
Sample records for terminal na fibrose

  1. Controvérsias na fibrose cística: do pediatra ao especialista

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    Ribeiro Jose Dirceu


    Full Text Available Objetivos: nos últimos 70 anos, a fibrose cística emergiu da obscuridade para o reconhecimento como a mais importante doença hereditária, potencialmente letal, incidente na raça branca. Embora seja uma doença genética, na qual o defeito básico acomete células de vários órgãos, nem todos os indivíduos expressam respostas clínicas na mesma intensidade. Várias manifestações clínicas, principalmente pulmonares e digestivas, podem ocorrer durante a vida dos pacientes fibrocísticos. O objetivo deste artigo é propiciar ao pediatra geral uma visão atualizada dos principais assuntos referentes à fibrose cística. Fontes dos dados: revisão sistemática e atualizada em fonte de dados oficial (Medline. Síntese dos dados: foram revisados 79 artigos sobre fibrose cística, de periódicos internacionais, colocando, de modo atual e crítico, os principais eventos relacionados com a incidência, a fisiopatogenia, as manifestações clínicas, o diagnóstico e o tratamento da fibrose cística. Conclusões: apesar de não existir cura para essa doença, muitos conhecimentos novos sobre a etiologia e a fisiopatologia, adquiridos nas duas últimas décadas, propiciaram uma nova abordagem para o tratamento da fibrose cística. A compreensão dos mecanismos básicos da doença pulmonar, bem como das manifestações digestivas na fibrose cística, decorrente dos conhecimentos de pesquisas recentes, tem sido a chave para o aumento da sobrevida e a melhora da qualidade de vida dos pacientes.


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    Shaine Silva Maciel


    Full Text Available A fibrose hepática causada por obstrução do ducto biliar induz alterações tanto na estrutura como na função do fígado, e pode levar a cirrose e insuficiência hepática, quando não tradada. A membrana amniótica humana (MA devido às suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e anti-fibróticas pode ser uma terapia alternativa. A proposta desse trabalho é analisar as alterações nos níveis séricos das principais enzimas celulares e da albumina, na fibrose hepática induzida pela ligadura do ducto biliar (LDB e após o tratamento com a MA. Dez ratos foram divididos nos grupos LDB e LDB+MA, e eutanasiados após 9 semanas da LDB. As amostras de sangue foram processadas bioquimicamente para análise da albumina (ALB, fosfatase alcalina (FA e transaminases (TGP e TGO.  Comparando os grupos experimentais verificou-se que no grupo LDB+MA houve a diminuição da ALB e TGP e no grupo LDB houve a diminuição da FA e TGO, entretanto sem apresentar diferença significante entre os grupos. Conclui-se que a MA, quando aplicada ao fígado no mesmo momento da indução da fibrose, parece não ter exercido efeito significativo na função hepática.

  3. Avaliação do uso do captopril na fibrose peritoneal induzida em ratos pelo uso de solução de glicose a 4,25%

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    Adriana Fátima Menegat Schuinski


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A Insuficiência Renal Crônica (IRC tem incidência alarmante neste século. A diálise peritoneal, uma das modalidades de terapia renal pode ter complicações, e entre estas a fibrose peritoneal, que ocorre com o decorrer dos anos nestes pacientes. Sua forma mais grave é a chamada peritonite esclerosante encapsulante, levando à mudança de terapia dialítica. OBJETIVO: Estudar a influência do uso do captopril na fibrose peritoneal induzida em ratos pelo uso de solução de glicose a 4,25 %. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo controlado, em ratos Wistar não urêmicos. Foram estudados 20 animais. Os animais foram submetidos diariamente à punção abdominal, sendo infundida solução de diálise peritoneal com glicose a 4,25% na dose de 10 ml/100 g de peso. Os animais foram divididos em 2 grupos: experimental e controle. O grupo experimental recebeu captopril na dose de 30 mg/kg/dia por gavagem. O grupo controle não recebeu nenhuma droga. Foram acompanhados por 21 e 49 dias. Ao final do período foram submetidos à procedimento cirúrgico para retirada de peritônio parietal e visceral. As amostras obtidas foram analisadas histologicamente, usando-se coloração Hematoxilina - Eosina e Sirius Red, para avaliação do grau de fibrose. RESULTADOS: A análise mostrou que a intensidade da fibrose, a espessura do peritônio e o número de células não atingiram diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos experimental e controle. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo mostrou que o uso do captopril não foi capaz de alterar a intensidade da fibrose peritoneal induzida pelo uso de solução de diálise em ratos.

  4. Dispneia expiratória restritiva em um gato com fibrose pulmonar idiopática: relato de caso


    Pereira, C.O.; Costa, F.V.A.; Gomes, D.C.; Kasper, P.N.; Vieira, A.B.; Driemeier, D.


    RESUMO As doenças pulmonares intersticiais constituem um grupo de doenças difusas do parênquima pulmonar, no qual a fibrose pulmonar intersticial está incluída. Histologicamente, esta se caracteriza por hiperplasia de pneumócitos tipo II, hiperplasia ou hipertrofia de músculo liso e fibrose. Embora a patogenia da fibrose pulmonar intersticial não esteja bem elucidada, devido às semelhanças microscópicas encontradas nos pneumócitos tipo II em felinos e na forma familiar da doença em humanos, a...

  5. Relação entre Fibrose e Arritmias Ventriculares na Cardiopatia Chagásica sem Disfunção Ventricular

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    Eduardo Marinho Tassi


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Pacientes com doença de Chagas com alteração segmentar apresentam pior prognóstico independentemente da fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda. A ressonância magnética cardíaca é atualmente o melhor método para detecção de alteração segmentar e para avaliação de fibrose miocárdica. Objetivo: Quantificar a fibrose, por meio do realce tardio, pela ressonância magnética cardíaca, em pacientes com doença de Chagas com fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda preservada ou minimamente comprometida (> 45% e detectar padrões de dependência entre fibrose, alteração segmentar e fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda na presença de arritmia ventricular. Métodos: Foram realizados eletrocardiograma, teste ergométrico, Holter e ressonância magnética cardíaca em 61 pacientes, separados em três grupos: (1 eletrocardiograma normal e ressonância magnética cardíaca sem alteração segmentar; (2 eletrocardiograma alterado e ressonância magnética cardíaca sem alteração segmentar; e (3 ressonância magnética cardíaca com alteração segmentar independentemente de alteração no eletrocardiograma. Resultados: O número de pacientes com arritmia ventricular em relação ao número total de pacientes em cada grupo, a porcentagem de fibrose e a fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda foram, respectivamente: no primeiro grupo, 4/26, 0,74% e 74,34%; no segundo grupo, 4/16, 3,96% e 68,5%; e no terceiro grupo, 11/19, 14,07% e 55,59%. Arritmia ventricular foi encontrada em 31,1% dos pacientes. Aqueles com e sem arritmia ventricular apresentaram fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda média de 59,87% e 70,18%, respectivamente, e fibrose de 11,03% e 3,01%, respectivamente. Das variáveis alteração segmentar, grupos, idade, fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda e fibrose, a última foi a única significativa para a presença de arritmia ventricular, com ponto de corte de 11,78% para massa fibrosada (p < 0

  6. Failure to wean caused by cryptogenic fibrosing pleuritis and bilateral lung trapping: case report Falência do desmame em paciente com fibrose pleural idiopática e trapping pulmonar bilateral: relato de caso

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    Elsemiek Verweel


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Cryptogenic fibrosing pleuritis is an extremely rare disease, which can affect both lungs from a very young age. The most common finding is severe lung restriction resulting in both hypoxemic and ventilatory failure. CASE REPORT: Male patient, 26 year old with acute deterioration of chronic respiratory failure. Following admission prolonged mechanical ventilation was necessary. An atypical clinical presentation made the diagnosis difficult, but eventually cryptogenic fibrosing pleuritis and lung fibrosis were established. CONCLUSIONS: The prognostic outcome of patients with the final diagnosis of cryptogenic fibrosing pleuritis is extremely poor, especially in an advanced phase of this disease. We recommend early treatment with corticosteroids or surgical pleural decortication.JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Fibrose pleural idiopática é uma doença rara e pode afetar ambos pulmões já desde uma idade precoce. O achado mais comum na fibrose pleural idiopática é uma restrição pulmonar grave que pode levar a um quadro de falência respiratória e hipoxemia. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 26 anos, internado com reagudização de insuficiência respiratória crônica e submetido à ventilação mecânica prolongada. Após intensa investigação e uma apresentação clínica atípica, foi estabelecido o diagnóstico de fibrose pleural idiopática associado à fibrose pulmonar. CONCLUSÕES: O prognóstico de pacientes com fibrose pleural idiopática é extremamente ruim, particularmente em fase avançada da doença. Recomenda-se o tratamento precoce com corticosteróides ou decorticação pleural cirúrgica.

  7. Fibrose quística: Revisão

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    C. Damas


    Full Text Available Resumo: A fibrose quística (FQ é a doença autossómica recessiva mais frequente na raça caucasiana. Caracteriza-se por mutações na CFTR, uma proteína transmembranar responsável pelo transporte de cloretos. Esta proteína tem uma ampla distribuição epitelial, o que dá um carácter sistémico a esta doença e consequentemente múltiplas manifestações clínicas de gravidade variável. A melhoria dos cuidados de saúde, associada ao desenvolvimento do arsenal terapêutico, permitiu um aumento da sobrevida destes doentes, de tal forma que a FQ já não pode ser abordada como doença da idade pediátrica. Também a evolução técnica na transplantação abriu novas perspectivas quanto ao tratamento desta afecção.Assim, cada vez mais esta patologia implica um envolvimento multidisciplinar no qual a pneumologia tem uma parte preponderante. Abstract: Cystic Fibrosis (CF is the recessive autossomic disease more frequent in the caucasian race. The main characteristic is a mutation in CFTR, a trans-membranar protein, responsible for chlorates transportation. This protein has a diffuse epithelial distribution, which gives a multissistemic involvement to this disease, with clinical manifestations with variable degrees of severity. The development of better health care associated with new therapeutic options became responsible for an increase of survival, so CF is no longer a paediatric disease. Lung transplantation also has an important role, bringing new treatment perspectives.So, this pathology has an increased multi-disciplinary involvement in which the pulmonologist have a preponderant role. Palavras-chave: Fibrose quística, revisão, Key-words: Cystic fibrosis, review

  8. Tuberculosis-associated Fibrosing Mediastinitis: Case Report and Literature Review

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    Ronald Tan


    Full Text Available Fibrosing mediastinitis is a rare condition defined by the presence of fibrotic mediastinal infiltrates that obliterate normal fat planes. It is a late complication of a previous granulomatous infection, such as histoplasmosis or tuberculosis (TB. Due to its rarity, fibrosing mediastinitis is often under-recognized, and the clinical presentation is variable and dependent on the extent of infiltration or encasement of structures within the mediastinum. We present a case of fibrosing mediastinitis in a man with a prior history of TB, who presented with progressive dyspnea and was found to have chronic mediastinal soft tissue opacities and pulmonary hypertension. His diagnosis was delayed due to the lack of recognition of this clinical/radiographic entity. Fibrosing mediastinitis is a rare entity usually caused by granulomatous disease. Most cases develop as a late complication of histoplasmosis or TB. The presence of calcified mediastinal soft tissue infiltrates on advanced chest imaging can be diagnostic of fibrosing mediastinitis in patients with a prior history of a granulomatous infection once active processes such as malignancy are excluded.

  9. Tuberculosis-associated Fibrosing Mediastinitis: Case Report and Literature Review. (United States)

    Tan, Ronald; Martires, Joanne; Kamangar, Nader


    Fibrosing mediastinitis is a rare condition defined by the presence of fibrotic mediastinal infiltrates that obliterate normal fat planes. It is a late complication of a previous granulomatous infection, such as histoplasmosis or tuberculosis (TB). Due to its rarity, fibrosing mediastinitis is often under-recognized, and the clinical presentation is variable and dependent on the extent of infiltration or encasement of structures within the mediastinum. We present a case of fibrosing mediastinitis in a man with a prior history of TB, who presented with progressive dyspnea and was found to have chronic mediastinal soft tissue opacities and pulmonary hypertension. His diagnosis was delayed due to the lack of recognition of this clinical/radiographic entity. Fibrosing mediastinitis is a rare entity usually caused by granulomatous disease. Most cases develop as a late complication of histoplasmosis or TB. The presence of calcified mediastinal soft tissue infiltrates on advanced chest imaging can be diagnostic of fibrosing mediastinitis in patients with a prior history of a granulomatous infection once active processes such as malignancy are excluded.

  10. Prática fisioterapêutica no tratamento da fibrose cística

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    Carolina Lazzarim de Conto


    Full Text Available A fibrose cística (FC, denominada também de mucoviscidose, é uma doença genética do tipo autossômica recessiva que acomete principalmente crianças e indivíduos de raça branca. O objetivo deste estudo foi propiciar uma visão sobre a FC, assim como as possíveis formas de tratamento fisioterapêutico. A pesquisa da literatura foi realizada nas bases de dados SciELO e PubMed, no período de abril de 2002 a março de 2013, através da seleção de artigos científicos referentes à FC, utilizando como palavras-chave: “fibrose cística”, “fisioterapia em fibrose cística” e “fisioterapia respiratória”. Por meio desta revisão, pôde-se observar que, apesar da complexidade da doença, a prática fisioterapêutica, com o uso das técnicas: tapotagem, vibração, drenagem postural (DP, huffing, oscilação oral de alta frequência (OOAF, drenagem autógena (DA e o ciclo ativo da respiração (CAR, apresenta eficácia tanto no tratamento como na manutenção da qualidade de vida dos pacientes com FC.

  11. The two C-terminal tyrosines stabilize occluded Na/K pump conformations containing Na or K ions. (United States)

    Vedovato, Natascia; Gadsby, David C


    Interactions of the three transported Na ions with the Na/K pump remain incompletely understood. Na/K pump crystal structures show that the extended C terminus of the Na,K-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) alpha subunit directly contacts transmembrane helices. Deletion of the last five residues (KETYY in almost all Na/K pumps) markedly lowered the apparent affinity for Na activation of pump phosphorylation from ATP, a reflection of cytoplasmic Na affinity for forming the occluded E1P(Na3) conformation. ATPase assays further suggested that C-terminal truncations also interfere with low affinity Na interactions, which are attributable to extracellular effects. Because extracellular Na ions traverse part of the membrane's electric field to reach their binding sites in the Na/K pump, their movements generate currents that can be monitored with high resolution. We report here electrical measurements to examine how Na/K pump interactions with extracellular Na ions are influenced by C-terminal truncations. We deleted the last two (YY) or five (KESYY) residues in Xenopus laevis alpha1 Na/K pumps made ouabain resistant by either of two kinds of point mutations and measured their currents as 10-mM ouabain-sensitive currents in Xenopus oocytes after silencing endogenous Xenopus Na/K pumps with 1 microM ouabain. We found the low affinity inhibitory influence of extracellular Na on outward Na/K pump current at negative voltages to be impaired in all of the C-terminally truncated pumps. Correspondingly, voltage jump-induced transient charge movements that reflect pump interactions with extracellular Na ions were strongly shifted to more negative potentials; this signals a several-fold reduction of the apparent affinity for extracellular Na in the truncated pumps. Parallel lowering of Na affinity on both sides of the membrane argues that the C-terminal contacts provide important stabilization of the occluded E1P(Na3) conformation, regardless of the route of Na ion entry into the

  12. Achados histológicos e sobrevida na fibrose pulmonar idiopática Histological features and survival in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Ester Nei Aparecida Martins Coletta


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A fibrose pulmonar idiopática foi recentemente redefinida como pneumonia intersticial usual de etiologia desconhecida. O valor prognóstico dos achados histológicos deve ser reavaliado. OBJETIVO: Neste estudo foram correlacionados os achados histológicos e alguns dados clínicos e funcionais (duração dos sintomas, capacidade vital forçada, idade, sexo, hábito de fumar com a sobrevida. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 51 pacientes portadores de fibrose pulmonar idiopática. A média de idade foi de 66 ± 8 anos. Vinte e um pacientes eram do sexo feminino; 26 eram fumantes ou ex-fumantes. Todos apresentavam quadro de pneumonia intersticial usual na histologia. Grau de faveolamento, fibrose estabelecida, descamação, celularidade, espessamento vascular miointimal e focos fibroblásticos foram graduados por método semiquantitativo. RESULTADOS: A mediana do tempo de sintomas foi de 12 meses e a capacidade vital forçada inicial foi de 72 ± 21%. Por análise de risco proporcional de Cox, a sobrevida correlacionou-se, de maneira significativa (p BACKGROUND: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis was recently redefined as usual interstitial pneumonia of unknown etiology. Consequently, the prognostic value of histological findings needs to be reassessed. OBJECTIVE: To correlate clinical, functional and histological findings with survival in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. METHOD: Patients (n = 51; mean age: 66 ± 8 years; gender: 21 females/30 males were evaluated. Of the 51, 26 were smokers or ex-smokers. Duration of symptoms, forced vital capacity and smoking habits were recorded. All patients presented usual interstitial pneumonia verified through histology. Degree of honeycombing, established fibrosis, desquamation, cellularity, myointimal thickening of blood vessels and number of fibroblastic foci were graded according to the semiquantitative method. RESULTS: Median duration of symptoms was 12 months and initial forced vital

  13. Perfil de citocinas da polipose nasossinusal na Fibrose Cística comparado com indivíduos sem doenças nasossinusais Cytokine profile in subjects with Cystic Fibrosis and nasal polyposis compared to patients with no nasal disorders

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    Flávio Barbosa Nunes


    Full Text Available Embora o perfil das citocinas na polipose nasossinusal seja bem documentado, pouco se sabe sobre estas proteínas quando associadas à Fibrose Cística. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a expressão das citocinas IL¬4, IL¬5, IL¬6, IL¬8, GM¬C-SF e IFN--y analisada pela RT¬-PCR, nos pólipos de pacientes com Fibrose Cística. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo transversal, prospectivo, de 24 pacientes, 13 com Fibrose Cística e polipose nasossinusal (Grupo Fibrose Cística e 11 com exame otorrinolaringológico normal (Grupo Controle. A média de idade foi de 21 anos (3¬-57, 12 eram do sexo masculino e 12 do sexo feminino. O perfil das citocinas foi pesquisado nos fragmentos de mucosa (Grupo Controle ou pólipo nasal (Grupo Fibrose Cística através da RT-¬PCR. Foram estudadas as transcrições para as citocinas IL¬4, IL¬5, IL¬6, IL¬8, IFN¬y e GM¬-CSF ajustadas pelo valor da β¬ actina. RESULTADOS: As interleucinas 5, 6, 8 e GM¬-CSF foram semelhantes nos dois grupos (p>0,05. Menores valores de IFNy¬ (p=0,03 e forte tendência de aumento de IL¬4 (p=0,06 foram observados no grupo Fibrose Cística. CONCLUSÃO: As células inflamatórias e estruturais podem produzir RNA mensageiro para IL¬4, bloqueando a produção de outras citocinas com IFN-y¬, sugerindo a participação destes mecanismos na formação dos pólipos da Fibrose Cística.Although the cytokine profile in nasal polyposis is well documented, little is known about cytokines associated to cystic fibrosis. AIM: Assess the expression of cytokines IL¬4, IL¬5, IL¬6, IL¬8, GM¬-CSF and IFN¬-y, analyzed through RT-PCR, in the polyps of patients with cystic fibrosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional, prospective study was carried out with 24 patients, 13 of whom had cystic fibrosis and nasal polyposis (Cystic Fibrosis Group and 11 had normal otorhinolaryngological exams (Control Group. The average age was 21 years (3¬57; 12 participants were males and 12 were females. The cytokine

  14. Relação entre Fibrose e Arritmias Ventriculares na Cardiopatia Chagásica sem Disfunção Ventricular


    Eduardo Marinho Tassi; Marcelo Abramoff Continentino; Emília Matos do Nascimento; Basílio de Bragança Pereira; Roberto Coury Pedrosa


    Fundamento: Pacientes com doença de Chagas com alteração segmentar apresentam pior prognóstico independentemente da fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda. A ressonância magnética cardíaca é atualmente o melhor método para detecção de alteração segmentar e para avaliação de fibrose miocárdica. Objetivo: Quantificar a fibrose, por meio do realce tardio, pela ressonância magnética cardíaca, em pacientes com doença de Chagas com fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda preservada ou minimamente ...

  15. Fibrosing Mediastinitis: Successful Stenting of the Pulmonary Artery

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    Rennae Thiessen


    Full Text Available Fibrosing mediastinitis is a rare benign condition, which can cause compression of the pulmonary or systemic vessels, tracheobronchial tree, coronary arteries or esophagus, leading to disabling clinical symptoms and even death. The case of a 26-year-old woman who presented with dyspnea is described. She was found to have 80% stenosis of the right pulmonary artery secondary to fibrosing mediastinitis. The stenosis was managed successfully with an endovascular Palmaz-Schatz stent, and the patient remains symptom-free 10 years later.

  16. Genetics Home Reference: hereditary fibrosing poikiloderma with tendon contractures, myopathy, and pulmonary fibrosis (United States)

    ... Hereditary fibrosing poikiloderma with tendon contractures, myopathy, and pulmonary fibrosis Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript ... Fibrosing Poikiloderma with Tendon Contractures, Myopathy, and Pulmonary ... Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI): Pulmonary Function Tests National ...

  17. Frontal fibrosing alopecia and lichen planus pigmentosus: diagnosis and therapeutic challenge. (United States)

    Mulinari-Brenner, Fabiane Andrade; Guilherme, Marina Riedi; Peretti, Murilo Calvo; Werner, Betina


    Frontal fibrosing alopecia is a variant of lichen planopilaris with marginal progressive hair loss on the scalp, eyebrows and axillae. We report a case of frontal fibrosing alopecia and lichen planus pigmentosus in a postmenopausal woman, that started with alopecia on the eyebrows and then on the frontoparietal region, with periocular and cervical hyperpigmentation of difficult management. The condition was controlled with systemic corticosteroid therapy and finasteride. Lichen planus pigmentosus is an uncommon variant of lichen planus frequently associated with frontal fibrosing alopecia in darker phototipes. It should be considered in patients affected by scarring alopecia with a pattern of lichen planopilaris and areas of skin hyperpigmentation revealing perifollicular hyperpigmentation refractory to multiple treatments. This case illustrates diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in face of scarring alopecia and perifollicular hyperpigmentation.

  18. Idiopathic fibrosing pancreatitis: A cause of obstructive jaundice in childhood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Atkinson, G.O. Jr.; Wyly, J.B.; Gay, B.B. Jr.; Ball, T.I.; Winn, K.J.


    Idiopathic fibrosing pancreatitis is a chronic process of unknown etiology characterized by extensive infiltration of the pancreatic parenchyma by fibrous tissue. This disease process is uncommon in the pediatric patient and is consequently rarely considered in the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain and jaundice in the child. The sonographic demonstration of a dilated biliary tree and common bile duct compressed by an enlarged pancreas may be the first suggestion of this entity. Two patients with idiopathic fibrosing pancreatitis and obstructive jaundice are reported with a review of the clinical, radiographic, and pathologic findings. (orig.)

  19. Idiopathic fibrosing pancreatitis: A cause of obstructive jaundice in childhood

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Atkinson, G.O. Jr.; Wyly, J.B.; Gay, B.B. Jr.; Ball, T.I.; Winn, K.J.


    Idiopathic fibrosing pancreatitis is a chronic process of unknown etiology characterized by extensive infiltration of the pancreatic parenchyma by fibrous tissue. This disease process is uncommon in the pediatric patient and is consequently rarely considered in the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain and jaundice in the child. The sonographic demonstration of a dilated biliary tree and common bile duct compressed by an enlarged pancreas may be the first suggestion of this entity. Two patients with idiopathic fibrosing pancreatitis and obstructive jaundice are reported with a review of the clinical, radiographic, and pathologic findings.

  20. Localization fibrosing mediastinitis causing pulmonary infraction: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sur, Young Keun; Kim, Eun Young; Kang, Doo Kyoung; Park, Kyung Joo; Koh, Young Wha; Sun, Joo Sung [Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon (Korea, Republic of)


    A 44-year-old female patient visited our emergency room for hemoptysis and refractory chest wall pain of 2 months duration. She had no history of smoking or other medical conditions. Chest CT scan showed homogenously enhancing soft tissue mass without calcification at the left pulmonary hilum. Encasing and compression of the left lower pulmonary artery by the mass had resulted in pulmonary infarction in the left lower lobe. Laboratory tests for tuberculosis, fungus, and vasculitis were all negative. The patient underwent surgical biopsy and resection of infarcted left lower lobe that was histopathologically confirmed as fibrosing mediastinitis. Herein, we reported a rare case of surgically confirmed and treated localized fibrosing mediastinitis causing pulmonary infarction.

  1. A intersubjetividade no contexto da família de pessoas com fibrose cística

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    Geisa Santos Luz


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma investigação qualitativa, com aproximação fenomenológica, que objetivou desvelar os processos intersubjetivos no contexto da família de pessoas com Fibrose Cística (FC. Desenvolveu-se entrevista com 14 famílias com portadores de FC, cadastrados na Associação Paranaense de Assistência à Mucoviscidose (AAMPR, residentes nas regiões Norte e Noroeste do estado do Paraná (PR, Brasil. Das suas falas foram apreendidas unidades de significado, agrupadas em três categorias: Família, portador de FC e o outro; Aspectos religiosos na vivência da FC na família; Portador de FC na vida escolar, afetiva e profissional. Os resultados evidenciaram que a experiência das famílias compartilhada com o outro foi crucial para o enfrentamento da doença. Conhecer os processos intersubjetivos que perpassam o âmago da família de pessoas acometidas pela FC possibilita um novo modo de atuar em Enfermagem.

  2. Molecular Targets for the Treatment of Fibrosing Cholangiopathies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maillette de Buy Wenniger, L. J.; Oude Elferink, R. P.; Beuers, U.


    Emerging pathophysiologic insights are leading to novel approaches to treating fibrosing cholangiopathies. The current treatment, using ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), may slow the progression of some chronic cholangiopathies but cannot heal them. Apart from immunosuppressive interventions aimed at

  3. Avaliação de parâmetros histológicos na pneumonia intersticial usual (fibrose pulmonar idiopática Evaluation of the histological parameters in usual interstitial pneumonia (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Full Text Available A fibrose pulmonar idiopática (alveolite fibrosante criptogênica é uma doença pulmonar intersticial progressiva de etiologia desconhecida, morfologicamente reconhecida como pneumonia intersticial usual. Desde a publicação de Hamman e Rich (1944 até os dias atuais, uma das grandes preocupações foi a tentativa de encontrar um marcador histológico para correlacionar com prognóstico e resposta terapêutica. A busca desta situação não tem sido muito alentadora, pois existem vários pontos duvidosos na patogênese desta doença. Admite-se que a resposta terapêutica desta entidade se relaciona com a celularidade e fibrose presentes no tecido. A proposta deste estudo é descrever os resultados de método semiquantitativo segundo a avaliação independente de dois patologistas, das alterações exsudativo-inflamatórias, reparativo-fibróticas e de vias aéreas, em 24 pacientes com diagnóstico de fibrose pulmonar idiopática, submetidos à biópsia a céu aberto. Foram analisados 14 parâmetros histológicos segundo escala de 0 a 5 para as alterações intersticiais e de 0 a 2 para o comprometimento de vias aéreas e de espaços aéreos. Da análise independente realizada pelos dois observadores constatou-se concordância significante em todas as variáveis histológicas com Kw (teste de Kappa indo de 0,47 a 0,92. Apenas na análise da intensidade da inflamação septal as discordâncias também foram significantes, sugerindo que para este parâmetro a percentagem de comprometimento tecidual deve ser previamente discutida entre os observadores. O método utilizado demonstrou ser rápido e eficiente.Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis is a progressive interstitial pulmonary disease of unknown etiology. Since Hamman's and Rich's (1944 reports, many studies have tried to find a histological marker for the correlation between prognosis and response to therapy. However, there are many doubts regarding pathogenesis

  4. Fibrose pulmonar idiopática: uma década de progressos Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a decade of progress

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    Jeffrey J. Swigris


    Full Text Available Embora diagnósticos de fibrose pulmonar idiopática continuem sendo devastadores, avanços recentes têm melhorado nossa compreensão a respeito de muitas das facetas desta doença. Estas descobertas, juntamente com o aumento da disponibilidade geral de ensaios terapêuticos, encerram a promessa de um futuro mais promissor para pacientes com fibrose pulmonar idiopática. Por exemplo, nós temos agora uma compreensão mais abrangente a respeito dos critérios diagnósticos e da história natural da doença. Vários estudos têm mostrado que a mensuração simples da fisiologia pulmonar ou troca gasosa pode ser usada para prever a sobrevida do paciente. Através da identificação de várias vias moleculares que têm papéis importantes na patogênese da fibrose pulmonar idiopática, os pesquisadores têm produzido uma lista crescente de possíveis novos alvos terapêuticos para a doença. Vários ensaios terapêuticos prospectivos e controlados têm sido realizados. Outros estão em andamento ou ainda estão em fase de planejamento. Estes esforços têm avançado nosso conhecimento atual sobre fibrose pulmonar idiopática e levantado novas questões importantes, assim como têm gerado o interesse e o impulso necessários para avançar terreno na luta contra esta doença desafiadora. Este artigo oferece ao leitor um panorama dos avanços recentes nas pesquisas sobre fibrose pulmonar idiopática, tendo como foco a história natural, patogênese e tratamento.Although idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis remains a devastating diagnosis, recent advances have improved our understanding of many facets of this disease. These breakthroughs, combined with the increased general availability of therapeutic trials, hold the promise of a brighter future for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients. For example, we now have a more comprehensive understanding of the diagnostic criteria and natural history of the disease. Several studies have shown that simple

  5. Fibrose cística em adultos: aspectos clínicos e espirométricos Cystic fibrosis in adults clinical and spirometric aspects

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    Antônio Carlos M. Lemos


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A fibrose cística é diagnosticada usualmente na infância. No Brasil, poucos estudos abordam seu diagnóstico na idade adulta. OBJETIVO: Descrever as características demográficas, clínicas e os achados de espirometria dos pacientes com fibrose cística diagnosticados na idade adulta, na Bahia (Brasil. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 28 pacientes com fibrose cística diagnosticada na idade adulta no Centro de Referência de Fibrose Cística do Estado da Bahia. As variáveis de interesse foram: idade, gênero, cor, índice de massa corpórea (IMC, cultivo do escarro, porcentagem do previsto da capacidade vital forçada (% CVF, porcentagem do previsto do volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (% VEF1 e resposta ao broncodilatador. RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos pacientes foi de 31,1±12,4 anos. A proporção de negros e mulatos foi de 53,7%, e a média de IMC foi 18,7±3,0Kg/m2. Em doze pacientes (43% foi confirmada P. aeruginosa no escarro. As médias ±DP dos percentuais do previsto da CVF e do VEF1 foram de 58,9±21,6% e 44,1±23% respectivamente. No grupo colonizado por P. aeruginosa as médias dos parâmetros espirométricos foram inferiores às do grupo não colonizado. Entretanto, somente em relação à CVF esta diferença alcançou significância estatística (p= 0,007. CONCLUSÃO: Concordante com a literatura, este estudo reforça que o diagnóstico de fibrose cística deve ser investigado em pacientes com infecções respiratórias de repetição, sinusite e bronquiectasias, mesmo na idade adulta. Os valores dos percentuais da CVF e VEF1 em relação ao previsto foram menores nos pacientes colonizados por P aeruginosa, evidenciando uma maior deterioração da função pulmonar.INTRODUCTION: Cystic Fibrosis is usually diagnosed in childhood. In Brazil, few studies have approached CF diagnosed in adulthood. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe demographic and clinical characteristics and spirometric

  6. Aerobic fitness in patients with fibrositis. A controlled study of respiratory gas exchange and 133-xenon clearance from exercising muscle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bennett, R.M.; Clark, S.R.; Goldberg, L.; Nelson, D.; Bonafede, R.P.; Porter, J.; Specht, D.


    Aerobic fitness was evaluated in 25 women with fibrositis, by having them exercise to volitional exhaustion on an electronically braked cycle ergometer. Compared with published standards, greater than 80% of the fibrositis patients were not physically fit, as assessed by maximal oxygen uptake. Compared with matched sedentary controls, fibrositis patients accurately perceived their level of exertion in relation to oxygen consumption and attained a similar level of lactic acidosis, as assessed by their respiratory quotient and ventilatory threshold. Exercising muscle blood flow was estimated by 133-xenon clearance in a subgroup of 16 fibrositis patients and compared with that in 16 matched sedentary controls; the fibrositis patients exhibited reduced 133-xenon clearance. These results indicate a need to include aerobic fitness as a matched variable in future controlled studies of fibrositis and suggest that the detraining phenomenon may be of relevance to the etiopathogenesis of the disease

  7. Idiopathic fibrosing pancreatitis: a rare cause of chronic obstructive jaundice in childhood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Hye Seong; Kim, Hyun Sook; Kim, Hack Hee; Kim, Ok Hwa; Kim, Choon Yul; Bahk, Yong Whee


    We report a 14-months-old infant who had obstructive jaundice caused by idiopathic fibrosing pancreatitis. Ultrasonography and abdominal computed tomography showed dilatation of the intrahepatic ducts, common bile duct, and the pancreatic duct. Diffuse swelling of the pancreas was also noted on CT. At laparotomy, the head portion of the pancreas revealed a stony hard consistency, and proliferation of fibrotic tissue was confirmed pathologically. Idiopathic fibrosing pancreatitis is a very rare disease entity in childhood, but should be considered in the differential diagnosis of obstructive jaundice in children who demonstrate bile duct and pancreatic duct dilatation and/or diffuse pancreas swelling

  8. Successful Treatment of Fibrosing Organising Pneumonia Causing Respiratory Failure with Mycophenolic Acid. (United States)

    Paul, Christina; Lin-Shaw, Ammy; Joseph, Mariamma; Kwan, Keith; Sergiacomi, Gianluigi; Mura, Marco


    Organising pneumonia (OP) is usually promptly responsive to corticosteroid treatment. We describe a series of 3 cases of severe, progressive, biopsy-proven fibrosing OP causing respiratory failure. All cases presented with peribronchial and subpleural consolidations, had a fibro-inflammatory infiltrative component in the alveolar septa, and only had a partial and unsatisfactory response to corticosteroids. However, they responded to mycophenolic acid (MPA) treatment with resolution of respiratory failure as well as clinical and functional improvement. MPA as an additional treatment option for aggressive forms of fibrosing OP and interstitial lung disease needs to be further explored. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  9. Condutividade e teste quantitativo coulométrico na triagem neonatal para fibrose cística

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    Mouseline Torquato Domingos


    Full Text Available Resumo Objetivo Comparar os resultados obtidos no teste do suor pelo método da condutividade e a dosagem coulométrica de cloreto no suor em recém0nascidos (RN suspeitos da triagem neonatal para fibrose cística (FC. Métodos O teste do suor foi feito simultaneamente pelos dois métodos em crianças com e sem FC. Os valores de corte para confirmar FC foram na condutividade > 50 mmol/L e no teste coulométrico > 60 mmol/L. Resultados Fizeram o teste do suor por condutividade e dosagem coulométrica simultaneamente 444 RN sem FC (185 do sexo masculino, 234 do feminino e 24 não informado e obtiveram resultado mediano de 32 mmol/L e 12 mmol/L respectivamente. Para os noventa RN com FC os valores medianos de condutividade e dosagem coulométrica foram 108 mmol/L e 97 mmol/L respectivamente. O índice de falso positivo para condutividade foi de 16,7% e em todos os pacientes FC foi superior a 50 mmol/L, o que confere ao método 100% de sensibilidade (IC 95% = 93,8 a 97,8, especificidade de 96,2% (IC 95% = 93,8 a 97,8, valor preditivo positivo 83,3 (IC 95% = 74,4 a 91,1, valor preditivo negativo 100% (IC 95% = 90,5 a 109,4 e acurácia 9,8%. A correlação entre os métodos foi de r = 0,97 (p > 0,001.O melhor valor de corte sugerido foi de 69,0 mmol/L, coeficiente de kappa = 0,89. Conclusão O teste da condutividade apresentou excelente correlação com o quantitativo coulométrico, alta sensibilidade e especificidade e pode ser usado no diagnóstico da FC em crianças detectadas pela triagem neonatal.

  10. Autoantibodies in cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis

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    du Bois Ron


    Full Text Available Abstract The pathogenesis of cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (CFA involves injury, an immune/inflammatory response and fibrosis. The cause of the injury is unknown, but the identification of serum autoantibodies makes an autoimmune aetiology attractive. The core study on which this commentary is based used novel cloning and serum screening technologies in order to identify new public and private autoantibodies in sera from 12 patients with CFA. Largely negative conclusions were drawn from that study. However, we suggest that the prevalence of autoantibodies may have been underestimated, that the study was timely and that this approach is worth pursuing further.

  11. Fibrose cística no adulto: aspectos diagnósticos e terapêuticos Cystic fibrosis in adults: diagnostic and therapeutic aspects

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    Paulo de Tarso Roth Dalcin


    Full Text Available A fibrose cística, que já foi considerada uma doença da infância, é agora também uma doença do adulto. O aumento da longevidade resultou em mais problemas médicos relacionados com a idade e com a própria doença. O crescente número de adultos com fibrose cística resultou em aumento da necessidade de cuidados médicos. Essa necessidade tem sido suprida por um crescente número de pneumologistas de adultos e outros especialistas. O objetivo dessa revisão é sumarizar o conhecimento corrente sobre o diagnóstico e tratamento no adulto com fibrose cística. Na maioria dos casos, o diagnóstico é sugerido por manifestações de doença sinopulmonar crônica e insuficiência pancreática exócrina, e, então, confirmado por um teste do suor positivo. Pacientes adultos podem, entretanto, apresentar suficiência pancreática e características clínicas atípicas, às vezes, associadas com teste do suor normal ou limítrofe. Em tais casos, a possibilidade de realizar pesquisa de mutações para fibrose cística e de medir a diferença de potencial nasal pode ser de utilidade diagnóstica. A abordagem terapêutica padrão para a doença pulmonar inclui: antibióticos, higiene das vias aéreas, exercício, mucolíticos, broncodilatadores, oxigênio, agentes anti-inflamatórios e suporte nutricional. A utilização adequada dessas terapias resulta em mais pacientes com fibrose cística sobrevivendo na vida adulta com uma aceitável qualidade de vida.Once considered a childhood disease, cystic fibrosis is now also a disease of adults. Increased longevity has resulted in the aging of the cystic fibrosis population. The consequent age-related medical problems among adults with cystic fibrosis have increased medical care needs. These needs are being met by a growing number of non-pediatric pulmonologists and other non-pediatric specialists. The objective of this review was to summarize the current knowledge about diagnosis and treatment in adult

  12. Expression and distribution of connexin 32 in rat liver with experimentally induced fibrosis Expressão e distribuição da conexina 32 em fígados de ratos com fibrose induzida experimentalmente

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    Alexandro dos S. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available The connexin 32 (Cx32 is a protein that forms the channels that promote the gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC in the liver, allowing the diffusion of small molecules through cytosol from cell-to-cell. Hepatic fibrosis is characterized by a disruption of normal tissue architeture by cellular lesions, and may alter the GJIC. This work aimed to study the expression and distribution of Cx32 in liver fibrosis induced by the oral administration of dimethylnitrosamine in female Wistar rats. The necropsy of the rats was carried out after five weeks of drug administration. They presented a hepatic fibrosis state. Sections from livers with fibrosis and from control livers were submitted to immunohistochemical, Real Time-PCR and Western-Blot analysis to Cx32. In fibrotic livers the Cxs were diffusely scattered in the cytoplasm, contrasting with the control livers, where the Cx32 formed junction plaques at the cell membrane. Also it was found a decrease in the gene expression of Cx32 without reduction in the protein quantity when compared with controls. These results suggest that there the mechanism of intercellular communication between hepatocytes was reduced by the fibrotic process, which may predispose to the occurrence of a neoplastic process, taken in account that connexins are considered tumor suppressing genes.A conexina 32 (Cx32 é uma proteína que constitui os canais que promovem as comunicações intercelulares via junções comunicantes (CIJC no fígado, permitindo difusão de pequenas moléculas citoplasmáticas de uma célula à outra. A fibrose hepática caracteriza-se pela alteração da arquitetura normal do fígado e podem alterar as CIJCs. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a expressão e distribuição de Cx32 na fibrose hepática. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar a expressão e distribuição da Cx32 em fígados com fibrose induzida pela administração oral de dimetilnitrosamina em fêmeas de ratos Wistar. A

  13. Ventilation perfusion radionuclide imaging in cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bourke, S.J.; Hawkins, T.; Keavey, P.M.; Gascoigne, A.D.; Corris, P.A.


    There is increasing interest in ventilation perfusion (V/Q) imaging in cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis because of the data these scans provide on the dynamic V/Q relationships in such patients undergoing single lung transplantation. We analysed the V/Q scans of 45 consecutive patients with advanced cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis being considered for single lung transplantation. Scans were classified according to the presence, severity and degree of matching of defects in ventilation and perfusion images and the results were compared with the data obtained from lung function tests. Ventilation images showed defects in 13 (29%) and ''washout delay'' in 15 (33%) patients; 10 (22%) patients had asymmetric distribution of ventilation with one lung receiving >60% of total ventilation. Perfusion images showed normal perfusion in 8 (18%), mild defects in 18 (40%) and major defects in 19 (42%) patients. The distribution of perfusion between lungs was significantly asymmetric in 20 (45%) patients. V/Q images were matched in 15 (33%), mildly mismatched in 15 (33%) and severely mismatched in 15 (33%) patients, but the degree of V/Q mismatch did not show a relationship to KCO, PaO 2 or A-aO 2 gradient. The appearances were atypical of pulmonary embolism in eight patients. (Author)

  14. Associação entre postura, função pulmonar e capacidade funcional na fibrose quística

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    J.T.S. Penafortes


    Full Text Available Resumo: Objetivos: Avaliar as correlações entre função pulmonar, capacidade funcional e postura em pacientes adultos portadores de fibrose quística (FQ. Como segundo objetivo, avaliar a correlação entre a qualidade de vida e as variáveis obtidas na avaliação postural destes pacientes. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal em que 14 portadores de FQ se submeteram à avaliação da análise postural (software de avaliação postural e provas de função pulmonar (espirometria, pletismografia de corpo inteiro e medição da capacidade de difusão do CO e capacidade funcional (teste da caminhada de 6 min. Todos os pacientes responderam ao Questionário de Fibrose Quística com Versão Revisada (QFQ-R. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino (57%, com mediana da idade de 24,5 anos (22-34 anos. Foram observadas correlações significantes de volume expiratório máximo no primeiro segundo, distância da caminhada dos 6 min, capacidade pulmonar total e resistência de vias aéreas com o alinhamento vertical do tronco (ρ = −0,57, p < 0,05; ρ = −0,65, p < 0,01; ρ = 0,54, p < 0,05; e ρ = 0,67, p < 0,01, respetivamente. Foram observadas correlações estatisticamente significantes entre o domínio «físico» do QFQ-R e o alinhamento vertical do tórax (ρ = −0,74, p < 0,01, e entre o domínio «limitações» do QFQ-R e o ângulo do quadril (ρ = −0,55, p < 0,05. Conclusões: O presente trabalho mostra que as anormalidades na função pulmonar e na capacidade funcional se associam às alterações posturais em adultos portadores de FQ. Entretanto, a gravidade das anormalidades posturais não influenciam negativamente os domínios do QFQ-R. Abstract: Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the

  15. Incidence and prevalence of cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis in a Norwegian community

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    von Plessen, C; Grinde, O; Gulsvik, A


    This study assesses the incidence and prevalence of cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (CFA) in a well-defined and stable Norwegian population of 250,000 inhabitants during a period of 15 years. We conducted a file survey of all patients (n = 376) aged 16 years or older with a clinician's diagnosis...

  16. Efeitos da derivação ileocólica e da exclusão do íleo terminal na morfologia e nas funções de fígado, rins e íleo terminal de ratos submetidos a ligadura do ducto hepático comum


    Evandro Luis de Oliveira Costa


    As doenças colestáticas e sua evolução para fibrose e cirrose são muito conhecidas. Apesar do incremento de terapias, como o transplante hepático, esse grupo de afecções, ainda representa desafio na prática médica, desde o diagnóstico até o tratamento, além de estarem ligadas a morbidade e letalidade altas, com custos de tratamento elevados. Novas condutas e busca dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos envolvidos são ampliados a cada dia. Este trabalho tem por objetivos avaliar a influência e os efe...

  17. Frontal fibrosing alopecia treatment options. (United States)

    Fertig, Raymond; Tosti, Antonella


    Frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) is a rare dermatologic disease that causes scarring and hair loss and is increasing in prevalence worldwide. FFA patients typically present with hair loss in the frontal scalp region and eyebrows which may be associated with sensations of itching or burning. FFA is a clinically distinct variant of lichen planopilaris (LPP) that affects predominantly postmenopausal women, although men and premenopausal women may also be affected. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are necessary to prevent definitive scarring and permanent hair loss. Data from retrospective studies indicate that 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors (5aRIs) are effective in stabilizing the disease. In our clinical experience, we have seen optimal results treating FFA patients with oral finasteride in conjunction with hydroxychloroquine, topical calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus) and excimer laser in patients with signs of active inflammation.

  18. Isometric and isokinetic muscle strength in patients with fibrositis syndrome. New characteristics for a difficult definable category of patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, Søren; Danneskiold-Samsøe, B


    A common complaint among patients with fibrositis syndrome is exhaustion and fatique. It was therefore felt desirable to evaluate the muscle strength of these patients compared with normal subjects. Maximum isometric and isokinetic strength of knee extension was measured in 15 patients and 15...... healthy matched subjects, using an isokinetic dynamometer (Cybex II). Maximum isometric strength at various knee extension angles (90 degrees, 60 degrees and 30 degrees degrees) was significantly (p less than 0.001) lower in the fibrositis group than in controls, a reduction of approximately 58......-66%. Maximum isokinetic strength at various knee extension velocities (30-240 degrees per second) was also significantly (p less than 0.01) lower in the fibrositis group than in controls, the reduction being approximately 41-51%. In conclusion, isometric and isokinetic muscle strength is found to be lower...

  19. Two different trichoscopic patterns of mid-frontal scalp in patients with frontal fibrosing alopecia and clinical features of androgenetic alopecia

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    Adriana Rakowska


    Full Text Available Introduction . Frontal fibrosing alopecia is a primary lymphocytic cicatricial alopecia with progressive frontotemporal hairline recession. In some cases, hair loss in the mid-frontal scalp, similar to female pattern hair loss, may be observed. Objective. Assessment of the trichoscopic pattern of mid-frontal scalp hair loss in patients diagnosed with frontal fibrosing alopecia. Material and methods. The retrospective analysis included 31 women diagnosed with frontal fibrosing alopecia and hair loss in the mid-frontal scalp and 36 women diagnosed with female pattern hair loss. Results . In patients with frontal fibrosing alopecia two different trichoscopic patterns in the mid-frontal scalp were identified. In 68% of patients (21/31 we observed a diffuse fibrotic pattern. It was characterized by irregular arrangement of follicular units with small areas with loss of follicular units, an increased percentage of follicular units with one hair and a decreased percentage of follicular units with three hairs, normal hair shaft thickness and presence of mild perifollicular scaling. The androgenetic alopecia pattern was present in 32% of patients (10/31. It was characterized by hair shaft thickness diversity (20% or more, a percentage of vellus hairs higher than 10%, presence of yellow dots, an increased percentage of follicular units with one hair and a decreased percentage of follicular units with three hairs. Conclusions. In patients with frontal fibrosing alopecia and coexisting mid-frontal scalp hair loss, we identified two different patterns of this area in trichoscopy: the diffuse fibrotic pattern (more common and the androgenetic alopecia pattern. This observation may have therapeutic and prognostic implications.

  20. Efeitos da derivação ileocólica e da exclusão total do íleo terminal na morfologia e nas funções de fígado, rins e íleo terminal de ratos submetidos a ligadura do ducto hepático comum


    Evandro Luis de Oliveira Costa


    As doenças colestáticas e sua evolução para fibrose e cirrose são muito conhecidas. Apesar do incremento de terapias, como o transplante hepático, esse grupo de afecções, ainda representa desafio na prática médica, desde o diagnóstico até o tratamento, além de estarem ligadas a morbidade e letalidade altas, com custos de tratamento elevados. Novas condutas e busca dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos envolvidos são ampliados a cada dia. Este trabalho tem por objetivos avaliar a influência e os efe...

  1. Fibrose quística em adultos

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    C. Damas


    Full Text Available Resumo: Os autores efectuaram uma revisão de doentes adultos com fibrose quística (FQ, seguidos na consulta de Pneumologia no período de 1994-2004 (n=8: cinco mulheres e três homens, com idades compreendidas entre 20 e 34 anos (mediana=27 anos, cuja idade de diagnóstico variou entre os 18 meses e os 31 anos. O diagnóstico foi obtido por prova de suor (positiva em seis doentes e estudo genético (homozigotia para a mutação ΔF508 em quatro doentes. O atingimento respiratório traduziu-se por sinusite e bronquiectasias, acompanhando-se o envolvimento pulmonar por alterações funcionais e também gaso-métricas na maioria dos doentes, ainda que de gravidade variável e não relacionada com a idade de diagnóstico. Verificou-se colonização da árvore brônquica em cinco doentes: Pseudomonas aeruginosa em quatro e Staphilococcus aureus em quatro (verificando-se coloni-zação concomitante por estes agentes em três. As principais causas de exacerbação foram infecções res-piratórias e hemoptises. Quanto ao atingimento não respiratório, quatro doentes apresentavam envolvimento digestivo (com cirrose hepática num caso, um insuficiência renal em hemo-diálise, e em apenas um foi efectuado espermograma para documentação de infertilidade. Quatro doentes tinham osteopenia documentada por densitometria óssea. As medidas terapêuticas mais utilizadas foram a cine-siterapia, os broncodilatadores, a alfa-dornase, muco-líticos, suplementos vitamínicos e enzimáticos, antibio-terapia e oxigenoterapia. Relativamente à evolução, uma doente abandonou a consulta, uma doente faleceu, um doente aguardava transplante pulmonar e os restantes mantiveram as suas características clínicas habituais. Neste grupo, a gravidade da doença pulmonar não se relacionou com o diagnóstico mais tardio, o que se pode dever à diversidade de apresenta

  2. Elevação dos níveis séricos de laminina na cirrose hepática induzida pelo tetracloreto de carbono

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    Neves Lindalva Batista


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Laminina sérica tem sido correlacionada com a hipertensão portal e a capilarização dos sinusóides na doença hepática crônica. Pouco é conhecido sobre sua dinâmica nas doenças hepáticas. OBJETIVO: Estudar os níveis séricos de laminina e correlacioná-los com graus de fibrose hepática e hipertensão portal em ratos tratados com tetracloreto de carbono. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Quarenta e nove ratos albinos Wistar foram mantidos como controles (n = 16 ou tratados com solução de tetracloreto de carbono a 8% (n = 23. Entre a 6ª e 16ª semana de experimento animais foram sacrificados após cateterização da veia porta e medida da pressão portal. Fragmentos de fígado foram fixados em formol para microscopia óptica. A fibrose hepática foi classificada em perivenular, septal incompleta e completa e cirrose. Concentração de laminina circulante foi determinada pela técnica de ensaio imunoenzimático com anticorpo desenvolvido a partir de laminina isolada de tumor Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm e purificado em coluna de afinidade. RESULTADOS: A pressão portal correlacionou-se com grau de fibrose hepática (r = 0,82; n = 45 e seus níveis nos grupos fibrose septal (10,8 ± 1,2 cm H2O e cirrose (13,6 + 3,1 cm H2O foram estatisticamente superiores aos observados no grupo-controle (7,9 + 1,5 cmH2O e no grupo com fibrose perivenular (9,1 + 0,8 cmH2O. A concentração de laminina no sangue periférico dos cirróticos (40,0 + 18,7 µg/dL foi significativamente superior aos grupos-controle (13,8 + 12,1 µg/dL, fibrose perivenular (19,1 + 15,5 e fibrose septal (22,2 + 27,0 µg/dL. Laminina circulante correlacionou-se de maneira significativa com o grau de fibrose hepática (r = 0,59; n = 49 e com os níveis de pressão portal (r = 0,29; n = 45. CONCLUSÕES: Na intoxicação crônica experimental pelo tetracloreto de carbono, níveis circulantes de laminina correlacionam-se mais com o grau de fibrose hepática do que com os níveis de hipertens

  3. Fibrose cística: uma abordagem clínica e nutricional Cystic fibrosis: a clinical and nutritional approach

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    Fernanda Ribeiro Rosa


    Full Text Available A fibrose cística é a doença genética letal mais comum em populações caucasianas e é caracterizada por infecções crônicas e recorrentes do pulmão, insuficiência pancreática e elevados níveis de cloro no suor. É uma doença de herança autossômica recessiva causada pela mutação no gene do Regulador da Condutância Transmembrana da Fibrose Cística, que induz o organismo a produzir secreções espessas e viscosas que obstruem os pulmões, o pâncreas e o ducto biliar. Muitos pacientes apresentam insuficiência pancreática, que leva a má-absorção de nutrientes especialmente de proteínas e lipídeos e a complicações gastrintestinais tais como prolapso retal, síndrome da obstrução intestinal, constipação e cirrose hepática. A fibrose cística normalmente é diagnosticada na infância, pelos programas de triagem neonatal ou pelo teste do suor. Devido aos vários sistemas envolvidos e à variabilidade e cronicidade da doença, uma abordagem multidisciplinar é essencial para auxiliar o paciente e sua família a compreenderem a doença e aderirem ao tratamento. A terapia atual da fibrose cística inclui a manutenção do estado nutricional, a remoção das secreções das vias aéreas com fisioterapia e mucolíticos, o uso de antibióticos para prevenção e tratamento de infecções, a prescrição de suplementos energéticos, dietas hiperlípidicas e hiperprotéicas, bem como a suplementação de minerais e vitaminas lipossolúveis. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar breve revisão de literatura sobre os aspectos clínicos e nutricionais da fibrose cística.Cystic fibrosis is the most common, lethal, genetic disease in Caucasian populations and is characterized by chronic and recurrent lung infections, pancreatic insufficiency and high sweat chloride levels. It is an autosomal recessive hereditary disease caused by a mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene which induces the body to

  4. Neurological disease mutations compromise a C-terminal ion pathway in the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Hanne; Khandelia, Himanshu; Morth, Jens Preben


    severe neurological diseases. This novel model for ion transport by the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase is established by electrophysiological studies of C-terminal mutations in familial hemiplegic migraine 2 (FHM2) and is further substantiated by molecular dynamics simulations. A similar ion regulation is likely...

  5. Neurological disease mutations compromise a C-terminal ion pathway in the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Hanne; Khandelia, Himanshu; Morth, J Preben


    severe neurological diseases. This novel model for ion transport by the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase is established by electrophysiological studies of C-terminal mutations in familial hemiplegic migraine 2 (FHM2) and is further substantiated by molecular dynamics simulations. A similar ion regulation is likely...

  6. Análise descritiva dos pacientes com fibrose cística em acompanhamento na Unidade de Pneumologia Pediátrica de um hospital universitário em Porto Alegre-RS = Descriptive analysis of cystic fibrosis patients followed by the Pediatric Pulmonology Unit of a university hospital in Porto Alegre-RS

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    Chakr, Valentina Coutinho Baldoto Gava


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Descrever o perfil de pacientes acompanhados num centro de tratamento de médio porte, especializado em fibrose cística, e comparar os dados obtidos com os encontrados na literatura atual. Métodos: Foram analisados e correlacionados dados de importância para o seguimento clínico dos pacientes com fibrose cística obtidos no banco de dados de acompanhamento dos mesmos pacientes. Os resultados foram expressos em médias ± desvio padrão (DP ou medianas e amplitude interquartil 25-75%, conforme a distribuição das variáveis. Resultados: Foram estudados 26 pacientes do sexo masculino e 22 do feminino. A idade mediana do diagnóstico foi de 0,98 anos. Dos 48 pacientes, 89,6% apresentam insuficiência pancreática e 29,1% mostraram pelo menos uma cultura positiva para Pseudomonas aeruginosa nos últimos 6 meses. Apresentavam redução dos parâmetros de função pulmonar o grupo com insuficiência pancreática (84 versus 112%; p = 0,005 e os portadores de infecção crônica por P. aeruginosa (75 versus 85%; p = 0,006. Conclusões: Os dados obtidos em nosso estudo mostram que este grupo de pacientes se apresenta de maneira concordante aos dados disponíveis na literatura quanto às características analisadas da doença. Contudo, há uma exceção marcante quanto ao diagnóstico da mesma, ainda muito tardiamente realizado no Brasil

  7. A musculatura epaxial e a fibrose epidural na compressão medular em cães submetidos à laminectomia dorsal modificada

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    Diego V. Beckmann


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste experimento foi isolar a musculatura epaxial da medula espinhal de cães submetidos à laminectomia dorsal modificada (LDM e averiguar se os músculos influenciaram na formação da fibrose epidural, na compressão medular e no aparecimento dos sinais neurológicos. Para isso, dez cães hígidos foram submetidos à LDM entre as vértebras T13 e L1 e distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos denominados controle (I onde a medula espinhal permaneceu exposta sem a presença de implante, e tratado (IIonde foi colocado um im-plante a base de alumínio entre a musculatura epaxial adjacente e a medula espinhal exposta pela LDM. As avaliações constaram de exames neurológicos diários até 180 dias de pós-operatório (PO; mielografia, decorridos 15, 30 e 60 dias de PO; e avaliação macroscópica mediante a reintervenção cirúrgica. Não houve diferença durante as avaliações neurológicas. Aos 15 dias de PO, foi verificado na mielografia, que o grau de compressão da linha de contraste foi maior no grupo tratado (PThe purpose of this study was to isolate the adjacent epaxial musculature from exposed spinal cord by modified dorsal laminectomy in dogs with aluminum implant and to verify whether the muscles contribute to form epidural fibrosis, spinal cord compression, and development of neurological signs. Ten dogs were submitted to modified dorsal laminectomy between T13 and L1 and then distributed along two groups. Dogs in the group 1 remained with the spinal cord exposed without the implant; dogs in the group 2 had an aluminum implant inserted between the epaxial muscles and the exposed spinal cord. Neurological examination was daily performed until 180 days post surgery. Additionally, myelography at 15, 30, and 60 days post surgery and macroscopic evaluation of the implant at six months post surgery were done. There was no difference between groups in the neurological examination. A statistical difference in the degree of

  8. Stigma and cystic fibrosis Estigma y fibrosis cística Estigma e fibrose c��stica

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    Tainá Maues Peluci Pizzignacco


    Full Text Available Cystic Fibrosis (CF, also known as Mucoviscidosis, is a chronic disease of autosomal recessive origin and so far incurable. This analysis considers some characteristics of patients and family members that indicate it is a stigmatizing disease. The CF stigma’s impact on the lives of children and adolescents can affect treatment adherence, socialization, family relationships and the formation of their life histories, with direct consequences on their quality of life.La fibrosis cística (FC, también conocida como mucoviscidosis, es una enfermedad crónica de origen autosómica recesiva y, hasta el momento, incurable. La presente reflexión presenta consideraciones a respecto de algunas características que acompañan a pacientes y familiares, permitiendo comprenderla como enfermedad que estigmatiza. Las repercusiones del estigma en la vida de niños y adolescentes con FC pueden interferir en la adhesión al tratamiento, en el proceso de socialización, en la relación con los familiares y en la formación de su biografía, con reflejo directo en la calidad de vida.A fibrose cística (FC, também conhecida como mucoviscidose, é doença crônica de origem autossômica recessiva e, até o momento, incurável. A presente reflexão traz considerações a respeito de algumas características que acompanham pacientes e familiares, permitindo compreendê-la como doença estigmatizante. As repercussões do estigma na vida de crianças e adolescentes com FC podem implicar na adesão ao tratamento, no processo de socialização, na relação com os familiares e na formação de sua biografia, com reflexo direto em sua qualidade de vida.

  9. Exacerbação aguda da fibrose pulmonar idiopática

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    Natália Melo


    Full Text Available Resumo: Alguns doentes com fibrose pulmonar idiopática (FPI apresentam durante a sua evolução fases de agravamento clínico sem causa conhecida, designadas como “exacerbação aguda” ou “fase acelerada” da doença (EA. Caracterizam-se pelo agravamento marcado da dispneia, hipoxemia e pelo aparecimento de novas opacidades pulmonares ou pelo agravamento das já existentes no estudo imagiológico. Os achados histológicos típicos são o dano alveolar difuso (DAD sobreposto a alterações de pneumonia intersticial usual (UIP. Esta entidade clínica associa-se a uma mortalidade elevada, não havendo até ao momento nenhuma terapêutica de comprovada eficácia.Os autores descrevem os casos clínicos de cinco doentes que apresentaram alterações clínicas, funcionais e radiológicas sugestivas de EA-FPI, assim como o tratamento efectuado e a evolução observada, enquadrando-os na discussão das características normalmente apresentadas por esta entidade. Abstract: Some patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF have disease accelerated deterioration without identifiable cause referred as “acute exacerbation” or “accelerated stage”. It is characterized by severe worsening of dyspnea, hypoxemia and new or progressive opacities on imaging studies. The typical histological findings are diffuse alveolar damage in addition to the features of usual interstitial pneumonia pattern. Mortality in this clinical entity is very high and no efficacious therapeutic have been described.The authors describe the clinical, functional and radiological features, treatment and evolution of five patients with IPF acute exacerbation. A discussion will be carry out concerning the IPF acute exacerbation usual features comparing with the alterations noticed in those patients. Palavras-chave: Fibrose pulmonar idiopática, exacerbação aguda, Key words: Idiopathic

  10. Síndrome mieloproliferativa transitória associada à trissomia do 21 e fibrose hepática

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    Sant'Anna Anna L.


    Full Text Available Recém-nascidos com Síndrome de Down (SD podem apresentar uma proliferação transitória de células imaturas no sangue periférico e medula óssea. A leucometria pode estar muito elevada, impossibilitando o diagnóstico diferencial com leucemia mielóide aguda (LMA. Em contraste com a LMA, a SMT regride espontaneamente em quatro a oito semanas. Objetivo: Apresentar uma criança com SD, SMT e fibrose hepática, que resultou num prognóstico desfavorável. Relato do Caso: D.M.S., masculino, estigmas da SD, hepatoesplenomegalia, sopro sistólico. Hemograma: 95.000 leucócitos/mm³, 19% blastos, 170.000 plaquetas/mm³, hemoglobina 16,2g/dL. Bilirrubina total 35,86 mg/dL, GOT 184 UI, GPT 122 UI. Ecocardiograma: canal átrio-ventricular total, hipertensão pulmonar, persistência do canal arterial. Sorologias negativas. Biópsia hepática: colestase, fibrose portal e sinusoidal, elementos mielóides imaturos. Após normalização da leucometria, manteve plaquetopenia e disfunção hepática. No 50º dia de vida, quimioterapia com Daunoblastina e Citarabina. Evoluiu com pneumonia e insuficiência renal. Óbito no 61ºdia. Comentários: A história natural da SMT gera questões intrigantes a respeito de sua origem, evolução e desenvolvimento de leucemia subseqüente. A disfunção hepática e a fibrose têm impacto prognóstico. Em relato anterior, de cada oito casos de SMT com disfunção hepática, seis evoluíram para óbito, sendo que fibrose hepática difusa, associada a eritropoese extra-medular, foi encontrada em quatro casos. Acredita-se que a lesão hepática resulta da produção de citocinas pelos megacariócitos, por ser o fígado o segundo órgão hematopoético de células anormais, após a medula óssea.

  11. Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis and lung cancer: the BTS study. (United States)

    Harris, J M; Johnston, I D A; Rudd, R; Taylor, A J Newman; Cullinan, P


    The risk of lung cancer is often reported to be increased for patients with cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (CFA). Vital status was sought for all 588 members of the British Thoracic Society (BTS) cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (CFA) study 11 years after entry to the cohort. Observed deaths due to lung cancer were compared with expected deaths using age-, sex- and period-adjusted national rates. The roles of reported asbestos exposure and smoking were also investigated. 488 cohort members (83%) had died; 46 (9%) were certified to lung cancer (ICD9 162). The standardised mortality ratio (SMR) was 7.4 (95% CI 5.4 to 9.9). Stratified analysis showed increased lung cancer mortality among younger subjects, men and ever smokers. Using an independent expert panel, 25 cohort members (4%) were considered to have at least moderate exposure to asbestos; the risk of lung cancer was increased for these subjects (SMR 13.1 (95% CI 3.6 to 33.6)) vs 7.2 (95% CI 5.2 to 9.7) for those with less or no asbestos exposure). Ever smoking was reported by 448 (73%) of the cohort and was considerably higher in men than in women (92% vs 49%; p<0.001). Most persons who died from lung cancer were male (87%), and all but two (96%) had ever smoked. Ever smokers presented at a younger age (mean 67 vs 70 years; p<0.001) and with less breathlessness (12% smokers reported no breathlessness vs 5% never smokers; p = 0.02). These findings confirm an association between CFA and lung cancer although this relationship may not be causal. The high rate of smoking and evidence that smokers present for medical attention earlier than non-smokers suggest that smoking could be confounding this association.

  12. Interaction of N-terminal peptide analogues of the Na+,K+-ATPase with membranes. (United States)

    Nguyen, Khoa; Garcia, Alvaro; Sani, Marc-Antoine; Diaz, Dil; Dubey, Vikas; Clayton, Daniel; Dal Poggetto, Giovanni; Cornelius, Flemming; Payne, Richard J; Separovic, Frances; Khandelia, Himanshu; Clarke, Ronald J


    The Na + ,K + -ATPase, which is present in the plasma membrane of all animal cells, plays a crucial role in maintaining the Na + and K + electrochemical potential gradients across the membrane. Recent studies have suggested that the N-terminus of the protein's catalytic α-subunit is involved in an electrostatic interaction with the surrounding membrane, which controls the protein's conformational equilibrium. However, because the N-terminus could not yet be resolved in any X-ray crystal structures, little information about this interaction is so far available. In measurements utilising poly-l-lysine as a model of the protein's lysine-rich N-terminus and using lipid vesicles of defined composition, here we have identified the most likely origin of the interaction as one between positively charged lysine residues of the N-terminus and negatively charged headgroups of phospholipids (notably phosphatidylserine) in the surrounding membrane. Furthermore, to isolate which segments of the N-terminus could be involved in membrane binding, we chemically synthesized N-terminal fragments of various lengths. Based on a combination of results from RH421 UV/visible absorbance measurements and solid-state 31 P and 2 H NMR using these N-terminal fragments as well as MD simulations it appears that the membrane interaction arises from lysine residues prior to the conserved LKKE motif of the N-terminus. The MD simulations indicate that the strength of the interaction varies significantly between different enzyme conformations. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. O luto pela perda da saúde: vivências de ser mãe de uma criança com Fibrose Cística


    ALMEIDA, Nancy Limeira de


    Este estudo tem por objetivo compreender como as mães da criança com Fibrose Cística (FC) vivenciam o luto pela perda da saúde do seu filho, considerando que esta ocorrência representa uma ameaça de morte continua à vida da criança, quando da ausência da adesão do tratamento. A Fibrose Cística é uma doença crônica, genética, sem cura e potencialmente letal, com prognóstico reservado, que demanda tratamento de alto impacto e intenso cuidado. A estratégia metodológica fundamen...

  14. Fibrose idiopática do mediastino: A propósito de um caso clínico

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    Maria João Canotilho


    Full Text Available Resumo: Descreve-se o caso clínico de um doente do sexo masculino com uma massa mediastínica de crescimento lento. Após terem-se efectuado vários exames complementares, foi através de cirurgia que se confirmou o diagnóstico de fibrose idiopática do mediastino. A remoção parcial da massa permitiu uma estabilização transitória das suas dimensões. Cerca de quatro anos depois, verificou-se um crescimento marcado com repercurssões importantes, através da inevitável compressão de estruturas vitais, que conduziram a hipertensão pulmonar grave. A fibrose idiopática do mediastino é uma entidade extremamente rara, estando descritas associações a outras patologias, mais frequentemente às auto-imunes, mas apresenta sempre um curso fatal quando não é possível a cirurgia.Rev Port Pneumol 2005; XI (2: 155-163 Abstract: We herein report a case of a male patient, who presented a mediastinal mass that had a slow growth over the years. After surgery, that made the diagnosis of idiopathic mediastinal fibrosis, the growth stabilized. Four years latter it was observed a substantial increase which lead to the inevitable compression of vital structures which, in turn, led to pulmonary hypertension. Idiopathic mediastinal fibrosis is an extremely rare pathology. There are same cases in which it is associated with other pathologies but has always a fatal prognosis when surgery is not an option.Rev Port Pneumol 2005; XI (2: 155-163 Palavras-chave: Fibrose do mediastino, síndroma da veia cava superior, hipertensão pulmonar, mediastinite fibrosante, Key words: Mediastinal fibrosis, superior vena cava syndrome, pulmonary hypertension, fibrosis mediastinites

  15. Lethal fibrosing mediastinitis in a child possibly due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (United States)

    Goussard, Pierre; Gie, Robert P; Janson, Jacque


    Fibrosing mediastinitis (FM) is a rare benign disease resulting from an excessive fibro-inflammatory reaction in the mediastinum that can compress and occlude mediastinal structures. There is a granulomatous and a diffuse non-granulomatous form of FM. We present a case of granulomatous FM following possible tuberculosis in a young child who presented with severe compression of the airways, pulmonary artery and the superior vena cava (SVC), unresponsive to treatment, resulting in death. Bronchoscopic findings included concentric narrowing and mucosal hyperaemia of the tracheobronchial airways. This case raises awareness of this rare complication and the limited treatment options available. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Morphometric study of the fibrosis and mast cell count in the circular colon musculature of chronic Chagas patients with and without megacolon Estudo morfométrico da fibrose e do número de mastócitos na muscular circular do cólon de chagásicos crônicos com e sem megacólon

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    Simone Wanderley Pinheiro


    Full Text Available A morphometric study of the circular colon musculature was performed, in which the mast cell count was determined and the connective fibrous tissue in this layer was measured. The objective was to gain better understanding of Chagas megacolon morphology and contribute towards the knowledge of fibrosis pathogenesis in Chagas megas. An evaluation was made of 15 distal sigmoid rings from Chagas patients with megacolon (MCC, 15 without megacolon (CSMC and 15 non-Chagas patients (NC. The rings were fixed in formol, embedded in paraffin, and 7mm thick sections were cut and stained using Azan-Heidenhain and Giemsa. The mast cell count and fibrosis were greater in the MCC group than in the CSMC and NC groups (p Com os objetivos de conhecer melhor a morfologia do megacólon chagásico e contribuir para o conhecimento da patogênese da fibrose dos megas, realizou-se estudo morfométrico na muscular circular do cólon, contando-se o número de mastócitos e medindo o conjuntivo fibroso nessa camada. Foram avaliados anéis do sigmóide distal de 15 chagásicos com megacólon (MCC, 15 sem megacólon (CSMC e 15 não chagásicos (NC. Os anéis foram fixados em formol, incluídos em parafina, cortados com 7mm de espessura e corados por Azan-Heidenhain e Giemsa. O número de mastócitos e a fibrose foram maiores no grupo com MCC em relação ao CSMC e NC (p < 0,05; teste de Kruskal-Wallis; não houve diferença significante entre os dois últimos grupos. Diante destes achados, é possível, que haja relação entre mastocitose e fibrose no megacólon chagásico, como já se demonstrou em outras doenças.

  17. Fibrosing mediastinitis and thrombosis of superior vena cava associated with Behcet's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harman, Mustafa; Sayarlioglu, Mehmet; Arslan, Halil; Ayakta, Hayati; Harman, Ece


    We present CT, MRI and venography findings in 13-year boy with mediastinal fibrosis and superior vena cava (SVC) thrombosis associated with Behcet's disease. Fibrosing mediastinitis is an excessive fibrotic reaction that occurs in the mediastinum and may lead to compression of mediastinal structures (especially vascular). This condition is usually idiopathic, though many (and perhaps most) cases in the USA are thought to be caused by an abnormal immunologic response to Histoplasma capsulatum infection. SVC syndrome secondary to extrinsic compression by mediastinal fibrosis combined with Behcet's disease has rarely been described. Radiological investigations of this syndrome are necessary to avoid a useless anticoagulant therapy

  18. O perfil dos cuidadores de pacientes pediátricos com fibrose cística


    Alves, Stella Pegoraro; Bueno, Denise


    Resumo O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar o perfil do cuidador principal de pacientes pediátricos com Fibrose Cística (FC). Estudo transversal, descritivo e prospectivo, no qual foi realizado, durante consulta farmacêutica, entrevista com cuidadores de pacientes fibrocísticos acompanhados em um centro de referência de um Hospital Universitário do Sul do Brasil. Foram obtidas informações gerais sobre os cuidadores, sobre o entendimento da doença, os medicamentos em uso do paciente e a din...

  19. C14. Um caso de polimiosite, fibrose pulmonar e cancro do pulmão

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    Carlos Lopes


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de um doente do sexo masculino, de 67 anos, fumador (50 UMA. Trabalhou na marinha durante 30 anos, onde esteve exposto a fibras de asbestos.Aparentemente estável até aos 62 anos, altura em que refere início de quadro clínico de dispneia de esforço, de agravamento progressivo. Um ano depois episódio de febre, tosse produtiva e mialgias.Ao exame objectivo eram evidentes hipocratismo digital e fervores subcrepitantes em ambas as bases, na auscultação torácica.Os aspectos vizualizados na TC Torácica eram compatíveis com Pneumonia Intersticial Usual e o lavado broncoalveolar excluiu outras doenças.O estudo da função respiratória mostrou um síndrome restritivo com diminuição da capacidade de difusão do CO.Foi administrada terapêutica com Deflazacort, acetilcisteína e azatioprina. Devido a agravamento clínico e funcional, azatioprina foi substituída por ciclofosfamida. Dois anos depois foi iniciada terapêutica com Interferão Gamma 1b, com melhoria clínica e funcional, durante um ano.Foi então feito o diagnóstico de Polimiosite e recebeu terapêutica com imunoglobulina.Doze meses depois foi internado com quadro clínico de febre intermitente, tosse seca, dispneia de esforço de agravamento progressivo e mialgias. A TC Torácica revelou pulmão em favo e bronquiectasias. No lobo inferior esquerdo foi detectado um nódulo periférico. O doente foi submetido a biópsia aspirativa transtorácica, o padrão imunohistoquímico do tecido revelou Cancro do Pulmão de Pequenas Células. No estadiamento foram identificadas adenopatias hilares e mediastínicas e múltiplas metástases hepáticas. Apenas foi efectuada uma administração de quimioterapia (carboplatinum e etoposido, sem qualquer tipo de resposta. O doente faleceu duas semanas depois.Está documentada a associação de Polimiosite com várias Neoplasias, neste caso clínico, o doente desenvolveu fibrose pulmonar antes de ter sido feito

  20. Bilateral Breast Enlargement: An Unusual Presentation of Superior Vena Cava Obstruction in a Hemodialysis Patient with Fibrosing Mediastinitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goo, Dong Erk; Kim, Yong Jae; Choi, Deuk Lin; Kwon, Kui Hyang; Yang, Seung Boo


    A 67-year-old woman with end-stage renal disease presented with profound edema of both breasts. The presence of a patent hemodialysis basilic transposition fistula and superior vena cava obstruction (SVC), due to fibrosing mediastinitis, was demonstrated by the use of fistulography. Endovascular treatment with a balloon and stent caused immediate resolution of the breast edema.

  1. The effect of prophylactic dose of a low molecular weight heparin on skin wound healing of rats Efeito da dose profilática de heparina de baixo peso molecular na cicatrização de feridas na pele de ratos

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    Ozdamar Fuad Oken


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of prophylactic dose of a low molecular weight heparin, enoxaparin, on skin wound healing of rats. METHODS: Forty rats were used for the study. Rats were randomly assigned to two equal groups. Experimental group received prophylactic dose of enoxaparin. Physiologic saline was administered to the control group. Parameters of wound healing of experimental and control groups were compared. For comparison of the groups in terms of fibrosis, vascularization, inflammation, epithelization, and tensile strength test (Newton. Mann-Whitney-U test was used because variables were categorical data (fibrosis, vascularization, inflammation and epithelization. Differences between groups were analyzed with independent samples t-test (tensile strength. Significance was set at pOBJETIVO: Investigar o efeito de dose profilática da heparina de baixo peso molecular, enoxaparina, na cicatrização de feridas na pele de ratos. MÉTODOS: Quarenta ratos foram utilizados para o estudo. Ratos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente a dois grupos iguais. O grupo experimental recebeu profilática de enoxaparina. Solução salina fisiologica foi administrada ao grupo controle. Foram comparados parâmetros de cicatrização dos grupos experimental e controle.Os grupos foram comparados em termos de fibrose, vascularização, inflamação, epitelização e força tensil (teste de Newton. Foi realizado o teste de Mann-Whitney-U para variáveis com dados categóricos (fibrose, cicatrização, inflamação e epitelização. Diferenças entre os grupos foram analisadas como amostras independentes pelo t-teste (força tensil. Significância foi fixada para p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: A ferida do grupo experimental apresentou força tensil diminuída significativamente (p < 0,001, o exame histopatológico revelou um significativo (p < 0,001 retardo na epitelização e diminuição na fibrose, cicatrização, inflamação (p < 0,001 no grupo experimental

  2. Fibrose maciça progressiva em trabalhadores expostos à sílica: achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução Progressive massive fibrosis in silica-exposed workers: high-resolution computed tomography findings

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    Ângela Santos Ferreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características radiológicas das massas conglomeradas pela tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução de tórax. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 75 pacientes silicóticos, a maioria jateadores de areia, portadores de fibrose maciça progressiva, atendidos no Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro entre 1986 e 2004. Os pacientes foram submetidos a avaliação clínica, radiografia simples de tórax e tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução. RESULTADOS: Mais da metade dos pacientes com silicose complicada mostrou na radiografia de tórax grandes opacidades dos tipos B e C, denotando a gravidade da doença nesses pacientes. Dos 75 casos, apenas um apresentou massa unilateral simulando câncer de pulmão. Quarenta e quatro pacientes realizaram tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax. As massas predominaram nos terços superiores e posteriores (88,6%. Broncograma aéreo e calcificações no interior das massas foram observados em 70,4% e 63,8% dos casos, respectivamente. História de tuberculose foi relatada em 52% dos pacientes estudados. CONCLUSÃO: Na grande maioria dos casos as massas eram bilaterais, predominando nas regiões póstero-superiores dos pulmões, com broncogramas aéreos e calcificações de permeio. Associação com calcificações linfonodais foi um achado freqüente. A exposição a elevadas concentrações de poeira e a tuberculose foram consideradas fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da fibrose maciça progressiva.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the radiological characteristics of conglomerate masses using high-resolution computed tomography of the chest. METHODS: From among the patients treated between 1986 and 2004 at the Antonio Pedro University Hospital, 75 patients with silicosis and massive fibrosis, most working in the field of sandblasting, were selected for study. These patients were submitted to a clinical evaluation, chest X-ray and high-resolution computed tomography of

  3. Fibrose quística – Caracterização clínica de uma amostra de doentes portugueses

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    Micaela Guardiano


    Full Text Available Resumo: Apesar dos rápidos avanços na compreensão dos determinantes moleculares da fibrose quística, esta continua a ser uma das doenças recessivas letais mais comuns na população caucasiana em todo o mundo. A realidade dos doentes portugueses continua a ser pouco conhecida, pela escassez de trabalhos publicados referentes à nossa população.Este trabalho tem como objectivos: fazer uma avaliação clínica de um grupo de doentes portugueses com fibrose quística, com 2 mutações identificadas e comparar a apresentação clínica de um grupo de doentes homozigóticos para a mutação F508del com doentes não homozigóticos para esta mutação.Para tal, seleccionou-se um grupo de doentes em seguimento na Consulta de Pneumologia Pediátrica do HSJ que foram caracterizados do ponto de vista fenotípico e classificados de acordo com critérios de gravidade.Todos os doentes desta amostra apresentaram mutações de classe I e/ou II, que se associam, classicamente, a fenótipo mais grave. Em conformidade com a gravidade genotípica, todos os doentes apresentaram um fenótipo de insuficiência pancreática mas com maior variabilidade de manifestações pulmonares.Não se encontraram variações significativas em termos de idade de diagnóstico, formas de apresentação e gravidade da doença entre doentes homozigóticos F508del e restantes doentes. Em contrapartida, doentes com o mesmo genótipo (homozigóticos F508del apresentaram diferentes espectros de manifestações clínicas e de gravidade fenotípica. Tanto ou mais do que a caracterização genotípica, o tempo de evolução da doença e os factores externos (nomeadamente a sujeição a estímulos infecciosos deverão interferir na gravidade do fenótipo num dado momento.Rev Port Pneumol 2005; XI (4: 381-406 Abstract: Even though there have been rapid advances in


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    Pandolfi Jr. H.


    Full Text Available A modalidade de derivação bílio-digestiva empregada no tratamento da colestase extra-hepática crônica pode influenciar na reparação das lesões hepáticas. Avaliou-se o desempenho das derivações bílio-duodenal e bílio-jejunal em Y de Roux com alça exclusa de diferentes comprimentos na reparação das lesões morfológicas e funcionais do fígado de ratos com fibrose biliar secundária. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar, com 15 dias de obstrução biliar, alocados em 5 grupos de 6 animais. O grupo OB caracterizou as alterações da fibrose biliar. Os animais remanescentes foram tratados mediante derivação com o duodeno (grupo DBD, e com o jejuno, em alça exclusa de 5cm (grupo DBJ5, 10cm (grupo DBJ10 e 15cm (grupo DBJ15, sendo reavaliados 3 meses depois. Outros 6 animais foram submetidos à intervenção simulada e considerados grupo controle (IS. Todos animais foram submetidos à avaliação morfométrica do fígado, análise bioquímica do sangue e microbiológica da bile, estudo da função mitocondrial hepática e verificação do peso úmido do fígado e do baço. Na análise estatística adotou-se o nível de significância de 5%. Houve aumento significativo do peso estimado, em g/Kg de peso corporal, dos ductos biliares, da fibrose e dos hepatócitos nos animais do grupo OB (medianas de 1,30; 10,03 e 37,0 em relação aos animais controles (IS (medianas de 0,03; zero e 29,37. Após tratamento, ocorreu regressão significativa do peso estimado dos ductos biliares e da fibrose, com valores medianos de 0,22 e 0,22 para o grupo DBD, 0,45 e 3,31 para o grupo DBJ5 e 0,22 e 5,0 para o grupo DBJ15. Houve regressão significativa do peso estimado dos hepatócitos apenas nos grupos derivados com o jejuno, com valores medianos de 31,93; 24,46 e 28,52. Ocorreu aumento significativo do peso úmido do fígado e do baço no grupo OB (medianas em g/Kg de peso corporal de 49,85 e 5,71 em relação ao grupo IS (30,0 e 3,04. Houve regress

  5. Multifocal fibrosing thyroiditis: report of 55 cases of a poorly recognized entity. (United States)

    Fellegara, Giovanni; Rosai, Juan


    During the course of our consultation activity, we have recognized a peculiar form of thyroiditis in which multiple foci of fibrosis, most of which were associated with reactive atypia of the surrounding follicles, are present. We have referred to this condition, both in our consultation reports and in the third series of A.F.I.P. Fascicle on Tumors of the Thyroid Gland, as "multifocal fibrosing thyroiditis" or (less frequently) "multifocal sclerosing thyroiditis," which are descriptive terms that highlight the benign/inflammatory nature of the process, its multiplicity, and its unknown pathogenesis. The aim of this study is to better define the morphologic features of this process and correlate it with some clinical data. With this purpose, the consultation files of one of the authors (J.R.) were searched for cases coded as multifocal fibrosing thyroiditis or multifocal sclerosing thyroiditis in a 20-year period ranging from January 1989 to December 2009. A total of 55 cases were identified that displayed the above-listed features. There were 51 (93%) female and 4 (7%) male patients (F/M=12.75), with ages ranging between 15 and 71 years (mean age, 47.03 y; median age, 44.5 y). Microscopically, multiple foci of fibrosis were identified in all cases, their number ranging from 2 to 51 per case (mean number, 16), with a mean diameter of 3 mm (range: 0.36 to 15.1 mm). Although heterogenous in shape and size, the individual foci were rather similar to each other in composition, being characterized by a fibrotic poorly cellular center that merged with a cellular peripheral zone. Some of the follicular structures present at the periphery of the scar and-to a lesser extent-those entrapped inside it underwent complex reactive and regenerative (atypical) changes that simulated malignancy. We discuss the differential diagnosis with other benign and malignant thyroid conditions and speculate about its pathogenesis and possible relationship with papillary thyroid microcarcinoma.

  6. Acroqueratodermia aquagénica associada a uma mutação do gene da fibrose quística

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    V. Coelho-Macias


    Full Text Available Resumo: Descrita em 1996, a acroqueratodermia aquagénica é uma entidade rara, caracterizada pelo aparecimento de pápulas edematosas palmares após contacto com água. Múltiplas associações foram enumeradas mas, recentemente, a associação a mutações do gene da fibrose quística foi demonstrada.Descreve-se o caso de uma mulher de 18 anos, saudável, com prurido e edema palmar após imersão em água. O exame objetivo inicial não mostrava alterações mas, 5 min após imersão em água, observavam-se múltiplas pápulas esbranquiçadas palmares. O estudo do gene da fibrose quística (CFTR revelou uma mutação F508del num dos alelos. A doente negava outras queixas ou história familiar relevante.A acroqueratodermia aquagénica é uma entidade provavelmente subdiagnosticada que poderá constituir uma manifestação de mutações do gene CFTR, o que possibilitaria a identificação de portadores e aconselhamento genético. Abstract: Reported for the first time in 1996, aquagenic keratoderma is a rare condition which is characterized by edematous flat-topped papules appearing on palmar skin after water immersion. Multiple anecdotal associations have been described but, recently, the association with cystic fibrosis gene mutations (CFTR has been highlighted.The authors describe an 18 year-old female, with one-month complaints of pruritus and swelling of palmar skin after water immersion. On examination, palmar skin was unremarkable but, 5 minutes after water immersion, multiple whitish papules became apparent. CFTR genotype study showed a F508del mutation in one alelle. She had no other symptoms and no relevant family history.Aquagenic keratoderma is probably an under-diagnosed entity that might represent a manifestation of CFTR mutations, making carrier state identification and genetic counseling possible. Palavras-chave: Acroqueratodermia aquagénica, Fibrose quística, Aconselhamento genético, Keywords: Aquagenic keratoderma, Cystic

  7. Fibrose quística em adultos Cystic fibrosis in adults

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    C Damas


    Full Text Available Os autores efectuaram uma revisão de doentes adultos com fibrose quística (FQ, seguidos na consulta de Pneumologia no período de 1994-2004 (n=8: cinco mulheres e três homens, com idades compreendidas entre 20 e 34 anos (mediana = 27 anos, cuja idade de diagnóstico variou entre os 18 meses e os 31 anos. O diagnóstico foi obtido por prova de suor (positiva em seis doentes e estudo genético (homozigotia para a mutação ÄF508 em quatro doentes. O atingimento respiratório traduziu-se por sinusite e bronquiectasias, acompanhando-se o envolvimento pulmonar por alterações funcionais e também gasométricas na maioria dos doentes, ainda que de gravidade variável e não relacionada com a idade de diagnóstico. Verificou-se colonização da árvore brônquica em cinco doentes: Pseudomonas aeruginosa em quatro e Staphilococcus aureus em quatro (verificando-se colonização concomitante por estes agentes em três. As principais causas de exacerbação foram infecções respiratórias e hemoptises. Quanto ao atingimento não respiratório, quatro doentes apresentavam envolvimento digestivo (com cirrose hepática num caso, um insuficiência renal em hemodiálise, e em apenas um foi efectuado espermograma para documentação de infertilidade. Quatro doentes tinham osteopenia documentada por densitometria óssea. As medidas terapêuticas mais utilizadas foram a cinesiterapia, os broncodilatadores, a alfa-dornase, mucolíticos, suplementos vitamínicos e enzimáticos, antibioterapia e oxigenoterapia. Relativamente à evolução, uma doente abandonou a consulta, uma doente faleceu, um doente aguardava transplante pulmonar e os restantes mantiveram as suas características clínicas habituais. Neste grupo, a gravidade da doença pulmonar não se relacionou com o diagnóstico mais tardio, o que se pode dever à diversidade de apresentação fenotípica da FQ na idade adulta.The authors reviewed adult cystic fibrosis patients followed in the Pulmonology

  8. Avaliação e recomendações nutricionais para crianças e adolescentes com fibrose cística Nutritional assessment and recommendations for children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis

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    Célia Regina M. M. Chaves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Revisar e discutir evidências sobre a avaliação do estado nutricional e as recomendações para o tratamento nutricional de crianças e adolescentes com fibrose cística. FONTES DE DADOS: Bancos de dados MEDLINE (versão PubMed e Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (LILACS, entre 1984 a 2009. Aplicou-se a combinação dos seguintes descritores: fibrose cística, estado nutricional, criança e adolescente - em inglês e português. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: A fibrose cística é uma doença genética, de evolução crônica, progressiva e fatal. Resulta do defeito na proteína reguladora transmembrana que regula a condução de cloro e, consequentemente, o fluxo de sódio e água através da membrana apical das células epiteliais. Pacientes fibrocísticos são vulneráveis à desnutrição, que resulta do desequilíbrio entre ingestão alimentar, gasto e perdas energéticas. Novos conhecimentos sobre a fisiopatologia da doença, adquiridos nas últimas décadas, resultaram em mudanças significativas nas atuais recomendações energéticas e principalmente de lipídeos. A importância da nutrição no bem-estar e sobrevida dos fibrocísticos está bem estabelecida, assim como a associação entre a desnutrição e a deterioração da função pulmonar. Existem múltiplos fatores inter-relacionados que afetam o estado nutricional, tais como, mutação genética, insuficiência pancreática, ressecção intestinal, perda de sais e ácidos biliares, refluxo gastroesofágico, inflamação e infecções pulmonares, diabetes e condições emocionais. CONCLUSÕES: O monitoramento nutricional e o aconselhamento dietético são elementos chave no manejo de crianças e adolescentes com fibrose cística com o intuito de controlar a sintomatologia e a progressão da doença, proporcionando melhor qualidade de vida.OBJECTIVE: To review and discuss evidence on the nutritional status assessment and recommendations for

  9. Relationship between intracellular Na+ concentration and reduced Na+ affinity in Na+,K+-ATPase mutants causing neurological disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toustrup-Jensen, Mads Schak; Einholm, Anja P.; Schack, Vivien

    The neurological disorders familial hemiplegic migraine type 2 (FHM2), alternating hemiplegia of childhood (AHC), and rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism (RDP) are caused by mutations of Na+,K+-ATPase α2 and α3 isoforms, expressed in glial and neuronal cells, respectively. Although these disorders......, addressing the question to what extent they cause a change of the intracellular Na+ and K+ concentrations ([Na+]i and [K+]i) in COS cells. C-terminal extension mutants generally showed dramatically reduced Na+ affinity without disturbance of K+ binding, as did other RDP mutants. No phosphorylation from ATP...

  10. Hyperpolarization-activated inward leakage currents caused by deletion or mutation of carboxy-terminal tyrosines of the Na+/K+-ATPase {alpha} subunit. (United States)

    Meier, Susan; Tavraz, Neslihan N; Dürr, Katharina L; Friedrich, Thomas


    The Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase mediates electrogenic transport by exporting three Na(+) ions in exchange for two K(+) ions across the cell membrane per adenosine triphosphate molecule. The location of two Rb(+) ions in the crystal structures of the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase has defined two "common" cation binding sites, I and II, which accommodate Na(+) or K(+) ions during transport. The configuration of site III is still unknown, but the crystal structure has suggested a critical role of the carboxy-terminal KETYY motif for the formation of this "unique" Na(+) binding site. Our two-electrode voltage clamp experiments on Xenopus oocytes show that deletion of two tyrosines at the carboxy terminus of the human Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase alpha(2) subunit decreases the affinity for extracellular and intracellular Na(+), in agreement with previous biochemical studies. Apparently, the DeltaYY deletion changes Na(+) affinity at site III but leaves the common sites unaffected, whereas the more extensive DeltaKETYY deletion affects the unique site and the common sites as well. In the absence of extracellular K(+), the DeltaYY construct mediated ouabain-sensitive, hyperpolarization-activated inward currents, which were Na(+) dependent and increased with acidification. Furthermore, the voltage dependence of rate constants from transient currents under Na(+)/Na(+) exchange conditions was reversed, and the amounts of charge transported upon voltage pulses from a certain holding potential to hyperpolarizing potentials and back were unequal. These findings are incompatible with a reversible and exclusively extracellular Na(+) release/binding mechanism. In analogy to the mechanism proposed for the H(+) leak currents of the wild-type Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase, we suggest that the DeltaYY deletion lowers the energy barrier for the intracellular Na(+) occlusion reaction, thus destabilizing the Na(+)-occluded state and enabling inward leak currents. The leakage currents are prevented by aromatic amino acids at the

  11. The amino-terminal 200 amino acids of the plasma membrane Na+,K+-ATPase alpha subunit confer ouabain sensitivity on the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase.


    Ishii, T; Takeyasu, K


    Cardiac glycosides such as G-strophanthin (ouabain) bind to and inhibit the plasma membrane Na+,K(+)-ATPase but not the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+)-ATPase, whereas thapsigargin specifically blocks the SR Ca(2+)-ATPase. The chimera [n/c]CC, in which the amino-terminal amino acids Met1 to Asp162 of the SR Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA1) were replaced with the corresponding portion of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase alpha 1 subunit (Met1 to Asp200), retained thapsigargin- and Ca(2+)-sensitive ATPase activity,...

  12. Análise descritiva dos pacientes com fibrose cística em acompanhamento na Unidade de Pneumologia Pediátrica de um hospital universitário em Porto Alegre-RS =Descriptive analysis of cystic fibrosis patients followed by the Pediatric Pulmonology Unit of a university hospital in Porto Alegre-RS

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    Chakr, Valentina Coutinho Baldoto Gava et al.


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Descrever o perfil de pacientes acompanhados num centro de tratamento de médio porte, especializado em fibrose cística, e comparar os dados obtidos com os encontrados na literatura atual. Métodos: Foram analisados e correlacionados dados de importância para o seguimento clínico dos pacientes com fibrose cística obtidos no banco de dados de acompanhamento dos mesmos pacientes. Os resultados foram expressos em médias ± desvio padrão (DP ou medianas e amplitude interquartil 25-75%, conforme a distribuição das variáveis. Resultados: Foram estudados 26 pacientes do sexo masculino e 22 do feminino. A idade mediana do diagnóstico foi de 0,98 anos. Dos 48 pacientes, 89,6% apresentam insuficiência pancreática e 29,1% mostraram pelo menos uma cultura positiva para Pseudomonas aeruginosa nos últimos 6 meses. Apresentavam redução dos parâmetros de função pulmonar o grupo com insuficiência pancreática (84 versus 112%; p = 0,005 e os portadores de infecção crônica por P. aeruginosa (75 versus 85%; p = 0,006. Conclusões: Os dados obtidos em nosso estudo mostram que este grupo de pacientes se apresenta de maneira concordante aos dados disponíveis na literatura quanto às características analisadas da doença. Contudo, há uma exceção marcante quanto ao diagnóstico da mesma, ainda muito tardiamente realizado no Brasil. Aims: To provide a descriptive analysis of patients followed in a local cystic fibrosis treatment center and compare the collected data with those found in the literature. Methods: Relevant data for clinical follow-up of cystic fibrosis patients were used for analysis and correlation. Results: Twenty six male and twenty two female patients were studied. From 48 patients, 89,6% presented with pancreatic insufficiency and 29,1% had at least one positive culture to Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the last 6 months. The patients colonized by P. aeruginosa and the ones with pancreatic insufficiency presented with

  13. Hipertensão arterial pulmonar: uso do realce tardio miocárdico pela ressonância magnética cardíaca na avaliação de risco

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    Luiz Gustavo Pignataro Bessa


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A hipertensão arterial pulmonar é uma doença grave e progressiva. O maior desafio clínico é seu diagnóstico precoce. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a presença e a extensão do realce tardio miocárdico pela ressonância magnética cardíaca bem como verificar se o percentual da massa de fibrose miocárdica é indicador de gravidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 30 pacientes com hipertensão arterial pulmonar dos grupos I e IV, submetidos às avaliações clínica, funcional e hemodinâmica, e à ressonância magnética cardíaca. RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos pacientes foi de 52 anos, com predomínio do gênero feminino (77%. Dentre os pacientes, 53% apresentavam insuficiência ventricular direita ao diagnóstico, e 90% encontravam-se em classe funcional II/III. A média do teste de caminhada de 6 minutos foi de 395 m. No estudo hemodinâmico com o cateterismo direito, a média da pressão arterial pulmonar foi de 53,3 mmHg, do índice cardíaco de 2,1 L/min.m², e a mediana da pressão atrial direita foi de 13,5 mmHg. Realce tardio do miocárdio pela ressonância magnética cardíaca foi encontrado em 28 pacientes. A mediana da massa de fibrose foi 9,9 g e do percentual da massa de fibrose de 6,17%. A presença de classe funcional IV, insuficiência ventricular direita ao diagnóstico, teste de caminhada de 6 minutos 15 mmHg, com índice cardíaco < 2,0 L/min.m², teve associação significativa com maior percentual de fibrose miocárdica. CONCLUSÃO: O percentual da massa de fibrose miocárdica mostra-se um marcador não invasivo com perspectivas promissoras na identificação do paciente portador de hipertensão pulmonar com fatores de alto risco.

  14. Fibrose Cística: Análise da Coorte de 10 Anos de um Programa para Adultos

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    Paulo de Tarso Roth Dalcin


    Full Text Available Introdução: A fibrose cística (FC que já foi considerada doença da criança é agora doença do adulto e requer programa para adultos. Objetivo: definir características clínicas de uma coorte de 10 anos de um programa para adultos com FC e determinar as características associadas com desfechos clínicos. Métodos: coorte retrospectiva de pacientes com FC (idade ≥ 10 anos atendida pelo Programa para Adultos do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, de outubro de 1998 a outubro de 2008. Foram coletados dados demográficos, dados clínicos, status nutricional, função pulmonar, testes laboratoriais e microbiologia do escarro. Foram definidos como desfechos clínicos: sobrevivência, sobrevivência com transplante pulmonar e óbito. Resultados: foram atendidos 94 pacientes pelo programa para adultos. A média de idade foi 24,0±7,4 anos e a média do volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1 foi 56,4±28,8%. Setenta e sete pacientes foram sobreviventes, 6 sobreviventes com transplante pulmonar e 11 morreram. Na análise univariada, etnia caucasiana (p=0,016, mutação F508del (p=0,04, escore clínico (p<0,001, índice de massa corporal (p<0,001,  oxigenoterapia (p<0,001, capacidade vital forçada (p=0,023 e VEF1 (p<0,001 se associaram com os desfechos clínicos. A análise de regressão logística identificou fatores associados com desfecho precário: VEF1 (RC=0,.72, ICI=0,54-0,94, p=0,017 e escore clínico  (RC = 0,70, IC=0,50-0,97, p = 0,034. Insuficiência respiratória crônica exacerbada por infecção respiratória aguda foi causa imediata de morte na maioria dos casos. Conclusão: Este estudo descreveu uma coorte de 94 pacientes com FC atendidos por um programa de adultos. VEF1 e escore clinico se associaram com os desfechos clínicos.

  15. Paralisia do nervo ulnar na lepra sem alterações cutâneas: biópsia do ramo superficial do nervo ulnar na mão

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    Full Text Available A lepra constitui causa frequente de acometimento de nervos periféricos, em nosso meio. O sistema nervoso periférico é acometido por vezes sem que haja alterações cutâneas: é a chamada forma neurítica pura. Nessa variante, o nervo mais afetado é o ulnar. Nos casos de acometimento isolado de nervos periféricos somente a feitura de biópsia de nervo conduzirá ao diagnóstico. Assim, resolvemos realizar biópsia do ramo sensitivo superficial do nervo ulnar na mão em 17 pacientes com paresia ou paralisia desse nervo e espessamento do mesmo na altura do cotovelo. Os principais achados foram: redução do número de fibras mielínicas em 14 casos, infiltrado inflamatório em 13, fibrose em 12, desmielinização e remielinização em 9, presença de granuloma em 6 e visualização do Mycobacterium leprae em 5. Concluímos que a biópsia do ramo sensitivo superficial do nervo ulnar na mão é um bom meio diagnóstico de lepra em pacientes com acometimento desse nervo

  16. Valor preditivo de marcadores séricos de fibrose hepática em pacientes portadores de hepatite crônica viral C Predictive value of serum markers of hepatic fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C

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    Leila Maria Soares Tojal de Barros Lima


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Os marcadores séricos têm sido empregados na avaliação da fibrose hepática em pacientes portadores de hepatite crônica C (HCC. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a capacidade do índice aspartato aminotransferase (AST/alanina aminotransferase (ALT, dos níveis séricos de gama-glutamiltransferase (GGT, contagem de plaquetas, do índice AST/plaquetas (APRI e do ácido hialurônico (AH em predizer a intensidade da fibrose hepática na HCC e a variação desses marcadores após tratamento com interferon. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Em 72 pacientes portadores de hepatite C determinamos no soro o índice AST/ALT, GGT, plaquetas, índice APRI (obtido pelo quociente AST/plaquetas e o AH, que foram comparados ao estadiamento histológico, segundo os critérios de METAVIR. Receberam tratamento com interferon e ribavirina 65 pacientes. Os indivíduos que concluíram o tratamento (n = 33 realizaram nova dosagem dos marcadores séricos de fibrose para comparar com os níveis pré-tratamento. RESULTADOS: Observamos que a GGT, a contagem de plaquetas, o índice APRI e o AH se correlacionaram com estádio de doença hepática (p INTRODUCTION: Serum markers have been used in the assessment of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC. AIMS: We evaluated the capacity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST/alanine aminotransferase (ALT ratio, gama-glutamyltransferase (GGT levels, platelet count, the AST to platelet ratio index (APRI and serum hyaluronic acid (HA to predict the intensity of hepatic fibrosis in patients with CHC and the variation of these markers after therapy with interferon. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In 72 patients with hepatitis C, AST/ALT ratio, GGT levels, platelet count, the APRI index (calculated as the ratio of AST to platelets and serum HA concentration were determined and compared to histological staging according to the scoring system of METAVIR. Sixty-five patients received interferon and ribavirin therapy. The individuals that

  17. Cicatricial organising pneumonia mimicking a fibrosing interstitial pneumonia. (United States)

    Churg, Andrew; Wright, Joanne L; Bilawich, AnaMaria


    Organising pneumonia (OP) is composed of loose granulation tissue plugs in distal airspaces; these disappear with steroid treatment. Recently a variant labelled 'cicatricial' OP has been described in which the granulation tissue organised to much denser fibrous tissue but still retained the usual pattern of OP. Here we report 10 patients thought to have an interstitial lung disease, and who on biopsy had a variant of cicatricial OP characterised by linear bands or small nodular masses of dense fibrous tissue that does not resemble ordinary OP. The bands/nodules were usually distributed randomly but occasionally resembled fibrotic non-specific interstitial pneumonia in local areas. Small foci of loose granulation tissue at the edge of the fibrotic bands sometimes mimicked fibroblast foci. Recognisable conventional OP was always present, but often in very small amounts. Four cases, including one patient with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, showed formation of bone in the fibrotic bands and nodules. On computerised tomography (CT) scan of the chest some cases looked like typical OP, but some demonstrated only irregularly distributed linear opacities, sometimes with associated calcification. Follow-up imaging on six cases showed that the process either markedly improved or remained stable over time; no case had progressive disease. Cicatricial OP with this pathological pattern represents an uncommon form of OP that appears to be a generally benign process which may have persisting linear opacities on CT scan but that does not progress; however, it can be confused on biopsy and CT with a fibrosing interstitial pneumonia. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Hiperplasia de mastócitos na oxalose óssea

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    Duarte M.E.L.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar através de técnicas de histomorfometria a incidência de hiperplasia de mastócitos na medula óssea de pacientes portadores de oxalose e insuficiência renal crônica. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 18 indivíduos divididos em 3 grupos: 6 (4 homens e 2 mulheres com média de idade de 26.31±2.5 anos portadores de oxalose óssea e insuficiência renal crônica (IRC ; 6 (5 mulheres e 1 homem com idade média de 22.1±3.56 anos portadores de IRC e 6 indivíduos saudáveis (5 homens e 1 mulher com idade média de 23±2.78 anos. A análise do tecido ósseo foi realizada em biópsias de crista ilíaca, incluídas em resina, sem descalcificação prévia e coradas pela técnica do Azul de Toluidina. A contagem dos mastócitos foi feita utilizando-se sistema analisador de imagem e os valores (média±DP foram expressos sob a forma de células por mm² de tecido. RESULTADOS: O número de mastócitos foi significativamente maior nos portadores de oxalose óssea, 32.67±9.59, ao se comparar com os pacientes portadores de IRC sem oxalose (20.84±5.04,p<0.05 e nos indivíduos do grupo controle (3.26±1.03,p<0.001 CONCLUSÕES: A oxalose óssea está associada com um aumento substancial do número de mastócitos na medula óssea. Esta alteração não está relacionada com a IRC per se e não parece representar uma resposta inespecífica à fibrose medular. O acúmulo anormal de mastócitos deve, de alguma forma, contribuir para o desenvolvimento da fibrose de medula óssea que acompanha esta condição.

  19. PET scanning of macrophages in patients with scleroderma fibrosing alveolitis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Branley, Howard M. [Imperial College London, Hammersmith Campus, London (United Kingdom)], E-mail:; Bois, Roland M. du; Wells, Athol U. [Royal Brompton Hospital, London (United Kingdom); Jones, Hazel A. [Imperial College London, Hammersmith Campus, London (United Kingdom)


    Rationale: Assessment of disease activity in fibrosing alveolitis due to systemic sclerosis (FASSc) is difficult without using invasive investigation. A repeatable noninvasive method of assessing disease at a cellular level such as with positron emission tomography (PET) could be of great value in evaluating high-resolution changes in the pathological process. Objectives: To investigate whether the level of inflammatory cell traffic and lung density in FASSc, imaged in vivo by PET, is different to controls and whether they are associated with changes in pulmonary function indices. Methods: We used PET to measure lung density and tissue uptake of {sup 11}C-[R]-PK11195, a ligand that binds to receptors found in abundance in macrophages. Fifteen patients with FASSc were compared to seven controls. Results: A trend of reduced uptake of {sup 11}C-[R]-PK11195 was observed in FASSc patients (P=.09) and correlated inversely with lung density (r=-.62; P<.05), which was significantly elevated in FASSc [0.35{+-}0.02 vs. 0.23{+-}0.02 g/cc (mean{+-}S.E.M.); P<.005]. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that inflammatory cell traffic and lung density can be imaged in vivo in FASSc using PET, and that this approach might be of potential value in understanding, in situ, components of pathogenesis that may have value for prognosis.

  20. PET scanning of macrophages in patients with scleroderma fibrosing alveolitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Branley, Howard M.; Bois, Roland M. du; Wells, Athol U.; Jones, Hazel A.


    Rationale: Assessment of disease activity in fibrosing alveolitis due to systemic sclerosis (FASSc) is difficult without using invasive investigation. A repeatable noninvasive method of assessing disease at a cellular level such as with positron emission tomography (PET) could be of great value in evaluating high-resolution changes in the pathological process. Objectives: To investigate whether the level of inflammatory cell traffic and lung density in FASSc, imaged in vivo by PET, is different to controls and whether they are associated with changes in pulmonary function indices. Methods: We used PET to measure lung density and tissue uptake of 11 C-[R]-PK11195, a ligand that binds to receptors found in abundance in macrophages. Fifteen patients with FASSc were compared to seven controls. Results: A trend of reduced uptake of 11 C-[R]-PK11195 was observed in FASSc patients (P=.09) and correlated inversely with lung density (r=-.62; P<.05), which was significantly elevated in FASSc [0.35±0.02 vs. 0.23±0.02 g/cc (mean±S.E.M.); P<.005]. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that inflammatory cell traffic and lung density can be imaged in vivo in FASSc using PET, and that this approach might be of potential value in understanding, in situ, components of pathogenesis that may have value for prognosis

  1. Seguimento nutricional de pacientes com fibrose cística: papel do aconselhamento nutricional Nutritional follow-up of cystic fibrosis patients: the role of nutrition education

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    Fabíola V. Adde


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o estado nutricional de um grupo de pacientes com fibrose cística e analisar a repercussão do aconselhamento nutricional através de um estudo comparativo pré- e pós-intervenção. MÉTODOS: Todos os pacientes com fibrose cística em seguimento regular no ambulatório de pneumologia do Instituto da Criança no período de 1996-99 foram prospectivamente acompanhados durante 3,5 anos. Em quatro etapas (I = inicial, II = 7 meses, III = 13 meses, IV = 43 meses, foi realizada uma avaliação nutricional que consistia de medidas de peso, estatura/comprimento, circunferência do braço e pregas cutâneas, e cálculos de escores z para peso/idade, estatura/idade, peso/estatura, circunferência do braço e da prega cutânea tricipital, porcentagem de peso/estatura e porcentagem de gordura corpórea. Era feita verificação do uso das enzimas pancreáticas e do uso de suplementos nutricionais. Aconselhamento nutricional verbal e através de uma cartilha explicativa foi realizado em todos os pacientes. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 74 pacientes, 38 do sexo feminino e 36 do masculino, com idades de 6 meses a 18,4 anos. Na etapa inicial, os dados antropométricos revelaram: porcentagem de peso/estatura = 94±13, porcentagem de gordura corpórea = 15±7,1, escore z peso/idade = -1,13±1,3, escore z estatura/idade = -0,94±1,2, escore z peso/estatura = -0,69±,1, escore z circunferência do braço = -1,35±1,3, escore z prega cutânea tricipital = -0,74±0,9. A aderência ao uso de enzimas e suplementos melhorou durante o estudo. Houve um aumento significativo no escore z de peso/idade e da prega tricipital e na porcentagem de gordura corpórea durante todo o período de estudo. Dividindo-se os pacientes em três grupos etários, a melhora antropométrica só foi significativa nos menores de 5 anos. CONCLUSÕES: Desnutrição leve estava presente nesse grupo de pacientes com fibrose cística. O aconselhamento nutricional realizado

  2. Protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation of Na+/K+-ATPase opens intracellular C-terminal water pathway leading to third Na+-binding site in molecular dynamics simulations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Hanne; Nissen, Poul; Mouritsen, Ole G.


    -atom Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the structural consequences of phosphorylating the Na+/K+- ATPase (NKA) residue S936, which is the best characterized phosphorylation site in NKA, targeted in vivo by Protein Kinase A (PKA) (1-3). The MD simulations suggest that S936 phosphorylation opens......Phosphorylation is one of the major mechanisms for posttranscriptional modification of proteins. The addition of a compact, negatively charged moiety to a protein can significantly change its function and localization by affecting its structure and interaction network. We have used all...... a C-terminal hydrated pathway leading to D926, a transmembrane residue proposed to form part of the third sodium ion-binding site (4). Simulations of a S936E mutant form, for which only subtle effects are observed when expressed in Xenopus oocytes and studied with electrophysiology, does not mimic...

  3. Exacerbação aguda da fibrose pulmonar idiopática Acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Natália Melo


    Full Text Available Alguns doentes com fibrose pulmonar idiopática (FPI apresentam durante a sua evolução fases deagravamento clínico sem causa conhecida, designadas como “exacerbação aguda” ou “fase acelerada” da doença (EA. Caracterizam -se pelo agravamento marcado da dispneia, hipoxemia e pelo aparecimento de novas opacidades pulmonares ou pelo agravamento das já existentes no estudo imagiológico. Os achados histológicos típicos são o dano alveolar difuso (DAD sobreposto a alterações de pneumonia intersticial usual (UIP. Esta entidade clínica associa -se a uma mortalidade elevada, não havendo até ao momento nenhuma terapêutica de comprovada eficácia. Os autores descrevem os casos clínicos de cinco doentes que apresentaram alterações clínicas, funcionais e radiológicas sugestivas de EA-FPI, assim como o tratamento efectuado e a evolução observada, enquadrando-os na discussão das características normalmente apresentadas por esta entidade.Some patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF have disease accelerated deterioration without identifiable cause referred as “acute exacerbation” or “accelerated stage”. It is characterized by severe worsening of dyspnea, hypoxemia and new or progressive opacities on imaging studies. The typical histological findings are diffuse alveolar damage in addition to the features of usual interstitial pneumonia pattern. Mortality in this clinical entity is very high and no efficacious therapeutic have been described. The authors describe the clinical, functional and radiological features, treatment and evolution of five patients with IPF acute exacerbation. A discussion will be carry out concerning the IPF acute exacerbation usual features comparing with the alterations noticed in those patients.

  4. Estado nutricional e distribuição de gordura corporal em crianças e adolescentes com Fibrose Cística

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    Célia Regina Moutinho de Miranda Chaves


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o estado nutricional e a distribuição da gordura corporal em crianças e adolescentes com fibrose cística. Foram realizadas avaliação da distribuição de gordura corporal por meio da absorciometria de duplo feixe de energia, do estado nutricional por estatura/idade e índice de massa corporal/idade e a ingestão dietética pelo recordatório alimentar de 24horas, em 56 pacientes com idade entre 8 e 18 anos. Aproximadamente 50% da amostra apresentou estado nutricional adequado. A maioria apresentou a ingestão calórica e de lipídios inadequadas. O IMC/I foi o indicador nutricional que melhor evidenciou o aumento do percentual de gordura do tronco, razão androide/ginecoide e razão gordura tronco/gordura total. Os pacientes com Insuficiência Pancreática e os eutróficos apresentaram razão mediana androide/ginecoide maior. O aumento da adiposidade abdominal foi evidenciado pela DXA. O IMC/I não identificou a diminuição da massa magra corporal, mas quando aumentado foi significativo para adiposidade abdominal. Pacientes com fibrose cística devem associar a avaliação antropométrica à composição corporal e à distribuição de gordura corporal para um diagnóstico mais precoce de desnutrição e fatores de risco cardiometabólico.

  5. Measures of the inflammatory response in cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pantin, C.F.; Valind, S.O.; Sweatman, M.; Lawrence, R.; Rhodes, C.G.; Brudin, L.; Britten, A.; Hughes, J.M.; Turner-Warwick, M.


    Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (CFA) is characterized by interstitial fibrosis and parenchymal inflammation. Eleven patients with CFA (10 proved by lung biopsy) were followed over 2 yr using clinical symptoms, radiographic change, and pulmonary function tests to adjust their treatment. Lung lavage, positron camera (PET) measurements of regional extravascular lung density (Dev), pulmonary blood volume (Vb), and the metabolic rate for 18F-deoxyglucose (MRglc), clearance of 99mTc-diethylenetriaminepentacetate (99mTc-DTPA) aerosol, and lung uptake of 67Ga were measured initially and at the end of the first year to give a profile of the inflammatory response. Compared with normal subjects, there was an increased percentage of neutrophils and eosinophils in the lung lavage, increased Dev (p less than 0.002) with no significant difference in Vb, increased MRglc (p less than 0.02), 99mTc-DTPA clearance (p less than 0.002), and 67Ga uptake (p less than 0.02). The smallest increases in Dev were seen in the two patients with most destruction shown by lung biopsy. There were inverse correlations between Dev and both FVC and TLC, but a direct correlation between Vb and transfer factor. 99mTc-DTPA clearance changed concordantly with clinical status and radiographic and respiratory function changes during the first year. If glucose utilization (MRglc) remained in the normal range between the initial and first yearly assessment, the patient improved or remained stable during the second year as shown by clinical status and radiographic and respiratory function measurements. If it rose or remained high, the patient's condition deteriorated

  6. Traction bronchiectasis in cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis: associated computed tomographic features and physiological significance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desai, Sujal R.; Wells, Athol U.; Bois, Roland M. du; Rubens, Michael B.; Hansell, David M.


    Our objective was to evaluate the associated CT features and physiological consequences of traction bronchiectasis in patients with cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (CFA). The CT scans of 212 patients with CFA (158 men, 54 women; mean age 62.2±10.6 years) were evaluated independently by two observers. The extent of fibrosis, the proportions of a reticular pattern and ground-glass opacification and the extent of emphysema were scored at five levels. The predominant CT pattern, coarseness of a reticular pattern and severity of traction bronchiectasis were graded semiquantitatively. Physiological indices were correlated with CT features. There was traction bronchiectasis on CT in 202 of 212 (95%) patients. Increasingly severe traction bronchiectasis was independently associated with increasingly extensive CFA (p CO (p 2 (p<0.0005), but not indices of air-flow obstruction. In CFA, traction bronchiectasis increases with more extensive disease, a lower proportion of ground-glass opacification and a coarser reticular pattern, but it decreases with concurrent emphysema. Increasingly severe traction bronchiectasis is associated with additional physiological impairment for a given extent of pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema. (orig.)

  7. Doença intersticial pulmonar em doentes com artrite reumatóide: comparação com a alveolite fibrosante criptogénica

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    B.A. Rajasekaran


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Os autores efectuaram um estudo prospectivo longitudinal com o objectivo de comparar a história natural da alveolite fibrosante criptogénica (AFC com a doença do interstício pulmonar (DIP relacionada com a artrite reumatóide (AR.Seleccionaram 1 grupo de 18 doentes com AFC e um grupo de 18 doentes com AR e doença do interstício pulmonar. Ambos os grupos apresentavam idade, sexo e duração da doença semelhantes, tendo todos os doentes sido submetidos a uma avaliação clínica, estudo funcional respiratório e TAC torácica de alta resolução.Os resultados revelaram que, em termos clínicos, a dispneia apresentava uma evolução média de 30 meses até ao diagnóstico nos 2 grupos, sendo mais frequente o hipocratismo digital nos doentes apenas com AFC. A presença de Factor Reumatóide foi superior nos doentes com AR e, segundo estes autores, estava relacionada com um pior prognóstico a nível articular mas parecia ser um factor protector contra a fibrose pulmonar neste grupo.A nível de estudo funcional respiratório, os resultados foram praticamente sobreponíveis quer a nível do VEMS, capacidade vital e capacidade de difusão (DLCO nos 2 grupos de doentes.Radiologicamente, nos doentes com artrite reumatóide, a TAC revelou uma maior percentagem de alveolite (vidro despolido em 4 casos, tendo os restantes 14 doentes fibrose pulmonar estabelecida, tal como no outro grupo estudado. Os doentes com AR apresentavam ainda uma distribuição mais periférica das lesões pulmonares, ao contrário dos outros doentes, em que predominavam as alterações basais.Uma diminuição mais acentuada da DLCO correlacionou-se com a existência de fibrose em favo na TAC em ambos os grupos. COMENTÁRIO: A alveolite fibrosante criptogénica, sinónimo de fibrose pulmonar idiopática, possui um mau prognóstico, com uma sobrevida média aos 5 anos após o diagnóstico de cerca de 50%, e aos 10 anos de aproximadamente 20%.A incidência de doença do

  8. Uterine prolapse with endometrial eversion in association with an unusual diffuse, polypoid, fibrosing perimetritis and parametritis in a cat. (United States)

    Valentine, Matthew J; Porter, Susan; Chapwanya, Aspinas; Callanan, John J


    This case describes a young non-pregnant cat that presented with uterine prolapse in association with an unusual diffuse, polypoid, fibrosing perimetritis and parametritis. Following ovariohysterectomy the cat recovered fully. No intra-abdominal complications were seen on ultrasound examination 3 months postsurgery. At the time of writing, the cat remains healthy. Uterine prolapse in the cat is relatively rare and usually associated with the periparturient period. Inflammatory polypoid perimetritis and parametritis have not previously been documented in cats, and in dogs have only been reported in association with the administration of oestrogenic compounds. The polypoid inflammation affecting the uterus and parametrium may have contributed to increased laxity of the uterine ligaments and predisposed to the development of uterine prolapse.

  9. Colonização por Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina: Que impacto na morbilidade de doentes pediátricos com fibrose quística?

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    Joana Fermeiro


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: Ao Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA é classicamente reconhecido um papel patogénico no âmbito da fibrose quística (FQ.Objectivos: Avaliação da evolução da prevalência e incidência da colonização por MRSA, impacto clínico no ano após o primeiro isolamento, factores de risco e padrão de resistência antimicrobiana.Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo dos doentes pediátricos colonizados por MRSA seguidos no centro de FQ do Hospital de Santa Maria de 2003 a 2007.Resultados: O MRSA foi isolado em secreções respiratórias de 12 dos 60 doentes seguidos durante este período (colonização crónica em 3 doentes. A idade média à data do primeiro isolamento foi de 9 anos e 10 meses e o tempo médio entre o diagnóstico de FQ e a aquisição de MRSA de 5 anos e 7 meses.Verificou-se um aumento da prevalência e incidência de colonização por MRSA, com um máximo atingido em 2007 (prevalência 14,3% e incidência 8,9%. Quatro doentes cumpriram antibioticoterapia profiláctica antiestafilocócica com flucloxacilina.No ano após o primeiro isolamento de MRSA, constatou-se um aumento do número de dias de internamento em 4 doentes (2 com colonização crónica e deterioração da função pulmonar em 5, incluindo a totalidade dos doentes com colonização crónica. Apenas um doente apresentou diminuição de percentil de índice de massa corporal.As resistências mais frequentemente encontradas foram à rifampicina e à clindamicina.Conclusões: Este estudo revelou ocorrência de deterioração clínica relevante em doentes com colonização crónica por MRSA, reforçando a importância da implementação de estratégias eficazes e precoces de erradicação.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (4: 527-542 Abstract: Background: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA plays a well-recognised pathogenic role in cystic fibrosis (CF.Aims: To evaluate the prevalence and incidence of colonisation by MRSA

  10. Atualização na etiopatogênese da esclerose sistêmica

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    Adriana Fontes Zimmermann


    Full Text Available A Esclerose Sistêmica (ES é uma doença autoimune de etiologia multifatorial, desencadeada pela combinação de fatores genéticos e ambientais. Sua variada expressão clínica resulta da complexa interação fisiopatogênica de três elementos principais: a vasculopatia proliferativa, a desregulação imunológica e a deposição e remodelamento anormais da matriz extracelular (MEC, da qual resulta a fibrose característica da doença. Eventos fisiopatogênicos precoces parecem ser a lesão endotelial e o desequilíbrio no reparo vascular, com a ativação de células endoteliais, do sistema imune e das plaquetas, com a liberação de múltiplos mediadores, como as citocinas proinflamatórias TH2 e os fatores de crescimento, desencadeando uma sequência de eventos simultâneos ou em cascata que envolve diversas vias de sinalização intracelular. O resultado mais importante desses eventos é a hiperativação dos fibroblastos, as principais células efetoras da fibrose, as quais passam a produzir grandes quantidades de constituintes da MEC e a secretar múltiplos fatores de crescimento e citocinas que perpetuam o processo. Neste artigo apresentamos uma revisão dos principais fatores potencialmente implicados na etiologia da ES e revisitamos os conhecimentos atuais sobre os mais importantes mecanismos envolvidos no desenvolvimento das lesões características da doença. O melhor entendimento desses mecanismos fisiopatogênicos possibilita identificar potenciais alvos terapêuticos, o que pode resultar em avanços no manejo dessa complexa e debilitante doença.

  11. Quantitative analysis of cardiac lesions in chronic canine chagasic cardiomyopathy Análise quantitativa das lesões cardíacas na cardiomiopatia chagásica crônica canina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Vidigal CALIARI


    úsculo cardíaco, fibrose e substituição por tecido adiposo. No miocárdio atrial dos cães infectados pelas cepas Be78 e Be62 foram observados 34 e 50% de músculo cardíaco, 28 e 32% de fibrose e, 38 e 18% de tecido adiposo, respectivamente. A fibrose observada era tanto difusa quanto focal e, principalmente intrafascicular interrompendo total ou parcialmente o percurso dos feixes musculares. Tais alterações histológicas provavelmente contribuiram para o surgimento dos distúrbios eletrocardiográficos verificados em 10 dos 11 cães estudados e que são comuns na cardiopatia chagásica crônica humana. De todos os achados microscópicos encontrados, a fibrose foi a mais importante por produzir rearranjos na fibras colágenas em relação aos miocardiócitos, modificando a fisionomia anatômica e o comportamento mecânico do miocárdio. Tais anormalidades estruturais podem contribuir para o surgimento à disfunção cardíaca, arritmias e à insuficiência cardíaca congestiva como verificado em dois cães analisados. A cepa Be78 produziu uma destruição de músculo cardíaco atrial estatisticamente superior à induzida pela cepa Be62.

  12. Case Presentation at a Clinico-Pathological Conference*

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    of low-strength mannitoi to reduce possible cerebral oede- ma. His convulsions were ..... No vascular lesions were noted but a few degenerate muscle fibres were ... The liver necrosis appears to have been a terminal event. Cases of fibrosing ...

  13. Role of sodium-calcium exchange in regulation of intracellular calcium in nerve terminals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez-Armass, S.; Blaustein, M.P.


    Ca efflux from rat brain presynaptic nerve terminals (synaptosomes) was examined after loading the terminals with 45 Ca during a brief depolarization, usually in media containing 20 μM Ca labeled with 45 Ca, to assure a small (physiological) load. Efflux of 45 Ca was very slow in the absence of external Na and Ca and was greatly accelerated by Na and/or Ca. The dependence of 45 Ca efflux on external Na was sigmoid, with a Hill coefficient of ∼ 4.5; this implies that more than two external Na ions are required to activate the efflux of one Ca ion. The external Na (Na 0 )-dependent Ca efflux was inhibited by 1 mM external La, by low temperature, and by raising external K. With small Ca loads, the mitochondrial uncoupler, carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP), had negligible effect on either Ca uptake or efflux; with large loads, however, FCCP reduced the depolarization-stimulated Ca uptake and increased the Na 0 -dependent Ca efflux. These effects may be attributed to reduction of mitochondrial Ca sequestration. Mitochondria do not appear to sequester much Ca when the loads are smaller. Estimations of Ca efflux indicate that ∼ 20% of a small 45 Ca load may be extruded via Na + -Ca 2+ exchange within 1 s; this corresponds to a net Ca efflux of ∼ 110 pmol Ca x mg protein -1 x s -1 . This rate of extrusion is equivalent to the net Ca gain when the terminals fire at a frequency of ∼ 18/s. The data on the Ca efflux into Na- and Ca-free media indicate that the ATP-fueled Ca pump can only extrude ∼ 10-20 pmol Ca x mg protein -1 x s -1 . Thus the results imply that Na + -Ca 2+ exchange plays an important role in helping to extrude the Ca that enters during activity

  14. Expanding the clinical spectrum of hereditary fibrosing poikiloderma with tendon contractures, myopathy and pulmonary fibrosis due to FAM111B mutations. (United States)

    Mercier, Sandra; Küry, Sébastien; Salort-Campana, Emmanuelle; Magot, Armelle; Agbim, Uchenna; Besnard, Thomas; Bodak, Nathalie; Bou-Hanna, Chantal; Bréhéret, Flora; Brunelle, Perrine; Caillon, Florence; Chabrol, Brigitte; Cormier-Daire, Valérie; David, Albert; Eymard, Bruno; Faivre, Laurence; Figarella-Branger, Dominique; Fleurence, Emmanuelle; Ganapathi, Mythily; Gherardi, Romain; Goldenberg, Alice; Hamel, Antoine; Igual, Jeanine; Irvine, Alan D; Israël-Biet, Dominique; Kannengiesser, Caroline; Laboisse, Christian; Le Caignec, Cédric; Mahé, Jean-Yves; Mallet, Stéphanie; MacGowan, Stuart; McAleer, Maeve A; McLean, Irwin; Méni, Cécile; Munnich, Arnold; Mussini, Jean-Marie; Nagy, Peter L; Odel, Jeffrey; O'Regan, Grainne M; Péréon, Yann; Perrier, Julie; Piard, Juliette; Puzenat, Eve; Sampson, Jacinda B; Smith, Frances; Soufir, Nadem; Tanji, Kurenai; Thauvin, Christel; Ulane, Christina; Watson, Rosemarie M; Khumalo, Nonhlanhla P; Mayosi, Bongani M; Barbarot, Sébastien; Bézieau, Stéphane


    Hereditary Fibrosing Poikiloderma (HFP) with tendon contractures, myopathy and pulmonary fibrosis (POIKTMP [MIM 615704]) is a very recently described entity of syndromic inherited poikiloderma. Previously by using whole exome sequencing in five families, we identified the causative gene, FAM111B (NM_198947.3), the function of which is still unknown. Our objective in this study was to better define the specific features of POIKTMP through a larger series of patients. Clinical and molecular data of two families and eight independent sporadic cases, including six new cases, were collected. Key features consist of: (i) early-onset poikiloderma, hypotrichosis and hypohidrosis; (ii) multiple contractures, in particular triceps surae muscle contractures; (iii) diffuse progressive muscular weakness; (iv) pulmonary fibrosis in adulthood and (v) other features including exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, liver impairment and growth retardation. Muscle magnetic resonance imaging was informative and showed muscle atrophy and fatty infiltration. Histological examination of skeletal muscle revealed extensive fibroadipose tissue infiltration. Microscopy of the skin showed a scleroderma-like aspect with fibrosis and alterations of the elastic network. FAM111B gene analysis identified five different missense variants (two recurrent mutations were found respectively in three and four independent families). All the mutations were predicted to localize in the trypsin-like cysteine/serine peptidase domain of the protein. We suggest gain-of-function or dominant-negative mutations resulting in FAM111B enzymatic activity changes. HFP with tendon contractures, myopathy and pulmonary fibrosis, is a multisystemic disorder due to autosomal dominant FAM111B mutations. Future functional studies will help in understanding the specific pathological process of this fibrosing disorder.

  15. Prevalence of asymptomatic coronary disease in fibrosing idiopathic interstitial pneumonias

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cassagnes, Lucie; Gaillard, Vianney; Monge, Emmanuel; Faivre, Jean-Baptiste; Delhaye, Cédric; Molinari, Francesco; Petyt, Grégory; Hossein-Foucher, Claude; Wallaert, Benoit; Duhamel, Alain; Remy, Jacques; Remy-Jardin, Martine


    Background: Because of growing body of interest on the association between fibrosing idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (f-IIP) and ischaemic heart disease, we initiated this prospective study to evaluate the prevalence of asymptomatic coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients with f-IIP. Methods: Forty-two patients with f-IIP underwent noninvasive screening for CAD that included (a) a chest CT examination enabling calculation of the coronary artery calcium (CAC) score, then depiction of coronary artery stenosis; and (b) stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS). Patients with significant coronary abnormalities, defined by a CAC score >400 or coronary artery stenosis >50% at CT and/or perfusion defect >5% at MPS, were referred to the cardiologist. Coronary angiography was indicated in presence of a perfusion defect >10% at MPS or significant left main or proximal left anterior descending stenosis whatever MPS findings. Results: Combining CT and MPS, significant abnormalities were detected in 32/42 patients (76%). The cardiologist: (a) did not consider further investigation in 21 patients (CT abnormalities but no ischaemia at MPS: 12/21; false-positive findings at MPS: 3/21; poor respiratory condition: 6/21); (b) proceeded to coronary angiography in 11 patients which confirmed significant stenoses in 5 patients (5/42; 12%). In the worst-case-scenario (i.e., inclusion of 6 patients with significant coronary artery abnormalities who were not investigated due to poor respiratory condition), the prevalence of CAD reached 26% (11/42). Conclusion: In the studied population of patients with f-IIP, asymptomatic CAD ranged between 12% and 26%

  16. Prevalence of asymptomatic coronary disease in fibrosing idiopathic interstitial pneumonias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cassagnes, Lucie; Gaillard, Vianney [Department of Thoracic Imaging (EA 2694), Hospital Calmette, CHRU and Univ Lille 2 Nord de France, F-59000 Lille (France); Monge, Emmanuel [Department of Pulmonology, Center of Competence for Rare Pulmonary Diseases, Hospital Calmette, CHRU and Univ Lille 2 Nord de France, F-59000 Lille (France); Faivre, Jean-Baptiste [Department of Thoracic Imaging (EA 2694), Hospital Calmette, CHRU and Univ Lille 2 Nord de France, F-59000 Lille (France); Delhaye, Cédric [Department of Cardiology, Cardiology Hospital, CHRU and Univ Lille 2 Nord de France, F-59000 Lille (France); Molinari, Francesco [Department of Thoracic Imaging (EA 2694), Hospital Calmette, CHRU and Univ Lille 2 Nord de France, F-59000 Lille (France); Petyt, Grégory; Hossein-Foucher, Claude [Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hospital Salengro, CHRU and Univ Lille 2 Nord de France, F-59000 Lille (France); Wallaert, Benoit [Department of Pulmonology, Center of Competence for Rare Pulmonary Diseases, Hospital Calmette, CHRU and Univ Lille 2 Nord de France, F-59000 Lille (France); Duhamel, Alain [Department of Medical Statistics (EA 2694), Univ Lille Nord de France, F-59000 Lille (France); Remy, Jacques [Department of Thoracic Imaging (EA 2694), Hospital Calmette, CHRU and Univ Lille 2 Nord de France, F-59000 Lille (France); Remy-Jardin, Martine, E-mail: [Department of Thoracic Imaging (EA 2694), Hospital Calmette, CHRU and Univ Lille 2 Nord de France, F-59000 Lille (France)


    Background: Because of growing body of interest on the association between fibrosing idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (f-IIP) and ischaemic heart disease, we initiated this prospective study to evaluate the prevalence of asymptomatic coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients with f-IIP. Methods: Forty-two patients with f-IIP underwent noninvasive screening for CAD that included (a) a chest CT examination enabling calculation of the coronary artery calcium (CAC) score, then depiction of coronary artery stenosis; and (b) stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS). Patients with significant coronary abnormalities, defined by a CAC score >400 or coronary artery stenosis >50% at CT and/or perfusion defect >5% at MPS, were referred to the cardiologist. Coronary angiography was indicated in presence of a perfusion defect >10% at MPS or significant left main or proximal left anterior descending stenosis whatever MPS findings. Results: Combining CT and MPS, significant abnormalities were detected in 32/42 patients (76%). The cardiologist: (a) did not consider further investigation in 21 patients (CT abnormalities but no ischaemia at MPS: 12/21; false-positive findings at MPS: 3/21; poor respiratory condition: 6/21); (b) proceeded to coronary angiography in 11 patients which confirmed significant stenoses in 5 patients (5/42; 12%). In the worst-case-scenario (i.e., inclusion of 6 patients with significant coronary artery abnormalities who were not investigated due to poor respiratory condition), the prevalence of CAD reached 26% (11/42). Conclusion: In the studied population of patients with f-IIP, asymptomatic CAD ranged between 12% and 26%.


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    Juliana Fabiani Miranda


    Full Text Available A fibrose hepática é uma condição clínica presente na maioria das doenças hepáticas, caracterizada pelo aumento na síntese dos componentes da matriz extracelular na tentativa de cicatrização do tecido lesionado. A principal célula responsável pelo desenvolvimento da fibrose hepática é a célula estrelada hepática, localizada no espaço de Disse. Esta apresenta dois fenótipos: o quiescente e o ativado. O metabolismo de lipídeo na célula estrelada está relacionado com o fornecimento de energia para a iniciação e perpetuação do seu estado ativado. Dentro deste contexto a ácido graxo sintase (FASN, proteína chave da síntese de ácido graxo de novo torna-se alvo do estudo, uma vez que o metabolismo de lipídeos está intimamente relacionado ao processo fibrosante em células estreladas hepáticas. Sabe-se que o fármaco triclosan (TCS é inibidor da proteína FASN na síntese de ácido graxo de novo, com potencial alteração do processo fibrosante em células estreladas hepáticas. Sendo assim, avaliamos os aspectos celulares e moleculares do efeito do fármaco TCS na modulação do metabolismo de lipídeo através da inibição da FASN em modelo de células estreladas hepáticas LX-2. Os resultados demonstraram que o TCS na concentração 50 µM em cultura celular LX-2 crescida em 10% de soro bovino fetal (SBF – estado ativado- promove alterações morfofuncionais nas células; tanto pela despolimerização dos filamentos de actina quanto pela formação de estruturas globulares de actina no citoesqueleto celular. Desta maneira, o fármaco TCS apresentou características possivelmente citotóxicas em células LX-2 com 10% de SBF. Por outro lado, o estudo da inibição da proteína FASN demonstrou resultados que sugerem uma transdiferenciação celular correlacionada com a reversão do quadro pró-fibrosante hepático em células LX-2, com o aumento das gotículas de lipídeo no citoplasma e aumento da expressão dos

  18. Theoretical realization of cluster-assembled hydrogen storage materials based on terminated carbon atomic chains. (United States)

    Liu, Chun-Sheng; An, Hui; Guo, Ling-Ju; Zeng, Zhi; Ju, Xin


    The capacity of carbon atomic chains with different terminations for hydrogen storage is studied using first-principles density functional theory calculations. Unlike the physisorption of H(2) on the H-terminated chain, we show that two Li (Na) atoms each capping one end of the odd- or even-numbered carbon chain can hold ten H(2) molecules with optimal binding energies for room temperature storage. The hybridization of the Li 2p states with the H(2)σ orbitals contributes to the H(2) adsorption. However, the binding mechanism of the H(2) molecules on Na arises only from the polarization interaction between the charged Na atom and the H(2). Interestingly, additional H(2) molecules can be bound to the carbon atoms at the chain ends due to the charge transfer between Li 2s2p (Na 3s) and C 2p states. More importantly, dimerization of these isolated metal-capped chains does not affect the hydrogen binding energy significantly. In addition, a single chain can be stabilized effectively by the C(60) fullerenes termination. With a hydrogen uptake of ∼10 wt.% on Li-coated C(60)-C(n)-C(60) (n = 5, 8), the Li(12)C(60)-C(n)-Li(12)C(60) complex, keeping the number of adsorbed H(2) molecules per Li and stabilizing the dispersion of individual Li atoms, can serve as better building blocks of polymers than the (Li(12)C(60))(2) dimer. These findings suggest a new route to design cluster-assembled hydrogen storage materials based on terminated sp carbon chains.

  19. Multifocal fibrosing thyroiditis and its association with papillary thyroid carcinoma using BRAF pyrosequencing. (United States)

    Frank, Renee; Baloch, Zubair W; Gentile, Caren; Watt, Christopher D; LiVolsi, Virginia A


    Multifocal fibrosing thyroiditis (MFT) is characterized by numerous foci of fibrosis in a stellate configuration with fibroelastotic and fibroblastic centers entrapping epithelial structures. MFT has been proposed as a risk factor for papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) development. We attempted to identify whether MFT showed such molecular changes and could possibly be related to PTC. We identified seven cases of PTC with MFT in our institutional pathology database and personal consult service of one of the authors (VAL) for the years 1999 to 2012. Areas of PTC, MFT, and normal tissue were selected for BRAF analysis. Macro-dissection, DNA extraction and PCR amplification, and pyrosequencing were performed to detect BRAF mutations in codon 600. All of the MFT lesions and normal thyroid tissue were negative for BRAF mutations. Of the seven PTCs analyzed, five (71 %) were negative for BRAF mutations, while two cases were positive. In our study, none of the MFT lesions harbored BRAF mutations, whereas 29 % (two of seven) PTCs in the same gland were positive. Hence, in this small study, we found no evidence that the MFT lesion is a direct precursor to PTC. It is likely an incidental bystander in the process and a reflection of the background thyroiditis.

  20. Diabetes melito: uma importante co-morbidade da fibrose cística Diabetes mellitus in patients with cystic fibrosis

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    Crésio de Aragão Dantas Alves


    Full Text Available Diabetes melito relacionado à fibrose cística (DMFC é a principal complicação extrapulmonar da fibrose cística. Atualmente, ele afeta 15-30% dos adultos com fibrose cística e sua prevalência tende a aumentar com o aumento da expectativa de vida desses pacientes. Esse trabalho tem por objetivo rever a fisiopatologia, morbidade, manifestações clínicas, diagnóstico e tratamento do DMFC. Uma pesquisa bibliográfica utilizou os bancos de dados Medline e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, selecionando artigos publicados nos últimos vinte anos. A insulinopenia secundária à destruição de células beta pancreáticas é o principal mecanismo causal, embora a resistência insulínica também possa estar presente. O DMFC apresenta características do diabetes melito tipo 1 e tipo 2 e tem início, em média, aos 20 anos de idade. Ele pode cursar com hiperglicemia em jejum, pós-prandial ou intermitente. As alterações do metabolismo glicêmico agravam o estado nutricional, aumentam a morbidade, diminuem a sobrevida e pioram a função pulmonar. As complicações microvasculares estão presentes, porém raramente observam-se as macrovasculares. A triagem para o DMFC deve ser anual, a partir dos 10 anos de idade, através do teste de tolerância oral à glicose e, em qualquer faixa etária, se houver perda ponderal inexplicada ou sintomatologia de diabetes. Pacientes hospitalizados também devem ser investigados e receber terapia insulínica se a hiperglicemia em jejum persistir além de 48 h. A insulina é o tratamento de escolha para o diabetes com hiperglicemia em jejum. Não existe consenso quanto ao tratamento do diabetes intermitente ou sem hiperglicemia de jejum. Não há orientações de restrições alimentares. O acompanhamento deve ser multidisciplinar.Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD is the principal extra-pulmonary complication of cystic fibrosis, occurring in 15-30% of adult cystic fibrosis

  1. Altered Na+ transport after an intracellular alpha-subunit deletion reveals strict external sequential release of Na+ from the Na/K pump. (United States)

    Yaragatupalli, Siddhartha; Olivera, J Fernando; Gatto, Craig; Artigas, Pablo


    The Na/K pump actively exports 3 Na(+) in exchange for 2 K(+) across the plasmalemma of animal cells. As in other P-type ATPases, pump function is more effective when the relative affinity for transported ions is altered as the ion binding sites alternate between opposite sides of the membrane. Deletion of the five C-terminal residues from the alpha-subunit diminishes internal Na(+) (Na(i)(+)) affinity approximately 25-fold [Morth et al. (2007) Nature 450:1043-1049]. Because external Na(+) (Na(o)(+)) binding is voltage-dependent, we studied the reactions involving this process by using two-electrode and inside-out patch voltage clamp in normal and truncated (DeltaKESYY) Xenopus-alpha1 pumps expressed in oocytes. We observed that DeltaKESYY (i) decreased both Na(o)(+) and Na(i)(+) apparent affinities in the absence of K(o)(+), and (ii) did not affect apparent Na(o)(+) affinity at high K(o)(+). These results support a model of strict sequential external release of Na(+) ions, where the Na(+)-exclusive site releases Na(+) before the sites shared with K(+) and the DeltaKESYY deletion only reduces Na(o)(+) affinity at the shared sites. Moreover, at nonsaturating K(o)(+), DeltaKESYY induced an inward flow of Na(+) through Na/K pumps at negative potentials. Guanidinium(+) can also permeate truncated pumps, whereas N-methyl-D-glucamine cannot. Because guanidinium(o)(+) can also traverse normal Na/K pumps in the absence of both Na(o)(+) and K(o)(+) and can also inhibit Na/K pump currents in a Na(+)-like voltage-dependent manner, we conclude that the normal pathway transited by the first externally released Na(+) is large enough to accommodate guanidinium(+).

  2. Histopathologic Overlap between Fibrosing Mediastinitis and IgG4-Related Disease

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    Tobias Peikert


    Full Text Available Fibrosing mediastinitis (FM and IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD are two fibroinflammatory disorders with potentially overlapping clinical and radiological features. In this paper, we looked for histopathologic features of IgG4-RD and enumerated infiltrating IgG4-positive plasma cells within mediastinal tissue biopsies from FM patients. We identified 15 consecutive FM surgical mediastinal tissue biopsies between 1985 and 2006. All patients satisfied the clinical and radiological diagnostic criteria for FM. All patients had either serological or radiological evidence of prior histoplasmosis or granulomatous disease, respectively. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections of all patients were stained for H&E, IgG, and IgG4. Three samples met the predefined diagnostic criteria for IgG4-RD. In addition, characteristic histopathologic changes of IgG4-RD in the absence of diagnostic numbers of tissue infiltrating IgG4-positive plasma cells were seen in a number of additional cases (storiform cell-rich fibrosis in 11 cases, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in 7 cases, and obliterative phlebitis/arteritis in 2 cases. We conclude that up to one-third of histoplasmosis or granulomatous-disease-associated FM cases demonstrate histopathological features of IgG4-RD spectrum. Whether these changes occur as the host immune response against Histoplasma or represent a manifestation of IgG4-RD remains to be determined. Studies to prospectively identify these cases and evaluate their therapeutic responses to glucocorticoids and/or other immunosuppressive agents such as rituximab are warranted.

  3. Fibrose miocárdica em pacientes com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica com alto risco para morte súbita cardíaca Fibrosis miocárdica en pacientes con cardiomiopatía hipertrófica con alto riesgo para muerte súbita cardíaca Myocardial fibrosis in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and high risk for sudden death

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    Afonso Akio Shiozaki


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A estratificação de risco para morte súbita na cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (CMH, continua a ser um verdadeiro desafio devido à grande heterogeneidade da sua apresentação, em que a maioria dos indivíduos permanecem assintomáticos por toda sua vida e outros apresentam a morte súbita como primeiro sintoma. Recentes trabalhos vêm sugerindo que a fibrose miocárdica pode constituir-se em um importante substrato para as arritmias ventriculares malignas, responsáveis pela morte súbita nesta doença. OBJETIVO: Avaliação da prevalência e quantificação da fibrose miocárdica (FM, em pacientes com CMH com alto risco ou recuperados de morte súbita, portadores de cardiodesfibrilador implantável (CDI. MÉTODOS: Vinte e oito pacientes com CMH portadores de CDI foram submetidos à tomografia computadorizada com múltiplos detectores, para realização da técnica de realce tardio, e avaliação da fibrose miocárdica. RESULTADOS: 96% dos pacientes apresentavam fibrose miocárdica (20,38 ± 15,55 gramas correspondendo a 15,96 ± 10,20% da massa miocárdica total. A FM foi significativamente mais prevalente que os demais fatores de risco clássicos para morte súbita. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que existe uma alta prevalência de fibrose miocárdica em pacientes com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica de alto risco ou recuperados de morte súbita, como neste grupo - portadores de cardiodesfibrilador implantável. A maior prevalência da fibrose miocárdica comparada aos fatores de risco de pior prognóstico levantam a hipótese de que a fibrose miocárdica possa ser um importante substrato potencialmente necessário na gênese das arritmias desencadeadoras da morte súbita.FUNDAMENTO: La estratificación de riesgo para muerte súbita en la cardiomiopatía hipertrófica (CMH, sigue siendo un verdadero reto debido a la gran heterogeneidad de su presentación, cuya mayoría de los individuos permanecen asintomáticos por toda su vida y otros

  4. Prevalência de doença mineral óssea em adolescentes com fibrose cística Prevalence of bone mineral disease among adolescents with cystic fibrosis

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    Reinaldo José do Amaral Caldeira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de doença mineral óssea em adolescentes com fibrose cística e associar os achados com as variáveis estudadas. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 37 adolescentes, dos quais foram avaliados: estado nutricional pelos índices de altura/idade e massa corporal/idade; densidade mineral óssea da coluna lombar e corpo inteiro por densitometria com emissão de raio X de dupla energia; ingestão dietética diária pelo registro alimentar de 3 dias; e prova de função pulmonar pelo volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo. RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi de 13,2 (±2,8 anos. O estado nutricional adequado foi de 70,3 e 75,7% pelos índices de altura/idade e de massa corporal/idade, respectivamente; 54,1% dos pacientes apresentaram redução da densidade mineral óssea para coluna lombar e 32,5% para corpo inteiro. Houve correlação positiva entre densidade mineral óssea e índice de massa corporal (p = 0,04. A doença pulmonar e a insuficiência pancreática apresentaram correlação com a alteração da densidade mineral óssea. O inquérito alimentar revelou percentuais de adequação para o cálcio, fósforo e calorias, de acordo com a recomendação nutricional preconizada pelo Consenso Europeu de Fibrose Cística. Essas variáveis não se mostraram estatisticamente significantes na análise multivariada. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de doença mineral óssea é alta na adolescência. O estado nutricional adequado, a reposição de enzimas pancreáticas e o controle da doença pulmonar podem ter efeito protetor para a massa óssea.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of bone mineral disease among adolescents with cystic fibrosis and to relate the findings with the variables studied. METHODS: The study enrolled 37 adolescents who were assessed for: nutritional status according to height/age and body mass/age ratios; bone mineral density of the lumbar spine and entire body by densitometry with dual emission X

  5. Traction bronchiectasis in cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis: associated computed tomographic features and physiological significance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Desai, Sujal R. [Department of Radiology, King' s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, SE5 9RS, London (United Kingdom); Wells, Athol U.; Bois, Roland M. du [Interstitial Lung Disease Unit, Royal Brompton Hospital, Emmanuel Kaye Building, Manresa Road, Fulham, SW6 6LR, London (United Kingdom); Rubens, Michael B.; Hansell, David M. [Department of Radiology, Royal Brompton Hospital, Sydney Street, SW3 6NP, London (United Kingdom)


    Our objective was to evaluate the associated CT features and physiological consequences of traction bronchiectasis in patients with cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (CFA). The CT scans of 212 patients with CFA (158 men, 54 women; mean age 62.2{+-}10.6 years) were evaluated independently by two observers. The extent of fibrosis, the proportions of a reticular pattern and ground-glass opacification and the extent of emphysema were scored at five levels. The predominant CT pattern, coarseness of a reticular pattern and severity of traction bronchiectasis were graded semiquantitatively. Physiological indices were correlated with CT features. There was traction bronchiectasis on CT in 202 of 212 (95%) patients. Increasingly severe traction bronchiectasis was independently associated with increasingly extensive CFA (p<0.0005), a coarser reticular pattern (p<0.001), a lower proportion of ground-glass opacification (p<0.005) and less extensive emphysema (p<0.0005). Increasingly severe traction bronchiectasis was independently related to depression of DL{sub CO} (p<0.005), FVC (p=0.02) and pO{sub 2} (p<0.0005), but not indices of air-flow obstruction. In CFA, traction bronchiectasis increases with more extensive disease, a lower proportion of ground-glass opacification and a coarser reticular pattern, but it decreases with concurrent emphysema. Increasingly severe traction bronchiectasis is associated with additional physiological impairment for a given extent of pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema. (orig.)

  6. Fibrose cardíaca associada à intoxicação por Amorimia septentrionalis em bovinos

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    Samuel S.C. Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Amorimia septentrionalis contém monofluoracetato de sódio e quando consumida por ruminantes provoca morte súbita. Este estudo teve o objetivo de relatar a epidemiologia, os sinais clínicos e patológicos de surtos de morte súbita em bovinos provocadas por Amorimia septentrionalis nos Estados de Pernambuco e Paraíba. Para isso, realizaram-se visitas técnicas em diversas propriedades nas Microrregiões do Médio Capibaribe/PE e Itabaiana/PB. Oito bovinos foram necropsiados. Coletaram-se tecidos das cavidades abdominal e torácica, além do encéfalo e medula espinhal. As alterações clínicas consistiram em lentidão, decúbito esternal prolongado, relutância em se movimentar quando em estação, cansaço, taquipneia, taquicardia e pulso venoso positivo. Os bovinos que foram forçados a se movimentar apresentaram instabilidade, tremores musculares e queda repentina seguida de vocalizações, movimentos de pedalagem e morte súbita em cerca de 5 a 7 minutos. As principais alterações macroscópicas consistiram em edema pulmonar, coração com aspecto globular com áreas esbranquiçadas, petéquias e equimoses no epicárdio, miocárdio e músculos papilares. À microscopia observou-se aumento da eosinofilia do citoplasma dos cardiomiócitos, núcleos picnóticos, cariorrexia, cariólise, perda das estriações, edema intersticial, infiltrado inflamatório intersticial mononuclear e áreas multifocais de fibrose cardíaca. Nos rins, constatou-se degeneração hidrópico vacuolar e necrose das células epiteliais em túbulos contorcidos. Os sinais clínicos foram semelhantes aos sinais clínicos já descritos em bovinos por plantas que contém MFA. As lesões macro e microscópicas descritas no coração e rins são de grande valor diagnóstico. A. septentrionalis é a principal planta tóxica de interesse pecuário nas microrregiões do Médio Capibaribe e Itabaiana devido às perdas econômicas diretas e indiretas que provoca na pecu

  7. The N-terminal domain of Slack determines the formation and trafficking of Slick/Slack heteromeric sodium-activated potassium channels. (United States)

    Chen, Haijun; Kronengold, Jack; Yan, Yangyang; Gazula, Valeswara-Rao; Brown, Maile R; Ma, Liqun; Ferreira, Gonzalo; Yang, Youshan; Bhattacharjee, Arin; Sigworth, Fred J; Salkoff, Larry; Kaczmarek, Leonard K


    Potassium channels activated by intracellular Na(+) ions (K(Na)) play several distinct roles in regulating the firing patterns of neurons, and, at the single channel level, their properties are quite diverse. Two known genes, Slick and Slack, encode K(Na) channels. We have now found that Slick and Slack subunits coassemble to form heteromeric channels that differ from the homomers in their unitary conductance, kinetic behavior, subcellular localization, and response to activation of protein kinase C. Heteromer formation requires the N-terminal domain of Slack-B, one of the alternative splice variants of the Slack channel. This cytoplasmic N-terminal domain of Slack-B also facilitates the localization of heteromeric K(Na) channels to the plasma membrane. Immunocytochemical studies indicate that Slick and Slack-B subunits are coexpressed in many central neurons. Our findings provide a molecular explanation for some of the diversity in reported properties of neuronal K(Na) channels.

  8. Análise de custos operacionais e dos atrasos de aeronaves na Área Terminal São Paulo (TMA-SP

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    Erico Soriano Martins Santana


    Full Text Available

    O artigo desenvolve uma avaliação comparativa do atraso de aeronaves em vôo na Área Terminal de São Paulo (TMA-SP, a região aérea mais congestionada no Brasil, e de seus impactos em termos de custos. Diferentes cenários de fluxo foram construídos e simulados. A avaliação econômica foi baseada no custo operacional médio de vôo na TMA-SP. A análise foi concentrada nas operações de vôo e de solo que tiveram origem ou destino nos aeroportos de Congonhas, Guarulhos ou Viracopos, os três aeroportos mais movimentados da TMA-SP. O software SIMMOD Plus 4.0! foi utilizado para simular as operações no espaço aéreo e no lado aéreo dos aeroportos. Cinco cenários operacionais foram analisados. Destes, dois cenários — um considerando a operação de uma terceira pista no Aeroporto de Guarulhos e o outro considerando a remoção de aeronaves lentas do Aeroporto de Congonhas —, resultaram considerável redução no congestionamento e atraso na TMA-SP. A partir desses resultados, três novos cenários admitindo 10%, 20% e 30% de transferência de demanda de Congonhas para Guarulhos foram construídos e analisados. Os cenários propostos reduziram o atraso nos procedimentos de chegada e de partida dos vôos, diminuindo o custo operacional das empresas aéreas assim como aumentando a capacidade do sistema TMA-SP.

  9. Recurrent Pneumonia due to Fibrosing Mediastinitis in a Teenage Girl: A Case Report with Long-Term Follow-Up

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    Avigdor Hevroni


    Full Text Available A teenage girl was evaluated for recurrent right pneumonia. The evaluation revealed a calcified mediastinal mass that compressed the right intermediate and middle lobar bronchi, as well as the right pulmonary artery and veins. The clinical picture together with imaging studies and borderline positive serology testing suggested a diagnosis of fibrosing mediastinitis associated with histoplasmosis. This rare condition is characterized by the local proliferation of invasive fibrous tissue within the mediastinum due to a hyperimmune reaction to Histoplasma capsulatum. Antifungal and anti-inflammatory therapies are usually ineffective, and surgical intervention contains a high morbidity risk. Palliative surgery and stenting of the compressed airway have been suggested. In the past, the prognosis was thought to be poor, but recent studies demonstrate a more positive outcome. Our patient had been radiologically and functionally stable under follow-up for over thirteen years and has married and delivered two healthy children, both following an uneventful pregnancy.

  10. Padrões ventilatórios na espirometria em pacientes adolescentes e adultos com fibrose cística Respiratory patterns in spirometric tests of adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis

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    Bruna Ziegler


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os padrões dos distúrbios ventilatórios observados na espirometria em pacientes com fibrose cística (FC e suas relações com a gravidade funcional e com o comportamento dos fluxos máximos expiratórios a baixos volumes. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal e retrospectivo, incluindo pacientes adolescentes e adultos com FC. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à espirometria. Os pacientes foram classificados como tendo função ventilatória preservada, distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo (DVO, DVO com CVF reduzida, sugestivo de distúrbio ventilatório restritivo (DVR ou distúrbio ventilatório combinado (DVC. Os fluxos máximos expiratórios a baixos volumes foram avaliados utilizando-se FEF25-75%, FEF75%e FEF75%/CVF. O grupo controle incluiu 65 indivíduos normais, também submetidos à espirometria. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 65 pacientes no grupo de estudo: 8 (12,3% com função pulmonar preservada, 18 (27,7% com DVO, 24 (36,9% com DVO com CVF reduzida, 5 (7,7% com padrão sugestivo de DVR e 10 (15,4% com DVC. O VEF1 foi significativamente menor nos grupos DVO com CVF reduzida e DVC, comparados com os outros grupos (p OBJECTIVE: To evaluate spirometric patterns of respiratory disorders and their relationship with functional severity and maximal expiratory flows at low lung volumes in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF. METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional study including adolescents and adults with CF. All of the patients were submitted to spirometry. Patients were classified as having preserved respiratory function, obstructive lung disease (OLD, OLD with reduced FVC, presumptive restrictive lung disease (RLD or mixed obstructive and restrictive lung disease (MORLD. Maximal expiratory flows at low lung volumes were assessed using FEF25-75%, FEF75% and FEF75%/FVC. We included 65 normal subjects, also submitted to spirometry, as a control group. RESULTS: The study group included 65 patients: 8 (12.3% with preserved lung

  11. Uso de macrolídeos em doenças pulmonares: controvérsias da literatura recente

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    Luiz Vicente Ribeiro Ferreira da Silva Filho


    Full Text Available Resumo Objetivo: Revisar os mecanismos de ação de macrolídeos em doenças respiratórias pediátricas e as suas indicações clínicas. Fonte de dados: Revisão na base de dados Pubmed, compreendendo os termos em inglês referentes ao tema básico. Síntese dos dados: O seu espectro de ação estende-se desde a produção de mediadores inflamatórios até o controle da hipersecreção de muco e a modulação de mecanismos de defesa do hospedeiro. O potencial benefício dos antibióticos macrolídeos foi estudado em doenças pulmonares como a fibrose cística, as bronquiectasias, a asma, a bronquiolite aguda e as bronquiectasias não ligadas à fibrose cística. Diversos estudos avaliaram os benefícios dos macrolídeos na asma resistente a terapia, porém os resultados são controversos e as indicações devem ser limitadas a fenótipos específicos. Na bronquiolite viral não há benefícios consistentes nos quadros agudos, embora dados recentes mostrem um efeito na prevenção de sibilância recorrente. Em pacientes com fibrose cística os resultados também são contraditórios, mas o consenso é de que há um pequeno benefício clínico, especialmente para os pacientes infectados por P. aeruginosa. Também não foi observada ação positiva dos macrolídeos em pacientes com bronquiolite obliterante pós-infecciosa. Crianças com bronquiectasias não relacionadas à fibrose cística parecem ter claros benefícios em relação ao uso de macrolídeos, os quais mostraram vantagens clínicas, de proteção ao parênquima e na função pulmonar. Conclusões: O uso em longo prazo de macrolídeos deve ser limitado a situações altamente selecionadas, especialmente em pacientes com bronquiectasias. Avaliação cuidadosa dos benefícios e potenciais danos são ferramentas para indicação em grupos específicos.

  12. Dynamic polarizabilities and Van der Waals coefficients for alkali atoms Li, Na and alkali dimer molecules Li2, Na2 and NaLi (United States)

    Mérawa, M.; Dargelos, A.


    The present paper gives an account of investigations of the polarizability of the alkali atoms Li, Na, diatomics homonuclear and heteronuclear Li2, Na2 and NaLi at SCF (Self Consistent Field) level of approximation and at correlated level, using a time Time-Dependent Gauge Invariant method (TDGI). Our static polarizability values agree with the best experimental and theoretical determinations. The Van der Waals C6 coefficients for the atom-atom, atom-dimer and dimer-dimer interactions have been evaluated. Les polarisabilités des atomes alcalins Li, Na, et des molécules diatomiques homonucléaires et hétéronucléaire Li2, Na2 et NaLi, ont été calculées au niveau SCF (Self Consistent Field) et au niveau corrélé à partir d'une méthode invariante de jauge dépendante du temps(TDGI). Nos valeurs des polarisabilités statiques sont en accord avec les meilleurs déterminations expérimentales et théoriques. Les coefficients C6 de Van de Waals pour les interactions atome-atome, atome-dimère et dimère-dimère ont également été évalués.

  13. Fibrosing variant of Hashimoto thyroiditis is an IgG4 related disease. (United States)

    Deshpande, Vikram; Huck, Amelia; Ooi, Esther; Stone, John H; Faquin, William C; Nielsen, G Petur


    Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) and the fibrosing variant of Hashimoto thyroiditis (FVHT) are immune-mediated tumefactive lesions of the thyroid. Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is now a widely recognised multi-organ system disease characterised by elevated serum and tissue concentrations of IgG4. In this study, the authors address several unresolved questions pertaining to the relationship between HT and FVHT, and the association of each of these diseases with IgG4-RD. The authors evaluated 28 consecutive cases of HT and nine cases of FVHT. The clinical, demographic and serological data were recorded. The slides were stained immunohistochemically using antibodies to IgG4 and IgG and the quantitative analysis was recorded. Data on thyroid function tests were available on seven cases of FVHT and 14 cases of HT. Based on the availability of data, hypothyroidism was noted in 62% (9/14) of HT and 86% of FVHT (6/7). FVHT demonstrated an exaggerated lobular pattern with lobules separated by cellular storiform-type fibrosis, resembling fibrosis seen in other forms of IgG-RD. The median IgG4 counts per high power field (×40) in HT and FVHT were 2.3 and 22, respectively. The median IgG4:IgG ratios in HT and FVHT were 0.11 and 0.58, respectively. The authors propose that FVHT belongs to the spectrum of IgG4-RD. Although a proportion of cases of HT show elevated numbers of IgG4 positive plasma cells, these cases lack the histological features typically associated with IgG4-RD, and thus the relationship between HT and IgG4-RD remains unproven.

  14. Estado nutricional em pacientes atendidos por um programa de adultos para fibrose cística

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    Bruna Ziegler


    Full Text Available Introdução: Na fibrose cística (FC, o estado nutricional está associado com o crescimento, função pulmonar e índices de so-brevida. Objetivo: Avaliar o estado nutricional em adultos com FC e correlacionar com escore clínico, escore radiológico, pressões respiratórias estáticas máximas, capacidade submáxima de exercício e função pulmonar. Metodologia: O estudo realizado foi transver-sal e prospectivo, em pacientes (16 anos ou mais, atendidos em um programa para adultos com FC. Os pacientes foram submetidos a uma avaliação nutricional e clínica, ao teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6, à medida das pressões respiratórias máximas, a espirometria e exame radiológico do tórax. Resultados: O estudo incluiu 41 pacientes com media de idade de 23,7 ± 6,5 anos e média de índice de massa corporal (IMC de 20,2 ± 2,2 Kg/m2. Vinte e seis pacientes (63,4% foram classificados como bem nutridos (IMC = 21,7 ± 2,0 Kg/m2, 6 (14,6% como risco nutricional (IMC = 19,4 ± 0,5 Kg/m2 e 9 (22% como desnutridos (IMC = 17,6 ± 0,8 Kg/m2. Não houve correlação significativa entre IMC e a idade (r = 0,24; P = 0,13, idade do diagnóstico (r = -0,04; P = 0,81, escore clínico (r = 0,13; P = 0,40 e radiográfico (r = -0,22; P = 0,17, distância percorrida no TC6 (r = 0,20; P = 0,20, VEF1 % (r = 0,11; P = 0,50 e CVF % (r = 0,06; P = 0,72. Também não houve associação entre o declínio do estado nutricional e essas variáveis. Conclusão: Este estudo mos-trou que a maioria dos pacientes com FC (16 anos ou mais tem um adequado estado nutricional (63,4%, mas uma porcentagem signi-ficante (36,6% tem depleção nutricional. Não houve associação entre o estado nutricional e a função pulmonar, pressões respiratórias máximas, escore clínico e radiográfico e a capacidade submáxima de exercício.

  15. Age-dependent variation in the terminal investment threshold in male crickets. (United States)

    Duffield, Kristin R; Hampton, Kylie J; Houslay, Thomas M; Hunt, John; Rapkin, James; Sakaluk, Scott K; Sadd, Ben M


    The terminal investment hypothesis proposes that decreased expectation of future reproduction (e.g., arising from a threat to survival) should precipitate increased investment in current reproduction. The level at which a cue of decreased survival is sufficient to trigger terminal investment (i.e., the terminal investment threshold) may vary according to other factors that influence expectation for future reproduction. We test whether the terminal investment threshold varies with age in male crickets, using heat-killed bacteria to simulate an immune-inducing infection. We measured calling effort (a behavior essential for mating) and hemolymph antimicrobial activity in young and old males across a gradient of increasing infection cue intensity. There was a significant interaction between the infection cue and age in their effect on calling effort, confirming the existence of a dynamic terminal investment threshold: young males reduced effort at all infection levels, whereas old males increased effort at the highest levels relative to naïve individuals. A lack of a corresponding decrease in antibacterial activity suggests that altered reproductive effort is not traded against investment in this component of immunity. Collectively, these results support the existence of a dynamic terminal investment threshold, perhaps accounting for some of the conflicting evidence in support of terminal investment. © 2018 The Author(s). Evolution © 2018 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  16. Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging findings in Schistosomiasis mansoni: expanded gallbladder fossa and fatty hilum signs Achados da ultrassonografia e da ressonância magnética na esquistossomose mansônica: sinais da expansão da fossa da vesícula e do hilo gorduroso

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    Luciana Cristina dos Santos Silva


    esquistossomose mansônica. Todos apresentavam US indicativa de fibrose hepática esquistossomótica, e foram avaliados com imagens por RM, realizadas com uma unidade magnética supercondutora de 1,5-T(Sigma. RESULTADOS: Quarenta e sete (87% entre 54 pacientes com sinais ultrassonográficosde fibrose periportal esquistossomótica tiveram este diagnóstico confirmado pela RM. Nos sete(13% casos discordantes, a RM revelou tecido adiposo preenchendo o espaço periportal hilaronde a US indicava espessamento isolado da parede da veia porta em seu ponto de entrada no fígado. Este achado foi nomeado sinal do hilo gorduroso. Um dos 47 pacientes com evidência de fibrose periportal RM era colecistectomizado. Trinta e quatro (76,1% dos 46 pacientes restantes apresentavam expansão da fossa da vesícula, que se encontrava preenchida portecido adiposo. Nos outros sete, a RM revelou sinais de fibrose pericolecística. CONCLUSÕES: Os espessamentos ecogênicos central da parede da veia porta, e da parede da vesícula biliar, até o momento, atribuídos à fibrose, foram frequentemente identificados como tecido adiposopela RM. Entretanto, o espessamento da parede da vesícula identificado pela US (expansão da fossa da vesícula na RM é provavelmente secundário a alterações morfológicas hepáticas na esquistossomose, e representa comprometimento grave do fígado.

  17. Fatores prognósticos em fibrose pulmonar idiopática Prognostic factors in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar quais fatores prognósticos são significativos na sobrevida de pacientes com fibrose pulmonar idiopática (FPI, foram estudados 117 casos com comprovação histológica da doença, internados no Pavilhão Pereira Filho entre 1970 e 1996. Todos os pacientes realizaram radiologia convencional de tórax, espirometria e preencheram um questionário padronizado no momento da internação. Foram também realizados medida da difusão (34 casos, capacidade pulmonar total (28, gasometria (106, lavado broncoalveolar (39, provas reumatismais (45 e tomografia computadorizada de tórax (24. Para uma análise mais específica, os pacientes foram dividos em dois grupos: grupo A (sobrevida até dois anos - 55 pacientes e grupo B (sobrevida maior que cinco anos - 24 pacientes, sendo estas características também analisadas de acordo com a significância em relação à sobrevida. Foram considerados fatores indicativos de pior prognóstico a idade avançada, a duração prolongada de sintomas, a gravidade da dispnéia, a redução da CVF, da DCO, da PaO2 e da SaO2, a intensidade do faveolamento e o grau de profusão do padrão reticular na TCAR. Estiveram também associados à menor sobrevida os valores menores de VEF1 e CPT. A utilização destes critérios de gravidade que apresentaram significância estatística, quando utilizados em conjunto, pode determinar uma avaliação prognóstica mais apurada em pacientes portadores de FPI, com implicações terapêuticas e sociais relevantes para seu manejo e acompanhamento.In order to evaluate which prognostic factors were significant to the survival of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF, 121 histologically confirmed cases of the disease were studied at the Pereira Filho Hospital from 1970 to 1996. All patients were submitted to a standard thorax X-ray and spirometry and answered a standardized questionnaire when admitted to hospital. They also underwent diffusion tests (34

  18. Stem cells. m6A mRNA methylation facilitates resolution of naïve pluripotency toward differentiation. (United States)

    Geula, Shay; Moshitch-Moshkovitz, Sharon; Dominissini, Dan; Mansour, Abed AlFatah; Kol, Nitzan; Salmon-Divon, Mali; Hershkovitz, Vera; Peer, Eyal; Mor, Nofar; Manor, Yair S; Ben-Haim, Moshe Shay; Eyal, Eran; Yunger, Sharon; Pinto, Yishay; Jaitin, Diego Adhemar; Viukov, Sergey; Rais, Yoach; Krupalnik, Vladislav; Chomsky, Elad; Zerbib, Mirie; Maza, Itay; Rechavi, Yoav; Massarwa, Rada; Hanna, Suhair; Amit, Ido; Levanon, Erez Y; Amariglio, Ninette; Stern-Ginossar, Noam; Novershtern, Noa; Rechavi, Gideon; Hanna, Jacob H


    Naïve and primed pluripotent states retain distinct molecular properties, yet limited knowledge exists on how their state transitions are regulated. Here, we identify Mettl3, an N(6)-methyladenosine (m(6)A) transferase, as a regulator for terminating murine naïve pluripotency. Mettl3 knockout preimplantation epiblasts and naïve embryonic stem cells are depleted for m(6)A in mRNAs, yet are viable. However, they fail to adequately terminate their naïve state and, subsequently, undergo aberrant and restricted lineage priming at the postimplantation stage, which leads to early embryonic lethality. m(6)A predominantly and directly reduces mRNA stability, including that of key naïve pluripotency-promoting transcripts. This study highlights a critical role for an mRNA epigenetic modification in vivo and identifies regulatory modules that functionally influence naïve and primed pluripotency in an opposing manner. Copyright © 2015, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  19. A 19-kDa C-terminal tryptic fragment of the α chain of Na/K-ATPase is essential for occlusion and transport of cations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karlish, S.J.D.; Goldshleger, R.; Stein, W.D.


    Tryptic digestion of pig renal Na/K-ATPase in the presence of Rb and absence of Ca ions removes about half of the protein but leaves a stable 19-kDa membrane-embedded fragment derived from the α chain, a largely intact β chain, and essentially normal Rb- and Na-occlusion capacity. Subsequent digestion with trypsin in the presence of Ca or absence of Rb ions leads to rapid loss of the 19-kDa fragment and a parallel loss of Rb occlusion, demonstrating that the fragment is essential for occlusion. The N-terminal sequence of the 19-kDa fragment is Asn-Pro-Lys-Thr-Asp-Lys-Leu-Val-Asn-Glu-Arg-Leu-Ile-Ser-Met-Ala, beginning at residue 830 and extending toward the C terminus. Membranes containing the 19-kDa fragment have the following functional properties. (i) ATP-dependent functions are absent. (ii) The apparent affinity for occluding Rb is unchanged, the affinity for Na is lower than in the control enzyme, and activation is now strongly sigmoidal rather than hyperbolic. (iii) Membranes containing the 19-kDa fragment can be reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles and sustain slow Rb-Rb exchange. Thus the transport pathway is retained. The authors conclude that cation occlusion sites and the transport pathway within transmembrane segments are quite separate from the ATP binding sites, located on the cytoplasmic domain of the α chain. Interactions between cation and ATP sites, the heart of active transport, must be indirect - mediated, presumably, by conformational changes of the protein

  20. A 19-kDa C-terminal tryptic fragment of the. alpha. chain of Na/K-ATPase is essential for occlusion and transport of cations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karlish, S.J.D.; Goldshleger, R. (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot (Israel)); Stein, W.D. (Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem (Israel))


    Tryptic digestion of pig renal Na/K-ATPase in the presence of Rb and absence of Ca ions removes about half of the protein but leaves a stable 19-kDa membrane-embedded fragment derived from the {alpha} chain, a largely intact {beta} chain, and essentially normal Rb- and Na-occlusion capacity. Subsequent digestion with trypsin in the presence of Ca or absence of Rb ions leads to rapid loss of the 19-kDa fragment and a parallel loss of Rb occlusion, demonstrating that the fragment is essential for occlusion. The N-terminal sequence of the 19-kDa fragment is Asn-Pro-Lys-Thr-Asp-Lys-Leu-Val-Asn-Glu-Arg-Leu-Ile-Ser-Met-Ala, beginning at residue 830 and extending toward the C terminus. Membranes containing the 19-kDa fragment have the following functional properties. (i) ATP-dependent functions are absent. (ii) The apparent affinity for occluding Rb is unchanged, the affinity for Na is lower than in the control enzyme, and activation is now strongly sigmoidal rather than hyperbolic. (iii) Membranes containing the 19-kDa fragment can be reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles and sustain slow Rb-Rb exchange. Thus the transport pathway is retained. The authors conclude that cation occlusion sites and the transport pathway within transmembrane segments are quite separate from the ATP binding sites, located on the cytoplasmic domain of the {alpha} chain. Interactions between cation and ATP sites, the heart of active transport, must be indirect - mediated, presumably, by conformational changes of the protein.

  1. Estado de Nutrição, Hábitos Alimentares e Dispêndio Energético em Crianças com Fibrose Quística


    Guerra, Paula; Almeida, João; Rego, Carla; Nunes, Teresa; G. Vaz, Luisa; Silva, Diana; Lourenço, Susana; Ribeiro, Laura; M. Guerra, António J.


    O presente trabalho tem como objectivo avaliar o estado de nutrição, a composição corporal e a função respiratória de um grupo de crianças com fibrose quística sem evidência clínica ou laboratorial de infecção recente, assim como o de conhecer os seus hábitos alimentares e determinar o valor do dispêndio energético de repouso medido por calorimetria indirecta e o avaliado pelas equações de Schofield, da Organização Mundial de Saúde e de Fleish.População e métodos: a população é constituída po...

  2. Strontium, barium, and manganese metabolism in isolated presynaptic nerve terminals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rasgado-Flores, H.; Sanchez-Armass, S.; Blaustein, M.P.; Nachshen, D.A.


    To gain insight into the mechanisms by which the divalent cations Sr, Ba, and Mn affect neurotransmitter release from presynaptic nerve terminals, the authors examined the sequestration of these cations, ion comparison to Ca, by mitochondrial and nonmitochondrial organelles and the extrusion of these cations from isolated nerve terminals. Sequestration was studied in synaptosomes made leaky to small ions by treatment with saponin; efflux was examined in intact synaptosomes that were preloaded with the divalent cations by incubation in depolarizing (K rich) media. The selectivity sequence for ATP-dependent mitochondrial uptake that they observed was Mn>>Ca>Sr>>Ba, whereas that for the SER was Ca ≥ Mn>Sr>>Ba. When synaptosomes that were preloaded with divalent cations were incubated in Na- and Ca-free media, there was little efflux of 45 Ca, 133 Ba, 85 Sr, or 54 Mn. When the incubation was carried out in media containing Na without Ca, there was substantial stimulation of Ca and Sr efflux, but only slight stimulation of Ba or Mn efflux. In Na-free media, the addition of 1 mM Ca promoted the efflux of all four divalent cations, probably via Ca-divalent cation exchange. In summary, the sequestration and extrusion data suggest that, with equal loads, Mn will be buffered to the greatest extent, whereas Ba will be least well buffered. These results may help to explain why Mn has a very long-lasting effect on transmitter release, while the effect of Sr is much briefer

  3. Kwashiorkor e distúrbio de coagulação: apresentação atípica de fibrose cística Kwashiorkor and coagulation disturbance: atypical presentation of cystic fibrosis

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    Michelle de Oliveira T. Sundell


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Enfatizar a apresentação clínica precoce da fibrose cística (FC em lactente com Kwashiorkor e distúrbio de coagulação, decorrente de hipovitaminose K. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Paciente com três meses e meio, sexo feminino, nascida a termo, peso de 2655g, estatura de 46cm, foi encaminhada para investigação de lesões perineais associadas à monilíase de difícil controle, refratária a diversos antifúngicos e corticoides. Quadro geral caracterizado por baixo ganho ponderal, edema e diarreia. Admissão hospitalar para investigação com hipótese diagnóstica de Kwashiorkor de origem primária ou secundária. Paciente mantida em aleitamento materno exclusivo, sendo observadas perda ponderal e persistência da diarreia. Na internação, foi iniciado tratamento de infecção do trato urinário. A paciente evoluiu com hemorragia digestiva alta e sangramento pela flebotomia em safena direita, sendo identificada coagulopatia responsiva à vitamina K e plasma fresco congelado. Na evolução, foi confirmada esteatorreia e hipoalbuminemia; as sorologias para sífilis, toxoplasmose, mononucleose, citomegalovírus, rubéola, HIV e hepatite B, apresentaram resultado negativo e a pesquisa da mutação ∆F508 heterozigoto para FC foi positiva. A paciente apresentou piora do estado geral com sinais de sepse, evoluindo para óbito. O laudo necroscópico evidenciou elementos característicos de choque séptico com infecção pulmonar, sinais acentuados de desnutrição e fibrose cística do pâncreas. COMENTÁRIOS: A FC pode manifestar-se com quadro de Kwashiorkor e distúrbio de coagulação por deficiência de vitamina K. Os profissionais de saúde devem estar atentos à possibilidade de FC no diagnóstico diferencial dessa situação.OBJECTIVE: To address the clinical presentation of cystic fibrosis (CF in an infant presenting Kwashiorkor along with coagulation disturbance due to vitamin K deficiency. CASE DESCRIPTION: A female baby aged

  4. Comparative study between polypropylene and polypropylene/poliglecaprone meshes used in the correction of abdominal wall defect in rats Estudo comparativo entre as telas de polipropileno e polipropileno/poliglecaprone utilizadas na correção de defeito na parede abdominal ventral de ratos

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    Carlos Alberto Lima Utrabo


    ós-operatório. Fragmentos da parede abdominal foram submetidos à análise macroscópica, tensiométrica e histológica. RESULTADOS: A tensiometria no subgrupo A30 mostrou tensão média de ruptura de 0,78 Mpa e no subgrupo A60 de 0,66 MPa. No subgrupo B30 foi de 0,84 MPa e no B60 de 1,27 MPa. O escore do processo inflamatório mostrou fase subaguda nos subgrupos A30 e B30 e processo inflamatório crônico no subgrupo A60 e B60. CONCLUSÕES: A resistência à tensão foi maior na parede reparada pela tela de polipropileno/poliglecaprone no 60º dia pós-operatório. Na análise histológica houve maior concentração da fibrose na superfície da tela de polipropileno com tendência ao encapsulamento. Nos subgrupos polipropileno/poliglecaprone a análise histológica mostrou maior fibrose entre os filamentos da tela.

  5. A utilização da Pfaffia glomerata no processo de cicatrização de feridas da pele Pfaffia glomerata in the process of healing of skin wounds

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    Marileide Inacio da Silva


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Quando ocorre perda tecidual na pele surge a necessidade de reconstituir-se o tecido lesionado e atualmente cada vez mais surgem artifícios que se propõem neoformá-lo. O uso de fitoterápicos, como a Pfaffia glomerata, tem a finalidade de buscar nestes produtos princípios ativos que desempenhem efetivo papel no processo de cicatrização. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados da utilização da Pfaffia glomerata na cicatrização de feridas cirúrgicas em ratos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 40 ratos, nos quais realizaram-se feridas cirúrgicas com punch de 3 mm de diâmetro no dorso da parte superior direita onde nenhuma substância foi aplicada e nesses mesmos animais foram também realizadas feridas cirúrgicas na região inferior, onde foi aplicado o extrato do fitoterápico. Foram divididos em quatro subgrupos de 48 horas, uma, duas e três semanas em relação ao sacrifício. Foram tomadas as medidas na circunferência para analisar a contração da ferida macroscopicamente. Microscopicamente os resultados foram analisados utilizando-se a coloração de Hematoxilina-Eosina, para verificar o processo inflamatório; imunohistoquímica, fator VIII, para observar a densidade vascular; e tricrômio de Masson para estudar a fibrose. RESULTADOS: Macroscopicamente o grupo planta obteve resultados superiores ao grupo controle. A análise da variável fator VIII mostrou significância estatística no grupo de uma semana do fitoterápico. Na variável fibrose, constatou-se que no período de 48 horas o grupo controle apresentou 70% de casos com fibrose mínima, ao passo que o da planta, 90%. Em uma semana, o grupo controle apresentou 10% de casos com ausência de fibrose , 60% com fibrose mínima e 30% com fibrose moderada, enquanto que o grupo planta apresentou 70% de casos com fibrose mínima e 30% com fibrose moderada. Já no período de duas semanas, o grupo controle manteve 60% dos casos com fibrose mínima e aumentou para 40% os com

  6. Opacidades em vidro fosco nas doenças pulmonares difusas: correlação da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução com a anatomopatologia Ground-glass opacity in diffuse lung diseases: high-resolution computed tomography-pathology correlation

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    Maria Lúcia de Oliveira Santos


    Full Text Available Opacidade em vidro fosco é achado freqüentemente visto na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax e se traduz pelo aumento do coeficiente de atenuação dos pulmões, mas sem apagar as marcas broncovasculares. Por sua inespecificidade, a associação com outros achados radiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos deve ser considerada para uma interpretação diagnóstica mais correta. Neste trabalho foram analisados 62 exames tomográficos de pacientes com doenças pulmonares difusas, de 14 etiologias diferentes, em que opacidades em vidro fosco foram o achado único ou predominante, e feita correlação anatomopatológica por meio de biópsias ou necropsias. Na pneumocistose as opacidades em vidro fosco corresponderam, histologicamente, à ocupação alveolar por material espumoso contendo parasitos; no carcinoma bronquíolo-alveolar, a espessamento dos septos alveolares e ocupação de sua luz por muco e células tumorais; na paracoccidioidomicose, a espessamento dos septos alveolares, áreas de fibrose e alvéolos contendo exsudato broncopneumônico; na sarcoidose, a fibrose ou a acúmulo de granulomas; na fibrose pulmonar idiopática, a espessamento dos septos alveolares por fibrose; na bronquiolite obliterante com pneumonia em organização, a pneumonia intersticial com áreas de organização intra-alveolar. A ocupação alveolar por sangue foi observada nos casos de leptospirose, hemossiderose idiopática, metástases de tumor renal e na aspergilose invasiva; por vacúolos de gordura na pneumonia lipídica; por material protéico e lipoprotéico na silicoproteinose e na proteinose alveolar; e por líquido de edema na insuficiência cardíaca congestiva.Ground-glass opacity is a finding frequently seen in high-resolution computed tomography examinations of the chest and is characterized by hazy increased attenuation of lung, however without blurring of bronchial and vascular margins. Due to its unspecificity


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    Cristiane Valle TOVO


    Full Text Available Context The progression of liver fibrosis in patients coinfected by hepatitis C virus and human immunodeficiency virus (HCV/HIV has been increasingly studied in the past decade. Studies made before the highly active antiretroviral therapy suggest that HIV can change the natural history of the HCV infection, leading to a faster progression of the liver fibrosis. Objective To evaluate and compare the fibrosis progression in two groups of patients (HCV/HIV coinfected and HCV monoinfected Methods Seventy patients HCV monoinfected and 26 patients HCV/HIV coinfected who had not undertaken HCV treatment and were submitted to serial percutaneous liver biopsies were retrospectively evaluated. There was no difference in the fibrosis progression between the two groups. Conclusion The fibrosis grade evolution was not worse in the coinfected patients. The immunosuppression absence and the shortest time period between the biopsies in the coinfected group are possible explanations. Contexto A progressão da fibrose hepática em pacientes coinfectados pelos vírus da hepatite C (VHC e da imunodeficiência humana (VHC/HIV tem sido mais estudada na última década. Estudos realizados antes da terapia antiretroviral de alta potência (HAART sugerem que o HIV pode mudar a história natural da infecção pelo VHC, levando a uma progressão mais rápida da fibrose hepática. Objetivo Avaliar e comparar a progressão de fibrose em duas populações de pacientes (coinfectados VHC/HIV e monoinfectados VHC. Métodos Foram avaliados retrospectivamente 70 pacientes monoinfectados VHC e 26 coinfectados VHC/HIV nunca tratados para o VHC e que haviam realizado duas biopsias hepáticas seriadas. Não houve diferença na progressão de fibrose entre os dois grupos. Conclusão A evolução do grau de fibrose não foi pior nos pacientes coinfectados. A ausência de imunodepressão e o menor intervalo de tempo entre as biopsias no grupo de coinfectados são poss

  8. Efeitos da intoxicação crônica com o etanol na evolução da Tripanosomíase cruzi experimental no camundongo

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    Nildete das Graças Lima Gomes


    Full Text Available Dois experimentos foram realizados para estudar o efeito da intoxicação crônica com o etanol (solução a 7% como única fonte de líquido sobre a evolução da infecção pelo T. cruzi em camundongos: (1 animais após 60 dias de infecção com cepa miotrópica do T. cruzi foram submetidos à intoxicação crônica com o etanol durante 6 meses; (2 animais cronicamente intoxicados com etanol durante 5 meses foram infectados com a mesma cepa do T. cruzi e, continuando a ingestão do etanol, foram acompanhados até 45 dias após a infecção. Os animais infectados e tratados com etanol apresentaram, em relação aos que não ingeriram álcool etílico: (a mortalidade semelhante nos dois experimentos; (b parasitemia mais alta na fase aguda e parasitemia patente mais freqüente na fase crônica; (b miocardite com exsudato inflamatório menos intenso e fibrose miocárdica mais extensa na fase crônica; (c no músculo esquelético, miosite menos intensa e arterite com trombose hialina menos freqüente.

  9. Estudo do efeito da colostomia proximal terminal na cicatrização de anastomoses colo-cólicas em ratos

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    Leme Marcelo Betim Paes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar os efeitos da colostomia proximal terminal na cicatrização de anastomoses colo-cólicas em ratos. MÉTODOS: 36 ratas foram divididas em 2 grupos: grupo controle (C com 12 animais submetidos à ressecção cólica segmentar seguida de anastomose colo-cólica primária, e grupo colostomizado (CZ com 24 animais submetidos ao mesmo procedimento do grupo C complementado com uma colostomia proximal. A cicatrização anastomótica foi avaliada em dois períodos distintos, 2º e 7º dias de pós-operatório (PO, em relação à deiscência anastomótica, aderências, epitelização mucosa, pressão de ruptura e variáveis histológicas. Os resultados foram submetidos a estudo estatístico considerando-se como significante valores de p<0,05. RESULTADOS: A deiscência, principal variável analisada nessa pesquisa, não ocorreu em ambos os grupos estudados. As aderências foram significantemente mais intensas no grupo C no 7º PO. Nos dois grupos, a ruptura intestinal sempre ocorreu ao nível da anastomose no 2º PO; no 7º PO, a maior parte das rupturas aconteceram na alça cólica fora da zona anastomótica (100% do grupo C e 70% do grupo CZ. A análise das demais variáveis demonstrou equivalência entre os dois grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados dessa pesquisa não demonstraram diferença significante entre anastomoses colo-cólicas em ratos associados ou não à colostomia proximal.

  10. Liver cirrhosis and hepatic stellate cells Cirrose hepática e células estreladas do figado

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    Daniel Ferracioli Brandão


    Full Text Available The cirrhosis represents the final stage of several chronic hepatic diseases and it is characterized by the presence of fibrosis and morphologic conversion from the normal hepatic architecture into structurally abnormal nodules. In the evolution of the disease there is loss of the normal vascular relationship and portal hypertension. There are also regenerative hepatocelular alterations that become more prominent with the progression of the disease. The liver transplantation continues to be the only therapeutic option in cases of disease in terminal phase. The hepatic stellate cells (HSC are perisinusoidal cells that store vitamin A and produce growth factors, citocins, prostaglandins and other bioactive substances. They can suffer an activation process that convert them to cells with a phenotype similar to myofibroblasts. When activated, they present increased capacity of proliferation, mobility, contractility and synthesis of collagen and other components of extracelular matrix. They possess cytoplasmic processes adhered to sinusoids and can affect the sinusoidal blood flow. HSC are important in pathogenesis of fibrosis and portal hypertension.A cirrose representa o estágio final de diversas doenças hepáticas crônicas e é caracterizada pela presença de fibrose e conversão da arquitetura hepática normal em nódulos estruturalmente anormais. Na evolução da doença ocorre perda da relação vascular normal e hipertensão portal. Há também alterações regenerativas hepatocelulares que se tornam mais proeminentes com a progressão da doença. O transplante hepático permanece como a única opção terapêutica nos casos de doença em fase terminal. As células estreladas hepáticas (CEH são células perisinusoidais que armazenam vitamina A e produzem fatores de crescimento, citocinas, prostaglandinas e outras substâncias bioativas. Podem sofrer um processo de ativação para um fenótipo semelhante a miofibroblastos. Quando ativadas

  11. Preparation of Substituted Enol Derivatives From Terminal Alkynes and Their Synthetic Utility (United States)

    DeBergh, John R.; Spivey, Kathleen M.; Ready, Joseph M.


    Stereodefined enol derivatives of aldehydes are prepared from terminal alkynes. Specifically, terminal alkynes are known to undergo Cp2ZrCl2-catalyzed methylalumination. Here, we show that the resultant vinylalanes can be oxygenated with peroxyzinc species to generate trisubstituted enolates. Electrophilic trapping with carboxylic anydrides or silyl triflates yields trisubstituted enol esters or silanes, respectively. The tandem carbometalation/oxygenation tolerates free and protected alcohols, heterocycles, olefins and nitriles. Likewise, amination can be accomplished using azodicarboxylates. Stereodefined enol esters can undergo asymmetric dihydroxylation to yield optically-active α-hydroxy aldehydes. Reduction with NaBH4 provides the diols of 1,1-disubstituted olefins in excellent ee. An application of this methodology to the enantioselective synthesis of the insect pheromone frontalin is presented. Finally, α-hydroxy aldehydes are shown to undergo homologation to a terminal alkyne, reductive amination, oxidation and olefination. Preliminary results indicate that tandem carbometalation/amination can be accomplished with azodicarboxylates. In this way, ene-hydrazines are formed in excellent yield. PMID:18517202

  12. Os pacientes invisíveis: transtorno de estresse pós-traumático em pais de pacientes com fibrose cística The invisible patients: posttraumatic stress disorder in parents of individuals with cystic fibrosis

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    Mariana Cabizuca


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: Apesar do crescente reconhecimento da relevância do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT secundário a doenças médicas, ainda não existem estudos em fibrose cística. OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência de TEPT e dos três grupos de sintomas de estresse pós-traumático em pais de pacientes com fibrose cística. MÉTODOS: Pais de pacientes com fibrose cística (idade média: 2 a 33 anos foram recrutados da Associação Carioca de Mucoviscidose. Neste estudo transversal, os pais preencheram um questionário sociodemográfico e foram entrevistados por meio do módulo de TEPT do Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. RESULTADOS: A amostra era composta de 62 indivíduos (46 mães e 16 pais. A prevalência atual de TEPT foi 6,5% e de TEPT parcial, de 19,4%. Os pais com e sem sintomas de TEPT diferiram significativamente em dois aspectos psicossociais: os primeiros relataram mais problemas emocionais (p = 0,001 e reconheceram mais frequentemente a necessidade de tratamento psiquiátrico ou psicológico (p = 0,002 que os últimos. Entretanto, somente 6,3% dos pais com sintomas de TEPT estavam em tratamento psiquiátrico/psicológico. CONCLUSÕES: Este estudo preliminar demonstrou que a frequência dos sintomas de TEPT é bem elevada em pais de pacientes com fibrose cística e, apesar de esses pais reconheceram que tem problemas emocionais e precisam de tratamento psiquiátrico/psicológico, seu sofrimento permanece invisível para o sistema médico, levando ao subdiagnóstico e ao subtratamento.BACKGROUND: Besides the growing acknowledgment of the relevance of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD related to medical illness, there is no study in cystic fibrosis yet. OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of PTSD and the three clusters of posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS in parents of patients with cystic fibrosis. METHODS: Parents of patients with cystic fibrosis (age range: 2 to 33 years were drawn from the Cystic Fibrosis

  13. Triamidoamine-uranium(IV)-stabilized terminal parent phosphide and phosphinidene complexes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gardner, Benedict M.; McMaster, Jonathan; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Liddle, Stephen T. [School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom); Balazs, Gabor; Scheer, Manfred [Institut of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Regensburg (Germany); Tuna, Floriana; McInnes, Eric J.L. [School of Chemistry and Photon Science Institute, University of Manchester (United Kingdom)


    Reaction of [U(Tren{sup TIPS})(THF)][BPh{sub 4}] (1; Tren{sup TIPS}=N{CH_2CH_2NSi(iPr)_3}{sub 3}) with NaPH{sub 2} afforded the novel f-block terminal parent phosphide complex [U(Tren {sup TIPS})(PH{sub 2})] (2; U-P=2.883(2) Aa). Treatment of 2 with one equivalent of KCH{sub 2}C{sub 6}H{sub 5} and two equivalents of benzo-15-crown-5 ether (B15C5) afforded the unprecedented metal-stabilized terminal parent phosphinidene complex [U(Tren{sup TIPS})(PH)][K(B15C5){sub 2}] (4; U=P=2.613(2) Aa). DFT calculations reveal a polarized-covalent U=P bond with a Mayer bond order of 1.92. (copyright 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  14. NMR studies of the fifth transmembrane segment of Na+,K+-ATPase reveals a non-helical ion-binding region

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Underhaug, Jarl; Jakobsen, Louise Odgaard; Esmann, Mikael


    The structure of a synthetic peptide corresponding to the fifth membrane-spanning segment (M5) in Na(+),K(+)-ATPase in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles was determined using liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The spectra reveal that this peptide is substantially less...... transmembrane element of the Ca(2+)-ATPase. Furthermore, this region spans the residues implicated in Na(+) and K(+) transport, where they are likely to offer the flexibility needed to coordinate Na(+) as well as K(+) during active transport....... alpha-helical than the corresponding M5 peptide of Ca(2+)-ATPase. A well-defined alpha-helix is shown in the C-terminal half of the peptide. Apart from a short helical stretch at the N-terminus, the N-terminal half contains a non-helical region with two proline residues and sequence similarity to a non-structured...

  15. Estudo de mutações do gene CFTR e da concentração sérica da lectina ligante de manose (MBL) em crianças com fibrose cística identificadas pela triagem neonatal


    Ribas, Danieli Isabel Romanovitch


    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Nelson Augusto Rosário Filho Co-orientadora: Profª. Drª. Lilian Pereira Ferrari Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Interna. Defesa : Curitiba, 19/12/2014 Inclui referências Resumo: A fibrose cística é uma doença hereditária autossômica recessiva, causada por mutações no gene CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator). Apresenta grande variação clínica, mesm...

  16. O impacto da fibrose cística no perfil imunológico de pacientes pediátricos

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    Daniela M. Bernardi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar o estado imunológico de 44 pacientes pediátricos com fibrose cística (FCa umgrupo-controle formado por 16 indivíduos saudáveis. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados para o estudo pacientes com FC com idade entre 3 e 12 anos, apresentando um escore clínico moderado e bom. Foram avaliados a glutationa eritrocitária, a produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio, citocinas (TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-8, IL-6, IL-10 em culturas de células mononucleares do sangue periférico em condições espontâneas e estimuladas por BCG ou PHA, a concentração sérica de TGF-β2, IgA, IgG, IgM, IgE e IgA salivar. RESULTADOS :A produção espontânea de TNF-α, IL-6 e IL-10, a produção de IL-6 estimulada por PHA e TGF-β2, IgA e IgG séricas aumentaram em amostras de pacientes com FC. Indivíduos saudáveis tiveram uma produção mais elevada de TNF-α em resposta a BCG. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de os pacientes com FC parecerem clinicamente estáveis, os resultados de seus exames de sangue periférico mostraram que houve um impacto sobre o sistema imunológico.

  17. Different role of TTX-sensitive voltage-gated sodium channel (NaV 1) subtypes in action potential initiation and conduction in vagal airway nociceptors. (United States)

    Kollarik, M; Sun, H; Herbstsomer, R A; Ru, F; Kocmalova, M; Meeker, S N; Undem, B J


    The action potential initiation in the nerve terminals and its subsequent conduction along the axons of afferent nerves are not necessarily dependent on the same voltage-gated sodium channel (Na V 1) subunits. The action potential initiation in jugular C-fibres within airway tissues is not blocked by TTX; nonetheless, conduction of action potentials along the vagal axons of these nerves is often dependent on TTX-sensitive channels. This is not the case for nodose airway Aδ-fibres and C-fibres, where both action potential initiation and conduction is abolished by TTX or selective Na V 1.7 blockers. The difference between the initiation of action potentials within the airways vs. conduction along the axons should be considered when developing Na V 1 blocking drugs for topical application to the respiratory tract. The action potential (AP) initiation in the nerve terminals and its subsequent AP conduction along the axons do not necessarily depend on the same subtypes of voltage-gated sodium channels (Na V 1s). We evaluated the role of TTX-sensitive and TTX-resistant Na V 1s in vagal afferent nociceptor nerves derived from jugular and nodose ganglia innervating the respiratory system. Single cell RT-PCR was performed on vagal afferent neurons retrogradely labelled from the guinea pig trachea. Almost all of the jugular neurons expressed the TTX-sensitive channel Na V 1.7 along with TTX-resistant Na V 1.8 and Na V 1.9. Tracheal nodose neurons also expressed Na V 1.7 but, less frequently, Na V 1.8 and Na V 1.9. Na V 1.6 were expressed in ∼40% of the jugular and 25% of nodose tracheal neurons. Other Na V 1 α subunits were only rarely expressed. Single fibre recordings were made from the vagal nodose and jugular nerve fibres innervating the trachea or lung in the isolated perfused vagally-innervated preparations that allowed for selective drug delivery to the nerve terminal compartment (AP initiation) or to the desheathed vagus nerve (AP conduction). AP initiation in

  18. Osteogenic cell differentiation on H-terminated and O-terminated nanocrystalline diamond films

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    Liskova J


    Full Text Available Jana Liskova,1 Oleg Babchenko,2 Marian Varga,2 Alexander Kromka,2 Daniel Hadraba,1 Zdenek Svindrych,1 Zuzana Burdikova,1 Lucie Bacakova1 1Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic; 2Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic Abstract: Nanocrystalline diamond (NCD films are promising materials for bone implant coatings because of their biocompatibility, chemical resistance, and mechanical hardness. Moreover, NCD wettability can be tailored by grafting specific atoms. The NCD films used in this study were grown on silicon substrates by microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition and grafted by hydrogen atoms (H-termination or oxygen atoms (O-termination. Human osteoblast-like Saos-2 cells were used for biological studies on H-terminated and O-terminated NCD films. The adhesion, growth, and subsequent differentiation of the osteoblasts on NCD films were examined, and the extracellular matrix production and composition were quantified. The osteoblasts that had been cultivated on the O-terminated NCD films exhibited a higher growth rate than those grown on the H-terminated NCD films. The mature collagen fibers were detected in Saos-2 cells on both the H-terminated and O-terminated NCD films; however, the quantity of total collagen in the extracellular matrix was higher on the O-terminated NCD films, as were the amounts of calcium deposition and alkaline phosphatase activity. Nevertheless, the expression of genes for osteogenic markers – type I collagen, alkaline phosphatase, and osteocalcin – was either comparable on the H-terminated and O-terminated films or even lower on the O-terminated films. In conclusion, the higher wettability of the O-terminated NCD films is promising for adhesion and growth of osteoblasts. In addition, the O-terminated surface also seems to support the deposition of extracellular matrix proteins and extracellular matrix

  19. Prevalência da mutação ΔF508 no gene cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator em pacientes com fibrose cística em um centro de referência no Brasil Prevalence of ΔF508 mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene among cystic fibrosis patients from a Brazilian referral center

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    Andréia Marisa Bieger


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a presença da mutação ΔF508 no gene cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator na população de pacientes com fibrose cística, diagnosticados pelo teste de sódio e cloro no suor, em acompanhamento no Ambulatório de Pneumologia Pediátrica da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, centro de referência no tratamento da fibrose cística. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas 167 amostras de DNA de pacientes com fibrose cística. O genótipo dos pacientes foi determinado pela técnica de reação da polimerase e realizado cálculo para a frequência dos alelos e genótipos da mutação ΔF508. RESULTADOS: A frequência genotípica encontrada foi, respectivamente, para os genótipos -/-, ΔF508/- e ΔF508/ΔF508: 43,7% (73 pacientes, 32,9% (55 pacientes e 23,4% (39 pacientes. Do total de 334 alelos analisados, foi observada a frequência de 201 (60,18% alelos para a ausência da mutação ΔF508 e de 133 (39,82% para a presença da mutação ΔF508. O cálculo do equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg foi realizado, e obtivemos o valor de qui-quadrado = 16,34 (p OBJECTIVE: To verify the presence of ΔF508 mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene among patients with cystic fibrosis diagnosed by the sweat test for sodium and chlorine and followed at the Pediatric Pneumology Outpatient Clinic of Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil, a referral center for the treatment of cystic fibrosis. METHODS: The study analyzed 167 DNA samples from cystic fibrosis patients. Patients' genotype was determined by polymerase chain reaction, and allele and genotype frequencies of ΔF508 mutation were calculated. RESULTS: The genotype frequencies found for -/-, ΔF508/-, and ΔF508/ΔF508 genotypes were respectively: 43.7% (73 patients, 32.9% (55 patients, and 23.4% (39 patients. Of the 334 alleles analyzed, we observed a frequency of 201 (60.18% alleles for the absence of ΔF508 mutation and of 133 (39.82% for the

  20. NaCl islands decorated with 2D or 3D 3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic-dianhydride nanostructures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sun, Xiaonan; Silly, Fabien


    The formation of PTCDA (3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic-dianhydride) nanostrutures on Au(1 1 1)-(22 x root 3) covered with NaCl islands has been studied using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Atomically resolved STM images show that NaCl grows as (1 0 0)-terminated layers on Au(1 1 1)-(22 x

  1. Organizational Relationship Termination Competence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ritter, Thomas; Geersbro, Jens


    termination are found to significantly affect a firm's relationship termination competence. The findings suggest that managers should regard termination as a legitimate option in customer relationship management. In order to decrease the number of unwanted customers, managers must accept termination......Most firms are involved in a number of customer relationships that drain the firm's resources. However, many firms are hesitant to address this problem. This paper investigates customer relationship termination at the organizational level. We develop and analyze the organizational dimensions...... of organizational termination in order to improve our understanding of the management of termination. The impact of these termination dimensions on the percentage of unwanted customers is developed and tested using PLS on data gathered from a cross-sectional survey of more than 800 sales representatives. We find...

  2. Kitimat LNG terminal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmaltz, I.; Boulton, R.


    Kitimat Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal is a terminal development company owned by Galveston LNG, a privately owned Canadian energy development company. This presentation provided information on Kitimat LNG with particular reference to its terminal located in Bish Cove on the Douglas Channel in British Columbia. This LNG terminal is reported to be the only fully permitted regasification terminal on the west coast of Canada and the United States. The presentation addressed market fundamentals including several graphs, such as world natural gas proved reserves in 2006; LNG supplements to Canadian gas supplies; global LNG demand for 2005-2020; average annual United States LNG imports; and global LNG liquefaction projects. Other market fundamentals were described, including that Kitimat is the only other approved terminal aside from the Costa Azul terminal in Mexico; Kitimat is the only west coast LNG import terminal that connects to midwest and eastern North American markets through existing gas pipelines; LNG producers are looking for destination diversification; and markets and marketers are looking for supply diversification. The authors noted that by 2010, western Canadian gas demand will exceed Californian demand. Other topics that were discussed in the presentation included Canadian natural gas field receipts; unadjusted bitumen production outlook; oil sands gas demand; forward basis fundamentals; and the commercial drivers of the Kitimat LNG terminal. The presentation also discussed the pacific trail pipelines, a partnership between Galveston LNG and Pacific Northern Gas to develop the natural gas transmission line from Kitimat to Summit. The presentation concluded with a discussion of the benefits of Kitimat LNG terminal such as providing access to the largest natural gas markets in the world via major gas transmission lines with spare capacity. figs

  3. A longitudinal study of whole body, tissue, and cellular physiology in a mouse model of fibrosing NASH with high fidelity to the human condition. (United States)

    Krishnan, Anuradha; Abdullah, Tasduq Sheikh; Mounajjed, Taofic; Hartono, Stella; McConico, Andrea; White, Thomas; LeBrasseur, Nathan; Lanza, Ian; Nair, Sreekumaran; Gores, Gregory; Charlton, Michael


    The sequence of events that lead to inflammation and fibrosing nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is incompletely understood. Hence, we investigated the chronology of whole body, tissue, and cellular events that occur during the evolution of diet-induced NASH. Male C57Bl/6 mice were assigned to a fast-food (FF; high calorie, high cholesterol, high fructose) or standard-chow (SC) diet over a period of 36 wk. Liver histology, body composition, mitochondrial respiration, metabolic rate, gene expression, and hepatic lipid content were analyzed. Insulin resistance [homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)] increased 10-fold after 4 wk. Fibrosing NASH was fully established by 16 wk. Total hepatic lipids increased by 4 wk and remained two- to threefold increased throughout. Hepatic triglycerides declined from sixfold increase at 8 wk to threefold increase by 36 wk. In contrast, hepatic cholesterol levels steadily increased from baseline at 8 wk to twofold by 36 wk. The hepatic immune cell population altered over time with macrophages persisting beyond 16 wk. Mitochondrial oxygen flux rates of FF mice diet were uniformly lower with all the tested substrates (13-276 pmol·s -1 ·ml -1 per unit citrate synthase) than SC mice (17-394 pmol·s -1 ·ml -1 per unit citrate synthase) and was accompanied by decreased mitochondrial:nuclear gene copy number ratios after 4 wk. Metabolic rate was lower in FF mice. Mitochondrial glutathione was significantly decreased at 24 wk in FF mice. Expression of dismutases and catalase was also decreased in FF mice. The evolution of NASH in the FF diet-induced model is multiphasic, particularly in terms of hepatic lipid composition. Insulin resistance precedes hepatic inflammation and fibrosis. Mitochondrial dysfunction and depletion occur after the histological features of NASH are apparent. Collectively, these observations provide a unique overview of the sequence of changes that coevolve with the histological evolution of

  4. InCl3/NaClO: a reagent for allylic chlorination of terminal olefins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pisoni, Diego S.; Gamba, Douglas; Fonseca, Carlos V.; Costa, Jesse S. da; Petzhold, Cesar L.; Oliveira, Eduardo R. de; Ceschi, Marco A.


    Indium trichloride promotes the chlorination of terminal olefins in the presence of sodium hypochlorite with good results. Carvone was chosen as a model compound to examine some of the general features of this reaction, such as stoichiometry, temperature, reaction time and product conversion. Treatment of β-pinene with sodium hypochlorite in the presence of indium trichloride resulted in a facile rearrangement to selectively yield perillyl chloride, which is an important precursor for C-7 oxygenated limonenes. (author)

  5. Cuidar de pacientes em fase terminal: a experiência de alunos de medicina

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    Maria Lúcia Araújo Sadala


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender os significados que alunos de medicina atribuem à experiência de cuidar de pacientes em fase terminal. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevistas individuais com vinte e quatro estudantes de medicina de uma universidade paulista. As convergências dos depoimentos dos participantes foram agrupadas em três categorias: a deparando-se com o mundo da doença terminal/morte; b relação com o paciente e sua família; c reflexão sobre o cuidar do paciente terminal. Nos depoimentos, os estudantes expressam ansiedade ao cuidar deste tipo de paciente, assim como as dificuldades em lidar com os próprios sentimentos. Consideram-se pouco preparados para relacionar-se com esses pacientes, mas aprenderam com a experiência vivida. Os resultados do estudo apontam para a necessidade de se introduzirem, na formação médica, conteúdos visando desenvolver competências interpessoais e capacidade de reflexão sobre questões de ética e deontologia médica, envolvendo a terminalidade da vida.

  6. NaCl islands decorated with 2D or 3D 3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic-dianhydride nanostructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Xiaonan; Silly, Fabien


    The formation of PTCDA (3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic-dianhydride) nanostrutures on Au(1 1 1)-(22x√(3)) covered with NaCl islands has been studied using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Atomically resolved STM images show that NaCl grows as (1 0 0)-terminated layers on Au(1 1 1)-(22x√(3)). Local atomic hexagonal packing has also been observed in the NaCl(1 0 0) layer. At submonolayer NaCl coverage, PTCDA forms two-dimensional islands on the Au(1 1 1) surface and nucleate preferentially at the NaCl island step edges. When the Au surface is fully covered with NaCl layers, PTCDA molecules form three-dimensional molecular clusters decorating the step edges of NaCl layers.

  7. NaCl islands decorated with 2D or 3D 3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic-dianhydride nanostructures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sun Xiaonan [Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, NL-9747 AG Groningen (Netherlands); Silly, Fabien, E-mail: [Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, NL-9747 AG Groningen (Netherlands); CEA, IRAMIS, SPCSI, Nanostructures and Organic Semiconductors Laboratory, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); UPMC, IPCM, UMR CNRS 7201, 4 place Jussieu, F-75005 Paris (France)


    The formation of PTCDA (3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic-dianhydride) nanostrutures on Au(1 1 1)-(22x{radical}(3)) covered with NaCl islands has been studied using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Atomically resolved STM images show that NaCl grows as (1 0 0)-terminated layers on Au(1 1 1)-(22x{radical}(3)). Local atomic hexagonal packing has also been observed in the NaCl(1 0 0) layer. At submonolayer NaCl coverage, PTCDA forms two-dimensional islands on the Au(1 1 1) surface and nucleate preferentially at the NaCl island step edges. When the Au surface is fully covered with NaCl layers, PTCDA molecules form three-dimensional molecular clusters decorating the step edges of NaCl layers.

  8. O papel do tamanho dos poros na biocompatibilidade de duas próteses de polipropileno usadas na retopexia pré-sacra estudo experimental em cães

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    Greca Fernando Hintz


    Full Text Available A sacropromonto-fixação no tratamento do prolapso retal é freqüentemente realizada através do uso de telas, suturas ou associações destas com ressecções. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a reação da parede retal em contato com duas telas macroporosas de polipropileno, bem como determinar a incorporação de colágeno às telas. Dezoito cães adultos, pesando entre 10 e 15 kg, divididos em 2 grupos de 9 animais, foram submetidos à laparotomia e retopexia pré-sacra, sendo a tela fixada com pontos de fio monofilamentar de náilon 3.0. No primeiro grupo utilizou-se a tela denominada X (porosidade = 4 mm x 3 mm, espessura = 0,2 mm e no segundo a tela de Prolene® (porosidade = 164 m x 96 m, espessura = 0,7 mm. No 30º dia de pós-operatório os animais foram sacrificados. A reação tissular foi avaliada macro e microscópicamente. Os parâmetros macroscópicos analisados foram: presença de seroma, hematoma, abscesso, fístula, estenose, aderência e não incorporação da tela. Na avaliação microscópica foram verificados: reação inflamatória, fibrose, presença de células gigantes e infiltração fibroblástica além da incorporação qualitativa e quantitativa de colágeno à tela. Verificou-se que na análise macroscópica e histológica as telas se comportaram de maneira semelhante. Já a densitometria do colágeno revelou maior incorporação de colágeno I (maduro na tela X, não havendo diferença significante quanto ao colágeno III (imaturo. Concluiu-se não haver diferença de parâmetros macroscópicos, histopatológicos ou de incorporação de colágeno III entre as duas telas. A tela com poros maiores incorporou mais colágeno I e consequentemente mais colágeno total.

  9. Inibição da Na+/K+ATPase pelo derivado esteróide auabaína: Implicações sobre o ciclo de vesículas sinápticas em junção neuromuscular.


    Ernani Aloysio Amaral


    Ouabaína é um derivado esteróide cardiotônico e inibidor específico da Na+K+-ATPase. Neste trabalho, os efeitos da ouabaína sobre o ciclo de vesículas sinápticas na junção neuromuscular de rã foram investigados de forma direta e dinâmica utilizando-se a sonda fluorescente FM1-43. Este marcador consiste em uma molécula anfipática com uma cauda hidrofóbica que promove a ligação da sonda à membrana do terminal axonal. Após um estímulo despolarizante, a membrana marcada com FM1-43 é internalizada...

  10. Synthesis of substituted mono- and diindole C-nucleoside analogues from sugar terminal alkynes by sequential sonogashira/heteroannulation reaction. (United States)

    Zhang, Fuyi; Mu, Delong; Wang, Liming; Du, Pengfei; Han, Fen; Zhao, Yufen


    The synthesis of substituted mono- and diindole C-nucleoside analogues has been achieved in good to excellent yields by sequential Sonogashira coupling/NaAuCl4-catalyzed heteroannulation reactions of substituted 2-iodoanilines with various sugar terminal alkynes in one pot. The method is general, mild, and efficient and suitable for a wide range of sugar substrates, and 42 examples are given. The amino group of the substituted 2-iodoanilines is unprotected. The sugar terminal alkynes include furanosides, pyranosides, and acyclic glycosides with free hydroxyl groups, sensitive functional subtituents, and various protecting groups having different steric hindrance.

  11. Morphologic and molecular study of lung cancers associated with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and other pulmonary fibroses. (United States)

    Guyard, Alice; Danel, Claire; Théou-Anton, Nathalie; Debray, Marie-Pierre; Gibault, Laure; Mordant, Pierre; Castier, Yves; Crestani, Bruno; Zalcman, Gérard; Blons, Hélène; Cazes, Aurélie


    Primitive lung cancers developed on lung fibroses are both diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Their incidence may increase with new more efficient lung fibrosis treatments. Our aim was to describe a cohort of lung cancers associated with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and other lung fibrotic disorders (non-IPF), and to characterize their molecular alterations using immunohistochemistry and next-generation sequencing (NGS). Thirty-one cancer samples were collected from 2001 to 2016 in two French reference centers for pulmonary fibrosis - 18 for IPF group and 13 for non-IPF group. NGS was performed using an ampliseq panel to analyze hotspots and targeted regions in 22 cancer-associated genes. ALK, ROS1 and PD-L1 expressions were assessed by immunohistochemistry. Squamous cell carcinoma was the most frequent histologic subtype in the IPF group (44%), adenocarcinoma was the most frequent subtype in the non-IPF group (62%). Forty-one mutations in 13 genes and one EGFR amplification were identified in 25 samples. Two samples had no mutation in the selected panel. Mutations were identified in TP53 (n = 20), MET (n = 4), BRAF (n = 3), FGFR3, PIK3CA, PTEN, STK11 (n = 2), SMAD4, CTNNB1, DDR2, ERBB4, FBXW7 and KRAS (n = 1) genes. No ALK and ROS1 expressions were identified. PD-L1 was expressed in 10 cases (62%) with only one (6%) case >50%. This extensive characterization of lung fibrosis-associated cancers evidenced molecular alterations which could represent either potential therapeutic targets either clues to the pathophysiology of these particular tumors. These findings support the relevance of large molecular characterization of every lung fibrosis-associated cancer.

  12. Chronic myocardial damage in experimental T. cruzi infection of a new world primate, Cebus sp. monkey Lesões miocárdicas crônicas na infecção experimental pelo T. cruzi no macaco (Cebus apella

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    Carlos Alberto Falasca


    áficos foram anteriormente publicados15 e são semelhantes àqueles vistos no homem. O achado eletrocardiográfico mais freqüente foi o bloqueio do ramo direito. Seis animais, escolhidos ao acaso, foram sacrificados. Aqueles sacrificados 20 a 25 meses após a primeira inoculação mostraram acúmulos focais de leucócitos com miocitólise. Focos de fibrose intersticial difusa com pequeno infiltrado de leucócitos entre as fibras foram observados em animais sacrificados 36 a 47 meses após a inoculação. Não foram encontrados parasitas. As lesões foram mais proeminentes nas paredes ventriculares e no septo. O achado de infiltrados predominantemente, nos animais sacrificados em tempo mais curto em relação à primeira inoculação e a fibrose mais severa naqueles sacrificados após um tempo maior sugere que existe uma progressão das lesões infiltrativas até a fibrose, com atividade leucocítica indicativa de fase crônica. Estas lesões são semelhantes àquelas descritas na doença de Chagas crônica humana. Este modelo, portanto, é útil na avaliação do progresso e conhecimento da patogênese da doença, assim como de sua imunologia, imunogenesis e da ação da quimioterapia, tanto na sua fase crônica como indeterminada.

  13. Frontal fibrosing alopecia: possible association with leave-on facial skin care products and sunscreens; a questionnaire study. (United States)

    Aldoori, N; Dobson, K; Holden, C R; McDonagh, A J; Harries, M; Messenger, A G


    Since its first description in 1994, frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) has become increasingly common, suggesting that environmental factors are involved in the aetiology. To identify possible causative environmental factors in FFA. A questionnaire enquiring about exposure to a wide range of lifestyle, social and medical factors was completed by 105 women with FFA and 100 age- and sex-matched control subjects. A subcohort of women with FFA was patch tested to an extended British standard series of allergens. The use of sunscreens was significantly greater in the FFA group compared with controls. Subjects with FFA also showed a trend towards more frequent use of facial moisturizers and foundations but, compared with controls, the difference in frequencies just failed to reach statistical significance. The frequency of hair shampooing, oral contraceptive use, hair colouring and facial hair removal were significantly lower in the FFA group than in controls. Thyroid disease was more common in subjects with FFA than controls and there was a high frequency of positive patch tests in women with FFA, mainly to fragrances. Our findings suggest an association between FFA and the use of facial skin care products. The high frequency of sunscreen use in patients with FFA, and the fact that many facial skin care products now contain sunscreens, raises the possibility of a causative role for sunscreen chemicals. The high frequency of positive patch tests in women with FFA and the association with thyroid disease may indicate a predisposition to immune-mediated disease. © 2016 British Association of Dermatologists.

  14. Electrogenic properties of the Na+/K+ ATPase control transitions between normal and pathological brain states (United States)

    Krishnan, Giri P.; Filatov, Gregory; Shilnikov, Andrey


    Ionic concentrations fluctuate significantly during epileptic seizures. In this study, using a combination of in vitro electrophysiology, computer modeling, and dynamical systems analysis, we demonstrate that changes in the potassium and sodium intra- and extracellular ion concentrations ([K+] and [Na+], respectively) during seizure affect the neuron dynamics by modulating the outward Na+/K+ pump current. First, we show that an increase of the outward Na+/K+ pump current mediates termination of seizures when there is a progressive increase in the intracellular [Na+]. Second, we show that the Na+/K+ pump current is crucial in maintaining the stability of the physiological network state; a reduction of this current leads to the onset of seizures via a positive-feedback loop. We then present a novel dynamical mechanism for bursting in neurons with a reduced Na+/K+ pump. Overall, our study demonstrates the profound role of the current mediated by Na+/K+ ATPase on the stability of neuronal dynamics that was previously unknown. PMID:25589588


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    Bart W. WIEGMANS


    Full Text Available This paper aims to address the linkage between logistics (in particular, the management of marketing channel flows and transport markets, while also the interaction between these two markets and intermodal container terminals is analysed. The marketing channel theory is used to describe all relevant actors and flows that run through marketing channels, starting with customer needs and ending with customer satisfaction. Porter's theory of competitive advantages is used to review competitive forces in both markets. Finally, a competitor analysis is performed for the logistics and transport market. These theories are applied so as to be able to determine the competitive position of intermodal container terminals with a view to the management of marketing channel flows and the physical transport of freight flows. Hence, the central question of this paper is: Which markets are served by intermodal container terminals and with whom are they competing? At present, neither the maritime container terminals nor the continental container terminals appear to have a significant influence in the logistics service market; they concentrate mainly on the physical movement of containers (transshipment. Furthermore, maritime container terminals and continental container terminals are not dominant players in the transport service market. Our conclusion is that continental terminals are predominantly competing with unimodal road transport, with neighbouring continental terminals and with barge transport companies.

  16. Histopatologia da lâmina própria do seio maxilar na rinossinusite crônica

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    Sarreta Sabrina Maria de Castro


    Full Text Available A rinossinusite crônica é definida de modo simplificado como uma inflamação crônica da mucosa nasossinusal. OBJETIVO: Na tentativa de entender o porquê das falhas terapêuticas. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Caso-controle. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Decidimos estudar as alterações inflamatórias ultraestruturais encontradas na lâmina própria do seio maxilar de 13 pacientes portadores de rinossinusite crônica (RSC e polipose nasossinusal (PNS, submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico. Biópsias da parede súpero-lateral do seio maxilar desses pacientes foram colhidas durante o ato operatório e, após preparação, observadas através de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. RESULTADO: Na análise dos dados obtidos, observou-se cinco padrões de resposta inflamatória nas lâminas próprias estudadas inflamatório crônico. Processo inflamatório agudo - 1 caso; processo inflamatório não agudo e não crônico - 5 casos; processo inflamatório crônico - 2 casos; processo inflamatório desorganizado - 4 casos; processo inflamatório indeterminado - 1 caso. Concluindo, a análise dos resultados mostrou que a lâmina própria do seio maxilar desses pacientes esteve infiltrada por células inflamatórias, sem predomínio específico de qualquer elemento celular. Elementos glandulares não foram observados nos casos estudados e a fibrose foi notada em quase metade deles, com intensidade variada e localização preferencial logo abaixo do epitélio. CONCLUSÃO: Na situação vista, o processo inflamatório não seguiu as etapas normais de evolução, mostrou marcante desorganização do processo inflamatório, dificuldade em caminhar até a resolução do quadro, acompanhando a mesma dificuldade de resolução clínica nos pacientes.

  17. Visual communication and terminal equipment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Cheol Hui


    This book is divided two parts about visual communication and terminal equipment. The first part introduces visual communication, which deals with foundation of visual communication, technique of visual communication, equipment of visual communication, a facsimile and pictorial image system. The second part contains terminal equipment such as telephone, terminal equipment for data transmission on constitution and constituent of terminal equipment for data transmission, input device and output device, terminal device and up-to-date terminal device.

  18. Visual communication and terminal equipment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Cheol Hui


    This book is divided two parts about visual communication and terminal equipment. The first part introduces visual communication, which deals with foundation of visual communication, technique of visual communication, equipment of visual communication, a facsimile and pictorial image system. The second part contains terminal equipment such as telephone, terminal equipment for data transmission on constitution and constituent of terminal equipment for data transmission, input device and output device, terminal device and up-to-date terminal device.

  19. Fibrose pulmonar secundária à amiodarona – A propósito de um caso clínico

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    Marta N. Silva


    Full Text Available Resumo: A amiodarona é um eficaz fármaco anti-arrítmico usado para tratar arritmias ventriculares e supra-ventriculares, mas não isento de reacções adversas. A toxicidade pulmonar é uma delas, relativamente rara (5 a 10% dos casos, e pode ser fatal. Há vários factores que aumentam a susceptibilidadade para esta toxicidade, tais como a idade avançada e a doença pulmonar preexistente.Apresentamos um caso clínico de toxicidade pulmonar induzida pela amiodarona (fibrose pulmonar num doente do sexo masculino, de 81 anos. Estava medicado com este fármaco, desde há 5 anos, com uma dose diária de 200 mg.Após a suspensão do fármaco e tratamento com corticosteróides sistémicos, houve melhoria clínica, funcional e radiológica.Este caso clínico realça a necessidade de uma monitorização e diagnóstico precoce dos efeitos adversos do tratamento com a amiodarona e a dificuldade no seu diagnóstico, devido à inespecificidade dos sintomas, das manifestações clínicas e dos resultados dos exames complementares de diagnóstico.Rev Port Pneumol 2006; XII (6: 725-730 Abstract: Amiodarone is an antiarrhytmic drug and it is used to treat supraventricular or ventricular rhythm disturbances. Nevertheless it is not free of side effects. Amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity is one of them and is relatively rare (5 to 10% of cases and can be fatal. There are several cumulative factors that may enhance susceptibility to pulmonary toxicity, such as advanced age and pre-existing pulmonary dysfunction.We present a case study of amiodarone-induced toxicity (pulmonary fibrosis in an 81-year-old man. The patient had been treated with amiodarone for five years in daily dose 200 mg/day.After withdrawing the drug and systemic corticoste-roid therapy, clinical, functional and radiological improvement was observed.This case confirms the needs of a vigilant monitoring and early diagnosis of

  20. Dimerization of Terminal Aryl Alkynes Catalyzed by Iron(II) Amine-Pyrazolyl Tripodal Complexes with E/Z Selectivity Controlled by tert-Butoxide

    KAUST Repository

    Xue, Fei


    The catalytic activity of iron(II) complexes with functionalized amine-pyrazolyl tripodal ligands toward dimerization of terminal alkynes in the presence a base (KOtBu or NaOtBu) has been studied. An unusual E/Z selectivity of the reaction determined by tert-butoxide was observed.

  1. Dimerization of Terminal Aryl Alkynes Catalyzed by Iron(II) Amine-Pyrazolyl Tripodal Complexes with E/Z Selectivity Controlled by tert-Butoxide

    KAUST Repository

    Xue, Fei; Song, Xiaolu; Lin, Ting Ting; Munkerup, Kristin; Albawardi, Saad Fahad; Huang, Kuo-Wei; Hor, T. S. Andy; Zhao, Jin


    The catalytic activity of iron(II) complexes with functionalized amine-pyrazolyl tripodal ligands toward dimerization of terminal alkynes in the presence a base (KOtBu or NaOtBu) has been studied. An unusual E/Z selectivity of the reaction determined by tert-butoxide was observed.

  2. Correlação dos achados tomográficos com parâmetros de função pulmonar na fibrose pulmonar idiopática em não fumantes Correlation of tomographic findings with pulmonary function parameters in nonsmoking patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Agnaldo José Lopes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Correlacionar os achados tomográficos com os parâmetros de função pulmonar em portadores de fibrose pulmonar idiopática (FPI. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo de corte transversal, em que foram avaliados 30 pacientes não tabagistas, portadores de FPI. Utilizando um sistema de escore semiquantitativo, os seguintes achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (TCAR foram quantificados: extensão total da doença intersticial (Tot, infiltrado reticular e faveolamento (Ret+Fav, e opacidade em vidro fosco (Vif. As variáveis funcionais foram mensuradas através de espirometria, técnica de oscilações forçadas (TOF, método da diluição com hélio e método da respiração única para medir a capacidade de difusão do monóxido de carbono (DLCO. RESULTADOS: Dos 30 pacientes estudados, 18 eram mulheres e 12 eram homens, com média de idade de 70,9 anos. Foram encontradas correlações significativas de Tot e Ret+Fav com as medidas de capacidade vital forçada (CVF, capacidade pulmonar total (CPT, DLCO e complacência dinâmica do sistema respiratório (correlações negativas, e de Vif com volume residual/CPT (correlação positiva. A relação fluxo expiratório forçado entre 25 e 75% da CVF/CVF (FEF25-75%/CVF correlacionou-se positivamente com Tot, Ret+Fav e Vif. CONCLUSÕES: Em portadores de FPI, as medidas de volume, difusão e complacência dinâmica são as variáveis fisiológicas que melhor refletem a extensão da doença intersticial na TCAR.OBJECTIVE: To correlate tomographic findings with pulmonary function parameters in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out, in which 30 nonsmoking patients with IPF were evaluated. Using a semiquantitative scoring system, the following high-resolution computerized tomography (HRCT findings were quantified: total interstitial disease (TID, reticular abnormality/honeycombing, and ground-glass opacity (GGO. The

  3. Evidence that Na+-pumping occurs through the D-channel in Vitreoscilla cytochrome bo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Seong K.; Stark, Benjamin C.; Webster, Dale A.


    The operon (cyo) encoding the Na + -pumping respiratory terminal oxidase (cytochrome bo) of the bacterium Vitreoscilla was transformed into Escherichia coli GV100, a deletion mutant of cytochrome bo. This was done for the wild type operon and five mutants in three conserved Cyo subunit I amino acids known to be crucial for H + transport in the E. coli enzyme, one near the nuclear center, one in the K-channel, and one in the D-channel. CO-binding, NADH and ubiquinol oxidase, and Na + -pumping activities were all substantially inhibited by each mutation. The wild type Vitreoscilla cytochrome bo can pump Na + against a concentration gradient, resulting in a transmembrane concentration differential of 2-3 orders of magnitude. It is proposed that Vitreoscilla cytochrome bo pumps four Na + through the D-channel to the exterior and transports four H + through the K-channel for the reduction of each O 2

  4. Antecedents of Customer Relationship Termination

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Geersbro, Jens; Ritter, Thomas

    To end business relationships, or to more actively terminate relationships, has long been acknowledged as part of customer relationship management. However, compared to other elements such as initiation and maintenance of relationships, little is known about the termination of business...... relationships as a managerial task. This paper contributes by (1) developing a conceptualization of relationship termination competence and (2) analyzing its antecedents. The empirical results identify termination acceptance, definition non-customers, organizational relationship termination routines......, and motivation as significant antecedents. Because of this, managers need to develop their organizations in order to use relationship termination as a vital strategy....

  5. Expression of Insoluble Influenza Neuraminidase Type 1 (NA1 Protein in Tobacco

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    Teen Lee Pua


    Full Text Available The avian influenza virus, particularly H5N1 strain, is highly virulent to poultry and mankind. Several expression systems, like yeast, baculovirus and mammalian cells, have been adopted to produce vaccine candidate for this lethal disease. The present research aimed at developing a recombinant vaccine candidate, neuraminidase type 1 (NA1, for the Malaysia isolate of H5N1 in Nicotiana benthamiana. The NA1 gene was fused directly in-frame in cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV-based pEAQ-HT vector with C-terminal polyhistidine-tag incorporated to ease the subsequent purification step. The expression of the NA1 gene in tobacco was confirmed at RNA and protein levels at 6 days post-infiltration (Dpi. From the insoluble fraction of the protein, a recombinant glycosylated NA1 protein with a molecular weight of ~56 kDa was immunogenically detected by a specific anti-NA polyclonal antibody. We report for the first time the insolubility of the plant-made NA1 protein where a native sequence was used for its expression. This study signifies the necessity of the use of optimised sequences for expression work and provides great opportunity for the exploration of plant-manufactured NA1 protein as vaccine candidate.


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    Caio Mateus da Silva


    Full Text Available As doenças do fígado são consideradas um problema de saúde mundial e ainda terapias eficientes não foram desenvolvidas para a maioria dessas patologias. Mais especificamente, a fibrose hepática é característica comum do início de várias das anomalias no órgão. Dentro desse contexto, a busca por novos fármacos é necessária e o uso de plantas medicinais tem ganhado destaque. Neste trabalho, foi avaliado os efeitos dos extratos de Baccharis dracunculifolia e Peumus boldus em culturas de células hepáticas estreladas LX-2 em relação as alterações na morfologia dos filamentos de actina do citoesqueleto e no núcleo celular em ensaios de microscopia e na avaliação do padrão de expressão de genes relacionados à processos de apoptose e marcadores clássicos da fibrose hepática. Nos resultados, para as concentrações testadas o extrato de P. boldus altera o perfil de expressão de genes relacionados a apoptose causando maior estresse celular e quebrando a homeostase celular quando observados os filamentos de actina. Enquanto que a planta B. dracunculifolia apresentou uma grande melhora na reorganização do citoesqueleto e diminuição do estresse celular.

  7. Interaction of N-terminal peptide analogues of the Na+,K+-ATPase with membranes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nguyen, Khoa; Garcia, Alvaro; Sani, Marc Antoine


    phosphatidylserine) in the surrounding membrane. Furthermore, to isolate which segments of the N-terminus could be involved in membrane binding, we chemically synthesized N-terminal fragments of various lengths. Based on a combination of results from RH421 UV/visible absorbance measurements and solid-state 31P and 2...

  8. Tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução na silicose: correlação com radiografia e testes de função pulmonar High-resolution computed tomography in silicosis: correlation with chest radiography and pulmonary function tests

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    Agnaldo José Lopes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Correlacionar os parâmetros tomográficos com os de função pulmonar em portadores de silicose, bem como comparar os resultados da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (TCAR com os da radiografia de tórax. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo de corte transversal, em que foram avaliados 44 pacientes não-tabagistas e sem história pregressa de tuberculose. As radiografias foram classificadas de acordo com a proposta da Organização Internacional do Trabalho. Utilizando um sistema de escore semiquantitativo, os seguintes achados na TCAR foram quantificados: extensão total do envolvimento pulmonar, opacidades parenquimatosas e enfisema. Foram realizados espirometria, oscilações forçadas, avaliação dos volumes pulmonares pela técnica de diluição com hélio e medida da diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO, capacidade de difusão do monóxido de carbono. RESULTADOS: Dos 44 pacientes estudados, 41 eram homens, com média de idade de 48,4 anos. Na análise comparativa, 4 pacientes classificados na categoria 0 pela radiografia foram reclassificados na categoria 1 pela TCAR e, enquanto a radiografia diagnosticou 23 casos de fibrose maciça progressiva, a TCAR estabeleceu esse diagnóstico em 33 doentes. Para o escore de opacidades, as maiores correlações foram observadas com as medidas de fluxo, DLCO e complacência. Já o enfisema correlacionou-se negativamente com as medidas de volume, DLCO e fluxo. Nesta amostra com predomínio de grandes opacidades (75% dos indivíduos, a deterioração da função pulmonar associou-se com a extensão das alterações estruturais. CONCLUSÕES: Na silicose, a TCAR é superior à radiografia tanto na detecção precoce da doença quanto na identificação de fibrose maciça progressiva.OBJECTIVE: To correlate tomographic findings with pulmonary function findings, as well as to compare chest X-ray findings with high resolution computed tomography (HRCT findings, in

  9. Exercício aeróbico, treinamento de força muscular e testes de aptidão física para adolescentes com fibrose cística: revisão da literatura Exercise testing, aerobic and strength training for adolescents with cystic fibrosis: a literature review

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    Celia Regina Moutinho de Miranda Chaves


    Full Text Available São reconhecidos os benefícios da prática do exercício físico regular para pacientes com fibrose cística. Entretanto, poucos estudos envolvem pacientes adolescentes. O objetivo deste artigo foi revisar os efeitos da prática regular de exercícios aeróbicos e de força e resistência muscular para adolescentes com fibrose cística. Os principais testes de aptidão física para esta faixa etária e a importância deles para melhora do prognóstico e tratamento da doença também foram avaliados. As informações foram coletadas a partir de livro-texto e artigos publicados na literatura nacional e estrangeira nas seguintes bases de dados: LILACS, MEDLINE/PubMed, Biblioteca Cochrane e SciELO, abrangendo o período de 1994 a 2004. Foram utilizados os termos "exercise" e "cystic fibrosis" para seleção dos artigos. Esta pesquisa demonstrou que a prática de exercício aeróbico e treinamento de força muscular melhoram a desobstrução da árvore brônquica, diminuem a queda progressiva da função pulmonar, aumentam a massa muscular e a resistência ao exercício, promovem o desenvolvimento ósseo e melhoram a auto-estima e a qualidade de vida. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com os programas de treinamento assistido, devido a sua maior regularidade.The benefits of regular physical exercises for cystic fibrosis patients are well known. Nevertheless, few studies involve adolescent patients. The objective of this article was to review the effects of regular practice of aerobic exercises, strength exercises and muscular exercises in adolescents with cystic fibrosis. The main physical fitness tests for this age bracket and their value in improving prognosis and treatment were assessed as well. Information was collected from text books and articles published in the national and foreign literature in the following databases: LILACS, MEDLINE/PubMed, Cochrane Library and SciELO, comprising the period of 1994 to 2004. The terms "exercise" and

  10. O papel de imunoglobulinas na nefropatia da leptospirose em suínos

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    Larissa M.F. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A leptospirose é uma antropozoonose endêmica em todo o mundo, que afeta o homem e várias espécies de animais domésticos e silvestres. No início da infecção há produção de IgM para o controle da infecção e após alguns dias, IgG são produzidas e provocam lise das leptospiras circulantes. Objetivou-se neste estudo identificar depósitos de antígeno de leptospiras e imunoglobulinas no tecido renal, para avaliar o papel de imunoglobulinas na patogênese da nefropatia da leptospirose em suínos. Foram colhidas 139 amostras de sangue e rim de suínos das cidades de Teresina/PI e Timon/MA, que foram avaliadas pela SAM, imunoistoquímica e PCR. Nefrite intersticial, fibrose, vasculite, tumefação do tufo glomerular e hipercelularidade difusa foram as principais alterações histopatológicas encontradas. A imunoistoquímica detectou antígeno de leptospira em 60 suínos. Depósitos de IgG, IgM e IgA foram observados no endotélio de capilares glomerulares, dos capilares intertubulares e na cápsula de Bowman, com marcação focal, difusa, global e segmentar. A deposição de IgM e IgA foi significantemente maior nos suínos infectados. Estranhamente depósitos de IgG foi significantemente maior nos suínos não infectados, onde não havia presença de antígeno de leptospiras e nem lesão túbulo-intersticial. Concluímos que antígeno de leptospiras no rim de suínos está relacionado a depósitos de IgM e IgA mas não a depósitos de IgG.


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    Full Text Available This article presents the significance of LNG terminal safety issues in natural gas sea transport. It shows particular requirements for LNG transmission installations resulting from the specific properties of LNG. Out of the multi‐layer critical safety areas comprising structural elements of the terminal safety system, possibilities to decrease the risk of emergency occurrence on LNG terminals have been selected. Tasks performed by the LNG terminal, together with its own personnel and the outside one, have been defined. General theses for LNG terminal safety have been formulated.

  12. Nonleaking battery terminals. (United States)

    Snider, W. E.; Nagle, W. J.


    Three different terminals were designed for usage in a 40 ampere/hour silver zinc battery which has a 45% KOH by weight electrolyte in a plastic battery case. Life tests, including thermal cycling, electrical charge and discharge for up to three years duration, were conducted on these three different terminal designs. Tests for creep rate and tensile strength were conducted on the polyphenylene oxide plastic battery cases. Some cases were unused and others containing KOH electrolyte were placed on life tests. The design and testing of nonleaking battery terminals for use with a KOH electrolyte in a plastic case are considered.

  13. Prova do Suor no Diagnóstico Laboratorial da Fibrose Quistica


    Costa, Alcina; Batalha, Lídia; Almeida, Suza; Vilares, Arminda; Pacheco, Paula; Silva, Conceição; Miranda, Armandina


    Objectivo: Apresentar a casuística da Prova do Suor, no período de 2009 a 2013 da UDR do DPS do INSA, I.P. Lisboa , e o estudo do gene CFTR, efetuado na Unidade de Genética Molecular, Departamento de Genética Humana, INSA, I.P. Lisboa.

  14. Terminal parent phosphanide and phosphinidene complexes of zirconium(IV)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stafford, Hannah; Rookes, Thomas M.; Wildman, Elizabeth P.; Wooles, Ashley J.; Liddle, Stephen T. [School of Chemistry, The University of Manchester (United Kingdom); Balazs, Gabor; Scheer, Manfred [Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Regensburg (Germany)


    The reaction of [Zr(Tren{sup DMBS})(Cl)] [Zr1; Tren{sup DMBS}=N(CH{sub 2}CH{sub 2}NSiMe{sub 2}Bu{sup t}){sub 3}] with NaPH{sub 2} gave the terminal parent phosphanide complex [Zr(Tren{sup DMBS})(PH{sub 2})] [Zr2; Zr-P=2.690(2) Aa]. Treatment of Zr2 with one equivalent of KCH{sub 2}C{sub 6}H{sub 5} and two equivalents of benzo-15-crown-5 ether (B15C5) afforded an unprecedented example (outside of matrix isolation) of a structurally authenticated transition-metal terminal parent phosphinidene complex [Zr(Tren{sup DMBS})(PH)][K(B15C5){sub 2}] [Zr3; Zr=P=2.472(2) Aa]. DFT calculations reveal a polarized-covalent Zr=P double bond, with a Mayer bond order of 1.48, and together with IR spectroscopic data also suggest an agostic-type Zr..HP interaction [ angle {sub ZrPH}=66.7 ] which is unexpectedly similar to that found in cryogenic, spectroscopically observed phosphinidene species. Surprisingly, computational data suggest that the Zr=P linkage is similarly polarized, and thus as covalent, as essentially isostructural U=P and Th=P analogues. (copyright 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  15. Realce Tardio miocárdico por Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca pode identificar risco para Taquicardia Ventricular na Cardiopatia Chagásica Crônica

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    Ronaldo Peixoto de Mello


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Testes invasivos e não invasivos têm sido usados para identificar risco para Taquicardia Ventricular (TV em pacientes com Cardiopatia Chagásica Crônica (CCC. Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca (RMC pela técnica do Realce Tardio (RT pode ser útil para selecionar pacientes com disfunção ventricular global ou segmentar, com alto grau de fibrose e maior risco para TV clínica. OBJETIVO: Melhorar a identificação de elementos preditivos de TV em pacientes com CCC. MÉTODO: Quarenta e um pacientes com CCC foram pesquisados, sendo 30 (72% do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 55,1 ± 11,9 anos. Vinte e seis pacientes apresentavam histórico de TV (grupo TV, e 15 não apresentavam TV (grupo NTV. Todos os pacientes incluídos tinham RT e disfunção segmentar ventricular. Volume, porcentagem de comprometimento da espessura da parede ventricular em cada segmento, e distribuição de RT foi determinado em cada caso. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatística em termos de volume de RT entre os dois grupos: grupo TV = 30,0 ± 16,2%; grupo NTV = 21,7 ± 15,7%; p = 0,118. A probabilidade de TV foi maior se duas ou mais áreas contíguas de fibrose transmural estivessem presentes, sendo um fator preditor de TV clínica (RR 4,1; p = 0,04. A concordância entre os observadores foi de 100% nesse critério (p < 0,001. CONCLUSÃO: A identificação de dois ou mais segmentos de RT transmural por RMC está associado com a ocorrência de TV clínica em pacientes com CCC. Portanto, a RMC melhora a estratificação de risco na população estudada. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0

  16. Intrinsic terminators in Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae transcription. (United States)

    Fritsch, Tiago Ebert; Siqueira, Franciele Maboni; Schrank, Irene Silveira


    Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, an important pathogen of swine, exhibits a low guanine and cytosine (GC) content genome. M. hyopneumoniae genome is organised in long transcriptional units and promoter sequences have been mapped upstream of all transcription units. These analysis provided insights into the gene organisation and transcription initiation at the genome scale. However, the presence of transcriptional terminator sequences in the M. hyopneumoniae genome is poorly understood. In silico analyses demonstrated the presence of putative terminators in 82% of the 33 monocistronic units (mCs) and in 74% of the 116 polycistronic units (pCs) considering different classes of terminators. The functional activity of 23 intrinsic terminators was confirmed by RT-PCR and qPCR. Analysis of all terminators found by three software algorithms, combined with experimental results, allowed us to propose a pattern of RNA hairpin formation during the termination process and to predict the location of terminators in the M. hyopneumoniae genome sequence. The stem-loop structures of intrinsic terminators of mycoplasma diverge from the pattern of terminators found in other bacteria due the low content of guanine and cytosine. In M. hyopneumoniae, transcription can end after a transcriptional unit and before its terminator sequence and can also continue past the terminator sequence with RNA polymerases gradually releasing the RNA.



    Andrzej ADAMKIEWICZ; Włodzimierz KAMIŃSKI


    This article presents the significance of LNG terminal safety issues in natural gas sea transport. It shows particular requirements for LNG transmission installations resulting from the specific properties of LNG. Out of the multi‐layer critical safety areas comprising structural elements of the terminal safety system, possibilities to decrease the risk of emergency occurrence on LNG terminals have been selected. Tasks performed by the LNG terminal, together with its own personnel and the out...

  18. Termination unit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Traeholt, Chresten; Willen, Dag; Roden, Mark; Tolbert, Jerry C.; Lindsay, David; Fisher, Paul W.; Nielsen, Carsten Thidemann


    Cable end section comprises end-parts of N electrical phases/neutral, and a thermally-insulation envelope comprising cooling fluid. The end-parts each comprises a conductor and are arranged with phase 1 innermost, N outermost surrounded by the neutral, electrical insulation being between phases and N and neutral. The end-parts comprise contacting surfaces located sequentially along the longitudinal extension of the end-section. A termination unit has an insulating envelope connected to a cryostat, special parts at both ends comprising an adapter piece at the cable interface and a closing end-piece terminating the envelope in the end-section. The special parts houses an inlet and/or outlet for cooling fluid. The space between an inner wall of the envelope and a central opening of the cable is filled with cooling fluid. The special part at the end connecting to the cryostat houses an inlet or outlet, splitting cooling flow into cable annular flow and termination annular flow.

  19. Rollback of an intraoceanic subduction system and termination against a continental margin (United States)

    Campbell, S. M.; Simmons, N. A.; Moucha, R.


    The Southeast Indian Slab (SEIS) seismic anomaly has been suggested to represent a Tethyan intraoceanic subduction system which operated during the Jurassic until its termination at or near the margin of East Gondwana (Simmons et al., 2015). As plate reconstructions suggest the downgoing plate remained coupled to the continental margin, this long-lived system likely experienced a significant amount of slab rollback and trench migration (up to 6000 km). Using a 2D thermomechanical numerical code that includes the effects of phase transitions, we test this interpretation by modeling the long-term subduction, transition zone stagnation, and rollback of an intraoceanic subduction system in which the downgoing plate remains coupled to a continental margin. In addition, we also investigate the termination style of such a system, with a particular focus on the potential for some continental subduction beneath an overriding oceanic plate. This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. LLNL-ABS-735738

  20. PrP N-terminal domain triggers PrPSc-like aggregation of Dpl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erlich, Paul; Cesbron, Jean-Yves; Lemaire-Vieille, Catherine; Curt, Aurelie; Andrieu, Jean-Pierre; Schoehn, Guy; Jamin, Marc; Gagnon, Jean


    Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are fatal neurodegenerative disorders thought to be transmitted by self-perpetuating conformational conversion of a neuronal membrane glycoprotein (PrP C , for 'cellular prion protein') into an abnormal state (PrP Sc , for 'scrapie prion protein'). Doppel (Dpl) is a protein that shares significant biochemical and structural homology with PrP C . In contrast to its homologue PrP C , Dpl is unable to participate in prion disease progression or to achieve an abnormal PrP Sc -like state. We have constructed a chimeric mouse protein, composed of the N-terminal domain of PrP C (residues 23-125) and the C-terminal part of Dpl (residues 58-157). This chimeric protein displays PrP-like biochemical and structural features; when incubated in presence of NaCl, the α-helical monomer forms soluble β-sheet-rich oligomers which acquire partial resistance to pepsin proteolysis in vitro, as do PrP oligomers. Moreover, the presence of aggregates akin to protofibrils is observed in soluble oligomeric species by electron microscopy

  1. Avaliação do efeito do ibandronato na consolidação de fratura: estudo experimental em coelhos Evaluation of ibandronate effects in bone healing: experimental study in rabbits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Guarniero


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a presença de efeito favorável do ibandronato de sódio na consolidação óssea, contribuindo assim para estudos futuros visando sua utilização terapêutica no tratamento de fraturas e pseudartroses. MÉTODOS: Vinte coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia Albino foram submetidos à osteotomia transversa mediodiafisária da fíbula direita e divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos com 10 animais cada. Os animais do grupo I receberam 2ml de solução contendo ibandronato de sódio e água destilada; os animais do grupo II receberam somente água destilada (grupo controle. Os coelhos foram sacrificados após 30 dias. Os calos ósseos formados no local das osteotomias foram avaliados por densitometria e histomorfometria. Utilizou-se na avaliação estatística dos resultados o teste t para a inferência sobre a diferença das médias de amostras paramétricas e a prova de Mann-Whitney para as amostras não paramétricas. Adotou-se o nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que a quantidade relativa de osso foi maior e a quantidade relativa de fibrose foi menor nos calos ósseos formados no grupo medicado com ibandronato do que no grupo controle. Não houve diferença na quantidade relativa de cartilagem e na densidade mineral dos calos ósseos comparando-se os dois grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Neste experimento a administração do ibandronato de sódio favoreceu a consolidação de osteotomias da fíbula em coelhos, aumentando a quantidade relativa de osso nos calos ósseos formados e diminuindo a quantidade de fibrose.OBJECTIVE: To determine the presence of a favorable sodium ibandronate effect in bone healing, thus contributing for future studies of its clinical use in the treatment of fractures and pseudoarthroses. METHODS: 20 New Zealand white rabbits were submitted to transverse mid-diaphysis osteotomy of the right fibula and divided at random into two groups of 10 animals each. Animals in group I were given 2 ml of a

  2. Attenuating fibrosis : Modulation of myofibroblast formation and extracellular matrix synthesis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mia, Md Masum


    Fibrose behelst het verlittekenen van weefsels en organen. Daardoor kunnen vitale functies uitvallen, met de dood tot gevolg. Fibrose is in veel gevallen dan ook een zeer ernstige aandoening. Toch bestaat er geen enkel effectief medicijn tegen. Hét kenmerk van fibrose is de excessieve productie van

  3. klax Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  4. kprc Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  5. katl Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  6. kmcn Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  7. kogb Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  8. kama Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  9. ptkk Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  10. kiwa Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  11. kavp Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  12. kdca Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  13. kbwg Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  14. kdfw Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  15. kssi Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  16. pahn Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  17. ksrq Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  18. kpvd Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  19. kisp Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  20. kttd Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  1. pmdy Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  2. kmgm Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  3. khib Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  4. pavd Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  5. kfar Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  6. kluk Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  7. kwwr Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  8. klse Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  9. ksts Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  10. koth Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  11. kbfl Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  12. ksgf Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  13. klch Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  14. kpkb Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  15. krog Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  16. kbjc Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  17. ksea Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  18. kbwi Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  19. kftw Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  20. kpuw Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  1. kabq Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  2. ksny Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  3. khio Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  4. klaf Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  5. kfoe Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  6. ksmx Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  7. kipt Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  8. ktrk Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  9. kwmc Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  10. katy Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  11. tjmz Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  12. kdet Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  13. kcxp Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  14. kbur Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  15. krkd Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  16. pawg Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  17. kloz Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  18. kcec Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  19. kdec Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  20. paor Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  1. kavl Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  2. kdrt Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  3. kstl Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  4. kbfi Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  5. khsv Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  6. pafa Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  7. kekn Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  8. tncm Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  9. kith Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  10. kgnv Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  11. ktoi Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  12. kgso Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  13. nstu Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  14. kpbi Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  15. kgdv Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  16. kcmx Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  17. kdls Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  18. koaj Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  19. krhi Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  20. kbpk Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  1. khuf Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  2. kont Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  3. kyng Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  4. kcwa Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  5. kflg Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  6. ktup Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  7. ktop Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  8. kink Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  9. krut Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  10. kbli Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  11. kaoo Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  12. klit Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  13. panc Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  14. ktcl Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  15. pgwt Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  16. kpsp Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  17. kbih Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  18. kdnl Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  19. kart Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  20. kilm Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  1. kpne Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  2. kabi Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  3. ptpn Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  4. kblf Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  5. kosh Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  6. kpdt Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  7. kewr Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  8. kiso Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  9. kpga Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  10. kbkw Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  11. kmyl Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  12. krbg Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  13. kril Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  14. ksus Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  15. padq Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  16. kbil Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  17. krfd Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  18. kdug Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  19. ktix Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  20. kcod Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  1. kslk Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  2. kgfl Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  3. kguc Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  4. kmlu Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  5. kbff Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  6. ksmn Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  7. kdro Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  8. kmce Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  9. ktpa Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  10. kmot Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  11. kcre Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  12. klws Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  13. kotm Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  14. khqm Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  15. kabr Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  16. klal Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  17. kelp Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  18. kecg Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  19. khbg Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  20. kpbf Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  1. konp Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  2. pkwa Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  3. ktvf Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  4. paga Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  5. khks Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  6. kdsm Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  7. kpsm Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  8. kgrb Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  9. kgmu Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  10. papg Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  11. kbgm Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  12. pamc Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  13. klrd Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  14. ksan Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  15. patk Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  16. kowb Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  17. klru Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  18. kfxe Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  19. kjct Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  20. kcrg Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  1. paaq Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  2. kaex Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  3. klbx Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  4. kmia Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  5. kpit Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  6. kcrw Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  7. paen Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  8. kast Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  9. kuin Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  10. kmht Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  11. krsw Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  12. kbpi Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  13. kcys Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  14. kflo Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  15. kphx Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  16. pakn Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  17. pabt Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  18. krdg Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  19. khdn Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  20. kjac Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — TAF (terminal aerodrome forecast or terminal area forecast) is a format for reporting weather forecast information, particularly as it relates to aviation. TAFs are...

  1. Roles of transmembrane segment M1 of Na(+),K (+)-ATPase and Ca (2+)-ATPase, the gatekeeper and the pivot

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Einholm, Anja P.; Andersen, Jens Peter; Vilsen, Bente


    In this review we summarize mutagenesis work on the structure-function relationship of transmembrane segment M1 in the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase and the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase. The original hypothesis that charged residues in the N-terminal part of M1 interact with the transported...... cations can be rejected. On the other hand hydrophobic residues in the middle part of M1 turned out to play crucial roles in Ca(2+) interaction/occlusion in Ca(2+)-ATPase and K(+) interaction/occlusion in Na(+),K(+)-ATPase. Leu(65) of the Ca(2+)-ATPase and Leu(99) of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase, located...... of the extracytoplasmic gate in both the Ca(2+)-ATPase and the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase. Udgivelsesdato: 2007-Dec...

  2. Validação do escore ultra-sonográfico de Williams para o diagnóstico da hepatopatia da fibrose cística Validation of the Williams ultrasound scoring system for the diagnosis of liver disease in cystic fibrosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eleonora D. T. Fagundes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Descrever as alterações hepáticas observadas ao exame ultra-sonográfico de fibrocísticos do Ambulatório de Fibrose Cística do Hospital das Clínicas da UFMG, comparar os achados ultra-sonográficos com critérios clínicos e bioquímicos e validar o escore de Williams para o diagnóstico de hepatopatia associada à fibrose cística. MÉTODOS: Setenta fibrocísticos foram acompanhados prospectivamente e submetidos a exame clínico, bioquímico e ultra-sonográfico. Os achados ultra-sonográficos foram comparados com os resultados do exame clínico e bioquímico. Para a validação do escore ultra-sonográfico de Williams, os critérios clínicos e bioquímicos foram utilizados como padrão-ouro. Foram calculados sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo e valor preditivo negativo do escore de Williams. Para os cálculos, os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: normal ao exame ultra-sonográfico (escore = 3 ou alterado (escore > 3. RESULTADOS: Dez pacientes preencheram os critérios clínicos e/ou bioquímicos para hepatopatia (14,3%. Todos os pacientes hepatopatas segundo os critérios clínicos e/ou bioquímicos apresentavam alguma alteração ao exame ultra-sonográfico. As alterações do parênquima hepático, borda hepática e fibrose periportal foram encontradas mais freqüentemente entre os hepatopatas, com diferença estatisticamente significativa. O escore de Williams apresentou alta especificidade (91,7%; IC 80,9-96,9, mas baixa sensibilidade (s = 50%; IC 20,1-79,9 para o diagnóstico da hepatopatia. CONCLUSÕES: O escore de Williams não constituiu um bom exame de triagem quando comparado ao exame clínico e bioquímico. Uma vez que ainda não há nenhum teste que, utilizado isoladamente, apresente sensibilidade adequada, é recomendável a utilização conjunta dos exames clínico, bioquímico e ultra-sonográfico no diagnóstico da hepatopatia associada à fibrose cística, sempre em avalia

  3. Ciguatoxins Evoke Potent CGRP Release by Activation of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Subtypes NaV1.9, NaV1.7 and NaV1.1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Filip Touska


    Full Text Available Ciguatoxins (CTXs are marine toxins that cause ciguatera fish poisoning, a debilitating disease dominated by sensory and neurological disturbances that include cold allodynia and various painful symptoms as well as long-lasting pruritus. Although CTXs are known as the most potent mammalian sodium channel activator toxins, the etiology of many of its neurosensory symptoms remains unresolved. We recently described that local application of 1 nM Pacific Ciguatoxin-1 (P-CTX-1 into the skin of human subjects induces a long-lasting, painful axon reflex flare and that CTXs are particularly effective in releasing calcitonin-gene related peptide (CGRP from nerve terminals. In this study, we used mouse and rat skin preparations and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA to study the molecular mechanism by which P-CTX-1 induces CGRP release. We show that P-CTX-1 induces CGRP release more effectively in mouse as compared to rat skin, exhibiting EC50 concentrations in the low nanomolar range. P-CTX-1-induced CGRP release from skin is dependent on extracellular calcium and sodium, but independent from the activation of various thermosensory transient receptor potential (TRP ion channels. In contrast, lidocaine and tetrodotoxin (TTX reduce CGRP release by 53–75%, with the remaining fraction involving L-type and T-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC. Using transgenic mice, we revealed that the TTX-resistant voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC NaV1.9, but not NaV1.8 or NaV1.7 alone and the combined activation of the TTX-sensitive VGSC subtypes NaV1.7 and NaV1.1 carry the largest part of the P-CTX-1-caused CGRP release of 42% and 34%, respectively. Given the contribution of CGRP to nociceptive and itch sensing pathways, our findings contribute to a better understanding of sensory symptoms of acute and chronic ciguatera that may help in the identification of potential therapeutics.

  4. Ciguatoxins Evoke Potent CGRP Release by Activation of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Subtypes NaV1.9, NaV1.7 and NaV1.1 (United States)

    Touska, Filip; Sattler, Simon; Malsch, Philipp; Lewis, Richard J.; Zimmermann, Katharina


    Ciguatoxins (CTXs) are marine toxins that cause ciguatera fish poisoning, a debilitating disease dominated by sensory and neurological disturbances that include cold allodynia and various painful symptoms as well as long-lasting pruritus. Although CTXs are known as the most potent mammalian sodium channel activator toxins, the etiology of many of its neurosensory symptoms remains unresolved. We recently described that local application of 1 nM Pacific Ciguatoxin-1 (P-CTX-1) into the skin of human subjects induces a long-lasting, painful axon reflex flare and that CTXs are particularly effective in releasing calcitonin-gene related peptide (CGRP) from nerve terminals. In this study, we used mouse and rat skin preparations and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) to study the molecular mechanism by which P-CTX-1 induces CGRP release. We show that P-CTX-1 induces CGRP release more effectively in mouse as compared to rat skin, exhibiting EC50 concentrations in the low nanomolar range. P-CTX-1-induced CGRP release from skin is dependent on extracellular calcium and sodium, but independent from the activation of various thermosensory transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels. In contrast, lidocaine and tetrodotoxin (TTX) reduce CGRP release by 53–75%, with the remaining fraction involving L-type and T-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC). Using transgenic mice, we revealed that the TTX-resistant voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC) NaV1.9, but not NaV1.8 or NaV1.7 alone and the combined activation of the TTX-sensitive VGSC subtypes NaV1.7 and NaV1.1 carry the largest part of the P-CTX-1-caused CGRP release of 42% and 34%, respectively. Given the contribution of CGRP to nociceptive and itch sensing pathways, our findings contribute to a better understanding of sensory symptoms of acute and chronic ciguatera that may help in the identification of potential therapeutics. PMID:28867800

  5. Ports and Terminals : Planning and Functional Design

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groenveld, R.; Velsink, H.


    1. Maritime transport, means and commodities 3. Principles of integrated port planning 4. Planning and design of a port's water areas 5. Port terminals - introduction 6. Conventional general cargo terminals 7. Container terminals 8. Oil & liquid gas terminals 9. Dry bulk cargo terminals 10. Fishery

  6. Tandem Terminal Ion Source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harper, G.C.; Lindner, C.E.; Myers, A.W.; Wechel, T.D. van


    OAK-B135 Tandem Terminal Ion Source. The terminal ion source (TIS) was used in several experiments during this reporting period, all for the 7 Be(γ) 8 B experiment. Most of the runs used 1 H + at terminal voltages from 0.3 MV to 1.5 MV. One of the runs used 2 H + at terminal voltage of 1.4 MV. The other run used 4 He + at a terminal voltage of 1.37 MV. The list of experiments run with the TIS to date is given in table 1 below. The tank was opened four times for unscheduled source repairs. On one occasion the tank was opened to replace the einzel lens power supply which had failed. The 10 kV unit was replaced with a 15 kV unit. The second time the tank was opened to repair the extractor supply which was damaged by a tank spark. On the next occasion the tank was opened to replace a source canal which had sputtered away. Finally, the tank was opened to replace the discharge bottle which had been coated with aluminum sputtered from the exit canal

  7. Tandem Terminal Ion Source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    OAK-B135 Tandem Terminal Ion Source. The terminal ion source (TIS) was used in several experiments during this reporting period, all for the(sup 7)Be((gamma))(sup 8)B experiment. Most of the runs used(sup 1)H(sup+) at terminal voltages from 0.3 MV to 1.5 MV. One of the runs used(sup 2)H(sup+) at terminal voltage of 1.4 MV. The other run used(sup 4)He(sup+) at a terminal voltage of 1.37 MV. The list of experiments run with the TIS to date is given in table 1 below. The tank was opened four times for unscheduled source repairs. On one occasion the tank was opened to replace the einzel lens power supply which had failed. The 10 kV unit was replaced with a 15 kV unit. The second time the tank was opened to repair the extractor supply which was damaged by a tank spark. On the next occasion the tank was opened to replace a source canal which had sputtered away. Finally, the tank was opened to replace the discharge bottle which had been coated with aluminum sputtered from the exit canal

  8. Endoprótese revestida de jugular preservada de bovino: estudo comparativo da resposta tecidual em aorta torácica descendente e veia cava inferior de suínos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Celso Luiz Muhlethaler Chouin

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar a resposta tecidual de uma endoprótese biosintetica implantada na aorta torácica descendente e veia cava inferior de suínos. MÉTODO: Foi implantada uma endoprótese auto-expansível composta de aço inoxidável, revestida por veia jugular de bovino, processada pelo método L-hydro, com auxilio de uma bainha de liberação Taheri-Leonhardt (Flórida, EUA na aorta torácica descendente, e a veia cava infra-renal de 10 suínos. Sessenta dias após, as endopróteses foram retiradas e analisadas sob o ponto de vista macro e microscópicos. Foram observados: perviedade, grau de incorporação a parede do vaso, tipo de reação inflamatória, e local de maior resposta, tanto em relação a camada do vaso quanto ao local de contato com o anel de aço RESULTADOS: Todas as endopróteses encontravam-se pérvias, e incorporadas à parede. No setor venoso, seis apresentaram traves fibrosas em sua luz, e quatro apresentaram fibrose perivascular. No setor arterial somente uma prótese apresentou discreta estenose, sem fibrose perivascular. A reação inflamatória crônica tipo corpo estranho ocorreu em 100% das peças, a camada média foi a mais acometida no setor venoso, enquanto a íntima foi mais constante na artéria, o grau de incorporação foi mais firme na veia em comparação a artéria. A reação tecidual mostrou maior tendência nas áreas em intimo contato com o anel de aço (intra-anelar, mais intensa na artéria do que na veia. CONCLUSÃO: A prótese apresentou baixa trombogenicidade em ambos os sistemas, houve maior reação tecidual e baixa biocompatibilidade no setor venoso.

  9. Kajian Kinerja Terminal Batu Ampar Kota Balikpapan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Randha Alief Chikita


    Full Text Available Batu Ampar Terminal Balikpapan is the only type A passenger terminal in Balikpapan City. The purpose of this study is to determine the operational performance of the terminal at this time and also to determine the level of service in the terminal. The results of this study indicate that for FIFO queue discipline analysis on AKDP and AKAP bus lines, it is known that ρ <1 means that there is currently no queue in the terminal. For the analysis of terminal facilities it is known that there are still some terminal facilities that are not yet available from the main facilities and supporting facilities, therefore the need for additional facilities in order to meet the standard of passenger terminal type A. In the next 15 years analysis for traffic intensity value is approaching 1 which means in the future will cause the queue in the terminal, so it is necessary for the improvement of terminal performance. For the service performance with IPA method there are 35 variables that there are 7 variables that enter in quadrant I. In the next step to do analysis to know the priority of handling by using QFD method. Keywords: Batu Ampar Terminal Balikpapan, IPA, terminal performance, QFD

  10. 25 CFR 11.1114 - Termination. (United States)


    ... Minor-in-Need-of-Care Procedure § 11.1114 Termination. (a) Parental rights to a child may be terminated... rights if, following efforts to prevent or eliminate the need to remove the minor, it finds such efforts... alternatives: (1) If parental rights to a child are terminated, the children's court shall place the minor in a...

  11. St. James marine terminal facility description

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) currently owns and operates a marine terminal on the west bank of the Mississippi River at St. James, Louisiana. The St. James facility was constructed by the Department to provide marine services associated with the fill and drawdown of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) crude oil storage facilities located at Bayou Choctaw and Weeks Island, Louisiana. Although strategic to the mission of the SPR in the event of a national emergency, the St. James terminal is situated such that it has a high potential to also serve the commercial industry`s needs for crude oil terminalling and storage. The St. James terminal is located approximately 45 miles west of New Orleans and 30 miles southeast of Baton Rouge, and approximately 160 miles upstream from the mouth of the Mississippi River. Construction of the St. James terminal was initiated in 1978 and was completed in 1980. Since then, the terminal has received and transferred over 125 million barrels of crude oil to the SPR sites for storage. For crude oil distribution, the St. James terminal was connected to the neighboring LOCAP terminal by a 0.1 mile 36-inch pipeline in 1981 and to the Capline terminal by a 0.5 mile 30-inch pipeline in 1988. The terminal also has a 30-inch pipeline connection to the Koch oil terminal which was used for initial fill purposes; however, this pipeline has been disconnected and is currently inactive. A complete description of the St. James terminal facilities, operational capabilities, operational certifications, and future Government requirements are presented in Sections 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively.

  12. Experimental and theoretical aspects of the growth and equilibrium morphology of NaNO{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Benages Vilau, R.; Cuevas-Diarte, M.A.; Calvet i Pallas, T. [Dept. Cristallografia, Mineralogia i Diposits Minerals, Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain); Costa, E.; Bruno, M.; Aquilano, D. [Dipartimento di Scienze Mineralogiche e Petrologiche, Torino Univ. (Italy)


    Sodium nitrate (mineral nitratine, NaNO{sub 3}, space group R anti 3c at room temperature) is a material used in a great variety of fields, such as the molten salt technology. It is also of very interest from a crystallographic point of view, being iso-structural with calcite (CaCO{sub 3}). We performed several growth experiments in aqueous solution, near-equilibrium, with the aim of finding the ideal conditions for investigating both face-by-face growth kinetics and surface characterization, as well as the influence of K{sup +} and Li{sup +} ions on the growth morphology. Single {l_brace}10.4{r_brace} rhombohedral crystals have been systematically grown from pure aqueous solution, while {l_brace}00.1{r_brace} truncated rhombohedra were obtained in the presence of K{sup +} and Li{sup +} ions in the mother solution. When determining the theoretical equilibrium morphology of NaNO{sub 3} crystals, the {l_brace}00.1{r_brace} and {l_brace}10.4{r_brace} surfaces were studied by using the 2D-slab model and relaxed and athermal surface energies (surfaces energies at T = 0 K) were evaluated at DFT level (B3LYP Hamiltonian) by using the CRYSTAL06 package. The {l_brace}00.1{r_brace} dipolar surfaces were reconstructed by the octopolar Hartman-Lacmann's model, already proposed for NaCl-like lattices. This type of reconstruction is the only one which respects the bulk symmetry of the crystal. The octopolar Na{sup +} terminated {l_brace}00.1{r_brace} form resulted to be more stable than the NO{sub 3}{sup -} terminated one. However, the {l_brace}00.1{r_brace} form does not enter the theoretical athermal equilibrium shape of nitratine crystals, being {gamma}{sub (10.4)Na}=160, {gamma}{sub (00.1)Na}= 695 and {gamma}{sub (00.1)NO3}=1535 erg/cm{sup 2}. Finally, a simple 2D-epitaxy model is proposed to explain the appearance of NaNO{sub 3}{l_brace}00.1{r_brace} truncated rhombohedra in the presence of K{sup +} and Li{sup +} ions. (copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGa

  13. Aging and the shape of cognitive change before death: terminal decline or terminal drop? (United States)

    MacDonald, Stuart W S; Hultsch, David F; Dixon, Roger A


    Relative to typical age-related cognitive decrements, the terms "terminal decline" and "terminal drop" refer to the phenomenon of increased cognitive decline in proximity to death. Given that these terms are not necessarily synonymous, we examined the important theoretical distinction between the two alternative trajectories or shapes of changes they imply. We used 12-year (5-wave) data from the Victoria Longitudinal Study to directly test whether pre-death cognitive decrements follow a terminal decline (generally gradual) or a terminal drop (more abrupt) shape. Pre-death trajectories of cognitive decline for n=265 decedents (Mage = 72.67 years, SD = 6.44) were examined separately for 5 key cognitive constructs (verbal speed, working memory, episodic memory, semantic memory, and crystallized ability). Several classes of linear mixed models evaluated whether cognitive decline increased per additional year closer to death. Findings indicated that the shape of pre-death cognitive change was predominantly characterized by decline that is steeper as compared with typical aging-related change, but still best described as slow and steady decline, especially as compared with precipitous drop. The present findings suggest that terminal decline and terminal drop trajectories may not be mutually exclusive but could rather reflect distinct developmental trajectories within the same individual.

  14. 42 CFR 489.53 - Termination by CMS. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Termination by CMS. 489.53 Section 489.53 Public... Reinstatement After Termination § 489.53 Termination by CMS. (a) Basis for termination of agreement with any provider. CMS may terminate the agreement with any provider if CMS finds that any of the following failings...

  15. Lazy Productivity via Termination

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Endrullis, J.; Hendriks, R.D.A.


    We present a procedure for transforming strongly sequential constructor-based term rewriting systems (TRSs) into context-sensitive TRSs in such a way that productivity of the input system is equivalent to termination of the output system. Thereby automated termination provers become available for

  16. Nontraumatic terminal ileal perforation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wani Rauf A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There is still confusion and controversy over the diagnosis and optimal surgical treatment of non traumatic terminal ileal perforation-a cause of obscure peritonitis. Methods This study was a prospective study aimed at evaluating the clinical profile, etiology and optimal surgical management of patients with nontraumatic terminal ileal perforation. Results There were 79 cases of nontraumatic terminal ileal perforation; the causes for perforation were enteric fever(62%, nonspecific inflammation(26%, obstruction(6%, tuberculosis(4% and radiation enteritis (1%. Simple closure of the perforation (49% and end to side ileotransverse anastomosis(42% were the mainstay of the surgical management. Conclusion Terminal ileal perforation should be suspected in all cases of peritonitis especially in developing countries and surgical treatment should be optimized taking various accounts like etiology, delay in surgery and operative findings into consideration to reduce the incidence of deadly complications like fecal fistula.

  17. The practice of terminal discharge. (United States)

    Radha Krishna, Lalit Kumar; Murugam, Vengadasalam; Quah, Daniel Song Chiek


    'Terminal discharges' are carried out in Singapore for patients who wish to die at home. However, if due diligence is not exercised, parallels may be drawn with euthanasia. We present a theoretical discussion beginning with the definition of terminal discharges and the reasons why they are carried out in Singapore. By considering the intention behind terminal discharges and utilising a multidisciplinary team to deliberate on the clinical, social and ethical intricacies with a patient- and context-specific approach, euthanasia is avoided. It is hoped that this will provide a platform for professionals in palliative medicine to negotiate challenging issues when arranging a terminal discharge, so as to avoid the pitfall of committing euthanasia in a country such as Singapore where euthanasia is illegal. It is hoped that a set of guidelines for terminal discharges may someday be realised to assist professionals in Singapore and around the world.

  18. Parametri za procena na kvalitetot na polietilenska i na polipropilenska ambalaza i na gumeni zatvoraci nameneti za farmacevtski preparati

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liljana Ugrinova


    Full Text Available Napraven e pregled na parametrite za procena na kvalitetot na polietilenska i na polipropilenska ambalaza i na gumeni zatvoraci nameneti za farmacevtski preparati. Za procena na kvalitetot na ispituvaniot materijal bea izvrseni fizicki, hemiski i bioloski ispituvanja spored postapkite dadeni vo Ph. Eur., DIN i spored DIN ISO standardite. Baranjata za kvalitet na ovoj vid ambalaza propisani spored Ph. Eur., DIN i DIN ISO standardite se razlikuvaat vo odnos na predvidenite parametri za fizicki, za hemiski i za bioloski ispituvanja. Isto taka, propisani se i razlicni granici na dozvoleno otstapuvanje na oddelni parametri.

  19. Termination of cycle rewriting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zantema, H.; König, B.; Bruggink, H.J.S.; Dowek, G.


    String rewriting can not only be applied on strings, but also on cycles and even on general graphs. In this paper we investigate termination of string rewriting applied on cycles, shortly denoted as cycle rewriting, which is a strictly stronger requirement than termination on strings. Most

  20. 78 FR 5717 - Safety Zone; Military Ocean Terminal Concord Safety Zone, Suisun Bay, Military Ocean Terminal... (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Military Ocean Terminal Concord Safety Zone, Suisun Bay, Military Ocean Terminal... Guard is establishing a safety zone in the navigable waters of Suisun Bay near Military Ocean Terminal Concord, CA in support of military onload and offload operations. This safety zone is established to...

  1. O pulmão na doença inflamatória do cólon: estudo experimental em ratos

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    Biondo-Simões Maria de Lourdes Pessole


    Full Text Available Embora a colite ulcerativa seja conhecida desde 1875 e muitas sejam as manifestações extra-intestinais descritas nesta doença, só recentemente chamou-se a atenção para o envolvimento do aparelho respiratório. Severas complicações têm sido descritas em pacientes como: estenose traqueal inflamatória, bronquiolite com pneumonia, pneumonite intersticial, granulomatose de Wegener, bronquite crônica com bronquiectasia, nódulos necrobióticos, vasculites, fibrose e alveolites. O presente estudo visa reconhecer as alterações pulmonares, na fase aguda da doença inflamatória do cólon, induzida em ratos com ácido acético à 10% e comparar com controles normais. Foi possível constatar que 100% dos animais com colite apresentaram reação inflamatória pulmonar (p=0,0210 de intensidade moderada à severa (p=0,0340. Vasculite foi vista em 58,33% dos pulmões (p=0,0060 e em 3 animais detectou-se hemorragia focal, necrose e abscesso. Estes achados permitem atribuir uma forte associação entre a doença inflamatória do cólon e alterações do aparêlho respiratório, durante a fase aguda da doença, em ratos.

  2. Quantification of endogenous and exogenous protein expressions of Na,K-ATPase with super-resolution PALM/STORM imaging. (United States)

    Bernhem, Kristoffer; Blom, Hans; Brismar, Hjalmar


    Transient transfection of fluorescent fusion proteins is a key enabling technology in fluorescent microscopy to spatio-temporally map cellular protein distributions. Transient transfection of proteins may however bypass normal regulation of expression, leading to overexpression artefacts like misallocations and excess amounts. In this study we investigate the use of STORM and PALM microscopy to quantitatively monitor endogenous and exogenous protein expression. Through incorporation of an N-terminal hemagglutinin epitope to a mMaple3 fused Na,K-ATPase (α1 isoform), we analyze the spatial and quantitative changes of plasma membrane Na,K-ATPase localization during competitive transient expression. Quantification of plasma membrane protein density revealed a time dependent increase of Na,K-ATPase, but no increase in size of protein clusters. Results show that after 41h transfection, the total plasma membrane density of Na,K-ATPase increased by 63% while the endogenous contribution was reduced by 16%.

  3. Lanthanide-doped NaScF4 nanoprobes: crystal structure, optical spectroscopy and biodetection. (United States)

    Ai, Yu; Tu, Datao; Zheng, Wei; Liu, Yongsheng; Kong, Jintao; Hu, Ping; Chen, Zhuo; Huang, Mingdong; Chen, Xueyuan


    Trivalent lanthanide ions (Ln(3+))-doped inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) as potential luminescent bioprobes have been attracting tremendous interest because of their unique upconversion (UC) and downconversion (DC) luminescence properties. NaScF4, as an important host material, has been rarely reported and its crystal structure remains unclear. Herein, based on the single crystal X-ray diffraction, the space group of NaScF4 crystals was determined to be P31 containing multiple sites of Sc(3+) with crystallographic site symmetry of C1, which was verified by high-resolution photoluminescence spectroscopy of Eu(3+) at low temperature (10 K). Furthermore, monodisperse and size-controllable NaScF4:Ln(3+) NPs were synthesized via a facile thermal decomposition method. The biotinylated NaScF4:Er(3+)/Yb(3+) NPs were demonstrated for their applications as a heterogeneous UC luminescence bioprobe to detect avidin with a detection limit of 180 pM. After bioconjugation with amino-terminal fragment (ATF) of urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA), NaScF4:Ln(3+) NPs also exhibited specific recognition of cancer cells overexpressed with uPA receptor (uPAR, an important marker of tumor biology and metastasis), showing great potentials in tumor-targeted bioimaging.

  4. O que é ser mãe de uma criança com fibrose cística Qué significa ser madre de un niño con fibrosis quística What is being a mother of a child with cystic fibrosis

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    Keila Okuda Tavares


    Full Text Available Conhecer o que é ser mãe de uma criança que apresenta fibrose cística é fundamental para o cuidado desses indivíduos, pois geralmente ela divide as responsabilidades relacionadas ao tratamento com o filho que apresenta essa doença grave e sem cura. Nesse sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a vivência de ser mãe de uma criança com fibrose cística. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo-exploratório, qualitativo, de caráter fenomenológico. Foram entrevistadas 14 mulheres e a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada. A análise das falas transcritas na íntegra seguiu direcionamentos propostos pela fenomenologia. Essa é uma experiência que a tristeza, angústia, dúvidas, sofrimento e medo estão presentes, levando essas mulheres a refletirem sobre suas vidas e a de seus filhos, promovendo mudanças em seu mundo vida e uma reorganização de toda a família.Conocer o que es ser madre de un niño con fibrosis quística es esencial para el cuidado de estas personas, porque generalmente ella divide las responsabilidades relacionadas con el tratamiento, con el niño que tiene esta enfermedad grave y sin cura. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer la vivencia de ser madre de un niño con fibrosis quística. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo-exploratorio, cualitativo, fenomenológico. Fueron entrevistadas 14 mujeres y la colecta de datos se realizó por medio de una entrevista semiestructurada. El análisis de las elocuciónes transcriptas en la íntegra siguió direcciones propuestas por la fenomenologia. Esta es una experiencia donde la tristeza, angustia, dudas, sufrimiento y el temor están presentes, haciendo que esas mujeres reflexionen a respecto de sus vidas y la de sus hijos, promoviendo cambios en su mundo vida y una reorganización de toda familia.Knowing what is being a mother of a child with cystic fibrosis is essential to the care of these individuals, because she usually divides the

  5. Effects of iloprost on bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats compared with methyl-prednisolone

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    Z.A. Aytemur


    Full Text Available Objective: Prostacyclin (PGI2 has been shown to inhibit the expression of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic mediators in pulmonary fibrosis. In this study, we aimed to test the preventive effects of intraperitoneally administered iloprost, a stable PGI2 analog, on bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats and to compare the effects of iloprost with the effects of methyl-prednisolone, a traditional therapy. Methods: Rats were randomly allocated into four groups: 1. Saline alone (n = 6; 2. Bleomycin + placebo (n = 7; 3. Bleomycin + methyl-prednisolone (n = 7; 4. Bleomycin + iloprost (n = 7. Fibrotic changes in the lungs were demonstrated by analyzing the cellular composition of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, histological evaluation and lung hydroxyproline content. Results: Fibrosis was made in the lungs of rats by bleomycin experimentally. Fibrosis scores in the methyl-prednisolone and the iloprost groups were significantly lower than in the placebo group (p < 0.05. Furthermore, the score of the iloprost group was significantly lower than the score of the methyl-prednisolone group. The hydroxyproline content was significantly less in the methyl-prednisolone and the iloprost groups (p < 0.05. In the placebo group, the neutrophil percentage in bronchoalveolar lavage was significantly higher than in the other groups, whereas the macrophage percentage in placebo group was significantly lower (p < 0.05. Conclusion: Iloprost has protective effect on the pulmonary fibrosis induced by bleomycin and it may be more effective in decreasing fibrotic changes than methyl-prednisolone. Resumo: Objetivo: A prostaciclina (PGI2 é conhecida por inibir a expressão de mediadores pró-inflamatórios e pró-fibróticos na fibrose pulmonar. Neste estudo, procurou-se testar os efeitos preventivos do iloprost administrado por via intraperitoneal, um análogo estável do PGI2, na fibrose

  6. 46 CFR 525.2 - Terminal schedules. (United States)


    ... domestic law and international conventions and agreements adopted by the United States; such terminal... their own negligence, or that impose upon others the obligation to indemnify or hold-harmless the terminals from liability for their own negligence. (2) Enforcement of terminal schedules. Any schedule that...

  7. Concept Layout Model of Transportation Terminals

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    Li-ya Yao


    Full Text Available Transportation terminal is the key node in transport systems. Efficient terminals can improve operation of passenger transportation networks, adjust the layout of public transportation networks, provide a passenger guidance system, and regulate the development of commercial forms, as well as optimize the assembly and distribution of modern logistic modes, among others. This study aims to clarify the relationship between the function and the structure of transportation terminals and establish the function layout design. The mapping mechanism of demand, function, and structure was analyzed, and a quantitative relationship between function and structure was obtained from a design perspective. Passenger demand and terminal structure were decomposed into several demand units and structural elements following the principle of reverse engineering. The relationship maps between these two kinds of elements were then analyzed. Function-oriented concept layout model of transportation terminals was established using the previous method. Thus, a technique in planning and design of transportation structures was proposed. Meaningful results were obtained from the optimization of transportation terminal facilities, which guide the design of the functional layout of transportation terminals and improve the development of urban passenger transportation systems.

  8. Mobile Termination and Mobile Penetration


    Hurkens, Sjaak; Jeon, Doh-Shin


    In this paper, we study how access pricing affects network competition when subscription demand is elastic and each network uses non-linear prices and can apply termination-based price discrimination. In the case of a fixed per minute termination charge, we find that a reduction of the termination charge below cost has two oppos- ing effects: it softens competition but helps to internalize network externalities. The former reduces mobile penetration while the latter boosts it. We find that fi...

  9. Mobile termination and mobile penetration


    Hurkens, Sjaak


    In this paper, we study how access pricing affects network competition when subscription demand is elastic and each network uses non-linear prices and can apply termination-based price discrimination. In the case of a fixed per minute termination charge, we find that a reduction of the termination charge below cost has two opposing effects: it softens competition but helps to internalize network externalities. The former reduces mobile penetration while the latter boosts it. We find that firm...

  10. 49 CFR 374.309 - Terminal facilities. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Terminal facilities. 374.309 Section 374.309... REGULATIONS Adequacy of Intercity Motor Common Carrier Passenger Service § 374.309 Terminal facilities. (a... attendants and be regularly patrolled. (b) Outside facilities. At terminals and stations that are closed when...

  11. Cuidando de pacientes em fase terminal: a perspectiva de alunos de enfermagem El cuidando de pacientes en fase terminal: la perspectiva de los alumnos de enfermería Taking care of terminal patients: nursing student's perspective

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    Maria Lúcia Araújo Sadala


    Full Text Available Este estudo busca compreender como alunos de graduação em Enfermagem percebem a si mesmos ao cuidar de pacientes em fase terminal e expor os significados da experiência vivida. Foram entrevistados 14 alunos, respondendo à questão: Como se mostra a você o cuidar do paciente na fase terminal? Para os alunos, é sempre uma experiência dolorosa, que os coloca face a face com suas fragilidades e inseguranças. Eles atribuem suas dificuldades à própria incapacidade de aceitar a morte e ao despreparo e inexperiência. Relatam que falta apoio dos profissionais com quem compartilham esse cuidado. No que se refere à formação profissional, para alguns a experiência foi positiva, apesar das dificuldades; outros a avaliam negativamente, resultando em rejeição a situações semelhantes. Novas investigações sobre o tema são necessárias para aprofundar e ampliar a reflexão para o âmbito da formação dos enfermeiros em nível nacional.Este estudio busca comprender como los alumnos del curso de Enfermería perciben el cuidar de pacientes en fase terminal y exponer los significados de la experiencia vivida. Fueron entrevistados 14 alumnos, respondiendo a la pregunta: ¿Qué le parece a usted cuidar de un paciente en fase terminal? Para los alumnos, siempre es una experiencia dolorosa, que los coloca frente a frente con sus fragilidades e inseguridades. Atribuyen sus dificultades a la propia incapacidad de aceptar la muerte y a la falta de preparación e inexperiencia. Relatan que les falta apoyo de los profesionales con quien comparten ese cuidado. En lo que se refiere a la formación profesional, para algunos la experiencia fue positiva, a pesar de las dificultades; otros la evalúan negativamente, resultando en rechazo a situaciones semejantes. Nuevas investigaciones sobre el tema son necesarias, en el sentido de profundizar y ampliar la reflexión dentro del ámbito de formación de los enfermeros a nivel nacional.The aim of this study is

  12. Prematurely terminated slug tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karasaki, K.


    A solution of the well response to a prematurely terminated slug test (PTST) is presented. The advantages of a PTST over conventional slug tests are discussed. A systematized procedure of a PTST is proposed, where a slug test is terminated in the midpoint of the flow point, and the subsequent shut-in data is recorded and analyzed. This method requires a downhole shut-in device and a pressure transducer, which is no more than the conventional deep-well slug testing. As opposed to slug tests, which are ineffective when a skin is present, more accurate estimate of formation permeability can be made using a PTST. Premature termination also shortens the test duration considerably. Because in most cases no more information is gained by completing a slug test to the end, the author recommends that conventional slug tests be replaced by the premature termination technique. This study is part of an investigation of the feasibility of geologic isolation of nuclear wastes being carried out by the US Department of Energy and the National Cooperative for the Storage of Radioactive Waste of Switzerland

  13. 9 CFR 3.91 - Terminal facilities. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Terminal facilities. 3.91 Section 3.91... Primates 2 Transportation Standards § 3.91 Terminal facilities. (a) Placement. Any persons subject to the... with inanimate cargo or with other animals in animal holding areas of terminal facilities. Nonhuman...

  14. 9 CFR 3.18 - Terminal facilities. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Terminal facilities. 3.18 Section 3.18... Cats 1 Transportation Standards § 3.18 Terminal facilities. (a) Placement. Any person subject to the... inanimate cargo in animal holding areas of terminal facilities. (b) Cleaning, sanitization, and pest control...

  15. 7 CFR 1469.25 - Contract violations and termination. (United States)


    ... termination without delay. (c) If NRCS terminates a contract due to breach of contract, the participant will... terminates a contract due to breach of contract, or the participant voluntarily terminates the contract... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Contract violations and termination. 1469.25 Section...

  16. Compact Termination for Structural Soft-goods (United States)

    Wilkes, Robert, Jr.


    Glass fiber is unique in its ability to withstand atomic oxygen and ultraviolet radiation in-space environments. However, glass fiber is also difficult to terminate by traditional methods without decreasing its strength significantly. Glass fiber products are especially sensitive to bend radius, and do not work very well with traditional 'sewn loop on pin' type connections. As with most composites, getting applied loads from a metallic structure into the webbing without stress concentrations is the key to a successful design. A potted end termination has been shown in some preliminary work to out-perform traditional termination methods. It was proposed to conduct a series of tensile tests on structural webbing or cord to determine the optimum potting geometry, and to then be able to estimate a weight and volume savings over traditional sewn-overa- pin connections. During the course of the investigation into potted end terminations for glass fiber webbing, a new and innovative connection was developed that has lower weight, reduced fabrication time, and superior thermal tolerance over the metallic end terminations that were to be optimized in the original proposal. This end termination essentially transitions the flexible glass fiber webbing into a rigid fiberglass termination, which can be bolted/fastened with traditional methods

  17. 9 CFR 3.40 - Terminal facilities. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Terminal facilities. 3.40 Section 3.40... Pigs and Hamsters Transportation Standards § 3.40 Terminal facilities. No person subject to the Animal... animal holding areas of a terminal facility where shipments of live guinea pigs or hamsters are...

  18. 9 CFR 3.65 - Terminal facilities. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Terminal facilities. 3.65 Section 3.65... Transportation Standards § 3.65 Terminal facilities. No person subject to the Animal Welfare regulations shall commingle shipments of live rabbits with inanimate cargo. All animal holding areas of a terminal facility...

  19. Načrtovan porod na domu


    Todorović, Tamara; Takač, Iztok


    Izhodišča: Porod na domu je sicer star toliko kot človeštvo, pa vendar v veliki večini srednje in visoko razvitih držav prevladuje mnenje, da so zaradi nepredvidljivosti zapletov porodnišnice najbolj varno okolje za rojevanje. Kljub temu obstaja peščica držav, v katerih je porod na domu integriran v sistem zdravstvenega varstva (npr. Nizozemska, Velika Britanija, Kanada). Pri porodih na domu ločimo nenačrtovane in načrtovane porode na domu, slednje pa lahko nadalje razdelimo še na porode s sp...

  20. Battery system including batteries that have a plurality of positive terminals and a plurality of negative terminals (United States)

    Dougherty, Thomas J; Symanski, James S; Kuempers, Joerg A; Miles, Ronald C; Hansen, Scott A; Smith, Nels R; Taghikhani, Majid; Mrotek, Edward N; Andrew, Michael G


    A lithium battery for use in a vehicle includes a container, a plurality of positive terminals extending from a first end of the lithium battery, and a plurality of negative terminals extending from a second end of the lithium battery. The plurality of positive terminals are provided in a first configuration and the plurality of negative terminals are provided in a second configuration, the first configuration differing from the second configuration. A battery system for use in a vehicle may include a plurality of electrically connected lithium cells or batteries.

  1. Termination of plastic-clad fiber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nance, W.R.


    Optical waveguides are ideal in a nuclear weapon environment because of their resistance to electromagnetic interference. Of the fibers on today's market, plastic-clad silica (PCS) is the most radiation resistant and therfore the best choice. Because terminating PCS is complex, this paper attemps to address the major problems associated with these terminations including selecting the proper connector and optimizing the terminating procedures. The sources of losses in the connectors are summarized and typical loss values are given for four connectors which were tested

  2. Effect of Ge surface termination on oxidation behavior (United States)

    Lee, Younghwan; Park, Kibyung; Cho, Yong Soo; Lim, Sangwoo


    Sulfur-termination was formed on the Ge(1 0 0) surface using (NH 4) 2S solution. Formation of Ge-S and the oxidation of the S-terminated Ge surface were monitored with multiple internal reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. In the 0.5, 5, or 20% (NH 4) 2S solution, H-termination on the Ge(1 0 0) surface was substituted with S-termination in 1 min. When the S-terminated Ge(1 0 0) surface was exposed in air ambient, the oxidation was retarded for about 3600 min. The preservation time of the oxide layer up to one monolayer of S-terminated Ge(1 0 0) surface was about 120 times longer than for the H-terminated Ge(1 0 0) surface. However, the oxidation of S-terminated Ge(1 0 0) surface drastically increased after the threshold time. There was no significant difference in threshold time between S-terminations formed in 0.5, 5, and 20% (NH 4) 2S solutions. With the surface oxidation, desorption of S on the Ge surface was observed. The desorption behavior of sulfur on the S-terminated Ge(1 0 0) surface was independent of the concentration of the (NH 4) 2S solution that forms S-termination. Non-ideal S-termination on Ge surfaces may be related to drastic oxidation of the Ge surface. Finally, with the desulfurization on the S-terminated Ge(1 0 0) surface, oxide growth is accelerated.

  3. Miopatia por propoxifeno: relato de 2 casos com histoquimica de músculos

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    Lineu Cesar Werneck


    Full Text Available São relatados os casos de dois pacientes sofredores de dores crônicas (um com gota e outro com lombalgia, que desenvolveram o vício pelo dextro-propo-xifeno, administrado por via intramuscular. Isto determinou alterações importantes na musculatura onde eram aplicado as injeções, com endurecimento da pele, edema e diminuição da mobilidade do membro afetado. A investigação revelou miopatia crônica, com intensa fibrose do tecido conjuntivo perimisial e endomisial, com infiltração por células linfomonocitárias; havia também atrofia de fibras musculares nas regiões próximas e fibrose com atividade muito aumentada para a fosfatase alcalina no local das lesões. Eletromiografia em um dos casos sugeria denervação e, no outro, envolvimento muscular primário. A retirada da medicação determinou regressão dos sintomas e sinais, mas o retorno de ambos os pacientes ao hábito, fêz recrudescer o processo. São discutidos os achados clínico-patológicos comparando com outras medicação e agressões físicas que acometendo o tecido muscular, acabam levando o musculo à fibrose. Possivelmente as injeções intramusculares repetidas, a irritação pelo cloridrato de dextro-propoxifeno e a redução da drenagem linfática sejam as causas dos sintomas e alterações patológicas.

  4. Mechanisms of DNA replication termination. (United States)

    Dewar, James M; Walter, Johannes C


    Genome duplication is carried out by pairs of replication forks that assemble at origins of replication and then move in opposite directions. DNA replication ends when converging replication forks meet. During this process, which is known as replication termination, DNA synthesis is completed, the replication machinery is disassembled and daughter molecules are resolved. In this Review, we outline the steps that are likely to be common to replication termination in most organisms, namely, fork convergence, synthesis completion, replisome disassembly and decatenation. We briefly review the mechanism of termination in the bacterium Escherichia coli and in simian virus 40 (SV40) and also focus on recent advances in eukaryotic replication termination. In particular, we discuss the recently discovered E3 ubiquitin ligases that control replisome disassembly in yeast and higher eukaryotes, and how their activity is regulated to avoid genome instability.

  5. Programa de triagem neonatal para fibrose cística no estado do Paraná: avaliação após 30 meses de sua implantação Neonatal cystic fibrosis screening program in the state of Paraná: evaluation 30 months after implementation

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    Grégor P. Chermikoski Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Apresentar e analisar os resultados da implantação do Programa Nacional de Triagem Neonatal em Fibrose Cística, no Paraná, após 30 meses do seu início. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo com análise dos dados da triagem feita em aproximadamente 98% dos recém-nascidos entre setembro de 2001 e abril de 2004 no laboratório do Serviço de Triagem Neonatal da Fundação Ecumênica de Proteção ao Excepcional do Paraná. As amostras de sangue para o "teste do pezinho" foram coletadas na alta hospitalar, idealmente entre o segundo e sexto dias de vida, com o envio dos papéis-filtro para a dosagem de tripsina imunorreativa por imunofluorimetria. Crianças com valores da dosagem de tripsina imunorreativa > 70 ng/ml em duas amostras distintas, nos primeiros 30 dias de vida, foram submetidas à determinação da condutividade do suor pelo método de Wescor. Com o resultado maior que 50 mMol/l procedeu-se à dosagem quantitativa de cloro e/ou sódio no suor (iontoforese por pilocarpina. RESULTADOS: De 456.982 exames realizados, 4.028 (0,9% crianças apresentaram a primeira dosagem de tripsina imunorreativa acima do ponto de corte estabelecido. Dessas, 478 (12,5% tiveram uma segunda amostra de sangue com dosagem de tripsina imunorreativa acima de 70 ng/ml, das quais, após a realização do teste de suor por condutividade, 56 (11,7% crianças foram encaminhadas para ambulatórios especializados com resultado acima de 50 mMol/l e 48 (0,01% do total de triagens tiveram o diagnóstico de fibrose cística confirmado. A incidência foi de 1:9.520 em nosso estado, embora algumas crianças ainda não tenham completado a investigação. CONCLUSÕES: A triagem neonatal para fibrose cística no estado do Paraná, de acordo com as normas do Ministério da Saúde, foi uma iniciativa pioneira no Brasil. Realizou-se o diagnóstico precocemente em muitos pacientes, mesmo os assintomáticos, fato que representa um desafio à melhora no progn

  6. What is a "good enough" termination? (United States)

    Gabbard, Glen O


    In Freud's technique papers, he failed to develop a systematic approach to termination. Much of the existing literature is based on psychoanalytic mythologies about the way patients are expected to end analysis. The models described in the literature are often starkly at odds with what one sees in clinical practice. A wish for idealized versions of termination underlies much of what has been written, and we need to shift to a conceptual model involving "good enough" termination. A number of different endings to psychoanalysis may, in the long run, lead to productive outcomes; these models are examined, as are various approaches to the dilemmas presented at the time of termination.

  7. Trauma and termination. (United States)

    Ferraro, F


    The author suggests a particular reading of the thesis put forward by Freud in 'Analysis terminable and interminable' that an effective and more definitive conclusion may be expected in analyses of cases with traumatic aetiology. This reading shifts the emphasis from the patient's history to the possibility of its crystallising in focal nuclei emerging within the analytic relationship under the pressure of the termination. The revival of separation anxieties which cannot be worked through, and their crystallisation in precipitating traumatic events, may give rise to decisive psychic work allowing the analysis to be brought to a conclusion. Two case histories are presented to show how the end of the analysis assumes the form of a new trauma, which reactivates in the present, traumatic anxieties from the patient's own infantile history. In the first case a premature birth and in the second a miscarriage, originally experienced as isolated automatic events without time or history, are relived in the terminal phase as vicissitudes of the transference, so that new meaning can be assigned to them and they can be withdrawn from the somatic cycle of repetition. The powerful tendency to act out and the intense countertransference pressure on the analyst are discussed in the light of the specificities of this phase, which is crucial to the success of the analysis. This leads to a re-examination, in the concluding notes, of some theoretical questions inherent in the problem of the termination and, in particular, to a discussion of the ambiguous concept of a natural ending.

  8. N-Terminal Domains in Two-Domain Proteins Are Biased to Be Shorter and Predicted to Fold Faster Than Their C-Terminal Counterparts

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    Etai Jacob


    Full Text Available Computational analysis of proteomes in all kingdoms of life reveals a strong tendency for N-terminal domains in two-domain proteins to have shorter sequences than their neighboring C-terminal domains. Given that folding rates are affected by chain length, we asked whether the tendency for N-terminal domains to be shorter than their neighboring C-terminal domains reflects selection for faster-folding N-terminal domains. Calculations of absolute contact order, another predictor of folding rate, provide additional evidence that N-terminal domains tend to fold faster than their neighboring C-terminal domains. A possible explanation for this bias, which is more pronounced in prokaryotes than in eukaryotes, is that faster folding of N-terminal domains reduces the risk for protein aggregation during folding by preventing formation of nonnative interdomain interactions. This explanation is supported by our finding that two-domain proteins with a shorter N-terminal domain are much more abundant than those with a shorter C-terminal domain.

  9. Efficiency analysis of container ports and terminals


    Liu, Q.


    In the past two decades the steady growth of seaborne trade has resulted in the increase of container ships, container ports and their terminals. The structure of the shipping market is, moreover, continuously evolving. On the carrier side, shipping companies form consortia and alliances; on the port side, global terminal operators and dedicated container terminals are emerging. The aim of this research is to evaluate the efficiency of container ports and terminals and to study...

  10. Strategic technology alliance termination : an empirical investigation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sadowski, B.M.; Duysters, G.M.


    There is growing consensus that overall alliance termination rates are high. However, despite this track record of termination and despite unsurpassed growth rates of strategic technology alliances, little is known about the reasons for their termination. Typically strategic alliances have been

  11. Effects of surface functionalization of hydrophilic NaYF4 nanocrystals doped with Eu3+ on glutamate and GABA transport in brain synaptosomes (United States)

    Sojka, Bartlomiej; Kociołek, Daria; Banski, Mateusz; Borisova, Tatiana; Pozdnyakova, Natalia; Pastukhov, Artem; Borysov, Arsenii; Dudarenko, Marina; Podhorodecki, Artur


    Specific rare earth doped nanocrystals (NCs), a recent class of nanoparticles with fluorescent features, have great bioanalytical potential. Neuroactive properties of NaYF4 nanocrystals doped with Eu3+ were assessed based on the analysis of their effects on glutamate- and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transport process in nerve terminals isolated from rat brain (synaptosomes). Two types of hydrophilic NCs were examined in this work: (i) coated by polyethylene glycol (PEG) and (ii) with OH groups at the surface. It was found that NaYF4:Eu3+-PEG and NaYF4:Eu3+-OH within the concentration range of 0.5-3.5 and 0.5-1.5 mg/ml, respectively, did not influence Na+-dependent transporter-dependent l-[14C]glutamate and [3H]GABA uptake and the ambient level of the neurotransmitters in the synaptosomes. An increase in NaYF4:Eu3+-PEG and NaYF4:Eu3+-OH concentrations up to 7.5 and 3.5 mg/ml, respectively, led to the (1) attenuation of the initial velocity of uptake of l-[14C]glutamate and [3H]GABA and (2) elevation of ambient neurotransmitters in the suspension of nerve terminals. In the mentioned concentrations, nanocrystals did not influence acidification of synaptic vesicles that was shown with pH-sensitive fluorescent dye acridine orange, however, decreased the potential of the plasma membrane of synaptosomes. In comparison with other nanoparticles studied with similar methodological approach, NCs start to exhibit their effects on neurotransmitter transport at concentrations several times higher than those shown for carbon dots, detonation nanodiamonds and an iron storage protein ferritin, whose activity can be registered at 0.08, 0.5 and 0.08 mg/ml, respectively. Therefore, NCs can be considered lesser neurotoxic as compared to above nanoparticles.

  12. Heterologous Expression of the Cotton NBS-LRR Gene GbaNA1 Enhances Verticillium Wilt Resistance in Arabidopsis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nan-Yang Li


    Full Text Available Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium dahliae results in severe losses in cotton, and is economically the most destructive disease of this crop. Improving genetic resistance is the cleanest and least expensive option to manage Verticillium wilt. Previously, we identified the island cotton NBS-LRR-encoding gene GbaNA1 that confers resistance to the highly virulent V. dahliae isolate Vd991. In this study, we expressed cotton GbaNA1 in the heterologous system of Arabidopsis thaliana and investigated the defense response mediated by GbaNA1 following inoculations with V. dahliae. Heterologous expression of GbaNA1 conferred Verticillium wilt resistance in A. thaliana. Moreover, overexpression of GbaNA1 enabled recovery of the resistance phenotype of A. thaliana mutants that had lost the function of GbaNA1 ortholog gene. Investigations of the defense response in A. thaliana showed that the reactive oxygen species (ROS production and the expression of genes associated with the ethylene signaling pathway were enhanced significantly following overexpression of GbaNA1. Intriguingly, overexpression of the GbaNA1 ortholog from Gossypium hirsutum (GhNA1 in A. thaliana did not induce the defense response of ROS production due to the premature termination of GhNA1, which lacks the encoded NB-ARC and LRR motifs. GbaNA1 therefore confers Verticillium wilt resistance in A. thaliana by the activation of ROS production and ethylene signaling. These results demonstrate the functional conservation of the NBS-LRR-encoding GbaNA1 in a heterologous system, and the mechanism of this resistance, both of which may prove valuable in incorporating GbaNA1-mediated resistance into other plant species.

  13. Lithium-induced inhibition of Na-K ATPase and Ca ATPase activities in rat brain synaptosome. (United States)

    Cho, Y. W.


    To explore the action mechanism of lithium in the brain, the author investigated the effects of lithium on Na-K ATPase and Ca ATPase in rat brain synaptosomes prepared from forebrains by the method of Booth and Clark. The activities of Na-K ATPase and Ca ATPase were assayed by the level of inorganic phosphate liberated from the hydrolysis of ATP. Lithium at the optimum therapeutic concentration of 1 mM decreased the activity of Na-K ATPase from the control value of 19.08 +/- 0.29 to 18.27 +/- 0.10 micromoles Pi/mg protein/h and also reduced the activity of Ca ATPase from 6.38 +/- 0.12 to 5.64 +/- 0.12 micromoles Pi/mg protein/h. The decreased activity of Na-K ATPase will decrease the rate of Ca2+ efflux, probably via an Na-Ca exchange mechanism and will increase the rate of Ca2+ entry by the depolarization of nerve terminals. The reduced activity of Ca ATPase will result in the decreased efflux of Ca2+. As a Conclusion, it can be speculated that lithium elevates the intrasynaptosomal Ca2+ concentration via inhibition of the activities of Na-K ATPase and Ca ATPase, and this increased [Ca2+]i will cause the release of neurotransmitters and neurological effects of lithium. PMID:7598829

  14. Terminal addition in a cellular world. (United States)

    Torday, J S; Miller, William B


    Recent advances in our understanding of evolutionary development permit a reframed appraisal of Terminal Addition as a continuous historical process of cellular-environmental complementarity. Within this frame of reference, evolutionary terminal additions can be identified as environmental induction of episodic adjustments to cell-cell signaling patterns that yield the cellular-molecular pathways that lead to differing developmental forms. Phenotypes derive, thereby, through cellular mutualistic/competitive niche constructions in reciprocating responsiveness to environmental stresses and epigenetic impacts. In such terms, Terminal Addition flows according to a logic of cellular needs confronting environmental challenges over space-time. A reconciliation of evolutionary development and Terminal Addition can be achieved through a combined focus on cell-cell signaling, molecular phylogenies and a broader understanding of epigenetic phenomena among eukaryotic organisms. When understood in this manner, Terminal Addition has an important role in evolutionary development, and chronic disease might be considered as a form of 'reverse evolution' of the self-same processes. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  15. Concept Layout Model of Transportation Terminals


    Yao, Li-ya; Sun, Li-shan; Wang, Wu-hong; Xiong, Hui


    Transportation terminal is the key node in transport systems. Efficient terminals can improve operation of passenger transportation networks, adjust the layout of public transportation networks, provide a passenger guidance system, and regulate the development of commercial forms, as well as optimize the assembly and distribution of modern logistic modes, among others. This study aims to clarify the relationship between the function and the structure of transportation terminals and establish ...

  16. 14 CFR 272.12 - Termination. (United States)


    ... Aeronautics and Space OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION PROCEEDINGS) ECONOMIC REGULATIONS ESSENTIAL AIR SERVICE TO THE FREELY ASSOCIATED STATES § 272.12 Termination. These provisions shall terminate on October 1, 1998, unless the program of essential air service to the Federated States of...

  17. Terminal structure (United States)

    Schmidt, Frank [Langenhagen, DE; Allais, Arnaud [Hannover, DE; Mirebeau, Pierre [Villebon sur Yvette, FR; Ganhungu, Francois [Vieux-Reng, FR; Lallouet, Nicolas [Saint Martin Boulogne, FR


    A terminal structure (2) for a superconducting cable (1) is described. It consists of a conductor (2a) and an insulator (2b) that surrounds the conductor (2a), wherein the superconducting cable (1) has a core with a superconducting conductor (5) and a layer of insulation that surrounds the conductor (5), and wherein the core is arranged in such a way that it can move longitudinally in a cryostat. The conductor (2a) of the terminal structure (2) is electrically connected with the superconducting conductor (5) or with a normal conductor (6) that is connected with the superconducting conductor (5) by means of a tubular part (7) made of an electrically conductive material, wherein the superconducting conductor (5) or the normal conductor (6) can slide in the part (7) in the direction of the superconductor.

  18. 43 CFR 29.13 - Termination. (United States)


    ... Termination. Upon termination of operations of the Pipeline, the full disposition of all claims, and the... shall request that Congress provide for final disposition of the Fund. If Congress at any time establishes a comprehensive oil pollution liability fund which supersedes or repeals the Fund, the Fund assets...

  19. 7 CFR 983.89 - Termination. (United States)


    ..., ARIZONA, AND NEW MEXICO Miscellaneous Provisions § 983.89 Termination. (a) The Secretary may at any time..., That such majority has, during such representative period, produced for market more than fifty percent of the volume of such pistachios produced for market, but such termination shall be announced at...

  20. 49 CFR 450.15 - Termination of delegation. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Termination of delegation. 450.15 Section 450.15... SECURITY SAFETY APPROVAL OF CARGO CONTAINERS GENERAL Procedure for Delegation to Approval Authorities § 450.15 Termination of delegation. (a) An Approval Authority may voluntarily terminate its delegation by...

  1. Scandium Terminal Imido Chemistry. (United States)

    Lu, Erli; Chu, Jiaxiang; Chen, Yaofeng


    Research into transition metal complexes bearing multiply bonded main-group ligands has developed into a thriving and fruitful field over the past half century. These complexes, featuring terminal M═E/M≡E (M = transition metal; E = main-group element) multiple bonds, exhibit unique structural properties as well as rich reactivity, which render them attractive targets for inorganic/organometallic chemists as well as indispensable tools for organic/catalytic chemists. This fact has been highlighted by their widespread applications in organic synthesis, for example, as olefin metathesis catalysts. In the ongoing renaissance of transition metal-ligand multiple-bonding chemistry, there have been reports of M═E/M≡E interactions for the majority of the metallic elements of the periodic table, even some actinide metals. In stark contrast, the largest subgroup of the periodic table, rare-earth metals (Ln = Sc, Y, and lanthanides), have been excluded from this upsurge. Indeed, the synthesis of terminal Ln═E/Ln≡E multiple-bonding species lagged behind that of the transition metal and actinide congeners for decades. Although these species had been pursued since the discovery of a rare-earth metal bridging imide in 1991, such a terminal (nonpincer/bridging hapticities) Ln═E/Ln≡E bond species was not obtained until 2010. The scarcity is mainly attributed to the energy mismatch between the frontier orbitals of the metal and the ligand atoms. This renders the putative terminal Ln═E/Ln≡E bonds extremely reactive, thus resulting in the formation of aggregates and/or reaction with the ligand/environment, quenching the multiple-bond character. In 2010, the stalemate was broken by the isolation and structural characterization of the first rare-earth metal terminal imide-a scandium terminal imide-by our group. The double-bond character of the Sc═N bond was unequivocally confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Theoretical investigations revealed the presence

  2. Terminating America's wars : the Gulf War and Kosovo


    Musser, William G.


    Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited This thesis asks two questions: 1) What factors have contributed to the termination of recent United States wars? and 2) How can elements of national power be applied successfully to terminate the future wars of the United States? To answer these questions, this thesis offers a model of war termination and applies it to cases of war termination, in the Gulf War and in Kosovo. These case studies indicate that termination of future wars ...

  3. 10 CFR 600.244 - Termination for convenience. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Termination for convenience. 600.244 Section 600.244 Energy DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (CONTINUED) ASSISTANCE REGULATIONS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE RULES Uniform... Requirements § 600.244 Termination for convenience. Except as provided in § 600.443 awards may be terminated in...

  4. 44 CFR 13.44 - Termination for convenience. (United States)


    ... 44 Emergency Management and Assistance 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Termination for convenience. 13.44 Section 13.44 Emergency Management and Assistance FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY... § 13.44 Termination for convenience. Except as provided in § 13.43 awards may be terminated in whole or...

  5. 15 CFR 930.115 - Termination of mediation. (United States)


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Termination of mediation. 930.115... MANAGEMENT FEDERAL CONSISTENCY WITH APPROVED COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS Secretarial Mediation § 930.115 Termination of mediation. Mediation shall terminate: (a) At any time the Federal and State agencies agree to a...

  6. 23 CFR 635.125 - Termination of contract. (United States)


    ... CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE Contract Procedures § 635.125 Termination of contract. (a) All contracts exceeding... 23 Highways 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Termination of contract. 635.125 Section 635.125... the termination will be effected and the basis for settlement. In addition, such contracts shall...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Etsa Purnama Sari


    Full Text Available Wilayah Indonesia yang terdiri dari pulau dan perairan menjadikan angkutan laut menjadi salah satu sarana transportasi yang cukup efektif di negara ini. Daya angkut yang besar dan beragam serta biaya yang lebih murah dengan jarak jangkauan yang luas, membuat sarana ini banyak diminati oleh masyarakat sekaligus juga merupakan pendukung utama perkembangan kehidupan sosial budaya dan roda perekonomian. Untuk mendukung proses transportasi laut ini perlu sarana berupa pelabuhan. Pelabuhan dalam melakukan pelayanan terhadap kapal memiliki beberapa fasilitas pokok dan penunjang yang wajib dimiliki. Salah satunya adalah terminal penumpang kapal laut dengan berbagai kegiatan di dalamnya untuk kedatangan maupun keberangkatan. Masalah ketidaknyamanan dalam berkegiatan, jauhnya akses sirkulasi antara satu kegiatan dengan kegiatan kegiatan embarkasi dan debarkasi yang tidak teratur, pembagian jalur sirkulasi penumpang dan pengantar penumpang yang tidak jelas seringkali muncul akibat sirkulasi yang tidak direncanakan dengan baik pada terminal penumpang kapal laut. Bahkan tidak jarang dapat menimbulkan adanya calo tiket hingga adanya penumpang tanpa tiket yang dapat masuk ke dalam kapal hingga kapal berlayar. Perencanaan sebuah sirkulasi yang tepat pada terminal penumpang kapal laut memerlukan kajian terhadap unsur-unsur sirkulasi seperti pencapaian, pola sirkulasi, jalur sirkulasi, serta bentuk ruang sirkulasi. Kajian unsur-unsur ini selanjutnya diselidiki melalui penelusuran masalah dengan analisis deskriptif melalui penggambaran objek penelitian yang terdapat pada Terminal Penumpang Pelabuhan International Yokohama, Terminal Penumpang Pelabuhan Kobe dan Terminal Penumpang Pelabuhan Osanbashi Hall   As one of the largest archipelago country, sea transportation acts as one of the most effective means of transportation in Indonesia. Large and diverse carrying capacity, lower cost with wide range of distances, are factors which making sea

  8. The Practice of Hospital Intranet Terminal Access Control Solution

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    QI Shi-tao; TANG Li-ming


    Along with the increasingly urgent management needs of intranet terminals in hospital, and large scaled deployment of terminal management system, terminal access control has become one of the standard functions of terminal management. This paper mainly aims at some simple research for the system construction of hospital intranet terminal access control.

  9. 48 CFR 22.1023 - Termination for default. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Termination for default... Amended 22.1023 Termination for default. As provided by the Act, any contractor failure to comply with the requirements of the contract clauses related to the Act may be grounds for termination for default (see...

  10. 49 CFR 18.44 - Termination for convenience. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Termination for convenience. 18.44 Section 18.44 Transportation Office of the Secretary of Transportation UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR GRANTS AND... Enforcement § 18.44 Termination for convenience. Except as provided in § 18.43 awards may be terminated in...

  11. 36 CFR 1207.44 - Termination for convenience. (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Termination for convenience. 1207.44 Section 1207.44 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS... Termination for convenience. Except as provided in § 1207.43 awards may be terminated in whole or in part only...

  12. 45 CFR 1157.44 - Termination for convenience. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Termination for convenience. 1157.44 Section 1157.44 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON THE ARTS... Enforcement § 1157.44 Termination for convenience. Except as provided in § 1157.43 awards may be terminated in...

  13. 45 CFR 602.44 - Termination for convenience. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Termination for convenience. 602.44 Section 602.44 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION UNIFORM... Requirements § 602.44 Termination for convenience. Except as provided in § 602.43 awards may be terminated in...

  14. Identification of the segment of the catalytic subunit of (Na+,K+)ATPase containing the digitalis binding site. (United States)

    Rossi, B; Ponzio, G; Lazdunski, M


    Digitalis compounds that are extensively used in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders are known to bind specifically at the extracellular side of (Na+,K+)ATPase. We have recently reported the synthesis of [3H]p- nitrophenyltriazene -ouabain, a derivative of ouabain, which specifically alkylates the catalytic chain of the (Na+,K+)ATPase at a defined region of the sequence. The peptidic segment involved in the binding of digitalis to (Na+,K+)ATPase has been located after mild trypsin treatment of the labeled enzyme. In the presence of 100 mM KCl, tryptic fragmentation results in two peptide fragments of mol. wt. 58 000 and 41 000, respectively. The radioactive probe labeled only the 41 000 fragment indicating that the digitalis binding site is located on the 41 000 domain situated at the N-terminal part of the sequence of the alpha-subunit. Images Fig. 1. Fig. 3. PMID:6329711

  15. System program for MICRO-CAMAC terminal system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasajima, Yoji; Yamada, Takayuki; Yagi, Hideyuki; Ishiguro, Misako


    A JAERI on-line network system was developed and exists for on-line data processing of nuclear instrumentation. As terminal systems for the network system, the one with a Micro -8 micro-computer is used. By modifying the control program for Micro-8 terminal system, a system program has been developed for a MICRO-CAMAC terminal system, which is controlled by a micro-computer framed within the CAMAC Crate Controller. In this report are described software specifications of the MICRO -CAMAC terminal system and its operation method. (author)

  16. 29 CFR 97.44 - Termination for convenience. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Termination for convenience. 97.44 Section 97.44 Labor Office of the Secretary of Labor UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR GRANTS AND COOPERATIVE... § 97.44 Termination for convenience. Except as provided in § 97.43 awards may be terminated in whole or...

  17. 43 CFR 12.84 - Termination for convenience. (United States)


    ... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Termination for convenience. 12.84 Section 12.84 Public Lands: Interior Office of the Secretary of the Interior ADMINISTRATIVE AND AUDIT... Termination for convenience. Except as provided in § 12.83 awards may be terminated in whole or in part only...

  18. 7 CFR 3016.44 - Termination for convenience. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 15 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Termination for convenience. 3016.44 Section 3016.44 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER... Termination for convenience. Except as provided in § 3016.43 awards may be terminated in whole or in part only...

  19. 24 CFR 85.44 - Termination for convenience. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Termination for convenience. 85.44 Section 85.44 Housing and Urban Development Office of the Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban... § 85.44 Termination for convenience. Except as provided in § 85.43 awards may be terminated in whole or...

  20. Selection of Air Terminal Device

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Peter V.

    This paper discusses the selection of the air terminal device for the experiments and numerical prediction in the International Energy Agency Annex 20 work: Air Flow Pattern within Buildings,......This paper discusses the selection of the air terminal device for the experiments and numerical prediction in the International Energy Agency Annex 20 work: Air Flow Pattern within Buildings,...

  1. Functionalization of hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene with ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    CBDT), has been covalently attached at the terminal carbon atoms of the hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) backbone. The modification of HTPB backbone by CBDT molecule does not affect the unique physico-chemical properties such ...

  2. Estudo comparativo das reações teciduais à implantação de silicone e politetrafluoroetileno no dorso de ratos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kafejian Andréa Paula


    Full Text Available A importância das biopróteses na medicina abrange diversas áreas cirúrgicas. Com o objetivo de comparar a reação tecidual do implante de silicone, um dos mais utilizados, com o implante de politetrafluoroetileno expandido (PTFE-E, de uso mais recente, nos propusemos a realizar este estudo. Foram utilizados trinta ratos (Rattus norvegicus albinus machos, distribuídos em três grupos iguais, com implantes de fragmentos discóides dos materiais citados, no dorso de cada rato. Os grupos diferiram entre si quanto ao período de eutanásia: três, sete e trinta dias. Com base no modelo experimental e utilizando metodologia morfométrica, do ponto de vista histológico não houve reação inflamatória aguda importante que se pudesse correlacionar aos materiais de implantes. A proliferação vascular e a presença de fibrose foram prolongadas em relação à cicatrização normal. A irregularidade do PTFE-E, provavelmente relaciona-se à maior quantidade de vasos e de fibrose tardia constatada neste material, quando comparado ao implante de silicone.

  3. Study of the density of ganglion cells in the terminal bowel of rats with anorectal malformations Estudo da densidade das células ganglionares no intestino terminal de ratos portadores de anomalia anorretal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maurício Macedo


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To study the ganglion cells (GC in the terminal bowel of rats with ethylenethiourea (ETU induced anorectal malformations (ARM. METHODS: The animals were divided into three groups: Group A - normal fetuses from pregnant rats that were not administered ETU; Group B - fetuses without ARM born from pregnant rats that were administered ETU and Group C - fetuses with ARM born from pregnant rats that received ETU. ETU was administered on the 11th day of pregnancy at the dose of 125 mg/kg body weight by gastric gavage. The rats had cesarean section on the 21st day of gestation. The fetuses’ terminal bowel tissue was analyzed by immunohistochemistry to demonstrate ganglion cells. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were found between groups A, B and C regarding ganglion cell densities. Group A had the highest cell density, followed by Group B and the lowest density was found in Group C. CONCLUSION: Ganglion cell densities are decreased in the terminal bowel of rats with ARM.OBJETIVO: Estudar as células ganglionares (CG no intestino terminal de ratos portadores de anomalia anorretal (AAR induzida pela etilenotiouréia (ETU. MÉTODOS: Os animais foram distribuídos em três grupos: Grupo A - fetos normais, obtidos de ratas grávidas às quais não foi administrada ETU; Grupo B - fetos não portadores de AAR obtidos de ratas grávidas às quais foi administrada ETU e Grupo C - fetos portadores de AAR obtidos de ratas grávidas às quais foi administrada ETU. A ETU foi administrada no décimo primeiro dia de gestação na dose de 125 mg/Kg, por gavagem. As ratas foram submetidas à laparotomia e histerotomia para retirada dos fetos no vigésimo primeiro dia de gestação. O intestino terminal dos fetos foi retirado e analisado por imunohistoquímica para pesquisa de CG. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos A, B e C quanto à densidade de CG. O grupo A apresentou a maior densidade

  4. Nuclear spin polarized alkali beams (Li and Na): Production and acceleration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaensch, H.; Becker, K.; Blatt, K.; Leucker, H.; Fick, D.


    Recent improvements of the Heidelberg source for polarized heavy ions (PSI) are described. By means of optical pumping in combination with the existing multipole separation magnet the beam figure of merit (polarization 2 x intensity) was doubled. 7 Li and 23 Na atomic beams can now be produced in pure hyperfine magnetic substates. Fast switching of the polarization is achieved by an adiabatic medium field transition. The hyperfine magnetic substate population is determined by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. In routine operation atomic beams with nuclear polarization p α ≥0.85 (α=z, zz) are obtained. The acceleration of polarized 23 Na - ions by a 12 MV tandem accelerator introduces a new problem: the energy at the terminal stripper foil is not sufficient to produce a usable yield of naked ions. For partially stripped ions hyperfine interaction of the remaining electrons with the nuclear spin reduces the nuclear polarization. Using in addition the Heidelberg postaccelerator 23 Na 9+ beams of energies between 49 and 184 MeV were obtained with an alignment on target of P zz ≅0.45. 7 Li beams have also been accelerated up to 45 MeV with an alignment of P zz =0.69. (orig.)

  5. Structure of the afferent terminals in terminal ganglion of a cricket and persistent homology.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacob Brown

    Full Text Available We use topological data analysis to investigate the three dimensional spatial structure of the locus of afferent neuron terminals in crickets Acheta domesticus. Each afferent neuron innervates a filiform hair positioned on a cercus: a protruding appendage at the rear of the animal. The hairs transduce air motion to the neuron signal that is used by a cricket to respond to the environment. We stratify the hairs (and the corresponding afferent terminals into classes depending on hair length, along with position. Our analysis uncovers significant structure in the relative position of these terminal classes and suggests the functional relevance of this structure. Our method is very robust to the presence of significant experimental and developmental noise. It can be used to analyze a wide range of other point cloud data sets.

  6. Accuracy Analysis of Lunar Lander Terminal Guidance Algorithm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. K. Li


    Full Text Available This article studies a proposed analytical algorithm of the terminal guidance for the lunar lander. The analytical solution, which forms the basis of the algorithm, was obtained for a constant acceleration trajectory and thrust vector orientation programs that are essentially linear with time. The main feature of the proposed algorithm is a completely analytical solution to provide the lander terminal guidance to the desired spot in 3D space when landing on the atmosphereless body with no numerical procedures. To reach 6 terminal conditions (components of position and velocity vectors at the final time are used 6 guidance law parameters, namely time-to-go, desired value of braking deceleration, initial values of pitch and yaw angles and rates of their change. In accordance with the principle of flexible trajectories, this algorithm assumes the implementation of a regularly updated control program that ensures reaching terminal conditions from the current state that corresponds to the control program update time. The guidance law parameters, which ensure that terminal conditions are reached, are generated as a function of the current phase coordinates of a lander. The article examines an accuracy and reliability of the proposed analytical algorithm that provides the terminal guidance of the lander in 3D space through mathematical modeling of the lander guidance from the circumlunar pre-landing orbit to the desired spot near the lunar surface. A desired terminal position of the lunar lander is specified by the selenographic latitude, longitude and altitude above the lunar surface. The impact of variations in orbital parameters on the terminal guidance accuracy has been studied. By varying the five initial orbit parameters (obliquity, ascending node longitude, argument of periapsis, periapsis height, apoapsis height when the terminal spot is fixed the statistic characteristics of the terminal guidance algorithm error according to the terminal

  7. Operational Optimization in Port Container Terminals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    As a result of the significant increase in worldwide containerized transportation the development of efficient handling systems in marine terminals has become very important for port competitiveness. In order to optimize the productivity the total handling time for containers in the terminal must...... be minimized. An overview of the different operational problems in port container terminals is presented and an aggregated model and solution approach is shown. Next, there will be focused on the yard storage problem and a mathematical formulation and solution proposals will be presented....

  8. Performance Evaluation and Modelling of Container Terminals (United States)

    Venkatasubbaiah, K.; Rao, K. Narayana; Rao, M. Malleswara; Challa, Suresh


    The present paper evaluates and analyzes the performance of 28 container terminals of south East Asia through data envelopment analysis (DEA), principal component analysis (PCA) and hybrid method of DEA-PCA. DEA technique is utilized to identify efficient decision making unit (DMU)s and to rank DMUs in a peer appraisal mode. PCA is a multivariate statistical method to evaluate the performance of container terminals. In hybrid method, DEA is integrated with PCA to arrive the ranking of container terminals. Based on the composite ranking, performance modelling and optimization of container terminals is carried out through response surface methodology (RSM).

  9. Terminal Ballistics

    CERN Document Server

    Rosenberg, Zvi


    This book covers the important issues of terminal ballistics in a comprehensive way combining experimental data, numerical simulations and analytical modeling. The first chapter reviews the experimental equipment which are used for ballistic tests and the diagnostics for material characterization under impulsive loading conditions. The second chapter covers essential features of the codes which are used for terminal ballistics such as the Euler vs. Lagrange schemes and meshing techniques, as well as the most popular material models. The third chapter, devoted to the penetration mechanics of rigid penetrators, brings the update of modeling in this field. The fourth chapter deals with plate perforation and the fifth chapter deals with the penetration mechanics of shaped charge jets and eroding long rods. The last two chapters discuss several techniques for the disruption and defeating of the main threats in armor design. Throughout the book the authors demonstrate the advantages of numerical simulations in unde...

  10. Epimerization-free C-terminal peptide activation, elongation and cyclization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Popović, S.


    C-terminal peptide activation and cyclization reactions are generally accompanied with epimerization (partial loss of C‐terminal stereointegrity). Therefore, the focus of this thesis was to develop epimerization-free methods for C-terminal peptide activation to enable C-terminal peptide elongation

  11. Digital autonomous terminal access communications (United States)

    Novacki, S.


    A significant problem for the Bus Monitor Unit is to identify the source of a given transmission. This problem arises from the fact that the label which identifies the source of the transmission as it is put into the bus is intercepted by the Digital Autonomous Terminal Access Communications (DATAC) terminal and removed from the transmission. Thus, a given subsystem will see only data associated with a label and never the identifying label itself. The Bus Monitor must identify the source of the transmission so as to be able to provide some type of error identification/location in the event that some problem with the data transmission occurs. Steps taken to alleviate this problem by modifications to the DATAC terminal are discussed.

  12. Windows Terminal Servers Orchestration (United States)

    Bukowiec, Sebastian; Gaspar, Ricardo; Smith, Tim


    Windows Terminal Servers provide application gateways for various parts of the CERN accelerator complex, used by hundreds of CERN users every day. The combination of new tools such as Puppet, HAProxy and Microsoft System Center suite enable automation of provisioning workflows to provide a terminal server infrastructure that can scale up and down in an automated manner. The orchestration does not only reduce the time and effort necessary to deploy new instances, but also facilitates operations such as patching, analysis and recreation of compromised nodes as well as catering for workload peaks.

  13. Coal terminal directory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The directory gives a comprehensive listing of the world's coal terminals, in a total of 50 countries including information on throughput, facilities, storage capacity, and vessel size limitation.

  14. Adsorption/desorption kinetics of Na atoms on reconstructed Si (111)-7 x 7 surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chauhan, Amit Kumar Singh; Govind; Shivaprasad, S.M.


    Self-assembled nanostructures on a periodic template are fundamentally and technologically important as they put forward the possibility to fabricate and pattern micro/nano-electronics for sensors, ultra high-density memories and nanocatalysts. Alkali-metal (AM) nanostructure grown on a semiconductor surface has received considerable attention because of their simple hydrogen like electronic structure. However, little efforts have been made to understand the fundamental aspects of the growth mechanism of self-assembled nanostructures of AM on semiconductor surfaces. In this paper, we report organized investigation of kinetically controlled room-temperature (RT) adsorption/desorption of sodium (Na) metal atoms on clean reconstructed Si (111)-7 x 7 surface, by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The RT uptake curve shows a layer-by-layer growth (Frank-vander Merve growth) mode of Na on Si (111)-7 x 7 surfaces and a shift is observed in the binding energy position of Na (1s) spectra. The thermal stability of the Na/Si (111) system was inspected by annealing the system to higher substrate temperatures. Within a temperature range from RT to 350 o C, the temperature induced mobility to the excess Na atoms sitting on top of the bilayer, allowing to arrange themselves. Na atoms desorbed over a wide temperature range of 370 o C, before depleting the Si (111) surface at temperature 720 o C. The acquired valence-band (VB) spectra during Na growth revealed the development of new electronic-states near the Fermi level and desorption leads the termination of these. For Na adsorption up to 2 monolayers, decrease in work function (-1.35 eV) was observed, whereas work function of the system monotonically increases with Na desorption from the Si surface as observed by other studies also. This kinetic and thermodynamic study of Na adsorbed Si (111)-7 x 7 system can be utilized in fabrication of sensors used in night vision devices.

  15. NPOESS Field Terminal Updates (United States)

    Heckmann, G.; Route, G.


    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Department of Defense (DoD), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are jointly acquiring the next-generation weather and environmental satellite system; the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS). NPOESS replaces the current Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellites (POES) managed by NOAA and the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) managed by the DoD. The NPOESS satellites carry a suite of sensors that collect meteorological, oceanographic, climatological, and solar-geophysical observations of the earth, atmosphere, and space. The ground data processing segment for NPOESS is the Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS), developed by Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems. The IDPS processes NPOESS satellite data to provide environmental data products (aka, Environmental Data Records or EDRs) to NOAA and DoD processing centers operated by the United States government. The IDPS will process EDRs beginning with the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) and continuing through the lifetime of the NPOESS system. IDPS also provides the software and requirements for the Field Terminal Segment (FTS). NPOESS provides support to deployed field terminals by providing mission data in the Low Rate and High Rate downlinks (LRD/HRD), mission support data needed to generate EDRs and decryption keys needed to decrypt mission data during Selective data Encryption (SDE). Mission support data consists of globally relevant data, geographically constrained data, and two line element sets. NPOESS provides these mission support data via the Internet accessible Mission Support Data Server and HRD/LRD downlinks. This presentation will illustrate and describe the NPOESS capabilities in support of Field Terminal users. This discussion will include the mission support data available to Field Terminal users, content of the direct broadcast HRD and LRD

  16. Size-change termination and transition invariants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heizmann, Matthias; Jones, Neil; Podelski, Andreas


    Two directions of recent work on program termination use the concepts of size-change termination resp. transition invariants. The difference in the setting has as consequence the inherent incomparability of the analysis and verification methods that result from this work. Yet, in order...

  17. 48 CFR 32.109 - Termination financing. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Termination financing. 32... CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS CONTRACT FINANCING Non-Commercial Item Purchase Financing 32.109 Termination financing. To encourage contractors to invest their own funds in performance despite the susceptibility of...

  18. Forma acelerada da fibrose pulmonar idiopática no pulmão nativo após transplante pulmonar unilateral Accelerated form of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis in the native lung after single lung transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rogério Rufino


    Full Text Available Relatamos o caso de um paciente de 56 anos submetido a transplante pulmonar unilateral esquerdo em decorrência de fibrose pulmonar idiopática (FPI. No pós-operatório imediato, sob intensa imunossupressão, houve progressão rápida da FPI no pulmão nativo direito, confirmada pela biópsia pulmonar videotoracoscópica, necessitando de ventilação mecânica durante 104 dias até a realização de outro transplante pulmonar à direita. Obteve alta hospitalar após o 26º dia do segundo pós-operatório.We report the case of a 56-year-old patient who underwent left single lung transplantation for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF. Despite the high level of immunosuppression after the surgery, there was rapid progression to IPF in the native (right lung as demonstrated by thoracoscopic lung biopsy. After 104 days on mechanical ventilation (MV, the patient underwent right lung transplant and was discharged from the hospital on postoperative day 26.

  19. 12 CFR 611.1223 - Plan of termination-contents. (United States)


    ...; (4) The anticipated benefits and potential disadvantages of the termination; (5) The right of certain.... Summarize the plan of termination. (3) Benefits and disadvantages. Provide an enumerated statement of the anticipated benefits and potential disadvantages of the termination. (4) Recommendation. Explain the board's...

  20. Multi-terminal memtransistors from polycrystalline monolayer molybdenum disulfide (United States)

    Sangwan, Vinod K.; Lee, Hong-Sub; Bergeron, Hadallia; Balla, Itamar; Beck, Megan E.; Chen, Kan-Sheng; Hersam, Mark C.


    Memristors are two-terminal passive circuit elements that have been developed for use in non-volatile resistive random-access memory and may also be useful in neuromorphic computing. Memristors have higher endurance and faster read/write times than flash memory and can provide multi-bit data storage. However, although two-terminal memristors have demonstrated capacity for basic neural functions, synapses in the human brain outnumber neurons by more than a thousandfold, which implies that multi-terminal memristors are needed to perform complex functions such as heterosynaptic plasticity. Previous attempts to move beyond two-terminal memristors, such as the three-terminal Widrow-Hoff memristor and field-effect transistors with nanoionic gates or floating gates, did not achieve memristive switching in the transistor. Here we report the experimental realization of a multi-terminal hybrid memristor and transistor (that is, a memtransistor) using polycrystalline monolayer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) in a scalable fabrication process. The two-dimensional MoS2 memtransistors show gate tunability in individual resistance states by four orders of magnitude, as well as large switching ratios, high cycling endurance and long-term retention of states. In addition to conventional neural learning behaviour of long-term potentiation/depression, six-terminal MoS2 memtransistors have gate-tunable heterosynaptic functionality, which is not achievable using two-terminal memristors. For example, the conductance between a pair of floating electrodes (pre- and post-synaptic neurons) is varied by a factor of about ten by applying voltage pulses to modulatory terminals. In situ scanning probe microscopy, cryogenic charge transport measurements and device modelling reveal that the bias-induced motion of MoS2 defects drives resistive switching by dynamically varying Schottky barrier heights. Overall, the seamless integration of a memristor and transistor into one multi-terminal device could

  1. Comprehensive study of gate-terminated and source-terminated field-plate 0.13 µm NMOS transistors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiu, Hsien-Chin; Lin, Shao-Wei; Cheng, Chia-Shih; Wei, Chien-Cheng


    This study systematically investigated microwave noise, power and linearity characteristics of field-plate (FP) 0.13 µm CMOS transistors in which the field-plate metal is connected to the gate terminal and the source terminal. The gate-terminated FP NMOS (FP-G NMOS) provided the best noise figure (NF) at 6 GHz compared with standard devices and the source-terminated FP device (FP-S NMOS) as the lowest gate resistance (R g ) was obtained by this structure. By adopting the field-plate metal in NMOS, both FP-S and FP-G devices achieved higher current density at high gate bias voltages. Moreover, these two devices also had higher efficiency under high drain-to-source voltages at the high input power swing. The third-order inter-modulation product (IM3) is −39.4 dBm for FP-S NMOS at P in of −20 dBm; the corresponding values for FP-G and standard devices are −34.9 dBm and −37.3 dBm, respectively. Experimental results indicate that the FP-G architecture is suitable for low noise applications and FP-S is suitable for high power and high linearity operation

  2. Na+-stimulated ATPase of alkaliphilic halotolerant cyanobacterium Aphanothece halophytica translocates Na+ into proteoliposomes via Na+ uniport mechanism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soontharapirakkul Kanteera


    Full Text Available Abstract Background When cells are exposed to high salinity conditions, they develop a mechanism to extrude excess Na+ from cells to maintain the cytoplasmic Na+ concentration. Until now, the ATPase involved in Na+ transport in cyanobacteria has not been characterized. Here, the characterization of ATPase and its role in Na+ transport of alkaliphilic halotolerant Aphanothece halophytica were investigated to understand the survival mechanism of A. halophytica under high salinity conditions. Results The purified enzyme catalyzed the hydrolysis of ATP in the presence of Na+ but not K+, Li+ and Ca2+. The apparent Km values for Na+ and ATP were 2.0 and 1.2 mM, respectively. The enzyme is likely the F1F0-ATPase based on the usual subunit pattern and the protection against N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide inhibition of ATPase activity by Na+ in a pH-dependent manner. Proteoliposomes reconstituted with the purified enzyme could take up Na+ upon the addition of ATP. The apparent Km values for this uptake were 3.3 and 0.5 mM for Na+ and ATP, respectively. The mechanism of Na+ transport mediated by Na+-stimulated ATPase in A. halophytica was revealed. Using acridine orange as a probe, alkalization of the lumen of proteoliposomes reconstituted with Na+-stimulated ATPase was observed upon the addition of ATP with Na+ but not with K+, Li+ and Ca2+. The Na+- and ATP-dependent alkalization of the proteoliposome lumen was stimulated by carbonyl cyanide m - chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP but was inhibited by a permeant anion nitrate. The proteoliposomes showed both ATPase activity and ATP-dependent Na+ uptake activity. The uptake of Na+ was enhanced by CCCP and nitrate. On the other hand, both CCCP and nitrate were shown to dissipate the preformed electric potential generated by Na+-stimulated ATPase of the proteoliposomes. Conclusion The data demonstrate that Na+-stimulated ATPase from A. halophytica, a likely member of F-type ATPase, functions as an electrogenic Na

  3. Intoxicação natural por Senecio brasiliensis em equinos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Welden Panziera

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Intoxicações por plantas do gênero Senecio representam uma importante causa de morte em animais de produção, sendo Senecio brasiliensis a espécie mais envolvida nos casos de intoxicação espontânea. Nesse trabalho, são descritos os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos de um surto de intoxicação natural por Senecio brasiliensis em equinos. Dois equinos, de um total de dezoito, foram afetados. Os casos ocorreram em uma propriedade rural no município de São Martinho da Serra, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Grande quantidade de exemplares de Senecio brasiliensis em estágio de brotação foi encontrada na área onde os equinos estavam. Os animais eram da raça Crioula, sendo uma égua com quatro anos e um potro com cinco meses. A égua apresentou evolução aguda da doença com duração de três dias e o potro evolução crônica de dois meses. As principais manifestações clínicas observadas em ambos os equinos incluíam apatia, anorexia, emagrecimento, desidratação e sinais neurológicos. Além disso, havia moderado edema subcutâneo na região ventral do abdômen e marcada icterícia nas mucosas ocular, oral e vulvar da égua e palidez das mucosas no potro. Na avaliação bioquímica do potro, havia acentuado aumento da atividade sérica da gamaglutamil transferase (119 U/L, aumento da fosfatase alcalina (434 U/L e hipoalbuminemia (2,1g/dL. No hemograma do mesmo, observou-se leve anemia normocítica e normocrômica (30% de hematócrito; VCM: 39,5 fL; HCM: 15,3pg. As alterações presentes em ambas as necropsias foram observadas principalmente no fígado, que estava difusamente aumentado de tamanho, escuro e firme. Na superfície de corte, observaram-se acentuação do padrão lobular e hemorragia. Histologicamente, no fígado dos equinos, havia graus variados de necrose coagulativa, hemorragia, fibrose, proliferação de ductos biliares, hepatomegalocitose e bilestase. Nas diferentes seções analisadas

  4. Terminal-Dependent Statistical Inference for the FBSDEs Models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yunquan Song


    Full Text Available The original stochastic differential equations (OSDEs and forward-backward stochastic differential equations (FBSDEs are often used to model complex dynamic process that arise in financial, ecological, and many other areas. The main difference between OSDEs and FBSDEs is that the latter is designed to depend on a terminal condition, which is a key factor in some financial and ecological circumstances. It is interesting but challenging to estimate FBSDE parameters from noisy data and the terminal condition. However, to the best of our knowledge, the terminal-dependent statistical inference for such a model has not been explored in the existing literature. We proposed a nonparametric terminal control variables estimation method to address this problem. The reason why we use the terminal control variables is that the newly proposed inference procedures inherit the terminal-dependent characteristic. Through this new proposed method, the estimators of the functional coefficients of the FBSDEs model are obtained. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are also discussed. Simulation studies show that the proposed method gives satisfying estimates for the FBSDE parameters from noisy data and the terminal condition. A simulation is performed to test the feasibility of our method.

  5. Polarization dependence of Na* + Na* associative ionization revisited

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijer, H.A.J.; Meulen, H.P. v.d.; Morgenstern, R.; Hertel, I.V.; Meyer, E.; Witte, R.


    The dependence of the associative ionization process Na 3 2P3/2 + Na 3 2P3/2 → Na2+ + e- on the polarization of the laser light used for Na excitation was independently investigated in Utrecht and Berlin. The purpose of this paper is to clarify discrepancies between two other earlier experimental

  6. 9 CFR 3.117 - Terminal facilities. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Terminal facilities. 3.117 Section 3... Marine Mammals Transportation Standards § 3.117 Terminal facilities. Carriers and intermediate handlers... facility of any carrier or intermediate handler where marine mammal shipments are maintained must be...

  7. Bargaining in Mergers and Termination Fees

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weitzel, U.; Rosenkranz, S.

    We model takeovers as a bargaining process and explain termination fees for, both, the target and the acquirer, subject to parties’ bargaining power and outside options. In equilibrium, termination fees are offered by firms with outside options in exchange for a greater share of merger synergies.

  8. 48 CFR 52.249-6 - Termination (Cost-Reimbursement). (United States)


    ...-Reimbursement). 52.249-6 Section 52.249-6 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION....249-6 Termination (Cost-Reimbursement). As prescribed in 49.503(a)(1), insert the following clause: Termination (Cost-Reimbursement) (MAY 2004) (a) The Government may terminate performance of work under this...

  9. 42 CFR 422.510 - Termination of contract by CMS. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Termination of contract by CMS. 422.510 Section 422... Advantage Organizations § 422.510 Termination of contract by CMS. (a) Termination by CMS. CMS may at any time terminate a contract if CMS determines that the MA organization meets any of the following: (1...

  10. Aerobic degradation of 4-nitroaniline (4-NA) via novel degradation intermediates by Rhodococcus sp. strain FK48

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khan, Fazlurrahman; Pandey, Janmejay; Vikram, Surendra; Pal, Deepika; Cameotra, Swaranjit Singh, E-mail:


    Highlights: • This study reports isolation of a novel bacterium capable of mineralizing 4-nitroaniline (4-NA). • This bacterium has been identified as Rhodococcus sp. strain FK48. • Strain FK48 degrades 4-NA via a novel aerobic degradation pathway that involves 4-AP and 1,2,4-BT. • Subsequent degradation proceeds via ring fission and formation of maleylacetate. • This is the first report showing elucidation of catabolic pathway for microbial degradation 4-NA. -- Abstract: An aerobic strain, Rhodococcus sp. strain FK48, capable of growing on 4-nitroaniline (4-NA) as the sole source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy has been isolated from enrichment cultures originating from contaminated soil samples. During growth studies with non- induced cells of FK48 catalyzed sequential denitrification (release of NO{sub 2} substituent) and deamination (release of NH{sub 2} substituent) of 4-NA. However, none of the degradation intermediates could be identified with growth studies. During resting cell studies, 4-NA-induced cells of strain FK48 transformed 4-NA via a previously unknown pathway which involved oxidative hydroxylation leading to formation of 4-aminophenol (4-AP). Subsequent degradation involved oxidated deamination of 4-AP and formation of 1,2,4-benzenetriol (BT) as the major identified terminal aromatic intermediate. Identification of these intermediates was ascertained by HPLC, and GC–MS analyses of the culture supernatants. 4-NA-induced cells of strain FK48 showed positive activity for 1,2,4-benzenetriol dioxygenase in spectrophotometric assay. This is the first conclusive study on aerobic microbial degradation of 4-NA and elucidation of corresponding metabolic pathway.

  11. Aerobic degradation of 4-nitroaniline (4-NA) via novel degradation intermediates by Rhodococcus sp. strain FK48

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, Fazlurrahman; Pandey, Janmejay; Vikram, Surendra; Pal, Deepika; Cameotra, Swaranjit Singh


    Highlights: • This study reports isolation of a novel bacterium capable of mineralizing 4-nitroaniline (4-NA). • This bacterium has been identified as Rhodococcus sp. strain FK48. • Strain FK48 degrades 4-NA via a novel aerobic degradation pathway that involves 4-AP and 1,2,4-BT. • Subsequent degradation proceeds via ring fission and formation of maleylacetate. • This is the first report showing elucidation of catabolic pathway for microbial degradation 4-NA. -- Abstract: An aerobic strain, Rhodococcus sp. strain FK48, capable of growing on 4-nitroaniline (4-NA) as the sole source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy has been isolated from enrichment cultures originating from contaminated soil samples. During growth studies with non- induced cells of FK48 catalyzed sequential denitrification (release of NO 2 substituent) and deamination (release of NH 2 substituent) of 4-NA. However, none of the degradation intermediates could be identified with growth studies. During resting cell studies, 4-NA-induced cells of strain FK48 transformed 4-NA via a previously unknown pathway which involved oxidative hydroxylation leading to formation of 4-aminophenol (4-AP). Subsequent degradation involved oxidated deamination of 4-AP and formation of 1,2,4-benzenetriol (BT) as the major identified terminal aromatic intermediate. Identification of these intermediates was ascertained by HPLC, and GC–MS analyses of the culture supernatants. 4-NA-induced cells of strain FK48 showed positive activity for 1,2,4-benzenetriol dioxygenase in spectrophotometric assay. This is the first conclusive study on aerobic microbial degradation of 4-NA and elucidation of corresponding metabolic pathway

  12. Optical control system for high-voltage terminals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bicek, J.J.


    An optical control system for the control of devices in the terminal of an electrostatic accelerator includes a laser that is modulated by a series of preselected codes produced by an encoder. A photodiode receiver is placed in the laser beam at the high-voltage terminal of an electrostatic accelerator. A decoder connected to the photodiode decodes the signals to provide control impulses for a plurality of devices at the high voltage of the terminal

  13. TRPA1 activation by lidocaine in nerve terminals results in glutamate release increase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piao, L.-H.; Fujita, Tsugumi; Jiang, C.-Y.; Liu Tao; Yue, H.-Y.; Nakatsuka, Terumasa; Kumamoto, Eiichi


    We examined the effects of local anesthetics lidocaine and procaine on glutamatergic spontaneous excitatory transmission in substantia gelatinosa (SG) neurons in adult rat spinal cord slices with whole-cell patch-clamp techniques. Bath-applied lidocaine (1-5 mM) dose-dependently and reversibly increased the frequency but not the amplitude of spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic current (sEPSC) in SG neurons. Lidocaine activity was unaffected by the Na + -channel blocker, tetrodotoxin, and the TRPV1 antagonist, capsazepine, but was inhibited by the TRP antagonist, ruthenium red. In the same neuron, the TRPA1 agonist, allyl isothiocyanate, and lidocaine both increased sEPSC frequency. In contrast, procaine did not produce presynaptic enhancement. These results indicate that lidocaine activates TRPA1 in nerve terminals presynaptic to SG neurons to increase the spontaneous release of L-glutamate.

  14. 7 CFR 1465.25 - Contract violations and termination. (United States)


    .... (2) If NRCS terminates a contract due to breach of contract, or the participant voluntarily... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Contract violations and termination. 1465.25 Section... ASSISTANCE Contracts § 1465.25 Contract violations and termination. (a) If NRCS determines that a participant...

  15. 29 CFR 408.7 - Terminal trusteeship financial report. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Terminal trusteeship financial report. 408.7 Section 408.7...-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS LABOR ORGANIZATION TRUSTEESHIP REPORTS § 408.7 Terminal trusteeship financial report... a terminal financial report, and one copy, with the Office of Labor-Management Standards, on Form LM...

  16. Neuroactivity of detonation nanodiamonds: dose-dependent changes in transporter-mediated uptake and ambient level of excitatory/inhibitory neurotransmitters in brain nerve terminals. (United States)

    Pozdnyakova, Natalia; Pastukhov, Artem; Dudarenko, Marina; Galkin, Maxim; Borysov, Arsenii; Borisova, Tatiana


    Nanodiamonds are one of the most perspective nano-sized particles with superb physical and chemical properties, which are mainly composed of carbon sp(3) structures in the core with sp(2) and disorder/defect carbons on the surface. The research team recently demonstrated neuromodulatory properties of carbon nanodots with other than nanodiamonds hybridization types, i.e., sp(2) hybridized graphene islands and diamond-like sp(3) hybridized elements. In this study, neuroactive properties of uncoated nanodiamonds produced by detonation synthesis were assessed basing on their effects on transporter-mediated uptake and the ambient level of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters, glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), in isolated rat brain nerve terminals. It was shown that nanodiamonds in a dose-dependent manner attenuated the initial velocity of Na(+)-dependent transporter-mediated uptake and accumulation of L-[(14)C]glutamate and [(3)H]GABA by nerve terminals and increased the ambient level of these neurotransmitters. Also, nanodiamonds caused a weak reduction in acidification of synaptic vesicles and depolarization of the plasma membrane of nerve terminals. Therefore, despite different types of hybridization in nanodiamonds and carbon dots, they exhibit very similar effects on glutamate and GABA transport in nerve terminals and this common feature of both nanoparticles is presumably associated with their nanoscale size. Observed neuroactive properties of pure nanodiamonds can be used in neurotheranostics for simultaneous labeling/visualization of nerve terminals and modulation of key processes of glutamate- and GABAergic neurotransmission. In comparison with carbon dots, wider medical application involving hypo/hyperthermia, external magnetic fields, and radiolabel techniques can be perspective for nanodiamonds.

  17. O Paciente Terminal, o Médico e o Medo de Morrer / The Terminal Patient, the Doctor and the Fear of Dying

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Tullio de Assis Figueiredo


    Full Text Available Desde a minha adolescência, eu sempre lia os livros escritos pelos médicos que versavam sobre as suas vivências no dia a dia da profissão, eu os admirava pelo elevado teor humano que emanava de seus escritos. A construção diagnóstica era uma minuciosa busca da anamnese, somada aos sinais e sintomas de um atento exame físico, acrescidos de uns poucos exames de laboratório clínico, e eventualmente de alguns exames radiológicos rudimentares. Durante essa fase semiológica, o médico e o doente interagiam, o que propiciava um conhecimento empático geralmente prazeroso. O século XIX foi muito rico na relação medico/doente, muito antes da descoberta das bactérias. A observação clínica e o exame clínico acurados possibilitaram o avanço da terapêutica, com a união dos dois atores – o médico e o doente/família. Ricord, dermatologista francês, em l860 estabeleceu a diferença diagnóstica entre dois cancros: o duro (sifilíco e o mole (bacteriano, exclusivamente pela anamnese e a evolução clínica. Na década de 1960, o filósofo Egilde P. Seravalli descreveu em cores vivas “O paciente terminal, o médico e o medo de morrer”. Nessa mesma década a enfermeira Cicely Saunders (RU e a médica E. Kubler-Ross (US escreveram respectivamente os cuidados paliativos aos moribundos, e o processo do morrer (Tanatologia-Estudo da Morte. Eu tenho particular interesse na literatura médica antes da Era Moderna Científica e de alta tecnologia. O que eu transcrevo a seguir é uma tradução de Seravelli em inglês, muito citada na literatura médica das décadas de 1980 e 1990. Ele expressa com clareza a angústia do doente moribundo e o embaraço do médico de enfrentar o processo do morrer e o medo da morte do seu doente. Seravelli foi um dos pioneiros da classe médica em entender a finitude do ser humano. A leitura de seu trabalho infelizmente, ainda é o temor e a perplexidade da maioria dos médicos ocidentais, diante do ciclo

  18. [Terminal phase hydration, pain and delirium

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heick, A.


    Hydration of the terminal patient may relieve confusion and complaints of "dry mouth". But it may worsen oedema of the brain, lungs, and extremities, worsen terminal rattling and cause a need for frequent changing of diapers. The decision of whether and how to treat a dying patient with fluids...

  19. 28 CFR 2.43 - Early termination. (United States)


    ... terminated because there is a likelihood that the parolee will engage in conduct violating any criminal law... shall review the status of the parolee to determine the need for continued supervision. The Commission shall also conduct a status review whenever the supervision officer recommends early termination of the...

  20. 42 CFR 423.509 - Termination of contract by CMS. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Termination of contract by CMS. 423.509 Section 423... Contracts with Part D plan sponsors § 423.509 Termination of contract by CMS. (a) Termination by CMS. CMS may at any time terminate a contract if CMS determines that the Part D plan sponsor meets any of the...

  1. A molecular imaging approach to cystic fibrosis


    Ferreira, Vera Filipa Cerqueira


    Tese de mestrado em Bioquímica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2013 A Fibrose Quística (FQ) é a doença autossómica recessiva letal mais comum na população caucasiana. É caracterizada por um mau funcionamento ao nível pulmonar, pancreático, gastrointestinal e reprodutivo, embora a principal causa de morbilidade e mortalidade se deva à progressiva disfunção pulmonar. A elevada concentração de electrólitos no suor constitui também uma das principais ca...

  2. 48 CFR 252.237-7007 - Termination for default. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Termination for default... of Provisions And Clauses 252.237-7007 Termination for default. As prescribed in 237.7003(b), use the following clause: Termination for Default (DEC 1991) (a) This clause supplements and is in addition to the...

  3. 41 CFR 105-71.144 - Termination for convenience. (United States)


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Termination for convenience. 105-71.144 Section 105-71.144 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal Property... Termination for convenience. Except as provided in § 105-71.143 awards may be terminated in whole or in part...

  4. A hospitalização e o adoecimento pela perspectiva de crianças e jovens portadores de fibrose cística e osteogênese imperfeita The hospitalization and the process of becoming ill through the children's and adolescents' perspective with cystic fibrosis and osteogenesis imperfecta

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    Daniele Borges de Mello


    Full Text Available O presente artigo visa discutir os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada em um hospital localizado no município do Rio de Janeiro, considerado referência em saúde da criança, do adolescente e da mulher. Analisamos os significados da hospitalização e do adoecimento crônico na infância e adolescência pela perspectiva de crianças e adolescentes com fibrose cística e osteogênese imperfeita durante suas internações hospitalares com vistas a explorar suas vivências e suas possibilidades de expressão enquanto sujeitos de conhecimento. Para tanto, privilegiamos a observação e a construção de suas produções mediadas pelo suporte lúdico, utilizando o desenho e/ou história como relevantes vias de acesso aos conteúdos infanto-juvenis. Os dados advindos desse estudo apontam para a capacidade de aquisição e produção de conhecimento que crianças e jovens possuem acerca de sua situação de adoecimento.The present article intends to discuss the results of a study completed in a hospital located in the municipal district of Rio de Janeiro, considered most prominent for child, adolescent and woman's health. We analyzed the meanings of hospitalization and chronic illness in childhood and adolescence through the perspective of children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis and osteogenesis imperfecta during their hospitalizations in order to explore their experience and communicative possibilities as knowledgeable informants. Hence, we privileged the observation and the construction of their productions through games, using drawings and/or story-telling as a relevant approach to childhood and adolescence contents. The data collected signify the acquisition and knowledge production capacity of children and adolescents concerning their illness processes.

  5. Capacity Analysis of Ro-Ro Terminals by Using Simulation Modeling Method

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    Emin Deniz Özkan


    Full Text Available In Ro-Ro terminals, terminal capacity is more needed than other types of marine terminals since Ro-Ro cargoes cannot be stacked. In this sense, the variables affecting capacity of a Ro-Ro terminal can be listed as follows; number of vehicles arrived to a terminal, distance between terminals, ship capacity, terminal gates, customs control units, terminal traffic and local traffic, security check, bunkering services etc. In this study, a model generated intended for making capacity analysis in Ro-Ro terminals by using simulation modeling method. Effect of three variables to terminal capacity was investigated while generating the scenarios; ‘number of trucks arriving to terminals’, ‘distance between terminals’ and ‘Ro-Ro ship capacity’. The results show that the variable which affect terminal capacity mostly is ‘number of trucks arriving to terminals’. As a consequence of this situation, it is thought that a Ro-Ro terminal operator must prioritize the demand factor and make an effective demand forecasting in determination of the terminal area.

  6. On the stability of performance of NaI(Tl) scintillation spectrometer with FEhU-49 photomultiplier at high counting rates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belousov, A.S.; Vazdik, Ya.A.; Malinovskij, E.N.; Rusakov, S.V.; Solov'ev, Yu.V.; Fomenko, A.M.; Sharejko, P.N.


    The dependence of instability in NaI(Tl)-spectrometer characteristics on the instability of photomultiplier (PM), the multiplication factor of which grows with an increase in counting rate, is determined. A simple way to stabilize PM gain factor with an accuracy up to 1.7% is suggested, which consists in stabilization of voltage in two terminal dynodes of PM and photocathode illumination by an auxillary light source

  7. Minimum Efficient Scale (MES) and preferred scale of container terminals


    Kaselimi, Evangelia N.; Notteboom, Theo E.; Pallis, Athanasios A.; Farrell, Sheila


    Abstract: The decision on the scale of a port terminal affects the terminals managerial, operational and competitive position in all the phases of its life. It also affects competition structures in the port in which the terminal is operating, and has a potential impact on other terminals. Port authorities and terminal operators need to know the scale of the terminal when engaging in concession agreements. In economic theory the scale of a plant/firm is typically defined in relation to the Mi...

  8. [Terminal phase hydration, pain and delirium

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heick, A.


    Hydration of the terminal patient may relieve confusion and complaints of "dry mouth". But it may worsen oedema of the brain, lungs, and extremities, worsen terminal rattling and cause a need for frequent changing of diapers. The decision of whether and how to treat a dying patient with fluids sh...

  9. 42 CFR 421.205 - Termination by the Secretary. (United States)


    ... for termination. The Secretary may terminate a contract with a carrier at any time if he or she... performed its function in a manner inconsistent with the effective and efficient administration of the... intent to terminate the contract, the carrier may request a hearing within 20 days after the date on the...

  10. Decay accelerating factor (DAF) is anchored to membranes by a C-terminal glycolipid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Medof, M.E.; Haas, R.; Walter, E.I.; Rosenberry, T.L.


    Purified 70 kDa membrane (m) DAF incorporates into cells when added in vitro. A 2 kDa smaller DAF form which functions extrinsically like C4bp but is unable to incorporate can be isolated from urine (u). Because of common deficits of mDAF and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in erythrocytes (E) of patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH), mDAF was analyzed for a O-terminal glycolipid membrane anchor similar to that in E AChE. Incubation of E with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, an enzyme which cleaves a similar glycolipid anchor in trypanosome variant surface glycoproteins (mfVSGs), released 20% of the DAF antigen. The released DAF species resembled uDAF in size, extrinsic model of C4b2a decay, and lack of hydrophobicity. Reductive radiomethylation of mDAF with [ 14 C]HCHO and NaCNBH 3 revealed ethanolamine and glucosamine in proportions similar to those in the E AChE glycolipid anchor. Papain cleavage of radiomethylated mDAF released the labeled ethanolamine and glucosamine in small O-terminal fragments from the residual DAF that retained N-terminal Asp. Following labeling of the anchors of mDAF and E AChE with the lipophilic photoreagent 3-trifluoromethyl-3-(m-[ 125 I]iodophenyl)diazirine, cleavage at the glucosamine residue by deamination quantitatively released the label from both proteins. Biosynthetic labeling of Hela cells with [ 3 H]ethanolamine resulted in rapid 3 H incorporation into both 48 kDa proDAF and 70 kDa mDAF. These data indicate that mDAF is anchored by a glycolipid similar to that in E AChE, mfVSGs and Thy-1 antigen and raise the possibility that a defect in the assembly or attachment of this structure could account for the deficits of mDAF and E AChE in PNH

  11. Pseudo-ternary phase diagram in the Na2O-Na2O2-NaOH system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saito, Jun-ichi; Tendo, Masayuki; Aoto, Kazumi


    Generally, the phase diagrams are always used to understand the present state of compounds at certain temperature. In order to understand the corrosion behavior of structural material for FBR by main sodium compounds (Na 2 O, Na 2 O 2 and NaOH), it is very important to comprehend the phase diagrams of their compounds. However, only Na 2 O-NaOH pseudo-binary phase diagram had been investigated previously in this system. There is no study of other pseudo-binary or ternary phase diagrams in the Na 2 O-Na 2 O 2 -NaOH system. In this study, in order to clarify the present states of their compounds at certain temperatures, the pseudo-binary and ternary phase diagrams in the Na 2 O-Na 2 O 2 -NaOH system were prepared. A series of thermal analyses with binary and ternary component system has been carried out using the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The liquidus temperature and ternary eutectic temperatures were confirmed by these measurements. The beneficial indications for constructing phase diagrams were obtained from these experiments. On the basis of these results, the interaction parameters between compounds which were utilized for the Thermo-Calc calculation were optimized. Thermo-Calc is one of thermodynamic calculation software. Consequently the accurate pseudo-binary and ternary phase diagrams were indicated using the optimized parameters. (author)

  12. Coach terminal as important element of transport infrastructure

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    V. Gromule


    Full Text Available The determination of the coach terminal as passenger logistics hub is described. The factors responsible for successful functioning of this hub are discussed. The location of the coach terminal is one of the important factors. The present coach terminal is located in the heart of the city where land availability is critical. The simulation model of the terminal was developed to complement the design and construction of a new one. The used simulation package VISSIM has visual reference to assist in explaining the complexity of transport node’s job and analysis of possible congestions. During the development of the modelling the critical bottlenecks are identified and decisions are taken to reduce the risk of their occurrence, the solution being immediately incorporated into the final design of the coach terminal under development.

  13. Connective tissue growth factor in renal development and injury

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ito, Y.


    Langdurige weefselbeschadiging leidt vaak tot functieverlies van het betreffende orgaan door het ontstaan van veel littekens (fibrose). Yasuhiko Ito ontdekte dat genexpressie van de factor CTGF sterk is verhoogd bij veelvoorkomende nierziekten waarbij fibrose optreedt. De hoeveelheid CTGF in de

  14. Modular approach for satellite communication ground terminals (United States)

    Gould, G. R.


    The trend in satellite communications is toward completely digital, time division multiple access (TDMA) systems with uplink and downlink data rates dictated by the type of service offered. Trunking terminals will operate in the 550 MBPS (megabit per second) region uplink and downlink, whereas customer premise service (CPS) terminals will operate in the 25 to 10 MBPS region uplink and in the 200 MBPS region downlink. Additional criteria for the ground terminals will be to maintain clock sychronization with the system and burst time integrity to within a matter of nanoseconds, to process required order-fire information, to provide adaptive data scrambing, and to compensate for variations in the user input output data rates, and for changes in range in the satellite communications links resulting from satellite perturbations in orbit. To achieve the required adaptability of a ground terminal to the above mentioned variables, programmable building blocks can be developed that will meet all of these requirements. To maintain system synchronization, i.e., all bursted data arriving at the satellite within assigned TDMA windows, ground terminal transmit data rates and burst timing must be maintained within tight tolerances. With a programmable synchronizer as the heart of the terminal timing generation, variable data rates and burst timing tolerances are achievable. In essence, the unit inputs microprocessor generated timing words and outputs discrete timing pulses.

  15. Identificación de un epítope conformacional en el extremo carboxilo de la proteína MSP-1 de P. Falciparum

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    Julio C. Calvo


    Full Text Available El fragmento carboxilo terminal, rico en cisteínas, de la proteína 1 de superficie del merozoito (MSP-1 desempeña un papel importante en la invasión del merozoito de la malaria al eritrocito. Anticuerpos contra esta región de MSP-l inhiben la invasión.

  16. Productivity simulation model for optimization of maritime container terminals

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    Elen TWRDY


    Full Text Available This article describes a proposed productivity simulation model enabling container terminal operators to find optimization possibilities. A research of more than forty terminals has been done, in order to provide a helping tool for maritime container terminals. By applying an adequate simulation model, it is possible to measure and increase the productivity in all subsystem of the maritime container terminal. Management of a maritime container terminal includes a vast number of different financial and operational decisions. Financial decisions are often in a direct connection with investments in infrastructure and handling equipment. Such investments are very expensive. Therefore, they must give back the invested money as soon as possible. On the other hand, some terminals are limited by the physical extension and are forced to increase annual throughput only with sophisticated equipment on the berth side and on the yard as well. Considering all these important facts in container and shipping industry, the proposed simulation model gives a helping tool for checking the productivity and its time variation and monitoring competitiveness of a certain maritime terminal with terminals from the same group.

  17. 29 CFR 408.8 - Terminal trusteeship information report. (United States)


    ... information report. There shall be filed at the same time that the terminal trusteeship financial report is filed a terminal trusteeship information report on Form LM-16. If in answer to Item 6 of Form LM-16... 29 Labor 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Terminal trusteeship information report. 408.8 Section 408...

  18. 47 CFR 25.134 - Licensing provisions of Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) and C-band Small Aperture Terminal... (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Licensing provisions of Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) and C-band Small Aperture Terminal (CSAT) networks. 25.134 Section 25.134 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) COMMON CARRIER SERVICES SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS...

  19. Fractional surface termination of diamond by electrochemical oxidation. (United States)

    Hoffmann, René; Obloh, Harald; Tokuda, Norio; Yang, Nianjun; Nebel, Christoph E


    The crystalline form of sp(3)-hybridized carbon, diamond, offers various electrolyte-stable surface terminations. The H-termination-selective attachment of nitrophenyl diazonium, imaged by AFM, shows that electrochemical oxidation can control the fractional hydrogen/oxygen surface termination of diamond on the nanometer scale. This is of particular interest for all applications relying on interfacial electrochemistry, especially for biointerfaces.


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    Dani Febriyanto


    Full Text Available Sanitasi adalah suatu usaha untuk mengawasi beberapa faktor lingkungan fisik yang berpenga-ruh pada manusia terutama terhadap hal-hal yang mempunyai efek merusak perkembangan fi-sik, kesehatan, dan kelangsungan hidup. Berdasarkan uji pendahuluan yang dilakukan pada 2-4 April 2016, diketahui bahwa terdapat beberapa sarana atau fasilitas terminal bus yang tidak se-suai dengan persyaratan. Hal tersebut memiliki dampak yang buruk bagi lingkungan dan kese-hatan manusia di tempat umum tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambar-an kondisi sanitasi terminal bus di Provinsi D. I. Yogyakarta, dengan melakukan penelitian survei dengan analisis deskriptif. Dari 16 populasi terminal yang ada, yang dijadikan sampel penelitian adalah Terminal Wates, Terminal Jombor, Terminal Giwangan, dan Terminal Dhaksinarga yang diambil dengan metoda area probability sampling. Ada lima variabel yang diamati dengan mela-kukan inspeksi sanitasi, yaitu: penyehatan lingkungan luar, penyehatan ruang dan bangunan, fa-silitas sanitasi, kenyamanan dan keselamatan, serta higiene makanan dan minuman. Hasil dan kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah kondisi sanitasi terminal bus di Provinsi D. I. Yogyakarta masih kurang baik, karena hanya Terminal Giwangan yang berkategori laik sehat dengan prosentase 89 %.