
Sample records for technologii pri ich

  1. Od przekonywania do współdecydowania : zarządzanie konfliktami wokół ryzyka i technologii


    Stankiewicz, Piotr


    Nowe technologie mogą wywoływać kontrowersje społeczne: po pierwsze, ich rozwój i stosowanie mogą bezpośrednio skutkować oporem społecznym i konfliktami, jak dzieje się na przykład w przypadku biotechnologii, energii atomowej, technologii in vitro, nanotechnologii; po drugie, mogą one wywoływać niepożądane skutki, takie jak zanieczyszczenie środowiska, globalne ocieplenie klimatu, rozpowszechnienie się nowych epidemii (BSE, świńska i ptasia grypa). U źródeł konfliktów społecznych powstając...

  2. Zastosowanie technologii big data w e-biznesie


    Gamrot, Michał


    W obecnych warunkach intensywnego rozwoju nowoczesnych technologii funkcjonowanie przedsiębiorstw zyskało nowe cechy i możliwości. Technologie obliczeniowe i elektronicznej wymiany informacji wielorako wpływają na sposoby działania firm. Z jednej strony stanowią narzędzia pomocne do usprawniania pracy przedsiębiorstw, z drugiej zaś mogą być podstawą do tworzenia nowych przedsięwzięć biznesowych. Wnioski zawarte w monografii ukazują konieczność pogłębiania wiedzy na temat zastosowania ...

  3. Rewaloryzacja zabytkowego Gmachu Technologii Chemicznej w zespole Politechniki Warszawskiej

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Wagner


    Full Text Available Gmach Technologii Chemicznej powstał w latach 30. XX wieku. Jest jednym z dwóch gmachów, autorstwa ówczesnego dziekana Wydziału Architektury – prof. Czesława Przybylskiego, wchodzących w skład zabytkowego zespołu Politechniki Warszawskiej. Gmach zaprojektowano z uwzględnieniem specyficznych rozwiązań funkcjonalnych i technologicznych, w oparciu o najnowsze wówczas wzorce europejskie i amerykańskie. W architektonicznej formie Przybylski nawiązał do geometrycznych nurtów awangardowych. W wieloczłonowej, kaskadowo spiętrzonej bryle wydobył elementy strukturalne, potraktowane w sposób rzeźbiarski, przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu jedności funkcji i formy. Całość wpisała się w bryłowo-fakturowy warszawski funkcjonalizm nurtu „szarej cegły”. Gmach uległ znacznym zniszczeniom w czasie Powstania Warszawskiego (zniszczenia stropów, wypalenie wnętrz. Powojenna odbudowa i modernizacje nastawione były na usprawnienie i intensyfikację funkcji utylitarnych, z pominięciem odtworzeń pierwotnych układów i historycznego wystroju. Ostatnie dekady przyniosły zmianę podejścia do zabytkowych gmachów Politechniki. Jest to doskonale widoczne na przykładzie gmachu Technologii Chemicznej, gdzie od kilku lat trwają prace remontowo-modernizacyjne, mające na celu przywrócenie świetności elewacjom i adaptację wnętrz na nowoczesne laboratoria. Istotnym elementem tych działań jest rewaloryzacja holu wejściowego i głównej auli wykładowej. Przeprowadzone prace wykonano w oparciu o badania historyczno-konserwatorskie. Dzięki zachowanemu oryginalnemu projektowi prof. Czesława Przybylskiego możliwa była przestrzenna rekonstrukcja audytorium i przywrócenie pierwotnego układu wnętrzom holu wejściowego. Użycie nowoczesnych rozwiązań technologicznych i materiałowych nadało wnętrzom współczesny charakter, bez znamion stylizacji, przy jednoczesnym odtworzeniu cech charakterystycznych projektu prof


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    January BIEŃ


    Full Text Available Obecny stan prawny w pewien sposób generuje poszukiwania i rozwój nowoczesnych technologii pozwalających na rozwiązanie problemu zagospodarowania osadów ściekowych w Polsce nie tylko dla dużych obiektów, ale przede wszystkim dla instalacji małych i średnich, ponieważ to z nich głównie osady ściekowe obecnie trafiają na składowiska odpadów. Celem pracy jest ocena funkcjonowania prototypowej linii technologicznej do przetwarzania osadów ściekowych i ocena uzyskanej z tej technologii biomasy. Technologia Bionor Sludge stanowi rozwiązanie przeznaczone dla gminnych oczyszczalni o przepustowości do 1000 m3*d-1. Powstające osady ściekowe odpowiednio przetworzone w instalacji mogą zostać zagospodarowane dwojako: jako kompost lub jako wsad do instalacji termicznej, gdzie mogą stanowić biomasę zgodnie z ustawą o OZE. W pracy przedstawiono materiały pozwalające na wstępną ocenę jakości uzyskiwanego produktu pod kątem potencjału nawozowego i energetycznego. Bionor Sludge to technologia, która polega na przekierowaniu, w możliwie największym stopniu, energii chemicznej zgromadzonej w ściekach komunalnych do osadów stanowiących rezerwuar substancji organicznej. Cały układ technologiczny oczyszczania ścieków i przeróbki osadów charakteryzuje się również wysoką efektywnością i elastycznością pracy przy modułowej zabudowie. Możliwe i w pełni zasadne jest zastosowanie wybranych elementów omawianej instalacji w ramach modernizacji istniejących obiektów. Technologia Bionor Sludge dzięki swej innowacyjności i założeniom o możliwie najlepszym wykorzystaniu zasobów nawozowych i energetycznych, umożliwia racjonalne funkcjonowanie oczyszczalni i tym samym znaczące odciążenie budżetu gmin i ostatecznie ich mieszkańców.



    Kerin, Tjaša


    V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela predstavljamo splošen pojem motivacije, pomen motivacije ter teoretična izhodišča. Povezujemo splošna teoretična izhodišča s poučevanjem likovne vzgoje ter artikulacijske značilnosti pri njenem pouku. Ob tem smo tudi izpostavili pomembnost motivacije pri likovni vzgoji ter navedli nekaj možnosti za uspešno realizacijo le-te. Dotaknili smo se tudi individualizacije pri likovni vzgoji ter sredstev za spodbujanje motivacije. V empiričnem delu dela predsta...

  6. Učinkovitost terapevtskega ultrazvoka pri zmanjševanju bolečine pri artrozi kolena


    Blas, Marjeta


    Uvod: Artroza je degenerativni proces, ki lahko privede do deformacije kolenskega sklepa ter predvsem pri starejših povzroči težave pri vsakodnevnih opravilih in zmanjša kakovost njihovega življenja. Glavni simptom je bolečina. Pomembno vlogo pri zdravljenju ima fizioterapija. Inštrumentalna fizioterapija, kot je ultrazvok, se pogosto uporablja za zmanjševanje bolečine ali kot predpriprava na vadbo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na osnovi pregleda objavljene strokovne in znanstvene literat...

  7. G-Quadruplexes influence pri-microRNA processing. (United States)

    Rouleau, Samuel G; Garant, Jean-Michel; Bolduc, François; Bisaillon, Martin; Perreault, Jean-Pierre


    RNA G-Quadruplexes (G4) have been shown to possess many biological functions, including the regulation of microRNA (miRNA) biogenesis and function. However, their impact on pri-miRNA processing remains unknown. We identified G4 located near the Drosha cleavage site in three distinct pri-miRNAs: pri-mir200c, pri-mir451a, and pri-mir497. The folding of the potential G4 motifs was determined in solution. Subsequently, mutations disrupting G4 folding led to important changes in the mature miRNAs levels in cells. Moreover, using small antisense oligonucleotides binding to the pri-miRNA, it was possible to modulate, either positively or negatively, the mature miRNA levels. Together, these data demonstrate that G4 motifs could contribute to the regulation of pri-mRNA processing, a novel role for G4. Considering that bio-informatics screening indicates that between 9% and 50% of all pri-miRNAs contain a putative G4, these structures possess interesting potential as future therapeutic targets.

  8. Presence of pRI1:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Migura, Lourdes Garcia; Hasman, Henrik; Jensen, Lars Bogø


    This study focused on the molecular characterization of a small cryptic, mobilizable plasmid (6038 bp) sequenced from an E. faecium 9631160-1 of poultry origin. Sequence analysis of pRI1 revealed seven open reading frames. pRI1 contained an IS 100% identical to ISEfa4. This insertion element...... almost identical to the repA from the pEFNP1 and pKQ10 plasmids from E. faecium was also identified. Presence of the pRI1 replication initiation gene (rep) was analyzed in a panel of 159 E. faecium isolates of human and animal origin from different European countries, of which 60 tested positive...

  9. Uporaba hipnoze pri preiskovanju kaznivih dejanj


    Radić, Janja


    V svojem diplomskem delu predstavljam tehniko hipnoze kot metodo za izboljšanje spomina pri pričah in žrtvah kaznivih dejanj. Posvetim se pojmovanju in uporabi hipnoze skozi zgodovino, nato pa podam še njeno definicijo in tehnike. Poleg načina uporabe hipnoze pri preiskovanju kaznivih dejanj, predstavim tudi njene prednosti in slabosti, opišem potek hipnotiziranja ter vlogo in funkcijo hipnotizerja. V zadnjih dveh poglavjih pojasnim vpliv spomina na hipnotične informacije ter predstavim pravn...

  10. Patient survey (ICH CAHPS) (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — In-Center Hemodialysis Facilites Patient evaluations from the In-Center Hemodialysis Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (ICH-CAHPS) Survey. The...

  11. Synthesis and Biological Activity of Diastereomeric and Geometric Analogs of Calcipotriol, PRI-2202 and PRI-2205, Against Human HL-60 Leukemia and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells. (United States)

    Milczarek, Magdalena; Chodyński, Michał; Filip-Psurska, Beata; Martowicz, Agnieszka; Krupa, Małgorzata; Krajewski, Krzysztof; Kutner, Andrzej; Wietrzyk, Joanna


    Diastereomeric and geometric analogs of calcipotriol, PRI-2202 and PRI-2205, were synthesized as advanced intermediates from vitamin D C-22 benzothiazoyl sulfones and side-chain aldehydes using our convergent strategy. Calcitriol, calcipotriol (PRI-2201) and tacalcitol (PRI-2191) were used as the reference compounds. Among a series of tested analogs the diastereomeric analog PRI-2202 showed the strongest antiproliferative activity on the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, whereas the geometric analog PRI-2205 was the weakest. Both analogs were less potent in antiproliferative activity against HL-60 cells compared to the reference compounds. The ability to potentiate antiproliferative effect of cisplatin or doxorubicin against HL-60 cells or that of tamoxifen against the MCF-7 cell line was observed at higher doses of PRI-2202 or PRI-2205 than those of the reference compounds. The proapoptotic activity of tamoxifen, expressed as the diminished mitochondrial membrane potential, as well as the increased phosphatidylserine expression, was partially attenuated by calcitriol, PRI-2191, PRI-2201 and PRI-2205. The treatment of the MCF-7 cells with tamoxifen alone resulted in an increase in VDR expression. Moreover, a further increase in VDR expression was observed when the analogs PRI-2201 or PRI-2205, but not PRI-2191, were used in combination with tamoxifen. This observation could partially explain the potentiation of the antiproliferative effect of tamoxifen by vitamin D analogs.

  12. Synthesis and Biological Activity of Diastereomeric and Geometric Analogs of Calcipotriol, PRI-2202 and PRI-2205, Against Human HL-60 Leukemia and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrzej Kutner


    Full Text Available Diastereomeric and geometric analogs of calcipotriol, PRI-2202 and PRI-2205, were synthesized as advanced intermediates from vitamin D C-22 benzothiazoyl sulfones and side-chain aldehydes using our convergent strategy. Calcitriol, calcipotriol (PRI-2201 and tacalcitol (PRI-2191 were used as the reference compounds. Among a series of tested analogs the diastereomeric analog PRI-2202 showed the strongest antiproliferative activity on the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, whereas the geometric analog PRI-2205 was the weakest. Both analogs were less potent in antiproliferative activity against HL-60 cells compared to the reference compounds. The ability to potentiate antiproliferative effect of cisplatin or doxorubicin against HL-60 cells or that of tamoxifen against the MCF-7 cell line was observed at higher doses of PRI-2202 or PRI-2205 than those of the reference compounds. The proapoptotic activity of tamoxifen, expressed as the diminished mitochondrial membrane potential, as well as the increased phosphatidylserine expression, was partially attenuated by calcitriol, PRI-2191, PRI-2201 and PRI-2205. The treatment of the MCF-7 cells with tamoxifen alone resulted in an increase in VDR expression. Moreover, a further increase in VDR expression was observed when the analogs PRI-2201 or PRI-2205, but not PRI-2191, were used in combination with tamoxifen. This observation could partially explain the potentiation of the antiproliferative effect of tamoxifen by vitamin D analogs.

  13. ICH/FWCD system design for KSTAR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bae, Young Dug; Kwak, J. G.; Han, J. M.; Ju, M. H.; Hong, B. G.


    The ICH/FWCD system for KSTAR shall initially be configured to provide 6 MW power to the plasma with one antenna. The system can be upgraded to provide 12 MW of power to the plasma with the addition of a second system that is duplicate of the first. The initial KSTAR ion cyclotron system consist of one port-mounted antenna that have four current straps. Each strap, using appropriate tuning, matching, and decoupling circuitry will be driven by an independent rf power source. The goal of this ICH/FWCD system is to deliver up to 6 MW of power to the plasma under a variety of plasma conditions. In this report, the plasma loading for various plasma conditions is computed by RANT3D code; electric property of antenna, i.e. inductance, capacitance and mutual coupling are examined; and then a brief description of the overall ICH/FWCD system is given. (author). 3 refs., 4 tabs., 25 figs.

  14. ICH/FWCD system design for KSTAR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bae, Young Dug; Kwak, J. G.; Han, J. M.; Ju, M. H.; Hong, B. G.


    The ICH/FWCD system for KSTAR shall initially be configured to provide 6 MW power to the plasma with one antenna. The system can be upgraded to provide 12 MW of power to the plasma with the addition of a second system that is duplicate of the first. The initial KSTAR ion cyclotron system consist of one port-mounted antenna that have four current straps. Each strap, using appropriate tuning, matching, and decoupling circuitry will be driven by an independent rf power source. The goal of this ICH/FWCD system is to deliver up to 6 MW of power to the plasma under a variety of plasma conditions. In this report, the plasma loading for various plasma conditions is computed by RANT3D code; electric property of antenna, i.e. inductance, capacitance and mutual coupling are examined; and then a brief description of the overall ICH/FWCD system is given. (author). 3 refs., 4 tabs., 25 figs

  15. Evidence that cyclophosphamide can to induce exchanges in the sister chromatids (ICH) through secondary injuries; Evidencia de que la ciclofosfamida puede inducir intercambios en las cromatidas hermanas (ICH) a traves de lesiones secundarias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morales R, P.; Rodriguez R, R. [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones nucleares, A.P. 18-1027, 11801 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    By means of the use of destination protocol of ICH inductive injuries (DLI-ICH), it was studied if interchanges in the sister chromatids (ICH) induced by cyclophosphamide (CP), in the second post-treatment division (ICH-2) are produced by secondary injuries or by fresh injuries. For discard between these possibilities it was administered CP at different periods before of the first post-treatment division, taking as reference the administered time for high dose of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU ) which was approximately at the beginning of this division. The ICH frequencies that occur in the first, the second and the third synthesis stages (S) were determined. It was observed that when the administered CP was four hours before BrdU , the ICH frequencies of the second and the third S were reduced. The frequency of the first ICH increased lightly in relation to those of the normal protocol (0.5 h before BrdU ) and that the supplying of CP six hours before caused almost a total reduction of ICH of second and third S and an important increment of ICH of first S.This was interpreted as evidence that the ICH-2 are product of secondary injuries. (Author)

  16. Uporaba BIM pri projektiranju cestne infrastrukture


    Svetina, Gregor


    Magistrsko delo obravnava uporabo informacijskega modeliranja gradenj (angl. Building Information Modeling, kratica BIM) v infrastrukturnih projektih. Pri tem je kot primer uporabljen projekt Druge cevi predora Karavanke, pri katerem je bil BIM dejansko uporabljen. Naredili smo modele cest, ki se bodo uporabljale za odvoz materiala na deponije. Najprej je predstavljenih nekaj osnov o BIM-u, vključno s predstavitvami lastnosti 3D, 4D, 5D in 6D modelov, ovrednotenjem BIM-a, stopnjami podrobn...

  17. Evidence that cyclophosphamide can to induce exchanges in the sister chromatids (ICH) through secondary injuries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morales R, P.; Rodriguez R, R.


    By means of the use of destination protocol of ICH inductive injuries (DLI-ICH), it was studied if interchanges in the sister chromatids (ICH) induced by cyclophosphamide (CP), in the second post-treatment division (ICH-2) are produced by secondary injuries or by fresh injuries. For discard between these possibilities it was administered CP at different periods before of the first post-treatment division, taking as reference the administered time for high dose of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU ) which was approximately at the beginning of this division. The ICH frequencies that occur in the first, the second and the third synthesis stages (S) were determined. It was observed that when the administered CP was four hours before BrdU , the ICH frequencies of the second and the third S were reduced. The frequency of the first ICH increased lightly in relation to those of the normal protocol (0.5 h before BrdU ) and that the supplying of CP six hours before caused almost a total reduction of ICH of second and third S and an important increment of ICH of first S.This was interpreted as evidence that the ICH-2 are product of secondary injuries. (Author)

  18. Hydrogen inhalation ameliorated mast cell mediated brain injury after ICH in mice (United States)

    Manaenko, Anatol; Lekic, Tim; Ma, Qingyi; Zhang, John H.; Tang, Jiping


    OBJECTIVE Hydrogen inhalation was neuroprotective in several brain injury models. Its mechanisms are believed to be related to anti-oxidative stress. We investigated the potential neurovascular protective effect of hydrogen inhalation especially effect on mast cell activation in a mouse model of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). DESIGN Controlled in vivo laboratory study. SETTING Animal research laboratory SUBJECTS 171, 8 weeks old male CD-1 mice were used. INTERVENTIONS Collagenase-induced ICH model in 8 weeks old, male, CD-1 mice was used. Hydrogen was administrated via spontaneous inhalation. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability and neurological deficits were investigated at 24 and 72 hours after ICH. Mast cell activation was evaluated by Western blot and immuno-staining. The effects of hydrogen inhalation on mast cell activation were confirmed in an autologous blood injection model ICH. MEASURMENT AND MAIN RESULTS At 24 and 72 hours post-ICH, animals showed BBB disruption, brain edema, neurological deficits, accompanied with phosphorylation of Lyn kinase and release of tryptase, indicating mast cell activation. Hydrogen treatment diminished phosphorylation of Lyn kinase and release of tryptase, decreased accumulation and degranulation of mast cells, attenuated BBB disruption and improved neurobehavioral function. CONCLUSION Activation of mast cells following ICH contributed to increase of BBB permeability and brain edema. Hydrogen inhalation preserved BBB disruption by prevention of mast cell activation after ICH. PMID:23388512



    Zorman, Tjaša


    Uporaba elektronskega poslovanja je danes v svetu in pri nas zelo razširjena. Število uporabnikov elektronskega bančništva kot elementa elektronskega poslovanja se je od leta 2000 do leta 2008 povečalo skoraj za 30-krat. Vedno večje število uporabnikov kaže na pomembnost in uporabnost elektronskega bančništva pri nas. Del uspešnosti elektronskega bančništva lahko pripišemo njegovi varnosti, ki s svojimi elementi sodi v sam vrh kakovosti. Uporabniki elektronskega bančništva se zavedajo, d...

  20. Ich spreche Deutsch: A User's Report (United States)

    Glassar, Sheila


    The textbook under discussion, "Ich spreche Deutsch" by Heinz Griesbach and Dora Schulz (London-Harlow: Longmans-Hueber, 1966), is intended to be a one-year introduction to German, particularly for less academic pupils and students. (FWB)

  1. Pomen zdrave prehrane in telesne aktivnosti pri osnovnošolcih


    Smole, Valentina


    V diplomskem delu Pomen zdrave prehrane in telesne aktivnosti pri osnovnošolcih so predstavljene smernice zdravega prehranjevanja pri otrocih, pomen zdrave prehrane in redne telesne aktivnosti za zdravje osnovnošolskih otrok ter vloga medicinske sestre pri promociji zdrave prehrane in telesne aktivnosti. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli med otroci osmega in devetega razreda osnovne šole. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšen je odnos osnovnošolcev d...

  2. Three causes of variation in the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) in evergreen conifers. (United States)

    Wong, Christopher Y S; Gamon, John A


    The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) reflects diurnal xanthophyll cycle activity and is also influenced by seasonally changing carotenoid : Chl pigment ratios. Both changing pigment pools and xanthophyll cycle activity contribute to photoprotection in evergreen conifers exposed to boreal winters, but they operate over different timescales, and their relative contribution to the PRI signal has often been unclear. To clarify these responses and their contribution to the PRI signal, leaf PRI, pigment composition, temperature and irradiance were monitored over 2 yr for two evergreen conifers (Pinus contorta and Pinus ponderosa) in a boreal climate. PRI was affected by three distinct processes operating over different timescales and exhibiting contrasting spectral responses. Over the 2 yr study period, the greatest change in PRI resulted from seasonally changing carotenoid : Chl pigment ratios, followed by a previously unreported shifting leaf albedo during periods of deep cold. Remarkably, the smallest change was attributable to the xanthophyll cycle. To properly distinguish these three effects, interpretation of PRI must consider temporal context, physiological responses to evolving environmental conditions, and spectral response. Consideration of the separate mechanisms affecting PRI over different timescales could greatly improve efforts to monitor changing photosynthetic activity using optical remote sensing. © 2014 The Authors New Phytologist © 2014 New Phytologist Trust.

  3. Correcting the relationship between PRI and shadow fraction for the blue sky effect (United States)

    Mõttus, Matti


    The Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) is defined as the normalized difference ratio of leaf reflectance at two specific wavelengths in the green spectral region. Its value depends on the status of leaf carotenoid content, and especially that of the xanthophyll cycle pigments. Due to the dependence on the xanthophyll cycle, when the photosynthetic apparatus of green leaves is close to the saturation limit, their PRI becomes dependent on light conditions. Therefore, by measuring the PRI of leaves in the same canopy under different local irradiance conditions on a sunny day, it should be possible to determine the saturation level of the leaves. In turn, this gives information on the light use efficiency (LUE) of the vegetation canopy. The average light conditions of visible foliage elements are often quantified with the shadow fraction -- the fraction of visible foliage not lit by direct sunlight. The dependence of PRI on the shadow fraction has been used to remotely measure canopy LUE on clear days. Variations in shadow fraction have been achieved with multiangular measurement. However, besides photosynthetic downregulation, the dependence of canopy PRI on shadow fraction is affected by the blue sky radiation caused by scattering in the atmosphere. To quantify this effect on remotely sensed PRI, we present the underlying definitions relating leaf and canopy PRI and perform the required calculations for typical midsummer conditions in Central Finland. We demonstrate that the effect of blue sky radiation on the variation of PRI with canopy shadow fraction is similar in shape and magnitude to that of LUE variations reported in literature. Next, we propose a new method to assess these PRI variations in structured vegetation. We investiagate this blue sky effect on the PRI -- shadow fraction relationship with high spatial (60 cm) and spectral (9.8 nm) resolution airborne imaging spectroscopy data from Hyytiälä, Finland. We evaluate the spectral irradiance in

  4. Sprawozdanie z XII Międzynarodowej Konferencji pt. „Edukacja a nowe technologie w kulturze, informacji i komunikacji” (Toruń, 09–10.06.2015)


    Kwiatkowska, Wioletta


    W dniach 9−10 czerwca 2015 roku odbyła się XII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa z cyklu „Technologia informacyjna w zmieniającej się edukacji”. Temat przewodni konferencji brzmiał: „Edukacja a nowe technologie w kulturze, informacji i komunikacji”. W tej edycji konferencji poruszane były zagadnienia dotyczące nowych technologii i ich znaczenie dla edukacji. Inicjatywy o takim charakterze podejmowane od kilkunastu lat przez Katedrę Dydaktyki i Mediów w Edukacji wpisały się w tradycję Wydział...

  5. Structural and functional characterization of the CAP domain of pathogen-related yeast 1 (Pry1) protein (United States)

    Darwiche, Rabih; Kelleher, Alan; Hudspeth, Elissa M.; Schneiter, Roger; Asojo, Oluwatoyin A.


    The production, crystal structure, and functional characterization of the C-terminal cysteine-rich secretory protein/antigen 5/pathogenesis related-1 (CAP) domain of pathogen-related yeast protein-1 (Pry1) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is presented. The CAP domain of Pry1 (Pry1CAP) is functional in vivo as its expression restores cholesterol export to yeast mutants lacking endogenous Pry1 and Pry2. Recombinant Pry1CAP forms dimers in solution, is sufficient for in vitro cholesterol binding, and has comparable binding properties as full-length Pry1. Two crystal structures of Pry1CAP are reported, one with Mg2+ coordinated to the conserved CAP tetrad (His208, Glu215, Glu233 and His250) in spacegroup I41 and the other without divalent cations in spacegroup P6122. The latter structure contains four 1,4-dioxane molecules from the crystallization solution, one of which sits in the cholesterol binding site. Both structures reveal that the divalent cation and cholesterol binding sites are connected upon dimerization, providing a structural basis for the observed Mg2+-dependent sterol binding by Pry1.

  6. Levkemija pri otroku in problemi prehranjevanja in pitja


    Šinkovec, Sara


    Uvod: Podhranjenost in kaheksija sta pogosta pri otrocih z levkemijo in sta pokazatelja slabše prognoze. Slabo prehransko stanje otroka je povezano z večjim številom stranskih učinkov zdravljenja, s slabšim odzivom na zdravljenje in krajšim preživetjem. Funkcionalno stanje otrok in kakovost njihovega življenja sta slabša. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opisati problem prehranjevanja in pitja pri otroku z levkemijo. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s kr...

  7. Izzivi in trendi pri vzpostavitvi managmenta destinacije Mirnska dolina


    Žibert, Maja


    Diplomska naloga z naslovom Izzivi in trendi pri vzpostavitvi managmenta destinacije Mirnska dolina v veliki meri preverja izvajanje vsebine dokumenta Strateško akcijski načrt pri vzpostavitvi destinacije Mirnska dolina na terenu. Vsebina dokumenta se dotika posameznih prioritet trajnostnega razvoja destinacije. Na terenu smo preko intervjujev s posameznimi deležniki vseh treh sektorjev, ki sestavljajo destinacijo želeli izvedeti, kako oni doživljajo prioritete razvoja. V diplomski nalogi je ...

  8. One vision, one platform, one company – power of one. Czy nowy system biblioteczny zrewolucjonizuje bibliotekę?

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    Piotr Karwasiński


    Full Text Available Od momentu, gdy w polskich bibliotekach zaczęto wprowadzać zintegrowane, zautomatyzowane systemy biblioteczne – minęło już ponad dziesięć lat. W ciągu tego czasu zaobserwowano olbrzymi rozwój technologii informacyjnych powodujący upgrade bazy, nowe wersje i uaktywnianie nowych funkcji programów bibliotecznych. Użytkowników Horizona czeka wkrótce wdrożenie innowacyjnego systemu Symphony (Rome. Artykuł prezentuje jego specyfikację zaprezentowaną podczas konferencji użytkowników systemów firm Sirsi i Dynix, która odbyła się w Barcelonie w maju 2007 roku. Artykuł ma również pobudzić dyskusję – jakiego systemu bibliotecznego potrzebują biblioteki XXI wieku. W jakim programie pracować chcą bibliotekarze, jak zmodyfikować opcje modułów, by dostosowywać je do aktualnych zmian na rynku, nowych technologii oraz wciąż rosnących potrzeb bibliotek i ich użytkowników.

  9. Návrh Rail-to-Rail operačního zesilovače v technologii CMOS


    Cvešper, Stanislav


    Práce se zabývá návrhem rail-to-rail operačního zesilovače ve třídě AB v technologii CMOS I3T25. Práce začíná úvodem do CMOS tranzistorů, následuje rozbor struktur operačního zesilovače, jeho návrh a simulace v návrhovém prostředí Cadence, popsány jsou také různé metody pro minimalizaci napěťové symetrie. Hlavním cílem práce je dosažení rail-to-rail vstupního i výstupního rozsahu operačního zesilovače pracujícího ve třídě AB, s minimální napěťovou nesymetrií, včetně návrhu topologie navrženéh...

  10. Uporaba kreativnih medijev pri delu z mladimi v družbi tveganja


    Zaner, Tamara


    Kot socialni pedagogi in pedagoginje se pri svojem delu nenehno srečujemo z mladimi. Ti se v sodobni družbi, srečujejo z negotovostjo, dvomi in posledično tudi stiskami, ki segajo v vse dimenzije njihovega življenja. Pri svojem delu sem temeljila na Beckovem pojmovanju današnje družbe, pri razumevanju položaja mladih pa izhajala iz koncepta življenjske usmerjenosti, socialnega pedagoga Hansa Thierscha. Namen raziskovalnega dela je preveriti, kako s pomočjo kreativnih medijev prispevati k opol...



    Vindiš, Jure


    Problem, katerega si bomo postavili v ospredje, je, kako so urejena pogodbena razmerja pri mednarodnih poslih malih in srednje velikih podjetij. Skušali bomo ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri so pogodbe pri poslovanju doma in mednarodni menjavi determinirane, in kateri so mehanizmi, s katerimi se podjetja zavarujejo, da se pogodbeni partner drži pogodbe. Osnovo za raziskovalna izhodišča bomo jemali iz študije iz leta 1963 z naslovom Preliminarna študija izvenpogodbenih razmerij v pos...

  12. 'Mastspuit met sensoren brengt middel effectiever aan' (onderzoek praktijkproeven PRI en PPO)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Engels, A.; PPO BBF Boomkwekerij,; PRI,; Nieuwenhuizen, A.T.


    In mei 2011 starten Plant Research International (PRI), PPO Boomkwekerij en Damcon de eerste praktijkproeven met sensoren op de mastspuit. Dit prototype spuit alleen als het bladeren detecteert. Projectleider Ard Nieuwenhuizen van PRI is ervan overtuigd dat kwekers met zo'n type spuit middelen

  13. Donava in Sava pri Strabonu in v napisih

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    Marjeta Šašel Kos


    Full Text Available V članku so zbrana in komentirana tista mesta v Strabonovi 7. knjigi, kjer piše o Donavi in Savi. Že Herodot je Donavo opredelil kot najpomembnejšo njemu znano reko; pri grških piscih se je zanjo uveljavilo tračansko ime Istros, ki se je tudi pozneje uporabljalo za spodnji tok Donave. Zgornji tok se je imenoval Danuvius/Danubius, ime je verjetno keltsko. Kot božanstvu so Danuviju postavljali oltarje; blizu sotočja Drave in Donave so skupaj z njim počastili tudi boga Drava. Savo je poosebljal bog Savus, ki so ga častili ob zgornjem, nevarnejšem toku reke do Siscije. Skupaj z Adsaluto sta imela svetišče nad brzicami pri Podkraju nasproti Hrastnika, blizu območja nevarnih slapov. Strabon poleg drugih rek dvakrat omenja sicer neznani Noar, ki so ga enačili s celo vrsto rek, med drugim tudi z Odro, vendar je natančna analiza Strabonovega besedila pokazala, da gre lahko le za spodnji tok Save. Izviri Save Dolinke v Zelencih pri Podkorenu so bili sveti kraj, kjer so častili Saverkno.

  14. Classification of Different Degrees of Disability Following Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Decision Tree Analysis from VISTA-ICH Collaboration. (United States)

    Phan, Thanh G; Chen, Jian; Beare, Richard; Ma, Henry; Clissold, Benjamin; Van Ly, John; Srikanth, Velandai


    Prognostication following intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) has focused on poor outcome at the expense of lumping together mild and moderate disability. We aimed to develop a novel approach at classifying a range of disability following ICH. The Virtual International Stroke Trial Archive collaboration database was searched for patients with ICH and known volume of ICH on baseline CT scans. Disability was partitioned into mild [modified Rankin Scale (mRS) at 90 days of 0-2], moderate (mRS = 3-4), and severe disabilities (mRS = 5-6). We used binary and trichotomy decision tree methodology. The data were randomly divided into training (2/3 of data) and validation (1/3 data) datasets. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was used to calculate the accuracy of the decision tree model. We identified 957 patients, age 65.9 ± 12.3 years, 63.7% males, and ICH volume 22.6 ± 22.1 ml. The binary tree showed that lower ICH volume (27.9 ml), older age (>69.5 years), and low Glasgow Coma Scale (tree showed that ICH volume, age, and serum glucose can separate mild, moderate, and severe disability groups with AUC 0.79 (95% CI 0.71-0.87). Both the binary and trichotomy methods provide equivalent discrimination of disability outcome after ICH. The trichotomy method can classify three categories at once, whereas this action was not possible with the binary method. The trichotomy method may be of use to clinicians and trialists for classifying a range of disability in ICH.

  15. Enabling ICH Q10 Implementation--Part 1. Striving for Excellence by Embracing ICH Q8 and ICH Q9. (United States)

    Calnan, Nuala; O'Donnell, Kevin; Greene, Anne


    This article is the first in a series of articles that will focus on understanding the implementation essentials necessary to deliver operational excellence through a International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) Q10-based pharmaceutical quality system (PQS). The authors examine why, despite the fact that the ICH Q10 guideline has been with us since 2008, the transformation of the traditional Quality Management Systems QMS in use within the pharmaceutical industry is a work in progress for only a few forward-thinking organisations. Unfortunately, this transformation remains a mere aspiration for the majority of organisations. We explore the apparent lack of progress by the pharmaceutical sector in adopting six sigma and related quality management techniques to ensure the availability of high-quality medicines worldwide. The authors propose that the desired progress can be delivered through two key shifts in our current practices; by embodying the principles of operational excellence in every aspect of our business and by learning how to unlock the scientific and tacit knowledge within our organisations. It has been ten years since The Wall Street Journal revealed the pharmaceutical industry's "little secret" comparing the perceived level of manufacturing expertise in the industry as lagging far behind those of potato-chip and laundry-soap makers. Would you consider the quality and manufacturing strategies in place today in your organisation to be more efficient and scientifically based than those of 2003? If so, what evidence exists for you to draw any conclusion regarding enhanced performance? Do your current practices drive innovation and facilitate continual improvement and if so, how? Ultimately, can you confidently affirm that patient-related risks associated with the product(s) manufactured by your organisation have been reduced due to the quality assurance program now applied

  16. Dieta pri hiperholesterolemiji


    Čerček Vilhar, Emanuela


    Holesterol je maščobna molekula, ki v telesu opravlja mnogo funkcij. Njegova biosinteza in pot po telesu kot nepolarna molekula je izredno zapletena. Pri tem se vključuje v lipoproteine in prehaja v jetra, kjer poteka glavna pot presnavljanja ter tvorba žolčnih soli. Značilno je, da holesterol v našem organizmu izvira iz dveh virov. Eno tretjino ga zaužijemo s hrano, preostanek pa ga tvorimo sami iz predhodne molekule acetil-CoA. Ljudje se v današnjem času čedalje pogosteje srečujejo s poviša...

  17. Dimeric structure of the N-terminal domain of PriB protein from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis solved ab initio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liebschner, Dorothee [National Cancer Institute, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Brzezinski, Krzysztof [National Cancer Institute, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); University of Bialystok, 15-399 Bialystok (Poland); Dauter, Miroslawa [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Dauter, Zbigniew, E-mail: [National Cancer Institute, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Nowak, Marta; Kur, Józef; Olszewski, Marcin, E-mail: [Gdansk University of Technology, 80-952 Gdansk (Poland); National Cancer Institute, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States)


    The N-terminal domain of the PriB protein from the thermophilic bacterium T. tengcongensis (TtePriB) was expressed and its crystal structure has been solved at the atomic resolution of 1.09 Å by direct methods. PriB is one of the components of the bacterial primosome, which catalyzes the reactivation of stalled replication forks at sites of DNA damage. The N-terminal domain of the PriB protein from the thermophilic bacterium Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis (TtePriB) was expressed and its crystal structure was solved at the atomic resolution of 1.09 Å by direct methods. The protein chain, which encompasses the first 104 residues of the full 220-residue protein, adopts the characteristic oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding (OB) structure consisting of a five-stranded β-barrel filled with hydrophobic residues and equipped with four loops extending from the barrel. In the crystal two protomers dimerize, forming a six-stranded antiparallel β-sheet. The structure of the N-terminal OB domain of T. tengcongensis shows significant differences compared with mesophile PriBs. While in all other known structures of PriB a dimer is formed by two identical OB domains in separate chains, TtePriB contains two consecutive OB domains in one chain. However, sequence comparison of both the N-terminal and the C-terminal domains of TtePriB suggests that they have analogous structures and that the natural protein possesses a structure similar to a dimer of two N-terminal domains.

  18. Idiopathic Chondrolysis of the Hip ( ICH: Report of three Cases

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    C Dechosilpa


    Full Text Available Idiopathic Chondrolysis of the Hip (ICH is a rare condition, occurring mostly in black female adolescence. It is characterized by the rapidly progressive destruction of articular cartilage in the hip joint resulting in premature degeneration and subsequent joint arthrosis. We report three cases of ICH: a 13-year old boy presented with left knee pain, an 11-year old girl with right hip pain and a 12-year old girl with right thigh pain. All of them had the same characteristic radiographic findings. The initial treatment was started conservatively. Surgical treatment was performed in one patient in order to confirm diagnosis and correct deformity.

  19. The Focus Antipassive in K'iche' Mayan. (United States)

    Pye, Clifton


    This analysis shows how the Government and Binding (GB) framework of Chomsky may be extended to the focus antipassive construction in K'iche', a Mayan language spoken in the central highland region of Guatemala. The GB model previously has been successfully extended to a number of Romance languages and has shown that a wide range of differences…



    Jaušovec, Špela


    Osnovni namen magistrskega dela je prispevati k boljšemu razumevanju motenj vedenja pri otrocih in mladostnikih ter obravnavati vpliv motenj vedenja na otrokovo funkcioniranje in vedenje. O motnjah vedenja je napisanega že veliko, še več pa ostaja neraziskanega in nerazumljenega. Magistrsko delo je zasnovano teoretično. S pomočjo strokovne literature in virov tako poskuša podrobno opredeliti motnje vedenja, njihove varovalne dejavnike in dejavnike tveganja, definirati družinsko in šolsko...

  1. I-Ching, dyadic groups of binary numbers and the geno-logic coding in living bodies. (United States)

    Hu, Zhengbing; Petoukhov, Sergey V; Petukhova, Elena S


    The ancient Chinese book I-Ching was written a few thousand years ago. It introduces the system of symbols Yin and Yang (equivalents of 0 and 1). It had a powerful impact on culture, medicine and science of ancient China and several other countries. From the modern standpoint, I-Ching declares the importance of dyadic groups of binary numbers for the Nature. The system of I-Ching is represented by the tables with dyadic groups of 4 bigrams, 8 trigrams and 64 hexagrams, which were declared as fundamental archetypes of the Nature. The ancient Chinese did not know about the genetic code of protein sequences of amino acids but this code is organized in accordance with the I-Ching: in particularly, the genetic code is constructed on DNA molecules using 4 nitrogenous bases, 16 doublets, and 64 triplets. The article also describes the usage of dyadic groups as a foundation of the bio-mathematical doctrine of the geno-logic code, which exists in parallel with the known genetic code of amino acids but serves for a different goal: to code the inherited algorithmic processes using the logical holography and the spectral logic of systems of genetic Boolean functions. Some relations of this doctrine with the I-Ching are discussed. In addition, the ratios of musical harmony that can be revealed in the parameters of DNA structure are also represented in the I-Ching book. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Diurnal and Directional Responses of Chlorophyll Fluorescence and the PRI in a Cornfield (United States)

    Middleton, Elizabeth; Cheng, Y. B.; Corp, L.; Campbell, P.; Kustas, W.


    Determining the health and vigor of vegetation using high spectral resolution remote sensing is an important goal which has application to monitoring agriculture and ecosystem productivity and carbon exchange. Two spectral indices used to assess whether vegetation is performing near-optimally or exhibiting symptoms of environmental stress (e.g., drought or nutrient deficiency, non-optimal temperatures, etc.) are the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) and solar-induced red and far-red Chlorophyll Fluorescence (Fs). Both the PRI and Fs capture the dynamics of photoprotection mechanisms within green foliage: the PRI is based on the association of the reflected radiation in the green spectrum with the xanthophyll cycle, whereas Fs measures the emitted radiation in the red and far-red spectrum. Fs was determined from retrievals in the atmospheric oxygen absorption features centered at 688 and 760 nm using a modified Fraunhofer Line Depth (FLD) method. We previously demonstrated diurnal and seasonal PRI differences for sunlit vs. shaded foliage in a conifer forest canopy, as expressed in the hotspot and darkspot of the Bidirectional Reflectance Function (BRF). In a USDA-ARS experimental field site located in Beltsville, MD, USA, measurements were acquired over a corn crop from a nadir view in 2008 with an ASD FieldSpec Pro (Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc., Boulder, CO, USA) to study the behavior of the PRI for sunlit and shaded foliage as captured in reflectance variations associated with the BRF, in a I m tall canopy in the vegetative growth stage. Those observations were compared to simulations obtained from two radiative transfer models. Measurements were then acquired to examine whether the PRI and Fs were influenced by view zenith and azimuth geometries at different times of day. Those measurements were made in 2010 with the Ocean Optics USB4000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer (Ocean Optics Inc., Dunedin, Florida, USA) at several times during the day on

  3. Sistem DACUM pri sestavljanju strokovnih izobraževalnih programov

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    Jindra Kulich


    Full Text Available DACUM je razmeroma nov sistem logično razvrščenih postopnih korakov, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti za večjo učinkovitost pri strokovnem izobraževanju delavcev. Sistem DACUM je sestavljen iz petih zaporednih korakov. Prva dva obsegala analizo delovnih nalog in določanje storilnostnih ciljev. Pri naslednjih treh korakih mentor določi izpeljavo izobraževanja, izbira postopek vrednotenja, učne metode in izobraževalna sredstva. Izobraževalni program sestavljajo sploš­ ne naloge, delne naloge in posamezne naloge. Glede na te tri ravni je kot primer razčlenjeno usposabljanje natakarja.

  4. Analiza igre branilcev v conski obrambi 5:1 pri rokometu


    Kozole, Rok


    V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena analiza igre branilcev v conski obrambi 5:1 pri rokometu. Obrambna formacija 5:1 je po obrambi 6:0 druga najpogosteje uporabljena obrambna formacija, katere se poslužujejo tako ekipe iz vrhunskega rokometa kot tudi ekipe, ki tekmujejo v ligah nižje kakovosti. V skladu s hitrim razvojem rokometne igre se je razvijala tudi obramba 5:1. Obrambna formacija 5:1 se pri mlajših rokometaših uporablja tudi kot prehodna obramba oz. temelj za prehod iz bolj globokih (...



    Marčec, Tamara


    Diplomsko delo z naslovom Vpliv likovne tehnike na izbiro barv pri predšolskem otroku je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in praktičnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo na kratko predstavili ustvarjalnost, njene faze in faktorje ter kako spodbujamo ali zaviramo ustvarjalnost pri predšolskem otroku. Nato smo nadaljevali in opisali vlogo in pomen barve za predšolskega otroka. Predstavili smo likovna področja in vsako na kratko opisali. Kasneje smo podrobneje opisali področje slikanja, kajti naše de...

  6. Uporaba e-gradiv pri pouku računalništva v osnovni šoli


    Benedičič, Andrej


    V zadnjih nekaj letih se je pouk v osnovnih in srednjih šolah pri nas in po svetu močno spremenil, k čemur je pripomogel tudi razvoj informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (v nadaljevanju IKT). Dandanes si pouka brez uporabe IKT pri vseh učnih predmetih skoraj ne moremo več predstavljati. V šole so tako prišle elektronske table, interaktivne table, tablice, glasovalne naprave in ostale elektronske naprave, ki lahko ob ustrezni uporabi pripomorejo k večji aktivnosti učencev med poukom in izb...

  7. Spectral Similarity and PRI Variations for a Boreal Forest Stand Using Multi-angular Airborne Imagery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vincent Markiet


    Full Text Available The photochemical reflectance index (PRI is a proxy for light use efficiency (LUE, and is used in remote sensing to measure plant stress and photosynthetic downregulation in plant canopies. It is known to depend on local light conditions within a canopy indicating non-photosynthetic quenching of incident radiation. Additionally, when measured from a distance, canopy PRI depends on shadow fraction—the fraction of shaded foliage in the instantaneous field of view of the sensor—due to observation geometry. Our aim is to quantify the extent to which sunlit fraction alone can describe variations in PRI so that it would be possible to correct for its variation and identify other possible factors affecting the PRI–sunlit fraction relationship. We used a high spatial and spectral resolution Aisa Eagle airborne imaging spectrometer above a boreal Scots pine site in Finland (Hyytiälä forest research station, 61°50′N, 24°17′E, with the sensor looking in nadir and tilted (off-nadir directions. The spectral resolution of the data was 4.6 nm, and the spatial resolution was 0.6 m. We compared the PRI for three different scatter angles ( β = 19 ° , 55 ° and 76 °, defined as the angle between sensor and solar directions at the forest stand level, and observed a small (0.006 but statistically significant (p < 0.01 difference in stand PRI. We found that stand mean PRI was not a direct function of sunlit fraction. However, for each scatter angle separately, we found a clear non-linear relationship between PRI and sunlit fraction. The relationship was systematic and had a similar shape for all of the scatter angles. As the PRI–sunlit fraction curves for the different scatter angles were shifted with respect to each other, no universal curve could be found causing the observed independence of canopy PRI from the average sunlit fraction of each view direction. We found the shifts of the curves to be related to a leaf structural effect on canopy

  8. ICH guidelines--implementation of the 3Rs (refinement, reduction, and replacement): incorporating best scientific practices into the regulatory process. (United States)

    Ohno, Yasuo


    An overview of the International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) is described. ICH was established through cooperation of the regulatory agencies and industrial parties of three main regions involved in pharmaceuticals: the European Union, the United States, and Japan. The purpose of the ICH is to make recommendations to achieve greater harmonization regarding interpretation and application of technical guidelines and requirements for product registration in an effort to reduce or obviate the need to duplicate the testing carried out during the research and development of new medicines. The main purpose of ICH was not to foster the 3Rs per se; however, harmonization of guidelines has eliminated duplications of similar tests to satisfy the specific requirements of each region. The ICH process has contributed to mutual understanding of the regulatory requirements and has decreased the number of unnecessary animal experiments. Specific examples of the contributions of ICH harmonization to the 3Rs are described.

  9. Prion-like nanofibrils of small molecules (PriSM): A new frontier at the intersection of supramolecular chemistry and cell biology. (United States)

    Zhou, Jie; Du, Xuewen; Xu, Bing


    Formed by non-covalent interactions and not defined at genetic level, the assemblies of small molecules in biology are complicated and less explored. A common morphology of the supramolecular assemblies of small molecules is nanofibrils, which coincidentally resembles the nanofibrils formed by proteins such as prions. So these supramolecular assemblies are termed as prion-like nanofibrils of small molecules (PriSM). Emerging evidence from several unrelated fields over the past decade implies the significance of PriSM in biology and medicine. This perspective aims to highlight some recent advances of the research on PriSM. This paper starts with description of the intriguing similarities between PriSM and prions, discusses the paradoxical features of PriSM, introduces the methods for elucidating the biological functions of PriSM, illustrates several examples of beneficial aspects of PriSM, and finishes with the promises and current challenges in the research of PriSM. We anticipate that the research of PriSM will contribute to the fundamental understanding at the intersection of supramolecular chemistry and cell biology and ultimately lead to a new paradigm of molecular (or supramolecular) therapeutics for biomedicine.

  10. The Quantification Process for the PRiME-U34i

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hwang, Mee-Jeong; Han, Sang-Hoon; Yang, Joon-Eon


    In this paper, we introduce the quantification process for the PRIME-U34i, which is the merged model of ETs (Event Trees) and FTs (Fault Trees) for the level 1 internal PSA of UCN 3 and 4. PRiME-U34i has one top event. Therefore, the quantification process is changed to a simplified method when compared to the past one. In the past, we used the text file called a user file to control the quantification process. However, this user file is so complicated that it is difficult for a non-expert to understand it. Moreover, in the past PSA, ET and FT were separated but in PRiMEU34i, ET and FT were merged together. Thus, the quantification process is different. This paper is composed of five sections. In section 2, we introduce the construction of the one top model. Section 3 shows the quantification process used in the PRiME-U34i. Section 4 describes the post processing. Last section is the conclusions

  11. Mass spectrometric investigation of neutral and charged constituents in saturated vapor over PrI3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Motalov, V.B.; Vorobiev, D.E.; Kudin, L.S.; Markus, T.


    The Knudsen effusion mass spectrometric technique was used to study vapor species over praseodymium triiodide. The monomer, PrI 3 , and dimer, Pr 2 I 6 , molecules and the negative ions, PrI 4 - and Pr 2 I 7 - , were observed in saturated vapor in the temperature range from 856 K to 1048 K. The partial vapor pressures of neutral constituents were determined and the enthalpies of sublimation obtained using the second and the third laws of thermodynamics (Δ s H deg. (298.15 K) = 291 ± 4 kJ mol -1 for PrI 3 , and Δ s H deg. (298.15 K) = 400 ± 30 kJ mol -1 for Pr 2 I 6 ). The equilibrium constants for various ion molecular reactions were measured and the enthalpies of reactions obtained. The enthalpies of formation, Δ f H deg. (298.15 K) kJ mol -1 , of gaseous molecules and ions were calculated and are as follows: -374 ± 6 (PrI 3 ), -929 ± 30 (Pr 2 I 6 ), -867 ± 30 (PrI 4 - ), -1432 ± 50 (Pr 2 I 7 - )

  12. PRiFi Networking for Tracking-Resistant Mobile Computing (United States)


    conjunction with other relevant services, including Tor for tracking-resistant inter-organizational communication, distributed protocols for a hardened, fully deployable PriFi implementation that can be used in conjunction with other relevant services, including Tor for tracking

  13. Závislost ceny a lhůty výstavby vybraného stavebního objektu na použité technologii


    Jandová, Renáta


    Diplomová práce se zabývá závislostí ceny se lhůtou vybraného stavebního objektu, konkrétně silničního mostu na použité technologii. Porovnány jsou tři technologie výstavby nosné konstrukce mostu. První dvě technologie uvažují prefabrikované tyčové nosníky a třetí monolitickou nosnou mostní desku. Technologický postup č. 1 je realizován montáží nosníků zavážecí dráhou za pomoci dvou autojeřábů, technologický postup č. 2 je charakterizován montáží nosníků autojeřábem zespod mostu a technologie...

  14. Draft Genome Sequence of the Antagonistic Rhizosphere Bacterium Serratia plymuthica Strain PRI-2C

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garbeva, P.; van Elsas, J.D.; de Boer, W.

    Serratia plymuthica strain PRI-2C is a rhizosphere bacterial strain with antagonistic activity against different plant pathogens. Here we present the 5.39-Mb (G+C content, 55.67%) draft genome sequence of S. plymuthica strain PRI-2C with the aim of providing insight into the genomic basis of its

  15. Stres pri delu v nujni medicinski pomoči - prehospitalna enota


    Ploder, Matej


    Izhodišča: V diplomskem delu smo se lotili vprašanja, kako stres vpliva na delo reševalcev v prehospitalni enoti nujne medicinske pomoči. Reševalci in zdravniki nujne medicinske pomoči se vsakodnevno srečujejo s situacijami, ki vplivajo na njihovo nadaljnjo delo, počutje in psihično stabilnost, predvsem pa na njihovo zdravje, od tragičnih nesreč, katerim so priča, do trenutkov, ko svojega poslanstva ne bi zamenjali za nič na svetu. Pri raziskavi smo ugotavljali, kaj reševalcem sploh predstavl...

  16. Hematoma Shape, Hematoma Size, Glasgow Coma Scale Score and ICH Score: Which Predicts the 30-Day Mortality Better for Intracerebral Hematoma? (United States)

    Wang, Chih-Wei; Liu, Yi-Jui; Lee, Yi-Hsiung; Hueng, Dueng-Yuan; Fan, Hueng-Chuen; Yang, Fu-Chi; Hsueh, Chun-Jen; Kao, Hung-Wen; Juan, Chun-Jung; Hsu, Hsian-He


    Purpose To investigate the performance of hematoma shape, hematoma size, Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score, and intracerebral hematoma (ICH) score in predicting the 30-day mortality for ICH patients. To examine the influence of the estimation error of hematoma size on the prediction of 30-day mortality. Materials and Methods This retrospective study, approved by a local institutional review board with written informed consent waived, recruited 106 patients diagnosed as ICH by non-enhanced computed tomography study. The hemorrhagic shape, hematoma size measured by computer-assisted volumetric analysis (CAVA) and estimated by ABC/2 formula, ICH score and GCS score was examined. The predicting performance of 30-day mortality of the aforementioned variables was evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, paired t test, nonparametric test, linear regression analysis, and binary logistic regression. The receiver operating characteristics curves were plotted and areas under curve (AUC) were calculated for 30-day mortality. A P value less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results The overall 30-day mortality rate was 15.1% of ICH patients. The hematoma shape, hematoma size, ICH score, and GCS score all significantly predict the 30-day mortality for ICH patients, with an AUC of 0.692 (P = 0.0018), 0.715 (P = 0.0008) (by ABC/2) to 0.738 (P = 0.0002) (by CAVA), 0.877 (Phematoma shape, hematoma size, ICH scores and GCS score all significantly predict the 30-day mortality in an increasing order of AUC. The effect of overestimation of hematoma size by ABC/2 formula in predicting the 30-day mortality could be remedied by using ICH score. PMID:25029592

  17. Remote detection of water stress conditions via a diurnal photochemical reflectance index (PRI) improves yield prediction in rainfed wheat (United States)

    Magney, T. S.; Vierling, L. A.; Eitel, J.


    Employing remotely sensed techniques to quantify the existence and magnitude of midday photosynthetic downregulation using the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) may reveal new information about plant responses to abiotic stressors in space and time. However, the interpretation and application of the PRI can be confounded because of its sensitivity to several variables changing at the diurnal (e.g., irradiation, shadow fraction) and seasonal (e.g., leaf area, chlorophyll and carotene pigment concentrations, irradiation) time scales. We explored different techniques to correct the PRI for variations in canopy structure and relative chlorophyll content (ChlR) using highly temporally resolved (frequency = five minutes) in-situ radiometric measurements of PRI and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) over eight soft white spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)field plots under varying nitrogen and soil water conditions over two seasons. Our results suggest that the influence of seasonal variation in canopy ChlR and LAI on the diurnally measured PRI (PRIdiurnal) can be minimized using simple correction techniques, therefore improving the strength of PRI as a tool to quantify abiotic stressors such as daily changes in soil volumetric water content (SVWC), and vapor pressure deficit (VPD). PRIdiurnal responded strongly to available nitrogen, and linearly tracked seasonal changes in SVWC, VPD, and stomatal conductance (gc). Utilizing the PRI as an indicator of stress, yield predictions significantly over greenness indices such as the NDVI. This study provides insight towards the future interpretation and scaling of PRI to quantify rapid changes in photosynthesis, and as an indicator of plant stress.

  18. Tuning and matching of the BPX ICH system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swain, D.W.


    Two methods of tuning and matching the ion cyclotron heating (ICH) antennas for the Burning Plasma Experiment (BPX) to the BPX plasma have been analyzed. Both appear to provide adequate tuning and matching capabilities. However, there are trade-offs between the frequency range that can be covered and the compactness of the high-voltage region of the transmission lines that makes up of the matching network. 4 refs., 5 figs

  19. Hematoma shape, hematoma size, Glasgow coma scale score and ICH score: which predicts the 30-day mortality better for intracerebral hematoma?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chih-Wei Wang

    Full Text Available To investigate the performance of hematoma shape, hematoma size, Glasgow coma scale (GCS score, and intracerebral hematoma (ICH score in predicting the 30-day mortality for ICH patients. To examine the influence of the estimation error of hematoma size on the prediction of 30-day mortality.This retrospective study, approved by a local institutional review board with written informed consent waived, recruited 106 patients diagnosed as ICH by non-enhanced computed tomography study. The hemorrhagic shape, hematoma size measured by computer-assisted volumetric analysis (CAVA and estimated by ABC/2 formula, ICH score and GCS score was examined. The predicting performance of 30-day mortality of the aforementioned variables was evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, paired t test, nonparametric test, linear regression analysis, and binary logistic regression. The receiver operating characteristics curves were plotted and areas under curve (AUC were calculated for 30-day mortality. A P value less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.The overall 30-day mortality rate was 15.1% of ICH patients. The hematoma shape, hematoma size, ICH score, and GCS score all significantly predict the 30-day mortality for ICH patients, with an AUC of 0.692 (P = 0.0018, 0.715 (P = 0.0008 (by ABC/2 to 0.738 (P = 0.0002 (by CAVA, 0.877 (P<0.0001 (by ABC/2 to 0.882 (P<0.0001 (by CAVA, and 0.912 (P<0.0001, respectively.Our study shows that hematoma shape, hematoma size, ICH scores and GCS score all significantly predict the 30-day mortality in an increasing order of AUC. The effect of overestimation of hematoma size by ABC/2 formula in predicting the 30-day mortality could be remedied by using ICH score.

  20. Physiological validation of photochemical reflectance index (PRI) as a photosynthetic parameter using Arabidopsis thaliana mutants. (United States)

    Kohzuma, Kaori; Hikosaka, Kouki


    Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) is the most important photoprotective system in higher plants. NPQ can be divided into several steps according to the timescale of relaxation of chlorophyll fluorescence after reaching a steady state (i.e., the fast phase, qE; middle phase, qZ or qT; and slow phase, qI). The dissipation of excess energy as heat during the xanthophyll cycle, a large component of NPQ, is detectable during the fast to middle phase (sec to min). Although thermal dissipation is primarily investigated using indirect methods such as chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements, such analyses require dark adaptation or the application of a saturating pulse during measurement, making it difficult to continuously monitor this process. Here, we designed an unconventional technique for real-time monitoring of changes in thylakoid lumen pH (as reflected by changes in xanthophyll pigment content) based on the photochemical reflectance index (PRI), which we estimated by measuring light-driven leaf reflectance at 531 nm. We analyzed two Arabidopsis thaliana mutants, npq1 (unable to convert violaxanthin to zeaxanthin due to inhibited violaxanthin de-epoxidase [VDE] activity) and npq4 (lacking PsbS protein), to uncover the regulator of the PRI. The PRI was variable in wild-type and npq4 plants, but not in npq1, indicating that the PRI is related to xanthophyll cycle-dependent thermal energy quenching (qZ) rather than the linear electron transport rate or NPQ. In situ lumen pH substitution using a pH-controlled buffer solution caused a shift in PRI. These results suggest that the PRI reflects only xanthophyll cycle conversion and is therefore a useful parameter for monitoring thylakoid lumen pH (reflecting VDE activity) in vivo. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. PriBots: Conversational Privacy with Chatbots


    Harkous, Hamza; Fawaz, Kassem; Shin, Kang G.; Aberer, Karl


    Traditional mechanisms for delivering notice and enabling choice have so far failed to protect users’ privacy. Users are continuously frustrated by complex privacy policies, unreachable privacy settings, and a multitude of emerging standards. The miniaturization trend of smart devices and the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoTs) will exacerbate this problem further. In this paper, we propose Conversational Privacy Bots (PriBots) as a new way of delivering notice and choice through a two...

  2. Neki problemi pri prevođenju moderne poezije promatrani kroz teoriju konceptualne integracije

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanja Cimer


    Full Text Available Straußeneimondaber ich finde nichts mehrnichts mehr an Buchstaben im Wortmache so ähnlichwie Luftgang ohne Seiles fällt nichts mehraber nichts ist eben auchZaungrenzeund LebenMittelstelzengangder Strauß legt seine Eier in den Himmelfast Massenproduktionkugelrunde Stundenmit Haut auf wirren ÜberzugHände greifen leerwenn nicht duaber das kann nicht –Angsttauchen mit Höhengangund die Hand als Schalewer fängt, – verliert!Mjesec od nojevog jajetaali nema ničeg višeničeg više u slovima riječičinim sličnokao hod po zraku bez konopcaništa više ne padaali i ništa jestgranica od ogradei životsredinom na štulamanoj liježe svoja jaja u nebogotovo masovna proizvodnjasati okrugli poput loptes kožom na neurednoj presvlaciruke posežu u praznoako nisi tiali to ne može –uron u strah s letom u visinei ruka poput ljusketko ulovi, – izgubi!Prevođenje poezije oduvijek se smatralo osobitom temom unutar ionako složenog područja književnog prevođenja. Budući da poezija predstavlja književni oblik u kojem su sadržaj i forma nerazdvojno povezani, jasno je zašto ona predstavlja najzahtjevniji oblik prevoditeljske aktivnosti. Problematičnu točku pri prevođenju poezije predstavlja činjenica da ona daje izrazito “zgusnutu” i kompaktnu formu te da jezik poezije uglavnom počiva na konotacijama, a ne na denotacijama. Noviji pristupi prevođenju prepoznaju da su nekadašnja protivljenja prevođenju poezije, to jest isticanja njezine neprevodivosti, zapravo bila usmjerena na nemogućnost potpunog prenošenja svih aspekata izvornog poetskog djela u ciljni jezik i njegovu kulturu i tradiciju (neprevodivost poezije isticali su, primjerice, T. S. Eliott: “[poezija je] stalni podsjetnik na sve ono što se može reći samo na jednom jeziku”, Roman Jakobson: “poezija je po definiciji neprevodiva” ili Nabokov: “pjesma ne može biti prevedena, reproducirana ni iznova oblikovana na ciljnom jeziku” (svi navedeni citati te citati

  3. Obrazowania niskopułapowe w badaniach krajobrazu

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    Bogdan Jankowicz


    Full Text Available Bezpieczeństwo technologii (lotów fotogrametrycznych, podniesienie ich jakości oraz obniżenie nakładów pracy i kosztów, również dotyczących późniejszych opracowań i aktualizacji, będących ich rezultatem – to problemy zawsze aktualne. Możliwość zastosowania w modelowaniu 3D dla analiz przestrzennych obrazów terenu z lotów na niskich pułapach, kilkadziesiąt metrów nad terenem, bezzałogowych, małych platform lotniczych (BŚL, wyposażonych w niewielkie kamery cyfrowe wydaje się godna uwagi. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono próbę zastosowania do modelowania 3D terenu obrazów definiowanych jako niskopułapowe, czyli obrazów rejestrowanych z bezzałogowych środków (platform lotniczych (BŚL z niskich pułapów lotniczych, tj. wysokości lotu nie przekraczającej 100 metrów nad średnim poziomem obrazowanego terenu.

  4. Photosynthetic Efficiency of Northern Forest Ecosystems Using a MODIS-Derived Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) (United States)

    Middleton, E. M.; Huemmrich, K. F.; Landis, D. R.; Black, T. A.; Barr, A. G.; McCaughey, J. H.


    This study evaluates a direct remote sensing approach from space for the determination of ecosystem photosynthetic light use efficiency (LUE), through measurement of vegetation reflectance changes expressed with the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI). The PRI is a normalized difference index based on spectral changes at a physiologically active wavelength (approximately 531 nanometers) as compared to a reference waveband, and is only available from a very few satellites. These include the two Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers (MODIS) on the Aqua and Terra satellites each of which have a narrow (10-nanometer) ocean band centered at 531 nanometers. We examined several PRI variations computed with candidate reference bands, since MODIS lacks the traditional 570-nanometer reference band. The PRI computed using MODIS land band 1 (620-670 nanometers) gave the best performance for daily LUE estimation. Through rigorous statistical analyses over a large image collection (n equals 420), the success of relating in situ daily tower-derived LUE to MODIS observations for northern forests was strongly influenced by satellite viewing geometry. LUE was calculated from CO2 fluxes (moles per moles of carbon absorbed quanta) measured at instrumented Canadian Carbon Program flux towers in four Canadian forests: a mature fir site in British Columbia, mature aspen and black spruce sites in Saskatchewan, and a mixed deciduous/coniferous forest site in Ontario. All aspects of the viewing geometry had significant effects on the MODIS-PRI, including the view zenith angle (VZA), the view azimuth angle, and the displacement of the view azimuth relative to the solar principal plane, in addition to illumination related variables.Nevertheless, we show that forward scatter sector views (VZA, 16 degrees-45 degrees) provided the strongest relationships to daily LUE, especially those collected in the early afternoon by Aqua (r squared = 0.83, RMSE (root mean square error) equals 0

  5. Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) as a proxy of Light Use Efficiency (LUE) and transpiration in Mediterranean crop sites (United States)

    LE Dantec, V.; Chebbi, W.; Boulet, G.; Merlin, O.; Lili-Chabaane, Z.; Er Raki, S.; Ceschia, E.; Khabba, S.; Fanise, P.; Zawilski, B.; Simonneaux, V.; Jarlan, L.


    The Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) is based on the short term reversible xanthophyll pigment changes accompanying plant stress and therefore of the associated photosynthetic activities. Strong relationships between PRI and Light Use Efficiency (LUE) were shown at leaf and canopy scales and over a wide range of species (Garbulsky et al., 2011). But very few previous works have explored the potential link with plant water status. In this study, we have first analyzed the link between PRI and LUE at canopy scale on two different crops in terms of canopy structure and crop management: olive grove (Tunisia) and wheat grown under different water regimes (irrigated or rainfed) and climate zones (France, Morocco). We have investigated the daily and seasonal dynamics of PRI; linking its variations to meteorological factors (global radiation and sun angle effects, soil water content, relative air humidity …) and plant processes. The highest correlations were mainly observed in clear skies conditions. We have found, whatever site, linear negative relationships between PRI and LUE using data acquired in midday (i.e. in solar zenithal angle condition). Linear link between PRI and sapflow measurements was also revealed. This correlation was obtained over periods characterized by a moderate soil water deficit, i.e. by when transpiration rate was mainly control by Vapor Pressure Deficit. We will then briefly presented alternative and complementary approaches to this index, to detect different level of water stress using thermal infrared emissions.

  6. Vartotojų elgsenos veiksnių įtaka sprendimo pirkti priėmimo procesui


    Jakimavičiūtė, Judita


    Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuota ir įvertinta vartotojų elgsenos veiksnių įtaka sprendimo pirkti priėmimo procese, iškeltos vartotojų elgsenos problemos, susiję su vartotojo sprendimu pirkti bei pateikti siūlymai, kaip šias problemas spręsti. Pirmoje darbo dalyje teoriniu aspektu tiriama vartotojų elgsenos samprata, pateikiamos skirtingos Lietuvos bei užsienio autorių nuomonės apie vidinių ir išorinių veiksnių įtaką vartotojų elgsenai bei vartotojų sprendimo priėmimo procesui. Antroje...



    Bauman, Anja


    Osrednja tema diplomske naloge so psihološki vidiki barv pri izdelavi logotipa. Diplomska naloga zajema tako teoretični kot tudi empirični del. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljen logotip in njegovi kriteriji uspešnosti. Prav tako pa so predstavljene tudi barve, njeni učinki ter značilnosti. Empirični del diplomske naloge pa se ukvarja z analizo obstoječih in izdelanih logotipov.

  8. Načrtovani preventivni hišni obisk pri nosečnici


    Hofinger Mihelič, Špela


    Rojstvo zdravega otroka je nedvomno eden izmed najpomembnejših dogodkov v življenju posameznika in družine. Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti v kolikšni meri se pri nosečnicah vključuje v preventivo patronažna medicinska sestra (PMS) in kaj nosečnice pričakujejo od njenega hišnega obiska. Cilj je bil oceniti želje nosečnic po hišnem obisku PMS in ugotoviti kje dobijo nosečnice največ informacij o nosečnosti in zdravem načinu življenja ter ugotoviti koliko so nosečnice poučene o pravicah...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I Ketut Sudita


    Full Text Available Balinese sculptors in districts of Ubud and Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali pry into the Law of Pornography. Those who agree state that the law is needed to maintain the morality which has been getting worse, and those who disagree state that it may emasculate their freedom and creativities. This study gives answers to (1 what social practices were performed by the Balinese sculptors to pry into the Law of Pornography?, (2 why did they pry into the application of the law?, and (3 what was the meaning of their prying? Several relevant critical theories such as the theory of structuration, the theory of hegemony, and the theory of aesthetics were eclectically used in this study. The data needed were collected through observation, in-depth interview, documentation study, and library research. The result of the study showed that the Balinese sculptors showed their resistance to the application of the law by making adaptation, changing profession, and still producing pornographic works. The sanction which might be imposed upon them, the consumers of pornographic works decreased, and they were eliminated from exhibitions scared them when they pried into the law. What they did could not be separated from economic, political, ideological, moral, and ethic factors. The meaning of their prying was that it caused them to lose their idealism, their consumers went down, and the number of pornographic works dropped as well.

  10. Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement in Primary Care (PriCARE): A Randomized Trial of a Parent Training for Child Behavior Problems. (United States)

    Schilling, Samantha; French, Benjamin; Berkowitz, Steven J; Dougherty, Susan L; Scribano, Philip V; Wood, Joanne N

    Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement in Primary Care (PriCARE) is a 6-session group parent training designed to teach positive parenting skills. Our objective was to measure PriCARE's impact on child behavior and parenting attitudes. Parents of children 2 to 6 years old with behavior concerns were randomized to PriCARE (n = 80) or control (n = 40). Child behavior and parenting attitudes were measured at baseline (0 weeks), program completion (9 weeks), and 7 weeks after program completion (16 weeks) using the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) and the Adult Adolescent Parenting Inventory 2 (AAPI2). Linear regression models compared mean ECBI and AAPI2 change scores from 0 to 16 weeks in the PriCARE and control groups, adjusted for baseline scores. Of those randomized to PriCARE, 43% attended 3 or more sessions. Decreases in mean ECBI intensity and problem scores between 0 and 16 weeks were greater in the PriCARE group, reflecting a larger improvement in behavior problems [intensity: -22 (-29, -16) vs -7 (-17, 2), P = .012; problem: -5 (-7, -4) vs -2 (-4, 0), P = .014]. Scores on 3 of the 5 AAPI2 subscales reflected greater improvements in parenting attitudes in the PriCARE group compared to control in the following areas: empathy toward children's needs [0.82 (0.51, 1.14) vs 0.25 (-0.19, 0.70), P = .04], corporal punishment [0.22 (0.00, 0.45) vs -0.30 (-0.61, 0.02), P = .009], and power and independence [0.37 (-0.02, 0.76) vs -0.64 (-1.19, -0.09), P = .003]. PriCARE shows promise in improving parent-reported child-behavior problems in preschool-aged children and increasing positive parenting attitudes. Copyright © 2016 Academic Pediatric Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. PriFi - Using a Multiple Alignment of Related Sequences to Find Primers for  Amplification of Homologs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fredslund, Jakob; Schauser, Leif; Madsen, Lene Heegaard


    Using a comparative approach, the web program PriFi ( designs pairs of primers useful for PCR amplification of genomic DNA in species where prior sequence information is not available. The program works with an alignment of DNA sequences from phylog...

  12. Prediction and prognostication of neurological deterioration in patients with acute ICH

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ovesen, Christian; Christensen, Anders Fogh; Havsteen, Inger


    OBJECTIVE: Patients with intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) are at high risk of neurological deterioration (ND). We aimed at establishing predictors of early ND (END) as well as late ND (LND) and at exploring the impact of neurological stability during the first week on long-term prognosis. DESIGN: ...

  13. Responses of the reflectance indices PRI and NDVI to experimental warming and drought in European shrublands along a north–south climatic gradient

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mänd, Pille; Hallik, Lea; Peñuelas, Josep


    NDVI680 [780 nm; 680 nm] using red spectral region, and NDVI570 [780 nm; 570 nm] using the same green spectral region as PRI. All three reflectance indices were significantly related to green LAIe and were able to detect changes in shrubland vegetation among treatments. In general warming treatment...... increased PRI and drought treatment reduced NDVI values. The significant treatment effect on photochemical efficiency of plants detected with PRI could not be detected by fluorescence measurements. However, we found canopy level measured PRI to be very sensitive to soil reflectance properties especially...

  14. Canopy Level Chlorophyll Fluorescence and the PRI in a Cornfield (United States)

    Middleton, Elizabeth M.; Cheng, Yen-Ben; Corp, Lawrence A.; Campbell, Petya K. E.; Huemmrich, K. Fred; Zhang, Qingyuan; Kustas, William P.


    Two bio-indicators, the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) and solar-induced red and far-red Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF), were derived from directional hyperspectral observations and studied in a cornfield on two contrasting days in the growing season. Both red and far-red SIF exhibited higher values on the day when the canopy in the early senescent stage, but only the far-red SIF showed sensitivity to viewing geometry. Consequently, the red/far-red SIF ratio varied greatly among azimuth positions while the largest values were obtained for the "hotspot" at both growth stages. This ratio was lower (approx.0.88 +/- 0.4) in early July than in August when the ratio approached equivalence (near approx.1). In concert, the PRI exhibited stronger responses to both zenith and azimuth angles and different values on the two growth stages. The potential of using these indices to monitor photosynthetic activities needs further investigation

  15. Revision of the ICH guideline on detection of toxicity to reproduction for medicinal products: SWOT analysis. (United States)

    Barrow, Paul


    SWOT analysis was used to gain insights and perspectives into the revision of the ICH S5(R2) guideline on detection of toxicity to reproduction for medicinal products. The current ICH guideline was rapidly adopted worldwide and has an excellent safety record for more than 20 years. The revised guideline should aim to further improve reproductive and developmental (DART) safety testing for new drugs. Alternative methods to animal experiments should be used whenever possible. Modern technology should be used to obtain high quality data from fewer animals. Additions to the guideline should include considerations on the following: limit dose setting, maternal toxicity, biopharmaceuticals, vaccines, testing strategies by indication, developmental immunotoxicity, and male-mediated developmental toxicity. Emerging issues, such as epigenetics and the microbiome, will most likely pose challenges to DART testing in the future. It is hoped that the new guideline will be adopted even outside the ICH regions. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. La mort d’un couple : prière(s) et vie publiques


    Touzeil-Divina, Mathieu


    Si, avant la Loi du 5 décembre 1905, les Eglises et l’Etat concrétisaient matériellement leurs liens étroits par des rites officiels nommés prières publiques, ceux-ci sont censés avoir été supprimés depuis. C’est l’histoire de cette suppression (après en avoir retenu une définition) qui est ici envisagée à travers trois secteurs cardinaux de l’action administrative : la vie universitaire, parlementaire et judiciaire. Dans ces trois hypothèses les prières publiques ont été supprimées de façon ...

  17. {beta} -carotene effect the induction of the sister chromatid exchanges (ICH) by gamma radiation in mouse radiosensibilized osseous marrow cells In vivo; Efecto del {beta}- caroteno la induccion de intercambios en las cromatidas hermanas (ICH) por radiacion gamma en celulas radiosensibilizadas de la medula osea de raton In vivo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morales R, P.; Cruz V, V.L. [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, A.P. 18-1027, 11801 Mexico D.F. (Mexico). Dept. de Biologia


    The effect of {beta}- carotene over the ICH radioinduction in radiosensibilized with BrdU osseous marrow cells of mouse was determined In vivo. The treatment with 50 {mu}g {beta} carotene per se induces a significant increment in the ICH frequency and the pre or post-treatment with the same dose causes an additive effect in the ICH frequency produced by 0.62 Gy of gamma radiation. This implies that {beta}- carotene does not have radioprotective activity, under conditions which was developed this experiment. (Author)

  18. "Ich soll nicht zu mir selbst kommen" : Werther, Goethe und die Formung des Subjekts in der Moderne


    Petersdorff, Dirk von (Prof. Dr.)


    Die Leiden des jungen Werther: Sie gehen aus einem neuen Reflexions- uns Ausgleichungsbedürfnis hervor, aus der Suche nach einem konsistenten Ich. Werther erlebt die kognitiven und affektiven Veränderungen, die die Moderne heraufführt, und aus diesen Erfahrungen geht sein Verlangen nach Einheit hervor (...). Die Suche nach dem einheitlichen, festen, verläßlichen Ich hält den Briefroman zusammen, und die Gattungswahl korrespondiert mit der Fragestellung, denn das Medium des Briefes hat im 18. ...

  19. β -carotene effect the induction of the sister chromatid exchanges (ICH) by gamma radiation in mouse radiosensibilized osseous marrow cells In vivo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morales R, P.; Cruz V, V.L.


    The effect of β- carotene over the ICH radioinduction in radiosensibilized with BrdU osseous marrow cells of mouse was determined In vivo. The treatment with 50 μg β carotene per se induces a significant increment in the ICH frequency and the pre or post-treatment with the same dose causes an additive effect in the ICH frequency produced by 0.62 Gy of gamma radiation. This implies that β- carotene does not have radioprotective activity, under conditions which was developed this experiment. (Author)

  20. Prières et service public Prayers and the civil service

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilles J. Guglielmi


    Full Text Available La marque de la séparation des Eglises et de l’Etat semble en France suffisamment forte pour que les points de contact entre service public et prière soient rares et plutôt indirects, à partir de comportements qui n’ont en général pas pour objet d’opposer le seul acte de prière aux normes juridiques et sociales environnantes. Néanmoins à partir des systèmes juridiques et des pratiques d’autres pays d’Europe, les arrêts pragmatiques de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme révèlent une retenue comparable, même si leur fondement est nécessairement différent.Dans son ensemble, la jurisprudence de la Cour permet de constater que les Etats membres du Conseil de l’Europe ont parfois à l’égard de la prière des attitudes restrictives qui dépendent soit d’une sorte de protection de la religion dominante par rapport aux cultes minoritaires, soit d’un refus implicite de l’athéisme. En revanche, la notion de service public, n’étant pas universellement reconnue en Europe, ne fournit pas un cadre de raisonnement juridique signifiant dans les arrêts, ce qui ne permet d’identifier les rapports entre prières et service public que par le biais du contexte dans lequel se produisent les actes de prière.The mark of the separation between the Church and the State seems sufficiently strong in France so that the points of contact between the civil service and prayer are rare and rather indirect, starting with behaviours which do not have in general aim to oppose the sole act of prayer to the legal and social standards surrounding (First part. Nevertheless the legal systems and practices of other countries of Europe reveal the pragmatic judgements of the European Court of Human Rights and their comparable reserve, even if their base is necessarily different (Second part.As a whole, the decisions of the Court make it possible to note that the Member States of the Council of Europe sometimes have restrictive attitudes

  1. Visible Light Excited Catalysis and Reusability Performances of TiO2@Pr:Y2SiO5 Upconversion Materials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yan Jiao


    Full Text Available To get high efficiency photodegradation on pollutants under visible light, Pr(III doped Y2SiO5 upconversion materials and anatase TiO2 nanofilm coated Pr:Y2SiO5 composite have been prepared by using a sol-gel method. XRD and SEM test results indicated that TiO2 nanofilm was well coated on Pr:Y2SiO5 to form TiO2@Pr:Y2SiO5 composite particles with the sizes of 0.5–1.0 μm. To avoid secondary pollution resulting from incomplete recovery of catalyst particles, TiO2@Pr:Y2SiO5 was loaded on the glass fiber filters by using a dip-coating method. It is found that the catalyst particles were embedded into the carrier firmly, even after having been reused for 6 times. The luminescence intensities of TiO2@Pr:Y2SiO5 were getting down sharply with the coating contents of TiO2 increased, which was attributed to the adsorption of the luminescence by the TiO2 film in situ. As a result, TiO2@Pr:Y2SiO5 with 4% TiO2, which presented lowest luminescence intensity, showed the highest efficiency on the photodegradation of nitrobenzene wastewater. The catalysts loaded on glass fiber filters showed excellent reusability on the photodegradation of nitrobenzene and presented a photodegradation rate of 95% at the first time and up to 75.9% even after 6 times of reusing by the treatment time of 12 h.



    Kralj, Saša


    Branje je pomembna dejavnost, ki vpliva na osebnostni razvoj posameznika, učenje in učno uspešnost. Vse pozitivne plati branja se vse bolj pozabljajo ob hitrem tempu življenja. Učitelji in knjižničarji imajo velik pomen pri spodbujanju branja. S svojim znanjem o dobrobiti branja, z uporabo različnih metod in oblik dela lahko pritegnejo starše in skupaj spodbujajo učence k branju ter tako skušajo vzgojiti bralca za vse življenje. Namen diplomskega dela je osvetliti pomen branja, bralne pismeno...

  3. Shielding optimisation of the ITER ICH&CD antenna for shutdown dose rate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turner, Andrew; Leichtle, Dieter; Lamalle, Philippe; Levesy, Bruno; Meunier, Lionel; Polunovskiy, Eduard; Sartori, Roberta; Shannon, Mark


    Highlights: • Neutronics analysis on the ITER ICH&CD system conducted to reduce shutdown dose rate. • Several designs for shielding the port plug gaps were modelled. • Shielding significantly reduced interspace dose rate but still exceed project requirements. • Design optimisation of the ICH port is continuing. • Significant contributions from other ports require an integrated modelling approach. - Abstract: The Ion Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive (ICH&CD) system will reside in ITER equatorial port plugs 13 and 15. Shutdown dose rates (SDDR) within the port interspace are required to be less than 100 μSv/h at 10 6 s cooling. A significant contribution to the SDDR results from neutrons streaming down gaps around the port frame, and the mitigation of this streaming is the main subject of these analyses. An updated MCNP model of the antenna was created and integrated into an ITER reference model. Shielding plates were defined in the port gaps, and scoping studies conducted to assess their effectiveness in several configurations, based on which a front dog-leg arrangement was selected for high resolution 3-D activation analysis using MCR2S. It was concluded that the selected configuration reduced the SDDR from ∼500 μSv/h to 220 μSv/h but were still in excess of dose rate requirements. Approximately 30% of this was due to cross-talk from neighbouring ports. In addition, increased dose rates were observed in the port interspace along the lines of sight of the removable vacuum transmission lines. Design optimisation is continuing, however an integrated approach is needed with regard to ITER port plug design and the shielding of surrounding systems.

  4. Shielding optimisation of the ITER ICH&CD antenna for shutdown dose rate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Turner, Andrew, E-mail: [CCFE, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom); Leichtle, Dieter [Fusion for Energy, Josep Pla 2, Torres Diagonal Litoral B3, 08019 Barcelona (Spain); Lamalle, Philippe; Levesy, Bruno [ITER Organization, Route de Vinon-sur-Verdon, CS 90 046, 13067 St., Paul-lez-Durance (France); Meunier, Lionel [Fusion for Energy, Josep Pla 2, Torres Diagonal Litoral B3, 08019 Barcelona (Spain); Polunovskiy, Eduard [ITER Organization, Route de Vinon-sur-Verdon, CS 90 046, 13067 St., Paul-lez-Durance (France); Sartori, Roberta [Fusion for Energy, Josep Pla 2, Torres Diagonal Litoral B3, 08019 Barcelona (Spain); Shannon, Mark [CCFE, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom)


    Highlights: • Neutronics analysis on the ITER ICH&CD system conducted to reduce shutdown dose rate. • Several designs for shielding the port plug gaps were modelled. • Shielding significantly reduced interspace dose rate but still exceed project requirements. • Design optimisation of the ICH port is continuing. • Significant contributions from other ports require an integrated modelling approach. - Abstract: The Ion Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive (ICH&CD) system will reside in ITER equatorial port plugs 13 and 15. Shutdown dose rates (SDDR) within the port interspace are required to be less than 100 μSv/h at 10{sup 6} s cooling. A significant contribution to the SDDR results from neutrons streaming down gaps around the port frame, and the mitigation of this streaming is the main subject of these analyses. An updated MCNP model of the antenna was created and integrated into an ITER reference model. Shielding plates were defined in the port gaps, and scoping studies conducted to assess their effectiveness in several configurations, based on which a front dog-leg arrangement was selected for high resolution 3-D activation analysis using MCR2S. It was concluded that the selected configuration reduced the SDDR from ∼500 μSv/h to 220 μSv/h but were still in excess of dose rate requirements. Approximately 30% of this was due to cross-talk from neighbouring ports. In addition, increased dose rates were observed in the port interspace along the lines of sight of the removable vacuum transmission lines. Design optimisation is continuing, however an integrated approach is needed with regard to ITER port plug design and the shielding of surrounding systems.

  5. O obrazech a snech: Jindřich Štyrský (1899 – 1942)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Winter, Tomáš


    Roč. 3, č. 29 (2007), s. 8-9 ISSN 1801-4542 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80330511 Keywords : Jindřich Štyrský * surrealism * Czech art of 20th century Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  6. ¿Por qué perdió el PRI en Yucatán? Las transiciones de este año en bastiones priístas, caída de una imagen distorsionada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lic. Fernando Pacheco Bailón


    Full Text Available El pasado domingo 27 de mayo, a eso de las 5:30 de la tarde, los mexicanos nos enteramos a través de los medios de comunicación de televisión abierta y pagada de la ventaja que tenía el candidato a la gubernatura de Yucatán, a través de la coalición PAN, PRD, PVEM, PT, Patricio Patrón Laviada, con respecto al candidato del PRI, Orlando Paredes Lara. Más tarde, de aquella llamada telefónica que hiciera el presidente Vicente Fox para felicitar al candidato que aventajaba al del tricolor, al hacer referencia a las encuestas de salida llevadas a cabo por empresas como Consulta Mitovsky, Garo y otras más. Hay muchas metodologías para poder analizar procesos electorales, así como distintas formas de abordar el problema del por qué perdió el PRI en Yucatán. Para efectos de estudio se planteará las condiciones preelectorales que se dieron, el propio momento electoral del pasado 27 de mayo, así como la visión futura de PRI como organización política en tiempos transitorios.

  7. Solution structure of the N-terminal domain of a replication restart primosome factor, PriC, in Escherichia coli (United States)

    Aramaki, Takahiko; Abe, Yoshito; Katayama, Tsutomu; Ueda, Tadashi


    In eubacterial organisms, the oriC-independent primosome plays an essential role in replication restart after the dissociation of the replication DNA-protein complex by DNA damage. PriC is a key protein component in the replication restart primosome. Our recent study suggested that PriC is divided into two domains: an N-terminal and a C-terminal domain. In the present study, we determined the solution structure of the N-terminal domain, whose structure and function have remained unknown until now. The revealed structure was composed of three helices and one extended loop. We also observed chemical shift changes in the heteronuclear NMR spectrum and oligomerization in the presence of ssDNA. These abilities may contribute to the PriC-ssDNA complex, which is important for the replication restart primosome. PMID:23868391

  8. PriFi - Using a Multiple Alignment of Related Sequences to Find Primers for  Amplification of Homologs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fredslund, Jakob; Schauser, Leif; Madsen, Lene Heegaard


    Using a comparative approach, the web program PriFi ( designs pairs of primers useful for PCR amplification of genomic DNA in species where prior sequence information is not available. The program works with an alignment of DNA sequences from...... of a procedure for developing general markers serving as common anchor loci across species. To accommodate users with special preferences, configuration settings and criteria can be customized....

  9. Riziko ICHS v české populaci hodnocené podle projektu SCORE

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Tomečková, Marie; Grünfeldová, H.; Peleška, Jan; Hanuš, P.; Marušiaková, Miriam


    Roč. 52, č. 12 (2006), s. 1231-1231 ISSN 0042-773X. [Kongres o ateroskleróze /10./. 07.12.2006-09.12.2006, Špindlerův Mlýn] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR 1ET200300413 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : riziko ICHS * SCORE Subject RIV: FA - Cardiovascular Disease s incl. Cardiotharic Surgery



    Lipovčić, Dijana


    Med dohodke iz kapitala spadajo obresti, dividende in dobiček iz kapitala. Države svoje rezidente obdavčujejo po načelu svetovnega dohodka, nerezidente pa glede na vir dohodka. Problem pri mednarodni obdavčitvi je možnost dvojnega obdavčevanja, saj je lahko davčni zavezanec obdavčen v tujini, kjer je dohodek dosegel, in tudi v državi rezidentstva. Države zato sklepajo sporazume o izogibanju dvojnega obdavčevanja. V diplomskem seminarju smo primerjali obdavčitev dohodkov iz kapitala v Slo...

  11. Significance of the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) in brain tissue of rat models of experimental intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Jiami; Liu Shengda


    Objective: To study the relationship between the brain tissue expression of MMP-9 and brain water content in rat models of experimental ICH. Methods: Rat models of ICH were prepared with intracerebral (caudate nuclei) injection of autologous noncoagulated blood (50 μl). Animals were sacrificed at 6h, 12h, 24h, 48h, 72h, 120h, lw, 2w and the MMP-9 expressions at the periphery of intracerebral hematoma were examined with immunohisto chemistry. The brain water content was also determined at the same time. Control models were prepared with intracerebral sham injection of normal saline. Results: (1) In the ICH models, the number of MMP-9 positive capillaries at the periphery of hematoma began to rise at 6h (vs that of sham group, P < 0.01 ) with peak at 48h, then gradually dropped. At lwk, the number was still significantly higher than that in the sham group (P <0.01 ). However, there were no expression at 2wk. (2) The brain water content in the ICH group was significantly increased at 12h (vs sham group, P < 0.05) with peak at 72h. At lwk, the brain water content was still significantly higher in the ICH group (P <0.01 ) but at 2wk, the brain water content was about the same in both groups. (3) Animals injected with different amounts of blood (30 μl, 50 μl, 100 μl) showed increased expression of MMP-9 along with the increase of dose (P<0.01). (4) The MMP-9 expression was positively correlated with the brain water content (r=0.8291, P<0.05). Conclusion: In the rat models, MMP-9 expression was activated after ICH. The increase paralleled that of the amount of haemorrhage and brain water content. It was postulated that MMP-9 enhanced development of brain edema through degrading of the blood brain barrier component substances. (authors)

  12. Povezanost modulacije refleksa H pri prehodu iz leže v stojo in mejami stabilnosti v stoji pri baletnih plesalcih


    Lešnik, Tjaša


    Da bi ugotovili povezanost modulacije refleksa H in mej stabilnosti pri baletnih plesalcih, smo izmerili amplitudo refleksa H in izvedli štirismerni test mej stabilnosti. Refleks H je bil izmerjen osmim profesionalnim baletnim plesalcem, aktivnim članom baletnega ansambla Slovenskega narodnega gledališča Ljubljana in Maribor (1 moški in 7 žensk, povprečna starost: 25±4,2 let, povprečna višina: 169,25±5,4 cm in povprečna teža: 56,45± 10,1 kg). Vsi merjenci so zaključili najmanj 10 let plesnega...

  13. Managing Ich infections of walleye cultured in a surface water supply with copper sulfate (United States)

    Ichthyophthirius multifiliis infests walleye during growout at Rathbun Fish Hatchery (RFH). Daily flow-through formalin treatments (45-50 ppm for 9 h) were applied to prevent Ich outbreaks, and this contributed to 25% ($35,000) of fish production costs during the grow-out period. Research to decre...



    Horvat, Metod


    Diplomsko delo predstavlja vlogo operativnega managementa pri razvoju Unicredit Banka Slovenije d.d. Operativni management predstavlja ključen kader, ki s svojim znanjem, sposobnostjo in pripravljenostjo lahko pripelje do realizacije ciljev in razvoja banke. V teoretičnem delu gre za pregled strokovne literature na področju organizacije, managerja, managementa, operativnega managementa, operativnega managementa v Unicredit Banki Slovenije d.d. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskav...

  15. Prednosti metode Montessori pri obravnavi oseb z demenco

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreja Ljubič


    Full Text Available Uvod: Demenca je kronično obolenje s tendenco upadanja kognitivnih sposobnosti obolelega. Uporaba metod za obvladovanje in trening osnovnih življenjskih aktivnosti, ki omogočajo daljše obdobje samostojnega življenja pacienta z demenco, je v tujini uveljavljena z različnimi novejšimi koomplementarnimi pristopi. Ena izmed uveljavljenih metod je pristop Marie Montessori, prilagojen odraslim pacientom z demenco. V članku je predstavljena metoda montessori pri obravnavi pacienta z demenco in njeni učinki na kakovost življenja pacienta z demenco. Metode: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna raziskovalna metodologija s pregledom domače in tuje literature. Za prikaz pregleda petih preko spleta dostopnih podatkovnih baz in odločanja o uporabnosti pregledanih virov je bila uporabljena metoda PRISMA. V končni pregled literature je bilo ključenih 19 člankov, objavljenih do maja 2016. Za obdelavo podatkov je bil uporabljen model analize konceptov. Večina zajetih raziskav je bila izvedena v Združenih državah Amerike. Rezultati: Po pregledu raziskav so bila identificirana tri tematska področja: (1 vpliv metode montessori na sodelovanje in prizadevanje, (2 vpliv metode montessori na vedenje, povezano s hranjenjem, in (3 vpliv metode montessori na širšo skupino kognitivnih sposobnosti. Diskusija in zaključek: Kljub majhnemu številu člankov, ki opisujejo uporabo metode montessori pri obravnavi pacientov z demenco, metodo lahko predstavimo kot učinkovito. Avtorji raziskav ugotavljajo, da pristop ne le omogoča ohranjanje kognitivnih sposobnosti, temveč le-te celo izboljšuje.



    Zupanc, Simona


    Diplomska naloga opisuje velik problem sodobne družbe - prenasičenost z odpadnimi plastičnimi vrečkami, ki zelo obremenjujejo okolje in potrebujejo izjemno veliko časa za razgradnjo. Naloga se ukvarja tudi z možnimi alternativnimi rešitvami za to pereče vprašanje. V prvem poglavju je predstavljena problematika plastične embalaže. Pri tem smo se predvsem osredotočili na problem plastičnih vrečk HDPE (polietilen visoke gostote- vrečke, katere se uporabljajo za sadje, zelenjavo in mesne izde...



    Žižek, Tamara


    Diplomsko delo z naslovom Prepoznavnost plesnega ljudskega izročila pri osnovnošolcih sestavljata teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili ples na splošno ter ljudski ples, osredotočili smo se bolj podrobno na en slovenski ljudski ples, ki se imenuje štajeriš. Predstavili smo tudi poučevanje ljudskih plesov, kaj je pomembno za vodenje folklorne skupine, opisali oblačila, ki se imenujejo narodne noše, ter na kratko predstavili nekaj izbranih šeg in navad naših prednikov...

  18. Influence of I-ching (Yijing, or The Book Of Changes) on Chinese medicine, philosophy and science. (United States)

    Lu, Dominic P


    I-Ching or Yi-Jing ([see text] also known as The Book of Changes) is the earliest classic in China. It simply explained the formation of the universe and the relationship of man to the universe. Most, if not all, branches of various knowledge, including traditional Chinese medicine, can be traced back its origin to this Book in which Fu Shi ([see text] 2852 B.C.) theorized how the universe was formed, through his keen observation of environment and orbits of sun, moon and stars. He used symbols to represent his views. The essence of I-Ching is basically the expression and function of Yang symbolized as "--" (from ) and Yin symbolized "- -" (from --><--), and [see text] Yin and Yang as interaction and circulation of Yang and Yin. Both Yin and Yang were derived from the same origin, Tai-Chi. Fu Shi believed Yin and Yang were the two opposite background force and energy that make the universe as what it is. Yang and Yin manifest in great variety of phenomena such as mind and body, masculine and feminine, sun and moon, hot and cold, heaven and earth, positive and negative electricity etc. The entire theory of Chinese medicine is based on the theories of Yin and Yang as well as that of 5 Element Cycles which are also related to the orderly arrangement of 8 trigrams ([see text]) by King Wen ([see text]1099-1050 B.C.). The 5 Elements Theory explains the "check and balance" mechanism created by the background force of Yin and Yang Qi and illustrated the relationships that are either strengthened or weakened by "acting and controlling" among the 5 elements. I-Ching has exerted profound influences on some well- known European philosophers and scientists, notably Leibnitz and Hegel. Between I-Ching and modern cosmology and the physics of sub-atomic particles, there are some basic theories in common.

  19. Izvedljivost testa stoje na eni nogi na pritiskovni plošči pri dejavnih starejših


    Podvratnik, Jerica


    Uvod: Ravnotežje je potrebno za vzdrževanje stabilnega položaja med gibanjem, pri prehodih v različne položaje in med izvajanjem vsakodnevnih dejavnosti. Med teste za ocenjevanje sistemov ravnotežja spada modificiran test senzorične interakcije. S postopkom stabilometrije se s pomočjo pritiskovne plošče zabeleži gibanje središča pritiska. Za uporabno meritev je potrebno, da preiskovanec vzdržuje položaj vsaj 30 sekund. Namen: Z meritvami časa in gibanja središča pritiska pri testu stoje na en...

  20. Možnosti prihrankov električne energije pri cestni razsvetljavi, ki se prilagaja količini prometa




    V diplomskem delu sem predstavil način in predlog, kako zmanjšati stroške porabe električne energije in svetlobno onesnaževanje z javno razsvetljavo. Pri analizi podatkov sem si pomagal s programom MATLAB. Dobljene vrednosti sem nato obdelal v programskem orodju MS Excel. Na začetku najprej preletim zgodovino razvoja umetne razsvetljave in razvoja javne razsvetljave v Sloveniji in svetu. Za tem opišem veljavne zahteve glede javne razsvetljave in elemente, ki so upoštevani pri načrtovanju n...

  1. Regulation of pri-microRNA BIC transcription and processing in Burkitt lymphoma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kluiver, J.; van den Berg, Anke; de Jong, Doetje; Blokzijl, T.; Harms, G.; Bouwman, E.; Jacobs, Susan; Poppema, Sibrand; Kroesen, Bart-Jan


    BIC is a primary microRNA (pri-miR-155) that can be processed to mature miR-155. In this study, we show the crucial involvement of protein kinase C (PKC) and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) in the regulation of BIC expression upon B-cell receptor triggering. Surprisingly, Northern blot analysis



    Kumer, Monika


    V diplomskem delu Izražanje neprijetnih čustev pri predšolskih otrocih so podrobneje predstavljena naslednja neprijetna čustva: jeza, strah, žalost, sram, ljubosumje, gnus. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej opredelila čustva kot del duševnih procesov, pojem čustva definirala glede na različne avtorje in različne teorije ter opisala osnovne značilnosti čustev. Navedla sem, kako lahko čustva med seboj razlikujemo (afekti in razpoloženja, osnovna in sestavljena čustva oz. temeljna in kompleksna ...

  3. Engineering design and fabrication of ICH antenna on KSTAR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bae, Y.D.; Hong, B.G.; Hwang, C.K. [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea)


    Engineering design of 6MW ICH(Ion Cyclotron Heating) system for the plasma heating and current drive in KSTAR (Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research) tokamak is carried out and a proto-type antenna is domestically fabricated. The proto-type antenna is installed on RF test chamber, and its mutual coupling and vacuum impedance will be measured. Furthermore, high voltage and current behavior under no-plasma load conditions will be studied using 100 kW of 30 MHz RF power. A vacuum feedthrough is designed and fabricated using two ceramic cylinder, which has power rating of 1.5 MW and pulse length of 300 sec. Its RF characteristics will be tested using 100 kW RF transmitter. 19 refs., 46 figs., 8 tabs. (Author)

  4. Pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism is associated with gastric cancer prognosis and might affect mature let-7a expression

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Li Y


    Full Text Available Ying Li, Qian Xu, Jingwei Liu, Caiyun He, Quan Yuan, Chengzhong Xing, Yuan Yuan Tumor Etiology and Screening Department of Cancer Institute and General Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, and Key Laboratory of Cancer Etiology and Prevention (China Medical University, Liaoning Provincial Education Department, Shenyang, People’s Republic of China Abstract: The relationship between the pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism and gastric cancer (GC risk has been reported. However, the role of this polymorphism in the prognosis of GC remains largely elusive. Sequenom MassARRAY platform method and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism were used to investigate pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 G→A in 334 GC patients. Real-time PCR detected expression of mature let-7a in serum and tissue. Patients with AA or GA+AA genotypes of the pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism demonstrated significantly longer survival time than those with the wild GG genotype. Stratified analysis indicated that survival time was significantly longer in women with AA or GA+AA genotypes and in Borrmann type I/II patients with GA heterozygote or GA+AA genotypes. AA genotype was more frequent in the lymphatic-metastasis-negative subgroup. Serum mature let-7a expression in healthy people with the GA heterozygote and the GA+AA genotype was higher than in those with the GG genotype, and the difference remained significant in the female healthy subgroup. Pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism might be a biomarker for GC prognosis, especially for female and Borrmann type I/II patients. The pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism might affect serum mature let-7a expression, and partly explain the mechanism of the relationship between the pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism and GC survival. Keywords: miRNA, let-7a, polymorphism, gastric cancer, prognosis, expression

  5. The clinical epidemiology of spontaneous ICH in a sub-Sahara African country in the CT scan era: a neurosurgical in-hospital cross-sectional survey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amos Olufemi Adeleye


    Full Text Available Background There is paucity of data-driven scientific reports from sub-Saharan Africa on the burden of spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (sICH. We have maintained a prospective consecutive in-hospital data base of cases of sICH referred for neurosurgical intervention over a 5-year period. Methods This is a cross-sectional descriptive study of the clinical epidemiology and brain-CT characterization of sICH from the data base in this region in the current era. Results There were 63 subjects, 38 (60.3% males, aged 28 to 85 years, mean 55.7 (SD, 12.7, the modal age distribution being the sixth decade. Uncontrolled hypertension was the main predisposition in the study: present, premorbid, in 79% but uncontrolled in 88% of these known cases, and exhibited malignant derangements of blood pressure in more than half. The clinical ictus to in-hospital presentation was delayed, median 72 hours; was in severe clinical state in 70%; 57% was comatose, and was complicated with fever in 57% and respiratory morbidity also in 55.6%. The main clinical symptomatology was hemiparesis, headache, vomiting and aphasia. The sICH was supratentorial on brain CT in 85.7%, ganglionic in 50.8% and thalamic in 58.3% of the latter. The bleed had CT evidence of mass effect and intraventricular extension in more than half. Twenty three patients (36.5% underwent operative interventionsConclusions In this patient population, sICH is mainly ganglionic and thalamic in location with significant rate of associated IVH. In-hospital clinical presentation is delayed and in critical state, and, the bleeding is uncontrolled hypertension related in >95%.



    Črnila, Marija


    V prvem delu naloge je prikazan poklic prodajalca pri nas. Delo se osredotoči na zdravstvene izostanke z dela v Sloveniji. V tem kontekstu so predstavljena posamezna teoretična izhodišča. Nakazane so ločnice med zdravstvenimi izostanki z dela in delodajalci. V osrednjem delu naloge je predstavljena strategija za promocijo zdravja v delovnem okolju, možnosti za zniževanje bolniškega staleža, Luksemburška deklaracija. Osvetljeno je vprašanje dimenzij zdravega življenjskega sloga. Z delom ...

  7. PRI leidt rupsen om de tuin: effect van tussenteelt en combinatieteelt op rupsen op spruitkool

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elderson, J.; Belder, den E.


    PRI onderzocht in spruitkool het effect van bloemstroken met bruine mosterd of klaver, ingezaaid om de zes rijen, op de aantallen rupsen en de samenstelling van de rupsenpopulatie gedurende het groeiseizoen. In het artikel ook een beschrijving en illustraties van de zes belangrijkste rupsensoorten

  8. [Pediatric drug development: ICH harmonized tripartite guideline E11 within the United States of America, the European Union, and Japan]. (United States)

    Pflieger, M; Bertram, D


    To address the lack of appropriate pediatric drugs available on the global market, in 2000 the International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) issued the ICH E11 guideline regarding the Clinical Investigation of Medicinal Products in the Pediatric Population. This guideline considerably changes the environment of drug development for children. It has been written specifically to harmonize, promote, and facilitate high-quality and ethical clinical research for children within the ICH regions, i.e., the United States of America (USA), the European Union (EU), and Japan. This article details the various regulations applicable in each ICH region following the publication of the guideline. The framework of rewards, incentives, and obligations for pharmaceutical companies established for the development of pediatric drugs are compared. It appears that the USA and the EU have both developed specific regulations for pediatric drug development while Japan has not. However, in Japan, pharmaceutical companies (PCs) are encouraged to develop pediatric drugs voluntarily, and they may be granted additional months of market exclusivity or the postponement of the drug re-examination deadline. In both the USA and the EU, regulations aimed to increase the number of clinical studies conducted in children, in order to ensure that the necessary data are generated, determining the conditions in which a drug may be authorized to treat the pediatric population. PCs are encouraged to develop pediatric assessment, including pediatric clinical trials, which is described in a pediatric plan submitted to the relevant authorities. A system of rewards for PCs submitting an application for marketing authorization containing pediatric use information has been put in place to cover the additional investment for testing drugs in children. Subject to conditions, these rewards consist in a 6-month extension of the patent or

  9. The interaction effects of pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 with PGC and ERCC6 gene polymorphisms in gastric cancer and atrophic gastritis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qian Xu

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction effects of pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 with pepsinogen C (PGC and excision repair cross complementing group 6 (ERCC6 gene polymorphisms and its association with the risks of gastric cancer and atrophic gastritis. We hoped to identify miRNA polymorphism or a combination of several polymorphisms that could serve as biomarkers for predicting the risk of gastric cancer and its precancerous diseases. METHODS: Sequenom MassARRAY platform method was used to detect polymorphisms of pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 G → A, PGC rs4711690 C → G, PGC rs6458238 G → A, PGC rs9471643 G → C, and ERCC6 rs1917799 in 471 gastric cancer patients, 645 atrophic gastritis patients and 717 controls. RESULTS: An interaction effect of pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism with ERCC6 rs1917799 polymorphism was observed for the risk of gastric cancer (P interaction = 0.026; and interaction effects of pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism with PGC rs6458238 polymorphism (P interaction = 0.012 and PGC rs9471643 polymorphism (P interaction = 0.039 were observed for the risk of atrophic gastritis. CONCLUSION: The combination of pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971 polymorphism and ERCC6 and PGC polymorphisms could provide a greater prediction potential than a single polymorphism on its own. Large-scale studies and molecular mechanism research are needed to confirm our findings.

  10. Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) evaluation with a novel magnetic induction sensor: a preliminary study using the Chinese head model. (United States)

    Zhang, Ziyi; Liu, Peiguo; Zhou, Dongming; Zhang, Liang; Lei, Hengdong


    Biomedical magnetic induction measurement is a promising method for the detection of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), especially in China. Aiming at overcoming the problem of low sensitivity, a magnetic induction sensor is chosen to replace the conventional sensors. It uses a two-arm Archimedean spiral coil as the exciter and a circular coil as the receiver. In order to carry out high-fidelity simulations, the Chinese head model with real anatomical structure is introduced into this novel sensor for the first time. Simulations have been carried out upon early stage ICH measurements. By calculating the state sensitivity and time sensitivity of the perturbation phase of two types of sensors using the electromagnetic software, we conclude that the primary signal received can be largely reduced using the novel sensor, which could effectively increase the time and state sensitivity simultaneously.

  11. Wie viel muss ich wissen, um global handeln zu können? Verantwortung für Weltarmut und das Problem der epistemischen Überforderung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Weber-Guskar Eva


    Full Text Available Was heißt es, sich in unserer globalisierten Welt als eine vollverantwortliche Person zu verstehen und zu verhalten? Einerseits scheint es richtig, dass wir global verantwortlich sind, d.h. dass wir auch gegen entferntes Leid etwas tun sollten; andererseits aber ist wegen vielfacher Überforderungsproblemen unklar ist, wie man diese Verantwortung tatsächlich übernehmen können soll – was wiederum dagegen spricht, dass wir diese Verantwortung berechtigtermaßen zuschreiben können. Um einen Aspekt dieses großen Themas zu behandeln, konzentriere ich mich in diesem Aufsatz auf den Anwendungsbereich von extremer Armut und argumentiere in folgenden Schritten. Zuerst spitze ich das Thema zu auf ein Problem, das Samuel Scheffler in diesem Zusammenhang konstatiert hat, nämlich einen Widerstreit zwischen dem, was Verantwortung unter den Bedingungen der Globalisierung bedeutet und dem, wie wir uns grundsätzlich als Handelnde zu verstehen gewohnt sind. Dann zeige ich erstens, dass dem Thema einer epistemischen Überforderung dabei entscheidendes Gewicht zugesprochen wird, zweitens jedoch, dass sich, genauer besehen, dieses Problem gar nicht in dieser Art stellt. Dafür schlage ich eine Analyse des Verantwortungsbegriffs vor, die es ermöglicht, Kriterien zu identifizieren, anhand derer gewisse Grenzen gezogen werden können, so dass die Zuschreibung der Verantwortung gerechtfertigt werden kann.

  12. Zeaxanthin-independent energy quenching and alternative electron sinks cause a decoupling of the relationship between the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) and photosynthesis in an evergreen conifer during spring. (United States)

    Fréchette, Emmanuelle; Wong, Christopher Y S; Junker, Laura Verena; Chang, Christine Yao-Yun; Ensminger, Ingo


    In evergreen conifers, the winter down-regulation of photosynthesis and its recovery during spring are the result of a reorganization of the chloroplast and adjustments of energy-quenching mechanisms. These phenological changes may remain undetected by remote sensing, as conifers retain green foliage during periods of photosynthetic down-regulation. The aim was to assess if the timing of the spring recovery of photosynthesis and energy-quenching characteristics are accurately monitored by the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) in the evergreen conifer Pinus strobus. The recovery of photosynthesis was studied using chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf gas exchange, leaf spectral reflectance, and photosynthetic pigment measurements. To assess if climate change might affect the recovery of photosynthesis, seedlings were exposed to cold spring conditions or warm spring conditions with elevated temperature. An early spring decoupling of the relationship between photosynthesis and PRI in both treatments was observed. This was caused by differences between the timing of the recovery of photosynthesis and the timing of carotenoid and chlorophyll pool size adjustments which are the main factors controlling PRI during spring. It was also demonstrated that zeaxanthin-independent NPQ mechanisms undetected by PRI further contributed to the early spring decoupling of the PRI-LUE relationship. An important mechanism undetected by PRI seems to involve increased electron transport around photosystem I, which was a significant energy sink during the entire spring transition, particularly in needles exposed to a combination of high light and cold temperatures. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology.

  13. Povratna informacija pri matematičnih domačih nalogah


    Žitko, Urša


    V diplomskem delu je predstavljena povratna informacija pri matematičnih domačih nalogah. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene domače naloge: njihova zgodovina, namen in več klasifikacij vrst domačih nalog. Domače naloge so namenjene učencem, da z njimi usvojijo in utrdijo obravnavano snov. Domača naloga učencem omogoča učenje uporabe postopkov, ki jih že poznajo, in pridobivanje novih spretnosti za nadaljnje razumevanje snovi. Z rednim pisanjem domačih nalog se učenci naučijo vestnega in sam...

  14. ESRD QIP - In- Center Hemodialysis Consumer Assessment Of Healthcare Providers And Services Systems ( ICH CAHPS) Survey - Payment Year 2018 (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — This dataset include facility details, performance rate, measure score, and the state and national average scores for each of the ICH CAHPS survey metrics that are...

  15. Identification and analysis of genetic variations in pri-miRNAs expressed specifically or at a high level in sheep skeletal muscle.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei Zhang

    Full Text Available MicroRNAs (miRNAs are key regulators in miRNA-mediated gene regulatory networks and play important roles in many biological processes, such as growth and development of mammals. In this study, we used microarrays to detect 261 miRNAs that are expressed in sheep skeletal muscle. We found 22 miRNAs that showed high levels of expression and equated to 89% of the total miRNA. Genetic variations in these 22 pri-miRNAs were further investigated using polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP and sequencing. A total of 49 genetic variations, which included 41 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs and 8 deletions/insertions, were identified in four sheep breeds. Three variations were further researched in a larger sample set, including five sheep breeds with different meat production performances. We found that the genotype and allele frequencies of the CCC deletion/insertion in pri-miR-133a were significantly related to the sheep meat production trait. Finally, cell assays and quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR were employed to investigate the effect of pri-miRNA genetic variation on the miRNA biogenesis process. The results confirmed that genetic variations can influence miRNA biogenesis and increase or decrease the levels of mature miRNAs, in accordance with the energy and stability change of hair-pin secondary structures. Our findings will help to further the understanding of the functions of genetic variations in sheep pri-miRNAs in skeletal muscle growth and development.

  16. Duration of Acute and Chronic Toxicity Testing in Animals (ICH S4A and S4B)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spindler, Per; Van Cauteren, Herman


    regions in 1991; whereas the process of harmonising the duration of non-rodent studies was initiated. The US FDA originally required studies of at least 12 months duration, whereas in Japan and EU studies of 6 months duration were considered acceptable as an ICH objective. In this chapter, the background...

  17. Uporaba animiranih filmov in risank pri poučevanju naravoslovnih tematik


    Jeraj, Tina; Susman, Katarina


    Otroci se z risankami srečujejo že zelo zgodaj, tako v domačem kot v učnem okolju. Uporaba animiranih filmov pri pouku predstavlja motivacijsko orodje, poleg tega pa se ob premišljenem izboru risanke in spremljevalnih dejavnosti učenci tudi učijo. V prispevku je predstavljena raziskava o zastopanosti naravoslovnih tematik in naravoslovnih spodrsljajev (napak, ki so v nasprotju z realnostjo) v naboru risank, ki so trenutno aktualne med učenci. V okviru pedagoške raziskave smo v skupini tretješ...

  18. Miselni procesi pri tekačih na ultramaratonskih preizkušnjah


    Ahac, Urška


    Cilj diplomskega dela je bil izluščiti glavne miselne vzorce in vodila rekreativnih tekačev na dolge proge. Pri razdaljah, ki segajo v dvakratni maraton in več, je potrebna izdatna mera samomotivacije, slednja pa lahko izvira iz pozitivnih prepričanj ali pa negativnih preteklih travm posameznika. Vsi, ki tečejo na daljše razdalje, imajo za seboj močan psihološki vzvod in naš namen je bil slednje poiskati ter podrobneje opisati. V tem projektu so povzeti rezultati nekaterih raziskav, ki so...

  19. Anksioznost učencev 6. razreda osnovne šole pri pouku angleščine kot tujega jezika v povezavi z njihovo učno uspešnostjo


    Praček, Anja


    Magistrsko delo obravnava anksioznost šestošolcev pri pouku angleščine kot tujega jezika v povezavi z njihovo učno uspešnostjo pri pouku angleščine. Pouk angleščine se v marsičem razlikuje od drugih šolskih predmetov in prav ta posebna učna situacija lahko pri učencih izzove anksioznost. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu je s pomočjo literature na kratko predstavljena trenutna situacija poučevanja in učenja angleščine v slovenskih javnih...

  20. Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus Primosomal DnaD Protein: Highly Conserved C-Terminal Region Is Crucial for ssDNA and PriA Helicase Binding but Not for DnaA Protein-Binding and Self-Tetramerization.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yen-Hua Huang

    Full Text Available The role of DnaD in the recruitment of replicative helicase has been identified. However, knowledge of the DNA, PriA, and DnaA binding mechanism of this protein for the DnaA- and PriA-directed replication primosome assemblies is limited. We characterized the DNA-binding properties of DnaD from Staphylococcus aureus (SaDnaD and analyzed its interactions with SaPriA and SaDnaA. The gel filtration chromatography analysis of purified SaDnaD and its deletion mutant proteins (SaDnaD1-195, SaDnaD1-200 and SaDnaD1-204 showed a stable tetramer in solution. This finding indicates that the C-terminal region aa 196-228 is not crucial for SaDnaD oligomerization. SaDnaD forms distinct complexes with ssDNA of different lengths. In fluorescence titrations, SaDnaD bound to ssDNA with a binding-site size of approximately 32 nt. A stable complex of SaDnaD1-195, SaDnaD1-200, and SaDnaD1-204 with ssDNA dT40 was undetectable, indicating that the C-terminal region of SaDnaD (particularly aa 205-228 is crucial for ssDNA binding. The SPR results revealed that SaDnaD1-195 can interact with SaDnaA but not with SaPriA, which may indicate that DnaD has different binding sites for PriA and DnaA. Both SaDnaD and SaDnaDY176A mutant proteins, but not SaDnaD1-195, can significantly stimulate the ATPase activity of SaPriA. Hence, the stimulation effect mainly resulted from direct contact within the protein-protein interaction, not via the DNA-protein interaction. Kinetic studies revealed that the SaDnaD-SaPriA interaction increases the Vmax of the SaPriA ATPase fivefold without significantly affecting the Km. These results indicate that the conserved C-terminal region is crucial for ssDNA and PriA helicase binding, but not for DnaA protein-binding and self-tetramerization.

  1. Combination of Intra-Hematomal Hypodensity on CT and BRAIN Scoring Improves Prediction of Hemorrhage Expansion in ICH. (United States)

    VanDerWerf, Joshua; Kurowski, Donna; Siegler, James; Ganguly, Taneeta; Cucchiara, Brett


    Hematoma expansion (HE) occurs in 1/3 of ICH patients and is associated with poor outcome. Intra-hematomal hypodensity (IHH) on CT has been reported to predict HE, as has the "BRAIN" score. We sought to assess the predictive value of these markers alone and in combination. We performed a retrospective single-center study of ICH patients with CT IHH on initial CT. Two HE definitions were examined: > 6 ml and > 6 ml or > 33%. Multivariable logistic regression was used to determine the relationship between IHH and HE. Predictive value of the BRAIN score alone and integrated with IHH was assessed. In 122 included patients, median ICH volume was 13 ml, median time to CT 2.0 h; HE > 6 ml occurred in 31% and > 6 ml/> 33% in 43% of subjects. IHH were identified in 61% of patients with moderate inter-rater agreement (κ = 0.59). In multivariable analysis, IHH was associated with HE using > 6 ml definition (OR 8.3, 95% CI, 2.6-32.8, P  6 ml/> 33% definition (OR 1.9, 95% CI 0.84-4.3, P = 0.12). Rate of HE (> 6 ml) increased across increasing BRAIN score quartiles (Q1:11%, Q2:23%, Q3:43%, Q4:57%, P for trend  6 ml in patients with BRAIN score ≥ 10 and IHH was 55%, with either alone was 33%, and with neither was 3%. Combining IHH on non-contrast CT and a simple clinical BRAIN score is a potentially powerful way to predict those patients at very high and very low risk of HE.

  2. Replication restart in UV-irradiated Escherichia coli involving pols II, III, V, PriA, RecA and RecFOR proteins. (United States)

    Rangarajan, Savithri; Woodgate, Roger; Goodman, Myron F


    In Escherichia coli, UV-irradiated cells resume DNA synthesis after a transient inhibition by a process called replication restart. To elucidate the role of several key proteins involved in this process, we have analysed the time dependence of replication restart in strains carrying a combination of mutations in lexA, recA, polB (pol II), umuDC (pol V), priA, dnaC, recF, recO or recR. We find that both pol II and the origin-independent primosome-assembling function of PriA are essential for the immediate recovery of DNA synthesis after UV irradiation. In their absence, translesion replication or 'replication readthrough' occurs approximately 50 min after UV and is pol V-dependent. In a wild-type, lexA+ background, mutations in recF, recO or recR block both pathways. Similar results were obtained with a lexA(Def) recF strain. However, lexA(Def) recO or lexA(Def) recR strains, although unable to facilitate PriA-pol II-dependent restart, were able to perform pol V-dependent readthrough. The defects in restart attributed to mutations in recF, recO or recR were suppressed in a recA730 lexA(Def) strain expressing constitutively activated RecA (RecA*). Our data suggest that in a wild-type background, RecF, O and R are important for the induction of the SOS response and the formation of RecA*-dependent recombination intermediates necessary for PriA/Pol II-dependent replication restart. In con-trast, only RecF is required for the activation of RecA that leads to the formation of pol V (UmuD'2C) and facilitates replication readthrough.



    Rogač, Vida


    Astronomija je veda, ki je spremljala že pračloveka. Ljudje so se že od nekdaj orientirali po zvezdah. Dandanes astronomije, razen znanstvenih raziskovanj, ne uporabljamo več v tovrstne namene, ampak je ta za večino le hobi. Ljudje se ozirajo v nebo in poskušajo prepoznati objekte, ki jih lahko opazijo na nebu. Pri tem si lahko s pomočjo novih tehnologij pomagamo kar sami. Poiščemo ustrezen računalniški program ali mobilno aplikacijo, ki nam točno poimenuje svetlo piko na nočnem nebu, ki jo o...



    Ekart, Matej


    V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali mikrokrmilniški modul Arduino. Opisali smo strojno opremo modela Uno, ki ga uporabljamo v praktičnem delu, ter predstavili osnovne karakteristike ostalih modelov. V nadaljevanju smo spoznali odprtokodno razvojno okolje Arduino in Arduino programski jezik. V praktičnem delu smo preverili, kako se odprtokodna platforma Arduino izkaže v praksi. Razvili smo avtomatski sistem za samodejno zalivanje, pri čemer smo uporabili številne dodatne komponente, ki smo ji...

  5. Annotating and quantifying pri-miRNA transcripts using RNA-Seq data of wild type and serrate-1 globular stage embryos of Arabidopsis thaliana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Lepe-Soltero


    Full Text Available The genome annotation for the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana does not include the primary transcripts from which MIRNAs are processed. Here we present and analyze the raw mRNA sequencing data from wild type and serrate-1 globular stage embryos of A. thaliana, ecotype Columbia. Because SERRATE is required for pri-miRNA processing, these precursors accumulate in serrate-1 mutants, facilitating their detection using standard RNA-Seq protocols. We first use the mapping of the RNA-Seq reads to the reference genome to annotate the potential primary transcripts of MIRNAs expressed in the embryo. We then quantify these pri-miRNAs in wild type and serrate-1 mutants. Finally, we use differential expression analysis to determine which are up-regulated in serrate-1 compared to wild type, to select the best candidates for bona fide pri-miRNAs expressed in the globular stage embryos. In addition, we analyze a previously published RNA-Seq dataset of wild type and dicer-like 1 mutant embryos at the globular stage [1]. Our data are interpreted and discussed in a separate article [2].

  6. Annotating and quantifying pri-miRNA transcripts using RNA-Seq data of wild type and serrate-1 globular stage embryos of Arabidopsis thaliana. (United States)

    Lepe-Soltero, Daniel; Armenta-Medina, Alma; Xiang, Daoquan; Datla, Raju; Gillmor, C Stewart; Abreu-Goodger, Cei


    The genome annotation for the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana does not include the primary transcripts from which MIRNAs are processed. Here we present and analyze the raw mRNA sequencing data from wild type and serrate-1 globular stage embryos of A. thaliana , ecotype Columbia. Because SERRATE is required for pri-miRNA processing, these precursors accumulate in serrate-1 mutants, facilitating their detection using standard RNA-Seq protocols. We first use the mapping of the RNA-Seq reads to the reference genome to annotate the potential primary transcripts of MIRNAs expressed in the embryo. We then quantify these pri-miRNAs in wild type and serrate-1 mutants. Finally, we use differential expression analysis to determine which are up-regulated in serrate-1 compared to wild type, to select the best candidates for bona fide pri-miRNAs expressed in the globular stage embryos. In addition, we analyze a previously published RNA-Seq dataset of wild type and dicer-like 1 mutant embryos at the globular stage [1]. Our data are interpreted and discussed in a separate article [2].

  7. Vloga medicinske sestre pri skrbi za otroka z očesno protezo


    Lukić, Maja


    Uvod: Retinoblastom je najpogostejši maligni tumor, ki se velikokrat pojavi v otroški dobi. Bolezen je sicer redka, a zelo nevarna, saj lahko uniči tako otrokovo oko kot tudi njegov vid. Pomembna je hitra prepoznava tega nevarnega tumorja, takojšna diagnostika in zdravljenje. Večje tveganje za nastanek retinoblastoma obstaja pri otrocih, katerih bolezen se je v družini že pojavila. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pomočjo pregleda literature ugotoviti, na kakšen način in kako lahko medicins...

  8. Monitoring phenology of photosynthesis in temperate evergreen and mixed deciduous forests using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) at leaf and canopy scales (United States)

    Wong, C. Y.; Arain, M. A.; Ensminger, I.


    Evergreen conifers in boreal and temperate regions undergo strong seasonal changes in photoperiod and temperatures, which determines their phenology of high photosynthetic activity in the growing season and downregulation during the winter. Monitoring the timing of the transition between summer activity and winter downregulation in evergreens is difficult since this is a largely invisible process, unlike in deciduous trees that have a visible budding and a sequence of leaf unfolding in the spring and leaf abscission in the fall. The light-use efficiency (LUE) model estimates gross primary productivity (GPP) and may be parameterized using remotely sensed vegetation indices. Using spectral reflectance data, we derived the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), a measure of leaf "greenness", and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI), a proxy for chlorophyll:carotenoid ratios which is related to photosynthetic activity. To better understand the relationship between these vegetation indices and photosynthetic activity and to contrast this relationship between plant functional types, the phenology of NDVI, PRI and photosynthesis was monitored in an evergreen forest and a mixed deciduous forest at the leaf and canopy scale. Our data indicates that the LUE model can be parameterized by NDVI and PRI to track forest phenology. Differences in the sensitivity of PRI and NDVI will be discussed. These findings have implications to address the phenology of evergreen conifers by using PRI to complement NDVI in the LUE model, potentially improving model productivity estimates in northern hemisphere forests, that are dominated by conifers.

  9. La mort d’un couple : prière(s) et vie publiques Death of a couple: prayer(s) and public life


    Mathieu Touzeil-Divina


    Si, avant la Loi du 5 décembre 1905, les Eglises et l’Etat concrétisaient matériellement leurs liens étroits par des rites officiels nommés prières publiques, ceux-ci sont censés avoir été supprimés depuis. C’est l’histoire de cette suppression (après en avoir retenu une définition) qui est ici envisagée à travers trois secteurs cardinaux de l’action administrative : la vie universitaire, parlementaire et judiciaire. Dans ces trois hypothèses les prières publiques ont été supprimées de façon ...

  10. A multi-site comparison of in vivo safety pharmacology studies conducted to support ICH S7A & B regulatory submissions. (United States)

    Ewart, Lorna; Milne, Aileen; Adkins, Debbie; Benjamin, Amanda; Bialecki, Russell; Chen, Yafei; Ericsson, Ann-Christin; Gardner, Stacey; Grant, Claire; Lengel, David; Lindgren, Silvana; Lowing, Sarah; Marks, Louise; Moors, Jackie; Oldman, Karen; Pietras, Mark; Prior, Helen; Punton, James; Redfern, Will S; Salmond, Ross; Skinner, Matt; Some, Margareta; Stanton, Andrea; Swedberg, Michael; Finch, John; Valentin, Jean-Pierre


    Parts A and B of the ICH S7 guidelines on safety pharmacology describe the in vivo studies that must be conducted prior to first time in man administration of any new pharmaceutical. ICH S7A requires a consideration of the sensitivity and reproducibility of the test systems used. This could encompass maintaining a dataset of historical pre-dose values, power analyses, as well as a demonstration of acceptable model sensitivity and robust pharmacological validation. During the process of outsourcing safety pharmacology studies to Charles River Laboratories, AstraZeneca set out to ensure that models were performed identically in each facility and saw this as an opportunity to review the inter-laboratory variability of these essential models. The five in vivo studies outsourced were the conscious dog telemetry model for cardiovascular assessment, the rat whole body plethysmography model for respiratory assessment, the rat modified Irwin screen for central nervous system assessment, the rat charcoal meal study for gastrointestinal assessment and the rat metabolic cage study for assessment of renal function. Each study was validated with known reference compounds and data were compared across facilities. Statistical power was also calculated for each model. The results obtained indicated that each of the studies could be performed with comparable statistical power and could achieve a similar outcome, independent of facility. The consistency of results obtained from these models across multiple facilities was high thus providing confidence that the models can be run in different facilities and maintain compliance with ICH S7A and B. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Developmentally regulated expression and complex processing of barley pri-microRNAs

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    Kruszka Katarzyna


    Full Text Available Abstract Background MicroRNAs (miRNAs regulate gene expression via mRNA cleavage or translation inhibition. In spite of barley being a cereal of great economic importance, very little data is available concerning its miRNA biogenesis. There are 69 barley miRNA and 67 pre-miRNA sequences available in the miRBase (release 19. However, no barley pri-miRNA and MIR gene structures have been shown experimentally. In the present paper, we examine the biogenesis of selected barley miRNAs and the developmental regulation of their pri-miRNA processing to learn more about miRNA maturation in barely. Results To investigate the organization of barley microRNA genes, nine microRNAs - 156g, 159b, 166n, 168a-5p/168a-3p, 171e, 397b-3p, 1120, and 1126 - were selected. Two of the studied miRNAs originate from one MIR168a-5p/168a-3p gene. The presence of all miRNAs was confirmed using a Northern blot approach. The miRNAs are encoded by genes with diverse organizations, representing mostly independent transcription units with or without introns. The intron-containing miRNA transcripts undergo complex splicing events to generate various spliced isoforms. We identified miRNAs that were encoded within introns of the noncoding genes MIR156g and MIR1126. Interestingly, the intron that encodes miR156g is spliced less efficiently than the intron encoding miR1126 from their specific precursors. miR397b-3p was detected in barley as a most probable functional miRNA, in contrast to rice where it has been identified as a complementary partner miRNA*. In the case of miR168a-5p/168a-3p, we found the generation of stable, mature molecules from both pre-miRNA arms, confirming evolutionary conservation of the stability of both species, as shown in rice and maize. We suggest that miR1120, located within the 3′ UTR of a protein-coding gene and described as a functional miRNA in wheat, may represent a siRNA generated from a mariner-like transposable element. Conclusions Seven of the

  12. Strategie przedsiębiorstwa prasowego w XXI wieku (internalizacja oraz obecność na rynku nowych technologii

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    Anita Uchańska


    Full Text Available Specyfika mediów polega na tym, że z jednej strony odgrywają szczególną rolę w systemie społecznym i politycznym, kształtując opinie społeczeństwa i biorąc udział w dyskusji na istotne tematy, z drugiej strony funkcjonują na zasadzie rynkowej. Z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia przedsiębiorstwa działające w branży medialnej prowadzą działalność gospodarczą nastawioną na zysk. Ich zadanie nie polega więc tylko na dostarczeniu społeczeństwu informacji i rozrywki, ale także na sprostaniu ostrej konkurencji na rynku. Przedsiębiorstwa medialne funkcjonują zatem na dwóch rynkach, będących podstawowymi źródłami ich przychodów – pierwszym z nich jest rynek odbiorców, czyli czytelników, słuchaczy, widzów, użytkowników Internetu czy nowych mediów, z drugiej zaś rynek reklamowy. Efektem ich działalności są dualne produkty medialne, przeznaczone dla odbiorców (treść oraz dla reklamodawców (powierzchnia reklamowa. Szczególnym typem przedsiębiorstwa medialnego jest wydawnictwo prasowe, które ze względu na obecną trudną sytuację na rynku prasy musi znaleźć właściwą formę działalności, aby odpowiedzieć na wyzwanie także ze strony Internetu oraz coraz bardziej popularnych nowych mediów. Dotychczasowy model działalności przedsiębiorstwa prasowego polegał przede wszystkim na wydawaniu prasy drukowanej, a jego rozwój obejmował poszerzanie portfolio o nowe tytuły i unowocześnianie procesów biznesowych oraz rozbudowę zaplecza produkcyjnego, a także inwestowanie w inne media (przy uwzględnieniu ograniczeń wynikających z przepisów prawa. Dodatkową możliwością była ekspansja zagraniczna, w postaci sprzedaży licencji, tworzenia wspólnych przedsięwzięć z lokalnym wydawcą lub zakładanie własnych spółek na obcych rynkach. Internacjonalizacja oraz koncentracja wertykalna i horyzontalna przyczyniły się do powstania konglomeratów medialnych, o dużym znaczeniu mi

  13. Simbolika dogajalnega prostora v Matkovi Tini, Sreči in Krstu pri Savici:


    Božič, Zoran


    The typical settings in Matkova Tina, Sreča (Happiness) and Krst pri Savici (The Baptism by the Savica) is locations near a water. Water symbolically bathes away guilt of the central characters, i.e. the innkeeper's Tina, Strežkova Tinka and Črtomir, who all yearned for love but ended up as outcasts and doers of action with fatal consequences. Tina, Tinka and Črtomir did the stations along the river Soča. The river is marked by the figure of the Christian saint John Nepomuce, protector agains...

  14. A pri-miR-218 variant and risk of cervical carcinoma in Chinese women

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi, Ting-Yan; Cheng, Xi; Wu, Xiaohua; Wei, Qingyi; Chen, Xiao-Jun; Zhu, Mei-Ling; Wang, Meng-Yun; He, Jing; Yu, Ke-Da; Shao, Zhi-Ming; Sun, Meng-Hong; Zhou, Xiao-Yan


    MicroRNA (miRNA)-related single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may compromise miRNA binding affinity and modify mRNA expression levels of the target genes, thus leading to cancer susceptibility. However, few studies have investigated roles of miRNA-related SNPs in the etiology of cervical carcinoma. In this case–control study of 1,584 cervical cancer cases and 1,394 cancer-free female controls, we investigated associations between two miR-218-related SNPs involved in the LAMB3-miR-218 pathway and the risk of cervical carcinoma in Eastern Chinese women. We found that the pri-miR-218 rs11134527 variant GG genotype was significantly associated with a decreased risk of cervical carcinoma compared with AA/AG genotypes (adjusted OR=0.77, 95% CI=0.63-0.95, P=0.015). However, this association was not observed for the miR-218 binding site SNP (rs2566) on LAMB3. Using the multifactor dimensionality reduction analysis, we observed some evidence of interactions of these two SNPs with other risk factors, especially age at primiparity and menopausal status, in the risk of cervical carcinoma. The pri-miR-218 rs11134527 SNP was significantly associated with the risk of cervical carcinoma in Eastern Chinese women. Larger, independent studies are warranted to validate our findings

  15. Cyrillic alphabet as the designation of national identity among students of University of Priština with temporary head office in Kosovska Mitrovica

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    Miketić Sanja D.


    Full Text Available The relationship between culture and nationality and in that sense - national identity of a particular community - is a known thing for a long time. Nationality is usually strongly connected to culture. We will only mention few of their joint characteristics: language, religion, art, customs, tradition etc. In this article special attention will be paid to one of the features of national identity - language - and we will focus on the usage of Cyrillic alphabet of our target group (students of University of Priština, with temporary head office in Kosovska Mitrovica. The study consists of two smaller researches. In the first part we explored reactions of students at University of Priština and we assumed that they will have different reactions towards Cyrillic alphabet and Latin alphabet used as stimuli-words comparing to pupils of Belgrade and Zrenjanin high schools and students of University of Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš presented in The associative dictionary of Serbian language (Asocjativni rečnik srpskog jezika, 2005. In the second part we tried to find out if our informants prefer the usage of Cyrillic or Latin alphabet, and which one they find better in the esthetic sense. We compared attitudes of students who enroll University of Priština to attitudes of students who enroll University of Belgrade and differences between their attitudes. With both researches we wanted to see if there are formed verbal stereotypes with positive or negative connotation, and what are the attitudes on using Cyrillic alphabet among students in the age of expansion of Latin alphabet. We concluded that Cyrillic alphabet is more used and valued at University of Priština than in the rest of Republic of Serbia and the reason for that might be the stronger sense of national identity among these students.

  16. PRI 3.1: Electrolyte membrane fuel cells (Co-PACEM), final report (july 2002 to june 2004); PRI 3.1: Coeurs de piles a combustible a electrolyte membrane (Co-PACEM), rapport final (juillet 2002 a juin 2004)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lamy, C.


    The researches realized in the PRI Co-PACEM aim to improve the operating of the core of the electrolyte membrane fuel cells, at low temperature in order to minimize the high voltage of the electro-chemical reactions, to decrease the cost of the membrane, to improve the properties (conductivity, mechanical and thermal stability...) and to optimize the transport of heat and reactive. The document presents the research programs. (A.L.B.)

  17. Workshop on High Power ICH Antenna Designs for High Density Tokamaks (United States)

    Aamodt, R. E.


    A workshop in high power ICH antenna designs for high density tokamaks was held to: (1) review the data base relevant to the high power heating of high density tokamaks; (2) identify the important issues which need to be addressed in order to ensure the success of the ICRF programs on CIT and Alcator C-MOD; and (3) recommend approaches for resolving the issues in a timely realistic manner. Some specific performance goals for the antenna system define a successful design effort. Simply stated these goals are: couple the specified power per antenna into the desired ion species; produce no more than an acceptable level of RF auxiliary power induced impurities; and have a mechanical structure which safely survives the thermal, mechanical and radiation stresses in the relevant environment. These goals are intimately coupled and difficult tradeoffs between scientific and engineering constraints have to be made.


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    D. Gene Pace


    Full Text Available Throughout most of the twentieth century; Mexico’s political and economic policies were heavily influenced by the Partido Revolucionario Institutional (PRI. The landmark 1998 victory by Vicente Fox, the first presidential candidate in seven decades to win without the official sanction of the PRI,marked an important milestone in Mexican history; Octavio Paz, an eloquent proponent of political, economic, and social reform, sought for decades to inspire change. This paper seeks to illuminate Paz’s economic philosophy, and to demonstrate how the acclaimed writer, through courageous symbolic action coupled with an inimitable and potent pen, challenged the PRI’s hegemony in Mexico and contributed to the historic election he almost lived to celebrate (an elderly Paz died shortly before the historic 1998 election.“The Aztec ritual of 2 October [1968] in the Plaza de Tlatelolco. . . convinced me to abandon the Mexican Foreign Service.”“October 2, 1968 ended the student movement. It also ended an era in thehistory of Mexico.”

  19. Vías de señalización en enfermedades priónicas


    Rodríguez Fernández, Agustí


    Las enfermedades priónicas, también conocidas como EETs (Encefalopatías Espongiformes Transmisibles), son un grupo de enfermedades neurodegenerativas fatales que, debido a su transmisibilidad potencial han tenido un gran impacto social, político y económico en las últimas décadas. Las EETs afectan a los humanos y a algunos grupos de animales, presentan largos períodos de incubación y producen la muerte pocos meses después de la aparición de la sintomatología clínica. Su origen se atribuye a ...

  20. Workshop on high power ICH antenna designs for high density tokamaks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aamodt, R.E.


    A workshop in high power ICH antenna designs for high density tokamaks was held in Boulder, Colorado on January 31 through February 2, 1990. The purposes of the workshop were to: (1) review the data base relevant to the high power heating of high density tokamaks; (2) identify the important issues which need to be addressed in order to ensure the success of the ICRF programs on CIT and Alcator C-MOD; and (3) recommend approaches for resolving the issues in a timely realistic manner. Some specific performance goals for the antenna system define a successful design effort. Simply stated these goals are: couple the specified power per antenna into the desired ion species; produce no more than an acceptable level of rf auxiliary power induced impurities; and have a mechanical structure which safely survives the thermal, mechanical and radiation stresses in the relevant environment. These goals are intimately coupled and difficult tradeoffs between scientific and engineering constraints have to be made

  1. Uporaba JavaEE mikrostoritev pri razvoju celovite rešitve za upravljanje s spletnimi oglasi




    Diplomska naloga govori o procesu razvijanja celovite rešitve za sledenje in upravljanje s spletnimi oglasi, kot pomoč uporabniku pri nakupu želenega izdelka. Končni izdelek diplomske naloge je rešitev, ki je sestavljena iz spletne aplikacije, mobilne aplikacije, razširitve v spletnem brskalniku ter zalednega sistema. Diploma poleg idejne zasnove predstavlja tudi uporabo JavaEE mikrostoritev in ostalih tehnologij ter argumentira, zakaj so izbrani okvirji najprimernejši za takšno rešitev. Cilj...

  2. Vloga medicinske sestre pri nefarmakološki obravnavi otrok in mladostnikov z motnjo pozornosti s hiperaktivnostjo


    Močnik, Anja


    Uvod: Motnja pozornosti s hiperaktivnostjo spada v skupino vedenjskih in čustvenih motenj. Odkrita je pri približno 3 do 5 % šoloobveznih otrok. Trije osnovni simptomi so pomanjkljiva in zlahka odvrnljiva pozornost, impulzivnost in hiperaktivnost. Med dejavnike nastanka štejemo biokemične, genetske in nevrološke, diagnosticiranje pa poteka na podlagi simptomov. Kompleksnost problema zahteva celosten pristop, zavračanje farmakološkega zdravljenja s strani nekaterih posameznikov pa nas spodbuja...

  3. Marketingová situační analýza BK Lions Jindřichův Hradec


    Hron, Patrik


    The aim of this bachelor thesis is to carry out an analysis of each part of marketing mix and the environment in which the BK Lions Jindřichův Hradec basketball club is situated. Suitable and applicable recommendations are suggested to make the marketing mix more effective based on analysis of marketing situation. The first part is focused on describing the marketing mix and marketing situational analysis at a theoretical level. The practical part describes particular marketing tools which ar...

  4. Safety assessment of biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals: ICH and beyond. (United States)

    Serabian, M A; Pilaro, A M


    Many scientific discussions, especially in the past 8 yr, have focused on definition of criteria for the optimal assessment of the preclinical toxicity of pharmaceuticals. With the current overlap of responsibility among centers within the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), uniformity of testing standards, when appropriate, would be desirable. These discussions have extended beyond the boundaries of the FDA and have culminated in the acceptance of formalized, internationally recognized guidances. The work of the International Committee on Harmonisation (ICH) and the initiatives developed by the FDA are important because they (a) represent a consensus scientific opinion, (b) promote consistency, (c) improve the quality of the studies performed, (d) assist the public sector in determining what may be generally acceptable to prepare product development plans, and (e) provide guidance for the sponsors in the design of preclinical toxicity studies. Disadvantages associated with such initiatives include (a) the establishment of a historical database that is difficult to relinquish, (b) the promotion of a check-the-box approach, i.e., a tendancy to perform only the minimum evaluation required by the guidelines, (c) the creation of a disincentive for industry to develop and validate new models, and (d) the creation of state-of-the-art guidances that may not allow for appropriate evaluation of novel therapies. The introduction of biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals for clinical use has often required the application of unique approaches to assessing their safety in preclinical studies. There is much diversity among these products, which include the gene and cellular therapies, monoclonal antibodies, human-derived recombinant regulatory proteins, blood products, and vaccines. For many of the biological therapies, there will be unique product issues that may require specific modifications to protocol design and may raise additional safety concerns (e.g., immunogenicity

  5. Les prières et le droit. Considérations d’une sociologue Prayers and the Law. Reflections of a sociologist

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    Régine Azria


    Full Text Available Les points de rencontre entre prière et droit sont nombreux, y compris en France où, du fait de la Séparation, on serait fondé à considérer de telles rencontres comme illégitimes sinon impossibles, la prière se référant au religieux donc à la sphère privée et le droit à la justice donc à la sphère publique. Cet essai se propose de démontrer que dans la réalité, les cloisons entre le privé et le public sont moins étanches et les relations entre la religion et le droit plus étroites qu’il n’y paraît. Après avoir évoqué les systèmes de droit religieux (droit canon, charia, halakha produits en marge des droits nationaux, rappelé la diversité des liens juridiques entre État et religion (théocratie, monarchie de droit divin, religion d’État – avec ou sans reconnaissance de minorités religieuses tolérées –, religion de la majorité, pluralisme, Concordat, laïcité, séparation, athéisme d’État et la pluralité des niveaux et sources de normativité au sein même des systèmes religieux, l’article se concentre sur la prière et en décline les différents aspects. En effet, la prière n’est pas plus monolithique que le droit. Exercice solitaire ou pratique collective, expression spontanée ou normée de la foi, du sentiment religieux ou de l’appartenance confessionnelle, affirmation identitaire ou communautaire, la prière est diverse dans ses formes et ses contenus comme dans ses usages. Acte social ou militant, dès lors qu’elle se risque à franchir le seuil de la sphère privée du religieux, la prière rencontre la loi.Meeting points between prayers and the law are many, including in France where, because of the separation between the Church and the State, one would be entitled to consider such junctures as illegitimate if not impossible since prayer is linked to the religious and therefore the private sphere whereas law concerns justice and therefore the public sphere. The present essay

  6. Primerjava učinkovitosti metode mentorstva in koučinga pri delu z brezposelno osebo


    Jagodnik, Sabina


    Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na primerjavo rabe mentorstva in koučinga pri delu z brezposelno osebo z namenom uspešnega nastopa na trgu dela. Primerjava je izpeljana na podlagi treh izpeljanih procesov koučinga ter dveh procesov mentorstva. Preko uporabe metode participativnega akcijskega raziskovanja odgovarja na vprašanja, katera metoda je primernejša glede na potrebe brezposelne osebe za uspešen nastop na trgu dela, njene izkušnje, obstoječa znanja in veščine, katere so prednosti in slabo...

  7. Improvement of the design and generation of highly specific plant knockdown lines using primary synthetic microRNAs (pri-smiRNAs

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    Alves Leonardo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background microRNAs (miRNAs are endogenous small non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression. In plants, they typically show high complementarity to a single sequence motif within their target mRNAs and act by catalyzing specific mRNA cleavage and degradation. miRNAs are processed from much longer primary transcripts via precursor miRNAs containing fold-back structures. Leaving these secondary structures intact, miRNAs can be re-designed experimentally to target mRNAs of choice. Results We designed primary synthetic miRNAs (pri-smiRNAs on the basis of the primary transcript of the Arabidopsis MIR159A gene by replacing the original miR159a and the corresponding miR159a* with novel sequences, keeping the overall secondary structure as predicted by the program RNAfold. We used the program RNAhybrid to optimize smiRNA design and to screen the complete Arabidopsis transcriptome for potential off-targets. To improve the molecular cloning of the pri-smiRNA we inserted restriction sites in the original MIR159A primary transcript to easily accommodate the smiRNA/smiRNA* DNA fragment. As a proof-of-concept, we targeted the single gene encoding chalcone synthase (CHS in Arabidopsis. We demonstrate smiRNA(CHS expression and CHS mRNA cleavage in different transgenic lines. Phenotypic changes in these lines were observed for seed color and flavonol derivatives, and quantified with respect to anthocyanin content. We also tested the effect of mismatches and excess G:U base pairs on knockdown efficiency. Conclusions RNAhybrid-assisted design of smiRNAs and generation of pri-smiRNAs using a novel vector containing restriction sites greatly improves specificity and speed of the generation of stable knockdown lines for functional analyses in plants.

  8. New approach to the basic evaluation of raw material resources

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    Vodzinský Vladimír


    Full Text Available V èlánku sú popísané aspekty ekonomickej analýzy pri oceòovaní zásob nerudných surovín. Tieto sú odrazom banského priemyslu na Slovensku a taktiež ich spotreby na Slovensku. Ïalej sa èlánok zaoberá adaptáciou a použitím nových progresívnych prístupov k oceòo-vaniu ložísk nerastov, s príkladom implementácie v oblasti ažkého priemyslu.

  9. The analysis of visual variables for use in the cartographic design of point symbols for mobile Augmented Reality applications (United States)

    Halik, Łukasz


    The objective of the present deliberations was to systematise our knowledge of static visual variables used to create cartographic symbols, and also to analyse the possibility of their utilisation in the Augmented Reality (AR) applications on smartphone-type mobile devices. This was accomplished by combining the visual variables listed over the years by different researchers. Research approach was to determine the level of usefulness of particular characteristics of visual variables such as selective, associative, quantitative and order. An attempt was made to provide an overview of static visual variables and to describe the AR system which is a new paradigm of the user interface. Changing the approach to the presentation of point objects is caused by applying different perspective in the observation of objects (egocentric view) than it is done on traditional analogue maps (geocentric view). Presented topics will refer to the fast-developing field of cartography, namely mobile cartography. Particular emphasis will be put on smartphone-type mobile devices and their applicability in the process of designing cartographic symbols. Celem artykułu było usystematyzowanie wiedzy na temat statycznych zmiennych wizualnych, które sa kluczowymi składnikami budujacymi sygnatury kartograficzne. Podjeto próbe zestawienia zmiennych wizualnych wyodrebnionych przez kartografów na przestrzeni ostatnich piecdziesieciu lat, zaczynajac od klasyfikacji przedstawionej przez J. Bertin’a. Dokonano analizy stopnia uzytecznosci poszczególnych zmiennych graficznych w aspekcie ich wykorzystania w projektowaniu znaków punktowych dla mobilnych aplikacji tworzonych w technologii Rzeczywistosci Rozszerzonej (Augmented Reality). Zmienne poddano analizie pod wzgledem czterech charakterystyk: selektywnosci, skojarzeniowosci, odzwierciedlenia ilosci oraz porzadku. W artykule zwrócono uwage na odmienne zastosowanie perspektywy pomiedzy tradycyjnymi analogowymi mapami (geocentrycznosc) a

  10. Povezanost barv in čustev pri učencih v 4. razredu osnovne šole


    Kolar, Rebeka


    V magistrski nalogi se dotikamo področja barv, ki imajo lahko močan učinek na človeško telo in emocije. Že kot otroci uporabljamo barve tako v domačem okolju kot šoli. Po mnenju strokovnjakov naj bi ravno uporaba posameznih barv razodevala otrokovo emocionalno življenje. Pri tem je pomembno poudariti, da se barvno izražanje otrok skozi njihov razvoj spreminja, nadgrajuje, spreminja se otrokova uporaba in odnos do barv. Raziskave, ki so bile opravljene na tem področju, kažejo, da lahko ravno n...

  11. Debata o památkové péči v 60. letech 20. století. Ivo Loos, Jindřich Malátek a Transgas

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Švácha, Rostislav


    Roč. 77, č. 4 (2017), s. 361-372 ISSN 1210-5538 Institutional support: RVO:68378033 Keywords : Jindřich Malátek * Ivo Loos * postwar architecture * theory of architecture and heritage care * Transgas Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  12. Pravna razmerja pri pogodbi o nepremičninskem posredovanju (primerjalno pravna ureditev po slovenskem in avstrijskem pravu)


    Koser Dolenc, Martina


    Magistrska naloga celovito analizira pravna razmerja pri pogodbi o nepremičniskem posredovanju po slovenskem in avstrijskem pravu. Poudarek je v podrobni predstavitvi in opisu pravic in obveznosti strank, ki izhajajo iz posredniške pogodbe. V Sloveniji je posredniška pogodba urejena v Obligacijskem zakoniku (OZ) in sicer v členih od 837. do 850. Posredniška pogodba je dvostranska obvezna, odplačna, neoblična pogodba. Pravna pravila v zvezi s posredniško pogodbo po OZ so večinoma dispoziti...

  13. Diurnal and Seasonal Responses of High Frequency Chlorophyll Fluorescence and PRI Measurements to Abiotic Stress in Almonds (United States)

    Bambach-Ortiz, N. E.; Paw U, K. T.


    Plants have evolved to efficiently utilize light to synthesize energy-rich carbon compounds, and at the same time, dissipate absorbed but excessive photon that would otherwise transfer excitation energy to potentially toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). Nevertheless, even the most rapidly growing plants with the highest rates of photosynthesis only utilize about half of the light their leaves absorb during the hours of peak irradiance in sun-exposed habitats. Usually, that daily peak of irradiance coincides with high temperature and a high vapor pressure deficit, which are conditions related to plant stomata closure. Consequently, specially in water stressed environments, plants need to have mechanisms to dissipate most of absorbed photons. Plants avoid photo-oxidative damage of the photosynthetic apparatus due to the formation of ROS under excess light using different mechanisms in order to either lower the amount of ROS formation or detoxify already formed ROS. Photoinhibition is defined as a reduction in photosynthetic activity due largely to a sustained reduction in the photochemical efficiency of Photosystem II (PSII), which can be assessed by monitoring Chlorophyll a fluorescence (ChlF). Alternatively, monitoring abiotic stress effects upon photosynthetic activity and photoinhibition may be possible using high frequency spectral reflectance sensors. We aim to find the potential relationships between high frequency PRI and ChlF as indicators of photoinhibition and permanent photodamage at a seasonal scale. Preliminary results show that PRI responses are sensitive to photoinhibition, but provide a poor representation of permanent photodamage observed at a seasonal scale.



    Ogrizek, Tjaša


    Namen te študije je bil preveriti vpliv spominskega treninga N-back na kratko- in dolgotrajne spominske sposobnosti pri udeležencih s pridobljeno možgansko poškodbo. V ta namen sta se izoblikovali dve hipotezi, in sicer (H1) kratkotrajni spomin udeležencev se bo izboljšal ter (H2) dolgotrajni spomin udeležencev se ne bo spremenil. Udeleženci v študiji so bili trije posamezniki, stari 38, 31 ter 26 let, ki imajo pridobljeno možgansko poškodbo. Metodološki pripomočki, uporabljeni v študiji, so ...

  15. Karel Kramář a Jindřich G. Maštálka. "Tys' nebyl přítelem heroických rozhodnutí..."

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bílek, Jan


    Roč. 17, Suppl. 2 (2009), s. 177-199 ISSN 1210-6860. [Karel Kramář (1860-1937). Praha, 31.10.2007-02.11.2007] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z70900502 Keywords : Kramář, Karel * Maštálka, Jindřich Gustav Subject RIV: AB - History

  16. Ocena stanu zachowania gazet i czasopism wielkopolskich z lat 1800-1939 przechowywanych w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu pod kątem ich zakwaszenia

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    Katarzyna Kubiś


    Full Text Available W latach 2007-2008 w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu przeprowadzono badania mające określić stan zachowania przechowywanych w jej magazynach gazet i czasopism wielkopolskich z lat 1800-1939 pod kątem ich zakwaszenia. W tym celu zastosowano metodę stanfordzką, połączoną z badaniem pH papieru. Wytypowana do analiz kolekcja obejmowała 7014 woluminów, z których wyodrębniono 384 egzemplarze stanowiące próbę reprezentatywną. W wyniku badań ustalono, że 40% kolekcji jest w bardzo złym stanie, a dalsze 45% to egzemplarze zniszczone i wymagające naprawy. Wszystkie przebadane obiekty wydrukowane zostały na kwaśnym papierze, co więcej – dla 96% kolekcji odnotowano pH poniżej 5. W świetle przeprowadzonych badań należy stwierdzić, że 85% kolekcji powinna zostać przeniesiona na nośniki analogowe i cyfrowe, a następnie, o ile pozwoli na to ich obecny stan zachowania, poddana procesowi odkwaszania.

  17. PRI 2.1: Basic researches on the photovoltaic: new materials (july 2002 - july 2004). Final report of the integrated research project; PRI 2.1: Recherches de base en photovoltaique: nouveaux materiaux (Juillet 2002 - Juin 2004). Rapport final du projet de recherche integre

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marfaing, Y.


    The main material of the photovoltaic cells is the massive crystalline silicon. For a large scale development of the photovoltaic industry, it is necessary to use thin layers. Many materials are possible to reach this objective: different types of silicon (amorphous, mono-crystal, poly-crystal), poly-crystal of CIS type (CuInSe{sub 2}) and organic molecules and polymers. The last two types are innovative and need some researches. These research axis are presented in this PRI. (A.L.B.)

  18. Do I still want to take this? Soll ich das wirklich schlucken? Uncertainty avoidance in English and German PILs - a contrastive study


    Verplaetse, Heidi; Wermuth, Cornelia


    Do I still want to take this? Soll ich das wirklich schlucken? Uncertainty avoidance in English and German PILs - a contrastive study Aim and focus The current study aims to compare the linguistic means used in German and English patient information leaflets (PILs) for patients’ understanding and behaviour concerning medicine intake. We focus on the expression of uncertainty avoidance. Background Three studies and a European guideline lie at the basis of the current study. ...

  19. Arc in a Gas Flowing Through a Magnetic Field; Duga v potoke gaza pri nalichii magnitnogo polya

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baranov, V. Ju.; Vasil' eva, I. A.; Ul' janov, K. N. [Vsesojuznyj Jelektrotehnicheskij Institut Im.V.I. Lenina, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    The authors have previously shown that ad.c. electric arc can be used in the pre-ionizer of a non-equilibrium MHD generator. The pre-ionizer must be located immediately before the duct inlet, where the magnetic field is fairly strong and may have a substantial effect on the current in the gas flow. In the present paper they consider the behaviour of an electric arc in a gas flowing through a magnetic field. The experiments were carried out with argon, using the apparatus described in Ref. [1] of the paper. The flow was set up in a closed glass loop by means of an electromagnetic accelerator (MHD motor). By suitably treating and adjusting the loop it was possible to conduct the investigations in spectrally pure argon. The pressure varied between 1 and 100 mm Hg, and the flow velocity V{sub 0}{<=} 10{sup 4} cm/sec. The magnetic field in the accelerator (B{sub 1}) and near the arc (B{sub 2}) varied between zero and 7 x 10{sup 3} Oe. The spatial distribution of the electron concentration (n{sub e}) and the electron temperature (T{sub e}) were measured using probe and spectrum analysis methods. The gas temperature (T{sub g} ) was measured by the hot wire method and the flow velocity with the help of pitot tubes. Experiments were carried out in both decelerating and accelerating magnetic fields. (author) [Russian] Jelektricheskaja duga postojannogo toka mozhet byt' ispol'zovana v kachestve jelementa predionizatora v neravnovesnom MGDG. Predionizator dolzhen byt' raspolozhen neposredstvenno pered kanalom generatora v oblasti dostatochno sil'nogo magnitnogo polja, kotoroe mozhet sushhestvenno povlijat' na protekanie toka v potoke. Issledovano povedenie jelektricheskoj dugi v potoke pri nalichii magnitnogo polja. Jeksperimenty byli vypolneny v argone na ustanovke, opisannoj v rabote [1] . Potok v zamknutom stekljannom konture sozdavalsja pri pomoshhi jelektromagnitnogo uskoritelja (MGD dvigatelja). Sootvetstvujushhaja obrabotka i trenirovka kontura davala vozmozhnost

  20. Evalvacija nivojskega pouka pri pouku slovenščine v 8. in 9. razredih na osnovnih šolah v občinah Ormož, Središče ob Dravi in Sveti Tomaž


    Lalić, Marko


    Mnenja o učni diferenciaciji in individualizaciji pouka ter z njima povezanim nivojskim poukom so že od samega začetka predmet nasprotujočih si mnenj tako pri strokovnjakih kot pri laikih. Nivojski pouk, ki je v veljavi vse od leta 1996, je poskrbel, da proces poučevanja poteka na drugačnem učiteljevem pristopu, na večji učenčevi aktivnosti, povezovanju učnih vsebin in prilagajanju učenčevih individualnih posebnosti. Leta 2006 je bil nivojski pouk kot sistemski ukrep opuščen. Šolam pa je bilo...

  1. Obravnava vedenja in komunikacije po načelih ABA metode pri dvojčkih z avtističnimi motnjami


    Berlot, Barbara


    Avtistične motnje sodijo med razvojno nevrološke motnje, ki trajajo celo življenje. Med težave, ki jih imajo osebe z avtističnimi motnjami na različnih področjih funkcioniranja, sodita tudi pojav neustreznih vedenjskih vzorcev in nezmožnost komunikacije z okoljem. Ravno pojav neustreznih vedenjskih vzorcev in nezmožnost komuniciranja z okoljem pri osebah z avtistično motnjo pomembno vplivata na uspešnost vključevanja teh oseb v različne vzgojno-izobraževalne programe. Namen kvalitativne študi...

  2. Sun-induced Chlorophyll fluorescence and PRI improve remote sensing GPP estimates under varying nutrient availability in a typical Mediterranean savanna ecosystem (United States)

    Perez-Priego, O.; Guan, J.; Rossini, M.; Fava, F.; Wutzler, T.; Moreno, G.; Carvalhais, N.; Carrara, A.; Kolle, O.; Julitta, T.; Schrumpf, M.; Reichstein, M.; Migliavacca, M.


    This study investigates the performances of different optical indices to estimate gross primary production (GPP) of herbaceous stratum in a Mediterranean savanna with different Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorous (P) availability. Sun-induced chlorophyll Fluorescence yield computed at 760 nm (Fy760), scaled-photochemical reflectance index (sPRI), MERIS terrestrial-chlorophyll index (MTCI) and Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were computed from near-surface field spectroscopy measurements collected using high spectral resolution spectrometers covering the visible near-infrared regions. GPP was measured using canopy-chambers on the same locations sampled by the spectrometers. We hypothesized that light-use efficiency (LUE) models driven by remote sensing quantities (RSM) can better track changes in GPP caused by nutrient supplies compared to those driven exclusively by meteorological data (MM). Particularly, we compared the performances of different RSM formulations - relying on the use of Fy760 or sPRI as proxy for LUE and NDVI or MTCI as fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR) - with those of classical MM. Results showed significantly higher GPP in the N fertilized experimental plots during the growing period. These differences in GPP disappeared in the drying period when senescence effects masked out potential differences due to plant N content. Consequently, although MTCI was tightly related to plant N content (r2 = 0.86, p < 0.01), it was poorly related to GPP (r2 = 0.45, p < 0.05). On the contrary sPRI and Fy760 correlated well with GPP during the whole measurement period. Results revealed that the relationship between GPP and Fy760 is not unique across treatments but it is affected by N availability. Results from a cross validation analysis showed that MM (AICcv = 127, MEcv = 0.879) outperformed RSM (AICcv = 140, MEcv = 0.8737) when soil moisture was used to constrain the seasonal dynamic of LUE. However, residual analyses

  3. Izvršilne funkcije pri učencih s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja


    Senekovič, Jasna


    V magistrskem delu z naslovom Izvršilne funkcije pri učencih s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja v prvem delu predstavljamo dosedanja spoznanja o izvršilnih funkcijah in učnih težavah v osnovni šoli, še posebej učencev s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja (PPPU). Tako smo v teoretičnem delu najprej opredelili osnovne pojme izvršilne funkcije, samoregulacija, metakognicija, učenje učenja in učne težave, posebej še primanjkljaje na posameznih področjih učenja. Podrobneje sm...

  4. Endocrine and Metabolic Effects of Adipose Tissue in Children and Adolescents / Endokrina in Presnovna Funkcija Maščobnega Tkiva Pri Otrocih in Mladostnikih

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    Kotnik Primož


    Full Text Available Maščobno tkivo ima vlogo pri številnih endokrinih in presnovnih procesih. Lepin je bil med prvimi odkritimi dejavniki iz maščobnega tkiva, ki delujejo avto-, para- in endokrino. Od opredelitve leptina so odkrili še številne druge dejavnike, od katerih se nekateri izločajo iz maščobnih celic, nekateri pa iz drugih celic maščobnega tkiva.

  5. LTE-Advanced/WLAN testbed


    Plaisner, Denis


    Táto práca sa zaoberá skúmaním a vyhodnocovaním komunikácie štandardov LTE-Advance a WiFi (IEEE 802.11n/ac). Pri jednotlivých štandardoch je preskúmaný chybový parameter EVM. Pre prácu s jednotlivými štandardmi je navrhnuté univerzálne pracovisko (testbed). Toto univerzálne pracovisko slúži na nastavovanie vysielacieho a prijímacieho zariadenia a na spracovávanie prenášaných signálov a ich vyhodnocovanie. Pre túto prácu je vybrané prostredie Matlab, cez ktoré sa ovládajú použité prístroje ako...

  6. Persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals and radioactivity in the urban soil of Priština City, Kosovo and Metohija. (United States)

    Gulan, Ljiljana; Milenkovic, Biljana; Zeremski, Tijana; Milic, Gordana; Vuckovic, Biljana


    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), heavy metals content and radioactivity levels were measured in 27 soil samples collected from Priština, the capital of Kosovo and Metohija. The sixteen PAHs, twelve OCPs and six PCBs congeners were determined by gas chromatography system with mass spectrometry detection. Although the use of PCBs and OCPs was prohibited decades ago residues of those compounds still existed in measurable concentrations in soils of Priština. PAHs were also present in analyzed samples but their mean concentration was significantly lower than mean concentrations of PAHs previously reported in urban areas in the world. The concentrations of heavy metals (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) were determined by the EDTA extraction protocols, along with their extractable concentrations. The activity concentrations of natural radionuclides ( 226 Ra, 232 Th and 40 K) were determined by gamma spectrometry method. The Shapiro-Wilk normality test found that activity concentrations of natural radionuclides were normally distributed. Radiological risk was estimated through the annual effective dose, gonadal dose equivalent, excess lifetime cancer risk, radium equivalent activity, external and internal hazard indexes. Spearman correlation coefficient was used for analysis of correlations between physicochemical properties, heavy metal contents and radionuclide activity concentrations. Strong positive correlation between 226 Ra and 232 Th was found, as well as among pairs of As-Cd and Co-Mn. Very strong positive correlation (0.838) at the 0.01 significance level was noted for Pb-Zn pair. Strong correlations indicate common occurrence of these elements in the nature, as well as geogenic association. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Thermochemical cycles for the heat and cold long-range transport. Final report of the PRI 9.2 Cold transport. Annual report of the PR 2-8; Cycles thermochimiques pour le transport de chaleur et de froid a longue distance. Rapport final du PRI 9.2. Transport de froid. Rapport annuel du PR 2-8

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luo, L.; Tondeur, D. [Laboratoire des Sciences du Genie Chimique (LSGC), 54 - Nancy (France); Mazet, N.; Neveu, P.; Stitou, D.; Spinner, B. [Institut de Science et de Genie des Materiaux et Procedes (IMP), 66 - Perpignan (France)


    This PRI deals with the use of thermochemical processes, based on solid-gas reversible transformation, to transfer heat of cold at long-range distance (> 10 km), in order to enhance the energy efficiency. Four main aspects have been studied to confirm the process feasibility: the process identification and the operating conditions, the selection of compatible reagents, the design of an auto-thermal reactor and the gas transport impact on the global performances. (A.L.B.)

  8. Lower Oligocene non-geniculate coralline red algal (Corallinales, Rhodophyta assemblage from Poljšica pri Podnartu (Upper Carniola, Slovenia

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    Luka Gale


    Full Text Available The Lower Oligocene Gornji Grad beds from Polj{ica pri Podnartu consist of marly limestone, mudstone, several layers of limestones and two layers of sandstones, and were deposited on a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic ramp.Especially the limestones contain rich fossil fauna and non-geniculate coralline red algae. These were systematicallycollected from four horizons and researched in thin sections under an optical microscope. Genera Lithoporella,Neogoniolithon, Spongites, Lithothamnion, Mesophyllum and Spongites were recognized. Surface area for each genus was calculated and the differences in the coralline assemblages in the four horizons were analysed. Thecorallines originate from two source areas: sandy-muddy bottom of a shallow marine environment, and small coral bioherms with its encrusters.

  9. mirEX: a platform for comparative exploration of plant pri-miRNA expression data. (United States)

    Bielewicz, Dawid; Dolata, Jakub; Zielezinski, Andrzej; Alaba, Sylwia; Szarzynska, Bogna; Szczesniak, Michal W; Jarmolowski, Artur; Szweykowska-Kulinska, Zofia; Karlowski, Wojciech M


    mirEX is a comprehensive platform for comparative analysis of primary microRNA expression data. RT-qPCR-based gene expression profiles are stored in a universal and expandable database scheme and wrapped by an intuitive user-friendly interface. A new way of accessing gene expression data in mirEX includes a simple mouse operated querying system and dynamic graphs for data mining analyses. In contrast to other publicly available databases, the mirEX interface allows a simultaneous comparison of expression levels between various microRNA genes in diverse organs and developmental stages. Currently, mirEX integrates information about the expression profile of 190 Arabidopsis thaliana pri-miRNAs in seven different developmental stages: seeds, seedlings and various organs of mature plants. Additionally, by providing RNA structural models, publicly available deep sequencing results, experimental procedure details and careful selection of auxiliary data in the form of web links, mirEX can function as a one-stop solution for Arabidopsis microRNA information. A web-based mirEX interface can be accessed at

  10. Accelerated Stability Testing of a Clobetasol Propionate-Loaded Nanoemulsion as per ICH Guidelines. (United States)

    Ali, Mohammad Sajid; Alam, Mohammad Sarfaraz; Alam, Nawazish; Anwer, Tarique; Safhi, Mohammed Mohsen A


    The physical and chemical degradation of drugs may result in altered therapeutic efficacy and even toxic effects. Therefore, the objective of this work was to study the stability of clobetasol propionate (CP) in a nanoemulsion. The nanoemulsion formulation containing CP was prepared by the spontaneous emulsification method. For the formulation of the nanoemulsion, Safsol, Tween 20, ethanol, and distilled water were used. The drug was incorporated into an oil phase in 0.05% w/v. The lipophilic nature of the drug led to the O/W nanoemulsion formulation. This was characterized by droplet size, pH, viscosity, conductivity, and refractive index. Stability studies were performed as per ICH guidelines for a period of three months. The shelf life of the nanoemulsion formulation was also determined after performing accelerated stability testing (40°C ± 2°C and 75% ± 5% RH). We also performed an intermediate stability study (30°C ± 2°C/65% RH ± 5% RH). It was found that the droplet size, conductivity, and refractive index were slightly increased, while the viscosity and pH slightly decreased at all storage conditions during the 3-month period. However, the changes in these parameters were not statistically significant (p≥0.05). The degradation (%) of the optimized nanoemulsion of CP was determined and the shelf life was found to be 2.18 years at room temperature. These studies confirmed that the physical and chemical stability of CP were enhanced in the nanoemulsion formulation.

  11. Trening za razvijanje občutka za števila in količine pri predšolskih otrocih s posebnimi potrebami


    Kuplenk, Petra


    Tako otroci kot tudi odrasli se z matematiko srečujemo na vsakem koraku, pa naj bo to na poti v vrtec, službo ali pa pri delu doma. Matematika vsakodnevno vpliva na naše življenje in delo. Na delovnem mestu, v vrtcu, opažam vse večje težave otrok s posebnimi potrebami na področju razvoja občutka za števila in količine. V predšolskem obdobju je namreč nujno, da otroci razvijejo občutek za števila in količine, saj vsa nadaljnja matematična znanja temeljijo na usvojenih spretnostih. V empirič...

  12. High heat flux testing of ITER ICH&CD antenna beryllium faraday screen bars mock-ups

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Courtois, X.; Meunier, L.; Kuznetsov, V.; Beaumont, B.; Lamalle, P.; Conchon, D.; Languille, P.


    Highlights: • ITER ICH&CD antenna beryllium faraday screen bars mock-ups were manufactured. • The mock-ups are submitted to high heat loads to test their heat exhaust capabilities. • The mock-ups withstand without damage the design limit load. • Lifetime is gradually reduced when the heat load is augmented beyond the design limit. • Thermal and mechanical behavior are reproducible, and coherent with the calculation. - Abstract: The Faraday Screen (FS) is the plasma facing component of ITER ion cyclotron heating antennas shielding. The requirement for the high heat exhaust, and the limitation of the temperatures to minimize strain and thus offer sufficient resistance to fatigue, imply the need for high conductivity materials and a high cooling flow rate. The FS bars are constructed by a hipping process involving beryllium tiles, a pure copper layer, a copper chrome zirconium alloy for the cooling channel and a stainless steel backing strip. Two FS bars small scale mock-ups were manufactured and tested under high heat flux. They endured 15,000 heating cycles without degradation under nominal heat flux, and revealed growing flaws when the heat flux was progressively augmented beyond. In this case, the ultrasonic test confirms a strong delamination of the Be tiles.


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    Full Text Available Despite their increasing importance in sedimentology and palaeoecology, non-geniculate coralline algae remain virtually overlooked in Slovenia. Though these plants are present or even abundant in the Cretaceous and Cainozoic strata, they have never been studied in detail with notable exception of corallines from the Lower Oligocene beds in the area of Gornji Grad. Poljšica pri Podnartu is another locality where Lower Oligocene beds are exposed, considered as equivalent to the former. The studied profile consists of pebbly limestone, mudstone, sandstone and limestone. Limestones contain abundant non-geniculate coralline algae. Nine species from six genera of these corallines have been identified: Lithoporella melobesioides (Foslie Foslie, 1909, Neogoniolithon contii (Mastrorilli Quaranta et al., 2007, Spongites sp., Lithothamnion sp. 1, Lithothamnion sp. 2, Mesophyllum sp. 1, Mesophyllum sp. 2, Mesophyllum sp. 3 and Sporolithon sp. Some of these species are described from Slovenia for the first time. 

  14. La mort d’un couple : prière(s et vie publiques Death of a couple: prayer(s and public life

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    Mathieu Touzeil-Divina


    Full Text Available Si, avant la Loi du 5 décembre 1905, les Eglises et l’Etat concrétisaient matériellement leurs liens étroits par des rites officiels nommés prières publiques, ceux-ci sont censés avoir été supprimés depuis. C’est l’histoire de cette suppression (après en avoir retenu une définition qui est ici envisagée à travers trois secteurs cardinaux de l’action administrative : la vie universitaire, parlementaire et judiciaire. Dans ces trois hypothèses les prières publiques ont été supprimées de façon différente (respectivement : par désuétude, par une Loi constitutionnelle et par circulaire. On constatera, enfin, l’actualité (troublante de certains de ces rites non exclus totalement de notre vie publique … laïque.If, before the law from December 5, 1905 law, Churches and the State would concretely manifest their close links through official rites called public prayers, these rites are supposed to have since been abolished. This article deals with the history of this abolition – which it first defines – through the study of the three central sectors of the public sector’s activity: university, parliament and judiciary life. In these three hypotheses, prayers have been abolished in various ways (respectively: by obsolescence, by constitutional statute-law and by decree. It will eventually focus on the (disquieting actuality of some of these rites not entirely excluded from our « secular » public life.

  15. Patient Experience Assessment is a Requisite for Quality Evaluation: A Discussion of the In-Center Hemodialysis Consumer Assessment of Health Care Providers and Systems (ICH CAHPS) Survey. (United States)

    Cavanaugh, Kerri L


    Patient experience surveys provide a critical and unique perspective on the quality of patient-centered healthcare delivery. These surveys provide a mechanism to systematically express patients' voice on topics valued by patients to make decisions about choices in care. They also provide an assessment to healthcare organizations about their service that cannot be obtained from any other source. Regulatory agencies have mandated the assessment of patients' experience as part of healthcare value based purchasing programs and weighted the results to account for up to 30% of the total scoring. This is a testimony to the accepted importance of this metric as a fundamental assessment of quality. After more than a decade of rigorous research, there is a significant body of growing evidence supporting specifically the validity and use of the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) surveys, including a version specific to in-center hemodialysis (ICH CAHPS). This review will focus on the ICH CAHPS survey including a review of its development, content, administration, and also a discussion of common criticisms. Although it is suggested that the survey assesses activities and experiences that are not modifiable by the healthcare organization (or the dialysis facility in our case) emerging evidence suggests otherwise. Dialysis providers have an exclusive opportunity to lead the advancement of understanding the implications and serviceability of the evaluation of the patient experience in health care. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Las élites gobernantes priístas del Estado de México: su conformación y redes 1942-2005

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    Claudia Abigail Morales Gómez


    Full Text Available El análisis que se realiza a lo largo de este texto tiene como objetivo explicar la conformación de las élites gubernamentales priístas en las sucesiones del ejecutivo local del Estado de México. Lo cual se pretende demostrar a través de una revisión teórica de las élites y desde la concepción del término; misma que para el caso de estudio se llevó a cabo mediante el reconocimiento de las redes de los principales actores políticos, lo que permite mostrar que sus relaciones de amistad, familiares o laborales son las que le posibilitan ascender y formar parte de las élites gubernamentales.

  17. Oscilacije nagibnog sklopa oruđa pri opaljenju / Oscillation of elevating group on artillery weapon during firing test

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    Zoran Ristić


    Full Text Available U radu su opisane oscilacije nagibnog sklopa artiljerijskog oruđa koje nastaju pri opaljenju. Nagibni sklop prikazanje kao kruto telo sa jednim stepenom slobode kretanja (rotacija u vertikalnoj ravni. Model oscilovanja upoređenje sa eksperimentalnim rezultatima realnog modela oscilovanja oruđa (oscilacije nagibnog sklopa sa više stepeni slobode kretanja. Date su razlike između proračunskog i realnog modela oscilovanja i analiza njihovih parametara. / The oscillation of elevating group on artillery weapon during firing test are described in this paper. The elevation group is represented a rigid body of DOF (rotation in vertical plane. The model oscillation is compared -with the experimental results of real model oscillation (oscillations of elevating group with more degrees of freedom. A difference sizes among simplify and real model oscillation are given, and some of their parameters are analyzed.

  18. Manuscritos freudianos inéditos: das ich und das es

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    Juan Carlos Cosentino


    Full Text Available Apresentamos aqui uma leitura crítica e comparada entre o rascunho e a forma final de O ego e o id, no momento em que nasce uma dissimetria entre o inconsciente reprimido e o material inconsciente que permanece não reconhecido. Partimos do capítulo "Os dois tipos de pulsão". O próprio Freud nos lembra que as questões aí levantadas retomam pensamentos iniciados em 1920. A partir da redefinição do Inconsciente e, mais tarde, com a reformulação da ideia de pulsão de morte, tais considerações permanecem mais perto da psicanálise que do texto Além.... Não obstante, o que denomina "nossa especulação" retorna nas conclusões do capítulo IV sobre o pressuposto da pulsão de morte. Com a irrupção do não-ligado, quais são os propósitos da pulsão de morte, em 1923, quando esta tem as mãos livres? Em 1924, constata que não-toda a pulsão está inscrita na representação. Intervém o silêncio da pulsão: essa fronteira, onde o id fala, o id goza e nada sabe.Freudian unpublished manuscripts: das Ich und das Es. This is a critical and comparative reading of the manuscripts of The Ego and the Id. We can read in this work a dissymmetry between the repressed unconscious and the material that remains unknown. We depart from chapter IV, "The two kinds of Drives". As Freud announces, the matters he displays resume thoughts from his writings of 1920. So, starting with the redefinition of Ucs and afterwards, with the reformulation of the idea of Todestrieb, they remain much closer to psychoanalysis than Beyond the pleasure principle. But what he calls, "our speculation" returns in the conclusions of chapter IV about the assumption of the Todestrieb. With the breaking through of the not bound: what are the purposes the Todestrieb serves, when, as he says in 1923, it has its hands free? In 1924 he confirms that not-all the drive is inscribed in the representation. The silence of the drive intervenes: this border, where id speaks, id enjoys

  19. Efficiency Analysis of Solar Facilities for Building Heating and Household Water Heating Under Conditions in the Czech Republic / Analýza Efektivity Solárnych Zariadení Pre Ohrev Úžitkovej Vody A Vykurovanie Budov V Podmienkach Českej Republiky

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    Pivko Michal


    Full Text Available Štúdia v tomto článku sa zaoberá efektivitou solárnych zariadení pre ohrev úžitkovej vody a vykurovanie budov v Českej republike. Česká republika je situovaná v miernom podnebnom pásme, to by malo byť brané do úvahy pri inštalácii solárnych zariadení. Efektivita solárnych zariadení je hodnotená podľa energetických a ekonomických bilancií. Analyzované sú solárne zariadenia pre ohrev úžitkovej vody a vykurovanie budov. Hlavný problém súvisí s implementáciou solárnych zariadení a ich prevádzka v miernom podnebnom pásme so striedajúcimi sa horúcimi letami a chladnými zimami.

  20. Anxiety, Self-Esteem and Coping With Stress in Secondary School Students in Relation to Involvement in Organized Sports / Anksioznost, Samospoštovanje In Spoprijemanje S Stresom Pri Srednješolcih V Povezavi Z Vključenostjo V Organizirano Športno Aktivnost

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    Dolenc Petra


    Full Text Available Cilj. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti raven samospoštovanja in anksioznosti ter uporabo različnih strategij spoprijemanja s stresom pri srednješolskih mladostnikih v povezavi z vključenostjo v redno in organizirano športno vadbo.

  1. A Simple and High-Throughput Analysis of Amatoxins and Phallotoxins in Human Plasma, Serum and Urine Using UPLC-MS/MS Combined with PRiME HLB μElution Platform

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    Shuo Zhang


    Full Text Available Amatoxins and phallotoxins are toxic cyclopeptides found in the genus Amanita and are among the predominant causes of fatal food poisoning in China. In the treatment of Amanita mushroom poisoning, an early and definite diagnosis is necessary for a successful outcome, which has prompted the development of protocols for the fast and confirmatory determination of amatoxins and phallotoxins in human biological fluids. For this purpose, a simple, rapid and sensitive multiresidue UPLC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of α-amanitin, β-amanitin, γ-amanitin, phalloidin (PHD and phallacidin (PCD in human plasma, serum and urine was developed and validated. The diluted plasma, serum and urine samples were directly purified with a novel PRiME technique on a 96-well μElution plate platform, which allowed high-throughput sample processing and low reagent consumption. After purification, a UPLC-MS/MS analysis was performed using positive electrospray ionization (ESI+ in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM mode. This method fulfilled the requirements of a validation test, with good results for the limit of detection (LOD, lower limit of quantification (LLOQ, accuracy, intra- and inter-assay precision, recovery and matrix effects. All of the analytes were confirmed and quantified in authentic plasma, serum and urine samples obtained from cases of poisoning using this method. Using the PRiME μElution technique for quantification reduces labor and time costs and represents a suitable method for routine toxicological and clinical emergency analysis.

  2. Adherence of non-pharmaceutically sponsored oncology trial protocols to the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines in an academic institution outside the ICH jurisdictions and the impact of IRB implementation on this adherence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeeneldin, A.A.


    Purpose: To assess adherence of non-pharmaceutically sponsored trials (non-PSTs) to ICH protocol structure guidelines and to estimate the effect of implementing Institutional Review Boards (IRB) review on this adherence. Methods: This is a retrospective exploratory study where 60 non-PST clinical trial protocols (CTPs) were reviewed and halved to IRB-reviewed CTPs (IRCTPs) and non-lRB-reviewed CTPs (non-lRCTPs). Adherence score (AS) was calculated as the number of fulfilled items or sub-items divided by their total number. Results: Three adherence patterns were encountered: (1) items consistently present in both groups e.g. general and background information, objectives, inclusion criteria and intervention details, (2) items consistently absent in both groups and included contact information of investigators and trial sites, product accountability, randomization codes management, interim analyses and many other statistical aspects, and (3) items variably present in both groups where the effect of IRB was verifiable. Trial site details, potential benefits, discontinuation and exclusion criteria, and follow up for adverse events were more encountered in IRCTPs than non-IRCTPs. Withdrawal criteria monitoring of treatment compliance showed a reverse pattern (p < 0.05 for all). The total AS, administrative AS and ethics AS for IRCTPs was 43%, 22% and 70% compared to 38%, 16% and 33% for non-IRCTPs (p < 0.003, <0.001, 0.004), respectively. The scientific AS was 54% for both groups (p = 0.87). Conclusions: IRB-implementation at NCl-Egypt improved ethical and administrative sections of academic protocols. However, this improvement is modest and needs further actions including adoption of protocol templates. Scientific sections were as good after IRB-implementation as they were before that

  3. AFM ve farmaceutické technologii 3.


    Ščuryová, Veronika


    Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Student: Veronika Ščuryová Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Pavel Doležal, CSc. Title of thesis: AFM in Pharmaceutical Technology 3 The theoretical part deals first with the construction of AFM microscope, the principle of the method, determining the surface topography and regimes which can be used. Described therein are distinct advantages over previous traditional methods but also its pitfalls. ...

  4. Dynamics of electron solvation in I(-)(CH3OH)n clusters (4 ≤ n ≤ 11). (United States)

    Young, Ryan M; Yandell, Margaret A; Neumark, Daniel M


    The dynamics of electron solvation following excitation of the charge-transfer-to-solvent precursor state in iodide-doped methanol clusters, I(-)(CH(3)OH)(n = 4-11), are studied with time-resolved photoelectron imaging. This excitation produces a I···(CH(3)OH)(n)(-) cluster that is unstable with respect to electron autodetachment and whose autodetachment lifetime increases monotonically from ~800 fs to 85 ps as n increases from 4 to 11. The vertical detachment energy (VDE) and width of the excited state feature in the photoelectron spectrum show complex time dependence during the lifetime of this state. The VDE decreases over the first 100-400 fs, then rises exponentially to a maximum with a ~1 ps time constant, and finally decreases by as much as 180 meV with timescales of 3-20 ps. The early dynamics are associated with electron transfer from the iodide to the methanol cluster, while the longer-time changes in VDE are attributed to solvent reordering, possibly in conjunction with ejection of neutral iodine from the cluster. Changes in the observed width of the spectrum largely follow those of the VDEs; the dynamics of both are attributed to the major rearrangement of the solvent cluster during relaxation. The relaxation dynamics are interpreted as a reorientation of at least one methanol molecule and the disruption and formation of the solvent network in order to accommodate the excess charge.

  5. Impact of globalization under the ICH guidelines on the conduct of reproductive toxicity studies--report on current status in Japan, Europe and the U.S. by questionnaire survey. (United States)

    Mineshima, Hiroshi; Endo, Yoshihiko; Ogasawara, Hiroyuki; Nishigaki, Keiji; Numa, Toshiaki; Hirano, Fumiya; Matsuzawa, Toshiaki


    We surveyed interpretation of the ICH guidelines concerning reproductive toxicology. Valid responses were obtained from Japan (JPN), Europe (EUR) and the U.S. The results obtained were compared to those at the time of a previous survey targeted at JPN facilities in 1995-1996 as well as compared among all three regions. Compared to the previous survey in Japan, the number of facilities performing toxicokinetics (TK) in rats has slightly increased. This result was considered to represent changes of attitude toward TK in reproductive toxicity studies. Differences in interpretation of the guidelines between JPN, EUR and the US were widely seen. Clear differences were noted in sperm examinations, postnatal tests, fetal examinations, some examinations for F1 animals after culling and TK. Researchers in the West seemed to be interpreting the ICH guidelines more flexibly from the scientific point of view. JPN researchers appeared to interpret the guidelines, including notes, as rigid requirements. Most of the parts which produced different interpretations were the notes in the guidelines. The force of mention in the notes should be defined in the future. In addition, there were doubts about some parts, including notes, which had been found to have become unsuitable for the implementation of studies because of scientific progress or from long experience in using the guidelines. Therefore, updates of the guidelines may be needed in the future as well as the remedy of interpretation by JPN researchers. In JPN, the number of reproductive toxicity studies has decreased. The scanty experience in JPN therefore raises apprehension of appropriate selection and stagnating development of methodology, and might hinder the maintenance of the guidelines. In the future, the cooperation of CROs as well as global collaboration will be essential not only to scientific developments of reproductive toxicology but also updates of the guidelines.

  6. Study and ICH validation of a reverse-phase liquid chromatographic method for the quantification of the intact monoclonal antibody cetuximab

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    Antonio Martínez-Ortega


    Full Text Available Cetuximab (CTX is a potent chimeric mouse/human monoclonal antibody (mAb approved worldwide for treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. Among the various biological and physical analyses performed for full study on this biopharmaceutic, the determination of the concentration preparations throughout manufacturing and subsequent handling in hospital is particularly relevant. In the present work, the study and validation of a method for quantifying intact CTX by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection ((RPHPLC/DAD is presented. With that end, we checked the performance of a chromatographic method for quantifying CTX and conducted a study to validate the method as stability-indicating in accordance with the International Conference on Harmonization guidelines (ICH for biotechnological drugs; therefore, we evaluated linearity, accuracy, precision, detection and quantification limits, robustness and system suitability. The specificity of the method and the robustness of the mAb formulation against external stress factors were estimated by comprehensive chromatographic analysis by subjecting CTX to several informative stress conditions. As demonstrated, the method is rapid, accurate, and reproducible for CTX quantification. It was also successfully used to quantify CTX in a long-term stability study performed under hospital conditions.

  7. Development of Geiger-Mueller counters for operation at high temperatures; Mise au point de compteurs Geiger-Mueller fonctionnant a haute temperature; Razrabotka schetchikov Gejgera-Myullera, rabotayushchikh pri povyshennoj temperature; Contadores Geiger-Mueller que funcionan a temperaturas elevadas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Draghicescu, M [Institut de Physique Atomique, Bucarest (Romania)


    Counters of this type are necessary for radioactive logging at great depths; they have to operate normally at temperatures up to 180{sup o}C. In order to preserve their characteristics under such conditions, the work function of the cathode has been improved by a special treatment. Tests have been made on counters with graphite, copper and wolfram cathodes in a glass envelope. The method is simple, and can easily be employed in industry. (author) [French] De tels compteurs sont necessaires pour le sondage radioactif aux grandes profondeurs; ils doivent fonctionner dans des conditions normales jusqu'a la temperature de 180{sup o}C. Afin qu'ils puissent conserver leurs caracteristiques jusqu'a cette temperature, on a agi sur le travail de sortie de la cathode par un traitement adequat. On a fait l'essai sur des compteurs avec cathode de graphite, de cuivre ou de tungstene, dans un ballon de verre. La methode proposee est simple et peut etre appliquee facilement dans l'industrie. (author) [Spanish] Se requiere este tipo de contador para la determinacion de la radiactividad a grandes profundidades; debe ser capaz de funcionar normalmente a temperaturas hasta de 180{sup o}C. A fin de que sus caracteristicas se conserven inalteradas hasta tales temperaturas, se ha modificado la funcion de trabajo del catodo mediante un tratamiento adecuando. Se han ensayado contadores con catodo de grafito, de cobre o de wolframio en un balon de vidrio. El metodo propuesto es simple y puede aplicarse facilmente en la industria. (author) [Russian] Podobnye schetchiki neobkhodimy dlya radioaktivnogo karottazha na bol'shikh glubinakh; oni dolzhny funktsionirovat' v normal'nykh usloviyakh pri temperature do 180{sup o}C. Nakonets, dlya togo, chtoby oni mogli sokhranyat' svoi osobennosti pri ehtoj temperature, bylo obrashcheno vnimanie na rabotu katodnogo vykhoda pri pomoshchi sootvetstvuyushchej obrabotki. Byl proveden opyt na schetchikakh s grafitovym, mednym ili vol'framovym katodom v

  8. From the Ancient Library of Alexandria to the World Wide Web

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    Sebastian D. Kotuła


    Full Text Available Celem artykułu jest wykazanie paraleli między WWW a Biblioteką Aleksandryjską. Koncepcyjnie WWW znajduje się pod wpływem wypracowanych w kulturze książki metod i sposobów organizacji i zarządzania informacją. Daje się bowiem wskazać podobieństwo między WWW a bibliotecznym zadaniem zabezpieczenia jak największej spuścizny piśmienniczego dziedzictwa kulturowego ludzkości, tj. zgromadzenia bogactwa informacyjnego in corpore i udostępnienia go in situ. Poza tym przyrost informacji w przestrzeni WWW (powstawanie coraz większej liczby stron WWW doprowadził do konieczności stworzenia odpowiednich technologii informacyjnych, których zadaniem jest zarządzanie tymi cyfrowymi obiektami. Podczas tworzenia niektórych technologii nawiązano do głównej idei przyświecającej twórcom Biblioteki Aleksandryjskiej, tj. stworzenia pełnego repozytorium informacji. W artykule omówiono te technologie, wskazując konceptualne podobieństwo do Biblioteki Aleksandryjskiej.

  9. Preliminary evidence for association of genetic variants in pri-miR-34b/c and abnormal miR-34c expression with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. (United States)

    Garcia-Martínez, I; Sánchez-Mora, C; Pagerols, M; Richarte, V; Corrales, M; Fadeuilhe, C; Cormand, B; Casas, M; Ramos-Quiroga, J A; Ribasés, M


    Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impairment to sustain attention and inability to control impulses and activity level. The etiology of ADHD is complex, with an estimated heritability of 70-80%. Under the hypothesis that alterations in the processing or target binding of microRNAs (miRNAs) may result in functional alterations predisposing to ADHD, we explored whether common polymorphisms potentially affecting miRNA-mediated regulation are involved in this psychiatric disorder. We performed a comprehensive association study focused on 134 miRNAs in 754 ADHD subjects and 766 controls and found association between the miR-34b/c locus and ADHD. Subsequently, we provided preliminary evidence for overexpression of the miR-34c-3p mature form in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of ADHD subjects. Next, we tested the effect on gene expression of single-nucleotide polymorphisms within the ADHD-associated region and found that rs4938923 in the promoter of the pri-miR-34b/c tags cis expression quantitative trait loci for both miR-34b and miR-34c and has an impact on the expression levels of 681 transcripts in trans, including genes previously associated with ADHD. This gene set was enriched for miR-34b/c binding sites, functional categories related to the central nervous system, such as axon guidance or neuron differentiation, and serotonin biosynthesis and signaling canonical pathways. Our results provide preliminary evidence for the contribution to ADHD of a functional variant in the pri-miR-34b/c promoter, possibly through dysregulation of the expression of mature forms of miR-34b and miR-34c and some target genes. These data highlight the importance of abnormal miRNA function as a potential epigenetic mechanism contributing to ADHD.

  10. A Privacy Protection User Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme Tailored for the Internet of Things Environment: PriAuth

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    Yuwen Chen


    Full Text Available In a wearable sensor-based deployment, sensors are placed over the patient to monitor their body health parameters. Continuous physiological information monitored by wearable sensors helps doctors have a better diagnostic and a suitable treatment. When doctors want to access the patient’s sensor data remotely via network, the patient will authenticate the identity of the doctor first, and then they will negotiate a key for further communication. Many lightweight schemes have been proposed to enable a mutual authentication and key establishment between the two parties with the help of a gateway node, but most of these schemes cannot enable identity confidentiality. Besides, the shared key is also known by the gateway, which means the patient’s sensor data could be leaked to the gateway. In PriAuth, identities are encrypted to guarantee confidentiality. Additionally, Elliptic Curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH key exchange protocol has been adopted to ensure the secrecy of the key, avoiding the gateway access to it. Besides, only hash and XOR computations are adopted because of the computability and power constraints of the wearable sensors. The proposed scheme has been validated by BAN logic and AVISPA, and the results show the scheme has been proven as secure.

  11. Total flotation and backfill

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    Carlos Villachica León


    Full Text Available Kolektívna flotácia a zavážanie (TFB boli navrhnuté ako ve¾mi výhodný technologický postup pre dosiahnutie trvalého rozvoja pri podzemnej ažbe polymetalických rúd v Peru. Táto technológia zlepšuje ekonomiku, znaène znižuje väèšinu environmentálnych problémov, ktoré súvisia s prevádzkovaním jemných odpadov, kyslými vodami a nadmerným používaním chemikálií v úpravniach.Kolektívna flotácia (TF je založená na mimoriadne hrubom mletí a flotácii sulfidov neželezných kovov s výnimkou pyritu. Získaný produkt je kolektívny koncentrát s hmotnosou 15-25 % hmotnosti vyaženej rudy. Postup umožòuje ve¾mi jednoduchú schému aplikácie flotaèného režimu a flotaèného okruhu bez stupòov triedenia, zahusovania a filtrácie. Úpravne pracujúce v TF režime sú tak malé, že ich je možné inštalova v podzemí, èím sa znaène znížia náklady a infraštruktúra potrebné pre manipuláciu s rudou a jej dopravou na povrch.Odpady z TF prevádzkovanej v podzemí sú hrubozrné takže je možné ich zavážanie bez predchádzajúceho triedenia za úèelom odstránenia jemných podielov. Tým sa znižuje množstvo odpadu, ktoré sa má èerpa na povrch až na 5-10 % hmotnosti vyaženej rudy. Kolektívny koncentrát sa èerpá na povrch, kde sa premie¾a a separuje na koncentráty Cu, Pb a Zn a pyritový koncentrát. V prípade Peru táto separaèná jednotka (SP môže by vzdialená od miesta ažby.V prípade novej baníckej technológie TFB dochádza k dramatickým zmenám pri návrhu a projektovaní banského diela. Technológiu TFB je možné tiež úspešne aplikova v jestvujúcich baniach, kde je nutné aži hlboko uložené ložiská. V tejto práci sa popisujú skúšky s TFB technológiou pre Zn-Pb ložisko ve¾kej håbky. V týchto skúškach sa dosiahli výažnosti pre Zn a Pb do 90 % pre koncentrát tvoriaci 15 % vyaženej rudy pri hrubom mletí (25 % - 200 mesh pri

  12. Las redes sociales en las campañas de los candidatos a diputados locales del PRI , el PAN y el PRD en las elecciones de 2015 en el Estado de México / Social media in local campaigns of pri , pan and prd candidates in the 2015 State of Mexico legislative elections

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    Leticia Heras Gómez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo es examinar la comunicación política de los partidos a través de las redes sociales (Facebook y Twitter en las elecciones de 2015 para el Congreso local del Estado de México. Con este fin, se realizó un análisis de contenido de todos los mensajes en redes sociales de los candidatos del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI el Partido Acción Nacional (PAN y el Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD a partir de una muestra de nueve de los 45 distritos electorales uninominales, con base en una codificación que clasifica su contenido en ocho categorías relevantes. Contrario a los supuestos de la literatura sobre la posmodernización de las campañas electorales, los resultados del estudio muestran que el uso político de las redes sociales en las elecciones locales en México es todavía limitado y que los canales basados en Internet aún no han logrado desplazar a las formas tradicionales de comunicación ni de participación electoral. En general, los datos revelan que las redes sociales se utilizan esencialmente como agenda o diario de actividades de los candidatos, los cuales buscan una mayor visibilidad de su imagen, pero con escasa incidencia en los resultados electorales. / The aim of this article is to examine political party communication through social media (Facebook and Twitter in the 2015 local congressional elections of the State of Mexico. According to that purpose, we carried out a content analysis of social media messages of all congressional candidates of the PRI, PAN, and PRD from a sample of nine single-member districts out of 45, by using a coding of eight relevant categories. The results of our study show that the political use of social media in local elections in México is still quite limited and that Internet channels have not replaced traditional methods of political communication and electoral participation, which is contrary to the assumptions of post-modernization literature

  13. Perfil político de los diputados mexicanos federales del pan y pri de la LXI Legislatura: apuntes para un estudio cualitativo de los políticos

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    Mónica Montaño Reyes


    Full Text Available El descontento ante la democracia ha pro - vocado que el estudio del capital humano que dirige las instituciones representativas cobre relevancia. En este artículo se analiza el perfil político de 382 diputados federales del Partido Acción Nacional ( pan y del Partido Revolucionario Institucional ( pri de la lxi Legislatura. El análisis contem - pla sus competencias profesionales, su trayectoria y su experiencia política. Los resultados muestran datos relevantes sobre los personajes que ejercen los puestos de representación política en México; la revisión de sus competencias personales y de su trayectoria profesional lleva a concluir que la carrera política es un factor de gran importancia para el mejor funcionamiento de la democracia representativa.

  14. Properties of Waste from Coal Gasification in Entrained Flow Reactors in the Aspect of Their Use in Mining Technology / Właściwości odpadów ze zgazowania węgla w reaktorach dyspersyjnych w aspekcie ich wykorzystania w technologiach górniczych (United States)

    Pomykała, Radosław


    przedstawiono analizę możliwości wykorzystania ubocznych produktów zgazowania, jako materiałów do podsadzki hydrauliczne (wg normy PN-93/G-11010), podsadzki zestalanej oraz mieszaniny do doszczelniania zrobów (wg normy PN-G-11011:1998) - technologii stosowanych w polskim górnictwie węgla kamiennego. Podstawowe badania ubocznych produktów zgazowania obejmowały takie właściwości jak gęstość, wilgotność, skład ziarnowy, wymywalność zanieczyszczeń chemicznych oraz zawartość radionuklidów. Wybrane właściwości fizyczne ubocznych produktów zgazowania oraz ich oznaczenie zestawiono w tabeli 1. Składy ziarnowe żużli ze zgazowania, analizowanych pod kątem zastosowania w podsadzce hydraulicznej przedstawiono na rys. 1, a materiałów dla technologii zawiesinowej, czyli popiołu lotnego A2 oraz zmielonych żużli oznaczonych, jako S1m, S2m oraz S3m - na rys. 2. Żużle ze zgazowania zawierają nie więcej niż 6% ziaren mniejszych niż 0,1 mm, co odpowiada wymaganiom dla materiałów podsadzkowych I klasy. Analiza wymywalności zanieczyszczeń chemicznych wykazała przekroczenia wymagań jednej lub obu przywołanych norm w zakresie pH i/lub niklu dla próbek żużli S1 i S2 oraz popiołu A2 (tab. 2). Zwraca uwagę bardzo niska wartość pH oraz bardzo wysoka zawartość niklu dla żużla S1. Jest to rzecz nietypowa dla krajowych odpadów energetycznych powstających ze spalania węgla kamiennego. W zakresie zawartości radionuklidów wszystkie materiały spełniają nie tylko wymagania norm podsadzkowych, ale również wymagania stawiane materiałom budowlanym (tab. 3). Ściśliwość żużli ze zgazowania kształtuje się na poziomie 11÷14%, co pozwala zakwalifikować je do materiałów podsadzkowych III klasy. Aby uzyskać materiał wyższej klasy, konieczne jest zmieszanie żużli z piaskiem podsadzkowych. W zakresie wodoprzepuszczalności wszystkie żużle kwalifikują się, jako materiał podsadzkowy klasy I (rys. 5, tab. 4). W normie PN-G-11011

  15. Association of Average Telomere Length with Body-Mass Index and Vitamin D Status in Juvenile Population with Type 1 Diabetes / Povezava Povprečnih Dolžin Telomerov Z Indeksom Telesne Teže in Vitaminom D Pri Mladostnikih S Sladkorno Boleznijo Tipa 1

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    Tesovnik Tine


    Full Text Available Izhodišče. Sladkorna bolezen tipa 1 (SBT1 je kronična avtoimunska bolezen, pri kateri hiperglikemija ter zvišana raven oksidativnega stresa in končnih produktov glikacije skupaj z genetskimi in okoljskimi dejavniki privedeta do nastanka diabetičnih zapletov. Krajše dolžine telomerov so povezane s hiperglikemičnimi epizodami in nižjimi serumskimi vrednostmi vitamina D.

  16. El silenciamiento de la proteína priónica celular (PrPC mediante RNA de interferencia (siRNA reduce la infección por HSV-1 y HSV-2 en células SK-SY5Y

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    Elizabeth Ortega-Soto


    Full Text Available Las encefalopatías espongiformes transmisibles (EETs son enfermedades neurodegenerativas fatales que afectan a humanos y ciertas especies animales. La hipótesis más aceptada indica que el agente infeccioso, denotado como prion y compuesto principalmente por la Proteína Priónica Scrapie (PrPSc, corresponde a una conformación anormal de una proteína codificada por el huésped denominada Proteína Priónica Celular (PrPC, cuya función es aún desconocida; sin embargo, la expresión ubicua de PrPC así como su elevado grado de conservación entre especies, sugieren un papel importante para esta proteína. En este trabajo se detectó a la PrPC en diferentes tipos celulares incluyendo un cultivo primario de células de peces (Tilapia, Oreochromis spp.. Además, basándonos en la secuencia de la PrPC humana, se diseñó un RNA de interferencia (siRNA con el fin de silenciar el gen PRNP en células neuronales SK-SY5Y. El siRNA diseñado inhibió la expresión de PrPC a lo largo de las 96 h post-transfección y las células silenciadas fueron menos susceptibles a la infección por HSV-1 y HSV-2, en comparación con células no transfectadas con el siRNA.

  17. Expression of genes for microRNA-processing enzymes is altered in advanced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. (United States)

    Sharma, Haveesh; Estep, Michael; Birerdinc, Aybike; Afendy, Arian; Moazzez, Amir; Elariny, Hazem; Goodman, Zachary; Chandhoke, Vikas; Baranova, Ancha; Younossi, Zobair M


    Recently, microRNAs (miRNA) have been linked to the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and its progression to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). First transcribed as pri-miRNA, these molecules are further processed by a complex of endonuclear and cytosolic RNA binding molecules to form mature miRNAs. The aim of this study is to investigate mechanisms of miRNA regulation in the visceral adipose of obese NAFLD patients via measuring expression of miRNA processing enzymes and pri-miRNA. Total RNAs were extracted from visceral adipose tissue (VAT) samples collected from patients undergoing bariatric surgery. All patients had biopsy-proven NAFLD (NASH patients [n = 12] and non-NASH NAFLD [n = 12]). For each patient, we profiled mRNA levels for three miRNA processing elements (Drosha, DGCR8, and Dicer1) and seven pri-miRNAs (pri-miR-125b-2, pri-miR-16-2, pri-miR-26a-1, pri-miR-26a-2, pri-miR-7-1, pri-miR-7-2, and pri-miR-7-3). Expression of Dicer1, Drosha and DGCR8 was significantly increased within the NASH cohort along with expression of pri-miR-7-1. The presence of focal necrosis on the liver biopsy correlated significantly with levels of Dicer1 and DGRC8. Both NASH and ballooning degeneration of hepatocytes correlated negatively with the expression levels of hsa-miR-125b. Histologic NASH correlated positively with the expression levels of pri-miR-16-2 and pri-miR-7-1. The presence of the hepatocyte's ballooning degeneration in the liver biopsy correlated positively with pri-miR-26a-1 and pri-miR-7-1. The expression profile of pri-miR-125b-2 also correlated positively with body mass index. Our findings support the hypothesis that VAT-derived miRNA may contribute to the pathogenesis of NASH in obese patients. © 2013 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  18. Cold distribution networks. Cold distribution by two-phase refrigerant fluid. Case of ice slurries; Reseaux de distribution de froid. Distribution de froid par fluide frigoporteur diphasique. Cas du coulis de glace stabilisee (2002 - 2004). Rapport final (1er juillet 2004). Programme energie. PRI 9.1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lallemand, A. [Institut National des Sciences Appliquees (INSA), Centre de Thermique de Lyon (CETHIL), UMR 5008, 69 - Villeurbanne (France); Mercier, P. [CEA Grenoble, Groupement pour la Recherche sur les Echangeurs Thermiques (GRETH), 38 (France); Royon, L. [Paris-1 Univ., Lab. de Biorheologie et d' Hydrodynamique Physico-Chimique, 75 (France); Dumas, J.P. [L' Ecole Nationale Superieure en Genie des Technologies Industrielles, Lab. de Thermique Energetique et Procedes, 64 - Pau (France); Guilpart, J. [URGPAN/CEMAGRE, 33 - Bordeaux (France)


    This PRI aims to participate to the development of alternate solutions for refrigerant fluids, for the cold transport and more specially a two phase refrigerant fluid: the stabilized ice slurry. The research program presented three main axis: design, realization and characterization of stabilized ice slurry, experimental studies of transport and transfer properties, study of online measurement process of the solid content. A simulation has been realized to evaluate the energy efficiency of this refrigerant use. (A.L.B.)

  19. A comparative study of ICH validated novel spectrophotometric techniques for resolving completely overlapping spectra of quaternary mixtures (United States)

    Ali, Nouruddin W.; Abdelwahab, Nada S.; Abdelkawy, M.; Emam, Aml A.


    A pharmaceutically marketed mixture of Yohimbine, Alpha-tocopheryl acetate, Niacin, and Caffeine co-formulated as a promising therapy for erectile dysfunction. Simultaneous determination of the aforementioned pharmaceutical formulation without prior separation steps was applied using mean centering of ratio spectra and triple divisor spectrophotometric methods. Mean centering of ratio spectra method depended on using the mean centered ratio spectra in three successive steps which eliminated the derivative steps and so the signal to noise ratio was improved. The absorption spectra of the prepared solutions were measured in the wavelength range of 215-300 nm in the concentration ranges of 1-15, 3-15, 1-20, and 3-15 μg mL- 1 for Yohimbine, Alpha-tocopheryl acetate, Niacin, and Caffeine, respectively. The amplitudes of the mean centered third ratio spectra were measured at 250 nm and 268 nm for Yohimbine and Alpha-tocopheryl acetate, respectively and at peak to peak 272-273 and 262-263 nm for Niacin and Caffeine, respectively. In triple divisor method each drug in the quaternary mixture was determined by dividing the spectrum of the quaternary mixture by a standard spectrum of a mixture containing equal concentrations of the other three drugs. First derivative of these ratio spectra was obtained where determination could be achieved without any interference from the other three drugs. Amplitudes of 1-15, 3-15, 1-15, and 3-15 μg mL- 1 were used for selective determination of Yohimbine, Alpha-tocopheryl acetate, Niacin, and Caffeine, respectively. Laboratory prepared mixtures were analyzed by the developed novel methods to investigate their selectivity also, Super Act® capsules were successfully analyzed to ensure absence of interference from additives. The developed methods were validated according to the ICH guidelines. The proposed methods were statistically compared with each other and with the reported methods; using student t-test, F-test, and one way ANOVA

  20. Kein Mensch ist ein Ich-Land [No man is an island]. The metaphorof an island in reflections on friendship

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joanna Roszak


    Full Text Available In her essay, the author recalls literary contexts (including John Donne, Michel Houellebecq and Ernest Hemingway and philosophical and anthropological contexts (including Aristotle, Thomas Merton, Maurice Blanchot, Jean-Paul Sartre and Gilles Deleuze presenting the poetic “I’s” various ways of approaching friendship. The quotation from a German translation of John Donne’s poem used in the title of the article is in itself a meaningful phonetic wordplay: “Kein Mensch ist ein Ich-Land” (no man is an “I” land, no man is an island. The main part of the essay includes an interpretation of the television series Lost — Joanna Roszak investigates philosophical references in the series and indicates biblical contexts (“Am I my brother’s keeper?”. A very apt comment to many episodes in the series is, according to the author, the formula told by Z. Herbert’s Fortinbras: Ani nam witać się ani żegnać żyjemy na archipelagach/ A ta woda te słowa cóż mogą cóż mogą” [It is not for us to greet each other or bid farewell we live on archipelagos/ and that water these words what can they do what can they do prince]. It is a similar defencelessness in which the main characters of Lost try to struggle the reality, even if they live together, and die all alone. Collective memory has become a safeguard for the community in the world, which is to be destined for homelessness and forlornness. The other person though becomes a reference point — it is him or her that makes it possible to find the way home.

  1. Ice cream headache in students and family history of headache: a cross-sectional epidemiological study. (United States)

    Zierz, Antonia Maria; Mehl, Theresa; Kraya, Torsten; Wienke, Andreas; Zierz, Stephan


    Headache attributed to ingestion of a cold stimulus (ICHD-3 beta 4.5.1) is also known as ice cream headache (ICH). This cross-sectional epidemiological study included 283 students (10-14-year-olds) attending a grammar school in Germany, their parents (n = 401), and 41 teachers. A self-administered questionnaire was used to analyze the prevalence and characteristics of ICH based on the ICHD classification. Additionally, the association between ICH and other headaches was investigated in students and parents. Prevalence of ICH in students was 62 % without gender difference. In adults, only 36 % of females and 22 % of males reported ICH. There was an increased risk for ICH in students when mother (OR 10.7) or father (OR 8.4) had ICH. Other headaches in parents had no influence on the prevalence of ICH in students. However, in the groups of students and parents itself there was a highly significant association between ICH and other headaches (students: OR 2.4, mothers: OR 2.9, fathers: OR 6.8). There was a decreased risk for ICH when parents and students had no headache at all (OR < 0.4). ICH in students clearly shows a familial disposition by both father and mother. There was also an association between ICH and other headaches within the student and adult groups. The absence of headache history seems to be a protective factor for ICH.

  2. Doenças priônicas: avaliação dos riscos envolvidos na utilização de produtos de origem bovina Prionic disease: evaluation of the risks involved in using products of bovine origin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Omar Lupi


    Full Text Available Os príons são proteínas que se mostram capazes de auto-replicação apesar de, para isso, alterar o metabolismo celular. São responsáveis por inúmeras doenças em animais e no ser humano (doenças priônicas, todas elas fatais. Essas moléstias apresentam enorme variabilidade quanto ao período de incubação, de alguns meses a 40 anos. Os príons acumulam-se e destroem os neurônios, provocando quadros conhecidos como encefalopatias espongiosiformes. Discute-se a apresentação clínica, epidemiológica e histórica das doenças priônicas. O foco maior de discussão recai, no entanto, na possibilidade teórica da transmissão iatrogênica dos príons por meio das formulações tópicas que utilizam ceramidas (cerebrosídeos ou placenta de origem bovina, assim como pelo risco representado por alguns procedimentos dermatológicos, como transplantes da pele e implantes de colágeno.A prion is a protein that is capable of self replication, thereby altering a cell's metabolism. It is responsible for a number of human and animal diseases (prionic diseases, all of which are always lethal. These diseases have enormous variability in their incubation periods, ranging from a few months to forty years. Prions accumulate and destroy nerve cells, causing spongiform encephalopathy. We discuss the clinical picture, epidemiology, and historical background of prionic diseases. The major focus of the discussion lies, however, on the theoretical possibility of iatrogenic transmission of prion infection due to topical formulations using ceramides (cerebrosides or placenta of bovine origin, as well as the risk represented by some dermatological procedures such as skin grafts and collagen implants.



    Sać, Teuta


    V računovodskih izkazih se pojavijo posamezne napačne navedbe, ki lahko izvirajo iz naslova prevare ali napake. Revizorja pri revidiranju spremljajo tveganja, da ne bo odkril napačne navedbe in izrazil napačnega mnenja o poštenosti in resničnosti računovodskih izkazov, ki ga imenujemo revizijsko tveganje. Revizijsko tveganje je sestavljeno iz tveganja pri delovanju, tveganja pri kontroliranju in tveganja pri odkrivanju. Na tveganje pri delovanju lahko vplivajo okoliščine znotraj podjetja...

  4. Combining Spot Sign and Intracerebral Hemorrhage Score to Estimate Functional Outcome: Analysis From the PREDICT Cohort. (United States)

    Schneider, Hauke; Huynh, Thien J; Demchuk, Andrew M; Dowlatshahi, Dar; Rodriguez-Luna, David; Silva, Yolanda; Aviv, Richard; Dzialowski, Imanuel


    The intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) score is the most commonly used grading scale for stratifying functional outcome in patients with acute ICH. We sought to determine whether a combination of the ICH score and the computed tomographic angiography spot sign may improve outcome prediction in the cohort of a prospective multicenter hemorrhage trial. Prospectively collected data from 241 patients from the observational PREDICT study (Prediction of Hematoma Growth and Outcome in Patients With Intracerebral Hemorrhage Using the CT-Angiography Spot Sign) were analyzed. Functional outcome at 3 months was dichotomized using the modified Rankin Scale (0-3 versus 4-6). Performance of (1) the ICH score and (2) the spot sign ICH score-a scoring scale combining ICH score and spot sign number-was tested. Multivariable analysis demonstrated that ICH score (odds ratio, 3.2; 95% confidence interval, 2.2-4.8) and spot sign number (n=1: odds ratio, 2.7; 95% confidence interval, 1.1-7.4; n>1: odds ratio, 3.8; 95% confidence interval, 1.2-17.1) were independently predictive of functional outcome at 3 months with similar odds ratios. Prediction of functional outcome was not significantly different using the spot sign ICH score compared with the ICH score alone (spot sign ICH score area under curve versus ICH score area under curve: P =0.14). In the PREDICT cohort, a prognostic score adding the computed tomographic angiography-based spot sign to the established ICH score did not improve functional outcome prediction compared with the ICH score. © 2018 American Heart Association, Inc.

  5. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy ameliorates acute brain injury after porcine intracerebral hemorrhage at high altitude. (United States)

    Zhu, Hai-tao; Bian, Chen; Yuan, Ji-chao; Liao, Xiao-jun; Liu, Wei; Zhu, Gang; Feng, Hua; Lin, Jiang-kai


    Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) at high altitude is not well understood to date. This study investigates the effects of high altitude on ICH, and examines the acute neuroprotection of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy against high-altitude ICH. Minipigs were placed in a hypobaric chamber for 72 h before the operation. ICH was induced by an infusion of autologous arterial blood (3 ml) into the right basal ganglia. Animals in the high-altitude ICH group received HBO therapy (2.5 ATA for 60 min) 30 min after ICH. Blood gas, blood glucose and brain tissue oxygen partial pressure (PbtO2) were monitored continuously for animals from all groups, as were microdialysis products including glucose, lactate, pyruvate and glutamate in perihematomal tissue from 3 to 12 h post-ICH. High-altitude ICH animals showed significantly lower PbtO2, higher lactate/pyruvate ratio (LPR) and glutamate levels than low-altitude ICH animals. More severe neurological deficits, brain edema and neuronal damage were also observed in high-altitude ICH. After HBO therapy, PbtO2 was significantly increased and LPR and glutamate levels were significantly decreased. Brain edema, neurological deficits and neuronal damage were also ameliorated. The data suggested a more serious disturbance of tissue oxygenation and cerebral metabolism in the acute stage after ICH at high altitude. Early HBO treatment reduced acute brain injury, perhaps through a mechanism involving the amelioration of the derangement of cerebral oxygenation and metabolism following high-altitude ICH.

  6. Dynamics of spectral bio-indicators and their correlations with light use efficiency using directional observations at a Douglas-fir forest (United States)

    Cheng, Yen-Ben; Middleton, Elizabeth M.; Hilker, Thomas; Coops, Nicholas C.; Black, T. Andrew; Krishnan, Praveena


    The carbon science community must rely on satellite remote sensing to obtain global estimates of photosynthetic activity, typically expressed as net primary production (NPP), gross primary production (GPP) or light use efficiency (LUE). The photochemical reflectance index (PRI), calculated as a normalized difference reflectance index using a physiologically active green band (~531 nm) and another physiologically insensitive green reference band (~570 nm), denoted as PRI(570), has been confirmed in many studies as being strongly related to LUE. Here, we examined the potential of utilizing PRI(570) observations under different illumination conditions for canopy LUE estimation of a forest. In order to evaluate this, directional hyperspectral reflectance measurements were collected continuously throughout the daytime periods using an automated spectroradiometer in conjunction with tower-based eddy covariance fluxes and environmental measurements at a coastal conifer forest in British Columbia, Canada throughout the 2006 growing season. A parameter calculated as the PRI(570) difference (dPRI(570)) between shaded versus sunlit canopy foliage sectors showed a strong correlation to tower-based LUE. The seasonal pattern for this correlation produced a dramatic change from high negative (r ~ -0.80) values in the springtime and early fall to high positive values (r ~ 0.80) during the summer months, which could represent the seasonality of physiological characteristics and environmental factors. Although the PRI(570) successfully tracked canopy LUE, one or both of its green bands (~531 and 570 nm) used to calculate the PRI are unavailable on most existing and planned near-term satellites. Therefore, we examined the potential to use 24 other spectral indexes for LUE monitoring that might be correlated to PRI, and thereby a substitute for it. We also continued our previous investigations into the influence of illumination conditions on the observed PRI(570) and other indexes

  7. Dynamics of spectral bio-indicators and their correlations with light use efficiency using directional observations at a Douglas-fir forest

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, Yen-Ben; Middleton, Elizabeth M; Hilker, Thomas; Coops, Nicholas C; Black, T Andrew; Krishnan, Praveena


    The carbon science community must rely on satellite remote sensing to obtain global estimates of photosynthetic activity, typically expressed as net primary production (NPP), gross primary production (GPP) or light use efficiency (LUE). The photochemical reflectance index (PRI), calculated as a normalized difference reflectance index using a physiologically active green band (∼531 nm) and another physiologically insensitive green reference band (∼570 nm), denoted as PRI(570), has been confirmed in many studies as being strongly related to LUE. Here, we examined the potential of utilizing PRI(570) observations under different illumination conditions for canopy LUE estimation of a forest. In order to evaluate this, directional hyperspectral reflectance measurements were collected continuously throughout the daytime periods using an automated spectroradiometer in conjunction with tower-based eddy covariance fluxes and environmental measurements at a coastal conifer forest in British Columbia, Canada throughout the 2006 growing season. A parameter calculated as the PRI(570) difference (dPRI(570)) between shaded versus sunlit canopy foliage sectors showed a strong correlation to tower-based LUE. The seasonal pattern for this correlation produced a dramatic change from high negative (r ∼ −0.80) values in the springtime and early fall to high positive values (r ∼ 0.80) during the summer months, which could represent the seasonality of physiological characteristics and environmental factors. Although the PRI(570) successfully tracked canopy LUE, one or both of its green bands (∼531 and 570 nm) used to calculate the PRI are unavailable on most existing and planned near-term satellites. Therefore, we examined the potential to use 24 other spectral indexes for LUE monitoring that might be correlated to PRI, and thereby a substitute for it. We also continued our previous investigations into the influence of illumination conditions on the observed PRI(570) and other

  8. Association of subdural hematoma with increased mortality in lobar intracerebral hemorrhage. (United States)

    Patel, Pratik V; FitzMaurice, Emilie; Nandigam, R N Kaveer; Auluck, Pavan; Viswanathan, Anand; Goldstein, Joshua N; Rosand, Jonathan; Greenberg, Steven M; Smith, Eric E


    To determine the prevalence of subdural hematoma (SDH) in patients presenting with primary nontraumatic lobar intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and characteristics associated with the presence of SDH. Retrospective analysis of data collected in a prospective cohort study. Hospital. Consecutive sample of 200 patients with primary lobar ICH and 75 patients with deep hemispheric ICH. Presence of SDH and mortality. Subdural hematoma was present in 40 of 200 patients (20%) with primary lobar ICH. By contrast, SDH was not present in any of 75 consecutive patients with deep hemispheric ICH (P Subdural hematoma thickness more than 5 mm was an independent predictor of increased 30-day mortality (OR, 7.60; 95% CI, 1.86-30.99; P = .005) after controlling for other factors including ICH volume. Further analysis showed that the effect of SDH on mortality depended on ICH volume, with larger odds for mortality in those with low ICH volume (OR, 12.85; 95% CI, 2.42-68.23; P = .003 for those with ICH volume subdural space, may be the pathogenic mechanism.

  9. Progress in translational research on intracerebral hemorrhage: Is there an end in sight? (United States)

    Xi, Guohua; Strahle, Jennifer; Hua, Ya; Keep, Richard F.


    Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a common and often fatal stroke subtype for which specific therapies and treatments remain elusive. To address this, many recent experimental and translational studies of ICH have been conducted, and these have led to several ongoing clinical trials. This review focuses on the progress of translational studies of ICH including those of the underlying causes and natural history of ICH, animal models of the condition, and effects of ICH on the immune and cardiac systems, among others. Current and potential clinical trials also are discussed for both ICH alone and with intraventricular extension. PMID:24139872

  10. Retrospective Methods Analysis of Semiautomated Intracerebral Hemorrhage Volume Quantification From a Selection of the STICH II Cohort (Early Surgery Versus Initial Conservative Treatment in Patients With Spontaneous Supratentorial Lobar Intracerebral Haematomas). (United States)

    Haley, Mark D; Gregson, Barbara A; Mould, W Andrew; Hanley, Daniel F; Mendelow, Alexander David


    The ABC/2 method for calculating intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) volume has been well validated. However, the formula, derived from the volume of an ellipse, assumes the shape of ICH is elliptical. We sought to compare the agreement of the ABC/2 formula with other methods through retrospective analysis of a selection of the STICH II cohort (Early Surgery Versus Initial Conservative Treatment in Patients With Spontaneous Supratentorial Lobar Intracerebral Haematomas). From 390 patients, 739 scans were selected from the STICH II image archive based on the availability of a CT scan compatible with OsiriX DICOM viewer. ICH volumes were calculated by the reference standard semiautomatic segmentation in OsiriX software and compared with calculated arithmetic methods (ABC/2, ABC/2.4, ABC/3, and 2/3SC) volumes. Volumes were compared by difference plots for specific groups: randomization ICH (n=374), 3- to 7-day postsurgical ICH (n=206), antithrombotic-associated ICH (n=79), irregular-shape ICH (n=703) and irregular-density ICH (n=650). Density and shape were measured by the Barras ordinal shape and density groups (1-5). The ABC/2.4 method had the closest agreement to the semiautomatic segmentation volume in all groups, except for the 3- to 7-day postsurgical ICH group where the ABC/3 method was superior. Although the ABC/2 formula for calculating elliptical ICH is well validated, it must be used with caution in ICH scans where the elliptical shape of ICH is a false assumption. We validated the adjustment of the ABC/2.4 method in randomization, antithrombotic-associated, heterogeneous-density, and irregular-shape ICH. URL: Unique identifier: ISRCTN22153967. © 2018 American Heart Association, Inc.

  11. Ideal cardiovascular health score at the ELSA-Brasil baseline and its association with sociodemographic characteristics. (United States)

    Machado, Lucas B M; Silva, Bianca L S; Garcia, Ana P; Oliveira, Renata A M; Barreto, Sandhi M; Fonseca, Maria de Jesus M; Lotufo, Paulo A; Bensenor, Isabela M; Santos, Itamar S


    The American Heart Association's ideal cardiovascular health (ICH) define criteria for seven metrics, four classified as lifestyle factors (diet, physical activity, smoking and body-mass index) and four classified as health factors (smoking, blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose and total cholesterol). We aimed to analyze ICH scores at the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) baseline assessment and the associations with sociodemographic characteristics (age, sex, race, educational level, and family income). We analyzed 13,356 ELSA-Brasil participants without cardiovascular disease using quasi-Poisson regression models to study the association between the ICH score and sociodemographic characteristics. Mean ICH scores were 2.5±1.3. Only 1047 (7.8%) participants had 5 or more ICH metrics. In adjusted models, age 65-74years was associated with lower ICH scores (-35.4%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: -37.6% to -33.1%) compared to age 35-44years. Women had higher ICH scores compared to men (+13.8%; 95%CI: +11.8% to +15.7%), mainly due to differences in the health factor ICH metrics. Participants of Black race had lower ICH scores compared to those of White race (-9.4%; 95%CI: -11.8% to -7.0%). Individuals with less than high school education had lower ICH scores than college-educated individuals (-17.2%; 95%CI: -20.0% to -14.2%). Low (<1245 USD) family income was also associated with lower ICH scores compared to those with high (≥3320 USD) family income (-4.4%, 95%CI: -7.2% to -1.6%). We found a low proportion of individuals with 5 or more ICH metrics. Age, sex, race, educational level and income were associated with ICH scores. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Cohort-Based Identification of Predictors of Symptomatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage After IV Thrombolysis. (United States)

    Asuzu, David; Nyström, Karin; Amin, Hardik; Schindler, Joseph; Wira, Charles; Greer, David; Chi, Nai Fang; Halliday, Janet; Sheth, Kevin N


    Symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) is a serious complication of IV rt-PA therapy after acute ischemic stroke. Independent sICH predictors have been previously derived using case-control studies. Here we utilized a novel cohort-based comparison to identify additional independent predictors of sICH. We included 210 patients receiving IV rt-PA therapy from January 2009 through December 2013 at the Yale-New Haven Stroke Center. Clinical parameters were compared using Mann-Whitney tests, two-sample tests of proportions and two-sample t tests. Logistic regression was performed using sICH as the dependent variable. Predictive ability was assessed using areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. sICH rates were lowest from 2010 to 2012 and comprised the low sICH cohort (2.0 % sICH), compared to the high sICH cohort from 2009 to 2013 (9.2 % sICH, P = 0.025). Patients in the low sICH cohort had significantly more visual field deficits (38.6 vs. 24.8 %, P = 0.03) and decreased levels of consciousness (62.4 vs. 39.4 %, P vs. 13.8 %, P = 0.03) and early CT hypodensities (14.9 vs. 29.4 %, P = 0.01). These four parameters together predicted sICH modestly (area under ROC curve 0.66, odds ratio 2.72, P = 0.03) CONCLUSIONS: Using a novel cohort-based approach, we identified two new independent predictors of sICH after IV rt-PA therapy: the presence of the hyperdense MCA sign and early CT hypodensities. Novel methods are needed to reduce the risk of sICH for patients receiving antithrombolytic therapy for ischemic stroke.

  13. Application of the FOUR Score in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Risk Analysis. (United States)

    Braksick, Sherri A; Hemphill, J Claude; Mandrekar, Jay; Wijdicks, Eelco F M; Fugate, Jennifer E


    The Full Outline of Unresponsiveness (FOUR) Score is a validated scale describing the essentials of a coma examination, including motor response, eye opening and eye movements, brainstem reflexes, and respiratory pattern. We incorporated the FOUR Score into the existing ICH Score and evaluated its accuracy of risk assessment in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Consecutive patients admitted to our institution from 2009 to 2012 with spontaneous ICH were reviewed. The ICH Score was calculated using patient age, hemorrhage location, hemorrhage volume, evidence of intraventricular extension, and Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). The FOUR Score was then incorporated into the ICH Score as a substitute for the GCS (ICH Score FS ). The ability of the 2 scores to predict mortality at 1 month was then compared. In total, 274 patients met the inclusion criteria. The median age was 73 years (interquartile range 60-82) and 138 (50.4%) were male. Overall mortality at 1 month was 28.8% (n = 79). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was .91 for the ICH Score and .89 for the ICH Score FS . For ICH Scores of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, 1-month mortality was 4.2%, 29.9%, 62.5%, 95.0%, and 100%. In the ICH Score FS model, mortality was 10.7%, 26.5%, 64.5%, 88.9%, and 100% for scores of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively. The ICH Score and the ICH Score FS predict 1-month mortality with comparable accuracy. As the FOUR Score provides additional clinical information regarding patient status, it may be a reasonable substitute for the GCS into the ICH Score. Copyright © 2018 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Resveratrol Attenuates Neurodegeneration and Improves Neurological Outcomes after Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frederick Bonsack


    Full Text Available Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH is a devastating type of stroke with a substantial public health impact. Currently, there is no effective treatment for ICH. The purpose of the study was to evaluate whether the post-injury administration of Resveratrol confers neuroprotection in a pre-clinical model of ICH. To this end, ICH was induced in adult male CD1 mice by collagenase injection method. Resveratrol (10 mg/kg or vehicle was administered at 30 min post-induction of ICH and the neurobehavioral outcome, neurodegeneration, cerebral edema, hematoma resolution and neuroinflammation were assessed. The Resveratrol treatment significantly attenuated acute neurological deficits, neurodegeneration and cerebral edema after ICH in comparison to vehicle treated controls. Further, Resveratrol treated mice exhibited improved hematoma resolution with a concomitant reduction in the expression of proinflammatory cytokine, IL-1β after ICH. Altogether, the data suggest the efficacy of post-injury administration of Resveratrol in improving acute neurological function after ICH.

  15. Prognostic Impact of Health Care-Associated Meningitis in Adults with Intracranial Hemorrhage. (United States)

    Habib, Onaizah B; Srihawan, Chanunya; Salazar, Lucrecia; Hasbun, Rodrigo


    Health care-associated meningitis and ventriculitis (HCAMV) occurs in adults with intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) and is associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality, but the prognostic impact of this infectious complication in a controlled matched study of ICH is unknown. We conducted a case-control study of adult patients with ICH and HCAMV at a large tertiary care hospital in Houston, Texas, from 2003 to 2016. Cases were defined as patients with ICH and HCAMV as documented by a positive cerebrospinal fluid culture. Controls were defined as patients with ICH without evidence of HCAMV. An adverse clinical outcome was defined as a Glasgow Outcome Scale score of ≤4. This study included 120 patients with ICH; 40 patients also had HCAMV, whereas 80 patients had ICH with no evidence of HCAMV. Cases and controls were appropriately matched by age, Glasgow Coma Scale score, and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score (P > 0.05). Patients with ICH and meningitis had more comorbidities, higher rates of abnormal neurologic examination, hypoglycorrhachia, and elevated cerebrospinal fluid lactate levels (P < 0.05). Adverse clinical outcomes were greater in patients with HCAMV and ICH than in patients with ICH alone (83% vs. 30%; P < 0.001). On logistic regression analysis, independent risk factors associated with an adverse outcome were HCAMV and mechanical ventilation (P < 0.05). HCAMV has a significant prognostic impact in adults with ICH. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Computed tomography angiography spot sign predicts intraprocedural aneurysm rupture in subarachnoid hemorrhage. (United States)

    Burkhardt, Jan-Karl; Neidert, Marian Christoph; Stienen, Martin Nikolaus; Schöni, Daniel; Fung, Christian; Roethlisberger, Michel; Corniola, Marco Vincenzo; Bervini, David; Maduri, Rodolfo; Valsecchi, Daniele; Tok, Sina; Schatlo, Bawarjan; Bijlenga, Philippe; Schaller, Karl; Bozinov, Oliver; Regli, Luca


    To analyze whether the computed tomography angiography (CTA) spot sign predicts the intraprocedural rupture rate and outcome in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH). From a prospective nationwide multicenter registry database, 1023 patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) were analyzed retrospectively. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis were used to compare spot sign-positive and -negative patients with aneurysmal intracerebral hemorrhage (aICH) for baseline characteristics, aneurysmal and ICH imaging characteristics, treatment and admission status as well as outcome at discharge and 1-year follow-up (1YFU) using the modified Rankin Scale (mRS). A total of 218 out of 1023 aSAH patients (21%) presented with aICH including 23/218 (11%) patients with spot sign. Baseline characteristics were comparable between spot sign-positive and -negative patients. There was a higher clip-to-coil ratio in patients with than without aICH (both spot sign positive and negative). Median aICH volume was significantly higher in the spot sign-positive group (50 ml, 13-223 ml) than in the spot sign-negative group (18 ml, 1-416; p spot sign-positive aICH thus were three times as likely as those with spot sign-negative aICH to show an intraoperative aneurysm rupture [odds ratio (OR) 3.04, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04-8.92, p = 0.046]. Spot sign-positive aICH patients showed a significantly worse mRS at discharge (p = 0.039) than patients with spot sign-negative aICH (median mRS 5 vs. 4). Logistic regression analysis showed that the spot sign was an aICH volume-dependent predictor for outcome. Both spot sign-positive and -negative aICH patients showed comparable rates of hospital death, death at 1YFU and mRS at 1YFU. In this multicenter data analysis, patients with spot sign-positive aICH showed higher aICH volumes and a higher rate of intraprocedural aneurysm rupture, but comparable long-term outcome to spot sign

  17. [MRI semiotics features of experimental acute intracerebral hematomas]. (United States)

    Burenchev, D V; Skvortsova, V I; Tvorogova, T V; Guseva, O I; Gubskiĭ, L V; Kupriianov, D A; Pirogov, Iu A


    The aim of this study was to assess the possibility of revealing intracerebral hematomas (ICH), using MRI, within the first hours after onset and to determine their MRI semiotics features. Thirty animals with experimental ICH were studied. A method of two-stage introduction of autologous blood was used to develop ICH as human spontaneous intracranial hematomas. Within 3-5h after blood introduction to the rat brain. The control MRI was performed in the 3rd and 7th days after blood injections. ICH were definitely identified in the first MRI scans. The MRI semiotics features of acute ICH and their transformations were assessed. The high sensitivity of MRI to ICH as well as the uniform manifestations in all animals were shown. In conclusion, the method has high specificity for acute ICH detection.

  18. A Score for Risk of Thrombolysis-Associated Hemorrhage Including Pretreatment with Statins

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    Hebun Erdur


    Full Text Available BackgroundSymptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH after intravenous thrombolysis with recombinant tissue-plasminogen activator (rt-PA for acute ischemic stroke is associated with a poor functional outcome. We aimed to develop a score assessing risk of sICH including novel putative predictors—namely, pretreatment with statins and severe renal impairment.MethodsWe analyzed our local cohort (Berlin of patients receiving rt-PA for acute ischemic stroke between 2006 and 2016. Outcome was sICH according to ECASS-III criteria. A multiple regression model identified variables associated with sICH and receiver operating characteristics were calculated for the best discriminatory model for sICH. The model was validated in an independent thrombolysis cohort (Basel.ResultssICH occurred in 53 (4.0% of 1,336 patients in the derivation cohort. Age, baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, systolic blood pressure on admission, blood glucose on admission, and prior medication with medium- or high-dose statins were associated with sICH and included into the risk of intracranial hemorrhage score. The validation cohort included 983 patients of whom 33 (3.4% had a sICH. c-Statistics for sICH was 0.72 (95% CI 0.66–0.79 in the derivation cohort and 0.69 (95% CI 0.60–0.77 in the independent validation cohort. Inclusion of severe renal impairment did not improve the score.ConclusionWe developed a simple score with fair discriminating capability to predict rt-PA-related sICH by adding prior statin use to known prognostic factors of sICH. This score may help clinicians to identify patients with higher risk of sICH requiring intensive monitoring.

  19. Imaging features of intracerebral hemorrhage with cerebral amyloid angiopathy: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Neshika Samarasekera

    Full Text Available We sought to summarize Computed Tomography (CT/Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI features of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH associated with cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA in published observational radio-pathological studies.In November 2016, two authors searched OVID Medline (1946-, Embase (1974- and relevant bibliographies for studies of imaging features of lobar or cerebellar ICH with pathologically proven CAA ("CAA-associated ICH". Two authors assessed studies' diagnostic test accuracy methodology and independently extracted data.We identified 22 studies (21 cases series and one cross-sectional study with controls of CT features in 297 adults, two cross-sectional studies of MRI features in 81 adults and one study which reported both CT and MRI features in 22 adults. Methods of CAA assessment varied, and rating of imaging features was not masked to pathology. The most frequently reported CT features of CAA-associated ICH in 21 case series were: subarachnoid extension (pooled proportion 82%, 95% CI 69-93%, I2 = 51%, 12 studies and an irregular ICH border (64%, 95% CI 32-91%, I2 = 85%, five studies. CAA-associated ICH was more likely to be multiple on CT than non-CAA ICH in one cross-sectional study (CAA-associated ICH 7/41 vs. non-CAA ICH 0/42; χ2 = 7.8, p = 0.005. Superficial siderosis on MRI was present in 52% of CAA-associated ICH (95% CI 39-65%, I2 = 35%, 3 studies.Subarachnoid extension and an irregular ICH border are common imaging features of CAA-associated ICH, but methodologically rigorous diagnostic test accuracy studies are required to determine the sensitivity and specificity of these features.

  20. Changes in motor function, cognition, and emotion-related behavior after right hemispheric intracerebral hemorrhage in various brain regions of mouse. (United States)

    Zhu, Wei; Gao, Yufeng; Wan, Jieru; Lan, Xi; Han, Xiaoning; Zhu, Shanshan; Zang, Weidong; Chen, Xuemei; Ziai, Wendy; Hanley, Daniel F; Russo, Scott J; Jorge, Ricardo E; Wang, Jian


    Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a detrimental type of stroke. Mouse models of ICH, induced by collagenase or blood infusion, commonly target striatum, but not other brain sites such as ventricular system, cortex, and hippocampus. Few studies have systemically investigated brain damage and neurobehavioral deficits that develop in animal models of ICH in these areas of the right hemisphere. Therefore, we evaluated the brain damage and neurobehavioral dysfunction associated with right hemispheric ICH in ventricle, cortex, hippocampus, and striatum. The ICH model was induced by autologous whole blood or collagenase VII-S (0.075 units in 0.5 µl saline) injection. At different time points after ICH induction, mice were assessed for brain tissue damage and neurobehavioral deficits. Sham control mice were used for comparison. We found that ICH location influenced features of brain damage, microglia/macrophage activation, and behavioral deficits. Furthermore, the 24-point neurologic deficit scoring system was most sensitive for evaluating locomotor abnormalities in all four models, especially on days 1, 3, and 7 post-ICH. The wire-hanging test was useful for evaluating locomotor abnormalities in models of striatal, intraventricular, and cortical ICH. The cylinder test identified locomotor abnormalities only in the striatal ICH model. The novel object recognition test was effective for evaluating recognition memory dysfunction in all models except for striatal ICH. The tail suspension test, forced swim test, and sucrose preference test were effective for evaluating emotional abnormality in all four models but did not correlate with severity of brain damage. These results will help to inform future preclinical studies of ICH outcomes. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: Clinical and computed tomography findings in predicting in-hospital mortality in Central Africans

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    Michel Lelo Tshikwela


    Full Text Available Background and Purpose: Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH constitutes now 52% of all strokes. Despite of its deadly pattern, locally there is no clinical grading scale for ICH-related mortality prediction. The first objective of this study was to develop a risk stratification scale (Kinshasa ICH score by assessing the strength of independent predictors and their association with in-hospital 30-day mortality. The second objective of the study was to create a specific local and African model for ICH prognosis. Materials and Methods: Age, sex, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM, smoking, alcohol intake, and neuroimaging data from CT scan (ICH volume, Midline shift of patients admitted with primary ICH and follow-upped in 33 hospitals of Kinshasa, DR Congo, from 2005 to 2008, were analyzed using logistic regression models. Results: A total of 185 adults and known hypertensive patients (140 men and 45 women were examined. 30-day mortality rate was 35% (n=65. ICH volume>25 mL (OR=8 95% CI: 3.1-20.2; P 7 mm, a consequence of ICH volume, was also a significant predictor of mortality. The Kinshasa ICH score was the sum of individual points assigned as follows: Presence of coma coded 2 (2 × 2 = 4, absence of coma coded 1 (1 × 2 = 2, ICH volume>25 mL coded 2 (2 × 2=4, ICH volume of ≤25 mL coded 1(1 × 2=2, left hemispheric site of ICH coded 2 (2 × 1=2, and right hemispheric site of hemorrhage coded 1(1 × 1 = 1. All patients with Kinshasa ICH score ≤7 survived and the patients with a score >7 died. In considering sex influence (Model 3, points were allowed as follows: Presence of coma (2 × 3 = 6, absence of coma (1 × 3 = 3, men (2 × 2 = 4, women (1 × 2 = 2, midline shift ≤7 mm (1 × 3 = 3, and midline shift >7 mm (2 × 3 = 6. Patients who died had the Kinshasa ICH score ≥16. Conclusion: In this study, the Kinshasa ICH score seems to be an accurate method for distinguishing those ICH patients who need continuous and special management

  2. Microprocessor Recruitment to Elongating RNA Polymerase II Is Required for Differential Expression of MicroRNAs

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    Victoria A. Church


    Full Text Available The cellular abundance of mature microRNAs (miRNAs is dictated by the efficiency of nuclear processing of primary miRNA transcripts (pri-miRNAs into pre-miRNA intermediates. The Microprocessor complex of Drosha and DGCR8 carries this out, but it has been unclear what controls Microprocessor’s differential processing of various pri-miRNAs. Here, we show that Drosophila DGCR8 (Pasha directly associates with the C-terminal domain of the RNA polymerase II elongation complex when it is phosphorylated by the Cdk9 kinase (pTEFb. When association is blocked by loss of Cdk9 activity, a global change in pri-miRNA processing is detected. Processing of pri-miRNAs with a UGU sequence motif in their apical junction domain increases, while processing of pri-miRNAs lacking this motif decreases. Therefore, phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II recruits Microprocessor for co-transcriptional processing of non-UGU pri-miRNAs that would otherwise be poorly processed. In contrast, UGU-positive pri-miRNAs are robustly processed by Microprocessor independent of RNA polymerase association.

  3. The place of Political Risk Insurance in the political risk management strategy of multinational corporations

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    Violeta Iftinchi


    Full Text Available Confronted with a variety of political risks that affect their international activities, multinational corporations (MNCs can use Political Risk Insurance (PRI as a method to mitigate some of those risks. The aim of this article is to present the main characteristics of the PRI policies and participants, to highlight its benefits and to put forward three limitations that prevent MNCs in using PRI in their political risk management strategy (fluctuating capacity on the market, high premium rates and small compensation value. The recent trend in incorporating corporate social responsibility requirements as a pre-condition for providing PRI can contribute to lowering PRI premium rates.

  4. Comparing intracerebral hemorrhages associated with direct oral anticoagulants or warfarin (United States)

    Kurogi, Ryota; Nishimura, Kunihiro; Nakai, Michikazu; Kada, Akiko; Kamitani, Satoru; Nakagawara, Jyoji; Toyoda, Kazunori; Ogasawara, Kuniaki; Ono, Junichi; Shiokawa, Yoshiaki; Aruga, Toru; Miyachi, Shigeru; Nagata, Izumi; Matsuda, Shinya; Yoshimura, Shinichi; Okuchi, Kazuo; Suzuki, Akifumi; Nakamura, Fumiaki; Onozuka, Daisuke; Ido, Keisuke; Kurogi, Ai; Mukae, Nobutaka; Nishimura, Ataru; Arimura, Koichi; Kitazono, Takanari; Hagihara, Akihito


    Objectives This cross-sectional survey explored the characteristics and outcomes of direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC)–associated nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhages (ICHs) by analyzing a large nationwide Japanese discharge database. Methods We analyzed data from 2,245 patients who experienced ICHs while taking anticoagulants (DOAC: 227; warfarin: 2,018) and were urgently hospitalized at 621 institutions in Japan between April 2010 and March 2015. We compared the DOAC- and warfarin-treated patients based on their backgrounds, ICH severities, antiplatelet therapies at admission, hematoma removal surgeries, reversal agents, mortality rates, and modified Rankin Scale scores at discharge. Results DOAC-associated ICHs were less likely to cause moderately or severely impaired consciousness (DOAC-associated ICHs: 31.3%; warfarin-associated ICHs: 39.4%; p = 0.002) or require surgical removal (DOAC-associated ICHs: 5.3%; warfarin-associated ICHs: 9.9%; p = 0.024) in the univariate analysis. Propensity score analysis revealed that patients with DOAC-associated ICHs also exhibited lower mortality rates within 1 day (odds ratio [OR] 4.96, p = 0.005), within 7 days (OR 2.29, p = 0.037), and during hospitalization (OR 1.96, p = 0.039). Conclusions This nationwide study revealed that DOAC-treated patients had less severe ICHs and lower mortality rates than did warfarin-treated patients, probably due to milder hemorrhages at admission and lower hematoma expansion frequencies. PMID:29490916

  5. „Samopublikowanie”: stara metoda – nowy sens w dobie e-science

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    Piotr Nowak


    Full Text Available Poruszane w tekście zagadnienia wiążą się z problematyką budowy nowych systemów informacyjnych w nauce, które w piśmiennictwie określa się mianem e-library, library 2.0, e-science, Web 2.0 etc. Artykuł mówi o koniecznych zmianach zachowań ludzi nauki w zakresie publikowania w kontekście wspomnianych kierunków rozwoju komunikacji naukowej. Autor przewiduje, że budowa nowych systemów informacyjnych spopularyzuje samopublikację (self-publishing tekstów naukowych, która zdynamizuje rozwój repozytoriów o otwartym dostępie (open access. Zjawisko samopublikacji wpłynie także na zmianę metod oceny publikacji naukowych. Ich ocena będzie mogła się dokonywać przez automatyczne obliczanie cytowalności. Stopniem uzyskiwanych cytowań będzie można także parametryzować teksty opublikowane przez autorów w repozytoriach już po pozytywnej ocenie peer review. Ponadto, jak twierdzi autor, zjawisko samopublikacji powinno spopularyzować blogosferę w nauce, a w tym kontekście z pewnością pojawi się nawyk bezpośredniego komentowania wzmianek uczonych o własnych pracach badawczych przez specjalistów reprezentujących te same dyscypliny. Taka wymiana informacji będzie możliwa dzięki rozpowszechnieniu się samopublikacji i powinna w pełni zastąpić organizowanie drogich konferencji naukowych, w których udział bierze najczęściej tylko część środowiska. Autor uważa, że na marginesie zasygnalizowanych zmian pojawią się także zjawiska niepożądane, których przejawem z pewnością będzie „wykluczenie” najstarszych generacji uczonych, z uwagi na niemożność opanowania przez nich nowych technologii.

  6. Remote Sensing of Light Use Efficiency in a Boreal Forest and Peatland in James Bay, Quebec (United States)

    Rogers, Cheryl

    The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) is a remotely sensed vegetation index that detects a decrease in spectral reflectance at 531nm associated with xanthophyll cycle activity. PRI has been shown to track light use efficiency (LUE) in a number of plant species. PRI shows great promise in improving our ability to sense photosynthetic fluxes of CO2 remotely. However, it has not been tested in all environments, and its applicability is particularly uncertain for peatland environments dominated by mosses. This research investigates the ability of PRI to track LUE in a boreal forest and peatland, and examines the spectral signal associated with xanthophyll cycle activity in heterogeneous peatland plots. This research also investigates the relationship between PRI and leaf area index (LAI) over space and time in a peatland. We found most plots examined in the peatland site did not exhibit a spectral signal associated with xanthophyll cycle activity when exposed to a transition from dark conditions to full sunlight. This transition should lead to a de-epoxidation of xanthophylls in leaf tissues and a decrease in reflectance at 531nm. Plots that did show the decrease in reflectance at 531nm after this change in light conditions also displayed a decrease in PRI. This indicates that PRI effectively detects the 531nm signal as well as xanthophyll cycle activity and light stress in these plots. However, the variability in the strength of the spectral response to changing light conditions may confound the PRI signal in practice, and make it difficult to interpret results of airborne or satellite data. We also found PRI at the peatland site to be sensitive to and directly correlated with spatial variability in LAI, and negatively correlated with temporal variability in LAI. These characteristics may result in further difficulties applying PRI in peatlands. PRI and LUE were correlated at both the forest and peatland site, however at both sites the PRI signal saturated around

  7. Integrins AV and B8 Gene Polymorphisms and Risk for Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Greek and Polish Populations. (United States)

    Dardiotis, Efthimios; Siokas, Vasileios; Zafeiridis, Tilemachos; Paterakis, Konstantinos; Tsivgoulis, Georgios; Dardioti, Maria; Grigoriadis, Savas; Simeonidou, Constantina; Deretzi, Georgia; Zintzaras, Elias; Jagiella, Jeremiasz; Hadjigeorgiou, Georgios M


    Α limited number of genetic variants have been linked to the development of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Ιntegrin AV and/or B8-deficient mice were found to develop ICH. The present candidate gene association study was designed to investigate possible influence of integrin AV (ITGAV) and integrin B8 (ITGB8) gene region polymorphisms on the risk of ICH. 1015 participants (250 Greek and 193 Polish patients with primary ICH and 250 Greek and 322 Polish controls) were included in the study. Using logistic regression analyses, 11 tag single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for ITGAV and 11 for ITGB8 gene were tested for associations with ICH risk, lobar ICH risk and non-lobar ICH after adjustment for age, gender, history of hypertension and country of origin. Linear regression models were used to test the effect of tag SNPs on the ICH age of onset. Correction for multiple comparisons was carried out. The rs7565633 tag SNP of the ITGAV gene was independently associated with the risk of lobar ICH in the codominant model of inheritance [odds ratio (95 % confidence interval (CI)) 0.56 (0.36-0.86), p = 0.0013]. Furthermore, heterozygous individuals of the rs10251386 and the rs10239099 of the ITGB8 gene had significantly lower age of ICH onset compared to the wild-type genotypes [regression coefficient (b) -3.884 (95 % CI -6.519, -1.249), p = 0.0039 and b = -4.502 (95 % CI -7.159, -1.845), p = 0.0009, respectively]. The present study provides preliminary indication for an influence of ITGAV gene tag SNP in the development of lobar ICH and of ITGB8 gene variants in the age of ICH onset.

  8. Biological Evaluation of Double Point Modified Analogues of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D2 as Potential Anti-Leukemic Agents

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    Aoife Corcoran


    Full Text Available Structurally similar double-point modified analogues of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D2 (1,25D2 were screened in vitro for their pro-differentiating activity against the promyeloid cell line HL60. Their affinities towards human full length vitamin D receptor (VDR and metabolic stability against human vitamin D 24-hydroxylase (CYP24A1 were also tested. The analogues (PRI-1730, PRI-1731, PRI-1732, PRI-1733 and PRI-1734 contained 5,6-trans modification of the A-ring and of the triene system, additional hydroxyl or unsaturation at C-22 in the side chain and reversed absolute configuration (24-epi at C-24 of 1,25D2. As presented in this paper, introduction of selected structural modifications simultaneously in two distinct parts of the vitamin D molecule resulted in a divergent group of analogues. Analogues showed lower VDR affinity in comparison to that of the parent hormones, 1,25D2 and 1,25D3, and they caused effective HL60 cell differentiation only at high concentrations of 100 nM and above. Unexpectedly, introducing of a 5,6-trans modification combined with C-22 hydroxyl and 24-epi configuration switched off entirely the cell differentiation activity of the analogue (PRI-1734. However, this analogue remained a moderate substrate for CYP24A1, as it was metabolized at 22%, compared to 35% for 1,25D2. Other analogues from this series were either less (12% for PRI-1731 and PRI-1733 or more (52% for PRI-1732 resistant to the enzymatic deactivation. Although the inactive analogue PRI-1734 failed to show VDR antagonism, when tested in HL60 cells, its structure might be a good starting point for our design of a vitamin D antagonist.

  9. Outcomes from intracerebral hemorrhage among patients pre-treated with statins

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    Flávio Ramalho Romero


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, or statins, have been associated with improved clinical outcomes after ischemic stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage, but with an increased risk of incidental spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH. We investigated whether the statin use before ICH, was associated with functional independence, 90 days after treatment. METHOD: We analyzed 124 consecutive ICH patients with 90-day outcome data who were enrolled in a prospective cohort study between 2006 and 2009. Eighty-three patients were included in this study. Among ICH survivors, univariate Cox regression models and Kaplan-Meier plots were used to determine subject characteristics that were associated with an increased risk of recurrence. Statin usage was determined through interviewing the patient at the time of ICH and confirmed by reviewing their medical records. Independent status was defined as Glasgow Outcome Scale grades 4 or 5. RESULTS: Statins were used by 20 out of 83 patients (24% before ICH onset. There was no effect from pre-ICH statin use on functional independence rates (28% versus 29%, P=0.84 or mortality (46% versus 45%, P=0.93. CONCLUSION: Pre-ICH statin use is not associated with changes to ICH functional outcome or mortality.

  10. United States Air Force Statistical Digest, Fiscal Year 1957. Twelfth Edition (United States)


    ACCIIENrS CAUSING FACTORS td AU" PRI AI.L PRJ ALL PRI ALL PRI ALL PRI ALL PRI SEcoND QI.IARTER (CONI" D) nmER • (CONT’D) Jet ~ (cant’d) B-52...unobllga:ted balancea tranaterred to the Treasury and \\Ulll~ted b&1&ncea at ~tions tranaterred ’to "Mit account.a.. , td CUb tral:aterred traD...8217~ ~ 4𔃻 !!&f 5,806-----p:g6F . ,1 150 l,303 1,951 RT-33. 460 99 97 150 114 T-6. 9,733 l,2B1 2,928 2,416 3,108 T-33 . 3, l53 795 838 887 633 OURKEY 124

  11. Gastrointestinal bleeding after intracerebral hemorrhage: a retrospective review of 808 cases. (United States)

    Yang, Tie-Cheng; Li, Jian-Guo; Shi, Hong-Mei; Yu, Dong-Ming; Shan, Kai; Li, Li-Xia; Dong, Xiao-Yan; Ren, Tian-Hua


    This study examined the incidence and risk factors for gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). The available medical records of patients with ICH admitted from June 2008 to December 2009 for any episode of GI bleeding, possible precipitating factors and administration of ulcer prophylaxis were reviewed. The prevalence of GI bleeding was 26.7%, including 3 cases of severe GI bleeding (0.35%). Patients with GI bleeding had significantly longer hospital stay and higher in-hospital mortality compared with patients without GI bleeding. Multivariate logistic regression analyses showed that age, Glasgow Coma Scale scores, sepsis and ICH volume were independent predictors of GI bleeding. About 63.4% of patients with ICH received stress ulcer prophylaxis. GI bleeding occurred frequently after ICH, but severe events were rare. Age, Glasgow Coma Scale score, sepsis and ICH volume were independent predictors of GI bleeding occurring after ICH.

  12. Odpowiedzialność za szkodę spowodowaną ruchem pojazdu autonomicznego
 w systemie amerykańskiego prawa cywilnego


    Czenko, Magdalena


    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zagadnienia odpowiedzialności cywilnej za ruch pojazdów autonomicznych w systemie prawnym USA. Praca rozpoczyna się od zdefiniowania pojazdu autonomicznego jako pojazdu, który dzięki technologii zdolny jest do poruszania się bez kontroli lub nadzoru człowieka. Następnie przedstawione zostają poziomy automatyzacji (od 0 do 4). W dalszej części opisane są aktualne podstawy odpowiedzialności cywilnej za ruch pojazdu mechanicznego ze strony dwóch potencjalnie od...

  13. Comparing intracerebral hemorrhages associated with direct oral anticoagulants or warfarin. (United States)

    Kurogi, Ryota; Nishimura, Kunihiro; Nakai, Michikazu; Kada, Akiko; Kamitani, Satoru; Nakagawara, Jyoji; Toyoda, Kazunori; Ogasawara, Kuniaki; Ono, Junichi; Shiokawa, Yoshiaki; Aruga, Toru; Miyachi, Shigeru; Nagata, Izumi; Matsuda, Shinya; Yoshimura, Shinichi; Okuchi, Kazuo; Suzuki, Akifumi; Nakamura, Fumiaki; Onozuka, Daisuke; Ido, Keisuke; Kurogi, Ai; Mukae, Nobutaka; Nishimura, Ataru; Arimura, Koichi; Kitazono, Takanari; Hagihara, Akihito; Iihara, Koji


    This cross-sectional survey explored the characteristics and outcomes of direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC)-associated nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhages (ICHs) by analyzing a large nationwide Japanese discharge database. We analyzed data from 2,245 patients who experienced ICHs while taking anticoagulants (DOAC: 227; warfarin: 2,018) and were urgently hospitalized at 621 institutions in Japan between April 2010 and March 2015. We compared the DOAC- and warfarin-treated patients based on their backgrounds, ICH severities, antiplatelet therapies at admission, hematoma removal surgeries, reversal agents, mortality rates, and modified Rankin Scale scores at discharge. DOAC-associated ICHs were less likely to cause moderately or severely impaired consciousness (DOAC-associated ICHs: 31.3%; warfarin-associated ICHs: 39.4%; p = 0.002) or require surgical removal (DOAC-associated ICHs: 5.3%; warfarin-associated ICHs: 9.9%; p = 0.024) in the univariate analysis. Propensity score analysis revealed that patients with DOAC-associated ICHs also exhibited lower mortality rates within 1 day (odds ratio [OR] 4.96, p = 0.005), within 7 days (OR 2.29, p = 0.037), and during hospitalization (OR 1.96, p = 0.039). This nationwide study revealed that DOAC-treated patients had less severe ICHs and lower mortality rates than did warfarin-treated patients, probably due to milder hemorrhages at admission and lower hematoma expansion frequencies. Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of Neurology.

  14. Motor Skills Training Enhances α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic Acid Receptor Subunit mRNA Expression in the Ipsilateral Sensorimotor Cortex and Striatum of Rats Following Intracerebral Hemorrhage. (United States)

    Tamakoshi, Keigo; Ishida, Kazuto; Kawanaka, Kentaro; Takamatsu, Yasuyuki; Tamaki, Hiroyuki


    We investigated the effects of acrobatic training (AT) on expression of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR) subunits in the sensorimotor cortex and striatum after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: ICH without AT (ICH), ICH with AT (ICH + AT), sham operation without AT (SHAM), and sham operation with AT (SHAM + AT). ICH was induced by collagenase injection into the left striatum. The ICH + AT group performed 5 acrobatic tasks daily on days 4-28 post ICH. Forelimb sensorimotor function was evaluated using the forelimb placing test. On days 14 and 29, mRNA expression levels of AMPAR subunits GluR1-4 were measured by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Forelimb placing test scores were significantly higher in the ICH + AT group than in the ICH group. Expression levels of all AMPAR subunit mRNAs were significantly higher in the ipsilateral sensorimotor cortex of rats in the ICH + AT group than in that of rats in the ICH group on day 29. GluR3 and GluR4 expression levels were reduced in the ipsilateral striatum of rats in the ICH group compared with that of rats in the SHAM group on day 14. These changes may play a critical role in motor skills training-induced recovery after ICH. Copyright © 2017 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Congés… pour « prières » Prayers and days off

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    Claudine Viard


    Full Text Available Les premiers combats de la classe ouvrière se sont portés sur la demande d’une journée de repos, qui par tradition chrétienne a été fixée le dimanche en 1906. Quatre journées de congé à caractère chrétien ont en outre été retenues par le législateur. L’exercice du culte est donc concrètement garanti pour les chrétiens. Avec l’arrivée sur le territoire de la République  de populations de confessions variées, cette organisation du travail apparaît inégalitaire, voire de nature à porter atteinte à la liberté religieuse. Il a été proposé de reconnaître les jours de prières d’autres confessions. Pour l’instant, le législateur n’a pas adopté ces propositions. Mais la question reste posée. Or, la jurisprudence des tribunaux judiciaires et administratifs admet le droit de prier des fidèles des cultes minoritaires, ils peuvent prétendre à un congé lors des fêtes de leur religion dans la mesure où cela n’occasionne pas de perturbation. La consécration de cette jurisprudence souple par le législateur serait de nature à calmer le débat.At the turn of the century, the working classes fought for a day off in the week, which was granted on Sundays by the legislator in 1906. Four additional christian holidays are also legal. So the right to pray is garanteed for christians. As different populations with various faiths settled in France, this organisation has seemed to violate the principle of equality, and religious freedom. There has been a debate on the question whether some of the days of minority religions should also be observed by all the population. But so far, the legislator has not voted any of these proposals. It remains an issue. The French judge has consistently decided that the people of non christian faiths had the right to be granted a day off to pray on these special days, provided it would not cause prejudice to the organisation they work for. It might help to calm the debate if this

  16. Calcite raft geochemistry as a hydrological proxy for Holocene aquifer conditions in Hoyo Negro and Ich Balam (Sac Actun Cave System), Quintana Roo, Mexico (United States)

    Kovacs, Shawn E.; Reinhardt, Eduard G.; Chatters, James C.; Rissolo, Dominique; Schwarcz, Henry P.; Collins, Shawn V.; Kim, Sang-Tae; Nava Blank, Alberto; Luna Erreguerena, Pilar


    Two cores from calcite rafts deposits located in Cenote Ich Balam and Hoyo Negro were dated and analyzed for 87Sr/86Sr, δ18O, δ13C, Sr/Ca and Cl/Ca. The geochemical records show changing aquifer salinity spanning the last ∼ 8.5 cal kyrs BP and interrelationships with Holocene climate trends (wet and dry periods). During the wet mid-Holocene, the salinity of the meteoric Water Mass (WM; at 7.8-8.3 cal kyrs BP) was relatively high at 1.5-2.7 ppt and then became less saline (1.0-1.5 ppt) during the last ∼ 7000 yrs as climate became progressively drier. High salinity of the meteoric WM during the wet mid-Holocene is attributed to increased turbulent mixing between the meteoric and underlying marine WM. Increased precipitation, in terms of amount, frequency, and intensity (e.g. hurricanes) causes higher flow of meteoric water towards the coast and mixing at the halocline, a phenomenon recorded with recent instrumental monitoring of the aquifer. Conversely, during dry periods reduced precipitation and flow in the meteoric WM would result in lower salinity. Karst properties and Holocene sea-level rise also seem to have an effect on the aquifer. When the regionally extensive network of shallow cave passages (∼ 10-12 m water depth) are flooded at ∼ 8000 cal yrs BP, there is a rapid shift in salinity. This study demonstrates that calcite raft deposits can be used as paleo-environmental recorders documenting the effects of sea level and climate change on aquifer condition.

  17. La preghiera del poeta nell’Alcibiade Secondo: un modello filosofico e cultuale*


    Scrofani, Giorgio


    Dans le Second Alcibiade, Socrate propose une prière simple pour les « bonnes choses » comme exemple de la manière adéquate de s’adresser aux dieux et il l’attribue au « poète ». Jusqu’à présent, une telle prière a été étudiée comme exemple de prière philoso­phique, c’est-à-dire en tant que discours sur la prière plutôt que comme prière en tant que telle. Même si elle fait partie intégrante de l’enseignement proposé par Socrate dans ce dialogue, sa signification véritablement liturgique ne pe...

  18. Risk of intracerebral hemorrhage associated with phenprocoumon exposure: a nested case-control study in a large population-based German database. (United States)

    Behr, Sigrid; Andersohn, Frank; Garbe, Edeltraut


    Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is the most serious complication of oral anticoagulation. This study investigated the risk of ICH for phenprocoumon which is the most widely used oral anticoagulant in Germany. We conducted a nested case-control study in a cohort of 13.4 million insurants of 4 German statutory health insurances (SHIs) who were continuously enrolled for 6 months prior to cohort entry. Cases were patients hospitalized for ICH. Ten controls were matched to each case by SHI, birth year, and sex using incidence density sampling. Rate ratios (RR) of ICH for current phenprocoumon use as compared to non-use were estimated from odds ratios calculated by conditional logistic regression analyses considering multiple risk factors. Analysis of the full cohort revealed a strong increase in incidence of ICH with increasing age. In the nested case-control study including 8138 cases of ICH and 81,373 matched controls, we observed an increased risk of ICH for current phenprocoumon exposure that varied with age. The phenprocoumon-associated risk of ICH was lower in older age groups with RRs from 4.20 (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.44-7.21) for phenprocoumon users less than 55 years of age to 2.43 (95%CI, 1.81-3.27) for those older than 85 years. Our study confirmed known risk factors of ICH. Phenprocoumon exposure was associated with an increased risk of ICH. The interaction of risk for phenprocoumon with age was unexpected and needs further study. (c) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  19. Dual-energy CT of the brain: Comparison between DECT angiography-derived virtual unenhanced images and true unenhanced images in the detection of intracranial haemorrhage. (United States)

    Bonatti, Matteo; Lombardo, Fabio; Zamboni, Giulia A; Pernter, Patrizia; Pozzi Mucelli, Roberto; Bonatti, Giampietro


    To evaluate the diagnostic performance of virtual non-contrast (VNC) images in detecting intracranial haemorrhages (ICHs). Sixty-seven consecutive patients with and 67 without ICH who underwent unenhanced brain CT and DECT angiography were included. Two radiologists independently evaluated VNC and true non-contrast (TNC) images for ICH presence and type. Inter-observer agreement for VNC and TNC image evaluation was calculated. Sensitivity and specificity of VNC images for ICH detection were calculated using Fisher's exact test. VNC and TNC images were compared for ICH extent (qualitatively and quantitatively) and conspicuity assessment. On TNC images 116 different haemorrhages were detected in 67 patients. Inter-observer agreement ranged from 0.98-1.00 for TNC images and from 0.86-1.00 for VNC images. VNC sensitivity ranged from 0.90-1, according to the different ICH types, and specificity from 0.97-1. Qualitatively, ICH extent was underestimated on VNC images in 11.9% of cases. Haemorrhage volume did not show statistically significant differences between VNC and TNC images. Mean haemorrhage conspicuity was significantly lower on VNC images than on TNC images for both readers (p < 0.001). VNC images are accurate for ICH detection. Haemorrhages are less conspicuous on VNC images and their extent may be underestimated. • VNC images represent a reproducible tool for detecting ICH. • ICH can be identified on VNC images with high sensitivity and specificity. • Intracranial haemorrhages are less conspicuous on VNC images than on TNC images. • Intracranial haemorrhages extent may be underestimated on VNC images.

  20. Genetic Variations of the COL4A1 Gene and Intracerebral Hemorrhage Risk: A Case-Control Study in a Chinese Han Population. (United States)

    Lin, Sen; Xia, Chao; He, Sha; Yang, Jie; Li, Hao; Zheng, Jun; Liu, Ming; You, Chao


    To investigate the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms or haplotypes of the COL4A1 gene and the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). We conducted a case-control study that included 181 patients from the Chinese Han population with hypertensive ICH and 197 hypertension patients without ICH. Genomic DNA was extracted by DNA extraction kit, and the 6 single nucleotide polymorphism genotypes of the COL4A1 gene were detected with a MassARRAY Analyzer. Unphased 3.1.4 and SPSS 19.0 were used to analyze the association between alleles, genotypes, and haplotypes of the COL4A1 gene and the risk of ICH. Compared with the control group, patients in the ICH group were significantly younger. There were no differences in gender, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, current smoking, and alcohol consumption between the 2 groups. Our association analysis showed that the rs3742207 A, rs11069830 A, and rs679505 A alleles were association factors of the risks of ICH; rs11069830 AA, rs544012 AC, and rs679505 AA genotypes were association factors of the risk of ICH; AA haplotype (rs3742207-rs11069830) was an association factor of the risk of ICH. After adjusting age and gender by multivariate logistic regression, the rs544012 AC and rs679505 AA genotypes were independently associated with the risk of ICH. Our study showed that the rs544012 AC and rs679505 AA genotypes were independently associated with the risk of ICH in the Chinese Han population and that the AA haplotype (rs3742207-rs11069830) in the COL4A1 gene may be related to the risk of ICH in the Chinese Han population; these conclusions need further confirmation in future studies with larger samples. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  1. Association between cerebral microbleeds and the first onset of intracerebral hemorrhage - a 3.0 T MR study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Shengjun; Gao, Peiyi; Sui, Binbin; Xue, Jing; Wang, Hui; Wang, Qiong; Jing, Lina; Zhai, Renyou


    Background. Cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) detected by gradient-echo MRI have been proven to be a potential risk factor for further bleeding, while the association between CMBs and the first onset of intracerebral hemorrhage has not been well investigated. Purpose. To analyze the association between CMBs and the first onset of primary intracerebral hemorrhage (pICH). Material and Methods. Two hundred and two consecutive inpatients with ICH and 234 consecutive outpatients without ICH as control group were enrolled in this study. MR imaging including T2*-GRE, T 1 W, T 2 W and fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences were performed to detect CMBs and other abnormalities. Prevalence, distribution, and grades of CMBs, as well as the location and size of the intracerebral hematoma were analyzed, respectively. Comparison was made between pICH and control group. Logistic analysis was performed to evaluate the association between CMBs and ICH. The correlation between hematoma size and CMBs grade/numbers was analyzed. Results. CMBs were detected in 140 patients in pICH (69.3%) group and 62 patients in control group (26.5%). The incidence of CMBs in pICH group was significantly higher than that in control group (P < 0.0001). As the logistic regression analysis results, CMBs was the risk factor associated with ICH, with modulation OR value of 8.363 (95% CI 5.210-13.421). The volume of ICH with CMBs was 12.57 ± 17.23 mL, and the volume of ICH without CMBs was 17.77 ± 26.97 mL. Negative correlation was demonstrated between CMBs number and ICH volume (rs = -0.1769, P = 0.0118), as well as between CMBs grade and hematoma volume (rs = -0.1185, P = 0.1557). Conclusion CMBs may be an independent risk factor for the first onset of intracerebral hemorrhage

  2. Audit of CT reporting standards in cases of intracerebral haemorrhage at a comprehensive stroke centre in Australia. (United States)

    Barras, Christen D; Asadi, Hamed; Phal, Pramit M; Tress, Brian M; Davis, Stephen M; Desmond, Patricia M


    Multiple CT-derived biomarkers that are predictive of intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) growth and outcome have been described in the literature, but the extent to which these appear in imaging reports of ICH is unknown. The aim of this retrospective process audit was to determine which of the known predictors of ICH outcome was recorded in reports of the disease, with a view to providing reporting recommendations, as appropriate. We examined the initial CT report of patients diagnosed with ICH presenting to a metropolitan comprehensive stroke centre and meeting inclusion criteria during the audit period between 1 March 2013 and 28 February 2014. Each report was assessed for the inclusion of the following ICH characteristics: the number of measurement dimensions; volume; location; hydrocephalus; shape; density; 'CTA spot sign' (where CTA was performed). A total of 100 patients met audit inclusion criteria. At least one ICH dimension was recorded in 90% of reports; however, 39% did not include the measurements in three dimensions and volume was reported in just 6%. No ICH dimension was recorded in 10% of reports. With the exception of density and shape, reporting of other CT features exceeded 95%. Where CTA was performed (58%), 14 (24%) of 58 reported the 'CTA spot sign' status. In this audit, volume was the most under-reported of the established ICH characteristics predictive of ICH outcome. Readily calculated from multiplanar reformats using the ABC/2 technique, the routine reporting of ICH volume is recommended. More reporting attention to ICH density heterogeneity and shape irregularity is encouraged, given their emerging importance. Where acute CTA is performed, the presence of any dynamic haemorrhage (CTA spot sign) should be reported. © 2016 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists.

  3. Integrating Chlorophyll fapar and Nadir Photochemical Reflectance Index from EO-1/Hyperion to Predict Cornfield Daily Gross Primary Production (United States)

    Zhang, Qingyuan; Middleton, Elizabeth M.; Cheng, Yen-Ben; Huemmrich, K. Fred; Cook, Bruce D.; Corp, Lawrence A.; Kustas, William P.; Russ, Andrew L.; Prueger, John H.; Yao, Tian


    The concept of light use efficiency (Epsilon) and the concept of fraction of photosynthetically active ration (PAR) absorbed for vegetation photosynthesis (PSN), i.e., fAPAR (sub PSN), have been widely utilized to estimate vegetation gross primary productivity (GPP). It has been demonstrated that the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) is empirically related to e. An experimental US Department of Agriculture (USDA) cornfield in Maryland was selected as our study field. We explored the potential of integrating fAPAR(sub chl) (defined as the fraction of PAR absorbed by chlorophyll) and nadir PRI (PRI(sub nadir)) to predict cornfield daily GPP. We acquired nadir or near-nadir EO-1/Hyperion satellite images that covered the cornfield and took nadir in-situ field spectral measurements. Those data were used to derive the PRI(sub nadir) and fAPAR (sub chl). The fAPAR (sub chl) is retrieved with the advanced radiative transfer model PROSAIL2 and the Metropolis approach, a type of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation procedure. We define chlorophyll light use efficiency Epsilon (sub chl) as the ratio of vegetation GPP as measured by eddy covariance techniques to PAR absorbed by chlorophyll (Epsilon(sub chl) = GPP/APAR (sub chl). Daily Epsilon (sub chl) retrieved with the EO-1 Hyperion images was regressed with a linear equation of PRI (sub nadir) Epsilon (sub chl) = Alpha × PRI (sub nadir) + Beta). The satellite Epsilon(sub chl- PRI (sub nadir) linear relationship for the cornfield was implemented to develop an integrated daily GPP model [GPP = (Alpha × PRI(sub nadir) + Beta) × fAPAR (sub chl) × PAR], which was evaluated with fAPAR (sub chl) and PRI (sub nadir) retrieved from field measurements. Daily GPP estimated with this fAPAR (sub chl-) PRI (nadir) integration model was strongly correlated with the observed tower in-situ daily GPP (R(sup 2) = 0.93); with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.71 g C mol-(sup -1) PPFD and coefficient of variation (CV) of 16

  4. Annotation of mammalian primary microRNAs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enright Anton J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background MicroRNAs (miRNAs are important regulators of gene expression and have been implicated in development, differentiation and pathogenesis. Hundreds of miRNAs have been discovered in mammalian genomes. Approximately 50% of mammalian miRNAs are expressed from introns of protein-coding genes; the primary transcript (pri-miRNA is therefore assumed to be the host transcript. However, very little is known about the structure of pri-miRNAs expressed from intergenic regions. Here we annotate transcript boundaries of miRNAs in human, mouse and rat genomes using various transcription features. The 5' end of the pri-miRNA is predicted from transcription start sites, CpG islands and 5' CAGE tags mapped in the upstream flanking region surrounding the precursor miRNA (pre-miRNA. The 3' end of the pri-miRNA is predicted based on the mapping of polyA signals, and supported by cDNA/EST and ditags data. The predicted pri-miRNAs are also analyzed for promoter and insulator-associated regulatory regions. Results We define sets of conserved and non-conserved human, mouse and rat pre-miRNAs using bidirectional BLAST and synteny analysis. Transcription features in their flanking regions are used to demarcate the 5' and 3' boundaries of the pri-miRNAs. The lengths and boundaries of primary transcripts are highly conserved between orthologous miRNAs. A significant fraction of pri-miRNAs have lengths between 1 and 10 kb, with very few introns. We annotate a total of 59 pri-miRNA structures, which include 82 pre-miRNAs. 36 pri-miRNAs are conserved in all 3 species. In total, 18 of the confidently annotated transcripts express more than one pre-miRNA. The upstream regions of 54% of the predicted pri-miRNAs are found to be associated with promoter and insulator regulatory sequences. Conclusion Little is known about the primary transcripts of intergenic miRNAs. Using comparative data, we are able to identify the boundaries of a significant proportion of

  5. Compounds Labelled with Low-Energy Gamma-Ray Emitters for Medical Isotope Scanning; Gammagraphie au Moyen de Composes Marques avec des Emetteurs Gamma de Faible Energie; Soedineniya, ispol'zuemye pri meditsinskom izotopnom skennirovanii, mechennye s pomoshch'yu gamma-izluchatelej nizkoj ehnergii; Compuestos Marcados con Emisores Gamma de Baja Energia para la Exploracion Medica Mediante Isotopos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scheer, K. E.; Zum Winkel, K.; Georgi, M. [Czerny-Krankenhaus der Universitat Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    por los tejidos del cuerpo limita la profundidad a que las lesiones pueden ser visualizadas. En organos de grandes dimensiones, como el higado, se evita la superposicion de las radiaciones procedentes de la parte posterior del organo, lo que permite detectar mejor las lesiones superficiales. El. emisor,gamma de baja energia mas importante es el {sup 125}I. Para la exploracion de la tiroides se utiliza en forma de yoduro. El Rosa Bengala marcada con {sup 125}I es un compuesto adecuado para la exploracion del higado. Tambien puede utilizarse albumina desnaturalizada por el calor, marcada con {sup 125}I. Para la exploracion del rinon se ha comprobado que el hipuran marcado con {sup 125}I da buenos resultados cuando se inyecta por via intramuscular con hialuronidasa a fin de lograr un nivel uniforme de radiactividad en este organo. Otro emisor gamma de baja energia muy util para la exploracion medica es el {sup 197}Hg que puede utilizarse en forma de cloruro para la exploracion de los rinones y el bazo. Deben tomarse precauciones especiales para evitar la superposicion del rinon y el bazo. La exploracion da mejores resultados si se utiliza {sup 197}Hg marcado con neohidrina. Este compuesto puede emplearse tambien para la localizacion de tumores del cerebro. Los autores presentan centelleogramas tipicos de tumores de la tiroides, del higado, del bazo, del rinon y del cerebro obtenidos con emisores gamma de baja energia y con nuclidos y compuestos tradicionales, y examinan las ventajas que ofrecen los primeros. (author) [Russian] Gammaizluchateli nizkoj jenergii imejut osobye preimushhestva pri ispol'zovanii ih dlja medicine - skogo scintilljacionnogo skennirovanija po dvum prichinam: 1. Svincovaja zashhita kollimatorov znachitel'no jeffektivnee. Pojetomu mozhno primenjat' tonkostennye kollimatory s mnogokratnoj fokusirovkoj, dobivajas' pri jetom naibol'shego geometricheskogo razreshenija, i v svjazi s jetim- vozmozhnosti obnaruzhenija nebol'shih porazhenij. 2. Pogloshhenie

  6. Dissecting the interactions of SERRATE with RNA and DICER-LIKE 1 in Arabidopsis microRNA precursor processing

    KAUST Repository

    Iwata, Yuji; Takahashi, Masateru; Fedoroff, Nina V.; Hamdan, Samir


    ). In the present study, we examined primary miRNA precursor (pri-miRNA) processing by highly purified recombinant DCL1 and SE proteins and found that SE is integral to pri-miRNA processing by DCL1. SE stimulates DCL1 cleavage of the pri-miRNA in an ionic strength

  7. Polymorphonuclear neutrophil in brain parenchyma after experimental intracerebral hemorrhage. (United States)

    Zhao, Xiurong; Sun, Guanghua; Zhang, Han; Ting, Shun-Ming; Song, Shen; Gonzales, Nicole; Aronowski, Jaroslaw


    Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) infiltration into brain parenchyma after cerebrovascular accidents is viewed as a key component of secondary brain injury. Interestingly, a recent study of ischemic stroke suggests that after ischemic stroke, PMNs do not enter brain parenchyma and as such may cause no harm to the brain. Thus, the present study was designed to determine PMNs' behavior after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Using the autologous blood injection model of ICH in rats and immunohistochemistry for PMNs and vascular components, we evaluated the temporal and spatial PMNs distribution in the ICH-affected brain. We found that, similar to ischemia, there is a robust increase in presence of PMNs in the ICH-injured tissue that lasts for at least 1 to 2 weeks. However, in contrast to what was suggested for ischemia, besides PMNs that stay in association with the vasculature, after ICH, we found abundance of intraparenchymal PMNs (with no obvious association with vessels) in the ICH core and hematoma border, especially between 1 and 7 days after the ictus. Interestingly, the increased presence of intraparenchymal PMNs after ICH coincided with the massive loss of microvascular integrity, suggesting vascular disruption as a potential cause of PMNs presence in the brain parenchyma. Our study indicates that in contrast to ischemic stroke, after ICH, PMNs target not only vascular compartment but also brain parenchyma in the affected brain. As such, it is possible that the pathogenic role and therapeutic implications of targeting PMNs after ICH could be different from these after ischemic stroke. Our work suggests the needs for more studies addressing the role of PMNs in ICH.

  8. Motor skills training promotes motor functional recovery and induces synaptogenesis in the motor cortex and striatum after intracerebral hemorrhage in rats. (United States)

    Tamakoshi, Keigo; Ishida, Akimasa; Takamatsu, Yasuyuki; Hamakawa, Michiru; Nakashima, Hiroki; Shimada, Haruka; Ishida, Kazuto


    We investigated the effects of motor skills training on several types of motor function and synaptic plasticity following intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in rats. Male Wistar rats were injected with collagenase into the left striatum to induce ICH, and they were randomly assigned to the ICH or sham groups. Each group was divided into the motor skills training (acrobatic training) and control (no exercise) groups. The acrobatic group performed acrobatic training from 4 to 28 days after surgery. Motor functions were assessed by motor deficit score, the horizontal ladder test and the wide or narrow beam walking test at several time points after ICH. The number of ΔFosB-positive cells was counted using immunohistochemistry to examine neuronal activation, and the PSD95 protein levels were analyzed by Western blotting to examine synaptic plasticity in the bilateral sensorimotor cortices and striata at 14 and 29 days after ICH. Motor skills training following ICH significantly improved gross motor function in the early phase after ICH and skilled motor coordinated function in the late phase. The number of ΔFosB-positive cells in the contralateral sensorimotor cortex in the acrobatic group significantly increased compared to the control group. PSD95 protein expression in the motor cortex significantly increased in the late phase, and in the striatum, the protein level significantly increased in the early phase by motor skills training after ICH compared to no training after ICH. We demonstrated that motor skills training improved motor function after ICH in rats and enhanced the neural activity and synaptic plasticity in the striatum and sensorimotor cortex. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. The value of magnetic resonance imaging for the detection of the bleeding source in non-traumatic intracerebral haemorrhages: a comparison with conventional digital subtraction angiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lummel, Nina; Lutz, Juergen; Brueckmann, Hartmut; Linn, Jennifer [University of Munich, Department of Neuroradiology, Munich (Germany)


    Conventional digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is currently regarded as the gold standard in detecting underlying vascular pathologies in patients with intracerebral haemorrhages (ICH). However, the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnostic workup of ICHs has considerably increased in recent years. Our aim was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy and yield of MRI for the detection of the underlying aetiology in ICH patients. Sixty-seven consecutive patients with an acute ICH who underwent MRI (including magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and DSA during their diagnostic workup) were included in the study. Magnetic resonance images were retrospectively analysed by two independent neuroradiologists to determine the localisation and cause of the ICH. DSA was used as a reference standard. In seven patients (10.4%), a DSA-positive vascular aetiology was present (one aneurysm, four arteriovenous malformations, one dural arteriovenous fistula and one vasculitis). All of these cases were correctly diagnosed by both readers on MRI. In addition, MRI revealed the following probable bleeding causes in 39 of the 60 DSA-negative patients: cerebral amyloid angiopathy (17), cavernoma (9), arterial hypertension (8), haemorrhagic transformation of an ischaemic infarction (3) and malignant brain tumour with secondary ICH (2). Performing MRI with MRA proved to be an accurate diagnostic tool in detecting vascular malformations in patients with ICH. In addition, MRI provided valuable information regarding DSA-negative ICH causes, and thus had a high diagnostic yield in ICH patients. (orig.)

  10. Human neural stem cells over-expressing VEGF provide neuroprotection, angiogenesis and functional recovery in mouse stroke model.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hong J Lee

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH is a lethal stroke type. As mortality approaches 50%, and current medical therapy against ICH shows only limited effectiveness, an alternative approach is required, such as stem cell-based cell therapy. Previously we have shown that intravenously transplanted human neural stem cells (NSCs selectively migrate to the brain and induce behavioral recovery in rat ICH model, and that combined administration of NSCs and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF results in improved structural and functional outcome from cerebral ischemia. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We postulated that human NSCs overexpressing VEGF transplanted into cerebral cortex overlying ICH lesion could provide improved survival of grafted NSCs, increased angiogenesis and behavioral recovery in mouse ICH model. ICH was induced in adult mice by unilateral injection of bacterial collagenase into striatum. HB1.F3.VEGF human NSC line produced an amount of VEGF four times higher than parental F3 cell line in vitro, and induced behavioral improvement and 2-3 fold increase in cell survival at two weeks and eight weeks post-transplantation. CONCLUSIONS: Brain transplantation of F3 human NSCs over-expressing VEGF near ICH lesion sites provided differentiation and survival of grafted human NSCs and renewed angiogenesis of host brain and functional recovery of ICH animals. These results suggest a possible application of the human neural stem cell line, which is genetically modified to over-express VEGF, as a therapeutic agent for ICH-stroke.

  11. Intracranial hemorrhage in congenital bleeding disorders. (United States)

    Tabibian, Shadi; Motlagh, Hoda; Naderi, Majid; Dorgalaleh, Akbar


    : Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), as a life-threatening bleeding among all kinds of congenital bleeding disorders (CBDs), is a rare manifestation except in factor XIII (FXIII) deficiency, which is accompanied by ICH, early in life, in about one-third of patients. Most inherited platelet function disorders (IPFDs) are mild to moderate bleeding disorders that can never experience a severe bleeding as in ICH; however, Glanzmann's thrombasthenia, a common and severe inherited platelet function disorder, can lead to ICH and occasional death. This bleeding feature can also be observed in grey platelet syndrome, though less frequently than in Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. In hemophilia, intracerebral hemorrhage is affected by various risk factors one of which is the severity of the disease. The precise prevalence of ICH in these patients is not clear but an estimated incidence of 3.5-4% among newborns with hemophilia is largely ascertained. Although ICH is a rare phenomenon in CBDs, it can be experienced by every patient with severe hemophilia A and B, FXIII deficiency (FXIIID), FVIID, FXD, FVD, FIID, and afibrinogenemia. Upon observing the general signs and symptoms of ICH such as vomiting, seizure, unconsciousness, and headache, appropriate replacement therapies and cranial ultrasound scans must be done to decrease ICH-related morbidity and mortality.

  12. Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) Rehabilitation in Patients with Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke. (United States)

    Ogata, Toshiyasu; Abe, Hiroshi; Samura, Kazuhiro; Hamada, Omi; Nonaka, Masani; Iwaasa, Mitsutoshi; Higashi, Toshio; Fukuda, Hiroyuki; Shiota, Etsuji; Tsuboi, Yoshio; Inoue, Tooru


    The efficacy of hybrid assistive limb (HAL) rehabilitation in the acute phase of stroke remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of patients with acute intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) who were treated with or without HAL rehabilitation. Among 270 patients with acute ICH from 2009 to 2014, 91 patients with supratentorial ICH were included in this retrospective study. Of these, 14 patients (HAL group) received HAL rehabilitation at approximately 1 week after ICH occurrence, while the remaining 77 patients received usual rehabilitation without HAL (N-HAL group). We obtained various patient data from the hospitals where the patients were moved to for further rehabilitation. Statistical comparisons were performed for the characteristics of the ICH patients, and outcomes between the HAL and N-HAL groups. There were no differences in outcomes between the HAL and N-HAL groups. However, patients with right ICH in the HAL group exhibited a significant association with a functional independence measure (FIM) score of ≥ 110 compared with patients in the N-HAL group (HAL group: 81.8%, N-HAL group: 43.9%, P = 0.04). In patients with right ICH, HAL rehabilitation was associated with improved outcomes as evaluated by the FIM score. Thus, HAL rehabilitation may improve outcomes of acute ICH in appropriately selected patients.

  13. Dual-energy CT of the brain: Comparison between DECT angiography-derived virtual unenhanced images and true unenhanced images in the detection of intracranial haemorrhage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonatti, Matteo; Pernter, Patrizia; Bonatti, Giampietro; Lombardo, Fabio; Zamboni, Giulia A.; Pozzi Mucelli, Roberto


    To evaluate the diagnostic performance of virtual non-contrast (VNC) images in detecting intracranial haemorrhages (ICHs). Sixty-seven consecutive patients with and 67 without ICH who underwent unenhanced brain CT and DECT angiography were included. Two radiologists independently evaluated VNC and true non-contrast (TNC) images for ICH presence and type. Inter-observer agreement for VNC and TNC image evaluation was calculated. Sensitivity and specificity of VNC images for ICH detection were calculated using Fisher's exact test. VNC and TNC images were compared for ICH extent (qualitatively and quantitatively) and conspicuity assessment. On TNC images 116 different haemorrhages were detected in 67 patients. Inter-observer agreement ranged from 0.98-1.00 for TNC images and from 0.86-1.00 for VNC images. VNC sensitivity ranged from 0.90-1, according to the different ICH types, and specificity from 0.97-1. Qualitatively, ICH extent was underestimated on VNC images in 11.9% of cases. Haemorrhage volume did not show statistically significant differences between VNC and TNC images. Mean haemorrhage conspicuity was significantly lower on VNC images than on TNC images for both readers (p < 0.001). VNC images are accurate for ICH detection. Haemorrhages are less conspicuous on VNC images and their extent may be underestimated. (orig.)

  14. Dual-energy CT of the brain: Comparison between DECT angiography-derived virtual unenhanced images and true unenhanced images in the detection of intracranial haemorrhage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bonatti, Matteo; Pernter, Patrizia; Bonatti, Giampietro [Bolzano Central Hospital, Department of Radiology, Bolzano (Italy); Lombardo, Fabio; Zamboni, Giulia A.; Pozzi Mucelli, Roberto [University of Verona, Department of Radiology, Verona (Italy)


    To evaluate the diagnostic performance of virtual non-contrast (VNC) images in detecting intracranial haemorrhages (ICHs). Sixty-seven consecutive patients with and 67 without ICH who underwent unenhanced brain CT and DECT angiography were included. Two radiologists independently evaluated VNC and true non-contrast (TNC) images for ICH presence and type. Inter-observer agreement for VNC and TNC image evaluation was calculated. Sensitivity and specificity of VNC images for ICH detection were calculated using Fisher's exact test. VNC and TNC images were compared for ICH extent (qualitatively and quantitatively) and conspicuity assessment. On TNC images 116 different haemorrhages were detected in 67 patients. Inter-observer agreement ranged from 0.98-1.00 for TNC images and from 0.86-1.00 for VNC images. VNC sensitivity ranged from 0.90-1, according to the different ICH types, and specificity from 0.97-1. Qualitatively, ICH extent was underestimated on VNC images in 11.9% of cases. Haemorrhage volume did not show statistically significant differences between VNC and TNC images. Mean haemorrhage conspicuity was significantly lower on VNC images than on TNC images for both readers (p < 0.001). VNC images are accurate for ICH detection. Haemorrhages are less conspicuous on VNC images and their extent may be underestimated. (orig.)

  15. Behavior and sensitivity of an optimal tree diameter growth model under data uncertainty (United States)

    Don C. Bragg


    Using loblolly pine, shortleaf pine, white oak, and northern red oak as examples, this paper considers the behavior of potential relative increment (PRI) models of optimal tree diameter growth under data uncertainity. Recommendations on intial sample size and the PRI iteractive curve fitting process are provided. Combining different state inventories prior to PRI model...

  16. Evolution of blood pressure management in acute intracerebral hemorrhage [version 1; referees: 4 approved

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stacy Chu


    Full Text Available Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH remains a prevalent and severe cause of death and disability worldwide. Control of the hypertensive response in acute ICH has been a mainstay of ICH management, yet the optimal approaches and the yield of recommended strategies have been difficult to establish despite a large body of literature. Over the years, theoretical and observed risks and benefits of intensive blood pressure reduction in ICH have been studied in the form of animal models, radiographic studies, and two recent large, randomized patient trials. In this article, we review the historical and developing data and discuss remaining questions surrounding blood pressure management in acute ICH.

  17. CD36-Mediated Hematoma Absorption following Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Negative Regulation by TLR4 Signaling


    Fang, Huang; Chen, Jing; Lin, Sen; Wang, PengFei; Wang, YanChun; Xiong, XiaoYi; Yang, QingWu


    Promoting hematoma absorption is a novel therapeutic strategy for intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH); however, the mechanism of hematoma absorption is unclear. The present study explored the function and potential mechanism of CD36 in hematoma absorption using in vitro and in vivo ICH models. Hematoma absorption in CD36-deficient ICH patients was examined. Compared with patients with normal CD36 expression, CD36-deficient ICH patients had slower hematoma adsorption and aggravated neurologic defic...

  18. Mehrsprachigkeit - Language Awareness – Sprachbewusstheit. Einführung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monika Angela Budde


    Ich bedanke mich bei allen AutorInnen für ihre Beiträge und für die überaus große Kooperationsbereitschaft. Diese habe ich ebenso im Herausgeberteam erfahren und auch diesem möchte ich herzlich danken.

  19. Sposób prowadzenia badań archeologiczno-architektonicznych, a możliwości wykorzystania ich wyników w procesie projektowym na przykładzie byłego Szpitala im. Babińskiego we Wrocławiu.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Justyna Kleszcz


    Full Text Available Niniejszy artykuł stanowi omówienie zagadnienia trybu i sposobu prowadzenia badań archeologiczno-architektonicznych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem możliwości prawnych oraz analizę skutków (pozytywnych i negatywnych wyboru poszczególnych form na sposób, w jaki prowadzone są prace projektowe oraz możliwości ekspozycji odsłoniętych reliktów. Zagadnienia te zostaną omówione głównie na przykładzie prac prowadzonych od 2015 roku na obszarze byłego szpitala im. Babińskiego przy placu Jana Pawła II we Wrocławiu przez zespół badawczy pod kierunkiem dr inż. arch. Piotra Kmiecika oraz dr Roberta Szweda, przy współudziale dr Czesława Lasoty. Teren byłego Szpitala był zdecydowanie jednym z najciekawszych pod względem archeologiczno – architektonicznym we Wrocławiu, jednocześnie jednak również jednym z najbardziej skomplikowanych. Na stopień skomplikowania miało wpływ nie tyle nagromadzenie warstw kulturowych i spodziewanych odkryć, a samo położenie oraz nawarstwienie ciągłych przekształceń obszaru, skutkujące gęstą zabudową, a także nagromadzeniem czynnych magistrali sieciowych o znaczeniu tranzytowym, ukształtowaniem powiązań komunikacyjnych w obrębie rozległego obszaru i ukształtowaniem zieleni objętej ochroną prawną. Jednoczesne wystąpienie tylu czynników spowodowało niemożliwość oszacowania zakresu i wielkości prowadzonych prac przed ich rozpoczęciem, wymusiło elastyczność oraz konieczność zaaranżowania badań z uwzględnieniem udziału ekip budowlanych w ich trakcie. Poziom komplikacji wymuszał także pewne modyfikacje w trybie prowadzonych prac, co ukazuje konieczność weryfikacji podejścia do restrykcyjnego podziału, oraz ukazuje szereg możliwości, jakie daje ściślejsza współpraca na linii architekt-archeolog-urząd konserwatora zabytków-budowa.

  20. Improved plant nitrogen nutrition contributes to higher water use efficiency in tomatoes under alternate partial root-zone irrigation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Yaosheng; Liu, Fulai; Andersen, Mathias Neumann


    stomatal conductance during the treatment. At the end of the experiment, N accumulation and 15N recovery was highest in FI, intermediate in PRI and lowest in DI. In addition, PRI plants consistently allocated more N into the upper and middle leaf layers than in the FI and DI treatments. The improved N...... nutrition and distribution in the canopy may indicate that PRI plants have a greater photosynthetic capacity than DI plants; this is confirmed by the observed positive linear relationship between specific leaf N content and δ13C. It is concluded that PRI improves N nutrition and optimises N distribution...



    Stanko, Renata


    Ljudje smo različni. Različno vrednotimo in ocenjujemo iste stvari. Imamo različne okuse, različne zahteve, obenem pa imamo svoja pričakovanja. Od gostincev in pri njih zaposlenih pričakujemo, da bodo poznali naše zahteve in pričakovanja ter jih brezhibno zadovoljili. Še posebej, ker so nas k njim napotili naši prijatelji oz. družina, ki so bili zelo zadovoljni ali zato, ker je od naše prisotnosti v gostilni odvisen naš družbeni položaj. Prenos informacij med prijatelji in družinskim...

  2. Evaluating the relationship between the photochemical reflectance index and the light use efficiency in a mangrove forest with Spartina alterniflora invasion (United States)

    Shi, C.; Wang, L.; Yang, S.


    Mangrove forest is an important component of wetland ecosystems, which has high productivity, strong carbon sequestration capacity and great ecological values. The light use efficiency (LUE) of photosynthesis is a major parameter for estimating plant productivity. Recent studies have shown that the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) has a strong relationship with LUE and the relationship is significantly influenced by plant species and environmental factors. In this paper, we evaluated the relationship between PRI and LUE for different mangrove species (Avicennia marina and Aegiceras corniculatum) and the effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on the PRI-LUE relationship. The results showed that the LUE of mangroves had a good correlation with PRI, and the correlation of Avicennia marina was stronger than that of Aegiceras corniculatum. In addition, the invasion of Spartina alterniflora impaired the PRI-LUE relationship for both mangrove species.

  3. Prior antiplatelet therapy and outcome following intracerebral hemorrhage: a systematic review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thompson, B B; Béjot, Y; Caso, V


    Antiplatelet therapy (APT) promotes bleeding; therefore, APT might worsen outcome in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to address the hypothesis that pre-ICH APT use is associated with mortality and poor functional outcome following ICH....

  4. The radical scavenger edaravone improves neurologic function and perihematomal glucose metabolism after acute intracerebral hemorrhage. (United States)

    Shang, Hanbing; Cui, Derong; Yang, Dehua; Liang, Sheng; Zhang, Weifeng; Zhao, Weiguo


    Oxidative injury caused by reactive oxygen species plays an important role in the progression of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH)-induced secondary brain injury. Previous studies have demonstrated that the free radical scavenger edaravone may prevent neuronal injury and brain edema after ICH. However, the influence of edaravone on cerebral metabolism in the early stages after ICH and the underlying mechanism have not been fully investigated. In the present study, we investigated the effect of edaravone on perihematomal glucose metabolism using (18)F-fluorordeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT). Additionally, the neurologic deficits, brain edemas, and cell death that followed ICH were quantitatively analyzed. After blood infusion, the rats treated with edaravone showed significant improvement in both forelimb placing and corner turn tests compared with those treated with vehicle. Moreover, the brain water content of the edaravone-treated group was significantly decreased compared with that of the vehicle group on day 3 after ICH. PET/CT images of ICH rats exhibited obvious decreases in FDG standardized uptake values in perihematomal region on day 3, and the lesion-to-normal ratio of the edaravone-treated ICH rats was significantly increased compared with that of the control rats. Calculation of the brain injury volumes from the PET/CT images revealed that the volumes of the blood-induced injuries were significantly smaller in the edaravone group compared with the vehicle group. Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase-mediated dUTP Nick End Labeling assays performed 3 days after ICH revealed that the numbers of apoptotic cells in perihematomal region of edaravone-treated ICH rats were decreased relative to the vehicle group. Thus, the present study demonstrates that edaravone has scavenging properties that attenuate neurologic behavioral deficits and brain edema in the early period of ICH. Additionally, edaravone may improve

  5. High prevalence of cognitive impairment after intracerebral hemorrhage.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mélanie Planton

    Full Text Available Cognitive impairment seems to be frequent in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH survivors, but remains widely understudied. In this study, we investigated the frequency and patterns of vascular cognitive disorders (VCDs in patients with cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA-related and deep ICH compared to patients with mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer's disease (MCI-AD and healthy controls.We prospectively recruited 20 patients with CAA-related lobar ICH, 20 with deep ICH, 20 with MCI-AD and 17 healthy controls. Patients with cognitive decline pre-ICH were excluded from the analysis. Each participant underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment and a structural brain MRI. Cognitive assessment was performed at a median delay of 4 months after the acute phase in ICH patients, and more than 6 months after the first complaint in MCI-AD patients. Cognitive profiles were compared between groups. The prevalence of VCDs in the ICH groups was estimated using the recent VASCOG criteria."Mild" and "major VCDs" were respectively observed in 87.5% and 2.5% of all ICH patients. Every patient in the CAA group had mild VCDs. No significant difference was observed in cognitive functioning between CAA-related and deep ICH patients. The most impaired process in the CAA group was naming, with a mean (±standard deviation z-score of -5.2 ±5.5, followed by processing speed (-4.1±3.3, executive functioning (-2.6 ±2.5, memory (-2.4 ±3.5 and attention (-0.9 ±1.3. This cognitive pattern was different from the MCI-AD patients, but the groups were only different in gestural praxis, and by construction, in memory processes.VCDs are frequent after ICH. Cognitive patterns of patients with deep or CAA-related ICH did not differ, but there was impaired performance in specific domains distinct from the effects of Alzheimer's disease.URL: Unique identifier: NCT01619709.

  6. Isolated clinic hypertension: diagnostic criteria based on 24-h blood pressure definition. (United States)

    Vinyoles, Ernest; Rodriguez-Blanco, Teresa; de la Sierra, Alejandro; Felip, Angela; Banegas, José R; de la Cruz, Juan J; Gorostidi, Manuel; Sobrino, Javier; Segura, Julián; Roca-Cusachs, Alex; Ruilope, Luís M


    The use of diagnostic criteria based on 24-h ambulatory blood pressure (BP) values could improve prognostic value by incorporating night BP, minimize biases and improve the diagnostic reproducibility of isolated clinic hypertension (ICH). We estimate the 24-h BP cut-off points that best discriminate and predict the two diagnostic thresholds of mean daytime BP for ICH (135/85 and 130/80 mmHg). Cross-sectional, comparative, multicentre study in 6176 untreated hypertensive patients, whose BP was measured by ambulatory BP monitoring. ICH was defined with an office BP of ≥140/≥90 mmHg and a daytime BP of <135/<85 mmHg (ICH1) or <130/80 mmHg (ICH2). Sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio (LR+), odds ratio (OR), error rate, predictive values, κ values and 95% confidence interval were calculated for each possible cut-off point for ICH1 and ICH2. One thousand eight hundred and seven patients (29.2%) and 960 patients (15.5%) met ICH1 and ICH2 criteria, respectively. The 24-h BP cut-off points that best predict ICH1 and ICH2 are less than 132/82 mmHg (sensitivity: 93.6%, specificity: 94.3%, LR+: 16.6, OR: 1367.1, error rate: 5.9, κ 0.86) and less than 127/77 mmHg (sensitivity: 90.8%, specificity: 97.4%, LR+: 34.6, OR: 1041.5, error rate: 3.6,κ 0.86), respectively. These values achieved the best balance of sensitivity and specificity, together with the highest values of LR+ and OR and the lowest error rate. The 24-h BP cut-off point that best predicts the daytime criterion of less than 135/85 and less than 130/80 mmHg are 132/82 and 127/77 mmHg, respectively. These 24-h cut-off points may add value to ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for both diagnostic and management future decisions.

  7. Intracranial Hemorrhage: A Devastating Outcome of Congenital Bleeding Disorders-Prevalence, Diagnosis, and Management, with a Special Focus on Congenital Factor XIII Deficiency. (United States)

    Alavi, Seyed Ezatolla Rafiee; Jalalvand, Masumeh; Assadollahi, Vahideh; Tabibian, Shadi; Dorgalaleh, Akbar


    Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is a medical emergency. In congenital bleeding disorders, ICH is a devastating presentation accompanied with a high rate of morbidity and mortality. The prevalence of ICH is highly variable among congenital bleeding disorders, with the highest incidence observed in factor (F) XIII deficiency (FXIIID) (∼30%). This life-threatening presentation is less common in afibrinogenemia, FVIII, FIX, FVII, and FX deficiencies, and is rare in severe FV and FII deficiencies, type 3 von Willebrand disease and inherited platelet function disorders (IPFDs). In FXIIID, this diathesis most often occurs after trauma in children, whereas spontaneous ICH is more frequent in adults. About 15% of patients with FXIIID and ICH die; the bleeding causes 80% of deaths in this coagulopathy. Although in FXIIID, the bleed most commonly is intraparenchymal (> 90%), epidural, subdural, and subarachnoid hemorrhages also have been reported, albeit rarely. As this life-threatening bleeding causes neurological complications, early diagnosis can prevent further expansion of the hematoma and secondary damage. Neuroimaging plays a crucial role in the diagnosis of ICH, but signs and symptoms in patients with severe FXIIID should trigger replacement therapy even before establishment of the diagnosis. Although a high dose of FXIII concentrate can reduce the rate of morbidity and mortality of ICH in FXIIID, it may occasionally trigger inhibitor development, thus complicating ICH management and future prophylaxis. Nevertheless, replacement therapy is the mainstay of treatment for ICH in FXIIID. Neurosurgery is performed in patients with FXIIID and epidural hematoma and a hemorrhage diameter exceeding 2 cm or a volume of ICH is more than 30 cm 3 . Contact sports are not recommended in people with FXIIID as they can elicit ICH. However, a considerable number of safe sports and activities have been suggested to have more benefits than dangers for patients with congenital bleeding

  8. Hemorrhage recurrence risk factors in cerebral amyloid angiopathy: Comparative analysis of the overall small vessel disease severity score versus individual neuroimaging markers. (United States)

    Boulouis, Gregoire; Charidimou, Andreas; Pasi, Marco; Roongpiboonsopit, Duangnapa; Xiong, Li; Auriel, Eitan; van Etten, Ellis S; Martinez-Ramirez, Sergi; Ayres, Alison; Vashkevich, Anastasia; Schwab, Kristin M; Rosand, Jonathan; Goldstein, Joshua N; Gurol, M Edip; Greenberg, Steven M; Viswanathan, Anand


    An MRI-based score of total small vessel disease burden (CAA-SVD-Score) in cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) has been demonstrated to correlate with severity of pathologic changes. Evidence suggests that CAA-related intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) recurrence risk is associated with specific disease imaging manifestations rather than overall severity. We compared the correlation between the CAA-SVD-Score with the risk of recurrent CAA-related lobar ICH versus the predictive role of each of its components. Consecutive patients with CAA-related ICH from a single-center prospective cohort were analyzed. Radiological markers of CAA related SVD damage were quantified and categorized according to the CAA-SVD-Score (0-6 points). Subjects were followed prospectively for recurrent symptomatic ICH. Adjusted Cox proportional hazards models were used to investigate associations between the CAA-SVD-Score as well as each of the individual MRI signatures of CAA and the risk of recurrent ICH. In 229 CAA patients with ICH, a total of 56 recurrent ICH events occurred during a median follow-up of 2.8years [IQR 0.9-5.4years, 781 person-years). Higher CAA-SVD-Score (HR=1.26 per additional point, 95%CI [1.04-1.52], p=0.015) and older age were independently associated with higher ICH recurrence risk. Analysis of individual markers of CAA showed that CAA-SVD-Score findings were due to the independent effect of disseminated superficial siderosis (HR for disseminated cSS vs none: 2.89, 95%CI [1.47-5.5], p=0.002) and high degree of perivascular spaces enlargement (RR=3.50-95%CI [1.04-21], p=0.042). In lobar CAA-ICH patients, higher CAA-SVD-Score does predict recurrent ICH. Amongst individual elements of the score, superficial siderosis and dilated perivascular spaces are the only markers independently associated with ICH recurrence, contributing to the evidence for distinct CAA phenotypes singled out by neuro-imaging manifestations. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Preexisting cognitive impairment in intracerebral hemorrhage. (United States)

    Laible, M; Horstmann, S; Möhlenbruch, M; Schueler, S; Rizos, T; Veltkamp, R


    Preexisting cognitive impairment is a predictor of cognitive decline after ischemic stroke, but evidence in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is limited. We aimed to determine the prevalence of premorbid cognitive impairment in patients with ICH. We included patients with acute ICH. Pre-ICH cognitive impairment was determined based on the results of the Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE) that uses information from close relatives. Patients were assessed as having been cognitively impaired with an IQCODE score of ≥3.44; an IQCODE ≥4.00 indicated pre-ICH dementia. CT and MRI images were reviewed to determine the extent of white matter lesions and to measure the radial width of the temporal horn as marker of brain atrophy. We investigated differences of cardiovascular risk factors and imaging data between patients with and without pre-ICH cognitive impairment using correlation analyses, uni- and multivariable regression models. Functional neurological state was assessed using the modified Rankin Scale (mRS). The mRS was dichotomized at the level of 3, and a premorbid mRS of 0-2 was considered as functional independency. Among the 89 participants, median age was 70 years (interquartile range 58-78) and 52 (58.4%) were male. IQCODE indicated pre-ICH cognitive impairment in 18.0% (16 of 89), and 83.1% were functionally independent before ICH. Cognitive impairment was associated with a premorbid mRS≥3 (chi squared test, P=0.009). In multivariable analysis, prior stroke/transient ischemic attack (OR 18.29, 95%-CI 1.945-172.033, P=.011) and hematoma volume (OR 0.90, 95%-CI 0.812-0.991, P=.033) were independently associated with pre-ICH cognitive impairment. In conclusion, cognitive impairment frequently precedes ICH. A higher frequency of cerebrovascular events suggests a role of vascular processes in the development of cognitive impairment before ICH. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Statins and risk of poststroke hemorrhagic complications (United States)

    MacIsaac, Rachael L.; Abdul-Rahim, Azmil H.; Siegerink, Bob; Bath, Philip M.; Endres, Matthias; Lees, Kennedy R.; Nolte, Christian H.


    Objective: To assess whether statin treatment before or after acute ischemic stroke (AIS) affects the risk of acute intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), postacute ICH, and mortality within 90 days. Methods: Data were sought from the Virtual International Stroke Trials Archive, an international repository of clinical trials data. Using propensity score matching, we retrospectively compared patients with prior statin treatment and newly initiated statin within 3 days after AIS to patients without statin exposure. Outcomes of interest were acute symptomatic ICH (sICH), any acute ICH, postacute ICH, and mortality during follow-up of 3 months. Results: A total of 8,535 patients (mean age 70 years, 54% male, median baseline NIH Stroke Scale score 13) were analyzed. After propensity score matching, prior statin use was not strongly associated with sICH (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 1.33, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.83–2.14) or any ICH (adjusted OR 1.35, 95% CI 0.92–1.98). There was no evidence of an interaction between prior statin use and thrombolysis. New initiation of statins was not associated with postacute ICH (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 1.60, 95% CI 0.70–3.65). There was a signal towards lower 90-day mortality in patients with prior statin use (adjusted HR 0.84, 95% CI 0.70–1.00) and especially early initiation of statins (adjusted HR 0.67, 95% CI 0.46–0.97). Conclusions: Statin use prior to AIS was not associated with early hemorrhagic complications, irrespective of treatment with thrombolysis. New initiation of statin treatment early after AIS did not affect risk of postacute ICH, but might be associated with reduced mortality. PMID:27016519

  11. Selective inhibitor of Wnt/β-catenin/CBP signaling ameliorates hepatitis C virus-induced liver fibrosis in mouse model. (United States)

    Tokunaga, Yuko; Osawa, Yosuke; Ohtsuki, Takahiro; Hayashi, Yukiko; Yamaji, Kenzaburo; Yamane, Daisuke; Hara, Mitsuko; Munekata, Keisuke; Tsukiyama-Kohara, Kyoko; Hishima, Tsunekazu; Kojima, Soichi; Kimura, Kiminori; Kohara, Michinori


    Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is one of the major causes of serious liver diseases, including liver cirrhosis. There are no anti-fibrotic drugs with efficacy against liver cirrhosis. Wnt/β-catenin signaling has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a variety of tissue fibrosis. In the present study, we investigated the effects of a β-catenin/CBP (cyclic AMP response element binding protein) inhibitor on liver fibrosis. The anti-fibrotic activity of PRI-724, a selective inhibitor of β-catenin/CBP, was assessed in HCV GT1b transgenic mice at 18 months after HCV genome expression. PRI-724 was injected intraperitoneally or subcutaneously in these mice for 6 weeks. PRI-724 reduced liver fibrosis, which was indicated by silver stain, Sirius Red staining, and hepatic hydroxyproline levels, in HCV mice while attenuating αSMA induction. PRI-724 led to increased levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8 mRNA in the liver, along with elevated levels of intrahepatic neutrophils and macrophages/monocytes. The induced intrahepatic neutrophils and macrophages/monocytes were identified as the source of MMP-8. In conclusion, PRI-724 ameliorated HCV-induced liver fibrosis in mice. We hypothesize that inhibition of hepatic stellate cells activation and induction of fibrolytic cells expressing MMP-8 contribute to the anti-fibrotic effects of PRI-724. PRI-724 is a drug candidate which possesses anti-fibrotic effect.

  12. Neutron Tests at the Start-Up of EDF1; Les essais neutroniques au demarrage du reacteur EDF1; Nejtronnye izmereniya pri puske reaktora EDF1; Ensayos neutronicos efectuados durante la puesta en marcha del reactor EDF1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Teste du Bailler, A. [Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay (France); Janin, R. [Electricite de France, Paris (France)


    ehksperimental'nykh metodov, razrabotannykh na reaktorakh v Markule, byla provedena vo vremya puska reaktora EDF.1. Izmereniya kasalis' glavnym obrazom ehffektivnosti upravlyayushchikh sterzhnej pri razlichnykh p ogruzh eniyakh. Opredelyaetsya skhema pod''ema s terzhnej, kotoraya pozvolyaet poluchat' polnuyu moshchnost' prk soblyudenii opredelennykh ogranichenij v temperature obolochek i gaza. Parallel'no byli provedeny izmereniya potoka pri razlichnykh polozheniyakh kompensiruyushchikh sterzhnej i pri razlichnykh zagruzkakh poglotitelej v opredelennykh kanalakh, v zavisimosti ot predvaritel'nykh raschetov v dvukhraehmernom izmerenii. Ehti izmereniya byli polucheny putem aktivatsii tochechnykh detektorov s primeneniem obychnogo metoda otravleniya vozdukha. Pri nekotorykh urovnyakh temperatury (do 140{sup o}C) byli provedeny izmereniya koehffitsientov reaktivnosti i ehffektivnosti reguliruyushchikh sterzhnej. V to zhe vremya putem aktivatsii sootvetstvuyushchikh detektorov (uran, plutonij, lyutetsij, marganets, indij, zoloto) byli provedeny izmereniya koehffitsientov spektra. Dlya izmereniya ehffektivnosti nekotorykh kompensiruyushchikh sterzhnej byl ispol'zovan ostsillyatsionnyj metod. Nakonets, s tselyakh izucheniya zashchity i povrezhdeniya grafita byli provedeny izmereniya potoka bystrykh nejtronov. (author)

  13. Volume-Dependent Overestimation of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hematoma Volume by the ABC/2 Formula

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chih-Wei Wang; Chun-Jung Juan; Hsian-He Hsu; Hua-Shan Liu; Cheng-Yu Chen; Chun-Jen Hsueh; Hung-Wen Kao; Guo-Shu Huang; Yi-Jui Liu; Chung-Ping Lo


    Background: Although the ABC/2 formula has been widely used to estimate the volume of intracerebral hematoma (ICH), the formula tends to overestimate hematoma volume. The volume-related imprecision of the ABC/2 formula has not been documented quantitatively. Purpose: To investigate the volume-dependent overestimation of the ABC/2 formula by comparing it with computer-assisted volumetric analysis (CAVA). Material and Methods: Forty patients who had suffered spontaneous ICH and who had undergone non-enhanced brain computed tomography scans were enrolled in this study. The ICH volume was estimated based on the ABC/2 formula and also calculated by CAVA. Based on the ICH volume calculated by the CAVA method, the patients were divided into three groups: group 1 consisted of 17 patients with an ICH volume of less than 20 ml; group 2 comprised 13 patients with an ICH volume of 20 to 40 ml; and group 3 was composed of 10 patients with an ICH volume larger than 40 ml. Results: The mean estimated hematoma volume was 43.6 ml when using the ABC/2 formula, compared with 33.8 ml when using the CAVA method. The mean estimated difference was 1.3 ml, 4.4 ml, and 31.4 ml for groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively, corresponding to an estimation error of 9.9%, 16.7%, and 37.1% by the ABC/2 formula (P<0.05). Conclusion: The ABC/2 formula significantly overestimates the volume of ICH. A positive association between the estimation error and the volume of ICH is demonstrated

  14. Antiparasitic efficacy of curcumin from Curcuma longa against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in grass carp (United States)

    Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich) is a ciliated parasite that elicits great economic losses in aquaculture. In the present study, a polyphenol compound, curcumin, was obtained from the rhizome of Curcuma longa by bioassay-guided isolation based on the efficacy of anti-Ich theronts. Anti-Ich efficac...

  15. Human Placenta-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Reduce Mortality and Hematoma Size in a Rat Intracerebral Hemorrhage Model in an Acute Phase

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bo Young Choi


    Full Text Available Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH is a critical disease, highly associated with mortality and morbidity. Several studies have demonstrated the beneficial effect of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs on ICH, mostly focused on their mid-to-long-term effect. Acute hematoma expansion is one of the most important prognostic factors of ICH. We hypothesized that MSCs would decrease mortality and hematoma size in acute ICH, based on the findings of a few recent researches reporting their effect on blood-brain barrier and endothelial integrity. Rat ICH models were made using bacterial collagenase. One hour after ICH induction, the rats were randomly divided into MSC-treated and control groups. Mortality, hematoma volume, ventricular enlargement, brain edema, and degenerating neuron count were compared at 24 hours after ICH induction. Expression of tight junction proteins (ZO-1, occludin and coagulation factor VII mRNA was also compared. Mortality rate (50% versus 8.3%, hematoma size, ventricular size, hemispheric enlargement, and degenerating neuron count were significantly lower in the MSC-treated group (p=0.034, 0.038, 0.001, 0.022, and <0.001, resp., while the expression of ZO-1 and occludin was higher (p=0.007 and 0.012. Administration of MSCs may prevent hematoma expansion in the hyperacute stage of ICH and decrease acute mortality by enhancing the endothelial integrity of cerebral vasculature.

  16. Efficacy of deferoxamine in animal models of intracerebral hemorrhage: a systematic review and stratified meta-analysis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Han-Jin Cui

    Full Text Available Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH is a subtype of stroke associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. No proven treatments are available for this condition. Iron-mediated free radical injury is associated with secondary damage following ICH. Deferoxamine (DFX, a ferric-iron chelator, is a candidate drug for the treatment of ICH. We performed a systematic review of studies involving the administration of DFX following ICH. In total, 20 studies were identified that described the efficacy of DFX in animal models of ICH and assessed changes in the brain water content, neurobehavioral score, or both. DFX reduced the brain water content by 85.7% in animal models of ICH (-0.86, 95% CI: -.48- -0.23; P < 0.01; 23 comparisons, and improved the neurobehavioral score by -1.08 (95% CI: -1.23- -0.92; P < 0.01; 62 comparisons. DFX was most efficacious when administered 2-4 h after ICH at a dose of 10-50 mg/kg depending on species, and this beneficial effect remained for up to 24 h postinjury. The efficacy was higher with phenobarbital anesthesia, intramuscular injection, and lysed erythrocyte infusion, and in Fischer 344 rats or aged animals. Overall, although DFX was found to be effective in experimental ICH, additional confirmation is needed due to possible publication bias, poor study quality, and the limited number of studies conducting clinical trials.

  17. Genetic variations of MMP9 gene and intracerebral hemorrhage susceptibility: a case-control study in Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Yang, Jie; Wu, Bo; Lin, Sen; Zhou, Junshan; Li, Yingbin; Dong, Wei; Arima, Hisatomi; Zhang, Chanfei; Liu, Yukai; Liu, Ming


    To investigate the association between genetic variations of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) gene and intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) susceptibility in Chinese Han population. The clinical data and peripheral blood samples from the patients with ICH and hypertension, and controlled subjects with hypertension only, were collected. MassARRAY Analyzer was used to genotype the tagger single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of MMP9 gene. Haploview4.2 and Unphased3.1.7 were employed to construct haplotypes and to analyze the association between genetic variations (alleles, genotypes and haplotypes) of MMP9 gene and ICH susceptibility. 181 patients with ICH and hypertension, and 197 patients with hypertension only, were recruited between Sep 2009 and Oct 2010. Patients in the ICH group were younger (61.80 ± 13.27 vs. 72.44 ± 12.71 years, ppopulation. Our logistical regression analysis showed that there were no significant associations between genetic variations of the MPP9 gene and ICH susceptibility (all p>0.05). The genetic variations of MMP9 gene were not significantly associated with ICH susceptibility in the Chinese Han population. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Prior Cannabis Use Is Associated with Outcome after Intracerebral Hemorrhage. (United States)

    Di Napoli, Mario; Zha, Alicia M; Godoy, Daniel A; Masotti, Luca; Schreuder, Floris H B M; Popa-Wagner, Aurel; Behrouz, Réza


    Recent evidence suggests that a potential harmful relationship exists between cannabis use and ischemic stroke. The purpose of this study was to determine the implications of cannabis use in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) patients. An analysis of an international, multicenter, observational database of consecutive patients with spontaneous ICH was conducted. We extracted the following characteristics on presentation: demographics, risk factors, antiplatelet or anticoagulant use, Glasgow Coma Scale, ICH score, neuroimaging parameters, and urine toxicology screen (UTS) results. Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score was utilized for determination of outcome at discharge. Adjusted logistic ordinal regression was used as shift analysis to assess the impact of cannabis use on mRS score at discharge. The adjusted common OR measured the likelihood that cannabis use would lead to lower mRS scores. Within a cohort of 725 spontaneous ICH patients, UTS was positive for cannabinoids in 8.6%. Cannabinoids-positive (CB+) patients were more frequently Caucasian (p cannabis use was discovered in nearly 10% of patients with spontaneous ICH. Although there was no relationship between cannabis use and specific ICH characteristics, CB+ patients had milder ICH presentation and less disability at discharge. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  19. Necrostatin-1 Reduces Neurovascular Injury after Intracerebral Hemorrhage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melanie D. King


    Full Text Available Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH is the most common form of hemorrhagic stroke, accounting for 15% of all strokes. ICH has the highest acute mortality and the worst long-term prognosis of all stroke subtypes. Unfortunately, the dearth of clinically effective treatment options makes ICH the least treatable form of stroke, emphasizing the need for novel therapeutic targets. Recent work by our laboratory identified a novel role for the necroptosis inhibitor, necrostatin-1, in limiting neurovascular injury in tissue culture models of hemorrhagic injury. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that necrostatin-1 reduces neurovascular injury after collagenase-induced ICH in mice. Necrostatin-1 significantly reduced hematoma volume by 54% at 72 h after-ICH, as compared to either sham-injured mice or mice administered an inactive, structural analogue of necrostatin-1. Necrostatin-1 also limited cell death by 48%, reduced blood-brain barrier opening by 51%, attenuated edema development to sham levels, and improved neurobehavioral outcomes after ICH. These data suggest a potential clinical utility for necrostatin-1 and/or novel necroptosis inhibitors as an adjunct therapy to reduce neurological injury and improve patient outcomes after ICH.

  20. European research priorities for intracerebral haemorrhage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steiner, Thorsten; Petersson, Jesper; Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam


    and disability. The European Research Network on Intracerebral Haemorrhage EURONICH is a multidisciplinary academic research collaboration that has been established to define current research priorities and to conduct large clinical studies on all aspects of ICH........ No standardised diagnostic workup for the detection of the various underlying causes of ICH currently exists, and the evidence for medical or surgical therapeutic interventions remains limited. A dedicated European research programme for ICH is needed to identify ways to reduce the burden of ICH-related death...

  1. Photoperiod and temperature constraints on the relationship between the photochemical reflectance index and the light use efficiency of photosynthesis in Pinus strobus. (United States)

    Fréchette, Emmanuelle; Chang, Christine Yao-Yun; Ensminger, Ingo


    The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) is a proxy for the activity of the photoprotective xanthophyll cycle and photosynthetic light use efficiency (LUE) in plants. Evergreen conifers downregulate photosynthesis in autumn in response to low temperature and shorter photoperiod, and the dynamic xanthophyll cycle-mediated non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) is replaced by sustained NPQ. We hypothesized that this shift in xanthophyll cycle-dependent energy partitioning during the autumn is the cause for variations in the PRI-LUE relationship. In order to test our hypothesis, we characterized energy partitioning and pigment composition during a simulated summer-autumn transition in a conifer and assessed the effects of temperature and photoperiod on the PRI-LUE relationship. We measured gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf reflectance during the photosynthetic downregulation in Pinus strobus L. seedlings exposed to low temperature/short photoperiod or elevated temperature/short photoperiod conditions. Shifts in energy partitioning during simulated autumn were observed when the pools of chlorophylls decreased and pools of photoprotective carotenoids increased. On a seasonal timescale, PRI was controlled by carotenoid pool sizes rather than xanthophyll cycle dynamics. Photochemical reflectance index variation under cold autumn conditions mainly reflected long-term pigment pool adjustments associated with sustained NPQ, which impaired the PRI-LUE relationship. Exposure to warm autumn conditions prevented the induction of sustained NPQ but still impaired the PRI-LUE relationship. We therefore conclude that alternative zeaxanthin-independent NPQ mechanisms, which remain undetected by the PRI, are present under both cold and warm autumn conditions, contributing to the discrepancy in the PRI-LUE relationship during autumn. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  2. Pattern and location of intracerebral hemorrhage in Enugu, South ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: The incidence rates and location of nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) have been shown to vary between population and races. Knowledge of ICH patterns may give some insight into the etiology of ICH and help reduce its burden particularly among Africans where health infrastructure is poorly ...

  3. Computed tomography of arteriovenous malformation in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Shinichiro; Sonobe, Makoto; Kuwayama, Naoya; Suzuki, Michiyasu


    Cases of AVM in children under the age of 15 were analyzed and compared with adult cases. Thirty-nine cases of AVM have been experienced since CT was introduced, consisting of eight cases in children. The initial symptom in children was hemorrhage in seven cases and convulsive seizure in one case. In adults, hemorrhage was found in 26 cases and convulsive seizure in five cases. Initial CT was performed within 24 hours after onset in seven cases in children and in 12 cases in adults. In children, findings of those initial CT were intracerebral hematoma (ICH) in one case, ICH+intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in three cases and IVH in two cases. In adults, ICH was found in five cases, ICH+IVH in five cases and ICH+IVH+SAH in two cases. As in the adult cases, it may be proper to consider that the primary lesion in the acute stage of ruptured AVM in children is not SAH but ICH or IVH. (author)

  4. Rezension von: Thomas Martinec, Claudia Nitschke (Hg.: Familie und Identität in der deutschen Literatur. Frankfurt am Main u.a.: Peter Lang Verlag 2009. — Ariane Eichenberg: Familie – Ich – Nation. Göttingen: V&R unipress 2009.

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    Christine Kanz


    Full Text Available Die Themen Generation und Familie gehören zu den wichtigsten Sujets literarischer Texte, insbesondere wenn diese die Herausbildung oder die Zerstörung von Identität problematisieren. Ein neuer, von Claudia Nitschke und Thomas Martinec herausgegebener Tagungsband ist der literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Themen gewidmet. Sechs Jahrzehnte nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges hat vor allem das Genre des Generationenromans Hochkonjunktur, insbesondere Texte der dritten Generation zum Umgang der Großeltern-Generation mit dem Nationalsozialismus. Den Verfasser/-innen dieses neuen, in sich heterogenen Genres wird in der Studie von Ariane Eichenberg allerdings keine allzu große Wirkmächtigkeit bescheinigt. Im Gegenteil nährten die modischen Texte mit den Funden aus der Vergangenheit vor allem das Ich der Erzähler/-innen, deren eigene Gefühle und Selbstvergewisserung in einer von Unsicherheiten geprägten Gegenwart.

  5. Parnassiana nova : XII. Kritische Revision der Gattung Parnassius (Fortsetzung 8)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eisner, C.


    Bevor ich mit der Bearbeitung des dritten genus der Parnassiinae beginne, muss ich noch einmal einen Rückblick auf die bereits erfolgte Revision werfen. Ich habe schon früher erwähnt, dass meine Publikationen durch Aufführung aller in meiner Sammlung befindlichen Exemplare einen wissenschaftlichen

  6. Clinical characteristics and outcome of intracerebral hemorrhage in young adults

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rutten-Jacobs, L.C.A.; Maaijwee, N.A.M.M.; Arntz, R.M.; Schoonderwaldt, H.C.; Dorresteijn, L.D.A.; Dijk, E.J. van; Leeuw, F.E. de


    Data on determinants of prognosis after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in young adults are scarce. Our aim was to identify clinical determinants of prognosis after ICH in adults aged 18-50. We investigated 98 consecutive patients with an ICH, aged 18-50 years, admitted to our hospital between 1980

  7. Antitumor properties of (5E,7E) analogs of vitamin D3. (United States)

    Filip, B; Milczarek, M; Wietrzyk, J; Chodyński, M; Kutner, A


    Geometric isomers (5E,7E) of major active metabolites of vitamin D3 [1alpha,25(OH)2D3 and (24R)-1,24(OH)2D3] were synthesized by a new convenient procedure. Vitamin D triene system of the metabolites was first derivatized as a Diels-Alder adduct. Removal of the triene protecting group, in a key synthetic step, yielded the title compounds PRI-2208 and PRI-2209, respectively. The analogs were examined for their antiproliferative activity in vitro against human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) and promyelocytic leukemia (HL-60) cells. The activity was compared with one of the parent compounds. Both analogs examined revealed similar or higher antiproliferative activity compared to 1alpha,25(OH)2D3 or to (24R)-1,24(OH)2D3. The studies of calcemic activity in vivo showed that analogs PRI-2208 and PRI-2209 did not influence the serum calcium level in doses, in which 1alpha,25(OH)2D3 or (24R)-1,24(OH)2D3 significantly increased this level. The antitumor activity of these analogs in the LLC mice tumor model was studied. Analog PRI-2208 was found to be more active in inhibiting LLC tumor growth than 1alpha,25(OH)2D3, as well as than PRI-2191 and PRI-2209. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. [Compliance with process indicators in people with type 2 diabetes and linking incentives in Primary Care]. (United States)

    Pascual de la Pisa, Beatriz; Márquez Calzada, Cristina; Cuberos Sánchez, Carla; Cruces Jiménez, José Miguel; Fernández Gamaza, Manuel; Martínez Martínez, María Isabel


    Pay-for-performance programs to improve the quality of health care are extending gradually, particularly en Primary Health Care. Our aim was to explore the relationship between the degree of compliance with the process indicators (PrI) of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in Primary Care and linkage to incentives. Cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study. Six Primary Health Care centers in Seville Aljarafe District randomly selected and stratified by population size. From 3.647 adults included in Integrated Healthcare Process of T2DM during 2008, 366 patients were included according sample size calculation by stratified random sampling. PrI: eye and feet examination, glycated hemoglobin, lipid profile, microalbuminuria and electrocardiogram. Confounding: Age, gender, characteristics town for patients and professional variables. The mean age was 66.36 years (standard deviation [DE]: 11,56); 48.9% were women. PrI with better compliance were feet examination, glycated hemoglobin and lipid profile (59.6%, 44.3% and 44%, respectively). 2.7% of patients had simultaneous compliance of the six PrI and 11.74% of patients three PrI linkage to incentives. Statistical association was observed in the compliance of the PrI incentives linked or not (P=.001). The degree of compliance with the PrI for screening chronic complications of T2DM is mostly low but this was higher on indicators linked to incentives. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. Environmental Insurance for Brownfields Redevelopment Activities and Feasibility Study as an basic part of Complex solution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuzeviè Štefan


    Full Text Available Príspevok je venovaný problematike environmentálneho zabezpeèenia ako nového nástroja používaného pri realizácii environmentálne zameraných projektov. Environmentálne zabezpeèenie poskytuje komplex postupov ktoré tvoria súèas komunitných ekonomických rozvojových iniciatív. Komplexné riešenie environmentálnych problémov, medzi ktoré patria revitalizaèné a rekultivaèné práce oblastí postihnutých priemyselnou èinnosou sa v súèasnosti nezaobíde bez dôsledne pripraveného projektu s ekonomickými a environmentálnymi analýzami ich dopadu na životné prostredie a analýzami nákladov na jeho realizáciu, ako aj kladného vyjadrenia dotknutých strán. Environmentálne zabezpeèenie ako efektívny nástroj môže by súèasou komplexného riešenia environmentálnych problémov a jeho základnej èasti – prípravnej správy.

  10. Clinical course of untreated cerebral cavernous malformations: a meta-analysis of individual patient data. (United States)

    Horne, Margaret A; Flemming, Kelly D; Su, I-Chang; Stapf, Christian; Jeon, Jin Pyeong; Li, Da; Maxwell, Susanne S; White, Philip; Christianson, Teresa J; Agid, Ronit; Cho, Won-Sang; Oh, Chang Wan; Wu, Zhen; Zhang, Jun-Ting; Kim, Jeong Eun; Ter Brugge, Karel; Willinsky, Robert; Brown, Robert D; Murray, Gordon D; Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam


    Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs) can cause symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage (ICH), but the estimated risks are imprecise and predictors remain uncertain. We aimed to obtain precise estimates and predictors of the risk of ICH during untreated follow-up in an individual patient data meta-analysis. We invited investigators of published cohorts of people aged at least 16 years, identified by a systematic review of Ovid MEDLINE and Embase from inception to April 30, 2015, to provide individual patient data on clinical course from CCM diagnosis until first CCM treatment or last available follow-up. We used survival analysis to estimate the 5-year risk of symptomatic ICH due to CCMs (primary outcome), multivariable Cox regression to identify baseline predictors of outcome, and random-effects models to pool estimates in a meta-analysis. Among 1620 people in seven cohorts from six studies, 204 experienced ICH during 5197 person-years of follow-up (Kaplan-Meier estimated 5-year risk 15·8%, 95% CI 13·7-17·9). The primary outcome of ICH within 5 years of CCM diagnosis was associated with clinical presentation with ICH or new focal neurological deficit (FND) without brain imaging evidence of recent haemorrhage versus other modes of presentation (hazard ratio 5·6, 95% CI 3·2-9·7) and with brainstem CCM location versus other locations (4·4, 2·3-8·6), but age, sex, and CCM multiplicity did not add independent prognostic information. The 5-year estimated risk of ICH during untreated follow-up was 3·8% (95% CI 2·1-5·5) for 718 people with non-brainstem CCM presenting without ICH or FND, 8·0% (0·1-15·9) for 80 people with brainstem CCM presenting without ICH or FND, 18·4% (13·3-23·5) for 327 people with non-brainstem CCM presenting with ICH or FND, and 30·8% (26·3-35·2) for 495 people with brainstem CCM presenting with ICH or FND. Mode of clinical presentation and CCM location are independently associated with ICH within 5 years of CCM diagnosis. These

  11. Effect of intracranial bleeds on the neurocognitive, academic, behavioural and adaptive functioning of boys with haemophilia. (United States)

    Miles, B S; Anderson, P; Agostino, A; Golomb, M R; Achonu, C; Blanchette, V; Feldman, B M; McLimont, M; Revel-Vilk, S; Stain, A; Barnes, M A


    Brain insults are a risk factor for neuropsychological and academic deficits across several paediatric conditions. However, little is known about the specific effects of intracranial haemorrhage (ICH) in boys with haemophilia. The study compared neurocognitive, academic and socio-emotional/behavioural outcomes of boys with haemophilia with and without a history of ICH. Of 172 consecutive patients seen at a Pediatric Comprehensive Care Hemophila Centre, 18 had a history of ICH. Sixteen boys between the ages of 3 and 17 years were available for study and were matched to controls with haemophilia of the same age and disease severity and on the basis of maternal education. Groups were compared on neuropsychological and academic outcomes. Attention, socio-emotional function and executive skills were compared using data from parent questionnaires. Differences were found in intellectual function, visual-spatial skill, fine motor dexterity and particularly language-related skills, including vocabulary, word reading and applied math problem solving. Despite these group differences, outcomes were within the average range for most boys with ICH. No group differences were found in behavioural and socio-emotional functioning. Although ICH in haemophilia is not benign, it was not associated with significant cognitive and academic consequences for most boys. Early neuropsychological assessment may be indicated when there is a history of ICH. Investigation of age at ICH and quantitative measures of brain in relation to neurocognitive outcomes in larger groups of boys with ICH would be useful. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  12. The Association Between Specific Substances of Abuse and Subcortical Intracerebral Hemorrhage versus Ischemic Lacunar Infarction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emma H Kaplan


    Full Text Available Background: Hypertension damages small vessels, resulting in both lacunar infarction and subcortical intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH. Substance abuse has also been linked to small vessel pathology. This study explores whether the use of specific substances (eg., cocaine, tobacco is associated with subcortical ICH over ischemia in hypertensive individuals.Methods: Patients with hypertension, admitted with lacunar infarcts (measuring 1 drink per day (women, >2 drinks per day (men. Logistic regression was performed with ICH as the dependent variable comparing those presenting with ICH to those presenting with ischemia.Results: Of the 580 patients included in analysis, 217 (37% presented with ICH. The average age was similar between the two groups (64.7 versus 66.3 years. Illicit/controlled drug use was associated with a significantly increased risk of ICH over stroke in unadjusted models (25% versus 15%, p=0.02, with the largest effect seen in users ≥65 years old (not statistically significant. Smoking was associated with ischemia over ICH in a dose-dependent manner: any history of smoking OR 1.84, CI 1.19-2.84; current use OR 2.23, CI 1.37-3.62; heavy use OR 2.48, CI 1.50-4.13. Alcohol use was not preferentially associated with either outcome (p=0.29.Conclusions: In hypertensive patients, tobacco use is associated with an increased risk of subcortical ischemia compared to ICH; while use of illicit/controlled substances appears to be predictive of hemorrhage.

  13. The Association between Specific Substances of Abuse and Subcortical Intracerebral Hemorrhage Versus Ischemic Lacunar Infarction. (United States)

    Kaplan, Emma H; Gottesman, Rebecca F; Llinas, Rafael H; Marsh, Elisabeth B


    Hypertension damages small vessels, resulting in both lacunar infarction and subcortical intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Substance abuse has also been linked to small vessel pathology. This study explores whether the use of specific substances (e.g., cocaine, tobacco) is associated with subcortical ICH over ischemia in hypertensive individuals. Patients with hypertension, admitted with lacunar infarcts (measuring 1 drink per day (women), >2 drinks per day (men). Logistic regression was performed with ICH as the dependent variable comparing those presenting with ICH to those presenting with ischemia. Of the 580 patients included in analysis, 217 (37%) presented with ICH. The average age was similar between the two groups (64.7 versus 66.3 years). Illicit/controlled drug use was associated with a significantly increased risk of ICH over stroke in unadjusted models (25 versus 15%, p = 0.02), with the largest effect seen in users ≥65 years old (not statistically significant). Smoking was associated with ischemia over ICH in a dose-dependent manner: any history of smoking OR 1.84, CI 1.19-2.84; current use OR 2.23, CI 1.37-3.62; heavy use OR 2.48, CI 1.50-4.13. Alcohol use was not preferentially associated with either outcome (p = 0.29). In hypertensive patients, tobacco use is associated with an increased risk of subcortical ischemia compared to ICH, while use of illicit/controlled substances appears to be predictive of hemorrhage.

  14. The thermodynamic characteristics of vaporization in the NaI-PrI3 system (United States)

    Motalov, V. B.; Kudin, L. S.; Markus, T.


    The vaporization of the NaI-PrI3 quasi-binary system was studied by high-temperature mass spectrometry over the whole concentration range. At 623-994 K, saturated vapor contained not only (NaI) n and (PrI3) n molecules ( n = 1, 2) and Na+(NaI) n ( n = 0-4) and I-(PrI3) n ( n = 1-2) ions but also mixed molecular and ionic associates recorded for the first time (NaPrI4, Na2PrI5, NaPrI{3/+}, Na2PrI{4/+}, Na3PrI{5/+}, Na4PrI{6/+}, NaPrI{5/-}, and NaPr2I{8/-}). The partial vapor pressures of molecules were calculated, and the equilibrium constants of the dissociation of neutral and charged associates were measured. The enthalpies of molecular and ion-molecular reactions were determined, and the enthalpies of formation of gaseous molecules and ions were obtained.

  15. New features of current-driven low-frequency instabilities in a Q-machine plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dimitriu, Dan-Gheorghe; Ignatescu, Valerian; Lozneanu, Erzilia; Sanduloviciu, Mircea; Ionita, Codrina; Schrittwieser, Roman Wolfgang


    Among the instabilities in a low-density magnetized plasma column, the electrostatic ion-cyclotron instability (EICI) and the potential relaxation instability (PRI) are the best known and most thoroughly investigated. Both instabilities are excited by drawing an electron current parallel to the magnetic field towards a circular collector (CO), which is inserted into the plasma column perpendicular to the axis. For the PRI, the radius of CO must be considerably larger than the ion gyroradius so that the ion trajectories can be approximated as one-dimensional. For the EICI, the radius of CO must be considerably smaller than that of the plasma column, but also larger than one ion gyroradius. A transition from the PRI into the EICI was reported earlier. A certain range of CO radii was found where both instabilities could be excited simultaneously. We report on a strong modulation of the EICI by the PRI, obtained for gradually increasing the CO bias, with the EICI appearing at first, and later the PRI. The EICI frequency was about four times larger than that of the PRI. The modulation not only affects the amplitude but also the frequency of the EICI. This leads to the formation of sidebands in the spectrum around f EICI with a frequency difference equal to ± f PRI . In addition, we find that the EICI frequency depends not only on the magnetic field strength but also on the CO current. Our data also show a strong non-linear dependence of the PRI frequency on the magnetic field strength. To explain these features, we propose a new phenomenological model, which is able to clarify the role of complex space charge configurations for low frequency instabilities in a low-density magnetized plasma column. (authors)

  16. Does the Short-Term Effect of Air Pollution Influence the Incidence of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Different Patient Groups? Big Data Analysis in Taiwan (United States)

    Chien, Ting-Ying; Ting, Hsien-Wei; Chan, Chien-Lung; Lai, K. Robert; Hung, Su-In


    Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (sICH) has a high mortality rate. Research has demonstrated that the occurrence of sICH is related to air pollution. This study used big data analysis to explore the impact of air pollution on the risk of sICH in patients of differing age and geographic location. 39,053 cases were included in this study; 14,041 in the Taipei region (Taipei City and New Taipei City), 5537 in Taoyuan City, 7654 in Taichung City, 4739 in Tainan City, and 7082 in Kaohsiung City. The results of correlation analysis indicated that there were two pollutants groups, the CO and NO2 group and the PM2.5 and PM10 group. Furthermore, variations in the correlations of sICH with air pollutants were identified in different age groups. The co-factors of the influence of air pollutants in the different age groups were explored using regression analysis. This study integrated Taiwan National Health Insurance data and air pollution data to explore the risk factors of sICH using big data analytics. We found that PM2.5 and PM10 are very important risk factors for sICH, and age is an important modulating factor that allows air pollutants to influence the incidence of sICH. PMID:29232865

  17. Does the Short-Term Effect of Air Pollution Influence the Incidence of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Different Patient Groups? Big Data Analysis in Taiwan. (United States)

    Chien, Ting-Ying; Ting, Hsien-Wei; Chan, Chien-Lung; Yang, Nan-Ping; Pan, Ren-Hao; Lai, K Robert; Hung, Su-In


    Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (sICH) has a high mortality rate. Research has demonstrated that the occurrence of sICH is related to air pollution. This study used big data analysis to explore the impact of air pollution on the risk of sICH in patients of differing age and geographic location. 39,053 cases were included in this study; 14,041 in the Taipei region (Taipei City and New Taipei City), 5537 in Taoyuan City, 7654 in Taichung City, 4739 in Tainan City, and 7082 in Kaohsiung City. The results of correlation analysis indicated that there were two pollutants groups, the CO and NO₂ group and the PM 2.5 and PM 10 group. Furthermore, variations in the correlations of sICH with air pollutants were identified in different age groups. The co-factors of the influence of air pollutants in the different age groups were explored using regression analysis. This study integrated Taiwan National Health Insurance data and air pollution data to explore the risk factors of sICH using big data analytics. We found that PM 2.5 and PM 10 are very important risk factors for sICH, and age is an important modulating factor that allows air pollutants to influence the incidence of sICH.

  18. Stem Cell Therapy: A Promising Therapeutic Method for Intracerebral Hemorrhage. (United States)

    Gao, Liansheng; Xu, Weilin; Li, Tao; Chen, Jingyin; Shao, Anwen; Yan, Feng; Chen, Gao


    Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is one type of the most devastating cerebrovascular diseases worldwide, which causes high morbidity and mortality. However, efficient treatment is still lacking. Stem cell therapy has shown good neuroprotective and neurorestorative effect in ICH and is a promising treatment. In this study, our aim was to review the therapeutic effects, strategies, related mechanisms and safety issues of various types of stem cell for ICH treatment. Numerous studies had demonstrated the therapeutic effects of diverse stem cell types in ICH. The potential mechanisms include tissue repair and replacement, neurotrophy, promotion of neurogenesis and angiogenesis, anti-apoptosis, immunoregulation and anti-inflammation and so forth. The microenvironment of the central nervous system (CNS) can also influence the effects of stem cell therapy. The detailed therapeutic strategies for ICH treatment such as cell type, the number of cells, time window, and the routes of medication delivery, varied greatly among different studies and had not been determined. Moreover, the safety issues of stem cell therapy for ICH should not be ignored. Stem cell therapy showed good therapeutic effect in ICH, making it a promising treatment. However, safety should be carefully evaluated, and more clinical trials are required before stem cell therapy can be extensively applied to clinical use.

  19. Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage Image Analysis Methods: A Survey (United States)

    Pérez, Noel; Valdés, Jose; Guevara, Miguel; Silva, Augusto

    Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhages (ICH) account for 10-30% of all strokes and are a result of acute bleeding into the brain due to ruptures of small penetrating arteries. Despite major advancements in the management of ischemic strokes and other causes of hemorrhagic strokes, such as ruptured aneurysm, arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), or cavernous angioma, during the past several decades, limited progress has been made in the treatment of ICH, and the prognosis for patients who suffer them remains poor. The societal impact of these hemorrhagic strokes is magnified by the fact that affected patients typically are a decade younger than those afflicted with ischemic strokes. The ICH continues to kill or disable most of their victims. Some studies show that those who suffer ICH have a 30-day mortality rate of 35-44% and a 6-month mortality rate approaching 50%. Approximately 700,000 new strokes occur in the United States annually and approximately 15% are hem-orrhagic strokes related to ICH. The poor outcome associated with ICH is related to the extent of brain damage. ICH produces direct destruction and compression of surrounding brain tissue. Direct compression causes poor perfusion and venous drainage to surrounding penumbra at risk, resulting in ischemia to the tissues that most need perfusion [16].

  20. Chiral Spirals from Discontinuous Chiral Symmetry (United States)

    Kojo, Toru


    Recently phases of the inhomongeneous chiral condensates (IChC) attract renewed attentions in quark matter context. A number of theoretical studies have suggested that in some domain of moderate quark density the IChC phases are energetically more favored than the normal, chiral symmetric phase. In particular, the NJL-type model studies indicate that the phase of IChCs may mask the usual 1st order chiral phase transition line and its critical end point, and might change the conventional wisdom. In this talk, I will discuss characteristic features of the IChC phases and their potential impacts on the compact star physics. In particular, some of the IChC phases open gaps near the quark Fermi surface, suppressing back-reaction from the quark to gluon sectors. This mechanism delays the chiral restoration in the strange quark sector, forbids the emergence of the large bag constant, and as a consequence, makes the quark matter EOS very stiff. Recently phases of the inhomongeneous chiral condensates (IChC) attract renewed attentions in quark matter context. A number of theoretical studies have suggested that in some domain of moderate quark density the IChC phases are energetically more favored than the normal, chiral symmetric phase. In particular, the NJL-type model studies indicate that the phase of IChCs may mask the usual 1st order chiral phase transition line and its critical end point, and might change the conventional wisdom. In this talk, I will discuss characteristic features of the IChC phases and their potential impacts on the compact star physics. In particular, some of the IChC phases open gaps near the quark Fermi surface, suppressing back-reaction from the quark to gluon sectors. This mechanism delays the chiral restoration in the strange quark sector, forbids the emergence of the large bag constant, and as a consequence, makes the quark matter EOS very stiff. NSF Grants PHY09-69790, PHY13-05891.

  1. Risk of intracranial hemorrhage and cerebrovascular accidents in non-small cell lung cancer brain metastasis patients. (United States)

    Srivastava, Geetika; Rana, Vishal; Wallace, Suzy; Taylor, Sarah; Debnam, Matthew; Feng, Lei; Suki, Dima; Karp, Daniel; Stewart, David; Oh, Yun


    Brain metastases confer significant morbidity and a poorer survival in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Vascular endothelial growth factor-targeted antiangiogenic therapies (AAT) have demonstrated benefit for patients with metastatic NSCLC and are expected to directly inhibit the pathophysiology and morbidity of brain metastases, yet patients with brain metastases have been excluded from most clinical trials of AAT for fear of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). The underlying risk of ICH from NSCLC brain metastases is low, but needs to be quantitated to plan clinical trials of AAT for NSCLC brain metastases. Data from MD Anderson Cancer Center Tumor Registry and electronic medical records from January 1998 to March 2006 was interrogated. Two thousand one hundred forty-three patients with metastatic NSCLC registering from January 1998 to September 2005 were followed till March 2006. Seven hundred seventy-six patients with and 1,367 patients without brain metastases were followed till death, date of ICH, or last date of study, whichever occurred first. The incidence of ICH seemed to be higher in those with brain metastasis compared with those without brain metastases, in whom they occurred as result of cerebrovascular accidents. However, the rates of symptomatic ICH were not significantly different. All ICH patients with brain metastasis had received radiation therapy for them and had been free of anticoagulation. Most of the brain metastasis-associated ICH's were asymptomatic, detected during increased radiologic surveillance. The rates of symptomatic ICH, or other cerebrovascular accidents in general were similar and not significantly different between the two groups. In metastatic NSCLC patients, the incidence of spontaneous ICH appeared to be higher in those with brain metastases compared with those without, but was very low in both groups without a statistically significant difference. These data suggest a minimal risk of clinically significant ICH for NSCLC

  2. Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Oxidative Stress, and Antioxidant Therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaochun Duan


    Full Text Available Hemorrhagic stroke is a common and severe neurological disorder and is associated with high rates of mortality and morbidity, especially for intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH. Increasing evidence demonstrates that oxidative stress responses participate in the pathophysiological processes of secondary brain injury (SBI following ICH. The mechanisms involved in interoperable systems include endoplasmic reticulum (ER stress, neuronal apoptosis and necrosis, inflammation, and autophagy. In this review, we summarized some promising advances in the field of oxidative stress and ICH, including contained animal and human investigations. We also discussed the role of oxidative stress, systemic oxidative stress responses, and some research of potential therapeutic options aimed at reducing oxidative stress to protect the neuronal function after ICH, focusing on the challenges of translation between preclinical and clinical studies, and potential post-ICH antioxidative therapeutic approaches.

  3. Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Oxidative Stress, and Antioxidant Therapy (United States)

    Duan, Xiaochun; Wen, Zunjia; Shen, Haitao; Shen, Meifen


    Hemorrhagic stroke is a common and severe neurological disorder and is associated with high rates of mortality and morbidity, especially for intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Increasing evidence demonstrates that oxidative stress responses participate in the pathophysiological processes of secondary brain injury (SBI) following ICH. The mechanisms involved in interoperable systems include endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, neuronal apoptosis and necrosis, inflammation, and autophagy. In this review, we summarized some promising advances in the field of oxidative stress and ICH, including contained animal and human investigations. We also discussed the role of oxidative stress, systemic oxidative stress responses, and some research of potential therapeutic options aimed at reducing oxidative stress to protect the neuronal function after ICH, focusing on the challenges of translation between preclinical and clinical studies, and potential post-ICH antioxidative therapeutic approaches. PMID:27190572

  4. Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction and Spot Sign in Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. (United States)

    Morotti, Andrea; Brouwers, H Bart; Romero, Javier M; Jessel, Michael J; Vashkevich, Anastasia; Schwab, Kristin; Afzal, Mohammad Rauf; Cassarly, Christy; Greenberg, Steven M; Martin, Renee Hebert; Qureshi, Adnan I; Rosand, Jonathan; Goldstein, Joshua N


    The computed tomographic angiography (CTA) spot sign is associated with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) expansion and may mark those patients most likely to benefit from intensive blood pressure (BP) reduction. To investigate whether the spot sign is associated with ICH expansion across a wide range of centers and whether intensive BP reduction decreases hematoma expansion and improves outcome in patients with ICH and a spot sign. SCORE-IT (Spot Sign Score in Restricting ICH Growth) is a preplanned prospective observational study nested in the Antihypertensive Treatment of Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage II (ATACH-II) randomized clinical trial. Participants included consecutive patients with primary ICH who underwent a CTA within 8 hours from onset at 59 sites from May 15, 2011, through December 19, 2015. Data were analyzed for the present study from July 1 to August 31, 2016. Patients in ATACH-II were randomized to intensive (systolic BP target, spot sign, and 24 of 123 without missing data (19.5%) experienced ICH expansion. The spot sign was associated with expansion with sensitivity of 0.54 (95% CI, 0.34-0.74) and specificity of 0.63 (95% CI, 0.53-0.72). After adjustment for potential confounders, intensive BP treatment was not associated with a significant reduction of ICH expansion (relative risk, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.27-2.51; P = .74) or improved outcome (relative risk of 90-day modified Rankin Scale score ≥4, 1.24; 95% CI, 0.53-2.91; P = .62) in spot sign-positive patients. The predictive performance of the spot sign for ICH expansion was lower than in prior reports from single-center studies. No evidence suggested that patients with ICH and a spot sign specifically benefit from intensive BP reduction. Identifier: NCT01176565.

  5. Characteristics of Symptomatic Intracranial Hemorrhage in Patients Receiving Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulant Therapy.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hisanao Akiyama

    Full Text Available The first non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant (NOAC introduced to the market in Japan was dabigatran in March 2011, and three more NOACs, rivaroxaban, apixaban, and edoxaban, have since become available. Randomized controlled trials of NOACs have revealed that intracranial hemorrhage (ICH occurs less frequently with NOACs compared with warfarin. However, the absolute incidence of ICH associated with NOACs has increased with greater use of these anticoagulants, and we wanted to explore the incidence, clinical characteristics, and treatment course of patients with NOACs-associated ICH.We retrospectively analyzed the characteristics of symptomatic ICH patients receiving NOACs between March 2011 and September 2014.ICH occurred in 6 patients (5 men, 1 woman; mean ± SD age, 72.8 ± 3.2 years. Mean time to onset was 146.2 ± 111.5 days after starting NOACs. Five patients received rivaroxaban and 1 patient received apixaban. None received dabigatran or edoxaban. Notably, no hematoma expansion was observed within 24 h of onset in the absence of infusion of fresh frozen plasma, activated prothrombin complex concentrate, recombinant activated factor VIIa or hemodialysis. When NOAC therapy was initiated, mean HAS-BLED and PANWARDS scores were 1.5 ± 0.5 and 39.5 ± 7.7, respectively. Mean systolic blood pressure was 137.8 ± 15.9 mmHg within 1 month before spontaneous ICH onset.Six symptomatic ICHs occurred early in NOAC therapy but hematoma volume was small and did not expand in the absence of infusion of reversal agents or hemodialysis. The occurrence of ICH during NOAC therapy is possible even when there is acceptable mean systolic blood pressure control (137.8 ± 15.9 mmHg and HAS-BLED score ≤ 2. Even stricter blood pressure lowering and control within the acceptable range may be advisable to prevent ICH during NOAC therapy.

  6. The effect of monascin on hematoma clearance and edema after intracerebral hemorrhage in rats. (United States)

    Wang, Juan; Wang, Gaiqing; Yi, Jinying; Xu, Yi; Duan, Shuna; Li, Tong; Sun, Xin-Gang; Dong, Liang


    Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a particularly devastating form of stroke with high mortality and morbidity. Hematomas are the primary cause of neurologic deficits associated with ICH. The products of hematoma are recognized as neurotoxins and the main contributors to edema formation and tissue damage after ICH. Finding a means to efficiently promote absorption of hematoma is a novel clinical challenge for ICH. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) and nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), had been shown that, can take potential roles in the endogenous hematoma clearance. However, monascin, a novel natural Nrf2 activator with PPARγ agonist, has not been reported to play a role in ICH. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of monascin on neurological deficits, hematoma clearance and edema extinction in a model of ICH in rats. 164 adult male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly divided into sham; vehicle; monascin groups with low dosages (1mg/kg/day), middle dosages (5mg/kg/day) and high dosages (10mg/kg/day) respectively. Animals were euthanized at 1, 3 and 7days following neurological evaluation after surgery. We examined the effect of monascin on the brain water contents, blood brain barrier (BBB) permeability and hemoglobin levels, meanwhile reassessed the volume of hematoma and edema around the hematoma by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in each group. The high dosage of monascin significantly improved neurological deficits, reduced the volume of hematoma in 1-7days after ICH, decreased BBB permeability and edema formation in 1-3days following ICH. Our study demonstrated that the high dosage of monascin played a neuroprotective role in ICH through reducing BBB permeability, edema and hematoma volume. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Berichtigung von P. G. Krause

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Krause, Paul Gustaf


    In meiner Arbeit »Ueber Tertiäre, Cretaceïsche und Aeltere Ablagerungen aus West-Borneo” (Dieser Band, Seite 169 ff.) habe ich eine neue, tertiäre Corbula- Art, Corbula borneensis nov. sp. benannt. Wie ich sogleich nach Beendigung des Druckes bemerke, habe ich übersehen, dass dieser Name bereits für

  8. Aging exacerbates intracerebral hemorrhage-induced brain injury. (United States)

    Lee, Jae-Chul; Cho, Geum-Sil; Choi, Byung-Ok; Kim, Hyoung Chun; Kim, Won-Ki


    Aging may be an important factor affecting brain injury by intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). In the present study, we investigated the responses of glial cells and monocytes to intracerebral hemorrhage in normal and aged rats. ICH was induced by microinjecting autologous whole blood (15 microL) into the striatum of young (4 month old) and aged (24 month old) Sprague-Dawley rats. Age-dependent relations of brain tissue damage with glial and macrophageal responses were evaluated. Three days after ICH, activated microglia/macrophages with OX42-positive processes and swollen cytoplasm were more abundantly distributed around and inside the hemorrhagic lesions. These were more dramatic in aged versus the young rats. Western blot and immunohistochemistry analyses showed that the expression of interleukin-1beta protein after ICH was greater in aged rats, whereas the expression of GFAP and ciliary neurotrophic factor protein after ICH was significantly lower in aged rats. These results suggest that ICH causes more severe brain injury in aged rats most likely due to overactivation of microglia/macrophages and concomitant repression of reactive astrocytes.

  9. Diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia from intracerebral hemorrhage and blast crisis. A case report and review of the literature. (United States)

    Naunheim, Matthew R; Nahed, Brian V; Walcott, Brian P; Kahle, Kristopher T; Soupir, Chad P; Cahill, Daniel P; Borges, Lawrence F


    Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) contributes significantly to the morbidity and mortality of patients suffering from acute leukemia. While ICH is often identified in autopsy studies of leukemic patients, it is rare for ICH to be the presenting sign that ultimately leads to the diagnosis of leukemia. We report a patient with previously undiagnosed acute precursor B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) who presented with diffuse encephalopathy due to ICH in the setting of an acute blast crisis. The diagnosis of ALL was initially suspected, because of the hyperleukocytosis observed on presentation, then confirmed with a bone marrow biopsy and flow cytometry study of the peripheral blood. Furthermore, detection of the BCR/ABL Philadelphia translocation t(9:22)(q34:q11) in this leukemic patient by fluorescent in situ hybridization permitted targeted therapy of the blast crisis with imatinib (Gleevec). Understanding the underlying etiology of ICH is pivotal in its management. This case demonstrates that the presence of hyperleukocytosis in a patient with intracerebral hemorrhage should raise clinical suspicion for acute leukemia as the cause of the ICH.

  10. Outcomes Associated With Resuming Warfarin Treatment After Hemorrhagic Stroke or Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. (United States)

    Nielsen, Peter Brønnum; Larsen, Torben Bjerregaard; Skjøth, Flemming; Lip, Gregory Y H


    The increase in the risk for bleeding associated with antithrombotic therapy causes a dilemma in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) who sustain an intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). A thrombotic risk is present; however, a risk for serious harm associated with resumption of anticoagulation therapy also exists. To investigate the prognosis associated with resuming warfarin treatment stratified by the type of ICH (hemorrhagic stroke or traumatic ICH). This nationwide observational cohort study included patients with AF who sustained an incident ICH event during warfarin treatment from January 1, 1998, through February 28, 2016. Follow-up was completed April 30, 2016. Resumption of warfarin treatment was evaluated after hospital discharge. No oral anticoagulant treatment or resumption of warfarin treatment, included as a time-dependent exposure. One-year observed event rates per 100 person-years were calculated, and treatment strategies were compared using time-dependent Cox proportional hazards regression models with adjustment for age, sex, length of hospital stay, comorbidities, and concomitant medication use. A total of 2415 patients with AF in this cohort (1481 men [61.3%] and 934 women [38.7%]; mean [SD] age, 77.1 years [9.1 years]) sustained an ICH event. Of these events, 1325 were attributable to hemorrhagic stroke and 1090 were secondary to trauma. During the first year, 305 patients with a hemorrhagic stroke (23.0%) died, whereas 210 in the traumatic ICH group (19.3%) died. Among patients with hemorrhagic stroke, resuming warfarin therapy was associated with a lower rate of ischemic stroke or systemic embolism (SE) (adjusted hazard ratio [AHR], 0.49; 95% CI, 0.24-1.02) and an increased rate of recurrent ICH (AHR, 1.31; 95% CI, 0.68-2.50) compared with not resuming warfarin therapy, but these differences did not reach statistical significance. For patients with traumatic ICH, resuming warfarin therapy also was associated with a lower rate of ischemic stroke

  11. Wavelet entropy characterization of elevated intracranial pressure. (United States)

    Xu, Peng; Scalzo, Fabien; Bergsneider, Marvin; Vespa, Paul; Chad, Miller; Hu, Xiao


    Intracranial Hypertension (ICH) often occurs for those patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, tumor, etc. Pathology of ICH is still controversial. In this work, we used wavelet entropy and relative wavelet entropy to study the difference existed between normal and hypertension states of ICP for the first time. The wavelet entropy revealed the similar findings as the approximation entropy that entropy during ICH state is smaller than that in normal state. Moreover, with wavelet entropy, we can see that ICH state has the more focused energy in the low wavelet frequency band (0-3.1 Hz) than the normal state. The relative wavelet entropy shows that the energy distribution in the wavelet bands between these two states is actually different. Based on these results, we suggest that ICH may be formed by the re-allocation of oscillation energy within brain.

  12. Thirty-day readmission after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. (United States)

    Bjerkreim, Anna Therese; Khanevski, Andrej Netland; Glad, Solveig Bergliot; Thomassen, Lars; Naess, Halvor; Logallo, Nicola


    Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is the most severe form of stroke, but data on readmission after ICH are sparse. We aimed to determine frequency, causes, and predictors of 30-day readmission after ICH. This retrospective cohort study includes all spontaneous ICH survivors admitted to the stroke unit at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen in Norway from July 2007 to December 2013. Patients were followed by review of electronic medical charts, and the first unplanned readmission within 30 days after discharge was used as final outcome. Cox regression analysis was performed to identify predictors of 30-day readmission. We identified 226 patients with spontaneous ICH, 70 (31.0%) of whom died before discharge or were discharged to palliative care. Of the remaining 156 ICH survivors, 28 (18.0%) were readmitted within 30 days. Median time to readmission was 12 days (IQR 4.5 - 18.5). Most patients were readmitted due to infections ( N  = 13). None of the patients were readmitted with recurrent stroke. Pneumonia and enteral feeding during the index hospitalization were associated with readmission for infections (both p  readmission (HR 1.06, 95% CI 1.02 - 1.11, p  =   .006). Almost one in five of our spontaneous ICH survivors was readmitted within 30 days, and most readmissions were caused by infections.

  13. Scanning in Thyroid Cancer; Exploration des tumeurs de la thyroide; Ispol'zovanie radioizotopov pri issledovanii raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy; Exploracion de los tumores tiroideos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bauer, Franz K [Radioisotope Centre, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA (United States)


    methode qui permette de suivre l'evolution de la maladie. (author) [Spanish] La exploracion de los tumores de la tiroides reviste interes para: 1. El diagnostico preoperatorio de los nodulos tiroideos; 2. La localization de metastasis del cancer de tiroides; 3. El tratamiento de los enfermos tiroidectomizados, con metastasis del cancer de la tiroides. El autor describe el aspecto de los nodulos tiroideos en el centelleograma y proporciona algunos resultados preliminares obtenidos con el empleo del fosforo radiactivo y con el recuento externo de los nodulos < inactivos > mediante un contador Geiger-Mueller. El autor describe asimismo la localizacion de las metastasis del cancer de la tiroides, destacando, especialmente, el empleo de la hormona tirotropica. Ese metodo ha permitido comprobar que las tres cuartas partes de los enfermos que padecen de tumores metastaticos de la tiroides tienen metastasis activas. Estudia detalladamente la tecnica de la ablation de los restos glandulares que suelen quedar despues de la tiroidectomia total, asi como el tratamiento de las metastasis. La exploracion de las metastasis constituye el mejor medio para observar la evolucion de la enfermedad. (author) [Russian] Primenenie radioizotopov v issledovanii raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy rekomenduetsya v sleduyushchikh sluchayakh: 1. Predoperatsionny j diagnoz uzelkovogo utolshcheniya shchitovidnoj zhelezy; 2. Lokalizatsiya metastazov raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy; 3. Lechenie bol'nykh s udalennoj shchitovidnoj zhelezoj, no s metastazami, obrazovann{sup m}i rakom ehtoj zhelezy; Opisyvaetsya vliyanie uzelkovykh utolshchenij shchitovidnoj zhelezy na etsiitigrammu. Soobshchaetsya o nekotorykh predvaritel'nykh rezul'tatakh opredeleniya < kholodnykh > utolshchenij pri pomoshchi radioaktivnog o fosfora i naruzhnogo primeneniya schetchika Gejgera-Myullera. Opisyvaetsya lokalizatsiya metastazov raka shchitovidnoj zhelezy i v osobennosti ispol'zovanie dlya ehtoj Deli gormona perednej doli gipofiza. S pomoshch



    Osterc, Miša


    Zadovoljstvo gostov je ključni element za uspešen razvoj in dolgoročen obstoj kateregakoli hotelskega podjetja, zato mora biti njihovo doseganje tudi glavni cilj vsakega hotela. Pri tem je potrebno upoštevati, da zagotavljanje zadovoljstva gostov zahteva dobro poznavanje želja in pričakovanj vsakega gosta, zato je merjenje, analiziranje in spremljanje zadovoljstva eden najpomembnejših izzivov pri pripravi strategije poslovanja vsakega hotela. To velja tudi za Hotel Bioterme Mala Nedelja,...

  15. Thromboembolic risks of recombinant factor VIIa Use in warfarin-associated intracranial hemorrhage: a case–control study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H-Y Chou Sherry


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa may be used for rapid hemostasis in life-threatening hemorrhage. In warfarin-associated intracerebral hemorrhage (wICH, FVIIa use is controversial and may carry significant thromboembolic risks. We compared incidence of baseline thromboembolic risk factors and thromboembolism rates in wICH patients treated with additional rFVIIa to those treated with standard therapy of fresh frozen plasma (FFP and vitamin K alone. Methods We identified 45 consecutive wICH patients treated with additional rFVIIa over 5-year period, and 34 consecutive wICH patients treated with standard therapy alone as comparison group. We compared the incidence of post-hemorrhage cardiac and extra-cardiac thromboembolic complications between two treatment groups, and used logistic regression to adjust for significant confounders such as baseline thromboembolic risk factors. We performed secondary analysis comparing the quantity of FFP transfused between two treatment cohorts. Results Both rFVIIa-treated and standard therapy-treated wICH patients had a high prevalence of pre-existing thromboembolic diseases including atrial fibrillation (73% vs 68%, deep venous thrombosis (DVT or pulmonary embolism (PE (22% vs 18%, coronary artery disease (CAD (38% vs 32%, and abnormal electrocardiogram (EKG (78% vs 85%. Troponin elevation following wICH was prevalent in both groups (47% vs 41%. Clinically significant myocardial infarction (MI, defined as troponin > 1.0 ng/dL, occurred in 13% of rFVIIa-treated and 6% of standard therapy-treated patients (p=0.52. Past history of CAD (p=0.0061 and baseline abnormal EKG (p=0.02 were independently associated with clinically significant MI following wICH while rFVIIa use was not. The incidences of DVT/PE (2% vs 9%; p=0.18 and ischemic stroke (2% vs 0%; p=0.38 were similar between two treatment groups. Recombinant FVIIa-treated patients had lower mean INR at 3 (p=0.0001 and 6 hours (p Conclusions Pre

  16. Subepidermal moisture detection of heel pressure injury: The pressure ulcer detection study outcomes. (United States)

    Bates-Jensen, Barbara M; McCreath, Heather E; Nakagami, Gojiro; Patlan, Anabel


    We examined subepidermal moisture (SEM) and visual skin assessment of heel pressure injury (PrI) among 417 nursing home residents in 19 facilities over 16 weeks. Participants were older (mean age 77 years), 58% were female, over half were ethnic minorities (29% African American, 12% Asian American, 21% Hispanic), and at risk for PrI (mean Braden Scale Risk score = 15.6). Blinded concurrent visual assessments and SEM measurements were obtained at heels weekly. Visual skin damage was categorised as normal, erythema, stage 1 PrI, deep tissue injury (DTI) or stage 2 or greater PrI. PrI incidence was 76%. Off-loading occurred with pillows (76% of residents) rather than heel boots (21%) and often for those with DTI (91%). Subepidermal moisture was measured with a device where higher readings indicate greater moisture (range: 0-70 tissue dielectric constant), with normal skin values significantly different from values in the presence of skin damage. Subepidermal moisture was associated with concurrent damage and damage 1 week later in generalised multinomial logistic models adjusting for age, diabetes and function. Subepidermal moisture detected DTI and differentiated those that resolved, remained and deteriorated over 16 weeks. Subepidermal moisture may be an objective method for detecting PrI. © 2017 Inc and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  17. Global Prioritization of Disease Candidate Metabolites Based on a Multi-omics Composite Network (United States)

    Yao, Qianlan; Xu, Yanjun; Yang, Haixiu; Shang, Desi; Zhang, Chunlong; Zhang, Yunpeng; Sun, Zeguo; Shi, Xinrui; Feng, Li; Han, Junwei; Su, Fei; Li, Chunquan; Li, Xia


    The identification of disease-related metabolites is important for a better understanding of metabolite pathological processes in order to improve human medicine. Metabolites, which are the terminal products of cellular regulatory process, can be affected by multi-omic processes. In this work, we propose a powerful method, MetPriCNet, to predict and prioritize disease candidate metabolites based on integrated multi-omics information. MetPriCNet prioritized candidate metabolites based on their global distance similarity with seed nodes in a composite network, which integrated multi-omics information from the genome, phenome, metabolome and interactome. After performing cross-validation on 87 phenotypes with a total of 602 metabolites, MetPriCNet achieved a high AUC value of up to 0.918. We also assessed the performance of MetPriCNet on 18 disease classes and found that 4 disease classes achieved an AUC value over 0.95. Notably, MetPriCNet can also predict disease metabolites without known disease metabolite knowledge. Some new high-risk metabolites of breast cancer were predicted, although there is a lack of known disease metabolite information. A predicted disease metabolic landscape was constructed and analyzed based on the results of MetPriCNet for 87 phenotypes to help us understand the genetic and metabolic mechanism of disease from a global view. PMID:26598063

  18. Top 100 Most-Cited Articles on Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Bibliometric Analysis. (United States)

    Nasir, Syed Ali Raza; Gilani, Jaleed Ahmed; Fatima, Kaneez; Faheem, Urooba; Kazmi, Omar; Siddiqi, Javed; Khosa, Faisal


    A bibliometric uses the citation count of an article to determine its impact on the clinical world. There is a paucity of literature concerning top article citations on spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). The main objective of this investigation was to bridge this gap and to provide understanding of the trends on the most influential articles written on this subject. The Scopus Library database was searched to determine the citations of all articles published on spontaneous ICH. Articles that focused on other forms of ICH, such as trauma-related hemorrhages, subarachnoid hemorrhages, or hemorrhages caused by anticoagulation, vascular malformations, or cavernomas, were excluded from our list. The articles were divided into 2 groups: "specific" articles, which focused specifically on spontaneous ICH, and "generalized" articles, which were about ICH in general, including spontaneous as well as other forms of ICH. We did not apply any time or study-type restriction in our search. The top 100 cited articles were selected and analyzed by 2 independent investigators. J. Broderick was the author with most publications in the list (n = 21). The largest subset of spontaneous ICH articles was published in the 5-year periods from 1996 to 2000 and 2001 to 2005 (n = 27 each). The United States had the highest number of articles (n = 49). The journal with the highest number of top 100 cited articles was Stroke, with 39, followed by Neurology with 16. Our study identifies the trends related to spontaneous ICH by analyzing the citation frequency of the most-cited articles in the field. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Regularization design for high-quality cone-beam CT of intracranial hemorrhage using statistical reconstruction (United States)

    Dang, H.; Stayman, J. W.; Xu, J.; Sisniega, A.; Zbijewski, W.; Wang, X.; Foos, D. H.; Aygun, N.; Koliatsos, V. E.; Siewerdsen, J. H.


    Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is associated with pathologies such as hemorrhagic stroke and traumatic brain injury. Multi-detector CT is the current front-line imaging modality for detecting ICH (fresh blood contrast 40-80 HU, down to 1 mm). Flat-panel detector (FPD) cone-beam CT (CBCT) offers a potential alternative with a smaller scanner footprint, greater portability, and lower cost potentially well suited to deployment at the point of care outside standard diagnostic radiology and emergency room settings. Previous studies have suggested reliable detection of ICH down to 3 mm in CBCT using high-fidelity artifact correction and penalized weighted least-squared (PWLS) image reconstruction with a post-artifact-correction noise model. However, ICH reconstructed by traditional image regularization exhibits nonuniform spatial resolution and noise due to interaction between the statistical weights and regularization, which potentially degrades the detectability of ICH. In this work, we propose three regularization methods designed to overcome these challenges. The first two compute spatially varying certainty for uniform spatial resolution and noise, respectively. The third computes spatially varying regularization strength to achieve uniform "detectability," combining both spatial resolution and noise in a manner analogous to a delta-function detection task. Experiments were conducted on a CBCT test-bench, and image quality was evaluated for simulated ICH in different regions of an anthropomorphic head. The first two methods improved the uniformity in spatial resolution and noise compared to traditional regularization. The third exhibited the highest uniformity in detectability among all methods and best overall image quality. The proposed regularization provides a valuable means to achieve uniform image quality in CBCT of ICH and is being incorporated in a CBCT prototype for ICH imaging.

  20. Association Between Blood Glucose and Functional Outcome in Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Zheng, Jun; Yu, Zhiyuan; Ma, Lu; Guo, Rui; Lin, Sen; You, Chao; Li, Hao


    Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a devastating subtype of stroke. Patients with ICH have poor functional outcomes. The association between blood glucose level and functional outcome in ICH remains unclear. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to investigate the association between blood glucose level and functional outcomes in patients with ICH. Literature was searched systemically in PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library. Published cohort studies evaluating the association between blood glucose and functional outcome in patients with ICH were included. This meta-analysis was performed using odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). A total of 16 studies were included in our meta-analysis. Our data show that hyperglycemia defined by cutoff values was significantly associated with unfavorable functional outcome (OR, 1.80; 95% CI, 1.36-2.39; P analysis also suggested a significant association between increased blood glucose levels and functional outcomes (OR, 1.05; 95% CI, 1.03-1.07; P functional outcome in ICH. Further studies with larger sample sizes, more time points, and longer follow-up times are necessary to confirm this association. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. History and Mechanism for Treatment of Intracerebral Hemorrhage with Scalp Acupuncture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhe Liu


    Full Text Available Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH is an important public health problem with high rates of mortality, morbidity, and disability, but no clinically proven treatment strategy is available to date. Scalp acupuncture (SA refers to a therapy for treating diseases by needling and stimulating the specific areas of the scalp. The evidence from clinical studies suggested that SA therapy may produce significant benefits for patients with acute ICH. However, the therapeutic mechanisms are yet not well addressed. Therefore, in this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview on the history and mechanisms of SA therapy on acute ICH. Although SA has been practiced for thousands of years in China and could date back to 5 BC, SA therapy for acute ICH develops only in the recent 30 years. The possible mechanisms associated with the therapeutic effects of SA on ICH include the influence on hematoma, brain edema, and blood brain barrier, the products released from haematoma, the immune and inflammatory reaction, focal perihemorrhagic hypoperfusion and hemorheology, neuroelectrophysiology, and so on. At last, the existence of instant effect of SA on acute ICH and its possible mechanisms are presented.

  2. Mortality after hemorrhagic stroke: data from general practice (The Health Improvement Network). (United States)

    González-Pérez, Antonio; Gaist, David; Wallander, Mari-Ann; McFeat, Gillian; García-Rodríguez, Luis A


    To investigate short-term case fatality and long-term mortality after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) using data from The Health Improvement Network database. Thirty-day case fatality was stratified by age, sex, and calendar year after ICH and SAH using logistic regression. Cox proportional hazards regression analyses were used to estimate the risk of death during the first year of follow-up and survivors at 1 year. Case fatality after ICH was 42.0%, compared with 28.7% after SAH. It increased with age (ICH: 29.7% for 20-49 years, 54.6% for 80-89 years; SAH: 20.3% for 20-49 years, 56.7% for 80-89 years; both p-trend stroke patients during the first year of follow-up compared with controls (ICH: hazard ratio [HR] 2.60, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.09-3.24, p hemorrhagic stroke, and patients younger than 50 years are more likely to die after ICH than SAH. Short-term case fatality has decreased over time. Patients who survive hemorrhagic stroke have a continuing elevated risk of death compared with matched individuals from the general population.

  3. Aplikacija za avtomatizirano prepoznavanje listov dreves in grmov kritosemenk za operacijski sistem Android


    Puhmeister, Sandro


    V tem diplomskem delu smo implementirali aplikacijo za avtomatizirano prepoznavanje listov dreves in grmov kritosemenk za operacijski sistem Android, pri čemer smo postopek prepoznavanja vrste razdelili na štiri ključne faze: zajem slik, obdelavo slik, luščenje značilnic in določitev vrste. Pri zajetju slik smo uporabili privzeto aplikacijo operacijskega sistema Android, kjer uporabnik zajame dve fotografiji (fotografira spodnjo in vrhnjo površino lista) za obdelavo slik. Pri obdelavi slik sm...

  4. Upravljanje in ravnanje s človeškimi viri v logistiki Slovenske vojske : magistrsko delo


    Žižek, Martin


    Upravljanje s človeškimi viri (HRM — Human resource management) je zelo pomemben segment delovanja vsake organizacije. Zanemarjanje tega pomembnega segmenta delovanja lahko odločilno vpliva na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih pri delu in posledično na rezultate organizacije. Ker pa organizacijo vodijo ljudje, je treba omogočiti dobre delovne pogoje in tako pri zaposlenih ustvariti zadovoljstvo pri delu in jim vzbuditi občutek pripadnosti. Ravnanje s človeškimi viri je proces, ki zaje...

  5. Empowerment von Frauen in Indien


    Langenbacher, Nora


    The aim of this dissertation was to study whether the participation of women in India’s local governance institutions, the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI) which was guaranteed by a quota, really leads to empowerment. To counter the political and socio-economic marginalization of Indian women, a reservation of 33 per cent of all PRI-seats for women became law in 1993 as part of two constitutional amendments. Not only were the PRI expected to spark more sustainable bottom-up development; the ...

  6. Utilizing In Situ Directional Hyperspectral Measurements to Validate Bio-Indicator Simulations for a Corn Crop Canopy (United States)

    Cheng, Yen-Ben; Middleton, Elizabeth M.; Huemmrich, Karl F.; Zhang, Qingyuan; Campbell, Petya K. E.; Corp, Lawrence A.; Russ, Andrew L.; Kustas, William P.


    Two radiative transfer canopy models, SAIL and the two-layer Markov-Chain Canopy Reflectance Model (MCRM), were coupled with in situ leaf optical properties to simulate canopy-level spectral band ratio vegetation indices with the focus on the photochemical reflectance index in a cornfield. In situ hyperspectral measurements were made at both leaf and canopy levels. Leaf optical properties were obtained from both sunlit and shaded leaves. Canopy reflectance was acquired for eight different relative azimuth angles (psi) at three different view zenith angles (Theta (sub v)), and later used to validate model outputs. Field observations of photochemical reflectance index (PRI) for sunlit leaves exhibited lower values than shaded leaves, indicating higher light stress. Canopy PRI expressed obvious sensitivity to viewing geometry, as a function of both Theta (sub v) and psi . Overall, simulations from MCRM exhibited better agreements with in situ values than SAIL. When using only sunlit leaves as input, the MCRM-simulated PRI values showed satisfactory correlation and RMSE, as compared to in situ values. However, the performance of the MCRM model was significantly improved after defining a lower canopy layer comprised of shaded leaves beneath the upper sunlit leaf layer. Four other widely used band ratio vegetation indices were also studied and compared with the PRI results. MCRM simulations were able to generate satisfactory simulations for these other four indices when using only sunlit leaves as input; but unlike PRI, adding shaded leaves did not improve the performance of MCRM. These results support the hypothesis that the PRI is sensitive to physiological dynamics while the others detect static factors related to canopy structure. Sensitivity analysis was performed on MCRM in order to better understand the effects of structure related parameters on the PRI simulations. Leaf area index (LAI) showed the most significant impact on MCRM-simulated PRI among the parameters

  7. Sila kojom vazduh pritiska pokretnu ploču/Force of the air pressure on a moving plate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonid Ivanovich Gretchihin


    Full Text Available U radu je razrađena matematički model gasodinamičkog opstrujavanja ravne ploče pri njenom kretanju sa pozitivnim i negativnim napadnim uglom. Pokazano je da pri malim brzinama kretanja, silu uzgona i čeoni otpor određuje gasodinamički tok vazduha u izlaznoj oblasti opstrujavanja, a pri brzinama kretanja koje su bliske brzini zvuka odlučujuću ulogu vrši uzajamno udarno dejstvo ploče sa molekulima okružujuće sredine u ulaznoj oblasti opstrujavanja. Otcepljena struja iza ploče se ne pojavljuje pri malim brzinama kretanja. Određeni su uslovi kada čeoni otpor i sila uzgona ploče menjaju znak. / (ruski Razrabotana matematičeskaja model' gazodinamičeskogo obtekanija ploskoj plastiny pri ee dviženii s položitel'nym i otricatel'nym uglom ataki. Pokazano, čto pri malyh skorostjah dviženija plastiny pod''emnaja sila i lobovoe soprotivlenie opredeljajutsja gazodinamikoj tečenija vozduha v tyl'noj oblasti, a pri skorostjah dviženija blizkih k skorosti zvuka rešajuščuju rol' vypolnjaet udarnoe vzaimodejstvie plastiny s molekulami okružajuščej sredy v perednej oblasti. Sryvnoe tečenie za plastinoj pri malyh skorostjah dviženija ne voznikaet. Opredeleny uslovija, kogda lobovoe soprotivlenie i pod''emnaja sila plastiny izmenjaet znak. / This paper developed a mathematical model of gas dynamic fluid flow for a flat plate during its movement with positive and negative angles of attack. It is shown that at low velocities, the lifting force and the frontal resistance are determined by gasdynamic air flow in the fluid flow exit areawhile at velocities close to the speed of sound the decisive role is played by a mutualeffect of the pplate coliding with molecules of the surrounding environment in the fluid flow incidence field. The airflow behind the plate does not appear at low velocities. The conditions when the frontal resistance and the lifting force change the sign are determined.

  8. GenBank blastx search result: AK060750 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available n 6, a glutamate dehydrogenase 1 (GLUD1) pseudogene and the 3' end of the DCX gene for doublecortex; lissencephaly, X-linked (doublecortin), complete sequence.|PRI PRI 2e-12 +2 ...

  9. GenBank blastx search result: AK058518 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available n 6, a glutamate dehydrogenase 1 (GLUD1) pseudogene and the 3' end of the DCX gene for doublecortex; lissencephaly, X-linked (doublecortin), complete sequence.|PRI PRI 1e-24 +2 ...

  10. Report of the PRI biofuel-ethanol; Rapport du PRI biocarburant-ethanol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This evaluation report presents three research programs in the framework of the physiological behavior of the yeast ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'', with high ethanol content. These studies should allowed to select an efficient yeast for the ethanol production. The first study concerns the development of an enzymatic process for the hydrolysis and the fermentation. The second study deals with the molecular and dynamical bases for the yeast metabolic engineering for the ethanol fuel production. The third research concerns the optimization of performance of microbial production processes of ethanol. (A.L.B.)

  11. Report of the PRI biofuel-ethanol; Rapport du PRI biocarburant-ethanol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This evaluation report presents three research programs in the framework of the physiological behavior of the yeast ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'', with high ethanol content. These studies should allowed to select an efficient yeast for the ethanol production. The first study concerns the development of an enzymatic process for the hydrolysis and the fermentation. The second study deals with the molecular and dynamical bases for the yeast metabolic engineering for the ethanol fuel production. The third research concerns the optimization of performance of microbial production processes of ethanol. (A.L.B.)

  12. Detennination Qf Optimuni on-fann Seed Pri~ing Time for Maize ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    maize seed to on-far111 priming is an important development which can be used to improve ... Key words: semi-arid: crop establishment; sorghum; maize: on-farm seed priming; Zimbapwe. ... faster growth and higher yield after seed prim-, ing.

  13. Retrieval of the photochemical reflectance index for assessing xanthophyll cycle activity: a comparison of near-surface optical sensors (United States)

    Harris, A.; Gamon, J. A.; Pastorello, G. Z.; Wong, C. Y. S.


    Unattended optical sensors are increasingly being deployed on eddy covariance flux towers and are often used to complement existing vegetation and micrometeorological measurements to enable assessment of biophysical states and biogeochemical processes over a range of spatial scales. Of particular interest are sensors that can measure the photochemical reflectance index (PRI), which can provide information pertaining to leaf pigments and photosynthetic activity. This interest has facilitated the production of a new range of lower-cost multispectral sensors specifically designed to measure temporal changes in the PRI signal. However, little is known about the characteristics (spectral, radiometric and temporal) of many of these PRI sensors, making it difficult to compare data obtained from these sensors across time, geographical locations and instruments. Furthermore, direct testing of the capability of these sensors to actually detect the conversion of the xanthophyll cycle, which is the original biological basis of the PRI diurnal signal, is largely absent, often resulting in an unclear interpretation of the signal, particularly given the wide range of factors now known to influence PRI. Through a series of experiments, we assess the sensitivity of one of the leading brands of PRI sensor (Skye SKR 1800) to changes in vegetation photosynthetic activity in response to changing irradiance. We compare the results with those obtained using a more expensive industry-standard visible to near-infrared hyperspectral spectrometer (PP Systems UniSpec) and determine the radiometric compatibility of measurements made by the different instruments. Results suggest that the SKR 1800 instrument is able to track rapid (seconds to minutes) and more gradual diurnal changes in photosynthetic activity associated with xanthophyll cycle pigment conversion. Measurements obtained from both the high and lower cost instrument were significantly linearly correlated but were subject to a large

  14. Heme activates TLR4-mediated inflammatory injury via MyD88/TRIF signaling pathway in intracerebral hemorrhage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lin Sen


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Inflammatory injury plays a critical role in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH-induced neurological deficits; however, the signaling pathways are not apparent by which the upstream cellular events trigger innate immune and inflammatory responses that contribute to neurological impairments. Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4 plays a role in inflammatory damage caused by brain disorders. Methods In this study, we investigate the role of TLR4 signaling in ICH-induced inflammation. In the ICH model, a significant upregulation of TLR4 expression in reactive microglia has been demonstrated using real-time RT-PCR. Activation of microglia was detected by immunohistochemistry, cytokines were measured by ELISA, MyD88, TRIF and NF-κB were measured by Western blot and EMSA, animal behavior was evaluated by animal behavioristics. Results Compared to WT mice, TLR4−/− mice had restrained ICH-induced brain damage showing in reduced cerebral edema and lower neurological deficit scores. Quantification of cytokines including IL-6, TNF-α and IL-1β and assessment of macrophage infiltration in perihematoma tissues from TLR4−/−, MyD88−/− and TRIF−/− mice showed attenuated inflammatory damage after ICH. TLR4−/− mice also exhibited reduced MyD88 and TRIF expression which was accompanied by decreased NF-κB activity. This suggests that after ICH both MyD88 and TRIF pathways might be involved in TLR4-mediated inflammatory injury possibly via NF-κB activation. Exogenous hemin administration significantly increased TLR4 expression and microglial activation in cultures and also exacerbated brain injury in WT mice but not in TLR4−/− mice. Anti-TLR4 antibody administration suppressed hemin-induced microglial activation in cultures and in the mice model of ICH. Conclusions Our findings suggest that heme potentiates microglial activation via TLR4, in turn inducing NF-κB activation via the MyD88/TRIF signaling pathway, and ultimately

  15. Increased Expression of T Cell Immunoglobulin and Mucin Domain 3 on CD14+ Monocytes Is Associated with Systemic Inflammatory Reaction and Brain Injury in Patients with Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage. (United States)

    Xu, ChangJun; Ge, HaiTao; Wang, Tao; Qin, JianBing; Liu, De; Liu, YuGuang


    To study the expression of T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain 3 (Tim-3) on peripheral blood immunocytes, and the relationship between Tim-3 and the systemic inflammatory response or brain injury in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). According to the volume of hematoma at 12 hours after onset of ICH, 60 newly diagnosed patients with ICH were divided into the small (volume of hematoma <30 mL, 30 cases) and large (volume of hematoma ≥30 mL, 30 cases) ICH groups. The expression of Tim-3 on peripheral blood immunocytes was analyzed by flow cytometry. Real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction was used to detect Tim-3 mRNA on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Meanwhile, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and S-100B protein were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Glasgow outcome scale (GOS) score at Day 30 was used to estimate prognosis of patients. The leukocyte count, neutrophil count, monocyte count, TNF-α, IL-1β, and S-100B protein increased remarkably after ICH. However, all of them in the large ICH group increased more obviously, and there were significant differences when compared with those in the small ICH group (P < .01). The expression of Tim-3 mRNA on PBMCs in the large ICH group increased remarkably, peaked at Day 3, and was positively associated with the concentrations of TNF-α, IL-1β, and S-100B protein (P < .01). Tim-3 was predominantly expressed itself on CD14 + monocytes. There was a negative correlation between GOS score and Tim-3 mRNA, TNF-α, IL-1β, or S-100B protein. The expression of Tim-3 on CD14 + monocytes involves in systemic inflammatory reaction after ICH and may be a novel treatment target. Copyright © 2018 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Li tter Fall i n A Pri mary an d Two Logged -over Lowland Tropical Rainfore sts in Pasirmayang, Jam bi.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Litte r accu mulatio n in a prim ary and a log g ed-ove r lo wland dipterocarp fore st at Pa si rmayang, Ja mbi wa s measu red u sin g the litte r trap met hod . In the p rimary fore st , tra p s were placed in fou r d istinc t areas, reflectin g th e su ccess ion stages of the fo rest fr om building t o mat u ration. In the logged-over fo re st , litter p roduc tion w a s measured at two differe nt si tes, one cut in 197 9/1980 a nd t h e second i n 1 983/1984. In the prim ary fore st , ave rage litter production during the ob serv ation period wa s 925 g m"2yr '. In the lo gged -over f o r e st , ave rage l itte r production wa s 721 g m '2 yr1 for t h e sit e cut in 1979 /198 0 and 70 6 g m '2 yr1 f o r the site cut in 19 83/1 984 . Leave s com p ri sed the major con tri butor of litter wit h 67% of tota l litter produced in t h e pri m ary forest, 67% of total litter i n the 1979/ 1980 cut log g ed-o ver fore st, and 65 % of total li tter in the 1983/1984 cut logged-over fore st . The pu rp ose of the stu dy wa s to use litte r fa ll a s a measure of forest pro ductivi ty to a ssess the recovery of log g ed -over forests and , t o pro v ide a basi s for co mpariso n o f forest-de rived land practices for app ropriate fo re st manage ment stra tegies .

  17. The Relationship between Blood Injury and Absorbed Dose in Criticality Accidents; Relations entre la Deterioration du Sang et la Dose Absorbee lors d'Accidents Dus a la Formation d'un Etat Critique; Svyaz' mezhdu velichinoj pogloshchennoj dozy pri avariyakh na reaktorakh, dostigshikh kritichnosti, i narusheniem sostava krovi; Relacion entre las Hemolesiones y la Dosis Absorbida en los Accidentes de Criticidad

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dennis, J. A. [Health Physics and Medical Division, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell (United Kingdom)


    absorbidas por el tronco humano. Examina la relacion entre estas estimaciones de dosis y los valores del diagrama del recuento sanguineo basado en el sistema de valoracion propuesto por N. Wald y G. E. Thoma para las desviaciones con respecto a los indices normales de linfocitos, neutrofilos y plaquetas en la sangre periferica. Demuestra que un parametro basado en la dosis gamma absorbida superficialmente y en la actividad del {sup 24}Na en la sangre concuerda mas satisfactoriamente con el diagrama mencionado y se presta mejor para pronosticar la gravedad de una radiolesion que cualquiera de las estimaciones dosimetricas corrientes. En general, la EBR de las dosis de particulas pesadas de retroceso deducida de estas observaciones armoniza con los valores obtenidos en experimentos realizados con perros. (author) [Russian] Dlja opredelenija dozy, pogloshhennoj poverhnost'ju tela cheloveka,vychisljalis' dozy nejtronnogo i gamma-obluchenij dlja lic, podvergshihsja oblucheniju pri avarijah na reaktorah, dostigshih kritichnosti. Izuchalas' svjaz' mezhdu jetimi dozami i ''profil'nym sostavom krovi'' po metodu M. Uolda i Dzh. Toma dlja otklonenij ot normy limfocitov, nejtrofil'nyh lejkocitov i trombocitov. Pokazano, chto velichina dozy, poluchennaja pri podschete poverhnostnoj pogloshhennoj dozy gamma- obluchenija i urovnja aktivnosti natrija-24 v krovi, v bol'shej stepeni soglasuetsja s profil'nym sostavom krovi i javljaetsja bolee nadezhnym prognosticheskim priznakom pri ocenke ste peni luch ev o go porazhenija, chem standartnye metody ocenki doz obluchenija. Otnositel'naja biologicheskaja jeffektivnost' doz tjazhelyh chastic otdachi, poluchennyh pri jetih nabljudenijah, v obshhem so glasuetsja s velichinami, poluchennymi v rezul'tate jeksperimentov na sobakah. (author)

  18. The critical care management of spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage: a contemporary review. (United States)

    de Oliveira Manoel, Airton Leonardo; Goffi, Alberto; Zampieri, Fernando Godinho; Turkel-Parrella, David; Duggal, Abhijit; Marotta, Thomas R; Macdonald, R Loch; Abrahamson, Simon


    Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), defined as nontraumatic bleeding into the brain parenchyma, is the second most common subtype of stroke, with 5.3 million cases and over 3 million deaths reported worldwide in 2010. Case fatality is extremely high (reaching approximately 60 % at 1 year post event). Only 20 % of patients who survive are independent within 6 months. Factors such as chronic hypertension, cerebral amyloid angiopathy, and anticoagulation are commonly associated with ICH. Chronic arterial hypertension represents the major risk factor for bleeding. The incidence of hypertension-related ICH is decreasing in some regions due to improvements in the treatment of chronic hypertension. Anticoagulant-related ICH (vitamin K antagonists and the newer oral anticoagulant drugs) represents an increasing cause of ICH, currently accounting for more than 15 % of all cases. Although questions regarding the optimal medical and surgical management of ICH still remain, recent clinical trials examining hemostatic therapy, blood pressure control, and hematoma evacuation have advanced our understanding of ICH management. Timely and aggressive management in the acute phase may mitigate secondary brain injury. The initial management should include: initial medical stabilization; rapid, accurate neuroimaging to establish the diagnosis and elucidate an etiology; standardized neurologic assessment to determine baseline severity; prevention of hematoma expansion (blood pressure management and reversal of coagulopathy); consideration of early surgical intervention; and prevention of secondary brain injury. This review aims to provide a clinical approach for the practicing clinician.

  19. Differential expression of circulating microRNAs in blood and haematoma samples from patients with intracerebral haemorrhage. (United States)

    Wang, Jialu; Zhu, Ying; Jin, Feng; Tang, Ling; He, Zhenwei; He, Zhiyi


    To measure the differential expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) in peripheral blood samples from patients with intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) and to measure the levels of hsa-miR-21-5p in peripheral blood and haematoma samples from patients with ICH. This case-control study enrolled individuals with ICH in the putamen treated by craniotomy and age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects. Serum miRNA expression profiles were determined in the patient and control groups using miRNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) arrays. The ICH-related miRNA hsa-miR-21-5p was selected and its differential expression was assessed in peripheral blood and haematoma specimens from patients with ICH compared with peripheral blood samples controls using real-time PCR. Seven patients and five control subjects were included in the miRNA expression profile analysis; and 31 patients and 22 control subjects provided samples for the real-time PCR of hsa-miR-21-5p expression. A total of 59 miRNAs were significantly downregulated in patients with ICH. Relative hsa-miR-21-5p levels of 0.43 and 0.31 for peripheral blood and haematoma samples, respectively, were obtained in the patient group compared with the control subjects. Hsa-miR-21-5p levels were significantly reduced in both peripheral blood and haematoma samples in patients with ICH. © The Author(s) 2016.

  20. GenBank blastx search result: AK107763 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available isease and variant metachromatic leukodystrophy) variant, clone: SYN03435.|PRI PRI 3e-11 +3 ... ...AK107763 002-133-A11 AK223290.1 Homo sapiens mRNA for prosaposin (variant Gaucher d

  1. Vloga tiskanih filmskih plakatov v dobi elektronskih medijev


    Gliha, Ajda


    Filmski plakat je spremljevalni material filma že od njegovega nastanka. Imel je pomembno vlogo vzpostaviti komunikacijo z občinstvom in občinstvo privabiti k ogledu filma. Filmska industrija pa je skozi leta doživela veliko sprememb na vseh področjih svojega delovanja, tako pri produkciji filma kot tudi pri oglaševanju filma. Zaradi napredka v tehnologiji, pojava elektronskih medijev in sprememb pri oglaševanju filma sta vloga in prihodnost tiskanega filmskega plakata vprašljiva. Cilj diplom...

  2. Razumevanje trojne narave kemijske vezi na submikroskopski ravni


    Klun, Tina


    Magistrsko delo celostno obravnava trojno naravo pojma kemijska vez s poudarkom na submikroskopski ravni. S pojmom kemijska vez se učenci v Sloveniji srečajo v osmem razredu osnovne šole v tematskem sklopu povezovanje delcev/gradnikov. Zaradi abstraktnosti pojma kemijska vez je pomembno, da se pri učencih spodbuja učenje na makroskopski, submikroskopski in simbolni ravni, saj je tak način dela ključnega pomena za oblikovanje ustreznega mentalnega modela o kemijski vezi pri učencih. Pri gradnj...

  3. Predicting of mortality in patients with intracrani al hemorrhage: A review article

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Farzad Rahmani


    Full Text Available Introduction: Stroke is one of the important and common diseases, which can lead to permanent disability or even death to people. Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH is a type of stroke that is associated with high mortality despite improved diagnostic and treatment methods, as well as the mortality rate remains high. Methods: In the present review article, reputable internet databases since 2000 were analyzed. Studies that discussed the predicting mortality of ICH were included in this review. Results: For predicting the mortality rates in patients with primary ICH, physicians use several methods such as level of consciousness, bleeding volume and multiple rating systems. In this review, we introduce three scoring system of ICH in patients with ICH. Conclusion: Perhaps its cut-off point of these three score systems were different in different societies according to conditions and facilities therefore it is needed to review these scores and record their results in different societies.

  4. What are the current therapeutic options for haemorrhagic strokes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, M.; Kamal, A.K.


    The Factor Seven for Acute Haemorrhagic Stroke Trial (FAST) and Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage trial (INTERACT). Intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) is the most devastating form of stroke carrying a mortality of up to 40% at one month. In our part of the world the levels of uncontrolled hypertension pose a greater risk of ICH for our population where ICH is about 30% of all strokes compared to 14% in developed countries. There is evidence to suggest that haematoma expansion occurs in as many as 70% of patients. This expansion translates into increased disability and death. Most of this expansion is within the initial three hours. Also early elevation of blood pressure (BP) is very common after ICH and many studies have highlighted an association between elevated BP post ICH and poor outcomes. The reason for this is postulated to be an increase in both the size of the haematoma and perilesional oedema. (author)

  5. Representation of intangible cultural heritage of Bangladesh through social media

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Khalid, Md. Saifuddin; Chowdhury, Md Saiful Alam


    with approximately 160 million people is experiencing an exponential growth of social media users. Towards the goal of strategically representing and diffusing ICH through social media, this study explores the current roles of social media in the transmission of ICH in the virtual world through content analysis....... The potential roles of social media in the process of preserving ICH offer a space for building awareness, creating knowledge, and diffusion of innovations....

  6. Factors affecting the occurrence of symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage after intravenous thrombolysis depending on the haemorrhage definition. (United States)

    Sledzińska-Dźwigał, M; Sobolewski, Piotr; Szczuchniak, W


    Symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage (sICH) remains the most feared complication of systemic thrombolysis in patients with ischaemic stroke. The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of different factors on the occurrence of sICH, depending on definition used. We retrospectively evaluated the influence of several factors on the occurrence of sICH (according to definitions used in ECASS2, SITS-MOST and NINDS studies) in 200 patients treated with systemic thrombolysis from 2006 to 2011. Multivariate analysis of impact of individual variables on the occurrence of haemorrhagic transformation (HT) and parenchymal haemorrhage type 2 (PH2) were performed. Haemorrhagic transformation occurred in 35 cases (17.5%). SICH was found in 10 cases according to ECASS2, in 7 cases according to SITS and in 13 cases according to NINDS. Older age was related to higher risk of sICH, regardless which definition was used (ECASS2: p = 0.014, SITS-MOST: p = 0.048, NINDS: p = 0.008), and female sex was related to higher risk of sICH according to NINDS and ECASS2 definition (p = 0.002 and p = 0.04, respectively). Blood glucose level and high NIHSS score (> 14 pts) were found as risk factor of sICH in ECASS2 definition (p = 0.044 and p = 0.03, respectively). In multivariate logistic regression higher NIHSS scores were associated with HT independent of age, gender and glucose level (p = 0.012). Multivariate analysis showed no impact of age, gender, severity of stroke and glucose level on presence of PH2. Definition of sICH can determine variables that are related to a high risk of this complication. In our study most factors correlated with sICH using the ECASS2 definition.

  7. Multiresolution analysis of pathological changes in cerebral venous dynamics in newborn mice with intracranial hemorrhage: adrenorelated vasorelaxation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pavlov, A N; Pavlova, O N; Tuchin, V V; Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, O V; Zhang, Y; Bibikova, O A; Huang, Q; Zhu, D; Li, P; Luo, Q


    Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is the major problem of modern neonatal intensive care. Abnormalities of cerebral venous blood flow (CVBF) can play a crucial role in the development of ICH in infants. The mechanisms underlying these pathological processes remain unclear; however it has been established that the activation of the adrenorelated vasorelaxation can be an important reason. Aiming to reach a better understanding of how the adrenodependent relaxation of cerebral veins contributes to the development of ICH in newborns, we study here the effects of pharmacological stimulation of adrenorelated dilation of the sagittal sinus by isoproterenol on the cerebral venous hemodynamics. Our study is performed in newborn mice at different stages of ICH using the laser speckle contrast imaging and wavelet analysis of the vascular dynamics of CVBF. We show that the dilation of the sagittal sinus with the decreased velocity of blood flow presides to the stress-induced ICH in newborn mice. These morphofunctional vascular changes are accompanied by an increased variance of the wavelet-coefficients in the areas of endothelial and non-endothelial (K ATP -channels activity of vascular muscle) sympathetic components of the CVBF variability. Changes in the cerebral venous hemodynamics at the latent stage of ICH are associated with a high responsiveness of the sagittal sinus to isoproterenol quantifying by wavelet-coefficients related to a very slow region of the frequency domain. The obtained results certify that a high activation of the adrenergic-related vasodilatory responses to severe stress in newborn mice can be one of the important mechanisms underlying the development of ICH. Thus, the venous insufficiency with the decreased blood outflow from the brain associated with changes in the endothelial and the sympathetic components of CVBF-variability can be treated as prognostic criteria for the risk of ICH during the first days after birth. (paper)

  8. Low-Density Lipoprotein and Intracerebral Hematoma Expansion in Daily Alcohol Users

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gayle R. Pletsch


    Full Text Available Background: Epidemiological studies suggest that the intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH rate correlates with alcohol consumption. Alcohol leads to elevated blood pressure (BP and inhibition of platelet aggregation. These factors could promote excessive bleeding. To our knowledge, in the setting of normal liver function tests, there are no studies that have systematically evaluated the relationship between daily alcohol use and hematoma expansion. The aim of this study is to compare the baseline ICH characteristics, frequency of hematoma expansion, and outcomes in patients with ICH who are daily alcohol users with those who are not daily alcohol users. Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed on consecutive patients who presented from July 2008 to July 2013 to the Tulane University Hospital in New Orleans, La., USA, with a spontaneous ICH. Ninety-nine patients who met these criteria were admitted. Patients who underwent hematoma evacuation were excluded. Hemorrhage volumes were calculated based on the ABC/2 method. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL was dichotomized into low (2 and nonparametric equivalents where appropriate. ICH growth in 24 h and LDL were evaluated using linear regression. Results: Of the 226 patients who met inclusion criteria, 20.4% had a history of daily alcohol use. The average age was 61 years (range 19-94, 55.6% of the patients were males, and 67.1% were of African American origin. Daily alcohol use was associated with male gender, lower rate of home antihypertensive, higher presenting BP, and lower platelet counts, but there was no difference in ICH characteristics, ICH growth, or clinical outcome. Daily alcohol use in patients with a low LDL level was associated with supratentorial location and trends for lower baseline Glasgow Coma Scale score, higher ICH score, and follow-up ICH volume, but no significant difference in significant hematoma expansion or clinical outcome except for a trend for higher mortality was found

  9. GenBank blastx search result: AK060824 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK060824 001-034-B04 U75295.1 Human fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH10) gene, spliced exon 9', and complete cds for alternatively spliced product.|PRI PRI 3e-91 +1 ...

  10. GenBank blastx search result: AK104746 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK104746 001-038-E07 U75295.1 Human fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH10) gene, spliced exon 9', and complete cds for alternatively spliced product.|PRI PRI 1e-102 +2 ...

  11. Identification of 11-amino acid peptides that disrupt Notch-mediated processes in Drosophila

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yeh Hsiao-Fong


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The conserved Notch signaling pathway regulates cell fate decisions and maintains stem cells in multicellular organisms. Up-regulation of Notch signaling is observed in several types of cancer and is causally involved in proliferation and survival of cancer cells. Thus, it is of great interest to look for anti-Notch reagents for therapeutic purposes. In model animal Drosophila, Notch signaling restricts selection of sensory organ precursors (SOPs during external sensory (ES organ development. To look for novel genes that can suppress Notch signaling, we performed a gain-of-function modifier screen to look for genes that enhance the phenotype of ectopic ES organs induced by overexpression of phyllopod, a gene required for SOP specification. Results From the gain-of-function screen, we discovered that overexpression of polished rice/tarsal-less (pri/tal increases the numbers of ES organs as well as SOPs. pri/tal is a polycistronic gene that contains four short open reading frames encoding three 11-amino acid and one 32-amino acid peptides. Ectopic expression of the 11 amino-acid peptides recapitulates the pri/tal misexpression phenotype in ectopic ES organ formation. In situ hybridization experiment reveals that pri/tal mRNA is expressed in the SOPs of the chemosensory organs and the stretch-sensing chordotonal organs. In Drosophila wing development, the Notch signaling pathway mediates the formation of the dorsal-ventral (DV compartmental boundary and the restriction of the vein width from the primordial veins, the proveins. We also found that pri/tal mRNA is expressed in the DV boundary and the longitudinal proveins, and overexpression of Pri/Tal peptides disrupts the DV boundary formation and helps to expand the width of the wing vein. Genetic analyses further show that a Notch loss-of-function allele strongly enhances these two phenotypes. Cut and E(splmβ are target genes of the Notch pathway in DV boundary formation and

  12. The value and benefits of the International Conference on Harmonisation to drug regulatory authorities: advancing harmonization for better public health. (United States)

    Molzon, J A; Giaquinto, A; Lindstrom, L; Tominaga, T; Ward, M; Doerr, P; Hunt, L; Rago, L


    The International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) is an unparalleled undertaking, which has brought together drug regulatory authorities and pharmaceutical trade associations from Europe, Japan, and the United States, to discuss the scientific and technical aspects of medical product registration. Launched in 1990, the value and benefits of ICH to regulators are being realized. ICH has harmonized submission requirements and created a harmonized submission format that is relieving both companies and regulatory authorities of the burdens of assembling and reviewing separate submissions for each region. As more countries embrace ICH guidelines, we anticipate additional benefits, including the promotion of good review practices and, ultimately, a common regulatory language that will facilitate further interactions among global drug regulatory authorities.

  13. A new method to evaluate patient characteristic response to ultrafiltration during hemodialysis. (United States)

    Casagrande, G; Teatini, U; Romei Longhena, G; Miglietta, F; Fumero, R; Costantino, M L


    Several factors are involved in the pathogenesis of dialysis discomfort interfering with optimal fluid removal and reducing the efficacy of the treatment; the most important one is a decrease in blood volume caused by an imbalance between ultrafiltration (UF) and plasmarefilling (PR) rates. This study is aimed at devising a method to tailor the dialysis therapy to each individual patient, by analyzing the relationship between PR and UF during the sessions in stable patients and widening the knowledge of fluid exchanges during the treatment. Thirty stable patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis were enrolled. Three dialysis sessions were monitored for each patient; systemic pressure, blood composition, blood volume % variation, weight loss and conductivity were recorded repeatedly. A Plasma Refilling Index (PRI), defined and calculated by means of parameters measured throughout the dialysis, was introduced as a novel instrument to study plasma refilling phenomena. Results. The PRI provides understanding of patient response (in terms of plasma refilling) to the set UF. In the monitored sessions, the PRI trend is found to be characteristic of each patient; a PRI course that is at variance with the characteristic trend is a signal of inadequate or unusual dialysis scheduling. Moreover, statistical analysis highlights two different PRI trends during the first hour and during the rest of the treatment, suggesting the presence of different treatment phases. The main advantage of the PRI index is that it is non-invasive peculiar to each patient and easy to compute in a dialysis routine based on online data recorded by the monitor. A deviation from the characteristic trend may be a warning for the clinician. The analysis of the PRI trend also suggests how to modulate UF as a function of interstitial to intravascular fluid removal balance during dialysis.

  14. THE MODELING OF ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY IN SUCKLER COWS HERDS Modelovanie ekonomickej efektívnosti v stádach dojčiacich kráv

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrej KOLENO


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to evaluate the impact of selected indicators in suckler cows breeds, their model quantification and comparison of optimal (recommended parameters with achieved real natural-economic results in the monitored file of farms (n=5 in 2009. The average annual total costs in the monitored farms in 2009 were € 769 (2.1 €.FD-1 per a suckler cow and the average total costs for rearing of heifer till to calving at € 1,362 per heifer. At the model natality of 65 calves, we estimated the total revenues for calves1000 (calves with the average daily weight gain 1,000 g.pc -1 at about € 29,700 and for calves781 (calves with the average daily weight gain 781 g. pc -1 € 24,024 (€ -5,676. For maximum model natality of 95 calves have been estimated revenues for calves1000 at about € 49,500 and for calves781 € 40,039 (€ -9,461. When the actually achieved natality in monitored farms is at average 78.98% (80%, we can estimate the average revenues for 60 realized calves1000 at € 39,600 and by the calves781 at € 32,031 (€ -7,569. Economic loss due to shortening the length of calves rearing for a month represents a decrease of potential revenues per a calf on average € 72 respectively € 56 (€ -16 per month reducing the length of calves rearing. For really achieved average daily weight gain of calves 781 g.pc-1, we can estimate the potential revenues per a weaned calf at € 534 respectively for average daily weight gain 1,300 g.pc-1, revenues approximately € 833 (€ -299. In terms of length of cow productive age, we estimated that if we reject cow after the third lactation, depreciation will be at € 246 per year (0.67 €.FD-1 respectively after eleven lactation at € 67 (0.18 €.FD-1 per year.Cieľom práce bolo zhodnotenie vplyvu vybraných ukazovateľov v chove dojčiacich kráv, ich modelové vyčíslenie a komparácia optimálnych (odporúčaných ukazovateľov s reálne dosiahnutými natur

  15. GenBank blastx search result: AK105761 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ome 6q13-15 Contains the 3' part of the BCKDHB gene for branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), complete sequence.|PRI PRI 1e-115 +2 ...

  16. GenBank blastx search result: AK061863 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ome 6q13-15 Contains the 3' part of the BCKDHB gene for branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), complete sequence.|PRI PRI 2e-47 +2 ...

  17. GenBank blastx search result: AK104686 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ome 6q13-15 Contains the 3' part of the BCKDHB gene for branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), complete sequence.|PRI PRI 1e-48 +1 ...

  18. Acesso aos medicamentos para tratamento da doença de Alzheimer fornecidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde em Minas Gerais, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Celline Cardoso Almeida-Brasil

    Full Text Available Resumo: Avaliou-se as barreiras de acesso ao tratamento da doença de Alzheimer com base nos processos administrativos de medicamentos inibidores da colinesterase (IChE, enviados à Secretaria de Estado de Saúde de Minas Gerais, Brasil, entre 2012 e 2013. Utilizando-se informações de 165 processos selecionados aleatoriamente, abordaram-se as dimensões de acesso: acessibilidade geográfica, acomodação, aceitabilidade, disponibilidade e capacidade aquisitiva. O trâmite administrativo para o fornecimento dos IChE levou em média 39 dias e foi influenciado por características do trajeto percorrido pelo usuário. A maioria dos prescritores cumpriu menos de 80% dos critérios exigidos pelo Protocolo Clínico e Diretrizes Terapêuticas (PCDT da doença de Alzheimer. Como resultado, 38% dos processos não foram deferidos. A capacidade aquisitiva para o tratamento privado mensal com IChE foi de cerca de 21 dias de salário mínimo. Conclui-se que a burocracia do trâmite administrativo e a dificuldade de seguimento do PCDT pelos prescritores prejudicam o acesso ao tratamento da doença de Alzheimer e constituem uma grande carga para o orçamento dos pacientes.

  19. Gender Differences in Patients with Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Hospital-Based Multicenter Prospective Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monique Bueno Alves


    Full Text Available Gender differences are well described for patients with ischemic stroke. Conversely, sex disparities in stroke presentation, risk factors, treatment, and outcomes for intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH were not previously studied. Our objective was to compare the frequency of risk factors, management patterns, symptoms at presentation, complication rates, and outcomes between genders in patients with ICH in Fortaleza, Brazil. Methods: Data were prospectively collected from patients admitted to 19 hospitals in Fortaleza with a diagnosis of ICH by trained research coordinators from June 2009 to October 2010. Daily visits to the selected hospitals were performed, and all patients admitted with a diagnosis of ICH were prospectively evaluated. Results: We evaluated 364 patients, 47.5% of whom were women. Men were younger (59.3 ± 14.58 years vs. 66.3 ± 14.6 years, p Conclusion: Overall risk factors for ICH in men and women were similar in our series. Men had a higher frequency of alcohol abuse and smoking. Women were older, had an increased time length from symptoms onset to hospital admission and had a worse prognosis at discharge. A better understanding of the gender disparities in patients with ICH will hopefully lead to better outcomes in both sexes in the future.

  20. Solution Method of Multi-Product Two-Stage Logistics Problem with Constraints of Delivery Course (United States)

    Ataka, Shinichiro; Gen, Mitsuo

    The logistics network design is one of the important phase of Supply Chain Management (SCM) and it is the problem that should be optimized for long-term promotion of efficiency of the whole supply chain. Usually a plant produces different type of products. Even if it is a factory of the same company, delivery is different by a kind of a produced product. The restrictions which this model has are deeply concerned with TP in the real world. In this paper, we consider the logistics network design problems with multi-products and constraints for delivery course. To solve the problem, we used a hybrid priority-based Genetic Algorithm (h-priGA), and we tried the comparison experiment with priority-based Genetic Algorithm (priGA)and h-priGA, we show it about the effectiveness of h-priGA.

  1. Comparative effects of partial root-zone irrigation and deficit irrigation on phosphorus uptake in tomato plants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Yaosheng; Liu, Fulai; Jensen, Christian Richardt


    The comparative effects of partial root-zone irrigation (PRI) and deficit irrigation (DI) on phosphorus (P) uptake in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants were investigated in a split-root pot experiment. The results showed that PRI treatment improved water-use efficiency (WUE) compared...... to the DI treatment. PRI-treated plants accumulated significantly higher amounts of P in their shoots than DI plants under organic maize straw N fertilisation, whereas similar levels of shoot P accumulation were observed under mineral N fertilisation. Thus, the form of N fertiliser, and thereby...... the different plant N status, affected the accumulation of P in shoots, as reflected by a higher plant N:P ratio following mineral N fertilisation than after organic N fertilisation. Compared to the DI treatment, PRI significantly increased both the physiological and agronomic efficiencies of P-use under...

  2. Alternate partial root-zone irrigation improves fertilizer-N use efficiency in tomatoes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Yaosheng; Liu, Fulai; Jensen, Lars Stoumann


    The objective of this study was to investigate the comparative effects of alternative partial root-zone irrigation (PRI) and deficit irrigation (DI) on fertilizer-N use efficiency in tomato plants under mineral N and organic N fertilizations. The plants were grown in split-root pots in a climate......-controlled glasshouse and were subjected to PRI and DI treatments during early fruiting stage. When analyzed across the N fertilizer treatments, PRI treatment led to significantly higher N yield, agronomic N use efficiency (ANUE), and apparent N recovery efficiency (ANRE) as compared with the DI treatment, indicating...... significantly higher fertilizer-N use efficiency and soil N availability as well as enhanced plant’s N acquisition ability in the PRI treatment. Analysis across the irrigation treatments showed that the mineral N fertilizer treatment (MinN) significantly increased N yield, ANUE and ANRE relative to the organic...

  3. Travel agency electronic business


    Bjelobrk, Jelena


    Turizem in informacijska tehnologija sta dve največji in najbolj dinamični panogi v današnjem času. Obe panogi se zelo hitro razvijata in povpraševanje po njiju strmo raste. Posebno vlogo pri tem ima internet, ki je prenosni medij in omogoča najcenejši prenos podatkov in povezuje ljudi. Prav tako ima internet zelo pomembno vlogo pri turističnem trženju saj je njegova funkcija zelo pomembna pri distribuciji turističnih storitev. Internet predstavlja zelo pomembno vlogo za potencialnega turista...


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    A fully characterised natural rubber latex was subjected to mechanical degradation by stirring at intervals. The resistance to oxidative degradation of the different samples were studied by measuring the Plasticity retention indices (PRI).The results show that there is an enhancement of the PRI from 57% for the undegraded rubber to 79% for the one-hour degraded sample. Further degradation resulted in decrease of PRI as time of degradation increased. Therefore, the one-hour degraded sample is a special rubber with high oxidation resistance which is of great importance in engineering.



    Tomec, Matej


    Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti internet, kot nov medij in njegovo vlogo pri prodaji. Da je internet kot medij nekaj posebnega in da nudi več priložnosti, kot nevarnosti, sem dokazal s primerjavo s tradicionalnimi mediji. Posebej sem še izpostavil slabosti in prednosti e-nakupovanja, ter s tem želel ugotoviti, na kaj morajo biti podjetja pozorna, da bodo pri prodaji preko interneta uspešna. Razlogi, zakaj večina slovenskih podjetij pri spletni prodaji ni uspešna v tolikšni meri, kot bi si ...



    Novak, Klavdija


    Odjemalci in njihove navade se spreminjajo. Pričakovanja odjemalcev so vse višja, zahteve po enostavni uporabniški izkušnji postajajo splošno veljavne. Kakovost storitev in servisa pridobivata na pomenu. Podjetja morajo postati bolj hitra in agilna pri prilagajanju odjemalcem in trgu. Ko se podjetje usmerja na nove trge, mora pri tem upoštevati še posebnosti ciljnega trga in načrtovanje postane še bolj zahtevno. Globalizacija trga prinaša priložnosti za mnoga podjetja, ki morajo biti pred...

  7. The computerized point of order processing at the dairying plant


    Pankauskienė, Dalia


    Darbe išanalizuota IS kūrimo principai ir problemos, pieno perdirbimo įmonės veikla. Pasirinktos užsakymų priėmimo sistemos projektavimo ir projekto realizavimo priemonės. Atliktas užsakymų priėmimo IS projektavimas. Sukurta duomenų bazė, kurios pagalba suprojektuota užsakymų priėmimo kompiuterizuota darbo vieta pieno perdirbimo įmonėje. Company’s business computerization stands for creating and installing an information system which would satisfy all company’s needs. Such system’s creatio...



    Zadravec, Kristina


    Načrtovanje, kot proces institucionalne vzgoje, ima pomembno vlogo pri oblikovanju otrokove osebnosti v predšolskem obdobju. V teoretičnem delu so opisani vidiki, ki se upoštevajo pri načrtovanju dejavnosti v predšolskem obdobju, ravni in področja kakovosti v vrtcu, modeli načrtovanja kurikuluma (učno-snovni, učno-ciljni in razvojno-procesni model načrtovanja), opisani so različni pristopi pri načrtovanju vzgojnega dela v vrtcu (Pedagogika Marie Montessori, Valdorfska pedagogika, High/Scopov ...

  9. Recepcijska zmožnost mladega bralca – razvijanje recepcijske zmožnosti zaznavanja, doživljanja in vrednotenja književne osebe


    Jerčič Pšeničnik, Simona


    V zadnjem desetletju smo priča spreminjanju bralnih navad otrok in mladostnikov. Opazen je premik od tradicionalnega branja knjig za zabavo do novih bralnih priložnosti, ki jih ponujajo internet in drugi multimedijski sistemi. Računalniki in druge naprave, ki sočasno prikazujejo besedilo, slike, filme in zvoke, so že splošno rabljena orodja, ki lahko pomagajo pri razvijanju otrokovih bralnih zmožnosti. Vsekakor pa ima pri tem pomembno vlogo učitelj, ki bi moral biti usposobljen za pogovor o l...

  10. The Increase of The Mean Platelet Volume in Patients With Intracerebral Haemorrhage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adalet Arıkanoğlu


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The mean platelet volume (MPV is a biomarker of platelet function and activity. The influence of platelet function disorders on the aetiology of intracerebral haemorrhages (ICH and mortality is not clear yet. The purpose of this study is to investigate the change in the MPV values in patients with ICH and to observe its influence on mortality in a retrospective manner. METHODS: Sixty-six patients with intracerebral haemorrhage (32 males, 34 females; mean age: 61.9± 16.9 were enrolled in the study. Patients with ICH were divided into two groups as those who died within the first 10 days and those who survived. The MPV values and the haematoma volumes were compared between the groups. Also, the MPV values and platelet counts of the patients with ICH were compared with the values of healthy volunteers from similar age and sex groups (27 males, 17 females; mean age: 59.9 ±3.2. RESULTS: The MPV values of the patients with ICH measured within 24 hours following the intracerebral haemorrhage (8.33 ± 1.27 fl/mL were statistically significantly higher than the MPV values of the control group (7.76 ± 1.14 fl/mL (p=0.018. The platelet counts of the patients with ICH also measured within the first 24 hours (235.8±94.9 x103/mL were statistically significantly lower than the platelet counts of the control group (279.1 ± 94.9 x103/mL (p=0.022. No statistically significant difference in terms of the MPV values and platelet counts was observed between the patients with ICH who died within the first 10 days and those who survived (p>0.05. However, the difference observed in the haematoma volume between the patients with ICH who died within the first 10 days (31.1 ±33.7 ml and those who survived (8.7± 13.4 ml was statistically significant (p<0.001. No correlation was found between the haematoma volume and the MPV value in the patients with ICH. CONCLUSION: The increase observed in the mean platelet volume in patients with ICH may point to a

  11. Toll-like receptor 4 signaling in intracerebral hemorrhage-induced inflammation and injury


    Fang, Huang; Wang, Peng-Fei; Zhou, Yu; Wang, Yan-Chun; Yang, Qing-Wu


    Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a common type of fatal stroke, accounting for about 15% to 20% of all strokes. Hemorrhagic strokes are associated with high mortality and morbidity, and increasing evidence shows that innate immune responses and inflammatory injury play a critical role in ICH-induced neurological deficits. However, the signaling pathways involved in ICH-induced inflammatory responses remain elusive. Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) belongs to a large family of pattern recognition ...

  12. Phantom-based standardization of CT angiography images for spot sign detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morotti, Andrea; Rosand, Jonathan; Romero, Javier M.; Jessel, Michael J.; Vashkevich, Anastasia; Schwab, Kristin; Greenberg, Steven M.; Hernandez, Andrew M.; Boone, John M.; Burns, Joseph D.; Shah, Qaisar A.; Bergman, Thomas A.; Suri, M.F.K.; Ezzeddine, Mustapha; Kirmani, Jawad F.; Agarwal, Sachin; Hays Shapshak, Angela; Messe, Steven R.; Venkatasubramanian, Chitra; Palmieri, Katherine; Lewandowski, Christopher; Chang, Tiffany R.; Chang, Ira; Rose, David Z.; Smith, Wade; Hsu, Chung Y.; Liu, Chun-Lin; Lien, Li-Ming; Hsiao, Chen-Yu; Iwama, Toru; Afzal, Mohammad Rauf; Qureshi, Adnan I.; Cassarly, Christy; Hebert Martin, Renee; Goldstein, Joshua N.


    The CT angiography (CTA) spot sign is a strong predictor of hematoma expansion in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). However, CTA parameters vary widely across centers and may negatively impact spot sign accuracy in predicting ICH expansion. We developed a CT iodine calibration phantom that was scanned at different institutions in a large multicenter ICH clinical trial to determine the effect of image standardization on spot sign detection and performance. A custom phantom containing known concentrations of iodine was designed and scanned using the stroke CT protocol at each institution. Custom software was developed to read the CT volume datasets and calculate the Hounsfield unit as a function of iodine concentration for each phantom scan. CTA images obtained within 8 h from symptom onset were analyzed by two trained readers comparing the calibrated vs. uncalibrated density cutoffs for spot sign identification. ICH expansion was defined as hematoma volume growth >33%. A total of 90 subjects qualified for the study, of whom 17/83 (20.5%) experienced ICH expansion. The number of spot sign positive scans was higher in the calibrated analysis (67.8 vs 38.9% p < 0.001). All spot signs identified in the non-calibrated analysis remained positive after calibration. Calibrated CTA images had higher sensitivity for ICH expansion (76 vs 52%) but inferior specificity (35 vs 63%) compared with uncalibrated images. Normalization of CTA images using phantom data is a feasible strategy to obtain consistent image quantification for spot sign analysis across different sites and may improve sensitivity for identification of ICH expansion. (orig.)

  13. Phantom-based standardization of CT angiography images for spot sign detection. (United States)

    Morotti, Andrea; Romero, Javier M; Jessel, Michael J; Hernandez, Andrew M; Vashkevich, Anastasia; Schwab, Kristin; Burns, Joseph D; Shah, Qaisar A; Bergman, Thomas A; Suri, M Fareed K; Ezzeddine, Mustapha; Kirmani, Jawad F; Agarwal, Sachin; Shapshak, Angela Hays; Messe, Steven R; Venkatasubramanian, Chitra; Palmieri, Katherine; Lewandowski, Christopher; Chang, Tiffany R; Chang, Ira; Rose, David Z; Smith, Wade; Hsu, Chung Y; Liu, Chun-Lin; Lien, Li-Ming; Hsiao, Chen-Yu; Iwama, Toru; Afzal, Mohammad Rauf; Cassarly, Christy; Greenberg, Steven M; Martin, Renee' Hebert; Qureshi, Adnan I; Rosand, Jonathan; Boone, John M; Goldstein, Joshua N


    The CT angiography (CTA) spot sign is a strong predictor of hematoma expansion in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). However, CTA parameters vary widely across centers and may negatively impact spot sign accuracy in predicting ICH expansion. We developed a CT iodine calibration phantom that was scanned at different institutions in a large multicenter ICH clinical trial to determine the effect of image standardization on spot sign detection and performance. A custom phantom containing known concentrations of iodine was designed and scanned using the stroke CT protocol at each institution. Custom software was developed to read the CT volume datasets and calculate the Hounsfield unit as a function of iodine concentration for each phantom scan. CTA images obtained within 8 h from symptom onset were analyzed by two trained readers comparing the calibrated vs. uncalibrated density cutoffs for spot sign identification. ICH expansion was defined as hematoma volume growth >33%. A total of 90 subjects qualified for the study, of whom 17/83 (20.5%) experienced ICH expansion. The number of spot sign positive scans was higher in the calibrated analysis (67.8 vs 38.9% p spot signs identified in the non-calibrated analysis remained positive after calibration. Calibrated CTA images had higher sensitivity for ICH expansion (76 vs 52%) but inferior specificity (35 vs 63%) compared with uncalibrated images. Normalization of CTA images using phantom data is a feasible strategy to obtain consistent image quantification for spot sign analysis across different sites and may improve sensitivity for identification of ICH expansion.

  14. Oral anticoagulant re-initiation following intracerebral hemorrhage in non-valvular atrial fibrillation: Global survey of the practices of neurologists, neurosurgeons and thrombosis experts. (United States)

    Xu, Yan; Shoamanesh, Ashkan; Schulman, Sam; Dowlatshahi, Dar; Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam; Moldovan, Ioana Doina; Wells, Philip Stephen; AlKherayf, Fahad


    While oral anticoagulants (OACs) are highly effective for ischemic stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation, intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) remains the most feared complication of OAC. Clinical controversy remains regarding OAC resumption and its timing for ICH survivors with atrial fibrillation because the balance between risks and benefits has not been investigated in randomized trials. To survey the practice of stroke neurologists, thrombosis experts and neurosurgeons on OAC re-initiation following OAC-associated ICH. An online survey was distributed to members of the International Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Canadian Stroke Consortium, NAVIGATE-ESUS trial investigators ( identifier NCT02313909) and American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Demographic factors and 11 clinical scenarios were included. Two hundred twenty-eight participants from 38 countries completed the survey. Majority of participants were affiliated with academic centers, and >20% managed more than 15 OAC-associated ICH patients/year. Proportion of respondents suggesting OAC anticoagulant resumption varied from 30% (for cerebral amyloid angiopathy) to 98% (for traumatic ICH). Within this group, there was wide distribution in response for timing of resumption: 21.4% preferred to re-start OACs after 1-3 weeks of incident ICH, while 25.3% opted to start after 1-3 months. Neurosurgery respondents preferred earlier OAC resumption compared to stroke neurologists or thrombosis experts in 5 scenarios (p<0.05 by Kendall's tau). Wide variations in current practice exist among management of OAC-associated ICH, with decisions influenced by patient- and provider-related factors. As these variations likely reflect the lack of high quality evidence, randomized trials are direly needed in this population.

  15. Phantom-based standardization of CT angiography images for spot sign detection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morotti, Andrea; Rosand, Jonathan [Harvard Medical School, Division of Neurocritical Care and Emergency Neurology, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (United States); Harvard Medical School, J. P. Kistler Stroke Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (United States); Romero, Javier M. [Harvard Medical School, Division of Neurocritical Care and Emergency Neurology, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (United States); Harvard Medical School, J. P. Kistler Stroke Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (United States); Harvard Medical School, Neuroradiology Service, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (United States); Jessel, Michael J.; Vashkevich, Anastasia; Schwab, Kristin; Greenberg, Steven M. [Harvard Medical School, J. P. Kistler Stroke Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (United States); Hernandez, Andrew M.; Boone, John M. [University of California Davis, Department of Radiology, Sacramento, CA (United States); Burns, Joseph D. [Lahey Hospital and Medical Center, Department of Neurology, Burlington, MA (United States); Shah, Qaisar A. [Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, PA (United States); Bergman, Thomas A. [Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN (United States); Suri, M.F.K. [St. Cloud Hospital, St. Cloud, MN (United States); Ezzeddine, Mustapha [University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (United States); Kirmani, Jawad F. [JFK Medical Center, Stroke and Neurovascular Center, Edison, NJ (United States); Agarwal, Sachin [Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY (United States); Hays Shapshak, Angela [University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL (United States); Messe, Steven R. [University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (United States); Venkatasubramanian, Chitra [Stanford University, Stanford, CA (United States); Palmieri, Katherine [The University of Kansas Health System, Kansas City, KS (United States); Lewandowski, Christopher [Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI (United States); Chang, Tiffany R. [University of Texas Medical School, Houston, TX (United States); Chang, Ira [Colorado Neurological Institute, Swedish Medical Center, Englewood, CO (United States); Rose, David Z. [Tampa General Hospital, University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa, FL (United States); Smith, Wade [UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco, CA (United States); Hsu, Chung Y.; Liu, Chun-Lin [China Medical University Hospital, Taichung (China); Lien, Li-Ming; Hsiao, Chen-Yu [Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, Taipei (China); Iwama, Toru [Gifu University Hospital, Gifu (Japan); Afzal, Mohammad Rauf; Qureshi, Adnan I. [University of Minnesota, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Research Center, Minneapolis, MN (United States); Cassarly, Christy; Hebert Martin, Renee [Medical University of South Carolina, Department of Public Health Sciences, Charleston, SC (United States); Goldstein, Joshua N. [Harvard Medical School, Division of Neurocritical Care and Emergency Neurology, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (United States); Harvard Medical School, J. P. Kistler Stroke Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (United States); Harvard Medical School, Department of Emergency Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (United States); Collaboration: ATACH-II and NETT Investigators


    The CT angiography (CTA) spot sign is a strong predictor of hematoma expansion in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). However, CTA parameters vary widely across centers and may negatively impact spot sign accuracy in predicting ICH expansion. We developed a CT iodine calibration phantom that was scanned at different institutions in a large multicenter ICH clinical trial to determine the effect of image standardization on spot sign detection and performance. A custom phantom containing known concentrations of iodine was designed and scanned using the stroke CT protocol at each institution. Custom software was developed to read the CT volume datasets and calculate the Hounsfield unit as a function of iodine concentration for each phantom scan. CTA images obtained within 8 h from symptom onset were analyzed by two trained readers comparing the calibrated vs. uncalibrated density cutoffs for spot sign identification. ICH expansion was defined as hematoma volume growth >33%. A total of 90 subjects qualified for the study, of whom 17/83 (20.5%) experienced ICH expansion. The number of spot sign positive scans was higher in the calibrated analysis (67.8 vs 38.9% p < 0.001). All spot signs identified in the non-calibrated analysis remained positive after calibration. Calibrated CTA images had higher sensitivity for ICH expansion (76 vs 52%) but inferior specificity (35 vs 63%) compared with uncalibrated images. Normalization of CTA images using phantom data is a feasible strategy to obtain consistent image quantification for spot sign analysis across different sites and may improve sensitivity for identification of ICH expansion. (orig.)

  16. Epidemiology of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury with Intracranial Hemorrhage: Focusing Predictive Models for Neurosurgical Intervention. (United States)

    Orlando, Alessandro; Levy, A Stewart; Carrick, Matthew M; Tanner, Allen; Mains, Charles W; Bar-Or, David


    To outline differences in neurosurgical intervention (NI) rates between intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) types in mild traumatic brain injuries and help identify which ICH types are most likely to benefit from creation of predictive models for NI. A multicenter retrospective study of adult patients spanning 3 years at 4 U.S. trauma centers was performed. Patients were included if they presented with mild traumatic brain injury (Glasgow Coma Scale score 13-15) with head CT scan positive for ICH. Patients were excluded for skull fractures, "unspecified hemorrhage," or coagulopathy. Primary outcome was NI. Stepwise multivariable logistic regression models were built to analyze the independent association between ICH variables and outcome measures. The study comprised 1876 patients. NI rate was 6.7%. There was a significant difference in rate of NI by ICH type. Subdural hematomas had the highest rate of NI (15.5%) and accounted for 78% of all NIs. Isolated subarachnoid hemorrhages had the lowest, nonzero, NI rate (0.19%). Logistic regression models identified ICH type as the most influential independent variable when examining NI. A model predicting NI for isolated subarachnoid hemorrhages would require 26,928 patients, but a model predicting NI for isolated subdural hematomas would require only 328 patients. This study highlighted disparate NI rates among ICH types in patients with mild traumatic brain injury and identified mild, isolated subdural hematomas as most appropriate for construction of predictive NI models. Increased health care efficiency will be driven by accurate understanding of risk, which can come only from accurate predictive models. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Izdelovalci glasbil na Slovenskem 1606–1918

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darja Koter


    Full Text Available Proučevanje zgodovine izdelovanja inštrumentov in posameznih izdelovalcev na Slovenskem nima dolge tradicije. Na ta del glasbene preteklosti je strokovno in drugo javnost prvi opozoril Josip Mantuani ob 60-letnici ljubljanske Glasbene matice leta 1932, ki je ob tej priložnosti v Narodnem domu v Ljubljani organizirala veliko razstavo Razvoj glasbe pri Slovencih, kjer so bili z izdelki predstavljeni tudi nekateri starejši in sodobni domači izdelovalci inštrumentov. Med najmanj razvitimi segmenti muzikologije na Slovenskem sta organologija glasbenih inštrumentov in zgodovina izdelovanja glasbil. Večje strokovne pozornosti so bile deležne predvsem orgle in orglarji. Orglarstvo in posamezne mojstre so od sedemdesetih let naprej proučevali Ladislav Šaban, Milko Bizjak in Edo Škulj, v zadnjem desetletju pa se stopnjuje zanimanje še za izdelovalce drugih inštrumentov, ki so v preteklih stoletjih delovali na ozemlju današnje Slovenije. Rezultati posameznih študij so objavljeni v različnih publikacijah, revijah, zbornikih in leksikonih, nekaj podatkov o izdelovalcih pa najdemo tudi v tuji literaturi. Da bi bilo poznavanje zgodovine izdelovanja glasbil in posameznih mojstrov bolj pregledno in dostopnejše, je nujno, da objavljene dosežke strnemo v obliki gesel z vsemi najbolj vitalnimi podatki, s čimer bodo imeli uporabniki boljši dostop do informacij. Pri oblikovanju gesel je bila upoštevana metodologija, ki se je uveljavila v nemški in angleški leksikografski literaturi. Imena izdelovalcev so zapisana v izvirni obliki, ponekod pa so dodane še različice priimkov in imen, ki jih najdemo v primarnih virih. Pri rojstnih podatkih so navedene letnice rojstva in smrti ter natančni datumi, kadar so znani. V primerih, kjer čas rojstva ni ugotovljen, so pomembne letnice delovanja posameznika. Primer: CAJHEN, (Zeichen, Martin (1855–1863. Pri poklicu je mogočih več navedb, npr. izdelovalec orgel, organist, trgovec z glasbili ... Kadar

  18. Hydroxycinnamic derivatives content in plant organs linked to harvest time of Salvia officinalis L. cv. ‘Krajová’ / Obsah hydroxyškoricových derivátov v rastlinných orgánoch Salvia officinalis L. cv. ‘Krajová’ v závislosti od termínu zberu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tekeľová D.


    Full Text Available Salvia officinalis L. (šalvia lekarska je vyznamnou silicovou liečivou rastlinou domacou v oblasti Stredomoria, pre farmaceuticke učely sa pestuje. Okrem silice sa na biologickom učinku rastliny podieľaju hlavne diterpeny, triterpeny a fenolove latky typu hydroxyškoricovych derivatov a flavonoidov. Je zname, že obsah a kvalita silice v šalvii koliše v zavislosti od rastlinnej časti, vyvinovej fazy, klimatickych a podnych podmienok. V našej praci sme sledovali kolisanie obsahu celkovych hydroxyškoricovych derivatov (THD a samotnej kyseliny rozmarinovej (RA v nadzemnych častiach šalvie lekarskej v roznych terminoch zberu. Obsah THD v suchych listoch (Salviae officinalis folium stanoveny liekopisnou metodou kolisal v jednotlivych terminoch zberu od 3,06 % do 3,52 %, najvyšši bol v listoch z vyhonkov najmladšich rastlin a z novonarastenych vyhonkov v septembri. Podobne kolisanie obsahu THD v jednotlivych zberoch bolo aj v stonkach, tie však obsahovali len 1,33 - 3,04 %. Rovnaku variabilitu obsahu sme zaznamenali pri kyseline rozmarinovej, jej obsah v listoch kolisal od 0,76 % do 1,65 % a v stonkach od 0,19 % do 0,83 %. Najvyšši obsah THD a RA bol vo vrcholovych listoch, najnižši v listoch umiestnenych v strede stonky. Počas kvitnutia rastliny sa obsah THD a RA v listoch znižil.

  19. The adsorption of hydrogen on a molecular sieve at -196{sup o}C and the observation of an isotope effect; Adsorption d'hydrogene sur un tamis moleculaire a -196{sup o}C et observation d'un effet isotopique; Absorbtsiya vodoroda na molekulyarnom fil'tre pri -196{sup o} i nablyudenie rezul'tatov dejstviya izotopov; Adsorcion de hidrogeno en un tamiz molecular a -196{sup o}C y observacion de un efecto isotopico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duncombe, W G [Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, Kent (United Kingdom)


    adsorbio en el tamiz molecular cerca del 99 % del hidrogeno inicial antes de comenzar la desorcion por bombeo. Por lo tanto, parece probable que el considerable fraccionamiento observado tenga lugar principalmente durante la desorcion y que el efecto carezca de importancia cuando el tamiz se emplea para manipular pequenos volumenes de isotopos del hidrogeno ya que, por lo general, la desorcion total se efectuara por calentamiento. (author) [Russian] Ispytyvalsya molekulyarnyj fil'tr Linde 4 A v kachestve vozmozhnogo sredstva obrashcheniya s nebol'shimi ob{sup e}mami izotopov vodoroda v vakuume, vmesto primenyayushchegosya v nastoyashchee vremya nasosa Toiplera. Davlenie ravnovesiya (P) izmeryaetsya razlichnymi ob{sup e}mami (V) vodoroda, absorbiruemogo odnim grammom fil'tra pri temperature -196{sup o}. EHksperimenty s aktivirovannym drevesnym uglem pokazyvayut preimushchestvo fil'tra kak absorbenta vodoroda. Odin gramm fil'tra v sisteme s ob{sup e}mom v 500 ml absorbiruet okolo 97 % odnogo ml obraztsa vodoroda. Absorbtsiya neznachitel'na pri temperature -78{sup o}, i desorbtsiya yavlyaetsya kolichestvennoj i b'kpro protekaet pri komnatnoj temperature. Vozmozhnost' rezul'tatov dejstviya izotopa izuchalas' putem absorbirovaniya izmeryaemykh ob{sup e}mov tritiya (5 millikyuri/mol') pri ravnomernom davlenii okolo 5 mm, pri ehtom proiskhodilo vykachivanie sistemy v periode do 15 minut i izmerenie ob{sup e}ma ostatochnogo vodoroda. Poslednij prevrashchalsya kolichestvenno v vodu, zatem v butan i gaz. Udel'naya aktivnost' byla vsegda vyshe, chem aktivnost' tritiya, kotoryj prokhodil 10 tsiklov absorbtsii i desorbtsii bez promezhutochnogo vykachivaniya s tem, chtoby ne bylo nikakikh chistykh poter' gaza. EHto imelo takuyu zhe udel'nuyu aktivnost', kak u neobrabotannogo tritiya, vzyatogo iz rezervnoj kolby. Bylo obnaruzheno, chto logarifm (ostatochnyj ob{sup e}m/nachal'nyj ob{sup e}m) proportsionalen 1/logarifm (ostatochnaya udel'naya aktivnost'/ nachal'naya udel'naya aktivnost') v

  20. European Stroke Organisation (ESO) guidelines for the management of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steiner, Thorsten; Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam; Beer, Ronnie


    graduated compression stockings, using intermittent pneumatic compression in immobile patients, and using blood pressure lowering for secondary prevention. We found moderate-quality evidence to support weak recommendations for intensive lowering of systolic blood pressure to ...BACKGROUND: Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) accounted for 9% to 27% of all strokes worldwide in the last decade, with high early case fatality and poor functional outcome. In view of recent randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of the management of ICH, the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) has...... Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach. RESULTS: We found moderate- to high-quality evidence to support strong recommendations for managing patients with acute ICH on an acute stroke unit, avoiding hemostatic therapy for acute ICH not associated with antithrombotic drug use, avoiding...

  1. Antiplatelet Treatment After Transient Ischemic Attack and Ischemic Stroke in Patients With Cerebral Microbleeds in 2 Large Cohorts and an Updated Systematic Review. (United States)

    Lau, Kui Kai; Lovelock, Caroline E; Li, Linxin; Simoni, Michela; Gutnikov, Sergei; Küker, Wilhelm; Mak, Henry Ka Fung; Rothwell, Peter M


    In patients with transient ischemic attack/ischemic stroke, microbleed burden predicts intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), and ischemic stroke, but implications for antiplatelet treatment are uncertain. Previous cohort studies have had insufficient follow-up to assess the time course of risks, have not stratified risks by antithrombotic use, and have not reported extracranial bleeds or functional outcome of ICH versus ischemic stroke. In 2 independent prospective cohorts with transient ischemic attack/ischemic stroke (Oxford Vascular Study/mainly white; University of Hong Kong/mainly Chinese), antiplatelet treatment was started routinely irrespective of microbleed burden. Risks, time course and outcome of ICH, extracranial bleeds, and recurrent ischemic events were determined and stratified by microbleed burden (0 versus 1, 2-4, and ≥5), adjusting for age, sex, and vascular risk factors. Microbleeds were more frequent in the Chinese cohort (450 of 1003 versus 165 of 1080; P <0.0001), but risk associations were similar during 7433 patient-years of follow-up. Among 1811 patients on antiplatelet drugs, risk of major extracranial bleeds was unrelated to microbleed burden ( P trend =0.87), but the 5-year risk of ICH was steeply related ( P trend <0.0001), with 11 of 15 (73%) of ICH in 140 of 1811 (7.7%) patients with ≥5 microbleeds. However, risk of ischemic stroke also increased with microbleed burden ( P trend =0.013), such that risk of ischemic stroke and coronary events exceeded ICH and major extracranial bleeds during the first year, even among patients with ≥5 microbleeds (11.6% versus 3.9%). However, this ratio changed over time, with risk of hemorrhage (11.2%) matching that of ischemic events (12.0%) after 1 year. Moreover, whereas the association between microbleed burden and risk of ischemic stroke was due mainly to nondisabling events ( P trend =0.007), the association with ICH was accounted for ( P trend <0.0001) by disabling/fatal events (≥5 microbleeds

  2. Nowy sposób wytwarzania odlewów precyzyjnych ze stopu miedzi w formach ceramicznych

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Czekaj


    Full Text Available W publikacji zaprezentowano wyniki badań odlewów wytwarzanych ze stopu miedzi (brązu aluminiowego, typu BA1044 wedługopracowanej w Instytucie Odlewnictwa w Krakowie technologii wykonywania odlewów precyzyjnych przy zastosowaniu kierunkowegokrzepnięcia [9]. Wstępnie pokazano zasadność nowoopracowanego w Polsce sposobu wytwarzania skomplikowanych konstrukcyjnie, azarazem wysokojakościowych (z uwagi na właściwości użytkowe części maszyn, urządzeń i pojazdów ze stopów miedzi. Proponowanerozwiązanie jest innowacją nie tylko w skali kraju (Polski, ale również o zasięgu międzynarodowym.

  3. 3D hra s technologií Leap Motion


    Mainuš, Matěj


    Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo navrhnout a implementovat 3D hru labyrint ovládanou pomocí gest rukou. Pro rozpoznávání pohybu a gest hra využívá technologii Leap Motion, aplikace samotná je vytvořena v herním enginu Unity. Výsledkem práce je multiplatformní 3D hra s vlastní knihovnou, která integruje Leap Motion SDK do Unity a eliminuje chyby v detekci rukou. The goal of this bachelor's thesis is to design and create a 3D labyrinth game controlled by hand gestures. This is achieved by us...

  4. GenBank blastx search result: AK059429 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK059429 001-027-F01 S81752.1 DPH2L=candidate tumor suppressor gene {ovarian cancer critical region of delet...ion} [human, 9 week fetal and placental tissues, mRNA, 2233 nt].|PRI PRI 2e-64 +2 ...

  5. The Drug war: Diplomatic and Security Implications for Mexico and the United States (United States)


    The PRI electoral gains will make it impossible for President Calderon to push significant reforms through without serious concessions to the PRI-if...August 2002), 5. 83 GLOSSARY Commission Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDH). Mexico’s National Commission on Human Rights. Counter-drug

  6. GenBank blastx search result: AK059663 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK059663 001-031-E04 AB063318.1 Homo sapiens MoDP-2, MoDP-3 mRNA for acute morphine dependence... related protein 2, acute morphine dependence related peptide 3, complete cds.|PRI PRI 7e-29 +3 ...

  7. GenBank blastx search result: AK059413 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK059413 001-027-D02 AB063318.1 Homo sapiens MoDP-2, MoDP-3 mRNA for acute morphine dependence... related protein 2, acute morphine dependence related peptide 3, complete cds.|PRI PRI 9e-12 +1 ...

  8. GenBank blastx search result: AK062146 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK062146 001-045-G12 AB063318.1 Homo sapiens MoDP-2, MoDP-3 mRNA for acute morphine dependence... related protein 2, acute morphine dependence related peptide 3, complete cds.|PRI PRI 2e-80 +1 ...

  9. 1995-1996 annual report of the Petroleum Recovery Institute

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Financial performance and technical achievements were highlighted in the Petroleum Recovery Institute's 1995-96 annual review, with a special review of PRI's involvement with microgravity science. A list of PRI research and technology contracts and research reports from 1995-1996 was also included

  10. Magnetic resonance imaging in the acute stage of cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Tokutaro; Sakai, Tsuneo; Fujishima, Ichiro; Yamamoto, Takamichi; Uemura, Kenichi; Teramura, Atsushi.


    Thirty patients with acute cerebrovascular disease were evaluated by both computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The 17 patients with cerebral infarction (CI) were evaluated within 24 hours and the 13 with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) within 6 hours of the onset of symptoms. All ICHs were detected in T2-weighted images and appeared as perifocal, ring-like areas of high signal intensity. T2-weighted images also demonstrated a ruptured aneurysm and an arteriovenous malformation. In T1-weighted images, all ICHs displayed high signal intensity, which paralleled the CT images and is characteristic of MR imaging with an ultra-low magnetic filed. These findings were obtained as early as 90 minutes from the onset of symptoms. In cases of CI, T2-weighted images obtained 3 - 7 hours after onset demonstrated the pathology more clearly than did CT. This study proved MR imaging useful in the evaluation of both ICH and CI in the acute stage. In addition, it was possible to differentiate ICH from CI in the acute stage by T2-weighted images alone. (author)

  11. A reliability analysis of a natural-gas pressure-regulating installation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerbec, Marko


    A case study involving analyses of the operability, reliability and availability was made for a selected, typical, high-pressure, natural-gas, pressure-regulating installation (PRI). The study was commissioned by the national operator of the natural-gas, transmission-pipeline network for the purpose of validating the existing operability and maintenance practices and policies. The study involved a failure-risk analysis (HAZOP) of the selected typical installation, retrieval and analysis of the available corrective maintenance data for the PRI's equipment at the network level in order to obtain the failure rates followed by an elaboration of the quantitative fault trees. Thus, both operator-specific and generic literature data on equipment failure rates were used. The results obtained show that two failure scenarios need to be considered: the first is related to the PRI's failure to provide gas to the consumer(s) due to a low-pressure state and the second is related to a failure of the gas pre-heating at the high-pressure reduction stage, leading to a low temperature (a non-critical, but unfavorable, PRI state). Related to the first scenario, the most important cause of failure was found to be a transient pressure disturbance back from the consumer side. The network's average PRI failure frequency was assessed to be about once per 32 years, and the average unavailability to be about 4 minutes per year (the confidence intervals were also assessed). Based on the results obtained, some improvements to the monitoring of the PRI are proposed.

  12. A reliability analysis of a natural-gas pressure-regulating installation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gerbec, Marko, E-mail: marko.gerbec@ijs.s [Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia)


    A case study involving analyses of the operability, reliability and availability was made for a selected, typical, high-pressure, natural-gas, pressure-regulating installation (PRI). The study was commissioned by the national operator of the natural-gas, transmission-pipeline network for the purpose of validating the existing operability and maintenance practices and policies. The study involved a failure-risk analysis (HAZOP) of the selected typical installation, retrieval and analysis of the available corrective maintenance data for the PRI's equipment at the network level in order to obtain the failure rates followed by an elaboration of the quantitative fault trees. Thus, both operator-specific and generic literature data on equipment failure rates were used. The results obtained show that two failure scenarios need to be considered: the first is related to the PRI's failure to provide gas to the consumer(s) due to a low-pressure state and the second is related to a failure of the gas pre-heating at the high-pressure reduction stage, leading to a low temperature (a non-critical, but unfavorable, PRI state). Related to the first scenario, the most important cause of failure was found to be a transient pressure disturbance back from the consumer side. The network's average PRI failure frequency was assessed to be about once per 32 years, and the average unavailability to be about 4 minutes per year (the confidence intervals were also assessed). Based on the results obtained, some improvements to the monitoring of the PRI are proposed.

  13. Preventive effect of aggressive blood pressure lowering on hematoma enlargement in patients with ultra-acute intracerebral hemorrhage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishikawa, Tomofumi; Ueba, Tetsuya; Kajiwara, Motohiro; Iwata, Ryoichi; Yamashita, Kohsuke; Miyamatsu, Naomi


    The preventive effect of aggressive blood pressure lowering on hematoma enlargement was investigated in patients with ultra-acute spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Retrospective review of 248 patients (145 males, 103 females) with spontaneous ICH treated in our hospital between 2005 and 2008 identified patients with ultra-acute ICH who were directly taken to our institute by ambulance within 3 hours after onset. Patients who could not be assessed twice by computed tomography (CT) within 24 hours after arrival were excluded. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was aggressively controlled in all patients using intravenous nicardipine to below 140 mmHg as soon as possible after diagnosis of ICH with CT. Hematoma enlargement was defined as increase in volume of more than 33% or more than 12.5 ml in the first 24 hours. Hematoma enlargement was observed in 11 of the 73 patients (15.0%). The time course of SBP change was not significantly different in patients with and without hematoma enlargement. The incidence of hematoma enlargement in patients with ultra-acute ICH in this study was 15.0%, which was lower than that in other series in which blood pressure was not reduced aggressively. This finding suggests that aggressive SBP lowering to below 140 mmHg has a preventive effect on hematoma enlargement in patients with ultra-acute ICH. (author)

  14. Fisetin Protects against Intracerebral Hemorrhage-Induced Neuroinflammation in Aged Mice. (United States)

    Chen, Cheng; Yao, Li; Cui, Jing; Liu, Bao


    Fisetin is commonly used as an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective drug. In this study, we aimed to investigate the efficacy of fisetin in alleviating intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH)-induced brain injury. Mouse ICH models were constructed using the collagenase-induction method. ICH mice received fisetin treatment at the dose of 10-90 mg/kg, followed by the evaluation of neurological deficit through neurologic severity scores (mNSS), brain water content and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling analysis of cell apoptosis. Cytokine levels were also assessed with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The activation of astrocytes and microglia was evaluated through S100 staining and Western blot analysis of ionized calcium-binding adaptor molecule 1 respectively. Nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-κB) signaling was also evaluated by Western blot. ICH mice demonstrated dramatic increase in mNSS, brain edema and cell apoptosis, indicating severe brain deficit. Fisetin treatment lowered these parameters, suggesting the alleviation of brain injury. Levels of proinflammatory cytokines were reduced, accompanied by a prominent decrease in activated astrocytes and microglia. NF-κB signaling was also attenuated by fisetin treatment. Fisetin effectively alleviates ICH by downregulating proinflammatory cytokines and attenuating NF-κB signaling. These data suggest fisetin as a valuable natural flavonol for clinical management of ICH-induced brain injury. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  15. osamosvojitvi slovenije leta 1991

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elke Tharun


    Full Text Available Nemške občine se razlikujejo med seboj po svoji upravi v smislu samouprave, ki je za-gotovljena z ustavo. Neposredna posledica je vedno več omejitev pri prenosu odgovor-nosti, na področju financ in pri evropskem upravljanju.

  16. The RNA-binding protein HOS5 and serine/arginine-rich proteins RS40 and RS41 participate in miRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis

    KAUST Repository

    Chen, Tao; Cui, Peng; Xiong, Liming


    MicroRNAs are a class of small regulatory RNAs that are generated from primary miRNA (pri-miRNA) transcripts with a stem-loop structure. Accuracy of the processing of pri-miRNA into mature miRNA in plants can be enhanced by SERRATE (SE

  17. GenBank blastx search result: AK106998 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK106998 002-120-B12 AB179082.1 Macaca fascicularis testis cDNA clone: QtsA-12630, similar to human oculocer...ebrorenal syndrome of Lowe (OCRL), transcriptvariant a, mRNA, RefSeq: NM_000276.3.|PRI PRI 1e-29 +3 ...

  18. GenBank blastx search result: AK059494 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK059494 001-028-H05 AB179082.1 Macaca fascicularis testis cDNA clone: QtsA-12630, similar to human oculocer...ebrorenal syndrome of Lowe (OCRL), transcriptvariant a, mRNA, RefSeq: NM_000276.3.|PRI PRI 7e-40 +2 ...

  19. GenBank blastx search result: AK062242 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:14115 IMAGE:3938510), complete cds.|PRI PRI 3e-31 +1 ... ...AK062242 001-047-E10 BC007878.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  20. GenBank blastx search result: AK110760 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:14115 IMAGE:3938510), complete cds.|PRI PRI 1e-100 +1 ... ...AK110760 002-170-H05 BC007878.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  1. GenBank blastx search result: AK060732 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:22893 IMAGE:4065221), complete cds.|PRI PRI 1e-113 +3 ... ...AK060732 001-032-A05 BC023983.1 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  2. GenBank blastx search result: AK062242 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:22893 IMAGE:4065221), complete cds.|PRI PRI 3e-31 +1 ... ...AK062242 001-047-E10 BC023983.1 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  3. GenBank blastx search result: AK104686 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK104686 001-036-C11 BC034481.1 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase... E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:26350 IMAGE:4824846), complete cds.|PRI PRI 3e-20 +1 ...

  4. GenBank blastx search result: AK060732 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:14115 IMAGE:3938510), complete cds.|PRI PRI 1e-113 +3 ... ...AK060732 001-032-A05 BC007878.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  5. GenBank blastx search result: AK061863 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK061863 001-040-H03 BC034481.1 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase... E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:26350 IMAGE:4824846), complete cds.|PRI PRI 2e-18 +2 ...

  6. GenBank blastx search result: AK110760 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:2355 IMAGE:2822372), complete cds.|PRI PRI 1e-100 +1 ... ...AK110760 002-170-H05 BC008933.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  7. GenBank blastx search result: AK060732 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:2355 IMAGE:2822372), complete cds.|PRI PRI 1e-113 +3 ... ...AK060732 001-032-A05 BC008933.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  8. GenBank blastx search result: AK105105 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:22893 IMAGE:4065221), complete cds.|PRI PRI 2e-26 +3 ... ...AK105105 001-100-E08 BC023983.1 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  9. GenBank blastx search result: AK105105 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:14115 IMAGE:3938510), complete cds.|PRI PRI 2e-26 +3 ... ...AK105105 001-100-E08 BC007878.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  10. GenBank blastx search result: AK062242 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available E1, alpha polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:2355 IMAGE:2822372), complete cds.|PRI PRI 3e-31 +1 ... ...AK062242 001-047-E10 BC008933.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase

  11. Sumerian Proverbs. Glimpses of Everyday Life in Ancient Mesopotammia. By Edmund I. Gordon with a chapter by Thorkild Jacobsen. (Museum Monographs. Published by The University ivrus,eum. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia 1959, 7,50. XXVI + 556 str.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viktor Korošec


    Full Text Available Stari pregovori in reki so dragocene priče ljudske modrosti in ljudskega naziranja o življenju in družbi. Posebno priljubljeni so bili na Starem vzhodu. Tako so pri Egipčanih nastali obširni "modrostni spisi". biblija ima posebno knjigo Pregovorov (Mišle Šelomo. Zelo razširjeni so pa bili tudi pri starih Sumercih. Njihovi pisarji so v mestih Nippurju, Uru (in najbrž tudi drugod sestavljali cele zbirke takih rekov. Navadno so to kratka pravila, življenjske maksime, včasih samoumevne resnice, včasih kratke, nekoliko sarkastične zgodbice.



    Jurak, Teja


    V diplomski nalogi primerjamo motivacijo učencev drugega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja (VIO) osnovne šole (OŠ) v Sloveniji in Španiji za učenje tujega jezika (angleščine) ter motivacijo mlajših učencev v primerjavi s starejšimi v drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju. Osredotočamo se na učenje tujega jezika v otroštvu, pri tem pa najprej opredelimo pojem motivacija, motivacija pri učenju, torej učna motivacija in njene vrste, kot sta notranja in zunanja motivacija ter specifično pri učenj...

  13. PWR core design calculations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trkov, A; Ravnik, M; Zeleznik, N [Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana (Slovenia)


    Functional description of the programme package Cord-2 for PWR core design calculations is presented. Programme package is briefly described. Use of the package and calculational procedures for typical core design problems are treated. Comparison of main results with experimental values is presented as part of the verification process. (author) [Slovenian] Opisali smo programski paket CORD-2, ki se uporablja pri projektnih izracunih sredice pri upravljanju tlacnovodnega reaktorja. Prikazana je uporaba paketa in racunskih postopkov za tipicne probleme, ki nastopajo pri projektiranju sredice. Primerjava glavnih rezultatov z eksperimentalnimi vrednostmi je predstavljena kot del preveritvenega procesa. (author)

  14. Risk of Intracranial Hemorrhage From Statin Use in Asians: A Nationwide Cohort Study. (United States)

    Chang, Chia-Hsuin; Lin, Chin-Hsien; Caffrey, James L; Lee, Yen-Chieh; Liu, Ying-Chun; Lin, Jou-Wei; Lai, Mei-Shu


    Reports of statin usage and increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) have been inconsistent. This study examined potential associations between statin usage and the risk of ICH in subjects without a previous history of stroke. Patients initiating statin therapy between 2005 and 2009 without a previous history of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke were identified from Taiwan's National Health Insurance database. Participants were stratified by advanced age (≥70 years), sex, and diagnosed hypertension. The outcome of interest was hospital admission for ICH (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification codes 430, 431, 432). Cox regression models were applied to estimate the hazard ratio of ICH. The cumulative statin dosage stratified by quartile and adjusted for baseline disease risk score served as the primary variable using the lowest quartile of cumulative dosage as a reference. There were 1 096 547 statin initiators with an average follow-up of 3.3 years. The adjusted hazard ratio for ICH between the highest and the lowest quartile was nonsignificant at 1.06 with a 95% confidence interval spanning 1.00 (0.94-1.19). Similar nonsignificant results were found in sensitivity analyses using different outcome definitions or model adjustments, reinforcing the robustness of the study findings. Subgroup analysis identified an excess of ICH frequency in patients without diagnosed hypertension (adjusted hazard ratio 1.36 [1.11-1.67]). In general, no association was observed between cumulative statin use and the risk of ICH among subjects without a previous history of stroke. An increased risk was identified among the nonhypertensive cohort, but this finding should be interpreted with caution. © 2015 American Heart Association, Inc.

  15. Hyperglycemia is associated with intracranial injury in children younger than 3 years of age. (United States)

    Babbitt, Christopher J; Halpern, Rebekah; Liao, Eileen; Lai, Khanh


    The objective was to see if hyperglycemia in the emergency department predicted traumatic intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) for infants and young children. A 6-year retrospective chart review was performed on patients younger than 3 years. Patients identified from the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) database with ICH on computer tomography were compared with those with a history of trauma without ICH identified from a radiology database. Subgroup analysis was performed on the ICH group comparing abusive head trauma (AHT) and accidental. Primary outcomes measured were initial serum glucose level, length of stay, length of ventilation, mortality, and disability on discharge. Fifty-three patients were admitted to the PICU with traumatic ICH with an overall mortality of 7.5%. The average initial glucose in the emergency department was significantly higher for the patients with ICH than those without (164 vs. 99 mg/dL, P < 0.0001). Combining elevated serum glucose with any abnormality in Glasgow Coma Scale score yielded sensitivity and specificity of 100%. The average presenting glucose was higher for AHT compared with accidental injury (190 vs. 133 mg/dL, P < 0.001). Patients with AHT had greater PICU and hospital length of stay and more severe disabilities on discharge (P < 0.001). Elevated serum glucose is a good marker of ICH in children younger than 3 years. When correlated with an abnormal neurological examination, it is highly sensitive and specific. Patients with AHT have further elevation of serum glucose at presentation. Emergency department physicians should consider measuring the serum glucose in children younger than 3 years with abnormal neurological examinations and obtaining a head computer tomography if it is elevated.

  16. The photochemical reflectance index provides an optical indicator of spring photosynthetic activation in evergreen conifers. (United States)

    Wong, Christopher Y S; Gamon, John A


    In evergreens, the seasonal down-regulation and reactivation of photosynthesis is largely invisible and difficult to assess with remote sensing. This invisible phenology may be changing as a result of climate change. To better understand the mechanism and timing of these hidden physiological transitions, we explored several assays and optical indicators of spring photosynthetic activation in conifers exposed to a boreal climate. The photochemical reflectance index (PRI), chlorophyll fluorescence, and leaf pigments for evergreen conifer seedlings were monitored over 1 yr of a boreal climate with the addition of gas exchange during the spring. PRI, electron transport rate, pigment levels, light-use efficiency and photosynthesis all exhibited striking seasonal changes, with varying kinetics and strengths of correlation, which were used to evaluate the mechanisms and timing of spring activation. PRI and pigment pools were closely timed with photosynthetic reactivation measured by gas exchange. The PRI provided a clear optical indicator of spring photosynthetic activation that was detectable at leaf and stand scales in conifers. We propose that PRI might provide a useful metric of effective growing season length amenable to remote sensing and could improve remote-sensing-driven models of carbon uptake in evergreen ecosystems. © 2015 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2015 New Phytologist Trust.

  17. Complications from arteriovenous malformation radiosurgery: multivariate analysis and risk modeling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flickinger, John C.; Kondziolka, Douglas; Pollock, Bruce E.; Maitz, Ann H.; Lunsford, L. Dade


    Purpose/Objective: To assess the relationships of radiosurgery treatment parameters to the development of complications from radiosurgery for arteriovenous malformations (AVM). Methods and Materials: We evaluated follow-up imaging and clinical data in 307 AVM patients who received gamma knife radiosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh between 1987 and 1993. All patients had regular clinical or imaging follow up for a minimum of 2 years (range: 24-96 months, median = 44 months). Results: Post-radiosurgical imaging (PRI) changes developed in 30.5% of patients with regular follow-up magnetic resonance imaging, and were symptomatic in 10.7% of all patients at 7 years. PRI changes resolved within 3 years developed significantly less often (p = 0.0274) in patients with symptoms (52.8%) compared to asymptomatic patients (94.8%). The 7-year actuarial rate for developing persistent symptomatic PRI changes was 5.05%. Multivariate logistic regression modeling found that the 12 Gy volume was the only independent variable that correlated significantly with PRI changes (p < 0.0001) while symptomatic PRI changes were correlated with both 12 Gy volume (p = 0.0013) and AVM location (p 0.0066). Conclusion: Complications from AVM radiosurgery can be predicted with a statistical model relating the risks of developing symptomatic post-radiosurgical imaging changes to 12 Gy treatment volume and location

  18. European research priorities for intracerebral haemorrhage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steiner, Thorsten; Petersson, Jesper; Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam


    Over 2 million people are affected by intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) worldwide every year, one third of them dying within 1 month, and many survivors being left with permanent disability. Unlike most other stroke types, the incidence, morbidity and mortality of ICH have not declined over time...... and disability. The European Research Network on Intracerebral Haemorrhage EURONICH is a multidisciplinary academic research collaboration that has been established to define current research priorities and to conduct large clinical studies on all aspects of ICH....

  19. [Brazilian guidelines for the manegement of intracerebral hemorrhage]. (United States)

    Pontes-Neto, Octávio M; Oliveira-Filho, Jamary; Valiente, Raul; Friedrich, Maurício; Pedreira, Bruno; Rodrigues, Bruno Castelo Branco; Liberato, Bernardo; Freitas, Gabriel Rodriguez de


    Among the stroke subtypes, intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) has the worst prognosis and still lacks a specific treatment. The present manuscript contains the Brazilian guidelines for the management of ICH. It was elaborated by the executive committee of the Brazilian Cerebrovascular Diseases Society and was based on a broad review of articles about the theme. The text aims to provide a rational for the management of patients with an acute ICH, with the diagnostic and therapeutic resources that are available in Brazil.

  20. WE-EF-207-03: Design and Optimization of a CBCT Head Scanner for Detection of Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, J; Sisniega, A; Zbijewski, W; Dang, H; Stayman, J; Aygun, N; Koliatsos, V; Siewerdsen, JH [Johns Hopkins University, Balitmore, MD (United States); Wang, X; Foos, DH [Carestream Health, Rochester, NY (United States)


    Purpose: To design a dedicated x-ray cone-beam CT (CBCT) system suitable to deployment at the point-of-care and offering reliable detection of acute intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, and other head and neck injuries. Methods: A comprehensive task-based image quality model was developed to guide system design and optimization of a prototype head scanner suitable to imaging of acute TBI and ICH. Previously reported models were expanded to include the effects of x-ray scatter correction necessary for detection of low contrast ICH and the contribution of bit depth (digitization noise) to imaging performance. Task-based detectablity index provided the objective function for optimization of system geometry, x-ray source, detector type, anti-scatter grid, and technique at 10–25 mGy dose. Optimal characteristics were experimentally validated using a custom head phantom with 50 HU contrast ICH inserts imaged on a CBCT imaging bench allowing variation of system geometry, focal spot size, detector, grid selection, and x-ray technique. Results: The model guided selection of system geometry with a nominal source-detector distance 1100 mm and optimal magnification of 1.50. Focal spot size ∼0.6 mm was sufficient for spatial resolution requirements in ICH detection. Imaging at 90 kVp yielded the best tradeoff between noise and contrast. The model provided quantitation of tradeoffs between flat-panel and CMOS detectors with respect to electronic noise, field of view, and readout speed required for imaging of ICH. An anti-scatter grid was shown to provide modest benefit in conjunction with post-acquisition scatter correction. Images of the head phantom demonstrate visualization of millimeter-scale simulated ICH. Conclusions: Performance consistent with acute TBI and ICH detection is feasible with model-based system design and robust artifact correction in a dedicated head CBCT system. Further improvements can be achieved with incorporation of

  1. Not only the sugar, early infarct sign, hyperDense middle cerebral artery, age, neurologic deficit score but also atrial fibrillation is predictive for symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage after intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sombat Muengtaweepongsa


    Full Text Available Background: Symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH is the most unwanted adverse event in patients with acute ischemic stroke who received intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (i.v. rt-PA. Many tool scores are available to predict the probability of sICH. Among those scores, the Sugar, Early infarct sign, hyperDense middle cerebral artery, Age, Neurologic deficit (SEDAN gives the highest area under the curve-receiver operating characteristic value. Objective: We aimed to examine any factors other than the SEDAN score to predict the probability of sICH. Methods: Patients with acute ischemic stroke treated with i.v. rt-PA within 4.5 h time window from January 2010 to July 2012 were evaluated. Compiling demographic data, risk factors, and comorbidity (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, atrial fibrillation (AF, ischemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, previous stroke, gout, smoking cigarette, drinking alcoholic beverage, family history of stroke, and family history of ischemic heart disease, computed tomography scan of patients prior to treatment with rt-PA, and assessing the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS score for the purpose of calculating SEDAN score were analyzed. Results: Of 314 patients treated with i.v. rt-PA, there were 46 ICH cases (14.6% with 14 sICH (4.4% and 32 asymptomatic intracranial hemorrhage cases (10.2%. The rate of sICH occurrence was increased in accordance with the increase in the SEDAN score and AF. Age over 75 years, early infarction, hyperdense cerebral artery, baseline blood sugar more than 12 mmol/l, NIHSS as 10 or more, and AF were the risk factors to develop sICH after treated with rt-PA at 1.535, 2.501, 1.093, 1.276, 1.253, and 2.492 times, respectively. Conclusions: Rather than the SEDAN score, AF should be a predictor of sICH in patients with acute ischemic stroke after i.v. rt-PA treatment in Thai population.

  2. Intracranial hemorrhage in full-term newborns: a hospital-based cohort study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brouwer, Annemieke J.; Groenendaal, Floris; Koopman, Corine; Vries, Linda S. de; Nievelstein, Rutger-Jan A.; Han, Sen K.


    In recent years, intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) with parenchymal involvement has been diagnosed more often in full-term neonates due to improved neuroimaging techniques. The aim of this study is to describe clinical and neuroimaging data in the neonatal period and relate imaging findings to outcome in a hospital-based population admitted to a level 3 neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). From our neuroimaging database, we retrospectively retrieved records and images of 53 term infants (1991-2008) in whom an imaging diagnosis of ICH with parenchymal involvement was made. Clinical data, including mode of delivery, clinical manifestations, neurological symptoms, extent and site of hemorrhage, neurosurgical intervention, and neurodevelopmental outcomes, were recorded. Seventeen of the 53 term infants had infratentorial ICH, 20 had supratentorial ICH, and 16 had a combination of the two. Seizures were the most common presenting symptom (71.7%), another ten infants (18.9%) presented with apneic seizures, and five infants had no clinical signs but were admitted to our NICU because of perinatal asphyxia (n = 2), respiratory distress (n = 2), and development of posthemorrhagic ventricular dilatation (n = 1). Continuous amplitude-integrated electroencephalography recordings were performed in all infants. Clinical or subclinical seizures were seen in 48/53 (90.6%) infants; all received anti-epileptic drugs. Thirteen of all 53 (24.5%) infants died. The lowest mortality rate was seen in infants with supratentorial ICH (10%). Three infants with a midline shift required craniotomy, six infants needed a subcutaneous reservoir due to outflow obstruction, and three subsequently required a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. The group with poor outcome (death or developmental quotient (DQ) <85) had a significantly lower 5-min Apgar score (p =.006). Follow-up data were available for 37/40 survivors aged at least 15 months. Patients were assessed with the Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales

  3. Intracranial hemorrhage in full-term newborns: a hospital-based cohort study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brouwer, Annemieke J.; Groenendaal, Floris; Koopman, Corine; Vries, Linda S. de [University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Neonatology, Wilhelmina Children' s Hospital, PO Box 85090, Utrecht (Netherlands); Nievelstein, Rutger-Jan A. [University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Radiology, Wilhelmina Children' s Hospital, Utrecht (Netherlands); Han, Sen K. [University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Neurosurgery, Wilhelmina Children' s Hospital, Utrecht (Netherlands)


    In recent years, intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) with parenchymal involvement has been diagnosed more often in full-term neonates due to improved neuroimaging techniques. The aim of this study is to describe clinical and neuroimaging data in the neonatal period and relate imaging findings to outcome in a hospital-based population admitted to a level 3 neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). From our neuroimaging database, we retrospectively retrieved records and images of 53 term infants (1991-2008) in whom an imaging diagnosis of ICH with parenchymal involvement was made. Clinical data, including mode of delivery, clinical manifestations, neurological symptoms, extent and site of hemorrhage, neurosurgical intervention, and neurodevelopmental outcomes, were recorded. Seventeen of the 53 term infants had infratentorial ICH, 20 had supratentorial ICH, and 16 had a combination of the two. Seizures were the most common presenting symptom (71.7%), another ten infants (18.9%) presented with apneic seizures, and five infants had no clinical signs but were admitted to our NICU because of perinatal asphyxia (n = 2), respiratory distress (n = 2), and development of posthemorrhagic ventricular dilatation (n = 1). Continuous amplitude-integrated electroencephalography recordings were performed in all infants. Clinical or subclinical seizures were seen in 48/53 (90.6%) infants; all received anti-epileptic drugs. Thirteen of all 53 (24.5%) infants died. The lowest mortality rate was seen in infants with supratentorial ICH (10%). Three infants with a midline shift required craniotomy, six infants needed a subcutaneous reservoir due to outflow obstruction, and three subsequently required a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. The group with poor outcome (death or developmental quotient (DQ) <85) had a significantly lower 5-min Apgar score (p =.006). Follow-up data were available for 37/40 survivors aged at least 15 months. Patients were assessed with the Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales

  4. Serum creatinine may indicate risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage after intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (IV tPA). (United States)

    Marsh, Elisabeth B; Gottesman, Rebecca F; Hillis, Argye E; Urrutia, Victor C; Llinas, Rafael H


    Symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) is a known complication following administration of intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (IV tPA) for acute ischemic stroke. sICH results in high rates of death or long-term disability. Our ability to predict its occurrence is important in clinical decision making and when counseling families. The initial National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) investigators developed a list of relative contraindications to IV tPA meant to decrease the risk of subsequent sICH. To date, the impact of renal impairment has not been well studied. In the current study we evaluate the potential association between renal impairment and post-tPA intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). Admission serum creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) were recorded in 224 patients presenting within 4.5 hours from symptom onset and treated with IV tPA based on NINDS criteria. Neuroimaging was obtained 1 day post-tPA and for any change in neurologic status to evaluate for ICH. Images were retrospectively evaluated for hemorrhage by a board-certified neuroradiologist and 2 reviewers blinded to the patient's neurologic status. Medical records were reviewed retrospectively for evidence of neurologic decline indicating a "symptomatic" hemorrhage. sICH was defined as subjective clinical deterioration (documented by the primary neurology team) and hemorrhage on neuroimaging that was felt to be the most likely cause. Renal impairment was evaluated using both serum creatinine and eGFR in a number of ways: 1) continuous creatinine; 2) any renal impairment by creatinine (serum creatinine >1.0 mg/dL); 3) continuous eGFR; and 4) any renal impairment by eGFR (eGFR creatinine >1.0 mg/dL) was not associated with combined symptomatic and asymptomatic intracranial bleeding (p = 0.359); however, there was an adjusted 5.5-fold increased odds of sICH when creatinine was >1.0 mg/dL (95% confidence interval, 1.08-28.39), and the frequency of sICH

  5. GenBank blastx search result: AK105069 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK105069 001-045-C01 AB169286.1 Macaca fascicularis testis cDNA, clone: QtsA-18648, similar to human mortali...ty factor 4 like 2 (MORF4L2), mRNA, RefSeq: NM_012286.1.|PRI PRI 3e-20 +3 ...

  6. GenBank blastx search result: AK105761 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK105761 001-202-D07 BC040139.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase... E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), transcript variant 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:48849 IMAGE:5493159), complete cds.|PRI PRI 1e-115 +2 ...

  7. GenBank blastx search result: AK104686 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK104686 001-036-C11 BC040139.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase... E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), transcript variant 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:48849 IMAGE:5493159), complete cds.|PRI PRI 1e-48 +1 ...

  8. GenBank blastx search result: AK061863 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK061863 001-040-H03 BC040139.2 Homo sapiens branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase... E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease), transcript variant 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:48849 IMAGE:5493159), complete cds.|PRI PRI 2e-47 +2 ...

  9. Carbon retention in the soil–plant system under different irrigation regimes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Yaosheng; Liu, Fulai; Andersen, Mathias Neumann


    their environmental impacts. Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum L., var. Cedrico) were grown in split-root pots in a climate-controlled glasshouse and were subjected to full irrigation (FI), deficit irrigation (DI) and alternate partial root-zone irrigation (PRI) at early fruiting stage. In Exp. I, each plant...... to a greater microbial activity in the two treatments; particularly the PRI induced drying and wetting cycles of the soils may cause an increase of microbial activities and respiration rate, which could lead to more C losses from the soil. However, in both experiments the total C concentration in the PRI...... in the two experiments might have affected the C retention in the soil and in the plant biomass. Nevertheless, with a same degree of water saving, PRI was superior to DI in terms of enhancing C concentration in the plant biomass, which might have contributed to a better fruit quality in tomatoes as reported...

  10. The thermodynamic characteristics of vaporization of praseodymium triiodide (United States)

    Motalov, V. B.; Kudin, L. S.; Markus, T.


    The vaporization of praseodymium triiodide was studied by high-temperature mass spectrometry. Monomeric (PrI3) and dimeric (Pr2I6) molecules and the PrI{4/-} and Pr2I{7/-} negative ions were recorded in saturated vapor over the temperature range 842-1048 K. The partial pressures of neutral vapor components were determined. The enthalpies of sublimation Δs H o(298.15 K) in the form of monomers (291 ± 10 kJ/mol) and dimers (400 ± 30 kJ/mol) were calculated by the second and third laws of thermodynamics. The equilibrium constants of ion-molecular reactions were measured and the enthalpies of the reactions determined. The enthalpies of formation Δf H o(298.15 K) of molecules and ions in the gas phase were calculated (-373 ± 11, -929 ± 31, -865 ± 25, and -1433 ± 48 kJ/mol for PrI3, Pr2I6, PrI{4/-}, and Pr2I{7/-}, respectively).

  11. Návrh Rail-to-Rail proudového konvejoru v technologii CMOS


    Hudzik, Martin


    Diplomová práca sa zaoberá návrhom rail-to-rail prúdového konvejora druhej generácie v technológii CMOS. Opisuje princípy funkcie jednotlivých generácii prúdových konvejorov a taktiež základný princíp návrhu prúdového konvejora druhej generácie založeného na operačnom zosilňovači. Venuje sa obvodovému riešeniu vstupného rail-to-rail stupňa a koncového stupňa v triede AB. Cieľom tejto práce je navrhnúť, charakterizovať vlastnosti a vytvoriť topológiu prúdového konvejora druhej generácie s rail...

  12. A new polymorphism biomarker rs629367 associated with increased risk and poor survival of gastric cancer in chinese by up-regulated miRNA-let-7a expression.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qian Xu

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Variant in pri-miRNA could affect miRNA expression and mature process or splicing efficiency, thus altering the hereditary susceptibility and prognosis of cancer. We aimed to assess miRNA-let-7 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP associated with the risk and prognosis of gastric cancer (GC as predicting biomarkers, and furthermore, its possible mechanisms. METHODS: A two-stage case-control study was designed to screen four miRNA SNPs (pri-let-7a-2 rs629367 and rs1143770, pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971, pri-let-7f-2 rs17276588 in 107 GC patients, 107 atrophic gastritis (AG, and matched 124 controls using PCR-RFLP. Two promising SNPs were validated in another independent 1949 samples (including 579 gastric cancer patients, 649 atrophic gastritis and 721 controls using Sequenom MassARRAY platform and sequencing. RESULTS: We found that pri-let-7a-2 rs629367 CC variant genotype was associated with increased risks of gastric cancer and atrophic gastritis by 1.83-fold and 1.86-fold, respectively. For gastric cancer prognosis, patients with rs629367 CC genotype had significantly poorer survival than patients with AA genotype (log-rank P = 0.004. We further investigated the let-7a expression levels in serum and found that let-7a expression elevated gradually for rs629367 AA, CA, CC genotype in the atrophic gastritis group (P = 0.043. Furthermore, we confirmed these findings in vitro study by overexpressing let-7a carrying pri-let-7a-2 wild-type A or polymorphic-type C allele (P<0.001. CONCLUSIONS: pri-let-7a-2 rs629367 CC genotype could increase the risks of gastric cancer as well as atrophic gastritis and was also associated with poor survival of gastric cancer, which possibly by affecting the mature let-7a expression, and could serve as a predicting biomarker for high-risk and poor prognosis of gastric cancer.

  13. Obvladovanje dejavnikov tveganja za nastanek srčno-žilnih bolezni v referenčni ambulanti družinske medicine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alenka Terbovc


    Full Text Available Uvod: Model referenčnih ambulant družinske medicine prinaša spremembe v obravnavi pacientov. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti dejavnike tveganja, ki prispevajo k zmanjšanju nastanka srčno-žilnih bolezni z nefarmakološkimi ukrepi pri pacientih v referenčni ambulanti družinske medicine. Metode: Narejena je bila retrogradna raziskava podatkov pacientov, ki so bili obravnavani v referenčnih ambulantah za srčno-žilno ogroženost. Naključni raziskovalni vzorec je obsegal 128 pacientov, ki so v obdobju od 1. maja do 25. avgusta 2014 v referenčni ambulanti družinske medicine opravili presejalni in kontrolni pregled. Podatki so bili analizirani z opisno statistiko in hi-kvadrat testom. Rezultati: Pri obravnavanih pacientih so bili pri kontrolnem pregledu v primerjavi s presejalnim ugotovljeni višji deleži urejenih preiskovanih parametrov, in sicer pri krvnem tlaku (41,6 %, holesterolu (45,5 % in krvnem sladkorju (53,3 %, zmanjšal se je tudi delež kadilcev, in sicer za 4 %. Visoka srčno-žilna ogroženost (20–40 % se je pri kontrolni meritvi znižala na 28 %, zelo visoka na 6,6 %. Po obravnavi v ambulanti se je telesna aktivnost, izvajana od 2- do 4-krat na teden, povečala na 54,3 % oz. telesna aktivnost, izvajana 5-krat na teden, na 19,4 %. Statistično značilne razlike so se pokazale pri krvnem tlaku (χ2 = 8,780, p = 0,003 in holesterolu (χ2 = 4,781, p = 0,029. Diskusija in zaključek: Po ambulantni obravnavi se je pri pacientih pomembno izboljšala vrednost nekaterih dejavnikov tveganja, kar je moč pripisati kakovostni obravnavi, ki jo omogoča model referenčnih ambulant, in vlogi diplomirane medicinske sestre v tem modelu.

  14. Intracerebral hemorrhage in children

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ihab Zidan


    Apr 1, 2012 ... Focal abnormality of brain functions from ICH are site .... CT scan (axial view) showing post-traumatic right frontal ICH in a 2 months female child. ... Conventional angiography showing left middle cerebral artery aneurysm.

  15. Multimediale Kommunikationsarchitekturen: Herausforderungen und Weiterentwicklungen der Forschungen im Kulturraum Internet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Winfried Marotzki


    Full Text Available Im Folgenden setze ich mich mit der Frage auseinander, wie der sich rasch verändernde kulturelle Raum Internet forschungsmässig zu erschliessen ist. Dabei möchte ich weniger den aktuellen Stand der Internet Forschung bilanzieren, das ist durch verschiedene einschlägige Publikationen bereits geschehen. Vielmehr werde ich mich darauf konzentrieren, die Hauptveränderungen des Internet in den letzten Jahren zu skizzieren, um daran anknüpfend einige ausgewählte methodische Probleme, die damit verbunden sind, zu bearbeiten.

  16. Richard Wollheim über die Metapher in der Malerei


    Heinrich, Richard


    Es handelt sich um den Text eines Vortrages, den ich Jänner 1993 im Rahmen einer Vortragsreihe am Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Wien gehalten habe. Er ist bisher unpubliziert und nicht redigiert. Das worüber ich spreche ist ein Artikel von Richard Wollheim mit dem Titel "Die Metapher in der Malerei". Diesen Artikel habe ich herausgegeben, gemeinsam mit meinem Kollegen Helmuth Vetter, 1991 in dem Band "Bilder der Philosophie". Ursprünglich handelt es sich um einen Vortrag, d...

  17. Patients with restored occlusions. Part III: The effect of occlusal splint therapy and occlusal adjustments on TMJ dysfunction. (United States)

    Lederman, K H; Clayton, J A


    An earlier study of 50 patients with occlusions restored by fixed partial dentures indicated a high percent (68%) of TMJ dysfunction. Occlusal interferences can play a significant role in causing TMJ dysfunction. To determine the significance of occlusal interferences, occlusal splints were placed in 10 of these restored patients who had moderate to severe dysfunction. The PRI was used to detect the presence or absence of TMJ dysfunction. The PRI TMJ dysfunction scores were reduced in all 10 patients after use of the occlusal splint. Five of the patients achieved reproducible tracings (no TMJ dysfunction) during the experiment time of 7 months. The occlusion of two patients was adjusted to eliminate the need for the occlusal splint. Patients who wore the splint 24 hours a day showed a significant (0.0004 level) reduction in TMJ dysfunction. Those patients who did not wear the splint regularly or had high levels of stress had PRI scores that varied. This finding indicates that the occlusal splint is not a treatment, as its removal permits reactivation of the occlusal interference. Resolution of dysfunction did not occur until occlusal interferences were removed. The changes in PRI scores to different dysfunction categories (none, slight, moderate, and severe) for the experimental group were significant at the 0.01 level. A control group of five patients had similar pantographic tracings but no other treatment. Their PRI scores varied, but there was no significant change in PRI scores or dysfunction categories. It was concluded that occlusal interferences were active causes of TMJ dysfunction in 10 of 36 patients in a population with restored occlusions.

  18. Relationship between alternation of cerebral blood flow and formation of brain edema around the hematoma after experimental intracerebral hemorrhage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Jian; Gao Peiyi; Li Xiaoguang


    Objective: To investigate the mechanism of brain edema formation around the hematoma and the relationship between the formation of brain edema and the changes of regional cerebral blood flow after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in rats, and to provide experimental basis for the clinical treatment of ICH . Methods: Seventy male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into ICH groups and sham-operated groups. ICH was produced by microinjection of 40 ul fresh autologous blood or saline into the right caudatum. Dynamic CT perfusion imaging was performed, and the parameters of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), regional cerebral blood volume (rCBV), and mean transit time (MTT) around the hematoma were calculated respectively. Then the rats were sacrificed, and the water content, sodium, potassium, and calcium concentrations were measured respectively. The correlative study between the water content and rCBF and rCBV were carried out. Results:The gradient of perihematomal hypoperfusion was revealed on CT perfusion maps in ICH groups. The alternation of rCBF around the hematomas were fluctuated, and rCBF reduction was most pronounced at 1 hour afer ICH, then the rCBF gradually returned, reaching the peaks at 6 hours and 24 hours after ICH, respectively. In the meantime, rCBV reduction around the hematoma was most pronounced at 1 hour after ICH. Then the rCBV gradually increased, and reaching the peak at 24 hours. The water contents were gradually increased in the ipsilateral basal ganglia in the animals sacrificed at 6, 24, and 72 hours. The accumulation of water was at its peak at 24 hours, and remained in the animals sacrificed at the 72 hours. The perihemorrhagic water contents correlated significantly with rCBV surrounding hematomas, r=0.372 (one-tailed), P<0.05. Conclusion: The perihemorrhagic brain edema results from the common effects of the blood-brain-barrier disruption, cytotoxic edema, and the accumulation of osmotically active substances. The r

  19. Designated Stroke Center Status and Hospital Characteristics as Predictors of In-Hospital Mortality among Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients in New York, 2008-2012. (United States)

    Gatollari, Hajere J; Colello, Anna; Eisenberg, Bonnie; Brissette, Ian; Luna, Jorge; Elkind, Mitchell S V; Willey, Joshua Z


    Although designated stroke centers (DSCs) improve the quality of care and clinical outcomes for ischemic stroke patients, less is known about the benefits of DSCs for patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Compared to non-DSCs, hospitals with the DSC status have lower in-hospital mortality rates for hemorrhagic stroke patients. We believed these effects would sustain over a period of time after adjusting for hospital-level characteristics, including hospital size, urban location, and teaching status. We evaluated ICH (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision; ICD-9: 431) and SAH (ICD-9: 430) hospitalizations documented in the 2008-2012 New York State Department of Health Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System inpatient sample database. Generalized estimating equation logistic regression was used to evaluate the association between DSC status and in-hospital mortality. We calculated ORs and 95% CIs adjusted for clustering of patients within facilities, other hospital characteristics, and individual level characteristics. Planned secondary analyses explored other hospital characteristics associated with in-hospital mortality. In 6,352 ICH and 3,369 SAH patients in the study sample, in-hospital mortality was higher among those with ICH compared to SAH (23.7 vs. 18.5%). Unadjusted analyses revealed that DSC status was related with reduced mortality for both ICH (OR 0.7, 95% CI 0.5-0.8) and SAH patients (OR 0.4, 95% CI 0.3-0.7). DSC remained a significant predictor of lower in-hospital mortality for SAH patients (OR 0.6, 95% CI 0.3-0.9) but not for ICH patients (OR 0.8, 95% CI 0.6-1.0) after adjusting for patient demographic characteristics, comorbidities, hospital size, teaching status and location. Admission to a DSC was independently associated with reduced in-hospital mortality for SAH patients but not for those with ICH. Other patient and hospital characteristics may explain the benefits of DSC

  20. Initial clinical experience with dual-layer detector spectral CT in patients with acute intracerebral haemorrhage: A single-centre pilot study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soo Buem Cho

    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical feasibility of spectral analyses using dual-layer detector spectral computed tomography (CT in acute intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH.We retrospectively reviewed patients with acute ICH who underwent CT angiography on a dual-layer detector spectral CT scanner. A spectral data analysis was performed to detect contrast enhancement in or adjacent to acute ICH by using spectral image reconstructions including monoenergetic (MonoE, virtual noncontrast (VNC, and iodine overlay fusion images. We also acquired a spectral plot to assess material differentiation within lesions.Among the 30 patients, the most common cause of acute ICH was chronic hypertension (18/30, 60% followed by trauma (5/30, 16.7%, brain tumour (3/30, 10%, Moyamoya disease (2/30, 6.7%, and haemorrhagic diathesis from anticoagulation therapy (2/30, 6.7%. Of 30 patients, 13 showed suboptimal iodine suppression in the subcalvarial spaces on VNC images compared with true noncontrast images. The CT angiographic spot sign within the acute ICH was detected in four patients (4/30, 13.3%. All three tumours were metastatic and included lung cancer (n = 2 and hepatocellular carcinoma (n = 1 which showed conspicuous delineation of an enhancing tumour portion in the spectral analysis. Spectral analyses allowed the discrimination of acute haemorrhage and iodine with enhanced lesion visualization on the MonoE images obtained at lower keVs (less than 70 keV and spectral plot.Even though the image quality of VNC is perceived to be inferior, it is feasible to evaluate acute ICH in clinical settings using dual-layer detector spectral CT. The MonoE images taken at lower keVs were useful for depicting contrast enhancing lesion, and spectral plot might be helpful for material differentiation in patients with acute ICH.

  1. Initial clinical experience with dual-layer detector spectral CT in patients with acute intracerebral haemorrhage: A single-centre pilot study. (United States)

    Cho, Soo Buem; Baek, Hye Jin; Ryu, Kyeong Hwa; Moon, Jin Il; Choi, Bo Hwa; Park, Sung Eun; Bae, Kyungsoo; Jeon, Kyung Nyeo; Kim, Dong Wook


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical feasibility of spectral analyses using dual-layer detector spectral computed tomography (CT) in acute intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH). We retrospectively reviewed patients with acute ICH who underwent CT angiography on a dual-layer detector spectral CT scanner. A spectral data analysis was performed to detect contrast enhancement in or adjacent to acute ICH by using spectral image reconstructions including monoenergetic (MonoE), virtual noncontrast (VNC), and iodine overlay fusion images. We also acquired a spectral plot to assess material differentiation within lesions. Among the 30 patients, the most common cause of acute ICH was chronic hypertension (18/30, 60%) followed by trauma (5/30, 16.7%), brain tumour (3/30, 10%), Moyamoya disease (2/30, 6.7%), and haemorrhagic diathesis from anticoagulation therapy (2/30, 6.7%). Of 30 patients, 13 showed suboptimal iodine suppression in the subcalvarial spaces on VNC images compared with true noncontrast images. The CT angiographic spot sign within the acute ICH was detected in four patients (4/30, 13.3%). All three tumours were metastatic and included lung cancer (n = 2) and hepatocellular carcinoma (n = 1) which showed conspicuous delineation of an enhancing tumour portion in the spectral analysis. Spectral analyses allowed the discrimination of acute haemorrhage and iodine with enhanced lesion visualization on the MonoE images obtained at lower keVs (less than 70 keV) and spectral plot. Even though the image quality of VNC is perceived to be inferior, it is feasible to evaluate acute ICH in clinical settings using dual-layer detector spectral CT. The MonoE images taken at lower keVs were useful for depicting contrast enhancing lesion, and spectral plot might be helpful for material differentiation in patients with acute ICH.

  2. Minocycline attenuates brain injury and iron overload after intracerebral hemorrhage in aged female rats. (United States)

    Dai, Shuhui; Hua, Ya; Keep, Richard F; Novakovic, Nemanja; Fei, Zhou; Xi, Guohua


    Brain iron overload is involved in brain injury after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). There is evidence that systemic administration of minocycline reduces brain iron level and improves neurological outcome in experimental models of hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. However, there is evidence in cerebral ischemia that minocycline is not protective in aged female animals. Since most ICH research has used male models, this study was designed to provide an overall view of ICH-induced iron deposits at different time points (1 to 28 days) in aged (18-month old) female Fischer 344 rat ICH model and to investigate the neuroprotective effects of minocycline in those rats. According to our previous studies, we used the following dosing regimen (20 mg/kg, i.p. at 2 and 12 h after ICH onset followed by 10 mg/kg, i.p., twice a day up to 7 days). T2-, T2 ⁎ -weighted and T2 ⁎ array MRI was performed at 1, 3, 7 and 28 days to measure brain iron content, ventricle volume, lesion volume and brain swelling. Immunohistochemistry was used to examine changes in iron handling proteins, neuronal loss and microglial activation. Behavioral testing was used to assess neurological deficits. In aged female rats, ICH induced long-term perihematomal iron overload with upregulated iron handling proteins, neuroinflammation, brain atrophy, neuronal loss and neurological deficits. Minocycline significantly reduced ICH-induced perihematomal iron overload and iron handling proteins. It further reduced brain swelling, neuroinflammation, neuronal loss, delayed brain atrophy and neurological deficits. These effects may be linked to the role of minocycline as an iron chelator as well as an inhibitor of neuroinflammation. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Effectiveness and Safety of Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants in Asian Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. (United States)

    Cha, Myung-Jin; Choi, Eue-Keun; Han, Kyung-Do; Lee, So-Ryoung; Lim, Woo-Hyun; Oh, Seil; Lip, Gregory Y H


    There are limited real-world data comparing the effectiveness and safety of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) and warfarin in Asians with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. We aimed to compare the effectiveness and safety between NOACs and warfarin users in the Korean atrial fibrillation population, with particular focus on high-risk patients. Using the Korean National Health Insurance Service database, we analyzed the risk of ischemic stroke, intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) events, and all-cause death in NOAC users (n=11 611 total, n=5681 taking rivaroxaban, n=3741 taking dabigatran, and n=2189 taking apixaban) compared with propensity score-matched warfarin users (n=23 222) among patients with high-risk atrial fibrillation (CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score ≥2) between 2014 and 2015. NOAC treatment was associated with similar risk of ischemic stroke and lower risk of ICH and all-cause mortality compared with warfarin. All 3 NOACs were associated with a similar risk of ischemic stroke and a lower risk of ICH compared with warfarin. Dabigatran and apixaban were associated with a lower risk of total mortality and the composite net clinical outcome (ischemic stroke, ICH, and all-cause death) compared with warfarin, whereas this was nonsignificant for rivaroxaban. Among previously oral anticoagulant-naive patients (n=23 262), dabigatran and apixaban were superior to warfarin for ICH prevention, whereas rivaroxaban and warfarin were associated with similar risk of ICH. In real-world practice among a high-risk Asian atrial fibrillation population, all 3 NOACs demonstrated similar risk of ischemic stroke and lower risk of ICH compared with warfarin. All-cause mortality was significantly lower only with dabigatran and apixaban. © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.

  4. Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: predictive factors of intracranial hemorrhage. (United States)

    Delbos, Florent; Bertrand, Gérald; Croisille, Laure; Ansart-Pirenne, Hélène; Bierling, Philippe; Kaplan, Cécile


    In Caucasians, fetal/neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) is most frequently caused by maternal alloimmunization against the human platelet antigen HPA-1a. The most serious complication of severe FNAIT is intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). ICH mainly occurs in utero; therefore, there is a need to identify noninvasive predictive factors of ICH to facilitate early identification of this condition and to determine response to maternal therapy. We studied gynecologic and immunogenetic variables of severe cases of anti-HPA-1a FNAIT within three groups: Group I, FNAIT without ICH; Group II, FNAIT with ICH; and Group III, suspected FNAIT cases without detectable maternal anti-HPA-1a alloantibodies. ICH was associated with a poor outcome because it led to death in 59% of cases. Multigravida (two or more pregnancies) was overrepresented in Group II, consistent with the high concentrations of maternal HPA-1a alloantibody and the frequent detection of a strong newborn-specific HLA class I antibody response at delivery. The proportion of HLA-DRB4*01:01P (*01:01 or *01:03) women was similar in Groups I and II, but this allele was overrepresented in Group III, in which FNAIT was less severe than in the other two groups. Finally, antenatal intravenous immunoglobulin therapy tended to be more effective in HLA-DRB3*01:01(+)/HLA-DRB4*01:01P(+) women than for HLA-DRB3*01:01(+)/HLA-DRB4*01:01P(-) women. The number of gestations is a predictive factor of ICH in anti-HPA-1a-alloimmunized women. Maternal immunogenetic variables should be investigated in the context of maternal immunization and may predict response to maternal therapy in subsequent pregnancies. © 2015 AABB.

  5. Intranasal delivery of hypoxia-preconditioned bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells enhanced regenerative effects after intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke in mice. (United States)

    Sun, Jinmei; Wei, Zheng Zachory; Gu, Xiaohuan; Zhang, James Ya; Zhang, Yongbo; Li, Jimei; Wei, Ling


    Intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke (ICH) causes high mortality and morbidity with very limited treatment options. Cell-based therapy has emerged as a novel approach to replace damaged brain tissues and promote regenerative processes. In this study we tested the hypothesis that intranasally delivered hypoxia-preconditioned BMSCs could reach the brain, promote tissue repair and improve functional recovery after ICH. Hemorrhagic stroke was induced in adult C57/B6 mice by injection of collagenase IV into the striatum. Animals were randomly divided into three groups: sham group, intranasal BMSC treatment group, and vehicle treatment group. BMSCs were pre-treated with hypoxic preconditioning (HP) and pre-labeled with Hoechst before transplantation. Behavior tests, including the mNSS score, rotarod test, adhesive removal test, and locomotor function evaluation were performed at varying days, up to 21days, after ICH to evaluate the therapeutic effects of BMSC transplantation. Western blots and immunohistochemistry were performed to analyze the neurotrophic effects. Intranasally delivered HP-BMSCs were identified in peri-injury regions. NeuN+/BrdU+ co-labeled cells were markedly increased around the hematoma region, and growth factors, including BDNF, GDNF, and VEGF were significantly upregulated in the ICH brain after BMSC treatment. The BMSC treatment group showed significant improvement in behavioral performance compared with the vehicle group. Our data also showed that intranasally delivered HP-BMSCs migrated to peri-injury regions and provided growth factors to increase neurogenesis after ICH. We conclude that intranasal administration of BMSC is an effective treatment for ICH, and that it enhanced neuroregenerative effects and promoted neurological functional recovery after ICH. Overall, the investigation supports the potential therapeutic strategy for BMSC transplantation therapy against hemorrhagic stroke. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Different utilization of intensive care services (ICSs) for patients dying of hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke, a hospital-based survey. (United States)

    Wang, Vinchi; Hsieh, Chieh-Chao; Huang, Yen-Ling; Chen, Chia-Ping; Hsieh, Yi-Ting; Chao, Tzu-Hao


    The intensive care service (ICS) saves lives and rescues the neurological function of stroke patients. We wondered the different utilization of ICS for patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, especially those who died within 30 days after stroke.Sixty-seven patients died during 2011 to 2015 due to acute stroke (42 due to intracranial hemorrhage [ICH]; 25 due to cerebral infarct [CI]). The durations of hospital stay (hospital staying days [HSDs]) and ICS staying days (ISDs) and codes of the do-not-resuscitate (DNR) were surveyed among these medical records. Statistics included chi-square and descriptive analyses.In this study, CI patients had a longer HSD (mean 14.3 days), as compared with ICH patients (mean 8.3 days); however, the ICH patients had a higher percentage of early entry within the first 24 hours of admission into ICS than CI group (95.1% vs 60.0%, P = .003). A higher rate of CI patients died in holidays or weekends than those with ICH (44.0% vs 21.4%, P = .051). DNR, requested mainly from direct descendants (children or grandchildren), was coded in all 25 CI patients (100.0%) and 38 ICH patients (90.5%). More cases with early DNR coded within 24 hours after admission occurred in ICH group (47%, 12% in CI patients, P = .003). None of the stroke patient had living wills. Withhold of endotracheal intubation (ETI) occurred among CI patients, more than for ICH patients (76.0% vs 18.4%, P mortality within holidays or weekends, and higher ETI withhold; but less percentage of ICS utilization expressed by a lower ISD/HSD ratio. This ICS utilization is a key issue of medical quality for stroke care.

  7. Prostaglandin E2 EP2 Receptor Deletion Attenuates Intracerebral Hemorrhage-Induced Brain Injury and Improves Functional Recovery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jenna L. Leclerc


    Full Text Available Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH is a devastating type of stroke characterized by bleeding into the brain parenchyma and secondary brain injury resulting from strong neuroinflammatory responses to blood components. Production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2 is significantly upregulated following ICH and contributes to this inflammatory response in part through its E prostanoid receptor subtype 2 (EP2. Signaling through the EP2 receptor has been shown to affect outcomes of many acute and chronic neurological disorders; although, not yet explored in the context of ICH. Wildtype (WT and EP2 receptor knockout (EP2−/− mice were subjected to ICH, and various anatomical and functional outcomes were assessed by histology and neurobehavioral testing, respectively. When compared with age-matched WT controls, EP2−/− mice had 41.9 ± 4.7% smaller ICH-induced brain lesions and displayed significantly less ipsilateral hemispheric enlargement and incidence of intraventricular hemorrhage. Anatomical outcomes correlated with improved functional recovery as identified by neurological deficit scoring. Histological staining was performed to begin investigating the mechanisms involved in EP2-mediated neurotoxicity after ICH. EP2−/− mice exhibited 45.5 ± 5.8% and 41.4 ± 8.1% less blood and ferric iron accumulation, respectively. Furthermore, significantly less striatal and cortical microgliosis, striatal and cortical astrogliosis, blood–brain barrier breakdown, and peripheral neutrophil infiltration were seen in EP2−/− mice. This study is the first to suggest a deleterious role for the PGE2-EP2 signaling axis in modulating brain injury, inflammation, and functional recovery following ICH. Targeting the EP2 G protein-coupled receptor may represent a new therapeutic avenue for the treatment of hemorrhagic stroke.

  8. 30-day mortality and readmission after hemorrhagic stroke among Medicare beneficiaries in Joint Commission primary stroke center-certified and noncertified hospitals. (United States)

    Lichtman, Judith H; Jones, Sara B; Leifheit-Limson, Erica C; Wang, Yun; Goldstein, Larry B


    Ischemic stroke patients treated at Joint Commission Primary Stroke Center (JC-PSC)-certified hospitals have better outcomes. Data reflecting the impact of JC-PSC status on outcomes after hemorrhagic stroke are limited. We determined whether 30-day mortality and readmission rates after hemorrhagic stroke differed for patients treated at JC-PSC-certified versus noncertified hospitals. The study included all fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 years or older with a primary discharge diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) or intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in 2006. Covariate-adjusted logistic and Cox proportional hazards regression assessed the effect of care at a JC-PSC-certified hospital on 30-day mortality and readmission. There were 2305 SAH and 8708 ICH discharges from JC-PSC-certified hospitals and 3892 SAH and 22 564 ICH discharges from noncertified hospitals. Unadjusted in-hospital mortality (SAH: 27.5% versus 33.2%, Pmortality (SAH: 35.1% versus 44.0%, Pmortality was 34% lower (odds ratio, 0.66; 95% confidence interval, 0.58-0.76) after SAH and 14% lower (odds ratio, 0.86; 95% confidence interval, 0.80-0.92) after ICH for patients discharged from JC-PSC-certified hospitals. There was no difference in 30-day risk-adjusted readmission rates for SAH or ICH based on JC-PSC status. Patients treated at JC-PSC-certified hospitals had lower risk-adjusted mortality rates for both SAH and ICH but similar 30-day readmission rates as compared with noncertified hospitals.

  9. Electroacupuncture Exerts Neuroprotection through Caveolin-1 Mediated Molecular Pathway in Intracerebral Hemorrhage of Rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hui-Qin Li


    Full Text Available Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH is one of the most devastating types of stroke. Here, we aim to demonstrate that electroacupuncture on Baihui (GV20 exerts neuroprotection for acute ICH possibly via the caveolin-1/matrix metalloproteinase/blood-brain barrier permeability pathway. The model of ICH was established by using collagenase VII. Rats were randomly divided into three groups: Sham-operation group, Sham electroacupuncture group, and electroacupuncture group. Each group was further divided into 4 subgroups according to the time points of 6 h, 1 d, 3 d, and 7 d after ICH. The methods were used including examination of neurological deficit scores according to Longa’s scale, measurement of blood-brain barrier permeability through Evans Blue content, in situ immunofluorescent detection of caveolin-1 in brains, western blot analysis of caveolin-1 in brains, and in situ zymography for measuring matrix metalloproteinase-2/9 activity in brains. Compared with Sham electroacupuncture group, electroacupuncture group has resulted in a significant improvement in neurological deficit scores and in a reduction in Evans Blue content, expression of caveolin-1, and activity of matrix metalloproteinase-2/9 at 6 h, 1 d, 3 d, and 7 d after ICH (P<0.05. In conclusion, the present results suggested that electroacupuncture on GV20 can improve neurological deficit scores and reduce blood-brain barrier permeability after ICH, and the mechanism possibly targets caveolin-1/matrix metalloproteinase/blood-brain barrier permeability pathway.

  10. Electroacupuncture Exerts Neuroprotection through Caveolin-1 Mediated Molecular Pathway in Intracerebral Hemorrhage of Rats. (United States)

    Li, Hui-Qin; Li, Yan; Chen, Zi-Xian; Zhang, Xiao-Guang; Zheng, Xia-Wei; Yang, Wen-Ting; Chen, Shuang; Zheng, Guo-Qing


    Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is one of the most devastating types of stroke. Here, we aim to demonstrate that electroacupuncture on Baihui (GV20) exerts neuroprotection for acute ICH possibly via the caveolin-1/matrix metalloproteinase/blood-brain barrier permeability pathway. The model of ICH was established by using collagenase VII. Rats were randomly divided into three groups: Sham-operation group, Sham electroacupuncture group, and electroacupuncture group. Each group was further divided into 4 subgroups according to the time points of 6 h, 1 d, 3 d, and 7 d after ICH. The methods were used including examination of neurological deficit scores according to Longa's scale, measurement of blood-brain barrier permeability through Evans Blue content, in situ immunofluorescent detection of caveolin-1 in brains, western blot analysis of caveolin-1 in brains, and in situ zymography for measuring matrix metalloproteinase-2/9 activity in brains. Compared with Sham electroacupuncture group, electroacupuncture group has resulted in a significant improvement in neurological deficit scores and in a reduction in Evans Blue content, expression of caveolin-1, and activity of matrix metalloproteinase-2/9 at 6 h, 1 d, 3 d, and 7 d after ICH ( P electroacupuncture on GV20 can improve neurological deficit scores and reduce blood-brain barrier permeability after ICH, and the mechanism possibly targets caveolin-1/matrix metalloproteinase/blood-brain barrier permeability pathway.

  11. Intracerebral Hemorrhage with Intraventricular Extension—Getting the Prognosis Right Early

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christoph Stretz


    Full Text Available BackgroundEarly accurate outcome prognostication for patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH and accompanying intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH is often challenging (1. Acute hydrocephalus often contributes to a poor clinical exam (2 and can portend significant morbidity and mortality (3. Accordingly, the inpatient neurologist may feel inclined to recommend limitations of care for an ICH patient admitted with a large IVH burden and poor exam.Case presentationWe present a patient with significant IVH and minimal ICH who deteriorated rapidly to coma after presentation. Despite this exam, an initially non-functioning diversion of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF and temporary halt of further attempts of CSF diversion in the setting of an early “do not resuscitate order,” our patient gradually improved and, with supportive ICU care and rehabilitation, was able to communicate and ambulate with assistance at 12 weeks.ConclusionPatients with ICH with IVH do have the capacity to improve dramatically even with relatively conservative management. Unless previous limitations of care exist, we recommend that early judgments of prognosis for patients with ICH and/or IVH should be delayed for at least 72 h until the patient’s clinical trajectory over time is better understood.

  12. Mr. Robot: Schizophrenie, Paranoia und korporative Gier

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    jan jagodzinski


    Full Text Available Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die erste Staffel von Mr. Robot (2015 − aus Gilles Deleuzes symptomatologischer Position, die sich auf das Spannungsfeld zwischen ‹dem Klinischen und dem Kritischen› fokussiert. Zum Zeitpunkt des Verfassens dieses Artikels war nur die erste Staffel verfügbar. Im Folgenden zeige ich am Beispiel der Hauptfigur Elliot Anderson, inwiefern die Serie Einblicke in unsere ‹Kontrollgesellschaft› – auch eine Deleuzsche Entwicklung – gewähren kann. Zudem wird ein Vergleich mit dem Film «Kein System ist sicher», der ähnliche gesellschaftliche Fragen thematisiert, vorgenommen. Obwohl ich auf medienpädagogische Aspekte nur indirekt eingehen werde, hebe ich im Laufe der Argumentation hervor, dass solche Fernsehnarrative das allgemeine Publikum oder das, was ich als ‹jedermann› beschreibe, mit ethischen Problemen und Dilemmata unserer globalen kapitalistischen Ordnung konfrontieren.

  13. SPARK-UP; Seaweed Production And Refining of Kelp, Ulva and Palmaria

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wald, J.; Visser, de W.; Brandenburg, W.A.; Jongschaap, R.E.E.; Werf, van der A.K.; Deelman, Berth-Jan; Helmendach-Nieuwenhuize, Carola


    In het SPARK-UP project, waarin de partners Arkema, PRI-WUR en North Seaweed samenwerkten aan de ontwikkeling van toepassing van zeewier in de biobased economy, is de afgelopen jaren veel werk verzet. In een bassin op het terrein van Arkema, heeft PRI een teeltsysteem opgezet en in gebruik genomen,

  14. GenBank blastx search result: AK104229 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK104229 006-307-D03 AF023268.1 Homo sapiens clk2 kinase (CLK2), propin1, cote1, glucocerebro...sidase (GBA), and metaxin genes, complete cds; metaxin pseudogene and glucocerebrosidase pseudogene; and thrombospondin3 (THBS3) gene, partial cds.|PRI PRI 3e-41 +3 ...

  15. GenBank blastx search result: AK058642 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK058642 001-018-E05 AF023268.1 Homo sapiens clk2 kinase (CLK2), propin1, cote1, glucocerebro...sidase (GBA), and metaxin genes, complete cds; metaxin pseudogene and glucocerebrosidase pseudogene; and thrombospondin3 (THBS3) gene, partial cds.|PRI PRI 2e-18 +3 ...

  16. GenBank blastx search result: AK061708 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK061708 001-037-F11 AF023268.1 Homo sapiens clk2 kinase (CLK2), propin1, cote1, glucocerebro...sidase (GBA), and metaxin genes, complete cds; metaxin pseudogene and glucocerebrosidase pseudogene; and thrombospondin3 (THBS3) gene, partial cds.|PRI PRI 1e-41 +3 ...

  17. New imaging systems in nuclear medicine. Technical progress report, January 1, 1982-December 31, 1983

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brownell, G.L.


    A new instrumentation concept has been developed for the analogue ring detector (PR-I) and its success has been demonstrated. Software for PRI has been developed. Studies of new instrumentation methods and materials include extension of the analog concepts to higher spatial resolution, higher data rates and cylindrical shaped detectors

  18. 75 FR 40843 - International Conference on Harmonisation; Draft Guidance on Q4B Evaluation and Recommendation of... (United States)


    .... The six ICH sponsors are the European Commission; the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries... Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. The ICH Secretariat, which coordinates the preparation of... industry associations to promote international harmonization of regulatory requirements. FDA has...

  19. Prihodnja osvetlitev in nočna podoba mest: študija primera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simon Rankel


    Full Text Available Prihodnja osvetlitev na podlagi polprevodniških virov svetlobe bo spremenila nočno podobo mest. Možnosti njihove umestitve in uporabe v urbanem prostoru so številne. V članku zato proučujemo, ali bi njihova prihodnja uporaba v splošni zunanji razsvetljavi pozitivno vplivala na človekovo sprejemanje tako osvetljenega urbanega prostora. Na podlagi inovativne uporabe omenjenih virov svetlobe smo izoblikovali dva različna koncepta osvetlitve. Prvi koncept temelji na ploskovni osvetlitvi, drugi pa na detajlnem prikazu arhitekturno–urbanih elementov. Predlogi za osvetlitev so bili narejeni na petih različnih lokacijah mesta. Poleg izpolnjevanja funkcionalnih potreb upoštevajo tudi urbanistični in arhitekturni vidik osvetljevanja. Z ocenami afektivne kakovosti slikovnih prikazov smo predstavili in proučevali temeljna afektivna stanja anketiranih. Ugotovitve kažejo, da so se anketiranci pri večini predlogov strinjali pri ocenah spremenljivk »prijetnost« in »pozornost. Statistika pokaže med konceptoma značilne razlike pri ocenah obeh spremenljivk. Pri neposredni primerjavi obeh konceptov smo ugotovili, da je naklonjenost anketirancev do določenega osvetlitvenega koncepta odvisna tudi od mestne lokacije. S člankom želimo poudariti pomen nočne podobe mesta pri razvoju prihodnjih strategij osvetlitve, ki temeljijo na polprevodniških virih svetlobe.

  20. Keramik-Datierungen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Philippsen, Bente

    Dieser Vortrag bietet eine allgemeine Einführung in Krustendatierungen und Süßwasserreservoireffekte. Ich skizziere, mit welchen Methoden man die Zutaten der Speisekrusten rekonstruieren kann. Außerdem diskutiere ich die bisherigen Radiokarbondatierungen der Keramik vom Fundplatz Friesack 4....

  1. 76 FR 20690 - Preparation for International Conference on Harmonization Steering Committee and Expert Working... (United States)


    ... ICH sponsors are the European Commission; the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries... Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. The ICH Secretariat, which coordinates the preparation of.../industry project to improve, through harmonization, the efficiency of the process for developing and...

  2. 75 FR 57803 - Preparation for International Conference on Harmonisation Steering Committee and Expert Working... (United States)


    ... the European Commission; the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries Associations; the... Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. The ICH Secretariat, which coordinates the preparation of... ICH was established in 1990 as a joint regulatory/industry project to improve, through harmonization...

  3. 75 FR 17148 - International Conference on Harmonisation; Guidance on Q4B Evaluation and Recommendation of... (United States)


    .... The six ICH sponsors are the European Commission; the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries... Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. The ICH Secretariat, which coordinates the preparation of... recent years, many important initiatives have been undertaken by regulatory authorities and industry...

  4. Prognostic Factors for Cognitive Decline After Intracerebral Hemorrhage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Benedictus, M.R.; Hochart, A.; Rossi, C.; Boulouis, G.; Henon, H.; van der Flier, W.M.; Cordonnier, C.


    Background and Purpose-Stroke and dementia are closely related, but no prospective study ever focused on poststroke cognitive decline in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). We aimed to determine prognostic factors for cognitive decline in patients with ICH. Methods-We prospectively

  5. Establishment of the Relationship between the Photochemical Reflectance Index and Canopy Light Use Efficiency Using Multi-angle Hyperspectral Observations (United States)

    Zhang, Qian; Chen, Jing; Zhang, Yongguang; Qiu, Feng; Fan, Weiliang; Ju, Weimin


    The gross primary production (GPP) of terrestrial ecosystems constitutes the largest global land carbon flux and exhibits significant spatial and temporal variations. Due to its wide spatial coverage, remote sensing technology is shown to be useful for improving the estimation of GPP in combination with light use efficiency (LUE) models. Accurate estimation of LUE is essential for calculating GPP using remote sensing data and LUE models at regional and global scales. A promising method used for estimating LUE is the photochemical reflectance index (PRI = (R531-R570)/(R531 + R570), where R531 and R570 are reflectance at wavelengths 531 and 570 nm) through remote sensing. However, it has been documented that there are certain issues with PRI at the canopy scale, which need to be considered systematically. For this purpose, an improved tower-based automatic canopy multi-angle hyperspectral observation system was established at the Qianyanzhou flux station in China since January of 2013. In each 15-minute observation cycle, PRI was observed at four view zenith angles fixed at solar zenith angle and (37°, 47°, 57°) or (42°, 52°, 62°) in the azimuth angle range from 45° to 325° (defined from geodetic north). To improve the ability of directional PRI observation to track canopy LUE, the canopy is treated as two-big leaves, i.e. sunlit and shaded leaves. On the basis of a geometrical optical model, the observed canopy reflectance for each view angle is separated to four components, i.e. sunlit and shaded leaves and sunlit and shaded backgrounds. To determine the fractions of these four components at each view angle, three models based on different theories are tested for simulating the fraction of sunlit leaves. Finally, a ratio of canopy reflectance to leaf reflectance is used to represent the fraction of sunlit leaves, and the fraction of shaded leaves is calculated with the four-scale geometrical optical model. Thus, sunlit and shaded PRI are estimated using

  6. Nova libro pri interlingvistiko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rets rmt.: Blanke, Detlev. Interlinguistische Beiträge : zum Wesen und zur Plansprachen / herausgegeben von Sabine Fiedler. Frankfurt/Main, Berlin ; Bern ; Bruxelles ; New York ; Oxford ; Wien : Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften Peter Lang

  7. Association of prothrombin complex concentrate administration and hematoma enlargement in non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant-related intracerebral hemorrhage. (United States)

    Gerner, Stefan T; Kuramatsu, Joji B; Sembill, Jochen A; Sprügel, Maximilian I; Endres, Matthias; Haeusler, Karl Georg; Vajkoczy, Peter; Ringleb, Peter A; Purrucker, Jan; Rizos, Timolaos; Erbguth, Frank; Schellinger, Peter D; Fink, Gereon R; Stetefeld, Henning; Schneider, Hauke; Neugebauer, Hermann; Röther, Joachim; Claßen, Joseph; Michalski, Dominik; Dörfler, Arnd; Schwab, Stefan; Huttner, Hagen B


    To investigate parameters associated with hematoma enlargement in non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant (NOAC)-related intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). This retrospective cohort study includes individual patient data for 190 patients with NOAC-associated ICH over a 5-year period (2011-2015) at 19 departments of neurology across Germany. Primary outcome was the association of prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) administration with hematoma enlargement. Subanalyses were calculated for blood pressure management and its association with the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes include associations with in-hospital mortality and functional outcome at 3 months assessed using the modified Rankin Scale. The study population for analysis of primary and secondary outcomes consisted of 146 NOAC-ICH patients with available follow-up imaging. Hematoma enlargement occurred in 49/146 (33.6%) patients with NOAC-related ICH. Parameters associated with hematoma enlargement were blood pressure ≥ 160mmHg within 4 hours and-in the case of factor Xa inhibitor ICH-anti-Xa levels on admission. PCC administration prior to follow-up imaging was not significantly associated with a reduced rate of hematoma enlargement either in overall NOAC-related ICH or in patients with factor Xa inhibitor intake (NOAC: risk ratio [RR] = 1.150, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.632-2.090; factor Xa inhibitor: RR = 1.057, 95% CI = 0.565-1.977), regardless of PCC dosage given or time interval until imaging or treatment. Systolic blood pressure levels < 160mmHg within 4 hours after admission were significantly associated with a reduction in the proportion of patients with hematoma enlargement (RR = 0.598, 95% CI = 0.365-0.978). PCC administration had no effect on mortality and functional outcome either at discharge or at 3 months. In contrast to blood pressure control, PCC administration was not associated with a reduced rate of hematoma enlargement in NOAC-related ICH

  8. Developing the Clarity and Openness in Reporting: E3-based (CORE) Reference user manual for creation of clinical study reports in the era of clinical trial transparency. (United States)

    Hamilton, Samina; Bernstein, Aaron B; Blakey, Graham; Fagan, Vivien; Farrow, Tracy; Jordan, Debbie; Seiler, Walther; Shannon, Anna; Gertel, Art


    Interventional clinical studies conducted in the regulated drug research environment are reported using International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) regulatory guidance documents: ICH E3 on the structure and content of clinical study reports (CSRs) published in 1995 and ICH E3 supplementary Questions & Answers (Q & A) published in 2012.Since the ICH guidance documents were published, there has been heightened awareness of the importance of disclosure of clinical study results. The use of the CSR as a key source document to fulfil emerging obligations has resulted in a re-examination of how ICH guidelines are applied in CSR preparation. The dynamic regulatory and modern drug development environments create emerging reporting challenges. Regulatory medical writing and statistical professionals developed Clarity and Openness in Reporting: E3-based (CORE) Reference over a 2-year period. Stakeholders contributing expertise included a global industry association, regulatory agency, patient advocate, academic and Principal Investigator representatives. CORE Reference should help authors navigate relevant guidelines as they create CSR content relevant for today's studies. It offers practical suggestions for developing CSRs that will require minimum redaction and modification prior to public disclosure.CORE Reference comprises a Preface, followed by the actual resource. The Preface clarifies intended use and underlying principles that inform resource utility. The Preface lists references contributing to development of the resource, which broadly fall into 'regulatory' and 'public disclosure' categories. The resource includes ICH E3 guidance text, ICH E3 Q & A 2012-derived guidance text and CORE Reference text, distinguished from one another through the use of shading. Rationale comments are used throughout for clarification purposes.A separate mapping tool comparing ICH E3 sectional structure and CORE Reference sectional structure is also provided.Together, CORE Reference

  9. Parnassiana nova : XIII. Vier neue Hybriden

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eisner, C.


    Zu dem Gelingen der nachstehend beschriebenen Kreuzungen haben drei Wiener Entomologen beigetragen, deren Namen ich eigentlich bei der Benennung der Hybriden festzuhalten die Absicht hatte. Da das indessen nach den neuesten Nomenklaturregeln nicht statthaft ist, muss ich mich darauf beschränken zu

  10. Effects of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis parasitism on the survival, hematology and bacterial load in channel catfish previously exposed to Edwardsiella ictaluri (United States)

    The effect of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich) parasitism on survival, hematology and bacterial load in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, previously exposed to Edwardsiella ictaluri was studied. Fish were exposed to E. ictaluri one day prior to Ich in the following treatments: 1)- infected by...

  11. Clinical Course and Outcomes of Small Supratentorial Intracerebral Hematomas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Behrouz, R.; Misra, V.; Godoy, D.A.; Topel, C.H.; Masotti, L.; Klijn, C.J.M.; Smith, C.J.; Parry-Jones, A.R.; Slevin, M.A.; Silver, B.; Willey, J.Z.; Vallejo, J. Masjuan; Nzwalo, H.; Popa-Wagner, A.; Malek, A.R.; Hafeez, S.; Napoli, M. Di


    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) volume, particularly if >/=30 mL, is a major determinant of poor outcome. We used a multinational ICH data registry to study the characteristics, course, and outcomes of supratentorial hematomas with volumes <30 mL. METHODS: Basic

  12. Chlorophyll fluorescence, photochemical reflective index and normalized difference vegetative index during plant senescence. (United States)

    Cordon, Gabriela; Lagorio, M Gabriela; Paruelo, José M


    The relationship between the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and chlorophyll fluorescence along senescence was investigated in this work. Reflectance and radiance measurements were performed at canopy level in grass species presenting different photosynthetic metabolism: Avena sativa (C3) and Setaria italica (C4), at different stages of the natural senescence process. Sun induced-chlorophyll fluorescence at 760nm (SIF 760 ) and the apparent fluorescence yield (SIF 760 /a, with a=irradiance at time of measurement) were extracted from the radiance spectra of canopies using the Fraunhofer Line Discrimination-method. The photosynthetic parameters derived from Kautsky kinetics and pigment content were also calculated at leaf level. Whilst stand level NDVI patterns were related to changes in the structure of canopies and not in pigment content, stand level PRI patterns suggested changes both in terms of canopy and of pigment content in leaves. Both SIF 760 /a and Φ PSII decreased progressively along senescence in both species. A strong increment in NPQ was evident in A. sativa while in S. italica NPQ values were lower. Our most important finding was that two chlorophyll fluorescence signals, Φ PSII and SIF 760 /a, correlated with the canopy PRI values in the two grasses assessed, even when tissues at different ontogenic stages were present. Even though significant changes occurred in the Total Chlr/Car ratio along senescence in both studied species, significant correlations between PRI and chlorophyll fluorescence signals might indicate the usefulness of this reflectance index as a proxy of photosynthetic RUE, at least under the conditions of this study. The relationships between stand level PRI and the fluorescence estimators (Φ PSII and SIF 760 /a) were positive in both cases. Therefore, an increase in PRI values as in the fluorescence parameters would indicate higher RUE. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All

  13. A New Polymorphism Biomarker rs629367 Associated with Increased Risk and Poor Survival of Gastric Cancer in Chinese by Up-Regulated miRNA-let-7a Expression (United States)

    Xu, Qian; Dong, Qiguan; He, Caiyun; Liu, Wenjing; Sun, Liping; Liu, Jingwei; Xing, Chengzhong; Li, Xiaohang; Wang, Bengang; Yuan, Yuan


    Background Variant in pri-miRNA could affect miRNA expression and mature process or splicing efficiency, thus altering the hereditary susceptibility and prognosis of cancer. We aimed to assess miRNA-let-7 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) associated with the risk and prognosis of gastric cancer (GC) as predicting biomarkers, and furthermore, its possible mechanisms. Methods A two-stage case-control study was designed to screen four miRNA SNPs (pri-let-7a-2 rs629367 and rs1143770, pri-let-7a-1 rs10739971, pri-let-7f-2 rs17276588) in 107 GC patients, 107 atrophic gastritis (AG), and matched 124 controls using PCR-RFLP. Two promising SNPs were validated in another independent 1949 samples (including 579 gastric cancer patients, 649 atrophic gastritis and 721 controls) using Sequenom MassARRAY platform and sequencing. Results We found that pri-let-7a-2 rs629367 CC variant genotype was associated with increased risks of gastric cancer and atrophic gastritis by 1.83-fold and 1.86-fold, respectively. For gastric cancer prognosis, patients with rs629367 CC genotype had significantly poorer survival than patients with AA genotype (log-rank P = 0.004). We further investigated the let-7a expression levels in serum and found that let-7a expression elevated gradually for rs629367 AA, CA, CC genotype in the atrophic gastritis group (P = 0.043). Furthermore, we confirmed these findings in vitro study by overexpressing let-7a carrying pri-let-7a-2 wild-type A or polymorphic-type C allele (Pcancer as well as atrophic gastritis and was also associated with poor survival of gastric cancer, which possibly by affecting the mature let-7a expression, and could serve as a predicting biomarker for high-risk and poor prognosis of gastric cancer. PMID:24760009

  14. Risk Profile of Symptomatic Lacunar Stroke Versus Nonlobar Intracerebral Hemorrhage. (United States)

    Morotti, Andrea; Paciaroni, Maurizio; Zini, Andrea; Silvestrelli, Giorgio; Del Zotto, Elisabetta; Caso, Valeria; Dell'Acqua, Maria Luisa; Simone, Anna Maria; Lanari, Alessia; Costa, Paolo; Poli, Loris; De Giuli, Valeria; Gamba, Massimo; Ciccone, Alfonso; Ritelli, Marco; Di Castelnuovo, Augusto; Iacoviello, Licia; Colombi, Marina; Agnelli, Giancarlo; Grassi, Mario; de Gaetano, Giovanni; Padovani, Alessandro; Pezzini, Alessandro


    Although lacunar stroke (LS) and deep intracerebral hemorrhage (dICH) represent acute manifestations of the same pathological process involving cerebral small vessels (small vessel disease), it remains unclear what factors predispose to one phenotype rather than the other at individual level. Consecutive patients with either acute symptomatic LS or dICH were prospectively enrolled as part of a multicenter Italian study. We compared the risk factor profile of the 2 subgroups using multivariable logistic regression. During a time course of 9.5 years, 1931 subjects (1434 LS and 497 dICH; mean age, 71.3±13.3 years; males, 55.5%) qualified for the analysis. Current smoking was associated with LS (odds ratio [OR], 2.17; Prisk factor profile of dICH differs from that associated with LS. This might be used for disease risk stratification at individual level. © 2016 American Heart Association, Inc.

  15. Microprocessor Activity Controls Differential miRNA Biogenesis In Vivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Conrad


    Full Text Available In miRNA biogenesis, pri-miRNA transcripts are converted into pre-miRNA hairpins. The in vivo properties of this process remain enigmatic. Here, we determine in vivo transcriptome-wide pri-miRNA processing using next-generation sequencing of chromatin-associated pri-miRNAs. We identify a distinctive Microprocessor signature in the transcriptome profile from which efficiency of the endogenous processing event can be accurately quantified. This analysis reveals differential susceptibility to Microprocessor cleavage as a key regulatory step in miRNA biogenesis. Processing is highly variable among pri-miRNAs and a better predictor of miRNA abundance than primary transcription itself. Processing is also largely stable across three cell lines, suggesting a major contribution of sequence determinants. On the basis of differential processing efficiencies, we define functionality for short sequence features adjacent to the pre-miRNA hairpin. In conclusion, we identify Microprocessor as the main hub for diversified miRNA output and suggest a role for uncoupling miRNA biogenesis from host gene expression.

  16. Dissecting the interactions of SERRATE with RNA and DICER-LIKE 1 in Arabidopsis microRNA precursor processing

    KAUST Repository

    Iwata, Yuji


    Efficient and precise microRNA (miRNA) biogenesis in Arabidopsis is mediated by the RNaseIII-family enzyme DICER-LIKE 1 (DCL1), double-stranded RNA-binding protein HYPONASTIC LEAVES 1 and the zinc-finger (ZnF) domain-containing protein SERRATE (SE). In the present study, we examined primary miRNA precursor (pri-miRNA) processing by highly purified recombinant DCL1 and SE proteins and found that SE is integral to pri-miRNA processing by DCL1. SE stimulates DCL1 cleavage of the pri-miRNA in an ionic strength-dependent manner. SE uses its N-terminal domain to bind to RNA and requires both N-terminal and ZnF domains to bind to DCL1. However, when DCL1 is bound to RNA, the interaction with the ZnF domain of SE becomes indispensible and stimulates the activity of DCL1 without requiring SE binding to RNA. Our results suggest that the interactions among SE, DCL1 and RNA are a potential point for regulating pri-miRNA processing. 2013 The Author(s) 2013.

  17. Neurosarcoidosis-related intracranial haemorrhage: three new cases and a systematic review of the literature.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Dwyer, J P


    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Intracranial haemorrhage in neurosarcoidosis (NS-ICH) is rare, poorly understood and the diagnosis of NS may not be immediately apparent. METHODS: The clinical features of three new NS-ICH cases are described including new neuropathological findings and collated with cases from a systematic literature review. RESULTS: Cases: (i) A 41-year-old man with headaches, hypoandrogenism and encephalopathy developed a cerebellar haemorrhage. He had neuropathological confirmation of NS with biopsy-proven angiocentric granulomata and venous disruption. He responded to immunosuppressive therapy. (ii) A 41-year-old man with no history of hypertension was found unconscious. A subsequently fatal pontine haemorrhage was diagnosed. Liver biopsy revealed sarcoid granulomas. (iii) A 36-year-old man with raised intracranial pressure headaches presented with a seizure and a frontal haemorrhage. Hilar lymph node biopsy confirmed sarcoidosis, and he was treated successfully. Systematic Review: Twelve other published cases were identified and collated with our cases. Average age was 36 years and M:F = 2.3:1; 46% presented with neurological symptoms and 31% had CNS-isolated disease. Immediate symptoms of ICH were acute\\/worsening headache or seizures (60%). ICH was supratentorial (62%), infratentorial (31%) or subarachnoid (7%). 40% had definite NS, 53% probable NS and 7% possible NS (Zajicek criteria). Antigranulomatous\\/immunosuppressive therapy regimens varied and 31% died. CONCLUSIONS: This series expands our knowledge of the pathology of NS-ICH, which may be of arterial or venous origin. One-third have isolated NS. Clinicians should consider NS in young-onset ICH because early aggressive antigranulomatous therapy may improve outcome.

  18. CT angiography spot sign in intracerebral hemorrhage predicts active bleeding during surgery. (United States)

    Brouwers, H Bart; Raffeld, Miriam R; van Nieuwenhuizen, Koen M; Falcone, Guido J; Ayres, Alison M; McNamara, Kristen A; Schwab, Kristin; Romero, Javier M; Velthuis, Birgitta K; Viswanathan, Anand; Greenberg, Steven M; Ogilvy, Christopher S; van der Zwan, Albert; Rinkel, Gabriel J E; Goldstein, Joshua N; Klijn, Catharina J M; Rosand, Jonathan


    To determine whether the CT angiography (CTA) spot sign marks bleeding complications during and after surgery for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). In a 2-center study of consecutive spontaneous ICH patients who underwent CTA followed by surgical hematoma evacuation, 2 experienced readers (blinded to clinical and surgical data) reviewed CTAs for spot sign presence. Blinded raters assessed active intraoperative and postoperative bleeding. The association between spot sign and active intraoperative bleeding, postoperative rebleeding, and residual ICH volumes was evaluated using univariable and multivariable logistic regression. A total of 95 patients met inclusion criteria: 44 lobar, 17 deep, 33 cerebellar, and 1 brainstem ICH; ≥1 spot sign was identified in 32 patients (34%). The spot sign was the only independent marker of active bleeding during surgery (odds ratio [OR] 3.4; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.3-9.0). Spot sign (OR 4.1; 95% CI 1.1-17), female sex (OR 6.9; 95% CI 1.7-37), and antiplatelet use (OR 4.6; 95% CI 1.2-21) were predictive of postoperative rebleeding. Larger residual hematomas and postoperative rebleeding were associated with higher discharge case fatality (OR 3.4; 95% CI 1.1-11) and a trend toward increased case fatality at 3 months (OR 2.9; 95% CI 0.9-8.8). The CTA spot sign is associated with more intraoperative bleeding, more postoperative rebleeding, and larger residual ICH volumes in patients undergoing hematoma evacuation for spontaneous ICH. The spot sign may therefore be useful to select patients for future surgical trials. © 2014 American Academy of Neurology.

  19. Evaluating Current Practices in Shelf Life Estimation. (United States)

    Capen, Robert; Christopher, David; Forenzo, Patrick; Huynh-Ba, Kim; LeBlond, David; Liu, Oscar; O'Neill, John; Patterson, Nate; Quinlan, Michelle; Rajagopalan, Radhika; Schwenke, James; Stroup, Walter


    The current International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) methods for determining the supported shelf life of a drug product, described in ICH guidance documents Q1A and Q1E, are evaluated in this paper. To support this evaluation, an industry data set is used which is comprised of 26 individual stability batches of a common drug product where most batches are measured over a 24 month storage period. Using randomly sampled sets of 3 or 6 batches from the industry data set, the current ICH methods are assessed from three perspectives. First, the distributional properties of the supported shelf lives are summarized and compared to the distributional properties of the true shelf lives associated with the industry data set, assuming the industry data set represents a finite population of drug product batches for discussion purposes. Second, the results of the ICH "poolability" tests for model selection are summarized and the separate shelf life distributions from the possible alternative models are compared. Finally, the ICH methods are evaluated in terms of their ability to manage risk. Shelf life estimates that are too long result in an unacceptable percentage of nonconforming batches at expiry while those that are too short put the manufacturer at risk of possibly having to prematurely discard safe and efficacious drug product. Based on the analysis of the industry data set, the ICH-recommended approach did not produce supported shelf lives that effectively managed risk. Alternative approaches are required.

  20. Low Ambient Temperature and Intracerebral Hemorrhage: The INTERACT2 Study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danni Zheng

    Full Text Available Rates of acute intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH increase in winter months but the magnitude of risk is unknown. We aimed to quantify the association of ambient temperature with the risk of ICH in the Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage Trial (INTERACT2 participants on an hourly timescale.INTERACT2 was an international, open, blinded endpoint, randomized controlled trial of patients with spontaneous ICH (<6h of onset and elevated systolic blood pressure (SBP, 150-220 mmHg assigned to intensive (target SBP <140 mmHg or guideline-recommended (SBP <180 mmHg BP treatment. We linked individual level hourly temperature to baseline data of 1997 participants, and performed case-crossover analyses using a distributed lag non-linear model with 24h lag period to assess the association of ambient temperature and risk of ICH. Results were presented as overall cumulative odds ratios (ORs and 95% CI.Low ambient temperature (≤10°C was associated with increased risks of ICH: overall cumulative OR was 1.37 (0.99-1.91 for 10°C, 1.92 (1.31-2.81 for 0°C, 3.13 (1.89-5.19 for -10°C, and 5.76 (2.30-14.42 for -20°C, as compared with a reference temperature of 20°C.There was no clear relation of low temperature beyond three hours after exposure. Results were consistent in sensitivity analyses.Exposure to low ambient temperature within several hours increases the risk of NCT00716079.

  1. Low free triiodothyronine levels predict symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage and worse short-term outcome of thrombolysis in patients with acute ischemia stroke. (United States)

    Qiu, Mingjing; Fang, Min; Liu, Xueyuan


    The aim of the study was to determine whether thyroid hormones level on admission in patients with ischemic stroke, treated with intravenous recombinant tissue type plasminogen activator (rtPA), was associated with symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) and worse outcomes at 3 months.Patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) receiving intravenous rtPA thrombolytic treatment on our stroke unit between January 2015 and June 2016 were included in this study. Serum-free triiodothyronine (fT3), free thyroxine (fT4), total triiodothyronine (tT3), total thyroxine (tT4), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were detected on admission. The endpoints were sICH, and poor functional outcomes at 3 and 6 months.In all, 159 patients (106 males; mean age 65.36 ± 10.02 years) were included. FT3 was independently associated with sICH (odds ratio [OR] 0.204, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.065-0.642) and poor outcomes at 3 months (OR 0.396, 95% CI 0.180-1.764). The cut-off values of fT3 for sICH was 3.54 pg/mL (sensitivity 83%; specificity 83%; area under the curve 0.88). FT3 values ≤3.54 pg/mL increased risk for sICH by 3.16-fold (95% CI 0.75-1.0) compared with fT3 values >3.54 pg/mL.Low fT3 levels at admission were independently associated with sICH and worse outcomes at 3 months in AIS patients receiving rtPA thrombolytic therapy.

  2. 30-Day Mortality and Readmission after Hemorrhagic Stroke among Medicare Beneficiaries in Joint Commission Primary Stroke Center Certified and Non-Certified Hospitals (United States)

    Lichtman, Judith H.; Jones, Sara B.; Leifheit-Limson, Erica C.; Wang, Yun; Goldstein, Larry B.


    Background and Purpose Ischemic stroke patients treated at Joint Commission Primary Stroke Center (JC-PSC) certified hospitals have better outcomes. Data reflecting the impact of JC-PSC status on outcomes after hemorrhagic stroke are limited. We determined whether 30-day mortality and readmission rates after hemorrhagic stroke differed for patients treated at JC-PSC certified versus non-certified hospitals. Methods The study included all fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries ≥65 years old with a primary discharge diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) or intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in 2006. Covariate-adjusted logistic and Cox proportional hazards regression assessed the effect of care at a JC-PSC certified hospital on 30-day mortality and readmission. Results There were 2,305 SAH and 8,708 ICH discharges from JC-PSC certified hospitals and 3,892 SAH and 22,564 ICH discharges from non-certified hospitals. Unadjusted in-hospital mortality (SAH: 27.5% vs. 33.2%, pmortality (SAH: 35.1% vs. 44.0%, pmortality was 34% lower (OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.58–0.76) after SAH and 14% lower (OR 0.86, 95% CI 0.80–0.92) after ICH for patients discharged from JC-PSC certified hospitals. There was no difference in 30-day risk-adjusted readmission rates for SAH or ICH based on JC-PSC status. Conclusions Patients treated at JC-PSC certified hospitals had lower risk-adjusted mortality rates for both SAH and ICH but similar 30-day readmission rates as compared with non-certified hospitals. PMID:22033986

  3. Intracranial hemorrhage in normotensive and hypertensive patients receiving streptokinase after decreasing elevated blood pressure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H Shemirani


    Full Text Available Background: Many patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction (AMI and eligible for thrombolytic therapy may not be treated because of association between hemorrhagic complications especially intracranial hemorrhage (ICH, and severe hypertension (HTN at presentation. Unfortunately, this leads to under use or delay in thrombolytic therapy. We assessed effect of decreasing elevated blood pressure before thrombolytic therapy in order to reduce the incidence of ICH without increasing mortality rate. Methods: This observational and analytical cohort study enrolled 293 patients (215males and 78 female with STsegment elevation (AMI that were hospitalized in emergency department of Noor hospital, Isfahan, Iran. Severe hypertension (blood pressure ≥180/110mmHg was diagnosed in 132 patients. All of them received 1.5 million units streptokinase within one hour intravenously. In the hypertensive group, elevated blood pressure was lowered to less than180/110mmhg before thrombolysis and they were observed to detect development of symptomatic ICH and they underwent Brain CT scan, if required. Results: The incidence of total stroke, ICH and death were 1.4%, 0.7% and 4.8%, respectively. The incidence of death and ICH in patients with severe hypertension was less than control group (P value=0.13 and 0.59, respectively Conclusion: Although we did not find any increase in ICH incidence in severe hypertensive patients treated be streptokinase due to AMI, but we recommend a multi-centric study with more cases and varied thrombolytic protocols. Key words: Acute myocardial infarction, Intracranial hemorrhage, Thrombolytic therapy

  4. The Intracranial-B2LEED3S Score and the Risk of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Ischemic Stroke Patients Under Antiplatelet Treatment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Amarenco, Pierre; Sissani, Leila; Labreuche, Julien; Vicaut, Eric; Bousser, Marie Germaine; Chamorro, Angel; Fisher, Marc; Ford, Ian; Fox, Kim M; Hennerici, Michael G; Mattle, Heinrich; Rothwell, Peter M; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Diener, Hans-Christoph; Sacco, Ralph L; Greving, Jacoba P; Algra, Ale


    BACKGROUND: Chronic antiplatelet therapy in the post-acute phase of non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke is limited by the risk of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) complications. METHODS: We developed an ICH risk score based on the PERFORM trial cohort (n = 19,100), which included patients with a

  5. Jak3, STAT3, and STAT5 inhibit expression of miR-22, a novel tumor suppressor microRNA, in cutaneous T-Cell lymphoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sibbesen, Nina A; Kopp, Katharina L; Litvinov, Ivan V


    the promoter of the miR-22 host gene, and (iii) inhibition of Jak3, STAT3, and STAT5 triggers increased expression of pri-miR-22 and miR-22. Curcumin, a nutrient with anti-Jak3 activity and histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) also trigger increased expression of pri-miR-22 and miR-22. Transfection...

  6. Utjecaj bakteriološke kakvoće mlijeka na trajnost pasteriziranog mlijeka


    Kršev, Ljerka; Tratnik, Ljubica; Pirjavec, Irena; Borović, Anica


    Tijekom ljetnog razdoblja kontrolirana je mikrobiološka kakvoća 10 skupnih uzoraka sirovog mlijeka. Nakon pasterizacije (80 °C/60") istih uzoraka određena je mikrobiološka kakvoća i održivost pri temperaturi okoline i pri +8 °C. Pasterizirano se mlijeko može čuvati do 5 dana.

  7. Uvod v tematski sklop

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Florence Gacoin-Marks


    Slovenski raziskovalni prostor seveda premore veliko več zanimivih raziskav v zvezi z Afriko, zato lahko samo obžalujemo, da nekateri raziskovalci pri tej publikaciji niso mogli sodelovati in da zato njihova stroka tukaj ni zastopana. Ob tej priložnosti se iskreno zahvaljujem vsem, ki so sodelovali pri projektu s kakovostnimi in raznovrstnimi razpravami.

  8. The Definition of a Prolonged Intensive Care Unit Stay for Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage Patients: An Application with National Health Insurance Research Database

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chien-Lung Chan


    Full Text Available Introduction. Length of stay (LOS in the intensive care unit (ICU of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (sICH patients is one of the most important issues. The disease severity, psychosocial factors, and institutional factors will influence the length of ICU stay. This study is used in the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD to define the threshold of a prolonged ICU stay in sICH patients. Methods. This research collected the demographic data of sICH patients in the NHIRD from 2005 to 2009. The threshold of prolonged ICU stay was calculated using change point analysis. Results. There were 1599 sICH patients included. A prolonged ICU stay was defined as being equal to or longer than 10 days. There were 436 prolonged ICU stay cases and 1163 nonprolonged cases. Conclusion. This study showed that the threshold of a prolonged ICU stay is a good indicator of hospital utilization in ICH patients. Different hospitals have their own different care strategies that can be identified with a prolonged ICU stay. This indicator can be improved using quality control methods such as complications prevention and efficiency of ICU bed management. Patients’ stay in ICUs and in hospitals will be shorter if integrated care systems are established.

  9. Intracranial hemorrhage after blunt head trauma in children with bleeding disorders. (United States)

    Lee, Lois K; Dayan, Peter S; Gerardi, Michael J; Borgialli, Dominic A; Badawy, Mohamed K; Callahan, James M; Lillis, Kathleen A; Stanley, Rachel M; Gorelick, Marc H; Dong, Li; Zuspan, Sally Jo; Holmes, James F; Kuppermann, Nathan


    To determine computerized tomography (CT) use and prevalence of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) in children with and without congenital and acquired bleeding disorders. We compared CT use and ICH prevalence in children with and without bleeding disorders in a multicenter cohort study of 43 904 children bleeding disorders; all had Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores of 14 to 15. These children had higher CT rates than children without bleeding disorders and GCS scores of 14 to 15 (risk ratio, 2.29; 95% CI, 2.15 to 2.44). Of the children who underwent imaging with CT, 2 of 186 children with bleeding disorders had ICH (1.1%; 95% CI, 0.1 to 3.8) , compared with 655 of 14 969 children without bleeding disorders (4.4%; 95% CI, 4.1-4.7; rate ratio, 0.25; 95% CI, 0.06 to 0.98). Both children with bleeding disorders and ICHs had symptoms; none of the children required neurosurgery. In children with head trauma, CTs are obtained twice as often in children with bleeding disorders, although ICHs occurred in only 1.1%, and these patients had symptoms. Routine CT imaging after head trauma may not be required in children without symptoms who have congenital and acquired bleeding disorders. Copyright © 2011 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Minimally Invasive Subcortical Parafascicular Transsulcal Access for Clot Evacuation (Mi SPACE for Intracerebral Hemorrhage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benjamin Ritsma


    Full Text Available Background. Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH is common and causes significant mortality and morbidity. To date, optimal medical and surgical intervention remains uncertain. A lack of definitive benefit for operative management may be attributable to adverse surgical effect, collateral tissue injury. This is particularly relevant for ICH in dominant, eloquent cortex. Minimally invasive surgery (MIS offers the potential advantage of reduced collateral damage. MIS utilizing a parafascicular approach has demonstrated such benefit for intracranial tumor resection. Methods. We present a case of dominant hemisphere spontaneous ICH evacuated via the minimally invasive subcortical parafascicular transsulcal access clot evacuation (Mi SPACE model. We use this report to introduce Mi SPACE and to examine the application of this novel MIS paradigm. Case Presentation. The featured patient presented with a left temporal ICH and severe global aphasia. The hematoma was evacuated via the Mi SPACE approach. Postoperative reassessments showed significant improvement. At two months, bedside language testing was normal. MRI tractography confirmed limited collateral injury. Conclusions. This case illustrates successful application of the Mi SPACE model to ICH in dominant, eloquent cortex and subcortical regions. MRI tractography illustrates collateral tissue preservation. Safety and feasibility studies are required to further assess this promising new therapeutic paradigm.

  11. Early Erythrolysis in the Hematoma After Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage (United States)

    Dang, Ge; Yang, Yuefan; Wu, Gang; Hua, Ya; Keep, Richard F.; Xi, Guohua


    Erythrolysis occurs in the clot after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and the release of hemoglobin causes brain injury but it is unclear when such lysis occurs. The present study examined early erythrolysis in rats. ICH rats had an intra-caudate injection of 100 µl autologous blood and sham rats had a needle insertion. All rats had T2 and T2* MRI scanning and brains were used for histology and CD163 (a hemoglobin scavenger receptor) and DARPP-32 (a neuronal marker) immunohistochemistry. There was marked heterogeneity within the hematoma on T2* MRI, with a hyper- or isointense core and a hypointense periphery. Hematoxylin and eosin staining in the same animals showed significant erythrolysis in the core with the formation of erythrocyte ghosts. The degree of erythrolysis correlated with the severity of perihematomal neuronal loss. Perihematomal CD163 was increased by day 1 after ICH and may be involved in clearing hemoglobin caused by early hemolysis. Furthermore, ICH resulted in more severe erythrolysis, neuronal loss and perihematomal CD163 upregulation in spontaneously hypertensive rats compared to Wistar Kyoto rats. In conclusions, T2*MRI detectable early erythrolysis occurred in the clot after ICH, and activated CD163. Hypertension is associated with enhanced erythrolysis in the hematoma. PMID:27783383

  12. Electric double-layer capacitor based on an ionic clathrate hydrate. (United States)

    Lee, Wonhee; Kwon, Minchul; Park, Seongmin; Lim, Dongwook; Cha, Jong-Ho; Lee, Huen


    Herein, we suggest a new approach to an electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC) that is based on a proton-conducting ionic clathrate hydrate (ICH). The ice-like structures of clathrate hydrates, which are comprised of host water molecules and guest ions, make them suitable for applications in EDLC electrolytes, owing to their high proton conductivities and thermal stabilities. The carbon materials in the ICH Me4NOH⋅5 H2O show a high specific capacitance, reversible charge-discharge behavior, and a long cycle life. The ionic-hydrate complex provides the following advantages in comparison with conventional aqueous and polymer electrolytes: 1) The ICH does not cause leakage problems under normal EDLC operating conditions. 2) The hydrate material can be utilized itself, without requiring any pre-treatments or activation for proton conduction, thus shortening the preparation procedure of the EDLC. 3) The crystallization of the ICH makes it possible to tailor practical EDLC dimensions because of its fluidity as a liquid hydrate. 4) The hydrate solid electrolyte exhibits more-favorable electrochemical stability than aqueous and polymer electrolytes. Therefore, ICH materials are expected to find practical applications in versatile energy devices that incorporate electrochemical systems. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Neuroprotection of brain-permeable iron chelator VK-28 against intracerebral hemorrhage in mice. (United States)

    Li, Qian; Wan, Jieru; Lan, Xi; Han, Xiaoning; Wang, Zhongyu; Wang, Jian


    Iron overload plays a key role in the secondary brain damage that develops after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). The significant increase in iron deposition is associated with the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which leads to oxidative brain damage. In this study, we examined the protective effects of VK-28, a brain-permeable iron chelator, against hemoglobin toxicity in an ex vivo organotypic hippocampal slice culture (OHSC) model and in middle-aged mice subjected to an in vivo, collagenase-induced ICH model. We found that the effects of VK-28 were similar to those of deferoxamine (DFX), a well-studied iron chelator. Both decreased cell death and ROS production in OHSCs and in vivo, decreased iron-deposition and microglial activation around hematoma in vivo, and improved neurologic function. Moreover, compared with DFX, VK-28 polarized microglia to an M2-like phenotype, reduced brain water content, deceased white matter injury, improved neurobehavioral performance, and reduced overall death rate after ICH. The protection of VK-28 was confirmed in a blood-injection ICH model and in aged-male and young female mice. Our findings indicate that VK-28 is protective against iron toxicity after ICH and that, at the dosage tested, it has better efficacy and less toxicity than DFX does.

  14. Cofilin Knockdown Attenuates Hemorrhagic Brain Injury-induced Oxidative Stress and Microglial Activation in Mice. (United States)

    Alhadidi, Qasim; Nash, Kevin M; Alaqel, Saleh; Sayeed, Muhammad Shahdaat Bin; Shah, Zahoor A


    Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) resulting from the rupture of the blood vessels in the brain is associated with significantly higher mortality and morbidity. Clinical studies focused on alleviating the primary injury, hematoma formation and expansion, were largely ineffective, suggesting that secondary injury-induced inflammation and the formation of reactive species also contribute to the overall injury process. In this study, we explored the effects of cofilin knockdown in a mouse model of ICH. Animals given stereotaxic injections of cofilin siRNA, 72-h prior to induction of ICH by collagenase injection within the area of siRNA administration showed significantly decreased cofilin expression levels and lower hemorrhage volume and edema, and the animals performed significantly better in neurobehavioral tasks i.e., rotarod, grip strength and neurologic deficit scores. Cofilin siRNA knocked-down mice had reduced ICH-induced DNA fragmentation, blood-brain barrier disruption and microglial activation, with a concomitant increase in astrocyte activation. Increased expression of pro-survival proteins and decreased markers of oxidative stress were also observed in cofilin siRNA-treated mice possibly due to the reduced levels of cofilin. Our results suggest that cofilin plays a major role in ICH-induced secondary injury, and could become a potential therapeutic target. Copyright © 2018 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Rheological behavior of clay-nanoparticle hybrid-added bentonite suspensions: specific role of hybrid additives on the gelation of clay-based fluids. (United States)

    Jung, Youngsoo; Son, You-Hwan; Lee, Jung-Kun; Phuoc, Tran X; Soong, Yee; Chyu, Minking K


    Two different types of clay nanoparticle hybrid, iron oxide nanoparticle clay hybrid (ICH) and Al(2)O(3)-SiO(2) nanoparticle clay hybrid (ASCH), were synthesized and their effects on the rheological properties of aqueous bentonite fluids in steady state and dynamic state were explored. When ICH particles were added, bentonite particles in the fluid cross-link to form relatively well-oriented porous structure. This is attributed to the development of positively charged edge surfaces in ICH that leads to strengthening of the gel structure of the bentonite susensions. The role of ASCH particles on the interparticle association of the bentonite fluids is different from that of ICH and sensitive to pH. As pH of ASCH-added bentonite suspensions increased, the viscosity, yield stress, storage modulus, and flow stress decreased. In contrast, at low pH, the clay suspensions containing ASCH additives were coagulated and their rheological properties become close to those of ICH added bentonite fluids. A correlation between the net surface charge of the hybrid additives and the rheological properties of the fluids indicates that the embedded nanoparticles within the interlayer space control the variable charge of the edge surfaces of the platelets and determine the particles association behavior of the clay fluids.

  16. Aspirin in Alzheimer's Disease Increased Risk of Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Cause for Concern?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thoonsen, Hanneke; Richard, Edo; Bentham, Peter; Gray, Richard; van Geloven, Nan; de Haan, Rob J.; van Gool, Willem A.; Nederkoorn, Paul J.


    Background and Purpose-In a randomized controlled trial in Alzheimer's disease (AD), we found a higher number of intracerebral hemorrhages (ICHs) in patients randomized to aspirin treatment. Here, we evaluate the literature on the risk of ICH as a complication in patients with AD treated with

  17. Parasiticidal effects of Morus alba root bark extracts against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis infecting grass carp (United States)

    Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich) is an important fish parasite that can result in significant losses in aquaculture. In order to find efficacious drugs to control Ich, the root bark of Morus alba, a traditional Chinese medicine, was evaluated for its antiprotozoal activity. The M. alba root bark w...

  18. Intracerebral hemorrhage in children | Zidan | Alexandria Journal of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in children is relatively less common as compared to adults. It could be traumatic or spontaneous. Objective: There are limited studies about ICH in children. In this study, we analyze the etiology, clinical features, management options and outcome assessment in this population.

  19. [Comparative assessment of MR-semiotics of acutest intracerebral hematomas in low- and extra high-field frequency magnetic resonance tomography]. (United States)

    Skvortsova, V I; Burenchev, D V; Tvorogova, T V; Guseva, O I; Prokhorov, A V; Smirnov, A M; Kupriianov, D A; Pirogov, Iu A


    An objective of the study was to compare sensitivity of low- and extra high-field frequency magnetic resonance (MR) tomography of acutest intracerebral hematomas (ICH) and to assess differences between symptoms in obtained images. A study was conducted using experimental ICH in rats (n=6). Hematomas were formed by two injections of autologic blood into the brain. MR-devices "Bio Spec 70/30" with magnetic field strength of 7 T and "Ellipse-150" with magnetic field strength of 0,15 T were used in the study. MR-tomography was carried out 3-5 h after the injections. Both MR-devices revealed the presence of pathological lesion in all animals. Extra highfield frequency MR-tomography showed the specific signs of ICH caused by the paramagnetic effect of deoxyhemoglobin in T2 and T2*-weighted images (WI) and low frequency MR-tomography - in T2*-WI only. The comparable sensitivity of low- and extra high-field frequency MR-devices in acutest ICH was established.

  20. Active extravasation of contrast within the hemorrhage (spot sign: a multidetector computed tomography finding that predicts growth and a worse prognosis in non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos Rosa Junior


    Full Text Available Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH causes high rates of disability and neurological sequelae Objective To evaluate spot signs as predictors of expansion and worse prognosis in non-traumatic ICH in a Brazilian cohort. Method We used multidetector computed tomography angiography to study 65 consecutive patients (40 men, 61.5%, with ages varying from 33 to 89 years (median age 55 years. Clinical and imaging findings were correlated with the findings based on the initial imaging. Results Of the individuals who presented a spot sign, 73.7% died (in-hospital mortality, whereas in the absence of a spot sign the mortality rate was 43.0%. Although expansion of ICH was detected in 75% of the patients with a spot sign, expansion was observed in only 9.0% of the patients who did not present a spot sign. Conclusions The spot sign strongly predicted expansion in non-traumatic ICH and an increased risk of in-hospital mortality.