
Sample records for sp durante parte


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    Full Text Available El crecimiento de la acuicultura de la tilapia roja (Oreochromis sp. en Colombia ha permitido desarrollar productos alimenticios de mayor valor agregado. Uno de estos productos, son las salchichas tipo Frankfurt. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue, analizar los parámetros fisicoquímicos que afectan la vida de anaquel de las salchichas, elaboradas con adición de almidón de sagú (Maranthaarundinacea como material ligante o extendedor. El diseño planteado permitió evaluar las salchichas empacadas al vacío y en condiciones de refrigeración (2°C ± 2°C, a los 0, 2, 6, 10, 15, 22, 27, 31, 45, 58, 100 y 120 días de almacenamiento para los parámetros fisicoquímicos. Las salchichas se elaboraron siguiendo el procedimiento desarrollado en el Laboratorio de Tecnología de Carnes de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia - sede Palmira a partir de una pasta de tilapia previamente elaborada.Se determinó humedad, proteína, grasas, carbohidratos, cenizas, valor energético, pH, capacidad de retención de humedad y actividad de agua. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que el valor nutricional y funcional de las salchichas no se altera durante los primeros 30 días de almacenamiento, lo cual concuerdan con datos reportados en la literatura, para salchichas elaboradas a partir de otras materias primas cárnicas.O crescimento da aqüicultura de tilapia vermelha (Oreochromis sp. na Colômbia tem permitido o desenvolvimento de produtos alimentares de maior valor agregado. Um desses produtos são salsichas Frankfurt. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os parâmetros físico-químicos que afetam a vida de prateleira de salsichas, preparado com adição de amido de sagu (Maranthaarundinacea, como um fichário ou material extensor. A avaliação design levantou permitido de salsichas embaladas a vácuo e sobrefrigeração (2°C ± 2°C em 0, 2, 6, 10, 15, 22, 27, 31, 45, 58, 100 e 120 dias de armazenamento para os parâmetros f

  2. Vivências da sexualidade durante a gravidez


    Cruz, Maria Diana Fernandes da


    Trabalho apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Enfermagem Sumário Durante o período de gravidez, existem uma série de mudanças biológicas, psicológicas, culturais e sociais, estas podem ter influência na vivência da sexualidade. A vivência da sexualidade durante esta fase pode ser entendida de diversas formas pela gestante, muitas vezes pode ser um factor importante para a satisfação das necessidades acrescidas d...

  3. Infeccion natural de Speothos venaticus (Carnivora: Canidae por estadios adultos de Lagochilascaris sp. Natural infection of Speothos venaticus (Carnívora: Canidae by adult Lagochilascaris sp.

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    Gregorio S. Volcán G.


    Full Text Available Un ejemplar adulto macho de Speothos venaticus Lund, 1842 fue muerto accidentalmente en una vía de penetración rural, situada en la región Noroeste del Estado Bolívar, Venezuela, en el Municipio donde desde hace 16 años vive una paciente con lagochilascariasis. El animal conservado durante un mes por congelación y desprovisto de su piel y cabeza fue autopsiado, hallándose en la tráquea dos especímenes adultos hembras y grávidos de Lagochilascaris sp., los cuales presentaban algunas características morfológicas de sus partes blandas diferentes a Lagochilascaris minor Leiper, 1909; entretanto, distintivos estables como son la forma de los interlabios, la localización de la vulva y particularmente el tamaño y número de las depresiones de la cáscara de los huevos, inclinan a pensar que se trata de aquel parásito, a pesar de no haberse hallado vermes machos que permitiesen el estudio de las espículas y su ducto eyaculador. Fueron localizadas en cortes histológicos de laringe y tráquea profundamente situadas, secciones de formas degeneradas con características atribuíbles a Lagochilascaris sp.An adult male Speothos venaticus Lund (bush dog was found killed on a rural road in the Northeast of Bolívar State, in a locality where a patient with lagochilascariasis has lived for the past 16 years. The animal was frozen for 1 month, and after removal of the head and skin, was autopsied. Two adult gravid females of Lagochilascaris sp. were found in the trachea. Certain morphological characteristics of the soft parts differed from the description given for Lagochilascaris minor Leiper, 1909; however, stable characters, such as the form of the interlabials, the location of the vulva, and particulary the size and number of depressions of the egg shell appear to indicate that the worms are of the above mentioned species. Unfortunately, no males were found for study of the spicules and ejaculatory duct. In histological sections of the larynx


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    Harold Ardila


    Full Text Available Se estudió la regulación espacio-temporalde la actividad enzimática y de los nivelestranscripcionales de la enzima fenilalaninaamonio liasa (PAL por sus siglas en inglésen clavel (Dianthus caryophyllusL. inoculado con el patógeno causal delmarchitamiento vascular. Se inocularoncon Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthiesquejes de dos variedades con diferenciasen los niveles de tolerancia a la enfermedad–Kiss (tolerante y Uconn (susceptible–y se realizaron muestreos posinoculacióna diferentes horas, tanto en eltallo como en la raíz, con el fin de evaluarlos parámetros en estudio. Se determinóque durante la infección con el patógeno,la variedad tolerante presentó inducciónde la actividad PAL en la raíz a las 48 horasde la inoculación. Esto indica que eneste órgano de la planta se estimula la rutafenilpropanoide, responsable de la generaciónde metabolitos fenólicos presentesen una alta diversidad de fenómenos asociadosa resistencia vegetal. Considerandoque durante la evaluación de los nivelesde transcripción en este órgano de laplanta mediante la técnica semicuantitativade transcripción reversa y la posteriorreacción en cadena de la polimerasa(RT-PCR por su nombre en inglés no sepresentó aumento importante en los niveles de mRNApara esta enzima, se evidenciala participación de mecanismos de regulaciónpostranscripcional que determinanla generación de la enzima activa. Enel tallo no se presentaron cambios en laactividad enzimática ni en los nivelestranscripcionales, lo cual indica que la regulaciónde la respuesta de defensa de laplanta está determinada por el órgano involucradoen el proceso de infección.

  5. Crecimiento y composición bioquímica de limnothrix sp. a diferentes salinidades y concentraciones de nitrato


    Lemus, Nathalie; Guevara Acosta, Miguel Angel; Lodeiros, César; Vásquez, Aleikar; Freites, Luis; Licet, Berenice


    Título en ingles: Growth and biochemical composition of Limnothrix sp. at different salinities and concentrations of nitrateTítulo corto: Crecimiento y composición bioquímica de Limnothrix sp.ResumenSe evalúo el efecto de la salinidad  (15, 25 y 35 UPS) y concentración de nitrato (4, 8 y 16 mmoles L-1) sobre el crecimiento y composición bioquímica de la  cianobacteria Limnothrix sp. (LAEP- 52) con miras a su explotación para fines biotecnológicos. La cianobacteria se cultivó durante 20 días...

  6. Incidencia de Chrysobothris sp. en cedro (Cedrela odorata) y caoba (Swietenia humilis) con o sin asocio a guineo (Musa balbissiana ABB) en Rivas, Nicaragua


    Sequeira, N Yilber; Bustos-Pérez, Irnan; González-Martínez, Álvaro José; Chavarría-Ñamendi, Francisco José


    Se analizó la incidencia de Chrysobothris sp. en cedro (Cedrela odorata) y caoba (Swietenia humilis) durante el periodo entre febrero a noviembre de 2014 bajo un Sistema Agroforestal “Taungya” en el departamento de Rivas, Nicaragua. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas de Chrysobothris sp. en cedro y caoba asociados o no asociados a guineo (Musa balbissiana ABB). La preferencia de Chrysobothris sp. fue tres veces mayor en cedro que caoba. El daño de la larva en el tallo p...

  7. La fidelidad cubana durante la edad de las revoluciones

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    Kuethe, Allan J.


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    La historiografía cubana tradicional explica la fidelidad de la perla de las Antillas durante las revoluciones americanas por razón del miedo al intimidante ejército español acuartelado en la isla y por miedo a que cualquier división política diera aliento a una sublevación de la masiva población esclava. Este artículo plantea la tesis de que el asunto fue mucho más complicado que lo que estas explicaciones dan a entender. Por una parte, el ejército de la isla llegó a estar esencialmente controlado por cubanos y, por otra, un movimiento revolucionario nació entre los elementos ilustrados; pero falló por la oposición abrumadora que surgió dentro de la propia clase criolla. La fidelidad cubana no se explica actualmente tanto por los temores como por las relaciones positivas que se crearon entre la corona española y las elites cubanas durante el siglo XVIII, sobre todo durante el reinado de Carlos III, relaciones que resultaron sumamente ventajosas para los azucareros que dominaban la vida económica y política de la isla.

  8. Factores de riesgo del bajo peso al nacer, Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Provincial de Sancti Spíritus, Cuba

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    Marcos Aurelio Grau Espinosa


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar algunos factores de riesgo que pudiera presentar la madre durante el embarazo, asociados con la incidencia de bajo peso al nacer (menos de 2500 g. Se diseñó un estudio con 378 casos y 649 controles del Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Provincial de Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, durante el año 1994. Los datos se obtuvieron de la historia clínica, el registro de partos y una entrevista personal con la madre. Se realizó un análisis bivariado y se controlaron los posibles factores de confusión utilizando la regresión logística dicotómica, mediante los programas Epi Info 5 y SPSS. Por medio del modelo multivariado final se identificaron como factores de riesgo significativos de bajo peso al nacer la hipertensión arterial durante el embarazo, la consulta extemporánea de evaluación del embarazo, los abortos anteriores, último intervalo intergenésico menor de 2 años y el aumento de peso materno menor de 8 kg. Se debe dar prioridad a estas tres últimas variables para mantener buenos indicadores en el programa maternoinfantil de la Provincia de Sancti Spíritus, Cuba.

  9. Draft genome sequences of six neonatal meningitis-causing escherichia coli isolates (SP-4, SP-5, SP-13, SP-16, SP-46, and SP-65) (United States)

    Neonatal meningitis Escherichia coli isolates (SP-4, SP-5, SP-13, SP-16, SP-46, and SP-65) were recovered from infants in the Netherlands from 1989 to 1997. Here, we report the draft genome sequences for these six E. coli isolates, which are currently being used to validate food safety processing te...

  10. Aumento de la temperatura en la superficie dental durante la foto-polimerización


    Hernández, Douglas Jarquín; Bonilla, Silvia


    ResumenSe sabe que durante el fotocurado de los materiales dentales se libera calor, ya sea por parte de la fuente emisora de luz o por la reacción de polimerización del compuesto utilizado. Este aumento de temperatura se transmite a los tejidos, el cual puede repercutir en ellos. Debido a esto, se realiza un estudio comparativo de la temperatura alcanzada durante la obturación y reconstrucción de piezas dentales in vitro, utilizando lámparas de fotocurado de tipo cuarzo-tungsteno-halógeno (Q...

  11. Persistencia y/o transformación de tricotecenos durante algunas etapas del procesamiento de trigo


    Samar, María Margarita


    La finalidad del presente trabajo fue obtener informaciónsobre la persistencia y / o transformación de tricotecenos durante algunas etapas de procesamiento del trigo para contribuir a la estimación de la exposición como consecuencia de la ingesta de alimentos elaborados con trigo potencialmente contaminados por tricotecenos en la Argentina. Las tendencias identificadas en los métodos analíticos para la determinación de tricotecenos, durante los años 1990-2000 en diferentes partes del mundo, m...


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    Elio José Santini


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar o comportamento da temperatura nas faces e no miolo de chapas de partículas aglomeradas, coladas com 8% de adesivo (base peso seco das partículas tanino-formaldeído. As chapas foram produzidas com três repetições por tratamento, com massa específica nominal de 0,7 g/cm³ e pressão específica de prensagem de 27 kgf/cm². Os tratamentos basearam-se na utilização de flocos de pinus (Pinus elliottii e partículas de eucalipto (Eucalytus sp, sendo que os flocos de pinus apresentavam três diferentes comprimentos nominais (40, 75 e 110 mm e duas espessuras (0,5 e 1,0 mm. Também foram analisados duas temperaturas de prensagem (140 e 180°C e dois teores de umidade nominal do colchão (17 e 21%. A temperatura no interior dos painéis durante a prensagem foi obtida por meio de fios para termopares tipo K (cromo-alumel. Os gráficos da temperatura em função do tempo de prensagem mostraram uma rápida elevação da temperatura nos primeiros 100 segundos de prensagem, mantendo-se num plateau possivelmente após atingir a temperatura de ebulição da água. A temperatura voltou a aumentar, de forma mais gradual, após a perda de grande parte da umidade do colchão. Observa-se que colchões formados por flocos de maior espessura apresentaram elevação mais rápida de temperatura no miolo. O principal fator que influenciou na velocidade de elevação da temperatura no miolo dos painéis aglomerados foi o teor de umidade do colchão, sendo que quanto maior o teor de umidade, mais rápida foi a elevação da temperatura.

  13. Comparação entre a atividade EMG do peitoral maior, deltóide anterior e tríceps braquial durante os exercícios supino reto e crucifixo Comparación entre la actividad EMG del pectoral mayor, deltoide anterior y tríceps braquial durante los ejercicios supino recto y cruz Comparison among the EMG activity of the pectoralis major, anterior deltoidis and triceps brachii during the bench press and peck deck exercises (200/2005

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    Valdinar de Araújo Rocha Júnior


    Full Text Available A identificação das peculiaridades de cada movimento e sua adequação aos objetivos do treinamento é uma tarefa que exige a interação de vários conhecimentos. Tal tarefa é fundamental para o sucesso nas diversas modalidades esportivas e programas de treinamento com fins de reabilitação e/ou estética. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a atividade eletromiográfica (EMG dos músculos peitoral maior (PM, deltóide anterior (DA e tríceps braquial (TB durante a execução dos exercícios supino reto com barra (SP e crucifixo na máquina (CR. As atividades EMG dos músculos PM, DA e TB foram avaliadas durante a realização de 10 repetições máximas no CR e SP em 13 homens treinados. Os resultados não revelaram diferenças na atividade do PM e DA entre os exercícios. A atividade do TB foi maior na realização do SP em comparação com o CR. Durante o SP, a atividade do PM foi maior em relação ao TB, sem diferenças entre PM e DA ou DA e TB. No CR, a atividade do PM e a do DA foram maiores em relação ao TB, sem diferenças entre DA e PM. De acordo com os resultados obtidos no presente estudo pode-se concluir que, caso o objetivo do treinamento seja promover estímulos para o DA ou PM, ambos os exercícios podem ser usados, dependendo da disponibilidade de materiais e/ou da especificidade da atividade motora na qual se procura melhorar a performance.La identificación de las peculiaridades de cada movimiento y su adecuación a los objetivos de entrenamiento es una tarea que exige la interacción de varias áreas de conocimiento. Tal tarea es fundamental para el éxito en las diversas modalidades deportivas y programas de entrenamiento con fines de rehabilitación y/o estética. El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido comparar la actividad electromiográfica (EMG de los músculos pectoral mayor (PM, deltoides anterior (DA y tríceps braquial (TB durante la ejecución de los ejercicios supino recto con barra (SP y de cruz en

  14. Effect of Indigenous Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. Strains on Yield and Main Chemical Growth Parameters of Radicchio

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    Stanojković-Sebić Aleksandra


    Full Text Available Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. belong to plant growth promoting rhizobacteria which are able to colonize the plants roots and stimulate growth. In this study, the effect of two indigenous plant growth promoting rhizobacterial strains Pseudomonas sp. Q4 and Bacillus sp. Q10 and their mixture (mix Q4+Q10 on content of the main chemical growth parameters (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium and the yield of dry biomass of radicchio (Cichorium spp. var. rossa di treviso aerial parts and root, was investigated. The study was carried out with stagnosol type of soil in pot experiments under semi-controlled conditions in the Institute of Soil Science (Belgrade, in the period from July to October in 2013. Phosphorus was determined by spectrophotometer, potassium - by flame emission photometry and total nitrogen and carbon - using elemental CNS analyzer, while calcium and magnesium were determined by AAS. The data on yield of both aerial parts and root dry biomass of radicchio showed that its treatment with Q4 and Q10 strains, as well as with their mixture, caused noticeably increase in this parameter in relation to the control, whereby the strain Q4 was more effective for aerial parts, while mix Q4+Q10 - for roots. The obtained data on the studied chemical parameters of radicchio root and aerial parts were in total accordance with their yield. Concluding, studied strains have a potential in promoting the biomass yield and main chemical growth parameters of both aerial parts and root of radicchio.

  15. The use of acetonitrile as the sole nitrogen and carbon source by Geotrichum sp. JR1 Uso de acetonitrila como única fonte de carbono e nitrogênio por Geotrichum sp. JR1

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    Rachel Passos Rezende


    Full Text Available A yeast strain identified as Geotrichum sp. JR1 was able to use acetonitrile as the sole carbon and nitrogen source. The strain grew in 0.5 to 2M acetonitrile. Ammonia generation as enzymatic product during the strain growth indicates the presence of an acetonitrile degrading enzyme. Acetic acid and acetamide were detected during assays with the resting cells cultivated in acetonitrile, indicating the presence of nitrile and amide degrading enzymes. This paper is the first to describe the use of acetonitrile as the sole carbon and nitrogen source by a yeast.Uma linhagem de levedura identificada como Geotrichum sp. JR1 foi capaz de utilizar acetonitrila, em concentrações de 0,5 a 2M, como única fonte de carbono e de nitrogênio. A geração de amônia durante o crescimento do microrganismo indica a presença de sistema enzimático capaz de degradar acetonitrila. Durante os ensaios enzimáticos, com células cultivadas em acetonitrila, foram detectados ácido acético e acetamida como produtos indicando a presença de sistema enzimático capaz de degradar acetonitrila e acetamida. Este trabalho é o primeiro a descrever a utilização de acetonitrila como única fonte de carbono e de nitrogênio por uma levedura.

  16. Control of Branchionus sp. and Amoeba sp. in cultures of Arthrospira sp. Control de Branchionus sp. y Amoeba sp. en cultivos de Arthrospira sp.

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    Carlos Méndez


    Full Text Available Cultivation of cyanobacterium Arthrospira sp. has been developed in many countries for the production of proteins, pigments and other compounds. Outdoor mass cultures are often affected by biological contamination, drastically reducing productivity as far as bringing death. This study evaluates the control of Branchionus sp. and Amoeba sp. with two chemical compounds: urea (U and ammonium bicarbonate (AB, in laboratory conditions and outdoor mass culture of Arthrospira sp. The lethal concentration 100 (LC100 at 24 h for Branchionus sp. and Amoeba sp. determined was of 60-80 mg L-1 (U and 100-150 mg L-1 (AB. The average effective inhibition concentration for 50% of the population (IC50 in Arthrospira sp., after 72 h, was 80 mg L-1 (U and 150 mg L-1 (AB. The application of doses of 60 mg L-1 (U or 100 mg L-1 (AB in the outdoor mass culture of this contaminated microalga, completely inhibited grazing and did not affect the growth of Arthrospira sp. but rather promoted rapid recovery of algal density at levels prior to infestation. These compounds provided an economical and effective control of predators in cultures of Arthrospira sp.El cultivo de la cianobacteria Arthrospira sp. ha sido desarrollado en muchos países para la obtención de proteínas, pigmentos y otros compuestos. Cultivo que a nivel industrial se ve afectado frecuentemente por contaminación biológica, reduciendo drásticamente la productividad hasta causar la muerte. Este estudio evalúa el control de Branchionus sp. y de Amoeba sp. con dos compuestos químicos, la urea (U y bicarbonato de amonio (AB en cultivos de Arthrospira sp. La concentración letal 100 (LC100 determinada a las 24 h para Branchionus sp. y Amoeba sp. fue de 60-80 mg L-1 (U y 100-150 mg L-1 (AB. La concentración media de inhibición efectiva, después de 72 h, para el 50% de la población (IC50 en Arthrospira fue de 80 mg L-1 (U y 150 mg L-1 (AB. La aplicación de dosis de 60 mg L-1 (U ó 100 mg L-1 (AB en





    El crecimiento de la acuicultura de la tilapia roja (Oreochromis sp.) en Colombia ha permitido desarrollar productos alimenticios de mayor valor agregado. Uno de estos productos, son las salchichas tipo Frankfurt. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue, analizar los parámetros fisicoquímicos que afectan la vida de anaquel de las salchichas, elaboradas con adición de almidón de sagú (Maranthaarundinacea) como material ligante o extendedor. El diseño planteado permitió evaluar las salchichas empa...


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    Marcelo Neira Navarro


    Full Text Available El presente artículo permitió generar una serie de categorías de castigos femeninos, considerando que durante buena parte del siglo XIX la policía pudo aplicar "justicia correccional", es decir, sancionar delitos menores. De un universo de más de 32.000 arrestos efectuados en la ciudad de Santiago de Chile entre los años 1830 a 1840 y utilizando el criterio "femenino", el levantamiento logró una muestra que alcanzó al 12% del total. Los datos sistematizados permiten señalar que durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX el delito femenino fue parte importante de la actividad represiva en Chile y dio origen a un castigo relacionado a la Cárcel Correccional. Aunque también se observan otras penas como trabajo de casa formal o encierro en monasterios, forman parte de un circuito restrictivo en función del encierro de mujeres.The present article allowed to generate a series of categories of female punishments, considering that during a great part of the XIX century the police could apply "correctional justice", in other words, punish minor offences. In a universe of more than 32,000 arrest in the city of Santiago, Chile between the years 1830 and 1840 and using a "female" criteria, the uprising achieved a sample that reached 12% of the total. The systematized information shows that during the firt half of the xix century the female offence was an important part of the repressive activity in Chile and it gave origin to a punishment related to a correctional. Even though some other punishments were observed such a work in a formal house or monastery confinemet, they formed part of a restricting circuit functioning with the confinement of women.

  19. Efecto de la Infección de Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea en Hospederos Alternos / Effect of Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea Infection on Alternate Hosts


    Ivón Magaly Arcila Aristizábal; Elena Paola González Jaimes; Catalina María Zuluaga Amaya; Mauricio Alejandro Marín Montoya; José Miguel Cotes Torres


    Resumen. Como una de las posibles medidas de manejo deaplicación práctica para la reducción de inóculo de Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea en suelos infestados con quistosoros del patógeno, se evaluó la incidencia de su infección en diferentes plantas hospederas durante tres siembras consecutivas. Las siembras se realizaron en macetas que contenían 2 kg de suelo previamente inoculados con una concentración de 1x105quistosoros.g-1 de suelo; las cosechas de las plantas se realizaron c...

  20. Comportamiento del arrastre de partículas en los gases durante el secado del mineral laterítico en tambores cilíndricos rotatorios

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    Alexis García-Pérez


    Full Text Available Se utiliza un método estadístico-matemático de planificación de experimentos para la investigación del comportamiento del arrastre de partículas finas en los gases durante el secado del mineral laterítico en uno de los secadores en condiciones normales de operación. En un segundo se eliminaron los levantadores sectoriales en el último tercio del equipo, y se analizó en ambos la influencia de los gases residuales provenientes de la planta de hornos de reducción. Se obtiene la correlación y regresión entre las variables de entrada más importantes que intervienen en el proceso: velocidad de los gases en el interior del cilindro (V, contenido de humedad de los gases (W, y el arrastre de partículas (A como variable de salida. Los resultados obtenidos ofrecen alentadoras perspectivas sobre la generalización industrial de la propuesta.

  1. Surfactant protein D (SP-D) deficiency is attenuated in humanised mice expressing the Met(11)Thr short nucleotide polymorphism of SP-D

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Lars; Ochs, Katharina; Boxler, Laura


    Surfactant protein D (SP-D) is part of the innate immune system involved in lung homeostasis. SP-D knockout mice show accumulations of foamy alveolar macrophages, alveolar lipoproteinosis and pulmonary emphysema. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been described in the coding...

  2. Seroprevalencia de Leptospira sp., Rickettsia sp. Ehrlichia sp. en trabajadores rurales del departamento de Sucre, Colombia Seroprevalence of Leptospira sp., Rickettsia sp. and Ehrlichia sp. in rural workers of Sucre, Colombia

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    Rodrigo Ríos


    Full Text Available Objective. Determinar la seroprevalencia de Leptospira sp., Rickettsia sp. y Ehrlichia sp. en trabajadores de áreas rurales del departamento de Sucre. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio escriptivo, prospectivo, de corte transversal, que pretendió determinar la seroprevalencia e Leptospira sp., Rickettsia sp. y Ehrlichia sp. en 90 trabajadores de áreas rurales del departamento de Sucre. Se estableció la presencia de anticuerpos séricos anti-IgM específicos anti-Leptospira por la técnica de ELISA indirecta. Para la determinación de Rickettsia sp. y Ehrlichia sp. se uso la técnica de inmunofluorescencia indirecta. Resultados. La población evaluada estaba compuesta por 27 (30% ordeñadores, 21 (23% jornaleros, 18 (20% profesionales del campo y 24 (27% que realizaban otras actividades. Ventidós (24% muestras resultaron positivas en alguna de las pruebas. De éstas, 12 (13,3% fueron positivas para Leptospira sp., 7 (7,8% para Rickettsia sp. y 3 (3,3% ara Ehrlichia sp. Conclusión. Este fue el primer estudio que se llevó a cabo en el departamento de Sucre y permitió demostrar que existe una prevalencia importante de Leptospira p.,Rickettsia sp. y Ehrlichia sp.. Los factores de riesgo ocupacional fueron factores determinantes en la seropositividad.Objective. To determine the seroprevalence of Leptospira sp., Rickettsia sp. and Ehrlichia sp. in agricultural workers of Sucre. Methods. A descriptive prospective cross-sectional study was conducted in ninety rural workers of Sucre. Presence of serum antibodies anti-IgM specific anti-Leptospira by indirect ELISA was established. For the determination of Rickettsia and Ehrlichia indirect inmunoflorescence was used. Results.The population was composed by 27 (30% milkers, 21 (23% day workers, 18 farm professionals (20% and 24 (26% workers in others activities. A total of 22 (24% samples were positive to some test. Twelve (13.3% were positive to Leptospira sp., seven (7.8% to Rickettsia sp

  3. Abuso físico y sexual durante la niñez y revictimización de las mujeres mexicanas durante la edad adulta Physical and sexual abuse during childhood and revictimization during adulthood in Mexican women

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    Leonor Rivera-Rivera


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Cuantificar la asociación que existe entre el abuso físico y sexual durante la niñez y la violencia durante la edad adulta en una muestra representativa de usuarias de los servicios de salud en México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se analizaron datos provenientes de una encuesta nacional, con una muestra de 26 042 mujeres mayores de 14 años, quienes acudieron a consulta a los servicios públicos de salud entre octubre de 2002 y marzo de 2003, en los 32 estados de la República. Se utilizaron dos modelos: a Modelo de regresión logística politómica múltiple para explorar las asociaciones entre violencia física y sexual por parte de la pareja y violencia durante la niñez. b Modelo de regresión logística múltiple para evaluar la asociación entre violación durante la edad adulta y violencia durante la niñez. RESULTADOS: Se encontró una asociación entre experimentar violencia física durante la niñez, y padecer violencia física y sexual por parte de la pareja o sufrir violación durante la edad adulta. Cuando la mujer informó que había recibido golpes "casi siempre" durante la niñez, era más probable que experimentara violencia física y sexual (RM=3.1; IC95% 2.6-3.7 y violación (RM=2.9; IC95% 2.4-3.6 durante la edad adulta. Además, mientras más frecuente había sido la violencia durante la niñez, era mayor la posibilidad de que la mujer sufriera violencia posteriormente. Asimismo, se encontró una asociación positiva entre violencia física y sexual por parte de la pareja y abuso sexual antes de los 15 años de edad. (RM=2.8; IC95% 2.2-3.5. La violación sufrida en la edad adulta también estuvo asociada al abuso sexual antes de los 15 años de edad (RM=11.8; IC95% 10.2-13.7. CONCLUSIONES: La violencia sufrida durante la niñez crea un cuadro de resultados negativos, tanto psicológicos como físicos, y uno de ellos es la revictimización. Es decir, las mujeres que son víctimas de violencia durante la niñez tienen

  4. Preservacão de micélio de Batkoa sp. E. Furia sp. (Entomophthorales) em combinaçao com dessecantes e rudutores de oxigênio


    Leite, Luis G.; Alves, Sérgio B.; Filho, Antonio Batista; Almeida, J. E. M.; Roberts, Donald W.


    PRESERVATION OF BATKOA SP. AND FURIA SP. (ENTOMOPHTHORALES )DRY MYCELIUM WITH COMBINATIONS OF DESICCANTS AND OXYGEN REDUCERS. Formulation is the most difficult part of Entomophthorales development as biopesticides and bioacaricides, and has caused difficulty in evaluating the Batkoa sp. and Furia sp. for the control of the cercopids Mahanarva fimbriolata and Deois schach, pests of sugar-cane and pastures. A technique for producing dry mycelium of Entomophthorales was previously developed to a...


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    Full Text Available La presente investigación se realizó con el fin de determinar las características de textura en salchichas, elaboradas a partir de tilapia roja con inclusión de harina de sagú (Marantha arundinacea como material ligante o extendedor, durante el proceso de almacenamiento. Se planteó un diseño que permitió hacer una evaluación a los 0, 2, 6, 10, 15, 22, 27, 31, 45, 58, 100 y 120 días posteriores a la elaboración de las salchichas. Éstas se elaboraron a partir de una pasta base denominada surimi y bajo una tecnología desarrollada en el laboratorio de Tecnología de Carnes de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia - sede Palmira. Una vez elaboradas las salchichas, se empacaron al vacío y se mantuvieron en refrigeración a temperatura de 2°C ± 2. Se determinaron, utilizando un texturómetro Shimadzu Universal Tester EZTest EZ-S, los parámetros de dureza (kg m s-², elasticidad (adimensional, cohesividad (adimensional, adhesividad (kgm²s-², gomosidad (kgms-² y masticabilidad(kg. Para el esfuerzo al corte se utilizó una cuchilla como elemento tajante. Elasticidad, cohesividad y adhesividad no mostraron diferencia significativa (α > 0,05 durante el tiempo de almacenamiento de las salchichas, mientras que la gomosidad y la masticación solo mostraron una diferencia comparando el día 6 con el 100. Se concluyó que durante el tiempo de almacenamiento los parámetros de perfil de textura y esfuerzo al corte, aunque presentaron algunas variaciones no influyeron directamente en los tiempos de almacenamiento de las salchichas mantenidas bajo las condiciones anotadas.Esta pesquisa foi realizada para determinar as características de textura em salsichas feitas de tilápia vermelha incluindo farínha de sagu (Marantha arundinacea como um material ligante ou extensor durante o processo de armazenamento. Ele levantou um projeto que permitiu uma avaliação de 0, 2, 6, 10, 15, 22, 27, 31, 45, 58, 100 e 120 dias após o preparo de salsichas

  6. Beta-Glucan Synthase Gene Expression in Pleurotus sp

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azhar Mohamad; Nie, H.J.


    Pleurotus sp. is a popular edible mushroom, containing various functional component, in particular, Beta-glucan. Beta-glucans is a part of glucan family of polysaccharides and supposedly contribute to medicinal and nutritional value of Pleurotus.sp. In order to understand the distribution of Beta-glucan in Pleurotus.sp, the Beta-glucan synthase gene expression was determined and compared in different part of Pleurotus, namely mycelium, stripe and cap. The Pleurotus.sp RNA was extracted using commercial kit, employing Tissuelyser ll (Qiagen, USA) to disrupt the cell walls. Then the RNA was quantified by Nano drop (Thermo Fisher, USA) and visualized using denaturing agarose gel. RNA with good OD 260.280 reading (∼2.0) was chosen and converted to cDNA. Using Laccase synthase gene as home keeping gene, Beta-glucan synthase gene expression was quantified using CFX 96 Real Time PCR detection system (Biorad, USA). Preliminary result shows that Beta-glucan synthase was relatively expressed the most in stripe, followed by mycelium and barely in cap. (author)

  7. La fidelidad cubana durante la edad de las revoluciones


    Kuethe, Allan J.


    Not available.

    La historiografía cubana tradicional explica la fidelidad de la perla de las Antillas durante las revoluciones americanas por razón del miedo al intimidante ejército español acuartelado en la isla y por miedo a que cualquier división política diera aliento a una sublevación de la masiva población esclava. Este artículo plantea la tesis de que el asunto fue mucho más complicado que lo que estas explicaciones dan a entender. Por una parte, el ejército de la isl...

  8. Efeito de extratos vegetais no controle de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp tracheiphilum em sementes de caupi Effect of naturals extracts on the control of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp tracheiphilum in cowpea seeds

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    Jandiê Araújo da Silva


    Full Text Available A fusariose é uma doença de grande importância para a cultura do feijoeiro em virtude da redução da produtividade. O controle da doença vem sendo realizado com aplicações indiscriminadas de fungicidas químicos, acarretando problemas ao homem e ao meio ambiente. Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, avaliar o efeito de extratos vegetais no controle de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp tracheiphilum, proveniente de sementes de caupi, comparando-se com o efeito do fungicida químico. Utilizaram-se extratos de alho, angico e manjericão, isolados ou combinados entre si e ou em associação ao fungicida Mancozeb. Uma alíquota de 50 µL de cada tratamento foi adicionada em orifício feito no centro das placas de Petri com BDA, sobre o qual depositou-se um disco de micélio do fungo. Avaliou-se durante sete dias, medindo-se o crescimento micelial do patógeno. Sementes de caupi foram desinfestadas com hipoclorito de sódio a 4,0%, semeadas em sacos de polietileno contendo solo autoclavado. Oito dias após germinação, efetuaram-se ferimentos no colo das plântulas, aplicando-se suspensão de esporos do fungo (1,4 x 10-5 con/mL. As avaliações de severidade da doença foram realizadas diariamente durante 30 dias após a inoculação, utilizando-se escala de notas. Os extratos combinados de alho + manjericão e angico + manjericão não inibiram o crescimento micelial do fungo, enquanto o extrato de manjericão isoladamente, proporcionou o menor crescimento micelial, indicando a ação fungicida e inibitória desse tratamento sobre o fungo F. oxysporum f. sp tracheiphilum nas condições analisadas. O fungicida Mancozeb + o extrato de angico proporcionou menor média de severidade nas plantas avaliadas.Wilt caused by Fusarium sp. in cowpea crop is a disease of great importance because it causes yield decrease. The control of this disease has been accomplished with uncontrolled applications of chemical fungicides causing problems for humans and

  9. Redes sociales, acción colectiva y elecciones: los usos de Facebook por el movimiento estudiantil chileno durante la campaña electoral de 2013


    Lázaro M. Bacallao-Pino


    Los estudios recientes sobre las redes sociales digitales han analizado, por un lado, sus usos como parte de la acción colectiva y, por otro, sus usos durante las campañas electorales. Basado en el estudio del movimiento estudiantil chileno durante la campaña electoral de 2013 en ese país, el texto analiza los usos de Facebook por parte de tres federaciones estudiantiles que integran dicho movimiento. Los resultados indican que se priorizan las dimensiones informativa y organizativa en los us...

  10. Falhas na identificação da infecção pelo HIV durante a gravidez em São Paulo, SP, 1998

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    HHS Marques


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O aumento de casos de Aids em mulheres no Estado de São Paulo desencadeou uma série de medidas para reduzir a transmissão materno-infantil do HIV. Assim, realizou-se estudo com o objetivo de avaliar falhas na implantação dessas medidas, do ponto de vista da cobertura e da qualidade do pré-natal, em serviços de referência que atendem mulheres soropositivas no Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Foram entrevistadas, por meio de questionário estruturado, todas as mulheres soropositivas de três cidades do Estado de São Paulo (São Paulo, Santos e São José do Rio Preto. Todas as mulheres possuíam no mínimo 18 anos de idade, tiveram filhos em 1998 e fizeram consulta com infectologista (ela mesma ou seu filho. As mulheres foram avaliadas quanto à realização do pré-natal e ao conhecimento da soropositividade para o HIV antes, durante ou após a gestação. RESULTADOS: Do total de 116 mulheres, 109 (94% fizeram pré-natal, 64% procuraram os serviços durante o primeiro trimestre, e o número de consultas foi de pelo menos três em 80% dos casos. A idade média das mulheres que fizeram pré-natal foi de 29,1 anos, estatisticamente maior do que a das mulheres que não o fizeram (24,3 anos. Sabiam ser soropositivas antes de engravidar 45% das mulheres, 38% souberam durante a gravidez, e 17%, após o nascimento da criança. O teste para o HIV foi oferecido para 82% das mulheres que não conheciam seu status sorológico. Destas, apenas 56% receberam explicação sobre a importância do teste. As unidades básicas de saúde (UBS foram os locais onde a informação menos ajudou a conhecer o risco para a criança (p=0,037 e a necessidade de tratamento (p=0,0142. CONCLUSÕES: As principais falhas identificadas foram o não-oferecimento do teste HIV durante a gestação e a inadequada qualidade da informação. O principal local de atendimento para essas pessoas são as UBS. Estas foram as que menos contribuíram para a compreensão dos

  11. Post-neonatal drop in alveolar SP-A expression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stray-Pedersen, Arne; Vege, Ashild; Stray-Pedersen, Asbjorg


    BACKGROUND: Surfactant protein A (SP-A) is synthesized in the lung and is a part of the innate immune system. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of SP-A in lung tissue from fetuses, infants, children and adults with special regard to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). METHODS......: A total of 160 cases were studied; 19 fetuses and neonates, 59 SIDS and 49 explained infant deaths below 1 year of age, 19 toddlers and 14 adults. Immunohistochemical detection of SP-A using monoclonal antibodies was performed by microscopy of lung tissue specimens collected at autopsy. A scoring system...

  12. Multimeric and trimeric subunit SP-D are interconvertible structures with distinct ligand interaction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Grith Lykke; Hoegh, Silje V; Leth-Larsen, Rikke


    -D compared to Met11 SP-D. Multimerization has proven important for enhancement of microbial phagocytosis. In the present study defined multimeric forms of Met11Thr SP-D were isolated from human amniotic fluid. Implementation of ManNAc-affinity chromatography allowed high recovery of natural trimeric SP......-D multimers. Trimeric SP-D subunits also showed greater binding to endogenous lipoproteins: LDL, oxLDL, and HDL, than multimeric SP-D. In conclusion, purified trimeric and multimeric SP-D represent separate and only partly interconvertible molecular populations with distinct biochemical properties....

  13. Uso de hipoglicemiantes orales durante la lactancia


    Hwang,Du Young; Carvajal,Jorge A


    Antecedentes: Los hipoglicemiantes orales son una alternativa emergente en el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG), pero existe poca información acerca de su uso durante la lactancia. Objetivo: Revisar la evidencia respecto a la seguridad del uso de los hipoglicemiantes orales durante la lactancia. Resultados: Encontramos 3 trabajos que evaluaron el paso de metformina a la leche materna: hubo traspaso de metformina a leche materna en todos los casos. La concentración de metfo...

  14. El testimonio ante la cámara. Memoria de los fusilados y desaparecidos durante la Guerra Civil Española

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    Sabin Egilior


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la estrategia metodológica puesta en práctica por parte de un equipo de profesionales de la Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi para realizar el trabajo de campo durante tres años (2003-2006, utilizando el vídeo como herramienta, en torno a la memoria de los fusilados y desaparecidos durante la Guerra Civil Española. Explica la preparación del trabajo, describe su desarrollo a través de ejemplos concretos y recoge algunas concusiones extraídas tras el proceso.

  15. Comportamiento de algunos parámetros de los azúcares crudos analizados durante el quinquenio 2006-2010. Parte 2


    Roberto J. Rodríguez-Mambuca; Julián Rodríguez-López; Jesús Mesa-Oramas; Alejandra Sánchez-Herrera; Miriam Gay-Querol Camacho


    El objetivo del presente trabajo es brindar información sobre el comportamiento de diferentes parámetros con incidencia en la calidad del azúcar crudo producido durante el quinquenio 2006-2010 tales como: par- tículas ferromagnéticas, ceniza, granulometría, insolubles, dextrana y almidón, y evaluar las tendencias de esos índices por provincias.

  16. Aclimatização de orquídea (Cymbidium sp. em resposta à aplicação de ácidos húmicos

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    Lílian Estrela Borges Baldotto


    Full Text Available A aclimatização de mudas de orquídeas propagadas in vitro é um processo lento e que pode ser beneficiado com o uso de bioestimulantes, como, por exemplo, as substâncias húmicas. O presente trabalho objetivou estudar o crescimento de Cymbidium sp. em resposta à aplicação de ácidos húmicos extraídos de compostos orgânicos de cama de frango (AHcf e de esterco bovino (AHeb durante o período de aclimatização. As plantas micropropagadas foram imersas nas soluções de 0, 10, 20, 30 e 40mmol L-1 de C na forma de AHcf e de AHeb e aclimatizadas em viveiro. Aos 150 dias, as plantas foram coletadas para medição das variáveis: número de folhas, altura da planta, diâmetro do caule, matéria fresca da raiz e da parte aérea, matéria seca da raiz, da parte aérea e total, relação entre raiz:parte aérea. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, contraste e análise de regressão. Os resultados mostraram incrementos no acúmulo de matéria seca total das plantas com a aplicação da concentração de 18,75mmol L-1 de C de AHcf e de 3,77mmol L-1 de C de AHeb, com incrementos em relação ao controle de 21 e 28%, respectivamente. Conclui-se que o uso dos ácidos húmicos nas doses indicadas acelera o crescimento das mudas propagadas in vitro de Cymbidium sp., favorecendo a diminuição do período necessário de aclimatização.

  17. Producción de quistosoros de Spongospora subterranea (Walk. Lagerh f. sp. subterranea Tomlinson durante un ciclo de cultivo de papa en tres tipos de suelo

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    Wilmar Pérez-Pérez


    Full Text Available La sarna polvosa es causada por el protista Spongospora subterranea (Walk. Lagerh f. sp. subterranea Tomlinson, un parásito obligado el cual replica en raíces y tubérculos de papa (Solanum tuberosum. Esta replicación resulta en estructuras de resistencia denominadas quistosoros. En este estudio se investigó la producción de quistosoros en papa variedad Diacol Capiro, cultivada en tres tipos de suelos: Inceptisol, Entisol, y Andisol, infestados con quistosoros. La concentración de este parásito se determinó en el suelo a la siembra (inicial, a la senescencia de las plantas (cosecha y dos meses más tarde, cuando las plantas estaban desintegradas (poscosecha. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con dos tratamientos y tres niveles cada uno. Un tratamiento fue el tipo de suelo con los niveles Inceptisol, Entisol y Andisol; y el otro, el tiempo de muestreo con los niveles Inicial, Cosecha y Poscosecha. Adicionalmente, se realizó un ensayo de regresión simple para analizar la correlación de la concentración inicial y final de quistosoros. En todos los tipos de suelo la concentración aumentó (48% (P < 0.05 desde el inicio a la poscosecha. No se observaron diferencias (P < 0.05 en la concentración de quistosoros entre los suelos durante los muestreos realizados. La concentración final de estos (poscosecha se correlacionó (P < 0.05 con la concentración inicial (inicio. Estos resultados sugieren que la concentración de quistosoros puede sufrir un incremento significativo en un solo ciclo de cultivo de papa en todos los suelos estudiados y que los residuos de cosecha como tubérculos infectados pueden contribuir a este incremento.

  18. La Sabana de Bogotá y su lago en el Pleniglacial Medio

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    Hamenn Thomas Van Der


    Full Text Available Durante buena parte del Pleistoceno (últimos  2.5 millones de años, la Sabana de Bogotá fue un lago. En su extensa historia presenta cambios frecuentes de nivel, especialmente durante las épocas interglaciales en las cuales el lago se contraía y dejaba una amplia zona pantanosa y boscosa entre su orilla y el pie de los cerros (VAN DER HAMMEN & GONZÁLEZ 1960-1963; HOOGHIEMSTRA,1984. Durante el último interglacial y en los interestadiales y estadiales de la parte temprana del último glacial existía un lago relativamente grande; en los bordes y especialmente en la parte baja de los valles que desembocan a la Sabana (como el de Tenjo se encontraba vegetación pantanosa, especialmente con Alnus acuminata (Aliso acompañado en ocasiones de Weinmannia sp. y Vallea stipularis.

  19. Origem botânica de cargas de pólen de colmeias de abelhas africanizadas em Piracicaba, SP Botanic origin of pollen beehives’ loads from Africanized honeybees in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil

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    Anna Frida Hatsue Modro


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou identificar a origem botânica das cargas de pólen coletadas por abelhas africanizadas. Em Piracicaba (SP, foram instaladas, durante as quatro estações do ano, cinco colmeias de A. mellifera com um coletor de pólen frontal em cada uma. A preparação palinológica foi pelo uso de acetólise, sendo identificados e contados aproximadamente 900 grãos de pólen por amostra. A partir da composição polínica, calculou-se a riqueza, os índices de diversidade e equitabilidade. Ao longo do ano, foram encontrados 81 tipos polínicos, pertencentes a 32 famílias botânicas sendo Fabaceae, Asteraceae e Malvaceae, as famílias com maior frequência de tipos polínicos (≥5 tipos polínicos, e Myrtaceae, a família com dois tipos polínicos (Eucalyptus sp. e Myrcia sp. entre os nove mais frequentes nas amostras (>10%. A maior riqueza de tipos polínicos foi no verão e a maior diversidade e equitabilidade, na primavera. Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Malvaceae e Myrtaceae são as famílias botânicas mais importantes como fontes poliníferas em Piracicaba - SP.This study aimed to identify the botanic origin of pollen loads collected by Africanized honeybees. In Piracicaba (SP, during four seasons of the year, five honeybee colonies were installed with a frontal pollen collector in each one. The palinological preparation was done by the use of acetolysis and identified and counted approximately 900 pollen grains per sample. From the pollinic composition, the richness, diversity indexes and equitability were calculated. Throughout the year, 81 pollinic types were found, belonging to 32 botanic families, being Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Malvaceae the ones with the biggest frequency of pollinic types (≥5 pollinic types and, Myrtaceae, the family with two pollinic types (Eucalyptus sp. and Myrcia sp., among the nine most common types in the samples (> 10%. The biggest richness of pollinic types was during summer, and the biggest diversity and

  20. Parámetros de calidad durante la cosecha de durazno (Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. “Rubidoux”

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    Lisney Alessandra Bastidas Parrado


    Full Text Available El durazno es una fruta de importancia agrícola como parte de los cultivos caducifolios producidos en Colombia; su calidad y aceptacion comercial, asi como el momento de la cosecha, estan definidos en funcion de sus características fisicoquimicas. Esta investigacion tuvo como propósito caracterizar algunos parametros de calidad de durazno variedad Rubidoux durante el periodo de cosecha, a partir de la seleccion hecha por operarios en campo, de acuerdo al color de la piel como indicador de madurez. Durante seis semanas de la cosecha se evaluaron muestras de frutos, considerando aspectos como peso fresco, contenido de solidos solubles (oBrix, categoria comercial de acuerdo al diametro ecuatorial y color del fruto. Se registro un peso fresco promedio de 130,7 g por fruto, con un contenido de solidos solubles promedio de 11,8 oBrix, parametro que incremento progresivamente de la semana uno a la cinco. La clasificacion visual por el color de la piel permitio definir siete categorias, tres predominaron durante la cosecha (pinton, pinton-maduro y maduro, estos se correspondieron con el contenido de solidos solubles; es asi como el analisis de varianza mostro diferencias estadisticas entre oBrix y el color de piel. Durante el periodo evaluado, se cosecharon con mayor frecuencia duraznos pintones y frutos con diametro entre 60 mm a 70 mm.

  1. Evaluación de la estabilidad de Trichoderma sp. y Azotobacter sp. conservados por diferentes métodos

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    Yvonne Sarmiento Rangel


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Evaluation of the stability of Trichoderma sp. and Azotobacter sp.  preserved by different methods Resumen En el Laboratorio de Microbiología Aplicada de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander (Cúcuta, Colombia constantemente ingresan al Banco de Cepas, cultivos microbianos de interés biotecnológico, especialmente del sector agrícola, los cuales son utilizados en las actividades de docencia e investigación.  Por esta razón, existe el interés de mantener viables a través del tiempo estos cultivos microbianos, para lo cual se realizó en esta investigación, la evaluación de la estabilidad de los aislados de Trichoderma sp. y Azotobacter sp., utilizando  las técnicas de conservación  en viales con solución salina estéril (0,85% NaCl en refrigeración (4°C y temperatura ambiente (30°C, suelo estéril en refrigeración (4°C, comparados con la metodología de repiques sucesivos como tratamiento control.  Los resultados no mostraron diferencias significativas según el Test de Duncan (P≤0,05 en  la tasa de supervivencia microbiana entre los métodos de conservación. Sin embargo, se observó en las técnicas de viales con solución salina  estéril y suelo estéril mantenidos en refrigeración, mayor estabilidad en la concentración celular durante los cuatros meses de evaluación, sin registrar contaminación en los cultivos.  Así mismo, se registró un óptimo crecimiento macroscópico de los cultivos microbianos y sus características microscópicas se mantuvieron estables en estos dos métodos de conservación.  Por esta razón, se seleccionaron como técnicas de conservación de estos microorganismos, teniendo en cuenta además, ventajas como la facilidad de la técnica, disponibilidad de equipos, materiales y personal con los que se cuenta en el laboratorio.  Palabras clave: banco de cepas, conservación de microorganismos, viabilidad celular, Trichoderma sp., Azotobacter sp. Abstract In the

  2. First observations of the bigfin squid Magnapinna sp. in the Colombian Southern Caribbean. (United States)

    Guerrero-Kommritz, Jurgen; Cantera, Jaime; Puentes, Vladimir; Leon, Jorge


    Herein, first observations are reported of Magnapinna squids in the Colombian Southern Caribbean. Two specimens were observed by Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV) during exploratory drilling surveys for hydrocarbons at 1,883 and 2,294 m depth. These are the first observations of specimens of Magnapinna in the Southern Caribbean. Resumen La primera observación del calamar Magnapinna sp. en el caribe sur colombiano. Dos especímenes de calamares de aleta grande fueron observados con submarino de operación remota (ROV) durante un proyecto de perforación exploratoria de hidrocaburos a profundidades de 1,883 y de 2,294 m, respectivamente. Estas son las primeras observaciones de especímenes de Magnapinna en el Caribe Sur.

  3. Silencing the SpMPK1, SpMPK2, and SpMPK3 Genes in Tomato Reduces Abscisic Acid—Mediated Drought Tolerance

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    Yan Liang


    Full Text Available Drought is a major threat to agriculture production worldwide. Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs play a pivotal role in sensing and converting stress signals into appropriate responses so that plants can adapt and survive. To examine the function of MAPKs in the drought tolerance of tomato plants, we silenced the SpMPK1, SpMPK2, and SpMPK3 genes in wild-type plants using the virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS method. The results indicate that silencing the individual genes or co-silencing SpMPK1, SpMPK2, and SpMPK3 reduced the drought tolerance of tomato plants by varying degrees. Co-silencing SpMPK1 and SpMPK2 impaired abscisic acid (ABA-induced and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2-induced stomatal closure and enhanced ABA-induced H2O2 production. Similar results were observed when silencing SpMPK3 alone, but not when SpMPK1 and SpMPK2 were individually silenced. These data suggest that the functions of SpMPK1 and SpMPK2 are redundant, and they overlap with that of SpMPK3 in drought stress signaling pathways. In addition, we found that SpMPK3 may regulate H2O2 levels by mediating the expression of CAT1. Hence, SpMPK1, SpMPK2, and SpMPK3 may play crucial roles in enhancing tomato plants’ drought tolerance by influencing stomatal activity and H2O2 production via the ABA-H2O2 pathway.

  4. Saturação de oxigênio fetal medida pela oximetria de pulso durante o trabalho de parto: relações com o ph da artéria umbilical Fetal oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry during labor: relation to umbilical artery pH

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    Edson Nunes de Morais


    Full Text Available Objetivos: estudar os níveis de saturação de oxigênio fetal (SpO2 durante o trabalho de parto pela técnica da oximetria de pulso e sua relação com o pH da artéria umbilical (AU. Pacientes e Métodos: a SpO2 fetal foi medida durante o parto por meio da técnica da oximetria de pulso em 50 casos. Comparou-se a média dos valores de SpO2 entre os dois períodos do trabalho de parto, sendo o primeiro subdividido em fases, segundo a dilatação cervical ( ou = 7,20 e ou = 30,0%. Resultados: as médias da SpO2 fetal no primeiro período do parto foram de 53,0 ± 7,3% e 44,2 ± 6,8%, e no segundo 46,8 ± 7,7% e 38,4 ± 7,1% (pH da AU > ou = 7,20 e ou = 7,20 foram de 55,1 ± 5,1% (Purpose: to study fetal oxygen saturation (SpO2 levels during labor by continuous pulse oximetry tecnique, and its relation to umbilical artery (UA pH. Patients and Methods: fetal SpO2 levels were measured during labor by the pulse oximetry technique in 50 subjects. Average values of SpO2 were compared between the first and second stage of labor, with the first stage further subdivided into phases, according to cervical dilatation of ( or = 7.20 and or = 30.0% was considered normal. Results: fetal SpO2 averages during the first stage were 53.0 ± 7.3% and 44.2 ± 6.8% (UA pH > or = 7.20 and or = 7.20 were 55.1 ± 5.1% (<=4 cm, 52.3 ± 4.6% (5-7 cm and 51.5 ± 7.2% (8-9 cm; for UA pH <7.20, the fetal SpO2 averages were 46.3 ± 5.1% (<=4 cm, 43.6 ± 6.7% (5-7 cm and 42.8 ± 5.8% (8-9 cm. Considering the UA pH, these differences were statistically significant (p<0.01. Conclusion: a significant decrease of oxygen saturation values was observed during labor when fetal pulse oximetry was used.

  5. Ovos de Toxocara sp. e larvas de Ancylostoma sp. em praça pública de Lavras, MG Toxocara sp. eggs and Ancylostoma sp. larva in public parks, Brazil

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    Antônio Marcos Guimarães


    Full Text Available Larva migrans visceral e cutânea são zoonoses parasitárias causadas pela infecção da larva de Toxocara sp. e Ancylostoma sp., respectivamente. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a contaminação por ovos de Toxocara sp. e ovos e larvas de Ancylostoma sp. em amostras de solos coletadas de praças públicas e de áreas de recreação infantil de Lavras, Estado de Minas Gerais, por meio da técnica de centrífugo-flutuação e do método de Baermann. A ocorrência de ovos de Toxocara sp. e, ovos e larvas de Ancylostoma sp. foi observada em 69,6% (16/23 das amostras de solo coletadas de praças públicas. A contaminação somente por ovos de Ancylostoma sp. em amostras de solo coletadas em escolas/creches foi de 22,2% (4/18. A percentagem de amostras de areia coletadas de escolas/creches contaminadas somente com larvas de Ancylostoma sp. foi de 11,1% (2/18. Praças públicas são as áreas com maior risco potencial de infecção por Toxocara sp. e Ancylostoma sp. Exame coproparasitológico realizado em 174 amostras de fezes de cães observou 58% e 23%, respectivamente, com ovos de Ancylostoma sp. e Toxocara sp.Visceral and cutaneous larva migrans are parasitic zoonoses caused by the infection of larval nematodes Toxocara sp. and Ancylostoma sp. respectively. The objective of this study was to investigate the contamination by Toxocara sp. eggs and Ancylostoma sp. eggs and larva of soil samples collected from public parks and children's playground areas in state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, using both Baermann's method and centrifugal flotation technique. Toxocara sp. and Ancylostoma sp. eggs were observed in soil samples collected from public squares in 17.4% (4/23 and 69.6 (16/23 respectively. In schools and child day care settings the contamination by Ancylostoma sp. larva in sand samples was 11.1% (2/18. Public parks are settings of more potential risk of Toxocara sp. eggs and Ancylostoma sp. infection. Stool parasitology testing of 174 stool

  6. Análises proteômicas de conídios do fungo patogênico humano Paracoccidioides sp


    Moreira, André Luís Elias


    A paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) é uma micose sistêmica causada pelo fungo termodimórfico Paracoccidioides spp.. A principal rota de infecção da PCM ocorre por inalação de conídios ou fragmentos de micélio. Até o momento, estudos proteômicos não foram realizados com conídios de Paracoccidoides sp. Neste sentido, caracterizar o proteoma do conídio poderá contribuir para o conhecimento detalhado das proteínas expressas durante a fase de propagação e seus potenciais papéis na virulência e patogenic...

  7. Antibacterial Actions and Potential Phototoxic Effects of Volatile oils of Foeniculum sp. (fennel, Salvia sp. (sage, Vitis sp. (grape, Lavandula sp. (lavender

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    Elif Ayse Erdogan Eliuz


    Full Text Available In the present study, the volatile compounds of essential oil of Foeniculum vulgare (fennel, Salvia officinalis (sage, Vitis vinifera (grape, Lavandula angustifolia (lavender were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS using the Nist and Willey libraries. It was determined that the main components of Foeniculum sp. were anethole (41.11%, carvacrol (9.18%. whereas main components of Salvia sp were 1.8 cineole (34.09%, caryophyllene (10.95%, camphor (9.44%, α-pinene (8.42%. Vitis sp. contained linoleic acid (36.98%, 2,4-decadienal (30.79%. Finally, volatile component of Lavandula sp. was linalool (33.57%, linalyl acetate (30.74%. Photoxic antibacterial activity of volatile oil of those plants against Escherichia coli (ATCC 25293, Klebsiella pneumoniae (10031, Salmonella thyphimurium, Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633, Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25925, Enterococcus feacalis (ATCC 29212 were examined by using disc diffusion method. We demonstrated that volatile oil effectively can be activated by a standard LED light. In vitro, significant phototoxicity was demonstrated by volatile oil of Foeniculum sp. and Vitis sp. (P < 0.05, while minor phototoxicity was induced by Lavandula sp. Therefore, volatile oil of plant can be considered as a potential photosensitizer in the photochemical therapy.

  8. A mortalidade neonatal em 1998, no município de Botucatu - SP La mortalidad neonatal en 1998, en el município de Botucatu-SP The neonatal mortality in 1998 at the municipality of Botucatu-SP

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    Kátia Poles


    Full Text Available Considerando que a mortalidade neonatal é indicador da qualidade da assistência prestada à gestante, ao parto e ao recém-nascido, realizamos o presente trabalho, cujo objetivo foi identificar as causas e o índice de mortalidade neonatal durante o ano de 1998 em Botucatu-SP. O coeficiente de mortalidade neonatal obtido foi de 8,3/1000 nascidos vivos e o coeficiente de mortalidade neonatal precoce foi de 7,3/1000 nascidos vivos, confirmando a importância dos óbitos na primeira semana de vida. Aproximadamente três quartos dos óbitos puderam ser classificados como reduzíveis por diagnóstico e tratamento precoces, reduzíveis por adequada atenção ao parto ou parcialmente reduzíveis por adequado controle da gravidez, evidenciando que para se reduzir os índices de morte neonatal, deveremos investir na melhoria da qualidade da assistência prestada à gestante, à parturiente e ao neonato.Considerando que la mortalidad neonatal es un indicador de la calidad de la asistencia ofrecida en la gestación, al parto y al recién- nacido, realizamos el presente trabajo, con el objetivo de estudiar la mortalidad neonatal durante el año de 1998 en Botucatu-SP. El coeficiente de mortalidad neonatal encontrado fue 8,3/1000 nacidos vivos y el coeficiente de mortalidad neonatal precoz fue de 7,3/1000 nacidos vivos, confirmando la importancia de las defunciones en la primera semana de vida. Los resultados mostraron que aproximadamente tres cuartos de las defunciones pueden ser reducidas con el control del embarazo, con el diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz o con la adecuada atención al parto, evidenciando que para reducir los índices de mortalidad neonatal, deberemos invertir en la mejoría de la calidad de la asistencia ofrecida en la gestación, en el parto y al recién-nacido.Considering that neonatal mortality is an indicator of the quality of the care provided to pregnant women, at childbirth as well as to the new born, authors developed the

  9. Transcriptional Regulation of Frizzled-1 in Human Osteoblasts by Sp1.

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    Shibing Yu

    Full Text Available The wingless pathway has a powerful influence on bone metabolism and is a therapeutic target in skeletal disorders. Wingless signaling is mediated in part through the Frizzled (FZD receptor family. FZD transcriptional regulation is poorly understood. Herein we tested the hypothesis that Sp1 plays an important role in the transcriptional regulation of FZD1 expression in osteoblasts and osteoblast mineralization. To test this hypothesis, we conducted FZD1 promoter assays in Saos2 cells with and without Sp1 overexpression. We found that Sp1 significantly up-regulates FZD1 promoter activity in Saos2 cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP and electrophoretic mobility shift (EMSA assays identified a novel and functional Sp1 binding site at -44 to -40 from the translation start site in the FZD1 promoter. The Sp1-dependent activation of the FZD1 promoter was abolished by mithramycin A (MMA, an antibiotic affecting both Sp1 binding and Sp1 protein levels in Saos2 cells. Similarly, down-regulation of Sp1 in hFOB cells resulted in less FZD1 expression and lower alkaline phosphatase activity. Moreover, over-expression of Sp1 increased FZD1 expression and Saos2 cell mineralization while MMA decreased Sp1 and FZD1 expression and Saos2 cell mineralization. Knockdown of FZD1 prior to Sp1 overexpression partially abolished Sp1 stimulation of osteoblast differentiation markers. Taken together, our results suggest that Sp1 plays a role in human osteoblast differentiation and mineralization, which is at least partially mediated by Sp1-dependent transactivation of FZD1.

  10. Producción de quistosoros de Spongospora subterranea (Walk. Lagerh f. sp. subterranea Tomlinson durante un ciclo de cultivo de papa en tres tipos de suelo

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    Pérez Pérez Wilmar


    Full Text Available La sarna polvosa es causada por el protista Spongospora subterranea (Walk. Lagerh f. sp. subterranea Tomlinson, un parásito obligado el cual replica en raíces y tubérculos de papa (Solanum tuberosum. Esta replicación resulta en estructuras de resistencia denominadas quistosoros. En este estudio se investigó la producción de quistosoros en papa variedad Diacol Capiro, cultivada en tres tipos de suelos: Inceptisol, Entisol, y Andisol, infestados con quistosoros. La concentración de este parásito se determinó en el suelo a la siembra (inicial, a la senescencia de las plantas (cosecha y dos meses más tarde, cuando las plantas estaban desintegradas (poscosecha. El diseño experimental fue completa- mente al azar con dos tratamientos y tres niveles cada uno. Un tratamiento fue el tipo de suelo con los niveles Inceptisol, Entisol y Andisol; y el otro, el tiempo de muestreo con los niveles Inicial, Cosecha y Poscosecha. Adicionalmente, se realizó un ensayo de regresión simple para analizar la correlación de la concentración inicial y final de quistosoros. En todos los tipos de suelo la concentración aumentó (48% (P   0.05 desde el inicio a la poscosecha. No se observaron di%erencias (P   0.05 en la concentra- ción de quistosoros entre los suelos durante los muestreos realizados. La concentración final de estos (poscosecha se correlacionó (P   0.05 con la concentración inicial (inicio. Estos resultados sugieren que la concentración de quistosoros puede su%rir un incremento significativo en un solo ciclo de cul- tivo de papa en todos los suelos estudiados y que los residuos de cosecha como tubérculos infectados pueden contribuir a este incremento.

  11. First observations of the bigfin squid Magnapinna sp. in the Colombian Southern Caribbean

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    Jurgen Guerrero-Kommritz


    Full Text Available Herein, first observations are reported of Magnapinna squids in the Colombian Southern Caribbean. Two specimens were observed by Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV during exploratory drilling surveys for hydrocarbons at 1,883 and 2,294 m depth. These are the first observations of specimens of Magnapinna in the Southern Caribbean. Resumen La primera observación del calamar Magnapinna sp. en el caribe sur colombiano. Dos especímenes de calamares de aleta grande fueron observados con submarino de operación remota (ROV durante un proyecto de perforación exploratoria de hidrocaburos a profundidades de 1,883 y de 2,294 m, respectivamente. Estas son las primeras observaciones de especímenes de Magnapinna en el Caribe Sur.

  12. Bradysia sp. em morangueiro Bradysia sp. in strawberry

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    Bernadete Radin


    Full Text Available No trabalho, relatam-se os primeiros registros de Bradysia sp. (Insecta: Diptera: Sciaridae em morangueiro (Fragaria x ananassa Duch., cultivado no Município de Eldorado do Sul, RS. O cultivo foi realizado em sacolas com três metros de comprimento, preenchidas com substrato composto de casca de arroz e turfa, dispostas horizontalmente sobre bancadas de madeira, em ambiente protegido. A presença de Bradysia sp. foi observada na segunda quinzena de agosto de 2005. Neste trabalho, estão descritos os sintomas apresentados no morangueiro pela praga, prováveis conseqüências sobre o aparecimento de doenças e uma breve descrição morfológica da Bradysia sp., adulto e fase larval.This paper describes the first record of Bradysia sp. (Insecta; Diptera; Sciaridae in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa, cultivated in the city of Eldorado do Sul, RS, Brazil. Strawberry was planted in plastic bags filled with a mixture of burnt rice hulls and peat and cultivated in a greenhouse. The presence of Bradysia sp was noticed in the second fortnight of August, 2005. The symptoms in strawberry and the probable consequences in terms of disease arising were described in the present study, as well as the morphological characterization of Bradysia sp. and its illustrations.

  13. Factores de riesgo asociados al suicidio en el municipio Sancti Spíritus en el quinquenio 2005-2009


    Yurien Negrín Calvo; Jorge Luis Toledo Prado; José Andrés Cabrales Escobar; Emilio Carpio Muñoz; Amparo Muro García; Esther Oria Barreto


    Fundamento: el suicidio se ha mantenido entre las diez primeras causas de muerte en Cuba, sin que aún estén establecidas sus determinantes. Objetivo: identificar los factores de riesgo que se asocian con el suicidio consumado en personas mayores de 19 años. Métodos: se diseñó un estudio de casos y testigos con 81 casos y 162 testigos mayores de 19 años del municipio de Sancti Spíritus, durante el quinquenio 2005-2009. Las variables incluidas en el estudio fueron: edad en años cumplidos, sexo,...

  14. Nicolae Milescu Spătarul - ancestor of a Nobel Laureate - Ilia I. Mecinikov. Part I. Nicolae Milescu-Spătarul’s secular European impact; 1st of June 2011 - 375 years since the birth of the European erudite

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    Dan RIGA


    Full Text Available The culture of tradition and patrimony is an act of civilization, as well as one of identitaryeducation. This is why the promotion of restitution comprises all areas of progress and humancreation.Nicolae Milescu-Spătarul (b. 1636 in Moldavia - d. 1708 in Russia was an eruditehumanist scholar, an encyclopaedist, a theologist, diplomat, historian, geographer, ethnographer,translator, memorialist and a polyglot (Romanian, ancient and modern Greek, Latin, Turkish andSlavonic-Russian. Commemorating and honouring this figure, of European and Eurasianimportance alike, is a debt of honour: 1958 – 250 years since death; 2011 – 375 years since birth.At this time, the need to fully publish his work arises, as a large part of it is still kept in libraries,archives and European private collections in the form of manuscripts. Nicolae Milescu-Spătarulwas the ancestor of the Nobel Laureate (1908, scientist Ilia I. Mecinikov (1845-1916.The work reveals the great scholar’s (eastern, but also western, European and Asiancultural, scientific and diplomatic impact – at that moment and throughout time – but also theSorin Riga, Dan Riga, Vasile Man - Nicolae Milescu Spătarul - ancestor of a Nobel Laureate - Ilia I. Mecinikov impact of his vast work. The remarkable monograph The Description of China (58 chapters was published in Romanian only in 1958.

  15. Mortality of the defoliator Euselasia eucerus (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae by biotic factors in an Eucalyptus urophylla plantation in Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    José C. Zanuncio


    Full Text Available Euselasia eucerus (Hewitson, 1872 (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae is a Brazilian native species commonly found in Eucalyptus plantations. Biotic mortality factors of this defoliator were studied in a Eucalyptus urophylla plantation in Minas Gerais State, Brazil aiming to identify natural enemies and their impact on this insect. Euselasia eucerus had biotic mortality factors during all development stages. The most important were Trichogramma maxacalii Voegelé and Pointel, 1980 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae during egg stage (48.9%, a tachinid fly (Diptera: Tachinidae during larval stages (10% and Itoplectis sp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae during pupal stage (52.2%. The parasitism rate was higher in the basal part of the plant canopy (37.8%.Euselasia eucerus (Hewitson, 1872 (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae é uma espécie brasileira nativa, comumente encontrada em plantios de Eucalyptus. Um estudo da mortalidade por fatores bióticos desse desfolhador foi feito em um plantio de Eucalyptus urophylla no Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, com o objetivo de identificar os inimigos naturais e seu impacto sobre esse lepidóptero. Euselasia eucerus possui fatores bióticos de mortalidade durante todas as suas fases de desenvolvimento. Os mais importantes foram Trichogramma maxacalii Voegelé e Pointel, 1980 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae durante a fase de ovo (48,9%, um Diptera: Tachinidae durante a fase de larva (10% e Itoplectis sp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae durante a fase pupal (52,2%. A taxa de parasitismo foi mais elevada na parte basal de plantas de eucalipto (37,8%.

  16. Nematodes of Amazonian birds, with a description of Hoazinstrongylus amazonensis n.gen.n.sp. (Trichostrongylidae, Libyostrongylinae

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    R. Magalhães Pinto


    Full Text Available During recent studies of the parasites of birds from the Amazonian Regio, the following nematodes were recovered: Hoazinstrongylus amazonensis n.gen.n.sp. from Opisthocomus hoazin (Muller, 1776; Ascaridia columbae (Gmel., 1790 Travassos, 1913, from Leptotila r. rufaxilla (Richard & Bernard, 1712 representing a new host record; Inglisakis ibanezi Freitas, Vicente & Santos, 1969, Cyrnea (C. semilunaris (Molin, 1860 Seurat, 1914 and Thelazia digitata Travassos, 1918. A compelte description is restrained to the new genus and new species here proposed. The other known and well described species are listed and accounted.Durante recentes estudos dos parasitas de aves capturadas na Região Amazônica, foram identificadas as seguintes espécies de nematóides: Hoazinstrongylus amazonensis n.gen.n.sp, de Opisthocomus hoazin (Muller, 1776, Ascaridia columbae (Gmel., 1790 Travassos, 1912, de Leptotila r. rufaxilla (Richard & Bernard, 1712 que se constitui em um novo hospedeiro para a espécie, Inglisakis ibanezi Freitas, Vicente & Santos, 1969, Cyrnea (C. semilunaris (Molin, 1860 Seurat, 1914 e Thelazia digitata Travassos, 1918.

  17. INTERAKSI ANTARA Trichoderma Harzianum, Penicillium SP. DAN Pseudomonas SP. SERTA KAPASITAS ANTAGONISMENYA TERHADAP Phytophthora CapsicilN VITRO*[Interaction Among Trichoderma Harzianum, Penicillium SP., Pseudomonas SP. and Antagonism Capacities Against Phy


    Suharna, Nandang


    A preliminary study has been done to know antagonism capacities of three isolates of Trichoderma harzianum, two isolates of Penicillium sp.and one isolate of Pseudomonas sp.against Phytophthora capsici in vitro and interaction among those six antagonists.The highest antagonism capacity possessed by Penicillium sp. KN1, respectively followed by Penicillium sp.KN2,Pseudomonas sp. GH1 and the three T. harzianum isolates. Except for those three T. harzianum isolates, the two Penicillium sp.isolat...

  18. Occurrence of Pyemotes sp. on Tuta absoluta (Meyrick

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    Carlos Romero Ferreira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to study the population reduction of the tomato leafminer moth, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, by Pyemotes sp. in the laboratory. The mite became greenish when fed on caterpillars, pupae, and adults of T. absoluta. The caterpillars and adults of T. absoluta were quickly paralyzed by the mite venom. A single T. absoluta could host many Pyemotes sp, physogastric females, which were allowed to grow on the moth. Pyemotes sp. can be a new alternative for the biological control of T. absoluta. However, this possibility must be better understood before it could be recommended, because Pyemotes sp. could also cause dermatitis in the humans.O ácaro Pyemotes sp. (Acari: Pyemotidae é um parasita de várias espécies de insetos e exibe o processo de fisogastria na reprodução. É registrada a ocorrência de Pyemotes sp. sobre a traça-do-tomateiro, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, que sofreu redução considerável de suas populações em condições de laboratório. Este ácaro foi observado parasitando larvas, pupas e adultos de T. absoluta e suas fêmeas fisogástricas apresentaram coloração esverdeada. As larvas e adultos de T. absoluta atacados por Pyemotes sp. exibiram paralisia em poucos minutos, devido à injeção de toxinas por parte do ácaro. Observou-se que um único indivíduo de T. absoluta pode suportar muitas fêmeas fisogástricas de Pyemotes sp., permitindo que outra geração do ácaro continuasse a se reproduzir. O ácaro Pyemotes sp. surge como uma possibilidade para o controle biológico de T. absoluta, mas sua utilização deve ser melhor avaliada já que é uma espécie causadora de dermatites em humanos.

  19. Effect of salt stress on the physiology of Frankia sp strain CcI6

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Oct 1, 2013 ... the strain is closely related to Frankia sp. strain CcI3. ... [Oshone R, Mansour SR and Tisa LS 2013 Effect of salt stress on the physiology of Frankia sp strain CcI6. .... This work was supported in part by US-Egypt Joint Research.

  20. Differences in nutrient uptake capacity of the benthic filamentous algae Cladophora sp., Klebsormidium sp. and Pseudanabaena sp. under varying N/P conditions. (United States)

    Liu, Junzhuo; Vyverman, Wim


    The N/P ratio of wastewater can vary greatly and directly affect algal growth and nutrient removal process. Three benthic filamentous algae species Cladophora sp., Klebsormidium sp. and Pseudanabaena sp. were isolated from a periphyton bioreactor and cultured under laboratory conditions on varying N/P ratios to determine their ability to remove nitrate and phosphorus. The N/P ratio significantly influenced the algal growth and phosphorus uptake process. Appropriate N/P ratios for nitrogen and phosphorus removal were 5-15, 7-10 and 7-20 for Cladophora sp., Klebsormidium sp. and Pseudanabaena sp., respectively. Within these respective ranges, Cladophora sp. had the highest biomass production, while Pseudanabaena sp. had the highest nitrogen and phosphorus contents. This study indicated that Cladophora sp. had a high capacity of removing phosphorus from wastewaters of low N/P ratio, and Pseudanabaena sp. was highly suitable for removing nitrogen from wastewaters with high N/P ratio. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Tortosendo, una villa durante el "Estado Novo" (1933-1974). Historia y memoria de un núcleo industrial


    Oliveira Mineiro, Adélia Fernanda


    [ES]El trabajo de historia local sobre Tortosendo, un núcleo industrial portugués en contexto rural y montañoso, durante el período del Estado Novo, se presenta estructurado en seis partes, fuentes y bibliografía. La Introducción se centra en la elección del tema, las hipótesis y objetivos, metodología (incluye fuentes orales), partes del trabajo y una breve presentación geográfica e histórica del pueblo: «De Tortosendo» . El primer capítulo «Vida Política y Administrativa de Tortosen...

  2. Orientação sexual na escola: a concepção dos professores de Jandira - SP Educación sexual en la escuela: la concepción de profesores de Jandira - SP Sexual orientation in school: conception of the teachers from Jandira - SP

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    Dulcilene Pereira Jardim


    Full Text Available A escola exerce um importante papel na orientação sexual durante a adolescência. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar o conhecimento e a atuação em sexualidade dos professores de ensino fundamental e médio. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório-descritivo, cujos dados foram obtidos por meio de um questionário, respondido por 100 professores da rede de ensino público do município de Jandira, SP. Os resultados demonstraram que, apesar de considerarem a importância do tema, a maioria dos professores não dispõe de conhecimentos suficientes para promoverem orientação sexual aos adolescentes, atendo-se muito mais no aspecto biológico da sexualidade do que nos sentimentos e valores que a envolvem. Conclui-se que programas de treinamento e capacitação sobre sexualidade na adolescência são necessários a esta população.La escuela tiene un importante rol en la orientación sexual durante la adolescencia. Este estudio objectivó identificar el conocimiento y la actuación de maestros de escuelas fundamentales y secundarias acerca de la sexualidad. Tratase de un estudio exploratorio y descriptivo, cuyos datos fueron obtenidos por medio de un questionario, respondido por 100 profesores de la rede de ensino publico de lo municipio de Jandira SP. Los resultados han demonstrado que, mismo considerando el tema importante, la mayoria de los profesores no tiene conocimientos suficientes para promover la orientación sexual a los adolescentes, señalando mucho más los aspectos biologicos de la sexualidad do que aquellos relactivos a los sentimientos y valores que envuelven el tema. Se ha concluido que los programas de entrenamiento y capacitación son necesarios a esta publación.School has an important role in sexual orientation during adolescence. This study aimed at identifying the knowledge and performance of fundamental and high school's teachers regarding sexuality. Data of this exploratory and descriptive study were obtained though


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    Marcelo Borrelli


    Full Text Available El artículo se propone analizar las condiciones de funcionamiento de la gran prensa diaria argentina durante la última dictadura militar argentina (1976-1983, sus principales posiciones editoriales frente a acontecimientos relevantes del periodo y cuáles fueron las políticas más importantes de parte del régimen militar hacia los medios de prensa. El trabajo pone un especial énfasis en el rol que adquirió la prensa diaria en el marco del sistema represivo clandestino conocido como terrorismo de estado y de las intenciones de refundación social de los militares en el poder.

  4. First report of Anisakis sp. in Epinephelus sp. in East Indonesia


    Annytha Ina Rohi Detha; Diana Agustiani Wuri; Julianty Almet; Yuni Riwu; Christin Melky


    Objective: The present research was conducted to identify the prevalence of Anisakis sp. as fish-borne zoonoses in Epinephelus sp. in territorial waters of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Materials and methods: A total of 50 fish (Epinephelus sp.) were collected from Kupang Fish Market in East Nusa Tenggara. Identification of Anisakis sp. was performed based on morphological observations considering shape of ventriculus, boring tooth, and mucron using binocular microscope. Results: Prev...

  5. Los colombianos y las redes del narcotráfico en Nueva York durante los años 70

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    Eduardo Sáenz Rovner


    Full Text Available La idea que se tiene sobre el narcotráfico desde Colombia es que éste ha sido manejado por “carteles”. Lo que la evidencia empírica muestra es que además de las grandes organizaciones criminales, el narcotráfico durante las últimas décadas, y en particular durante los años 70, objeto de este escrito, ha sido un negocio abierto con innumerables participantes (incluyendo mulas “free lancers” que se constituían en microempresarios del narcotráfico, en buena parte colombianos pero también de otras nacionalidades. De ahí que la idea de carteles que ejercen poderes monopólicos, es equivocada. La información inédita con la que se escribió este ensayo es tomada principalmente de una serie de archivos norteamericanos.

  6. Los peciolos de la papaya como fuente de inóculo de la antracnosis y su eliminación como práctica de control

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    Alfredo Dur\\u00E1n


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el número de esporas de hongos que causan enfermedades en los frutos de papaya y medir la influencia que tiene la eliminación de peciolos, sobre la población de propágulos de los hongos. Los peciolos colectados durante la estación lluviosa liberaron mayor cantidad (82% de conidios de Colletotrichum sp. que los colectados durante la estación seca. En los peciolos de la estación lluviosa, se dio una reducción en la cantidad de conidios liberados (77% de la primera a la segunda semana después de la colecta. Tanto para el periodo seco, como para el lluvioso, después de cuatro semanas, los peciolos colectados continuaron liberando conidios en bajas cantidades. Las mayores cantidades de ascosporas de Glomerella sp. se capturaron durante los meses de abril a junio. La captura de conidios de Colletotrichum sp. con y sin eliminación de peciolos durante los meses de abril a junio presentó valores que aumentaron, hasta alcanzar sus máximos, entre setiembre y octubre. Los valores de captura de propágulos en los lotes con y sin prácticas de eliminación de peciolos fueron similares para Glomerella sp. La eliminación de peciolos produjo una reducción en la captura de esporas, para los hongos Colletotrichum sp., Helminthosporium sp. y Fusarium sp., mientras que para los hongos Curvularia sp. y Alternaria sp. la eliminación no mostró ningún efecto. La estación lluviosa favoreció la captura de esporas de los hongos Helminthosporium sp., Curvularia sp. y Fusarium sp., cuando se comparó con la estación seca, mientras que se capturó un mayor número de esporas del hongo Alternaria sp. durante la estación seca

  7. Microbiologia de farinhas de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz durante o armazenamento Microbiology of cassava flour (Manihot esculenta Crantz during the storage

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    Cândido Ferreira Neto


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar as características microbiológicas em farinhas de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz simples e temperadas, armazenadas durante 180 dias. Os materiais consistiram de cinco amostras, sendo uma de farinha de mandioca sem mistura (simples e as demais de farinhas de mandioca temperadas. A farinha simples foi embalada em sacos de polietileno de baixa densidade com capacidade de 1,0kg e as farinhas temperadas foram embaladas em sacos plásticos de polipropileno pigmentado, com capacidade 0,5kg. Em todas as amostras, foram realizadas contagens de coliformes fecais, Staphylococcus aureus, bactérias mesófilas, bolores e leveduras e pesquisa de Salmonella sp. As análises foram realizadas em intervalos de 30 dias. Não foram detectadas diferenças entre as características microbiológicas das amostras simples e das temperadas. O armazenamento não alterou os padrões microbiológicos das amostras. As amostras apresentaram esterilidade para coliformes fecais, Salmonella sp. e Staphylococcus aureus. Os valores encontrados para coliformes fecais, Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus aureus, bactérias mesófilas e para bolores e leveduras estavam dentro dos padrões fixados pela legislação brasileira.This work was accomplished with the aim of evaluating the microbiological characteristic in cassava flours (Manihot esculenta Crantz simple and temperate, stored during 180 days. The materials consisted of five samples, being one of cassava flour without mixture (simple and the others of temperate cassava flours. The simple flour was packed in polyethylen bags of low density with capacity of 1,0kg and the temperate flours were packed in colored polipropilen bags, with capacity of 0.5kg. In all the samples fecal coliformes, Staphylococcus aureus, mesophile bacterias, yeasts counting and Salmonella sp research were accomplished. The analyses were accomplished in intervals of 30 days. Differences were not

  8. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for quantification of mouse surfactant protein D (SP-D)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Soren; Schmidt, Vivi; Steffensen, Maria Abildgaard


    characterized and validated for use in sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Based on two of these, we established an ELISA that allows for measurements of mouse SP-D in various body fluids. The final ELISA was optimized and calibrated with a standard of purified recombinant mouse SP-D, which......Surfactant protein D (SP-D) is a pattern recognition molecule of the collectin family of C-type lectins. It is found in the airways and at mucosal surfaces. SP-D is part of the innate immune system where it neutralizes and leads to elimination of microorganisms. It regulates the functions of other...... innate immune cells, such as macrophages and neutrophils. It also modulates the adaptive immune response by interacting with antigen-presenting cells and T cells. Monoclonal anti-mouse-SP-D antibodies were raised from SP-D deficient mice using recombinant SP-D as antigen. Ten monoclonal antibodies were...

  9. Incidence of Staphylococcus sp. in the water used by dairy farms in the State of São Paulo


    Amaral, L.A. [UNESP; Rossi Júnior, O.D. [UNESP; Nader Filho, A. [UNESP; Ferreira, F.L.A. [UNESP; Barros, L.S.S. [UNESP


    Com o objetivo de verificar o papel da água utilizada durante a produção do leite como via de transmissão de Staphylococcus sp., fez-se a contagem de Staphylococcus coagulase negativa e Staphylococcus aureus nas amostras de água das fontes, dos reservatórios e dos estábulos de 30 propriedades leiteiras situadas na região Nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. As maiores ocorrências de isolamentos (10,0 e 16,6%) e os maiores valores médios (4,3×10(4) e 2,5×10(4)) de contagens desses microrganismos f...

  10. Penicillium araracuarense sp. nov., Penicillium elleniae sp. nov., Penicillium penarojense sp. nov., Penicillium vanderhammenii sp. nov. and Penicillium wotroi sp. nov., isolated from leaf litter. (United States)

    Houbraken, Jos; López-Quintero, Carlos A; Frisvad, Jens C; Boekhout, Teun; Theelen, Bart; Franco-Molano, Ana Esperanza; Samson, Robert A


    Several species of the genus Penicillium were isolated during a survey of the mycobiota of leaf litter and soil in Colombian Amazon forest. Five species, Penicillium penarojense sp. nov. (type strain CBS 113178(T) = IBT 23262(T)), Penicillium wotroi sp. nov. (type strain CBS 118171(T) = IBT 23253(T)), Penicillium araracuarense sp. nov. (type strain CBS 113149(T) = IBT 23247(T)), Penicillium elleniae sp. nov. (type strain CBS 118135(T) = IBT 23229(T)) and Penicillium vanderhammenii sp. nov. (type strain CBS 126216(T) = IBT 23203(T)) are described here as novel species. Their taxonomic novelty was determined using a polyphasic approach, combining phenotypic, molecular (ITS and partial β-tubulin sequences) and extrolite data. Phylogenetic analyses showed that each novel species formed a unique clade for both loci analysed and that they were most closely related to Penicillium simplicissimum, Penicillium janthinellum, Penicillium daleae and Penicillium brasilianum. An overview of the phylogeny of this taxonomically difficult group is presented, and 33 species are accepted. Each of the five novel species had a unique extrolite profile of known and uncharacterized metabolites and various compounds, such as penicillic acid, andrastin A, pulvilloric acid, paxillin, paspaline and janthitrem, were commonly produced by these phylogenetically related species. The novel species had a high growth rate on agar media, but could be distinguished from each other by several macro- and microscopical characteristics.

  11. Uso indicado e uso referido de medicamentos durante a gravidez

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    Claudia Garcia Serpa Osorio-de-Castro

    Full Text Available Poucos estudos descrevem a utilização de medicamentos na gravidez com detalhamento de práticas prescritivas. A pesquisa integra grande inquérito sobre atenção perinatal em hospitais do Município do Rio de Janeiro. A natureza do hospital - se pública, contratada/conveniada ao SUS ou privada - determinou estratificação de 10.072 puérperas internadas. A coleta de dados se deu por entrevista e por consulta a prontuários, cobrindo medicamentos utilizados durante a gravidez e prescritos durante a internação hospitalar quando do parto. Medicamentos foram classificados pela ATC e outro sistema para casos especiais de uso referido. Houve média de 2,08 medicamentos prescritos no parto e 2,3 usados durante a gestação, sendo os mais prescritos anestésicos, antibióticos, ocitocina e analgésicos, com diferenças significativas entre estratos, e os mais referidos sulfato ferroso, vitaminas, escopolamina e paracetamol. Para interromper a gravidez, 49,7% relatam o uso de chás e 9,2% de misoprostol. O perfil de utilização é corroborado pela literatura. A pesquisa oferece oportunidade de conhecimento de padrões de prescrição ao parto e de uso referido durante a gestação nos setores público e privado.

  12. Uso indicado e uso referido de medicamentos durante a gravidez

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    Osorio-de-Castro Claudia Garcia Serpa


    Full Text Available Poucos estudos descrevem a utilização de medicamentos na gravidez com detalhamento de práticas prescritivas. A pesquisa integra grande inquérito sobre atenção perinatal em hospitais do Município do Rio de Janeiro. A natureza do hospital - se pública, contratada/conveniada ao SUS ou privada - determinou estratificação de 10.072 puérperas internadas. A coleta de dados se deu por entrevista e por consulta a prontuários, cobrindo medicamentos utilizados durante a gravidez e prescritos durante a internação hospitalar quando do parto. Medicamentos foram classificados pela ATC e outro sistema para casos especiais de uso referido. Houve média de 2,08 medicamentos prescritos no parto e 2,3 usados durante a gestação, sendo os mais prescritos anestésicos, antibióticos, ocitocina e analgésicos, com diferenças significativas entre estratos, e os mais referidos sulfato ferroso, vitaminas, escopolamina e paracetamol. Para interromper a gravidez, 49,7% relatam o uso de chás e 9,2% de misoprostol. O perfil de utilização é corroborado pela literatura. A pesquisa oferece oportunidade de conhecimento de padrões de prescrição ao parto e de uso referido durante a gestação nos setores público e privado.


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    Joel Pineda-Pineda


    tratamiento de 100 % aserrín. Estos tratamientos se evaluaron durante cinco ciclos continuos de cultivo con jitomate (30 meses. Al sustrato original y al final de cada ciclo se midieron porosidad total, volumen de partículas, capacidad de retención de humedad, capacidad de aireación y densidad aparente. Se encontró poca variación en la densidad aparente, pero la porosidad, la retención de humedad y la capacidad de aireación disminuyeron gradualmente durante los cinco ciclos de cultivo con jitomate. La capacidad de aireación fue la característica física que presentó mayor variación, mostrando valores por debajo del adecuado después de 24 meses de cultivo.

  14. Eucalyptus sp. at the Intersection of Environment and Culture in Kenya

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    Brandy M Garrett Kluthe


    Full Text Available Members of the genus Eucalyptus are popular on small farms throughout Kenya, and include species such as Eucalyptus saligna, Eucalpytus globulus, and Eucalyptus grandis. Although they are fast-growing and perform well on marginal land, these trees are associated with negative environmental effects in Africa and elsewhere they have been introduced. In-person surveys were conducted with small farmers in Kenya to determine patterns of Eucalyptus sp. stand use and cultural importance. It was found that despite acknowledged short and long term environmental consequences, Eucalyptus sp. remains popular for medium term economic investment. These findings are consistent with other reports of Eucalyptus sp. woodlots serving as funding sources for education, health emergencies, etc., in parts of the world where bank loans are unavailable. Further, it was found that some farmers are using modified silviculture practices to ameliorate the negative effects of Eucalyptus sp., and others are seeking indigenous alternatives.           

  15. La prescripción de medicamentos durante la lactancia

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    María Luisa Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Al formular cualquier medicamento durante la lactancia, surgen algunos interrogantes por parte del médico y de la paciente lo cual permite una subestimación del riesgo que tiene el lactante o una sobreestimación del potencial tóxico, hecho que facilita una poca adhesión de la paciente al esquema de tratamiento ya que aún falta información acerca de la transferencia de los fármacos desde el plasma a la leche materna y la proporción en que estos la hacen. Por tal motivo es importante conocer las propiedades fisicoquímicas de los fármacos que favorezcan su paso a la leche, al igual que algunos factores maternos y del lactante, para lograr hacer una aproximación sobre la cantidad de fármaco que toma el niño en cada ingesta de leche.

  16. El papel de supervisión del personal docente durante el desarrollo del recreo escolar

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    Jenny María Artavia-Granados


    Full Text Available Resumen: El recreo es un espacio escolar que procura alcanzar múltiples propósitos, entre otros: descanso y juego para los estudiantes, pero también, constituye una buena oportunidad para que los docentes observen los comportamientos y conductas que asumen sus estudiantes fuera del salón de clases. El proceso de supervisión del recreo por parte del personal docente y administrativo, resulta ser una tarea fundamental para lograr la prevención o solución de los conflictos que se puedan presentar durante este período escolar. Este artículo expone el desarrollo del proceso de supervisión del recreo escolar, que lleva a cabo el personal docente de una escuela de la Dirección Regional de Educación Occidente, a partir de los resultados obtenidos de una investigación de tipo cualitativa denominada “Juegos e interacción social en los recreos y su relación con los comportamientos violentos: El caso de las y los estudiantes de VI año de una escuela”. Entre los objetivos específicos, se procuró analizar el papel que desempeña el personal docente y administrativo, durante el desarrollo de los recreos. Ante el fenómeno de la violencia, la escuela tiene el compromiso social de brindar una solución pacífica a los conflictos que se puedan presentar. Sin embargo, como parte de las conclusiones obtenidas, se halló que el personal docente no asumió a cabalidad la supervisión del recreo, que la mayoría de docentes consideraron que no les correspondía supervisar, y que existen importantes diferencias entre la forma conceptualizar la supervisión del recreo por parte de la dirección del centro educativo y los docentes.

  17. Los trastornos de ansiedad durante la transición a la menopausia

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    A. Carvajal-Lohr


    Full Text Available La menopausia es la interrupción definitiva de las menstruaciones resultado de la pérdida de la actividad folicular del ovario. El periodo inmediatamente antes de la menopausia y el primer año después de la misma se conoce como perimenopausia. La posmenopausia se define como el periodo que transcurre desde un año a partir de la fecha de última menstruación, sin importar si la menopausia fue inducida o espontánea. Debido al incremento de la esperanza de vida en la mujer mexicana, mayor número de ellas alcanzan la edad promedio de la menopausia (45-59 años y pasan una parte significativa de su vida en la posmenopausia. Se ha observado que los trastornos psiquiátricos son más frecuentes en mujeres que en hombres, y que la perimenopausia es una etapa en la cual se incrementan los síntomas psicológicos, así como el riesgo de sufrir depresión mayor y trastornos de ansiedad. Se debe diferenciar cuando la ansiedad es un síntoma normal ante determinadas situaciones cotidianas de estrés y cuando comienza a tener una presentación irracional por un estímulo ausente, por una intensidad excesiva con relación al estímulo, o cuando la duración es prolongada y presenta recidivas sin motivo, ocasionando grave disfuncionalidad en el paciente. En esta revisión presentamos datos acerca de los síntomas de ansiedad durante la transición a la menopausia y hacemos alusión al trastorno de ansiedad generalizada y trastorno de pánico, ya que se ha observado una mayor prevalencia de estas patologías durante la transición a la menopausia, probablemente debido a los cambios hormonales que se viven durante esta etapa.

  18. Fatty acid composition of Spirulina sp., Chlorella sp. and Chaetoceros sp. microalgae and introduction as potential new sources to extinct omega 3 and omega 6

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    Homan Gorjzdadeh


    Full Text Available Background: This study was carried out to determine the oil fatty acids from two special species of microalgae; Spirulina sp.,Chlorella sp. and also Chaetoceros sp. collected from Bahmanshir River. Materials and Methods: Sampling of microalgae Chaetoceros sp. from Bahmanshir River was under taken using bottle samplers during spring season of 2013. Microalgae Spirulina sp. and Chlorella sp. were supplied from Shrimp Research Institute of Iran in Bushehr Province. Samples then were cultured under controlled laboratory conditions and mass culture for 100 liters was undertaken. Isolation of microalgae species from water of cultured media was carried out using filtration and centrifugation methods. The fatty acid compositions were determined by Gas – FID chromatography. Results: Results showed that regarding Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA obtained from purified culture of Chaetoceros sp., Spirulina sp. and Chlorella sp. the maximum amount of total fatty acids were belonged to palmitic acids (C16:0 with 15.21%, 30.1% and 25.17% of total fatty acids  respectively. Analysis of Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA showed that in the Oleic acid was maximum amount of 34% in Spirulina sp. In addition the amount of MUFA in Chlorella sp. was 16.37% of total fatty acids. On the other hand the amount of palmeotic acid in purified culture of Chaetoceros sp. was 30.33% from total content of fatty acids. Analysis of Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA, Linoleic acid (C18:2 (Omega 6, revealed maximum percentage in Spirulina sp. with 18.8%. Results of Alpha linoleic acid (C18:3 (Omega3 analysis showed maximum amount of 9.66% in Chlorella sp. compared to other microalgae with lower omega 3 contents. Spirulina sp. contained maximum amount of Linoleic acid (C18:2 with 18.8% of total fatty acids. Therefore, Spirulina sp. can be considered as a rich source of omega 6 for the purpose of fatty acid extractions. The presence of PUFA in Chlorella sp. and Spirulina sp. was

  19. Heparinoides naturais isolados de rodofíceas (Halymenia sp. arribadas na costa cearense =Natural heparinoids isolated from Halymenia sp. (Rhodophyceaes delivery on the Ceará coast

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    José Ariévilo Gurgel Rodrigues


    Full Text Available A crescente carência de heparina (HEP motiva a busca por fontes alternativas de novos anticoagulantes naturais. Objetivou-se avaliar a atividade anticoagulante dos polissacarídeos sulfatados (PS isolados de uma rodofícea do gênero Halymenia, nativa do litoral cearense, Brasil. Os PS totais foram obtidos por digestões consecutivas com papaína em tampão acetato de sódio 0,1 M (pH 5,0, contendo cisteína 5 mM e EDTA 5 mM, seguidas por cromatografia de troca iônica em coluna de DEAE-celulose. As frações obtidas foram concentradas por liofilização e submetidas à eletroforese em gel de agarose a 0,5%. Os ensaios anticoagulantes foram realizados pelo tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada (TTPA, usando-se plasma de coelho e uma curva padrão de HEP (100 UI mg-1. As extrações (53,96% mostraram diferenças marcantes durante o fracionamento e no grau de resolução dos PS. A espécie apresentou PS com atividade anticoagulante superior a HEP. O TTPA das frações modificou-se acentuadamente entre as extrações, expressando-se de maneira dose-dependente e sofrendo um acréscimo de 110,40 (1a extração para 143,10 UI mg-1 (3a extração. Os resultados sugerem que a atividadeanticoagulante dos PS isolados de Halymenia sp. foi promovida pela inibição da via intrínseca e/ou comum da cascata de coagulação. As modificações no TTPA possivelmente serão elucidadas pelos mecanismos de ação envolvidos na coagulação e caracterização estrutural desses compostos. Portanto, a rodofícea Halymenia sp. é uma boa fonte de heparinoides e sugerem-se estudos relacionados ao cultivo da espécie, em proteção aos bancos de algas.The increasing demand for heparin (HEP has led to a search for alternative sources of natural anticoagulants. This study aimed to evaluate the anticoagulant activity of sulfated polysaccharides (SP isolated from a Halymenia rhodophyceae genus native to the coast of Ceará, Brazil. Total SP were obtained by consecutive

  20. Quienes protestan y por qué: construcción de destinatarios durante el conflicto en torno a las retenciones móviles en la Argentina (marzo-julio 2008)


    Palma, Alejandra Gabriela


    El presente trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación que, desde el análisis crítico del discurso, se propone estudiar el discurso político mediatizado durante el conflicto agrario argentino del año 2008. El propósito de este artículo es detectar y analizar, en los discursos emitidos por los representantes de las entidades agrarias en los principales actos convocados durante el conflicto, las recurrencias en cuanto la construcción discursiva de distintos tipos de destinatarios (Veró...

  1. Alteraciones oftalmológicas durante el embarazo

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    Yoriel Cuan Aguilar

    Full Text Available Los trastornos oftalmológicos son muy comunes durante el embarazo. Se realiza la presente revisión con el objetivo de documentar las variadas condiciones oculares que podrían aparecer durante la gestación o se podrían modificar por esta, lo que conllevaría estar bien atentos sobre las gestantes que aquejan trastornos visuales. Durante el período de gestación las mujeres se exponen a variados cambios tanto a nivel sistémico como ocular. A partir de algunos de estos cambios, el embarazo origina alteraciones a nivel ocular, los cuales son la mayoría de las veces transitorias, aunque en ocasiones pueden establecerse de forma permanente. Los efectos oculares del embarazo pueden ser fisiológicos, patológicos o pueden ocasionar modificaciones de condiciones prexistentes. De esta manera, pueden observarse en este período cambios a nivel de los párpados, la córnea, el cristalino, la presión intraocular, el campo visual, entre otros. También exacerbaciones de patologías como retinopatía diabética, enfermedad de Grave y retinitis por toxoplasma, así como complicaciones provocadas por el propio embarazo como preclampsia-eclampsia, desprendimiento de retina seroso, ceguera cortical, síndrome de HELLP, retinopatía serosa central, etcétera. Se relacionan además alteraciones neuroftalmológicas y complicaciones oftálmicas en relación con el parto, como trombosis del seno venoso, adenoma pituitario, hipertensión intracraneal benigna, neuritis óptica, así como retinopatía y síndrome de Sheehan.

  2. Eficiencia de pseudomonas sp, rhodopseudomonas sp, micrococcus sp y bacillus sp empleados como cultivos individuales y en consorcio, en la degradación de petróleo diesel ii


    Otiniano García, Nélida Milly Esther


    In order to evaluate the efficiency of Pseudomonas sp, Rhodopseudomonas sp, Micrococcus sp, Bacillus sp, and the consortium formed by these four microorganisms in the diesel II petroleum degradation, it was worked in 5 bioreactors of aerated and shaken tank of 1.5 litters of capacity, with speed agitation of 120 rpm, and air flow of 0.5 vvm; in which were placed; 940 mL of Minimum Broth of Davies pH 7.0; 50 mL of diesel II petroleum as source of carbon and 10 mL of a suspension of approx...

  3. Valoración de la frecuencia cardiaca durante el entrenamiento en jóvenes gimnastas

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    Alfredo Irurtia Amigó


    Full Text Available El incremento en la duración de los ejercicios, y por lo tanto en la necesidad de mantener valores elevados de fuerza muscular durante más tiempo, podría hacer reconsiderar la importancia de la preparación aeróbica en gimnasia artística masculina (GAM. Por otra parte, así como la demanda cardiaca durante la competición poco tiene que ver con la del entrenamiento, también cabe esperar diferencias entre gimnastas adultos (con más dificultades y un mayor repertorio y jóvenes gimnastas (con elementos de base y un menor repertorio. En este estudio, se registra la FC durante 15 sesiones de entrenamiento en 5 gimnastas de 9 años de edad. Además de querer determinar las exigencias cardiacas (FC a las que se ven sometidos, se pretende averiguar si la FC es un indicador útil de la carga de entrenamiento. Los resultados demuestran que la FC, al igual que sucede cuando se valora el esfuerzo competitivo en gimnastas adultos de élite, no resulta conveniente como indicador del esfuerzo de entrenamiento en jóvenes gimnastas. A pesar de estructurar la sesión mediante BM (bloques metodológicos con contenidos de trabajo intencionadamente semejantes, la afectación cardiaca varía, no solo entre sujetos, sino para un mismo sujeto en días diferentes. Puede que determinadas formulaciones de estimación de la carga externa, basadas más en el contenido que en la demanda cardiaca, resulten más convenientes para ajustar la carga de entrenamiento.

  4. Pengendalian Hayati Penyakit Layu Fusarium Pisang (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense dengan Trichoderma sp.

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    Albertus Sudirman


    Full Text Available The aim of this research was to study the inhibiting ability of Trichoderma sp. to control fusarium wilt of banana in greenhouse condition. The experiments consisted of the antagonism test between Trichoderma sp. and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc in vitro using dual culture method and glass house experiment which was arranged in 3×3 Factorial Complete Randomized Design. First factor of the latter experiment was the dose of Trichoderma sp. culture (0, 25, and 50 g per polybag, second factor was time of Trichoderma culture application (2 weeks before Foc inoculation, at same time with Foc inoculation and 2 weeks after Foc inoculation. Trichoderma sp. was cultured in mixed rice brand and chaff medium. The disease intensity was observed with scoring system of wilting leaves (0–4. The results showed that Trichoderma sp. was antagonistic against Foc in vitro and inhibited 86% of Foc colony development. Mechanism of antagonism between Trichoderma sp. and Foc was hyperparasitism. Trichoderma hyphae coiled around Foc hyphae. Lysis of Foc hyphae was occurred at the attached site of Trichoderma hyphae on Foc hyphae. Added banana seedling with Trichoderma sp. Culture reduced disease intensity of Fusarium wilt. Suggested dose of Trichoderma culture application in glass house was 25 g/polybag, given at the same time with Foc inoculation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan Trichoderma sp. untuk pengendalian penyakit layu fusarium pisang di rumah kaca. Penelitian meliputi pengujian daya hambat Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc in vitro dan kemampuan menekan intensitas penyakit di rumah kaca. Penelitian in vitro meliputi uji antagonisme dan mekanismenya yang dilakukan secara dual culture. Uji pengaruh Trichoderma sp. terhadap penyakit layu Fusarium dilakukan di rumah kaca dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah dosis biakan Trichoderma sp., dengan tiga aras (0, 25, 50 g/per bibit dalam polibag. Faktor kedua

  5. Construcción y deconstrucción territorial del Caribe Colombiano durante el siglo XIX


    Domínguez, Camilo; Chaparro Mendivelso, Jeffer; Gómez, Carla


    El proceso de estructuración territorial del Caribe Granadino durante el siglo XIX, específicamente de 1810 a 1886, se aborda desde una perspectiva geohistórica y geopolítica. Se parte de la base ambiental de la región, para luego abordar la evolución de los límites administrativos mediante reconstrucciones cartográficas basadas en mapas históricos. El proceso de cambio abarcó los antiguos estados de Magdalena y Bolívar (incluyendo las islas de San Andrés y Providencia), la costa caribe de Pa...

  6. Antifungal Activity of Lactobacillus sp. Bacteria in the Presence of Xylitol and Galactosyl-Xylitol


    Lipi?ska, Lidia; Klewicki, Robert; Klewicka, El?bieta; Ko?odziejczyk, Krzysztof; S?jka, Micha?; Nowak, Adriana


    Lactic acid fermentation is a natural method of antimicrobial food protection. Antagonistic activity of Lactobacillus sp. bacteria, taking part in this process, is directed mainly against the same or other microorganisms. In this work we determine the impact of the presence of xylitol and galactosyl-xylitol on the antagonistic activity of 60 Lactobacillus sp. strains against indicator molds (Alternaria alternata, Alternaria brassicicola, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium latenicum, Geotrichum candi...

  7. SP140L, an Evolutionarily Recent Member of the SP100 Family, Is an Autoantigen in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

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    Mario Saare


    Full Text Available The SP100 family members comprise a set of closely related genes on chromosome 2q37.1. The widely expressed SP100 and the leukocyte-specific proteins SP110 and SP140 have been associated with transcriptional regulation and various human diseases. Here, we have characterized the SP100 family member SP140L. The genome sequence analysis showed the formation of SP140L gene through rearrangements of the two neighboring genes, SP100 and SP140, during the evolution of higher primates. The SP140L expression is interferon-inducible with high transcript levels in B cells and other peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Subcellularly, SP140L colocalizes with SP100 and SP140 in nuclear structures that are devoid of SP110, PML, or p300 proteins. Similarly to SP100 and SP140 protein, we detected serum autoantibodies to SP140L in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis using luciferase immunoprecipitation system and immunoblotting assays. In conclusion, our results show that SP140L is phylogenetically recent member of SP100 proteins and acts as an autoantigen in primary biliary cirrhosis patients.

  8. Evolución de la distribución de tensiones en un cuerpo cerámico durante la cocción. Parte 2: Cálculo de los perfiles

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    Camacho, H.


    Full Text Available Stress distribution during firing is reported. The calculation is performed based on the model stated in the part 1. Starting data correspond to the constitutive models presented in part 1. Besides, an experimental measurement was performed to obtain the Young modulus and the thermal dilatation to be considered for calculations. Starting from the stress equilibrium, it may be reported that: 1 The stress distribution during hot forging is always similar in spite of different pressing conditions and different considered constitutive behaviors. 2 The thermo-elastic behavior may be considered as an acceptable approximation. 3 The temperature gradients and their effect on the body viscosity and on thermal dilatation play an essential role in the stress distribution.

    Se reporta la distribución de las tensiones durante la cocción. El cálculo de las mismas se efectúa a través del modelo planteado en la primera parte. Los datos de partida corresponden a los modelos constitutivos presentados en la primera parte. Además, se realizó una medición experimental del módulo de Young y de la dilatación térmica para ser tenida en cuenta en los cálculos. Tomando como base el equilibrio en tensiones se reporta que: 1 La distribución de tensiones en el prensado en caliente es semejante a pesar de condiciones diferentes de prensado y de considerar diferentes comportamientos constitutivos. 2 El comportamiento termo-elástico puede usarse como una aproximación aceptable para los materiales arcillosos. 3 Los gradientes de temperatura y su efecto en la viscosidad del cuerpo y en las dilataciones térmicas juegan un papel esencial en la distribución de tensiones.

  9. Pronóstico de los índices accionarios DAX y S&P 500 con redes neuronales diferenciales

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    Francisco Ortiz Arango


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se utiliza una red neuronal diferencial (RND para describir las series de valores de cierre diarios de los índices accionarios DAX de Alemania y S&P 500 de Estados Unidos entre el periodo del 3 de julio de 2000 y el 13 de enero de 2012. Con la RND se lleva a cabo el pronóstico de los valores de cierre diarios de esos índices durante un periodo de cuatro semanas (del 16 de enero al 10 de febrero de 2012. Los resultados obtenidos confirman el hecho de que las redes neuronales diferenciales pueden constituirse en una de las herramientas más poderosas y precisas para poder pronosticar valores futuros de activos financieros.

  10. Antibiotic susceptibility profiles of Mycoplasma sp. 1220 strains isolated from geese in Hungary


    Gr?zner, D?nes; Kreizinger, Zsuzsa; Sulyok, Kinga M.; R?nai, Zsuzsanna; Hrivn?k, Veronika; Turcs?nyi, Ibolya; J?nosi, Szil?rd; Gyuranecz, Mikl?s


    Background Mycoplasma sp. 1220 can induce inflammation primarily in the genital and respiratory tracts of waterfowl, leading to serious economic losses. Adequate housing and appropriate antibiotic treatment are promoted in the control of the disease. The aim of the present study was to determine the in vitro susceptibility to thirteen different antibiotics and an antibiotic combination of thirty-eight M. sp. 1220 strains isolated from geese and a duck in several parts of Hungary, Central Euro...

  11. Qualitative analysis of the crystalline and chemical content of the Teredo sp. (Turu)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matos, E.; Matos, M.; Matos, P.


    A qualitative analysis of the crystalline and elementary content of the Teredo sp. (Turu) is realised by diffraction and fluorescence Phillips equipment. A diffractogram and X-ray spectra are studied. The head constitution is almost exclusively formed by aragonite and calcite, visceral mass and coat, formed by Ca, K, S, P, Cl, Si, Fe and Ti. The relative amount of these chemical elements is the difference between each part of the Teredo sp. (Turu). (M.A.C.)

  12. Environmental conditions affecting exopolysaccharide production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Micrococcus sp., and Ochrobactrum sp. (United States)

    Kiliç, Nur Koçberber; Dönmez, Gönül


    Three different chromium-resistant microorganisms (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Micrococcus sp., and Ochrobactrum sp.) were tested with regard to their EPS production at different pH levels, temperatures, Cr(VI) concentrations, and incubation periods. The optimum pH level was 7 for P. aeruginosa and Micrococcus sp., while it was 8 for Ochrobactrum sp. according to the highest EPS amount at 100 mg/L Cr(VI) concentration. The highest production of EPSs by the three bacteria was obtained under different environmental conditions. P. aeruginosa produced the highest EPS (863.3 mg/L) after incubation for 96 h on media with 50 mg/L Cr(VI) at 20 degrees C, Micrococcus sp. gave the highest yield (444.6 mg/L) after incubation for 72 h on media with 100 mg/L Cr(VI) at the same temperature, and Ochrobactrum sp. had the highest production (430.5 mg/L) on media with 150 mg/L Cr(VI) at 30 degrees C at the end of 48 h of incubation.

  13. Superhard sp2–sp3 hybrid carbon allotropes with tunable electronic properties

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    Meng Hu


    Full Text Available Four sp2–sp3 hybrid carbon allotropes are proposed on the basis of first principles calculations. These four carbon allotropes are energetically more favorable than graphite under suitable pressure conditions. They can be assembled from graphite through intralayer wrinkling and interlayer buckling, which is similar to the formation of diamond from graphite. For one of the sp2–sp3 hybrid carbon allotropes, mC24, the electron diffraction patterns match these of i-carbon, which is synthesized from shock-compressed graphite (H. Hirai and K. Kondo, Science, 1991, 253, 772. The allotropes exhibit tunable electronic characteristics from metallic to semiconductive with band gaps comparable to those of silicon allotropes. They are all superhard materials with Vickers hardness values comparable to that of cubic BN. The sp2–sp3 hybrid carbon allotroes are promising materials for photovoltaic electronic devices, and abrasive and grinding tools.

  14. Selective C(sp2)-C(sp) bond cleavage: the nitrogenation of alkynes to amides. (United States)

    Qin, Chong; Feng, Peng; Ou, Yang; Shen, Tao; Wang, Teng; Jiao, Ning


    Breakthrough: A novel catalyzed direct highly selective C(sp2)-C(sp) bond functionalization of alkynes to amides has been developed. Nitrogenation is achieved by the highly selective C(sp2)-C(sp) bond cleavage of aryl-substituted alkynes. The oxidant-free and mild conditions and wide substrate scope make this method very practical. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Bienestar animal durante el transporte y su relación con la calidad de la carne bovina


    Marlyn Romero P.; Jorge Sánchez V.


    RESUMENEl bienestar animal (BA) es un elemento diferenciador en la comercialización de la carne bovina a nivel internacional, aunque no forma parte de los acuerdos comerciales, se pueden citar ejemplos de las experiencias de Chile, Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay con la Unión Europea, que los ha privilegiado para la exportación de carne fresca bovina con este valor agregado. Durante el transporte, cargue y descargue los bovinos son sometidos a factores estresantes que afectan su bienestar y la ca...

  16. Regulación de las metalotioneínas durante el estrés y la inflamación, y su influencia durante la respuesta inflamatoria


    Carrasco Trancoso, Javier


    Regulación de las metalotioneínas durante el estrés y la inflamación, y su influencia durante la respuesta inflamatoria. Las metalotioneínas (MTs) son unas proteínas de bajo peso molecular (6-7 kDa) con capacidad para ligar metales pesados como el Zn y el Cu. En los roedores existen cuatro isoformas diferentes denominadas MT-I, -II, -III y IV. Las MT-I y MT-II se expresan prácticamente en todos los tejidos del organismo y son inducibles por metales pesados, agentes oxidantes, hormonas, la inf...

  17. El deporte en la ciudad de Sevilla durante el siglo XV=Sports in Seville during the XVth century

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    Gonzalo Ramírez Macías


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tiene como finalidad fundamental conocer y caracterizar los deportes que eran practicados durante el siglo XV en la ciudad de Sevilla, una de las capitales castellanas que más prosperidad experimentó en esa centuria. La primera parte de este estudio está dedicada a justificar y fundamentar la investigación, en la segunda parte se expone la metodología de investigación propuesta, la cual tiene un carácter novedoso dentro de la historia del deporte. En tercer lugar se presentan y analizan los resultados obtenidos en el estudio, que indican que los deportes practicados durante el siglo XV en la ciudad de Sevilla eran: juego de cañas, correr la sortija, correr monte, justas, torneos, carreras pedestres, carreras a caballo y correr toros. Finalmente se exponen las conclusiones de la investigación las cuales se fundamentan en los resultados de la misma y en las aportaciones de otros estudios anteriores.--------------------------------------------------------------------------The main purpose of this research is to know and characterize the sports practised during the XVth century in Seville, one of the most prosperous Castilian capitals at that time. The first part of this research is devoted to its justification and basis, whereas the second part puts forward the research methodology suggested, which has a new nature within the history of Sports. Thirdly, the results obtained in the research are presented and analysed, what points out that the sports practised during the XVth Century in Seville were: cane games,*correr la sortija, **correr monte, jousts, tournaments, races, horse races and bull races. Finally, the research conclusions are expounded, which are based on its results and on other contributions from previous researches.*Correr la sortija: A game in which two players riding horses had to catch a ring with a spear.**Correr monte: to hunt

  18. In vitro cytotoxicity evaluation of nano-carbon particles with different sp{sup 2}/sp{sup 3} ratios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, S.S.; Wu, B.J.; Deng, Q.Y. [Key Laboratory for Advanced Technologies of Materials, Ministry of Education, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 (China); Guo, Y.B. [The Third People' s Hospital of Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 (China); Leng, Y.X., E-mail: [Key Laboratory for Advanced Technologies of Materials, Ministry of Education, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 (China); Huang, N. [Key Laboratory for Advanced Technologies of Materials, Ministry of Education, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 (China)


    Graphitization occurs during the long-term service of a diamond-like carbon (DLC) modified artificial joint. Then, DLC wear debris, which are carbon particles with different sp{sup 2}/sp{sup 3} ratios and sizes ranging from the nano- to micro-meter scale produced. In this paper, to promote the application of DLC coating for artificial joint modification, the cytotoxicity of DLC debris (nano-carbon particles, NCs) with different sp{sup 2}/sp{sup 3} ratios was studied. The microstructure and physical characteristics of NCs with different sp{sup 2}/sp{sup 3} ratios were investigated by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). Meanwhile, osteoblasts and macrophages were applied to characterize the cytotoxicity of the NCs. In vitro cytotoxicity assay results indicated that cells incubated with NCs of different sp{sup 2}/sp{sup 3} ratios had greater osteogenic capacity, and these particles caused a weaker immune response in comparison with CoCrMo particles. Taken together, the results indicated that NCs with different sp{sup 2}/sp{sup 3} ratios presented a good cytocompatibility than CoCrMo particles. But no significant differences were observed among NCs with different sp{sup 2}/sp{sup 3} ratios. The better cytocompatibility of NCs is mainly attributable to their surface charge. - Highlights: • NCs with different sp{sup 2}/sp{sup 3} ratios have been successfully prepared by annealing treatment. • NCs with different sp{sup 2}/sp{sup 3} ratios show good osteogenic capacity and lower immune response. • The good cytocompatibility of NCs is mainly dependent on its surface charge.

  19. Levantamento de estoques da ostra Crassostrea sp. em bancos naturais no litoral paranaense

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    Euler Batista Erse


    Full Text Available A importância econômica de diversas espécies de ostras nativas, em especial a Crassostrea sp., torna atrativa a exploração desta espécie pelas comunidades litorâneas. A explotação deste recurso natural, baseada somente no extrativismo não sustentável acaba por ameaçar os estoques naturais com a sobrepesca. Baseado neste fato, uma avaliação das condições dos estoques naturais desse animal torna-se importante para futuros projetos de conservação e manejo sustentáveis do recurso. Neste trabalho foram levantados dados referentes aos estoques da ostra Crassostrea sp. de três bancos naturais distintos, sendo estes, um na Ilha da Cotinga, na foz do Rio Maciel e outro na foz do Rio Biguaçú. Em cada banco, foram feitas três amostragens aleatórias durante a maré baixa sizígia utilizando-se de um quadrado de amostragem com dimensão de 30x30 cm. Observamos também neste trabalho que, dos locais de estoques naturais da ostra nativa Cras- sostrea sp. presentes na Baía de Paranaguá, o da Ilha da Cotinga apresenta signifi cativamente os maiores valores quanto ao tamanho se comparados com a o Rio Maciel e o Rio Biguaçú, sendo que, entre os dois últimos, o primeiro apresentou maiores valores. Porém, não houve diferenças signifi cativas nos valores biométricos encontrados entre os bancos amostrados nos respectivos bosques.

  20. Xylanolytic enzyme systems in Arthrobacter sp MTCC 5214 and Lactobacillus sp.

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Khandeparker, R.; Jalal, T.

    The production of extracellular xylanolytic enzymes such as xylanase, alfa-L-arabinofuranosidase (alfa-l-AFase), and acetyl xylan esterase (Axe) by marine Arthrobacter sp and Lactobacillus sp was investigated using different carbon sources Induction...

  1. Violencia en la sierra de Piura colonial durante el siglo XVIII*


    Martínez-Flener, Milagros


    El tema de la violencia durante la época colonial generalmente ha sido estudiado en relación a levantamientos o rebeliones, pero no como tema aislado con contenido propio, es decir, en tanto violencia cotidiana. Jorge Pinto Rodríguez cita en su trabajo "La violencia en el corregimiento de Coquimbo durante el siglo xviii" algunos estudios para el caso chileno, mientras que en el Perú se cuenta tan solo con el estudio de Ward Stavig "Violencia cotidiana de los naturales de Quispicanchis, Canas ...

  2. La misurazione dei processi di regolazione cognitiva e metacognitiva durante lo studio con gli ipermedia

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    Roger Azevedo


    Full Text Available L’apprendimento autoregolato rappresenta una modalità di apprendimento di fondamentale importanza quando ci si avvale del supporto di ambienti ipermediali. Obiettivo di questo articolo è presentare quattro assunzioni chiave che consentono la misurazione dei processi cognitivi e metacognitivi attivati durante l’apprendimento tramite ipermedia. Innanzi tutto, assumiamo che sia possibile individuare, tracciare, modellare e favorire processi di apprendimento auto-regolato durante lo studio con gli ipermedia. La seconda assunzione si focalizza sul comprendere come la complessità dei processi regolatori che avvengono durante l’apprendimento mediato da sistemi ipermediali sia importante per determinare il perché alcuni processi vengono messi in atto durante l’esecuzione di un compito. Le terza assunzione è relativa al considerare che l’utilizzo di processi di apprendimento auto-regolato possa dinamicamente cambiare nel tempo e che tali processi sono di natura ciclica (influenzati dalle condizioni interne ed esterne e da meccanismi di feedback. Infine, l’identificazione, raccolta e classificazione dei processi di apprendimento autoregolato utilizzati durante lo studio con sistemi ipermediali, può risultare un compito alquanto difficoltoso.

  3. "SP-G", a putative new surfactant protein--tissue localization and 3D structure.

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    Felix Rausch

    Full Text Available Surfactant proteins (SP are well known from human lung. These proteins assist the formation of a monolayer of surface-active phospholipids at the liquid-air interface of the alveolar lining, play a major role in lowering the surface tension of interfaces, and have functions in innate and adaptive immune defense. During recent years it became obvious that SPs are also part of other tissues and fluids such as tear fluid, gingiva, saliva, the nasolacrimal system, and kidney. Recently, a putative new surfactant protein (SFTA2 or SP-G was identified, which has no sequence or structural identity to the already know surfactant proteins. In this work, computational chemistry and molecular-biological methods were combined to localize and characterize SP-G. With the help of a protein structure model, specific antibodies were obtained which allowed the detection of SP-G not only on mRNA but also on protein level. The localization of this protein in different human tissues, sequence based prediction tools for posttranslational modifications and molecular dynamic simulations reveal that SP-G has physicochemical properties similar to the already known surfactant proteins B and C. This includes also the possibility of interactions with lipid systems and with that, a potential surface-regulatory feature of SP-G. In conclusion, the results indicate SP-G as a new surfactant protein which represents an until now unknown surfactant protein class.

  4. Retinol sérico en mujeres mexicanas urbanas durante el periodo perinatal

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    Casanueva Esther


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Establecer la prevalencia de deficiencia de vitamina A durante el embarazo y la lactancia en un grupo de mujeres mexicanas urbanas. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se invitó a participar a un grupo de gestantes que acudían a control prenatal, que carecían de patología agregada y contaban con menos de 20 semanas de embarazo. Fueron evaluadas tres veces durante el embarazo y hasta la semana 24 del posparto. La determinación de vitamina A en suero se realizó por cromatografía de líquidos de alta presión. Se consideró como punto de corte para riesgo de deficiencia una concentración de retinol < 1.05 µmol/L. RESULTADOS. En las tres evaluaciones durante la gestación las concentraciones de vitamina A fueron de 2.34±0.70, 2.41±1.03 y 1.86±0.66 µmol/L, respectivamente, lo cual muestra una disminución significativa. Sin embargo, sólo 1/30 se ubicó por debajo del punto de corte aceptado para considerar riesgo de deficiencia y ninguno para deficiencia. Durante el posparto las concentraciones se conservaron relativamente constantes, alrededor de 2.10 µmol/L. La práctica de la lactancia no tuvo impacto sobre las concentraciones séricas de retinol, no así la pérdida de peso. CONCLUSIONES. En la población estudiada no se documentaron casos de deficiencia de vitamina A durante el periodo perinatal. La pérdida de peso materna tiene influencia sobre las concentraciones de retinol en el posparto.

  5. Evaluación del desempeño de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales urbanas de ILHA Solteira (SP) por lagunas facultativas primarias


    Iván Andrés Sánchez Ortiz; Tsunao Matsumoto


    El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue evaluar el desempeño de la Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales de Ilha Solteira-SP durante las diferentes épocas climáticas del año. Se realizó un levantamiento batimétrico de las lagunas facultativas primarias, un monitoreo de 24 horas y el seguimiento de su desempeño en 3 etapas de colecta de 3 meses de duración cada una. La planta tuvo cerca del 40% de su volumen efectivo ocupado por lodos; el efluente final registró una eficiencia medi...

  6. Quiénes protestan y por qué: construcción de destinatarios durante el conflicto en torno a las retenciones móviles en la argentina (marzo-julio 2008)


    Palma, Alejandra Gabriela


    El presente trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación que, desde el análisis crítico del discurso, se propone estudiar el discurso político mediatizado durante el conflicto agrario argentino del año 2008. El propósito de este artículo es detectar y analizar, en los discursos emitidos por los representantes de las entidades agrarias en los principales actos convocados durante el conflicto, las recurrencias en cuanto la construcción discursiva de distintos tipos de destinatarios (Veró...

  7. Quiénes protestan y por qué: construcción de destinatarios durante el conflicto en torno a las retenciones móviles en la Argentina (marzo-julio 2008)


    Palma, Alejandra Gabriela


    El presente trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación que, desde el análisis crítico del discurso, se propone estudiar el discurso político mediatizado durante el conflicto agrario argentino del año 2008. El propósito de este artículo es detectar y analizar, en los discursos emitidos por los representantes de las entidades agrarias en los principales actos convocados durante el conflicto, las recurrencias en cuanto la construcción discursiva de distintos tipos de destinatarios (Veró...

  8. Sp6 and Sp8 Transcription Factors Control AER Formation and Dorsal-Ventral Patterning in Limb Development (United States)

    Haro, Endika; Delgado, Irene; Junco, Marisa; Yamada, Yoshihiko; Mansouri, Ahmed; Oberg, Kerby C.; Ros, Marian A.


    The formation and maintenance of the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is critical for the outgrowth and patterning of the vertebrate limb. The induction of the AER is a complex process that relies on integrated interactions among the Fgf, Wnt, and Bmp signaling pathways that operate within the ectoderm and between the ectoderm and the mesoderm of the early limb bud. The transcription factors Sp6 and Sp8 are expressed in the limb ectoderm and AER during limb development. Sp6 mutant mice display a mild syndactyly phenotype while Sp8 mutants exhibit severe limb truncations. Both mutants show defects in AER maturation and in dorsal-ventral patterning. To gain further insights into the role Sp6 and Sp8 play in limb development, we have produced mice lacking both Sp6 and Sp8 activity in the limb ectoderm. Remarkably, the elimination or significant reduction in Sp6;Sp8 gene dosage leads to tetra-amelia; initial budding occurs, but neither Fgf8 nor En1 are activated. Mutants bearing a single functional allele of Sp8 (Sp6−/−;Sp8+/−) exhibit a split-hand/foot malformation phenotype with double dorsal digit tips probably due to an irregular and immature AER that is not maintained in the center of the bud and on the abnormal expansion of Wnt7a expression to the ventral ectoderm. Our data are compatible with Sp6 and Sp8 working together and in a dose-dependent manner as indispensable mediators of Wnt/βcatenin and Bmp signaling in the limb ectoderm. We suggest that the function of these factors links proximal-distal and dorsal-ventral patterning. PMID:25166858

  9. Teoria de Orem aplicada a intervenciones durante embarazo y climaterio Aplicação da Teoria de Orem em intervenções durante a gestação e climatério Applications of Orem's Theory in addressing interventions during pregnancy and climateric

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alide Salazar Molina


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar aplicaciones de la teoría de Autocuidado de Orem, para el abordaje de intervenciones de enfermería el embarazo y climaterio, y determinar su utilidad como un marco teórico para el abordaje del autocuidado durante las fases de desarrollo. Se concluye que la aplicación de este marco teórico, en la asistencia de mujeres durante el embarazo y climaterio, por parte de enfermeras y enfermeras obstétricas contribuye a identificar los requisitos de autocuidado, las intervenciones requeridas, la necesidad de autocuidado y los métodos de ayuda que las mujeres requieren con especial énfasis en la capacitación y desarrollo de la capacidad de autocuidado.O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver aplicações da Teoria do Autocuidado de Orem para realizar intervenções em enfermagem durante a gestação e climatério, mas tentamos também determinar a sua utilidade como marco teórico para pensar (ou planejar o autocuidado nestas fases da vida da mulher. Pudemos observar que a aplicação desta teoria e a sua utilidade como marco teórico na assistência à mulheres durante a gestação e climatério, por parte de enfermeiras e enfermeiras obstétricas, contribuiu não só para identificar os requisitos necessários para o autocuidado e planejar as intervenções requeridas e as necessidades específicas de autocuidado, mas constatamos também que esta pode ser a base para elaboração de métodos de desenvolvimento da ampliação da capacidade feminina para o auto-cuidado.The aim of this paper is to develop applications of Orem's Theory of Self Care in order to address nursing interventions during pregnancy and menopause, and to determine its usefulness as a theoretical framework for addressing self care during stages of development. It is concluded that the application by nurses and midwives of this theoretical framework, in assisting women during pregnancy and menopause, contributes to identifying the

  10. Fresh Water Cyanobacteria Geitlerinema sp. CCC728 and Arthrospira sp. CCC729 as an Anticancer Drug Resource


    Srivastava, Akanksha; Tiwari, Ratnakar; Srivastava, Vikas; Singh, Tej Bali; Asthana, Ravi Kumar


    An increasing number of cancer patients worldwide, especially in third world countries, have raised concern to explore natural drug resources, such as the less explored fresh water filamentous cyanobacteria. Six strains of cyanobacteria (Phormidium sp. CCC727, Geitlerinema sp. CCC728, Arthrospira sp. CCC729, Phormidium sp. CCC731, Phormidium sp. CCC730, and Leptolyngbya sp. CCC732) were isolated (paddy fields and ponds in the Banaras Hindu University, campus) and five strains screened for ant...

  11. Development and verification of a high performance multi-group SP3 transport capability in the ARTEMIS core simulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Geemert, Rene


    For satisfaction of future global customer needs, dedicated efforts are being coordinated internationally and pursued continuously at AREVA NP. The currently ongoing CONVERGENCE project is committed to the development of the ARCADIA R next generation core simulation software package. ARCADIA R will be put to global use by all AREVA NP business regions, for the entire spectrum of core design processes, licensing computations and safety studies. As part of the currently ongoing trend towards more sophisticated neutronics methodologies, an SP 3 nodal transport concept has been developed for ARTEMIS which is the steady-state and transient core simulation part of ARCADIA R . For enabling a high computational performance, the SP N calculations are accelerated by applying multi-level coarse mesh re-balancing. In the current implementation, SP 3 is about 1.4 times as expensive computationally as SP 1 (diffusion). The developed SP 3 solution concept is foreseen as the future computational workhorse for many-group 3D pin-by-pin full core computations by ARCADIA R . With the entire numerical workload being highly parallelizable through domain decomposition techniques, associated CPU-time requirements that adhere to the efficiency needs in the nuclear industry can be expected to become feasible in the near future. The accuracy enhancement obtainable by using SP 3 instead of SP 1 has been verified by a detailed comparison of ARTEMIS 16-group pin-by-pin SP N results with KAERI's DeCart reference results for the 2D pin-by-pin Purdue UO 2 /MOX benchmark. This article presents the accuracy enhancement verification and quantifies the achieved ARTEMIS-SP 3 computational performance for a number of 2D and 3D multi-group and multi-box (up to pin-by-pin) core computations. (authors)

  12. Pengendalian Hayati Penyakit Layu Fusarium Pisang (Fusarium Oxysporum F.sp. Cubense) dengan Trichoderma SP.


    Sudirman, Albertus; Sumardiyono, Christanti; Widyastuti, Siti Muslimah


    The aim of this research was to study the inhibiting ability of Trichoderma sp. to control fusarium wilt of banana in greenhouse condition. The experiments consisted of the antagonism test between Trichoderma sp. and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) in vitro using dual culture method and glass house experiment which was arranged in 3×3 Factorial Complete Randomized Design. First factor of the latter experiment was the dose of Trichoderma sp. culture (0, 25, and 50 g per polybag), second...

  13. spMC: an R-package for 3D lithological reconstructions based on spatial Markov chains (United States)

    Sartore, Luca; Fabbri, Paolo; Gaetan, Carlo


    The paper presents the spatial Markov Chains (spMC) R-package and a case study of subsoil simulation/prediction located in a plain site of Northeastern Italy. spMC is a quite complete collection of advanced methods for data inspection, besides spMC implements Markov Chain models to estimate experimental transition probabilities of categorical lithological data. Furthermore, simulation methods based on most known prediction methods (as indicator Kriging and CoKriging) were implemented in spMC package. Moreover, other more advanced methods are available for simulations, e.g. path methods and Bayesian procedures, that exploit the maximum entropy. Since the spMC package was developed for intensive geostatistical computations, part of the code is implemented for parallel computations via the OpenMP constructs. A final analysis of this computational efficiency compares the simulation/prediction algorithms by using different numbers of CPU cores, and considering the example data set of the case study included in the package.

  14. The Effect of Acupuncture to SP6 on Skin Temperature Changes of SP6 and SP10: An Observation of “Deqi”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jia-Min Yang


    Full Text Available Background. Deqi sensation is a complex but an important component for acupuncture effect. In this study, we tried to observe the relationship between Deqi and skin temperature changes and whether there was some relativity between Deqi and needle stimulations on cold congealing and dysmenorrhea rat model. Thirty-two female Sprague Dawley (SD rats were randomly divided into four groups (Saline Control Group, Model Group, Group A with strong stimulation, and Group B with small stimulation. Group A and Group B were performed with different stimulations. We found that, compared with saline control group, model group, and Group B, Group A showed that the skin temperature changes on right acupoint SP6 and SP10 increased significantly at 5 min–10 min interval. The skin temperature changes on left SP6 decreased at instant–5 min interval. The skin temperature changes on right SP10 decreased significantly at instant–5 min interval and 10 min–20 min interval. Thermogenic action along Spleen Meridian of Foot Greater Yin was manifested as simultaneous skin temperature increase on right SP6 and SP10 at 5 min–10 min interval after needling SP6, which was helpful to illustrate the relationship between the characteristic of Deqi and needle stimulations.

  15. Interaction of Sp1 zinc finger with transport factor in the nuclear localization of transcription factor Sp1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Tatsuo; Kitamura, Haruka; Uwatoko, Chisana; Azumano, Makiko; Itoh, Kohji; Kuwahara, Jun


    Research highlights: → Sp1 zinc fingers themselves interact with importin α. → Sp1 zinc finger domains play an essential role as a nuclear localization signal. → Sp1 can be transported into the nucleus in an importin-dependent manner. -- Abstract: Transcription factor Sp1 is localized in the nucleus and regulates the expression of many cellular genes, but the nuclear transport mechanism of Sp1 is not well understood. In this study, we revealed that GST-fused Sp1 protein bound to endogenous importin α in HeLa cells via the Sp1 zinc finger domains, which comprise the DNA binding domain of Sp1. It was found that the Sp1 zinc finger domains directly interacted with a wide range of importin α including the armadillo (arm) repeat domain and the C-terminal acidic domain. Furthermore, it turned out that all three zinc fingers of Sp1 are essential for binding to importin α. Taken together, these results suggest that the Sp1 zinc finger domains play an essential role as a NLS and Sp1 can be transported into the nucleus in an importin-dependent manner even though it possesses no classical NLSs.

  16. Radioiodinate labeling of atherosclerotic plaque imaging agent SP-4 and preliminary experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Y.; Wu, Z.


    SP-4 was oligopeptide contained 18 amino-acid. It was a part of apolipoprotein B. To study labeling SP-4 with 131 I and its clinical prospect as an atherosclerotic plaque imaging agent. SP-4 was synthesized by solid phase method and identified by amino acid analysis after purification with preparation-model HPLC. SP-4 was labeled with 131 I by the Chloramine-T method and purified through Sephadex G-25, then the radiochemical purity of 131 SP-4 and its stability in vitro were analyzed. 12 New Zealand rabbits were divided into atherosclerosis group (n=7, group A) and control group (n=5, group B). All of them were administrated with bovine serum albumen through i.v., then the rabbits of group A were fed on high cholesterol and high fat diet and group B, on normal diet. Purified 131 I-SP-4 was injected intravenously. %ID/g in blood and thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta at 4 hrs after injection and biodistribution of 131 I-SP-4 was investigated. The amino acid formation of the pure product was identified to be correct through amino-acid analysis. The radiochemical purity of 131 I-SP-4 was 96.2% after being purified, but less than 90% after being stored for 20 hrs. One of 7 rabbits in group A died after being fed for three weeks, the others were alive and atherosclerotic lesions were found after being fed for two mon. On the contrary, 5 rabbits in group B were visualized not to have atherosclerotic lesions. The uptakes of group A and group B at 4 hr after injection were 0.0378±0.0028 and 0.0371±0.038 in blood (p>0.05), 0.0882 ±0.0101 and 0.0276 ±0.0044 in abdominal aorta (p 131 I-SP-4 was mainly excreted through kidneys. SP-4 remained its biological activity after radioiodination and was located at atherosclerotic lesions. It was potentially useful as an atherosclerotic plaque imaging agent

  17. Role of surfactant protein A (SP-A)/lipid interactions for SP-A functions in the lung. (United States)

    Casals, C


    Surfactant protein A (SP-A), an oligomeric glycoprotein, is a member of a group of proteins named collectins that contain collagen-like and Ca(2+)-dependent carbohydrate recognition domains. SP-A interacts with a broad range of amphipathic lipids (glycerophospholipids, sphingophospholipids, glycosphingolipids, lipid A, and lipoglycans) that are present in surfactant or microbial membranes. This review summarizes SP-A/lipid interaction studies regarding the lipid system used (i.e., phospholipid vesicles, phospholipid monolayers, and lipids immobilized on silica or adsorbed on a solid support). The effect of calcium, ionic strength, and pH on the binding of SP-A to lipids and the subsequent lipid aggregation process is discussed. Current evidence suggests that hydrophobic-binding forces are involved in the peripherical association of SP-A to membranes. It is also proposed that fluid and liquid-ordered phase coexistence in surfactant membranes might favor partition of SP-A into those membranes. The binding of SP-A to surfactant membranes containing hydrophobic surfactant peptides makes possible the formation of a membrane reservoir in the alveolar fluid that is protected by SP-A against inactivation and improves the rate of surfactant film formation. In addition, the interaction of SP-A with membranes might enhance the affinity of SP-A for terminal carbohydrates of glycolipids or glycoproteins on the surface of invading microorganisms.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    , Université .... ont reçu une alimentation à base de pâturage de. Panicum maximum avec ... Variations mensuelles durant trois années du nombre de spermatozoïdes par éjaculat et des paramètres de spermocytogramme du sperme de bélier ...

  19. Correlates of substance use during adolescent pregnancy in São Paulo, Brazil Correlatos do uso de substâncias durante a gravidez na adolescência em São Paulo, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Antonio Bessa


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of cocaine and marijuana use during adolescent pregnancy in São Paulo-SP, Brazil, with psychiatric disorders, social status and sexual history. METHOD: One thousand pregnant adolescents were assessed by using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, and sociodemographic and socio-economic questionnaire at the obstetric center of a public hospital in São Paulo. Hair samples were collected for analysis. RESULTS: The following data were associated with cocaine and/or marijuana use during the third trimester of the pregnancy: being younger than 14 years of age, having a history of more than 3 sexual partners, and having psychiatric disorders, specifically, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and somatoform disorder. CONCLUSION: In early adolescence pregnancy, having 3 or more sexual partners in life for this population is significantly associated with the use of cocaine or marijuana during gestation. This association suggests that specific intervention programs should target these young women.OBJETIVO: Investigar, numa população de gestantes adolescentes de uma maternidade pública de São Paulo-SP, Brasil, a associação entre o consumo de cocaína e maconha durante a gravidez com distúrbios psiquiátricos, status social e história sexual. MÉTODO: Mil adolescentes grávidas foram avaliadas por meio do Composite International Diagnostic Interview e de um questionário sociodemográfico e socioeconômico no centro obstétrico de um hospital público de São Paulo. Destas, foi colhida amostra para análise de fios de cabelo. RESULTADOS: Os seguintes dados foram associados com o uso de cocaína e/ou maconha durante o terceiro trimestre de gravidez: ter menos de 14 anos, ter história de mais do que três parceiros sexuais e ter transtornos psiquiátricos, em especial, transtorno afetivo bipolar, transtorno do estresse pós-traumático e transtorno somatoforme. CONCLUSÃO: Na popula

  20. Five novel Wickerhamomyces- and Metschnikowia-related yeast species, Wickerhamomyces chaumierensis sp. nov., Candida pseudoflosculorum sp. nov., Candida danieliae sp. nov., Candida robnettiae sp. nov. and Candida eppingiae sp. nov., isolated from plants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groenewald, Marizeth; Robert, Vincent; Smith, Maudy Th

    On the basis of nucleotide divergences in the D1/D2 domain of the 26S rRNA gene and the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) domain of the rRNA gene, five novel yeast species, Wickerhamomyces chaumierensis sp. nov. (CBS 8565(T)  = JCM 17246(T)), Candida pseudoflosculorum sp. nov. (CBS 8584(T)  = JCM

  1. Fotoprotección antioxidante no-enzimática contra el potencial daño inducido por UVBR en una diatomea antártica (Thalassiosira sp. Non-enzymatic antioxidant photoprotection against potential UVBR-induced damage in an Antarctic diatom (Thalassiosira sp.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Hernando


    Full Text Available In January 1999, unialgal cultures of the diatom Thalassiosira sp., solate from natural phyto-plankton assemblages from Potter Cove, Antarctica, were exposed to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 280400 nm in order to study the long-term acclimation of this species. Ultraviolet radiation B (UVBR, 280-315 nm inhibited the growth rate during the first and second days of exposure. No UVBR inhibition was observed on the third day. The initial content of α-tocopherol (13 pmol (10(4 cell-1 showed a marked decrease during the exponential growth phase (4 pmol (10(4 cell-1 by day 3. The initial content of β-carotene (3 pmol (10(4 cell-1 did not show significant differences over time in cells exposed to UVBR. Two mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs were identified: porphyra-334 and shinorine. Cellular concentrations of MAAs increased significantly on days 2 and 3, and exposure of the algae to UVBR significantly enhanced this value. The relative importance of MAAs concentration was significant (P Durante enero 1999, cultivos unialgales de una diatomea Thalassiosira sp., aislada de poblaciones fitoplanctónicas naturales de Caleta Carlos Potter, Antártida, fueron expuestos a radiación solar ultravioleta (UVR, 280-400 nm con el objetivo de estudiar su aclimatación a largo plazo. La radiación ultravioleta B (UVBR, 280-315 nm inhibió la tasa de crecimiento durante el primer y segundo día de exposición. No se observó inhibición por UVBR durante el tercer día. El contenido inicial de α-tocopherol (13 pmol (10(4 cel-1 mostró una marcada disminución durante la fase de crecimiento exponencial (4 pmol (10(4 cel-1 al día 3. El contenido inicial de β-caroteno (3 pmol (10(4 cel-1 no mostró diferencias significativas entre días en células expuestas a UVBR. Se identificaron dos aminoácidos parecidos a micosporina (MAAs, porfira-334 y shinorina. Las concentraciones celulares de MAAs mostraron aumentos significativos en los días 2 y 3, que resultaron

  2. New Cyst Nematode, Heterodera sojae n. sp. (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) from Soybean in Korea. (United States)

    Kang, Heonil; Eun, Geun; Ha, Jihye; Kim, Yongchul; Park, Namsook; Kim, Donggeun; Choi, Insoo


    A new soybean cyst nematode Heterodera sojae n. sp. was found from the roots of soybean plants in Korea. Cysts of H. sojae n. sp. appeared more round, shining, and darker than that of H. glycines . Morphologically, H. sojae n. sp. differed from H. glycines by fenestra length (23.5-54.2 µm vs. 30-70 µm), vulval silt length (9.0-24.4 µm vs. 43-60 µm), tail length of J2 (54.3-74.8 µm vs. 40-61 µm), and hyaline part of J2 (32.6-46.3 µm vs. 20-30 µm). It is distinguished from H. elachista by larger cyst (513.4-778.3 µm × 343.4-567.1 µm vs. 350-560 µm × 250-450 µm) and longer stylet length of J2 (23.8-25.3 µm vs. 17-19 µm). Molecular analysis of rRNA large subunit (LSU) D2-D3 segments and ITS gene sequence shows that H. sojae n. sp. is more close to rice cyst nematode H. elachista than H. glycines . Heterodera sojae n. sp. was widely distributed in Korea. It was found from soybean fields of all three provinces sampled.

  3. Truncated recombinant human SP-D attenuates emphysema and type II cell changes in SP-D deficient mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mühlfeld Christian


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Surfactant protein D (SP-D deficient mice develop emphysema-like pathology associated with focal accumulations of foamy alveolar macrophages, an excess of surfactant phospholipids in the alveolar space and both hypertrophy and hyperplasia of alveolar type II cells. These findings are associated with a chronic inflammatory state. Treatment of SP-D deficient mice with a truncated recombinant fragment of human SP-D (rfhSP-D has been shown to decrease the lipidosis and alveolar macrophage accumulation as well as production of proinflammatory chemokines. The aim of this study was to investigate if rfhSP-D treatment reduces the structural abnormalities in parenchymal architecture and type II cells characteristic of SP-D deficiency. Methods SP-D knock-out mice, aged 3 weeks, 6 weeks and 9 weeks were treated with rfhSP-D for 9, 6 and 3 weeks, respectively. All mice were sacrificed at age 12 weeks and compared to both PBS treated SP-D deficient and wild-type groups. Lung structure was quantified by design-based stereology at the light and electron microscopic level. Emphasis was put on quantification of emphysema, type II cell changes and intracellular surfactant. Data were analysed with two sided non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test. Main Results After 3 weeks of treatment, alveolar number was higher and mean alveolar size was smaller compared to saline-treated SP-D knock-out controls. There was no significant difference concerning these indices of pulmonary emphysema within rfhSP-D treated groups. Type II cell number and size were smaller as a consequence of treatment. The total volume of lamellar bodies per type II cell and per lung was smaller after 6 weeks of treatment. Conclusion Treatment of SP-D deficient mice with rfhSP-D leads to a reduction in the degree of emphysema and a correction of type II cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy. This supports the concept that rfhSP-D might become a therapeutic option in diseases that are

  4. Quality improvement on half-fin anchovy (Setipinna taty) fish sauce by Psychrobacter sp. SP-1 fermentation. (United States)

    Zheng, Bin; Liu, Yu; He, Xiaoxia; Hu, Shiwei; Li, Shijie; Chen, Meiling; Jiang, Wei


    A method of improving fish sauce quality during fermentation was investigated. Psychrobacter sp. SP-1, a halophilic protease-producing bacterium, was isolated from fish sauce with flavor-enhancing properties and non-biogenic amine-producing activity. The performance of Psychrobacter sp. SP-1 in Setipinna taty fish sauce fermentation was investigated further. The inoculation of Psychrobacter sp. SP-1 did not significantly affect pH or NaCl concentration changes (P > 0.05), although it significantly increased total moderately halophilic microbial count, protease activity, total soluble nitrogen content and amino acid nitrogen content, and also promoted the umami taste and meaty aroma (P sauce quality by fermentation. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.

  5. Alterações metabolicas induzidas pela cafeina durante o exercicio intermitente


    Leonardo dos Reis Silveira


    Resumo: A cafeína porser uma droga muito comum nos dias atuais e capaz de alterar a performace durante o exercicio fisico, tem sido usada como um recurso ergogênico durante as competições esportivas em várias modalidades. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de verifiar a influência da cafeína no tempo de endurance, nas concentrações plasmáticas de ácidos graxos livres antes do exercício, nas concentrações de TBARS em amostras de urina no final do exercício, nas concentrações sanguíneas de lactato ...

  6. Efectos estructurales en el transporte de materia durante el secado de frutas


    Nieto, Andrea Bibiana


    El secado comercial de frutas involucra usualmente tratamientos de presecado (escalcado y deshidratación osmótica utilizando azúcares) dirigidos ya sea a mejorar la calidad del producto final o a mejorar la cinética de secado. La literatura sobre el efecto de estos tratamientos en la velocidad de transporte de humedad durante el secado convencional es aparentemente contradictoria. Ello puede atribuirse a la complejidad del proceso simultáneo de transferencia de calor y de masa durante el seca...

  7. From spent graphite to amorphous sp2+sp3 carbon-coated sp2 graphite for high-performance lithium ion batteries (United States)

    Ma, Zhen; Zhuang, Yuchan; Deng, Yaoming; Song, Xiaona; Zuo, Xiaoxi; Xiao, Xin; Nan, Junmin


    Today, with the massive application of lithium ion batteries (LIBs) in the portable devices and electric vehicles, to supply the active materials with high-performances and then to recycle their wastes are two core issues for the development of LIBs. In this paper, the spent graphite (SG) in LIBs is used as raw materials to fabricate two comparative high-capacity graphite anode materials. Based on a microsurgery-like physical reconstruction, the reconstructed graphite (RG) with a sp2+sp3 carbon surface is prepared through a microwave exfoliation and subsequent spray drying process. In contrast, the neural-network-like amorphous sp2+sp3 carbon-coated graphite (AC@G) is synthesized using a self-reconfigurable chemical reaction strategy. Compared with SG and commercial graphite (CG), both RG and AC@G have enhanced specific capacities, from 311.2 mAh g-1 and 360.7 mAh g-1 to 409.7 mAh g-1 and 420.0 mAh g-1, at 0.1C after 100 cycles. In addition, they exhibit comparable cycling stability, rate capability, and voltage plateau with CG. Because the synthesis of RG and AC@G represents two typical physical and chemical methods for the recycling of SG, these results on the sp2+sp3 carbon layer coating bulk graphite also reveal an approach for the preparation of high-performance graphite anode materials derived from SG.

  8. Halobacterium sp. SP1(1) as a starter culture for accelerating fish sauce fermentation. (United States)

    Akolkar, A V; Durai, D; Desai, A J


    Application of Halobacterium sp. SP1(1) for the acceleration of fish sauce fermentation. Traditional fish sauce fermentation was mimicked using Halobacterium sp. SP1(1) as starter culture. Protease activity, peptide release and α-amino content (parameters used to monitor the progress of the fermentation) were high at day 10 in tests and day 20 in un-inoculated controls. The total protein and nitrogen contents were also high in tests compared with controls. The amino acid profile observed at the end of fermentation in experimental samples, when compared with the commercial sauce preparation, was found to be better with respect to flavour and aroma contributing amino acids as well as essential amino acid lysine. Microflora analysis of the final fish sauce revealed the absence of any nonhalophilic or halotolerant micro-organisms. The protease-producing halophilic isolates obtained from the fish sauce of eviscerated and uneviscerated controls were identified as Halobacterium sp. F1 and F2, respectively, by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Exogenous augmentation of Halobacterium sp. SP1(1) accelerated the fish sauce fermentation process with an additive effect on the existing natural microflora present in the fish during fermentation. Halobacterium sp SP1(1), therefore, can be used as an important starter culture for accelerating the fish fermentation process, which is attributed to its extracellular protease. The present study is the first report on use of Halobacterium species as a starter culture for accelerating fish sauce fermentation. Use of halobacterial starter cultures may revolutionize the process in fish sauce industries by reducing the fermentation time and making the process more economical with improved nutritive value of product. Journal compilation © 2009 The Society for Applied Microbiology. No claim to Indian Government works.

  9. ExaSP2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    ExaSP2 is a reference implementation of typical linear algebra algorithms and workloads for a quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) electronic structure code. The algorithm is based on a recursive second-order Fermi-Operator expansion method (SP2) and is tailored for density functional based tight-binding calculations of material systems.

  10. Fresh Water Cyanobacteria Geitlerinema sp. CCC728 and Arthrospira sp. CCC729 as an Anticancer Drug Resource.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Akanksha Srivastava

    Full Text Available An increasing number of cancer patients worldwide, especially in third world countries, have raised concern to explore natural drug resources, such as the less explored fresh water filamentous cyanobacteria. Six strains of cyanobacteria (Phormidium sp. CCC727, Geitlerinema sp. CCC728, Arthrospira sp. CCC729, Phormidium sp. CCC731, Phormidium sp. CCC730, and Leptolyngbya sp. CCC732 were isolated (paddy fields and ponds in the Banaras Hindu University, campus and five strains screened for anticancer potential using human colon adenocarcinoma (HT29 and human kidney adenocarcinoma (A498 cancer cell lines. Geitlerinema sp. CCC728 and Arthrospira sp. CCC729 were the most potent as determined by examination of morphological features and by inhibition of growth by graded concentrations of crude extracts and thin-layer chromatography (TLC eluates. Cell cycle analysis and multiplex assays using cancer biomarkers also confirmed Geitlerinema sp. CCC728 and Arthrospira sp. CCC729 as cancer drug resources. Apoptotic studies in the cells of A498 (cancer and MCF-10A (normal human epithelial exposed to crude extracts and TLC fractions revealed no significant impact on MCF-10A cells emphasizing its importance in the development of anticancer drug. Identification of biomolecules from these extracts are in progress.

  11. Fresh Water Cyanobacteria Geitlerinema sp. CCC728 and Arthrospira sp. CCC729 as an Anticancer Drug Resource. (United States)

    Srivastava, Akanksha; Tiwari, Ratnakar; Srivastava, Vikas; Singh, Tej Bali; Asthana, Ravi Kumar


    An increasing number of cancer patients worldwide, especially in third world countries, have raised concern to explore natural drug resources, such as the less explored fresh water filamentous cyanobacteria. Six strains of cyanobacteria (Phormidium sp. CCC727, Geitlerinema sp. CCC728, Arthrospira sp. CCC729, Phormidium sp. CCC731, Phormidium sp. CCC730, and Leptolyngbya sp. CCC732) were isolated (paddy fields and ponds in the Banaras Hindu University, campus) and five strains screened for anticancer potential using human colon adenocarcinoma (HT29) and human kidney adenocarcinoma (A498) cancer cell lines. Geitlerinema sp. CCC728 and Arthrospira sp. CCC729 were the most potent as determined by examination of morphological features and by inhibition of growth by graded concentrations of crude extracts and thin-layer chromatography (TLC) eluates. Cell cycle analysis and multiplex assays using cancer biomarkers also confirmed Geitlerinema sp. CCC728 and Arthrospira sp. CCC729 as cancer drug resources. Apoptotic studies in the cells of A498 (cancer) and MCF-10A (normal human epithelial) exposed to crude extracts and TLC fractions revealed no significant impact on MCF-10A cells emphasizing its importance in the development of anticancer drug. Identification of biomolecules from these extracts are in progress.

  12. ¿Una frontera bárbara y sin instituciones? Elecciones y clientelismo en la formación del Estado provincial durante el gobierno de Rosas

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    Sol Lanteri


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es analizar las implicaciones de las prácticas electorales en la frontera sur de Buenos Aires durante el gobierno de Juan Manuel de Rosas, a través del estudio de caso de Azul y Tapalqué. De esta forma, mediante un examen cuantitativo y cualitativo del perfil socio-étnico y económico de los sufragantes, las mesas escrutadoras y los cambios-continuidades habidos en las distintas coyunturas, se intenta indagar en la legitimidad otorgada al régimen a través del sufragio por parte de la sociedad rural y en los intercambios y contraprestaciones generados entre ambas partes. Lo que permite matizar las tesis clientelares tradicionales basadas en el uso exclusivo de la coerción, el monopolio de los recursos o la preeminencia de los grandes estancieros en la estructura de poder rosista, destacando la importancia de la frontera en el andamiaje político-institucional del estado provincial y complejizando la articulación entre gobernantes y gobernados durante el período.

  13. Alternate Hosts of Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea Identification in Colombia by Bioassay / Identificación de Hospederos Alternos de Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea en Colombia por Bioensayos

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    Ivon Magaly Arcila Aristizabal


    Full Text Available Potato powdery scab, caused by Spongosporasubterranea f. sp. subterranea, is a disease that limits worldwide potato crop production. Incidence of the disease has been increasing in Colombia, thereby affecting tubers production, so far effective control methods have yet to be developed. The aim of this research was to establish the host range plants for Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea by artificial inoculations. Thus, 33 species were inoculated with 1×106 sporosori.mL-1 solution for 12 days. The plants were then planted in field, evaluations were performed at 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days after inoculation, 10 plants of each species were selected for every evaluation, the rootswere stained and the pathogenic structures were identified bymicroscopy. Morphological examination enabled the identification of trap plants species, which presented zoosporangia only; Type I hosts, which present sporosori only; and Type II hosts, which presented both sporosori and zoosporangia. Some of these hosts belonged to the Alliaceae, Apiaceae, Brassicaceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae and Solanaceae families, thus extending the speciesrange that can be reported as hosts of Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea in Colombia. / El agente causal de la sarna polvosa de la papa,Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea es una de lasenfermedades más limitantes de la producción del cultivo anivel mundial. En Colombia, viene incrementando su incidencia al punto de disminuir la producción, sin llegar a encontrar métodos de control efectivos. En este estudio, se buscó establecer un rango de hospederos del patógeno a partir de inoculaciones por bioensayos. Así, plantas de 33 especies se inocularon en solución a una concentración de 1x106 quistosoros mL-1 durante 12 días; posteriormente, las plantas fueron sembradas en campo, realizando evaluaciones a los 15, 30, 60, 90 y 120 días después de inoculadas. En cada evaluación se seleccionaron diez plantasde

  14. Exploring the use of natural antimicrobial agents and pulsed electric fields to control spoilage bacteria during a beer production process Exploración del uso de agentes antimicrobianos naturales y de campos eléctricos pulsantes para el control de bacterias contaminantes durante el proceso de elaboración de cerveza

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    M. A. Galvagno


    Full Text Available Different natural antimicrobials affected viability of bacterial contaminants isolated at critical steps during a beer production process. In the presence of 1 mg/ml chitosan and 0.3 mg/ml hops, the viability of Escherichia coli in an all malt barley extract wort could be reduced to 0.7 and 0.1% respectively after 2 hour- incubation at 4 °C. The addition of 0.0002 mg/ml nisin, 0.1 mg/ml chitosan or 0.3 mg/ml hops, selectively inhibited growth of Pediococcus sp. in more than 10,000 times with respect to brewing yeast in a mixed culture. In the presence of 0.1mg ml chitosan in beer, no viable cells of the thermoresistant strain Bacillus megaterium were detected. Nisin, chitosan and hops increased microbiological stability during storage of a local commercial beer inoculated with Lactobacillus plantarum or Pediococcus sp. isolated from wort. Pulsed Electric Field (PEF (8 kV/cm, 3 pulses application enhanced antibacterial activity of nisin and hops but not that of chitosan. The results herein obtained suggest that the use of these antimicrobial compounds in isolation or in combination with PEF would be effective to control bacterial contamination during beer production and storage.Diferentes antimicrobianos naturales disminuyeron la viabilidad de bacterias contaminantes aisladas en etapas críticas del proceso de producción de cerveza. En un extracto de malta, el agregado de 1 mg/ml de quitosano y de 0,3 mg ml de lúpulo permitió reducir la viabilidad de Escherichia coli a 0,7 y 0,1%, respectivamente, al cabo de 2 horas de incubación a 4 °C. El agregado de 0,0002 mg/ml de nisina, 0,1 mg/ml de quitosano o de 0,3 mg/ml de lúpulo inhibió selectivamente (10.000 veces más el crecimiento de Pediococcus sp. respecto de la levadura de cerveza en un cultivo mixto. El agregado de 0,1 mg/ml de quitosano permitió disminuir la viabilidad de una cepa bacteriana termorresistente, Bacillus megaterium, hasta niveles no detectables. Por otra parte, el

  15. Redes sociales, acción colectiva y elecciones: los usos de Facebook por el movimiento estudiantil chileno durante la campaña electoral de 2013

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    Lázaro M. Bacallao-Pino


    Full Text Available Los estudios recientes sobre las redes sociales digitales han analizado, por un lado, sus usos como parte de la acción colectiva y, por otro, sus usos durante las campañas electorales. Basado en el estudio del movimiento estudiantil chileno durante la campaña electoral de 2013 en ese país, el texto analiza los usos de Facebook por parte de tres federaciones estudiantiles que integran dicho movimiento. Los resultados indican que se priorizan las dimensiones informativa y organizativa en los usos de las redes sociales en ese contexto. Esta tendencia está mediada por las particularidades del movimiento —presencia de organizaciones estudiantiles tradicionales— y por la complejidad de la relación con la política institucional —en particular, la defensa de la autonomía frente a los riesgos de cooptación, acrecentados por el tránsito de exlíderes del movimiento a esta última—. De igual forma, también se confirma la tendencia a un mayor uso de estos espacios en momentos de mayor movilización social y se muestran las tensiones entre sus usos por parte de la acción colectiva organizada (federaciones estudiantiles y los sujetos individuales participantes en ella.

  16. Superhard sp{sup 2}–sp{sup 3} hybrid carbon allotropes with tunable electronic properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hu, Meng; Ma, Mengdong; Zhao, Zhisheng; Yu, Dongli; He, Julong, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004 (China)


    Four sp{sup 2}–sp{sup 3} hybrid carbon allotropes are proposed on the basis of first principles calculations. These four carbon allotropes are energetically more favorable than graphite under suitable pressure conditions. They can be assembled from graphite through intralayer wrinkling and interlayer buckling, which is similar to the formation of diamond from graphite. For one of the sp{sup 2}–sp{sup 3} hybrid carbon allotropes, mC24, the electron diffraction patterns match these of i-carbon, which is synthesized from shock-compressed graphite (H. Hirai and K. Kondo, Science, 1991, 253, 772). The allotropes exhibit tunable electronic characteristics from metallic to semiconductive with band gaps comparable to those of silicon allotropes. They are all superhard materials with Vickers hardness values comparable to that of cubic BN. The sp{sup 2}–sp{sup 3} hybrid carbon allotroes are promising materials for photovoltaic electronic devices, and abrasive and grinding tools.

  17. CULTIVO EXPERIMENTAL DEL CLADOCERO Moina sp ALIMENTADO CON Ankistrodesmus sp y Saccharomyces cereviseae

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    Martha Prieto


    Full Text Available Saccharomyces cereviseae. Materiales y métodos. Fueron realizados cultivos experimentales de la cepade cladóceros Moina sp en el laboratorio de Alimento Vivo de la Universidad de Córdoba, bajo condicionescontroladas de temperatura (22oC, pH (7.6, intensidad lumínica (2000 lux y aireación. Se emplearondos dietas de alimento como tratamiento (Ankistrodesmus y Ankistrodesmus mas Saccharomyces cereviseaeen concentración de 40 x 105 cada uno, para determinar su efecto sobre el desempeño de lapoblación. Diariamente se registró la densidad poblacional y celular. Resultados. Se obtuvieron diferenciassignificativas para el efecto de las dietas sobre el crecimiento poblacional de los cladóceros, los individuosalimentados con Ankistrodesmus sp + Saccharomyces cereviseae alcanzaron una densidad de 12.3a±0.30 org/ml-1 presentando mayor tasa instantánea de crecimiento (K 0.36 ± 0.002, el menor tiempode duplicación (td 1.94 ± 0.012 y el mayor rendimiento (r 1,1 ± 0.07ía-1. Conclusión. Loscladóceros por sus características de crecimiento en cultivo, presentan adaptación favorable a lascondiciones de manejo para la producción de biomasas potencialmente útiles como partícula nutritivacon fines acuícolas.

  18. Sobrevivência e perfil de resistência a antimicrobianos de Salmonella sp. isoladas em um sistema de tratamento de dejetos de suínos Survival and resistance patterns of Salmonella sp. isolated in a pig slurry treatment plant

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    Verônica Schmidt


    Full Text Available No presente estudo, foi avaliada a sobrevivência de Salmonella sp., presente em dejetos suínos, durante tratamento em um sistema de separação física e lagoas de estabilização ligadas em série. Nas amostras de Salmonella sp. isoladas foi determinado o perfil de resistência pelo método de difusão em ágar, usando 14 antimicrobianos. Das 20 coletas realizadas, foi possível isolar Salmonella sp. em 13 coletas no ponto correspondente ao início do sistema de tratamento e em apenas uma no ponto final do mesmo. Amostras de Salmonella sp. isoladas (161/163 pertenciam ao sorotipo Typhimurium e demonstraram resistência contra sulfonamida (100%, tetraciclina (99,4%, estreptomicina (90,1%, sulfa/trimetoprima (84,5%, ácido nalidíxico (77,6%, ampicilina (76,4%, cloranfenicol (29,2%, cefaclor (25,5%, tobramicina (13,7%, gentamicina (6,2%, amoxacilina/ácido clavulânico (5%, neomicina (5% e amicacina (3,7%. A maioria (94,5% das amostras isoladas foram resistente a 4 ou mais antimicrobianos e apresentaram grande variabilidade nos perfis de resistência. O nível de resistência e a variabilidade dos perfis mantiveram-se em nível semelhante ao longo do sistema.The survival of Salmonella sp. in pig slurry submitted to treatment in successive stabilization ponds on a pig-breeding farm was investigated. Furthermore, the isolated Salmonella strains were tested for their resistance against 14 antibiotics, using the agar diffusion method. Of a total of 20 samples taken from different points in the stabilization ponds system, 13 were positive for Salmonella sp. in the beginning and only one at the end of the system. Most of the isolated Salmonella strains (161/163 belonged to sorovar Typhimurium. These strains were resistant to sulfonamide (100%, tetracycline (9.4%, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprin (84.5%, ampicillin (76.4%, cloramphenicol (29.2%, streptomycin (90.1%, nalidixic acid (77.6%, tobramycin (13.7%, neomycin (5%, amikacin (3.7%, cefaclor (25

  19. Bifidobacterium reuteri sp. nov., Bifidobacterium callitrichos sp. nov., Bifidobacterium saguini sp. nov., Bifidobacterium stellenboschense sp. nov. and Bifidobacterium biavatii sp. nov. isolated from faeces of common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) and red-handed tamarin (Saguinus midas). (United States)

    Endo, Akihito; Futagawa-Endo, Yuka; Schumann, Peter; Pukall, Rüdiger; Dicks, Leon M T


    Five strains of bifidobacteria were isolated from faeces of a common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) and a red-handed tamarin (Saguinus midas). The five isolates clustered inside the phylogenetic group of the genus Bifidobacterium but did not show high sequence similarities between the isolates and to known species in the genus by phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. Sequence analyses of dnaJ1 and hsp60 also indicated their independent phylogenetic positions to each other in the Bifidobacterium cluster. DNA G+C contents of the species ranged from 57.3 to 66.3 mol%, which is within the values recorded for Bifidobacterium species. All isolates showed fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase activity. Based on the data provided, the five isolates represent five novel species, for which the names Bifidobacterium reuteri sp. nov. (type strain: AFB22-1(T) = JCM 17295(T) = DSM 23975(T)), Bifidobacterium callitrichos sp. nov. (type strain: AFB22-5(T) = JCM 17296(T) = DSM 23973(T)), Bifidobacterium saguini sp. nov. (type strain: AFB23-1(T) = JCM 17297(T) = DSM 23967(T)), Bifidobacterium stellenboschense sp. nov. (type strain: AFB23-3(T) = JCM 17298(T) = DSM 23968(T)) and Bifidobacterium biavatii sp. nov. (type strain: AFB23-4(T) = JCM 17299(T) = DSM 23969(T)) are proposed. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  20. Microbiologically influenced corrosion of galvanized steel by Desulfovibrio sp. and Desulfosporosinus sp. in the presence of Ag–Cu ions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ilhan-Sungur, Esra, E-mail: [Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 34134 Vezneciler, Istanbul (Turkey); Unsal-Istek, Tuba [Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 34134 Vezneciler, Istanbul (Turkey); Cansever, Nurhan [Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Chemistry-Metallurgy, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, 34210 Esenler, Istanbul (Turkey)


    The effects of Ag–Cu ions on the microbiologically induced corrosion of galvanized steel in the presence of Desulfovibrio sp. and Desulfosporosinus sp. were investigated. The corrosion behavior of galvanized steel was analyzed by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The biofilm, corrosion products and Ag–Cu ions on the surfaces were investigated by using scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry and elemental mapping. The biofilm layer formed by the Desulfovibrio sp. was stable covering the all surface of galvanized steel coupons, while that by Desulfosporosinus sp. was intermittent, highly porous and heterogeneous. It was found that both of the sulfate reducing bacteria species accelerated corrosion of the galvanized steel. However, it was detected that Desulfosporosinus sp. was more corrosive for galvanized steel than Desulfovibrio sp. Scanning electron microscopy images showed that Desulfovibrio sp. and Desulfosporosinus sp. in biofilm clustered into patches on the galvanized steel surface when the culture contained toxic Ag–Cu ions. The ions affected the growth of the sulfate reducing bacteria strains in different ways and hence the corrosion behaviors. It was observed that the Ag–Cu ions affected negatively growth of Desulfosporosinus sp. especially after 24 h of exposure leading to a decrease in the corrosion rate of galvanized steel. However, Desulfovibrio sp. showed more corrosive effect in the presence of the ions according to the ions-free culture. Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry analysis showed that corrosion products on the surfaces were mainly composed of Zn, S, Na, O and P. - Highlights: • Galvanized steel was corroded by Desulfosporosinus sp. and Desulfovibrio sp. • Desulfosporosinus sp. is more corrosive than Desulfovibrio sp. • The Ag–Cu ions affected corrosion behavior of Desulfosporosinus sp. and Desulfovibrio sp. on galvanized steel.

  1. Microbiologically influenced corrosion of galvanized steel by Desulfovibrio sp. and Desulfosporosinus sp. in the presence of Ag–Cu ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ilhan-Sungur, Esra; Unsal-Istek, Tuba; Cansever, Nurhan


    The effects of Ag–Cu ions on the microbiologically induced corrosion of galvanized steel in the presence of Desulfovibrio sp. and Desulfosporosinus sp. were investigated. The corrosion behavior of galvanized steel was analyzed by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The biofilm, corrosion products and Ag–Cu ions on the surfaces were investigated by using scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry and elemental mapping. The biofilm layer formed by the Desulfovibrio sp. was stable covering the all surface of galvanized steel coupons, while that by Desulfosporosinus sp. was intermittent, highly porous and heterogeneous. It was found that both of the sulfate reducing bacteria species accelerated corrosion of the galvanized steel. However, it was detected that Desulfosporosinus sp. was more corrosive for galvanized steel than Desulfovibrio sp. Scanning electron microscopy images showed that Desulfovibrio sp. and Desulfosporosinus sp. in biofilm clustered into patches on the galvanized steel surface when the culture contained toxic Ag–Cu ions. The ions affected the growth of the sulfate reducing bacteria strains in different ways and hence the corrosion behaviors. It was observed that the Ag–Cu ions affected negatively growth of Desulfosporosinus sp. especially after 24 h of exposure leading to a decrease in the corrosion rate of galvanized steel. However, Desulfovibrio sp. showed more corrosive effect in the presence of the ions according to the ions-free culture. Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry analysis showed that corrosion products on the surfaces were mainly composed of Zn, S, Na, O and P. - Highlights: • Galvanized steel was corroded by Desulfosporosinus sp. and Desulfovibrio sp. • Desulfosporosinus sp. is more corrosive than Desulfovibrio sp. • The Ag–Cu ions affected corrosion behavior of Desulfosporosinus sp. and Desulfovibrio sp. on galvanized steel

  2. Analysis list: SP2 [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SP2 Blood,Liver,Pluripotent stem cell + hg19,http:...//,http:...// http://dbarchive.biosciencedbc

  3. Plâncton, Artemia sp, dieta artificial e suas combinações no desenvolvimento e sobrevivência do quinguio (Carassius auratus durante a larvicultura Plankton, Artemia sp, artificial diet and their combinations on the development and survival of goldfish (Carassius auratus during larviculture phase

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    Eliana Maria Galdioli


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência do uso de diferentes alimentos sobre o desenvolvimento de larvas de quinguio (Carassius auratus, assim como determinar o melhor manejo alimentar. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Para análise estatística utilizou-se o teste de Tukey. Utilizaram-se 20 aquários com capacidade para 10 L, sendo estocadas 20 larvas com 5,20 mm de comprimento por aquário. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: somente ração com 56,00% de proteína bruta (R; plâncton (PL; náuplios de Artemia sp (NA, ração + plâncton (R+PL e ração + náuplios de Artemia sp (R+NA, sendo seu fornecimento à vontade duas vezes ao dia. Houve mortalidade de todos os indivíduos submetidos ao tratamento R. O uso de NA e R+NA proporcionou taxas de sobrevivência superiores (p 0,05. Conclui-se que as diferentes fontes de alimento interferem no desempenho das larvas, sendo o manejo alimentar com o fornecimento de ração + náuplios de Artemia sp o mais adequado para a larvicultura do quinguioThe aim of this study was to verify the influence of different diets on the development of goldfish (Carassius auratus larvae and determine the best diet management during its larviculture phase. The experimental design was totally randomized with five treatments and four replicatess, using Tukey test for statistical analysis. Twenty 10L-aquariums were used, where twenty larvae with 5.20 mm length were stocked per aquarium. Quinguio larvae were fed daily ration of different diets: ration alone including 56.00% crude protein (R, plankton (PL, Artemia sp nauplii (AN, ration + plankton (R+PL and ration + Artemia sp nauplii (R+AN, ad libitum twice a day. Treatment R caused the death of all individuals. AN and R+AN diets provided a higher survival rate (p 0.05 was observed between the different treatments. Under the conditions of the present experiment, the results led to

  4. The human luteinizing hormone receptor gene promoter: activation by Sp1 and Sp3 and inhibitory regulation. (United States)

    Geng, Y; Tsai-Morris, C H; Zhang, Y; Dufau, M L


    To understand the transcriptional mechanism(s) of human LH receptor (LHR) gene expression, we have identified the dominant functional cis-elements that regulate the activity of the promoter domain (-1 to -176 bp from ATG). Mutagenesis demonstrated that the promoter activity was dependent on two Sp1 domains (-79 bp, -120 bp) in a transformed normal placental cell (PLC) and the choriocarcinoma JAR cell. Both elements interacted with endogenous Sp1 and Sp3 factors but not with Sp2 or Sp4. In Drosophila SL2 cells, the promoter was activated by either Sp1 or Sp3. An ERE half-site (EREhs) at -174 bp was inhibitory (by 100%), but was unresponsive to estradiol and did not bind the estrogen receptor or orphan receptors ERR1 and SF-1. The 5' upstream sequence (-177 to -2056 bp) inhibited promoter activity in PLC by 60%, but only minimally in JAR cells. Activation of the human LHR promoter through Sp1/3 factors is negatively regulated through EREhs and upstream sequences to exert control of gene expression. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.

  5. Rhodotorula bloemfonteinensis sp. nov., Rhodotorula eucalyptica sp. nov., Rhodotorula orientis sp. nov. and Rhodotorula pini sp. nov., yeasts isolated from monoterpene-rich environments. (United States)

    Pohl, Carolina H; Smit, Martha S; Albertyn, Jacobus


    Recent rDNA sequencing of 25 isolates from a previous study, during which limonene-utilizing yeasts were isolated from monoterpene-rich environments by using 1,4-disubstituted cyclohexanes as sole carbon sources, led to the identification of four hitherto unknown Rhodotorula species. Analyses of the 26S rDNA D1/D2 region as well as the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) domain indicated that two isolates (CBS 8499(T) and CBS 10736) were identical and were closely related to Rhodotorula cycloclastica, a previously described limonene-utilizing yeast. These novel isolates differed from known yeast species and could be distinguished from R. cycloclastica by standard physiological tests. The other three isolates represent three novel Rhodotorula species, closely related to Sporobolomyces magnisporus. These three species could also be distinguished from other Rhodotorula species by standard physiological tests. Based on these results, we suggest that the new isolates represent novel species, for which the names Rhodotorula eucalyptica sp. nov. (type strain CBS 8499(T)  = NRRL Y-48408(T)), Rhodotorula pini sp. nov. (type strain CBS 10735(T)  = NRRL Y-48410(T)), Rhodotorula bloemfonteinensis sp. nov. (type strain CBS 8598(T)  = NRRL Y-48407(T)) and Rhodotorula orientis sp. nov. (type strain CBS 8594(T)  = NRRL Y-48719(T)) are proposed. R. eucalyptica and R. pini can also utilize limonene.

  6. Detection of Salmonella sp., Vibrio sp. and total plate count bacteria on blood cockle (Anadara granosa) (United States)

    Ekawati, ER; Yusmiati, S. N. H.


    Blood cockle (Anadara granosa) has high level of zinc and protein, which is beneficial for therapeutic function for malnourished particularly stunting case in children. Zinc in animal foods is more absorbable than that from vegetable food. Blood cockle (Anadara granosa) is rich in nutrient and an excellent environment for the growth of microorganisms. This research aimed to identify the contamination of Salmonella sp., Vibrio sp. and total plate count bacteria on blood cockle (Anadara granosa). This was observation research with laboratory analysis. Salmonella sp. and Vibrio sp. were detected from blood cockle. Total plate count was determine of the total amount of the bacteria. Results detected from 20 samples of blood cockle showed that all samples were negative of Salmonella sp. and 1 sample positive Vibrio sp. The result of total plate count bacteria was < 5 x 105 colony/g sample.

  7. Violência durante o sono Violent behavior during sleep

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    Dalva Poyares


    Full Text Available Casos de comportamento violento (CV durante o sono são relatados na literatura. A incidência de comportamento violento durante o sono não é muito conhecida. Um estudo epidemiológico mostra que cerca de 2% da população geral apresentava comportamento violento dormindo e eram predominantemente homens. Neste artigo, os autores descrevem aspectos clínicos e médico-legais envolvidos na investigação do comportamento violento. O comportamento violento se refere a ferimentos auto-infligidos ou infligidos a um terceiro durante o sono. Ocorre, muito freqüentemente, seguindo um despertar parcial no contexto de um transtorno de despertar (parassonias. Os transtornos do sono predominantes diagnosticados são: transtorno de comportamento REM e sonambulismo. O comportamento violento poderia ser precipitado pelo estresse, uso de álcool e drogas, privação do sono ou febre.Cases of violent behavior during sleep have been reported in the literature. However, the incidence of violent behavior during sleep is not known. One epidemiological study showed that approximately 2% of the general population, predominantly males, presented violent behavior while asleep. In the present study, the authors describe clinical and medico-legal aspects involved in violent behavior investigation. Violent behavior refers to self-injury or injury to another during sleep. It happens most frequently following partial awakening in the context of arousal disorders (parasomnias. The most frequently diagnosed sleep disorders are REM behavior disorder and somnambulism. Violent behavior might be precipitated by stress, use of alcohol or drugs, sleep deprivation or fever.

  8. Mortandad de aves marinas durante "El Niño 1997-98" en el litoral sur de San Juan de Marcona, Ica -Perú

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    Manuel Apaza


    Full Text Available Entre agosto de 1997 y abril de 1998, se evaluó, al sur de la punta guanera de San Juan de Marcona, la mortandad de las poblaciones de aves marinas. Especies de alimentación exclusivamente pelágica y de distribución restringida al ámbito de la Corriente Peruana, como las aves guaneras Pelecanus thagus, Sula variegata y Phalacrocorax bougainvillii, el pingüino Spheniscus humboldti y el zarcillo Larosterna inca, mostraron una correlación significativa en el comportamiento mensual, relacionados con la temperatura superficial del mar y con la ausencia del recurso anchoveta Engraulis ringens durante el evento "El Niño". Otras especies consideradas en el análisis presentaron una mortandad diferente, como la gaviota de Franklin Larus pipixcan y la gaviota gris Larus modestus, en ambos casos, las especies se alimentaron de recursos alternativos, como Calosoma sp. y Emeríta analoga, respectivamente.

  9. Saturação periférica de oxigênio, frequência cardíaca e pressão arterial sistêmica em crianças portadoras de cardiopatia congênita cianogênica com hipofluxo pulmonar durante procedimento odontológico


    Rosane Menezes Faria Dutra


    INTRODUÇÃO: Crianças portadoras de cardiopatia congênita cianogênica com hipofluxo pulmonar (CCCHP) necessitam de tratamento odontológico com frequência. Não encontramos estudos na literatura sobre o impacto na oxigenação dessas crianças durante os procedimentos odontológicos. A hipótese inicial era de que essas crianças submetidas a tratamento odontológico em consultório, poderiam apresentar alterações de saturação periférica de oxigênio (SpO2), pressão arterial sistêmica (PA) e frequência c...

  10. Surfactant protein A (SP-A)-mediated clearance of Staphylococcus aureus involves binding of SP-A to the staphylococcal adhesin eap and the macrophage receptors SP-A receptor 210 and scavenger receptor class A. (United States)

    Sever-Chroneos, Zvjezdana; Krupa, Agnieszka; Davis, Jeremy; Hasan, Misbah; Yang, Ching-Hui; Szeliga, Jacek; Herrmann, Mathias; Hussain, Muzafar; Geisbrecht, Brian V; Kobzik, Lester; Chroneos, Zissis C


    Staphylococcus aureus causes life-threatening pneumonia in hospitals and deadly superinfection during viral influenza. The current study investigated the role of surfactant protein A (SP-A) in opsonization and clearance of S. aureus. Previous studies showed that SP-A mediates phagocytosis via the SP-A receptor 210 (SP-R210). Here, we show that SP-R210 mediates binding and control of SP-A-opsonized S. aureus by macrophages. We determined that SP-A binds S. aureus through the extracellular adhesin Eap. Consequently, SP-A enhanced macrophage uptake of Eap-expressing (Eap(+)) but not Eap-deficient (Eap(-)) S. aureus. In a reciprocal fashion, SP-A failed to enhance uptake of Eap(+) S. aureus in peritoneal Raw264.7 macrophages with a dominant negative mutation (SP-R210(DN)) blocking surface expression of SP-R210. Accordingly, WT mice cleared infection with Eap(+) but succumbed to sublethal infection with Eap- S. aureus. However, SP-R210(DN) cells compensated by increasing non-opsonic phagocytosis of Eap(+) S. aureus via the scavenger receptor scavenger receptor class A (SR-A), while non-opsonic uptake of Eap(-) S. aureus was impaired. Macrophages express two isoforms: SP-R210(L) and SP-R210(S). The results show that WT alveolar macrophages are distinguished by expression of SP-R210(L), whereas SR-A(-/-) alveolar macrophages are deficient in SP-R210(L) expressing only SP-R210(S). Accordingly, SR-A(-/-) mice were highly susceptible to both Eap(+) and Eap(-) S. aureus. The lungs of susceptible mice generated abnormal inflammatory responses that were associated with impaired killing and persistence of S. aureus infection in the lung. In conclusion, alveolar macrophage SP-R210(L) mediates recognition and killing of SP-A-opsonized S. aureus in vivo, coordinating inflammatory responses and resolution of S. aureus pneumonia through interaction with SR-A.

  11. Efeitos da estimulação elétrica neuromuscular durante a imobilização nas propriedades mecânicas do músculo esquelético Efectos de la estimulación eléctrica neuromuscular durante la inmovilización en las propiedades mecánicas del músculo esquelético Effects of neuromuscular electric stimulation during immobilization in the mechanical properties of the skeletal muscle

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    João Paulo Chieregato Matheus


    Full Text Available A estimulação elétrica neuromuscular (EENM é um importante recurso utilizado em medicina esportiva para acelerar processos de recuperação. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os efeitos da EENM durante a imobilização do músculo gastrocnêmio, em posições de alongamento (LP e encurtamento (SP. Para tanto, 60 ratas fêmeas jovens Wistar foram distribuídas em seis grupos e acompanhadas durante sete dias: controle (C, eletroestimuladas (EE, imobilizadas em encurtamento (ISP, imobilizadas em alongamento (ILP, imobilizadas em encurtamento e eletroestimuladas (ISP + EE e imobilizadas em alongamento e eletroestimuladas (ILP + EE. Para a imobilização, o membro posterior direito foi envolvido por uma malha tubular e ataduras de algodão juntamente à atadura gessada. A EENM foi utilizada com freqüência de 50Hz, 10 minutos por dia, totalizando 20 contrações em cada sessão. Após sete dias os animais foram submetidos a eutanásia e os músculos gastrocnêmios retirados para a realização do ensaio mecânico de tração em uma máquina universal de ensaios (EMIC®. A partir dos gráficos carga versus alongamento, foram calculadas as seguintes propriedades mecânicas: alongamento no limite de proporcionalidade (ALP, carga no limite de proporcionalidade (CLP e rigidez. As imobilizações SP e LP promoveram reduções significativas (p La estimulación eléctrica neuromuscular (EENM es un importante recurso utilizado en medicina deportiva para acelerar procesos de recuperación. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar los efectos de la EENM durante la inmovilización del músculo gastrocnemio, en posiciones de alongamiento (LP y contracción (SP. Para tal fin, 60 ratones hembras jóvenes Wistar fueron distribuidas en seis grupos y monitoreadas durante 7 días: control (C, electro estimuladas (EE, inmovilizadas en contracción (ISP, inmovilizadas en alongamiento (ILP, inmovilizadas en contracción y electro estimuladas (ISP + EE e

  12. Cr(VI) reduction from contaminated soils by Aspergillus sp. N2 and Penicillium sp. N3 isolated from chromium deposits. (United States)

    Fukuda, Tsubasa; Ishino, Yasuhiro; Ogawa, Akane; Tsutsumi, Kadzuyo; Morita, Hiroshi


    Aspergillus sp. N2 and Penicillium sp. N3 are chromate-resistant filamentous fungi that were isolated from Cr(VI) contaminated soil based on their ability to decrease hexavalent chromium levels in the growth medium. After 120 h of growth in a medium containing 50 ppm Cr(VI) at near neutral pH, Aspergillus sp. N2 reduced the Cr(VI) concentration by about 75%. Penicillium sp. N3 was able to reduce the Cr(VI) concentration by only 35%. However, Penicillium sp. N3 reduced the Cr(VI) concentration in the medium by 93% under acidic conditions. Interestingly, the presence of Cu(II) enhanced the Cr(VI) reducing ability of Aspergillus sp. N2 and Penicillium sp. N3 at near neutral pH. Aspergillus sp. N2 and Penicillium sp. N3 reduced the Cr(VI) concentration in the growth medium to a virtually undetectable level within 120 h. For both Aspergillus sp. N2 and Penicillium sp. N3, mycelial seed cultures were more efficient at Cr(VI) reduction than conidium seed cultures. The mechanisms of Cr(VI) reduction in Aspergillus sp. N2 and Penicillium sp. N3 were enzymatic reduction and sorption to mycelia. Enzymatic activity contributed significantly to Cr(VI) reduction. Aspergillus sp. N2 and Penicillium sp. N3 reduced the levels of Cr(VI) in polluted soil samples, suggesting that these strains might be useful for cleaning up chromium-contaminated sites.

  13. Calidad del aire en galpón avícola con ventilación natural durante la fase de pollitos

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    Robinson Osorio H.

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Los pollos de engorde durante la primera fase deben estar protegidos del estrés por frio, especialmente en el inverno, noches y madrugadas frías. Para proteger a los animales, los avicultores han utilizado diferentes estrategias, entre ellas está el uso de varias capas de cortinas para aumentar el nivel de aislamiento térmico y disminuir las pérdidas de calor, disminuyendo también la permeabilidad con el aire externo. En este contexto, es importante dar especial atención a la calidad del aire interno de los galpones avícolas como parte de una producción bajo parámetros de bienestar animal. El presente estudio fue realizado en el municipio de Barbacena, MG, en Brasil, y tuvo como objetivo evaluar la calidad del aire al nivel de los pollos y los trabajadores, específicamente de las concentraciones de amoniaco, dióxido de carbono y monóxido de carbono, en un galpón avícola naturalmente ventilado durante la primera fase de vida de pollos de engorde en el período de inverno, y la influencia del nivel de aislamiento con cortinas laterales sobre las concentraciones de amoniaco. Durante la primera semana experimental, los niveles de amoniaco sobrepasaron los valores aceptables, y se encontró diferencia estadística entre las concentraciones de amoniaco para los diferentes niveles de aislamiento con cortinas laterales.

  14. Árabe marroquí: vulgar y dialectal. El Interés por su aprendizaje y su metodología de estudio durante el Protectorado

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    Francisco Moscoso García


    Full Text Available Abordamos el interés por el estudio del árabe marroquí durante el Protectorado, tanto en la Península como en el norte de Marruecos. Presentamos la actividad docente en relación al árabe marroquí que se llevaba a cabo en la Academia de Árabe y Bereber y el Centro de Estudios de Tetuán. Por último, nos centramos en la metodología empleada en la enseñanza del árabe marroquí y qué se entendía por este en una buena parte de los manuales y diccionarios publicados durante el Protectorado. The aim of this article is to approach to the interest for the study of the Moroccan Arabic during the Protectorate, both in the Peninsula and in the north of Morocco. We present the educational activity in relation to the Moroccan Arabic that was carried out in the Academy of Arabic and Berber and the Studies Center of Tetuan. Finally, we’ll focus on the methodology in teaching the Moroccan Arabic and how is treated this language in a good part of the textbooks and dictionaries published during the Protectorate.

  15. Rede social durante a expansão da família Rede social durante la expansión de la familia Social net during family expansion

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    Nádia Cristina Jussani


    Full Text Available Estudo de natureza qualitativa que estudou a rede de suporte de famílias durante a gravidez. Os dados foram coletados em maio de 2003, através de entrevista semi-estruturada, junto à 16 mulheres. Os resultados revelaram que apenas uma mulher não recorreu à rede de apoio e que diferentes pessoas são procuradas conforme o tipo de problema vivenciado: dificuldades econômicas ou de aceitação da gravidez, necessidade de apoio emocional ou de esclarecimentos, ajuda para os afazeres domésticos, entre outros. Conclui-se que a rede social favorece o bom desenvolvimento da gestação e que para uma assistência mais eficaz é indicado que os profissionais de saúde atentem para o fato de a mulher ter uma rede de suporte com que possa contar durante a gravidez.Estudio descriptivo, de naturaleza cualitativa desarrollado con el objetivo de estudiar la red de soporte de familias durante el embarazo. Los datos han sido colectados en mayo de 2003, a través de entrevista semiestructurada, junto a 16 mujeres. Los resultados han revelado que apenas una mujer no ha recorrido a la red de apoyo durante el embarazo y que diferentes personas son procuradas de acuerdo con el tipo de problemas vivenciado: dificultades económicas o de aceptación del embarazo, necesidad de apoyo emocional o de esclarecimiento, ayuda para los quehaceres domésticos, entre otros. Se concluí que la red social ayuda el buen desarrollo de la gestación y que los profesionales de salud necesitan saber si hay una red de soporte que pueda contar durante el embarazo.This is a research of qualitative nature developed with the objective of studying the support net of families during pregnancy. Data were collected through semi-structured interview, from 16 women in May 2003. The results showed that just one woman did not appeal to the support net during pregnancy and that different people are sought according to the type of problem experienced at the time: economical difficulties or of

  16. Duvalius (Paraduvalius petrovici sp.n. and D.(P. sotirovi sp.n. (Carabidae: Trechinae: Trechini: Two new troglobitic ground beetles from eastern and southeastern Serbia

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    Ćurčić S.


    Full Text Available The following two new troglobitic trechine ground beetle species are described from two caves in eastern and southeastern Serbia: Duvalius (Paraduvalius petrovici sp. n., from the Resavska Pećina Cave, village of Jelovac, near Despotovac, Kučajske Planine Mts., and D. (P. sotirovi sp. n., from the Ogorelička Pećina Cave, village of Sićevo, near Niš, Svrljiške Planine Mts. The new species considerably differ from the related taxa. All important morphological characteristics of the species, along with the diagnoses and images of the taxa are presented. These represent relicts and endemics of eastern and southeastern parts of Serbia and are of great age (probably Tertiary or even before. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173038

  17. Penggunaan Jamur Antagonis Trichoderma SP. Dan Gliocladium SP. Untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Layu Fusarium Pada Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.)


    Arie Ramadhina, Arie Ramadhina; Lisnawita, Lisnawita; Lubis, Lahmuddin


    The use of antagonism fungus of Trichoderma sp. and Gliocladium sp. for controlling wilt(Fusarium oxysporum) in red onion plants. The aim of the research was to know the effectiviness ofantagonism fungus of Trichoderma sp. and Gliocladium sp. in controlling wilt in red onion plants.The research used non-factorial RAK (random group design) with eight treatments: control, 10grams of F. oxysporum, 12 grams of Trichoderma sp., 18 grams of Trichoderma sp., 24 grams ofTrichoderma sp., and 12 grams ...

  18. Penggunaan Streptomyces sp. Sebagai Biokontrol Penyakit Layu Pada Tanaman Cabai Merah (Capsicum annuum L. yang Disebabkan Oleh Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. capsici

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    Full Text Available A research has been conducted to find out Streptomyces bacteria at Bukit Jimbaran, to inhibitionpotency of Streptomyces sp. to pathogenic fungi Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. capsici, and to find outantifungal activity of Streptomyces filtrate to F.oxysporum f.sp. capsici in chili (Capsicum annuumL. plants. Streptomyces sp. isolation was done by platting method with selective media YMA (ISP4.Identification of Streptomyces sp. used Bergey’s book entitled Manual Determinative Bacteriology.Test inhibition against F.oxysporum f.sp. capsici and in vivo test used by dying the roots of the chili(C.annuum L. plant with F.oxysporum f.sp. capsici and after 30 seconds the roots were dying withStreptomyces sp. culture, furthermore sterile soil on polybag watered by F.oxysporum f.sp. capsicispore and Streptomyces sp. culture at the same time. The result found five isolates Streptomyces sp.with different morphological. The antagonis test showed Streptomyces sp. 4 had ability (82% againstFusarium, Streptomyces sp.1 (72%, Streptomyces sp.2 (64%, Streptomyces sp.3 (76%, andStreptomyces sp. 5 (32%. All Streptomyces suppressed the growth of Fusarium on chili plants inglass house (p<0,05. Streptomyces sp.4 suppressed Fusarium wilt disease in chili from 80% in controlto 8%.

  19. Efecto de la Infección de Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea en Hospederos Alternos / Effect of Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea Infection on Alternate Hosts

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    Ivón Magaly Arcila Aristizábal


    Full Text Available Resumen. Como una de las posibles medidas de manejo deaplicación práctica para la reducción de inóculo de Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea en suelos infestados con quistosoros del patógeno, se evaluó la incidencia de su infección en diferentes plantas hospederas durante tres siembras consecutivas. Las siembras se realizaron en macetas que contenían 2 kg de suelo previamente inoculados con una concentración de 1x105quistosoros.g-1 de suelo; las cosechas de las plantas se realizaron cada tres meses, seleccionando dos muestras de raíz por maceta, una para observación de estructuras del patógeno por microscopía de luz, previa tinción con azul de tripano al 0,05% y otra para detección molecular mediante PCR en tiempo real (qPCR. Para el análisis estadístico se evaluaron los modelos Exponencial y Monomolecular, con el objetivo de seleccionar el que mejor se ajustara a los datos obtenidos. Según el valor estimado para la incidencia de estructuras del patógeno en las raíces, en las especiesCyphomandra betacea, Physalis peruvianum, Solanumnigrum, Allium cepa, Solanum quitoense y Rumex crispus,se reduce la presencia de quistosoros y zoosporangios después de tres siembras consecutivas en condiciones de casa de malla, mientras que en las especies Petroselinum crispum, Pennisetum clandestinum, Zea mays y Solanum lycopersicum se aumenta la incidencia de estructuras de S. subterranea f. sp. subterranea en las raíces. / Abstract. Trap crops have been considered an alternative strategy to reduce the inoculum of soil pathogens such as Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. In this work, the incidence of this pathogen was evaluated at three consecutive sowings using different alternative hosts. Plants were sown in pots containing 2 kg of soil inoculated with 1x105 cystosori per gram and harvested every three months. Roots were tested for the presence of cystosori and zoosporangia using light microscopy

  20. Role of surfactant protein-A (SP-A) in lung injury in response to acute ozone exposure of SP-A deficient mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haque, Rizwanul; Umstead, Todd M.; Ponnuru, Padmavathi; Guo Xiaoxuan; Hawgood, Samuel; Phelps, David S.; Floros, Joanna


    Millions are exposed to ozone levels above recommended limits, impairing lung function, causing epithelial damage and inflammation, and predisposing some individuals to pneumonia, asthma, and other lung conditions. Surfactant protein-A (SP-A) plays a role in host defense, the regulation of inflammation, and repair of tissue damage. We tested the hypothesis that the lungs of SP-A(-/-) (KO) mice are more susceptible to ozone-induced damage. We compared the effects of ozone on KO and wild type (WT) mice on the C57BL/6 genetic background by exposing them to 2 parts/million of ozone for 3 or 6 h and sacrificing them 0, 4, and 24 h later. Lungs were subject to bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) or used to measure endpoints of oxidative stress and inflammation. Despite more total protein in BAL of KO mice after a 3 h ozone exposure, WT mice had increased oxidation of protein and had oxidized SP-A dimers. In KO mice there was epithelial damage as assessed by increased LDH activity and there was increased phospholipid content. In WT mice there were more BAL PMNs and elevated macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-2 and monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1. Changes in MIP-2 and MCP-1 were observed in both KO and WT, however mRNA levels differed. In KO mice MIP-2 mRNA levels changed little with ozone, but in WT levels they were significantly increased. In summary, several aspects of the inflammatory response differ between WT and KO mice. These in vivo findings appear to implicate SP-A in regulating inflammation and limiting epithelial damage in response to ozone exposure

  1. Guide til gode spørgeskemaer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Henning

    Spørgeskemaundersøgelser bliver ofte brugt til at dokumentere forskellige forhold og begrunde politiske beslutninger. Men resultaterne kan være forbundet med stor usikkerhed. Det kræver omhu og stor sproglig formåen at udarbejde spørgeskemaer. Seniorforsker Henning Olsen har i flere år arbejdet med...... viden om, hvordan folk forstår sproglige meddelelser og genkalder sig informationer. I guiden behandles emner som fx styrende problemstillinger og spørgsmåls fokus og neutralitet, formulering af åbne eller lukkede spørgsmål og svarkategorier, tematiske spørgeforløb, aflastning af svarpersoners...

  2. El comercio exterior durante la década revolucionaria: un acercamiento preliminar


    Sandra Kuntz Ficker


    El propósito de este trabajo es realizar un primer acercamiento sistemático al análisis del comercio exterior de México durante la década de 1910. Tal objetivo se ha visto obstaculizado en el pasado por la escasez de fuentes cuantitativas de procedencia mexicana para los años de la revolución. Para suplir esta carencia, este artículo recurre a las estadísticas comerciales publicadas por los principales socios de México durante estos años (Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña y Francia). A pa...

  3. Fatiga de vigilancia (fatigatio vigilantiae) durante epidemias


    Romero-Álvarez, Daniel; Peterson, A. Townsend; Escobar, Luis E


    Se presenta el concepto de "fatiga de vigilancia" (fatigatio vigilantiae) para describir un escenario epidemiológico en el que es evidente el subreporte de casos durante epidemias abrumadoras. Revisamos epidemias pasadas y encontramos que la fatiga de vigilancia es un patrón común, por lo tanto, puede ser un concepto útil en la epidemiología moderna. This manuscript presents the concept of "surveillance fatigue" (fatigatio vigilantiae), to describe an epidemiological scenario of an evident...


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    Eva Ari Wahyuni


    Full Text Available DISTRIBUTION OF Solen sp IN BANGKALAN WATERSSolen sp potential needs to be developed on the island of Madura, particularly in Bangkalan. Solen sp utilization has increased which has the potential to overfishing. Therefore, this study aims to determine the density of Solen sp and their ecology in the waters Modung village, Modung District, Bangkalan. The experiment was conducted in April 2015 using the descriptive method. The materials used include Solen sp and physico-chemical parameters of the environment (temperature, salinity, pH, and substrate. The analyzes were conducted at the Laboratory of Marine Science, Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura by using the tool grabsampler, sieveshaker, and pipetting with gravimetric method. The analysis shows the range of values of temperature between 29-300C, salinity between 31-32 ppt, pH were 7.9-8.0 and the type of substrate in the form of sandy mud, as well as the density of Solen sp from 8-10 individuals/m2. All measurement results indicate normal conditions and in accordance with the sea water quality standard for marine life, which can be a suitable habitat for the growth and development of Solen sp. This condition is thought to affect the density of Solen sp.Keywords: Bangkalan, density, distribution, Solen sp, substrate.ABSTRAKPotensi Solen sp perlu dikembangkan di pulau Madura, khususnya di Kabupaten Bangkalan. Pemanfaatan Solen sp mengalami peningkatan sehingga berpotensi overfishing. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepadatan Solen sp dan ekologinya di perairan desa Modung, Kecamatan Modung, Kabupaten Bangkalan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2015 dengan metode deskriptif. Materi dan bahan yang digunakan diantaranya Solen sp dan parameter fisika-kimia lingkungan (suhu, salinitas, pH, dan substrat. Analisa dilakukan di Laboratorium Ilmu Kelautan, Program studi/Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Trunojoyo Madura dengan menggunakan alat

  5. Los palacios en la Costa Central durante los periodos Tardíos: de Pachacamac al Inca

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    Full Text Available LES PALAIS DE LA COTE CENTRALE DURANT LES PERIODES RECENTES : DE PACHACAMAC A L’INCA. Des études récentes portant sur la côte centrale du Pérou ont mis en évidence le fait que durant la période Intermédiaire récent (XIe au XVe s. dne l’architecture reliée au pouvoir était étroitement liée à un type particulier d’édifice : la résidence d’élite ou palais. Les données indiquent également que durant l’occupation inca dans la même région (15-16e siècles, ce type de bâtiment conserve toute son importance en tant que symbole spécifique du pouvoir politique des élites gouvernantes (c'est-à-dire les curacas. La persistance des palais de tradition locale comme référents de l’organisation politique de ce que l’on appelle la province inca de Pachacamac - tout du moins dans la zone correspondant au fleuve Rimac - met en evidence un thème toujours d’actualité dans le débat archéologique : quelles furent les caractéristiques du contrôle politique résultant de l’occupation inca dans cette partie du Tahuantinsuyu ? Quelle fut la reaction des élites locales face à l’ordre nouveau issu de la conquête ? Cet article développe ce thème à partir de la définition des attributs formels des palais, la description et l’usage des artefacts associés à ceux-ci, ainsi que l’analyse des sources historiques qui rendent compte des caractéristiques particulières de la société préhispanique récente de la côte centrale. Recientes estudios para la costa central del Perú han evidenciado que durante el periodo Intermedio Tardío (S. XI a XV d.C. la arquitectura del poder estuvo íntimamente ligada a un tipo particular de edificio: la residencia de elite o palacio. Las evidencias también indican que luego de la ocupación Inca de la misma región (S. XV, esta variedad de edificio conservó su vigencia como símbolo distintivo del poder político de las elites gobernantes (v.g. curacas. La persistencia de los palacios de

  6. Endosulfan induced alteration in bacterial protein profile and RNA yield of Klebsiella sp. M3, Achromobacter sp. M6, and Rhodococcus sp. M2. (United States)

    Singh, Madhu; Singh, Dileep Kumar


    Three bacterial strains identified as Klebsiella sp. M3, Achromobacter sp. M6 and Rhodococcus sp. M2 were isolated by soil enrichment with endosulfan followed by shake flask enrichment technique. They were efficiently degrading endosulfan in the NSM (non sulfur medium) broth. Degradation of endosulfan was faster with the cell free extract of bacterial cells grown in the sulfur deficient medium (NSM) supplemented with endosulfan than that of nutrient rich medium (Luria Bertani). In the cell free extract of NSM supplemented with endosulfan as sole sulfur source, a unique band was visualized on SDS-PAGE but not with magnesium sulfate as the sole sulfur source in NSM and LB with endosulfan. Expression of a unique polypeptide band was speculated to be induced by endosulfan under sulfur starved condition. These unique polypeptide bands were identified as OmpK35 protein, sulfate binding protein and outer membrane porin protein, respectively, in Klebsiella sp. M3, Achromobacter sp. M6 and Rhodococcus sp. M2. Endosulfan showed dose dependent negative effect on total RNA yield of bacterial strains in nutrient rich medium. Absence of plasmid DNA indicated the presence of endosulfan metabolizing gene on genomic DNA. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. La itinerancia de la corte de Castilla durante la primera mitad del siglo XV

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    Francisco de Paula CAÑAS GÁLVEZ


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo intentará explicar las diferentes causas que hicieron del centro de la meseta el núcleo político y burocrático de la Corona de Castilla y León a finales de la Edad Media. Aquel espacio geográfico, comprendido en sus líneas generales entre Burgos y Toledo, concentró, efectivamente, una parte muy significativa de la actividad política e institucional de la Monarquía en un periodo de especial relevancia en la formación del Estado Moderno en tierras castellanas. Este largo proceso, si bien pergeñado durante los siglos XIII y primera mitad del XIV, únicamente se consolidaría tras la llegada al trono castellano de la nueva dinastía Trastámara, en especial durante los reinados de Enrique III y Juan II, alcanzando su madurez plena en tiempos de los Habsburgo con el asentamiento de la hasta entonces corte itinerante, y de buena parte de su aparato burocrático, en Madrid.Ce travail vise à expliquer les différentes causes qui ont fait du centre de la Meseta le noyau politique et administratif de la couronne de Castille et León. Cet espace géographique, compris grosso modo entre Burgos et Tolède a  effectivement concentré une part importante de la vie politique et institutionnelle de la monarchie à une période cruciale pour la formation de l’État moderne en terre castillane. Ce vaste processus, esquissé au cours du XIIIe siècle et de la première moitié du XIVe siècle, ne s’est consolidé qu’avec l’avènement de la nouvelle dynastie Trastamare, en particulier pendant les règnes d’Henri III et de Jean II, pour atteindre sa pleine maturité au temps des Habsbourg, avec la sédentarisation à Madrid de la cour jusque-là itinérante et d’une  bonne partie de l’appareil bureaucratique.

  8. SP-A binding sites on bovine alveolar macrophages. (United States)

    Plaga, S; Plattner, H; Schlepper-Schaefer, J


    Surfactant protein A (SP-A) binding to bovine alveolar macrophages was examined in order to characterize SP-A binding proteins on the cell surface and to isolate putative receptors from these cells that could be obtained in large amounts. Human SP-A, unlabeled or labeled with gold particles, was bound to freshly isolated macrophages and analyzed with ELISA or the transmission electron microscope. Binding of SP-A was inhibited by Ca2+ chelation, by an excess of unlabeled SP-A, or by the presence of 20 mg/ml mannan. We conclude that bovine alveolar macrophages expose binding sites for SP-A that are specific and that depend on Ca2+ and on mannose residues. For isolation of SP-A receptors with homologous SP-A as ligand we isolated SP-A from bovine lung lavage. SDS-PAGE analysis of the purified SP-A showed a protein of 32-36 kDa. Functional integrity of the protein was demonstrated. Bovine SP-A bound to Dynabeads was used to isolate SP-A binding proteins. From the fractionated and blotted proteins of the receptor preparation two proteins bound SP-A in a Ca2+-dependent manner, a 40-kDa protein showing mannose dependency and a 210-kDa protein, showing no mannose sensitivity. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.

  9. Metabolismo mineral óseo durante la gestación y efectos sobre la masa ósea de la madre


    Luis Vidal; Maritza Vidal; Santiago Cabrera; Eduardo Ortega; Vicente Santiváñez; Jorge Polo; Jorge Barnaby; Rolando Vargas; Angélica del Castillo


    La gestación y lactancia son periodos de alta demanda de calcio, para el crecimiento fetal y para la producción de leche materna. Durante la gestación, la madre transfiere al feto 25 a 30 g de calcio y durante la lactancia se secretan 200 a 240 mg de calcio diario en la leche materna. Durante la gestación, los mecanismos adaptativos más importantes son el incremento en la absorción de calcio y el incremento del recambio óseo materno; durante la lactancia, hay tendencia a conservar más calcio ...

  10. Pertumbuhan cacing tanah Eisenia fetida sp. Pada kompos limbah fleshing

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    Prayitno Prayitno


    Full Text Available The use of earthworm as a source of income and a means for managing organic solid waste such as fleshing waste has been widely applied. The aim of this research was to find the optimum ratio between fleshing waste and cow dung in the growing medium of Eisenia fetida sp. This research was conducted by growing the E. fetida sp. earthworm in the medium containing fleshing waste mixed with cow dung. The ratio of fleshing waste and cow dung was varied at 0:100; 10:90; 20:80; 30:70; 40:60; and 50:50. In addition, 2 parts of chopped stubbles per part of every sample was added as a carbon source. The prepared media were fermented for three weeks with EM4 as a starter, followed by incubation of the earthworm for six weeks. The weight and the number of earthworm were evaluated every two weeks. The optimum growth of earthworm was achieved at the 2nd week of incubation with 185.48% and 121.10% increase of weight and number of earthworm, respectively, at 40:60 ratio of fleshing waste and cow dung in the growing medium.

  11. Remote sensing data of SP Mountain and SP Lava flow in North-Central Arizona (United States)

    Schaber, G.G.; Elachi, C.; Farr, T.G.


    Multifrequency airborne radar image data of SP Mountain [Official name of feature (U.S. Geological Survey, 1970)] and SP flow (and vicinity) in north-central Arizona were obtained in diverse viewing directions and direct and cross-polarization, then compared with surface and aerial photography, LANDSAT multispectral scanner data, airborne thermal infrared imagery, surface geology, and surface roughness statistics. The extremely blocky, basaltic andesite of SP flow is significantly brighter on direct-polarization K-band (0.9-cm wavelength) images than on cross-polarized images taken simultaneously. Conversely, for the longer wavelength (25 cm) L-band radar images, the cross-polarization image returns from SP flow are brighter than the direct-polarized image. This effect is explained by multiple scattering and the strong wavelength dependence of polarization effects caused by the rectilinear basaltic andesite scatters. Two distinct types of surface relief on SP flow, one extremely blocky, the other subdued, are found to be clearly discriminated on the visible and thermal wavelength images but are separable only on the longer wavelength L-band radar image data. The inability of the K- and X- (3-cm wavelength) band radars to portray the differences in roughness between the two SP flow surface units is attributed to the radar frequency dependence of the surface-relief scale, which, described as the Rayleigh criterion, represents the transition between quasispecular and primarily diffuse backscatter. ?? 1980.

  12. Evaluación de la calidad durante el almacenamiento de nueces Pecán [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh. C. Koch] acondicionadas en diferentes envases

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    Block, Jana Mara


    Full Text Available In the present work, the quality changes of pecan nuts stored in nylon-polyethylene plastic film under vacuum and in polypropylene plastic recipients at ambient temperature for 150 days were evaluated. The nutritional composition, fatty acid composition and tocopherol content of the pecan nuts reveal interesting nutritional characteristics and an oil with high contents of mono-unsaturated fatty acids and γ-tocopherol. During storage, moisture content did not suffer significant changes, but a gradual and significant darkening of the surface of the nuts occurred. The changes in acid value, peroxide value and specific extinction of the extracted oil were significant. The microbiological quality was excellent and the presence of Salmonella sp. was not detected. Through sensory analysis, the shelf-life of the product was determined as 120 days, without significant differences between the two types of packaging used.En el presente trabajo, fueron evaluadas las alteraciones en la calidad de nueces Pecán almacenadas en película plástica de nilón-polietileno al vacío y en recipientes plásticos de polipropileno, en temperatura ambiente, durante 150 días. La composición nutricional, en ácidos grasos (62,5 % de ácido oleico y el contenido de tocoferoles (30 mg/kg de γ-tocoferol de las nueces Pecán, indican características nutricionales interesantes. Durante el almacenamiento de las nueces, el contenido de humedad no sufrió cambios significativos, mas ocurrió un oscurecimiento gradual y significativo de la superficie de las nueces. Las alteraciones en los índices de acidez (0,17 - 0,37 y 0,19 - 0,57 inicial y final para los envases de película plástica y polipropileno, respectivamente, peróxido (1,0 - 2,7 y 1,1 - 4,7 y extinción específica a 232 nm (0,98 - 1,99 y 0,96 - 2,16 y 270 nm (0,11 - 0,33 y 0,04 - 0,15 en el aceite extraído fueron significativas. La calidad microbiológica fue excelente y no fue detectada la presencia de

  13. Impact of serum SP-A and SP-D levels on comparison and prognosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (United States)

    Wang, Kai; Ju, Qing; Cao, Jing; Tang, Wenze; Zhang, Jian


    Abstract Background and objective: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) has a poor prognosis in general; however, it is heterogeneous to detect relative biomarkers for predicting the disease progression. Serum biomarkers can be conveniently collected to detect and help to differentially diagnose IPF and predict IPF prognosis. This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the use of serum surfactant proteins A and D (SP-A and SP-D) for differential diagnosis and prognosis of IPF. Methods: Relevant articles were searched in PubMed, Embase, and Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure databases and reviewed by 2 independent readers. Standard mean difference (SMD) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated to assess the difference in serum levels of SP-A/D among patients with IPF, when compared to patients with non-IPF interstitial lung disease (ILD), pulmonary infection, and healthy control. Hazard ratio (HR) and 95% CI were used to compare the relative risk of mortality. Results: Twenty-one articles (totalling 1289 IPF patients) were included in final meta-analysis. Serum SP-A levels were significantly higher in patients with IPF than in patients with non-IPF ILD (SMD: 1.108 [0.584, 1.632], P infection (SMD: 1.320 [0.999, 1.640], P SMD: 2.802 [1.901, 3.702], P SMD: 0.459 [−0.000, 0.919], P = .050). Serum SP-D levels were significantly higher in patients with IPF than in patients with pulmonary infection (SMD: 1.308 [0.813, 1.803], P SMD: 2.235 [1.739, 2.731], P < .001). Risk of death in patients with IPF and elevated serum SP-A was increased 39% compared to patients with low SP-A groups. Elevated SP-D increased risk by 111% when compared to low SP-D. In acute exacerbation of IPF, serum SP-A/D were higher than those in stable stage. The comparisons and prognosis might be different in Asian and Caucasian patients. Conclusions: Serum SP-A/D detection might be useful for differential diagnosis and prediction of survival in patients with IPF. PMID:28591049

  14. The SpTransformer Gene Family (Formerly Sp185/333) in the Purple Sea Urchin and the Functional Diversity of the Anti-Pathogen rSpTransformer-E1 Protein (United States)

    Smith, L. Courtney; Lun, Cheng Man


    The complex innate immune system of sea urchins is underpinned by several multigene families including the SpTransformer family (SpTrf; formerly Sp185/333) with estimates of ~50 members, although the family size is likely variable among individuals of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. The genes are small with similar structure, are tightly clustered, and have several types of repeats in the second of two exons and that surround each gene. The density of repeats suggests that the genes are positioned within regions of genomic instability, which may be required to drive sequence diversification. The second exon encodes the mature protein and is composed of blocks of sequence called elements that are present in mosaics of defined element patterns and are the major source of sequence diversity. The SpTrf genes respond swiftly to immune challenge, but only a single gene is expressed per phagocyte. Many of the mRNAs appear to be edited and encode proteins with altered and/or missense sequence that are often truncated, of which some may be functional. The standard SpTrf protein structure is an N-terminal glycine-rich region, a central RGD motif, a histidine-rich region, and a C-terminal region. Function is predicted from a recombinant protein, rSpTransformer-E1 (rSpTrf-E1), which binds to Vibrio and Saccharomyces, but not to Bacillus, and binds tightly to lipopolysaccharide, β-1,3-glucan, and flagellin, but not to peptidoglycan. rSpTrf-E1 is intrinsically disordered but transforms to α helical structure in the presence of binding targets including lipopolysaccharide, which may underpin the characteristics of binding to multiple targets. SpTrf proteins associate with coelomocyte membranes, and rSpTrf-E1 binds specifically to phosphatidic acid (PA). When rSpTrf-E1 is bound to PA in liposome membranes, it induces morphological changes in liposomes that correlate with PA clustering and leakage of luminal contents, and it extracts or removes PA from the bilayer. The



    Urrutia S.,María Teresa; Abarca C.,Cristian; Astudillo S.,Roxana; Llevaneras M.,Silvana; Quiroga T.,Natalia


    Estudio analítico de corte transversal sobre las características de alimentación e hidratación de 602 mujeres durante el trabajo de parto durante dos periodos. La información fue extraída por medio de una entrevista y la revisión de fichas clínicas. Para el análisis se utilizó t Student y Chi cuadrado. Entre 9,7 y 19,4% de las mujeres recibe comida en preparto y entre 30,4 y 33,2% recibe agua. No existen diferencias en la proporción de ingesta de agua y comida entre las madres con y sin patol...

  16. Naos, clima y glaciares en el Estrecho de Magallanes durante el siglo XVI

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    Prieto, María del Rosario


    Full Text Available Not available.

    El objetivo de este trabajo es lograr una aproximación al clima y a los fenómenos de glaciación ocurridos en el Estrecho de Magallanes durante el siglo XVI y parte del XVII a través de registros históricos. Se complementan los resultados obtenidos por investigadores de otras disciplinas paleoclimáticas en el área, verificándose si las fuentes históricas corroboran las conclusiones de esos autores, quienes postulan un intervalo muy frío entre 1520 y 1670. Para realizar esta investigación se utilizaron los “diarios o relaciones de navegación” de los primeros marinos españoles que pasaron por el Estrecho, recopilados en su mayor parte en Archivos históricos españoles. A través de la técnica del análisis de contenido se verificó la estabilidad en el vocabulario referido al clima y los glaciares a lo largo de esas centurias y se calificó los eventos de acuerdo a su magnitud. Se determinaron diversas categorías de las cuales se han seleccionado precipitaciones sólidas y líquidas, temperatura, dirección del viento y ocurrencia de tormentas para analizar en este trabajo. Se estudió especialmente la presencia de témpanos en el Estrecho y las descripciones de los glaciares fueguinos y del sur de la Patagonia chilena como indicadores de bajas temperaturas. Se concluye que existen referencias directas a la presencia de témpanos proveniente de glaciares en el Estrecho, sólo en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI. El avance de los hielos supondría una acentuación de las condiciones de frío durante esa centuria, lo que puede ser corroborado por los datos de los navíos que consignan temperaturas estivales frías y muy frías en la vertiente pacífica. Estos datos coincidirían con los resultados de R. Villalba en cuanto a que el intervalo 1520 a 1670 fue uno de los más fríos de la Pequeña Edad Glaciar.


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    José Benjumea Royero

    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el estudio del comportamiento durante construcción por voladizos sucesivos de un puente extradosado en concreto de tres luces (60+100+60 m, modelado numéricamente mediante elementos finitos en el software SAP2000. La fluencia y contracción del concreto, al igual que los efectos P-delta, se incluyeron en el modelamiento. El estudio se concentró en el comportamiento del tablero, los cables y los pilares, durante construcción y desde el momento del cierre hasta cincuenta años después, tiempo en el cual han ocurrido los efectos diferidos. Los resultados encontrados permiten vislumbrar la importancia de la consideración de estos efectos en el análisis por etapas del puente. Por ejemplo, en el tablero ocurren variaciones considerables en fuerzas internas y desplazamientos en el tiempo, y en los cables tiene lugar una pérdida de tensión máxima del 10 % con respecto a la tensión al final de construcción. En los pilares, los efectos diferidos en el tiempo causan desplazamientos horizontales de magnitud considerable en la corona, generando momentos flectores excesivos en la base. Lo anterior obliga a introducir una fuerza durante la construcción de la dovela de cierre para corregir dicho fenómeno.


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    Carlota Blanco Rubio


    Full Text Available El objetivo es hacer un breve repaso de las influencias, el núcleo duro de perfil clínico, la enfermería científica y el presente de la Escuela Inglesa de Atención Primaria durante los últimos sesenta años. Entendemos que la influencia intelectual más profunda fue la de Archie Cochrane. Entre los médicos de familia componentes del núcleo duro destacamos a John Fry (1922- 1994, David Metcalfe y Julian Tudor Hart. Por otra parte, Lisbeth Hockey (1918-2004, doctora en enfermería, fue la responsable durante varios años de la Unidad de Investigación en Cuidados de la Universidad de Edimburgo. Las fuentes de investigación historiográfica de la enfermería inglesa en internet son notables. Finalmente, Trisha Greenhalgh, médica de familia, investigadora y docente en la Universidad de Oxford, está lanzando a la vieja Escuela Inglesa de Atención Primaria hacia la mediana del siglo XXI.

  19. Taxonomy Icon Data: Synechocystis sp.PCC 6803 [Taxonomy Icon

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Synechocystis sp.PCC 6803 Synechocystis sp.PCC 6803 Synechocystis_sp_PCC_6803_L.png Synecho...cystis_sp_PCC_6803_NL.png Synechocystis_sp_PCC_6803_S.png Synechocystis_sp_PCC_6803_NS.png

  20. Gilliamella intestini sp. nov., Gilliamella bombicola sp. nov., Gilliamella bombi sp. nov. and Gilliamella mensalis sp. nov.: Four novel Gilliamella species isolated from the bumblebee gut. (United States)

    Praet, Jessy; Cnockaert, Margo; Meeus, Ivan; Smagghe, Guy; Vandamme, Peter


    Spectra of five isolates (LMG 28358 T , LMG 29879 T , LMG 29880 T , LMG 28359 T and R-53705) obtained from gut samples of wild bumblebees of Bombus pascuorum, Bombus lapidarius and Bombus terrestris were grouped into four MALDI-TOF MS clusters. RAPD analysis revealed an identical DNA fingerprint for LMG 28359 T and R-53705 which also grouped in the same MALDI-TOF MS cluster, while different DNA fingerprints were obtained for the other isolates. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of the four different strains identified Gilliamella apicola NCIMB 14804 T as nearest neighbour species. Average nucleotide identity values of draft genome sequences of the four isolates and of G. apicola NCIMB 14804 T were below the 96% threshold value for species delineation and all four strains and G. apicola NCIMB 14804 T were phenotypically distinct. Together, the draft genome sequences and phylogenetic and phenotypic data indicate that the four strains represent four novel Gilliamella species for which we propose the names Gilliamella intestini sp. nov., with LMG 28358 T as the type strain, Gilliamella bombicola sp. nov., with LMG 28359 T as the type strain, Gilliamella bombi sp. nov., with LMG 29879 T as the type strain and Gilliamella mensalis sp. nov., with LMG 29880 T as the type strain. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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    Mariana Aparecida da SIlva


    Full Text Available O Plano Municipal de Educação (PME é um importante instrumento que serve como guia de ação para o governo em oposição à imprevisibilidade. Ele deve expressar as diretrizes, as metas e os meios pelos quais o objetivos serão atingidos durante sua vigência, como as estratégias e as formas de colaboração dos entes federados, além do monitoramento e das avaliações constantes de sua implementação. O presente trabalho tem como objeto de análise o PME de Rio Claro (SP. De cunho qualitativo teve como objetivo acompanhar o processo de elaboração do PME como instrumento de política educacional, por meio da análise bibliográfica e documental. Fundamenta-se na pesquisa de mestrado intitulada Plano Municipal de Educação de Rio Claro – SP: desafios e perspectivas na garantia do direito à educação. A produção acadêmica, mais diretamente ligada ao objeto de pesquisa, e as obras que puderam elucidar o contexto socioeconômico e político do país, em suas relações com o contexto global, serviram de suporte para a análise dos dados documentais. A primeira parte do artigo revê as concepções de planos que perpassaram nossa história política educacional, evidenciando a importância do planejamento de políticas públicas enquanto política de Estado. A segunda procurou rastrear a construção do PME, desde sua deflagração, passando pela primeira versão do documento (elaborado coletivamente e sistematizado por uma Comissão, até a segunda versão (revisada pelo Conselho Municipal de Educação de Rio Claro.


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    Full Text Available Streptomyces sp was conducted from December 2010 - June 2011 at the Laboratoryof Microbiology, Biology Department, Math and Science Faculty, UdayanaUniversity Bukit Jimbaran-Bali. Implementation stages of the research consisted ofisolation and testing of the antibiotic activity Streptomyces sp to inhibit growthbacterial pathogens Erwinia sp as a cause of disease in plants fallen foul (Soft rot ofAloe barbadensis Mill.The results of this study have eight isolates of Streptomyces spwith macroscopic and microscopic characters are varied. Furthermore, all isolateswere obtained and then tested against antibiotic activity to inhibit growth the bacteriaErwinia sp. Test results obtained by Streptomyces sp that has the most effective ininhibiting the ability of the bacteria Erwinia sp isolates are Streptomyces sp2for (45%.

  3. Rhodotorula rosulata sp. nov., Rhodotorula silvestris sp. nov. and Rhodotorula straminea sp. nov., novel myo-inositol-assimilating yeast species in the Microbotryomycetes. (United States)

    Golubev, Wladyslav I; Scorzetti, Gloria


    Three novel species are described as Rhodotorula rosulata sp. nov. (type strain VKM Y-2962(T) =CBS 10977(T)), Rhodotorula silvestris sp. nov. (type strain VKM Y-2971(T) =CBS 11420(T)) and Rhodotorula straminea sp. nov. (type strain VKM Y-2964(T) =CBS 10976(T)) based on the study of eight isolates from needle litter. The new species, phylogenetically located within the Microbotryomycetes, are related to glucuronate-assimilating species of the genus Rhodotorula. Sequencing of the D1/D2 domains of the LSU rDNA gene and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, as well as physiological characterization, revealed their distinct taxonomic positions.

  4. Borrelia bissettiae sp. nov. and Borrelia californiensis sp. nov. prevail in diverse enzootic transmission cycles. (United States)

    Margos, Gabriele; Lane, Robert S; Fedorova, Natalia; Koloczek, Johannes; Piesman, Joseph; Hojgaard, Andrias; Sing, Andreas; Fingerle, Volker


    Two species of the genus Borrelia , Borrelia bissettiae sp. nov. and Borrelia californiensis sp. nov., were first described by Postic and co-workers on the basis of genetic analyses of several loci. Multilocus sequence analysis of eight housekeeping loci confirmed that these two Borrelia genomospecies are distinct members of the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex. B. bissettiae sp. nov. was initially described in transmission cycles involving Neotoma fuscipes wood rats and Ixodes pacificus ticks in California, and Neotoma mexicana and Ixodes spinipalpis in Colorado. The preferred host of B. californiensis sp. nov. appears to be the California kangaroo rat, Dipodomys californicus ; Ixodes jellisoni , I. spinipalipis and I. pacificus ticks are naturally infected with it. Thus, the ecological associations of the two genomospecies and their genetic distance from all other known Borrelia genomospecies species justify their description as separate genomospecies: B. bissettiae sp. nov. (type strain DN127 T  = DSM 17990 T  =  CIP 109136 T ) and B. californiensis (type strain CA446 T  = DSM 17989 T  = ATCC BAA-2689 T ).

  5. Pengaruh Perbedaan Konsentrasi Ekstrak Sargassum sp. dan Lama Penyimpanan terhadap Oksidasi Lemak pada Fillet Ikan Patin (Pangasius sp.

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    Fatin Hidayati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Ikan patin merupakan ikan air tawar yang mengandung lemak dan protein tinggi sehingga apabila dilakukan penyimpanan rentan terjadi oksidasi yang mengakibatkan ketengikan. Sargassum sp. dengan kandungan fenol dan flavonoid mampu menghambat terjadinya oksidasi pada fillet ikan patin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan ekstrak Sargassum sp. dan lama penyimpanan dalam menghambat terjadinya oksidasi pada fillet ikan patin. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ekstrak Sargassum sp. dan fillet ikan patin. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah experimental laboratories dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL faktorial dengan 2 faktor yaitu konsentrasi ekstrak Sargassum sp. (0%, 1%, 1,5% dan 2% dan lama penyimpanan (hari ke-0, hari ke-2, hari ke-4, dan hari ke-6. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan penambahan konsentrasi ekstrak Sargassum sp. dan lama penyimpanan memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap nilai PV, nilai TBA, kadar lemak, kadar protein, kadar air serta organoleptik (P < 0,05. Hasil penelitian tahap I didapatkan rendemen Sargassum sp. dengan pelarut etanol 96% sebesar 1,39%, kandungan fenol 1,813%, flavonoid 0,278% dan aktivitas antioksidan 99,1659 ppm (kuat. Hasil penelitian tahap II didapatkan nilai PV berkisar antara 2,03 - 19,82 meq/kg, nilai TBA 0,63 - 6,72 mg.mal/kg. Konsentrasi 1,5% merupakan konsentrasi terbaik ekstrak Sargassum sp. dalam menghambat oksidasi lemak pada fillet ikan patin selama penyimpanan. Kata kunci: Antioksidan, Ekstrak Sargassum sp., Lama Penyimpanan, Oksidasi lemak, Fillet Ikan patin ABSTRACT Catfish is a freshwater fish that contain high fat and protein so that if its stored it will susceptible to oxidation process which leads to rancidity. Sargassum sp. with its phenolic and flavonoid content are able to inhibit the oxidation process in catfish fillet. This research was aimed to know the effects of different concentrations of Sargassum sp. extracts and

  6. Scalability of Parallel Spatial Direct Numerical Simulations on Intel Hypercube and IBM SP1 and SP2 (United States)

    Joslin, Ronald D.; Hanebutte, Ulf R.; Zubair, Mohammad


    The implementation and performance of a parallel spatial direct numerical simulation (PSDNS) approach on the Intel iPSC/860 hypercube and IBM SP1 and SP2 parallel computers is documented. Spatially evolving disturbances associated with the laminar-to-turbulent transition in boundary-layer flows are computed with the PSDNS code. The feasibility of using the PSDNS to perform transition studies on these computers is examined. The results indicate that PSDNS approach can effectively be parallelized on a distributed-memory parallel machine by remapping the distributed data structure during the course of the calculation. Scalability information is provided to estimate computational costs to match the actual costs relative to changes in the number of grid points. By increasing the number of processors, slower than linear speedups are achieved with optimized (machine-dependent library) routines. This slower than linear speedup results because the computational cost is dominated by FFT routine, which yields less than ideal speedups. By using appropriate compile options and optimized library routines on the SP1, the serial code achieves 52-56 M ops on a single node of the SP1 (45 percent of theoretical peak performance). The actual performance of the PSDNS code on the SP1 is evaluated with a "real world" simulation that consists of 1.7 million grid points. One time step of this simulation is calculated on eight nodes of the SP1 in the same time as required by a Cray Y/MP supercomputer. For the same simulation, 32-nodes of the SP1 and SP2 are required to reach the performance of a Cray C-90. A 32 node SP1 (SP2) configuration is 2.9 (4.6) times faster than a Cray Y/MP for this simulation, while the hypercube is roughly 2 times slower than the Y/MP for this application. KEY WORDS: Spatial direct numerical simulations; incompressible viscous flows; spectral methods; finite differences; parallel computing.

  7. Structural Analysis of Planar sp3 and sp2 Films: Diamond-Like Carbon and Graphene Overlayers

    KAUST Repository

    Mansour, Ahmed


    smooth and sp3-rich DLC films on model Si substrates. Graphene has attracted worldwide attention since its recent discovery in 2004, due to its extraordinary properties. One of the most promising applications of graphene is its use as a transparent conducting electrode in photovoltaic and display applications. Unfortunately, large scale deposition of graphene is still a challenge and a limiting factor. Solution processing of graphene oxide, a type of chemically derived graphene that forms well dispersed single sheet solutions, is an easy method of depositing large scale graphene films. Subsequent reduction allows recovering part of the properties of graphene. However, residual defects and oxide groups remain in the sheet even after optimal reduction processes, making it difficult to achieve the extraordinary electrical and transport properties of graphene. We investigate the structural, chemical, and morphological implications of plasma oxidation of CVD graphene to better understand the nature of graphene oxide. One of the common threads of this study is the use of Raman spectroscopy (RS) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and Atomic force microscopy (AFM) to understand the structural and compositional changes of both FCVA-deposited DLC films and plasma-oxidized graphene. In both cases, the analysis allows to obtain detailed insight into structural evolution of sp3 and sp2-rich films during plasma processing. Optimum FCVA deposited DLC films were obtained at a deposition angle of 70° for 30 sec deposition time on a biased substrate (-100 V), in terms of both surface roughness and sp3 content. RMS roughness of deposited films were around 0.15 nm with a ~50% sp3 content. Structural and chemical changes of oxygen plasma treated CVD graphene were shown to vary over three distinct stages depending on the time of plasma exposure. Initial exposure up to 3 seconds was mainly accompanied by structural changes without net uptake of oxygen, introducing more defects and

  8. Estructura administrativa de la Provincia de Bogotá durante el periodo comprendido entre 1832- 1857


    Restrepo Robledo, Luz Marina


    El estudio de la estructura administrativa de la provincia de Bogotá en el siglo IX es importante por cuanto se muestra por primera vez cuales fueron los primeros entes administrativos que se crearon durante este periodo, fundamentalmente durante la vigencia de la constitución de 1832. El régimen territorial de las provincias se dividió a su vez en cantones y éstos, en distritos parroquiales.

  9. Esquemas de alimentación saludable en niños durante sus diferentes etapas de la vida: Parte II. Preescolares, escolares y adolescentes


    Vásquez-Garibay, Edgar M.; Romero-Velarde, Enrique


    Después de la etapa de lactante, los niños experimentan un desarrollo progresivo que está ligado al establecimiento de hábitos alimentarios. El período que va desde los 24 meses de edad hasta el inicio de la pubertad se caracteriza por un crecimiento físico lento con un incremento anual de 2 a 3 kg de peso y 5 a 8 cm de estatura por año. Como la velocidad de crecimiento disminuye durante este período, el apetito es menor y la ingestión de alimentos parece irregular o impredecible. Los padres ...

  10. Pin level neutronic - thermal hydraulic two-way-coupling using DYN3D-SP3 and SUBCHANFLOW

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres, Armando Gomez; Espinoza, Victor Sanchez; Imke, Uwe; Juan, Rafael Macian


    Nowadays several Reactor Dynamic Codes, (RDC) are able to solve the diffusion equation or even the transport equation (SP3 approximation) considering feedback parameters coming from the thermalhydraulic (TH) core behavior. These kinds of codes (DYN3D, PARCS, among others) usually contain a 1D two phase flow thermalhydraulic model capable to pass them assembly averaged feedback parameters. At fuel assembly base this nodal coupling is completely a two way coupling. The Neutronic part calculates the mean power of the whole assembly and passes it to the TH part in order to actualize the heat source. In turn, the TH model passes the assembly-based feedback parameters to the neutronic code for actualizing the nodal cross sections. The process will be repeated until convergence. At pin level, the current situation is somehow different. Although the neutronic solver can pass the pin power distribution in every sub - node (pin distribution), the 1-D TH model will average the pin power distribution to assembly-based scale and will give back assembly averaged feedbacks to the neutronic part for cross sections up-date (one and a half way coupling), leading to information loss in the calculation. A new coupled program system DYNSUB was developed by coupling DYN3D-SP3 and SUBCHANFLOW at pin level. DYNSUB was used to analyze stationary PWR minicore problems at pin-level. The comparison of the Keff predicted by DYNSUB with the one calculated by DYN3D-SP3 (coarse TH solution) shows small differences of up to 26 pcm. Differences up to 4.5% were found in the radial distribution of the pin power. The local safety parameters such as cladding and fuel temperature predicted with DYNSUB shows larger deviations compared with the ones obtained with DYN3D-SP3. These differences may increase when analyzing transients. (author)

  11. A sp2+sp3 hybridized carbon allotrope transformed from AB stacking graphyne and THD-graphene

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    Yu Zhang


    Full Text Available New carbon allotropes can be designed by combining sp, sp2 and sp3 three hybridization states. And the hybridization states or coordination numbers of carbon atoms can be changed by applying high pressure on carbon materials. In this study, a common high pressure phase (named as TBBC transformed from AB-stacking graphyne or THD-graphene is predicted. Its kinetic stability is examined using finite displacement method. We find that the sp2 and sp3 hybridized carbon atoms behave different vibration features at high frequency region. Both graphene-like and diamond-like vibration peaks occurs. Phase transition energy barriers from both graphyne and THD-graphene to TBBC are estimated. Electronic structure calculations show that the TBBC is an indirect semiconductor with a bandgap of 0.66 eV. The ideal tensile strength of TBBC is high in [0001] and [11¯00] directions, but is weak along [12¯10] direction.

  12. Observación del fitoplancton del Pacífico colombiano durante 1991-1992 en condiciones El Niño

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    Full Text Available OBSERVATION DU PHYTO-PLANCTON DU PACIFIQUE COLOMBIEN EN 1991-1992, EN CONDITIONS EL NIÑO. Ce travail se situe dans le cadre des objectifs du projet du Centre de Recherches Océanographiques et Hydrographiques -CIOH- qui a pour nom 'Détection des conditions océanographiques du Pacifique Colombien', comme soutien au programme d'Étude Régionale du phénomène El Niño -ERFEN-, et spécifiquement à l'étude des indicateurs biologiques de ce phénomène. L'étude s'est réalisée dans l'aire géographique de l' ERFEN comprise entre les deuxième et quatrième degrés de lat. N et le 82° long. O., particulièrement dans la zone nord du Pacifique colombien (Cabo Corrientes, profil Tumaco. Les résultats du phyto-plancton sont présentés au cours des deux époques caractéristiques du Pacifique durant le 'El Niño' 1991-1992 sur la base de deux groupes dominants, les dinoflagellés et les diatomées. El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de los objetivos del proyecto de investigación del Centro de Investigaciones Oceanógraficas e Hidrográficas -CIOH- denominado 'Monitoreo de las Condiciones Oceanógraficas del Pacífico Colombiano' como apoyo al programa del Estudio Regional del fenómeno El Niño-ERFEN, específicamente en el estudio de los indicadores biológicos de dicho fenómeno. El estudio se llevó a cabo en el área geográfica para el ERFEN comprendida entre los 2° a 6° Lat. N y 82° Long. W, particularmente en la zona norte del Pacífico colombiano (Cabo Corrientes y perfil Tumaco, presentándose los resultados del fitoplancton en las dos épocas características del Pacífico durante 'El Niño' 1991-1992 con base en los dos grupos dominantes, como son los dinoflagelados y las diatomeas. OBSERVATIONS OF THE PHYTOPLANCTON IN COLOMBIAN WATERS OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN DURING 1991-1992 EL NINO CONDITIONS. This work is part of the research project 'Monitoring of the oceanographic conditions of the Colombian Pacific'. This project is

  13. Space reactor system and subsystem investigations: assessment of technology issues for the reactor and shield subsystem. SP-100 Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Atkins, D.F.; Lillie, A.F.


    As part of Rockwell's effort on the SP-100 Program, preliminary assessment has been completed of current nuclear technology as it relates to candidate reactor/shield subsystems for the SP-100 Program. The scope of the assessment was confined to the nuclear package (to the reactor and shield subsystems). The nine generic reactor subsystems presented in Rockwell's Subsystem Technology Assessment Report, ESG-DOE-13398, were addressed for the assessment

  14. La configuración de un modelo : los catafalcos madrileños durante el reinado de Felipe V

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    Victoria Soto Caba


    Full Text Available En el último tercio del siglo xvii la tendencia decorativista y la variedad tipológica fueron las características más acusadas de los aparatos provisionales de las exequias reales. Las tradiciones locales y los talleres barrocos mantuvieron ambos rasgos durante gran parte de la centuria siguiente. El tapizado ornamental recubrió túmulos en forma de torre, pira, templetes, baldaquinos... Estas estructuras heredadas apenas dejaron sitio para nuevas variantes arquitectónicas, por lo que se puede decir que el siglo xviii, al menos la primera mitad, contribuyó muy poco en el enriquecimiento del repertorio tipológico de los catafalcos reales.

  15. Metabolismo mineral óseo durante la gestación y efectos sobre la masa ósea de la madre

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    Luis Vidal


    Full Text Available La gestación y lactancia son periodos de alta demanda de calcio, para el crecimiento fetal y para la producción de leche materna. Durante la gestación, la madre transfiere al feto 25 a 30 g de calcio y durante la lactancia se secretan 200 a 240 mg de calcio diario en la leche materna. Durante la gestación, los mecanismos adaptativos más importantes son el incremento en la absorción de calcio y el incremento del recambio óseo materno; durante la lactancia, hay tendencia a conservar más calcio a nivel renal, pero la desmineralización temporal del esqueleto materno parece ser el mecanismo más importante. Los estudios que emplean absorciometría dual de rayos X (DXA son escasos, por el riesgo de radiación materna y fetal; pero, con otras técnicas, como el ultrasonido cuantitativo, se ha descrito una pérdida de masa ósea durante la gestación predominantemente dependiente del hueso trabecular. Mediante marcadores bioquímicos del remodelamiento óseo se ha demostrado que los suplementos de calcio reducen la tasa de remodelamiento durante el embarazo y parecen tener efecto benéfico sobre la pérdida ósea materna. Estudios longitudinales que emplean ultrasonido cuantitativo también han encontrado una disminución de la pérdida ósea, entre las mujeres que recibieron aporte o suplemento adecuado de calcio durante la gestación.

  16. Autonomía emocional durante la adolescencia


    Oliva Delgado, Alfredo; Parra Jiménez, Agueda


    El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar la relación entre la autonomía emocional respecto a los padres y el tipo de relaciones establecidas entre padres e hijos durante la adolescencia. También pretendíamos analizar las características socio-emocionales de aquellos chicos y chicas que manifiestan una alta autonomía emocional, así como el papel moderador jugado por el género y la calidad del contexto familiar sobre las relaciones entre la desvinculación afectiva y el desarro...

  17. Características del fruto de la pitahaya (Hylocereus sp. y su potencial de uso en la industria alimentaria

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    Patricia Esquivel


    Full Text Available Con esta revisión de literatura se buscó reunir información relacionada con las propiedades físico-químicas y morfológicas de la pitahaya (Hylocereus sp.. Se discute sobre las diferencias que se han observado entre diferentes genotipos cultivados en Costa Rica y sobre el comportamiento de los frutos durante su desarrollo. La pitahaya tiene gran potencial industrial debido a su alto contenido de betalaínas, pigmentos que han sido considerados como una alternativa al uso de colorantes artificiales en alimentos. Además, se ha observado que estos pigmentos poseen propiedades antioxidantes. Debido al gran potencial agroindustrial de la pitahaya, se ha incrementado el interés internacional en su cultivo, comercialización y la búsqueda de alternativas de procesamiento. Avances se exponen en el presente trabajo.

  18. Características del fruto de la pitahaya (Hylocereus sp. y su potencial de uso en la industria alimentaria

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    Patricia Esquivel


    Full Text Available Con esta revisión de literatura se buscó reunir información relacionada con las propiedades físico-químicas y morfológicas de la pitahaya (Hylocereus sp.. Se discute sobre las diferencias que se han observado entre diferentes genotipos cultivados en Costa Rica y sobre el comportamiento de los frutos durante su desarrollo. La pitahaya tiene gran potencial industrial debido a su alto contenido de betalaínas, pigmentos que han sido considerados como una alternativa al uso de colorantes artificiales en alimentos. Además, se ha observado que estos pigmentos poseen propiedades antioxidantes. Debido al gran potencial agroindustrial de la pitahaya, se ha incrementado el interés internacional en su cultivo, comercialización y la búsqueda de alternativas de procesamiento. Avances se exponen en el presente trabajo.

  19. Biosorption characteristics of copper (II), chromium (III), nickel (II), and lead (II) from aqueous solutions by Chara sp. and Cladophora sp. (United States)

    Elmaci, Ayşe; Yonar, Taner; Ozengin, Nihan


    The aim of this research was to expose individual removals of copper, chromium, nickel, and lead from aqueous solutions via biosorption using nonliving algae species, Chara sp. and Cladophora sp. Optimum pH values for biosorption of copper (II), chromium (III), nickel (II), and lead (II) from aqueous solutions were determined to be 6, 7, 7, and 3 for Cladophora sp. and 5, 3, 5, and 4 for Chara sp. respectively. Maximum adsorption capacities of Chara sp. [10.54 for chromium (III) and 61.72 for lead (II)] and Cladophora sp. [6.59 for chromium (III) and 16.75 and 23.25 for lead (II)] for chromium (III) and lead (II) are similar. On the other hand, copper (II) and nickel (II) biosorption capacity of Cladophora sp. [14.28 for copper (II) and 16.75 for nickel (II)] is greater than Chara sp. [6.506 for copper (II) and 11.76 for nickel (II)]. Significantly high correlation coefficients indicated for the Langmuir adsorption isotherm models can be used to describe the equilibrium behavior of copper, chromium, nickel, and lead adsorption onto Cladophora sp. and Chara sp.

  20. Mecanismos de licuación y flujo de suelos granulares durante sismos

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    Adolfo Alarcón Guzmán


    Full Text Available Una amplia evidencia experimental ha mostrado que vibraciones de pequeña amplitud producen una disminución progresiva del volumen en suelos granulares; ello ocurre aún en el caso de arenas densas que podrían dilatar durante carga monotónica o unidireccional bajo un cierto nivel de esfuerzos de confinamiento. Por tanto, cuando un depósito de arena saturada se ve sometido a las ondas de corte que se propagan durante un Sismo, la estructura de la arena tiende a densificarse. Sin embargo, como la duración de aplicación de los esfuerzos de corte cíclicos es, en general, muy pequeña en comparación con el tiempo necesario para que ocurra algún drenaje, la tendencia de la arena a disminuir de volumen durante cada ciclo se refleja en un incremento progresivo de la presión de poros (8,14. Esto produce una reducción continua del esfuerzo efectivo y consecuentemente una disminución en la resistencia al corte de la arena. Una disminución considerable de la resistencia puede conducir a fallas por corte, que en algunas ocasiones son de consecuencias catastróficas.

  1. La producción de armas blancas en Bilbao durante el siglo XVI

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    Dueñas Beraiz, Germán


    Full Text Available They are few notices published about swords manufacture in Spain during the 16th century. One of the most unknown productions centers is the city of Bilbao, wich developed an important production of arms in part destined to its export to the British Islands. This article studies some documents, it is specialy interesting an unpublished document about the litigation hold up in 1569 between Bilbao swordsmiths and the «Corregidor» from Bilbao. Thanks of them it has been posible to compile names, marks and information about the activity of this craftsmen.

    Son escasas las noticias que poseemos sobre las zonas donde se fabricaban espadas en España. Uno de los centros más desconocidos es el de la ciudad de Bilbao, que desarrolló durante todo el siglo XVI, una importante producción de armas en parte destinadas a su exportación a las Islas Británicas. Gracias a una serie de documentos, entre los que figura uno inédito que recoge el pleito que los espaderos de Bilbao mantuvieron en 1569 con el Corregidor de Vizcaya, se han podido recoger algunos nombres y datos que permiten conocer más sobre la actividad de estos artesanos.

  2. Formulation of a minimal nutritional medium for enhanced lipid productivity in Chlorella sp. and Botryococcus sp. using response surface methodology. (United States)

    Vishwakarma, Rashi; Dhar, Dolly Wattal; Pabbi, Sunil


    Chlorella sp. MCC 7 and Botryococcus sp. MCC 31 were investigated to enable large-scale biodiesel production from minimal constituents in the growth medium. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to maximise the biomass productivity and lipid yield using only nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) as urea, single super phosphate and muriate of potash. The optimum values were 0.42 g/L nitrogen; 0.14 g/L phosphorus and 0.22 g/L potassium for Chlorella sp.; and 0.46 g/L; 0.14 g/L and 0.25 g/L for Botryococcus sp. Lipid yield of 42% for Chlorella sp. and 52% in Botryococcus sp. was observed. An enhancement in lipid yield by approximately 55% for Chlorella sp. and 73% for Botryococcus sp. was registered as compared to original nutrient medium. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis of extracted lipids revealed characteristic bands for triglycerides. This study provided utilisation of a practicable nutrient recipe in the form of N, P, K input for enhanced lipid yield from the selected microalgal strains.

  3. Análise proteômica da fase leveduriforme do fungo patogênico Paracoccidioides sp durante a privação de nitrogênio


    Cruz-Leite, Vanessa Rafaela Milhomem


    Os fungos do genêro Paracoccidioides sp são agentes etiológicos da doença paracoccidioidomicose (PCM), são termodimórficos e possuem a capacidade de transitar da forma miceliana para a forma de levedura à temperatura em torno de 37°C. A captação de nitrogênio é essencial para o crescimento e adaptação do fungo em tecido hospedeiro, onde vias dependentes de nitrogênio possuem estreita relação com a patogenicidade. Organismos patogênicos possuem um sistema regulatório conhecido ...

  4. Complete Genome Sequence of Dietzia sp. Strain WMMA184, a Marine Coral-Associated Bacterium


    Braun, Doug R.; Chevrette, Marc G.; Acharya, Deepa; Currie, Cameron R.; Rajski, Scott R.; Ritchie, Kim B.; Bugni, Tim S.


    ABSTRACT Dietzia sp. strain WMMA184 was isolated from the marine coral Montastraea faveolata as part of ongoing drug discovery efforts. Analysis of the 4.16-Mb genome provides information regarding interspecies interactions as it pertains to the regulation of secondary metabolism and natural product biosynthesis potential.

  5. Estabilidade dimensional e resistência à tração perpendicular de painéis fabricados com partículas termorretificadas oriundas de embalagens de Pinus sp.

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    Benedito Rocha Vital


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento térmico em algumas propriedades de painéis de partículas, produzidos com resíduos de embalagens de Pinus sp. Foi utilizado o adesivo à base de ureia-formaldeído, na quantidade de 8%. O experimento foi desenvolvido em um fatorial 4 x 3 x 3, sendo quatro proporções de partículas (25, 50, 75 e 100%, termorretificadas, três temperaturas de tratamento térmico (180, 200 e 220 ºC e três repetições, totalizando 36 painéis. Foram produzidos mais três painéis com partículas sem tratamento térmico (testemunhas, totalizando 39 painéis. A absorção de água, inchamento em espessura e resistência à tração perpendicular foram determinadas de acordo com a Norma ABNT/NBR 14810-3 (2002. Os resultados desses testes foram comparados com os valores estabelecidos nas Normas ABNT/NBR 14810-3 (2002 e DIN 68 761 (1 (1961. A estabilidade dimensional dos painéis aumentou com a adição de partículas termorretificadas, enquanto as propriedades mecânicas foram reduzidas. O efeito da adição de partículas termorretificadas nas propriedades dos painéis é maior à medida que se utilizam maiores temperaturas de tratamento térmico.

  6. Narrativas de la corporeidad en ciclistas colombianos durante su proceso formativo

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    Javier Anzola-Moreno


    Full Text Available Introducción. El cambio de paradigmas del cuerpo en el deporte, del cuerpo máquina al embodiment del deportista, requiere comprender el cuerpo vivido, la experiencia encarnada del ciclista, durante su proceso formativo. Objetivo. Comprender el sentido y significado de la corporeidad de ciclistas profesionales colombianos durante su proceso formativo. Materiales y métodos. El estudio fue cualitativo de tipo histórico-hermenéutico, por medio de biografía con entrevista abierta a cuatro ciclistas profesionales colombianos, tres hombres y una mujer nacidos entre 1987 y 1990. Se utilizó el software Atlas Ti 7.0. La categoría principal de análisis fue el embodiment desde las potencialidades y los desgastes. Resultados. Se identificaron potencialidades y desgastes en la corporeidad de los ciclistas durante el proceso formativo. Las categorías relacionadas con la corporeidad de los ciclistas fueron: historicidad del proceso formativo, soporte, orientación, entorno, causas y efectos. El sistema categorial permitió identificar las tendencias, relacionar las categorías e interpretar la corporeidad como expresión del cuerpo vivido. Conclusión. La corporeidad narrada significa la vida de los ciclistas y da sentido a sus vivencias en la identidad del cuerpo ciclista. Se debe reconocer el cuerpo vivido como expresión única de lo humano en movimiento y su abordaje desde la determinación social.

  7. Radiological accident with Iodine-131 in the Radioisotope Division at IPEN-CNEN/SP (Brazil)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanches, Matias Puga; Rodrigues, Demerval Leonidas


    The accident occurred in the first week of May 1995, in the Radioisotope Division-TPI, involving two tubes containing a total volume of 3 ml, aqueous solution of N Al 1 31, with 370 MBq and 1480 MBq activity is reported. Part of installation and six workers involved in the distribution process were contaminated with 131 I, but there were no contamination outside the building. The workers were decontaminated and the received radiation doses were evaluated by the Radiotoxicological Laboratory of IPEN-CNEN/SP together with IRD-CNEN/RJ. The building involved was closed and the activities stopped until the complete decontamination by the Radioprotection experts of IPEN-CNEN/SP. (author)

  8. Potential Degradation of Swainsonine by Intracellular Enzymes of Arthrobacter sp. HW08

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    Haili Li


    Full Text Available Swainsonine (SW is a toxin produced by locoweeds and harmful to the livestock industry. Degrading SW by Arthrobacter sp. HW08 was demonstrated as a promising way to deal with SW poisoning. However, it is unknown which part of the subcellular enzymes in Arthrobacter sp. HW08 is responsible for biodegrading SW and whether the metabolites are atoxic. In this study, intracellular and extracellular enzymes of Arthrobacter sp. HW08 were isolated and their enzyme activity was evaluated. The metabolites were fed to mice, and physiological and histological properties of the treated mice were investigated. The results showed that only intracellular enzyme of Arthrobacter sp. HW08 (IEHW08 could degrade SW efficiently. Compared with mice in SW treatment group, mice in SW + IEHW08 treatment group (1 increased their body weights; (2 showed higher number of platelets and lower number of white blood cells; (3 decreased the levels of creatinine, urea nitrogen, alanine transaminase and aspartate aminotransferase in serum; (4 reduced the number of vacuolated cells in cerebellum, liver and kidney. All these data demonstrate that IEHW08 was potentially safe for mice, while keeping the capacity of degrading SW. This study indicates a possible application of IEHW08 as an additive in the livestock industry to protect animals from SW poisoning.

  9. Escurecimento interno de pêra asiática 'Ya Li' durante o armazenamento refrigerado

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    Full Text Available A pêra 'Ya Li' apresenta escurecimento da polpa poucos dias após o armazenamento refrigerado. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar condições de armazenamento visando a diminuir os danos pela baixa temperatura inicial em peras 'Ya Li'. As condições iniciais estabelecidas foram: 1 0ºC; 2 5ºC, nos 10 primeiros dias, com redução de 0,7ºC por dia, durante sete dias; 3 10ºC nos 10 primeiros dias, com redução de 1,4ºC por dia, durante sete dias; 4 10º C nos 10 primeiros dias, com redução de 1,4ºC por dia, durante sete dias, sempre em atmosfera controlada (2,0kPa de O2 e < 1,0kPa de CO2; 5 10ºC nos 10 dias iniciais, com posterior exposição direta dos frutos a 0ºC. Em seqüência aos tratamentos iniciais, os frutos foram submetidos ao armazenamento refrigerado a 0ºC, com exceção do tratamento "4" que foi mantido continuamente em atmosfera controlada. Após 52 dias de armazenamento, verificou-se escurecimento interno, superior a 68% em todos os tratamentos. As temperaturas mais elevadas, no início, não evitaram a ocorrência do escurecimento durante o armazenamento.

  10. S-P wave travel time residuals and lateral inhomogeneity in the mantle beneath Tibet and the Himalaya (United States)

    Molnar, P.; Chen, W.-P.


    S-P wave travel time residuals were measured in earthquakes in Tibet and the Himalaya in order to study lateral inhomogeneities in the earth's mantle. Average S-P residuals, measured with respect to Jeffrey-Bullen (J-B) tables for 11 earthquakes in the Himalaya are less than +1 second. Average J-B S-P from 10 of 11 earthquakes in Tibet, however, are greater than +1 second even when corrected for local crustal thickness. The largest values, ranging between 2.5 and 4.9 seconds are for five events in central and northern Tibet, and they imply that the average velocities in the crust and upper mantle in this part of Tibet are 4 to 10 percent lower than those beneath the Himalaya. On the basis of the data, it is concluded that it is unlikely that a shield structure lies beneath north central Tibet unless the S-P residuals are due to structural variations occurring deeper than 250 km.

  11. Distribuição da sacarose-fosfato sintase e sacarose sintase em bananas durante o amadurecimento

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    BASSINELLO Priscila Z.


    Full Text Available A hidrólise do amido e a síntese de açúcares durante o amadurecimento da banana são transformações bioquímicas importantes, havendo evidências de que ocorrem de forma homogênea no fruto. Para confirmar este fato, amostras de banana nanicão (Musa spp. colhidas aos 110 dias pós-antese, foram coletadas no decorrer do amadurecimento e foram determinados os teores de amido, hexoses e sacarose e a atividade das enzimas sacarose-fosfato sintase (SPS e sacarose sintase (SS em diferentes partes do fruto. Observou-se que na banana verde, existe mais amido na porção periférica (18% do que na central (13%. Porém, a sua velocidade de degradação durante o amadurecimento é a mesma, o que resulta em teores diferenciados de amido residual na banana madura. Também o aparecimento e acúmulo de sacarose foi simultâneo nas duas regiões e coincidente com os valores máximos de atividade da SPS. Utilizando-se de técnica de identificação por anticorpos específicos para SS e SPS em tecidos verde e maduro, observou-se uma distribuição homogênea das enzimas e aparente correlação entre a cor desenvolvida e a variação de atividade.

  12. Atividade inseticida de Piper aduncum L. (Piperaceae sobre Aetalion sp. (Hemiptera: Aetalionidae, praga de importância econômica no Amazonas Insecticidal activity of Piper aduncum L. (Piperaceae on Aetalion sp. (Hemiptera: Aetalionidae, plague of economic importance in Amazon

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    Wilson Castro Silva


    Full Text Available O uso de extratos de plantas, em grande parte ainda inexplorada na Amazônia, constitui uma alternativa para o controle de insetos fitófagos, devido o baixo custo operacional, facilidade de preparação, utilização e segurança para o meio ambiente. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a ação inseticida de Piper aduncum sobre Aetalion sp. Insetos adultos, coletados em Clitoria fairchildiana, foram separados em grupos de dez indivíduos, colocados em recipientes plásticos e expostos à aplicação tópica de extratos aquosos de folhas e raízes de P. aduncum. Os extratos foram aplicados nas concentrações de 10, 20 e 30 Os grupos de controle tratados com água destilada. Os testes tiveram 48 horas de duração e a cada 12 horas a porcentagem de mortalidade foi avaliada. O experimento se caracterizou num delineamento inteiramente ao acaso com três tratamentos em cinco repetições mais o grupo controle. O extrato de folhas de P. aduncum apresentou menor toxicidade (CL50 = 20,9 do que o extrato de raízes (CL50 = 20,2, mas não foram estatisticamente distintos. Tanto o extrato aquoso de raízes como o de folhas de P. aduncum apresentam atividade inseticida sobre adultos de Aetalion sp. Entretanto, por não causar impacto ambiental durante a coleta, recomenda-se o extrato de folhas em programas de controle alternativo desse inseto.The use of extracts of plants, usually under exploited in Amazonia, is an alternative to control phytophagous insects due to their low costs, easy preparation, use and environmental safety. The aim of this work was to evaluate the insecticidal action of P. aduncum on Aetalion sp. Adult insects collected on the Clitoria fairchildiana were separated in groups of ten individuals into plastic vessels and exposed to topic application of aqueous extracts of leaves and roots of P. aduncum. The extracts were applied at the concentrations of 10, 20 and 30 The control groups treated

  13. The SP Theory of Intelligence: An Overview

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    J Gerard Wolff


    Full Text Available This article is an overview of the SP theory of intelligence, which aims to simplify and integrate concepts across artificial intelligence, mainstream computing and human perception and cognition, with information compression as a unifying theme. It is conceived of as a brain-like system that receives "New" information and stores some or all of it in compressed form as "Old" information; and it is realised in the form of a computer model, a first version of the SP machine. The matching and unification of patterns and the concept of multiple alignment are central ideas. Using heuristic techniques, the system builds multiple alignments that are "good" in terms of information compression. For each multiple alignment, probabilities may be calculated for associated inferences. Unsupervised learning is done by deriving new structures from partial matches between patterns and via heuristic search for sets of structures that are "good" in terms of information compression. These are normally ones that people judge to be "natural", in accordance with the "DONSVIC" principle—the discovery of natural structures via information compression. The SP theory provides an interpretation for concepts and phenomena in several other areas, including "computing", aspects of mathematics and logic, the representation of knowledge, natural language processing, pattern recognition, several kinds of reasoning, information storage and retrieval, planning and problem solving, information compression, neuroscience and human perception and cognition. Examples include the parsing and production of language with discontinuous dependencies in syntax, pattern recognition at multiple levels of abstraction and its integration with part-whole relations, nonmonotonic reasoning and reasoning with default values, reasoning in Bayesian networks, including "explaining away", causal diagnosis, and the solving of a geometric analogy problem.


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    Jenny María Artavia Granados


    Full Text Available Este artículo es producto de un proceso de investigación realizado en una escuela de la Dirección Regional de Educación Occidente. Su finalidad fue determinar si en el intervalo de los recreos de la escuela en estudio, se suscitaban manifestaciones de violencia escolar explícita entre estudiantes de IV, V y VI año del II Ciclo de la Educación General Básica. Durante el desarrollo del estudio, se tomaron en cuenta aspectos relacionados con las actividades lúdicas y las interacciones personales que se presentaban en estos espacios escolares. Sobre todo, los que podrían propiciar violencia escolar explícita; los mecanismos de prevención y estrategias empleadas por la escuela para contrarrestar la violencia escolar; también el nivel de integración del personal docente y administrativo de la escuela durante el periodo de los recreos. Asimismo, se plantearon algunas conclusiones entre las que destacan que un alto porcentaje de niños y niñas manifiesta que existen enfrentamientos entre estudiantes, durante el desarrollo de los recreos, y que estos se perciben a través de comportamientos de violencia tanto física como verbal. Las manifestaciones de violencia más comunes son peleas, golpes así como el uso de un lenguaje soez y ofensivo. Los motivos de los enfrentamientos varían según el nivel escolar entre el estudiantado. Los mecanismos empleados por la escuela para contrarrestar la violencia que se suscita durante los recreos, se basan en el uso de procedimientos sancionadores y la aplicación de medidas preventivas.

  15. Suicidio en las cárceles de Chile durante la década 2006-2015

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    Francisco Ceballos-Espinoza


    Full Text Available Chile presenta un alarmante incremento de suicidios, tanto en población general como intrapenitenciaria, lo que preocupa a las autoridades de justicia y salud. Objetivo: analizar los suicidios consumados por prisioneros en cárceles chilenas durante los años 2006-2015, para obtener el perfil de características sociocriminógenas del acto suicida y de los centros penitenciarios. Metodología: de un total de 162 suicidios, se analizaron los 132 casos examinados por la Policía de Investigaciones de Chile. Resultados: 97,7% de los suicidios ocurrieron en hombres de todas las edades (de 16 a 74 años; dos terceras partes (66,7% sucedieron en personas con ingresos previos a prisión, aunque la mayoría no tenían antecedentes penales ni condenas anteriores (97,7%. Una mayoría (65,1% ocurrieron durante el primer año de ingreso. El 73,5% eran solteros, 47% solo tenían estudios básicos, 84,8% no poseían oficio estable. En 43,2% se reportó estado depresivo como desencadenante del suicidio, y el método más común fue ahorcamiento (97%. Se encontraron diferencias con estadísticas significativas de ciertas correlaciones, como entre nivel de estudios y motivo manifestado para el suicidio, y entre nivel de estudios e ingresos previos a prisión; asimismo, una correlación relevante que muestra que a menor edad, más ingresos a prisión y menor nivel de estudios.

  16. Effect of garlic solution to Bacillus sp. removal (United States)

    Zainol, N.; Rahim, S. R.


    Biofilm is a microbial derived sessile community characterized by cells that are irreversibly attached to a substratum or interface to each other, embedded in a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances that they have produced. Bacillus sp. was used as biofilm model in this study. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Garlic solution in term of ratio of water and Garlic solution (W/G) and ratio of Garlic solution to Bacillus sp. (GS/B) on Bacillus sp removal. Garlic solution was used to remove Bacillus sp. In this study, Garlic solution was prepared by crushing the garlic and mixed it with water. the Garlic solution was added into Bacillus sp. mixture and mixed well. The mixture then was spread on nutrient agar. The Bacillus sp. weight on agar plate was measured by using dry weight measurement method. In this study, initially Garlic solution volume and Garlic solution concentration were studied using one factor at time (OFAT). Later two-level-factorial analysis was done to determine the most contributing factor in Bacillus sp. removal. Design Expert software (Version 7) was used to construct experimental table where all the factors were randomized. Bacilus sp removal was ranging between 42.13% to 99.6%. The analysis of the results showed that at W/G of 1:1, Bacillus sp. removal increased when more Garlic solution was added to Bacillus sp. Effect of Garlic solution to Bacillus sp. will be understood which in turn may be beneficial for the industrial purpose.

  17. "Análise da carga mecânica no joeho durante o agachamento"


    Rogério Pessoto Hirata


    Existe um conceito difundido entre professores de educação física, fisioterapeutas e ortopedistas que o joelho não deve ser demasiadamente anteriorizado em relação à ponta do pé na direção ântero-posterior durante qualquer tipo de agachamento de modo a diminuir a carga mecânica imposta ao joelho. No entanto, são escassas as evidências quantitativas que corroboram este conceito. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estimar forças e torque na articulação do joelho em indivíduos saudáveis durante o e...

  18. O envolvimento paterno durante a gestação Father's involvement during the gestation

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    Cesar Augusto Piccinini


    Full Text Available O período de gestação da companheira exige uma série de adaptações por parte do pai, que precisa se preparar para os novos papéis que deverá assumir frente ao bebê e à sua nova família. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo investigar como se dá o envolvimento paterno durante o 3º trimestre de gestação. Participaram deste estudo 35 pais que esperavam seu primeiro filho, com idades entre 21 e 40 anos. Os pais foram entrevistados individualmente e as suas respostas foram examinadas através de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicaram que muitos pais estiveram envolvidos de diversas maneiras durante a gestação de suas companheiras, mostrando-se emocionalmente conectados à gestante e ao bebê. No entanto, alguns pais ainda encontravam dificuldades quanto ao envolvimento com seu filho, parecendo não percebê-lo como real e apresentando uma baixa ligação emocional com a gestação. Estes dados apontam para indícios de uma modificação quanto à paternidade já no período da gestação, a qual se encontra cada vez menos restrita ao universo feminino.The gestational period requires a series of adaptations from the father's side, who needs to prepare himself for the new role he will assume vis-à-vis the baby and his/her new family. The present study aimed at investigating father's involvement during the third trimester of gestation. Thirty-five fathers, aged 21 to 40, who were expecting their first child, took part in the study. The fathers were interviewed individually and their answers were examined through content analysis. Results indicated that many fathers were involved in different ways during their partner's pregnancy, being emotionally connected with the baby and their partner. However, some fathers still found difficulties concerning involvement with their child, seeming not to perceive him/her as real and showing low emotional connection with pregnancy. These data point to signs of change

  19. Comportamiento de Rhodnius robustus Larousse, 1927 (Hemiptera, Reduviidae durante su alimentación en condiciones de laboratorio

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    Camilo Rubio


    Full Text Available Introducción. A pesar del control de los insectos domiciliados, se siguen presentando casos de enfermedad de Chagas con la participación en la transmisión de especies peridomiciliarias y selváticas,una de las cuales es Rhodnius robustus, especie reportada con infecciones naturales de Trypanosoma cruzi y T. rangeli. Objetivo. Describir el comportamiento de R. robustus durante su alimentación en condiciones delaboratorio.Materiales y métodos. En cada estadio de desarrollo de R. robustus se analizó el tiempo promedio para alcanzar la repleción, número promedio de deyecciones, porcentaje de individuos que defecan durante la comida y ganancia de peso después de la alimentación. Resultados. Rhodnius robustus tardó entre 19:26 y 44:55 (minutos:segundos en alimentarse arepleción; los insectos defecaron en todos sus diferentes estadios durante la alimentación. El porcentaje de individuos que defecan durante la alimentación varía de 13,3 % a 93,3 %. Por otro lado, el consumo promedio de sangre en el quinto estadio, 337,19 mg, duplica la cantidad ingerida por los adultos, 161,25 mg. Conclusiones. En todos los estadios de R. robustus hay defecación durante la alimentación, factor que favorece su competencia vectorial. Sin embargo, el tiempo para la primera deyección, el porcentaje dedeyecciones y los individuos que defecan durante la comida, así como la cantidad de sangre ingerida, varían entre los estadios, lo cual indica que el comportamiento alimenticio está mediado por variables dependientes de la edad/estadio.

  20. Streptomyces sp. Sebagai Biofungisida Patogen Fusarium oxysporum (Schlecht. f.sp. lycopersici (Sacc. Snyd. et Hans. Penyebab Penyakit Layu Pada Tanaman Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum L.

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    Full Text Available A research was conducted to isolate Streptomyces sp. of soil Udayana University campus in theBukit-Jimbaran, to obtain the most effective Streptomyces sp. which is effective in inhibit the growth ofFusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici, and to test response of tomato plants with Streptomyces sp.culture against Fusarium wilt desease. Implementation phases of the research consisted of isolation andidentification of Streptomyces sp, test the inhibition against F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici, and in vivotest used by dyeing the roots of the tomato plant (Solanum lycopersicum with Fusarium spores andafter 30 seconds the roots were dyeing Streptomyces culture. Furthermore, sterile soil in polybagwatered by Fusarium spores and Streptomyces culture at the same time. Based on morphologicalcharacteristic it found five isolates of Streptomyces sp.. The antagonist test showed Streptomyces sp.1 had ability (75% against Fusarium, Streptomyces sp 2 (68,3%, Streptomyces sp. 3 (71,6%,Streptomyces sp. 4 (63,3%, and Streptomyces sp. 5 (21,6%. All Streptomyces suppressed thegrowth of Fusarium on tomato plants in glass house (p<0,05. Streptomyces sp.3 suppressed Fusariumwilt disease in tomato from 88% in control to 20%.

  1. Isolation of a bacterial strain, Acinetobacter sp. from centrate wastewater and study of its cooperation with algae in nutrients removal. (United States)

    Liu, Hui; Lu, Qian; Wang, Qin; Liu, Wen; Wei, Qian; Ren, Hongyan; Ming, Caibing; Min, Min; Chen, Paul; Ruan, Roger


    Algae were able to grow healthy on bacteria-containing centrate wastewater in a pilot-scale bioreactor. The batch experiment indicated that the co-cultivation of algae and wastewater-borne bacteria improved the removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand and total phosphorus in centrate wastewater to 93.01% and 98.78%, respectively. A strain of beneficial aerobic bacteria, Acinetobacter sp., was isolated and its biochemical characteristics were explored. Synergistic cooperation was observed in the growth of algae and Acinetobacter sp. Removal efficiencies of some nutrients were improved significantly by the co-cultivation of algae and Acinetobacter sp. After treatment, residual nutrients in centrate wastewater reached the permissible discharge limit. The cooperation between algae and Acinetobacter sp. was in part attributed to the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the algae and bacteria. This synergetic relationship between algae and Acinetobacter sp. provided a promising way to treat the wastewater by improving the nutrients removal and biomass production. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Análisis de las Fuerzas Absolutas y las Circunferencias de Volumen Durante el Período Preparatorio.

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    Francisco Freyre Vázquez


    Full Text Available Se aborda la relación de dependencia entre los resultados de las fuerzas absolutas de los planos musculares brazo, tronco y pierna, en correspondencia con las circunferencias máximas de volumen de los miembros superiores e inferiores durante la preparación de fuerza a que fueron sometidos los atletas de baloncesto de la categoría juvenil durante el periodo preparatorio. De esta forma estaríamos hablando de la estrecha relación que existe en cuanto a esta variable, repercutiendo en los resultados a alcanzar por el equipo durante el proceso de entrenamiento.

  3. Elevated expression and potential roles of human Sp5, a member of Sp transcription factor family, in human cancers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Yongxin; Guo Yingqiu; Ge Xijin; Itoh, Hirotaka; Watanabe, Akira; Fujiwara, Takeshi; Kodama, Tatsuhiko; Aburatani, Hiroyuki


    In this report, we describe the expression and function of human Sp5, a member of the Sp family of zinc finger transcription factors. Like other family members, the Sp5 protein contains a Cys2His2 zinc finger DNA binding domain at the C-terminus. Our experiments employing Gal4-Sp5 fusion proteins reveal multiple transcriptional domains, including a N-terminal activity domain, an intrinsic repressive element, and a C-terminal synergistic domain. Elevated expression of Sp5 was noted in several human tumors including hepatocellular carcinoma, gastric cancer, and colon cancer. To study the effects of the Sp5 protein on growth properties of human cancer cells and facilitate the identification of its downstream genes, we combined an inducible gene expression system with microarray analysis to screen for its transcriptional targets. Transfer of Sp5 into MCF-7 cells that expressed no detectable endogenous Sp5 protein elicited significant growth promotion activity. Several of the constitutively deregulated genes have been associated with tumorigenesis (CDC25C, CEACAM6, TMPRSS2, XBP1, MYBL1, ABHD2, and CXCL12) and Wnt/β-Catenin signaling pathways (BAMBI, SIX1, IGFBP5, AES, and p21 WAF1 ). This information could be utilized for further mechanistic research and for devising optimized therapeutic strategies against human cancers

  4. Barreras y facilitadores para actividad física durante el embarazo y posparto en mujeres pobres de México

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    Ana Lilia Lozada-Tequeanes


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Explorar percepciones de proveedores de salud y beneficiarias del Programa Oportunidades sobre la práctica de actividad física durante el embarazo y posparto, e identificar características de la consejería sobre el tema en el primer nivel de atención en salud. Material y métodos. Estudio de métodos mixtos que forma parte de una intervención en nutrición del Programa Oportunidades. La información cualitativa se colectó por entrevista (50 mujeres; 34 proveedores de salud y se obtuvo información cuantitativa a partir de un cuestionario (n=88 mujeres; n=64 proveedores; n=111 observaciones de consulta. Resultados. Se documentaron barreras a individuales: falta de tiempo y de apoyo social; b socioculturales: prejuicios de pares y familiares, y falta de instructores, y c ambientales: falta de espacios físicos seguros y apropiados. 38% de las mujeres reporta haber recibido consejería sobre el tema versus 63.4% de proveedores que reportan haberla dado (p=0.002. Conclusiones. Urgen capacitación a proveedores y promoción de la actividad física que eliminen los prejuicios asociados al tema durante el embarazo y posparto.

  5. Use of the Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2) as a pre-filter for ice nucleation measurements: effect of particle mixing state and determination of SP2 conditions to fully vaporize refractory black carbon (United States)

    Schill, Gregory P.; DeMott, Paul J.; Levin, Ezra J. T.; Kreidenweis, Sonia M.


    Ice nucleation is a fundamental atmospheric process that impacts precipitation, cloud lifetimes, and climate. Challenges remain to identify and quantify the compositions and sources of ice-nucleating particles (INPs). Assessment of the role of black carbon (BC) as an INP is particularly important due to its anthropogenic sources and abundance at upper-tropospheric cloud levels. The role of BC as an INP, however, is unclear. This is, in part, driven by a lack of techniques that directly determine the contribution of refractory BC (rBC) to INP concentrations. One previously developed technique to measure this contribution uses the Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2) as a pre-filter to an online ice-nucleating particle counter. In this technique, rBC particles are selectively heated to their vaporization temperature in the SP2 cavity by a 1064 nm laser. From previous work, however, it is unclear under what SP2 conditions, if any, the original rBC particles were fully vaporized. Furthermore, previous work also left questions about the effect of the SP2 laser on the ice-nucleating properties of several INP proxies and their mixtures with rBC.To answer these questions, we sampled the exhaust of an SP2 with a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer and a Continuous Flow Diffusion Chamber. Using Aquadag® as an rBC proxy, the effect of several SP2 instrument parameters on the size distribution and physical properties of particles in rBC SP2 exhaust were explored. We found that a high SP2 laser power (930 nW/(220 nm PSL)) is required to fully vaporize a ˜ 0.76 fg rBC particle. We also found that the exhaust particle size distribution is minimally affected by the SP2 sheath-to-sample ratio; the size of the original rBC particle, however, greatly influences the size distribution of the SP2 exhaust. The effect of the SP2 laser on the ice nucleation efficiency of Snomax®, NX-illite, and Suwannee River Fulvic Acid was studied; these particles acted as proxies for biological, illite

  6. Wnt-mediated down-regulation of Sp1 target genes by a transcriptional repressor Sp5

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Fujimura, Naoko; Vacík, Tomáš; Machoň, Ondřej; Vlček, Čestmír; Scalabrin, S.; Speth, M.; Diep, D.; Krauss, S.; Kozmik, Zbyněk


    Roč. 282, č. 2 (2007), s. 1225-1237 ISSN 0021-9258 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50520514 Keywords : Wnt -mediated signaling * Sp5 transcription factor * Sp1 target genes Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 5.581, year: 2007

  7. The Role of S P2, SP3 AND SP4 in The Transcriptional Regulation of The Promoter of Nuclear Encoded Mitochondrial Genes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaid, A.; Salem, Gh.


    The GC-box is an important transcriptional regulatory element present in the promoters of many mammalian genes, and is found in most, if not all, oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) promoters. In the present study we examine the effects of three Spl family members (Sp2, Sp3, and Sp4) on the adenine nucleotide translocase 2, cytochrome cl, Fl-ATPase β-subunit, and the mitochondria transcription factor (mtTFA) promoters in Drosophila SL2 cell line. Sp3, like Spl, strongly activates transcription all four promoters. SP4 stimulates, moderately, but Sp2 had no effect. In addition, Sp3 can, like Spl, inhibit transcription from the proximal promoter of the ANT2 gene through binding to the Cbox GC element. By contrast, Sp4 and Sp2 do not repress promoter activity. Furthermore, since Sp4 and Sp2 bind to the Cbox repression element on the ANT2 promoter, but do not repress transcription, inhibition of transcription cannot be explained by steric hindrance of pre-initiation complex assembly. These data suggest that different Spl family members differentially affect transcription from the OXPHOS promoters.

  8. Evaluation of antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of Cynobacteria, Limnothrix sp. and Leptolyngbya sp. from Arabian sea

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Anas, A.; Vinothkumar, S.; Gupta, S.; Jasmin, C.; Joseph, V.; Parameswaran, P.S.; Nair, S.

    The hexane fractions of the marine cyanobacteria: Leptolyngbya sp. and Limnothrix sp., collected from Arabian Sea were found to display promising antioxidant properties than their ethyl acetate fraction during radical scavenging ABTS/DPPH assays (IC...

  9. A review of neogene and quaternary snakes of Central and Eastern Europe. Part 11: natricinae, elapidae, viperidae

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    Szyndlar, Z.


    , Neonatrix sp., Palaeonatrix silesiaca, Palaeonatrix lehmani, Natrix longivertebrata, Natrix cf. N. longivertebrata, Natrix natrix, Natrix tesselata, Natrix cf. N. tesselata, Natrix sp., «Natricinae» indet.; Elapidae: Naja romani, Naja sp., cf. Naja sp.; Viperidae: Vipera plastyspondyla, Vipera sarmatica, Vipera burgenlandica, Vipera gedulyi, Vipera kuchurganica, Vipera antiqua, Vipera cf. V. ammodytes, Vipera berus, Vipera sp. («grupo Oriental», Vipera sp. (grupo «aspis», Vipera sp. (grupo «berus», Vipera sp. (relaciones desconocidas. El estatus taxonómico de otras dos especies extintas, Natrix parva y Laophis crotaloides, es poco claro. Las especies actuales aparecen primero en Europa central y oriental durante el Plioceno medio (MN 15, mientras que las serpientes más antiguas pertenecen a especies extinguidas, incluidas tanto en géneros actuales como también en otros ya extinguidos. La validez taxonómica como entes independientes de muchos géneros extintos no está plenamente demostrada. Las serpientes bien conocidas más antiguas del área (Elapidae, Viperidae, algunos Colubridae son claramente adscribibles a géneros actuales, y las subdivisiones intragenéricas actualmente existentes pueden ya observarse en los restos más antiguos (Mioceno inferior. Formas actuales cercanas a estos fósiles miocénicos se encuentran distribuidos en la Region Biogeográfíca Oriental.

  10. La lucha por el mantenimiento de un huerto de simples en la universidad de Valencia durante el siglo XVII

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    Felipo, Amparo


    Full Text Available This article deepens on the efforts made during the 17th century by Medicine professors and students, Pharmacist Associations as well as surgeons and magistrates from Valencia directed toward the creation and mantenaince of a garden destinated to the growing of medicinal plants from worldwide.

    Este artículo profundiza en los esfuerzos realizados durante el siglo XVII por catedráticos y estudiantes de Medicina, colegios de boticarios y cirujanos y magistrados municipales de Valencia orientados a la creación y mantenimiento de un huerto destinado al cultivo de plantas medicinales procedentes de diferentes partes del mundo.


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    Paulo Henrique Costa Paiva


    aspecto global, cor, textura, consistência e sabor. Quanto às características microbiológicas dos queijos com e sem aplicação de resina na casca, após 15 dias de maturação, a diferença das contagens microbiológicas entre as quatro estações do ano não chegou a um ciclo logarítmico, exceto para mesófilos aeróbios e Staphylococcus aureus. Os coeficientes de variação referentes aos parâmetros microbiológicos dos queijos maturados por 15 dias, em relação às quatro estações do ano, apresentaram-se relativamente baixos, exceto para contagens de Staphylococcus aureus em queijos com e sem aplicação de resina na casca, e para contagem de coliformes totais em queijos sem aplicação de resina na casca. Após 15 dias de maturação, observou-se ausência de Listeria sp. e Salmonella sp. nos queijos com e sem aplicação de resina na casca, nas quatro estações do ano. Nos queijos com aplicação de resina na casca houve menor crescimento de mofos durante a maturação (45 dias em relação àqueles sem aplicação de resina, reduzindo-se as perdas com raspagens ("toalete" dos queijos durante esse período.

  12. Progress in SP-100 tribological coatings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ring, P.J.; Roy, P.; Schuster, G.B.; Busboom, H.J.


    The SP-100 reactor will operate at temperatures up to 1500K in high vacuum. To address the SP-100 needs, a tribology development program has been established at GE to investigate candidate coating materials. Materials were selected based on their high thermodynamic stability, high melting point, compatibility with the substrate, and coefficients of thermal expansion similar to niobium-1% zirconium-the candidate structural material for SP-100. An additional requirement was that the deposition processes should be commercially available to coat large components. This paper presents the details regarding the SP-100 Tribology Development Program including background information, specific bearing requirements, basis for coating material selection, testing methods and the initial results covering the early years of this program

  13. Increased constituent ratios of Klebsiella sp., Acinetobacter sp., and Streptococcus sp. and a decrease in microflora diversity may be indicators of ventilator-associated pneumonia: a prospective study in the respiratory tracts of neonates.

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    Wei Lu

    Full Text Available Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP is a common complication and cause of death in neonates on mechanical ventilation. However, it is difficult to define the causes of VAP. To understand the causes of VAP, we undertook a prospective study based on the diversity of the microflora in VAP. The experimental group consisted of newborns who suffered from respiratory distress syndrome (RDS and VAP, while the control group suffered from RDS without VAP. Sputa were collected within 1, 3, and 5 days of ventilation and were divided into six groups. DNA was extracted from the samples, and the 16S rDNA was PCR amplified, separated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE, cloned and sequenced. The resulting sequences were compared using BLAST. The DGGE pictures were measured, and the richness, Shannon-Wiener index, and cluster maps were analyzed. No differences were found regarding the constituent ratio of any genus between the Non-VAP and VAP group within 1 day after intubation. After 1 to 3 days, the constituent ratios of Klebsiella sp., Acinetobacter sp., and Streptococcus sp. in the VAP group were higher than those in the Non-VAP group, and the ratios of Serratia sp. and Achromobacter sp. were lower. After 3 to 5 days, the ratios of Klebsiella sp., Acinetobacter sp., Serratia sp., and Achromobacter sp. were lower than those in the Non-VAP group. The richness and Shannon-Wiener index of the Non-VAP group were higher than those of the VAP group from 1 to 3 days after intubation, while no differences were found within 1 day and from 3 to 5 days. We conclude that during the first three days of intubation, the microflora diversity in the lower respiratory tract was reduced due to VAP, and the greater constituent ratios of Klebsiella sp., Acinetobacter sp., and Streptococcus sp. in the sputum may be indicators of VAP.

  14. Integrative Gene Cloning and Expression System for Streptomyces sp. US 24 and Streptomyces sp. TN 58 Bioactive Molecule Producing Strains

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    Samiha Sioud


    Full Text Available Streptomyces sp. US 24 and Streptomyces sp. TN 58, two strains producing interesting bioactive molecules, were successfully transformed using E. coli ET12567 (pUZ8002, as a conjugal donor, carrying the integrative plasmid pSET152. For the Streptomyces sp. US 24 strain, two copies of this plasmid were tandemly integrated in the chromosome, whereas for Streptomyces sp. TN 58, the integration was in single copy at the attB site. Plasmid pSET152 was inherited every time for all analysed Streptomyces sp. US 24 and Streptomyces sp. TN 58 exconjugants under nonselective conditions. The growth, morphological differentiation, and active molecules production of all studied pSET152 integrated exconjugants were identical to those of wild type strains. Consequently, conjugal transfer using pSET152 integration system is a suitable means of genes transfer and expression for both studied strains. To validate the above gene transfer system, the glucose isomerase gene (xylA from Streptomyces sp. SK was expressed in strain Streptomyces sp. TN 58. Obtained results indicated that heterologous glucose isomerase could be expressed and folded effectively. Glucose isomerase activity of the constructed TN 58 recombinant strain is of about eighteenfold higher than that of the Streptomyces sp. SK strain. Such results are certainly of importance due to the potential use of improved strains in biotechnological process for the production of high-fructose syrup from starch.

  15. Nanocrystalline sp{sup 2} and sp{sup 3} carbons: CVD synthesis and applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Terranova, M. L. [Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata,” via Della Ricerca Scientifica, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche—MinimaLab (Italy); Rossi, M. [Università degli Studi di Roma “Sapienza,” via A. Scarpa, Dipartimento di Scienze di Base e Applicate per l’Ingegneria and Centro di Ricerca per le Nanotecnologie Applicate all’Ingegneria (CNIS) (Italy); Tamburri, E., E-mail: [Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata,” via Della Ricerca Scientifica, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche—MinimaLab (Italy)


    The design and production of innovative materials based on nanocrystalline sp{sup 2}- and sp{sup 3}-coordinated carbons is presently a focus of the scientific community. We present a review of the nanostructures obtained in our labs using a series of synthetic routes, which make use of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques for the selective production of non-planar graphitic nanostructures, nanocrystalline diamonds, and hybrid two-phase nanostructures.

  16. Betulinic acid inhibits colon cancer cell and tumor growth and induces proteasome-dependent and -independent downregulation of specificity proteins (Sp transcription factors

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    Pathi Satya


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Betulinic acid (BA inhibits growth of several cancer cell lines and tumors and the effects of BA have been attributed to its mitochondriotoxicity and inhibition of multiple pro-oncogenic factors. Previous studies show that BA induces proteasome-dependent degradation of specificity protein (Sp transcription factors Sp1, Sp3 and Sp4 in prostate cancer cells and this study focused on the mechanism of action of BA in colon cancer cells. Methods The effects of BA on colon cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis and tumor growth in vivo were determined using standardized assays. The effects of BA on Sp proteins and Sp-regulated gene products were analyzed by western blots, and real time PCR was used to determine microRNA-27a (miR-27a and ZBTB10 mRNA expression. Results BA inhibited growth and induced apoptosis in RKO and SW480 colon cancer cells and inhibited tumor growth in athymic nude mice bearing RKO cells as xenograft. BA also decreased expression of Sp1, Sp3 and Sp4 transcription factors which are overexpressed in colon cancer cells and decreased levels of several Sp-regulated genes including survivin, vascular endothelial growth factor, p65 sub-unit of NFκB, epidermal growth factor receptor, cyclin D1, and pituitary tumor transforming gene-1. The mechanism of action of BA was dependent on cell context, since BA induced proteasome-dependent and proteasome-independent downregulation of Sp1, Sp3 and Sp4 in SW480 and RKO cells, respectively. In RKO cells, the mechanism of BA-induced repression of Sp1, Sp3 and Sp4 was due to induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS, ROS-mediated repression of microRNA-27a, and induction of the Sp repressor gene ZBTB10. Conclusions These results suggest that the anticancer activity of BA in colon cancer cells is due, in part, to downregulation of Sp1, Sp3 and Sp4 transcription factors; however, the mechanism of this response is cell context-dependent.

  17. Betulinic acid inhibits colon cancer cell and tumor growth and induces proteasome-dependent and -independent downregulation of specificity proteins (Sp) transcription factors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chintharlapalli, Sudhakar; Papineni, Sabitha; Lei, Ping; Pathi, Satya; Safe, Stephen


    Betulinic acid (BA) inhibits growth of several cancer cell lines and tumors and the effects of BA have been attributed to its mitochondriotoxicity and inhibition of multiple pro-oncogenic factors. Previous studies show that BA induces proteasome-dependent degradation of specificity protein (Sp) transcription factors Sp1, Sp3 and Sp4 in prostate cancer cells and this study focused on the mechanism of action of BA in colon cancer cells. The effects of BA on colon cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis and tumor growth in vivo were determined using standardized assays. The effects of BA on Sp proteins and Sp-regulated gene products were analyzed by western blots, and real time PCR was used to determine microRNA-27a (miR-27a) and ZBTB10 mRNA expression. BA inhibited growth and induced apoptosis in RKO and SW480 colon cancer cells and inhibited tumor growth in athymic nude mice bearing RKO cells as xenograft. BA also decreased expression of Sp1, Sp3 and Sp4 transcription factors which are overexpressed in colon cancer cells and decreased levels of several Sp-regulated genes including survivin, vascular endothelial growth factor, p65 sub-unit of NFκB, epidermal growth factor receptor, cyclin D1, and pituitary tumor transforming gene-1. The mechanism of action of BA was dependent on cell context, since BA induced proteasome-dependent and proteasome-independent downregulation of Sp1, Sp3 and Sp4 in SW480 and RKO cells, respectively. In RKO cells, the mechanism of BA-induced repression of Sp1, Sp3 and Sp4 was due to induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS), ROS-mediated repression of microRNA-27a, and induction of the Sp repressor gene ZBTB10. These results suggest that the anticancer activity of BA in colon cancer cells is due, in part, to downregulation of Sp1, Sp3 and Sp4 transcription factors; however, the mechanism of this response is cell context-dependent

  18. Isolation and characterization of Babesia pecorum sp. nov. from farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus). (United States)

    Jouglin, Maggy; Fernández-de-Mera, Isabel G; de la Cotte, Nathalie; Ruiz-Fons, Francisco; Gortázar, Christian; Moreau, Emmanuelle; Bastian, Suzanne; de la Fuente, José; Malandrin, Laurence


    The diversity of Babesia species infecting cervids in parts of central and southern Spain was analyzed by collecting blood from farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus). Babesia sp. was isolated in vitro from two red deer herds in Cádiz and Ciudad Real. The number of Babesia sp. carriers differed between the two herds: 36/77 in Cádiz and 1/35 in Ciudad Real. Hyalomma lusitanicum was the most prevalent tick species identified on the Cádiz farm vegetation and on sampled animals, and is therefore a candidate vector. The molecular characteristics of 21 isolates were determined by complete (8 isolates) or partial (13 isolates) 18S rRNA gene sequencing. The sequences were highly similar (over 99.4% identity) and 6 sequence types were identified at the level of one herd only, demonstrating a rather high genetic diversity. They formed a monophyletic clade, and members of the three main sequence types shared a similar morphology and the same erythrocyte susceptibility pattern. This clade also included Babesia sp. Xinjiang isolated from sheep in China and Babesia sp. identified in giraffe in South Africa, with identities higher than 98.3% and statistically relevant phylogenetic support. None of the biological properties analyzed for both Babesia from red deer and Babesia sp. Xinjiang allowed their differentiation (ability to develop in vitro in erythrocytes from cattle and sheep, as well as in erythrocytes from different cervids, unsuccessful infection of calves). We propose the Babesia isolated from red deer as a new species named B. pecorum. Whether Babesia sp. Xinjiang and the Babesia characterized in South Africa belong to the same species is debated.

  19. Caracterización limnológica de la laguna de Cashibococha (UcayaliPerú durante el año 2001

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    José Riofrío


    Full Text Available Durante el año 2001 se realizaron muestreos bimensuales en tres estaciones fijas en la laguna de Cashibococha (Ucayali, Perú. Cashibococha presenta aguas de color verdoso a café oscuro, con pH entre 6 a 6,8, Conductividad entre 10 y 30µ −1 , Transparencia de 21 a 59 cm y Alcalinidad Total entre 14 y 22 mg CaCO3 / L . La temperatura superficial del agua osciló entre 24,4 y 37 ºC y el Oxígeno Disuelto entre 1,3 y 7,4 mg/ L. Los análisis bacteriológicos registraron recuentos de aerobios mesófilos entre 350 y 3600 UFC/ mL. Los coliformes totales oscilaron entre 3 y 43 NMP/ 100 mL. Se diferenciaron 47 especies pertenecientes a 20 familias de macrófitas acuáticas; el mayor número de especies se reportó durante la época de Transición − Creciente (octubre − noviembre, debido a la inundación del bosque. Fueron identificadas 52 especies de fitoplancton, la División Chlorophyta fue la mas dominante. La comunidad fitoplanctónica está dominada por las especies Actinastrum hantzschi, Spirogyra sp., Eudorina elegans, Pandorina morum y Closterium kuetzingui. Se diferenciaron 54 especies de Zooplancton. Los rotíferos fue el taxa dominante. La densidad de zooplancton está dominada por Brachionus patulus macracanthus y Polyarthra vulgaris. Fueron identificadas 66 especies de peces, pertenecientes a 55 géneros, 11 familias y 4 órdenes. El orden dominante en diversidad y abundancia fue el de Characiformes, Curimata vittata fue la especie dominante en la comunidad de peces en éstas áreas litorales. Los índices de diversidad fueron superiores a 3,0 bits. ind –1 , en todas las estaciones y lugares de muestreo. De igual manera los valores de equitabilidad fueron superiores a 0,8 en todas las estaciones y lugares de muestreo.


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    Nelcy Madruga de Carvalho


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de avaliar o desempenho de vacas da raça Holandês em lactação, submetidas a manejo com e sem disponibilidade de sombra, durante as horas mais quentes do dia, no verão, com relação à produção de leite. Após um período de 55 dias, ficou evidenciada uma clara tendência de menor produção de leite por parte dos animais que não tiveram acesso à sombra, sendo que os de maior produção mostraram-se mais sensíveis às condições desfavoráveis do manejo ao Sol. Com base nos dados obtidos, concluiu-se que se faz necessária a disponibilidade de sombra durante os meses quentes de verão, para as vacas leiteiras em lactação, principalmente para aquelas de mais alto nível de produção.

  1. Publicaciones culturales de resistencia durante la dictadura: estudio de tres casos de representación visual

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    Paulina Francisca González Valenzuela


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda la resistencia cultural desarrollada durante el período dictatorial en Chile (1973-1989, desde la mirada de tres publicaciones que formaron parte de las redes de expresión artística erigidas al margen del discurso oficial: Palabra Escrita, La Bicicleta y La Castaña. Mediante la revisión de la experiencia productiva de estos medios, se propone ejemplificar las variantes de una disyuntiva estética que definió formas antagónicas de representar la escena cultural post golpe; las cuales encuentran su origen tanto en la influencia de los relatos sociales colindantes a sus espacios de circulación, como en el acceso a determinados medios de producción y manejo técnico.


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    Ofri Johan


    Full Text Available It is crucial to understand the microbial community associated with the host when attempting to discern the pathogen responsible for disease outbreaks in scleractinian corals. This study determines changes in the bacterial community associated with Montipora sp. in response to black band disease in Indonesian waters. Healthy, diseased, and dead Montipora sp. (n = 3 for each sample type per location were collected from three different locations (Pari Island, Pramuka Island, and Peteloran Island. DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis was carried out to identify the bacterial community associated with each sample type and histological analysis was conducted to identify pathogens associated with specific tissues. Various Desulfovibrio species were found as novelty to be associated with infection samples, including Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Desulfovibrio magneticus, and Desulfovibrio gigas, Bacillus benzoevorans, Bacillus farraginis in genus which previously associated with pathogenicity in corals. Various bacterial species associated with uninfected corals were lost in diseased and dead samples. Unlike healthy samples, coral tissues such as the epidermis, endodermis, zooxanthellae were not present on dead samples under histological observation. Liberated zooxanthellae and cyanobacteria were found in black band diseased Montipora sp. samples.

  3. Protozoan parasites of Xiphophorus spp. (Poeciliidae and their relation with water characteristics Parasitos protozoários de Xiphophorus sp. (Poeciliidae e a relação deles com as características da água

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    F. Garcia


    Full Text Available This work investigated the relationship between water characteristics and infestation of protozoan parasites, Icthyophthirius multifiliis and Trichodina sp., in swordtails (Xiphophorus helleri and platy (Xiphophorus maculates collected in an ornamental fish farm in São Paulo, Brazil. Fish were monthly collected from ponds and tanks for one year. The prevalence rates in fish from tanks and ponds were, respectively, 34.2% and 22.5% for I. multifiliis, and 13% and 54.2% for Trichodina sp. Increased electric conductivity and pH provoked reduction of I. multifiliis infestation. Low oxygen concentration increased Trichodina sp. infestation. The use of salt to increase the electric conductivity of water was a method to control I. multifiliis. Low dissolved oxygen and the addition of organic fertilizer favored the reproduction of Trichodina sp.Investigou-se a relação entre as características da água e a infestação de protozoários parasitos, Icthyophthirius multifiliis e Trichodina sp., em peixe espada, Xiphophorus helleri e em plati, Xiphophorus maculatus, coletados em uma piscicultura de peixes ornamentais no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Os peixes foram coletados mensalmente, durante um ano, dos viveiros e das caixas de estocagem. A prevalência da infestação nos peixes das caixas e dos viveiros foram, respectivamente, 34,2% e 22,5% para I. multifiliis e 13% e 54% para Trichodina sp. A elevada condutividade elétrica e o pH da água reduziram a infestação por I. multifiliis. A baixa concentração de oxigênio resultou em aumento na infestação por Trichodina sp. O uso do sal, para aumentar a condutividade elétrica da água, consistiu em um método de controle de I. multifiliis. A redução do oxigênio dissolvido e a adição de fertilizante orgânico favoreceram a reprodução de Trichodina sp.

  4. Improved curdlan production with discarded bottom parts of Asparagus spear. (United States)

    Anane, Rex Frimpong; Sun, Huifang; Zhao, Lamei; Wang, Le; Lin, Chun; Mao, Zichao


    This work evaluated the improvement of curdlan production of Agrobacterium sp. ATCC 31749 by using culture medium containing juice of discarded bottom part of green Asparagus spear (MJDA). Curdlan production was carried out using Agrobacterium sp. ATCC 31749 in flasks with different volumes of MJDA and its non-juice-adding control (CK) incubated in shaker at 30 °C, 200 rpm rotation for 168 h. All MJDA media increased Agrobacterium sp. ATCC 31749 cell mass and enhanced the cells' ability to utilise sucrose, the carbon source for curdlan biosynthesis, and thereby produced higher concentration of curdlan than CK which is used for commercial production of curdlan. After 168 h of fermentation, 10% MJDA produced 40.2 g/l of curdlan whiles CK produced 21.1 g/l. Curdlan production was increased by 90.4% higher in 10% MJDA than CK. Curdlan produced by 10% MJDA contains 1.2 and 1.5 µg/ml of Asparagus flavonoids and saponins respectively as additives which have wide range of health benefits. The mass of sucrose needed to produce 1.0 g curdlan by Agrobacterium sp. ATCC 31749 in CK is 1.7-fold more than in 10% MJDA. The results strongly revealed that 5-10% MJDA is a good curdlan fermentation media which increase curdlan production yield with cheaper cost of production and simultaneously reduce environmental waste resulting from the large scaled discarded bottom parts of green Asparagus spear during Asparagus production.

  5. Seleção de bactérias promotoras de crescimento no abacaxizeiro cultivar Vitória durante a aclimatização Selection of growth-promoting bacteria for pineapple 'Vitória' during acclimatization

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    Lílian Estrela Borges Baldotto


    Full Text Available A propagação in vitro do abacaxizeiro (Ananas comosus L. Merril resulta na produção de uma grande quantidade de mudas sadias e homogêneas. Apesar dessas vantagens, a necessidade de um longo período de aclimatização onera essa prática agrícola. A aceleração do crescimento das plantas pela inoculação de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas e epifíticas pode ser útil para diminuir esse período. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de 20 estirpes de bactérias diazotróficas em sintetizar indol, solubilizar fosfato de Ca e óxido de Zn e atuar antagonicamente ao fungo fitopatogênico Fusarium subglutinans f. sp. ananas, bem como, posteriormente, avaliar o desempenho do abacaxizeiro 'Vitória' propagado por cultura de tecidos em resposta à inoculação bacteriana durante o período de aclimatização em casa de vegetação. Foram medidas as características de crescimento da parte aérea e do sistema radicular e o conteúdo de nutrientes de folhas do abacaxizeiro. Os resultados mostraram diferenças na capacidade das bactérias de sintetizar indol, solubilizar fosfato de Ca e óxido de Zn e atuar antagonicamente ao Fusarium. Foram também constatadas diferenças na capacidade das bactérias em promover o crescimento da parte aérea e do sistema radicular e o acúmulo de N, P, K, Ca e Mg em folhas do abacaxizeiro. A inoculação das bactérias diazotróficas selecionadas pode promover o crescimento das mudas durante o período de aclimatização, melhorando a adaptação do abacaxizeiro ao ambiente ex vitroPineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merrill in vitro propagation results in the production of a large quantity of healthy and homogeneous plantlets. Despite these advantages, the long time required for acclimatization makes this agricultural practice too costly. Growth acceleration of plantlets by inoculation with endophytic and epiphytic diazotrophic bacteria may be useful to reduce this period. The objectives of this

  6. Description of Caenorhabditis sinica sp. n. (Nematoda: Rhabditidae, a nematode species used in comparative biology for C. elegans.

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    Ren-E Huang

    Full Text Available We re-isolated in China a relative of the nematode model Caenorhabditis elegans that was previously referred to informally as C. sp. 5. In spite of its importance for comparative biology, C. sp. 5 has remained morphologically uncharacterized. Therefore, we now provide detailed description of morphology and anatomy, assigning the name of Caenorhabditis sinica sp. n. to this nematode that is found frequently in China. C. sinica sp. n. belongs to the Elegans group in the genus Caenorhabditis, being phylogenetically close to C. briggsae although differing in reproductive mode. The gonochoristic C. sinica sp. n. displays two significantly larger distal parts of uteri filled with sperms in the female/hermaphroditic gonad than does the androdioecious C. briggsae. The new species can be differentiated morphologically from all known Caenorhabditis species within the Elegans group by presenting a uniquely shaped, three-pointed hook structure on the male precloacal lip. The lateral field of C. sinica sp. n. is marked by three ridges that are flanked by two additional incisures, sometimes appearing as five ridges in total. This study ends the prolonged period of the 'undescribed' anonymity for C. sinica sp. n. since its discovery and use in comparative biological research. Significant and crossing-direction dependent hybrid incompatibilities in F1 and F2 crossing progeny make C. sinica sp. n. an excellent model for studies of population and speciation genetics. The abundance of nematode species lacking detailed taxonomic characterization deserves renewed attention to address the species description gap for this important yet morphologically 'difficult' group of animals.

  7. Structural Analysis of Planar sp3 and sp2 Films: Diamond-Like Carbon and Graphene Overlayers

    KAUST Repository

    Mansour, Ahmed


    pure sp2 as in graphene, carbon nanotubes and fullerenes, to pure sp3 as in diamond. Amorphous and diamond-like carbon consists of a mixture of both hybridizations. This variation in hybridization in carbon materials enables a wide spectrum

  8. Dominancy of Trichodesmium sp. in the Biawak Island (United States)

    Prihadi, D. J.


    The Biawak Island is one of the small islands in West Java Province with an abundance of marine biological resources. This research was conducted to collect the primary producer zooplankton and water quality parameters. Direct observation is done by field surveys and measurement in situ for plankton and environmental parameters such as temperature, water transparency, water current, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. Trichodesmium sp. was found dominance in where some other types of zooplankton were found in the area, like Scenedesmus sp., Sagitta sp., Acartia sp. also occurred. Further, the most abundance of Trichodesmium sp. was found in southern of Biawak Island where mangroves, coral and seagrass ecosystem provide nutrients which indirectly support the abundance of planktons. Trichodesmium sp. is plankton that can survive in water with minimum nutrient.

  9. Characterization and Optimization of Bioflocculant Exopolysaccharide Production by Cyanobacteria Nostoc sp. BTA97 and Anabaena sp. BTA990 in Culture Conditions. (United States)

    Tiwari, Onkar Nath; Khangembam, Romi; Shamjetshabam, Minerva; Sharma, Aribam Subhalaxmi; Oinam, Gunapati; Brand, Jerry J


    Bioflocculant exopolysaccharide (EPS) production by 40 cyanobacterial strains during their photoautotrophic growth was investigated. Highest levels of EPS were produced by Nostoc sp. BTA97 and Anabaena sp. BTA990. EPS production was maximum during stationary growth phase, when nitrogenase activity was very low. Maximum EPS production occurred at pH 8.0 in the absence of any combined nitrogen source. The cyanobacterial EPS consisted of soluble protein and polysaccharide that included substantial amounts of neutral sugars and uronic acid. The EPS isolated from Anabaena sp. BTA990 and Nostoc sp. BTA97 demonstrated high flocculation capacity. There was a positive correlation between uronic acid content and flocculation activity. The flocculant bound a cationic dye, Alcian Blue, indicating it to be polyanionic. The 16S rRNA gene sequences for Nostoc sp. BTA97 and Anabaena sp. BTA990 were deposited at NCBI GenBank, and accession numbers were obtained as KJ830951 and KJ830948, respectively. The results of these experiments indicate that strains Anabaena sp. BTA990 and Nostoc sp. BTA97 are good candidates for the commercial production of EPS and might be utilized in industrial applications as an alternative to synthetic and abiotic flocculants.

  10. Uso indicado e uso referido de medicamentos durante a gravidez Prescribed and reported drug use during pregnancy

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    Claudia Garcia Serpa Osorio-de-Castro


    Full Text Available Poucos estudos descrevem a utilização de medicamentos na gravidez com detalhamento de práticas prescritivas. A pesquisa integra grande inquérito sobre atenção perinatal em hospitais do Município do Rio de Janeiro. A natureza do hospital - se pública, contratada/conveniada ao SUS ou privada - determinou estratificação de 10.072 puérperas internadas. A coleta de dados se deu por entrevista e por consulta a prontuários, cobrindo medicamentos utilizados durante a gravidez e prescritos durante a internação hospitalar quando do parto. Medicamentos foram classificados pela ATC e outro sistema para casos especiais de uso referido. Houve média de 2,08 medicamentos prescritos no parto e 2,3 usados durante a gestação, sendo os mais prescritos anestésicos, antibióticos, ocitocina e analgésicos, com diferenças significativas entre estratos, e os mais referidos sulfato ferroso, vitaminas, escopolamina e paracetamol. Para interromper a gravidez, 49,7% relatam o uso de chás e 9,2% de misoprostol. O perfil de utilização é corroborado pela literatura. A pesquisa oferece oportunidade de conhecimento de padrões de prescrição ao parto e de uso referido durante a gestação nos setores público e privado.Few studies describe drug utilization in pregnancy focusing on prescribing practices. This study is part of a larger survey on perinatal care in the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The type of hospital (public, contracted out by the Unified National Health System, or private determined the stratification of 10,072 hospitalized post-partum women, who were asked about medication used during pregnancy. Hospital records supplied information on drugs prescribed during labor. Drugs were classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC system. Another system was used for specific cases of referred use. A mean of 2.08 drugs was prescribed during labor, and a mean of 2.3 was reported during pregnancy. Anesthetics, antibiotics

  11. Action of nisin and high pH on growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella sp. in pure culture and in the meat of land crab (Ucides cordatus Ação da nisina e do pH elevado sobre a multiplicação de Staphylococcus aureus e Salmonella sp. em cultura pura e em carne de caranguejo-uçá (Ucides cordatus

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    Teresa Cristina S. de Lima Grisi


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of nisin and high pH to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella sp. in broth culture and when inoculated into meat of land crab. In pure cultures, the growth of S. aureus was bly inhibited by nisin and the growth of Salmonella sp. was inhibited by nisin-EDTA (20 mM. The inhibition of S. aureus lasted for eight hours and Salmonella sp. growth was inhibited throughout the experiment (24 h. The high pH (pH 10.0 and 11.0 with NaHCO3-NaOH buffer was very effective for in vitro inhibition of S. aureus and Salmonella sp. Nisin and high pH, when applied to the contaminated meat, did not yield the same effect. Nisin was not effective in preventing growth of both pathogens in the crab meat, while pH 10.0 showed significant inhibitory effect on Salmonella sp. The results suggest that high pH has a potential as antibacterial agent, and may be useful in chemical preservation of crab meat.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial de inibição de nisina e o pH elevado em relação à multiplicação de Staphylococcus aureus e Salmonella sp. em culturas puras e inoculadas na carne de caranguejo-uçá. Em culturas puras, a multiplicação de S. aureus foi fortemente inibida por nisina e a de Salmonella sp. por nisina-EDTA (20 mM. A multiplicação de S. aureus foi inibida até 8h de incubação, enquanto que a de Salmonella sp. foi inibida durante todo o experimento (24h. O pH elevado (tampão NaHCO3-NaOH, pH 10 e 11 mostrou-se efetivo na inibição da multiplicação de S. aureus e Salmonella sp. Nisina e o pH elevado aplicados na carne contaminada não apresentaram o mesmo efeito. A nisina não mostrou eficiência na inibição dos patógenos quando inoculados na carne de caranguejo, enquanto que o tampão em pH 10 demonstrou inibição significante sobre a multiplicação de Salmonella sp. Estes resultados sugerem que o pH elevado apresenta um potencial como agente antibacteriano


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    Nemésio N. B. Salvador


    Full Text Available The urban areas in expansion, through the opening of new land parceling, require for their implementation, great movimentation and exposition of unconsolidated material, facilitating the appearing of erosive process. Monjolinho Stream's basin, in its superior part, fits in the kind of area next to the urban perimeter of Sao Carlos city (SP, consequently being submitted to an intensive antropic occupation. The objective of this work, with a preventive character, was to permit that, with the basic previous information, a land use and occupation chart can be elaborated in the future, including the basic zoning of the restrict occupation areas, the expansion urban areas and the common areas. Through the analysis of the results, it was observed that this region of Monjolinho stream's basin, mapped in the scale 1:10,000, doesn't show high potential areas to laminar erosion. There is a predominance of low potential areas (53% of total area, that can be explained by the great space occupied by pasturage, which keep the vegetal covering. The moderate potential areas (47% of total area require being adopted steps to avoid the appearing and development of graver erosive process (rill and gully erosion.

  13. Teratógenos - Primera parte*

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    Patricia McElhatton


    Full Text Available Los riesgos y beneficios de la farmacoterapia durante el embarazo siguen siendo difíciles de evaluar. En el presente artículo, que consta de dos partes, se establecen algunos principios generales de teratogenia y de prescripción durante el embarazo, se enumeran los medicamentos con efectos fetotóxicos o teratógenos conocidos y se describen los problemas específicos causados por productos que actúan en el sistema nervioso central. Entre esos problemas cabe citar dismorfismo facial y defectos del tubo neural causados por los anticonvulsivos, posibles defectos cardiacos por el litio y posible síndrome de abstinencia por los antidepresivos.A bibliographic review of professional competence was made and concepts of competence, evaluation and conditions to create evaluative tools were analyzed. The different levels of professional performance were described according to Miller´s model. Reference was made to the newest evaluation test, the objective structured clinical examination, which is one of the most complete methodologies at present, although it is made clear that the evaluation is carried out under a created and simulated situation. It is concluded that the bases for making the evaluative tools that will measure the competence or incompetence of our medical sciences professionals should be structured.

  14. La micro y pequeña empresa como generadora de empleo en Baja California durante la crisis de 2008-2009

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    Alejandro Mungaray Lagarda


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo ha sido evaluar la importancia de la conformación del tejido empresarial en la evolución de la actividad económica y la generación de empleo en Baja California en el entorno de la crisis global de 2008-2009, con énfasis en el comportamiento de la micro y pequeña empresa. Lo anterior se consigue a través de la metodología de un análisis de correspondencias de carácter exploratorio y otro econométrico con fines confirmatorios en los cuales se utilizaron variables de los estratos empresariales y los sectores económicos una vez revisados los indicadores poblacionales, migratorios y de la estructura productiva. Como resultados se encontró una relación directa y significativa de las microempresas con el volumen de negocios y el empleo durante la crisis, sin embargo, en el periodo post-crisis (2010-2014 la aportación de la pequeña empresa resultó muy superior. Por su parte, las grandes empresas, mostraron menor sensibilidad general y una reducción de su capacidad para generar empleo aún durante el periodo post-crisis. En cualquier caso, debemos señalar que la limitante es que los resultados deben ser tomados con cautela debido a la alta segregación por estrato. Se concluye que no es posible rechazar la hipótesis de que la micro, pero sobre todo la pequeña empresa jugó un papel estratégico en la generación de empleo y dinamismo económico durante el periodo de crisis, contribuyendo incluso a aminorar su impacto, por lo que se debe fortalecer una política industrial que favorezca el aprendizaje y la innovación de este sector empresarial.

  15. Radiological accident with Iodine-131 in the Radioisotope Division at IPEN-CNEN/SP (Brazil); Acidente radiologico com iodo-131 nas instalacoes da Divisao de Radioisotopos do IPEN-CNEN/SP (Brasil)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanches, Matias Puga; Rodrigues, Demerval Leonidas [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    The accident occurred in the first week of May 1995, in the Radioisotope Division-TPI, involving two tubes containing a total volume of 3 ml, aqueous solution of N Al{sup 1}31, with 370 MBq and 1480 MBq activity is reported. Part of installation and six workers involved in the distribution process were contaminated with {sup 131} I, but there were no contamination outside the building. The workers were decontaminated and the received radiation doses were evaluated by the Radiotoxicological Laboratory of IPEN-CNEN/SP together with IRD-CNEN/RJ. The building involved was closed and the activities stopped until the complete decontamination by the Radioprotection experts of IPEN-CNEN/SP. (author) 2 refs., 1 fig., 1 tab.; e-mail: msanches at; dirodri at

  16. Distribución biocronológica de los Moschidae (Mammalia, Ruminantia en España

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    Morales, J.


    Full Text Available The Moschidae are a group of hornless pecoran ruminants that showed a high specific diversity during the Middle and Upper Miocene in Spain. Moschids registered by the first time at the local zone Db with two species, Micromeryx flourensianus and Micromeryx sp. nov. 1. The latter species becomes extinct at local zone E, and it is substituted by Micromeryx sp. nov. 2, which shows a more derived dentition. From local zone G to local zone J and during a four million year period, the specific diversity of the Spanish Moschidae becomes higher, coinciding with the first record and diversification of the genus Hispanomeryx since local zone F times. During all this period (zones G to J a minimum number of three moschid species always exists, with a maximum peak of four species during the zones G3 and H; this time span of 2,5 million years can be considered the moschid diversity apogee in the Iberian Peninsula, and it is dominated by the species Micromeryx sp. nov. 3. At local zone H a new moschid association dominated by Micromeryx sp. nov. 4 appears. The Moschidae became totally extinct in Spain 8 million years ago at local zone K.Los Moschidae son un grupo de rumiantes Pecora inermes que presentó una alta diversidad específica durante el Mioceno medio y superior en España. Aparecen en la zona local Db, con dos especies, Micromeryx flourensianus y Micromeryx sp. nov. 1, siendo esta última la forma más común durante la zona D. En la zona E Micromeryx sp. nov. 1 ha desaparecido, siendo sustituida por Micromeryx sp. nov. 2, de dentición más derivada. A partir de la zona local G, y durante más de cuatro millones de años, hasta la zona local J inclusive, la diversidad específica de los mósquidos ibéricos se hace mayor, coincidiendo con la aparición y diversificación de Hispanomeryx en la zona F. Durante todo este tiempo, el número mínimo de especies de mósquido en la Península Ibérica es de tres, alcanzándose un máximo de diversidad

  17. Batteri lattici non starter durante la stagionatura del formaggio: sopravvivenza, crescita e produzione di molecole potenzialmente coinvolte nella formazione dell'aroma


    Sgarbi, Elisa


    I batteri lattici (LAB) costituiscono un gruppo eterogeneo di batteri tradizionalmente utilizzati nella produzione di formaggi. Essi possono svolgere diversi ruoli durante la caseificazione, gli starter LAB (SLAB) sono i protagonisti del processo di fermentazione, mentre i non starter LAB (NSLAB) esplicano il loro ruolo durante la maturazione del formaggio. Il lavoro di ricerca di questo dottorato si è focalizzato sullo studio del contributo dei NSLAB durante la stagionatura del formaggio. In...

  18. Two new species of suctorians, Acineta satyanandani sp. nov. and Paracineta karunakarani sp. nov. epizoic on ostracods

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Santhakumari, V.

    Two, species of protozoic suctorians, Acineta satyanandani sp. nov. and Paracineta karunakarani sp. nov., are described. These were found attached on the body of the marine ostracod, Cypridina dentata (Muller), collected from the shelf and slope...

  19. Down-regulation of human topoisomerase IIα expression correlates with relative amounts of specificity factors Sp1 and Sp3 bound at proximal and distal promoter regions

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    Isaacs Richard J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Topoisomerase IIα has been shown to be down-regulated in doxorubicin-resistant cell lines. The specificity proteins Sp1 and Sp3 have been implicated in regulation of topoisomerase IIα transcription, although the mechanism by which they regulate expression is not fully understood. Sp1 has been shown to bind specifically to both proximal and distal GC elements of the human topoisomerase IIα promoter in vitro, while Sp3 binds only to the distal GC element unless additional flanking sequences are included. While Sp1 is thought to be an activator of human topoisomerase IIα, the functional significance of Sp3 binding is not known. Therefore, we sought to determine the functional relationship between Sp1 and Sp3 binding to the topoisomerase IIα promoter in vivo. We investigated endogenous levels of Sp1, Sp3 and topoisomerase IIα as well as binding of both Sp1 and Sp3 to the GC boxes of the topoisomerase IIα promoter in breast cancer cell lines in vivo after short term doxorubicin exposure. Results Functional effects of Sp1 and Sp3 were studied using transient cotransfection assays using a topoisomerase IIα promoter reporter construct. The in vivo interactions of Sp1 and Sp3 with the GC elements of the topoisomerase IIα promoter were studied in doxorubicin-treated breast cancer cell lines using chromatin immunoprecipitation assays. Relative amounts of endogenous proteins were measured using immunoblotting. In vivo DNA looping mediated by proteins bound at the GC1 and GC2 elements was studied using the chromatin conformation capture assay. Both Sp1 and Sp3 bound to the GC1 and GC2 regions. Sp1 and Sp3 were transcriptional activators and repressors respectively, with Sp3 repression being dominant over Sp1-mediated activation. The GC1 and GC2 elements are linked in vivo to form a loop, thus bringing distal regulatory elements and their cognate transcription factors into close proximity with the transcription start site

  20. Consumo de antioxidantes durante tratamento quimioterápico


    Rohenkohl,Caroline Cavali; Carniel,Ana Paula; Colpo,Elisângela


    RACIONAL: O câncer é definido como enfermidade multicausal crônica, em que as células possuem crescimento descontrolado. Resulta de vários fatores, sendo um dos principais, a dieta inadequada. As fases de iniciação, promoção e progressão de carcinogênese têm sido frequentemente relacionadas ao estresse oxidativo. OBJETIVO: Verificar o consumo de antioxidantes em pacientes com câncer durante os diferentes ciclos de quimioterapia. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo exploratório, incluindo pacientes em ...

  1. Lipids of Dietzia sp. A14101. Part I: A study of the production dynamics of surface-active compounds. (United States)

    Hvidsten, Ina; Mjøs, Svein Are; Holmelid, Bjarte; Bødtker, Gunhild; Barth, Tanja


    Dietzia sp. A14101 belonging to the genus Dietzia (Gram-positive bacteria, Actinomycetes, high G+C content of DNA) was isolated from an oil reservoir model column inoculated with oil-field bacteria (Bødtker et al., 2009). Low interfacial tension (IFT) values were obtained by studying intact strain cells grown on water-immiscible hydrocarbons (HC) (Kowalewski et al. (2004), Kowalewski et al. (2005). Further investigations showed that the adaptation mechanism of Dietzia sp. A14101 to toxic water-immiscible HC involved changes both on the level of fatty acids content and in the physical properties of the cellular surface (development of the negative cellular surface charge and an increased in hydrophobicity) (Hvidsten et al., 2015b). However, these changes could not explain the low IFT values observed in earlier studies of this strain. Generally, low IFT imply a production of surface active compounds of low MW that are lipids by structure (Rosenberg and Ron, 1999). In this paper, it is shown that Dietzia sp. A14101 produces a range of glycolipids on all substrates. The amount of trehalose-containing lipids increases when the strain is grown on hydrocarbons. The production peak seems to coincide with the exponential growth phase, and such increased glycolipid synthesis continues throughout the stationary phase. The results indicate that only low amounts of the hydrocarbon substrate is incorporated directly into the glycolipids produced. Most of the hydrocarbon substrate seems to be employed for the biosynthesis of the neutral lipids and higher amounts of biomass were generated on HC substrates compared to incubations on non-HC substrates. The lipid content of the cell was determined as the total lipid extract (TLE), and was further fractionated (SPE). The hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties of the isolated surface active compounds were determined (GC-MS, TLC, DART, LC-MS). The changes in the lipid content during the culture development were monitored by 1D and 2D TLC

  2. Low copulatory activity in selectively bred Sardinian alcohol-nonpreferring (sNP) relative to alcohol-preferring (sP) rats (United States)

    Karlsson, Oskar; Colombo, Giancarlo


    Background There is a growing consensus that similar neural mechanisms are involved in the reinforcing properties of natural rewards, like food and sex, and drugs of abuse. Rat lines selectively bred for high and low oral alcohol intake and preference have been useful for understanding factors contributing to excessive alcohol intake and may constitute proper animal models for investigating the neurobiological basis of natural rewarding stimuli. Methods The present study evaluated copulatory behavior in alcohol and sexually naïve Sardinian alcohol-preferring (sP) and -nonpreferring (sNP) male rats in three consecutive copulatory behavior tests. Results The main finding was that, under the conditions used in this study, sNP rats were sexually inactive relative to sP rats. To gain more information about the sexual behavior in sP rats, Wistar rats were included as an external reference strain. Only minor differences between sP and Wistar rats were revealed. Conclusions The reason behind the low copulatory activity of sNP rats remains to be elucidated, but may in part be mediated by innate differences in brain transmitter systems. The comparison between sP and Wistar rats may also suggest that the inherent proclivity to excessive alcohol drinking in sP rats may mainly be dependent on its anxiolytic properties, as previously proposed, and not changes in the reward system. PMID:25728453

  3. Enkapsulasi B. bassiana menggunakan maizena dan daya infeksinya terhadap larva Aedes aegypti, Anopheles sp., Culex sp.

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    Mutiara Widawati


    Full Text Available Abstract. Encapsulation formulae of mycoinsecticide have to be able to maintain fungus viability and pathogenicity. This mycoinsecticide was developed as an alternative way to control mosquito borne disease. The aim of this study was to encapsulate Beauveria bassiana as viable storage and have the capability to kill larvae of Aedes aegypti, Anopheles sp. and Culex sp. Mosquito larvae obtained from laboratory reared at health research laboratory; Loka Litbang P2B2 Ciamis. The treatments made in this study were the formu-lation of cornstarch and controls for comparison. This study showed potential formulation of cornstarch encapsulation as a biolarvacidal. Cornstarch formulations proven to be succeed in maintaining fungus viability, however, the pathogenicity of the microcapsule still not effective to kill Aedes, Culex and Anopheles larvae. Keywords: encapsulation, Beauveria bassiana, Ae.aegypti, Anopheles sp., Culex sp. Abstrak. Pembuatan formula bioinsektisida yang optimal sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk pengen-dalian nyamuk vektor perlu di kembangkan. Sediaan mikoinsektisida yang dibuat harus dapat memper-tahankan viabilitas jamur B. bassiana sehingga masih efektif pada saat penggunaannya. Salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk menjaga kestabilan sediaan mikoinsektisida yang berdampak langsung pada via-bilitas jamur adalah dengan menerapkan metode enkapsulasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meng-hasilkan sediaan mikokapsul dari Beauvaria bassiana melalui proses enkapsulasi menggunakan maizena yang memiliki kapabilitas tinggi sebagai penyimpan B. bassiana dan efektif dalam membunuh larva dan telur Aedes aegypti, Anopheles sp. dan Culex sp. Semua larva uji berasal dari insektarium laboratorium penelitian kesehatan Loka litbang P2B2 Ciamis. Pembuatan enkapsulasi dimulai dengan kultur dan pema-nenan B. bassiana, uji viabilitas, proses enkapsulasi serta uji larvasida di laboratorium. Uji dilakukan dengan satu perlakuan dan satu kontrol untuk

  4. Effectivity of the Earthworms Pheretima hupiensis, Eudrellus sp. and Lumbricus sp. on the Organic Matter Decomposition Process

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    Ea Kosman Anwar


    Full Text Available The earthworms are the one of soil fauna component in soil ecosystem have an important role in organic matter decomposition procces. The earthworm feed plant leaf and plant matter up to apart and dissolved. Earthworm metabolisms produce like faeces that mixed with decomposed organic matter mean vermicompost. The vermicompost fertility varies because of some kind of earthworm differ in “niche” and attitude. The experiment was to study the effectivity of earthworm on organic matter decomposition which has been conducted in Soil Biological and Healthy Laboratory and Green House of Soil Research Institute Bogor, during 2006 Budget Year. The three kind of earthworms i.e Pheretima hupiensis, Lumbricus sp. and Eudrellus sp. combined with three kind of organic matter sources i.e rice straw, trash and palm oil plant waste (compost heap. The result shows that the Lumbricus sp. are the most effective decomposer compared to Pheretima hupiensis and Eudrellus sp. and the organic matter decomposed by Lumbricus sp. as followed: market waste was decomposed of 100%, palm oil empty fruit bunch (compost heap 95.8 % and rice straw 84.9%, respectively. Earthworm effectively decreased Fe, Al, Mn, Cu dan Zn.


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    Isriyanti Affifah


    Full Text Available Korosi atau perkaratan logam merupakan proses oksidasi suatu logam dengan udara atau elektrolit. Udara atau elektrolit tersebut akan mengalami reduksi, sehingga proses korosi merupakan proses elektrokimia. Pada penelitian sebelumnya diketahui bahwa korosi yang disebabkan mikroorganisme pengoksidasi besi (Thiobacillus ferooxidans memiliki peranan yang cukup signifikan terhadap kerugian ekonomi bagi industri. Lapisan biofilm yang dihasilkan mikroorganisme pada permukaan logam dapat mengubah karakteristik elektrokimia permukaan logam tersebut dan dapat menginduksi terjadinya korosi. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, pada penelitian ini dilakukan ekstraksi Sargassum sp. dan Gracilaria sp. yang diduga efektif menginhibisi pertumbuhan mikroba pengoksidasi besi (Thibacillus ferooxidans yang biasanya terdapat di bangunan bawah laut. Hasil ekstraksi Sargassum sp. dan Gracilaria sp. menggunakan pelarut metanol-kloroform (1:1 memberikan yield terhadap berat basah sebesar 44,5% dan 36,5%. Ekstrak tersebut diuji bioaktivitasnya terhadap pertumbuhan T. ferooxidans secara kualitatif (kasat mata dan kuantitatif (metode weight-loss. Melalui kurva pertumbuhan diketahui bahwa T. ferooxidans mampu tumbuh sampai hari ke-7 dan mengalami fasa stasioner pada hari ke-8. Analisis metode weight-loss dilakukan menggunakan coupon dengan luas permukaan 3,6 cm2. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak Gracilaria sp mampu menginhibisi 29,3% lebih efektif daripada biocide komersial.

  6. Botanical pesticides effect from shells of bean’s cashew nut on biological agents of trichoderma sp. and gliocladium sp. (United States)

    Bande, L. O. S.; Mariadi; Gusnawaty, HS; Nuriadi; Trisulpa, L.; Rahmania


    A shell of cashew nut (Anacardium occidentanle) has contained Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) that is used as botanical pesticides. CNSL oil consists of active substance such as anacardat acid, cardol and cardanol. Utilization of the pesticides from shells of cashew nut to control pests and diseases of plants would be affected on biological agents. The objective of this research was to investigate pesticides inhibition on the increase of mycelium Trichoderma sp. and Gliocladium sp. by in vitro method. The tested concentration sample consisted of 0.0% (control), 2.5%, 7.5% and 10.0% in PDA media. The results of this research showed that 2.5% botanical pesticides concentration could minimize mycelium of Trichoderma sp. and Gliocladium sp. 22.73% and 21.04% respectively and also the increase shells of cashew extract could be affected the increase of mycelium inhibition. The extract with 2.5% concentration was the recommended concentration to control of fruit rot diseases and if concentration was 10.0% then its inhibition become 54.98% and 49.35%, respectively. The results proved that uncontrolled utilization of the pesticides could be affected on decrease of Trichoderma sp. and Gliocladium sp. growth.

  7. Biosorption of chromium by mangrove-derived Aplanochytrium sp ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The microbial dried biomass of Thraustochytrids is used as bioadsorbent for the removal of the chromium in aqueous solution. In this investigation, three species of Thraustochydrids namely Aplanochytrium sp., Thraustochytrium sp. and Schizochytrium sp. were tested for the efficiency of chromium accumulation by culturing ...

  8. The effect of Pseudoxanthomonas sp. as manganese oxidizing bacterium on the corrosion behavior of carbon steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ashassi-Sorkhabi, H., E-mail: [Electrochemistry Research Laboratory, Physical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Tabriz, Tabriz (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Moradi-Haghighi, M. [Electrochemistry Research Laboratory, Physical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Tabriz, Tabriz (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Zarrini, G. [Microbiology laboratory, Biology Department, Science Faculty, University of Tabriz, Tabriz (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    The present study investigated the role of manganese oxidizing bacterium (MOB), namely Pseudoxanthomonas sp. on the corrosion behavior of carbon steel. This bacterium was isolated from sewage treatment plants and identified by biochemical and molecular methods. The electrochemical techniques such as open circuit potentiometry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, potentiodynamic and cyclic polarization were used to measure the corrosion rate and observe the corrosion mechanism. Also, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction studies were applied to surface analysis. This study revealed the strong adhesion of the biofilm on the metal surface in the presence of Pseudoxanthomonas sp. that enhanced the corrosion of carbon steel. X-ray diffraction patterns identified a high content of MnO{sub 2} deposition within these biofilms. This is the first report that discloses the involvement of Pseudoxanthomonas sp. as manganese oxidizing bacteria on the corrosion of carbon steel. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer A new type of manganese oxidizing bacteria, namely Pseudoxanthomonas sp. was indicated. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer This bacterium can create a biofilm on the part of metal surface and affect localized corrosion. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer In the presence of biofilm, the diffusion of oxygen vacancies and manganese ions has occurred.

  9. The effect of Pseudoxanthomonas sp. as manganese oxidizing bacterium on the corrosion behavior of carbon steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashassi-Sorkhabi, H.; Moradi-Haghighi, M.; Zarrini, G.


    The present study investigated the role of manganese oxidizing bacterium (MOB), namely Pseudoxanthomonas sp. on the corrosion behavior of carbon steel. This bacterium was isolated from sewage treatment plants and identified by biochemical and molecular methods. The electrochemical techniques such as open circuit potentiometry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, potentiodynamic and cyclic polarization were used to measure the corrosion rate and observe the corrosion mechanism. Also, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction studies were applied to surface analysis. This study revealed the strong adhesion of the biofilm on the metal surface in the presence of Pseudoxanthomonas sp. that enhanced the corrosion of carbon steel. X-ray diffraction patterns identified a high content of MnO 2 deposition within these biofilms. This is the first report that discloses the involvement of Pseudoxanthomonas sp. as manganese oxidizing bacteria on the corrosion of carbon steel. - Highlights: ► A new type of manganese oxidizing bacteria, namely Pseudoxanthomonas sp. was indicated. ► This bacterium can create a biofilm on the part of metal surface and affect localized corrosion. ► In the presence of biofilm, the diffusion of oxygen vacancies and manganese ions has occurred.

  10. Trichoderma sp. dalam Pengendalian Penyakit Layu Fusarium pada Tanaman Tomat


    Novita, Trias


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran Trichoderma sp dalam pengendalianpenyakit layu fusarium pada tanaman tomat. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Rumah Kaca FakultasPertanian Universitas Jambi, perlakuannya terdiri dari : t0 = tanpa Trichoderma sp; t1 = 25 gTrichoderma sp/8 kg media; t2 = 50 g Trichoderma sp/8 kg media; t3 = 75 g Trichoderma sp/8 kgmedia; dan t4 = 100 g Trichoderma sp /8 kg media. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Trichodermasp berperan dalam mengendalikan penyakit layu...

  11. Penggunaan Jamur Antagonis Trichoderma sp. dan Gliocladium sp. untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Layu (Fusarium oxysporum) pada Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.)


    Ramadhina, Arie


    Arie Ramadhina, 2012. The Use of Antagonism Fungus of Trichoderma sp and Gliocladium sp. for Controlling Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum) in Red Onion Plants (Allium ascolanicum). Supervised by Lisnawita and Lahmuddin Lubis. The aim of the research was to know the effectiveness of antagonism fungus of Trichoderma sp. and Gliocladium sp. in controlling wilt in red onion plants. The research was performed in the green-house at the faculty of Agriculture, USU, from February until May, 2012. The researc...

  12. Programmēšanas spēle "PyDrone"


    Siliņš, Viesturs


    Darbā “Programmēšanas spēle “PyDrone”” ir dokumentēta atvērtā koda programmas PyDrone izstrāde. PyDrone ir programmēšanas spēle, kas paredzēta izklaidei un izglītošanai, spēles veidā iepazīstinot cilvēkus ar programmēšanu. Programma izstrādāta, izmantojot Python programmēšanas valodu. Programma izstrādāta, izmantojot spējo metodiku programmizstrādes principus. Atslēgvārdi: Python, spējās metodikas, programmēšanas spēle.

  13. Babesia peircei sp. nov. from the jackass penguin

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jan 9, 1992 ... An avian piroplasm, Babesia peircei sp. nov. is described from the jackass penguin Spheniscus demersus. Morphological differences between Babesia peircei sp. nov. and the other valid Babesia spp. are discussed together with the possible vectors. 'n Voal-piroplasma, Babesia peircei sp. nov. afkomstig ...

  14. Pertumbuhan Chlorella sp. pada beberapa konsentrasi limbah batubara (The growth rate of the Chlorella sp. at different concentrations of coal waste water

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    Zerli Selvika


    Full Text Available Chlorella sp. is a single-celled microalga that mostly grows in marine waters. Chlorella sp. can grow in heavy polluted waters and therefore it has potency as a bioremediation agent. This study aimed was to analyze the effect of coal on the growth of Chlorella sp. in plant isolation media and the quality of water in plant isolation media for Chlorella sp. The complete randomized design with 4 treatments of coal concentration was used in this study. Four concentration concentrations were tested namely, 0 ppt, 1 ppt, 3 ppt and 5 ppt. The results revealed that coal with different concentrations gave no significant effect on the growth of Chlorella sp. (p> 0.05. The density among the concentrations of 0 ppt, 1 ppt, 3 ppt and 5 ppt were not significantly different. In addition, the coal concentration gave no significant effect on temperature, salinity and potential hydrogen (pH (p>0.05. The Chlorella sp. can grow in the polluted water by coal, and therefore this alga can be used as potential organisms for bioremediation of coal waste. Chlorella sp. merupakan mikroalga bersel satu yang banyak tumbuh di perairan laut. Chlorella sp. dapat tumbuh di perairan yang tercemar berat sehingga berpotensi sebagai bioremediator. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konsentrasi batubara terhadap pertumbuhan Chlorella sp. dan kualitas air pada media kultur Chlorella sp. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen skala laboratorium. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan konsentrasi batubara 0 ppt, 1 ppt, 3 ppt dan 5 ppt. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa batubara dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap laju pertumbuhan Chlorella sp (P>0,05. Kepadatan antara konsentrasi 0 ppt, 1 ppt, 3 ppt dan 5 ppt tidak terlalu jauh berbeda. Konsentrasi batubara juga tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter suhu, salinitas dan derajat keasaman (pH (p>0,05. Chlorella sp

  15. Cdc20 mediates D-box-dependent degradation of Sp100

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Ran; Li, Ke-min; Zhou, Cai-hong; Xue, Jing-lun; Ji, Chao-neng; Chen, Jin-zhong


    Highlights: ► Cdc20 is a co-activator of APC/C complex. ► Cdc20 recruits Sp100 and mediates its degradation. ► The D-box of Sp100 is required for Cdc20-mediated degradation. ► Sp100 expresses consistently at both the mRNA and protein levels in cell cycle. -- Abstract: Cdc20 is a co-activator of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C complex), which recruits substrates at particular phases of the cell cycle and mediates their degradation. Sp100 is a PML-NB scaffold protein, which localizes to nuclear particles during interphase and disperses from them during mitosis, participates in viral resistance, transcriptional regulation, and apoptosis. However, its metabolism during the cell cycle has not yet been fully characterized. We found a putative D-box in Sp100 using the Eukaryotic Linear Motif (ELM) predictor database. The putative D-box of Sp100 was verified by mutational analysis. Overexpression of Cdc20 resulted in decreased levels of both endogenous Sp100 protein and overexpressed Sp100 mRNA in HEK 293 cells. Only an overexpressed D-box deletion mutant of Sp100 accumulated in HEK293 cells that also overexpressed Cdc20. Cdc20 knockdown by cdc20 specific siRNA resulted in increased Sp100 protein levels in cells. Furthermore, we discovered that the Cdc20 mediated degradation of Sp100 is diminished by the proteasome inhibitor MG132, which suggests that the ubiquitination pathway is involved in this process. However, unlike the other Cdc20 substrates, which display oscillating protein levels, the level of Sp100 protein remains constant throughout the cell cycle. Additionally, both overexpression and knockdown of endogenous Sp100 had no effect on the cell cycle. Our results suggested that sp100 is a novel substrate of Cdc20 and it is degraded by the ubiquitination pathway. The intact D-box of Sp100 was necessary for this process. These findings expand our knowledge of both Sp100 and Cdc20 as well as their role in ubiquitination.

  16. Ocorrência de Staphylococcus sp. em água utilizada em propriedades leiteiras do Estado de São Paulo Incidence of Staphylococcus sp. in the water used by dairy farms in the State of Sao Paulo

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    L.A. Amaral


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de verificar o papel da água utilizada durante a produção do leite como via de transmissão de Staphylococcus sp., fez-se a contagem de Staphylococcus coagulase negativa e Staphylococcus aureus nas amostras de água das fontes, dos reservatórios e dos estábulos de 30 propriedades leiteiras situadas na região Nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. As maiores ocorrências de isolamentos (10,0 e 16,6% e os maiores valores médios (4,3×10(4 e 2,5×10(4 de contagens desses microrganismos foram encontrados nas amostras de água dos estábulos utilizada na obtenção de leite. Estes resultados são importantes pois evidenciam a possibilidade de contaminação do leite ou dos animais por cepas patogênicas.With the objective to verify the role of the water in the transmission of Staphylococcus sp., the counting of coagulase negative staphylococci, and Staphylococcus aureus in the water samples of the sources, reservoirs, and stables of 30 dairy farms, located in the Northeast region of the State of São Paulo was carried out. The major occurrence of coagulase negative staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus, respectively, 10.0%, and 16.6%, were found in the water used for milking, with the major average of counting of 4.3×10(4 and 2.5×10(4. The results show the risk of water as a vehicle for transmission of mastitis, and the possibility of milk contamination by strains responsible for foodborne diseases.

  17. TurboSP and the Topological Trigger

    CERN Document Server

    Belavin, Vladislav


    TurboSP was originally proposed as an alternative to Full stream in LHCb data flow. TurboSP is a data flow strategy which not only selects events that should be preserved, like in Full stream, but also provides selective persistence. This is achieved by saving candidates and subset of the reconstruction. During this summer project we investigated the physics viability of using TurboSP with the topological lines and found out a possibility to reduce the number of kept tracks per event by two times while keeping a ratio of fully picked up interesting decay modes on $\\sim 97 \\%$ level.

  18. Interaction of uranium with Pleurotus sp

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohnuki, Toshihiko; Sakamoto, Fuminori; Kozaki, Naofumi; Ozaki, Takuro; Samadfam, Mohammad


    Uptake of uranium by higher fungi, such as mushroom is little elucidated. We have studied the interaction of uranium with Pleurotus sp. (a mushroom) in pure culture over a wide range of U concentration (50-3000 mg/L). The Pleurotus sp. was cultured in two different media. One was rice bran medium, and the other was agar (yeast extract, peptone and dextrose) medium. The uptake of uranium in Pleurotus sp. was examined by alpha ray autoradiography (A,A), X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) and scanning microcopy (SEM) equipped with EDS. In the agar medium, the higher uranium concentration gave lower growth of mycelia, and no fruiting body was observed. In the rice bran medium, the fruiting body was grown at U concentrations up to 1000 mg/L. The AA and XRF analysis showed that uranium taken up in the fruiting body was below the detection limit. The SEM-EDS analysis indicated that U was distributed in the limited region and was not transported to the mycelia far from U containing medium. It is concluded that uranium affects the growth of Pleurotus sp., and little uranium is taken up by Pleurotus sp. during the growth of both mycelia and fruiting body. (author)

  19. User's manuals of probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis code for aged piping, PASCAL-SP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoh, Hiroto; Nishikawa, Hiroyuki; Onizawa, Kunio; Kato, Daisuke; Osakabe, Kazuya


    As a part of research on the material degradation and structural integrity assessment for aged LWR components, a PFM (Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics) analysis code PASCAL-SP (PFM Analysis of Structural Components in Aging LWR - Stress Corrosion Cracking at Welded Joints of Piping) has been developed. This code evaluates the failure probabilities at welded joints of aged piping by a Monte Carlo method. PASCAL-SP treats stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and fatigue crack growth in piping, according to the approaches of NISA and JSME FFS Code. The development of the code has been aimed to improve the accuracy and reliability of analysis by introducing new analysis methodologies and algorithms considering the latest knowledge in the SCC assessment and fracture criteria of piping. In addition, the accuracy of flaw detection and sizing at in-service inspection and residual stress distribution were modeled based on experimental data and introduced into PASCAL-SP. This code has been developed for a cross-check use by the regulatory body in Japan. In addition to this, this code can also be used for a research purpose by researchers in academia and industries. This report provides the user's manual and theoretical background of the code. (author)

  20. Evidence for cooperative mineralization of diuron by Arthrobacter sp. BS2 and Achromobacter sp. SP1 isolated from a mixed culture enriched from diuron exposed environments. (United States)

    Devers-Lamrani, Marion; Pesce, Stéphane; Rouard, Nadine; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice


    Diuron was found to be mineralized in buffer strip soil (BS) and in the sediments (SED) of the Morcille river in the Beaujolais vineyard repeatedly treated with this herbicide. Enrichment cultures from BS and SED samples led to the isolation of three bacterial strains transforming diuron to 3,4-dichloroaniline (3,4-DCA) its aniline derivative. 16S rRNA sequencing revealed that they belonged to the genus Arthrobacter (99% of similarity to Arthrobacter globiformis strain K01-01) and were designated as Arthrobacter sp. BS1, BS2 and SED1. Diuron-degrading potential characterized by sequencing of the puhA gene, characterizing the diuron-degradaing potential, revealed 99% similarity to A. globiformis strain D47 puhA gene isolated a decade ago in the UK. These isolates were also able to use chlorotoluron for their growth. Although able to degrade linuron and monolinuron to related aniline derivatives they were not growing on them. Enrichment cultures led to the isolation of a strain from the sediments entirely degrading 3,4-DCA. 16S rRNA sequence analysis showed that it was affiliated to the genus Achromobacter (99% of similarity to Achromobacter sp. CH1) and was designated as Achromobacter sp. SP1. The dcaQ gene encoding enzyme responsible for the transformation of 3,4-DCA to chlorocatechol was found in SP1 with 99% similarity to that of Comamonas testosteroni WDL7. This isolate also used for its growth a range of anilines (3-chloro-4-methyl-aniline, 4-isopropylaniline, 4-chloroaniline, 3-chloroaniline, 4-bromoaniline). The mixed culture composed of BS2 and SP1 strains entirely mineralizes (14)C-diuron to (14)CO2. Diuron-mineralization observed in the enrichment culture could result from the metabolic cooperation between these two populations. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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    C. E. Pulgarin


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estimar los efectos genéticos para peso al momento de sexaje, crecimiento y sobrevivencia hasta cosecha, y proporción de mancha (área de mancha y presencia/ausencia de mancha durante la fase comercial en un grupo de 86 familias de hermanos enteros y 31 familias de hermanos medios de tilapia roja ( Oreochromis sp.. La media de peso durante la fase de crecimiento comercial fue de 181,4 g (184 g para machos y 178 g para hembras, los machos significativamente más grandes que las hembras (P < 0,001. Las variables de sobrevivencia, área de mancha y ausencia de mancha no presentaron diferencias entre los sexos. Las heredabilidades estimadas ( h 2 ± e . s para crecimiento comercial y sobrevivencia fueron 0,23±0,02 y 0,05±0,03, respectivamente. e l porcentaje de mancha y la ausencia y presencia de la misma mostraron heredabilidades cercanas a cero, lo cual indica que estos dos caracteres están relacionados más con efectos ambientales que con efectos genéticos aditivos. s e encontró una correlación favorable y significativa entre sobrevivencia y crecimiento comercial (0,24; P < 0,05. Los resultados de este trabajo indican que mediante la explotación de la genética aditiva es posible mejorar el desempeño de los animales para crecimiento comercial y sobrevivencia en la tilapia roja, mientras que poco progreso se puede esperar por medio de la selección para variables relacionadas con el manchado corporal en la población evaluada.

  2. Microfibril-associated Protein 4 Binds to Surfactant Protein A (SP-A) and Colocalizes with SP-A in the Extracellular Matrix of the Lung

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schlosser, Anders; Thomsen, Theresa H.; Shipley, J. Michael


    for phagocytes. Here we describe the molecular interaction between the extracellular matrix protein microfibril-associated protein 4 (MFAP4) and SP-A. MFAP4 is a collagen-binding molecule containing a C-terminal fibrinogen-like domain and a N-terminal located integrin-binding motif. We produced recombinant MFAP4......-A composed of the neck region and carbohydrate recognition domain of SP-A indicating that the interaction between MFAP4 and SP-A is mediated via the collagen domain of SP-A. Monoclonal antibodies directed against MFAP4 and SP-A were used for immunohistochemical analysis, which demonstrates that the two...... molecules colocalize both on the elastic fibres in the interalveolar septum and in elastic lamina of pulmonary arteries of chronically inflamed lung tissue. We conclude, that MFAP4 interacts with SP-A via the collagen region in vitro, and that MFAP4 and SP-A colocates in different lung compartments...

  3. Introduction to the SP theory of intelligence


    Wolff, J Gerard


    This article provides a brief introduction to the "Theory of Intelligence" and its realisation in the "SP Computer Model". The overall goal of the SP programme of research, in accordance with long-established principles in science, has been the simplification and integration of observations and concepts across artificial intelligence, mainstream computing, mathematics, and human learning, perception, and cognition. In broad terms, the SP system is a brain-like system that takes in "New" infor...

  4. Probability of foliar injury for Acer sp. based on foliar fluoride concentrations. (United States)

    McDonough, Andrew M; Dixon, Murray J; Terry, Debbie T; Todd, Aaron K; Luciani, Michael A; Williamson, Michele L; Roszak, Danuta S; Farias, Kim A


    Fluoride is considered one of the most phytotoxic elements to plants, and indicative fluoride injury has been associated over a wide range of foliar fluoride concentrations. The aim of this study was to determine the probability of indicative foliar fluoride injury based on Acer sp. foliar fluoride concentrations using a logistic regression model. Foliage from Acer nedundo, Acer saccharinum, Acer saccharum and Acer platanoides was collected along a distance gradient from three separate brick manufacturing facilities in southern Ontario as part of a long-term monitoring programme between 1995 and 2014. Hydrogen fluoride is the major emission source associated with the manufacturing facilities resulting with highly elevated foliar fluoride close to the facilities and decreasing with distance. Consistent with other studies, indicative fluoride injury was observed over a wide range of foliar concentrations (9.9-480.0 μg F -  g -1 ). The logistic regression model was statistically significant for the Acer sp. group, A. negundo and A. saccharinum; consequently, A. negundo being the most sensitive species among the group. In addition, A. saccharum and A. platanoides were not statistically significant within the model. We are unaware of published foliar fluoride values for Acer sp. within Canada, and this research provides policy maker and scientist with probabilities of indicative foliar injury for common urban Acer sp. trees that can help guide decisions about emissions controls. Further research should focus on mechanisms driving indicative fluoride injury over wide ranging foliar fluoride concentrations and help determine foliar fluoride thresholds for damage.

  5. Comparative study on the degradation of dibutyl phthalate by two newly isolated Pseudomonas sp. V21b and Comamonas sp. 51F

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vinay Kumar


    Full Text Available Dibutyl phthalate is (DBP the top priority toxicant responsible for carcinogenicity, teratogenicity and endocrine disruption. This study demonstrates the DBP degradation capability of the two newly isolated bacteria from municipal solid waste leachate samples. The isolated bacteria were designated as Pseudomonas sp. V21b and Comamonas sp. 51F after scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Gram-staining, antibiotic sensitivity tests, biochemical characterization, 16S-rRNA gene identification and phylogenetic studies. They were able to grow on DBP, benzyl butyl phthalate, monobutyl phthalate, diisodecyl phthalate, dioctyl phthalate, and protocatechuate. It was observed that Pseudomonas sp. V21b was more efficient in DBP degradation when compared with Comamonas sp. 51F. It degraded 57% and 76% of the initial DBP in minimal salt medium and in DBP contaminated samples respectively. Kinetics for the effects of DBP concentration on Pseudomonas sp. V21b and Comamonas sp. 51F growth was also evaluated. Stoichiometry for DBP degradation and biomass formation were compared for both the isolates. Two major metabolites diethyl phthalate and monobutyl phthalates were identified using GC–MS in the extracts. Key genes were amplified from the genomes of Pseudomonas sp. V21b and Comamonas sp. 51F. DBP degradation pathway was also proposed.

  6. Sp1/Sp3 and DNA-methylation contribute to basal transcriptional activation of human podoplanin in MG63 versus Saos-2 osteoblastic cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Puri Christina


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Podoplanin is a membrane mucin that, among a series of tissues, is expressed on late osteoblasts and osteocytes. Since recent findings have focussed on podoplanin's potential role as a tumour progression factor, we aimed at identifying regulatory elements conferring PDPN promoter activity. Here, we characterized the molecular mechanism controlling basal PDPN transcription in human osteoblast-like MG63 versus Saos-2 cells. Results We cloned and sequenced 2056 nucleotides from the 5'-flanking region of the PDPN gene and a computational search revealed that the TATA and CAAT box-lacking promoter possesses features of a growth-related gene, such as a GC-rich 5' region and the presence of multiple putative Sp1, AP-4 and NF-1 sites. Reporter gene assays demonstrated a functional promoter in MG63 cells exhibiting 30-fold more activity than in Saos-2 cells. In vitro DNase I footprinting revealed eight protected regions flanked by DNaseI hypersensitive sites within the region bp -728 to -39 present in MG63, but not in Saos-2 cells. Among these regions, mutation and supershift electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA identified four Sp1/Sp3 binding sites and two binding sites for yet unknown transcription factors. Deletion studies demonstrated the functional importance of two Sp1/Sp3 sites for PDPN promoter activity. Overexpression of Sp1 and Sp3 independently increased the stimulatory effect of the promoter and podoplanin mRNA levels in MG63 and Saos-2 cells. In SL2 cells, Sp3 functioned as a repressor, while Sp1 and Sp3 acted positively synergistic. Weak PDPN promoter activity of Saos-2 cells correlated with low Sp1/Sp3 nuclear levels, which was confirmed by Sp1/Sp3 chromatin immunoprecipitations in vivo. Moreover, methylation-sensitive Southern blot analyses and bisulfite sequencing detected strong methylation of CpG sites upstream of bp -464 in MG63 cells, but hypomethylation of these sites in Saos-2 cells. Concomitantly

  7. Sp(2) covariant quantisation of general gauge theories

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vazquez-Bello, J L


    The Sp(2) covariant quantization of gauge theories is studied. The geometrical interpretation of gauge theories in terms of quasi principal fibre bundles Q(M{sub s}, G{sub s}) is reviewed. It is then described the Sp(2) algebra of ordinary Yang-Mills theory. A consistent formulation of covariant Lagrangian quantisation for general gauge theories based on Sp(2) BRST symmetry is established. The original N = 1, ten dimensional superparticle is considered as an example of infinitely reducible gauge algebras, and given explicitly its Sp(2) BRST invariant action. (author). 18 refs.

  8. Sp(2) covariant quantisation of general gauge theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vazquez-Bello, J.L.


    The Sp(2) covariant quantization of gauge theories is studied. The geometrical interpretation of gauge theories in terms of quasi principal fibre bundles Q(M s , G s ) is reviewed. It is then described the Sp(2) algebra of ordinary Yang-Mills theory. A consistent formulation of covariant Lagrangian quantisation for general gauge theories based on Sp(2) BRST symmetry is established. The original N = 1, ten dimensional superparticle is considered as an example of infinitely reducible gauge algebras, and given explicitly its Sp(2) BRST invariant action. (author). 18 refs

  9. Optisk scanning af spørgeskemaer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paulsen, Aksel

    / 1000 felter= 0.370 (95% CI: 0.160-0.729), (p= 0.020)). Der var ingen statistisk forskel mellem optisk scanning (fejl/ 1000 felter= 0.046 (95% CI: 0.001-0.258)) og manuel dobbelt indtastning (p=1.000). Konklusioner: Optisk scanning er et godt alternativ til manuel dobbelt indtastning for spørgeskema med......Formål og baggrund: Patient rapporterede outcomes i form af spørgeskemaer bruges i øgende grad i sundhedssektoren både i klinisk praksis og forskning. Ofte bruges spørgeskemaer i papirformat. Manuel dobbelt indtastning er defineret som guld standard for overføring af data til et elektronisk format......, men processen er tidkrævende. Optisk scanning af spørgeskemaer med automatisk registrering af svar kan være et alternativ, men videre validering af metoden er nødvendig. Design: 200 patienter blev tilfældigt udvalgt fra en kohorte på 5777 patienter der tidligere havde svaret på to forskellige...


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    Juliana Jerásio Bianche

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT To evaluate the adhesive efficiency on the union of glued joints in a particular temperature and humidity conditions for a specified time the adhesive must be submitted to specific load tests, such as shear in the glue line. The objective of this study was to evaluate the shear strength in the glue line of Eucalyptus sp and Pinus sp.woods. Five adhesives (castor oil, sodium silicate, modified silicate, , PVA and resorcinol-formaldehyde, three weights (150 g/m2, 200 g/m2, and 250 g/m2 and two species (Eucalyptus sp. and Pinus sp. of wood were used. Twelve specimens were obtained from each repetition per treatment, corresponding to 108 specimens that were conditioned at a temperature of 23 ± 1°C and relative humidity of 50 ± 2%. The interaction between the weight and type of adhesive was significant for the shear strength in the glue line of eucalyptus wood. However, no interaction between the weight and the adhesive was found for pinus, only the isolated from the adhesive effect. Chemical bonds originated in the polymerization of resorcinol-formaldehyde adhesives and castor bi-component conferred upon these adhesives the greatest resistance in the glue line. Castor and resorcinol-formaldehyde adhesives showed the highest shear strength values in the line of glue and wood failure. Castor adhesive presented satisfactory performance for bonding of eucalyptus and pine woods.

  11. Caracterización ecológica de lombrices nativas (Pheretima sp., Eudovoscolex sp. y Periscolex sp. bajo diferentes usos del suelo (Guaviare, Colombia Ecological characterization of nature earthworm (Pheretima sp., Eudovoscolex sp. y Periscolex sp. under different soil uses (Guaviare, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fuentes Baca Anamaría


    Full Text Available Se caracterizaron las poblaciones de lombrices de tierr.a de las especies Pheretimasp., Eudovoscolexsp. y Periscolex sp., presentes en un Typic Dystropept del municipio El Retorno (Guaviare, Colombia, bajo ocho tipos de usos (pradera sin pastoreo, pradera con semipastoreo, arreglo silvopastoril, cultivos de chontaduro y cacao socolado, rastrojo de cinco años, rastrojo de segundo crecimiento y bosque, utilizando 10 unidades de muestreo por cobertura y evaluando parámetros de abundancia, densidad y biomasa en relación con algunas características físico-químicas del suelo. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas entre las cantidades totales de huevos y adultos en el sistema silvopastoril vs. las praderas y en la pradera con semipastoreo vs. pradera sin pastoreo y de adultos en la cobertura chontaduro (Bactrys gasipaes - kudzu vs. cacao (Theobroma cacao. En varios casos, las respuestas de biomasa y densidad no fueron coincidentes. Mientras que en bosque natural las especies se distribuyen por igual, en las demás coberturas se presentan diferentes patrones de distribución. Se encontraron correlaciones entre biomasa, densidad y abundancia de lombrices con los contenidos de fósforo y magnesio y con la densidad aparente del suelo.
    Earthworm populations of Pheretima sp., Eudovoscolex sp. and Periscolex sp found in Typic Dystropepts from El Retorno (Guaviare, Colombia were evaluated for eight different soil uses. Ten experimental units were used to evaluate abundance, density and biomass, as related to soil physico-chemical characteristics. Results showed significant differences between total amount of eggs and adults under forest pasture combinet use vs grazing, and, grazing plus partially grazing vs non-pasture grazing, and, adults in chontaduro (Bactrys gasipaes - Kudzu vs cacao (Theobroma cacao covering. Biomass and densities answers did not show similar results while in undisturbed forest the species have the same pattern

  12. Vivencias educativas durante la Época Franquista en Zújar

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    Nazaret Martínez Heredia


    Full Text Available Con la realización de este estudio hemos pretendido conocer los testimonios y vivencias educativas durante la época franquista en el municipio de Zújar, situado en la parte noroccidental de la comarca de Baza, en la provincia de Granada. Para ello analizamos cuatro entrevistas en profundidad, utilizando una metodología de carácter cualitativo desarrollando un estudio biográfico-narrativo de corte hermenéutico. Se obtuvieron fotografías e imágenes de objetos de interés por parte de los entrevistados que completaron y complementaron la construcción de la historia de vida y nos proporcionaron una visión más completa del objeto de estudio. Como principales hallazgos destacamos dificultades en la escolarización, grandes situaciones de analfabetismo, épocas de escasez, y, cómo no, la precariedad del sistema educativo en Zújar. Las relaciones intergeneracionales, la realización de las entrevistas, así como su transcripción literaria nos han permitido conocer poco a poco tanto las formas de vida como las necesidades procedentes de una época marcada por la Dictadura. Concluimos con las grandes diferencias existentes, tanto en la escolarización como en la vida cotidiana entre la época actual y la época franquista en España, debemos decir que la construcción del género en la época franquista se realizaba mostrando la relación existente entre mujer y familia, resaltando su papel como educadora de los hijos, ser la mujer perfecta y educada dentro de su hogar… destacando la existencia de un currículum dirigido a las chicas, en el que se impartían asignaturas escolares para las mujeres sobre tareas domésticas con el objetivo de enseñarlas a bordar, coser… Del mismo modo destacamos el peso de la Religión dentro de las escuelas, junto a la necesidad de rezar a la entrada y la salida de la escuela.

  13. Estado, iglesia y sistema educativo durante la república en Chile

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    Jaime Caiceo Escudero


    Full Text Available Las investigaciones realizadas en los últimos 28 años, tanto en la Universidad Católica deChile (1979 -1994 como en la Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación(desde 1996 a la fecha, en el ámbito de la Historia de la Educación Chilena, le hanentregado al autor de este trabajo una visión bastante acotada de las relaciones que tanto laIglesia Católica como el estado han tenido respecto a la educación en el país. Por lomismo, el objetivo de esta exposición consiste en describir los diferentes aportes queambos agentes educativos han realizado en Chile desde el siglo XIX a la fecha, analizandoy comparando las diferentes posiciones que esas instituciones encarnan. La metodologíautilizada es la propia de los estudios históricos, recurriendo a fuentes primarias ysecundarias; se han analizado textos originales de diferentes autores y se han realizadoentrevistas a testigos presenciales de los últimos cincuenta años. Durante estos años se hanefectuado diferentes investigaciones sobre aspectos puntuales, se han dirigido tesis depostgrado y, especialmente, se ha analizado la presencia de Dewey en Chile y la vida y elpensamiento de los diferentes Premios Nacionales de Educación. Las conclusiones másimportantes apuntan a que la Iglesia y el Estado han sido actores relevantes de la educaciónen Chile durante los dos últimos siglos y que, a pesar que a veces ha habidoenfrentamientos en cuanto a posiciones ideológicas diferentes, siempre ha primado el biencomún del país, el cual se ha beneficiado con las miles de escuelas, liceos y universidadesque tanto la Iglesia como el Estado han creado durante estos 200 años.

  14. Biodegradation of hexavalent chromium (Cr+6) in wastewater using Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. bacterial strains

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qasim, Muhammad [Department of Chemical Engineering, American University of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates)


    The recovery of toxic metal compounds is a deep concern in all industries. Hexavalent chromium is particularly worrying because of its toxic influence on human health. In this paper, biodegradation of hexavalent chromium (Cr+6) present in wastewater has been studied using two different bacterial strains; Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. A chemostat (with and without recycle of cells) with 10 L liquid culture volume was used to study the substrate and the biomass cell concentrations with time. Also, the degree of substrate conversion was studied by the varying the dilution rate as an independent parameter. The dilution rate (ratio of feed flow rate to the culture volume) was varied by varying the feed volumetric rate from 110-170 mL/h for inlet hexavalent chromium concentrations of 70 mg/dm3. The results show that a chemostat with recycle gives a better performance in terms of substrate conversion than a chemostat without a recycle. Moreover, the degree of substrate conversion decreases as the dilution rate is increased. Also, Bacillus sp. was found to give higher conversions compared to pseudomonas sp.

  15. Canthyporus reebae sp. nov. from the Itremo and Andringitra mountains of central eastern Madagascar (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae). (United States)

    Manuel, Michaël; Ramahandrison, Andriamirado T


    Canthyporus reebae sp. nov. is described from the south-eastern part of the Itremo mountain range and from the Andringitra massif in central eastern Madagascar. The new species is the second one of the genus Canthyporus Zimmermann, 1919 to be recorded from Madagascar, the other being C. pauliani Guignot, 1951, so far endemic to the northern massif of Tsaratanana. The habitus and male and female reproductive structures of the new species are illustrated. Canthyporus reebae sp. nov. differs from C. pauliani notably by larger size, less parallel-sided and more evenly convex habitus, paler pronotum, more weakly impressed body surface reticulation, and a different shape of the median lobe of aedeagus. Differences with similar C. hottentottus-group species from mainland Africa are also discussed. Data on habitat preferences of C. reebae sp. nov. and a distribution map of Malagasy Canthyporus are presented and discussed.

  16. First molecular evidence of potentially zoonotic Babesia microti and Babesia sp. EU1 in Ixodes ricinus ticks in Belgium


    Lempereur, L.; De Cat, A.; Caron, Y.; Madder, M.; Claerebout, E.; Saegerman, C.; Losson, B.


    We report the first molecular evidence of the presence of Babesia sp. EU1 and Babesia microti in Ixodes ricinus ticks in Belgium. A 1-year national survey collected 1005 ticks from cats and dogs. A polymerase chain reaction technique amplifying a part of the 18S rRNA gene detected Babesia spp. in 11 out of 841 selected and validated tick extracts. Subsequent sequencing identified Ba. microti (n = 3) and Babesia sp. EU1 (n = 6). This study has demonstrated a low infection rate (1.31% with 95% ...

  17. Differential gene expression, induced by salicylic acid and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici infection, in tomato Expressão diferencial de genes induzida por ácido salicílico e por Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, em tomateiro

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    Daniel Oliveira Jordão do Amaral


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to determine the transcript profile of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., during Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici infection and after foliar application of salicylic acid. The suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH technique was used to generate a cDNA library enriched for transcripts differentially expressed. A total of 307 clones was identified in two subtractive libraries, which allowed the isolation of several defense-related genes that play roles in different mechanisms of plant resistance to phytopathogens. Genes with unknown roles were also isolated from the two libraries, which indicates the possibility of identifying new genes not yet reported in studies of stress/defense response. The SSH technique is effective for identification of resistance genes activated by salicylic acid and F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici infection. Not only the application of this technique enables a cost effective isolation of differentially expressed sequences, but also it allows the identification of novel sequences in tomato from a relative small number of sequences.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o perfil de transcritos em plantas de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., durante a infecção com Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici e após a aplicação foliar de ácido salicílico. A técnica de hibridização subtrativa por supressão (SSH foi utilizada para gerar uma biblioteca de cDNA enriquecida por transcritos diferencialmente expressos. Foram identificados 307 clones, em duas bibliotecas subtrativas, que permitiram o isolamento de diversos genes de defesa com função em diferentes processos relacionados à resistência vegetal contra patógenos. Também foram isolados, nas duas bibliotecas, genes com função desconhecida, o que indica a possibilidade de identificação de novos genes que ainda não tenham sido relatados em estudos anteriores de resposta a estresses e defesa, em plantas

  18. PSA (:60) Cuide su salud emocional durante una emergencia (Coping With Disaster)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este anuncio de servicio público de 60 segundos habla sobre cómo cuidar su salud emocional durante una emergencia.  Created: 10/25/2017 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2017.

  19. Analisis Fosfor pada Cacing Tanah (Megascolex sp. dan Fridericia sp.) Secara Spektrofotometri Sinar Tampak


    Safira, Cut Shafa


    Earthworm is natural resource which can be used for medication due to its highly amount of minerals. One of these minerals is phosphorus. The aim of this research are to identify, determine and know the difference content of phosphorus in Megascolex sp. and Fridericia sp. Qualitative analysis shows positive results with addition of ammonium molybdate 4% and BaCl2 5%. Quantitative analysis was done using visible spectrophotometer with ascorbic acid method, measuring blu-colored molybdenum ...

  20. Cdc20 mediates D-box-dependent degradation of Sp100

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Ran; Li, Ke-min; Zhou, Cai-hong; Xue, Jing-lun [State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Institute of Genetics, School of Life Science, Fudan University, Shanghai (China); Ji, Chao-neng, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Institute of Genetics, School of Life Science, Fudan University, Shanghai (China); Chen, Jin-zhong, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Institute of Genetics, School of Life Science, Fudan University, Shanghai (China)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Cdc20 is a co-activator of APC/C complex. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Cdc20 recruits Sp100 and mediates its degradation. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The D-box of Sp100 is required for Cdc20-mediated degradation. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Sp100 expresses consistently at both the mRNA and protein levels in cell cycle. -- Abstract: Cdc20 is a co-activator of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C complex), which recruits substrates at particular phases of the cell cycle and mediates their degradation. Sp100 is a PML-NB scaffold protein, which localizes to nuclear particles during interphase and disperses from them during mitosis, participates in viral resistance, transcriptional regulation, and apoptosis. However, its metabolism during the cell cycle has not yet been fully characterized. We found a putative D-box in Sp100 using the Eukaryotic Linear Motif (ELM) predictor database. The putative D-box of Sp100 was verified by mutational analysis. Overexpression of Cdc20 resulted in decreased levels of both endogenous Sp100 protein and overexpressed Sp100 mRNA in HEK 293 cells. Only an overexpressed D-box deletion mutant of Sp100 accumulated in HEK293 cells that also overexpressed Cdc20. Cdc20 knockdown by cdc20 specific siRNA resulted in increased Sp100 protein levels in cells. Furthermore, we discovered that the Cdc20 mediated degradation of Sp100 is diminished by the proteasome inhibitor MG132, which suggests that the ubiquitination pathway is involved in this process. However, unlike the other Cdc20 substrates, which display oscillating protein levels, the level of Sp100 protein remains constant throughout the cell cycle. Additionally, both overexpression and knockdown of endogenous Sp100 had no effect on the cell cycle. Our results suggested that sp100 is a novel substrate of Cdc20 and it is degraded by the ubiquitination pathway. The intact D-box of Sp100 was necessary for this process. These findings expand

  1. Aspectos epidemiológicos sobre mordeduras caninas durante el año 2011 en la ciudad de Temuco, Chile.

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    Waldo Armstrong,


    Full Text Available Los accidentes causados por mordeduras de perros y gatos son un problema de salud pública y concretamente las mordeduras de perro constituyen el riesgo más grave que estos animales suponen para la salud de las personas. A los costes económicos derivados del tratamiento de las lesiones físicas debemos añadir las secuelas psicológicas que muchas veces aparecen tras las agresiones. La prevención es el único camino para resolver este problema y puede efectuarse mejor cuando se conocen los diversos factores involucrados en la génesis de este tipo de accidentedebido a lo anterior el objetivo del estudio fue describir las características epidemiológicas asociadas a las personas mordidas por perros. La metodología utilizada para la recolección de datos fue la aplicación de una encuesta a 9 centros asistenciales de la ciudad de Temuco. Se solicitó información sobre pacientes atendidos por mordeduras caninas durante el año 2011 y los datos recolectados se ingresaron en una planilla de cálculos. Los resultados indican que niños y adultos presentan 52% de las mordeduras durante el año. Los hombres presentan una mayor incidencia con un 47% a diferencia de las mujeres con un 44%. Con respecto a la región corporal afectada los miembros superiores alcanzan un 25% de frecuencia ante el ataque y los miembros inferiores un 31.3%. Por otra parte, las mordeduras por perros presentaron una marcada estacionalidad en los meses de verano con un 30% de casos. Se concluye que las mordeduras caninas son un problema frecuente y de real importancia en el ámbito de salud pública, generando en la población secuelas físicas y psicológicas por las lesiones generadas durante el ataque.

  2. Pachyseris inattesa sp. n. (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia): A new reef coral species from the red sea and its phylogenetic relationships

    KAUST Repository

    Terraneo, Tullia I.; Berumen, Michael L.; Arrigoni, Roberto; Waheed, Zarinah; Bouwmeester, Jessica; Caragnano, Annalisa; Stefani, Fabrizio; Benzoni, Francesca


    A new scleractinian coral species, Pachyseris inattesa sp. n., is described from the Red Sea. Despite a superficial resemblance with some species in the agariciid genus Leptoseris with which it has been previously confused, P. inattesa sp. n. has micro-morphological characters typical of the genus Pachyseris. This genus, once part of the Agariciidae, is comprised of five extant species and is widely distributed throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific. It is currently incertae sedis as a result of recent molecular analysis and appears to be closely related to the Euphylliidae. A molecular phylogenetic reconstruction including P. inattesa sp. n., the genus type species P. rugosa, and P. speciosa, all present in the Red Sea, was performed using the mitochondrial intergenic spacer between COI and 16S-rRNA. The results confirm that P. inattesa sp. n. is a monophyletic lineage closely related to the other Pachyseris species examined. © Tullia I. Terraneo et al.

  3. Pachyseris inattesa sp. n. (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia): A new reef coral species from the red sea and its phylogenetic relationships

    KAUST Repository

    Terraneo, Tullia I.


    A new scleractinian coral species, Pachyseris inattesa sp. n., is described from the Red Sea. Despite a superficial resemblance with some species in the agariciid genus Leptoseris with which it has been previously confused, P. inattesa sp. n. has micro-morphological characters typical of the genus Pachyseris. This genus, once part of the Agariciidae, is comprised of five extant species and is widely distributed throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific. It is currently incertae sedis as a result of recent molecular analysis and appears to be closely related to the Euphylliidae. A molecular phylogenetic reconstruction including P. inattesa sp. n., the genus type species P. rugosa, and P. speciosa, all present in the Red Sea, was performed using the mitochondrial intergenic spacer between COI and 16S-rRNA. The results confirm that P. inattesa sp. n. is a monophyletic lineage closely related to the other Pachyseris species examined. © Tullia I. Terraneo et al.

  4. Comunicación y conflicto familiar durante la adolescencia


    Parra Jiménez, Águeda; Oliva Delgado, Alfredo


    El principal objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar los patrones de comunicación y conflicto familiar durante la adolescencia. Una muestra de 221 chicos y 292 chicas de edades comprendidas entre 13 y 19 años completaron un cuestionario que incluía medidas de la frecuencia de la comunicación con sus progenitores, la frecuencia de aparición de episodios conflictivos, la intensidad emocional con que dichos conflictos eran percibidos, y la autonomía funcional ...

  5. Kinerja probiotik Bacillus sp. pada pendederan benih ikan lele Clarias sp. yang diinfeksi Aeromonas hydrophila

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    , Sukenda


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This experiment was conducted to assess performance of Bacillus sp. probiotic on catfish juvenile Clarias sp. infected by Aeromonas hydrophila. The probiotic content in the diets were 0% (K+ and K-, 1%, and 2% in duplicates. This experiment used randomized design with four treatments and two replications. Juveniles with average body weight of 3.22±0.15 g/fish were reared in the 1.5×2.8×0.5 m3 pond with density of 800 fish/pond. Fish were reared for 30 days and fed three times a day at rate 8% of  total body weight. At day 31, catfish were challenged by A. hydrophila 0.1 mL (106 cfu/mL. Post infection observation was carried out ten days with density 10 fish/aquaria. The result showed that fish fed diet containing 2% probiotic gave the best probiotic performance with survival rate of catfish 83.33% after challenged, spesific growth rate 5.40%, and 0,75 of feed conversion ratio. The results of the blood profile showed significantly better results in the treatment of probiotics compared to the positive control after challenge test A. hydrophila. Probiotic Bacillus sp. has given as much as 2% on feed provides better performance on catfish juvenile. Keywords: probiotic, Bacillus sp., A. hydrophila, catfish juvenille, growth  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kinerja probiotik Bacillus sp. dalam pakan pada pendederan benih ikan lele Clarias sp. yang diinfeksi bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan empat perlakuan yaitu kandungan probiotik dalam pakan perlakuan yaitu 0% (K+ dan K-, 1%,  dan 2%, masing-masing dengan dua ulangan. Ikan lele yang digunakan memiliki bobot rata-rata 3,22±0,15 g/ekor, dipelihara dalam kolam terpal berukuran 1,5×2,8×0,5 m3 dengan kepadatan 800 ekor/kolam. Ikan dipelihara selama 30 hari dengan frekuensi pemberian pakan tiga kali sehari sebanyak 8% dari bobot tubuh ikan. Hari ke-31 benih lele diinjeksi bakteri A. hydrophila dosis 0,1 m

  6. Fuentes proteínicas no tradicionales y su efecto sobre el crecimiento y supervivencia, durante la masculinización del pez Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Perciformes: Cichlidae)


    Cuenca-Soria, Carlos A.; Navarro Angulo, Leonardo I.; Castillo-Domínguez, Alfonso; Melgar Valdes, Carolina E.; Pérez-Palafox, Xchel A.; Ortiz-Hernández, Mateo


    ResumenEn el sureste de México, la acuicultura se ha visto seriamente afectada por los altos costos de los alimentos comerciales. Como parte de la búsqueda de alimentos no tradicionales, probamos el pez de agua dulce Astyanax aeneus y el caracol Pomacea flagellata como posibles fuentes de proteínas para Cichlasoma urophthalmus. Aplicamos la hormona androgénica fluoximesterona durante 45 días. Un kilogramo de dieta experimental (P. flagellate/A. aeneus) y uno de los alimentos comerciales se ro...

  7. El periodismo gráfico durante la dictadura


    Díaz, César Luis


    Este volumen del Centro de Estudios en Historia/Comunicación/Periodismo/Medios (CEHICOPEME), está dedicado al examen de ocho de los principales medios gráficos argentinos durante la última dictadura cívico-militar. Se trata de una decena de artículos que si bien fueron realizados como obras en sí mismas, no pueden ser aisladas de una forma de concebir la disciplina que las contiene, cuya matriz de producción se gestó en esta Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social (UNLP) hace poco más de...

  8. Growth kinetics and biodeterioration of polypropylene microplastics by Bacillus sp. and Rhodococcus sp. isolated from mangrove sediment. (United States)

    Auta, H S; Emenike, C U; Jayanthi, B; Fauziah, S H


    Interest in the biodegradation of microplastics is due to their ubiquitous distribution, availability, high persistence in the environment and deleterious impact on marine biota. The present study evaluates the growth response and mechanism of polypropylene (PP) degradation by Bacillus sp. strain 27 and Rhodococcus sp. strain 36 isolated from mangrove sediments upon exposure to PP microplastics. Both bacteria strains were able to utilise PP microplastic for growth as confirmed by the reduction of the polymer mass. The weight loss was 6.4% by Rhodococcus sp. strain 36 and 4.0% by Bacillus sp. strain 27 after 40days of incubation. PP biodegradation was further confirmed using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy analyses, which revealed structural and morphological changes in the PP microplastics with microbial treatment. These analyses showed that the isolates can colonise, modify and utilise PP microplastics as carbon source. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. The dynamics of the fungal aerospores Alternaria sp. and Cladosporium sp. in Parisian atmospheric air, in France (United States)

    Brezoczki, V. M.


    The bioallergens occurring naturally in the atmospheric air are microorganisms, pollen grains, plant seeds, leaf and stem scrap, or their protein molecules. The presence of various airborne fungal spores determines a high allergenic potential for public health. This effect is due to the high number of produced spores, which under favourable meteorological conditions (dry weather and wind) reach the surrounding air. This paper traces the dynamics of two types of fungi, Alternaria sp and Cladosporium sp, fungi which can be found outdoors, in the surrounding air, as well as indoors, inside houses (especially the conidia of Cladosporium sp). The effects of these fungal spores on human health are varies, ranging from seasonal allergies (hay fever, rhinitis, sinusitis etc.) to sever afflictions of the respiratory system, onset of asthma, disfunctionalities of the nervous systems, of the immune system, zymoses etc. The monitoring of the dynamics of the aerospores Alternaria sp and Cladosporium sp was carried out between 2010 and 2013, over a period of 42 weeks during one calendar year, from February to the end of September, in the surrounding air in the French capital, Paris. The regional and global climate and meteorological conditions are directly involved in the occurrence and development of fungi colonies, the transportation and dispersion of fungal spores in the atmospheric air, as well as in the creation of the environment required for the interaction of chemical and biological components in the air. Knowledge of the dynamics of the studied fungal aerospores, coupled with climate and meteorological changes, offers a series of information on the magnitude of the allergenic potential these airborne spores can determine. Legal regulations in this domain set the allergen risk threshold for the Alternaria sp aerospores at 3500 ÷ 7000 spores/m3 air/week, and for the Cladosporium sp aerospores at 56,000 spores/m3 air/week. Besides these regulations there exist a series of

  10. Enhanced photocatalytic activity induced by sp 3 to sp 2 transition of carbon dopants in BiOCl crystals

    KAUST Repository

    Sun, Jianguo


    The insufficient light absorption and low quantum efficiency limit the photocatalytic performance of wide bandgap semiconductors. Here, we report a facile strategy to engineer the surface disordered defects of BiOCl nanosheets via carbon doping. The surface defects boost the light absorption and also the quantum yields, as the doped carbon atoms exhibit a transition from sp3 to sp2 hybridization at elevated temperature, corresponding to a change of assembly state from 3D cluster to 2D graphite-like structure. This transition results in an effective charge separation and thus one order of enhancement in photocatalytic activity toward phenol degradation under visible light. The current study opens an avenue to introduce sp3 to sp2 transition of carbon dopants for simultaneous increment of light absorption and quantum efficiency for application in photocatalysis and energy conversion.

  11. Indirect Manganese Removal by Stenotrophomonas sp. and Lysinibacillus sp. Isolated from Brazilian Mine Water

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    Natália Rocha Barboza


    Full Text Available Manganese is a contaminant in the wastewaters produced by Brazilian mining operations, and the removal of the metal is notoriously difficult because of the high stability of the Mn(II ion in aqueous solutions. To explore a biological approach for removing excessive amounts of aqueous Mn(II, we investigated the potential of Mn(II oxidation by both consortium and bacterial isolates from a Brazilian manganese mine. A bacterial consortium was able to remove 99.7% of the Mn(II. A phylogenetic analysis of isolates demonstrated that the predominant microorganisms were members of Stenotrophomonas, Bacillus, and Lysinibacillus genera. Mn(II removal rates between 58.5% and 70.9% were observed for Bacillus sp. and Stenotrophomonas sp. while the Lysinibacillus isolate 13P removes 82.7%. The catalytic oxidation of Mn(II mediated by multicopper oxidase was not properly detected; however, in all of the experiments, a significant increase in the pH of the culture medium was detected. No aggregates inside the cells grown for a week were found by electronic microscopy. Nevertheless, an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy of the isolates revealed the presence of manganese in Stenotrophomonas sp. and Lysinibacillus sp. grown in K medium. These results suggest that members of Stenotrophomonas and Lysinibacillus genera were able to remove Mn(II by a nonenzymatic pathway.


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    Full Text Available This study describes the chiton fauna (Mollusca, Polyplacophora from deposits of the Miocene marine sequence of North Italy, located in Piedmont and Emilia Romagna regions. This first part of the work describes the chitons pertaining to four families: Leptochitonidae, Hanleyidae, Ischnochitonidae and Callistoplacidae. The studied fossils consist of 377 valves from 13 sites (Sciolze, Valle Ceppi, Rocco di Passerano, Albugnano, Monchio di Sarzano Casina, Villa Monti, Rio di Bocca d’Asino, Sant’Agata Fossili, Vargo, Vigoleno, Montegibbio, Borelli, and Moncucco Torinese ranging from the Early Miocene (Burdigalian to the Late Miocene (Messinian. We identified 16 species, 12 of which were already known, two are identified only at generic level (Stenosemus sp. A & sp. B, and two are described as new: Parachiton statianus sp. n., and Callistochiton borellianus sp. n. Some species found are particularly noteworthy; Lepidopleurus benoisti is the new name attributed to the species previously known as Middendorffia subcajetana or Gymnoplax orbignyi, based on the study of the type material; Leptochiton salicensis, previously known only from the Early Pleistocene of Salice (Messina, Sicily; Hanleya mediterranea is reported for the first time from the Miocene of Italy; Ischnochiton ligusticus, previously known only from the Early Pliocene of Western Liguria; the distribution of Stenoplax paviai, recently described from the Late Miocene (Rio di Bocca d’Asino, is extended to the Early Miocene (Langhian. A complete discussion on the chiton fauna from the North Italian Miocene, consisting of all the species treated in both parts, will be given in the second part of this work.

  13. Fermentation of Azolla sp. leaves and the utilization as a feed ingredient of tilapia Oreochromis sp.

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    Nur Bambang Priyo Utomo


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe objective of this study was to study the effect of incubation period on the nutritional content of Azolla sp. meal fermented by Trichoderma harzianum, and its optimum supplementation level in the feed of tilapia Oreochromis sp. In incubation period treatments, fermentation of Azolla meal was performed in two, six, eight, and ten days (AF2, AF6, AF8, AF10 using Trichoderma harzianum as the fermentor. The fish used in this study was tilapia Oreochromis sp. with an average weight of 10.59±1.29 g. The design of the feeding treatments was repeletting commercial feed with Azolla leaves by with different supplementation levels, i.e. 0% (A/control, 30% (B, 60% (C, and 90% (D. Faecal collection for digestibility measurement was conducted for 15 days and fish growth rate was observed for 40 days. Azolla meal fermented for two days (AF2 showed the best results among the other treatments with a crude fiber decrease of 37.19% and protein increase of 38.65%. The results of this study indicate that fermentation can increase the nutritional quality of Azolla meal and its most optimal supplementation level in the diet of tilapia is 30%.Keywords: crude fiber, Azolla sp., tilapiaABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama waktu fermentasi daun mata lele Azolla sp. menggunakan kapang Trichoderma harzianum serta dosis optimal dalam pakan ikan nila Oreochromis sp. Proses fermentasi tepung daun mata lele dilakukan selama dua, enam, delapan, dan sepuluh hari (AF2, AF6, AF8, AF10. Ikan uji pada penelitian ini menggunakan ikan nila Oreochromis sp. dengan bobot rata-rata 10,59±1,29 g yang ditebar sebanyak 6 ekor/akuarium berukuran 50×45×30 cm3. Sebagai pakan perlakuan yakni repeletting daun mata lele dengan pakan komersil pada tingkat suplementasi 0% (A/kontrol, 30% (B, 60% (C, dan 90% (D. Pemeliharaan ikan uji dan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan feses ikan untuk uji ketercernaan selama 15 hari dan mengamati pertumbuhan

  14. Methylobacterium suomiense sp. nov. and Methylobacterium lusitanum sp. nov., aerobic, pink-pigmented, facultatively methylotrophic bacteria. (United States)

    Doronina, Nina V; Trotsenko, Yuri A; Kuznetsov, Boris B; Tourova, Tatjana P; Salkinoja-Salonen, Mirja S


    Two aerobic, pink-pigmented, facultatively methylotrophic bacteria, strains F20T and RXM(T), are described taxonomically. On the basis of their phenotypic and genotypic properties, the isolates are proposed as novel species of the genus Methylobacterium, Methylobacterium suomiense sp. nov. (type strain F20T = VKM B-2238T = NCIMB 13778T) and Methylobacterium lusitanum sp. nov. (type strain RXMT = VKM B-2239T = NCIMB 13779T).

  15. La Educación de la Mujer Mexicana en la prensa femenina durante el Porfiriato

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    Morelos Torres Aguilar


    Full Text Available El artículo es producto de una investigación sobre las publicaciones mexicanas dirigidas al público femenino durante el porfiriato, las cuales desempeñaron una importante función educativa. El principal objetivo de la investigación es analizar, comprender, comparar e interpretar las principales propuestas que aparecían en estas respecto a la educación de la mujer, a partir de los artículos editoriales o de las columnas destacadas en cada uno de los medios. La investigación ofrece un panorama que permite conocer las posturas más relevantes en el debate planteado en las revistas sobre la educación femenina. El método utilizado consistió en la revisión y análisis de la hemerografía de época, para lo cual fueron estudiadas diversas publicaciones, de las cuales se seleccionaron diez como las más representativas. Posteriormente se utilizó un marco teórico hermenéutico, el cual permitió analizar, comprender y posteriormente interpretar el proceso histórico, el discurso educativo y el contenido ideológico de los medios referidos. La investigación concluye que los contenidos educativos de las publicaciones corresponden al concepto de "educación informal"; asimismo, que existieron principalmente dos posturas antagónicas en torno a la educación de las mujeres: una conservadora, que recomendaba educarlas, y otra liberal o modernizadora, que proponía instruirlas. En este sentido, la principal hipótesis de la que se parte propone que ambas posturas trataban de determinar, por medio de la educación, el perfil que debía tener la mujer mexicana durante esa época.

  16. Diaphite, a new type of surface with mixed sp{sup 2}-sp{sup 3} hybridization for adsorption and functionalization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Radosinski, Lukasz, E-mail: [Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Chemistry Department, Group of Bioprocess and Biomedical Engineering, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw (Poland); Formalik, Filip [Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Chemistry Department, Group of Bioprocess and Biomedical Engineering, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw (Poland); Olejniczak, Adam [Department of Spectroscopy of Excited States, Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Okolna 2, 50-422 Wroclaw (Poland); Radosz, Andrzej [Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, Department of Quantum Technologies, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw (Poland)


    Highlights: • Recent discoveries show a possibility of photoinduced formation of a structure of mixed sp{sub 2}-sp{sub 3} hybridization out of graphite and graphene–diaphite. • Ab initio and molecular mechanics calculations indicate that the surface exhibits large enhancement of binding energy due to favorable sp{sub 3} like hybridization. • The binding energy varies upon configuration of occupied adsorption sites and the adsorption sites form a regular bed-like matrix. - Abstract: We theoretically study a new carbon phase with mixed sp{sup 2}-sp{sup 3} bond hybridization called diaphite. Using ab initio calculations and the adaptive intermolecular reactive bond order (AIREBO) potential approach, we show that the surface of this structure exhibits enhanced adsorption capabilities. Specifically, using hydrogen as a test adsorbate, we calculate that the chemical binding energy, depending on the configuration of hydrogen atoms, varies from 2.08 to 2.9 eV. Furthermore, the adsorption sites form a regular matrix; thus, we postulate that this new stable carbon phase may be a universal matrix for functionalization.

  17. Diversity and antimicrobial susceptibility of oxytetracycline-resistant isolates of Stenotrophomonas sp. and Serratia sp. associated with Costa Rican crops. (United States)

    Rodríguez, C; Wachlin, A; Altendorf, K; García, F; Lipski, A


    To ameliorate the identification, evaluate the diversity, and determine the antimicrobial sensitivity of 19 oxytetracycline-resistant isolates of Stenotrophomonas sp. and Serratia sp. associated with Costa Rican crops. Phenotypical, chemotaxonomical, and molecular data allocated most isolates to the species Sten. maltophilia and Ser. marcescens. The API profiles, antimicrobial resistance patterns (ATB system), and BOX-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) genomic fingerprints of isolates of Stenotrophomonas sp. exhibited a higher degree of heterogeneity than those obtained for the isolates of Serratia sp. The former group of bacteria exhibited multiresistance to antimicrobials. In contrast, isolates of Serratia sp. were sensitive to the majority of the drugs tested. Changes in the results of the antibiograms throughout incubation, which indicate an induction of tolerance, were observed for isolates of both the species. Minimum inhibitory concentration of oxytetracycline, determined using E-test stripes, were rather elevated. The occurrence of two species of opportunistic pathogens in crop-associated materials poses a risk to consumers in the community. The phenotypic and genotypic data presented could support epidemiologist and physicians dealing with infections caused by environmental strains of these taxa.

  18. Structure-function correlations of pulmonary surfactant protein SP-B and the saposin-like family of proteins. (United States)

    Olmeda, Bárbara; García-Álvarez, Begoña; Pérez-Gil, Jesús


    Pulmonary surfactant is a lipid-protein complex secreted by the respiratory epithelium of mammalian lungs, which plays an essential role in stabilising the alveolar surface and so reducing the work of breathing. The surfactant protein SP-B is part of this complex, and is strictly required for the assembly of pulmonary surfactant and its extracellular development to form stable surface-active films at the air-liquid alveolar interface, making the lack of SP-B incompatible with life. In spite of its physiological importance, a model for the structure and the mechanism of action of SP-B is still needed. The sequence of SP-B is homologous to that of the saposin-like family of proteins, which are membrane-interacting polypeptides with apparently diverging activities, from the co-lipase action of saposins to facilitate the degradation of sphingolipids in the lysosomes to the cytolytic actions of some antibiotic proteins, such as NK-lysin and granulysin or the amoebapore of Entamoeba histolytica. Numerous studies on the interactions of these proteins with membranes have still not explained how a similar sequence and a potentially related fold can sustain such apparently different activities. In the present review, we have summarised the most relevant features of the structure, lipid-protein and protein-protein interactions of SP-B and the saposin-like family of proteins, as a basis to propose an integrated model and a common mechanistic framework of the apparent functional versatility of the saposin fold.

  19. Isolation of C11 Cyclopentenones from Two Didemnid Species, Lissoclinum sp. and Diplosoma sp.

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    Katsuhiro Ueda


    Full Text Available A series of new C11 cyclopentenones 1-7 was isolated, together with four known metabolites 9/10, 12 and 13, from the extract of the didemnid ascidian Lissoclinum sp. The other didemnid ascidian Diplosoma sp. contained didemnenones 1, 2 and 5, and five known metabolites 8-12. The structures of 1-7 were elucidated by spectroscopic analyses. Cytotoxicity of the isolated compounds was evaluated against three human cancer cell lines (HCT116, A431 and A549.

  20. Programa interdisciplinar de internação domiciliar de Marília-SP: custos de recursos materiais consumidos Programa interdisciplinar de internación domiciliaria de Marília-SP: costos de los recursos materiales consumidos Interdisciplinary home hospitalization program of Marília-SP: material resource costs

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    Sandra Renata Albino Marques Mesquita


    Full Text Available Este estudo estimou o custo médio direto total de alguns fatores produtivos (recursos materiais como material de consumo, dietas, medicamentos e soluções utilizados por dois grupos de pacientes internados no Programa Interdisciplinar de Internação Domiciliar de Marília-SP. A amostra foi constituída de 27 pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral (AVC e 18 com neoplasia. Os dados foram coletados do momento da internação até a saída do Programa. O custo médio direto total foi de R$ 52,72 para cada paciente com AVC e de R$ 65,13 para aqueles com neoplasia. Para ambos os grupos de pacientes, a subcategoria de material - dietas - respondeu, em termos de custos, pelo maior percentual.Este estudio estimó el promedio del costo directo total de algunos factores productivos (recursos materiales, tales como material de consumo, dietas, medicamentos y soluciones usados por dos grupos de pacientes durante el periodo de internación en el Programa Interdisciplinario de Internación Domiciliaria desarrollado en el municipio de Marilia-SP, Brasil. La muestra se constituyó de 27 pacientes con diagnóstico de accidente vascular cerebral (AVC y 18 pacientes con diagnóstico de Neoplasia. Los datos fueron recopilados desde el momento de la internación hasta la salida del Programa. El promedio del costo directo total correspondió a R$ 52,72 para los pacientes con AVC y R$ 65,13 para aquellos con Neoplasia. Para ambos grupos, la subcategoría de material - dieta fue responsable por el mayor porcentual de los costos.This study estimated the mean total direct cost of some production factors (material resources, including consumption materials, diets, medication and solutions used by two patient groups during hospitalization in the Interdisciplinary Home Hospitalization Program (PROIID of Marília-SP, Brazil. The sample consisted of 27 patients with a diagnosis of cerebral vascular accident (CVA and 18 with Neoplasm. Data were collected from the moment of

  1. Green Decision Making: Sustainable Transport and Systemic Planning (SP)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leleur, Steen

    and infrastructure assessment and on the methodology and process of systemic planning (SP). SP theory development has interchanged with practical application and testing of the SP approach in a large number of cases. The word systemic in SP indicates that complex planning problems and provision of decision support...... in today’s strategic planning needs a focus on what may be addressed as systemic insights in balance with more conventional, systematically-based findings where causal linkages can be modelled and made use of. In practice this means that SP is based on a study-specific combination of hard (quantitative......) and soft (qualitative) operations research (OR) methods; especially the latter have a function as regards knowledge generation that relates to obtaining systemic insights. Furthermore, SP applies a process that drives group-based learning forward. The group should be formed with the different stakeholder...

  2. Las relaciones entre Chile y Suecia durante el primer gobierno de Olof Palme, 1969-1976

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    Fernando Camacho Padilla


    Full Text Available Durante el primer gobierno del socialdemócrata Olof Palme, las relaciones bilaterales entre Chile y Suecia fueron las más intensas de toda su historia, tanto en cercanía como en conflictividad. La razón la encontramos en los distintos fenómenos políticos que vivió Chile en ese periodo, puesto que Palme coincidió temporalmente con tres gobiernos claramente diferenciados: la Democracia Cristiana, la Unidad Popular y el Régimen Militar. Si las relaciones sueco-chilenas tuvieron su mejor momento durante el mandato de Salvador Allende, el golpe de Estado significó todo lo contrario. El compromiso que tuvo el embajador de Suecia, Harald Edelstam, por quienes eran perseguidos en Chile le llevó a su expulsión, lo que se tradujo en un claro deterioro de las relaciones y el inicio de una nueva etapa marcada por el gran contingente de exiliados que comenzaron a llegar a Suecia. Este trabajo analiza los principales acontecimientos diplomáticos ocurridos entre Chile y Suecia así como las consecuencias que tuvieron durante el gobierno de Olof Palme.

  3. A superhard sp3 microporous carbon with direct bandgap (United States)

    Pan, Yilong; Xie, Chenlong; Xiong, Mei; Ma, Mengdong; Liu, Lingyu; Li, Zihe; Zhang, Shuangshuang; Gao, Guoying; Zhao, Zhisheng; Tian, Yongjun; Xu, Bo; He, Julong


    Carbon allotropes with distinct sp, sp2, and sp3 hybridization possess various different properties. Here, a novel all-sp3 hybridized tetragonal carbon, namely the P carbon, was predicted by the evolutionary particle swarm structural search. It demonstrated a low density among all-sp3 carbons, due to the corresponding distinctive microporous structure. P carbon is thermodynamically stable than the known C60 and could be formed through the single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) compression. P carbon is a direct bandgap semiconductor displaying a strong and superhard nature. The unique combination of electrical and mechanical properties constitutes P carbon a potential superhard material for semiconductor industrial fields.

  4. Characterization of Ethanolic Extract of Streptomyces sp. as a Pancreatic Lipase Inhibitors Produced by Endophytic Streptomyces sp. AEBg12

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    Lenni Fitri


    Full Text Available Endophytic Streptomyces sp. AEBg12 isolated from Zingiber cassumunar (Bangle is known to produce pancreatic lipase inhibitory compound. However, the characteristics of this active compound has not been reported yet. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of pancreatics inhibitory compound produced by Streptomyces sp. AEBg12 and to assess the role of endophytic actinobacteria in producing pancreatic lipase inhibitor using endophytic-free bangle tissue culture, wild bangle and compared with the activity of Streptomyces sp. AEBg12 endophytes. Supernatant of Streptomyces sp. AEBg12 was extracted using ethanol, ethyl acetate, and n-hexane solvents. Toxicity test was performed using larvae of shrimp Artemia salina. The results showed that the best solvent to obtain pancreatic lipase inhibitor compounds was ethanol. Phytochemical analysis showed that ethanolic extract of endophytic Streptomyces sp. AEBg12 contained flavonoids. IC50 value of ethanol extract was 180.83 µg/ml. The result of TLC showed that ethanolic extract of Streptomyces AEBg12 had a blue luminescence band indicated that there were either flavone, flavanones, flavonols or isoflavones. Inhibitory activity of Streptomyces sp. AEBg12 was higher than wild bangle and bangle tissue culture. The information from this study can be be used as a basic data for further characterization of the active compound, which might be developed as an antiobesity agent through its pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity.

  5. Cambios de volumen, área superficial y factor de forma de Heywood durante la deshidratación de cerezas (Prunus avium Mudanças de volume, área superficial e fator de forma de Heywood durante a desidratação de cerejas doces (Prunus avium

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    Antonio de Michelis


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, se evaluaron experimentalmente los cambios de volumen, área superficial y factores de forma durante la deshidratación de cerezas enteras. En base a los resultados obtenidos, se propusieron modelos muy simples para la evaluación matemática de dichos cambios para su uso en simulación de lechos profundos de partículas. Los cambios de volumen se pudieron representar con una ecuación lineal y los de área superficial con un polinomio de tercer orden, en ambos casos como una función de la humedad adimensional del producto. Con respecto a la evaluación de los factores de forma, se encontró que las partículas, cuanto más se deshidratan, más tienden a la forma esférica, lo cual es un hecho auspicioso, ya que no sólo el producto posee un aspecto visual agradable, sino que se habilita la utilización de la forma esférica para los efectos de adoptar una dimensión característica para la evaluación de cinéticas de deshidratación en monocapa y/o en lechos de partículas.Neste trabalho foram avaliadas, experimentalmente, as mudanças de volume, área superficial e fatores de forma durante a secagem de cerejas doces inteiras. Com base nos resultados obtidos foram propostos modelos muito simples para a avaliação matemática dessas mudanças para seu uso em simulação de leitos fundos de partículas. As mudanças de volume foram representadas com uma equação linear e as mudanças de área superficial com um polinômio de terceiro grau, em ambos os casos como uma função da umidade adimensional do produto. Em relação à avaliação dos fatores de forma, foi achado que as partículas quanto mais desidratadas mais se esparramaram em forma esférica, o que é um fato favorável, já que o produto não só possui um aspecto visual agradável mas também habilita à utilização do modo esférico os efeitos de adotar uma dimensão característica para a avaliação de cinéticas de desidratação em capas magras ou em leitos

  6. Role of Geitlerinema sp. DE2011 and Scenedesmus sp. DE2009 as Bioindicators and Immobilizers of Chromium in a Contaminated Natural Environment. (United States)

    Millach, Laia; Solé, Antoni; Esteve, Isabel


    The aim of this work was to study the potential of the two phototrophic microorganisms, both isolated from Ebro Delta microbial mats, to be used as bioindicators and immobilizers of chromium. The results obtained indicated that (i) the Minimum Metal Concentration (MMC) significantly affecting Chlorophyll a intensity in Geitlerinema sp. DE2011 and Scenedesmus sp. DE2009 was 0.25 µM and 0.75 µM, respectively, these values being lower than those established by current legislation, and (ii) Scenedesmus sp. DE2009 was able to immobilize chromium externally in extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and intracellularly in polyphosphate (PP) inclusions. Additionally, this microorganism maintained high viability, including at 500 µM. Based on these results, we postulate that Geitlerinema sp. DE2011 and Scenedesmus sp. DE2009 are good chromium-indicators of cytotoxicity and, further, that Scenedesmus sp. DE2009 plays an important role in immobilizing this metal in a contaminated natural environment.

  7. Role of Geitlerinema sp. DE2011 and Scenedesmus sp. DE2009 as Bioindicators and Immobilizers of Chromium in a Contaminated Natural Environment

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    Laia Millach


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to study the potential of the two phototrophic microorganisms, both isolated from Ebro Delta microbial mats, to be used as bioindicators and immobilizers of chromium. The results obtained indicated that (i the Minimum Metal Concentration (MMC significantly affecting Chlorophyll a intensity in Geitlerinema sp. DE2011 and Scenedesmus sp. DE2009 was 0.25 µM and 0.75 µM, respectively, these values being lower than those established by current legislation, and (ii Scenedesmus sp. DE2009 was able to immobilize chromium externally in extracellular polymeric substances (EPS and intracellularly in polyphosphate (PP inclusions. Additionally, this microorganism maintained high viability, including at 500 µM. Based on these results, we postulate that Geitlerinema sp. DE2011 and Scenedesmus sp. DE2009 are good chromium-indicators of cytotoxicity and, further, that Scenedesmus sp. DE2009 plays an important role in immobilizing this metal in a contaminated natural environment.


    Guliy, O I; Karavaeva, O A; Velikov, V A; Sokolov, O I; Pavily, S A; Larionova, O S; Burov, A M; Ignatov, O V


    The bacteriophage ΦAb-Sp7 was isolated from the cells of the Azospirillum brasilense Sp7. The morphology, size of the gram-negative colonies, and range of lytic activity against other strains and species of the genus Azospirillum was tested. The isolated phage DNA was examined using electrophoretic and restriction analysis, and the size of the genome were established. The electron microscopy. resuIts show that the phage (capsid) has a strand-like form. The electron microscopy study of the bacteriophage ΦAb-Sp7 adsorption on the A. brasilense Sp7 bacterial surface was performed.

  9. Taxonomic revision of the Malagasy members of the Nesomyrmex angulatus species group using the automated morphological species delineation protocol NC-PART-clustering

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    Sándor Csősz


    Full Text Available Background. Applying quantitative morphological approaches in systematics research is a promising way to discover cryptic biological diversity. Information obtained through twenty-first century science poses new challenges to taxonomy by offering the possibility of increased objectivity in independent and automated hypothesis formation. In recent years a number of promising new algorithmic approaches have been developed to recognize morphological diversity among insects based on multivariate morphometric analyses. These algorithms objectively delimit components in the data by automatically assigning objects into clusters. Method. In this paper, hypotheses on the diversity of the Malagasy Nesomyrmex angulatus group are formulated via a highly automated protocol involving a fusion of two algorithms, (1 Nest Centroid clustering (NC clustering and (2 Partitioning Algorithm based on Recursive Thresholding (PART. Both algorithms assign samples into clusters, making the class assignment results of different algorithms readily inferable. The results were tested by confirmatory cross-validated Linear Discriminant Analysis (LOOCV-LDA. Results. Here we reveal the diversity of a unique and largely unexplored fragment of the Malagasy ant fauna using NC-PART-clustering on continuous morphological data, an approach that brings increased objectivity to taxonomy. We describe eight morphologically distinct species, including seven new species: Nesomyrmex angulatus (Mayr, 1862, N. bidentatus sp. n., N. clypeatus sp. n., N. devius sp. n., N. exiguus sp. n., N. fragilis sp. n., N. gracilis sp. n., and N. hirtellus sp. n.. An identification key for their worker castes using morphometric data is provided. Conclusions. Combining the dimensionality reduction feature of NC clustering with the assignment of samples into clusters by PART advances the automatization of morphometry-based alpha taxonomy.

  10. Gap junctional communication modulates gene transcription by altering the recruitment of Sp1 and Sp3 to connexin-response elements in osteoblast promoters (United States)

    Stains, Joseph P.; Lecanda, Fernando; Screen, Joanne; Towler, Dwight A.; Civitelli, Roberto


    Loss-of-function mutations of gap junction proteins, connexins, represent a mechanism of disease in a variety of tissues. We have shown that recessive (gene deletion) or dominant (connexin45 overexpression) disruption of connexin43 function results in osteoblast dysfunction and abnormal expression of osteoblast genes, including down-regulation of osteocalcin transcription. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms of gap junction-sensitive transcriptional regulation, we systematically analyzed the rat osteocalcin promoter for sensitivity to gap junctional intercellular communication. We identified an Sp1/Sp3 containing complex that assembles on a minimal element in the -70 to -57 region of the osteocalcin promoter in a gap junction-dependent manner. This CT-rich connexin-response element is necessary and sufficient to confer gap junction sensitivity to the osteocalcin proximal promoter. Repression of osteocalcin transcription occurs as a result of displacement of the stimulatory Sp1 by the inhibitory Sp3 on the promoter when gap junctional communication is perturbed. Modulation of Sp1/Sp3 recruitment also occurs on the collagen Ialpha1 promoter and translates into gap junction-sensitive transcriptional control of collagen Ialpha1 gene expression. Thus, regulation of Sp1/Sp3 recruitment to the promoter may represent a potential general mechanism for transcriptional control of target genes by signals passing through gap junctions.

  11. Abastecimiento de sangre durante desastres: la experiencia de Chile en 2010 Blood supply during disasters: the experience of Chile in 2010

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    Marcela Vásquez


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión de la gestión del abastecimiento y suministro de sangre durante desastres a partir de las experiencias de diversos eventos ocurridos principalmente en la primera década de este siglo, y en particular el terremoto grado 8,8 en la escala de Richter que afectó la zona centro sur de Chile el 27 de febrero de 2010. El objetivo fue proporcionar información que pueda ser útil para mejorar las estrategias y planes de respuesta durante potenciales desastres futuros. La información descriptiva sobre los procedimientos de respuesta se obtuvo mediante entre-vistas, reportes internos y la base de datos del sistema informático del Centro Productivo Regional de Sangre del Maule. Los resultados permiten concluir que para responder de manera eficiente y efectiva a las necesidades de sangre inmediatamente después de un desastre es de importancia clave tener un sistema centralizado de gestión que facilite el abastecimiento y el suministro de sangre y con-tar con personal voluntario competente en salud que esté dispuesto a acudir con celeridad durante estos eventos. Asimismo, se ha observado que durante dichas emergencias se produce un cambio en el perfil de quienes donan sangre. En Chile, por ejemplo, durante las dos semanas siguientes al terremoto la razón hombre/mujer en los donantes se invirtió, con 61,1% de participación por parte de las mujeres, quienes en la semana previa al evento representaban a solo 37%.A review of the management of blood supply and its administration during disasters was conducted based on the experience of several events that occurred primarily from 2000-2010, particularly the earthquake that measured 8.8 on the Richter scale that struck central and southern Chile on 27 February 2010. The objective was to provide information that could be useful in improving response plans and strategies during potential future disasters. The descriptive information on response procedures was obtained from

  12. Screening of biodiesel production from waste tuna oil (Thunnus sp.), seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii and Gracilaria sp. (United States)

    Alamsjah, Mochammad Amin; Abdillah, Annur Ahadi; Mustikawati, Hutami; Atari, Suci Dwi Purnawa


    Biodiesel has several advantages over solar. Compared to solar, biodiesel has more eco-friendly characteristic and produces lower greenhouse gas emissions. Biodiesel that is made from animal fats can be produced from fish oil, while other alternative sources from vegetable oils are seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii and Gracilaria sp. Waste tuna oil (Thunnus sp.) in Indonesia is commonly a side product of tuna canning industries known as tuna precook oil; on the other hand, seaweed Gracilaria sp. and Kappaphycus alvarezii are commonly found in Indonesia's seas. Seaweed waste that was used in the present study was 100 kg and in wet condition, and the waste oil was 10 liter. The seaweed was extracted with soxhletation method that used n-hexane as the solvent. To produce biodiesel, trans esterification was performed on the seaweed oil that was obtained from the soxhletation process and waste tuna oil. Biodiesel manufactured from seaweed K. alvarezii obtained the best score in flash point, freezing point, and viscosity test. However, according to level of manufacturing efficiency, biodiesel from waste tuna oil is more efficient and relatively easier compared to biodiesel from waste K. alvarezii and Gracilaria sp.

  13. Potential topical natural repellent against Ae. aegypti, Culex sp. and Anopheles sp. mosquitoes

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    Dewi Nur Hodijah


    Full Text Available AbstrakLatar belakang:Minyak atsiri daun sirih diketahui mempunyai daya proteksi. Dibuatkan losion berdasarkan pengantar sediaan farmasi yang ditambahkan minyak atsiri daun nilam. Sediaan losion dipilih agar dapat menempel lebih lama di permukaan kulit. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membandingkan daya proteksi antara losion dengan penambahan minyak nilam dan losion tanpa penambahan minyak nilam dibandingkan daya proteksi dengan DEET. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorium. Semua nyamuk uji berasal dari insektarium laboratorium penelitian kesehatan Loka litbang P2B2 Ciamis. Konsentrasi minyak atsiri daun sirih dalam losion adalah 4%; konsentrasi minyak nilam sebagai zat pengikat adalah 0,4%. Formula yang digunakan yaitu formula dasar yang ada pada pengantar sediaan farmasi. Uji repelensi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metoda yang direkomendasikan oleh Komisi pestisida.Hasil: Dihasilkan formulasi losion yang stabil dan masih memenuhi standar formulasi sediaan. Berdasarkan hasil, diperoleh data bahwa DEET dan losion hasil modifikasi memiliki rata-rata daya proteksi di atas 90% selama 6 jam terhadap nyamuk Ae.aegypti dan Culex sp. Kesimpulan: Penambahan minyak nilam pada losion sirih dapat meningkatkan daya proteksi terhadap hinggapan nyamuk Ae. aegypti dan Culex sp. (Health Science Indones 2014;1:44-8Kata kunci:repelen alamiah, minyak atsiri, daun sirih, daun nilam, Ae. aegypti, Culex sp.AbstractBackground: Betel leaf essential oil lotion has been known to have insect repellent properties. A lotion was made based on a pharmaceutical formula from a monograph where patchouli leaf essential oil was added. A lotion preparation was intended to enhance adherence of the formula on the surface of the skin. The purpose of this study was to compare protection percentage of lotion with patchouli oil and without patchouli oil lotion compared to DEET.Methods: This study is an experimental laboratory-based research. All mosquitoes

  14. Efeito da aplicação de baixa temperatura em plantas de macieira sobre o crescimento durante a aclimatização

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    Pereira Jonny Everson Scherwinski


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito da aplicação de baixa temperatura (4±1ºC sobre o crescimento das brotações micropropagadas de um porta-enxerto de macieira (Malus prunifolia Borkh., cv.Marubakaido, durante o processo de aclimatização. Durante as duas primeiras semanas de aclimatização, as plântulas foram transferidas para uma câmara de crescimento, e submetidas à temperatura de 4±1ºC por 0, 240, 480, 720, 960, 1.200 e 1.440 horas, sob fotoperíodo de 16 horas e radiação de 5µEm-2s-1. Em seguida, foram conduzidas para casa de vegetação e avaliadas por um período de 90 dias. Ao final do experimento, avaliou-se, ainda, o comprimento dos entrenós, o número de gemas e o peso da matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes das plantas. A porcentagem de sobrevivência também foi avaliada após um mês de permanência das plantas em casa de vegetação. Houve aumento na altura das plantas e no comprimento dos entrenós, proporcional ao tempo de sua permanência sob baixa temperatura. O frio provocou decréscimo no peso seco das raízes, porém não afetou a sobrevivência das plantas, o número de gemas e o peso da matéria seca da parte aérea.

  15. Scopranones with Two Atypical Scooplike Moieties Produced by Streptomyces sp. BYK-11038. (United States)

    Uchida, Ryuji; Lee, Daiki; Suwa, Ibuki; Ohtawa, Masaki; Watanabe, Nozomu; Demachi, Ayumu; Ohte, Satoshi; Katagiri, Takenobu; Nagamitsu, Tohru; Tomoda, Hiroshi


    Three new compounds, designated scopranones A-C, were isolated from the culture broth of a soil isolate, Streptomyces sp. BYK-11038, and shown to be inhibitors of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) induced alkaline phosphatase activity in a BMP receptor mutant cell line. The structures were elucidated using NMR and other spectral data. The scopranones have an unusual structure with two atypical scooplike moieties linked at the tails to form part of a unique 3-furanone ring.

  16. Prevention of White Spot Syndrome Virus Infection on Penaeus monodon by Immersion in CEPM Extract of Avicennia sp. and Sonneratia sp.

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    D. Wahjuningrum


    Full Text Available The quality and survival rate are still being the problem that hampers the productivity of black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon culture.  Impaired quality of larval shrimp and environmental conditions can confer shrimp be infected by diseases, including viruses such as white spot syndrome virus (WSSV.  Prevention of disease infection using chemicals can offer negative impacts on water, pathogen resistance and consumers.  This study was conducted to examine the efficacy of an alternative prevention compound as liquid mangrove extract (CEPM from Avicennia sp. and Sonneratia sp. By immersion in different dose of CEPM, i.e. 250, 500, 750 and 1000 ppm, the patogenicity of WSSV was found to be different.  Patogenicity of WSSV decreased after treatment by CEPM, hence this could be used to induce shrimp immunity.  Optimum dose of CEPM was 250 ppm, which could increased survival rate of shrimp after challenging by WSSV, up to 98.4% shrimp survived. Keywrods: WSSV, black tiger shrimp, extract, Avicennia sp., Sonneratia sp.   ABSTRAK Kualitas dan kelangsungan hidup merupakan masalah yang masih membatasi produktivitas budidaya udang windu Penaeus monodon. Kondisi udang dan kualitas lingkungan yang kurang baik dapat menyebabkan udang terserang penyakit, termasuk yang disebabkan oleh virus termasuk white spot syndrome virus (WSSV. Upaya pengendaliannya menggunakan bahan kimia secara berlebih dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan perairan, kesehatan konsumen dan menimbulkan resistensi patogen. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas bahan alternatif berupa cairan ekstrak pohon mangrove (CEPM dari jenis Avicennia sp. dan Sonneratia sp. sebagai upaya pencegahan. Dengan perendaman beberapa konsentrasi yang berbeda (250, 500, 750 dan 1000 ppm penggunaan cairan ekstrak pohon mangrove (CEPM Avicennia sp. dan Sonneratia sp., memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap patogenitas WSSV dan udang uji pada setiap perlakuan. Tingkat

  17. SP-100 Fuel Pin Performance: Results from Irradiation Testing (United States)

    Makenas, Bruce J.; Paxton, Dean M.; Vaidyanathan, Swaminathan; Marietta, Martin; Hoth, Carl W.


    A total of 86 experimental fuel pins with various fuel, liner, and cladding candidate materials have been irradiated in the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II) and the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) reactor as part of the SP-100 fuel pin irradiation testing program. Postirradiation examination results from these fuel pins are key in establishing performance correlations and demonstrating the lifetime and safety of the reactor fuel system. This paper provides a brief description of the in-reactor fuel pin tests and presents the most recent irradiation data on the performance of wrought rhenium (Re) liner material and high density UN fuel at goal burnup of 6 atom percent (at. %). It also provides an overview of the significant variety of other fuel/liner/cladding combinations which were irradiated as part of this program and which may be of interest to more advanced efforts.


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    Lili Sholichah


    Full Text Available Pemeliharaan ikan rainbow (Melanotaenia sp. di Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Ikan Hias selalu terjadi kematian secara bertahap mulai calon induk hingga proses pemijahan. Hal ini terjadi berulang kali sehingga ketersediaan induk Melanotaenia sp. sangat terancam. Ikan ini berasal dari Papua yang diperoleh mengandalkan penangkapan di alam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menginventarisir dan mengidentifikasi berbagai patogen (parasit, jamur, bakteri potensial yang menginfeksi ikan rainbow yang dipelihara di dalam akuarium berukuran 50 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm dengan sistem aliran air stagnan. Tiga jenis rainbow yang dipelihara yaitu: rainbow Sungai Salawati, asal Sungai Sawiat, dan asal Danau Kurumoi. Setiap ikan masing-masing berjumlah 100 ekor dipelihara di akuarium dengan penambahan batu karang dan tanpa penambahan karang (kontrol ke dalam akuarium. Ikan diberi pakan sekenyangnya berupa jentik nyamuk dan cacing rambut beku setiap pagi dan sore hari. Sampling dilakukan secara random sebulan sekali dan secara unrandom setiap ada kejadian ikan sakit. Gejala klinis ikan yang sakit sebagai berikut: ikan berenang di permukaan dan menggosok-gosokkan badan di dinding akuarium, nafsu makan berkurang, gerakan berputar-putar, warna memudar menjadi putih, penekanan warna hitam pada sirip punggung dan perut meningkat, pendarahan pada perut, lendir berlebihan dan sangat berbau, serta sisik berdiri/terbuka. Diagnosa dan deteksi penyakit awal berupa pengamatan parasit baik ektoparasit maupun endoparasit, pengamatan dan isolasi jamur pada media selektif jamur, dan isolasi bakteri dilakukan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis patogen yang menginfeksi ketiga jenis ikan rainbow. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji histologi dan analisa DNA beberapa patogen. Hasil pengamatan diperoleh patogen berupa parasit (Ichthyophthirius sp., Dactylogyrus sp., Gyrodactylus sp., dan Trichodina sp. dan bakteri (Aeromonas hydrophila, Acinetobacter sp

  19. Impacts of varying light regimes on phycobiliproteins of Nostoc sp. HKAR-2 and Nostoc sp. HKAR-11 isolated from diverse habitats. (United States)

    Kannaujiya, Vinod K; Sinha, Rajeshwar P


    The adaptability of cyanobacteria in diverse habitats is an important factor to withstand harsh conditions. In the present investigation, the impacts of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; 400-700 nm), ultraviolet-B (UV-B; 280-315 nm), and PAR + UV-B radiations on two cyanobacteria viz., Nostoc sp. HKAR-2 and Nostoc sp. HKAR-11 inhabiting diverse habitats such as hot springs and rice fields, respectively, were studied. Cell viability was about 14 % in Nostoc sp. HKAR-2 and Nostoc sp. HKAR-11 after 48 h of UV-B exposure. PAR had negligible negative impact on the survival of both cyanobacteria. The continuous exposure of UV-B and PAR + UV-B showed rapid uncoupling, bleaching, fragmentation, and degradation in both phycocyanin (C-PC) and phycoerythrin (C-PE) subunits of phycobiliproteins (PBPs). Remarkable bleaching effect of C-PE and C-PC was not only observed with UV-B or PAR + UV-B radiation, but longer period (24-48 h) of exposure with PAR alone also showed noticeable negative impact. The C-PE and C-PC subunits of the rice field isolate Nostoc sp. HKAR-11 were severely damaged in comparison to the hot spring isolate Nostoc sp. HKAR-2 with rapid wavelength shifting toward shorter wavelengths denoting the bleaching of both the accessory light harvesting pigments. The results indicate that PBPs of the hot spring isolate Nostoc sp. HKAR-2 were more stable under various light regimes in comparison to the rice field isolate Nostoc sp. HKAR-11 that could serve as a good source of valuable pigments to be used in various biomedical and biotechnological applications.

  20. Impact of serum SP-A and SP-D levels on comparison and prognosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Wang, Kai; Ju, Qing; Cao, Jing; Tang, Wenze; Zhang, Jian


    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) has a poor prognosis in general; however, it is heterogeneous to detect relative biomarkers for predicting the disease progression. Serum biomarkers can be conveniently collected to detect and help to differentially diagnose IPF and predict IPF prognosis. This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the use of serum surfactant proteins A and D (SP-A and SP-D) for differential diagnosis and prognosis of IPF. Relevant articles were searched in PubMed, Embase, and Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure databases and reviewed by 2 independent readers. Standard mean difference (SMD) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated to assess the difference in serum levels of SP-A/D among patients with IPF, when compared to patients with non-IPF interstitial lung disease (ILD), pulmonary infection, and healthy control. Hazard ratio (HR) and 95% CI were used to compare the relative risk of mortality. Twenty-one articles (totalling 1289 IPF patients) were included in final meta-analysis. Serum SP-A levels were significantly higher in patients with IPF than in patients with non-IPF ILD (SMD: 1.108 [0.584, 1.632], P infection (SMD: 1.320 [0.999, 1.640], P SMD: 2.802 [1.901, 3.702], P SMD: 0.459 [-0.000, 0.919], P = .050). Serum SP-D levels were significantly higher in patients with IPF than in patients with pulmonary infection (SMD: 1.308 [0.813, 1.803], P SMD: 2.235 [1.739, 2.731], P < .001). Risk of death in patients with IPF and elevated serum SP-A was increased 39% compared to patients with low SP-A groups. Elevated SP-D increased risk by 111% when compared to low SP-D. In acute exacerbation of IPF, serum SP-A/D were higher than those in stable stage. The comparisons and prognosis might be different in Asian and Caucasian patients. Serum SP-A/D detection might be useful for differential diagnosis and prediction of survival in patients with IPF.

  1. Genetic polymorphism of horse serum protein 3 (SP3). (United States)

    Juneja, R K; Sandberg, K; Kuryl, J; Gahne, B


    Two-dimensional agarose gel (pH 8.6)-horizontal polyacrylamide gel (pH 9.0) electrophoresis of horse serum samples, followed by general protein staining, revealed genetic polymorphism of an unidentified protein tentatively designated serum protein 3 (SP3). The SP3 fractions appeared distinctly when a 14% concentration of acrylamide was used in the separation gels. The 2-D mobilities of SP3 fractions were quite similar to that of albumin. Family data were consistent with the hypothesis that the observed SP3 phenotypes were controlled by four co-dominant, autosomal alleles (D, F, I, S). Evidence was provided that the F allele can be further divided into two alleles (F1 and F2); the mobilities of F1 and F2 variants were very similar. Each of the SP3 alleles gave rise to one fraction and each of the heterozygous types showed two fractions. More than 600 horses representing five different breeds (Swedish Trotter, North-Swedish Trotter, Thoroughbred, Arab and Polish Tarpan) were typed for SP3, and allele frequency estimates were calculated. SP3 was highly polymorphic in all breeds studied.


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    Yunus Syafie


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas proteolitik yang dihasilkan jamur Aspergillus sp. dan Rhizopus sp. dalam tahapan unhairing (buang rambut pada proses penyamakan kulit domba serta pengaruh penggunaan dengan konsentrasi berbeda, terhadap kuat tarik, kemuluran, suhu kerut, dan kualitas limbah (pH, BOD, dan COD. Materi yang digunakan yaitu 15 lembar kulit domba awetan garam dibagi 2 bagian sepanjang garis lurus punggung sehingga diperoleh 30 lembar kulit, kulit dibagi secara acak menjadi 10 kelompok. Perlakuan terdiri dari dua belas kombinasi yaitu protease dari Aspergillus sp., Rhizopus sp. serta gabungan antara Aspergillus sp. dan Rhizopus sp. dengan konsentrasi protease 2% (P1, 2,5% (P2, 3% (P3, dan sebagai kontrol P0. Proses unhairing secara konvensional menggunakan bahan kimia Na2S (3% dan kapur Ca(OH2 6% dengan 3 ulangan. Sampel air limbah setelah proses unhairing diambil dan dibawa ke laboratorium untuk uji kualitas. Kulit diproses lebih lanjut menjadi kulit samak glazed. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola faktorial 3 x 4, apabila berbeda nyata dilakukan uji banding dengan uji Duncan’s new Multiple Range Test (DMRT. Hasil uji aktivitas proteolitik paling tinggi adalah gabungan antara protease dari Aspergillus sp. dan Rhizopus sp. yaitu sebesar 1.079,17 μM/ml/menit, sedangkan protease Aspergillus sp. dan Rhizopus sp. masing-masing memiliki aktivitas proteolitik sebesar 542,96 μM/ml/menit dan 392,89 μM/ml/menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan protease dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda dapat memberikan efek yang positif terhadap kualitas fisik dan limbah cair proses unhairing kulit domba. Konsentrasi protease 2,5% dan 3% dapat meningkatkan nilai kuat tarik dan suhu kerut kulit domba serta menghasilkan kulit yang bersih tanpa ada rambut yang menempel dan struktur serabut kolagen terbuka. Perlakuan protease sangat potensial karena dapat menekan angka BOD dan COD limbah

  3. Ctenolepisma almeriensis n. sp. of Lepismatidae (Insecta, Zygentoma from south-eastern Spain

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    Molero-Baltanás, R.


    Full Text Available Ctenolepisma almeriensis n. sp., from the south–eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula is described. This species was determined previously as Ctenolepisma lineata (Fabricius, 1775, which is widespread over the south–western Palaeartic region. The main difference between the two species is the setation of thoracic sternites. In each bristle–comb of the mesosternum and the metasternum, macrosetae are arranged in a single row in C. lineata and in two parallel rows in C. lmeriensis n. sp. In the prosternum, the first species shows 1–2 irregular lines of macrosetae per comb, and the new species shows 2–3 lines. Based on other parameters of setation, a discriminant analysis was carried out to separate a group of Spanish specimens of C. lineata from another group of specimens of the new species. This analysis demonstrated the validity of the occurrence of double or single lines of macrosetae in thoracic sternites to distinguish between thetwo species.

  4. Possible linkage of SP6 transcriptional activity with amelogenesis by protein stabilization. (United States)

    Utami, Trianna W; Miyoshi, Keiko; Hagita, Hiroko; Yanuaryska, Ryna Dwi; Horiguchi, Taigo; Noma, Takafumi


    Ameloblasts produce enamel matrix proteins such as amelogenin, ameloblastin, and amelotin during tooth development. The molecular mechanisms of ameloblast differentiation (amelogenesis) are currently not well understood. SP6 is a transcription factor of the Sp/KLF family that was recently found to regulate cell proliferation in a cell-type-specific manner. Sp6-deficient mice demonstrate characteristic tooth anomalies such as delayed eruption of the incisors and supernumerary teeth with disorganized amelogenesis. However, it remains unclear how Sp6 controls amelogenesis. In this study, we used SP6 high producer cells to identify SP6 target genes. Based on the observations that long-term culture of SP6 high producer cells reduced SP6 protein expression but not Sp6 mRNA expression, we found that SP6 is short lived and specifically degraded through a proteasome pathway. We established an in vitro inducible SP6 expression system coupled with siRNA knockdown and found a possible linkage between SP6 and amelogenesis through the regulation of amelotin and Rock1 gene expression by microarray analysis. Our findings suggest that the regulation of SP6 protein stability is one of the crucial steps in amelogenesis.

  5. Possible Linkage of SP6 Transcriptional Activity with Amelogenesis by Protein Stabilization

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    Trianna W. Utami


    Full Text Available Ameloblasts produce enamel matrix proteins such as amelogenin, ameloblastin, and amelotin during tooth development. The molecular mechanisms of ameloblast differentiation (amelogenesis are currently not well understood. SP6 is a transcription factor of the Sp/KLF family that was recently found to regulate cell proliferation in a cell-type-specific manner. Sp6-deficient mice demonstrate characteristic tooth anomalies such as delayed eruption of the incisors and supernumerary teeth with disorganized amelogenesis. However, it remains unclear how Sp6 controls amelogenesis. In this study, we used SP6 high producer cells to identify SP6 target genes. Based on the observations that long-term culture of SP6 high producer cells reduced SP6 protein expression but not Sp6 mRNA expression, we found that SP6 is short lived and specifically degraded through a proteasome pathway. We established an in vitro inducible SP6 expression system coupled with siRNA knockdown and found a possible linkage between SP6 and amelogenesis through the regulation of amelotin and Rock1 gene expression by microarray analysis. Our findings suggest that the regulation of SP6 protein stability is one of the crucial steps in amelogenesis.

  6. Chaenorhinum semispeluncarum sp. nov. and C. yildirimlii sp. nov. (Scrophulariaceae) from east Anatolia, Turkey

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yildirim, Hasan; Tan, Kit; Senol, Serdar


    Chaenorhinum semispeluncarum H. Yildirim, Kit Tan, S. Senol & A. Pirhan sp. nov. and C. yildirimlii Kit Tan, H. Yildirim, S. Senol & A. Pirhan sp. nov. (Scrophulariaceae, C. sect. Microrrhinum) from east Anatolia are described and illustrated. They are both narrow endemics related to the rare C. ...

  7. AÇÃO ANTIFÚNGICA in vitro DE ISOLADOS DE Bacillu s sp. SOBRE Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici

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    Full Text Available This study aimed to evaluate antagonism and metabolites produced by different species of Ba- cillus in the inhibition of mycelial growth in vitro against F. oxysporum f. sp . lycopersici . For evaluating the antagonism of Bacillus spp. F. oxysporum f. sp . lycopersici was performed pairing of fungus and bacteria by the method of the circle. In the method for detection for the quality for thermostable metabolites liquids. Media BD were used for growth of the isolated Bacillus sp. And incubated for 15 days. After this period, was added 3 g of agar in each flask, and autoclaved broth and poured into Petri dishes. In the center of the plates were placed discs culture of the pathogen. The experimental design was completely randomized with 11 treatments and six repetitions in both experiments. Statistical difference was found between the isolate and the control. Special mention to strains B12 ( Bacillus sp., B41 ( B. cereus , B22' ( B.pentothenticus , B45 ( B. cereus , B47 ( B. cereus that exhibited the lowest average diameter of the colony. To study the inhibition of mycelial growth of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici by thermostatable metabolites five differ statistically from the control they are: B35 ( B. pumilus , B47 ( B. cereus , B22' ( B. pentothenticus , B12 ( Bacillus sp. and B41 ( B. cereus the latter two treatments showed the best results of the pathogen colony diameters and 3.81 to 2.89 cm, respective- ly. B12 and B41 Isolates showed that their antibiotic products were able to inhibit 67.88 % and 57,66 % of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici . These results highlight the possibility of using isolates of the genus Bacillus in the fight against fusarium wilt in tomato.

  8. Análisis de perfiles de temperatura durante el proceso de calentamiento de frutas por microondas


    Arballo, Javier Ramiro; Campañone, Laura Analia; Mascheroni, Rodolfo Horacio


    La transferencia de energía durante el proceso de calentamiento por microondas de frutas fue estudiada teórica y experimentalmente mediante el modelado y simulación numérica. Con el fin de describir los fenómenos de transporte puestos en juego durante el proceso de calentamiento, en primer lugar se planteó el balance microscópico de energía con propiedades globales en función de la temperatura; la generación interna de calor debida a la interacción del alimento con la energía electromagnética...

  9. Efecto de la ingesta sobre la volemia durante la sesión de hemodiálisis


    Molina Mejías, Patricia; Quesada Armenteros, María Trinidad; Ruiz Almería, Sonia; Liébana Pamos, Beatriz; Esquinas Marta, Miriam; Martínez Aranda, M.ª Amor


    Introducción: Desde el punto de vista enfermero nos planteamos si los pacientes pueden o no ingerir alimentos durante la sesión de hemodiálisis. Objetivo: Con este estudio nos proponemos evaluar la repercusión hemodinámica de la ingesta intrahemodiálisis en relación con la caída de volumen sanguíneo y la tensión arterial. Material y Método: Se realiza un estudio prospectivo, observacional, transversal en 22 pacientes adultos en programa de hemodiálisis crónica, recogiendo datos durante tres s...

  10. SP-100 Program overview

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Truscello, V.C.


    The SP-100 Program is expected to go through three phases: technology assessment and advancement, ground testing, and flight qualification. Currently the program is in the two- to three-year technology assessment and advancement stage. Goals are to identify the space nuclear power system concept that best meets anticipated requirements of future space missions, assess the technical feasibility of that concept, and establish a cost and schedule for developing the concept. The SP-100 Project Office has begun the implementation activities needed to meet these goals. With regard to refractory alloys, a better data base will be required before we move ahead in the program from technology assessment to ground demonstration

  11. Environmental interactions and the SP-100 power system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferguson, D.C.


    The Civil Space Technology Initiative High-Capacity-Power Environmental Interactions Program has made great progress in defining and evaluating the interactions of the SP-100 power system with its expected ambient environments. The NASCAP/LEO and POLAR computer codes demonstrated that local electric fields at the user interface module are high. Therefore, particular attention must be paid to geometries and materials in this region to prevent arcing at conductor-insulator junctions in low Earth orbit. NASCAP/LEO and EPSAT computer models revealed that SP-100 payloads float about 100 V negative of the LEO plasma. In addition, ground tests and modeling done for the Space Station Freedom Electrical Grounding Tiger Team found that dielectric coatings often break down at such voltages in a plasma. Thus, surface coatings for SP-100 payloads should be carefully selected. Sputtering may also be a concern for long-duration missions in LEO at these voltages. Much work has been done on a sputtering model to evaluate surface material loss rates on SP-100 payloads. In ground plasma chamber tests of cables and cable insulators at SP-100 voltages, parasitic power losses due to the plasma current collected from possible pinholes or coating defects were quantified and shown to be small. Modeling revealed that the power loss from currents to other surfaces is also small. The atomic oxygen durability of SP-100 materials and coatings continues to be investigated in ground tests. In the upcoming Evaluation of Oxygen Interaction with Materials (EOIM-3) Shuttle flight experiment, a host of SP-100 materials will be evaluated for atomic oxygen durability in LEO. Finally, an evaluation of the interactions of the SP-100 power system with lunar and planetary environments has started. At a workshop on chemical and electrical interactions on Mars recently held at the NASA Lewis Research Center, many of primary interactions were identified

  12. Aplicação de ethephon e qualidade da uva 'Rubi' em Porto Feliz-SP Ethephon on 'Rubi' grapevine quality in Porto Feliz, SP

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    Alessandro Rodrigues


    Full Text Available A produção de uvas de mesa é uma importante atividade econômica no Estado de São Paulo. A região de Porto Feliz, em clima Cwa, apresenta grande número de agricultores familiares dedicados a esta atividade. Condições climáticas e manejo da cultura durante a fase de amadurecimento determinam a qualidade dos bagos, sendo o uso de fitorreguladores uma ferramenta útil para o ajustamento de atributos da qualidade. Avaliaram-se sete concentrações de ethephon, aplicadas por imersão dos cachos no início da mudança de coloração dos bagos, sobre a qualidade de uva 'Rubi', durante os ciclos de 2007 e de 2008, em propriedade comercial localizada em Porto Feliz-SP. Os atributos de qualidade avaliados foram a coloração de bagos, teor de sólidos solúveis totais e desbagoamento pós-colheita, sendo determinado também o índice de velocidade de desbagoamento. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à análise de variância e de regressão. Em 2007, observaram-se maiores coloração e teor de sólidos solúveis totais, associados às maiores temperaturas registradas no período entre o início de maturação e a colheita. O uso de ethephon, independentemente da concentração utilizada, promoveu coloração mais avermelhada dos bagos de 'Rubi' nas duas safras. Não houve efeito do uso do ethephon sobre o teor de sólidos solúveis totais. Não foi possível inferir sobre o efeito do etephon no desbagoamento em função do elevado coeficiente de variação. Estudos básicos para avaliar o efeito de fatores climáticos, nutricionais e de manejo do vinhedo são necessários no desenvolvimento de coloração dos bagos da cultivar 'Rubi' em clima tropical.Grapevine production for fresh market is an important economic activity in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The region of Porto Feliz is located in Cwa climate and concentrates several small producers. Climatic conditions and cultural practices during fruit maturation determine berry quality, and

  13. SP-100/Brayton power system concepts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Owen, D.F.


    Use of closed Brayton cycle (CBC) power conversion technology has been investigated for use with SP-100 reactors for space power systems. The CBC power conversion technology is being developed by Rockwell International under the Dynamic Isotype Power System (DIPS) and Space Station Freedom solar dynamic power system programs to provide highly efficient power conversion with radioisotype and solar collector heat sources. Characteristics including mass, radiator area, thermal power, and operating temperatures for systems utilizing SP-100 reactor and CBC power conversion technology were determined for systems in the 10-to 100-kWe power range. Possible SP-100 reactor/CBC power system configurations are presented. Advantages of CBC power conversion technology with regard to reactor thermal power, operating temperature, and development status are discussed

  14. Progress in space nuclear reactor power systems technology development - The SP-100 program (United States)

    Davis, H. S.


    Activities related to the development of high-temperature compact nuclear reactors for space applications had reached a comparatively high level in the U.S. during the mid-1950s and 1960s, although only one U.S. nuclear reactor-powered spacecraft was actually launched. After 1973, very little effort was devoted to space nuclear reactor and propulsion systems. In February 1983, significant activities toward the development of the technology for space nuclear reactor power systems were resumed with the SP-100 Program. Specific SP-100 Program objectives are partly related to the determination of the potential performance limits for space nuclear power systems in 100-kWe and 1- to 100-MW electrical classes. Attention is given to potential missions and applications, regimes of possible space power applicability, safety considerations, conceptual system designs, the establishment of technical feasibility, nuclear technology, materials technology, and prospects for the future.

  15. Estrategias cognitivas desarrolladas durante el juego por tenistas de diferente nivel de pericia

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    Luis García González


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar las estrategias cognitivas utilizadas por jugadores de tenis durante el juego real de competición, comparando la planificación táctica desarrollada en función del nivel de pericia de los sujetos. La investigación fue realizada con 6 tenistas, 3 jugadores noveles y 3 jugadores expertos. Los deportistas fueron entrevistados nada más terminar la acción de juego para que verbalizaran sobre qué estaban pensando en ese momento. El análisis de contenido de los informes verbales se ha realizado mediante un sistema de categorías propuesto originalmente por McPherson (1999, 2000. Los resultados muestran que los expertos poseen una estructura de conocimiento mayor, más compleja y más sofisticada, que les permite planificar mejor sus posteriores decisiones durante el juego.

  16. Caries dental asociada a factores de riesgo durante el embarazo

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    Antonio Cecilio Pérez Oviedo


    Full Text Available El periodo gestacional se relaciona con una mayor incidencia de caries dental, aunque la asociación entre gestación e incremento de caries no ha podido aún ser científicamente demostrada. Se propuso realizar un estudio para determinar la presencia de caries dental y algunos factores de riesgo asociados en el primer y tercer trimestre del embarazo, para detectar la aparición de lesiones cariosas nuevas y cambios relacionados con los factores de riesgo entre ambos trimestres. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal desde diciembre de 2006 a febrero de 2008 en el municipio de Florida, Camagüey, Cuba. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por 38 embarazadas y la muestra por 21, que fueron interrogadas y examinadas en ambos trimestres con el objetivo de determinar la presencia de caries y los factores de riesgo asociados como: higiene bucal deficiente, dieta cariogénica, pH salival bajo, ocurrencia de vómitos y embarazo previo. La información necesaria fue recogida en un formulario confeccionado al efecto. En el primer trimestre el 80,95 % estaban afectadas por caries dental y se observó aparición de lesiones nuevas en 6 embarazadas, en el tercer trimestre. Los factores de riesgo presentados con mayor frecuencia en el primer trimestre fueron la dieta cariogénica en el 66,66 % y la higiene bucal deficiente en el 47,61 % de las pacientes. Ninguna embarazada modificó la dieta durante el embarazo, sin embargo la higiene bucal deficiente persistió en el 14,28 %. El 52,38 % de las embarazadas afectadas en el primer trimestre consumían dieta cariogénica y el 47,61 % habían tenido embarazo previo. Se concluyó que hubo afectación por nuevas caries durante el embarazo, los factores de riesgo que predominantes fueron la dieta cariogénica, la higiene bucal deficiente y el embarazo previo. Las pacientes no modificaron la dieta durante el embarazo, pero sí mejoraron la higiene bucal. Todas las que presentaban vómitos y pH salival

  17. Superficial disposition of the N-terminal region of the surfactant protein SP-C and the absence of specific SP-B-SP-C interactions in phospholipid bilayers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plasencia, I; Cruz, A; Casals, C


    . The fluorescence emission spectrum of Dns-SP-C in phospholipid bilayers is similar to the spectrum of dansyl-phosphatidylethanolamine, and indicates that the N-terminal end of the protein is located at the surface of the membranes and is exposed to the aqueous environment. In membranes containing...... phosphatidylglycerol (PG), the fluorescence of Dns-SP-C shows a 3-fold increase with respect to the fluorescence of phosphatidylcholine (PC), suggesting that electrostatic lipid-protein interactions induce important effects on the structure and disposition of the N-terminal segment of the protein in these membranes...... of the N-terminal segment of the protein into less polar environments that originate during protein lateral segregation. This suggests that conformation and interactions of the N-terminal segment of SP-C could be important in regulating the lateral distribution of the protein in surfactant bilayers...

  18. El turismo cultural: gestión de partes interesadas y la complejidad del equilibrio

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    Alfredo Ascanio


    Full Text Available El equilibrio del desarrollo sostenible es posible siempre que las partes interesadas colaboren entre sí. Durante 1999 comenzó el desarrollo de un modelo normativo de planificación turística basado en la coordinación de los intereses de los actores del turismo. Esta herramienta lograría equilibrar los intereses de las partes implicadas y sus servicios. Ello supone implantar una estrategia de segmentación, como fue sugerido por los expertos en marketing turístico Elise Truly Sautter y Birgit Leisen.


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    F. Huertas


    Full Text Available
    Dentro de las rutinas de la gimnasia deportiva, un elemento común son las
    recepciones sobre la colchoneta. En este sentido, diversos han sido los estudios cinéticos y cinemáticos realizados sobre la recepción y cuyos resultados pueden han sido útiles para la mejora en la compresión de la recepción y diseño de colchonetas. No obstante, el estudio de las presiones plantares durante la recepción no ha sido desarrollado por ninguna
    investigación a pesar de que el pie transmite al cuerpo las cargas de reacción generadas en el contacto con la colchoneta y dependiendo de su magnitud, frecuencia y punto de aplicación se pueden producir diferentes lesiones. El conocimiento de dichas cargas es importante no solo para la prevención de lesiones o criterios en el diseño de colchonetas, sino también para la mejora del rendimiento deportivo, mejorando la estabilidad durante la recepción. El presente trabajo muestra cuales son las zonas del pie a analizar, el patrón y las magnitudes de las presiones plantares durante una recepción tras un salto.

  20. aPKC-ι/P-Sp1/Snail signaling induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition and immunosuppression in cholangiocarcinoma. (United States)

    Qian, Yawei; Yao, Wei; Yang, Tao; Yang, Yan; Liu, Yan; Shen, Qi; Zhang, Jian; Qi, Weipeng; Wang, Jianming


    Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a highly malignant bile duct cancer that tends to invade and metastasize early. The epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) has been implicated in cancer cell invasion and metastasis, as well as in cancer cell evasion of host immunity. In this study, we investigated the interaction between atypical protein kinase C-iota (aPKC-ι) and Snail in the regulation of EMT and its relationship to CCA immunosuppression. Our results demonstrated that aPKC-ι, Snail, and infiltrated immunosuppressive cells were significantly up-regulated in CCA tumor tissues and linked to poor prognosis. aPKC-ι induced EMT and immunosuppression by regulating Snail in vitro and in vivo, although aPKC-ι did not directly interact with Snail in coimmunoprecipitation experiments. To further clarify the molecular interaction between aPKC-ι and Snail in relation to EMT, quantitative iTRAQ-based phosphoproteomic analysis and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry were conducted to identify the substrates of aPKC-ι-dependent phosphorylation. Combined with coimmunoprecipitation, we showed that specificity protein 1 (Sp1) was directly phosphorylated by aPKC-ι on Ser59 (P-Sp1). Both Sp1 and P-Sp1 were up-regulated in CCA tumor tissues and associated with clinicopathological features and poor prognosis in CCA patients. Moreover, using chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, we found that P-Sp1 regulated Snail expression by increasing Sp1 binding to the Snail promoter. P-Sp1 also regulated aPKC-ι/Snail-induced EMT-like changes and immunosuppression in CCA cells. Our findings further indicated that CCA cells with EMT-like features appear to generate immunosuppressive natural T regulatory-like cluster of differentiation 4-positive (CD4 + )CD25 - cells rather than to increase CD4 + CD25 + natural T regulatory cells, in part by mediating T regulatory-inducible cytokines such as transforming growth factor β1 and interleukin 2. These results demonstrate that a

  1. 76 FR 56876 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Forms 9779, 9779(SP), 9783, 9783(SP), 9787, 9787(SP... (United States)


    ... and 9789(SP), Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). DATES: Written comments should be received on or before November 14, 2011 to be assured of consideration. ADDRESSES: Direct all [email protected] . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title: Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). OMB...

  2. Sexualidad femenina durante la gestación

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    Ignacio González Labrador


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión sobre diferentes criterios de la conveniencia, presencia y frecuencia de las relaciones sexuales durante el proceso de gestación, y brindamos resultados de algunos trabajos realizados al respecto. Los tabúes, los prejuicios, la desinformación y muchas veces el desconocimiento alrededor de este tema que tanta atención precisa, han llevado a que se le investigue poco o se trate de forma equivocadaA review of the various criteria about the convenience, presence and frequency of sexual relations during pregnancy was made and the results of some papers are also presented. Taboos, prejudices, distorted information and lack of knowledge about this topic that requires so much attention have led to insufficient research or to wrong analyses of the subject

  3. Genome sequence of the dark pink pigmented Listia bainesii microsymbiont Methylobacterium sp. WSM2598. (United States)

    Ardley, Julie; Tian, Rui; Howieson, John; Yates, Ron; Bräu, Lambert; Han, James; Lobos, Elizabeth; Huntemann, Marcel; Chen, Amy; Mavromatis, Konstantinos; Markowitz, Victor; Ivanova, Natalia; Pati, Amrita; Goodwin, Lynne; Woyke, Tanja; Kyrpides, Nikos; Reeve, Wayne


    Strains of a pink-pigmented Methylobacterium sp. are effective nitrogen- (N2) fixing microsymbionts of species of the African crotalarioid genus Listia. Strain WSM2598 is an aerobic, motile, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming rod isolated in 2002 from a Listia bainesii root nodule collected at Estcourt Research Station in South Africa. Here we describe the features of Methylobacterium sp. WSM2598, together with information and annotation of a high-quality draft genome sequence. The 7,669,765 bp draft genome is arranged in 5 scaffolds of 83 contigs, contains 7,236 protein-coding genes and 18 RNA-only encoding genes. This rhizobial genome is one of 100 sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute 2010 G enomic E ncyclopedia for B acteria and A rchaea- R oot N odule B acteria (GEBA-RNB) project.

  4. Draft Genome Sequence of Exiguobacterium sp. Strain BMC-KP, an Environmental Isolate from Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. (United States)

    Hyson, Peter; Shapiro, Joshua A; Wien, Michelle W


    Exiguobacterium sp. strain BMC-KP was isolated as part of a student environmental sampling project at Bryn Mawr College, PA. Sequencing of bacterial DNA assembled a 3.32-Mb draft genome. Analysis suggests the presence of genes for tolerance to cold and toxic metals, broad carbohydrate metabolism, and genes derived from phage. Copyright © 2015 Hyson et al.

  5. Estrategias empleadas por las madres durante el proceso de alimentación en niños de 6 a 24 meses de dos comunidades rurales de Lima, Perú

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    Gandy Dolores-Maldonado

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Conocer las estrategias de la madre durante el proceso de alimentación en niños de 6 a 24 meses de dos comunidades de Lima. Materiales y métodos. Estudio cualitativo, participaron 18 madres primíparas o multíparas de niños de 6-24 meses de edad, se empleó un muestreo intencionado por edad y paridad de la madre, se realizaron 36 observaciones directas y 12 entrevistas a profundidad. Análisis de datos inductivo, las categorías se agruparon por temas y por técnica, llegando a un consenso de los temas entre autores. Resultados. La comunicación verbal se vio marcadamente más en las madres multíparas. Se encontraron tres grandes temas; comunicación verbal madre-hijo, las madres multíparas fueron quienes utilizaron palabras afectivas durante la comida. Involucramiento y estrategias para dar de comer se vio caracterizado por la animación al niño a terminar la comida mediante, juegos y cantos que mostraron las madres multíparas con ayuda, algunas veces, de otros integrantes de la familia; sin embargo, no se obtuvo los mismos resultados por parte de las madres primíparas, ellas generalmente se tornaron represivas ante el rechazo de la comida. El contexto durante la comida, favorece a que el niño termine su comida. Conclusiones. Las estrategias utilizadas durante el tiempo de comida fueron variadas y parcializadas; predominantemente para las madres multíparas, actuando de una forma más activa y responsiva, sin embargo, las madres primíparas pueden llegar a actuar de una forma autoritaria cuando el menor se ensucia, juega y/o rechaza los alimentos

  6. Single Cystosorus Isolate Production and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Characterization of the Obligate Biotroph Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea. (United States)

    Qu, Xinshun; Christ, Barbara J


    ABSTRACT Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea causes powdery scab in potatoes and is distributed worldwide. Genetic studies of this pathogen have been hampered due, in part, to its obligate parasitism and the lack of molecular markers for this pathogen. In this investigation, a single cystosorus inoculation technique was developed to produce large amounts of S. subterranea f. sp. subterranea plasmodia or zoosporangia in eastern black nightshade (Solanum ptycanthum) roots from which DNA was extracted. Cryopreservation of zoosporangia was used for long-term storage of the isolates. S. subterranea f. sp. subterranea-specific restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were developed from randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fragments. Cystosori of S. subterranea f. sp. subterranea were used for RAPD assays and putative pathogen-specific RAPD fragments were cloned and sequenced. The fragments were screened for specificity by Southern hybridization and subsequent DNA sequence BLAST search. Four polymorphic S. subterranea f. sp. subterranea-specific probes containing repetitive elements, and one containing single copy DNA were identified. These RFLP probes were then used to analyze 24 single cystosorus isolates derived from eight geographic locations in the United States and Canada. Genetic variation was recorded among, but not within, geographic locations. Cluster analysis separated the isolates into two major groups: group I included isolates originating from western North America, with the exception of those from Colorado, and group II included isolates originating from eastern North America and from Colorado. The techniques developed in this study, i.e., production of single cystosorus isolates of S. subterranea f. sp. subterranea and development of RFLP markers for this pathogen, provide methods to further study the genetic structure of S. subterranea f. sp. subterranea.

  7. Determinación del tiempo del vaciado del estómago de la tilapia Oreochromis sp. mediante la utilización de diferentes frecuencias de alimentación semanal y ayuno

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    José Ader Gómez-Peñaranda


    Full Text Available En el estudio se midió el tiempo necesario para el vaciado total del estómago de tilapias (Oreochromis sp. en el día de comienzo regular de alimentación posterior a un periodo de ayuno. Se recolectaron muestras de contenido estomacal en periodos de 2 horas después del suministro de alimento (9:30 y 15:30 h hasta el primer indicio de vaciado. Se utilizaron tilapias con un promedio de peso vivo de 150 ± 10 g dispuestas en cuatro tratamientos: (1 T5 = alimentación a saciedad durante 5 días y ayuno de 2 días (T5, (2 T6 = alimentación a saciedad durante 6 días y ayuno de 1 día, (3 T7 = alimentación a saciedad durante 7 días, y (4 TC = alimentación restringida mediante tabla recomendada por el fabricante, 7 días a la semana. El análisis de datos se realizó mediante Anova de medidas repetidas, empleando como factores el tratamiento y el tiempo de vaciado, siendo cada repetición la unidad experimental. Las tilapias en el tratamiento T5 presentaron mayor cantidad de alimento en el estómago después del primer periodo de muestreo y en los muestreos posteriores al suministro de la primera y segunda ración. A diferencia del tratamiento T5, en los demás las tilapias vaciaron su contenido del estómago durante el periodo comprendido entre la primera y la segunda ración de alimentación y en el periodo posterior a la segunda ración. Por tanto, cuando el contenido estomacal fue mayor, debido a un mayor consumo de alimento en la ración, como en el caso del tratamiento T5, el tiempo necesario para vaciar el estómago de las tilapias se incrementó.

  8. Mineralization of a Malaysian crude oil by Pseudomonas sp. and Achromabacter sp. isolated from coastal waters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahmad, J.; Ahmad, M.F.


    Regarded as being a potentially effective tool to combat oil pollution, bioremediation involves mineralization, i.e., the conversion of complex hydrocarbons into harmless CO{sub 2} and water by action of microorganisms. Therefore, in achieving optimum effectiveness from the application of these products on crude oil in local environments, the capability of the bacteria to mineralize hydrocarbons was evaluated. The microbial laboratory testing of mineralization on local oil degraders involved, first, isolation of bacteria found at a port located on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Subsequently, these bacteria were identified by means of Biomereux`s API 20E and 20 NE systems and later screened by their growth on a Malaysian crude oil. Selected strains of Pseudomonas sp. and Achromabacter sp. were then exposed individually to a similar crude oil in a mineralization unit and monitored for 16 days for release of CO{sub 2}. Pseudomonas paucimobilis was found to produce more CO{sub 2} than Achromobacter sp. When tested under similar conditions, mixed populations of these two taxa produced more CO{sub 2} than that produced by any individual strain. Effective bioremediation of local crude in Malaysian waters can therefore be achieved from biochemically developed Pseudomonas sp. strains.

  9. Ocorrência do pólen de Podocarpus sp. (Podocarpaceae nas coletas de Frieseomelitta varia Lepeletier 1836 (Apidae: Meliponinae em uma área de Manaus, AM, Brasil Occurrence of Podocarpus sp. (Podocarpaceae pollen on Frieseomelitta varia Lepeletier 1836 (Apidae: Meliponinae in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

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    Antonio Carlos Marques-Souza


    Full Text Available Durante o período de doze meses, o pólen transportado por Frieseomelitta varia Lepeletier 1836 foi coletado das corbículas das operárias, logo após o fechamento da entrada das colméias. Feita a identificação polínica dos grãos de pólen e sua frequência mensal nas amostras, constatou-se que as espécies das famílias mais visitadas pela ordem de coleta, foram: Cecropiaceae, Sapotaceae, Myrtaceae e Moraceae. As operárias coletaram o pólen de 79 espécies de plantas distribuídas em 60 gêneros e 37 famílias, sendo as mais frequentes: Cecropia sp. visitada o ano todo com atratividade em janeiro de 82,03%, Morus sp. com atratividade de 37,46% em dezembro; Myrcia amazonica DC. com atratividade em abril de 32,34% e Pouteria macrophylla (A.DC. Eyma em junho com atratividade de 36,54%. Quanto a Podocarpus sp. esse é o primeiro relato da presença do pólen dessa espécie em coletas de meliponíneos, o que não deixa de ser um fato curioso, uma vez que se trata de uma gimnosperma encontrada em áreas específicas da região amazônica e que apresentou atratividade para Frieseomelitta varia Lepeletier 1836 de 4,94% no mês de março.Over a 12 month period, pollen was sampled from the corbiculae of workers of the stingless bee Frieseomelitta varia Lepeletier 1836. Collections were obtained immediately after sealing the hives, located in a forest fragment in the city of Manaus. Pollen was identified and monthly frequency of each type was tallied. The most-visited plant families in decreasing order of frequency were Cecropiaceae, Sapotaceae, Myrtaceae and Moraceae. Identified pollen was harvested from 79 plant species in 60 genera and 37 families. The most frequent species were: Cecropia sp., visited year-round but with highest attractiveness (82% in January; Morus sp., with peak attractiveness (37% in December; Myrcia amazonica DC. with 32% peak attractiveness in April; and Pouteria macrophylla (A.DC. Eyma, with 37% peak attractiveness in

  10. Consecuencias adversas inesperadas durante el uso de antimicrobianos: Cuándo el tratamiento puede ser peligroso para la salud




    Los efectos adversos de medicamentos en general y antimicrobianos en particular, son comunes y esperados de enfrentar durante la atención de los pacientes. La mayoría de ellos consiste en intolerancia, efectos colaterales y secundarios, alergia, idiosincrasia, sobredosis o interacciones farmacológicas indeseables. Durante el empleo de antimicrobianos con fines terapéuticos o preventivos en infecciones documentadas o sospechadas, pueden presentarse efectos adversos inesperados o consecuencias ...

  11. Municipio y mercado en el Aragón moderno : el abasto de carne en Albarracín durante la segunda mitad del Seiscientos

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    José Antonio Mateos Royo


    Full Text Available Estudio relativo a la política desarrollada por el concejo de Albarracín sobre el mercado de carne durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVII. La fuerte orientación ganadera de la zona motivó una modesta intervención pública en el mercado y un mayor grado de autoabastecimiento por parte de la población. El municipio moderó también la presión fiscal sobre la carne para sustentar la demanda local. Debido a la carencia de otras producciones agrarias significativas en la zona, los intereses de la elite local mantuvieron esta concepción del suministro durante el Seiscientos a pesar del creciente endeudamiento municipal. Esta política de abasto urbano favoreció la quiebra municipal. En última instancia, esta debilidad financiera redujo la protección al consumidor frente a carestías y el control público del mercado en favor de los tratos privados durante la segunda mitad de la centuria.This paper studies municipal politics carried out by the Albarracín council concerning the meat market during the second half of the Seventeenth Century. Cattle-raising orientation of the area prompted a slight public intervention on the market and a higher degree of self-provisioning by the inhabitants. Town council also decided to moderate fiscal pressure on the meat transactions in order to support local demand. Due to the lack of other significant agrarian productions in the area, interest of local elites help to maintain this supplying conception during the seventeenth century in spite of raising municipal indebtedness. This policy of town provisioning gradually promoted municipal bankruptcy. Moreover, this financial weakness reduced consumers’ protection facing scarcity and public intervention on the market in favour of private transactions during the second half of this century.

  12. Papanicolaou durante la menstruación: evaluación de muestras en cuatro hospitales de Lima

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    Lucy López


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Analizar la factibilidad de obtener una muestra adecuada para el citodiagnóstico durante la menstruación, utilizando la técnica de tomar la muestra cuando el cuello del útero luzca limpio, luego de retirar el flujo menstrual de su superficie. Diseño: Estudio prospectivo, de correlación, de medidas repetidas. Participantes: Mujeres en edad reproductiva. Métodos: Participaron 389 mujeres que acudieron a cuatro hospitales de la región Lima Sur, de quienes se colectó 208 pares de muestras de Papanicolaou: una muestra correspondió al periodo menstrual y otra sin menstruación. La muestra durante la menstruación se obtuvo luego de limpiar suavemente la superficie del cuello uterino con un algodón seco y de esperar a que no hubiera pulso de flujo menstrual a través del os exocervical. Las muestras fueron analizadas separadamente por dos anatomopatólogas. Principales medidas de resultados: Adecuación de las muestras para Papanicolaou tomadas durante la menstruación. Resultados: En dos hospitales en donde las muestras fueron tomadas por personal sensibilizado y entrenado en la técnica, se halló que las muestras con y sin menstruación eran adecuadas para estudio citológico, sin diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre ellas (p < 0,005. En los otros dos hospitales, en donde las muestras fueron tomadas mayormente por personal sin entrenamiento, se halló que 75% de las muestras tomadas durante la menstruación correspondía a extendido hemorrágico, no adecuadas para el estudio del Papanicolaou, habiendo diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre muestras adecuadas con menstruación y sin menstruación (p < 0,005. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos nos permiten concluir para este estudio que es posible tomar una muestra adecuada para análisis del Papanicolaou durante la menstruación, si el personal de salud conoce cómo obtener una muestra sin sangre menstrual y está motivado. Este procedimiento puede incrementar el

  13. SP (4,R) symmetry in light nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peterson, D.R.


    A classification of nuclear states according to the noncompact sympletic Lie algebras sp(2n,R), n = 1, 2, 3, is investigated. Such a classification has recently been shown to be physically meaningful. This classification scheme is the appropriate generalization fo Elliott's SU 3 model of rotational states in deformed light nuclei to include core excitations. A restricted classification according to the Lie algebra, sp(4,R), is motivated. Truncation of the model space to a single sp(4,R) irreducible representation allows the inclusion of states possessing very high excitation energy. An sp(4,R) model study is performed on S = T = 0 positive-parity rotational bands in the deformed light nuclei 16 O and 24 Mg. States are included in the model space that possess up to 10h ω in excitation energy. Results for the B(E2) transition rates compare favorable with experiment, without resort to effective charges


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    Paulo Guimarães Gandra


    Full Text Available O músculo esquelético gera constantemente espécies reativas de oxigênio, através da reduçãomonoeletrônica do oxigênio molecular. Durante o exercício físico o consumo de oxigênio pelamusculatura esquelética exercitada pode ser aumentado em aproximadamente 100 vezes.Acredita-se que a geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio deve ser proporcional a esteaumento. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar todos os possíveis locais e mecanismos deprodução de espécies reativas de oxigênio na musculatura esquelética durante o exercíciofísico. A tradicional visão de que o aumento do consumo de oxigênio e o aumento do fluxo deelétrons pela cadeia de transporte de elétrons mitocondrial regulam a produção de espéciesreativas de oxigênio durante e após o exercício pode não ser exclusiva, nem a mais importanteao considerarmos os vários tipos de exercício.

  15. Tortricidae (Lepidoptera from the Fiji Islands, part 2

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    Razowski Józef


    Full Text Available Forty-seven species are discussed. One new genus (Daedaluncus gen. n. and 15 new species (Adoxophyes vitilevu sp. n., Adoxophyes niuwudi sp. n., Atriscripta strigana sp. n., Helictophanes saccifera sp. n., Loboschiza oxybela sp. n., Epinotia prepuncus sp. n., Daedaluncus fijiensis sp. n., Coenobiodes vitiae sp. n., Tritopterna rakiraki sp. n., Spilosoma oligospina sp. n., Strepsicrates rotundata sp. n., Eccoptocera platamon sp. n., Herpystis sunia sp. n., Herpystis spinoa sp. n., Cryptophlebia ferrugulla sp. n. are described and illustrated.



    Padma Singh, Rekha Negi*, Vani Sharma, Alka Rani, Pallavi and Richa Prasad


    During present study Nattokinase which is a novel fibrinolytic enzyme was produced by Bacillus sp. To screen and extract nattokinase enzyme from Bacillus sp. were isolated from soil of different agricultural field by serial dilution method. Out of 10 isolate, one strain i.e. B3 produced nattokinase on screening medium. B3 was identified by biochemical characterization. The caseinolytic activity of Nattokinase was 0.526 U/ml and the selected isolate Bacillus sp. could produce active nattokinas...

  17. Molecular exploration of the highly radiation resistant cyanobacterium Arthrospira sp. PCC 8005 (United States)

    Badri, Hanène; Leys, Natalie; Wattiez, Ruddy

    Arthrospira (Spirulina) is a photosynthetic cyanobacterium able to use sunlight to release oxygen from water and remove carbon dioxide and nitrate from water. In addition, it is suited for human consumption (edible). For these traits, the cyanobacterium Arthrospira sp. PCC 8005 was selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) as part of the life support system MELiSSA for recycling oxygen, water, and food during future long-haul space missions. However, during such extended missions, Arthrospira sp. PCC 8005 will be exposed to continuous artificial illumination and harmful cosmic radiation. The aim of this study was to investigate how Arthrospira will react and behave when exposed to such stress environment. The cyanobacterium Arthrospira sp. PCC 8005 was exposed to high gamma rays doses in order to unravel in details the response of this bacterium following such stress. Test results showed that after acute exposure to high doses of 60Co gamma radiation upto 3200 Gy, Arthrospira filaments were still able to restart photosynthesis and proliferate normally. Doses above 3200 Gy, did have a detrimental effect on the cells, and delayed post-irradiation proliferation. The photosystem activity, measured as the PSII quantum yield immediately after irradiation, decreased significantly at radiation doses above 3200 Gy. Likewise through pigment content analysis a significant decrease in phycocyanin was observed following exposure to 3200 Gy. The high tolerance of this bacterium to 60Co gamma rays (i.e. ca. 1000x more resistant than human cells for example) raised our interest to investigate in details the cellular and molecular mechanisms behind this amazing resistance. Optimised DNA, RNA and protein extraction methods and a new microarray chip specific for Arthrospira sp. PCC 8005 were developed to identify the global cellular and molecular response following exposure to 3200 Gy and 5000 Gy A total of 15,29 % and 30,18 % genes were found differentially expressed in RNA

  18. Posibles factores que producen la caída de fruto de Myrciaria dubia (HBK Mc Vaugh, "camu camu" durante la fenología reproductiva de la colección "cinco cuencas" en el centro experimental San Miguel - IIAP, Loreto, Perú

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    Sonia Farro


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron plantas de “camu camu” en cinco cuencas de Loreto (Perú, según el porcentaje de frutos con síntomas de infestación por plagas, la retención de flores y frutos en cada una de las cuencas y diámetros de ramas, y la influencia de la precipitación y temperatura en el proceso de caída de frutos según el estado fenológico. En el factor genético, la cuenca del río Putumayo destacó por presentar mayor retención de frutos, mayor rendimiento y peso promedio de frutos, así como menor ataque por plagas. Durante el proceso fenológico que duró 12 semanas, la etapa crítica de caída de flores y frutos ocurrió durante las primeras 7, siendo la retención de flores del 5.12%. Las plagas observadas son causantes del 9.27% de la caída, siendo el 9.15% causada por Edessa sp., y 0.12% por Conotrachellus dubiae. El otro 90.73% fue originado por otros factores no determinados tales como fisiológicos, nutritivos, competencia, vientos, lluvia. Los factores ambientales de temperatura y precipitación, ejercen una influencia directa e inversamente proporcional a la caída de frutos, respectivamente.

  19. Control of Ectoparasitic Monogenean Infestation on GIFT Tilapia (Oreochromis sp. using Salt Addition

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    Yani Hadiroseyani


    Full Text Available Ectoparasitic monogenean infestation is one of fish diseases which may cause mass mortality, therefore controlling the parasites is one of the important factors to ensure the success of aquaculture activities. Salt addition is one of disease curative and controlling techniques which is cheap, easy and environmental friendly as well as effective to control ectoparasites in freshwater environment. The objectives of this study were to examine monogenean parasites species in GIFT (Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia tilapia, their tolerance to salt concentration and the most effective salt concentration to control the parasites. Identification, intensity and prevalence of parasitic monogenean were carried out on the external parts (body surface, fins and gills of 31 fishes. Subsequently, two different experiments were carried out  to determine parasites and fish resistance on various salt concentration at a range of 0 - 24 g/l with an interval of 2 g/l. To confirm the results of previous experiment, parasites infected fish was immersed in salt water at various concentration based on previous experiments. Two genera of monogenean were identified in GIFT tilapia, i.e. Gyrodactylus sp. on body surface and fins, and Cichlidogyrus sp. on gills with the same prevalence (100%. The intensity of those parasites was different, namely 27.84 ind/fish for Gyrodactylus sp. and 6.06 ind/fish for Cichlidogyrus sp. The intensity of both parasites was found to be lower as salt concentration increase. Salt concentration of 24 g/l was the most effective concentration to reduce parasites infestation and could totally treat the infested fish within 6 days. Keyword : tilapia, Oreochromis, monogenea, parasite and salt     ABSTRAK Serangan monogenea ektoparasitik merupakan salah satu masalah penyakit ikan yang dapat menyebabkan kematian masal, sehingga pengendaliannya merupakan salah satu kunci keberhasilan dalam usaha budidaya. Garam merupakan agen penyembuh atau

  20. Wheat TaSP gene improves salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. (United States)

    Ma, Xiaoli; Cui, Weina; Liang, Wenji; Huang, Zhanjing


    A novel salt-induced gene with unknown functions was cloned through analysis of gene expression profile of a salt-tolerant wheat mutant RH8706-49 under salt stress. The gene was named Triticum aestivum salt-related protein (TaSP) and deposited in GenBank (Accession No. KF307326). Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) results showed that TaSP expression was induced under salt, abscisic acid (ABA), and polyethylene glycol (PEG) stresses. Subcellular localization revealed that TaSP was mainly localized in cell membrane. Overexpression of TaSP in Arabidopsis could improve salt tolerance of 35S::TaSP transgenic Arabidopsis. 35S::TaSP transgenic Arabidopsis lines after salt stress presented better physiological indexes than the control group. In the non-invasive micro-test (NMT), an evident Na(+) excretion was observed at the root tip of salt-stressed 35S::TaSP transgenic Arabidopsis. TaSP promoter was cloned, and its beta-glucuronidase (GUS) activities before and after ABA, salt, cold, heat, and salicylic acid (SA) stresses were determined. Full-length TaSP promoter contained ABA and salt response elements. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  1. Incidentes en la zona aérea de Canarias y Africa occidental durante la II Guerra Mundial

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    Juan José Díaz Benítez


    Full Text Available La política exterior española durante la II Guerra Mundial empezó a virar hacia la neutralidad con la llegada de Gómez Jordana al Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores en 1942. Sin embrago, la colaboración con el Eje, aún no concluida, provocó, fuertes presiones por parte de los aliados durante el resto de la guerra y alentó la sospecha de que aún continuaba el abastecimiento clandestino de submarinos alemanes en Canarias. Por ello. los aviones aliados sobrevolaron frecuentemente la Zona Aérea de Canarias y África Occidental entre principios de 1943 y el verano de 1944, provocando la reacción de las baterías de artillería antiaérea españolas e incluso la intervenci6n de los cazas con base en Gando. En ningún momento las fuerzas españolas intentaron derribar a los aviones aliados que atravesaban las aguas territoriales, sino sólo avisarlos para que se retiraran. No obstante, los aviones aliados persistieron, dando lugar a graves incidentes que estuvieron punto de ocasionar una fatalidad. Finalmente, las prolongadas gestiones diplomáticas emprendidas a finales de 1943 acabaron con estos incidentes, los cuales son un ejemplo olvidado de las tensas relaciones entre España y los aliados durante el declive del Eje.Spanish foreign policy through World War II turned to the way of neutrality after Gómez Jordana arrived at the Ministry of Foreign Affaires in 1943.  Howver, the persistent aid to tha Axis rose strong pressures by the Allies for the rest of the war and encouraged them for searching German U-boots at the Canary Islands. So Allied airplanes frequently flew over the Canary Islands and West Africa Aerial Zone between the beginning of 1943 and the summer of 1944, tempting the Spanish anti-aircraft batteries and the fighters based in Gaildo Gando reaction. The Spanish forces never tried to destroy the Allied aircrafts, but baut only warned them to keep away from yje Spanish aerial zone. Nevertheless, Allied planes still went on

  2. La visibilidad mediática de los soldados argentinos durante la Guerra de Malvinas en los diarios correntinos Época y El Litoral

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    Luis Daniel Chao


    Full Text Available El siguiente trabajo parte de la categoría régimen escópico de Martin Jay, para poder articularla con otras teorías que nos permitan entender el fenómeno de la visibilidad y abordar un caso particular.Una vez construido el entramado teórico, se propone una lectura centrada en la visibilidad de los soldados argentinos durante la Guerra de Malvinas en los periódicos correntinos Época y El Litoral, en los meses que van de abril a junio de 1982. Una vez establecidas algunas regularidades, se intentará ligarlas a determinadas condiciones discursivas que puedan generarlas.

  3. SP-100 initial startup and restart control strategy (United States)

    Halfen, Frank J.; Wong, Kwok K.; Switick, Dennis M.; Shukla, Jaikaran N.

    Startup control strategies for SP-100 are described. Revised control and operating strategies are discussed which have been developed and tested using the SP-100 dynamic simulation model Aries-GFS (Generic Flight System).

  4. Modular Stereoselective Synthesis of (1 -> 2)-C-Glycosides based on the sp(2)-sp(3) Suzuki-Miyaura Reaction

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Oroszová, B.; Choutka, J.; Pohl, Radek; Parkan, K.


    Roč. 21, č. 19 (2015), s. 7043-7047 ISSN 0947-6539 Grant - others:GA ČR(CZ) GPP207/12/P713; GA ČR(CZ) GA15-17572S Institutional support: RVO:61388963 Keywords : C-disaccharides * C-glycosides * diastereoselectivity * Mitsunobu reaction * sp(2)-sp(3) coupling Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry Impact factor: 5.771, year: 2015

  5. Cellulose powder from Cladophora sp. algae. (United States)

    Ek, R; Gustafsson, C; Nutt, A; Iversen, T; Nyström, C


    The surface are and crystallinity was measured on a cellulose powder made from Cladophora sp. algae. The algae cellulose powder was found to have a very high surface area (63.4 m2/g, N2 gas adsorption) and build up of cellulose with a high crystallinity (approximately 100%, solid state NMR). The high surface area was confirmed by calculations from atomic force microscope imaging of microfibrils from Cladophora sp. algae.

  6. Médicos y policías durante la epidemia de fiebre amarilla (Buenos Aires, 1871

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    Diego Galeano


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza la actuación de médicos y policías durante la epidemia de fiebre amarilla que tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Buenos Aires en 1871. Aunque las embestidas de enfermedades infectocontagiosas fueron recurrentes durante el siglo XIX, la epidemia de fiebre amarilla constituye un quiebre, no solo por sus dimensiones cuantitativas y por los efectos materiales sobre la ciudad, sino también por las querellas que suscitó entre discursos en pugna. En particular, se intenta mostrar aquí cómo las figuras de los médicos y los policías fueron posicionadas en relación al tema del héroe y del sacrificado en cumplimiento del deber.

  7. Specialised predation by Palpimanus sp. (Araneae: Palpimanidae ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This is the first detailed report on the natural prey and the prey-capture tactics of a Palpimanus sp. from Entebbe (Uganda). Although this species fed occasionally on insects, its dominant prey in the field was other spiders, especially jumping spiders (Salticidae) and their eggs. Encounters between Palpimanus sp. and ...


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    C.R. de ÁVILA


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi conduzido para detectar a ocorrência de Salmonella spp. em leite cru, leite pasteurizado tipo C e queijo "Minas Frescal". Analisaram-se 19 amostras de cada produto de diferentes marcas comerciais, adquiridas em diversos estabelecimentos comerciais em Piracicaba, SP. Segundo o padrão de amostragem e métodos adotados, não foi detectada a presença de Salmonella spp. nas amostras analisadas. Durante este trabalho, foi possível observar que os 3 meios de isolamento utilizados: agar verde brilhante, agar bismuto sulfito e agar Salmonella-Shigella, apresentaram baixa seletividade, uma vez que permitiram o crescimento de bactérias não pertencentes ao gênero Salmonella. O mesmo ocorreu com os caldos tetrationato e selenito-cistina utilizados no enriquecimento seletivo.This work was carried out to detect the occurrence of Salmonella spp. in raw milk type C, pasteurized milk and "Minas Frescal" cheese. A total of 19 samples of each product of different commercial brands, from various retail stores in Piracicaba, SP, were analyzed. According to the pattern of sampling and methodology adopted, none of the samples was positive for Salmonella. During this work, it was possible to observe that the 3 isolation media utilized, brilliant green agar, bismuth sulfite agar and Salmonella-Shigella agar, presented low selectivity, since they allowed the growth of non Salmonella organisms. The same occurred with the selective enrichment: tetrathionate broth and selenite-cystine broth.

  9. Agonum tulliae sp. n. from the Sila National Park (Calabria, southern Italy (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Platynini

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    A. Mazzei


    Full Text Available Agonum tulliae sp. n. is described from the Sila Massif upland in Calabria, Italy. This species is similar to Agonum (Olisares sexpunctatum (Linné, 1758 as far as the external morphology is concerned, but it is easy to distinguish by the colour pattern, the shape of pronotum, and at best by the morphology of male genitalia. The study includes some remarks about the habitat and ecology of the new species. It lives only in the eastern part of the Sila massif and occupies the southernmost part of the distribution area of the Agonum sexpunctatum (Linné, 1758 complex in Italy.

  10. Las fluctuaciones del nivel del mar durante el Cuaternario


    Pousa, Jorge Lorenzo; Isla, Federico Ignacio; Schnack, Enrique Jorge


    Los cambios del nivel del mar han ejercido una fuerte influencia en la evolución del planeta y en la historia de la humanidad. En una escala de tiempo geológico, las variaciones de los niveles oceánicos han dejado un registro ampliamente distribuido en la forma de depósitos sedimentarios. El descenso del nivel del mar durante la Ultima Glaciación, que alcanzó unos 120 metros hace 18.000 años, permitió la emergencia del estrecho de Bering y la migración humana desde Eurasia hacia América. Se e...

  11. Correlation of sp{sup 3} and sp{sup 2} fraction of carbon with electrical, optical and nano-mechanical properties of argon-diluted diamond-like carbon films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dwivedi, Neeraj [Physics of Energy Harvesting Division, National Physical Laboratory (CSIR), Dr. K.S. Krishnan Road, New Delhi (India); Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016 (India); Kumar, Sushil, E-mail: [Physics of Energy Harvesting Division, National Physical Laboratory (CSIR), Dr. K.S. Krishnan Road, New Delhi (India); Malik, H.K. [Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016 (India); Govind [Surface Physics and Nano Structures Group, National Physical Laboratory (CSIR), Dr. K.S. Krishnan Road, New Delhi 110012 (India); Rauthan, C.M.S.; Panwar, O.S. [Physics of Energy Harvesting Division, National Physical Laboratory (CSIR), Dr. K.S. Krishnan Road, New Delhi (India)


    In the present work the correlation of electrical, optical and nano-mechanical properties of argon-diluted diamond-like carbon (Ar-DLC) thin films with sp{sup 3} and sp{sup 2} fractions of carbon have been explored. These Ar-DLC thin films have been deposited, under varying C{sub 2}H{sub 2} gas pressures from 25 to 75 mTorr, by radio frequency-plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition technique. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies are performed to estimate the sp{sup 3} and sp{sup 2} fractions of carbon by deconvoluting C 1s core level spectra. Various electrical, optical and nano-mechanical parameters such as conductivity, I-V characteristics, optical band gap, stress, hardness, elastic modulus, plastic resistance parameter, elastic recovery and plastic deformation energy have been estimated and then correlated with calculated sp{sup 3} and sp{sup 2} fractions of carbon and sp{sup 3}/sp{sup 2} ratios. Observed tremendous electrical, optical and nano-mechanical properties in Ar-DLC films deposited under high base pressure conditions made it a cost effective material for not only hard and protective coating applications but also for electronic and optoelectronic applications.

  12. Antifungal Activity of Lactobacillus sp. Bacteria in the Presence of Xylitol and Galactosyl-Xylitol

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    Lidia Lipińska


    Full Text Available Lactic acid fermentation is a natural method of antimicrobial food protection. Antagonistic activity of Lactobacillus sp. bacteria, taking part in this process, is directed mainly against the same or other microorganisms. In this work we determine the impact of the presence of xylitol and galactosyl-xylitol on the antagonistic activity of 60 Lactobacillus sp. strains against indicator molds (Alternaria alternata, Alternaria brassicicola, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium latenicum, Geotrichum candidum, and Mucor hiemalis and yeasts (Candida vini. We used double-layer method to select antifungal strains of Lactobacillus bacteria and poisoned medium method to confirm their fungistatic properties. Additionally, we examined the inhibition of Alternaria brassicicola by Lactobacillus paracasei ŁOCK 0921 cultivated with xylitol or galactosyl-xylitol directly on wild cherries. The presence of xylitol and its galactosyl derivative led to increase of spectrum of antifungal activity in most of the studied plant-associated lactobacilli strains. However, no single strain exhibited activity against all the indicator microorganisms. The antifungal activity of Lactobacillus bacteria against molds varied considerably and depended on both the indicator strain and the composition of the medium. The presence of xylitol and galactosyl-xylitol in the growth medium is correlated with the antifungal activity of the studied Lactobacillus sp. bacteria against selected indicator molds.

  13. Antifungal Activity of Lactobacillus sp. Bacteria in the Presence of Xylitol and Galactosyl-Xylitol. (United States)

    Lipińska, Lidia; Klewicki, Robert; Klewicka, Elżbieta; Kołodziejczyk, Krzysztof; Sójka, Michał; Nowak, Adriana


    Lactic acid fermentation is a natural method of antimicrobial food protection. Antagonistic activity of Lactobacillus sp. bacteria, taking part in this process, is directed mainly against the same or other microorganisms. In this work we determine the impact of the presence of xylitol and galactosyl-xylitol on the antagonistic activity of 60 Lactobacillus sp. strains against indicator molds (Alternaria alternata, Alternaria brassicicola, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium latenicum, Geotrichum candidum, and Mucor hiemalis) and yeasts (Candida vini). We used double-layer method to select antifungal strains of Lactobacillus bacteria and poisoned medium method to confirm their fungistatic properties. Additionally, we examined the inhibition of Alternaria brassicicola by Lactobacillus paracasei ŁOCK 0921 cultivated with xylitol or galactosyl-xylitol directly on wild cherries. The presence of xylitol and its galactosyl derivative led to increase of spectrum of antifungal activity in most of the studied plant-associated lactobacilli strains. However, no single strain exhibited activity against all the indicator microorganisms. The antifungal activity of Lactobacillus bacteria against molds varied considerably and depended on both the indicator strain and the composition of the medium. The presence of xylitol and galactosyl-xylitol in the growth medium is correlated with the antifungal activity of the studied Lactobacillus sp. bacteria against selected indicator molds.

  14. Antifungal Activity of Lactobacillus sp. Bacteria in the Presence of Xylitol and Galactosyl-Xylitol (United States)

    Lipińska, Lidia; Klewicki, Robert; Klewicka, Elżbieta; Kołodziejczyk, Krzysztof; Sójka, Michał; Nowak, Adriana


    Lactic acid fermentation is a natural method of antimicrobial food protection. Antagonistic activity of Lactobacillus sp. bacteria, taking part in this process, is directed mainly against the same or other microorganisms. In this work we determine the impact of the presence of xylitol and galactosyl-xylitol on the antagonistic activity of 60 Lactobacillus sp. strains against indicator molds (Alternaria alternata, Alternaria brassicicola, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium latenicum, Geotrichum candidum, and Mucor hiemalis) and yeasts (Candida vini). We used double-layer method to select antifungal strains of Lactobacillus bacteria and poisoned medium method to confirm their fungistatic properties. Additionally, we examined the inhibition of Alternaria brassicicola by Lactobacillus paracasei ŁOCK 0921 cultivated with xylitol or galactosyl-xylitol directly on wild cherries. The presence of xylitol and its galactosyl derivative led to increase of spectrum of antifungal activity in most of the studied plant-associated lactobacilli strains. However, no single strain exhibited activity against all the indicator microorganisms. The antifungal activity of Lactobacillus bacteria against molds varied considerably and depended on both the indicator strain and the composition of the medium. The presence of xylitol and galactosyl-xylitol in the growth medium is correlated with the antifungal activity of the studied Lactobacillus sp. bacteria against selected indicator molds. PMID:27294124

  15. Efficacy of Artesunate + Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine (AS + SP and Amodiaquine + Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine (AQ + SP for Uncomplicated falciparum Malaria in Equatorial Guinea (Central Africa

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    Pilar Charle


    Full Text Available Objectives. The objectives of the study were (i to evaluate the efficacy of combination drugs, such as artesunate + sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (AS + SP and amodiaquine + sulphadoxine-pyripethamine (AQ + SP in treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria (ii to differentiate recrudescence from reinfection by analysing msp-1 and msp-2 genes of Plasmodium falciparum in treatment failure cases. Methods. We carried out an in vivo study in the year 2005 in 206 children between 6 to 59 months age groups. Of the 206, 120 received AQ + SP, and 86 received AS + SP. A clinical and parasitological followup during 14 days was undertaken. Finger-prick blood sample from each patient was taken on Whatman filter paper (no. 3 on days 0, 7, 14 and also the day when the parasite and symptoms reappeared for PCR analysis. Results. Late treatment failure was observed in 3.5% (4/114 with AQ + SP, and 2.5% (2/79 with AS + SP. The success rate was 96.5% with AQ + SP and 97.5% with AS + SP. No deaths and severe reactions were recorded. Out of the 6 treatment failure cases, one was reinfection as observed by PCR analysis of msp-1 and msp-2 genes on day 14. Discussion. Both the combinations found to be efficacious and safe and could be used as a first-line treatment for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Equatorial Guinea.

  16. Potential Marine Fungi Hypocreaceae sp. as Agarase Enzyme to Hydrolyze Macroalgae Gelidium latifolium (Potensi Jamur Hypocreaceae sp. sebagai Enzim Agarase untuk menghidrolisis Makroalga Gelidium latifolium

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    Mujizat Kawaroe


    Full Text Available Agarase dapat mendegradasi agar ke oligosakarida dan memiliki banyak manfaat untuk makanan, kosmetik, dan lain-lain. Banyak spesies pendegradasi agar adalah organismelaut. Beberapa agarase telah diisolasi dari genera yang berbeda dari mikroorganisme yang ditemukan di air dan sedimen laut. Hypocreaceae sp. diisolasi dari air laut Pulau Pari, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta, Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi gen 16S rDNA dari 500 basis pasangan, isolat A10 memiliki 99% kesamaan dengan Hypocreaceae sp. Enzim agarase ekstraseluler dari Hypocreaceae sp. memiliki pH dan suhu optimum pada 8 TrisHCl (0,148 μ.mL-1 dan 50°C (0,182 μ.mL-1, masing-masing. Enzim Agarase dari Hypocreaceae sp. mencapai kondisi optimum pada aktivitas enzim tertinggi selama inkubasi dalam 24 jam (0,323 μ.mL-1. SDS page mengungkapkan bahwa ada dua band dari protein yang dihasilkan oleh agarase dari Hypocreaceae sp. yang berada di berat molekul 39 kDa dan 44 kDa dan hidrolisis Gelidium latifolium diperoleh 0,88% etanol. Kata kunci: enzim agarase, Hypocreaceae sp., hidrolisis, fungi, rDNA. Agarase can degradedagarto oligosaccharide and has a lot of benefits for food, cosmetics, and others. Many species of agar- degrader are marine-organism. Several agarases have been isolated from different genera of microorganisms found in seawater and marine sediments. Hypocreaceae sp. was isolated from sea water of Pari Islands, Seribu Islands, Jakarta, Indonesia. Based on the results of the 16S rDNA gene identification of 500 base pairs, A10 isolates had 99 % similarity toHypocreaceae sp. The extracellular agarase enzyme from Hypocreaceae sp. have optimum pH and temperature at 8 TrisHCl (0.148 µ.mL-1 and 50 °C (0.182 µ.mL-1, respectively. Agarase enzyme of Hypocreaceae sp. reach an optimum condition at the highest enzyme activity during incubation in 24 hours (0.323 µ.mL-1. SDS Page revealed that there are two bands of protein produced by agarase of Hypocreaceae sp. which are at

  17. Freqüência e padrão da violência por parceiro íntimo antes, durante e depois da gravidez

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    Elisabete Pereira Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência e analisar o padrão da violência por parceiro íntimo antes e durante a gestação e no pós-parto. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte realizado com 960 mulheres de 18 a 49 anos, cadastradas no Programa Saúde da Família da cidade do Recife, PE, entre 2005 e 2006. As mulheres foram entrevistadas durante a gestação e no puerpério, utilizando-se um questionário adaptado do Estudo Multipaíses sobre a Saúde da Mulher e Violência Doméstica da Organização Mundial da Saúde. Para avaliar o padrão de ocorrência da violência por parceiro íntimo, entre um determinado período e o subseqüente, o odds ratio foi calculado com intervalos de 95% de confiança (IC95%. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de violência por parceiro íntimo antes, durante e/ou depois da gestação foi estimada em 47,4% e, para cada período isolado, em 32,4%, 31,0% e 22,6%, respectivamente. As mulheres que relataram violência antes da gravidez tiveram chance 11,6 vezes maior (IC95%: 8,3;16,2 de relatar violência durante a gravidez. Quando as mulheres relataram violência durante a gravidez, a chance de relatos no pós-parto foi 8,2 vezes maior (IC95%: 5,1;11,7. A violência psicológica foi a de maior prevalência, principalmente durante a gestação (28,8%; IC95%: 26,0%;31,7%; a sexual, a menos prevalente, especialmente no pós-parto (3,7%; IC95%: 2,6%;5,0%; e a física diminuiu quase 50% durante a gestação em comparação com o período anterior. CONCLUSÕES: Parcela significativa das mulheres em idade reprodutiva vivencia situações de violência por parceiro íntimo. Os períodos de consultas de pré-natal e de puericultura são oportunidades para que o profissional de saúde possa identificar situações de violência.

  18. Isolation of high-salinity-tolerant bacterial strains, Enterobacter sp., Serratia sp., Yersinia sp., for nitrification and aerobic denitrification under cyanogenic conditions. (United States)

    Mpongwana, N; Ntwampe, S K O; Mekuto, L; Akinpelu, E A; Dyantyi, S; Mpentshu, Y


    Cyanides (CN(-)) and soluble salts could potentially inhibit biological processes in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), such as nitrification and denitrification. Cyanide in wastewater can alter metabolic functions of microbial populations in WWTPs, thus significantly inhibiting nitrifier and denitrifier metabolic processes, rendering the water treatment processes ineffective. In this study, bacterial isolates that are tolerant to high salinity conditions, which are capable of nitrification and aerobic denitrification under cyanogenic conditions, were isolated from a poultry slaughterhouse effluent. Three of the bacterial isolates were found to be able to oxidise NH(4)-N in the presence of 65.91 mg/L of free cyanide (CN(-)) under saline conditions, i.e. 4.5% (w/v) NaCl. The isolates I, H and G, were identified as Enterobacter sp., Yersinia sp. and Serratia sp., respectively. Results showed that 81% (I), 71% (G) and 75% (H) of 400 mg/L NH(4)-N was biodegraded (nitrification) within 72 h, with the rates of biodegradation being suitably described by first order reactions, with rate constants being: 4.19 h(-1) (I), 4.21 h(-1) (H) and 3.79 h(-1) (G), respectively, with correlation coefficients ranging between 0.82 and 0.89. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal rates were 38% (I), 42% (H) and 48% (G), over a period of 168 h with COD reduction being highest at near neutral pH.

  19. In Vitro Antimicrobial Potential of the Lichen Parmotrema sp. Extracts against Various Pathogens. (United States)

    Chauhan, Ritika; Abraham, Jayanthi


    The ongoing increasing antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest challenges faced by global public health. The perennial need for new antimicrobials against a background of increasing antibiotic resistance in pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms obliges the scientific community to constantly develop new drugs and antimicrobial agents. Lichens are known prolific sources of natural antimicrobial drugs and biologically active natural products. This study was aimed to explore in vitro antimicrobial activity of lichen Parmotrema sp. The methanol and aqueous extracts of lichen Parmotrema sp. was extracted using Soxhlet extractor. Antibiotic assessment of methanol and aqueous extracts was done against eight bacterial (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., Enterococci faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae,) clinical pathogens and five plant pathogenic fungal strains (Aspergillus terreus strain JAS1, Scedosporium sp. JAS1, Ganoderma sp. JAS4, Candida tropicalis and Fusarium sp.) by Kirby-Bauer method. The methanol lichen Parmotrema sp. extract inhibited all the test organisms. The highest antibacterial activity was found against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. The weakest activity was manifested in Salmonella sp. and Scedosporium sp. JAS1. Strong antifungal effect was found against Ganoderma sp. JAS4 and Fusarium sp. The aqueous lichen Parmotrema sp. extract revealed neither antibacterial nor antifungal activity. The present study shows that tested lichen Parmotrema sp. extracts demonstrated a strong antimicrobial effect. That suggests the active components from methanol extracts of the investigated lichen Parmotrema sp. can be used as natural antimicrobial agent against pathogens.

  20. First Report of Pseudobodo sp, a New Pathogen for a Potential Energy-Producing Algae: Chlorella vulgaris Cultures (United States)

    Zhang, Bangzhou; Yang, Luxi; Zhang, Huajun; Zhang, Jingyan; Li, Yi; Zheng, Wei; Tian, Yun; Liu, Jingwen; Zheng, Tianling


    Chlorella vulgaris, is a kind of single-celled green algae, which could serve as a potential source of food and energy because of its photosynthetic efficiency. In our study, a pathogenic organism targeting C. vulgaris was discovered. The algae-lytic activity relates to a fraction from lysates of infected C. vulgaris that was blocked upon filtration through a 3 µm filter. 18S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that it shared 99.0% homology with the protist Pseudobodo tremulans. Scanning electron microscope analysis showed that Pseudobodo sp. KD51 cells were approximately 4–5 µm long, biflagellate with an anterior collar around the anterior part of the cell in unstressed feeding cells. Besides the initial host, Pseudobodo sp. KD51 could also kill other algae, indicating its relatively wide predatory spectrum. Heat stability, pH and salinity tolerance experiments were conducted to understand their effects on its predatory activities, and the results showed that Pseudobodo sp. KD51 was heat-sensitive, and pH and salinity tolerant. PMID:24599263

  1. First report of Pseudobodo sp, a new pathogen for a potential energy-producing algae: Chlorella vulgaris cultures.

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    Zhangran Chen

    Full Text Available Chlorella vulgaris, is a kind of single-celled green algae, which could serve as a potential source of food and energy because of its photosynthetic efficiency. In our study, a pathogenic organism targeting C. vulgaris was discovered. The algae-lytic activity relates to a fraction from lysates of infected C. vulgaris that was blocked upon filtration through a 3 µm filter. 18S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that it shared 99.0% homology with the protist Pseudobodo tremulans. Scanning electron microscope analysis showed that Pseudobodo sp. KD51 cells were approximately 4-5 µm long, biflagellate with an anterior collar around the anterior part of the cell in unstressed feeding cells. Besides the initial host, Pseudobodo sp. KD51 could also kill other algae, indicating its relatively wide predatory spectrum. Heat stability, pH and salinity tolerance experiments were conducted to understand their effects on its predatory activities, and the results showed that Pseudobodo sp. KD51 was heat-sensitive, and pH and salinity tolerant.

  2. Combining two-directional synthesis and tandem reactions. Part 21: Exploitation of a dimeric macrocycle for chain terminus differentiation and synthesis of an sp(3)-rich library. (United States)

    Storr, Thomas E; Cully, Sarah J; Rawling, Michael J; Lewis, William; Hamza, Daniel; Jones, Geraint; Stockman, Robert A


    The application of a tandem condensation/cyclisation/[3+2]-cycloaddition/elimination reaction gives an sp(3)-rich tricyclic pyrazoline scaffold with two ethyl esters in a single step from a simple linear starting material. The successive hydrolysis and cyclisation (with Boc anhydride) of these 3-dimensional architectures, generates unprecedented 16-membered macrocyclic bisanhydrides (characterised by XRD). Selective amidations could then be achieved by ring opening with a primary amine followed by HATU-promoted amide coupling to yield an sp(3)-rich natural product-like library. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Avaliação operacional de trabalhadores durante o uso de motorroçadoras laterais

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    Guilherme Magro da Silva


    Full Text Available O presente estudo foi elaborado com base em dados coletados e observações à distância, sem o conhecimento prévio de uma equipe de roçada durante sua jornada de trabalho. Este estudo com objetivo de identificar e avaliar as etapas operacionais na execução da atividade de roçada semimecanizada, utilizando motorroçadoras laterais. A avaliação da equipe ocorreu a partir de observações visuais, além de registros em filmagens para posterior análise e confronto dos tempos e movimentos aferidos. Através das análises evidenciou-se a baixa eficiência de trabalho utilizando motorroçadoras laterais com motor dois tempos (2T. Observou-se um excesso de paradas não operacionais, totalizando 30,6% do tempo total e destes, 59% utilizado para descanso por parte dos operadores. Dessa forma, para melhoria das atividades, faz-se necessário o acompanhamento da operação pelo encarregado, com o intuito de reduzir a improdutividade dos trabalhadores.

  4. Inhibition of Sp1 functions by its sequestration into PML nuclear bodies.

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    June Li

    Full Text Available Promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (PML NBs are comprised of PML and a striking variety of its associated proteins. Various cellular functions have been attributed to PML NBs, including the regulation of gene expression. We report here that induced expression of PML recruits Sp1 into PML NBs, leading to the reduction of Sp1 transactivation function. Specifically, Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP assay demonstrated that induced expression of PML significantly diminishes the amount of Sp1 binding to its target gene promoter, immunofluorescence staining showed dramatic increase in the co-localization between PML and Sp1 upon induction of PML expression, moreover, PML and Sp1 co-fractionated in the core nuclear matrix. Our study further showed that PML promotes SUMOylation of Sp1 in a RING-motif-dependent manner, SUMOylation of Sp1 facilitates physical interaction between Sp1 and PML and recruitment of Sp1 into the PML NBs, the SUMO binding motif of PML was also important for its interaction with Sp1. The results of this study demonstrate a novel mechanism by which PML regulates gene expression through sequestration of the transcription factor into PML NBs.

  5. Genes Involved in the Endoplasmic Reticulum N-Glycosylation Pathway of the Red Microalga Porphyridium sp.: A Bioinformatic Study

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    Oshrat Levy-Ontman


    Full Text Available N-glycosylation is one of the most important post-translational modifications that influence protein polymorphism, including protein structures and their functions. Although this important biological process has been extensively studied in mammals, only limited knowledge exists regarding glycosylation in algae. The current research is focused on the red microalga Porphyridium sp., which is a potentially valuable source for various applications, such as skin therapy, food, and pharmaceuticals. The enzymes involved in the biosynthesis and processing of N-glycans remain undefined in this species, and the mechanism(s of their genetic regulation is completely unknown. In this study, we describe our pioneering attempt to understand the endoplasmic reticulum N-Glycosylation pathway in Porphyridium sp., using a bioinformatic approach. Homology searches, based on sequence similarities with genes encoding proteins involved in the ER N-glycosylation pathway (including their conserved parts were conducted using the TBLASTN function on the algae DNA scaffold contigs database. This approach led to the identification of 24 encoded-genes implicated with the ER N-glycosylation pathway in Porphyridium sp. Homologs were found for almost all known N-glycosylation protein sequences in the ER pathway of Porphyridium sp.; thus, suggesting that the ER-pathway is conserved; as it is in other organisms (animals, plants, yeasts, etc..

  6. Linking surfactant protein SP-D and IL-13

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Qaseem, Asif S; Sonar, Sanchaita; Mahajan, Lakshna


    of allergen-IgE interaction, histamine release by sensitised mast cells, downregulation of specific IgE production, suppression of pulmonary and peripheral eosinophilia, inhibition of mechanisms that cause airway remodelling, and induction of apoptosis in sensitised eosinophils. SP-D can also shift helper T......Surfactant protein D (SP-D) is an innate immune molecule that plays a protective role against lung infection, allergy, asthma and inflammation. In vivo experiments with murine models have shown that SP-D can protect against allergic challenge via a range of mechanisms including inhibition...... cell polarisation following in vivo allergenic challenge, from pathogenic Th2 to a protective Th1 cytokine response. Interestingly, SP-D gene deficient (-/-) mice show an IL-13 over-expressing phenotype. IL-13 has been shown to be involved in the development of asthma. Transgenic mice over...

  7. Nutritional comparison of Spirulina sp powder by solid-state fermentation using Aspergillus sp (FNCL 6088) and Lactobacillus plantarum (FNCL 0127) (United States)

    Dewi, E. N.; Amalia, U.


    The Spirulina sp powder contains high levels of protein and Solid-State Fermentation (SSF) improved protein level. The aims of the study was to find the proximate contents in Spirulina sp’s powder fermentation. The experiments were conducted by SSF of Spirulina sp’s powder using fungi Aspergillus sp (FNCL 6088) and lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum (FNCL 0127). SSF was carried out for 10 days at 35% moisture level. The protein contents of Spirulina sp’s powder fermented by L. plantarum were consistently lower (p fermentation. The Spirulina sp fermented products contained the highest level of protein after 6 days.

  8. Nanoscale transformation of sp2 to sp3 of graphite by slow highly charged ion irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meguro, T.; Hida, A.; Koguchi, Y.; Miyamoto, S.; Yamamoto, Y.; Takai, H.; Maeda, K.; Aoyagi, Y.


    Nanoscale transformation of electronic states by highly charged ion (HCI) impact on graphite surfaces is described. The high potential energy of slow HCI, which induces multiple emission of electrons from the surface, provides a strong modification of the electronic states of the local area upon graphite surfaces. The HCI impact and the subsequent surface treatment either by electron injection from a scanning tunneling microscopy tip or by He-Cd laser irradiation induce a localized transition from sp 2 to sp 3 hybridization in graphite, resulting in the formation of nanoscale diamond-like structures (nanodiamond) at the impact region. From Raman spectroscopic measurements on sp 2 related peaks, it is found that the HCI irradiation creates vacancy complexes in contrast to ions having a lower charge state, which generate single vacancies. It is of interest that a single impact of HCI creates one nanodiamond structure, suggesting potential applications of HCI in nanoscale material processing

  9. Violencia de la pareja íntima durante el embarazo y sus repercusiones en la salud mental

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    María Mercedes Lafaurie-Villamil


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un estado del arte sobre violencia de la pareja íntima durante el embarazo y sus implicaciones en la salud mental de la madre, partiendo de 13 artículos publicados entre 2000 y 2014, obtenidos mediante búsqueda en bases de datos (Pubmed, Medline, Nursing Consult, sCielo, Dialnet, Redalyc, Lilacs, Index y Bireme, utilizando como palabras clave: embarazo, violencia de la pareja íntima, salud mental e implicaciones. Los hallazgos de este estudio, muestran que la violencia de la pareja íntima durante el embarazo incrementa la depresión y depresión posparto, así como el malestar emocional en la gestante.


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    Vicente Gozálvez Pérez


    Full Text Available Durante la guerra civil española de 1936-39, la provincia de Alicante, pese a su situación de retaguardia, tuvo un movimiento natural con graves dificultades, sobre todo en 1939, a resultas del clima de inseguridad y las dificultades económicas creadas por el conflicto; el fuerte aumento de la mortalidad infantil entre 1937 y 1941, así como la sobremortalidad acumulada durante 1936-41, subrayan la fortísima incidencia del con- flicto. La migración neta, negativa para la provincia entre 1888 y 1930, fue muy positiva en 1931-40, debido, entre otras causas, a los desplazamientos provocados por la guerra, especialmente significativos para la ciudad de Alicante.

  11. Borrelia sp. phylogenetically different from Lyme disease- and relapsing fever-related Borrelia spp. in Amblyomma varanense from Python reticulatus. (United States)

    Trinachartvanit, Wachareeporn; Hirunkanokpun, Supanee; Sudsangiem, Ronnayuth; Lijuan, Wanwisa; Boonkusol, Duangjai; Baimai, Visut; Ahantarig, Arunee


    Species of the genus Borrelia are causative agents of Lyme disease and relapsing fever. Lyme disease is the most commonly reported vector-borne disease in the northern hemisphere. However, in some parts of the world Lyme borreliosis and relapsing fever may be caused by novel Borrelia genotypes. Herein, we report the presence of a Borrelia sp. in an Amblyomma varanense collected from Python reticulatus. Ticks were collected from snakes, identified to species level and examined by PCR for the presence of Borrelia spp. flaB and 16S rRNA genes. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using the neighbour-joining method. Three A. varanense ticks collected from P. reticulatus were positive for a unique Borrelia sp., which was phylogenetically divergent from both Lyme disease- and relapsing fever-associated Borrelia spp. The results of this study suggest for the first time that there is a Borrelia sp. in A. varanense tick in the snake P. reticulatus that might be novel.

  12. Impact of serum SP-A and SP-D levels on comparison and prognosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis


    Wang, Kai; Ju, Qing; Cao, Jing; Tang, Wenze; Zhang, Jian


    Abstract Background and objective: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) has a poor prognosis in general; however, it is heterogeneous to detect relative biomarkers for predicting the disease progression. Serum biomarkers can be conveniently collected to detect and help to differentially diagnose IPF and predict IPF prognosis. This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the use of serum surfactant proteins A and D (SP-A and SP-D) for differential diagnosis and prognosis of IPF. Methods: Relevant artic...

  13. Catalans i genovesos durant el segle XIII: El declivi d'una amistat

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    Ferrer i Mallol, Maria Teresa


    Full Text Available The Catalano-Genoese friendship was forged as a result of their joint struggle against Islam in the Xllth century and was maintained during the Xlllth century, in spite of the Catalan maritime expansion that might have become a rivalry for Genoa. The friendship and cooperation was made evident in the granting of commercial franchises to the Genoese who were trading in Catalonia and in the lands they subsequently conquered. Catalans, for their part, had the same commercial franchises in Genoa and in the districts under their control. The war of Genoa against Pisa led as a consequence to an increase of maritime conflict between Catalan and Genoese, especially during the two last decades of Xlllth century, due to the major presence of Catalans in the Pisan ports and the transport of goods for Pisa, at that moment when Genoa was trying to block Pisa. All during the reign of James II, the alienation of the two competitors grew until it led to war. All these points are analyzed in the article in the light of unpublished records.[fr] L'amitié catalano-génoise s'est forgée dans la lutte conjointe contre l'Islam au XIIᵉ siècle et s'est maintenue durant le XIIIᵉ siècle, malgré l'expansion maritime catalane, qui pouvait représenter une concurrence pour Gênes. L'amitié et la collaboration se sont traduites par l'octroi de franchises commerciales pour les Génois en Catalogne, étendues aux territoires conquis postérieurement, et qu'eurent leur pendant à Gênes et dans sa zone d'influence, pour les Catalans. La guerre de Gênes contre Pise entraîna une recrudescence des incidents maritimes entre Catalans et Génois, à partir des années 1280, en raison de la fréquentation dels ports sous juridiction pisane et du transport de marchandises pour Pise, par les Catalans, au moment où Gênes tentait de neutraliser cette ville. Durant le règne de Jacques II, commença une distance politique qui dégénéra en guerre. Ces éléments sont analys

  14. Kultivasi Scenedesmus SP. Pada Medium Air Limbah


    Kawaroe, Mujizat


    Proses fotosintesis pada mikroalga membutuhkan CO2 dan cahaya matahari serta nutrien untuk pertumbuhannya. Kultivasi Scenedesmus sp. pada medium air limbah bertujuan guna mencukupi kebutuhan mikroalga akan nutrien dan mengurangi masukan dari bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam air limbah tersebut ke lingkungan. Kultivasi Scenedesmus sp. dilakukan selama tujuh hari pada medium air limbah industri tanpa penambahan nutri...

  15. Geração do deflúvio de uma microbacia com Mata Atlântica, Cunha, SP. Runoff generation in a small catchment with Atlantic Rainforest, Cunha, SP, Brazil.

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    Maurício RANZINI


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como escopo estudar a resposta do deflúvio a eventos deprecipitação de uma microbacia experimental (37,5 ha com Mata Atlântica, localizadano Laboratório de Hidrologia Florestal Walter Emmerich, no Parque Estadual da Serrado Mar – Núcleo Cunha, SP. O escoamento direto foi de 8,3% da precipitação anual.A resposta do deflúvio à precipitação mostrou uma variabilidade de hidrogramas,que dependeu da magnitude da precipitação e das condições de umidade antecedente do solo.De um modo geral, os hidrogramas tenderam grosseiramente a reproduzir a precipitação(hietograma. Foram identificados dois grupos de hidrogramas de acordo com a relação entre aprecipitação e o pico de vazão. No primeiro, a contribuição do escoamento de base foi pequena,com o escoamento direto dominando o hidrograma e a área variável de afluência (A.V.A..No segundo grupo, um acréscimo na precipitação produziu um aumento no pico de vazãomesmo durante as chuvas mais intensas, sugerindo que a A.V.A. ocupou uma menor parte damicrobacia, próxima ao curso d’água. Esses resultados indicaram que a umidade antecedentedo solo foi importante para a resposta do deflúvio à precipitação.This paper studied the response of runoff to rainstorm events of a smallexperimental catchment (37.5 ha with Atlantic Rainforest. The Forest HydrologicalLaboratory, at Cunha, is located in the Serra do Mar State Park, SE Brazil. The total volume ofstormflow is 8.3% of annual rainfall. The response of runoff to rainfall showed a variability ofthe hydrographs, which depended on intensity of the precipitation and soil humidity conditionsbefore the flood. In general, the hydrographs tended to roughly reproduce the shape of therainstorm. It was identified two groups of hydrographs, separated according to the quotientbetween rainfall and peak flow. At first, the contribution of base flow was low, with the directrunoff hydrograph dominating and the variable source

  16. Neorickettsia risticii, Rickettsia sp. and Bartonella sp. in Tadarida brasiliensis bats from Buenos Aires, Argentina. (United States)

    Cicuttin, Gabriel L; De Salvo, María N; La Rosa, Isabel; Dohmen, Federico E Gury


    Bats are potential reservoirs of many vector-borne bacterial pathogens. The aim of the present study was to detect species of Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Neorickettsia, Rickettsia, Borrelia and Bartonella in Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis, Molossidae) from Buenos Aires city, Argentina. Between 2012 and 2013, 61 T. brasiliensis from urban areas of Buenos Aires city were studied. The samples were molecularly screened by PCR and sequencing. Five bats (8.2%) were positive to Neorickettsia risticii, one (1.6%) was positive to Rickettsia sp. and three bats (4.9%) to Bartonella sp. For molecular characterization, the positive samples were subjected to amplification and sequencing of a fragment of p51 gene for N. risticii, a fragment of citrate synthase gene (gltA) for Rickettsia genus and a fragment of gltA for Bartonella genus. Phylogenetic tree was constructed using the maximum-likelihood method. Phylogenetic analysis of N. risticii detect in our study revealed that it relates to findings in the USA West Coast; Rickettsia sp. detected is phylogenetically within R. bellii group, which also includes many other Rickettsia endosymbionts of insects; and Bartonella sp. found is related to various Bartonella spp. described in Vespertilionidae bats, which are phylogenetically related to Molossidae. Our results are in accordance to previous findings, which demonstrate that insectivorous bats could be infected with vector-borne bacteria representing a potential risk to public health. Future research is necessary to clarify the circulation of these pathogens in bats from Buenos Aires. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Production of *sp67*Ga at the Oslo Cyclotron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bjoernstad, T.; Holtebekk, T.


    A method for production of *sp67*Ga at the Oslo Cyclotron is described. The method is based on the nuclear reaction *sp68*Zn (p,2n)*sp67*Ga. The target is natural zinc metal of thickness 1.3 mm fixed by a thin alloy layer to a copper disc for efficient cooling during irradiation. By applying a beam of 29 MeV protons, a maximum production yield of approx. 1.8 mCi/*my*Ah was obtained. By demanding a contamination level of *sp66*Ga <=1%, the ''useful'' yield after a decaytime of 88 h is approx. 0.8 mCi/*my*Ah. Gallium has been separated carrierfree from the zinc matrix by cation exchange from 7.5M hydrocloric acid solutions and prepared as citrate complex at pH 5.5. After sterile filtering, autoclavation, pyrogene testing and analysis for iron and zinc, the *sp67*Ga-radiopharmaceutical has been applied in human investigations at the Ullevaal hospital in Oslo. (Auth.)

  18. Pulsioximetría de pacientes en hemodiálisis, de la unidad de terapia renal – fundación cardioinfantil, análisis para establecer recomendaciones


    Ucrós Lozano, Enrique Carlos


    Introducción. En Colombia, el 80% de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis tienen fístula arteriovenosa periférica (FAV) que asegura el flujo de sangre durante la hemodiálisis (1), la variabilidad en el flujo de sangre en el brazo de la FAV hacia la parte distal, puede afectar la lectura de la oximetría de pulso (SpO2) (2), llevando a la toma de decisiones equivocadas por el personal de salud. El objetivo de este estudio es aclarar si existe diferencia e...

  19. Vida privada de um homem público na década de 1950: uma liderança petebista na cidade de São João da Boa Vista, São Paulo


    Nicolau, Maria


    A presente pesquisa analisa a emergência de um líder petebista no Município de São João da Boa Vista (SP), durante os anos de 1950. De nome Miguel Jorge Nicolau, oriundo de uma família de imigrantes árabe-libanesa, iniciou sua trajetória na vida pública a partir de seu quotidiano em uma fábrica têxtil da cidade (Fiatece), cujos trabalhadores eram fundamentalmente mulheres. Apesar da comunidade árabe-libanesa ser vista com certas reservas por parte daquela população interiorana, a que se acres...

  20. The effect of various concentration of tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) surimi for edible coating on the shelf-life of Pangasius sp. fillets (United States)

    Purnama, M. A. P.; Agustono; Sahidu, A. M.


    Pangasius sp. fillets prone to deterioration the quality that will affect the appearance and the shelf life of fillets. The effort to extend the shelf life of fish fillet that is by using an edible coating. Surimi can be used as a protein-based edible coating because they have superior inhibitory and mechanical properties compared to the polysaccharides based material. Surimi can be made from freshwater tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) fish. The experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments of surimi (0 gr, 2 gr, 4 gr, 6 gr, 8 gr) with four replications. The results showed that Pangasius sp. fillets with an edible coating 8 gr surimi have the highest value in the organoleptic test. The pH testing on Pangasius sp. fillets with edible coating 2 gr, 4 gr, 6 gr, and 8 gr surimi from the 0th hour to 18th hour have increased but slower than Pangasius sp. fillets without edible coating surimi. The best value of Total Plate Count (TPC) test is in edible coating 6 gr and 8 gr surimi as it is in accordance with SNI 2696:2013 at room temperature storage until the 18th hours.


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    Jenny María Artavia Granados


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es producto de un proceso de investigación realizado en una escuela de la Dirección Regional de Educación de Occidente, en Costa Rica. Este tiene como fin determinar si durante el desarrollo de los recreos se suscitan manifestaciones de violencia implícitas u ocultas entre las y los estudiantes II Ciclo de la Educación General Básica. En el proceso del estudio se tomaron en cuenta aspectos relacionados con las actividades lúdicas y las interacciones personales desarrolladas durante los recreos escolares y que podrían propiciar violencia escolar implícita u oculta. Se procuró identificar la existencia de enfrentamientos y conflictos entre estudiantes, que conllevan amenazas, manifestaciones de exclusión, persecuciones e intimidaciones entre las y los niños. Se plantearon algunas conclusiones entre las que destacan que un alto porcentaje de la población estudiantil investigada manifiesta recibir amenazas, y que estas, en mayor número, se producen entre las niñas. Asimismo, un alto porcentaje de esta población estudiada indica que ha sido excluida en la dinámica del recreo por diferentes motivos, entre los que destacan: características físicas, género, condición social y situaciones particulares educativas que presentan algunos niños o niñas en edad escolar.

  2. Draft Genome Sequence of Deep-Sea Alteromonas sp. Strain V450 Isolated from the Marine Sponge Leiodermatium sp. (United States)

    Wang, Guojun; Barrett, Nolan H; McCarthy, Peter J


    The proteobacterium Alteromonas sp. strain V450 was isolated from the Atlantic deep-sea sponge Leiodermatium sp. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of this strain, with a genome size of approx. 4.39 Mb and a G+C content of 44.01%. The results will aid deep-sea microbial ecology, evolution, and sponge-microbe association studies. Copyright © 2017 Wang et al.

  3. Vibrio sp. DSM 14379 pigment production--a competitive advantage in the environment? (United States)

    Starič, Nejc; Danevčič, Tjaša; Stopar, David


    The ability to produce several antibacterial agents greatly increases the chance of producer's survival. In this study, red-pigmented Vibrio sp. DSM 14379 and Bacillus sp., both isolated from the same sampling volume from estuarine waters of the Northern Adriatic Sea, were grown in a co-culture. The antibacterial activity of the red pigment extract was tested on Bacillus sp. in microtiter plates. The MIC(50) for Bacillus sp. was estimated to be around 10⁻⁵ mg/L. The extract prepared form the nonpigmented mutant of Vibrio sp. had no antibacterial effect. The pigment production of Vibrio sp. was studied under different physicochemical conditions. There was no pigment production at high or low temperatures, high or low salt concentrations in peptone yeast extract (PYE) medium, low glucose concentration in mineral growth medium or high glucose concentration in PYE medium. This indicates that the red pigment production is a luxurious good that Vibrio sp. makes only under favorable conditions. The Malthusian fitness of Bacillus sp. in a co-culture with Vibrio sp. under optimal environmental conditions dropped from 4.0 to -7.6, which corresponds to three orders of magnitude decrease in the number of CFU relative to the monoculture. The nonpigmented mutant of Vibrio sp. in a co-culture with Bacillus sp. had a significant antibacterial activity. This result shows that studying antibacterial properties in isolation (i.e. pigment extract only) may not reveal full antibacterial potential of the bacterial strain. The red pigment is a redundant antibacterial agent of Vibrio sp.

  4. Ontogeny reversal and phylogenetic analysis of Turritopsis sp.5 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Oceaniidae, a possible new species endemic to Xiamen, China

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    Jun-yuan Li


    Full Text Available Ontogeny reversal, as seen in some cnidarians, is an unprecedented phenomenon in the animal kingdom involving reversal of the ordinary life cycle. Three species of Turritopsis have been shown to be capable of inverted metamorphosis, a process in which the pelagic medusa transforms back into a juvenile benthic polyp stage when faced with adverse conditions. Turritopsis sp.5 is a species of Turritopsis collected from Xiamen, China which presents a similar ability, being able to reverse its life cycle if injured by mechanical stress. Phylogenetic analysis based on both 16S rDNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI genetic barcodes shows that Turritopsis sp.5 is phylogenetically clustered in a clade separate from other species of Turritopsis. The genetic distance between T. sp.5 and the Japanese species T. sp.2 is the shortest, when measured by the Kimura 2-Parameter metric, and the distance to the New Zealand species T. rubra is the largest. An experimental assay on the induction of reverse development in this species was initiated by cutting medusae into upper and lower parts. We show, for the first time, that the two dissected parts have significantly different potentials to transform into polyps. Also, a series of morphological changes of the reversed life cycle can be recognised, including medusa stage, contraction stage I, contraction stage II, cyst, cyst with stolons, and polyp. The discovery of species capable of reverse ontogeny caused by unfavorable conditions adds to the available systems with which to study the cell types that contribute to the developmental reversal and the molecular mechanisms of the directional determination of ontogeny.

  5. Retención de aroma durante el secado de extracto de café en un sistema cerrado

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    J.F. Vílchez


    Full Text Available Durante el secado de alimentos líquidos, componentes volátiles presentes en baja concentración que contribuyen al aroma y sabor del producto final son removidos junto con el agua. En consecuencia la calidad del producto final es considerablemente afectada por la cantidad de substancias volátiles que son retenidas durante el proceso de secado. En el extracto de café, por ejemplo, existen cientos de tales compuestos, la mayoría de ellos altamente volátiles por lo que se pierden cuando el extracto es transformado en polvo seco. Independientemente del método utilizado, parece ser imposible evitar completamente la perdida de compuestos volátiles durante el secado. Un método potencial para mejorar la retención del aroma durante el secado es utilizar un sistema que trabaje a ciclo cerrado. Con el propósito de estudiar este proceso una planta piloto que consiste de un secador por aspersión, un secador de lecho fluidizado vibratorio, un sistema de recuperación de vapores e intercambiadores de calor para recalentar el aire reciclado ha sido diseñada y esta en la fase final de instalación en la Facultad de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, en Managua, para hacer un estudio del método potencial de recuperación de aroma del extracto de café. Este estudio tendrá como resultado no solo un café soluble de mejor calidad sino que además un método capaz de mejorar el procesamiento de muchos otros alimentos líquidos.

  6. Transcription and Regulation of the Bidirectional Hydrogenase in the Cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. Strain PCC 7120▿ (United States)

    Sjöholm, Johannes; Oliveira, Paulo; Lindblad, Peter


    F. This indicates that, in addition to the bidirectional hydrogenase gene, a number of other genes, including open reading frames connected to DNA replication, recombination, and repair, may be part of the LexA regulatory network in Nostoc sp. strain PCC 7120. PMID:17630298

  7. Perda de peso e consumo de bebidas durante sessões de treinamento de ballet clássico

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    Cláudia Villela da Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a perda de peso (PP e o consumo de líquidos durante sessões de treinamento de ballet clássico. A amostra foi composta por vinte e uma bailarinas, que foram avaliadas em três sessões de ballet: uma sessão sem oferta de líquidos, uma sessão com oferta de água e outra com oferta de bebida esportiva. Na sessão em que as bailarinas receberam água, a mediana de consumo foi 376,19 mL e a mediana de PP foi -190g. Na sessão com bebida esportiva, a mediana do consumo foi de 226,19 mL e a mediana da PP foi -150g. Observou-se diferença na ingestão de líquidos, mas não na PP, durante as sessões com consumo de líquidos (p=0,01 e p=0,79, respectivamente. As bailarinas, voluntariamente, beberam mais água do que bebida esportiva durante os treinos de ballet clássico.

  8. España y Portugal durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial


    Sacristán Lucas, Esther; Gómez de las Heras Hernández, María Soledad


    Cuando las relaciones internacionales entran en franco deterioro en el escenario europeo, el entendimiento político entre España y Portugal presentaba a la Península Ibérica como un bloque relativamente unido ante la conflagración mundial. La política exterior de estos dos Estados durante la segunda guerra mundial se enmarca dentro de unas coordenadas, que son tenidas en cuenta por los diplomáticos de ambas naciones, de los beligerantes y neutrales: la coincidencia del talante político e ideo...

  9. Sensibilidade e especificidade da oximetria fetal de pulso e da cardiotocografia durante o parto: comparação entre os métodos no prognóstico de recém-nascidos Acidóticos Sensitivity and specificity of fetal pulse oximetry and cardiotocography during labor: comparison of both methods regarding prognosis of acidotic newborns

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    Edson Nunes de Morais


    Full Text Available Objetivo: estudar a sensibilidade e a especificidade dos valores de saturação de oxigênio fetal (SpO2 e padrões da freqüência cardíaca fetal (FCF durante o parto, no prognóstico de fetos acidóticos ao nascimento. Pacientes e Métodos: os valores fetais de SpO2 foram obtidos pela técnica da oximetria de pulso. Um valor de SpO2 > ou = 30% foi considerado normal, e 10 minutos no intervalo entre contrações, foi considerado anormal. A SpO2 fetal e os traçados de FCF foram obtidos continuamente no primeiro e segundo períodos do parto. A classificação utilizada para a FCF foi a do NICHD19. Resultados: um total de 72 casos foram estudados. A sensibilidade e especificidade com base na SpO2 fetal foram respectivamente de 61,5% e 96,6%, ao passo que a sensibilidade e especificidade baseadas nos padrões de FCF foram respectivamente 69,2% e 66,1%. Os valores preditivos positivo e negativo em função da SpO2 fetal foram respectivamente 80% e 91,9%; em função dos padrões de FCF foram respectivamente 31% e 90,7%. Conclusões: uma boa especificidade da SpO2 para o prognóstico de recém-nascidos acidóticos foi encontrada, se comparada com a especificidade dos padrões de FCF, ao passo que a sensibilidade foi relativamente baixa para os dois métodos. Entretanto, o número de fetos acidóticos é muito pequeno para conclusões.Purpose: to study the sensitivity and specificity based on fetal oxygen saturation (SpO2 values and fetal heart rate (FHR patterns during labor, for the prognosis of acidotic fetuses at birth. Patients and Methods: SpO2 values were obtained by fetal pulse oximetry technique. A fetal SpO2 value > or = 30% was considered normal, and an SpO2 which remained <30.0% for more than 10 min between contractions was considered abnormal. Fetal SpO2 and FHR tracings were obtained during the first and second stage of labor. FHR classification used in the study has been derived from the National Institute of Child Health and Human

  10. Cambios espacio-temporales del plancton en la ciénaga de Aayapel (Córdoba-Colombia), durante la época de menor nivel del agua


    Jaramillo-Londoño, Juan Carlos; Aguirre-Ramírez, Néstor Jaime


    Se evaluaron los cambios espaciales y temporales de los ensambles fitoplanctónicos y zooplanctónicos durante la época de menor nivel de agua en la Ciénaga de Ayapel. Se tomaron muestras integradas en toda la columna de agua, en seis estaciones de muestreo, siguiendo el eje longitudinal de la ciénaga en sentido norte-sur, y durante siete días continuos. Durante el período de estudio la ciénaga se comportó como un sistema de aguas blandas, alcalino, altamente turbio, con profundidad y transpare...

  11. On the fourth Diadema species (Diadema-sp) from Japan. (United States)

    Chow, Seinen; Kajigaya, Yoshikazu; Kurogi, Hiroaki; Niwa, Kentaro; Shibuno, Takuro; Nanami, Atsushi; Kiyomoto, Setuo


    Four long-spined sea urchin species in the genus Diadema are known to occur around the Japanese Archipelago. Three species (D. savignyi, D. setosum, and D. paucispinum) are widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. The fourth species was detected by DNA analysis among samples originally collected as D. savignyi or D. setosum in Japan and the Marshall Islands and tentatively designated as Diadema-sp, remaining an undescribed species. We analyzed nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene in the "D. savignyi-like" samples, and found all 17 individuals collected in the mainland of Japan (Sagami Bay and Kyushu) to be Diadema-sp, but all nine in the Ryukyu Archipelago (Okinawa and Ishigaki Islands) to be D. savignyi, with large nucleotide sequence difference between them (11.0%±1.7 SE). Diadema-sp and D. savignyi shared Y-shaped blue lines of iridophores along the interambulacrals, but individuals of Diadema-sp typically exhibited a conspicuous white streak at the fork of the Y-shaped blue iridophore lines, while this feature was absent in D. savignyi. Also, the central axis of the Y-shaped blue lines of iridophores was approximately twice as long as the V-component in D. savignyi whereas it was of similar length in Diadema-sp. Two parallel lines were observed to constitute the central axis of the Y-shaped blue lines in both species, but these were considerably narrower in Diadema-sp. Despite marked morphological and genetic differences, it appears that Diadema-sp has been mis-identified as D. savignyi for more than half a century.

  12. Draft Whole-Genome Sequence of Serratia sp. Strain TEL, Associated with Oscheius sp. TEL-2014 (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) Isolated from a Grassland in South Africa


    Lephoto, Tiisetso E.; Featherston, Jonathan; Gray, Vincent M.


    Here, we report on the draft genome sequence of Serratia sp. strain TEL, associated with Oscheius sp. TEL-2014 (Nematoda: Rhabditidae, KM492926) isolated from a grassland in Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve near Johannesburg in South Africa. Serratia sp. strain TEL has a genome size of 5,000,541 bp with 4,647 genes and a G+C content of 59.1%.

  13. Application of the SP theory of intelligence to the understanding of natural vision and the development of computer vision. (United States)

    Wolff, J Gerard


    The SP theory of intelligence aims to simplify and integrate concepts in computing and cognition, with information compression as a unifying theme. This article is about how the SP theory may, with advantage, be applied to the understanding of natural vision and the development of computer vision. Potential benefits include an overall simplification of concepts in a universal framework for knowledge and seamless integration of vision with other sensory modalities and other aspects of intelligence. Low level perceptual features such as edges or corners may be identified by the extraction of redundancy in uniform areas in the manner of the run-length encoding technique for information compression. The concept of multiple alignment in the SP theory may be applied to the recognition of objects, and to scene analysis, with a hierarchy of parts and sub-parts, at multiple levels of abstraction, and with family-resemblance or polythetic categories. The theory has potential for the unsupervised learning of visual objects and classes of objects, and suggests how coherent concepts may be derived from fragments. As in natural vision, both recognition and learning in the SP system are robust in the face of errors of omission, commission and substitution. The theory suggests how, via vision, we may piece together a knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of objects and of our environment, it provides an account of how we may see things that are not objectively present in an image, how we may recognise something despite variations in the size of its retinal image, and how raster graphics and vector graphics may be unified. And it has things to say about the phenomena of lightness constancy and colour constancy, the role of context in recognition, ambiguities in visual perception, and the integration of vision with other senses and other aspects of intelligence.

  14. Centric relation: concepts revision and recording techniques. Part II


    Orozco Varo, Ana; Arroyo Cruz, Gema; Martinez De Fuentes, Rafael; Ventura de la Torre, Javier; Cañadas Rodríguez, Diego; Jiménez-Castellanos Ballesteros, Emilio


    La relación céntrica ha sido objeto de disparidad de criterios en la odontología durante más de un siglo. A lo largo de este trabajo, vamos a exponer diferentes métodos usados tanto para obtener el registro, como para comprobar su certeza y corroborar la posición condilar. Dado que no existe evidencia científica en el tema, en este trabajo, revisaremos los estudios experimentales que aparecen en la literatura. Los hemos divididos en dos partes, la primera relacionada con la definición de rela...

  15. Centric relation: concepts revision and recording techniques. Part I


    Orozco Varo, A.; Arroyo Cruz, G.; Martínez de Fuentes, R.; Ventura de la Torre, J.; Cañadas Rodríguez, D.; Jiménez Castellanos, E.


    La relación céntrica ha sido objeto de disparidad de criterios en la odontología durante más de un siglo. A lo largo de este trabajo, vamos a exponer diferentes métodos usados tanto para obtener el registro, como para comprobar su certeza y corroborar la posición condilar. Dado que no existe evidencia científica en el tema, en este trabajo, revisaremos los estudios experimentales que aparecen en la literatura. Los hemos divididos en dos partes, la primera relacionada con la definición de rela...

  16. Späte Mutterschaft – (keine biografische Entscheidung

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    Martina Beham


    Full Text Available Der Übergang in die Mutterschaft findet zunehmend später statt. Über die Gründe liegen zahlreiche Vermutungen und einige theoretische Diskussionen, aber kaum empirische Befunde vor. Die Autorinnen möchten mit ihrer Studie einen Beitrag zum Abbau dieses Forschungsdefizits leisten. In ihrer empirisch-biografischen Untersuchung gehen Ingrid Herlyn und Dorothea Krüger der Frage nach, ob späte Erstmutterschaft ein neues biografisches Muster der Familiengründung darstellt oder ob Mutterschaft nach wie vor eine selbstverständlich anerkannte Norm ist, deren Realisierung im Lebenslauf lediglich zeitlich später stattfindet.

  17. Caracterización de actinobacterias raras, degradadoras de lignocelulosa: demostración de actividad lacasa en dos aislados de Tsukamurella sp y Cellulosimicrobium sp

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    Enrique Luis Revollo Escudero


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Characterization of lignocelluloses-degrading rare actinobacteria: Demostration of laccase activity in two isolates of Tsukamurella sp and Cellulosimicrobium sp Resumen: Las características fisicoquímicas de la lignina y su compactación con la celulosa han dificultado la explotación biotecnológica de enormes cantidades de biomasa vegetal. Las lacasas constituyen una subfamilia de oxidasas multicobre que intervienen en la despolimerización de la lignina. Si bien han sido ampliamente caracterizadas en los hongos, los estudios de la diversidad y las funcionalidades de las lacasas en los procariotas se han centrado especialmente en isoformas enzimáticas de Streptomyces sp. En este trabajo se aislaron 20 cepas de actinobacterias del suelo. La actividad lacasa de 17 de ellas fue evidenciada en ensayos cualitativos con guayacol y dos cepas seleccionadas fueron caracterizadas en detalle. Las pruebas morfológicas y el análisis de las secuencias del gen 16S rRNA apuntan a que estos dos aislados pertenecen a los géneros Tsukamurella y Cellulosimicrobium. En cultivo sumergido con agitación, AC01 (Tsukamurella sp. expresó una máxima actividad de oxidación de ABTS (2,2’-azino-bis-(3-etilbenzotiazolin-6-sulfonato de 108 U/L. Por otra parte, AC18 (Cellulosimicrobium sp. que había exhibido una actividad oxidativa de guayacol superior a las 16 cepas restantes y demostró ser resistente a niveles tóxicos de cobre, logró un valor máximo de oxidación del ABTS de 0,56 U/L. Estos resultados sugieren que en el aislado AC18 operaría un fenómeno de especificidad de sustrato o de inductor, regulador de la expresión y de la actividad lacasa cuantificable. La caracterización genómica y funcional de las lacasas de nuevas actinobacterias lignocelulósicas ampliará la gama de centros redox con aplicaciones biotecnológicas específicas, además de facilitar el establecimiento de sus relaciones evolutivas con las eucariotas

  18. The SP Theory of Intelligence: Benefits and Applications

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    J. Gerard Wolff


    Full Text Available This article describes existing and expected benefits of the SP theory ofintelligence, and some potential applications. The theory aims to simplify and integrate ideasacross artificial intelligence, mainstream computing, and human perception and cognition,with information compression as a unifying theme. It combines conceptual simplicitywith descriptive and explanatory power across several areas of computing and cognition.In the SP machine—an expression of the SP theory which is currently realized in theform of a computer model—there is potential for an overall simplification of computingsystems, including software. The SP theory promises deeper insights and better solutions inseveral areas of application including, most notably, unsupervised learning, natural languageprocessing, autonomous robots, computer vision, intelligent databases, software engineering,information compression, medical diagnosis and big data. There is also potential inareas such as the semantic web, bioinformatics, structuring of documents, the detection ofcomputer viruses, data fusion, new kinds of computer, and the development of scientifictheories. The theory promises seamless integration of structures and functions within andbetween different areas of application. The potential value, worldwide, of these benefits andapplications is at least $190 billion each year. Further development would be facilitatedby the creation of a high-parallel, open-source version of the SP machine, available toresearchers everywhere.


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    J. Tovar-Franco


    Full Text Available Durante el período perinatal el cerebro utiliza sustratos alternativos a la glucosa para mantener su desarrollo, pues en este momento sus niveles están disminuidos. El acetato es metabolizado por las neuronas y los astrocitos durante la prelactancia. La utilización del acetato por estas células puede verse mejorada por lasreacciones fijadoras de CO2, algunas de las cuales participan en el mantenimiento de los intermediarios del TCA, que son reducidos por la producción y liberación de aminoácidos, suministrando los recursos para la producción de energía y sustratos que son compartimentados intercelularmente.Se estudió el efecto de la fijación de CO2 en procesos metabólicos intercelulares donde está involucrado el acetato. En incubaciones con neuronas y astrocitos de 7 y 14 días de cultivo, utilizando acetato (5 mM y [14C]-bicarbonato de sodio (10 µ Ci (500-1000 dpm/nmol, se determinó la incorporación en metabolitos marcados en células y en sustratos estables liberados al medio. Adicionalmente, se realizaron experimentos similares utilizando inhibidores como el aminooxiacetato (AOA, dicloroacetato (DCA, α-ciano-4-hidroxicinnamato (α-CN, butilmalonato (BM y bencenotricarboxílato (BT, cuantificando porcromatografía de capa delgada la concentración en el medio de incubación de alanina, aspartato, glutamato y glutamina.Los resultados indican que las neuronas tienen una menor capacidad para fijar carbonos en estructuras celulares, durante la prelactancia, pero utilizan mejor el acetato vía acetil-CoA mitocondrial (AceCS2 para la producción de energía y aminoácidos. En los astrocitos, estas reacciones favorecen la utilización del acetato vía citrato liasa y Acetil-CoA citosólica (AceCS1 para la producción de estructuras y sustratos utilizados por las neuronas, que para la producción de aminoácidos.

  20. Propagação de Dovyalis sp. pelo processo de mergulhia aérea Dovyalis sp propagation by air-layering process

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    Eduardo José de Almeida


    Full Text Available Com objetivo de avaliar a capacidade de propagação vegetativa de Dovyalis sp. pelo método da alporquia, realizou-se o presente trabalho. Foram utilizados ramos com cerca de 50 centímetros, os quais receberam os tratamentos: 0; 1.000; 3.000; 5.000 e 7.000 mg/kg de ácido indolbutírico (AIB diluídos em lanolina, em duas épocas do ano: outono e primavera. No outono, considerou-se como subparcelas as localizações dos alporques por toda a planta, analisando-as como alporques da parte superior e inferior da copa e das faces norte e sul da planta. Na primavera, por insuficiência de ramos, apenas foram consideradas as doses com AIB. Nas épocas estudadas, o outono foi a que demonstrou maior percentagem de enraizamento e número de raízes (93,93 e 10,26 %, respectivamente. Obteve-se que o enraizamento independe da posição do ramo na planta, para esta época. O maior comprimento de raízes foi obtido na primavera.Aiming to stud the capacity of vegetative propagation of Dovyalis sp. by layering method, this work was developed. It was used branches of 50 cm length, which received the following treatments: 0; 1,000; 3,000; 5,000 and 7,000 mg/kg of indolbutiric acid (IBA diluted in lanolina, in two periods: autumn and spring. In autumn the layering was distributed in superior and inferior part of the canopy and north and south sides of the plant. In spring, due to few branches it was just considered treatments with IBA. The autumn period demonstrated the highest percentage of root formation (93.93 % and number of roots (10.26 %, and the root formation do not depend on branch position on the plant. The highest length of root was obtained in spring.

  1. Comportamiento de la humedad durante el secado solar del mineral laterítico

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    Arturo L. Rojas-Purón


    Full Text Available En las empresas cubanas del níquel que utilizan el proceso Caron, el contenido elevado de humedad en la material prima mineral incide en el aumento del consumo de combustible en los secadores durante el secado térmico. Se evaluó de forma experimental la humedad durante el secado solar del mineral laterítico a la intemperie. El método de análisis de la humedad utilizado fue el de diferencias de pesadas. Se empleó la regression lineal multiple para establecer los modelos matemáticos de las masas de trabajo. El estudio demostró que los parámetros climatológicos más influyentes en el secado solar del mineral laterítico son la temperatura del medio ambiente, las precipitaciones, la velocidad del viento y la temperatura del punto de rocío, así como que solamente el agua no estructural es la que puede ser eliminada. La humedad se redujo en un 13 %.

  2. SP-100 reactor cell activation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilcox, A.D.


    There are plans to test the SP-100 space reactor for 2 yr in the test facility shown in Figure 1. The vacuum vessel will be in the reactor experiment (RX) cell surrounded by an inert gas atmosphere. It is proposed that the reactor test cell could contain removable-water- shielding tanks to reduce the residual activation dose rates in the test cell after the tests are completed. This reduction will allow the facility to be considered for other uses after the SP-100 tests are completed. The radiation dose rates in the test cell were calculated for several configurations of water-shielding tanks to help evaluate this concept

  3. The gamma ray spectrometer GA.SP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bazzacco, D [Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Padova, Padova (Italy)


    GA.SP is a general purpose 4{pi} detector array for advanced {gamma}-spectroscopy and, in the same time, a suitable system for reaction mechanism studies. The detector is sited at the LNL Tandem+Linac accelerator and has been built as a joint project of INFN Padova, LNL, Milano and Firenze. The array consists of 40 Compton suppressed HPGe detectors and of a 4{pi} calorimeter composed of 80 BGO crystals. The detector houses a reaction chamber of 34 cm diameter where a charged particles multiplicity filter composed of 40 Si detectors is going to be installed. Evaporation residues produced in the centre of GA.SP can be injected into the recoil mass spectrometer (RMS, named CAMEL) in use at LNL, without the need to remove any of the gamma detectors. The coupled operation of GA.SP, RMS and Si ball will give a unique instrument for identification and study of weak reaction channels. (author). 6 figs.

  4. The gamma ray spectrometer GA.SP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bazzacco, D.


    GA.SP is a general purpose 4π detector array for advanced γ-spectroscopy and, in the same time, a suitable system for reaction mechanism studies. The detector is sited at the LNL Tandem+Linac accelerator and has been built as a joint project of INFN Padova, LNL, Milano and Firenze. The array consists of 40 Compton suppressed HPGe detectors and of a 4π calorimeter composed of 80 BGO crystals. The detector houses a reaction chamber of 34 cm diameter where a charged particles multiplicity filter composed of 40 Si detectors is going to be installed. Evaporation residues produced in the centre of GA.SP can be injected into the recoil mass spectrometer (RMS, named CAMEL) in use at LNL, without the need to remove any of the gamma detectors. The coupled operation of GA.SP, RMS and Si ball will give a unique instrument for identification and study of weak reaction channels. (author). 6 figs

  5. *sp131*I-3-iodobenzylguanidine (*sp131*I-3-IBG) as a scintigraphic agent for the visualization of adrenal medulla tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heggeli, D.E.; Brorson, B.I.; Bremper, P.O.


    A method of labelling 3-iodobenzylguanidine with *sp131*I is described. 3-IBG . 0.5 H*sb2*SO*sb4* and Cu(II)SO*sb4* were dissolved in a 0.1 M NH*sb4*H*sb2*PO*sb4* buffer and mixed with *sp131*I-NaI. The solution was evaporated to dryness by heating. After addition of water, the solution was heated with reflux for two hours. The I*sp-* ions were removed after labelling by anionic exchange chromatography. The final product was made isotonic and bacteriostatic by the addition of acetate buffer, saline and benzylalcohol. The product was filtered through a membrane filter with a pore size of 0.22*my*m and was apyrogenically tested by limulus test. The tumors of adrenal medulla, pheochromocytomas and neuroplastomas may in some cases be small or located extra-adrenally. In those cases *sp131*I-labelled 3-IBG is a valuable tool, since 3-IBG concentrates in adrenal medulla tumors because ot its analogy to the catecholamines. Injecting a dose of 0.5 mCi *sp131*I-3-IBG (2.5 mCi/mg), which is an adult dose, allows the scintigraphic localization of the tumours, thus guiding the surgeon. Adrenal uptake in mice and dog is described in the report, as well as a rapid method for the control of radiochemical purity. The radioactive concentration of the *sp131*I-3-IBG has been found to be important for the radiochemical stability of the product. (RF)

  6. Sp1 and Sp3 Are the Transcription Activators of Human ek1 Promoter in TSA-Treated Human Colon Carcinoma Cells. (United States)

    Kuan, Chee Sian; See Too, Wei Cun; Few, Ling Ling


    Ethanolamine kinase (EK) catalyzes the phosphorylation of ethanolamine, the first step in the CDP-ethanolamine pathway for the biosynthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). Human EK exists as EK1, EK2α and EK2β isoforms, encoded by two separate genes, named ek1 and ek2. EK activity is stimulated by carcinogens and oncogenes, suggesting the involvement of EK in carcinogenesis. Currently, little is known about EK transcriptional regulation by endogenous or exogenous signals, and the ek gene promoter has never been studied. In this report, we mapped the important regulatory regions in the human ek1 promoter. 5' deletion analysis and site-directed mutagenesis identified a Sp site at position (-40/-31) that was essential for the basal transcription of this gene. Treatment of HCT116 cells with trichostatin A (TSA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor, significantly upregulated the ek1 promoter activity through the Sp(-40/-31) site and increased the endogenous expression of ek1. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay revealed that TSA increased the binding of Sp1, Sp3 and RNA polymerase II to the ek1 promoter in HCT116 cells. The effect of TSA on ek1 promoter activity was cell-line specific as TSA treatment did not affect ek1 promoter activity in HepG2 cells. In conclusion, we showed that Sp1 and Sp3 are not only essential for the basal transcription of the ek1 gene, their accessibility to the target site on the ek1 promoter is regulated by histone protein modification in a cell line dependent manner.

  7. Uso de medicamentos durante a lactação Breastfeeding and maternal medications

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    Roberto G. Chaves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Contribuir com informações para o uso racional de medicamentos durante a amamentação. FONTES DOS DADOS: Foram selecionados artigos na base de dados MEDLINE, de 1993 a 2004, e no Lilacs, de 1995 a 2004, em português, espanhol e inglês, usando as palavras-chave aleitamento, lactação, drogas e medicamentos. Outras referências recentes encontradas em artigos e livros foram incluídas a fim de fornecer subsídios para a realização deste artigo. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: A maior parte dos fármacos é compatível com a amamentação. Poucos são contra-indicados (antineoplásicos, radiofármacos, drogas de abuso; alguns requerem cuidados devido ao risco de efeitos adversos em lactentes ou de redução do volume de leite. Porém, ainda é necessário maior conhecimento sobre os efeitos para a criança de muitos fármacos durante a amamentação. CONCLUSÕES: O princípio fundamental da prescrição de medicamentos para mães em lactação baseia-se no conceito de risco e benefício. Deve-se fazer opção, sempre que possível, por uma droga já estudada, que seja pouco excretada no leite materno e que não tenha risco aparente para a saúde da criança. Medicamentos que reduzem a produção de leite pela nutriz devem ser evitados durante a lactação, e o uso dos galactagogos está reservado para situações especiais. Dessa maneira, só excepcionalmente o aleitamento materno precisa ser desencorajado ou descontinuado quando a mãe necessitar de tratamento farmacológico.OBJECTIVE: To contribute with information about the adequate administration of drugs during breastfeeding. SOURCES OF DATA: MEDLINE articles from 1993 to 2004, and Lilacs articles from 1995 to 2004 were selected in Portuguese, Spanish and English, by including the following keywords: breastfeeding, lactation, drugs and medicines. Other update references found in articles and books were also included in this review, in order to provide additional information. SUMMARY OF

  8. Anomalous self potential (sp) log signatures observed in a water ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Geophysical logging was done after drilling had been completed in a water well at Okwudor, South Eastern Nigeria. Three electric logs were run viz: Self Potential (SP), Resistivity N16″ and N64″ logs. An anomaly was observed in the SP log. The SP results from this well show some deviation from the standard norm.

  9. Biosorption of uranium by Azolla, SP, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vieira, Ludmila C.; Alves, Eliakim G.; Marumo, Julio T.; Ferreira, Rafael V. de P.; Canevesi, Rafael L.S.; Silva, Edson A.


    Radioactive liquid waste needs special attention and requires suitable treatment before deposition. Among the potential technologies under development for the treatment of liquid radioactive wastes the biosorption has been highlighted by being an efficient and low cost technique. Biosorption process involves the exchange of ions contained in the biomass matrix by others present in solution. There are many biomasses that could be applied in treatment of radioactive wastes, for example, agricultural residues and macrophyte. The aim of this study is evaluate the ability of the Azolla sp., a floating aquatic plant, to absorb uranium in solution. Azolla sp. is a macrophyte that has been used to treat effluents containing heavy metals. The biosorption capacity of uranium by Azolla sp. was experimentally determined and modeled by isotherms. Experiments were performed to determine metal uptake, and then the solutions were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The isotherms applied to model the data was Langmuir, Freundlich, Sips Toth, Redlich Peternson, Two-Site-Langmuir, Radke Prausnitz to develop a technique for the treatment of radioactive liquid waste generated at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN-CNEN/SP), Brazil. (author)

  10. Biosorption of uranium by Azolla, SP, Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vieira, Ludmila C.; Alves, Eliakim G.; Marumo, Julio T., E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Ferreira, Rafael V. de P., E-mail: [Itatijuca Biotech, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Canevesi, Rafael L.S.; Silva, Edson A., E-mail: [Universidade Estadual do Oeste Parana (UNIOESTE), Toledo, PR (Brazil)


    Radioactive liquid waste needs special attention and requires suitable treatment before deposition. Among the potential technologies under development for the treatment of liquid radioactive wastes the biosorption has been highlighted by being an efficient and low cost technique. Biosorption process involves the exchange of ions contained in the biomass matrix by others present in solution. There are many biomasses that could be applied in treatment of radioactive wastes, for example, agricultural residues and macrophyte. The aim of this study is evaluate the ability of the Azolla sp., a floating aquatic plant, to absorb uranium in solution. Azolla sp. is a macrophyte that has been used to treat effluents containing heavy metals. The biosorption capacity of uranium by Azolla sp. was experimentally determined and modeled by isotherms. Experiments were performed to determine metal uptake, and then the solutions were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The isotherms applied to model the data was Langmuir, Freundlich, Sips Toth, Redlich Peternson, Two-Site-Langmuir, Radke Prausnitz to develop a technique for the treatment of radioactive liquid waste generated at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN-CNEN/SP), Brazil. (author)

  11. A comparative study on phyllosphere nitrogen fixation by newly isolated Corynebacterium sp. & Flavobacterium sp. and their potentialities as biofertilizer. (United States)

    Giri, S; Pati, B R


    A number of nitrogen fixing bacteria has been isolated from forest phyllosphere on the basis of nitrogenase activity. Among them two best isolates are selected and identified as Corynebacterium sp. AN1 & Flavobacterium sp. TK2 able to reduce 88 and 132 n mol of acetylene (10(8)cells(-1)h(-1)) respectively. They were grown in large amount and sprayed on the phyllosphere of maize plants as a substitute for nitrogenous fertilizer. Marked improvements in growth and total nitrogen content of the plant have been observed by the application of these nitrogen-fixing bacteria. An average 30-37% increase in yield was obtained, which is nearer to chemical fertilizer treatment. Comparatively better effect was obtained by application of Flavobacterium sp.

  12. SP@CE - An SP-based programming model for consumer electronics streaming applications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Varbanescu, Ana Lucia; Nijhuis, Maik; Escribano, Arturo González; Sips, Henk; Bos, Herbert; Bal, Henri


    Efficient programming of multimedia streaming applications for Consumer Electronics (CE) devices is not trivial. As a solution for this problem, we present SP@CE, a novel programming model designed to balance the specific requirements of CE streaming applications with the simplicity and efficiency

  13. Heparinoides naturais isolados de rodofíceas (Halymenia sp. arribadas na costa cearense - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v32i3.6282 Natural heparinoids isolated from Halymenia sp. (Rhodophyceaes delivery on the Ceará coast - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v32i3.6282

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    Wladimir Ronald Lobo Farias


    Full Text Available A crescente carência de heparina (HEP motiva a busca por fontes alternativas de novos anticoagulantes naturais. Objetivou-se avaliar a atividade anticoagulante dos polissacarídeos sulfatados (PS isolados de uma rodofícea do gênero Halymenia, nativa do litoral cearense, Brasil. Os PS totais foram obtidos por digestões consecutivas com papaína em tampão acetato de sódio 0,1 M (pH 5,0, contendo cisteína 5 mM e EDTA 5 mM, seguidas por cromatografia de troca iônica em coluna de DEAE-celulose. As frações obtidas foram concentradas por liofilização e submetidas à eletroforese em gel de agarose a 0,5%. Os ensaios anticoagulantes foram realizados pelo tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada (TTPA, usando-se plasma de coelho e uma curva padrão de HEP (100 UI MG-1. As extrações (53,96% mostraram diferenças marcantes durante o fracionamento e no grau de resolução dos PS. A espécie apresentou PS com atividade anticoagulante superior a HEP. O TTPA das frações modificou-se acentuadamente entre as extrações, expressando-se de maneira dose-dependente e sofrendo um acréscimo de 110,40 (1ª extração para 143,10 UI MG-1 (3ª extração. Os resultados sugerem que a atividade anticoagulante dos PS isolados de Halymenia sp. foi promovida pela inibição da via intrínseca e/ou comum da cascata de coagulação. As modificações no TTPA possivelmente serão elucidadas pelos mecanismos de ação envolvidos na coagulação e caracterização estrutural desses compostos. Portanto, a rodofícea Halymenia sp. é uma boa fonte de heparinoides e sugerem-se estudos relacionados ao cultivo da espécie, em proteção aos bancos de algas.The increasing demand for heparin (HEP has led to a search for alternative sources of natural anticoagulants. This study aimed to evaluate the anticoagulant activity of sulfated polysaccharides (SP isolated from a Halymenia rhodophyceae genus native to the coast of Ceará, Brazil. Total SP were obtained by consecutive

  14. Impact of the cosmetic mouthwash “Jack Pro Spülung plus” (“rheodol-Spülung plus” on the oral cavity flora, tested in a monocentric, controlled, randomized, blind, cross-over comparative study

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    Göhring, Jana


    Full Text Available [english] Aim: Jack Pro Spülung Plus (also available as “rheodol-Spülung plus” is recommended to mechanically maintain oral hygiene as part of an overall oral hygiene concept. Because Jack Pro Spülung Plus contains the active agents polihexanide and tosylchloramide sodium in concentrations below microbicidal efficacy, this study tested the hypothesis that the combination of mechanical rinsing and bacteriostatic effect surpasses the effect of mechanical rinsing alone.Method: The study was performed with 30 volunteers as a monocentric, controlled, randomized, blind, cross-over comparative study. The efficacy of the test product (active agents polihexanide 0.02–0.03% and tosylchloramide sodium 0.004–0.006% was compared to an aqueous solution of polihexanide (0.02–0.03% and to Ringer solution as negative control. The efficacy was measured as the reduction of colony forming units (cfu on buccal mucosa after aerobic and anaerobic cultivation. After determination of pre-values, the volunteers performed mouthrinsing for 30 sec with each of the 3 tested solutions. After 1, 10 and 60 minutes, cfu numbers were determined again. The reduction factor was calculated as the difference between log of the measured cfu before and after mouthrinsing with the test solution. The sampling was performed using a template with a smear area of 1 x 1 cm. Results: Using Ringer solution led to a slight mechanically-induced reduction of cfu in the oral cavity 1 min after rinsing the mouth cavity with the solution. After 10 min and 60 min, no influence on the cfu number could be detected. Using Jack pro Spülung Plus led to a bacteriostatic effect up to 60 min after mouthrinsing; 10 min and 60 min after rinsing the efficacy of Ringer solution was also significantly surpassed. The aqueous solution of polihexanide was less effective than Jack pro Spülung Plus after 10 and 60 min. Conclusion: Based on these observations, we conclude that Jack pro Spülung Plus is

  15. Draft Whole-Genome Sequence of Serratia sp. Strain TEL, Associated with Oscheius sp. TEL-2014 (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) Isolated from a Grassland in South Africa. (United States)

    Lephoto, Tiisetso E; Featherston, Jonathan; Gray, Vincent M


    Here, we report on the draft genome sequence of Serratia sp. strain TEL, associated with Oscheius sp. TEL-2014 (Nematoda: Rhabditidae, KM492926) isolated from a grassland in Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve near Johannesburg in South Africa. Serratia sp. strain TEL has a genome size of 5,000,541 bp with 4,647 genes and a G+C content of 59.1%. Copyright © 2015 Lephoto et al.

  16. Evolution of space food in Nostoc sp. HK-01 (United States)

    Tomita-Yokotani, Kaori; Yamashita, Masamichi; Hashimoto, Hirofumi; Sato, Seigo; Kimura, Yasuko; Katoh, Hiroshi; Arai, Mayumi


    Habitation in outer space is one of our challenges. We have been studying future space agriculture to provide food and oxygen for the habitation area in the space environment, on Mars. A cyanobacteria, Nostoc sp. HK-01, has high several outer space environmental tolerance. We have already confirmed that Nostoc sp.HK-01 had an ability to grow for over several years on the Martian regolith simulant in a laboratory experiment. Nostoc sp HK-01 would have high contribution to change the atmosphere in Mars as a photosynthetic creature. In outer environment, all of materials have to circulate for all of creature living in artificial eco-systems on Mars. This material has several functions as the utilization in space agriculture. Here, we are proposing using them as a food after its growing on Mars. We are trying to determine the best conditions and evolution for space food using Nostoc sp.HK-01 and studying the proposal of utilization of cyanobacteria, Nostoc sp HK-01, for the variation of meal as space agriculture.

  17. Amino acids in cell wall of Gram-positive bacterium Micrococcus sp. hsn08 with flocculation activity on Chlorella vulgaris biomass. (United States)

    Li, Yi; Xu, Yanting; Zheng, Tianling; Wang, Hailei


    The aim of this work was to investigate the flocculation mechanism by Gram-positive bacterium, Micrococcus sp. hsn08 as a means for harvesting Chlorella vulgaris biomass. Bacterial cells of Micrococcus sp. hsn08 were added into algal culture to harvest algal cells through direct contacting with algae to form flocs. Viability dependence test confirmed that flocculation activity does not depend on live bacteria, but on part of the peptidoglycan. The further investigation has determined that amino acids in cell wall play an important role to flocculate algal cells. Positively charged calcium can combine bacterial and algal cells together, and form a bridge between them, thereby forming the flocs, suggesting that ions bridging is the main flocculation mechanism. These results suggest that bacterial cells of Micrococcus sp. hsn08 can be applied to harvest microalgae biomass with the help of amino acids in cell wall. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Protozoários ruminais de novilhos de corte criados em pastagem tropical durante o período seco


    Silva,Kellerson Luiz da; Duarte,Eduardo Robson; Freitas,Claudio Eduardo Silva; Abrão,Flávia Oliveira; Geraseev,Luciana Castro


    Protozoários do rúmen podem representar 40% do nitrogênio total e 60% do produto final da fermentação e apresentam atividade celulolítica. Neste estudo, objetivou-se quantificar e identificar as populações de protozoários no rúmen de novilhos, criados exclusivamente em pastagem, durante o período seco do ano, no Norte de Minas Gerais. Amostras do suco ruminal de 36 novilhos mestiços Nelore foram coletadas diretamente do rúmen, após o abate, durante o inicio, meio ou fim do período de estiagem...

  19. La experiencia mística durante el climaterio: Un acercamiento desde la endocrinología antropológica

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    Elvira M. Melián


    Full Text Available Durante siglos la urdimbre entre lo empírico y lo creencial ha favorecido la identificación de la posmenopáusica con arquetipos antagónicos de transformación espiritual positivos o negativos. Entre los primeros encontramos el éxtasis místico, cuya elevada prevalencia durante el climaterio puede vincularse desde la endocrinología antropológica a cambios previos ligados al apagamiento ovárico en los ejes lácteo, óseo y adrenal que atenúan el vínculo femenino terrenal en favor del espiritual.

  20. Functions for fission yeast splicing factors SpSlu7 and SpPrp18 in alternative splice-site choice and stress-specific regulated splicing.

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    Geetha Melangath

    Full Text Available Budding yeast spliceosomal factors ScSlu7 and ScPrp18 interact and mediate intron 3'ss choice during second step pre-mRNA splicing. The fission yeast genome with abundant multi-intronic transcripts, degenerate splice signals and SR proteins is an apt unicellular fungal model to deduce roles for core spliceosomal factors in alternative splice-site choice, intron retention and to study the cellular implications of regulated splicing. From our custom microarray data we deduce a stringent reproducible subset of S. pombe alternative events. We examined the role of factors SpSlu7 or SpPrp18 for these splice events and investigated the relationship to growth phase and stress. Wild-type log and stationary phase cells showed ats1+ exon 3 skipped and intron 3 retained transcripts. Interestingly the non-consensus 5'ss in ats1+ intron 3 caused SpSlu7 and SpPrp18 dependent intron retention. We validated the use of an alternative 5'ss in dtd1+ intron 1 and of an upstream alternative 3'ss in DUF3074 intron 1. The dtd1+ intron 1 non-canonical 5'ss yielded an alternative mRNA whose levels increased in stationary phase. Utilization of dtd1+ intron 1 sub-optimal 5' ss required functional SpPrp18 and SpSlu7 while compromise in SpSlu7 function alone hampered the selection of the DUF3074 intron 1 non canonical 3'ss. We analysed the relative abundance of these splice isoforms during mild thermal, oxidative and heavy metal stress and found stress-specific splice patterns for ats1+ and DUF3074 intron 1 some of which were SpSlu7 and SpPrp18 dependent. By studying ats1+ splice isoforms during compromised transcription elongation rates in wild-type, spslu7-2 and spprp18-5 mutant cells we found dynamic and intron context-specific effects in splice-site choice. Our work thus shows the combinatorial effects of splice site strength, core splicing factor functions and transcription elongation kinetics to dictate alternative splice patterns which in turn serve as an additional

  1. Ocorrência de Babesia sp em pequenos roedores no Brasil Occurrence of Babesia sp in small rodents in Brazil

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    G.S. Gazeta


    Full Text Available Foi analisada a ocorrência de babesiose em pequenos roedores nos municípios de Silva Jardim e Nova lguaçu, Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foram capturados 44 roedores de seis espécies diferentes e entre eles a prevalência da infecção foi de 27,3%. Rattus norvegicus foi considerado o principal reservatório (50,0% e Oligoryzomys nigripes como novo hospedeiro para Babesia sp. Este foi o primeiro relato de Babesia sp. em roedores no Brasil. A freqüência de roedores positivos e o risco de infecção dos roedores não diferiram entre as áreas estudadas.The occurrence of babesiosis was studied in 44 small rodents of six species captured in Silva Jardim and Nova lguaçu counties, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The prevalence of injection was 27.3%. Rattus norvegicus was considered as the main reservoir and Oligoryzomys nigripes as a new host to Babesia sp. The frequency and the risk of rodent infection were considered equal among the studied areas. This is the first report of Babesia sp in small rodents in Brazil.

  2. Produção de exopolissacarídeos pela cianobactéria Nostoc sp em diferentes concentrações de nitrogênio e glicose

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    Liege Abdallah Kawai


    Full Text Available Cianobactérias são microrganismos procariontes que, durante o crescimento celular, são capazes de produzir exopolissacarídeos (EPS. Devido à diversidade bioquímica destes, podem ser excelentes para vários fins biotecnológicos, tendo aplicações em indústrias alimentícias, têxteis, de tintas, cosméticos, de papel, e farmacêuticas, como floculantes, espessantes ou estabilizadores, substituindo os polissacarídeos de macroalgas e plantas. Além disso, as cianobactérias apresentam taxas maiores de crescimento e são mais fáceis de manipular do que plantas e macroalgas. Este estudo teve por objetivo otimizar a produção de EPS no meio BG11, com relação a diferentes concentrações de nitrogênio e glicose do meio de cultivo na produção de EPS e biomassa pela cianobactéria Nostoc sp.

  3. Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun Mayana Jantan (Coleus Atropurpureus Benth) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Streptococcus SP. Dan Pseudomonas SP.


    Muljono, Patrick; Fatimawali; Manampiring, Aaltje E


    : The painted nettle (Coleus atropurpureus benth) is a plant that is known to have medicinal properties, especially the leaf. The active compounds that are contained in the leafs are thought to work as an antibacterial. This study aims to measure the inhibitory strength of painted nettle leaf (Coleus atropurpureus benth) extract against the growth of Streptococcus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. This was an experimental laboratory study. The polar extract of painted nettle leaf (Coleus atropurpureus ...

  4. El apoyo real. Relaciones político-militares entre dos ciudades realistas: Santa Marta y la Habana durante 1810- 1815

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    Jorge Enrique Elías Caro


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se hará un análisis de las relaciones político-militares que se suscitaron durante el proceso independentista entre Santa Marta en el Caribe Neogranadino y la Habana en Cuba. Así mismo, se explicarán ciertas particularidades de las guerras navales, fluviales y terrestres que sostuvieron estas ciudades realistas con otras que defendían la causa emancipadora, durante el periodo comprendido entre 1810-1815.

  5. Aromatic plant oils of the Peruvian Amazon. Part 2: Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf., Renealmia sp., Hyptis recurvata Poit. and Tynanthus panurensis (Bur.) Sandw.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leclercq, P.A.; Delgado, H.S.; Garcia, J.; Hidalgo, J.E.; Cerrutti, T.; Mestanza, M.; Rios, F.; Nina, E.; Nonato, L.; Alvarado, R.; Menendez, R.


    The leaf oils of Cymbopogon citratus (lemongrass), Renealmia sp., and Hyptts recuroata, and the cortex oil of 1jmanthus panurensisfrom Peruvian Amazon have been isolated by hydrodistillation and analyzed by a combination of GC and GC/MS. Twelve, sixteen, and sixteen components have been identified

  6. On the fourth Diadema species (Diadema-sp from Japan.

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    Seinen Chow

    Full Text Available Four long-spined sea urchin species in the genus Diadema are known to occur around the Japanese Archipelago. Three species (D. savignyi, D. setosum, and D. paucispinum are widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. The fourth species was detected by DNA analysis among samples originally collected as D. savignyi or D. setosum in Japan and the Marshall Islands and tentatively designated as Diadema-sp, remaining an undescribed species. We analyzed nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI gene in the "D. savignyi-like" samples, and found all 17 individuals collected in the mainland of Japan (Sagami Bay and Kyushu to be Diadema-sp, but all nine in the Ryukyu Archipelago (Okinawa and Ishigaki Islands to be D. savignyi, with large nucleotide sequence difference between them (11.0%±1.7 SE. Diadema-sp and D. savignyi shared Y-shaped blue lines of iridophores along the interambulacrals, but individuals of Diadema-sp typically exhibited a conspicuous white streak at the fork of the Y-shaped blue iridophore lines, while this feature was absent in D. savignyi. Also, the central axis of the Y-shaped blue lines of iridophores was approximately twice as long as the V-component in D. savignyi whereas it was of similar length in Diadema-sp. Two parallel lines were observed to constitute the central axis of the Y-shaped blue lines in both species, but these were considerably narrower in Diadema-sp. Despite marked morphological and genetic differences, it appears that Diadema-sp has been mis-identified as D. savignyi for more than half a century.

  7. Optimization of Culture Medium for the Growth of Candida sp. and Blastobotrys sp. as Starter Culture in Fermentation of Cocoa Beans (Theobroma cacao) Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). (United States)

    Mahazar, N H; Zakuan, Z; Norhayati, H; MeorHussin, A S; Rukayadi, Y


    Inoculation of starter culture in cocoa bean fermentation produces consistent, predictable and high quality of fermented cocoa beans. It is important to produce healthy inoculum in cocoa bean fermentation for better fermented products. Inoculum could minimize the length of the lag phase in fermentation. The purpose of this study was to optimize the component of culture medium for the maximum cultivation of Candida sp. and Blastobotrys sp. Molasses and yeast extract were chosen as medium composition and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was then employed to optimize the molasses and yeast extract. Maximum growth of Candida sp. (7.63 log CFU mL-1) and Blastobotrys sp. (8.30 log CFU mL-1) were obtained from the fermentation. Optimum culture media for the growth of Candida sp., consist of 10% (w/v) molasses and 2% (w/v) yeast extract, while for Blastobotrys sp., were 1.94% (w/v) molasses and 2% (w/v) yeast extract. This study shows that culture medium consists of molasses and yeast extract were able to produce maximum growth of Candida sp. and Blastobotrys sp., as a starter culture for cocoa bean fermentation.

  8. Associations between air pollution in the industrial and suburban parts of Ostrava city and their use. (United States)

    Jirik, Vitezslav; Brezna, Barbara; Machaczka, Ondrej; Honkysova, Sabina; Miturova, Hana; Janout, Vladimir


    Selecting the locations and numbers of air quality monitoring stations is challenging as these are expensive to operate. Representative concentrations of pollutants in certain areas are usually determined by measuring. If there are significant correlations with concentrations of other pollutants or with other monitoring sites, however, concentrations could also be computed, partly reducing the costs. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of such possible relationships using data on concentrations of ambient air pollutants obtained in different areas of a larger city. Presented are associations between industrial (IP) and suburban parts (SP) as well as correlations between concentrations of various pollutants at the same site. Results of air pollutant monitoring come from Ostrava, an industrial city in Central Europe with a population of over 300,000. The study showed that certain pollutants were strongly correlated, especially particulate matter (r = 0.940) and ozone (r = 0.923) between the IP and SP. Statistically significant correlations were also found between different pollutants at the same site. The highest correlations were between PM 10 and NO 2 (r IP  = 0.728; r SP  = 0.734), NO 2 and benzo(a)pyrene (r IP  = 0.787; r SP  = 0.697), and NO 2 and ozone (r IP  = -0.706; r SP  = -0.686). This could contribute to more cost-effective solutions for air pollution monitoring in cities and their surroundings by using computational models based on the correlations, optimization of the network of monitoring stations, and the best selection of measuring devices.

  9. SpF: Enabling Petascale Performance for Pseudospectral Dynamo Models (United States)

    Jiang, W.; Clune, T.; Vriesema, J.; Gutmann, G.


    Pseudospectral (PS) methods possess a number of characteristics (e.g., efficiency, accuracy, natural boundary conditions) that are extremely desirable for dynamo models. Unfortunately, dynamo models based upon PS methods face a number of daunting challenges, which include exposing additional parallelism, leveraging hardware accelerators, exploiting hybrid parallelism, and improving the scalability of global memory transposes. Although these issues are a concern for most models, solutions for PS methods tend to require far more pervasive changes to underlying data and control structures. Further, improvements in performance in one model are difficult to transfer to other models, resulting in significant duplication of effort across the research community. We have developed an extensible software framework for pseudospectral methods called SpF that is intended to enable extreme scalability and optimal performance. High-level abstractions provided by SpF unburden applications of the responsibility of managing domain decomposition and load balance while reducing the changes in code required to adapt to new computing architectures. The key design concept in SpF is that each phase of the numerical calculation is partitioned into disjoint numerical 'kernels' that can be performed entirely in-processor. The granularity of domain-decomposition provided by SpF is only constrained by the data-locality requirements of these kernels. SpF builds on top of optimized vendor libraries for common numerical operations such as transforms, matrix solvers, etc., but can also be configured to use open source alternatives for portability. SpF includes several alternative schemes for global data redistribution and is expected to serve as an ideal testbed for further research into optimal approaches for different network architectures. In this presentation, we will describe the basic architecture of SpF as well as preliminary performance data and experience with adapting legacy dynamo codes

  10. Shewanella hafniensis sp. nov. and Shewanella morhuae sp. nov., isolated from marine fish of the Baltic Sea

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Satomi, M.; Vogel, Birte Fonnesbech; Gram, Lone


    Two novel species belonging to the genus Shewanella are described on the basis of their phenotypic characteristics, phylogenetic analyses of 16S rRNA and gyrB gene sequences and levels of DNA-DNA hybridization. A total of 47 strains belonging to two novel Gram-negative, psychrotolerant, H2S-produ...... species, Shewanella hafniensis sp. nov. (type strain P010T=ATCC BAA-1207T=NBRC 100975T) and Shewanella morhuae sp. nov. (type strain U1417T=ATCC BAA-1205T=NBRC 100978T), are described....


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    Simone Gonçalves Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available La lactancia natural de la madre infectada por el VIH al hijo es factor de riesgo para la transmisión del virus, por lo tanto se recomienda excluir la lactancia natural. El hecho de no darle el pecho puede dificultar la comunicación del binomio madre-hijo. Fue desarrollado un estudio comparativo a la luz de los factores proxémicos entre madre e hijo durante la alimentación artificial y lactancia materna entre madres seropositivas y seronegativas para el VIH. En alojamiento conjunto fueron analizadas 84 interacciones entre cuatro binomios. La distancia íntima prevalece en el 100% de las interacciones, así como la postura sentada. Los bebés de las madres seropositivas permanecieron la mayor parte del tiempo activos en comparación a los verticalmente expuestos. Probablemente, la calidad de las interacciones a lo largo del tiempo y la responsividad materna al bebé irán determinar los efectos de la falta de lactancia natural en el desarrollo del apego entre madre e hijo.

  12. Kroyeria deetsi n.sp. (Kroyeriidae: Siphonostomatoida), a parasitic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Kroyeria deetsi n.sp. (Kroyeriidae: Siphonostomatoida) is described from both sexes collected from the gills of spinner sharks, Carcharhinus brevipinna (Müller & Henle, 1839), captured in the Indian Ocean off the coast of South Africa. Kroyeria deetsi n.sp. can easily be distinguished from all of its congeners because the ...

  13. Nota sobre infecção por Salmonella sp. e Shigella sp. em bugios-ruivos, Alouatta clamitans Cabrera, 1940 (Primates: Atelidae mantidos em cativeiro

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    Júlio César de Souza Júnior


    Full Text Available Amostras de fezes de bugios-ruivos cativos foram investigadas quanto a presença de Salmonella sp. e Shigella sp. O padrão de sensibilidade a antibióticos foi testado. Este é o primeiro relato de infecção assintomática por Salmonella sp. nesta espécie. Não foi detectada infecção por Shigella sp. Destaca-se a importância de investigação em animais submetidos a translocação ou a reintrodução e a necessidade de inquéritos periódicos em populações cativas a fim de se evitar agravos ocupacionais.

  14. Babesia bicornis sp. nov. and Theileria bicornis sp. nov.: Tick-Borne Parasites Associated with Mortality in the Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis)


    Nijhof, Ard M.; Penzhorn, Banie L.; Lynen, Godelieve; Mollel, Johnson O.; Morkel, Pete; Bekker, Cornelis P. J.; Jongejan, Frans


    A novel Babesia species, designated Babesia bicornis sp. nov., was identified in three black rhinoceroses (Diceros bicornis) that died in wildlife areas in Tanzania and South Africa. Screening of black rhinoceroses in South Africa revealed, in addition to B. bicornis, a second parasite, designated Theileria bicornis sp. nov.

  15. Anaerobic co-digestion of chicken manure and microalgae Chlorella sp.: Methane potential, microbial diversity and synergistic impact evaluation. (United States)

    Li, Ruirui; Duan, Na; Zhang, Yuanhui; Liu, Zhidan; Li, Baoming; Zhang, Dongming; Dong, Taili


    Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a promising alternative for livestock manure management. This paper presents the experimental results obtained through a batch experiment by using chicken manure (CM) and microalgae Chlorella sp. as co-substrates. The effect of co-digestion was evaluated by varying CM to Chlorella sp. ratios (0:10, 2:8, 4:6, 6:4, 8:2, 10: 0 based on the volatile solids (VS)). The major objective of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and synergistic impact of co-digestion of CM and Chlorella sp. Enhanced 14.20% and 76.86% methane production than CM and Chlorella sp. mono-digestion respectively was achieved in co-digestion at the ratio 8:2. In addition, the co-digestion at the ratio 8:2 showed significantly higher methane yield than the weighted average of the individual substrates' specific methane yield (WSMY), indicating strong synergy effect. The Illumina Miseq sequencing analysis showed that the AD process suppressed the acetoclastic methanogenesis Methanosaeta content; but partly enhanced hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis Methanosarcina, Methanospirillum and Methanobacterium, which was responsible for the methane production. The pre-treated microalgae was then introduced at the optimal ratio 8:2 to estimate the effect of pre-treatment of microalgae on AD process. However, the pre-treatment exhibited no positive effect. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. HemX is required for production of 2-ketogluconate, the predominant organic anion required for inorganic phosphate solubilization by Burkholderia sp. Ha185. (United States)

    Hsu, Pei-Chun Lisa; Condron, Leo; O'Callaghan, Maureen; Hurst, Mark R H


    The bacterium Burkholderia sp. Ha185 readily solubilizes inorganic phosphate by releasing the low molecular weight organic anion, 2-ketogluconate. Using random transposon mutagenesis and in silico analysis, a mutation that caused almost complete abolition of phosphate solubilization was located within hemX, which is part of the hem operon. Burkholderia sp. Ha185 HemX is a multidomain protein, predicted to encode a bifunctional uroporphyrinogen-III synthetase/uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase, which has not previously been implicated in phosphate solubilization. Complementation of hemX restored the ability of the mutant to solubilize phosphate in both plate and liquid cultures. Based on a combination of organic-anion profiling, quantitative polymerase chain reaction and in silico analyses, hemX was confirmed to be solely responsible for hydroxyapatite solubilization in Burkholderia sp. Ha185. It is proposed that the biosynthesis of a yet to be determined redox cofactor by HemX is the main pathway for generating 2-ketogluconate via a haem-dependent gluconate 2-dehydrogenase in Burkholderia sp. Ha185. © 2015 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  17. Desempenho vegetativo e produtivo de cultivares e linhagens de soja de ciclo precoce no município de Piracicaba-SP

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    Full Text Available Como parte da rede oficial do Estado de São Paulo relativa à competição de linhagens de soja, desenvolveu-se no município de Piracicaba-SP, durante o ano agrícola 1996/97, experimento de campo visando avaliar o desempenho vegetativo e produtivo de linhagens e cultivares de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill pertencentes ao ciclo de maturação precoce. Delineado em blocos ao acaso com 20 tratamentos (linhagens e cultivares e 4 repetições, o experimento foi instalado em Terra Roxa Estruturada eutrófica. As parcelas foram constituídas por 4 linhas espaçadas entre si de 0,50 m com 5,0 m de comprimento. Como padrões de comparação das novas linhagens, foram utilizados os cultivares IAS-5 (atualmente o mais cultivado no Estado de São Paulo e IAC-17 (com elevada produtividade nos últimos ensaios no Estado de São Paulo. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características: estande inicial; época de florescimento; época de maturação; altura de planta no florescimento e na maturação; altura de inserção da primeira vagem; grau de acamamento e rendimento em grãos. Concluiu-se que: a baixo estande de plantas promoveu menor altura final, menor altura de inserção de vagem e menor rendimento em grãos; b as linhagens BR 92-4428, BR 92-6528, IAC 93-680, IAC 90-938, IDS 413-F4, IAC 93-598 e IAC 90-1000, foram as mais produtivas, superando ambos os padrões; c as linhagens FT 90-2687 e BR 92-5261, apresentaram os piores rendimentos.

  18. Adsorption of procion red and congo red dyes using microalgae Spirulina sp

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    Risfidian Mohadi


    Full Text Available Adsorption of procion red and congo red dyes using microalgae Spirulina sp was conducted. Spirulina sp was obtained by cultivation and production in laboratory scale. Spirulina sp was used as adsorbent for adsorption of dyes. Adsorption process was studied by kinetic and thermodynamic in order to know the adsorption phenomena. The results showed that kinetically congo red is reactive than procion red on Spirulina sp. On the other hand, thermodynamically procion red was stable than congo red on Spirulina sp which was indicated by adsorption capacity, enthalpy, and entropy.

  19. Budismo, religión y filosofía durante el periodo Meiji : un estudio de la filosofía de la religión de Kiyozawa Manshi


    Martí Oroval, Bernat


    La presente tesis doctoral está dedicada al estudio de la filosofía de la religión que el monje budista japonés Kiyozawa Manshi (1863-1903) elaboró entre los años 1888 y 1893. Antes de centrar nuestra atención en el análisis de dicha materia hemos dedicado una extensa parte de este ensayo a introducir la historia de la era Meiji, exponer las características del budismo de dicho periodo, las peculiaridades de la lengua nipona durante esa época, así como la historia y las enseñanzas principales...


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    C. I. De Campos


    Full Text Available Estudos sobre novos adesivos ou resinas para colagem de madeira e derivados estão sendo realizados com a intenção de diminuir o impacto ambiental sem alterar suas propriedades. Por este motivo, novas formulações de adesivos PVA (Acetato de Polivinila vêm sendo desenvolvidas. Este trabalho testou a utilização deste adesivo na produção de compensado de Eucalyptus sp. e Pinus sp., com tempo e temperatura de prensagem, respectivamente, de 10 minutos e90°C. Foram realizados os ensaios físicos de densidade, teor de umidade e absorção, e os ensaios mecânicos de flexão estática e de resistência ao cisalhamento na linha de cola, todos de acordo com as normas ABNT. Obtiveram-se bons resultados com relação à resistência ao cisalhamento na linha de cola, a qual foi superior para os adesivos PVA, se comparados com compensados produzidos com ureia-formaldeído e o fenol-formaldeído, enquanto que os resultados de MOE e MOR apresentaram-se inferiores em ambos os casos. 

  1. Uranium and thorium uptake by live and dead cells of Pseudomonas Sp

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siva Prasath, C.S.; Manikandan, N.; Prakash, S.


    This study presents uptake of uranium (U) and thorium (Th) by live and dead cells of Pseudomonas Sp. Increasing concentration of U and Tb showed decrease in absorption by Pseudomonas Sp. Dead cells of Pseudomonas Sp. exhibited same or more uptake of U and Th than living cells. Increasing temperature promotes uptake of U and Th by Pseudomonas Sp. (author)

  2. Six New Polyacetylenic Alcohols from the Marine Sponges Petrosia sp. and Halichondria sp. (United States)

    Gabriel, Adeyemi Francis; Li, Zhen; Kusuda, Ryouhei; Tanaka, Chiaki; Miyamoto, Tomofumi


    Six new polyacetylenic alcohols, termed strongylotriols A and B; pellynols J, K, and L; and isopellynol A, together with three known polyacetylenic alcohols, pellynols A, B, and C were isolated from the marine sponges Petrosia sp., and Halichondria sp. collected in Okinawa, Japan. Their planer structures were determined based on 2D-NMR and mass spectrometric analysis of the degraded products by RuCl3 oxidation. The absolute stereochemistry of isolates was examined by their Mosher's esters. The strongylotriols were found to be optically pure compounds, whereas the pellynols are diastereomeric mixtures at the C-6 position. Proliferation experiments using the HeLa and K562 cell lines suggested that the essential structural units for activity are the "hexa-2,4-diyn-1,6-diol" and "pent-1-en-4-yn-3-ol" on the termini.

  3. Molecular prevalence of Bartonella, Babesia, and hemotropic Mycoplasma sp. in dogs with splenic disease. (United States)

    Varanat, M; Maggi, R G; Linder, K E; Breitschwerdt, E B


    Among diseases that cause splenomegaly in dogs, lymphoid nodular hyperplasia (LNH), splenic hemangiosarcoma (HSA), and fibrohistiocytic nodules (FHN) are common diagnoses. The spleen plays an important role in the immunologic control or elimination of vector-transmitted, blood-borne pathogens, including Bartonella sp., Babesia sp., and hemotropic Mycoplasma sp. To compare the prevalence of Bartonella sp., Babesia sp., and hemotropic Mycoplasma sp. DNA in spleens from dogs with LNH, HSA, and FHN. Paraffin-embedded, surgically obtained biopsy tissues from LNH (N = 50), HSA (N = 50), and FHN (N = 37) were collected from the anatomic pathology archives. Spleens from specific pathogen-free (SPF) dogs (N = 8) were used as controls. Bartonella sp., Babesia sp., and Mycoplasma sp. DNA was amplified by PCR, followed by DNA sequencing. Bartonella sp. DNA was more prevalent in FHN (29.7%) and HSA (26%) as compared to LNH (10%) (P = .019, .0373, respectively) or control spleens (0.0%). The prevalence of Babesia sp. and hemotropic Mycoplasma sp. DNA was significantly lower than Bartonella sp. DNA in HSA (P = .0005, .006, respectively) and FHN (P = .003, .0004, respectively). There was no statistically significant difference in DNA prevalence among the 3 genera in the LNH group. The higher prevalence of Bartonella sp. in FHN and HSA warrants future investigations to determine if this bacterium plays a role in the development of these splenic diseases. Copyright © 2011 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

  4. Rearranjo estrutural de PET durante compressão plana


    Elton Luis Gasparotto Denardin


    As características da tensão – deformação do Poli(tereftalato de etileno) (PET) durante o processo de deformação por compressão plana tem sido estudadas. Amostras de PET com e sem tratamento térmico obtidas por injeção foram deformadas a diferentes temperaturas de deformação, abaixo e acima da temperatura de transição vítrea (Tg) utilizando diferentes taxas de deformação e tensões finais aplicadas. O comportamento mecânico foi analisado através das curvas de tensão – deformação obtidas por de...

  5. Time-dependent migration of citations through PubMed and OvidSP subsets: a study on a series of simultaneous PubMed and OvidSP searches. (United States)

    Boeker, Martin; Vach, Werner; Motschall, Edith


    To quantitatively describe (1) differences between search results derived at consecutive time points with the PubMed and OvidSP literature search interfaces over a five day interval, and (2) the migration of citations through different subsets to estimate the timeliness of OvidSP. PubMed-Identifiers (PMIDs) of the following subsets were retrieved from PubMed and OvidSP simultaneously (within 8 h) at 11 days in March and April 2010 including 5 consecutive days: as supplied by publisher, in process, PubMed not MEDLINE, and OLDMEDLINE. Search results were compared for difference and intersection sets. The migration of citations on individual level was determined by comparison of corresponding sets over several days. The "in process" set was stable with about 446,000 - 452,000 citations; a small fraction of up to 3 % of the total subsets were in PubMed only and OvidSP only subsets. About 96 % of the ca. 10,500 citations in the OvidSP only subset migrated within 2 days out of the "in process" subset. The database of OvidSP is updated within a period of two days.

  6. Babesia bicornis sp. nov. and Theileria bicornis sp. nov.: Tick-Borne Parasites Associated with Mortality in the Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) (United States)

    Nijhof, Ard M.; Penzhorn, Banie L.; Lynen, Godelieve; Mollel, Johnson O.; Morkel, Pete; Bekker, Cornelis P. J.; Jongejan, Frans


    A novel Babesia species, designated Babesia bicornis sp. nov., was identified in three black rhinoceroses (Diceros bicornis) that died in wildlife areas in Tanzania and South Africa. Screening of black rhinoceroses in South Africa revealed, in addition to B. bicornis, a second parasite, designated Theileria bicornis sp. nov. PMID:12734294

  7. Uso da Ciprofloxacina durante a Prenhez de Ratas: efeitos sobre a Mãe e Fetos

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    Approbato Mário Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivos: estudar os efeitos da ciprofloxacina sobre a taxa de abortos, ganho de peso durante a gravidez, morte materna e fetal, malformações fetais grosseiras, número de recém-nascidos, peso dos filhotes e análise dos reflexos neurológicos dos filhotes. Métodos: foram utilizadas 30 ratas da linhagem Wistar, divididas em três grupos. Os grupos tratados receberam ciprofloxacina e o grupo controle soro fisiológico, uma vez ao dia, durante os primeiros 7 dias após o cruzamento. As doses para os grupos D50 e D100 foram, respectivamente, de 50 e 100 mg de ciprofloxacina por kg de peso corporal por dia. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: o ganho de peso durante a prenhez, a prevalência de abortamentos, mortes fetal e materna e malformações fetais grosseiras. Nos 217 filhotes nascidos analisamos o número, o peso e reflexos neurológicos (postural, preensão e orientação no 1º, 3º, 5º e 10º dia de vida por ninhada. Resultados: não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas no número de ratas que ficaram prenhes, na média de ganho de peso materno ou número de filhotes. Os filhotes apresentaram diferenças significativas nos pesos das observações do 3º, 5º e 10º dia (p = 0,006, 0,01 e 0,03, respectivamente, sendo a média menor no grupo D100. Observamos alteração significativa (p = 0,002 na positividade do reflexo de orientação no primeiro dia de vida, alteração que não se manteve nas outras observações. Não se observou caso de abortamento ou malformações grosseiras nos recém-nascidos. Conclusões: a ciprofloxacina alterou o peso ao nascimento e o reflexo dos filhotes nos primeiros dias de vida. Portanto, deve-se estudar a restrição ao seu uso durante a gravidez.

  8. Hidratação durante o exercício: a sede é suficiente? Hidratación durante el ejercicio: ¿la sed es suficiente? Exercise fluid replacement: is thirst enough?

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    Christiano Antônio Machado-Moreira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão sobre a hidratação e discutir se, durante o exercício, a reposição de líquidos de acordo com a sede é suficiente para hidratar o indivíduo. A perda hídrica pela sudorese induzida pelo exercício, especialmente realizado em ambientes quentes, pode levar à desidratação, pode alterar o equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico, dificultar a termorregulação e, assim, representar um risco para a saúde e/ou provocar uma diminuição no desempenho esportivo. Tem sido citado que os atletas não ingerem voluntariamente água suficiente para prevenir a desidratação durante uma atividade física. Em função disso, têm sido propostas recomendações internacionais sobre a hidratação. Segundo o American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM, deve-se ingerir aproximadamente 500mL de líquidos nas duas horas antecedentes ao exercício. Durante o exercício, os atletas devem começar a beber desde o início e em intervalos regulares, em volume suficiente para repor as perdas pela sudorese ou o máximo tolerado. A National Athletic Trainer's Association (NATA faz as seguintes recomendações: ingerir 500 a 600mL de água ou outra bebida esportiva duas a três horas antes do exercício e 200 a 300mL 10 a 20 minutos antes do exercício; durante o exercício, a reposição deve aproximar as perdas pelo suor e pela urina e pelo menos manter a hidratação, com perdas máximas correspondentes a 2% de perda de peso corporal; após o exercício a hidratação deve ter como objetivo corrigir quaisquer perdas líquidas acumuladas. Além disso, o ACSM e o NATA fazem referências sobre temperatura e palatabilidade do líquido, adição de carboidratos e eletrólitos de acordo com a intensidade e duração do exercício e estratégias de hidratação para facilitar a acessibilidade do atleta ao líquido. No entanto, outros autores questionam o uso da reidratação em volumes predeterminados e sugerem que a ingestão de l

  9. Evolución del peso en pacientes durante el primer año del trasplante renal

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    Pilar López Garrigós

    Full Text Available Durante el primer año de trasplante renal es frecuente una ganancia de peso, debido, entre otros a la dieta, sedentarismo, e inmunosupresores, pudiendo aumentar los factores de riesgo del síndrome metabólico. Objetivos: Conocer la evolución del peso de nuestros pacientes durante el primer año del trasplante, y analizar la influencia con las distintas variables asociadas al paciente, sexo, edad, IMC, tratamiento inmunosupresor entre otras. Determinar la asociación entre la ganancia de peso y la aparición de factores de riesgo, como hipertensión arterial, diabetes y dislipidemia. Material y Método: Estudio retrospectivo y analítico. Se estudiaron 100 pacientes con un año de evolución en el trasplante, del Hospital Virgen de la Salud de Toledo. Sé analizaron datos antropométricos, demográficos y clínicos. La ganancia de peso se distribuyo según a las variables del estudio. Resultados: La ganancia de peso al año del trasplante afecto a 93 pacientes, con una media de 7,21 kg ±5,87. El 44,1% aumento su peso por encima de la media, y el 23,7% gano > 10 kg. La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad antes del trasplante fue 57% y 76% después del trasplante. Los hombres ganaron ligeramente más peso que las mujeres. Los más jóvenes < 49 años ganaron más peso, media 9,3 kg. Mayor incidencia de diabetes, hipertensión y dislipemias en los pacientes con sobrepeso y obesidad. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los pacientes aumentaron significativamente de peso al año del trasplante, asociándose con varios de los factores del síndrome metabólico. - Importante la educación, por parte de la enfermería, del paciente para fomentar hábitos de vida saludable.

  10. SP2Bench: A SPARQL Performance Benchmark (United States)

    Schmidt, Michael; Hornung, Thomas; Meier, Michael; Pinkel, Christoph; Lausen, Georg

    A meaningful analysis and comparison of both existing storage schemes for RDF data and evaluation approaches for SPARQL queries necessitates a comprehensive and universal benchmark platform. We present SP2Bench, a publicly available, language-specific performance benchmark for the SPARQL query language. SP2Bench is settled in the DBLP scenario and comprises a data generator for creating arbitrarily large DBLP-like documents and a set of carefully designed benchmark queries. The generated documents mirror vital key characteristics and social-world distributions encountered in the original DBLP data set, while the queries implement meaningful requests on top of this data, covering a variety of SPARQL operator constellations and RDF access patterns. In this chapter, we discuss requirements and desiderata for SPARQL benchmarks and present the SP2Bench framework, including its data generator, benchmark queries and performance metrics.

  11. Os sentimentos da clientela assistida com atividades lúdicas durante a sessão de hemodiálise

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    Renata Brites Teixeira


    Full Text Available Este estudio tiene como objetivo captar los sentimientos generados por las actividades lúdicas desarrolladas durante la hemodiálisis. Hemos adoptado el enfoque fenomenológico cualitativo, considerando 12 clientes que estaban durante el tratamiento de hemodiálisis en un Hospital General, de porte medio, situado en Alfenas, MG. Se utilizó la entrevista abierta con la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cómo se siente con las actividades lúdicas desarrolladas durante la sesión de hemodiálisis? Fueron captados en todas las entrevistas sólo sentimientos positivos expresados por los núcleos de sentidos: la felicidad/alegría, entretenimiento/diversión; amistad y gratitud. El desarrollo de actividades lúdicas se mostró provechoso, despertando alegría, risas y entreteniendo las cuatro horas de hemodiálisis. Los relatos obtenidos indican la importancia del desarrollo del vínculo, del dar oídos y de las humanizaciones establecidas por la actividad de extensión, como enlace en el proceso de cuidar y hasta permite la aplicación de estrategias para fortalecer el proceso de humanización de la asistencia.

  12. Tendencia de la mortalidad y los egresos hospitalarios por tuberculosis, antes y durante la implementación de la reforma del sector salud, Colombia, 1985-1999.

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    Angela María Segura


    Full Text Available Se describen los cambios que se han presentado en las tendencias de mortalidad y egresos hospitalarios por tuberculosis entre 1985 y 1999, que corresponde al periodo antes y durante la implementación de la Reforma del Sector Salud en Colombia. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo exploratorio con análisis de series de tiempo de los egresos hospitalarios y de las tasas de mortalidad por tuberculosis en el país durante el período de estudio. Se encontró que, aunque a partir de 1991 las tasas de hospitalización y mortalidad se estabilizaron, se había registrado un significativo descenso en el país tanto en egresos hospitalarios como en mortalidad entre 1985 y 1990; disminuyeron, aproximadamente, en una tercera parte. El estancamiento en las tasas entre 1991 y 1999 en comparación con el período anterior pudiera estar indicando un deterioro en la prestación de servicios de salud en el nivel primario de atención, además, de otros procesos sociales complejos vividos en el país durante la década que no han permitido que tanto la hospitalización como la mortalidad por tuberculosis hayan continuado la trayectoria descendente que traía en los años anteriores. Si bien por el tipo de estudio realizado no se pueden establecer relaciones causales con el proceso de reforma, sí se recomienda mejorar el desempeño del sistema de salud en torno a problemas de importancia en salud pública, ya que la tuberculosis es una enfermedad vulnerable a las acciones del sector y se pueden evitar hospitalizaciones y muertes innecesarias.

  13. Transcriptional regulation of HIV-1 host factor COMMD1 by the Sp family. (United States)

    Kudo, Eriko; Taura, Manabu; Suico, Mary Ann; Goto, Hiroki; Kai, Hirofumi; Okada, Seiji


    Copper metabolism Murr1 domain containing 1 (COMMD1) has multiple functions in the regulation of protein stability at the plasma membrane and in the cytoplasm. However, the regulation of COMMD1 transcriptional has remained to be elucidated. In the present study, the 5'‑flanking region (‑1,192/+83 bp) of the human COMMD1 gene was cloned. It was observed that the COMMD1 promoter region contains GC‑rich region that has 7 putative Sp1‑binding sites via in silico analysis. The proximal promoter region at ‑289/+83 bp was required for COMMD1 basal promoter activity by deletion constructs of COMMD1 promoter. Moreover, Sp1 inhibitor, mithramycin A, suppressed basal COMMD1 promoter activity. The Sp1‑binding site (‑11/‑1 bp) in the proximal promoter region was a critical site for COMMD1 gene regulation by Sp1 and Sp3. Sp1 upregulated COMMD1 promoter activity, whereas Sp3 suppressed it. Endogenous Sp1 and Sp3 bound to the proximal promoter region of COMMD1. Taken together, Sp1 constitutively regulates the basal expression of the COMMD1 gene in human epithelial cell lines.

  14. Hydrolysis of surimi wastewater for production of transglutaminase by Enterobacter sp. C2361 and Providencia sp. C1112. (United States)

    H-Kittikun, Aran; Bourneow, Chaiwut; Benjakul, Soottawat


    Surimi wastewater (SWW) is an industrial wastewater, released during the washing step of surimi preparation from minced fish, that causes environmental problem. In this study, SWW produced from ornate threadfin bream (Nemipterus hexodon) was hydrolysed and used to cultivate Enterobacter sp. C2361 and Providencia sp. C1112 for the production of microbial transglutaminase (MTGase, EC The SWW was repeatedly used to wash the fish mince that gained a final protein content of 3.20% (w/v). The commercial protease, Delvolase was the most appropriate protease used to produce fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) from SWW. The FPH at 40% degree of hydrolysis was used instead of a peptone portion in the SPY medium (3.0% starch, 2.0% peptone, 0.2% yeast extract, 0.2% MgSO(4), 0.2% K(2)HPO(4) and 0.2% KH(2)HPO(4), pH 7.0) to cultivate the tested strains at 37°C, shaking speed at 150rpm. Providencia sp. C1112 produced higher MTGase activity (1.78±0.05U/ml) than Streptoverticillium mobaraense (1.61±0.02U/ml) at 18h of cultivation in FPH medium. On the other hand, the Enterobacter sp. C2361 produced lower MTGase activity (1.18±0.03U/ml). Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Novel genetic linkage of rat Sp6 mutation to Amelogenesis imperfecta

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    Muto Taro


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI is an inherited disorder characterized by abnormal formation of tooth enamel. Although several genes responsible for AI have been reported, not all causative genes for human AI have been identified to date. AMI rat has been reported as an autosomal recessive mutant with hypoplastic AI isolated from a colony of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat strain, but the causative gene has not yet been clarified. Through a genetic screen, we identified the causative gene of autosomal recessive AI in AMI and analyzed its role in amelogenesis. Methods cDNA sequencing of possible AI-candidate genes so far identified using total RNA of day 6 AMI rat molars identified a novel responsible mutation in specificity protein 6 (Sp6. Genetic linkage analysis was performed between Sp6 and AI phenotype in AMI. To understand a role of SP6 in AI, we generated the transgenic rats harboring Sp6 transgene in AMI (Ami/Ami + Tg. Histological analyses were performed using the thin sections of control rats, AMI, and Ami/Ami + Tg incisors in maxillae, respectively. Results We found the novel genetic linkage between a 2-bp insertional mutation of Sp6 gene and the AI phenotype in AMI rats. The position of mutation was located in the coding region of Sp6, which caused frameshift mutation and disruption of the third zinc finger domain of SP6 with 11 cryptic amino acid residues and a stop codon. Transfection studies showed that the mutant protein can be translated and localized in the nucleus in the same manner as the wild-type SP6 protein. When we introduced the CMV promoter-driven wild-type Sp6 transgene into AMI rats, the SP6 protein was ectopically expressed in the maturation stage of ameloblasts associated with the extended maturation stage and the shortened reduced stage without any other phenotypical changes. Conclusion We propose the addition of Sp6 mutation as a new molecular diagnostic criterion for the

  16. Novel genetic linkage of rat Sp6 mutation to Amelogenesis imperfecta (United States)


    Background Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is an inherited disorder characterized by abnormal formation of tooth enamel. Although several genes responsible for AI have been reported, not all causative genes for human AI have been identified to date. AMI rat has been reported as an autosomal recessive mutant with hypoplastic AI isolated from a colony of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat strain, but the causative gene has not yet been clarified. Through a genetic screen, we identified the causative gene of autosomal recessive AI in AMI and analyzed its role in amelogenesis. Methods cDNA sequencing of possible AI-candidate genes so far identified using total RNA of day 6 AMI rat molars identified a novel responsible mutation in specificity protein 6 (Sp6). Genetic linkage analysis was performed between Sp6 and AI phenotype in AMI. To understand a role of SP6 in AI, we generated the transgenic rats harboring Sp6 transgene in AMI (Ami/Ami + Tg). Histological analyses were performed using the thin sections of control rats, AMI, and Ami/Ami + Tg incisors in maxillae, respectively. Results We found the novel genetic linkage between a 2-bp insertional mutation of Sp6 gene and the AI phenotype in AMI rats. The position of mutation was located in the coding region of Sp6, which caused frameshift mutation and disruption of the third zinc finger domain of SP6 with 11 cryptic amino acid residues and a stop codon. Transfection studies showed that the mutant protein can be translated and localized in the nucleus in the same manner as the wild-type SP6 protein. When we introduced the CMV promoter-driven wild-type Sp6 transgene into AMI rats, the SP6 protein was ectopically expressed in the maturation stage of ameloblasts associated with the extended maturation stage and the shortened reduced stage without any other phenotypical changes. Conclusion We propose the addition of Sp6 mutation as a new molecular diagnostic criterion for the autosomal recessive AI patients

  17. Characteristics of cesium accumulation in the filamentous soil bacterium Streptomyces sp. K202

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuwahara, Chikako; Fukumoto, Atsushi; Nishina, Masami; Sugiyama, Hideo; Anzai, Yojiro; Kato, Fumio


    A filamentous soil bacterium, strain K202, was isolated from soil where an edible mushroom (Boletopsis leucomelas) was growing and identified as belonging to the genus Streptomyces on the basis of its morphological characteristics and the presence of LL-2, 6-diaminopimelic acid. We studied the existence states of Cs and its migration from extracellular to intracellular fluid in the mycelia of Streptomyces sp. K202. The results indicated that Cs accumulated in the cells through at least 2 steps: in the first step, Cs + was immediately and non-specifically adsorbed on the negatively charged cell surface, and in the second step, this adsorbed Cs + was taken up into the cytoplasm, and a part of the Cs entering the cytoplasm was taken up by an energy-dependent transport system(s). Further, we confirmed that a part of the Cs + was taken up into the mycelia competitively with K + , because K + uptake into the intact mycelia of the strain was significantly inhibited by the presence of Cs + in the culture media. This suggested that part of the Cs is transported by the potassium transport system. Moreover, 133 Cs-NMR spectra and SEM-EDX spectra of the mycelia that accumulated Cs showed the presence of at least 2 intracellular Cs states: Cs + trapped by intercellular materials such as polyphosphate and Cs + present in a cytoplasmic pool. - Research highlights: → Cs was taken up into the cells of Streptomyces sp. K202 via 2 steps. → The existence states of Cs accumulated in strain K202 were at least 2 types. → The localized Cs in the cells would be trapped by granules such as polyphosphate. → The localized Cs in the cells might involve in Cs detoxification of strain K202.

  18. Calibration of PIXE-SP system of elementary analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tabacniks, M.H.


    The set-up and calibration of the PIXE-SP System of Elementary Analysis located at the Institute of Physics of the University of Sao Paulo is described. The PIXE-SP, that operates with 8 MeV alpha beam, has been calibrated for elements with Z >= 11, by means of homemade evaporated standard targets of Al, Si, Bacl 2 , K 2 CrO 4 , Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Ge, Ag, Sn, and Au. Those targets are thin, homogeneous, and have been calbrated on a microbalance within an average precision of 6%. The overall precision of the PIXE-SP System is estimated in 10% for elements with 16 2 thick, irradiated with a 10 μC electric charge, shows a minimum of about 0,1 ng (approximated 4 ppm) for Mn. The PIXE-SP System has also been intercalibrated with the PIXE located at University of Gent, Belgium, by means of 12 atmospheric aerosol targets collected on two Batelle Cascade Impactors. The analyzed masses of elements with 16 [pt

  19. Major metabolites from Monostroma sp. and Porphyra vietnamensis Tan. et. Ho

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Jagtap, T.G.

    in Monostroma sp. Total calorific value of P. vietnamensis was observed to be 3164 cal/g (ash free dry weight) while that of Monostroma sp. was 1941 cal/g (ash free dry weight). C:N ratio was found lower (13.7) in P. vietnamensis than in Monostroma sp. (16.6%)...

  20. Painéis de partículas provenientes de rejeitos de Pinus sp. tratado com preservante cca e resina derivada de biomassa

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    Marília Silva Bertolini


    Full Text Available A utilização do preservante CCA (sais de cromo, cobre e arsênio tem sido questionada devido ao impacto relacionado à dispersão, principalmente, do cobre e do arsênio para o ambiente, antes de sua completa fixação na madeira. Outra questão se relaciona à disposição indevida dos resíduos provenientes da madeira tratada, viabilizando a lixiviação devido à maior área passível desses rejeitos sujeita a tal fenômeno. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a produção de painéis de partículas, avaliando o efeito da adição de resíduos de Pinus sp. tratado com sais de cromo, cobre e arsênio (CCA, em associação com material da mesma espécie sem preservantes, além de alterações no teor de adesivo poliuretano à base de mamona empregado na produção. As propriedades dos painéis produzidos foram determinadas conforme recomendações da NBR 14810-3: 2006. Por meio de análise estatística, observou-se que a adição da madeira tratada proporcionou desempenho superior no inchamento em espessura (2 h, ao passo que esse insumo utilizado na mesma proporção que a madeira sem preservantes foi significante, obtendo os melhores resultados na adesão interna. Os módulos de ruptura e de elasticidade na flexão não sofreram influência das variações nos insumos utilizados nos painéis. Os painéis, em grande parte, apresentaram-se em conformidade com os principais requisitos nesse âmbito, mostrando a possibilidade da utilização dos referidos insumos na produção, além da obtenção de um produto com considerável apelo ambiental.