
Sample records for souris saine ou

  1. Activite locomotrice de souris isolees, de deux lignees consanguines, dans un environnement semi-naturel ou en cages d'elevage. (United States)

    Le Pape, G; Lassalle, J M


    Des enregistrements continus d'activité locomotrice ont été effectués sur des souris mâles isolées des lignées Balb/c et C57bl/6, vivant en cages d'élevage ou en milieu semi- naturel. Les résultats montrent que les différences entre ces deux situations ne sont pas perçues de la même façon par les animaux des deux lign'ees: alors qu'en cages d'élevage les souris des deux lignées experiment la même quantité totale d'activaté, en milieu semi-naturel les souris Balb/c sont plus actives que les C57bl/6. En outre, l≐s différences observées entre les lignées pour la repartition de l'activité au cours du nycthèmere s'inversent lorsque l'on passe d'une situation à l'autre. L'étude de la variabilité fait aparaître une dispersion plus grande des performances dans la lignée C57bl/6 en cages d'élevage, alors qu'en milieu semi-naturel la dispersion est plus chez Bal/c. Copyright © 1979. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  2. Données préliminaires sur l'écologie des chauves-souris frugivores ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Résumé. La communauté de chauves-souris frugivores de la Commune du Plateau à Abidjan a été étudiée d'août 2005 à juillet. 2006. ...... dortoirs mentionnés ou à proximité, semble être un facteur ... les alentours de la Direction de la Police.


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    M. Muslih


    Full Text Available Sains Islam sampai saat ini masih terkungkung dalam lingkaran pseudoscience, atau masih pada taraf model justifikasi Bucaillian. Sebagai bangunan keilmuan, sains Islam tentu memiliki basis filosofis. Tulisan ini berupaya mengkaji sains Islam dalam perspektif filsafat ilmu. Dalam perspektif ini, keilmiahan bangunan keilmuan ditentukan oleh ketepatan penggunaan teori dan metodologinya, tanpa mengabaikan sisi sosiologis-historis maupun sisi teologis-metafisis. Jika yang pertama merupakan basis logis dan objektifitas sains, lalu yang kedua merupakan aspek kemanusiaan dari sains, maka yang ketiga adalah basis keyakinan, keimanan, dan keberagamaan dari sains. Dengan ketiga elemen penting tersebut, Sains Islam sebagai sains berbasis agama Islam bisa menjadi ilmiah. Sekalipun demikian, definisi baru Sains Islam sebagai aktivitas ilmiah mesti terus dilanjutkan ke arah “action” dalam bentuk program riset. Dengan begitu, Sains Islam akan menghasilkan temuan-temuan baru, teori baru, metodologi baru, konteks baru, dan seterusnya. Tanpa upaya itu, image pseudosains dan justifikasi Bucaillian akan sulit hilang dari bangunan keilmuan Sains Islam.


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    Asniar Asniar


    Full Text Available AbstractThis study aimed to describe the profile of scientific reasoning and the argumentation skill of students from science and non-science. This research is a descriptive study in a state university at Bandung with samples from science and non-science students totaling 100 people and lecturer of the science course. The studies starts by visiting the universities, reviewing the literature related to the focus of the research, interviews with science faculty about how learning science is done, giving questionnaires to students, giving essay on scientific reasoning, and interviews with several students. The research instrument is a questionnaire (speaking and argumentation, interview, and questions about the essays. The results showed that the average student scientific reasoning ability of non-science (1.4 higher than students of science (1. The arguments, the students found the skills to argue required by students mainly by student teachers (SS = 43.3%, S = 50%, to be able to have the skills to argue we need a habituation or conditioning (SS = 23.3%, S = 50%, and the ability to argue must be procured in all the lectures (SS = 53.5%, S = 43.3%. Keywords: Science, non-Science, Argument, Scientific Reasoning Abstrak  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan profil penalaran ilmiah dan kemampuan berargumentasi mahasiswa sains dan non-sains. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian deskriptif di salah satu universitas negeri di kota Bandung dengan sampel mahasiswa sains dan non sains berjumlah 100 orang dan dosen pengampu mata kuliah IPA. Alur penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu melakukan kunjungan ke Perguruan Tinggi, mengkaji literatur yang berhubungan dengan fokus penelitian, wawancara dengan dosen IPA mengenai pembelajaran IPA yang dilakukan, memberikan angket kepada siswa, memberikan soal essay mengenai penalaran ilmiah, dan wawancara dengan beberapa mahasiswa. Instrumen penelitian berupa angket (kemampuan berbicara dan argumentasi

  5. Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Mapel Sains melalui Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses Sains SD/MI

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    Moh. Arif


    Full Text Available Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan format pengembangan intrumen penilaian keterampilan proses sains SD yang masih menjadi problematika untuk menentukan pengembangan instrumen. Di samping itu, artikel ini ditulis untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan beberpa prosedur pelaksanaan penilaian proses sains SD dengan memberikan format pengembangan instrumen penialaian proses sains yang meliputi penyusunan rencana penelitian, penyusunan kisi-kisi, pembuatan soal sampai pada penganalisian butir soal. Konsep dasar penilaian yang perlu ditekankan adalah keefektivan instrumen penilaian, yang terdiri dari tiga unsur utama yakni valid (validity, reliabel (reliability, dan praktis (practicality. Berdasarkan tujuan dan perbedaan waktu pelaksanaanya, terdapat tiga jenis bentuk penilaian proses sains pada siswa Sekolah Dasar: Penilaian Diagnostik, Penilaian formatif dan Penilaian sumatif. Tes akan dianalisis secara kualitatif baik dari segi materi, konstruksi maupun bahasa. Analisis secara kuantitatif dengan pendekatan teori tes klasik yakni dengan Iteman dan analisis secara kuantitatif menggunakan pendekatan teori tes modern yakni program Bigstep.


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    Aprilia Eki Saputri


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran sains SD di SLB-A Yaketunis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian etnografi kelas. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis data Miles dan Huberman yaitu: reduksi, penyajian, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran sains di SLB-A Yaketunis diawali dengan analisis kebutuhan siswa. Materi pembelajaran yang dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk konkrit dan media pembelajaran tersedia atau dapat disediakan guru, maka indera perabaanlah yang dimaksimalkan oleh guru. Sedangkan materi pembelajaran yang tidak dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk konkrit, hanya diampaikan dengan memanfaatkan komunikasi verbal yang bersifat kontekstual. Budaya kelas di dalam pembelajaran sains di SLB-A Yaketunis adalah menumbuhkan rasa ingin tahu siswa terhadap fenomena-fenomena yang ada di alam semesta, pemanfaatan indera perabaan, dan pendengaran siswa di dalam belajar sains. Budaya tersebut dikembangkan dan dimanfaatkan sepanjang pembelajaran sains agar siswa menguasai keterampilan proses sains dasar (observasi, klasifikasi, mengukur, komunikasi, prediksi, dan inferensi untuk mempelajari fakta, konsep, prinsip, dan teori dalam mata pelajaran sains. Kata kunci: pembelajaran sains dan siswa tunanetra.

  7. SACRED SCIENCE vs. SECULAR SCIENCE: Carut Marut Hubungan Agama dan Sains

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    Samsul Hidayat


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini berupaya mengetahui pergumulan yang terjadi antara Agama dan Sains. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah: Hubungan antara Agama dan Sains mengalami ketegangan dan variasi didalamnya. Ketegangan yang terjadi antara Sains dan Agama disebabkan karena perbedaan perspektif yang digunakan untuk memahami realitas sebagai sumber pengetahuan manusia. Kalau sains mendekati persoalan eksistensi melalui observasi dan eksperimen, sedangkan agama membangun landasan epistemologinya berdasarkan wahyu. Pada abad 19 dan sebagian besar abad 20, gagasan yang dominan adalah sains dianggap mampu memecahkan seluruh persoalan manusia, namun faktanya sains juga telah melahirkan senjata-senjata pemusnah massal dan polusi lingkungan, termasuk merusak keseimbangan aspek spiritual dan material dalam kehidupan manusia. Belakangan muncul para ilmuwan teolog dari beberapa agama yang berupaya mencari jalan tengah untuk menyelesaikan problematika kemanusiaan dan alam dengan menjembatani carut marut hubungan sains dan agama yang tampaknya belum berakhir.


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    Prasetyaningsih Prasetyaningsih


    Full Text Available Abstract This study aimed at identifying in: (1 planning the classroom management for the SSN classes and (2 managing the classroom, in the teaching and learning process of science in SSN schools.This is a evaluatif study which focuses on the classroom management of science learning in SSN junior high schools. The subjects of the research are SSN Junior High Schools of Pati Regency which focuses on the classroom management of science learning. There are six SSN schools, namely  SMP N 2 Pati, SMP N 4 Pati,  SMP N 1 Wedarijaksa, SMP N 1 Trangkil, SMP N 1 Tlogowungu, and SMP N 1 Gabus. The data were gained through observation, interview, questionnaire, and document study.The result shows that : the classroom management planning  in SSN Junior High Schools in the science learning at Pati Regency are categorizes good: the science teacher  SSN Junior High School the use of ICT in science learning was not taken into account, teaching materials (handouts, worksheets, modules and ICT-based teaching material were not developed yet, the assessment planning did not complete. Process in the science learning at SNN junior High School are as categirizes good.  Keywords: Classroom Management, SSN, Science Learning. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1 mengidentifikasi perencanaan pengelolaan kelas di SMP SSN dalam pembelajaran sains; (2 mengidentifikasi proses pengelolaan kelas di SMP SSN dalam pembelajaran sains. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluatif, yang memfokuskan pada kualitas pengelolaan kelas pembelajaran sains pada SMP SSN. Subjek penelitian ini SMP SSN Kabupaten Pati yang difokuskan pada perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pengelolaan kelas pembelajaran sains.Data penelitian diperoleh melalui: observasi, wawancara, angket, dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh bersifat subjektif, berupa hasil observasi, wawancara, dan angket.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: perencanaan pengelolaan kelas di SMP SSN dalam pembelajaran sains berkategori baik


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    - Sudarmin


    Full Text Available Abstract: Learning Models of Organic Chemistry Subject Integrated with Science Generic Skills. The aim of the study is to investigate how Organic Chemistry and Generic Science Skills Teaching Model can be developed for prospective chemistry teachers. This research and development study involves 79 stu­dents of Chemistry Education Department of Sema­rang State University. The data are collected using a test of organic chemistry concepts and generic science skills, a questionnaire, and an observation sheet and then analyzed using N-gain test. The result shows that the OCGSSM teaching model improves the pro­spective chemistry teachers' generic science skills in high and medium category. The high achieving stu­dent group has better comprehension of generic skills in logical consistency, observation, abstraction, symbolic language, sense of scale, and logical frame aspects than low achieving student group. Abstrak: Model Pembelajaran Kimia Organik Terintegrasi Kemampuan Generik Sains. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran kimia organik terintegrasi kemampuan generik sains. Penelitian dan pengembangan melibatkan 79 mahasiswa Pendidikan Kimia Jurusan Kimia Universitas Negeri Semarang. Data dikumpulkan dengan tes penguasaan konsep kimia organik terintegrasi kemam­puan generik sains, angket, dan lembar observasi, dan dianalisis dengan uji N-gain. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penerapan MPKOKG meningkatkan penguasaan kemampuan generik sains calon guru kimia dengan taraf pencapaian tinggi dan sedang. Mahasiswa kelompok prestasi tinggi memiliki penguasaan kemam­puan generik sains konsistensi logis, pengamatan, abstraksi, bahasa simbolik, kesadaran tentang skala serta logical frame lebih baik dibandingkan kelompok prestasi rendah.


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    Sukarno Sukarno


    Full Text Available Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM sains di tingkat SMP bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Keterampilan Proses Sains (KPS dan menanamkan Penguasaan Konsep Sains (PKS. Oleh karena itu, KBM sains harus memberikan peluang untuk mengembangkan KPS dan PKS secara bersama-sama dan tidak terpisahkan. KBM sains berbasis Kegiatan Eksplorasi Lingkungan Alam di Sekitar Sekolah (KELASS dianggap mampu memberikan ruang yang luas untuk mengembangkan KPS siswa dan PKS. Oleh karena itu, penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui apa saja faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat pelaksanaan KBM sains berbasis KELASS dan implikasinya terhadap KPS dan PKS siswa. Data hasil wawancara, observasi dan tes menunjukkan bahwa faktor pendukung KBM sains berbasis KELASS adalah sarana dan prasarana (indoor dan outdoor yang memadai. Sedangkan kendala utama bagi para guru sains adalah tidak adanya bahan ajar sains yang berorientasi pada eksplorasi lingkungan alam sekitar sekolah untuk mengembangkan mahasiswa KPS dan PKS. Oleh karena itu, perlu dikembangkan bahan ajar sains yang dapat mempermudah guru sains dalam melakukan KBM sains berbasis KELASS.   Kata kunci:    eksplorasi lingkungan alam di sekitar sekolah, keterampilan proses sains, penguasaan konsep sains


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    Nuril Maghfiroh


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran Project Based Learning terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Quasi Eksperimen dengan rancangan pretest postest non-equivalent control group design. Penentuan sampel mempertimbangkan kemampuan kognitif yang setara antara dua kelas yang menjadi kelompok kontrol dan kelompok eksperimen. Keterampilan proses sains diukur melalui tes tulis yang kemudian dianalisis dengan rubrik penilaian yang sudah disesuaikan untuk setiap aspek keterampilan proses sains. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh pembelajaran Project Based Learning terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa.

  12. Un service diocésain de la conservation du patrimoine : l’exemple du diocèse de Cambrai (Nord

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    Caroline Biencourt


    Full Text Available Dans le diocèse de Cambrai a été instauré un service diocésain du patrimoine culturel dont la mission est la gestion des patrimoines écrits, mobiliers et immobiliers, propriété de l’association diocésaine ou affecté au culte. Ce retour d’expérience permet de présenter le sens, l’intérêt et les enjeux d’une telle responsabilité en terme de connaissance, de conservation et de valorisation d’un aussi vaste ensemble patrimonial cohérent.The diocese of Cambrai has recently set up its own heritage service. The missions of this service include the conservation of the written heritage of the diocese, its mobile and built heritage and in general the property of the diocesan association or belonging otherwise to the church. The article relates the experience of this service and the interest of its responsibilities in terms of the understanding, the conservation and the interpretation of an extensive but coherent heritage.


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    Fitri Fatimah


    Banyak penelitian yang mengkaji tentang keterampilan proses sains namun masih diteliti secara terpisah antara keterampilan proses dasar dan keterampilan terintegrasi. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang keterampilan proses sains yang menggabungkan keterampilan dasar dan terintegrasi dengan menggunakan Levels of Inquiry pada materi ciri-ciri dan klasifikasi makhluk hidup. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed methods desain embedded terhadap siswa kelas VII SMPN 9 Pontianak. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan pembelajaran model Levels of Inquiry dapat melatih dan mengembangkan keterampilan proses sains siswa mulai dari kurang terampil sampai menjadi sangat terampil. Hasil pretes dan postes memperlihatkan peningkatan hasil dengan N-gain sebesar 0.67 berada pada kriteria sedang.

  14. Approvisionnement en aliments sains et normes nutritionnelles dans les établissements publics : synthèse des données probantes et recommandations stratégiques consensuelles

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    Kim D. Raine


    Full Text Available Introduction : Les aliments malsains sont facilement accessibles dans les lieux publics au Canada, ce qui favorise les maladies chroniques liées au régime alimentaire, comme l’obésité. Cette réalité est préoccupante, car les établissements publics servent souvent une grande quantité d’aliments destinés à des groupes vulnérables, tels que les enfants et les personnes âgées. L’adoption de politiques sur l’approvisionnement en aliments sains, qui soutiennent l’achat, la distribution, la vente ou l’offre d’aliments plus sains, apparaît depuis peu comme une stratégie prometteuse pour contrer ce problème de santé publique, en rendant plus accessibles les aliments sains. De telles politiques n’ont cependant pas encore été adoptées à grande échelle au Canada, malgré les recommandations de nombreuses organisations canadiennes à vocation scientifique et du domaine de la santé. Méthodologie : Afin d’étayer la prise de mesures stratégiques qui favoriseront l’approvisionnement en aliments sains au Canada, nous avons, en premier lieu, réalisé une synthèse des données probantes en vue d’évaluer les répercussions des politiques sur l’approvisionnement en aliments du point de vue des résultats sur la santé, ainsi que des ventes, de la consommation et de l’offre d’aliments plus sains. En second lieu, nous avons tenu une conférence de consensus en septembre 2014. Cette conférence, qui a réuni des experts en recherche sur la santé publique et les politiques nutritionnelles, ainsi que des professionnels de la santé et des services alimentaires, a permis l’étude des données probantes, la mise en commun des expériences et l’élaboration d’un énoncé de consensus et de recommandations sur l’approvisionnement en aliments sains au Canada. Résultats : Cet article expose les constatations de la synthèse des données probantes et les recommandations consensuelles sur l’approvisionnement en

  15. Assessment of sediments in the riverine impoundments of national wildlife refuges in the Souris River Basin, North Dakota (United States)

    Tangen, Brian A.; Laubhan, Murray K.; Gleason, Robert A.


    Accelerated sedimentation of reservoirs and riverine impoundments is a major concern throughout the United States. Sediments not only fill impoundments and reduce their effective life span, but they can reduce water quality by increasing turbidity and introducing harmful chemical constituents such as heavy metals, toxic elements, and nutrients. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service national wildlife refuges in the north-central part of the United States have documented high amounts of sediment accretion in some wetlands that could negatively affect important aquatic habitats for migratory birds and other wetland-dependent wildlife. Therefore, information pertaining to sediment accumulation in refuge impoundments potentially is important to guide conservation planning, including future management actions of individual impoundments. Lands comprising Des Lacs, Upper Souris, and J. Clark Salyer National Wildlife Refuges, collectively known as the Souris River Basin refuges, encompass reaches of the Des Lacs and Souris Rivers of northwestern North Dakota. The riverine impoundments of the Souris River Basin refuges are vulnerable to sedimentation because of the construction of in-stream dams that interrupt and slow river flows and because of post-European settlement land-use changes that have increased the potential for soil erosion and transport to rivers. Information regarding sediments does not exist for these refuges, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service personnel have expressed interest in assessing refuge impoundments to support refuge management decisions. Sediment cores and surface sediment samples were collected from impoundments within Des Lacs, Upper Souris, and J. Clark Salyer National Wildlife Refuges during 2004–05. Cores were used to estimate sediment accretion rates using radioisotope (cesium-137 [137Cs], lead-210 [210Pb]) dating techniques. Sediment cores and surface samples were analyzed for a suite of elements and agrichemicals, respectively. Examination of


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    F. Yuliawati


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian untuk menghasilkan modul pembelajaran sains Madrasah Ibtidaiyah untuk peserta didik difabel netra berbasis integrasi Islam-sains yang memiliki karakter tertentu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Modul pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan mendapatkan penilaian baik menurut penilaian ahli media, pendidik SD dan SLB, dengan persentase keidealan 74,31%. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, modul Braille ini layak digunakan peserta didik sebagai media belajar mandiri dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran sains. For research purposes is to produce science learning modules Madrasah Ibtidaiyah for learners with disabilities blind Islam-science-based integration with certain characteristics. This research is development research. Learning modules that have been developed to get good ratings according to media expert assessment, elementary and special educators, with a percentage of 74.31% ideals. Based on this, the Braille module learners fit for use as a medium of self study in implementing science lessons.

  17. History of neurosciences at the School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. (United States)

    Idris, Badrisyah; Sayuti, Sani; Abdullah, Jafri Malin


    Universiti Sains Malaysia is the only institution in Malaysia which incorporates all fields of the neurosciences under one roof. The integration of basic and clinical neurosciences has made it possible for this institution to become an excellent academic and research centre. This article describes the history, academic contributions and scientific progress of neurosciences at Universiti Sains Malaysia.



    Asri Widowati


    Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan mengungkapkan strategi perbaikan untuk mengefektifkan penerapan pendekatan modified free inquiry sebagai upaya peningkatan kemampuan divergent thinking dalam pembelajaran sains, dan respons siswa terhadap pembelajaran sains dengan menerapkan pendekatan modified free inquiry. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XC SMA PIRI 1 Yogyakarta. Berdasarkan hasil refleksi awal menunjukkan siswa bersikap pasif saat diskusi, memberikan jawaban yang textbook dan se...

  19. Pengaruh Learning Cycle–5E Berkonteks SSI Terhadap Pemahaman Hakikat Sains Pada Materi Larutan Penyangga Dan Hidrolisis Garam Siswa SMA

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    Eris Ratnawati


    Key words: Learning Cycle-5E , Socioscientific Issues, Nature Of Science, Buffer Solution, Salt Hydrolysis   Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji perbedaan pemahaman hakikat sains siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Learning Cycle-5E berkonteks SSI dan model pembelajaran konvensional pada materi larutan penyangga dan hidrolisis garam. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan pretes dan pascates. Sampel terdiri dari dua kelas dan dipilih menggunakan teknik convenience sampling di SMAN Tulungagung. Data diperoleh menggunakan instrumen angket hakikat sains berskala likert (R = 0,883 dan dianalisis dengan ANCOVA satu jalur dan effect size. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan signifikan pemahaman hakikat sains siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Learning Cycle-5E berkonteks SSI dan model pembelajaran konvensional. Berdasarkan effect size, aspek hakikat sains yang berkontribusi tinggi adalah metode ilmiah, empiris, inferensi, dimensi sosial sains, dan penerapan sains dalam bidang sosbud. Aspek hakikat sains yang berkontribusi sedang adalah tentatif, kreatif, dan theory driven. Sedangkan hukum dan teori berkontribusi kecil. Kata kunci: Learning Cycle-5E , Socioscientific Issues, Hakikat Sains, Larutan Penyangga, Hidrolisis Garam


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    Dwi Yulianti


    Full Text Available Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan meningkatkan kompetensi guru PAUD dalam alat bermain sains (ABS dari barang-barang habis pakai atau limbah. Metode yang diterapkan berupa pelatihan dan workshop yang meliputi kuliah, praktek membuat alat dan peer teaching. ABS yang berhasil dibuat diantaranya tikar warna, pengukuran, menimbang, menakar, magnet, bunyi, pncampuran warna, gravitasi, telepon dari gelas plastik. Setelah kegiatan berlangsung terjadi peningkatan jumlah alat pada masing-masing sekolah. Terjadi pula peningkatan kompetensi guru dalam membuat alat bermain sains. Dari hasil uji coba melalui kegiatan per teaching, hasil belajar kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik siswa meningkat secara signifikan.


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    R. Ahmad Zaky El Islami


    Full Text Available This study aimstodetermine the correlation ofscience literacyand confidenceof studentson acid and base concept. This research was conductedatSMAN24Kabupaten TangeranginJanuary-June2013.The method usedwassurvey method, the subjectsin this study consistedof39 students. Datawere analyzed usingproductmomentcorrelation test. The instrument usedisa test ofscientific literacyandself-confidencequestionnaires. The results showeda correlation coefficientof 0.02is lowerthan thertabel(at the 5% significance level is0,316, we conclude that there is nosignificant correlationbetweenscience literacyandconfidence of studentstatistically.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan literasi sains dan kepercayaan diri siswa pada konsep asam basa.Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 24 Kabupaten Tangerang pada bulan Januari-Juni 2013.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei, subyek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 39 siswa.Data dianalisis dengan uji korelasi product momen.Instrumen yang digunakan adalah soal literasi sains dan angket kepercayaan diri. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,02 lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan rtabel (pada taraf signifikansi 5% yaitu 0,316 maka disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara literasi sains dan kepercayaan diri siswa secara statistik.


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    Ahmad Ali Irfan Ardiansyah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan literasi sains siswa pada materi hukum-hukum dasar kimia di sekolah-sekolah di Jakarta Selatan dengan menggunakan acuan awal nilai Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB 2013 provinsi DKI Jakarta yang selanjutnya setiap sekolah dikelompokkan dalam strata atas, strata tengah, dan strata bawah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 29, 47, 66, 74, dan 87 di Jakarta Selatan pada tanggal 7 Juli sampai 15 Agustus 2015. Disain penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei dengan target populasi 96 siswa berdasarkan teknik sampling berstrata. Framework literasi sains yang digunakan terdiri dari literasi nominal, fungsional, konseptual, dan multidimensional. Instrumen yang digunakan meliputi kuesioner, uraian terbuka, dan esai. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil analsis data ditemukan bahwa nilai rata-rata kemampuan literasi sains siswa dari strata atas menunjukkan bahwa mereka memiliki kemampuan literasi nominal, konseptual, dan multidimensional lebih tinggi dari siswa strata bawah dan tengah. Nilai rata-rata kemampuan literasi sains siswa dari strata bawah memiliki kemampuan literasi fungsional yang lebih tinggi dari siswa strata atas dan tengah.

  3. Isu-Isu Genetik Manusia Dari Perspektif Sains & Islam

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    Engku Ahmad Zaki Engku Alwi


    Full Text Available Kejuruteraan genetik dan teknologi rekombinan merupakan penemuan penting yang telah memacu perkembangan pesat dalam bidang bioteknologi moden terutamanya dalam penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D. Walaupun begitu, perkembangan tersebut menimbulkan isu dan persoalan agama serta etika khususnya melibatkan teknik pembiakan buatan, pemindahan organ, pengklonan dan kejuruteraan genetik itu sendiri. Isu etika sering ditekankan dalam pelbagai cabang ilmu dan memainkan peranan sangat penting dalam sistem hidup manusia serta berkait rapat dengan agama. Oleh yang demikian, penulisan kertas kerja ini bertujuan mendedahkan berkaitan Projek Genom Manusia (PGM dan isu-isu genetik manusia yang timbul dari perspektif sains dan Islam seperti Teori Evolusi Darwin, PGM, pengklonan manusia dan eugenik. Akhirnya, isu-isu yang timbul dari aplikasi teknologi genetik manusia perlu ditangani dengan sebaik mungkin melalui etika sains serta diintegrasikan dengan ajaran Islam supaya segala pencapaian bidang ini tidak merosakkan alam dan populasi manusia seterusnya menjadikan kehidupan manusia lebih baik dan kondusif dari semasa ke semasa.


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    Sri Wardani


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian tindakan kelas untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan hasil belajarsiswa melalui penelitian tindakan kelas dengan pendekatan Keterampilan Proses Sains (KPS BerorientasiProblem Based Instruction (PBI. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas XII IPA 8 SMA N 2 Semarang tahunpelajaran 2008/2009, dengan jumlah siswa 40 orang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakahpembelajaran dengan menggunakan Pendekatan KPS Berorientasi PBI dapat meningkatkan hasilbelajar dan aktivitas belajar siswa. Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil belajar kimia yang meliputiaspek kognitif, afektif, psikomotorik, selain juga aktivitas belajar dan keterampilan proses sains siswa,serta kinerja guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan hasil belajar siswa berturut-turutadalah 70,33 , 80,63 dan 89,88. Aktivitas belajar siswa juga mengalami peningkatan yaitu dengan skorrata-rata 65,21 pada siklus I naik menjadi 75,88 pada siklus II serta meningkat pada siklus III menjadi85,05. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran kimia melalui pendekatan KPS berorientasi PBI dapatmeningkatkan hasil belajar serta aktivitas belajar siswa. Kata Kunci: keterampilan proses sains, problem based instruction


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    Tuti Kurniati


    ABSTRAK Pergeseran paradigma pendidikan dan perkuliahan menyebabkan perkuliahan mulai mengarah pada konstruktivistik, yaitu perkuliahan yang berpusat pada mahasiswa (student-centered. Siklus Belajar 5E (learning cycle merupakan salah satu model perkuliahan yang berbasis konstuktivistik yaitu perkuliahan yang menekankan bahwa mahasiswa sendirilah yang akan membangun pengetahuannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pemahaman konsep dan kemampuan aplikasi sains mahasiswa antara kelas yang menggunakan Model Siklus Belajar 5E dibanding kelas kontrol pada perkuliahan Biologi Umum. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui uji-t sampel berpasangan (paired sample t-test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pemahaman konsep dan kemampuan aplikasi sains yang signifikan antara kelompok yang menggunakan Model Siklus Belajar 5E dibanding kelas kontrol. Rata-rata skor postes pemahaman konsep dan kemampuan aplikasi sains mahasiswa di kelas yang menggunakan Model Siklus Belajar 5E lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol. Kata kunci: biologi umum, kemampuan aplikasi sains, Model Siklus Belajar 5E, pemahaman konsep


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    Nani Karnia


    Full Text Available Pembelajaran berbasis sains lokal (budaya lokal adalah suatu bentuk pembelajaran yang memadukan sekolah dengan budaya masyarakat. Penerapan pembelajaran sains berbasis budaya atau pembelajaran berbasis sains lokal melalui budaya dapat membuat siswa lebih mandiri dan memberikan peluang siswa untuk lebih mengeksplor kemampuannya sendiri baik itu pengetahuan awal maupun keyakinannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, yaitu mengetahui : 1 seberapa besar perbandingan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa yang menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis sains lokal melalui budaya paraji dengan pembelajaran secara konvensional, 2 perbedaan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa yang menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis sains lokal melalui budaya paraji dengan yang secara konvensional, dan 3  respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran berbasis sains lokal melalui budaya paraji pada materi pokok bahasan sistem reproduksi. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui tes, angket, dan dokumentasi. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMA Negeri 1 Jatiwangi kelas XI IPA 1 berjumlah 40 siswa dengan pembelajaran berbasis sains lokal melalui budaya paraji dan kelas XI IPA 4 berjumlah 40 siswa dengan pembelajaran konvensional. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji normalitas, homogenitas, uji t uji One Way Anova dan uji Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan hasil belajar siswa kelas eksperimen (912,03% lebih besar dibandingkan kelas kontrol (9,78%. Rata-rata N-Gain kelas eksperimen (0,56 lebih besar daripada kelas kontrol (0,43. Berdasarkan hasil uji t diperoleh nilai sig. 0,000<0.05 artinya terdapat perbedaan peningkatan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara siswa yang menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis sains lokal dengan pembelajaran konvensional. Hasil uji One Way Anova dengan sig.(0,291 > 0,05 artinya tidak terdapat perbedaan rata-rata nilai tes antar kelompok, dan uji Tukey menunjukkan pembelajaran berbasis sains lokal cocok

  7. Stochastic model for simulating Souris River Basin precipitation, evapotranspiration, and natural streamflow (United States)

    Kolars, Kelsey A.; Vecchia, Aldo V.; Ryberg, Karen R.


    The Souris River Basin is a 61,000-square-kilometer basin in the Provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba and the State of North Dakota. In May and June of 2011, record-setting rains were seen in the headwater areas of the basin. Emergency spillways of major reservoirs were discharging at full or nearly full capacity, and extensive flooding was seen in numerous downstream communities. To determine the probability of future extreme floods and droughts, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the North Dakota State Water Commission, developed a stochastic model for simulating Souris River Basin precipitation, evapotranspiration, and natural (unregulated) streamflow. Simulations from the model can be used in future studies to simulate regulated streamflow, design levees, and other structures; and to complete economic cost/benefit analyses.Long-term climatic variability was analyzed using tree-ring chronologies to hindcast precipitation to the early 1700s and compare recent wet and dry conditions to earlier extreme conditions. The extended precipitation record was consistent with findings from the Devils Lake and Red River of the North Basins (southeast of the Souris River Basin), supporting the idea that regional climatic patterns for many centuries have consisted of alternating wet and dry climate states.A stochastic climate simulation model for precipitation, temperature, and potential evapotranspiration for the Souris River Basin was developed using recorded meteorological data and extended precipitation records provided through tree-ring analysis. A significant climate transition was seen around1970, with 1912–69 representing a dry climate state and 1970–2011 representing a wet climate state. Although there were some distinct subpatterns within the basin, the predominant differences between the two states were higher spring through early fall precipitation and higher spring potential evapotranspiration for the wet compared to the dry state.A water

  8. Pengembangan tes kemampuan literasi sains pada materi momentum dan impuls dengan Analisis Item Response Theory (IRT

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    Della Apriyani Kusuma Putri


    Full Text Available Kemampuan literasi sains adalah suatu kemampuan yang memungkinkan seseorang untuk membuat suatu keputusan dengan pengetahuan konsep dan proses sains yang dimilikinya. Berbagai macam permasalahan yang terjadi di era globalisasi ini menuntut siswa untuk tidak hanya cakap dalam aspek kognitif tapi juga mampu memberi keputusan untuk memecahkan permasalahan, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa kemampuan literasi sains adalah kemampuan yang penting dan harus dimiliki siswa. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan instrumen untuk mengukur kemampuan literasi sains. hal inilah yang mendasari peneliti mengembangkan instrumen kemampuan literasi sains. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan dan mengetahui karakteristik tes kemampuan literasi sains fisika siswa SMA pada materi momentum dan impuls berdasarkan aspek literasi sains yang dikemukakan oleh Gormally. Metode penelitian yang diterapkan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development yaitu metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan produk tertentu, dan menguji keefektifan produk tersebut. Sebelum diuji coba tes telah divalidasi oleh tiga orang validator dan menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa tes cukup baik dan dapat diuji coba. Hasil analisis menggunakan Item Response Theory menunjukkan bahwa model 3PL adalah model yang sesuai dengan karakteristik tes. Sedangkan karakteristik tes yang meliputi daya pembeda, tingkat kesukaran, dan faktor tebakan termasuk dalam kategori baik. Science literacy skills is an ability that allows one to make a decision with the knowledge of the concepts and processes of science has. A wide variety of problems that occur in a globalized world requires students to not only proficient in cognitive but also able to make a decision to solve the problem, so it can be said that the ability of science literacy is an important capability and must be owned by the students. Therefore, the instrument is required to measure the ability of science literacy. This problem is


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    Eli Rohaeti


    Full Text Available This research aimed to investigate the effect of PBL model on students’ analytical thinking abilities and science process skills at rate reaction. This research was quasi experimental research using posttest-only control design. The sample was consisted 2 classess, experiment class used Problem Based Learning model and control class used Direct Instruction model with a total sample of 61 students. Instruments of this research were the observation sheet for measuring science process skills and the integrated assessment instrument which involved two indicators, analytical thinking abilities and science process skills. The result of this study shows that PBL model can increase students’ analytical thinking abilities and science process skills. The mean of posttest analytical thinking abilities and science process skills in experiment class is better than control class. The result of the statistic tests using ancova analysis shows that significance 0.000 < 0.05 at 5% significance level, so there’s effect of the using of PBL model on students’ analytical thinking abilities and science process skills. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh model PBL terhadap kemampuan berpikir analitis dan keterampilan proses sains kimia peserta didik pada materi laju reaksi menggunakan instrumen penilaian terintegrasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu. Desain penelitian yang digunakan, yaitu posttest control group design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 61 peserta didik yang dibagi dalam dua kelas, yaitu kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Kelas eksperimen menggunakan model Problem Based Learning, sedangkan kelas kontrol menggunakan model Direct Instruction. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian, yaitu lembar observasi untuk mengukur keterampilan proses sains kimia dan instrumen penilaian terintegrasi yang mencakup indikator kemampuan berpikir analitis dan keterampilan proses sains kimia peserta didik. Hasil


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    Sariwulan Diana


    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh penerapan strategi Peer Assisted Learning (PAL dalam perkuliahan Morfologi Tumbuhan, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi sains mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen, dengan rancangan quasi eksperimental jenis pretest postest control group design. Rancangan tersebut mencakup satu kelompok mahasiswa yang diberi pretes (tes yang dilakukan sebelum perlakuan PAL yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mengobservasi proses perlakuan PAL dan diakhiri postes. Satu kelompok mahasiswa lainnya (kontrol hanya diberi pretes dan diakhiri postes. Instrumen penelitian meliputi angket untuk menjaring tutor, seperangkat soal pretes, soal responsi, soal postes dan angket tentang respon mahasiswa terhadap program PAL yang dilakukan. Penerapan strategi PAL berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan kemampuan literasi sains mahasiswa dalam  perkuliahan Morfologi Tumbuhan (thitung > ttabel. Peningkatan literasi sains mahasiswa pada kelas eksperimen termasuk kategori sedang (N-gain 0,4 dan rendah (N-gain 0,1 pada kelas kontrol. Semua mahasiswa merespon positif terhadap startegi PAL yang dilakukan.

  11. Le Higgs, la chauve-souris et l’éléphant

    CERN Document Server

    Nicquevert, Bertrand


    La physique des particules a achevé sa quête du boson de Higgs ; l’article souligne l’intérêt et les limites d’approches interdisciplinaires dans lesquelles différentes branches d’ingénierie, à l’image de la chauve-souris, ont mis leurs capacités techniques au service de la physique. C’est l’éléphant qui fournit la métaphore d’une perspective systémique et complexe : dépasser de simples espaces d’échange bilatéraux entre disciplines, pour constituer un véritable réseau dynamique « trans(cen)disciplinaire » : qui transcende les disciplines.

  12. From the SAIN,LIM system to the SENS algorithm: a review of a French approach of nutrient profiling. (United States)

    Tharrey, Marion; Maillot, Matthieu; Azaïs-Braesco, Véronique; Darmon, Nicole


    Nutrient profiling aims to classify or rank foods according to their nutritional composition to assist policies aimed at improving the nutritional quality of foods and diets. The present paper reviews a French approach of nutrient profiling by describing the SAIN,LIM system and its evolution from its early draft to the simplified nutrition labelling system (SENS) algorithm. Considered in 2010 by WHO as the 'French model' of nutrient profiling, SAIN,LIM classifies foods into four classes based on two scores: a nutrient density score (NDS) called SAIN and a score of nutrients to limit called LIM, and one threshold on each score. The system was first developed by the French Food Standard Agency in 2008 in response to the European regulation on nutrition and health claims (European Commission (EC) 1924/2006) to determine foods that may be eligible for bearing claims. Recently, the European regulation (EC 1169/2011) on the provision of food information to consumers allowed simplified nutrition labelling to facilitate consumer information and help them make fully informed choices. In that context, the SAIN,LIM was adapted to obtain the SENS algorithm, a system able to rank foods for simplified nutrition labelling. The implementation of the algorithm followed a step-by-step, systematic, transparent and logical process where shortcomings of the SAIN,LIM were addressed by integrating specificities of food categories in the SENS, reducing the number of nutrients, ordering the four classes and introducing European reference intakes. Through the French example, this review shows how an existing nutrient profiling system can be specifically adapted to support public health nutrition policies.

  13. Evolution of glycaemia in the blood of mice in the presence or absence of imidazole; Evolution de la glycemie sanguine chez la souris protegee ou non par l'imidazole

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Polverelli, M; Teoule, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    With respect to the radioprotective properties of the heterocyclic compound, imidazole, the authors followed the action of this product on blood sugar levels of mice X irradiated with a lethal dose. The main results of this work are: probably a hypo-glycemic action of the imidazole; an abolishment of the post-irradiation hyperglycemia by imidazole; an appreciably difference between male and female towards irradiation. (author) [French] Dans le cadre de l'etude des proprietes radioprotectrices de l'imidazole, nous nous sommes attaches a suivre l'action de ce produit sur le taux de glucose sanguin de souris irradiees a dose letale. Les principaux resultats de ce travail sont les suivants: l'action probablement hypoglycemiante de l'imidazole; en tant que radioprotecteur, cet heterocycle azote supprime l'hyperglycemie consecutive a l'irradiation; une difference assez sensible entre males et femelles vis-a-vis de l'irradiation. (auteur)

  14. Online Distance Education at the Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia: Preliminary Perceptions. (United States)

    Idrus, Rozhan Mohammed; Lateh, Habibah Hj


    Presents the instructional design aspects of a multimedia course delivered online via the Internet in a distance learning program at the Universiti Sains Malaysia. Reports results of a preliminary study that showed student perceptions toward online distance education focused on accessibility and presentation rather than pedagogical techniques and…

  15. Evolution of glycaemia in the blood of mice in the presence or absence of imidazole; Evolution de la glycemie sanguine chez la souris protegee ou non par l'imidazole

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Polverelli, M.; Teoule, R. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    With respect to the radioprotective properties of the heterocyclic compound, imidazole, the authors followed the action of this product on blood sugar levels of mice X irradiated with a lethal dose. The main results of this work are: probably a hypo-glycemic action of the imidazole; an abolishment of the post-irradiation hyperglycemia by imidazole; an appreciably difference between male and female towards irradiation. (author) [French] Dans le cadre de l'etude des proprietes radioprotectrices de l'imidazole, nous nous sommes attaches a suivre l'action de ce produit sur le taux de glucose sanguin de souris irradiees a dose letale. Les principaux resultats de ce travail sont les suivants: l'action probablement hypoglycemiante de l'imidazole; en tant que radioprotecteur, cet heterocycle azote supprime l'hyperglycemie consecutive a l'irradiation; une difference assez sensible entre males et femelles vis-a-vis de l'irradiation. (auteur)

  16. Penumbuhan Karakter Islami melalui Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Integrasi Sains-Islam

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    Ahmad Khoiri


    Full Text Available The Classroom Action Research aims to find out physics learning based on science-Islamic integration can improve learning outcomes and foster the Islamic character of class XI RPL 1 SMK Takhassus Al-Qur'an. The Action research is done in two cycles namely: (1 planning, (2 implementation of corrective action, (3 observation, and (4 reflection. The Research Instrument through Test for learning result data, Observation to observe the implementation of learning and questionnaire of religious attitude and social attitude and Documentation. The results of research shows the application of physics-based learning science-Islamic integration can improve learning outcomes, religious and social attitudes. The Percentage mastery is 74 to 90. Religious attitudes is increased from 72 to 79 and social attitudes is increased from 67 to 76 as evidenced by indicators not cheating or giving cheat and reporting learning activities in a transparent manner. The implementation of learning-based integration of science-Islamic can improve learning outcomes and Islamic characters in the form of honesty and cooperation of students on the physics in the concept of fluid.   Penelitian Tindakan Kelas bertujuan mengetahui pembelajaran fisika berbasis integrasi sains-islami dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar serta menumbuhkan karakter islami siswa kelas XI RPL 1 SMK Takhassus Al-Qur’an. Penelitian tindakan dilakukan dua siklus yakni: (1 perencanaan, (2 pelaksanaan tindakan perbaikan, (3 observasi, dan (4 refleksi. Instrumen Penelitian melalui Tes untuk data hasil belajar, Observasi untuk mengamati pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan angket sikap religious dan sikap sosial serta Dokumentasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan penerapan pembelajaran fisika berbasis integrasi sains-islami dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar, sikap religius dan sikap sosial. Prosentase ketuntasan 74 menjadi 90. Sikap religius meningkat dari 72 menjadi 79 serta sikap sosial meningkat dari  67 menjadi 76 yang


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    Mustofa Umar


    Full Text Available Abstract: The main purpose of this article (research is to provide the unity of coherent conceptual frameworks between religion and science on the discourse about the origins of the universe. Contemporary cosmological theories reveal the continuing encounter between physics and theology (religion. The concepts of modern physics show surprising parallels to the ideas expressed in the religious philosophies that the basic features of their worldview are the same. Mystical traditions are present in all religions and they also can be found in the theory of modern physics on the holistic conception of reality. It obviously indicates a new “paradigm”— a new vision of reality. By the “antinomic” principles of light, both religion and science, ontologically, can trace the beginning of the universe, and also unveil the deepest secrets of the laws of physics. Light as the basic ontology of reality in the hadith texts has been used by muslem theosophists (sufi to formulate their theories of the universe creation, especially, in the sufism of Ibn Arabi. His cosmological concepts are essentially similar to the scientific conceptions of cosmology and completely in accordance with the laws of physics in the very heart of the cosmos itself. At the moment, the integration of religion and science has arrived at the same holistic conception of reality. As the pillar of civilization, both are expected to go hand in hand and form a powerful force for social change in the new conceptual frameworks for ways of life, thought, and consciousness. Abstrak: Tujuan utama dari artikel (riset ini adalah untuk membuktikan terdapatnya kesatuan kerangka konseptual yang koheren antara agama dan sains tentang persoalan muasal alam semesta. Teori-teori kosmologi modern menunjukkan adanya titik temu yang berkelanjutan antara sains dan teologi (agama. Konsep-konsep fisika modern memperlihatkan kesejajaran yang menakjubkan terhadap ide-ide yang diungkapkan dalam filsafat


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    Z. Ragil


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh nilai rata-rata dan presentase ketuntasan klasikal siswa yang masih rendah pada matapelajaran sains di SD. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, diterapkan pembelajaran sains dengan pendekatan SETS(Science, Environment, Technology, Society. SETS adalah visi atau pendekatan pembelajaran yang memiliki fokus utamamemberikan pengalaman penyelidikan pada siswa untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan sains, lingkungan,teknologi, dan masyarakat serta kesalingketerkaitannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pembelajaran sainsdengan pendekatan SETS yang diterapkan, dan mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar. Data penelitian berupa hasil belajar kognitifdiperoleh dari test, hasil belajar afektif dan psikomotorik diperoleh dari lembar observasi, untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasilbelajar siswa secara keseluruhan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji gain. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan adanyapeningkatan hasil belajar kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik. Dari hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapanpembelajaran sains dengan pendekatan SETS dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. This research was carried out with the background of low average mark and classical mastery percentage of science subject ofelementary school student. With the purpose of the research of describing science lesson with SETS approach to increase learningachievement, the researcher applies SETS approach in the lesson of light material. The data of cognitive learning achievement isfound by using test, while the affective and psychomotor ones are taken from observation sheets. In order to examine the overalllearning achievement, this study uses gain test. The data analysis shows that there is an improvement of cognitive, affective andpsychomotor learning achievements of student after having the lesson. It is concluded that the application of science lesson withSETS approach can increase the students

  19. Analisis Keterampilan Proses Sains Peserta Didik Melalui Bahan Ajar Multimedia Interaktif Alat Ukur dan Pengukuran dengan Pendekatan Behavioristik

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    Ino Angga Putra


    Full Text Available Abstract The development of science and technology today is spreading rapidly in the field of education, especially in the development of learning media. The application of learning media using behavioristic approach that tends to optimize the stimulus and learners' response in process (science process skill. The purpose of this research is a to describe the application of interactive multimedia teaching materials to the students 'science process skills and b to know the impact of interactive multimedia materials on the students' learning process skill. The type of this research is Pre-Experimental Research by using one-shot case study design. Implementation of research product in field can develop skill of science process learners based on result of T test 2,229 significance of 0.056. It is expected that further research to determine the positive response of learners. Abstrak Perkembangan IPTEKS dewasa ini menyebar secara cepat dibidang pendidikan khususnya dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran. Penerapan media pembelajaran tersebut menggunakan pendekatan behavioristik yang cenderung mengoptimalkan stimulus dan respon peserta didik dalam proses (keterampilan proses sains. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu a untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan bahan ajar multimedia interaktif terhadap keterampilan proses sains peserta didik dan b untuk mengetahui dampak bahan ajar multimedia interaktif terhadap keterampilan proses sains peserta didik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Pre-Eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain one shot case study. Implementasi produk penelitian dilapangan dapat mengembangkan keterampilan proses sains peserta didik berdasarkan hasil Uji T sebesar 2.229 signifikansi 0.056 . Diharapkan adanya penelitian lanjutan untuk mengetahui respon positif peserta didik.

  20. A Study of Quality Assurance Practices in the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia (United States)

    Sim, Helen Khoo Chooi; Idrus, Rozhan M.


    This article looks at the quality assurance practices amongst three (3) groups of staff in the School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, i.e. lecturers, resident tutors and support staff. 9 dimensions of the Quality Assurance Practices i.e. Staff Development, Planning, Work Process, Team Work, Prioritise Customers, Performance…

  1. Saine diversification des repas servis dans les écoles grâce aux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Saine diversification des repas servis dans les écoles grâce aux innovations en agriculture. 03 janvier 2018. Wendy-Ann Isaac, Gaius Eudoxie, Patrick Cortbaoui, Wayne Ganpat et Sylvia Borucki. Des élèves qui mangent un repas à l'école. Photo : Arne Hoel / Banque mondiale ...


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    malikhatul hidayah


    Full Text Available Tujuan  penelitian  ini  adalah  untuk    memperkenal- kan dan mengetahui efektivitas Model Pembelajaran SCS ( Science Process Skills melalui kegiatan Laboratorium Sebagai Wahana Pendidikan Sains yang cocok bagi siswa MTs agar meningkatkan: penguasaan konsep kimia, ke- mampuan berpikir kreatif, dan keterampilan  sains siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kelas, dan difokuskan pada pokok bahasan asam basa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di salah satu MTs Negeri di kota Semarang dengan subyek sebanyak 40 siswa kelas III. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi model pembelaja- ran, soal-soal tes, pedoman wawancara, pedoman obser- vasi dan angket, sedang LKS digunakan pada saat kegiatan laboratorium. Dalam model pembelajaran dikembangkan empat jenis konsep yaitu konsep kongkret, konsep yang menyatakan sifat, konsep yang melibatkan penggambaran simbol, dan konsep berdasarkan prinsip. Model pembela- jaran ini dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep pada setiap kelompok kemampuan siswa, mengembangkan ke- mampuan berpikir kreatif dengan hasil tertinggi pada as- pek membangun konsep di atas pengetahuan yang telah ada pada diri siswa dan terendah pada aspek memilih hal- hal yang mungkin tidak relevan, serta keterampilan sains mengatasi kurangnya waktu pembelajaran, bagian-bagian pembelajaran tertentu dapat dilaksanakan di luar jam ke- las.



    Salleha Khalid; Tengku Madeehah Tengku Mohd; Khadijah Hassanah; Suhaila Sanip; Muhammad Shamsir Aris; Khaironi Sharif; Mohd Mokthar


    Recent advances in information technology has made e-learning feasible in many fields of education. Medical education is not any different. This survey is conducted among all the medical educators in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) assessing their readiness and attitudes towards e-learning. A cross-sectional questionnaires assessing the IT skills, Internet usage, attitude, perceived benefits and usage of e-learning among USIM medical lecturers were used. Data gained were then analyzed....

  4. Effect of fractionated X-ray doses on the hemogram and the protein formula of the mouse; Action de doses fractionnees de rayons X sur l'hemogramme et la formule proteique de la souris

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alix, D; Pierotti, Th [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The authors have studied the action of small doses of radiation on the system of mice. Irradiations was performed at doses of 50, 100, 150 or 200 R according to groups, either, as single dose or as fractionated doses. It was established that changes begin to become evident only after total exposure of 100 R. It occurs a decrease of cellular constituents and more often than not an increase of total proteins and {gamma}-globulins. (authors) [French] Les auteurs ont etudie l'action des faibles doses de radiation sur la souris. Des irradiations furent pratiquees a des doses totales de 50, 100, 150 ou 200 R suivant les lots, soit en dose unique, soit en doses fractionnees. Ils ont constate que les modifications ne commencent a apparaitre nettement qu'apres une exposition de 100 R au total. Elles se font dans le sens de la diminution pour les elements cellulaires, le plus souvent dans le sens de l'augmentation pour les proteines totales et les {gamma}-globulines. (auteurs)

  5. Soutenir des politiques d'alimentation plus saine en Asie du Sud-Est ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Soutenir des politiques d'alimentation plus saine en Asie du Sud-Est. Près d'un quart des décès causés par des maladies non transmissibles dans le monde surviennent en Asie du Sud-Est. Ce projet tentera de résoudre le problème en menant des recherches sur la façon dont les politiques peuvent favoriser des ...


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    Richie Erina


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran InSTAD terhadap: (1 keterampilan proses sains peserta didik, (2 hasil belajar kognif peserta didik, dan (3 proses sains dan hasil belajar kognitif peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan mengguna-kan desain kuasi eksperimen. Analisis data menggunakan Independent t-test dan MANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1 penerapan model pembelajaran InSTAD secara signifikan lebih berpengaruh positif terhadap keterampilan proses sains dibandingkan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing, dan hal ini ditunjukkan dengan output (t= 7.47 dan 7.53 dengan signifikansi sebesar 0.00 (sigifikansi < 0.05; (2 penerapan model pembelajaran InSTAD secara signifikan lebih berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar kognitif dibandingkan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing, dan hal ini ditunjukkan dengan output (t= 4.41dan 5.00 dengan signifikansi sebesar 0.00 (sigifikansi < 0.05; (3 penerapan model pembelajaran InSTAD secara signifikan lebih berpengaruh positif terhadap keterampilan proses sains dan hasil belajar kognitif dibandingkan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing, dan hal ini ditunjukkan dengan output (F= 26.36 dan signifikansi sebesar 0.00 (sigifikansi < 0.05. Kata Kunci: InSTAD, keterampilan proses sains, hasil belajar kognitif   THE EFFECT OF InSTAD LEARNING MODEL ON THE SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS AND COGNITIVE LEARNING OUTCOMES IN PHYSICS IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Abstract This study aims to find out the effect of InSTAD learning model on: (1 the science process skills of the students, (2 the cognitive learning outcomes of the students, (3 the science process skills and cognitive learning outcomes of the students. This study is a quantitative research using a quasi-experimental design. The data analysis used the Independent t-test and MANOVA. The results show that: (1 the implementation of InSTAD learning model gives a significantly more positive effect to the

  7. Motivation, Psychology and Language Effect on Mobile Learning in Universiti Sains Malaysia

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    Issham Ismail


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to examine the motivation, psychology and language effect on Mobile learning in the School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang. Mobile learning or m-learning is a new learning phenomenon in the open and distance learning environments. Moving from stationary to mobile learning allows informal collaboration and interaction between learners. Therefore, there is a necessity to revise people’s psychological factors, process and mechanisms that underlie M-learning so that the practice can move from technology-centred implementation to human-centred effective learning processes. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS Version 12.0 and Rasch Model Analysis was used to measure these items. The 5-point Likert scale questionnaires (12 items being sent to 105 distance education students from four courses including Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Social Science and Bachelor of Management which was distributed in tutorial sessions during the annual residential intensive course in the main campus of the Universiti Sains Malaysia by their respective course managers. The finding shows that a positive response from the learners as they feel happy to use this additional learning tools (mobile learning. Learner’s feel supported and motivated to use the mobile application with the usability of simple language.


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    Asri Widowati


    Full Text Available Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan mengungkapkan strategi perbaikan untuk mengefektifkan penerapan pendekatan modified free inquiry sebagai upaya peningkatan kemampuan divergent thinking dalam pembelajaran sains, dan respons siswa terhadap pembelajaran sains dengan menerapkan pendekatan modified free inquiry. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XC SMA PIRI 1 Yogyakarta. Berdasarkan hasil refleksi awal menunjukkan siswa bersikap pasif saat diskusi, memberikan jawaban yang textbook dan seragam (tidak variatif, maka diperlukan tindakan berupa pendekatan modified free inquiry yang merupakan teknik berpikir divergen. Tahap-tahap tindakan meliputi: presenting task, designing, investigating, dan constructing meaning. Ketuntasan siswa dalam memberikan jawaban terhadap soal-soal tes yang dikembangkan untuk mengukur kemampuan divergent thinking siswa (aspek fluency, flexibility, originality, dan elaboration mencapai 60,71% pada siklus II. Siklus dihentikan setelah berlangsung sebanyak 2 (dua siklus karena hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya indikasi pencapaian target penelitian. Setelah refleksi siklus I, dilakukan perbaikan berupa guru memberikan motivasi dengan cara memberikan pertanyaan yang mendorong keingintahuan siswa dan bimbingan secara lisan ataupun tulisan lebih intensif melalui Lembar Kerja Siswa agar keterlaksanaan pendekatan modified free inquiry siklus II lebih baik daripada siklus I. Sebagian besar siswa (≥75% merespons positif terhadap penerapan pendekatan modified free inquiry. Kata kunci: divergent thinking, pendekatan modified free inquiry


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    Nurmaliahayati S.Pd.


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peningkatan keterampilan proses sains (KPS dan sikap ilmiah melalui pemanfaatan hutan dalam pembelajaran biologi terintegrasi tipe connected. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode weak experiment dengan desain one group pretest-postest dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri di Krayan Kalimantan Timur kelas X tahun ajaran 2011-2012 Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pretest dan postest untuk KPS dan sikap ilmiah, lembar observasi aktivitas guru dan siswa untuk menjaring informasi mengenai kegiatan selama pembelajaran berlangsung. Data dianalisis dengan uji perbedaan dua rata-rata, yaitu paired samples T Test dalam program komputer SPSS 16 for windows. Hasilnya terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara skor tes awal dan skor tes akhir KPS dan sikap ilmiah siswa. Rerata N-gain KPS dan sikap ilmiah berturut-turut adalah 0,46 dan 0,35 (sedang. Tingkat presentase keterlibatan siswa pada tiap pertemuan semakin mendekati 100%, artinya hampir semua siswa terlibat aktif dalam melakukan pembelajaran. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan KPS dan sikap ilmiah siswa setelah melalui pemanfaatan hutan dalam pembelajaran biologi terintegrasi tipe connected. Kata Kunci : keterampilan proses sains, pemanfaatan hutan, pembelajaran terintegrasi, sikap ilmiah


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    Nyoman Wijana


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan intervensi ergonomi dalam pembelajaran sains untuk menurunkan keluhan muskuloskeletal siswa SD. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian quasi eksperimental dengan rancangan randomized pre-test and post-test control group design. Pada kelompok kontrol pembelajarannya dengan cara konvensional (tanpa intervensi ergonomi dan kelompok eksperimen dengan intervensi ergonomi. Intervensi ergonomi dalam pembelajaran sains mengacu pada pendekatan ergonomi (PE yakni gabungan antara SHIP dan TTG. Implementasi dari hal ini adalah melakukan perbaikan dan atau penataan terhadap instrumental input, environmental input dan porcess, sedangkan untuk di kelompok kontrol tidak dilakukan intervensi ergonomi, di mana kondisi instrumental input, environmental input dan process berlangsung secara konvensional. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara random. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney dengan taraf signifikansi 5 %. Simpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah (1 intervensi ergonomi dapat menurunkan keluhan muskuloskeletal siswa SD  (p < 0,05; (2 Hasil pengukuran dengan nordic body map pada kelompok kontrol terjadi keluhan pada otot pinggang (86,1%, otot pantat (86,1%, otot punggung (84,8%, otot lengan atas kiri (78,8%, otot lengan atas kanan (67,9%, otot siku kanan (78,2%, otot siku kiri (74,6%, paha kanan (76,9%, paha kiri (75,7%, otot betis kanan  (66,1%, otot betis kiri (64,2%, otot pergelangan kaki kanan (67,3%, dan otot pergelangan kaki kiri (65,5%. Dengan demikian dapat disarankan bahwa intervensi ergonomi dalam pembelajaran dengan menggunakan PE sebaiknya diterapkan dalam pembelajaran sains di SD karena telah terbukti dapat menurunkan keluhan muskuloskeletal.[MEDICINA 2009;40:11-20].  

  11. Aperçu - Un changement difficile à faire accepter : constats d’une analyse qualitative de l’offre d’aliments sains dans les installations récréatives et sportives

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    Jessie-Lee D. McIsaac


    Full Text Available Les installations récréatives et sportives (IRS font généralement la promotion de la santé par l’activité physique, mais la qualité de leur environnement alimentaire est souvent négligée. Nous avons exploré les perspectives des intervenants quant aux obstacles à l’offre d’aliments sains dans les IRS en effectuant des entrevues téléphoniques avec dix représentants d’IRS de l’ensemble de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Trois obstacles principaux ont été identifiés : 1 les normes culturelles associées à la nourriture dans les IRS et dans un environnement plus large, 2 la notion ancrée de choix et de responsabilité personnels et 3 les implications financières d’une offre alimentaire saine. Ces obstacles limitent l’offre d’aliments sains dans les IRS et exigent des stratégies variées pour surmonter les normes sociales qui nuisent aux comportements sains.

  12. Efektivitas dan Kendala Pembelajaran Sains Berbasis Inkuiri terhadap Capaian Dimensi Kognitif Siswa: Meta Analisis

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    Abdurrahman Abdurrahman


    Full Text Available In recent, inquiry-based learning is gaining popularity in science curricula, especially for international research and development projects as well as teaching and learning science. One of the underlying reasons is that its success can be significantly improved due to the recent technical developments that allow the inquiry process to be supported by various learning environments including information technology. Inquiry-based learning is often organized into inquiry phases that focused to build students process science skills. However, different variations on what is called the inquiry competence can be found throughout the literature. The current article focuses on identifying and summarizing the core features of inquiry-based learning by means of a systematic literature review and develops a synthesized inquiry process that combines the strengths of existing inquiry-based learning frameworks for enhancing students achievement. The review was conducted using the Web of Science and ERIC (Education Resources Information Center data base; a total of 15 articles describing inquiry phases or whole inquiry process were selected based on specific search criteria. An analysis of the articles resulted in the identification of five distinct general inquiry phases: Orientation, Conceptualization, Investigation, Discussion and Conclusion. Inquiry-based learning usually ends with the Conclusion phase. Based on analysis almost of the study showed that inquiry-based learning has shown students’ increasing in cognitive achievement significantly.   Akhir-akhir ini, pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri semakin populer di kurikulum sains, terutama untuk penelitian dan pengembangan dan pembelajaran sains global. Salah satu alasan utamanya adalah keberhasilannya dalam meningkatkan kompetensi belajar sains siswa secara signifikan, yang perkembangannya saat ini sangat memungkinkan terjadinya proses inkuiri yang didukung oleh berbagai lingkungan belajar termasuk

  13. Google Translate as a Supplementary Tool for Learning Malay: A Case Study at Universiti Sains Malaysia (United States)

    Bahri, Hossein; Mahadi, Tengku Sepora Tengku


    The present paper examines the use of Google Translate as a supplementary tool for helping international students at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) to learn and develop their knowledge and skills in learning Bahasa Malaysia (Malay Language). The participants of the study were 16 international students at the School of Languages, Literacies, and…

  14. Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Universiti Sains Malaysia Emotional Quotient Inventory Among Medical Students in Malaysia

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    Wan Nor Arifin


    Full Text Available The Universiti Sains Malaysia Emotional Quotient Inventory (USMEQ-i is a Malay-language emotional intelligence (EI inventory that was based on a mixed-model approach of EI. It was specifically developed and validated for use among medical course applicants. However, evidence to support its use among medical students is inadequate. This study aims to provide further construct validity evidence for the USMEQ-i among medical students through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA. A cross-sectional study was carried out on a sample of 479 medical students in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM. After a preliminary analysis, data from only 317 respondents were found suitable for inclusion in CFA. CFA was performed using the maximum likelihood estimation method with bootstrapping due to the nonnormality of items at the multivariate level. The results of the analysis support the two-factor model of the EI component and the one-factor model of the faking component. However, the USMEQ-i should be administered with caution until further cross-validation studies are conducted among students in other medical schools in Malaysia.


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    Abu Husen


    Full Text Available This study aims to implement of Problem Based Learning combined Think Pair Share in order to improve critical thinking and science process skills of students at XI IPA SMA. This research was classroom action research. The subjects were 28 students of classroom XI IPA 1 SMAN 1 Kasiman Bojonegoro 2016/2017. This research was conducted in two cycles. The research data consists of the learning realized by observation, the results of the critical thinking paper and pencil tests, and the science process skills by observation. Data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative technique. The results showed that the combined PBL and TPS learning model can improve the ability of critical thinking, and science process skills students of classroom XI IPA 1 SMAN 1 Kasiman Bojonegoro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan Problem Based Learning dipadu Think Pair Share dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan keterampilan proses sains siswa kelas XI IPA SMA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPA 1 SMAN 1 Kasiman Bojonegoro tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 dengan jumlah 28 siswa. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama dua siklus. Data penelitian terdiri atas hasil observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, hasil tes tulis kemampuan berpikir kritis, dan hasil observasi keterampilan proses sains. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran PBL dipadu TPS dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan keterampilan proses sains siswa kelas XI IPA 1 SMAN 1 Kasiman Bojonegoro.


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    Ade Idrus Hariri


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengasah kemampuan siswa dalam  menganalisis,  mengkritisi dan  mengaitkan  konsep  yang dipelajari di sekolah dengan  kebudayaan  lokal  yang  berkembang  di masyarakat agar siswa memperoleh pemahaman mendalam terhadap konsep yang dipelajarinya. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji 1 aktivitas belajar siswa, 2 peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis (KBK siswa, dan 3 respon siswa terhadap penerapan pembelajaran berbasis sains budaya lokal ngaseup. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan April sampai Mei 2016. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI MIPA SMAN 1 Maja. Sampel terdiri dari 30 siswa kelas XI MIPA 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan 30 siswa kelas XI MIPA 1 sebagai kelas kontrol. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah pretest-posttest control group design dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes, observasi dan angket. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan software SPSS 17.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukan 1 aktivitas belajar siswa kelas eksperimen lebih baik dari kelas kontrol; 2 KBK siswa kelas eksperimen dan kontrol meningkat, rata-rata N-Gain kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,56 dan rata-rata N-Gain kelas kontrol sebesar 0,47. Hasil uji statistik mnghasilkan sig. 0,001 < 0,05, artinya Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima; 3 respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran berbasis sains budaya lokal ngaseup termasuk dalam kriteria sangat kuat. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu 1 terdapat perbedaan peningkatan KBK siswa yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kontrol, 2 aktivitas belajar siswa di kelas eksperimen jauh lebih baik dari kelas kontrol, 3 siswa memberi respon positif terhadap pembelajaran berbasis sains budaya lokal ngaseup.  Kata kunci : Sains Budaya Lokal, Ngaseup, Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis.

  17. Adoption of Mobile Learning Among Distance Education Students in Universiti Sains Malaysia

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    Munirah Rosli


    Full Text Available This study was carried out in order to investigate whether mobile learning using Short Message Service (SMS was a method of learning adopted by the students enrolled in the School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia. As adult learners who are in vocation, time and isolation are the bane of self-study. Since all the students own a mobile device that can receive SMS, educational messages can be sent directly to their devices. This experimental study explored the impact of learner’s characteristic, learning design and learning environment to their adoptability. This study utilised two models of data analysis, the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS Version 12.0 and the Rasch model analysis for measurement. The analysis was conducted on a sample of 105 students based on gender, age, ethnicity, programme of study and mobile device ownership. The students were from four different courses which are Bachelors of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Social Science and Bachelor of Management. The questionnaire-answer session were administered by the respective course managers in their tutorial sessions during the annual residential intensive course in the main campus of the Universiti Sains Malaysia. The result indicated that mobile learning has helped them to pace their studies. By using mobile learning, learners easily get any information that they need at anytime anywhere. Learners would also like to take another mobile learning assisted course if the courses are relevant to their learning needs. Furthermore, the SMS educational content received through their hand phone are easily remembered.

  18. Accès de familles à faible revenu à une alimentation saine grâce ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Accès de familles à faible revenu à une alimentation saine grâce aux cantines populaires au Pérou. Les maladies non transmissibles (MNT) sont une importante cause de décès au Pérou (60 % des décès en 2010). Un régime alimentaire malsain est l'un des quatre principaux facteurs de risque de MNT. Les chercheurs se ...

  19. Peningkatan Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa pada Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Team Achievement Division

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    Happy Komike Sari


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan observasi di SMA Negeri 15 Bandarlampung, proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran fisika masih belum meraih hasil yang maksimal terutama pada siswa kelas X. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan Keterampilan Proses Sains (KPS dan hasil belajar fisika siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Team Achievement Division (STAD. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus pada 30 siswa di kelas X5 SMA Negeri 15 Bandarlampung. Setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan dan pengamatan, dan refleksi. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi untuk Keterampilan Proses Sains (KPS dan soal uraian untuk hasil belajar. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Team Achievement Division (STAD dapat meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains (KPS dan hasil belajar fisika siswa dari siswa ke siswa. Based on observations in SMA NegerI 15 Bandarlampung, the implementation process of learning physics is still not achieve the maximum results, especially in class X. The main purpose of this study is to describe the increase of KPS and students’ learning achievement in learning physics using a cooperative learning model type Student Team Achievement Division (STAD. This classroom action research has been conducted in three cycles with 30 students of X5 Class of SMA Negeri 15 Bandarlampung. Every cycle consists of planning, action and observation, and reflection. The data were collected using observation sheet for KPS and essay test for learning achievement. Based on the results indicate that the cooperative learning model type STAD effectively could increase KPS and students’ learning achievement in learning physics from cycle to cycle

  20. Effets des rayonnements de haute energie sur le cristallin de la souris

    CERN Document Server

    Di Paola, M; Bianchi, M; Bianchi, M no 1; Baarli, J no 1; Di Paola, M no 1


    L'opacification du cristallin après irradiation par des neutrons et d'autres rayonnements ionisants a été largement étudiée, vu l'importance de telles recherches en radioprotection et la possibilité offerte par ce système d'analyser les effets produits par de petites doses de rayonnement. Les neutrons de haute énergie sont d'un intéret particulier pour la radioprotection près des accélérateurs et dans l'espace, mais jusqu'à présent les études ont été limitées aux neutrons d'énergie inférieur à 14 MeV. L'opacification du cristallin chez la souris, après irradiation par des neutrons de 400 MeV produits par le Synchro-Cyclotron du CERN, a été étudiée. Le valeurs d'E.B.R. ont été déterminées par comparaison avec des rayons X de 250 kV. Une breve discussion des résultats obtenus est inclue dans la présentation.


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    Woro Sumarni


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir generik inferensialogika mahasiswa calon guru kimia dalam pembelajaran Praktikum Kimia Dasar denganstrategi learning cycle. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Jurusan Kimia FMIPA UNNES. Subjekpenelitian ini adalah mahasiswa prodi Pendidikan Kimia tahun akademik 2008/2009. Sebagaifokus penelitian adalah prestasi belajar mahasiswa untuk mengungkapkan perbedaan tingkatpemahaman konsep dan keterampilan generik inferensia logika. Penelitian didesain sebagaipenelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus dengan tahapan PIOR. Dalamsetiap siklus diterapkan strategi Learning Cycle 5E (engagement, exploration, explaination,extension, evaluation. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengambilan data berupa soalpretes dan postes dengan bentuk soal pilihan benar salah diikuti alasan atas jawaban,sedangkan instrumen nontes berupa lembar observasi dan angket tanggapan mahasiswaterhadap model pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas ini menunjukkan bahwapengembangan model pembelajaran praktikum kimia dasar dengan strategi learning cyclemampu meningkatkan penguasaan konsep-konsep kimia dasar dan keterampilan generiksains inferensia logika bagi calon guru kimia. Hal ini berarti pembelajaran praktikum kimiadasar dengan strategi learning cycle telah memberikan dampak positif terhadap peningkatankualitas pembelajaran Praktikum Kimia Dasar dan keterampilan generik sains inferensi logikabagi mahasiswa calon guru kimia. Kata kunci: learning cycle, keterampilan generik sains, inferensia logika

  2. Multivariate supOU processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole Eiler; Stelzer, Robert


    Univariate superpositions of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck-type processes (OU), called supOU processes, provide a class of continuous time processes capable of exhibiting long memory behavior. This paper introduces multivariate supOU processes and gives conditions for their existence and finiteness of moments....... Moreover, the second-order moment structure is explicitly calculated, and examples exhibit the possibility of long-range dependence. Our supOU processes are defined via homogeneous and factorizable Lévy bases. We show that the behavior of supOU processes is particularly nice when the mean reversion...... parameter is restricted to normal matrices and especially to strictly negative definite ones. For finite variation Lévy bases we are able to give conditions for supOU processes to have locally bounded càdlàg paths of finite variation and to show an analogue of the stochastic differential equation of OU...

  3. Images in medicine

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    12 mai 2015 ... Le torticolis est une contracture d'un ou de plusieurs muscle(s) du cou. Il se manifeste par un tableau plus ou moins douloureux associant inclinaison de la tête du côté atteint, translation et rotation du côté sain. Les étiologies sont nombreuses. Leur gravité est variable, incluant des pathologies musculaires, ...

  4. Undergraduate Students' Satisfaction with Hostel and Sense of Attachment to Place: Case Study of University Sains Malaysia


    Fatemeh Khozaei; Ahmad S. Hassan; Zahra Khozaei


    Problem statement: Unlike numerous studies have explored residents satisfaction and sense of attachment to housing, little discussion exists on this area addressing the relationship between sense of attachment to place and student housing satisfaction. To fill such a gap, this article was an attempt to investigate undergraduate students level of satisfaction and sense of attachment to place drawn from three ethnics (Malay, Chinese and Indian) living in the hostels of University Sains Malaysia...

  5. Multivariate supOU processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole Eiler; Stelzer, Robert

    Univariate superpositions of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) type processes, called supOU processes, provide a class of continuous time processes capable of exhibiting long memory behaviour. This paper introduces multivariate supOU processes and gives conditions for their existence and finiteness...... of moments. Moreover, the second order moment structure is explicitly calculated, and examples exhibit the possibility of long range dependence. Our supOU processes are defined via homogeneous and factorisable Lévy bases. We show that the behaviour of supOU processes is particularly nice when the mean...... reversion parameter is restricted to normal matrices and especially to strictly negative definite ones.For finite variation Lévy bases we are able to give conditions for supOU processes to have locally bounded càdlàg paths of finite variation and to show an analogue of the stochastic differential equation...

  6. A Study of Quality Assurance Practices in the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM, Malaysia

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    Helen KHOO Chooi Sim; Rozhan M. IDRUS


    Full Text Available This article looks at the quality assurance practices amongst three (3 groups of staff in the School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, i.e. lecturers, resident tutors and support staff. 9 dimensions of the Quality Assurance Practices i.e. Staff Development, Planning, Work Process, Team Work, Prioritise Customers, Performance Evaluation, System For Sending Of Learning Materials, System For Receiving Of Assignments From Students and Management of Students’ Records are identified in this study. The results show that quality assurances practices amongst three groups are different. Profile Analysis used in this research shows that quality assurance practices amongst lecturers and support staff are parallel. Results also show that quality assurance practices of resident tutors have profiles that differ from the lecturers and support staff.

  7. Advances in Statistical Control, Algebraic Systems Theory, and Dynamic Systems Characteristics A Tribute to Michael K Sain

    CERN Document Server

    Won, Chang-Hee; Michel, Anthony N


    This volume - dedicated to Michael K. Sain on the occasion of his seventieth birthday - is a collection of chapters covering recent advances in stochastic optimal control theory and algebraic systems theory. Written by experts in their respective fields, the chapters are thematically organized into four parts: Part I focuses on statistical control theory, where the cost function is viewed as a random variable and performance is shaped through cost cumulants. In this respect, statistical control generalizes linear-quadratic-Gaussian and H-infinity control. Part II addresses algebraic systems th

  8. Soutien en faveur de l’alimentation saine dans les écoles conformément à l’approche globale de la santé en milieu scolaire : évaluation au cours des premières années de la mise en oeuvre de la Politique de l’Ontario concernant les aliments et les boissons dans les écoles

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    Taryn Orava


    Full Text Available Introduction : Les agences provinciales, nationales et internationales de santé publique reconnaissent l’importance des politiques en matière de nutrition en milieu scolaire, qui contribuent à instaurer des environnements sains respectant les recommandations en matière d’alimentation saine à l’intention des jeunes. Le soutien à l’échelle de l’école d’un mode de vie sain reposant sur les piliers de l’approche globale de la santé en milieu scolaire (milieux social et physique; enseignement et apprentissage; politique de santé en milieu scolaire; partenariats et services a été positivement associé à des améliorations encourageantes des comportements des élèves en matière de santé. Notre étude a utilisé l’approche globale de la santé en milieu scolaire pour classifier, comparer et décrire le soutien à une alimentation saine lors de la mise en oeuvre de la Politique de l’Ontario concernant les aliments et les boissons dans les écoles (N P/P 150. Méthodologie : Nous avons recueilli des données provenant d’écoles élémentaires et secondaires consentantes d’une zone peuplée de l’Ontario à deux reprises, en 2012-2013 (période I et en 2014 (période II. Des représentants des écoles ont rempli l’enquête Planificateur des écoles en santé ainsi qu’un document d’analyse environnementale de l’alimentation, qui ont fait l’objet d’une attribution de scores et d’analyses de contenu. Le soutien de chaque école en faveur d’une alimentation saine a été classé comme relevant de la phase « lancement », « prise de mesures » ou « maintenance » du continuum des écoles en santé pour les deux périodes, et comme étant « élevé/en hausse », « modéré », « faible/en baisse » entre la période I et la période II par rapport aux piliers de l’approche globale de la santé en milieu scolaire. Résultats : Ont pris part à l’enquête 25 représentants scolaires (8 écoles

  9. Recovery and radio-resistance in mice after external irradiation; Restauration et radio-resistance chez la souris apres irradiation externe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Guillou, S [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The author presents a literature study concerning recovery from external irradiation and an analysis of experimental data (which appear to suggest the idea of a radio-resistance in animals), as well as the hypotheses put forward for explaining this phenomenon. The author then describes an experiment carried out on mice whose LD 50/30 days increased from 1005 to 1380 rads and for which it was shown that an increase occurs in the number of certain anti-bodies circulating after a low dose of {gamma} irradiation. (author) [French] L'auteur presente une etude bibliographique de la restauration apres irradiation externe et une analyse des donnees experimentales qui paraissent suggerer la notion de radioresistance chez les animaux ainsi que les hypotheses cherchant a expliquer ce phenomene. Il relate ensuite une experience realisee sur des souris dont la DL 50/30 jours est passee de 1005 a 1380 rads et dans laquelle est montree l'augmentation de certains anticorps circulant apres une faible dose d'irradiation gamma. (auteur)


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    Klaudius Jevanda B.S.


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat distribusi Linux bernama Lubuntu yang memfokuskan diri pada desktop yang ringan serta ditujukan untuk menjadi lingkungan web server yang free dalam bentuk live USB. Dimana, penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang desain dan implementasi dari distribusi Linux Lubuntu itu sendiri yang nantinya bisa terus diperbaiki, disempurnakan dan dimungkinkan untuk dimodifikasi serta dipelajari oleh pihak lain. Lubuntu dikembangkan dengan memodifikasi dari Linux Lubuntu 14.04 dari tahap penambahan program, penghapusan program dan konfigurasi sampai pada tahap pembuatan Live USB untuk LAMP (Linux Apache Mysql PHP menggunakan metode remastering. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa Live USB yang berisi tool untuk lingkungan web server. Tool utama dalam Live USB diantaranya adalah phpmyadmin, gimp, inkscape, dan bluefish. Keluaran penelitian ini, diharapkan bisa digunakan sebagai sistem operasi dan dikhususkan dalam lingkungan web server yang nyaman untuk dipergunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar pada matakuliah sistem operasi, pemrograman basis web I, dan pemrograman basis web II di Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas palembang. Kata kunci: linux, web server, LAMP, remastering, live usb.

  11. Teaching Technique of Islamic Studies in Higher Learning Institutions for Non-Arabic Speakers: Experience of Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies and Tamhidi Centre, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (United States)

    Aziz, Azniwati Abdul; Ibrahim, Mohamed Akhiruddin; Shaker, Mohammad Hikmat; Nor, Azlina Mohamed


    Globalization causes educational institutions to encounter various challenges and demand, in which they need to play their roles in improving competitiveness and world-class quality education. Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) as a university that integrates "Naqli" and "Aqli" knowledge has taken the globalization…

  12. Measuring the Long-Term Effectiveness of a Compulsory Approach to Behaviour Change: Analysis of the "Say No to Plastic Bag" Campaign at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (United States)

    Mustafa, Hasrina; Yusoff, Ronzi Mohd


    This research looked into the effectiveness of a campaign at the Universiti Sains Malaysia for a compulsory ban on disposable plastics. Although there was high awareness of the "Say No to Plastic Bags" bags campaign, and moderate compliance on campus, we wondered whether a compulsory approach would maintain the desired behaviours off…

  13. Exploitation minière : une chercheure amérindienne exprime le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    14 juil. 2011 ... Mais, qu'il s'agisse de la contamination de rivières saines ou de ... La recherche de La Rose fait partie d'un projet plus vaste qui englobe une étude ... Cette catastrophe a entraîné de graves dangers pour la santé des peuples ...

  14. Recovery and radio-resistance in mice after external irradiation; Restauration et radio-resistance chez la souris apres irradiation externe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Guillou, S. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The author presents a literature study concerning recovery from external irradiation and an analysis of experimental data (which appear to suggest the idea of a radio-resistance in animals), as well as the hypotheses put forward for explaining this phenomenon. The author then describes an experiment carried out on mice whose LD 50/30 days increased from 1005 to 1380 rads and for which it was shown that an increase occurs in the number of certain anti-bodies circulating after a low dose of {gamma} irradiation. (author) [French] L'auteur presente une etude bibliographique de la restauration apres irradiation externe et une analyse des donnees experimentales qui paraissent suggerer la notion de radioresistance chez les animaux ainsi que les hypotheses cherchant a expliquer ce phenomene. Il relate ensuite une experience realisee sur des souris dont la DL 50/30 jours est passee de 1005 a 1380 rads et dans laquelle est montree l'augmentation de certains anticorps circulant apres une faible dose d'irradiation gamma. (auteur)

  15. Pulsed Irradiation Studies in Mice, Rats and Dogs; Etudes sur l'Exposition de la Souris, du Rat et du Chien a des Rayonnements Pulses; Impul'snoe obluchenie myshej, krys i sobak; Estudios sobre la Irradiacion Pulsante de Ratones, Ratas y Perros

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ainsworth, E. J.; Leong, G. F.; Kendall, K.; Alpen, E. L.; Albright, M. L. [US Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory. San Francisco, CA (United States)


    rayonnements emis par un reacteur TRIGA pour une etude comparative des taux de mortalite (DL{sup 30}{sub 50}) chez la souris et chez le chien exposes a des debits de dose moderes (40 ou 100 rad/min pour la souris et 23 rad/min pour le chien) ou a un rayonnement puise avec un debit de dose eleve ( Tilde-Operator 10{sup 6} rad/min pour la souris et Tilde-Operator 2,0 * 10{sup 5} rad/min pour le chien). Chez la souris, la DL{sup 30}{sub 50} pour des animaux exposes a des debits moderes de 40 rad/min (neutrons) ou de 100 rad/min (rayons gamma) n'etait pas significativement differente de la DL{sup 30}{sub 50} dans le cas d'une exposition au meme rayonnement puise. De meme, chez le chien, a la suite d'expositions aux neutrons seulement, on n'a pas constate de difference significative entre la DL{sup 30}{sub 50} pour les groupes exposes a 23 rad/min et la DL{sup 30}{sub 50} pour ceux qui avaient ete exposes a un rayonnement puise avec des debits de dose superieurs a 1,5 x 10{sup 5} rad/min. Les auteurs ont effectue d'autres etudes pour determiner si la guerison des radiolesions chez la souris, evaluee par la methode, est influencee par le debit de dose qui provoque la lesion subletale initiale. Ils ont compare les guerisons constatees 5 j et 14 j apres irradiation chez des groupes d'animaux exposes a des debits de 40 rad/min et de 9 x 10{sup 4} rad/min; ils ont constate que le degre de guerison ne dependait pas du debit de dose. (author) [Spanish] La radioletalidad en funcion de la dosis ha sido objeto de muchos estudios en el intervalo comprendido entre 1 rad/min hasta algunos centenares de rad/min, pero se poseen relativamente pocos datos acerca de las consecuencias biologicas de la exposicion a intensidades del orden de 10{sup 5} a 10{sup 6} rad/min. Los autores emplearon radiaciones emitidas por un reactor TRIGA para efectuar un estudio comparado de las reacciones de mortalidad aguda (DL{sup 30}{sub 50}) en ratones y perros irradiados con intensidades moderadas (40 o 100 rad


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    A. F.C. Wijaya


    Full Text Available Kurangnya kemampuan mahasiswa dalam proses membangun konsep dan keterampilan generik sains membuat kompetensi mereka tidaklah utuh sebagai calon guru. Collaborative Ranking Tasks (CRT sebagai format baru dari latihan konseptual dan dilakukan secara kolaboratif dan ditunjang multimedia pembelajaran dalam sistem managemen e-Learning diharapkan dapat menjadi solusinya. Penelitian kuasi eksperimen pada 120 mahasiswa perkuliahan IPBA semester genap 2010-2011 yang dipilih secara purposive sampling dan terbagi menjadi dua kelompok kontrol dan eksperimen, penerapan CRT berbantuan e-Learning diarahkan untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap penguasaan konsep dan keterampilan generik sains (KGS mereka. Dengan menggunakan instrumen pilihan ganda pada kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol, penguasaan konsep dan KGS mahasiswa dianalisis berdasarkan nilai rata-rata gain yang dinormalisasi mereka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan penguasaan konsep pada kelompok eksperimen berbeda secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan peningkatan penguasaan konsep pada kelompok kontrol. Dengan demikian penerapan CRT berbantuan e-learning pada perkuliahan IPBA berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap peningkatan penguasaan konsep dan KGS mahasiswa. Lackof developing mastery concept and generic science skills of physics university students causes them as a prospective physics teacher having incomplete competence. Collaborative Ranking Tasks (CRTas a new form of conceptual exercise that is built collaborativelyby means of multimedia assistance hopefuly becomes the solution.By employing quasi-experimental research method, this study was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of CRT with e-Learning support system to improve university students’ mastery concepts and generic skills. The subjects of the study were 120 university students which were chosen through purposive sampling and divided into experimental group and control group. The research instruments were

  17. Contribution à l'étude de l'interprétation de l'hémogramme en gériatrie canine


    Chapellier, Philippe


    Etant donné l’augmentation de la durée de vie des chiens de compagnie et l’attention grandissante portée à la gériatrie canine, nous avons décidé de réaliser une étude de l’hémogramme et de la vitesse de sédimentation chez les chiens âgés de 10 ans et plus présentés aux consultations de l’Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse. Nous avons ainsi retenu 36 prélèvements de chiens âgés sains et 579 prélèvements de chiens âgés présentant une ou plusieurs affections. Chez les chiens sains il re...

  18. Patients' perception of the ambulance services at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. (United States)

    Anisah, A; Chew, K S; Mohd Shaharuddin Shah, C H; Nik Hisamuddin, N A R


    Little is known regarding public opinion of prehospital care in Malaysia. This study was conducted to find out the public's perception and expectations of the ambulance services in one of the university hospitals in Malaysia. A six-month prospective cross-sectional study to look at patients' perception of Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia's (HUSM) ambulance service was conducted from February 2006 to July 2006. Upon arrival at the hospital, patients or their relatives (who used our hospital's ambulances) were interviewed with a set of questions regarding their perception of the ambulance services and were asked to rate the perception on a Likert Scale from 1 to 10. A convenient sampling method was applied. A total of 87 samples were obtained. Despite the many problems faced by the ambulance service in HUSM, the mean score for each of the questions on patient's perception ranged from 9.33 to 9.70 out of 10. The questions with the highest mean score, which were both 9.70 each, were related to staff attentiveness and staff gentleness. Patients' perceptions can be very subjective, but until further similar studies could be carried out in other parts of Malaysia, this set of data merely represents a numerical measure of public perception of the ambulance services from HUSM.

  19. Um estudo das edições de Ou isto ou aquilo, de Cecília Meireles A study of Cecília Meirelles' Ou isto ou aquilo editions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Norma Sandra de Almeida Ferreira


    Full Text Available Localizar em sua materialidade a obra Ou isto ou aquilo, de Cecília Meireles, em suas edições - 1964; 1969; 1977; 1987; 1990; 2002 -; cotejá-las para compreender as formas pelas quais os textos são apresentados aos seus leitores, em diferentes tempos; e indagar como e por que essas formas são pensadas e concretizadas são desafios deste artigo. Esta pesquisa de cunho exploratório, à luz, principalmente, dos estudos da História Cultural, privilegia, no exame das diferentes edições, as partes externas que envolvem os poemas (o texto propriamente dito e suas ilustrações. Identifica e discute a produção de sentidos e valores ligados à educação do leitor, ao reconhecimento de uma escritora consagrada pela tradição literária, à singularidade da linguagem, à importância de uma prática prazerosa da leitura.This article brings the challenges of locating Cecília Meireles' book Ou isto ou aquilo (Either this or that in its materialness, with considerations on its 1964, 1969, 1977, 1987, 1990 and 2002 editions, as well as comparing these editions in order to understand the forms in which texts are presented to their readers at different times, and questioning how and why these forms are conceived and put into practice. In the light of studies on cultural history, in the analysis of the different editions, this exploratory research prioritizes the external parts that involve poems (the texts themselves and their illustrations. It provides identification and a discussion on the production of senses and values related to readers' education, the recognition of a writer who is consecrated by literary tradition, the uniqueness of the language used, and the importance of pleasant reading practice.

  20. Internet Use in Libraries in South East Asia with Special Reference to the Role of the Universiti Sains Malaysia Library in Promoting the Use of the Internet for Teaching and Learning. (United States)

    Rashidah Begum; Wong, Sook Jean

    This paper studies the extent of Internet connectivity and usage among Southeast Asian libraries and how many of them are using the Internet to provide electronic information resources and services through their homepages. It also presents a case study of the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Library's strategy in promoting the use of the Internet…

  1. Qualité du cacao camerounais : Facteurs influençant la présence et l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La qualité du cacao peut être influencée par la microflore fongique, en particulier toxinogène. Des cabosses de cacao, récoltées dans la région de Kumba au Cameroun, ont subi deux types de traitements post-récolte (fermentation en caisse et en tas de cabosses saines ou blessées). La numération des moisissures ...

  2. Behaviour of high O/U fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davies, J.H.; Hoshi, E.V.; Zimmerman, D.L.


    Full text: The effect of increased fuel oxygen potential on fuel behaviour has been studied by fabricating and irradiating urania fuel with an average O/U ratio of 2.05. The fuel was fabricated by re-sintering standard urania pellets in a controlled oxygen potential environment and irradiated in a segmented rod bundle in a U.S. BWR. Preirradiation ceramographic characterization of the pellets revealed the well-known Widmanstaetten precipitation of U-409 platelets in the UO 2 matrix. The high O/U fuel pellets were clad in Zircaloy-2 and irradiated to over 20 GWd/MT. Ramp tests were performed in a test reactor and detailed postirradiation examinations of both ramped and nonramped rods have been performed. The cladding inner surface condition, fission gas release and swelling behavior of high O/U fuel have been characterized and compared with standard UO 2 pellets. Although fuel microstructural features in ramp-tested high O/U fuel showed evidence of higher fuel temperatures and/or enhanced transport processes, fission gas release to the fuel rod free space was less than for similarly tested standard UO 2 fuel. However, fuel swelling and cladding strains were significantly greater. In spite of high cladding strains, PCI crack propagation was inhibited in the high O/U fuel I rods. Evidence is presented that the crystallographically oriented etch features often noted in peripheral regions of high burnup fuels are not an indication of higher oxides of uranium. (author)

  3. Empathie et culpabilité : les émotions au coeur du lien social


    Devillers, Bérengère


    Bonjour à tous, et merci aux organisateurs de m’avoir invitée. C’est un plaisir pour moi d’être là aujourd’hui parmi vous. Je vais tout d’abord revenir sur la traduction du « Good Lives Model ». Plusieurs traductions sont communément admises, les plus connues étant celles de « modèle de bonne vie » ou « modèle de vie satisfaisante » ou encore « modèle de vies saines ». Il faut savoir que le groupe Antigone, dans lequel je travaille, n’adhère pas vraiment à ces définitions. En effet, nous trou...

  4. Corrélats du bien-être chez les Canadiens présentant des troubles de l’humeur ou d'anxiété

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. Orpana


    Full Text Available Introduction : Notre objectif visait à étudier les variables liées au bien-être, mesurées par une autoévaluation de la santé mentale (AESM très positive et une satisfaction élevée à l’égard de la vie (SV chez des adultes canadiens (âgés de 18 ans et plus présentant un trouble de l’humeur ou d'anxiété. Méthodologie : Nous avons utilisé des données nationales représentatives tirées de l’Enquête sur les personnes ayant une maladie chronique au Canada – Composante des troubles de l’humeur et d’anxiété (EPMCC-TAH de 2014 afin de décrire l’association entre bien-être et comportements d’autogestion (activité physique, sommeil et méditation ainsi que stress, adaptation et soutien social perçus. Nous avons eu recours à une régression logistique multivariée pour modéliser la relation entre ces facteurs et les mesures du bien-être. Résultats : Environ une personne sur trois atteinte d’un trouble de l’humeur ou d’anxiété a fait état d'une AESM positive. Les modèles de régression logistique ont révélé que plusieurs caractéristiques, comme un âge plus avancé, une autoévaluation de la santé générale positive, des limitations fonctionnelles moins nombreuses ainsi que la perception d’un moindre stress à l’égard de la vie, de meilleures capacités d’adaptation et d’un plus grand soutien social, étaient associées à des niveaux de bien-être plus élevés. Les comportements d’autogestion (entamer une activité physique, méditer, adopter de saines habitudes de sommeil et atteindre un certain nombre d’heures de sommeil chaque nuit n’étaient pas significativement associés à des mesures du bien-être dans notre modèle multivarié. Conclusion : Les adultes canadiens souffrant de troubles de l’humeur ou d'anxiété qui ont déclaré percevoir un niveau de stress plus faible, un plus grand soutien social et une meilleure capacité d’adaptation étaient plus susceptibles de

  5. Google Translate as a Supplementary Tool for Learning Malay: A Case Study at Universiti Sains Malaysia

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    Hossein Bahri


    Full Text Available The present paper examines the use of Google Translate as a supplementary tool for helping international students at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM to learn and develop their knowledge and skills in learning Bahasa Malaysia (Malay Language. The participants of the study were 16 international students at the School of Languages, Literacies, and Translation, USM who had registered for the LKM 100 Bahasa Malaysia (I course. Based on the literature review, analysis of the collected data, and an assessment of the course content and activities inside and outside the language classroom, the findings suggest that most international students at USM recognize Google Translate as an effective supplementary tool for learning vocabulary, writing, and reading in Bahasa Malaysia. In fact, some students reported that they could optimally benefit from their self-learning if they were assisted to use Google Translate effectively. Moreover, using Google Translate for doing classroom tasks and activities can encourage students to study independently, and to shape their own strategies for solving language learning problems. Keywords: Google Translate, supplementary tool, translation, language learning, Bahasa Malaysia

  6. A 52 Kilodalton Protein Vaccine Candidate for Francisella tularensis (United States)


    du vaccin vivant F. tularensis (LVS). Soixante pourcent (60%) des souris vaccindes ont survdcu la dose ltale multiple alors que toutes les souris non...le lysat des cellules de cultures vivantes du vaccin vivant F. tularensis. Plusieurs composants de Francisella tularensis ont dt6 identifids par cet...antiserum. Le s6rum de souris provenant de souris vaccin6es avec F. tularensis non- vivant n’a pas identifid ces composants. A partir de ces prot6ines


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    Nailul Morad MOHD NOR


    Full Text Available World population ageing is unprecedented and pervasive which will affect all countries in the world. According to a United Nation report (2010: “By 2045, the number of older persons in the world will exceed the number of young for the first time in history.” The number of the older adult learners in distance education programs is also expected to increase in tandem with the growth of ageing population throughout the world. As such distance education institutions and instructors should be vigilant to this new emerging group of learners. The objectives of this study were to identify factors related to older adult learners’ participation in the distance education degree programs and their characteristics. Data were collected by using interviews and questionnaires. Respondents for the study were older adult learners age 50 and over who enrolled in degree programs at the School of Distance Education (SDE, Universiti Sains Malaysia in Malaysia. Five older adult learners were interviewed and 72 out of 123 respondents completed the questionnaires. The findings indicated that older adult learners’ participation in the distance education degree programs is mainly due to career advancement and to seek knowledge. The older adult learners’ distinct characteristics are high motivation, eager to learn, health conscious, effective time management, good social skills, no financial difficulties and have strong family support.

  8. Study of the {sup 14}C benzimidazole distribution in mice after inter-peritoneal injection; Etude de la repartition du benzimidazole {sup 14}C chez la souris apres injection intraperitoneale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tyortyalian, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    In order to provide further information on the mechanism of benzimidazole radioprotective activity, this work studies the tissual repartition in mice of this compound labelled with carbon 14. Experiments have showed that benzimidazole distribution is fast and homogeneous in all the tissues, but however affinity appears at the level of stomach and gastric content. Elimination is made through the urinary system and is very fast. (author) [French] Dans le cadre de l'etude du mecanisme de l'action radioprotectrice du benzimidazole, ce travail a pour objet l'etude de la repartition tissulaire chez la souris de ce compose marque au carbone 14. L'experimentation a montre que le benzimidazole se repartit tres rapidement et de facon pratiquement homogene dans tous les tissus, avec toutefois une affinite paraissant se manifester au niveau de l'estomac et du contenu gastrique. L'elimination, qui se fait par voie urinaire, est tres rapide. (auteur)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulpiano Várquez Moro


    Full Text Available A temática da relação entre Teologia e Antropologia (formulada em termos de relação entre dois sabores discursivos e autônomos ou duas ciências é, na teologia católica, um assunto relativamente recente. Como veremos a seguir, essa temática surgiu, ou ao menos explodiu, no início da década de sessenta... O que, a dizer verdade, é muito pouco tempo para consolidar um discurso como o discurso teológico cuja elaboração e amadurecimento são ritmados num compasso de séculos. É por isso que a sinceridade me obrigará a confessar desde o início desta aula dois receios ou duas cautelas em relação ao tema que aqui exporei, Observações preliminares, mas que, pela sua importância, fazem já parte do assunto na medida em que por ele estão determinadas.


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    M. Dwipayana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis perbedaan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan self-efficacy siswa antara kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran Sains Teknologi Masyarakat (STM dibandingkan dengan kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran langsung (Direct Instruction. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian semu (quasi experiment dengan rancangan pretest-posttest non equivalent control group design Populasi dalam penelitian ini semua siswa kelas VII SMP 2 Singaraja dan sampel sebanyak 75 orang siswa. Data self-efficacy dikumpulkan dengan metode kuisioner dan data kemampuan pemecahan masalah dikumpulkan dengan tes essay. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Manova. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan self- efficacy siswa antara kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran STM dibandingkan dengan kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran langsung (Direct Instruction dengan rata-rata nilai gain score STM lebih unggul dari nilai gain score DI berturut-turut yaitu 0,53>0,48 pada variabel kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan 0,55>0,41 pada variabel self-efficacy. Hasil Uji LSD menunjukan gain score kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan self-efficacy antara kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran STM lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran langsung (Direct Instruction.

  11. Menopausa ou Menopausas?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Belkis Trench

    Full Text Available Na vida das mulheres existem marcos concretos e objetivos que sinalizam diferentes fases ou passagens de suas vidas, tais como a menarca, o rompimento do hímen, a última menstruação. São marcos visíveis no corpo físico e cada cultura os investe de sua rubrica. Na nossa cultura, historicamente, associam-se à menopausa inúmeras afecções (físicas e psíquicas. A partir do trabalho de Robert Wilson, publicado no livro Eternamente Feminina (1966, a menopausa adquire o estatuto de doença e a sua prevenção, tratamento e cura vinculam-se à terapia de reposição hormonal (TRH. Os diferentes discursos que circulam sobre a menopausa em nossa cultura não só contribuem para que tal associação seja mantida, como partem do pressuposto que as questões relacionadas à menopausa e envelhecimentos se apresentam igualitariamente às mulheres, independentemente de sua condição física, psíquica, social, econômica e cultural. O estudo tem como objetivo abordar alguns aspectos da construção da menopausa em nossa cultura e simultaneamente mostrar o quanto este evento deve ser percebido em seu caráter particular e relativo, e não como sendo da ordem do universal ou padronizado.

  12. Caractéristiques hydro chimiques des eaux de l'oued Seybouse ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Elle est à dominance domestique dans la majorité des points analysés, d'origine agroalimentaire au niveau de l'Oued Seybouse (Bentabouche) traduisant ainsi une meilleure biodégradabilité et enfin d'origine industrielle au niveau de l'Oued Maiz. Les eaux de l'Oued Seybouse et ses affluents présentent une qualité ...

  13. Narratiwiteit en die Ou Testament

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    INLEIDING. Die literêre benadering tot die Ou-Testamentiese narratiewe word algemeen as 'n alternatiewe paradigma in die Bybelwetenskappe aanvaar. Oor die filosofiese uit- gangspunte wat hierdie nuwe paradigma ten grondslag lê, bestaan daar egter nog weinig eenstemmigheid. Heelwat probleme van filosofiese en ...

  14. Normatividade, tecnicidade e/ou cientificidade da Biblioteconomia


    Carvalho Silva, Jonathas Luiz


    Este trabalho apresenta como problema uma questão que pode ser discutida a partir da seguinte pergunta: como ocorre o processo de construção da normatividade, da tecnicidade e/ou da cientificidade da Biblioteconomia? Discute também a construção de uma normatividade, tecnicidade e/ou cientificidade da Biblioteconomia, contemplando perspectivas em relação à organização e ao tratamento da informação, fontes, recursos e serviços de informação, práticas profissionais e estudos centrados nos usuári...

  15. op weg na 'n komprehensiewe geskiedenis van Ou-Israel

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    wee religieuse redes. Hierdie groep mense (gewoonlik gelowige Chris- tene en Jdde) glo dat die volk Israel deur God uitverkies is en dat God dus in 'n besondere sin in Ou-Israel se geskiedenis gewerk het en hom daarin geopenbaar het. Deur Ou-Israel se geskiedenis te bestudeer kom mens meer van God se openbaring ...

  16. Median Survival Time of Endometrial Cancer Patients with Lymphovascular Invasion at the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. (United States)

    Asyikeen, Wan Adnan Wan Nor; Siti-Azrin, Ab Hamid; Jalil, Nur Asyilla Che; Zin, Anani Aila Mat; Othman, Nor Hayati


    Endometrial cancer is the most common gynaecologic malignancy among females worldwide. The purpose of this study was to determine the median survival time of endometrial cancer patients at the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). A list of 121 endometrial cancer cases registered at Hospital USM between 2000 until 2011 was retrospectively reviewed. The survival time of the endometrial cancer patients was estimated by Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Log-rank tests were performed to compare the survival of the patients based on socio-demographics and clinical presentation. Only 108 patients, 87.0%, were included who were of Malay ethnicity. Previous history included menopause in 67.6% of patients and diabetes mellitus in 39.8% of patients; additionally, 63.4% of patients were nulliparous. Tumour staging was as follows: 24.5% stage I, 10.8% stage II, 26.5% stage III and 38.2% stage IV. The overall median survival time of the endometrial cancer patients was 70.20 months (95% confidence interval (CI): 51.79, 88.61). The significant factors were age, the presence of lymphovascular invasion and treatment received. The overall survival of endometrial cancer was low. A prospective study needs to be carried out to discover more effective and accurate tests for the early detection of endometrial cancer.

  17. Carcinogenesis by Fast Neutrons Relative to X-Rays in Mice; Carcinogenese chez les Souris sous l'Effet des Neutrons Rapides et des Rayons X; Sravnitel'naya chastota vozniknoveniya rakovykh opukholej u myshej pri obluchenii bystrymi nejtronami i rentgenovskimi luchami; Accion Carcinogenica Comparada de los Neutrones Rapidos y de los Rayos X en el Raton

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cole, L. J.; Nowell, P. C. [Division of Biological and Medical Sciences, U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco, CA (United States); Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (United States)


    ). Parmi les souris du Groupe I, sacrifiees 12 a 16 mois apres l'exposition, 75% presentaient des hepatomes; ce taux atteignait 92% chez les souris du Groupe II. Par contre, des tumeurs du foie se sont produites chez 14% des souris exposees seulement aux neutrons (Groupe V) et chez 2,4% des souris exposees a une dose unique (500 rad) de rayons X de 250 kVcrete. On a observe des neoplasmes du rein chez pres de 100% des souris du Groupe IV, alors que ces lesions ont ete peu frequentes chez les souris temoins. Les auteurs etudient Inverted-Exclamation-Mark ' induction de ces neoplasmes sous l'effet de l'exposition aux neutrons et leur developpement sous l'action des agent employes pour stimuler la proliferation. En ce qui concerne l'induction de neoplasmes du rein chez les souris, les donnees indiquent un coefficient de puissance d'environ 2 pour les neutrons de fission par rapport aux rayons X de 250 kV-crete. Pour ce qui est de l'apparition de lymphomes dans cette lignee, leur frequence a ete moins importante chez les souris exposees aux neutrons (11%) que chez les sujets exposes aux rayons X (29%). (author) [Spanish] Los autores sometieron ratones jovenes adultos de la variedad LAF a una exposicion subletal unica a neutrones de fision, tratandolos de la siguiente forma: Grupo I: 195 a 199 rad, seguida de una sola inyeccion subcutanea de CCl{sub 4}, un mes despues de la exposicion; Grupo II: inyeccion de CCl{sub 4} aplicada un dia antes de la irradiacion neutronica (280 y 329 rad); Grupo III: inyeccion de CCl{sub 4} sin irradiacion; Gmpo IV: nefrectomfa unilateral un dia antes de la irradiacion (320 y 328 rad); Grupo V: irradiacion neutronica exclusivamente (200 y 320 rad). Al sacrificar los sujetos entre 12 y 16 meses a contar de la irradiacion, se encontraron hepatomas en el 75% de los ratones del Grupo I y en el 92% de los del Grupo II. En cambio, los tumores hepaticos aparecieron en el 14% de los ratones que solo fueron irradiados (Grupo V) y en el 2,4% de los expuestos

  18. Job dissatisfaction in lecturers in School of Medical Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia and Faculty of Medicine Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. (United States)

    Huda, B Z; Rusli, B N; Naing, L; Tengku, M A; Winn, T; Rampal, K G


    Job dissatisfaction in doctors and teachers is known to have direct consequences on the quality of service and teaching for patients and students respectively. A cross-sectional study to assess dissatisfaction in lecturers of School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) was undertaken between August 2001 and May 2002. The original English version of the Job Content Questionnaire (CQ) version 1.7 (revised 1997) by Robert Karasek was self-administered to 73 (response rate 58.4%) and 80 (response rate 41.7%) lecturers in the medical faculties of USM and UKM, respectively. The prevalence of job dissatisfaction in USM and UKM lecturers were 42.6% and 42.9%, respectively; the difference was not significant (p>0.05). Risk factors of job dissatisfaction in USM lecturers were decision authority (pjob demand (pjob dissatisfaction in UKM lecturers were skill discretion (pjob demand (pjob demand was a risk factor of job dissatisfaction in both USM and UKM lecturers; in USM, decision authority was protective, while in UKM, skill discretion was protective against job dissatisfaction.


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    Masthuriyah Sa’dan


    Pada era sekarang ini perkembangan sains telah mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat. Namun kemajuan sains hanya mengambil keuntungan sebesar-besarnya, tanpa memikirkan dampak dari perkembangan sains itu sendiri. Sains telah memarginalkan sisi metafisika dan teologi sehingga sains Barat me­nimbul­kan sifat materialistis bagi manusia, kerusakan ekologi, dan ketidak­harmonisan antara alam dan manusia. Tulisan ini mengkaji pemikiran Ziauddin Sardar tentang sains Islam dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif. Dalam pandangan Sardar, masyarakat Muslim tidak harus mengekor sains Barat, akan tetapi masyarakat Muslim bisa memiliki sains sebagai karakteristik sains yang bercorak dan bernilai Islam yakni sains Islam. Adapun karaketeristik sains Islam tidak lepas dari sepuluh parameter yang meliputi tawḥīd, khilāfah, ’ibādah, ’ilm, ḥalāl, ḥarām, ’adl, ẓulm, istiṣlāḥ dan diyā’.

  20. The multivariate supOU stochastic volatility model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole; Stelzer, Robert

    Using positive semidefinite supOU (superposition of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type) processes to describe the volatility, we introduce a multivariate stochastic volatility model for financial data which is capable of modelling long range dependence effects. The finiteness of moments and the second order...... structure of the volatility, the log returns, as well as their "squares" are discussed in detail. Moreover, we give several examples in which long memory effects occur and study how the model as well as the simple Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type stochastic volatility model behave under linear transformations....... In particular, the models are shown to be preserved under invertible linear transformations. Finally, we discuss how (sup)OU stochastic volatility models can be combined with a factor modelling approach....

  1. Prevalence of depression and its associated factors among elderly patients in outpatient clinic of Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital. (United States)

    Imran, A; Azidah, A K; Asrenee, A R; Rosediani, M


    Depression among elderly primary care patients is a serious problem with significant morbidity and mortality. This is a cross sectional study to determine the prevalence of depression and its associated factors among the elderly patients attending the outpatient clinic, Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital. This study utilized Malay version Geriatric Depression Scale 14 (M-GDS 14) to screen for elderly depression among Malaysian population. It also looked into associated risk factors for elderly depression using sociodemographic, family dynamics, and medically related questionnaires. Out of 244 subjects, 34 or 13.9% were found to have depression. Three variables were found to be significantly associated with depression. Elderly patient with any illness that limits the patient's activity or mobility has more risk of developing depression (OR 2.68 CI 1.15 - 6.24). Elderly patients who were satisfied with their personal incomes (OR 0.29 CI 0.10 - 0.85), and who had children or son/daughter-in-law to take care of them when they are sick (OR 0.10 CI 0.01 - 0.83) have a lower chance of having depression. Screening the elderly for depression, would help in diagnosing the elderly depression better and offer them the treatment needed.


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    Prof. Dr. J. Galot


    Full Text Available "Cristologia de cima", "cristologia de baixo": as duas visões cristológicas revelam um problema essencial de método. Deve-se, na elaboração da cristologia, proceder a partir de Deus ou a partir do homem?

  3. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus nosocomial infection trends in Hospital universiti sains Malasia during 2002-2007

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Talib, Hasnain I.; Yean, Chan Y


    Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a major nosocomial pathogen that causes severe morbidity and mortality in many hospitals worldwide.The aim of the present study was to assess the burden of MRSA nosocomial infection,its association with factors of interest, and its antimicrobial susceptibility.This was a retrospective analysis of a database of all s aureus that were cultured from patients admitted to the defferent wards of hospital universiti sains malasia(HUSM) over a aperiod of 6 years.The MRSA infections rate was 10.0 Per 1000 hospital admissions.The incidence density rate of MRSA infections during the study period was 1.8 per 1000 patient-days,with annual rates ranging from 0.95 to 3.47 per 1000 patients-days.Duration of hospitalization,previous antibiotic use,and bedside invasive proceures of MRSa infections were found in orthopedic wards (25.3%) followed by surgical wards (18.2%) amd omtensive care units(ICU) (16.4%).All MRSA isolates were resistant to erythromycin (98.0%),co-trimoxazole (94.0%)and gentamicin (92.0%)clindamycin was the best antibiotic with only 6% resistance.All MRSA isolates were sensitive to vancomycin.The rate of the noscomial MRSA infection per 1000 admissions was higher than that in other studies.The three factors associated most signaficantly with acquired MRSA infections included duration of hospitalization,antibiotic use,and bedside invasive procedures.This study confirmed that vancomycin-resistant s aureus has not yet been established in HUSM (Author).

  4. Afasia global sem hemiparesia: AVC ou transtorno conversivo?


    Negreiros,Daniel Philippi de; Fregni,Felipe; Scalco,Andréia Zavaloni


    CONTEXTO: A realização de diagnóstico neurológico e psiquiátrico em ambiente de emergência hospitalar com freqüência é uma tarefa complexa e exige colaboração interdisciplinar. Um dos diagnósticos diferenciais de doenças neurológicas é o transtorno conversivo, cuja característica principal é a presença de sintomas afetando funções motoras ou sensoriais, que sugerem desordem clínica ou neurológica, porém sem doença orgânica subjacente que explique o quadro. RELATO DE CASO: Os autores relatam o...

  5. Capacity building for the space sector: Microsatellite as a way forward. The example of the university of sains Malaysia (United States)

    Faizal Allaudin, Mohd; Peter, Nicolas; Azlin Md Said, Md; Nor, Khalid


    Due to the large capital investment and high risk generally associated with space activities only a limited number of countries have been able to benefit from the use of space technology. Space technology is often seen as an important tool to allow the transition from a developing country to a developed country. As Malaysia's vision is to be a developed country by 2020, it need to enhance the capability and capacity of its space technology at an accelerated pace. At this stage, Malaysia can be considered as new in space activities, since the first satellite successfully launched into orbit was only in 1997. This paper describes a microsatellite project undertaken in a university environment in Malaysia by the School of Aerospace Engineering from the University of Sains Malaysia (USM) where the students will be participating in the development and operations. Such involvement aim at forming an integral part of the students education extending the traditional way of teaching with practical classes thus providing hands-on experience and offering skills and experience needed by the future Malaysian space workforce, and to expand Malaysian space capacity building.

  6. [Gao Jingyi. Han yu yu bei Ou yu yan : Han yu yu Wula'er yu yan ji Yin Ou yu yan tong yuan tan jiu] / Ago Künnap

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Künnap, Ago, 1941-


    Arvustus: Gao Jingyi. Han yu yu bei Ou yu yan : Han yu yu Wula'er yu yan ji Yin Ou yu yan tong yuan tan jiu = Chinese language and languages of northern Europe. Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2008

  7. Eielson Air Force Base OU-1 baseline risk assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jarvis, M.T.; Jarvis, T.T.; Van Houten, N.C.; Lewis, R.E.


    This Baseline Risk Assessment report is the second volume in a set of three volumes for operable Unit 1 (OU-1). The companion documents contain the Remedial Investigation and the Feasibility Study. Operable Unit 1 (OU-1) is one of several groups of hazardous waste sites located at Eielson Air Force Base (AFB) near Fairbanks, Alaska. The operable units at Eielson are typically characterized by petroleum, oil, lubricant/solvent contamination, and by the presence of organics floating at the water table. In 1989 and 1990, firms under contract to the Air Force conducted field studies to gather information about the extent of chemical contamination in soil, groundwater, and soil air pore space (soil gas) at the site. This report documents the results of a baseline risk assessment, which uses the 1989 and 1991 site characterization database to quantify the potential human health risk associated with past Base industrial activities in the vicinity of OU-1. Background data collected in 1992 were also used in the preparation of this report

  8. Clinical profile and aetiology of optic neuritis in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia--5 years review. (United States)

    Ismail, Shatriah; Wan Hazabbah, Wan Hitam; Muhd-Nor, Nor-Idahriani; Daud, Jakiyah; Embong, Zunaina


    Although few studies concerning optic neuritis (ON) in Asian countries have been reported, there is no report about ON in Malaysia particularly within the Malay population. We aimed to determine the clinical manifestation, visual outcome and aetiology of ON in Malays, and discussed the literature of ON studies in other Asian populations. This was a retrospective study involving 31 consecutive patients (41 eyes) with ON treated at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia commencing from July 2005 till January 2010 with a period of follow-up ranging from 18-60 months. The clinical features, laboratory results, possible aetiology, and visual acuity after one year were analysed. Females were the predominant group. The age of the patients ranged between 3-55 years and peaked between 21-30 years old. 67.7% of the patients had unilateral involvement. Pain on ocular movement was observed in 31.7% of the affected eyes. 73.3% of 41 involved eyes showed visual acuity equal 6/60 or worse on presentation. Paracentral scotoma was the most common visual field defect noted. Optic disc papillitis proved more widespread compared to the retrobulbar type of ON. The aetiology was idiopathic in more than 50%, while the risk of multiple sclerosis was extremely low (3.2%) in our series. 66.0% demonstrating visual acuity improved to 6/12 or better at one year after the attack. 16.1% showed evidence of recurrence during follow-up. In conclusion, the clinical profile and aetiology of ON in Malay patients are comparable to other ON studies reported by other Asian countries.

  9. Moudre ou faire bouillir ?


    Rowlands, Mike; Fuller, Dorian Q.


    Moudre ou faire bouillir ? Nourrir les corps et les esprits dans des traditions culinaires et sacrificielles en Asie de l’Ouest, de l’Est et du Sud. Les techniques de préparation alimentaire révélées par l’archéologie pour les différentes régions d’Eurasie, incluant l’utilisation des céramiques, des meules et des plantes domestiques, mettent en évidence des situations contrastées. En Asie de l’Ouest, la mouture, la fabrication du pain et les soles de cuisson en aires ouvertes pour le rôtissag...

  10. Les bienfaits pour la santé et la prédominance du sucre dans les céréales pour déjeuner destinées aux enfants au Canada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monique Potvin Kent


    Full Text Available Introduction : Cette étude vise à comparer le contenu nutritionnel et les bienfaits pour la santé des céréales pour déjeuner destinées aux enfants et celles non destinées aux enfants et à évaluer la prédominance du sucre ajouté dans ces produits. Méthodologie : Nous avons recueilli des données sur le contenu nutritionnel de 262 céréales pour déjeuner vendues dans les cinq principales chaînes d’alimentation à Ottawa (Ontario et à Gatineau (Québec. Pour chaque céréale, nous avons pris en note les cinq premiers ingrédients et la quantité de sucres ajoutés indiqués sur la liste des ingrédients. Les diverses marques de céréales ont été ensuite classées en deux catégories, soit « plus saines » ou « moins saines », à l’aide du modèle de profil nutritionnel du Royaume-Uni. Nous avons évalué chaque céréale en fonction de divers critères afin de déterminer si elle était destinée ou non aux enfants. Des comparaisons statistiques ont été établies entre les céréales destinées aux enfants et les autres. Résultats : Sur l'ensemble des céréales pour déjeuner, 19,8 % étaient destinées aux enfants et contenaient beaucoup moins de gras et de gras saturés. Ces céréales avaient une teneur en sodium et en sucre significativement plus élevée et une teneur en fibres et en protéines plus faible, et elles étaient trois fois plus susceptibles d’être classées comme « moins saines » par rapport aux céréales non destinées aux enfants. Aucune des céréales destinées aux enfants n’était sans sucre et, pour 75 % d’entre elles, le sucre occupait le deuxième rang dans la liste des ingrédients. Six entreprises de céréales pour déjeuner possédaient une gamme de produits destinés aux enfants composée entièrement de céréales « moins saines ». Conclusion : Il est nécessaire d’adopter un règlement qui limite le marketing alimentaire ciblant les enfants et les jeunes de moins de 17

  11. Pancreatic cancer in Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital: a retrospective review of years 2001-2008. (United States)

    Norsa' adah, Bachok; Nur-Zafira, Azemi; Knight, Aishah


    Pancreatic cancer is usually detected late and has a high mortality rate. Since little is known about this cancer in Malaysia, a review of all cases admitted to Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital was conducted to identify the epidemiological distribution and assess survival. A list of pancreatic cancer patients in 2001-2008 was obtained from the Hospital Record Department. Only cases confirmed by radio-imaging or histo-pathology examination were included. We excluded those with incomplete medical records. Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazard approaches were used for data analysis. Only 56 cases were included with a mean (SD) age of 49.6 (16.0) years, with 60.7% males and 82.1% of Malay ethnicity. Previous history included cholelithiasis in 23.2%, diabetes mellitus in 16.1%, previous laparotomy in 10.7%, chronic pancreatitis in 7.1%, alcohol drinking in 5.4% and positive family history in 3.6%. The common presenting history included 67.9% loss of appetite, 66.1% loss of weight, 58.9% jaundice and 46.4% abdominal pain. Tumour staging was: 21.5% stage l, 17.8% stage ll, 3.6% stage lll and 57.1% stage lV. The median (95% CI) survival time was 3.4 (0.5, 6.3) months and significant prognostic factors were duration of symptoms (HR 0.97; 95% CI: 0.95, 0.99; p value 0.013), ascites (HR 2.64; 95% CI: 1.28, 5.44; p value 0.008) and Whipple surgery (HR 4.20; 95% CI: 2.27, 7.76; p value <0.001). The history of presenting complaints was short and the majority presented at late stages of the disease, thus the median survival time was very poor.

  12. The prevalence of, and factors related to, compliance with glove utilization among nurses in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. (United States)

    Naing, L; Nordin, R; Musa, R


    Increasing risk of HIV infections among health care workers has been a continuing concern. The study was designed to identify the compliance of glove utilization, and factors related to non-compliance. A sample of 150 staff nurses were recruited from the study population of 550 nurses in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. Data were collected by using a structured self-administered questionnaires. The response rate was 98.4%. The study revealed a low compliance (13.5%) of glove utilization (for all 9 procedures), which varied among different procedures (27-97%). Younger nurses and those with shorter duration of working experience had better knowledge of Universal Precautions. Nurses in intensive care unit and operation theatre were better in both knowledge and compliance of glove utilization. The three commonest misconceptions were identified as "selective use of gloves for high risk groups and suspected cases", and "tendency to depend on HIV prevalence". Nurses reported practical problems including administrative and personal related such as "stock irregularity" (46%), "glove not available at the emergency sites" (44%), and "reduction of tactile sensation" (39%). It was concluded that poor knowledge and practical problems were possible responsible factors for the low compliance. A good training for nurses comprising principle and practice of Universal Precautions, updated knowledge of blood and body fluid borne infections and risk and its management, will probably improve the compliance.

  13. A study of job strain and dissatisfaction among lecturers in the School of Medical Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia. (United States)

    Huda, B Z; Rusli, B N; Naing, L; Tengku, M A; Winn, T; Rampal, K G


    Job stress has now become one of the most significant health and safety issues in the workplace and one of the least understood areas of organizational cost. A cross-sectional study to assess job strain and dissatisfaction in lecturers of the School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) was undertaken between August 2001 and May 2002. The original English version of the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) version 1.7 (revised 1997) by Robert Karasek was self-administered to 73 (response rate 58.4%) lecturers in School of Medical Sciences USM. The prevalence of job strain (defined by low decision latitude and high psychological demands) in USM was 23.3%. The risk factors of job strain in the lecturers were psychological stressors (adjusted OR 1.2, 95% CI 1.0, 1.4), created skill (adjusted OR 0.4, 95% CI 0.2, 0.8) and working in clinical-based departments (adjusted OR 18.7, 95% CI 1.6, 22.7). The prevalence of job dissatisfaction was 42.6%. Associated factors of job dissatisfaction in USM lecturers were decision authority (p job demand (p job strain in USM lecturers. Clinical-based lecturers experienced higher job strain compared to non-clinical-based lecturers. Psychological job demand was strongly associated with job dissatisfaction, and decision authority was protective against job dissatisfaction.

  14. Restauration de Sapho ou Le Chant de Raoul Verlet

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    Lucie Courtiade


    Full Text Available L'étude de Sapho ou Le Chant, modèle de fonderie en plâtre élaboré par Raoul Verlet et conservé au Musée d'Angoulême depuis 1926, a permis d'aborder un sujet courant, celui des plâtres fracturés par l'expansion de la corrosion d'armatures internes causée par l'humidité. La principale intervention s'est axée sur le remontage des fragments nécessitant la conception d'une structure de remontage en acier inoxydable. Les interventions  structurelles ont été complétées par des collages simples ou renforcés des fragments de grandes dimensions.The study of Sapho ou Le Chant, a plaster cast foundry created by Raoul Verlet and preserved in the Angoulême Museum since 1926, has allowed to approach a common problematic, that one of split plaster cast by the expansion of steel reinforcements corrosion, caused by high humidity conservation conditions. The main intervention concerned the fragments reconstruction requiring the design and the execution of a stainless steel pedestal. The structural interventions was completed with simple and reinforced stickings of the larger fragments.

  15. Open globe injury in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia - A 10-year review

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    Madhusudhan A/L Paramananda


    Full Text Available AIM: To identify the aetiology of open globe injuries at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia over a period of 10y and the prognostic factors for visual outcome.METHODS:Retrospective review of medical records of open globe injury cases that presented from January 2000 to December 2009. Classification of open globe injury was based on the Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology (BETT. Records were obtained with hospital permission via the in-house electronic patient management system, and the case notes of all patients with a diagnosis of open globe injury were scrutinised. Patients with prior ocular trauma, pre-existing ocular conditions affecting the visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, central vision or corneal thickness, as well as those with a history of previous intraocular or refractive surgery were excluded. Analysis of data was with SPSS version 20.0. Ordinal logistic regression analysis was used to examine the association between prognostic factors and visual outcome.RESULTS: This study involved 220 patients (n=222 eyes. The most common place of injury was the home (51.8%, followed by the workplace (23.4%. Among children aged less than 16y of age, domestic-related injury was the predominant cause (54.6%, while in those aged 16y and above, occupational injuries were the most common cause (40.0%. Most eyes (76.5% had an initial visual acuity worse than 3/60, and in half of these, the visual acuity improved. The visual outcome was found to be significantly associated with the initial visual acuity (P<0.005, posterior extent of wound (P<0.001, length of wound (P<0.001, presence of hyphaema (P<0.001 and presence of vitreous prolapse ((P<0.005.CONCLUSION:The most common causes of open globe injury are domestic accidents and occupational injuries. Significant prognostic factors for final visual outcome in patients with open globe injury are initial visual acuity, posterior extent and length of wound, presence of hyphaema and presence of vitreous

  16. Participação nos Lucros ou Resultados

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    Luiz Felipe Ferreira


    Full Text Available A participação nos lucros ou resultados é uma forma de remuneração variável, pela qual não há incidência de encargos sociais, além de incentivar o aumento da produtividade, podendo assim ser utilizada pelas empresas como estratégia, para enfrentarem os desafios dinâmicos e competitivos em que atuam. Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como sendo exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa e tem como objetivo conceituar e explanar as formas pela quais são praticadas a participação nos lucros ou resultados em empresas do setor alimentício em Santa Catarina, que foram escolhidas por meio do critério de acessibilidade e disponibilidade. Dos dados coletados, pode-se verificar que as empresas: COC Alimentos, Moinho Catarinense e Pepsico do Brasil utilizam a participação nos resultados e a Perdigão utiliza a participação mista. A Moinho Catarinense distribui para todos os empregados um salário nominal, como a CDC Alimentos, exceto para os gerentes. A Perdigão beneficia todos os empregados, sendo que 60% da distribuição é pelo lucro líquido e 40% por indicadores de desempenho. A Pepsico do Brasil distribui aos empregados operacionais 50% de um salário nominal e para os empregados da administração central um salário nominal, atrelado ao cumprimento de metas, especificadas no programa de participação nos lucros ou resultados.

  17. Study of the antithyroid and radioprotective properties of compounds of the 5 thione imidazolidines group; Etude des proprietes antithyroidiennes et radioprotectrices de composes de la famille des 5 thione imidazolidines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rinaldi, R; Bernard, Y [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Some compounds of the 5 thione imidazolidines group were synthesized by conventional or original methods, and this study is aimed at defining certain pharmacodynamic properties which these substances may be expected to show on the basis of their structure. The properties looked for are: - antithyroid activity, by studying the difference in iodine 131 fixation by the thyroid of rats previously treated or not with these materials; - radioprotective activity, by the comparative study of percentage survival; after 30 days, of mice subjected to a lethal dose of X radiation and having received or not, before irradiation, an intraperitoneal injection of the product under investigation. (author) [French] La synthese de quelques composes de la famille des 5 thione imidazolidines a ete realisee par des methodes classiques ou originales, et le but de ce travail est d'essayer de preciser certaines proprietes pharmacodynamiques que la structure de ces substances peut laisser prevoir. Les proprietes recherchees sont: - l'activite antithyroidienne par l'etude de la difference de la fixation de l'iode 131 par la thyroide de rats prealablement traites ou non par ces produits; - l'activite radioprotectrice par l'etude comparative du pourcentage de survie a 30 jours chez des souris soumises a une dose lethale de rayonnement X, et ayant recu ou non, avant irradiation une injection intraperitoneale du produit a etudier. (auteur)

  18. Knowledge and Attitude about Stem Cells and Their Application in Medicine among Nursing Students in Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. (United States)

    Lye, Jee Leng; Soon, Lean Keng; Wan Ahmad, Wan Amir Nizam; Tan, Suat Cheng


    Stem cell research has been extensively explored worldwide to enhance human health in medical setting. Nevertheless, there is currently no full understanding of the stem cell knowledge and attitude levels among student nurses in Malaysia. This study aimed to assess the level of stem cell knowledge, attitude toward stem cell application in medicine, and its association with years of education, among Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) undergraduate nursing students. A cross-sectional study (n = 88) was conducted using self-administered questionnaire consisted of demographic information, stem cells knowledge and attitude statements. Data was analysed using Statistical Package Social Software 20.0. The majority of participants (92%) had moderate knowledge score about stem cells. Many students (33%) worried that stem cell application might cause a harm to humanity yet had a positive (76.1%) attitude towards its therapeutic potential (45.5%). Poor correlation between knowledge and attitude (r = 0.08) indicated that acceptance towards stem cell is not solely based on the knowledge level but also on other factors including religion and culture. Therefore, this study suggests that various educational programs on stem cell should be implemented considering the religion, cultural, social, and behavioural determinants in the population to improve stem cell knowledge and encourage a more positive attitude towards stem cells in medicine among these nursing students.


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    Haryanti Putri Rizal


    Full Text Available This research was a quasi experimental aimed to investigate the influenced of inquiry learning model to generic science skills of students class XI IPA SMAN 1 Pangkajene Sidrap on buffer solution subject matter. Research design used “Nonequivalent Control Group Design” that consist of two variable there are inquiry learning model as dependent variable and generic science skills as independent variable. Population in this research is students class XI IPA SMAN 1 Pangkajene Sidrap academic year 2012/2013 which amount 240 students. The sample choosen by class random sampling and have choosen XI IA 1 as experiment class consist of 34 students and XI IA 2 as control class consist of 35 students. Instrument that used is generic science skills test (KGS were integrated into buffer solution subject matter that includes indirect observation, sense of scale, logical frame, causality, mathematical modeling and concept formation.  The data was collected by given generic science skills test in pretest and posttest by objective test. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The descriptive results showed that generic science skills student of experiment class get N-gain average 0.71 in high categories and control class get N-gain average 0.31 in medium categories. The inferential statistics analysis showed that tcalculated 7,17 > ttable 1,68 in significant level α = 0.05, so H0 failed or H1 accepted. The result of analysis describe that inquiry learning model have positive influenced to generic skills science of students on buffer solution subject matter. Kata Kunci: Inquiry, Keterampilan Generik Sains

  20. Múltipla autoria: crescimento ou bolha inflacionária?

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    Kenneth Rochel de Camargo Jr.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o aumento do número de autores por artigo em revistas científicas brasileiras de saúde coletiva. MÉTODOS: Foram pesquisados na base de dados LILACS artigos publicados em seis revistas de saúde coletiva e uma revista médica (para comparação, da coleção SciELO, com classificação Qualis, da Capes, igual ou superior a B-1, entre 1999 e 2010. Foram avaliadas a evolução da mediana de números de autores/artigo e a proporção de artigos com mais de quatro autores. Estimou-se a associação entre o triênio de publicação e a presença de quatro ou mais autores por artigo por meio de odds ratio de Mantel-Haenzel, ajustadas para o tipo de revista. RESULTADOS: Houve crescimento da mediana do número de autores e da proporção de artigos com mais de quatro autores para todas as revistas, principalmente no último triênio. As odds ratio para publicação de artigos com quatro autores ou mais, ajustadas para os tipo de revista, foram: segundo triênio: 1,3 (IC95% 1,1;1,4; terceiro triênio: 1,5 (IC95% 1,3;1,8; quarto triênio: 2,39 (IC95% 2,1;2,8. CONCLUSÕES: Periódicos científicos de saúde coletiva têm apresentado aumento no número de autores por artigo ao longo dos anos, independentemente da orientação editorial.

  1. Tratamento da parada cardíaca experimental com adrenalina, vasopressina ou placebo

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    Manoel Ângelo Gomes Palácio


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Na ressuscitação cardiopulmonar (RCP prolongada, o efeito dos vasoconstritores não foi plenamente esclarecido. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o efeito pressórico da adrenalina e da vasopressina, e observar o retorno da circulação espontânea (RCE. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, randomizado, cego e placebo-controlado. Após sete minutos em fibrilação ventricular, porcos receberam ciclos de dois minutos de RCP. Tentou-se a desfibrilação (4 J/kg uma vez aos 9 minutos e após cada ciclo, conforme o ritmo verificado, reiniciando-se a RCP imediatamente. Aos 9 minutos e depois de cada cinco minutos, aplicou-se adrenalina 0,02 mg/kg (n = 12 porcos, ou vasopressina 0,4 U/kg (n = 12, ou solução salina 0,9% 0,2 mL/kg (n = 8. A RCP continuou por 30 minutos ou até o RCE. RESULTADOS: A pressão de perfusão coronária aumentou para aproximadamente 20 mmHg nos três grupos. Com os vasoconstritores, a pressão alcançou 35 mmHg versus 15 mmHg com placebo (p < 0,001. Com vasopressina, manteve-se efeito de 15-20 mmHg após três doses versus zero com adrenalina ou placebo. Observou-se o RCE com frequência diferente (p = 0,031 entre adrenalina (10/12, vasopressina (6/12 e placebo (2/8. O tempo médio até o RCE não diferiu (16 minutos, nem o número de doses recebidas até então (uma ou duas. Entre os vasoconstritores não houve diferença significante, mas, frente ao placebo, apenas a adrenalina aumentou significantemente o RCE (p = 0,019. CONCLUSÃO: O efeito pressórico inicial dos vasoconstritores foi equivalente, e a vasopressina manteve um efeito tardio na ressuscitação prolongada. Apesar disso, comparando-se ao placebo, apenas a adrenalina aumentou significantemente a frequência do retorno da circulação espontânea.

  2. Arte ou artefato? Agência e significado nas artes indígenas

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    Els Lagrou


    Um outro aspecto interessante, que sobressai nas duas contribuições, é a inter-relação entre a Antropologia da arte e Antropologia das coisas ou objetos. Pensar práticas e objetos artísticos sob a perspectiva antropológica significa desvendar relações sociais e intencionalidades neles condensados ou por eles transmitidos – ponto que, coincidentemente, está presente em outras seções desse número da Proa, inclusive na Galeria

  3. Comparison of Potentiometric and Gravimetric Methods for Determination of O/U Ratio

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farida; Windaryati, L; Putro Kasino, P


    Comparison of determination O/U ratio by using potentiometric and gravimetric methods has been done. Those methods are simple, economical and having high precision and accuracy. Determination O/U ratio for UO 2 powder using potentiometric is carried out by adopting the davies-gray method. This technique is based on the redox reaction of uranium species such as U(IV) and U(VI). In gravimetric method,the UO 2 power as a sample is calcined at temperature of 900 C, and the weight of the sample is measured after calcination process. The t-student test show that there are no different result significantly between those methods. However, for low concentration in the sample the potentiometric method has a highed precision and accuracy compare to the gravimetric method. O/U ratio obtained is 2.00768 ± 0,00170 for potentiometric method 2.01089 ± 0,02395 for gravimetric method

  4. Voltametric determination of O:U relation in uranium oxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carvalho, F.M.S. de; Abrao, A.


    Uranium oxide samples are dissolved in hot concentrated H 3 PO 4 - H 2 SO 4 mixture and the solution diluted with 1M H 2 SO 4 . One aliquot of such solution (A) is used to record the first voltamogram which gives the U(VI) content. To a second aliquot HNO 3 and H 2 O 2 is added to oxidise uranium to the hexavalent state (B) and the second voltamogram is recorded from 0.0 to 0.4 V X SCE. The O:U ratio in the original sample is calculated by the expression: O/U = 2.000 + [U (VI) soln.A/% U(VI) soln. B]. The method provides an accurate means for determining O to U ratios in high-purity uranium dioxide, fuel pellets and a variety of oxides prepared for developmental work on ceramic fuel materials. (author) [pt


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    Ahmad Purwanto


    Full Text Available This research aims to implement the model learning cycle "5E" accompanied by worksheets to increase activity, science process skills and student learning outcomes. This model provides student involvement and hands-on experience for students, develop a collaborative manner with the group and share your knowledge with other students. Conclusions of this study is the implementation model of learning cycle "5E" with worksheets may enhance the activity, science process skills, and student learning outcomes of  X8 in the second semester  at senior high school 4th Metro on academic year 2011/2012. The increase can be observed as follows: the activity of reading the literature by 23%, experiment activity (drawing objects of observation by 25%, in a group discussion activity by 23%, the activity of asking questions by 17%, and argues activity by 10%. In the process skills of science students on aspects of the skill increased by 25% using the tool, the object classifies 30%, the cooperation within the group by 22%, delivering the acquisition of 23%. Learning outcomes of students has increased by 4% which is in cycle I of 71% to 75% in cycle II. As for the improvement of pre-survey to cycle II by 56% which is 19% in pre-survey become to 75% in Cycle II.   Kata kunci: model learning cycle "5E" disertai LKS, aktivitas belajar, keterampilan proses sains, hasil belajar

  6. Homens gays com deficiência congénita e/ou adquirida, física e/ou sensorial: duplo-fardo social

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    Mónica José Abreu Sousa

    Full Text Available O estudo apresentado, de natureza qualitativa e exploratória, enquadra-se na linha de trabalhos que procuram contribuir, através da fenomenologia, para a compreensão da perspectiva única de homens gays com deficiência congénita e/ou adquirida, física e/ou sensorial, no que concerne às vivências inerentes à deficiência física, bem como à sua orientação sexual. Nesse sentido, recorrendo a uma entrevista semiestruturada, o presente estudo procurou, através da descrição detalhada das experiências pessoais de dois participantes, compreender os seus valores, as suas crenças, as suas representações, as suas atitudes e opiniões, assim como as suas referências normativas. Entre outras conclusões, ressaltamos que, para além de as experiências de dupla discriminação serem relatadas de forma central pelos participantes, verifica-se, de igual modo, a emergência de significados existenciais alternativos que lhes possibilitem alcançar as suas expectativas quanto à vivência da homossexualidade e da sexualidade.

  7. Pengajaran Bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Asing kepada Pelajar dari Negara China : Perkongsian Pengalaman di Universiti Sains Malaysia

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    Mazlina Baharudin


    Full Text Available Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM is one of the earliest public university which was established in Malaysia after Universiti Malaya. USM is also the first university that has been given the Apex status in Malaysia which is the highest recognition  and trust granted by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia to USM. USM has received students from different countries such as China, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Nigeria, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, Korea and other countries. However, this research focuses only on the international students from China who were registered as undergraduates in USM. This paper is based on the writer’s experiences in  teaching Bahasa Malaysia III (LKM 300 as a university course that the students must pass as a requirement for international students to graduate. The main dimension of this research is to examine the effectiveness of teaching Malay language as a foreign language to international students (China by using a teaching model that uses the Bahasa Malaysia III (LKM300 course module as determined by the School of Languages, Literacies and Translation. The research method used is full literature where the writers had referred to 43 international student’s final exam scripts that have taken the LKM300 course in the first semester of the 2012/2013 academic session. Their final exam result was taken for full analysis based on the different sections in the exam paper to be used as a source to conclude the research. This research is hoped to be able to provide an explanation of the effective results of the successful usage of the course module and students’ achievement.

  8. Père ou pair? Décalages et ajustements co-énonciatifs

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    Christiane Préneron


    Full Text Available

    L’objet de notre analyse dialogique et co-énonciative concerne la forme prise par la relation entre un père et son fi ls au cours d’échanges verbaux. Dans cette dimension relationnelle, nous avons cherché plus particulièrement à éclairer le statut d’énonciateur que chacun octroie à lui-même et à l’autre. Les images qu’un père et un fi ls ont l’un de l’autre et les places qu’ils occupent dans le dialogue sont en partie déterminées par leur statut de père et d’enfant. Ces places ne confi gurent pas un mode relationnel homogène. Au contraire, cet extrait de corpus est frappant par la grande diversité d’attitudes adoptées par le père avec son enfant: tour à tour il lui donne des ordres, des permissions, le réconforte, joue avec lui, lui propose des défi s ou rivalise avec lui. Daniel peut entrer dans le jeu proposé par son père ou s’y opposer, se laisser guider ou refuser, mais aussi être à l’initiative par des demandes ou des jeux. C’est cette diversité que nous tentons de mettre au jour, sachant que certaines séquences se caractérisent plus particulièrement par des décalages entre les interlocuteurs, alors que d’autres conduisent à des ajustements. Si la diversité qui caractérise cet extrait ne saurait être étendue comme caractérisant toute interaction père/enfant, l’analyse qui en est faite peut servir de repère pour l’étude de nouvelles interactions parent/enfant.

  9. Essay of Modelling water resources management of the Oued Righ ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... of the Oued Righ watershed (Algeria) using the WEAP decision support system ... shows a remarkable reduction in water demand and return flows to the river channel Righ. ... Key-words: WEAP, water table, Scenarios, model, ArcGIS ...

  10. Potentialisation de l'efficacite insecticide des poudres de feuilles ou ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Potentialisation de l'efficacite insecticide des poudres de feuilles ou amandes de neemier Azadirachta indica A . Juss par formulation avec la cendre de tiges de mil contre Sitophilus zeamais motsch. Et Sitophilus oryzae L. (Coleoptera : Curc.

  11. Workshop ALOUD 'Onderzoek voor, door en met de OU'

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gijselaers, Jérôme; De Groot, Renate


    Vraagt u zich wel eens af wat de doorsnee kenmerken zijn van de OU-student? Hoeveel studenten daadwerkelijk starten met de studeren? Wie van deze groep succesvol zijn? En welke verschillen er zitten tussen de faculteiten? En wilt u meedenken over wat voor details we van studenten willen weten voor

  12. Action of 50 R X-ray doses on the breeding function of C3H strain mice - effect of splitting the dose, action of repeated irradiations on successive generations; Action de 50 R de rayons X sur la fonction de reproduction des souris de race C3H - influence du fractionnement. Action de la repetition des irradiations au cours des generations successives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alix, D [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    X-rays exposure effect was studied on C3H strain mice, at the standpoint of the effects produced on breeding function. The method used with this purpose was the following: single doses 20 - 30 - 40 and 50 R/dose, fractional doses: 50 R/total dose, divided in 2 - 5 - 10 or 25 irradiations distributed in one month duration. The offsprings were irradiated at the same doses than the parents, consanguinity being maintained. Statistical treatment of results was carried out, that led at the following conclusions: 1) Couples receiving single exposure of 50 R or two exposures of 25 R at one month interval give comparable results. Fractional doses do not involve the slightest diminution of X-rays effect. 2) 30 R exposure brings about a decrease in fertility, with an increase in abortions. Fertility of 20 R irradiated couples remains below controls. 3) After ten times 5 R and twenty-five 2 R, the number of abortions is the largest. Ovarian function is particularly sensitive to X-rays; one may think that twenty-five 2 R give injuries conditioning non-viability of conception products, smaller doses should produce mutations and yield births of altered genotype individuals. (author) [French] L'action d'une exposition aux rayons X de souris de race C3H a ete etudiee du point de vue des effets produits sur la fonction reproductrice. La methode utilisee fut la suivante: doses administrees en irradiation unique: 20 - 30 - 40 et 50 R/seance, en irradiations fractionnees: 50 R au total en 2 - 5 - 10 ou 25 seances reparties en un mois. Les descendants ont ete irradies aux memes doses que leurs parents, en maintenant la consanguinite. Un traitement statistique des resultats a ete effectue dont on a pu conclure : 1) Chez les couples ayant recu une seule exposition de 50 R ou deux expositions de 25 R a intervalle d'un mois les resultats sont comparables. Le fractionnement n' entrainant aucune attenuation de l'action des rayons X. 2) Une exposition de 30 R entraine une baisse de fecondite

  13. Spectrum of thyroid lesions in hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia over 11years and a review of thyroid cancers in Malaysia. (United States)

    Othman, Nor Hayati; Omar, Effat; Naing, Nyi Nyi


    Endemic goitre is a major concern in many nations including Malaysia. Seven states in the country have been identified by Ministry of Health of Malaysia to have high incidence of goitre and one of these is Kelantan. This is a retrospective study over an 11-year period from 1994 to 2004 on all thyroid specimens submitted to the Pathology Department, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), in Kelantan. Epidemiological data were retrieved from the patients' records and pathology findings from the pathology reports. During this period, Department of Pathology HUSM received a total of 1,486 thyroid specimens. The female to male ratio was 6:1 and the median age was 40.0 years. The duration of goitre ranged from one to 15 years. Histopathological examination showed 71.9 percent were non-neoplastic and 28.1 percent neoplastic lesions. The hospital-based incidence of nodular hyperplasia was 9.9 per 100,000 admitted patients per year. The hospital-based incidence of all types of malignant thyroid cancers was 3.5 per 100,000. The most common malignancy was papillary carcinoma 76.6 percent. The majority of the cancers (59.5 percent) occurred in a background of nodular hyperplasia. Thyroid cancers made up 4.9 percent of all cancers seen in HUSM. This study suggests that malignant thyroid lesions arising from multi-nodular goitre are high in a population living in an iodine-deficiency area.

  14. Partage de connaissances ou partage de documents ?


    Kolmayer, Elisabeth; Peyrelong, Marie-France


    Les évolutions technologiques et les discours managériaux semblent conduire à une vision "enchantée" de la gestion et du partage des connaissances dans les entreprises. Cette gestion passe de manière "évidente" par l'outil électronique. Or s'interroger sur les supports de connaissance, c'est moins s'interroger sur le passage du papier à l'électronique, que sur l'élaboration de connaissances ou d'informations "collectives", et sur leurs possibilités d'appropriation. Nous nous appuyons pour cel...

  15. Sidi Ali Ou Azza (L4): A New Moroccan Fall (United States)

    Chennaoui Aoudjehane, H.; Agee, C. B.; Aaranson, A.; Bouragaa, A.


    Sidi Ali Ou Azza is the latest meteorite fall in Morocco, it occurred on 28 July 2015 very close (about 40 km) to Tissint martian shergottite fall that occurred on 18 July 2011. It's one of the small group of 23 L4 ordinary chondrite falls.

  16. Measurement of natural radioactivity of the leaf Nefza (Oued belif)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fourati Sofiane


    Nefza region, specifically Oued Belif, has a unique geological diversity in Tunisia. That's why it was chosen to be a study of natural radioactivity. The results were encouraging and have allowed us to draw conclusions about the origin of the high natural radioactivity found in certain rocks.


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    A. Zobeidi


    Full Text Available The effects of mineral salts in the drinking water, beneficial or harmful depending on their concentration, are known for many years and thus the problem posed by fluoride ions in the waters of the region (Fluorosis Dental and skeletal. This study proposes, the estimated daily intake of fluoride from its water distribution and the main food consumed per capita in the region of El-Oued (dates, tea, couscous, lentils, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin ..., which has a significant content of fluoride in their composition. In addition to the arid climatic conditions, the air temperature is very high in summer, leads to a strong human perspiration. This preliminary result leads us to propose a standard fluoride-specific region of El-Oued. The results showed that the majority of water samples and analyzed the main foods of the region of El-Oued is charged fluoride ions and exceed the maximum dose recommended for adults from 0.05 to 0.07 mg / kg / day.

  18. Dietary compliance and its association with glycemic control among poorly controlled type 2 diabetic outpatients in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. (United States)

    Tan, S L; Juliana, S; Sakinah, H


    Compliance with medical nutrition therapy is important to improve patient outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine dietary compliance and its association with glycemic control among outpatients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM). In this cross-sectional study, patients who had a glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level of at least 6.5%, after attending a diet counseling session at the Outpatient Dietetic Clinic, HUSM, were enrolled. Out of 150 diabetic patients reviewed between 2006 and 2008, 61 adults (32 men and 29 women) agreed to participate in this study. A questionnaire-based interview was used to collect socio-demographic, clinical and diabetes self-care data. The patient's dietary compliance rate was determined by the Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (SDSCA) measure. Anthropometric and biological measurements were also taken. Only 16.4% of the respondents adhered to the dietary regimen provided by dietitians. Among the 7 dietary self-care behaviours, item number 6 (eat lots of food high in dietary fibre such as vegetable or oats) had the highest compliant rate (54.1%); whereas item number 3 (eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day) had the lowest compliant rate (23.0%). There was a significant association between gender (p = 0.037) and fasting blood sugar (FBS) (p = 0.007) with the compliance status. Dietary non-compliance is still common among T2DM patients. Dietitians need to improve their skills and use more effective intervention approaches in providing dietary counseling to patients.

  19. Les Ilenti ou maudire son prochain en turc

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    Altan Gokalp


    Full Text Available La langue turque contemporaine dispopse d’un nombre important de formules d’invective et de malédiction qui relèvent d’un genre appelé ilenç ou ilenti, forme qui est connue depuis les premières inscriptions turques runiques de la Haute Asie. Bien que l’islam réprouve le fait de maudire son prochain, le genre issu d’une grande tradition turque ancienne est d’un usage commun chez les Turcs. Plus encore, la manière de maudire relève d’une tradition savante, d’un « Grand Parler » qui s’apparente aux genres littéraires les plus classiques comme l’épopée, le conte ou la poésie lyrique : la métrique, les rimes, l’usage des assonances obéissent aux mêmes règles que la grande tradition littéraire turque. En cela, le fait d’user de l’invective et de la malédiction est d’une certaine manière une prétention à la distinction et à la domination de l’autre. Les cibles de l’invective éclairent bien cette volonté de dominer et de détruire son ennemi (le corps, la famille, la maladie, une mort peu digne, etc..

  20. Repercussões otorrinolaringológicas do abuso de cocaína e/ou crack em dependentes de drogas

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    Nassif Filho A.C.N.


    Full Text Available A prevalência de pacientes viciados em cocaína e/ou crack parece estar aumentando; portanto, o médico deve estar preparado para diagnosticar o uso de drogas. OBJETIVOS. Determinar se existem sinais típicos de uso de cocaína e/ou crack no trato respiratório superior ou na orofaringe em exame otorrinolaringológico comum. Orientar o médico no diagnóstico dos pacientes viciados nessas drogas. MÉTODOS. Foram estudados 18 pacientes viciados em cocaína e/ou crack, que estavam internados em clínica psiquiátrica, através de anamnese e exame otorrinolaringológico simples (rinoscopia anterior e orofaringoscopia. RESULTADOS. Foi impossível estabelecer uma correlação entre o tempo de uso, quantidade e freqüência no uso das drogas quanto aos sintomas e exame otorrinolaringológico. CONCLUSÃO. Devido à inespecíficidade no exame otorrinolaringológico do paciente viciado em cocaína e/ou crack, é necessário que o médico suspeite do abuso de drogas na história clínica; caso contrário, poderá não realizar este importante diagnóstico.

  1. Mestre ou aprendiz: faces de um narrador

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    Marcelo Antonio Ribas Hauck


    Full Text Available Narrar é, segundo Benjamim, uma forma de intercambiar experiências, e se direcionarmos nosso olhar para o sujeito dessa narrativa, o teremos em duas funções: ora como narrador mestre, ora como narrador aprendiz. Contar estórias é um instrumento útil para evitar o esquecimento e para provocar uma abertura de espaço para a criação. O presente artigo apresenta uma das inúmeras possíveis leituras sobre as estratégias utilizadas por Mia Couto, em Terra sonâmbula, na criação de sujeitos que narram, que contam estórias. Uma busca por esses narradores em trânsito, narradores flutuantes ou nômades. Sujeitos em constante ir e vir, transitando e destransitando entre mundos aparentemente paradoxais, mas que se encontram separados por uma tênue linha, que, a qualquer momento, pode fazer com que mestre e aprendiz troquem de campo e função, ou até mesmo exerçam ambas. Os dois aprendem estórias novas e contam estórias antigas em um ir-evir espaço-temporal. O comportamento desses narradores é marcado por viagens e mutações ininterruptas. Constituinte de uma literatura atravessada por elementos insólitos, em um trabalho minucioso com a linguagem e em constante diálogo com a tradição moçambicana, esse comportamento tornase referencial para a compreensão da história política e cultural do país.Palavras-chave: Narrador; Benjamin; Hibridismo; Oratura; Identidade.

  2. Violência na teoria psicanalítica: ruptura ou modalidade de laço social?

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    Tania Coelho dos Santos


    Full Text Available Haverá uma teoria psicanalítica da violência? Basta associar aviolência à pulsão de morte para explicar o crescimento destefenômeno no laço social contemporâneo? Se nos baseamos na teorialacaniana dos discursos, a violência é um sintoma ou é a rupturado laço social? O crescimento desse fenômeno deve ser analisadoa partir dos efeitos do objeto “a” em posição de ideal de nossacivilização ou como o efeito da abolição do Real como impossívelque o discurso do capitalismo promove? Essas hipóteses sãoexcludentes ou devemos articular uma à outra? Nossa reflexãoressalta os efeitos subjetivos da disjunção entre os elementos emjogo na estrutura dos discursos, verdadeira causa de fenômenoscontemporâneos como a violência.

  3. Ajout d’équivalents des groupes alimentaires au Questionnaire canadien de fréquence alimentaire II pour estimer l’Indice canadien de saine alimentation-2005

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    Maria McInerney


    Full Text Available Introduction : Il a été prouvé qu’un régime alimentaire de piètre qualité augmente le risque de maladies chroniques courantes susceptibles de nuire à la qualité de vie et d'alourdir le fardeau qui pèse sur le système de santé. Les recommandations fondées sur des données probantes du Guide alimentaire canadien (GAC fournissent des conseils nutritionnels destinés à améliorer la qualité du régime alimentaire. L’Indice canadien de saine alimentation (ICSA, un outil de mesure de la qualité du régime alimentaire, permet d'évaluer la conformité au GAC. Le Questionnaire canadien de fréquence alimentaire II (QFA-C II [Canadian Diet History Questionnaire II, C-DHQ II], mis au point récemment, pourrait quant à lui servir à estimer l’ICSA au sein de la population canadienne si on pouvait ajouter à sa base de données sur les éléments nutritifs les équivalents des groupes alimentaires (correspondant aux portions du GAC. Nous décrivons dans cet article des méthodes destinées à enrichir cette base de données sur les éléments nutritifs du QFA-C II en vue d’estimer l’ICSA. Méthodologie : Nous avons créé des équivalents des groupes alimentaires à partir de données provenant de diverses bases de données sur les aliments et les éléments nutritifs, en particulier l’Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes, cycle 2.2 Nutrition de 2004. Nous avons ajouté ces variables à la base de données sur les éléments nutritifs du QFA-C II. Nous avons déterminé les scores de l’ICSA et avons effectué des analyses descriptives pour les participants qui ont répondu au QFA-C II dans le cadre d’une étude transversale canadienne. Résultats : Le score moyen de l’ICSA dans notre échantillon de 446 adultes de 20 à 83 ans était de 64,4 (écart-type : 10,8. Les femmes, les non-fumeurs et les personnes ayant un niveau de scolarité supérieur au secondaire ont obtenu de manière statistiquement

  4. osteomyelite atypique ou centrale de la base du crane d'origine ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    à une infection des sinus paranasaux, à un traumatisme crâ- nien ou à une ... Les complications graves comme l'ostéomyélite devraient se produire plus .... crâniens. CONCLUSION. L'ostéomyélite d'origine sinusienne est une pathologie rare.

  5. Proudhon, science ou métaphysique du travail


    Lecerf , Eric


    La philosophie de Proudhon, même si elle trouve son concept essentiel dans la justice, est intégralement une philosophie du travail, non pas que le travail en constitue l'objet unique, mais car c'est en lui que les tensions du réel sont concrètement identifiables. C'est dans sa critique que l'agir humain se donne comme émancipation et/ou aliénation, autrement dit que la dialectique acquiert toute sa justification. La philosophie du travail de Proudhon donnera lieu à deux lectures opposées : c...

  6. Determination of the O/U ratio in uranium dioxide pellets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuvik, V.; Krtil, J.; Moravec, A.


    The potentiometric titration method for the determination of the O/U ratio in pellets is verified. The sample is dissolved in purified conc. phosphoric acid at increased pressure and temperature under argon atmosphere. U(VI) content is determined by bipotentiometric titration with ferrous ions. An automated recording of titration curves is performed. The precision and the accuracy of analysis are estimated. (author)

  7. Effets des extraits ou de la poudre de Spirulina platensis et Jatropha ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 juin 2015 ... générale, les extraits ou la poudre de Spirulina platensis ont eu des ... Mots clés: Biostimulant, croissance, Spirulina platensis, Jatropha curcas, Solanum lycopersicum .... Le test de ..... in antioxidant metabolites, enzymes, and.

  8. Le SIPAZ, ou journalisme pour la paix en Colombie | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    15 juil. 2011 ... À la suite de ces attaques contre le milieu social et culturel du pays, un groupe ... le SIPAZ — Sistema de Comunicación para la Paz (ou Système de ... ont établi des directives pour la gestion des nouvelles dans un guide de ...

  9. Les Parcs Industriels Fournisseurs ou le choix de la proximité géographique


    Sonia Adam-Ledunois; Jérôme Guédon; Sophie Renault


    International audience; La proximité géographique est régulièrement présentée comme le remède à de nombreux maux, la solution à des relations distendues voire rompues, et cela tant sur un plan social qu'économique. Nombre de décisions ou démarches, civiles, politiques ou stratégiques, placent ainsi la proximité au cœur des dispositifs envisagés (emplois de proximité, police de proximité, fête des voisins, pôle de compétitivité, systèmes de production localisés, districts industriels, etc.). L...

  10. A study of the behaviour of irradiated or unirradiated grafts in the camera aquosa of irradiated and unirradiated animals; Etude du comportement d'un greffon irradie ou non, transplante dans la chambre anterieure de l'oeil d'un animal irradie ou non

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Djalali-Behzad, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Following grafts of new born mice spinal ganglia in the 'camera aquosa' of adult mice, the authors tried hematopoietic tissue grafts in the same conditions. The growth of iso-logous and hetero-logous bone marrow in the 'camera aquosa' showed that this tissue, even after exposure to supralethal doses, was capable of survival and growth. A counter-experiment with non irradiated bone marrow grafts in the 'camera aquosa' of rats delivered 700 rads led to the conclusion that the environment, intoxicated by exposure, acted on the graft so that after vascularization it became unable to grow. (author) [French] Apres avoir greffe des ganglions rachidiens de souriceaux nouveaux-nes dans la chambre anterieure de l'oeil de souris adultes, l'auteur a tente de greffer du tissu hematopoietique de la meme facon. La proliferation de la moelle osseuse isologue et heterologue, dans la chambre anterieure de l'oeil, lui a permis de mettre en evidence une certaine capacite de survie et de proliferation de ce tissu irradie meme a dose supraletale. Par une contre-experimentation, c'est-a-dire par la greffe de moelle non irradiee dans la chambre anterieure de rats irradies a 700 rads, il conclut que le milieu ambiant, intoxique par l'irradiation, agit sur le greffon de telle sorte que ce dernier, apres s'etre vascularise, devient depourvu de son aptitude de proliferation. (auteur)

  11. Celulares pagos por empregadores: “benefício” ou “malefício”?

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    Lúcia Cipriano

    Full Text Available Ao longo do século XX, os espaços e horários destinados ao trabalho eram isolados daqueles destinados à vida pessoal, familiar ou ao lazer. Na contemporaneidade, no entanto, tornou-se comum atender telefonemas de trabalho nos mais variados locais fora do horário de expediente e até mesmo nas férias. Uma das razões para esse novo tipo de comportamento é a concessão, pelos empregadores, de celulares com contas pagas aos seus funcionários. A presente pesquisa procurou investigar quais são as reações desses funcionários. Para tanto, foram conduzidas entrevistas de perguntas abertas com ocupantes de cargos de níveis gerenciais em empresas particulares do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foi possível constatar uma ambivalência generalizada entre os entrevistados. Por um lado, eles consideram tal prática um “benefício”, porque também podem usar o celular da empresa para assuntos pessoais, o que representa uma boa economia. Por outro lado, no entanto, se ressentem da invasão, não remunerada ou previamente acordada, de seu tempo livre. Alguns chegam mesmo a se referir a essa concessão como um “malefício”, ou, ainda mais radicalmente, como uma nova forma de escravidão.

  12. The different origins of magnetic fields and activity in the Hertzsprung gap stars, OU Andromedae and 31 Comae (United States)

    Borisova, A.; Aurière, M.; Petit, P.; Konstantinova-Antova, R.; Charbonnel, C.; Drake, N. A.


    Context. When crossing the Hertzsprung gap, intermediate-mass stars develop a convective envelope. Fast rotators on the main sequence, or Ap star descendants, are expected to become magnetic active subgiants during this evolutionary phase. Aims: We compare the surface magnetic fields and activity indicators of two active, fast rotating red giants with similar masses and spectral class but different rotation rates - OU And (Prot = 24.2 d) and 31 Com (Prot = 6.8 d) - to address the question of the origin of their magnetism and high activity. Methods: Observations were carried out with the Narval spectropolarimeter in 2008 and 2013. We used the least-squares deconvolution (LSD) technique to extract Stokes V and I profiles with high signal-to-noise ratio to detect Zeeman signatures of the magnetic field of the stars. We then provide Zeeman-Doppler imaging (ZDI), activity indicators monitoring, and a precise estimation of stellar parameters. We use state-of-the-art stellar evolutionary models, including rotation, to infer the evolutionary status of our giants, as well as their initial rotation velocity on the main sequence, and we interpret our observational results in the light of the theoretical Rossby numbers. Results: The detected magnetic field of OU Andromedae (OU And) is a strong one. Its longitudinal component Bl reaches 40 G and presents an about sinusoidal variation with reversal of the polarity. The magnetic topology of OU And is dominated by large-scale elements and is mainly poloidal with an important dipole component, as well as a significant toroidal component. The detected magnetic field of 31 Comae (31 Com) is weaker, with a magnetic map showing a more complex field geometry, and poloidal and toroidal components of equal contributions. The evolutionary models show that the progenitors of OU And and 31 Com must have been rotating at velocities that correspond to 30 and 53%, respectively, of their critical rotation velocity on the zero age main sequence

  13. Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference between Two Deterministic Collective Excitations in an Atomic Ensemble (United States)

    Li, Jun; Zhou, Ming-Ti; Jing, Bo; Wang, Xu-Jie; Yang, Sheng-Jun; Jiang, Xiao; Mølmer, Klaus; Bao, Xiao-Hui; Pan, Jian-Wei


    We demonstrate deterministic generation of two distinct collective excitations in one atomic ensemble, and we realize the Hong-Ou-Mandel interference between them. Using Rydberg blockade we create single collective excitations in two different Zeeman levels, and we use stimulated Raman transitions to perform a beam-splitter operation between the excited atomic modes. By converting the atomic excitations into photons, the two-excitation interference is measured by photon coincidence detection with a visibility of 0.89(6). The Hong-Ou-Mandel interference witnesses an entangled NOON state of the collective atomic excitations, and we demonstrate its two times enhanced sensitivity to a magnetic field compared with a single excitation. Our work implements a minimal instance of boson sampling and paves the way for further multimode and multiexcitation studies with collective excitations of atomic ensembles.

  14. A oitava face do poeta: o amor natural - erotismo tardio ou alquimia do amor?

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    Maria de Santa-Cruz


    Full Text Available Amor natural e filosofia natural. Lembrança de algumas das faces conhecidas do Poeta. A face velada: O Amor natural e hipertextualidade ostentada ou apenas simbolizada – epígrafes e símbolos reiterados de substâncias arcanas em permanente transmutação (paródia ou homenagem à Alquimia?. Salomão, Platão, Ovídio, Camões e Blake. Metamorfoses e ritualização e mistérios da palavra e dos corpos amantes. Signos-símbolos medievais, renascentistas e neológicos. Onde e como o amor? Locus terrenus vs ilha dos amores. O fogo, o Sol, o Rei, o homem; a água, a Lua, a Rainha, a mulher. A Rosa. Fauna e flora: natureza animal do Sol (masc. e natureza vegetal da Lua (fem.. Caos e cosmologia. Gênese da obra e origem divina do amor. Conjunctio e androginia da filha (ou obra do poeta-filósofo. O ciclo do amor que leva à morte, purificação e júbilo e, de novo, à fermentação, fixação... e renascimento.

  15. Ensaio de linguagem ou linguagem de ensaio

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    Pedro Duarte


    Full Text Available Este texto é um ensaio de linguagem, ou seja, um ensaio sobre a linguagem. Mas é, também, a investigação da linguagem do ensaio, isto é, do tipo de escrita que entra em jogo na forma de prosa que chamamos de ensaios. Para tanto, ele mobiliza autores como Heidegger e, principalmente, Walter Benjamin, Lukács e Adorno. Todos eles, porém, entram em cena no intuito de ajudar num estudo sobre a importância da linguagem no enfrentamento da situação contemporânea do pensamento, cuja problematização filosófica fica evidente a partir das dificuldades, por exemplo, de escrever uma tese acadêmica tradicional.

  16. Renouvellement ou crise de l’imaginaire capitaliste?

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    Wolfe, Harald


    Full Text Available Cette contribution met en question l’imaginaire capitaliste : son noyau chez Castoriadis – maîtrise (pseudo- rationnelle, organisation bureaucratique – et ses métamorphoses contemporaines. On a parlé d’un "nouvel esprit du capitalisme" (Boltanski/Chiapello: organisation en réseau, des projets, autonomie relative du travail. Ces mutations de l’idéologie managériale et le développement correspondant de l’institution de l’organisation et du travail signifient-ils un véritable renouvellement de l’imaginaire capitaliste? Ou bien ces changements, avec leurs contradictions et leurs limites, sont-ils, au contraire, l’indice d’une crise profonde de la capacité d’innovation et de mobilisation des significations imaginaires sociales centrales du capitalisme?

  17. Big Sib Students' Perceptions of the Educational Environment at the School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, using Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM) Inventory. (United States)

    Arzuman, Hafiza; Yusoff, Muhamad Saiful Bahri; Chit, Som Phong


    A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among Big Sib students to explore their perceptions of the educational environment at the School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and its weak areas using the Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM) inventory. The DREEM inventory is a validated global instrument for measuring educational environments in undergraduate medical and health professional education. The English version of the DREEM inventory was administered to all Year 2 Big Sib students (n = 67) at a regular Big Sib session. The purpose of the study as well as confidentiality and ethical issues were explained to the students before the questionnaire was administered. The response rate was 62.7% (42 out of 67 students). The overall DREEM score was 117.9/200 (SD 14.6). The DREEM indicated that the Big Sib students' perception of educational environment of the medical school was more positive than negative. Nevertheless, the study also revealed some problem areas within the educational environment. This pilot study revealed that Big Sib students perceived a positive learning environment at the School of Medical Sciences, USM. It also identified some low-scored areas that require further exploration to pinpoint the exact problems. The relatively small study population selected from a particular group of students was the major limitation of the study. This small sample size also means that the study findings cannot be generalised.

  18. Photometabolism of Heterocyclic Aromatic Compounds by Rhodopseudomonas palustris OU 11 (United States)

    Sasikala, C.; Ramana, C. V.; Rao, P. Raghuveer


    Rhodopseudomonas palustris OU 11 (ATCC 51186; DSM 7375) isolated from a pond of chemical industry effluent could anaerobically photometabolize heterocyclic aromatic compounds belonging to the pyridine and pyrazine groups only after a period of adaptation on pyrazinoic acid of 5 to 6 weeks. Growth on heterocyclic compounds was light dependent. The effects of various concentrations of heterocyclic compounds on growth suggest that higher concentrations of these compounds inhibit growth and are toxic. PMID:16349307

  19. Imagens no calor da hora ou a Fênix renascida da imagem documental

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    Kati Caetano


    Full Text Available Apesar da freqüente discussão, tanto nos meios acadêmicos quanto nos midiáticos, envolvendo a crise da imagem documental, na esteira da propalada crise da cultura documental como um todo, não há como negar a proliferação de imagens e o incremento de uma produção assumida com esse propósito no universo das relações comunicacionais, seja ele impresso ou digital. Se, no domínio da arte, a ação hegemônica contemporânea consiste na desestabilização figurativa das imagens, do lado das mídias de produção massiva, afirma-se a sua estabilização como condição fundante do ato de documentar. Este trabalho não visa abordar as várias concepções de documental, porque parte do pressuposto de que esse aspecto se apresenta como resultado de estratégias figurativo-enunciativas de “fazer crer”, responsáveis por múltiplos regimes de sentido. De suas escolhas e agenciamentos decorrem modalidades interacionais amparadas na mediatez ou imediatez dos processos compreensivos, num sistema de valores condicionantes do ato comunicativo que coloca em evidência as funções prática, cognitiva, afetiva ou fiduciária (calcada em regimes de crença das mediações simbólicas. A questão mais geral que norteia o presente texto é indagar como as diferentes mídias, do fotográfico ao virtual, operam com essas imagens e que tipos de implicações comunicacionais promovem.

  20. Maternidade e trabalho: direito ou dever?

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    Lorena Almeida Gill


    Full Text Available O presente estudo pretende investigar a relação maternidade e trabalho entre 1940 e 1949 em Pelotas, levando em conta que a função maternal, na maior parte das vezes, se apresenta à mulher como algo inerente à sua condição humana. Como fonte para esta pesquisa, se lançou mão dos processos da Justiça do Trabalho da Comarca de Pelotas, acervo este salvaguardado pelo Núcleo de Documentação Histórica da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. No intuito de contribuir para uma história das mulheres, foi realizado um levantamento quantitativo, no qual foram escolhidos para investigação somente os dissídios femininos. Sendo assim, se torna relevante analisar como era tratado o trabalho formal e as questões que envolvem a maternidade, entendida como gestação e cuidado com os filhos.

  1. Desempenho de bezerros da raça holandesa com desaleitamento aos 28 ou 56 dias de idade, com ou sem aditivo à base de oligossacarídeo de manana

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    Sandi Décio


    Full Text Available Vinte e quatro bezerros da raça Holandesa foram utilizados num experimento com delineamento completamente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 2x2 (desaleitamento aos 28 ou 56 dias, com ou sem a adição de oligossacarídio de manana à dieta, e seis repetições por tratamento. Não houve interação entre os fatores período de aleitamento e uso ou não de aditivo. O desaleitamento aos 28 dias, em comparação com 56 dias, resultou, aos 56 dias de idade, em menor peso final, menor ganho médio diário de peso, maior consumo de concentrado, menor consumo total de matéria seca e pior conversão alimentar. Não houve diferenças em relação às medidas corporais iniciais e finais de altura de cernelha, perímetro torácico e abdominal, embora o desaleitamento aos 28 dias tenha diminuído o ganho médio diário de perímetro torácico. Em um levantamento dos custos de alimentação, medicamentos e mão-de-obra veterinária, os animais desaleitados aos 28 dias apresentaram menor custo total individual e menor custo por kg de ganho de peso. O emprego do aditivo não afetou as dimensões corporais, porém resultou em maior ganho de peso, final e diário, e melhor conversão alimentar, reduzindo o custo médio por kg de ganho de peso.

  2. Potenciais interações entre fármacos e produtos à base de valeriana ou alho

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    Rodrigo F. Alexandre

    Full Text Available Atualmente, as potenciais interações entre fármacos e plantas medicinais e/ou medicamentos fitoterápicos são objetos de inúmeros estudos. Tais estudos são motivados pelo fato de que a fitoterapia é amplamente utilizada em associação com diversos fármacos. Nesta revisão, as informações sobre as principais interações entre produtos elaborados com valeriana ou alho foram localizadas, avaliadas e sistematizadas. Verificou-se que tais plantas podem alterar os perfis farmacocinéticos e/ou farmacodinâmicos de diversos fármacos, podendo provocar conseqüências graves aos pacientes. A valeriana pode aumentar os efeitos adversos dos benzodiazepínicos, reduzir a biodisponibilidade dos fármacos metabolizados pelo sistema P450-CYP3A4 e provocar hemorragias graves quando utilizada juntamente com anticoagulantes orais e antiplaquetários. O alho pode aumentar a biodisponibilidade dos relaxantes musculares, potencializar os efeitos terapêuticos e adversos dos hipoglicemiantes, provocar hemorragias quando administrado juntamente com anticoagulantes orais e antiplaquetários e reduzir a biodisponibilidade dos anti-retrovirais inibidores de protease. Porém, tais potenciais interações não são consensos na literatura, visto que há limitações metodológicas e diferenças significativas entre os estudos localizados. Mesmo assim, o uso de produtos à base de valeriana ou alho, associado com determinados fármacos, deve ser adequadamente monitorado por um profissional da área da saúde.

  3. Autogestion des troubles de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété par l'activité physique et l'exercice

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    Louise Pelletier


    Full Text Available Introduction : L'activité physique et l'exercice constituent une stratégie d'autogestion importante pour les personnes vivant avec une maladie mentale. Cette étude visait à caractériser à la fois les personnes atteintes d'un trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété qui faisaient de l'exercice ou de l'activité physique pour aider à gérer leur trouble et celles qui n'en faisaient pas, ainsi qu'à identifier les facteurs facilitant l'activité physique et l'exercice et ceux constituant un obstacle. Méthodologie : L'Enquête sur les personnes ayant une maladie chronique au Canada - Composante des troubles de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété de 2014 a été utilisée pour cette étude. Les répondants (n = 2 678 ont été classés en fonction de la fréquence à laquelle ils faisaient de l'exercice : (1 aucun exercice, (2 exercice une à trois fois par semaine et (3 exercice quatre fois ou plus par semaine. Nous avons procédé à des analyses descriptives et de régression logistique multinomiale. Nous avons pondéré toutes les estimations afin que les données soient représentatives de la population canadienne adulte vivant en logement privé dans l'une des 10 provinces et ayant déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic de troubles de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété. Résultats : Sur l'ensemble des Canadiens affectés, 51,0 % ne faisaient aucun exercice pour aider à gérer leur trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété, 23,8 % en faisaient d'une à trois fois par semaine et 25,3 % en faisaient quatre fois ou plus par semaine. On a établi un lien entre, d'une part, un âge plus avancé, des niveaux de scolarité plus bas et une suffisance de revenu du ménage plus faible et, d'autre part, une fréquence plus importante de l'inactivité. Les individus vivant avec un trouble de l'humeur (avec ou sans anxiété et ceux avec des comorbidités physiques étaient moins susceptibles de faire régulièrement de l'exercice. Les recommandations d'un médecin ou d

  4. Osteomyelite atypique ou centrale de la base du crane d'origine ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction : L'ostéomyélitede la base du crâne esttypiquement secondaire à une otite externe nécrosante chez des patients âgés, diabétiques. Elle atteint l'os temporal et est habituellement due au pseudomonasaeruginosa. Dans sa forme atypique, l'ostéomyélite atteint les os sphénoïdal ou occipital sans otite externe ...

  5. Quantification of the effect of in-situ generated uranium metal on the experimentally determined O/U ratio of a sintered uranium dioxide fuel pellet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narasimha Murty, B.; Bharati Misra, U.; Yadav, R.B.; Srivastava, R.K.


    This paper describes quantitatively the effect of in-situ generated uranium metal (that could be formed due to the conducive manufacturing conditions) in a sintered uranium dioxide fuel pellet on the experimentally determined O/U ratio using analytical methods involving dissolution of the pellet material. To quantify the effect of in-situ generated uranium metal in the fuel pellet, a mathematical expression is derived for the actual O/U ratio in terms of the O/U ratio as determined by an experiment involving dissolution of the material and the quantity of uranium metal present in the uranium dioxide pellet. The utility of this derived mathematical expression is demonstrated by tabulating the calculated actual O/U ratios for varying amounts of uranium metal (from 5 to 95% in 5% intervals) and different O/U ratio values (from 2.001 to 2.015 in 0.001 intervals). This paper brings out the necessity of care to be exercised while interpreting the experimentally determined O/U ratio and emphasizes the fact that it is always safer to produce the nuclear fuel with oxygen to uranium ratios well below the specified maximum limit of 2.015. (author)

  6. Characterization of coals from the Ravenscrag Formation, southern Saskatchewan, Canada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McDougall, W.J. (University of Regina, Regina, SK (Canada). Faculty of Science)


    Samples of economically important lignite reserves in the Ravenscrag Formation (Paleocene) of southern Saskatchewan are characterized by lithotype, maceral, microlithotype, and chemical analysis. The samples are from two cores and five reverse circulation drill boreholes from the Hart seam, Willow Bunch coalfield. Samples from four reverse circulation boreholes from the Souris seam, Estevan coalfield are characterized by maceral and chemical analysis. Coals from the Hart and Souris seams differ in rank, because of different thermal histories. A microlithotype classification developed for low rank coals is presented for Hart seam coals. 74 refs., 35 figs., 12 tabs.

  7. Systèmes d'information sanitaire ou santé sexuelle et reproductive ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 mai 2017 ... Systèmes d'information sanitaire ou santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescents en Afrique de l'Ouest. Appel. Propositions. Programme(s) ... Sujet(s). Systèmes de santé, ADOLESCENTS, SANTÉ REPRODUCTIVE, DROITS EN MATIERE DE PROCREATION. Durée. 36 à 48 mois. Financée par. CRDI ...

  8. Cinematic Orientalism: Bab el Oued City & The Time that Remains

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    Volkan Yücel


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on orientalism as a cinematic paradigm in Islamic imagination. We compare two movies, “Bab el Oued City” (1994 and “The Time That Remains” (2009 that present different cases with regard to orientalism, fundamentalism and gender. We identify basic characters, their agency and roles in the whole setting. Our main argument about the movies, though originating from different contexts and historicity, is that they present somewhat conflicting cases with regard to issues we named above.

  9. Fatores influenciadores na decisão de produzir ou comprar: um estudo no sistema agroindustrial da cana


    Consoli, Marcelo Henrique


    Dentre inúmeras maneiras possíveis para as empresas organizarem suas atividades e definirem suas fontes de obtenção de recursos, destaca-se duas formas polares, são elas: produzir internamente ou comprar no mercado. Dessa maneira, a opção por uma dessas formas ou até mesmo a opção por uma forma híbrida, define o grau de integração vertical adotada pela empresa. Este trabalho tem como objetivo levantar e classificar quais são os principais fatores considerados pelos gestores ...


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    Rohandi Rohandi


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Salah satu bidang kajian menarik bagi pendidik bidang sains di negara berkembang dan dalam budaya timur (non-Western adalah hakikat interaksi antara praktik tradisi dan keyakinan yang ada di masyarakat tempat siswa tinggal dan sains yang diajarkan di sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempertimbangkan isu-isu budaya dalam konteks pembelajaran sains di Indonesia. Keterkaitan antara budaya siswa, pengalaman siswa di rumah, dan pengalaman pengetahuan siswa yang diidentifikasi sebagai funds of knowledge, telah diintegrasikan ke dalam pembelajaran sains. Penelitian ini berlangsung di dua SMP di Indonesia. Dua guru dan 173 siswa (94 laki-laki dan 79 perempuan berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kecocokan antara pengalaman hidup siswa, tingkat pengetahuan, dan konsep ilmu pengetahuan dapat menjadi faktor utama dalam menjaga keberlanjutan pembelajaran ilmiah pada kelas sains. Hal ini penting untuk mengembangkan pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains yang menekankan pada penggabungan pengetahuan siswa, terutama dalam menyajikan ilmu yang relevan dengan siswa kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: funds of knowledge, sekolah menengah, pembelajaran sains PENGALAMAN GURU DALAM MENGINTEGRASIKAN PENGALAMAN BUDAYA SISWA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN BELAJAR SAIN Abstract: One area of interest for science educators in developing countries and in non-Western settings is the nature of interaction between traditional practices and beliefs existing in the communities in which students live and the science taught in schools. The purpose of this study is to consider cultural issues in the context of the teaching of science in Indonesia. The connection between students’ culture, home experiences and experiential knowledge of students which is identified as funds of knowledge have been incorporated into learning science. This study took place within two sub-urban Junior High Schools in Indonesia. Two teachers and 173 students (94

  11. Rebelle De Fatou Keita Ou le Combat Feminin Contre la Patriarchie ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le combat féministe est un sujet d'actualité dans une Afrique toujours gouvernée par des systèmes phallocentriques qui emprisonnent la femme ou l'enterrent dans la misère. L'écriture, parmi d'autres moyens, est une arme par excellence utilisée dans le combat contre le système patriarcal. L'écrivaine féministe s'en sert ...

  12. Radioprotective properties of some heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds against changes in hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit value in x-irradiated mice; Proprietes radioprotectrices de certains composes heterocycliques azotes sur les variations du taux d'hemoglobine et de la valeur hematocrite chez la souris irradiee

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rousdhy, H; Pierotti, T; Polverelli, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Radioprotective properties of imidazole and benzimidazole have been proved in previous works. In this study, authors try to demonstrate radioprotective action of these compounds in comparison with cysteamine upon the hematopoietic system after lethal X-irradiation. Results show: no drastic variations of hematologic constants (hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit value) after intraperitoneal injection of radioprotective compounds apart certain apparent reactions with the heterocyclic compounds; the better radioprotective action of benzimidazole. Twenty five days after irradiation, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit of radio protected mice return to normal values. (author) [French] Les proprietes radioprotectrices de l'imidazole et du benzimidazole ayant ete demontrees dans de precedents travaux, les auteurs se sont attaches a etudier l'action de ces produits sur le systeme hematopofetique en comparaison avec celle de la cysteamine, apres une irradiation a dose letale. A l'aide des criteres choisis, les resultats demontrent: qu'en dehors de certaines reactions apparentes, succedant a l'injection intraperitoneale des heterocycles azotes, les constantes hematologiques (taux d'hemoglobine et valeur hematocrite) ne sont que legerement modifiees; la superiorite du benzimidazole sur les autres produits utilises. Enfin, le vingt-cinquieme jour apres irradiation, les souris protegees par les heterocycles azotes ont un taux d'hemoglobine et une valeur hematocrite tout a fait normaux. (auteur)


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    A. Zobeidi


    Full Text Available The effects of mineral salts in the drinking water, beneficial or harmful depending on their concentration, are known for many years and thus the problem posed                     by fluoride ions in the waters of the region (Fluorosis Dental and skeletal. This                  study proposes, the estimated daily intake of fluoride from its water distribution and           the main food consumed per capita in the region of El-Oued (dates, tea,                          couscous, lentils, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin ..., which has a significant content of fluoride in their composition. In addition to the arid climatic conditions, the air temperature is very high in summer, leads to a strong human perspiration. This preliminary result leads us to propose a standard fluoride-specific region of El-Oued. The results showed that the majority of water samples and analyzed the main foods of the region of El-Oued is charged fluoride ions and exceed the maximum dose recommended for adults from 0.05 to 0.07 mg / kg / day.


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    Patricia de Sá Freire


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetiva compreender como uma empresa pode mapear e identificar com mais precisão e agilidade o conhecimento visto que este é construido na mente humano, bem como gerenciá-lo de maneira a diminuir os riscos da sua transferência e integração entre pessoas, entre sistemas ou entre pessoas e sistemas. Para tal, foi elaborado o estado da arte sobre o termo “conhecimento”, entendendo seus processos com base em uma pesquisa qualitativa mediante revisão sistemática da literatura que levou a um amplo levantamento bibliográfico e documental. Os resultados alcançados por esta pesquisa apresentam a origem e evolução dos significados do termo, descreve o seu processo de construção na mente humana; a epistemologia disciplinar; alcança o posicionamento do conhecimento enquanto ativo organizacional e, finalmente entende o novo conceito conhecimento como um dos elementos intangíveis do capital intelectual, descortinando o caminho para atender ao objetivo deste estudo.


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    Kati Caetano


    Full Text Available Apesar da freqüente discussão, tanto nos meios acadêmicos quanto nos midiáticos, envolvendo a crise da imagem documental, na esteira da propalada crise da cultura documental como um todo, não há como negar a proliferação de imagens e o incremento de uma produção assumida com esse propósito no universo das relações comunicacionais, seja ele impresso ou digital. Se, no domínio da arte, a ação hegemônica contemporânea consiste na desestabilização figurativa das imagens, do lado das mídias de produção massiva, afirma-se a sua estabilização como condiçãofundante do ato de documentar. Este trabalho não visa abordar as várias concepções de documental, porque parte do pressuposto de que esse aspecto se apresenta como resultado de estratégias figurativo-enunciativas de “fazer crer”, responsáveis por múltiplos regimes de sentido. De suas escolhas e agenciamentos decorrem modalidades interacionais amparadas na mediatez ou imediatez dos processos compreensivos, num sistema de valores condicionantes do ato comunicativo que coloca em evidência as funções prática, cognitiva, afetiva ou fiduciária (calcada em regimes de crençadas mediações simbólicas. A questão mais geral que norteia opresente texto é indagar como as diferentes mídias, do fotográfico ao virtual, operam com essas imagens e que tipos de implicações comunicacionais promovem.

  16. A study of the behaviour of irradiated or unirradiated grafts in the camera aquosa of irradiated and unirradiated animals; Etude du comportement d'un greffon irradie ou non, transplante dans la chambre anterieure de l'oeil d'un animal irradie ou non

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Djalali-Behzad, G. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Following grafts of new born mice spinal ganglia in the 'camera aquosa' of adult mice, the authors tried hematopoietic tissue grafts in the same conditions. The growth of iso-logous and hetero-logous bone marrow in the 'camera aquosa' showed that this tissue, even after exposure to supralethal doses, was capable of survival and growth. A counter-experiment with non irradiated bone marrow grafts in the 'camera aquosa' of rats delivered 700 rads led to the conclusion that the environment, intoxicated by exposure, acted on the graft so that after vascularization it became unable to grow. (author) [French] Apres avoir greffe des ganglions rachidiens de souriceaux nouveaux-nes dans la chambre anterieure de l'oeil de souris adultes, l'auteur a tente de greffer du tissu hematopoietique de la meme facon. La proliferation de la moelle osseuse isologue et heterologue, dans la chambre anterieure de l'oeil, lui a permis de mettre en evidence une certaine capacite de survie et de proliferation de ce tissu irradie meme a dose supraletale. Par une contre-experimentation, c'est-a-dire par la greffe de moelle non irradiee dans la chambre anterieure de rats irradies a 700 rads, il conclut que le milieu ambiant, intoxique par l'irradiation, agit sur le greffon de telle sorte que ce dernier, apres s'etre vascularise, devient depourvu de son aptitude de proliferation. (auteur)

  17. A Study of the Radioprotective Activity of the Imidazole Nucleus and Some of Its Derivatives; Etude de l'activite radioprotectrice du noyau imidazole et de quelquesuns de ses derives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rinaldi, R; Bernard, Y [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique. Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires, 38 - Grenoble (France)


    A study was made of the radioprotective properties of 8 compounds derived from imidazole. The effectiveness of the compounds was tested in mice exposed to a lethal dose of x radiation. Results showed that imidazole afforded protection to about 85% of the animals. Little protection was afforded by imidazoline and thione-imidazoline compounds in spite of the existence of a free sulfhydryl group in these compounds. (authors) [French] Cette etude a ete consacree a la determination des proprietes radioprotectrices eventuelles de huit composes derives de l'imidazole. Ces substances ont ete, soit synthetisees, soit obtenues dans le commerce. Leur efficacite a ete mise en evidence par le pourcentage de survie obtenu chez des souris soumises a une dose mortelle de rayons X. Les resultats ont fait apparaitre: - l'activite remarquable de l'imidazole qui protege environ 85 pour cent des animaux; - la protection faible ou nulle obtenue avec les imidazolinones et les thione-imidazolines, malgre la presence dans la molecule de ces dernieres d'un groupement sulfhydrile libre. (auteurs)

  18. Radio-sensitization of animals by bismuth; Radio sensibilisation de l'animal par le bismuth

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pierotti, T; Verain, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Digestive absorption of bismuth by animals leads to radio-sensitization. This effect is very marked when the X-rays used are centered on the absorption line of bismuth. This work has involved the use of more than 2000 C3H/JAX mice, and has shown that a maximum lethal effect, with respect to the standard, occurs for bismuth sub-nitrate doses of the order of 3 g/kg and for exposures of 700 R. For stronger or weaker doses, the sensitization effect is less marked. (authors) [French] L'absorption digestive de bismuth provoque une radiosensibilisation de l'animal. Celle-ci est nette quand le rayonnement X utilise est centre sur la raie d'absorption du bismuth. L'etude portant sur plus de 2000 souris C3H/JAX a montre une lethalite maximale par rapport aux temoins pour des doses de sous-nitrate de bismuth de l'ordre de 3 g/kg et pour des expositions de 700 R. Pour des doses plus fortes ou plus faibles, l'effet de sensibilisation est moins net. (auteurs)

  19. Some Recent Data on the Mechanism of Radioleukemogenisis; Quelques Donnees Recentes Concernant le Mecanisme de la Radioleucemogenese

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duplan, J. F. [Institut du Radium, Laboratoire Pasteur et Fondation Curie, Paris (France)


    A large number of studies have been devoted in the past twenty years, the problem of Radioleukemogenisis that we had to limit this discussion to the study of some experimental facts to enlighten the mechanism of Radioleukemogenisis C57 mice Bl Between 1950 and 1960, a series of studies conducted by H.S. Kaplan has a strong foundation based on a theory of lymphoid Radioleukemogenisis. I remember the most important elements to the extent they are directly involved in the interpretation of experiments that follow [French] Un si grand nombre de travaux ont ete consacres, dans le courant des vingt dernieres annees, au probleme des radioleucemies que nous avons du limiter cet expose a l'etude de quelques faits experimentaux susceptibles d'eclairer le mecanisme de la radioleucemogenese chez les souris C57 Bl. Entre 1950 et 1960, une serie de recherches dirigees par H. S. Kaplan a permis de fonder sur des bases solides une theorie de la radioleucemogenese lymphoiede. J'en rappellerai les elements les plus importants, dans la mesure ou ils interviennent directement dans l'interpretation des experiences qui suivront.



    Giorgio Forgiarini


    Pretende-se com o presente trabalho tratar sobre o padrão de racionalidade incorporado à Administração Pública brasileira pela reforma gerencial, iniciada pelo Presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso e, principalmente, sobre a sua continuidade ou não durante os mandatos de seu opositor e sucessor, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2005 e 2006-2009). Para a elaboração do trabalho, traçou-se, num primeiro momento, a partir do método da revisão bibliográfica, um escorço histórico acerca dos diferente...

  1. Buen Vivir Andino: Resistência e/ou alternativa ao modelo hegemônico de desenvolvimento

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    Klaus Pereira da Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo Este ensaio teórico problematiza a ética do Buen Vivir como forma de resistência e/ou alternativa ao modelo hegemônico de desenvolvimento que tem sido disseminado e implementado por organizações internacionais e corporações. Após a declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os direitos indígenas, em 2007 (MAMANI, 2010, o Buen Vivir alcançou status oficial nas Constituições do Equador e da Bolívia. O Buen Vivir é uma visão de mundo distinta da ordem internacional liberal institucionalizada no pós-II Guerra Mundial; fundamenta-se nas noções de cosmovisão relacional e pluriverso (ESCOBAR, 2011, multiverso (MAMANI, 2010 ou ecosofia andina (ESTERMANN, 2013, enunciados no Sul e subalternizados por mais de cinco séculos de colonialidade. Com base nestas noções, o ensaio enfatiza a importância de repensar, segundo uma abordagem decolonial, o papel desempenhado pelos Estados e organizações governamentais internacionais no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento local. A análise crítica da literatura sugere a existência de múltiplas visões acerca do desenvolvimento que devem ser debatidas no âmbito de estudos organizacionais.


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    Isis Maria Cunha Lustosa


    Full Text Available O artigo versa sobre a (UC Unidade de Conservação– (RPPN Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural e oEcoturismo como elementos de discussão – se há porparte da legislação de áreas protegidas particulares ocompromisso do reconhecimento das populações tradicionaise/ou residentes, bem como da efetiva participaçãodestas na conservação da natureza em RPPN tomando-se como base artigos do Decreto nº 1922/05.06.1996e da Lei nº 9.985/18.07.2000 do (SNUC Sistema Nacionalde Unidades de Conservação, o qual, insere a RPPNcomo área protegida oficial de propriedade particular reconhecidapelo (IBAMA Instituto Brasileiro de RecursosNaturais Renováveis, em âmbito federal, ou por órgãosestaduais do meio ambiente. Essa área é reconhecidatotal ou parcial por decisão do proprietário, permanecena sua posse e domínio com gravame de perpetuidade.O IBAMA considera que a RPPN proteja os recursosambientais pela relevância da sua biodiversidade, peloaspecto paisagístico ou por características ambientaisque justifiquem sua recuperação, concebendo-a atividadesque julgam não interferir negativamente na biodiversidade– a educação ambiental, os projetos científicose o turismo ecológico. Ou: a RPPN é mais um espaçoemergente em prol da turistificação de área protegidacriada na ideologia do ecoturismo?

  3. ‘Choses Virtuelles. Les Objects Matériels Perdus Ou Trouvés Dans Les Études De Transfert Culturel’

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Broomans, Pieternella; Andringa, Kim; Harry, Frédérique; Mareuge, Agathe; Terrisse, Bénédicte


    Petra Broomans s’attache à deux figures de médiateurs culturels, Constant Jacob Hansen et Philippine Wijsman, pour mettre en lumière le rôle joué par la perte ou la découverte de matériel – concret ou virtuel – dans les études de transfert culturel. L’attention portée au matériel permet de les

  4. Effects of supplementing endophyte-infected tall fescue with sainfoin and polyethylene glycol on the physiology and ingestive behavior of sheep. (United States)

    Catanese, F; Distel, R A; Villalba, J J


    Tannins in sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) may bind to alkaloids in endophyte-infected tall fescue [E+; Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.] and attenuate toxicosis. If so, supplementing E+ with sainfoin will increase use of E+ by sheep, and polyethylene glycol (PEG)-a polymer that selectively binds to tannins-will reduce such response. To test these predictions, thirty-six 2-mo-old lambs were randomly assigned to 3 treatments (12 lambs/treatment). During exposure, all lambs were individually penned and fed E+ supplemented with beet pulp (CTRL), fresh-cut sainfoin and beet pulp (SAIN), or fresh-cut sainfoin plus PEG mixed in beet pulp (SAIN+PEG). Feed intake was measured daily. Rectal temperatures and jugular blood samples were taken at the beginning and end of exposure. After exposure, all lambs were offered choices between endophyte-free tall fescue (E-) and orchardgrass, and preference for E- was assessed. Then, all lambs were allowed to graze a choice of E+ and sainfoin or a monoculture of E+. The foraging behavior of lambs was recorded. When sainfoin was in mid-vegetative stage, lambs in SAIN ingested more E+ than lambs in CTRL (P = 0.05), but no differences were detected between lambs in SAIN+PEG and CTRL (P = 0.12). Sainfoin supplementation improved some physiological parameters indicative of fescue toxicosis. Lambs in SAIN had lower rectal temperatures (P = 0.02), greater numbers of leukocytes (P 0.05). On the other hand, when they grazed on a monoculture of E+, lambs in SAIN+PEG showed greater acceptance of E+ than lambs in SAIN or in CTRL (P < 0.05). In summary, sainfoin supplementation alleviated several of the classic signs of fescue toxicosis and increased intake of endophyte-infected tall fescue. Tannins in sainfoin partially accounted for this benefit since feeding a polymer that selectively binds to tannins (PEG) attenuated some these responses. However, sainfoin supplementation during initial exposure to E+ did not lead to an increased

  5. Pacientes com desordem de consciência: respostas vitais, faciais e musculares frente música ou mensagem

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    Ana Claudia Giesbrecht Puggina


    Full Text Available Objetivos: comparar sinais vitais, expressão facial e sinais eletroneurográfi cos basais com medidas durante os estímulos música, mensagem ou “silêncio” em pacientes em coma, estado vegetativo ou sedado e relacionar a pontuação da Escala de Resultado de Glasgow com a intervenção realizada. Método: ensaio Clínico Controlado Transversal Unicego para o pesquisador. A alocação foi aleatória nos três grupos (experimental música, experimental mensagem ou controle. Foram realizadas duas avaliações (sessões com intervalo de 40 minutos no mesmo dia. Resultados: a maioria dos 76 pacientes eram homens, entre 18 e 36 anos e internados por trauma. Encontraram-se alterações estatisticamente signifi cantes nas variáveis temperatura, expressão facial, eletroneurografi a e Escala de Resultado de Glasgow; alterações mais frequentes na sessão 2, nos pacientes em coma e estado vegetativo, no músculo frontal e no grupo experimental. Conclusões: a expressão facial e a eletroneurografi a parecem ser variáveis mais confi áveis do que os sinais vitais para mensurar consciência.

  6. Pacientes com desordem de consciência: respostas vitais, faciais e musculares frente música ou mensagem

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    Ana Claudia Giesbrecht Puggina

    Full Text Available Objetivos: comparar sinais vitais, expressão facial e sinais eletroneurográfi cos basais com medidas durante os estímulos música, mensagem ou “silêncio” em pacientes em coma, estado vegetativo ou sedado e relacionar a pontuação da Escala de Resultado de Glasgow com a intervenção realizada. Método: ensaio Clínico Controlado Transversal Unicego para o pesquisador. A alocação foi aleatória nos três grupos (experimental música, experimental mensagem ou controle. Foram realizadas duas avaliações (sessões com intervalo de 40 minutos no mesmo dia. Resultados: a maioria dos 76 pacientes eram homens, entre 18 e 36 anos e internados por trauma. Encontraram-se alterações estatisticamente signifi cantes nas variáveis temperatura, expressão facial, eletroneurografi a e Escala de Resultado de Glasgow; alterações mais frequentes na sessão 2, nos pacientes em coma e estado vegetativo, no músculo frontal e no grupo experimental. Conclusões: a expressão facial e a eletroneurografi a parecem ser variáveis mais confi áveis do que os sinais vitais para mensurar consciência.

  7. Espace et spatialité chez Kazuo Iwamura

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    Christophe Meunier


    Full Text Available Pour amorcer une étude sur les représentations de l’espace et les relations que les personnages de l’auteur/illustrateur japonais Kazuo Iwamura tissent avec le territoire qu’ils habitent, je voudrais partir de la double page 10-11 du premier album de la série consacrée à la famille Souris : les quatorze souris ont été obligées de fuir leur habitation d’origine et traversent alors un sous-bois. Kazuo Iwamura les représente dans un espace qu’ils ne connaissent pas, qui leur est donc étranger et...

  8. Les oasis de l'Oued Noun : dégradation du milieu naturel et perspectives de développement

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    Full Text Available The oases of Oued Noun: degradation of the natural environment and perspectives of development. An oasis is considered as a vital space and a fundamental natural resource in the Oued Noun area. Irrigation water scarcity, desertification, terminal illnesses of different civilizations, space division and tininess of farms are all natural and economic constraints providing the oasis area from growing and developing. Officials have to be aware of those constraints and they need to urgently recommend solutions in the process of updating the local territory and in its potentialities valorisation.

  9. X-ray diving in the center of Sh2-129: looking for the driving source of Ou4 (United States)

    Grosso, Nicolas


    The outflow phenomenon is associated both with the early and the last phase of the stellar evolution. Recently, a unique bipolar outflow with an angular size of 1.2 degrees was discovered in the blister HII region Sh2-129. Ou4, nicknamed "The Giant Squid", is to our knowledge the bipolar outflow with the largest angular size ever found. We propose joint XMM-Newton/EPIC (35 ks) and Chandra/HRC-I (16 ks) observations to look for the driving source of Ou4 and to clarify the nature of this object.

  10. Desempenho de frangos de corte e digestibilidade de rações com sorgo ou milheto e complexo enzimático

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    Paulo Ricardo de Sá da Costa Leite


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a digestibilidade de rações formuladas com sorgo (Sorghum bicolor, ou milheto (Pennisetum glaucum e adição de um complexo enzimático comercial composto de amilase, carboidrases, proteases e fitase, e o desempenho de frangos de corte. Para avaliação de desempenho, foram alojados 1.800 pintos de corte machos em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 2x2, com quatro tratamentos (rações com sorgo ou milheto com ou sem adição de complexo enzimático e cinco repetições com 60 aves por unidade experimental. Nos ensaios de metabolismo realizados dos 10 aos 14 e dos 24 aos 28 dias, foram distribuídos 420 pintos machos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2x2 (rações com milheto ou sorgo com ou sem adição de complexo enzimático. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas com o teste F para contrastes ortogonais. Nas rações elaboradas com sorgo, a adição do complexo enzimático proporcionou melhores coeficientes de digestibilidade da gordura e do nitrogênio. A adição de complexo enzimático em rações formuladas com sorgo melhora a conversão alimentar somente na fase inicial de criação dos frangos, enquanto a adição de complexo enzimático não melhora o desempenho de frango nas rações elaboradas com milheto.

  11. Cercar ou não o Parque Farroupilha? Uma análise envolvendo uso e segurança

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    Dr. Arq. Antônio Tarcísio da Luz Reis


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é investigar a necessidade de cercar ou não um parque urbano, o Parque Farroupilha. Assim, são analisadas as relações entre os atuais usos, os níveis de segurança no seu interior, adjacências e proximidades e a ideia de cercar ou não o Parque. Para tal, são consideradas uma proposta de cercamento hipotético do Parque e as percepções e atividades realizadas pelos frequentadores, moradores de áreas próximas e comerciantes do entorno e do interior do Parque. A metodologia inclui a realização de levantamentos de arquivo, mapas comportamentais nos limites do Parque, identifcação dos percursos realizados pelos três grupos, entrevistas e questionários aplicados a estes grupos. Os dados obtidos por meio dos questionários foram analisados através de testes estatísticos não paramétricos, tais como tabulações cruzadas (Phi e Kruskal-Wallis. Os resultados revelam que uma quantidade signifcativa de atividades realizadas pelos usuários, baseadas no movimento continuado e/ou intermitente, seria impedida e/ou alterada pela existência de cerca nas bordas do Parque. Ainda, verifca-se que dentre os locais percebidos como mais inseguros estão aqueles que apresentam baixo movimento e baixa supervisão visual, que não seriam incrementados, mas sim reduzidos por um cercamento do Parque Farroupilha.

  12. Microbiota intestinal e desempenho de frangos alimentados com rações elaboradas com sorgo ou milheto e complexo enzimático

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    P.R.S.C. Leite


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a suplementação enzimática em rações contendo milheto ou sorgo sobre a microbiota intestinal e o desempenho de frangos. Foram alojados 420 pintos - ensaio de microbiota - e 1.200 pintos - ensaio de desempenho -, submetidos aos tratamentos com sorgo ou milheto suplementados ou não com complexo enzimático. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente ao acaso, com sete repetições de 15 aves cada, para o ensaio de microbiota, e em blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições e 60 aves por parcela para desempenho. Foram realizadas pesquisas de bactérias Gram-negativas e contagem do número total de microrganismos aeróbios do intestino delgado. A suplementação enzimática não afetou a microbiota intestinal de frangos aos 14 e 28 dias de idade. Houve efeito da suplementação enzimática nas dietas com sorgo para conversão alimentar na fase pré-inicial. Nas dietas com milheto, a suplementação melhorou o ganho de peso no período de um a 35 dias de idade. No período total de criação, de um a 42 dias, não foi observado efeito da suplementação para milheto ou sorgo. Conclui-se que a utilização da suplementação de enzimas em rações com sorgo ou milheto pode melhorar os resultados de desempenho, dependendo da fase de crescimento de frangos de corte.

  13. L'ingénierie lexicale ou la description d'un objet entre l'invention et ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ches et publications sur la chanson ou qui influencent son statut dans les champs ... observant les trois phases du cycle de vie terminologique (sa naissance, sa vie ... L'étape ultime de changement .... Matériaux pour une glottopolitique.

  14. Radioprotective properties of certain nitrogenous compounds heterocyclic on the serum proteins of irradiated mice; Proprietes radioprotectrices de certains heterocycles azotes sur les proteines seriques de souris irradiees

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pierotti, T; Roushdy, H; Polverelli, M; Mazza, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The results obtained from this study suggest the following: the concentration of total serum proteins in mice is very little changed during all the treatments carried out, while protein fractions showed significant alterations. The concentrations of various serum proteins remain almost constant under normal conditions. Intraperitoneal administration of imidazole or benzimidazole at the mentioned doses induces rapid quantitative changes in the serum which are recovered in about 3 days Whole-body X-irradiation at 750 roentgens creates slow but progressive and persisting serious changes in a concentration of serum protein fractions which end by death of animals at the 8 - 10. day after irradiation. Whole-body X-irradiation of imidazole or benzimidazole protected animals results in quantitative rapid changes in concentration of serum protein fractions, for about four days after which a slow but steady restoration begins. The concentration approaches the normal levels towards the 10. day after irradiation. Imidazole and benzimidazole were proved to be good radio-protectants against the effects of radiation on serum protein fractions. Benzimidazole seems to surpass imidazole. (authors) [French] L'action radioprotectrice de l'imidazole et du benzimidazole a ete mise en evidence dans des travaux anterieurs. Dans ce travail cette action est etudiee au niveau des proteines seriques de souris irradiees. Les resultats obtenus sont les suivants: pas de variation notable de la concentration des proteines totales quel que soit le traitement applique, mais variations importantes de chaque fraction proteinique. Apres injection intraperitoneale des radioprotecteurs on assiste a de brusques variations de la concentration des proteines du serum, variations qui s'estompent trois jours apres l'injection. L'irradiation in toto a 750 roentgens entraine aussi de profonds changements de concentration des proteines du serum que l'on observe du jour de l'irradiation jusqu'a la mort des

  15. Abordagem clínica a canais radiculares calcificados e/ou atresiados


    Veloso, Ana Catarina Rodrigues


    A Endodontia, ramo da Medicina Dentária, tem o objetivo de tratar patologias pulpares, permitindo assim, que as estruturas dentárias sejam mantidas em função na cavidade oral. O sucesso do tratamento depende de uma correta conformação, desinfeção e obturação canalar. Estes procedimentos podem estar comprometidos quando no canal existem calcificações, ou estes se encontram atresiados, impedindo o livre acesso apical. Localizar e manipular canais calcificados é um desafio pois a ...

  16. La cohésion sociale : une solution ou un moteur de violence urbaine ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La cohésion sociale : une solution ou un moteur de violence urbaine ? 28 septembre 2016. Image. un policer qui gère une foule. Shaun Swingler. COLLECTION: HISTOIRE À SUCCÈS | VILLES SÛRES ET INCLUSIVES. La cohésion sociale peut jouer un rôle important dans l'établissement et le maintien de l'ordre dans les ...

  17. Susceptibilité de Rattus norvegicus et Rattus rattus frugivurus de la ville de Recife à la Pasteurella pestis

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    Dalva A. de Mello


    Full Text Available L'auíeur a vérifié la susceptibilité de deux espèces de rongeurs domestiques de la ville de Recife. Etat du Pernambuco, R. norvegicus et Rattus rattus frugivurus, les comparant aux souris albinos de la souche "Swiss" avec deux souches de P. pestis dont une était isolée au municipe d'Exu, Etat du Pernambuco âenommée PEXU 19 et Vautre provenante du Venezuela dite RANGEL. Les deux espèces de rongeurs ont montré une resistence modérée par rapport aux deux souches de P. pestis tandis que les souris ont révélé d'être hautement susceptibles.

  18. Radioprotective properties of some heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds against spectral modifications in hemoglobin of x-irradiated mice; Proprietes radioprotectrices de certains composes heterocycliques azotes sur les modifications spectrales de l'hemoglobine de souris irradiee

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roushdy, H; Pierotti, T; Polverelli, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Imidazole and benzimidazole are known for their radioprotective action. In this work, authors have studied the radioprotective action of these compounds on visible and ultra-violet hemoglobin absorption spectra obtained from mice after in vivo X-irradiation. Results compared to those obtained with cysteamine show: 1- a possible pharmacological action of the heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds on the {alpha} and {beta} bands (540 and 580 m{mu}). 2 - a significative variation of the ratio of the optical densities (580/540) after irradiation with hemoglobin of non and radio-protected mice. However, following a real drop of absorption maxima, the twenty-fifth day after irradiation, normal optical densities of each band are found again. A physico-chemical study would be necessary to understand the hemoglobin transformation after irradiation and perhaps, its possible radioprotection. (authors) [French] Les proprietes radioprotectrices de l'imidazole et du benzimidazole etant deja connues, les auteurs ont etudie l'action de ces produits sur les spectres d'absorption de l'hemoglobine dans le visible et le proche ultra-violet apres une irradiation in vivo de souris a dose letale. L'action de ces produits comparee a celle de la cysteamine utilisee dans les memes conditions a permis de constater: 1- l'action pharmacologique probable des heterocycles azotes sur les bandes {alpha} et {beta} situees a 540 et 580 m{mu}; 2 - qu'avec et sans radioprotecteurs, les modifications spectrales se traduisaient par des variations du rapport d'intensite d'absorption existant entre les bandes a 540 et 580 m{mu}. Toutefois, apres une chute des maxima d'absorption, ceux-ci retournent aux valeurs normales le vingt-cinquieme jour apres irradiation. Une etude physicochimique complementaire de l'hemoglobine permettrait de definir la nature exacte du changement apres irradiation et peut-etre son eventuelle radioprotection. (auteurs)

  19. Effets De La Cuisson Ou De L\\'extrusion Du Niebe ( Vigna ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Quatre rations R0, R1, R2 et R3 contenant respectivement 0% de niébé, 15% de niébé cru, cuit ou extrudé ont été utilisées. Il ressort que la ration R2 a été la plus consommée comparée à toutes les autres. Le gain de poids et l'indice de consommation enregistrés dans le lot R2 n'ont pas été différents (P>0,05) de ceux du ...



    Adriano Carlos Moura


    Este artigo propõe, com a leitura dos livros Bar doce lar do jornalista americano J.R. Moehringer e Os cus de Judas do romancista português António Lobo Antunes, refletir sobre de que maneira a autobiografia pode ser considerada um gênero literário ou não. A realização dessa tarefa faz-se a partir de um estudo comparativo entre uma escrita autobiográfica e um romance, utilizando conceitos da obra O pacto autobiográfico do pesquisa...

  1. Oil Characteristics of Four Palestinian Olive Varieties. (United States)

    Lodolini, Enrico Maria; Polverigiani, Serena; Ali, Saed; Mutawea, Mohammed; Qutub, Mayyada; Arabasi, Taysir; Pierini, Fabio; Abed, Mohammed; Neri, Davide


    Olive oil represents an important source of income for Palestinian farmers in local, national and international markets. Sometimes, olive oil produced in local climatic conditions, does not achieve the International Olive Council (IOC) trade standards so that international markets are precluded. The oil chemical composition and sensory profile of four Palestinian olive varieties (Nabali Baladi, Nabali Mohassan, Souri and K18) were characterized in 2010 throughout an in situ evaluation. Most of the physicchemical characteristics and the fatty acid composition of the varieties met the International Olive Council trade standards (IOC-TS) for extra virgin olive oils. Values of K 270 for Nabali Baladi and linolenic acid for Souri slightly exceeded the limit. Eicosanoic acid exceeded the IOC-TS limits in the oils of all considered varieties. Among the sterols, the Δ-7-stigmastenol resulted too high for Nabali Baladi and Souri. Sensory profile for the tested varieties showed a reminiscence of tomato or artichoke and light to medium bitter and pungent sensations. Results represent an important baseline reference for further studies about oil composition and quality of the main Palestinian olive germplasm and provide indication of potential critical points to be controlled in order to ensure the full achievement of IOC-TS and access international markets.

  2. La disparition des loups ou essai d’écologie historique


    Fabre, Éric; Alleau, Julien


    Si les loups ont disparu du territoire métropolitain, plus ou moins tôt dans les XVIIIe et XIXe siècles selon les régions, c’est parce qu’on les a activement chassés. Certes, l’affirmation est triviale, mais elle mérite qu’on s’y penche à nouveau en changeant le regard classiquement porté sur le phénomène de disparition de la grande faune. N’affirmer que le rôle actif de l’homme, c’est oublier que l’on observe un objet biologique : c’est nier la dimension écologique du problème. Inversement, ...

  3. Baixo peso ao nascer e obesidade: associação causal ou casual?

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    Adolfo Monteiro Ribeiro


    Full Text Available ResumoObjetivo:Apresentar as bases conceituais que explicam como eventos na vida intrauterina podem influenciar o desenvolvimento corporal e enfatizar a interrelação entre baixo peso ao nascer e risco de obesidade ao longo da vida.Fontes de dados:Google Scholar, Scientific Electronic Libraty Online (SciELO, EBSCO, Scopus e PubMed foram as bases de dados. “Catch-up growth”, “lifecourse health”, “disease”, “child”, “development”, “early life”, “perinatal programming”, “epigenetics”, “breastfeeding”, “small baby syndrome”, “phenotype”, “micronutrients”, “maternal nutrition”, “obesity” e “adolescence” foram descritores isolados ou associados para localizar revisões, estudos epidemiológicos, de intervenção ou experimentais publicados entre 1934 e 2014, com textos integrais, em português e inglês. Excluíram-se duplicidades, editoriais, resenhas e abordagens de doença diferente da obesidade.Síntese dos dados:Nos 47 artigos selecionados dentre 538 elegíveis, identificaram-se as hipóteses do fenótipo poupador, dos mecanismos epigenéticos e da plasticidade do desenvolvimento como fundamentais para explicar mecanismos envolvidos na saúde e nas doenças durante a vida. Elas admitem a possibilidade de eventos cardiometabólicos e obesidade terem origem em deficiência intraútero de nutrientes que, associados a suprimento alimentar excessivo às necessidades metabólicas nas fases precoces da vida, provoca alterações endócrinas. Todavia pode haver reprogramação fenotípica que supere ambiente restritivo intrauterino para nascidos com baixo peso a partir de oferta nutricional adequada. Assim, o catch-up growth indicaria recuperação da restrição intrauterina e se associaria a benefícios em curto prazo ou prejuízos no adulto.Conclusões:Na dependência de adequação nutricional nos primeiros anos de vida, a plasticidade do desenvolvimento pode levar à reprogramação fenot

  4. Pistola Finca Pinos: ferramenta ou arma de fogo?

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    Rodrigo Grazinoli Garrido


    Full Text Available O artigo pretende analisar a possibilidade de uso da ferramenta denominada “pistola finca pinos”, utilizada na construção civil, como arma de fogo na execução de crimes contra a vida. Serão examinados os tipos, as características e o mecanismo de funcionamento da pistola finca pinos e munição associada, em comparação às características da arma de fogo, com o objetivo de avaliar sua possível aplicação na prática de crime. Serão verificadas as normas regulamentadoras da venda e manuseio dessa ferramenta, assim como a análise de alguns casos de mortes decorrentes do uso da pistola finca pinos e a diagnose diferencial conferida a cada caso: homicídio, suicídio ou acidente.

  5. Steppic environments at the end of the upper pleistocene in southern Tunisia (Oued el Akarit) (United States)

    Brun, Annik; Guerin, Claude; Levy, Alain; Riser, Jean; Rognon, Pierre

    The cross section of the Oued el Akarit, 25 km North of Gabès, is of considerable importance for the paleoenvironmental reconstitution of South Tunisia at the end of the Upper Pleistocene. Grey or black silts and clays and greenish gray sands which overlap them, contain many paleontological remains: rodents, birds and Rhinoceros bones, Gasteropods, Foraminifera, Ostracoda and pollen. All these sedimentological, faunistic or botanical indications allow to consider that this area, between approximatively 35,000 and 22,000 yr. B.P., belonged to the steppe domaine. But this steppe was probably more dense and more diversified than the present-day steppe which receives 170 mm of rain (annual average). This conclusion is in good agreement with the other paleoenvironmental data from the Chott Djerid, the Matmata plateau or the Gulf of Gabès cores, areas situated at about 100 km to the West, the South or the East of the Oued el Akarit.

  6. Improved hydrogen production by uptake hydrogenase deficient mutant strain of Rhodobacter sphaeroides O.U.001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kars, Goekhan; Guenduez, Ufuk; Yuecel, Meral [Department of Biological Sciences, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara (Turkey); Rakhely, Gabor; Kovacs, Kornel L. [Institute of Biophysics, Biological Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged (Hungary); Eroglu, Inci [Department of Chemical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara (Turkey)


    Rhodobacter sphaeroides O.U.001 is a purple non-sulfur bacterium producing hydrogen under photoheterotrophic conditions. Hydrogen is produced by Mo-nitrogenase enzyme and substantial amount of H{sub 2} is reoxidized by a membrane-bound uptake hydrogenase in the wild type strain. To improve the hydrogen producing capacity of the cells, a suicide vector containing a gentamicin cassette in the hupSL genes was introduced into R. sphaeroiodes O.U.001 and the uptake hydrogenase genes were destroyed by site directed mutagenesis. The correct integration of the construct was confirmed by uptake hydrogenase activity measurement, PCR and subsequent sequence analysis. The wild type and the mutant cells showed similar growth patterns but the total volume of hydrogen gas evolved by the mutant was 20% higher than that of the wild type strain. This result demonstrated that the hydrogen produced by the nitrogenase was not consumed by uptake hydrogenase leading to higher hydrogen production. (author)

  7. Resenha de: Le "Peso Politico de Todo el Mundo" d'Anthony Sherley ou Un

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    Eurípedes Simões de Paula


    Full Text Available FLORES (Xavier A.. — Le "Peso Politico de Todo el Mundo" d'An-thony Sherley ou Un Aventurier au Service de I'Espagne. École Pratique des Hautes Études. VIe section. Centre de Recherches Historiques. Paris. S.E.V.P.E.N. Collection "Bi-bliothèque générale". 1963.

  8. Implementation of Enhanced Attenuation at the DOE Mound Site OU-1 Landfill: Accelerating Progress and Reducing Costs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hooten, Gwendolyn [U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Legacy Management; Cato, Rebecca [Navarro Research and Engineering; Looney, Brian [Savannah River National Laboratory, Aiken, SC


    At the US Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Legacy Management, Mound, Ohio, Site, chlorinated organic contaminants (cVOCs) originating from the former solid-waste landfill have impacted groundwater in Operable Unit 1 (OU-1). The baseline groundwater remedy was groundwater pump and treat (P&T). Since the source materials have been removed from the landfill, the Mound core team, which consists of DOE, US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Ohio EPA, and other stakeholders, is assessing the feasibility of switching from the active P&T remedy to a passive attenuation-based remedy. Toward this end, an enhanced attenuation (EA) strategy based on the creation of structured geochemical zones was developed. This EA strategy addresses the residual areas of elevated cVOCs in soil and groundwater while minimizing the rebound of groundwater concentrations above regulatory targets (e.g., maximum contaminant levels [MCLs]) and avoiding plume expansion while the P&T system is turned off. The EA strategy has improved confidence and reduced risk on the OU-1 groundwater transition path to monitored natural attenuation (MNA). To better evaluate the EA strategy, DOE is conducting a field demonstration to evaluate the use of edible oils to enhance the natural attenuation processes. The field demonstration is designed to determine whether structured geochemical zones can be established that expedite the attenuation of cVOCs in the OU-1 groundwater. The EA approach at OU-1 was designed based on “structured geochemical zones” and relies on groundwater flow through a succession of anaerobic and aerobic zones. The anaerobic zones stimulate relatively rapid degradation of the original solvent source compounds (e.g., cVOCs such as tetrachloroethene [PCE] and trichloroethene [TCE]). The surrounding aerobic areas encourage relatively rapid degradation of daughter products (such as dichloroethene [DCE] and vinyl chloride [VC]) as well as enhanced cometabolism of TCE resulting from

  9. The Application of Science in Box on Inquiry Based Learning at Junior High School to Increase The Mastery Concept of Statics Fluid

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    Abdurrahman Abdurrahman


    Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk menjelaskan efektifitas keterikatan ilmu sains dengan kegiatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains menggunakan konsep Fluida Statis berbasis inkuiri. Metode action research digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah kurangnya pelaksanaan praktik pada siswa sains. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang meliputi statistik deskriptif dan inferensial untuk menguji karakteristik dan efektifitas SBFS yang dikembangkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari pembelajran dan kpengajaran inkuiri menggunakan Science in Box terhadap penguasaan konsep fluida statis siswa. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa strategi Pengajaran yang secara aktif melibatkan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran melalui penyelidikan ilmiah menggunakan kerja praktek lebih mungkin untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konseptual siswa dibandingkan strategi yang mengandalkan teknik yang lebih konvensional. Kata kunci: Science in Box, Statics Fluid, Inquiry learning.

  10. La crise de l'eau : faut-il accroître l'approvisionnement ou améliorer ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    -Mellal à Marrakech, aller chercher l'eau est un travail d'enfant. Sur les plaines rocheuses où des chèvres maigrichonnes broutent une herbe peu abondante, garçonnets et fillettes qui n'ont parfois que trois ou quatre ans ...

  11. Padrão fundamental de movimento : uma analise universal ou contextual?


    Inara Marques


    Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar se houve modificação ou alteração nos níveis de desenvolvimento em relação ao objetivo da tarefa. Para este fim, os padrões fundamentais de movimento arremessar e chutar foram executados em duas situações diferentes: ao alvo e à distância e analisados em 50 crianças de 7 anos de idade. Estas crianças foram selecionadas na Escola Municipal de 10grau "Violeta Dória Lins", localizada no bairro Vila Rica, no município de Campinas (SP) e as tarefa...

  12. Racismo ou injúria racial? Como o Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais se posiciona diante dos conflitos raciais

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    Andrea Franco Lima e Silva


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, apresentaremos uma análise dos acórdãos do Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais sobre os processos que tenham, como ponto central, práticas identificadas como racismo, discriminação ou preconceito de raça ou de cor. Com isso, buscamos responder às seguintes questões: que tipos de conflitos envolvendo raça ou cor são julgados, em segunda instância, pelo Tribunal; que atos, palavras e expressões estão presentes nesses casos; e quais são os argumentos utilizados e as estratégias discursivas empregadas pelos réus, pelos autores e pelos juízes na administração do conflito. Nossos resultados indicam que o sistema jurídico mineiro tende a descontextualizar expressões historicamente racistas, negando que a origem do conflito seja o preconceito racial, o que mantém a desigualdade característica de nossa sociedade.

  13. Modelo de auxílio à identificação de trabalho escravo ou degradante utilizando lógica fuzzy


    Silva Filho, Benedito de Lima


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção Esta dissertação apresenta um modelo de auxílio de decisão na identificação de trabalho escravo ou degradante utilizando lógica fuzzy. O mesmo aumenta a transparência nas identificações das condições de trabalho escravo ou degradante, capacitando os agentes do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego e os profissionais que atuam na área para uma melhor compreensã...

  14. Acne e dieta: verdade ou mito? Acne and diet: truth or myth?

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    Adilson Costa


    Full Text Available Nos últimos 50 anos, foram publicados inúmeros estudos com a finalidade de comprovar se a dieta está relacionada à etiologia da acne. Embora existam estudos antigos, que são bem difundidos entre os dermatologistas e negam a associação entre acne e dieta, seu delineamento científico é pobre. Recentemente, novos artigos demonstraram evidências contrárias às publicações anteriores. Sendo assim, os autores realizaram esta revisão bibliográfica com o intuito de averiguar se a dieta influencia direta ou indiretamente um ou mais dos quatro pilares etiopatogênicos fundamentais da acne: (1 hiperproliferação dos queratinócitos basais, (2 aumento da produção sebácea, (3 colonização pelo Propionibacterium acnes e (4 inflamação.Numerous studies were published over the last 50 years to investigate whether diet is associated with the etiology of acne. Although older studies well known by dermatologists that refute the association between acne and diet exist, their scientific foundation is weak. New articles have recently brought to light evidence contrary to previous findings. Therefore, we would like to investigate whether diet, directly or indirectly, influences one or more of the four fundamental etiopathogenic pillars of acne: (1 hyperproliferation of basal keratinocytes, (2 increase of sebaceous production, (3 colonization by Propionibacterium acnes, and (4 inflammation.

  15. « Très transformés, très emballés et très mauvais pour la santé... mais à faible risque » : exploration des liens entre sécurité des aliments et salubrité des aliments dans les collectivités

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    Kelsey A. Speed


    Full Text Available Introduction : L’insécurité alimentaire et les maladies d’origine alimentaire constituent des enjeux importants au Canada, et on peut considérer les mesures de santé publique prises pour les résoudre comme des facteurs qui façonnent l’environnement alimentaire. De nouvelles données probantes allant dans le sens d'une interrelation entre ces deux domaines, l’objectif de cette étude était d'explorer comment, en Colombie-Britannique (Canada, les efforts en matière de sécurité alimentaire des collectivités et les pratiques de salubrité des aliments (ainsi que les problèmes de santé de la population associés peuvent se recouper, puis d’interpréter ces résultats pour concevoir et construire un environnement alimentaire plus sain. Méthodologie : Nous avons mené 14 entrevues auprès d’informateurs clés (praticiens des secteurs de la sécurité alimentaire des collectivités et de la salubrité des aliments en Colombie-Britannique et procédé à une analyse descriptive qualitative pour trouver les points d’intersection entre ces deux secteurs. Résultats : Les participants ont fait état de quatre modalités de convergence entre les deux secteurs. Ils ont signalé comment les pratiques quotidiennes de leur secteur visant à promouvoir des aliments sûrs ou sains pouvaient être favorisées ou entravées par les activités de l’autre secteur, en partie car les politiques passées, disparates, ne tenaient pas compte des nombreux effets sur la santé en lien avec l'alimentation et car certains types de produits alimentaires, comme les fruits et légumes frais, peuvent être considérés à la fois comme risqués et bénéfiques. Enfin, ils ont souligné que les deux secteurs travaillent à l’atteinte d’un même but, soit celui d’améliorer la santé de la population, même si leur optique se révèle légèrement différente. Conclusion : La sécurité alimentaire et la salubrité des aliments sont connectées de

  16. Diagnostic nutrient mass balance on J. Clark Salyer National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota (United States)

    Department of the Interior — The Souris River, an international river originating in Canada’s Saskatchewan Province, flows south into the State of North Dakota and then back north into Canada’s...

  17. Harmonie du soir ou à la recherche de la … perfection formelle

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    Corina-Amelia Georgescu


    Full Text Available A lire et à relire cette poésie, nous nous sommes toujours posé une question : se veut-elle être une manière d’exprimer la douleur pour un amour à jamais perdu, étant destinée uniquement au lecteur, ou bien pourrait-elle être interprétée comme un essai du poète de persuader l’être aimé du fait que le souvenir si religieusement gardé aux tréfonds du cœur pourrait être le germe d’un amour renouvelé ?

  18. The production of Φ in 200 GeV/nucleon S-U and O-U interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baldisseri, A.


    Preliminary results on the low mass resonances region (ρ, ω and Φ) from NA38 experiment are presented. The ratio Φ/ω is studied (for high ρ T dimuons) in correlation with the transverse neutral energy E T of the collision. This ratio increases with increasing E T , for both S-U and O-U interactions

  19. ALBA, organisation interaméricaine ou vénézuélienne ?

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    Jean-Jacques Kourliandsky


    Full Text Available L’«Alliance Bolivarienne des peuples de notre Amérique», ou ALBA, est de toutes les organisations interaméricaines celle dont l’identité est la plus originale. S’affirmant anti-impérialiste elle donne en effet à l’idéologie une place centrale qui commande la coopération entre ses membres. Mais l’ALBA au quotidien diffère-t-elle d’autres organisations d’intégration ? Le lien entre les différents pays qui la composent n’est-il pas au-delà de l’hommage unanime rendu à Bolivar bien davantage celui de pouvoir bénéficier du pétrole vénézuélien à un prix préférentiel ? L’ALBA, comme d’autres institutions latino-américaines, ne répond-elle pas à l’ambition d’un État, en l’occurrence ici le Venezuela, plus qu’à celle de construire un projet collectif pérenne? Ce lien entre le pétrole de son initiateur vénézuélien et l’ALBA, est une garantie pour le présent. Mais l’ALBA survivrait-elle à une alternance politique au Venezuela, ou à une chute des prix du baril affectant le nerf de l’organisation ?

  20. 49 Évolution de la pollution des eaux de l'Oued El Mellah (Djelfa ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    La steppe Algérienne couvre une superficie de 20 millions d'hectares, en plus du manque des ressources en eaux que connaît ce domaine, vient s'ajouter le phénomène de pollution. La croissance démographique et urbaine importante de la ville de Djelfa accroît les quantités de rejets d'eaux usées dans l'oued El Mellah.

  1. Soil-fluid-structure interaction applied to the Oued Taht dam (taking into account the membrane effect.

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    Nasreddine Krenich


    Full Text Available The objective of this work is to analyze the dynamic behavior (modal behavior of the "Oued Taht" arch dam located at MASCARA, taking into consideration the effect of soil-fluid-structure interaction. The finite element code "Ansys" was chosen for the dynamic modeling of the dam that is the subject of this study. Three hypotheses were used for soil-structure interaction modeling; model with embedded base which corresponds to the case where the phenomenon of interactions soil-structure is neglected, model with ground of foundation without mass which consists in taking into account the kinematic component of interaction soil structure and neglecting the inertial component and the model with foundation soil with mass where the two components of soil-structure interaction are taken into account. For the fluid, the model of added masses (equivalent to the westergaard approach using the SURF element available in the Ansys code library was used. A comparison between the different models of the "Oued Taht" dam was made; it has been found that the taking into account of the soil-fluid-structure interaction phenomenon modifies the period of the system and that the modeling of the dam with and without fluid gives a very important difference of the periods. The results obtained were compared with those of the "Brezina" dam, which is a gravity dam located in BAYADH. The work has shown that the periods of the "Oued Taht" dam with soil-fluid-structure interaction modeling are very out of phase with the periods without fluid modeling (taking into account only the soilstructure interaction phenomenon. which is not the case for the Brezina dam where the periods for the two models are getting closer. The periods between the two models mentioned before are close to the dam of Brézina because the latter is a dam which participates much more by its own weight than by its vault (thickness of the vault varies between 36.3 m at the base and 5m in crest which is the

  2. Kubrick com Foucault ou O Desvio do Panoptismo

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    Ivan Capeller


    Full Text Available O panoptismo - um conceito fundamental para a compreensão da formação e do funcionamento das sociedades disciplinares ocidentais a partir dos séculos XVII-XVIII - apareceu em meados dos anos 70 nas análises empreendidas por Michel Foucault, em Vigiar e Punir, de um dispositivo carcerário setecentista então pouco estudado - o panopticum de Jeremy Bentham. Este artigo procede a uma releitura da teoria foucaultiana do panoptismo em que a crítica do dispositivo panóptico é retomada a partir do filme A Laranja Mecânica de Stanley Kubrick, enfatizando metodologicamente a relevância da ficção-científica, como um gênero,  na elaboração teórica das passagens e processos de transição que podemos observar entre as já conhecidas e estudadas formas disciplinares de sociedade e uma possível, ou suposta, sociedade porvir do controle. 

  3. Plantio direto de alface americana sobre plantas de cobertura dessecadas ou roçadas

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    Andréia Cristina Silva Hirata


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o plantio direto de alface americana no verão sobre plantas de cobertura dessecadas ou roçadas em cultivos sucessivos. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no município de Álvares Machado, São Paulo, Brasil. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, dispostos em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. O fator da parcela principal foram dois manejos das plantas de cobertura (dessecadas com herbicida ou roçadas e as subparcelas, seis espécies de plantas de cobertura (Cajanus cajan cv. IAPAR 43, Crotalaria spectabilis, Crotalaria juncea, Mucuna pruriens, Pennisetum glaucum e vegetação natural, além da testemunha sem plantas de cobertura. O manejo roçado apresentou desempenho inferior no primeiro cultivo da alface, todavia não diferiu do manejo químico no segundo cultivo. A cobertura do solo com mucuna apresentou maior produtividade da alface no primeiro cultivo devido ao excesso de palha das demais coberturas, o qual prejudicou o estabelecimento da alface. No segundo cultivo não houve diferenças entre as coberturas. A roçagem de plantas de cobertura é uma opção viável para plantio direto de alface sem herbicidas.

  4. Eficacia da limpeza ou desinfecao do meato urinario antes da cateterizacao urinaria: revisao sistematica

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    Madalena Cunha


    Full Text Available As infeções do trato urinário associadas à cateterização são muito frequentes no contexto comunitário e hospitalar. Existem atualmente várias recomendações para sua prevenção, contudo, quando abordado o soluto a utilizar no meato urinário previamente à algaliação continuam a persistir dúvidas. Assim, este estudo procurou determinar a eficácia da limpeza do meato urinário com água ou soro fisiológico comparativamente à sua assepsia por meio de uma revisão sistemática com metanálise. Para isso foram seguidos os princípios propostos pelo Cochrane Handbook , a análise crítica realizada por dois investigadores e a análise estatística com recurso ao programa STATA 11.1. Podemos concluir que a limpeza ou desinfeção do meato urinário previamente à cateterização vesical não é estatisticamente significativa (OR=1,07, IC 95%=0,68-1,68, p=0,779, existindo alguma evidência de que a utilização de água/soro fisiológico reduz as taxas de ITU.

  5. Maurice Couturier. Nabokov ou la cruauté du désir.

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    René Alladaye


    Full Text Available La lecture peut avoir partie liée avec la transgression. Maurice Couturier en apporte la preuve dans son dernier ouvrage, Nabokov ou la cruauté du désir, en enfreignant l’un des plus célèbres interdits nabokoviens, celui de la lecture psychanalytique de son œuvre. On se souvient des préfaces des romans où l’auteur ne se fait jamais faute de décourager la moindre velléité freudienne et d’une réponse des plus tranchantes administrée dans le cadre d’un entretien : « Laissons les crédules et les ...

  6. Miopatia miotubular ou centronuclear: relato de caso e revisão da literatura

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    Roscicler Pereira de Sousa


    Full Text Available É relatado um caso de miopatia miotubular ou centronuclear em paciente de 13 anos de idade, do sexo masculino, com história de hipotonia e ptose palpebral congênitas. Estudos clínicos, eletromiográficos e anátomopatológicos (inclusive microscopia eletrônica evidenciaram achados comparáveis aos encontrados na revisão bibliográfica. São também discutidos os diagnósticos diferenciais e os achados de microscopia eletrônica.

  7. Facteurs associés au diagnostic tardif d'un trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété

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    Ricky Cheung


    Full Text Available Introduction : Cette étude examine les relations entre le délai écoulé avant l'établissement d'un diagnostic et les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et cliniques, ainsi que les relations entre ce délai de diagnostic et l'état de santé physique et mental des adultes canadiens ayant déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic de trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété. Méthodologie : L'Enquête sur les personnes ayant une maladie chronique au Canada - Composante sur les troubles de l'humeur et d'anxiété de 2014 a été utilisée pour cette étude. L'échantillon de l'étude (n = 3 212 a été divisé en trois sous-groupes en fonction du délai de diagnostic : long (plus de 5 ans, modéré (1 à 5 ans et court (moins d'un an. Nous avons réalisé des analyses de régression logistique multivariées descriptives et multinomiales. Nous avons pondéré toutes les estimations afin que les données soient représentatives de la population canadienne adulte vivant en logement privé dans l'une des 10 provinces et ayant déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic de troubles de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété. Résultats : La plupart (61,6 % des adultes canadiens ayant déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic de trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété ont dit avoir reçu leur diagnostic plus d'un an après l'apparition des symptômes (délai modéré : 30,0 %; délai long : 31,6 %. Après ajustement des caractéristiques individuelles, nous avons constaté qu'un délai modéré était significativement associé à la présence d'un faible nombre de comorbidités physiques ou d'aucune, qu'un délai long était significativement associé à un âge plus avancé, et qu'un délai long ou modéré étaient significativement associés à l'apparition de symptômes à un jeune âge. Finalement, un délai long était significativement associé à une santé mentale perçue comme « mauvaise » ou « passable » et à un nombre plus élevé de limitations d

  8. Kemampuan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kimia dalam Menganalisis Ayat-ayat Kauniyah yang berasal dari Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah sebagai Petunjuk Pengembangan Kimia Berbasis Wahyu

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    r arizal firmansyah


    Full Text Available Kemampuan mahasiswa Pendidikan Kimia dalam menganalisis Ayat-ayat Kauniyah yang berasal dari Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah sebagai petunjuk pengembangan riset kimia berbasis wahyu telah dilakukan. Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah merupakan sumber hukum agama dan sains bagi Muslim sehingga dikatakan bahwa dalam Islam tidak terjadi dikotomi antara agama dan sains, justru integrasi agama dan sains. Ayat-ayat Kauniyah dalam Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah dapat dijadikan sumber gagasan sebagai petunjuk pengembangan riset kimia berbasis wahyu. Pada mata kuliah Keterpaduan IPTEK dan Islam di Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Walisongo, mahasiswa dilatih menggali gagasan riset kimia dari ayat-ayat Kauniyah dalam Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah menjadi satu makalah ilmiah. Kemampuan mahasiswa Pendidikan kimia secara keseluruhan dalam menganalisis Ayat-ayat Kauniyah ini cukup baik yang dapat diketahui dari menganalisis makalah yang telah disusun secara mandiri, lembar refleksi, dan wawancara.

  9. Prevalence and associated factors of job-related depression in laboratory technicians in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) and Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) Hospitals in Kelantan. (United States)

    Aziah, B D; Rusli, B N; Winn, T; Naing, L; Tengku, M A


    Karasek's job strain model postulates that workers chronically exposed to adverse psychosocial work environment (high strain job)--high psychological job demands and low job control, including poor social support, increased physical demand and hazardous work condition--will eventually develop both physical illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases and psychological disorders such as depression. In order to determine the prevalence and associated factors of job-related depression, a cross-sectional study was conducted among laboratory technicians in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) and Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) Hospitals in Kelantan between September 2001 and February 2002. One hundred and two laboratory technicians in HUSM and 79 laboratory technicians in 7 KKM Hospitals were selected; 84/102 (82.4%) in HUSM and 71/79 (89.9%) in KKM Hospitals responded. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires of the validated Malay version of the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) originally developed by Robert Karasek. Results indicated that the prevalence of high job strain in laboratory technicians in HUSM and KKM hospitals was 33.3% (28/84) and 26.8% (19/71), respectively (p>0.05). Significantly higher proportion (59.5%) (50/84) of laboratory technicians in HUSM compared to those in KKM Hospitals (39.4%) (28/71) (p = 0.016) experienced job-related depression. Significant associated factors of job-related depression were low social support (HUSM: adjusted OR 4.7, 95% CI 1.2-18.8; KKM: adjusted OR 14.8, 95%CI 2.4-89.3), high psychological demand (HUSM: adjusted OR 3.0, 95%CI 1.0-8.8), and low decision authority (KKM: adjusted OR 9.7, 95%CI 1.0-91.1). We conclude that strengthening the social support network (supervisors' and coworkers' support), reducing psychological job demand, and increasing decision-making authority of laboratory technicians may go a long way towards reducing job-related depression.

  10. Comunidades científicas: condições ou estratégias de mudança

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    Lovisolo Hugo


    Full Text Available São focalizados, comparativamente, os desenvolvimentos das comunidades científicas argentina e brasileira. O autor parte do paradoxo entre as condições (econômicas, culturais e educacionais que deveriam ter favorecido o resultado, o desenvolvimento das comunidades científicas argentinas, quando se comparam com as vigentes no Brasil ao longo do século. Rejeitando, a partir do paradoxo entre condições e desenvolvimento efetivo, uma leitura externalista, o autor defende a importância metodológica de estudar as estratégias a favor do reconhecimento e da legitimação do papel do cientista. Distingue dois tipos ideais de estratégia: a cientificista ou intervencionista e a academicista ou da renúncia. Após caracterizar os tipos ideais, interpreta, com base em material histórico, seus desenvolvimentos em ambos os países. No caso argentino, teria dominado uma estratégia intervencionista que confronta a universidade e a intelectualidade com os poderes dominantes, em especial, o do Estado, além de enfrentamentos significativos entre os defensores de cada estratégia. No Brasil, a estratégia academicista teria sido dominante, conciliando as diferenças e estabelecendo um padrão de colaboração entre comunidade científica e o Estado. As diferenças entre os dois desenvolvimentos são, portanto, vistas como diferenças entre as possibilidades de confronto ou interpenetração das duas estratégias entre si e em suas relações, principalmente, com o Estado. Sugere-se que para entender o desenvolvimento específico das estratégias em nível nacional, faz-se necessário formular algumas hipóteses sobre o modo de integração das estratégias científicas com as tradições políticas e de definição de identidades em cada país.

  11. A crise energética argentina: fonte de conflito ou oportunidade de cooperação?

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    Marcos Paulo de Araujo Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Recentemente a crise enérgica na Argentina ganhou repercussão mundial.  Nesse sentido o presente artigo busca analisar essa situação e as implicações que ela terá no cenário regional e mundial, em termos de possibilitar a cooperação ou gerar conflito.

  12. Sensitivity of cesium chemistry to the O/U radio in UO2+x

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McFarlane, J.; LeBlanc, J.C.; Owen, D.G.


    The effect of O/U ratio on chemical reactivity was investigated in a cesium-iodide/uranium/tungsten system at temperatures up to 2200 K. It was found that slight changes in the oxidation of the urania had a large effect on reactivity. Crushed fresh fuel samples showed little reaction with CsI; however, slightly hyperstoichiometric fuel showed considerable reaction. The tungsten participated in the reaction by removing excess oxygen from the urania, eventually leading to a cesium tungstate species that was analyzed by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. (author)


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    Ridwan Effendi


    Full Text Available This study aims to reveal personal beliefs of prospective science teachers about assessment. The study involved 46 prospective science teachers who have passed the 7th semester the course evaluation. Personal beliefs of prospective science teachers about assessment revealed using Personal Beliefs about Assessment Scale (SKDA. SKDA developed based on standards of assessment literacy and construct validity is done using Rasch models, with a Cronbach Alpha value of 0.93. Analysis and classification level of personal beliefs of prospective science teacher about assessment is done using the Rasch model is based on the logit ability of prospective science teachers based on the separation. The results showed that personal beliefs of prospective science teachers about assessment varies between two or three levels, depending on the standard of assessment literacy. There are still some aspects of the assessment of each standard that is trusted or considered less important by prospective teachers of science, namely: 1 consider the learning targets, learning experiences, and learning decision in choosing methods of assessment; 2 using the existing assessment and available in developing assessment methods; 3 interpret summary score; 4 use the assessment results to decision-making about the school and curriculum development; 5 consider extracurricular activities when developing procedures for judging; 6 report the result to another level with appropriate means and methods; and 7 to know when the assessment results are used inappropriately/inappropriate by others. Abstrak Studi ini bertujuan mengungkap kepercayaan calon guru sains tentang asesmen. Studi melibatkan 46 mahasiswa calon guru sains semester 7 yang telah lulus perkuliahan evaluasi pembelajaran. Kepercayaan calon guru sains tentang asesmen diungkap dengan menggunakan Skala Kepercayaan Diri Asesmen (SKDA. SKDA dikembangkan mengacu pada standar literasi asesmen dan validitas konstruk dilakukan dengan

  14. Deux types de prédication, avec ou sans sujet: quelques illustrations colombiennes

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    Full Text Available Toutes les langues ne suivent pas dans leurs énoncés-phrases la division morpho-syntaxique Sujet / Prédicat. Plutôt que d’organiser le contenu de l’énoncé à partir d’une des entités dont on parle, certaines langues partent de ce qui est dit de ces entités, que cela soit appelé prédicat ou relation prédicative ou fonction prédicative, etc... Cette différente perspective se manifeste alors en un schéma de construction qu’on peut appeler “schéma holophrastique”, distinct du schéma “subjectal” ou schéma sujet / prédicat. L’article cherche à mettre à l’épreuve l’intérêt de cette distinction de schémas en en montrant l’usage dans quelques langues amazoniennes dont certaines sont présentées dans ce recueil. On voit que l’opposition entre schémas prédicatifs renvoie à une dimension qui doit être maintenue distincte de l’aspect ou de la voix, même si ces trois dimensions s’entrecroisent constamment. PREDICACIÓN CON SUJETO, PREDICACIÓN SIN SUJETO: EJEMPLOS COLOMBIANOS. No todas las lenguas siguen en sus oraciones la división morfosintáctica Sujeto vs. Predicado. En vez de organizar el contenido de la oración a partir de una de las entidades de las cuales se está hablando, algunas lenguas prefieren partir de lo que se dice de estas entidades, llámese predicado, relación predicativa, función predicativa, etc... Esta diferencia de punto de partida o de perspectiva se manifiesta en un esquema de construcción que llamamos “esquema holofrástico”, bien diferente del esquema sujeto/predicado llamado también “esquema subjetal”. Este artículo trata de poner a prueba el interés de esta oposición de esquemas mostrando su uso en algunas de las lenguas amazónicas, algunas de las cuales hacen parte de este compendio. Se ve por ejemplo que los esquemas predicativos remiten a una dimensión semántica distinta de la del aspecto o de la de la voz aún cuando estas tres dimensiones se entrecruzan

  15. Intervenção nas afasias com o uso da comunicação suplementar e/ou alternativa

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    Elen Caroline Franco


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve o objetivo de descrever o uso da Comunicação Suplementar e/ou Alternativa em dois casos de afasia pós Acidente Vascular Encefálico. Foi realizada intervenção fonoaudiológica com dois participantes afásicos, utilizando os recursos da Comunicação Suplementar e/ou Alternativa. A intervenção fonoaudiológica foi dividida em quatro etapas, que abrangeu desde a visualização e confecção das fichas para o álbum de comunicação até a utilização efetiva desta abordagem. Em todas as etapas, foi utilizado o Picture Communication Symbols, por se tratar de um sistema que possui maior iconicidade translúcida. Por meio da reaplicação de testes, foi possível constatar melhora nas capacidades de compreensão oral, escrita, leitura e denominação dos dois participantes. Com este estudo pôde-se concluir que a intervenção fonoaudiológica com o uso da Comunicação Suplementar e/ou Alternativa nos dois casos de afasia pós Acidente Vascular Encefálico, trouxe benefícios para a comunicação funcional dos participantes, sendo que estes recursos tiveram função facilitadora, tornando a comunicação mais eficiente e trazendo benefícios no processo de reabilitação, promovendo evolução das habilidades de leitura e nomeação.

  16. Approche au diagnostic de la maladie cœliaque chez les patients ayant une faible densité minérale osseuse ou des fractures de fragilité (United States)

    Rios, Lorena P.; Khan, Aliya; Sultan, Muhammad; McAssey, Karen; Fouda, Mona A.; Armstrong, David


    Résumé Objectif Présenter aux cliniciens une mise à jour sur le diagnostic de la maladie cœliaque (MC), ainsi que des recommandations sur les indications de procéder au dépistage de la MC chez les patients présentant une faible densité minérale osseuse (DMO) ou des fractures de fragilité. Qualité des données Un groupe de travail multidisciplinaire a élaboré des questions cliniquement pertinentes relativement au diagnostic de la MC servant de fondement à une recherche documentaire dans les bases de données MEDLINE, EMBASE et CENTRAL (de janvier 2000 à janvier 2009) à l’aide des mots clés en anglais celiac disease, osteoporosis, osteopenia, low bone mass et fracture. Les ouvrages scientifiques existants comportent des études de niveaux I et II. Message principal La prévalence estimée de la MC asymptomatique est de 2 % à 3 % chez les personnes qui ont une faible DMO. Par ailleurs, un dépistage ciblé est recommandé pour les patients qui ont des T-scores de −1,0 ou moins à la colonne vertébrale ou aux hanches ou des antécédents de fractures de fragilité associées à des symptômes ou à des problèmes reliés à la MC, des antécédents familiaux de MC ou de bas niveaux de calcium urinaire, une insuffisance en vitamine D et des niveaux à la hausse d’hormones parathyroïdiennes en dépit d’un apport suffisant en calcium et en vitamine D. Le dépistage de la MC devrait se faire pendant que le sujet consomme un régime alimentaire contenant du gluten. On procède au dépistage initial par le dosage d’immunoglobuline (Ig) A antitransglutaminase en utilisant la transglutaminase tissulaire humaine recombinante ou une autre transglutaminase tissulaire, en association avec l’immunofluorescence des IgA anti-endomysium. Une biopsie du duodénum est nécessaire pour confirmer le diagnostic de la MC. Le typage des antigènes des leucocytes humains peut aider à confirmer ou à exclure le diagnostic de la MC dans les cas où la s

  17. L'Amérique du Sud ou l'émergence d'un nouveau théâtre des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    24 juin 2015 ... division du travail, ou encore les politiques restrictives au Nord. En Europe .... de recruter des candidats. Ceux-là œuvrent ..... stratégie d'inclusion au marché international, au moment où les dictatures s'effacent pour laisser la ...

  18. Which functional unit to identify sustainable foods? (United States)

    Masset, Gabriel; Vieux, Florent; Darmon, Nicole


    In life-cycle assessment, the functional unit defines the unit for calculation of environmental indicators. The objective of the present study was to assess the influence of two functional units, 100 g and 100 kcal (420 kJ), on the associations between three dimensions for identifying sustainable foods, namely environmental impact (via greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE)), nutritional quality (using two distinct nutrient profiling systems) and price. GHGE and price data were collected for individual foods, and were each expressed per 100 g and per 100 kcal. Two nutrient profiling models, SAIN,LIM and UK Ofcom, were used to assess foods' nutritional quality. Spearman correlations were used to assess associations between variables. Sustainable foods were identified as those having more favourable values for all three dimensions. The French Individual and National Dietary Survey (INCA2), 2006-2007. Three hundred and seventy-three foods highly consumed in INCA2, covering 65 % of total energy intake of adult participants. When GHGE and price were expressed per 100 g, low-GHGE foods had a lower price and higher SAIN,LIM and Ofcom scores (r=0·59, -0·34 and -0·43, respectively), suggesting a compatibility between the three dimensions; 101 and 100 sustainable foods were identified with SAIN,LIM and Ofcom, respectively. When GHGE and price were expressed per 100 kcal, low-GHGE foods had a lower price but also lower SAIN,LIM and Ofcom scores (r=0·67, 0·51 and 0·47, respectively), suggesting that more environment-friendly foods were less expensive but also less healthy; thirty-four sustainable foods were identified with both SAIN,LIM and Ofcom. The choice of functional unit strongly influenced the compatibility between the sustainability dimensions and the identification of sustainable foods.

  19. A Cultural Resource Inventory of the Left Bank of Lake Oahe: Burleigh and Emmons Counties, North Dakota. Volume 1 (United States)


    Spermophilus tridecemlineatus), several species of field mice (Peromyscus sp.), white- tailed jackrabbits (Lepus townsendii), cottontail rabbits...Montreal-based fur trade, which would monopolize the Assiniboine-Souris-Missouri River area until the 1780’s (Burpee 1927; Schweigert 1979:18

  20. Rabia al Adawiyya ou l'exaltation de l'amour Divin

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    Dr Bakhta Abdelhay


    Full Text Available Nul ne pourrait parler de la mystique musulmane sans parler de Rabia al Adawiyya, cette ascète qui vécut toute sa vie cherchant son propre salut. Sa vie entière fut marquée par un dévouement inégalable à l'amour Divin. Notre intervention portera donc sur cette notion de l'amour Divin dans la poésie de Rabia qui, à travers chaque vers, nous emporte dans un monde euphorique ou l'amour de Dieu terrasse l'amour humain. Notre but est de voir comment l'option pour le mysticisme fut pour Rabia la voie pour parvenir à l'élévation religieuse qui réunit l'amour humain à l'amour Divin créant ainsi cette symbiose exaltante qu'est l'union de la créature à son créateur.

  1. Photographie et représentation de soi dans W ou le Souvenir d’enfance de Georges Perec

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    Siriki Ouattara


    Full Text Available W ou le souvenir d’enfance convoque ouvertement en son sein des éléments paralittéraires comme la photographie qui le déconstruit. Le désir de Georges Perec de reconstituer ou de reconstruire son histoire est si ardent qu’il lui a consacré ce roman particulier. Dans cette œuvre autobiographique atypique, l’auteur fait appel à diverses techniques de représentation de soi, la photographie. Cette dernière est un élément nouveau en littérature (même s´elle y est prise en compte depuis le dix-neuvième siècle qui redéfinit nombre d´habitudes littéraires. Ainsi, elle occasionne un renouvellement de l´écriture à travers l´institution de nouveaux rapports qui, tout en changeant les vieux rôles narratifs, invitent à dire autrement, voire à raconter différemment. La photographie offre alors l´occasion d´expérimenter une nouvelle discursivité de la représentation.

  2. O letrado e o guerreiro: ou dois ensaios sobre o âmago terrível da linguagem

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    Renato Janine Ribeiro


    Full Text Available No seu conto “Famigerado”, Guimarães Rosa faz um guerreiro procurar um letrado, a fim de resolver questão de vida ou morte: foilhe dirigida uma ofensa, que deve vingar, ou um elogio, que pode aceitar? Como o guerreiro vem das montanhas do São Ão, podemos sugerir que provenha da intensificação de nossa língua portuguesa, língua do não, como disse Mário de Andrade, contrastando-a com as línguas do oil, do oc e do si. Podemos também, comparando essa passagem com o capítulo do Leviatã (1651 em que Thomas Hobbes define a linguagem, apontar um âmago terrível desta última, no qual ela é guerra – e só é pacificada ao tornar-se literatura, mas enquanto jogo, enquanto extirpação de seus poderes específicos e assustadores.

  3. Digestibilidade in situ de cana de açúcar (Saccharum officinarum nas formas natural ou ensilada, adicionadas ou não de uréia

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    Carlos de Sousa Lucci


    Full Text Available Doze ovinos com cânulas de rúmen foram empregados para comparar seis tratamentos, dispostos em um arranjo fatorial 2 x 3: cana de açúcar nas formas fresca (CAF ou ensilada (CAS x teores de uréia iguais a 0,0%, 0,5% e 1,0%. Foram estimadas: taxas de degradabilidade efetiva (DGE dos alimentos volumosos, concentrações de ácidos graxos voláteis(AGV e de nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH3 e valores de pH do conteúdo do rúmen, além de concentrações de N-uréico no sangue. As taxas de DGE da matéria seca (MS mostraram-se semelhantes para CAF e CAS. A adição de teores crescentes de uréia às forragens resultou em diminuição linear da DGE da MS tanto da CAF como da CAS. No caso da CAS, a DGE da fibra em detergente neutro diminuiu linearmente com concentrações crescentes de uréia. Os valores de pH do conteúdo ruminal foram maiores para CAS em relação a CAF, mas não ocorreram diferenças devidas à adição de uréia. Os teores do conteúdo ruminal em total de AGV e os de ácido propiônico foram maiores para a CAF em relação a CAS; os de ácido acético, ao contrário, foram maiores para a CAS. Os teores de N-NH3 do conteúdo ruminal foram maiores para a CAS que para a CAF. Nos tratamentos com CAF e nos com CAS, as concentrações de N-NH3 no conteúdo ruminal e de N-uréico no sangue aumentaram linearmente com maiores adições de uréia. Concluiu-se que a adição de 0,5% e 1,0% uréia às forragens frescas ou ensiladas de cana-de-açucar não mostrou resultados satisfatórios e que CAF apresentou indícios de melhor qualidade nutricional que CAS.

  4. Recours aux médicaments et aux consultations psychologiques chez les Canadiens atteints d'un trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété

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    Siobhan O'Donnell


    Full Text Available Introduction : L'étude décrit le recours aux médicaments sur ordonnance et aux consultations psychologiques au cours des 12 derniers mois chez les Canadiens adultes ayant déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic de trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété, les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et cliniques associées à ce recours et les raisons invoquées pour ne pas y recourir. Méthodologie : L'Enquête sur les personnes ayant une maladie chronique au Canada - Composante sur les troubles de l'humeur et d'anxiété de 2014 a été utilisée. L'échantillon de l'étude (n = 2 916 a été divisé en quatre sous-groupes de traitement : (1 prend des médicaments seulement; (2 a reçu des consultations psychologiques seulement; (3 prend des médicaments et a reçu des consultations psychologiques; ou (4 n'a eu recours à aucun de ces deux traitements. Nous avons combiné les trois premiers sous-groupes et effectué des analyses descriptives et de régression logistique multivariée pour comparer ceux qui prenaient des médicaments et/ou avaient reçu des consultations psychologiques par rapport à ceux n'ayant pas eu recours à ces deux traitements. Nous avons pondéré toutes les estimations afin que les données soient représentatives de la population canadienne adulte vivant en logement privé dans l'une des 10 provinces et ayant déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic de troubles de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété. Résultats : La majorité (81,8 % des Canadiens adultes ayant déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic de trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété ont indiqué prendre des médicaments et/ou avoir reçu des consultations psychologiques (47,6 % prenaient des médicaments seulement, 6,9 % avaient reçu des consultations psychologiques seulement et 27,3 % avaient eu recours aux deux modalités de traitement. Après ajustement des caractéristiques individuelles, le recours aux médicaments et/ou aux consultations psychologiques était significativement

  5. De TMC à CARTAX ou d'un logiciel de recherche à un logiciel d'enseignement

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    Marie-Françoise DURAND


    Full Text Available TMC est un logiciel qui permet de transcrire visuellement un tableau de données sous forme de matrice ordonnable. CARTAX est destiné aux enseignants, au sens le plus large du terme. Ainsi la carte devient document de recherche dès l'école: carte à jeter ou carte à refaire. Ne pourrait-on imaginer un logiciel complet mais ouvert prenant en compte la chaîne complète de traitement?

  6. Les Fintech sont-elles une opportunité ou une menace pour les banques traditionnelles ?


    Blanc, Aldwin; Sonney, Frédéric


    Dans ce travail, nous étudierons les potentielles opportunités et menaces que sont les Fintech pour les institutions bancaires. Cela nous permettra de savoir si, à l’avenir, ces entreprises vont s’imposer et remplacer les banques telles que nous les connaissons ou alors aider, forcer les acteurs traditionnels à effectuer leur révolution numérique pour répondre aux nouvelles attentes des clients. Afin de répondre à cette interrogation, les trois strates de l’environnement bancaire ont été anal...

  7. Vias bilíferas no tapir ou anta (Tapirus americanus

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    Maria Angélica Miglino


    Full Text Available Os autores estudaram as vias bilíferas do tapir ou anta (Tapirus americanus, após injeção do sistema excretor do fígado de 2 animais, machos e adultos, com látex Neoprene 650 corado, fixação das peças com solução aquosa de formol a 10% e dissecação. O ductus choledocus origina-se a partir da confluência do ramus principalis dexter e do sinister, sendo este animal desprovido de vesícula biliar. O ramus principalis dexter é formado pelos ramus ventralis lobi dextri, ramus medius lobi dextri, ramus dorsalis lobi dextri e ramus processi caudati, os quais se unem por diferentes modalidades. O ramus principalis sinister é formado pelos ramus medius lobi sinistri lateralis, ramus dorsalis lobi sinistri lateralis, ramus lobi quadrati, ramus ventralis lobi sinistri lateralis e ramus lobi sinistri medialis, com diferentes arranjos

  8. Disreflexia autonômica: uma emergência ou não?

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    Aurimar Antonio Demenech

    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo de caráter bibliográfico, envolvendo nossa antiga prática profissional, onde são descritos alguns problemas de disreflexia autonômica (DA. Esta é uma síndrome que ocorre em 85% dos pacientes com lesão medular ao nível da sexta vértebra torácica ou acima, que indica uma atividade reflexa anormal do sistema nervoso autônomo, de ocorrência altamente imprevisível e súbita, acarretando risco de vida para o paciente. Surge como resposta a estímulos que são inócuos a pessoas normais. São descritos quais os estímulos desencadeantes, bem como as formas de preveni-los e a assistência de enfermagem a ser prestada na iminência de uma crise.

  9. Dor na psicanálise - física ou psíquica?

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    Natália Amendola Santos


    Full Text Available A dor tem se apresentado contemporaneamente como um tema importante para a psicanálise. Um dos móveis desse interesse é a fibromialgia, descrita por profissionais da medicina como uma síndrome caracterizada pela dor crônica na ausência de lesões ou sinais de anormalidade na maquinaria biológica. Levanta-se o impasse - como pensar psicanaliticamente uma dor que é física? Algumas leituras são propostas, tais como associações da dor com o estado melancólico, com inibições psíquicas e com a hipocondria. A dor é tomada como expressão de uma vivência traumática e não simbolizada.

  10. Utilização Potencial do Lenho de Acacia melanoxylon: a Crescer em Povoamentos Puros ou Mistos com Pinus pinaster - pela Indústria Florestal Portuguesa


    Santos, António; Teixeira, Andreia; Anjos, Ofélia; Simões, Rogério; Nunes, Lina; Machado, José S.; Tavares, Mário


    A Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. (acácia-austrália ou austrália) cresce bem em Portugal, em povoamentos puros ou mistos com Pinus pinaster Aiton, ainda que apresente fortes constrangimentos ecológicos e legais. Apesar de algumas dificuldades, por exemplo na secagem, a madeira de austrália é usada em mobiliário e produtos manufacturados devido, principalmente, à sua textura e cor escura. Pode também ser usada para pasta, sendo plantada em muitos países com esse propósito juntamente com Acacia mangi...

  11. Journal of Earth System Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Author Affiliations. Amir Hossein Souri1 Sanaz Vajedian2. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204, USA. Department of Surveying and Geomatics Engineering, University College of Engineering, University of Tehran, North Kargar Ave., P.O. Box 11365-4563, Tehran, Iran.

  12. Développement territorial autonome ou assisté

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    Gaël Lagadec


    Full Text Available L'économie calédonienne est emplie de contradictions : retard de développement, protectionnisme sans TVA, émancipation politique (Accord de Nouméa mais faible taux de couverture et importants transferts de la métropole… Cet article analyse, d'un point de vue fiscal, la soutenabilité du système néo-calédonien actuel : comment peut-il perdurer sans crise structurelle ? Quelle réforme fiscale proposer ? La section 1 justifie la réforme. La section 2 décrit le système économico-commercial calédonien. La section 3 présente les principes de la TVA ; la section 4 ceux de la TVA sociale. La section 5 analyse la substitution d'une fiscalité douanière par une TVA fiscale ou sociale.New-Caledonia's economy concentrates many contradictions: under development, protectionism, no VAT, political emancipation but high financial transfers from France… This paper analyses, from a taxation point of view, the sustainability of the current New-Caledonian economic system: how could this system persist without any structural crisis? Which tax reform should be proposed? The section 1 explains why tax reform is necessary. The section 2 describes New-Caledonia's economic and commercial system. The sections 3 and 4 present the principles of the VAT and of the social VAT. The section 5 analyses the opportunity to change New-Caledonia's customs tax for a VAT or a social VAT.

  13. Modelling soil salinity in Oued El Abid watershed, Morocco (United States)

    Mouatassime Sabri, El; Boukdir, Ahmed; Karaoui, Ismail; Arioua, Abdelkrim; Messlouhi, Rachid; El Amrani Idrissi, Abdelkhalek


    Soil salinisation is a phenomenon considered to be a real threat to natural resources in semi-arid climates. The phenomenon is controlled by soil (texture, depth, slope etc.), anthropogenic factors (drainage system, irrigation, crops types, etc.), and climate factors. This study was conducted in the watershed of Oued El Abid in the region of Beni Mellal-Khenifra, aimed at localising saline soil using remote sensing and a regression model. The spectral indices were extracted from Landsat imagery (30 m resolution). A linear correlation of electrical conductivity, which was calculated based on soil samples (ECs), and the values extracted based on spectral bands showed a high accuracy with an R2 (Root square) of 0.80. This study proposes a new spectral salinity index using Landsat bands B1 and B4. This hydro-chemical and statistical study, based on a yearlong survey, showed a moderate amount of salinity, which threatens dam water quality. The results present an improved ability to use remote sensing and regression model integration to detect soil salinity with high accuracy and low cost, and permit intervention at an early stage of salinisation.


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    J. Siswanto


    Full Text Available The aimed of this sudy are: (1 investigate the effectiveness of E-Lab to improve generic science skills and understanding the concepts oh physics; and (2 investigate the effect of generic science skills towards understanding the concept of students after learning by using the E-Lab. The method used in this study is a pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest. Subjects were students of Physics Education in University PGRI Semarang with methode random sampling. The results showed that: (1 learning to use E-Lab effective to increase generic science skills of students; and (2 Generic science skills give positive effect on student conceptual understanding on the material of the photoelectric effect, compton effect, and electron diffraction. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: (1 menyelidiki efektifitas E-Lab untuk meningkatkan keterampilan generik sains dan pemahaman konsep mahasiswa; dan (2  menyelidiki pengaruh keterampilan generik sains terhadap pemahaman konsep mahasiswa setelah dilakukan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan E-Lab. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pre-experimental dengan desain one group pretest-posttest. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan  Fisika  Universitas PGRI Semarang, dengan metode pengambilan sampel penelitian secara random. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa: (1 pembelajaran menggunakan E-Lab efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan generik sains mahasiswa; dan  (2 Keterampilan generik sains berpengaruh positif terhadap pemahaman konsep mahasiswa pada materi efek fotolistrik, efek compton, dan difraksi elektron. 


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    Nurkhalis Nurkhalis


    Full Text Available Thomas Kuhn memberikan gambaran bahwa kebenaran sains akan ditemukan berkali-kali ataupun berganti-ganti bentuk ilmiahnya walaupun dari satu objek yang sama. Formulasi teori paradigma yang mencetuskan bahwa sebuah kebenaran sains (legatimed truth identik dalam target teleologis yang didasari pada detection dikenal sebagai final cause (end. Kebenaran sains bukan continuous (lanjutan, improvisasi, evolusi atau kumulatif, melainkan terjadi paradigm shift (pergeseran paradigma atau disebut juga dengan revolusi. Paradigma melalui shift moving (pergerakan pergeseran dipahami sama dengan gestalt switch (perpindahan secara keseluruhan atau tidak sama sekali. Di dalam gestalt switch yang diungkapkan adalah verifikasi terjadi sekaligus atau tidak sama sekali (all at once or not at all. Konsep paradigm shifts membuka kesadaran bersama bahwa para pengkaji sains tidak akan mungkin bekerja dalam suatu suasana objektivitas yang mapan. Paradigma men-design kerangka world view (pandangan dunia atau perspective (cara pandang untuk lebih important, legitimate, and reasonable. Hal ini membuat sebuah detection (target teleologis tidak akan terevolusi atau tereleminir karena kemampuan eksperimentalnya mengakomodir counterinstances (ketahanan berkompetisi teori. Paradigma yang bertahan merupakan winnowing (keunggulan baru dari sebuah discovery, supertitian (temuan besar atau novelty (terbaharukan. Paradigma bertahan akan tumbuh menguasai normal science selama belum eksisnya anomaly (ketimpangan. Paradigma baru memiliki kriteria neater (rapi, more suitable (lebih cocok, simpler (sederhana, or more elegant (lebih elegan. Paradigma akan terusbertransformatif dengan paradigma baru karena sistem bekerja paradigma mengalihkan padigma menuju revolusi ilmiah di mana revolusi ilmiah dengan perubahan fundamental akan meresap dalam metode dan pemahaman.

  16. Determination of the level of some heavy metals in wastewater of Oued Fez by 14 MeV neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaoui, H.; Hamedoun, M.; Chaqroune, A.; Chouak, A.; Lfred, M.; Senhou, A.


    14 MeV neutron activation analysis has been tested for samples of sediments and residues, which were collected along the water discharge of Oued Fez. Analyses of the whole sample as well as the fine fraction of the samples were carried put; the elements that could be detected with good statistics were Fe, Al, Si, Cr, Mg, Rb, Ti, Cl, Na, Ca and Sr and those with low statistics were Ba, Zn and La; however the results show that the most of concentrations obtained are close to those generally observed in downstream water of Oued Fez which would be the most important source of metals releases in Sebou basin river. Physico-chemical analysis was used to determine the indicator parameters of water pollution. They showed that the norms indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO) are largely exceeded. 2 figs., 4 tabs.,12 refs. (au)

  17. Nourriture et santé dans la médecine grecque ancienne


    García Soler, María José


    Presentado en el IIe Colloque International de l'IEHA: « Un aliment sain dans un corps sain ». Perspectives historiques - «Healthy Food in a Healthy Body», organizado por el Institut Européen d'Histoire de l'Alimentation y celebrado en Tours los días 14 y 15 de diciembre de 2002. (EN) Greek medicine pays special attention to diet (understood as a regimen or lifestyle as a whole), which is not only conferred a therapeutic function but also the role to help you keep your health or lose it. ...

  18. As relações de trabalho em uma empresa global: um novo paradigma ou neocorporativismo?

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    Arnaldo José França Mazzei Nogueira

    Full Text Available Este artigo trata das relações de trabalho em uma empresa global e foi resultado de pesquisa em uma montadora de caminhões instalada na região do ABC no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. A empresa estudada apresenta um padrão dos mais avançados na dimensão organizacional das relações de trabalho ou no local de trabalho considerado o contexto brasileiro. A solução de conflitos do trabalho nesta empresa aponta fortemente para um padrão negocial em relação ao estatutário (Zylberstajn e Pastore, 1985, o que levou alguns autores a indicar um modo de cooperação-conflitiva para lidar com as relações de trabalho (Rodrigues, 1997 e uma via institucionalizada de inserção dos trabalhadores nos processos de inovação tecnológica e gerencial (Bresciani, 2002. O esquema montado dentro da empresa foi resultado da estratégia do sindicato no local de trabalho e da gestão da empresa em particular da gestão de recursos humanos. A análise da experiência permitiu verificar além de um paradigma avançado de relações de trabalho, a afirmação de uma tendência ao corporativismo societário ou neo-corporativismo em relação ao corporativismo estatal típico do sistema trabalhista brasileiro.

  19. Pergulatan Sains dan Agama

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    Edwin Syarif


    Full Text Available This paper describes the struggle of science and religion with a historical approach. The relation of both subjects has occurred in four periods: Greek, Islamic, Renaissance and Modern eras. Grouping into four sections is intended for the easy analysis, of the struggle between science and religion, so one can know the different characteristics.DOI: 10.15408/ref.v13i5.917

  20. Suplementação nitrogenada ruminal e/ou abomasal em bovinos alimentados com forragem tropical


    Rufino, Luana Marta de Almeida


    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar os efeitos da suplementação com compostos nitrogenados no rúmen e/ou no abomaso sobre o consumo, a digestiblidade, a dinâmica ruminal dos compostos fibrosos e os parâmetros do metabolismo dos compostos nitrogenados em bovinos alimentados com forragem tropical. O experimento foi conduzido entre os meses de junho de 2010 e fevereiro de 2011, sendo utilizados 4 novilhos Nelore, não castrados, com peso corporal médio (PC) de 227±11 kg, fistulados no rúmen e ...

  1. Resíduo seco de fecularia na alimentação de frangos de corte suplementados ou não com carboidrases

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    Jomara Broch


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a inclusão do resíduo seco de fecularia (RSF com ou sem a suplementação de carboidrases sobre o desempenho, o rendimento de carcaça, cortes e órgãos, parâmetros sanguíneos e qualidade da carne de frangos de corte. As aves foram distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2x5, constituído da combinação da adição ou não de carboidrases e cinco níveis de inclusão de RSF, resultando em 10 tratamentos, com cinco repetições e 22 aves cada. Aos 21 dias de idade, duas aves por unidade experimental foram mantidas em jejum por 6 horas, para coleta de sangue via punção braquial. Aos 42 dias de idade, quatro aves por unidade experimental foram abatidas para determinação do rendimento de carcaça, cortes, órgãos, porcentagem de gordura abdominal e avaliação da qualidade da carne. No período de 1 a 21 dias de idade houve interação (P0,05 pela inclusão do RSF e adição ou não de carboidrases. A perda por cocção foi influenciada (P0,05 pelos níveis do RSF e adição ou não de carboidrases. A variável de cor b* apresentou um decréscimo (P<0,05 a partir do nível de 5% de inclusão. O RSF pode ser utilizado nas dietas de frangos de corte de 1 a 21 dias de idade até o nível avaliado de 10%, desde que associado ao uso de carboidrases.

  2. Seguimento de crianças com desnutrição moderada ou grave em população periférica (Brasil

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    Nilson M. Carvalho


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o estado nutricional de crianças de uma população urbana periférica de Porto Alegre, RS (Brasil que apresentaram quadro de desnutrição moderada ou grave antes dos 5 anos de idade, 61 famílias foram procuradas após 2 a 4 anos de uma avaliação inicial. Das 39 crianças localizadas, 4 (10,3% foram a óbito e 22 (56,4% apresentaram um incremento na relação peso/idade maior que 10%. Entre as 35 crianças sobreviventes, 29 (82,3% apresentavam algum grau de desnutrição (peso/idade < 90% do padrão, 25 (71,4% tinham baixa estatura (altura/idade < 95% do padrão e 5 (14,3% possuíam pouco peso para a altura < 90% do padrão. Os irmãos menores de 5 anos de idade apresentaram estado nutricional semelhante ao das crianças reavaliadas. Os fatores que mostraram alguma associação com um melhor estado nutricional (incremento maior que 10% na relação peso/idade no período do seguimento e/ou altura/idade ou peso/altura adequados na segunda avaliação foram: história de pelo menos uma hospitalização entre a primeira e a segunda avaliação, detecção da desnutrição até os 6 meses de idade e mãe alfabetizada. Os programas de suplementação alimentar e/ou reabilitação nutricional disponíveis na comunidade não influíram na melhoria do estado nutricional, tanto das crianças-alvo como de seus irmãos. Concluiu-se pela necessidade de uma abordagem mais eficaz das famílias que apresentam um alto risco para desnutrição e morbimortalidade infantil.

  3. Uso da água por plantas híbridas ou convencionais de arroz irrigado Water use by hybrid and conventional rice plants

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    G. Concenço


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar as características associadas à eficiência do uso da água em plantas de arroz irrigado, híbridas ou convencionais. O experimento foi instalado em casa de vegetação, em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 2 x 6, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constaram de uma planta de arroz da variedade BRS Pelota (convencional ou Inov (híbrida no centro da unidade experimental, que competia com 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ou 5 plantas da variedade BRS Pelota na periferia da unidade experimental, de acordo com o tratamento. Aos 50 DAE, foram realizadas as avaliações de massa seca da parte aérea, condutância estomática de vapores de água, temperatura da folha e taxa de transpiração, sendo calculada ainda a eficiência do uso da água pela relação entre quantidade de CO2 fixado pela fotossíntese e quantidade de água transpirada. Plantas da variedade híbrida foram superiores ou não diferiram das convencionais quanto à eficiência do uso da água.The objective of this work was to evaluate the characteristics associated to water use efficiency in hybrid or conventional rice plants. The trial was installed under greenhouse conditions, in a completely randomized block design and factorial scheme 2 x 6, with four replications. The treatments consisted of one hybrid (Inov or conventional (BRS Pelota rice plant at the center of the plot surrounded by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 conventional (BRS Pelota plants. Fifty days after emergence, shoot dry mass, stomatal conductance of water vapor, leaf temperature and transpiration rates were evaluated, as well as water use efficiency through the relation between the photosynthesis and transpiration rates. Hybrid rice plants were superior to, or did not differ from, the conventional plants in relation to water use efficiency.

  4. Videogame: é do bem ou do mal? Como orientar pais

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    Luciana Alves


    Full Text Available Desde a década de 70 milhares de crianças, adolescentes e adultos praticam jogos de computador ou videogame. O objetivo deste artigo foi identificar os efeitos deste artefato tecnológico para a cognição, sua aplicabilidade e sua influência sobre o comportamento e a saúde do jogador e, desta forma, delinear orientações para pais e profissionais de saúde que lidam com crianças e adolescentes. Na primeira parte do artigo são apresentados alguns efeitos negativos e positivos dos jogos; na segunda é proposto um conjunto de orientações que podem tornar a brincadeira mais segura; e na última parte, as considerações finais. Concluiu-se que o videogame é uma ferramenta capaz de aperfeiçoar as habilidades cognitivas e perceptivas, sendo os jogos educacionais apontados como uma experiência benéfica aos seus usuários, e que as repercussões negativas se referem, principalmente, ao efeito daqueles com conteúdo de violência.

  5. Eficácia do tratamento cognitivo e/ou comportamental para o transtorno de ansiedade social Effectiveness of cognitive and/or behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder

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    Sara Costa Cabral Mululo


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Avaliar a eficácia do tratamento cognitivo e/ou comportamental no transtorno de ansiedade social quando comparado a outras intervenções terapêuticas, incluindo farmacoterapia. MÉTODO: Realizamos análise sistemática de todos os ensaios clínicos controlados randomizados envolvendo terapia cognitiva e/ou comportamental versus outras formas de tratamento, publicados até março de 2009, indexados nas seguintes bases de dados: MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Registro Cochrane de Ensaios Controlados, LILACS e ISI/Web of Science. RESULTADOS: Os estudos avaliados não demonstraram diferenças significativas entre a terapia cognitiva e/ou comportamental e a farmacoterapia. Esses tratamentos combinados não apresentaram maior eficácia do que as intervenções isoladamente. Quando comparada ao grupo controle, a terapia cognitiva e/ou comportamental é eficaz na redução dos sintomas de ansiedade social, tanto no seu formato padrão quanto nas novas formas de intervenção. A exceção foi o treino em habilidades sociais, que, isoladamente, não se mostrou eficaz. A terapia cognitiva e/ou comportamental também demonstrou ser superior aos outros tipos de psicoterapias. CONCLUSÃO: A terapia cognitiva e/ou comportamental mostrou-se eficaz na redução da ansiedade social em pacientes com transtorno de ansiedade social. No entanto, a heterogeneidade dos estudos avaliados, seja no que diz respeito a aspectos envolvendo o tratamento (duração do tratamento e protocolos utilizados ou os pacientes avaliados (gravidade e forma de recrutamento, dificultaram a comparação dos resultados. Novos estudos de tratamento cognitivo e/ou comportamental e novas revisões envolvendo essas abordagens são necessários para melhor avaliação de nossos achados.INTRODUCTION: To ascertain whether cognitive and/or behavioral treatment of patients with social anxiety disorder is superior in terms of efficacy than other types of therapeutic interventions, including

  6. De l'injure en pays maure ou « qui ne loue pas critique »

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    Catherine Taine-Cheikh


    Full Text Available Catherine Taine-Cheikh, qui s'intéresse au phénomène de l'injure dans la société arabophone de Mauritanie, commence par étudier les différents termes du dialecte hassâniyya qui relèvent de ce champ sémantique. Elle s'attache ensuite à montrer l'importance et la complexité de l'« effet injure », dans cette société fortement imprégnée par les valeurs de l'honneur où non seulement la critique mais aussi la louange peuvent apparaître comme des manifestations de l'injure. Passant en revue diverses situations empruntées à la vie quotidienne ou puisées dans des matériaux littéraires (écrits et surtout oraux, l'auteur relève diverses stratégies adoptées, soit par les injurieurs, soit par les injuriaires, pour tenter de maîtriser les effets des mots (ou gestes « déplacés ». Bien que le problème du contrôle de soi semble presque toujours primordial, la gestion de l'injure laisse apparaître une différenciation importante en fonction du sexe et du statut relatif des acteurs sociaux concernés.

  7. The dating of the fourth volume of Guillaume-Antoine Olivier's "Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des insectes". (United States)

    Bousquet, Yves


    Despite the title page is dated 1795, the fourth volume of Olivier's Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des insectes was issued in two parts, one probably in 1795 and the second in 1800. All new taxa made available in this work have previously been dated 1795 in the literature. A list of new species described in 1795 and a list of those that have to be dated 1800 are appended. The genus Necrobia should be credited to Latreille, 1797, not Olivier, 1795.

  8. Equipes de trabalho ou grupos de cooperativos na Semana Acadêmica Integrada do IFRS - Campus Osório

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    Aline Silva De Bona


    Full Text Available O trabalho é uma reflexão sobre a ação de uma comissão organizadora de um evento do tipo semana acadêmica integrada de ensino superior de três cursos do IFRS - Campus Osório, que aconteceu em maio de 2016. Tal reflexão tem o objetivo de discutir o que são equipes de trabalho ou grupos cooperativos segundo as teorias da administração que diferenciam grupos de equipes, e da educação que delineiam as ações de cooperar e colaborar como distintas, enquanto para a área da informática são similares. A metodologia é um estudo de caso ancorado em um relato de experiência sobre este evento, e que descreve como resultado a importância profissional de se distinguir termos conceituais tanto na teoria como na prática, pois tais podem se tornam um diferencial profissional para qualquer área atualmente, além das percepções e responsabilizações dos estudantes da comissão organizadora quanto as diferentes formas de atuar e trabalhar sejam em grupos ou equipes.

  9. État de santé, limitations d’activité, restrictions professionnelles et degré d’invalidité chez les Canadiens atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur ou d'anxiété

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    L. Loukine


    Full Text Available Introduction : Cette étude fournit, au moyen d’un échantillon de ménages fondé sur la population, le premier aperçu, chez des Canadiens adultes atteints de troubles de l’humeur ou d'anxiété, de leur état de santé globale et de santé mentale perçu, de leurs limitations fonctionnelles, de leurs restrictions professionnelles et de leur degré d’invalidité, ainsi que des facteurs associés à une invalidité grave. Méthodologie : Nous avons utilisé les données de l’Enquête sur les personnes ayant une maladie chronique au Canada – Composante des troubles de l’humeur et d'anxiété. L’échantillon est composé de Canadiens âgés de 18 ans et plus, atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur ou d’anxiété autodéclaré et habitant l'une des 10 provinces (n = 3 361; taux de réponse 68,9 %. Nous avons mené des analyses de régression logistiques multidimensionnelles multinomiales et descriptives. Résultats : Parmi les Canadiens adultes atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur ou d’anxiété, plus d’un quart ont rapporté un état de santé globale (25,3 % et de santé mentale (26,1 % « passable ou médiocre », plus du tiers (36,4 % ont mentionné avoir une ou plusieurs limitations fonctionnelles, la moitié (50,3 % ont déclaré qu’une modification de leur emploi a été nécessaire pour continuer à travailler et plus du tiers (36,5 % souffrait d'une invalidité grave. Les personnes avec troubles de l’humeur et d'anxiété concomitants ont mentionné de moins bons résultats : 56,4 % avaient une ou plusieurs limitations fonctionnelles, 65,8 % ont mentionné qu’une modification de leur emploi a été nécessaire et 49,6 % souffraient d'une invalidité grave. Après ajustement pour les caractéristiques individuelles, les personnes atteintes d’un trouble de l’humeur ou d’anxiété qui étaient plus âgées, dont le revenu familial était situé dans le quintile du plus faible revenu ou du revenu faible

  10. Síndrome SAPHO: entidade rara ou subdiagnosticada? SAPHO syndrome: rare or under-diagnosed?

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    Jozephina Gonçalves Guerra


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados clínicos, radiológicos e patológicos da síndrome SAPHO e sugerir que, apesar de ser considerada rara, esta síndrome deve estar sendo subdiagnosticada por clínicos e radiologistas, provavelmente em função do desconhecimento das suas características. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo de seis casos confirmados desta síndrome, dando-se ênfase aos achados clínicos (idade, sexo e sintomas e de imagem (cintilografia óssea, radiografia convencional, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética. RESULTADOS: A manifestação clínica inicial de todos os pacientes foi dor na parede torácica ântero-superior há pelo menos quatro meses. Todos apresentavam achados de imagem de processo inflamatório e/ou osteíte e hiperostose nas articulações da parede torácica ântero-superior. As alterações cutâneas da síndrome, tipo pustulose palmoplantar, estiveram presentes em cinco dos seis pacientes. Em nenhum dos seis casos o diagnóstico foi sugerido na consulta clínica inicial ou na primeira interpretação das imagens feita por radiologistas não especialistas em sistema músculo-esquelético. CONCLUSÃO: Os nossos achados estão de acordo com os descritos na literatura, devendo ser considerado este diagnóstico em todo paciente que apresente quadro doloroso de parede torácica acompanhado de manifestações dermatológicas e/ou osteíte.OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical, imaging and pathological findings of SAPHO syndrome and to point out that although considered rare this syndrome may be under-diagnosed by clinicians and radiologists, probably due to unfamiliarity with its features. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study of six cases diagnosed in the last six years, with emphasis on clinical findings (age, sex and symptoms and imaging findings (bone scintigraphy, conventional x-ray, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging was conducted. RESULTS: The initial

  11. Louis Massignon l'amour mystique ou l'extase dans l'abandon

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    Jacques Keryell


    Full Text Available Parler de Massignon et de son Amour de Dieu n'est pas chose aisée. En effet, si les mystiques musulmans des premiers siècles de l'hégire ont été les hérauts de cet Amour : Al-Hallâj, Râbia al-Adawiyya, Al-Niffâri, Ibn Arabi, Ansâri, Al-Ghazâli, l'Amour de Dieu comme tel, n'est pas au cœur du "ilm al kalâm", de la théologie musulmane traditionnelle. Pour Massignon, langue et spiritualité étaient intimement liées. Si je devais me placer dans une perspective musulmane, je dirais que Louis Massignon se situe dans la ligne de la "wahdat al shuhûd", celle de "l'unicité du témoignage" ou Dieu se témoigne Lui-même en son mystère dans le cœur du soufi.

  12. Reaction kinetics aspect of U3O8 kernel with gas H2 on the characteristics of activation energy, reaction rate constant and O/U ratio of UO2 kernel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The reaction kinetics aspect of U 3 O 8 kernel with gas H 2 on the characteristics of activation energy, reaction rate constant and O/U ratio of UO 2 kernel had been studied. U 3 O 8 kernel was reacted with gas H 2 in a reduction furnace at varied reaction time and temperature. The reaction temperature was varied at 600, 700, 750 and 850 °C with a pressure of 50 mmHg for 3 hours in gas N 2 atmosphere. The reation time was varied at 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours at a temperature of 750 °C using similar conditions. The reaction product was UO 2 kernel. The reaction kinetic aspect between U 3 O 8 and gas H 2 comprised the minimum activation energy (ΔE), the reaction rate constant and the O/U ratio of UO 2 kernel. The minimum activation energy was determined from a straight line slope of equation ln [{D b . R o {(1 - (1 - X b ) ⅓ } / (b.t.Cg)] = -3.9406 x 10 3 / T + 4.044. By multiplying with the straight line slope -3.9406 x 10 3 , the ideal gas constant (R) 1.985 cal/mol and the molarity difference of reaction coefficient 2, a minimum activation energy of 15.644 kcal/mol was obtained. The reaction rate constant was determined from first-order chemical reaction control and Arrhenius equation. The O/U ratio of UO 2 kernel was obtained using gravimetric method. The analysis result of reaction rate constant with chemical reaction control equation yielded reaction rate constants of 0.745 - 1.671 s -1 and the Arrhenius equation at temperatures of 650 - 850 °C yielded reaction rate constants of 0.637 - 2.914 s -1 . The O/U ratios of UO 2 kernel at the respective reaction rate constants were 2.013 - 2.014 and the O/U ratios at reaction time 1 - 4 hours were 2.04 - 2.011. The experiment results indicated that the minimum activation energy influenced the rate constant of first-order reaction and the O/U ratio of UO 2 kernel. The optimum condition was obtained at reaction rate constant of 1.43 s -1 , O/U ratio of UO 2 kernel of 2.01 at temperature of 750 °C and reaction time of 3

  13. Qualidade de vida, ponto de partida ou resultado final?

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    Alby Duarte Rocha

    Full Text Available O que é qualidade de vida e o quanto podemos medir dela? Pensa-se em qualidade de vida como resultado das políticas públicas e desenvolvimento de uma sociedade, onde os determinantes socioambientais se manifestam como atributo de seus atores. Ao mesmo tempo, pode-se entender esta idéia no outro extremo da análise, a partir da percepção de uma população protagonista de sua realidade, do que vem a ser qualidade de vida segundo ela mesma. Partindo-se dos aspectos conceituais de qualidade de vida, passou-se a adotar os conceitos de diferenciais intra-urbanos como a melhor maneira de caracterizar os desajustes e as desigualdades urbanas, para assim entender os componentes da iniqüidade desse meio. A primeira iniciativa marcou a utilização do método genebrino ou distancial. Hoje, já na segunda versão desse método, incorporou-se a esse contexto outras metodologias que possibilitam maior consistência de análise para ampliar a validade dessas medições. Soma-se a esse contexto, a análise de cluster e o Sistema de Informações Geográficas, tanto no cenário intra-urbano, quanto intermunicipal.

  14. O paradoxo sublime ou a alforria da arte

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    Virgínia Figueiredo


    Full Text Available Neste texto, pretendo analisar a tese principal do ensaio “A verdade sublime” de Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, a qual poderia ser formulada do seguinte modo: a verdade sublime é o Ereignis, esse é o fundamento a partir do qual se desenvolveu uma dificílima operação que consistiu em modificar a tradição do sublime sempre apresentado negativamente naquilo que Lacoue-Labarthe chamou de "compreensão afirmativa do sublime ou da grande arte". O autor estabelece uma astuciosa aliança entre o que há de mais radical no pensamento de Heidegger e o sublime, tratado de maneira bastante polêmica, como a principal teoria da arte de Kant. Dessa articulação fundamental, pode-se concluir que ele não está apenas à procura de uma “Estética” (sequer de uma “Teoria da Arte” sublime, mas, em busca de algo que é muito mais ambicioso, a saber: de um pensamento do sublime. Portanto, na minha opinião, o ensaio lacouelabarthiano constitui, por um lado, uma referência indispensável não só a quem quer que pretenda estudar a tradição do sublime, mas, por outro, compreender o pensamento heideggeriano sobre a arte e sua tentativa de encontrar uma determinação mais essencial e, sobretudo, ousaria dizer, mais política da arte.

  15. Vendredi ou Les Limbes du Pacifique: uma nova perspectiva do individualismo moderno na sociedade contemporânea = Vendredi ou Les Limbes du Pacifique: a new perspective of modern individualism in contemporary society

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    Jussara da Silva Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Considerado pelo crítico de literatura Ian Watt como um dos ‘mitos do individualismo moderno’, As Aventuras de Robinson Crusoe, de Daniel Defoe (1719, é um livro que exerceu e exerce grande influência no imaginário ocidental. Seu sucesso rendeu-lhe inúmeras reescrituras, conhecidas como ‘robinsoníadas’. Vendredi ou Les Limbes du Pacifique1, escrito em 1967 pelo francês Michel Tournier, é um dos intertextos mais ricos surgidos desde então. A adoção de uma perspectiva completamente nova rompe com o paradigma do homem branco civilizado e dota o texto de originalidade. Na nova versão, o individualismo de Robinson assume um caráter mais condizente com o pensamento da sociedade contemporânea. Este artigo busca, por meio de uma análise comparativa e de um estudo dos símbolos, ressaltar o potencial de Vendredi como mito do individualismo moderno na sociedade contemporânea.Considered by the critic of literature Ian Watt as one of the ‘myths of modern individualism’, The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (1719 is a book that exerted and exerts great influence in the occidental imagination. Its great success rendered it numerous rewritings, known as robinsonades. Vendredi ou Les Limbes du Pacifique written in 1967 by the French Michel Tournier, is one of the richest intertexts ever emerged since then. The adoption of a completely new perspective breaks with the paradigm of the white civilized man providing the originality of the text. In the new version, the individualism of Robinson gets role more consistent to the contemporary society thought. This article aims to emphasize Vendredi potential as a myth of the modern individualism in contemporary society through its symbols and a comparative analysis.

  16. Study of the raw materials used in the manufacture of ceramics in Fran Ali (Oued Laou, Marruecos); Estudio de materiales usados en la fabricacion de las ceramicas de Fran Ali (Oued Laou, Marruecos)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barrios Neira, J.; Martin de la Cruz, J. C.; Montealegre Contreras, L.


    The thermal behaviour, mineralogy, texture and micro-structure of the original rocks used as raw materials in the manufacture of ceramics of the potter community in Fran Ali (Oued Laou, Tetouan, Morocco) were studied. The original rocks of the alteration deposit are metapelites and altered philites from the Units Malaguide-Gomaride in the Baetic-Rifian mountain system. The techniques used by local potters and the water used to prepare the ceramic bodies were also studied. Original rocks are metapelites or filadios and raw materials belong to levels caused by exogenous or supergene alteration (quartz-illite and chlorite type clays). The ceramics studied by microscopy exhibit anisotropy. (Author) 15 refs.

  17. Hiperatividade: doença ou essência um enfoque da gestalt-terapia

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    Sheila Antony

    Full Text Available Este trabalho discute a hiperatividade considerando a metáfora do corpo da criança e o seu funcionamento psicológico, de forma a esclarecer se a sua expressão constitui doença ou um modo próprio de ser. O transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH tem sido extensivamente investigado em pesquisas que visam aprimorar os critérios diagnósticos e conhecer sua etiologia. Poucos estudos são orientados para elucidar a dimensão psíquica da criança hiperativa. A Gestalt-Terapia é uma abordagem fenomenológico-existencial assentada em teorias holísticas que reconhecem a multidimensionalidade do humano, enfocando a relação (o contato como ontológica à existência humana.

  18. The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning with Mind Map to Science Process Skills and Learning Outcomes of Natural Sciences

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    Hilman .


    Full Text Available Pengaruh Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing dengan Mind Map terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Hasil Belajar IPA   Abstract: Science learning in junior high school aims to enable students conducts scientific inquiry, improves knowledge, concepts, and science skills. Organization materials for students supports learning process so that needs to be explored techniques that allows students to enable it. This study aimed to determine the effect of guided inquiry learning with mind map on science process skills and cognitive learning outcomes. This experimental quasi studey used pretest-posttest control group design and consisted eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Papalang Mamuju of West Sulawesi. The results showed there where significant positive effect of guided inquiry learning with mind map on process science skills and cognitive learning outcomes. Key Words: guided inquiry, mind map, science process skills, cognitive learning outcomes   Abstrak: Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA di SMP bertujuan agar siswa dapat melakukan inkuiri ilmiah, meningkatkan pengetahuan, konsep, dan keterampilan IPA. Dalam pembelajaran, organisasi materi berperan penting dalam memudahkan anak belajar sehingga perlu ditelaah teknik yang memudahkan siswa membuat organisasi materi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dengan mind map terhadap keterampilan proses sains dan hasil belajar kognitif. Penelitian kuasi eksperimen ini menggunakan rancangan pre test-post test control group design dengan subjek penelitian siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Papalang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh positif yang signifikan pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dengan mind map terhadap kemampuan keterampilan proses sains dan hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Kata kunci:  inkuiri terbimbing, mind map, keterampilan proses sains,  hasil belajar kognitif

  19. Integrasi Budaya Jawa Pada Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Bumi Dan Alam Semesta

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    Sarwanto -


    Full Text Available Kesulitan siswa dalam mempelajari IPA salah satunya disebabkan oleh sebagian besar materi IPA diadopsi dari sains Barat. Padahal budaya yang mendasari pengembangan sains Barat tidak sama dengan budaya Jawa, maka pembelajaran sains berpotensi menimbulkan kesenjangan (clash dengan sains lokal. Kesulitan lain disebabkan oleh pembelajaran IPA selama ini dilakukan memisahkan antara konten IPA dan pedagoginya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan Budaya Jawa dalam pembelajaran IPA yang meliputi proses dan produk (materi IPA menjadi satu kesatuan pengetahuan (Pedagogical Content Knowledge/PCK. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitan pengembangan (R&D. Tahap-tahap penelitian meliputi (1 studi pendahuluan; (2 pengembangan PCK; (3 validasi PCK; dan (4 pengembangan produk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan modul yang dikembangkan layak untuk diujicobakan pada tingkat yang lebih luas dalam perkuliahan Fisika Sekolah Menengah. Western-adoption of most material of science causes student’s difficulties in learning science. Meanwhile, the culture base of Western science development is different from the Javanese one. This is why science learning causes potentially clash to local science. Other difficulty is caused by learning science which has been done by separating content from its pedagogy. This study aims to integrate Javanese culture into science teaching that include process and product to become a unified science knowledge (Pedagogical Content Knowledge/PCK. The research method used was a research & development (R & D, with the stages of (1 preliminary study, (2 development of PCK, (3 validation PCK, and (4 product development. The results showed that the developed modul decent for piloting at a broader level in High School Physics class.

  20. Os novos horizontes da narrativa publicitária: haiku ou (r)evolução?


    Alves, Márcia Renata Queirós da Silva


    Relatório de atividade profissional de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação A publicidade foi acompanhando os novos estilos de vida e hábitos do universo do consumo, tornando-se mais imediata, concisa e intuitiva. Vivemos na era dos elevator pitch ou elevator speech 1, como também são conhecidos, dos igniting talks (eventos de apresentação com regras rígidas de duração – 5 minutos/20 slides), do easy-friendly (expressão em voga transversal ao design, à arquitetura e à arquitetura d...


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    Julie Dekens


    Full Text Available Cette oeuvre se compose de trente courts poèmes – pour l’essentiel des quatrains formés d’octosyllabes ou d’alexandrins – accompagnés chacun d’une gravure sur bois de Raoul Dufy, auxquels sont associés des animaux dont le nom constitue le titre de ces pièces poétiques. Apollinaire joue donc dans ce cadre avec les motifs orphiques, aventure qui semble d’autant plus périlleuse si l’on s’aperçoit que ces thématiques ont été le terrain de jeu de nombreux poètes avant lui…Cette oeuvre se compose de trente courts poèmes – pour l’essentiel des quatrains formés d’octosyllabes ou d’alexandrins – accompagnés chacun d’une gravure sur bois de Raoul Dufy, auxquels sont associés des animaux dont le nom constitue le titre de ces pièces poétiques. Apollinaire joue donc dans ce cadre avec les motifs orphiques, aventure qui semble d’autant plus périlleuse si l’on s’aperçoit que ces thématiques ont été le terrain de jeu de nombreux poètes avant lui…

  2. Mushroom Shiitake, is it mutagenic or antimutagenic agent? Shiitake, um cogumelo mutagênico ou antimutagênico?

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    Ilce Mara de Syllos Cólus


    Full Text Available Mushrooms have been consumed by eastern populations due to their edible and medicinal properties, for a long time. Over the years, there has also been a gradual increase in the consumption of mushrooms in the western countries, including Brazil. However, the benefits or harms that these mushrooms may cause to the human health are still uncertain. Shiitake (Lentinula edodes (Berk. Pegler is one of the most appreciated fungi in the Brazilian cuisine and its functional and nutritional properties have been extensively studied. Other characteristics of this basidiomycet have also been reported, including its antitumoral, antiviral, bactericidal properties, as well as being a homeostasis and biorhythm regulator. However, studies regarding its mutagenic and antimutagenic potential in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms are scarce. Knowledge of these biological properties is essential before a product can be recommended as food and/or drug. Therefore, its indication as a beneficial product to human health is premature since it is necessary to broaden studies on the mutagenic and antimutagenic activities of the mushroom Shiitake or of its active compounds.   Desde a antigüidade, os cogumelos vêm sendo consumidos pelos povos orientais devido às suas  propriedades medicinais e comestíveis e ao longo dos anos tem-se observado um aumento gradativo no consumo também nos países ocidentais, inclusive o Brasil. No entanto, ainda há dúvidas quanto aos benefícios ou prejuízos à saúde, decorrentes do uso destes cogumelos pelas populações humanas. Entre os cogumelos muito apreciados na culinária brasileira, destaca-se o Shiitake (Lentinula edodes (Berk. Pegler, um dos fungos comestíveis mais estudados quanto às suas propriedades funcionais e nutricionais. Já se tem conhecimento sobre várias atividades deste basidiomiceto superior, como antitumoral, antiviral, bactericida, regulador da homeostase e do biorritmo. No entanto, poucos trabalhos

  3. Optimization of the box-girder of overhead crane with constrained ...

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    Keywords: Overhead crane - Box-girder - New bat algorithm - level of comparison - Higher strength steel. Optimisation de poutre caisson de pont roulant avec un nouvel algorithme de chauve souris sous contrainte. Une conception optimale pour un poids minimal de la poutre principale d'un pont roulant peut réduire ...

  4. Fansites ou o "consumo da experiência" na mídia contemporânea

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    Laura Graziela Gomes


    Full Text Available O presente artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa que pretendeu investigar uma faceta do consumo de mídia contemporâneo, especialmente associado ao uso da tecnologia digital. Para a realização da investigação, escolhi investigar e observar fansites de séries norte-americanas de TV, criados e administrados por fãs brasileiros para discutirem suas séries preferidas, divulgarem-nas, produzirem e trocarem entre si suas fanarts: fanfics, fanvideos, icons ou avatares, banners ou assinaturas e wallpapers. O resultado dessa investigação e observação participante demonstrou que, além de jovens, os participantes desses fansites vêm promovendo mudanças significativas no consumo de mídia. Em 2006, o confronto entre a Polícia Federal, a Associação de Defesa da Propriedade Intelectual (Adepi e o fórum Lost Brasil deixou evidente que esses jovens estavam dispostos a mudar os paradigmas de transmissão televisual no Brasil.This article presents some results of a research about an aspect of contemporary media consumption, especially associated to the use of digital technology. In this investigation were chosen Americans TV drama shows fansites, created and managed by Brazilians fans to discuss and diffuse their dearest shows, produce, show and change their fanarts: fanfics, fanvideos, icons, avatars, banners and wallpapers. The results of the investigation showed that this young people who take part in these fansites are promoting significant changes in media consumption. In 2006 the confrontation between Federal Police, ADEPI and Lost Brasil forum made clear that these fans are prepared to change the standards of TV transmission in Brazil.

  5. O idoso e a institucionalização: Melhoria de vida ou segregação


    Ribeiro, Solange Marisa Figueiredo


    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica. O presente trabalho tem como objectivo analisar a percepção que os idosos possuem acerca da sua qualidade de vida, dos sentimentos de solidão e da depressividade antes e depois da entrada numa instituição. Pretende-se mais especificamente saber se a institucionalização traz melhoria de vida ou se pelo contrário, provoca uma maior ...

  6. My Son The Fanatic, de Hanif Kureishi, ou l’intégration à rebours


    Révauger, Jean-Paul


    Utiliser un film, ou toute création culturelle, pour comprendre le social pose un certain nombre de problèmes méthodologiques. Un film n’est pas un « reflet ». Une création, même si elle se place sous le sceau du réalisme, a un rapport très fort mais indirect avec le contexte historique de sa genèse. Elle est le produit de la rencontre d’un contexte, d’un créateur doté d’une idéologie, d’un « habitus », d’un corpus de valeurs, des modes et techniques en vigueur dans le champ de la création au...


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    Rodrigo Nunes


    Full Text Available O artigo discute como interpretar a dimensão política da obra de Michel Foucault e Gilles Deleuze (com ou sem seu parceiro de escritura Félix Guattari, contrapondo-se a tendências e clichês interpretativos que são comuns tanto a alguns críticos quanto a alguns partidários destes autores. Em particular, questiona a ideia de que, para ambos, haveria uma relação de exclusividade mútua entre “micro” e “macropolítica”, tema que desenvolve em direções conexas – no tocante, por exemplo, a forma como ética e política se articulam no pensamento dos dois.

  8. Low bass resonances (ρ, ω, Φ) in S-U and O-U interactions at 200 GeV/nucleon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baldisseri, A.


    Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) predicts a phase transition between hadronic matter and quark gluon plasma (QGP), for high energy density (3-4 GeV/fm 3 ) and/or high temperature (200 MeV). An enhancement of Φ production with the energy density of the collision has been predicted as a signature of QGP. We study dimuon production in 200 GeV per nucleon S-U and O-U interactions. We compare the production of Φ, ρ, ω and continuum (between 1.7 and 2.7 GeV/c 2 ) as a function of neutral transverse energy (proportional to energy density) of the collision. A cut on single muon momentum has been applied to reduce the high level background coming from light mesons decays, which restricts the analysis to dimuons with high transverse momenta. We find an increasing Φ/ρ+ω ratio as a function of neutral transverse energy in S-U and O-U collisions. This behavior is due to Φ/continuum enhancement while (ρ+ω)/continuum is constant. These results are in agreement with the Φ enhancement, as a consequence of increasing strangeness, expected in a QGP. We show that some other classical models can also explain our results [fr

  9. Assistência humanizada ao neonato prematuro e/ou de baixo peso: implantação do Método Mãe Canguru em Hospital Universitário


    Neves,Fabrícia Adriana Mazzo; Orlandi,Márcia Helena Freire; Sekine,Cristina Yurie; Skalinski,Lacita Menezes


    Relato de experiência de enfermeiros e equipe multiprofissional no processo de implantação do Método Mãe Canguru no Hospital Universitário, da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Paraná, em 2002, com os objetivos de: humanizar o cuidado ao recém-nascido prematuro e/ou de baixo peso, aprimorando o suporte familiar; promoção de maior nível de satisfação da equipe assistencial. O bebê fica em contato pele a pele com o peito da mãe, pai ou familiar significativo, com benefícios para seu peso, tempe...

  10. A citricultura orgânica na região do Vale do Caí (RS: racionalidade substantiva ou instrumental?

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    Eugênio Ávila Pedrozo


    Full Text Available Com base na premissa de que a tomada de decisão é um processo lógico, fruto da inteligência e racionalidade humana, objetiva-se com esse trabalho verificar se os agricultores orgânicos cooperados da Ecocitrus, ao decidirem pelo cultivo orgânico, estavam mais inclinados a uma motivação substantiva ou instrumental e, por conseguinte, se a cooperativa pode ser considerada hoje uma organização substantiva ou não. Este artigo baseou-se no modelo de aplicação teórica sobre racionalidade de Mauricio Serva (1993, 1997 e na proposta de organizações substantivas de Guerreiro Ramos (1989. O método utilizado é essencialmente qualitativo, com caráter exploratório-descritivo. Os sujeitos da pesquisa são produtores de bergamota orgânica, cooperados da Ecocitrus. Os dados foram levantados em julho e agosto de 2005, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e aplicação de questionários fechados. Por fim, os resultados permitiram caracterizar a Ecocitrus como uma organização substantiva de intensidade elevada.

  11. The planetary nebula IPHASXJ211420.0+434136 (Ou5): insights into common-envelope dynamical and chemical evolution


    Corradi, R. L. M.; Rodriguez-Gil, P.; Jones, D.; Garcia-Rojas, J.; Mampaso, A.; Garcia-Alvarez, D.; Pursimo, T.; Eenmäe, T.; Liimets, T.; Miszalski, B.


    While analysing the images of the IPHAS H$\\alpha$ survey, we noticed that the central star of the candidate planetary nebula IPHASXJ211420.0+434136 (also named Ou5) was clearly variable. This is generally considered as an indication of binarity. To confirm it, we performed a photometric monitoring of the central star, and obtained images and spectra of the nebula. The nebular spectrum confirms that IPHASXJ211420.0+434136 is a planetary nebula of moderately high excitation. It has a remarkable...

  12. Capital social e autopercepção da necessidade de uso ou troca da prótese total = Social capital and self-perceived need for complete denture use or exchange

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    Moreira, Mayara dos Santos Camêlo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analisar a autopercepção da necessidade de uso ou troca de prótese total na população de 35-44 e 65-74 anos e testar sua associação com capital social nos municípios de Conde e Pedras de Fogo, Paraíba. Métodos: estudo seccional realizado com 134 adultos e 54 idosos. O desfecho de interesse foi a percepção da necessidade de uso ou troca de prótese total. Os dados foram analisados descritiva e inferencialmente para testar a associação entre as variáveis (a=5%. Resultados: a autopercepção da necessidade de uso ou troca da prótese total foi observada para 61,2% (n=82 dos adultos e 59,2% (n=32 dos idosos, estando associada ao uso de prótese dentária (Teste c²; p-valor<0,05. Por regressão logística, a escolaridade (OR=0,83; IC: 0,74-0,94, autopercepção de saúde bucal ruim (OR=19,22; IC: 1,29-286,45 e uso global de prótese dentária (OR=0,16; IC: 0,07-0,40 estiveram associadas ao desfecho. Conclusão: a autopercepção da necessidade de uso ou troca da prótese total foi mais frequente entre os adultos que faziam uso de prótese dentária comparativamente aos idosos. Adicionalmente, indivíduos com menor escolaridade, insatisfeitos com a saúde bucal e usuários de prótese dentária foram mais propensos a relatar que necessitavam usar ou trocar prótese total

  13. Browse Title Index

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    K Motowogo, MS Sama, P Lawson-Evi, K Eklu-Gadegbeku, AK Aklikokou, M Gbeassor. Vol 14, No 2 (2012): Series A, Effet de Harrisonia abyssinica chez la souris diabetique et le rat soumis a un regime riche en lipides, Abstract. Kwashie Eklu-Gadegbeku, Kodjo Aklikokou, Koffi Akpagana, Sam Kacew, John Thor Anarson, ...

  14. Utilização de plasma rico ou pobre em plaquetas, associado ou não a enxerto ósseo cortical alógeno, na reparação cirúrgica de falha ulnar em ovinos


    Silveira, Patrícia Rodrigues da [UNESP


    A enxertia óssea alógena na ortopedia veterinária é meio seguro e de eleição na reposição de perdas e falhas ósseas em fraturas ou ressecções amplas. A glicerina a 98% é excelente meio de conservação de tecido ósseo, possui efeito bactericida, baixo custo e simplicidade operacional. O plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) é produto orgânico, derivado do sangue autógeno, utilizado como fonte autógena de fatores de crescimento combinado aos diferentes enxertos e substitutos ósseos. O plasma pobre em p...

  15. Qualidade de caqui 'Rama forte' após armazenamento refrigerado, influenciada pelos tratamentos 1-MCP e/ou CO2

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    João Peterson Pereira Gardin


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os efeitos dos tratamentos com CO2 e 1-MCP (1-metilciclopropeno sobre a adstringência (índice de tanino, firmeza da polpa e distúrbios da epiderme em caqui 'Rama Forte'. Frutos foram tratados com 1-MCP por 24 h, logo após a colheita e/ou com alto CO2 (70% por 24 ou 48 h, um dia após a colheita ou após o armazenamento refrigerado (AR. Os caquis foram armazenados sob atmosfera modificada a 0 ºC, por 45 dias, e a seguir mantidos a 23 ºC, por 9 dias. Frutos-controle (não tratados com 1-MCP nem com CO2 amoleceram em três dias e perderam aproximadamente 50% da adstringência em 6 dias após o AR. A exposição ao CO2 acelerou a redução da adstringência. Esse efeito do CO2 foi menor em frutos tratados com 1-MCP, especialmente quando o CO2 foi aplicado após o AR, por apenas 24 h. O tratamento com 1-MCP inibiu o amolecimento e a redução da adstringência, especialmente nos frutos não tratados com CO2. O amolecimento de frutos tratados com 1-MCP foi maior quando a exposição ao CO2 ocorreu antes do AR. A combinação dos tratamentos com 1-MCP e alto CO2 reduziu a incidência de podridões e manchas translúcidas, mas não alterou o desenvolvimento de pintas pretas ('estrias'. Os resultados indicam que é possível induzir perda da adstringência sem excessiva perda da firmeza da polpa de caquis 'Rama Forte' após o AR pela associação dos tratamentos com 1-MCP logo após a colheita e alto CO2 após o AR.

  16. Asie du Sud-Est : enjeu régional ou enjeu mondial ?, Hugues Tertrais

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    Laurent Gédéon


    Full Text Available Dans Asie du Sud-Est : enjeu régional ou enjeu mondial ?, Hugues Tertrais se livre à une analyse précise de la situation en Asie du sud-est au regard de la crise économique qui a secoué cette région du monde en 1997 et de ses conséquences. Soulignant la fragmentation de cet espace politique, caractérisé par sa très grande diversité culturelle et linguistique, l’auteur rappelle qu’il s’est édifié sur l’ancienne ligne de fracture entre monde chinois et puissances européennes, tout d’abord, puis...

  17. Identificação inicial de alunos com altas habilidades ou superdotação: avaliação intelectual, de desempenho escolar e indicação pelos professores

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    Lurian Dionizio Mendonça


    Full Text Available O presente estudo realizou uma identificação inicial de 259 alunos de ensino fundamental com indicadores de Altas Habilidades ou Superdotação (AH/SD a partir da aplicação do Teste das Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven, do Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE e da indicação dos professores dos alunos que mais se sobressaiam em sala de aula e em que áreas. Dos alunos, 11,36% tiveram desempenho muito superior à média no Teste de Raven e 3,86% deles apresentaram pelo menos dois resultados superiores no TDE. Os professores indicaram 33 alunos e as características mais observadas foram a capacidade de pensamento abstrato – talento científico-matemático e o talento verbal. Para a análise dos alunos com indicadores de AH/SD observou-se pouca concordância entre os instrumentos. Foram, então, identificados 81 alunos com indicativos de AH/SD, que preencheram pelo menos um dos critérios estabelecidos, ou seja, ser classificado dentro do percentil 90 ou mais no Teste de Raven, apresentar pelo menos dois superiores nos subtestes do TDE ou ser indicado por seus professores, para a participação em avaliações mais detalhadas para definição do diagnóstico.


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    - Widayanto


    Full Text Available Keterampilan proses sains sangat diperlukan sebagai dasar agar siswa mampu memecahkan masalah. Ketrampilan proses sains dapat dilatihkan melalui kegiatan laboratorium. Dengan memanfaatkan kit optik peneliti bertujuan meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains dan pemahaman materi fisika bagi siswa SMA. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X-C SMA 3 Sragen tahun ajaran 2006/2007. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan kit optik dalam pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan proses sains siswa. Skor rata-rata pemahaman siswa pada siklus I sebesar 73,27 dengan ketuntasan belajar secara  klasikal  sebesar  80,49%,  sedangkan  siklus II  skor  rata-rata  adalah  84,20  dengan  ketuntasan klasikal  sebesar  100%. Sedangkan prosentase rata-rata keterampilan proses sains siswa pada siklus I sebesar 77,37% dan siklus II sebesar 87,36%.The science process skills play an important role as basic for students in solving their problems and can be developed through laboratory activities. By using optical kit, we aim increasing science process skill and understanding physics matter for students. The research subject is X-C Class Senior High School 3 Sragen academic year 2006/2007. The research result show that the use of optical  kit  in  the  learning  can increase  understanding  and  science  process  skill  of students.  The  average  score  of  students understanding at cycle I equals to 73,27 with mastery of learning as much as 80,49%, while that of the cycle II equals to 84,20% with the classically mastery of learning 100%. In addition, the average percentages of students science process skill at cycle I and II are 77,37% and 87,36% respectively© 2009 Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNNES SemarangKeywords: mastery of learning; optical kit; learning process

  19. Diagnósticos de enfermagem em cliente com (TCE e em seu familiar e/ou pessoa significativa

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    Anialcy Barbosa Faria


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por objetivo relatar o estudo de caso de um cliente com TCE e em seu familiar e/ou pessoa significativa, levantando os Diagnósticos de Enfermagem segundo a Taxonomia I da NANDA (North American Diagnosis Association, utilizando-se a Teoria das Necessidades Humanas Básicas Afetadas de Wanda Horta. O estudo foi realizado no Hospital Universitário Antonio Pedro, UFF, onde foram encontrados 6 diagnósticos de enfermagem para o cliente e 1 para o familiar.


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    Siti Masfuah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui penerapan metode pictorial riddle melalui pembelajaran ARCS untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan motivasi berprestasi siswa. Metode pictorial riddle yang digunakan adalah jenis komik sains sederhana yang berisi tentang cerita petualangan yang dihubungkan dengan materi sains. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra eksperimen dengan desain one shot case study karena tidak ada kelas kontrol. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SD Negeri 4 Rendeng Kudus yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Variabel bebas penelitian ini adalah metode pictorial riddle dengan jenis komik sains yang diterapkan pada model pembelajaran ARCS, sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan motivasi berprestasi siswa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji t satu sampel yang dibandingkan nilai KKM. Berdasarkan analisis data diketahui bahwa rata-rata kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa sebesar 82,75, sedangkan rata-rata motivasi berprestasi siswa sebesar 80,31. Berdasarkan pengujian hipotesis, rata-rata kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan motivasi berprestasi siswa kelas V SD Negeri 4 Rendeng lebih dari atau sama dengan 75. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode pictorial riddle melalui pembelajaran ARCS dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan motivasi berprestasi siswa.

  1. 227 Données préliminaires sur la distribution spatio-temporelle des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    , in the district of Plateau in. Abidjan ... réservoir de nombreux virus, est soupçonnée d'héberger le virus de la fièvre hémorragique mortelle d'Ebola [17]. Enfin, la chauve-souris à tête de marteau utilise saisonnièrement ce site urbain pour sa.

  2. Les femmes et les enfants, prisonniers politiques ou déportés à titre préventif pendant la guerre civile grecque

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    Christina Alexopoulos


    Full Text Available Les conditions et stratégies de survie des milliers de femmes condamnées ou déportées de la guerre civile grecque permettent d'établir une typologie.Pendant la guerre civile grecque (1946-1949 des milliers de personnes sont emprisonnées, déportées dans des camps de concentration ou exilées dans des îles, une population hétéroclite d’hommes et de femmes, persécutés pour leurs idées, leurs origines ou même des liens de parenté avec les communistes. Dans la présente étude, nous nous intéresserons à un groupe lui-même peu homogène, les femmes et les enfants, prisonniers politiques ou déportés à titre préventif pendant le conflit. Après un bref rappel de la pratique de la déportation et une esquisse de typologie de la réclusion, nous étudierons les conditions de détention et les stratégies de survie des femmes, souvent emprisonnées avec leurs enfants, leur statut au sein des prisonniers politiques ainsi que le sens de l'engagement politique dans leur système de valeurs.During the Greek Civil War (1946-1949 thousands of persons were imprisoned, deported to concentration camps or exiled on the islands, a heteroclite population of men and women, persecuted for their ideas, their origins or even their association with the Communists. In the present study, we are interested in a not particularly homogeneous group of women and children, political prisoners or deportees who had been detained for preventive reasons during the conflict. Following a brief summary of the practice of deportation and a typological sketch of the imprisonment, we shall study the detention conditions and the survival strategies of the women, often imprisoned with their children, their status vis-à-vis the political prisoners as well as the meaning of political commitment in their value system.

  3. Analysis of Aquifer Response, Groundwater Flow, and PlumeEvolution at Site OU 1, Former Fort Ord, California

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jordan, Preston D.; Oldenburg, Curtis M.; Su, Grace W.


    This report presents a continuation from Oldenburg et al. (2002) of analysis of the hydrogeology, In-Situ Permeable Flow Sensor (ISPFS) results, aquifer response, and changes in the trichloroethylene (TCE) groundwater plume at Operational Unit 1 (OU 1) adjacent to the former Fritzsche Army Airfield at the former Fort Ord Army Base, located on Monterey Bay in northern Monterey County. Fuels and solvents were burned on a portion of OU 1 called the Fire Drill Area (FDA) during airport fire suppression training between 1962 and 1985. This activity resulted in soil and groundwater contamination in the unconfined A-aquifer. In the late 1980's, soil excavation and bioremediation were successful in remediating soil contamination at the site. Shortly thereafter, a groundwater pump, treat, and recharge system commenced operation. This system has been largely successful at remediating groundwater contamination at the head of the groundwater plume. However, a trichloroethylene (TCE) groundwater plume extends approximately 3000 ft (900 m) to the northwest away from the FDA. In the analyses presented here, we augment our prior work (Oldenburg et al., 2002) with new information including treatment-system totalizer data, recent water-level and chemistry data, and data collected from new wells to discern trends in contaminant migration and groundwater flow that may be useful for ongoing remediation efforts. Some conclusions from the prior study have been modified based on these new analyses, and these are pointed out clearly in this report.

  4. Parâmetros de indenização no acidente do trabalho ou doença ocupacional


    Tagliari, Rômulo Augusto


    O presente trabalho pretende tratar de parâmetros de indenização decorrentes de acidente do trabalho ou doença ocupacional, abordando principalmente decisões judiciais e doutrina referente ao tema. Para tanto, faz-se uma breve análise do instituto da responsabilidade civil, discorrendo-se quanto aos seus elementos e hipóteses em que é caracterizada de maneira geral. Após, examina-se a infortunística, demonstrando as características do acidente do trabalho, de forma a esclarecer a sua caracter...

  5. Desempenho de vacas Charolês e Nelore desterneiradas aos três ou sete meses

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    Restle João


    Full Text Available Foi avaliado o desempenho de vacas Charolês (C e Nelore (N, agrupadas em três classes de idade, jovens (3 e 4 anos, adultas (5 a 7 anos e velhas (8 ou mais anos, desmamadas aos três (precoce ou sete meses no outono (tradicional. O peso no outono das vacas desterneiradas aos três meses (T3 foi 45 kg superior ao das vacas com remoção do bezerro aos sete meses (T7. O estado corporal aos sete meses também foi melhor nas vacas do T3 (3,3 contra 2,1 pontos. Vacas do T3 apresentaram maior ganho de peso do parto ao final do período reprodutivo e apresentaram maiores porcentagem de cio (81 contra 51% e prenhez (67,2 contra 37,3% e menor intervalo do parto ao primeiro cio pós-parto (102 contra 114 dias que vacas do T7. Vacas adultas apresentaram melhor estado corporal aos sete meses e tiveram melhor desempenho reprodutivo do que vacas velhas e jovens. A diferença na porcentagem de prenhez entre o T3 e T7 foi mais evidente nas vacas jovens (42,11 contra 12,5% e velhas (51,72 contra 35,71% que nas adultas (62,50 contra 53,33%. Vacas C foram mais pesadas que as N, ao parto, aos três e sete meses pós-parto e apresentaram melhor estado corporal aos sete meses. O efeito do desmame precoce no desempenho reprodutivo foi mais evidente nas vacas C. A porcentagem de fêmeas prenhes nas C foi de 80,60% para o T3 e 41,90% para o T7, já nas N as porcentagens foram de 45,50 e 30,00%, respectivamente, para o T3 e T7. Nas vacas C, a produção de leite e a amamentação apresentaram efeito inibidor, sobre a reprodução, mais marcante que nas vacas N.

  6. Do estado da universidade: metida num sarcófago ou no Leito de Procrustes?

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    Jorge Olímpio Bento


    Full Text Available Este ensaio chama a atenção para a grave doença que atingiu a Universidade nos nossos dias. O recurso à metáfora do 'sarcófago' e do 'Leito de Procrustes' visa: acentuar o facto de que a Universidade está a abandonar a sua missão tradicional e a sofrer transformações perigosas; expressar a esperança de que ela se liberte das forças que a constrangem e consiga ressuscitar numa forma nova. Com efeito, a Universidade está sendo capturada pela ideologia, pelo pensamento, pela terminologia e pelos interesses do neoliberalismo e do mercado. Consequentemente, ela perde autonomia e voz e deixa de ter identidade, linguagem e pensamento próprios. Em vez de ser uma instituição ao serviço da Humanidade, da sociedade, da cultura, da democracia e da liberdade, a Universidade torna-se um fator e instrumento de propagação das doutrinas e receitas dos potentados financeiros e 'mercadológicos'. Tudo isto é bem visível no 'reformismo' e nas orientações da sua reorganização e governação, na oferta e no perfil dos seus cursos. Tal como o mercado, a Universidade já não oferece nada; só vende. Assim, a Universidade é cúmplice e corresponsável pela crise civilizacional, cultural, ética, moral e social que grassa no mundo. Em conclusão, a Universidade está a tornar-se uma instituição humana e socialmente irrelevante, sem capacidade de irradiar influências exemplares e positivas. Para reverter a situação, os protagonistas da Universidade têm que a tirar do 'sarcófago' ou do 'Leito de Procrustes', no qual, por ação ou omissão, a deixaram aprisionar.

  7. Substances bioactives élaborées par des cyanobactéries isolées de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les substances extracellulaires produites par les cyanobactéries étudiées ont aussi une activité antibactérienne vis-à-vis de M. luteus, Bacillus subtilis, Serratia marcescens, B. cereus, Escherichia coli 0128B12 et Staphylococcus aureus. Le biotest souris a permis de montrer que certaines cyanobactéries étudiées ...

  8. Antibióticos em tonsilectomias: terapêutico ou profilático? Necessário ou abusivo? Antibiotic use in tonsillectomies: therapeutic or prophylactic? Required or excessive?

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    Otávio Bejzman Piltcher


    Full Text Available A adenotonsilectomia é uma das cirurgias mais comumente realizadas na população pediátrica e adulta jovem. A morbidade pós-operatória de tal procedimento cirúrgico é importante incluindo odinofagia, disfagia, otalgia, febre, halitose, perda ponderal e redução da aceitação por via oral. Após a tonsilectomia, com ou sem adenoidectomia, a colonização da loja tonsilar aberta pela flora bacteriana oral causaria uma exacerbação da reação inflamatória local, piorando a dor pós-operatória. A hipótese de que a redução da população bacteriana na ferida cirúrgica aberta possa diminuir a inflamação local, promover o processo cicatricial e acelerar a recuperação pós-operatória determinou inúmeros estudos que abordaram a relação entre o uso perioperatório de antibióticos e a morbidade pós-operatória da adenotonsilectomia. Apesar desses estudos se definirem como avaliadores do uso profilático cirúrgico de antibióticos nessas cirurgias, não houve seguimento das normas de antibioticoprofilaxia cirúrgica internacionalmente aceitas, sendo que a maioria utiliza antibióticos por sete dias pós-operatórios. Através de uma revisão crítica da literatura, os autores discutem os prós e contras do uso de antibiótico nas tonsilectomias ou adenotonsilectomias, assim como a correta definição para sua utilização.Adenotonsillectomy is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in the pediatric and young adult populations. The postoperative morbidity of this surgical procedure is often significant, including odynophagia, dysphagia, fever, halitosis, loss of weight and reduced oral intake. After tonsillectomy, with or without adenoidectomy, the colonization of the open tonsillar fossae by the bacterial population of the oral cavity would cause an exacerbation of the local inflammatory response worsening postoperative pain. The hypothesis that a reduction of the bacterial population of an open surgical wound could

  9. Doação de alimentos: fetiche ou política de segurança alimentar


    Gambardella, Alice Dianezi


    A Doação de Alimentos permanece como uma das atividades da Política de Segurança Alimentar. Tem sido ela um fetiche ou efetivamente um mecanismo constitutivo dessa política? Para examinar esta questão, foi elaborado estudo do desempenho do Banco de Alimentos do Município de São Paulo, no período de 2004. As dimensões e o alcance desta iniciativa de combate ao desperdício de alimentos serviram de base para a análise da atuação governamental sobre este tipo de ação e demais me...

  10. « Comme des esclaves », ou les avatars de l’esclavage métaphorique


    Morice, Alain


    Génériquement nommées, selon les institutions et les auteurs, « travail forcé » ou « esclavage (moderne) », voire « traite des êtres humains », certaines formes contemporaines de sujétion continuent d’être qualifiées en référence aux formes historiques de l’esclavage grec, africain et américain. Correspondant à une définition extensive et morphologique, l’esclavage métaphorique ainsi repensé range pêle-mêle un ensemble hétéroclite de rapports d’oppression et de mise au travail basés sur la co...

  11. The dating of the fourth volume of Guillaume-Antoine Olivier’s “Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des insectes” (United States)

    Bousquet, Yves


    Abstract Despite the title page is dated 1795, the fourth volume of Olivier’s Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des insectes was issued in two parts, one probably in 1795 and the second in 1800. All new taxa made available in this work have previously been dated 1795 in the literature. A list of new species described in 1795 and a list of those that have to be dated 1800 are appended. The genus Necrobia should be credited to Latreille, 1797, not Olivier, 1795. PMID:29674858

  12. Prévalence et profils de la multimorbidité au Canada et déterminants associés

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    K. C. Roberts


    Full Text Available Introduction: La prise en compte de la multimorbidité est de plus en plus reconnue comme un élément fondamental de la prévention et de la prise en charge des affections chroniques. Cette étude porte sur la prévalence et les corrélats de la multimorbidité chez les adultes canadiens en fonction de l’âge et de certains autres déterminants clés. Méthodologie: Nous avons extrait des données portant sur 105 416 adultes canadiens ayant répondu à l’Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes de 2011-2012. Nous les avons analysées en fonction du nombre d’affections concomitantes présentes (deux ou plus ou trois ou plus, sur une liste de neuf et nous avons cherché à caractériser les déterminants de la multimorbidité à l’aide de régressions. Résultats: D’après notre analyse, 12,9 % des Canadiens souffraient de deux affections chroniques ou plus et 3,9 % de trois ou plus. Les répondants ayant déclaré souffrir de trois affections chroniques ou plus étaient plus susceptibles d’être des femmes, d’être plus âgés, de faire partie d’un ménage dont le revenu fait partie du quintile le plus faible et dont le niveau de scolarité le plus élevé de l’un des membres était inférieur aux études secondaires. La multimorbidité en lien avec le dénuement social était associée à une cote de 3,7 dans la population en général, mais de 7,5 chez les 35 à 49 ans et de 5,9 chez les 50 à 64 ans, soit la population d’âge moyen. Analyse: La proportion de Canadiens atteints de multiples affections chroniques étant en augmentation, nous devons adopter, pour étudier les affections chroniques et leurs facteurs en amont, une approche globale qui tienne compte de la multimorbidité, afin d’agir de manière globale et adaptée au contexte pour favoriser une vie saine et une meilleure qualité de vie et pour réduire les coûts des soins de santé et la mortalité. On devrait particulièrement tenir

  13. Contrefaire l’art ou contrefaire la nature : l’analogie artistique pour la restauration écologique

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    Andrew Light


    Full Text Available Cet article se présente comme une réflexion critique sur les thèses d’un certain nombre de spécialistes d’éthique de l’environnement quant à la valeur éthique des pratiques de restauration écologique. La principale référence de l’article est aux travaux de Robert Elliot, qui a assimilé la restauration d’espaces naturels dégradés à une contrefaçon : restaurer la nature ne peut être que le travail d’un faussaire. Mais, comme le montre Andrew Light, cette position est intenable : rejeter toute restauration de terrains plus ou moins dégradés, c’est se priver des moyens de faire la différence entre ce qui est gravement détérioré (un dépôt d’ordures ou complètement transformé (comme un paysage urbain et ce qui a été restauré. La position inverse n’est pas non plus tenable : dire que tout peut être restauré, que l’homme peut, à volonté, recréer la nature, c’est être prêt à accepter toutes les dégradations, puisque, de toute façon, on pourra restaurer un paysage naturel. Il faut donc trouver un critère permettant de distinguer entre bonne et mauvaise restauration. La référence est à la nature originelle : une nature restaurée peut-elle avoir autant de valeur qu’une nature originelle ? Dans cet objectif, Andrew Light propose une analogie entre la restauration écologique et la restauration des œuvres d’art. Proposant que l’on juge de la valeur de la restauration non sur l’intention de celui qui restaure, mais sur le processus, il ajoute à cela une distinction entre le processus et le produit ou le résultat, tout en suggérant que le produit ne soit pas considéré isolément, mais dans l’ensemble dans lequel il s’insère. Cessant de considérer la restauration écologique comme un faux ou une contrefaçon, mais en l’envisageant à la façon des restaurations d’œuvres d’art, Andrew Light propose ainsi des critères de distinction entre les différents types de

  14. O lugar de Israel e da Palestina na política externa brasileira: antissemitismo, voto majoritário ou promotor de paz?

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    Guilherme CASARÕES


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o desenvolvimento das relações entre Brasil e Israel, a partir de uma perspectiva histórica, retomando pontos de convergência e divergência no relacionamento bilateral à luz de novas interpretações e dados. A hipótese que sustenta este artigo é a de que as contradições entre Brasil e Israel, em vez de serem vistas como uma rejeição às aspirações israelenses ou alguma incompatibilidade ideológica, devem ser compreendidas a partir de elementos externos às relações israelo-brasileiras: (1 o grau de proximidade, de alinhamento ou de confronto com os Estados Unidos; (2 a visão universalista, visando inserção ampla no mundo; (3 o viés majoritário das políticas multilaterais do Brasil. Tais forças condicionaram, em alguma medida, as preferências do Brasil com relação ao Oriente Médio, em geral, e a Israel, em particular.


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    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar revestimentos comestíveis à base de goma xantana e glicerol, combinada a cloreto de cálcio, ácido oleico e/ou óleo essencial de hortelã-pimenta na conservação de morangos cv. Festival. Os morangos foram selecionados, lavados, sanitizados e, a seguir, submetidos a diferentes tratamentos de revestimentos à base de goma xantana acrescidos de glicerol, cloreto de cálcio, ácido oleico e/ou óleo essencial de hortelã-pimenta. Os frutos foram secos sob ventilação forçada a 4 ºC, por 15 h, e, posteriormente, embalados em bandejas com tampa de Polietileno Tereftalato (PET e armazenados a 4 ºC, durante 12 dias. Foram realizadas análises de perda de massa, firmeza, luminosidade, tonalidade, pH, acidez, sólidos solúveis totais, antocianinas e a incidência de deterioração fúngica. Os diferentes revestimentos utilizados foram eficientes na conservação dos morangos. O tratamento com goma xantana e glicerol apresentou os melhores resultados, pois a influência do ácido oleico ou do óleo essencial de hortelãpimenta, assim como do cloreto de cálcio, não foi significativa. O revestimento de goma xantana proporcionou redução da perda de massa, manutenção da firmeza, cor, pH, acidez, sólidos solúveis totais, antocianinas e não estimulou o crescimento fúngico. Desta forma, esta goma apresenta potencial para aplicação como revestimento em morangos, visando a maximizar a vida útil deste produto.


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    Vinícius Amadeu Stuani Pereira

    Full Text Available O Brasil é um dos países que mais sofrem os efeitos provocados pela ionosfera, principalmente os oriundos da Anomalia de Ionização Equatorial, irregularidades ionosféricas e cintilação dos sinais GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System. Várias estratégias podem ser utilizadas para minimizar os efeitos, tais como: modelos ionosféricos, arquivos IONEX ou a combinação linear ion-free. Em se tratando do monitoramento da ionosfera a situação é diferente. A quantidade de instrumentos dedicados ao estudo da camada ionosférica é reduzida no âmbito brasileiro. Neste contexto foi desenvolvido o programa científico denominado Ion_Index, com objetivo de estimar indicadores dos níveis de irregularidades da ionosfera e de cintilação dos sinais GNSS em tempo real ou pós-processado, utilizando a infraestrutura já existente de dados GNSS de redes ativas públicas, como a RBMC, a GNSS-SP e a CALIBRA, transformando assim estações GNSS em estações monitoras da camada ionosférica. Dessa forma é proporcionado um aumento na resolução espacial das informações sobre o comportamento da ionosfera na região brasileira, permitindo um melhor entendimento e contribuindo para o desenvolvimento ou aprimoramento de modelos de mitigação. Experimentos utilizando dados de ionossondas digitais e de receptores PolaRxS-PRO da Septentrio (fontes externas comprovam a eficiência do programa

  17. NBII-SAIN Data Management Toolkit (United States)

    Burley, Thomas E.; Peine, John D.


    The Strategic Plan for the U.S. Geological Survey Biological Informatics Program (2005-2009) recognizes the need for effective data management: Though the Federal government invests more than $600 million per year in biological data collection, it is difficult to address these issues because of limited accessibility and lack of standards for data and information...variable quality, sources, methods, and formats (for example observations in the field, museum specimens, and satellite images) present additional challenges. This is further complicated by the fast-moving target of emerging and changing technologies such as GPS and GIS. Even though these technologies offer new solutions, they also create new informatics challenges (Ruggiero and others, 2005). The USGS National Biological Information Infrastructure program, hereafter referred to as NBII, is charged with the mission to improve the way data and information are gathered, documented, stored, and accessed. The central objective of this project is a direct reflection of the purpose of NBII as described by John Mosesso, Program Manager of the U.S. Geological Survey-Biological Informatics Program-GAP Analysis: At the outset, the reason for bringing about NBII was that there were significant amounts of data and information scattered all over the U.S., not accessible, in incompatible formats, and that NBII was tasked with addressing this problem...NBII's focus is to pull data together that truly matters to someone or communities. Essentially, the core questions are: 1) what are the issues, 2) where is the data, and 3) how can we make it usable and accessible (John Mosesso, U.S. Geological Survey, oral commun., 2006). Redundancy in data collection can be a major issue when multiple stakeholders are involved with a common effort. In 2001 the U.S. General Accounting Office (USGAO) estimated that about 50 percent of the Federal government's geospatial data at the time was redundant. In addition, approximately 80 percent of the cost of a spatial information system is associated with spatial data collection and management (U.S. General Accounting Office, 2003). These figures indicate that the resources (time, personnel, money) of many agencies and organizations could be used more efficiently and effectively. Dedicated and conscientious data management coordination and documentation is critical for reducing such redundancy. Substantial cost savings and increased efficiency are direct results of a pro-active data management approach. In addition, details of projects as well as data and information are frequently lost as a result of real-world occurrences such as the passing of time, job turnover, and equipment changes and failure. A standardized, well documented database allows resource managers to identify issues, analyze options, and ultimately make better decisions in the context of adaptive management (National Land and Water Resources Audit and the Australia New Zealand Land Information Council on behalf of the Australian National Government, 2003). Many environmentally focused, scientific, or natural resource management organizations collect and create both spatial and non-spatial data in some form. Data management appropriate for those data will be contingent upon the project goal(s) and objectives and thus will vary on a case-by-case basis. This project and the resulting Data Management Toolkit, hereafter referred to as the Toolkit, is therefore not intended to be comprehensive in terms of addressing all of the data management needs of all projects that contain biological, geospatial, and other types of data. The Toolkit emphasizes the idea of connecting a project's data and the related management needs to the defined project goals and objectives from the outset. In that context, the Toolkit presents and describes the fundamental components of sound data and information management that are common to projects involving biological, geospatial, and other related data

  18. Alternatives for Jet Engine Control. Volume 1: Modelling and Control Design with Jet Engine Data (United States)

    Sain, M. K.


    This document compiles a comprehensive list of publications supported by, or related to, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Grant NSG-3048, entitled "Alternatives for Jet Engine Control". Dr. Kurt Seldner was the original Technical Officer for the grant, at Lewis Research Center. Dr. Bruce Lehtinen was the final Technical Officer. At the University of Notre Dame, Drs. Michael K. Sain and R. Jeffrey Leake were the original Project Directors, with Dr. Sain becoming the final Project Director. Publications cover work over a ten-year period. The Final Report is divided into two parts. Volume i, "Modelling and Control Design with Jet Engine Data", follows in this report. Volume 2, "Modelling and Control Design with Tensors", has been bound separately.


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    Ciro di Benatti Galvao


    Full Text Available As expressões tolerância e dignidade da pessoa humana apresentam-se normativamente interdependentes em uma democracia constitucional. Embora a ideia de Estado Neutral (ao qual, em se tratando de aspectos subjetivos de comportamento individual, não é dada a possibilidade de interferência ou dirigismo deva ser preservada, quando houver comprometimento dos processos de integração social, a conexão entre os dois conceitos deve ser estabelecida e, neste sentido, percebe-se que ela poderá ser feita mediante a utilização da ideia de ação comunicativa habermasiana.

  20. Work family balance : mito ou aptidão : estudo empírico sobre antecedentes e consequências


    Pedro, Ana Margarida Alexandre


    Dissertação de mestrado em Marketing, apresentada à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, sob a orientação de Arnaldo Fernandes Matos Coelho e Joaquim Luís Medeiros Alcoforado. “Work Family Balance – Mito ou Aptidão? Estudo Empírico Sobre Antecedentes e Consequências” visa contribuir, com base na revisão bibliográfica, para a compreensão de quais as variáveis que contribuem para esse equilíbrio dinâmico e quais as repercussões. Este tema insere-se no Marketing Inter...

  1. Le télé-achat : finalité ou usage par défaut des nouvelles convergences ?


    Lenoir , Christophe


    HAL : hal-00558853; International audience; Le télé-achat relève-t-il d'une finalité ou d'un usage par défaut des nouvelles convergences ? A partir des questions de détermination technologique et d'indétermination des usages, cet article propose, au vu de l'évolution économique du secteur et de l'information économique véhiculée par ses agents, de s'interroger sur les conditions énonciatives de ces processus de communication et leurs conséquences sur le médium télévisuel.

  2. Intoxicação espontânea e experimental por nitrato/nitrito em bovinos alimentados com Avena sativa (aveia e/ou Lolium spp. (azevém

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    Fernanda Jönck


    Full Text Available Descrevem-se os dados epidemiológicos, sinais clínicos e lesões da intoxicação espontânea e experimental por nitrato e nitrito em bovinos alimentados com pastagens de Avena sativa (aveia e/ou Lolium spp (azevém. A enfermidade ocorre em diferentes regiões do Estado de Santa Catarina, quando as pastagens tem crescimento exuberante, após receberem quantidades excessivas de adubo químico e/ou orgânico, principalmente quando ocorrem condições climáticas de seca e posteriormente chuva. Os animais em contato com essas pastagens desenvolvem rapidamente mucosas de coloração marrom, taquipnéia, andar cambaleante, micção frequente, timpanismo, decúbito lateral e morte em poucos minutos, ou recuperação algumas horas após. Na necropsia de quatro animais que adoeceram espontaneamente, as principais alterações encontradas foram a coloração marrom das mucosas, a cor escura do sangue (cor de chocolate e a coloração vermelho intensa da musculatura esquelética e do miocárdio esquerdo. A reprodução experimental da doença foi realizada em sete bovinos, com pastagens de quatro propriedades onde ocorreu adoença. Aveia e/ou azevém verdes e sob a forma de feno foram administradas aos bovinos. Destes bovinos quatro morreram, dois adoeceram e se recuperam, um naturalmente e outro com a aplicação de azul de metileno a 1%, na dose de 2mg/kg/peso vivo, e um bovino não apresentou alterações. Os sinais clínicos observados e as lesões nos animais que adoeceram e morreram foram idênticos aos casos naturais. Alterações microscópicas não foram observadas nos casos naturais e experimentais. O teste da difenilamina nas amostras de pastagens onde ocorreram os surtos resultou positivo em todas as propriedades. A análise bromatológica realizada em amostras coletadas de várias propriedades em que ocorreram surtos revelou de 0,30 a 3,36% de nitrato na matéria seca. A enfermidade caracterizou-se principalmente por respiração ofegante

  3. Enraizamento de estacas de azaléia Rhododendron indicum: cultivar terra nova tratadas com ácido indolbutírico, com o uso ou não de fixador

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    Juliano Tadeu Vilela de Resende


    Full Text Available O experimento teve como objetivo avaliar o enraizamento de estacas de Azaléia – cultivar Terra Nova – tratadas com ácido indol-butírico, com o uso ou não de gelatina como fixador. Foram avaliados os tratamentos 1,5 g AIB/L; 1,5 g AIB/L e fixador; 2,0 g AIB/L; 2,0 g AIB/L e fixador; 2,5 g AIB/L; 2,5 g AIB/L e fixador. Não foram detectadas diferenças significativas para doses de ácido indol-butírico e uso ou não de fixador para as características de enraizamento avaliadas.

  4. Percepção de autoinstilação de gotas oculares em idosos com ou sem dispositivo de apoio facial

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    Arlindo Jose Freire Portes

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Determinar o grau de dificuldade para instilação tópica ocular em idosos, com ou sem o auxílio de dispositivo de apoio facial, por meio de questionário. Observar qual método foi tecnicamente melhor para aplicação tópica ocular de gotas. Métodos: O estudo foi um ensaio clínico, controlado, randomizado e pareado, realizado em 50 pacientes idosos de setembro de 2015 a junho de 2016 na Policlínica Ronaldo Gazolla, Lapa-Rio de Janeiro. Um frasco de colírio Optive® foi acoplado ao dispositivo de apoio facial denominado Eyedrop®. Cada participante instilou o colírio com ou sem o auxílio do dispositivo em cada um dos olhos, sendo que a seleção ocular foi feita aleatoriamente. Foi perguntado ao paciente questões pré-formuladas sobre a dificuldade de ambos os métodos e a técnica de administração tópica ocular foi avaliada. Resultados: A instilação de gotas foi considerada difícil ou muito difícil por 10% dos idosos com o auxílio do dispositivo e por 36% sem o auxílio (p = 0,0047. Houve toque da ponta do colírio com os tecidos oculares em 64% dos pacientes que não usaram o Eyedrop® e em 4% dos que o utilizaram (p=0,000001. A maior dificuldade descrita na instilação tradicional foi acertar o olho com a gota (32% e com o dispositivo de apoio foi entender seu uso(4%. Conclusão: A maioria dos idosos instila colírios erroneamente, tocando a ponta do frasco em tecidos oculares, o que favorece sua contaminação. O dispositivo de apoio facial tornou mais segura e fácil a instilação.

  5. Preferências dos Alunos do 6º ano de Mestrado Integrado de Medicina Sobre Trabalho no Setor Público ou Privado

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    Rafael Simões Neves


    CONCLUSÃO: Existe uma preferência por trabalhar em ambos os setores de saúde, posição esta mantida ao longo dos três anos em que o estudo decorreu, rejeitando os estudantes a aprovação de um regime de exclusividade. Não existe forte associação entre trabalhar no serviço público ou em ambos os setores com as variáveis analisadas.

  6. Sonohysterography

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... through blood vessels. Ultrasound imaging is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. Sonohysterography, also known as saine infusion sonography, ...

  7. Fechamento sequencial da parede abdominal com tração fascial contínua (mediada por tela ou sutura e terapia a vácuo

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    Fernando Ferreira

    Full Text Available Na última década multiplicaram-se as publicações e a utilização da cirurgia de controle de danos, resultando num número crescente de pacientes deixados com o abdome aberto (ou peritoneostomia. Uma das consequências nefastas do abdome aberto são as hérnias ventrais gigantes que resultam da impossibilidade de se fechar o abdome durante a internação hospitalar do paciente. Para minimizar esta sequela têm surgido na literatura diferentes tipos de abordagem. Para abordar este tópico, a reunião de revista "Telemedicina Baseada em Evidência - Cirurgia do Trauma e Emergência" (TBE-CiTE optou por não analisar sistemas comerciais de fechamento abdominal dinâmico, com exceção da terapia de pressão negativa ou vácuo. O grupo fez uma avaliação crítica dirigida de três artigos mais relevantes publicados recentemente sobre fechamento sequencial da parede abdominal (com tela ou sutura mais vácuo. Nesta avaliação foram incluídos dois estudos retrospectivos mais um estudo prospectivo. Baseados na análise crítica desses 3 estudos mais a discussão que contou com a participação de representantes de 6 Universidades e realizada via telemedicina, são feitas as seguintes recomendações: (1 a associação de terapia de pressão negativa com tração fascial constante mediada por tela ou sutura, ajustada periodicamente, parece ser uma ótima estratégia cirúrgica para o tratamento de peritoneostomias. (2 O fechamento abdominal primário dinâmico com sutura e mediada por tela parece ser mais econômico e eficiente do que deixar o paciente com uma hérnia gigante e planejar uma reconstrução complexa tardiamente. Novos estudos com grupos maiores de pacientes separados de acordo com as diferentes apresentações e doenças são necesários para definir qual o melhor método cirúrgico para o tratamento de peritoneostomias.

  8. Slug Test Characterization Results for Multi-Test/Depth Intervals Conducted During the Drilling of CERCLA Operable Unit OU UP-1 Wells 299-W19-48, 699-30-66, and 699-36-70B

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spane, Frank A.; Newcomer, Darrell R.


    This report presents test descriptions and analysis results for multiple, stress-level slug tests that were performed at selected test/depth intervals within three Operable Unit (OU) UP-1 wells: 299-W19-48 (C4300/Well K), 699-30-66 (C4298/Well R), and 699-36-70B (C4299/Well P). These wells are located within, adjacent to, and to the southeast of the Hanford Site 200-West Area. The test intervals were characterized as the individual boreholes were advanced to their final drill depths. The primary objective of the hydrologic tests was to provide information pertaining to the areal variability and vertical distribution of hydraulic conductivity with depth at these locations within the OU UP-1 area. This type of characterization information is important for predicting/simulating contaminant migration (i.e., numerical flow/transport modeling) and designing proper monitor well strategies for OU and Waste Management Area locations.

  9. The best infertility treatment for vasectomized men: assisted reproduction or vasectomy reversal? Melhor tratamento da infertilidade no homem vasectomizado: reprodução assistida ou reversão de vasectomia?

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    Fábio Firmbach Pasqualotto


    Full Text Available In men with prior vasectomy, microsurgical reconstruction of the reproductive tract is more cost-effective than sperm retrieval with in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection if the obstructive interval is less than 15 years and no female fertility risk factors are present. If epididymal obstruction is detected or advanced female age is present, the decision to use either microsurgical reconstruction or sperm retrieval with in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection should be individualized. Sperm retrieval with in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection is preferred to surgical treatment when female factors requiring in vitro fertilization are present or when the chance for success with sperm retrieval and intracytoplasmic sperm injection exceeds the chance for success with surgical treatment.Reconstrução microcirúrgica do trato reprodutivo é preferível à captação de espermatozóides com Fertilização in vitro e Injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozóides em homens vasectomizados quando o intervalo de obstrução for inferior a 15 anos e ausência de fatores de risco para infertilidade feminina. Se ocorrer uma obstrução epididimária ou se a mulher possuir uma idade avançada, a decisão para ou reconstrução microcirúrgica ou captação de espermatozóides com fertilização in vitro ou Injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozóides deve ser individualizada. Captação espermática com fertilização in vitro e Injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozóides é preferível ao tratamento cirúrgico quando o tratamento do fator feminino requer fertilização in vitro ou quando a chance de sucesso com a captação de espermatozóides e Injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozóides são superiores às chances de sucesso com a captação de espermatozóides e Injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozóides são superiores às chances com o tratamento cirúrgico.

  10. Faut-il brûler les dictionnaires ? Ou comment les ressources numériques ont révolutionné les recherches en morphologie

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    Namer Fiammetta


    Full Text Available Pour mener leurs études, les morphologues, et, singulièrement parmi eux, ceux qui traitent du lexique construit, sont pris entre deux tensions : utiliser les données issues des dictionnaires, réputées fiables parce que passées au travers du crible de l’institutionnalisation, ou se fonder sur des données authentiques, produites dans des situations écologiques. Bien qu’inspirant encore de la défiance, le Web devient alors la ressource par excellence. Les ressources numérisées telles que les archives de journaux ou les bases de données de textes littéraires constituent un moyen terme entre ces deux pratiques : elles permettent d’effectuer des recherches basées sur l’usage, tout en offrant la garantie d’une certaine tenue linguistique de la part des scripteurs, la plupart du temps identifiables. Dans cette communication, nous nous demanderons si les dictionnaires méritent la confiance que continuent de leur octroyer les morphologues ou, plus exactement, si une morphologie qui puise ses données dans les seuls dictionnaires peut encore avoir cours au 21e siècle. Pour engager cette discussion, nous commencerons par poser la question de l’existence, pour un lexème construit. Nous exposerons ensuite ce que constitue une morphologie basée sur l’usage, puis donnerons un aperçu des types de recherches que permettent de réaliser les ressources non dictionnairiques. La conclusion sera que, si les dictionnaires continuent d'avoir droit de cité dans la panoplie du morphologue, une morphologie uniquement basée sur les données qu'ils contiennent passerait outre de nombreuses recherches, plus fructueuses les unes que les autres.

  11. Contribution to the study of pollution of soil and water in Oued El Maleh area (Mohammedia, Morocco) (United States)

    El hajjaji, Souad; Dahchour, Abdelmalek; Belhsaien, Kamal; Zouahri, Abdelmjid; Moussadek, Rachid; Douaik, Ahmed


    In Morocco, diffuse ground and surface water pollution in irrigated areas has caused an increase in the risk of water and soil quality deterioration. This has generated a health and environmental risks. The present study was carried out in the Oued El Maleh region located 65 Km to the south of Rabat on the Moroccan Atlantic coast. It covers a surface area of 310 km2 where agriculture constitutes the main activity of the population. This region is considered as a very important agricultural area, known nationally for its high potential for market gardening. This intensification has been accompanied by an excessive use of agrochemical inputs and poor control of irrigation and drainage. Consequently, salinization phenomena and deterioration of soil structure as well as water are about to create an alarming situation. In order to assess the state of pollution of waters and soil in the region, our study focuses on the determination of physicochemical parameters for the quality of water and soil. The obtained results from sampled wells and surface water show relatively higher values of nitrate and conductivity exceeding Moroccan national standards and revealing net degradation of water quality; therefore the water can be considered not suitable for human consumption and can induce a degradation of soil. The results of the studied soil show that the pH of these soils is weakly to moderately basic; they are usually non-saline with organic matter content moderately filled. Moreover, very high concentrations of nutrients (potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen) were recorded, highlighting poor management fertilizing vegetable crops in the region of Oued El Maleh.

  12. A Qualitative Analysis of the Perception of Academic Pharmacists ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Administrative Pharmacy, University Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 3Department of Biotechnology International Islamic. University .... Secondly, at community level all medical stores .... Goel P. Retail pharmacies in developing countries: a.

  13. Population structure and genetic diversity of Sinibrama macrops from Ou River and Ling River based on mtDNA D-loop region analysis, China. (United States)

    Zhao, Liangjie; Chenoweth, Erica L; Liu, Qigen


    In order to understand the influence of human activities such as habitat fragmentation on freshwater fish population evolution, we investigated and compared the genetic diversity and phylogeography of Sinibrama macrops populations in the Oujiang River and Ling River. Mitochondrial control region sequences (D-loop region) of 131 specimens from six populations were obtained and analyzed. The diversity of main stream in the Ou River was lower than that in Ling River. Changtan population showed the lowest diversity (H = 0.646 ± 0.077; π = 0.00060 ± 0.00820). Pairwise F ST , gene flow (Nm), and genetic distance (Da) indicated that Longquan and Changtan significantly differentiate from other populations. Nested clade phylogeographical analysis (NCPA) showed some clades and total cladogram experienced isolation by distance. In conclusion, the populations from severely fragmented Ou River have the lower diversity and more intense differentiation than that from the mainstream of Ling River, Changtan population present the lowest diversity and were isolated by the dam construction.

  14. Ville et prostitution : rivales ou riveraines ? City and Prostitution: Rivals or Neighbours?

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    Catherine Deschamps


    Full Text Available Sous l’égide de l’Association des maires des grandes villes de France s’est tenue à Nantes, en juin 2003, la “Première rencontre française et internationale des professionnels de la ville” intitulée Les politiques urbaines face à la prosti­tution. Mobilisation des villes pour la répression de la traite aux fins d’exploi­tation sexuelle, la prévention et l’aide aux victimes. À partir des “actes” de cette rencontre, d’une enquête de terrain, d’une revue de la littérature et de la presse quotidienne française pour l’année 2003, cet article questionne la généa­logie contemporaine de l’association de la prostitution aux villes et les raisons qui, à tort ou à raison, motivent cette association. Parmi ces raisons, se cache une instrumentalisation des plus ambiguës de la “jeune prostituée étrangère”, associée à son corps défendant à l’image d’une traite mondiale, donc tenta­culaire. La rencontre nantaise est alors, à l’échelle de la ville, l’illustration, ou la répétition, de mécanismes plus généraux.Under the aegis of the Association of mayors of major French cities, the “First French and international meeting of city professionals” was held at Nantes, in June 2003, entitled Urban policies in dealing with prostitution. The mobilization of cities in the repression of slavery for purposes of sexual exploitation, prevention and aid to victims. Based on the “acts” of this meeting, a field survey, a review of the literature and the daily French press for the year 2003, this article questions the contemporary genealogy of the association of prostitution and cities, and the reasons which, rightly or wrongly, motivate that association. Among these reasons, is hidden a most ambiguous instrumentalization of the “young foreign prostitute”, associated despite herself with the image of a worldwide, and hence tentacular, slave trade. Thus the Nantes meeting is, on a city scale, the

  15. Sartre, en l’année de son centenaire : mauvais maître ou boussole éthique ?

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    Annie Cohen-Solal


    Full Text Available En France, peu de centenaires ont fait l’objet, comme celui de Sartre en 2005, d’une aussi négative unanimité. Hormis Les Temps Modernes et Libération (dont il fut le fondateur, pratiquement toute la presse colporta les mêmes clichés, en le stigmatisant en mauvais maître, en penseur démodé ou encore en imposteur. Le magazine L’Histoire reprit de vieilles insinuations, sans fondement scientifique, sur les occupations du philosophe pendant l’occupation nazie. Le Nouvel Observateur poursuivit la salve, avec le titre accrocheur de « Faut‐il brûler Sartre ? »

  16. Geologie des Ida ou Zal (Maroc) Stratigraphie,petrographie et tectonique de la partie SW du bloc occidental du massif ancien du Haut Atlas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koning, de G.


    The present publication deals with the geology of the area known as the Ida ou Zal, situated principally in the Palaeozoic of the Western High Atlas mountains in Morocco. The area extends grosso modo between Argana (N), Sidi Idir (E), Menizla (S) and Tirkou (W); its centre lies at 34°10 N—12°65 W.

  17. Hydrologic variability in the Red River of the North basin at the eastern margin of the northern Great Plains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiche, G.J.


    The temporal and spatial variations in streamflow in the Red River of the North basin on the eastern margin of the Great Plains are described and related to the various climatic conditions associated with the flows. The Red River drains about 290,000 square kilometers in parts of Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and a 200 year flood history is available from documents of fur traders, explorers and missionaries, as well as from gauging-station records. The coefficient of variation of mean annual streamflow ranges from ca 110% for streams in the southern and western parts of the Assiniboine River basin to ca 50% for streams along the eastern margin of the Red River of the North basin. Decadal streamflow variability is great in the Red River of the North basin, with mean annual streamflow for the 10 years ending 1940 of 489 cubic hectometers and for the 10 years ending 1975 of 3,670 cubic hectometers. Construction of the Rafferty Reservoir on the Souris River and the Almeda Reservoir on Moose Mountain Creek will cause changes in water quality in the Souris River, with most problems occurring during protracted low flow conditions

  18. Perceptions of Dispensers Regarding Dispensing Practices in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia, 2Department of Social ... working in community pharmacies in Islamabad, Peshawar and Lahore. ..... situation regarding dispensing practices in the.

  19. A Review of the Secondary Metabolites and Biological Activities of ...

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    School of Chemical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang 11800, Malaysia ... ulcers. A wide range of secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, diterpenes, flavones, phenolics, and triterpenes .... potency than the synthetic antioxidant.

  20. Water quality assessment of highly polluted rivers in a semi-arid Mediterranean zone Oued Fez and Sebou River (Morocco) (United States)

    Perrin, J. L.; Raïs, N.; Chahinian, N.; Moulin, P.; Ijjaali, M.


    Oued Fez (one of the Sebou River tributaries - Morocco) allowed us to study and quantify the effect of the lack of wastewater treatment on surface water quality in semi-arid hydrological context. The analysis is based on field data collected from June 2009 to December 2011. Concentration and load patterns of nitrogen, phosphorus and chromium (used in the processing of leather) are compared in stable hydrological conditions during low flow and high flow periods in an eight-location sampling network. The Oued Fez and the Sebou River are characterised by severe pollution downstream from the city of Fez, particularly TN (mainly NH4 and Norg), TP (mainly Ppart) and TCr. The most polluted sites are those directly under the influence of domestic and industrial waste water inputs, particularly tannery effluents. Obviously, the concentrations measured at these locations are above all environmental quality standards. Pollutant loads are very heavy in the Sebou River and can contaminate the river course for kilometres. Moreover, as the water of the Sebou River is used for the irrigation of vegetables, serious problems of public health could arise. A better understanding of contaminant dynamics and self-purifying processes in these rivers will help implement actions and steps aimed at improving water quality in the Sebou River, which is the primary water supply source in Morocco and is used for agricultural and industrials purposes as well as for drinking water.

  1. Slug Test Characterization Results for Multi-Test/Depth Intervals Conducted During the Drilling of CERCLA Operable Unit OU ZP-1 Wells 299-W11-43, 299-W15-50, and 299-W18-16

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spane, Frank A.; Newcomer, Darrell R.


    The following report presents test descriptions and analysis results for multiple, stress level slug tests that were performed at selected test/depth intervals within three Operable Unit (OU) ZP-1 wells: 299-W11-43 (C4694/Well H), 299-W15-50 (C4302/Well E), and 299-W18-16 (C4303/Well D). These wells are located within south-central region of the Hanford Site 200-West Area (Figure 1.1). The test intervals were characterized as the individual boreholes were advanced to their final drill depths. The primary objective of the hydrologic tests was to provide information pertaining to the areal variability and vertical distribution of hydraulic conductivity with depth at these locations within the OU ZP-1 area. This type of characterization information is important for predicting/simulating contaminant migration (i.e., numerical flow/transport modeling) and designing proper monitor well strategies for OU and Waste Management Area locations.



    Glaucia Azevedo do Amaral


    Este estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar se e em que grau a oferta suplementar de amido ou proteína degradável no rúmen, assim como de proteína não degradável, afetam o consumo, os processos de digestão, a retenção de nitrogênio, a digestibilidade ruminal e o fluxo duodenal das frações nitrogenadas em ovinos alimentados com azevém (Lolium multiflorum, Lam) à vontade. Foram utilizados dez cordeiros castrados Corriedale (PV médio de 26 kg), mantidos em gaiolas de metabolismo em...

  3. Os ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, participação e interação, ou sobre o muito a caminhar

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    Kátia Morosov Alonso


    Full Text Available O trabalho apresenta pesquisa cujo objetivo foi analisar quais recursos disponíveis em Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem poderiam indicar participação e interação efetivas entre os atores da formação do curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia, acordo Brasil e Japão. É importante verificar essa questão, na medida em que, nesses ambientes, tais atributos ou são medidos quantitativamente, sem que os dados apresentados possam ser qualificados; ou, para qualificá-los, é necessário trabalho extenso de “garimpagem”, com buscas individualizadas em cada uma das atividades realizadas pelos alunos. Diante dessa problemática, optou-se por trabalhar com os “relatórios de atividades” disponibilizados no AVA/Moodle, de modo a confrontá-los com os sujeitos da formação, na tentativa de qualificar os dados ali disponíveis. As conclusões admitem a necessidade de melhor entender a forma pela qual tais “relatórios de atividades” são consolidados e, ao mesmo tempo, aponta para dinâmicas de interação que se põem para além do ambiente de aprendizagem, indicando problemáticas no processo de trabalho com ele.

  4. As necessidades e os desejos na formação discursiva do marketing: base consistente ou retórica legitimadora?

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    Vinícius Andrade Brei

    Full Text Available Neste artigo realizamos uma análise crítica da gênese histórica da área de marketing até sua constituição atual, com um foco principal: verificar se as necessidades e os desejos dos clientes são base consistente da formação histórica, discursiva, do marketing ou, apenas, retórica legitimadora para a atuação da área. Adotamos uma orientação filosófico-epistemológica baseada na teoria do discurso proposta por Michel Foucault, que nos permitiu constatar que a centralidade das necessidades e dos desejos dos clientes no discurso contemporâneo do marketing é resultado de uma série de transformações e disputas históricas pela hegemonia de uma determinada idéia ou ponto de vista, mas sempre ancorada em condições socioeconômicas, ambientais, favoráveis às transformações ocorridas. Em outras palavras, concluímos que as transformações discursivas, constituintes da área, foram o resultado de um processo produzido social e historicamente, tendo ocorrido muito mais como um resultado de mudanças na economia e no mundo empresarial do que como uma espécie de "vocação" natural do marketing.

  5. La prévention et le traitement des infections bactériennes chez les enfants aspléniques ou hypospléniques (United States)


    L’asplénie, qu’elle soit fonctionnelle ou anatomique, s’associe à un accroissement du risque d’infection potentiellement fatale ou constituant un danger de septicémie postsplénectomie (SPS). En raison du risque accru de bactériémie par des bactéries encapsulées chez les enfants aspléniques, la vaccination visant à prévenir une infection au Streptococcus pneumoniae, à l’Haemophilus influenzae de type b (Hib) et au Neiserria meningitidis est recommandée. Malgré la prévalence croissante de S pneumoniae pénicillinorésistant, on recommande aussi l’usage de pénicilline prophylactique chez les enfants aspléniques de moins de cinq ans, et pendant au moins un an après une splénectomie. La poursuite de la prophylaxie antibiotique après cette période dépend de la situation clinique de chaque enfant et de la prévalence de S pneumoniae pénicillinorésistant au sein de la collectivité. Lorsque des enfants aspléniques font de la fièvre ou présentent des symptômes non spécifiques, ils devraient faire l’objet d’une évaluation immédiate. Si on présume la présence de septicémie bactérienne, il faut procéder à une analyse du sang et des autres liquides organiques pertinents et entreprendre sur-le-champ une antibiothérapie à large spectre par voie parentérale, laquelle doit agir également contre les souches de S pneumoniae présentes dans la collectivité. Chez les enfants aspléniques souffrant d’une septicémie foudroyante à S pneumoniae, le taux de mortalité est élevé, malgré l’utilisation rapide d’une antibiothérapie convenable, d’où l’importance des mesures préventives.

  6. Spec, IP ou deslocado?: Prós e contras das duas análises dos sujeitos pré-verbais

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    COSTA João


    Full Text Available O objectivo deste artigo é apresentar argumentos que mostram que as duas análises dos sujeitos pré-verbais em Português Europeu, como movidos para Spec, IP ou deslocados à esquerda, não se excluem necessariamente. São apresentados vários argumentos mostrando que, em frases declarativas simples contextualmente não-marcadas, a análise tradicional, de acordo com a qual os sujeitos são deslocados para Spec, IP, não encontra alguns problemas identificados para a análise alternativa.

  7. Value System and Standard of Education in Nigerian Third ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nekky Umera

    student's value orientation and his academic achievement. The variability in ... instruction. These include moral/spiritual values, dignity of human ..... Practices in the Universities Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia.” ... Economy and Management.

  8. Process parameters influencing tannase production by Aspergillus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Wee Yee


    Oct 10, 2011 ... 1Industrial Biotechnology Research Laboratory, School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, ... and gallo seed cover (Mahapatra et al., 2005), wheat .... distilled water and modified Czapek dox medium.

  9. Association between Hepatitis B-Related Knowledge and Health ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, 3Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Technology MARA, ... as an individual's perceived quality of life ... ethical standards for survey procedures in ... management of HB.

  10. Download this PDF file

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    IndexCopernicus Portal System

    Advanced Medical & Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. Received for .... REFERENCES. 1. Buchdunger E, Cioffi CL, Law N, et al: Abl protein - ... Prognostic implications of patterns of failure for gastrointestinal.

  11. Canada : tous les projets | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Améliorer l'immunité innée des macrophages par la modulation des protéines tyrosine phosphatases : recensement complet des gènes encodant les protéines tyrosine phosphatases chez la souris et l'humain. Projet. Les maladies causées par une infection guérissent le plus souvent grâce à une réaction immunitaire ...

  12. india : tous les projets | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Améliorer l'immunité innée des macrophages par la modulation des protéines tyrosine phosphatases : recensement complet des gènes encodant les protéines tyrosine phosphatases chez la souris et l'humain. Projet. Les maladies causées par une infection guérissent le plus souvent grâce à une réaction immunitaire ...

  13. 564-IJBCS-Article-Dally Labo Ismaël

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    nouveaux médicaments. On estime que près de 50% des agents thérapeutiques utilisés .... secondes au maximum) sert de mesure d'habituation. La moyenne calculée sur les .... Tableau 1 : Effet de l'extrait aqueux de Mitracarpus scaber et de la morphine sur la latence de retrait de la queue de la souris. Temps de latence ...

  14. 227 Données préliminaires sur la distribution spatio-temporelle des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    surtout nocturnes [18,19]. La présente étude, la première du genre, est une contribution à une meilleure connaissance de la biologie et de l'écologie des Mégachiroptères afin d'en assurer une gestion rationnelle et durable. Elle vise spécifiquement à identifier les sites de reproduction des chauves-souris à tête de marteau,.

  15. 172 Toxicité aigüe et effet aphrodisiaque de l'extrait aqueux de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Matériel animal. Des souris mâles de souche albinos suisse de poids compris entre20 et 25 g et des rats albinos (mâle et femelle) de souche wistar de poids compris entre 150 et .... Vigilance. +. +. +. +. -. - -. Nombre de morts. 0. 0. 0. 0. 03. 04. A : Absent ; N : Normal ; + : Oui ; - : très faible ; -- : Pas de réaction ; D : diminution ...

  16. Publications | Page 111 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Technologie et langue : apprendre à dire souris en kiché. Quand, dès l'âge de la maternelle, des enfants s'assoient pour la première fois devant un ordinateur équipé d'un logiciel en kiché, leur langue maternelle maya, les leçons dépassent de loin la maîtrise de connaissances élémentaires en.

  17. Parestesia e/ou dor nas mãos e/ou punhos como motivo de encaminhamento para estudo eletroneuromiográfico Paresthesia and/or pain affecting the hand and/or wrist as a referral for electrodiagnostic studies

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    Carmelinda Correia de Campos


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de conhecermos os motivos de encaminhamento para estudo eletrofisiológico, perguntamos a 490 pacientes, encaminhados a dois laboratórios de neurofisiologia (UNIFESP e UNEF: "Qual o motivo que a(o levou a procurar o médico e que fez com que ele solicitasse este exame"? Parestesia e/ou dor nas mãos e/ou punhos foram espontaneamente referidas como motivo principal por 175 deles (26% UNIFESP e 40% UNEF. O exame eletroneuromiográfico foi normal em, respectivamente, 30,8% e 35,3% e revelou compressão do nervo mediano no carpo em 59% e 51,5% destes pacientes. Sintomas noturnos e parestesia foram comuns nos dois grupos de pacientes, mas não foram capazes de discriminar aqueles com e sem compressão do nervo mediano no carpo. O sintoma dor predominou nos pacientes com exame normal. A pergunta formulada pareceu ser bom instrumento de seleção. Conseguiu selecionar duas amostras de pacientes sintomáticos semelhantes, em laboratórios com população alvo muito diferente.To study the reasons for referral to electrodiagnostic evaluation, 490 patients referred for electrodiagnostic evaluation to two laboratories (UNIFESP and UNEF answered the following question: "What was the reason that brought you to look for a physician and that led him to ask this examination?" Paresthesia and/or pain were answered as the main reason by 175 of them (26% UNIFESP and 40% UNEF. The electromyographical examinations were normal in 30.8% and 35.3% and involvement of the median nerve at the wrist was detected in 5 9% and 51.5% of them. Nocturnal symptoms and paresthesia were commonly noted in both groups of patients; they, however, were not able to separate the patients with and without median nerve compression at the wrist. The question asked seems to be a useful selection instrument, to select two similar symptomatic samples of patients from two laboratories serving with very different target populations.

  18. Medicines utilization and trends in Sudan between 2006 and 2010

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Discipline, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 ... (DOAJ), African Journal Online, Bioline International, Open-J-Gate and ..... Table 5: Antianaemic preparations utilization in NHIF-Sudan based on retail prices ...

  19. Microbial quality of chevon and mutton sold in Tamale Metropolis of ...

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    Michael Horsfall

    All rights reserved. J. Appl. Sci. ... Universiti Sains Malaysia, School of Industry Technology, 11800 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. ABSTRACT: ... sold in the open market to consumers. Although ... microbiologically safe is increasing tremendously in.

  20. Download this PDF file

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    2Department of Food and Nutrition, Chosun University, Gwangju 501-759, Republic of Korea. 3School of Chemical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, 11800, Malaysia. ... humans, for development, productivity and mental health.

  1. Biological control of Aspergillus flavus growth and subsequent ...

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    Jul 5, 2010 ... 1School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia,. 2Department of Botany, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. ... the biocontrol agents tested, culture filtrate of Rhodococcus ...

  2. Preliminary Phytochemical and Physicochemical Characterization of ...

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    School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia ... Thin layer chromatography (TLC) analysis indicates the presence of rutin in the methanol extract of. G. segetum ..... Indian 'Wonder' Plant Grown in Nigeria.

  3. Cost Analysis of Medications Used in Upper Respiratory Tract ...

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    The study was done in the clinics under University Sains Malaysia. A total of ... International Pharmaceutical Abstract, Chemical Abstracts, Embase, Index Copernicus, EBSCO, African ..... and extent of drug wastage among female students.


    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Azamathulla Hazi Mohammad, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, ... Bai Chao-Ying, Chang'an University, Chang'an, Xi'an, China ..... Sikdar Pradip, Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Kolkata.

  5. Determination on Mice and other Organisms of the RBE of High-Energy Protons and Electrons; Efficacite Biologique Relative sur la Souris et d'Autres Organismes des Protons et des Electrons De Haute Energie; Opredelenie obeh pri obluchenii myshej i drugikh organizmov protonami i ehlektronami vysokikh ehnergij; Determinacion de la Eficacia Biologica Relativa de los Protones y de los Electrones de Elevada Emergia en el Raton y en Otros Organismos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bonet-Maury, P.; Baarli, J.; Kahn, T.; Dardenne, G.; Frilley, M.; Deysine, A. [Institut du Radium, Paris (France)


    The general effects of 157- and 592-MeV protons and 150- and 950-MeV electrons were observed on mice exposed to lethal doses of whole-body irradiation. The irradiated animals displayed the same general symptoms as those produced by X - or gamma-rays. The biological tests did not bring to light any particular phenomenon which can be considered as characteristic of these high-energy particles. As determined in four tests (LD{sub 50}, average expectation of life and diminution of thymus and testicles), the RBE is close to 1. This corresponds to the mean LET of the particles and, in the case of the protons, does not appear to be increased by the higher local LET of the spallation fragments. (author) [French] Les effets generaux des protons de 157 et 592 MeV et des electrons de 150 et 950 MeV oiit ete observes sur des souris irradiees in toto, a des doses letales. Les animaux irradies presentent les memes symptomes generaux que ceux produits par les rayonnements de reference X ou {gamma}. Aucun phenomene caracteristique de ces particules de haute energie n'a pu etre mis en evidence avec les tests biologiques choisis. Lfefficacite biologique relative determinee sur 4 tests (DL{sub 50}, survie moyenne, reduction du thymus et des testicules) est peu differente de 1; cette EBR correspond au TEL moyen des particules et, pour les protons, ne parait pas augmentee par le TEL local plus eleve des etoiles de spallation. (author) [Spanish] Se han observado los efectos generales de los protones de 157 y 592 MeV y de los electrones de 150 y 950 MeV sobre ratones expuestos in toto, a dosis letales de radiaciones. Los animales irradiados presentan los mismos sintomas generales que los producidos por los rayos X o los rayos gamma adoptados como radiaciones de referencia. Los ensayos biologicos llevados a cabo no han puesto de manifiesto ningun fenomeno caracteristico de la accion de estas particulas de elevada energia. La eficacia biologica relativa determinada en cuatro ensayo (DL

  6. O batismo de terra, ou Yaka, um romance polifônico

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    Maria Geralda Miranda


    Full Text Available Pretende-se com este estudo verificar o “jogo” discursivo polifônico presente no romance Yaka, do escritor angolano, Pepetela, a partir da observação do modo pelo qual os discursos dos narradores são elaborados, formando o todo romanesco. O objetivo não é apenas tentar compreender como as diferentes vozes dialogicamente constituídas colaboram para o acesso ao conteúdo e/ou significados da obra, mas como esse conteúdo é apresentado e significa para o leitor. Para tanto, serão analisados as vozes dos narradores e o discurso da personagem “Yaka” (estátua que, além de obra de arte africana, se apresenta como objeto mágico e dá título ao romance. Na tentativa de “desvendar” o emaranhado de discursos tecidos pelo autor, buscar-se-á, a partir dos conceitos de polifonia e dialogismo empreendidos por Bakhtin e o Círculo, embasar a leitura da obra, ambientada em Angola, durante quatro gerações de uma família de colonos portugueses. Tal abordagem crítica não exclui obviamente a análise da rede histórico-ficcional do romance, nem a análise de seu conteúdo político-ideológico.

  7. Actualité de Capitalisme, socialisme et démocratie ou la dure survie du capitalisme selon Schumpeter

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    Dorval Brunelle


    Full Text Available Peut-on encore lire Capitalisme, socialisme et démocratie de l’économiste autrichien Joseph Alois Schumpeter soixante-dix années après sa première publication en 1942 ou soixante-deux ans après la mort de l’auteur en 1950? Il faut croire que oui puisque l’ouvrage en question est demeuré disponible tout au long de ces années et que son éditeur français Payot a même cru bon d’en rééditer un long extrait en 2011 sous le titre pour le moins accrocheur Le capitalisme peut-il survivre? un titre qui...

  8. Pb-Zn mineralization of Ali ou Daoud area (Central High Atlas, Morocco: characterisation of deposit and relationship with the clay assemblages

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    Daoudi, L.


    Full Text Available Zn-Pb-Fe ores in the Ali ou Daoud deposit (Central High Atlas are found as stratiform levels and as karst fillings in carbonate platforms facies of Bajocian age. Tectonic structures (e.g., synsedimentary faults played a relevant role in the ore emplacement. The dolomitic ore-related host-rock levels are characterized by the presence of kaolinite enrichment in clay levels in amounts directly related to the proportion of the clay minerals. The latter is evidenced by correlation between kaolinite and sulphide contents, suggesting that the installation of kaolinite and mineralisations would result from the same hydrothermal fluid.[Français] Dans les séries sédimentaires carbonatées d’Ali ou Daoud (Haut Atlas Central, les minéralisations à Zn, Pb et Fe en amas stratiformes forment les faciès de remplissage des karsts d’une plateforme carbonatée bajocienne. Le contrôle structural joue un rôle capital dans la localisation du gîte en bordure de plateforme sur des failles synsédimentaires. Dans les niveaux dolomitiques encaissants des minéralisations, les assemblages argileux sont caractérisés par la présence de kaolinite dont la teneur varie parallèlement avec celle du minerai. Ceci suggère que la mise en place de la kaolinite et des minéralisations résulterait du même fluide hydrothermal. [Español] En las series sedimentarias carbonatadas de Ali ou Daoud (Alto Atlas Central, las mineralizaciones de Zn, Pb y Fe aparecen en niveles estratiformes como facies de reemplazamiento de los karsts de una plataforma carbonatada Bajociense. El control estructural desempeña un papel crucial en la localización del yacimiento a lo largo de la plataforma sobre fallas sinsedimentarias. En los niveles dolomíticos que incluyen las mineralizaciones, las asociaciones arcillosas se caracterizan por la presencia de caolinita, cuyo contenido varía paralelamente al de la mineralización. Esto sugiere que la creación de caolinita y de la


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    Rafael Carvalho Pereira

    Full Text Available RESUMO O caso narra a trajetória da startup de educação Descomplica desde a idealização da empresa até o seu crescimento, evidenciando os dilemas organizacionais relacionados às decisões de fazer ou comprar (the make-buy decision em seus processos-chave, com vistas a conciliar um crescimento exponencial de clientes com atenção especial na qualidade dos serviços prestados. A situação narrada acontece entre os anos de 2010 e 2012, tendo o fundador da empresa Marco Fisbhen como o principal personagem deste caso. O referido empreendedor, com a experiência acumulada de 17 anos ministrando aulas em cursinhos pré-vestibulares presenciais, resolveu gravar suas aulas e disponibiliza-las online com foco no Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM, visando dar escala ao serviço prestado, utilizando a internet como principal mecanismo de distribuição. Os desafios enfrentados por Fisbhen e sua organização nascente na obtenção de investimentos também são tratados no caso, analisando os fatores positivos e negativos das opções de aportes financeiros disponíveis para a empresa. Como instrumento de ensino, o caso foi concebido para apoiar reflexões sobre empreendedorismo, gestão de negócios e de inovação em cursos de graduação e pós-graduação, proporcionando a discussão e o julgamento de estudantes sobre as vantagens e desvantagens de cada uma das situações narradas no documento. Como objetivo secundário, o caso oferece aos leitores uma abordagem sobre ferramentas para formatação do negócio, desenvolvimento e validação de ideias, inspiradas nos ensinamentos de Eric Ries e outros autores sobre startups e startups enxutas (lean startups. O caso ainda contempla uma série de informações sobre a educação no cenário brasileiro, destacando a tendência e aumento do crescimento do público-alvo da referida empresa com a unificação do ENEM em 2009.

  10. ACESSIBILIDADE PARA PESSOAS COM DEFICIÊNCIA E/OU MOBILIDADE REDUZIDA: um estudo no Parque Nacional do Iguaçu e Hotel das Cataratas

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    Andrielle Pereira de Oliviera


    Full Text Available A acessibilidade no turismo deve ser pensada em todos os aspectos: atrativos, hospedagem, transporte, entre outros. No Brasil, segundo os últimos dados do IBGE (2010, existem 24,5 milhões de pessoas com deficiência (14,5% da população, e, deste total, 4,3 milhões (2,5% da população possuem limitações severas. Os profissionais, tanto os gestores quanto os estudiosos, devem estar conscientes da demanda existente e potencial que este público representa, e, assim, garantir que o acesso ao lazer seja amplo para todos. De abordagem qualitativa, esta pesquisa de campo faz uma análise quanto à acessibilidade da infraestrutura do Parque Nacional do Iguaçu e do Hotel das Cataratas para pessoas com deficiência e/ou mobilidade reduzida. Como resultado, identificou-se que ainda existem adequações à serem realizadas conforme as leis de acessibilidade vigentes, porém, ambas organizações buscam constantes melhorias para atender as necessidades dos turistas/hóspedes com tal perfil. Palavras-chave: Acessibilidade. Meios de Hospedagem. Deficiência e/ou Mobilidade Reduzida.

  11. A comparative study of Curcuma zedoaria and Zingiber zerumbet ...

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    Jul 12, 2010 ... School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia. ... cultures, shake flask system and temporary immersion system (TIS). ..... Indian J. Pharmacol. 35: 181-182. Somchit MN, Shukriyah MHN, ...

  12. Plant regeneration and ploidy level stability in Carica papaya ...

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    Apr 11, 2013 ... these outcomes, the tissue culture protocol presented here may be considered a successful .... response was strongly influenced by climatic seasonality, .... Indian J. Biotechnol. ... PhD Thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia Publ.

  13. Brand(ed) content ou la stratégie du contenu : cadrage pour l’analyse des nouveaux dispositifs publicitaires


    Guellec, Laurence


    Le brand(ed) content désigne des opérations publicitaires visant à construire un contenu de marque plutôt qu’à mettre en vedette un produit, dans lesquelles la vidéo en ligne est l’élément clef du dispositif, permettant d’associer de façon interactive les consommateurs à la démarche de promotion. Si le franglicisme « brand content » s’est imposé dans le domaine français, les dénominations de « branded content » ou de « brand entertainment » ont essaimé dans la langue internationale de la publ...

  14. Percepção monocular da profundidade ou relevo na ilusão da máscara côncava na esquizofrenia

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    Arthur Alves


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o propósito de investigar a percepção monocular da profundidade ou relevo da máscara côncava por 29 indivíduos saudáveis, sete indivíduos com esquizofrenia sob uso de antipsicótico por um período inferior ou igual a quatro semanas e 29 sob uso de antipsicótico por um período superior a quatro semanas. Os três grupos classificaram o reverso de uma máscara policromada em duas situações de iluminação, por cima e por baixo. Os resultados indicaram que a maioria dos indivíduos com esquizofrenia inverteu a profundidade da máscara côncava na condição de observação monocular e perceberam-na como convexa, sendo, portanto, suscetíveis à ilusão da máscara côncava. Os indivíduos com esquizofrenia sob uso de medicação antipsicótica pelo período superior a quatro semanas estimaram a convexidade da máscara côncava iluminada por cima em menor comprimento comparados aos indivíduos saudáveis.

  15. A força do cinema para a massificação ou para a promoção da diversidade cultural

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    Cecília Leão Oderich


    Full Text Available A imagem influencia a compreensão, o conhecimento, a formação ideológica de indivíduos e grupos. Este trabalho apresenta um ensaio que analisa a força do cinema como arte que pode tanto legitimar padrões em processos de apropriação, padronização e massificação cultural, quanto pode se constituir como um espaço de inclusão, de crítica, de diversidade cultural e diálogo intercultural. São apresentados exemplos de filmes e os desafios dos cinemas nacionais e do cinema independente quando buscam além da hegemonia do visual. A perspectivação sobre diferentes temas, desde questões étnicas, da obesidade, do colonialismo, da escolarização, da “deformidade”, por exemplo, pode ocorrer a partir do cinema de massa ou do cinema independente. A pesquisa sobre cinema pode ajudar na crítica anticolonizadora, no diálogo intercultural e na ampliação da tomada de consciência sobre a importância da arte e do cinema nas forças que conjuminam em modelos e padrões para uma suposta normalidade ou sucesso, na busca por relações menos estereotipadas.

  16. Proporção macho: fêmea de embriões bovinos cultivados na presença ou ausência de glicose após FIV com espermatozóides selecionados por Swim-up ou Gradiente de Percoll

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    Maria Gabriela Tavares Rheingantz


    Full Text Available No sistema de PIV em bovinos, tem sido obtida uma elevada porcentagem de embriões machos. Este experimento foi realizado para determinar se a presença de glicose no meio de cultivo afeta a proporção macho:fêmea (M:F dos embriões bovinos PIV a partir da FIV com espermatozóides preparados pelos métodos do swim-up (S ou do gradiente de Percoll (P. Após a MIV, os COCs foram divididos em dois grupos e inseminados com espermatozóides preparados por um dos métodos. Os zigotos foram cultivados em meio com ou sem 5,56mM de glicose, totalizando 4 tratamentos: S-Gli, S+Gli, P-Gli e P+Gli e 48h após a inseminação, os embriões de cada tratamento foram submetidos à sexagem por PCR (n=845. O efeito da glicose no meio de cultivo sobre a proporção M:F dos embriões PIV a partir dos dois métodos foi semelhante (teste do c², resultando em uma porcentagem de machos menor do que 50% no estágio de 2-C (S: 30,8%; P: 23,8%: P<0,01 e maior do que 50% no estágio de 8-C (S: 79,4%; P: 68,8%: P<0,01. Estas porcentagens foram diferentes (P<0,05 das observadas quando os embriões foram cultivados sem glicose, tanto no estágio de 2-C (S: 48,5%; P: 41,5% como no de 8-C (S: 62,5%; P: 50,8%. A presença de glicose não afetou a proporção M:F no total de embriões produzidos (S: 56,7%; P: 49,0%, que foi semelhante à observada na ausência de glicose (S: 55,7%; P: 46,2%. Portanto, a glicose exacerbou a diferença na velocidade de desenvolvimento entre os embriões machos e fêmeas.

  17. Total petroleum systems of the Trias/Ghadames Province, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya; the Tanezzuft-Oued Mya, Tanezzuft-Melrhir, and Tanezzuft-Ghadames (United States)

    Klett, T.R.


    Undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources were assessed within total petroleum systems of the Trias/Ghadames Province (2054) as part of the U.S. Geological Survey World Petroleum Assessment 2000. The Trias/Ghadames Province is in eastern Algeria, southern Tunisia, and westernmost Libya. The province and its total petroleum systems generally coincide with the Triassic Basin. The province includes the Oued Mya Basin, Melrhir Basin, and Ghadames (Berkine) Basin. Although several total petroleum systems may exist within each of these basins, only three “composite” total petroleum systems were identified. Each total petroleum system occurs in a separate basin, and each comprises a single assessment unit.The main source rocks are the Silurian Tanezzuft Formation (or lateral equivalents) and Middle to Upper Devonian mudstone. Maturation history and the major migration pathways from source to reservoir are unique to each basin. The total petroleum systems were named after the oldest major source rock and the basin in which it resides.The estimated means of the undiscovered conventional petroleum volumes in total petroleum systems of the Trias/Ghadames Province are as follows [MMBO, million barrels of oil; BCFG, billion cubic feet of gas; MMBNGL, million barrels of natural gas liquids]:Tanezzuft-Oued Mya 830 MMBO 2,341 BCFG 110 MMBNGLTanezzuft-Melrhir 1,875 MMBO 4,887 BCFG 269 MMBNGLTanezzuft-Ghadames 4,461 MMBO 12,035 BCFG 908 MMBNGL

  18. Bioconversion of palm kernel meal for aquaculture: Experiences ...

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    Apr 17, 2008 ... es as well as food supplies have existed traditionally with coastal regions of Liberia and ..... Contamination of palm kernel meal with Aspergillus ... Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang 11800, Malaysia. Aquacult. Res.

  19. Research Article Special Issue

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    Apr 18, 2018 ... 1School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. 2SPALAN ... Vehicle mathematical model utilised throughout this paper can be written ... is used to carry microcontroller and driver motor.

  20. Ultrastructural Study of Elaeis guineensis (Oil Palm) Leaf and ...

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    INFORMM), Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800. Minden, Penang, Malaysia. .... the stock culture maintained in the same medium at 4 °C. The test microorganism was .... unavailable, and health facilities inaccessible. CONCLUSION. This study confirms ...

  1. Aurélien Bernier, 2008, Le climat otage de la finance ou comment le marché boursicote avec les droits à polluer, Essai, Mille et une nuits, Paris, 164 p.

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    Béatrice Quenault


    Full Text Available Dans cet essai, au titre provocateur « Le climat otage de la finance ou comment le marché boursicote avec les droits à polluer », l’auteur, Aurélien Bernier, ancien membre d’Attac France et chargé de mission dans le domaine de l’environnement, décrypte le fonctionnement d’un nouveau compartiment de la finance internationale, la « finance carbone » constituée d’un ensemble de marchés où s’échangent les permis d’émission négociables ou les unités de réduction d’émissions, communément appelés « ...

  2. Socialisme ou Barbarie: From Castoriadis’ Project of Individual and Collective Autonomy to the Collaborative Commons

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    Evangelos Papadimitropoulos


    Full Text Available In this article, I examine the content of socialism in the work of Cornelius Castoriadis in its potential relation to the current emergence of collaborative commons. I begin by analysing Castoriadis’ conceptualisation of socialism, as crystallised in the project of individual and collective autonomy, which was initially demonstrated in the journal Socialisme ou Barbarie (1949-1965 and evolved thereafter in his later writings. I continue by briefly presenting some basic points of criticism, after which I explore the potential compatibility of Castoriadis’ political project with the prospect of market socialism, as the latter emerges today in the form of collaborative commons. I argue, in particular, that collaborative commons echo Castoriadis’ conception of socialism in several respects. Finally, I critically develop a series of proposals made by Vasilis Kostakis and Michel Bauwens that could provide fertile ground for further discussion on the prospect of the commons.

  3. Reproductive Pattern Of Some Megachiropteran Bats In Ghana ...

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    saison sèche majeure (mars/avril). Dix sur les 13 espèces des roussettes du Ghana étaient enregistrées dans la zone; l'espèce la plus commune était Epomops franqueti. La plus grande quantité de chauve-souris étaient prises vers la fin de la saison sèche majeure surtout à cause de l' abondance de pépins nourrissants ...

  4. The originality of Descartes' theory about the pineal gland. (United States)

    Lokhorst, G J; Kaitaro, T T


    René Descartes thought that the pineal gland is the part of the body with which the soul is most immediately associated. Several prominent historians (such as Soury, Thorndike and Sherrington) have claimed that this idea was not very original. We re-examine the evidence and conclude that their assessment was wrong. We pay special attention to the thesis about the pineal gland which Jean Cousin defended in January, 1641.

  5. Portable canvas tanks for culture of hybrid catfish (Clarias gariepinus x Clarias macrocephalus) by small-scale farmers in Malaysia


    Yaakob, W.A.A.; Ali, A.B.


    This paper describes the trials made with a simple portable canvas-tarpaulin tank system developed at the University Sains Malaysia for culture of hybrid catfish (Clarias gariepinus x Clarias macrocephalus) by Malaysia small scale farmers.

  6. 4 subunit of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor polymorphisms exhibit ...

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    A.B. Ruzilawati


    Sep 6, 2015 ... a Department of Pharmacology, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains ... c Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia ..... [8] Rozak NI, Ahmad I, Gan SH, Abu Bakar R. Lack of association.

  7. Hong-Ou-Mandel effect in terms of the temporal biphoton wave function with two arrival-time variables (United States)

    Fedorov, M. V.; Sysoeva, A. A.; Vintskevich, S. V.; Grigoriev, D. A.


    The well-known Hong-Ou-Mandel effect is revisited. Two physical reasons are discussed for the effect to be less pronounced or even to disappear: differing polarizations of photons coming to the beamsplitter and delay time of photons in one of two channels. For the latter we use the concepts of biphoton frequency and temporal wave functions depending, correspondingly, on two frequency continuous variables of photons and on two time variables t 1 and t 2 interpreted as the arrival times of photons to the beamsplitter. Explicit expressions are found for the probability densities and total probabilities for photon pairs to be split between two channels after the beamsplitter and to be unsplit, when two photons appear together in one of two channels.

  8. Le choix du périurbain à Québec : nature et biographie résidentielle

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    Andrée Fortin


    Full Text Available À l’heure des changements climatiques et du vieillissement de la population québécoise, nous nous sommes interrogées sur ce qui attire et/ou retient des résidents dans le périurbain, souvent au prix de longs déplacements quotidiens pour le travail ou les emplettes. Comme dans certains secteurs périurbains le prix des résidences est très élevé, le choix résidentiel ne se réduit pas à des considérations d’ordre économique. Nous analysons ici une des composantes essentielles du milieu et qui en fait aux yeux de plusieurs un « milieu sain » : la proximité de la nature. En quoi cela constitue-t-il un attrait pour les résidents ? Est-ce parce qu’il permet un mode de vie associé à des activités de plein air, ou plutôt un milieu « naturel » associé aux grands espaces ? Quel rapport les résidents du périurbain ont-il avec la nature qui les entoure ? Dans le cadre d’une recherche qualitative sur l’étalement urbain, nous avons interrogé 132 résidents de six secteurs périurbains de l’agglomération de Québec (Canada, associés autrefois à la villégiature ou à l’agriculture. Les entretiens semi-dirigés portaient sur le choix résidentiel, les représentations de la ville, de la banlieue, de la campagne et du village, les lieux fréquentés dans l’agglomération et le rapport à l’automobile. Il apparaît que les éléments recherchés dans le milieu de vie par plusieurs répondants sont ceux qu’ils ont connus dans leur enfance, dans des banlieues pavillonnaires de première couronne (c’est-à-dire édifiées dans les années 1950 et 1960 ou des régions rurales, dont ils sont majoritairement issus. C’est ainsi que la biographie personnelle semble influencer le choix résidentiel. Pour vivre près de la nature, ils seraient prêts à s’éloigner davantage de la ville qu’ils caractérisent essentiellement par la pollution et le béton. La dépendance à l’automobile que ce mode de vie entra

  9. Estudo da variação do pH da pele humana exposta à formulação cosmética acrescida ou não das vitaminas A, E ou de ceramida, por metodologia não invasiva Study of pH variation on the skin using cosmetic formulation s with and without vitamins A, E or ceramide: by a non-invasive method

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    Gislaine Ricci Leonardi


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: Os cosméticos hidratantes melhoram a pele, aproximando-a de suas condições ideais, pois aumentam a quantidade de água no estrato córneo. As vitaminas A e E, bem como as ceramidas, são substâncias ativas que vêm sendo muito empregadas em hidratantes, os quais constituem uma das mais importantes classes de produtos cosméticos e de higiene corporal. OBJETIVO: - O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito no pH cutâneo da pele humana de uma emulsão O/A (constituída de base auto-emulsionante não iônica acrescida, ou não, de vitamina A palmitato ou vitamina E acetato ou ceramida III, por metodologia não invasiva MÉTODOS:O estudo foi realizado em 40 mulheres com idade entre 30 e 45 anos, empregando-se o equipamento Skin Phmeter PH 900 PC. As medidas foram efetuadas no antebraço das voluntárias nos tempos de sete e 30 dias após auto-aplicação diária (duas vezes ao dia, dos produtos envolvidos no estudo RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: A presença das vitaminas A ou E, ou da ceramida não alterou de maneira significativa o pH da pele, o que mostra que as formulações estudadas são adequadas para o uso cosmético.BACKGROUND: Moisturizers are believed to improve the skin's condition by increasing the water content of the stratum corneum. Vitamins A and E and ceramides have been widely used in cosmetic moisturizing products, and these are one of the most important cosmetic and body care products. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects on the pH of human skin of an O/W emulsion (non ionic self-emulsifying base with and without vitamin A palmitate, or vitamin E acetate, or ceramide III, using a non-invasive method. METHOD: The investigations were carried out on a group of 40 healthy female test subjects aged between 30 and 45 years old, using the Skin pH meter PH 900 PC. The measurements were performed on the forearm of volunteers at 7 and 30 days after daily use (twice a day of the products used in

  10. Desertification Assessment Using MEDALUS Model in Watershed Oued El Maleh, Morocco

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    Hicham Lahlaoi


    Full Text Available Along with being a dynamic process that affects large areas, desertification is also one of the most serious problems in many countries. The effects of this phenomenon threaten the sustainability of natural resources, namely water resources, agricultural production and major basic infrastructure, specifically roads and habitations. Several factors exacerbate this phenomenon such as the climate dryness, the geological and morphological characteristics of the terrain, the irrational use of space, population growth and the over-exploitation of vegetation and water resources. This work aims to evaluate the desertification index in the Oued-El-Maleh watershed, through the integration of key factors involved in the MEDALUS model (Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use within a GIS. The model includes among its indexes: climate, vegetation, soil and management. Each index was obtained by the combination of sub-indexes. All the factors, measured and integrated into a geographic information system, enabled us to spatialize, on a synthetic map, the degree of the desertification effect throughout the watershed. This map is a managing tool available for decision-making regarding the selection of priority areas in the fight against desertification. High sensitivity to desertification class represents only 35% of the watershed. This class is concentrated in the north of the study area that corresponds to plains and low altitude. This could be explained by the dominance of agro-pastoral activity and the presence of a big population pressure.

  11. Water resources between conditions of quality and quantity in the Oued Souf region! (United States)

    Miloudi, Abdelmonem; Remini, Bouallem


    Waters from the Terminal complex (TC) in the Souf region have been gushing since Spring1956 through the first drilling carried out in the municipality of Guemmar (El-Oued) to ensure the need for drinking water requirements. Water needs of the habitat and farmers are increasing with the population growth in the Souf region; there are 153 boreholes in the Terminal complex for Habitat needs, of which more than 80% are available for drinking water supply. These needs are causing negative consequences for the serene life of the Souafa by the phenomenon of water upwellings, the free water table, and the change in the quality of the waters from the Terminal complex. Our work will be conducted to produce a piezometric map of the Souf Terminal complex and to conduct a study on the quality of water resources in the Algerian south-east, leading to a diagnosis of pollution and its impact on the water. The quality of water resources is examined by the establishment of sampling and water analysis campaigns for both irrigation and public consumption, following the static measurement of water levels in the network boreholes of TC Monitoring.

  12. Molecular Characterization of Glucose-6-Phosphate ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pharmacotherapy Group, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin City, ... United Arab Emirates (UAE), 3School of Pharmacy, Pharmacology Department, University Sains Malaysia ... International Pharmaceutical Abstract, Chemical Abstracts, Embase, Index ..... dehydrogenase deficiency in a student population.

  13. The level of knowledge and radiation safety practice amongst cardiovascular technology, medical assistant, nursing and diagnostic radiography students and dose monitoring in radiography laboratory of Kolej Islam Sains dan Teknologi, Kelantan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ainul Fadhlin Othman; Amran Abdul Majid


    Full-text: This study investigated the knowledge level and practices regarding radiation safety among the cardiovascular technology, medical assistant nursing and radiography diagnostic students of Kolej Islam Sains dan Teknologi (KIST). The objectives of this study are to monitor the dose rate at radiography lab and to propose the guideline on radiation safety topics to improve the syllabus. 274 respondents including 30 psychology students acting as the control group were asked to answer questions from the questionnaires which cover the topics of basic knowledge of radiation and radiation safety practice. There was a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the correct answers and courses for 18 questions except for the question 4. There was a significant different (p < 0.05) between the correct answers and year of study for the questions 4, 5, 7, 12 to 15 and 18 to 20. There was a significance different (p < 0.05) between the correct answers and gender for questions 7, 11 and 19. For area dose monitoring in the radiography diagnostic lab, the assessment report on film batches of 4 walls in the lab were recorded and Victoreen451-RYR survey meter was used to monitor the dose rate for 7 selected areas with the exposure factors set for the chest, abdomen, upper extremity, lower extremity and skull radiography examinations. The dose rates at area 1 to 4, area 5 during the examination of chest, abdomen and skull, area 6 during the examination of abdomen and area 7 during the examination of abdomen, had exceeded the dose limit for radiation worker. The dose rate at the area 1 and 4 are slightly higher than the other areas. The contributing factors are the distance, tube potential, collimation and X-ray tube angulation. This study had shown that the cardiovascular technology and diagnostic radiography students have better knowledge and radiation safety practice level than the medical assistant and nursing students. In general, the level of knowledge and radiation safety

  14. Revitalização de brownfields : da aplicação do princípio da função socioambiental da propriedade ao gerenciamento de áreas contaminadas ou suspeitas de contaminação


    Mattei, Juliana Flávia


    Como efeito negativo da sociedade marcada pelo desenvolvimento industrial a qualquer preço, especialmente decorrente do revés processo histórico de desativação de indústrias, surgiram no espaço urbano extensas áreas abandonadas suspeitas ou efetivamente contaminadas. Estas áreas são denominadas brownfields, e podem ser encontradas em praticamente todos os países industrializados ou em processo intenso de industrialização, em qualquer dos Continentes. Mostra-se relevante perceber a situação at...

  15. Fermentação da proteína de seis alimentos por microrganismos ruminais, incubados puros ou com monensina ou rumensin® Protein fermentation of six food souces by ruminal microorganisms, incubated alone or with monensin or rumensin®

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    Natália Guarino Souza Barbosa


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os efeitos da fermentação in vitro de seis alimentos: fubá de milho (FM, farelo de soja (FS, farelo de trigo (FT, sorgo (SO, glúten de milho (GM e uréia (UR, incubados puros ou com o antibiótico monensina, esse na forma pura para análise (Monensina ou comercial (Rumensin®. O experimento constituiu-se de 18 unidades experimentais [três alimentos energéticos ou protéicos × três tratamentos (controle, monensina ou rumensin × duas repetições], em que foram analisados os parâmetros ruminais: pH, produção de amônia (NH3, proteína bacteriana (PM, proteína solúvel (PS e degradabilidade da proteína. As incubações foram feitas por 96 horas, em que as amostras foram coletadas às zero, 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas de fermentação. A leitura do pH foi realizada por um potenciômetro, enquanto as análises de amônia, proteínas microbiana e solúvel foram analisadas por técnicas colorimétricas. Não houve variações significativas no pH ao longo das incubações (6,94 inicial e 7,03 final. Não houve diferença entre as duas fontes de ionóforo testadas, contudo houve efeitos de interação entre antibiótico e alimento. A maior produção de NH3 nos alimentos protéicos foi encontrada para a UR, seguida do FS e GM, sendo reduzida na presença do ionóforo. A PS foi semelhante para os alimentos protéicos, aumentada pelo uso do ionóforo, exceto para a uréia. A PM decresceu para a UR e o FS, porém aumentou para o GM, sem ocorrer efeito de ionóforo. Nos alimentos energéticos a PM foi semelhante para os três alimentos e os ionóforos apenas reduziram a PM do SO. A maior produção de NH3 nos alimentos energéticos, foi encontrada para o FT, seguida do FM e SO. A PS foi semelhante para os alimentos energéticos. Houve correlações significativas das concentrações de NH3 com o pH final e %PB dos alimentos.The in vitro fermentation of the following food sources were evaluated: corn meal (CM, soybean meal (SM, wheat


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    Fernando Oliveira de Araujo

    Full Text Available RESUMO O presente estudo está situado na Rocinha, a maior favela da América Latina. Durante os primeiros anos da década de 2000, nessa tradicional comunidade carioca, além dos problemas de ordem social e econômica – como trafico de drogas, violência urbana e saneamento básico – seus moradores não eram assistidos com serviços públicos básicos como a entregade correspondências pelos Correios, tanto pela violência, quanto em virtude da ausência de padronização de endereços em suas ruas e vielas. Nesse contexto, três empreendedores observam uma oportunidade e deixam seus empregos para criarem o Grupo Carteiro Amigo (GCA, uma iniciativa que transformou a realidade da comunidade. O artigo apresenta um breve histórico da empresa e, em especial, aborda o dilema do crescimento organizacional, refletindo sobre os desafios e oportunidades de aumentar a base de clientes na Rocinha ou de franquear o negócio para outras favelas do Rio de Janeiro e do Brasil.

  17. Influência do uso do forno de microondas ou convencional na síntese de ZrO2 Influence of the use of microwave oven or conventional furnace on the synthesis of ZrO2

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    V. dos Santos


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever a síntese de óxido de zircônio, variando as condições de síntese com o uso de forno convencional (FC ou forno de microondas (FM, através do método Pechini. As características estruturais dos óxidos sintetizados foram determinadas por difração de raios X, infravermelho e análises térmicas. As propriedades morfológicas foram determinadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura com emissão de campo e por isotermas de adsorção/desorção. O uso de FM ou FC, ou o uso de ambos para um mesmo óxido (FM + FC ou FC + FM apresentaram uma grande influência sobre o grau de cristalinidade dos materiais sintetizados.The present work deals with the synthesis of zirconium oxide under varying conditions of synthesis using conventional furnace (CF or microwave oven (MO, by the Pechini method. This study was carried out with the primary aim of studying the possible influence of the above parameters as synthesis variables on the structural and morphologic properties of ZrO2. The structural characteristics of the synthesized oxides were determined by X-ray diffractio, infrared and thermal analysis. The morphologic properties were determined by FEG-SEM and isothermal gas adsorption/desorption. The use of MO or CF, or both for the same oxide (MO+CF or CF+MO has great influence on the degree of crystallinity of the synthesized materials.

  18. Por uma universidade para o mercado ou para todos: democracia e emancipação

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    Edite Maria Sudbrack


    Full Text Available A temática abordada neste ensaio exige posicionamento das Políticas Educacionais no sentido de superação do atraso histórico das oportunidades de acesso, permanência e qualidade do Ensino Superior no país, na perspectiva de sua democratização. O texto é de caráter teórico, de natureza bibliográfica e qualitativa. O artigo discute os apelos da globalização neoliberal que transforma o conhecimento em mercadoria, impactando no processo de exclusão, sob as determinações originárias dos organismos multilaterais, os quais produzem a transnacionalização das Políticas Educacionais. No horizonte da utopia, reside a luta para que a educação, a cultura, a ciência e o conhecimento sejam tratados como bens a serem solidariamente compartilhados, ou seja como bens públicos, rumo à ampliação das oportunidades.

  19. Far East Asia | Page 35 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    alimentation plus saine en Asie du Sud-Est. Language French. Read more about Reducing Vulnerability to the Threat of Japanese Encephalitis in Nepal. Language English. Read more about Citizen-centric Delivery of Justice: An Agenda for ...

  20. In situ evaluation of the fruit and oil characteristics of the main Lebanese olive germplasm. (United States)

    Chehade, Ali; Bitar, Ahmad El; Kadri, Aline; Choueiri, Elia; Nabbout, Rania; Youssef, Hiyam; Smeha, Maha; Awada, Ali; Chami, Ziad Al; Dubla, Eustachio; Trani, Antonio; Mondelli, Donato; Famiani, Franco


    Very little information is available on the characteristics of the Lebanese olive germplasm. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate the fruit and oil characteristics of the main Lebanese olive varieties (Aayrouni, Abou chawkeh, Baladi, Del and Soury) from two successive crop seasons (2010-2011). All of the genotypes had medium-high oil content in the fruit, indicating their suitability for oil production; Aayrouni had particularly high values. The variety Abou chawkeh also had a high pulp/pit ratio, which is a very desirable trait in table olives. For all the varieties the values of free fatty acids, peroxide values, absorbances in ultraviolet, fatty acid composition, sterol content and composition and erythrodiol + uvaol content of the oils were within the requirements of the International Olive Council's Trade Standard for extra virgin olive oil. The only exception was for the values of Δ-7-stigmastenol in 2011 in Soury and, especially, in Baladi, which were higher than 0.5%. In some cases, stearic and arachidic acids fluctuated around the maximum values allowed. The findings of this study provide a first picture of the main characteristics of olives and oils currently produced in Lebanon. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry.

  1. Sentidos da violência ou a violência sem sentido: o olhar dos adolescentes sobre a mídia




    Trata-se de estudo qualitativo que investiga os sentidos atribuídos pelos adolescentes à violência na mídia, especialmente na televisão, e as formas como esse grupo interage com o meio. Busca-se aprofundar a compreensão sobre como o fenômeno de violência, mediado pela televisão, é interpretado e incorporado ou não pelos adolescentes em seu cotidiano. Foi utilizada a técnica de grupos focais com alunos das sétimas e oitavas séries do ensino fundamental do município de São Gonçalo/RJ, em duas e...

  2. « Agents » ou « patients » ? Agents or patients ? On the agency of the Yucuna shamans of Colombian Amazonia

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    Laurent Fontaine


    Full Text Available La notion d’agentivité est extrêmement intéressante d’un point de vue ethnographique dès lors qu’elle interroge nos observations sur les lois et les moyens reconnus par les indigènes pour concevoir les influences exercées entre agents et patients. Après avoir proposé une définition formelle suffisamment large de l’agentivité, on cherchera à préciser notre propos, en étudiant les paroles des chamanes yucuna qui recèlent des particularités éclairantes sur les effets à l’œuvre entre agents et patients. Il apparaît que, dans le chamanisme yucuna, rien n’est jamais définitivement agent ou patient, tout pouvoir se manifeste alternativement par des phases « actives », « réactives » ou « réceptives » qui dépendent toujours de conditions spécifiques, pouvant parfois être suscitées ou évitées au moyen de rituels appropriés.From an ethnographic perspective, the notion of agency is extremely interesting, since it challenges our observations on the laws and means indigenous people recognise for conceiving the influences exerted between agents and patients. After proposing a sufficiently broad formal definition of agency, we will attempt to clarify our stated view by examining Yucuna shaman speech, which reveals some illuminating particularities of the effects in operation between agents and patients. It appears that in Yucuna shamanism, nothing is ever definitely an agent or a patient; all power is manifested alternatively through “active”, “reactive” or “receptive” phases that always depend upon specific conditions, which can sometimes be solicited or avoided by means of appropriate rituals.


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    Diana Effendi


    Full Text Available Tunarungu, samahalnya dengan difabel yang lain yang merupakan warganegara Indonesia berhak memperoleh pendidikan. Seperti diketahui Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK membutuhkan perhatian lebih untuk meningkatkan fokus terhadap proses belajar. Saat ini dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di objek penelitian yaitu SDLB Bagian (B Cidendo Bandung dilakukan secara konvensional, dimana guru menjelaskan materi pelajaran menggunakan buku sebagai alat bantu dalam pengajaran. Keterbatasan media alat bantu yang tepat untuk mengajaranak tuna rungu menjadi masalah bagi para guru untuk mampu menjelaskan materi pelajaran yang dibebankan kepada siswa. Terutama pada mata pelajaran IPA/Sains yang cukup komplek, contohnya materi sistem pernapasan pada manusia dan hewan sangat membutuhkan bantuan alat yang lebih ke arah visual. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, dalam penelitian ini dibuatlah rancangan program aplikasi alat bantu pembelajaran IPA/Sains untuk SDLB bagian B khususnya materi sistem pernapasan manusia dan hewan menggunakan metode penelitian Research Development, metode pendekatan berbasis objek (object-oriented approach, dengan alat bantu perancangan menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML yaitu Use Case, Sequence Diagram, Class Diagram.Sedangkan model pengembangan sistem menggunakan prototype. Rancangan tersebut meliputi rancangan proses, rancangan user interface program aplikasi yang disesuaikan dengan aplikasi berbasis multimedia. Berdasarkan rancangan tersebut, nantinya diharapkan dapat diimplementasikan menggunakan software Adobe Flash Cs3 Proffesional yang berbasiskan multimedia, dimana dengan multimedia memungkinkan suatu materi yang tidak dapat disampaikan secara verbal atau kejadian, dapat direkayasa sedemikian rupa sehingga bisa disajikan dengan terperinci dan sangat menarik bagi siswa. Kata kunci: anak berkebutuhan khusus (ABK, tunarungu, IPA/sains, sistem pernapasan manusia dan hewan.



    Fernandes, Ricardo Jorge Lopes; Fernandes, Rui Jorge Gama


    Nos últimos anos, no quadro da nova economia e da emergência de novas tecnologias, temos assistido a um crescimento assinalável da pertinência das questões da gestão da sustentabilidade dos territórios nas suas múltiplas dimensões, implementando-se novas formas de pensar a cidade, acrescentando a dimensão digital e/ou inteligente na valorização do conhecimento e na utilização de tecnologias de informação e comunicação, vistas como pilares e estratégias fulcrais de desenvolvimento. Porém, algu...

  5. Tiina Tammetalu vahemerelised akvarellid / tekst ja akvarellid Tiina Tammetalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammetalu, Tiina, 1961-


    Akvarellid "Sain Jean Cap Ferrat", "Viinamarjaväli. Minu kodus, tugitooli kohal", "Paradiisiaed. Villa et Jardins Eprussi de Rothscild", "Belle Air. 700 meetri kõrgusel õhus", "Kaatriga Saint Tropez`i", "Õnnistatud maa. Caesarea, Akko, Haifa" autori kommentaaridega

  6. A tarefa dos intelectuais diante da realidade social: denúncia ou combate?

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    Mario Borges Netto


    Full Text Available O presente texto tem como proposta responder ao seguinte questionamento: qual a função do intelectual, denúncia ou combate? O que nos diz Florestan Fernandes sobre o papel do intelectual? Para correspondermos ao objetivo do texto, debatemos sobre as tarefas dos intelectuais no processo de transformação e democratização da sociedade brasileira, a partir dos escritos de Florestan Fernandes. Foi possível perceber que Florestan Fernandes segue uma tradição teórico-política de esquerda que defende a unidade entre ciência (teoria e política (prática. Disso compreende-se que Florestan Fernandes considera que tanto a denúncia quanto o combate são tarefas complementares inerentes à conduta do intelectual, porém, fica evidente o peso atribuído por ele à iniciativa prática da luta política, ao combate. Para melhor apresentarmos a nossa análise e os resultados construídos pelo nosso estudo, organizamos o texto da seguinte forma: 1 apresentamos o debate sobre os intelectuais nos escritos de Karl Marx e Antonio Gramsci; 2 analisamos o papel do intelectual no processo de transformação social nos escritos de Florestan Fernandes; por fim, tecemos nossas conclusões.

  7. Experimentos em bovinos com as favas de Enterolobium contortisiliquum e E. timbouva para verificar propriedades fotossensibilizantes e/ou abortivas Experiments in cattle with the pods of Enterolobium contortisiliquum e E. timbouva to determine photosensitive and abortive properties


    Carlos Hubinger Tokarnia; Jürgen Döbereiner; Iveraldo S. Dutra; Ilson S. Brito; Bionô R. Chagas; Ticiana N. França; Luis A.G. Brust


    Em função de históricos obtidos, no presente estudo tentou-se reproduzir, em bovinos, fotossensibilização e/ou aborto com as favas de Enterolobium spp (Leg. Mimosoi-deae). As favas de E. contortisiliquum e E. timbouva ("tamboril" ou "timbaúba"), de diversas procedências, inclusive as colhidas durante dois surtos de intoxicação caracterizados por fotossensiblilização e aborto, foram administradas em doses únicas e repetidas, a bovinos jovens e a vacas em gestação. Em todos os experimentos real...

  8. 2313-IJBCS-Article-Mina Moussaid

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    exprimée en mg/kg de poids corporel. L'administration du produit est réalisée par gavage à l'aide d'une sonde rigide à bout olivaire (Bruneton, 2009). Pour ce test, des lots de souris reçoivent per os des doses croissantes du produit à tester. .... capillaires et une activité importante anti- œdémateuse, et en fin les hétérosides.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Le régime alimentaire des chauves-souris paillées, Eidolon helvum (Kerr, 1792) de la commune du Plateau à Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire a été étudié d'août 2007 à juillet 2008, en vue de connaître sa composition et de déterminer la préférence alimentaire de ces animaux, ainsi que les variations saisonnières. Les résultats.

  10. Getting Back to the Basics (United States)


    survival in the eld. 330th Transportation Battalion Soldiers are confronted Feb. 24, 2015, with a simulated angry mob , played by opposing force...330th Transporta- tion Battalion. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Morris College, master’s degrees from the University of Oklaho- ma, Old...Dominion University , and Troy University , and a doctorate degree in education from the University of Mis- souri at Kansas City. He is a graduate of the

  11. A Cultural Resource Inventory of the Right Bank of Lake Oahe in Morton and Sioux Counties, North Dakota. (United States)


    of field mice (Peromscus sp.), whfte- tailed jackrabbits, (Lepus townsendii), cottontail rabbits (S lvila2us floridanus), weasels uiitela frenata...expeditions to locate the western sea did not detract from their importance to the Montreal-based fur trade, which would monopolize the Assiniboine-Souris...Surgeon General’s Office 1875 A Report on the Hygiene of the United States Army with SFe:ripttif osirillar - S. overnment-7rint-ng Mice , Washin-on

  12. 2500-IJBCS-Article-Dr Neya Bouma James

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    DANIDA) et l'Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OAPI) pour leurs soutiens financiers. RESUME. Un champ ensemencé avec des ...... interne et externe par l'adoption de mesures comme l'utilisation de semences saines, le.

  13. Collaborative Learning through Teletutorials. (United States)

    Idrus, Rozhan


    Describes the use of audiographic teleconferencing for distance education courses for adult higher education at the Universiti Sains Malaysia. Telecommunications is discussed, and a collaborative learning strategy is explained that emphasizes the student-teacher relationship. (Contains 18 references.) (LRW)

  14. Estilos motivacionais de professores: preferência por controle ou por autonomia

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    Amélia Carolina Terra Alves Machado

    Full Text Available A motivação é fundamental para o envolvimento dos estudantes na escola. Para a teoria da autodeterminação, o estilo motivacional do professor, que pode controlar ou promover a autonomia, contribui para fomentar a ocorrência de tipos qualitativamente diferenciados de motivação. Neste estudo, de natureza exploratória, foram analisadas as interações entre dois professores e seus alunos. A amostra foi composta de acordo com o desempenho de 39 professores na avaliação do estilo motivacional, mediante a aplicação de um instrumento de autorrelato, problemas na escola. Desse total, dois professores, um com estilo motivacional promotor de autonomia e outro com uma orientação para o controle, tiveram suas aulas observadas em sete sessões, com o objetivo de levantar dados para a elaboração de um protocolo que continha categorias de interações. Foram então realizadas outras sete sessões de observação. Os resultados indicaram que, apesar de terem sido encontradas diferenças entre os desempenhos na avaliação do estilo motivacional, os professores interagiram com seus alunos de modo preferencialmente controlador. No entanto, o professor que promovia a autonomia interagiu de modo menos controlador no gerenciamento do tempo destinado para a realização das atividades em classe quando comparado ao professor controlador, além de oferecer feedback informativo. As implicações educacionais dos resultados são analisadas.

  15. 10th International Seminar on Medical Physics and 1st AMDI International Oncology Symposium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Preface The International Seminar on Medical Physics (ISMP) 2016 is a national medical physics conference organised every two years by the Malaysian Association of Medical Physics (MAMP). Previously the biennial conference is known as the National Seminar on Medical Physics (NSMP). The conference was held on 27 and 28 August 2016 in Bayview Batu Ferringhi Hotel, Penang, Malaysia in conjunction with an Oncology Symposium (IOS) organised by Advanced Medical and Dental Institute of Universiti Sains Malaysia. The conference was renamed the International Seminar on Medical Physics (ISMP) on the 10th anniversary to recognise the diversity of the nationality of the conference speakers and attendees in the 8th (2012) and 9th (2014) conference. The change is also to encourage more international participants especially from the neighbouring countries of Malaysia and beyond to come together in “Fostering Medical Physics Research and Clinical Practice for Better Healthcare” in this region. About 300 participants from universities and hospitals participated in the conference. 28 oral contributions and 22 posters were presented at the conference. We also had a few invited lectures by international experts. The conference was divided into two main themes, imaging physics and radiotherapy physics. The topics presented were radiation dosimetry, image quality, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear medicine, quality assurance, particle therapy, image guided radiotherapy, brachytherapy and Monte Carlo simulation and modelling. The IOS held in parallel covered topics in clinical oncology, cancer imaging and cancer biology. 41 papers are included in the volume organised into three main themes, i.e., imaging physics (ISMP), radiotherapy physics (ISMP) and oncology (IOS). All papers published in this volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the proceedings Editor. Each paper was peer-reviewed by two reviewers from the

  16. “barbari noi / chiama la vostra europa”. il personaggio esotico quale ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ... Jüngere, l'opéra comique di Claude Godard d'Aucourt de Sain-Juste per François ... un fraintendimento di tipo anticheggiante e probabilmente come tale venne sentito .... benedizione della morente che invita in extremis il padre adottivo ad.

  17. The DISAM Journal of International Security Assistance Management. Volume 24, Number 2, Winter 2001-2002 (United States)


    Regulations. In defense trade, offsets include mandatory co-production, licensed production, subcontractor production, technology transfer, countertrade ...investment or countertrade ’ (“Offsets In Defense Trade”, DISAM Journal, 20:2, p. 67). Kremer and Sain agree with these categories of offsets (Kremer

  18. Production of fructosyltransferase by Penicillium simplicissimum in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 12, 2014 ... African Journal of Biotechnology. Full Length Research Paper. Production of fructosyltransferase by Penicillium simplicissimum in batch culture. Mashitah, M. D* and Hatijah, S. M. School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang,. Malaysia.

  19. Download this PDF file

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    2Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt, 3X-ray. Crystallography Unit, School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang 11800, Malaysia, 4Medicinal and Pharmaceutical. Chemistry Department, Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research Division, ...

  20. Uso e Percepção de Licitude de Práticas Ilegais ou Antiéticas de Sobrevivência de Micro e Pequenas Empresas

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    Sérgio Henrique Arruda Cavalcante Forte


    Full Text Available Segundo o Sebrae (2013, a taxa de sobrevivência das Micro e Pequenas Empresas (MPE no Brasil vem melhorando, com sobrevivência de 75,6% nos primeiros dois anos de vida. Das sobreviventes, muitas enfrentam dificuldades no mercado, tendo que por vezes optar para o uso de práticas ilícitas ou antiéticas e ainda não se considerando “fora da lei”. Nesse contexto, o objetivo geral é relacionar o uso das práticas ilegais ou antiéticas utilizadas pelas MPE para sobreviverem com a percepção de ilicitude dessas práticas. Esta pesquisa é do tipo descritiva e quantitativa. Após levantamento bibliográfico e pesquisa exploratória com 17 MPE foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo com 102 MPE, com a aplicação de um questionário com 33 variáveis de práticas ilegais ou antiéticas, onde as práticas deveriam ser avaliadas pelo respondente com base no comportamento observado de seus concorrentes, por meio de uma escala Likert, de cinco pontos. Pode-se concluir que todas as práticas investigadas estão sendo utilizadas em algum grau pelos empreendedores, cabendo destacar que para apenas quatro das 33 práticas a percepção de ilicitude se apresentou menor que a de licitude, evidenciando que a maioria (29 de 33 práticas vem sendo utilizada mesmo tendo-se a consciência de que são ilícitas. Pode-se concluir também que das nove práticas destacadas, cinco delas referem-se à evasão fiscal. Percebeu-se que as práticas que ferem diretamente o interesse do consumidor não são vistas como “ilícitas” pelos empreendedores.

  1. "FAMÍLIAS DA PRECISÃO” NO MUNICÍPIO DE ARIQUEMES – RONDÔNIA: Assédio existencial ou estratégia de sobrevivência da economia familiar?

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    Cláudia Ribeiro Pereira Nunes


    Full Text Available No Estado de Rondônia, assim como em várias outras regiões do Brasil, os contrastes sociais revelam que há um constante processo de "des"construção social da cidadania, pautado na desigualdade econômica, social e cultural, bem como no flagrante desrespeito à dignidade da pessoa humana. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é investigar as condições socioeconômicas de famílias monoparentais rurais chefiadas por mulheres de 18 a 25 anos, com no mínimo 3 filhos, expulsas da terra por motivos aleatórios e que se submetem às condições degradantes de trabalho nas cidades. Os objetivos específicos são: (i entender os motivos que levam essas famílias brasileiras se sujeitarem a viver em circunstâncias precárias nos centros urbanos, apesar das campanhas de conscientização que circulam em mídias audiovisuais; e (ii.a verificar se há uma lógica e/ou uma estratégia de sobrevivência e/ou complementação de renda para essas famílias com essa subserviência; e/ou (ii.b se tal processo decorre de uma imposição social denominada "assédio existencial". Este trabalho se justifica pela necessidade de compreender a luta por reconhecimento a partir da organização e da afirmação de seus saberes e de fazeres no seio desse grupo identitário destoante do perfil de famílias "normais". O campo da amostra foi delimitando ao município de Ariquemes - microrregião do Leste Rondoniense.

  2. Contribution to the dosimetry of tritium in the presence of inactive or active gases; Contribution a la dosimetrie du tritium en presence de gaz inactifs ou actifs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soudain, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Tritium is a dangerous gas for man and the maximum admissible doses in the atmosphere are sufficiently low for the dosage to be fairly difficult. We have developed an apparatus for measuring selectively the contamination of air by this gas when it is alone or when it is associated with other gaseous contaminants. The differential apparatus using two ionization chambers makes it possible to eliminate a parasitic {gamma} radiation field. In a few particular cases, the presence of the radio-active gas has been studied. From the practical point of view, the use of these chambers made of stainless steel makes for easier use since the problems connected with wall adsorption have been satisfactorily resolved. The method can be applied without restriction and very easily to the dosage of traces tritium in air or in the form of tritiated water or tritiated steam in the atmosphere. (author) [French] Le tritium est un gaz dangereux pour l'homme et les concentrations maximales admissibles dans l'atmosphere sont suffisamment basses pour que le dosage soit delicat. Nous avons etudie et realise un appareil qui permet de mesurer selectivement la contamination de l'air par ce gaz lorsqu'il est seul ou lorsqu'il est associe a d'autres agents gazeux contaminants. Le montage differentiel a deux chambres d'ionisation permet d'eliminer un champ de rayonnement {beta} parasite. Dans certains cas particuliers, la presence du gaz radioactif a ete etudiee. Sur le plan pratique, l'utilisation des chambres en acier inoxydable facilite les applications car les problemes d'adsorption aux parois ont ete bien resolus. La methode peut s'appliquer sans restriction et tres pratiquement au dosage des traces de tritium dans l'air ou encore sous forme d'eau tritiee ou de vapeur d'eau tritiee dans l'atmosphere. (auteur)

  3. Le don en anamorphose ou la réécriture du monde. Configurations et enjeux de l’hospitalité dans le récit médiéval (XIIe-XIIIe siècles

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    Carlos Fonseca Clamote Carreto


    Full Text Available  « A la limite, le don comme don devrait ne pas apparaître comme don ni au donataire, ni au donateur […]. En ce sens, le don est l’impossible. Non pas impossible, mais la figure même de l’impossible. » J. Derrida, Donner le temps.« Biaz sire, fet il, bien vaingniez.Se o moi herbergiez daingniez,Vez l’ostel aparelliés »Chrétien de Troyes, Érec et Énide.Arthur ou la largesse infinieÀ une époque où, de Jean de Salisbury à Brunetto Latini, en passant par Jacques de Vitry ou Guillaume Le Clerc de ...

  4. Le community manager ou animateur de communauté Web : quel nouvel acteur de la formation à distance ?


    Savarieau, Béatrice; Guégan, Julie


    La recherche présentée s’est déroulée au sein de la Commission européenne (organe exécutif de l’Union européenne employant 33 000 agents) au cours de l’année 2016. Elle questionne le rôle du community manager, ou animateur de communautés, dans la médiation des savoirs. L’objectif est de définir les contours de ses interventions et de ses apports dans la formation (dispositifs pédagogiques qui visent notamment à renforcer l’efficacité de l’apprentissage et son lien avec le poste de travail), p...

  5. Suplementos vitamínicos e/ou minerais: regulamentação, consumo e implicações à saúde


    Abe-Matsumoto, Lucile Tiemi; Sampaio, Geni Rodrigues; Bastos, Deborah H. M.


    Em decorrência das mudanças no padrão alimentar da população, a suplementação da dieta com micronutrientes é prática comum. A preocupação com a saúde e a facilidade de comercialização dos suplementos vitamínicos e/ou minerais, aliadas ao forte apelo publicitário, têm estimulado a população ao consumo indiscriminado desses produtos, o que pode acarretar riscos à saúde. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a legislação relativa ao cenário do consumo e segurança do uso de suplementos vitamín...

  6. Heideggerianismo de esquerda ou marxismo fenomenológico?Reconsiderando a teoria crítica da tecnologia de Herbert Marcuse

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    John Abromeit

    Full Text Available Diferentemente de interpretações recentes sobre a teoria marcuseana da tecnologia, elogiosas ou críticas, que identificam nela uma forte e contínua influência de Heidegger, pretendo mostrar, no presente artigo, que Marcuse toma de empréstimo elementos importantes da fenomenologia de Heidegger e, mais ainda, de Husserl, mas que essses elementos são apropriados dentro de uma abordagem teórica geral marxista. Dessa maneira, enfatizam-se os fatores sociais e históricos como os determinantes últimos da tecnologia e da racionalidade tecnológica. Com isso, o presente artigo procura esclarecer a relação entre o marxismo e a fenomenologia na obra tardia de Marcuse.


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    Lisete Barlach


    Full Text Available A atitude empreendedora é um elemento fundamental da carreira, manifestado tanto na criação de novas empresas e negócios quanto na atuação profissional intra-empreendedora pela criação, ou contribuição aos projetos internos das empresas. O presente artigo analisa e discute questões próprias da atitude empreendedora na dinâmica e mudança das carreiras. A paixão e desejo de autonomia energizam a busca de novos empreendimentos que alicerçam o início da mudança na carreira. Em função da demanda cada vez maior por profissionais com perfil empreendedor e da ambidestria organizacional, a principal discussão deste artigo alerta para outros elementos implicados na dinâmica das carreiras, tais como a adaptação das identidades, pela interface com novos círculos sociais e o desenvolvimento de novas habilidades e conhecimentos devido ao cuidado com novos problemas. Nessas mudanças estão os maiores desafios que dão ao empreendedorismo a necessária fertilidade para alimentar as carreiras.

  8. O estado em que o sujeito encontra-se diante das perdas ou desinvestimentos objetais: uma leitura em Freud, Karl Abraham e Ferenczi


    Pereira, Wládia Guimarães


    As afecções clínicas contemporâneas nos levam a investigar as novas formas de sofrimento psíquico, ou seja, as versões que o sujeito da atualidade utiliza para evidenciar o seu mal-estar. Para tanto, tomando como base a relação entre sujeito e objeto, propostas pela psicanálise, esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar como se estabelecem as perdas objetais em nossos dias. Assim apresentamos três tempos subjetivos: a perda, o luto e a melancolia. A perda como um momento em ...

  9. Penser la sollicitude : les Écrits politiques d'Olympe de Gouges ou les Lumières en héritage (1788-1791)


    Sinquin, Claire


    Le Siècle des Lumières a produit un grand nombre de bouleversements, non seulement dans le domaine politique, mais aussi les domaines économiques et sociaux. C’est dans ce contexte qu’Olympe de Gouges marque l’histoire. Par le biais de lettres, brochures, articles ou encore affiches placardées, Olympe de Gouges a cherché à influencer non seulement les institutions mais aussi l’opinion publique. En commençant par la dramaturgie, elle s’engage aux côtés des abolitionnistes de l’esclavage et lut...

  10. LATOUCHE, Serge. Cornelius Castoriadis ou l’autonomie radical. Colección: Les précurseurs de la décoissance. Neuvy-en-Champagne. Le passager Clandestin. ISBN: 978-2-36935-008-8.

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    Full Text Available LATOUCHE, Serge. Cornelius Castoriadis ou l’autonomie radical.Colección: Les précurseurs de la décoissance. Neuvy-en-Champagne. Le passager Clandestin. ISBN: 978-2-36935-008-8.

  11. Design, Manufacture and Analysis of Tough, Nanostructure-Reinforced High-Performance Polymers (United States)


    by deprotonating macroscale, commercial Kevlar yarns using potassium hydroxide in dimethyl sulfoxide to yield stable dispersions of nanometer...Exponential Layer-by-Layer Polyurethane/Poly( Acrylic Acid) Films," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol 77, pp 3227-3245, 2010. 10. Sain, T., Meaud, J., Yeom

  12. Advanced Computer Aids in the Planning and Execution of Air Warfare and Ground Strike Operations: Conference Proceedings, Meeting of the Avionics Panels of AGARD (51st) Held in Kongsberg, Norway on 12-16 May 1986 (United States)


    souries of radio andrada emsin in theevironment. heSO syte prvie va.luableemt gter cla&-,tfication intformation "*to the hoot platform’s Commtand and...inforsation is available, only its essence need be rapeited here. Aircraft The principal attack aircraft Involved in CAS will be the AV-aB, A-61, and F/ systIme automatics. En effet . It systime expert slpare clairement I* savoir-faire (bass de connaissence) de IPenimation informatique (le moteur

  13. Étude phytochimique et pharmacologique d' Alchornea cordifolia ...

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    L'activité réductrice du radical libre 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazine des extraits, les essais limites de toxicité aigüe réalisés sur des souris femelles et la détermination du pouvoir anti-inflammatoire des extraits in vivo réalisée suivant la méthode d'induction de l'oedème par la carraghénine sur des rats femelles. Les tanins et ...

  14. Ground deformation monitoring using RADARSAT-2 DInSAR-MSBAS at the Aquistore CO2 storage site in Saskatchewan (Canada)


    Czarnogorska, M.; Samsonov, S.; White, D.


    The research objectives of the Aquistore CO2 storage project are to design, adapt, and test non-seismic monitoring methods for measurement, and verification of CO2 storage, and to integrate data to determine subsurface fluid distributions, pressure changes and associated surface deformation. Aquistore site is located near Estevan in Southern Saskatchewan on the South flank of the Souris River and west of the Boundary Dam Power Station and the historical part of Estevan coal mine in s...

  15. JOM BACA@PHS: Building Foundation for Lifelong Learning

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    Mohd Napiah Mohd Kamal


    Full Text Available Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM is a pioneering university that strives to empower future talent and next generation towards a sustainable knowledge transformation. Hamzah Sendut Library in supporting this effort has formed the Reading Campaign Committee with the tagline ‘Jombaca@PHS’. This committee is established to promote love for books and reading culture to Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM community in particular and society in general. The Library realizes that the expertise to manage reading materials shouldn’t be keep by its own, but rather to be shared to others in need. Since its inception in 2009, various programs have been carried out to meet the objective. Numerous programs were conducted under three main programs, namely Community Network, Exhibition and Sharing is Caring. Starting as small-scale projects, now these initiatives have shown its positive impacts especially in building foundation for lifelong learning among USM community.

  16. Les églises paroissiales construites dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle et leur devenir : l’exemple de Lyon (Rhône

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    Maryannick Chalabi


    Full Text Available La population du diocèse de Lyon augmente de 400 000 habitants entre 1900 et 1959, et la population urbaine représente désormais 62 % de la population totale du diocèse. Pour répondre à cette évolution, l’archevêque de Lyon crée l’O.D.P.N. (Office diocésain des paroisses nouvelles. La construction de 120 centres paroissiaux est prévue pour 1964. Les premières constructions sont assez classiques (avec notamment des clochers monumentaux, et seul l’usage du béton brut marque une ouverture au modernisme. Après 1960, les curés bâtisseurs font appel à des architectes novateurs qui inventent des formes nouvelles, mais qui ne s’imposent pas dans le paysage urbain. Les dispositions intérieures relèvent des tendances modernistes et des prescriptions du concile Vatican 2. Après 1973, il n’y a pas de nouvelles constructions d’églises dans la ville, et même plusieurs fermetures sont actées ou envisagées. Cette situation attire l’attention sur la fragilité du patrimoine religieux contemporain de Lyon, qui est à la fois original et représentatif des tendances nationales.The population of the diocese of Lyon grew by 400,000 between 1900 and 1959 and 62% of this total population were now city-dwellers. In order to respond to this evolution, the archbishop of Lyon created the O.D.P.N. (Office diocésain des paroisses nouvelles, Diocesan Office of New Parishes. It planned the creation of 120 new parish centres by 1964. The first buildings were fairly classical, often with monumental bell towers. Only the use of untreated reinforced concrete suggested a sensitivity to the trends of modern architecture. After 1960, however, parish priests began to commission buildings from innovative architects who began to design new forms, but which did not really mark the landscape. Inside, the design reflected the modernist tendencies and prescriptions of the Vatican 2 Council. After 1973, there were no new churches built in the city


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    Ana Paula Rodrigues da Costa


    Full Text Available Embora a discussão sobre a mobilidade urbana envolva as modalidades de transporte de massa, a maioria das cidades ainda se valem das frotas de ônibus. Esta pesquisa objetiva apresentar um modelo que propõe identificar o momento que poderá ser exercida a opção de vender ou comprar um veículo usado da frota de ônibus do sistema de transporte público urbano, por meio da aplicação da Teoria de Opções Reais (TOR. Pesquisas apontam que quando o veículo é novo os custos de manutenção são baixos, cobrindo basicamente as revisões de rotina e a substituição de componentes, porém depois de certa idade, esses custos vão aumentando. Neste sentido uma dúvida que sempre surge é decidir o momento adequado para adquirir ou se desfazer de um veículo usado. A teoria utilizada neste estudo, a TOR, foca no Modelo Binomial em Tempo Discreto. Metodologicamente, o estudo foi desenvolvido com dados reais de um caso específico de frota de ônibus que serviu de suporte para a construção e teste do modelo proposto e apoiou-se em dados de uma empresa de ônibus tradicional do Espírito Santo. O modelo proposto é validado por meio de exemplo numérico que identifica o momento para a tomada de decisão. No caso em estudo o modelo apresentou o momento da opção a partir do final do segundo ano de uso do ônibus. A metodologia aplicada e os resultados encontrados despertam para a necessidade dos gestores terem informações decorrentes dos dados das frotas e poderem tomar decisões mais seguras, especialmente o momento “ideal” para substituição da frota. Para o poder público, estudos dessa natureza podem gerar subsídios à elaboração de normativos pelas agências reguladoras com vistas ao atendimento pelas concessionárias e de parcerias público-privado.

  18. Vulnérabilité des familles dirigées par une mère adolescente ou jeune adulte faisant l'objet d'une enquête menée par un service de protection de l'enfance au Canada

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    W. Hovdestad


    Full Text Available Introduction : Les familles avec une jeune mère sont associées à un risque accru de mauvais traitements envers les enfants et de problèmes sociaux et de santé. Méthodologie : Une analyse du chi carré effectuée sur des données combinées des services de protection de l'enfance issues de l'Étude canadienne sur l'incidence des signalements de cas de violence et de négligence envers les enfants (ECI-2003 et ECI-2008 a permis de comparer 284 mères adolescentes (18 ans et moins et 800 jeunes mères (19 à 21 ans et leurs familles à 5 752 familles avec une mère de 22 ans ou plus. Résultats : Vingt-six pour cent des jeunes mères avaient 18 ans ou moins. La plupart recevaient de l'aide sociale comme principale source de revenu (68 % des familles avec une mère adolescente et 57 % des familles avec une mère jeune adulte contre 36 % des familles avec une mère de 22 ans ou plus. Les mères adolescentes et les mères jeunes adultes étaient plus susceptibles d'avoir été placées dans leur enfance que les mères de 22 ans ou plus (31 % et 23 % contre 10 % et présentaient plus fréquemment des facteurs de risque tels que l'alcoolisme (25 % et 23 % contre 18 % ou un manque de soutien social (46 % et 41 % contre 37 %. Les pourvoyeurs secondaires de soins dans les familles avec de jeunes mères étaient aussi associés à un plus grand nombre de facteurs de risque. Les familles de mères adolescentes ou jeunes adultes couraient un risque plus élevé de décision de placement de l'enfant pendant l'enquête (29 % et 27 % contre 17 %. Les mères couraient toutes le même risque d'être victimes de violence familiale et de présenter des problèmes de santé mentale. Conclusion : Dans cet échantillon de familles à risque élevé, les risques étaient plus importants pour les familles avec de jeunes mères que pour les familles auxquelles on les avait comparées. Le jeune âge de la mère pourrait être un bon critère pour repérer les

  19. The evolution of information science from similar concepts applied to the work ciência da informação ou informática?


    Marco Donizete Paulino da Silva


    This work was developed from a review of literature of articles that constitute the book Ciência da Informação ou Informática? edited by Hagar Espanha Gomes, in 1980. This is structured as a project of historical revisionism in which it is recounted the reading impressions of the articles, highlighting the terms which are considered relevant, and collecting them for later analysis of the context in which they were applied. The results showed the way Information Science became recognized as an...

  20. Avaliação genética de touros usando produção em lactações completas ou parciais projetadas: 1. Estimativa de parâmetros genéticos

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    Melo Cláudio Manoel Rodrigues de


    Full Text Available Para calcular parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos de lactações completas e parciais projetadas, foram utilizadas 4595 lactações de 2254 vacas, filhas de 145 touros e de 1618 matrizes, distribuídas em 18 rebanhos, com partos observados entre 1980 e 1997. A partir de 91, 151, 211 ou 241 dias de lactação, projetaram-se 10, 30, 50 ou 70% das lactações, para a duração da lactação observada e para 305 dias. Os parâmetros genéticos foram obtidos utilizando o sistema MTDFREML. Independente da característica, incluíram-se no modelo efeitos fixos de rebanho-ano, época de parto e idade da vaca ao parto, com termos linear e quadrático, considerando-se efeitos aleatórios de animal, efeito permanente de ambiente e erro. A estimativa da herdabilidade da produção de leite até 305 dias e o respectivo erro-padrão (P305d foi de 0,17 (0,047 e das produções estimadas (PE, pela projeção de uma porcentagem das lactações, variaram de 0,17 (0,048 a 0,27 (0,056. As estimativas das correlações genéticas e fenotípicas e os respectivos erros-padrão entre P305d e as PE variaram de 0,94 (0,466 a 1,00 (0,589 e de 0,74 (0,236 a 1,00 (0,194, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que as herdabilidades das produções estimadas pela projeção de 10% das lactações, a partir de 91, 151 e 211 dias, ou pela projeção de 10, 30, 50 ou 70% das lactações, a partir de 241 dias, foram semelhantes àquela obtida para a produção de leite até 305 dias, e as produções de leite estimadas pela projeção das lactações foram altamente correlacionadas com a produção de leite até 305 dias.

  1. Afasia global sem hemiparesia: AVC ou transtorno conversivo? Global aphasia without hemiparesis: stroke or conversion disorder?

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    Daniel Philippi de Negreiros


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: A realização de diagnóstico neurológico e psiquiátrico em ambiente de emergência hospitalar com freqüência é uma tarefa complexa e exige colaboração interdisciplinar. Um dos diagnósticos diferenciais de doenças neurológicas é o transtorno conversivo, cuja característica principal é a presença de sintomas afetando funções motoras ou sensoriais, que sugerem desordem clínica ou neurológica, porém sem doença orgânica subjacente que explique o quadro. RELATO DE CASO: Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente de 23 anos com apresentação clínica atípica de acidente vascular cerebral, afasia global sem hemiparesia, que foi inicialmente diagnosticada como transtorno psiquiátrico pelo serviço de clínica médica de emergência. CONCLUSÃO: Certas apresentações neurológicas podem ser interpretadas como transtorno conversivo pelas similaridades clínicas entre as duas desordens, raridade do quadro clínico, pela presença de sintomatologia psiquiátrica e fatores psicossociais nos pacientes neurológicos. Mesmo com apresentações neurológicas atípicas e sintomas psiquiátricos, pacientes com quadro sugestivo de transtorno conversivo devem ser sempre investigados de forma interdisciplinar.BACKGROUND: The neurologic and psychiatric diagnosis in emergency settings are difficult tasks and require interdisciplinary effort. Conversion disorder is one of the differential diagnosis for certain neurologic disorders. The main characteristic is motor or sensory deficits suggesting neurologic or medical condition, but without organic disease that explains the symptoms. CASE REPORT: We present a 23 year-old-woman with an atypical clinical presentation of stroke: global aphasia without hemiparesis. This patient was initially diagnosed with conversion disorder by the internal medicine service in the emergency room. CONCLUSION: Some rare neurologic diseases can be interpreted as conversive disorders due to some reasons


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    Mauro Marafiga Camozzato


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo abordar a problemática da exclusão digital sob o enfoque do analfabetismo funcional, salientando a importância da inclusão social efetiva como elemento importante na definição dessas terminologias. Também é objetivo do artigo observar esses conceitos quando relacionados com a aceleração das necessidades sociais e econômicas trazidas pela sociedade conectada em rede, notadamente após o advento da Web 2.0. Busca-se questionar – sem responder - se o cenário atual é de desafio desanimador ou de oportunidade para a inclusão digital. Para isso, são analisadas as conceituações trabalhadas antecipadamente, de “analfabetismo funcional” e de “exclusão digital”, em comparação com as novas necessidades e oportunidades sociais surgidas a partir da conexão instantânea oferecida pelas redes sociais e plataformas de colaboração. Para fins de ilustração otimista, são apresentados alguns exemplos de iniciativas de inclusão digital em redes sociais inclusivas, as quais obtiveram resultados satisfatórios. Ao fim, tece-se alguns comentários sobre políticas governamentais aplicadas atualmente, apenas para reflexão quanto a sua utilidade no atual cenário tecnológico.

  3. Gas-hydrates in Krishna-Godavari and Mahanadi basins: New data

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Sain, K.; Ojha, M.; Satyavani, N.; Ramadass, G.A.; Ramprasad, T.; Das, S.K.; Gupta, H.

    the present energy crisis of India. Future Work By employing a suite of approaches for the qualification and quantification of gas-hydrates (Sain and Gupta, 2012 and references therein) to the new data, we will be able to provide information with regard to (i...

  4. 86 original article association of cytomegalo virus with type

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    But : L'association entre le cytomégalovirus et DT1 sucre a été étudiée avec une comparaison aux sujets sains et pour corréler son ... the association between cytomegalovirus and type 1 diabetes mellitus ..... American Diabetes Association.

  5. Central Asia | Page 100 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Language English. Read more about Soutenir des politiques d'alimentation plus saine en Asie du Sud-Est. Language French. Read more about Supporting Healthier Food Policies in Southeast Asia. Language English. Read more about Labour Market Regulations in China: Minimum Wage Policy. Language English ...

  6. Eficácia de pamoato de pirantel, isolado ou associado ao triclorfon, no controle de ciatostomíneos de eqüinos


    Marcelo de Campos Pereira; Maurício Del Bigio; Reinaldo de Campos


    Através de estudo comparativo, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência anti-helmíntica de pamoato de pirantel, isolado ou associado ao triclorfon, no controle de estrongilídeos de eqüinos da raça Puro Sangue Inglês. As coproculturas realizadas antes e após os tratamentos levaram consistentemente ao encontro de populações puras de ciatostomíneos com oito células intestinais. As reduções de ovos por grama de fezes foram avaliadas do 7º. ao 45º. dias pós-tratamento. Comparando os valores médios de OPG...

  7. Motta Coqueiro ou a pena de morte: uma trama entre a memória social e a literatura

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    Marcos Teixeira de Souza


    Full Text Available Motta Coqueiro ou a pena de morte, escrito em 1877, por José do Patrocínio, rememora o caso real do último enforcamento no Brasil, o do fazendeiro Motta Coqueiro, suposto mandante de um violento crime ocorrido no norte fluminense em 1852, controverso até a presente data, contra uma família de agregados, que vivia nas terras do citado fazendeiro. Porém, não restrito ao evento trágico, o romancista leva perspicazmente o leitor para uma narrativa, que ressalta o drama dos negros, dos agregados e do fazendeiro na estrutura colonial; que desnuda os critérios de cor e classe social no Brasil colônia; que evidencia o papel da Memória como uma ferramenta manipulável, ativa e estratégica nas relações sociais.

  8. Estudo morfométrico do efeito do tenoxicam com água bidestilada ou com cloreto de sódio a 0,9% no endotélio venoso, em coelhos

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    Schnaider Taylor Brandão


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar, pela morfometria, se o tenoxicam com água bidestilada (diluente ou com cloreto de sódio a 0,9% (NaCl 0,9% provoca alterações no endotélio venoso. Métodos: Foram utilizados 90 coelhos (Oryctolagus cuniculus, brancos, da linhagem Nova Zelândia, machos, com idade acima de 10 semanas, com peso variando entre 2000 e 3500 gramas, divididos em dois grupos denominados Experimento e Controle, que foram observados nos tempos de 6h, 12h e 24h. Administrou-se nas venae auriculares dextra e sinistra, tenoxicam com seu diluente ou com NaCl 0,9% no grupo Experimento e NaCl 0,9% no grupo Controle. Para análise estatística dos resultados foi aplicada a análise de variância a um critério: a em separado para cada grupo (Tenoxicam/NaCl 0,9%, Tenoxicam/Diluente e NaCl 0,9%, para comparar as medidas médias dos diâmetros dos núcleos das células endoteliais obtidas nos períodos de observação de 6h, 12h e 24h. Resultados: Observou-se que não ocorreram diferenças significantes entre as medidas médias dos diâmetros nucleares encontradas nos períodos de eutanásia de 6, 12 e 24h, em separado para cada grupo. As medidas médias dos diâmetros nucleares do grupo Controle foram significantemente maiores do que as observadas no grupo Experimento. Conclusão: O tenoxicam, com água bidestilada ou com cloreto de sódio a 0,9%, reduziu os diâmetros dos núcleos das células endoteliais nas venae em que foi injetado.

  9. Poderá ser a criminalização do assédio moral e/ou mobbing, rectius no trabalho, respeitadora dos principios constitucionais da necessidade, adequação, proporcionalidade e intervenção mínima penais? A lesão dos direitos fundamentais constitucionais dos trabalhadores: o caso português


    Bandeira, Gonçalo S. de Melo


    O direito constitucional português ao trabalho: introdução § Algumas ideias sobre o assédio moral ou psicológico: as principais vítimas, as diferenças do bullying (e/ou intimidação ou tiranizar), os fundamentos, o seu estudo § O contexto do ordenamento jurídico português: algumas consequências do assédio moral § O direito geral à personalidade § A distinção entre o assédio moral e outras figuras § O assédio sexual faz parte do assédio moral em sentido amplo § Dentro do probl...

  10. Air Power and Limited War: An Analysis of the Air Campaigns against North Vietnam as Instruments of National Policy (United States)


    the atomic 271Mi., 7: Summary Renort (Pacific IfaK), 16.,19-19; Craven and Cate, 5: 754-5: Overy. p. 125. 28M)glJm UM 4: The Effets f Syma~aij Bomlbina... essence , Eisenhower had no objectives that limited his willingness to apply military power. The President did not desire a world war or Soviet...articles, 1972-73. ashki .go-ayost. Selected articles, 1965-73. 298 nhWi<on SWar Selected articles. 1972-73. B. SECONDARY SOURI : Air War--Vietnam. New

  11. Efeitos do PEG 3350 e de uma solução enteral, associados ou não ao Ringer lactato, e do NaCl 0,9% sobre a glicose, o lactato, o cortisol e a insulina de equinos hígidos

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    C.L.N. Gomes


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou avaliar e comparar a glicose e o lactato plasmáticos, bem como a insulina e o cortisol séricos, em éguas hígidas, não gestantes, tratadas com: polietilenoglicol 3350 (PEG; ou polietilenoglicol 3350 associado ao Ringer lactato (PEG+RL; ou solução isotônica poliônica enteral (SIPE; ou solução isotônica poliônica enteral associada ao Ringer lactato (SIPE+RL; ou solução de cloreto de sódio a 0,9% (NaCl. A avaliação laboratorial foi realizada nos tempos: imediatamente antes do início dos tratamentos (T0h; com seis horas (T6h e ao final dos tratamentos (T12h; com 24 (T24h e 48 horas (T48h após T0h. Não ocorreu alteração significativa no lactato plasmático. Ocorreu apenas um discreto aumento nos valores da glicose e da insulina no tratamento SIPE, ocasionado pela presença de maltodextrina. O cortisol aumentou nos animais de todos os tratamentos, porém menor nos animais do SIPE. Conclui-se que os tratamentos não alteraram os valores da glicose, do lactato e da insulina em éguas hígidas e que a hidratação enteral em fluxo contínuo realizada no tratamento SIPE ocasionou menos estresse nos animais.

  12. Experimentos em bovinos com as favas de Enterolobium contortisiliquum e E. timbouva para verificar propriedades fotossensibilizantes e/ou abortivas Experiments in cattle with the pods of Enterolobium contortisiliquum e E. timbouva to determine photosensitive and abortive properties

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    Carlos Hubinger Tokarnia


    Full Text Available Em função de históricos obtidos, no presente estudo tentou-se reproduzir, em bovinos, fotossensibilização e/ou aborto com as favas de Enterolobium spp (Leg. Mimosoi-deae. As favas de E. contortisiliquum e E. timbouva ("tamboril" ou "timbaúba", de diversas procedências, inclusive as colhidas durante dois surtos de intoxicação caracterizados por fotossensiblilização e aborto, foram administradas em doses únicas e repetidas, a bovinos jovens e a vacas em gestação. Em todos os experimentos realizados, a resposta à ingestão das favas independentemente da procedência, sempre foi caracterizada por diarréia e diminuição do apetite, passageiras. Também ficou evidente que os animais mostram menor sensibilidade, à medida que ingerem as favas seguidamente. Os experimentos não revelaram possíveis fatores envolvidos ou eventuais condições necessárias para que as favas de Enterolobium contortisiliquum e E. timbouva causem fotossen-siblização e/ou aborto.The pods of Enterolobium spp (Leg.Mimosoideae are said to cause photsensitivity and abortion in cattle. The pods of E. contortisiliquum and E. timbouva ("tamboril" or "timbaúba", collected at various localities, in two occasions during outbreaks of photosensitization and abortions, were fed in single and repeated doses to young bovines and to cows in calf. In all experiments the animals showed only diarrhoea and loss of apetite, as it had been already seen in previous experiments with E. contortisiliquum performed in Fortaleza, northeastern Brazil. Also it was seen again that the animals become tolerant to the toxicity of the pods if they get successive doses. The experiments did not reveal possible conditions necessary for the pods of Enterolobium contortisiliquum and E. timbouva to cause photosensitization and/or abortion.

  13. Transverse momentum dependence of the J/Ψ in the p-U, 16O-U and 32S-U interactions at 200 GeV/c per nucleon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drapier, O.


    We study in this thesis the transverse momentum dependence of dimuons produced with mass greated than 1.7 GeV/c 2 in p-U, 16 O-U and 32 S-U collisions at 200 GeV per nucleon. The NA38 experiment, performed at the CERN SPS, measures muon pairs produced in these collisions using the NA10 spectrometer. The neutral transverse energy, which is related to the centrality of the interaction, is deduced from the energy flow measured in an electromagnetic calorimeter located downstream an active target. Data are analysed with a method taking into account apparatus effects which are simulated through transfer matrices. The 16 O-U and 32 S-U results show that the T > and T 2 > values of J/Ψ dimuons increase with the measured neutral transverse energy and that such a correlation is not seen for the mass continuum dimuons. A comparison of these results with different models is presented. Results are first compared with quark-gluon plasma models which inhibits J/Ψ formation via a color screening effect. Models based on J/Ψ absorption in a dense hadron gas combined with parton multiple scattering in the entrance channel are also considered. Experimental data do not allow to distinguish between these different models [fr

  14. Journal of Chemical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Biological studies were preformed in vitro against four bacterial strains which have shown better activities and potential as antibacterial agents. Author Affiliations. Rosenani A Haque1 M A Salam1. The School of Chemical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia. Dates. Manuscript received: 15 ...

  15. Academic Reading Difficulties Encountered by International Graduate Students in a Malaysian University (United States)

    Alghail, Ali Abdullah Ali; Mahfoodh, Omer Hassan Ali


    This study examines how international graduate students in a Malaysian public university perceive and overcome academic reading difficulties. The target population included all graduate students from Yemen, an Arab country, studying at Universiti Sains Malaysia. Data were collected using questionnaires, focus group interviews, and journal writing.…

  16. The Total Synthesis Problem of linear multivariable control. II - Unity feedback and the design morphism (United States)

    Sain, M. K.; Antsaklis, P. J.; Gejji, R. R.; Wyman, B. F.; Peczkowski, J. L.


    Zames (1981) has observed that there is, in general, no 'separation principle' to guarantee optimality of a division between control law design and filtering of plant uncertainty. Peczkowski and Sain (1978) have solved a model matching problem using transfer functions. Taking into consideration this investigation, Peczkowski et al. (1979) proposed the Total Synthesis Problem (TSP), wherein both the command/output-response and command/control-response are to be synthesized, subject to the plant constraint. The TSP concept can be subdivided into a Nominal Design Problem (NDP), which is not dependent upon specific controller structures, and a Feedback Synthesis Problem (FSP), which is. Gejji (1980) found that NDP was characterized in terms of the plant structural matrices and a single, 'good' transfer function matrix. Sain et al. (1981) have extended this NDP work. The present investigation is concerned with a study of FSP for the unity feedback case. NDP, together with feedback synthesis, is understood as a Total Synthesis Problem.

  17. Qualidade de framboesas sem cobertura ou cobertas sobre o dossel e em diferentes espaçamentos

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    Paula Nogueira Curi


    Full Text Available A framboesa é uma pequena fruta de grande importância econômica, que contém numerosos compostos fenólicos, com potenciais benéficos à saúde; porém, quando cultivada em regiões subtropicais, possui problemas com podridões pós-colheita. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a qualidade de framboesas cultivadas sem cobertura ou com o dossel coberto com cobertura plástica e em diferentes espaçamentos (3 x 0,50 m e 3 x 0,25 m. Foram avaliadas: a coloração dos frutos, a quantidade de antocianinas, vitamina C, cinzas, umidade, sólidos solúveis totais, açúcares, acidez, firmeza, incidência de ferrugem nos frutos e a composição mineral (nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio, enxofre, boro, cobre, manganês, zinco e ferro. Ao final, observou-se que cultivo com espaçamento 3 x 0,25 m e cobertas com cobertura plástica aumentou a qualidade das framboesas.


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    Luciana Almeida dos Santos


    Full Text Available

    A literatura de cordel possui um histórico cultural que abrange desde a poesia oral até os folhetos impressos que tratam de romances, pelejas, acontecimentos históricos, tragédias, narrativas fantásticas sobre reinos, príncipes, princesas, fadas e bruxas, entre outros. Os folhetos, embora sejam considerados universais, apresentam aspectos caracterizadores de uma realidade particular, muitas vezes marcada pelo contexto nordestino, local onde a literatura de cordel se consolidou no Brasil. Os cordéis O balão do destino ou a menina da ilha, apesar de tratarem de uma história de amor situada em um reino, remete ao imaginário do povo nordestino, ao retratar, sobretudo, os costumes do seu povo e sua religiosidade. Os valores morais e éticos do povo do nordeste também permeiam este folheto. O cordelista regionaliza alguns elementos presentes na narrativa, a fim de aproximar o leitor/ouvinte do universo da literatura de cordel.

  19. Anestesia por isofluorano em eqüinos submetidos à infusão contínua de medetomidina ou xilazina


    Dória,Renata Gebara Sampaio; Valadão,Carlos Augusto Araújo; Canola,Paulo Aléscio; Guirro,Érica Cristina Bueno do Prado; Mendes,Marina Ceccato; Escobar,André; Ribeiro,Gesiane; Natalini,Cláudio Côrrea


    Avaliaram-se oito eqüinos sob anestesia geral inalatória com isofluorano (1CAM) e infusão contínua de xilazina (0,35mg kg-1h-1) ou medetomidina (3,5µg kg-1h-1), em relação à freqüência cardíaca, ritmo cardíaco, freqüência respiratória, pressão arterial, hemogasometria arterial e temperatura, nos tempos T0 (imediatamente antes do início da infusão contínua) e T10 ao T60 (intervalos de 10 minutos, após início da infusão contínua). Houve redução da freqüência cardíaca e da temperatura e el...

  20. Complicações pós-operatórias em 139 casos de impressão basilar e/ou malformação de Arnold-Chiari

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    José Alberto Gonçalves da Silva


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho, foram analisadas as complicações pós-operatórias observadas em 139 casos de impressão basilar e/ou malformação de Arnold-Chiari. Os autores chamam a atenção para a menor ocorrência de complicações e de mortalidade verificadas nos pacientes que foram submetidos à plástica da dura-mater da fossa posterior.

  1. Em análise a Cooperação “Sul-Sul”: Ruptura Ideológica ou Reprodução?

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    Danielle Regina Ullrich


    Full Text Available O modelo Norte-Sul de cooperação internacional para o desenvolvimento, cuja origem remete ao período pós- Segunda Guerra Mundial, apoiou-se, historicamente, em um discurso que atribuía aos países centrais, ou do "Norte", dada sua maturidade institucional e superioridade técnica, legitimidade para definirem as regras e os procedimentos a serem observados pelos países na periferia do sistema mundo, para acederem ao propalado "desenvolvimento". Modelo este que, conforme um contingente significativo de pesquisadores (BARBANTI JUNIOR, 2005; SANTOS FILHO, 2005; AFONSO; FERNANDES, 2005; SÁNCHEZ, 2002, contemplaria, essencialmente objetivos de natureza econômica e política das potências centrais. Todavia, ao conquistarem reconhecimento econômico no plano internacional, países emergentes como o Brasil, Índia, China, Rússia e África do Sul estariam estabelecendo, entre si, assim como com outros países do "Sul", relações de parceria e cooperação às quais, também conforme um contingente expressivo de pesquisadores (XALMA, 2011; PUENTE, 2010; AYLLÓN PINO, 2012, se distinguiriam do modelo anterior pela ênfase atribuída a valores como a solidariedade e a equidade, no que tange à distribuição equitativa dos benefícios entre os países envolvidos nas ações de cooperação. De natureza teórica, o presente artigo questiona, em que medida essa tese se sustenta? Ou, dizendo de outro modo, em que medida o modelo de cooperação internacional Sul-Sul associado à promoção do desenvolvimento constitui-se em uma ruptura paradigmática com o modelo de cooperação Norte-Sul?

  2. Eletrocardiografia em onças-pardas (Puma concolor anestesiadas com sevoflurano ou isoflurano

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    A.R. Oliveira

    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os achados eletrocardiográficos de 11 onças- pardas (Puma concolor. Os animais foram sedados com 0,15mg/kg de detomidina associado a 5mg/kg de cetamina e mantidos anestesiados com sevoflurano (GSEVO, n=6 ou isoflurano (GISO, n=5. A frequência cardíaca foi de 95 ± 13bpm. As alterações observadas nos animais no GSEVO foram: atrial standtill com condução ventricular, episódios isolados de contração ventricular prematura, bloqueio atrioventricular de primeiro grau, diminuição da amplitude do complexo QRS, onda S profunda e aumento da amplitude da onda T. No grupo GISO, observou-se bloqueio de ramo direito do feixe de His, bloqueio atrioventricular de primeiro grau e aumento da amplitude da onda T. Arritmias não puderam ser associadas ao uso dos anestésicos inalatórios devido à não sensibilização do miocárdio às catecolaminas. Achados como o BAV de primeiro grau pode ter ocorrido devido ao uso de agonistas α-2 adrenérgicos. Este estudo aumentou o conhecimento sobre as alterações eletrocardiográficas em onças-pardas anestesiadas, entretanto mais estudos são necessários para correlacionar estes achados ao uso de agentes anestésicos.

  3. Infestação por larvas de Cerotoma arcuata (Olivier (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae em nódulos de feijoeiro em cultivo com cobertura morta ou em consórcio com milho ou com caupi Infestation by Cerotoma arcuata (Olivier (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae larvae on Phaseolus bean with mulching or intercropped with maize or cowpea

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    Maria Lucia França Teixeira


    Full Text Available A vaquinha Cerotoma arcuata ataca folhas de leguminosas e suas larvas alimentam-se de raízes e também de nódulos, onde a fixação de nitrogênio (FBN ocorre. O ataque das larvas aos nódulos pode causar mais danos à cultura do feijoeiro do que o consumo das folhas pelas formas adultas. Este estudo foi conduzido em condições de campo para avaliar os efeitos da infestação de C. arcuata no cultivo do feijoeiro com ou sem cobertura morta ou consorciado com caupi ou com milho. A nodulação, o crescimento e a produção de grãos de feijoeiro quando consorciado com caupi não diferiram do controle. A barreira aos insetos formada pelo milho adensado falhou, provavelmente devido à infestação precoce de C. arcuata e ao sombreamento causado pelo milho, com redução na produtividade de feijoeiro. O consumo dos nódulos pelas larvas na cultura de feijão solteiro e nos consórcios foi superior ao do tratamento com cobertura morta. A barreira física imposta pela cobertura morta agiu provavelmente através da redução da oviposição diretamente no solo e do ressecamento dos ovos sobre a palha e resultou em menor porcentagem de nódulos furados, com conseqüente aumento no número e peso de nódulos, no peso de raiz e na produção de grãos. Os consórcios com milho ou com caupi não reduziram a infestação de feijoeiro por C. arcuata, mas a aplicação da cobertura morta antes da infestação reduziu os danos causados pelas larvas aos nódulos e favoreceu a FBN e a produtividade.The bean leaf beetle Cerotoma arcuata is a legume leaf eater and its larvae feed on roots and also nodules where nitrogen fixation occurs. The attack of larvae to nodule may result in more damage to the bean crop than the consumption of leaves by adults. This study was conducted under field conditions to test the effects of C. arcuata infestation on Phaseolus bean with or without straw mulching or intercropped with maize or cowpea. Nodulation, growth and grain

  4. Le jeu de l’intertextualité dans Rome sauvée ou Catilina de Voltaire : Les enjeux de transmotivation et de transvalorisation // The intertextuality in the Voltaire’s tragedy Rome sauvée ou Catilina: The issue of transmotivation and revaluation

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    Marek Očenáš


    Full Text Available The article deals with intertextual relationships of the xviiith century tragedy : these relationships are particularly rich, because the contemporary dramatist partly seeks a theme in the works of ancient authors, and he partly uses contemporary drama procedures and he separates himself from dramas/plays with the same subject. The characteristic feature of processing of the play of the same idea is transmotivation and revaluation, which functioning is supported by author’s analysis of Voltaire’s tragedy “Rome sauvée ou Catilina”, taking into account Voltaire’s rivals plays — Catiline by Ben-Johnson and especially Catilina by Crébillon. Just the confrontation of these plays allows defining principles of Voltaire’s dramaturgy : the structural role of love in motivating acts and the moral elevation of the hero, who has to be an example.

  5. Meloxicam associado ou não ao tramadol no controle da dor após ovário-histerectomia videoassistida em cadelas

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    M.T. Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do meloxicam associado ou não ao tramadol, no controle da dor após ovário-histerectomia (OVH laparoscópica com dois portais. Foram selecionadas 14 cadelas hígidas. Os animais foram separados de forma aleatória, em dois grupos. O grupo M (GM recebeu meloxicam (0,2mg kg-1, s.i.d., enquanto os animais do grupo MT (GMT receberam a associação de meloxicam (0,2mg kg-1, s.i.d. e tramadol (4mg kg-1, t.i.d., ambos durante dois dias de pós-operatório. Para avaliação da dor pós-cirúrgica, foram utilizadas as escalas de Melbourne e escala visual analógica (EVA, além de mensurações de glicemia e cortisol sérico. Não houve diferença ao se avaliarem os grupos GM e GMT pela escala de Melbourne nem pela EVA. As mensurações de cortisol não atingiram valores superiores aos de referência para a espécie, enquanto os valores de glicemia não apresentaram variação significativa ao longo do tempo de avaliação nem entre grupos. Com os resultados deste estudo, foi possível concluir que a utilização de meloxicam associado ou não ao tramadol, nas doses e posologias propostas, é eficaz para controlar a dor pós-operatória de cadelas submetidas à OVH laparoscópica com dois portais.

  6. Sensitivity and Specificity of Cystatin C in Detecting Early Renal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: To determine the cutoff point of cystatin C for the detection of renal impairment in hypertensive pregnancies. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in an antenatal clinic and ward at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia from January 2009 until January 2010. Sixty four pregnant patients ...

  7. Invitation à soumettre des idées

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    et de politiques en vue de favoriser des systèmes alimentaires plus sains et de prévenir les maladies non ... ultra-transformées, qui sont pauvres sur le plan nutritionnel. ... aux prix, et restrictions en matière de marketing visant à augmenter la ...

  8. Educational Transition of East Malaysian Distance Learners. (United States)

    Saw, K. G.; Awang, M. N.; Idrus, R. M.; Atan, H.; Azli, N. A.; Jaafar, I.; Rahman, Z. A.; Latiff, Z. A.


    Describes results of a study of the changing perceptions of East Malaysian distance learners studying at the Universiti Sains Malaysia. Highlights include students' perceptions of their study skills; and the impact of their studies on other areas of their life, including social obligations, recreation, families, health, finances, work, and…

  9. The Videoconferencing Learning Environment: Technology, Interaction and Learning Intersect (United States)

    Saw, K. G.; Majid, Omar; Ghani, N. Abdul; Atan, H.; Idrus, R. M.; Rahman, Z. A.; Tan, K. E.


    This paper is a study on the interaction patterns of distance learners enrolled in the Mathematics and Physics programmes of Universiti Sains Malaysia in the videoconferencing learning environment (VCLE). Interaction patterns are analysed in six randomly chosen videoconferencing sessions within one academic year. The findings show there are more…

  10. Gender Differences in Availability, Internet Access and Rate of Usage of Computers among Distance Education Learners. (United States)

    Atan, Hanafi; Sulaiman, Fauziah; Rahman, Zuraidah Abd; Idrus, Rozhan Mohammed


    Explores the level of availability of computers, Internet accessibility, and the rate of usage of computers both at home and at the workplace between distance education learners according to gender. Results of questionnaires completed at the Universiti Sains Malaysia indicate that distance education reduces the gender gap. (Author/LRW)

  11. Pramana – Journal of Physics | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Rangan Lahiri1 Arvind2 3 Anirban Sain4 5. Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India; Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA; Department of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar 143 005, India; Department of Physics, University of ...

  12. Jahan et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2015) 12(4):134 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Nusrat Jahan 1, Md. Asiful Islam 2, Fahmida Alam 2, Siew Hua Gan 2* and Md. Ibrahim Khalil 1, 2*. 1 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh,. 2 Human Genome Centre, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150 Kubang Kerian, ...

  13. Moringa oleifera: An apoptosis inducer in cancer cells

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Bertam, 13200 ... ability of M. oleifera to trigger apoptosis in cancer cells largely depends on its ... These compounds act by activating pro-apoptotic protein such as caspases, .... are safe for drinking [37]. .... the authors named in this article and all liabilities.

  14. The Effects of Dubbing Versus Subtitling of Television Program. (United States)

    Mokhtar, Fattawi B.

    The purpose of this study was to investigate viewers' knowledge of program content under various television translation modes and viewing experiences. Subjects were 176 students from the Center for Matriculation Program, Universiti Sains Malaysia in Penang, Malaysia. The Spanish version of an instructional television program was used; the program…

  15. Kuidas ma sain selleks, kes ma olen?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kultuurikoja juurest alguse saanud töörühm on sel õppeaastal eesti koolides korraldanud Elamusaastat. Elamusaasta raames käivad eri loomevaldkondade esindajad kooliõpilastele rääkimas oma elu märgilistest sündmustest ja elamustest

  16. Promouvoir des systèmes alimentaires sains

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    d'hypertension, de maladie cardiaque, de diabète et d'accidents vasculaires cérébraux. Le CRDI contribut aux efforts déployés pour réduire la consommation de sel, de sucre et de gras : Au Costa Rica, des objectifs de réduction de la consommation de sel ont été établis en s'appuyant sur les résultats de la recherche.

  17. Al-Qur’an dan Lahirnya Sains Teistik


    Mohammad Muslih


    The discourse of integration of religion and science could enrich research of al-Qur’an study. As a principal source of Islam, al-Qur’an also becomes object research of the philosophy of science study, especially related to the development of science-based on religion. Within the framework of the philosophy of science, this article presents a study on the possibility to develop science-based on alQur’an, which is called “theistic science”. Although the efforts to find root of science on al-Qu...

  18. Al-Qur’an dan Lahirnya Sains Teistik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Muslih


    Full Text Available The discourse of integration of religion and science could enrich research of al-Qur’an study. As a principal source of Islam, al-Qur’an also becomes object research of the philosophy of science study, especially related to the development of science-based on religion. Within the framework of the philosophy of science, this article presents a study on the possibility to develop science-based on alQur’an, which is called “theistic science”. Although the efforts to find root of science on al-Qur’an develop so far, or to interpret al-Qur’an by utilizing the result of science research, in the framework of the philosophy of science, but it is not surely called a “science theistic”, even so perhaps it is not science, but it may be merely indeed not scientific. There is a pattern of development of science which is based on religion, but it is really scientific, which consists of three layers of philosophical basis, they are theoretical framework, scientific paradigm, and theological basis. By following this pattern carefully, the development of science not only can avoid the pattern of pseudoscience, but it will create science with high scientific value, but it is still within the framework of al-Qur’an. It is organized based on the embryonal concept from al-Qur’an. However, this pattern is a collective project, systemic, and cultural in the form of a grand project.


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    Suardi Ishak


    Full Text Available Secularization of science and technology with religious values have been wrapped so neatly by the nature of Western thoughts which is then transmitted to the various facets of life including general education. Secular science claim to be objective, value-free, and free of other interests, including religion. Even science has been positioned as a replacement for the position of Allah’s revelation (Qur'an as a hint of modern life. Islam considers rational sciences are supporting the implementation of worship that are mahdah. Islam considers that the source of knowledge is a revelation, a revelation further demands that humans use ratio for the development of the verses kauniyah and 'am. The results show that Al-Attas view that science is the result of engineering and development ratio. Basic resource (nas does not see the dualism between secular science with hereafter science, but the results of ijtihad is man who produce various schools and understand the science that led to varying perspectives. Secularism, atheism and others led to the development of science adapted to the mindset of developers. At-Attas view that science serves to carry out the obligations both to Allah and to mankind is mandatory required and held as well, and vice versa. Various development science and science must be in a way or means to carry out worship.

  20. Markko Märtin : sain maailma parima kaardilugeja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Markko Märtin rääkis ajakirjale Autosport traagilisest avariist ja hukkunud kaardilugejast Michael Parkist. Michael Parki meenutavad: Robert Reid, Paul Turner, Sebastien Loeb, David Higgins, Malcolm Wilson, Daniel Elena, David Evans

  1. Determinação de isoflavonas e capacidade antioxidante de alimentos industrializados à base de soja e/ou produtos derivados consumidos no Brasil


    Marcela Roquim Alezandro


    A soja contém alto conteúdo protéico e de lipídeos poliinsaturados e representa a principal fonte de isoflavonas. Por este grão não fazer parte da dieta brasileira, produtos contendo soja surgiram no mercado como fontes de isoflavonas, adaptados ao paladar da nossa população. Os condimentos também têm sido incorporados aos ditos \\"alimentos funcionais\\" pela sua relação com efeitos benéficos à saúde. Este trabalho objetivou determinar o teor de isoflavonas dos produtos contendo soja e/ou deri...

  2. Aerobic stability of triticale silage in single culture or in mixtures with oat and/or legumes Estabilidade aeróbia de silagens de triticale em cultivo exclusivo ou em misturas com aveia e/ou leguminosas

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    Valter Harry Bumbieris Junior


    Full Text Available The objective of the present study was to evaluate the aerobic stability and losses during the fermentation process of triticale silages in single crop or in mixtures with oats and/or legumes. The following crops were used for silage production: triticale (X. Triticosecale Wittimack, triticale intercropped with forage pea (Pisum arvense and triticale intercropped with oats (Avena strigosa Schreb, forage pea and vetch (Vicia sativa. The dry matter content and its recovery did not differ among the silages. Buffer capacity was higher for tricale silage intercropped with oats, forage pea and vetch(88.67 m eq. NaOH/100 g DM followed by triticale intercropped with forage pea (80.80 m eq. NaOH/100 g DM. Electric conductivity values were higher in the intercropped triticale silages. Triticale silage presented the lowest temperatures observed in the silos, and the silages of intercropped triticale silages presented higher heat retention and higher pH values. Silage of triticale intercropped with oats and legumes presented lower aerobic stability but it did not reduce the aerobic stability of the total feed. Dry matter recovery during storage and in stability evaluations in aerobiosis is similar among the silages.O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar a estabilidade aeróbia e as perdas durante o processo de fermentação de silagens de triticale em cultivo exclusivo ou em misturas com aveia e/ou leguminosas. As culturas utilizadas para produção das silagens foram: triticale (X. Triticosecale Wittimack; triticale em consórcio com ervilha-forrageira (Pisum arvense; e triticale em consórcio com aveia (Avena strigosa Schreb, ervilha-forrageira e ervilhaca (Vicia sativa. O teor de matéria seca e a recuperação de matéria seca não diferiram entre as silagens. A capacidade tampão foi maior para a silagem de triticale cultivado em consórcio com aveia, ervilha-forrageira e ervilhaca (88,67 m eq. NaOH/100 g de MS, seguida da silagem de triticale cultivado

  3. L’utopie inaugurale ou les prémices du mythe chez Vicente Huidobro

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    Stéphanie Dumont


    Full Text Available A partir de una lectura de la obra “primitiva” del poeta chileno Vicente Huidobro, el análisis busca establecer la coherencia y la unidad de la primera etapa de constitución de una obra. En estas primeras producciones (1912-1925, Huidobro desarrolla estrategias de escritura que refuerza de un poemario a otro, poniendo en escena figuras poéticas de una estatura tan grandiosa como el proyecto de escritura que ellas animan. La ambición o la utopía “creacionista”, reivindicada en numerosos manifiestos huidobrianos del período, constituye el hilo conductor de este proyecto original, paralelo al que estructura la arquitectura semántica y conceptual de los poemarios. Este sueño inaugural se encarna de manera particular en Adán (1916, primera definición sublimada del Poeta “hacedor” de mundos ; un Adán que se determina también como anticipación de Altazor (1931. Es en este corpus primitivo que comienza a escribirse la historia - o la prehistoria – de un mito en perpetua evolución.A partir d’une lecture des recueils « primitifs » du poète chilien Vicente Huidobro, l’analyse vise à établir une cohérence et une unité au sein de la démarche initiale de fondation d’une œuvre. Ces premières productions (1912-1925 développent des stratégies d’écriture renforcées d’un recueil à l’autre, et mettent en scène des figures poétiques à la stature aussi démesurément grandiose que le projet d’écriture qu’elles soutiennent. De ce projet original, l’ambition ou l’utopie « créationniste », revendiquée dans les nombreux manifestes huidobriens de la période, est la parallèle directrice structurant l’architecture sémantique et conceptuelle des recueils. Ce rêve de l’inauguralité se voit porté plus particulièrement par la figure précoce de l’Adán de 1916, première définition sublimée du Poète « faiseur » de mondes ; un Adán qui se détermine aussi comme anticipation de l

  4. Green marketing : as pessoas irão comprar automóveis porque se preocupam com o ambiente ou porque se preocupam com as suas carteiras?


    Vaz, Joel Filipe Pedroso


    Exame público realizado em 15 de Outubro de 2012 Mestrado em Marketing Partindo como base do crescimento e renascimento do automóvel elétrico, este estudo tem como principal foco o impacto que este causa ou poderá causar a curto prazo em Portugal. O tema em estudo enquadra-se na vertente comportamental do potencial consumidor do automóvel elétrico, e analisa o estado do mercado e do consumidor, recorrendo a metodologias quantiavas e qualitativas que, no seu conjunto, perm...

  5. Pleural Tuberculosis and its Treatment Outcomes

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Sciences, University Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia, 4Discipline of ... 37.7 %) of cases among tuberculosis pleuritis patients were Chinese, followed by Malay (31.2 %). Out ... combined with culture, diagnosis can be made in ... Chinese (46.5 %), Indian (10.6 %) and ... left pleural effusion (48.6 % compared to 27.5.

  6. Malaysian Education Index (MEI): An Online Indexing and Repository System (United States)

    Kabilan, Muhammad Kamarul; Ismail, Hairul Nizam; Yaakub, Rohizani; Yusof, Najeemah Mohd; Idros, Sharifah Noraidah Syed; Umar, Irfan Naufal; Arshad, Muhammad Rafie Mohd.; Idrus, Rosnah; Rahman, Habsah Abdul


    This "Project Sheet" describes an on-going project that is being carried out by a group of educational researchers, computer science researchers and librarians from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang. The Malaysian Education Index (MEI) has two main functions--(1) Online Indexing System, and (2) Online Repository System. In this brief…

  7. Pramana – Journal of Physics | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Pramana – Journal of Physics. Rangan Lahiri. Articles written in Pramana – Journal of Physics. Volume 62 Issue 5 May 2004 pp 1015-1028 Research Articles. Brownian motion in a classical ideal gas: A microscopic approach to Langevin's equation · Rangan Lahiri Arvind Anirban Sain · More Details ...

  8. Pramana – Journal of Physics | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    pp 1007-1014 Research Articles. Conformally flat tilted Bianchi Type-V cosmological models in general relativity · Raj Bali B L Meena · More Details Fulltext PDF. pp 1015-1028 Research Articles. Brownian motion in a classical ideal gas: A microscopic approach to Langevin's equation · Rangan Lahiri Arvind Anirban Sain.

  9. Types of Language Learning Strategies Used by Tertiary English Majors (United States)

    Chuin, Tan Khye; Kaur, Sarjit


    This study investigated the types of language learning strategies used by 73 English majors from the School of Humanities in Universiti Sains Malaysia. Using questionnaires adopted from Oxford's (1990) Strategy Inventory of Language Learning (SILL) and focus group interviews, the study also examined the English major students' perceptions of using…

  10. International Students, Academic Publications and World University Rankings: The Impact of Globalisation and Responses of a Malaysian Public University (United States)

    Tan, Yao Sua; Goh, Soo Khoon


    This paper examines the responses of a Malaysian public university, namely Universiti Sains Malaysia, to the impact of globalisation vis-à-vis three key issues: international students, academic publications and world university rankings. There are concerted efforts put in place by the university to recruit more international students. But a global…

  11. 75 FR 54957 - Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision (United States)


    ... highway operating conditions: Rick A. Ervin, Stephen P. Goodall, John R. Kelly, Osvaldo R. Maldonado, Frank G. Merrill, Alberto Mireles, Jr., Montie Price, Daniel R. Rosas, David M. Sims, Stephen W... pounds for all or part of the 3-year period: Adam O. Carson, Joe H. Saine, Joseph W. Schmit. One...


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    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da inibição da ação (pela pulverização de 1-metilciclopropeno em meio aquoso; 1-MCP e da síntese (pela pulverização de aminoetoxivinilglicina; AVG do etileno, sobre a maturação pré-colheita de maçãs. Macieiras ‘Royal Gala’ foram pulverizadas com 1-MCP (50 ou 100 mg L-1 em meio aquoso ou com AVG (124 mg L-1, sete e 28 dias antes do ponto de colheita comercial dos frutos, respectivamente. Macieiras não tratadas com 1-MCP nem com AVG foram usadas como testemunha. As maçãs foram colhidas semanalmente, durante cinco semanas, a partir do sétimo dia após a aplicação do 1-MCP, e analisadas quanto à maturação e qualidade, um dia após a colheita. Índices de maturação e qualidade das maçãs, na data em que os frutos atingiram firmeza de 71,1 N, foram estimados por análise de regressão, para cada tratamento. Os tratamentos 1-MCP (50 e 100 mg L-1 e AVG atrasaram a maturação das maçãs, diminuindo as taxas de produção de etileno, degradação do amido, perda de firmeza da polpa e da acidez, amarelecimento da epiderme, acúmulo de sólidos solúveis e desenvolvimento de cor vermelha. O tempo para os frutos atingirem firmeza de polpa de 71,1 N na planta foi retardado em 6 e 12 dias pelo 1-MCP (100 mg L-1 e AVG, respectivamente, em relação à testemunha. Maçãs tratadas com 1-MCP ou com AVG apresentaram índice de iodo-amido, produção de etileno e acidez semelhantes ou menores que maçãs testemunhas, nas datas em que os frutos de todos os tratamentos atingiram a mesma firmeza de 71,1 N. A magnitude do efeito do 1-MCP sobre a firmeza da polpa foi semelhante àquela sobre a produção de etileno e coloração da epiderme, mas sensivelmente menor que aquela sobre a degradação do amido.Os efeitos do AVG sobre a produção de etileno, coloração da epiderme e acidez foram maiores que aqueles sobre a redução da firmeza da polpa. Os resultados mostram que a

  13. Motta Coqueiro ou a pena de morte: uma trama entre a memória social e a literatura

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    Marcos Teixeira de Souza


    Full Text Available Motta Coqueiro ou a pena de morte, escrito em 1877, por José do Patrocínio, rememora o caso real do último enforcamento no Brasil, o do mandante de um violento crime ocorrido no norte fluminense em 1852, controverso até a presente data, contra uma família de agregados, que vivia nas terras do citado fazendeiro. Porém, não restrito ao evento trágico, o romancista leva perspicazmente o leitor para uma narrativa, que ressalta o drama dos negros, dos agregados e do fazendeiro na estrutura colonial; que desnuda os critérios de cor e classe social no Brasil colônia; que evidencia o papel da Memória como uma ferramenta manipulável, ativa e estratégica nas relações sociais. Palavras-chaves: José do Patrocínio; Motta Coqueiro; Memória Social.

  14. Pb-Zn mineralization of the Ali ou Daoud area (Central High Atlas, Morocco): characterisation of the deposit and relationships with the clay assemblages; Mineralisation Pb-Zn du type MVT de la region d'Ali ou Daoud (Haut Atlas Central, Maroc): caracterisations du gite et relations avec les corteges de mineraux argileux

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mouguina, E. M.; Daoudi, L.


    Zn-Pb-Fe ores in the Ali ou Daoud deposit (Central High Atlas) are found as stratiform levels and as karst fillings in carbonate platforms facies of Bajocian age. Tectonic structures (e.g., syn sedimentary faults) played a relevant role in the ore emplacement. The dolomitic ore-related host-rock levels are characterized by the presence of kaolinite enrichment in clay levels in amounts directly related to the proportion of the clay minerals. The latter is evidenced by correlation between kaolinite and sulphide contents, suggesting that the installation of kaolinite and mineralizations would result from the same hydrothermal fluid. (Author) 55 refs.

  15. Manuseio do canal arterial patente no prematuro com síndrome de angústia respiratória: ligadura ou indometacina?

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    Milton A Meier

    Full Text Available A presença de canal arterial patente (PCA com grande shunt sistêmico -pulmonar no prematuro com síndrome de angústia respiratória (SAR está quase sempre associada a insuficiência cardíaca, displasia broncopulmonar, enterocolite necrotizante, hemorragia intracraniana e morte. A ligadura do canal melhora a complacência pulmonar, reduz, significativamente, o tempo de assistência ventilatória e melhora 0 estado geral do paciente. Depois da introdução, nesta última década, da indometacina para a interrupção do PCA, no prematuro, vários estudos vêm procurando estabelecer as vantagens de uma forma de tratamento sobre a outra. O propósito do nosso estudo é comparar os resultados obtidos em 48 pacientes (pts. (Grupo 1 submetidos a ligadura cirúrgica, nos últimos 8 anos, com 28 pts. (Grupo 2 nos quais a indometacina foi, preferentemente, utilizada. A idade gestacional média do Grupo 1 foi de 29,13 ± 2,33 semanas (24-34 e de 28,39 ± 2,30 semanas (25-32 no Grupo 2. O peso médio foi de 954,17 ± 220,68 g (540-1750 g no Grupo 1 e de 923,21 ± 191,74 g (550-1400 g no Grupo 2. Trinta e três (60,75% dos pts. do Grupo 1 eram menores do que 1000 g (prematuros extremos, enquanto que 21 do Grupo 2 (75,0% estavam nessa condição. Nove pacientes (32,1% do Grupo 2 foram transferidos para o Grupo 1, devido ao insucesso da terapêutica com a indometacina, ou pela intolerância às doses indicadas. A ligadura foi realizada na própria unidade de terapia intensiva em 31 pts. (64,5%. A técnica empregada tem sido a de uma toracotomia póstero-lateral pequena, com preservação dos músculos do tórax e abertura pelo 3º ou 4º espaço intercostal. Por via extrapleural, o canal é alcançado e ligado com dois clips metálicos. Inicialmente, o tórax era rotineiramente drenado, apenas quando havia abertura da pleura. Mais recentemente, mesmo com a pleura aberta, somente são drenados os casos que apresentam pneumotórax prévio, ou ent

  16. Assimilação metabólica de nitrogênio em plântulas de seringueira cultivadas com nitrato ou amônio

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    Andrea Yu Kwan Villar Shan


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a assimilação metabólica de nitrogênio em plântulas de seringueira cultivadas na presença de nitrato ou de amônio, por meio da quantificação da atividade das enzimas redutase do nitrato (RN, glutamina sintetase (GS, glutamato sintase (GOGAT e glutamato desidrogenase (GDH. Os seguintes tratamentos foram avaliados: fontes de N - controle, sem aplicação de N; amônio a 8 mmol L-1; e nitrato a 8 mmol L-1 - e tempos de exposição - 0 e 27 dias -, em arranjo fatorial 3x2, no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. A forma amoniacal promoveu maior assimilação metabólica de N, o que resultou em maior acúmulo de aminoácidos. A assimilação, tanto da forma nítrica quanto da amoniacal, aconteceu principalmente via GS/GOGAT; parte do N nítrico é assimilado nas raízes, com pequena participação da GDH, e parte é translocada para outros órgãos. O N amoniacal é totalmente assimilado nas raízes, com significativa participação da GDH. Nas folhas, a GS participa tanto da assimilação primária como da reassimilação do amônio fotorrespirado, independentemente da fonte nitrogenada, enquanto a enzima GDH tem papel secundário, independentemente da fonte ou do tempo de exposição. A atividade da RN in vitro é detectada somente em raízes e caules.

  17. Dor torácica no transtorno de pânico: sintoma somático ou manifestação de doença arterial coronariana?


    Soares Filho,Gastão Luiz Fonseca; Valença,Alexandre Martins; Nardi,Antonio Egidio


    O transtorno do pânico (TP) pertence ao grupo dos transtornos de ansiedade caracterizado por repetidos e inesperados ataques de pânico, nos quais predominam os sintomas somáticos e intensa apreensão relacionada à idéia de perda de controle ou morte iminente. Entre os sintomas somáticos que o paciente pode apresentar, a dor torácica exerce papel preponderante, reforçando a idéia de que ele esteja desenvolvendo problema cardiovascular grave, ameaçador à vida, levando à repetida busca por atendi...

  18. O Marketing Relacional no mercado massivo: teoria ou prática real

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    José Luis Wakabayashi


    Full Text Available O paradigma do marketing relacional, assim como seus precedentes, foi rapidamente incorporado no léxico e caixa de ferramentas da gerência de marketing. Junto com o conceito, os teóricos também elaboraram técnicas que são essenciais para tornar operativo o emprego do mesmo, sendo a mais importante, o desenvolvimento de um processo de gestão do cliente, e dentro deste o uso e a aplicação da pedra angular do enfoque relacional, o conceito do Valor do Ciclo de Vida do Cliente (Customer Lifetime Vale - CLV, e da ferramenta do valor presente dos fluxos futuros gerados (VAN por um cliente durante o período em que este conserve tal condição, que resulta essencial para tomar decisões sobre a estratégia de trabalho com os clientes que permite à empresa alcançar e/ou manter vantagem competitiva. A evidência encontrada leva a sugerir que, não obstante as empresas do setor são proclives a adotar o paradigma do marketing relacional, ainda coexistem com enfoques de conceitos de marketing transacional, isto pela incipiente aplicação do conceito e a técnica do Valor do Ciclo de Vida do Cliente (CLV em países da América Latina como parte do processo de gestão de clientes. A falta de aplicação do mesmo em setores dinâmicos como o consumo massivo constitui, em consequência, um tópico de interesse para a ciência administrativa e particularmente, para a disciplina do marketing; daí a intenção do artículo de chamar a atenção sobre este fato.

  19. L’équipée touristique ou le rôle des équipements portables dans l’exploration d’un lieu méconnu


    Calvignac, Cédric; Jalaudin, Christophe


    Un bref survol de la littérature consacrée au tourisme suffit pour s’apercevoir que si beaucoup a été fait pour décrire et analyser les dispositifs d’aide à l’orientation touristique (tels les guides, les plans et les affichages), assez peu d’éléments ont été recueillis sur les modalités de leur adoption et de leur usage. Autrement dit, nous savons comment les professionnels du tourisme travaillent à définir un ou des équipements touristiques, mais nous ignorons comment ces équipements sont s...

  20. English as Second Language: Students' Awareness of Learning Strategies Used in Reading Comprehension (United States)

    Hussain, Irshad; Javed, Muhammad; Munshi, Parveen


    This study investigated the reading strategies used by adult learners' to read materials in English language for their studies. The population of the study consisted of students of Universiti Sains Malaysia. A sample of 80 (40 Postgraduates and 40 Undergraduates) TESOL students enrolled in the University were selected randomly. The data were…