
Sample records for segundo molar deciduo

  1. Probabilidad de retención de segundos molares permanentes mandibulares (Estudio piloto

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    Paulo Sandoval Vidal

    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia del segundo molar mandibular permanente (MM2 con probabilidad de impactación, en un grupo de pacientes de Ortodoncia de Temuco, Chile. Método: Estudio de corte transversal, con muestra por conveniencia. Se revisaron 2095 fichas de individuos de ambos sexos, con ausencia de patología sindrómica. Los datos recolectados se obtuvieron de radiografías panorámicas. Se midió el ángulo del segundo molar con respecto al plano oclusal, la invasión distal del primer molar y la distancia entre distal del primer molar y el borde anterior de la rama mandibular. Resultados: El promedio de edad de los pacientes relevados fue de 10 años. Se observó un 1,43% de probabilidad de retención de MM2 (n=30; en promedio y el plano el ángulo MM2 resultó de 27° el izquierdo y 26° el derecho; la invasión de MM2 en distal del primer molar resultó de 1,5 mm; el ángulo entre MM2 y el planos oclusal es de 123°; la distancia entre la cara distal del primer molar y el borde anterior de la rama mandibular fue 13 mm. Conclusiones: Existe una baja prevalencia de segundos molares mandibulares permanentes con probabilidad de impactación. La invasión a la cara distal del primer molar fue mayor en pacientes con riesgo de impactación

  2. Eficacia del uso del plasma rico en factores de crecimiento en defectos periodontales distales de segundos molares inferiores, posterior a la extracción de un tercer molar mandibular

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    Carlos Sánchez-Gutiérrez


    Conclusiones: No se encontró diferencia significativa con el uso de PRFC en cuanto a ganancia en el nivel clínico de inserción periodontal en el área distal de segundos molares después de la extracción de terceros molares inferiores retenidos.

  3. Opciones de tratamiento en un paciente con pérdida prematura de segundos molares primarios: zapato distal modificado / Treatment Options in a Patient with Primary Second Molar Premature Loss: Modified Distal Shoe Space Maintainer


    Cardoso, María Lorena; Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Corrientes, Argentina; Falcón, Diana Emilia; Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Corrientes, Argentina; Galiana, Andrea Verónica; Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Corrientes, Argentina


    RESUMEN. Antecedentes: La pérdida prematura de un molar primario conlleva a malposición de los dientes contiguos y del sucesor permanente. El efecto depende de las fuerzas que actúan sobre el diente, que están condicionadas a su vez por el estado de erupción del primer molar permanente. Propósito: Describir una opción de tratamiento para la pérdida prematura de segundos molares primarios hasta la erupción de los primeros molares permanentes. Descripción del caso: El caso clínico presentado in...

  4. Histiocitosis de Células de Langerhans

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    Lis Arocho


    Full Text Available Histiocitosis de células de Langerhans (HCL es una singular enfermedad idiopática, la cual se caracteriza por proliferación clónica de células de Langerhans. HCL puede presentarse como una simple lesión osteolitica o puede afectar múltiples sistemas en el cuerpo. Oralmente se puede preceder manifestaciones sistémicas o simular desordenes infecciosos/inflamatorios. El reporte de este caso presenta a un varón de 3 años de edad referido a la clínica del programa Postdoctoral de Odontopediatria en la Universidad de Puerto Rico para evaluar una posible enfermedad periodontal en los segundos molares deciduos. En la evaluación clínica se observó inflamación extraoral bilateral en los lados izquierdo y derecho del rostro obliterando los ángulos mandibulares. La piel suprayacente estaba intacta y sin sintomatología. En la evaluación intraoral mostró inflamación localizada en la mucosa suprayacente de los molares deciduos en ambos lados con cierto grado de movilidad. Este caso ejemplifica la necesidad tanto de pediatras como odontopediatras de estar conscientes que HCL puede simular lesiones periodontales.

  5. Avaliação da anatomia de molares decíduos por meio de microtomografia computadorizada


    Ana Caroline Fumes


    O conhecimento prévio da anatomia interna e externa dos dentes decíduos é de fundamental importância para o sucesso do tratamento endodôntico. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a morfologia das raízes e dos canais radiculares de molares decíduos superiores e inferiores, por meio de microtomografia computadorizada (micro-CT). Foram usados 40 molares decíduos, divididos em quatro grupos, sendo 10 primeiros molares inferiores, 10 segundos molares inferiores, 10 primeiros molares superio...

  6. Cuartos molares supernumerarios: relato de caso clínico

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    Daniela Nascimento Silva


    Full Text Available Los dientes supernumerarios se diagnostican mediante exámenes radiográficos de rutina, pues generalmente son asintomáticos. Los cuartos molares representan el segundo grupo de dientes supernumerarios con más frecuencias; ocurren en posición distal a los terceros molares, especialmente en el maxilar superior, y en la mayoría de casos, estos están incluidos. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar la presentación de un caso, de una mujer de 30 anos con los cuartos molares incluidos en el maxilar inferior y describir la técnica para su remoción.Supernumerary teeth are generally asymptomatic and are diagnosed by routine X-ray tests. The fourth molar teeth represent the second group of the most frequent supernumerary teeth, occur in distal position to the third molar teeth, specially in the superior maxilla and, in most of the cases, they are included. The aim of this paper is to comment on the case of a 30-year-old woman with the fourth molar teeth included in the inferior maxilla and to describe the technique used for their removal.

  7. Evaluación sobre el comportamiento de los materiales restauradores convencionales y adhesivos en molares temporarios


    Brasca, Nora Beatriz


    El propósito de este estudio fue estudiar el comportamiento clínico e in-vitro de materiales retauradores en molares temporarios. para la evaluación clínica un grupo de 70 pacientes (6-7 años) recibieron un total de 102 restauraciones, de rpeparaciones cavitarias clase I, en segundos molares superiores e inferiores. Aleatoriamente fueron divididos en 6 grupos, según el material: Grupo I: Amalgama convencional (Ventura Cap, Macrodent SA); Grupo II: Amalgama adherida ) S.B.M.P.P., 3M, Co.): Gru...

  8. Mini-implants: mechanical resource for molars uprighting

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    Susiane Allgayer


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: The early orthodontic treatment allows correction of skeletal discrepancies by growth control, and the elimination of deleterious habits, which are risk factors for the development of malocclusions, favoring for the correction of tooth positioning later in a second treatment stage. During development of teeth and occlusion, the mandibular second molars commonly erupt in the oral cavity after all other teeth of the anterior region. In their eruptive process there may be a condition known as tooth impaction, which precludes its complete eruption and requires proper uprighting treatment. The temporary anchorage devices allow disimpaction and movement of these teeth directly to their final position, without the need of patient compliance or reaction movements in other parts of the arch. OBJECTIVE: This paper aims at describing a case report of the treatment of a patient with Angle Class II malocclusion, performed in two phases, in which mini-implants were used for uprighting the impacted mandibular second molars.INTRODUÇÃO: o tratamento ortodôntico precoce permite a correção das discrepâncias esqueléticas por meio do controle de crescimento e a eliminação de hábitos deletérios, que são fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de más oclusões, que favorecem a correção do posicionamento dentário mais tardiamente, em uma segunda fase do tratamento. Durante o desenvolvimento da dentição e da oclusão, normalmente o segundo molar inferior chega à cavidade bucal após todos os dentes posicionados anteriormente a ele. Durante seu processo eruptivo, pode ocorrer uma condição chamada "impacção dentária", em que sua erupção completa é interrompida, exigindo tratamento apropriado para verticalização. Os dispositivos temporários de ancoragem permitem a desimpacção e a movimentação desses dentes diretamente às suas posições finais, sem a necessidade de cooperação do paciente e sem movimento de reação nas

  9. Tratamiento Endodóntico no Instrumentado en dientes deciduos

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    Full Text Available Teniendo en cuenta la complejidad del tratamiento pulpar en una pieza decidua y diversos factores que determinan el éxito clínico como son la anatomía de una pieza decidua, el proceso de reabsorción ya sea de origen fisiológico o por una infección odontogénica, la conducta del paciente, la técnica empleada y la pericia del operador; es de suma importancia que en la práctica odontopediátrica se tenga en cuenta ciertos procedimientos que aseguren la presencia del diente en boca hasta su exfoliación fisiológica, es de esta manera que la Técnica de Endodoncia no Instrumentadas en dientes deciduos es un tema muy importante a tener presente en cuanto a terapia pulpar se refiere. Las pulpectomías no instrumentadas (NIET; termino mal empleado para este procedimiento, ya que la técnica no consiste en realizar una pulpectomía propiamente dicha; en su lugar emplean diversas pastas que tienen por objetivo la desinfección de los conductos radiculares mediante el empleo de sustancias bacteriostáticas y bactericidas y de esta manera permitirán la reparación del los tejidos dañados. El propósito de este artículo fue hacer una revisión de la literatura de todo lo concerniente a Terapia Endodóntica no Instrumentada en dentición decidua. En conclusión se puede decir que dadas las características de la dentición temporal, la cual impide una completa manipulación de los conductos radiculares, el éxito de la pulpectomía depende de la reducción o eliminación de las bacterias no solo dentro del conducto sino también en lugares donde la preparación química y mecánica sea difícil de acceder, en la técnica NIET se utiliza una mezcla de antibióticos para esterilizar el conducto radicular en vez de usar la técnica de instrumentación, las pastas obturadoras asumen un papel fundamental para que la reparación de los elementos dentarios se desenvuelva de acuerdo a los patrones biológicos normales.

  10. Análisis clínico y radiográfico de las técnicas ART y remoción químico- mecánica de caries: estudio piloto

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    Denise Mizuno

    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comparar clínica y radiográfi camente el Tratamiento Restaurador Atraumático (ART y remoción químico- mecánica con Papacárie® en molares deciduos con caries oclusal verificando dolor, integridad clínica de las restauraciones y evolución de la lesión. Metodología: Estudio clínico randomizado en 16 molares deciduos, en pacientes de ambos sexos, con edades entre 3 y 6 años. Esos dientes fueron divididos aleatoriamente en G1 (n=8 ART convencional y G2 (n=8 Papacárie® y restaurados con ionómero de vidrio. La sintomatologia se analizó mediante la Escala de Evaluación Facial. Seis meses después se evaluó clínicamente la integridad de las restauraciones (Escala de Frencken y radiográficamente el aumento o no del área radiolúcida de la lesión. Resultados: No fue relatado dolor durante la ejecución de ambas técnicas. Luego de seis meses no hubo progresión de las lesiones y el material restaurador se mantuvo retenido adecuadamente. Conclusiones: Ambas técnicas demostraron éxito clínico y radiográfico luego de seis meses de evaluación

  11. Avaliação da espessura do esmalte proximal em segundos pré-molares superiores humanos e sua correlação com o diâmetro mésio-distal = Thickness valuation of adjacent enamel in second superior human pre molar teeth an their relationship with mesio distal diameter

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    Fischer, Luís Henrique


    Full Text Available A determinação da espessura do esmalte proximal à altura do ponto de contato é de grande importância, visto que o desgaste desta região dental é freqüentemente utilizado na clínica ortodôntica com a finalidade de correção de discrepâncias dentais e estabilidade do tratamento. Com o intuito de determinar os valores do diâmetro mésio-distal e aferir os valores médios da espessura do esmalte nas faces proximais à altura do ponto de contato, foram avaliados 42 segundos pré-molares superiores. Os diâmetros mésio-distais foram mensurados com auxílio de um paquímetro digital, em seguida foram incluídos em resina e seccionados obtendo-se uma lâmina central de 0,7 mm de espessura, possibilitando a medição da espessura do esmalte em um perfilômetro de precisão milesimal. Com base nos dados obtidos, também foram analisadas as possíveis correlações entre a espessura do esmalte nas faces proximais e o diâmetro mésio-distal. Os resultados indicaram que o valor médio do diâmetro mésio-distal é de 6,85 mm para o segundo pré-molar superior e com espessura media do esmalte de 1,101 mm na mesial e 1,157 mm na distal. De acordo com os testes de Spearman e Pearson foram encontradas correlações estatisticamente significantes no lado direito entre a espessura do esmalte na face mesial e o diâmetro mésio-distal, entre a espessura na face distal e o diâmetro mésiodistal. No lado esquerdo foram encontradas correlações positivas entre a espessura do esmalte distal e o diâmetro mésio-distal. Em ambos os lados houve correlações estatisticamente significantes entre a espessura do esmalte mesial e a espessura do esmalte distal. Independente do lado, a espessura média do esmalte é maior na face distal que na mesial

  12. Prevalência de perda precoce de molares decíduos: estudo retrospectivo = Prevalence of early loss of deciduous molars: a retrospective study

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    Alessandro Leite Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Este estudo retrospectivo determinou a prevalência da perda precoce demolares decíduos em pacientes atendidos na clínica de Odontopediatria da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba. Foram examinados 515 prontuários, sendo os dados registrados em um formulário. Foram analisadas as variáveis: gênero, idade, tipo de molar decíduo perdido,arcada dentária (maxilar ou mandibular e lado (direito e esquerdo. Observou-se que a prevalência de perda precoce foi de 15,1%, existindo uma distribuição similar entre os gêneros. Em relação à idade da criança, a maior freqüência de perda acometeu pacientescom sete anos (32,1%. Houve distribuição equitativa da perda dentária entre as arcadas superior e inferior, com 43,6% cada uma, sendo o lado esquerdo o mais acometido (41%. O segundo molar superior esquerdo foi o mais acometido (17,9%, seguido do primeiromolar decíduo superior direito (16,1%. Pode-se concluir que a prevalência de perda precoce foi baixa e que os molares decíduos superiores foram os dentes mais comumente perdidos.This retrospective study determined the prevalence of early loss of deciduous molars in patients enrolled at the Pediatric Dentistry clinic at the State University of Paraíba. A review of 515 patient records were analyzed, registered in a form. The following variables were analyzed: gender, age, type of deciduous molar loss, region (maxilla or mandible and side (right and left. It was observed that the prevalence of early tooth loss was 15.1% and there was a similar distribution between the genders. In regard to age, the greatest frequency of tooth loss involved patients at 7 years old (32.1%. There was a similar distribution of tooth loss between the maxilla and mandible regions, at 43.6% each, with the left side being themost involved (41%. The second upper left deciduous molar was the most commonly missing tooth (17.9%, followed by the first upper right deciduous molar (16.1%. It can be concluded that the

  13. Avaliação da densidade óptica da superfície oclusal através de radiografias digitalizadas e sua relação com a presença de lesões de cárie em molares decíduos = Occlusal surface optical density measurement in digitized radiographs and the presence of caries in deciduous molars

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    Dutra, Giovana Martins Cezar


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o desempenho de dois sistemas de medição de densidade óptica numa amostra composta por segundos molares decíduos, assim como relacionar a presença de lesão de cárie dentinária na superfície oclusal de segundos molares decíduos com os valores de densidade óptica desta superfície, utilizando dois programas de computador. Para isso foi realizada a medição da densidade óptica de 28 radiografias padronizadas de segundos molares decíduos em dois programas de computador diferentes. Os resultados obtidos com o programa Digora® for Windows 2. 1 foram comparados com os obtidos no programa Image Tool for Windows 3. 0. Ainda, os valores de densidade óptica encontrados foram relacionados aos diagnósticos obtidos com o exame dos dentes no estereomicroscópio. Os programas Digora e Image Tool apresentaram valores de densidade óptica semelhantes, sem diferença estatisticamente significativa. Ainda, a densidade óptica observada nos dentes que não apresentavam lesões de cárie dentinárias na superfície oclusal foi diferente daquela cujos dentes possuiam lesão em dentina (p = 0,035. Entretanto, com os resultados obtidos neste estudo não foi possível estabelecer intervalos de densidade óptica correspondentes a superfícies oclusais com presença ou ausência de lesões de cárie em dentina

  14. Deciduous molar hypomineralization and molar incisor hypomineralization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elfrink, M.E.C.; ten Cate, J.M.; Jaddoe, V.W.V.; Hofman, A.; Moll, H.A.; Veerkamp, J.S.J.


    This study was embedded in the Generation R Study, a population-based prospective cohort study from fetal life until young adulthood. This study focused on the relationship between Deciduous Molar Hypomineralization (DMH) and Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH). First permanent molars develop

  15. Molar Pregnancy (United States)

    ... weeks of pregnancy Ovarian cysts Anemia Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) Causes A molar pregnancy is caused by an ... have this complication than a partial molar pregnancy. Prevention If you've had a molar pregnancy, talk ...

  16. The sealing of second mandibular temporary molar pits and fissure with the laser of Nd: YAG, phosphoric acid and the glass ionomer cement; Selamento de fossulas e fissura de segundo molar deciduo inferior com laser de Nd: YAG, acido fosforico e cimento de ionomero de vidro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toda, Maria Aparecida


    The main of our study was to check the sealing of second mandibular temporary molar pits and fissure, in vitro, with the laser of Nd: YAG, phosphoric acid at 37% and the glass ionomer cement (CIV, Fuji IX GC).The proposal was to check the structural morphologic changes in the laser irradiation upon the enamel surface to watch the pits and fissure sealing with the glass ionomer cement use after the laser irradiation and to verify the efficiency of the 'double conditioning' (phosphoric acid + Nd: YAG). At the same time we watch the evolution of the temperature in the pulp chamber's inside. Our desire was to achieve a therapeutic alternative technic to prevent the dental caries. The Nd: YAG laser parameters were the same: 79 mJ of energy per pulse; frequency of 5 Hz; mean power of 0,4 W; optical fiber on contact of 320 {mu}m diameter; fluency of 99,52 J/ cm{sup 2}, assuming that the only differential was the time of the laser application on the enamel surface. The samples were prepared with this way: Laser Nd: YAG (53 second) + acid + CIV (Fuji IX); Laser Nd: YAG (53 s); Laser Nd: YAG (20 s + 20 s) + acid + CIV; Laser Nd: YAG (20 s + 20 s); Acid + CIV; Control. Through the scanning electron microscopy (MEV) we noticed fusion and resolidification regions due to the laser irradiation and a better adaptation of the glass ionomer cement when we did the 'double conditioning'. Concerning the temperature increase we can conclude that the echeloned period was the best recommended because the temperature was found in a pattern that would not cause any damage to the dental pulp. For future studies we suggest a longer relaxing time between the laser irradiation, a comparative study of this method with other lasers, the use of other sealing materials and the study with the permanent teeth. (author)

  17. The sealing of second mandibular temporary molar pits and fissure with the laser of Nd: YAG, phosphoric acid and the glass ionomer cement; Selamento de fossulas e fissura de segundo molar deciduo inferior com laser de Nd: YAG, acido fosforico e cimento de ionomero de vidro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toda, Maria Aparecida


    The main of our study was to check the sealing of second mandibular temporary molar pits and fissure, in vitro, with the laser of Nd: YAG, phosphoric acid at 37% and the glass ionomer cement (CIV, Fuji IX GC).The proposal was to check the structural morphologic changes in the laser irradiation upon the enamel surface to watch the pits and fissure sealing with the glass ionomer cement use after the laser irradiation and to verify the efficiency of the 'double conditioning' (phosphoric acid + Nd: YAG). At the same time we watch the evolution of the temperature in the pulp chamber's inside. Our desire was to achieve a therapeutic alternative technic to prevent the dental caries. The Nd: YAG laser parameters were the same: 79 mJ of energy per pulse; frequency of 5 Hz; mean power of 0,4 W; optical fiber on contact of 320 {mu}m diameter; fluency of 99,52 J/ cm{sup 2}, assuming that the only differential was the time of the laser application on the enamel surface. The samples were prepared with this way: Laser Nd: YAG (53 second) + acid + CIV (Fuji IX); Laser Nd: YAG (53 s); Laser Nd: YAG (20 s + 20 s) + acid + CIV; Laser Nd: YAG (20 s + 20 s); Acid + CIV; Control. Through the scanning electron microscopy (MEV) we noticed fusion and resolidification regions due to the laser irradiation and a better adaptation of the glass ionomer cement when we did the 'double conditioning'. Concerning the temperature increase we can conclude that the echeloned period was the best recommended because the temperature was found in a pattern that would not cause any damage to the dental pulp. For future studies we suggest a longer relaxing time between the laser irradiation, a comparative study of this method with other lasers, the use of other sealing materials and the study with the permanent teeth. (author)


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    Eka Erwansyah


    Full Text Available The mesial tipping of molar is frequently found in orthodontic cases. This molar malposition must be corrected since it may cause periodontal disorders, occlusal interferences, and temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and is often needed in planning a fixed bridge. This paper is a literature study to discuss about appliance designs, indication, and contraindications, and complication and treatment protocols of molar uprighting by fixed orthodontic appliances. By knowing the techniques of molar uprighting, the moments mentioned above can be avoided.

  19. Fusión de un tercer molar mandibular con un cuarto molar supernumerario Fusion of mandibular third molar with supernumerary fourth molar

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    C. López Carriches


    Full Text Available La fusión dental es la unión de dos gérmenes dentales normalmente separados, mientras que la geminación se define como el intento de división de un único germen dental. La fusión y geminación de molares es poco frecuente en la dentición permanente. Describimos un caso clínico de un tercer molar inferior derecho fusionado a un cuarto molar supernumerario en un paciente varón de 36 años que ha presentado repetidos episodios de pericoronaritis. Tras el estudio radiológico se realiza la exodoncia del cordal semiincluido bajo anestesia local. Llevamos a cabo una revisión bibliográfica al respecto.Dental fusion is the union of two tooth buds that normally are separated, while gemination is defined as an attempt by a single tooth bud to divide. The fusion and gemination of molars is uncommon in permanent teeth. We report a clinical case of a right lower third molar fused to a supernumerary fourth molar in a 36-year-old male patient with repeated episodes of inflammation. After the radiologic study, the semi-impacted third molar was extracted under local anesthesia. The literature was reviewed.


    Cernei, E R; Mavru, R B; Zetu, Irina Nicoleta


    The aim of our study was to determine the impact of premature loss of temporary lower molars upon the longitudinal axis of the first and second permanent molars. The study groups included 61 patients, 6-9 year olds with premature loss of primary molars and a control group of 24 patients with intact temporary teeth. We evaluated the angle between longitudinal axis of first and second lower permanent molars and occlusal plane. It was observed that premature loss of lower second deciduous molar modifies more the vertical axis of first and second permanent molars than the premature loss of first lower primary molar. Reducing space occurs mainly through mesial inclination of molars that separates the edentulous breach. Temporary loss of both lower first molars on the same quadrant causes an accelerated eruption of both premolars increasing the prevalence of eruption sequence: "4-5-3-7". The preservation of the occlusal morpho-functional complex using space maintainers mainly when the premature loss of the second primary molars occurs is the best interceptive treatment option.

  1. The influence of premature loss of temporary upper molars on permanent molars. (United States)

    Cernei, E R; Maxim, Dana Cristiana; Zetu, Irina Nicoleta


    Premature loss of primary molars due to dental caries and their complications has been associated with space loss and eruptive difficulties, especially when the loss occurs early. The aim of our study was to determine the impact of premature loss of temporary upper molars upon the longitudinal axis of the first and second upper permanent molar. The study group included 64 patients 6-9 years old with premature loss of primary molars and a control group of 48 patients with intact temporary teeth. It was evaluated the angle between longitudinal axis of first and second upper permanent molars and occlusal plane. The sofware used is Easy Dent 4 Viewer®.The data were analyzed by using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (version 20.0; SPSS, Chicago, III). It was observed that premature loss of upper second deciduous molars modifies greater the vertical axis of the permanent molars than the premature loss of first upper primary molar. First upper primary molar loss cause an acceleration eruption of first premolar, which will produce a distal inclintion of the both permanent molars. The use of space maintainers after premature loss of the second upper temporary molar is a last solution in preventing tridimensional lesions in the dental arch and occlusion.

  2. Endodontic management of a mandibular third molar fused with a fourth molar. (United States)

    Turell, I L; Zmener, O


    Developmental anomalies in permanent molars frequently require surgical intervention. A case of a mandibular third molar fused with a fourth molar which was successfully treated with conservative endodontic therapy is reported.

  3. Prevalência de perda precoce de molares decíduos: estudo retrospectivo - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v30i2.3943 Prevalence of early loss of deciduous molars: a retrospective study - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v30i2.3943

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    Ana Flávia Granville-Garcia


    Full Text Available Este estudo retrospectivo determinou a prevalência da perda precoce de molares decíduos em pacientes atendidos na clínica de Odontopediatria da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba. Foram examinados 515 prontuários, sendo os dados registrados em um formulário. Foram analisadas as variáveis: gênero, idade, tipo de molar decíduo perdido, arcada dentária (maxilar ou mandibular e lado (direito e esquerdo. Observou-se que a prevalência de perda precoce foi de 15,1%, existindo uma distribuição similar entre os gêneros. Em relação à idade da criança, a maior freqüência de perda acometeu pacientes com sete anos (32,1%. Houve distribuição equitativa da perda dentária entre as arcadas superior e inferior, com 43,6% cada uma, sendo o lado esquerdo o mais acometido (41%. O segundo molar superior esquerdo foi o mais acometido (17,9%, seguido do primeiro molar decíduo superior direito (16,1%. Pode-se concluir que a prevalência de perda precoce foi baixa e que os molares decíduos superiores foram os dentes mais comumente perdidos.This retrospective study determined the prevalence of early loss of deciduous molars in patients enrolled at the Pediatric Dentistry clinic at the State University of Paraíba. A review of 515 patient records were analyzed, registered in a form. The following variables were analyzed: gender, age, type of deciduous molar loss, region (maxilla or mandible and side (right and left. It was observed that the prevalence of early tooth loss was 15.1% and there was a similar distribution between the genders. In regard to age, the greatest frequency of tooth loss involved patients at 7 years old (32.1%. There was a similar distribution of tooth loss between the maxilla and mandible regions, at 43.6% each, with the left side being the most involved (41%. The second upper left deciduous molar was the most commonly missing tooth (17.9%, followed by the first upper right deciduous molar (16.1%. It can be concluded that the

  4. Fusion of mandibular third molar with supernumerary fourth molar


    López Carriches, C.; Leco Berrocal, I.; Baca Pérez-Bryan, R.


    La fusión dental es la unión de dos gérmenes dentales normalmente separados, mientras que la geminación se define como el intento de división de un único germen dental. La fusión y geminación de molares es poco frecuente en la dentición permanente. Describimos un caso clínico de un tercer molar inferior derecho fusionado a un cuarto molar supernumerario en un paciente varón de 36 años que ha presentado repetidos episodios de pericoronaritis. Tras el estudio radiológico se realiza la exodoncia...

  5. [Correlation between the lower first permanent molar axis and the premature loss of temporary molars]. (United States)

    Petcu, Ana; Maxim, A; Haba, Danisia


    The aim of our study was to determine the impact of premature loss of temporary molars upon the longitudinal axis of the first permanent molar. The study sample was formed by 94 orthopanthomografies of child patients with premature loss of lower temporary molars (first or second) after clinical eruption of the first permanent molar. All panoramic radiographs have been realized with the same panoramic unit with 1.4% magnification coefficient and were analyzed using a standardized technique of tracing the images of teeth and bone on matte acetate paper. It was evaluated the angle between longitudinal axis of first permanent lower molar and occlusal plane. It was observed that premature loss of lower second deciduous molar modifies greater the vertical axis of first permanent molar (between 61 degrees and 79 degrees) then premature loss of first lower primary molar. This is perhaps because the loss of space in the case of premature exfoliation of first primary molar is due more to distal drift of canine then mesial drift of molars. The drift to mesial of first permanent molar is more accentuated proportional with the age at which appeared premature loss and so it is loss of leeway space.

  6. [Hyperthyroidism in molar pregnancy]. (United States)

    Boufettal, H; Mahdoui, S; Noun, M; Hermas, S; Samouh, N


    Hyperthyroidism is a rare complication of molar pregnancy. We report a 39-year-old woman who presented a thyrotoxic syndrome accompanying a molar pregnancy. Serum thyroid hormones were elevated and returned to normal level after uterine evacuation of a molar pregnancy. The authors detail the role of thyroid stimulating property of human gonadotropin chorionic hormone and its structural changes during the gestational trophoblastic diseases. These changes give the latter the thyroid stimulating properties and signs of hyperthyroidism. Molar pregnancy may be a cause of hyperthyroidism. The diagnosis of molar pregnancy should be a mention to thyrotoxicosique syndrome in a woman of childbearing age. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier SAS.


    Cernei, E R; Mavru, R B; Zetui, Irina Nicoleta


    Uprighting a tipped molar by using an uprighting spring is a fundamental orthodontic treatment technique. Following a weak anchorage done only by the anterior teeth the permanent lower second molar will rotate around its center of resistance, and besides the distalizing movement will occur its extrusion. Following the reaction, the mandibular anterior teeth will have a movement of intrusion. All these elements will lead to anterior open bite. Correction of vertical problems has become easier with the advent of mini-implants. U.I patient aged 24 years presenting for aesthetic and functional disorders. Clinical examination reveals intraoral Class I molar malocclusion on the right sight, upper narrowing arch with a slight overbite, and the both permanent first molars on the left side lost prematurely. The tooth 37 is inclined at 600 degrees to the plane of occlusion. To avoid front opening occlusion we used an orthodontic miniscrew inserted between the canine and the first premolar on the same side to achieve the second molar up righting. Lower second molar uprighting was achieved without unwanted movements in anterior mandibular region and without molar extrusion. Using mini implants in uprighting a tipped molar will achieve the desired tooth movement and will reduce the number of unwanted side effects and eventually to improve patient's esthetics.

  8. Removable molar power arm

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    Raj Kumar Verma


    Full Text Available Attachment of force elements from the gingival hook of maxillary molar tubes during the retraction of the anterior teeth is very common in orthodontic practice. As the line of force passes below the center of resistance (CR of molar, it results its mesial tipping and also anchorage loss. To overcome this problem, the line of force should pass along the CR of molar. This article highlights a method to overcome this problem by attaching a removable power arm to the headgear tube of molar tube during the retraction of the anterior teeth.

  9. El Segundo Cerebro del ser humano.

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    Rocío Ponce


    Este articulo tiene por objetivo principal analizar la participación del segundo cerebro en la conducta del hombre, con la ayuda de una nueva especialidad de medicina, la Neurogastroenterología, con su explicación se determina la reacción que existe entre el cerebro mesenterio y el cerebro central, se identifica a cada uno en sus funciones, se efectúa un análisis referencial de como el estrés influye en la conducta, produciendo una crisis. Que se manifiestan con trastornos fisiológicos y psicológicos, como diarreas o estreñimiento, con dolor y trastornos de ansiedad, cansancio, insomnio, falta de concentración perdida de la memoria y a su vez ulceras gástricas, hipertensión, gases, que no necesariamente se debe solamente a un problema estomacal producido por una mala ingesta de alimentos, sino por comportamientos emocionales que repercuten negativamente en esta parte del cuerpo. Se comprobará la influencia del segundo cerebro en la impulsividad y sus daños colaterales en el organismo

  10. Maxillary second molar impaction in the adjacent ectopic third molar: Report of five rare cases (United States)

    Souki, Bernardo Q.; Cheib, Paula L.; de Brito, Gabriela M.; Pinto, Larissa S. M. C.


    Maxillary second molar impaction in the adjacent ectopic third molar is a rare condition that practitioners might face in the field of pediatric dentistry and orthodontics. The early diagnosis and extraction of the adjacent ectopic third molar have been advocated, and prior research has reported a high rate of spontaneous eruption following third molar removal. However, some challenges in the daily practice are that the early diagnosis of this type of tooth impaction is difficult with conventional radiographic examination, and sometimes the early surgical removal of the maxillary third molar must be postponed because of the risks of damaging the second molar. The objective of this study is to report a case series of five young patients with maxillary second molar impaction and to discuss the difficulty of early diagnosis with the conventional radiographic examination, and unpredictability of self-correction. PMID:26321848

  11. Maxillary second molar impaction in the adjacent ectopic third molar: Report of five rare cases

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    Bernardo Q Souki


    Full Text Available Maxillary second molar impaction in the adjacent ectopic third molar is a rare condition that practitioners might face in the field of pediatric dentistry and orthodontics. The early diagnosis and extraction of the adjacent ectopic third molar have been advocated, and prior research has reported a high rate of spontaneous eruption following third molar removal. However, some challenges in the daily practice are that the early diagnosis of this type of tooth impaction is difficult with conventional radiographic examination, and sometimes the early surgical removal of the maxillary third molar must be postponed because of the risks of damaging the second molar. The objective of this study is to report a case series of five young patients with maxillary second molar impaction and to discuss the difficulty of early diagnosis with the conventional radiographic examination, and unpredictability of self-correction.

  12. The premature loss of primary first molars: space loss to molar occlusal relationships and facial patterns. (United States)

    Alexander, Stanley A; Askari, Marjan; Lewis, Patricia


    To investigate space changes with the premature loss of primary first molars and their relationship to permanent molar occlusion and facial forms. Two hundred twenty-six participants (ranging in age from 7 years 8 months to 8 years 2 months; 135 female, 91 male) met all inclusion criteria designed to study space loss as a result of the premature loss of the primary first molar. After 9 months, space loss was evaluated in relationship to molar occlusion and facial form. Statistical evaluation was performed with the paired t-test and with a two-way analysis of variance for independent groups. Patients with leptoprosopic facial form and end-on molar occlusions all exhibited a statistically significant difference when compared to controls in terms of space loss (P molar occlusion displayed space loss as well (P molar occlusion displayed space loss in the maxilla (P molar occlusions showed no significant difference in space loss. The relationship between the first permanent molar occlusion and facial form of the child has an influence on the loss of space at the primary first molar site.

  13. An innovative technique to distalize maxillary molar using microimplant supported rapid molar distalizer

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    Meenu Goel


    Full Text Available Introduction: In recent years, enhancements in implants have made their use possible as a mode of absolute anchorage in orthodontic patients. In this paper, the authors have introduced an innovative technique to unilaterally distalize the upper left 1 st molar to obtain an ideal Class I molar relationship from a Class II existing molar relationship with an indigenous designed distalizer. Clinical Innovation: For effective unilateral diatalization of molar, a novel cantilever sliding jig assembly was utilized with coil spring supported by a buccally placed single micro implant. The results showed 3 mm of bodily distalization with 1 mm of intrusion and 2° of distal tipping of upper left 1 st molar in 1.5 months. Discussion: This appliance is relatively easy to insert, well-tolerated, and requires minimal patient cooperation compared to other present techniques of molar distalization. Moreover, it is particularly useful in cases that are Class II on one side and Class I on the other, with a minor midline discrepancy and nominal overjet. Patient acceptance level was reported to be within patients physiological and comfort limits.

  14. Are Hypomineralized Primary Molars and Canines Associated with Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization? (United States)

    da Silva Figueiredo Sé, Maria Jose; Ribeiro, Ana Paula Dias; Dos Santos-Pinto, Lourdes Aparecida Martins; de Cassia Loiola Cordeiro, Rita; Cabral, Renata Nunes; Leal, Soraya Coelho


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of and relationship between hypomineralized second primary molars (HSPM) and hypomineralized primary canines (HPC) with molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH) in 1,963 schoolchildren. The European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD) criterion was used for scoring HSPM/HPC and MIH. Only children with four permanent first molars and eight incisors were considered in calculating MIH prevalence (n equals 858); for HSPM/HPC prevalence, only children with four primary second molars (n equals 1,590) and four primary canines (n equals 1,442) were considered. To evaluate the relationship between MIH/HSPM, only children meeting both criteria cited were considered (n equals 534), as was true of MIH/HPC (n equals 408) and HSPM/HPC (n equals 360; chi-square test and logistic regression). The prevalence of MIH was 14.69 percent (126 of 858 children). For HSPM and HPC, the prevalence was 6.48 percent (103 of 1,592) and 2.22 percent (32 of 1,442), respectively. A significant relationship was observed between MIH and both HSPM/HPC (PMIH based on HSPM was 6.31 (95 percent confidence interval [CI] equals 2.59 to 15.13) and for HPC was 6.02 (95 percent CI equals 1.08 to 33.05). The results led to the conclusion that both hypomineralized second primary molars and hypomineralized primary canines are associated with molar-incisor hypomineralization, because children with HSPM/HPC are six times more likely to develop MIH.

  15. Mini implant supported molar tubes: A novel method for attaching the molar tubes

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    Nitin V Muralidhar


    Full Text Available Banding or bonding procedures have been the only means of attaching molar tubes onto the permanent molar teeth till date in the field of orthodontics. This clinical innovation aims to include the use of mini implant for the purpose of attaching the molar tubes thereby eliminating the iatrogenic effects of banding and bonding of the teeth.

  16. Superficies de segundo orden


    Salazar Salazar, Luis Álvaro


    Este trabajo se propone poner al alcance de estudiantes de primeros semestres de carreras de aplicación de la matemática, un algoritmo proporcionado por el álgebra lineal, para tratar con mas generalidad, agilidad y libertad unos objetos de la geometría analítica de no fácil manipulación por otros métodos y que se conocen como superficies de segundo orden o superficies cuádricas. En este orden de ideas, el autor considera importante que con este tratamiento se incluya este tema en una asignat...

  17. Litterfall, litter decomposition and nitrogen mineralization in old-growth evergreen and secondary deciduous Nothofagus forests in south-central Chile Aporte, descomposición de hojarasca y mineralización de nitrógeno en bosques siempreverdes de antiguo crecimiento y bosques secundarios deciduos, centro-sur de Chile

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    mineralization rates in the present study.Los ecosistemas forestales del sur de Chile presentan un gran valor ecológico pues constituyen una de las mayores áreas del hemisferio Sur con existencias de bosques templados lluviosos. Están sometidos a procesos de deforestación, invasión de especies exóticas, fragmentación e incremento de depositación de nitrógeno (N atmosférico. Para apoyar su manejo sustentable se requiere de mayor conocimiento en el ciclo de nutrientes de estos ecosistemas. Se estudia la dinámica de nutrientes en cuatro sitios de bosques lluviosos valdivianos de la precordillera de los Andes, centro-sur de Chile: un bosque siempreverde de antiguo crecimiento prístino y otro alterado, un bosque caducifolio secundario con manejo silvícola y otro sin. Durante el período octubre 2002 -septiembre 2006, se estimaron (i masa de la hojarasca (cuatro años y contenido de nutrientes de la hojarasca (un año, (ii descomposición y dinámica de nutrientes de hojarasca (un año y de la corteza de Saxegothaea conspicua, y (iii mineralización neta de nitrógeno (N-min en el suelo in situ (un año. El aporte de hojarasca en los cuatro sitios fluctúa desde 3.5 hasta 5.8 ton ha-1 año-1, y es temporalmente menor en bosque caducifolio manejado, respecto del caducifolio sin manejo. Además, presentan una estacionalidad en los siempreverdes que es diferente, respecto de los deciduos. La hojarasca se descompone más rápidamente (promedio 32 % pérdida de masa después de un año que la corteza (8 %, pero no se presentaron diferencias significativas en la hojarasca. El N neto en la hojarasca de los bosques siempreverdes disminuye durante la descomposición, pero se incrementa en la hojarasca de los deciduos. La N-mineralización neta del suelo fue completa en el bosque siempreverde prístino, intermedia en los bosques deciduos y el más baja en el bosque siempreverde alterado. Dada la ausencia de réplicas en las parcelas, no puede ser demostrado el impacto definido del

  18. Timing of Histologic Progression from Chorio-Deciduitis to Chorio-Deciduo-Amnionitis in the Setting of Preterm Labor and Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes with Sterile Amniotic Fluid. (United States)

    Park, Chan-Wook; Park, Joong Shin; Norwitz, Errol R; Moon, Kyung Chul; Jun, Jong Kwan; Yoon, Bo Hyun


    Histologic chorio-deciduitis and chorio-deciduo-amnionitis (amnionitis) in extra-placental membranes are known to represent the early and advanced stages of ascending intra-uterine infection. However, there are no data in humans about the time required for chorio-deciduitis to develop and for chorio-deciduitis without amnionitis to progress to chorio-deciduitis with amnionitis, and the effect of prolongation of pregnancy on the development of chorio-deciduitis and amnionitis in patients with preterm labor and intact membranes (PTL) and preterm premature rupture of membranes (preterm-PROM). We examined these issues in this study. The study population consisted of 289 women who delivered preterm (133 cases with PTL, and 156 cases with preterm-PROM) and who had sterile amniotic fluid (AF) defined as a negative AF culture and the absence of inflammation as evidenced by a matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) level membranes (i.e., inflammation-free extra-placental membranes, choroi-deciduitis only, and chorio-deciduitis with amnionitis) in patients with PTL and preterm-PROM. Amniocentesis-to-delivery interval was longer in cases of chorio-deciduitis with amnionitis than in cases of chorio-deciduitis only in both PTL (median [interquartile-range (IQR)]; 645.4 [319.5] vs. 113.9 [526.9] hours; P = 0.005) and preterm-PROM (131.3 [135.4] vs. 95.2 [140.5] hours; Pmembranes. Moreover, prolongation of pregnancy is an independent predictor of the development of both chorio-deciduitis and amnionitis in cases of PTL with sterile AF.

  19. Oxygen from Hydrogen Peroxide. A Safe Molar Volume-Molar Mass Experiment. (United States)

    Bedenbaugh, John H.; And Others


    Describes a molar volume-molar mass experiment for use in general chemistry laboratories. Gives background technical information, procedures for the titration of aqueous hydrogen peroxide with standard potassium permanganate and catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to produce oxygen, and a discussion of the results obtained in three…

  20. Extrações de molares na Ortodontia Molar extractions in orthodontics

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    Marco Antônio Schroeder


    Full Text Available O tratamento ortodôntico com extração de molares em pacientes adultos é tecnicamente mais complexo, devido a inúmeros fatores. Em geral, o espaço a ser fechado é maior do que o espaço dos pré-molares e, por isso, a ancoragem é crítica e o tempo de tratamento mais longo. É comum esses casos apresentarem algum grau de comprometimento periodontal por causa da idade dos pacientes e, portanto, necessitam de maior controle da mecânica ortodôntica para reduzir os efeitos colaterais do fechamento do espaço. Por isso, bons resultados de finalização são mais difíceis de ser alcançados. Sendo assim, este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as razões para a indicação de extração de molares nos tratamentos ortodônticos, as contraindicações, as diferentes fases da mecânica ortodôntica, esclarecer os fatores envolvidos nesse tipo de planejamento e tratamento e apresentar casos clínicos tratados com extração de molares.Orthodontic treatment with extraction of molars in adult patients is technically more complex due to a number of factors. In general, the space to be closed is greater than premolar spaces rendering critical anchorage and longer treatment time. Often such cases exhibit some degree of periodontal involvement due to patient age. Hence, the need for greater control over orthodontic mechanics to reduce the side effects of space closure. Therefore, good finishing results can be more difficult to achieve. Thus, the purpose of this article is to determine the reasons for molar extraction indications, describe different stages of orthodontic mechanics, and explain the issues involved in this kind of planning and treatment. Additionally, it aims at describing some treatments with molar extractions.

  1. Molar volume of eutectic solvents as a function of molar composition and temperature☆

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Farouq S. Mjalli


    The conventional Rackett model for predicting liquid molar volume has been modified to cater for the effect of molar composition of the Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES). The experimental molar volume data for a group of commonly used DES has been used for optimizing the improved model. The data involved different molar compositions of each DES. The validation of the new model was performed on another set of DESs. The average relative deviation of the model on the training and validation datasets was approximately 0.1%while the Rackett model gave a relative deviation of more than 1.6%. The modified model deals with variations in DES molar com-position and temperature in a more consistent way than the original Rackett model which exhibits monotonic performance degradation as temperature moves away from reference conditions. Having the composition of the DES as a model variable enhances the practical utilization of the predicting model in diverse design and process simulation applications.

  2. Segundos mensajeros Second messengers

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    Diana Patricia Díaz Hernández


    Full Text Available

    En esta revisión se describen, de manera esquemática, los mecanismos de acción empleados por los SEGUNDOS MENSAJEROS comenzando por el estimulo del receptor y continuando con las reacciones en cadena que conducen finalmente a una respuesta celular.

    This review schematically describes the different mechanisms of action that Second Messengers employ to stimulate receptors and then Initiate a chain of reactions that finally lead to appropriate cellular responses.

  3. Temas de Física para Ingeniería: Segundo principio de la termodinámica


    Beléndez Vázquez, Augusto


    Acústica, fluidos y termodinámica: "Segundo principio de la termodinámica". Necesidad y enunciado del segundo principio. Rendimiento de las máquinas térmicas y frigoríficas. Ciclo de Carnot. Escala termodinámica de temperaturas. Entropía. Variaciones de entropía en procesos reversibles e irreversibles. Entropía y segundo principio.

  4. Molar development in sheep: morphology, radiography, microhardness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milhaud, G.; Nezit, J.


    The chronology of molar development is studied from radiographic and macroscopic observations on 48 south Pre-Alps were living under optimal nutritional conditions. It was found that the first molar started its development in utero, the second molar at one month after birth, and the third molar, at 9-10 months. The first molar emerged into the oral cavity at 3 months, the second at 9 months and the third molar at 18 months. The first molar began the development of its roots at 6-7 months, the second molar at 11-12 months and the third molar at 20-22 months. The first molar reached completion of the growth of its roots at 3.5-4 years, the second and the third molars at about 6 years. The molars show the particularity of being functional during the three months which follow their eruption although the development of the crown is not completed. Then the accelerated wear is only partially compensated by the growth of the roots. The study also shows how the combined effects of wear and dentine deposit in the pulp cavity affect the morphology of molars. It reveals the marked hardness of enamel (240 Vickers units) and the low resistance of dentine at the surface of attrition (30 Vickers units)

  5. Prevalent of root resorption of second molar adjustment the impacted third molar in prepiacal and panoramic radiographs

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    Mohammad Ebrahimi Saravi


    Full Text Available   Background and Aims: Impacted third molar reduces the bone level in the distal aspect of second molar, and sometimes it can lead to root resorption of the adjacent tooth. The purpose of this study was to determine this resorption using panoramic and periapical radiographs.   Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study 54 patient (28 men, 26 women above 15 years old with the average of 22 years in Oral and Maxillofacial Department of Tehran University were studied. A periapical radiography from the third molar and a panoramic radiograph were taken from each patient (Because of their routine use and evaluation of accuracy of panoramic compared with periapical, and the magnitude of the root resorption for the second molar was determined by 2 observers and written in a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Fisher test.   Results: The prevalence of the root resorption of the second molar adjacent to the impacted third molar in the panoramic and the periapical radiographies, with respect to the limitation of the sample size were 46.3% and 31.5%, respectively, with 95% confidence(P>0.05. Most of these resorptions were in the cervical third of the second molar roots and in cases in which the third molars were mesially oriented or horizontal. There was also no significant difference between panoramic and periapical radiographs.   Conclusion: Due to the increased risk of the resorption of the second molar adjacent to the third molar, extraction of the impacted third molars, especiall y mesially oriented or horizontal ones are recommended.

  6. Human dental age estimation combining third molar(s) development and tooth morphological age predictors. (United States)

    Thevissen, P W; Galiti, D; Willems, G


    In the subadult age group, third molar development, as well as age-related morphological tooth information can be observed on panoramic radiographs. The aim of present study was to combine, in subadults, panoramic radiographic data based on developmental stages of third molar(s) and morphological measurements from permanent teeth, in order to evaluate its added age-predicting performances. In the age range between 15 and 23 years, 25 gender-specific radiographs were collected within each age category of 1 year. Third molar development was classified and registered according the 10-point staging and scoring technique proposed by Gleiser and Hunt (1955), modified by Köhler (1994). The Kvaal (1995) measuring technique was applied on the indicated teeth from the individuals' left side. Linear regression models with age as response and third molar-scored stages as explanatory variables were developed, and morphological measurements from permanent teeth were added. From the models, determination coefficients (R (2)) and root-mean-square errors (RMSE) were calculated. Maximal-added age information was reported as a 6 % R² increase and a 0.10-year decrease of RMSE. Forensic dental age estimations on panoramic radiographic data in the subadult group (15-23 year) should only be based on third molar development.

  7. Avaliação in vitro da microinfiltração em cavidades classe II de molares decíduos, restaurados com resina composta auto e fotopolimerizável


    CAVALCANTI Alessandro Leite; CHELOTTI Adolpho


    Estudou-se a microinfiltração marginal presente na interface da parede gengival de cavidades classe II em molares decíduos, restaurados com resina composta (auto e fotopolimerizável), através da penetração de uma solução corante. Os preparos cavitários apresentavam a parede gengival em esmalte e foram restaurados segundo 4 diferentes técnicas: 1) resina composta fotopolimerizável; 2) resina composta autopolimerizável; 3) resina composta auto e fotopolimerizável; e 4) ionômero de vidro/resina ...

  8. As Mídias Segundo Mafalda


    Dantas, Juliana Bulhões Alberto; Machado, Diolene Borges; Muniz, Euzébia Maria de Pontes Targino; Gomes, Marcelo Bolshaw


    MUNIZ, Euzébia M. P. T. ; MACHADO, Diolene B. ; BULHOES, Juilana A. D. As mídias segundo Mafalda. RUA. Revista Universitária do Audiovisual, v. v.2, p. p.01, 2012. O artigo almeja discorrer sobre o possível uso das tirinhas da personagem Mafalda, do cartunista Quino, em ambiente escolar. A hipótese desenvolvida é a de que as tirinhas podem ser uma prática educomunicacional com o objetivo de atuar na construção do pensamento crítico de jovens provindos do Ensino Médio brasileiro.

  9. A three-dimensional finite element analysis of molar distalization with a palatal plate, pendulum, and headgear according to molar eruption stage (United States)

    Kang, Ju-Man; Park, Jae Hyun; Bayome, Mohamed; Oh, Moonbee; Park, Chong Ook; Mo, Sung-Seo


    Objective This study aimed to (1) evaluate the effects of maxillary second and third molar eruption status on the distalization of first molars with a modified palatal anchorage plate (MPAP), and (2) compare the results to the outcomes of the use of a pendulum and that of a headgear using three-dimensional finite element analysis. Methods Three eruption stages were established: an erupting second molar at the cervical one-third of the first molar root (Stage 1), a fully erupted second molar (Stage 2), and an erupting third molar at the cervical one-third of the second molar root (Stage 3). Retraction forces were applied via three anchorage appliance models: an MPAP with bracket and archwire, a bone-anchored pendulum appliance, and cervical-pull headgear. Results An MPAP showed greater root movement of the first molar than crown movement, and this was more noticeable in Stages 2 and 3. With the other devices, the first molar showed distal tipping. Transversely, the first molar had mesial-out rotation with headgear and mesial-in rotation with the other devices. Vertically, the first molar was intruded with an MPAP, and extruded with the other appliances. Conclusions The second molar eruption stage had an effect on molar distalization, but the third molar follicle had no effect. The application of an MPAP may be an effective treatment option for maxillary molar distalization. PMID:27668192


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    Elitsa G. Deliverska


    Full Text Available Background: Extraction of impacted third molar violates surrounding soft and bony tissues. Various surgical approaches and surgical technics have an important impact on the periodontal health of the adjacent second molar. Purpose: The aim of this review is to analyse the causes that can affect postoperative periodontal outcomes for the mandibular second molars (LM2 adjacent to the impacted/ semi impacted mandibular third molars (LM3. Material and Methods: Electronic searches were conducted through the MEDLINE (PubMed, Scopus, etc. databases to screen all relevant articles published from inception to April 2017. Results: Different flap techniques had no significant impact on the probing depth reduction or on the clinical attachment level of LM2. Szmyd and paramarginal flap designs may be the most effective in reducing the probing depth after third molar surgery, and the envelope flap may be the least effective. Use of bone substitutes and guided tissue regeneration therapy has been proposed, to eliminate or prevent these periodontal defects, but there is still no consensus on their predictability or clinical benefit. Higher costs and the risk of postoperative inflammatory complications should also be taken into proper account, as with any surgical procedure. “Orthodontic extraction” is indicated for that impacted M3 that present a high risk of postoperative periodontal defects at the distal aspect of adjacent M2. Conclusion: Risk factors associated with bone loss following lower third molar extraction includes age, the direction of the eruption, preoperative bone defects, and resorbtion of the LM2 root surface. Prevention of such periodontal defects continues to challenge clinicians.

  11. Incidence of root canal treatment of second molars following adjacent impacted third molar extraction

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    Yener Oguz


    Conclusion: Although the incidence is minimal, iatrogenic subluxation injuries occurring during the surgical removal of impacted third molars can lead to pulpal complications and a requirement for root canal treatment of adjacent second molars.

  12. Hypomineralized Second Primary Molars as Predictor of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (United States)

    Negre-Barber, A.; Montiel-Company, J. M.; Boronat-Catalá, M.; Catalá-Pizarro, M.; Almerich-Silla, J. M.


    Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a developmental defect of dental enamel that shares features with hypomineralized second primary molars (HSPM). Prior to permanent tooth eruption, second primary molars could have predictive value for permanent molar and incisor hypomineralization. To assess this possible relationship, a cross-sectional study was conducted in a sample of 414 children aged 8 and 9 years from the INMA cohort in Valencia (Spain). A calibrated examiner (linear-weighted Kappa 0.83) performed the intraoral examinations at the University of Valencia between November 2013 and 2014, applying the diagnostic criteria for MIH and HSPM adopted by the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry. 100 children (24.2%) presented MIH and 60 (14.5%) presented HSPM. Co-occurrence of the two defects was observed in 11.1% of the children examined. The positive predictive value was 76.7% (63.9–86.6) and the negative predictive value 84.7% (80.6–88.3). The positive likelihood ratio (S/1-E) was 10.3 (5.9–17.9) and the negative likelihood ratio (1-S/E) 0.57 (0.47–0.68). The odds ratio was 18.2 (9.39–35.48). It was concluded that while the presence of HSPM can be considered a predictor of MIH, indicating the need for monitoring and control, the absence of this defect in primary dentition does not rule out the appearance of MIH. PMID:27558479


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    Angelica Margo


    Full Text Available Decision to extract or not and the type of tooth must be analyzed carefully in orthodontic treatment. Preferable tooth to be extracted was the tooth with large caries or restoration. Usually the type of tooth to be extracted was second molar (if the third molar appears, incisor, first molar, and combination of several teeth. Orthodontic treatment with molar extraction is more difficult to treat and the result is usually compromise. There are several considerations in extracting first molar such as tooth with large caries or restoration, hypoplasia, periapical disease, large discrepancy, high maxilla-mandibular plane angle, and cases with anterior open bite. Nowadays, orthodontic cases with molar extraction do not prolong the treatment time compared to premolar extraction case, but the anchorage system must be considered carefully. The present case was treated with extraction of first molar to solve anterior crowding with maximum anchorage at the upper jaw and using Nance Holding Appliance.

  14. Molar Incisiv Hypomineralisasjon - MIH Litteraturstudie


    Khan, Aisha Farnaz


    Introduksjon: MIH er definert som emaljehypomineralisering av systemisk opprinnelse der 1 til 4 av første permanente molarer er rammet. Incisiver er også ofte affiserte. Hensikten med denne litteraturstudien er å lage en oversikt over, og vurdere tilgjengelig litteratur om MIH, og bruke litteraturen som bakgrunn for å utarbeide en informasjonsbrosjyre om MIH. Materiale og metode: Det ble utført et elektronisk søk i PubMed med søkestrengene ”Molar incisor hypomineralization MIH” og ”Molar inci...

  15. Expressly fabricated molar tube bases: enhanced adhesion. (United States)

    Sharma, Tarun; Phull, Tarun Singh; Rana, Tarun; Kumar, Varun


    Clinicians, Orthodontists and their patients' parents often expect the best results in the shortest time span possible. Orthodontic bonding of molar tubes has been an acceptable risk in a modern era of refined biomaterials and instrumentation. Although many orthodontists still prefer banding to bonding, it is the failure rate of the tubes on molars which accounts to an impedance in molar bonding. One of the reasons for molar attachment failures is attributed to improper adaptation of the buccal tube base with or without increased thickness of composite. Merits of banding the second molars especially when these are the terminal teeth for anchorage have been overemphasized in the literature. The present article presents a simple and relatively less time consuming technique of preparing molar tubes to be bonded on tooth surfaces which may be quite difficult to isolate especially for bonding, for example, mandibular second molars. The increased surface area of the composite scaffold helps not only in enhanced bond strength but also serves to reduce the incidence of plaque accumulation given the dexterity of invitro preparation. The removal of the occlusal part of the molar tube scaffold helps in prevention of open / raised bite tendencies. The present innovation, therefore, is not merely serendipity but a structured technique to overcome a common dilemma for the clinical orthodontist. The present dictum of banding being superior to molar tube bonding may prove to be futile with trendsetting molar attachments. It is also an established fact that bonding proves to be a lesser expensive modality when compared to banding procedures.

  16. Permanent molars: Delayed development and eruption

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    Arathi R


    Full Text Available Delayed development and eruption of all the permanent molars is a rare phenomenon, which can cause disturbance in the developing occlusion. The eruption of permanent first and second molars is very important for the coordination of facial growth and for providing sufficient occlusal support for undisturbed mastication. In the case described, the first permanent molars were delayed in their development and were seen erupting at the age of nine and a half years. Severe disparity between the left and the right side of the dentition with respect to the rate of development of molars were also present.

  17. El Segundo Cerebro del ser humano.


    Rocío Ponce


    Existen dos tipos de cerebros, el conocido por todos formado por el sistema nervioso central, que sería el cerebro donde las emociones se forman en base a las experiencias anteriores. El segundo cerebro, el otro, ignorado por la mayoría de seres humanos es el cerebro que está en los intestinos, Sistema Nervioso Enteral o mesentérico, que se caracteriza por la relación del cerebro y aparato digestivo, este cerebro posee más neuronas que su par, guarda emociones, determina la respuesta de acuer...

  18. Partial molar volumes and partial molar adiabatic compressibilities of a short chain perfluorosurfactant: Sodium heptafluorobutyrate in aqueous solutions at different temperatures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blanco, Elena [Group of Biophysics and Interfaces, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela, E-15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Ruso, Juan M. [Group of Biophysics and Interfaces, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela, E-15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain)]. E-mail:; Prieto, Gerardo [Group of Biophysics and Interfaces, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela, E-15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Sarmiento, Felix [Group of Biophysics and Interfaces, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela, E-15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain)


    Density and ultrasound measurements of sodium heptafluorobutyrate in aqueous solutions at T = (283.15, 288.15, 293.15, 298.15, 303.15, 308.15, 313.15, 318.15, and 323.15) K have been obtained. From these results partial molar volumes and isentropic partial molar adiabatic compressibilities were calculated. Deviations from the Debye-Hueckel limiting law provide evidence for limited association at lower concentrations. The change of the partial molar volume and isentropic partial molar adiabatic compressibility upon aggregation was calculated. Variations of the change of partial molar volumes and isentropic partial molar adiabatic compressibility upon aggregation are discussed in terms of temperature.

  19. Partial molar volumes and partial molar adiabatic compressibilities of a short chain perfluorosurfactant: Sodium heptafluorobutyrate in aqueous solutions at different temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanco, Elena; Ruso, Juan M.; Prieto, Gerardo; Sarmiento, Felix


    Density and ultrasound measurements of sodium heptafluorobutyrate in aqueous solutions at T = (283.15, 288.15, 293.15, 298.15, 303.15, 308.15, 313.15, 318.15, and 323.15) K have been obtained. From these results partial molar volumes and isentropic partial molar adiabatic compressibilities were calculated. Deviations from the Debye-Hueckel limiting law provide evidence for limited association at lower concentrations. The change of the partial molar volume and isentropic partial molar adiabatic compressibility upon aggregation was calculated. Variations of the change of partial molar volumes and isentropic partial molar adiabatic compressibility upon aggregation are discussed in terms of temperature

  20. Mini-implant-supported Molar Distalization

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    Amit Goyal


    Full Text Available Temporary anchorage devices popularly called mini-implants or miniscrews are the latest addition to an orthodontist′s armamentarium. The following case report describes the treatment of a 16-year-old girl with a pleasant profile, moderate crowding and Angle′s Class II molar relationship. Maxillary molar distalization was planned and mini-implants were used to preserve the anterior anchorage. After 13 months of treatment, Class I molar and canine relation was achieved bilaterally and there was no anterior proclination. Thus, mini-implants provide a viable option to the clinician to carry out difficult tooth movements without any side effects.

  1. Influence of unilateral maxillary first molar extraction treatment on second and third molar inclination in Class II subdivision patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Livas, Christos; Pandis, Nikolaos; Booij, Johan Willem; Halazonetis, Demetrios J.; Katsaros, Christos; Ren, Yijin

    Objective: To assess the maxillary second molar (M2) and third molar (M3) inclination following orthodontic treatment of Class II subdivision malocclusion with unilateral maxillary first molar (M1) extraction. Materials and Methods: Panoramic radiographs of 21 Class II subdivision adolescents (eight

  2. José Segundo de Lema : Arquitectura del siglo XIX en Aranjuez

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    Magdalena Merlos Romero


    Full Text Available El arquitecto José Segundo de Lema es autor de varias obras en Aranjuez en el siglo XIX. Se valora el estilo del arquitecto, la tipología arquitectónica y su integración en el concepto urbano del real sitio. Se analizan la reforma del Hospital de San Carlos, el cementerio y varios palacios privados.The architect José Segundo de Lema is the autor of several works in Aranjuez in the XIXth Century. We value the architect’s style, the architectural typology and its integration in the urban concept of the Royal Site of Aranjuez. We analyse the reform of the San Carlos Hospital, the cemetery and several private palaces.

  3. Morphologic study of the maxillary molars. Part II: Internal anatomy. (United States)

    Pécora, J D; Woelfel, J B; Sousa Neto, M D; Issa, E P


    The internal anatomy of three hundred and seventy (370) decalcified and cleared human maxillary molars was studied. Seventy-five percent of the first molars, 58% of the second molars and 68% of the third molars studied presented three (3) root canals and 25% of the first molars, 42% of the second molars and 32% of the third molars presented four (4) root canals. The authors observed that the incidence of two root canals in the mesiobuccal root was higher in second maxillary molars than in first maxillary molars.

  4. Pulpectomy procedures in primary molar teeth


    Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed


    Premature loss of primary molars can cause a number of undesirable consequences including loss of arch length, insufficient space for erupting premolars and mesial tipping of the permanent molars. Pulpectomy of primary molar teeth is considered as a reasonable treatment approach to ensure either normal shedding or a long-term survival in instances of retention. Despite being a more conservative treatment option than extraction, efficient pulpectomy of bizarre and tortuous root canals encased ...

  5. Dental lesions and restorative treatment in molars

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    Gheorghiu Irina-Maria


    Full Text Available This article review specific clinical issues of the molar teeth, as well as the therapeutic approach of their pathology. The dental pathology we face in the group of molars is related to: dental caries, dental trauma (crown and crown-root fractures, dental wear phenomena. The therapeutic approach of the molar teeth is represented by: restoration of the loss of hard dental tissues; endodontic treatments of pulpal and periapical complications; surgical treatment. The restorative treatments in molars are: direct restorations, with or without supplementary anchorage for obturations; inlay, onlay; prosthetic crown.

  6. Autogenous transplantation of maxillary and mandibular molars. (United States)

    Reich, Peter P


    Autogenous tooth transplantation has been used as a predictable surgical approach to correct malocclusion and replace edentulous areas. This article focuses on the surgical approach and technique for molar transplantation. Thirty-two patients aged between 11 and 25 years underwent 44 autogenous molar transplantations. The procedure involved transplantation of impacted or newly erupted third molars into the extraction sockets of nonrestorable molars and surgical removal and replacement of horizontally impacted molars into their proper vertical alignment. Five basic procedural concepts were applied: 1) atraumatic extraction, avoiding disruption of the root sheath and root buds; 2) apical contouring of bone at the transplantation site and maxillary sinus lift via the Summers osteotome technique, when indicated, for maxillary molars; 3) preparation of a 4-wall bony socket; 4) avoidance of premature occlusal interferences; and 5) stabilization of the tooth with placement of a basket suture. All 32 patients successfully underwent the planned procedure. To date, 2 patients have had localized infection that resulted in loss of the transplant. The remaining 42 transplants remain asymptomatic and functioning, with a mean follow-up period of 19 months. No infection, ankylosis, loss of the transplant, or root resorption has been noted. In addition, endodontic therapy has not been necessary on any transplanted teeth. Autogenous tooth transplantation has been discussed and described in the literature previously, with a primary focus on cuspid and bicuspid transplantation. The molar transplant is infrequently discussed in today's literature, possibly because of the preponderance of titanium dental implants. Autogenous molar transplantation is a viable procedure with low morbidity and excellent functional and esthetic outcomes. This report shows the successful transplantation of 42 of 44 molars in 32 patients with a mean follow-up period of 19 months.

  7. Does fixed retention prevent overeruption of unopposed mandibular second molars in maxillary first molar extraction cases?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Livas, Christos; Halazonetis, Demetrios J; Booij, Johan W; Katsaros, Christos; Ren, Yijin


    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to investigate whether multistranded fixed retainers prevented overeruption of unopposed mandibular second molars in maxillary first molar extraction cases. METHODS: The panoramic radiographs of 65 Class II Division 1 Caucasian Whites (28 females, 37

  8. Maxillary molar distalization with first class appliance. (United States)

    Ramesh, Namitha; Palukunnu, Biswas; Ravindran, Nidhi; Nair, Preeti P


    Non-extraction treatment has gained popularity for corrections of mild-to-moderate class II malocclusion over the past few decades. The distalization of maxillary molars is of significant value for treatment of cases with minimal arch discrepancy and mild class II molar relation associated with a normal mandibular arch and acceptable profile. This paper describes our experience with a 16-year-old female patient who reported with irregularly placed upper front teeth and unpleasant smile. The patient was diagnosed to have angles class II malocclusion with moderate maxillary anterior crowding, deep bite of 4 mm on a skeletal class II base with an orthognathic maxilla and retrognathic mandible and normal growth pattern. She presented an ideal profile and so molar distalization was planned with the first-class appliance. Molars were distalised by 8 mm on the right and left quadrants and class I molar relation achieved within 4 months. The space gained was utilised effectively to align the arch and establish a class I molar and canine relation.

  9. Association between Peritonsillar Abscess and Molar Caries

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    M Shayani Nasab


    Full Text Available Background: Peritonsillar abscess is the most common deep neck infections that are related with periodontal disease which has the same pathogenesis. We determined the relationship between peritonsillar infection and molar caries. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 33 consecutive patients whom referred to Hamadan university clinic of otolaryngologic for peritonsillar abscess were examined by otolaryngologist and dentist who investigated relationship between peritonsillar infection and molar caries. Results: There were 27 males and 6 females with mean age 26.7+_7 years. The frequency caries on ipsilateral peritonsillar infection sides was in relation to molars caries on opposite sides (conterol group. This corrolation was significant with odds ratio 2.5. Conclusion: Molar caries were seen 2.5 times more likely to have peritonsillar infection compared with normal molar sides. Key Words: Peritonsillar abscess, Infection, Periodontal disease, Dental caries

  10. Segundo Concurso Latinoamericano de Novela Alba Narrativa 2011

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    Boletín Cultural y Bibliográfico Banco de la República


    Full Text Available El Fondo Cultural del Alba, a través del Centro Cultural Dulce María Loynaz, convoca al Segundo Concurso Latinoamericano de Novela Alba Narrativa 2011 , para autores menores de cuarenta años, con el propósito de estimular y promover a los jóvenes novelistas que escriben con una mirada latinoamericana y renovadora en los países de nuestra América.

  11. Procesos de inferencia y aprendizaje de relaciones causales en el condicionamiento de segundo orden

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    Javier Vila


    Full Text Available Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron en primer lugar, demostrar la fiabilidad y las condiciones necesarias del condicionamiento de segundo orden (CSO en tareas de aprendizaje causal (Experimento 1; en segundo lugar, mostrar que la extinción de la relación causal de primer orden, no produce el mismo efecto de extinción en la relación causal de segundo orden (Experimento 2. Las aportaciones de este estudio fueron por un lado, que durante la fase de extinción de la causa de primer orden, se conservó el nivel de excitación en la condición de control; y por otro, que en la fase de prueba se evaluaba el efecto de la extinción no sólo sobre las claves de segundo orden, sino también sobre todas las de primer orden, extinguidas o no. Los resultados comprobaron que la extinción y ruptura de la relación causal de primer orden, no genera la extinción de la relación de segundo orden (CSO una vez establecida, aunque sí produjo una atenuación de la fuerza de dicha relación causal. El conjunto de resultados es fácil de explicar desde los mismos modelos asociativos utilizados para explicar dicho efecto (CSO en condicionamiento animal, basados en el aprendizaje de relaciones independientes entre estímulos condicionados y estímulos incondicionados. De manera similar y desde una perspectiva cognitiva, los resultados sugieren que el individuo durante el proceso de aprendizaje del CSO no forma relaciones causales encadenadas, sino más bien relaciones relativamente independientes entre cada causa y sus efectos.

  12. Radiologic study of mandibular third molar of Korean youths

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, Hyung Kyu


    The author has made a study on the classification of the mandibular 3rd molars of Korean youths through dental radiography by means of Pell and Gregory's classification and on the prevalence of the dental caries of distal surface of the mandibular 2nd molar adjacent to the mandibular 3rd molars turned anteriorly. The results are as follow; 1. It was found that the largest case number was class I (272 cases, 52.9%) in the relation of the tooth to the ramus of the mandible and 2nd molar. 2. The mesio-angular position was the largest number (239 cases, 46.5%) in the relation of the long axis of the impacted mandibular 3rd molar to the long axis of the 2nd molar. 3. The mesio-angular position of class I was the largest number (140 cases, 27.2%) in the relation of the tooth to the ramus of the mandible and 2nd molar and the long axis of the impacted mandibular 3rd moral to the long axis of the 2nd molar. 4. The average angle of the long axis of mandibular 3rd molar in mesioangular position or horizontal position to the occlusal plane was 143 W 5. Mandibular 3rd molar with lesion such as dental cries or pericoronitis was 73 cases (14.2). 6. The caries incidence rate of the distal surface of the 2nd molar was about 3.1%.

  13. Third molar development: measurements versus scores as age predictor. (United States)

    Thevissen, P W; Fieuws, S; Willems, G


    Human third molar development is widely used to predict chronological age of sub adult individuals with unknown or doubted age. For these predictions, classically, the radiologically observed third molar growth and maturation is registered using a staging and related scoring technique. Measures of lengths and widths of the developing wisdom tooth and its adjacent second molar can be considered as an alternative registration. The aim of this study was to verify relations between mandibular third molar developmental stages or measurements of mandibular second molar and third molars and age. Age related performance of stages and measurements were compared to assess if measurements added information to age predictions from third molar formation stage. The sample was 340 orthopantomograms (170 females, 170 males) of individuals homogenously distributed in age between 7 and 24 years. Mandibular lower right, third and second molars, were staged following Gleiser and Hunt, length and width measurements were registered, and various ratios of these measurements were calculated. Univariable regression models with age as response and third molar stage, measurements and ratios of second and third molars as predictors, were considered. Multivariable regression models assessed if measurements or ratios added information to age prediction from third molar stage. Coefficients of determination (R(2)) and root mean squared errors (RMSE) obtained from all regression models were compared. The univariable regression model using stages as predictor yielded most accurate age predictions (males: R(2) 0.85, RMSE between 0.85 and 1.22 year; females: R(2) 0.77, RMSE between 1.19 and 2.11 year) compared to all models including measurements and ratios. The multivariable regression models indicated that measurements and ratios added no clinical relevant information to the age prediction from third molar stage. Ratios and measurements of second and third molars are less accurate age predictors

  14. Bilateral maxillary fused second and third molars: a rare occurrence. (United States)

    Liang, Rui-Zhen; Wu, Jin-Tao; Wu, You-Nong; Smales, Roger J; Hu, Ming; Yu, Jin-Hua; Zhang, Guang-Dong


    This case report describes the diagnosis and endodontic therapy of maxillary fused second and third molars, using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). A 31-year-old Chinese male, with no contributory medical or family/social history, presented with throbbing pain in the maxillary right molar area following an unsuccessful attempted tooth extraction. Clinical examination revealed what appeared initially to be a damaged large extra cusp on the buccal aspect of the distobuccal cusp of the second molar. However, CBCT revealed that a third molar was fused to the second molar. Unexpectedly, the maxillary left third molar also was fused to the second molar, and the crown of an unerupted supernumerary fourth molar was possibly also fused to the apical root region of the second molar. Operative procedures should not be attempted without adequate radiographic investigation. CBCT allowed the precise location of the root canals of the right maxillary fused molar teeth to permit successful endodontic therapy, confirmed after 6 months.

  15. Autotransplantation of Mandibular Third Molar: A Case Report

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    Pabbati Ravi kumar


    Full Text Available Autogenous transplantation is a feasible, fast, and economical option for the treatment of nonsalvageable teeth when a suitable donor tooth is available. This paper presents successful autotransplantation of a mature mandibular left third molar (38 without anatomical variances is used to replace a mandibular left second molar (37. The mandibular second molar was nonrestorable due to extensive root caries and resorption of distal root. After extraction of mandibular second and third molars, root canal therapy was done for the third molar extraorally, and the tooth was reimplanted into the extracted socket of second molar site. After one year, clinical and radiographic examination revealed satisfactory outcome with no signs or symptoms suggestive of pathology. In selected cases, autogenous tooth transplantation, even after complete root formation of the donor tooth, may be considered as a practical treatment alternative to conventional prosthetic rehabilitation or implant treatment.

  16. Survival of sealants in molars affected by molar-incisor hypomineralization: 18-month follow-up

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    Camila Maria Bullio FRAGELLI


    Full Text Available Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical survival of sealants applied in first permanent molars (FPMs affected by molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH, at 18 months of follow-up. Forty-one first permanent molars were selected from 21 children, 6–8 years of age. MIH was classified by one calibrated examiner (kappa = 0.80 according to EAPD criteria. The inclusion criteria were fully erupted FPMs with MIH or sound FPMs (without MIH for which sealant treatment was indicated. The FPMs were assigned to two groups: CG (control group and HG (MIH group. Both groups were treated with sealant (FluroShield. Clinical follow-up was performed from baseline to 18 months to assess anatomical form, marginal adaptation, retention and presence of caries, according to criteria set by the United States Public Health Service-Modified, and was conducted by a blinded examiner (kappa = 0.80. The actuarial method was used to evaluate the survival of the sealants. The survival rates for the groups were compared using Fisher’s exact test (α = 5%. The cumulative survival rates were 81% at 1 month, 68.8% at 6 months, 68.8% at 12 months, and 62.6% at 18 months for CG, and 88% at 1 month, 84% at 6 months, 76% at 12 months, and 72% at 18 months for HG. No significant difference was found between the groups. The sealants in molars affected by MIH presented a survival rate similar to the sealants in the control, suggesting that sealants may be an adequate approach for preventing carious lesions in MIH-affected molars.

  17. Edward C. Little Water Recycling Plant, El Segundo, CA: CA0063401 (United States)

    Joint EPA and Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board NPDES Permit and Waiver from Secondary Treatment for the West Basin Municipal Water District Edward C. Little Water Recycling Plant, El Segundo, CA: CA0063401

  18. Managing molar-incisor hypomineralization: A systematic review. (United States)

    Elhennawy, Karim; Schwendicke, Falk


    We systematically reviewed treatment modalities for MIH-affected molars and incisors. Trials on humans with ≥1 MIH molar/incisor reporting on various treatments were included. Two authors independently searched and extracted records. Sample-size-weighted annual failure rates were estimated where appropriate. The risk of bias was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale. Electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, Cochrane CENTRAL, Google Scholar) were screened, and hand searches and cross-referencing performed. Fourteen (mainly observational) studies were included. Ten trials (381 participants) investigated MIH-molars, four (139) MIH-incisors. For molars, remineralization, restorative or extraction therapies had been assessed. For restorative approaches, mean (SD) annual failure rates were highest for fissure sealants (12[6]%) and glass-ionomer restorations (12[2]%), and lowest for indirect restorations (1[3]%), preformed metal crowns (1.3 [2.1]%) and composite restorations (4[3]%). Ony study assessed extraction of molars in young patients (median age 8.2 years), the majority of them without malocclusions, but third molars in development. Spontaneous alignment of second molars was more frequent in the maxilla (55%) than the mandible (47%). For incisors, desensitizing agents successfully managed hypersensitivity. Micro-abrasion and composite veneers improved aesthetics. Few, mainly moderate to high-risk-studies investigated treatment of MIH. Remineralization or sealants seem suitable for MIH-molars with limited severity and/or hypersensitivity. For severe cases, restorations with composites or indirect restorations or preformed metal crowns seem suitable. Prior to tooth extraction as last resort factors like the presence of a general malocclusion, patients' age and the status of neighboring teeth should be considered. No recommendations can be given for MIH-incisors. Dentists need to consider the specific condition of each tooth and the needs and expectations of

  19. A Molar Pregnancy within the Fallopian Tube

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    Laura Allen


    Full Text Available Background. Discussion of the incidence of molar pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy. Role of salpingostomy and special considerations for postoperative care. Case. The patient is a 29-year-old G7P4 who presented with vaginal bleeding in the first trimester and was initially thought to have a spontaneous abortion. Ultrasound was performed due to ongoing symptoms and an adnexal mass was noted. She underwent uncomplicated salpingostomy and was later found to have a partial molar ectopic pregnancy. Conclusion. This case illustrates the rare occurrence of a molar ectopic pregnancy. There was no indication of molar pregnancy preoperatively and this case highlights the importance of submitting and reviewing pathological specimens.

  20. Taking advantage of an unerupted third molar: a case report

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    Igor Figueiredo Pereira

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Introduction: Treatments with dental surgery seek to displace tooth to the correct position within the dental arch. Objective: To report a clinical case that took advantage of an unerupted third molar. Case history: A male patient, 18 years of age, was referred by his dentist to evaluate the third molars. The clinical exam revealed no visible lower third molars. The computed tomography (CT exam showed the presence of a supernumerary tooth in the region of the mandibular ramus, on the left side, and impaction of the third molar, which was causing root resorption on the second molar, thus making it impossible to remain in the buccal cavity. The preferred option, therefore, was to remove both second molar and the supernumerary tooth, in addition to attaching a device to the third molar during surgery for further traction. Results: After 12 months, the third molar reached the proper position. Conclusion: When a mandibular second permanent molar shows an atypical root resorption, an impacted third molar can effectively substitute the tooth by using an appropriate orthodontic-surgical approach.

  1. Prevalence of cheese molars in eleven-year-old Dutch children. (United States)

    Weerheijm, K L; Groen, H J; Beentjes, V E; Poorterman, J H


    In the Netherlands, first permanent molars with idiopathic enamel disturbances (IED) are called cheese molars. Though concern is expressed about their prevalence, adequate figures on the subject are missing. The porous enamel of cheese molars can be very sensitive to cold air and can decay rapidly. The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence in eleven-year-old Dutch children of cheese molars (IED). During an epidemiological study performed in four cities in the Netherlands, the first permanent molars and central incisors of eleven-year-old children were examined for hypoplasia, opacities, posteruptive enamel loss, premature extraction, and atypical restorations. The observation of a hypoplasia excluded the possibility of cheese molar. A total of 497 children were examined. Six percent (n = 128) of the molars (n = 1988) showed signs of IED (cheese molars), 10 percent of the children had cheese molars of which 8 percent two or more. Incisors (4 percent) with opacities were found in 3 percent in combination with two or more cheese molars. Among the four cities, no significant differences in occurrence were found. The results of this study showed that in 10 percent of the Dutch children eleven years of age, cheese molars (IED) were found. The cause for the phenomenon called cheese molars appears to be child centered. Further studies on prevalence, causes and prevention are mandatory.

  2. Excess molar volumes and partial molar volumes for (propionitrile + an alkanol) at T = 298.15 K and p = 0.1 MPa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deenadayalu, N.; Bhujrajh, P.


    The excess molar volumes and the partial molar volumes for (propionitrile + an alkanol) at T = 298.15 K and at atmospheric pressure are reported. The hydrogen bonding between the OH133;NC groups are discussed in terms of the chain length of the alkanol. The alkanols studied are (methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, 1-butanol, and 1-pentanol). The excess molar volume data was fitted to the Redlich-Kister equation The partial molar volumes were calculated from the Redlich-Kister coefficients

  3. External and internal anatomy of third molars. (United States)

    Guerisoli, D M; de Souza, R A; de Sousa Neto, M D; Silva, R G; Pécora, J D


    The external and internal anatomy of 269 third molars (155 maxillary and 114 mandibular) were studied. The teeth were measured, classified according to their root number and shape and the internal anatomy was observed by the use of diaphanization. A great anatomical variability was found, with the presence of up to 5 roots in maxillary third molars and 3 roots in mandibular third molars. The number of root canals followed the same pattern.

  4. De mundejarismo de los Anales Toledanos Segundos

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    Full Text Available Como es sabido los Anales Toledanos (Primeros, Segundos y Terceros, compuestos en su mayor parte durante el siglo XIII en distintos momentos y por diferentes manos, son piezas importantes de la historiografía medieval hispánica, tanto por recoger gran cantidad de noticias —por más que éstas sean escuetas— cuanto por estar todas ellas rigurosamente fechadas; de ahí que sean de gran utilidad para el historiador.De estos tres anales, los Segundos (A.T.II tienen unas peculiaridades que los distinguen fuertemente de los otros; sin embargo, en una primera hojeada el lector poco avisado vería que, por su aspecto formal, nada difieren de otros escritos del mismo género, un género éste cuya condición esencial radica en la consignación del evento fechado, esto es, se presenta en párrafos que comienzan o terminan —como es aquí el caso— con una fecha determinada. Nuestro imaginario lector, por otra parte, se encontraría con las peladas noticias típicas del género analístico, a saber: una serie de referencias que dan cuenta de fenómenos naturales (como son las sequías prolongadas o las excesivas lluvias, las heladas intempestivas, los terremotos, los eclipses..., que informan de las épocas de hambre o carestía, de los precios de los artículos, de prodigios, de acontecimientos locales, etc.; el todo amalgamado con noticias de carácter político-militar.

  5. Image analysis of the eruptive positions of third molars and adjacent second molars as indicators of age evaluation in Thai patients. (United States)

    Mahasantipiya, Phattaranant May; Pramojanee, Sakarat; Thaiupathump, Trasapong


    This study was performed to determine the relationship between the stage of tooth eruption (both vertical and mesio-angular) and chronological age. Indirect digital panoramic radiographs were used to measure the distances from the dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) of the second molars to the occlusal plane of the second molar teeth and of the adjacent third molars in 264 Thai males and 437 Thai females using ImageJ software. The ratio of those distances was calculated by patient age, and the correlation coefficient of the ratio of the third molar length to the second molar length was calculated. The correlation between the height of the vertically erupted upper third molar teeth and age was at the intermediate level. The age range of ≥15 to age determined from the eruptional height and actual chronological age was statistically significant. The mean age of the female subjects, in which the position of the right upper third molar teeth was at or above the DEJ of the adjacent second molar but below one half of its coronal height was 19.9±2.6 years. That for the left side was 20.2±2.7 years. The mean ages of the male subjects were 20.1±3.3 years and 19.8±2.7 years for the right and left sides, respectively. It might be possible to predict chronological age from the eruption height of the wisdom teeth.

  6. [Orthodontic Management of the Impacted Mandibular Second Molar Tooth]. (United States)

    Mah, Michael; Takada, Kenji


    When the mandibular permanent second molar becomes impacted, it is identified as a malocclusion that needs treatment as it often leads to unwanted complications such as caries and periodontitis of the adjacent permanent first molar. Other less common complications include root resorption of the adjacent first molar root or continued root development to be in close proximity to the inferior dental alveolar nerve. This paper seeks to differentiate various levels of severity of impaction and review treatment options that are considered clinically available for the proper management of the impacted mandibular permanent second molar. Treatment options that will be discussed in this article include timing of second molar removal for replacement by the third molar, relief of impaction via second premolar removal, surgical repositioning and the combination of third molar removal, surgical exposure and orthodontic uprighting of the impacted tooth. Depending on the severity of the impaction, most impactions can be easily and predictably corrected with nickel titanium archwires or auxillary open coil springs or uprighting springs. Uncommonly, the mandibular permanent second molar can become severely impacted and in close proximity to the inferior dentoalveolar nerve. In these instances, the use of temporary anchorage devices such as microimplants has shown to be successful in uprighting the severely impacted mandibular permanent second molars. © EDP Sciences, SFODF, 2016.

  7. Epidemiological Status of Third Molars in an Iranian Population

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    Mahnaz Sheikhi


    Full Text Available Background Impaction of third molars is a common phenomenon. The incidence of impacted third molars varies in different populations. Objectives The aim of this study is to assess radiographic status (root development degree, angulation, and eruption level of the third molar in Iranian population via panoramic radiographs. Patients and Methods 647 patients, ranging in age from 17 - 25, were selected from three regions of Iran. Based on their panoramic radiographs, their root development degree, angulation, and eruption levels were analyzed. Results The angulation of upper third molars were vertical (44.6%, distoangular (44.1%, mesioangular (10.7%, and horizontal (0.6%. For lower third molars, the angulation was mesioangular (44.5%, vertical (33.8%, distoangular (12.2%, and horizontal (9.5%. The eruption levels of maxillary third molars were C > A> B, and for mandibular third molars they were A > B> C. The order of root development prevalence of the maxillary and mandibular third molars was complete > 2/3 > 1/3. Conclusions The most common status of impaction of the third molars in the maxilla was vertical angulation, level C of eruption, and complete root formation. In the mandible it was mesioangular, level A of eruption, and complete root formation. Since the study sample consists of patients from the north, middle, and south of Iran, the sample can represent the whole population of Iran.

  8. Root growth during molar eruption in extant great apes. (United States)

    Kelley, Jay; Dean, Christopher; Ross, Sasha


    While there is gradually accumulating knowledge about molar crown formation and the timing of molar eruption in extant great apes, very little is known about root formation during the eruption process. We measured mandibular first and second molar root lengths in extant great ape osteological specimens that died while either the first or second molars were in the process of erupting. For most specimens, teeth were removed so that root lengths could be measured directly. When this was not possible, roots were measured radiographically. We were particularly interested in the variation in the lengths of first molar roots near the point of gingival emergence, so specimens were divided into early, middle and late phases of eruption based on the number of cusps that showed protein staining, with one or two cusps stained equated with immediate post-gingival emergence. For first molars at this stage, Gorilla has the longest roots, followed by Pongo and Pan. Variation in first molar mesial root lengths at this stage in Gorilla and Pan, which comprise the largest samples, is relatively low and represents no more than a few months of growth in both taxa. Knowledge of root length at first molar emergence permits an assessment of the contribution of root growth toward differences between great apes and humans in the age at first molar emergence. Root growth makes up a greater percentage of the time between birth and first molar emergence in humans than it does in any of the great apes. Copyright (c) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  9. One year Survival Rate of Ketac Molar versus Vitro Molar for Occlusoproximal ART Restorations: a RCT

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    PACHECO Anna Luisa de Brito


    Full Text Available Abstract Good survival rates for single-surface Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART restorations have been reported, while multi-surface ART restorations have not shown similar results. The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival rate of occluso-proximal ART restorations using two different filling materials: Ketac Molar EasyMix (3M ESPE and Vitro Molar (DFL. A total of 117 primary molars with occluso-proximal caries lesions were selected in 4 to 8 years old children in Barueri city, Brazil. Only one tooth was selected per child. The subjetcs were randomly allocated in two groups according to the filling material. All treatments were performed following the ART premises and all restorations were evaluated after 2, 6 and 12 months. Restoration survival was evaluated using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and Log-rank test, while Cox regression analysis was used for testing association with clinical factors (α = 5%. There was no difference in survival rate between the materials tested, (HR = 1.60, CI = 0.98–2.62, p = 0.058. The overall survival rate of restorations was 42.74% and the survival rate per group was Ketac Molar = 50,8% and Vitro Molar G2 = 34.5%. Cox regression test showed no association between the analyzed clinical variables and the success of the restorations. After 12 months evaluation, no difference in the survival rate of ART occluso-proximal restorations was found between tested materials.

  10. Mandibular molar crown-topography, a biological predisposing ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mandibular molar crown-topography, a biological predisposing factor to development of caries – a post-mortem analysis of 2500 extracted lower permanent molars at the dental centre, University of Benin teaching hospital.

  11. Morphometric evaluation of external root resorption of mandibular second molar teeth adjacent to the impacted third molars in CBCT imaging of Tehran\\'s population between 2011-2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fatemeh Ezoddini Ardakani


    Full Text Available Introduction: Presence of external root resorption in second molars associated with impacted mandibular third molars was not rare. The neglect of this issue may leads to penetration of the pulp and loss of the second molars. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence and risk factors affecting the external root resorption in second molars associated with mandibular impacted third molars were inclined mesially and horizontally by Cone Beam Computer Tomography (CBCT images. Methods: In this cross sectional study the samples consisted of 231 scans with mesially and horizontally impacted mandibular third molars. Incidence of external root resorption of second molars and the effects of age, gender and clinical parameters such as location and intensity of external root resorption were considered. Moreover, depth and inclination of impacted mandibular third molar were evaluated by CBCT. The data were analyzed by Chi-square test. Results: The overall incidence of external root resorption in the second molars was 22.08%. Incidence of external root resorption in second molars was significantly related to gender and inclination of third molar. The relations between external root resorption and impaction depth of third molar or the patient's age was not statistically significant. However, the relationship between external root resorption and the intensity or depth of impacted third molar and location of root resorption was statistically meaningful. Conclusion: Patient’s gender and horizontal inclination of third molars are the most important factors affecting the presence of external root resorption in the second molars associated with mesially and horizontally impacted mandibular third molars.

  12. Predicting pathology in impacted mandibular third molars

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    Aveek Mukherji


    Full Text Available Introduction: The rising incidence of the impacted mandibular third molars and their association with pathologies is now considered a public health problem. Aims and Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the position of impacted mandibular third molars that are prone to developing pathologies and to determine the frequency and type of pathological conditions associated with these impacted teeth to facilitate planning for their prophylactic removal. Materials and Methods: Consecutive panoramic radiographs and clinical examination of 300 patients with impacted mandibular third molars were collected. They were segregated according to Pell and Gregory’s classification, Winter’s classification, and according to their state of eruption. These were correlated with associated pathologies based on clinical and radiological criteria. Statistical Analysis Used: Descriptive statistics included computation of percentages, mean, and standard deviations. The statistical test applied for the analysis was Pearson’s Chi-square test (χ2. For this test, confidence interval and P value were set at 93% and ≤0.03, respectively. Results: The pathology most commonly associated with impacted third molars was pericoronitis, which had the highest frequency of occurrence in partially erupted, distoangular, and IA positioned (as per Pell and Gregory classification impacted teeth. Impacted mandibular third molars, which were in IA position, placed mesially, and partially erupted, were prone to develop pathologies such as dental caries and periodontitis. Conclusion: The clinical and radiographical features of impacted third molar may be correlated to the development of their pathological complications. The partially impacted mandibular third molars with mesioangularly aligned in IA position have the highest potential to cause pathological complications.

  13. Bilateral lower second molar impaction in teenagers: An emergent problem?

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    Shinohara Elio


    Full Text Available The frequency of simultaneously impacted second and third molars in teenagers is increasing and becoming a common occurrence in adolescent oral surgery practice. The traditional treatment is the removal of the third molar by conventional access but repositioning of the surgical flap to the distal face of the first molar can predispose to complications such as pericoronitis and delayed healing of the attached gingiva. We present a case in which we use the germectomy approach to remove the impacted third molar for the eruption of the second molar through a vestibular incision. This incision offers excellent bone exposure and exit route for the third molar without disturbing the gingiva attached architecture on the distal face of the first molar providing good healing environment.

  14. Image analysis of the eruptive positions of third molars and adjacent second molars as indicators of age evaluation in Thai patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mahasantipiya, Phattaranant May; Pramojanee, Sakarat; Thaiupathump, Trasapong [Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai (Thailand)


    This study was performed to determine the relationship between the stage of tooth eruption (both vertical and mesio-angular) and chronological age. Indirect digital panoramic radiographs were used to measure the distances from the dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) of the second molars to the occlusal plane of the second molar teeth and of the adjacent third molars in 264 Thai males and 437 Thai females using ImageJ software. The ratio of those distances was calculated by patient age, and the correlation coefficient of the ratio of the third molar length to the second molar length was calculated. The correlation between the height of the vertically erupted upper third molar teeth and age was at the intermediate level. The age range of ≥15 to <16 years was noted to be the range in which the correlation between the chronological age determined from the eruptional height and actual chronological age was statistically significant. The mean age of the female subjects, in which the position of the right upper third molar teeth was at or above the DEJ of the adjacent second molar but below one half of its coronal height was 19.9±2.6 years. That for the left side was 20.2±2.7 years. The mean ages of the male subjects were 20.1±3.3 years and 19.8±2.7 years for the right and left sides, respectively. It might be possible to predict chronological age from the eruption height of the wisdom teeth.

  15. Image analysis of the eruptive positions of third molars and adjacent second molars as indicators of age evaluation in Thai patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahasantipiya, Phattaranant May; Pramojanee, Sakarat; Thaiupathump, Trasapong


    This study was performed to determine the relationship between the stage of tooth eruption (both vertical and mesio-angular) and chronological age. Indirect digital panoramic radiographs were used to measure the distances from the dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) of the second molars to the occlusal plane of the second molar teeth and of the adjacent third molars in 264 Thai males and 437 Thai females using ImageJ software. The ratio of those distances was calculated by patient age, and the correlation coefficient of the ratio of the third molar length to the second molar length was calculated. The correlation between the height of the vertically erupted upper third molar teeth and age was at the intermediate level. The age range of ≥15 to <16 years was noted to be the range in which the correlation between the chronological age determined from the eruptional height and actual chronological age was statistically significant. The mean age of the female subjects, in which the position of the right upper third molar teeth was at or above the DEJ of the adjacent second molar but below one half of its coronal height was 19.9±2.6 years. That for the left side was 20.2±2.7 years. The mean ages of the male subjects were 20.1±3.3 years and 19.8±2.7 years for the right and left sides, respectively. It might be possible to predict chronological age from the eruption height of the wisdom teeth.

  16. Treatment of ectopic first permanent molar teeth. (United States)

    Hennessy, Joe; Al-Awadhi, E A; Dwyer, Lian O; Leith, Rona


    Ectopic eruption of the first permanent molar is a relatively common occurence in the developing dentition. A range of treatment options are available to the clinician provided that diagnosis is made early. Non-treatment can result in premature exfoliation of the second primary molar, space loss and impaction of the second premolar. This paper will describe the management of ectopic first permanent molars, using clinical examples to illustrate the available treatment options. This paper is relevant to every general dental practitioner who treats patients in mixed dentition.


    Conti, Taísa Regina; Sakai, Vivien Thiemy; Fornetti, Ana Paula Camolese; Moretti, Ana Beatriz Silveira; Oliveira, Thais Marchini; Lourenço, Natalino; Machado, Maria Aparecida Andrade Moreira; Abdo, Ruy Cesar Camargo


    Two clinical cases in which Portland cement (PC) was applied as a medicament after pulpotomy of mandibular primary molars in children are presented. Pulpotomy using PC was carried out in two mandibular first molars and one mandibular second molar, which were further followed-up. At the 3, 6 and 12-month follow-up appointments, clinical and radiographic examinations of the pulpotomized teeth and their periradicular area revealed that the treatments were successful in maintaining the teeth asymptomatic and preserving pulpal vitality. Additionally, the formation of a dentin bridge immediately below the PC could be observed in the three molars treated. PC may be considered as an effective alternative for primary molar pulpotomies, at least in a short-term period. Randomized clinical trials with human teeth are required in order to determine the suitability of PC before unlimited clinical use can be recommended. PMID:19148409

  18. Treatment of ectopic first permanent molar teeth.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Hennessy, Joe


    Ectopic eruption of the first permanent molar is a relatively common occurence in the developing dentition. A range of treatment options are available to the clinician provided that diagnosis is made early. Non-treatment can result in premature exfoliation of the second primary molar, space loss and impaction of the second premolar. This paper will describe the management of ectopic first permanent molars, using clinical examples to illustrate the available treatment options. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This paper is relevant to every general dental practitioner who treats patients in mixed dentition.

  19. Internal structure of mandible around mandibular molar using computed tomography. Anatomical consideration of molar anchorage in orthodontic treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Enomoto, Yutaka; Yamashita, Daisuke; Saito, Katsuhiko; Kasai, Kazutaka


    For establishment of fine occlusion, facial profile and oral function in orthodontic treatment, molar anchorage in teeth movement is important manner in extracted cases. The aims of this study were to investigate the relationship between facial morphology and internal structure of mandibular body in molar region by computer tomography, and to discuss about molar anchorage in orthodontic treatment. The data for this study were obtained from 35 modern male Japanese skulls (mean age; 27 year-old, ranged from 18 year-old to 47 year-old). Measurement variables were FMA, SN to mandibular plane angle, gonial angle, alveolar breadth, cortical bone thickness of buccal and lingual sides, and the distance between dental root and cortical bone. As a result, alveolar breadth and the distance between dental root and cortical bone were narrow in long facial type, on the contrary, these variables were wide in short facial type. The result suggested that these variables were considered important factors as molar anchorage in extracted cases. (author)

  20. Adhesives for bonded molar tubes during fixed brace treatment. (United States)

    Millett, Declan T; Mandall, Nicky A; Mattick, Rye Cr; Hickman, Joy; Glenny, Anne-Marie


    Orthodontic treatment involves using fixed or removable appliances (dental braces) to correct the positions of teeth. The success of a fixed appliance depends partly on the metal attachments (brackets and bands) being glued to the teeth so that they do not become detached during treatment. Brackets (metal squares) are usually attached to teeth other than molars, where bands (metal rings that go round each tooth) are more commonly used. Orthodontic tubes (stainless steel tubes that allow wires to pass through them), are typically welded to bands but they may also be glued directly (bonded) to molars. Failure of brackets, bands and bonded molar tubes slows down the progress of treatment with a fixed appliance. It can also be costly in terms of clinical time, materials and time lost from education/work for the patient. This is an update of the Cochrane review first published in 2011. A new full search was conducted on 15 February 2017 but no new studies were identified. We have only updated the search methods section in this new version. The conclusions of this Cochrane review remain the same. To evaluate the effectiveness of the adhesives used to attach bonded molar tubes, and the relative effectiveness of the adhesives used to attach bonded molar tubes versus adhesives used to attach bands, during fixed appliance treatment, in terms of: (1) how often the tubes (or bands) come off during treatment; and (2) whether they protect the bonded (or banded) teeth against decay. The following electronic databases were searched: Cochrane Oral Health's Trials Register (to 15 February 2017), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; 2017, Issue 1) in the Cochrane Library (searched 15 February 2017), MEDLINE Ovid (1946 to 15 February 2017), and Embase Ovid (1980 to 15 February 2017). We searched and the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform for ongoing trials. No restrictions were placed on the language or

  1. Actitud terapéutica ante sacos foliculares de terceros molares incluídos Therapeutic approach to impacted third molar follicles

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    R. González García


    Full Text Available El quiste dentígero o folicular es un quiste odontogénico del desarrollo. Está revestido por el epitelio del folículo dentario, y suele estar en relación con un diente permanente incluído. Presentamos el caso clínico de un paciente en el que se observa la aparición de un quiste dentígero a partir del saco folicular de un tercer molar incluído no exodonciado, y lo comparamos con la evolución de un cordal incluído y su saco folicular contralaterales en los que se realizó la exodoncia. El tratamiento definitivo del quiste dentígero asociado a un tercer molar incluído es quirúrgico, con la exodoncia de la pieza y enucleación del quiste. Los sacos foliculares mayores de 2 mm asociados a terceros molares incluídos evolucionan en numerosas ocasiones a quistes foliculares. Está indicada la exodoncia de dichos cordales para evitar la evolución a quiste dentígero.The dentigerous cyst or follicular cyst is a developmental odontogenic cyst. It is covered by the epithelium of the dental follicle, and it tends to be related to an impacted permanent tooth. The case report of a patient who was seen to develop a dentigerous cyst arising from the follicle of an impacted non-extracted third molar is presented. This is then compared with the evolution of the contralateral impacted third molar and its follicle that was extracted. The definitive treatment for a dentigerous cyst associated with an impacted third molar is surgical, the extraction of the tooth and enucleation of the cyst. Follicles measuring more+ than 2 mm and that are associated with impacted third molars often develop into follicular cysts. The extraction of these third molars is indicated in order to avoid the development of a dentigerous cyst

  2. Presence of third molars in orthodontic patients from northern Greece

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    Barka G


    Full Text Available Georgia Barka,1 Georgios Tretiakov,1 Theodosios Theodosiou,2 Ioulia Ioannidou-Marathiotou31School of Dentistry, 2Biostatistics, Department of Informatics, School of Natural Sciences, 3Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreeceObjective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the frequency of presence of third molar teeth and their distribution in each jaw and each side, according to sex, in a group of orthodontic patients with permanent dentition from northern Greece.Methods: The sample included panoramic radiographs from 220 patients with permanent dentition (mean age 13.62 ± 1.81. The Χ2 test was used to assess the relationships between the variables, and the Fisher's exact test was used in cases where the expected frequencies in each cell were <5.Results: The frequency of third molar presence was 79.1%, and 20.9% was the frequency of third molar agenesis. Intersexual differences in the number of third molars was not statistically significant. There was a correlation between the distribution of third molars on the right and the left side (Fisher's exact test = 100.788; P = 0. The two sides showed the same tendency toward the presence or absence of third molars. A correlation was also found between the distribution of maxillary and mandibular third molars (Fisher's exact test = 24.372; P = 0. In each jaw, the presence or absence of third molars was highly related to the number of third molars found in the other jaw.Conclusion: The present results showed that in this orthodontic group of northern Greek patients, presence accounted for 79.1% and agenesis for 20.9%. No significant difference was found between the frequencies of third molar presence on the left and right sides in either the maxilla or mandible.Keywords: third molars, presence, orthodontic population, Greeks

  3. Premian record transmision de datos a 5,44 gigabits por segundo

    CERN Multimedia


    "El Laboratorio Europeo para la Fisica de Particulas (CERN) y el Instituto de Tecnologia de California (EEUU) seran galardonados con un premio por haber conseguido batir el record de velocidad de transmision por Internet a 5,44 gigabits por segundo, informaron hoy, miercoles, fuentes de ambos organismos" (1/2 page).

  4. Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elfrink, M.; Weerheijm, K.L.


    Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (mih) wordt omschreven als een hypomineralisatie (van systemische oorsprong) van één tot vier blijvende eerste molaren, vaak in combinatie met aangedane incisieven. mih-molaren zijn fragieler en cariësgevoeliger dan gewone molaren. Een kenmerk van mih-molaren is een

  5. Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elfrink, M.; Weerheijm, K.L.


    Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) wordt gedefinieerd als een hypomineralisatie van systemische oorsprong van één tot vier blijvende eerste molaren, vaak in combinatie met aangedane incisieven. MIH-molaren zijn fragieler en cariësgevoeliger dan gewone molaren. Een kenmerk van MIH-molaren is een

  6. Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elfrink, M.; Weerheijm, K.


    Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (mih ) wordt gedefinieerd als een hypomineralisatie van systemische oorsprong van één tot vier blijvende eerste molaren, vaak in combinatie met aangedane incisieven. mih -molaren zijn fragieler en cariësgevoeliger dan gewone molaren. Een kenmerk van mih -molaren is

  7. Hemorragias obstétricas en el primer y segundo trimestre del embarazo


    García Rodríguez, Blanca


    Se aborda el tema de las hemorragias obstétricas en el primer y segundo trimestre del embarazo. Diagnóstico precoz de las mismas, la identificación de factores de riesgo, las causas y el tratamiento terapéutico

  8. The not-so-harmless maxillary primary first molar extraction. (United States)

    Northway, W M


    Premature loss of primary molars has been associated with space loss and eruptive difficulties, especially when the loss occurs to the primary second molars and when it occurs early. This has not been thought to be the case for primary first molars. The author revisited 13 cases from an earlier study on the effects of premature loss of maxillary primary molars. These longitudinal cases were scrutinized, using serial panoramic radiographs, to explain the irregular response in terms of dental migration. The author presents two case reports. In the earlier study, the author used digitized study casts and the concept of D + E space--the space occupied by the primary first and second molars--to describe the dental migration that occurred after premature tooth loss. Using analysis of variance on data generated using an instrument capable of measuring in tenths of millimeters, the author produced findings regarding the amount of space loss, rate of space loss, effect of age at loss, amount of space regained at the time of replacement by the permanent tooth and effect on Angle's classification. Finally, the author created a simulation describing directional change; this revealed that the maxillary primary first molar loss resulted in a mesial displacement of the permanent canine during eruption. When the maxillary primary first molar is lost prematurely, the first premolar erupts in a more mesial direction than normal, as a result of the mesial incline of the primary second molar, and consumes the space of the permanent canine, which becomes blocked out. Rather than use a space maintainer after the premature loss of the maxillary primary first molar, the author suggests, clinicians can choose from a number of other options for preventing the first premolar from erupting too far in a mesial direction.

  9. Liquid phase PVTx properties of (water + tert-butanol) binary mixtures at temperatures from 278.15 to 323.15 K and pressures from 0.1 to 100 MPa. II. Molar isothermal compressions, molar isobaric expansions, molar thermal pressure coefficients, and internal pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Egorov, Gennadiy I.; Makarov, Dmitriy M.; Kolker, Arkadiy M.


    Highlights: ► Molar isothermal compressions and molar isobaric expansions were evaluated. ► Coefficients of thermal pressure and internal pressure were obtained. ► Concentration dependences of coefficients under study display extremes. ► Temperature and pressure dependences of internal pressure of the mixture were linear. -- Abstract: Molar isothermal compressions, molar isobaric expansions, molar coefficients of thermal pressure, and internal pressure were calculated over the whole concentration range of {water (1) + tert-butanol (2)} mixture at pressures from 0.1 to 100 MPa and temperatures from 278.15 to 323.15 K. It was revealed that the extremes, observed on concentration dependences of molar isothermal compression K T,m and molar isobaric expansion E P,m of the mixture, became more pronounced with pressure growth and temperature lowering. Values of molar thermal pressure coefficients of the mixture sharply rose at compositions with small TBA mole fraction and then decreased practically linearly with the alcohol content increasing. Temperature and pressure dependences of the mixture internal pressure were almost linear, and at low TBA concentrations changed significantly from the dependences of water, tert-butanol and their mixtures at large alcohol content

  10. Standard molar enthalpy of formation of methoxyacetophenone isomers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amaral, Luísa M.P.F.; Morais, Victor M.F.; Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V.


    Highlights: • Experimental and computational energetic study of methoxyacetophenone isomers. • Enthalpies of formation and phase transition determined by calorimetric techniques. • Quantum chemical calculations allowed estimation of enthalpies of formation. • Structure and energy correlations were established. - Abstract: Values of the standard (p o = 0.1 MPa) molar enthalpy of formation of 2′-, 3′- and 4′-methoxyacetophenones were derived from their standard molar energy of combustion, in oxygen, at T = 298.15 K, measured by static bomb combustion calorimetry. The Calvet high temperature vacuum sublimation technique was used to measure the enthalpies of sublimation/vaporization of the compounds studied. The standard molar enthalpies of formation of the three compounds, in the gaseous phase, at T = 298.15 K, have been derived from the corresponding standard molar enthalpies of formation in the condensed phase and the standard molar enthalpies for the phase transition. The results obtained are −(232.0 ± 2.5), −(237.7 ± 2.7) and −(241.1 ± 2.1) kJ · mol −1 for 2′-, 3′- and 4′-methoxyacetophenone, respectively. Standard molar enthalpies of formation were also estimated from different methodologies: the Cox scheme as well as two different computational approaches using density functional theory-based B3LYP and the multilevel G3 methodologies

  11. Angulation change of the third molar tooth in orthodontic treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ardiansyah S. Pawinru


    Full Text Available Objective : Impaction of the third molar tooth mandibular is often found in patients with orthodontic treatment. In orthodontic treatment, extraction cases of impaction of the third molar tooth are usually performed, but the patients often refuse this extraction. Extraction of premolar has a good effect on the third molar mandibular angulation during treatment. Material and Methods : This study is a retrospective clinical study with descriptive analytic to find out the effect of the first mandibular premolar tooth extraction to angulation change of the third molar mandibular in orthodontic treatment with a standard edgewise method. Angulation change was performed by comparing the third molar mandibular angulation before and after orthodontic treatment with panoramic radiographs. Angulation of the third molar tooth mandibular was calculated from the angle formed between the long axis of the tooth with the reference line infraorbita. Results : The sample comprised 60 of impacted mandibular third molar region of the left and right regions of 30 patients who had been treated declared cured in clinic of orthodontic specialist of Dentistry Faculty Padjadjaran University. The sample was divided into three (3 groups of patients before treatment angulation of the third molar tooth mandibular under 300, 300 to 600 and above 60o, then measured change of angulation and observed whether it increased, fixed or decreased. Results were analyzed by T- test and Wilcoxon test showed that there was a significant change in angulation of the third molar mandibular in orthodontic treatment with the first premolar tooth mandibular extraction. Conclusion : This study is that the first premolar tooth mandibular extraction affects the angulation of the third molar tooth mandibular after orthodontic treatment.

  12. Record de velocidad en Internet permite enviar DVD en 7 segundos

    CERN Multimedia


    "Un nuevo record de velocidad de transmision de datos ha sido alcanzado por el Laboratorio Europeo para la Fisica de Particulas (CERN) y el Instituto de Tecnologia de California, que es transmitir el contenido de un Disco de Video Digital (DVD) en unos 7 segundos, algo que puede revolucionar Internet" (1 page).

  13. Rare occurrence of the left maxillary horizontal third molar impaction ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Rare occurrence of the left maxillary horizontal third molar impaction, the right maxillary third molar vertical impaction and the left mandibular third molar vertical impaction with inferior alveolar nerve proximity in a 30 year old female: a case report.

  14. The contemporary management of third molars. (United States)

    Hyam, D M


    The management of third molars requires a significant assessment and decision process both for the patient and the clinician. The clinician must always identify the indication for third molar surgery, assess the risks of the proposed procedure, and then modify their plan to account for the patient's current and future health, their social and financial setting, and the patient's tolerance of risk. In doing this, the clinician can tailor a solution to meet the individual patient's needs. This decision to remove a third molar is made in the fluid setting of the patient's quality of life and requires regular review. This article gives the clinician the tools, the matrix, and the confidence to guide patients through this process, and outlines some of the pitfalls and common points of bias within the process. © 2018 Australian Dental Association.

  15. Prevalence of missing and impacted third molars in adults aged 25 years and above

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, Yun Hoa; Cho, Bong Hae [Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Yansan (Korea, Republic of)


    The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of missing and impacted third molars in people aged 25 years and above. The study sample of 3,799 patients was chosen randomly from patients who visited Pusan National University Dental Hospital and had panoramic radiographs taken. The data collected included presence and impaction state, angulation, and depth of impaction of third molars, and radiographically detected lesions of third molars and adjacent second molars. A greater percentage of men than women retained at least one third molar. The incidence of third molars decreased with increasing age. The incidence of partially impacted third molars greatly declined after the age of 30. Vertically impacted maxillary third molars and horizontally impacted mandibular third molars were most frequent in all age groups. Among the maxillary third molars, those impacted below the cervical line of the second molar were most frequent in all age groups, and among the mandibular third molars, deeply impacted third molars were most frequent in those aged over 40. Dental caries was the most common radiographic lesion of the third molars. Mesioangularly impacted third molars showed radiographic lesions in 13 (9.5%) adjacent maxillary second molars and 117 (27.4%) mandibular second molars. The number of remaining third molars decreased and the percentage of Class C depth increased with age. Caries was the most frequent lesion in third molars. Partially impacted mesioangular third molars showed a high incidence of caries or periodontal bone loss of the adjacent second molar. Regular oral examination will be essential to keep asymptomatic third molars in good health.

  16. Prevalence of missing and impacted third molars in adults aged 25 years and above

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Yun Hoa; Cho, Bong Hae


    The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of missing and impacted third molars in people aged 25 years and above. The study sample of 3,799 patients was chosen randomly from patients who visited Pusan National University Dental Hospital and had panoramic radiographs taken. The data collected included presence and impaction state, angulation, and depth of impaction of third molars, and radiographically detected lesions of third molars and adjacent second molars. A greater percentage of men than women retained at least one third molar. The incidence of third molars decreased with increasing age. The incidence of partially impacted third molars greatly declined after the age of 30. Vertically impacted maxillary third molars and horizontally impacted mandibular third molars were most frequent in all age groups. Among the maxillary third molars, those impacted below the cervical line of the second molar were most frequent in all age groups, and among the mandibular third molars, deeply impacted third molars were most frequent in those aged over 40. Dental caries was the most common radiographic lesion of the third molars. Mesioangularly impacted third molars showed radiographic lesions in 13 (9.5%) adjacent maxillary second molars and 117 (27.4%) mandibular second molars. The number of remaining third molars decreased and the percentage of Class C depth increased with age. Caries was the most frequent lesion in third molars. Partially impacted mesioangular third molars showed a high incidence of caries or periodontal bone loss of the adjacent second molar. Regular oral examination will be essential to keep asymptomatic third molars in good health.

  17. Impacted third molar transplantation on the malpracticed extraction socket. (United States)

    Kim, Soung Min; Amponsah, Emmanuel K


    Autotransplantation with or without endodontic therapy is regarded as an alternative treatment option for the replacement of missing teeth. A primary responsibility of a maxillofacial surgeon is to reverse any malpractice to promote successful outcomes and improve the patient's quality of life. This paper presents a malpractice case of incorrect extraction of the lower second molar instead of the impacted third molar. A simple technique of transplanting the impacted third molar to the site of the extracted second molar is introduced by a maxillofacial specialist in Ghana. By making an intentional root socket and fixation without using additional appliances, a novel second molar was achieved with complete recovery. This patient was followed after transplant for a four-year period with the best satisfaction. A grant of the Korean Health Technology R&D Project, Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea. (HI15C0689).

  18. Association of the Mandibular Third Molar Position to the Pericoronitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tsvetan Tsvetanov


    Full Text Available Introduction: Pericoronitis is inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the crown of a partially erupted tooth. Objective: To provide measurement of lower third molar angulation and determine relationship between mandibular third molar position and presence of pericoronitis. Material and methods: We studied 104 patients with lower third molar pericoronitis with clinical manifestations and measurement of lower third molar angulation. The mean age of patients was 25.7 years (range 18-35 years. Results: In this study was used the following statistical analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient and Spearman’s correlation coefficient (nonparametric version of the Pearson correlation coefficient for measure of the linear correlation between two variables - pericoronitis and angulation of the lower third molars. The chi-square test was used to assesses case incidences. The level of significance was p<0.05. 36.04% of partially impacted mandibular third molars were mesioangular followed by the vertical (25.47%, horizontal (18.97%, distoangular (9.21%, buccal (5.42% and lingual (3.79% position. The lowest part of the mandibular third molars is located in the ramus of mandible (1.08%. The present study was found in relation to mesioangular, distoangular, vertical impaction and pericoronitis (p<0.05. Conclusion: We conclude that the position of lower third molar may be able to be associated with presence of pericoronitis.

  19. Estudio de volumen molar y refracción molar de miscelas de triglicéridos (triacetina, tributirina o tricaprilina y alcoholes (etanol, 1-butanol o 1-hexanol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodríguez Rodríguez, M.


    Full Text Available Values of molar refraction for every studied mixtures show linear plots versus molar fractions of triglyceride. Values of molar volume show this behaviour, but only for tributyrin-butanol or tricaprylin-butanol miscellas. However, in tributyrin-ethanol mixtures, volume contractions have been found, whereas triacetin-butanol and tributyrin-hexanol show volume expansions. These facts are related to the mode of being structured of the alcohol and triglyceride molecules in mixtures. A linear relationship between molar volume and temperature have been found, and also a linear dependence between the coefficient of thermal expansion at constant pressure and the molar fraction of triglyceride.

    Los valores de la refracción molar en todas las miscelas estudiadas presentan variaciones lineales frente a la fracción molar de triglicérido. la misma variación que presentan los valores del volumen molar de las miscelas tributirina y tricaprilina en butanol. Sin embargo, en las miscelas de tributirina-etanol se encuentran contracciones de volumen mientras que en las de triacetina-butanol y tributirina-hexanol expansiones, atribuidas en ambos casos a la forma de estructurarse las moléculas de alcohol y triglicérido en las miscelas. Por otra parte, se encuentra una variación lineal entre el volumen molar de las miscelas y la temperatura, y se establece una relación lineal entre el coeficiente de dilatación térmico molar a presión constante y la fracción molar de triglicérido en los cinco sistemas estudiados.

  20. Elective extractions of first permanent molars: a review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melike Kiraz


    Full Text Available Permanent first molar teeth possess a key role in the setting-up of the occlusion, contribute significantly to the chewing function and serve as a guide for other teeth. However, it is frequently encountered that permanent first molar teeth are extracted due to the predicted negative prognoses of caries or developmental defects. As a result of the uncontrolled extraction of the permanent first molar teeth during the growth and development period, drifting of adjacent teeth, continued eruption of the opposing teeth and displacements can be seen. Furthermore, following one-sided extraction, midline deviations, oppositional tooth eruption, skeletal and dental asymmetry, unilateral chewing habits, and temporo-mandibular joint disorders may occur. To prevent these pathological conditions and to maintain the stability of the occlusal relation, it is necessary to do compensation and balancing extractions of the permanent first molar teeth on the opposite/symmetric arc, assuming mesial drag of the permanent second and third molar teeth. With such controlled-extractions, especially in Class I cases, orthodontic or prosthetic treatments, which may require extra time, cost and effort, could be prevented and a conceivable occlusion can be established.

  1. Prevalence of missing and impacted third molars in adults aged 25 years and above (United States)

    Jung, Yun-Hoa


    Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of missing and impacted third molars in people aged 25 years and above. Materials and Methods The study sample of 3,799 patients was chosen randomly from patients who visited Pusan National University Dental Hospital and had panoramic radiographs taken. The data collected included presence and impaction state, angulation, and depth of impaction of third molars, and radiographically detected lesions of third molars and adjacent second molars. Results A greater percentage of men than women retained at least one third molar. The incidence of third molars decreased with increasing age. The incidence of partially impacted third molars greatly declined after the age of 30. Vertically impacted maxillary third molars and horizontally impacted mandibular third molars were most frequent in all age groups. Among the maxillary third molars, those impacted below the cervical line of the second molar were most frequent in all age groups, and among the mandibular third molars, deeply impacted third molars were most frequent in those aged over 40. Dental caries was the most common radiographic lesion of the third molars. Mesioangularly impacted third molars showed radiographic lesions in 13 (9.5%) adjacent maxillary second molars and 117 (27.4%) mandibular second molars. Conclusion The number of remaining third molars decreased and the percentage of Class C depth increased with age. Caries was the most frequent lesion in third molars. Partially impacted mesioangular third molars showed a high incidence of caries or periodontal bone loss of the adjacent second molar. Regular oral examination will be essential to keep asymptomatic third molars in good health. PMID:24380060

  2. Pattern of third molar impaction in a Saudi population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali H Hassan


    Full Text Available Ali H Hassan11Department of Preventive Dental Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi ArabiaObjective: To evaluate the current pattern of third molar impaction in a sample of Saudi patients.Methods: One thousand thirty-nine orthopantomograms (OPG of patients ranging in age from 19 to 46 years (536 males and 503 females were evaluated to determine the frequency of impacted third molars, their levels of eruption, and their angulations.Results: Four hundred twenty-two (40.5% of the 1039 OPG showed at least one impacted third molar, with no significant difference between males (222; 52.6% and females (200; 47.4% (P = 0.284. The most common number of impacted third molars per OPG was one (72.5%. Impacted third molars were 1.64 times more likely to occur in the mandible than in the maxilla. The most common angulation of impaction in the mandible was the mesial (33.4%, while the most common angulation in the maxilla, was the vertical (49.6%. Level B impaction was the most common in both maxilla (48.2% and mandible (67.7%. There was no significant difference in the frequency of impaction between the right and left sides in both jaws.Conclusion: The pattern of third molar impaction in the western region of Saudi Arabia is characterized by a high prevalence of impaction that is greater in the mandibles and with no sex predilection.Keywords: third molar, impaction, prevalence, Saudi 

  3. Cementoblastoma Relating to Right Mandibular Second Primary Molar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sivakumar Nuvvula


    Full Text Available Cementoblastoma is a benign lesion of the odontogenic ectomesenchymal origin. It rarely occurs in primary dentition. This report describes a case of a cementoblastoma relating to the right mandibular second primary molar in a 7-year-old girl. Her panoramic radiograph revealed a well-defined radiopaque lesion with a radiolucent border extending from the distal surface of the mandibular right first primary molar to the distal surface of mandibular second primary molar. The tumor was attached to the mesial root of primary second molar and was excised along with the teeth involved and sent for histopathological evaluation, which showed irregular trabeculae of mineralized tissue interspersed with fibrovascular connective tissue, trabeculae of mineralized tissue with prominent reversal lines, and peripheral rimming of the mineralized tissue with blast cells. On a six-month follow-up, there has been no recurrence of the lesion.

  4. Simplificação do índice CPO dos 18 aos 25 anos DMF Index simplification from 18 to 25 years

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz O. C. Guimarães


    Full Text Available O índice CPO pode ser estimado pelo dobro do valor obtido pelo exame de dois hemiarcos (superior direito e inferior esquerdo, e pelo quádruplo do valor observado em seis dentes (primeiro molar e incisivo central superiores direitos, primeiro pré-molar superior esquerdo, segundo molar e incisivo lateral inferiores esquerdos e segundo pré-molar inferior direito. As estimativas foram feitas por métodos da estatística descritiva, em termos de média, composição percentual e coeficiente de prevalência de cárie, tendo-se levantado dados em 100 indivíduos de 18 a 25 anos.The DMF index can be estimated at double the value observed in the exam of two hemiarchs (Upper Right and Lower Left, or at four times the value obtained from six teeth (First Molar and Central Incisor Upper Right, first bicuspid upper left, second molar and lateral incisor lower left and second bicuspid lower right. The estimates were made by the use of methods of descriptive statistics, averages, percentages and the coefficient of the prevalence of caries, in a sample of 100 people, aged from 18 to 25 years.

  5. Experimental and predicted data of excess molar enthalpies and excess molar volumes for the ternary system (1,3-dichlorobenzene + benzene + 1-chlorohexane) at T = 298.15 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mato, Marta M.; Verdes, Pedro V.; Paz Andrade, M.I.; Legido, José Luis


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Experimental enthalpy and densitiy for the mixture 1,3-dichlorobenzene + benzene + 1-chlorohexane were measured. • The excess molar volumes were calculated from the densities of the pure liquids and their mixtures. • The Cibulka equation was used to correlate the ternary contribution of the excess molar properties. • The experimental data were used to test several empirical equations. - Abstract: Experimental excess molar enthalpies, densities and excess molar volumes for the ternary system {x 1 1,3-dichlorobenzene + x 2 benzene + (1 − x 1 − x 2 ) 1-chlorohexane} have been determined at the temperature of 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure. Values of excess molar enthalpies were measured using a Calvet microcalorimeter, and excess molar volumes were determined from the densities of the pure liquids and mixtures, using a vibrating-tube densimeter. The results were fitted by means of different variable degree polynomials. Smooth representations of the results are presented and used to construct constant contours of excess molar enthalpy and excess molar volume on Roozeboom diagrams. Several empirical expressions that have been suggested for use with parameters and predicting excess properties of ternary mixtures from the experimental binary data were tested

  6. Genetic integration of molar cusp size variation in baboons. (United States)

    Koh, Christina; Bates, Elizabeth; Broughton, Elizabeth; Do, Nicholas T; Fletcher, Zachary; Mahaney, Michael C; Hlusko, Leslea J


    Many studies of primate diversity and evolution rely on dental morphology for insight into diet, behavior, and phylogenetic relationships. Consequently, variation in molar cusp size has increasingly become a phenotype of interest. In 2007 we published a quantitative genetic analysis of mandibular molar cusp size variation in baboons. Those results provided more questions than answers, as the pattern of genetic integration did not fit predictions from odontogenesis. To follow up, we expanded our study to include data from the maxillary molar cusps. Here we report on these later analyses, as well as inter-arch comparisons with the mandibular data. We analyzed variation in two-dimensional maxillary molar cusp size using data collected from a captive pedigreed breeding colony of baboons, Papio hamadryas, housed at the Southwest National Primate Research Center. These analyses show that variation in maxillary molar cusp size is heritable and sexually dimorphic. We also estimated additive genetic correlations between cusps on the same crown, homologous cusps along the tooth row, and maxillary and mandibular cusps. The pattern for maxillary molars yields genetic correlations of one between the paracone-metacone and protocone-hypocone. Bivariate analyses of cuspal homologues on adjacent teeth yield correlations that are high or not significantly different from one. Between dental arcades, the nonoccluding cusps consistently yield high genetic correlations, especially the metaconid-paracone and metaconid-metacone. This pattern of genetic correlation does not immediately accord with the pattern of development and/or calcification, however these results do follow predictions that can be made from the evolutionary history of the tribosphenic molar. Copyright 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  7. Autologous Platelet-rich Plasma after Third Molar Surgery. (United States)

    Gandevivala, Adil; Sangle, Amit; Shah, Dinesh; Tejnani, Avneesh; Sayyed, Aatif; Khutwad, Gaurav; Patel, Arpit Arunbhai


    The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in the third molar impactions, with respect to: pain, swelling, healing, and periodontal status distal to the second molar in patients who need surgical removal of bilateral impacted mandibular third molars. Twenty-five patients of both sexes aged between 16 and 60 years who required bilateral surgical removal of their impacted third molars and met the inclusion criteria were included in the study. After surgical extraction of the third molar, primary closure was performed in the control group, whereas PRP was placed in the socket followed by primary closure in the case group. The outcome variables were pain, swelling, wound healing, and periodontal probe depth that were follow-up period of 2 months. Quantitative data are presented as mean. Statistical significance was checked by t -test. There was a difference in the pain (0.071) and facial swelling (0.184), reduction between test and control on day 3, but it was not found to be significant. Periodontal pocket depth (0.001) and wound healing (0.001) less in case group compared with the control group was found to be significant. The use of PRP lessens the severity of immediate postoperative sequelae and decreases preoperative pocket depth.

  8. Editorial: invitación al segundo congreso sudamericano de neurología


    Revista, Facultad de Medicina


    Estimado colega: tenemos el agrado de invitarlo al Segundo Congreso Latino Americano de Neurocirugía que se celebrará en Santiago de Chile, en abril de 1947.Los temas oficiales han sido distribuidos a los diferentes servicios de Neurocirugía de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Perú y Uruguay.

  9. Changes in heart rate during third molar surgery

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hollander, M. H. J.; Schortinghuis, J.; Vissink, A.


    Anxiety is an undesirable psychological phenomenon. Patients are usually anxious when subjected to third molar surgery, but the pattern of anxiety is unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the intensity and course of anxiety during third molar surgery. This study included 48 consecutive

  10. Unusal canal configuration in maxillary and mandibular second molars

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramachandran Ragunathan


    Full Text Available This clinical article describes three different case reports of maxillary and mandibular second molars with the unusual anatomy of single root with a single canal and their endodontic management. An unusual case of bilateralism is observed in the first two cases in the form of single-rooted second mandibular molars in both the quadrant of the same patient. The presence of maxillary second molar with single root and single canal in the third case is unusual.

  11. Three-dimensional space changes after premature loss of a maxillary primary first molar. (United States)

    Park, Kitae; Jung, Da-Woon; Kim, Ji-Yeon


    A space maintainer is generally preferred when a primary first molar is lost before or during active eruption of the first permanent molars in order to prevent space loss. However, controversy prevails regarding the space loss after eruption of the permanent first molars. The purpose of this study was to examine spatial changes subsequent to premature loss of a maxillary primary first molar after the eruption of the permanent first molars. Thirteen children, five girls and eight boys, expecting premature extraction of a maxillary primary first molar because of caries and/or failed pulp therapy, were selected. Spatial changes were investigated using a three-dimensional laser scanner by comparing the primary molar space, arch width, arch length, and arch perimeter before and after the extraction of a maxillary primary first molar. Also, the inclination and angulation changes in the maxillary primary canines, primary second molars, and permanent first molars adjacent to the extraction site were investigated before and after the extraction of the maxillary primary first molar in order to examine the source of space loss. There was no statistically significant space loss on the extraction side compared to the control side (P = 0.33). No consistent findings were seen on the inclination and angulation changes on the extraction side. The premature loss of a maxillary primary first molar, in cases with class I molar relationship, has limited influence on the space in permanent dentition.

  12. Fracture behavior of human molars. (United States)

    Keown, Amanda J; Lee, James J-W; Bush, Mark B


    Despite the durability of human teeth, which are able to withstand repeated loading while maintaining form and function, they are still susceptible to fracture. We focus here on longitudinal fracture in molar teeth-channel-like cracks that run along the enamel sidewall of the tooth between the gum line (cemento-enamel junction-CEJ) and the occlusal surface. Such fractures can often be painful and necessitate costly restorative work. The following study describes fracture experiments made on molar teeth of humans in which the molars are placed under axial compressive load using a hard indenting plate in order to induce longitudinal cracks in the enamel. Observed damage modes include fractures originating in the occlusal region ('radial-median cracks') and fractures emanating from the margin of the enamel in the region of the CEJ ('margin cracks'), as well as 'spalling' of enamel (the linking of longitudinal cracks). The loading conditions that govern fracture behavior in enamel are reported and observations made of the evolution of fracture as the load is increased. Relatively low loads were required to induce observable crack initiation-approximately 100 N for radial-median cracks and 200 N for margin cracks-both of which are less than the reported maximum biting force on a single molar tooth of several hundred Newtons. Unstable crack growth was observed to take place soon after and occurred at loads lower than those calculated by the current fracture models. Multiple cracks were observed on a single cusp, their interactions influencing crack growth behavior. The majority of the teeth tested in this study were noted to exhibit margin cracks prior to compression testing, which were apparently formed during the functional lifetime of the tooth. Such teeth were still able to withstand additional loading prior to catastrophic fracture, highlighting the remarkable damage containment capabilities of the natural tooth structure.

  13. Ruptured tubal molar pregnancy

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    May 19, 2011 ... In most instances, moles develop within the uterine cavity, but may occur at ... Patients with tubal molar pregnancy are very difficult to distinguish .... There was a left-sided adnexal mass, whose size could not be appreciated ...

  14. Taurodont molars: Review of literature and radiological features

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saini, T.; Wilson, C. A.


    Taurodontic molar teeth are present as a clinical entity in modem man. This is a suggestion that the occurrence has a racial bias. The importance of the differential diagnosis of teeth with enlarged pulp is discussed, and the possible influence of taurodontic molars on treatment planning is outlined. (author)

  15. Excess molar volumes and isentropic compressibilities of binary

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Excess molar volumes (E) and deviation in isentropic compressibilities (s) have been investigated from the density and speed of sound measurements of six binary liquid mixtures containing -alkanes over the entire range of composition at 298.15 K. Excess molar volume exhibits inversion in sign in one binary ...

  16. Radiographic evaluation of third molar development in 6 to 24 year olds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Yun Hwa; Cho, Bong Hae


    This study investigated the developmental stages of third molars in relation to chronological age and compared third molar development according to location and gender. A retrospective analysis of panoramic radiographs of 2490 patients aged between 6 and 24 years was conducted, and the developmental stages of the third molars were evaluated using the modified Demirjian's classification. The mean age, standard deviation, minimal and maximal age, and percentile distributions were recorded for each stage of development. A Mann-Whitney U test was performed to test the developmental differences in the third molars between the maxillary and mandibular arches and between genders. A linear regression analysis was used for assessing the correlation between the third molar development and chronological age. The developmental stages of the third molars were more advanced in the maxillary arch than the mandibular arch. Males reached the developmental stages earlier than females. The average age of the initial mineralization of the third molars was 8.57 years, and the average age at apex closure was 21.96 years. The mean age of crown completion was 14.52 and 15.04 years for the maxillary and the mandibular third molars, respectively. The developmental stages of the third molars clearly showed a strong correlation with age. The third molars developed earlier in the upper arch than the lower arch; further, they developed earlier in males than in females.

  17. JUAN LUIS SEGUNDO (1925-1976

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Hoornaert


    Full Text Available Juan Luís Segundo era um teólogo que sabia o que queria. Enquanto a maioria de seus colegas ensinava em seminários ou institutos de teologia, assessorava bispos ou encontros de clero, trabalhava com os assim chamados agentes de pastoral, engajava se nas "pastorais especiais", escrevia para revistas de divulgação pastoral, - sempre apoiados na plataforma da instituição grande -, ele ficou organizando seus seminários com leigos não-tão-pobres em Montevidéu, longe do mundo hierárquico, com uma metodologia que ele mesmo descreveu nas palavras introdutórias de sua "Teologia aberta para o leigo adulto" (1976/1, 10-12: seminários em fim-de-semana, com duração de dois ou três dias, divididos em blocos de quatro horas de concentração na seguinte seqüência, aliás bem conhecida: uma conferência inicial de quarenta minutos, grupos de reflexão por uma hora, mesa redonda, reflexão final pelo assessor, e depois oração.

  18. Prevention of alveolar osteitis after third molar surgery: Comparative ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Prevention of alveolar osteitis after third molar surgery: Comparative study of the ... for surgical extraction of lower third molar were prospectively, consecutively, and ... Information on demographic, types and level of impaction, indications for ...

  19. A study of the eruption of the mandibular first permanent molar


    河野, 美砂子; Kohno, Misako


    The object of this study was to know what positional changes of the mandibular first permanent molars occur just before their gingival emergence. The eruptive process of the mandibular first molars was investigated during the period from alveolareruption to preoraleruption. The subjects were 14 patients whose second primary molars were prematurely lost in one side and remained on the other side. Longitudinal oblique cephalograms were used to estimate the eruptive process of the first molars o...

  20. Double versus single cartridge of 4% articaine infiltration into the retro-molar area for lower third molar surgery. (United States)

    Sawang, Kamonpun; Chaiyasamut, Teeranut; Kiattavornchareon, Sirichai; Pairuchvej, Verasak; Bhattarai, Bishwa Prakash; Wongsirichat, Natthamet


    There are no studies regarding 4% articaine infiltration injection into the retro-molar area for an impacted lower third molar (LITM) surgery. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of infiltration using 1.7 ml (single cartridge: SC) of 4% articaine versus 3.4 ml (double cartridges: DC) of 4% articaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine in LITM surgery. This study involved 30 healthy patients with symmetrical LITM. The patients were assigned to receive either a DC or SC of 4% articaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine as a local anesthetic for each operation. Onset, duration, profoundness, need for additional anesthetic administration, total volume of anesthetic used, vitality of the tooth, and pain score during operation were recorded. The DC of 4 % articaine had a significantly higher success rate (83.3%) than did the SC (53.3%; P molar region can be an alternative anesthetic for LITM surgery.

  1. Excess molar enthalpies for binary mixtures of different amines with water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Ruilei; Chen, Jian; Mi, Jianguo


    Highlights: • Isothermal excess molar enthalpies for binary mixtures of different amines with water. • The Redlich–Kister equation and the NRTL model was used to fit the experimental data. • The excess molar enthalpies were discussed with different structures of amines. - Abstract: The isothermal excess molar enthalpies for binary mixtures of different amines with water were measured with a C-80 Setaram calorimeter. The experimental results indicate that the excess molar enthalpy is related to the molecular structure. The experimental excess molar enthalpies were satisfactorily fitted with the Redlich–Kister equation. They were also used to test the suitability of the NRTL model, and the deviations are a little larger than the R–K equation

  2. Root canal morphology of primary molars: a micro-computed tomography study. (United States)

    Fumes, A C; Sousa-Neto, M D; Leoni, G B; Versiani, M A; da Silva, L A B; da Silva, R A B; Consolaro, A


    This was to investigate the root canal morphology of primary molar teeth using micro-computed tomography. Primary maxillary (n = 20) and mandibular (n = 20) molars were scanned at a resolution of 16.7 μm and analysed regarding the number, location, volume, area, structured model index (SMI), area, roundness, diameters, and length of canals, as well as the thickness of dentine in the apical third. Data were statistically compared by using paired-sample t test, independent sample t test, and one-way analysis of variance with significance level set as 5%. Overall, no statistical differences were found between the canals with respect to length, SMI, dentine thickness, area, roundness, and diameter (p > 0.05). A double canal system was observed in the mesial and mesio-buccal roots of the mandibular and maxillary molars, respectively. The thickness in the internal aspect of the roots was lower than in the external aspect. Cross-sectional evaluation of the roots in the apical third showed flat-shaped canals in the mandibular molars and ribbon- and oval-shaped canals in the maxillary molars. External and internal anatomy of the primary first molars closely resemble the primary second molars. The reported data may help clinicians to obtain a thorough understanding of the morphological variations of root canals in primary molars to overcome problems related to shaping and cleaning procedures, allowing appropriate management strategies for root canal treatment.

  3. Apparent molar volumes and compressibilities of selected electrolytes in dimethylsulfoxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Warminska, Dorota; Grzybkowski, Waclaw


    Densities at T = (293.15, 298.15, 303.15, 313.15, 323.15, and 333.15) K and sound velocities at T = 298.15 K of tetraphenylphosphonium bromide, sodium tetraphenylborate, sodium bromide, and sodium perchlorate in dimethylsulfoxide have been measured over the composition range from (0 to 0.3) mol . kg -1 . From these data, apparent molar volumes and apparent molar isentropic compressibilities at infinite dilution as well as the expansibilities have been evaluated. The results have been discussed in terms of employing tetraphenylphosphonium tetraphenylborate as a reference electrolyte in splitting the limiting apparent molar volumes and apparent molar isentropic compressibilities into ionic contributions.

  4. Radiographic evaluation of third molar development in 6- to 24-year-olds (United States)

    Jung, Yun-Hoa


    Purpose This study investigated the developmental stages of third molars in relation to chronological age and compared third molar development according to location and gender. Materials and Methods A retrospective analysis of panoramic radiographs of 2490 patients aged between 6 and 24 years was conducted, and the developmental stages of the third molars were evaluated using the modified Demirjian's classification. The mean age, standard deviation, minimal and maximal age, and percentile distributions were recorded for each stage of development. A Mann-Whitney U test was performed to test the developmental differences in the third molars between the maxillary and mandibular arches and between genders. A linear regression analysis was used for assessing the correlation between the third molar development and chronological age. Results The developmental stages of the third molars were more advanced in the maxillary arch than the mandibular arch. Males reached the developmental stages earlier than females. The average age of the initial mineralization of the third molars was 8.57 years, and the average age at apex closure was 21.96 years. The mean age of crown completion was 14.52 and 15.04 years for the maxillary and the mandibular third molars, respectively. Conclusion The developmental stages of the third molars clearly showed a strong correlation with age. The third molars developed earlier in the upper arch than the lower arch; further, they developed earlier in males than in females. PMID:25279338

  5. The origin of the lower fourth molar in canids, inferred by individual variation

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    Masakazu Asahara


    Full Text Available Background An increase in tooth number is an exception during mammalian evolution. The acquisition of the lower fourth molar in the bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis, Canidae, Carnivora, Mammalia is one example; however, its developmental origin is not clear. In some canids (Canidae, individual variation exist as supernumerary molar M4. This study focuses on the acquisition of the lower fourth molar in canids and proposes that the inhibitory cascade model can explain its origin. Methods Occlusal view projected area of lower molars was determined from 740 mandibles obtained from Canis latrans, Nyctereutes procyonoides, and Urocyon cinereoargenteus museum specimens. For each molar, relative sizes of molars (M2/M1 and M3/M1 scores affected by inhibition/activation dynamics during development, were compared between individuals with and without supernumerary molar (M4. Results Possession of a supernumerary molar was associated with significantly larger M2/M1 score in Canis latrans, M3/M1 score in Nyctereutes procyonoides, and M2/M1 and M3/M1 scores in Urocyon cinereoargenteus compared to individuals of these species that lacked supernumerary molars. Discussion We propose that, in canids, the supernumerary fourth molar is attributable to reduced inhibition and greater activation during molar development. In the bat-eared fox, altered inhibition and activation dynamics of dental development during omnivorous-insectivorous adaptation may be a contributing factor in the origin of the lower fourth molar.

  6. Morphometric variation of extant platyrrhine molars: taxonomic implications for fossil platyrrhines

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    Mónica Nova Delgado


    Full Text Available The phylogenetic position of many fossil platyrrhines with respect to extant ones is not yet clear. Two main hypotheses have been proposed: the layered or successive radiations hypothesis suggests that Patagonian fossils are Middle Miocene stem platyrrhines lacking modern descendants, whereas the long lineage hypothesis argues for an evolutionary continuity of all fossil platyrrhines with the extant ones. Our geometric morphometric analysis of a 15 landmark-based configuration of platyrrhines’ first and second lower molars suggest that morphological stasis may explain the reduced molar shape variation observed. Platyrrhine lower molar shape might be a primitive retention of the ancestral state affected by strong ecological constraints throughout the radiation of the main platyrrhine families. The Patagonian fossil specimens showed two distinct morphological patterns of lower molars, Callicebus—like and Saguinus—like, which might be the precursors of the extant forms, whereas the Middle Miocene specimens, though showing morphological resemblances with the Patagonian fossils, also displayed new, derived molar patterns, Alouatta—like and Pitheciinae—like, thereby suggesting that despite the overall morphological stasis of molars, phenotypic diversification of molar shape was already settled during the Middle Miocene.


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    Francisco Quaranta


    Full Text Available Quando falamos em equação do segundo grau, é imediata a associação com a fórmula geral atribuída erroneamente à Bháskara no Brasil. Isto se deve ao uso exagerado e, muitas vezes, exclusivo dessa fórmula. O objetivo desse trabalho é incentivar e discutir a relevância e a abrangência de outros métodos de resolução de equações do segundo grau que atualmente tem sido deixado de lado pela maioria dos professores brasileiros, tais como: um método geométrico presente em “Os Elementos” de Euclides, o completamento de quadrados (onde demonstraremos a fórmula geral através do raciocínio geométrico – adição de áreas e o método da soma e produto (no qual apresentaremos um artifício que amplia o seu uso para raízes fracionárias.

  8. Detection of Mesiobuccal Canal in Maxillary Molars and Distolingual Canal in Mandibular Molars by Dental CT: A Retrospective Study of 100 Cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sushma Rathi


    Full Text Available Objective. To detect presence of MB2 canal in maxillary molars and distolingual canal in mandibular molars by Dental CT. Material and Methods. A retrospective study of 100 Dental CTs was done. Axial and paraxial images obtained were used to assess the presence of MB2 canal in maxillary molars and distolingual canal in mandibular molars. Results. The youngest patient was of 11 years while the eldest patient was of 77 years. Males were 58 in number and females were 42 in number. MB2 canals were present in 57 patients and distolingual canal was present in 18 patients. Maximum MB2 canals were present in age group between 51 and 60 years, while distolingual canals were present in age group of 21–30 years. Conclusion. Dental CT allows adequate visualization of variation in root canal morphology and can be important diagnostic tool for successful endodontic therapy.

  9. Effectiveness of various sterilization methods of contaminated post-fitted molar band

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anggia Tridianti


    Full Text Available Background: Molar band as anchoring device may be contaminated during the fitting process. Thus, decontamination process is essential to prevent cross-infection between patients. Purpose: The objective of this research was to determine the amount of bacteria in molar band post-fitted on the patient teeth, after previously undergone pre-sterilization using alcohol and ultrasonic cleaning bath followed by sterilization using dry heat oven and steam autoclave, in order to find the best method in decontamination of post-fitted molar band. Methods: Four molar bands which already fitted on one patient then divided evenly into two groups. The first group was pre-sterilized using alcohol. One of the bands then sterilized using dry heat oven, while the other one was sterilized using steam autoclave. The second group was pre-sterilized using ultrasonic cleaning bath. One band from this group then sterilized using dry heat oven and the other was sterilized using steam autoclave. The next step was to immerse all the bands in a phosphate-buffered saline solution. Using micropipette, the solution was retrieved and dropped upon a petri dish containing Brain Heart Infusion broth. The dish was then stored in an incubator for 24 hours, prior to counting the number of bacteria existed. The same methods were used to the rest of the patients, with total 128 molar bands from 32 patients. Results: There was a profound difference in numbers of bacteria found between those methods of sterilization. However, there was a non significant difference between the two groups which were at the alcohol-steam autoclave group and at the ultrasonic cleaning bath-steam autoclave group. Conclusion: This study showed that steam autoclave is better than for sterilizing molar band, as it left the minimal amount of bacteria in post-fitted molar band.Latar belakang: Molar band merupakan suatu alat penjangkaran yang dapat mengalami kontaminasi selama proses fitting band, sehingga perlu

  10. Orthodontic space closure after first molar extraction without skeletal anchorage. (United States)

    Jacobs, Collin; Jacobs-Müller, Claudia; Luley, Carolin; Erbe, Christina; Wehrbein, Heiner


    The aim of the study was an analysis of effects and side-effects during mesialization of second molars after extraction of the first permanent molars using the anterior dentition/premolars (PM) as an anchorage unit. A total of 35 patients were examined retrospectively who had undergone unilateral or bilateral first permanent molar extraction in the upper or lower arch due to carious lesions. Space closure was carried out in all cases through mesialization of the second molar using an elastic chain fixed to an edgewise stainless steel archwire and tying the anterior dentition/PM together with a continuous laceback ligature. Tooth movement was assessed from lateral cephalograms, orthopantomograms (OPGs) and images of the patient's study casts taken before and after the end of therapy. Space closure after first molar extractions by mesialization of the second molars without skeletal anchorage was largely achieved by bodily forward movement of the teeth, including a small tipping component or tooth-uprighting component when molars were already mesially inclined. Unilateral and bilateral mesialization of the second molars led to retrusion in the maxilla and mandible [(∆incl.=-3.6° (max., bil.), ∆incl.=-4.2° (mand., bil.)] and to translational retraction [(∆s=-2.3 mm (max., bil.), ∆s=-1.6 mm (mand., bil.)] of the incisors. Examination of the soft tissues revealed an increased posterior displacement of the upper and lower lips to the esthetic line [(∆s=-2.8 mm (max. bil.), ∆s=-2.2 mm (mand., bil.)]. In cases of unilateral mesialization less than 50% of the patients had a slight midline deviation in the mandible towards the extraction side. Side effects during mesialization of the second molars without skeletal anchorage in the anterior dentition/PM were observed primarily affecting the incisors integrated into the anterior anchorage unit. These side-effects resulted in posterior displacement of the soft tissues, including a change in profile. This must be

  11. Evaluación de ansiedad y frecuencia cardíaca: ensayo clínico aleatorizado de la remoción químico-mecánica de caries con papacárieDuoTM. Proyecto piloto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar el grado de ansiedad y frecuencia cardíaca en pacientes infantiles sometidos a tratamiento con PapacárieDuoTM, comparado a un grupo control con el uso del método tradicional (fresa. Métodos: Se desarrolló un ensayo clínico aleatorizado en 7 pacientes infantiles (5 a 11 años. Fueron tratados 2 molares deciduos en cada niño, realizando la aleatorización para los dos grupos (G1= remoción químico-mecánica de la caries con Papacárie DuoTM; G2= remoción de la dentina cariada utilizando fresa con baja velocidad, realizando un procedimiento restaurador similar en ambos (cemento de ionómero de vidrio y control. Se evaluó el tiempo de duración del procedimiento, ansiedad y frecuencia cardíaca. Los datos fueron tabulados con el programa SPSS para Windows (v.17 y analizados estadísticamente mediante el Test Wilcoxon, para los resultados del test VPT; el Test t pareado, para la frecuencia cardíaca, y el Test t para el tiempo de tratamiento, considerándose el nivel de significancia de 5%. Resultados: La media del tiempo para el G1 fue menor (p<0.001, así como la frecuencia cardíaca en el mismo grupo luego de finalizado el tratamiento (p=0.042. No hubo diferencia estadística en las reacciones emocionales antes (p=0.317, durante (p=0.355 y después (p=0.564 de los procedimientos. Conclusión: El tiempo operatorio y la frecuencia cardíaca fueron menores en los niños tratados con el Papacárie DuoTM al ser comparados con los que fueron tratados con tratamiento convencional. Estos hallazgos demuestran las ventajas de los tratamientos conservadores en dientes deciduos.

  12. Molar exergy and flow exergy of pure chemical fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zanchini, Enzo; Terlizzese, Tiziano


    Expressions of the molar exergy and of the molar flow exergy of a pure chemical fuel are deduced rigorously from the basic principles of thermodynamics. It is shown that molar exergy and molar flow exergy coincide when the temperature T and the pressure p of the fuel are equal to the temperature T B and the pressure p B of the environment; a general relation between exergy and flow exergy is proved as a consequence. The deduction of the expression of the molar exergy of a chemical fuel for non-standard values of T B and p B is clarified. For hydrogen, carbon dioxide and several hydrocarbons, tables are reported to allow a simple calculation of the molar exergy of the fuel for any value of the temperature T B and the relative humidity φ B of the environment, in the range 268.15 K ≤ T B ≤ 313.15 K and 0.1 ≤ φ B ≤ 1, with reference to the standard atmospheric pressure. Additional tables are provided to evaluate the difference between the exergy or the flow exergy of the fuel in its given initial state and the exergy at T = T B and p = p B . In these tables, it is assumed that fuel and environment have the same temperature and that the fuel pressure varies in the range 1.01325 bar ≤ p ≤ 200 bar; the fuel may be gas or liquid.

  13. Microleakage of different adhesive systems in primary molars ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background and aim: This study aimed to examine the microleakage of class V cavities of primary molars prepared by either a conventional dental bur or Er:YAG laser and one of two different adhesive systems. Methods: A total of 50 tooth samples from primary molars were used in this study. They were randomly assigned ...

  14. Standard molar enthalpies of formation of monochloroacetophenone isomers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V.; Amaral, Luisa M.P.F.


    The standard (p 0 =0.1MPa) molar enthalpies of formation of the liquids 2'-, 3'-, and 4'-chloroacetophenones were derived from the standard molar energies of combustion, in oxygen, to yield CO 2 (g) and HCl . 600H 2 O(l), at T = 298.15 K, measured by rotating-bomb combustion calorimetry. The Calvet microcalorimetry was used to measure the enthalpies of vaporization of the three compounds. These two thermodynamic parameters yielded the standard molar enthalpies of formation of the chloroacetophenone isomers, in the gaseous phase, at T = 298.15 K. (table) An empirical scheme, developed by Cox, was used to estimate the gas-phase enthalpies of formation and the obtained values were compared with the experimental ones.



    Morera Castro, Gerardo


    En este documento se representan las características naturales de la Cuenca Baja del río Segundo, especialmente características hidrográficas, climáticas y usos del suelo.   La cuenca ubicada en la Región Central de Costa Rica, tiene todas las dificultades inherentes a los procesos de usos intensivos del suelo, de urbanización e industrialización.  Desde la cuenca alta con procesos de deforestación y uso inadecuado del suelo hasta su cuenca con procesos urbanos e industriales sin contron ni p...

  16. Incisor and molar overjet, arch contraction, and molar relationship in the mixed dentition in repaired complete unilateral cleft lip and palate: A qualitative and quantitative appraisal. (United States)

    Disthaporn, Suteeta; Suri, Sunjay; Ross, Bruce; Tompson, Bryan; Baena, Diogenes; Fisher, David; Lou, Wendy


    To compare the mixed dentition incisor and molar overjet, severity of contraction of the dental arch, and the sagittal molar relationship on the cleft side vs the noncleft side in children with repaired complete unilateral cleft of the lip and palate (UCLP). Orthodontic records taken prior to orthodontic preparation for alveolar bone grafting were screened to select study casts from patients with nonsyndromic repaired complete UCLP who did not have mandibular skeletal or dental asymmetry. The study sample comprised dental casts from 74 children aged 8.9 ± 1 years. Standardized digital photographs were acquired at 1:1 magnification. A coordinate system was developed using digital image-processing software (Photoshop CS4 and Adobe Illustrator). Incisor and molar overjet, Angle's classification, and arch contraction were recorded. Descriptive statistics, paired t-tests, and kappa statistics were used to compare the cleft and noncleft sides. A negative overjet of -1 to -5 mm was often present at the incisors, with greater frequency and magnitude on the cleft side. Class II molar relation was more frequent on the cleft side (61.1%) than on the noncleft side (47.2%). Significantly greater contraction of the cleft side deciduous canine and deciduous first molar was noted, while the difference was very minor at the first permanent molar. Cleft side maxillary arch contraction was most severe in the deciduous canine and first deciduous molar region and progressively less severe in the posterior region of the arch. A greater frequency and severity of negative overjet and Class II molar relationship was seen on the cleft side.

  17. First molar cross-bite is more closely associated with a reverse chewing cycle than anterior or pre-molar cross-bite during mastication. (United States)

    Tomonari, H; Ikemori, T; Kubota, T; Uehara, S; Miyawaki, S


    A posterior cross-bite is defined as an abnormal bucco-lingual relationship between opposing molars, pre-molars or both in centric occlusion. Although it has been reported that patients with unilateral posterior cross-bite often show unique chewing patterns, the relationship between the form of cross-bite and masticatory jaw movement remains unclear in adult patients. The objective of this study was to investigate masticatory jaw movement among different forms of cross-bite. One hundred and one adults were recruited in this study: 27 had unilateral first molar cross-bite (MC group); 28, unilateral pre-molar cross-bite (PC group); 23, anterior cross-bite (AC group); and 23, normal occlusion (control group). Masticatory jaw movement of the lower incisor point was recorded with six degrees of freedom jaw-tracking system during unilateral mastication. Our results showed that the reverse chewing ratio during deliberate unilateral mastication was significantly larger in the MC group than in the PA (P chewing cycle. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. The molar hydrodynamic volume changes of factor VIIa due to GlycoPEGylation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plesner, Bitten; Westh, Peter; Hvidt, Søren


    The effects of GlycoPEGylation on the molar hydrodynamic volume of recombinant human rFVIIa were investigated using rFVIIa and two GlycoPEGylated recombinant human FVIIa derivatives, a linear 10 kDa PEG and a branched 40 kDa PEG, respectively. Molar hydrodynamic volumes were determined by capillary......, that the molar hydrodynamic volume of the conjugated protein is not just an addition of the molar hydrodynamic volume of the PEG and the protein. The molar hydrodynamic volume of the GlycoPEGylated protein is larger than the volume of its composites. These results suggest that both the linear and the branched...

  19. Movimentação de molares inferiores ancorados em mini-parafusos Mandibular molar uprighting, using mini-screw as anchorage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosana Canteras Di Matteo


    Full Text Available Freqüentemente a movimentação ortodôntica exige recursos adicionais de ancoragem. Os mini-parafusos têm-se apresentado como uma possível solução. O propósito deste trabalho foi estabelecer um método para a verticalização de molares inferiores inclinados para mesial, utilizando ancoragem em mini-parafusos colocados na região de linha oblíqüa externa da mandíbula. Foram selecionados três pacientes entre 40 a 48 anos (dois do gênero feminino, um do gênero masculino, com molares inferiores inclinados para mesial e distalmente posicionados às áreas edêntulas. Os pacientes foram tratados ortodonticamente durante um período de 6 a 12 meses, com técnica ortodôntica MD3. Mini-parafusos de titânio foram colocados bilateralmente com anestesia local. Uma incisão sobre a linha oblíqüa externa da mandíbula, medindo aproximadamente 1 cm foi realizada em cada lado, distalmente aos molares inclinados. Após descolamento muco-periosteal, mini-parafusos foram implantados e foram realizadas suturas deixando suas cabeças exteriorizadas. Uma semana após a remoção das suturas, cargas ortodônticas (entre 150 a 200 gramas/força foram aplicadas através de forças elásticas. Verificamos que alguma inflamação foi observada ao redor dos mini-parafusos, mas foi controlada com procedimentos de higienização. O procedimento cirúrgico é simples, podendo ser realizado pelo ortodontista; as formas dimensionais dos mini-parafusos são adequadas e estes são de fácil remoção após uso. Concluímos que o uso de mini-parafusos representa uma alternativa efetiva de ancoragem ortodôntica na verticalização de molares inferiores.Tooth movement frequently requires additional anchorage resources. Mini-screws have been used as a possible solution to this matter. The purpose of this study was to establish a method of mandibular molar uprighting, using mini-screw as anchorage, positioned on the mandibular external oblique line, behind and

  20. Relationship between mandibular condyle and angle fractures and the presence of mandibular third molars. (United States)

    Mah, Deuk-Hyun; Kim, Su-Gwan; Moon, Seong-Yong; Oh, Ji-Su; You, Jae-Seek


    We retrospectively evaluated the impact of mandibular third molars on the occurrence of angle and condyle fractures. This was a retrospective investigation using patient records and radiographs. The sample set consisted of 440 patients with mandibular fractures. Eruption space, depth and angulation of the third molar were measured. Of the 144 angle fracture patients, 130 patients had third molars and 14 patients did not. The ratio of angle fractures when a third molar was present (1.26 : 1) was greater than when no third molar was present (0.19 : 1; odds ratio, 6.58; Pcondyle fractures patients, the third molar was present in 84 patients and absent in 57 patients. The ratio of condyle fractures when a third molar was present (0.56 : 1) was lower than when no third molar was present (1.90 : 1; odds ratio, 0.30; Pfractures with third molars and the ratio of condyle fractures without a third molar were statistically significant. The occurrence of angle and condyle fractures was more affected by the continuity of the cortical bone at the angle than by the depth of a third molar. These results demonstrate that a third molar can be a determining factor in angle and condyle fractures.

  1. Microstructure of a tribosphenic molar - comparative analysis


    ŠPOUTIL, František


    The proposed thesis concerns in the study of tribosphenic molar, the key apomorphy of mammalian clade, mainly in structure and development of its enamel coat. As the main model species served us European vespertilionid bat Myotis myotis. The aims of this thesis are: (1) to describe structure and microstructure of enamel in tribosphenic molars in detail; (2) to compare it with unicuspid teeth of the same dentition; (3) to describe mineralization process and enamel maturation in insectivorous d...

  2. Distribution and characteristics of molar-incisor hypomineralization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janković Svjetlana


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. Developmental disorders of teeth are the problems that are becoming more present in pediatric dentistry, especially on first permanent molars and incisors. Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH is proposed term for this phenomenon. The aim of this study was to establish the MIH prevalence in children living in the Foča municipality (Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as to assess characteristics and expression of hypomineralization within the tested population. Methods. A total of 141 children from the Foča municipality, 8 years of age, were included in this study. Criteria according to Weerhejm have been used for diagnosis of hypomineralization: demarcated opacity (DO, post-eruptive breakdown (PEB, atypical restoration (AR, extracted molars due to MIH (E-MIH and unerupted tooth (UT. Level and the prominence of color changes have been determined for patients with DO, PEB and AR. Results. MIH in this area was present in 12.8% of children. The prevalence of MIH changes expressed in percentages was as follows: DO was at 9.2%, PEB in 3.5%, AR in 5.6%, while E-MIH was 5.6%. A total of 9.9% of the examinees had mild, 5.6% moderate, and 7.8% severe form of MIH. White form of MIH defects was found in 9.9% of the examinees, white-yellow one in 5.6% and yellow-brown color in 3.5% of the examined children. These changes were more often present in the lower jaw (60.3%. In total, 6.4% of children had these changes present only on molars, while 6.4% of them both on molars and incisors simultaneously. Conclusion. A total of 12.8% of the examinees with MIH is not to be disregarded. With timely diagnosis, prevention and therapy complications could be avoided or mitigated.

  3. Fatigue resistance of CAD/CAM resin composite molar crowns.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Shembish, F.A.; Tong, H.; Kaizer, M.; Janal, M.N.; Thompson, V.P.; Opdam, N.J.M.; Zhang, Y.


    OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the fatigue behavior of CAD/CAM resin composite molar crowns using a mouth-motion step-stress fatigue test. Monolithic leucite-reinforced glass-ceramic crowns were used as a reference. METHODS: Fully anatomically shaped monolithic resin composite molar crowns (Lava

  4. Endodontic treatment of an unusual connation of permanent mandibular molars: a case report. (United States)

    Liu, Shengbo; Fan, Bing; Peng, Bin; Fan, Mingwen; Bian, Zhuan


    A 27-year-old patient with an anomalous mandibular molar was referred for endodontic therapy. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed the connation of a second mandibular molar with a third molar. Challenging endodontic therapy was performed in the unusual connated molars. A 2-year recall showed good treatment result.

  5. MicroCT study on the enamel mineral density of primary molars

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elfrink, M.E.C.; Kalin, K.; van Ruijven, L.J.; ten Cate, J.M.; Veerkamp, J.S.J.


    Aim The aim of this study is to report on the mineral density of the enamel of primary molars related to the age of the child and to compare the mineral density of sound and carious enamel in those molars. Materials and methods This study included 23 children and 41 extracted primary molars. The

  6. Standard molar enthalpies of formation of monochloroacetophenone isomers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V., E-mail: risilva@fc.up.p [Centro de Investigacao em Quimica, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, 687, P-4169-007 Porto (Portugal); Amaral, Luisa M.P.F. [Centro de Investigacao em Quimica, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, 687, P-4169-007 Porto (Portugal)


    The standard (p{sup 0}=0.1MPa) molar enthalpies of formation of the liquids 2'-, 3'-, and 4'-chloroacetophenones were derived from the standard molar energies of combustion, in oxygen, to yield CO{sub 2}(g) and HCl . 600H{sub 2}O(l), at T = 298.15 K, measured by rotating-bomb combustion calorimetry. The Calvet microcalorimetry was used to measure the enthalpies of vaporization of the three compounds. These two thermodynamic parameters yielded the standard molar enthalpies of formation of the chloroacetophenone isomers, in the gaseous phase, at T = 298.15 K. (table) An empirical scheme, developed by Cox, was used to estimate the gas-phase enthalpies of formation and the obtained values were compared with the experimental ones.

  7. Three-dimensional analysis of third molar development to estimate age of majority. (United States)

    Márquez-Ruiz, Ana Belén; Treviño-Tijerina, María Concepción; González-Herrera, Lucas; Sánchez, Belén; González-Ramírez, Amanda Rocío; Valenzuela, Aurora


    Third molars are one of the few biological markers available for age estimation in undocumented juveniles close the legal age of majority, assuming an age of 18years as the most frequent legal demarcation between child and adult status. To obtain more accurate visualization and evaluation of third molar mineralization patterns from computed tomography images, a new software application, DentaVol©, was developed. Third molar mineralization according to qualitative (Demirjian's maturational stage) and quantitative parameters (third molar volume) of dental development was assessed in multi-slice helical computed tomography images of both maxillary arches displayed by DentaVol© from 135 individuals (62 females and 73 males) aged between 14 and 23years. Intra- and inter-observer agreement values were remarkably high for both evaluation procedures and for all third molars. A linear correlation between third molar mineralization and chronological age was found, with third molar maturity occurring earlier in males than in females. Assessment of dental development with both procedures, by using DentaVol© software, can be considered a good indicator of age of majority (18years or older) in all third molars. Our results indicated that virtual computed tomography imaging can be considered a valid alternative to orthopantomography for evaluations of third molar mineralization, and therefore a complementary tool for determining the age of majority. Copyright © 2017 The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Size of the lower third molar space in relation to age in Serbian population. (United States)

    Zelić, Ksenija; Nedeljković, Nenad


    It is considered that the shortage of space is the major cause of the third molar impaction. The aim of this study was to establish the frequency of insufficient lower third molar eruption space in Serbian population, to question the differences in this frequency in the subjects of different age, to determine the influence of the lower third molar space (retromolar space) size on third molar eruption, and to investigate a possible correlation between the size of gonial angle and the space/third molar width ratio. Digital orthopantomograms were taken from 93 patients divided into two groups: early adult (16-18 years of age) and adult (18-26) patients. Retromolar space, mesiodistal third molar crown width, gonial angle and eruption levels were measured. The space/third molar width in early adult subjects was smaller (p third molars erupted in case of enough space in both age groups (p third molar width ratio is more favorable in adult subjects. Gonial angle is not in correlation with the retromolar space/third molar width ratio.

  9. Management of large losses of substances molars


    Reynal, Florence


    This work aims to compare the different coronary restorative materials used for large tooth losses in primary molars. The first part of this thesis is dedicated to a description of the four main materials used in coronary restorations of molars : amalgam, glass-ionomer cements, resin-based composite and pedodontic crown. The second part is a systematic review of the literature. The aim is to compare the long-term survival rates of different restoration techniques, in order to help the practit...


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    Gustavo Malagón Londoño


    Full Text Available

    La Academia Nacional de Medicina, no podía eximirse de hacer una celebración solemne del Segundo Centenario de la Independencia, lo cual tiene plena explicación por ser de su ámbito dos temas fundamentales: la salud y la educación que tuvieron marcada incidencia en los dos siglos transcurridos, y muy marcada en el más reciente. Los temas de salud y educación ofrecieron características históricas dignas de guardar en la memoria. La facultad de ciencias naturales de Mutis y su actividad destacada en el ejercicio y enseñanza de la medicina con asocio especialmente valioso de Miguel de Isla, marcaron el punto de referencia para el manejo de la salud a partir de las primeras décadas del siglo XIX.

    El sabio Mutis inyectó a la formación del médico los primeros tintes de modernización por su afinidad con los intelectuales ilustrados, contra la tradición de la Corona aferrada al escolasticismo obscurantista y a los métodos de control sobre las finanzas de los hospitales que llevaba a extremos como el de que fueran administrados con exclusividad por las comunidades religiosas.

  11. Molaren Inzisiven Hypomineralisation und Milchmolaren Hypomineralisation - klinisches Erscheinungsbild, Prävalenz und deren Ursachen - Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation and Deciduous Molar Hypomineralisation - clinical appearance, prevalence and determinants for its occurrence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elfrink, M.E.C.; Weerheijm, K.L.


    Background: Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) and Deciduous Molar Hypomineralisation (DMH) are frequently occurring dental problems in children. Children with MIH have demarcated opacities in their erupting first permanent molars often in combination with demarcated opacities in their permanent

  12. Management of inflammatory complications in third molar surgery: A ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Pain, swelling and trismus are common complications associated with third molar surgery. These complications have been reported to have an adverse effect on the quality of life of patients undergoing third molar surgery. Objective: To review the different modalities of minimizing inflammatory complications in ...

  13. Marginal leakage of polyacid-modified composite resin restorations in primary molars: an in vitro study Infiltração marginal em restaurações de resinas compostas modificadas por poliácidos, em molares decíduos: estudo in vitro

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    Cleide Cristina R. Martinhon


    Full Text Available The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the marginal leakage in primary molars restored with 2 polyacid-modified composite resins (Dyract AP - Dentsply and F2000 - 3M and a composite resin (Filtek Z250 - 3M as control. First and second primary molars were used for preparation of cavities on the proximal surfaces, with extension of the gingival margin to the cementoenamel junction. Restorations were accomplished after total etching and application of the respective adhesive system, and were divided into groups according to the restorative system and the number of adhesive layers used. The teeth were stored in distilled water for 7 days, followed by thermocycling with 500 cycles at 5ºC - 55ºC, with one minute in each bath. Thereafter, teeth were prepared for immersion in 0.5% methylene blue solution for four hours. The teeth were sectioned in mesiodistal direction for assessment of dye penetration. According to the results of the Kruskal-Wallis test, the three restorative materials employed did not completely avoid marginal leakage at the gingival margin of primary molars. The marginal leakage of PMCR F2000 (4.06 and 3.95 displayed to be higher than the marginal leakage observed for the materials Dyract AP (2.7 and 2.55 and Filtek Z250 (2.25 and 2.43. The number of adhesive layers did not influence the degree of leakage of the three materials.O estudo in vitro avaliou a infiltração marginal em molares decíduos restaurados com três materiais resinosos: as resinas compostas modificadas por poliácidos (Dyract AP - Dentsply e F2000 - 3M e uma resina composta (Filtek Z 250 como grupo controle. Foram utilizados primeiros e segundos molares decíduos hígidos e as cavidades foram confeccionadas nas faces proximais, estendendo-se até a junção amelo-cementária. As restaurações foram realizadas após o condicionamento ácido total e a aplicação dos sistemas adesivos divididas em grupos de acordo com o sistema restaurador e o n

  14. Avaliação in vitro da microinfiltração em cavidades classe II de molares decíduos, restaurados com resina composta auto e fotopolimerizável

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    CAVALCANTI Alessandro Leite


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a microinfiltração marginal presente na interface da parede gengival de cavidades classe II em molares decíduos, restaurados com resina composta (auto e fotopolimerizável, através da penetração de uma solução corante. Os preparos cavitários apresentavam a parede gengival em esmalte e foram restaurados segundo 4 diferentes técnicas: 1 resina composta fotopolimerizável; 2 resina composta autopolimerizável; 3 resina composta auto e fotopolimerizável; e 4 ionômero de vidro/resina composta. Após a análise estatística dos resultados, concluiu-se que todos os grupos apresentaram microinfiltração em graus variados; todavia, os grupos 2, 3 e 4 apresentaram os menores graus de infiltração.

  15. Fé antropológica como ponte entre fé e ideología em Juan Luis Segundo

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    Alvori Ahlert


    Full Text Available Este texto busca a compreensão da ideología em sua relação com a fé na teologia latinoamericana a partir da concepção de fé antropológica na obra de Juan Luis Segundo. Acreditamos que a questão da ideología, e sua relação com a fé, continua sendo urna questão atual no pensamento cristão, face aos velhos e novos problemas humanos que o novo sáculo vem apresentando. Concentramos nossa análise nos escritos de Juan Luis Segundo, um dos principáis representantes dessa teologia, por ser este teólogo que, ao nosso ver, mais trabalhou, de forma explícita, a questão da ideología e sua relação com a fé no contexto latinoamericanoThis text searchs the understanding of the ideology in its relation with the faith in the Latin American theology from the conception of antropology faith in the workmanship of Juan Luis Segundo. We believe that the question of the ideology, and its relation with the faith, continue being a current question in the Christian thought, face to the old and new human problems that the new century comes presenting. We concentrate our analysis on the writings of Juan Luis Segundo, one of the main representatives of this theology, for being this theologian who, to ours to see, more worked, of explicit form, the question of the ideology and its relation with the faith in the Latin American context

  16. Radiographic correlation of dental and skeletal age: Third molar, an age indicator. (United States)

    Suma, Gn; Rao, Balaji B; Annigeri, Rajeshwari G; Rao, Dayashankara Jk; Goel, Sumit


    Age estimation plays a great role in forensic investigations, orthodontic and surgical treatment planning, and tooth transplantation. Teeth offer an excellent material for age determination by stages of development below the age of 25 years and by secondary changes after the age of 25 years. Third molar is often not included for this purpose due to its notorious developmental patterns. The aim of this study was to evaluate the development of third molar anlage in relation to skeletal maturities and the chronological age. One hundred and fifty-six young individuals, 78 males and 78 females, were selected. The stages of development of all the third molars in every individual were determined from panoramic radiographs. The skeletal development was assessed using hand wrist radiographs. Data were analyzed statistically for mean value, standard deviation and the relationship between the recorded characteristics. A STRONG CORRELATION WAS FOUND BETWEEN THIRD MOLAR DEVELOPMENT AND SKELETAL MATURITY (IN MALES: r=0.88, Pthird molar and 0.89 for mandibular third molar, Page, developmental stages of third molars and maturation of epiphyses of hand. Any of the three parameters could be used for the assessment of other maturities.

  17. Apparent molar volumes and compressibilities of electrolytes and ions in γ-butyrolactone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krakowiak, Joanna; Wawer, Jarosław; Farmas, Aleksander


    Highlights: ► Density and speed of sound for salts solutions in γ-butyrolactone were measured. ► The apparent molar volumes and compressibilities have been determined. ► The limiting molar quantities are split into independent ionic contributions. ► These data are used to describe ion–solvent interactions. - Abstract: The densities of tetraphenylphosphonium bromide, sodium tetraphenylborate, lithium perchlorate, sodium perchlorate and lithium bromide in γ-butyrolactone at (288.15, 293.15, 298.15, 303.15, 308.15 and 313.15) K and speed of sound at 298.15 K have been measured. From these data apparent molar volumes V Φ at (288.15, 293.15, 298.15, 303.15, 308.15 and 313.15) K and the apparent molar isentropic compressibility K S,Φ , at T = 298.15 K of the salts have been determined. The apparent molar volumes and the apparent molar isentropic compressibilities were fitted to the Redlich, Rosenfeld and Mayer equation as well as to the Pitzer and Masson equations yielding infinite dilution data. The obtained limiting values have been used to estimate the ionic data of the standard partial molar volume and the standard partial isentropic compressibility in γ-butyrolactone solutions.

  18. Autotransplantation of a mandibular third molar: A case report

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    Elham Najafi


    Full Text Available Tooth autotransplantation defines as transition of one tooth from one position to another, in same individual. It is a biological procedure in which teeth have the potential to induce alveolar bone growth. It can be applied in patients before adolescence growth is finished. It significantly reduces time and cost compared to implants. Healing rapidly occurs and function is regained almost immediately. Our case was a 15-year-old male that his left mandibular third molar transplanted to the second molar sight after extraction of second molar because of unrestorable crown. During 9 month follow up transplanted tooth was asymptomatic, functional and responsive to sensibility tests. (Cold test, EPT.

  19. Variant Root Morphology of Third Mandibular Molar in Normal and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    isaac kipyator


    Nov 12, 2017 ... ABSTRACT. The mandibular third molar poses a challenge to dental surgeons due to it's unpredictable morphology ... treatment in the School of Dental Sciences since 2010. ... mandibular third molar include presence of three.

  20. Western Saudi adolescent age estimation utilising third molar development. (United States)

    Alshihri, Amin M; Kruger, Estie; Tennant, Marc


    The aim of this study was to establish reference data on third molar morphology/development for age estimation in Western Saudi adolescents, between ages 14 and 23 years of old. The orthopantomograms of 130 individuals (males and females), were examined, and the stage of third molar development were evaluated. Mean ages, standard deviations, and percentile distributions are presented for each stage of development. The mean estimated age for all participants (n = 130) was 219.7 months, and this differed significantly (P age (226.5 months). Deviations of predicted age from real age showed 28.5% of all participants had their age estimated within 1 year (±12 months) of their chronological age. Most (43%) had their age underestimated by more than 12 months and the remaining 28.5% had their age overestimated by more than 12 months of their chronological age. Differences in left-right symmetry information of third molars were detected and were higher in the maxilla (92%) than in the mandible (82%). For all molars reaching stage "H" most individuals (males and females) were over the age 18 years of old. Males reach the developmental stages earlier than females. Third molar tooth development can be reliably used to generate mean age and the estimated age range for an individual of unknown chronological age. Further studies with large populations are needed for better statistical results.

  1. Variabilidad de las proporciones molares en poblaciones humanas: un abordaje empleando modelos del desarrollo y experimentales / Variability of molar proportions in human populations: insights from developmental models and experiments in mice

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    Lucas A. D´Addona


    Full Text Available Los datos sobre la variación dental interpoblacional y sobre los mecanismos que regulan el desarrollo dental aportados por estudios experimentales aún no han sido integrados en el contexto de investigaciones antropobiológicas. En este sentido, el presente trabajo se propone: a evaluar la consistencia entre la variación de las proporciones molares en poblaciones humanas que exhiben gran variación en el tamaño dental con las predicciones derivadas de un modelo de desarrollo dental de cascada inhibitoria, y b analizar el efecto de los factores sistémicos que controlan el crecimiento del organismo sobre las proporciones de los molares inferiores empleando cepas de Mus musculus. Se calcularon las áreas de los molares inferiores mediante los diámetros bucolingual y mesiodistal. La variación interpoblacional en las proporciones M2/M1 y M3/M1 fue concordante con las expectativas derivadas del modelo y la mayoría de los grupos exhibieron una tendencia a la reducción del tamaño en sentido antero-posterior. Asimismo, se observó una asociación significativa y positiva entre el área molar total y las proporciones molares. En los modelos experimentales la alteración del crecimiento por factores sistémicos (subnutrición proteica y reducción de la hormona de crecimiento resultó en la disminución del área molar total y cambios en las proporciones molares. Estos últimos, consistentes con el incremento del efecto inhibitorio en sentido antero-posterior. En conjunto, los resultados sugieren que la modificación de los factores sistémicos que regulan el área molar total podría conducir a cambios en la proporción de activadores-inhibidores y contribuir a la diferenciación interpoblacional en las proporciones molares. Palabras clave: Modelo de cascada inhibitoria; tamaño dental; aproximación experimental y comparativa Data on dental variation among human populations and the mechanisms regulating tooth development elucidated by

  2. Age of patient at the extraction of the third molar. (United States)

    Kautto, A; Vehkalahti, M M; Ventä, I


    The purpose of this study was to assess the age of patients at the time of extraction of third molars. Our data included all routine and surgical extractions of third molars (n=8199 teeth) performed by general and specialist dentists of the public oral health services of the city of Helsinki over the period 2013-2014. Measurements included patient's age, gender, the identified third molar, the type of anaesthesia, the method of extraction, and the diagnosis at extraction. Patients' ages ranged from 10 to 99years. We found significant differences between younger and older age groups: third molar extractions occurred more often for women than for men below the age of 30years (Page of 40years, but the corresponding prevalences reversed after the age of 40years. Diagnoses at extraction differed between younger and older patients. We conclude that the treatment pattern of third molars at public health services varies greatly over a lifetime, and that a greater variety exists than had been reported previously from oral and maxillofacial units. Copyright © 2018 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. The third molar as an age marker in adolescents: new approach to age evaluation. (United States)

    Rozkovcova, Eva; Dostalova, Tatjana; Markova, Marie; Broukal, Zdenek


    Adolescence is a relatively short period between childhood and adulthood. It is very difficult to determine adulthood based on biological indicators. The third molar may be considered a potential age marker for the period between the ages of 16-21. Our study evaluated a set of 1700 panoramic radiographs of individuals aged between 5 and 21 years. Results confirmed the statistically significant difference in the course of third molars development. The mean deviation for individuals with one third molar agenesis is -0.98 years, for individuals with two third molars agenesis -1.89 years, and with three molars agenesis -3.28 years. Thus, the extent of the deviation is directly proportional to the number of unformed third molars. The calculation of age according to the mean of stages of all third molars could lead to the underestimation of age. No intergender differences were found. Age determination using third molars could be used for forensic purposes. © 2012 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  4. [Application of hand-use ProTaper instruments in endodontic treatment of molar canals]. (United States)

    Ma, Sui-qi; Xie, Qian; Zhou, Yin-feng


    To evaluate the application of hand-use ProTaper instruments in endodontic treatment of molar canals. A total of 203 permanent molars were randomly divided into the experimental group (99 molars) and control group (104 molars) prepared by hand-use ProTaper instruments and standard stainless steel K-file, respectively. The molars in the two groups were obturated by cold lateral condensation technique. The root canal preparation and obturation were evaluated by radiograph, and the working time of preparation and post-operative emergencies were analyzed. The preparation time in the experimental group was obviously shorter than that in the control group (Phand-use ProTaper instruments may improve the effect of root canal treatment of the molars and shorten the working time and reduce the post-operative emergencies.

  5. The partial molar volume of BeSO4 in aqueous solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuschel, F.; Seidel, J.


    The density of aqueous solutions of BeSO 4 has been measured as a function of the mole fraction in the range of 0.02487 x 10 -2 to 6.3082 x 10 -2 . From the results obtained the molar volume and partial molar volume have been calculated and the limiting value of the partial molar volume for Be 2+ was extrapolated in accordance with the Debye-Hueckel law

  6. Fibrous epulis associated with impacted lower right third molar

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    Ni Putu Mira Sumarta


    Full Text Available Background: Epulis or epulides are lesions associated with gingival tissues. Fibrous epulis is a type of hyperplastic fibrous tissue mass located at the gingival which is slow growing, painless, having same color as the oral mucosa and firm on palpation. Anterior regions of the oral cavity are the frequently affected sites as these areas are more prone to be affected by calculus deposition and poor plaque control due to frequent teeth malposition. Removal of any irritating factors and excision of the lesion are the usual treatments. Purpose: This case report presents a rare case of fibrous epulis which occurred in the posterior region of the oral cavity and associated with impacted lower third molar. Case: A case of fibrous epulis at the lower right third molar area of three months duration is presented. The mass was slow growing, painless and on examination it was a pedunculated mass overlying the unerupted lower right third molar, having same color with the oral mucosa and firm on palpation. Clinically, the lesion was diagnosed as fibrous epulis associated with impacted lower right third molar. Case management: The treatment were surgical excision of the epulis and removal of the lower right third molar. The histopathology result showed tissue with squamous epithelial lining, achanthotic fibrous connective tissue, mononuclear inflammatory cells and few capillaries without signs of malignancy. This is consistent with the diagnosis of fibrous epulis. Conclusion: Fibrous epulis, although frequently occurred at the anterior region of the oral cavity, may rarely grow at the area of lower third molar. This phenomenon supports the theory that epulis can grow on any surface of oral mucous membrane as long as local irritants are present.

  7. Pendulum Therapy of Molar Distalization in Mixed Dentition. (United States)

    Patil, Raju Umaji; Prakash, Amit; Agarwal, Anshu


    Early and timely pedo-orthodontic treatment is aimed at eliminating the disturbances of skeletal or dentoalveolar development, to harmonize the stomatognathic system before the full eruption of all permanent teeth. The advantages of pendulum appliance are its minimal dependence on patient's compliance (child cooperation), ease of fabrication, onetime activation and adjustment of the springs if necessary to correct minor transverse and vertical molar positions. This article reports a successful treatment method of class II malocclusion with pendulum appliance in mixed dentition phase. Distalization of maxillary molar was done, followed by guidance of canine impaction orthodontically and other dental correction using 0.022 MBT appliances. Posttreatment results were stable and remarkable. How to cite this article: Patil RU, Prakash A, Agarwal A. Pendulum Therapy of Molar Distalization in Mixed Dentition. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2016;9(1):67-73.

  8. Age estimation using development of third molars in South Indian population: A radiological study. (United States)

    Priyadharshini, K Indra; Idiculla, Jose Joy; Sivapathasundaram, B; Mohanbabu, V; Augustine, Dominic; Patil, Shankargouda


    To assess the estimation of chronological age based on the stages of third molar development following the eight stages (A-H) method of Demirjian et al. in Chennai population of South India. A sample consisting of 848 individuals (471 males and 377 females) aged between 14 and 30 years was randomly selected for the clinical evaluation and 323 orthopantomograms with clinically missing third molars were taken for radiological evaluation using Demirjian's method from a Chennai population of known chronological age and sex. Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson's Chi-square test and mean values were compared between the study groups using t-test or analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey's highly significant difference (HSD). In the present study, P age of having clinically completely erupted maxillary third molars was 22.41 years in male subjects and 23.81 years in female subjects and that of mandibular third molars was 21.49 years in male subjects and 23.34 years in female subjects. Mandibular third molars were clinically missing more often in females than in males. Eruption of mandibular third molars was generally ahead of the emergence of maxillary third molars into the oral cavity. Third molar development between male and female subjects showed statistically significant differences at calcification stage F and stage G in maxillary third molars and stage F in mandibular third molars (P third molar eruption reached Demirjian's formation stages earlier in males than in females. It is suggested that in future studies, to increase the accuracy of age determination, indications of sexual maturity and ossification should also be evaluated in addition to third molar mineralization.

  9. Estudio de volumen molar y refracción molar de miscelas de triglicéridos (triacetina, tributirina o tricaprilina) y alcoholes (etanol, 1-butanol o 1-hexanol)


    Rodríguez Rodríguez, M.; Galán Vallejo, M.; Muñoz Cueto, María J.


    Values of molar refraction for every studied mixtures show linear plots versus molar fractions of triglyceride. Values of molar volume show this behaviour, but only for tributyrin-butanol or tricaprylin-butanol miscellas. However, in tributyrin-ethanol mixtures, volume contractions have been found, whereas triacetin-butanol and tributyrin-hexanol show volume expansions. These facts are related to the mode of being structured of the alcohol and triglyceride molecules in mixtures. A linea...

  10. The prevalence and pattern of deciduous molar hypomineralization and molar-incisor hypomineralization in children from a suburban population in Nigeria


    Temilola, Oluwaseyi Dada; Folayan, Morenike Oluwatoyin; Oyedele, Titus


    Background Molar Incisor Hypoplasia (MIH) and Deciduous Molar Hypoplasia (DMH) have significant impact on the quality of life of affected individuals. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence, pattern and clinical presentation of MIH and DMH in children resident in Ile-Ife, Nigeria, and their association with sex and socioeconomic status of the children. Methods Information on age, sex and socioeconomic status was collected from 563 children aged 3 to 5?years and 8 to 10?yea...

  11. Management of Unilaterally Impacted Permanent Mandibular First, Second and Third Molars

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    Rohit Mehrotra


    Full Text Available This case report describes the treatment of a teenage patient with simultaneous impaction of all three right mandibular permanent molars. The impacted first and second mandibular molars were surgically exposed and orthodontically erupted into good alignment and occlusion while the impacted third molar in the same quadrant was extracted. The unique clinical presentation, various treatment alternatives, the decision making process in finalizing the treatment plan and its clinical implementation are discussed.

  12. A vontade segundo Jacotot e o desejo de cada um

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    Netto Mônica Costa


    Full Text Available Relato circunstanciado da experiência de trabalho com o livro O mestre ignorante, de Jacques Rancière, num curso de formação continuada para educadores de jovens e adultos do estado do Rio de Janeiro no segundo semestre de 2002. A questão da vontade, envolvida no ato de aprendizagem, é abordada a partir das reações dos cursistas aos princípios de uma educação emancipadora, elaborados por Joseph Jacotot (França, século XIX, que são apresentados no livro.

  13. Middle mesial canals in mandibular molars: incidence and related factors. (United States)

    Nosrat, Ali; Deschenes, Raney J; Tordik, Patricia A; Hicks, M Lamar; Fouad, Ashraf F


    Although the internal anatomy of mandibular molars has been extensively studied, information about middle mesial (MM) canals is limited. The primary aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the incidence of MM canals in mandibular first and second molars. The secondary aim was to correlate the incidence of MM canals with variables of molar type, sex, age, ethnicity, and presence of a second distal canal. All mature permanent first and second mandibular molars treated from August 2012 to May 2014 were included in the analysis. After completion of root canal instrumentation in all main canals, the clinician inspected the isthmus area of the mesial root using the dental operating microscope. If there was a catch point in this area with a file or explorer, the operator spent more time attempting to negotiate an MM canal. Seventy-five mandibular first and second molars were treated during the specified period. Fifteen (20%) teeth had negotiable MM canals. The incidence of MM canals was 32.1% in patients ≤ 20 years old, 23.8% in patients 21-40 years old, and 3.8% in patients > 40 years. Analysis of data revealed a significant difference in the distribution of MM canals among different age groups (P molar type, and presence of a second distal canal were not significant. The incidence of negotiable MM canals overall and their frequency of identification in younger patients were higher than in previous reports. Copyright © 2015 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Modified distal shoe appliance for premature loss of multiple deciduous molars: a case report. (United States)

    Bhat, Prasanna Kumar; K, Navin H; Idris, Mohammed; Christopher, Pradeep; Rai, Niharika


    Preservation of the primary dentition until the normal time of exfoliation is one of the most important factor involved in preventive and interceptive dentistry. The premature loss of second primary molar before the eruption of permanent first molar can create a significant arch space/tooth size discrepancy. Distal shoe space maintainer is a valuable part of the Paediatric Dentist's armamentarium in those cases where the second primary molar is prematurely lost and it helps to guide the first permanent molar into place. Conventional design poses various limitations in cases of premature loss of multiple deciduous molars. Thus, it is required to modify the conventional designs according to the needs of the patient. This case report describes an innovative modification of distal shoe appliance in cases of premature loss of multiple deciduous molars. In the present case, modification of distal shoe space maintainer was advocated because of inadequate abutments caused due to multiple loss of deciduous molars. Bilateral design of distal shoe was planned for unilateral loss of deciduous molars.

  15. Fusion or gemination? An unusual mandibular second molar

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    Angela Jordão Camargo


    Full Text Available Fusion and gemination is not an uncommon finding and affected most primary dentition and the permanent maxillary incisors. These changes can develop a series of complication. A 11-year-old male presented radiography finding: an unusual mandibular second molar. A well-documented case brings a challenge for radiologists classify between fusion and gemination. In conclusion, this alteration although common in other regions, there are no case in the literature involving “second and third” molar.

  16. A rare case of retained fourth molar teeth in maxilla and mandible. Case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rahnama Mansur


    Full Text Available The study presents a case of the rarely occurring totally retained fourth molar teeth simultaneously in maxilla and mandible. The appearance of supernumerary teeth is a relatively uncommon dental anomaly and it is rare for patients to have impacted fourth molars in two quadrant. The aim of this work is to describe the presence of unilateral (right fourth molars in the maxilla and the mandible in a young female patient aged 24 years. Orthopantomogram revealed impacted lower third molars but also unerupted unilateral (right upper and lower fourth molars. Before orthodontic treatment, the patient was subsequently admitted for removal of third and fourth impacted upper and lower molars under local anesthesia.

  17. Mandibular second molar with 3 mesial canals and a radix paramolaris

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N Ragavendran


    Full Text Available Mandibular first molar commonly has two roots, the mesial and the distal root. Surprisingly in some mandibular first molar has an unusual extra third root in between mesial and distal root. This extra root is the most commonly seen in lingual side and is called as radix entomolaris. If this extra root is seen on the buccal side, it is termed as radix paramolaris (RP, which is a very rare phenomenon. Recently, various case report studies has shown the presence of third canal in the mesial and distal roots of mandibular molars. They are named as middle mesial and middle distal canal, respectively. Here, we present a case report of mandibular second molar showing three canals in the mesial root and a RP.

  18. An aegialodontid upper molar and the evolution of mammal dentition. (United States)

    Lopatin, Alexey V; Averianov, Alexander O


    The most obvious key synapomorphy of the therian mammals is the tribosphenic pattern of their molars. Tribosphenic teeth are capable of both shearing and grinding, which substantially increase effectiveness of food processing and, in turn, permit evolution of a wide range of dietary specializations. Functional tribospheny developed repeatedly during mammalian evolution but was successful only in the Boreosphenida. The earliest stage in the development of boreosphenidan tribospheny has remained poorly understood, being documented only by lower molars of aegialodontids. Here, we report a known upper molar of an aegialodontid mammal, Kielantherium, from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia.

  19. Standard molar enthalpies of formation and of sublimation of the terphenyl isomers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V.; Santos, Luis M.N.B.F.; Lima, Luis M. Spencer S.


    The standard (p 0 = 0.1 MPa) molar enthalpies of formation in the crystalline phases of ortho, meta and para-terphenyl isomers, at T = 298.15 K, were derived from the standard molar energies of combustion, measured by mini-bomb combustion calorimetry. The Knudsen mass-loss effusion technique was used to measure the dependence of the vapour pressure of the crystals with the temperature, thus deriving their standard molar enthalpies of sublimation by means of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Combining the standard molar enthalpies of formation and sublimation of the crystalline terphenyls, the standard molar enthalpies of formation in the gaseous state, at T = 298.15 K, were derived for the three isomers. Results are provided in a table. The results show small but detectable isomerization enthalpies between the terphenyls, indicating the following relative enthalpic stabilities: m- > p- ∼ o-terphenyl

  20. Standard molar enthalpies of formation of three N-benzoylthiocarbamic-O-alkylesters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V.; Santos, Luis M.N.B.F.; Schroeder, Bernd; Dietze, Frank; Beyer, Lothar


    The standard (p 0 =0.1 MPa) molar enthalpies of combustion in oxygen of three crystalline N-benzoylthiocarbamic-O-alkylesters, PhCONHCSOR, R=Et (Hbtcee), n-Bu (Hbtcbe), n-Hex (Hbtche), were measured at T=298.15 K by rotating bomb calorimetry. The standard molar enthalpies of sublimation of the three compounds were measured using Calvet microcalorimetry. These values were used to derive the standard molar enthalpies of formation of the compounds in their crystalline and gaseous phases, respectively

  1. Requirement of alveolar bone formation for eruption of rat molars (United States)

    Wise, Gary E.; He, Hongzhi; Gutierrez, Dina L.; Ring, Sherry; Yao, Shaomian


    Tooth eruption is a localized event that requires a dental follicle (DF) to regulate the resorption of alveolar bone to form an eruption pathway. During the intra-osseous phase of eruption, the tooth moves through this pathway. The mechanism or motive force that propels the tooth through this pathway is controversial but many studies have shown that alveolar bone growth at the base of the crypt occurs during eruption. To determine if this bone growth (osteogenesis) was causal, experiments were designed in which the expression of an osteogenic gene in the DF, bone morphogenetic protein-6 (BMP6), was inhibited by injection of the 1st mandibular molar of the rat with an siRNA targeted against BMP6. The injection was followed by electroporation to promote uptake of the siRNA. In 45 first molars injected, eruption either was delayed or completely inhibited (7 molars). In the impacted molars, an eruption pathway formed but bone growth at the base of the crypt was greatly reduced as compared to the erupted first molar controls. These studies show that alveolar bone growth at the base of the crypt is required for tooth eruption and that BMP6 may be an essential gene for promoting this growth. PMID:21896048

  2. Modified distal shoe appliance for the loss of a primary second molar: a case report. (United States)

    Dhull, Kanika Singh; Bhojraj, Nandlal; Yadav, Shweta; Prabhakaran, Sheeja Devi


    Preservation of primary teeth until their normal exfoliation plays a crucial role in preventive and interceptive dentistry. Premature loss of the primary second molar prior to the eruption of the permanent first molar in the absence of the primary second molar can lead to mesial movement and migration of the permanent molar before and during its eruption. In such cases, an intra-alveolar type of space maintainer to guide the eruption of the permanent first molar is indicated. In certain cases, however, the conventional design is not practical. This paper describes a new design for distal shoe appliances in cases of primary second molar loss prior to the eruption of the permanent mandibular first molar.

  3. Estudios físico-químicos de miscelas de aceites vegetales XIV. Volumen molar, refracción molar y viscosidad de disoluciones de estearato de metilo en ciciohexano, hexano, tetracloroetileno o tricloroetileno

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muñoz Cueto, María J.


    Full Text Available In the miscelies studied, molar volume and molar refraction values show linear dependence with the molar fraction of methyl stearate. Viscosity values fit Hildebrand's modified equation, where the "Vo" parameter is a linear function of the molar fraction of methyl stearate. Regarding with this three physico-chemical properties, the mixtures studied behave like ideal mixtures of two organic liquids without ionization.

    En todas las miscelas estudiadas los valores del volumen molar y de la refracción molar presentan variaciones lineales en función de la fracción molar de estearato de metilo. Los valores de viscosidad de las miscelas estudiadas se ajustan a la ecuación de fluidez de Hildebrand modificada, siendo su parámetro "Vo" función lineal de la fracción molar de estearato de metilo. En relación con estas tres características, el comportamiento de las miscelas estudiadas no difiere significativamente del correspondiente a una mezcla "ideal" de dos líquidos orgánicos sin ionizar.

  4. Molar Uprighting: A Considerable and Safe Decision to Avoid Prosthetic Treatment (United States)

    Raveli, Taísa Boamorte; Raveli, Dirceu Barnabé; de Mathias Almeida, Kelei Cristina; Pinto, Ary dos Santos


    Background: Tipped lower molar over edentulous space is very common in orthodontics practice when adults seek treatment. The segmented arch technique features a predictable force system that provides a controlled release of force that can produce light and continuous tooth movement. Case Description: A female adult patient, who lost a permanent lower first molar, needed correction of the position of her permanent first molar place. Instead of making space for rehabilitation, it was closed after second molar uprighting and a balanced interdigitation was created without prosthetics. The patient was successfully treated with segmented arch technique using root correction spring activated with geometry VI to promote uprighting of a tipped molar and Niti spring coil to promote space closure. Practical Implications: Segmented arch technique is known to provide predictable light and continuous forces, which is very much indicated in adult treatment. There are several things to consider when orthodontically treating adult patients. Their periodontal conditions might not be ideal, less bone apposition may occur, and side effects of orthodontic tooth movement are expected. Thus, a predictable and controlled orthodontic treatment is needed. PMID:29114332

  5. Unilateral maxillary molar distalization with zygoma-gear appliance. (United States)

    Kilkis, Dogan; Bayram, Mehmet; Celikoglu, Mevlut; Nur, Metin


    The aim of this study was to present the orthodontic treatment of a 15-year-old boy with a unilateral maxillary molar distalization system, called the zygoma-gear appliance. It consisted of a zygomatic anchorage miniplate, an inner bow, and a Sentalloy closed coil spring (GAC International, Bohemia, NY). A distalizing force of 350 g was used during the distalization period. The unilateral Class II malocclusion was corrected in 5 months with the zygoma-gear appliance. The maxillary left first molar showed distalization of 4 mm with an inclination of 3°. The maxillary premolars moved distally with the help of the transseptal fibers. In addition, there were slight decreases in overjet (-0.5 mm) and maxillary incisor inclination (-1°), indicating no anchorage loss from the zygoma-gear appliance. Preadjusted fixed appliances (0.022 × 0.028-in, MBT system; 3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif) were placed in both arches to achieve leveling and alignment. After 14 months of unilateral distalization with the zygoma-gear appliance and fixed appliances, Class I molar and canine relationships were established with satisfactory interdigitation of the posterior teeth. Acceptable overjet and overbite were also achieved. This article shows that this new system, the zygoma-gear appliance, can be used for unilateral maxillary molar distalization without anchorage loss. Copyright © 2012 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Estudio de mezclas de disolventes orgánicos y triglicéridos de aceite de linaza o los ácidos grasos libres. I.- Volumen molar, refracción molar y viscosidad dinámica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mantell Serrano, C.


    Full Text Available Measurements of molar volume, refraction index and dynamic viscosity in mixtures of fatty acids or triglycerides and trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene and hexane were realized. Temperature range studied was 278-313 K each 5 K. The relationship between molar volume and molar fraction show high correlation coefficient In fatty acids with trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene mixtures. On the other hand, hexane mixtures show little contractions of molar volume at low molar fractions. Triglyceride mixtures present important deviations with regard to the ideality of the molar volume. The adjusts obtained for the molar volume values versus temperature are acceptable, calculating the coefficients of thermal expansion of the studied mixtures. Equally, the adjust of the experimental results of viscosity for two prediction equations are studied: one of additive type and the other of parabolic type.

    Se han realizado medidas del volumen molar, índice de refracción y viscosidad dinámica en el intervalo de temperatura de 278 K a 313 K cada 5 K, a mezclas de ácidos grasos o triglicéridos con tricloroetileno, tetracloroetileno y hexano. Las mezclas de ácidos grasos con tricloroetileno y tetracloroetileno, presentan unos altos coeficientes de correlación para los valores del volumen molar frente a la fracción molar, mientras que las mezclas con hexano, a fracciones molares bajas, manifiestan una pequeña contracción del volumen molar. Las mezclas de triglicéridos presentan importantes desviaciones con respecto a la Idealidad del volumen molar. Los ajustes obtenidos para los valores del volumen molar frente a la temperatura son aceptables, determinándose los valores del coeficiente de dilatación volumétrica a presión constante de las mezclas estudiadas. Igualmente se ha estudiado el ajuste de los resultados experimentales de viscosidad a dos ecuaciones de predicción: una del tipo aditiva y otra del tipo parabólico.

  7. Endodontic treatment of a maxillary second molar with developmental anomaly: a case report. (United States)

    Asgary, Saeed


    Fusion is a rare occurrence in molar teeth. The purpose of this rare case presentation is to describe the nonsurgical endodontic treatment of maxillary molar. A 28-year-old patient was referred for endodontic treatment of her chronic apical abscess of right maxillary second molar. In the clinical examination, a sinus tract adjacent to involved tooth and a small crown of supernumerary tooth fused to the buccal surface of the molar at gingival margin was observed. Endodontic treatment was decided for the involved molar for functional reason. Recall examination, a year after completion of endodontic and restorative treatments, showed the tooth was clinically asymptomatic and there was no radiographic lucency around the apical region.

  8. Patterns of third-molar agenesis and associated dental anomalies in an orthodontic population. (United States)

    Celikoglu, Mevlut; Bayram, Mehmet; Nur, Metin


    The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of dental anomalies in orthodontic patients with different patterns of third-molar agenesis, comparing them with patients without third-molar agenesis. A sample of 374 patients with agenesis of at least 1 third molar was divided into 4 groups according to the third-molar agenesis pattern, and a control group of 98 patients without third-molar agenesis was randomly selected from the patient archives. Panoramic radiographs and cast models were used to determine the associated dental anomalies, such as hypodontia, hyperdontia, impaction, dilaceration, microdontia, ectopic eruption, transposition, and transmigration. The Pearson chi-square and Fisher exact tests were used to determine the differences in the distribution of the associated dental anomalies among the groups. The prevalence of agenesis of other teeth (11.2%, n = 42) was significantly greater in our study sample (groups 1-4) than in the control group (group 5) (4.1%, n = 4; P dental anomalies in patients with agenesis of 3 and 4 third molars compared with the control group. Permanent tooth agenesis, microdontia of maxillary lateral incisors, and total dental anomalies are more frequently associated with agenesis of 4 third molars than with the presence of third molars. Copyright © 2011 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Elongational viscosity of narrow molar mass distribution polystyrene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bach, Anders; Almdal, Kristoffer; Rasmussen, Henrik Koblitz


    Transient and steady elongational viscosity has been measured for two narrow molar mass distribution polystyrene melts of molar masses 200 000 and 390 000 by means of a filament stretching rheometer. Total Hencky strains of about five have been obtained. The transient elongational viscosity rises...... above the linear viscoelastic prediction at intermediate strains, indicating strain hardening. The steady elongational viscosities are monotone decreasing functions of elongation rate. At elongation rates larger than the inverse reptation time, the steady elongational viscosity scales linearly...

  10. Endodontic Treatment of a Maxillary Second Molar with Developmental Anomaly: A Case Report


    Asgary, Saeed


    Fusion is a rare occurrence in molar teeth. The purpose of this rare case presentation is to describe the nonsurgical endodontic treatment of maxillary molar. A 28-year-old patient was referred for endodontic treatment of her chronic apical abscess of right maxillary second molar. In the clinical examination, a sinus tract adjacent to involved tooth and a small crown of supernumerary tooth fused to the buccal surface of the molar at gingival margin was observed. Endodontic treatment was decid...

  11. Standard molar enthalpies of formation of 2-, 3- and 4-cyanobenzoic acids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V.; Amaral, Luisa M.P.F.; Boaventura, Cristina R.P.; Gomes, Jose R.B.


    The standard (p 0 = 0.1 MPa) molar enthalpies of formation of 2-, 3- and 4-cyanobenzoic acids were derived from their standard molar energies of combustion, in oxygen, at T = 298.15 K, measured by static bomb combustion calorimetry. The Calvet high temperature vacuum sublimation technique was used to measure the enthalpies of sublimation of 2- and 3-cyanobenzoic acids. The standard molar enthalpies of formation of the three compounds, in the gaseous phase, at T = 298.15 K, have been derived from the corresponding standard molar enthalpies of formation in the condensed phase and standard molar enthalpies for phase transition. The results obtained are -(150.7 ± 2.0) kJ . mol -1 , -(153.6 ± 1.7) kJ . mol -1 and -(157.1 ± 1.4) kJ . mol -1 for 2-cyano, 3-cyano and 4-cyanobenzoic acids, respectively. Standard molar enthalpies of formation were also estimated by employing two different methodologies: one based on the Cox scheme and the other one based on several different computational approaches. The calculated values show a good agreement with the experimental values obtained in this work

  12. C-shaped root canal in a maxillary first molar: a case report. (United States)

    Yilmaz, Z; Tuncel, B; Serper, A; Calt, S


    This case report presents an unusual C-shaped root canal system in a maxillary first molar tooth. Although C-shaped root canals are most frequently seen in the mandibular second molar, they may also appear in maxillary molars. A literature search revealed only a few case reports of C-shaped root canal systems in maxillary molars. The present case describes a C-shaped canal in the buccal root of a maxillary first molar. The endodontic access cavity displayed two canal orifices, one leading to the canal system in the buccal root, the other into the palatal root canal system. In the buccal root, what appeared to be the mesial and distal canals joined to form a single C-shaped canal. --Careful examination of radiographs and the internal anatomy of teeth is essential.-- The location and morphology of root canals should be identified at high magnification under the microscope.

  13. Use of palatally inserted mini-screw for upper molar distalization: A case series

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    Valliollah Arash


    Full Text Available  Abstract Reports have shown that molars can be distalized successfully with virtually no orthodontic anchorage loss with an intraosseous anchorage, even with fully erupted second molars. The purpose of this study was evaluating the effects of mini-screws as skeletal anchorage for upper molar distalization. In this case series, three patients needing maxillary first molar distalization, were selected. mini-screw was inserted in the anterior part of the palate. The screws were anchored to the first premolars by transpalatal arch and immediately loaded (150-160 g by 0.018-inch arch-wire and steel open-coil spring to distalize maxillary molars. The skeletal and dental changes were measured on cephalograms obtained before and after distalization. The amount of first molar distalization in the patients was 4 mm with 2°of tipping, 4 mm with 5°of tipping, and 3.5 mm with 2°of tipping respectively. Upper incisors and first premolars were stable during distalization.       

  14. Molar incisor hypomineralisation: clinical management of the young patient.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Daly, Dympna


    Molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) is a common developmental condition resulting in enamel defects in first permanent molars and permanent incisors. It presents at eruption of these teeth. Early diagnosis is essential since rapid breakdown of tooth structure may occur, giving rise to acute symptoms and complicated treatment. The purpose of this article is to review MIH and illustrate its clinical management in young children.

  15. MMP20 Overexpression Disrupts Molar Ameloblast Polarity and Migration. (United States)

    Shin, M; Chavez, M B; Ikeda, A; Foster, B L; Bartlett, J D


    Ameloblasts responsible for enamel formation express matrix metalloproteinase 20 (MMP20), an enzyme that cleaves enamel matrix proteins, including amelogenin (AMELX) and ameloblastin (AMBN). Previously, we showed that continuously erupting incisors from transgenic mice overexpressing active MMP20 had a massive cell infiltrate present within their enamel space, leading to enamel mineralization defects. However, effects of MMP20 overexpression on mouse molars were not analyzed, although these teeth more accurately represent human odontogenesis. Therefore, MMP20-overexpressing mice ( Mmp20 +/+ Tg + ) were assessed by multiscale analyses, combining several approaches from high-resolution micro-computed tomography to enamel organ immunoblots. During the secretory stage at postnatal day 6 (P6), Mmp20 +/+ Tg + mice had a discontinuous ameloblast layer and, unlike incisors, molar P12 maturation stage ameloblasts abnormally migrated away from the enamel layer into the stratum intermedium/stellate reticulum. TOPflash assays performed in vitro demonstrated that MMP20 expression promoted β-catenin nuclear localization and that MMP20 expression promoted invasion through Matrigel-coated filters. However, for both assays, significant differences were eliminated in the presence of the β-catenin inhibitor ICG-001. This suggests that MMP20 activity promotes cell migration via the Wnt pathway. In vivo, the unique molar migration of amelogenin-expressing ameloblasts was associated with abnormal deposition of ectopic calcified nodules surrounding the adherent enamel layer. Enamel content was assessed just prior to eruption at P15. Compared to wild-type, Mmp20 +/+ Tg + molars exhibited significant reductions in enamel thickness (70%), volume (60%), and mineral density (40%), and MMP20 overexpression resulted in premature cleavage of AMBN, which likely contributed to the severe defects in enamel mineralization. In addition, Mmp20 +/+ Tg + mouse molar enamel organs had increased levels

  16. Space loss following premature loss of primary second molars. (United States)

    Alnahwi, Hassan H; Donly, Kevin J; Contreras, Claudia I


    This study was designed to evaluate the amount of space loss (SL) caused by premature loss of primary second molars, determine whether the eruption status of permanent first molars is an important factor in the amount of SL, and evaluate the effectiveness of space maintainers (SMs) in SL prevention. SL associated with 100 prematurely extracted primary second molars was evaluated in 87 healthy patients. Teeth were divided into groups based on the use of SMs (36 with SM and 64 without SM). Bitewing and periapical radiographs taken before extraction and 6, 12, 24, 36, and 48 months after extraction were used to determine the amount of SL. Not every patient attended every recall appointment, so the sample size varied at different evaluation times. The most significant amount of SL occurred in the first 12 months after extraction. In patients who did not use an SM, at 6 months there was a mean SL of 2.12 mm (SD, 1.65 mm) and at 12 months there was a mean of 4.02 mm (SD, 1.65), with significantly more SL in the first 6 months (P 0.05). When patients without an SM were grouped by the eruption status of the permanent first molar, there was significantly more SL in the groups with unerupted first molars than there was in the groups with erupted first molars at both 6 months (P < 0.001) and 12 months (P < 0.05). At both 6 and 12 months, the amount of SL in patients who had an SM (n = 13 and n = 14, respectively) was not significantly different from the amount of SL in those who did not have an SM (n = 33 and n = 23, respectively). SMs should be placed as soon as possible following tooth extraction to prevent undue SL. Placement of an SM a year or more after extraction has minimal benefit, since most SL takes place within the first year. SL does occur even when SMs are used.

  17. A combined experimental and computational investigation of excess molar enthalpies of (nitrobenzene + alkanol) mixtures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neyband, Razieh Sadat; Zarei, Hosseinali


    Highlights: • Excess molar enthalpies for the binary mixtures of nitrobenzene + alkanols mixtures were measured. • The infinite dilution excess partial molar enthalpies were calculated using the ab initio methods. • The PCM calculations were performed. • The computed excess partial molar enthalpies at infinite dilution were compared to experimental results. - Abstract: Excess molar enthalpies (H m E ) for the binary mixtures of {(nitrobenzene + ethanol), 1-propanol, 2-propanol, 1-butanol and 2-butanol} have been measured over the entire composition range at ambient pressure (81.5 kPa) and temperature 298 K using a Parr 1455 solution calorimeter. From the experimental results, the excess partial molar enthalpies (H i E ) and excess partial molar enthalpies at infinite dilution (H i E,∞ ) were calculated. The excess molar enthalpies (H m E ) are positive for all {nitrobenzene (1) + alkanol (2)} mixtures over the entire composition range. A state-of-the-art computational strategy for the evaluation of excess partial molar enthalpies at infinite dilution was followed at the M05-2X/6-311++G ∗∗ level of theory with the PCM model. The experimental excess partial molar enthalpies at infinite dilution have been compared to the computational data of the ab initio in liquid phase. Integrated experimental and computational results help to clarify the nature of the intermolecular interactions in {nitrobenzene (1) + alkanol (2)} mixtures. The experimental and computational work which was done in this study complements and extends the general research on the computation of excess partial molar enthalpy at infinite dilution of binary mixtures

  18. Roentgenographic studies on the growth and development of lower third molars in Korean female

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lim, Hyoung Soon; Lee, Sung Woo [Department of Dental Radiology, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The author obtained the following results through the studies on 1012 roentgenograms of lower third molar regions of Korean female; 1. The rate of presence of lower third molars was 78.9 percent. 2. The period that crowns of lower third molars become completed was 16.1 years. 3. The period that completion of apices of lower third molars become completed was over 27 years.

  19. Molar Volume Analysis of Molten Ni-Al-Co Alloy by Measuring the Density

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    XIAO Feng; FANG Liang; FU Yuechao; YANG Lingchuan


    The density of molten Ni-Al-Co alloys was measured in the temperature range of 1714~1873K using a modified pycnometric method, and the molar volume of molten alloys was analyzed. The density of molten Ni-Al-Co alloys was found to decrease with increasing temperature and Co concentration in alloys. The molar volume of molten Ni-Al-Co alloys increases with increasing Co concentration in alloys. The molar volume of molten Ni-Al-Co alloys shows a negative deviation from the linear molar volume.

  20. Maxillary First Molars with 2 Distobuccal Canals: A Case Series. (United States)

    Fogel, Howard M; Cunha, Rodrigo Sanches


    An appreciation of the anatomic complexity of the root canal system is essential at every step of endodontic treatment. Endodontic treatment of teeth with unusual root canal anatomy presents a unique challenge. Eight patients underwent nonsurgical root canal treatment of 3-rooted maxillary first molars in a specialty endodontic private practice. Four cases of Weine type II and 4 cases of Weine type III canal configurations in the distobuccal root of maxillary first molars were presented.This article highlighted an uncommon anatomic variation of 2 canals in the distobuccal root of the maxillary first molar. Copyright © 2017 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. La investigación de segundo orden en ciencias sociales y su potencial predictivo: el caso del proyecto de Identidad y tolerancia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Molina


    Full Text Available En ciencias sociales existe el prejuicio de que no existen leyes. En este artículo se desarrolla una metodología apropiada para poner a prueba tal prejuicio.Tal metodología es producto de una perspectiva lógica basada en la cibernética de segundo orden. La investigación de segundo orden en ciencias sociales ha sido más definida teóricamente que aplicada. Este artículo trata sobre su aplicación. En él se presentan los elementos básicos de la metodología de segundo orden y luego se muestra de qué manera se la utilizó en el caso concreto de la investigación que sobre Identidad e intolerancia dirige la autora.

  2. C-reactive protein a better indicator of inflammation after third molar ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    operative pain and pre-operative levels of C-reactive and post-operative pain and swelling in impacted third molar surgery. Materials and Methods: In this prospective study subjects were patients indicated for mandibular third molar extraction.

  3. Two-rooted maxillary first molars with two canals: a case series. (United States)

    Shakouie, Sahar; Mokhtari, Hadi; Ghasemi, Negin; Gholizadeh, Seddigheh


    Thorough understanding of the anatomic and internal morphology of a root canal system is absolutely essential for the success of endodontic treatment. Since permanent maxillary first molars have shown variation in internal anatomy, morphology, this tooth has been reviewed extensively. Presence of two canals in a two-rooted maxillary first molar has rarely been reported in studies describing tooth and root canal anatomies. In this report, three cases are presented, which involve the root canal treatment of maxillary first molars with fusion of the two buccal roots.

  4. Morphology of the Physiological Apical Foramen in Maxillary and Mandibular First Molars. (United States)

    Abarca, J; Zaror, C; Monardes, H; Hermosilla, V; Muñoz, C; Cantin, M


    Information regarding the anatomy of the physiological apical foramen is limited. Knowing its diameter and shapes contributes to clinical work, specifically to the cleaning and shaping of the apical third. The aim of this ex vivo study was to determine the minimum and maximum diameters and shape of the physiological apical foramen in the roots of maxillary and mandibular first molars. A descriptive study was conducted on 89 recently extracted first molars. Roots 3-5 mm from the apex were sectioned and prepared for analysis at 40× magnification. The minimum and maximum diameters of each physiological foramen were measured using the program Motic Images plus 2.0 ML. The shape of the foramina, classified as round, oval or irregular, was determined by the difference between the maximum and minimum diameters. A total of 174 physiological foramina were analyzed. The average of the minimum and maximum diameters was between 0.24-0.33 mm in maxillary first molars and between 0.25-0.33 mm in mandibular first molars. In maxillary molars, the most common shape of the foramen was oval (50%), then irregular (32%), then round (18%). In mandibular molars, the oval shape was also the most frequent (59%), followed by irregular (23%) and round (18%). The findings of this study regarding the morphology of physiological apical foramina in first molars make it easier for the operator to choose the appropriately-sized instruments to perform endodontic therapy successfully.

  5. Morphology of the Physiological Apical Foramen in Maxillary and Mandibular First Molars (United States)

    Abarca, J.; Zaror, C.; Monardes, H.; Hermosilla, V.; Muñoz, C.; Cantin, M.


    SUMMARY Information regarding the anatomy of the physiological apical foramen is limited. Knowing its diameter and shapes contributes to clinical work, specifically to the cleaning and shaping of the apical third. The aim of this ex vivo study was to determine the minimum and maximum diameters and shape of the physiological apical foramen in the roots of maxillary and mandibular first molars. A descriptive study was conducted on 89 recently extracted first molars. Roots 3–5 mm from the apex were sectioned and prepared for analysis at 40× magnification. The minimum and maximum diameters of each physiological foramen were measured using the program Motic Images plus 2.0 ML. The shape of the foramina, classified as round, oval or irregular, was determined by the difference between the maximum and minimum diameters. A total of 174 physiological foramina were analyzed. The average of the minimum and maximum diameters was between 0.24–0.33 mm in maxillary first molars and between 0.25–0.33 mm in mandibular first molars. In maxillary molars, the most common shape of the foramen was oval (50%), then irregular (32%), then round (18%). In mandibular molars, the oval shape was also the most frequent (59%), followed by irregular (23%) and round (18%). The findings of this study regarding the morphology of physiological apical foramina in first molars make it easier for the operator to choose the appropriately-sized instruments to perform endodontic therapy successfully. PMID:25937698

  6. Relationship of third molar movement during orthodontic treatment and root angulation

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    Morteza Oshagh


    Conclusion: The relation between the amount of third molar movement and its root angulation was not statistically significant. Therefore movement of third molars during orthodontic treatment should not be assumed as an etiologic factor of root angulations.

  7. Histopathologic Evaluation of Follicular Tissues Associated with Impacted Third Molars

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    M. Khorasani


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of the present study was to histopathologically evaluate follicular tissues of third molars with pericoronal radiolucenciesof less than 2 millimeters.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive analytic study, 100 impacted third molars with normal follicular spaces were removed and their pericoronaltissues submitted for histopathologic examination. Different characteristicsof the epithelium and connective tissue were evaluated in all cases. Statisti-cal analysis was performed using chi square and Mann-Whitney tests.Results: In our study sample, 74% of the patients were female and 26% were male, ranging in age from 13 to 54 years (mean, 25.3 years. Lining epithelium was observed in 69% of the specimens of which 31%, 23% and 14% was cuboidal, squamous and columnar, respectively. A significant re-lationship was found between the presence of squamous epithelium and pa-tient age (P<0.05. Nonspecific chronic inflammation was the only patho-logic finding observed in 44% of the specimens. Inflammation was signifi-cantly associated with age and squamous metaplasia (P<0.05.Conclusion: Considering that pathologic lesions were not observed in anyof the studied cases, unerupted third molars should not be removed unless there is a clinical indication to do so, or in case the impacted molar shows evidence of pathological changes. Follow-up is suggested for asympto-matic impacted third molars.

  8. Lingual nerve injury following surgical removal of mandibular third molar

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    Abduljaleel Azad Samad


    Full Text Available Background and objective: The close proximity of lingual nerve in relation to the lingual cortical bone of the posterior mandibular third molar is clinically important because lingual nerve may be subjected to trauma during surgical removal of the impacted lower third molar. This prospective study aimed to evaluate the incidence of lingual nerve paresthesia following surgical removal of mandibular third molar in College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University. Methods: A total of 116 third molars surgery were carried out under local anesthesia for 116 patients for removal of lower mandibular teeth Using Terence Ward's incision made in all cases, and after that, the buccal flap was reflected, lingual tissues had been retracted during bone removal with a periosteal elevator. The sensory disturbance was evaluated on the 7th postoperative day by standard questioning the patients: “Do you have any unusual feeling in your tongue, lingual gingiva and mucosa of the floor of the mouth?" Results: One patient experienced sensory disturbance, the lingual nerve paresthesia incidence was 0.9% as a transient sensory disturbance, while no patient of permanent sensory disturbance. Conclusion: The incidence of injury to the lingual nerve can be minimized by careful clinical evaluation, surgeon’s experience, surgical approach and knowledge about anatomical landmarks during surgical removal of an impacted lower third molar tooth.

  9. Standard molar enthalpies of formation of 2-, 3-, and 4-piperidinomethanol isomers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V.; Cabral, Joana I.T.A.


    The standard (p o =0.1MPa) molar energies of combustion in oxygen of 2-piperidinemethanol, 3-piperidinemethanol, and 4-piperidinemethanol, all in the crystalline phase, were measured, at T=298.15K, by static bomb calorimetry. These values were used to derive the standard molar enthalpies of combustion and the standard molar enthalpies of formation, in the condensed phase, for these compounds. Further, the standard molar enthalpies of sublimation, at T=298.15K, of these three piperidinomethanol isomers were determined by Cavet microcalorimetry. The combustion calorimetry results together with those from the Calvet microcalorimetry, were used to derive the standard molar enthalpies of formation, at T=298.15K, in the gaseous phase, of the three piperidinemethanol studied. -Δ c H m o (cr)Δ cr g H m o kJ.mol -1 kJ.mol -1 2-Piperidinemethanol3890.70+/-0.9293.02+/-0.503- Piperidinemethanol3895.3+/-1.195.9+/-1.44-Piperidinemethanol3891.3+/- 1.198.31+/-0.69

  10. In vitro evaluation of an alternative method to bond molar tubes

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    Célia Regina Maio Pinzan-Vercelino


    Full Text Available Despite the advances in bonding materials, many clinicians today still prefer to place bands on molar teeth. Molar bonding procedures need improvement to be widely accepted clinically. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength when an additional adhesive layer was applied on the occlusal tooth/tube interface to provide reinforcement to molar tubes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty third molars were selected and allocated to the 3 groups: group 1 received a conventional direct bond followed by the application of an additional layer of adhesive on the occlusal tooth/tube interface, group 2 received a conventional direct bond, and group 3 received a conventional direct bond and an additional cure time of 10 s. The specimens were debonded in a universal testing machine. The results were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05. RESULTS: Group 1 had a significantly higher (p0.05. CONCLUSIONS: The present in vitro findings indicate that the application of an additional layer of adhesive on the tooth/tube interface increased the shear bond strength of the bonded molar tubes.

  11. Variant root morphology of third mandibular molar in normal and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The mandibular third molar poses a challenge to dental surgeons due to it's unpredictable morphology which leads to increased difficulty during its extraction. The root morphology of the third molar is considered to be the most variable in the human dentition. The study aims to document these variations which will be useful ...

  12. Management of periodontally compromised mandibular molar with Hemisectioning: A case report

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    Bandu Napte


    Full Text Available Introduction: Hemisection involves sectioning of a periodontally involved mandibular molar so as to remove the involved root and save the remaining tooth. This procedure helps in saving a tooth which otherwise would have been deemed for extraction. Hemisection refers to removal or separation of root with its accompanying crown portion of two-rooted teeth, most commonly mandibular molars. Method: In this case report, an advanced Endo-Perio lesion on a left mandibular first molar was successfully treated by root-canal treatment and hemisection. This procedure helps preserve the tooth structure, alveolar bone and promote cost savings over other treatment options. Conclusion: Hemisection is a treatment option for saving a mandibular molar which is in advanced stage of periodontal disease of one root. Removal of the affected root will help in retaining the remaining tooth structure.

  13. Molar incisor hypomineralization: Considerations about treatment in a controlled longitudinal case

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    Daniela Cristina de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH is a defect in the tooth enamel of systemic origin and may affect one or all four first permanent molars frequently associated with the permanent incisors. This case reports a 7-year-old child with severe MIH in the permanent molars associated with tooth decay and intense pain. In the first stage of treatment, therapy was performed with fluoride varnish and restoration with glass ionomer cement (GIC. After 6 years of clinical and radiographic follow-up, the restorations presented wear and fractures on the margins, indicating their replacement with composite resin. Severe cases of MIH in the early permanent molars can be treated with varnish and GIC to restore the patient′s comfort and strengthen the hypomineralized dental structures. The clinical and radiographic monitoring frequently indicated when the restoration with composite resin should be performed.

  14. Approximal morphology as predictor of approximal caries in primary molar teeth

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cortes, A; Martignon, S; Qvist, V


    consent was given, participated. Upper and lower molar teeth of one randomly selected side received a 2-day temporarily separation. Bitewing radiographs and silicone impressions of interproximal area (IPA) were obtained. One-year procedures were repeated in 52 children (84%). The morphology of the distal...... surfaces of the first molar teeth and the mesial surfaces on the second molar teeth (n=208) was scored from the occlusal aspect on images from the baseline resin models resulting in four IPA variants: concave-concave; concave-convex; convex-concave, and convex-convex. Approximal caries on the surface...

  15. Prevalence and Pattern of Third Molar Impaction; A retrospective study of radiographs in Oman

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    Samira M. Al-Anqudi


    Full Text Available Objectives: The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the prevalence and pattern of third molar impaction in patients between 19‒26 years old attending Sultan Qaboos University Hospital (SQUH in Muscat, Oman. Methods: The study reviewed 1,000 orthopantomograms (OPGs of patients attending the Oral Health Department of SQUH between October 2010 and April 2011. Patients were evaluated to determine the prevalence of third molar impaction, angulation, level of eruption and associated pathological conditions. Results: Of the study population, 543 (54.3% OPGs showed at least one impacted third molar. The total number of impacted molars was 1,128. The most common number of impacted third molars was two (41%. The most common angulation of impaction in the mandible was the mesioangular (35% and the most common level of impaction in the mandible was level A. Of the 388 bilateral occurrences of impacted third molars, 377 were in the mandible. There was no significant difference in the frequency of impaction between the right and left sides of both jaws. Pathological conditions associated with impacted lower third molars were found in 18%, of which 14% were associated with a radiographic radiolucency of more than 2.5 mm, and 4% of impacted lower third molars were associated with dental caries. Conclusion: This study found that more than half of Omani adult patients ranging in age from 19‒26 years had at least one impacted third molar.

  16. Dental and skeletal changes after intraoral molar distalization with sectional jig assembly. (United States)

    Gulati, S; Kharbanda, O P; Parkash, H


    The present study was conducted on 10 subjects to evaluate dental and skeletal changes after intraoral molar distalization. The maxillary molars were distalized with a sectional jig assembly. Sentalloy open coil springs were used to exert 150 gm of force for a period of 12 weeks. A modified Nance appliance was the main source of anchorage. The pre- and postdistalization records included dental study casts, clinical photographs, and cephalograms. A total of 665 readings recorded from lateral cephalograms and dental casts were subjected to statistical analysis. The mean distal movement of the first molar was 2.78 mm, which was highly significant (o < 0.001). It moved distally at the rate of 0.86 mm/month. There was clinically some distal tipping (3.50 degrees) and distopalatal rotation (2.40 degrees). These changes were statistically significant (p < 0.001). The second molars accompanied the first molars and moved distally by nearly the same amount. There was 1.00 mm increase in the overjet and 2.60 degrees mesial tip of second premolar. The changes in the facial skeleton and dentition bases were minimal and statistically not significant. However, there was clockwise rotation of the mandible of 1.30 degrees that was statistically significant. This was the result of molar extrusion (1.60 mm).

  17. Psychological impact of third molar surgery: a 1-month prospective study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Jongh, Ad; van Wijk, Arjen J.; Lindeboom, Jerome A.


    To prospectively examine the psychological impact of surgical third molar removal, and to identify possible psychological risk factors for the development of dental anxiety and symptoms of psychological trauma. Patients (N = 71) scheduled for surgical mandibular third molar removal were assessed

  18. Study of pulp chamber morphology of primary mandibular molars using spiral computed tomography. (United States)

    Selvakumar, Haridoss; Kavitha, Swaminathan; Vijayakumar, Rajendran; Eapen, Thomas; Bharathan, Rajendran


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the pulp chamber morphology in primary mandibular molars using spiral computed tomography (SCT). Sixty extracted primary mandibular molars were scanned using SCT for the (i) distance between the central fissure to furcation, (ii) distance between the central fissure to the floor of the pulp chamber, (iii) height of the pulp chamber (roof-floor), (iv) distance between the floor of the pulp chamber to the furcation. The mean and standard deviation was analyzed using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) program. The results of this study show that the average mean distance from the central fissure to the floor of the pulp chamber is 5.07 mm in first mandibular primary molar and 5.54 mm in second mandibular primary molar. It can be concluded that the greatest depth to which a bur can go during access opening without perforating the furcation in first primary mandibular molar is 5.07 mm and 5.54 mm in second primary mandibular molar.

  19. Temporal abscess after third molar extraction in the mandible. (United States)

    de Oliveira Neto, Patrício José; de Souza Maliska, Maximiana Cristina; Sawazaki, Renato; Asprino, Luciana; de Moraes, Márcio; Moreira, Roger William Fernandes


    Dental infections resulting before or after third molar removal are complications in which the maxillofacial surgeon may have to initiate an earlier management. The severe dental infections resulting before or after this procedure is one of the few life-threatening complications in which the maxillofacial surgeon may have to initiate an earlier management. Infections involving the temporal space are rare and infrequently reported. Infections in this space have also been observed secondary to maxillary sinusitis, maxillary sinus fracture, temporomandibular arthroscopy, and drug injection, although more commonly associated to third molar infections. A 22-year-old man had undergone extraction of tooth 38 secondary to pericoronaritis by a general dentist. Physical examination of his face demonstrated severe trismus, pain, and swelling in temporal region. A CT scan showed an inflammatory area into the temporal space. He was started on IV cephalosporin, but the clinical course of the patient was not satisfactory. Incision and drainage were performed from an extraoral and intraoral approach. After discharged, the antibiotic was switched to clindamycin IO 600 mg. The retromaxillary and temporal infections are quite common after maxillary molar extractions but not after mandibular third molar, the spread mechanism of ascension must be involved with the virulence of microorganisms, but more studies are necessary to clarify this occurrence.


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    Petya G. Kanazirska


    Full Text Available The X-ray diagnostics is essential in case of retention of teeth. An important condition for proper treatment plan for impacted third molars of the mandible is the determination of the type of retention in the jaw in accordance with their medio-distal inclination and the space available for eruption (retromolar space. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to present an objective method for determination of the medio-distal inclination and the space for eruption of the third molars of the mandible. Materials and methods: The studied patients with impacted third molars of the mandible are 127, aged 17 through 60. They were examined with Cone-beam Computed Tomography (CBCT. On the orthopantomography, obtained after the scanning as a reconstructed image, we defined the medio-distal inclination and space for eruption of the third molars of the mandible. For this purpose, we summarized several methods. Results: The most common inclination of the third molars of the mandible with retained eruption is the medial one at 120 teeth (61.5% ± 3.5. Second in frequency is the vertical one-34 teeth (17.4% ± 2.7, followed by the distal inclination– 21 teeth (10.8% ± 2.2. With the lowest frequency are the teeth which are positioned horizontally –20 teeth (10.3% ± 2.2. Shortage of retromolar space is established for173 teeth (88.7% ± 2.3. In 22 teeth (11.3% ± 2.3 there is enough space in the jaw for eruption. Conclusion: An objective method for determination of the medio-distal inclination of the teeth and the space available for eruption is introduced for the first time in Bulgaria. By determining the inclination of impacted wisdom teeth under this methodology one can avoid the subjective factor–the seventh tooth. It is not a reference plane, because it can also be tilted or missing. With the help of the developed method the retromolar point can be determined more objectively.

  1. Using cone beam computed thomography in planning the extraction of impacted third molars

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    Vlahović Zoran


    Full Text Available The panoramic radiography is the most used diagnostic imaging method in planning impacted lower third molar extractions. However, often panoramic radiography does not provide enough information in treatment planning for performing safely surgical extraction of impacted third molars. CBCT (Cone beam computed tomography provides more precise information in diagnostic analysis especially for planning surgical procedures where complications can be expected due to close relationship between mandibular canal and lower impacted third molars. The aim of this study is comparative analysis of panoramic radiography and CBCT in evaluating the topographic relationship between mandibular canal and impacted third molars. The study included 50 patients with close relationship between mandibular canal and impacted third molars detected using panoramic radiography. After panoramic radiography analysis CBCT was performed in order to diagnose, plan and prevent complications during the surgical tooth extraction. CBCT examination considered comparative analysis with panoramic radiography, marking, volume rendering and assessment of mandibular canal in buccolingual direction. Out of total patients where suprimposition of mandibular canal and impacted third molar on panoramic radiography was detected, in 32 patients mandibular chanal was localised on lingual side. Mandibular canal was positioned at bucal side in 18 of 50 patients. Results of this research indicate that panoramic radiography can be useful in everyday practice for diagnosis, planning and preparing lower third molar extractions, but in cases where close relationship between mandibular canal and lower third molars is detected CBCT is recommended as more precise radiographic imaging method in order to prevent complications.

  2. Subcutaneous emphysema during third molar surgery: a case report


    Romeo, Umberto; Galanakis, Alexandros; Lerario, Francesco; Daniele, Gabriele Maria; Tenore, Gianluca; Palaia, Gaspare


    Extraction of third molars is the most common surgical procedure performed in oral surgery on a daily basis and, despite surgical skills and expertise, complications may occur. Complications observed during or after third molar removal may include pain, swelling, bleeding, infection, sinus perforation and nerve damage. Fortunately, with a proper management and a good surgical technique, the incidence of such events is low. Subcutaneous emphysema associated with dental extraction occurs when t...

  3. Molar incisor hypomineralization: current research evidences

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    Manikandan Ekambaram


    Full Text Available Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH is a condition of systemic origin that involves one to four first permanent molar teeth and often associated with affected incisors. Although several associations to prenatal/perinatal childhood medical conditions have been reported, the etiology of MIH still remains unclear. The degree of enamel hypomineralization in the affected teeth can vary and the clinical problems associated with the teeth include increased susceptibility to caries, rapid wear, and post-eruptive enamel breakdown. Affected teeth are extremely challenging to treat as the enamel is porous, sensitive and treating clinicians might encounter great difficulty in achieving profound anaesthesia. The first part of thispresentation will give an update on prevalence, potential etiological factors, and management strategies of this condition. The second part of the presentation will cover a systematic review results on bonding strategies to hypomineralized enamel.

  4. Molar mass of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) during ultimate uniaxial drawing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Göschel, U.; Cools, P.J.C.H.


    The changes of the average molar mass Mw, Mn, Mz, and molar mass distributions during multistep uniaxial drawing of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) to achieve ultimate mechanical properties have been studied in detail by means of size exclusion chromatography (SEC) with triple detection:

  5. Molar-Mass of Poly(Ethylene-Terephthalate) (PET) During Ultimate Uniaxial Drawing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Göschel, A.G.P.U.; Cools, P.J.C.H.


    The changes of the average molar mass Mw, Mn, Mz, and molar mass distributions during multistep uniaxial drawing of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) to achieve ultimate mechanical properties have been studied in detail by means of size exclusion chromatography (SEC) with triple detection:

  6. Micro-CT analyses of apical enlargement and molar root canal complexity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Markvart, Merete; Darvann, Tron Andre; Larsen, Per


    AIM: To compare the effectiveness of two rotary hybrid instrumentation techniques with focus on apical enlargement in molar teeth and to quantify and visualize spatial details of instrumentation efficacy in root canals of different complexity. METHODOLOGY: Maxillary and mandibular molar teeth wer...

  7. Prevalence of Third Molar Agenesis: Associated Dental Anomalies in Non-Syndromic 5923 Patients. (United States)

    Sujon, Mamun Khan; Alam, Mohammad Khursheed; Rahman, Shaifulizan Abdul


    The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of third molar agenesis and other associated dental anomalies in Bangladeshi population and to investigate the relationship of other dental anomalies with the third molar presence/agenesis. A retrospective study was performed using panoramic radiographs of 5923 patients, who ranged in age from 10 to 50 years. All radiographs were analyzed by Planmeca Romexis® 3.0 software (Planmeca Oy, Helsinki, Finland). Pearson chi-square and one way ANOVA (Post Hoc) test were conducted. The prevalence of third molar agenesis was 38.4%. The frequency of third molar agenesis was significantly higher in females than males (p dental anomalies was 6.5%, among them hypodontia was 3.1%. Prevalence of third molar agenesis varies in different geographic region. Among the other dental anomalies hypodontia was more prevalent.

  8. Dispositivo de seguridad para controlar mejor el tercer molar impactado durante exodoncia: Una nueva técnica Security device for a better control of impacted third molars during exodontia: A new technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. Hernández Altemir


    Full Text Available El desplazamiento accidental del tercer molar impactado es una complicación que ocurre de vez en cuando durante la exodoncia. La recuperación de estos dientes accidentalmente desplazados puede ser compleja debido a la mala visibilidad y el espacio limitado. Describimos una técnica fácil basada en un sistema de anclaje para controlar mejor los terceros molares impactados durante la exodoncia.Accidental displacement of impacted third molars is a complication that occasionally occurs during exodontia. The retrieval of these accidentally displaced third molars may be complex due to poor visibility and limited space. We describe an easy technique for a better control of impacted third molars during exodontia based on an anchoring system.

  9. Four osteotomy methods with piezosurgery to remove complicated mandibular third molars: a retrospective study. (United States)

    Ge, Jing; Yang, Chi; Zheng, Jia-Wei; He, Dong-Mei; Zheng, Ling-Yan; Hu, Ying-Kai


    Piezosurgery has been used widely in oral and maxillofacial surgery, but there has been no report systematically describing an osteotomy method with piezosurgery for complicated mandibular third molar removal. The aim of this study was to introduce 4 osteotomy methods using piezosurgery and evaluate their effects. A retrospective study was conducted of patients with a complicated impacted mandibular third molar requiring extraction. The predictor variable was the extraction technique. Four osteotomy methods using piezosurgery were tested according to different impaction types: method 1 involved complete bone removal; method 2 involved segmental bone removal; method 3 involved bone removal combined with tooth splitting; and method 4 involved block bone removal. Outcome variables were success rate, operative time, major complications (including nerve injury, mandible fracture, severe hematoma, or severe edema), and serious pyogenic infection. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study was composed of 55 patients with 74 complicated impacted mandibular third molars. All impacted mandibular third molars were removed successfully. The average surgical time was 15 minutes (range, 8 to 26 minutes). Thirty-eight molars (51.4%) were extracted by method 1, 18 molars (24.3%) by method 2, 12 molars (16.2%) by method 3, and 6 molars (8.1%) by method 4. Two cases (2.7%) developed postoperative infections and recovered within 1 week using drainage and antibiotic administration. The 4 osteotomy methods with piezosurgery provide effective ways of removing complicated impacted mandibular third molars. Copyright © 2014 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Restorasi Resin Komposit Menggunakan Pasak Tapered Self Threading Pada Molar Ketiga Kiri Mandibula

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    Ellen Krisanti


    Composite Resin Restoration Using Tapered Self Threading Poston Left Mandibular Third Molar. Root canal morphology of mandibular third molar has more complex variation than the other molars. In third molar, the extraction teeth are often executed; however, the third molar can be maintained in other conditions. One visit root canal treatment is a therapy option for this case. The purpose of this case report is to show the success of one visit root canal treatment in third molar with pulp necrosis by restoring the composite resin through tapered self-treading post. A 20 year-old female patient who came to the Prof Soedomo RSGM, FKG UGM complained about the pain when chewing food on her third molar and positive in percussion. The radiographs showed that there was an incomplete restoration. There was a gap between cavities with restoration. The treatment plan for this case was one visit root canal treatment and composite resin with tapered self-threading post as final restoration. From the case, it can concluded that one visit root canal treatment results in a smaller chance for microorganism recontamination than the multi-visit in order to ensure the success of the treatment. Direct composite resin restoration with tapered self-threading dowel is an alternative restoration after endodontic treatment because it works out faster and more retentive.

  11. Immediate Placement of Ultrawide-Diameter Implants in Molar Sockets: Description of a Recommended Technique

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hattingh, A.C.; Bruyn, H. de; Ackermann, A.; Vandeweghe, S.


    Immediate implant placement is performed less frequently in molar extraction sockets than in single root sockets. This is mainly due to the tripodal anatomical configuration of molar roots, which is perceived as complex and therefore unsuitable. The mechanical burden of molar sites, combined with

  12. Ectopic Molar Pregnancy: Diagnostic Efficacy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Review of the Literature. (United States)

    Yamada, Yasushi; Ohira, Satoshi; Yamazaki, Teruyuki; Shiozawa, Tanri


    Ectopic molar pregnancy is extremely rare, and preoperative diagnosis is difficult. Our literature search found only one report of molar pregnancy diagnosed preoperatively. Moreover, there is no English literature depicting magnetic resonance image (MRI) findings of ectopic molar pregnancy. We report a case of ectopic molar pregnancy preoperatively diagnosed using MRI. A literature review of 31 cases of ectopic molar pregnancy demonstrated that lesions have been found in the fallopian tube (19 cases, 61%), ovary (5 cases, 16%), cornu (3 cases, 10%), peritoneum (2 cases, 6%), uterine cervix (1 case, 3%), and cesarean scar (1 case, 3%). Abdominal pain and abnormal vaginal bleeding were reported in 70% and 61% of the patients, respectively. Twenty-one cases (67%) presented with rupture and hemoperitoneum. All patients underwent surgical resection or dilatation and curettage. Methotrexate therapy was performed in one case because residual trophoblastic tissue was suspected. A second operation was performed in one case of ovarian molar pregnancy because serum hCG levels increased again after primary focal ovarian resection. No patients developed metastatic disease or relapsed. These findings suggest the prognosis of ectopic molar pregnancy to be favorable.

  13. Ectopic Molar Pregnancy: Diagnostic Efficacy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Review of the Literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yasushi Yamada


    Full Text Available Ectopic molar pregnancy is extremely rare, and preoperative diagnosis is difficult. Our literature search found only one report of molar pregnancy diagnosed preoperatively. Moreover, there is no English literature depicting magnetic resonance image (MRI findings of ectopic molar pregnancy. We report a case of ectopic molar pregnancy preoperatively diagnosed using MRI. A literature review of 31 cases of ectopic molar pregnancy demonstrated that lesions have been found in the fallopian tube (19 cases, 61%, ovary (5 cases, 16%, cornu (3 cases, 10%, peritoneum (2 cases, 6%, uterine cervix (1 case, 3%, and cesarean scar (1 case, 3%. Abdominal pain and abnormal vaginal bleeding were reported in 70% and 61% of the patients, respectively. Twenty-one cases (67% presented with rupture and hemoperitoneum. All patients underwent surgical resection or dilatation and curettage. Methotrexate therapy was performed in one case because residual trophoblastic tissue was suspected. A second operation was performed in one case of ovarian molar pregnancy because serum hCG levels increased again after primary focal ovarian resection. No patients developed metastatic disease or relapsed. These findings suggest the prognosis of ectopic molar pregnancy to be favorable.

  14. Relationship between the partial molar and molar quantity of a thermodynamic state function in a multicomponent mixture – revisited

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Näfe, H.


    As far as a multicomponent mixture is concerned, different versions exist in the literature for the relationship between the partial molar and molar quantity of a thermodynamic state function with the most prominent example of the two quantities being the activity coefficient of an arbitrary component and the excess Gibbs free energy of a mixture comprising this component. Since the relationships published so far have to a large degree been derived independently of each other and result from apparently conflicting approaches, they are still considered as separate subjects in the literature. It is demonstrated that despite this curious situation all relationships are equivalent to each other from a mathematical point of view

  15. Enucleación de quiste periapical simultáneo a la obturación del sistema de conductos radiculares

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lida Velazque

    Full Text Available Introducción: los quistes periapicales representan el tipo más frecuente dentro de los quistes odontogénicos. Su origen está relacionado con una necrosis pulpar y un consecuente estímulo de los restos epiteliales del ligamento periodontal (Malassez. Objetivo: describir un caso clínico de enucleación de quiste periapical simultáneo a la obturación del sistema de conductos radiculares. Presentación del caso: paciente de sexo femenino, 67 años de edad, sin alteraciones sistémicas; buscó atención odontológica por presentar dolor dental y acúmulo de alimentos en la región de molares inferiores del lado izquierdo. Al examen clínico se observó caries extensa en el segundo molar inferior izquierdo con compromiso de furca, ausencia de aumento de volumen vestibular, sin fistula; en la radiografía periapical se evidenció lesión cariosa extensa recidivante en el segundo molar inferior izquierdo, y primer molar inferior izquierdo con tratamiento endodóntico y presencia de área radiolúcida de contornos bien definidos en la región periapical compatible con quiste periapical. El tratamiento estuvo a cargo de un equipo multidisciplinario por lo que se decidió realizar exodoncia del segundo molar inferior izquierdo y cirugía paraendodóntica con enucleación quirúrgica simultánea a la obturación del sistema de conductos radiculares primer molar inferior izquierdo; el examen histopatológico de la muestra extraída comprobó tratarse de un quiste periapical. Se realizó seguimiento radiográfico dos años después y mostró un completo reparo óseo del área afectada. Conclusiones: se concluye que el tratamiento descrito constituye una alternativa válida para la resolución de casos donde la endodoncia convencional es limitada para mantener la función y estética de una pieza dentaria.

  16. Excess molar volumes of binary mixtures (an ionic liquid + water): A review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bahadur, Indra; Letcher, Trevor M.; Singh, Sangeeta; Redhi, Gan G.; Venkatesu, Pannuru; Ramjugernath, Deresh


    Highlights: • Review of excess molar volumes for mixtures of (ionic liquids (ILs) + H 2 O). • 6 cation groups reviewed including imidazolium and pyrrolidinium groups. • 13 anions reviewed including tetraborate, triflate, and hydrogensulphate. • Effects of anion, cation, and temperature investigated. - Abstract: This review covers recent developments in the area of excess molar volumes for mixtures of {ILs (1) + H 2 O (2)} where ILs refers to ionic liquids involving cations: imidazolium, pyridinium, pyrrolidinium, piperidinium, morpholinium and ammonium groups; and anions: tetraborate, triflate, hydrogensulphate, methylsulphate, ethylsulphate, thiocyanate, dicyanamide, octanate, acetate, nitrate, chloride, bromide, and iodine. The excess molar volumes of aqueous ILs were found to cover a wide range of values for the different ILs (ranging from −1.7 cm 3 · mol −1 to 1.2 cm 3 · mol −1 ). The excess molar volumes increased with increasing temperature for all systems studied in this review. The magnitude and in some cases the sign of the excess molar volumes for all the aqueous ILs mixtures, apart from the ammonium ILs, were very dependent on temperature. This was particularly important in the dilute IL concentration region. It was found that the sign and magnitude of the excess molar volumes of aqueous ILs (for ILs with hydrophobic cations), was more dependent on the nature of the anion than on the cation

  17. Impaction of lower third molars and their association with age: radiological perspectives. (United States)

    Ryalat, Soukaina; AlRyalat, Saif Aldeen; Kassob, Zaid; Hassona, Yazan; Al-Shayyab, Mohammad H; Sawair, Faleh


    Third molars are the most commonly impacted teeth, and their extraction is the most commonly performed procedure in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The aim of the present study is to describe the pattern of mandibular third molar impaction and to define the most appropriate age for prophylactic extraction of mandibular third molar teeth. A total of 1198 orthopantomographs (OPGs) with 1810 impacted lower third molars were reviewed by two authors. The pattern of eruption in relation to patient's age was examined using standard radiographic points and angles. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows release 16.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). In patients older than 20 years, vertical pattern of impaction was the most common (21.4%); while in young patients; horizontal impaction was more common (21.3%). Furthermore, there was a constant pattern of increase in Pell-Gregory ramus class 1 with increasing age, as the prevalence of class 1 was 0% at age 18 years compared to 54.9% at the age of 26 years. Frequency of vertical impaction of lower third molars was seen more at an older age (> 20 years) in this study, with an increase in the retromolar space. Late extraction of mandibular third molar teeth (i.e. after the age of 20) is therefore recommended when prophylactic extraction is considered.

  18. Periodontal considerations in the use of bonds or bands on molars in adolescents and adults. (United States)

    Boyd, R L; Baumrind, S


    This longitudinal study compared the periodontal status of bonded and banded molars in 20 adult and 40 adolescent patients before, during and after treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances. Plaque accumulation (measured by the Plaque Index), gingival inflammation (measured by the Gingival Index and the bleeding tendency), and pocket depth were assessed by one examiner at sites along the mesio-buccal line angle of the maxillary right first molar and the mandibular left first molar. Assessments were made immediately prior to the placement of fixed appliances (pretreatment), at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 18 months after appliances were placed; and 3 months after appliances were removed (posttreatment). Loss of attachment between the pretreatment and posttreatment visits also was determined. At pretreatment, no significant differences were found in gingival inflammation between maxillary and mandibular banded and bonded molars. During treatment, both maxillary and mandibular banded molars showed significantly (p less than 0.05) greater gingival inflammation and plaque accumulation than did bonded molars. Three months after appliance removal, the maxillary molars that had been banded continued to show significantly more gingival inflammation and loss of attachment than did the maxillary molars that had been bonded. When all banded and bonded teeth were grouped by patient age, mean values for plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation in the maxillary molar regions were significantly greater for adolescents than for adults.

  19. Fracture Resistance of Pulpotomized Primary Molar Restored with Extensive Class II Amalgam Restorations

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    F. Mazhari


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate fracture resistance of pulpoto-mized primary molar teeth restored with extensive multisurface amalgam restorations.Materials and Methods: Eighty extracted carious human primary molar teeth were se-lected forpresent study. Teeth were divided in to eight groups of ten. Mesio- or disto-occlusal and Mesio-occluso-distal cavities with different cavity wall thickness (1.5 or 2.5mm were prepared in both first and second primary molar teeth. After restoring teeth with amalgam, all specimens were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 7 days. Then samples were thermocycled for 1000 cycles from 5°C to 55°C. The specimens then were subjected to a compressive load in a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm min-1. ANOVA and t-test were used for statistical analysis.Results: Mean fracture resistance of first and second molar teeth were 975.5 N (SD=368.8 and 1049.2 N (SD=540.1 respectively. In the first molar group, fracture resis-tance of two-surface cavities was significantly more than three-surface cavities (P<0.001, however this difference was not statistically significant in the second molar group. In both first and second molar group, fracture resistance incavities with 2.5 mm wall thickness, was significantly more than the group with 1.5 mm wall thickness.Conclusion: The mean fracture resistance in pulpotomized primary molar restored with amalgam restorations was higher than reported maximum bite force in primary teeth even in extensive multi-surface restorations. Therefore, the teeth with large proximal carious lesions in schoolchildren could be restored with amalgam.

  20. Polarization and molar volumes of ortho- and para-deuterium solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milenko, Yu.Ya.; Sibileva, R.M.


    The dielectric constant of liquid solutions of ortho-and para-deuterium is measured over the range of 2.2-91% p-D 2 from 18.7 to 20.4deg K. Data on polarization and molar volumes are obtained for the whole (0-100%) concentration range. Corrected summary to paper [2] is also listed: dielectric constant of ortho- and para-hydrogen liquid solution is measured within a concentration range of 0-97% of o-molecules at 14-20.4deg K. It is established that dependence of the Clausius-Mossotti function for o-p-hydrogen solutions of o-p-composition is linear. Molar volumes of the o-p-mixtures are calculated. The excessive molar volumes are found, positive deviation from additivity, 0.15% is established

  1. Origin of choriocarcinoma in previous molar pregnancy proved by DNA analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vojtassak, J.; Repiska, V.; Konecna, B.; Zajac, V.; Korbel, M.; Danihel, L.


    A 17-year old woman had in a short time period (seven months) a very exciting reproduction history. Molar pregnancy in December 1993, choriocarcinoma in January 1994 and induced abortion in June 1994. DNA analysis proved the origin of the choriocarcinoma in the previous molar pregnancy. (author)

  2. Assessment of age of majority by measurement of open apices of the third molars using Cameriere's third molar maturity index. (United States)

    Sharma, Preeti; Wadhwan, Vijay; Ravi Prakash, S M; Aggarwal, Pooja; Sharma, Neeraj


    Evaluation of biological age of a living subject around the legal cutoff age for adulthood has become a grave concern for forensic experts in India, mainly due to the consequences of criminal obligations in judicial proceedings. Thus, this study was planned to examine the open apices of third molars in discriminating between individuals who are aged 18 years or older and who are not 18 years or older and to assign a cutoff for estimation of the age of 18 years. Orthopantomographs of 1062 individuals (14 and 23 years) were assessed, to verify Cameriere's third molar maturity index (I 3M ). The apical ends of the roots of the left mandibular third molar were analyzed. If the apical ends of the roots are completely closed, then I 3M is zero; otherwise, it is calculated as the sum of the distances between the inner sides of the two open apices divided by the tooth length. The sensitivity of the test for 0.08 value was 74.7% for males and 66% for females. Specificity was 83.6% for males and 79.6% for females. The probability that an Indian individual with an I 3M age in Indian population.

  3. Endodontic therapy for a fused mandibular molar. (United States)

    Rotstein, I; Moshonov, J; Cohenca, N


    Variations in tooth morphology present a clinical challenge when endodontic treatment is required. A case of conservative endodontic therapy for a fused mandibular second and third molar is presented.

  4. Fate of third molar in line of mandibular angle fracture - Retrospective study

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    Preetha Balaji


    Conclusion: The present study fails to identify any concrete factors that would predict the failure of the retained third molar that were involved in the line of mandibular fractures. The proof presented here, especially with low complication rates indicate that all impacted third molar along the line of fracture be removed and unless necessary, the partially erupted teeth would also be extracted. In such a situation, the rate of infection and survival of the third molar would have been entirely different.

  5. Clinical and orthopantomographic evaluation of mandibular third molar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F K Saraswati


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate sensitivity of orthopentograph (OPG in assessing the number and morphology of roots of the mandibular third molar. Materials and Methods : The study population consisted of 100 ILTMs (impacted lower third molars ranging from 18 to 42 years with equal sex distribution. All the teeth were subsequently extracted , collected and compared with OPG features for position, numb,er, morphology, and relation to mandibular canal. Conclusion: In conclusion, a large sample study is suggested with techniques like Clark′s and right angle technique which determines the three-dimensional orientation of the impacted teeth.

  6. ¿Qué significa tener especialistas con el título de Segundo Grado?

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    José Suárez Lezcano


    Full Text Available La Salud Pública cubana es uno de los logros más significativos y trascendentales de la Revolución Cubana. El Sistema Cubano de Salud tiene, entre sus eslabones para los graduados de Doctor en Medicina o Doctor en Estomatología, la obtención de los títulos de Especialista de Primer Grado y de Segundo Grado. Pero, ¿qué diferencia uno del otro? El Especialista de Segundo Grado es aquel que ha demostrado un dominio de excelencia en su especialidad; su nivel de desarrollo de habilidades y sus conocimientos lo ubican al más alto nivel de la Ciencia a nivel internacional. Y eso se demuestra con varios hechos: - Todo Especialista de Segundo Grado ha presentado, al menos, diez trabajos sobre su especialidad en congresos, simposios, jornadas y en actividades científicas de nivel municipal, provincial, nacional o internacional. - Ha recibido cursos o adiestramientos nacionales o extranjeros, provinciales y municipales, con una duración total equivalente como mínimo a 200 horas. - Ha participado como profesor en cursos de postgrado de su especialidad u otras afines, con no menos de 60 horas acumuladas impartidas personalmente. - Ha presentado, para la evaluación por el tribunal, de los ejemplares completos de, al menos, dos trabajos publicados en revistas científico-técnicas cubanas, provinciales o nacionales, impresas o electrónicas con sello del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (CITMA y extranjeras publicadas en Base de datos LILACS y SCIELO. En dos de sus publicaciones es el primer autor. Hay muchos profesionales que tienen consideradas como publicaciones su participación como autor en la elaboración de planes y programas de estudios, en patentes obtenidas o informes de registro sobre ensayos clínicos realizados, con el correspondiente aval del Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos (CENCEC o del Centro para el Control Estatal de la Calidad de los Medicamentos (CECMED; también hay profesionales que han

  7. Molar-incisor-hypomineralisation (MIH). Retrospective clinical study in Greek children. I. Prevalence and defect characteristics. (United States)

    Lygidakis, N A; Dimou, G; Briseniou, E


    This was to evaluate the prevalence and the clinical characteristics of MIH in a group of Greek children. During the years 2003--2005, all MIH cases diagnosed according to the recently set criteria were selected from the new patients clinic of a Community Dental Centre for Children (Athens). Age, gender and teeth involved were recorded. The severity of MIH was determined collectively by dividing the affected teeth in two groups; a) mild defect (demarcated opacities) and b) moderate/severe defect (enamel breakdown and atypical restorations). Evaluation of the distribution of the affected teeth within MIH cases was performed in a separate group of 225 affected children aged 8-12 years with their entire 12 'index' teeth erupted. From the 3,518, 5.5 to 12 year old children that were examined, there were 360 (10.2%) children with MIH, 211 (58.6%) females and 149 (41.4%) males, with 1,926 affected teeth, 1,231 molars and 695 incisors. In the molars group, maxillary molars were more frequently affected (87.8/90.3%) than mandibular (81.7/82.2%). In the central incisor group, maxillary teeth were also more frequently affected (50/55%) than mandibular (24.4/25%), while laterals were the least affected. In all there were 37.9% molars with moderate/severe defects as compared with 4.9% incisors, the remaining 62.1% and 95.1% respectively being mild. The various associations between the affected teeth were evaluated in the sub-group of 225 MIH children with all 'index' teeth erupted (1,286 affected teeth, 776 molars and 510 incisors), with mean number of affected teeth per child being 5.7; separately for molars 3.4 and for incisors 2.2. In these cases 28.4% of the children had only molars affected and 71.6% had both molars and incisors. In descending order the associations of affected teeth more frequently found were: 4 molars/2 incisors (23.5%), 4 molars/4 incisors (16.8%), 4 molars alone (15.1%) and 2 molars alone (9.7%), the remaining being much less. As age increased the

  8. Matemáticas, materiales manipulativos y rutinas Proyecto para segundo de Primaria


    Fraile-Bravo, Maria


    Este trabajo presenta un proyecto que pretende crear una rutina de trabajo en el aula de segundo de primaria, en la cual se trabajen las matemáticas con materiales manipulativos. Esta forma de trabajar tiene el objetivo de mejorar la competencia matemática de los alumnos y fomentar un espacio en el que los alumnos operen con las matemáticas de manera concreta para después llegar al concepto abstracto correspondiente. Todo lo desarrollado en el proyecto se halla fundamentado en ...



    Hernando-Echeverría, Ligia; Ruíz-Hernández, Amalia; Solís-Zamora, Kathya


    La microcuenca del río Segundo es parte de la principal zona de explotación hídrica, en la región Central de Costa Rica. Razón por la cual se realiza un diagnóstico de la disponibilidad del recur-so hídrico en  la microcuenca del río Segundo, e  identifcar  las áreas con mayor problemática de disponibilidad de recurso hídrico. Para ello se calculó un balance hídrico mensual, según uso del suelo, unidad geomorfológica y zona climática. Con base en este balance se calculó y clasifcó la disponib...

  10. Standard molar enthalpies of formation of three methyl-pyrazole derivatives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V.; Cabral, Joana I.T.A.


    Highlights: ► Combustion calorimetry was used to determine Δ f H m ∘ (cr) of methyl-pyrazole derivatives. ► Vapour pressures were determined by the Knudsen mass-loss effusion technique. ► Gas-phase Δ f H m ∘ of the studied compounds have been derived. - Abstract: The standard (p ° = 0.1 MPa) molar enthalpies of formation of the crystalline 3-methyl-1-pyrazolecarboxamide; 3-methyl-3-pyrazoline-5-one; and 4-methyl-2-pyrazoline-5-one were derived from the standard massic energies of combustion, in oxygen, to yield CO 2 (g), H 2 O (l) and N 2 (g), at T = 298.15 K, measured by static bomb combustion calorimetry. The standard molar enthalpies of sublimation were calculated from the variation of the vapour pressures of each compound with temperature, measured by the Knudsen effusion technique. These two thermodynamic parameters yielded the standard molar enthalpies of formation of the pyrazole derivatives, in the gaseous phase, at T = 298.15 K. The derived standard molar enthalpies of formation, in gaseous state, are analyzed in terms of enthalpic increments and interpreted in terms of molecular structure.

  11. Hypomineralized second primary molars: prevalence data in Dutch 5-year-olds

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elfrink, M.E.C.; Schuller, A.A.; Weerheijm, K.L.; Veerkamp, J.S.J.


    The aim of this cross-sectional observational study was to report on the prevalence of hypomineralizations in second primary molars in 5-year-old Dutch children. In the study 386 (45% girls) 5-year-old Dutch children, all insured by a Health Insurance Fund, participated. Scoring criteria for molar

  12. Three-dimensional primate molar enamel thickness. (United States)

    Olejniczak, Anthony J; Tafforeau, Paul; Feeney, Robin N M; Martin, Lawrence B


    Molar enamel thickness has played an important role in the taxonomic, phylogenetic, and dietary assessments of fossil primate teeth for nearly 90 years. Despite the frequency with which enamel thickness is discussed in paleoanthropological discourse, methods used to attain information about enamel thickness are destructive and record information from only a single plane of section. Such semidestructive planar methods limit sample sizes and ignore dimensional data that may be culled from the entire length of a tooth. In light of recently developed techniques to investigate enamel thickness in 3D and the frequent use of enamel thickness in dietary and phylogenetic interpretations of living and fossil primates, the study presented here aims to produce and make available to other researchers a database of 3D enamel thickness measurements of primate molars (n=182 molars). The 3D enamel thickness measurements reported here generally agree with 2D studies. Hominoids show a broad range of relative enamel thicknesses, and cercopithecoids have relatively thicker enamel than ceboids, which in turn have relatively thicker enamel than strepsirrhine primates, on average. Past studies performed using 2D sections appear to have accurately diagnosed the 3D relative enamel thickness condition in great apes and humans: Gorilla has the relatively thinnest enamel, Pan has relatively thinner enamel than Pongo, and Homo has the relatively thickest enamel. Although the data set presented here has some taxonomic gaps, it may serve as a useful reference for researchers investigating enamel thickness in fossil taxa and studies of primate gnathic biology.

  13. Pressure Dependence of Molar Volume near the Melting Point in Benzene

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    The pressure dependence of the molar volume was at constant temperatures close to the melting point in benzene. The molar volume of benzene was calculated using experimental data for the thermal expansivity for constant temperatures of 25℃, 28.5℃, 40℃, and 51℃ at various pressures for both the solid and liquid phases. The predictions are in good agreement with the observed volumes in both the solid and liquid phases of benzene. The predicted values of the molar volume for a constant temperature of 28.5℃ in the liquid phase of benzene agree well with experimental data in the literature.

  14. Standard molar enthalpies of formation of 2-furancarbonitrile, 2-acetylfuran, and 3-furaldehyde

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V.; Amaral, Luisa M.P.F.


    The standard (p 0 = 0.1 MPa) molar energies of combustion of 2-furancarbonitrile, 2-acetylfuran, and 3-furaldehyde were measured by static bomb combustion calorimetry; the Calvet high-temperature microcalorimetry was used to measure the enthalpies of vaporization of these liquid compounds. The standard molar enthalpies of formation of the three compounds, in the gaseous phase, at T = 298.15 K, have been derived from the corresponding standard molar enthalpies of formation in the liquid phase and the standard molar enthalpies of phase transition, as (106.8 ± 1.1) kJ . mol -1 , -(207.4 ± 1.3) kJ . mol -1 , and -(151.9 ± 1.1) kJ . mol -1 , for 2-furancarbonitrile, 2-acetylfuran, and 3-furaldehyde, respectively. Standard molar enthalpies of formation are discussed in terms of the isomerization ortho meta. Enthalpic increment values of the introduction of the functional groups -CN, -CHO, and -COCH 3 were also compared with some other heterocycles; i.e. thiophene and pyridine

  15. Piezoelectric Versus Conventional Rotary Techniques for Impacted Third Molar Extraction (United States)

    Jiang, Qian; Qiu, Yating; Yang, Chi; Yang, Jingyun; Chen, Minjie; Zhang, Zhiyuan


    Abstract Impacted third molars are frequently encountered in clinical work. Surgical removal of impacted third molars is often required to prevent clinical symptoms. Traditional rotary cutting instruments are potentially injurious, and piezosurgery, as a new osteotomy technique, has been introduced in oral and maxillofacial surgery. No consistent conclusion has been reached regarding whether this new technique is associated with fewer or less severe postoperative sequelae after third molar extraction. The aim of this study was to compare piezosurgery with rotary osteotomy techniques, with regard to surgery time and the severity of postoperative sequelae, including pain, swelling, and trismus. We conducted a systematic literature search in the Cochrane Library, PubMed, Embase, and Google Scholar. The eligibility criteria of this study included the following: the patients were clearly diagnosed as having impacted mandibular third molars; the patients underwent piezosurgery osteotomy, and in the control group rotary osteotomy techniques, for removing impacted third molars; the outcomes of interest include surgery time, trismus, swelling or pain; the studies are randomized controlled trials. We used random-effects models to calculate the difference in the outcomes, and the corresponding 95% confidence interval. We calculated the weighted mean difference if the trials used the same measurement, and a standardized mean difference if otherwise. A total of seven studies met the eligibility criteria and were included in our analysis. Compared with rotary osteotomy, patients undergoing piezosurgery experienced longer surgery time (mean difference 4.13 minutes, 95% confidence interval 2.75–5.52, P piezosurgery groups. The number of included randomized controlled trials and the sample size of each trial were relatively small, double blinding was not possible, and cost analysis was unavailable due to a lack of data. Our meta-analysis indicates that although patients

  16. Desigualdades sociais e tuberculose: analise segundo raca/cor, Mato Grosso do Sul

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Cesar Basta


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO Analisar características sociodemográficas e clínico-epidemiológicas dos casos de tuberculose e fatores associados ao abandono e ao óbito na vigência do tratamento. MÉTODOS Estudo epidemiológico baseado em dados notificados de tuberculose em indígenas e não indígenas, segundo raça/cor, em Mato Grosso do Sul, entre 2001 e 2009. Realizou-se análise descritiva dos casos de acordo com as variáveis sexo, faixa etária, zona de residência, exames empregados para o diagnóstico, forma clínica, tratamento supervisionado e situação de encerramento, segundo raça/cor. Utilizou-se análise univariada e múltipla por meio de regressão logística para identificar preditores de abandono e óbito, e odds ratio como medida de associação. Foi construída série histórica de incidência, segundo raça/cor. RESULTADOS Registraram-se 6.962 casos novos de tuberculose no período, 15,6% entre indígenas. Houve predomínio em homens e adultos (20 a 44 anos em todos os grupos. A maior parte dos doentes indígenas residia na zona rural (79,8% e 13,5% dos registros nos indígenas ocorreram em 45 anos (OR = 3,0; IC95% 1,2;7,8 e com a forma mista (OR = 2,3; IC95% 1,1;5,0 apresentaram associação com óbito. Apesar de representarem 3,0% da população, os indígenas foram responsáveis por 15,6% das notificações no período. CONCLUSÕES Houve importantes desigualdades em relação ao adoecimento por tuberculose entre as categorias estudadas. As incidências nos indígenas foram consistentemente maiores, chegando a exceder em mais de seis vezes as médias nacionais. Entre pretos e pardos, piores resultados no tratamento foram observados, pois apresentaram chance de abandono duas vezes maior que os indígenas. O mau desempenho do programa também esteve fortemente associado ao abandono e ao óbito. Acredita-se que, enquanto não se reduzir a pobreza, as desigualdades nos indicadores em saúde permanecerão.

  17. Mandibular molar root morphology in Neanderthals and Late Pleistocene and recent Homo sapiens. (United States)

    Kupczik, Kornelius; Hublin, Jean-Jacques


    Neanderthals have a distinctive suite of dental features, including large anterior crown and root dimensions and molars with enlarged pulp cavities. Yet, there is little known about variation in molar root morphology in Neanderthals and other recent and fossil members of Homo. Here, we provide the first comprehensive metric analysis of permanent mandibular molar root morphology in Middle and Late Pleistocene Homo neanderthalensis, and Late Pleistocene (Aterian) and recent Homo sapiens. We specifically address the question of whether root form can be used to distinguish between these groups and assess whether any variation in root form can be related to differences in tooth function. We apply a microtomographic imaging approach to visualise and quantify the external and internal dental morphologies of both isolated molars and molars embedded in the mandible (n=127). Univariate and multivariate analyses reveal both similarities (root length and pulp volume) and differences (occurrence of pyramidal roots and dental tissue volume proportion) in molar root morphology among penecontemporaneous Neanderthals and Aterian H. sapiens. In contrast, the molars of recent H. sapiens are markedly smaller than both Pleistocene H. sapiens and Neanderthals, but share with the former the dentine volume reduction and a smaller root-to-crown volume compared with Neanderthals. Furthermore, we found the first molar to have the largest average root surface area in recent H. sapiens and Neanderthals, although in the latter the difference between M(1) and M(2) is small. In contrast, Aterian H. sapiens root surface areas peak at M(2). Since root surface area is linked to masticatory function, this suggests a distinct occlusal loading regime in Neanderthals compared with both recent and Pleistocene H. sapiens. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Interfacial Properties of Methylcelluloses: The Influence of Molar Mass

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    Pauline L. Nasatto


    Full Text Available The interfacial interactions of four methylcelluloses having the same average degree of substitution and distribution of methyl groups, but different molar masses, are studied at ambient temperature and at very low polymer concentrations. Firstly, the surface tension σ at the water/air interface is determined for the progressive addition of methylcellulose up to 100 mg/L; σ starts to decrease over 1 mg/L up to the critical aggregation concentration (CAC at 10 mg/L. The curves describing the influence of polymer concentration on σ are independent of the molar mass at equilibrium. Secondly, the adsorption of methylcellulose on silica particles is estimated from ζ-potential measurements. The data are interpreted in terms of an increase of the adsorbed layer thickness at the interface when the molar mass of methylcellulose increases. It is concluded that methylcellulose is adsorbed, forming trains and loops at the interface based on the equilibrium between surface free energy and solvent quality.


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    Elitsa G. Deliverska


    Full Text Available Third molar surgery is the most common procedure performed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons worldwide. This article addresses the incidence of specific complications and, where possible, offers a preventive or management strategy. Complications, such as pain, dry socket, swelling, paresthesia of the lingual or inferior alveolar nerve, bleeding, and infection are most common. Factors thought to influence the incidence of complications after third molar removal include age, gender, medical history, oral contraceptives, presence of pericoronitis, poor oral hygiene, smoking, type of impaction, relationship of third molar to the inferior alveolar nerve, surgical time, surgical technique, surgeon experience, use of perioperative antibiotics, use of topical antiseptics, use of intra-socket medications, and anaesthetic technique. For the general dental practitioner, as well as the oral and maxillofacial surgeon, it is important to be familiar with all the possible complications after this procedure. This improves patient education and leads to prevention, early recognition and management.

  20. 3-D diagnosis-assisted management of anomalous mandibular molar

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    Neelam Mittal


    Full Text Available This case report describes the successful non-surgical endodontic management of carious exposed three-rooted mandibular molar with four root canals detected on the pre-operative radiograph taken with 20 degrees mesial angulation and confirmed with a 64-slice helical computed tomography scan-assisted 3-D-reconstructed images. Access cavity shape was modified to locate the extra canal with respect to the distolingual root in the left mandibular first molar. Copious irrigation was accomplished with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite and 17% EDTA. Biomechanical preparation was done using protapers. Calcium hydroxide dressing was done for 1 week. The tooth was obturated using gutta percha and AH 26 root canal sealer, and it was permanently restored with composite. Clinical examination on follow-up visits revealed no sensitivity to percussion and palpation in the left mandibular first molar. Thorough knowledge of root canal variations and use of advanced diagnostic modalities lead to successful non-surgical management of the complex cases.

  1. Mandibular third molar development after mantle radiation in long-term survivors of childhood Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McGinnis, J.P. Jr.; Hopkins, K.P.; Thompson, E.I.; Hustu, H.O.


    Sequential panoramic radiographs were assessed for mandibular third molar development in 47 long-term survivors of childhood Hodgkin's disease after treatment with 37 Gy mantle field radiation. To make a comparison, panoramic radiographs of 149 healthy, nonirradiated children were reviewed for the presence of mandibular third molars. In children between the ages of 7 and 12 years, bilateral agenesis of mandibular third molars was more frequent in patients who had been treated with mantle radiation than in nonirradiated patients. Unilateral agenesis, crown hypoplasia, and root growth impairment of mandibular third molars were also found. Similar, apparent, radiation-induced developmental anomalies were noted in maxillary third molars of the irradiated patients

  2. Unilateral distalization of a maxillary molar with sliding mechanics: a case report. (United States)

    Keles, Ahmet


    A unilateral Class II relationship could arise due to early loss of an upper second deciduous molar on one side during the mixed dentition period. This would allow the mesial drift of the molars, which may block the eruption of the second premolar. A 15-year 8-month-old male patient presented with a Class II molar relationship on the right, and Class I canine and molar relationship on the left side. His E was extracted when he was 5 years old. The 54 were impacted and the 3 was ectopically positioned due to the space loss from the mesial migration of the 76. In addition 21 1 were in cross-bite. Skeletally he had Class III tendency with low MMPA. He presented with a straight profile and retruded upper lip. For maxillary molar distalization, a newly developed 'Keles Slider' was used. The appliance was composed of one premolar and two molar bands, and the anchorage unit was composed of a wide Nance button. 46 were connected to the Nance button and, therefore, included into the anchorage unit. The point of distal force application was close to the centre of resistance of the 6 and parallel to the occlusal plane. Ni-Ti coil springs were used and 200 g of distal force was applied. Seven months later the space required for eruption of the permanent premolars and canine was regained, and the anterior cross-bite corrected. The appliance was removed and final alignment of the teeth was achieved with fixed appliances. At the end of the second phase treatment Class I molar and canine relationship was achieved on the both sides, the anterior cross-bite was corrected, inter-incisal angle was improved, and ideal overbite and overjet relationship was achieved. The active treatment time was 27 months.

  3. The incidence of cysts and tumors associated with impacted third molars

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    A T Vigneswaran


    Full Text Available Incidence of cysts and tumors associated with lower impacted third molars are very low prevalence, which might be because of the fact that most pathologies go unnoticed as many practitioners discard the erupted tissue after surgical removal of the impacted teeth rather than sending the tissue for histopathological examination. Our aim was to evaluate the patients who came for third molar surgical removal with due therapeutic prophylacis and an incidental finding. A proper study protocol both inclusion and exclusion criteria was strictly followed for all the cases, which were included in the study. The period of study was 6 years and the total number of cases assessed were 2778 patients out of which 70 cases reported pathology associated with the impacted third molars. Among 70 cases 61.4% were reported as cyst and tumors and 38.6% of the cases had chronic inflammatory reaction, including two cases with normal dental follicle. High incidence rate of pathology associated with third molar occurred between age group of 20 and 30 years older age groups showed very low incidence. Most common site of impaction was found to be left side of mandible and positions were vertical and distoangular impactions. Thus was male predominance in the younger groups. The examination is necessary whether the third molars impacted cases were symptomatic or asymptomatic

  4. Mineralization of mandibular third molars can estimate chronological age--Brazilian indices. (United States)

    de Oliveira, Fernando Toledo; Capelozza, Ana Lúcia Álvares; Lauris, José Roberto Pereira; de Bullen, Izabel Regina Fischer Rubira


    Forensic age estimation is an important element of anthropological research, as it produces one of the primary sources of data that researchers use to establish the identity of a person living or the identity of unknown bodily remains. The aim of this study was to determine if the chronology of third molar mineralization could be an accurate indicator of estimated age in a sample Brazilian population. If so, mineralization could determine the probability of an individual being 18 years or older. The study evaluated 407 panoramic radiographs of males and females from the past 5 years in order to assess the mineralization status of the mandibular third molars. The evaluation was carried out using an adaptation of Demirjian's system. The results indicated a strong correlation between chronological age and the mineralization of the mandibular third molars. The results indicated that modern Brazilian generation tends to demonstrate an earlier mandibular third molar mineralization than older Brazilian generation and people of other nationalities. Males reached developmental stages slightly earlier than females, but statistically significant differences between the sex were not found. The probability that an individual with third molar mineralization stage H had reached an age of 18 years or older was 96.8-98.6% for males and females, respectively. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. P Elevator: An Innovatively Designed Elevator for Extraction of Third Molars. (United States)

    Singh, Pradeep; Xiao, Shui Sheng; Ajmera, Deepal Haresh


    To modify the conventional straight elevator with a unique and innovative design in respect to approach and accessibility during extraction for patients with abrasions around corners of the mouth and with thick buccal mucosa, without causing overstretching of angles of the mouth. The shank of the straight elevator in the shape of a 'U' was modified, giving it a shape similar to 'P' in the English alphabet hence it is named the P Elevator. The P elevator utilises a 'U' shaped bend in the shank of the conventional straight elevator making space for the buccal soft tissues and the angle of the mouth, to accommodate properly in the 'U' shank. The application of this elevator in the successful removal of third molars is described. Two hundred patients underwent extraction of third molars with the P elevator including 166 patients with disimpaction of all third molars, 23 patients with abrasion around the angle of the mouth, and 11 patients with thick buccal mucosa. Satisfactory results were obtained in all the cases with no postoperative complications. The P elevator permits prudent, meticulous, innovative and proficient extraction of third molars in patients with thick buccal mucosa and abrasions around the angle of the mouth, without overstretching the corners of the mouth. We introduce novel applications of the P elevator in third molar extraction that provide substantial advantages over a conventional straight elevator.

  6. Parsing partial molar volumes of small molecules: a molecular dynamics study. (United States)

    Patel, Nisha; Dubins, David N; Pomès, Régis; Chalikian, Tigran V


    We used molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in conjunction with the Kirkwood-Buff theory to compute the partial molar volumes for a number of small solutes of various chemical natures. We repeated our computations using modified pair potentials, first, in the absence of the Coulombic term and, second, in the absence of the Coulombic and the attractive Lennard-Jones terms. Comparison of our results with experimental data and the volumetric results of Monte Carlo simulation with hard sphere potentials and scaled particle theory-based computations led us to conclude that, for small solutes, the partial molar volume computed with the Lennard-Jones potential in the absence of the Coulombic term nearly coincides with the cavity volume. On the other hand, MD simulations carried out with the pair interaction potentials containing only the repulsive Lennard-Jones term produce unrealistically large partial molar volumes of solutes that are close to their excluded volumes. Our simulation results are in good agreement with the reported schemes for parsing partial molar volume data on small solutes. In particular, our determined interaction volumes() and the thickness of the thermal volume for individual compounds are in good agreement with empirical estimates. This work is the first computational study that supports and lends credence to the practical algorithms of parsing partial molar volume data that are currently in use for molecular interpretations of volumetric data.

  7. Root and Canal Morphology of Mandibular Third Molars in an Iranian Population

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    Maryam Kuzekanani


    Full Text Available Background and aims. A through knowledge of the root canal morphology is required for successful endodontic therapy. The aim of this study was to investigate the root and canal morphology of mandibular third molars in Kerman, a province in southeast of Iran. Materials and methods. One-hundred-fifty extracted mandibular third molars were collected randomly from different dental clinics in Kerman. The root canal anatomy and morphology of each tooth was carefully studied using a clearing technique. Root number and morphology, number of canals per root, root canal configuration according to Vertucci classification, and incidence of dilacerated roots and C-shaped canals in mandibular third molars were evaluated under stereomicroscope with ×2 to ×3 magnifications. Results. From the total of 150 mandibular third molars studied, 21% had one root. The majority of teeth (73% had two roots. 5.5% of the teeth had three roots. The incidence of C-shaped canal was 3.5% in this study and 8% of the teeth had at least one dilacerated root. Conclusion. Although root canal anatomy and morphology of mandibular third molars is very variable having two roots seems to be the normal anatomy for these teeth.

  8. [An 18 month evaluation of MM-MTA pulpotomy on primary decayed molars]. (United States)

    Abou Chedid, J C; Mchayleh, N; Khalil, I; Melki, B; Hardan, L S


    Pulpotomy is the most performed and controversial therapeutic in pediatric dentistry. Formocresol is known to have a toxic effect on living tissues, a mutagenic and carcinogenic potential with a systemic uptake of formocresol via pulpotomized teeth, other alternative products have been investigated. 40 molars were pulpotomized using Micro Mega Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MM-MTA), which eliminates the need for the use of formocresol. The effects of this material were evaluated both clinically and radiographically. Post-operative control examinations were performed at 1, 6, 12, and 18 months trying to detect spontaneous or stimulated pain, pathological tooth mobility, abscesses or fistulas, internal or external pathological tooth resorption, periapical bone destruction, or canal obliteration. Pain was absent at 18 months post operatively. Thirty six molar treated with the MM-MTA didn't show any mobility or pain, one molar presented a pathological resorption and one molar presented an abscess without a fistula at 12 month. The observations were compared to others related to formocresol, ferric sulfate, MTA, and laser pulpotomies, using the Chi-square test x2. The abundance of positive result strongly demonstrate that the MM-MTA pulpotomy on carious temporary molars is a promising technique.

  9. Radiographic assessment of lower third molar eruption in different anteroposterior skeletal patterns and age-related groups. (United States)

    Jakovljevic, Aleksandar; Lazic, Emira; Soldatovic, Ivan; Nedeljkovic, Nenad; Andric, Miroslav


    To analyze radiographic predictors for lower third molar eruption among subjects with different anteroposterior skeletal relations and of different age groups. In total, 300 lower third molars were recorded on diagnostic digital orthopantomograms (DPTs) and lateral cephalograms (LCs). The radiographs were grouped according to sagittal intermaxillary angle (ANB), subject age, and level of lower third molar eruption. The DPT was used to analyze retromolar space, mesiodistal crown width, space/width ratio, third and second molar angulation (α, γ), third molar inclination (β), and gonion angle. The LC was used to determine ANB, angles of maxillar and mandibular prognathism (SNA, SNB), mandibular plane angle (SN/MP), and mandibular lengths. A logistic regression model was created using the statistically significant predictors. The logistic regression analysis revealed a statistically significant impact of β angle and distance between gonion and gnathion (Go-Gn) on the level of lower third molar eruption (P third molar impaction rate was significantly higher in the adult subgroup with the Class II (62.3%) compared with Class III subjects (31.7%; P third molar eruption were measured in Class III subjects. For valid estimation of mandibular third molar eruption, certain linear and angular measures (β angle, Go-Gn), as well as the size of the retromolar space, need to be considered.

  10. Molar macrowear reveals Neanderthal eco-geographic dietary variation.

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    Luca Fiorenza

    Full Text Available Neanderthal diets are reported to be based mainly on the consumption of large and medium sized herbivores, while the exploitation of other food types including plants has also been demonstrated. Though some studies conclude that early Homo sapiens were active hunters, the analyses of faunal assemblages, stone tool technologies and stable isotopic studies indicate that they exploited broader dietary resources than Neanderthals. Whereas previous studies assume taxon-specific dietary specializations, we suggest here that the diet of both Neanderthals and early Homo sapiens is determined by ecological conditions. We analyzed molar wear patterns using occlusal fingerprint analysis derived from optical 3D topometry. Molar macrowear accumulates during the lifespan of an individual and thus reflects diet over long periods. Neanderthal and early Homo sapiens maxillary molar macrowear indicates strong eco-geographic dietary variation independent of taxonomic affinities. Based on comparisons with modern hunter-gatherer populations with known diets, Neanderthals as well as early Homo sapiens show high dietary variability in Mediterranean evergreen habitats but a more restricted diet in upper latitude steppe/coniferous forest environments, suggesting a significant consumption of high protein meat resources.

  11. Controlled, Rapid Uprighting of Molars: A surprisingly Simple Solution The Pivot Arm Appliance. (United States)

    Warise, Timothy R; Galella, Steve A


    In orthodontic cases where the regional anatomy provides limited room for eruption, there is etiologically a higher occurrence of tipped/impacted second molars. Although second molar extraction with third molar replacement is a useful option, the "Pivot Arm Appliance" encourages the uprighting of the second molar as a preferred treatment. The most unique and important attribute of the "Pivot Arm Appliance" is the rotating tube. In cases of access limitation, the disto-occlusal surface of the molar presents as one area that is accessible. Other features of the "Pivot Arm Appliance" include: The position of the rotator tube delivers optimal rotational force through the pivoting action of the tube/arm complex. The "Pivot Arm Appliance" takes advantage of the efficiency and simplicity of a Class I lever system. The anatomical fulcrum being the dense cortical bone located anterior to the ascending ramus. The vertical spring system is compact, reliable and delivers gentle controlled force in rotational direction. The lingual location of the "Pivot Arm Appliance" does not hinder the function of the tongue, impinge on the soft tissue or interfere with normal masticatory function. The ease of placement of the rotator tube and subsequent insertion of the spring. It is well to note the uprighting appliance provides a very useful and practical approach to the unique problem of severely tipped second molars with limited buccal access. The "Pivot Arm Appliance" does not function only in these situations but can be used in all cases of second molar uprighting of a moderate to severe nature.

  12. Prevalence, association, and sexual dimorphism of Carabelli's molar and shovel incisor traits amongst Jordanian population. (United States)

    Khraisat, A; Taha, Sahar T; Jung, R E; Hattar, S; Smadi, L; Al-Omari, I K; Jarbawi, M


    The correlation between dental morphological traits can be used as an indicator to show major ethnic differences. Therefore, this study investigated the prevalence of Carabelli's molar and shovel incisor traits and tested their association and sexual dimorphism in Jordanian population. Three hundred subjects of school children at their 10th grade and of 15.5-year as an average age were involved. Alginate impressions for the maxillary arch were taken, poured, and casts were then trimmed. The selected accurate casts were of 132 male- and 155 female-students. The examined morphologic traits were Carabelli's trait on the maxillary first and second molars and shovel-shaped incisors. The relationship between different traits was investigated by Nonparametric Correlation analysis and Independent Sample t test was used to test sexual dimorphism in trait expression. The prevalence of Carabelli's trait in maxillary first molar and shovel trait in maxillary central incisor was relatively high (65.0 % and 53.0 %, respectively). The prevalence of Carabelli's trait on maxillary second molars was 3.8 %. Nonparametric Correlations revealed a strongest positive correlation between Carabelli's trait on maxillary first molar and shovel trait in males (P = 0.005). Significant sexual dimorphism was only found in the prevalence of Carabelli's trait on maxillary first molar (P = 0.013) and shovel trait (P = 0.038). The Jordanian Population had comparatively high prevalence of Carabelli's molar and shovel incisor traits. There was a positive association between Carabelli's trait on maxillary first molar and shovel trait in males. Sexual dimorphism was evident in Carabelli's trait on maxillary first molar and shovel trait.

  13. Lower molar and incisor displacement associated with mandibular remodeling. (United States)

    Baumrind, S; Bravo, L A; Ben-Bassat, Y; Curry, S; Korn, E L


    The purpose of this study was to quantify the amount of alveolar modeling at the apices of the mandibular incisor and first molar specifically associated with appositional and resorptive changes on the lower border of the mandible during growth and treatment. Cephalometric data from superimpositions on anterior cranial base, mandibular implants of the Björk type, and anatomical "best fit" of mandibular border structures were integrated using a recently developed strategy, which is described. Data were available at annual intervals between 8.5 and 15.5 years for a previously described sample of approximately 30 children with implants. The average magnitudes of the changes at the root apices of the mandibular first molar and central incisor associated with modeling/remodeling of the mandibular border and symphysis were unexpectedly small. At the molar apex, mean values approximated zero in both anteroposterior and vertical directions. At the incisor apex, mean values approximated zero in the anteroposterior direction and averaged less than 0.15 mm/year in the vertical direction. Standard deviations were roughly equal for the molar and the incisor in both the anteroposterior and vertical directions. Dental displacement associated with surface modeling plays a smaller role in final tooth position in the mandible than in the maxilla. It may also be reasonably inferred that anatomical best-fit superimpositions made in the absence of implants give a more complete picture of hard tissue turnover in the mandible than they do in the maxilla.

  14. Reimbursement rates and policies for primary molar pit-and-fissure sealants across state Medicaid programs. (United States)

    Chi, Donald L; Singh, Jennifer


    Little is known about Medicaid policies regarding reimbursement for placement of sealants on primary molars. The authors identified Medicaid programs that reimbursed dentists for placing primary molar sealants and hypothesized that these programs had higher reimbursement rates than did state programs that did not reimburse for primary molar sealants. The authors obtained Medicaid reimbursement data from online fee schedules and determined whether each state Medicaid program reimbursed for primary molar sealants (no or yes). The outcome measure was the reimbursement rate for permanent tooth sealants (calculated in 2012 U.S. dollars). The authors compared mean reimbursement rates by using the t test (α = .05). Seventeen Medicaid programs reimbursed dentists for placing primary molar sealants (34 percent), and the mean reimbursement rate was $27.57 (range, $16.00 [Maine] to $49.68 [Alaska]). All 50 programs reimbursed dentists for placement of sealants on permanent teeth. The mean reimbursement for permanent tooth sealants was significantly higher in programs that reimbursed for primary molar sealants than in programs that did not ($28.51 and $23.67, respectively; P = .03). Most state Medicaid programs do not reimburse dentists for placing sealants on primary molars, but programs that do so have significantly higher reimbursement rates. Medicaid reimbursement rates are related to dentists' participation in Medicaid and children's dental care use. Reimbursement for placement of sealants on primary molars is a proxy for Medicaid program generosity.

  15. Relationship between post-extraction pain and acute pulpitis: a randomised trial using third molars. (United States)

    Zhang, Wei; Dai, Yong-Bo; Wan, Peng-Cheng; Xu, Dong-Dong; Guo, Yi; Li, Zhi


    The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between post-extraction pain and acute pulpitis in third molars. This study was a randomised controlled trial. Sixty patients requiring removal of a single maxillary third molar with acute pulpitis were included and randomly divided into two groups: group A (n = 30); and group B (n = 30). In group A, third molars were directly extracted, and group B received endodontic therapy (pulp chamber opening and drainage) and underwent extraction 24 hours later, aiming to eliminate the acute inflammation. Another 30 patients requiring removal of a single maxillary third molar and with the same inclusion criteria but without caries or acute pulpitis were recruited into group C, in which the maxillary third molars were also directly extracted. The level of postoperative pain reported each day among the three groups was statistically evaluated. On the first, second and third days after surgery, there was a statistically significant difference between group A and group B and between group A and group C, but there was no statistically significant difference between group B and group C. The results of the present study indicate that there is more pain when third molars with acute pulpitis are directly removed compared with the pain level of the removal of third molars without acute pulpitis. © 2016 FDI World Dental Federation.

  16. Standard molar enthalpies of formation of 1- and 2-cyanonaphthalene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V.; Lobo Ferreira, Ana I.M.C.; Barros, Ana L.M.; Bessa, Ana R.C.; Brito, Barbara C.S.A.; Vieira, Joana A.S.; Martins, Silvia A.P.


    Highlights: → Enthalpies of formation of 1- and 2-cyanonaphthalene were measured by combustion calorimetry. → Vapor pressures of crystalline 1- and 2-cyanonaphthalene obtained by Knudsen effusion mass loss technique. → Enthalpies, entropies and Gibbs functions of sublimation at T = 298.15 K were calculated. - Abstract: The standard (p o = 0.1 MPa) molar enthalpies of formation, in the crystalline state, of the 1- and 2-cyanonaphthalene were derived from the standard molar energies of combustion, in oxygen, at T = 298.15 K, measured by static-bomb combustion calorimetry. Vapor pressure measurements at different temperatures, using the Knudsen mass loss effusion technique, enabled the determination of the enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs energy of sublimation, at T = 298.15 K, for both isomers. The standard molar enthalpies of sublimation, at T = 298.15 K, for 1- and 2-cyanonaphthalene, were also measured by high-temperature Calvet microcalorimetry. (table) Combining these two experimental values, the gas-phase standard molar enthalpies, at T = 298.15 K, were derived and compared with those estimated by employing two different methodologies: one based on the Cox scheme and the other one based on G3MP2B3 calculations. The calculated values show a good agreement with the experimental values obtained in this work.

  17. Experimental standard molar enthalpies of formation of some methylbenzenediol isomers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V.; Lobo Ferreira, Ana I.M.C.


    The present work is part of a research program on the energetics of formation of alkyl substituted benzenediols, aiming the study of the enthalpic effect of the introduction of methyl substituents into benzenediols. In this work we present the results of the thermochemical research on 2-methylresorcinol, 3-methylresorcinol, 4-methylresorcinol, and methylhydroquinone. The standard (p 0 =0.1MPa) molar enthalpies of formation, in the crystalline phase, at T = 298.15 K, of the compounds mentioned above were derived from their standard massic energies of combustion, measured by static-bomb combustion calorimetry, while the standard molar enthalpies of sublimation of those compounds were obtained by the temperature dependence of their vapour pressures determined by the Knudsen effusion technique. From experimental values, the standard molar enthalpies of formation of the studied methylbenzenediols in the gaseous phase, at T = 298.15 K were then derived. The results are interpreted in terms of structural contributions to the energetics of the substituted benzenediols and compared with the same parameters estimated from the Cox Scheme. Moreover, the standard (p 0 =0.1MPa) molar enthalpies, entropies, and Gibbs energies of sublimation, at T = 298.15 K, were derived for the four isomers of methylbenzenediols.

  18. Modified Willet's appliance for bilateral loss of multiple deciduous molars: a case report. (United States)

    Dhindsa, A; Pandit, I K


    No other factor plays a more significant role in preventive and interceptive dentistry than the preservation of deciduous dentition till its normal time of exfoliation. Premature loss of a deciduous tooth or a group of teeth might lead to wide range of implications. When the deciduous second molar is lost before the eruption of first permanent molar, intra-alveolar type of space maintainer is indicated. But in cases of bilateral loss of these teeth the conventional design generally poses a variety of problems. Thus, the conventional designs are required to be modified according to the needs of the patient. Therefore, this paper describes an entirely new design of the Willet's appliance in cases of bilateral loss of deciduous molars before the eruption of first permanent molar.

  19. Root Canal Configuration of Maxillary First Permanent Molars in an Iranian Population

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    Saeed Rahimi


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    Background and aims. It is critical to have a proper knowledge of the normal anatomy of the pulp and its variations for the success of endodontic treatment. The purpose of this study was to investigate variations in the root canal system of maxillary first permanent molars in an Iranian population.

    Materials and methods. In this study, 137 maxillary first molars were decalcified, dye-injected, cleared and studied.

    Results. The results demonstrated that 37.96% of the maxillary first molars under study had three canals, 58.4% had four canals and 3.64% had five canals.

    Conclusion. According to the results of this study and considering variations in the root canal systems of maxillary first molars, it seems that great care should be taken in the root canal treatment of these teeth.

  20. Radiographic assessment of third molars development and it's relation to dental and chronological age in an Iranian population. (United States)

    Monirifard, Mohamad; Yaraghi, Navid; Vali, Ava; Vali, Asana; Vali, Amrita


    The aim of the present study was to estimate chronological age based on third molar development and to determine the association between dental age and third molar calcification stages. In this cross-sectional study, 505 digital panoramic radiographs of 223 males (44.2%) and 282 females (55.8%) between the age of 6 and 17 were selected from patients who were treated in Departments of Pediatrics and Orthodontics of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences between the years of 2009 and 2013. Correlation between chronological age and third molar development was analyzed with SPSS 21 using Spearman's Rank correlation coefficient, Chi-square test and multiple regression statistical tests (P third molars demonstrated a highly significant correlation with dental age (P age were mandibular left third molar in males and mandibular right third molar in females (r s = 0.072). When multiple regression was used to predict dental age based on molar calcification stage, the only significant correlation was between maxillary left third molar in males (P third molars in females. Relationship between chronological age and molars development stage was significant in all age subgroups and in both gender (P third molars and dental age in males. Results showed that third molar calcification stage can be used as an age predictor and in general mandibular teeth seems to be more reliable for this purpose in both genders and in all ages.

  1. Comparison of Primary Molar Crown Dimensions with Stainless Steel Crowns in a Sample of Iranian Children

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    Hossein Afshar


    Full Text Available Background and aims. Due to anatomic variation in tooth anatomy between populations, this study compared the buccolingual (BL and mesiodistal (MD dimensions of primary molars with those of stainless steel crowns (SSCs in anIranian population. Materials and methods. Impressions were taken from both dental arches of children, and casts were poured. Teeth with caries, restoration, hypoplasia or other dental anomalies were excluded. 216 primary molars were selected and divided into 4 groups of 54 each (maxillary and mandibular first and second primary molars. MD/BL dimensions were measured using a digital caliper with 0.01 mm precision on casts and SCCs (3M brand. Data were assessed using paired t-test, post hoc test and ANOVA. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results. The MD dimension of the lower first molar SSC and the BL dimension of the lower second molar SSC had the least difference with the corresponding values of the respective teeth. The MD dimension of the upper second molar SSC and the BL dimension of the upper first molar SSC had the greatest difference with the corresponding values in the respective teeth. Comparison of the two different brands of SSCs for the upper first molar revealed that both types had significant differences with the teeth in terms of both MD (P = 0.0 and BL (P = 0.0 dimensions. Conclusion. In the studied population, best adaptation was seen in second lower molars and the least adaptationswere seen in first and second upper molars.

  2. Are hypomineralised lesions on second primary molars (HSPM) a predictive sign of molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH)? A systematic review and a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Garot, Elsa; Denis, Alice; Delbos, Yves; Manton, David; Silva, Mihiri; Rouas, Patrick


    Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) and Hypomineralised Second Primary Molars (HSPM) involve qualitative structural developmental anomalies of tooth enamel affecting the first permanent molars (and often incisors) and the second primary molars, respectively. A putative relationship between HSPM and MIH has been reported in the scientific literature. The aim was to determine whether children with HSPM are more likely to develop MIH. A systematic search using PubMed/Medline, Embase and Cochrane Library electronic databases for publications from 2001 to August 2017 investigating the link between MIH and HSPM was undertaken. Four reviewers selected the studies independently, extracted the data according to PRISMA statement, and assessed the bias risk with the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) criteria. From 645 potentially eligible studies, 14 were selected for full text analysis and 5 were included in the meta-analysis. Cross-sectional and cohort studies were reported and 4662 participants were included. The meta-analyses were performed with a random model calculated an OR total of 4.66 (95% CI 2.11-10.26; P MIH prevalence was 19.94%. The high heterogeneity (I 2  = 88%) can be explained by the great variation present in number of participants and variable caries risk. Despite the limitations of the study, the presence of HSPM is predictive for MIH, with greater MIH prevalence in the presence of mild HSPM. Early detection and preventive intervention could reduce MIH complications. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. New quantitative classification of the anatomical relationship between impacted third molars and the inferior alveolar nerve

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Wei-Quan; Chen, Michael Y. C.; Huang, Heng-Li; Fuh, Lih-Jyh; Tsai, Ming-Tzu; Hsu, Jui-Ting


    Before extracting impacted lower third molars, dentists must first identify the spatial relationship between the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) and an impacted lower third molar to prevent nerve injury from the extraction. Nevertheless, the current method for describing the spatial relationship between the IAN and an impacted lower third molar is deficient. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to: (1) evaluate the relative position between impacted lower third molars and the IAN; and (2) investigate the relative position between impacted lower third molars and the IAN by using a cylindrical coordinate system. From the radiology department’s database, we selected computed tomography images of 137 lower third molars (from 75 patients) requiring removal and applied a Cartesian coordinate system by using Mimics, a medical imaging software application, to measure the distribution between impacted mandibular third molars and the IAN. In addition, the orientation of the lower third molar to the IAN was also measured, but by using a cylindrical coordinate system with the IAN as the origin. According to the Cartesian coordinate system, most of the IAN runs through the inferior side of the third molar (78.6 %), followed by the lingual side (11.8 %), and the buccal side (8.9 %); only 0.7 % is positioned between the roots. Unlike the Cartesian coordinate system, the cylindrical coordinate system clearly identified the relative position, r and θ, between the IAN and lower third molar. Using the cylindrical coordinate system to present the relationship between the IAN and lower third molar as (r, θ) might provide clinical practitioners with a more explicit and objective description of the relative position of both sites. However, comprehensive research and cautious application of this system remain necessary

  4. Hipomineralización incisivo Y molar: diagnóstico diferencial


    Souza, Juliana Feltrin [UNESP; Jeremias, Fabiano [UNESP; Silva, Cristiane Maria da Costa [UNESP; Zuanon, Angela Cristina Cilense [UNESP; Santos-Pinto, Lourdes Aparecida Martins dos [UNESP; Cordeiro, Rita De Cássia Loiola [UNESP


    Hypomineralized first molar often in combination with hypomineralized incisors (MIH - molar incisor hypomineralization) is a common finding in everyday practice. In this condition, hypomineralized dental enamel is fragile and soft, and it can break easily leading to an exposed dentin, and causing dental sensitivity and progression of caries lesions. The prevalence of MIH range from 3.6 to 25% in North of Europe that consider this condition a public health problem. No conclusive information wa...

  5. Experimental excess molar properties of binary mixtures of (3-amino-1-propanol + isobutanol, 2-propanol) at T = (293.15 to 333.15) K and modelling the excess molar volume by Prigogine–Flory–Patterson theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kermanpour, F.; Niakan, H.Z.


    Highlights: ► Density and viscosity of binary mixtures of propanol derivatives were measured at T = (293.15 to 333.15) K. ► The excess molar properties were calculated from these experimental data and correlated by Redlich–Kister equation. ► The PFP model was applied for correlating the excess molar volumes. - Abstract: Density and viscosity of binary mixtures of (x 1 3-amino-1-propanol + x 2 isobutanol) and (x 1 3-amino-1-propanol + x 2 2-propanol) were measured over the entire composition range and from temperatures (293.15 to 333.15) K at ambient pressure. The excess molar volumes and viscosity deviations were calculated and correlated by the Redlich–Kister (RK) equation. The thermal expansion coefficient and its excess value, isothermal coefficient of excess molar enthalpy, and excess partial molar volumes were determined by using the experimental values of density and are described as a function of composition and temperature. The excess molar volumes are negative over the entire mole fraction range for both mixtures and increase with increasing temperature. The excess molar volumes obtained were correlated by the Prigogine–Flory–Patterson (PFP) model. The viscosity deviations of the binary mixtures are negative over the entire composition range and decrease with increasing temperature.

  6. A New Orthodontic Appliance with a Mini Screw for Upper Molar Distalization. (United States)

    Ozkalayci, Nurhat; Yetmez, Mehmet


    The aim of this study is to present a new upper molar distalization appliance called Cise distalizer designed as intraoral device supported with orthodontic mini screw for upper permanent molar distalization. The new appliance consists of eight main components. In order to understand the optimum force level, the appliance under static loading is tested by using strain gage measurement techniques. Results show that one of the open coils produces approximately 300 gr distalization force. Cise distalizer can provide totally 600 gr distalization force. This range of force level is enough for distalization of upper first and second molar teeth.

  7. Thermodynamic interrelation between excess limiting partial molar characteristics of a liquid nonelectrolyte

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, Evgeniy V.


    Highlights: ► Excess limiting molar volume may be regarded as a solvation-related characteristic. ► Volumetric and enthalpic effects of dissolution are interrelated thermodynamically. ► Possibility to estimate the partial change in solute compressibility is described. - Abstract: On the basis of thermodynamic analysis, it is concluded that the excess limiting partial molar volume, like the excess limiting partial molar enthalpy, can be considered as a solvation-related characteristic of a liquid nonelectrolyte. A thermodynamically grounded interrelation between standard volumetric and enthalpic effects of solution of a liquid nonelectrolyte (or series of nonelectrolytes) is suggested.

  8. Prevalence of three rooted permanent mandibular first molars in Haryana (North Indian population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alpa Gupta


    Full Text Available Background: Mandibular first molars typically have two roots but sometimes a supernumerary root presents distolingually called as radix entomolaris (RE. Aim: The present study evaluated the prevalence of permanent mandibular first molars featuring a distolingual root in Haryana (North India. Materials and Methods: Five hundred patients possessing bilateral mandibular first molars were selected for this study. The intraoral periapical radiographs were taken. The radiographs of these patients were evaluated under optimal conditions. A total of 1000 mandibular first molars were screened, and the incidence of three-rooted mandibular first molars, RE and the correlation between left and right side occurrence and between either gender were recorded. Statistical Analysis: The binary logistic regression test and Pearson's Chi-square test were used for statistical analysis. Results: The prevalence of three-rooted permanent mandibular first molars was 13% of the patients examined and 8.3% of the teeth examined. There was no statistically significant difference between gender and side of occurrence (P ≥ 0.05. The bilateral incidence of a symmetric distribution was 27.6 (18/65 among the RE teeth examined. Conclusion: RE is considered as an Asiatic trait. The occurrence of this macrostructure in the Haryana (North India population was found to be 13%. The clinician must thoroughly examine the radiographs before the initiation of endodontic therapy.

  9. The maxillary second molar - anatomical variations (case report). (United States)

    Beshkenadze, E; Chipashvili, N


    To be acquainted with dental anatomical specificity is of great importance for dental endodontic treatment algorithm. The subject of present publication is 2 clinical cases of upper second molars, detailed characterization of, which is considered very important for enrichment of anatomical knowledge about dental anatomical variations. In one case, the reason for admission to the clinic of a 38-year-old woman was complains as of esthetic character as well as functional misbalance (disturbance of chewing function due to the damage of orthopedic construction). The patient indicated to the existence of coronary defects of large size aesthetic discomforts, damage and discolouration of old orthopedic construction (denture) in maxillary right molar area. According to the data obtained after clinical and visiographical examinations, chronic periodontitis of 17 teeth was identified as a result of incomplete endodontic treatment. According to the data obtained after clinical and visiographical examinations, the diagnosis of chronic periodontitis of 17 teeth was identified, tooth 17 with 2 roots and 2 canals. In the second clinical case, the reason for admission to the clinic of a 39-year-old woman was severe pain in the upper right molar area. The patient indicated to the caries on the tooth 17. After completion of proper survey clinical and visiographical examinations, acute pulpitis (K04.00) - with three roots and 4 canals was diagnosed. In both cases after the proper examinations and agreement with the patients a treatment plan envisaging: 17 teeth endodontic treatment, filling of caries defects and their preparation on one hand for orthopedic construction (denture) and on the other hand for restoration of anatomical integrity by light-cured composite, was scheduled. The present study is designed to prevent complications of endodontic treatment of the second molar, to optimize diagnosis and treatment algorithm, once again proving reliable information indicating to the

  10. Immediate Placement of Ultrawide-Diameter Implants in Molar Sockets: Description of a Recommended Technique. (United States)

    Hattingh, André C; De Bruyn, Hugo; Ackermann, Andrew; Vandeweghe, Stefan

    Immediate implant placement is performed less frequently in molar extraction sockets than in single root sockets. This is mainly due to the tripodal anatomical configuration of molar roots, which is perceived as complex and therefore unsuitable. The mechanical burden of molar sites, combined with much larger socket dimensions, make it amenable to the use of ultrawide-diameter dental implants. This article describes a practical, sequenced technique that can be used predictably for immediate implant placement in maxillary and mandibular first molar sockets, using a dry skull model for clarification. This detailed description is based on the experience of more than 580 clinical cases over a 10-year period.

  11. Twelve-month space changes after premature loss of a primary maxillary first molar. (United States)

    Lin, Yai-Tin; Lin, Wen-Hsien; Lin, Yng-Tzer J


    Many early investigations concerning space changes following premature extraction of primary molars had a cross-sectional design, a small sample size, and a somewhat crude methodology, which may have led to misunderstandings. The aim of this study was to use established longitudinal data to investigate ongoing (12-month) dental-arch space problems arising as a result of premature loss of a primary maxillary first molar. Thirteen children (mean ± SD age at time of tooth extraction, 6.0 ± 0.74 years) with unilateral premature loss of a primary maxillary first molar were selected for this study. Maxillary dental study casts were obtained from participants 2 or 3 days after the tooth was removed, as well as at a follow-up appointment 12 months later. Six reference lines were measured on the study cast: D + E space, arch width, arch length, intercanine width, intercanine length, and arch perimeter. For each participant, the D + E space of the contralateral intact primary molar served as a control. A paired t-test was used to compare the cast measurements between initial examination and 12-month follow-up. A t-test was used to compare D + E space changes with those of the control group. The D + E space of the extraction side after 12 months was significantly smaller than that of the control side (P 0.05). The 12-month space changes in the maxillary dental arch after premature loss of a primary maxillary first molar consist mainly of distal drift of the primary canine toward the extraction site. Mesial movement of permanent molars or tilting of the primary molars did not occur. An increased arch dimension was found especially in the anterior segment (intercanine width and length). There is no need for the use of space maintainers from the results in this study in cases of premature loss of a primary first molar. © 2010 The Authors. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry © 2010 BSPD, IAPD and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  12. Molar volume dependence of the pressure of solid 3He at very low temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mamiya, T.; Sawada, A.; Fukuyama, H.; Iwahashi, K.; Masuda, Y.


    The pressure of solid 3 He has been measured as a function of temperature T between 0.3 and 50 mK at molar volumes between 24.19 and 23.31 cm 3 . The entropy discontinuity obtained from the pressure jump at the ordering transition turned out to be almost independent of molar volumes, being about 0.40Rln2 in the studied range of molar volumes

  13. Influência da temperatura, da massa molar e da distribuição de massa molar na tensão superficial de PS, PP e PE: experimento e teoria

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    Moreira José C.


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho a influência da temperatura, da massa molar (n e da distribuição de massa molar (MWD na tensão superficial de poliestireno (PS foi avaliada utilizando o método da gota pendente. A influência da temperatura na tensão superficial de polipropileno isotático (i-PP e de polietileno de baixa densidade (PELBD também foi estudada aqui. As teorias de Patterson-Rastogi e Dee-Sauer foram utilizadas em conjunção com a teoria de equação de estado de Flory, Orwoll, e Vrij (FOV para prever a tensão superficial (gama utilizando dados de pressão-volume-temperatura (PVT dos polímeros. Ambas teorias prevêem que a tensão superficial diminui linearmente com o aumento da temperatura e aumenta com a massa molar concordando com os resultados experimentais. Entretanto, ambas teorias subestimam a mudança de entropia de formação de superfície por unidade de área a volume constante para sistemas poliméricos de baixa massa molar e polidisperso e subestimam o efeito da distribuição de massa molar na tensão superficial

  14. Evaluation of third molar development and its relation to chronological age: a panoramic radiographic study. (United States)

    Zandi, Mohammad; Shokri, Abbas; Malekzadeh, Hamid; Amini, Payam; Shafiey, Parastu


    Third molar development, in comparison to other teeth in the dentition, has the greatest variation in morphology, anatomical position, and time of development and eruption, and its reliability for chronological age estimation is controversial. The aim of the present study was to evaluate third molar development and its relation to chronological age using panoramic radiography. A total of 2536 digital panoramic radiographs of individuals aged between 5 and 26 years were selected. The developmental status of the third molars was assessed using eight-stage developmental scoring proposed by Demirjian et al., with one modification: a stage 0 was added. The collected data were entered into a checklist and subjected to statistical analyses. The mean ages of the first appearance of third molar bud, complete crown formation, and root apex closure were around 9, 14, and 22 years, respectively. In both jaws, third molar development occurred symmetrically, and sexual dimorphism was observed at some developmental stages. Finally, two formulas were presented to estimate age of the juveniles and adolescents based on their gender and developmental stages of the third molars, and validated on a second sample consisting of 523 individuals aged between 8 and 22. Assessment of third molar development was found to be a reliable method for age estimation of individuals between 11 and 22 years. Because of possible ethnic and geographic differences in third molar development, population specific researches were recommended.

  15. Standard molar enthalpies of formation of sodium alkoxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chandran, K.; Srinivasan, T.G.; Gopalan, A.; Ganesan, V.


    The molar enthalpies of solution of sodium in methanol, ethanol, and n-propanol and of sodium alkoxides in their corresponding alcohols were measured at T=298.15K using an isoperibol solution calorimeter. From these results and other auxiliary data, the standard molar enthalpies of formation, Δ f H m o (RONa,cr) of sodium methoxide, sodium ethoxide, and sodium n-propoxide were calculated and found to be {(-366.21+/-1.38) (-413.39+/-1.45), and (-441.57+/-1.18)}kJ.mol -1 , respectively. A linear correlation has been found between Δ f H m o (RONa)andΔ f H m o (ROH) for R=n-alkyl, enabling the prediction of data for other sodium alkoxides

  16. Apparent molar volumes and compressibilities of lanthanum, gadolinium and lutetium trifluoromethanesulfonates in dimethylsulfoxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Warmińska, Dorota; Wawer, Jarosław


    Highlights: ► Sequence of volumes and compressibilities of Ln 3+ ions in DMSO is: La 3+ > Gd 3+ 3+ . ► Sequence of the partial molar volumes do not change with temperature. ► These results are the consequence of nature of the ion–solvent bonding. - Abstract: Temperature dependencies of the densities of dimethylsulfoxide solutions of lanthanum, gadolinium and lutetium trifluoromethanesulfonates have been determined over a wide range of concentrations. The apparent molar volumes and partial molar volumes of the salts at infinite dilution, as well as the expansibilities of the salts, have been calculated from density data. Additionally, the apparent molar isentropic compressibilities of lanthanum, gadolinium and lutetium trifluoromethanesulfonates have been calculated from sound velocity data at 298.15 K. The data obtained have been interpreted in terms of ion−solvent interactions.

  17. Association between third mandibular molar impaction and degree of root development in adolescents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauesen, Søren Rødsgaard; Andreasen, Jens O; Gerds, Thomas Alexander


    of the mandibular third molar region from 132 subjects (71 male and 61 female) from 15 to 20 years of age. Based on the films, 264 lower third molars were classified into an eruption and an impaction group. Root development was recorded according to a quantitative method described by Haavikko (1970......: Delayed mandibular third molar root development is associated with impaction. Radiographs taken at age 15 may predict the risk of impaction and thereby guide decision making for the orthodontist or the oral and maxillofacial surgeon.......Abstract Objective: To compare the root development and the growth rate of the mandibular third molar (M3 inf) in individuals where the M3 inf erupted vs individuals exhibiting M3 inf impaction. Materials and Methods: Serial standardized intraoral radiographs (Eggen technique) were taken annually...

  18. Management of early loss of first permanent molar: A new technique

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    B S Rajashekhara


    Full Text Available The loss of a permanent first molar in adolescent patient creates a need for early space maintenance and restoration of function. To ascertain function and esthetics, immediate treatments include interim restorative approaches. This paper describes a conservative, functional and cost-effective bridge as an interim restoration after the loss of permanent first molar in an early adolescent dentition.

  19. Effect of Submucosal Injection of Dexamethasone on Post-operative Sequelae of Third Molar Surgery

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    S P Deo


    Full Text Available Introduction: This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of a single pre-operative sub-mucosal injection of dexamethasone after third molar surgery to see the effects on post-operative discomfort. Methods: This study was a prospective, double-blind, randomized, clinical trial. The subjects were forty patients who underwent surgical removal of the mandibular impacted third molar under local anesthesia and after being randomly assigned to receive either an 8 mg dexamethasone as submucosal injection or a normal saline injection into the lower buccal vestibule adjacent to the third molar. The maximum interincisal distance and facial contours were measured at the baseline and post-surgically on Day 2 and 7. Post-operative pain was evaluated subjectively using a visual analog scale and objectively by counting the number of analgesic tablets used. All subjects were operated upon by the same investigator to minimize the difference from inter-operator variability. Results: There was a signicant difference in the measurements of the degree of swelling and trismus between the two groups on the 2nd post-operative day. In contrast, there was no statistically signicant difference between the groups on the 7th post-operative day. The test group also used fewer analgesics post-operatively. Conclusions: Submucosal injection of dexamethasone after third molar surgery is effective in reducing postoperative swelling and trismus. It also delays the onset of post-operative pain. Keywords: dexamethasone, submucosal injection, third molar, third molar surgery, third molar extraction

  20. Third molars and periodontal pathology in American adolescents and young adults: a prevalence study. (United States)

    Blakey, George H; Gelesko, Savannah; Marciani, Robert D; Haug, Richard H; Offenbacher, Steven; Phillips, Ceib; White, Raymond P


    To assess the association between visible third molars and the prevalence of periodontal inflammatory disease of non-third molars. Subjects aged 14 to 45 years with 4 asymptomatic third molars were enrolled in an institutional review board-approved study. Subjects were classified based on whether at least 1 third molar was visible or all third molars were not visible. Full-mouth periodontal probing depth (PD) data, with 6 sites per tooth, were obtained as a measure of a subject's periodontal status. At least 1 non-third molar PD of 4 mm or greater was indicative of periodontal inflammatory disease. Outcomes for the respective groups were compared by use of Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel row mean score statistics. The level of significance for differences was set at .05. The 342 subjects in the visible group were significantly older, with a median age of 26 years (interquartile range, 22.4-32.2 years), as compared with the 69 subjects in the not visible group, with a median age of 21 years (interquartile range, 18.8-24.9 years) (P .05). Most subjects were white. Significantly more subjects with at least a college education were in the visible group than in the not visible group (P adolescents and young adults was significantly associated with periodontal inflammatory disease of non-third molars. Copyright 2010 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. CT analyses of the location of the maxillary third molar in relation to panoramic radiographic appearance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Obayashi, Naofumi; Ariji, Yoshiko; Goto, Masakazu; Izumi, Masahiro; Naitoh, Munetaka; Kurita, Kenichi; Shimozato, Kazuo; Ariji, Eiichiro


    We compared the relationship between anatomical structures analyzed by panoramic radiographs and CT images of uninfected impacted maxillary third molars and investigated the pathway of infection originating from pericoronitis of maxillary third molars. Patients (n=62) with uninfected impacted maxillary third molars and patients (n=8) with odontogenic infection originating from pericoronitis of the maxillary third molars were selected from an image database. CT and panoramic images were evaluated separately by an oral surgeon and a radiologist for the vertical position of the tooth, the presence of bone around the crown, proximity to the maxillary sinus, visibility of masticatory muscles, and mesiodistal and buccopalatal inclinations. In uninfected patients, a significant correlation was observed between the vertical positions evaluated by the two methods. Of the third molars, 79 (63.7%) were identified as vertical type on both panoramic and CT images. Regarding the maxillary sinus, of the 19 molars classified as the separate type on panoramic images, 2 (10.5%) were identified as the close type on CT. CT examination revealed the involvement of buccal cortical plates and the buccal space in the majority of infected patients. CT images revealed that 94 molars (75.8%) showed vertical type on the buccopalatal inclination and that 45 impacted molars (36.3%) showed bone defects in the buccal area. Infections originating from pericoronitis of the maxillary third molar showed involvement of the buccal cortical plates, the buccal space, and other spaces, which were clearly depicted on CT images. (author)

  2. Bilateral maxillary fused second and third molars: a rare occurrence


    Liang, Rui-Zhen; Wu, Jin-Tao; Wu, You-Nong; Smales, Roger J; Hu, Ming; Yu, Jin-Hua; Zhang, Guang-Dong


    This case report describes the diagnosis and endodontic therapy of maxillary fused second and third molars, using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). A 31-year-old Chinese male, with no contributory medical or family/social history, presented with throbbing pain in the maxillary right molar area following an unsuccessful attempted tooth extraction. Clinical examination revealed what appeared initially to be a damaged large extra cusp on the buccal aspect of the distobuccal cusp of the secon...

  3. Agenesia de terceros molares en pacientes de la Facultad de Odontología de la UNAM Agenesia of the third molars in patients of the Faculty of Odontology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raúl Díaz Pérez


    Full Text Available ANTECEDENTES: los terceros molares o serotinos son los últimos dientes en erupcionar; su presencia genera diversas patologías como apiñamiento, pericoronitis y dolor, generalmente por falta de espacio en los maxilares. Según la filogenia humana son considerados dientes en vías de extinción. Cada vez más presentan una erupción retrasada e incluso ausencia por falta de formación. OBJETIVO: determinar la frecuencia de agenesia de terceros molares en pacientes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacíonal Autónoma de México. MÉTODOS: se examinaron 915 ortopantomografías de pacientes de 16 a 24 años y se realizó el diagnóstico de presencia de los terceros molares, se recabó información sociodemográfica y se analizó la asociación con el sexo usando X². RESULTADOS: el 20 % de la muestra presentó agenesia de los 4 terceros molares, 56 % tuvo los 4, y 24 % solo de 1 a 3, además se encontró que el sexo no determina la presencia de los terceros molares (X²= 0,503, p= 0,478. CONCLUSIONES: la frecuencia de agenesia de terceros molares fue del 20 % y esta es independiente del sexo.ANTECEDENTS: the third molars are the last teeth to erupt. Their presence generate diverse pathologies as crowding, pericoronitis and pain, generally due to the lack of space in the maxillae. According to human phylogeny, they are considered teeth on the way to extinction. They present an increasingly delayed eruption and even absence due to lack of formation, OBJECTIVE: to determine the frequency of agenesia of the third molars in patients of the Faculty of Odontology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. METHODS: 915 orthopantomographies of patients aged 16-24 were examined and the diagnosis of presence of the third molars was made. Sociodemographic information was necessary and the association with sex was analyzed by using X2. RESULTS: 20 % of the sample presented agenesia of the 4 third molars, 56 % had the 4, and 24 % only from

  4. Variable permanent mandibular first molar: Review of literature (United States)

    Ballullaya, Srinidhi V; Vemuri, Sayesh; Kumar, Pabbati Ravi


    Introduction: The success of root canal therapy depends on the locations of all the canals, thourough debridement and proper sealing. At times the clinicians are challenged with variations in morphology of root canal. This review article attempts to list out all the variations of permanent mandibular first molar published so for in the literature. Materials and Methods: An exhaustive search was undertaken using PUBMED database to identify published literature from 1900 to 2010 relating to the root canal morphology of permanent first molar by using key words. The selected artcles were obtained and reviewed. Results: Total ninty seven articles were selected out of which 50 were original article and forty seven were case reports. The incidence of third canal in mesial root was 0.95% to 15%. The incidence of three rooted mandibular first molar was 3% to 33%. Only ninety cases reported with c-shape canal configuration. Incidence of Taurodintism without congenital disorder was very rare. Conclusion: The root canal treatment requires proper knowlegde of variations in root canal morphology in order to recognise, disinfect and seal all portal of exit. This can be accomplished with proper diagnosis using newer modes, modification in access preparation, use of operating microscope, enhanced methods of disinfecting and sealing of all canals. PMID:23716959

  5. Changes in the Position of Mandibular Third Molars Following Extraction and Non-Extraction Orthodontic Treatments

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    Maryam Poosti


    Full Text Available Introduction: Impaction of third molars can be associated with a number of sequelae, each requiring a different type of treatment. The purpose of this study was to assess the changes in the position of lower third molars following extraction and non-extraction orthodontic treatments. Methods: Pre- and post-treatment panoramic radiographs of 26 class I malocclusion patients (4 male and 22 female who were treated on a non-extraction basis were compared with those of 30 class I malocclusion patients (5 male and 25 female who received orthodontic treatment following the extraction of all first premolars. In each group, the lower third molar angulations and their distance from the lower border of the mandible were assessed. Results: Paired t-tests and independent t-tests detected significant changes in the position of the lower third molars in the extraction group. Both the left and right molars became more upright and their distance from the lower border of the mandible increased. Similar changes were only seen in the position of the right mandibular third molars in the non-extraction group. Conclusion: Tooth extractions can bring about favorable changes in the position of mandibular third molars and possibly reduce their incidence of impaction.

  6. Changes in the Position of Mandibular Third Molars Following Extraction and Non-Extraction Orthodontic Treatments

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    Maryam Poosti


    Full Text Available Introduction: Impaction of third molars can be associated with a number of sequelae, each requiring a different type of treatment. The purpose of this study was to assess the changes in the position of lower third molars following extraction and non-extraction orthodontic treatments. Methods: Pre- and post-treatment panoramic radiographs of 26 class I malocclusion patients (4 male and 22 female who were treated on a non-extraction basis were compared with those of 30 class I malocclusion patients (5 male and 25 female who received orthodontic treatment following the extraction of all first premolars. In each group, the lower third molar angulations and their distance from the lower border of the mandible were assessed. Results: Paired t-tests and independent t-tests detected significant changes in the position of the lower third molars in the extraction group. Both the left and right molars became more upright and their distance from the lower border of the mandible increased. Similar changes were only seen in the position of the right mandibular third molars in the non-extraction group. Conclusion: Tooth extractions can bring about favorable changes in the position of mandibular third molars and possibly reduce their incidence of impaction

  7. Estudio comparativo entre el uso de N – 2 butilcianoacrilato modificado y Vicryl 4 – 0 para el cierre de colgajos en cirugía de terceros molares Inferiores retenidos

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    José Ignacio Serrano


    Full Text Available La extracción quirúrgica de los terceros molares supone la síntesis de los tejidos incididos previamente. El método de síntesis más utilizado en la práctica diaria del Cirujano Oral es la sutura con materiales convencionales guiados por una aguja para favorecer la cicatrización por primera intención, sin embargo, en la actualidad se ha puesto en boga la utilización de materiales adhesivos a base de Cianoacrilato para reemplazar las suturas convencionales, con el objetivo de disminuir el dolor postoperatorio, la dehiscencia de las heridas, el riesgo de infecciones, entre otros factores no menos importantes. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio predictivo es analizar comparativamente el dolor y la cicatrización de la herida postquirúrgica de terceros molares con la utilización de materiales de sutura adhesiva frente a suturas convencionales de vicryl 4/0 en cirugía de terceros molares retenidos. Materiales y métodos: Para este estudio predictivo se midieron los resultados arrojados de dos técnicas de síntesis en tejidos mucosos a través de la utilización de materiales de sutura convencional (vicryl 4/0 y sutura adhesiva a base de cianoacrilato. Se seleccionaron 30 de un universo de 137 pacientes que acuden al quirófano de la FOUCE y a clínicas particulares del cantón Sangolquí - Pichincha, en los que se realizaron 60 incisiones lineales de 3 cm de longitud, de ambos sexos, de entre 16 y 23 años de edad sin antecedentes patológicos personales. 30 incisiones correspondientes al tercer molar inferior izquierdo fueron sometidas a síntesis con material de sutura convencional y 30 incisiones correspondientes al tercer molar inferior derecho se sellaron con sutura adhesiva a base de cianoacrilato. Para valorar el dolor postquirúrgico se utilizó la técnica de escala visual análoga (EVA y para evaluar la dehiscencia de los tejidos se utilizó el método de inspección y observación. Los dos métodos se utilizaron al segundo

  8. The species of Canomaculina, Myelochroa, Parmeunella, and Parmeunopsis (Parmeliaceae, Lichenized Ascomycotina from the "segundo planalto" in the state of Paraná, Brazil Espécies de Canomaculina, Myelochroa, Parmelinella e Parmelinopsis (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycotina Liquenizados do segundo planalto do Estado do Paraná, Brasil

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    Sionara Eliasaro


    Full Text Available The present study describes the species of Canomaculina Elix & Hale, Myelochroa (Asahina Elix & Hale, Parmelinella Elix & Hale and Parmelinopsis Elix & Hale occuring in the "Segundo Planalto" in the State of Paraná. Keys Identification are given. Six species are reported for the first time for Paraná. Parmelinella wallichiana is cited for the first time for the American continent.Este estudo descreve as espécies de Canomaculina Elix & Hale, Myelochroa (Asahina Elix & Hale, Parmelinella Elix & Hale e Parmelinopsis Elix & Hale ocorrentes no Segundo Planalto do Estado do Paraná. São apresentadas chaves para a identificação das espécies. Seis espécies são citadas pela primeira vez para o Estado do Paraná. Parmelinella wallichiana é citada pela primeira vez para o Continente Americano.

  9. Evaluation of third molar development in the estimation of chronological age. (United States)

    Soares, Caio Belém Rodrigues Barros; Figueiroa, José Natal; Dantas, Renata Moura Xavier; Kurita, Lúcio Mitsuo; Pontual, Andréa dos Anjos; Ramos-Perez, Flávia Maria de Moraes; Perez, Danyel Elias da Cruz; Pontual, Maria Luiza dos Anjos


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlation between chronological age and the degree of third molar mineralization by Demirjian's developmental stages (Demirjian et al., 1973) using panoramic radiography. From a total of 11.396 digital panoramic radiographs of patients from three oral radiology private clinics from the northeast region of Brazil, obtained from January to June 2009, 2097 radiographic images from patients aged between 6 and 22 years were selected. The images were analyzed individually by two obsevers using a 21-inch computer screen and Windows Picture and Fax Viewer. Reliability was achieved by intra- and interobserver evaluation, using the Kappa test. Chronological age, calcification stage, gender and third molar were interrelated using a multiple linear regression model, considering age as a response variable. There was reliability with Demirjian et al.'s developmental stage assesment, displaying a significant relationship between mineralization stages and patients' age (Page and the calcification stage taking gender and localization of the third molar into consideration. It is possible to estimate chronological age based on Demirjian's stage of a third molar, regardless of gender and location. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Thermodynamic properties of binary mixtures of tetrahydropyran with pyridine and isomeric picolines: Excess molar volumes, excess molar enthalpies and excess isentropic compressibilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saini, Neeti; Jangra, Sunil K.; Yadav, J.S.; Sharma, Dimple; Sharma, V.K.


    Research highlights: → Densities, ρ and speeds of sound, u of tetrahydropyran (i) + pyridine or α-, β- or γ-picoline (j) binary mixtures at 298.15, 303.15 and 308.15 K and excess molar enthalpies, H E of the same set of mixtures at 308.15 K have been measured as a function of composition. → The observed densities and speeds of sound values have been employed to determine excess molar volumes, V E and excess isentropic compressibilities, κ S E . → Topology of the constituents of mixtures has been utilized (Graph theory) successfully to predict V E , H E and κ S E data of the investigated mixtures. → Thermodynamic data of the various mixtures have also been analyzed in terms of Prigogine-Flory-Patterson (PFP) theory. - Abstract: Densities, ρ and speeds of sound, u of tetrahydropyran (i) + pyridine or α-, β- or γ- picoline (j) binary mixtures at 298.15, 303.15 and 308.15 K and excess molar enthalpies, H E of the same set of mixtures at 308.15 K have been measured as a function of composition using an anton Parr vibrating-tube digital density and sound analyzer (model DSA 5000) and 2-drop micro-calorimeter, respectively. The resulting density and speed of sound data of the investigated mixtures have been utilized to predict excess molar volumes, V E and excess isentropic compressibilities, κ S E . The observed data have been analyzed in terms of (i) Graph theory; (ii) Prigogine-Flory-Patterson theory. It has been observed that V E , H E and κ S E data predicted by Graph theory compare well with their experimental values.

  11. Developmental constraints revealed by co-variation within and among molar rows in two murine rodents. (United States)

    Renaud, Sabrina; Pantalacci, Sophie; Quéré, Jean-Pierre; Laudet, Vincent; Auffray, Jean-Christophe


    Morphological integration corresponds to interdependency between characters that can arise from several causes. Proximal causes of integration include that different phenotypic features may share common genetic sets and/or interact during their development. Ultimate causes may be the prolonged effect of selection favoring integration of functionally interacting characters, achieved by the molding of these proximal causes. Strong and direct interactions among successive teeth of a molar row are predicted by genetic and developmental evidences. Functional constraints related to occlusion, however, should have selected more strongly for a morphological integration of occluding teeth and a corresponding evolution of the underlying developmental and genetic pathways. To investigate how these predictions match the patterns of phenotypic integration, we studied the co-variation among the six molars of the murine molar row, focusing on two populations of house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) and wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus). The size and shape of the three upper and lower molars were quantified and compared. Our results evidenced similar patterns in both species, size being more integrated than shape among all the teeth, and both size and shape co-varying strongly between adjacent teeth, but also between occluding teeth. Strong co-variation within each molar row is in agreement with developmental models showing a cascade influence of the first molar on the subsequent molars. In contrast, the strong co-variation between molars of the occluding tooth rows confirms that functional constraints molded patterns of integration and probably the underlying developmental pathways despite the low level of direct developmental interactions occurring among molar rows. These patterns of co-variation are furthermore conserved between the house mouse and the wood mouse that diverged >10 Ma, suggesting that they may constitute long-running constraints to the diversification of the murine

  12. Perception of molar-incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) by Iraqi dental academics. (United States)

    Ghanim, Aghareed; Morgan, Michael; Mariño, Rodrigo; Manton, David; Bailey, Denise


    The understanding and detection of molar-incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) is linked to its recognition by clinicians. No study has investigated dental clinicians' level of perception regarding MIH in the Middle East region including Iraq. To determine the perception of Iraqi academic clinicians about MIH prevalence, severity and aetiological factors. A questionnaire, based on previous European and Australian/New Zealand studies was administered to the academic dental staff of Mosul University. A response rate of 77.7% was reported. General dental practitioners represented 30.8% of the total respondents, whilst 65.1% were dentists with post-graduate qualification. The majority of the respondents (81.2%) encountered MIH in their clinical activities and 37.3% of them identified that the prevalence appeared to have increased in recent years. Fewer than half of the respondents observed MIH affected teeth on a monthly basis. The condition was less commonly seen in primary second molars than the first permanent molars. A variation in views was recorded about MIH specific aetiological factor/s. Respondents advocated the need for clinical training regarding MIH-aetiological and therapeutic fields. Molar-incisor hypomineralisation is a condition commonly diagnosed by Iraqi dental academics. No apparent consensus existed between the general and specialist dentists regarding the anticipated prevalence, severity and aetiology of this condition. © 2011 The Authors. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry © 2011 BSPD, IAPD and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  13. Partial molar volumes of hydrogen and deuterium in niobium, vanadium, and tantalum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peterson, D.T.; Herro, H.M.


    The partial molar volumes of hydrogen and deuterium were measured in vanadium, niobium, and tantalum by a differential pressure technique. One-half of an electrolytically charged sample plat was compressed between hardened steel blocks in a hydraulic press. The activity of hydrogen in the hig pressure region was raised and caused hydrogen to diffuse into the low pressure region. The partia molar volume was calculated from the ratio of the hydrogen concentrations in the high and low pressure regions of the sample. Small isotope effects were found in the partial molar volume. Hydrogen had the larger volume in niobium and tantalum, but the reverse was true in vanadium

  14. A New Orthodontic Appliance with a Mini Screw for Upper Molar Distalization

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    Nurhat Ozkalayci


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to present a new upper molar distalization appliance called Cise distalizer designed as intraoral device supported with orthodontic mini screw for upper permanent molar distalization. The new appliance consists of eight main components. In order to understand the optimum force level, the appliance under static loading is tested by using strain gage measurement techniques. Results show that one of the open coils produces approximately 300 gr distalization force. Cise distalizer can provide totally 600 gr distalization force. This range of force level is enough for distalization of upper first and second molar teeth.

  15. Lower first permanent molars: developing better predictors of spontaneous space closure. (United States)

    Teo, Terry Kuo-Yih; Ashley, Paul Francis; Derrick, Donald


    First, first permanent molars (FPMs) of poor prognosis are often planned for extraction at an 'ideal time' so that second permanent molars (SPMs) erupt favourably to replace them. However for lower FPM extractions, timing is not an accurate predictor of success. The aim of this study was to identify additional radiographic factors that could better predict the degree of spontaneous space closure of the lower SPM following FPM extraction. Data from a previous study of 127 lower SPMs from 66 patients was re-analysed by incorporating additional radiographic factors. These included calcification stage of the bifurcation of the SPM, position of the second premolar, mesial angulation of SPM in relation to the FPM, and presence of the third permanent molar. Results were analysed using ordered logistic regression. Only 58 per cent of FPMs extracted at the 'ideal time' (SPM development at Demirjian stage E) had complete space closure. The best outcomes resulted from a combination of SPMs not at Demirjian development stage G, together with the presence of mesial angulation of the SPM and presence of the third permanent molar, where 85 per cent of those cases had complete space closure. Apart from extraction timing of the FPM, consideration must also be given to the presence of the third permanent molar and angulation of the SPM in order to ensure a reliable degree of spontaneous space closure of the lower SPM. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Orthodontic Society. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:

  16. Space changes after premature loss of the mandibular primary first molar: a longitudinal study. (United States)

    Lin, Y T; Chang, L C


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the space changes after premature loss of the primary mandibular first molar. Twenty-one children (12 boys and 9 girls), with premature loss of the primary mandibular first molar, were selected from the children's dental clinic for this study. The age ranged from 5.1 to 7.2 years with an average of 6 years and 11 months. Mandibular study casts were made from alginate impression for each initial examination and a follow-up examination eight months later. Four measurements including D+E (first and second primary molars) space, arch width, arch length and arch perimeter were tested for comparisons between the initial examination and the follow-up examination eight months later. The D+E space of intact primary molars served as a control. The results showed that the D+E space on the extraction side after the follow-up examination eight months later was significantly shorter than the control side (p = 0.025) and less than the initial D+E space (p 0.05). It is concluded that the space change after the eruption of the first permanent molar in the mandible is mostly distal movement of the primary cuspid during the early stage of premature loss of the primary first molar.

  17. Onset of molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH). (United States)

    Fagrell, Tobias G; Salmon, Phil; Melin, Lisa; Norén, Jörgen G


    The etiological factors and timing of the onset of molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) are still not clear. The aim of this study was to examine ground radial and sagittal sections from teeth diagnosed with MIH using light microscopy, polarized light microscopy and X-ray micro-computed tomography (XMCT) and to estimate the onset and timing of the MIH and to relate the hypomineralized enamel to the incremental lines. Thirteen extracted permanent first molars diagnosed MIH, were analyzed with light microscopy and XMCT. The hypomineralized areas were mainly located in the mesio-buccal cusps, starting at the enamel-dentin-junction and continuing towards the enamel surface. In a relative gray scale analysis the values decreased from the EDJ towards the enamel surface. The findings indicate that the ameloblasts in the hypomineralized enamel are capable of forming an enamel of normal thickness, but with a substantial reduction of their capacity for maturation of enamel. Chronologically, it is estimated that the timing of the disturbance is at a period during the first 6-7 months of age.

  18. Characterization of stem and progenitor cells in the dental pulp of erupted and unerupted murine molars (United States)

    Balic, Anamaria; Aguila, H. Leonardo; Caimano, Melissa J.; Francone, Victor P.; Mina, Mina


    In the past few years there have been significant advances in the identification of putative stem cells also referred to as “mesenchymal stem cells” (MSC) in dental tissues including the dental pulp. It is thought that MSC in dental pulp share certain similarities with MSC isolated from other tissues. However, cells in dental pulp are still poorly characterized. This study focused on the characterization of progenitor and stem cells in dental pulps of erupted and unerupted mice molars. Our study showed that dental pulps from unerupted molars contain a significant number of cells expressing CD90+/CD45-, CD117+/CD45-, Sca-1+/CD45- and little if any CD45+ cells. Our in vitro functional studies showed that dental pulp cells from unerupted molars displayed extensive osteo-dentinogenic potential but were unable to differentiate into chondrocytes and adipocytes. Dental pulp from erupted molars displayed a reduced number of cells, contained higher percentage of CD45+ and lower percentage of cells expressing CD90+/CD45-, CD117+/CD45- as compared to unerupted molars. In vitro functional assays demonstrated the ability of a small fraction of cells to differentiate into odontoblasts, osteoblasts, adipocytes and chondrocytes. There was a significant reduction in the osteo-dentinogenic potential of the pulp cells derived from erupted molars compared to unerupted molars. Furthermore, the adipogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of pulp cells from erupted molars was dependent on a long induction period and infrequent. Based on these findings we propose that the dental pulp of the erupted molars contain a small population of multipotent cells, whereas the dental pulp of the unerupted molars does not contain multipotent cells but is enriched in osteo-dentinogenic progenitors engaged in the formation of coronal and radicular odontoblasts. PMID:20193787

  19. Exodoncia del tercer molar: Factores que determinan complejidad

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    Ivan Manotas Arevalo


    Full Text Available ResumenUno de los procedimientos más frecuentes en el campo de la Cirugía Oral es la exodoncia, o extracción dental. La prevención y la promoción de hábitos saludables dentro de los que se cuenta la práctica del cepillado dental, uso de dentífricos, hilo dental y enjuagatorios bucales, además de visitas periódicas de control a especialistas y odontólogos generales e higienistas bucales ha conllevado a una reducción en la perdida de estructuras dentarias por causa de la caries y las periodontopatìas. Sin embargo se mantiene alto el número de exodoncias indicadas por falta de espacio en la estructura de los maxilares para la erupción dental, así como alteraciones en la posición y angulacion de los órganos dentales sobre su eje que impide una adecuada ubicación logrando que se indique su extracción. Dentro de la serie dental los órganos dentarios más frecuentemente afectados por este tipo de alteraciones son los terceros molares. También se mencionan que son esos mismos dientes los que acusan mayor grado de complejidad para realizar el procedimiento de exodoncia, y los que causan mayor grado de morbilidad posquirúrgica en el paciente, con un número mayor de complicaciones y su severidad, descritas en la literatura. (Duazary 2008; 141-147. Este artículo pretende analizar los factores que determinan complejidad en la exodoncia del tercer molar a partir de una revisión bibliografía y comparación de ésta.AbstractOne of the most frequent procedure used in the field of Oral Surgery is extracted, or tooth extraction. The prevention and promoting healthy habits in mind that the practice of brushing teeth, use of toothpastes, mouthwashes and dental floss mouth, in addition to regular monitoring visits to specialists and general dentists and oral hygiene has led to a reduction in the loss of structures caused by tooth decay and periodontal pathology. However remains high number of extractions indicated by lack of space in the

  20. Un método para determinar los coeficientes no lineales de segundo orden en cerámicas piezoeléctricas

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    García, J. E.


    Full Text Available The use of piezoelectric materials is limited by their nonlinear behavior. Their measurement is rather cumbersome due to that their behavior depends on both second and third order terms. Second order terms can be isolated by the measurement of second harmonic generation. A method for discriminate the different nonlinear second order coefficients is proposed. A Langevin transducer, which has four alternating poled rings in order to behave as an electrical biport, is modeled. The system is defined by two parameters: the electrical load connected to the second port and the excitation frequency. For each experience the modulus and the phase of the current must be measured in both ports at the frequency ν and 2 ν. The system must be fully characterized as a linear electrical biport at both frequencies. Taking into account that in the equivalent circuit the nonlinearity appears as four voltage generators, and that only two variables can be measured at frequency 2ν for each experience, at least two experiences, different enough, must be done to determine all four coefficients.

    El uso de materiales piezocerámicos está limitado por su comportamiento no lineal. Sus medidas son complicadas debido a que su comportamiento depende de los términos de segundo y tercer orden. La generación de segundo armónico es un buen método para aislar los términos de segundo orden de los de tercer orden. Se propone un método que permite discriminar los coeficientes no lineales de segundo orden. Se modela un transductor de Langevin, trabajando alrededor de la frecuencia de resonancia, en el cual se han colocado cuatro anillos cerámicos con polarización alternada, tomando la forma de un transformador o bipuerto eléctrico. El sistema está definido por dos parámetros: la impedancia eléctrica conectada al segundo puerto y la frecuencia de excitación. Para cada experiencia la corriente debe ser medida, en módulo y fase, a frecuencias ν y 2ν. Teniendo en

  1. Experimental standard molar enthalpies of formation of some 4-alkoxybenzoic acids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V.; Lobo Ferreira, Ana I.M.C.; Maciel, Fabrice M.


    The present work is part of a research program on the energetics of the linear 4-n-alkoxybenzoic acids, aiming the study of the enthalpic effect of the introduction of an alkoxy chain in the position 4- of the benzoic acid ring. In this work, we present the results of the thermochemical research on 4-n-alkoxybenzoic acids with the alkoxy chain length n = 2, 4, and 8. The standard (p 0 =0.1MPa) molar enthalpy of formation of crystalline 4-ethoxybenzoic acid, 4-butoxybenzoic acid, and 4-(octyloxy)benzoic acid was measured, at T = 298.15 K, by static-bomb calorimetry. These values, combined with the values of standard molar enthalpies of sublimation, were used to derive the standard molar enthalpies of formation in the gaseous phase.

  2. Molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH) in a group of school-aged children in Benghazi, Libya. (United States)

    Fteita, D; Ali, A; Alaluusua, S


    Molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is common in many countries and it has significant impact on treatment need. The aim of the present study was to assess developmental enamel defects with an emphasis to MIH in children from four primary schools in Benghazi, Libya. Permanent first molars of a total of 378 (188 females) 7.0-8.9-year-old children were examined for demarcated opacities, diffuse opacities and hypoplasia in their schools using a portable light, a mirror, and a probe. A subgroup of children attending two of the four schools and having all incisors and first molars erupted (N = 154) was examined for enamel defects in these teeth. Eleven children (2.9%) had MIH. The mean value of demarcated opacities in their first molars was 1.5. MIH lesions were found only in 1.1% of the children's first molars (tooth prevalence) and all lesions were mild. Six children (1.6%) had diffuse opacities and 3 (0.8%) had hypoplastic defects in their first molars. Fourteen out of 154 children (9%) who had both incisors and molars examined had some kind of developmental enamel defect: 11 children (7.1%) had demarcated opacities, 3 (1.9%) had diffuse opacities, and none had hypoplasia. MIH was rare in Benghazi, Libya. The prevalence was clearly lower than in comparable studies performed in Italy or in Nordic countries, where, according to the earlier reports, MIH is seen in every fifth or sixth child. Our result may be valuable when so far mostly unknown etiology behind MIH is investigated.

  3. Ectopic eruption of the maxillary first permanent molar: characteristics and occurrence in growing children. (United States)

    Barberia-Leache, Elena; Suarez-Clúa, María Cruz; Saavedra-Ontiveros, Dolores


    The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics and occurrence of the ectopic eruption of the maxillary first permanent molar in a sample of growing Spanish children. A descriptive, observational, retrospective study was done using the radiographs of 509 consecutive patients, who were in the first phase of mixed dentition. A method was designed to evaluate the amount of pathologic resorption of the second maxillary primary molar and the impaction of the first permanent molar measured in millimeters. Statistical analysis of the studied variables was done using chi-square, analysis of variance, and Pearson correlation coefficient. The frequency of occurrence was 4.3% with no differences in both sexes. Of these, 36.4% were unilateral and 63.6% bilateral with a right:left relation of 3:1. Of the 36 ectopic molars, 69.4% self-corrected spontaneously. In such cases, the pathological resorption of the root of the second maxillary primary molar and its adverse clinical implications were persistent. The relation between self-correction and impaction was 2.27:1. The average impaction on the right side was 2.91 mm and 1.6 mm on the left side. Correlation between the magnitude of resorption and grade of impaction was not observed. Although resorption was found on grades I and II, spontaneous self-correction could occur without arch length loss. However, on grade III or more, therapeutic intervention has to be done. The benefit of early diagnosis and treatment of the maxillary first permanent molar is the prevention of the premature loss of second maxillary deciduous molar and the resulting malocclusion.

  4. Excess molar volumes and isentropic compressibilities of binary ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Excess molar volume; binary liquid mixtures; isentropic compressibility; intermolecular interactions. ... mixtures are essential for fluid flow, mass flow and heat transfer processes in chemical ... Experimentally determined values of density(ρ).

  5. Radiological age estimation: based on third molar mineralization and eruption in Turkish children and young adults. (United States)

    Karadayi, Beytullah; Kaya, Ahsen; Kolusayın, Melek Ozlem; Karadayi, Sükriye; Afsin, Hüseyin; Ozaslan, Abdi


    Radiographic evaluation of mineralization and eruption stages of third molars using dental panoramic radiographies can be an efficient tool for chronological age estimation in both forensic sciences and legal medicine. The third molar tooth is utilized for dental age estimation about the age span of 15-23 years because it represents the only tooth still in development. The aim of this study is to obtain and analyze data regarding third molar development and eruption in Turkish population for dental age estimation. A total of 744 dental panoramic radiographies of 394 female and 350 male subjects aged between 8 and 22 years were examined. Third molar development was determined according to the Nolla classification system, and eruption was assessed relative to the alveolar bone level. Mandibular and maxillary third molars were generally found at similar stages of development on both sides. Nolla stage 6 (completed crown calcification) was reached at around the age of 15 in both maxillary and mandibular third molars in both sexes. Alveolar emergence was at around the age of 16 in males and around age of 17 in females. Although third molars' eruption shows greater variability than development of third molars, data which were obtained from this study about eruption of these teeth can be supportive to development data for age estimation.

  6. Cirugía del corazón univentricular en segundo estadio: técnicas y resultados

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    Félix Serrano


    Los resultados iniciales del segundo estadio son satisfactorios, lográndose supervivencias hospitalarias cercanas al 100% en las series más recientes, independientemente del tipo de técnica empleada. Es muy importante el estrecho seguimiento de estos pacientes para establecer el momento idóneo para el tercer estadio y conseguir mejores resultados a largo plazo.


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    Pawarti Pawarti


    Full Text Available Abstract: Topical Fluoride Application And Fissure Sealant To Prevent Dental Caries Permanent First Molars. Anatomy pits and fissures of teeth are caries initiation vulnerable areas of the permanent molars that grow at the age of 6 years where children can not perform oral hygiene. Caries prevention can be done by closing the pits and fissures or application of fluoride (topical fluoride application on the surface of the teeth. The purpose of this study was to analyze the difference fissure sealants and topical application of fluoride to prevent dental caries of first permanent molars. This study was a quasi-experimental study with time series, a sample was taken by purposive 117-second grade students of SDN District of North Pontianak. Data were analyzed using t-test. The result showed that fissure sealant more effective in caries prevention of first permanent molar than topical fluoride application where there were none caries teeth after and month fissure sealant, 25% sealant partially off and 11% fully off. Teeth that have done fluoride after 6 months of 3.9% of dental caries, the eighth month of 5.4% of dental caries. There was a significant difference between the effectiveness of fissure sealants with topical application of fluoride to prevent dental caries in first permanent molars p-value < 0.05, after 6-month p-value: 0.004 and after 8-month p-value: 0.001. Abstrak: Topical Fluoride Application Dan Fissure Sealant Untuk Mencegah Karies Pada Gigi Molar Satu Permanen. Anatomi pit dan fisura gigi merupakan daerah rentan inisiasi karies gigi molar satu permanen yang tumbuh pada usia 6 tahun anak belum bisa melakukan kebersihan mulutnya. Pencegahan karies dapat dilakukan dengan cara menutup pit dan fissure atau pengolesan fluor (topical fluoride application pada permukaan gigi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis perbedaan efektivitas fissure sealant dan topical fluoride application untuk mencegah karies gigi molar satu permanen anak

  8. Unusual Root Canal Morphology of the Maxillary Second Molar: A Case Report

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    Neslihan Şımşek


    Full Text Available Introduction. This clinical case report presents the successful endodontic treatment of a maxillary second molar that has a mandibular molar-like anatomy with no palatal root and with each of its roots containing two separate root canals. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT was used to confirm this unusual anatomy. Methods. A 34-year-old male patient was referred to the Department of Endodontics at Inonu University’s Faculty of Dentistry because of severe pain in his right maxillary second molar. Clinical and radiographic examinations identified unusual roots and root canals anatomy, and CBCT was planned in order to understand the nature of these variations. Cleaning and shaping procedures were performed using the crown down technique with Sybron Endo (Glendora, CA, USA rotary instruments, and endodontic treatment was completed with gutta-percha cones and AH Plus resin sealers using the cold lateral compaction technique. Conclusions. The maxillary second molar exhibits aberrations and variations in terms of the numbers and configurations of its roots and root canals, and CBCT can be a useful imaging technique in endodontics.

  9. Prevalence and morphometric analysis of three-rooted mandibular first molars in a Brazilian subpopulation


    Rodrigues, Clarissa Teles; de Oliveira-Santos, Christiano; Bernardineli, Norberti; Duarte, Marco Antonio Hungaro; Bramante, Clovis Monteiro; Minotti-Bonfante, Paloma Gagliardi; Ordinola-Zapata, Ronald


    ABSTRACT The knowledge of the internal anatomy of three-rooted mandibular molars may help clinicians to diagnose and plan the root canal treatment in order to provide adequate therapy when this variation is present. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of three-rooted mandibular molars in a Brazilian population using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and to analyze the anatomy of mandibular first molars with three roots through micro-CT. Material and Methods: CBCT images of 116 patien...

  10. Prevalence of missing and impacted third molars in adults aged 25 years and above


    Jung, Yun-Hoa; Cho, Bong-Hae


    Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of missing and impacted third molars in people aged 25 years and above. Materials and Methods The study sample of 3,799 patients was chosen randomly from patients who visited Pusan National University Dental Hospital and had panoramic radiographs taken. The data collected included presence and impaction state, angulation, and depth of impaction of third molars, and radiographically detected lesions of third molars and adjacent ...

  11. Modified Distal Shoe Appliance for Premature Loss of Multiple Deciduous Molars: A Case Report


    Bhat, Prasanna Kumar; K., Navin H.; Idris, Mohammed; Christopher, Pradeep; Rai, Niharika


    Preservation of the primary dentition until the normal time of exfoliation is one of the most important factor involved in preventive and interceptive dentistry. The premature loss of second primary molar before the eruption of permanent first molar can create a significant arch space/tooth size discrepancy. Distal shoe space maintainer is a valuable part of the Paediatric Dentist’s armamentarium in those cases where the second primary molar is prematurely lost and it helps to guide the first...

  12. Computed tomographic anatomy of the mandibular first and second molars and their surrounding structures in the spread of odontogenic infection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohshima, Aya; Ariji, Yoshiko; Gotoh, Masakazu; Izumi, Masahiro; Naitoh, Munetaka; Kurita, Kenichi; Shimozato, Kazuo; Ariji, Eiichiro


    The purposes of this study were to analyze the CT anatomy of the mandibular first and second molars in uninfected subjects and to clarify the pathway of odontogenic infection originating from the mandibular first and second molars. CT anatomies, especially for bucco-lingual aspects and the surrounding soft tissues, were investigated in 100 uninfected subjects and 17 infected patients. At the level of bifurcation, disappearance of the cortical plates was frequently observed on the buccal and lingual sides of the first molars, and it was reduced on the buccal side in the second molar. In the first molar, the bony width was thinner on the buccal than the lingual side. The lingual cortices were thinner in the second molar. All medial pterygoid and 88% of masseter muscles were situated posteriorly, without horizontally overlapping the second molar, whereas the mylohyoid muscle (MhM) overlapped horizontally with the first and second molars. The MhM was positioned superior to the root apices in 10 and 39% of first and second molars, respectively. All patients with first molar infection showed involvement of buccal structures, and one showed lingual side involvement. In contrast, six of nine patients with second molar infection showed involvement on the lingual side. Infection originating from the second molar was more likely to spread to the lingual side than infection originating from the first molar. CT anatomy surrounding the causal teeth supported the spread pathways of mandibular first and second molar infection. (author)

  13. Prevention of Localized Osteitis in Mandibular Third-Molar Sites Using Platelet-Rich Fibrin

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    Donald R. Hoaglin


    Full Text Available Purpose. To review our experience utilizing platelet rich fibrin (PRF, which is reported to aid in wound healing of extraction sites, for the prevention of localized osteitis following lower third-molar removal. Materials and Methods. PRF was placed in the mandibular third-molar extraction sites, 200 sites total, on 100 consecutive patients treated in our practice, by the authors. The patients were managed with standard surgical techniques, intraoperative IV antibiotic/steroid coverage, and routine postoperative narcotic analgesics/short-term steroid coverage. All patients were reevaluated for localized osteitis within 7–10 days of the surgery. A comparison group consisted of 100 consecutive patients who underwent bilateral removal of indicated mandibular wisdom teeth and did not receive PRF placement within the lower third molar surgical sites. Results. The incidence of localized osteitis (LO following removal of 200 lower third molars with simultaneous PRF placement within the extraction site was 1% (2 sites out of 200. The group of patients whose mandibular 3rd molar sockets were not treated with PRF demonstrated a 9.5% (19 sites out of 200 incidence of localized osteitis. The latter group also required 6.5 hours of additional clinical time to manage LO than the study group who received PRF. Conclusions. This retrospective review demonstrated that preventative treatment of localized osteitis can be accomplished using a low cost, autogenous, soluble, biologic material, PRF, that PRF enhanced third-molar socket healing/clot retention and greatly decreased the clinical time required for postoperative management of LO.

  14. Evaluation of autogenous tooth transplantation for replacement of the missing or unrestorable mandibular molar tooth

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    Wahiduj Jaman


    Full Text Available This study was undertaken to evaluate the functional and occlusal stability of autogenous tooth transplantation. A total of 30 patients were included. Among them, 21 participants received transplanted first molar and the remaining 9 received transplanted second molar. In all the cases, donor tooth were third molar. In each participant, extraction of un-restorable first or second molar tooth was performed which was then replaced by atrumatic extracted third molar tooth. Each third molar tooth was placed in the recipient extracted socket, followed by the evaluation of the occlusion and then stabilized with arch bar and ligature wire. Clinical follow-up evaluation was performed at 15 days, 3 and 12 months in respect to occlusal stability, tooth mobility and periodontal status. It was found that 23 transplanted tooth were successful and the remaining 7 tooth need long-term observation for the final outcome, which was statistically significant. It can be concluded that the autogenous tooth transplantation can replace missing tooth to ensure the preservation of function, aesthetic and to prevent bone resorption of the missing area of the jaw, which can lead to exceptional esthetic and functional outcome.

  15. Functional approach to a Class II patient with upper first molar impaction

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    Giacomo D′Orlandi


    Full Text Available The lack of the left first molar maxillary and the left second molar maxillary, caused respectively by impaction and agenesis is a very rare case, which determines an important occlusal imbalance and asymmetrical mandible movement. A gnatologic and functional orthodontic approach were planned to improve the retrognathic mandible and the muscular activity using kinesiograph and electromyography.

  16. Partial Molar Volumes of Aqua Ions from First Principles. (United States)

    Wiktor, Julia; Bruneval, Fabien; Pasquarello, Alfredo


    Partial molar volumes of ions in water solution are calculated through pressures obtained from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. The correct definition of pressure in charged systems subject to periodic boundary conditions requires access to the variation of the electrostatic potential upon a change of volume. We develop a scheme for calculating such a variation in liquid systems by setting up an interface between regions of different density. This also allows us to determine the absolute deformation potentials for the band edges of liquid water. With the properly defined pressures, we obtain partial molar volumes of a series of aqua ions in very good agreement with experimental values.

  17. Radiographic prognostic factors determining spontaneous space closure after loss of the permanent first molar. (United States)

    Patel, Sameer; Ashley, Paul; Noar, Joseph


    Permanent first molars (PFM) with a poor prognosis are routinely extracted in children throughout the United Kingdom. National guidelines suggest that to achieve spontaneous closure for the mandibular arch, the PFM should be extracted at 8 to 10 years of age, during bifurcation formation of the second molar. The literature is of limited quality and has suggested alternative variables that may be associated with successful space closure. Our aim was to investigate the radiographic prognostic factors associated with space closure after extraction of PFM. Two objectives of the research are reported in this article: to determine factors that might predict space closure of the second molar after extraction of the PFM, and to develop a tool kit to aid clinical decision making. We assessed 148 maxillary and 153 mandibular PFM extracted from 81 participants retrospectively. Dental age, second molar developmental stage, second premolar and second molar angulations, and presence or absence of the third molar were assessed on the preextraction orthopantomograms. Outcome was assessed via visual examination, study models, or radiographs. Closure occurred in 89.9% of the maxillary and 49.0% of the mandibular quadrants. Dental age was statistically, but not clinically, significant in the maxillary arch (P space closure. The developed tool kit requires further validity testing. Copyright © 2016 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. The unfolding effects on the protein hydration shell and partial molar volume: a computational study. (United States)

    Del Galdo, Sara; Amadei, Andrea


    In this paper we apply the computational analysis recently proposed by our group to characterize the solvation properties of a native protein in aqueous solution, and to four model aqueous solutions of globular proteins in their unfolded states thus characterizing the protein unfolded state hydration shell and quantitatively evaluating the protein unfolded state partial molar volumes. Moreover, by using both the native and unfolded protein partial molar volumes, we obtain the corresponding variations (unfolding partial molar volumes) to be compared with the available experimental estimates. We also reconstruct the temperature and pressure dependence of the unfolding partial molar volume of Myoglobin dissecting the structural and hydration effects involved in the process.

  19. Piezosurgery versus Rotatory Osteotomy in Mandibular Impacted Third Molar Extraction (United States)

    Bhati, Bharat; Kukreja, Pankaj; Kumar, Sanjeev; Rathi, Vidhi C.; Singh, Kanika; Bansal, Shipra


    Aim: The aim of this study is to compare piezoelectric surgery versus rotatory osteotomy technique in removal of mandibular impacted third molar. Materials and Methods: Sample size of 30 patients 18 males, 12 females with a mean age of 27.43 ± 5.27. Bilateral extractions were required in all patients. All the patients were randomly allocated to two groups in one group, namely control group, surgical extraction of mandibular third molar was done using conventional rotatory osteotomy and in the other group, namely test group, extraction of lower third molar was done using Piezotome. Results: Parameters assessed in this study were – mouth opening (interincisal opening), pain (visual analog scale VAS score), swelling, incidence of dry socket, paresthesia and duration of surgery in both groups at baseline, 1st, 3rd, and 7th postoperative day. Comparing both groups pain scores with (P piezosurgery group (51.40 ± 17.9) minutes compared to the conventional rotatory group with a mean of (37.33 ± 15.5) minutes showing a statistically significant difference (P = 0.002). Conclusion: The main advantages of piezosurgery include soft tissue protection, optimal visibility in the surgical field, decreased blood loss, less vibration and noise, increased comfort for the patient, and protection of tooth structures. Therefore, the piezoelectric device was efficient in decreasing the short-term outcomes of pain and swelling although taking longer duration than conventional rotatory technique it significantly reduces the associated postoperative sequelae of third molar surgery. PMID:28713729


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    Geraldo Luiz De Mori


    Full Text Available Refletir tecnologicamente sobre a inspiração de um texto teológico poético-popular coletado na periferia de Belo Horizonte é a intenção do presente trabalho. "História de Jesus" foi o título que a autora deu ao texto. Sugestivamente se pode adiantar o resultado da reflexão, denominando-o de "Evangelho segundo Dona Lauricena".

  1. Endodontic therapy of a mandibular third molar with 5 canals: a case report. (United States)

    Silberman, Adrian; Heilborn, Carlos; Cohenca, Nestor


    Endodontic treatment of third molars often becomes part of comprehensive treatment plans, as it represents a more conservative and less invasive approach than its therapeutic alternatives. The frequency of anatomic variations in mandibular molars, particularly root canal configuration, requires 2 periapical radiographs from different angles. Upon reading and interpretation of the radiographs, the clinician should consider the anatomy and level of difficulty of the endodontic procedure and refer the patient to an endodontist, if deemed necessary. The present article discusses the successful treatment and preservation of a mandibular third molar with 5 root canals, as well as methods for its clinical management.



    Luíza Zuchetto Magnus


    Os molares tribosfênicos são considerados grandes inovações dos mamíferos e se relacionam com diversas estruturas e variáveis as quais podem explicar a sua adaptação. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a importância da relação do tamanho corporal, da forma mandibular e da dieta, sob enfoque filogenético, no conjunto dos quatro molares inferiores dos marsupiais didelfídeos. Análises de morfometria geométrica da forma dos molares inferiores foram realizadas em 261 espécimes, 130 fêmeas e 131...

  3. A mandibular third molar with three mesial roots: a case report. (United States)

    Plotino, Gianluca


    Although its most common configuration is 2 roots and 3 root canals, mandibular molars might have many different combinations. A case of unusual root canal morphology is presented to demonstrate anatomic variations in mandibular molars. Endodontic therapy was performed in a mandibular third molar with 3 separate mesial roots. The appearance of the pulp chamber floor revealed 4 separate canal orifices. Radiographically the 4 root canals ended in their own distinct foramen. Many reports deal with 3 orifices or 3 independent canals in the mesial root, but none described 3 mesial canals in 3 separate mesial roots, indicating a rare anatomic configuration. This report points out the importance of looking for additional canals and unusual canal morphology, because knowledge of their existence might occasionally enable clinicians to treat a case successfully that otherwise might have ended in failure.

  4. Partial molar volumes of hydrogen and deuterium in niobium and vanadium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herro, H.M.


    Lattice dilation studies and direct pressure experiments gave comparable values for the partial molar volumes of hydrogen and deuterium in niobium and vanadium. Small isotope effects in the partial molar volume of hydrogen were measured in both metals by the differential isotope method. Hydrogen had a larger partial molar volume than deuterium in niobium, but the reverse was true in vanadium. The isotope effect measured in niobium can be represented as being due to the larger amplitude of vibration of the hydrogen atom than the deuterium atom in the metal lattice. Since hydrogen has a larger mean displacement from the equilibrium position than does deuterium, the average force hydrogen exerts on the metal atoms is greater than the force deuterium exerts. The isotope effect in vanadium is likely a result of anharmonic effects in the lattice and local vibrational modes

  5. Demirjian's method in the estimation of age: A study on human third molars. (United States)

    Lewis, Amitha J; Boaz, Karen; Nagesh, K R; Srikant, N; Gupta, Neha; Nandita, K P; Manaktala, Nidhi


    The primary aim of the following study is to estimate the chronological age based on the stages of third molar development following the eight stages (A to H) method of Demirjian et al. (along with two modifications-Orhan) and secondary aim is to compare third molar development with sex and age. The sample consisted of 115 orthopantomograms from South Indian subjects with known chronological age and gender. Multiple regression analysis was performed with chronological age as the dependable variable and third molar root development as independent variable. All the statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 11.0 package (IBM ® Corporation). Statistically no significant differences were found in third molar development between males and females. Depending on the available number of wisdom teeth in an individual, R (2) varied for males from 0.21 to 0.48 and for females from 0.16 to 0.38. New equations were derived for estimating the chronological age. The chronological age of a South Indian individual between 14 and 22 years may be estimated based on the regression formulae. However, additional studies with a larger study population must be conducted to meet the need for population-based information on third molar development.

  6. Miniscrew-assisted mandibular molar distalization in a patient with skeletal class-III malocclusion: A clinical case report

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    Seyed Mohammadreza Safavi


    Full Text Available In nongrowing patients with mild skeletal Class-III malocclusion, premolar extraction or molar distalization in the lower arch can be done as a part of camouflage treatment. Temporary anchorage devices are widely used for this purpose because they do not produce undesirable reciprocal effects and do not depend on the patient′s cooperation. However, most reported cases in this regard have used interradicular miniscrews in the mandibular arch and these have a risk of failure as they can loosen due to collision with adjacent roots. This article showcases mandibular molar distalization utilizing miniscrews, inserted at the retromolar area to correct a Class-III problem. A 24-year-old girl with a mild skeletal Class-III malocclusion and dental Class-III molar and canine relationship bilaterally was referred for orthodontic treatment. The treatment plan included distalization of the lower molars bilaterally followed by full fixed appliance therapy, after third molar extractions. For the lower molar distalization, the miniscrews were inserted at the retromolar pad. At the end of 21 months, a Class-I molar and canine relationship, normal overjet and overbite were obtained. The average amount of distalization of mandibular first molar was 3.2 mm at the crown level. In conclusion, placing miniscrews at the retromolar pad area for lower molar distalization was found to be a simple and effective method for correcting anterior cross bite and mandibular anterior crowding or protrusion, without the need for patient compliance.

  7. Loss of the First Permanent Molar: Risk Factors and Adolescent Oral Health

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    Daraí Bárbara Sánchez Montero


    Full Text Available Foundation: the replacement of the primary dentition begins with the eruption of the first permanent molars that will be subjected to various risk factors.Objective: to determine the existing relation between the first permanent molar loss and the risk factors in adolescents from 12 to 14 years old. Method: a cross descriptive study was developed between October 20011 and March 2012. On a universe of 560 students, a simple random sampling was done and a sample of 185 patients was selected. On school visits dental exams were performed to determine the Clune index dental caries index, filled and missing teeth and the simplified index of oral hygiene. The estimated relative risk was used with prevalence odd ratio and prevalence ratio was calculated. The studied variables were: sex, oral hygiene habits, and habits of cariogenic diet bucodental health. Results: the loss of the first permanent molar predominated in the male sex with a 14.1 %. The prevailing risk factor was cariogenic diet which affected 57.3 of the population, where 80.6 of those who had a high consumption showed loss of the first permanent molar. Clune index (53,4 % in the female and 40 % in the male sex, dental caries, filled and lost teeth (1.7 % in female and 2.9 in the male sex were calculated. Conclusion: there is a direct relation between risk factors, poor oral hygiene and cariogenic feeding with the loss of the first permanent molar.

  8. Staging of third molar development in relation to chronological age of 5-16 year old Indian children. (United States)

    Hegde, Sapna; Patodia, Akash; Dixit, Uma


    The usefulness of the developmental status of the third molar has been studied in assessment of the chronological age of adolescents in whom the development of the other permanent teeth is nearly complete. However, little is known about the timing and pattern of third-molar development in the Indian population. This study aimed to stage the third molar development in relation to chronological age of 5-16year old Indian children. In this cross-sectional observational study, the status of third molar development in relation to chronological age of 1139 Indian children aged 5-16 years was evaluated radiographically, using Orhan's modification of Demirjian's method. The frequency of occurrence of the third molars varied from 47% to 70%. Crypt formation, crown completion and root completion occurred as early as 5.4, 8.7 and 15.0 years, respectively. No significant differences based on gender or side were observed in third-molar development (p>0.05). For most stages, maxillary third molars were slightly more advanced than their mandibular counterparts (p>0.05). Considering the high degree of variability observed in third molar genesis and development, the usefulness of this tooth in age determination studies may be very limited in the age group studied. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Forensic age estimation based on development of third molars: a staging technique for magnetic resonance imaging. (United States)

    De Tobel, J; Phlypo, I; Fieuws, S; Politis, C; Verstraete, K L; Thevissen, P W


    The development of third molars can be evaluated with medical imaging to estimate age in subadults. The appearance of third molars on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) differs greatly from that on radiographs. Therefore a specific staging technique is necessary to classify third molar development on MRI and to apply it for age estimation. To develop a specific staging technique to register third molar development on MRI and to evaluate its performance for age estimation in subadults. Using 3T MRI in three planes, all third molars were evaluated in 309 healthy Caucasian participants from 14 to 26 years old. According to the appearance of the developing third molars on MRI, descriptive criteria and schematic representations were established to define a specific staging technique. Two observers, with different levels of experience, staged all third molars independently with the developed technique. Intra- and inter-observer agreement were calculated. The data were imported in a Bayesian model for age estimation as described by Fieuws et al. (2016). This approach adequately handles correlation between age indicators and missing age indicators. It was used to calculate a point estimate and a prediction interval of the estimated age. Observed age minus predicted age was calculated, reflecting the error of the estimate. One-hundred and sixty-six third molars were agenetic. Five percent (51/1096) of upper third molars and 7% (70/1044) of lower third molars were not assessable. Kappa for inter-observer agreement ranged from 0.76 to 0.80. For intra-observer agreement kappa ranged from 0.80 to 0.89. However, two stage differences between observers or between staging sessions occurred in up to 2.2% (20/899) of assessments, probably due to a learning effect. Using the Bayesian model for age estimation, a mean absolute error of 2.0 years in females and 1.7 years in males was obtained. Root mean squared error equalled 2.38 years and 2.06 years respectively. The performance to

  10. Autotransplantation of Mandibular Third Molar with Buccal Cortical Plate to Replace Vertically Fractured Mandibular Second Molar: A Novel Technique. (United States)

    Zufía, Juan; Abella, Francesc; Trebol, Ivan; Gómez-Meda, Ramón


    Tooth replacement often leads to inadequate vertical volume in the recipient site bone when a tooth has been extracted because of a vertical root fracture (VRF). This case report presents the autotransplantation of a mandibular third molar (tooth #32) with the attached buccal cortical plate to replace a mandibular second molar (tooth #31) diagnosed with a VRF. After extraction of tooth #31, the recipient socket was prepared based on the size measured in advance with cone-beam computed tomographic imaging. The precise and calculated osteotomy of the cortical bone of tooth #32 allowed for the exact placement of the donor tooth in the position of tooth #31. The total extraoral time was only 25 minutes. The block was fixed to the recipient socket with an osteosynthesis screw and splinted with a double resin wire for 8 weeks. At the 6-month follow-up, the screw was removed, and the stability of the tooth and the regeneration obtained throughout the vestibular area were confirmed. At the 2-year follow-up, the transplanted tooth was asymptomatic and maintained a normal bone level. Advantages of autotransplantation over dental implants include maintenance of proprioception, possible orthodontic movements, and a relatively low cost. This case report demonstrates that an autotransplantation of a third molar attached to its buccal cortical plate is a viable option to replace teeth with a VRF. Copyright © 2017 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Two-Rooted Maxillary First Molars with Two Canals: A Case Series


    Shakouie, Sahar; Mokhtari, Hadi; Ghasemi, Negin; Gholizadeh, Seddigheh


    Thorough understanding of the anatomic and internal morphology of a root canal system is absolutely essential for the success of endodontic treatment. Since permanent maxillary first molars have shown variation in internal anatomy, morphology, this tooth has been reviewed extensively. Presence of two canals in a two-rooted maxillary first molar has rarely been reported in studies describing tooth and root canal anatomies. In this report, three cases are presented, which involve the root canal...

  12. Prevalence and features of distolingual roots in mandibular molars analyzed by cone-beam computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Mi Ree; Moon, Young Mi; Seo, Min Seock


    This study evaluated the prevalence of distolingual roots in mandibular molars among Koreans, the root canal system associated with distolingual roots, and the concurrent appearance of a distolingual root in the mandibular first molar and a C-shaped canal in the mandibular second molar. Cone-beam computed tomographic images of 264 patients were screened and examined. Axial sections of 1056 mandibular molars were evaluated to determine the number of roots. The interorifice distances from the distolingual canal to the distobuccal canal were also estimated. Using an image analysis program, the root canal curvature was calculated. Pearson's chi-square test, the paired t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and post-hoc analysis were performed. Distolingual roots were observed in 26.1% of the subjects. In cases where a distolingual root was observed in the mandibular molar, a significant difference was observed in the root canal curvature between the buccolingual and mesiodistal orientations. The maximum root canal curvature was most commonly observed in the mesiodistal orientation in the coronal portion, but in the apical portion, maximum root canal curvature was most often observed in the buccolingual orientation. The canal curvature of distolingual roots was found to be very complex, with a different direction in each portion. No correlation was found between the presence of a distolingual root in the mandibular first molar and the presence of a C-shaped canal in the mandibular second molar

  13. Evaluation of radiographic features of embedded primary molar ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    May 20, 2014 ... Key words: Ankylosis, panoramic radiography, primary molar root ... coverage of the jaws is needed for diagnosis. ... and direct continuity of the bone, called as bony ankylosis. .... Floating retained root lesion mimicking.

  14. Prevalence of radix entomolaris in mandibular permanent first molars: a study in a South Indian population. (United States)

    Chandra, Saurabh S; Chandra, Supriya; Shankar, Padmanabhan; Indira, Rajamani


    Anatomical racial variations are an acknowledged characteristic in permanent molars. Generally, mandibular first molars have 2 roots; however, the presence of a third root, radix entomolaris (RE), is a major anatomic variant among many population groups. This study evaluated the prevalence of permanent mandibular first molars featuring a distolingual root in a South Indian population. Five hundred patients of South Indian origin possessing bilateral mandibular first molars were selected. The radiographs of these patients were evaluated under optimal conditions. A total of 1000 mandibular first molars were screened and the incidence of 3-rooted mandibular first molars and the correlation between left and right side occurrence and between either gender was recorded. The prevalence of 3-rooted mandibular first molars was 18.6% of the patients examined and 13.3% of the teeth examined. There was no statistically significant difference between genders or side of occurrence (P > .05). The bilateral incidence of a symmetric distribution was 43.01%. RE is considered an Asiatic trait. The occurrence of this macrostructure in the South Indian population was 13.3%, which was lower than that of other patients of Mongoloid origin. The clinician must thoroughly examine the radiograph before initiation of endodontic therapy. Copyright © 2011 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Preparation of Some Novel Copper(I) Complexes and their Molar Conductances in Organic Solvents (United States)

    Gill, Dip Singh; Rana, Dilbag


    Attempts have been made to prepare some novel copper(I) nitrate, sulfate, and perchlorate complexes. Molar conductances of these complexes have been measured in organic solvents like acetonitrile (AN), acetone (AC), methanol (MeOH), N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), N,Ndimethylacetamide (DMA), and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) at 298 K. The molar conductance data have been analyzed to obtain limiting molar conductances (λ0) and ion association constants (KA) of the electrolytes. The results showed that all these complexes are strong electrolytes in all organic solvents. The limiting ionic molar conductances (λo± ) for various ions have been calculated using Bu4NBPh4 as reference electrolyte. The actual radii for copper(I) complex ions are very large and different in different solvents and indicate some solvation effects in each solvent system

  16. Modified Willet′s appliance for bilateral loss of multiple deciduous molars: A case report

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    Dhindsa A


    Full Text Available No other factor plays a more significant role in preventive and interceptive dentistry than the preservation of deciduous dentition till its normal time of exfoliation. Premature loss of a deciduous tooth or a group of teeth might lead to wide range of implications. When the deciduous second molar is lost before the eruption of first permanent molar, intra-alveolar type of space maintainer is indicated. But in cases of bilateral loss of these teeth the conventional design generally poses a variety of problems. Thus, the conventional designs are required to be modified according to the needs of the patient. Therefore, this paper describes an entirely new design of the Willet′s appliance in cases of bilateral loss of deciduous molars before the eruption of first permanent molar.

  17. A study to evaluate the changes in 3rd molar angulation with extraction of four premolars in class II malocclusion therapy

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    Özge Uslu-Akçam


    Full Text Available Aim: The objectives of the study are to evaluate the changes in third molar angulation during orthodontic treatment with extraction of premolars in Class II malocclusions, and to evaluate the relationship between the angulation of third molars and positional changes of incisors and molars. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on lateral cephalograms and dental panoramic tomograms of 30 patients (mean age 13.48 years with skeletodental Class II malocclusion treated with four first premolar extractions. Twenty-four cases were treated with edgewise, and six were treated with Begg technique. The changes in the eruption pattern of the third molars were observed at the beginning of the treatment (T1 and at the end of the treatment (T2. The changes in the anteroposterior position of the incisors and molars, original molar space, and mesiodistal third molar angulation were tested by paired t-test. Results: The positional changes of the upper/lower incisors and first molars and original molar space were found similar in edgewise and Begg technique. Original molar space was increased in both jaws during orthodontic treatment. Long axis angle of the upper right third molar due to occlusal plane was increased nonsignificantly. Lower right third molars uprighted significantly. A positive correlation was found between the inclination of the lower right third molars and position of lower incisors and first molars. Conclusion: Treatment with extraction of premolars result in a greater space in the third molar region as a result of the mesial movement of the molars during space closure.

  18. Standard molar enthalpy of formation of 1-benzosuberone: An experimental and computational study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miranda, Margarida S.; Morais, Victor M.F.; Matos, M. Agostinha R.; Liebman, Joel F.


    The energetics of 1-benzosuberone was studied by a combination of calorimetric techniques and computational calculations. The standard (p o = 0.1 MPa) molar enthalpy of formation of 1-benzosuberone, in the liquid phase, was derived from the massic energy of combustion, in oxygen, at T = 298.15 K, measured by static bomb combustion calorimetry. The standard molar enthalpy of vaporization, at T = 298.15 K, was measured by Calvet microcalorimetry. From these two parameters the standard (p o = 0.1 MPa) molar enthalpy of formation, in the gaseous phase, at T = 298.15 K, was derived: -(96.1 ± 3.4) kJ . mol -1 . The G3(MP2)//B3LYP composite method and appropriate reactions were used to computationally calculate the standard molar enthalpy of formation of 1-benzosuberone, in the gaseous phase, at T = 298.15 K. The computational results are in very good agreement with the experimental value.

  19. Third molar development: evaluation of nine tooth development registration techniques for age estimations. (United States)

    Thevissen, Patrick W; Fieuws, Steffen; Willems, Guy


    Multiple third molar development registration techniques exist. Therefore the aim of this study was to detect which third molar development registration technique was most promising to use as a tool for subadult age estimation. On a collection of 1199 panoramic radiographs the development of all present third molars was registered following nine different registration techniques [Gleiser, Hunt (GH); Haavikko (HV); Demirjian (DM); Raungpaka (RA); Gustafson, Koch (GK); Harris, Nortje (HN); Kullman (KU); Moorrees (MO); Cameriere (CA)]. Regression models with age as response and the third molar registration as predictor were developed for each registration technique separately. The MO technique disclosed highest R(2) (F 51%, M 45%) and lowest root mean squared error (F 3.42 years; M 3.67 years) values, but differences with other techniques were small in magnitude. The amount of stages utilized in the explored staging techniques slightly influenced the age predictions. © 2013 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  20. Primary molar pulpotomy: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. (United States)

    Lin, Po-Yen; Chen, Hsueh-Szu; Wang, Yu-Hsiang; Tu, Yu-Kang


    Pulpotomy is a common procedure to treat asymptomatic reversible pulpitis in primary molars. The aim of this study is to undertake a systematic review and a network meta-analysis to compare the clinical and radiographic outcomes of different pulpotomy procedures in primary molars. Three authors performed data extraction independently and in duplicate using data collection forms. Disagreements were resolved by discussion. An electronic literature search was performed within MEDLINE (via PubMed), ScienceDirect, Web of Science, Cochrane, and ClinicalKey databases until December 2012. Medications for pulpotomy including formocresol, ferric sulfate, calcium hydroxide, and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), and laser pulpotomy are compared using Bayesian network meta-analyses. The outcome is the odds ratio for clinical and radiographic failure including premature tooth loss at 12 and 24 months after treatments amongst different treatment procedures. 37 studies were included in the systematic review, and 22 of them in the final network meta-analyses. After 18-24 months, in terms of treatment failure, the odds ratio for calcium hydroxide vs. formocresol was 1.94 [95% credible interval (CI): 1.11, 3.25]; 3.38 (95% CI: 1.37, 8.61) for lasers vs. formocresol; 2.16 (95% CI: 1.12, 4.31) for calcium hydroxide vs. ferric sulfate; 3.73 (95% CI: 1.27, 11.67) for lasers vs. ferric sulfate; 0.47 (95% CI: 0.26, 0.83) for MTA vs. calcium hydroxide; 3.76 (95% CI: 1.39, 10.08) for lasers vs. After 18-24 months, formocresol, ferric sulfate, and MTA showed significantly better clinical and radiographic outcomes than calcium hydroxide and laser therapies in primary molar pulpotomies. The network meta-analyses showed that MTA is the first choice for primary molar pulpotomies. However, if treatment cost is an issue, especially when the treated primary molars are going to be replaced by permanent teeth, ferric sulfate may be the choice. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. A New Anatomically Based Nomenclature for the Roots and Root Canals—Part 1: Maxillary Molars

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    Jojo Kottoor


    Full Text Available Numerous terminologies have been employed in the dental literature to describe the roots and root canal systems of maxillary molars. This multiplicity in naming of roots and canals makes the reader susceptible to misinterpretation and confusion. No consensus thus far has been arrived at for defining the names of roots and root canals in maxillary molars, including their various morphological aberrations. The anatomical relation of roots and their root canals were identified and were subsequently named based on definite sets of criteria. A new method for identification and naming of roots and root canal anatomy in maxillary molars, based on their root and canal relationship, was formulated and is presented in this paper. The nomenclature makes certain essential modifications to the traditional approach to accommodate naming of the various aberrations presented in the maxillary molars. A simple, yet extensive, nomenclature system has been proposed that appropriately names the internal and external morphology of maxillary molars.

  2. A new anatomically based nomenclature for the roots and root canals-part 1: maxillary molars. (United States)

    Kottoor, Jojo; Albuquerque, Denzil Valerian; Velmurugan, Natanasabapathy


    Numerous terminologies have been employed in the dental literature to describe the roots and root canal systems of maxillary molars. This multiplicity in naming of roots and canals makes the reader susceptible to misinterpretation and confusion. No consensus thus far has been arrived at for defining the names of roots and root canals in maxillary molars, including their various morphological aberrations. The anatomical relation of roots and their root canals were identified and were subsequently named based on definite sets of criteria. A new method for identification and naming of roots and root canal anatomy in maxillary molars, based on their root and canal relationship, was formulated and is presented in this paper. The nomenclature makes certain essential modifications to the traditional approach to accommodate naming of the various aberrations presented in the maxillary molars. A simple, yet extensive, nomenclature system has been proposed that appropriately names the internal and external morphology of maxillary molars.

  3. Study of Kissing Molars in Turkish Population Sample

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jun 28, 2017 ... unerupted teeth; retention of the mandibular second molar is ... and November 2014 for surgical treatment retrospectively were evaluated. The cases of ... and treatment. Results: Of the 6570 radiographs included in the study,.

  4. [Establish Assessment Model of 18 Years of Age in Chinese Han Population by Mandibular Third Molar]. (United States)

    Fan, Fei; Dai, Xin-hua; Wang, Liang; Li, Yuan; Zhang, Kui; Deng, Zhen-hua


    To explore the value of estimating chronologic age based on the grades of mandibular third molar development. To evaluate whether mandibular third molar could be used as an indicator for estimating the age under or over 18 years. The mineralization status of mandibular third molar of 1 845 individuals aged 10 - 30 was graded and marked based on Demirjian's classification of grades reformed by Orhan. Gender difference was examined by t-test. A cubic regression model was established to analyze the correlation between third molar and chronologic age. Each grade of age cumulative distribution diagram and ROC curve was respectively performed to evaluate the relationship between third molar and the age of 18. Using Bayes discriminant analysis, an equation was established for estimating the age of 18. The inner-rater reliability was 0.903. Statistical analysis showed a moderate correlation between age and grade. Significant differences of both genders were found only in grade D and H (P Third molar development shows a high correlation with age, and combined with other indicators, it can be used to estimate the age of 18.

  5. Endodontic treatment of a mandibular second molar with four roots – A case report and literature review

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    Jorge N.R. Martins


    Conclusions: A configuration with four roots is rare for the mandibular molars. This configuration has an incidence of 0.04% in the first lower molar with only three in vivo case reports available. For the second lower molar, no incidence ratio was found.

  6. Analysis of C-shaped root canal configuration in maxillary molars in a Korean population using cone-beam computed tomography

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    Hyoung-Hoon Jo


    Full Text Available Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of root fusion and C-shaped root canals in maxillary molars, and to classify the types of C-shaped canal by analyzing cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT in a Korean population. Materials and Methods Digitized CBCT images from 911 subjects were obtained in Chosun University Dental Hospital between February 2010 and July 2012 for orthodontic treatment. Among them, a total of selected 3,553 data of maxillary molars were analyzed retrospectively. Tomography sections in the axial, coronal, and sagittal planes were displayed by PiViewstar and Rapidia MPR software (Infinitt Co.. The incidence and types of root fusion and C-shaped root canals were evaluated and the incidence between the first and the second molar was compared using Chi-square test. Results Root fusion was present in 3.2% of the first molars and 19.5% of the second molars, and fusion of mesiobuccal and palatal root was dominant. C-shaped root canals were present in 0.8% of the first molars and 2.7% of the second molars. The frequency of root fusion and C-shaped canal was significantly higher in the second molar than the first molar (p < 0.001. Conclusions In a Korean population, maxillary molars showed total 11.3% of root fusion and 1.8% of C-shaped root canals. Furthermore, root fusion and C-shaped root canals were seen more frequently in the maxillary second molars.

  7. An endodontic management of mandibular third molar with five root canals


    Dakshita Joy Sinha; Ashish Amit Sinha


    The existence of several anatomical variations in the root canal system may contribute to failure of the root canal therapy. The planning and performing of endodontic therapy requires knowledge of the internal dental morphology. This paper reports the case of a left mandibular third molar that presented with five root canals; a case of unusual root canal morphology so as to demonstrate the anatomic variations in mandibular third molars. Root canal therapy and case management are described. Th...

  8. [Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH)--a literature review]. (United States)

    Gotler, M; Ratson, T


    MIH was defined by Weerheijm (2001) as "hypomineralisation of systemic origin of 1-4 permanent first molars, frequently associated with affected incisors". The prevalence of MIH varies between 2.8% and 25%, dependent upon the study. At their sixth congress in 2003, The European Association of pediatric dentistry defined criteria for diagnosis of the phenomena. It included the presence of demarcated opacity, posteruptive enamel breakdown, atypical restoration, extracted molar due to MIH and unerupted teeth. According to the teeth involved and to the time of the crown formation, researches focused on environmental and systemic conditions as possible reasons for MIH.The etiologies were divided into five groups: Exposure to environmental contaminants, pre/peri and neonatal problems, exposure to fluoride, common childhood illnesses and medically compromised children. The clinical implications include highly sensitive teeth, difficulty to achieve adequate anesthesia, behavioral problems and anxiety, rapid progression of caries and the esthetic implications. A six step approach to management was described suggested: risk identification, early diagnosis, remineralization and desensitization, prevention of caries and posteruption breakdown, restorations and extractions and finally maintenance. Restoring an affected molar can vary from adhesive intra coronal restorations (resin composite is the material of choice) to extra coronal restorations (e.g. preformed metal crown). Esthetic solutions to affected incisors may include microabrasion (that shows little improvement) and resin composite or porcelain veneer. The key for a successful treatment is early diagnosis, intense follow up and usage of remineralizating agents as soon as the teeth erupt. There is still need for further research to clarify the etiological factors and improve the durability of restoration in affected teeth.

  9. Histopathologic changes in soft tissue associated with radiographically normal impacted third molars

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    Kotrashetti Vijayalakshmi


    Full Text Available Background: The incidence of impacted or embedded third molars accounts for approximately 98%. Since 1948, there are studies reporting pathological changes in an asymptomatic dental follicle. Controversy still exists for removal of asmptomatic impacted teeth. Hence, this study was performed to histologically evaluate soft tissue pathosis in the pericoronal tissues of impacted third molars with pericoronal radiolucency measuring up to 2.5 mm on orthopantomographs. Materials and Methods: Forty-one asymptomatic impacted third molars with follicular space of up to 2.5 mm on radiographs were included. The disimpacted teeth and the follicular tissues were obtained for histological examination. Results: Age of the patients ranged from 14 to 25 years. Of 41 tissues evaluated, histopathological reports of 18 follicles were suggestive of dentigerous cyst, two follicles showed odontogenic keratocyst, one follicle each of calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst, ameloblastoma-like proliferation, odontogenic myxoma and odontogenic fibroma. Conclusion: This study showed 58.5% of asymptomatic cases with definite pathological changes. Hence, thorough clinical and radiographic examination should be carried out for all impacted third molars and the dental follicular tissue should be submitted for histopathological evaluation.

  10. The chronological age estimation of third molar mineralization of Han population in southwestern China. (United States)

    Qing, Maofeng; Qiu, Lihua; Gao, Zhi; Bhandari, Kishor


    The purpose of the study was to estimate the chronology of third molar mineralization in Han population of southwestern China and find its unique characteristics so that it would provide a reference in several legal cases like forensic age estimation. The study used Demirjian's staging method to study 2192 orthopantomograms of 984 male and 1208 female subjects aged between 8 and 25 years. The statistical data was analyzed by Student's t test and ANOVA. The conclusions of the study are: (1) The chronological mineralization age of third molars of Han population in Southwestern China is similar to the Turkish and the Japanese, was earlier than the Austrian and Han of South China, but later than the Spanish. (2) The mineralization timing of the third molars between two sides in maxilla or mandible has no significant differences in the same gender group. (3) There is no significant difference in mineralization of third molars between male and female, except for tooth 48 in Demirjian's stage E. (4) The mineralization of third molar in maxilla is earlier than mandible. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.

  11. Maxillary first molar with an O-shaped root morphology:report of a case

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Yooseok Shin; Yemi Kim; Byoung-Duck Roh


    This case report is to present a maxillary first molar with one O-shaped root, which is an extended C-shaped canal system. Patient with chronic apical periodontitis in maxillary left first molar underwent replantation because of difficulty in negotiating all canals. Periapical radiographs and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) were taken. All roots were connected and fused to one root, and all canals seemed to be connected to form an O-shape. The apical 3 mm of the root were resected and retrograde filled with resin-modified glass ionomer. Intentional replantation as an alternative treatment could be considered in a maxillary first molar having an unusual O-shaped root.

  12. Maxillary first molar with an O-shaped root morphology: report of a case. (United States)

    Shin, Yooseok; Kim, Yemi; Roh, Byoung-Duck


    This case report is to present a maxillary first molar with one O-shaped root, which is an extended C-shaped canal system. Patient with chronic apical periodontitis in maxillary left first molar underwent replantation because of difficulty in negotiating all canals. Periapical radiographs and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) were taken. All roots were connected and fused to one root, and all canals seemed to be connected to form an O-shape. The apical 3 mm of the root were resected and retrograde filled with resin-modified glass ionomer. Intentional replantation as an alternative treatment could be considered in a maxillary first molar having an unusual O-shaped root.

  13. Low-tmperature Heat Capacities and Standard Molar Enthalpy of Formation of 4-Nitrobenzyl Alcohol

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    MENG, Qingfen; TAN, Zhicheng; WANG, Xiaohuan; DONG, Yaping; LI, Wu; SHI, Quan


    Low-temperature heat capacities of 4-nitrobenzyl alcohol (4-NBA) have been measured by a high precision automated adiabatic calorimeter over the temperature range from 78 to 396 K. The melting temperature, the molar calculated in the range from 80 to 400 K at the interval of 5 K. The constant-volume energy and standard molar en- at T=298.15 K. The standard molar enthalpy of formation has been derived, ΔfHom(C7H7NO3, s)=-(206.49± namic quantities through a Hess thermochemical cycle.

  14. Apparent molar volumes and compressibilities of alkaline earth metal ions in methanol and dimethylsulfoxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Warminska, Dorota; Wawer, Jaroslaw; Grzybkowski, Waclaw


    Temperature dependencies of density of magnesium (II), calcium (II), strontium (II), barium (II) perchlorates as well as beryllium (II), and sodium trifluoromethanesulfonates in methanol and dimethylsulfoxide have been determined over the composition range studied. From density data the apparent molar volumes and partial molar volumes of the salts at infinite dilution as well as the expansibilities have been evaluated. The apparent molar isentropic compressibilities of alkaline earth metal perchlorates and beryllium (II) and sodium triflates in methanol and DMSO have been calculated from sound speed data obtained at T = 298.15 K.

  15. The Voronoi volume and molecular representation of molar volume: equilibrium simple fluids. (United States)

    Hunjan, Jagtar Singh; Eu, Byung Chan


    The Voronoi volume of simple fluids was previously made use of in connection with volume transport phenomena in nonequilibrium simple fluids. To investigate volume transport phenomena, it is important to develop a method to compute the Voronoi volume of fluids in nonequilibrium. In this work, as a first step to this goal, we investigate the equilibrium limit of the nonequilibrium Voronoi volume together with its attendant related molar (molal) and specific volumes. It is proved that the equilibrium Voronoi volume is equivalent to the molar (molal) volume. The latter, in turn, is proved equivalent to the specific volume. This chain of equivalences provides an alternative procedure of computing the equilibrium Voronoi volume from the molar volume/specific volume. We also show approximate methods of computing the Voronoi and molar volumes from the information on the pair correlation function. These methods may be employed for their quick estimation, but also provide some aspects of the fluid structure and its relation to the Voronoi volume. The Voronoi volume obtained from computer simulations is fitted to a function of temperature and pressure in the region above the triple point but below the critical point. Since the fitting function is given in terms of reduced variables for the Lennard-Jones (LJ) model and the kindred volumes (i.e., specific and molar volumes) are in essence equivalent to the equation of state, the formula obtained is a reduced equation state for simple fluids obeying the LJ model potential in the range of temperature and pressure examined and hence can be used for other simple fluids.

  16. Investigation of Clinical Characteristics and Etiological Factors in Children with Molar Incisor Hypomineralization

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    Maria Rita Giuca


    Full Text Available Aim. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the clinical defects and etiological factors potentially involved in the onset of MIH in a pediatric sample. Methods. 120 children, selected from the university dental clinic, were included: 60 children (25 boys and 35 girls; average age: 9.8 ± 1.8 years with MIH formed the test group and 60 children (27 boys and 33 girls; average age: 10.1 ± 2 years without MIH constituted the control group. Distribution and severity of MIH defects were evaluated, and a questionnaire was used to investigate the etiological variables; chi-square, univariate, and multivariate statistical tests were performed (significance level set at p<0.05. Results. A total of 186 molars and 98 incisors exhibited MIH defects: 55 molars and 75 incisors showed mild defects, 91 molars and 20 incisors had moderate lesions, and 40 molars and 3 incisors showed severe lesions. Univariate and multivariate statistical analysis showed a significant association (p<0.05 between MIH and ear, nose, and throat (ENT disorders and the antibiotics used during pregnancy (0.019. Conclusions. Moderate defects were more frequent in the molars, while mild lesions were more frequent in the incisors. Antibiotics used during pregnancy and ENT may be directly involved in the etiology of MIH in children.

  17. Partial molar volumes of proteins: amino acid side-chain contributions derived from the partial molar volumes of some tripeptides over the temperature range 10-90 degrees C. (United States)

    Häckel, M; Hinz, H J; Hedwig, G R


    The partial molar volumes of tripeptides of sequence glycyl-X-glycine, where X is one of the amino acids alanine, leucine, threonine, glutamine, phenylalanine, histidine, cysteine, proline, glutamic acid, and arginine, have been determined in aqueous solution over the temperature range 10-90 degrees C using differential scanning densitometry . These data, together with those reported previously, have been used to derive the partial molar volumes of the side-chains of all 20 amino acids. The side-chain volumes are critically compared with literature values derived using partial molar volumes for alternative model compounds. The new amino acid side-chain volumes, along with that for the backbone glycyl group, were used to calculate the partial specific volumes of several proteins in aqueous solution. The results obtained are compared with those observed experimentally. The new side-chain volumes have also been used to re-determine residue volume changes upon protein folding.

  18. [Surgery of lower third molars and lesions of the lingual nerve]. (United States)

    Chiapasco, M; Pedrinazzi, M; Motta, J; Crescentini, M; Ramundo, G


    The authors describe a technical expedient applied during the removal of totally or partially impacted lower third molars, in order to prevent lingual nerve damage. EXPERIMENTAL ASSAY: Retrospective study. The sample includes 1835 extractions of totally or partially impacted lower third molars, performed on 1030 patients, 493 males and 537 females, aging between 12 and 72 years. All the operations were carried out under local anaesthesia with standardization of the surgical protocol. A mucoperiosteal paramarginal flap was used in case of germectomy, whereas a mucoperiosteal marginal flap with mesial releasing incision was used in case of fully mature teeth. Ostectomy and tooth sectioning were performed using a round and fissure bur respectively, assembled on a straight low-speed handpiece and under irrigation with sterile saline. The authors reported only one case of transient lingual nerve paresthesia (0.05%) which occurred in a 19-years old female presenting a totally impacted third molar mesial-lingual inclination. Symptoms disappeared spontaneously one week postoperatively. Therefore the overall incidence of permanent nerve damage was equal to 0%. The data reported in literature show a lingual nerve lesion incidence ranging between 0% and 22%. With this simple surgical expedient the incidence of permanent lingual damage was 0%. Thus, it is the authors' opinion that this simple expedient should be applied in all cases of impacted third molar removal.

  19. The use of deciduous molars in EPR dose reconstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-faramawy, N.A.; Wieser, A.


    The use of deciduous teeth in EPR dose reconstruction has the unique potential to measure individual doses that were accumulated in the early childhood in the age up to 12 years. It was found previously that due to the small size of deciduous incisors, the available amount of enamel is not sufficient for EPR measurements. Therefore, dose assessment with deciduous incisors can only be done by measurement of whole teeth, including enamel and dentine. The measurement of whole teeth instead of enamel alone is possibly less reliable for dose reconstruction because the stability of CO 2 - radicals (that are an indicator for the absorbed dose) in biologically active dentine is not known. In the present study naturally loosed deciduous molars were investigated. The feasibility of separating enamel from small size molars was analysed. EPR spectrum parameters of whole molars and separated enamel only were evaluated before and after laboratory irradiation. The EPR signal amplitudes of the CO 2 - and native signals were determined by spectrum deconvolution, in dependence on radiation dose in the range 0.1 - 10 Gy. The fading at room temperature of native and CO 2 - EPR signals was analysed. The detection threshold for absorbed dose in enamel was determined.

  20. Sentidos de Vitória/Derrota para os Pais Segundo Atletas do Alto Rendimento


    Amblard, Isabela; Cruz, Fatima Leite


    Este estudo compreendeu as representações sociais da vitória/derrota para os pais segundo atletas-adolescentes do esporte de alto rendimento, na cidade do Recife. A adolescência é compreendida a partir da Psicologia Social-histórica, e o embasamento teórico-metodológico da Teoria das Representações Sociais abordou os sujeitos em diferentes contextos socioculturais, lugares de pertencimento, experiências, crenças, saberes e sentimentos compartilhados. Adotou-se a perspectiva pluri metodológica...

  1. Treatment of Ectopic Mandibular Second Permanent Molar with Elastic Separators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Rajesh


    Full Text Available Ectopic eruption is a developmental disturbance in which the tooth fails to follow its normal eruption pathway. Ectopic eruption of the second molar is relatively rare. This paper presents the case of thirteen-year-old male with an ectopic mandibular second permanent molar. The condition was corrected with surgical exposure and placement of elastic separators. This case report lays emphasis on the practice of basic methods to obtain acceptable results rather than extensive surgical or orthodontic corrections. It is advised that ectopic teeth should not be neglected especially when it concerns developing caries and malocclusion.

  2. Management of Chronic Hyperplastic Pulpitis in Mandibular Molars of Middle Aged Adults- A Multidisciplinary Approach (United States)

    Lingeswaran, Somiya; Ari, Geetha; Thyagarajan, Ramakrishnan; Logaranjani, Anitha


    The molar tooth of children and young adults is a common site for chronic hyperplastic pulpitis (pulp polyp). It rarely occurs in middle aged adults. This condition is usually characterized by extensive involvement of the pulp, dictating the extraction of involved tooth. Extraction of permanent molars can lead to transient or permanent malocclusion, aesthetic, phonetic and functional problems. Here we report a case of pulp polyp in mandibular first molar of a 33-year-old woman that grew into the carious cavity. The aim of this case report is to describe the diagnosis of a chronic hyperplastic pulpitis involving the permanent molar as well as to describe its management in order to preserve them as a functional unit of the dentition. PMID:26894192

  3. Forensic age estimation based on magnetic resonance imaging of third molars: converting 2D staging into 3D staging. (United States)

    De Tobel, Jannick; Hillewig, Elke; Verstraete, Koenraad


    Established methods to stage development of third molars for forensic age estimation are based on the evaluation of radiographs, which show a 2D projection. It has not been investigated whether these methods require any adjustments in order to apply them to stage third molars on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which shows 3D information. To prospectively study root stage assessment of third molars in age estimation using 3 Tesla MRI and to compare this with panoramic radiographs, in order to provide considerations for converting 2D staging into 3D staging and to determine the decisive root. All third molars were evaluated in 52 healthy participants aged 14-26 years using MRI in three planes. Three staging methods were investigated by two observers. In sixteen of the participants, MRI findings were compared with findings on panoramic radiographs. Decisive roots were palatal in upper third molars and distal in lower third molars. Fifty-seven per cent of upper third molars were not assessable on the radiograph, while 96.9% were on MRI. Upper third molars were more difficult to evaluate on radiographs than on MRI (p third molars were equally assessable on both imaging techniques (93.8% MRI, 98.4% radiograph), with no difference in level of difficulty (p = .375). Inter- and intra-observer agreement for evaluation was higher in MRI than in radiographs. In both imaging techniques lower third molars showed greater inter- and intra-observer agreement compared to upper third molars. MR images in the sagittal plane proved to be essential for staging. In age estimation, 3T MRI of third molars could be valuable. Some considerations are, however, necessary to transfer known staging methods to this 3D technique.

  4. A influência da perda bilateral do primeiro molar inferior permanente na morfologia dentofacial: um estudo cefalométrico The influence of bilateral lower first permanent molar loss on dentofacial morfology: a cephalometric study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Normando


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar as alterações cefalométricas em pacientes com perda bilateral do primeiro molar inferior permanente. MÉTODOS: foram analisadas 68 telerradiografias laterais de pacientes de consultórios particulares. A amostra foi dividida em dois grupos pareados quanto ao sexo e idade - 34 indivíduos sem perdas (grupo controle e 34 com perda bilateral do primeiro molar inferior permanente (grupo com perda. Foram excluídos da amostra pacientes que haviam perdido outros dentes que não o primeiro molar inferior, casos de agenesia e pacientes com menos de 16 anos de idade. Buscou-se avaliar somente indivíduos que tivessem relatado a perda há pelo menos 5 anos. RESULTADOS: demonstraram que a perda bilateral do primeiro molar inferior permanente leva ao suave fechamento do ângulo GnSN (P=0,05, um giro anti-horário do plano oclusal (P=0,0001, uma suave diminuição da altura facial anteroinferior (P=0,05, uma acentuada inclinação lingual (P=0,04 e retrusão dos incisivos inferiores (P=0,03. Por outro lado, a perda bilateral do primeiro molar inferior permanente não foi capaz de influenciar a relação maxilomandibular no sentido anteroposterior (P=0,21, a quantidade de mento (P=0,45, a inclinação dos incisivos superiores (P=0,12 e a posição anteroposterior dos incisivos superiores (P=0,46. CONCLUSÃO: a perda bilateral dos primeiros molares inferiores é capaz de produzir alterações marcantes no posicionamento dos incisivos inferiores e no plano oclusal, além de uma suave redução vertical da faceOBJECTIVE: To evaluate cephalometric changes in patients after bilateral loss of lower first permanent molar teeth. METHODS: Sixty-eight lateral radiographs of patients from private practices were analyzed. The sample was divided into two groups matched for age and gender: 34 individuals without loss (control group and 34 presenting with bilateral loss of lower first permanent molar teeth (loss group. Patients who had lost teeth other

  5. Endodontic Management of Maxillary Second Molar with Two Palatal Roots: A Report of Two Cases


    Patel, Surbhi; Patel, Pawan


    Endodontic treatment may sometimes fail because morphological features of the tooth adversely affect the treatment protocol. Maxillary second molars are recognized as usually having a single palatal root with a single palatal canal. The incidence of second palatal root in the maxillary second molar is very rare. Two cases are presented in this paper describing the endodontic management of a four-rooted maxillary second molar with two distinct palatal roots and canals and two distinct buccal r...

  6. Treatment of ectopically erupting maxillary permanent first molars with a distal extended stainless steel crown. (United States)

    Roberts, M W


    The exaggerated mesial eruption of the permanent first molar can result in the tooth becoming impacted, or the premature atypical resorption and exfoliation of the primary molar, with a resultant loss of space. A stainless steel crown with a distal guide plane was placed on a primary molar to correct the aberrant eruption angle of the permanent tooth. This procedure can be used successfully for both partially and totally tissue-impacted teeth, and is described in this report.

  7. Outcomes of intentionally replanted molars according to preoperative locations of periapical lesions and the teeth

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    WooCheol Lee


    Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, IR of mandibular molars seemed to provide a higher success rate than that for maxillary molars, regardless of the presence of preoperative periapical lesions.

  8. A geometric morphometric analysis of hominin lower molars: Evolutionary implications and overview of postcanine dental variation. (United States)

    Gómez-Robles, Aida; Bermúdez de Castro, José María; Martinón-Torres, María; Prado-Simón, Leyre; Arsuaga, Juan Luis


    Lower molars have been extensively studied in the context of hominin evolution using classic and geometric morphometric analyses, 2D and 3D approaches, evaluations of the external (outer enamel surface) and internal anatomy (dentine, pulp chamber, and radicular canals), and studies of the crown and root variation. In this study, we present a 2D geometric morphometric analysis of the crown anatomy of lower first, second, and third molars of a broad sample of hominins, including Pliocene and Lower, Middle, and Upper Pleistocene species coming from Africa, Asia, and Europe. We show that shape variability increases from first to second and third molars. While first molars tend to retain a relatively stable 5-cusped conformation throughout the hominin fossil record, second and third molars show marked distal reductions in later Homo species. This trend to distal reduction is similar to that observed in previous studies of premolars and upper second and third molars, and points to a correlated reduction of distal areas across the whole postcanine dentition. Results on lower molar variation, as well as on other postcanine teeth, show certain trends in European Pleistocene populations from the Atapuerca sites. Middle Pleistocene hominins from Sima de los Huesos show Neanderthal affinities and strong dental reduction, especially in the most distal molars. The degree of dental reduction in this population is stronger than that observed in classic Neanderthals. Homo antecessor hominins from Gran Dolina-TD6 have primitive lower teeth that contrast with their more derived upper teeth. The evolutionary implications of these dental affinities are discussed in light of recent paleogenetic studies. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Morphology and chemical composition of dentin in permanent first molars with the diagnose MIH

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heijs, Suzanne C. B.; Dietz, Wolfram; Noren, Jorgen G.; Blanksma, Nynke G.; Jalevik, Birgitta


    The purpose of this investigation was to study the morphology and distribution of some inorganic elements in dentin in first permanent molars from children with Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH). Sixty four tooth sections from thirty two children were examined in polarized light. Fifteen

  10. Molar mass determination of lignins by size-exclusion chromatography: towards standardisation of the method

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baumberger, S.; Abaecherli, A.; Fasching, M.; Gellerstedt, G.; Gosselink, R.J.A.; Hortling, B.; Li, J.; Saake, B.; Jong, de E.


    The reactivity and physicochemical properties of lignins are partly governed by their molar mass distribution. The development of reliable standard methods for determination of the molar mass distribution is not only relevant for designing technical lignins for specific applications, but also for

  11. Early treatment of an ectopic premolar to prevent molar-premolar transposition. (United States)

    Cannavale, Rosangela; Matarese, Giovanni; Isola, Gaetano; Grassia, Vincenzo; Perillo, Letizia


    Orthodontic treatment is planned on an individual, case-by-case basis after thoroughly considering the patient's overall facial and dental characteristics, the expected duration of treatment, costs, patient preferences, and the orthodontist's experience. This article reports the treatment of a patient with a maxillary premolar-molar transposition in the permanent dentition that was successfully managed with orthodontic treatment. A girl, aged 10 years 2 months, came for treatment with an ectopic maxillary left premolar. Radiographic analysis indicated a developing complete transposition of the maxillary left premolar. The patient was treated with extraction of the deciduous molar and surgical exposure and ligation of the premolar. Eruption was properly guided, and the correct order of the 2 teeth was restored in the arch. This challenging treatment approach is described in detail, including the mechanics used to align the ectopic premolar. Early treatment can, in many cases, prevent a molar-premolar transposition. Copyright © 2013 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Maxillary molars with morphologic variations of the palatal root canals: a report of four cases. (United States)

    Holderrieth, Silke; Gernhardt, Christian Ralf


    The purpose of this article was to show the importance of the knowledge of the anatomy of root canals. Unusual root and root canal morphologies associated with both buccal roots of upper molars have been recorded in several studies in the literature. However, scientific information focusing on variations of the palatal root is rare. In this report, four cases are presented involving the root canal treatment of maxillary first and second molars with unusual morphologic configurations of the palatal root canals. During root canal treatment, type IV and V configurations as defined by Vertucci of the palatal canals of two first and two second maxillary molars were identified. After mechanical instrumentation, the canals were obturated. Radiologic and clinical re-evaluation showed no signs of inflammation. This report describes and discusses the possibility of different root and canal variations of the maxillary molars from a clinical point of view. Anatomic variations can occur in any tooth, and palatal roots of maxillary first and second molars are no exception. Therefore, careful examination of radiographs and internal anatomy of teeth is essential.

  13. Coronectomy of Deeply Impacted Lower Third Molar: Incidence of Outcomes and Complications after One Year Follow-Up

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    Jimoh Olubanwo Agbaje


    Full Text Available Objectives: The purpose of present study was to assess the surgical management of impacted third molar with proximity to the inferior alveolar nerve and complications associated with coronectomy in a series of patients undergoing third molar surgery. Material and Methods: The position of the mandibular canal in relation to the mandibular third molar region and mandibular foramen in the front part of the mandible (i.e., third molar in close proximity to the inferior alveolar nerve [IAN] or not was identified on panoramic radiographs of patients scheduled for third molar extraction. Results: Close proximity to the IAN was observed in 64 patients (35 females, 29 males with an impacted mandibular third molar. Coronectomy was performed in these patients. The most common complication was tooth migration away from the mandibular canal (n = 14, followed by root exposure (n = 5. Re-operation to remove the root was performed in cases with periapical infection and root exposure. Conclusions: The results indicate that coronectomy can be considered a reasonable and safe treatment alternative for patients who demonstrate elevated risk for injury to the inferior alveolar nerve with removal of the third molars. Coronectomy did not increase the incidence of damage to the inferior alveolar nerve and would be safer than complete extraction in situations in which the root of the mandibular third molar overlaps or is in close proximity to the mandibular canal.

  14. Tercer molar ectópico a nivel de región infraorbitaria-seno maxilar Ectopic third molar of the maxillary sinus-infraorbital region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Moreno García


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los cordales ectópicos son aquellos incluidos en posiciones inusuales o desplazados a distancia de su normal localización anatómica. La erupción ectópica de un diente dentro de la cavidad oral es común pero en otros lugares es raro. La erupción ectópica puede ir asociada con alteraciones en el desarrollo, procesos patológicos o yatrogenia. Caso Clínico. Mujer de 56 años de edad con tercer molar superior derecho ectópico a nivel de región infraorbitaria-seno maxilar. Presentaba dolor e inflamación hemifacial derecha de larga evolución y resistente a tratamiento médico. Se realizó exéresis quirúrgica de dicho cordal mediante abordaje de Caldwell-Luc. Discusión. En muchos casos la etiología de un cordal ectópico no puede ser identificada. La mayor parte de las veces son asintomáticos y diagnosticados mediante estudios radiológicos. Conclusión. La indicación de la exodoncia en el caso de un diente ectópico en general viene determinada por la presencia de sintomatología o en prevención de futuras complicaciones.Introduction. Ectopic third molar teeth are those that are impacted in unusual positions, or that have been displaced and are at a distance from their normal anatomic location. Ectopic eruption of a tooth within the oral cavity is common, but rare in other sites. Ectopic eruption can be associated with developmental disturbances, pathologic processes or iatrogenic activity. Case Report. Female, fifty-six years old, with an upper right ectopic third molar located in the maxillary sinus-infraorbital region. She presented with pain and inflammation of the right side of her face that she had been experiencing for along time and which had been resistant to treatment. Surgical excision was carried out of the third molar tooth using the Caldwell-Luc approach. Discussion. In many cases the etiology of ectopic third molars cannot be identified. Generally they are asymptomatic and diagnosed by radiology

  15. Absorption of Nickel, Chromium, and Iron by the Root Surface of Primary Molars Covered with Stainless Steel Crowns

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Keinan


    Full Text Available Objective. The purpose of this study was to analyze the absorption of metal ions released from stainless steel crowns by root surface of primary molars. Study Design. Laboratory research: The study included 34 primary molars, exfoliated or extracted during routine dental treatment. 17 molars were covered with stainless-steel crowns for more than two years and compared to 17 intact primary molars. Chemical content of the mesial or distal root surface, 1 mm apically to the crown or the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ, was analyzed. An energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS was used for chemical analysis. Results. Higher amounts of nickel, chromium, and iron (5-6 times were found in the cementum of molars covered with stainless-steel crowns compared to intact molars. The differences between groups were highly significant (<.001. Significance. Stainless-steel crowns release nickel, chromium, and iron in oral environment, and the ions are absorbed by the primary molars roots. The additional burden of allergenic metals should be reduced if possible.

  16. Endodontic management of a mandibular second molar with radix entomolaris: a case report

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    Rosaline Hannah


    Full Text Available The presence of radix entomolaris (RE in a mandibular first molar is a common occurrence in certain ethnic groups, but the presence of RE in a mandibular second molar is a rare occurrence. In the present case, RE was identified from preoperative radiographs and confirmed using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT. The access cavity was modified to locate the RE. Cleaning and shaping were performed with nickel-titanium rotary instruments. Obturation was completed with gutta-percha cones using AH Plus (Dentsply Detrey GmbH as sealer. From the CBCT axial images, the RE was determined to have a Type III curvature by the De Moor classification, Type B separate RE by the Carlsen and Alexandersen classification, and radiographically, a Type i image by the Wang classification. The presence of RE in the mandibular second molar makes it essential to anticipate and treat the distolingual root canal. This case report highlights the usefulness of CBCT for assessing RE in the mandibular second molar, which can help the clinician in making a confirmatory diagnosis and assessing the morphology of the root canal.

  17. Estimation of legal age using calcification stages of third molars in living individuals. (United States)

    Streckbein, Philipp; Reichert, Isabelle; Verhoff, Marcel A; Bödeker, Rolf-Hasso; Kähling, Christopher; Wilbrand, Jan-Falco; Schaaf, Heidrun; Howaldt, Hans-Peter; May, Andreas


    The increased number of adolescents and young adults with unknown or inaccurately given date of birth is a current issue in justice and legal medicine. The objective of this study was to determine the extent to which third molar calcification stages assessed on panoramic X-rays could be useful as additional criteria for forensic age estimation in living individuals, focusing on the legally important ages 17 and 18. In a retrospective multi-center study, the developmental stage of each individual's third molar was analyzed using Demirjian's scale in 2360 cases. Additionally, sex, age and ancestry were assessed. Individuals with the lowest calcification stage of all present molars in stage H were ≥18 years with a likelihood of ≥99.05% in the female (n=388), and ≥99.24% in the male (n=482) population. The lowest calcification stage of all present third molars proved to be useful as an additional reliable criterion for the determination of an age ≥18 years. Copyright © 2014 Forensic Science Society. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Antibiotic prophylaxis in third molar surgery: a review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oomens, Marjolijn A. E.; Forouzanfar, Tymour


    Objective. Controversy exists about the efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis in preventing complications after lower third molar surgery. For evidence-based recommendation, a review was performed on clinical trials reporting the use of antibiotic prophylaxis compared with no treatment or placebo with

  19. Antibiotic prophylaxis in third molar surgery: a review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oomens, M.A.E.; Forouzanfar, T.


    Objective Controversy exists about the efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis in preventing complications after lower third molar surgery. For evidence-based recommendation, a review was performed on clinical trials reporting the use of antibiotic prophylaxis compared with no treatment or placebo with

  20. A retrospective overview of treatment choice and outcome in 126 cases with arrested eruption of mandibular second molars

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kenrad, Jacob; Vedtofte, Henriette; Andreasen, Jens Ove


    were no longer associated with the clinic where they were treated. The cases were categorized into six groups: (A) no treatment; (B) orthodontic treatment; (C) surgical exposure of the second molar; (D) removal of the third molar; (E) removal of the second molar; and (F) other treatments. The various...... are the high percentages of unacceptable treatment outcome, 25.9% in group D (removal of third molar) and 23% in group E (removal of second molar). As the material was collected before new advanced methods of surgical uprighting and new methods of orthodontic uprighting had been introduced, these percentages......The purpose of the present retrospective study was to analyze treatment choice and outcome in patients with retention/impaction of the mandibular second molar. Radiographic material, from three large clinics, from 106 patients (60 males and 46 females) with 126 retained/impacted permanent...

  1. Loss of molars early in life develops behavioral lateralization and impairs hippocampus-dependent recognition memory. (United States)

    Kawahata, Masatsuna; Ono, Yumie; Ohno, Akinori; Kawamoto, Shoichi; Kimoto, Katsuhiko; Onozuka, Minoru


    Using senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8), we examined whether reduced mastication from a young age affects hippocampal-dependent cognitive function. We anesthetized male SAMP8 mice at 8 weeks of age and extracted all maxillary molar teeth of half the animals. The other animals were treated similarly, except that molar teeth were not extracted. At 12 and 24 weeks of age, their general behavior and their ability to recognize novel objects were tested using the open-field test (OFT) and the object-recognition test (ORT), respectively. The body weight of molarless mice was reduced significantly compared to that of molar-intact mice after the extraction and did not recover to the weight of age-matched molar-intact mice throughout the experimental period. At 12 weeks of age, molarless mice showed significantly greater locomotor activity in the OFT than molar-intact mice. However, the ability of molarless mice to discriminate a novel object in the ORT was impaired compared to that of molar-intact mice. The ability of both molarless and molar-intact SAMP8 mice to recognize objects was impaired at 24 weeks of age. These results suggest that molarless SAMP8 mice develop a deficit of cognitive function earlier than molar-intact SAMP8 mice. Interestingly, both at 12 and 24 weeks of age, molarless mice showed a lateralized preference of object location in the encoding session of the ORT, in which two identical objects were presented. Their lateralized preference of object location was positively correlated with the rightward turning-direction preference, which reached statistical significance at 24 weeks of age. Loss of masticatory function in early life causes malnutrition and chronic stress and impairs the ability to recognize novel objects. Hyperactivation and lateralized rotational behavior are commonly observed with dysfunction of the dopaminergic system, therefore, reduced masticatory function may deplete the mesolimbic and mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic systems

  2. Evaluation of the distortion rate of panoramic and peri apical radiographs in erupted third molar inclination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ezoddini Ardakani, F.; Zangouie Booshehri, M.; Behniafar, B.


    Panoramic and peri apical radiographs are normally used in impacted third molar teeth surgeries. The aim of the present study was to evaluate and compare the distortion of the erupted third molar teeth on panoramic and peri apical radiographs. Patients and Methods: A total of 44 radiographs were obtained of 22 patients (age range, 18-24 years) referred to the faculty of dentistry for orthodontic treatment. A plaster cast was prepared and panoramic radiography was taken for all patients to plan the orthodontic treatment and peri apical radiography was taken for investigation of tooth structure details. Therefore, a total of 66 views and samples were studied by two methods: 1) Measuring the angle between the longitudinal plane of the third molar and occlusal plane. 2) Measuring the angle between the longitudinal plane of second and third molar. Finally, 132 records were evaluated by one individual. Results: There was no significant statistical difference between the mean position of the third molar on panoramic, peri apical radiographs and the casts. However, measurements of the third molars on peri apical radiographs were slightly closer to the measurements of the casts compared to the panoramic radiographs. Conclusion: Distortion does not have a specific effect on the diagnosis of the position of the third erupted molars by peri apical or panoramic radiographs, though various studies have shown that these radiographs have an amount of distortion and peri apical radiographical distortion is less than that in panoramic radiography.

  3. Pendulum and modified pendulum appliances for maxillary molar distalization in Class II malocclusion - a systematic review. (United States)

    Al-Thomali, Yousef; Basha, Sakeenabi; Mohamed, Roshan Noor


    The main purpose of the present systematic review was to evaluate the quantitative effects of the pendulum appliance and modified pendulum appliances for maxillary molar distalization in Class II malocclusion. Our systematic search included MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsychINFO, Scopus and key journals and review articles; the date of the last search was 30 January 2017. We graded the methodological quality of the studies by means of the Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies, developed for the Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP). In total, 203 studies were identified for screening, and 25 studies were eligible. The quality assessment rated four (16%) of the study as being of strong quality and 21 (84%) of these studies as being of moderate quality. The pendulum appliances showed mean molar distalization of 2-6.4 mm, distal tipping of molars from 6.67° to 14.50° and anchorage loss with mean premolar and incisor mesial movement of 1.63-3.6 mm and 0.9-6.5 mm, respectively. The bone anchored pendulum appliances (BAPAs) showed mean molar distalization of 4.8-6.4 mm, distal tipping of molars from 9° to 11.3° and mean premolar distalization of 2.7-5.4 mm. Pendulum and modified pendulum appliances are effective in molar distalization. Pendulum appliance with K-loop modification, implant supported pendulum appliance and BAPA significantly reduced anchorage loss of the anterior teeth and distal tipping of the molar teeth.

  4. External and internal anatomy of mandibular molars. (United States)

    Rocha, L F; Sousa Neto, M D; Fidel, S R; da Costa, W F; Pécora, J D


    The external and internal anatomy of 628 extracted, mandibular first and second molars was studied. The external anatomy was studied by measuring each tooth and by observing the direction of the root curvatures from the facial surface. The internal anatomy of the pulp cavity was studied by a method of making the teeth translucent.

  5. Tratamiento de la psicomotricidad en el segundo ciclo de la educación infantil


    Lasaga Rodríguez, María José; Campos Mesa, María del Carmen; Ries, Francis


    Con nuestra investigación pretendemos conocer el tratamiento que recibe la psicomotricidad en el segundo ciclo de la Educación Infantil, desde la opinión de los maestros que se encuentran desarrollando esta profesión. Para ello hemos pasado un cuestionario desde el año 2005 al 2011 a una muestra de 76 sujetos. Tras los resultados obtenidos podemos concluir que los maestros que imparten docencia en el grado de Educación Infantil consideran importante el trabajo de psicomotricidad en sus clase...

  6. Algunas observaciones sobre la religión y su lenguaje en el segundo Wittgenstein


    Ortega Álvarez, Manuel


    A partir de las tesis referentes al lenguaje en las Investigaciones filosóficas, se analiza la manera en que Wittgenstein comprende el lenguaje religioso, especialmente en las Lecciones y conversaciones sobre estética, psicología y creencia religiosa. Al final del artículo se sostiene que el pluralismo que le otorga el segundo Wittgenstein al lenguaje, puede ser un elemento que favorezca un discurso religioso-teológico inclusivo y plural, en continua revisión y cambio, y en diálogo constante ...

  7. Construyendo un segundo idioma. El constructivismo y la enseñanza del L2


    Kathleen Corrales Wade


    Desde los últimos 30 años del siglo XX, la enseñanza de un segundo idioma ha experimentado muchos cambios debido a la nueva conceptualización de lo que constituye una lengua y la nueva manera de ver el conocimiento y su procesamiento en la mente humana. Hoy en día, el enfoque comunicativo en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de una segunda lengua es tan aceptado como el modelo educativo constructivista del conocimiento en la educación general. Sin embargo, muy pocas veces se han equiparad...

  8. Sex assessment efficacy of permanent maxillary first molar cusp dimensions in Indians

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    Achla Bharti Yadav


    Full Text Available Background: The human first maxillary molar provides clues about evolution and is functionally important. It has four main cusps, and each cusp has an independent growth pattern and different evolutionary background. Though less explored, the analysis based on measurement of each cusp appears to be more meaningful biologically than conventional measurements of the whole crown. Aim: This study aimed to demonstrate the extent of sexual dimorphism in permanent maxillary first molar cusp diameters and their potential utility in sex prediction among Indians using logistic regression analysis (LRA. Materials and Methods: The mesiodistal and buccolingual (BL crown diameters along with cusp dimensions and cusp indices of right maxillary first molar were measured in an Indian sample (149 males, 151 females; age range of 18–30 years. The possible sex dimorphism in these parameters was evaluated, and LRA was performed to ascertain their usefulness in sex prediction. Results: BL crown dimension and the hypocone (distolingual cusp showed the highest sexual dimorphism. The combination of metacone and hypocone, i.e., distal cusp diameters among cusp parameters showed the highest accuracy (61.3%. While, on combining all the crown and cusp diameters together the overall accuracy was raised (64.3%. Conclusion: This study supports the ontogeny hypothesis suggesting that early-forming mesial cusps demonstrate less sexual variation as compared to subsequently formed distal cusps in the maxillary molar. Though the sex identification accuracy for cusp diameters of the permanent maxillary first molar in Indians is relatively moderate (≈61%, it can be used as an adjunct for sexing of adult Indians in forensic contexts.

  9. The molar hydrodynamic volume changes of factor VIIa due to GlycoPEGylation. (United States)

    Plesner, Bitten; Westh, Peter; Hvidt, Søren; Nielsen, Anders D


    The effects of GlycoPEGylation on the molar hydrodynamic volume of recombinant human rFVIIa were investigated using rFVIIa and two GlycoPEGylated recombinant human FVIIa derivatives, a linear 10kDa PEG and a branched 40kDa PEG, respectively. Molar hydrodynamic volumes were determined by capillary viscometry and mass spectrometry. The intrinsic viscosities of rFVIIa, its two GlycoPEGylated compounds, and of linear 8kDa, 10kDa, 20kDa and branched 40kDa PEG polymers were determined. The measured intrinsic viscosity of rFVIIa is 6.0mL/g, while the intrinsic viscosities of 10kDa PEG-rFVIIa and 40kDa PEG-rFVIIa are 29.5mL/g and 79.0mL/g, respectively. The intrinsic viscosities of the linear PEG polymers are 20, 22.6 and 41.4mL/g for 8, 10, and 20kDa, respectively, and 61.1mL/g for the branched 40kDa PEG. From the results of the intrinsic viscosity and MALDI-TOF measurements it is evident, that the molar hydrodynamic volume of the conjugated protein is not just an addition of the molar hydrodynamic volume of the PEG and the protein. The molar hydrodynamic volume of the GlycoPEGylated protein is larger than the volume of its composites. These results suggest that both the linear and the branched PEG are not wrapped around the surface of rFVIIa but are chains that are significantly stretched out when attached to the protein. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Studies on the position of canines, premolars and molars by 450 .deg. oblique lateral cephalography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahn, Hyung Kyu [Department of Radiology, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    This study was done using the 45 .deg. oblique lateral cephalograms of 20 year old, 18 male and 27 female, with normal occlusion, on canines, premolars, premolars and molars on upper and lower jaws. Axial inclination to nasal floor, occlusal plane and mandibular plane, and inter-axial inclination were examined. In addition the position of each tooth was examined in height and depth in upper and lower jaws. The results were obtained as follows; 1. The inclination of long axis of upper lst premolar was most nearly perpendicular, upper canine was tilted mesially, and 2nd premolar and molars were tilted distally. 2. The inclination of long axis of lower molars were tilted mesially. 3. There were no severe variation on the inter-axial inclination of canine to 2nd molar.

  11. Studies on the position of canines, premolars and molars by 450 .deg. oblique lateral cephalography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, Hyung Kyu


    This study was done using the 45 .deg. oblique lateral cephalograms of 20 year old, 18 male and 27 female, with normal occlusion, on canines, premolars, premolars and molars on upper and lower jaws. Axial inclination to nasal floor, occlusal plane and mandibular plane, and inter-axial inclination were examined. In addition the position of each tooth was examined in height and depth in upper and lower jaws. The results were obtained as follows; 1. The inclination of long axis of upper lst premolar was most nearly perpendicular, upper canine was tilted mesially, and 2nd premolar and molars were tilted distally. 2. The inclination of long axis of lower molars were tilted mesially. 3. There were no severe variation on the inter-axial inclination of canine to 2nd molar.

  12. Avaliação de probiótico na alimentação de poedeiras comerciais no segundo ciclo de postura

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    R.V. Nunes


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o efeito da inclusão de probiótico sobre o desempenho e a qualidade dos ovos de poedeiras semipesadas no segundo ciclo de postura. Foram utilizadas 450 aves com 69 semanas de idade, distribuídas aleatoriamente em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em cinco tratamentos, seis repetições e 15 aves por unidade experimental. A ração experimental foi à base de milho e farelo de soja e suplementada com probiótico composto por Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus faecium e Bifidobacterium bifidum. O experimento teve a duração de 16 semanas e foi dividido em quatro períodos de 28 dias cada, nos quais as aves receberam cinco rações experimentais contendo diferentes porcentagens de inclusão de probiótico, 0; 0,05; 0,10; 0,15 e 0,20%. Não foi observado efeito (P>0,05 da inclusão de probiótico sobre o desempenho e a qualidade dos ovos de galinhas poedeiras no segundo ciclo de postura. A inclusão de 0,10% de probiótico influenciou negativamente a gravidade específica dos ovos. A utilização de probiótico para galinhas no segundo ciclo de postura não interfere na produção e na qualidade dos ovos.

  13. Accidents and complications associated to third molar surgeries performed by dentistry students. (United States)

    Azenha, Marcelo Rodrigues; Kato, Rogerio Bentes; Bueno, Renan Barros Lima; Neto, Patricio Jose Oliveira; Ribeiro, Michel Campos


    The aim of this work is to demonstrate the accidents and complications rates on third molars surgeries performed by senior dentistry students. A retrospective study of 122 patient charts submitted to third molars surgeries was done. Patient age, gender, dental in arch position, and accidents/complications were considered with the charts presenting incomplete dates being excluded from the study. After all, 88 patients (210 surgeries) were included. The majority of the patients were female (70.4 %), with the average age of 24 years. Mandibular molars represented more than half of the surgical procedures (56.2 %), with teeth at vertical position the most found (60.3 %). The cases of accidents and complications totalized 10.4 % of all performed procedures, being hemorrhage (1.9 %), root fractures (1.9 %), and maxillary tuberosity fracture (1.9 %) the most found. Suture dehiscence (1.4 %), dry socket (1.4 %), oroantral communications (0.9 %), paresthesia (0.9 %), and infection (0.4 %) were also observed. Surgeons' inexperience was not considered a determinant factor to modify the rates of accidents and complications at third molars surgeries when compared to previous works developed by experienced surgeons. It is important to highlight the necessity of the students' knowledge of the most adequate treatments of each of the accidents and complications.

  14. Factors associated with complications of removal of third molars: a transversal study. (United States)

    Barbosa-Rebellato, Nelson-Luis; Thomé, Ana-Carolina; Costa-Maciel, Cássia; Oliveira, Jaina; Scariot, Rafaela


    The purpose of this study is to estimate the overall frequency of complications associated with third molars (M3) removal and to identify the risk factors associated with these complications. To the transversal analysis, a researcher confidentially reviewed the records of all M3 surgery patients. The predictor variables were demographic (i.e. age and gender), localization and position of third molar, bone removal and tooth sectioning. 210 patients had one or more third molars teeth removed, a total of 605 teeth. The sample's mean age was 21.6±9.2 years, with 1,4 woman to 1 man. Postoperative complications were recorded in 54 extractions of third molars. The most common complications were infection (42.6%), followed by radicular fractures (11.1%) and gingival alterations (11.1%). Complications were significantly affected by 3 factors: age over 25 years old (p=0.002--OR 2.21), location (p=0.006--OR 2.36), bone removal (p=0.002--OR 3.03) and tooth sectioning (p=0.00002--OR 3.59). The results of these analyses suggest that age, location of the tooth, bone removal and tooth sectioning appear to be associated with a higher complication rate for M3 extractions.

  15. Molar extinction coefficients of some carbohydrates in aqueous ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    of plants and animals, both as structural elements and in the maintenance of functional ... In this paper we report the molar extinction coefficient ε, of carbohydrates ... as the area, which has to be hit by the photons in order to cause interaction.

  16. Analysis of the mineral composition of hypomineralized first permanent molars

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    Martinović Brankica


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. Hypomineralization of molars and incisors (molar-incisor hypomineralization - MIH is defined as enamel hypomineralization of systemic origin of one or more of the four first permanent molars, which may be associated with changes in the maxillary, and less frequently in the permanent mandibular incisors. The aim of this study was to investigate the mineral content in hypomineralized teeth as a contribution to under-standing the origin of these changes, which will be important for effective restorative approach. Methods. A total of 10 extracted first permanent molars diagnosed with MIH were used in the study as the experimental group, and intact first premolars extracted for orthodontic reasons were used as the control group. A certain surface of hypomineralized аnd healthy enamel and dentin was analyzed using a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energydispersive spectrometer (SEM/EDS. Results. By conducting quantitative chemical analysis of the distribution of the basic chemical elements, it was found that the concentration of calcium (Ca and phosphorus (P was significantly higher in healthy enamel (Ca = 28.80 wt%, and P = 15.05 wt% compared to hypomineralized enamel (Ca = 27.60 wt% and P = 14.32 wt%. Carbon (C concentration was statistically significantly higher in hypomineralized enamel (C = 11.70 wt% compared to healthy enamel (C = 10.94 wt%. Hypomineralized and healthy enamel did not differ significantly regarding the ratio of calcium and phosphorus concentrations whereas the ratio of calcium and carbon concentrations was statistically significantly higher in healthy enamel compared to hypomineralized enamel. Conclusion. Concentration of the main chemical elements, primarily calcium and phosphorus, is significantly reduced in hypomineralized enamel whereas carbon concentration is increased compared to healthy enamel.

  17. Prevalence of molar incisor hypomineralization in 7–9-year-old children of Bengaluru City, India

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Priya Subramaniam


    Full Text Available Background: Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH is a developmental defect. The prevalence of MIH ranges widely from 2.4% to 40.2%. Aim: This study was under taken to determine the prevalence of MIH in 7–9-year-old children of Bengaluru City, India. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted in a representative sample of 2500 school children aged 7–9 years of Bengaluru, India. Oral examination was carried out by a single trained calibrated examiner under natural daylight. Results: Twelve children (0.48% were diagnosed with MIH. A total of 68 teeth were observed with MIH. All four first permanent molars were affected in 50% of children. In the molar group, mandibular molars (29.41% were more frequently affected than maxillary molars (27.94%. Conclusion: The prevalence of MIH in 7–9-year-old children of Bengaluru was 0.48%, with no gender predilection.

  18. Principles of treatment planning for compromised first permanent molars in mixed dentition period: A review article

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Behrad Tanbakuchi


    Full Text Available Background and Aims: The first permanent molar is susceptible to caries, endodontic complications and developmental anomalies. Compromised teeth with poor prognosis could cause the clinician to face dilemmas. The aim of this review article was to assess recent guidelines on the treatment planning of compromised first permanent molars in mixed dentition period. Materials and Methods: The design of the study was based on review of literature by searching the MEDLINE, Web of science and Google scholar. Key words (permanent first molar, extraction, treatment plan were used. This search was limited to the English articles published after the year 2000. Conclusion: A number of factors influenced decision-making process regarding compromised first permanent molars including the restorative status of the tooth, dental age of the patient, degree of crowding and occlusal relationships were assessed. The ideal time for removal of these teeth was 8-9 years of age. However, the current evidence for managing compromised first permanent molars demands clinical trials.

  19. Partial molar volumes of (acetonitrile + water) mixtures over the temperature range (273.15 to 318.15) K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yeow, Y. Leong; Leong, Yee-Kwong


    Isothermal molar volume data of (acetonitrile + water) mixtures, between T = 273.15 K and T = 318.15 K, extracted from different sources are combined and treated as a single set to even out minor differences between sources and to increase the number of data points for each temperature. Tikhonov regularization is applied to compute the isothermal first and second derivatives of these data with respect to molar composition. For the reference temperature of 298.15 K, this computation is extended to the third derivative. Generalized Cross Validation is used to guide the selection of the regularization parameter that keeps noise amplification under control. The resulting first derivatives are used to construct the partial molar volume curves which are then checked against published results. Properties of the partial molar volumes are analysed by examining their derivatives. Finally the general shape of the second derivative curve of molar volume is explained qualitatively in terms of tripartite segmentation of the molar composition interval but quantitative comparisons are required to confirm this explanation

  20. Negative βhCG and Molar Pregnancy: The Hook Effect

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Lobo Antunes


    Full Text Available Molar pregnancy, included in gestational trophoblastic disease, is a benign pathology with ability to metastasize, usually occurring with excessively high βhCG levels. Clinical scenario is usually a woman in extremes of reproductive age presenting with amenorrhoea, pain and vaginal blood loss; signs derived from high βhCG levels may be present (hyperthyroidism, hyperemesis. Diagnosis is based on a positive pregnancy test – usually a qualitative urinary test. The limitation of this test results from its inability to become positive in presence of markedly high levels of βhCG, saturating the antigens used – known as the ‘hook effect’. With the widespread use of gynaecological ultrasound cases of molar pregnancy have been diagnosed in timely fashion. We describe a case referred as a degenerating fibroid, with a negative urinary pregnancy test. Transvaginal ultrasound was highly suggestive of molar pregnancy, which was confirmed with a quantitative βhCG test, allowing for timely treatment. The importance of a high index of suspicion for this pathology is tremendous to avoid the devastating consequences of a delayed diagnosis.

  1. Elastic properties and molar volume of rare-earth aluminosilicae glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanabe, S.; Hirao, K.; Soga, N.


    This paper reports on the elastic properties, molar volume, and glass transition temperature (T g ) of rare-earth-containing aluminosilicate glasses that were investigated in the compositions of SiO 2 --LnAlO 3 and SiO 2 --Ln 3/4 Al 5/4 O 3 , where Ln is Y, La, Nd, Eu, or Yb. The molar volume decreased with decreased ionic size of the Ln 3+ ion, and T g and elastic moduli increased in the same order. The Yb-containing glasses showed the highest Young's modulus among all the oxide glasses, even higher than the highest value ever known fro glass containing Y 2 O 3 , as expected from the smaller ionic radius of Yb 3+ than that of Y 3+ . The bulk modulus was found to be almost proportional to the inverse four-thirds power of the molar volume of glasses in each composition, indicating that Ln 3+ ions can substitute for each other without changing the glass structure except for the size of the local structure around themselves. From the comparison of these properties, the structural role of rate-earth ions in these glasses is discussed

  2. Molar Incisor Hypomineralization, Prevalence, and Etiology

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    Sulaiman Mohammed Allazzam


    Full Text Available Aim. To evaluate the prevalence and possible etiological factors associated with molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH among a group of children in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Methods. A group of 8-12-year-old children were recruited (n=267  from the Pediatric Dental Clinics at the Faculty of Dentistry, King Abdulaziz University. Children had at least one first permanent molar (FPM, erupted or partially erupted. Demographic information, children’s medical history, and pregnancy-related data were obtained. The crowns of the FPM and permanent incisors were examined for demarcated opacities, posteruptive breakdown (PEB, atypical restorations, and extracted FPMs. Children were considered to have MIH if one or more FPM with or without involvement of incisors met the diagnostic criteria. Results. MIH showed a prevalence of 8.6%. Demarcated opacities were the most common form. Maxillary central incisors were more affected than mandibular (P=0.01. The condition was more prevalent in children with history of illnesses during the first four years of life including tonsillitis (P=0.001, adenoiditis (P=0.001, asthma (P=0.001, fever (P=0.014, and antibiotics intake (P=0.001. Conclusions. The prevalence of MIH is significantly associated with childhood illnesses during the first four years of life including asthma, adenoid infections, tonsillitis, fever, and antibiotics intake.

  3. Dental caries area of rat molar expanded by cigarette smoke exposure. (United States)

    Fujinami, Y; Nakano, K; Ueda, O; Ara, T; Hattori, T; Kawakami, T; Wang, P-L


    Passive smoking is the involuntary inhalation of cigarette smoke (CS) and has an adverse impact on oral health. We examined the effect of CS exposure on caries risk and experimental dental caries. Experimental dental caries was induced in rat maxillary molars which were inoculated orally with Streptococcus mutans MT8148 and maintained on a cariogenic diet (diet 2000) and high sucrose water during the experimental period. CS-exposed rats were intermittently housed in an animal chamber with whole-body exposure to CS until killed. Whole saliva was collected before CS exposure (day 0) and for 30 days after the start of CS exposure. Saliva secretion was stimulated by administration of isoproterenol and pilocarpine after anesthesia. Maxillary molars were harvested on day 31. The increase in body weight of the CS-exposed rats was less than that of the control rats. Salivary flow rate, concentration of S. mutans in the stimulated saliva and caries activity score did not significantly differ between 0 and 30 days after the start of CS exposure. Histological examination of the caries-affected area on maxillary molars 30 days after CS exposure showed expansion compared to control rats. In the electron probe microanalysis, no differences were observed between the mineral components of the CS-exposed teeth and the control teeth. These results suggest that CS exposure expands the caries-affected area in the maxillary molars of the rat. Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  4. Standard molar enthalpies of formation of copper(II) β-diketonates and monothio-β-diketonates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V.; Santos, Luis M.N.B.F.


    The standard (p o =0.1MPa) molar enthalpies of formation of the crystalline complexes of dibenzoylmethane (Hdbm), thenoyltrifluoroacetone (Httfa), monothiodibenzoylmethane (HdbmS), and monothiothenoyltrifluoroacetone (HttfaS) of copper(II) were determined, at T=298.15K, by high precision solution-reaction calorimetry. The standard molar enthalpies of sublimation of the copper(II) β-diketonate complexes were measured by high-temperature Calvet microcalorimetry. From the standard molar enthalpies of formation of the complexes in the gaseous state, the mean molar dissociation enthalpies copper(II)-ligand, m >(Cu-L), were derived. Δ f H m o (cr)Δ cr g H m o kJ.mol -1 kJ.mol -1 Bis(dibenzoylmethanate)copper(II), Cu(dbm) 2 -364.0+/-3.9230.7+/-8.2Bis(thenoyltrifluoroacetonate)copper(II), Cu(ttfa) 2 -1824.3+/-8.3167.9+/-7.4Bis(monothiodibenzoylmethanate)copper(II), Cu(dbmS) 2 35.6+/-7.7[241+/-15]Bis(monothiothenoyltrifluoroacetonate) copper(II), Cu(ttfaS) 2 -1405.7+/-8.3[177+/-15

  5. Orthodontic space closure using simple mechanics in compromised first molar extraction spaces: Case series

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    Prashant M Dhole


    Full Text Available Orthodontic treatments involving missing or compromised first permanent molars are often challenging cases to treat considering the loss of potential anchor tooth. The case series presents orthodontic treatment in three patients with mutilated/absent first permanent molars. The treatment goals were to be accomplished by extraction of compromised teeth and retention of healthy dentition. The diagnosis and problem list needed extractions to accomplish the treatment goals. The possibility of extracting compromised first permanent molars instead of other healthy teeth was considered. A setup was done to determine the final occlusion in asymmetric extraction cases. Fixed appliances were used with simple mechanics without any additional anchorage devices. Case-based retention protocols were followed. All the three patients achieved the predetermined treatment objectives of improved esthetics and healthy and stable functional occlusion. The simple and efficient mechanics and finishing techniques for comprehensive orthodontic treatment with first molar extractions presented in the report should help clinicians when treating similar patients.

  6. Endodontic Management of a Maxillary Molar with Three Mesiobuccal Canals

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    Sirisha Gundam


    Full Text Available It is imperative that the clinician should have comprehensive knowledge about the normal anatomy and its variations of the teeth as the deviations from the usual are very common. An increased awareness of unusual anatomy and a better understanding of the root canal system guide the clinician in accurate diagnosis and treatment of such variations in order to achieve a successful endodontic outcome. The maxillary first molar has been shown to have a wide variation in respect to the number of canals specifically noted in the mesiobuccal root. The current case report shows the successful management of a maxillary molar in which the mesiobuccal root had three canals.

  7. Subcutaneous emphysema during third molar surgery: a case report. (United States)

    Romeo, Umberto; Galanakis, Alexandros; Lerario, Francesco; Daniele, Gabriele Maria; Tenore, Gianluca; Palaia, Gaspare


    Extraction of third molars is the most common surgical procedure performed in oral surgery on a daily basis and, despite surgical skills and expertise, complications may occur. Complications observed during or after third molar removal may include pain, swelling, bleeding, infection, sinus perforation and nerve damage. Fortunately, with a proper management and a good surgical technique, the incidence of such events is low. Subcutaneous emphysema associated with dental extraction occurs when the air from the high-speed dental handpiece is forced into the soft tissue through the reflected flap and invades the adjacent tissues, leading to swelling, crepitus on palpation and occasionally spreading through the tissue spaces of the fascial planes. Although rare, iatrogenic subcutaneous emphysema can have serious and potentially life-threatening consequences. Care should be taken when using air-driven handpieces. The access of air into the facial tissues is not limited to tooth extractions, but may also occur through other portals of entrance, such as endodontically treated teeth, periodontium and lacerations of intraoral soft tissues. When subcutaneous emphysema occurs, it must be quickly diagnosed and properly managed to reduce the risk of further complications. This report presents a case of subcutaneous emphysema occurred during extraction of a mandibular third molar extraction with the use of an air turbine handpiece. Case management is described and issues relative to the diagnosis and prevention of this surgical complication are discussed.

  8. Impacted mandibular third molars and their influence on mandibular angle and condyle fractures--a retrospective study. (United States)

    Gaddipati, Rajasekhar; Ramisetty, Sudhir; Vura, Nandagopal; Kanduri, Rajeev Reddy; Gunda, Vinay Kumar


    Previous retrospective analyses prove that impacted mandibular third molars (M3s) increase the risk of angle fractures and decrease the risk of concomitant fractures to the condyle. A retrospective cohort was designed for patients reported to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery from January 2011 till June 2013. The study variables are presence or absence of third molar, if it is present, their position, classified using the Pell and Gregory system; angulation, classified using Shiller's method. The outcome variables were angle and condyle fractures. Hospital records and panoramic radiographs were used to determine and classify these variables. The study sample comprised of 118 mandibular angle and condyle fractures in 110 patients. Database was constructed and analysed using SPSS version 10.0. This present retrospective study concluded that the presence of impacted third molar predisposes the angle to fracture and reduces the risk of a concomitant condylar fracture. However absence of impacted third molar increases the risk of condylar fracture. The highest incidence of angle fracture was observed in position A impacted mandibular third molars. And there is no significant relationship, concerning ramus position and angulation of impacted mandibular third molars with the angle fracture. Copyright © 2014 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Age of majority assessment in Dutch individuals based on Cameriere's third molar maturity index

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boyacıoğlu Doğru, H.; Gulsahi, A.; Burçak Çehreli, S.; Galić, I.; van der Stelt, P.; Cameriere, R.


    Radiological examination of the third molar is done in living individuals for estimation of chronological age, especially in the late adolescence. The aim of this study was to assess the application of Cameriere's third molar maturity index (I3M) to determine whether an individual is 18 years or

  10. [Delayed wound healing post molar extraction]. (United States)

    Schepers, R H; De Visscher, J G A M


    One month post extraction of the second left maxillary molar the alveolar extraction site showed no signs of healing and was painful. The patient had been using an oral bisphosphonate during 3 years. Therefore, the lesion was diagnosed as bisphosphonate-induced maxillary osteonecrosis. Treatment was conservative. Since one month later the pain had increased and the wound healing had decreased, a biopsy was carried out. Histopathologic examination revealed a non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

  11. Enamel micromorphology of the tribosphenic molar


    Hanousková, Pavla


    The tribosphenic molar is an ancestral type of mammalian teeth and a phy- lotypic stage of the mammalian dental evolution. Yet, in contrast to derived teeth types, its enamel microarchitecture attracted only little attention and the information on that subject is often restricted to statements suggesting a simple homogenous arrangement of a primitive radial prismatic enamel. The present paper tests this prediction with aid of comparative study of eight model species representing the orders Ch...

  12. Pathological (late) fractures of the mandibular angle after lower third molar removal: a case series. (United States)

    Cutilli, Tommaso; Bourelaki, Theodora; Scarsella, Secondo; Fabio, Desiderio Di; Pontecorvi, Emanuele; Cargini, Pasqualino; Junquera, Luis


    Pathological (late) fracture of the mandibular angle after third molar surgery is very rare (0.005% of third molar removals). There are 94 cases reported in the literature; cases associated with osseous pathologies such as osteomyelitis or any local and systemic diseases that may compromise mandibular bone strength have not been included. We describe three new cases of pathological (late) fracture of the mandibular angle after third molar surgery. The first patient was a 27-year-old Caucasian man who had undergone surgical removal of a 3.8, mesioangular variety, class II-C third molar 20 days before admission to our clinic. The fracture of his left mandibular angle, complete and composed, occurred during chewing. The second patient was a 32-year-old Caucasian man. He had undergone surgical removal of a 3.8, mesioangular variety, class II-B third molar 22 days before his admission. The fracture, which occurred during mastication, was studied by computed tomography that showed reparative tissue in the fracture site. The third patient was a 36-year-old Caucasian man who had undergone surgical removal of a 3.8, vertical variety, class II-C third molar 25 days before the observation. In this case the fracture of his mandibular angle was oblique (unfavorable), complete and composed. The fracture had occurred during chewing. We studied the fracture by optical projection tomography and computed tomography.All of the surgical removals of the 3.8 third molars, performed by the patients' dentists who had more than 10 years of experience, were difficult. We treated the fractures with open surgical reduction, internal fixation by titanium miniplates and intermaxillary elastic fixation removed after 6 weeks. The literature indicates that the risk of pathological (late) fracture of the mandibular angle after third molar surgery for total inclusions (class II-III, type C) is twice that of partial inclusions due to the necessity of ostectomies more generous than those for partial

  13. Dental age estimation from the developmental stage of the third molars in western Chinese population. (United States)

    Li, Guo; Ren, Jiayin; Zhao, Shuping; Liu, Yuanyuan; Li, Na; Wu, Wanhong; Yuan, Shanshan; Wang, Hu


    The purpose of this study is to provide reference data about estimating dental age from third molars of the western Chinese population for comparing with other populations and being applied to the age estimation of western Chinese juveniles and adolescents. A total of 2078 digital panoramic radiographs of 989 male and 1089 female Chinese subjects aged between 5 and 23 years were examined. The mineralization status of the third molars was assessed using the formation stages described by Demirjian et al. with two modifications. The results showed that the development of third molars in the western Chinese population was likely to begin at age 5 in both males and females. The third molars 28 and 48 showed significantly higher frequency in females than in males. The third molars 18 in the stage 1, 38 in the stages 1, A and G, and 48 in the stage H showed significantly older average age in females than in males. The Demirjian's stages C and D could be used as a reference stage to determine dichotomously whether a western Chinese is more likely to be under or above age 14 or 16, respectively. This study provided reference data for the age estimation of western Chinese juveniles and adolescents by the mineralization stages of the third molar. Apart from forensic age determination in living subjects, the presented reference data can also be used for age estimations of unidentified corpses and skeletons. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Validity of scoring caries and primary molar hypomineralization (DMH) on intraoral photographs. (United States)

    Elfrink, M E C; Veerkamp, J S J; Aartman, I H A; Moll, H A; Ten Cate, J M


    The aims of this study were to assess whether intraoral photographs could be used to score caries and hypomineralization on primary molars (Using adapted Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH)-criteria), and also to assess the reliability and validity in 3-7 year-old Dutch children of these scores by comparing them to direct clinical scorings. Cross-sectional study. In this study 62 children (38.7% girls) with a mean age of 4.96 years (SD 1.27) participated. The children were rated clinically by their own dentist (authors JV or ME) for caries reaching the dentine in their primary molars (WHO criteria) and also for primary molar hypomineralization using the adapted MIH-criteria. For the intraoral photographs, a digital intraoral camera was used. The two paediatric dentists rated all the intraoral photographs on caries and hypomineralizations on the second primary molars, using the same criteria for the clinical scoring as for the scoring of the photographs. They scored independently, at least 2 weeks after the initial clinical scoring to avoid observational bias with the clinical scoring. This clinical observation was used as the gold standard from which sensitivity, specificity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), Negative Predictive Value (NPV) and the Positive and Negative Likelihood Ratio were computed. To test the intra-observer agreement 25 % of the photographs were scored again, at least 2 weeks after the initial scoring of the images. Inter- and intra-observer agreement were tested using Cohen's Kappa. The mean prevalence of clinically detected caries at tooth level was 46.7% and the mean prevalence of clinically detected hypomineralizations in second primary molars at tooth level was 21.8%. The sensitivity of assessing caries using intraoral photographs was 85.5%, the specificity 83.6%, the positive likelihood ratio 5.2 and the negative likelihood ratio was 0.17. For Primary Molar Hypomineralization (DMH) the sensitivity was 72.3%, the specificity 92.8%, the

  15. Maxillary molar distalization with the dual-force distalizer supported by mini-implants: a clinical study. (United States)

    Oberti, Giovanni; Villegas, Carlos; Ealo, Martha; Palacio, John Camilo; Baccetti, Tiziano


    The objective of this prospective study was to describe the clinical effects of a bone-supported molar distalizing appliance, the dual-force distalizer. The study group included 16 patients (mean age, 14.3 years) with Class II molar relationships. Study models and lateral cephalograms were taken before and after the distalizing movement to record significant dental and skeletal changes (Wilcoxon test). The average distalization time was 5 months, with a movement rate of 1.2 mm per month; the distalization amounts were 5.9 +/- 1.72 mm at the crown level and 4.4 +/- 1.41 mm at the furcation level. The average molar inclination was 5.6 degrees +/- 3.7 degrees ; this was less than the amount of inclination generated by bone-supported appliances that use single distalizing forces. The correlation between inclination and distalization was not significant, indicating predominantly bodily movement. The teeth anterior to the first molar moved distally also; the second premolars distalized an average of 4.26 mm, and the incisors retruded by 0.53 mm. The dual-force distalizer is a valid alternative distalizing appliance that generates controlled molar distalization with a good rate of movement and no loss of anchorage.

  16. Avaliação da quantidade de movimentação dos molares superiores com emprego do aparelho de Herbst Assessment of the displacement of the upper molars using the Herbst appliance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Cezar Rodrigues Ogeda


    Full Text Available O Herbst é um aparelho ortopédico funcional fixo destinado principalmente ao estímulo de crescimento mandibular durante a correção da má oclusão de Classe II esquelética de pacientes em crescimento. Várias publicações descreveram os efeitos deste aparelho durante a correção da Classe II, revelando a promoção de alterações esqueléticas e dentárias em igual proporção, favorecendo sua correção. Parte do movimento dentário ocorre por distalização dos primeiros molares superiores. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a quantidade e o tipo de movimento distal ocorrido com os primeiros molares superiores permanentes, e a conseqüência destes movimentos sobre o plano oclusal funcional durante o período de utilização do aparelho de Herbst. A amostra foi composta de 22 pacientes portadores da má oclusão de classe II esquelética, retrognatismo mandibular, com idade média de 12 anos e 11 meses, tratados por um período médio de 10,1 meses. Os aparelhos foram construídos utilizando a ancoragem total no arco maxilar, visando potencializar a ação ortopédica e minimizar a perda de ancoragem. As alterações foram medidas em cefalogramas específicos obtidos das telerradiografias em norma lateral tomadas em dois tempos: tempo 1 (T1 antes da instalação do aparelho, e tempo 2 (T2, após sua remoção. Medidas cefalométricas lineares e angulares em relação ao plano horizontal de Frankfurt, plano palatino e a uma linha vertical de referência a partir do ponto S perpendicular a Frankfurt, foram utilizadas para quantificar os deslocamentos dos primeiros molares superiores. Foram avaliados: o deslocamento distal médio das coroas, o deslocamento distal médio de suas raízes, a conseqüente inclinação no longo eixo dos molares durante a distalização, o deslocamento vertical em relação ao plano palatino, e finalmente, a conseqüência da variação vertical do primeiro molar sobre o plano oclusal funcional. Os

  17. Human age estimation combining third molar and skeletal development. (United States)

    Thevissen, P W; Kaur, J; Willems, G


    The wide prediction intervals obtained with age estimation methods based on third molar development could be reduced by combining these dental observations with age-related skeletal information. Therefore, on cephalometric radiographs, the most accurate age-estimating skeletal variable and related registration method were searched and added to a regression model, with age as response and third molar stages as explanatory variable. In a pilot set up on a dataset of 496 (283 M; 213 F) cephalometric radiographs, the techniques of Baccetti et al. (2005) (BA), Seedat et al. (2005) (SE), Caldas et al. (2007) and Rai et al. (2008) (RA) were verified. In the main study, data from 460 (208 F, 224 M) individuals in an age range between 3 and 26 years, for which at the same day an orthopantogram and a cephalogram were taken, were collected. On the orthopantomograms, the left third molar development was registered using the scoring system described by Gleiser and Hunt (1955) and modified by Köhler (1994) (GH). On the cephalograms, cervical vertebrae development was registered according to the BA and SE techniques. A regression model, with age as response and the GH scores as explanatory variable, was fitted to the data. Next, information of BA, SE and BA + SE was, respectively, added to this model. From all obtained models, the determination coefficients and the root mean squared errors were calculated. Inclusion of information from cephalograms based on the BA, as well as the SE, technique improved the amount of explained variance in age acquired from panoramic radiographs using the GH technique with 48%. Inclusion of cephalometric BA + SE information marginally improved the previous result (+1%). The RMSE decreased with 1.93, 1.85 and 2.03 years by adding, respectively, BA, SE and BA + SE information to the GH model. The SE technique allows clinically the fastest and easiest registration of the degree of development of the cervical vertebrae. Therefore, the choice of

  18. Efeito da perda prematura de molares decíduos na sobressaliência

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yérica M García


    Full Text Available A perda precoce de molares decíduos predispõe as maloclusões, entre estas o apinhamento dentário, impactação de dentes permanentes e alteração da relação molar e canino. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar o efeito das perdas precoces dos molares decíduos na relação horizontal incisiva. O estudo é do tipo documentado, retrospetivo e observacional. Foram avaliados os registros ortodônticos (histórias clínicas, fotografias e radiografias de 209 pacientes na faixa etária de 4 a 15 anos de idade. A relação incisiva horizontal foi considerada normal para os pacientes do GRUPO 1, com contato entre a face incisal dos incisivos inferiores e a face palatina dos incisivos superiores. No GRUPO 2, a relação incisiva horizontal foi considerada aumentada, com distância positiva entre eles e no GRUPO 3, a relação incisiva horizontal foi considerada negativa quando as faces incisais dos incisivos superiores e inferiores se encontravam a topo ou em mordida cruzada. Os dados foram analisados através do coeficiente Pearson (p ≤ 0,001. Na análise dos dados coletados, o total de quarenta e cinco pacientes (22% apresentaram perdas prematuras. A prevalência destas perdas não apresentou diferença significativa entre sexos e foi maior no grupo de faixa etária de 7 a 9 anos de idade. Dos pacientes com perda prematura seis (13,3% foram clasificados no GRUPO 1; doze (26,7% no GRUPO 2 e vinte e sete (60% no GRUPO 3. A relação entre o número de molares perdidos e a presença de mordida cruzada anterior foi encontrada, e a média de molares perdidos (4,7 foi maior no GRUPO 3. Os resultados mostraram que as perdas precoces dos molares decíduos apresentam uma relação estatisticamente significante com a mordida cruzada anterior, sugerindo que a falta de suporte oclusal pode favorecer o desenvolvimento protrusivo da mandibula.

  19. Densities, molar volumes, and isobaric expansivities of (d-xylose+hydrochloric acid+water) systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Qiufen; Yan Zhenning; Wang Jianji; Zhang Hucheng


    Densities of (d-xylose+HCl+water) have been measured at temperature in the range (278.15 to 318.15) K as a function of concentration of both d-xylose and hydrochloric acid. The densities have been used to estimate the molar volumes and isobaric expansivity of the ternary solutions. The molar volumes of the ternary solutions vary linearly with mole fraction of d-xylose. The standard partial molar volumes V 2,φ - bar for d-xylose in aqueous solutions of molality (0.2, 0.4, 0.7, 1.1, 1.6, and 2.1) -1 HCl have been determined. In the investigated temperature range, the relation: V 2,φ - bar =c 1 +c 2 {(T/K)-273.15} 1/2 , can be used to describe the temperature dependence of the standard partial molar volumes. These results have, in conjunction with the results obtained in water, been used to deduce the standard volumes of transfer, Δ t V - bar , of d-xylose from water to aqueous HCl solutions. An increase in the transfer volume of d-xylose with increasing HCl concentrations has been explained by the stronger interactions of H + with the hydrophilic groups of d-xylose

  20. Maxillary second molar with four roots and five canals

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    Xinjia Sha


    Full Text Available In this case report, we present a maxillary second molar variant, which had two palatal roots with two canals and two buccal roots with three canals, including a second mesiobuccal canal. A 44-year-old female patient complained about a tooth crown fracture and severe pain in her right maxillary second molar. A clinical intraoral inspection and radiography were carried out on the tooth, and a diagnosis of chronic apical periodontitis was made. Four roots (two buccal and two palatal and five canals (three buccal and two palatal were found. The anatomical variation of the tooth was further confirmed by cone-beam computed tomography, a cone-fit procedure, and a radiograph with a shifted projection angle. Root-canal treatment was performed under an endodontic microscope.

  1. Molar volume and adsorption isotherm dependence of capillary forces in nanoasperity contacts. (United States)

    Asay, David B; Kim, Seong H


    The magnitude of the capillary force at any given temperature and adsorbate partial pressure depends primarily on four factors: the surface tension of the adsorbate, its liquid molar volume, its isothermal behavior, and the contact geometry. At large contacting radii, the adsorbate surface tension and the contact geometry are dominating. This is the case of surface force apparatus measurements and atomic force microscopy (AFM) experiments with micrometer-size spheres. However, as the size of contacting asperities decreases to the nanoscale as in AFM experiments with sharp tips, the molar volume and isotherm of the adsorbate become very important to capillary formation as well as capillary adhesion. This effect is experimentally and theoretically explored with simple alcohol molecules (ethanol, 1-butanol, and 1-pentanol) which have comparable surface tensions but differing liquid molar volumes. Adsorption isotherms for these alcohols on silicon oxide are also reported.

  2. Maxillary molar distalization with aligners in adult patients: a multicenter retrospective study

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    Serena Ravera


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that bodily maxillary molar distalization was not achievable in aligner orthodontics. Methods Forty lateral cephalograms obtained from 20 non-growing subjects (9 male, 11 female; average age 29.73 years (group S, who underwent bilateral distalization of their maxillary dentition with Invisalign aligners (Align Technology, Inc., San José, CA, USA, were considered for the study. Skeletal class I or class II malocclusion and a bilateral end-to-end class II molar relationship were the main inclusion criteria. Cephalograms were taken at two time points: (T0 pretreatment and (T2 post-treatment. Treatment changes were evaluated between the time points using 39 variables by means of paired t test. The level of significance was set at P < 0.05. Reproducibility of measurements was assessed by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC. Results The mean treatment time was 24.3 ± 4.2 months. At the post-treatment point, the first molar moved distally 2.25 mm without significant tipping (P = 0.27 and vertical movements (P = 0.43. The second molar distalization was 2.52 mm without significant tipping (P = 0.056 and vertical movements (P = 0.25. No significant movements were detected on the lower arch. SN^GoGn and SPP^GoGn angles showed no significant differences between pre- and post-treatment cephalograms (P = 0.22 and P = 0.85, respectively. Conclusions Aligner therapy in association with composite attachments and class II elastics can distalize maxillary first molars by 2.25 mm without significant tipping and vertical movements of the crown. No changes to the facial height were revealed.

  3. Dental age estimation in Japanese individuals combining permanent teeth and third molars. (United States)

    Ramanan, Namratha; Thevissen, Patrick; Fleuws, Steffen; Willems, G


    The study aim was, firstly, to verify the Willems et al. model on a Japanese reference sample. Secondly to develop a Japanese reference model based on the Willems et al. method and to verify it. Thirdly to analyze the age prediction performance adding tooth development information of third molars to permanent teeth. Retrospectively 1877 panoramic radiographs were selected in the age range between 1 and 23 years (1248 children, 629 sub-adults). Dental development was registered applying Demirjian 's stages of the mandibular left permanent teeth in children and Köhler stages on the third molars. The children's data were, firstly, used to validate the Willems et al. model (developed a Belgian reference sample), secondly, split ino a training and a test sample. On the training sample a Japanese reference model was developed based on the Willems method. The developed model and the Willems et al; model were verified on the test sample. Regression analysis was used to detect the age prediction performance adding third molar scores to permanent tooth scores. The validated Willems et al. model provided a mean absolute error of 0.85 and 0.75 years in females and males, respectively. The mean absolute error in the verified Willems et al. and the developed Japanese reference model was 0.85, 0.77 and 0.79, 0.75 years in females and males, respectively. On average a negligible change in root mean square error values was detected adding third molar scores to permanent teeth scores. The Belgian sample could be used as a reference model to estimate the age of the Japanese individuals. Combining information from the third molars and permanent teeth was not providing clinically significant improvement of age predictions based on permanent teeth information alone.

  4. An evaluation of third molar eruption for assessment of chronologic age: A panoramic study. (United States)

    Tuteja, Monica; Bahirwani, Shraddha; Balaji, P


    The identity of a person can be established by assessing one's age, and in order to be entitled to civil rights and social benefits, verification of the chronological age is required and thereby age estimation has gained an increasing significance in recent years. Tooth eruption is one of the criteria of developmental morphology that can be evaluated by either clinical examination or by evaluation of dental radiographs to determine the dental age. The present study was aimed to evaluate the reliability of the third molar eruption stage as a parameter for forensic age estimation in living subjects. The stage of wisdom tooth eruption in 77 male and 73 female Indian subjects aged between 12-26 years was determined by subjecting them to conventional orthopantomograms and was interpreted to assess the third molar eruption stages to evaluate the dental age. Predicted minimum age and mean age of the study sample were found to be significant predictors (Page. Minimum age was able to explain 58.3% of the variation in actual age and the mean age was able to explain 60.3% of variation in actual age. Third molar is fairly a reliable indicator to determine the age of alveolar, gingival, and complete emergence of third molar in the occlusal plane in adolescents and young adults. Minimum and most probable ages of examined subjects can also be evaluated using third molar eruption stage.

  5. Prediction of postoperative pain after mandibular third molar surgery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rudin, Asa; Eriksson, Lars; Liedholm, Rolf


    To evaluate the predictive potential of preoperative psychological and psychophysiological variables in estimating severity of postoperative pain following mandibular third molar surgery (MTMS). Methods: Following ethical committee approval and informed consent, 40 consecutive patients scheduled...

  6. Pre-operative assessment of impacted mandibular third molar and inferior alveolar canal using orthopantomograhpy and cone beam computed tomography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mahmuda Akter


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to assess the proximity and relation of impacted mandibular third molar and inferior alveolar canal on orthopantomogram and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT. Sixty impacted mandibular third molars having close proximity with the  inferior alveolar canal were included. CBCT images were done to determine the exact location and relationship of impacted third molar tooth and inferior alveolar canal. We assessed the radiographic signs from orthopantomogram, the course of  inferior alveolar canal and proximity to the third molar tooth in CBCT. The buccal course of  inferior alveolar canal was most frequently detected (n=36 in CBCT findings. The impacted lower third molar roots were 55% contact with the  inferior alveolar canal and 45% separate from the canal. On orthopantomogram, the following signs were strongly correlated with actual contact: Superimposed relationship between the third molar and the inferior alveolar canal. CBCT is useful as a presurgical planning in patients with impacted mandibular third molar showing close proximity to the  inferior alveolar canal.

  7. Fate of the Molar Dental Lamina in the Monophyodont Mouse (United States)

    Dosedělová, Hana; Dumková, Jana; Lesot, Hervé; Glocová, Kristýna; Kunová, Michaela; Tucker, Abigail S.; Veselá, Iva; Krejčí, Pavel; Tichý, František; Hampl, Aleš; Buchtová, Marcela


    The successional dental lamina (SDL) plays an essential role in the development of replacement teeth in diphyodont and polyphyodont animals. A morphologically similar structure, the rudimental successional dental lamina (RSDL), has been described in monophyodont (only one tooth generation) lizards on the lingual side of the developing functional tooth. This rudimentary lamina regresses, which has been proposed to play a role in preventing the formation of future generations of teeth. A similar rudimentary lingual structure has been reported associated with the first molar in the monophyodont mouse, and we show that this structure is common to all murine molars. Intriguingly, a lingual lamina is also observed on the non-replacing molars of other diphyodont mammals (pig and hedgehog), initially appearing very similar to the successional dental lamina on the replacing teeth. We have analyzed the morphological as well as ultrastructural changes that occur during the development and loss of this molar lamina in the mouse, from its initiation at late embryonic stages to its disappearance at postnatal stages. We show that loss appears to be driven by a reduction in cell proliferation, down-regulation of the progenitor marker Sox2, with only a small number of cells undergoing programmed cell death. The lingual lamina was associated with the dental stalk, a short epithelial connection between the tooth germ and the oral epithelium. The dental stalk remained in contact with the oral epithelium throughout tooth development up to eruption when connective tissue and numerous capillaries progressively invaded the dental stalk. The buccal side of the dental stalk underwent keratinisation and became part of the gingival epithelium, while most of the lingual cells underwent programmed cell death and the tissue directly above the erupting tooth was shed into the oral cavity. PMID:26010446

  8. Molar apicectomy with amalgam root-end filling: results of a prospective study in two district general hospitals. (United States)

    Wesson, C M; Gale, T M


    To determine the five-year success rates, site or sites of failure, prognostic indicators and lower lip morbidity associated with molar apicectomy using amalgam root-end filling. Multicentre, prospective study. The departments of oral and maxillo-facial surgery in two district general hospitals. One thousand and seven molar apicectomy procedures, combined with amalgam root-end filling were expedited during the period 1974-1995. A five-year review of each operated tooth was carried out or attempted between 1979-2000. Of the 790 (78%) operated molars successfully reviewed at 5 years or later 451 (57%) exhibited 'complete healing' and 39 (5%) 'uncertain healing'. Three hundred (38%) were classified as 'unsatisfactory healing' (failures), and these included 12 which were assumed to be of periodontal origin. Whilst longitudinal root fracture, perforation and/or infection in the furcation, periodontal disease or a non-restorable crown accounted for treatment failure and often the need to remove teeth subsequently, the study probably pointed to the apical ends of the roots rather than the furcation as being the major sites at which 'unsatisfactory healing' occurred. Mandibular first molars attracted the highest 'complete healing' rate (60%) and mandibular second molars the lowest (46%). 'Good' root canal treatment (RCT) at the outset improved the prognosis of a root-end filling (REF) whilst the absence of RCT compromised it. Cystic change pointed to a better prognosis than apical granulomatous change as did a deep compared with a shallow 'bone cuff'. Disease at the furcation suggested a worse prognosis. Teeth which showed 'complete healing' at 1 year had a 75% probability of maintaining this outcome at 5 years. Sensory disturbance of variable duration occurred in the lower lip following 20-21% of mandibular molar procedures. In the majority of cases (79-80%) this had remitted within 3 months. A permanent deficit occurred in 8 patients (1%) where the apicectomy could

  9. Characteristic findings on panoramic radiography and cone-beam CT to predict paresthesia after extraction of impacted third molar. (United States)

    Harada, Nana; Beloor Vasudeva, Subash; Matsuda, Yukiko; Seki, Kenji; Kapila, Rishabh; Ishikawa, Noboru; Okano, Tomohiro; Sano, Tsukasa


    The purpose of this study was to compare findings on the relationship between impacted molar roots and the mandibular canal in panoramic and three-dimensional cone-beam CT (CBCT) images to identify those that indicated risk of postoperative paresthesia. The relationship between impacted molars and the mandibular canal was first classified using panoramic images. Only patients in whom the molar roots were either in contact with or superimposed on the canal were evaluated using CBCT. Of 466 patients examined using both panoramic and CBCT images, 280 underwent surgical extraction of an impacted molar, and 15 of these (5%) reported postoperative paresthesia. The spatial relationship between the impacted third molar root and the mandibular canal was determined by examining para-sagittal sections (lingual, buccal, inter-radicular, inferior, and combinations) obtained from the canal to the molar root and establishing the proximity of the canal to the molar root (in contact with or without loss of the cortical border and separate). The results revealed that darkening of the roots with interruption of the mandibular canal on panoramic radiographs and the inter-radicular position of the canal in CBCT images were characteristic findings indicative of risk of postoperative paresthesia. These results suggest that careful surgical intervention is required in patients with the above characteristics.

  10. Peri-operative concerns in a patient with thyroid storm secondary to molar pregnancy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tanvir Samra


    Full Text Available Awareness of the presence of thyroid function abnormalities in patients with molar pregnancy is important for its prompt diagnosis and management. We report the development of thyroid storm in the immediate post-operative period in a 25-year-old female who underwent evacuation of her molar pregnancy under saddle spinal block after being controlled for her thyrotoxicosis with a combination of antithyroid drugs, iodine, steroids and adrenergic blocking agents. We advocate the use of esmolol infusions up to a maximum dose of 200 μg/kg/min for immediate haemodynamic management of the patient. Optimum time needed for stabilisation of the hyper metabolic state after initiation of antithyroid drugs is still not known and evacuation of molar pregnancy remains the only definitive management of the thyrotoxic state.

  11. Prevalence and morphometric analysis of three-rooted mandibular first molars in a Brazilian subpopulation (United States)

    Rodrigues, Clarissa Teles; de Oliveira-Santos, Christiano; Bernardineli, Norberti; Duarte, Marco Antonio Hungaro; Bramante, Clovis Monteiro; Minotti-Bonfante, Paloma Gagliardi; Ordinola-Zapata, Ronald


    ABSTRACT The knowledge of the internal anatomy of three-rooted mandibular molars may help clinicians to diagnose and plan the root canal treatment in order to provide adequate therapy when this variation is present. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of three-rooted mandibular molars in a Brazilian population using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and to analyze the anatomy of mandibular first molars with three roots through micro-CT. Material and Methods: CBCT images of 116 patients were reviewed to determine the prevalence of three-rooted first mandibular molars in a Brazilian subpopulation. Furthermore, with the use of micro-CT, 55 extracted three-rooted mandibular first molars were scanned and reconstructed to assess root length, distance between canal orifices, apical diameter, Vertucci's classification, presence of apical delta, number of foramina and furcations, lateral and accessory canals. The distance between the orifice on the pulp chamber floor and the beginning of the curvature and the angle of canal curvature were analyzed in the distolingual root. Data were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test (α=0.05). Results: The prevalence of three-rooted mandibular first molars was of 2.58%. Mesial roots showed complex distribution of the root canal system in comparison to the distal roots. The median of major diameters of mesiobuccal, mesiolingual and single mesial canals were: 0.34, 0.41 and 0.60 mm, respectively. The higher values of major diameters were found in the distobuccal canals (0.56 mm) and the lower diameters in the distolingual canals (0.29 mm). The lowest orifice distance was found between the mesial canals (MB-ML) and the highest distance between the distal root canals (DB-DL). Almost all distal roots had one root canal and one apical foramen with few accessory canals. Conclusions: Distolingual root generally has short length, severe curvature and a single root canal with low apical diameter. PMID:27812625

  12. Root and Canal Morphology of Mandibular Third Molars in an Iranian Population


    Maryam Kuzekanani; Jahangir Haghani; Hossein Nosrati


    Background and aims A through knowledge of the root canal morphology is required for successful endodontic ther-apy. The aim of this study was to investigate the root and canal morphology of mandibular third molars in Kerman, a prov-ince in southeast of Iran. Materials and methods One-hundred-fifty extracted mandibular third molars were collected randomly from different dental clinics in Kerman. The root canal anatomy and morphology of each tooth was carefully studied using a clearing tech-ni...

  13. Morphology of the Physiological Apical Foramen in Maxillary and Mandibular First Molars


    Abarca, J.; Zaror, C.; Monardes, H.; Hermosilla, V.; Muñoz, C.; Cantin, M.


    Information regarding the anatomy of the physiological apical foramen is limited. Knowing its diameter and shapes contributes to clinical work, specifically to the cleaning and shaping of the apical third. The aim of this ex vivo study was to determine the minimum and maximum diameters and shape of the physiological apical foramen in the roots of maxillary and mandibular first molars. A descriptive study was conducted on 89 recently extracted first molars. Roots 3–5 mm from the apex were sect...

  14. Loss of the First Permanent Molar: Risk Factors and Adolescent Oral Health


    Daraí Bárbara Sánchez Montero; Yahima Pons López; Ana Ibis Betancourt García; Anilec Santateresa Marchante


    Foundation: the replacement of the primary dentition begins with the eruption of the first permanent molars that will be subjected to various risk factors.Objective: to determine the existing relation between the first permanent molar loss and the risk factors in adolescents from 12 to 14 years old. Method: a cross descriptive study was developed between October 20011 and March 2012. On a universe of 560 students, a simple random sampling was done and a sample of 185 patients was selected. On...

  15. Intrusion of an overerupted molar using orthodontic miniscrew implant: A preprosthodontic therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Indumathi Sivakumar


    Full Text Available The purpose of this case report is to demonstrate the use of orthodontic miniscrew implant in the intrusion of overerupted molar as a preprosthodontic therapy. A 37-year-old woman with an overerupted maxillary right first molar encroaching on the opposing mandibular edentulous space was successfully intruded using a single miniscrew implant and partial fixed orthodontic appliance. The prosthodontic clinician may adopt this conservative and cost-effective strategy in their routine practice and avoid clinical crown reduction.

  16. Standard molar enthalpies of formation of copper(II) {beta}-diketonates and monothio-{beta}-diketonates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V. [Centro de Investigacao em Quimica, Departamento de Quimica, Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, 687, P-4169-007 Porto (Portugal)]. E-mail:; Santos, Luis M.N.B.F. [Centro de Investigacao em Quimica, Departamento de Quimica, Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, 687, P-4169-007 Porto (Portugal)


    The standard (p{sup o}=0.1MPa) molar enthalpies of formation of the crystalline complexes of dibenzoylmethane (Hdbm), thenoyltrifluoroacetone (Httfa), monothiodibenzoylmethane (HdbmS), and monothiothenoyltrifluoroacetone (HttfaS) of copper(II) were determined, at T=298.15K, by high precision solution-reaction calorimetry. The standard molar enthalpies of sublimation of the copper(II) {beta}-diketonate complexes were measured by high-temperature Calvet microcalorimetry. From the standard molar enthalpies of formation of the complexes in the gaseous state, the mean molar dissociation enthalpies copper(II)-ligand, (Cu-L), were derived. {delta}{sub f}H{sub m}{sup o} (cr){delta}{sub cr}{sup g}H{sub m}{sup o} kJ.mol{sup -1}kJ.mol{sup -1}Bis(dibenzoylmethanate)copper(II), Cu(dbm){sub 2}-364.0+/-3.9230.7+/-8.2Bis(thenoyltrifluoroacetonate)copper(II), Cu(ttfa){sub 2}-1824.3+/-8.3167.9+/-7.4Bis(monothiodibenzoylmethanate)copper(II), Cu(dbmS){sub 2}35.6+/-7.7[241+/-15]Bis(monothiothenoyltrifluoroacetonate) copper(II), Cu(ttfaS){sub 2}-1405.7+/-8.3[177+/-15].

  17. Third Molar Agenesis, Prevalence, Distribution and Association with Other Dental Anomalies


    Herrera-Atoche, José Rubén; Colomé-Ruiz, Gabriel Eduardo; Escoffié-Ramírez, Mauricio


    La agenesia de terceros molares se ha reportado en un 24,3% en México. La agenesia dental está asociada a otras anomalías dentales debido a su origen genético. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la prevalencia y distribución de agenesia de terceros molares así como establecer su asociación con otras anomalías dentales en una población ortodóntica. La muestra incluyó 670 pacientes ortodónticos de 9 a 20 años de edad. Se excluyeron pacientes con tratamiento ortodóntico previo y con...

  18. Determination of partial molar volumes from free energy perturbation theory† (United States)

    Vilseck, Jonah Z.; Tirado-Rives, Julian


    Partial molar volume is an important thermodynamic property that gives insights into molecular size and intermolecular interactions in solution. Theoretical frameworks for determining the partial molar volume (V°) of a solvated molecule generally apply Scaled Particle Theory or Kirkwood–Buff theory. With the current abilities to perform long molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations, more direct methods are gaining popularity, such as computing V° directly as the difference in computed volume from two simulations, one with a solute present and another without. Thermodynamically, V° can also be determined as the pressure derivative of the free energy of solvation in the limit of infinite dilution. Both approaches are considered herein with the use of free energy perturbation (FEP) calculations to compute the necessary free energies of solvation at elevated pressures. Absolute and relative partial molar volumes are computed for benzene and benzene derivatives using the OPLS-AA force field. The mean unsigned error for all molecules is 2.8 cm3 mol−1. The present methodology should find use in many contexts such as the development and testing of force fields for use in computer simulations of organic and biomolecular systems, as a complement to related experimental studies, and to develop a deeper understanding of solute–solvent interactions. PMID:25589343

  19. Incidence of trismus in transalveolar extraction of lower third molar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gowri Balakrishnan


    Full Text Available Background: Conventional mandibular third molar removal produces tissue trauma that induces an inflammatory reaction, leading to postoperative sequelae, the most common ones being trismus which influences the patient's quality of life in the postoperative period. Identifying the factors determining trismus after mandibular third molar extraction helps us to evaluate and correlate the incidence of trismus with morphological and surgical factors that are associated with its incidence in the postoperative period. Methodology: Patients referred to our institution for surgical removal of their impacted lower third molar between November 2014 and February 2015 were the participants of the study. Type of impaction, indication, and level of difficulty based on Pedersen criteria were obtained. Postoperative pain, swelling, and mouth opening (MO limitations were evaluated at postoperative day (POD 0, POD1, POD3, POD5, and POD7 and were analyzed. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Result and Conclusion: In this study, out of fifty patients, only nine patients had experienced limited MO during postoperative period when the duration of procedure exceeded 30 min. However, it occurred as cumulative of pericoronitis and tooth sectioning done. The postoperative trismus was more significant in disto-angular impaction (P < 0.05 due to postoperative sequelae, swelling and pain.

  20. Determination of partial molar volumes from free energy perturbation theory. (United States)

    Vilseck, Jonah Z; Tirado-Rives, Julian; Jorgensen, William L


    Partial molar volume is an important thermodynamic property that gives insights into molecular size and intermolecular interactions in solution. Theoretical frameworks for determining the partial molar volume (V°) of a solvated molecule generally apply Scaled Particle Theory or Kirkwood-Buff theory. With the current abilities to perform long molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations, more direct methods are gaining popularity, such as computing V° directly as the difference in computed volume from two simulations, one with a solute present and another without. Thermodynamically, V° can also be determined as the pressure derivative of the free energy of solvation in the limit of infinite dilution. Both approaches are considered herein with the use of free energy perturbation (FEP) calculations to compute the necessary free energies of solvation at elevated pressures. Absolute and relative partial molar volumes are computed for benzene and benzene derivatives using the OPLS-AA force field. The mean unsigned error for all molecules is 2.8 cm(3) mol(-1). The present methodology should find use in many contexts such as the development and testing of force fields for use in computer simulations of organic and biomolecular systems, as a complement to related experimental studies, and to develop a deeper understanding of solute-solvent interactions.

  1. Comparison of clinical parameters and environmental noise levels between regular surgery and piezosurgery for extraction of impacted third molars


    Chang, Hao-Hueng; Lee, Ming-Shu; Hsu, You-Chyun; Tsai, Shang-Jye; Lin, Chun-Pin


    Impacted third molars can be extracted by regular surgery or piezosurgery. The aim of this study was to compare clinical parameters and device-produced noise levels between regular surgery and piezosurgery for the extraction of impacted third molars. Methods: Twenty patients (18 women and 2 men, 17–29 years of age) with bilateral symmetrical impacted mandibular or maxillary third molars of the same level were included in this randomized crossover clinical trial. The 40 impacted third molar...

  2. Independent and Confluent Middle Mesial Root Canals in Mandibular First Molars: A Report of Four Cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohanavelu Deepalakshmi


    Full Text Available Mandibular molars demonstrate considerable variations with respect to number of roots and root canals. The possibility of additional root canals should be considered even in teeth with a low frequency of abnormal root canal anatomy. This paper discusses the endodontic management of the rare anatomical complexity middle mesial canals in mandibular first molar and also serves to remind the clinicians that such anatomical variations should be taken into account during the endodontic treatment of the mandibular molars.

  3. Sealing Occlusal Dentin Caries in Permanent Molars

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Qvist, Vibeke; Borum, Mette Kit; Møller, Kirsten Dynes


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of postponing restorative intervention of manifest occlusal caries in young, permanent dentition by non-invasive sealing. This RCT-designed study included 521 occlusal lesions in 521 patients aged 6 to 17 y. Based on clinical and radiog......The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of postponing restorative intervention of manifest occlusal caries in young, permanent dentition by non-invasive sealing. This RCT-designed study included 521 occlusal lesions in 521 patients aged 6 to 17 y. Based on clinical...... longevity of sealings and restorations until retreatments, and 3) compare effectiveness of sealings and restorations to halt caries progression in sealed lesions and beneath restorations. Furthermore, we aimed to identify factors influencing longevity and the effectiveness of sealings and restorations.......001). The median survival time for sealings not replaced by restorations was 7.3 y (CI, 6.4 y to NA). Survival of sealings was increased in patients with low caries risk and/or excellent oral hygiene, second molars compared with first molars, and lesions not extending the middle one-third of the dentin. Survival...

  4. Unusual facial pain secondary to inferior alveolar nerve compression caused by impacted mandibular second molar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Urvashi Sharma


    Full Text Available Symptoms of inferior alveolar nerve (IAN compression are reported during endodontic procedures, placement of implants, third molar surgeries, inferior alveolar nerve block injections, trauma, orthognathic injuries, ablative surgeries or use of medicaments. Presented is a rare case of a 15-year-old girl who reported severe pain in relation to an impacted permanent mandibular left second molar, the roots of which had entrapped the mandibular canal causing compression of IAN. Timely surgical intervention and sectional removal of the impacted molar is indicated to relieve the symptoms and avoid permanent damage to the nerve.

  5. Standard partial molar volumes of some electrolytes in ethylene carbonate based mixtures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Yang; Wang, Jianji.; Lu, Hui; Lin, Ruisen


    Apparent molar volumes V 2,phi and standard partial molar volumes V 2,phi 0 of LiClO 4 , LiBr and three symmetrical tetraalkylammonium bromides R 4 NBr (R=ethyl, propyl, butyl) have been determined at 298.15 K from precise density measurements in solvent mixtures of ethylene carbonate with tetrahydrofuran (THF), acetonitrile (AN), ethyl acetate (EA) and dimethoxyethane (DME). It is shown that the V 2,phi 0 values of LiClO 4 and LiBr are dependent strongly on the nature of the solvents, whereas the contribution of CH 2 group to the partial molar volume of the tetraalkylammonium salts has nothing to do with the nature of the solvents and the composition of the solvent mixtures. This provided a helpful evidence for the unsolvation of large tetraalkylammonium cations in organic solvents. The results have been discussed from ion-solvent interactions and the dielectric effect of the solvents

  6. Central sensitization phenomena after third molar surgery: A quantitative sensory testing study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, T.S.; Norholt, S.E.; Svensson, P.


    Background: Surgical removal of third molars may carry a risk of developing persistent orofacial pain, and central sensitization appears to play an important role in the transition from acute to chronic pain. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate sensitization (primarily central sensitiza......Background: Surgical removal of third molars may carry a risk of developing persistent orofacial pain, and central sensitization appears to play an important role in the transition from acute to chronic pain. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate sensitization (primarily central...... sensitization) after orofacial trauma using quantitative sensory testing (QST). Methods: A total of 32 healthy men (16 patients and 16 age-matched control subjects) underwent a battery of quantitative tests adapted to the trigeminal area at baseline and 2, 7, and 30 days following surgical removal of a lower...... impacted third molar. Results: Central sensitization for at least one week was indicated by significantly increased pain intensity evoked by intraoral repetitive pinprick and electrical stimulation (p

  7. Phase equilibria and excess molar volumes of tetrahydrofuran (1) + deuterium oxide (2)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lejcek, P.; Matous, J.; Novak, J.P.; Pick, J.


    Vapour + liquid equilibrium at 313.15 and 333.15K, liquid + liquid equilibrium throughout the whole region of limited miscibility, and excess molar volumes at 298.15K have been studied for tetrahydrofuran + deuterium oxide. The mixtures show large positive deviations from Raoult's law and a closed loop of limited miscibility. The modified Redlich-Kister equation has been used for the correlation of the vapour + liquid equilibrium. The computation has been carried out according to a recently proposed procedure which makes it possible to obtain such constants of the correlation relation which are not inconsistent with physical reality, i.e. with the complete miscibility (partial delta 2 G/deltax 1 2 >0) under experimental conditions. Thermodynamic consistency was checked by the classical Redlich-Kister test and the one proposed by Ulrichson and Stevenson. Excess molar volumes are negative at all compositions with a point of inflexion in the water-rich region which indicates the extremes in partial molar volumes. (author)

  8. Determination of standard molar enthalpies of formation of SrMoO4 micro/nano structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo, Yunxiao; Fan, Gaochao; Huang, Zaiyin; Sun, Jilong; Wang, Lude; Wang, Tenghui; Chen, Jie


    Graphical abstract: Schematic illustration of thermochemical cycle between the nano and bulk reaction systems. Highlights: ► A thermochemical cycle was designed. ► Relationship of standard molar enthalpies of formation between micro/nano and bulk SrMoO 4 was gained. ► Microcalorimetry was used as a supplementary technology. ► Standard molar enthalpies of formation of the synthesized micro/nano SrMoO 4 were obtained. ► This novel approach can be used to other micro/nano materials. - Abstract: SrMoO 4 micro/nano structures were prepared by a simple reverse microemulsion method and were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). In order to associate standard molar enthalpies of formation of nano SrMoO 4 with bulk SrMoO 4 , the relationship of them was obtained through designing a thermochemical cycle according to thermodynamic potential function method. Combined with microcalorimetry, the standard molar enthalpies of formation of the synthesized micro/nano SrMoO 4 at 298.15 K were gained in this paper. And the variation of standard molar enthalpies of formation of micro/nano SrMoO 4 with different morphologies and sizes was discussed.

  9. The anatomical relationship between the roots of mandibular second molars and the inferior alveolar nerve. (United States)

    Chong, B S; Quinn, A; Pawar, R R; Makdissi, J; Sidhu, S K


    To evaluate the anatomical relationship between the roots of mandibular second molars and the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) in relation to the risk of potential nerve injury during root canal treatment. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images from the patient record database at a dental hospital were selected. The anonymized CBCT images were reconstructed and examined in three planes (coronal, axial and sagittal) using 3D viewing software. The relationship between each root apex of mandibular second molars and the IAN was evaluated by measuring the horizontal and vertical distances from coronal CBCT sections, and the actual distance was then calculated mathematically using Pythagoras' theorem. In 55% of the 272 mandibular second molar roots evaluated, from a total of 134 scans, the distance between the anatomical root apex and the IAN was ≤3 mm. In over 50% of the cases evaluated, there was an intimate relationship between the roots of mandibular second molars and the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN). Therefore, root canal treatment of mandibular second molars may pose a more significant potential risk of IAN injury; necessary precautions should be exercised, and the prudent use of CBCT should be considered if an intimate relationship is suspected. © 2014 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Predicting lower third molar eruption on panoramic radiographs after cephalometric comparison of profile and panoramic radiographs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Begtrup, Anders; Grønastøð, Halldis Á; Christensen, Ib Jarle


    and to find a simple and reliable method for predicting the eruption of the mandibular third molar by measurements on panoramic radiographs. The material consisted of profile and panoramic radiographs, taken before orthodontic treatment, of 30 males and 23 females (median age 22, range 18-48 years......Previous studies have suggested methods for predicting third molar tooth eruption radiographically. Still, this prediction is associated with uncertainty. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the association between cephalometric measurements on profile and panoramic radiographs...... the length from the ramus to the incisors (olr-id) showed a statistically significant correlation. By combining this length with the mesiodistal width of the lower second molar, the prediction of eruption of the lower third molar was strengthened. A new formula for calculating the probability of eruption...

  11. Partial Molar Volumes of 15-Crown-5 Ether in Mixtures of N,N-Dimethylformamide with Water. (United States)

    Tyczyńska, Magdalena; Jóźwiak, Małgorzata


    The density of 15-crown-5 ether (15C5) solutions in the mixtures of N,N -dimethylformamide (DMF) and water (H 2 O) was measured within the temperature range 293.15-308.15 K using an Anton Paar oscillatory U-tube densimeter. The results were used to calculate the apparent molar volumes ( V Φ ) of 15C5 in the mixtures of DMF + H 2 O over the whole concentration range. Using the apparent molar volumes and Redlich and Mayer equation, the standard partial molar volumes of 15-crown-5 were calculated at infinite dilution ([Formula: see text]). The limiting apparent molar expansibilities ( α ) were also calculated. The data are discussed from the point of view of the effect of concentration changes on interactions in solution.

  12. Evaluation of the anatomical alterations of lower molars mesial root?s apical third


    FRÖNER Izabel Cristina; IMPERADOR Cristina Aparecida; SOUZA Luiz Gustavo de


    The anatomical apex of the mesial root of the lower molars presents a morphological complexity related to the number and shape of the root canals as well as of the apical foramen and isthmus presence. The knowledge of the complexity of the endodontic system of the molar root area is essencial to select more carefully the best instrumentation and obturation technique, to obtain a more successful endodontic therapy.

  13. Evaluation of the anatomical alterations of lower molars mesial root?s apical third

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    FRÖNER Izabel Cristina


    Full Text Available The anatomical apex of the mesial root of the lower molars presents a morphological complexity related to the number and shape of the root canals as well as of the apical foramen and isthmus presence. The knowledge of the complexity of the endodontic system of the molar root area is essencial to select more carefully the best instrumentation and obturation technique, to obtain a more successful endodontic therapy.

  14. Restoration of a vertical alveolar bone defect by orthodontic relocation of a mesially impacted mandibular first molar. (United States)

    Kim, Sung-Jin; Kim, Jin-Wook; Choi, Tae-Hyun; Lee, Kee-Joon


    An impacted mandibular first molar tends to cause serious bone defects of the adjacent teeth. When choosing between the 2 typical treatment options-extraction or orthodontic relocation of the impacted tooth-the decision should be based on assessment of the prognosis. A 22-year-old man with severe mesioangulation and impaction of the mandibular first molar and a related vertical bone defect on the distal side of the second premolar was treated with extraction of the second molar and orthodontic relocation of the first molar with a retromolar miniscrew. Comprehensive orthodontic treatment involving premolar extraction was conducted. Strategic extraction of the molar and adequate orthodontic movement helped to restore the bone structure on the affected side. This case report suggests the effectiveness of restoration of bone defects by using viable periodontal tissues around the impacted tooth for the longevity of the periodontium. Copyright © 2015 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Evaluation of periodontal condition in intruded molars using miniscrews

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Habib Ollah Ghanbari


    Full Text Available Introduction: The purpose of this preliminary study was to evaluate the periodontal condition of intruded molars in various phases of treatments. Methods: 30 patients with at least one overerupted upper first molar were selected. Upper molar bands with brackets were cemented. Two miniscrews were placed in the mesiopalatal and mesiobuccal aspect of the aforementioned teeth. A titanium molybdenum alloy (TMA spring was attached to the head of miniscrew in one end and ligated to the bracket in the other end to reach the predetermined force. Plaque index (PI, probing pocket depth (PPD, keratinized gingiva (KG, The distance between miniscrew (M.S and gingival level (GL, and bleeding on probing (BOP were recorded before loading and 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 months post-loading .Results:  All patients completed the study and no complications were reported. Statistically significant intrusion (2.1 ± 0.9 mm was obtained during active treatment. Inserting miniscrews generally was presented with greater sulcus bleeding, plaque accumulation and plaque formation at follow-up visits. There was a statistically significant increase in PI, PPD and BOP indices. Furthermore, the results showed decrease in KG level and M.S to GL level. Conclusion: Miniscrews can provide a clinical benefit as an absolute anchorage device. However, keeping a good oral hygiene is essential to achieve ideal results, because the presence of miniscrews, as a foreign object in mouth, and intrusion force might be harmful for periodontal tissues

  16. Partial molar volume of anionic polyelectrolytes in aqueous solution. (United States)

    Salamanca, Constain; Contreras, Martín; Gamboa, Consuelo


    In this work the partial molar volumes (V) of different anionic polyelectrolytes and hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes (PHM) were measured. Polymers like polymaleic acid-co-styrene, polymaleic acid-co-1-olefin, polymaleic acid-co-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone, and polyacrylic acid (abbreviated as MAS-n, PA-n-K2, AMVP, and PAA, respectively) were employed. These materials were investigated by density measurements in highly dilute aqueous solutions. The molar volume results allow us to discuss the effect of the carboxylic groups and the contributions from the comonomeric principal chain. The PAA presents the smaller V, while the largest V value was for AMVP. The V of PHM shows a linear relationship with the number of methylene groups in the lateral chain. It is found that the magnitude of the contribution per methylene group decreases as the hydrophobic character of the environment increases.

  17. An Unusual Complication After the Extraction of a Maxillary Third Molar: Extensive Subcutaneous Emphysema. A Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emrah Soylu


    Full Text Available Third molar surgery is one of the most frequently performed procedures in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Various complications including pain, bleeding, infection, edema, hematoma, perforation of the maxillary sinus, and subcutaneous emphysema (SE can occur after third molar surgery. Cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema (CSE most often occurs after the extraction of third molars, especially when using high-speed air-turbine drills and air syringes, or during dental laser treatment or even after endodontic treatment. This report presents the diagnosis and treatment protocol of a CSE in a 42-year-old healthy male patient that occurred after extraction of a totally erupted upper third molar with just a straight elevator and extraction forceps.

  18. Impacted Mandibular Third Molars: Review of Literature and a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    were screened, and 50 articles were included in the review. Causes of ... impaction rate is higher for third molars when compared with other teeth. The mandibular .... Hence, the surgical extraction of these impacted teeth has become the most ...

  19. Standard molar enthalpies of formation of 1-methyl-2-piperidinemethanol, 1-piperidineethanol, and 2-piperidineethanol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A.V.; Cabral, Joana I.T.A.


    The standard (p o =0.1MPa) molar enthalpies of combustion, Δ c H m o , for the liquid compounds 1-methyl-2-piperidinemethanol, 1-piperidineethanol, and 2-piperidineethanol, were measured by static bomb calorimetry, in oxygen, at T=298.15K. The standard molar enthalpies of vaporization, at T=298.15K, of these three liquid compounds were determined by Calvet microcalorimetry. -Δ c H m o (l)/(kJ.mol -1 )Δ l g H m o /(kJ.mol -1 )1-Methyl-2-piperidinemethanol4598.3+/-1.868. 22+/-0.711-Piperidineethanol4595.2+/-1.764.18+/-0.812 -Piperidineethanol4566.2+/-1.375.24+/-0.52 These values, were used to derive the standard molar enthalpies of formation of the compounds, at T=298.15K, in their liquid and gaseous phase, respectively. The derived standard molar enthalpies of formation, in the gaseous state, are analyzed in terms of enthalpic increments and interpreted in terms of molecular structure.

  20. Evaluating success of autotransplantation of embedded/impacted third molars harvested using piezosurgery: a pilot study. (United States)

    Nagori, Shakil Ahmed; Jose, Anson; Bhutia, Ongkila; Roychoudhury, Ajoy


    To evaluate the success of autogenous transplantation of embedded/impacted third molars harvested using piezosurgery. This prospective pilot study enrolled 20 healthy patients with non-restorable first/second molars and a caries-free retrievable embedded/impacted third molar. Piezosurgery was used for removing inter-radicular bone at the recipient socket as well as for bone removal around the donor teeth. After an average follow-up of 16.4 months (SD = 1.9), 18 cases were successful with formation of periodontal ligament around the teeth. One tooth was lost due to infection at 1 month. One patient was lost to follow-up. There was no root resorption or ankylosis in any of the cases. In six donor teeth with complete root formation, root canal treatment was carried out. All the remaining teeth responded positively with vitality testing. Piezosurgery is an effective device if embedded/impacted third molars are to be harvested for successful autogenous transplantation.