delle ricostruzioni tridimensionali di superficie nella pianificazione e controllo degli interventi di chirurgia ricostruttiva plastica con materiale alloplastico nelle neoplasie maligne del massiccio facciale. Sono state eseguite dal 1996 al 1999 11 ricostruzioni plastiche dell'osso mascellare per neoplasie osteodestruenti il massiccio facciale utilizzando materiale alloplastico. Per la ricostruzione della parete anteriore dell'osso mascellare e del pavimento orbitario e' stata utlizzata una rete di titanio al 100% modulabile. Applicato nel cavo residuo dell'osso un otturatore siliconato sormontante una protesi acrilica con arcata dentaria per la ricostruzione del palato. In due casi utilizzato pericardio bovino modulato sulla soluzione di continuo. Tutti i pazienti sono stati studiati con TC spirale sia nella fase preoperatoria che entro il sesto mese dall'intervento chirurgico. Elaborate ricostruzioni tridimensionali della superficie (shaed surface display-SSD) con valori soglia compresi tra 425 e 630 UH ma con intervallo piu' stretto di finestra sui valori UH all'interfaccia osso/rete di titanio nei controlli del modellamento protesico. L'elaborazione tridimensionale della superificie sui dati ottenuti con acquisizione volumetrica ha fornito in tutti casi la fedele

  7. Estudio morfométrico sobre el desarrollo y evolución de las glándulas tiroides durante la metamorfosis de Bufo arenarum

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    Miranda, Leandro Andrés


    Full Text Available Se ha estudiado el desarrollo y la evolución de las glándulas tiroideas durante la morfogénesis de Bufo arenarum. Usando diferentes parámetros morfométricos, hemos relacionado el crecimiento y desarrollo larval con el desarrollo de las glándulas tiroideas. Se observó que la longitud total, el peso de las larvas, el volumen glandular tiroideo y el diámetro folicular, aumentan hasta el estadio XV (fin de la prometamorfosis, mientras que el número de folículos y la altura de las células foliculares tiroideas se incrementan hasta el estadio XVII (mitad del clímax metamórfico. Todos estos parámetros disminuyeron considerablemente durante el clímax metamórfico mientras que en animales postmetamórficos se observó un incremento en los valores registrados. En base a los resultados obtenidos concluimos que hay un período de síntesis y almacenamiento de hormonas tiroideas durante el crecimiento larval y un segundo período caracterizado por la liberación de hormonas tiroideas hacia el final de la prometamorfosis y durante el clímax metamórfico. We studied the development and evolution of thyroid glands during Bufo arenarum morphogenesis. Using different morphometric parameters we related larval growth and metamorphosis with thyroid glands development We observed that total length, larval weight, thyroid gland volume and follicle diameter increased until stage XV (end of prometamorphosis, meanwhile the number of follicles and follicle cell height increased until stage XVII (midclimax. All these parameters decreased during metamorphic climax and an increase was observed in postmetamorphic animals. Our results lead us to conclude that during larval growth there is a period of synthesis and store of thyroid hormones. There is a second period characterized by thyroid hormones release during the end of prometamorphosis and metamorphic climax.

  8. Enfermedad de Graves y cáncer de tiroides: Reporte de caso

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    Helard Manrique-Hurtado


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una mujer de 62 años con antecedente de cáncer de recto curado, con Enfermedad de Graves de reciente diagnóstico. El examen físico mostró un bocio difuso y presencia de un nódulo en el polo inferior del lóbulo derecho. El perfil tiroideo mostró un TSH suprimido y hormonas tiroideas aumentadas. Los anticuerpos antitiroideos fueron negativos. La ecografía de tiroides confirmó la presencia de un nódulo sólido en la tiroides y ganglios linfáticos aumentados de tamaño. La gammagrafía de tiroides mostró una glándula aumentada de tamaño, hipercaptadora, con presencia de un nódulo frío en el lóbulo derecho. El estudio histopatológico luego de la tiroidectomía total mostró cáncer papilar moderadamente diferenciado, con invasión local y metástasis ganglionares. La coexistencia de enfermedad de Graves y cáncer de tiroides ha sido reportada hasta en 9% de los pacientes. El tumor es más agresivo presentando metástasis a ganglios o a distancia. En general, se debería incluir a la ecografía tiroidea en la evaluación inicial de los pacientes con enfermedad de Graves, especialmente, en los que presentan nódulos tiroideos palpables. (Rev Med Hered 2011;22:34-37.

  9. Radiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism with a simplified dosimetric approach. Clinical results; Terapia radiometabolica dell'ipertiroidismo con approccio dosimetrico semplificato. Risultati clinici

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giovanella, L.; De Palma, D.; Ceriani, L.; Garancini, S. [Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria, Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi, Dipt. di Diagnostica per Immagini e Radioterapia, Unita' Operativa di Medicina Nucleare, Varese (Italy); Vanoli, P.; Tordiglione, M. [Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria, Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi, Unita' Operativa di Radioterapia, Varese (Italy); Tarolo, G. L. [Milan Univ., Milan (Italy). Cattedra di Medicina Nucleare, Ist. di Scienze Radiologiche


    euthyroid and 12 of 146% (8%) patients hyperthyroid. Two patients were immediately submitted to a new radioiodine administration. One year posttreatment 142 of 146 (97%) patients were euthyroid while only 4 of 146 (3%) patients showed TSH levels above the normal range. Only 2 of them required thyroxine treatment. The simplified dosimetric method illustrated in this paper is very effective in clinical practice because it permits to avoid resorting to sophisticated but also imprecise quantitative methods. Hypothyroidism should not be considered as a major collateral effect of radioiodine treatment, particularly in Graves' disease. In fact, the pathogenesis of the disease requires an ablative treatment with both surgery and radioiodine treatment and the control of hyperthyroidism and the prevention of relapse are the major clinical targets. Vice versa, hypothyroidism was very uncommon in uni- and multinodular toxic goiter when the dosimetric approach was applied. [Italian] In questo documento viene valutata l'efficacia clinica di un metodo dosimetrico semplificato per la determinazione dell'attivita' terapeutica di iodio-131 da somministrare per il trattamento con intento ablativo di pazienti ipertiroidei affetti da morbo di Graves-Basedow e da gozzo uni o multinodulare tossico. Sono stati arruolati 189 pazienti ipertiroidei sottoposti a ecografia e scintigrafia tiroidea con diagnosi di morbo di Graves-Basedow (43 pazienti), gozzo uninodulare tossico (57 pazienti) e multinodulare tossico (89 pazienti). In 28 pazienti sono stati riscontrati noduli tiroidei freddi di cui e' stata effettuata la citoagoaspirazione con esclusione di caratteri citologici di malignita' in tutti i casi. La terapia medica con farmaci tireostatici e' stata sospesa 5 giorni prima del trattamento radiometabolico e, se necessario, ripresa 15 giorni dopo. Tutti i pazienti sono stati sottoposti a studio della iodocaptazione e l'attivita' terapeutica e' stata

  10. Rabdomiolisis y miopatía como únicas manifestaciones de hipotiroidismo severo secundario a tiroiditis de Hashimoto Rhabdomyolysis and myopathy as the only manifestations of severe hypothyroidism secondary to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis


    Juan P. Brito; Juan P. Domecq; Gabriela Prutsky; Germán Málaga; Larry Young; Atil Y. Kargi


    La tiroiditis de Hashimoto constituye la causa más frecuente de hipotiroidismo en las regiones sin deficiencia de yodo, es más frecuente en mujeres y muchas veces tiene asociación familiar. Los síntomas y signos del hipotiroidismo son sistémicos y dependen de la duración e intensidad de la deficiencia de la hormona tiroidea. Las manifestaciones neuromusculares, son excepcionalmente los únicos signos clínicos. Se presenta el caso de un paciente joven con una miopatía severa con rabdomiolisis c...

  11. Formas de carbono orgánico en suelos con diferentes usos en el departamento del Magdalena (Colombia

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    Menjivar Flores Juan Carlos


    Full Text Available Las fracciones de materia orgánica del suelo (MOS lábiles y humificadas pueden ser afectadas por las prácticas de uso y manejo; sin embargo el impacto de estos cambios no se ha evaluado en suelos y ambientes tropicales. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los contenidos y algunas formas de carbono orgánico del suelo (COS en cinco zonas de clima cálido tropical (0 - 1110 m.s.n.m. del departamento del Magdalena (Colombia y el efecto que sobre ellas han tenido las prácticas asociadas a suelos cultivados con café (Coffea arabica, banano (Musa sp., palma africana (Elaeis guineensis y sábila (Aloe vera, comparados con suelos de bosques naturales. No se encontraron diferencias (P < 0.05 tanto entre zonas como entre usos del suelo, se presentaron valores medios a bajos de MOS en las zonas de estudio y contenidos de carbono total (Ct mayores en suelos de bosques que en suelos cultivados, así los suelos de bosques presentan una acumulación media de Ct de 42.4 mg/ha a 20 cm, frente a 33.8 mg/ha en los suelos cultivados, esto equivale a una pérdida media de Ct del 23% por efecto del manejo de los cultivos. En relación con el carbono extraíble con pirofosfato sódico altamente relacionado con las fracciones humificadas de la MOS (Cp se observaron valores muy bajos en los suelos cultivados y casi nulos en suelos de bosques; sin embargo estos últimos presentan mayor contenido de formas de carbono no-oxidables o estables (Cnox determinado por diferencia entre Ct - carbono oxidable (Cox. En el suelo cultivado con banano, el Ct corresponde en su totalidad a formas de Cox; mientras que en el suelo cultivado con palma africana las formas estables Cnox representaron 83% del carbono total.

  12. Formas de carbono orgánico en suelos con diferentes usos en el departamento del Magdalena (Colombia

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    José Rafael Vásquez-Polo


    Full Text Available Las fracciones de materia orgánica del suelo (MOS lábiles y humificadas pueden ser afectadas por las prácticas de uso y manejo; sin embargo el impacto de estos cambios no se ha evaluado en suelos y ambientes tropicales. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los contenidos y algunas formas de carbono orgánico del suelo (COS en cinco zonas de clima cálido tropical (0 - 1110 m.s.n.m. del departamento del Magdalena (Colombia y el efecto que sobre ellas han tenido las prácticas asociadas a suelos cultivados con café (Coffea arabica, banano (Musa sp., palma africana (Elaeis guineensis y sábila (Aloe vera, comparados con suelos de bosques naturales. No se encontraron diferencias (P < 0.05 tanto entre zonas como entre usos del suelo, se presentaron valores medios a bajos de MOS en las zonas de estudio y contenidos de carbono total (Ct mayores en suelos de bosques que en suelos cultivados, así los suelos de bosques presentan una acumulación media de Ct de 42.4 mg/ha a 20 cm, frente a 33.8 mg/ha en los suelos cultivados, esto equivale a una pérdida media de Ct del 23% por efecto del manejo de los cultivos. En relación con el carbono extraíble con pirofosfato sódico altamente relacionado con las fracciones humificadas de la MOS (Cp se observaron valores muy bajos en los suelos cultivados y casi nulos en suelos de bosques; sin embargo estos últimos presentan mayor contenido de formas de carbono no-oxidables o estables (Cnox determinado por diferencia entre Ct - carbono oxidable (Cox. En el suelo cultivado con banano, el Ct corresponde en su totalidad a formas de Cox; mientras que en el suelo cultivado con palma africana las formas estables Cnox representaron 83% del carbono total.

  13. Tratamiento de la Enfermedad de Graves con I131: Primeros casos en la Unidad de Endocrinología Pediátrica del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, Lima-Perú: Case Report.

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    Javier Ernesto SÁNCHEZ POVIS


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir la respuesta al tratamiento con I131 y sus complicaciones, en niños y adolescentes con enfermedad de Graves. Material y Métodos: Se estudiaron retrospectivamente las historias clínicas de los pacientes con diagnóstico de enfermedad de Graves y que recibieron tratamiento con I131 atendidos hasta 1999 en la Unidad de Endocrinología Pediátrica del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia. Se registraron datos demográficos, peso tiroideo, captación de yodo, dosis de I131 recibida y evolución clínica y de función tiroidea. Resultados: Se incluyeron 13 pacientes: 1 varón y 12 mujeres. El peso glandular promedio obtenido fue 47,56 +10,70 gramos. La dosis inicial calculada fue 3,92 + 0,95 mCi, con un total de 4,47 + 1,66 mCi y tiempo medio de seguimiento de 2,76 años. Diez pacientes recibieron 1 sola dosis, 2 pacientes dos dosis y un paciente tres dosis, remitiendo el 100%. Los pacientes que recibieron una sola dosis, mostraron remisión del cuadro en 13,13 semanas y el tiempo promedio de remisión de toda la muestra fue 24,62 semanas. La prevalencia de hipotiroidismo a los 6 meses de iniciado el tratamiento fue 66,66%, y 83,33% a las 257 semanas. Conclusión: I131 fue 100% eficaz en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Graves de los niños y adolescentes en esta pequeña serie de casos. (Rev Med Hered 2006;17:8-14.

  14. Mujer joven con hipertiroidismo asociado a insuficiencia tricuspídea grave Young woman with hyperthyroidism associated with severe tricuspid regurgitation

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    Ariel K. Saad


    Full Text Available Las manifestaciones cardiovasculares del hipertiroidismo son frecuentes, y en ocasiones dominan el cuadro clínico. Con frecuencia, la enfermedad se manifiesta por un estado circulatorio hiperdinámico, con disminución de la resistencia vascular periférica, aumento de la volemia y del volumen minuto cardíaco. La dilatación de las cavidades cardíacas con insuficiencia tricuspídea grave e insuficiencia cardíaca derecha sin hipertensión pulmonar constituye una forma inusual de presentación. Se presenta el caso de una joven paciente, portadora de enfermedad de Graves Basedow, sin antecedentes cardiovasculares, que evoluciona en el transcurso de un mes con edema de miembros inferiores, palpitaciones, diarrea, pérdida de peso y fiebre. Al examen clínico se evidencian taquicardia con pulso irregular, signos de insuficiencia cardíaca derecha acompañado de un intenso soplo regurgitante que aumentaba con la inspiración. Por radiografía de tórax y ecocardiograma se constata cardiomegalia e insuficiencia tricuspídea grave sin hipertensión pulmonar. El cuadro se resuelve en forma rápida luego del tratamiento con propranolol, corticoides y diuréticos, con reversión de la arritmia y franca mejoría de los signos y síntomas. Se analizan en forma breve los efectos de las hormonas tiroideas en el aparato cardiovascular y se postulan probables mecanismos fisiopatológicos de la insuficiencia cardíaca en el hipertiroidismo.Cardiovascular manifestations of hyperthyroidism are frequent and sometimes are relevant in the clinical picture. Usually an hyperdynamic circulatory state hallmarks the disease with low peripheral resistance, increased intravascular volume and cardiac output. However, right chamber dilatation with tricuspid valve regurgitation and cardiac failure are unusual. We present the case of a young woman with Graves-Basedow disease without cardiovascular history who complained about palpitations, peripheral edemas, weight loss and

  15. Monitoreo de DDI en la provincia de Corrientes (2005)


    Lapertosa, Silvia B; Ludman, Verónica C; Lecuna Hélice, L; Pécora, R; Bernatené, D; Sartorio, G; Niepomniszcze, H


    Un total de 610 alumnos de escolaridad primaria, de ambos sexos, fue estudiado en este monitoreo de bocio endémico en dos localidades de la provincia de Corrientes: Ciudad de Corrientes (292 niños) y Paso de la Patria (318 niños). La edad de los escolares osciló entre 6 y 15 años. La palpación tiroidea fue hecha por el conjunto de los médicos participantes. Sin embargo, con la finalidad de aunar criterios con lo realizado previamente (1-23), se tomó como única referencia la palpación de H.N.,...

  16. Radiation exposure in whole body CT screening. (United States)

    Suresh, Pamidighantam; Ratnam, S V; Rao, K V J


    Using a technology that "takes a look" at people's insides and promises early warnings of cancer, cardiac disease, and other abnormalities, clinics and medical imaging facilities nationwide are touting a new service for health conscious people: "Whole body CT screening" this typically involves scanning the body from the chin to below the hips with a form of x-ray imaging that produces cross-sectional images. In USA direct-to-consumer marketing of whole body CT is occurring today in many metropolitan areas. Free standing CT screening centres are being sited in shopping malls and other high density public areas, and these centres are being advertised in the electronic and print media. In this context the present article discussed the pros and cons of having such centres in India with the advent of multislice CT leading to fast scan times.

  17. CT Assessment of the axial deviation of the femoral and tibial prosthetic components in total knee arthroplasty; Valutazione con Tomografia Computerizzata della rotazione delle componenti femorale e tibiale nell'artroprotesi totale del ginocchio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rimondi, E.; Molinari, M.; Moio, A.; Busacca, M. [Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna (Italy). Servizio di Diagnostica per Immagini; Trentani, F.; Trentani, P.; Tigani, D. [Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna (Italy). VII Div.; Nigrosoli, M. [Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna (Italy). IV Div.


    components on frontal and axial planes. It was measured the orientation of the prosthetic components introducing a CT procedure which modifies the uniarticular with four scans introduced by Berger. The new method uses Berger's parameters and the CT study of both joints by means of Helical CT. With a single examination lasting less than 4 minutes and with the patient in a more confortable position, it can be obtained: (1) comparative and simultaneous assessment of the contralateral joint; (2) several scans to better define Berger's parameters and to accomplish measurement of the rotational deviation with higher precision and markedly decreasing the error margin. The analysis of the results confirms the international literature findings and especially the fundamental importance in positioning both prosthetic components within normal values, as emphasized by the relationship between the clinical symptoms and the rotational degree of the femoral and tibial prosthetic components. [Italian] Scopo di questo lavoro e' valutare mediante TC la rotazione delle componenti protesiche femorale e tibiale nella protesi del ginocchio. Da gennaio a luglio 1999 sono stati esaminati 17 pazienti, 10 maschi e 7 femmine, eta' media 66 anni (deviazione standard plus minus 4) operati di protesi totale del ginocchio. Sono stati esclusi tutti i soggetti con mobilizzazione delle componenti protesiche e con deviazioni gravi (uguali o superiore a 7) nel varismo o nel valgismo. Ogni paziente e' stato studiato con radiogrammi del ginocchio nell'ortostasi in due proiezioni completate da assiali della rotula e mediante TC. Rispetto alla metodica descritta da Berger la TC e' stata efettuata comparativamente con arti inferiori estesi scansioni perpendicolari all'asse meccanico del ginocchio, condotte dalla regione sovracondiloidea femorale al piano passante al di sotto delle estremita' distale della componente protesica tibiale. Su piani di scansione predefiniti

  18. Roentgen and X-ray computerized tomographic (CT) imaging of cysts in the maxilla

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahmatulla, M


    Two cysts in the maxilla were subjected to routine roentgen imaging followed by CT scanning. Roentgen investigation included periapical, occlusal, and panoramic views. CT imaging included axial and coronal scans. While roentgen views were adequate in establishing the diagnosis of the cystic lesions, CT scan was useful in understanding the precise antero-posterior expansion and depth of the lesion. Interpretation of CT scan of cystic jaw lesions without con-ventional radiographs can be misleading. Hence, the CT procedure may be used only as supplement to the routine radiographic investigations particularly in cystic lesions of the jaws. (author)

  19. Derrame pericárdico grave en un paciente con hipotiroidismo Severe pericardial effusion in a patient with hypothyroidism

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    María Norbelis Viamonte Tapia


    Full Text Available Se expone el caso clínico de un paciente de 40 años de edad, con aparente buena salud, atendido en el Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany" de Santiago de Cuba por presentar, desde hacía varios meses, dolor abdominal en epigastrio, no irradiado, asociado a molestia en la región anterior del tórax, dificultad para respirar, hinchazón en las piernas, decaimiento, somnolencia y dolores articulares, así como andar lento y disminución de la memoria, entre otros síntomas. Los resultados de los exámenes complementarios confirmaron que se trataba de un derrame pericárdico de causa hipotiroidea. Se indicó tratamiento sustitutivo con hormonas tiroideas (levotiroxina sódica. Evolucionó favorablemente y egresó de la institución hospitalaria, pero fue reevaluado a los 3 meses, observándose una mejoría significativa.The case of an apparently healthy 40 year-old patient is reported, who was attended in "Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany" Clinical Surgical Hospital of Santiago de Cuba to present with epigastric abdominal pain for several months, no irradiated and associated with discomfort in anterior chest, breathing difficulty, swelling of the legs, weakness, drowsiness and joint pains, as well as slow gait, impaired memory, and other symptoms. The results of additional tests confirmed a pericardial effusion of hypothyroid cause. A replacement therapy was administered with thyroid hormones (sodium levothyroxine. He made good progress and was discharged from the hospital, but he was reevaluated at 3 months and a significant improvement was observed.

  20. Coma mixedematoso Myxedema coma

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    Lisette Leal Curí


    Full Text Available El coma mixedematoso es la forma más severa y profunda del hipotiroidismo. Se presenta con mayor frecuencia en mujeres y ancianos. Entre los factores precipitantes se encuentran: la sepsis, la exposición al frío, los eventos agudos graves, el uso de anestésicos, sedantes o narcóticos, así como la descontinuación del tratamiento sustitutivo con hormonas tiroideas, entre otros. El diagnóstico clínico se realiza por la presencia de síntomas y signos característicos de un hipotiroidismo severo, con hipotermia y alteraciones de la conciencia. Apoyan este diagnóstico los hallazgos de laboratorio: hiponatremia, hipoxemia, hipercapnia, alteraciones hemoquímicas y el aumento de la tirotropina por la disminución de las hormonas tiroideas en el caso de la enfermedad primaria. El tratamiento se debe realizar en una unidad de cuidados intensivos, con monitorización, medidas de soporte respiratorio y cardiovascular, calentamiento corporal interno, hidratación, corrección de la hipotensión y de los trastornos electrolíticos. Se administrarán, además, glucocorticoides, antibióticos de amplio espectro y hormonas tiroideas. La evolución depende de la demora en el inicio del tratamiento, la edad, las comorbilidades, la hipotermia persistente y las complicaciones asociadas.Myxedema coma is the most severe and deepest form of hypothyroidism. It occurs more often in the women and the elderly. Among the unleashing factors found are sepsis, exposure to cold, acute severe events, use of anesthetic drugs, sedatives or narcotics as well as the interruption of the replacement treatment with thyroid hormones, among others. The clinical diagnosis is based on the presence of symptoms and signs that are characteristic of severe hypothyroidism, with hypothermia and altered consciousness. This diagnosis is also supported by the lab findings: hyponatremia, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, hemochemical alterations and the rise of thyrotropin due to the decrease of

  1. The paediatric suprasellar cistern as an important CT review area

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ful review of images by the radiologist is necessary to make accurate ... 1. Normal suprasellar cistern on con- trast-enhanced CT showing the char- acteristic ... Red Cross Children's Hospital .... diabetes insipidus preceding typical manifesta-.

  2. Enfermedad de Graves y cáncer de tiroides. Reporte de caso.


    Manrique-Hurtado, Helard; Pinto-Valdivia, Miguel; Acosta-Chacaltana, Max


    Se reporta el caso de una mujer de 62 años con antecedente de cáncer de recto curado, con Enfermedad de Graves de reciente diagnóstico. El examen físico mostró un bocio difuso y presencia de un nódulo en el polo inferior del lóbulo derecho. El perfil tiroideo mostró un TSH suprimido y hormonas tiroideas aumentadas. Los anticuerpos antitiroideos fueron negativos. La ecografía de tiroides confirmó la presencia de un nódulo sólido en la tiroides y ganglios linfáticos aumentados de tamaño. La gam...

  3. Prognostic value of semiquantification NP-59 SPECT/CT in primary aldosteronism patients after adrenalectomy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lu, Ching-Chu; Cheng, Mei-Fang; Tzen, Kai-Yuan; Yen, Ruoh-Fang [National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Taipei (China); Wu, Vin-Cent; Wu, Kwan-Dun [National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei (China); Liu, Kao-Lang [National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Department of Medical Imaging, Taipei (China); Lin, Wei-Chou [National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Taipei (China); Collaboration: the TAIPAI Study Group


    Primary aldosteronism (PA), characterized by an excessive production of aldosterone, affects 5-13 % of patients with hypertension. Accurate strategies are needed for the timely diagnosis of PA to allow curability and prevention of excessive cardiovascular events and related damage. This study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of semiquantification of {sup 131}I-6β-iodomethyl-norcholesterol (NP-59) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)/CT in differentiating aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) from idiopathic adrenal hyperplasia (IAH) and in predicting clinical outcomes after adrenalectomy. We retrospectively reviewed 49 PA patients who had undergone adrenalectomy after NP-59 SPECT/CT within 1 year. A conventional visual scale (VS) and two semiquantitative parameters generated from SPECT/CT, adrenal to liver ratio (ALR) and lesion to contralateral ratio of bilateral adrenal glands (CON), with cutoff values calculated by receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, were compared with pathology results and postsurgical outcomes to determine the accuracy. An ALR cutoff of 1.84 and a CON cutoff of 1.15 showed an ability to distinguish adenoma from hyperplasia similar to VS (p = 0.2592 and 0.1908, respectively). An ALR cutoff of 2.28 and a CON cutoff of 1.11 yielded the highest sensitivity and specificity to predict postsurgical outcomes, and an ALR of 2.28 had an ability superior to VS (p = 0.0215), while a CON of 1.11 did not (p = 0.1015). Patients with either ALR or CON greater than the cutoff had a high probability of positive postsurgical outcomes (n = 36/38), while patients with both ALR and CON less than the cutoff had a low probability of positive postsurgical outcomes (n = 2/11). Semiquantification of NP-59 scintigraphy has an ability similar to VS in differentiating APA from IAH, but an excellent ability to predict postsurgical outcomes of adrenalectomy. An ALR or CON greater than the cutoff strongly suggests benefits from adrenalectomy, and

  4. Prognostic value of semiquantification NP-59 SPECT/CT in primary aldosteronism patients after adrenalectomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu, Ching-Chu; Cheng, Mei-Fang; Tzen, Kai-Yuan; Yen, Ruoh-Fang; Wu, Vin-Cent; Wu, Kwan-Dun; Liu, Kao-Lang; Lin, Wei-Chou


    Primary aldosteronism (PA), characterized by an excessive production of aldosterone, affects 5-13 % of patients with hypertension. Accurate strategies are needed for the timely diagnosis of PA to allow curability and prevention of excessive cardiovascular events and related damage. This study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of semiquantification of 131 I-6β-iodomethyl-norcholesterol (NP-59) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)/CT in differentiating aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) from idiopathic adrenal hyperplasia (IAH) and in predicting clinical outcomes after adrenalectomy. We retrospectively reviewed 49 PA patients who had undergone adrenalectomy after NP-59 SPECT/CT within 1 year. A conventional visual scale (VS) and two semiquantitative parameters generated from SPECT/CT, adrenal to liver ratio (ALR) and lesion to contralateral ratio of bilateral adrenal glands (CON), with cutoff values calculated by receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, were compared with pathology results and postsurgical outcomes to determine the accuracy. An ALR cutoff of 1.84 and a CON cutoff of 1.15 showed an ability to distinguish adenoma from hyperplasia similar to VS (p = 0.2592 and 0.1908, respectively). An ALR cutoff of 2.28 and a CON cutoff of 1.11 yielded the highest sensitivity and specificity to predict postsurgical outcomes, and an ALR of 2.28 had an ability superior to VS (p = 0.0215), while a CON of 1.11 did not (p = 0.1015). Patients with either ALR or CON greater than the cutoff had a high probability of positive postsurgical outcomes (n = 36/38), while patients with both ALR and CON less than the cutoff had a low probability of positive postsurgical outcomes (n = 2/11). Semiquantification of NP-59 scintigraphy has an ability similar to VS in differentiating APA from IAH, but an excellent ability to predict postsurgical outcomes of adrenalectomy. An ALR or CON greater than the cutoff strongly suggests benefits from adrenalectomy, and both

  5. Vasculitis inducida por metimazol: Reporte de caso

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    Miguel Pinto


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una paciente con enfermedad de Graves, que presentó vasculitis asociada al uso de metimazol. Mujer de 14 años, que acudió a consulta por presentar intolerancia al calor, tremor distal y palpitaciones. El examen físico mostró bocio difuso, y el perfil tiroideo, TSH suprimida y hormonas tiroideas elevadas. Los anticuerpos antiperoxidasa tiroidea fueron positivos. Se inició tratamiento con metimazol y beta bloqueadores. Después de 20 días, la paciente regresó por presentar malestar general, fiebre, poliartralgia, lesiones cutáneas maculopapulares y edema de miembros inferiores. Los anticuerpos antinucleares fueron negativos y los anticuerpos anticitoplasma de los neutrófilos (ANCA, positivos. Se suspendió el metimazol y se inició prednisona. Después de 10 días de tratamiento, las molestias desaparecieron y la paciente recibió I 131.Las vasculitis asociadas al uso de tionamidas son poco frecuentes, no dependen de la dosis y están asociadas a la presencia de anticuerpos tipo ANCA. Clásicamente, afectan a los vasos pequeños de la piel; sin embargo, también pueden afectar los riñones y pulmones. El cuadro clínico se caracteriza por artralgias y mialgias. En algunos casos puede ocurrir insuficiencia renal de grado variable. En la mayoría de casos, el cuadro remite con la suspensión de la droga; pero, en algunos se requiere el uso de glucocorticoides o inmunosupresores.(Rev Med Hered 2011;22:147-150.

  6. Hiperplasia hipofisaria secundaria a hipotiroidismo primario

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    Oscar Castillo


    Full Text Available Paciente mujer de 15 años referida por diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo e hiperprolactinemia, con tratamiento irregular para ambas patologías, quien presentó pérdida de conocimiento en dos oportunidades, motivo por el cual se le indicó resonancia magnética (RM de cerebro, en la cual se evidenció imagen tumoral hipofisaria que desplazaba el quiasma óptico. Se le indicó tratamiento con levotiroxina 50 ug por 1 semana, luego 100 ug diario. Los controles hormonales posteriores mostraron normalización, la RM de control evidenció disminución de tamaño de la imagen tumoral en aproximadamente 3 mm, sin repercusión en las estructuras supraselares o paraselares, con mejoría de cuadro clínico luego del tratamiento de sustitución con hormona tiroidea.

  7. Initial thoracic involvement in lymphoma. CT assessment; Afectacion toracica inicial en el linfom. Valoracion con TC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bustos, A.; Corredoira, J.; Ferreiros, J.; Cabeza, B.; Jorquera, M.; Pedrosa, I.; Martinez, R.; Fernandez, C. [Hospital Clinico San Carlos. Madrid (Spain)


    To analyze the initial thoracic involvement by CT in a consecutive series of patients with lymphoma. A retrospective analysis was made of thoracic CT studies made at the time of diagnosis of 259 patients with lymphoma. Mediastinal pulmonary, pleural, pericardial and chest wall involvement was assessed by CT. Of 259 patients (129 men y 130 women), 56 had Hodgkin's disease (HD) and 203 had non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Forty-two percent (42.5%, 110/259) of the patients had chest involvement on CT: 33 of 56 patients with HD (58.9%) and 77 of 203 patients with NHL (37.9%). All the patients with thoracic HD and 71.4% of patients with thoracic NHL, had mediastinal lymph node involvement. of the patients with thoracic involvement 12.1% (4/33) of the patient with HD and 23.3% (18/77) of the patients with NHL had pulmonary involvement. Thoracic involvement on CT was more frequent in HD. Mediastinal lymph node involvement was the most common finding fundamentally in HD. Pulmonary disease always occurred in the presence of mediastinal lymph node involvement in HD but could occur as an isolated finding in NHL. (Author) 24 refs.

  8. CtOS Enabler


    Crespo Cepeda, Rodrigo; El Yamri El Khatibi, Meriem; Carrera García, Juan Manuel


    Las Smart Cities son, indudablemente, el futuro próximo de la tecnología al que nos acercamos cada día, lo que se puede observar en la abundancia de dispositivos móviles entre la población, que informatizan la vida cotidiana mediante el uso de la geolocalización y la información. Pretendemos unir estos dos ámbitos con CtOS Enabler para crear un estándar de uso que englobe todos los sistemas de Smart Cities y facilite a los desarrolladores de dicho software la creación de nuevas herramientas. ...

  9. Cáncer de Tiroides: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo Thyroid carcinoma: A descriptive retrospective study

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    Carolina C. González


    Full Text Available Entre todos los tumores, el carcinoma tiroideo (CT es poco frecuente, se caracteriza por su lenta evolución y elevado porcentaje de curación. Nuestro objetivo es estudiar las características de los pacientes con CT. Analizamos retrospectivamente a 171 pacientes, edad media al diagnóstico 41.1( ± 14.6 años, que consultaron entre los años 2000-04 por CT. Se evaluaron datos de anamnesis, métodos de diagnóstico, anatomía patológica y evolución. Agrupamos a los tumores por el tamaño y según TNM (tumor-adenopatía-metástasis en estadios (E. La presencia de tiroglobulina estimulada (Tg > 2 ng/ml e imagen positiva (con 131I u otro radiotrazador fueron consideradas como positivas para CT residual. De la población total el 88% fue sexo femenino, el 62% menores de 45 años, y el 77.1% tuvo función tiroidea normal. La punción con aguja fina (PAAF fue diagnóstica en 78%. El 96% fue carcinoma papilar (CTP, 63% presentaban E I; 14% E II; 19% E III y 4% E IV. Se detectó CT residual en el 90% de los pacientes con Tg entre 2 y 10, y en el 100% con Tg > 10 ng/ml, mientras que con Tg The thyroid carcinoma (TC is not very frequent among all cancers. Its course is slow and is high potentially curable. Our aim was to analyse the characteristics in patients with TC. A retrospective analysis on 171 patients, with an average age of 41.1 (±14,6, who asked for TC to our service between the years 2000-04, was performed. From case histories it was evaluated: anamnesis, diagnostic image, histopathology and evolution. Tumours were grouped for size and TNM (tumour-nodule-metastasis in stages (S. A stimulated serum thyroglobulin level > 2 ng/ml and positive image with 131I or another nuclear marker were considered as positive for residual TC. In the totality of the analyzed patients 88% were female, 62% below 45 years old, and in 77% the thyroid function was normal. The fine needle aspiration (FNA was diagnostic in 78%. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC in 96

  10. Hipertiroidismo Hyperthyroidism

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    Adalberto Infante Amorós


    Full Text Available El hipertiroidismo se presenta con un cuadro clínico característico por la hiperproducción de hormonas tiroideas por el tiroides, y obedece a múltiples causas. Su forma clínica más frecuente es el bocio tóxico difuso o enfermedad de Graves Basedow. Es un síndrome caracterizado por manifestaciones de tirotoxicosis, bocio y manifestaciones extratiroideas, entre las que se encuentra la orbitopatía, que en ocasiones sigue un curso independiente de la enfermedad tiroidea. El interrogatorio, el examen físico y la determinación de hormonas tiroideas, son suficientes para confirmar el diagnóstico. Los pilares básicos del tratamiento, además de una adecuada orientación higiénico-dietética, son: el medicamentoso, el radioyodo y la cirugía, y su indicación debe ser individualizada para evitar la toma de conductas inadecuadas e innecesarias.Hyperthyroidism has a clinical picture characterized by overproduction of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland and is derived from a number of causes. The most frequent clinical presentation is toxic diffuse goiter or Graves Basedow's disease. It is a syndrome with thyrotoxicosis, goiter and extrathyroid manifestations such as orbitopathy that occasionally develops regardless of the thyroid disease. Questioning, physical exam and estimation of thyroid hormones are enough to confirm the diagnosis. In addition to adequate hygienic-dietary orientation, the basis pillars of the treatment are drugs, radioiodine and surgery, but indication of treatment should be personalized to avoid inadequate and unnecessary behaviors.

  11. Anticuerpos anti 21 hidroxilasa séricos en pacientes con anticuerpos antifracción microsomal: Síndrome poliendocrino autoinmune Seric 21- hydroxilase antibodies in patients with anti-microsomal fraction antibodies: Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome

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    Silvia Botta


    Full Text Available El síndrome poliendocrino autoinmune (SPA es la asociación de enfermedades endocrinas autoinmunes con otros desórdenes autoinmunes no endocrinos. Los tipos 1, 2 y 4 presentan adrenalitis autoinmune, esto indica la presencia de autoanticuerpos, y su marcador serológico específico es el anti 21 hidroxilasa (a21-OH. El SPA tipo 2 es la asociación de adrenalitis, enfermedad tiroidea y/o diabetes mellitus inducidas por autoanticuerpos. Como componentes menores, pueden estar asociados entre otros, vitiligo, alopecia y miastenia. Nuestros objetivos fueron: establecer la prevalencia de a21-OH séricos en pacientes con anticuerpos anti fracción microsomal (AFM positivos, enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune y/o afecciones endocrinas y no endocrinas autoinmunes; diagnosticar formas incompletas de SPA y estudiar individuos con probable riesgo de progresión a un SPA completo. Estudiamos 72 pacientes AFM positivos y 60 sujetos tomados como grupo control, AFM negativos. Hallamos a21-OH elevados en dos pacientes: A= 47 U/ml, hipotiroidismo autoinmune y miastenia; y B= 8.75 U/ml, hipotiroidismo autoinmune y vitiligo; ambos con ausencia de insuficiencia adrenal. La prevalencia de a21-OH encontrada fue del 2.8%. Las pacientes A y B corresponden a un SPA tipo 2 incompleto y latente en relación al componente adrenal. Considerando a los a21-OH marcadores de enfermedad autoinmune latente, el eventual riesgo de evolución hacia la afección clínica sugiere la necesidad de estrechos controles clínicos y bioquímicos periódicos.Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome (APS is the association of autoimmune endocrine diseases, with other autoimmune nonendocrine disorders. APS types 1, 2 and 4 include autoimmune adrenalitis; this suggests the presence of autoantibodies. A specific serological marker for these is the anti 21- hydroxilase autoantibody (a21-OH. APS type 2 is the association of autoimmune adrenalitis, to autoimmune thyroid disease and/or diabetes mellitus, all

  12. Abdominal adipose tissue distribution in obese children. US versus CT measurements; Valutazione della distribuzione del tessuto adiposo addominale nei bambini obesi. Confronto tra ecografia e Tomografia Computerizzata

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferrozzi, F.; Zuccoli, G.; Tognini, G.; Castriota-Scanderbeg, A.; Bacchini, E. [Parma Univ., Parma (Italy). Ist. di Scienze Radiologiche; Bernasconi, S. [Modena Univ., Modena (Italy). Clinica Pediatrica; Campani, R. [Pavia Univ., Pavia (Italy). Ist. di Radiologia


    Computed Tomography (CT) and, more recently, ultrasound (US), have proved excellent tools for quantifying adipose tissue distribution. Body fat distribution is an important factor in the treatment of obesity and its complications. In this work it is investigated the correlation between CT and US measurements in pediatric obesity. Forty obese children and adolescents aged 4.1-14.8 years were submitted to CT and US. Intra-abdominal, subcutaneous and total body fat were calculated (in cm{sup 2}), with the CT image analysis software. The rectus muscle-spine and rectus muscle-aorta distances, as indicative of visceral fat thickness, were measured on US images with(out) compression. The distance between skin fat and fat-rectus muscle interfaces was measured as subcutaneous fat thickness. US-CT findings have been compared with other morphometric variables-i.e., patient's (ideal) body weight and skin fold measures. A statistically significant correlation was found between the CT measurement of visceral fat and the aorta-rectus muscle and rectus muscle-spine distances (r=0.80 and 0.74, respectively). The US measurements of subcutaneous fat were correlated with CT subcutaneous fat area (r=0.82). No correlation was found between overweight, as calculated by body mass index, and CT or US fat. In conclusions, the findings indicate that US is as useful as CT in evaluating body fat distribution in pediatric obesity. [Italian] La TC e piu' recentemente l'ecografia si sono dimostrate eccellenti tecniche di valutazione della quantita' e della distribuzione del tessuto adiposo corporeo. La compartimentazione del grasso corporeo ha, infatti, importanti implicazioni per il trattamento dell'obesita' e delle sue complicanze. Scopo dello studio e' stato quello di correlare i risultati ottenuti con la TC con quelli ecografici nella valutazione dell'obesita' del paziente pediatrico. Quaranta bambini obesi con eta' compresa tra 4,1 e 14

  13. CT assessment of thoracic gunshot wounds. Our personal experience; Ruolo della Tomografia Computerizzata nelle lesioni da arma da fuoco del torace. Esperienza personale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salzano, A.; De Rosa, A. [Ospedale Loreto Mare, Neaples (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Carbone, M.; Rossi, E.; Burnese, L. [Neaples Univ., Neaples (Italy). Ist. di Scienze Radiologiche; Muto, M.; Tuccillo, M. [Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale A. Cardarelli, Neaples (Italy). Servizio di Neuroradiologia, 2 Servizio di Radiologia; Nunziata, A. [Pronto Soccorso Est, ASL NA1, Neaples (Italy). Area di Diagnostica per Immagini


    CT is a valuable tool in assessing thoracic gunshot wounds. CT is also the method of choice in emergency, because it permits rapid depiction of bullet damage to the chest and to other body districts. This in turn permits correct assessment of the main thoracic injuries, plus adequate and prompt planning of surgical treatment or support intensive care. It is reported on the role of CT in diagnosing the complex pleuropulmonary, cardiovascular and thoracic wall injuries caused by gunshot wounds, with their specific and acute signs which differ greatly fro those of other types of chest trauma. In the last 4 years, it was observed an amount of 76 cases of gunshot injury, twenty-six of them involved the chest. The patients, 25 men and 1 woman (mean age: 32 years, range: 17-48), were all submitted to emergency CT with iv contrast agent injection and the CT-angiography technique. The reanimator was always presented to monitor the patients' vital functions and shock state. CT of the chest was integrated with CT of the abdomen and pelvis in 4 cases and with CT of the skull in 3 cases, to detect associated bullet wounds if any. Chest radiography shows major gunshot wound damage to the chest and lungs, except for heart injuries and minimal pneumothorax. When abdominal and skull injuries are associated, CT should be the method of choice because it permits prompt and panoramic assessment of the severity of pulmonary and extra thoracic damage. This results in prompt and targeted treatment, avoiding unnecessary delays which may damage the patient further. [Italian] L'impiego della TC nella valutazione del paziente con lesioni da arma da fuoco del torace risulta essenziale e prioritario rispetto ad altre metodiche di diagnostica per immagini, poiche' consente di avere la rapida visione d'insieme dei danni provocati dal proiettile nel suo impatto con le strutture toraciche e con altri distretti corporei coinvolti. Cio' permette il corretto inquadramento

  14. Utility of “1”1C -methionine PET/CT in neuro-oncology; Utilidad de “1”1C-metionina PET/CT en neurooncología

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Casas Parera, I.; Igirio Gamero, J. L.; Báez, A.; Tafur Canabal, J. G.; Báez, M.; Kuchkaryan, V. [División Neurología, Instituto de Oncología Ángel H. Roffo, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (Argentina); B lumenkrantz, Y.; Bruno, G., E-mail: [Fundación Centro Diagnóstico Nuclear, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    Positron emission tomography (PET) with “1”1C-methionine (“1”1C-methionine PET/CT) is a new technique used to evaluate primary central nervous system (CNS) tumors. We describe our experience regarding the first 4 patients with glial tumors and “1”1C-methionine PET/CT. This is a descriptive, observational and prospective study of 4 patients between 38-50 years of age, with different gliomas (WHO classification). MRI and “1”1C-methionine PET/CT were performed in all cases. Case 1, gliomatosis cerebri grade II post-radiotherapy. Case 2, oligodendroglioma grade II diagnosed and treated with radiotherapy in 1993. Case 3, glioblastoma grade IV post-radiotherapy + temozolomide. Case 4, anaplastic oligoastrocytoma grade III post-radiotherapy + temozolomide. The pattern of “1”1C-methionine uptake compared with MRI showed tumor progression in cases 1, 3 and 4, and in case 2 showed uptake although the final diagnosis was pseudoprogression. Unlike “1”8fluordeoxiglucose PET/TC, “1”1C-methionine uptake in normal brain tissue and pseudoprogression is low, and gliomas are displayed as metabolically active areas. The “1”1C-methionine PET/CT provided valuable information on the tumoral behavior and extension, although in one case presented did not differentiate tumor progression from pseudoprogression. “1”1C-methionine PET/CT could be a useful tool in the study and follow-up to patients with gliomas. (authors) [Spanish] La tomografía por emisión de positrones con metionina carbono 11 (“1”1C-metionina PET/TC) se utiliza en la evaluación de los tumores primarios del sistema nervioso central. Describimos nuestra expe¬riencia sobre los primeros 4 pacientes con tumores de la serie glial estudiados con “1”1C-metionina PET/TC. Este es un estudio descriptivo, observacional y prospectivo. Se presentan 4 pacientes entre 38-50 años de edad con diagnóstico de gliomas (clasificación de la OMS). A todos se les realizó RM y “1”1C

  15. Association of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and Graves' Disease. Unexpected Development and Efficiency of Ablative Dose with Recombinant Human Thyrotropin (rhTSH); Asociación de carcinoma papilar de tiroides y enfermedad de Graves. Inesperada evolución y eficacia de la dosis ablativa con tirotrofina recombinante humana (rhTSH)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pacenza, N. A.; Groppo, N. [Centro Médico “Enrique Tortosa”, Consultorio de Endocrinología, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Guibourg, H. C. [Sigma Imágenes Médicas S.A., Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    22-year-old obese man. Highlights: 1) The importance of initial US exploration in a patient with GD, 2) Residual neoplastic lymph node tissue after 2 S, performed by an experienced surgeon, with enough functioning tissue to prevent a significant elevation of TSH and allow I{sup 131} ablative therapy, 3) Tumor local aggressiveness shown by adjacent tissues and lymph node infiltration, 4) Failure to identify residues in the neck by CT and US; instead, effectiveness of the neck MRI without contrast and {sup 99m}Tc thyroid scan, 5) Effective use of ablative radioiodine therapy with rhTSH. (authors) [Spanish] El carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides (CDT) asociado a enfermedad de Graves (EG) es una asociación relativamente rara, ocurriendo en el 0,3 % al 9,8 % de los pacientes operados por EG. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con EG y CDT de tiroides con características evolutivas y terapéuticas peculiares. Varón de 22 años que consultó por obesidad. Peso: 116,4 kg, Talla: 1,73 m, BMI: 38,9, clínicamente eutiroideo, con palpación tiroidea dificultosa por grosor de cuello. Análisis iniciales: T3, T4 y TSH dentro de rango normal y ecografía tiroidea con nódulo hipoecoico en lóbulo derecho (LD) de 11 x 10 mm. Se le solicitó punción aspirativa con aguja fina (PAAF) bajo guía ecográfica. Vuelve a los 4 meses con cuadro clínico de hipertiroidismo. Análisis: T3: 557 ng/dL, T4: 18,8 mcg/dL, T4 L: 3,73 ng/dL, TSH: < 0,01 μIU/mL, ATPO: 186 UI/mL, ATG: 965 UI/mL. La citología mostró: {sup H}allazgos citológicos vinculables con carcinoma papilar (CP) tiroideo{sup .} Centellograma tiroideo: {sup N}ódulo integrado en LD{sup .} Es tratado con metimazol y se opera a los 2 meses: {sup T}iroidectomía total{sup ;} cuya anatomía patológica (AP) reveló un {sup C}P variante folicular en lóbulo derecho y zona de CP variante clásica en lóbulo izquierdo{sup .} A los 35 y 60 días de operado (sin instaurar levotiroxina): presenta TSH <0,1 μIU/mL con T3 y T4 normales

  16. Tratamiento de la enfermedad de Graves Basedow


    Hernando Vargas-Uricoechea; Carlos Hernán Sierra-Torres; Ivonne Alejandra Meza-Cabrera


    Se realizó una revisión narrativa rigurosa de la literatura inglesa y en español sobre diferentes aspectos de la Enfermedad de Graves-Basedow e hipertiroidismo. Esta patología –parte de la llamada “enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune”- se produce como consecuencia de la presencia de anticuerpos circulantes que se unen y activan al receptor de tirotropina, desencadenándose generalmente el hipertiroidismo en asociación con un estrés agudo. En este artículo actualizamos tanto el manejo de hipertiroid...

  17. Association of β-fibrinogen promoter gene polymorphism (−148C/T), hyperfibrinogenemia and ischemic stroke in young adult patients


    Imran, Imran; Lamsudin, Rusdi; Idjradinata, Ponpon; Achmad, Tri Hanggono; Maskoen, Amelani; Wibowo, Samekto; Harapan, Harapan


    Background: Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) −148C/T which is located in β-fibrinogen gene (FGB) promoter has correlation with fibrinogen levels; however, the association of SNP −148C/T and ischemic stroke in young adult patients is contradictory. Aim: To determine the association of SNP −148C/T in FGB promoter with plasma fibrinogen levels and ischemic stroke in young adults. Subjects and methods: In this case-control study, SNP −148C/T among 107 ischemic stroke patients and 94 con...

  18. Evaluación de uniones soldadas obtenidas con fundentes fundidos desarrollados con minerales cubanos

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    Gilma Castellanos-Hernández


    Full Text Available En este artículo se hace una caracterización integral de las uniones soldadas obtenidas en acero ct-3, correspondientes al estudio del prototipo de fundente fundido CIS-F10 para la soldadura automática bajo arco sumergido (SAW. Se muestran los resultados del análisis químico del metal de la unión soldada, así como los ensayos mecánicos de tracción longitudinal y resiliencia, según la norma AWS A5: 17. Se incluyen además las muestras metalográficas correspondientes. Los resultados son comparables con los obtenidos empleando fundentes comerciales AS 200 y AH 348.

  19. Tratamiento de la enfermedad de Graves Basedow

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    Hernando Vargas-Uricoechea


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión narrativa rigurosa de la literatura inglesa y en español sobre diferentes aspectos de la Enfermedad de Graves-Basedow e hipertiroidismo. Esta patología –parte de la llamada “enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune”- se produce como consecuencia de la presencia de anticuerpos circulantes que se unen y activan al receptor de tirotropina, desencadenándose generalmente el hipertiroidismo en asociación con un estrés agudo. En este artículo actualizamos tanto el manejo de hipertiroidismo como el de problemas especiales con el que puede estar asociado. La fisiopatología y el diagnóstico de la Enfermedad de Graves-Basedow son motivo de otra publicación.

  20. Análisis de perforantes de la epigástrica inferior profunda con Angio TC 3D, Eco Doppler color y Doppler simple de ultrasonidos en colgajo DIEP: resultados preliminares Analysis of deep inferior epigastric perforating vessels with 3D CT angiography, color Doppler ultrasonography and Doppler in diep flaps: preliminary results

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    J. Castro García


    Full Text Available Nuestro objetivo es la validación de la Angio TC tridimensional como herramienta de planificación de los colgajos DIEP, comparándolo con el Doppler de ultrasonidos (US y eco Doppler color. Entre enero de 2006 y marzo de 2007 se realiza en 11 pacientes (13 DIEP un estudio comparativo prospectivo entre el Doppler de US, eco Doppler color y Angio TC con reconstrucción tridimensional, utilizando como dato de referencia los hallazgos intraoperatorios. En dicho proceso se localiza la mejor perforante que pueda servir como pedículo al colgajo DIEP en función de su localización, calibre, trayecto y relaciones anatómicas con respecto al músculo. La Angio TC con reconstrucción tridimensional, demuestra una especificidad del 100% (IC 95% 75.3-100 lo que le convierte en una prueba con un alto valor predictivo positivo y una excelente herramienta en la planificación de los colgajos de perforantes. El eco Doppler color determinó, que tan sólo en un 46,1% (IC 95% 19,2-74,9 de los pacientes, la perforante seleccionada por la prueba de forma preoperatoria, coincidía con la perforante elegida en quirófano. Con el Doppler de US, en un 30,8 % (IC 95% 9,1-61,4 de los colgajos estudiados, coincidía la mejor perforante escogida de forma preoperatoria, con los hallazgos obtenidos tras la disección del colgajo. En el presente estudio, la Angio TC tridimensional se ha mostrado como una técnica con una gran especificidad que proporciona valiosa información, sólo comparable con la disección anatómica y por delante de pruebas como el Doppler de ultrasonidos y el eco Doppler color.The aim of this report, is to validate the Angio-CT technique with three-dimentional reconstruction as a preoperative planning tool, after comparison with Doppler ultrasound and color- Duplex. Between january 2006 and march 2007, we studied 11 consecutive patients (13 DIEP in whom a prospective comparative followed up was performed comparing, the findings observed using

  1. Bocio Goiter

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    Judith Parlá Sardiñas


    Full Text Available Bocio es todo aumento de volumen de la glándula tiroidea. Su patogenia está dada fundamentalmente por una disminución en los niveles circulantes de hormonas tiroideas, con el consiguiente aumento de los niveles de hormona tirotropa que provocan hipertrofia e hiperplasia de las células foliculares y dan lugar al aumento de volumen de la glándula. Se clasifica en bocio simple, nodular y puberal. Según la OMS se clasifica por grados desde el 0 al III, y de acuerdo con la etiología en endémico y esporádico. El diagnóstico se realiza por el interrogatorio, el examen físico y se apoya en estudios complementarios: los niveles de TSH y el ultrasonido. El tratamiento depende de la etiología, la edad y el momento fisiológico de aparición. Consta de 5 pilares: preventivo, conservador o expectante, medicamentoso, quirúrgico y el uso de radioyodo. El seguimiento es clínico, apoyado en la ecografía y estudios de la función tiroidea, durante el primer año cada 6 meses, y que, si no hay modificación, se repiten anualmente.Goiter is any increase of volume of the thyroid gland. The pathogenesis is mainly due to a reduction of the circulating levels of thyroid hormones, with the resulting rise of thyrotropin hormone levels that cause hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the follicular cells and give rise to the increased volume of the gland. It is classified as simple, nodular and pubertal goiter. According to the WHO, the degree-based classification goes from 0 to III, and according to etiology, it may be endemic and sporadic. The diagnosis of goiter is based on the questioning of the patient, the physical exam and supplementary studies as TSH levels and ultrasonography. The treatment depends on the etiology, the age of the patient, and the time of onset and has five pillars: preventive, preservative or expectant, pharmacological, surgical and the use of radioiodine. The clinical follow-up supports on echography and thyroid function studies every

  2. Fraccionamiento químico del carbono en suelos con diferentes usos en el departamento de Magdalena, Colombia

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    José Rafael Vásquez Polo


    Full Text Available El cambio en el uso y manejo de los suelos puede afectar su capacidad para capturar carbono, cuya magnitud es desconocida en la región norte del departamento de Magdalena, Colombia. En este sentido es importante avanzar en estudios de caracterización cualitativa de la materia orgánica del suelo y el efecto que sobre ella han tenido los cambios de uso y el manejo de suelos dedicados al monocultivo. Por tal motivo se estudió la relación de los diferentes usos del suelo sobre los contenidos y formas de carbono (C en seis zonas edafoclimáticas al norte de dicho departamento, ubicado entre 5 y 956 m de altitud, con temperaturas medias entre 24 y 30 °C y precipitaciones medias entre 663 y 2000 mm. En cada zona se muestrearon dos sitios, cultivos tropicales y bosques (húmedos y secos tropicales, tomando cuatro muestras compuestas por diez submuestras aleatorias por sitio, en las que se determinó C total (Ct, C oxidable total (Cox, C hidrolizable con HCl 6N (Ch, C ligado al material húmico (Cp mediante extracción con pirofosfato sódico y C no oxidable (Cnox o C recalcitrante calculado como la diferencia Ct-Cox. El C total almacenado (Cta por unidad de superficie se calculó teniendo en cuenta la densidad aparente (Da y la profundidad de muestreo. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas por el efecto de las zonas, los valores mayores en porcentaje de Nt (0.32, Ct (3.90, Cox (3.85, Ch (2.05 y Cp (1.15 y Cta (109 Mg ha-1 se presentaron en los suelos de bosque húmedo de la zona 1, siendo la de mayor altitud (956 m, precipitación (2000 mm y menor temperatura (24 °C. Para el factor usos del suelo solo presentaron diferencias significativas las propiedades: Nt, Ct, Cox y Ch. Los valores de las formas de C más estables para los suelos de bosques, superaron los de los suelos de cultivo, en este contexto, Cox y Cnox representaron 95% y 5% del Ct, respectivamente Se observó en promedio una pérdida de 26% del Ct en suelos de

  3. Animales de laboratorio en la endocrinología: Biomodelos de las enfermedades tiroideas Laboratory animals in endocrinology: Biomodels in thyroid diseases

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    Beatriz Hugues Hernandorena


    Full Text Available Los modelos animales que se utilizan en las investigaciones sobre el tiroides ayudan al estudio de los mecanismos patogénicos que conducen a la presentación de los desórdenes de esta glándula, dan la oportunidad de explorar nuevos tratamientos y formas de prevención. El objetivo de este trabajo fue brindar una información detallada sobre los biomodelos de enfermedades que afectan el tiroides, a partir de una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema, que comprenda los que se obtienen de forma espontánea o inducida, exponiendo los factores ambientales que influyen sobre ellos. En conclusión, se expresaron las ventajas que ofrecen estos biomodelos para los investigadores que se dedican a estudiar esta rama de la endocrinología, aunque no constituyan un reflejo exacto de lo que ocurre en el hombre y no necesariamente reúnan todas las características distintivas de la patología tiroidea en cuestión.The animal models used in the investigations on thyroid help to study the pathogenic mechanisms leading to the appearance of disorders of this gland, and give the opportunity to find new treatments and ways of prevention. The objective of this paper was to provide a detailed information on the biomodels of diseases affecting the thyroid, starting from a bibliographic review on this topic, including those obtained in a spontaneous or induced way, and explaining the environmental factors influencing them. To conclude, the advantages of these biomodels for the researchers devoted to study this branch of endocrinology were stressed, although they are not an exact reflex of what happens in man and they do not necessarily have all the distinctive features of thyroid pathology.

  4. Hipotiroidismo, miocardiopatía dilatada y síndrome nefrótico durante el embarazo

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    Ariel K. Saad


    Full Text Available El hipotiroidismo en el embarazo es infrecuente, pero cuando ocurre suele asociarse con complicaciones maternas y fetales. Se presenta el caso de una mujer joven sin antecedentes de enfermedad cardiovascular que consulta por ortopnea, dolor torácico y edema de miembros inferiores. Los exámenes pusieron en evidencia la existencia de insuficiencia cardíaca, hipotiroidismo, síndrome nefrótico e insuficiencia renal. El eco-Doppler mostró dilatación de las cuatro cavidades cardíacas con deterioro grave de la función sistólica. El tratamiento con levotiroxina por vía intravenosa mejoró el cuadro clínico y los parámetros de laboratorio. Se analizan los efectos de la hormona tiroidea sobre el aparato cardiovascular y se comentan los mecanismos fisiopatológicos de la insuficiencia cardíaca en el embarazo.


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    Ramos Trejo O


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el rendimiento (t MS ha-1 año-1 y porcentaje de proteína cruda (calidad nutritiva del pasto King grass (KNG y los clones Cubanos OM-22 y CT-115, fertilizadas con dos fuentes nitrogenadas. Las parcelas se establecieron con varetas de material vegetativo de 25 cm de largo con dos a tres yemas en surcos a 10 cm de profundidad. El marco de siembra fue de 0.5 m entre plantas y 1.0 m entre hileras con orientación de Este a Oeste. Se utilizó Urea y Agua Residual Porcina (ARP como fuentes de nitrógeno (N a dosis de 300 Kg de N ha-1 año-1. Se encontró diferencia significativa (p<0.05 en producción de materia seca (MS entre las tres variedades de forraje, el mayor rendimiento fue para el OM-22 con 155 y 160 t MS ha-1 año -1 con el uso de Urea y ARP, respectivamente. Se observó la misma tendencia con KNG con rendimiento de 131 a 140 t de MS ha-1 año-1. Las variedades OM-22, CT-115 y KNG fueron diferentes estadísticamente (p<0.05 al tratamiento testigo. No se observó efecto en la composición química por la aplicación de N. Se obtuvieron valores entre 8 y 12 % de proteína cruda (PC en los tres ecotipos. Se concluye que la fertilización con las dos fuentes nitrogenadas (Urea y ARP mejora la producción de forraje en los tres ecotipos evaluados.


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    Algranati L


    Full Text Available RESUMEN:El hipotiroidismo puede causar alteraciones del metabolismo del agua, los electrolitos, la hemodinamia e histología renales, siendo la hiponatremia y la reducción del filtrado glomerular sus consecuencias más significativas, pero poco prevalentes. Todos estos cambios son corregibles con el suministro de hormona tiroidea exógena.La excreción fraccional de urea (EFU es un índice útil en la evaluación de la hiponatremia, pero no se ha descripto aun el valor que este índice alcanza en la hiponatremia inducida por hipotiroidismo. En el presente reporte mostramos que la EFU y excreción fraccional de sodio (EFNa fueron baja (EFU: 29% y alta (EFNa: 2.2% respectivamente en un paciente que padecía hipotiroideo severo. El tratamiento con hormona tiroidea normalizó el valor de ambos índices.ABSTRACTHypothyroidism can cause disturbance of renal hemodinamics, kidney histology, water and electrolyte metabolism, being hyponatremia and glomerular filtration reduction their low prevalent but most significant consequences. All these changes are largely corrected by substitution of exogenous thyroid hormone.Fractional excretion of urea (FEU is a useful index in the evaluation of hyponatremia. However, it was not still reported in the literature the FEU value in hyponatremia induced by hypothyroidism. Because of that we presented a case report showing that the value of FEU and fractional excretion of sodium (FENa were low (FEU: 29% and high (FENa: 2.2 % respectively in a severe hypothyroid patient. Treatment based on thyroid hormone normalized both indeces.

  7. Estado Nutricional del Yodo.

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    Hernando Vargas Uricoechea


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: Los Desórdenes por Deficiencia de Yodo son un problema serio de salud pública, con cerca de 2 mil millones de personas a riesgo de padecerlos, pudiendo causar bocio neonatal, cretinismo, retardo mental, hipotiroidismo, entre otros. Estos desórdenes son aún prevalentes, y en algunos casos los esfuerzos para su erradicación se han traducido en aumento del riesgo de exceso poblacional de yodo y autoinmunidad tiroidea. En Colombia, se desconoce el estado real de yodo en la población. OBJETIVOS: Determinar la mediana de la yoduría en población escolar, y de los hábitos del consumo de sal, función y parámetros de autoinmunidad tiroidea, y cociente intelectual. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio basado en la comunidad, de corte transversal. Se evaluaron las variables sociodemográficas, la frecuencia de bocio y los niveles de TSH, anti-TPO, anti-Tg, anti-TSHR, yoduria, test de factor G de Cattell, y hábitos del consumo de sal. RESULTADOS: El consumo de sal promedio persona/día fue de 18,13 g. El 37,9% presentó bocio. 36,1% tenían un valor límite en el cociente intelectual. La mediana de yoduria fue de 510,3 μg/L. El 42,75% tuvo anti-TPO positivos, y el 2,87% anti-Tg positivos. El 10% presentó niveles de TSH elevados. CONCLUSIÓN: En escolares de zona urbana, hay un exceso en la mediana de yoduria, pudiendo explicarse por el alto consumo de sal. La alta prevalencia de autoinmunidad tiroidea y bocio, junto al alto nivel de la TSH, puede ser consecuencia del exceso en la ingesta de sal y de otros factores medioambientales/ hereditarios.

  8. Hepatocellular carcinoma: computed tomography assessment after invasive treatment;Hepatocarcinoma: Evaluacion con tomografia computada luego del tratamiento intervencionista

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    Kozima, Shigeru; Larranaga, Nebil; Wulfson, Gabriela [Servicio de Diagnostico por Imagenes Hospital General de Agudos ' Cosme Argerich' , CABA, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Departamento de Imagenes, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Eisele, Guillermo [Departamento de Imagenes, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Ridruejo, Ezequiel; Mando, Oscar [Seccion de Hepatologia. Departamento de Medicina, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Perazzo, Florencia [Seccion Oncologia. Departamento de Medicina, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    Objective: To show the computed tomography (CT) usefulness after treatment with transcatheter arterial quimioembolization and radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma. Material and methods: In a period between march 2006 to april 2008 a total of 90 patient presenting 148 nodular lesions with diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma were controlled with triphasic CT. All the lesions were treated with minimally invasive procedure. For the treatment, the patients were classified in two groups following Milan criteria. The first group, constituted by 75 patients with 109 nodules, was treated with quimioembolization. The second group, of 15 patients with 25 nodules, was treated with radiofrequency ablation. In our population, a subgroup of 10 patients was treated with both methods. Results: Of 90 patients after CT control on a month, 3 months and for each 3 months during 2 years, on 63 cases (70%) was observed homogeneous accumulation of iodized oil, partial defect without enhancement or absence of enhancement on treated lesions. In these patients a new treatment after initial one was not performed. The remaining 27 patients (30%) underwent new treatment because we founded partial defect or absence of iodized oil with enhancement or peripheral enhancement on arterial phase in treated lesions. In this last group, 16 treated patients (17.7%) had new nodular enhancement on the remaining hepatic parenquimal. Conclusion: The CT unenhanced and the arterial phase on a month and for each 3 months, allow monitoring the effectiveness, residual disease and/or relapse of hepatocellular carcinoma after minimally invasive treatment. (authors);Objetivo: Mostrar la utilidad de la tomografia computada trifasica (TCT) luego del tratamiento con quimioembolizacion y ablacion por radiofrecuencia (RF) del hepatocarcinoma (HCC). Material y metodos: En un periodo comprendido entre marzo de 2006 y abril de 2008 se controlaron con TCT 90 pacientes que presentaron 148 lesiones nodulares y

  9. Vómito tirotóxico: Presentación infrecuente del hipertiroidismo. Reporte de caso

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    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una mujer de 59 años de edad, que acude a emergencia con una historia de 3 semanas de baja de peso, dolor epigástrico, y vómitos severos. El examen físico reveló un abdomen doloroso a la palpación, tremor fino de las manos e hiperreflexia. Se realizaron varios estudios, incluidos ecografía abdominal y endoscopía digestiva alta, que fueron normales. Después de la admisión al servicio de hospitalización, los análisis de hormonas tiroideas mostraron niveles elevados de tiroxina y triiodotironina, y tirotropina suprimida. La gammagrafía de tiroides mostró una glándula con hiperfunción difusa. Se inició tratamiento con Metimazol y Propanolol, presentando mejoría clínica. La paciente fue dada de alta sin molestias (Rev Med Hered 2006;17:55-57.

  10. Thyroid autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases Anticuerpos antitiroideos en enfermedades autoinmunes

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    Regina M. Innocencio


    Full Text Available Abnormalities in the thyroid function and thyroid autoantibodies have been frequently described in patients with autoimmune diseases but seldom in antiphospholipid syndrome patients. In order to determine the prevalence of thyroid function and autoimmune abnormalities, we compared serum thyrotropin (TSH, serum free thyroxine (T4 levels, thyroid antithyroglobulin (TgAb and antithyroperoxidase (TPOAb levels of 25 patients with systemic sclerosis, 25 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 13 patients with antiphospholipid syndrome to a control group of 113 healthy individuals. Evaluation included a thorough clinical examination with particular attention to thyroid disease and a serologic immune profile including rheumatoid factor, antinuclear and anticardiolipin antibody measurements. Subclinical hypothyroidism (4.2Ciertas anormalidades en la función tiroidea y anticuerpos antitiroideos han sido frecuentemente descriptos en pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes, y más raramente en pacientes con el síndrome antifosfolipídico. Para determinar la prevalencía de anormalidades en la función tiroidea y de autoinmunidad, comparamos los niveles séricos de tirotropina (TSH tiroxina libre en suero (T4 anticuerpos antitiroglobulina (TgAb y antitiroperoxidasa (TPOAb en 25 pacientes con esclerosis sistémica, 25 pacientes con artritis reumatoidea y 13 pacientes con el síndrome antifosfolipídico con un grupo control de 113 individuos aparentemente sanos. La evaluación incluyó un completo examen clínico con particular atención para las enfermedades de la tiroides y una evaluación inmunológica incluyendo dosaje del factor reumatoideo, anticuerpos antinucleares y anticardiolipina. Hipotiroidismo subclínico (4.2

  11. Evaluation of bone metastases with {sup 18} F- Sodium fluoride PET/CT; initial experience; Evaluacion de metastasis oseas con {sup 18} F-Fluoruro de sodio PET/CT; experiencia inicial

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    Sanchez C, N.; Serna M, J.A.; Quiroz C, O.; Quinzanos, F.; Valenzuela, J.; Ramirez A, J.L. [Hospital Angeles del Pedregal, Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    The study of NaF-18 PET/CT is the modality with bigger sensitivity and specificity for the bony metastases detection. This additional value of the NaF-18 PET/CT can have a beneficent impact in the clinical handling of the patients with prostate cancer with high risk. (Author)

  12. Consumo de alcohol en ratas adolescentes tratadas con reserpina y fluoxetina

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    Paul Ruiz


    Full Text Available Si bien se ha estudiado el vínculo entre los trastornos de estado de ánimo y el consumo de alcohol, tanto en humanos como en animales, todavía no es del todo claro cómo se da esta relación, y menos aún durante la adolescencia. La administración de reserpina, un depletor de monoaminas, es un modelo ampliamente utilizado en roedores adultos para inducir comportamientos asociados a depresión, pero se desconoce su utilidad en otras etapas del desarrollo. En este trabajo validamos este modelo en ratas adolescentes y posteriormente estudiamos el consumo de alcohol en estos animales, así como su modulación por antidepresivos. En el experimento 1 se administró reserpina (0.0 o 1.0 mg/kg, durante 4 días, IP a ratas Wistar machos de 30 días. El consumo de alcohol fue evaluado luego de observar comportamientos asociados a depresión e indagar indicadores neuroendocrinos de esta patología. En el experimento 2 los animales recibieron reserpina, seguida por el antidepresivo fluoxetina (0.0 o 10.0 mg/kg, durante 4 días, IG, y luego se evaluó el consumo de alcohol. Los resultados mostraron que la reserpina aumentó significativamente los comportamientos asociados a depresión y alteró los niveles de dopamina en la corteza insular y de hormonas tiroideas en sangre. En la prueba de consumo de alcohol los animales deprimidos, pero no los controles, mostraron un incremento en el consumo a través de los días. El segundo experimento replicó parcialmente este perfil, y no se observó un efecto significativo del antidepresivo en el consumo de alcohol. Los resultados indican que la reserpina es útil para modelar en ratas adolescentes comportamientos asociados a depresión. Se encontró una relación entre este estado y el consumo de alcohol, que no se pudo revertir con antidepresivos.

  13. Application of decision-making methodology to certificate-of-need applications for CT scanners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gottinger, H.W.; Shapiro, P.


    This paper describes a case study and application of decision-making methodology to two competing Certificate of Need (CON) applications for CT body scanners. We demonstrate the use of decision-making methodology by evaluating the CON applications. Explicit value judgements reflecting the monetary equivalent of the different categories of benefit are introduced to facilitate this comparison. The difference between the benefits (measured in monetary terms) and costs is called the net social value. Any alternative with positive net social value is judged economically justifiable, and the alternative with the greatest net social value is judged the most attractive. (orig.)

  14. Modulación de la neuritogénesis y de la conducta por hormonas tiroideas en ratas adultas


    Montero-Pedrazuela, Ana


    Las alteraciones hormonales están implicadas en muchas patologías asociadas con la edad como las enfermedades neurodegenerativas y los trastornos psiquiátricos. En el adulto, las alteraciones del estado tiroideo cursan con frecuencia con cambios psicológicos y trastornos del estado del ánimo como la depresión. Se ha demostrado que en los mamíferos adultos, incluido el hombre, continúa generándose neuronas a partir de células madre en el giro dentado GD, de la formación del hipocampo. Las neur...

  15. Comparison of CT numbers between cone-beam CT and multi-detector CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Dong Soo; Han, Won Jeong; Kim, Eun Kyung


    To compare the CT numbers on 3 cone-beam CT (CBCT) images with those on multi-detector CT (MDCT) image using CT phantom and to develop linear regressive equations using CT numbers to material density for all the CT scanner each. Mini CT phantom comprised of five 1 inch thick cylindrical models with 1.125 inches diameter of materials with different densities (polyethylene, polystyrene, plastic water, nylon and acrylic) was used. It was scanned in 3 CBCTs (i-CAT, Alphard VEGA, Implagraphy SC) and 1 MDCT (Somatom Emotion). The images were saved as DICOM format and CT numbers were measured using OnDemand 3D. CT numbers obtained from CBCTs and MDCT images were compared and linear regression analysis was performed for the density, ρ(g/cm 3 ), as the dependent variable in terms of the CT numbers obtained from CBCTs and MDCT images. CT numbers on i-CAT and Implagraphy CBCT images were smaller than those on Somatom Emotion MDCT image (p<0.05). Linear relationship on a range of materials used for this study were ρ=0.001 H+1.07 with R2 value of 0.999 for Somatom Emotion, ρ=0.002 H+1.09 with R2 value of 0.991 for Alphard VEGA, ρ=0.001 H+1.43 with R2 value of 0.980 for i-CAT and ρ=0.001 H+1.30 with R2 value of 0.975 for Implagraphy. CT numbers on i-CAT and Implagraphy CBCT images were not same as those on Somatom Emotion MDCT image. The linear regressive equations to determine the density from the CT numbers with very high correlation coefficient were obtained on three CBCT and MDCT scan.

  16. Comparison of CT numbers between cone-beam CT and multi-detector CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Dong Soo; Han, Won Jeong; Kim, Eun Kyung [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, School of Dentistry, Dankook University, Cheonan (Korea, Republic of)


    To compare the CT numbers on 3 cone-beam CT (CBCT) images with those on multi-detector CT (MDCT) image using CT phantom and to develop linear regressive equations using CT numbers to material density for all the CT scanner each. Mini CT phantom comprised of five 1 inch thick cylindrical models with 1.125 inches diameter of materials with different densities (polyethylene, polystyrene, plastic water, nylon and acrylic) was used. It was scanned in 3 CBCTs (i-CAT, Alphard VEGA, Implagraphy SC) and 1 MDCT (Somatom Emotion). The images were saved as DICOM format and CT numbers were measured using OnDemand 3D. CT numbers obtained from CBCTs and MDCT images were compared and linear regression analysis was performed for the density, {rho}(g/cm{sup 3}), as the dependent variable in terms of the CT numbers obtained from CBCTs and MDCT images. CT numbers on i-CAT and Implagraphy CBCT images were smaller than those on Somatom Emotion MDCT image (p<0.05). Linear relationship on a range of materials used for this study were {rho}=0.001 H+1.07 with R2 value of 0.999 for Somatom Emotion, {rho}=0.002 H+1.09 with R2 value of 0.991 for Alphard VEGA, {rho}=0.001 H+1.43 with R2 value of 0.980 for i-CAT and {rho}=0.001 H+1.30 with R2 value of 0.975 for Implagraphy. CT numbers on i-CAT and Implagraphy CBCT images were not same as those on Somatom Emotion MDCT image. The linear regressive equations to determine the density from the CT numbers with very high correlation coefficient were obtained on three CBCT and MDCT scan.

  17. Suburban amoebiasis. CT and US findings and percutaneous treatment of amoebic liver abscess; Amebiasi sub-urbana: aspetti diagnostici con tomografia computerizzata ed ecografia e trattamento percutaneo degli ascessi amebici del fegato

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salzano, A.; De Rosa, A. [Ospedale Loreto Mare, Naples (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Rossi, E.; Carbone, M.; Mondillo, F. [Naples Univ. II, Naples (Italy).Dipt. di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Servizio di Diagnostica per Immagini; Tuccillo, M. [Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale A. Cardarelli, Naples (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Capuano, N. [Ospedale Loreto Mare, Naples (Italy). Div. di Chirurgia; Nunziata, A. [Naples Univ. II, Naples (Italy). Ist. di Radiologia


    The study reports ultrasonography and computerise tomography findings in 16 patients with amoebic abscesses, 12 of whom lived in a temperate peripheral area north-east of Naples (Italy). All patients have a clinical-diagnostic condition called sub-urban amoebiasis. The personal experience with the US guided therapeutic drainage of amoebic abscess with repeated cavity washing, which is important for positive parasitology. Combined US and CT assessment facilitated the diagnosis of amoebiasis and its differentiation from pyogenic abscess and hepatoma. [Italian] La colonizzazione epatica rappresenta la localizzazione piu' comune dell'amebiasi extraintestinale e gli ascessi epatici ne costituiscono la manifestazione piu' frequente sviluppandosi nel 3-9 % dei pazienti affetti da infezione parassitaria. Diversi studi confermano che la terapia medica dell'amebiasi risulta piu' efficace quando viene associato il drenaggio percutaneo degli ascessi epatici con piu' rapida guarigione clinica e risposta favorevole dell'organismo. Scopo del presente lavoro e' di descrivere gli aspetti ecografici e di tomografia computerizzata degli ascessi amebici in un gruppo di 16 pazienti, 12 dei quali residenti in zona temperata e periferica di una vasta area a nord-est di Napoli presentandosi con caratteristico e raro quadro clinico-diagnostico definito amebiasi sub-urbana. Si discute infine l'esperienza personale del drenaggio terapeutico sotto guida ecografica dell'ascesso con tecnica del lavaggio ripetuto dalla cavita', importante ai fini della positivita' dell'esame. L'associazione dei reperti tipici ecografici e TC ha consentito la diagnosi agevole dell'amebiasi differenziandola dall'ascesso piogenico e dall'epatoma.

  18. Clinical Application of colored three-dimensional CT (3D-CT) for brain tumors using helical scanning CT (HES-CT)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogura, Yuko; Katada, Kazuhiro; Fujisawa, Kazuhisa; Imai, Fumihiro; Kawase, Tsukasa; Kamei, Yoshifumi; Kanno, Tetsuo; Takeshita, Gen; Koga, Sukehiko


    We applied colored three-dimensional CT (colored 3D-CT) images to distinguish brain tumors from the surrounding vascular and bony structures using a work station system and helical scanning CT (HES-CT). CT scanners with a slip-ring system were employed (TCT-900S and X vigor). A slice thickness of 2 mm and bed speed of 2 mm/s were used. The volume of contrast medium injected was 60 to 70 ml. Four to 8 colors were used for the tissue segmentation on the workstation system (xtension) using the data transferred from HES-CT. Tissue segmentation succeeded on the colored 3D-CT images in all 13 cases. The relationship between the tumors and the surrounding structures were easily recognized. The technique was useful to simulate operative fields, because deep structures could be visualized by cutting and drilling the colored 3D-CT volumetric data. On the basis of our findings, we suggest that colored 3D-CT images should be used as a supplementary aid for preoperative simulation. (author)

  19. Ultra-low dose CT attenuation correction for PET/CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xia Ting; Kinahan, Paul E; Alessio, Adam M; De Man, Bruno; Manjeshwar, Ravindra; Asma, Evren


    A challenge for positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) quantitation is patient respiratory motion, which can cause an underestimation of lesion activity uptake and an overestimation of lesion volume. Several respiratory motion correction methods benefit from longer duration CT scans that are phase matched with PET scans. However, even with the currently available, lowest dose CT techniques, extended duration cine CT scans impart a substantially high radiation dose. This study evaluates methods designed to reduce CT radiation dose in PET/CT scanning. We investigated selected combinations of dose reduced acquisition and noise suppression methods that take advantage of the reduced requirement of CT for PET attenuation correction (AC). These include reducing CT tube current, optimizing CT tube voltage, adding filtration, CT sinogram smoothing and clipping. We explored the impact of these methods on PET quantitation via simulations on different digital phantoms. CT tube current can be reduced much lower for AC than that in low dose CT protocols. Spectra that are higher energy and narrower are generally more dose efficient with respect to PET image quality. Sinogram smoothing could be used to compensate for the increased noise and artifacts at radiation dose reduced CT images, which allows for a further reduction of CT dose with no penalty for PET image quantitation. When CT is not used for diagnostic and anatomical localization purposes, we showed that ultra-low dose CT for PET/CT is feasible. The significant dose reduction strategies proposed here could enable respiratory motion compensation methods that require extended duration CT scans and reduce radiation exposure in general for all PET/CT imaging. (paper)

  20. Ultra-low dose CT attenuation correction for PET/CT (United States)

    Xia, Ting; Alessio, Adam M.; De Man, Bruno; Manjeshwar, Ravindra; Asma, Evren; Kinahan, Paul E.


    A challenge for PET/CT quantitation is patient respiratory motion, which can cause an underestimation of lesion activity uptake and an overestimation of lesion volume. Several respiratory motion correction methods benefit from longer duration CT scans that are phase matched with PET scans. However, even with the currently-available, lowest dose CT techniques, extended duration CINE CT scans impart a substantially high radiation dose. This study evaluates methods designed to reduce CT radiation dose in PET/CT scanning. Methods We investigated selected combinations of dose reduced acquisition and noise suppression methods that take advantage of the reduced requirement of CT for PET attenuation correction (AC). These include reducing CT tube current, optimizing CT tube voltage, adding filtration, CT sinogram smoothing and clipping. We explored the impact of these methods on PET quantitation via simulations on different digital phantoms. Results CT tube current can be reduced much lower for AC than that in low dose CT protocols. Spectra that are higher energy and narrower are generally more dose efficient with respect to PET image quality. Sinogram smoothing could be used to compensate for the increased noise and artifacts at radiation dose reduced CT images, which allows for a further reduction of CT dose with no penalty for PET image quantitation. Conclusion When CT is not used for diagnostic and anatomical localization purposes, we showed that ultra-low dose CT for PET/CT is feasible. The significant dose reduction strategies proposed here could enable respiratory motion compensation methods that require extended duration CT scans and reduce radiation exposure in general for all PET/CT imaging. PMID:22156174


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    Martha M. Martínez


    El consumo de los alimentos pan y arepa enriquecidos con 5 y 10% de pectina extraída de guayaba, durante 15 días, produjo una disminución en los niveles séricos de CT y de cLDL dependiente de la dosis tanto en el grupo de riesgo cardiovascular latente como en el grupo de alto riesgo. El efecto hipolipemiante fue mayor en los pacientes que consumieron arepa enriquecida con 10% de pectina extraída de guayaba.

  2. Riesgo cardiovascular en población infantil con sobrepeso y obesidad

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    Jaime Pajuelo R.


    Full Text Available Introducción: El sobrepeso y la obesidad conducen a la aparición de comorbilidades como la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, hipertensión arterial, dislipidemias. Objetivos: Determinar la presencia de riesgo cardiovascular en niños y adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad, por género y grupos de edad. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo, transversal. Participantes: Niños y adolescentes, de ambos géneros, comprendidos entre los 5 a 18 años. Intervención: El diagnóstico de sobrepeso y obesidad se hizo de acuerdo a la clasificación de Must y col. con los siguientes criterios: de 85 a 95 para el sobrepeso y más de 95 percentil obesidad. En sangre se determinó el perfil lipídico, glucosa e insulina; con estas dos últimas se determinó el índice HOMA, para identificar resistencia a la insulina (RI, mediante la ecuación de Matthew, el síndrome metabólico (SM con la referencia de Cook y las dislipidemias (D con las sugerencias de Friedman y de Daniels. Principales medidas de resultados: Riesgo cardiovascular. Resultados: Los obesos presentan mayores riesgos cardiovasculares que los que tienen sobrepeso: RI 77,8%, SM 22,2%; D: colesterol total (CT 64,4%, C-HDL 33,3%, C-LDL 19,5% y triglicéridos (Tg 40%. El género masculino, independientemente de su estado nutricional, tuvo mayor riesgo que el femenino: RI 74,1%, SM 22,2%, D: CT 63%, C-HDL 37%, C-LDL 36% y Tg 40,7%. En cuanto a la edad, en los mayores de 10 años se ha encontrado RI en 78% y C-HDL 31,7%; los demás factores de riesgo fueron mayores en los menores de 10 años. Conclusiones: Los riesgos afectaron más a los obesos que a los que tenían sobrepeso, más al género masculino y, en cuanto a la edad, los mayores de 10 años presentaron mayor prevalencia de RI y de C-HDL bajo. A mayor IMC más riesgo cardiovascular, lo que compromete muy seriamente la salud y que se hace más preocupante porque su aparición es a temprana edad.

  3. Clinical application of gated CT and dynamic CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ishikawa, T; Oyama, Y; Ashida, H; Uji, T [Saint Marianna Univ., Kawasaki, Kanagawa (Japan). School of Medicine


    Gated CT and dynamic CT were outlined. Experiences of portal hypertension accompanied by venous mass in posterior mediastinum and the usefulness of dynamic CT for this disease were described. Gated CT of the heart could visualize intracardiac structures and morphological abnormalities by improving technique of post-data-aquisition correlation. Changes with time in CT images of normal kidneys were discussed on patients whose unilateral or bilateral kidneys were thought to be normal and who had received dynamic scan. Dynamic scan could visualize well blood circulation and mechanism of urine excretion in the kidney, which suggests a possibility of CT to detect not only morphological abnormalities but also functional disturbance of the kidney. The effectiveness of conventional CT study might be promoted in dynamic CT of the head.

  4. Variabilidad genética de la respuesta inflamatoria: I. Polimorfismo -511 C/T en el gen IL1β en diferentes subpoblaciones peruanas

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    Óscar Acosta


    Full Text Available El polimorfismo -511 citosina/timina (-511 C/T en la región promotora del gen interleuquina 1 beta (IL1β estα implicado en la producciσn diferencial de la citoquina y por tanto puede estar asociado a la respuesta inmuno-inflamatoria en obesidad, dislipidemias, cardiopatías, cáncer, infecciones, y el tratamiento con nutrientes y fármacos. Objetivos: Establecer la distribución de frecuencias de los genotipos y alelos del polimorfismo -511 C/T del gen IL1β en diferentes subpoblaciones peruanas. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo, observacional, transversal. Instituciones: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición e Instituto de Medicina Tropical D.A. Carrión, Facultad de Medicina, UNMSM y Centro de Genética y Biología Molecular, Facultad de Medicina, USMP, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Pobladores peruanos. Intervenciones: Extracción de ADN genómico a partir de muestras sanguíneas o epitelio bucal según metodología estándar, de 168 individuos de 9 grupos subpoblacionales: 23 mestizos de Lima, 33 amazónicos (20 de Pucallpa y 13 de Amazonas y 112 andinos (12 de Ancash, 10 de Cajamarca, 18 de Huarochirí-Lima, 25 de Puno-Taquile, 25 de Puno-Uros y 22 de Puno-Anapia. Análisis del polimorfismo -511 C/T mediante la técnica de PCR/RFLP, con primers específicos y digestión con la enzima de restricción AvaI, detectándose los fragmentos por electroforesis en geles de agarosa al 2% y tinción con bromuro de etidio. Principales medidas de resultados: Frecuencias genotípicas y alélicas del gen IL1β. Resultados: Se encontró las siguientes frecuencias genotípicas CC=0,024; CT=0,369 y TT=0,607, consistentes con el equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg; y las frecuencias alélicas fueron alelo C=0,208 y aleloT= 0,792. La frecuencia del alelo T, considerado el mutante, fue muy alta en los Uros de Puno (0.940 y más baja en los mestizos de Lima (0.609. La comparación de las frecuencias genotípicas (TT versus CT+CC y alélicas (T versus C

  5. The Use of Quantitative SPECT/CT Imaging to Assess Residual Limb Health (United States)


    of secondary health ef- fects following traumatic extremity injuries places a significant physical and psychosocial burden on SMs with LL and LS...been reported as the most important health -related physical condition con- tributing to a reduced QoL among veterans who had sustained a traumatic...AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-15-1-0669 TITLE: The Use of Quantitative SPECT/CT Imaging to Assess Residual Limb Health PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR


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    Óscar Pablo Gutiérrez Sancho


    Full Text Available El estudio examina el efecto de la sobrecarga con Creatina (Cr sobre el rendimiento en 6 sprints (200m de atletismo realizados a máxima intensidad, después de haber ocasionado la fatiga (+ 1hr con ejercicio de carrera submáximo (60-85% de FCmáx. En un diseño de medidas repetidas y contrabalanceado 6 hombres activos pasaron por tres condiciones experimentales: condición control (CT; condición con creatina (CCr; y condición placebo (PL. En la condición CT no recibieron ningún tratamiento. En la condición CCr recibieron monohidrato de creatina (12 gr x d x 7 d, dividido en 2 dosis diarias. De igual dosis y duración se suministró un carbohidrato para la condición PL. Se registró el tiempo en cada sprint de las diferentes condiciones y seguidamente se utilizó una ANOVA de dos vías (condiciones x número de sprint para mediciones pareadas. El análisis estadístico identificó una interacción significativa (p < 0.05, posteriormente un análisis de seguimiento mostró que las condiciones CT y CCr ocasionaban la interacción (p < 0.05. Un segundo análisis de efecto simple indico diferencias significativas (p < 0.05, en todos los sprints. El post hoc de Tukey evidenció que las condiciones (CCr, PL, eran siempre diferentes a la condición CT, no así entre ellas. Excepto en el sprint 1: CT ( = 37.03 ± .77 s y CCr ( = 35.87 ± .99 s (p < 0.05; y entre CCr ( = 35.87 ± .99 s y PL ( = 36.72 ± .54 s. Hubo efectos simples de los tratamientos sobre el tiempo promedio (p= .001 y del número de sprint (p= .000, pero no fueron confirmados por la interacción. En conclusión hubo una mejora clara en la condición CCr solo en el primer sprint 1, y una tendencia a retardar la fatiga con la condición

  7. Coronary imaging techniques with emphasis on CT and MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lederlin, Mathieu; Latrabe, Valerie; Corneloup, Olivier; Cochet, Hubert; Montaudon, Michel; Laurent, Francois; Thambo, Jean-Benoit


    Coronary artery imaging in children is challenging, with high demands both on temporal and spatial resolution due to high heart rates and smaller anatomy. Although invasive conventional coronary angiography remains the benchmark technique, over the past 10 years, CT and MRI have emerged in the field of coronary imaging. The choice of hardware is important. For CT, the minimum requirement is a 64-channel scanner. The temporal resolution of the scanner is most important for optimising image quality and minimising radiation dose. Manufacturers have developed several modes of electrocardiographic (ECG) triggering to facilitate dose reduction. Recent technical advances have opened new possibilities in MRI coronary imaging. As a non-ionising radiation technique, MRI is of great interest in paediatric imaging. It is currently recommended in centres with appropriate expertise for the screening of patients with suspected congenital coronary anomalies. However, MRI is still not feasible in infants. This review describes and discusses the technical requirements and the pros and cons of all three techniques. (orig.)

  8. Tiroiditis de Quervain

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    Idania Teresa Mora López


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una paciente que asistió a la consulta externa de endocrinología del Hospital General Docente "Enrique Cabrera", Pinar del Río, Cuba; con 62 años de edad, de raza blanca, antecedentes de enfermedad respiratoria alta y, posteriormente, aumento de volumen en la región anterior del cuello, dolor intenso, espontáneo, disfagia, fiebre de 39ºC a 40ºC y malestar general. Se constata al examen físico un aumento de volumen difuso de la glándula tiroides y dolor a la palpación en la región anterior del cuello. Se decide darle seguimiento ambulatorio. Aspectos significativos en las investigaciones realizadas: hemograma con diferencial y eritrosedimentación; leucocitosis con desviación a la izquierda y eritrosedimentación acelerada, hormonas tiroideas y tiroestimulante normales en el inicio de la tiroiditis y elevada en meses posteriores, confirmando el diagnóstico de hipotiroidismo primario crónico.

  9. preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

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    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  10. Tiroiditis no-autoinmunes

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    Leonardo F. L Rizzo


    Full Text Available El término tiroiditis comprende un grupo de enfermedades de la glándula tiroides caracterizado por la presencia de inflamación, abarcando entidades autoinmunes y no-autoinmunes. Pueden manifestarse como enfermedades agudas con dolor tiroideo severo (tiroiditis subaguda y tiroiditis infecciosas, y condiciones en las cuales la inflamación no es clínicamente evidente, cursando sin dolor y presentando disfunción tiroidea y/o bocio (tiroiditis inducida por fármacos y tiroiditis de Riedel. El objetivo de esta revisión es aportar un enfoque actualizado sobre las tiroiditis no-autoinmunes cubriendo sus aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos.

  11. Genetic variability of the inflammatory response. I. The -511 C/T IL1β polymorphism in different Peruvian subpopulations


    Acosta, Oscar; Solano, Luis; Huerta, Doris; Oré, Daniel; Sandoval, José; Figueroa, José; Fujita, Ricardo


    El polimorfismo -511 citosina/timina (-511 C/T) en la región promotora del gen interleuquina 1 beta (IL1β) está implicado en la producción diferencial de la citoquina y por tanto puede estar asociado a la respuesta inmuno-inflamatoria en obesidad, dislipidemias, cardiopatías, cáncer, infecciones, y el tratamiento con nutrientes y fármacos. Objetivos: Establecer la distribución de frecuencias de los genotipos y alelos del polimorfismo -511 C/T del gen IL1β en diferentes subpoblaciones peruanas...

  12. PET/CT in lymphoma patients; PET-CT bei Lymphompatienten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Steinert, H.C. [Universitaetsspital Zuerich, Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin (Switzerland)


    First results of PET/CT in Hodgkin's disease (HD) and aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) are reported. From March 2001 to August 2004 822 PET/CT were performed at our clinic in lymphoma patients for primary staging, restaging after therapy, and diagnosis of recurrence. For coregistration non contrast-enhanced low-dose CT were used. Due to the exact anatomic localization of {sup 18}F-FDG accumulating lesions equivocal or false positive PET findings are avoided. In comparison to contrast enhanced CT, PET/CT has a higher sensitivity and specificity in patients with HD and aggressive NHL. Integration of PET/CT in treatment planning of radiation therapy optimizes the field volume. Even in the initial phase of clinical evaluation, PET/CT has proven useful in staging and restaging of lymphoma. The exact anatomic localization of the PET findings is essential for a precise report, for treatment planning of radiation therapy, and for planning surgical biopsy. (orig.) [German] Erste Ergebnisse der PET-CT bei Morbus Hodgkin (HD) und den aggressiven Non-Hodgkin-Lymphomen (NHL) werden beschrieben. Von Maerz 2001 bis August 2004 wurden 822 PET-CT bei Lymphompatienten zum primaeren Staging, zum Restaging nach Therapie und zur Rezidivdiagnostik an unserer Klinik durchgefuehrt. Fuer die Koregistration wurde ein Low-dose-CT ohne i.v.-Kontrastmittel verwendet. Durch die exakte anatomische Zuordnung der {sup 18}F-FDG aufnehmenden Laesionen wurden unklare oder falsch-positive PET-Befunde vermieden. Die PET-CT erzielte im Vergleich zur KM-verstaerkten CT eine hoehere Sensitivitaet und Spezifitaet bei Patienten mit HD und aggressiven NHL. Die Integration der PET-CT in die Planung der Strahlentherapie fuehrte zu einer Optimierung der Feldgrenzen. Die PET-CT hat sich bereits in der Phase der initialen klinischen Evaluation als wertvoll beim Staging und Restaging von Lymphomen erwiesen. Die exakte anatomische Zuordnung der PET-Informationen ist fuer eine sichere Befundung

  13. CT of hepatocellular carcinoma. Analysis of contrast-enhanced CT using CT arteriography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakamura, H; Tanaka, T; Hori, S; Tokunaga, K; Yoshioka, H [Osaka Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Medicine


    Although changes in the CT appearance resulting from contrast enhancement (CE) for hepatocellular carcinoma have been considered in association with vascularity of tumors, no detailed studies have yet been made. We analyzed changes in the CT appearance following CE by comparing with hepatic arteriogram and CT arteriogram (CTA) performed during intraarterial infusion of contrast medium. When tumors showing low density in the plain CT were enhanced by contrast, the results were variable, ranging from intensification of the low density to replacement by high density, and the results were classified into L/sub 0/ to L/sub 3/ according to vascularity of tumors. The results after CE could also be classified into I/sub 0/ to I/sub 3/ when tumors showed isodensity in the plain CT. There was a correlation between vascularity presumed from CE and vascularity by CTA. It may be concluded that tumor vascularity could be estimated by the findings of CE which might indicate a possibility of qualitative diagnosis of tumors.

  14. Results in energy saving obtained with the application of speed variator in fossil power stations; Resultados de ahorro de energia obtenidos con la aplicacion de variadores de velocidad en centrales termoelectricas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Merlos Rueda, Rosa Maria [Programa de Ahorro de Energia del Sector Electrico (PAESE), Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    The project of installation of speed variator in fossil power stations (CT's) of Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), as an energy saving measure, is a pilot project that began with the support of the Subdivision de Generacion, and promoted by the Energy Saving Program of the Electric Sector (PAESE), with the putting in operation of an equipment in the condensate pump of the Punta Prieta II C. T. U3. The energy saving observed was substantial, fluctuating between the 19.4% at high loads (at 90% load) and the 71.1% at low loads (at 40% load) of the generating unit. With these results, it was decided to extend the scope of the project with the installation of 6 more equipment for equal number of fossil power stations, located in 4 of the 5 Regions of Generation. The fossil power stations, selected for this stage of the project were: C. T. Felipe Carrillo Puerto U1, C.T. Lerma U4, C.T. Salamanca U1, C.T. Monterrey U6, C.T. Francisco Villa U3 and the C.T. Punta Prieta II-U1. The equipment was in operation during the first quarter of 1998, and the first results indicate an energy savings average per equipment, between 39% and 52%. The recovery of the investment fluctuates between the 48.4% and the 87.6% in less than two years of operation, with which a maximum period of recovery of 3 years is expected. The estimated potential of energy saving, considering the application of these devices in condensate pumps, feedwater pumps (where no speed variator is installed) forced draft fans, induced draft fans and gas recirculation fans, as well as circulation water pumps, of the existing Generating Power stations, ascends to an annual total of 830,000, which represents an approximate 9.4% of the National consumption of self services. [Spanish] El proyecto de instalacion de variadores de velocidad en Centrales Termoelectricas (CT's) de la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), como medida de ahorro de energia, es un proyecto piloto que se inicio con el apoyo de la

  15. Enfermedad Graves-Basedow. Fisiopatología y Diagnóstico

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    Hernando Vargas-Uricoechea


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión narrativa rigurosa de la literatura inglesa y en español sobre diferentes aspectos de la Enfermedad de Graves-Basedow, causa de cerca del 80% de todos los casos de hipertiroidismo. Esta patología –parte de la llamada “enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune”- se produce como consecuencia de la presencia de anticuerpos circulantes que se unen y activan al receptor de tirotropina, desencadenándose generalmente el hipertiroidismo en asociación con un estrés agudo. En este artículo describimos la metodología usada para elaborar un estado del arte del bocio difuso tóxico presente en adultos, en relación con sus antecedentes históricos, fisiopatología y diagnóstico, tanto semiológico como imagenológico, patológico y por laboratorio. Los aspectos –tanto del manejo de hipertiroidismo como el de problemas especiales- son motivo de otra publicación.

  16. Absorbed dose in CT. Comparison by CT dose index

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamoto, Kenji; Akazawa, Hiroshi; Andou, Takashi


    Few reports have discussed the absorbed dose on CT units with increased scanning capacity even with the current widespread adoption of multi-slice CT units. To compare and investigate the dose indexes among CT units, we measured the absorbed dose on CT units operating in Nagano Prefecture Japan. The measurements showed proportionality between phantom absorbed dose and the exposured mAs values in conventional scanning operation. Further, the measurements showed that the absorbed dose in the center of the phantom differed by about 2.1-fold between the highest and lowest levels on individual CT units. Within a single company, multi-slice CT units of the same company gave absorbed doses of about 1.3 to 1.5 times those of conventional single-slice CT units under the same exposured conditions of conventional scanning. When the scanning pitch was reduced in helical scanning, the absorbed dose at the center of the phantom increased. (author)

  17. Imaging of head and neck tumors -- methods: CT, spiral-CT, multislice-spiral-CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baum, Ulrich; Greess, Holger; Lell, Michael; Noemayr, Anton; Lenz, Martin


    Spiral-CT is standard for imaging neck tumors. In correspondence with other groups we routinely use spiral-CT with thin slices (3 mm), a pitch of 1.3-1.5 and an overlapping reconstruction increment (2-3 mm). In patients with dental fillings a short additional spiral parallel to the corpus of the mandible reduces artifacts behind the dental arches and improves the diagnostic value of CT. For the assessment of the base of the skull, the orbital floor, the palate and paranasal sinuses an additional examination in the coronal plane is helpful. Secondary coronal reconstructions of axial scans are helpful in the evaluation of the crossing of the midline by small tumors of the tongue base or palate. For an optimal vascular or tissue contrast a sufficient volume of contrast medium and a start delay greater than 70-80 s are necessary. In our opinion the best results can be achieved with a volume of 150 ml, a flow of 2.5 ml/s and a start delay of 80 s. Dynamic enhanced CT is only necessary in some special cases. There is clear indication for dynamic enhanced CT where a glomus tumor is suspected. Additional functional CT imaging during i-phonation and/or Valsalva's maneuver are of great importance to prove vocal cords mobility. Therefore, imaging during i-phonation is an elemental part of every thorough examination of the hypopharynx and larynx region. Multislice-spiral-CT allows almost isotropic imaging of the head and neck region and improves the assessment of tumor spread and lymph node metastases in arbitrary oblique planes. Thin structures (the base of the skull, the orbital floor, the hard palate) as well as the floor of the mouth can be evaluated sufficiently with multiplanar reformations. Usually, additional coronal scanning is not necessary with multislice-spiral-CT. Multislice-spiral-CT is especially advantageous in defining the critical relationships of tumor and lymph node metastases and for functional imaging of the hypopharynx and larynx not only in the

  18. CT of portal vein tumor thrombosis. Usefulness of dynamic CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takemoto, Kazumasa; Inoue, Yuichi; Tanaka, Masahiro; Nemoto, Yutaka; Nakamura, Kenji [Osaka City Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Medicine


    We evaluated CT findings of portal vein tumor thrombosis in 16 hepatomas by plain, contrast and dynamic CT. Plain and contrast CT findings were an enlargement of the portal vein (81%), intraluminal low density area (63%). Dynamic CT enhanced the diagnostic capability of the tumor thrombus as a relatively low density area because of the marked enhancement of the portal vein. In addition, dynamic CT newly demonstrated hyperdense peripheral ring (35%) and arterio portal shunt (35%). It is advisable to select the scan level to include the portal vein when dynamic CT is performed in the patient of hepatocellular carcinoma.

  19. CT findings of pancreatic carcinoma. Evaluation with the combined method of early enhancement CT and high dose enhancement CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoh, Shigeki; Endo, Tokiko; Isomura, Takayuki; Ishigaki, Takeo; Ikeda, Mitsuru; Senda, Kouhei.


    Computed tomographic (CT) findings of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma were studied with the combined method of early enhancement CT and high dose enhancement CT in 72 carcinomas. Common Findings were change in pancreatic contour, abnormal attenuation in a tumor and dilatation of the main pancreatic duct. The incidence of abnormal attenuation and dilatation of the main pancreatic duct and bile duct was constant regardless of tumor size. The finding of hypoattenuation at early enhancement CT was most useful for demonstrating a carcinoma. However, this finding was negative in ten cases, five of which showed inhomogenous hyperattenuation at high dose enhancement CT. The detection of change in pancreatic contour and dilatation of the main pancreatic duct was most frequent at high dose enhancement CT. The finding of change in pancreatic contour and/or abnormal attenuation in a tumor could be detected in 47 cases at plain CT, 66 at early enhancement CT and 65 at high dose enhancement CT. Since the four cases in which neither finding was detected by any CT method showed dilatated main pancreatic duct, there was no case without abnormal CT findings. This combined CT method will be a reliable diagnostic technique in the imaging of pancreatic carcinoma. (author)

  20. CT in neuromuscular disorders: A comparison of CT and histology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vliet, A.M. van der; Thijssen, H.O.M.; Merx, J.L.; Joosten, E.


    The value of CT-examination of the muscles compared to histology was studied in a retrospective analysis of 30 patients with clinical suspicion of neuromuscular disorder. In the evaluation of the CT-results descriptive criteria were used. The histologic diagnosis came from needle-biopsies taken from the quadriceps muscle. Considering the whole group of neuromuscular disorders, CT has an overall accuracy of 84.8%, a positive predictive value of 95.5% and a negative predictive value of 63.6%. This makes the use of CT as a diagnostic tool in neuromuscular disorders a reliable examination technique. In patients with a polymyositis there is even a 100% correlation between CT findings and biopsy results. Discrepancy between the biopsy results is remarkable of the quadriceps muscle and the CT findings: The number of abnormal histological findings is twice the number of abnormal CT findings. Using the more proximal gluteal region as a biopsy site would have decreased this discrepancy and would therefore have given a better correlation between CT and histology. The choice of protocol in determining the levels to be scanned is of great importance in achieving good reproducability in follow-up CT examinations. (orig.)

  1. Combined SPECT/CT and PET/CT for breast imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Russo, Paolo [Università di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Cintia, Naples I-80126 (Italy); INFN Sezione di Napoli, Via Cintia, Naples I-80126 (Italy); Larobina, Michele [Istituto di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Via Tommaso De Amicis, 95, Naples I-80145 (Italy); Di Lillo, Francesca [Università di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Cintia, Naples I-80126 (Italy); INFN Sezione di Napoli, Via Cintia, Naples I-80126 (Italy); Del Vecchio, Silvana [Università di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche Avanzate, Via Pansini, 5, Naples I-80131 (Italy); Mettivier, Giovanni, E-mail: [Università di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Cintia, Naples I-80126 (Italy); INFN Sezione di Napoli, Via Cintia, Naples I-80126 (Italy)


    In the field of nuclear medicine imaging, breast imaging for cancer diagnosis is still mainly based on 2D imaging techniques. Three-dimensional tomographic imaging with whole-body PET or SPECT scanners, when used for imaging the breast, has performance limits in terms of spatial resolution and sensitivity, which can be overcome only with a dedicated instrumentation. However, only few hybrid imaging systems for PET/CT or SPECT/CT dedicated to the breast have been developed in the last decade, providing complementary functional and anatomical information on normal breast tissue and lesions. These systems are still under development and clinical trials on just few patients have been reported; no commercial dedicated breast PET/CT or SPECT/CT is available. This paper reviews combined dedicated breast PET/CT and SPECT/CT scanners described in the recent literature, with focus on their technological aspects.

  2. CT portography by multidetector helical CT. Comparison of three rendering models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakayama, Yoshiharu; Imuta, Masanori; Funama, Yoshinori; Kadota, Masataka; Utsunomiya, Daisuke; Shiraishi, Shinya; Hayashida, Yoshiko; Yamashita, Yasuyuki


    The purpose of this study was to assess the value of multidetector CT portography in visualizing varices and portosystemic collaterals in comparison with conventional portography, and to compare the visualizations obtained by three rendering models (volume rendering, VR; minimum intensity projection, MIP; and shaded surface display, SSD). A total of 46 patients with portal hypertension were examined by CT and conventional portography for evaluation of portosystemic collaterals. CT portography was performed by multidetector CT (MD-CT) scanner with a slice thickness of 2.5 mm and table feed of 7.5 mm. Three types of CT portographic models were generated and compared with transarterial portography. Among 46 patients, 48 collaterals were identified on CT transverse images, while 38 collaterals were detected on transarterial portography. Forty-four of 48 collaterals identified on CT transverse images were visualized with the MIP model, while 34 and 29 collaterals were visualized by the VR and SSD methods, respectively. The average CT value for the portal vein and varices was 198 HU with data acquisition of 50 sec after contrast material injection. CT portography by multidetector CT provides excellent images in the visualization of portosystemic collaterals. The images of collaterals produced by MD-CT are superior to those of transarterial portography. Among the three rendering techniques, MIP provides the best visualization of portosystemic collaterals. (author)

  3. CT portography by multidetector helical CT. Comparison of three rendering models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakayama, Yoshiharu; Imuta, Masanori; Funama, Yoshinori; Kadota, Masataka; Utsunomiya, Daisuke; Shiraishi, Shinya; Hayashida, Yoshiko; Yamashita, Yasuyuki [Kumamoto Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine


    The purpose of this study was to assess the value of multidetector CT portography in visualizing varices and portosystemic collaterals in comparison with conventional portography, and to compare the visualizations obtained by three rendering models (volume rendering, VR; minimum intensity projection, MIP; and shaded surface display, SSD). A total of 46 patients with portal hypertension were examined by CT and conventional portography for evaluation of portosystemic collaterals. CT portography was performed by multidetector CT (MD-CT) scanner with a slice thickness of 2.5 mm and table feed of 7.5 mm. Three types of CT portographic models were generated and compared with transarterial portography. Among 46 patients, 48 collaterals were identified on CT transverse images, while 38 collaterals were detected on transarterial portography. Forty-four of 48 collaterals identified on CT transverse images were visualized with the MIP model, while 34 and 29 collaterals were visualized by the VR and SSD methods, respectively. The average CT value for the portal vein and varices was 198 HU with data acquisition of 50 sec after contrast material injection. CT portography by multidetector CT provides excellent images in the visualization of portosystemic collaterals. The images of collaterals produced by MD-CT are superior to those of transarterial portography. Among the three rendering techniques, MIP provides the best visualization of portosystemic collaterals. (author)

  4. CT arterial portography and CT arteriography with a triple-lumen balloon catheter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murakami, T.; Oi, H.; Hori, M.; Kim, T.; Takahashi, S.; Matsushita, M.; Narumi, Y.; Nakamura, H.


    Purpose: To evaluate the usefulness of the triple-lumen balloon catheter in the serial performance of CT arterial portography (CT-AP) and CT arteriography (CT-A). Material and Methods: A combined CT-AP and CT-A examination of 58 patients was carried out in which a cobra-type triple-lumen balloon catheter was used. CT-AP was performed by injecting contrast medium either into the splenic artery through a side-hole in the catheter proximal to the balloon inflated in the common hepatic artery, or into the superior mesentric artery through an end-hole in the catheter. Then CT-A was serially performed by delivering contrast medium either to the common hepatic artery or the proper hepatic artery from the end-hole, or to the accessory right hepatic artery through a side-hole proximal to the inflated balloon. Results: Sufficient CT-APs were obtained in 53 of the 58 patients (91%), CT-A in 42 (72%), and both in 42 (72%). Incomplete CT-AP was due to technical failure or anatomical anomaly, as was incomplete CT-A. No complications were seen. (orig.)

  5. Arteritis with left carotid artery thrombosis produced by Salmonella enteritides. Study with CT, MR and angiography with digital subtraction. Arteritis con trombosis carotidea izquierda por Salmonella enteritidis. Estudio con TC, RM y angiografia con sustraccion digital

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iribarren Marin, M.A.; Fernandez Cruz, J.; Serrano Gotarredona, P.; Reyes Dominguez, M.J. (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocio, Sevilla (Spain))


    We present a case of suppurative arteritis of left common carotid artery produced by Salmonella enteritides in a 66-year-old man. We show the findings obtained by CT, MR and selective arteriography of the supra-aortic branches. We review this uncommon disorder. (Author)

  6. Comparison of CT and PET/CT for biopsy guidance in oncological patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cerci, Juliano J.; Bogoni, Mateos; Cunha Pereira, Carlos; Cerci, Rodrigo J.; Krauzer, Cassiano; Vicente Vitola, Joao [Quanta - Diagnostico e Terapia, Curitiba, PR (Brazil); Tabacchi, Elena; Fanti, Stefano [University Hospital S. Orsola-Malpighi, Nuclear Medicine Department, Bologna (Italy); Delbeke, Dominique [Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN (United States); Giacometti Sakamoto, Danielle [Byori - Laboratorio de Patologia, Curitiba (Brazil)


    To compare FDG PET/CT and CT for the guidance of percutaneous biopsies with histological confirmation of lesions. We prospectively evaluated 323 patients of whom 181 underwent FDG PET/CT-guided biopsy (total 188 biopsies) and 142 underwent CT-guided biopsy (total 146 biopsies). Biopsies were performed using the same PET/CT scanner with a fluoroscopic imaging system. Technical feasibility, clinical success and complication rates in the two groups were evaluated. Of the 188 biopsies with PET/CT guidance, 182 (96.8%) were successful with conclusive tissue samples obtained and of the 146 biopsies with CT guidance, 137 (93.8%) were successful. Therefore, 6 of 188 biopsies (3.1%) with PET/CT guidance and 9 of 146 (6.1%) with CT guidance were inconclusive (p = 0.19). Due to inconclusive histological results, 4 of the 188 lesions (2.1%) were rebiopsied with PET/CT guidance and 3 of 146 lesions (2.0%) were rebiopsied with CT guidance. Histology demonstrated that 142 of 188 lesions (75.5%) were malignant, and 40 (21.2%) were benign in the PET/CT-guided group, while 89 of 146 lesions (60.9%) were malignant and 48 (32.8%) were benign in the CT-guided group (p = 0.004 and 0.01, respectively). Patients with a histological diagnosis of benign lesion had no recurrence of disease with a minimum of 6 months follow-up. Of the 188 PET/CT-guided biopsies, 6 (3.1%) were repeat biopsies due to a previous nondiagnostic CT-guided biopsy performed in a different diagnostic centre. The interval between the two biopsies was less than a month in all cases. Histology revealed five malignant lesions and one benign lesion among these. The complication rate in the PET/CT-guided biopsy group was 12.7% (24 of 188), while in the CT-guided group, was 9.5% (14 of 146, p = 0.26). Therefore, there was no significant difference in complication rates between PET/CT and CT guidance. PET/CT-guided biopsy is already known to be a feasible and accurate method in the diagnostic work-up of suspected malignant

  7. Comparison of CT and PET/CT for biopsy guidance in oncological patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cerci, Juliano J.; Bogoni, Mateos; Cunha Pereira, Carlos; Cerci, Rodrigo J.; Krauzer, Cassiano; Vicente Vitola, Joao; Tabacchi, Elena; Fanti, Stefano; Delbeke, Dominique; Giacometti Sakamoto, Danielle


    To compare FDG PET/CT and CT for the guidance of percutaneous biopsies with histological confirmation of lesions. We prospectively evaluated 323 patients of whom 181 underwent FDG PET/CT-guided biopsy (total 188 biopsies) and 142 underwent CT-guided biopsy (total 146 biopsies). Biopsies were performed using the same PET/CT scanner with a fluoroscopic imaging system. Technical feasibility, clinical success and complication rates in the two groups were evaluated. Of the 188 biopsies with PET/CT guidance, 182 (96.8%) were successful with conclusive tissue samples obtained and of the 146 biopsies with CT guidance, 137 (93.8%) were successful. Therefore, 6 of 188 biopsies (3.1%) with PET/CT guidance and 9 of 146 (6.1%) with CT guidance were inconclusive (p = 0.19). Due to inconclusive histological results, 4 of the 188 lesions (2.1%) were rebiopsied with PET/CT guidance and 3 of 146 lesions (2.0%) were rebiopsied with CT guidance. Histology demonstrated that 142 of 188 lesions (75.5%) were malignant, and 40 (21.2%) were benign in the PET/CT-guided group, while 89 of 146 lesions (60.9%) were malignant and 48 (32.8%) were benign in the CT-guided group (p = 0.004 and 0.01, respectively). Patients with a histological diagnosis of benign lesion had no recurrence of disease with a minimum of 6 months follow-up. Of the 188 PET/CT-guided biopsies, 6 (3.1%) were repeat biopsies due to a previous nondiagnostic CT-guided biopsy performed in a different diagnostic centre. The interval between the two biopsies was less than a month in all cases. Histology revealed five malignant lesions and one benign lesion among these. The complication rate in the PET/CT-guided biopsy group was 12.7% (24 of 188), while in the CT-guided group, was 9.5% (14 of 146, p = 0.26). Therefore, there was no significant difference in complication rates between PET/CT and CT guidance. PET/CT-guided biopsy is already known to be a feasible and accurate method in the diagnostic work-up of suspected malignant

  8. El efecto de la heterogeneidad de las propiedades mecánicas de una unión soldada sobre la carga de plastificación de probetas de fractura tipo C(T Y SE(B

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    Donoso, J. R.


    Full Text Available The yield load values of two-dimensional C(T and SE(B specimens with various degrees of mismatch, were numerically evaluated. The yield load values were normalized using the Common Format in order to analyze the effect of the weld, using as reference material C(T and SE(B specimens made only of base metal (BM. In undermatched specimens (the weld metal elastic limit is lower than that of BM the normalized yield load decreases compared to the elastic limit of BM. In overmatched specimens (the weld metal elastic limit is larger than that of BM, the yield load increases. This variation of the yield load depends on the degree of mismatch, and on the relation between weld size and crack length. The numerical results were compared with experimental values obtained with mismatched weld C(T specimens using an ASTM A 588 steel as base metal.

    Se determinaron, numéricamente, los valores de la carga de plastificación de probetas de geometría compacta C(T y de flexión SE(B, bidimensionales, con cordón de soldadura de diferentes grados de desajuste entre los límites elásticos del material de soldadura y del metal base. Los valores de la carga de plastificación de las probetas bimetálicas se normalizaron mediante el Formato Común, con el objeto de analizar el efecto del cordón, tomando como referencia probetas de metal base (MB. En probetas sub-ajustadas (límite elástico del cordón menor que el de MB la carga de plastificación normalizada disminuye, comparada con el límite elástico de MB. En probetas sobre-ajustadas (límite elástico del cordón mayor que el de MB se produce un aumento de la carga de plastificación normalizada. Esta variación depende del grado de desajuste, y de la relación entre tamaño de cordón y longitud de grieta. Los resultados numéricos se compararon con valores experimentales obtenidos con probetas C(T de uniones soldadas desajustadas del acero ASTM A 588.

  9. Optimization of Protocol CT, PET-CT, whole body; Optimizacion de protocolo CT, en PET-CT, de cuerpo entero

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gutierrez, Fredys Santos, E-mail: [Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (ACCPR/CCSS), San Jose (Costa Rica). Area Control de Calidade Y Proteccion Radiologica; Namias, Mauro, E-mail: [Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica (FCDN/CNEA), Buenos Aires (Argentina). Fundacion Centro Diagnostico Nuclear


    The objective of this study was to optimize the acquisition protocols and processing existing of the CT PET/CT scanner for clinical use of Nuclear Diagnostic Center Foundation, a way to minimize the radiation dose while maintaining diagnostic image quality properly. Dosimetric data of PET / CT service were surveyed and obtained the baseline against which we compare and define strategies and modifications to develop online. We selected transaxial up to the pulmonary hilum and liver slices as the anatomical regions of interest that led to the standardization of the study.

  10. New possibilities in the diagnosis of ischemia. CT-FFR and CT-Perfusion; Neue Moeglichkeiten der Ischaemiediagnostik. CT-FFR und CT-Perfusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lehmkuhl, Lukas [Herz- und Gefaessklinik, Bad Neustadt an der Saale (Germany). Abt. fuer Radiologie; Krieghoff, Christian [Herzzentrum Leipzig (Germany); Gutberlet, Matthias [Herzzentrum Leipzig (Germany). Abt. fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie; Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Kardiologische Bildgebung


    Coronary CT-angiography (CCTA) plays an increasing role in the primary diagnostics of coronary artery disease (CAD) according to the present guidelines but also in clinical reality. The sensitivity and negative predictive value of CCTA is very high, but the specificity could still be improved. Newer techniques to assess myocardial ischemia like CT-FFR and CT-Perfusion may help to achieve that goal.

  11. Mineralización ósea en niños y adolescentes con hipotiroidismo congénito Bone mineralization in children and adolescents presenting with a congenital hypothyroidism

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    Kesia Granela Cortiñas


    Full Text Available Introducción: en el hipotiroidismo congénito la mineralización ósea puede afectarse por la enfermedad o por los efectos del tratamiento con hormonas tiroideas. Objetivo: determinar en pacientes con hipotiroidismo congénito la mineralización ósea. Métodos: se realizó estudio descriptivo transversal pareado, en niños cubanos con hipotiroidismo congénito (n=67 y un grupo control (n=67. Se analizó la mineralización ósea por densitometría, y se tuvo en cuenta la edad, el sexo, la maduración ósea y sexual, el diagnóstico hormonal y el tratamiento. Se aplicaron intervalos de confianza (95 %, análisis de varianza y correlación con significación. Resultados: la densidad, el contenido mineral óseo y el z-score en niños cubanos con hipotiroidismo congénito, y el grupo control no fue diferente significativamente (p=0,466; 0,155; 0,416 respectivamente. Estimaciones de asociación de mineralización ósea por edad mostró diferencia significativa en la densidad mineral ósea y contenido mineral óseo (p=0,000 para ambos grupos, y el z-score solo para los enfermos. La mineralización ósea fue significativa en la dosis promedio con levotiroxina en la segunda y tercera fase ósea, y en el tiempo de tratamiento. En el hipotiroidismo congénito permanente hubo correlación con el diagnóstico hormonal y el tiempo de tratamiento (p=0,000. Conclusiones: la mineralización ósea es homogénea en ambos grupos. La densidad y el contenido mineral óseo en niños cubanos con hipotiroidismo congénito y el grupo control se asocian con la edad, y son independientes del sexo. El z-score en pacientes con hipotiroidismo congénito sufre variación con la edad, y es independiente al sexo en ambos grupos. La densidad y el contenido mineral óseo varían en niños con hipotiroidismo congénito.Introduction: in the case of the congenital hypothyroidism the bone mineralization may be affected by disease or by the effects of the thyroid hormones treatment

  12. Hipotiroidismo Congénito. Presentación de un caso.


    Angela Belkys Brito García; José Miguel Alcalde Rojas; Raúl Medina Martín


    El hipotiroidismo congénito es el cuadro clínico resultante de una disminución de la actividad biológica de las hormonas tiroideas en los primeros años de vida, tiene una incidencia de 1/3000 a 1/4000 nacidos vivos. La expresividad clínica depende del grado de insuficiencia tiroidea, solo el 5% de los casos diagnosticados presentan manifestaciones clínicas al nacer, otros pacientes solamente pueden presentar niveles elevados de hormona estimulante del tiroides (TSH) en suero, el tratamiento...

  13. CT of laryngotracheal trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lupetin, A.R.; Daffner, R.H.


    This paper evaluates the usefulness of CT for the diagnosis of traumatic laryngotracheal abnormalities. The authors retrospectively evaluated the neck CT studies of 50 patients (36 males, 14 females; age range, 16-75 years) who presented to a level I trauma center after suffering a blunt or penetrating laryngotracheal injury. CT results were correlated with endoscopic or surgical findings in 43 cases. Three groups emerge. CT positive: hyloid bone or laryngotracheal cartilage injury; CT positive: soft-tissue injury only; and CT negative. In group 1, CT demonstrated all bony or cartilaginous injuries proved at surgery or suggested at endoscopy. CT failed to demonstrate laryngotracheal separation in 1 case. In group 2, CT demonstrated all soft-tissue injuries suggested at endoscopy. In group 3, CT findings agreed with those of endoscopy in 7 cases, but minor soft-tissue findings seen at endoscopy were missed in 3 cases. Seven patients were studied only with CT. Ct is an accurate technique for detecting bony or cartilaginous laryngotracheal traumatic abnormalities. However, laryngotracheal separation and minor soft-tissue injuries can be missed

  14. CT-Urography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dalla Palma, Ludovico; Grotto, Maurizio; Morra, Aldo


    In this paper we present an overview of CT-Urography. With the advent of multislice CT scanners and the evolution of image processing methods this technique now affords optimal urographic images comparable to those obtained with conventional techniques. We describe the acquisition techniques and protocols used by the various authors. Effective radiation dose has conditioned the use of CT-Urography so that the tendency today is to reduce the number of scans by performing, after the non enhanced scan, a single contrast-enhanced scan comprising both the nephrographic and urographic phase. With the use of multislice CT the quality of the urogram improves with the number of slices. We illustrate a variety of processing techniques, multiplanar reconstruction (MPR), maximum (MIP) and average intensity projection (AIP) and volume rendering (VR) and present a series of upper urinary tract tumours testifying to the superiority of the AIP technique over MIP. We then review the results of comparative studies of CT-Urography with conventional urography in upper urinary tract diagnostics. Finally, we describe the advantages and limitations of CT-Urography [it

  15. CT vs 68Ge attenuation correction in a combined PET/CT system: evaluation of the effect of lowering the CT tube current

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamel, Ehab; Hany, Thomas F.; Burger, Cyrill; Treyer, Valerie; Schulthess von, Gustav K.; Buck, Alfred; Lonn, Albert H.R.


    With the introduction of combined positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) systems, several questions have to be answered. In this work we addressed two of these questions: (a) to what value can the CT tube current be reduced while still yielding adequate maps for the attenuation correction of PET emission scans and (b) how do quantified uptake values in tumours derived from CT and germanium-68 attenuation correction compare. In 26 tumour patients, multidetector CT scans were acquired with 10, 40, 80 and 120 mA (CT 10 , CT 40 , CT 80 and CT 120 ) and used for the attenuation correction of a single FDG PET emission scan, yielding four PET scans designated PET CT10 -PET CT120 . In 60 tumorous lesions, FDG uptake and lesion size were quantified on PET CT10 -PET CT120 . In another group of 18 patients, one CT scan acquired with 80 mA and a standard transmission scan acquired using 68 Ge sources were employed for the attenuation correction of the FDG emission scan (PET CT80 , PET 68Ge ). Uptake values and lesion size in 26 lesions were compared on PET CT80 and PET 68Ge . In the first group of patients, analysis of variance revealed no significant effect of CT current on tumour FDG uptake or lesion size. In the second group, tumour FDG uptake was slightly higher using CT compared with 68 Ge attenuation correction, especially in lesions with high FDG uptake. Lesion size was similar on PET CT80 and PET 68Ge . In conclusion, low CT currents yield adequate maps for the attenuation correction of PET emission scans. Although the discrepancy between CT- and 68 Ge-derived uptake values is probably not relevant in most cases, it should be kept in mind if standardised uptake values derived from CT and 68 Ge attenuation correction are compared. (orig.)

  16. Whole-body CT. Spiral and multislice CT. 2. tot. rev. and enl. ed.; Ganzkoerper-Computertomographie. Spiral- und Multislice-CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prokop, M.; Galanski, M.; Schaefer-Prokop, C.; Molen, A.J. van der


    Spiral and multidetector techniques have improved the diagnostic possibilities of CT, so that image analysis and interpretation have become increasingly complex. This book represents the current state of the art in CT imaging, including the most recent technical scanner developments. The second edition comprises the current state of knowledge in cT imaging. There are new chapters on image processing, application of contrasting agents and radiation dose. All organ-specific pathological findings are discussed in full. There are hints for optimum use and interpretation of CT, including CT angiography, CT colonography, CT-IVPL, and 3D imaging. There is an introduction to cardio-CT, from calcium scoring and CTA of the coronary arteries to judgement of cardiac morphology. There are detailed scan protocols with descriptions of how to go about parameter selection. Practical hints are given for better image quality and lower radiation exposure of patients, guidelines for patient preparation and complication management, and more than 1900 images in optimum RRR quality. (orig.)

  17. Image Registration for PET/CT and CT Images with Particle Swarm Optimization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Hak Jae; Kim, Yong Kwon; Lee, Ki Sung; Choi, Jong Hak; Kim, Chang Kyun; Moon, Guk Hyun; Joo, Sung Kwan; Kim, Kyeong Min; Cheon, Gi Jeong


    Image registration is a fundamental task in image processing used to match two or more images. It gives new information to the radiologists by matching images from different modalities. The objective of this study is to develop 2D image registration algorithm for PET/CT and CT images acquired by different systems at different times. We matched two CT images first (one from standalone CT and the other from PET/CT) that contain affluent anatomical information. Then, we geometrically transformed PET image according to the results of transformation parameters calculated by the previous step. We have used Affine transform to match the target and reference images. For the similarity measure, mutual information was explored. Use of particle swarm algorithm optimized the performance by finding the best matched parameter set within a reasonable amount of time. The results show good agreements of the images between PET/CT and CT. We expect the proposed algorithm can be used not only for PET/CT and CT image registration but also for different multi-modality imaging systems such as SPECT/CT, MRI/PET and so on.

  18. Lumbar sympathectomy under CT guidance: therapeutic option in critical limb ischaemia; la simpaticolisi TC guidata: alternativa terapeutica delle ischemie critiche

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pieri, Stefano; Agresti, Paolo [Az. Osp. S. Camillo-Forlanini, Roma (Italy). U.O. di radiologia vascolare ed interventistica; Ialongo, Pasquale; Fedeli, Stefano [Radiologia diagnostica Busi, Roma (Italy); Di Cesare, Fabio; Ricci, Guiseppe [Az. Osp. S. Camillo-Forlanini, Roma (Italy). Chirurgia vascolare


    Purpose: Lumbar sympathectomy is a complementary therapeutic option for patients with severe peripheral vascular occlusive disease presenting rest pain or gangrene and not eligible for surgical revascularisation. Traditional surgical sympathectomy was widely used in the past. However, due to its invasive character, it has increasingly been replaced by percutaneous techniques and, in some recent cases, by laparoscopic procedures. Percutaneous lumbar sympathectomy is a safe, cost-effective and widely available treatment option. We report our experience on 19 patients subjected to percutaneous sympathectomy under CT guidance. Materials and methods: Between 1998 and 2000, 19 patients underwent percutaneous sympathectomy under CT guidance. All patients had severe vascular disease of the lower extremities (Fontaine stage IV), with rest pain and gangrene. They were not eligible for surgical revascularization. Phenol was injected at the level of L2 and L4 using two 22 G needles (15 cm long). Signs of interrupted sympathetic activity usually occur 2'-15' after the procedure with warmth and flushing and dryness of the lower extremities. Results: Percutaneous sympathectomy under CT guidance is a simple, safe and well-tolerated procedure with a low rate of complications. Of the 19 patients, 9 (47.3%) showed clinical improvement, whereas 5 experienced a worsening of ischaemia in the month immediately following the procedure. Discussion: Results suggest that percutaneous lumbar sympathectomy causes a sympathetic blockade in patients with advanced vascular disease of the limb. CT guidance ensures a high level of precision in drug dosing, thus lowering the risk of complications. Although the results are demoralizing. the impossibility of achieving surgical revascularisation in advanced peripheral arteriosclerosis enhances the role of Ct-guided percutaneous sympathectomy in relieving rest pain and healing ulcers in order to postpone the amputation. [Italian] Scopo: La

  19. Mujer, corazón y tiroides

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana E. Espinosa de Ycaza


    Full Text Available Resumen: Las hormonas tiroideas desempeñan un papel importantísimo en el mantenimiento del metabolismo del cuerpo y la homeostasis del sistema cardiovascular. Las alteraciones en la función tiroidea, ya sea por inhabilidad de producir suficientes hormonas tiroideas o por sobreproducción de las mismas, son más comunes en mujeres que en hombres. Se estima que 1 de cada 10 mujeres desarrollará disfunción tiroidea a lo largo de su vida. Tanto el hipotiroidismo como el hipertiroidismo causan gran variedad de alteraciones hemodinámicas y cardiacas que pueden conducir a eventos cardiovasculares, arritmias e insuficiencia cardiaca. Existe evidencia que tanto el Hipo-tiroidismo como el hipertiroidismo subclínico causan alteraciones cardiovasculares. Sin embargo, no hay evidencia clara de que el tratamiento de estas formas más leves de disfunción tiroidea modifique los factores de riesgo cardiovascular o disminuya el riesgo de eventos cardiovasculares adversos. En esta revisión se analizarán las complicaciones cardiovasculares del hipo- e hipertiroidismo y los mecanismos involucrados. Abstract: Thyroid hormones play an important role in maintaining cellular metabolism and cardiovascular homeostasis. Thyroid dysfunction caused by an underactive or overactive thyroid gland is more common in women than in men. It is estimated that one out of ten women will develop some form of thyroid dysfunction in her lifetime. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can both cause hemodynamic and cardiac changes that can ultimately lead to cardiovascular disease, arrhythmias and heart failure. Additionally, subclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are associated with cardiovascular changes. However, there is no clear evidence that treatment of these mild forms of thyroid dysfunction improves cardiovascular risk factors, or prevents cardiovascular events. In this review we will describe and analyze the cardiovascular consequences of hypothyroidism and

  20. The effect of the cranial bone CT numbers on the brain CT numbers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fukuda, Hitoshi; Kobayashi, Shotai; Koide, Hiromi; Yamaguchi, Shuhei; Okada, Kazunori; Shimote, Koichi; Tsunematsu, Tokugoro (Shimane Medical Univ., Izumo (Japan))


    The effects of the cranial size and the computed tomography (CT) numbers of the cranial bone on that of the brain were studied in 70 subjects, aged from 30 to 94 years. The subjects had no histories of cerebrovascular accidents and showed no abnormalities in the central nervous system upon physical examinations and a CT scan. We measured the average attenuation values (CT numbers) of each elliptical region (165 pixels, 0.39 cm{sup 2}) at the bilateral thalamus and at twelve areas of the deep white matter. Multiple regression analysis was used to assess the effects of age, cranial size, and cranial bone CT numbers on the brain CT numbers. The effect of the cranial bone CT numbers on the brain CT numbers was statistically significant. The brain CT numbers increased with the increase in the cranial bone CT numbers. There was, however, no significant correlation between brain CT numbers and cranial size. In measuring the brain CT numbers, it is desirable that consideration be given to the cranial bone CT numbers. (author).

  1. Bone quality evaluation at dental implant site using multislice CT, micro-CT, and cone beam CT. (United States)

    Parsa, Azin; Ibrahim, Norliza; Hassan, Bassam; van der Stelt, Paul; Wismeijer, Daniel


    The first purpose of this study was to analyze the correlation between bone volume fraction (BV/TV) and calibrated radiographic bone density Hounsfield units (HU) in human jaws, derived from micro-CT and multislice computed tomography (MSCT), respectively. The second aim was to assess the accuracy of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in evaluating trabecular bone density and microstructure using MSCT and micro-CT, respectively, as reference gold standards. Twenty partially edentulous human mandibular cadavers were scanned by three types of CT modalities: MSCT (Philips, Best, the Netherlands), CBCT (3D Accuitomo 170, J Morita, Kyoto, Japan), and micro-CT (SkyScan 1173, Kontich, Belgium). Image analysis was performed using Amira (v4.1, Visage Imaging Inc., Carlsbad, CA, USA), 3Diagnosis (v5.3.1, 3diemme, Cantu, Italy), Geomagic (studio(®) 2012, Morrisville, NC, USA), and CTAn (v1.11, SkyScan). MSCT, CBCT, and micro-CT scans of each mandible were matched to select the exact region of interest (ROI). MSCT HU, micro-CT BV/TV, and CBCT gray value and bone volume fraction of each ROI were derived. Statistical analysis was performed to assess the correlations between corresponding measurement parameters. Strong correlations were observed between CBCT and MSCT density (r = 0.89) and between CBCT and micro-CT BV/TV measurements (r = 0.82). Excellent correlation was observed between MSCT HU and micro-CT BV/TV (r = 0.91). However, significant differences were found between all comparisons pairs (P micro-CT BV/TV (P = 0.147). An excellent correlation exists between bone volume fraction and bone density as assessed on micro-CT and MSCT, respectively. This suggests that bone density measurements could be used to estimate bone microstructural parameters. A strong correlation also was found between CBCT gray values and BV/TV and their gold standards, suggesting the potential of this modality in bone quality assessment at implant site. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by

  2. Cardiac PET/CT for the diagnosis and prognostic evaluation of coronary artery disease; PET/CT para el diagnóstico y la estratificación pronóstica de la enfermedad coronaria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Geronazzo, R. J. [IMAC, Imagen Molecular, La Rioja (Argentina); Vicedecanato, Universidad Barceló, La Rioja (Argentina); Romero, R. L. [FLENI, Fundación Centro Diagnóstico Nuclear, La Rioja (Argentina); Campisi, R. [Diagnóstico Maipú, Fundación Centro Diagnóstico Nuclear, Pcia. Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    offering great potential for both diagnosis and management of coronary disease. (authors) [Spanish] La enfermedad coronaria (EC) es considerada por la Or¬ganización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) como una pan¬demia. El 80% de los fallecimientos provocados por EC, accidente cerebrovascular y diabetes pueden prevenirse. Todos ellas relacionadas con los mismos factores de ries¬go. La cardiopatía isquémica en mayores de 60 años, es la primera causa de mortalidad en nuestro país en este grupo etario. Las estrategias de prevención primaria son esenciales en cualquier sistema de salud, acá, los métodos complementarios, en especial de imágenes, son relevantes para completar la estratificación de riesgo, son además clave en la prevención secundaria y para la valoración prequirúrgica. Los estudios en Medicina Nuclear han ocupado este lu¬gar, a través de los estudios de perfusión miocárdica con radioisótopos, mediante la técnica de SPECT, que mejoró su sensibilidad y especificidad con el uso de la modalidad sincronizada con QRS (gatillado). También contamos con tecnología que permite adelantar¬se aún más a la aparición de enfermedad coronaria, como en el caso de la tomografía por emisión de positrones asociada a tomografía multicorte (PET/CT). Esta técnica permite la valoración relativa de la perfusión miocárdica, cuantificación absoluta de flujo, la reserva coronaria. Y cuantificar la función sistólica en reposo y en el pico del estrés. Con el desarrollo de equipos híbridos, en este caso también se puede realizar puntaje de calcio coronario y angiografía coronaria. Los programas disponibles hoy en día permiten adqui¬rir imágenes en un modo especial llamado Modo lista, y así recopilar en una sola señal de tiempo sincroniza¬da, toda la información del estudio en forma simultánea con el sincronizado cardíaco y posteriormente aplicarle el protocolo de reconstrucción para analizar la fracción de eyección y los volúmenes ventriculares

  3. Combined CT Angiography and CT Venography in Thromboembolic disease: clinical impact

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouzas, R.; Migueles, Y.; Gomez, S.; Mallo, R.; Garcia-Tejedor, J. L.; Diaz Vega, M. J.


    Combined CT Venography and Pulmonary Angiography was described in 1998 as a tool for diagnostic Thromboembolic Disease. The purpose is to relate our own experience with this technique in a population with suspected pulmonary embolism. 46 consecutive patients with suspected pulmonary embolism underwent combined CT Venography after Pulmonary CT Angiography to depict Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT). CT Venography where obtained with a 3 minutes delay from injection, without additional intravenous contrast, from upper abdomen to fibular head. A prospective study from emergency reports where used. The reports where aimed by nine different radiologist at diary emergency room (images where not retrospective review). We report if a pulmonary embolus or deep venous thrombus or another alternative diagnostic where done. An endo luminal thrombus in any pulmonary arteries was assessed as a positive study for PE. A Thrombus in the leg veins or in an abdominal vein without diminished size of vein was assessed as an acute DVT. In those patients with a CT negative to Thromboembolic Disease was the clinician who decide if more proves where needed. Those patients without evidence in CT of Thromboembolic Disease where asked for symptoms related to the episode in a 3 months period after initial CT. Patients free of symptoms for 3 months without anticoagulation therapy where considered true negative for CT. CT shows Thromboembolic Disease in 23 of 46 patients. 21PE, 14 DVT 2 of 14 patients with DVT don't show PE, CT excluded thromboembolic disease in 23 patients and in 15 of those patients an alternative diagnostic was shown. In 22 of those 23 patients CT excluded correctly Thromboembolic Disease. One patient result in a false negative CT, Pulmonary Angiography of that patient shows us a subsegmentary embolus. (Author) 9 refs

  4. Noncardiac findings on cardiac CT. Part II: spectrum of imaging findings.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Killeen, Ronan P


    Cardiac computed tomography (CT) has evolved into an effective imaging technique for the evaluation of coronary artery disease in selected patients. Two distinct advantages over other noninvasive cardiac imaging methods include its ability to directly evaluate the coronary arteries and to provide a unique opportunity to evaluate for alternative diagnoses by assessing the extracardiac structures, such as the lungs and mediastinum, particularly in patients presenting with the chief symptom of acute chest pain. Some centers reconstruct a small field of view (FOV) cropped around the heart but a full FOV (from skin to skin in the area irradiated) is obtainable in the raw data of every scan so that clinically relevant noncardiac findings are identifiable. Debate in the scientific community has centered on the necessity for this large FOV. A review of noncardiac structures provides the opportunity to make alternative diagnoses that may account for the patient\\'s presentation or to detect important but clinically silent problems such as lung cancer. Critics argue that the yield of biopsy-proven cancers is low and that the follow-up of incidental noncardiac findings is expensive, resulting in increased radiation exposure and possibly unnecessary further testing. In this 2-part review we outline the issues surrounding the concept of the noncardiac read, looking for noncardiac findings on cardiac CT. Part I focused on the pros and cons for and against the practice of identifying noncardiac findings on cardiac CT. Part II illustrates the imaging spectrum of cardiac CT appearances of benign and malignant noncardiac pathology.

  5. Picture analysis in CT-HF and its CT photographs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubota, Kazuo; Kohirasawa, Hideo; Shinojima, Masayasu; Tokui, Mitsuru; Seo, Kunihiko.


    CT (computed tomography) apparatus is rarely used yet in the field of dentistry, though it seems useful. It is possibly because of the artefacts caused by the metallic parts attached to teeth, the large partial volume effect due to many bones and the problems of positioning and reproducibility. After considering the various requirements of the CT apparatuses in dental field, CT-HF (of T/R type) was chosen as such apparatus, and installed as the first in dentistry. In the CT-HF apparatus, the inner diameter of the gantry is up to 300 mm, and the position of a tomographic plane is only 40 mm away from the front of gantry. Mainly the usefulness of scanography in positioning and the usefulness of the CT apparatus in the picture analysis and processing in dental field are described. (J.P.N.)

  6. E-selectina soluble en una población infanto-juvenil con diabetes tipo 1 Soluble E- selectin in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teresita del R. Carrizo


    Full Text Available El estado de hiperglucemia crónica en los pacientes diabéticos produce una agresión al endotelio vascular, conduciendo al desarrollo prematuro de ateroesclerosis. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar niveles de E-selectina soluble (sE-S en una población infanto-juvenil con diabetes tipo1 (DT1 y su relación con el control glucémico y el perfil lipídico. Se estudiaron 30 pacientes con DT1 (16 mujeres y 14 varones, de edades comprendidas entre 6 y 15 años, comparados con 20 sujetos controles. Se determinaron: sE-S, glucemia en ayunas, hemoglobina glicosilada (HbA1c, colesterol total (CT, HDL-C, LDL-C, no HDL-C y triglicéridos (TG. Los niveles de sE-S fueron 66% más altos en los diabéticos que en los sujetos controles (p = 0.0001. Los pacientes fueron agrupados en: diabéticos con buen control glucémico (DBCG, HbA1c 8%. La concentración de sE-S en DPCG y en DBCG fue: 111.3 ± 40.5 vs. 68.0 ± 11.3 ng/ml, respectivamente p = 0.02. En los diabéticos la incidencia de valores no deseables en el perfil lipídico fue: CT: 50%; HDL-C 14%; LDL-C 52%, no HDL-C 26.7% y TG 14%. La sE-S se correlacionó mejor con HbA1c (r = 0.53, p = 0.0001 que con la glucemia en ayunas (r = 0.36, p = 0.008 y CT (r = 0.36, p = 0.009. De los resultados obtenidos se sugiere que la sE-S es un marcador temprano de disfunción endotelial y de probable riesgo de aterosclerosis en pacientes infanto-juveniles con DT1.The chronic hyperglycemic state in diabetic patients produces an aggression to the vascular endothelium leading to a premature development of atherosclerosis. The objective of this paper was to determine the soluble E-selectin (sE-S levels in children with type 1 diabetes (DT1 and its relationship with glycemic control and lipid profile. Thirty patients with DT1, (16 girls and 14 boys, age between 6 and 15 years were studied, whose data were compared with 20 control subjects. In both groups sE-S was determined as well as fasting glycemia, glycosylated

  7. Additional value of PET-CT in the staging of lung cancer: comparison with CT alone, PET alone and visual correlation of PET and CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wever, W. de; Marchal, G.; Bogaert, J.; Verschakelen, J.A.; Ceyssens, S.; Mortelmans, L.; Stroobants, S.


    Integrated positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) is a new imaging modality offering anatomic and metabolic information. The purpose was to evaluate retrospectively the accuracy of integrated PET-CT in the staging of a suggestive lung lesion, comparing this with the accuracy of CT alone, PET alone and visually correlated PET-CT. Fifty patients undergoing integrated PET-CT for staging of a suggestive lung lesion were studied. Their tumor, node, metastasis (TNM) statuses were determined with CT, PET, visually correlated PET-CT and integrated PET-CT. These TNM stages were compared with the surgical TNM status. Integrated PET-CT was the most accurate imaging technique in the assessment of the TNM status. Integrated PET-CT predicted correctly the T status, N status, M status and TNM status in, respectively, 86%, 80%, 98%, 70% versus 68%, 66%,88%, 46% with CT, 46%, 70%, 96%, 30% with PET and 72%, 68%, 96%, 54% with visually correlated PET-CT. T status and N status were overstaged, respectively, in 8% and 16% with integrated PET-CT, in 20% and 28% with CT, in 16% and 20% with PET, in 12% and 20% with visually correlated PET-CT and understaged in 6% and 4% with integrated PET-CT, versus 12% and 6% with CT, 38% and 10% with PET and 12% with visually correlated PET-CT. Integrated PET-CT improves the staging of lung cancer through a better anatomic localization and characterization of lesions and is superior to CT alone and PET alone. If this technique is not available, visual correlation of PET and CT can be a valuable alternative. (orig.)

  8. Relación del polimorfismo C-514T del gen de la lipasa hepática con indicadores nutricionales y lipoproteínas en una muestra poblacional peruana: una perspectiva nutrigenética

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Doris Huerta


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son una de las principales causas de muerte en todo el mundo. El promotor del gen de la lipasa hepática presenta un polimorfismo funcional C-514T que se relaciona con la actividad de la enzima, la variación de los niveles de lipoproteínas y un posible riesgo para desarrollar enfermedades cardiovasculares. Objetivos: Establecer la relación del polimorfismo C-514T del promotor del gen de la lipasa hepática con indicadores nutricionales y los niveles de lipoproteínas plasmáticas en una muestra de peruanos saludables. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, asociativo. Lugar: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición Alberto Guzmán Barrón, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Participantes: Noventiuna personas sanas de ambos sexos, cuyas edades fluctuaban entre 18 y 58 años, voluntarios con consentimiento informado. Intervenciones: Extracción del ADN genómico a partir de muestras sanguíneas según metodología estándar. Toma de medidas antropométricas, estableciéndose los indicadores nutricionales, determinación del perfil lipídico por el método enzimático. Análisis del polimorfismo C-514T mediante la técnica de PCR/RFLP, con primers específicos y digestión con la enzima de restricción NlaIII, detectándose los fragmentos de RFLP por electroforesis en gel de poliacrilamida (PAGE y tinción con nitrato de plata. Principales medidas de resultados: Frecuencias genotípicas y alélicas del gen de la lipasa hepática y relación con parámetros lipídicos y nutricionales. Resultados: Se encontró las frecuencias genotípicas CC=0,143; CT=0,593 y TT = 0,264, siendo la distribución consistente con el equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg (X2 =3,8024, g.l.=1, p = 0,086. Las frecuencias alélicas fueron alelo C = 0,4395 y el alelo T = 0,5605. Los niveles de colesterol, HDLc, LDLc, TG y los promedios de pliegue subcutáneo, el IMC y el porcentaje de

  9. Metal artifact reduction of CT scans to improve PET/CT

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Der Vos, Charlotte S.; Arens, Anne I.J.; Hamill, James J.; Hofmann, Christian; Panin, Vladimir Y.; Meeuwis, Antoi P.W.; Visser, Eric P.; De Geus-Oei, Lioe Fee


    In recent years, different metal artifact reduction methods have been developed for CT. These methods have only recently been introduced for PET/CT even though they could be beneficial for interpretation, segmentation, and quantification of the PET/CT images. In this study, phantom and patient scans

  10. Metal Artifact Reduction of CT Scans to Improve PET/CT

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vos, C.S. van der; Arens, A.I.J.; Hamill, J.J.; Hofmann, C.; Panin, V.Y.; Meeuwis, A.P.W.; Visser, E.P.; Geus-Oei, L.F. de


    In recent years, different metal artifact reduction methods have been developed for CT. These methods have only recently been introduced for PET/CT even though they could be beneficial for interpretation, segmentation, and quantification of the PET/CT images. In this study, phantom and patient scans

  11. Restaging of patients with lymphoma. Comparison of low dose CT (20 mAs) with contrast enhanced diagnostic CT in combined [18F]-FDG PET/CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fougere, C. la; Pfluger, T.; Schneider, V.; Hacker, M.; Broeckel, N.; Bartenstein, P.; Tiling, R.; Morhard, D.; Hundt, W.; Becker, C.


    Aim: assessment of the clinical benefit of i.v. contrast enhanced diagnostic CT (CE-CT) compared to low dose CT with 20 mAs (LD-CT) without contrast medium in combined [ 18 F]-FDG PET/CT examinations in restaging of patients with lymphoma. Patients, methods: 45 patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma (n = 35) and Hodgkin's disease (n = 10) were included into this study. PET, LD-CT and CE-CT were analyzed separately as well as side-by-side. Lymphoma involvement was evaluated separately for seven regions. Indeterminate diagnoses were accepted whenever there was a discrepancy between PET and CT findings. Results for combined reading were calculated by rating indeterminate diagnoses according the suggestions of either CT or PET. Each patient had a clinical follow-up evaluation for > 6 months. Results: region-based evaluation suggested a sensitivity/specificity of 66/93% for LD-CT, 87%/91% for CE-CT, 95%/96% for PET, 94%/99% for PET/LD-CT and 96%/99% for PET/CE-CT. The data for PET/CT were obtained by rating indeterminate results according to the suggestions of PET, which turned out to be superior to CT. Lymphoma staging was changed in two patients using PET/CE-CT as compared to PET/LD-CT. Conclusion: overall, there was no significant difference between PET/LD-CT and PET/CE-CT. However, PET/CE-CT yielded a more precise lesion delineation than PET/LD-CT. This was due to the improved image quality of CE-CT and might lead to a more accurate investigation of lymphoma. (orig.)

  12. CT and PET-CT of a Dog with Multiple Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma (United States)

    KIM, Jisun; KWON, Seong Young; CENA, Rohani; PARK, Seungjo; OH, Juyeon; OUI, Heejin; CHO, Kyoung-Oh; MIN, Jung-Joon; CHOI, Jihye


    ABSTRACT A 10-year-old, intact female Yorkshire terrier had multiple pulmonary nodules on thoracic radiography and ultrasonography with no lesions elsewhere. Computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography and computed tomography (PET-CT) using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) were performed to identify metastasis and undetected primary tumors. On CT examination, pulmonary nodules had a hypoattenuating center with thin peripheral enhancement, suggesting ischemic or necrotizing lesion. In PET-CT at 47 min after intravenous injection of 11.1 MBq/kg of FDG, the maximum standardized uptake value of each pulmonary nodule was about from 3.8 to 6.4. There were no abnormal lesions except for four pulmonary nodules on the CT and PET-CT. Primary lung tumor was tentatively diagnosed, and palliative therapy using 2 mg/kg tramadol and 2.2 mg/kg carprofen twice per day was applied. After the dog’s euthanasia due to deteriorated clinical signs and poor prognosis, undifferentiated pulmonary adenocarcinoma was diagnosed through histopathologic and immunochemistry examination. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study of CT and PET-CT features of canine pulmonary adenocarcinoma. In this case, multiple pulmonary adenocarcinoma could be determined on the basis of FDG PET-CT through screening the obvious distant metastasis and/or lymph node invasions and excluding unknown primary tumors. PMID:24389742

  13. CT paging arteriography with a multidetector-row CT. Advantages in splanchnic arterial imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kobayashi, Seiji [Keio Univ., Tokyo (Japan). School of Medicine


    The purpose of this study is to assess the utility of CT paging arteriography with a multidetector-row CT as a replacement for conventional angiography in the evaluation of splanchnic arterial anomalies. Sixty-three patients underwent CT paging arteriography with a multidetector-row CT. In the 56 patients with conventional angiographic correlation, there was only one minor disagreement with CT paging arteriography. In the 7 patients who underwent IVDSA (intra venous digital subtraction angiography), CT paging arteriography defined four hepatic arterial anomalies which could not be depicted by IVDSA. In conclusion, CT paging arteriography provides noninvasive means to identify splanchnic arterial anomalies. (author)

  14. Low-dose non-enhanced CT versus full-dose contrast-enhanced CT in integrated PET/CT studies for the diagnosis of uterine cancer recurrence

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kitajima, Kazuhiro [Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation, Department of PET Diagnosis, Kobe (Japan); Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Kobe (Japan); Suzuki, Kayo [Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation, Department of PET Diagnosis, Kobe (Japan); Nakamoto, Yuji [Kyoto University Hospital, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Kyoto (Japan); Onishi, Yumiko; Sakamoto, Setsu; Sugimura, Kazuro [Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Kobe (Japan); Senda, Michio [Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation, Department of Molecular Imaging, Kobe (Japan); Kita, Masato [Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kobe (Japan)


    To evaluate low-dose non-enhanced CT (ldCT) and full-dose contrast-enhanced CT (ceCT) in integrated {sup 18}F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT studies for restaging of uterine cancer. A group of 100 women who had undergone treatment for uterine cervical (n=55) or endometrial cancer (n=45) underwent a conventional PET/CT scans with ldCT, and then a ceCT scan. Two observers retrospectively reviewed and interpreted the PET/ldCT and PET/ceCT images in consensus using a three-point grading scale (negative, equivocal, or positive) per patient and per lesion. Final diagnoses were obtained by histopathological examination, or clinical follow-up for at least 6 months. Patient-based analysis showed that the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of PET/ceCT were 90% (27/30), 97% (68/70) and 95% (95/100), respectively, whereas those of PET/ldCT were 83% (25/30), 94% (66/70) and 91% (91/100), respectively. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy did not significantly differ between two methods (McNemar test, p=0.48, p=0.48, and p=0.13, respectively). There were 52 sites of lesion recurrence: 12 pelvic lymph node (LN), 11 local recurrence, 8 peritoneum, 7 abdominal LN, 5 lung, 3 supraclavicular LN, 3 liver, 2 mediastinal LN, and 1 muscle and bone. The grading results for the 52 sites of recurrence were: negative 5, equivocal 0 and positive 47 for PET/ceCT, and negative 5, equivocal 4 and positive 43 for PET/ldCT, respectively. Four equivocal regions by PET/ldCT (local recurrence, pelvic LN metastasis, liver metastasis and muscle metastasis) were correctly interpreted as positive by PET/ceCT. PET/ceCT is an accurate imaging modality for the assessment of uterine cancer recurrence. Its use reduces the frequency of equivocal interpretations. (orig.)

  15. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Physician Resources Professions Site Index A-Z Computed Tomography (CT) - Sinuses Computed tomography (CT) of the sinuses ... CT of the Sinuses? What is CT (Computed Tomography) of the Sinuses? Computed tomography, more commonly known ...

  16. Spinal CT scan, 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakagawa, Hiroshi


    Methods of CT of the cervical and thoracic spines were explained, and normal CT pictures of them were described. Spinal CT was evaluated in comparison with other methods in various spinal diseases. Plain CT revealed stenosis due to spondylosis or ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament and hernia of intervertebral disc. CT took an important role in the diagnosis of spinal cord tumors with calcification and destruction of the bone. CT scan in combination with other methods was also useful for the diagnosis of spinal injuries, congenital anomalies and infections. (Ueda, J.)

  17. Optimization of Protocol CT, PET-CT, whole body

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gutierrez, Fredys Santos; Namias, Mauro


    The objective of this study was to optimize the acquisition protocols and processing existing of the CT PET/CT scanner for clinical use of Nuclear Diagnostic Center Foundation, a way to minimize the radiation dose while maintaining diagnostic image quality properly. Dosimetric data of PET / CT service were surveyed and obtained the baseline against which we compare and define strategies and modifications to develop online. We selected transaxial up to the pulmonary hilum and liver slices as the anatomical regions of interest that led to the standardization of the study

  18. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Physician Resources Professions Site Index A-Z Computed Tomography (CT) - Head Computed tomography (CT) of the head uses special x-ray ... What is CT Scanning of the Head? Computed tomography, more commonly known as a CT or CAT ...

  19. Usefulness of multi-plane dynamic subtraction CT (MPDS-CT) for intracranial high density lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takagi, Ryo; Kumazaki, Tatsuo [Nippon Medical School, Tokyo (Japan)


    We present a new CT technique using the high speed CT scanner in detection and evaluation of temporal and spatial contrast enhancement of intracranial high density lesions. A multi-plane dynamic subtraction CT (MPDS-CT) was performed in 21 patients with intracranial high density lesions. These lesions consisted of 10 brain tumors, 7 intracerebral hemorrhages and 4 vascular malformations (2 untreated, 2 post-embolization). Baseline study was first performed, and 5 sequential planes of covering total high density lesions were selected. After obtaining the 5 sequential CT images as mask images, three series of multi-plane dynamic CT were performed for the same 5 planes with an intravenous bolus injection of contrast medium. MPDS-CT images were reconstructed by subtracting dynamic CT images from the mask ones. MPDS-CT were compared with conventional contrast-enhanced CT. MPDS-CT images showed the definite contrast enhancement of high density brain tumors and vascular malformations which were not clearly identified on conventional contrast-enhanced CT images because of calcified or hemorrhagic lesions and embolic materials, enabling us to eliminate enhanced abnormalities with non-enhanced areas such as unusual intracerebral hemorrhages. MPDS-CT will provide us further accurate and objective information and will be greatly helpful for interpreting pathophysiologic condition. (author).

  20. con dietas suplementadas con Cromo-L-metionina

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    Ram\\u00F3n Garc\\u00EDa-Castillo


    Full Text Available Un total de 48 cerdos (Sus scrofa domesticus; 24 machos castrados y 24 hembras cruzados (Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc y Landrace de 3,5 a 4,0 meses de edad y 60,0 ± 5,0 kg PV en finalización. Se alimentaron con dietas isoproteícas (14,5 % PC e isoenergéticas (3.400 kcal EM/kg de MS, adicionadas con Cr-L-metionina (MiCroPlex® (0, 200, 400 y 600 ppb. El experimento tuvo una duración de 45 días y se realizó de agosto a noviembre del 2002 en las instalaciones de la Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, localizada en Saltillo, Coahuila, México. Al tener los animales aproximadamente 95 kg PV, se tomó muestra de 15 ml de sangre por cada animal para determinar la concentración de glucosa, ácido úrico, creatinina, urea, proteinas totales y colesterol. Se aplicó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 4; dos para el factor sexo y cuatro para nivel de cromo. Los metabolitos en suero no fueron afectados (P>0,05 por el factor sexo. La glucosa en suero disminuyó (P<0,05 y el colesterol incrementó (P<0,05 con cromo en la dieta. Se concluye que el Cr incrementa el metabolismo de glucosa y disminuye el de colesterol, con lo cual puede haber energía disponible para síntesis de proteína la cual es necesaria para el crecimiento de los animales

  1. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Physician Resources Professions Site Index A-Z Computed Tomography (CT) - Abdomen and Pelvis Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis is a ... is CT Scanning of the Abdomen/Pelvis? Computed tomography, more commonly known as a CT or CAT ...

  2. Radiation exposure during CT-guided biopsies: recent CT machines provide markedly lower doses. (United States)

    Guberina, Nika; Forsting, Michael; Ringelstein, Adrian; Suntharalingam, Saravanabavaan; Nassenstein, Kai; Theysohn, Jens; Wetter, Axel


    To examine radiation dose levels of CT-guided interventional procedures of chest, abdomen, spine and extremities on different CT-scanner generations at a large multicentre institute. 1,219 CT-guided interventional biopsies of different organ regions ((A) abdomen (n=516), (B) chest (n=528), (C) spine (n=134) and (D) extremities (n=41)) on different CT-scanners ((I) SOMATOM-Definition-AS+, (II) Volume-Zoom, (III) Emotion6) were included from 2013-2016. Important CT-parameters and standard dose-descriptors were retrospectively examined. Additionally, effective dose and organ doses were calculated using Monte-Carlo simulation, following ICRP103. Overall, radiation doses for CT interventions are highly dependent on CT-scanner generation: the newer the CT scanner, the lower the radiation dose imparted to patients. Mean effective doses for each of four procedures on available scanners are: (A) (I) 9.3mSv versus (II) 13.9mSv (B) (I) 7.3mSv versus (III) 11.4mSv (C) (I) 6.3mSv versus (II) 7.4mSv (D) (I) 4.3mSv versus (II) 10.8mSv. Standard dose descriptors [standard deviation (SD); CT dose index vol (CTDI vol ); dose-length product (DLP body ); size-specific dose estimate (SSDE)] were also compared. Effective dose, organ doses and SSDE for various CT-guided interventional biopsies on different CT-scanner generations following recommendations of the ICRP103 are provided. New CT-scanner generations involve markedly lower radiation doses versus older devices. • Effective dose, organ dose and SSDE are provided for CT-guided interventional examinations. • These data allow identifying organs at risk of higher radiation dose. • Detailed knowledge of radiation dose may contribute to a better individual risk-stratification. • New CT-scanner generations involve markedly lower radiation doses compared to older devices.

  3. Diagnosis of tracheal instability: inspiratory and expiratory spiral CT and cine CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heussel, C.P.; Thelen, M.; Kauczor, H.U.; Hafner, B.; Lill, J.


    Purpose: In tracheo- and bronchomalacia, localization and determination of collapse is necessary for planning a surgical procedure. We compared inspiratory and spiral CT, cine CT, and bronchoscopy and evaluated the relevance of each method. Methods: Seventeen patients with suspected or verified tracheal stonosis or collapse underwent paired inspiratory and exspiratory spiral CT and cine CT during continuous respiration (temporal increment 100 ms). The tracheal cross-sectional area was calculated and compared. Results: In addition to bronchoscopy, further information concerning localization, extent, collapse, stability of the tracheal wall, distal portions of the stenosis, and extraluminal compressions was obtained. A significantly higher degree of tracheal collapse was seen using cine CT compared to paired spiral CT (p [de

  4. ¿Al final, TLC con o sin biopiratería?

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    Martha Isabel Gómez Lee


    Full Text Available El problema está en que en Colombia los temas de acceso a los recursos genéticos, los derechos de propiedad intelectual (DPI y la protección del conocimiento tradicional (CT no han recibido la importancia que se merecen. No ha habido un debate abierto acerca del papel que juegan estos temas en el desarrollo de un país megadiverso y una nación multiétnica y pluricultural, como es Colombia. Sin embargo, el gobierno colombiano decidió negociar un TLC indefinido que define la política comercial al respecto para Colombia. En febrero de 2006, se cerraron las negociaciones del TLC en términos similares a Perú. Ese país aceptó las patentes de genes aislados y de plantas conforme a los intereses de Estados Unidos. Colombia tiene cuatro grupos étnicos: 84 pueblos indígenas que hablan 64 lenguas, los afrocolombianos, los raizales del Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia y los rom. La constitución de 1991 garantiza y protege los recursos genéticos, la diversidad étnica y cultural y los derechos humanos. Las posiciones y propuestas oficiales sobre acceso a recursos genéticos, biodiversidad y protección del CT que presentó el gobierno colombiano en el TLC, no fueron concertadas previamente con los grupos étnicos colombianos. El Estado tiene que consultarlos, para determinar su posición respecto al acceso a los recursos genéticos, la protección al CT y los DPI

  5. Implications of CT noise and artifacts for quantitative 99mTc SPECT/CT imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hulme, K. W.; Kappadath, S. C.


    Purpose: This paper evaluates the effects of computed tomography (CT) image noise and artifacts on quantitative single-photon emission computed-tomography (SPECT) imaging, with the aim of establishing an appropriate range of CT acquisition parameters for low-dose protocols with respect to accurate SPECT attenuation correction (AC). Methods: SPECT images of two geometric and one anthropomorphic phantom were reconstructed iteratively using CT scans acquired at a range of dose levels (CTDI vol = 0.4 to 46 mGy). Resultant SPECT image quality was evaluated by comparing mean signal, background noise, and artifacts to SPECT images reconstructed using the highest dose CT for AC. Noise injection was performed on linear-attenuation (μ) maps to determine the CT noise threshold for accurate AC. Results: High levels of CT noise (σ ∼ 200–400 HU) resulted in low μ-maps noise (σ ∼ 1%–3%). Noise levels greater than ∼10% in 140 keV μ-maps were required to produce visibly perceptible increases of ∼15% in 99m Tc SPECT images. These noise levels would be achieved at low CT dose levels (CTDI vol = 4 μGy) that are over 2 orders of magnitude lower than the minimum dose for diagnostic CT scanners. CT noise could also lower (bias) the expected μ values. The relative error in reconstructed SPECT signal trended linearly with the relative shift in μ. SPECT signal was, on average, underestimated in regions corresponding with beam-hardening artifacts in CT images. Any process that has the potential to change the CT number of a region by ∼100 HU (e.g., misregistration between CT images and SPECT images due to motion, the presence of contrast in CT images) could introduce errors in μ 140 keV on the order of 10%, that in turn, could introduce errors on the order of ∼10% into the reconstructed 99m Tc SPECT image. Conclusions: The impact of CT noise on SPECT noise was demonstrated to be negligible for clinically achievable CT parameters. Because CT dose levels that affect

  6. Performance evaluation of the General Electric eXplore CT 120 micro-CT using the vmCT phantom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bahri, M.A., E-mail: [ULg-Liege University, Cyclotron Research Centre, Liege, Bat. 30, Allee du 6 aout, 8 (Belgium); Warnock, G.; Plenevaux, A. [ULg-Liege University, Cyclotron Research Centre, Liege, Bat. 30, Allee du 6 aout, 8 (Belgium); Choquet, P.; Constantinesco, A. [Biophysique et Medecine Nucleaire, Hopitaux universitaires de Strasbourg, Strasbourg (France); Salmon, E.; Luxen, A. [ULg-Liege University, Cyclotron Research Centre, Liege, Bat. 30, Allee du 6 aout, 8 (Belgium); Seret, A. [ULg-Liege University, Cyclotron Research Centre, Liege, Bat. 30, Allee du 6 aout, 8 (Belgium); ULg-Liege University, Experimental Medical Imaging, Liege (Belgium)


    The eXplore CT 120 is the latest generation micro-CT from General Electric. It is equipped with a high-power tube and a flat-panel detector. It allows high resolution and high contrast fast CT scanning of small animals. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of the eXplore CT 120 with that of the eXplore Ultra, its predecessor for which the methodology using the vmCT phantom has already been described . The phantom was imaged using typical a rat (fast scan or F) or mouse (in vivo bone scan or H) scanning protocols. With the slanted edge method, a 10% modulation transfer function (MTF) was observed at 4.4 (F) and 3.9-4.4 (H) mm{sup -1} corresponding to 114 {mu}m resolution. A fairly larger MTF was obtained by the coil method with the MTF for the thinnest coil (3.3 mm{sup -1}) equal to 0.32 (F) and 0.34 (H). The geometric accuracy was better than 0.3%. There was a highly linear (R{sup 2}>0.999) relationship between measured and expected CT numbers for both the CT number accuracy and linearity sections of the phantom. A cupping effect was clearly seen on the uniform slices and the uniformity-to-noise ratio ranged from 0.52 (F) to 0.89 (H). The air CT number depended on the amount of polycarbonate surrounding the area where it was measured; a difference as high as approximately 200 HU was observed. This hindered the calibration of this scanner in HU. This is likely due to the absence of corrections for beam hardening and scatter in the reconstruction software. However in view of the high linearity of the system, the implementation of these corrections would allow a good quality calibration of the scanner in HU. In conclusion, the eXplore CT 120 achieved a better spatial resolution than the eXplore Ultra (based on previously reported specifications) and future software developments will include beam hardening and scatter corrections that will make the new generation CT scanner even more promising.

  7. Pediatric CT angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siegel, M.J.


    Advances in CT technology are having profound impact on imaging children and have made CT angiography possible even in neonates. Even with the tiny anatomy of neonates, small volumes of contrast material, and small venous access catheters, successful CT angiography can be performed with attention to detail. Meticulous attention to patient preparation, the proper selection of technical factors, and optimal delivery of contrast material are crucial. Data post-processing and the creation of 3-D reconstructions are also essential in establishing a correct diagnosis. The applications fo CT angiography are different in children than in adults and most applications in children involve assessment of congenital and postoperative vascular and cardiac diseases. The use of CT angiography offers the opportunity to eliminate the long periods of sedation associated with MR and reduce the radiation exposure associated with conventional angiography. Generally, the benefits of CT angiography in children outweigh the risk, namely that of radiation exposure. However, care must still be taken to minimize the radiation exposure. (orig.)

  8. Sacral-neuromodulation CT-guided; Nuova tecnica di centraggio TC-assistista nella neuromodulazione sacrale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amoroso, Lamberto; Ricci, Stefano [INRCA, Ancona (Italy). Dipartimento di radiologia e medicina nucleare; Pelliccioni, Giuseppe; Scarpino, Osvaldo [INRCA, Ancona (Italy). Unita' operativa di radiologia; Ghiselli, Roberto; Saba, Vittorio [INRCA, Ancona (Italy). Dipartimento di chirurgia


    Purpose: Sacral neuromodulation is a new treatment for refractory voiding disorders such as urge incontinence, urinary retention, frequency-urgency syndromes and faecal incontinence. The current approach to sacral nerve stimulation consists of a two-stage procedure. The first is a PNE test (Percutaneous Nerve Evaluation) by a provisional electrically stimulated spinal needle, placed percutaneously in the S3 foramina for four of ten days. If successful, the second stage, permanent implantation, is carried out. The PNE test is performed under fluoroscopic control using the palpable bony sacral foramina as referral points. This technique can show some limitations, such as operator Rx exposure, poor visualization of sacral foramina because of bowel gas artefacts or sacral malformation. In order to reduce these inconveniences and to improve efficiency of the test we tried an alternative technique. The purpose of our study was to test the use of CT as an alternative technique in order to evaluate its advantages and possible routine use. Materials and methods: We tested 30 patients with the PNE test under CT guidance (16 males and 14 females) suffering from serious pelvic disorders and not responding to the normal therapeutic regime. Twenty-seven patient showed relative anatomical integrity of the pelvis and the sacrum, the remaining 3 patients presented morphological anormalities of the sacral foramina. With the patient in the prone position the sacral foramina were identified with CT volumetric scanning using a spiral CT scanner equipped with a second console for the three-dimensional reconstructions. Having identified the location of the S3 foramina, a sterile field was prepared and the spiral needle introduced checking correct positioning with a CT control scan. An electrode was inserted after having checked correct muscular contractile response and the precise position with a further CT scan. Results: Thirty patients were subjected to PNE under CT guidance for a

  9. Preoperative 4D CT Localization of Nonlocalizing Parathyroid Adenomas by Ultrasound and SPECT-CT. (United States)

    Hinson, Andrew M; Lee, David R; Hobbs, Bradley A; Fitzgerald, Ryan T; Bodenner, Donald L; Stack, Brendan C


    To evaluate 4-dimensional (4D) computed tomography (CT) for the localization of parathyroid adenomas previously considered nonlocalizing on ultrasound and single-photon emission CT with CT scanning (SPECT-CT). To measure radiation exposure associated with 4D-CT and compared it with SPECT-CT. Case series with chart review. University tertiary hospital. Nineteen adults with primary hyperparathyroidism who underwent preoperative 4D CT from November 2013 through July 2014 after nonlocalizing preoperative ultrasound and technetium-99m SPECT-CT scans. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, and accuracy of 4D CT were evaluated. Nineteen patients (16 women and 3 men) were included with a mean age of 66 years (range, 39-80 years). Mean preoperative parathyroid hormone level was 108.5 pg/mL (range, 59.3-220.9 pg/mL), and mean weight of the excised gland was 350 mg (range, 83-797 mg). 4D CT sensitivity and specificity for localization to the patient's correct side of the neck were 84.2% and 81.8%, respectively; accuracy was 82.9%. The sensitivity for localizing adenomas to the correct quadrant was 76.5% and 91.5%, respectively; accuracy was 88.2%. 4D CT radiation exposure was significantly less than the radiation associated with SPECT-CT (13.8 vs 18.4 mSv, P = 0.04). 4D CT localizes parathyroid adenomas with relatively high sensitivity and specificity and allows for the localization of some adenomas not observed on other sestamibi-based scans. 4D CT was also associated with less radiation exposure when compared with SPECT-CT based on our study protocol. 4D CT may be considered as first- or second-line imaging for localizing parathyroid adenomas in the setting of primary hyperparathyroidism. © American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery Foundation 2015.

  10. Coronary CT angiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dewey, Marc [Charite - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Radiologie


    Coronary CT angiography has attained increasing scientific attention at academic institutions and has become a highly accurate diagnostic modality. Extending this knowledge into a practice setting is the purpose of 'Coronary CT Angiography'. This book will assist you in integrating cardiac CT into your daily practice, while also giving an overview of the current technical status and applications. The specific features of scanners from all four main vendors are also presented providing an objective overview of noninvasive coronary angiography using CT. (orig.)

  11. Hipotiroidismo inducido por Amiodarona: Reporte de caso

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    Jorge Luis Salinas Arce


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso de una mujer de 57 años de edad, con diagnóstico de síndrome de Wolf Parkinson White, en tratamiento con amiodarona 200 mg/día; que acudió por presentar palpitaciones, fatiga y aumento de sueño. Al examen físico no se encontró bocio, pero los reflejos osteotendinosos estaban prolongados. Los exámenes auxiliares mostraron TSH elevado, T4 libre disminuido y anticuerpos antiperoxidasa tiroidea negativos. Se suspendió la amiodarona y se inició levotiroxina. Después de dos meses; los niveles de TSH y T4 libre eran normales y la paciente no presentaba molestias. La amiodarona está asociada a diversos efectos adversos que pueden limitar su uso. Entre estos efectos adversos, se describe el hipotiroidismo inducido, que se caracteriza por TSH elevado, T4 libre disminuido y síntomas inespecíficos como fatiga, intolerancia al frío y piel seca. El tratamiento de elección es la levotiroxina.

  12. Indications for chest CT. Retrospective study of cases with normal chest CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Obata, Shiro


    The usefulness of computed tomography (CT) in thoracic radiology is now well appreciated, and the number of chest CTs has greatly increased. There are, however, many chest CT cases that are completely or almost completely normal. Indications for chest CT should be re-evaluated considering the cost and radiation exposure associated with the examination. Reviewing the reports of 4930 chest CT examinations performed in three hospitals during the period of two years, the author found 620 (12.6%) negative CT examinations. In 312 of the 620, the CT was requested because of 'abnormal shadow' on chest radiograph. When the same chest radiographs were re-evaluated by two radiologists, no abnormality was noted in 257 cases (82.4%). CT examinations were considered justified in only 55 cases (17.6%). There was a significant difference in the frequency of normal chest CT examinations between the university hospital and two other hospitals. The causes of false positive interpretation of chest radiographs were analyzed, and it was felt that fundamental knowledge necessary to interpret chest radiographs was lacking. The importance of close cooperation between clinicians and radiologists should be emphasized. (author)

  13. Micro-CT and nano-CT analysis of filling quality of three different endodontic sealers. (United States)

    Huang, Yan; Celikten, Berkan; de Faria Vasconcelos, Karla; Ferreira Pinheiro Nicolielo, Laura; Lippiatt, Nicholas; Buyuksungur, Arda; Jacobs, Reinhilde; Orhan, Kaan


    To investigate voids in different root canal sealers using micro-CT and nano-CT, and to explore the feasibility of using nano-CT for quantitative analysis of sealer filling quality. 30 extracted mandibular central incisors were randomly assigned into three groups according to the applied root canal sealers (Total BC Sealer, Sure Seal Root, AH Plus) by the single cone technique. Subsequently, micro-CT and nano-CT were performed to analyse the incidence rate of voids, void fraction, void volume and their distribution in each sample. Micro-CT evaluation showed no significant difference among sealers for the incidence rate of voids or void fraction in the whole filling materials (p > 0.05), whereas a significant difference was found between AH Plus and the other two sealers using nano-CT (p nano-CT results displayed higher void volume in AH Plus among all the sealers and regions (p nano-CT analysis, when round root canals were treated by the single cone technique. The disparate results suggest that the higher resolution of nano-CT have a greater ability of distinguishing internal porosity, and therefore suggesting the potential use of nano-CT in quantitative analysis of filling quality of sealers.

  14. Xenon-enhanced CT using subtraction CT: Basic and preliminary clinical studies for comparison of its efficacy with that of dual-energy CT and ventilation SPECT/CT to assess regional ventilation and pulmonary functional loss in smokers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohno, Yoshiharu; Yoshikawa, Takeshi; Takenaka, Daisuke; Fujisawa, Yasuko; Sugihara, Naoki; Kishida, Yuji; Seki, Shinichiro; Koyama, Hisanobu; Sugimura, Kazuro


    Purpose: To prospectively and directly compare the capability for assessments of regional ventilation and pulmonary functional loss in smokers of xenon-ventilation CT obtained with the dual-energy CT (DE-CT) and subtraction CT (Sub-CT) Materials and methods: Twenty-three consecutive smokers (15 men and 8 women, mean age: 69.7 ± 8.7 years) underwent prospective unenhanced and xenon-enhanced CTs, the latter by Sub-CT and DE-CT methods, ventilation SPECT and pulmonary function tests. Sub-CT was generated from unenhanced and xenon-enhanced CT, and all co-registered SPECT/CT data were produced from SPECT and unenhanced CT data. For each method, regional ventilation was assessed by using a 11-point scoring system on a per-lobe basis. To determine the functional lung volume by each method, it was also calculated for individual sublets with a previously reported method. To determine inter-observer agreement for each method, ventilation defect assessment was evaluated by using the χ2 test with weighted kappa statistics. For evaluation of the efficacy of each method for pulmonary functional loss assessment, functional lung volume was correlated with%FEV 1 . Results: Each inter-observer agreement was rated as substantial (Sub-CT: κ = 0.69, p < 0.0001; DE-CT: κ = 0.64, p < 0.0001; SPECT/CT: κ = 0.64, p < 0.0001). Functional lung volume for each method showed significant to good correlation with%FEV 1 (Sub-CT: r = 0.72, p = 0.0001; DE-CT: r = 0.74, p < 0.0001; SPECT/CT: r = 0.66, p = 0.0006). Conclusion: Xenon-enhanced CT obtained by Sub-CT can be considered at least as efficacious as that obtained by DE-CT and SPECT/CT for assessment of ventilation abnormality and pulmonary functional loss in smokers.

  15. Xenon-enhanced CT using subtraction CT: Basic and preliminary clinical studies for comparison of its efficacy with that of dual-energy CT and ventilation SPECT/CT to assess regional ventilation and pulmonary functional loss in smokers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohno, Yoshiharu, E-mail: [Division of Functional and Diagnostic Imaging Research, Department of Radiology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe (Japan); Advanced Biomedical Imaging Research Center, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe (Japan); Yoshikawa, Takeshi [Division of Functional and Diagnostic Imaging Research, Department of Radiology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe (Japan); Advanced Biomedical Imaging Research Center, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe (Japan); Takenaka, Daisuke [Department of Radiology, Hyogo Cancer Center, Akashi (Japan); Fujisawa, Yasuko; Sugihara, Naoki [Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation, Otawara (Japan); Kishida, Yuji; Seki, Shinichiro; Koyama, Hisanobu; Sugimura, Kazuro [Division of Radiology, Department of Radiology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine (Japan)


    Purpose: To prospectively and directly compare the capability for assessments of regional ventilation and pulmonary functional loss in smokers of xenon-ventilation CT obtained with the dual-energy CT (DE-CT) and subtraction CT (Sub-CT) Materials and methods: Twenty-three consecutive smokers (15 men and 8 women, mean age: 69.7 ± 8.7 years) underwent prospective unenhanced and xenon-enhanced CTs, the latter by Sub-CT and DE-CT methods, ventilation SPECT and pulmonary function tests. Sub-CT was generated from unenhanced and xenon-enhanced CT, and all co-registered SPECT/CT data were produced from SPECT and unenhanced CT data. For each method, regional ventilation was assessed by using a 11-point scoring system on a per-lobe basis. To determine the functional lung volume by each method, it was also calculated for individual sublets with a previously reported method. To determine inter-observer agreement for each method, ventilation defect assessment was evaluated by using the χ2 test with weighted kappa statistics. For evaluation of the efficacy of each method for pulmonary functional loss assessment, functional lung volume was correlated with%FEV{sub 1}. Results: Each inter-observer agreement was rated as substantial (Sub-CT: κ = 0.69, p < 0.0001; DE-CT: κ = 0.64, p < 0.0001; SPECT/CT: κ = 0.64, p < 0.0001). Functional lung volume for each method showed significant to good correlation with%FEV{sub 1} (Sub-CT: r = 0.72, p = 0.0001; DE-CT: r = 0.74, p < 0.0001; SPECT/CT: r = 0.66, p = 0.0006). Conclusion: Xenon-enhanced CT obtained by Sub-CT can be considered at least as efficacious as that obtained by DE-CT and SPECT/CT for assessment of ventilation abnormality and pulmonary functional loss in smokers.

  16. Non-enhanced CT versus contrast-enhanced CT in integrated PET/CT studies for nodal staging of rectal cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tateishi, Ukihide; Maeda, Tetsuo; Morimoto, Tsuyoshi; Miyake, Mototaka; Arai, Yasuaki; Kim, E.E.


    The purpose of the present study was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of non-enhanced CT and contrast-enhanced CT in integrated PET/CT studies for preoperative nodal staging of rectal cancer. Retrospective analysis was performed in 53 patients with pathologically proven rectal cancer who had been referred for preoperative staging. All patients underwent integrated PET/CT consisting of non-enhanced and contrast-enhanced CT followed by whole-body fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose ([ 18 F]FDG) PET. Both non-enhanced and contrast-enhanced PET/CT images were evaluated separately by two observers in consensus. The reference standard was histopathologic results. For nodal staging of rectal cancer, we compared diagnostic accuracy on a per-patient basis between the two modalities. Nodal staging was correctly determined with non-enhanced studies in 37 patients (70%) and with contrast-enhanced studies in 42 patients (79%). On a per-patient basis, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of regional lymph node staging were 85%, 68%, 83%, 72%, and 79%, respectively, with contrast-enhanced studies, and 85%, 42%, 73%, 62%, and 70%, respectively, with non-enhanced studies. The difference in the accuracy of nodal staging between the two modalities was not significant (p = 0.063). Compared with non-enhanced studies, contrast-enhanced studies determined more correctly the status of pararectal lymph nodes (p 0.002), internal iliac lymph nodes (p = 0.004), and obturator lymph nodes (p < 0.0001). Contrast-enhanced PET/CT is superior to non-enhanced PET/CT for precise definition of regional nodal status in rectal cancer. (orig.)

  17. Whole-body CT. Spiral and multislice CT. 2. tot. rev. and enl. ed.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prokop, M.; Galanski, M.; Schaefer-Prokop, C.; Molen, A.J. van der


    Spiral and multidetector techniques have improved the diagnostic possibilities of CT, so that image analysis and interpretation have become increasingly complex. This book represents the current state of the art in CT imaging, including the most recent technical scanner developments. The second edition comprises the current state of knowledge in cT imaging. There are new chapters on image processing, application of contrasting agents and radiation dose. All organ-specific pathological findings are discussed in full. There are hints for optimum use and interpretation of CT, including CT angiography, CT colonography, CT-IVPL, and 3D imaging. There is an introduction to cardio-CT, from calcium scoring and CTA of the coronary arteries to judgement of cardiac morphology. There are detailed scan protocols with descriptions of how to go about parameter selection. Practical hints are given for better image quality and lower radiation exposure of patients, guidelines for patient preparation and complication management, and more than 1900 images in optimum RRR quality. (orig.)

  18. Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Site Index A-Z Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography) Pediatric computed tomography (CT) is a fast, painless exam that uses ... of Children's CT? What is Children's CT? Computed tomography, more commonly known as a CT or CAT ...

  19. Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Z Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography) Pediatric computed tomography (CT) is a fast, painless exam that uses special ... the limitations of Children's CT? What is Children's CT? Computed tomography, more commonly known as a CT or CAT ...


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    Paloma Eza Núñez


    Full Text Available Introducción y objetivo:Las pruebas de función vestibular en pacientes con la Enfermedad de Ménière (EM aportan información sobre el déficit de los distintos receptores de cada oído y sobre el estado de compensación. La congruencia entre los resultados de la prueba calórica (CAL, el sillón rotatorio (ROT y el vHIT es importante cuando realizamos el screening de pacientes con vestibulopatía. Sin embargo, muchas veces encontramos discrepancias en los resultados. Esto puede ser debida a las propiedades de cada test o a la disfunción del mecanismo vestibular central de almacenamiento de velocidad que se caracteriza por la medidad de la constante de tiempo (CT de la fase lenta del nistagmo provocado al realizar la prueba del sillón rotatorio.  La hipótesis del trabajo es: las discrepancias entre ambas pruebas es debida a las características propias de cada una que deberían poder detectarse en ROT y en particular, en la medida de la CT.  Material y Método: Los pacientes incluidos fueron diagnosticados de EM unilateral de acuerdo a los criterios de la AAO-HNS. Para analizar los resultados de ROT se utilizaron los datos de un grupo de sujetos normales voluntarios. Todos fueron sometidos a CAL, VHIT y ROT (aceleración sinusoidal armónica y prueba impulsiva. Para el análisis estadístico los pacientes se dividieron en tres grupos: NN (CAL y vHIT normal, AN (CAL patológico y vHIT normal y AA (CAL y vHIT patológicos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo para analizar las diferencias entre los tres grupos y en el caso de los resultados de ROT, con el grupo control. El análisis estadístico se realizó con SPSS (versión 19Resultados:Los resultados se muestran en la Tabla 1.CAL y vHIT: los resultados se resumen en la figura 1. ROT: en la figura 2 se representan las medias de fase y ganancia de los pacientes comparados con el grupo control. En la tabla 2 se muestran los valores de p para cada frecuencia analizada respecto al valor en

  1. Perfusion CT in acute stroke

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eckert, Bernd; Roether, Joachim; Fiehler, Jens; Thomalla, Goetz


    Modern multislice CT scanners enable multimodal protocols including non-enhanced CT, CT angiography, and CT perfusion. A 64-slice CT scanner provides 4-cm coverage. To cover the whole brain, a 128 - 256-slice scanner is needed. The use of perfusion CT requires an optimized scan protocol in order to reduce exposure to radiation. As compared to non-enhanced CT and CT angiography, the use of CT perfusion increases detection rates of cerebral ischemia, especially small cortical ischemic lesions, while the detection of lacunar and infratentorial stroke lesions remains limited. Perfusion CT enables estimation of collateral flow in acute occlusion of large intra- or extracranial arteries. Currently, no established reliable thresholds are available for determining infarct core and penumbral tissue by CT perfusion. Moreover, perfusion parameters depend on the processing algorithms and the software used for calculation. However, a number of studies point towards a reduction of cerebral blood volume (CBV) below 2 ml/100 g as a critical threshold that identifies infarct core. Large CBV lesions are associated with poor outcome even in the context of recanalization. The extent of early ischemic signs on non-enhanced CT remains the main parameter from CT imaging to guide acute reperfusion treatment. Nevertheless, perfusion CT increases diagnostic and therapeutic certainty in the acute setting. Similar to stroke MRI, perfusion CT enables the identification of tissue at risk of infarction by the mismatch between infarct core and the larger area of critical hypoperfusion. Further insights into the validity of perfusion parameters are expected from ongoing trials of mechanical thrombectomy in stroke.

  2. Spiral CT versus conventional CT in the preoperative assessment of metallic intraocular foreign bodies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prokesch, R.; Bankier, A.; Ba-Ssalamah, A.; Imhof, H.; Lakits, A.; Scholda, C.


    Purpose: To compare the effectiveness of spiral CT versus conventional CT in the preoperative assessment of metallic intraocular foreign bodies. Results: All foreign bodies were detected by each scanning modality on the axial and on the reconstructed planes. The quality of the axial images was similar for spiral and conventional CT. The spiral technique provided high-quality reconstructed images which allowed accurate localization of the foreign bodies in all cases. Reconstructions by conventional technique were inadequate for preoperative assessment. The examination time for the total orbital volume was 18 s for spiral CT and 52 s for conventional CT. Radiation dose delivered to the lens was 35 mGy for spiral CT and 56 mGy for conventional CT axial scanning. Conclusion: Spiral CT multiplanar offers several significant advantages for the preoperative assessment of metallic intraocular foreign bodies compared to the conventional CT technique in clinical practice, including short examination time, minimized motion artifacts, reduced radiation exposure, and accurate localization. (orig.) [de

  3. CT and MR imaging of the kidney and adrenal glands: CT of the kidney

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levine, E.


    Because of its high diagnostic yield, safety, and cost-effectiveness, CT has become a major imaging technique for evaluating the kidney. CT is highly accurate for determining the nature and extent of renal masses, and this has become the main indication for renal CT. However, CT is also valuable in assessing patients with renal cystic disease, trauma, inflammatory disease, infarction, hemorrhage and hydronephrosis of unknown cause. This presentation reviews the normal CT anatomy of the kidneys and the usefulness of CT in the diagnosis of all these conditions. Examination techniques are discussed with particular emphasis on avoiding diagnostic pitfalls and tailoring the examination to the nature of the clinical problem. CT findings in various renal disorders are compared with those of other imaging techniques, particularly US and angiography, and the place of CT in the diagnostic approach to these disorders is considered

  4. Improved attenuation correction for respiratory gated PET/CT with extended-duration cine CT: a simulation study (United States)

    Zhang, Ruoqiao; Alessio, Adam M.; Pierce, Larry A.; Byrd, Darrin W.; Lee, Tzu-Cheng; De Man, Bruno; Kinahan, Paul E.


    Due to the wide variability of intra-patient respiratory motion patterns, traditional short-duration cine CT used in respiratory gated PET/CT may be insufficient to match the PET scan data, resulting in suboptimal attenuation correction that eventually compromises the PET quantitative accuracy. Thus, extending the duration of cine CT can be beneficial to address this data mismatch issue. In this work, we propose to use a long-duration cine CT for respiratory gated PET/CT, whose cine acquisition time is ten times longer than a traditional short-duration cine CT. We compare the proposed long-duration cine CT with the traditional short-duration cine CT through numerous phantom simulations with 11 respiratory traces measured during patient PET/CT scans. Experimental results show that, the long-duration cine CT reduces the motion mismatch between PET and CT by 41% and improves the overall reconstruction accuracy by 42% on average, as compared to the traditional short-duration cine CT. The long-duration cine CT also reduces artifacts in PET images caused by misalignment and mismatch between adjacent slices in phase-gated CT images. The improvement in motion matching between PET and CT by extending the cine duration depends on the patient, with potentially greater benefits for patients with irregular breathing patterns or larger diaphragm movements.

  5. Tratamiento con implantes Leader-Nano en paciente con oligodoncia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salvador Javier Santos Medina


    Full Text Available Los implantes dentales de titanio han revolucionado el mundo de la rehabilitación desde su surgimiento. De manera particular, el empleo de implantes de carga inmediata acorta el tiempo quirúrgico y protésico, con el consiguiente bienestar estético. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 32 años de edad, con antecedentes de oligodoncia de ambos incisivos laterales superiores y portadora de prótesis parcial acrílica. Fue atendida por el equipo multidisciplinario de implantes en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente “3 de Octubre” y se le realizó tratamiento de rehabilitación integral con implantes Leader-Nano y prótesis fija con corona acrílica sobre dichos implantes. La implantología fue satisfactoria en la paciente; la mejoría estética y funcional, así como la satisfacción de la paciente, fueron los principales logros obtenidos

  6. Experiencias de haber crecido con un padre/madre con trastorno mental severo (TMS)


    Vivanco B, Gabriela; Grandón F, Pamela


    Introducción. La experiencia de vivir con personas que presentan un Trastorno Mental Severo (TMS) es difícil para las familias, en especial para los hijos quienes han sido poco estudiados. El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer cómo la experiencia de haber vivido con un padre o madre con un trastorno mental severo influyó en la infancia, adolescencia y adultez joven de sus hijos e hijas. Método. Se analizan las experiencias de convivencia con un padre/madre con TMS en 10 hijos (6 hombres...

  7. A modified VMAT adaptive radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal cancer patients based on CT-CT image fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jin, Xiance; Han, Ce; Zhou, Yongqiang; Yi, Jinling; Yan, Huawei; Xie, Congying


    To investigate the feasibility and benefits of a modified adaptive radiotherapy (ART) by replanning in the initial CT (iCT) with new contours from a repeat CT (rCT) based on CT-CT image fusion for nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) patients underwent volumetric modulated arc radiotherapy (VMAT). Nine NPC patients underwent VMAT treatment with a rCT at 23rd fraction were enrolled in this study. Dosimetric differences for replanning VMAT plans in the iCT and in the rCT were compared. Volumetric and dosimetric changes of gross tumor volume (GTV) and organs at risk (OARs) of this modified ART were also investigated. No dosimetric differences between replanning in the iCT and in the rCT were observed. The average volume of GTV decreased from 78.83 ± 38.42 cm 3 in the iCT to 71.44 ± 37.46 cm 3 in the rCT, but with no significant difference (p = 0.42).The average volume of the left and right parotid decreased from 19.91 ± 4.89 cm 3 and 21.58 ± 6.16 cm 3 in the iCT to 11.80 ± 2.79 cm 3 and 13.29 ± 4.17 cm 3 in the rCT (both p < 0.01), respectively. The volume of other OARs did not shrink very much. No significant differences on PTV GTV and PTV CTV coverage were observed for replanning with this modified ART. Compared to the initial plans, the average mean dose of the left and right parotid after re-optimization were decreased by 62.5 cGy (p = 0.05) and 67.3 cGy (p = 0.02), respectively, and the V5 (the volume receiving 5 Gy) of the left and right parotids were decreased by 7.8% (p = 0.01) and 11.2% (p = 0.001), respectively. There was no significant difference on the dose delivered to other OARs. Patients with NPC undergoing VMAT have significant anatomic and dosimetric changes to parotids. Repeat CT as an anatomic changes reference and re-optimization in the iCT based on CT-CT image fusion was accurate enough to identify the volume changes and to ensure safe dose to parotids

  8. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... view of the body's interior. Refinements in detector technology allow nearly all CT scanners to obtain multiple slices in a single rotation. These scanners, called multislice CT or multidetector CT, ...

  9. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... view of the body's interior. Refinements in detector technology allow nearly all CT scanners to obtain multiple slices in a single rotation. These scanners, called multislice CT or multidetector CT, ...

  10. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... view of the body's interior. Refinements in detector technology allow nearly all CT scanners to obtain multiple slices in a single rotation. These scanners, called multislice CT or multidetector CT, ...

  11. Spiral CT for evaluation of chest trauma; Spiral-CT beim Thoraxtrauma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roehnert, W. [Universitaetsklinikum Dresden (Germany). Inst. und Poliklinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik; Weise, R. [Universitaetsklinikum Dresden (Germany). Inst. und Poliklinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik


    After implementation of spiral CT in our department, we carried out an analysis for determining anew the value of CT as a modality of chest trauma diagnosis in the emergency department. The retrospective study covers a period of 10 months and all emergency patients with chest trauma exmined by spiral CT. The major lesions of varying seriousness covered by this study are: pneumothorax, hematothorax, pulmonary contusion or laceration, mediastinal hematoma, rupture of a vessel, injury of the heart and pericardium. The various fractures are not included in this study. In many cases, spiral CT within relatively short time yields significant diagnostic findings, frequently saving additional angiography. A rigid diagnostic procedure cannot be formulated. Plain-film chest radiography still remains a diagnostic modality of high value. (Orig.) [Deutsch] Nach Einfuehrung der Spiral-CT in unserer Einrichtung versuchten wir, den Stellenwert der Computertomographie in der Notfalldiagnostik des Thoraxtraumas neu zu bestimmen. Dazu wurden retrospektiv ueber einen Zeitraum von 10 Monaten alle mittels Spiral-CT untersuchten Notfallpatienten mit Thoraxverletzungen ausgewertet. Im Vordergrund standen folgende Befunde unterschiedlichen Schweregrades: Pneumothorax, Haematothorax, Lungenkontusion/-lazeration, Mediastinalhaematom, Gefaessruptur, Herz- und Herzbeutelverletzung. Auf die unterschiedlichen Frakturen wird bewusst nicht naeher eingegangen. In vielen Faellen liefert die Spiral-CT mit relativ geringem Zeitaufwand wesentliche diagnostische Aussagen. Haeufig kann auf eine Angiographie verzichtet werden. Ein starres diagnostisches Stufenschema laesst sich nicht definieren. Die Thoraxuebersichtsaufnahme besitzt einen unveraendert hohen Stellenwert. (orig.)

  12. Marketing cardiac CT programs. (United States)

    Scott, Jason


    There are two components of cardiac CT discussed in this article: coronary artery calcium scoring (CACS) and coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA).The distinctive advantages of each CT examination are outlined. In order to ensure a successful cardiac CT program, it is imperative that imaging facilities market their cardiac CT practices effectively in order to gain a competitive advantage in this valuable market share. If patients receive quality care by competent individuals, they are more likely to recommend the facility's cardiac CT program. Satisfied patients will also be more willing to come back for any further testing.

  13. Postoperative CT in pancreas transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Powell, F.E.; Harper, S.J.F.; Callaghan, C.J.; Shaw, A.; Godfrey, E.M.; Bradley, J.A.; Watson, C.J.E.; Pettigrew, G.J.


    Aim: To examine the usage and value of computed tomography (CT) following simultaneous pancreas and kidney (SPK) transplantation. Materials and methods: Indications for postoperative CT, key findings, and their influence on management were determined by retrospective analysis. Results: Ninety-eight patients underwent 313 CT examinations. Common indications for the examinations included suspected intra-abdominal collection (31.1%) and elevated serum amylase/lipase (24.1%). CT findings most frequently showed non-specific mild inflammation (27.6%), a normal scan (17.1%) and fluid collections (16.3%). High capillary blood glucose (CBG) was associated with resultant CT demonstration of graft vascular abnormalities, but otherwise, particular clinical indications were not associated with specific CT findings. Conclusion: Clinical findings in patients with SPK transplants are non-specific. The pattern of abnormalities encountered is significantly different to those seen in native pancreatic disease and demands a tailored protocol. CT enables accurate depiction of vascular abnormalities and fluid collections, thus reducing the number of surgical interventions that might otherwise be required. Elevated CBG should prompt urgent CT to exclude potentially reversible vascular complications. - Highlights: • The value of CT following simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation was assessed. • 313 CT scans were performed on 98 patients between January 2005 and August 2010. • Elevated blood glucose was associated with CT findings of graft vascular anomalities. • CT was particularly useful in directing operative versus non-operative intervention.

  14. Spinal CT scan, 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakagawa, Hiroshi


    Plain CT described fairly accurately the anatomy and lesions of the lumbar and sacral spines on their transverse sections. Since hernia of the intervertebral disc could be directly diagnosed by CT, indications of myelography could be restricted. Spinal-canal stenosis of the lumbar spine occurs because of various factors, and CT not only demonstrated the accurate size and morphology of bony canals, but also elucidated thickening of the joints and yellow ligament. CT was also useful for the diagnosis of tumors in the lumbar and sacral spines, visualizing the images of bone changes and soft tissues on the trasverse sections. But the diagnosis of intradural tumors required myelography and metrizamide CT. CT has become important for the diagnosis of spinal and spinal-cord diseases and for selection of the route of surgical arrival. (Chiba, N.)

  15. CT manifestations of liver abscess

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan Jianfeng; Peng Yongjun


    Objective: To study CT findings of hepatic abscess. Methods: CT findings and clinical materials of 38 patients with liver abscess verified by aspiration were retrospectively viewed. All patients were examined by non-enhanced and contrast enhanced CT. Results: In 25 cases, inhomogeneous hypodense lesions with unclear demarcation were found on non-enhanced CT. On contrast enhanced CT scan, target or cluster enhancement was found Additionally, air was found within some lesions. In the rest 13 cases with early stage liver abscess, no typical sign was found on non-enhanced CT, while rosette sign and continued enhancement sign were demonstrated after the contrast agent was given. Conclusion: Various CT findings are found in different stages of liver abscess. The diagnosis and differential diagnosis should be based on CT manifestations and clinical history as well. (authors)

  16. Radiation exposure during paediatric CT in Sudan: CT dose, organ and effective doses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suliman, I.I.; Khamis, H.M.; Ombada, T.H.; Alzimami, K.; Alkhorayef, M.; Sulieman, A.


    The purpose of this study was to assess the magnitude of radiation exposure during paediatric CT in Sudanese hospitals. Doses were determined from CT acquisition parameters using CT-Expo 2.1 dosimetry software. Doses were evaluated for three patient ages (0-1, 1-5 and 5-10 y) and two common procedures (head and abdomen). For children aged 0-1 y, volume CT air kerma index (C vol ), air Kerma-length product and effective dose (E) values were 19.1 mGy, 265 and 3.1 mSv, respectively, at head CT and those at abdominal CT were 8.8 mGy, 242 and 7.7 mSv, respectively. Those for children aged 1-5 y were 22.5 mGy, 305 and 1.1 mSv, respectively, at head CT and 12.6 mGy, 317, and 5.1 mSv, respectively, at abdominal CT. Dose values and variations were comparable with those reported in the literature. Organ equivalent doses vary from 7.5 to 11.6 mSv for testes, from 9.0 to 10.0 mSv for ovaries and from 11.1 to 14.3 mSv for uterus in abdominal CT. The results are useful for dose optimisation and derivation of national diagnostic reference levels. (authors)

  17. CT of the knee

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghelman, B.


    CT can be combined with arthrography of the knee to study the following abnormalities: meniscal tears and cysts, synovial plicae, chondromalacia patellae, and osteochondritis dissecans. The CT-arthrogram images present abnormalities in a manner that resembles the ''in situ'' surgical findings, allowing management decisions to be made with greater confidence. The CT techniques for imaging the knee after arthrography are discussed, as is the use of plain CT

  18. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... are the limitations of CT of the Sinuses? What is CT (Computed Tomography) of the Sinuses? Computed ... nasal cavity by small openings. top of page What are some common uses of the procedure? CT ...

  19. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... the limitations of CT Scanning of the Head? What is CT Scanning of the Head? Computed tomography, ... than regular radiographs (x-rays). top of page What are some common uses of the procedure? CT ...

  20. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... scanners to obtain multiple slices in a single rotation. These scanners, called multislice CT or multidetector CT, ... preferable over CT scanning. top of page Additional Information and Resources Radiation Therapy for Bladder ...

  1. Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... News Physician Resources Professions Site Index A-Z Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography) Pediatric computed tomography (CT) ... are the limitations of Children's CT? What is Children's CT? Computed tomography, more commonly known as a ...

  2. CT after transsphenoidal surgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tazawa, Satoru


    Two hundred and ten CT studies of 95 patients after transsphenoidal surgery were reviewed. Spheno-ethmoid opacificaiton, intrasellar hematoma and gas bubbles were noted within 2 weeks after surgery. Bone defect of the sellar floor and bone stent were seen on coronal scans in most cases. The packing material frequently disappeared on follow-up studies. Hormonal assessment of the functioning tumor, according to which the effect of treatment was evaluated, was correlated with CT findings. Because differentiation between postoperative changes and residual mass was difficult, there was no definite CT criteria to indicate residual functioning tumor except upward convexity of the diaphragma sellae on CT more than 3 months after surgery. Initial follow up CT study is recommended to be performed at about 3 months after surgery, at which time the immediate postoperative inflammatory changes have been disappeared. The incidence of recurrence was 3/47 (6%), which was shown on follow-up CT from 4 to 10 years after surgery. Therefore, subsequent CT study should be done in every year or two, taking the clinical symptoms and hormonal data into consideration. (author)

  3. CT after transsphenoidal surgery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tazawa, Satoru [Tohoku Univ., Sendai (Japan). School of Medicine


    Two hundred and ten CT studies of 95 patients after transsphenoidal surgery were reviewed. Spheno-ethmoid opacificaiton, intrasellar hematoma and gas bubbles were noted within 2 weeks after surgery. Bone defect of the sellar floor and bone stent were seen on coronal scans in most cases. The packing material frequently disappeared on follow-up studies. Hormonal assessment of the functioning tumor, according to which the effect of treatment was evaluated, was correlated with CT findings. Because differentiation between postoperative changes and residual mass was difficult, there was no definite CT criteria to indicate residual functioning tumor except upward convexity of the diaphragma sellae on CT more than 3 months after surgery. Initial follow up CT study is recommended to be performed at about 3 months after surgery, at which time the immediate postoperative inflammatory changes have been disappeared. The incidence of recurrence was 3/47 (6%), which was shown on follow-up CT from 4 to 10 years after surgery. Therefore, subsequent CT study should be done in every year or two, taking the clinical symptoms and hormonal data into consideration. (author).

  4. Indeterminate lesions on planar bone scintigraphy in lung cancer patients: SPECT, CT or SPECT-CT?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, Punit; Kumar, Rakesh; Singh, Harmandeep; Bal, Chandrasekhar; Malhotra, Arun; Julka, Pramod Kumar; Thulkar, Sanjay


    The objective of the present study was to compare the role of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), computed tomography (CT) and SPECT-CT of selected volume in lung cancer patients with indeterminate lesions on planar bone scintigraphy (BS). The data of 50 lung cancer patients (53 ± 10.3 years; range 30-75; male/female 38/12) with 65 indeterminate lesions on planar BS (January 2010 to November 2010) were retrospectively evaluated. All of them underwent SPECT-CT of a selected volume. SPECT, CT and SPECT-CT images were independently evaluated by two experienced readers (experience in musculoskeletal imaging, including CT: 5 and 7 years) in separate sessions. A scoring scale of 1 to 5 was used, in which 1 is definitely metastatic, 2 is probably metastatic, 3 is indeterminate, 4 is probably benign and 5 is definitely benign. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated for each modality, taking a score ≤2 as metastatic. With receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, areas under the curve (AUC) were calculated for each modality and compared. Clinical and imaging follow-up and/or histopathology were taken as reference standard. For both readers SPECT was inferior to CT (P = 0.004, P = 0.022) and SPECT-CT (P = 0.003, P = 0.037). However, no significant difference was found between CT and SPECT-CT for reader 1 (P = 0.847) and reader 2 (P = 0.592). The findings were similar for lytic as well as sclerotic lesions. Moderate inter-observer agreement was seen for SPECT images (κ = 0.426), while almost perfect agreement was seen for CT (κ = 0.834) and SPECT-CT (κ = 0.971). CT alone and SPECT-CT are better than SPECT for accurate characterisation of indeterminate lesions on planar BS in lung cancer patients. CT alone is not inferior to SPECT-CT for this purpose and might be preferred because of shorter acquisition time and wider availability. (orig.)

  5. Evaluation of CT in hepatocellular carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakao, Norio; Miura, Yukio; Ohnishi, Mitsunori; Kamikon-ya, Norihiko; Sakamoto, Yoshisato; Miura, Takashi; Sakamoto, Kiyoshi; Takayasu, Yoshio


    In order to evaluate the diagnostic ability of CT in hepatocellular carcinoma, four kinds of CT images were comparatively studied by the accuracy and ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve analysis. As a result, it was clarified that CT images were evaluated more objectively by ROC curve analysis than by accuracy. The diagnostic ability of existence and differentiation of tumor in the liver were higher in order of plain CT, contrast enhanced CT (CECT), bolus CT and CT arteriography (CTA). Therefore, in an usual CT examination intended to make differential diagnosis in space occupying liver disease, bolus CT seems to be indispensable, and also CTA is essential where diagnosis is difficult even by bolus CT.

  6. Low-dose Dental-CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gahleitner, A.; Imhof, H.; Homolka, P.; Fuerhauser, R.; Freudenthaler, J.; Watzek, G.


    Dental-CT is a relatively new, increasingly used investigation technique in dental radiology. Several authors have stated that the indication for Dental-CT has to be chosen on a strict basis, due to high dose values. This article describes the technique of performing dental-CT and calculates the effective dose based on published data and own measurements as well as the dose reduction potential to achieve an optimized protocol for Dental-CT investigations. (orig.) [de

  7. Dose calculation with respiration-averaged CT processed from cine CT without a respiratory surrogate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riegel, Adam C.; Ahmad, Moiz; Sun Xiaojun; Pan Tinsu


    Dose calculation for thoracic radiotherapy is commonly performed on a free-breathing helical CT despite artifacts caused by respiratory motion. Four-dimensional computed tomography (4D-CT) is one method to incorporate motion information into the treatment planning process. Some centers now use the respiration-averaged CT (RACT), the pixel-by-pixel average of the ten phases of 4D-CT, for dose calculation. This method, while sparing the tedious task of 4D dose calculation, still requires 4D-CT technology. The authors have recently developed a means to reconstruct RACT directly from unsorted cine CT data from which 4D-CT is formed, bypassing the need for a respiratory surrogate. Using RACT from cine CT for dose calculation may be a means to incorporate motion information into dose calculation without performing 4D-CT. The purpose of this study was to determine if RACT from cine CT can be substituted for RACT from 4D-CT for the purposes of dose calculation, and if increasing the cine duration can decrease differences between the dose distributions. Cine CT data and corresponding 4D-CT simulations for 23 patients with at least two breathing cycles per cine duration were retrieved. RACT was generated four ways: First from ten phases of 4D-CT, second, from 1 breathing cycle of images, third, from 1.5 breathing cycles of images, and fourth, from 2 breathing cycles of images. The clinical treatment plan was transferred to each RACT and dose was recalculated. Dose planes were exported at orthogonal planes through the isocenter (coronal, sagittal, and transverse orientations). The resulting dose distributions were compared using the gamma (γ) index within the planning target volume (PTV). Failure criteria were set to 2%/1 mm. A follow-up study with 50 additional lung cancer patients was performed to increase sample size. The same dose recalculation and analysis was performed. In the primary patient group, 22 of 23 patients had 100% of points within the PTV pass γ criteria

  8. CT pelvimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vicens, J.L.; Charles, G.; Le Berre, J.; Flageat, J.


    Pelvimetry aims at providing the obstetrician with information on the size and morphology of the female pelvis, thus enabling him to assess the obstetrical prognosis as accurately as possible. Computed tomography (CT) has several advantages, in particular the lower mother and fetus radiation dose. After a brief description of obstetrical anatomy, the usual CT exploration method is presented and its results are considered in terms of measurements, indices and morphological findings. If performed with a very strict exploration procedure, CT pelvimetry is a very reliable, fact and comfortable method of examination. All these advantages, combined with the minimized patient dose, should lead to an increasingly widespread use of this technique [fr

  9. Detection of skeletal muscle metastasis: torso FDG PET-CT versus contrast-enhanced chest or abdomen CT. (United States)

    So, Young; Yi, Jeong Geun; Song, Inyoung; Lee, Won Woo; Chung, Hyun Woo; Park, Jeong Hee; Moon, Sung Gyu


    Skeletal muscle metastasis (SMM) in cancer patients has not been sufficiently evaluated regarding prevalence and proper method of detection. To determine the prevalence of SMM and compare the diagnostic competencies for SMM of torso F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) and contrast-enhanced chest or abdomen CT. We investigated 18,225 PET-CT studies of 6359 cancer patients performed from 2005 to 2012. The PET-CT studies describing potential SMM were retrieved and the corresponding medical records were reviewed. The gold standard for SMM was histopathologically-proven SMM or imaging study-based disease progression. The detectability of SMM was compared between PET-CT and contrast-enhanced CT. Twenty-six patients had 84 SMM lesions, representing a SMM prevalence of 0.41%. Lung cancer was the most common SMM-associated malignancy (54%) and the gluteal/pelvic girdle muscle was the most frequently involved SMM site (37%). All 84 SMM lesions were visualized on PET-CT (100%). Of these PET-CT positive 84 SMM lesions, 51 lesions were in the CT field of view (FOV) (61%), whereas 33 lesions were out of the CT FOV (39%). Among these 51 lesions, 17 lesions showed rim-enhancing nodules/masses (33%), eight lesions showed homogeneously enhancing nodules (16%), three lesions showed heterogeneously enhancing nodules (6%), and 23 SMM lesions (45%) were non-diagnostic by CT. All 51 SMM lesions within CT FOV were detected on PET-CT (100%), whereas only 28 were visualized on CT (54.9%), resulting in a significant difference (P SMM was revealed by PET-CT. The prevalence of SMM was as low as 0.41% in the current large cohort of cancer patients. Torso PET-CT was a more competent modality than contrast-enhanced CT in the detection of SMM. © The Foundation Acta Radiologica 2014 Reprints and permissions:

  10. CT-based postimplant dosimetry of prostate brachytherapy. Comparison of 1-mm and 5-mm section CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Osamu; Hayashi, Shinya; Kanematsu, Masayuki; Matsuo, Masayuki; Hoshi, Hiroaki; Nakano, Masahiro; Maeda, Sanaho; Deguchi, Takashi; Hoshi, Hiroaki


    The aim of this study was to compare the outcomes between 1-mm and 5-mm section computed tomography (CT)-based postimplant dosimetry. A series of 21 consecutive patients underwent permanent prostate brachytherapy. The postimplant prostate volume was calculated using 1-mm and 5-mm section CT. One radiation oncologist contoured the prostate on CT images to obtain the reconstructed prostate volume (pVol), prostate V 100 (percent of the prostate volume receiving at least the full prescribed dose), and prostate D 90 (mean dose delivered to 90% of the prostate gland). The same radiation oncologist performed the contouring three times to evaluate intraobserver variation and subjectively scored the quality of the CT images. The mean ±1 standard deviation (SD) postimplant pVol was 20.17±6.66 cc by 1-mm section CT and 22.24±8.48 cc by 5-mm section CT; the difference in the mean values was 2.06 cc (P 100 was 80.44%±7.06% by 1-mm section CT and 77.33%±10.22% by 5-mm section CT. The mean postimplant prostate D 90 was 83.28%±10.81% by 1-mm section CT and 78.60%±15.75% by 5-mm section CT. In the evaluation of image quality, 5-mm section CT was assigned significantly higher scores than 1-mm section CT. In regard to intraobserver variation, 5-mm section CT revealed less intraobserver variation than 1-mm section CT. Our current results suggested that the outcomes of postimplant dosimetry using 1-mm section CT did not improved the results over those obtained using 5-mm section CT in terms of the quality of the CT image or reproducibility. (author)

  11. Functional CT imaging: load-dependent visualization of the subchondral mineralization by means of CT osteoabsorptionmetry (CT-OAM); Funktionelle Computertomographie: Beanspruchungsabhaengige Darstellung der subchondralen Mineralisierung mittels CT gestuetzter Osteoabsorptiometrie (CTOAM)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Linsenmaier, U.; Schlichtenhorst, K.; Pfeifer, K.J.; Reiser, M. [Inst. fuer Klinische Radiologie, Innenstadt, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Kersting, S.; Putz, R.; Mueller-Gerbl, M. [Anatomische Anstalt, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (Germany)


    Purpose: Functional computed tomography for visualization and quantification of subchondral bone mineralization using CT osteoabsorptiometry (CT-OAM). Materials and Methods: Tarsometatarsal (TMT) and metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints of 46 human hallux valgus (HV) specimens were examined (sagittal 1/1/1 mm) on a single slice CT scanner SCT (Somatom Plus 4, Siemens AG). Subchondral bone pixels were segmented and assigned to 10 density value groups (triangle 100 HU, range 200 - 1200 HU) the pixels using volume rendering technique (VRT). The data analysis considered the severity of HV as determined by the radiographically measured HV-angle (a.p. projection). Results: CT-OAM could generate reproducible densitograms of the distribution pattern of the subchondral bone density for all four joint surfaces (TMT and MTP joints). The bone density localization enables the assignment to different groups, showing a characteristic HV-angle-dependent distribution of the maximum bone mineralization of the load-dependent densitogram (p < 0.001). Conclusion: CT-OAM is a functional CT technique for visualizing and quantifying the distribution of the subchondral bone density, enabling a noninvasive load-dependent assessment of the joint surfaces. Load-dependent densitograms of hallux valgus specimens show a characteristic correlation with an increase of the HV-angle. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Darstellung und Quantifizierung der subchondralen Mineralisierung in Abhaengigkeit von unterschiedlichen Beanspruchungssituationen mittels funktioneller Computertomographie als CT-Osteoabsorptiometrie (CT-OAM). Methode: An 46 humanen Praeparaten mit Hallux valgus (HV) wurden exemplarisch die TMT I (Tarsometatarsal)- und MTP I (Metatarsophalangeal)-Gelenke des ersten Strahles (sagittal 1/1/1 mm) an einem Singleslice Spiral-CT (SCT, Somatom Plus 4, Siemens AG) untersucht. Der subchondrale Knochen wurde segmentiert, den Pixel wurde mittels Volume Rendering Technik (VRT) 10 Graustufenbereiche (D100 HU

  12. FDG-PET/contrast-enhanced CT as a post-treatment tool in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: comparison with FDG-PET/non-contrast-enhanced CT and contrast-enhanced CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suenaga, Yuko; Kitajima, Kazuhiro; Sugimura, Kazuro [Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Kobe (Japan); Ishihara, Takeaki; Sasaki, Ryohei [Kobe University Graduate, School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Division of Radiation Oncology, Kobe (Japan); Otsuki, Naoki; Nibu, Ken-ichi [Kobe University Graduate, School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Kobe (Japan); Minamikawa, Tsutomu [Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kobe (Japan); Kiyota, Naomi [Kobe University Hospital, Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology, Kobe (Japan)


    To evaluate the accuracy of PET/CT using {sup 18}F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) with IV contrast for suspected recurrent head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). One hundred and seventy patients previously treated for HNSCC underwent PET/CT, consisting of non-contrast-enhanced and contrast-enhanced CT, to investigate suspected recurrence. Diagnostic performance of PET/contrast-enhanced CT (PET/ceCT), PET/non-contrast-enhanced CT (PET/ncCT) and contrast-enhanced CT (ceCT) for local or regional recurrence, distant metastasis, overall recurrence and second primary cancer was evaluated. The reference standard included histopathology, treatment change and imaging follow-up. The patient-based areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC) for ceCT, PET/ncCT and PET/ceCT were 0.82, 0.96 and 0.98 for local recurrence, 0.73, 0.86 and 0.86 for regional recurrence, 0.86, 0.91 and 0.92 for distant metastasis, 0.72, 0.86 and 0.87 for overall recurrence, and 0.86, 0.89 and 0.91 for a second primary cancer. Both PET/ceCT and PET/ncCT statistically showed larger AUC than ceCT for recurrence, and the difference between PET/ceCT and PET/ncCT for local recurrence reached a significant level (p = 0.039). The accuracy of PET/ceCT for diagnosing overall recurrence was high, irrespective of the time interval after the last treatment (83.3-94.1 %). FDG-PET/CT was a more accurate HNSCC restaging tool than ceCT. The added value of ceCT at FDG-PET/CT is minimal. (orig.)

  13. Comparison SPECT-CT with PET-CT in several applications of small-animal models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan Yifan; Song Shaoli; Huang Gang


    With the development of medical science, monitoring dynamic biologic processes in small-animal models of diseases has become one of the most important approaches in medical studies. Important physiologic parameters that traditionally have been characterized by nuclear medicine imaging include blood flow, biochemical metabolism, and cellular receptors. Recently, nuclear medicine has been greatly facilitated by the newer development of dual-modality integrated imaging systems (SPECT-CT and PET-CT), which provide functional and anatomical images in the same scanning session, with the acquired images co-registered by means of the hardware. The purpose of this review is to compare SPECT-CT with PET-CT in several applications of small-animal models. Conclusicn: PET-CT for small animal modes in nledical research in the applications has great advantages, but SPECT-CT is still a very important role, and research low cost. (authors)

  14. Improved quantitation and reproducibility in multi-PET/CT lung studies by combining CT information. (United States)

    Holman, Beverley F; Cuplov, Vesna; Millner, Lynn; Endozo, Raymond; Maher, Toby M; Groves, Ashley M; Hutton, Brian F; Thielemans, Kris


    Matched attenuation maps are vital for obtaining accurate and reproducible kinetic and static parameter estimates from PET data. With increased interest in PET/CT imaging of diffuse lung diseases for assessing disease progression and treatment effectiveness, understanding the extent of the effect of respiratory motion and establishing methods for correction are becoming more important. In a previous study, we have shown that using the wrong attenuation map leads to large errors due to density mismatches in the lung, especially in dynamic PET scans. Here, we extend this work to the case where the study is sub-divided into several scans, e.g. for patient comfort, each with its own CT (cine-CT and 'snap shot' CT). A method to combine multi-CT information into a combined-CT has then been developed, which averages the CT information from each study section to produce composite CT images with the lung density more representative of that in the PET data. This combined-CT was applied to nine patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, imaged with dynamic 18 F-FDG PET/CT to determine the improvement in the precision of the parameter estimates. Using XCAT simulations, errors in the influx rate constant were found to be as high as 60% in multi-PET/CT studies. Analysis of patient data identified displacements between study sections in the time activity curves, which led to an average standard error in the estimates of the influx rate constant of 53% with conventional methods. This reduced to within 5% after use of combined-CTs for attenuation correction of the study sections. Use of combined-CTs to reconstruct the sections of a multi-PET/CT study, as opposed to using the individually acquired CTs at each study stage, produces more precise parameter estimates and may improve discrimination between diseased and normal lung.

  15. Hipertiroidismo congénito, Reporte de dos casos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Víctor Clemente Mendoza Rojas


    Full Text Available Introducción: El hipertiroidismo es una patología tiroidea poco frecuente en neonatos, relacionada con el antecedente materno de enfermedad de Graves, y por lo tanto con el paso transplacentario de inmunoglobulinas estimulantes del receptor de TSH. Presentación de casos: Reportamos dos casos de sexo femenino, que se presentaron en el Hospital Universitario de Santander. El primero de los casos se manifestó en la primera semana; el segundo caso se presentó tardíamente después del primer mes de vida. Los síntomas que presentaron en común fueron taquicardia persistente e hiperactividad. En uno de los casos la presentación clínica fue confundida con una infección bacteriana, debido a la presencia de fiebre. Se confirma el diagnóstico con los niveles de TSH muy suprimidos y T4 libre elevada, al menos al doble del límite superior. Los dos casos observaron medicamentos antitiroideos y propanolol con buena evolución clínica y de laboratorios; no se observamos complicaciones a corto o largo plazo como arritmias o craneosinostosis. Discusión: El hipertiroidismo congénito es una patología poco frecuente y siempre debe ser sospechado en recién nacidos de madres con antecedente de enfermedad de Graves, sus manifestaciones pueden presentarse prenatalmente o postnatalmente, y su diagnóstico y tratamiento deben ser oportunos para evitar secuelas a largo plazo o incluso la muerte

  16. Physics and basic technology of CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahesh, Mahadevappa


    Computed Tomography is one of the prime imaging modalities in any hospital around the globe. From its inception in 1973, CT technology have advanced leaps and bounds in medical diagnosis. Advances in X-ray tubes, detection technologies and image reconstruction methods led to the development of multiple-row detector CT (MDCT) technologies in early 2000, that has been the impetus for new fields such as Cardiovascular CT, Hybrid CT (PET-CT and SPECT-CT), CT Perfusion, Cone Beam CT, etc. It is now possible to image the entire organ (such as heart) in less than 0.3 seconds providing isotropic resolution images with high temporal resolution. With all X-ray imaging modalities, including CT, the concern is the radiation dose. Since CT procedures are one of the major imaging procedures performed in any hospital, it is important to optimize CT protocols in order to provide quality images at optimal radiation dose

  17. La pesca artesanal en las islas de Providencia y Santa Catalina (Caribe Colombiano: distribución espacial y temporal de los recursos capturados con línea de mano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jairo Humberto Medina Calderón


    Full Text Available Se realizó un análisis para evaluar la pesca artesanal de las islas de Providencia y Santa Catalina, caribe colombiano, y establecer la dinámica de la pesquería con énfasis en aspectos ecológicos de la comunidad íctica que se extrae con el método de línea de mano. En ocho sitios de desembarco de productos pesqueros en las islas: Mountain, Santa Catalina, Free Town, Old Town, Lazy Hill, South West, Bottom House, y Rocky Point y mediante una serie de formatos se registró entre otros: la actividad diaria por método de pesca, la composición por especie de los desembarcos, sitios de pesca. A partir de esta información se cuantificaron 51 UEPS y se estimó un año pesquero de 303 días (promedio mensual 25 días, el esfuerzo anual como total de faenas fue de 2.888, de las cuales el 57% fueron realizadas utilizando línea de mano, buceo 40% y nasas 3%. Se muestreo el 23% (673 de las faenas estimadas en el 2001 (19% de buceo, 27% de línea de mano y 22% nasas. Se identificaron 96 especies correspondientes a 54 géneros, 28 familias, cuatro clases, tres Phylla. La captura total estimada para el año 2001 fue de 67.888 kg, de los cuales el 66% correspondió a línea de mano, seguido del buceo 26% y las nasas 8%. La composición de las especies capturadas mediante línea de mano arrojó que los demersales, 36 especies de peces, representaran el 47% (21.269 kg de la CT estimada, siendo las especies con mayor captura estimada el brim Etelis oculatus (6.482 kg, el "yellow eye" Lutjanus vivanus (2.435 kg y el satin Pristipomoides macrophthalmus (1.395 kg; el 37% (1.6467 kg fueron recursos pelágicos -15 especies-, siendo aquellas con mayor captura estimada el bonito Thunnus atlanticus (5.839 kg, la barra Sphyraena barracuda (4.240 kg y el king fish Acanthocybium solandri (4.138 kg; el 16% (7.119 kg lo constituyeron recursos demerso-pelágicos, 11 especies, las de mayor captura estimada fueron el "yellow tail" Ocyurus chrysurus (4.236 kg y el

  18. SU-F-J-109: Generate Synthetic CT From Cone Beam CT for CBCT-Based Dose Calculation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, H; Barbee, D; Wang, W; Pennell, R; Hu, K; Osterman, K [Department of Radiation Oncology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY (United States)


    Purpose: The use of CBCT for dose calculation is limited by its HU inaccuracy from increased scatter. This study presents a method to generate synthetic CT images from CBCT data by a probabilistic classification that may be robust to CBCT noise. The feasibility of using the synthetic CT for dose calculation is evaluated in IMRT for unilateral H&N cancer. Methods: In the training phase, a fuzzy c-means classification was performed on HU vectors (CBCT, CT) of planning CT and registered day-1 CBCT image pair. Using the resulting centroid CBCT and CT values for five classified “tissue” types, a synthetic CT for a daily CBCT was created by classifying each CBCT voxel to obtain its probability belonging to each tissue class, then assigning a CT HU with a probability-weighted summation of the classes’ CT centroids. Two synthetic CTs from a CBCT were generated: s-CT using the centroids from classification of individual patient CBCT/CT data; s2-CT using the same centroids for all patients to investigate the applicability of group-based centroids. IMRT dose calculations for five patients were performed on the synthetic CTs and compared with CT-planning doses by dose-volume statistics. Results: DVH curves of PTVs and critical organs calculated on s-CT and s2-CT agree with those from planning-CT within 3%, while doses calculated with heterogeneity off or on raw CBCT show DVH differences up to 15%. The differences in PTV D95% and spinal cord max are 0.6±0.6% and 0.6±0.3% for s-CT, and 1.6±1.7% and 1.9±1.7% for s2-CT. Gamma analysis (2%/2mm) shows 97.5±1.6% and 97.6±1.6% pass rates for using s-CTs and s2-CTs compared with CT-based doses, respectively. Conclusion: CBCT-synthesized CTs using individual or group-based centroids resulted in dose calculations that are comparable to CT-planning dose for unilateral H&N cancer. The method may provide a tool for accurate dose calculation based on daily CBCT.

  19. SU-F-J-109: Generate Synthetic CT From Cone Beam CT for CBCT-Based Dose Calculation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, H; Barbee, D; Wang, W; Pennell, R; Hu, K; Osterman, K


    Purpose: The use of CBCT for dose calculation is limited by its HU inaccuracy from increased scatter. This study presents a method to generate synthetic CT images from CBCT data by a probabilistic classification that may be robust to CBCT noise. The feasibility of using the synthetic CT for dose calculation is evaluated in IMRT for unilateral H&N cancer. Methods: In the training phase, a fuzzy c-means classification was performed on HU vectors (CBCT, CT) of planning CT and registered day-1 CBCT image pair. Using the resulting centroid CBCT and CT values for five classified “tissue” types, a synthetic CT for a daily CBCT was created by classifying each CBCT voxel to obtain its probability belonging to each tissue class, then assigning a CT HU with a probability-weighted summation of the classes’ CT centroids. Two synthetic CTs from a CBCT were generated: s-CT using the centroids from classification of individual patient CBCT/CT data; s2-CT using the same centroids for all patients to investigate the applicability of group-based centroids. IMRT dose calculations for five patients were performed on the synthetic CTs and compared with CT-planning doses by dose-volume statistics. Results: DVH curves of PTVs and critical organs calculated on s-CT and s2-CT agree with those from planning-CT within 3%, while doses calculated with heterogeneity off or on raw CBCT show DVH differences up to 15%. The differences in PTV D95% and spinal cord max are 0.6±0.6% and 0.6±0.3% for s-CT, and 1.6±1.7% and 1.9±1.7% for s2-CT. Gamma analysis (2%/2mm) shows 97.5±1.6% and 97.6±1.6% pass rates for using s-CTs and s2-CTs compared with CT-based doses, respectively. Conclusion: CBCT-synthesized CTs using individual or group-based centroids resulted in dose calculations that are comparable to CT-planning dose for unilateral H&N cancer. The method may provide a tool for accurate dose calculation based on daily CBCT.

  20. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Physician Resources Professions Site Index A-Z Computed Tomography (CT) - Sinuses Computed tomography (CT) of the sinuses uses special x-ray equipment ... story here Images × Image Gallery Patient undergoing computed tomography (CT) scan. View full size with caption Pediatric Content ...

  1. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Physician Resources Professions Site Index A-Z Computed Tomography (CT) - Head Computed tomography (CT) of the head uses special x-ray equipment ... story here Images × Image Gallery Patient undergoing computed tomography (CT) scan. View full size with caption Pediatric Content ...

  2. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... CT examinations are fast and simple; in emergency cases, they can reveal internal injuries and bleeding quickly enough to help save lives. CT has been shown to be a cost-effective imaging tool for a wide range of clinical problems. CT ...

  3. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... CT examinations are fast and simple; in emergency cases, they can reveal internal injuries and bleeding quickly enough to help save lives. CT has been shown to be a cost-effective imaging tool for a wide range of clinical problems. CT ...

  4. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... CT examinations are fast and simple; in emergency cases, they can reveal internal injuries and bleeding quickly enough to help save lives. CT has been shown to be a cost-effective imaging tool for a wide range of clinical problems. CT ...

  5. CT of the heart

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lipton, M.J.


    Advances based upon the detector elements instead of X-ray film have greatly increased the power of X-ray imaging. Computed tomography (CT) creates cross sectional rather than projected images. Recently, high speed CT devices have been developed for cardiovascular studies. The Cine-CT scanner employs a scanning electron beam deflected on an extended tungsten target ring. Fast scans of 50 millisecond exposures at multiple levels can provide information concerning blood flow in vessels and tissues, myocardial wall motion, valve integrity, coronary bypass graft patency and proximal coronary artery anatomy. Cine-CT dynamic scanning can also provide volume imaging with small quantities (0.05 - 1.5 ml/kg) of contrast medium administered via peripheral vein injections. Cine-CT provides simultaneous measurements of cardiac dimensions and function and is rapidly becoming a new tool for quantitating myocardial blood flow, cardiac chamber volumes and wall mechanics. The future outlook is very promising for this three-dimensional cine-CT technique with high spatial resolution. High speed CT should provide unique diagnostic information and as the technology continues to improve at a rapid speed, this new imaging modality could be a challenge for angiography. (Auth.)

  6. CT-docking patient stretcher

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mirvis, S.E.; Owens, E.; Maslyn, J.; Rizutto, M.


    This paper assesses the use of a patient stretcher that directly docks to a CT scanner for acutely injured and/or critically ill patients. The stretcher permits performance of radiography and acts as a platform for critical care monitoring and patient support devices. During a 1-year period, the prototype CT-docking stretcher was used for 35 patients sustaining acute trauma and 25 patients from critical care units. Observations were elicited from physicians, nurses and technologists concerning the advantages or disadvantages of the docking stretcher. Advantages of the CT-docking stretcher included time saved in moving patients to the CT table from the admitting/emergency ward, transfer of critically ill patients onto the stretcher in the controlled environment of the intensive care unit rather than the CT suite, increasing CT throughput by direct docking of the patient stretcher to the CT scanner rather than manual transfer of complex support and monitoring devices with the patient, decreased risk associated with physical movement of patients with potentially unstable spinal injuries or unstable physiologic status, and decrease in potential for injury to medical personnel performing patient transfer

  7. Aspectos Psicosociales Relacionados con el TEPT en Pacientes con Cáncer de Mama


    Hernández Moreno, Fresia Paloma; Landero Hernández, René


    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación del estrés, la depresión y las estrategias de afrontamiento con el Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (TEPT) en una muestra de pacientes con cáncer de mama. Se realizó con una muestra no probabilística de 52 mujeres con cáncer de mama. Se encontró una relación entre TEPT y estrés (r= .344, p= .014), TEPT y depresión (rs=.346, p= .013). El TEPT correlacionó con evitación cognitiva (r= .437, p= .001), TEPT y desesperanza (rs= .437, p= .001) y TEPT...

  8. Radiation dose and cancer risk from pediatric CT examinations on 64-slice CT: A phantom study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng Shiting; Law, Martin Wai-Ming; Huang Bingsheng; Ng, Sherry; Li Ziping; Meng Quanfei; Khong, Pek-Lan


    Objective: To measure the radiation dose from CT scans in an anthropomorphic phantom using a 64-slice MDCT, and to estimate the associated cancer risk. Materials and methods: Organ doses were measured with a 5-year-old phantom and thermoluminescent dosimeters. Four protocols; head CT, thorax CT, abdomen CT and pelvis CT were studied. Cancer risks, in the form of lifetime attributable risk (LAR) of cancer incidence, were estimated by linear extrapolation using the organ radiation doses and the LAR data. Results: The effective doses for head, thorax, abdomen and pelvis CT, were 0.7 mSv, 3.5 mSv, 3.0 mSv, 1.3 mSv respectively. The organs with the highest dose were; for head CT, salivary gland (22.33 mGy); for thorax CT, breast (7.89 mGy); for abdomen CT, colon (6.62 mGy); for pelvis CT, bladder (4.28 mGy). The corresponding LARs for boys and girls were 0.015-0.053% and 0.034-0.155% respectively. The organs with highest LARs were; for head CT, thyroid gland (0.003% for boys, 0.015% for girls); for thorax CT, lung for boys (0.014%) and breast for girls (0.069%); for abdomen CT, colon for boys (0.017%) and lung for girls (0.016%); for pelvis CT, bladder for both boys and girls (0.008%). Conclusion: The effective doses from these common pediatric CT examinations ranged from 0.7 mSv to 3.5 mSv and the associated lifetime cancer risks were found to be up to 0.16%, with some organs of higher radiosensitivity including breast, thyroid gland, colon and lungs.

  9. CT arteriography of the upper abdomen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hasuo, K; Matsuura, K; Baba, H; Numaguchi, Y; Komaki, S [Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka (Japan). Faculty of Medicine


    The technique of CT arteriography was introduced, and CT images of the upper abdomen were explained. Very clear enhancement of parenchyma and vessels (especially portal vein) of the object organs could be obtained by CT arteriography of the upper abdomen, anatomical structures of organs were identified more easily by CT arteriography than by conventional CT, and the amount of information obtained was increased by using CT arteriography. However, the indication of CT arteriography must be limited, because of its complexity that CT arteriography is performed after angiography and involves the invasion of patients' bodies. As described in many reports, CT arteriography is useful for malignant tumors of the liver, and it is worthwhile, especially when surgery for hepatocellular carcinoma is considered. CT arteriography for organs except the liver has not been discussed sufficiently. Therefore, an application of this method for other organs must be decided after consideration of the balance of the amount of information obtained by CT arteriography with invasion to patients.

  10. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... full size with caption Pediatric Content Some imaging tests and treatments have special pediatric considerations. The teddy bear denotes child-specific content. Related Articles and Media Radiation Dose in X-Ray and CT Exams Blood Clots CT Perfusion of the Head CT Angiography ( ...

  11. Functional CT imaging: load-dependent visualization of the subchondral mineralization by means of CT osteoabsorptionmetry (CT-OAM)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Linsenmaier, U.; Schlichtenhorst, K.; Pfeifer, K.J.; Reiser, M.; Kersting, S.; Putz, R.; Mueller-Gerbl, M.


    Purpose: Functional computed tomography for visualization and quantification of subchondral bone mineralization using CT osteoabsorptiometry (CT-OAM). Materials and Methods: Tarsometatarsal (TMT) and metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints of 46 human hallux valgus (HV) specimens were examined (sagittal 1/1/1 mm) on a single slice CT scanner SCT (Somatom Plus 4, Siemens AG). Subchondral bone pixels were segmented and assigned to 10 density value groups (triangle 100 HU, range 200 - 1200 HU) the pixels using volume rendering technique (VRT). The data analysis considered the severity of HV as determined by the radiographically measured HV-angle (a.p. projection). Results: CT-OAM could generate reproducible densitograms of the distribution pattern of the subchondral bone density for all four joint surfaces (TMT and MTP joints). The bone density localization enables the assignment to different groups, showing a characteristic HV-angle-dependent distribution of the maximum bone mineralization of the load-dependent densitogram (p [de

  12. CT diagnosis of the primary lung cancer and usefulness of biopsy under CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujisawa, Hidefumi; Kushihashi, Tamio


    CT especially plays an important role in imaging diagnosis of lung cancer (LC) which gives quite multiple CT findings and this paper describes details to be noted for CT findings of individual lung lesion and cancer according to 5 classes below, together with usefulness of CT-guided biopsy and positron emission tomography (PET) usage. Explained are as follows: Important points in histopathology and CT findings from adenomatous hyperplasia (AH) to atypical AH (pre-invasive lesion); Differential CT diagnosis of benignity or malignancy of pulmonary nodes and tumors; Typical CT findings of LC of peripheral type of invasive or exclusive proliferative type, and pulmonary hillar type; Atypical CT findings of LC/having atypical inner structure such as presenting atypical calcification and atypical cavity/having atypical morphology such as presenting pneumonia-like finding, exhibiting regular or linear edge, and existing at atypical region like extrapleural lumen /having atypical progression rate such as showing rapid or slow doubling time of the volume and shrinking tentatively during the progress/of juvenile LC/and generated from background lung diseases such as interstitial pneumonia, tuberculosis, pneumoconiosis like asbestosis, pneumosilicosis, and pulmonary emphysema and bulla; and Regional ground glass opacity. As well, authors mention about the usefulness of CT-guided needle biopsy of the pulmonary lesion which enables to take the nodal specimen as small as <10 mm. Most frequent complication of the biopsy is pneumothorax (10-50%). How to use PET for LC examination is also commented with its usability and limitation. (T.T.)

  13. CT of thymoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sone, S.; Higashihara, T.; Morimoto, S.; Ikezoe, J.; Arisawa, J. (Osaka Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Medicine)


    Based on 17 patients with thymoma (8 with myasthenia gravis and 9 free from it); 1. The effectiveness of CT, conventional radiography and pneumomediastinography in the detection of thymomas was determined and the results compared. 2. The CT findings of thymomas were discussed and the CT features which seemed to suggest malignant thymomas were evaluated. The results were as follows: 1. Of the 17 cass with thymomas, 13 were diagnosed from p-a films, 13 from lateral films, and 16 from CT. Of the 16 thymomas, 14 were diagnosed from lateral tomography. Mass densities were shown in all 15 cases in which pneumomediastinography were performed. 2. Benign thymomas showed round or oval smoothly marginated mass. The fatty plane between the mass and the mediastinal structures was nicely preserved. 3. Malignant thymoma frequently showed a plaque-like mass with more or less irregular or lobulated contours with obliteration of the fatty planes of the cardiovascular structures. Tumor calcification was shown in 4 of 10 malignant thymomas. 4. Slight tumor invasion to the mediastinal pleura and lung was difficult to predict from the CT images.

  14. Preoperative evaluation of renal anatomy and renal masses with helical CT, 3D-CT and 3D-CT angiography. (United States)

    Toprak, Uğur; Erdoğan, Aysun; Gülbay, Mutlu; Karademir, Mehmet Alp; Paşaoğlu, Eşref; Akar, Okkeş Emrah


    The aim of this prospective study was to determine the efficacy of three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) and three-dimensional computed tomographic angiography (3D-CTA) that were reconstructed by using the axial images of the multiphasic helical CT in the preoperative evaluation of renal masses and demonstration of renal anatomy. Twenty patients that were suspected of having renal masses upon initial physical examination and ultrasonographic evaluation were examined through multiphasic helical CT. Two authors executed CT evaluations. Axial images were first examined and then used to reconstruct 3D-CT and 3D- CTA images. Number, location and size of the renal masses and other findings were noted. Renal vascularization and relationships of the renal masses with the neighboring renal structures were further investigated with 3D-CT and 3D-CTA images. Out of 20 patients, 13 had histopathologically proven renal cell carcinoma. The diagnoses of the remaining seven patients were xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, abscess, simple cyst, infected cyst, angiomyolipoma, oncocytoma and arteriovenous fistula. In the renal cell carcinoma group, 3 patients had stage I, 7 patients had stage II, and 3 patients had stage III disease. Sizes of renal cell carcinoma masses were between 23 mm to 60 mm (mean, 36 mm). Vascular invasion was shown in 2 renal cell carcinoma patients. Collecting system invasion was identified in 11 of 13 renal cell patients. These radiologic findings were confirmed with surgical specimens. Three-dimensional CT and 3D-CTA are non-invasive, effective imaging techniques for the preoperative evaluation of renal masses.

  15. El cáncer del cuerpo tiroides

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santiago Triana Cortés


    Full Text Available El coto fue conocido por los antiguos, pero el cáncer tiroideo pasó inadvertido para ellos, confundido con los otros tumores cervicales, bajo los mismos nombres: broncoceles, traqueoceles y estrumas. La patología tiroidea avanzó extraordinariamente en el siglo XVIII, gracias a los estudios de Kortum, quien demostró el origen tiroideo del coto y sospechó su posible degeneración cancerosa; pero el cáncer tiroideo no fue individualizado sino más tarde, cuando a mediados del pasado siglo se inició su estudio serio en lo que puede considerarse el período de investigaciones histológicas y terapéuticas, que daban mayor luz que las aportadas en el período de diferenciación clínica y anatómica que caracterizó la etapa anterior.

  16. Paciente con esquizofrenia tratado con ziprasidona + clozapina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pol Yanguas E.


    Full Text Available P es un paciente diagnosticado de esquizofrenia, sigue en un piso tutelado un programa de rehabilitación, está medicado con clozapina 500 mg/día y ziprasidona 280 mg/ día. Padece hipercolesterolemia, tabaquismo y sus hábitos alimenticios no son buenos. La medicación que utiliza desde 2007 hasta ahora se refleja en la tabla 1. El último tratamiento se le introdujo el 7 de agosto de 2012, habiendo presentado un electro cardiograma (ECG normal, pero con ligera taquicardia ventricular y prolactinemia de 44,8 ng/ml (valores normales: 2-18 ng/ml.

  17. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... vessels. CT examinations are fast and simple; in emergency cases, they can reveal internal injuries and bleeding quickly enough to help save lives. CT has been shown to be a cost-effective imaging tool for a wide range of clinical problems. CT is less sensitive to patient movement ...

  18. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... vessels. CT examinations are fast and simple; in emergency cases, they can reveal internal injuries and bleeding quickly enough to help save lives. CT has been shown to be a cost-effective imaging tool for a wide range of clinical problems. CT is less sensitive to patient movement ...

  19. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... vessels. CT examinations are fast and simple; in emergency cases, they can reveal internal injuries and bleeding quickly enough to help save lives. CT has been shown to be a cost-effective imaging tool for a wide range of clinical problems. CT is less sensitive to patient movement ...

  20. Dynamic CT myocardial perfusion imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caruso, Damiano; Eid, Marwen; Schoepf, U. Joseph; Jin, Kwang Nam; Varga-Szemes, Akos; Tesche, Christian; Mangold, Stefanie


    Highlights: • CT myocardial perfusion provides functional assessment of the myocardium. • CCTA is limited in determining the hemodynamic significance of coronary stenosis. • CT-MPI can accurately detect hemodynamically significant coronary artery stenosis. - Abstract: Non-invasive cardiac imaging has rapidly evolved during the last decade due to advancements in CT based technologies. Coronary CT angiography has been shown to reliably assess coronary anatomy and detect high risk coronary artery disease. However, this technique is limited to anatomical assessment, thus non-invasive techniques for functional assessment of the heart are necessary. CT myocardial perfusion is a new CT based technique that provides functional assessment of the myocardium and allows for a comprehensive assessment of coronary artery disease with a single modality when combined with CTA. This review aims to discuss dynamic CT myocardial perfusion as a new technique in the assessment of CAD.

  1. Brain tumor and CT, 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Nobuyuki; Katada, Kazuhiro; Shinomiya, Youichi; Sano, Hirotoshi; Kanno, Tetsuo


    It is very important for a neurosurgeon to know the consistency of a brain tumor preoperatively, since the information which is of much use in indicating the likely difficulty of the operation, which operative tools should be selected, the amount of bleeding to be expected from the tumor, and so on. The authors, therefore, tried to evaluate the consistency of brain tumors preoperatively 27 cases in which the margin of the tumor was made clear with a homogeneous stain were studied concerning the relationship between the tumor consistency and the CT findings. The results are as follows: 1) A higher CT number on a plain CT indicated a harder consistency of the tumor. 2) A lesser contrast index (CT number on enhancement CT/CT number on plain CT) showed a harder consistency of the tumor. (author)

  2. Dynamic CT myocardial perfusion imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caruso, Damiano [Division of Cardiovascular Imaging, Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC (United States); Department of Radiological Sciences, Oncological and Pathological Sciences, University of Rome “Sapienza”, Latina (Italy); Eid, Marwen [Division of Cardiovascular Imaging, Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC (United States); Schoepf, U. Joseph, E-mail: [Division of Cardiovascular Imaging, Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC (United States); Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC (United States); Jin, Kwang Nam [Division of Cardiovascular Imaging, Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC (United States); Department of Radiology, Seoul Metropolitan Government-Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Varga-Szemes, Akos [Division of Cardiovascular Imaging, Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC (United States); Tesche, Christian [Division of Cardiovascular Imaging, Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC (United States); Department of Cardiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Heart Center Munich-Bogenhausen, Munich (Germany); Mangold, Stefanie [Division of Cardiovascular Imaging, Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC (United States); Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital of Tuebingen, Tuebingen (Germany); and others


    Highlights: • CT myocardial perfusion provides functional assessment of the myocardium. • CCTA is limited in determining the hemodynamic significance of coronary stenosis. • CT-MPI can accurately detect hemodynamically significant coronary artery stenosis. - Abstract: Non-invasive cardiac imaging has rapidly evolved during the last decade due to advancements in CT based technologies. Coronary CT angiography has been shown to reliably assess coronary anatomy and detect high risk coronary artery disease. However, this technique is limited to anatomical assessment, thus non-invasive techniques for functional assessment of the heart are necessary. CT myocardial perfusion is a new CT based technique that provides functional assessment of the myocardium and allows for a comprehensive assessment of coronary artery disease with a single modality when combined with CTA. This review aims to discuss dynamic CT myocardial perfusion as a new technique in the assessment of CAD.

  3. Comparison of SPECT/CT, MRI and CT in diagnosis of skull base bone invasion in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. (United States)

    Zhang, Shu-xu; Han, Peng-hui; Zhang, Guo-qian; Wang, Rui-hao; Ge, Yong-bin; Ren, Zhi-gang; Li, Jian-sheng; Fu, Wen-hai


    Early detection of skull base invasion in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is crucial for correct staging, assessing treatment response and contouring the tumor target in radiotherapy planning, as well as improving the patient's prognosis. To compare the diagnostic efficacy of single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) imaging, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) for the detection of skull base invasion in NPC. Sixty untreated patients with histologically proven NPC underwent SPECT/CT imaging, contrast-enhanced MRI and CT. Of the 60 patients, 30 had skull base invasion confirmed by the final results of contrast-enhanced MRI, CT and six-month follow-up imaging (MRI and CT). The diagnostic efficacy of the three imaging modalities in detecting skull base invasion was evaluated. The rates of positive findings of skull base invasion for SPECT/CT, MRI and CT were 53.3%, 48.3% and 33.3%, respectively. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 93.3%, 86.7% and 90.0% for SPECT/CT fusion imaging, 96.7%, 100.0% and 98.3% for contrast-enhanced MRI, and 66.7%, 100.0% and 83.3% for contrast-enhanced CT. MRI showed the best performance for the diagnosis of skull base invasion in nasopharyngeal carcinoma, followed closely by SPECT/CT. SPECT/CT had poorer specificity than that of both MRI and CT, while CT had the lowest sensitivity.

  4. PET/CT and radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Messa, C.; CNR, Milano; S. Gerardo Hospital, Monza; Di Muzio, N.; Picchio, M.; Bettinardi, V.; Gilardi, M.C.; CNR, Milano; San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano; Fazio, F.; CNR, Milano; San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano; San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano


    This article reviews the state of the art of PET/CT applications in radiotherapy, specifically its use in disease staging, patient selection, treatment planning and treatment evaluation. Diseases for which radiotherapy with radical intent is indicated will be considered, as well as those in which PET/CT may actually change the course of disease. The methodological and technological aspects of PET/CT in radiotherapy are discussed, focusing on the problem of target volume definition with CT and PET functional imaging and the problem of tumor motion with respect to imaging and dose delivery

  5. Slice sensitivity profiles and pixel noise of multi-slice CT in comparison with single-slice CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schorn, C.; Obenauer, S.; Funke, M.; Hermann, K.P.; Kopka, L.; Grabbe, E.


    Purpose: Presentation and evaluation of slice sensitivity profile and pixel noise of multi-slice CT in comparison to single-slice CT. Methods: Slice sensitivity profiles and pixel noise of a multi-slice CT equiped with a 2D matrix detector array and of a single-slice CT were evaluated in phantom studies. Results: For the single-slice CT the width of the slice sensitivity profiles increased with increasing pitch. In spite of a much higher table speed the slice sensitivity profiles of multi-slice CT were narrower and did not increase with higher pitch. Noise in single-slice CT was independent of pitch. For multi-slice CT noise increased with higher pitch and for the higher pitch decreased slightly with higher detector row collimation. Conclusions: Multi-slice CT provides superior z-resolution and higher volume coverage speed. These qualities fulfill one of the prerequisites for improvement of 3D postprocessing. (orig.) [de

  6. Adenocarcinoma Prostate With Neuroendocrine Differentiation: Potential Utility of 18F-FDG PET/CT and 68Ga-DOTANOC PET/CT Over 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT. (United States)

    Parida, Girish Kumar; Tripathy, Sarthak; Datta Gupta, Shreya; Singhal, Abhinav; Kumar, Rakesh; Bal, Chandrasekhar; Shamim, Shamim Ahmed


    Ga-PSMA PET/CT is the upcoming imaging modality for staging, restaging and response assessment of prostate cancer. However, due to neuroendocrine differentiation in some of patients with prostate cancer, they express somatostatin receptors instead of prostate specific membrane antigen. This can be exploited and other modalities like Ga-DOTANOC PET/CT and F-FDG PET/CT should be used in such cases for guiding management. We hereby discuss a similar case of 67-year-old man of adenocarcinoma prostate with neuroendocrine differentiation, which shows the potential pitfall of Ga-PSMA PET/CT imaging and benefit of Ga-DOTANOC PET/CT and F-FDG PET/CT in such cases.

  7. Riesgo familiar total en familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con neoplasia de mama

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nancy Cecilia Charrys-Bravo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el riesgo familiar total de las familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama, que asisten a un centro de salud oncológico en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio fue de tipo descriptivo, transversal con abordaje cuantitativo. Se utilizó el instrumento Riesgo Familiar Total RFT 5-33. El universo estuvo conformado por familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer en mama. La muestra fue de 41 familias que integraron a 154 miembros; se abordó el estudio de manera censal, y no por medio de una muestra, porque el acceso a la información de la totalidad de las familia fue viable. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que las familias, en su mayoría, son de tipo 2. El 68 % de las pacientes categorizan sus familias como amenazadas, el 5 % como familias de alto riesgo y un 27 % de las familias con un bajo riesgo. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos encontrados en esta investigación son importantes para las familias, lo cual permitirá establecer acciones y actividades que logren orientar e implementar procesos de atención específicos con el propósito de cuidar a las familias para que se mantengan sanos en un nivel de bajo riesgo; además, desarrollar controles y seguimiento a aquellas familias que se encuentran en un riesgo alto de amenazas, mediante acciones de promoción y prevención de la enfermedad de una manera amplia. Por lo anterior, se deben emprender programas más agresivos de prevención y promoción, especialmente con las familias que asisten en busca de apoyo médico para este padecimiento; de esta forma, se podrán diagnosticar los casos de forma temprana y proceder al respectivo tratamiento.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Alexis García Moya


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio sobre la reducción catalítica selectiva (RCS de NOx con metano en presencia de oxígeno en exceso con varios catalizadores a base de las zeolitas mordenita, ferrierita y ZSM-5 intercambiadas con diferentes cargas de cobalto y con las correspondientes zeolitas en forma acida. Cuando la mezcla reactiva contenía mayormente NO2 en lugar de NO, los catalizadores ácidos mostraron las más altas velocidades de formación de N2 en condiciones secas. Las mayores actividades se obtuvieron con los catalizadores Co-mordenita, siguiendo en orden de actividad los catalizadores Co-Ferrierita y Co-ZSM-5. El catalizador Co-Mordenita más activo se ensayó con una mezcla reactiva donde predominó el NO en lugar del NO2 bajo condiciones secas e hidrotérmicas y en presencia de SO2. Con la adición de 8% de agua a la mezcla de reacción se observó desactivación reversible, especialmente a bajas temperaturas. La adición de 60 ppm de SO2 disminuyó la velocidad de reacción aproximadamente a la mitad debido posiblemente al envenenamiento de algunos sitios activos.

  9. NMR-CT scanner

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kose, Katsumi; Sato, Kozo; Sugimoto, Hiroshi; Sato, Masataka.


    A brief explanation is made on the imaging methods for a practical diagnostic NMR-CT scanner : A whole-body NMR-CT scanner utilizing a resistive magnet has been developed by Toshiba in cooperation with the Institute for Solid State Physics, the University of Tokyo. Typical NMR-CT images of volunteers and patients obtained in the clinical experiments using this device are presented. Detailed specifications are also shown about the practical NMR-CTs which are to be put on the market after obtaining the government approval. (author)

  10. CT and HR-CT of exogenous allergic alveolitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lederer, A.; Kullnig, P.; Pongratz, M.


    The CT changes on conventional and high resolution CT in 14 patients with exogeneous allergic alveolitis (EAA) were analysed retrospectively. There were 8 patients with clinically subacute disease, 5 patients in a chronic stage and 1 patient with acute EAA. The appearances and their distribution were examined. Seven of the 8 patients in the subacute stage showed a ground glass pattern and multiple nodules of less than 2 mm. All patients in the chronic stage showed a combination of fine infiltrates, small nodules and irregular linear densities; distortion of the pulmonary pattern was present in 3 cases. The patient with acute EAA showed diffuse dense areas of consolidation in both lungs as well as multiple nodules and a ground glass pattern. The CT appearances of EAA correspond with the basic micropathology and, within the clinical context, permit diagnostic classification. (orig.) [de

  11. Coronary calcium screening with dual-source CT: reliability of ungated, high-pitch chest CT in comparison with dedicated calcium-scoring CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hutt, Antoine; Faivre, Jean-Baptiste; Remy, Jacques; Remy-Jardin, Martine [CHRU et Universite de Lille, Department of Thoracic Imaging, Hospital Calmette (EA 2694), Lille (France); Duhamel, Alain; Deken, Valerie [CHRU et Universite de Lille, Department of Biostatistics (EA 2694), Lille (France); Molinari, Francesco [Centre Hospitalier General de Tourcoing, Department of Radiology, Tourcoing (France)


    To investigate the reliability of ungated, high-pitch dual-source CT for coronary artery calcium (CAC) screening. One hundred and eighty-five smokers underwent a dual-source CT examination with acquisition of two sets of images during the same session: (a) ungated, high-pitch and high-temporal resolution acquisition over the entire thorax (i.e., chest CT); (b) prospectively ECG-triggered acquisition over the cardiac cavities (i.e., cardiac CT). Sensitivity and specificity of chest CT for detecting positive CAC scores were 96.4 % and 100 %, respectively. There was excellent inter-technique agreement for determining the quantitative CAC score (ICC = 0.986). The mean difference between the two techniques was 11.27, representing 1.81 % of the average of the two techniques. The inter-technique agreement for categorizing patients into the four ranks of severity was excellent (weighted kappa = 0.95; 95 % CI 0.93-0.98). The inter-technique differences for quantitative CAC scores did not correlate with BMI (r = 0.05, p = 0.575) or heart rate (r = -0.06, p = 0.95); 87.2 % of them were explained by differences at the level of the right coronary artery (RCA: 0.8718; LAD: 0.1008; LCx: 0.0139; LM: 0.0136). Ungated, high-pitch dual-source CT is a reliable imaging mode for CAC screening in the conditions of routine chest CT examinations. (orig.)

  12. Clinical applications of SPECT-CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahmadzadehfar, Hojjat; Biersack, Hans-Juergen (eds.) [University Hospital Bonn (Germany). Dept. of Nuclear Medicine


    Covers the full spectrum of clinical applications of SPECT/CT in diagnosis of benign and malignant diseases. Includes chapters on the use of SPECT/CT for dosimetry and for therapy planning. Completely up to date. Many helpful illustrations. SPECT/CT cameras have considerably improved diagnostic accuracy in recent years. Such cameras allow direct correlation of anatomic and functional information, resulting in better localization and definition of scintigraphic findings. In addition to this anatomic referencing, CT coregistration provides superior quantification of radiotracer uptake based on the attenuation correction capabilities of CT. Useful applications of SPECT/CT have been identified not only in oncology but also in other specialties such as orthopedics and cardiology. This book covers the full spectrum of clinical applications of SPECT/CT in diagnosis and therapy planning of benign and malignant diseases. Opening chapters discuss the technology and physics of SPECT/CT and its use for dosimetry. The role of SPECT/CT in the imaging of a range of pathologic conditions is then addressed in detail. Applications covered include, among others, imaging of the thyroid, bone, and lungs, imaging of neuroendocrine tumors, cardiac scintigraphy, and sentinel node scintigraphy. Individual chapters are also devoted to therapy planning in selective internal radiation therapy of liver tumors and bremsstrahlung SPECT/CT. Readers will find this book to be an essential and up-to-date source of information on this invaluable hybrid imaging technique.

  13. Terapias alternativas con animales para niños con necesidades especiales


    Cea-Chueca, Aihnoa


    El presente trabajo de fin de grado consiste en la realización de un análisis y descripción de la literatura acerca de las distintas terapias animales, destinadas a niños con necesidades especiales: cómo y por qué surgieron, en qué consisten las terapias, cómo podemos utilizarlas, etc. Las terapias alternativas con animales se conocen como una alternativa terapéutica, donde se utiliza a un animal como co-terapeuta para poder desarrollar diferentes capacidades de los niños con necesidades espe...

  14. Neonatal Death Dwarfism in a Girl with Distinctive Bone Dysplasia Compatible with Grebe Chondrodysplasia: Analysis by CT Scan-based Phenotype


    Ali Al Kaissi; Farid Ben Chehida; Rudolf Ganger; Franz Grill


    We report on a female fetus noted to have severe malformative type of skeletal dysplasia on ultrasonography done at 35 weeks gestation. The girl died shortly after birth. Clinical examination showed a fetus with severe dwarfism, extensive long and short bones, and bone deficiencies associated with multiple dislocations. Computed tomography (CT) scan-based phenotype showed a complex constellation of malformations consistent with the diagnosis of Grebe syndrome. Parents being first cousins (con...

  15. Comparison of the 68Ga-DOTATATA PET/CT, FDG PET/CT, and MIBG SPECT/CT in the Evaluation of Suspected Primary Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas. (United States)

    Jing, Hongli; Li, Fang; Wang, Ling; Wang, Zhenghua; Li, Wei; Huo, Li; Zhang, Jingjing


    Anatomical imaging modalities including CT and MRI are the mainstay of evaluation of primary pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma. However, nuclear medicine imaging is frequently necessary to determine the nature of the lesions. The purpose of this investigation is to assess which commonly used nuclear medicine modality might have a better diagnostic value in this clinical setting. Eight patients who had been suspected of having either primary pheochromocytoma or primary paraganglioma and 1 patient with known pheochromocytoma were included in the analysis. Among the 8 patients without known diagnosis, 7 had been suggested by anatomical imaging modalities, whereas one of them presented with initial negative anatomical imaging interpretation. All of 9 patients underwent Ga-DOTATATA PET/CT, FDG PET/CT, and MIBG SPECT/CT for further evaluation. The imaging findings were compared with postsurgical pathology and follow-up. Both Ga-DOTATATA PET/CT and MIBG SPECT/CT accurately identified 9 primary tumors, whereas FDG PET/CT showed increased activity in 8 of 9 primary tumors. Both Ga-DOTATATA and FDG PET/CT are able to detect associated extra-adrenal lesions not shown on MIBG study in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome. Ga-DOTATATA PET/CT could be the nuclear medicine imaging choice to evaluate suspected primary pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma, especially in the situation of multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome.

  16. CT findings of infant epilepsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hojoh, Hiroatsu; Kataoka, Kenkichi; Nakagawa, Yoshihiro; Nakano, Shozo; Tomita, Yutaka.


    CT diagnosis of infantile epilepsy was evaluated. High incidence of abnormal CT findings in infantile spasms and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome was same as in other reports. Comparison between CT findings and neurological complications and that between CT findings and electroencephalogram findings revealed a stronger relationship existing in the former. This suggested that CT is more useful as a measure to detect underlying diseases which are due to organic change of the brain to cause epilepsy, rather than as that to disclose epileptic primary lesions of functional change. (Ueda, J.)

  17. CT of thymoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sone, Shusuke; Higashihara, Tokuro; Morimoto, Shizuo; Ikezoe, Junpei; Arisawa, Jun


    Based on 17 patients with thymoma (8 with myasthenia gravis and 9 free from it); 1. The effectiveness of CT, conventional radiography and pneumomediastinography in the detection of thymomas was determined and the results compared. 2. The CT findings of thymomas were discussed and the CT features which seemed to suggest malignant thymomas were evaluated. The results were as follows: 1. Of the 17 cases with thymomas, 13 were diagnosed from p-a films, 13 from lateral films, and 16 from CT. Of the 16 thymomas, 14 were diagnosed from lateral tomography. Mass densities were shown in all 15 cases in which pneumomediastinography were performed. 2. Benign thymomas showed round or oval smoothly marginated mass. The fatty plane between the mass and the mediastinal structures was nicely preserved. 3. Malignant thymoma frequently showed a plaque-like mass with more or less irregular or lobulated contoures with obliteration of the fatty planes of the cardiovascular structures. Tumor calcification was shown in 4 of 10 malignant thymomas. 4. Slight tumor invasion to the mediastinal pleura and lung was difficult to predict from the CT images. (author)

  18. F-FDG PET/CT (PET/CT) influences management in patients with known or suspected pancreatic cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barber, Thomas W.; Kalff, Victor; Cherk, Martin H.; Yap, Kenneth SK.; Evans, Peter; Kelly, Michael J.


    Full text: Objective: To assess the impact on clinical management of PET/CT in patients with known or suspected pancreatic cancer. Methods: Between April 2006 and September 2008,25 PET/CT scans were performed using a dedicated PET/CT (22 scans) or a coincidence hybrid PET/CT camera (3 scans) in 23 patients with known or suspected pancreatic cancer. 17 scans were performed for initial evaluation and 8 for restaging of disease. The pre-PET/CT management plan and for intent were prospectively recorded in all cases. The post-PET/CT management plan was determined from the medical record and for discussions with treating clinicians. The impact of PET/CT on management was classified as High, Medium, Low or None, defined using ANZAPNM PET data collection project criteria. Follow-up was used to reconcile any discordance between PET/CT and conventional imaging. Results: Overall, PET/CT management impact was classified as high (n equal 7), medium (n equal 4), low (n equal 10) or none (n equal 4). Impact was either high or medium in l l/25 patients (44%) (95% confidence interval; 24 - 64%). Impact was high in 4/17 patients imaged for initial evaluation, predominantly by clarifying equivocal lesions on conventional imaging. In restaged patients, PET/CT impact was high in 3/8, and it correctly modified disease extent in 5/8. In the 16 discordant studies, PET/CT assessment was correct in 10, conventional imaging in 4 and there was insufficient information in 2. Conclusion: PET/CT has high or medium management impact in 44% of patients imaged for known or suspected pancreatic cancer, more commonly during restaging. Discordant PET/CT results were usually correct.

  19. SedCT: MATLAB™ tools for standardized and quantitative processing of sediment core computed tomography (CT) data collected using a medical CT scanner (United States)

    Reilly, B. T.; Stoner, J. S.; Wiest, J.


    Computed tomography (CT) of sediment cores allows for high-resolution images, three-dimensional volumes, and down core profiles. These quantitative data are generated through the attenuation of X-rays, which are sensitive to sediment density and atomic number, and are stored in pixels as relative gray scale values or Hounsfield units (HU). We present a suite of MATLAB™ tools specifically designed for routine sediment core analysis as a means to standardize and better quantify the products of CT data collected on medical CT scanners. SedCT uses a graphical interface to process Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) files, stitch overlapping scanned intervals, and create down core HU profiles in a manner robust to normal coring imperfections. Utilizing a random sampling technique, SedCT reduces data size and allows for quick processing on typical laptop computers. SedCTimage uses a graphical interface to create quality tiff files of CT slices that are scaled to a user-defined HU range, preserving the quantitative nature of CT images and easily allowing for comparison between sediment cores with different HU means and variance. These tools are presented along with examples from lacustrine and marine sediment cores to highlight the robustness and quantitative nature of this method.

  20. CT in normal pressure hydrocephalus. Correlation between CT and clinical response to shunting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujita, K.; Nogaki, H.; Noda, M.; Kusunoki, T.; Tamaki, N. (Kobe Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine)


    CT scans were obtained on 33 patients (age 73y. to 31y.) with the diagnosis of normal pressure hydrocephalus. In each case, the diagnosis was made on the basis of the symptoms, CT and cisternographic findings. Underlying diseases of normal pressure hydrocephalus are ruptured aneurysms (21 cases), arteriovenous malformations (2 cases), head trauma (1 case), cerebrovascular accidents (1 case) and idiopathie (8 cases). Sixteen of 33 patients showed marked improvement, five, moderate or minimal improvement, and twelve, no change. The results were compared with CT findings and clinical response to shunting. CT findings were classified into five types, bases on the degree of periventricular hypodensity (P.V.H.), the extent of brain damage by underlying diseases, and the degree of cortical atrophy. In 17 cases of type (I), CT shows the presence of P.V.H. with or without minimal frontal lobe damage and no cortical atrophy. The good surgical improvements were achieved in all cases of type (I) by shunting. In 4 cases of type (II), CT shows the presence of P.V.H. and severe brain damage without cortical atrophy. The fair clinical improvements were achieved in 2 cases (50%) by shunting. In one case of type (III), CT shows the absence of P.V.H. without brain damage nor cortical atrophy. No clinical improvement was obtained by shunting in this type. In 9 cases of type (IV) with mild cortical atrophy, the fair clinical improvement was achieved in two cases (22%) and no improvement in 7 cases. In 2 cases of type (V) with moderate or marked cortical atrophy, no clinical improvement was obtained by shunting. In conclusion, it appeared from the present study that there was a good correlation between the result of shunting and the type of CT, and clinical response to shunting operation might be predicted by classification of CT findings.

  1. Estimation of skull table thickness with clinical CT and validation with microCT. (United States)

    Lillie, Elizabeth M; Urban, Jillian E; Weaver, Ashley A; Powers, Alexander K; Stitzel, Joel D


    Brain injuries resulting from motor vehicle crashes (MVC) are extremely common yet the details of the mechanism of injury remain to be well characterized. Skull deformation is believed to be a contributing factor to some types of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Understanding biomechanical contributors to skull deformation would provide further insight into the mechanism of head injury resulting from blunt trauma. In particular, skull thickness is thought be a very important factor governing deformation of the skull and its propensity for fracture. Current computed tomography (CT) technology is limited in its ability to accurately measure cortical thickness using standard techniques. A method to evaluate cortical thickness using cortical density measured from CT data has been developed previously. This effort validates this technique for measurement of skull table thickness in clinical head CT scans using two postmortem human specimens. Bone samples were harvested from the skulls of two cadavers and scanned with microCT to evaluate the accuracy of the estimated cortical thickness measured from clinical CT. Clinical scans were collected at 0.488 and 0.625 mm in plane resolution with 0.625 mm thickness. The overall cortical thickness error was determined to be 0.078 ± 0.58 mm for cortical samples thinner than 4 mm. It was determined that 91.3% of these differences fell within the scanner resolution. Color maps of clinical CT thickness estimations are comparable to color maps of microCT thickness measurements, indicating good quantitative agreement. These data confirm that the cortical density algorithm successfully estimates skull table thickness from clinical CT scans. The application of this technique to clinical CT scans enables evaluation of cortical thickness in population-based studies. © 2014 Anatomical Society.

  2. CT-based virtual tracheobronchoscopy in children - comparison with axial CT and multiplanar reconstruction: preliminary results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sorantin, Erich; Lindbichler, Franz; Eber, Ernst; Schimpl, Guenther


    Background: 3D post-processing of spiral-CT (S-CT) data using perspective projection allows the generation of virtual views similar to endoscopy. Objective: To evaluate whether simultaneous reading of axial S-CT, multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) and virtual tracheobronchoscopy (VTB) is more precise and accurate than reading of axial S-CT and MPR alone in paediatric patients. Materials and methods: S-CT studies of 15 symptomatic and 4 normal patients were investigated. Two radiologists independently read two sets of images for airway abnormalities: first axial CT and MPR, followed by axial CT, MPR and VTB. A final decision was later made by consensus. All results were compared to fibre-optic bronchoscopy (FTB). Interobserver agreement was used as an indicator of precision for the display technique used. Results: At reading of axial S-CT and MPR an interobserver agreement of 89.5% (κ=0.776, P<0.00103) was found. Based on the consensus decision, a diagnostic accuracy of 89.5% at a sensitivity 86.6% and specificity of 100% (κ=0.776, 95% CI 0.491-1.062, P<0.00103) was achieved. At reporting on axial S-CT, MPR and VTB, all cases were classified correctly by both readers, indicating 100% accuracy, interobserver agreement, sensitivity and specificity (κ=1.00, 95% CI 1.0-1.0, P<0.000258). Conclusions: The simultaneous display of axial S-CT, MPR and VTB raises the precision, accuracy and sensitivity of radiological reports. (orig.)

  3. CT of splenic trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffiths, B.G.; Federle, M.P.; Minagi, H.; Jeffrey, R.B.


    Fifty-five consecutive cases of surgically proved splenic injuries were evaluated by CT. CT correctly identified 54 splenic injuries, with one false-negative and three false-positive studies. In the single false-negative study and in two of the three false-positive studies, CT correctly indicated the presence of a large hemoperitoneum and other abdominal visceral lacerations and so correctly indicated the need for surgery. Of the 55 proved cases of splenic injury, CT revealed hemoperitoneum in 54 (99%), perisplenic clot in 47 (85%), splenic laceration in 39 (71%), and subcapsular hematoma in 13 (24%). Perisplenic clot can be distinguished from lysed blood in the peritoneal cavity and is a sensitive and specific sign of splenic trauma, even in the absence of visible splenic laceration. The authors conclude that CT is highly reliable means of evaluating splenic trauma

  4. Evaluation of pre and post-operative spinal plain CT and CT-myelography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagase, Joji; Inoue, Shunichi; Miyasaka, Hitoshi; Kamata, Sakae; Shinohara, Hiroyasu.


    Confirmation of the level of scan slices is essential for the CT diagnosis of spinal and spinal-cord diseases. Pre- and postoperative comparison should be made on the same level. For reading of plain CT and CTM, window levels should be identical pre- and postoperatively. Both methods demonstrated the spinal canal, morphology of the spinal cord, and three-Fdimensional pathologic pictures inside and outside the spinal cord. Preoperative CT contributed useful information on the pathologic conditions and selection of surgical procedures and routes. Postoperative plain CT confirmed surgical results, and CTM revealed the spinal cord and the subarachnoid space, as well as the range and degree of decompression from the spinal cord. (Chiba, N.)

  5. Variables socionutricionales de hogares mazahuas integrados por preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Conzuelo González, Viridiana Vanessa


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  6. Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... view of the body's interior. Refinements in detector technology allow new CT scanners to obtain multiple slices in a single rotation. These scanners, called "multislice CT" or "multidetector CT," ...

  7. SPECT/CT and pulmonary embolism

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mortensen, Jann [Copenhagen University Hospital, Department of Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine and PET, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen (Denmark); The Faroese National Hospital, Department of Medicine, Torshavn (Faroe Islands); Gutte, Henrik [Copenhagen University Hospital, Department of Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine and PET, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen (Denmark); Herlev Hospital, Copenhagen University Hospital, Department of Radiology, Copenhagen (Denmark); University of Copenhagen, Cluster for Molecular Imaging, Faculty of Health Sciences, Copenhagen (Denmark)


    Acute pulmonary embolism (PE) is diagnosed either by ventilation/perfusion (V/P) scintigraphy or pulmonary CT angiography (CTPA). In recent years both techniques have improved. Many nuclear medicine centres have adopted the single photon emission CT (SPECT) technique as opposed to the planar technique for diagnosing PE. SPECT has been shown to have fewer indeterminate results and a higher diagnostic value. The latest improvement is the combination of a low-dose CT scan with a V/P SPECT scan in a hybrid tomograph. In a study comparing CTPA, planar scintigraphy and SPECT alone, SPECT/CT had the best diagnostic accuracy for PE. In addition, recent developments in the CTPA technique have made it possible to image the pulmonary arteries of the lungs in one breath-hold. This development is based on the change from a single-detector to multidetector CT technology with an increase in volume coverage per rotation and faster rotation. Furthermore, the dual energy CT technique is a promising modality that can provide functional imaging in combination with anatomical information. Newer high-end CT scanners and SPECT systems are able to visualize smaller subsegmental emboli. However, consensus is lacking regarding the clinical impact and treatment. In the present review, SPECT and SPECT in combination with low-dose CT, CTPA and dual energy CT are discussed in the context of diagnosing PE. (orig.)

  8. Variation in quantitative CT air trapping in heavy smokers on repeat CT examinations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mets, Onno M.; Gietema, Hester A.; Jong, Pim A. de [University Medical Center Utrecht, Radiology, Heidelberglaan 100, Postbus 85500, Utrecht (Netherlands); Isgum, Ivana; Mol, Christian P. [University Medical Center Utrecht, Image Sciences Institute, Utrecht (Netherlands); Zanen, Pieter [University Medical Center Utrecht, Pulmonology, Utrecht (Netherlands); Prokop, Mathias [Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Radiology, Nijmegen (Netherlands); University Medical Center Utrecht, Radiology, Heidelberglaan 100, Postbus 85500, Utrecht (Netherlands)


    To determine the variation in quantitative computed tomography (CT) measures of air trapping in low-dose chest CTs of heavy smokers. We analysed 45 subjects from a lung cancer screening trial, examined by CT twice within 3 months. Inspiratory and expiratory low-dose CT was obtained using breath hold instructions. CT air trapping was defined as the percentage of voxels in expiratory CT with an attenuation below -856 HU (EXP{sub -856}) and the expiratory to inspiratory ratio of mean lung density (E/I-ratio{sub MLD}). Variation was determined using limits of agreement, defined as 1.96 times the standard deviation of the mean difference. The effect of both lung volume correction and breath hold reproducibility was determined. The limits of agreement for uncorrected CT air trapping measurements were -15.0 to 11.7 % (EXP{sub -856}) and -9.8 to 8.0 % (E/I-ratio{sub MLD}). Good breath hold reproducibility significantly narrowed the limits for EXP{sub -856} (-10.7 to 7.5 %, P = 0.002), but not for E/I-ratio{sub MLD} (-9.2 to 7.9 %, P = 0.75). Statistical lung volume correction did not improve the limits for EXP{sub -856} (-12.5 to 8.8 %, P = 0.12) and E/I-ratio{sub MLD} (-7.5 to 5.8 %, P = 0.17). Quantitative air trapping measures on low-dose CT of heavy smokers show considerable variation on repeat CT examinations, regardless of lung volume correction or reproducible breath holds. (orig.)

  9. Clinical values of CT and dynamic CT in brain infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, Soo Il; Jang, Do; Seo, Eun Joo; Sohn, Myung Hee; Choi, Ki Chul


    With the advent of faster scan time and new computer program, a scanning technique called 'dynamic computed tomography' has become possible. Dynamic computed tomography consisted of performing multiple rapid sequence scans after injection of contrast material. The authors have evaluated the clinical usefulness of computed tomography and dynamic computed tomography of 93 patients with brain infarction and/or ischemia during the period of 17 months from April 1983 to August 1984 in Department of Radiology, Chonbuk National University Hospital. The results were as follows; 1. The age distribution ranged from 18 years to 78 years. Among them the most common age group was between 50 years and 59 years (40.9%). 2. The sites of brain infarction were cerebral lobes (63 cases,68), basal ganglia (15 cases, 16.1%) and multiple sites (6 cases, 6.4%). The common affected site was middle cerebral artery territories. 3. The contrast enhancement of acute infarction was noted in 14 cases (17.5%) which occurred commonly between 3 days and 2 weeks from ictus. 4. The patterns of time-density curve in brain infarction and/or ischemia were as follow: a. Depression of slow wash-in phase was 20 cases (59%). b. Lower peak concentration was 17 cases (50%). c. Lower and delayed peak concentration was 7 cases (21%). d. No definite peak concentration was 6 cases (18%). First three patterns of time-density curve were thought as relatively characteristic curve of brain infarction and/or ischemia. 5. Two cases that showed negative findings on precontrast CT scan appeared to be positive findings as hypodensity on postcontrast CT scan and were confirmed as brain infarction by dynamic CT. 6. The diagnostic entity of dynamic CT scan were as follows; a. large artery thrombotic infarction were 23 cases (58%). b. lacnar infarction were 6 cases (15%). c. ischemia were 5 cases (13%). d. normal were 5 cases (13%). In six cases of lacunar infarction which was double hypodensity on pre-and postcontrast CT

  10. Clinical values of CT and dynamic CT in brain infarction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lim, Soo Il; Jang, Do; Seo, Eun Joo; Sohn, Myung Hee; Choi, Ki Chul [Chonbuk National University College of Medicine, Jeonju (Korea, Republic of)


    With the advent of faster scan time and new computer program, a scanning technique called 'dynamic computed tomography' has become possible. Dynamic computed tomography consisted of performing multiple rapid sequence scans after injection of contrast material. The authors have evaluated the clinical usefulness of computed tomography and dynamic computed tomography of 93 patients with brain infarction and/or ischemia during the period of 17 months from April 1983 to August 1984 in Department of Radiology, Chonbuk National University Hospital. The results were as follows; 1. The age distribution ranged from 18 years to 78 years. Among them the most common age group was between 50 years and 59 years (40.9%). 2. The sites of brain infarction were cerebral lobes (63 cases,68), basal ganglia (15 cases, 16.1%) and multiple sites (6 cases, 6.4%). The common affected site was middle cerebral artery territories. 3. The contrast enhancement of acute infarction was noted in 14 cases (17.5%) which occurred commonly between 3 days and 2 weeks from ictus. 4. The patterns of time-density curve in brain infarction and/or ischemia were as follow: a. Depression of slow wash-in phase was 20 cases (59%). b. Lower peak concentration was 17 cases (50%). c. Lower and delayed peak concentration was 7 cases (21%). d. No definite peak concentration was 6 cases (18%). First three patterns of time-density curve were thought as relatively characteristic curve of brain infarction and/or ischemia. 5. Two cases that showed negative findings on precontrast CT scan appeared to be positive findings as hypodensity on postcontrast CT scan and were confirmed as brain infarction by dynamic CT. 6. The diagnostic entity of dynamic CT scan were as follows; a. large artery thrombotic infarction were 23 cases (58%). b. lacnar infarction were 6 cases (15%). c. ischemia were 5 cases (13%). d. normal were 5 cases (13%). In six cases of lacunar infarction which was double hypodensity on pre

  11. CT findings at lupus mesenteric vasculitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ko, S.F.; Lee, T.Y.; Cheng, T.T.; Ng, S.H.; Lai, H.M.; Cheng, Y.F.; Tsai, C.C.


    Purpose: To describe the spectrum of early CT findings of lupus mesenteric vasculitis (LMV) and to assess the utility of CT in the management of this uncommon entity. Methods: Abdominal CT was performed within 1-4 days (average 2.2 days) of the onset of severe abdominal pain and tenderness in 15 women with systemic lupus erythematosus. Prompt high-dose i.v. corticosteroid in 11 patients after the CT diagnosis of LMV was made. CT was performed after abdominal symptoms subsided. Results: Eleven cases revealed CT features suggestive of LMV including conspicuous prominence of mesentric vessels with palisade pattern or comb-like appearance (CT comb sign) supplying focal or diffuse dilated bowel loops (n=11), ascites with slightly increased peritoneal enhancement (n=11), small bowel wall thickening (n=10) with double halo or target sign (n=8). Follow-up CT before high-dose steroid therapy revealed complete or marked resolution of the abnormal CT findings. Conclusion: CT is helpful for confirming the diagnosis of LMV, especially the comb sign which may be an early sign. Bowel ischemia due to LMV is less ominous than previously expected, and the abnormal CT findings were reversible when early diagnosis and prompt i.v. steroid therapy could be achieved. (orig.)

  12. CT findings at lupus mesenteric vasculitis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ko, S.F. [Chang Gung Medical College and Memorial Hospital, Dept. of Radiology, Kaohsiung Hsien (Taiwan); Lee, T.Y. [Chang Gung Medical College and Memorial Hospital, Dept. of Radiology, Kaohsiung Hsien (Taiwan); Cheng, T.T. [Chang Gung Medical College and Memorial Hospital, Dept. of Rheumatology, Kaohsiung Hsien (Taiwan); Ng, S.H. [Chang Gung Medical College and Memorial Hospital, Dept. of Radiology, Kaohsiung Hsien (Taiwan); Lai, H.M. [Chang Gung Medical College and Memorial Hospital, Dept. of Rheumatology, Kaohsiung Hsien (Taiwan); Cheng, Y.F. [Chang Gung Medical College and Memorial Hospital, Dept. of Radiology, Kaohsiung Hsien (Taiwan); Tsai, C.C. [Chang Gung Medical College and Memorial Hospital, Dept. of Radiology, Kaohsiung Hsien (Taiwan)


    Purpose: To describe the spectrum of early CT findings of lupus mesenteric vasculitis (LMV) and to assess the utility of CT in the management of this uncommon entity. Methods: Abdominal CT was performed within 1-4 days (average 2.2 days) of the onset of severe abdominal pain and tenderness in 15 women with systemic lupus erythematosus. Prompt high-dose i.v. corticosteroid in 11 patients after the CT diagnosis of LMV was made. CT was performed after abdominal symptoms subsided. Results: Eleven cases revealed CT features suggestive of LMV including conspicuous prominence of mesentric vessels with palisade pattern or comb-like appearance (CT comb sign) supplying focal or diffuse dilated bowel loops (n=11), ascites with slightly increased peritoneal enhancement (n=11), small bowel wall thickening (n=10) with double halo or target sign (n=8). Follow-up CT before high-dose steroid therapy revealed complete or marked resolution of the abnormal CT findings. Conclusion: CT is helpful for confirming the diagnosis of LMV, especially the comb sign which may be an early sign. Bowel ischemia due to LMV is less ominous than previously expected, and the abnormal CT findings were reversible when early diagnosis and prompt i.v. steroid therapy could be achieved. (orig.).

  13. The impact of the PET/CT in comparison with the same day contrast enhanced CT in breast cancer management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piperkova, E.; Raphael, B.; Altinyay, M.; Castellon, I.; Libes, R.; Abdel-Dayem, H.


    Full text: The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose FDG positron emission tomography with fused computerized tomography (PET/CT) in comparison with the same day contrast enhanced CT (CE-CT) in the breast cancer (BC) management. 68 studies in 48 BC patients, 8 for initial and 60 for restaging disease, after surgery, radiation/chemotherapy, for radiation therapy planning or evaluating treatment response were included. All patients underwent whole body PET/CT for diagnostic purposes followed by CE-CT diagnostic scans of selected body regions. PET/CT was performed approximately 90 minutes following 10-15 mCi of 18F-FDG on a GE Discovery PET/CT system. CT part acquired with low dose X-ray for localization and attenuation correction. The CE-CT was performed according to departmental protocol. Out of a total of 235 lesions in 68 PET/CT and CE-CT studies, 189 were concordant between PET/CT and CE-CT. However, there were 46 discordant lesions, which were verified by either follow-up or biopsy. PET/CT correctly identified 25 (True Positive-TP). CE-CT identified 2 TP lesions missed by PET/CT (False negative): one liver metastasis with necrosis, which is a known non-avid FDG, the other was a missed abdominal metastatic node, which did not change staging or treatment. PET/CT incorrectly identified 2 lesions (False Positive) while CE-CT incorrectly identified 17 FP. For evaluating treatment response in 40 follow up studies PET/CT reported complete response in 15, partial response in 11, stable disease in 2, progression in 5, and free of disease following surgery - in 7. The CE-CT described progression of the disease in 1 PET/CT true negative study and no progression in 2 TP PET/CT studies. In this study, PET/CT played more important role than CECT scans alone and provided an impact on the management of BC patients

  14. CT, MRI, and FDG PET/CT findings of sinonasal sarcoma: Differentiation from squamous cell carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jin Ho; Yoon, Dae Young; Baek, Sora; Park, Min Woo; Kwon, Kee Hwan; Rho, Young Soo


    To evaluate computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/CT (PET/CT) findings for the differentiation of sinonasal sarcoma from squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). We retrospectively reviewed CT, MRI, and FDG PET/CT results in 20 patients with pathologically proven sinonasal sarcoma (n = 7) and SCC (n = 13). Imaging characteristics of tumors, such as the shape, size, margin, MRI signal intensity, pattern of enhancement, local tumor invasion, and maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) were analyzed and compared between sarcoma and SCC. The SUVmax of sarcomas (7.4 ± 2.1) was significantly lower than the SUVmax of the SCCs (14.3 ± 4.5) (p = 0.0013). However, no significant difference in the shape, size, margin, MRI signal intensity, pattern of enhancement, and local tumor invasion was observed between sarcoma and SCC. Although CT and MR imaging features are nonspecific, FDG PET/CT is useful in distinguishing between sinonasal sarcoma and SCC based on the SUVmax value

  15. CT, MRI, and FDG PET/CT findings of sinonasal sarcoma: Differentiation from squamous cell carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jin Ho; Yoon, Dae Young; Baek, Sora; Park, Min Woo; Kwon, Kee Hwan; Rho, Young Soo [Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/CT (PET/CT) findings for the differentiation of sinonasal sarcoma from squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). We retrospectively reviewed CT, MRI, and FDG PET/CT results in 20 patients with pathologically proven sinonasal sarcoma (n = 7) and SCC (n = 13). Imaging characteristics of tumors, such as the shape, size, margin, MRI signal intensity, pattern of enhancement, local tumor invasion, and maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) were analyzed and compared between sarcoma and SCC. The SUVmax of sarcomas (7.4 ± 2.1) was significantly lower than the SUVmax of the SCCs (14.3 ± 4.5) (p = 0.0013). However, no significant difference in the shape, size, margin, MRI signal intensity, pattern of enhancement, and local tumor invasion was observed between sarcoma and SCC. Although CT and MR imaging features are nonspecific, FDG PET/CT is useful in distinguishing between sinonasal sarcoma and SCC based on the SUVmax value.

  16. CT of hepatocellular carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakamura, H; Tanaka, T; Sai, H; Kawamoto, S; Morimoto, K [Osaka Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Medicine


    CT was investigated in 125 cases of hepatocelluar carcinoma and 47 cases of metastatic hepatic neoplasm. The entire contour of each tumor was traced and the average CT value in the tumor was estimated. As a result, the CT value for hepatocellular carcinoma tended to be higher on plain CT and also after contrast enhancement. The CT findings seen frequently were as follows: capsule in 76 cases (60.8%) and septum in 67 cases (53.6%); tumor thrombus in portal vein in 39 cases (31.2%) and that in inferior vena cava in 3 cases (2.4%); localized enlargement of hepatic bile duct in 24 cases (19.2%). These findings were rarely seen in the cases of metastatic hepatic neoplasm. As a relatively outstanding feature of hepatic metastases, a double contour, like concentric circles or contour lines, with a relatively large inner circle or contour line, was found in 21 cases (44.7%). By paying attention to the change of CT value on contrast enhancement and the characteristic image of each case, hepatocellular carcinoma could be differentiated from metastatic hepatic neoplasm with high probability.

  17. Head trauma and CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samejima, Kanji; Yoshii, Nobuo; Tobari, Chitoshi


    It has been said that chronic subdural hematoma cannot be diagnosed by CT. In our cases, CT was used, and the results were described. According to the density of the picture, CT findings of chronic subdural hematoma could be classified into 3 types, those of higher density than that of the cerebral paranchyma, those of isodensity, and those of lower density than that of the cerebral parenchyma. The difference among them appeared to be due to variation in the fluid in hematoma, especially that in hemoglobin concentration. Chronic subdural hematoma was found in 27 of 388 cases of head trauma in which CT was undertaken in our department of surgery for last 2 years. It is difficult to differenciate this disease from subdural edema or subarachnoideal retention of the cerebrospinal fluid. In many cases, use of contrast medium added no change to the CT picture. Cerebral angiography is necessary for definite diagnosis of the disease. Chronic subdural hematoma gives more varieties of findings than other intracranial hematomas. However, if the film is very carefully read, CT is still useful for diagnosing this disease in spite of initially remarked difficulties. (Ueda, J.)

  18. Imaging of acute mesenteric ischemia using multidetector CT and CT angiography in a porcine model. (United States)

    Rosow, David E; Sahani, Dushyant; Strobel, Oliver; Kalva, Sanjeeva; Mino-Kenudson, Mari; Holalkere, Nagaraj S; Alsfasser, Guido; Saini, Sanjay; Lee, Susanna I; Mueller, Peter R; Fernández-del Castillo, Carlos; Warshaw, Andrew L; Thayer, Sarah P


    Acute mesenteric ischemia, a frequently lethal disease, requires prompt diagnosis and intervention for favorable clinical outcomes. This goal remains elusive due, in part, to lack of a noninvasive and accurate imaging study. Traditional angiography is the diagnostic gold standard but is invasive and costly. Computed tomography (CT) is readily available and noninvasive but has shown variable success in diagnosing this disease. The faster scanning time of multidetector row CT (M.D.CT) greatly facilitates the use of CT angiography (CTA) in the clinical setting. We sought to determine whether M.D.CT-CTA could accurately demonstrate vascular anatomy and capture the earliest stages of mesenteric ischemia in a porcine model. Pigs underwent embolization of branches of the superior mesenteric artery, then imaging by M.D.CT-CTA with three-dimensional reconstruction protocols. After scanning, diseased bowel segments were surgically resected and pathologically examined. Multidetector row CT and CT angiography reliably defined normal and occluded mesenteric vessels in the pig. It detected early changes of ischemia including poor arterial enhancement and venous dilatation, which were seen in all ischemic animals. The radiographic findings--compared with pathologic diagnoses-- predicted ischemia, with a positive predictive value of 92%. These results indicate that M.D.CT-CTA holds great promise for the early detection necessary for successful treatment of acute mesenteric ischemia.

  19. CT-guided stereotactic neurosurgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takizawa, Takaaki; Sato, Shoju; Matsumoto, Akira; Sano, Akira; Takahashi, Kazunori; Murakami, Yuji; Ohta, Kosuke


    Brown-Roberts-Wells stereotactic instruments were used for CT guided stereotactic surgery in 54 cases (65 operations). Stereotactic biopsy was done in 9 cases and successive regional chemotherapy was done in 3 cases. Stereotactic drainage was done in 2 cases of bacterial abcess, 3 cases of cystic neoplasm and 33 cases (43 operations) of intracerebral hematoma. CT guided stereotactic procedure was valuable for the correct cannulation to the center of the cavity. We tried to utilize CT image for the selection of targets for stereotactic functional neurosurgical procedures in 6 cases. In the cases of thalamotomy, the information derived from CT made the operation safer than that by contrast ventriculography alone. In all cases of electrode implantation for deep brain stimulation, accurate and precise electrode placement was achieved from CT images alone. This rapid and easy surgical technique was useful also for poor risk patients. (author)

  20. Le leucodistrofie: aspetti clinici e quadri con Tomografia Computerizzata e con Risonanza Magnetica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Magnaldi, S.


    Leukodystrophies are inherited white matter diseases due to abnormalities occurring in myelin synthesis and/or maintenance. The most common types of these rare childhood conditions are represented by adrenoleukodystrophy, metachromatic leukodystrophy, Canavan's, Alexander's, Krabbe's, and Pelizaeus-Merzbacher's diseases. Most of them are lethal during childhood, with the exception of the adrenoleukodystrophy-adrenomyeloneuropathy complex, which sometimes, during its early phases, may be cured with a dietary therapy. The aims of this paper are: 1) the description of inheritance factors, pathogenesis, pathological and clinical findings of each of the most frequent childhood leukodystrophies; 2) the description of the most common patterns of these conditions on CT and MR imaging; 3) the evaluation of the diagnostic capabilities of these two imaging techniques and the comparison of their results. Finally, some of the therapies suggested for the mild forms of these conditions are discussed. The evaluation of leukodystrophic patients with CT and MR imaging shows both imaging modalities to have high sensitivity, thanks to the detection of abnormally myelinated areas, which appear hypodense on CT and Hypertense on T2-weighted MR images. Frequently, both imaging modalities exhibit high specificity as well: they allow a differential diagnosis between the different types through the demonstration of their location in the early stages and of their mode of spread. The most typical example is represented by adrenoleukodystrophy, which is the most common type of leukodystrophy: the frequent occipito-parietal onset and the anterior and caudal progression allow a correct diagnosis to be made on CT and MR images in most cases. The comparison between CT and MR findings demonstrates a slight superiority of the latter: multiplanarity and high contrast resolution make MR imaging more sensitive than CT in the detection of the both caudal spread and involvement of optic and acoustic

  1. Thyroid lymphography-computed tomography (TLG-CT)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuyama, Koukichi


    There are several useful diagnostic examinations for thyroid disease. The diagnostic value of CT in thyroid disease is still controvertial, although CT has become a routine clinical examination, since the plain CT does not always identify tumors accurately. In this paper, we introduce for the first time thyroid lymphography-computed tomography (TLG-CT) which may improve the diagnostic value of CT. The technique combines CT with thyroid lymphography. We performed TLG-CT in 92 patients with various thyroid diseases and 20 normal controls and classified the radiological features into the following 6 types: entire (normal thyroid); moth-eaten (Hashimoto's thyroiditis); defect (follicular adenoma and adenomatous goiter); lobate (papillary carcinoma); localized (various thyroid diseases); and extrathyroid defect (parathyroid tumor). In addition, we examined the relationship between TLG-CT type and the macroscopic appearance of the cut surface of the thyroid and lymph node metastasis in 20 patients with papillary carcinoma. The results suggest that papillary TLG-CT type carcinomas have a high incidence of lymph node metastasis. Our preliminary results suggest that TLG-CT is a potentially valuable diagnostic tool in the detection of thyroid disease and the assessment of the pathologic diagnosis as well as lymph node metastasis. (author)

  2. CF findings of bowel infarction in 56 surgical patients, 5 of whom with reversible ischemia; Aspetti alla tomografia computerizzata dell'infarto intestinale. 56 pazienti sottoposti a interventi chirurgico di cui 5 con ischemia mesenterica reversibile.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salzano, A.; De Rosa, A.; Carbone, M.; Ginolfi, F.; Rossi, E.; Amodio, F. [Naples Univ. Federico 2. (Italy). Ist. di Scienze Radiologiche; Muto, M.; Tuccillo, M. [Azienda Sanitaria di Rilievo Nazionale A. Cardarelli, Naples (Italy). Servizio di Neuroradiologia


    Bowel infarction is a rare and typical condition of the elderly; despite improvements in diagnostic imaging and vascular surgery, bowel infarction remains a major cause of acute abdomen, with mortality rates ranging 70-80%. Diagnosis on often late because clinical signs, laboratory data and radiologic findings are a specific. The authors investigated radiographic and particular CT patterns of intestinal infraction in 56 patients submitted to surgery within 12 hours of admission. We also report the CT findings of 5 of these patients who had reversible mesenteric ischemia. CT is more sensitive than radiography and does not exhibit the limitations of angiography (i.e., invasiveness, radiation exposure and complex organization). Therefore CT can presently be considered the method of choice in patients with suspected bowel infarction. [Italian] L'infarto intestinale rappresenta una malattia rara e tipica del soggeto anziano; nonostante il notevole perfezionamento delle tecniche di diagnostica per immagini e il progresso della chirurgia vascolare, rimane ancora oggi una delle piu' temibili condizioni di addome acuto, con mortalita' superiore al 70-80%. Il riconoscimento diagnostico e' tardivo per l'aspecificita' dei dati di laboratorio, dei segni clinici e degli esami radiologici. La TC presenta maggiore afficacia diagnostica rispetto all'esame radiografico diretto e non ha limiti che caratterizzano l'angiografia, quali l'invasivita', radioesposizione e complessita' organizzativa: attualmente la metodica TC puo' essere indicata come indagine di scelta in pazienti con sospetto infarto intestinale.

  3. [Accurate 3D free-form registration between fan-beam CT and cone-beam CT]. (United States)

    Liang, Yueqiang; Xu, Hongbing; Li, Baosheng; Li, Hongsheng; Yang, Fujun


    Because the X-ray scatters, the CT numbers in cone-beam CT cannot exactly correspond to the electron densities. This, therefore, results in registration error when the intensity-based registration algorithm is used to register planning fan-beam CT and cone-beam CT. In order to reduce the registration error, we have developed an accurate gradient-based registration algorithm. The gradient-based deformable registration problem is described as a minimization of energy functional. Through the calculus of variations and Gauss-Seidel finite difference method, we derived the iterative formula of the deformable registration. The algorithm was implemented by GPU through OpenCL framework, with which the registration time was greatly reduced. Our experimental results showed that the proposed gradient-based registration algorithm could register more accurately the clinical cone-beam CT and fan-beam CT images compared with the intensity-based algorithm. The GPU-accelerated algorithm meets the real-time requirement in the online adaptive radiotherapy.

  4. CT scanning in pediatric head trauma: correlation of clinical features with CT scan diagnosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arkoncel, Mary Ann P.; Posadas, Ma. Belen A.


    A retrospective review was conducted on 205 cases of pediatric head trauma for which cranial computed tomography scans were done at the Makati Medical Center, to determine which clinical features might positively predict an abnormality on CT scan. The clinical findings of loss of consciousness, GCS < 12, vomiting headache, seizures, and focal abnormalities on Neurologic Examination were significantly associated with abnormal findings on CT scan. However, a significant discrepancy does exist as to how accurately clinical findings do in fact predict normal and abnormal CT scan findings. Such a discrepancy allows us to conclude that a more liberal use of CT Scanning in cases of pediatric head trauma must be stressed to insure proper diagnosis. This study shows that when a patient presents with the aforementioned positive signs and symptoms, or with a focal neurologic deficit, or in combination, a 60-100 % positive prediction of abnormal CT Scan can be made. However, prediction of normal CT Scan is only 0-40%. (Author)

  5. Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... or nurse at the time of the CT examination. If your child has a known contrast material ... be given to your child for the CT examination. top of page What does the CT equipment ...

  6. Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Physician Resources Professions Site Index A-Z Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography) Pediatric computed tomography (CT) is ... a CT scan. View full size with caption Pediatric Content Some imaging tests and treatments have special ...

  7. Terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes con quemaduras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María del Carmen Franco Mora


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio comparativo, longitudinal y prospectivo de 60 adultos con quemaduras profundas, atendidos en el Hospital General docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, desde febrero de 2013 hasta igual mes de 2014, para evaluar la efectividad de la terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas para la cicatrización de estas lesiones. La muestra fue dividida en 2 grupos de 30 integrantes cada uno: a los del primero se les aplicó plasma rico en plaquetas y a los del segundo sulfadiazina de plata. Se utilizaron las frecuencias absolutas y el porcentaje como medidas de resumen para variables cualitativos, así como la media aritmética y la desviación estándar para las cuantitativas. Con el proceder aplicado la cicatrización se completó en un tiempo menor, de manera que se demostró la efectividad de esta alternativa terapéutica en relación con el tratamiento convencional

  8. CT diagnosis of acute spinal injury

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohhama, Mitsuru; Niimiya, Hikosuke; Kimura, Ko; Yamazaki, Gyoji; Nasu, Yoshiro; Shioya, Akihide


    CT pictures of 22 acute spinal injuries with damage of the spinal cord were evaluated. In the cases of spinal cord damage with bone injury, changes in the vertebral canal were fully observed by CT. In some of spinal cord damages without bone injury, narrowing of the vertebral canal was demonstrated by CT combined with CT myelography and reconstruction. Evaluation of CT number showed a high density area in damaged spinal cord in some cases. CT was thus considered to be useful as an adjunct diagnostic aid. (Ueda, J.)

  9. Positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) and CT for N staging of non-small cell lung cancer. (United States)

    Vegar Zubović, Sandra; Kristić, Spomenka; Hadžihasanović, Besima


    Aim The aim of this study is to investigate the possibilities of non-invasive diagnostic imaging methods, positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) and CT, in clinical N staging of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods Retrospective clinical study included 50 patients with diagnosed NSCLC who have undergone PET/CT for the purpose of disease staging. The International association for the study of lung cancer (IASLC) nodal mapping system was used for analysis of nodal disease. Data regarding CT N-staging and PET/CT Nstaging were recorded. Two methods were compared using χ2 test and Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Results Statistical analysis showed that although there were some differences in determining the N stage between CT and PET/CT, these methods were in significant correlation. CT and PET/CT findings established the same N stage in 74% of the patients. In five patients based on PET/CT findings the staging was changed from operable to inoperable, while in four patients staging was changed from inoperable to operable. Conclusion PET/CT and CT are noninvasive methods that can be reliably used for N staging of NSCLC. Copyright© by the Medical Assotiation of Zenica-Doboj Canton.

  10. Volume-artifact reduction modality by helical CT of the anterior, middle and posterior carnial fossae. Comparison with conventional CT; Volumen-Artefakt-Reduktionstechnik mittels Spiral-CT in der vorderen, mittleren und hinteren Schaedelgrube. Vergleich mit der konventionellen kranialen CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dorenbeck, U.; Finkenzeller, T.; Hill, K.; Feuerbach, S.; Link, J. [Regensburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Roentgendiagnostik


    Purpose: The object of this study was to determine the extent to which a new volume-artifact reduction (VAR) modality using helical CT was able to reduce artifacts in the anterior, middle and posterior fossae in comparison with conventional CT (sequential mode). Methods: In a prospective, randomized trial, 50 patients underwent helical CT (VAR) and 50 underwent sequential CT. The results were evaluated by three radiologists; influences on image quality where scaled between 1 (no artifact) and 4 (not assessable). Eight regions of the anterior, middle and posterior fossae were evaluated. Results: On average, artifacts were scaled at 2.5 in helical CT (VAR) and 3.1 in conventional CT. Significant differences were seen at the eyeball, anterior to the petrosol bone, at the internal occipital crest, and at the level of the transverse sinus (p<0.005). Conclusions: Helical CT with the VAR modality is superior to conventional, sequential CT in the area of the anterior, middle and posterior fossae. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Das Ziel dieser Studie war herauszufinden, inwieweit ein neuer Volumen-Artefakt-Reduktionsmodus (VAR) im Spiral-CT in der vorderen, mittleren und hinteren Schaedelgrube gegenueber der Einzelschicht-CT zu einer Artefaktverringerung beitragen kann. Methoden: In einer prospektiven randomisierten Studie wurden 50 Untersuchungen mit Spiral-CT und 50 mit Einzelschicht-CT bezueglich Artefakten verglichen. Die Auswertung erfolgte durch drei Radiologen, die Bildqualitaet wurde in einer Skala zwischen 1 (kein Artefakt) und 4 (Beurteilung der Region wegen Artefakten nicht moeglich) angegeben. Acht anatomische Regionen in der vorderen, mittleren und hinteren Schaedelgrube wurden auf Beeintraechtigung durch Artefakte untersucht. Ergebnisse: Im Durchschnitt betrug die Bewertung fuer die Artefaktbeeintraechtigung beim Spiral-CT (VAR) 2,5 gegenueber 3,1 bei der Einzelschicht-CT. Der VAR-Modus ermoeglichte in der mittleren und hinteren Schaedelgrube sowie im Balbus oculi

  11. Flat-detector computed tomography (FD-CT)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalender, Willi A.; Kyriakou, Yiannis


    Flat-panel detectors or, synonymously, flat detectors (FDs) have been developed for use in radiography and fluoroscopy with the defined goal to replace standard X-ray film, film-screen combinations and image intensifiers by an advanced sensor system. FD technology in comparison to X-ray film and image intensifiers offers higher dynamic range, dose reduction, fast digital readout and the possibility for dynamic acquisitions of image series, yet keeping to a compact design. It appeared logical to employ FD designs also for computed tomography (CT) imaging. Respective efforts date back a few years only, but FD-CT has meanwhile become widely accepted for interventional and intra-operative imaging using C-arm systems. FD-CT provides a very efficient way of combining two-dimensional (2D) radiographic or fluoroscopic and 3D CT imaging. In addition, FD technology made its way into a number of dedicated CT scanner developments, such as scanners for the maxillo-facial region or for micro-CT applications. This review focuses on technical and performance issues of FD technology and its full range of applications for CT imaging. A comparison with standard clinical CT is of primary interest. It reveals that FD-CT provides higher spatial resolution, but encompasses a number of disadvantages, such as lower dose efficiency, smaller field of view and lower temporal resolution. FD-CT is not aimed at challenging standard clinical CT as regards to the typical diagnostic examinations; but it has already proven unique for a number of dedicated CT applications, offering distinct practical advantages, above all the availability of immediate CT imaging in the interventional suite or the operating room. (orig.)

  12. Rabdomiolisis y miopatía como únicas manifestaciones de hipotiroidismo severo secundario a tiroiditis de Hashimoto Rhabdomyolysis and myopathy as the only manifestations of severe hypothyroidism secondary to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan P. Brito


    Full Text Available La tiroiditis de Hashimoto constituye la causa más frecuente de hipotiroidismo en las regiones sin deficiencia de yodo, es más frecuente en mujeres y muchas veces tiene asociación familiar. Los síntomas y signos del hipotiroidismo son sistémicos y dependen de la duración e intensidad de la deficiencia de la hormona tiroidea. Las manifestaciones neuromusculares, son excepcionalmente los únicos signos clínicos. Se presenta el caso de un paciente joven con una miopatía severa con rabdomiolisis como la única manifestación de hipotiroidismo severo debido a tiroiditis de HashimotoHashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most frequent cause of hypothyroidism. In the regions with no iodine deficiency, it is more frequent in women and oftentimes has a familial association. The symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism are systemic and depend on the duration and intensity of the thyroid hormone deficiency. Neuromuscular manifestations are seldom the only symptoms and signs present. We present the case of a young patient with severe myopathy, where rhabdomyolysis was the sole manifestation of severe hypothyroidism secondary to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

  13. Imaging and PET - PET/CT imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Von Schulthess, G.K.; Hany, Th.F.


    PET/CT has grown because the lack of anatomic landmarks in PET makes 'hardware-fusion' to anatomic cross-sectional data extremely useful. Addition of CT to PET improves specificity, but also sensitivity, and adding PET to CT adds sensitivity and specificity in tumor imaging. The synergistic advantage of adding CT is that the attenuation correction needed for PET data can also be derived from the CT data. This makes PET-CT 25-30% faster than PET alone, leading to higher patient throughput and a more comfortable examination for patients typically lasting 20 minutes or less. FDG-PET-CT appears to provide relevant information in the staging and therapy monitoring of many tumors, such as lung carcinoma, colorectal cancer, lymphoma, gynaecological cancers, melanoma and many others, with the notable exception of prostatic cancer. for this cancer, choline derivatives may possibly become useful radiopharmaceuticals. The published literature on the applications of FDG-PET-CT in oncology is still limited but several designed studies have demonstrated the benefits of PET-CT. (authors)

  14. RadConEd: A Graphical Data Editor for the Radiological Consequences Model, RadCon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crawford, J.; Domel, R.U.


    This document describes the application, RadConEd, which has been designed and implemented to enable users of the RadCon system to update these parameter files. The RadCon system is written in the Java programming language, and as such provides portability across computer platforms. The software described in this report was developed in line with the portability requirements of RadCon, thus providing a uniform user interface across computer platforms and bypassing the need of using system editors. In addition a number of data integrity measures were implemented

  15. CT of abdominal abscesses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korobkin, M.T.


    The imaging search for a suspected abdominal abscess is common in hospitalized patients, especially after recent abdominal surgery. This paper examines the role of CT in the detection, localization, and treatment of abdominal abscess. The accuracy, limitations, and technical aspects of CT in this clinical setting are discussed. The diagnosis of an abscess is based on the demonstration of a circumscribed abnormal fluid collection. Although percutaneous aspiration with gram stain and culture is usually indicated to differentiate abscess from other fluid collections, the CT-based detection of extraluminal gas bubbles makes the diagnosis of an abscess highly likely. CT is compared with conventional radiographic studies, US, and radio-nuclide imaging. Specific CT and clinical features of abscesses in the following sites are emphasized: subphrenic space, liver, pancreas, kidneys, psoas muscle, appendix, and colonic diverticula. Most abdominal abscesses can be successfully treated with percutaneous drainage techniques. The techniques, results, and limitations of percutaneous abscess drainage are reviewed

  16. CT of tracheal agenesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strouse, Peter J.; Hernandez, Ramiro J.; Newman, Beverley


    Tracheal agenesis is a rare and usually lethal anomaly. In the past, opaque contrast medium was injected via the esophagus to demonstrate the anatomy. To demonstrate the utility of helical and multidetector CT in delineating the aberrant anatomy in newborns with tracheal agenesis. Four newborns with tracheal agenesis were identified from three institutions. Imaging studies and medical records were reviewed. Each child was imaged with chest radiography. One child was imaged on a single-detector helical CT scanner and the other three on multidetector scanners. Helical and multidetector CT with 2D and 3D reconstructions clearly delineated the aberrant tracheobronchial and esophageal anatomy in each infant. Minimum intensity projection reformatted CT images were particularly helpful. One infant each had type I and type II tracheal agenesis. Two infants had type III tracheal agenesis. All four infants died. CT is a useful tool for delineating the aberrant anatomy of newborns with tracheal agenesis and thus helps in making rational clinical decisions. (orig.)

  17. Head trauma and CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samejima, Kanji; Yoshii, Nobuo; Tobari, Chitoshi


    In our cases of acute and subacute subdural hematoma, the use of CT was evaluated. In our department of surgery, acute subdural hematoma was found in 46 of 388 patients of head trauma who underwent CT. Acute subdural hematoma, like epidural hematoma was usually visualized as a high-density area along the cranial inner table, and this was easily differenciated from epidural hematoma because of difference in shape from the other. The picture of acute subdural hematoma was occasionally confused with that of intracerebral hematoma or cerebral contusion. Single use of CT does not differenciate subacute subdural hematoma from chronic subdural hematoma. However, CT usually visualized acute hematoma as a high-density area, showing the extent of hematoma. Comparison of the thickness of hematoma with the axis deviation of the median part such as the 3rd cerebral ventricle suggested severity of cerebral edema. CT also revealed bilateral or multiple lesions of cerebral contusion or intracerebral hematoma. (Ueda, J.)

  18. CT of laryngeal trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeffrey, R.B.


    Computed tomography has made a significant contribution to the radiologic assessment of the injured larynx. CT is an accurate, noninvasive modality that can rapidly diagnose both soft tissue and cartilaginous injuries. CT of the larynx involves a minimal degree of patient manipulation and discomfort and can be performed in conjunction with CT evaluation of intracranial or facial injuries. Conventional radiologic studies (anteroposterior and lateral soft tissue films of the neck, tomograms, or xerograms) are capable of demonstrating some cartilaginous fractures but are of limited value in defining the extent of soft tissue injury. In the acute trauma setting, laryngography is often technically difficult to perform because of patient discomfort and inability to cooperate. Although the overall experience is somewhat limited, CT appears to overcome many of the limitations of these conventional radiologic methods. The following is a discussion of the role of CT scanning in evaluating injuries to the larynx and cervical soft tissues

  19. Congenital bronchopulmonary malformation: CT histopathological correlation. (United States)

    Kyncl, Martin; Koci, Martin; Ptackova, Lea; Hornofova, Ludmila; Ondrej, Fabian; Snajdauf, Jiri; Pychova, Marcela


    This study evaluated the accuracy of postnatal computed tomography (CT) imaging in the identification of congenital bronchopulmonary malformation (BPM) in comparison with histopathological analysis. CT scans of prenatally diagnosed BPMs from 24 patients with available histology were analysed retrospectively. The CT images were reviewed blinded to histological findings by two radiologists. Specific diagnosis was assigned based on predetermined criteria. The accuracy of CT was evaluated. The agreement rate in CT diagnosis between two radiologists was 100%. In 75% the lesions were located in the lower lobes. An overlap of 71% in CT and histopathological diagnoses was reached. The least matching diagnosis was type 2 CPAM. Contrast enhanced chest CT is very accurate in characterizing the BPM spectrum and provides important information on lesion type and structure.

  20. Calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes LADA


    Granado Casas, Minerva


    Introducción: La calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes mellitus están relacionados con el control metabólico, las complicaciones y algunas variables socioeconómicas. Actualmente, no existe ningún estudio científico que analice la calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes LADA. Objetivos: Los objetivos principales fueron conocer la calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamient...

  1. CT findings of inoperable lung carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gay, S.B.; Black, W.C.


    CT is useful in the evaluation of patients with newly diagnosed or highly suspected lung cancer. The principal role of CT is to screen those patients with metastatic disease beyond the hili from an attempt at curative thoracotomy. While CT is regarded as very sensitive, it is not considered highly specific, and thus a surgical procedure is usually recommended for definitive diagnosis of most ''positive'' CT findings. However, the authors demonstrate a few characteristic CT findings that are highly predictive of unresectable metastatic disease. These CT findings include massive mediastinal lymphadenopathy, diffuse mediastinal infiltration, pericardial involvement, vascular encasement, and advanced chest wall invasion

  2. Thyroid lymphography-computed tomography (TLG-CT)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsuyama, Koukichi (Kansai Medical Univ., Moriguchi, Osaka (Japan))


    There are several useful diagnostic examinations for thyroid disease. The diagnostic value of CT in thyroid disease is still controvertial, although CT has become a routine clinical examination, since the plain CT does not always identify tumors accurately. In this paper, we introduce for the first time thyroid lymphography-computed tomography (TLG-CT) which may improve the diagnostic value of CT. The technique combines CT with thyroid lymphography. We performed TLG-CT in 92 patients with various thyroid diseases and 20 normal controls and classified the radiological features into the following 6 types: entire (normal thyroid); moth-eaten (Hashimoto's thyroiditis); defect (follicular adenoma and adenomatous goiter); lobate (papillary carcinoma); localized (various thyroid diseases); and extrathyroid defect (parathyroid tumor). In addition, we examined the relationship between TLG-CT type and the macroscopic appearance of the cut surface of the thyroid and lymph node metastasis in 20 patients with papillary carcinoma. The results suggest that papillary TLG-CT type carcinomas have a high incidence of lymph node metastasis. Our preliminary results suggest that TLG-CT is a potentially valuable diagnostic tool in the detection of thyroid disease and the assessment of the pathologic diagnosis as well as lymph node metastasis. (author).

  3. CT diagnosis of hepatoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Itai, Yuji [Tokyo Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Medicine


    In hepatocellular carcinoma, present status of CT diagnosis was discussed. Hepatocellular carcinoma is sometimes imaged in same concentration as that of surrounding tissues, and the detection rate ranged from 79 to 94%. The rate of differential diagnosis between primary and metastatic carcinoma was only 83% (includes 22% of false diagnosis) using contrast enhancement. The rates of detection of hepatocellular carcinoma and metastatic one were also only 87% and 75%, respectively, even by the combined use of arterial infusion CT and dynamic CT. However, the CT images is reproducible, and is supplemented by the information of US. Thus, the combination of these methods is useful in diagnosing the presence, extension, and nature of liver carcinoma.

  4. Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... What is Children's CT? What are some common uses of the procedure? How should we prepare for the CT scan? What does the CT equipment look like? How does the procedure work? How is the procedure performed? What will my ...

  5. The role of CT in diagnosing small hepatic tumors; Usefulness of table incremental dynamic CT (ICT)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Usuki, Noriaki; Daikokuya, Hideo; Fukuda, Haruyuki; Saiwai, Shigeo; Nakajima, Hideyuki; Miyamoto, Takeshi; Kudo, Masatoshi (Kobe General Hospital, Hyogo (Japan))


    Twenty-seven cases of small hepatic tumors were examined by MRI and CT (ICT). MRI was more sensitive than plain and contrast CT. But ICT could detect more small lesions than MRI. CT is not more superior modality than MRI untill ICT is performed. It is concluded ICT should be done when diagnosing small hepatic tumors by CT. (author).

  6. CT of diffuse pulmonary diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoh, Harumi; Murata, Kiyoshi; Todo, Giro


    While the theory of chest radiographic interpretation in diagnosing diffuse pulmonary diseases has not yet been established, X-ray computed tomography (CT), having intrinsic high contrast resolution and improved spatial resolution, has proved to offer important imformation concerning the location and invasion of diffuse pulmonary lesions. This study related to CT-pathologic correlation, focusing on perivascular interstitial space and secondary pulmonary lobule at macroscopic levels. The perivascular interstitial space was thickened as a result of the infiltration of cancer, granulomas, and inflammatory cells. This finding appeared as irregular contour of the blood vessel on CT. Centrilobular nodules were distributed at the tip of the bronchus or pulmonary artery on CT. The distance from the terminal and respiratory bronchioles to the lobular border was 2 to 3 mm. Lobular lesions were delineated as clear margin on CT. Contribution of these CT features to chest radiographic interpretation must await further studies. (Namekawa, K.)

  7. A simulation study on proton computed tomography (CT) stopping power accuracy using dual energy CT scans as benchmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, David Christoffer; Seco, Joao; Sørensen, Thomas Sangild


    Background. Accurate stopping power estimation is crucial for treatment planning in proton therapy, and the uncertainties in stopping power are currently the largest contributor to the employed dose margins. Dual energy x-ray computed tomography (CT) (clinically available) and proton CT (in...... development) have both been proposed as methods for obtaining patient stopping power maps. The purpose of this work was to assess the accuracy of proton CT using dual energy CT scans of phantoms to establish reference accuracy levels. Material and methods. A CT calibration phantom and an abdomen cross section...... phantom containing inserts were scanned with dual energy and single energy CT with a state-of-the-art dual energy CT scanner. Proton CT scans were simulated using Monte Carlo methods. The simulations followed the setup used in current prototype proton CT scanners and included realistic modeling...

  8. A simulation study on proton computed tomography (CT) stopping power accuracy using dual energy CT scans as benchmark. (United States)

    Hansen, David C; Seco, Joao; Sørensen, Thomas Sangild; Petersen, Jørgen Breede Baltzer; Wildberger, Joachim E; Verhaegen, Frank; Landry, Guillaume


    Accurate stopping power estimation is crucial for treatment planning in proton therapy, and the uncertainties in stopping power are currently the largest contributor to the employed dose margins. Dual energy x-ray computed tomography (CT) (clinically available) and proton CT (in development) have both been proposed as methods for obtaining patient stopping power maps. The purpose of this work was to assess the accuracy of proton CT using dual energy CT scans of phantoms to establish reference accuracy levels. A CT calibration phantom and an abdomen cross section phantom containing inserts were scanned with dual energy and single energy CT with a state-of-the-art dual energy CT scanner. Proton CT scans were simulated using Monte Carlo methods. The simulations followed the setup used in current prototype proton CT scanners and included realistic modeling of detectors and the corresponding noise characteristics. Stopping power maps were calculated for all three scans, and compared with the ground truth stopping power from the phantoms. Proton CT gave slightly better stopping power estimates than the dual energy CT method, with root mean square errors of 0.2% and 0.5% (for each phantom) compared to 0.5% and 0.9%. Single energy CT root mean square errors were 2.7% and 1.6%. Maximal errors for proton, dual energy and single energy CT were 0.51%, 1.7% and 7.4%, respectively. Better stopping power estimates could significantly reduce the range errors in proton therapy, but requires a large improvement in current methods which may be achievable with proton CT.

  9. Acute pancreatitis: clinical vs. CT findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hill, M.C.; Barkin, J.; Isikoff, M.B.; Silver stein, W.; Kalser, M.


    In a prospective study of 91 patients with acute pancreatitis, computed tomographic (CT) findings were correlated with the clinical type of acute pancreatitis. In acute edematous pancreatitis (63 patients; 16 with repeat CT), CT was normal (28%) or showed inflammation limited to the pancreas (61%). Phlegmonous changes were present in 11%, including one patient with focal pancreatic hemorrhage, indicating that clinically unsuspected hemorrhagic pancreatitis can occur. In acute necrotizing (hemorrhagic, suppurative) pancreatitis (nine patients; eight with repeat CT), no patient had a normal CT scan and 89% had phlegmonous changes. One patient had hemorrhagic pancreatitis and three had abscesses. In acute exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis (10 patients; three with repeat CT), there were pancreatic calcifications (70%), a focal mass (40%), and pancreatic ductal dilation (30%). On follow-up CT, the findings of acute pancreatitis did not always disappear with resolution of the clinical symptons. This was especialy true of phlegmonous pancreatitis, where the CT findings could persist for months

  10. Multidetector CT of the colon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luboldt, W.; Hoepffner, N.; Holzer, K.


    Multidetector technology, enabling faster imaging, higher spatial resolution and reduction in radiation dose, increases the role of CT in colonic diagnostic. The higher spatial resolution in the z-direction also changes the way to analyze the images. Instead of reading axial sections, now the colon can be systematically assessed in 3D by scrolling through multiplanar reconstructions or in CT colonography by virtual endoscopy. With ongoing improvements in computer-aided diagnosis CT colonography becomes an alternative to fiberoptic colonocopy for screening ( In this article we propose a CT examination protocol for the colon, describe the typical imaging findings of different colonic diseases, and summarize the current status of CT colonography. (orig.)

  11. CT examination of the kidneys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Handa, Youji; Ishida, Ken; Arita, Takeshi; Ishine, Kenji; Tezen, Takashi; Ohta, Nobuhiro


    Plain CT scanning of the kidney was performed in 16 patients with renal failure whose basic renal disorder had been not necessarily known beforehand. The findings of the CT examination were composed of renal atrophy of various degree (12 cases), cystic lesions (8 cases), polycystic renal disease (one case), nephrosclerosis (2 cases), hydronephrosis (2 cases), ureter and renal stones (one case), and normal CT profile (2 cases). Being based on these CT findings and other clinical informations, basic renal disorders could be either presumed or confirmed. It was concluded that plain CT scanning of the kidney was useful to decide a method of treatment and to estimate prognosis in patients with renal failure. (author)

  12. Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... CT examinations are fast and simple; in emergency cases, they can reveal internal injuries and bleeding quickly enough to help save lives. CT has been shown to be a cost-effective imaging tool for a wide range of clinical problems. CT ...

  13. Do SNOMED CT Relationships Qualify?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cornet, Ronald


    An important feature of SNOMED CT is post-coordination, which is enabled as SNOMED CT specifies refinability of target concepts of relationships. In this paper the use of refinable relationships in SNOMED CT is analysed, and the interplay between refinable and defining relationships. Refinability is

  14. CT fluoroscopy-guided vs. multislice CT biopsy mode-guided lung biopsies: Accuracy, complications and radiation dose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prosch, Helmut; Stadler, Alfred; Schilling, Matthias; Bürklin, Sandra; Eisenhuber, Edith; Schober, Ewald; Mostbeck, Gerhard


    Background: The aim of this retrospective study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy, the frequency of complications, the duration of the interventions and the radiation doses of CT fluoroscopy (CTF) guided biopsies of lung lesions with those of multislice CT (MS-CT) biopsy mode-guided biopsies. Methods: Data and images from 124 consecutive patients undergoing CTF-guided lung biopsy (group A) and 132 MS-CT-biopsy mode-guided lung biopsy (group B) were reviewed. CTF-guided biopsies were performed on a Siemens Emotion 6 CT scanner with intermittent or continuous CT-fluoroscopy, MS-CT biopsy mode-guided biopsies were performed on a Siemens Emotion 16 CT scanner. All biopsies were performed with a coaxial needle technique. Results: The two groups (A vs. B) did not differ significantly regarding sensitivity (95.5% vs. 95.9%), specificity (96.7% vs. 95.5%), negative predictive value (87.9% vs. 84%) or positive predictive value (98.8% vs. 98.9%). Pneumothorax was observed in 30.0% and 32.5% of the patients, respectively. Chest tube placement was necessary in 4% (group A) and 13% (group B) of the patients. The duration of the intervention was significantly longer in group A (median 37 min vs. 32 min, p = 0.04). The mean CT dose index (CTDI) was 422 in group A and 36.3 in group B (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Compared to CTF-guided biopsies, chest biopsies using the MS-CT biopsy mode show dramatically lower CTDI levels. Although the diagnostic yield of the procedures do not differ significantly, biopsies using the MS-CT-biopsy mode have a three-fold higher rate of chest tube placement.

  15. {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT and contrast-enhanced CT findings of pulmonary cryptococcosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Si-yun, E-mail: [Department of PET Center, Guangdong General Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong (China); Chen, Gang, E-mail: [Department of Thoracic Surgery, Guangdong General Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong (China); Luo, Dong-lan, E-mail: [Department of Pathology, Guangdong General Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong (China); Shao, Dan, E-mail: [Department of PET Center, Guangdong General Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong (China); Liu, En-tao, E-mail: [Department of PET Center, Guangdong General Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong (China); Sun, Taotao, E-mail: [Department of PET Center, Guangdong General Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong (China); Wang, Shu-Xia, E-mail: [Department of PET Center, Guangdong General Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong (China)


    Purpose: Pulmonary cryptococcosis is an uncommon cause of pulmonary nodules in non-AIDS patients. This study reports the {sup 18}F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography ({sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT) and contrast-enhanced CT (CE-CT) findings of 42 patients with pulmonary cryptococcosis. Materials and methods: A retrospective review of the {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT and CE-CT findings of 42 patients with histologically proven pulmonary cryptococcosis was conducted. All patients underwent PET/CT and CE-CT in the same session. The CT diagnosis was based on the location, morphological features, and enhancement of lesions. The PET/CT findings were recorded, and clinical data and surgical and histopathological findings were collected. Results: The results of the PET scans revealed that 37 (88%) of 42 patients showed higher FDG uptake, and 5 (12%) patients demonstrated lower FDG uptake than the mediastinal blood pool. The maximum standardized uptake value (SUV) of pulmonary cryptococcosis ranged from 1.4 to 13.0 (average: 5.7 ± 3.3, median 4.9). A single nodular pattern was the most prevalent pattern observed and was found in 29 (69%) patients. This pattern was followed by scattered nodular (n = 4, 10%), clustered nodular (n = 3, 7%), mass-like (n = 3, 7%), and bronchopneumonic (n = 3, 7%) patterns. The most frequent pattern of immunocompetent patients was the single nodular pattern (29 of 33, 88%). Immunocompromised patients most frequently pattern exhibited mass-like (3 of 9, 33%) and bronchopneumonic (3 of 9, 33%) patterns. Conclusion: Pulmonary cryptococcosis most commonly appears as single nodules in immunocompetent patients. Mass-like and bronchopneumonic patterns were common in immunocompromised patients. In 88% of patients, lung lesions showed high FDG uptake, thus mimicking a possible malignant condition.

  16. Dose performance and image quality: Dual source CT versus single source CT in cardiac CT angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Min; Qi Hengtao; Wang Ximing; Wang Tao; Chen, Jiu-Hong; Liu Cheng


    Objective: To evaluate dose performance and image quality of 64-slice dual source CT (DSCT) in comparison to 64-slice single source CT (SSCT) in cardiac CT angiography (CTA). Methods: 100 patients examined by DSCT and 60 patients scanned by SSCT were included in this study. Objective indices such as image noise, contrast-to-noise ratio and signal-to-noise ratio were analyzed. Subjective image quality was assessed by two cardiovascular radiologists in consensus using a four-point scale (1 = excellent to 4 = not acceptable). Estimation of effective dose was performed on the basis of dose length product (DLP). Results: At low heart rates ( 0.05), but, at high heart rates (>70 bpm), DSCT provided robust image quality (P 70 bpm), DSCT is able to provide robust diagnostic image quality at doses far below that of SSCT.

  17. Early small-bowel ischemia: dual-energy CT improves conspicuity compared with conventional CT in a swine model. (United States)

    Potretzke, Theodora A; Brace, Christopher L; Lubner, Meghan G; Sampson, Lisa A; Willey, Bridgett J; Lee, Fred T


    To compare dual-energy computed tomography (CT) with conventional CT for the detection of small-bowel ischemia in an experimental animal model. The study was approved by the animal care and use committee and was performed in accordance with the Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals issued by the National Research Council. Ischemic bowel segments (n = 8) were created in swine (n = 4) by means of surgical occlusion of distal mesenteric arteries and veins. Contrast material-enhanced dual-energy CT and conventional single-energy CT (120 kVp) sequences were performed during the portal venous phase with a single-source fast-switching dual-energy CT scanner. Attenuation values and contrast-to-noise ratios of ischemic and perfused segments on iodine material-density, monospectral dual-energy CT (51 keV, 65 keV, and 70 keV), and conventional 120-kVp CT images were compared. Linear mixed-effects models were used for comparisons. The attenuation difference between ischemic and perfused segments was significantly greater on dual-energy 51-keV CT images than on conventional 120-kVp CT images (mean difference, 91.7 HU vs 47.6 HU; P conventional CT by increasing attenuation differences between ischemic and perfused segments on low-kiloelectron volt and iodine material density images. © RSNA, 2014.

  18. Chest Computed Tomography (CT) Immediately after CT-Guided Transthoracic Needle Aspiration Biopsy as a Predictor of Overt Pneumothorax (United States)

    Noh, Tae June; Lee, Chang Hoon; Kang, Young Ae; Kwon, Sung-Youn; Yoon, Ho-Il; Kim, Tae Jung; Lee, Kyung Won; Lee, Jae Ho


    Background/Aims This study examined the correlation between pneumothorax detected by immediate post-transthoracic needle aspiration-biopsy (TTNB) chest computed tomography (CT) and overt pneumothorax detected by chest PA, and investigated factors that might influence the correlation. Methods Adult patients who had undergone CT-guided TTNB for lung lesions from May 2003 to June 2007 at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital were included. Immediate post-TTNB CT and chest PA follow-up at 4 and 16 hours after CT-guided TTNB were performed in 934 patients. Results Pneumothorax detected by immediate chest CT (CT-pneumothorax) was found in 237 (25%) and overt pneumothorax was detected by chest PA follow-up in 92 (38.8%) of the 237 patients. However, overt pneumothorax was found in 18 (2.6%) of the 697 patients without CT-pneumothorax. The width and depth of CT-pneumothorax were predictive risk factors for overt pneumothorax. Conclusions CT-pneumothorax is very sensitive for predicting overt pneumothorax, and the width and depth on CT-pneumothorax are reliable risk factors for predicting overt pneumothorax. PMID:19949733

  19. Dynamic CT of the renal parenchyma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohyama, Yukio; Imanishi, Yoshimasa; Ishikawa, Tohru; Fujii, Masamichi; Uji, Teruyuki


    Normal renal dynamic CT findings of 57 cases were analysed in termes of sequential change of renal parenchymal CT image. Cortex, outer medulla and inner medulla were delineated and their sequential CT image was well correlated with the anatomicophysiological character of the kidney. Dynamic CT of 32 abnormal cases showed abnormal sequential CT findings explaining the mechanism of the abnormalities. Especially, delayed enhancement of renal cortex was noted in 17 of 19 kidneys with arterial obstruction and delayed enhancement of renal medulla in 22 of 25 cases with renal dysfunction. Compaired with excretory urography in 11 cases with renal dysfunction, advantage of dynamic CT were noted. (author)

  20. Opportunities for new CT contrast agents to maximize the diagnostic potential of emerging spectral CT technologies. (United States)

    Yeh, Benjamin M; FitzGerald, Paul F; Edic, Peter M; Lambert, Jack W; Colborn, Robert E; Marino, Michael E; Evans, Paul M; Roberts, Jeannette C; Wang, Zhen J; Wong, Margaret J; Bonitatibus, Peter J


    The introduction of spectral CT imaging in the form of fast clinical dual-energy CT enabled contrast material to be differentiated from other radiodense materials, improved lesion detection in contrast-enhanced scans, and changed the way that existing iodine and barium contrast materials are used in clinical practice. More profoundly, spectral CT can differentiate between individual contrast materials that have different reporter elements such that high-resolution CT imaging of multiple contrast agents can be obtained in a single pass of the CT scanner. These spectral CT capabilities would be even more impactful with the development of contrast materials designed to complement the existing clinical iodine- and barium-based agents. New biocompatible high-atomic number contrast materials with different biodistribution and X-ray attenuation properties than existing agents will expand the diagnostic power of spectral CT imaging without penalties in radiation dose or scan time. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Automated size-specific CT dose monitoring program: Assessing variability in CT dose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Christianson, Olav; Li Xiang; Frush, Donald; Samei, Ehsan


    Purpose: The potential health risks associated with low levels of ionizing radiation have created a movement in the radiology community to optimize computed tomography (CT) imaging protocols to use the lowest radiation dose possible without compromising the diagnostic usefulness of the images. Despite efforts to use appropriate and consistent radiation doses, studies suggest that a great deal of variability in radiation dose exists both within and between institutions for CT imaging. In this context, the authors have developed an automated size-specific radiation dose monitoring program for CT and used this program to assess variability in size-adjusted effective dose from CT imaging. Methods: The authors radiation dose monitoring program operates on an independent health insurance portability and accountability act compliant dosimetry server. Digital imaging and communication in medicine routing software is used to isolate dose report screen captures and scout images for all incoming CT studies. Effective dose conversion factors (k-factors) are determined based on the protocol and optical character recognition is used to extract the CT dose index and dose-length product. The patient's thickness is obtained by applying an adaptive thresholding algorithm to the scout images and is used to calculate the size-adjusted effective dose (ED adj ). The radiation dose monitoring program was used to collect data on 6351 CT studies from three scanner models (GE Lightspeed Pro 16, GE Lightspeed VCT, and GE Definition CT750 HD) and two institutions over a one-month period and to analyze the variability in ED adj between scanner models and across institutions. Results: No significant difference was found between computer measurements of patient thickness and observer measurements (p= 0.17), and the average difference between the two methods was less than 4%. Applying the size correction resulted in ED adj that differed by up to 44% from effective dose estimates that were not

  2. Mastopexia con prótesis: técnica triplanar con colgajo en cola de pez para mamas con pobre calidad de cobertura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Berrocal-Revueltas


    Full Text Available La mastopexia con implantes de silicona, es uno de los procedimientos más frecuentes en la práctica diaria en Cirugía Plástica. Sin embargo, la pobre calidad de la cobertura de las mamas, relacionada con piel estriada, escaso tejido subcutáneo y pérdida del parénquima mamario secundarios a la lactancia prolongada y a la pérdida masiva de peso, son causa del incremento progresivo de resultados insatisfactorios a medio y largo plazo que han sido evaluados, analizados y discutidos por los especialistas. Los resultados insatisfactorios más frecuentes en mastopexia con implantes en posición retromuscular son: doble contorno mamario, asimetrías y desplazamiento de los implantes. Los objetivos del presente estudio son: describir el nuevo método triplanar como alternativa útil para lograr mejores resultados en pacientes con mala calidad de cobertura y analizar los resultados obtenidos con el mismo. Realizamos un estudio observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo, en un grupo de 268 pacientes con diagnóstico de ptosis mamaria con hipotrofia y mala calidad de cobertura por piel estriada, escaso tejido celular subcutáneo y pérdida del parénquima mamario, secundarios a lactancia prolongada y pérdida masiva de peso, entre otros, a las que se les practicó mamoplastia de aumento con implantes de silicona mediante la aplicación del método triplanar descrito por la autora, entre enero del 2004 y enero del 2013 en el Hospital de Bocagrande de Cartagena, Colombia. El diseño de la técnica se basa en los principios de cicatriz vertical descrita por Lassus o Lejour o mediante cicatriz en "J", descrita por la autora. El método triplanar se basa en tres planos de cobertura del implante. Plano I: submuscular, para cubrir los dos tercios superiores del implante. Plano II: colgajo dermoglandular con dos prolongaciones distales triangulares de tejido adiposo, en forma de pez, para cubrir el tercio inferior del implante y el borde libre del m

  3. CT diagnostic significance of tuboovarian abscess

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Tieqiao; Dong Jie; Xu Quanying; An Haiqin; Sang Chunyu


    Objective: To analyze computed tomographic (CT) imaging features of tuboovarian abscess as well as to discuss CT diagnostic significance. Methods: Ten patients with tuboovarian abscess were performed CT enhancing scans. Results: Ten patients manifested thick-walled, cystic-solid complex adnexal mass and indistinct margins on CT imaging. Internal thick septations and layered enhancement of the mass border on CT contrast images were common. Associated findings of CT included thickening of' the uterosacral ligaments in 9 of 10 patients, increased attenuation of the presacral and perirectal fat secondary to edema in 9 patients, serpiginous structure corresponding to a dilated, pus-filled fallopian tube in 6 patients and fluid-filled within uterine cavity in 4 patients. On CT scans, the inflammatory infiltration of adnexal abscesses involved pelvic structure included adhesion with borders of uterus in 9 patients, adhesion with rectal or sigmoid in 4 patients and pelvic wall or bowel loop in 3 patients. Two cases with peritoneal thicken showed ascites on CT images and right adnexal tuboovarian abscess in 2 patients were associated with appendicitis. Conclusion: CT can reveal pelvic adjacent organs involvement or adhesion and inflammatory infihration of pelvic floor soft-tissues or fascial planes except showing cystic solid complex mass of adnexal location so that indicating characteristics and the extent of the suspected pelvic inflammatory diseases. CT can be valuable in difficult cases of gynecologic infective diseases. (authors)

  4. Correlation of CT perfusion and CT volumetry in patients with Alzheimers disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Czarnecka, A.; Zimny, A.; Sasiadek, M.


    Background: Both brain atrophy and decrease of perfusion are observed in dementive diseases. The aim of the study was to correlate the results of brain perfusion CT (pCT) and CT volumetry in patients with Alzheimers disease (AD). Material/Methods: Forty-eight patients with AD (mean age of 71.3 years) underwent brain pCT and CT volumetry. The pCT was performed at the level of basal ganglia after the injection of contrast medium (50 ml, 4 ml/sec.) with serial scanning (delay 7 sec, 50 scans, 1 scan/sec). Volumetric measurements were carried out on the basis of source images, with the use of a dedicated CT software combined with manual outlining of the regions of interest in extracerebral and intraventricular CSF spaces. Perfusion parameters of the cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV) from the grey matter of frontal and temporal as well as basal ganglia were compared statistically with the volumetric measurements of frontal and temporal cortical atrophy as well as subcortical atrophy. Results: A statistically significant positive correlation was found between the values of CBF and CBV in the basal ganglia and the volumes of the lateral and third ventricles. The comparison of CBF and CBV results with the volumetric measurements in the areas of the frontal and temporal lobes showed mostly negative correlations, but none of them was of statistical significance. Conclusions: In patients with AD, the degree of cortical atrophy is not correlated with the decrease of perfusion in the grey matter and subcortical atrophy is not correlated with the decrease of perfusion in the basal ganglia region. It suggests that functional and structural changes in AD are not related to each other. (authors)

  5. Brain tumor and CT, 1. Relationship between the consistency of a brain tumor and the CT findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suzuki, N.; Katada, K.; Shinomiya, Y.; Sano, H.; Kanno, T. (Fujita Gakuen Univ., School of Medicine, Toyoake, Aichi (Japan))


    It is very important for a neurosurgeon to know the consistency of a brain tumor preoperatively, since the information is of much use in indicating the likely difficulty of the operation, which operative tools should be selected, the amount of bleeding to be expected from the tumor, and so on. The authors, therefore, tried to evaluate the consistency of brain tumors preoperatively. Twenty-seven cases in which the margin of the tumor was made clear with a homogeneous stain were studied concerning the relationship between the tumor consistency and the CT findings. The results are as follows: 1) A higher CT number on a plain CT indicated a harder consistency of the tumor. 2) A lesser contrast index (CT number on enhancement CT/CT number on plain CT) showed a harder consistency of the tumor.

  6. CT evaluation of acetabular fractures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Piazza, P; Girelli, G; Coran, F; Lutman, M


    The paper deals with sixteen cases of acetabular fractures studied with CT. After a short description of the normal CT findings, the different kind of fractures are reported. The usefulness of CT examination in evaluating acetabular fractures and their complications is confirmed both in conservative treatment and surgical approach.

  7. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Stroke Brain Tumors Computer Tomography (CT) Safety During Pregnancy Head and Neck Cancer X-ray, Interventional Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Radiation Safety Images related to Computed Tomography (CT) - ...

  8. SU-E-T-70: Commissioning a Multislice CT Scanner for X-Ray CT Polymer Gel Dosimetry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johnston, H [University of Victoria, Victoria, BC (Australia); UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX (United States); Hilts, M [University of Victoria, Victoria, BC (Australia); BC Cancer Agency, Kelowna, BC (Australia); Jirasek, A [University of Victoria, Victoria, BC (Australia)


    Purpose: To commission a multislice computed tomography (CT) scanner for fast and reliable readout of radiation therapy (RT) dose distributions using CT polymer gel dosimetry (PGD). Methods: Commissioning was performed for a 16-slice CT scanner using images acquired through a 1L cylinder filled with water. Additional images were collected using a single slice machine for comparison purposes. The variability in CT number associated with the anode heel effect was evaluated and used to define a new slice-by-slice background image subtraction technique. Image quality was assessed for the multislice system by comparing image noise and uniformity to that of the single slice machine. The consistency in CT number across slices acquired simultaneously using the multislice detector array was also evaluated. Finally, the variability in CT number due to increasing x-ray tube load was measured for the multislice scanner and compared to the tube load effects observed on the single slice machine. Results: Slice-by-slice background subtraction effectively removes the variability in CT number across images acquired simultaneously using the multislice scanner and is the recommended background subtraction method when using a multislice CT system. Image quality for the multislice machine was found to be comparable to that of the single slice scanner. Further study showed CT number was consistent across image slices acquired simultaneously using the multislice detector array for each detector configuration of the slice thickness examined. In addition, the multislice system was found to eliminate variations in CT number due to increasing x-ray tube load and reduce scanning time by a factor of 4 when compared to imaging a large volume using a single slice scanner. Conclusion: A multislice CT scanner has been commissioning for CT PGD, allowing images of an entire dose distribution to be acquired in a matter of minutes. Funding support provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering

  9. Results and complications of CT-guided biopsy with CT fluoroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saika, Yoshinori; Ogura, Yasuharu; Doi, Kenji; Misaki, Toshimasa; Shimizu, Masashi; Narabayashi, Isamu


    We studied the results and complications of CT-guided biopsy with CT fluoroscopy performed 66 lesions in 64 patients from March 1999 to February 2001. In addition to the conventional procedure of CT-guided biopsy, we use CT fluoroscopy for confirmation of the location of the tip of the biopsy needle and the accurate contact, in some cases, at the time of puncturing. Examination results showed malignancy in 36 lesions and benign findings in 30 lesions. The sensitivity was 85.7%, specificity was 100.0%, and accuracy was 90.9%. Pneumothorax occurred in 20 out of 64 patients (31.3%). In a study on 26 small lesions (≤2 cm) in 25 patients, the sensitivity was 81.8%, specificity was 100.0%, accuracy was 92.3%. Pneumothorax occurred in 12 out of 25 patients (48.0%), more frequently than in patients with large lesions. In a study on 6 false negative cases, they tended to be intrapulmonary on location, small in diameter, and far from the skin puncture point. Examination results were satisfactory, especially in terms of accuracy in small lesions (≤2 cm). However, when the lesions were small, pneumothorax occurred frequently (48.0%). (author)

  10. Estudio comparativo del efecto del cepillado con una crema dental con propóleos rojos y de un gel con clorofila


    Estela Gispert Abreu; Elena Cantillo Estrada; Aracelys Rivero López; Berta Oramas Rodríguez


    Se analiza comparativamente el efecto de un gel dental de clorofila y de una crema dental con propóleos rojos sobre varios parámetros relacionados con la caries dental, en escolares que se cepillaron durante 21 días con dichos productos. Se obtuvieron resultados favorables principalmente en la disminución del grado de infección por Streptococcus mutans y la elevación de la capacidad individual de remineralización; salvo en este último no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas.Author...

  11. Bocio intratorácico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gladys Iglesias Díaz


    Full Text Available Introducción: el bocio constituye la afección de la glándula tiroides que más es tratado en los servicios quirúrgicos, sin embargo, su posición anómala no es frecuente. Presentación de caso: paciente de 51 años de edad, con antecedentes de asma bronquial. Hace 3 años presentó un aumento de volumen de la región lateral izquierda del cuello y presencia de decaimiento, palpitaciones y disfagia ocasional, para lo cual llevó el tratamiento con levotiropsina sódica. Se indicaron estudios de la función tiroidea, radiografías de tórax (vista anteroposterior, ecografía de la tiroides y biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina. A través de la vía cervical se le realizó la tiroidectomía total corroborando que más del 50% de la glándula estaba en posición intratorácica, nódulos en ambos lóbulos y sin complicaciones; resultó ser un bocio coloide multinodular. Conclusiones: el bocio intratorácico responde poco al tratamiento médico, de preferencia se utiliza la tiroidectomía total por vía cervical ante síntomas de compresión siempre que sea posible.

  12. Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... vessels. CT examinations are fast and simple; in emergency cases, they can reveal internal injuries and bleeding quickly enough to help save lives. CT has been shown to be a cost-effective imaging tool for a wide range of clinical problems. CT is less sensitive to patient movement ...

  13. CT diagnosis of cystic ovarian lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iio, Kazuto; Shinmura, Ryoji; Arima, Naomi; Yamada, Eiichiro; Ohkubo, Koichi; Nagata, Yukihiro


    CT was undertaken and CT numbers were measured in 47 patients with cystic ovarian lesions. CT features particularly for chocolate cyst revealed the uniform thickness of the whole cystic wall, findings suggesting adhesion to the surrounding organs, circular or oval shape, and higher CT numbers within the cyst than those in the other cystic ovarian lesions. However, because these features are not always observed in cases of chocolate cyst, one should not rely solely on CT findings in the diagnosis of chocolate cyst. (Namekawa, K.)

  14. Dynamic CT of hepatocellular carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujita, Nobuyuki; Shirato, Hiroki; Shinohara, Masahiro; Miyasaka, Kazuo; Morita, Yutaka; Irie, Goro


    We performed dynamic CT in 30 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, and concluded as below. Detecting the stain in the early phase of the dynamic series, it is possible to make a diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. The dynamic CT is effective in a case of small hepatocellular carcinoma in which it is difficult to gain an accurate diagnosis in the routine CT study. The dynamic CT is also effective in the differential diagnosis of hepatic lesions, as other hepatic lesions such as hemangioma and metastatic liver cancer show different patterns compared with hepatocellular carcinoma.

  15. (18)F-FDG PET-CT simulation for non-small-cell lung cancer: effect in patients already staged by PET-CT. (United States)

    Hanna, Gerard G; McAleese, Jonathan; Carson, Kathryn J; Stewart, David P; Cosgrove, Vivian P; Eakin, Ruth L; Zatari, Ashraf; Lynch, Tom; Jarritt, Peter H; Young, V A Linda; O'Sullivan, Joe M; Hounsell, Alan R


    Positron emission tomography (PET), in addition to computed tomography (CT), has an effect in target volume definition for radical radiotherapy (RT) for non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In previously PET-CT staged patients with NSCLC, we assessed the effect of using an additional planning PET-CT scan for gross tumor volume (GTV) definition. A total of 28 patients with Stage IA-IIIB NSCLC were enrolled. All patients had undergone staging PET-CT to ensure suitability for radical RT. Of the 28 patients, 14 received induction chemotherapy. In place of a RT planning CT scan, patients underwent scanning on a PET-CT scanner. In a virtual planning study, four oncologists independently delineated the GTV on the CT scan alone and then on the PET-CT scan. Intraobserver and interobserver variability were assessed using the concordance index (CI), and the results were compared using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test. PET-CT improved the CI between observers when defining the GTV using the PET-CT images compared with using CT alone for matched cases (median CI, 0.57 for CT and 0.64 for PET-CT, p = .032). The median of the mean percentage of volume change from GTV(CT) to GTV(FUSED) was -5.21% for the induction chemotherapy group and 18.88% for the RT-alone group. Using the Mann-Whitney U test, this was significantly different (p = .001). PET-CT RT planning scan, in addition to a staging PET-CT scan, reduces interobserver variability in GTV definition for NSCLC. The GTV size with PET-CT compared with CT in the RT-alone group increased and was reduced in the induction chemotherapy group.

  16. 18F-FDG PET-CT Simulation for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Effect in Patients Already Staged by PET-CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanna, Gerard G.; McAleese, Jonathan; Carson, Kathryn J.; Stewart, David P.; Cosgrove, Vivian P.; Eakin, Ruth L.; Zatari, Ashraf; Lynch, Tom; Jarritt, Peter H.; Young, V.A. Linda D.C.R.; O'Sullivan, Joe M.


    Purpose: Positron emission tomography (PET), in addition to computed tomography (CT), has an effect in target volume definition for radical radiotherapy (RT) for non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In previously PET-CT staged patients with NSCLC, we assessed the effect of using an additional planning PET-CT scan for gross tumor volume (GTV) definition. Methods and Materials: A total of 28 patients with Stage IA-IIIB NSCLC were enrolled. All patients had undergone staging PET-CT to ensure suitability for radical RT. Of the 28 patients, 14 received induction chemotherapy. In place of a RT planning CT scan, patients underwent scanning on a PET-CT scanner. In a virtual planning study, four oncologists independently delineated the GTV on the CT scan alone and then on the PET-CT scan. Intraobserver and interobserver variability were assessed using the concordance index (CI), and the results were compared using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Results: PET-CT improved the CI between observers when defining the GTV using the PET-CT images compared with using CT alone for matched cases (median CI, 0.57 for CT and 0.64 for PET-CT, p = .032). The median of the mean percentage of volume change from GTV CT to GTV FUSED was -5.21% for the induction chemotherapy group and 18.88% for the RT-alone group. Using the Mann-Whitney U test, this was significantly different (p = .001). Conclusion: PET-CT RT planning scan, in addition to a staging PET-CT scan, reduces interobserver variability in GTV definition for NSCLC. The GTV size with PET-CT compared with CT in the RT-alone group increased and was reduced in the induction chemotherapy group.

  17. Cardiac cone-beam CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manzke, Robert


    This doctoral thesis addresses imaging of the heart with retrospectively gated helical cone-beam computed tomography (CT). A thorough review of the CT reconstruction literature is presented in combination with a historic overview of cardiac CT imaging and a brief introduction to other cardiac imaging modalities. The thesis includes a comprehensive chapter about the theory of CT reconstruction, familiarizing the reader with the problem of cone-beam reconstruction. The anatomic and dynamic properties of the heart are outlined and techniques to derive the gating information are reviewed. With the extended cardiac reconstruction (ECR) framework, a new approach is presented for the heart-rate-adaptive gated helical cardiac cone-beam CT reconstruction. Reconstruction assessment criteria such as the temporal resolution, the homogeneity in terms of the cardiac phase, and the smoothness at cycle-to-cycle transitions are developed. Several reconstruction optimization approaches are described: An approach for the heart-rate-adaptive optimization of the temporal resolution is presented. Streak artifacts at cycle-to-cycle transitions can be minimized by using an improved cardiac weighting scheme. The optimal quiescent cardiac phase for the reconstruction can be determined automatically with the motion map technique. Results for all optimization procedures applied to ECR are presented and discussed based on patient and phantom data. The ECR algorithm is analyzed for larger detector arrays of future cone-beam systems throughout an extensive simulation study based on a four-dimensional cardiac CT phantom. The results of the scientific work are summarized and an outlook proposing future directions is given. The presented thesis is available for public download at

  18. How to choose PET-CT or CT in the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer. Practical experience in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, T.; Tao, X.; Liu, H.; Liu, S.; Zheng, X.


    How to use CT and PET-CT rationally to raise diagnosis, staging and prognostic assessment of lung cancer to a higher level at the best cost-effect ratio is a subject that Chinese clinicians and radiologists should face conscientiously. We review the rational application of CT and PET-CT in four aspects of lung cancer, including screening and detection, morphologic evaluation, haemodynamic or metabolic feature evaluation, and follow-up, staging and prognostic evaluation. As PET-CT is only available in class III-A hospitals today, CT is the most popular equipment in China. PET-CT is more valuable only in cases where CT presentation of lung cancer is atypical or difficult to determine, or in cases where the diagnosis of lung cancer has been initially confirmed, for which clinical staging and decision concerning on therapeutic regimens are needed. We also recommend the current strategies of CT and PET-CT managing of SPN in China. (orig.)

  19. CT number of the fatty liver

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maeda, Hiroko; Kawai, Takeshi; Kanasaki, Yoshiki; Akagi, Hiroaki


    This report is studied on CT number and CT images of the eight cases with fatty liver. Five of these cases showed the reversal of densities of the liver and vessels. In these cases, the diagnoses of the fatty liver were easible. In other cases, the diagnoses were possible only by comparison of the CT number of the liver and spleen because the CT number of normal liver were higher than those of the spleen. In the results which we examined the correlation of the CT number and specific gravities of the blood, normal saline, distilled water, mayonnaise, eatable iol, ethyl alcohol and lard, we observed the linear relationship between CT number and specific gravities. And so, we think that the diagnosis of the fatty liver and the degree of fatty infiltration can be guessed by the CT number of the liver and spleen. (author)

  20. CT of Mirizzi syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamoto, Shinichiro; Fukushima, Keisuke; Ishihara, Kenji; Hirano, Yutaka; Sano, Kaizo


    PTC or ERCP findings of four cases of Mirizzi syndrome were demonstrated. They consisted of a smooth stricture of the common hepatic duct, curved impressions of the duct and dilatation of proximal biliary radicles. CT could visualize the impacted stone in the neck of the gallbladder, dilatation of proximal common hepatic and intrahepatic duct. Absence of the dilatation of distal common bile duct could also be confirmed by CT, thus the diagnosis of Mirizzi syndrome might be possible by CT. (author)

  1. Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography)

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... multislice CT" or "multidetector CT," allow thinner slices to be obtained, resulting in more detail of the body, in a shorter period of time. Modern CT scanners are so fast that they can scan through large sections of the body in just a few seconds. Such speed is beneficial for ...

  2. Normal CT anatomy of the spine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quiroga, O.; Matozzi, F.; Beranger, M.; Nazarian, S.; Salamon, G.; Gambarelli, J.


    To analyse the anatomo-radiological correlation of the spine and spinal cord, 22 formalized, frozen anatomical specimens corresponding to different regions of the spinal column (8 cervical, 5 dorsal, and 9 lumbar) were studied by CT scans on axial, sagittal and coronal planes and by contact radiography after they were cut into anatomical slices in order to clarify the normal CT anatomy of the spinal column. The results obtained from CT patient scans, performed exclusively on the axial plane, were compared with those obtained from the anatomical specimens (both CT and contrast radiography). High resolution CT programs were used, enabling us to obtain better individualization of the normal structures contained in the spinal column. Direct sagittal and coronal sections were performed on the specimens in order to get further anatomo-radiological information. Enhanced CT studies of the specimens were also available because of the air already present in the subarachnoid spaces. Excellent visualization was obtained of bone structures, soft tissue and the spinal cord. High CT resolution of the spine appeares to be an excellent neuroradiological procedure to study the spine and spinal cord. A metrizamide CT scan is, however, necessary when a normal unenhanced CT scan is insufficient for diagnosis and when the spinal cord is not clearly visible, as often happens at the cervical level. Clinical findings are certainly very useful to ascertain the exact CT level and to limit the radiation exposure. (orig.)

  3. Diagnosis of gastric cancers by CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Jianbing; Gong Jianping; Huan Jian


    Forty two cases of gastric cancers were reviewed. The cancer had been examined by CT and was confirmed by operation and pathology. The diagnostic results of gastric cancers obtained by CT were compared with that from GI and fibro-gastroscopy examination. The results showed that the preparation of gastrointestinal tract before CT examination was important in the CT diagnosis of gastric cancer. CT in diagnosis of focus of gastric cancer and organ invasion is better than Gl and Fibro-gastroscopy and accuracy in diagnosis of gastric cancers is near to that of GI examination

  4. Effective radiation dose from semicoronal CT of the sacroiliac joints in comparison with axial CT and conventional radiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jurik, Anne Grethe; Boecker Puhakka, Katriina [Department of Radiology R, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus Kommunehospital, Noerrebrogade 44, 8000 Aarhus C (Denmark); Hansen, Jolanta [Department of Medical Physics, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus Kommunehospital, Noerrebrogade 44, 8000 Aarhus C (Denmark)


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiation dose given by semicoronal CT of the sacroiliac joints (SIJs) in comparison with axial CT and conventional radiography. The total effective radiation doses given by serial contiguous semicoronal and axial CT, using 5-mm slices, 120 kV and 330 mAs, were determined by measurement of organ doses using an anthropomorphic Rando Alderson phantom paced with thermoluminescence dosimeters. The doses given by conventional antero-posterior (AP) and oblique projections of the SIJs were determined similarly. In a female the total effective dose by semicoronal CT was found to be more than six times lower than by axial CT and 2.5 times lower than the dose use to obtain a conventional AP radiograph, the values being 102, 678, and 255 {mu}Sv, respectively. The effective dose by semicoronal CT was only a little higher than the dose given to obtain two oblique radiographs. In a male with lead protection of the gonads the dose by semicoronal CT was four times lower than by axial CT, but higher than by conventional radiography. In conclusion, the effective dose by semicoronal CT of the SIJs is lower than by axial CT, and in females a semicoronal CT implies a lower effective radiation dose that used to obtain an AP radiograph. (orig.)

  5. Pulmonary langerhans cell histiocytosis in adults: high-resolution CT - pathology comparisons and evolutional changes at CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Hyo Jin; Lee, Ho Yun; Kim, Tae Sung [Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology and Center for Imaging Science, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Kyung Soo [Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology and Center for Imaging Science, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Samsung Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Johkoh, Takeshi [Kinki Central Hospital of Mutual Aid Association of Public School Teachers, Department of Radiology, Hyoko (Japan); Tomiyama, Noriyuki [Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Osaka (Japan); Han, Joungho [Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To compare high-resolution (HR) CT and histopathological findings and to evaluate serial CT findings in pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis (PLCH). We reviewed CT of lung lesions in 27 adults (M:F = 20:7, mean age, 41 {+-} 12.3 years) with PLCH. After evaluating lung abnormalities including nodules, micronodules, thick-walled, thin-walled, and bizarre-shaped cysts and reticulation, observers compared CT findings obtained at lung biopsy sites with histopathological findings. The final CT was compared with the initial CT to determine disease extent changes. The most frequently observed patterns of lung abnormalities were micronodules (n = 24, 89%), thick-walled (n = 22, 82%), and thin-walled (n = 22, 82%) cysts. Even thin-walled and bizarre cysts harboured active inflammatory Langerhans cell sheets and eosinophils in their walls. In thin-walled cysts, we noted pericystic inflammatory cell infiltrations along the alveolar walls, as well as pericystic emphysema. Thin-walled or bizarre cysts demonstrated a tendency to coalesce with surrounding cysts via their cystic wall destruction. Fourteen (52%) patients showed improvement and nine (33%) showed progressing disease. More than half of patients with pulmonary PLCH show improvement at follow-up CT. Even thin-walled cysts harbour active inflammatory cells on histopathology and exhibit improvement at follow-up CT. (orig.)

  6. CT in normal pressure hydrocephalus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujita, Katsuzo; Nogaki, Hidekazu; Noda, Masaya; Kusunoki, Tadaki; Tamaki, Norihiko


    CT scans were obtained on 33 patients (age 73y. to 31y.) with the diagnosis of normal pressure hydrocephalus. In each case, the diagnosis was made on the basis of the symptoms, CT and cisternographic findings. Underlying diseases of normal pressure hydrocephalus are ruptured aneurysms (21 cases), arteriovenous malformations (2 cases), head trauma (1 case), cerebrovascular accidents (1 case) and idiopathie (8 cases). Sixteen of 33 patients showed marked improvement, five, moderate or minimal improvement, and twelve, no change. The results were compared with CT findings and clinical response to shunting. CT findings were classified into five types, bases on the degree of periventricular hypodensity (P.V.H.), the extent of brain damage by underlying diseases, and the degree of cortical atrophy. In 17 cases of type (I), CT shows the presence of P.V.H. with or without minimal frontal lobe damage and no cortical atrophy. The good surgical improvements were achieved in all cases of type (I) by shunting. In 4 cases of type (II), CT shows the presence of P.V.H. and severe brain damage without cortical atrophy. The fair clinical improvements were achieved in 2 cases (50%) by shunting. In one case of type (III), CT shows the absence of P.V.H. without brain damage nor cortical atrophy. No clinical improvement was obtained by shunting in this type. In 9 cases of type (IV) with mild cortical atrophy, the fair clinical improvement was achieved in two cases (22%) and no improvement in 7 cases. In 2 cases of type (V) with moderate or marked cortical atrophy, no clinical improvement was obtained by shunting. In conclusion, it appeared from the present study that there was a good correlation between the result of shunting and the type of CT, and clinical response to shunting operation might be predicted by classification of CT findings. (author)

  7. CT manifestation of peritoneal metastasis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cha, Soon Joo; Kang, Eun Young; Suh, Won Hyuck


    Peritoneal metastasis is frequent mode of dissemination of intraabdominal malignancies. Radiologic diagnosis of peritoneal metastasis has relied on indirect evidence on a barium UGI series and small bowel examination. With the advent of CT scanning, CT is capable of direct imaging of peritoneum. The sensitivity of CT in detecting peritoneal metastasis and CT manifestation of peritoneal metastatic lesions had reported occasionally, but rarely in Korea. So, authors illustrated the CT manifestation of peritoneal metastatic lesions in 32 cases of macroscopically proven cases in laparoscopy or laparotomy in Korea University Hae Wha Hospital during recent 4 years. The results are as follows. 1. Of total 32 cases, 18 cases were male and 14 cases were female. Age incidence was the most common in 6th decade. 2. The most common type of malignancy that cause peritoneal metastasis was the stomach cancer and next common type of malignancies were pancreas cancer in men and ovarian cancer in women. 3. Of total 32 cases of peritoneal metastasis which was confirmed by laparoscopy or laparotomy macroscopically, 23 cases (72%) were detected peritoneal thickening and/or omental pathology by CT, and the remaining 9 cases (28%) were not detected by CT. 4. Ascites was present in 19 cases (59%). 5. Parietal peritoneal thickening was present in 16 cases (50%) by CT and sheetlike pattern was the most common findings. The patterns of peritoneal thickening was relatively nonspecific and was not correlated with primary tumor type. 6. Tumor involvement of greater omentum by CT was present in 19 cases (59%). There were 7 cases of smudged appearance pattern, 6 cases of nodular pattern, 6 cases of omental cake pattern and no cystic mass pattern. The patterns of omental pathology was relatively nonspecific and was nor correlated with primary tumor type

  8. Helical CT defecography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferrando, R.; Fiorini, G.; Beghello, A.; Cicio, G.R.; Derchi, L.E.; Consigliere, M.; Resasco, M.; Tornago, S.


    The purpose of this work is to investigate the possible role of Helical CT defecography in pelvic floor disorders by comparing the results of the investigations with those of conventional defecography. The series analyzed consisted of 90 patients, namely 62 women and 28 men, ranging in age 24-82 years. They were all submitted to conventional defecography, and 18 questionable cases were also studied with Helical CT defecography. The conventional examination was performed during the 4 standard phases of resting, squeezing, Valsalva and straining; it is used a remote-control unit. The parameters for Helical CT defecography were: 5 mm beam collimation, pitch 2, 120 KV, 250 m As and 18-20 degrees gantry inclination to acquire coronal images of the pelvic floor. The rectal ampulla was distended with a bolus of 300 mL nonionic iodinated contrast agent (dilution: 3g/cc). The patient wore a napkin and was seated on the table, except for those who could not hold the position and were thus examined supine. Twenty-second helical scans were performed at rest and during evacuation; multiplanar reconstructions were obtained especially on the sagittal plane for comparison with conventional defecographic images. Coronal Helical CT defecography images permitted to map the perineal floor muscles, while sagittal reconstructions provided information on the ampulla and the levator ani. To conclude, Helical CT defecography performed well in study of pelvic floor disorders and can follow conventional defecography especially in questionable cases [it

  9. Helical CT imaging of clinically suspected appendicitis: Correlation of CT and histological findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wong, S.K.; Chan, L.P.; Yeo, A.


    PURPOSE: The diagnosis of appendicitis is traditionally made on the basis of clinical findings supported by laboratory results. The aim of our study was to determine the accuracy and feasibility of using a relatively new technique of computed tomography (CT) using only colonic contrast medium. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 50 patients clinically diagnosed as having appendicitis were prospectively examined before surgery with thin-collimation helical CT from the L3 level to the acetabular roof with only rectally administered colon contrast medium. The hard copy CT images were reviewed jointly by two radiologists and a consensus was reached for each patient. The results were then compared with the surgical and histological findings at appendicectomy. RESULTS: There were 35 true-positives, one false-positive, 12 true-negatives and two false-negatives for CT. This yielded an accuracy of 94%, sensitivity of 95%, specificity of 92%, positive predictive value of 97% and negative predictive value of 86%. The appendix was identified in 45 patients (90%) and obscured by an inflammatory mass in the remaining five. An alternative diagnosis was found in 10 of 12 normal CT examinations (83%). CONCLUSION: Helical CT with rectal contrast medium is a quick, well tolerated and accurate test to diagnose appendicitis. It can offer alternative, possibly non-surgical diagnosis in patients who would otherwise have undergone laparotomy. Wong, S.K. et al. (2002)

  10. CT and MRT in mediastinal and hilar masses. CT und MRT bei mediastinalen und hilaeren Raumforderungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prayer, L.; Kramer, J.; Stiglbauer, R.; Wimberger, D.; Imhof, H. (Vienna Univ. (Austria). Klinik fuer Radiodiagnostik Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut fuer Radiologisch-Physikalische Tumordiagnostik, Vienna (Austria)); Metz, V. (Vienna Univ. (Austria). 2. Chirurgische Klinik)


    Thirty-eight patients with mediastinal and/or hilar masses were imaged by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Results were analyzed retrospectively regarding the ability to demonstrate the masses, their number, size, definition, location and tissue characteristics. CT and MRI showed equivalent results in 32 cases; additional information was obtained in two patients by CT, in four patients by MRI. In view of the specific advantages and limitations of both CT and MRI we believed that in patients with mediastinal and/or hilar masses, contrast enhanced CT remains the procedure of choice after performing plain chest radiographs; in certain cases MRI will prove useful for further evaluation. (orig.).

  11. CT diagnosis of rectal cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kanda, Hiroshi; Hachisuka, Kitao; Yamaguchi, Akihiro


    Preoperative diagnosis of the depth of invasion and lymph node metastasis of rectal cancer were studied using the findings of computed tomography (CT). Of one hundred and four cases operated on for rectal cancer over a period of 32 months, thirty five cases were examined by CT with the use of olive oil enema and contrast enhancement using a 60 % Conray drip infusion with reference to the histological findings. For direct invasion into the wall, the diagnoses by CT were coincident with microscopic findings in 75 % of cancers of the rectosigmoid, in 75 % of the upper rectum and in 84 % of the lower rectum. Of all cases, 28 (80 %) were diagnosed correctly. As to local lymph node metastasis, 74 % of all diagnoses by CT corresponded with the histological diagnosis. Moreover, seventeen cases were evaluated for lateral lymph node metastasis, and the diagnostic accuracy by CT was 88 %. In conclusion, preoperative CT evaluation of the extension into the rectal wall and lymph node metastasis in rectal cancer was considesed useful. (author)

  12. CT features of appendiceal mucocele

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Won Jong; Byun, Jae Young; Jung, Jung Im; Lee, Hae Gyu; Park, Young Ha; Shin, Kyung Sub [Catholic University Medical College, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the usefulness of CT features of appendiceal mucocele in the diagnosis and evaluation of complications. We retrospectively reviewed CT findings and compared with operative findings in 7 cases of pathologically proven appendiceal mucocele. CT findings such as location and extent of the lesion, tissue density, thickness or calcification of the wall, presence of adjacent inflammatory infiltration, and visualization of normal vermiform appendix were analyzed. Appendiceal mucocele was found as homogeneous low density cystic mass adjacent to the cecum, which has no surrounding inflammatory infiltration except in one case of perforation and one case of intussusception. Mean CT number measured in 4 cases was 21 Hounsfield unit. Thin curvilinear calcifications were noted along the cystic wall in 2 cases. Normal vermiform appendix couldn't be demonstrated in all cases. Appendiceal mucocele is characterized by homogeneously low density and thin walled cystic tumor adjacent to cecum without surrounding inflammatory infiltration, and absence of normal vermiform appendix on CT. Therefore, CT is valuable in preventing operative complications of appendiceal mucocele.

  13. PET/CT. Dose-escalated image fusion?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brix, G.; Beyer, T.


    Clinical studies demonstrate a gain in diagnostic accuracy by employing combined PET/CT instead of separate CT and PET imaging. However, whole-body PET/CT examinations result in a comparatively high radiation burden to patients and thus require a proper justification and optimization to avoid repeated exposure or over-exposure of patients. This review article summarizes relevant data concerning radiation exposure of patients resulting from the different components of a combined PET/CT examination and presents different imaging strategies that can help to balance the diagnostic needs and the radiation protection requirements. In addition various dose reduction measures are discussed, some of which can be adopted from CT practice, while others mandate modifications to the existing hard- and software of PET/CT systems. (orig.)

  14. Optical-CT scanning of polymer gels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oldham, M [Radiation Oncology Physics, Duke University Medical Center, Duke University, NC (United States)


    The application of optical-CT scanning to achieve accurate high-resolution 3D dosimetry is a subject of current interest. The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of past research and achievements in optical-CT polymer gel dosimetry, and to review current issues and challenges. The origins of optical-CT imaging of light-scattering polymer gels are reviewed. Techniques to characterize and optimize optical-CT performance are presented. Particular attention is given to studies of artifacts in optical-CT imaging, an important area that has not been well studied to date. The technique of optical-CT simulation by Monte-Carlo modeling is introduced as a tool to explore such artifacts. New simulation studies are presented and compared with experimental data.

  15. Optical-CT scanning of polymer gels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oldham, M


    The application of optical-CT scanning to achieve accurate high-resolution 3D dosimetry is a subject of current interest. The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of past research and achievements in optical-CT polymer gel dosimetry, and to review current issues and challenges. The origins of optical-CT imaging of light-scattering polymer gels are reviewed. Techniques to characterize and optimize optical-CT performance are presented. Particular attention is given to studies of artifacts in optical-CT imaging, an important area that has not been well studied to date. The technique of optical-CT simulation by Monte-Carlo modeling is introduced as a tool to explore such artifacts. New simulation studies are presented and compared with experimental data

  16. Three-dimensional-CT imaging of colorectal disease with thin collimation helical CT scanning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogura, Toshihiro; Koizumi, Koichi; Sakai, Tatsuya; Kai, Shunkichi; Takatsu, Kazuaki; Maruyama, Masakazu


    We have conducted research on three-dimensional (3D)-CT-colonoscopy with thin collimation helical CT scanning over the past three years. This has lately become a subject of special interest. 3D-CT-colonoscopy has three kinds of visualizing methods depending on the threshold setting of CT values. The first one is the virtual endoscopy method which is displayed in a similar fashion to colonoscopic images. The second one is the air image method using the air in the digestive tract as a contrast medium. The third one is the pseudo-tract method which has characteristics of both virtual endoscopy and the air image method and visualizes in a shape of the digestive tract. The image visualized by 3D-CT-colonoscopy is similar to that of conventional colonoscopy and barium enema study, which is obtained with minimal invasion to patients. Obvious advanced carcinomas were easily visualized, and even a small flat polyp measuring 5 mm in size, was able to be observed retrospectively. The characteristics of our method are that we can easily make an examination in a short time and with little dependence on expert technique. Also patients have little discomfort compared to that experienced during colonoscopy and barium enema study. Important features are as follows; long calculation time, insufficient air insufflation, fecal material in the patient''s bowel, whole abdominal scan, and spatial resolution. In the near future, a multislice CT scanner system will have ability to overcome these problems. Therefore, 3D-CT-colonoscopy might be applied in the future for first line examination as a mass screening for colorectal carcinoma. (author)

  17. Developmental venous anomalies: appearance on whole-brain CT digital subtraction angiography and CT perfusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanson, Eric H.; Roach, Cayce J.; Ringdahl, Erik N.; Wynn, Brad L.; DeChancie, Sean M.; Mann, Nathan D.; Diamond, Alan S.; Orrison, William W.


    Developmental venous anomalies (DVA) consist of dilated intramedullary veins that converge into a large collecting vein. The appearance of these anomalies was evaluated on whole-brain computed tomography (CT) digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and CT perfusion (CTP) studies. CT data sets of ten anonymized patients were retrospectively analyzed. Five patients had evidence of DVA and five age- and sex-matched controls were without known neurovascular abnormalities. CT angiograms, CT arterial-venous views, 4-D CT DSA and CTP maps were acquired on a dynamic volume imaging protocol on a 320-detector row CT scanner. Whole-brain CTP parameters were evaluated for cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood volume (CBV), time to peak (TTP), mean transit time (MTT), and delay. DSA was utilized to visualize DVA anatomy. Radiation dose was recorded from the scanner console. Increased CTP values were present in the DVA relative to the unaffected contralateral hemisphere of 48%, 32%, and 26%; and for the control group with matched hemispheric comparisons of 2%, -10%, and 9% for CBF, CBV, and MTT, respectively. Average effective radiation dose was 4.4 mSv. Whole-brain DSA and CTP imaging can demonstrate a characteristic appearance of altered DVA hemodynamic parameters and capture the anomalies in superior cortices of the cerebrum and the cerebellum. Future research may identify the rare subsets of patients at increased risk of adverse outcomes secondary to the altered hemodynamics to facilitate tailored imaging surveillance and application of appropriate preventive therapeutic measures. (orig.)

  18. Developmental venous anomalies: appearance on whole-brain CT digital subtraction angiography and CT perfusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hanson, Eric H. [Advanced Medical Imaging and Genetics (Amigenics), Las Vegas, NV (United States); Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine, Henderson, NV (United States); University of Nevada Las Vegas, Department of Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 453037, Las Vegas, NV (United States); Amigenics, Inc, Las Vegas, NV (United States); Roach, Cayce J. [Advanced Medical Imaging and Genetics (Amigenics), Las Vegas, NV (United States); University of Nevada Las Vegas, School of Life Sciences, Las Vegas, NV (United States); Ringdahl, Erik N. [University of Nevada Las Vegas, Department of Psychology, Las Vegas, NV (United States); Wynn, Brad L. [Family Medicine Spokane, Spokane, WA (United States); DeChancie, Sean M.; Mann, Nathan D. [Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine, Henderson, NV (United States); Diamond, Alan S. [CHW Nevada Imaging Company, Nevada Imaging Centers, Spring Valley, Las Vegas, NV (United States); Orrison, William W. [Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine, Henderson, NV (United States); University of Nevada Las Vegas, Department of Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 453037, Las Vegas, NV (United States); CHW Nevada Imaging Company, Nevada Imaging Centers, Spring Valley, Las Vegas, NV (United States); University of Nevada School of Medicine, Department of Medical Education, Reno, NV (United States)


    Developmental venous anomalies (DVA) consist of dilated intramedullary veins that converge into a large collecting vein. The appearance of these anomalies was evaluated on whole-brain computed tomography (CT) digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and CT perfusion (CTP) studies. CT data sets of ten anonymized patients were retrospectively analyzed. Five patients had evidence of DVA and five age- and sex-matched controls were without known neurovascular abnormalities. CT angiograms, CT arterial-venous views, 4-D CT DSA and CTP maps were acquired on a dynamic volume imaging protocol on a 320-detector row CT scanner. Whole-brain CTP parameters were evaluated for cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood volume (CBV), time to peak (TTP), mean transit time (MTT), and delay. DSA was utilized to visualize DVA anatomy. Radiation dose was recorded from the scanner console. Increased CTP values were present in the DVA relative to the unaffected contralateral hemisphere of 48%, 32%, and 26%; and for the control group with matched hemispheric comparisons of 2%, -10%, and 9% for CBF, CBV, and MTT, respectively. Average effective radiation dose was 4.4 mSv. Whole-brain DSA and CTP imaging can demonstrate a characteristic appearance of altered DVA hemodynamic parameters and capture the anomalies in superior cortices of the cerebrum and the cerebellum. Future research may identify the rare subsets of patients at increased risk of adverse outcomes secondary to the altered hemodynamics to facilitate tailored imaging surveillance and application of appropriate preventive therapeutic measures. (orig.)

  19. Development of ''Eminence STARGATE'' PET/CT system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okazaki, Masato; Inoue, Yoshihiro; Amano, Masaharu


    A PET/CT system, the combination of a PET (Positron Emission Tomography) system with an X-ray CT system, has been widely used in recent years. Our newly developed ''Eminence STARGATE'' PET/CT system allows the PET gantry and the X-ray CT gantry to move independently. This advantage provides high flexibility for PET examination and X-ray CT examination and also eases a patient's psychological anxiety about closed spaces. The system has a 16-slice X-ray CT scanner. (author)

  20. CT findings in epileptic children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koide, Nobuo; Kimura, Shigeru; Watanabe, Jun; Haneda, Satoshi; Takebe, Yukinao


    CT findings in 43 children with generalized seizures (grand mal seizures) (GM group) and in 50 children with partial seizures (P group), classified according to clinical seizure type, were studied. 1) CT abnormalities were demonstrated in 19% (8/43) in GM group and in 40% (20/50) in P group, including localized CT abnormalities in 9.3% (4/43) and in 34% (17/50) respectively. CT abnormalities were found more frequently in cases with abnormal past histories and/or mental defects (MD) than in those without them. 2) In P group, localized CT abnormalities and generalized brain atrophy were observed in 13 and 7 cases respectively. In 40 cases with focal epileptic discharges (FED) in EEG, localized CT abnormalities were demonstrated in 23% (9/40). The sites of localized CT abnormalities corresponded in 73% (11/15) to the sites of focal suppression in EEG (i.e., slowing, low amplitude and lazy pattern) regardless of FED. 3) The bicaudate cerebro-ventricular index (B-CVI) in 19 cases in the normal control group over 2 years of age was 10.0 +- 1.2 (mean +- SD). Ventricular narrowing (VN), with B-CVI less than 8.2 (mean - 1.5 SD), was observed in 5, 17 and 27% in control, GM and P groups respectively, indicating more frequently in epileptic children than in normal controls. Seizures were well controlled in 85% (11/13) in VN group and in 70% (26/36) in normal ventricular group. Brain atrophy in CT findings to inspection was ascertained in all cases by measuring B-CVI. (author)

  1. The diagnostic utility of ultrasonography, CT and PET/CT for the preoperative evaluation of cervical lymph node metastasis inpapillary thyroid cancer patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim Young Sang; Lee, Tae Hyun; Park, Dong Hee


    To compare the diagnostic utility of ultrasonography (US), CT and positron emission tomography/CT (PET/CT) in the preoperative evaluation of cervical lymph node metastasis in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma. The study population consisted of 300 patients with pathologically diagnosed papillary thyroid carcinoma after thyroidectomy and neck dissection. Preoperative US, CT, and PET/CT findings were compared with pathologic outcomes after thyroidectomy and neck dissection. Sensitivity in detecting central lymph node metastasis (US 29.9%, CT 27.9%, PET/CT 18.8%) was lower than that for lateral lymph node metastasis (US 56.3%, CT 66.2%, PET/CT 43.7%). Specificity in detecting central lymph node metastasis (US 80.6%, CT 77.7%, PET/CT 83.0%) was lower than that for lateral lymph node metastasis (US 96.8%, CT 80.6%, PET/CT 95.2%). The combination of US and CT had higher specificity (77.3%) and higher sensitivity (33.1%) than US alone. PET/CT has no significant additional benefit over the combination of US and CT. In preoperative evaluations of neck lymph node metastasis, US and CT and PET/CT are more useful in lateral lymph node areas than in central lymph node areas. The combination of US and CT has higher sensitivity than US alone

  2. The diagnostic utility of ultrasonography, CT and PET/CT for the preoperative evaluation of cervical lymph node metastasis inpapillary thyroid cancer patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim Young Sang; Lee, Tae Hyun; Park, Dong Hee [Dept. of Radiology, Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To compare the diagnostic utility of ultrasonography (US), CT and positron emission tomography/CT (PET/CT) in the preoperative evaluation of cervical lymph node metastasis in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma. The study population consisted of 300 patients with pathologically diagnosed papillary thyroid carcinoma after thyroidectomy and neck dissection. Preoperative US, CT, and PET/CT findings were compared with pathologic outcomes after thyroidectomy and neck dissection. Sensitivity in detecting central lymph node metastasis (US 29.9%, CT 27.9%, PET/CT 18.8%) was lower than that for lateral lymph node metastasis (US 56.3%, CT 66.2%, PET/CT 43.7%). Specificity in detecting central lymph node metastasis (US 80.6%, CT 77.7%, PET/CT 83.0%) was lower than that for lateral lymph node metastasis (US 96.8%, CT 80.6%, PET/CT 95.2%). The combination of US and CT had higher specificity (77.3%) and higher sensitivity (33.1%) than US alone. PET/CT has no significant additional benefit over the combination of US and CT. In preoperative evaluations of neck lymph node metastasis, US and CT and PET/CT are more useful in lateral lymph node areas than in central lymph node areas. The combination of US and CT has higher sensitivity than US alone.

  3. Automated size-specific CT dose monitoring program: Assessing variability in CT dose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Christianson, Olav; Li Xiang; Frush, Donald; Samei, Ehsan [Clinical Imaging Physics Group, Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27705 and Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27705 (United States); Clinical Imaging Physics Group, Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27705 (United States); Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27705 (United States) and Carl E. Ravin Advanced Imaging Laboratories, Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27705 (United States); Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27705 (United States); Clinical Imaging Physics Group, Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27705 (United States); Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27705 (United States); Carl E. Ravin Advanced Imaging Laboratories, Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27705 (United States); Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27705 (United States); Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27710 (United States); and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708 (United States)


    Purpose: The potential health risks associated with low levels of ionizing radiation have created a movement in the radiology community to optimize computed tomography (CT) imaging protocols to use the lowest radiation dose possible without compromising the diagnostic usefulness of the images. Despite efforts to use appropriate and consistent radiation doses, studies suggest that a great deal of variability in radiation dose exists both within and between institutions for CT imaging. In this context, the authors have developed an automated size-specific radiation dose monitoring program for CT and used this program to assess variability in size-adjusted effective dose from CT imaging. Methods: The authors radiation dose monitoring program operates on an independent health insurance portability and accountability act compliant dosimetry server. Digital imaging and communication in medicine routing software is used to isolate dose report screen captures and scout images for all incoming CT studies. Effective dose conversion factors (k-factors) are determined based on the protocol and optical character recognition is used to extract the CT dose index and dose-length product. The patient's thickness is obtained by applying an adaptive thresholding algorithm to the scout images and is used to calculate the size-adjusted effective dose (ED{sub adj}). The radiation dose monitoring program was used to collect data on 6351 CT studies from three scanner models (GE Lightspeed Pro 16, GE Lightspeed VCT, and GE Definition CT750 HD) and two institutions over a one-month period and to analyze the variability in ED{sub adj} between scanner models and across institutions. Results: No significant difference was found between computer measurements of patient thickness and observer measurements (p= 0.17), and the average difference between the two methods was less than 4%. Applying the size correction resulted in ED{sub adj} that differed by up to 44% from effective dose

  4. CT cystography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsili, A.


    Full text: Cancer of the urinary bladder is one of the commonest urothelial neoplasms. Conventional cystoscopy remains the mainstay in the diagnosis of urinary bladder carcinomas. But it is an invasive and uncomfortable procedure, associated with complications. Computed tomographic (CT) virtual cystoscopy has been proposed as an alternative imaging modality with potential advantages in the detection of urinary bladder neoplasms and good patient acceptance. It is a minimally invasive technique, allowing imaging of the urinary bladder in multiple planes and a 360 0 view. CT cystoscopy provides information about the location, size and morphologic features of urinary bladder lesions, indicating appropriate areas for biopsy. It can be performed in cases in which conventional cystoscopy is not feasible, such as in the presence of urethral strictures, marked prostatic hypertrophy or active bleeding, and in cases in which cystoscopic findings are inconclusive. The technique can be used to evaluate areas of the urinary bladder difficult to evaluate with cystoscopy, such as the anterior bladder neck and narrowmouthed diverticula. Finally, virtual cystoscopy provides both intraluminal and extraluminal pathologic changes, so intravesical disease and exrtavesical extension can be evaluated in the same study. One of the limitations of this technique is the difficulty to demonstrate small-sized lesions. The introduction of multi-detector row CT (MDCT) scanners was a major technological advancement because among other things it substantially improves z-axis resolution by reducing section collimation and allowing the detection of very small lesions. The near isotropic or isotropic pixels achieved with a multidetector CT scanner, enable the creation of multiplanar reformatted images with a resolution very close to that of the axial images and three-dimensional (3D) renderings of outstanding quality. Transverse, multiplanar reformations and virtual endoscopic images are complementary

  5. FDG-PET/CT in oncology. German guideline

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krause, B.J.; Beyer, T.; Bockisch, A.; Delbeke, D.; Kotzerke, J.; Minkov, V.; Reiser, M.; Willich, N.


    FDG-PET/CT examinations combine metabolic and morphologic imaging within an integrated procedure. Over the past decade PET/CT imaging has gained wide clinical acceptance in the field of oncology. This FDG-PET/CT guideline focuses on indications, data acquisition and processing as well as documentation of FDG-PET/CT examinations in oncologic patients within a clinical and social context specific to Germany. Background information and definitions are followed by examples of clinical and research applications of FDG-PET/CT. Furthermore, protocols for CT scanning (low dose and contrast-enhanced CT) and PET emission imaging are discussed. Documentation and reporting of examinations are specified. Image interpretation criteria and sources of errors are discussed. Quality control for FDG and PET/CT-systems, qualification requirements of personnel as well as legal aspects are presented. (orig.)

  6. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... of CT Scanning of the Abdomen and Pelvis? What is CT Scanning of the Abdomen/Pelvis? Computed ... soft tissues and blood vessels. top of page What are some common uses of the procedure? This ...

  7. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... CT of the Sinuses? CT is usually the first test ordered when a sinus tumor is suspected. ... Radiology (ACR) and the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), comprising physicians with expertise in several radiologic ...

  8. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... the scanning. Any motion, whether breathing or body movements, can lead to artifacts on the images. This ... clinical problems. CT is less sensitive to patient movement than MRI. CT can be performed if you ...

  9. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

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    Full Text Available ... the scanning. Any motion, whether breathing or body movements, can lead to artifacts on the images. This ... clinical problems. CT is less sensitive to patient movement than MRI. CT can be performed if you ...

  10. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

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    Full Text Available ... the scanning. Any motion, whether breathing or body movements, can lead to artifacts on the images. This ... clinical problems. CT is less sensitive to patient movement than MRI. CT can be performed if you ...

  11. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

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    Full Text Available ... CT scanner or may be over the weight limit—usually 450 pounds—for the moving table. CT ... type your comment or suggestion into the following text box: Comment: E-mail: Area code: Phone no: ...

  12. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

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    Full Text Available ... microphone. top of page How does the procedure work? In many ways CT scanning works very much ... CT scan, an experienced radiologist can diagnose many causes of abdominal pain or injury from trauma with ...

  13. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

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    Full Text Available ... view of the body's interior. Refinements in detector technology allow nearly all CT scanners to obtain multiple ... preferable over CT scanning. top of page Additional Information and Resources Radiation Therapy for Bladder ...

  14. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

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    Full Text Available ... CT scanners to obtain multiple slices in a single rotation. These scanners, called multislice CT or multidetector ... Safety page for more information about radiation dose. Women should always inform their physician and x-ray ...

  15. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

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    Full Text Available ... CT scanners to obtain multiple slices in a single rotation. These scanners, called multislice CT or multidetector ... Safety page for more information about radiation dose. Women should always inform their physician and x-ray ...

  16. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

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    Full Text Available ... CT scanners to obtain multiple slices in a single rotation. These scanners, called multislice CT or multidetector ... Safety page for more information about radiation dose. Women should always inform their physician and x-ray ...

  17. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... cavities (ventricles) in patients with hydrocephalus . diseases or malformations of the skull. CT scanning is also performed ... biopsy ) from the brain. assess aneurysms or arteriovenous malformations through a technique called CT angiography. For more ...

  18. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

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    Full Text Available ... be viewed on a computer monitor, printed on film or transferred to a CD or DVD. CT ... distinguished from one another on an x-ray film or CT electronic image. In a conventional x- ...

  19. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

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    Full Text Available ... be viewed on a computer monitor, printed on film or transferred to a CD or DVD. CT ... distinguished from one another on an x-ray film or CT electronic image. In a conventional x- ...

  20. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

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    Full Text Available ... be viewed on a computer monitor, printed on film or transferred to a CD or DVD. CT ... distinguished from one another on an x-ray film or CT electronic image. In a conventional x- ...

  1. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

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    Full Text Available ... scanners to obtain multiple slices in a single rotation. These scanners, called multislice CT or multidetector CT, ... prescribed procedure with your doctor, the medical facility staff and/or your insurance provider to get a ...

  2. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

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    Full Text Available ... scanners to obtain multiple slices in a single rotation. These scanners, called multislice CT or multidetector CT, ... prescribed procedure with your doctor, the medical facility staff and/or your insurance provider to get a ...

  3. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

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    Full Text Available ... scanners to obtain multiple slices in a single rotation. These scanners, called multislice CT or multidetector CT, ... prescribed procedure with your doctor, the medical facility staff and/or your insurance provider to get a ...

  4. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

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    Full Text Available ... benefits vs. risks? Benefits A CT scan is one of the safest means of studying the sinuses. ... CT scanning provides very detailed images of many types of tissue as well as the lungs, bones, ...

  5. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

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    Full Text Available ... view of the body's interior. Refinements in detector technology allow nearly all CT scanners to obtain multiple ... can be performed if you have an implanted medical device of any kind, unlike MRI. CT imaging ...

  6. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

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    Full Text Available ... view of the body's interior. Refinements in detector technology allow nearly all CT scanners to obtain multiple ... can be performed if you have an implanted medical device of any kind, unlike MRI. CT imaging ...

  7. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

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    Full Text Available ... about tumors of the nasal cavity and sinuses. plan for surgery by defining anatomy. top of page ... for sinusitis. CT of the sinuses can help plan the safest and most effective surgery. CT of ...

  8. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

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    Full Text Available ... to a CD or DVD. CT images of internal organs, bones, soft tissue and blood vessels provide ... clicking and whirring sounds as the CT scanner's internal parts, not usually visible to you, revolve around ...

  9. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

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    Full Text Available ... When the image slices are reassembled by computer software, the result is a very detailed multidimensional view ... Safety Images related to Computed Tomography (CT) - Head Videos related to Computed Tomography (CT) - Head Sponsored by ...

  10. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

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    Full Text Available ... When the image slices are reassembled by computer software, the result is a very detailed multidimensional view ... related to Computed Tomography (CT) - Abdomen and Pelvis Videos related to Computed Tomography (CT) - Abdomen and Pelvis ...

  11. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

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    Full Text Available ... as a CT or CAT scan, is a diagnostic medical test that, like traditional x-rays, produces ... particularly the lungs, abdomen, pelvis and bones. A diagnosis determined by CT scanning may eliminate the need ...

  12. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

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    Full Text Available ... as a CT or CAT scan, is a diagnostic medical test that, like traditional x-rays, produces ... medical device of any kind, unlike MRI. A diagnosis determined by CT scanning may eliminate the need ...

  13. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

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    Full Text Available ... CT scanning. top of page Additional Information and Resources Radiation Therapy for Bladder Cancer Radiation ... Image Gallery Patient undergoing computed tomography (CT) scan View full size with caption Pediatric Content Some imaging ...

  14. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

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    Full Text Available ... CT) of the abdomen and pelvis is a diagnostic imaging test used to help detect diseases of ... as a CT or CAT scan, is a diagnostic medical test that, like traditional x-rays, produces ...

  15. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

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    Full Text Available ... sometimes compared to looking into a loaf of bread by cutting the loaf into thin slices. When ... actual CT scanning is performed. Depending on the type of CT scan, the machine may make several ...

  16. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

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    Full Text Available ... microphone. top of page How does the procedure work? In many ways CT scanning works very much ... head CT scanning. Manufacturers of intravenous contrast indicate mothers should not breastfeed their babies for 24-48 ...

  17. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

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    Full Text Available ... top of page What are the benefits vs. risks? Benefits CT scanning is painless, noninvasive and accurate. ... CT scans should have no immediate side effects. Risks There is always a slight chance of cancer ...

  18. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

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    Full Text Available ... top of page What are the benefits vs. risks? Benefits Viewing a CT scan, an experienced radiologist ... CT scans should have no immediate side effects. Risks There is always a slight chance of cancer ...

  19. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

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    Full Text Available ... top of page What are the benefits vs. risks? Benefits A CT scan is one of the ... CT scans should have no immediate side effects. Risks There is always a slight chance of cancer ...

  20. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

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    Full Text Available ... scanners to obtain multiple slices in a single rotation. These scanners, called multislice CT or multidetector CT, ... membranes covering the brain. top of page Additional Information and Resources Radiation Therapy for Brain ...

  1. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

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    Full Text Available ... scanners to obtain multiple slices in a single rotation. These scanners, called multislice CT or multidetector CT, ... for the moving table. top of page Additional Information and Resources Radiation Therapy for Head ...

  2. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

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    Full Text Available ... air-filled spaces within the bones of the face surrounding the nasal cavity. CT scanning is painless, ... and blood vessels. A CT scan of the face produces images that also show a patient's paranasal ...

  3. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

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    Full Text Available ... view of the body's interior. Refinements in detector technology allow nearly all CT scanners to obtain multiple ... Then, the table will move slowly through the machine as the actual CT scanning is performed. Depending ...

  4. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

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    Full Text Available ... view of the body's interior. Refinements in detector technology allow nearly all CT scanners to obtain multiple ... Then, the table will move slowly through the machine as the actual CT scanning is performed. Depending ...

  5. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

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    Full Text Available ... view of the body's interior. Refinements in detector technology allow nearly all CT scanners to obtain multiple ... Then, the table will move slowly through the machine as the actual CT scanning is performed. Depending ...

  6. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

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    Full Text Available ... CT scanner is typically a large, box-like machine with a hole, or short tunnel, in the ... Then, the table will move slowly through the machine as the actual CT scanning is performed. Depending ...

  7. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

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    Full Text Available ... CT scanner is typically a large, box-like machine with a hole, or short tunnel, in the ... Then, the table will move slowly through the machine as the actual CT scanning is performed. Depending ...

  8. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... CT scanner is typically a large, box-like machine with a hole, or short tunnel, in the ... Then, the table will move slowly through the machine as the actual CT scanning is performed. Depending ...

  9. Imaging of female pelvic malignancies regarding MRI, CT, and PET/CT. Pt. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alt, Celine D.; Kauczor, Hans-Ulrich; Hallscheidt, Peter; Brocker, Kerstin A.; Eichbaum, Michael; Sohn, Christof; Arnegger, Florian U.


    To compose diagnostic standard operating procedures for both clinical and imaging assessment for vulvar and vaginal cancer, for vaginal sarcoma, and for ovarian cancer. The literature was reviewed for diagnosing the above mentioned malignancies in the female pelvis. Special focus herein lies in tumor representation in MRI, followed by the evaluation of CT and PET/CT for this topic. MRI is a useful additional diagnostic complement but by no means replaces established methods of gynecologic diagnostics and ultrasound. In fact, MRI is only implemented in the guidelines for vulvar cancer. According to the current literature, CT is still the cross-sectional imaging modality of choice for evaluating ovarian cancer. PET/CT appears to have advantages for staging and follow-up in sarcomas and cancers of the ovaries. (orig.)

  10. FDG PET/CT Is Superior to Enhanced CT in Detecting Recurrent Subcentimeter Lesions in the Abdominopelvic Cavity in Colorectal Cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoon, Hai Jeon; Kim, Yu Kyeong; Kim, Sang Eun [Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Jong Jin [Asan Medical Center, Univ. of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    This study aims to compare the performance of contrast enhanced computed tomography (CeCT) and 18 F fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG PET/CT) in detecting small tumor implants and metastatic lymph nodes (LNs) in the abdominopelvic cavity in patients with colorectal cancer. We enrolled 16 patients who were clinically suspected of experiencing a recurrences (6 male, 10 female; mean age 61{+-}14 years). All subjects underwent CeCT and PET/CT, and the performance of these methods was compared with regard to detecting recurrences. The final diagnosis of a recurrence was made clinically. CeCT identified 38 lesions in 12 patients, all of which were detected by PET/CT. PET/CT found 27 additional lesions in 8 patients, comprising 9 seeding nodules (2 in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and 7 in the pelvic cavity) and 18 LNs (2 celiac, 2 paraaortic, 2 hepatic hilar, 11 common iliac, 1 external iliac). Most additional lesions were located in the pelvic cavity (approximately 78% of seeding nodules that were detected solely by PET/CT was significantly higher compared with the CeCT and PET/CT confirmed nodules (5.5{+-}4.2 vs. 2.9{+-}2.5, p=0.03). The seeding nodules that were detected only by PET/CT were significantly smaller than the CeCT and PET/CT confirmed nodules (long axis:1.0{+-}0.3cm vs. 2.0{+-}1.1cm, p=0.001; short axis: 0.8{+-}0.3cm vs. 1.7{+-}0.9cm, p=0.001). Similarly, PET/CT only detected LNs were significantly smaller than CeCT and PET/CT identified LNs (0.7{+-}0.1cm vs. 2.3{+-}1.2cm, p<0.0001). PET/CT is superior to CeCT in detecting seeding nodules and metastatic LNs in patients with recurrent colorectal cancer. Specifically, PET/CT detects subcentimeter lesions in anatomically deformed pelvic cavities.

  11. Nódulo de tiroides Thyroid nodule

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Elena Turcios Tristá


    Full Text Available En los últimos años se ha incrementado la frecuencia diagnóstica del nódulo de tiroides. Un adecuado método clínico y algunos exámenes complementarios, serán los factores a tener en cuenta para definir la naturaleza de la lesión y su funcionalidad. En la actualidad se adicionan nuevos elementos en los estudios por imagen que ayudan a predecir, en alguna medida, el riesgo de malignidad de estas lesiones, y se trata de que el resultado citológico sea más uniforme y orientador. Las conductas se adecuan al tipo de enfermedad tiroidea y a sus riesgos, pero es imprescindible la unión de las especialidades que tienen que ver con la enfermedad nodular tiroidea, para unificar criterios que favorezcan un adecuado y eficiente proceso diagnóstico-terapéutico, que reduzcan los riesgos y los costos que implica la adopción de conductas inadecuadas e innecesarias.In the last few years, the frequency of diagnosis of the thyroid nodule has increased. A correct clinical method and some supplementary tests are the factors to be taken into account to define the nature of lesion and functionality. At present, new elements are added to the imaging studies, which help to predict somehow the risk of malignancy of these lesions, and it is intended to reach a more uniform and guiding cytological result. The behaviors should adapt to the type of thyroid disease and to the risks, but the combination of those specialties that have to do with the nodular thyroid disease is indispensable in order to uniform criteria favoring adequate and efficient diagnostic and therapeutic processes, and reducing the risks and costs of the adoption of inadequate and unnecessary behaviors.

  12. Dynamic CT of hepatocellular carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujita, Nobuyuki; Shirato, Hiroki; Shinohara, Masahiro; Miyasaka, Kazuo; Morita, Yutaka; Irie, Goro


    We performed dynamic CT in 30 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, and concluded as below. 1 Decting the stain in the early phase of the dynamic series, it is possible to make a diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. 2 The dinamic CT is effective in a case of small hepatocellular carcinoma in which it is difficult to gain an accurate diagnosis in the routine CT study. 3 The dynamic CT is also effective in the differential diagnosis of hepatic lesions, as other hepatic lesions such as hemangioma and metastatic liver cancer show different patterns compared with hepatocellular carcinoma. (author)

  13. SPECT/CT workflow and imaging protocols

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beckers, Catherine [University Hospital of Liege, Division of Nuclear Medicine and Oncological Imaging, Department of Medical Physics, Liege (Belgium); Hustinx, Roland [University Hospital of Liege, Division of Nuclear Medicine and Oncological Imaging, Department of Medical Physics, Liege (Belgium); Domaine Universitaire du Sart Tilman, Service de Medecine Nucleaire et Imagerie Oncologique, CHU de Liege, Liege (Belgium)


    Introducing a hybrid imaging method such as single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)/CT greatly alters the routine in the nuclear medicine department. It requires designing new workflow processes and the revision of original scheduling process and imaging protocols. In addition, the imaging protocol should be adapted for each individual patient, so that performing CT is fully justified and the CT procedure is fully tailored to address the clinical issue. Such refinements often occur before the procedure is started but may be required at some intermediate stage of the procedure. Furthermore, SPECT/CT leads in many instances to a new partnership with the radiology department. This article presents practical advice and highlights the key clinical elements which need to be considered to help understand the workflow process of SPECT/CT and optimise imaging protocols. The workflow process using SPECT/CT is complex in particular because of its bimodal character, the large spectrum of stakeholders, the multiplicity of their activities at various time points and the need for real-time decision-making. With help from analytical tools developed for quality assessment, the workflow process using SPECT/CT may be separated into related, but independent steps, each with its specific human and material resources to use as inputs or outputs. This helps identify factors that could contribute to failure in routine clinical practice. At each step of the process, practical aspects to optimise imaging procedure and protocols are developed. A decision-making algorithm for justifying each CT indication as well as the appropriateness of each CT protocol is the cornerstone of routine clinical practice using SPECT/CT. In conclusion, implementing hybrid SPECT/CT imaging requires new ways of working. It is highly rewarding from a clinical perspective, but it also proves to be a daily challenge in terms of management. (orig.)

  14. SPECT/CT workflow and imaging protocols

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beckers, Catherine; Hustinx, Roland


    Introducing a hybrid imaging method such as single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)/CT greatly alters the routine in the nuclear medicine department. It requires designing new workflow processes and the revision of original scheduling process and imaging protocols. In addition, the imaging protocol should be adapted for each individual patient, so that performing CT is fully justified and the CT procedure is fully tailored to address the clinical issue. Such refinements often occur before the procedure is started but may be required at some intermediate stage of the procedure. Furthermore, SPECT/CT leads in many instances to a new partnership with the radiology department. This article presents practical advice and highlights the key clinical elements which need to be considered to help understand the workflow process of SPECT/CT and optimise imaging protocols. The workflow process using SPECT/CT is complex in particular because of its bimodal character, the large spectrum of stakeholders, the multiplicity of their activities at various time points and the need for real-time decision-making. With help from analytical tools developed for quality assessment, the workflow process using SPECT/CT may be separated into related, but independent steps, each with its specific human and material resources to use as inputs or outputs. This helps identify factors that could contribute to failure in routine clinical practice. At each step of the process, practical aspects to optimise imaging procedure and protocols are developed. A decision-making algorithm for justifying each CT indication as well as the appropriateness of each CT protocol is the cornerstone of routine clinical practice using SPECT/CT. In conclusion, implementing hybrid SPECT/CT imaging requires new ways of working. It is highly rewarding from a clinical perspective, but it also proves to be a daily challenge in terms of management. (orig.)

  15. Skeletal scintigraphy and SPECT/CT in orthopedic imaging; Knochenszintigrafie und SPECT/CT bei orthopaedischen Fragestellungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klaeser, B.; Walter, M.; Krause, T. [Inselspital Bern (Switzerland). Universitaetsklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    Multi-modality imaging with SPECT-CT in orthopaedics combines the excellent sensitivity of scintigraphy with the morphological information of CT as a key for specific interpretation of findings in bone scans. The result is an imaging modality with the clear potential to prove of value even in a competitive setting dominated by MRI, and to significantly add to diagnostic imaging in orthopaedics. SPECT-CT is of great value in the diagnostic evaluation after fractures, and - in contrast to MRI - it is well suited for imaging in patients with osteosyntheses and metallic implants. In sports medicine, SPECT-CT allows for a sensitive and specific detection of osseous stress reactions before morphological changes become detectable by CT or MRI. In patients with osseous pain syndromes, actively evolving degenerative changes as a cause of pain can be identified and accurately localized. Further, particularly prospective diagnostic studies providing comparative data are needed to strengthen the position of nuclear imaging in orthopaedics and sports medicine and to help implementing SPECT/CT in diagnostic algorithms. (orig.)

  16. The stylohyoid chain: CT imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uysal Ramadan, Selma, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Ankara 06590 (Turkey); Goekharman, Dilek, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Ankara 06590 (Turkey); Kosar, Pinar, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Ankara 06590 (Turkey); Kacar, Mahmut, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Ankara 06590 (Turkey); Kosar, Ugur, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Ankara 06590 (Turkey)


    We aimed in this report to discuss the embryology, anatomy, theories of ossification and symptoms, clinical presentation, and diagnosis of the stylohyoid chain (SHC) variations, together with the role of radiographs, computed tomography (CT) and three-dimensional (3D)-CT in showing these variations. Because CT/3D-CT additionally facilitates visualization of the entire SHC with different axes, it is the most valuable method for establishing the relationship between the SHC and the surrounding tissue. SHC variation can be discovered during CT performed for indications other than ossified SHC. It is important to diagnose whether or not the SHC is ossified, since one of the treatment procedures in ossified SHC is total excision. If the clinician and radiologist are aware of these variations observed in the SHC, patients with vague symptoms may be spared unnecessary investigations and may be properly diagnosed earlier.

  17. Choline-PET/CT for imaging prostate cancer; Cholin-PET/CT zur Bildgebung des Prostatakarzinoms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krause, Bernd Joachim [Klinik- und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany); Treiber, U.; Schwarzenboeck, S.; Souvatzoglou, M. [Klinik fuer Urologie, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany)


    PET and PET/CT using [{sup 11}C]- and [{sup 18}F]-labelled choline derivatives are increasingly being used for imaging of prostate cancer. The value of PET and PET/CT with [{sup 11}C]- and [{sup 18}F]-labelled choline derivates in biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer has been examined in many studies and demonstrates an increasing importance. Primary prostate cancer can be detected with moderate sensitivity using PET and PET/CT using [{sup 11}C]- and [{sup 18}F]-labelled choline derivatives - the differentiation between benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis or high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) is not always possible. At the present time [{sup 11}C]choline PET/CT is not recommended in the primary setting but may be utilized in clinically suspected prostate cancer with repeatedly negative prostate biopsies, in preparation of a focused re-biopsy. Promising results have been obtained for the use of PET and PET/CT with [{sup 11}C]- and [{sup 18}F]-labelled choline derivates in patients with biochemical recurrence. The detection rate of choline PET and PET/CT for local, regional, and distant recurrence in patients with a biochemical recurrence shows a linear correlation with PSA values at the time of imaging and reaches about 75% in patients with PSA > 3 ng/mL. At PSA values below 1 ng/mL, the recurrence can be diagnosed with choline PET/CT in approximately 1/3 of the patients. PET and PET/CT with [{sup 11}C]- and [{sup 18}F]choline derivates can be helpful for choosing a therapeutic strategy in the sense of an individualized treatment: since an early diagnosis of recurrence is crucial to the choice of optimal treatment. The localization of the site of recurrence - local recurrence, lymph node metastasis or systemic dissemination - has important influence on the therapy regimen. (orig.)

  18. Construction of a voxel model from CT images with density derived from CT numbers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng Mengyun; Zeng Qin; Cao Ruifen; Li Gui; Zheng Huaqing; Huang Shanqing; Song Gang; Wu Yican


    The voxel models representing human anatomy have been developed to calculate dose distribution in human body, while the density is the most important physical property of voxel model. Traditionally, when creating the Monte Carlo input files, the average tissue parameters recommended in ICRP report were used to assign each voxel in the existing voxel models. However, as each tissue consists of many voxels in which voxels are different in their densities, the method of assigning average tissue parameters doesn't take account of the voxel's discrepancy, and can't represent human anatomy faithfully. To represent human anatomy more faithfully, a method was implemented to assign each voxel, the density of which was derived from CT number. In order to compare with the traditional method, we have constructed two models from a same cadaver specimen date set. A CT-based pelvic voxel model called Pelvis-CT model, was constructed, the densities of which were derived from the CT numbers. A color photograph-based pelvic voxel model called Pelvis-Photo model, was also constructed, the densities of which were taken from ICRP Publication. The CT images and color photographs were obtained from the same female cadaver specimen. The Pelvis-CT and Pelvis-Photo models were ported into Monte Carlo code MCNP to calculate the conversion coefficients from kerma free-in-air to absorbed dose for external monoenergetic photon beams with energies of 0.1, 1 and 10 MeV under anterior-posterior (AP) geometries. The results were compared with those of given in ICRP74. Differences of up to 50% were observed between conversion coefficients of Pelvis-CT and Pelvis-Photo models, moreover the discrepancies decreased for the photon beams with higher energies. The overall trend of conversion coefficients of the Pelvis-CT model were agreed well with that of ICRP74 data. (author)

  19. Construction of a voxel model from CT images with density derived from CT numbers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng Mengyun; Zeng Qin; Cao Ruifen; Li Gui; Zheng Huaqing; Huang Shanqing; Song Gang; Wu Yican


    The voxel models representing human anatomy have been developed to calculate dose distribution in human body, while the density and elemental composition are the most important physical properties of voxel model. Usually, when creating the Monte Carlo input files, the average tissue densities recommended in ICRP Publication were used to assign each voxel in the existing voxel models. As each tissue consists of many voxels with different densities, the conventional method of average tissue densities failed to take account of the voxel's discrepancy, and therefore could not represent human anatomy faithfully. To represent human anatomy more faithfully, a method was implemented to assign each voxel, the densities of which were derived from CT number. In order to compare with the traditional method, we constructed two models from the cadaver specimen dataset. A CT-based pelvic voxel model called Pelvis-CT model was constructed, the densities of which were derived from the CT numbers. A color photograph-based pelvic voxel model called Pelvis-Photo model was also constructed, the densities of which were taken from ICRP Publication. The CT images and the color photographs were obtained from the same female cadaver specimen. The Pelvis-CT and Pelvis-Photo models were both ported into Monte Carlo code MCNP to calculate the conversion coefficients from kerma free-in-air to absorbed dose for external monoenergetic photon beams with energies of 0.1, 1 and 10 MeV under anterior-posterior (AP) geometry. The results were compared with those of given in ICRP Publication 74. Differences of up to 50% were observed between conversion coefficients of Pelvis-CT and Pelvis- Photo models, moreover the discrepancies decreased for the photon beams with higher energies. The overall trend of conversion coefficients of the Pelvis-CT model agreed well with that of ICRP Publication 74 data. (author)

  20. Correlative Imaging in a Patient with Cystic Thymoma: CT, MR and PET/CT Comparison

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Romeo, Valeria; Esposito, Alfredo; Maurea, Simone; Camera, Luigi; Mainenti, Pier Paolo; Palmieri, Giovannella; Buonerba, Carlo; Salvatore, Marco


    Cystic thymoma is a rare variant of thymic neoplasm characterized by almost complete cystic degeneration with mixed internal structure. We describe a case of a 60 year-old woman with a cystic thymoma studied with advanced tomographic imaging stydies. CT, MRI and PET/CT with 18 F-FDG were performed; volumetric CT and MRI images provided better anatomic evaluation for pre-operative assessment, while PET/CT was helpful for lesion characterization based on 18 F-FDG uptake. Although imaging studies are mandatory for pre-operative evaluation of cystic thymoma, final diagnosis still remains surgical. A 60-year-old woman with recent chest pain and no history of previous disease was admitted to our departement to investigate the result of a previous chest X-ray that showed bilateral mediastinal enlargement; for this purpose, enhanced chest CT scan was performed using a 64-rows scanner (Toshiba, Aquilion 64, Japan) before and after intravenous bolus administration of iodinated non ionic contrast agent; CT images demonstrated the presence of a large mediastinal mass (11×8 cm) located in the anterior mediastinum who extended from the anonymous vein to the cardio-phrenic space, compressing the left atrium and causing medium lobe atelectasis; bilateral pleural effusion was also present. In conclusion, correlative imaging plays a foundamental role for the diagnostic evaluation of patient with cystic thymoma. In particular, volumetric CT and MRI studies can provide better anatomic informations regarding internal structure and local tumor spread for pre-operative assessment. Conversely, metabolic imaging using 18 F-FDG PET/CT is helpful for lesion characterization differentiating benign from malignant lesion on the basis of intense tracer uptake. The role of PET/MRI is still under investigation. However, final diagnosis still remains surgical even though imaging studies are mandatory for pre-operative patient management

  1. Trastornos por deficiencia de Yodo. Programa de yodización en Colombia y América Latina.

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    Alfredo Jácome Roca


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    El halógeno yodo es un elemento definitivo para el buen funcionamiento de la glándula tiroides y para la formación de las hormonas tiroideas; estas son esenciales para el desarrollo del sistema nervioso central, para el crecimiento, para la termogénesis y para una serie de funciones adicionales sobre el metabolismo como por ejemplo la absorción de la glucosa. Los trastornos por deficiencia de yodo los llamaremos aquí por las siglas DDI, del inglés “Iodine deficiency disorders”.

    Aún en situaciones de marcada yodo-deficiencia, la glándula tiroides es capaz de extraer la máxima cantidad de este elemento de la sangre(hasta 40 veces su concentración, pues está dotada de un mecanismo de transporte activo relacionado con la bomba de sodio, donde la absorción de yodo se logra de una manera parásita al sodio. Se encuentra en forma de yoduros o de yodo elemental y una vez atrapado, este sufre una serie de transformaciones dentro de la glándula conocidas como tiroxinogénesis, con etapas de oxidación, organificación y acoplamiento, lo que da lugar a la formación de las dos hormonas tiroideas, la tiroxina o T4 y la triyodotironina o T3.

    Todos estos procesos se encuentran en buena parte regulados por la hormona tirotropa o TSH, la que también es la responsable de la liberación gradual de las hormonas depositadas en la glándula, la cual se produce a medida que van disminuyendo los niveles de T4 y de T3 en su forma libre, que son las que interactúan con los diversos receptores para ejercer su acción fisiológica(1.

    La carencia de yodo produce una serie de trastornos como la aparición de bocio en los individuos, además de hipotiroidismo; en las embara adas se producen abortos, niños que nacen muertos o que nacen con retardo mental; estos niños cretinos tienen además enanismo y otras alteraciones físicas, lo que los lleva a una baja productividad con una alta demanda de servicios sociales, constituyéndose en

  2. CT appearance of splenosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mendelson, D.S.; Cohen, B.A.; Armas, R.R.


    Splenosis is an unusual complication of splenic trauma. The computed tomographic (CT) appearance of splenosis is described. One should consider this diagnosis when faced with a history of splenic trauma and multiple round or oval masses at CT.

  3. CT appearance of splenosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mendelson, D.S.; Cohen, B.A.; Armas, R.R.


    Splenosis is an unusual complication of splenic trauma. The computed tomographic (CT) appearance of splenosis is described. One should consider this diagnosis when faced with a history of splenic trauma and multiple round or oval masses at CT

  4. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... sinus cavities – hollow, air-filled spaces within the bones of the face surrounding the nasal cavity. CT ... CD or DVD. CT images of internal organs, bones, soft tissue and blood vessels provide greater detail ...

  5. CT images of gossypiboma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeon, Hae Jeong; Lim, Jong Nam; Choi, Young Chil; Park, Jeong Hee


    Surgical sponges retained after laparotomy can cause serious problem if they were not be identified in early state. In these circumstances abdominal CT yields the accurate diagnostic images. The purpose of this report is to present highly indicative findings permitting correct preoperative diagnosis of the gossypiboma. We experienced three cases in which CT showed the images sufficiently characteristic to suggest the correct preoperative diagnosis. We evaluated retrospectively the radiological images of gossypiboma confirmed by operation. Three patients were admitted due to palpable masses. Two female patients had medical histories of cesarean sections and a male patient had been operated due to malignant fibrous histiocytoma, previously. Abdominal CT scan of one case revealed huge ovoid hypodense mass with enhanced peripheral rim. Calcific spots and whirl-like stripes were noted within the lesion. Towel was found in pathologic specimen. CT images of two patients showed well-encapsulated, mixed fluid and soft tissue density mass with several gas bubbles. Surgical sponges were found within abscesses. The authors conclude that these characteristic CT findings and careful histories of surgery are very useful for correct pre-operative diagnosis and permit the guideline for the optimal plan of the surgical treatment

  6. CT images of gossypiboma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeon, Hae Jeong; Lim, Jong Nam; Choi, Young Chil; Park, Jeong Hee [College of Medicine, Kon-Kuk University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Surgical sponges retained after laparotomy can cause serious problem if they were not be identified in early state. In these circumstances abdominal CT yields the accurate diagnostic images. The purpose of this report is to present highly indicative findings permitting correct preoperative diagnosis of the gossypiboma. We experienced three cases in which CT showed the images sufficiently characteristic to suggest the correct preoperative diagnosis. We evaluated retrospectively the radiological images of gossypiboma confirmed by operation. Three patients were admitted due to palpable masses. Two female patients had medical histories of cesarean sections and a male patient had been operated due to malignant fibrous histiocytoma, previously. Abdominal CT scan of one case revealed huge ovoid hypodense mass with enhanced peripheral rim. Calcific spots and whirl-like stripes were noted within the lesion. Towel was found in pathologic specimen. CT images of two patients showed well-encapsulated, mixed fluid and soft tissue density mass with several gas bubbles. Surgical sponges were found within abscesses. The authors conclude that these characteristic CT findings and careful histories of surgery are very useful for correct pre-operative diagnosis and permit the guideline for the optimal plan of the surgical treatment.

  7. Perforated appendicitis: accuracy of CT diagnosis and correlation of CT findings with the length of hospital

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siddiqui, H.A.; Afzal, S.


    To determine the sensitivity and specificity of CT findings in the differentiation of perforated from nonperforated appendicitis and correlate CT diagnosis with the length of hospital stay. The study included 70 patients who presented with right lower quadrant abdominal pain and underwent preoperative CT scan followed by appendectomy. Patients were divided into two groups of having perforated and nonperforated appendicitis on the basis of CT scan findings. The surgical and pathological reports combined were considered the reference standard for the diagnosis of perforated appendicitis. Various CT scan findings and average duration of hospital stay in days was compared by t-test. Twenty-six (37%) of 70 patients had perforated appendicitis. It was correctly identified on pre-operative CT scan in 18 patients. There were 18 true positive diagnoses, 43 true negative diagnoses, 1 false positive diagnosis and 8 false negative diagnoses which yielded a sensitivity of 69%, specificity of 97%, positive predictive value of 94% and negative predictive value of 84%. Mean length of hospital stay in perforated group was 6.3 days and 2.9 days in nonperforated group. Severe periappendiceal inflammation, periappendiceal and or abdominopelvic fluid and abscess were significantly associated with perforated appendicitis and with a significant longer hospital stay (p <.001). CT scan is 69% sensitive and 97% specific for the diagnosis of perforated appendicitis and constellation of CT findings can be used to select patients with perforated appendicitis for initial non-operative management. Presence of CT signs of significant appendiceal inflammation is independent predictor of longer hospital stay. (author)

  8. Investigando con personas con dificultades de aprendizaje

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    Borja González Luna


    Full Text Available El artículo muestra los orígenes de lo que Walmsley (2008 denomina «investigación inclusiva». Para comprender qué se entiende por investigación inclusiva tenemos que remontarnos a los debates epistemológicos sobre las metodologías cuantitativas y cualitativas, acontecidos en la década de los 90, en torno a la revista Disability & Society. A partir de una síntesis de dichos debates, focalizados en el ámbito de la «discapacidad intelectual y del desarrollo», se exponen dos estrategias de colaboración con dicha población: a una aproximación etnográfica (de trabajo grupal, y b una aproximación biográfica (de trabajo individual. A continuación se esboza un posible diseño de trabajo de campo que intenta superar el paradigma cualitativo «clásico» con el objetivo de incluir a dicho colectivo más allá del rol de «sujetos de la investigación». Para finalizar se recoge el debate sobre la accesibilidad de los resultados de la investigación a los participantes en dichas investigaciones, y con ello la necesaria innovación en el ámbito de las «devoluciones» de los resultados, cuando se trata de incluir a personas que presentan limitaciones para la comprensión del lenguaje abstracto oral y/o escrito.



    Johanna Stella Castellanos Arias; Leonardo Enrique Solaque Guzmán


    En este trabajo, se presenta el modelado de un Sistema de Manufactura Flexible (SMF), con procesos concurrentes y recursos compartidos mediante Sistemas a Eventos Discretos (SED), específicamente Redes de Petri (RdP), y GRAFCET. El SMF se plantea como un modelo hipotético que se modela con una RdP con el objeto de identificar su dinámica y hallar la secuencia óptima de funcionamiento del sistema. Se desarrolló un modelo matemático que permite estimar el vector de tiempo acumulado de un proces...

  10. Unresectable colorectal liver metastases. Percutaneous ablation using CT-guided high-dose-rate brachytherapy (CT-HDBRT); Nicht resektable kolorektale Lebermetastasen. Perkutane Ablation mittels CT-gesteuerter Hochdosisbrachytherapie (CT-HDBRT)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Collettini, F.; Lutter, A.; Schnapauff, D.; Denecke, T.; Gebauer, B. [Charite, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Berlin (Germany). Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology; Hildebrandt, B. [Charite, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Berlin (Germany). Dept. of Oncology; Puhl, G. [Charite, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Berlin (Germany). Dept. of General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery; Wust, P. [Charite, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Berlin (Germany). Dept. of Radiation Oncology


    Purpose: To evaluate the clinical outcome of CT-guided high-dose-rate brachytherapy (CT-HDRBT) of unresectable colorectal liver metastases (CRLMs). Materials and Methods: Retrospective analysis of all consecutive patients with unresectable CRLMs treated with CT-HDRBT between January 2008 and November 2012. Treatment was performed by CT-guided catheter placement and high-dose-rate brachytherapy with an iridium-192 source. MRI follow-up was performed after 6 weeks and then every 3 months post-intervention. The primary endpoint was local tumor control (LTC); secondary endpoints included time to progression (TTP) and overall survival (OS). Results: 80 heavily pretreated patients with 179 metastases were available for MRI evaluation for a mean follow-up time of 16.9 months. The mean tumor diameter was 28.5 mm (range: 8 - 107 mm). No major complications were observed. A total of 23 (12.9%) local tumor progressions were observed. Lesions ≥ 4 cm in diameter showed significantly more local progression than smaller lesions (< 4 cm). 50 patients (62.5%) experienced systemic tumor progression. The median TTP was 6 months. 28 (43%) patients died during the follow-up period. The median OS after ablation was 18 months. Conclusion: CT-HDRBT is an effective technique for the treatment of unresectable CRLMs and warrants promising LTC rates compared to thermal ablative techniques. A combination with other local and systemic therapies should be evaluated in patients with lesions > 4 cm in diameter, in which higher progression rates are expected. (orig.)

  11. Dental CT: examination technique, radiation load and anatomy; Dental-CT: Untersuchungstechnik, Strahlenbelastung und Anatomie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lenglinger, F.X.; Muhr, T. [AKH Wels (Austria). Inst. fuer Radiologie; Krennmair, G. [Praxis fuer Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde und Implantologie, Marchtrenk (Austria)


    Traditionally oral surgeons and dentists have evaluated the jaws using intraoral films and panoramic radiographs. The involvement of radiologists has been limited. In the past few years dedicated CT-software-programs developed to evaluate dental implant patients have provided a new look at the jaws. The complex anatomy is described and identified on human skulls and on axial, panoramic, and cross-sectional images. With this anatomic description Dental-CT-scans are used to demonstrate the anatomy of maxilla and the mandible. An overview of the technique of Dental-CT is provided, furthermore the radiation dose of different organs is explained. Suggestions to reduce these doses by simple modifications of the recommended protocols are given. (orig.) [German] Die Einfuehrung im Bereich der Computertomographiesoftware (Dental-CT) ermoeglicht dem Radiologen zusaetzlich zu den ueblichen, von den Zahnaerzten durchgefuehrten Roentgenuntersuchungen eine ueberlagerungs- und verzerrungsfreie Darstellung des Ober- und Unterkiefers. In der Implantologie ist mit dieser Darstellung eine exakte Planung moeglich. Weiterhin haben sich Duennschicht-CT-Untersuchungen auch bei der Abklaerung von Zysten, Tumoren, Frakturen, tiefen Parodontitiden und retinierten Zaehnen bewaehrt. In dieser Zeit wird ein Ueberblick ueber die Anatomie, die Untersuchungstechnik des Dental-CT und die auftretende Strahlenbelastung gegeben. Basierend auf rezente Literaturangaben kann eine Reduktion der absorbierten Dosis bei gleichbleibender Bildqualitaet durch einfache Protokollmodifikationen erzielt werden. (orig.)

  12. Monte Carlo dose calibration in CT scanner

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yadav, Poonam; Ramasubramanian, V.; Subbaiah, K.V.; Thayalan, K.


    Computed Tomography (CT) scanner is a high radiation imaging modality compared to radiography. The dose from a CT examination can vary greatly depending on the particular CT scanner used, the area of the body examined, and the operating parameters of the scan. CT is a major contributor to collective effective dose in diagnostic radiology. Apart from the clinical benefits, the widespread use of multislice scanner is increasing radiation level to patient in comparison with conventional CT scanner. So, it becomes necessary to increase awareness about the CT scanner. (author)

  13. {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT imaging versus dynamic contrast-enhanced CT for staging and prognosis of inflammatory breast cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Champion, Laurence; Edeline, Veronique; Giraudet, Anne-Laure; Wartski, Myriam [Service de Medecine Nucleaire, Saint-Cloud (France); Lerebours, Florence [Service d' Oncologie Medicale, Saint-Cloud (France); Cherel, Pascal [Institut Curie, Hopital Rene Huguenin, Service de Radiologie, Saint-Cloud (France); Bellet, Dominique [Service de Medecine Nucleaire, Saint-Cloud (France); Universite Paris Descartes, Pharmacologie Chimique et Genetique and Imagerie, Inserm U1022 CNRS UMR 8151, Faculte des sciences pharmaceutiques et biologiques, Paris (France); Alberini, Jean-Louis [Service de Medecine Nucleaire, Saint-Cloud (France); Universite Versailles Saint-Quentin, Faculte de medecine, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)


    Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is the most aggressive type of breast cancer with a poor prognosis. Locoregional staging is based on dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) CT or MRI. The aim of this study was to compare the performances of FDG PET/CT and DCE CT in locoregional staging of IBC and to assess their respective prognostic values. The study group comprised 50 women (median age: 51 {+-} 11 years) followed in our institution for IBC who underwent FDG PET/CT and DCE CT scans (median interval 5 {+-} 9 days). CT enhancement parameters were net maximal enhancement, net early enhancement and perfusion. The PET/CT scans showed intense FDG uptake in all primary tumours. Concordance rate between PET/CT and DCE CT for breast tumour localization was 92 %. No significant correlation was found between SUVmax and CT enhancement parameters in primary tumours (p > 0.6). PET/CT and DCE CT results were poorly correlated for skin infiltration (kappa = 0.19). Ipsilateral foci of increased axillary FDG uptake were found in 47 patients (median SUV: 7.9 {+-} 5.4), whereas enlarged axillary lymph nodes were observed on DCE CT in 43 patients. Results for axillary node involvement were fairly well correlated (kappa = 0.55). Nineteen patients (38 %) were found to be metastatic on PET/CT scan with a significant shorter progression-free survival than patients without distant lesions (p = 0.01). In the primary tumour, no statistically significant difference was observed between high and moderate tumour FDG uptake on survival, using an SUVmax cut-off of 5 (p = 0.7 and 0.9), or between high and low tumour enhancement on DCE CT (p > 0.8). FDG PET/CT imaging provided additional information concerning locoregional involvement to that provided by DCE CT on and allowed detection of distant metastases in the same whole-body procedure. Tumour FDG uptake or CT enhancement parameters were not correlated and were not found to have any prognostic value. (orig.)

  14. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... over time. top of page What are the benefits vs. risks? Benefits CT scanning is painless, noninvasive and accurate. A ... bear denotes child-specific content. Related Articles and Media Radiation Dose in X-Ray and CT Exams ...

  15. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... over time. top of page What are the benefits vs. risks? Benefits A CT scan is one of the safest ... scanning is painless, noninvasive and accurate. A major advantage of CT is its ability to image bone, ...

  16. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... over time. top of page What are the benefits vs. risks? Benefits Viewing a CT scan, an experienced radiologist can ... scanning is painless, noninvasive and accurate. A major advantage of CT is its ability to image bone, ...

  17. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... CD or DVD. CT images of internal organs, bones, soft tissue and blood vessels provide greater detail than traditional ... advantage of CT is its ability to image bone, soft tissue and blood vessels all at the same time. ...

  18. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... CD or DVD. CT images of internal organs, bones, soft tissue and blood vessels provide greater detail than traditional ... advantage of CT is its ability to image bone, soft tissue and blood vessels all at the same time. ...

  19. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... CD or DVD. CT images of internal organs, bones, soft tissue and blood vessels provide greater detail than traditional ... advantage of CT is its ability to image bone, soft tissue and blood vessels all at the same time. ...

  20. Interobserver Delineation variation using CT versus combined CT + MRI in intensity- modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Villeirs, G.M.; Verstraete, K.L.; Vaerenbergh, K. van; Vakaet, L.; Bral, S.; Claus, F.; Neve, W.J. de; Meerleer, G.O. de


    Purpose: to quantify interobserver variation of prostate and seminal vesicle delineations using CT only versus CT + MRI in consensus reading with a radiologist. Material and methods: the prostate and seminal vesicles of 13 patients treated with intensity-modulated radiotherapy for prostatic adenocarcinoma were retrospectively delineated by three radiation oncologists on CT only and on CT + MRI in consensus reading with a radiologist. The volumes and margin positions were calculated and intermodality and interobserver variations were assessed for the clinical target volume (CTV), seminal vesicles, prostate and three prostatic subdivisions (apical, middle and basal third). Results: using CT + MRI as compared to CT alone, the mean CTV, prostate and seminal vesicle volumes significantly decreased by 6.54%, 5.21% and 10.47%, respectively. More importantly, their standard deviations significantly decreased by 63.06%, 62.65% and 44.83%, respectively. The highest level of variation was found at the prostatic apex, followed by the prostatic base and seminal vesicles. Conclusion: addition of MRI to CT in consensus reading with a radiologist results in a moderate decrease of the CTV, but an important decrease of the interobserver delineation variation, especially at the prostatic apex. (orig.)

  1. Comparative analysis of multi-slice spiral CT and positron emission tomography-CT in evaluation of axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Xianchang; Zhang Ruyi; Liu Qingwei; Zhao Suhong; Zu Degui; Li Xin


    Objective: To evaluate and compare spiral CT and positron emission tomography-CT (PET-CT) in characterization of of axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer patients. Methods: Forty patients with pathologically proven breast cancer underwent contrast-enhanced spiral CT of the breast and axilla, 13 of them also underwent PET-CT examination. One hundred and fifty-eight axillary lymph nodes were found in the 40 patients through contrast enhanced spiral CT, while 57 lymph nodes were found in the 13 patients through PET-CT. Three radiologists rated the lymph nodes found in CT images on a five-point scale. If the score was equal to or greater than 3, it was defined as positive (metastatic), otherwise negative. Visual observation and semiquantitative analysis were used to classify lymph nodes in PET-CT images. The results of spiral CT observation and PET-CT observation of lymph nodes were compared with pathological results. The relative value of CT and PET-CT was analyzed. Exact probability statistics were employed. Results: One hundred and fifty eight lymph nodes of 40 patients were detected by spiral CT, 91 of them were diagnosed as positive and 67 as negative Among the lymph nodes found in spiral CT, 99 were positive and 59 were negative pathologicall. A total of 57 lymph nodes were found by PET-CT. Thirty-nine of them were defined as positive and 18 as negative. Among the lymph nodes found in PET-CT, 39 were positive and 18 were negative pathologically. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive and negative predictive values in CT prediction in axillary lymph nodes metastases were 88.89%, 94.91%, 91.14%, 96.70%, and 83.58%, respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive and negative predictive values in PET-CT prediction in axillary lymph nodes metastases were 97.44%, 94.44%, 96.49%, 97.44%, and 94.44%, respectively. PET-CT had no significant difference with spiral CT in sensitivity, accuracy, positive and negative predictive values for detection

  2. CT scan findings of fungal pneumonia; Diagnose der Pilzpneumonie in der Thorax-CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heckmann, M.; Uder, M.; Bautz, W.; Heinrich, M. [Erlangen-Nuernberg Univ., Erlangen (Germany). Inst. fuer Diagnostische Radiologie


    The importance of fungal infection of the lung in immunocompromised patients has increased substantially during the last decades. Numerically the most patients are those with neutropenia, e.g. patients with malignancies or solid organ and stem cell transplantation, chemotherapy, corticosteroid use and HIV infection. Although fungal infections can occur in immunocompetent patients, their frequency in this population is rare. The clinical symptoms such as fever accompanied with non-productive cough are unspecific. In some patients progression to hypoxemia and dyspnea may occur rapidly. In spite of improved antifungal therapy morbidity and mortality of these infections are still high. Therefore an early and non-invasive diagnosis is very important. That is why CT and even better High-Resolution-CT (HR-CT) is a very important modality in examining immunocompromised patients with a probability of fungal infection. CT is everywhere available and, as a non-invasive method, able to give the relevant diagnose efficiently. This paper should give an overview about the radiologic findings and possible differential diagnosis of diverse pulmonary fungal infections in CT. Pneumonias caused by Aspergillus, Cryptococcus, Candida, Histoplasma, Mucor and Geotrichum capitatum are illustrated. (orig.)

  3. CT findings of the thymus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Eun Young; Kim, Yun Hwan; Seol, Hae Young; Chung, Woun Kyun; Suh, Won Hyuck


    In 14 cases of normal and abnormal thymus proved surgically and histopathologically in korea University Hae Wha Hospital during recent 6 years, the clinical and CT findings were analyzed. 1. Of 14 cases, 2 cases were normal thymus, 5 cases were thymic hyperplasia, 4 cases were benign thymoma, 2 case were malignant thymoma and 1 case was thymic cyst. 2. Of 14 cases, 10 cases were associated with myasthenia gravis, and 7 of these 10 cases were 3rd to 5th decades females. Among 10 cases with myasthenia gravis. 5 cases were thymic hyperplasia, 1 case was benign thymoma, 2 cases were malignant thymoma, and 2 cases were normal thymus. 3. All 5 thymic hyperplasia were associated with myasthenia gravis. CT findings of thymic hyperplasia were normal in 4 cases and increased lobe thickness in 1 case. 4. Of 4 cases of benign thymoma, only 1 case was associated with myasthenia gravis, and all 4 cases were positive findings in CT scan. CT findings of benign thymoma were round or oval soft tissue mass in anterior mediastinum, and 1 case had punctuate calcifications. 5. Of 2 cases of malignant thymoma, all 2 cases were associated with myasthenia gravis and positive findings in CT scan. CT findings of malignant thymoma were anterior mediastinal soft tissue mass with obliteration of the normal fat planes surrounding great vessels. SVC compression, and pleural tumor implants. 6. CT yielded significant diagnostic information of differential diagnosis between thymoma and thymoma hyperplasia in myasthenia gravis patients. Also CT was highly sensitive test in detection of thymoma and determined the extent and invasiveness of thymoma.

  4. CT findings of the thymus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Eun Young; Kim, Yun Hwan; Seol, Hae Young; Chung, Woun Kyun; Suh, Won Hyuck [Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    In 14 cases of normal and abnormal thymus proved surgically and histopathologically in korea University Hae Wha Hospital during recent 6 years, the clinical and CT findings were analyzed. 1. Of 14 cases, 2 cases were normal thymus, 5 cases were thymic hyperplasia, 4 cases were benign thymoma, 2 case were malignant thymoma and 1 case was thymic cyst. 2. Of 14 cases, 10 cases were associated with myasthenia gravis, and 7 of these 10 cases were 3rd to 5th decades females. Among 10 cases with myasthenia gravis. 5 cases were thymic hyperplasia, 1 case was benign thymoma, 2 cases were malignant thymoma, and 2 cases were normal thymus. 3. All 5 thymic hyperplasia were associated with myasthenia gravis. CT findings of thymic hyperplasia were normal in 4 cases and increased lobe thickness in 1 case. 4. Of 4 cases of benign thymoma, only 1 case was associated with myasthenia gravis, and all 4 cases were positive findings in CT scan. CT findings of benign thymoma were round or oval soft tissue mass in anterior mediastinum, and 1 case had punctuate calcifications. 5. Of 2 cases of malignant thymoma, all 2 cases were associated with myasthenia gravis and positive findings in CT scan. CT findings of malignant thymoma were anterior mediastinal soft tissue mass with obliteration of the normal fat planes surrounding great vessels. SVC compression, and pleural tumor implants. 6. CT yielded significant diagnostic information of differential diagnosis between thymoma and thymoma hyperplasia in myasthenia gravis patients. Also CT was highly sensitive test in detection of thymoma and determined the extent and invasiveness of thymoma.

  5. Quantitative dual energy CT measurements in rabbit VX2 liver tumors: Comparison to perfusion CT measurements and histopathological findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Long Jiang; Wu, Shengyong; Wang, Mei; Lu, Li; Chen, Bo; Jin, Lixin; Wang, Jiandong; Larson, Andrew C.; Lu, Guang Ming


    Purpose: To evaluate the correlation between quantitative dual energy CT and perfusion CT measurements in rabbit VX2 liver tumors. Materials and methods: This study was approved by the institutional animal care and use committee at our institution. Nine rabbits with VX2 liver tumors underwent contrast-enhanced dual energy CT and perfusion CT. CT attenuation for the tumors and normal liver parenchyma and tumor-to-liver ratio were obtained at the 140 kVp, 80 kVp, average weighted images and dual energy CT iodine maps. Quantitative parameters for the viable tumor and adjacent liver were measured with perfusion CT. The correlation between the enhancement values of the tumor in iodine maps and perfusion CT parameters of each tumor was analyzed. Radiation dose from dual energy CT and perfusion CT was measured. Results: Enhancement values for the tumor were higher than that for normal liver parenchyma at the hepatic arterial phase (P < 0.05). The highest tumor-to-liver ratio was obtained in hepatic arterial phase iodine map. Hepatic blood flow of the tumor was higher than that for adjacent liver (P < 0.05). Enhancement values of hepatic tumors in the iodine maps positively correlated with permeability of capillary vessel surface (r = 0.913, P < 0.001), hepatic blood flow (r = 0.512, P = 0.010), and hepatic blood volume (r = 0.464, P = 0.022) at the hepatic arterial phases. The effective radiation dose from perfusion CT was higher than that from DECT (P < 0.001). Conclusions: The enhancement values for viable tumor tissues measured in iodine maps were well correlated to perfusion CT measurements in rabbit VX2 liver tumors. Compared with perfusion CT, dual energy CT of the liver required a lower radiation dose.

  6. 3D CT versus axial helical CT versus conventional tomography in the classification of acetabular fractures: A ROC analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kickuth, Ralph; Laufer, Ulf; Hartung, Guido; Gruening, Christian; Stueckle, Christoph; Kirchner, Johannes


    AIM: To assess the diagnostic power of three-dimensional computed tomography (3D CT), axial helical computed tomography (CT) and conventional tomography in the classification of acetabular fractures by interdisciplinary review. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Receiver operating characteristics (ROCs) were assessed for two radiologists and two surgeons blinded to the presence of acetabular fractures in an animal model (a total of 62 porcine hips, 40 of them with artificial acetabular fractures). Main target parameter was the diagnostic accuracy in the classification of the artificial fractures following Judet et al. RESULTS: ROC analysis for radiologists showed A z values of 0·83 for 3D CT, 0·81 for axial helical CT, and 0·78 for conventional tomography; differences between the three techniques were not significant (P = 0·46-0·73). A z values for the surgeons were 0·87 for 3D CT, 0·68 for axial helical CT, and 0·60 for conventional tomography; 3D CT was significantly better than axial helical CT (P = 0·01) and conventional tomography (P = 0·001). The differences between axial helical CT and conventional tomography were not significant (P = 0·37). CONCLUSION: Acetabular fractures are best classified by 3D CT, followed by axial helical CT and conventional tomography when assessed by surgeons. 3D CT did not provide any additional significant benefit in the classification performed by radiologists. Kickuth, R. et al. (2002)

  7. Cardiac pathologies incidentally detected with non-gated chest CT; Inzidentelle Pathologien des Herzens im Thorax-CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scherer, Axel; Kroepil, P.; Lanzman, R.S.; Moedder, U. [Inst. fuer Radiologie, Universitaetsklinikum Duesseldorf, Heinrich-Heine-Univ. (Germany); Choy, G.; Abbara, S. [Cardiovascular Imaging Section, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School (United States)


    Cardiac imaging using electrocardiogram-gated multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) permits noninvasive diagnosis of congenital and acquired cardiac pathologies and has thus become increasingly important in the last years. Several studies investigated the incidence and relevance of incidental extracardiac structures within the lungs, mediastinum, chest wall, and abdomen with gated coronary CT. This resulted in the general acceptance of the review of extracardiac structures as a routine component of coronary CT interpretation. On the other hand radiologists tend to neglect pericardial and cardiac pathologies in non-gated chest CT, which is primarily performed for the evaluation of the respiratory system or for tumor staging. Since the introduction of multi-detector spiral CT technology, the incidental detection of cardiac and pericardial findings has become possible using non-gated chest CT. This article reviews the imaging appearances and differential diagnostic considerations of incidental cardiac entities that may be encountered in non-gated chest CT. (orig.)

  8. Multislice CT imaging of pulmonary embolism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schoepf, J.U.; Kessler, M.A.; Rieger, C.T.; Herzog, P.; Wiesgigl, S.; Becker, C.R.; Exarhos, D.N.; Reiser, M.F.


    In recent years CT has been established as the method of choice for the diagnosis of central pulmonary embolism (PE) to the level of the segmental arteries. The key advantage of CT over competing modalities is the reliable detection of relevant alternative or additional disease causing the patient's symptoms. Although the clinical relevance of isolated peripheral emboli remains unclear, the alleged poor sensitivity of CT for the detection of such small clots has to date prevented the acceptance of CT as the gold standard for diagnosing PE. With the advent of multislice CT we can now cover the entire chest of a patient with 1-mm slices within one breath-hold. In comparison with thicker sections, the detection rate of subsegmental emboli can be significantly increased with 1-mm slices. In addition, the interobserver correlation which can be achieved with 1-mm sections by far exceeds the reproducibility of competing modalities. Meanwhile use of multislice CT for a combined diagnosis of PE and deep venous thrombosis with the same modality appears to be clinically accepted. In the vast majority of patients who receive a combined thoracic and venous multislice CT examination the scan either confirms the suspected diagnosis or reveals relevant alternative or additional disease. The therapeutic regimen is usually chosen based on the functional effect of embolic vascular occlusion. With the advent of fast CT scanning techniques, also functional parameters of lung perfusion can be non-invasively assessed by CT imaging. These advantages let multislice CT appear as an attractive modality for a non-invasive, fast, accurate, and comprehensive diagnosis of PE, its causes, effects, and differential diagnoses. (orig.)

  9. PET/CT imaging in head and neck tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roedel, R.; Palmedo, H.; Reichmann, K.; Reinhardt, M.J.; Biersack, H.J.; Straehler-Pohl, H.J.; Jaeger, U.


    To evaluate the usefulness of combined PET/CT examinations for detection of malignant tumors and their metastases in head and neck oncology. 51 patients received whole body scans on a dual modality PET/CT system. CT was performed without i.v. contrast. The results were compared concerning the diagnostic impact of native CT scan on FDG-PET images and the additional value of fused imaging. From 153 lesions were 97 classified as malignant on CT and 136 on FDG/PET images, as suspicious for malignancy in 33 on CT and 7 on FDG-PET and as benign in 23 on CT and 10 on FDG-PET. With combined PET/CT all primary and recurrent tumors could be found, the detection rate in patients with unknown primary tumors was 45%. Compared to PET or CT alone the sensitivity, specifity and accuracy could be significantly improved by means of combined PET/CT. Fused PET/CT imaging with [F18]-FDG and native CT-scanning enables accurate diagnosis in 93% of lesions and 90% of patients with head and neck oncology. (orig.) [de

  10. CT findings in neonatal hypothermia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schulman, H.; Laufer, L.; Berginer, J.; Hertzanu, Y.; Hershkowitz, E.; Berenstein, T.; Sofer, S.; Maor, E.


    Background. Newborn infants are particularly prone to hypothermia, a condition with a high mortality. Objective. To study the CT brain patterns in infants with hypothermia and neurological symptoms. Materials and methods. We reviewed the brain CT of nine infants with neonatal hypothermia, multiple organ failure, seizures and coma. Results. Two infants had normal CT scans, acutely and at follow-up, and were clinically normal at follow-up. In seven infants, CT showed diffuse cerebral oedema, with reversal of the normal density relationship between grey and white matter and a relative increased density of the thalami, brainstem and cerebellum - the 'reversal sign'. In six surviving infants with severe developmental delay, follow-up CT revealed cerebral atrophy with multicystic encephalomalacia. Conclusions. The 'reversal sign' has been described in the abused child, birth asphyxia and anoxia due to drowning. Neonatal hypothermia is offered as a further cause. (orig.)

  11. Radiation exposure in CT-guided interventions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kloeckner, Roman, E-mail: [Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Langenbeckstraße 1, 55131 Mainz (Germany); Santos, Daniel Pinto dos; Schneider, Jens [Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Langenbeckstraße 1, 55131 Mainz (Germany); Kara, Levent [Department of Radiology, Inselspital Bern, Freiburgstraße 18, 3010 Bern (Switzerland); Dueber, Christoph; Pitton, Michael B. [Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Langenbeckstraße 1, 55131 Mainz (Germany)


    Purpose: To investigate radiation exposure in computed tomography (CT)-guided interventions, to establish reference levels for exposure, and to discuss strategies for dose reduction. Materials and methods: We analyzed 1576 consecutive CT-guided procedures in 1284 patients performed over 4.5 years, including drainage placements; biopsies of different organs; radiofrequency and microwave ablations (RFA/MWA) of liver, bone, and lung tumors; pain blockages, and vertebroplasties. Data were analyzed with respect to scanner settings, overall radiation doses, and individual doses of planning CT series, CT intervention, and control CT series. Results: Eighy-five percent of the total radiation dose was applied during the pre- and post-interventional CT series, leaving only 15% applied by the CT-guided intervention itself. Single slice acquisition was associated with lower doses than continuous CT-fluoroscopy (37 mGy cm vs. 153 mGy cm, p < 0.001). The third quartile of radiation doses varied considerably for different interventions. The highest doses were observed in complex interventions like RFA/MWA of the liver, followed by vertebroplasty and RFA/MWA of the lung. Conclusions: This paper suggests preliminary reference levels for various intervention types and discusses strategies for dose reduction. A multicenter registry of radiation exposure including a broader spectrum of scanners and intervention types is needed to develop definitive reference levels.

  12. CT findings in Reye syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Kil Woo; Lim, Hyo Keun; Choo, In Wook; Bae, Sang Hoon


    We present here the CT findings in 10 patients with Reye syndrome. Acute findings is diffuse cerebral swelling with or without parenchymal low density. The cerebral swelling gradually changed to atrophy. The parenchymal low density predisposes in Lt temporoparietal area. Contrast enhanced CT scan showed no additional finding, except 1 case. The hemorrhagic infarction which has not been reported previously was seen in 1 case and resulted in the most prominent sequela. The sequelae were developed in all atrophic cases. So, the brain CT may be useful in monitoring cerebral swelling, determining treatment plan in acute stage, and in presenting prognosis and sequelae on fellow up CT

  13. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... can help plan the safest and most effective surgery. CT of the sinuses is now widely available and is performed in a relatively short time, especially when compared to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). CT scanning is painless, noninvasive and ...

  14. Coronary CT angiography: Diagnostic value and clinical challenges. (United States)

    Sabarudin, Akmal; Sun, Zhonghua


    Coronary computed tomography (CT) angiography has been increasingly used in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease due to improved spatial and temporal resolution with high diagnostic value being reported when compared to invasive coronary angiography. Diagnostic performance of coronary CT angiography has been significantly improved with the technological developments in multislice CT scanners from the early generation of 4-slice CT to the latest 320- slice CT scanners. Despite the promising diagnostic value, coronary CT angiography is still limited in some areas, such as inferior temporal resolution, motion-related artifacts and high false positive results due to severe calcification. The aim of this review is to present an overview of the technical developments of multislice CT and diagnostic value of coronary CT angiography in coronary artery disease based on different generations of multislice CT scanners. Prognostic value of coronary CT angiography in coronary artery disease is also discussed, while limitations and challenges of coronary CT angiography are highlighted.

  15. con mala calidad de vida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agustín Martín-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En este estudio ex post facto se ha analizado si los familiares de pacientes con mala calidad de vida presentan diferencias en las variables clínicas de personalidad y relaciones familiares en función de que el paciente haya estado o no ingresado en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Seleccionamos dos grupos: 29 familiares de pacientes traumatizados graves transcurridos cuatro años de su ingreso en una UCI de Traumatología y con mala calidad de vida (debido a secuelas físicas y/o psicológicas tras el ingreso, tales como traumatismos craneoencefálicos, politraumatismos y tetraplejias traumáticas y 32 familiares de pacientes con mala calidad de vida con cuatro años de evolución de su enfermedad física (hipertensión, diabetes, artritis reumatoide y síndrome de intestino irritable que no han estado ingresados en la UCI. Para alcanzar nuestro objetivo empleamos una Encuesta Psicosocial y los siguientes instrumentos: Cuestionario de Análisis Clínico, Escala de Clima Social en la Familia y Escala de Adaptación Psicosocial de la Enfermedad. Los resultados mostraron que los familiares de pacientes con mala calidad de vida que estuvieron ingresados en la UCI hace cuatro años, presentan diferencias significativas en las variables agitación y expresividad comparados con los familiares de pacientes con mala calidad de vida que no han estado ingresados en la UCI.

  16. Integration of PET-CT and cone-beam CT for image-guided radiotherapy with high image quality and registration accuracy (United States)

    Wu, T.-H.; Liang, C.-H.; Wu, J.-K.; Lien, C.-Y.; Yang, B.-H.; Huang, Y.-H.; Lee, J. J. S.


    Hybrid positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) system enhances better differentiation of tissue uptake of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) and provides much more diagnostic value in the non-small-cell lung cancer and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). In PET-CT, high quality CT images not only offer diagnostic value on anatomic delineation of the tissues but also shorten the acquisition time for attenuation correction (AC) compared with PET-alone imaging. The linear accelerators equipped with the X-ray cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging system for image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) provides excellent verification on position setup error. The purposes of our study were to optimize the CT acquisition protocols of PET-CT and to integrate the PET-CT and CBCT for IGRT. The CT imaging parameters were modified in PET-CT for increasing the image quality in order to enhance the diagnostic value on tumour delineation. Reproducibility and registration accuracy via bone co-registration algorithm between the PET-CT and CBCT were evaluated by using a head phantom to simulate a head and neck treatment condition. Dose measurement in computed tomography dose index (CTDI) was also estimated. Optimization of the CT acquisition protocols of PET-CT was feasible in this study. Co-registration accuracy between CBCT and PET-CT on axial and helical modes was in the range of 1.06 to 2.08 and 0.99 to 2.05 mm, respectively. In our result, it revealed that the accuracy of the co-registration with CBCT on helical mode was more accurate than that on axial mode. Radiation doses in CTDI were 4.76 to 18.5 mGy and 4.83 to 18.79 mGy on axial and helical modes, respectively. Registration between PET-CT and CBCT is a state-of-the-art registration technology which could provide much information on diagnosis and accurate tumour contouring on radiotherapy while implementing radiotherapy procedures. This novelty technology of PET-CT and cone-beam CT integration for IGRT may have a

  17. Integration of PET-CT and cone-beam CT for image-guided radiotherapy with high image quality and registration accuracy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, T-H; Liang, C-H; Wu, J-K; Lien, C-Y; Yang, B-H; Lee, J J S; Huang, Y-H


    Hybrid positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) system enhances better differentiation of tissue uptake of 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose ( 18 F-FDG) and provides much more diagnostic value in the non-small-cell lung cancer and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). In PET-CT, high quality CT images not only offer diagnostic value on anatomic delineation of the tissues but also shorten the acquisition time for attenuation correction (AC) compared with PET-alone imaging. The linear accelerators equipped with the X-ray cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging system for image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) provides excellent verification on position setup error. The purposes of our study were to optimize the CT acquisition protocols of PET-CT and to integrate the PET-CT and CBCT for IGRT. The CT imaging parameters were modified in PET-CT for increasing the image quality in order to enhance the diagnostic value on tumour delineation. Reproducibility and registration accuracy via bone co-registration algorithm between the PET-CT and CBCT were evaluated by using a head phantom to simulate a head and neck treatment condition. Dose measurement in computed tomography dose index (CTDI) was also estimated. Optimization of the CT acquisition protocols of PET-CT was feasible in this study. Co-registration accuracy between CBCT and PET-CT on axial and helical modes was in the range of 1.06 to 2.08 and 0.99 to 2.05 mm, respectively. In our result, it revealed that the accuracy of the co-registration with CBCT on helical mode was more accurate than that on axial mode. Radiation doses in CTDI were 4.76 to 18.5 mGy and 4.83 to 18.79 mGy on axial and helical modes, respectively. Registration between PET-CT and CBCT is a state-of-the-art registration technology which could provide much information on diagnosis and accurate tumour contouring on radiotherapy while implementing radiotherapy procedures. This novelty technology of PET-CT and cone-beam CT integration for IGRT may have a

  18. Percutaneous CT-guided high-dose brachytherapy (CT-HDRBT) ablation of primary and metastatic lung tumors in nonsurgical candidates; Perkutane CT-gesteuerte Hochdosis-Brachytherapie (CT-HDRBT) von primaeren und metastatischen Lungentumoren in nicht chirurgischen Kandidaten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Collettini, F.; Schnapauff, D.; Poellinger, A.; Denecke, T.; Banzer, J.; Golenia, M.J.; Gebauer, B. [Charite - Universitatesmedizin Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Radiologie; Wust, P. [Charite - Universitatesmedizin Berlin (Germany). Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie


    To evaluate the safety and efficacy of CT-guided high-dose brachytherapy (CT-HDRBT) ablation of primary and metastatic lung tumors. Between November 2007 and May 2010, all consecutive patients with primary or metastatic lung tumors, unsuitable for surgery, were treated with CT-HDRBT. Imaging follow-up after treatment was performed with contrast-enhanced CT at 6 weeks, 3 months and every 6 months after the procedure. The endpoints of the study were local tumor control and time to progression. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate survival functions and local tumor progression rates. 34 procedures were carried out on 33 lesions in 22 patients. The mean diameter of the tumors was 33.3 mm (SD = 20.4). The first contrast-enhanced CT showed that complete ablation was achieved in all lesions. The mean minimal tumor enclosing dose was 18.9 Gy (SD = 2). Three patients developed a pneumothorax after the procedure. The mean follow-up time was 13.7 (3 - 29) months. 2 of 32 lesions (6.25 %) developed a local tumor progression. 8 patients (36.3 %) developed a distant tumor progression. After 17.7 months, 13 patients were alive and 9 patients had died. CT-HDRBT ablation is a safe and attractive treatment option for patients with lung malignancies and allows targeted destruction of tumor tissue with simultaneous preservation of important lung structures. Furthermore, CT-HDRBT is independent of the size of the lesion and its location within the lung parenchyma. (orig.)

  19. Serial CT Findings of Paragonimus Infested Dogs and the Micro-CT Findings of the Worm Cysts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Chang Hyun; Im, Jung Gi; Goo, Jin Mo; Lee, Hyun Ju; Hong, Sung Tae; Shen, Cheng Hua; Chung, Doo Hyun; Son, Kyu Ri; Chang, Jung Min; Eo, Hong


    To investigate the serial CT findings of Paragonimus westermani infected dogs and the microscopic structures of the worm cysts using Micro-CT. This study was approved by the committee on animal research at our institution. Fifteen dogs infected with P. westermani underwent serial contrast-enhanced CT scans at pre-infection, after 10 days of infection, and monthly thereafter until six months for determining the radiologic-pathologic correlation. Three dogs (one dog each time) were sacrificed at 1, 3 and 6 months, respectively. After fixation of the lungs, both multi-detector CT and Micro-CT were performed for examining the worm cysts. The initial findings were pleural effusion and/or subpleural groundglass opacities or linear opacities at day 10. At day 30, subpleural and peribronchial nodules appeared with hydropneumothorax and abdominal or chest wall air bubbles. Cavitary change and bronchial dilatation began to be seen on CT scan at day 30 and this was mostly seen together with mediastinal lymphadenopathy at day 60. Thereafter, subpleural ground-glass opacities and nodules with or without cavitary changes were persistently observed until day 180. After cavitary change of the nodules, the migratory features of the subpleural or peribronchial nodules were seen on all the serial CT scans. Micro-CT showed that the cyst wall contained dilated interconnected tubular structures, which had communications with the cavity and the adjacent distal bronchus. The CT findings of paragonimiasis depend on the migratory stage of the worms. The worm cyst can have numerous interconnected tubular channels within its own wall and these channels have connections with the cavity and the adjacent distal bronchus

  20. Clinical application of CT and CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsy in patients with indeterminate pulmonary nodules

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cardoso, Luciana Vargas; Souza Júnior, Arthur Soares, E-mail: [Rio Preto-Ultra-X Radiological Diagnosis Institute, São José do Rio Preto, SP (Brazil)


    Objective: To investigate the clinical application of CT and CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsy (CT-PTNB) in patients with indeterminate pulmonary nodules (IPNs). Methods: We retrospectively studied 113 patients with PNs undergoing CT and CT-PTNB. Variables such as gender, age at diagnosis, smoking status, CT findings, and CT-PTNB techniques were analyzed. Data analysis was performed with the Student's t-test for independent samples the chi-square test, and normal approximation test for comparison of two proportions. Results: Of the 113 patients studied, 68 (60.2%) were male and 78 (69%) were smokers. The diameter of malignant lesions ranged from 2.6 cm to 10.0 cm. Most of the IPNs (85%) were located in the peripheral region. The biopsied IPNs were found to be malignant in 88 patients (77.8%) and benign in 25 (22.2%). Adenocarcinoma was the most common malignant tumor, affecting older patients. The IPN diameter was significantly greater in patients with malignant PNs than in those with benign IPNs (p < 0.001). Having regular contour correlated significantly with an IPN being benign (p = 0.022), whereas spiculated IPNs and bosselated IPNs were more often malignant (in 50.7% and 28.7%, respectively). Homogeneous attenuation and necrosis were more common in patients with malignant lesions (51.9% and 26.9%, respectively). Conclusions: In our sample, CT and CT-PTNB were useful in distinguishing between malignant and benign IPNs. Advanced age and smoking were significantly associated with malignancy. Certain CT findings related to IPNs (larger diameter, spiculated borders, homogeneous attenuation, and necrosis) were associated with malignancy. (author)

  1. Detectability index of differential phase contrast CT compared with conventional CT: a preliminary channelized Hotelling observer study (United States)

    Tang, Xiangyang; Yang, Yi; Tang, Shaojie


    Under the framework of model observer with signal and background exactly known (SKE/BKE), we investigate the detectability of differential phase contrast CT compared with that of the conventional attenuation-based CT. Using the channelized Hotelling observer and the radially symmetric difference-of-Gaussians channel template , we investigate the detectability index and its variation over the dimension of object and detector cells. The preliminary data show that the differential phase contrast CT outperforms the conventional attenuation-based CT significantly in the detectability index while both the object to be detected and the cell of detector used for data acquisition are relatively small. However, the differential phase contrast CT's dominance in the detectability index diminishes with increasing dimension of either object or detector cell, and virtually disappears while the dimension of object or detector cell approaches a threshold, respectively. It is hoped that the preliminary data reported in this paper may provide insightful understanding of the differential phase contrast CT's characteristic in the detectability index and its comparison with that of the conventional attenuation-based CT.

  2. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Head

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... images or pictures of the inside of the body. The cross-sectional images generated during a CT scan can be reformatted ... of data to create two-dimensional cross-sectional images of your body, which are then displayed on a monitor. CT ...

  3. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... images or pictures of the inside of the body. The cross-sectional images generated during a CT scan can be reformatted ... of data to create two-dimensional cross-sectional images of your body, which are then displayed on a monitor. CT ...

  4. Abdominal and Pelvic CT

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... images or pictures of the inside of the body. The cross-sectional images generated during a CT scan can be reformatted ... of data to create two-dimensional cross-sectional images of your body, which are then displayed on a monitor. CT ...

  5. CT urography and hematuria

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bretlau, Thomas; Hansen, Rasmus H; Thomsen, Henrik S


    BACKGROUND: Computed tomography (CT) urography is now used in the work-up of patients with hematuria. The dose of contrast medium and radiation varies considerably between the different CT protocols. PURPOSE: To study the disease prevalence in a consecutive group of patients with hematuria...

  6. Computed Tomography (CT) -- Sinuses

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... about tumors of the nasal cavity and sinuses. plan for surgery by defining anatomy. top of page How should ... for sinusitis. CT of the sinuses can help plan the safest and most effective surgery. CT of the sinuses is now widely available ...

  7. Dual energy cardiac CT. (United States)

    Carrascosa, Patricia; Deviggiano, Alejandro; Rodriguez-Granillo, Gastón


    Conventional single energy CT suffers from technical limitations related to the polychromatic nature of X-rays. Dual energy cardiac CT (DECT) shows promise to attenuate and even overcome some of these limitations, and might broaden the scope of patients eligible for cardiac CT towards the inclusion of higher risk patients. This might be achieved as a result of both safety (contrast reduction) and physiopathological (myocardial perfusion and characterization) issues. In this article, we will review the main clinical cardiac applications of DECT, that can be summarized in two core aspects: coronary artery evaluation, and myocardial evaluation.

  8. CT diagnosis in diseases of the breast

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han Hongbin; Xie Jingxia


    Purpose: To study the CT signs of breast diseases, and discuss the value of CT in the diagnosis of breast cancer and the axillary lymph node (LN) metastases. Materials and methods: Fifty three cases were reported, including breast cancer 30 cases and benign diseases 23 cases. CT were performed in all patients, 44 also had mammography examination. Results: (1) The CT appearance of breast cancer: round or irregular mass, spiculate border, duct retraction, involved Cooper's ligament, deformed adipose space etc. Benign hyperplasia: Irregular mass and symmetrical thickening of breast glands. Cystic hyperplasia: typically multiple, round, liquid-density mass. (2) CT was comparable to mammography in terms of differential diagnosis, however with breast mass located near the axilla or for evaluation of the thoracic wall. CT was superior to mammography. CT was also helpful in detecting LN metastases. Conclusion: CT is valuable in detecting and differentiating breast diseases as well as in the diagnosis of LN metastases

  9. Oncologic PET/CT: current status and controversies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siegel, B.A.; Dehdashti, F.


    The introduction of integrated PET/CT has dramatically increased the worldwide rate of growth for PET, predominantly for oncologic imaging with the glucose analog 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). A rapidly expanding body of literature demonstrates that the use FDG-PET/CT and the resultant ability to interpret coregistered and fused PET and CT images lead to improved observer confidence and improved diagnostic performance by comparison with PET alone, CT alone, and visually correlated PET and CT. The value of PET/CT is likely to be even greater with new PET radiopharmaceuticals under development, many of which produce PET images with even fewer anatomical landmarks than FDG images. PET/CT is also likely to lead to the resurrection of 18 F-fluoride as a principal agent for radionuclide bone imaging. There are a number of controversies related to PET/CT, including minimum training and experience requirements for interpreting physicians and defining new models for technical and professional reimbursement. (orig.)

  10. CT diagnosis of subphrenic abscess after splenectomy for trauma; Ruolo della tomografia computerizzata nella valutazione degli ascessi subfrenici dopo splenectomia post-traumatica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salzano, A. [Ospedale Loreto-Mare, Neaples (IT). Serv. di Radiologia] [and others


    The paper studies subphrenic inflammatory abscesses and splenic fluid collections after splenectomy for trauma. These complications may appear early or late postoperatively; they are easily demonstrated with computerized tomography, which permits accurate spatial assessment of the lesions and appropriate treatment with percutaneous drainage. It has been also investigates the diagnostic accuracy of the CT in subphrenic inflammatory conditions after emergency splenectomy for traumatic spleen rupture and found that CT is a precious tool for rapid and easy diagnosis and follow-up of subphrenic abscesses treated with percutaneous drainage. [Italian] Scopo del lavoro e' di valutare il ruolo della tomografia computerizzata nelle flogrosi subfreniche secondarie a splenectomia d'urgenza per rottura traumatica della milza, documentando come tale metodica risulti accurata nel diagnosticare e monitorare in modo semplice e rapido l'evoluzione e il controllo degli ascessi subfrenici trattati con drenaggio percutaneo.

  11. The sensitivity of computed tomography (CT) scans in detecting trauma: are CT scans reliable enough for courtroom testimony? (United States)

    Molina, D Kimberley; Nichols, Joanna J; Dimaio, Vincent J M


    Rapid and accurate recognition of traumatic injuries is extremely important in emergency room and surgical settings. Emergency departments depend on computed tomography (CT) scans to provide rapid, accurate injury assessment. We conducted an analysis of all traumatic deaths autopsied at the Bexar County Medical Examiner's Office in which perimortem medical imaging (CT scan) was performed to assess the reliability of the CT scan in detecting trauma with sufficient accuracy for courtroom testimony. Cases were included in the study if an autopsy was conducted, a CT scan was performed within 24 hours before death, and there was no surgical intervention. Analysis was performed to assess the correlation between the autopsy and CT scan results. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were defined for the CT scan based on the autopsy results. The sensitivity of the CT scan ranged from 0% for cerebral lacerations, cervical vertebral body fractures, cardiac injury, and hollow viscus injury to 75% for liver injury. This study reveals that CT scans are an inadequate detection tool for forensic pathologists, where a definitive diagnosis is required, because they have a low level of accuracy in detecting traumatic injuries. CT scans may be adequate for clinicians in the emergency room setting, but are inadequate for courtroom testimony. If the evidence of trauma is based solely on CT scan reports, there is a high possibility of erroneous accusations, indictments, and convictions.

  12. CT findings in neonatal hypothermia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schulman, H.; Laufer, L.; Berginer, J.; Hertzanu, Y. [Department of Radiology, Soroka Medical Center, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P. O. Box 151, Beer-Sheva 84101 (Israel); Hershkowitz, E.; Berenstein, T.; Sofer, S. [Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Soroka Medical Center, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva (Israel); Maor, E. [Department of Pathology, Soroka Medical Center, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva (Israel)


    Background. Newborn infants are particularly prone to hypothermia, a condition with a high mortality. Objective. To study the CT brain patterns in infants with hypothermia and neurological symptoms. Materials and methods. We reviewed the brain CT of nine infants with neonatal hypothermia, multiple organ failure, seizures and coma. Results. Two infants had normal CT scans, acutely and at follow-up, and were clinically normal at follow-up. In seven infants, CT showed diffuse cerebral oedema, with reversal of the normal density relationship between grey and white matter and a relative increased density of the thalami, brainstem and cerebellum - the `reversal sign`. In six surviving infants with severe developmental delay, follow-up CT revealed cerebral atrophy with multicystic encephalomalacia. Conclusions. The `reversal sign` has been described in the abused child, birth asphyxia and anoxia due to drowning. Neonatal hypothermia is offered as a further cause. (orig.) With 6 figs., 1 tab., 13 refs.

  13. Anatomy and function: PET-CT. (United States)

    Kajander, Sami; Saraste, Antti; Ukkonen, Heikki; Knuuti, Juhani


    CT coronary angiography and perfusion PET form an attractive combination to study coronary artery lesions and their consequences in patients with coronary artery disease. Whereas CT provides non-invasive assessment of coronary lumen and wall, PET perfusion is a reliable method for the evaluation of myocardial flow. CT, although very capable of ruling out significant coronary artery disease, is less than satisfactory in assessing the actual significance of the detected lesions. PET imaging, despite its excellent sensitivity, fails to describe the exact anatomy of the epicardial vessels. By fusing image data from these two modalities, lesions can be accurately correlated with their physiological or anatomical counterparts. Hybrid PET-CT devices, now in wide clinical use, allow such fusion in a one-stop-shop study. Although still seeking its place in clinical scenarios, growing evidence suggests that hybrid PET-CT imaging of coronary anatomy and myocardial perfusion can accurately - and non-invasively - assess the existence and degree of coronary artery disease.

  14. Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud del niño y del adolescente con obesidad


    Hurtado-Valenzuela, Jaime Gabriel; Álvarez-Hernández, Gerardo


    Objetivo Estimar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) en un grupo de niños y adolescentes con obesidad de la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Métodos Se realizó un estudio transversal utilizando el cuestionario PedsQL® para comparar la CVRS de 200 niños y adolescentes con obesidad al igual que a sus padres, con dos grupos de control, uno de la comunidad (n=400) y otro grupo de usuarios (n=200) del Hospital Infantil del Estado de Sonora. Las diferencias en la CVRS fueron eva...

  15. Pulpotomía con electrocauterio en pacientes con hemofilia A


    Carbonell Rodriguez, Rosario


    Rehabilita la salud oral de un niños con Hemofilia A, empleando el Electrocauterio como una alternativa en la terapia pulpar, específicamente en la pulpotomía, para lo cual se realiza un minucioso examen clínico y anamnesis, que respaldados con exámenes complementarios, permite determinar el plan de tratamiento. La rehabilitación integral se llevó a cabo, previo consentimiento informado del padre, en sala de operaciones bajo anestesia general, debido a la condición sistémica del niño. Incl...

  16. Intervención con menores con adicciones desde Proyecto Hombre


    Pardo-Esteban, Belén; Escalza-González, Amaia


    En el citado seminario informaremos del programa de atención y prevención de las toxicomanías y otras adicciones, llevado a cabo por la Asociación Proyecto hombre. A continuación, trataremos la formación en adicciones y toxicomanía con los estudiantes, mediante charla, cuestionarios sobre conocimientos básicos en prevención de toxicomanía en menores y los diferentes programas de intervención posibles aducados a los perfiles de los usuarios. Terminaremos con un debate sobre los temas tra...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Se presentan algunas ventajas y limitaciones de las narrativas conversacionales como estrategia de investigación para el trabajo con familias y docentes de niños con discapacidad. La narración realizada por muchas voces, como sucede en una conversación, privilegia la relación y el discurso entre las personas como fuente de construcción consensuada de significados. La interacción triádica entre familia, inclusión educativa y salud orientó los encuentros conversacionales con padres, acudientes y profesores de estos niños en la ciudad de Manizales (Colombia. Los participantes conformaron equipos conversacionales y equipos reflexivos y conversaron sobre preguntas propuestas, previamente elaboradas. Con este ejercicio investigativo se resalta el valor interaccional de esta estrategia desde tres ámbitos: entre los par ticipantes, con el investigador y con el contexto situacional. Se argumenta que la reflexividad está más relacionada con el hacer que con el ser y el sentir de las personas, las cuales no necesariamente se transforman en la narrativa...

  18. Complicated pleural tuberculosis in children: CT evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moon, W.K.; Kim, W.S.; Kim, I.O.; Im, J.G.; Kim, J.H.; Yeon, K.M.; Han, M.C.


    Purpose. To describe the CT features of complicated pleural tuberculosis in children and to define the use of CT in children with pleural tuberculosis. Materials and methods. The CT findings in 11 children with complicated pleural tuberculosis were retrospectively analysed. CT was performed to evaluate persistent pleural thickening (n = 6) or a mass-like lesion (n = 5) detected on plain radiographs. Chest radiographs and medical records were reviewed to determine whether additional information provided by CT had altered clinical management. Results. On CT, more than one location was involved in five patients (45 %) and in two patients (18 %) the entire pleural spaces were involved. Pleural thickening was seen in all 11 patients and enhancement after administration of contrast medium occurred in ten patients (91 %). Low-density fluid collections were seen in nine patients (82 %) and in two, CT revealed fluid collections within calcified pleural lesions. In five patients with mass-like lesions on plain radiographs, CT showed a low-density pleural mass with peripheral enhancement in four and a calcified pleural mass with fluid collection in one. CT demonstrated parenchymal abnormalities on the same side as pleural lesions in all 11 patients and hilar or mediastinal adenopathy in four. Four patients (36 %) underwent surgery because of fluid within a calcified fibrothorax (n = 3) and chest wall tuberculosis (n = 1) that were seen only on CT. Conclusions. The CT features of complicated pleural tuberculosis in children were pleural thickening, enhancement and fluid collection with associated parenchymal abnormalities and lymphadenopathy. In the evaluation of children with pleural tuberculosis, CT can be useful for demonstrating fluid within a calcified fibrothorax or chest wall involvement, which usually requires surgical intervention. (orig.)

  19. Clinical application of helical CT colonography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeng Huiliang; Zhu Xinjin; Liang Rujian; Liang Jianhao; Ou Weiqian; Wen Haomao


    Objective: To investigate the clinical value of 16-slice helical CT colonography in the diagnosis of colon tumor and polypus. Methods: 16-slice helical CT volumetric scanning was performed in 18 patients with colonic disease, including colonic tumor (n=16) and colonic polypus (n=2). 3D images, virtual endoscopy and multiplanar reformation were obtained in the AW4.1 workstation. CT appearances were compared with operation and fiberoptic colonoscopy. Results: Satisfied results were achieved from 18 patients, no difference found in results between CT colonography and operation in 16 patients with colonic tumor. Conclusion: 16-slice helical CT colonography is of great value in preoperative staging of colonic tumor and have a high value in clinical application. (authors)

  20. CT diagnosis of retroperitoneal gigantic liposarcoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang Wei; Zheng Zhaohua; Liao Zuyuan; Hu Yinsong


    Objective: To analyze CT manifestation of retroperitoneal gigantic liposaxcoma and to improve the image understanding. Methods: Five cases of retroperitoneal gigantic liposarcoma confirmed by surgery and pathology in our hospital were collected. Plain and enhanced CT scan were performed. Results: Of five cases, one was substantive, two was pseudocyst and two was mixed tumor. Several patterns of enhancement such as strip, floccule, irregular patchy or nodular enhancement were revealed inside the lesions on enhanced CT scan. And strip-form of high density enhancement was a typical type. Conclusion: CT examination could determine the tumor's location, size and density, together with the relationship to adjacent organizations CT scan is an important method in diagnosing retroperitoneal gigantic liposarcoma. (authors)